DATE qUE ['■H^ ^f'2-/ \ I UNIVERSITY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AT AMHERST F 72 E7 B5 + ,>-^ X% -^- J.' i.;-^. ik ri .p^, ^ T^k yy^j^.:ML f^ K'^ \& BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW // VOLUME XXVIII CONTAINING LIFE SKETCHES OF LEADING CITIZENS OF ESSEX COUNTY MASSACHUSETTS Who among men art thou, and thy years how many, good friend ? — Xenophanes. BOSTON Biographical Review Publishing Company i 1898 1 ATLANTIC STATES SERIES OF BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEWS. The volumes issued in this series up to date are the following : I. Otsego Countv, New York. 11. Madison County, New York. III. Broome County, New York. IV. Columbia County, New York. V. Cayuga County, New York. VI. Delaware County, New York. VII. Livingston and Wyoming Counties, New \'ork. VIII. Clinton and Essex Counties, New York. IX. Hampden County, Massachusetts. X. Franklin County, Massachusetts. XI. Hampshire County, Massachusetts. XII. Litchfield County, Connecticut. XIII. York County, Maine. XIV. Cumberland County, Maine. XV. Oxford and Franklin Counties, Maine. XVI. Cumuerland County, New Jersey. XVII. Rockingham County, New Hamp- shire. XVIII. Plymouth County, Massachusetts. XIX. Camden and Burlington Counties, New Jersey. XX. Sagadahoc, Lincoln, Knox, and Waldo Counties, Maine. XXI. Strafford and Belknap Counties, New Hampshire. XXII. Sullivan and Merrimack Counties, New Hampshire. XXIII. HlLLSBORO and CHESHIRE COUNTIES, Niw Hampshire. XXIV. Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. XXV. Norfolk County, Massachusetts. XXVI. New London Countv, Connecticut. XXVII. Middlesex County, Massachusetts. XXVni. Essex County, Massachusetts. NoTK. — All the biographical sketches published in this volume were suljiiiitled to their respective subjects or to the sub- scribers, from whom the facts were primarily obtained, for their approval or correction before going to press, and a reasonable time was allowed in each case for the return of the typewritten copies. Most of them were returned to us within the time allotted, or before the work was printed, after being corrected or revised; and these may therefore be regarded as reasonably accurate. A few, however, were not returned to us; and, as we have no means of knowing whether they contain errors or not, we cannot vouch for their accuracy. In justice to our readers, and to render this work more valuable for reference purposes, we have indicated all uncorrected sketches by a small asterisk (*), placed im mediate'y afl^;- f] ^e name of the subject. They will be found printed on the last pages of the book, t LIBRARY UNIVERSITY Of MA SSACHUSEr rS AMHERST, MASS. K. R. PUB. CO. PREFACE. EYOND question this is a book-making age. Printed pages in covers — never before did the world contain so many; and still they come, each with its prefatory apology, as if a book must always present itself fore-armed with a formal excuse for being. Nor will the work in hand prove an exception. Much time and thought have gone to its preparation. The present volume of the Biographical Review — the XXVIII. of the "Atlantic Series" — may be considered fairly representative of the intelligent, indus- trious, enterprising population, urban and rural, of Essex County, in the last decade of the nineteenth century. Many of the names here set forth reveal descendants of the original colonists of this early settled section of the old Bay State ; others, the children and grandchildren of later comers; and yet others denote worthy citi- zens of foreign birth or parentage — loyal Americans all, useful to State and nation, and well reputed. Where desired, space has been gladly given to the tracing of lines of ancestry and of collateral kinship, effort being faithfully made to avoid in this feature, as far as possible, both the initiation of error and the perpetuation of past mistakes — ever present pitfalls in the path of the genealogist, which we cannot hope to have utterly escaped. We have thus blended, to a degree unusual in biographical writings drawing their subjects from men of the times, jxrsonal and family history, and in so doing feel confident that we have imparted to our work an additional ele- ment of enduring value. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW PUBLISHING COMPANY. Skpt. 26, 1898. THOMAS W. I'EIRCE. BIOSRAPHIGAL. ►HOMAS WENTWORTH PEIRCE, railroad president and multi-millionaire, for many years a summer resident of Topsfield, Mass., where he owned a large and valuable estate, was a native of Dover, N. H. He was born August 16, I Si 8, son of the Hon. An- drew and Betsey (Wentvvorth) Peirce, and was a descen dant in t he eighth generation of John, of V^ YjitertowiT^ Mass., who came over from England in 1637. The successive an- cestors in this line were: Anthony,- who emi- grated before his father, John"; Joseph'; Benjamin^; Benjamin 5; Andrew''; and An- drew,' the father above-named. (The history of the family is recorded in the Peirce Gene- alogy, compiled by Mr. Frederick Clifton Peirce, published in 1S80. ) The Hon. Andrew Peirce, Jr., was born in Gloucester, Mass., and was in early life a mariner, becoming the master of a vessel. Turning his attention to merchandise in 1827, he engaged in trade and navigation until the time of his death, which occurred in Dover, N. H., March 28, 1850. He had filled many offices of trust in the town, and was a member of the Senate of the State of New Hampshire. His wife, whose maiden name was Betsey Wentvvorth, died in Dover, December 22, 1866, in the seventy-third year of her age. As we learn from the Wentworth Geneal- ogy, she was a daughter of Thomas and Mary (Roberts) Wentworth, and, grand-daughter of Colonel Jonathan, who was son of Samuel, grandson of Ephraim, and great-grandson of William Wentworth, colonist, for many years Ruling Elder of the church in Dover, N. H. Samuel, here named, was a cousin of Lieuten- ant Governor John Wentworth; and Colonel Jonathan was a second cousin of Governor Benning Wentworth. Eleven children were born to the Hon. An- drew and Betsey (Wentworth) Peirce, and eight of these grew to maturity; namely, Mary A., Andrew, Thomas Wentworth, James W. , William, Elizabeth J., George H., and Lucy D. While attending school, Thomas Wentworth Peirce, the second-born son, lived at the pa- rental home, assisting in the work upon the farm. He was still a young lad when he re- ceived an appointment to a clerkship in town; but shortly afterward, his health proving deli- cate, his father sent him to the island of Cuba, where he spent the winter, and in the spring took the voyage to New Orleans, also visiting Texas, then almost a new and unde- veloped country. He returned to Dover when fifteen years of age, and assisted his father in business for the ne.xt three years. At nine- teen he was appointed on the staff of the Gov- ernor of New Hampshire, and the same year he became associated with his brother in busi- ness in Dover. In 1843 he removed to Bos- ton to enter the house of Peirce & Bacon, who BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW ran a large fleet of packets between Boston and Galveston, Tex. In 1851 his brother An- drew became a member of the firm, and the trade was extended to the South, especially to Texas, where the house handled cotton, sugar, and hides; and in 1S52 Mr. Peirce opened a branch house at Galveston, Tex. From this point he was active in aiding nearly all the enterprises of the South-west, and was instru- mental in the building of the Galveston, Har- risburg & San Antonio Railroad, of which road he was the president and owner. He was as- sociated in his New York office with Messrs. C. P. Huntington, Stanford, Crocker, Hop- kins, and others, and with them built the great Southern Pacific Railroad. About the year 1856 he bought the beauti- ful estate of seven hundred acres at Topsfield, Mass., now carried on by his nephew and namesake, Thomas W. Peirce, second. Its cost price was thirty thousand dollars; and throughout his lifetime Mr. Peirce took de- light in making extensive improvements upon the place, expending in this way over one hundred thousand dollars. He was much in- terested in the breeding of fine cattle, and was the owner of about one hundred and twenty Jersey and Holstein cows. His stables held some fine horses of the Hamiltonian breed. Besides many miles of railroad property, he owned in Texas about two hundred thousand acres of land ; and there he engaged exten- sively in stock-raising. On Capota P'arm, of thirty-five thousand acres under fence, he em- ployed a large number of men, with Major Moore as manager, through whom he carried on extensive farming interests. His first wife, Mary Curtis, a Boston lady, died at Topsfield; and he married, second, Cornelia Cook, of Galveston, a niece of Gen- eral Nichols, who was his ]iartner at Galves- ton. He survived her also, and died in Oc- tober, 1SS5, at the Sanitarium at Clifton Springs, N.Y. His grave is at Mount Au- burn, Mass. He left two children : Thomas Wentworth Peirce, third, a Harvard student at Cambridge, Mass. ; and Marian Wentworth Peirce, the only daughter. Mr. Peirce was a man whose liberal hospi- tality will long be remembered by those whose pleasure it was to have known him. He was never devoted to club life, but was in the habit of entertaining lavishly at his country- seat ; and many of the most prominent men of the country have been his guests, both at Topsfield and at his city home in Boston, where he owned a residence tmtil after the death of his wife. In politics he was a stanch Democrat, and was much sought to fill positions of honor and responsibility. President Pierce desired to count him among the members of his cabinet, and at a later date the same offer was made to him by President Lincoln. But Mr. Peirce preferred the quiet of private life, and refused to enter pcjlitics. He was broad in his views, a deep thinker, and a keen observer of human nature. His gift of twenty-five thousand dol- lars to the Universalist church at Dover, N. H., is indicative of the generous spirit of the man. Thomas Wentworth Peirce, second, the nephew above mentioned, is the son of Colonel George H. Pierce, of Dover, N. H. He was ed- ucated at Andover, and at the age of seventeen went to Texas, where he became general pas- senger agent of the G., H. & S. A. Railroad and assistant to the president, his uncle. In this capacity he had charge of all the passenger and emigration business, and was his uncle's personal representative. After the death of his uncle, Mr. Thomas W. Peirce, second, became one of the executors and trustee of his estate. The ToiDsfield farm, in which his uncle had BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW taken so nuich pardonable pride, afterward came into his personal care; and he has since largely devoted himself to its management. He aims in every way to carry out the plans of the former owner, and keeps a large number of men employed on the place. He has about seventy cows, and deals largely in milk, which is sent to Salem. |HARLES PERLEY, a prosperous farmer of Boxford and an e.x-member of the Massachusetts legislature, was born in Dunbarton, N.H., September 2, 1823, son of Benjamin and Ruth S. (Mills) Perley. His father was a native of 15oxford, as was also his grandfather, Ben- jamin Perley (first). The latter cleared a large farm in Dunbarton, where he resided until his death, which occurred when he was seventy-three years old. The father was quite young when his parents moved to New Hampshire. In early manhood he bought a farm adjoining his father's property. He was an industrious farmer, took an active part in the public affairs of Dunbarton, and died in that town in his eighty-third year. Ruth S. Perley, his wife, was a daughter of Thomas and Sarah Mills, of Dunbarton. Her father served in the War of 18 12. She became the mother of nine children; namely, Warren, Charles, Margaret, John O., Mary J., Sarah L., Hannah M., Lydia P., and Althiana. Of these Warren, Margaret, Sarah L., and Lydia P. are deceased. John O. resides in Goffstown, N.H.; Mary J. is living in Man- chester; and Hannah M. is a resident of Springfield, Mass. Warren Perley, who died in Bradford, Mass., leaving a widow and three children, successively married Clarissa Kidder and Martha Fish. Charles Perley acquired a district-school education in Dunbarton. After completing his studies he began work in the cotton-mills at Amoskeag, where he was employed for three years. At the age of twenty-two he came to Boxford, and for the succeeding ten years was in the employment of John Day. Now he is the owner of the farm known as the Deacon Day place. He married Emily A. Day, daughter of John and Emily (Kimball) Day. John Day, who was the proprietor of a machine shop and a cider and grist mill, was accidentally killed by being caught in the shafting. His other children — John A. and P'ranklin E. Day — reside in Bradford, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Perley, having lost their only child in its infancy, adopted and reared Anna P. and Helen Emily Day. The former is now a teacher in Pelham, Mass. ; and the latter is the wife of Albert W. Frost, of North An- dover, Mass., and has one daughter, Myra M. Frost. Mrs. Perley died January i, 1894. Mr. Perley is still cultivating the Day farm, and occupies a prominent place among the representative agriculturists of Boxford. In politics he acts with the Republican party. He was elected to the Massachusetts legislat- ure of 1S73, in which he served with ability. His first Presidential vote was cast for Henry Clay in 1844. A Master Mason, he belongs to Merrimac Lodge. His religious belief is that of the Congregationalists. ENJAMIN H. CONANT, a photog- rapher of Wenham and a veteran of the Civil War, was born in this town, April 11, 1843, son of Samuel and Priscilla (Howe) Conant. He is a descend- ant in the seventh generation of Roger Conant, the founder of Salem, Mass., who was the common ancestor of the New England BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Conants and the grandfather of the Revolu- tionary soldier, Aaron Conant. Samuel Conant, who was a native of Tops- field, Mass., when a young man engaged in mercantile business in that town. Later he moved to Lynnfield, where he kept a hotel in the days when stage-coaches were the only means of travel. Some time in the thirties he settled in Wenham, where he worked at shoe- making. He served as a Selectman in Wen- ham, and at one time was a candidate for Representative to the legislature. His death occurred in 1861. Priscilla Howe Conant, his wife, who was a native of Ipswich, Mass., became the mother of several children. Of these the survivors are: Caroline E., the wife of William P. Kimball, of Wenham; Lydia A., the wife of Calvin B. Dodge, of Beverly, Mass.; and Benjamin H., the subject of this sketch. The mother died in 1889. ]5enjamin H. Conant was educated in the public schools of Wenham. While still a youth he learned the shoemaker's trade with his father. On July 26, 1864, he enlisted in Company F, Eighth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, for one hundred days' ser- vice, which was performed mostly in the vicin- ity of Baltimore. Subsecpiently he re-en- listed in the Second Company of Unattached Infantry, which was stationed at Gloucester, Mass., until discharged in July, 1865. After leaving the service he resumed his trade, fol- lowing it as a journeyman until 1868, when he became the foreman of the cutting-room in Frank Woodbury's shoe factory at Beverly, a position he occupied for a number of years. Since 1890 he has been engaged principally in landscape photography. In politics Mr. Conant is a Republican. He is deeply interested in the material and moral welfare of the town. Since 1874 he has been a member of the Congregational church, its organist since 1863, excluding the time spent by him in the army, and he is now serving the society as a clerk. He has been the secretary of the Board of Trustees of the public library since 1890. A self-made man and a public-spirited citizen, he is highly esteemed by his fellow-townsmen. ENRY T. BAILEY, who for over thirty years has conducted a thriving !^ \^ grocery business in West Newbury, was born in West Newbury, May 10, 1826, son of Ta])pan and Hannah (Bailey) liailey. The family was founded in America by Rich- ard Bailey, who emigrated from England in the ship "Bevis" in 1630. He settled in Rowley, Mass., and his death occurred be- tween the years 1647 and 1650. He had one son, Joseph Bailey (first), whose son, Jo- seph (second), settled in Newbury, and died in 1755. Ezekiel Bailey, great-grantlfather of Henry T., was born in 171 7; and John Bailey, the grandfather, was a lifelong resident of New- bury. Tappan Bailey, born in Newbury in 1788, a worthy and useful citizen and es- teemed by all who knew him, died in West Newbury in 1868. His wife, Hannah, was a daughter of Ephraim Bailey, whose father was a brother of Henry T. Bailey's grandfather. Henry T. Bailey attended the common schools in the winter and a private school for a short time. While still in his boyhood he worked upon a farm in Pelham, N.H., for two years; and upon his return home he entered the comb factory, where he was employed for several years. From 1858 to 1866 he was en- gaged in shoemaking, and then he established himself in the grocery business, which he has since followed. He is also interested in the West Newbury Mutual Fire Insurance WII.I.IAM K. KIMBALL. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW IS Company, of which he has been the secretary and treasurer for the past ten years. Politi- cally, he is an active supporter of the Repub- lican party. He was appointed Postmaster by President Johnson, and reappointed succes- sively by Presidents Grant, Hayes, Garfield, and Harrison, having held the office in all for twenty years. Mr. Bailey married Hannah A. Stanwood, a daughter of William antl Edna (Poor) Stan- wood, and a grand-daughter of Moses and Martha (Thurlow) Poor. Mrs. Bailey is the mother of two children, namely: Emily A., born in 1852; and George H., born in 1863. Both are residing with their parents. George H. Bailey, besides assisting his father in business, discharges the duties of Postmaster, to which office he was appointed by President McKinley. The business ability and upright character of Mr. Bailey, Sr., are highly spoken of by his fellow-townsmen. He is a member of Ouascacunquen Lodge, No. 39, I. O. O. P., of Newburyport. The family attend the Con- gregational church. ILLIAM RITCHIE KIMBALL, one of the best known residents of West ]5o.\ford and an ex-member of the General Court of the Commonwealth, was born in Goffstown, N. H., P'ebruary 18, 181 1, son of Samuel and Anna (Smith) Kimball. The grandfather, Daniel Kimball, a native of Bradford, who owned a large farm in that town in the prime of life, was accidentally drowned in the Merrimac River, opposite Hunting Hill. The maiden name of his wife was Elizabeth Tenney. Samuel Kimball, the father, was also born in Bradford, the date of his birth being December 12, 1785. He fol- lowed farming in New Hampshire for a num- ber of years, and died there when over eighty years of age. Anna Smith Kimball, his wife, became the mother of ten children ; namely, Daniel, Samuel A., William R., Mil- ton, James S., Louisa, Laura A., Nancy S. , Susan E. , and Almira S. Of these the sur- vivors are: William R., the subject of this sketch; Susan E., the wife of James S. Stevens, of Tapleyville, Mass. ; and Almira S. , who married Lewis Page, and resides in Bow, N.H. William Ritchie Kimball attended the dis- trict schools of Goffstown, Bradford, and Box- ford. He has resided in the last-named town for the greater part of the time that has elapsed since he was ten years old. The ac- tive period of his life has been devoted both to farming and to the shoemaker's trade, which he has followed industriously and with prosperity. He was a member of the Board of Selectmen for three years. He has been Town Treasurer, Collector, Constable, and a member of the School Board ; and he repre- sented his district in the Massachusetts legis- lature in 1883. Mr. Kimball married for his first wife Al- mira Coburn and for his second Mrs. Sarah A. M. Barker Grover, daughter of Jam<^ and Sarah (Pierce) Barker. Mr. Barker was a native of the East parish of Bradford, Mass., and a Revolutionary soldier. His wife was born in Amherst, N.H. The second wife died May 21, 1898, at the age of eighty-three, after three days of illness. By her he came into possession of his present comfortable home. In politics Mr. Kimball is a Republi- can, and his first Presidential vote was cast for the opponent of Andrew Jackson in 1832. He has always displayed an active interest in the industrial development of Bo.xford and its in- stitutions, and he is connected with the Pa- trons of Husbandry. In his religious belief he is a Congregational ist. i6 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW -ONATHAN LAMSON, a representa- tive of a well-known Essex County family and a prominent agriculturist of Hamilton, was born in this town, October 9, 1856, son of Jarvis and Esther (Woodberry) Lamson, The grandfather, Jonathan Lamson, a prosperous and respected farmer of Hamil- ton in his time, was twice married. By his union with Abigail -Knowlton there were four children — Benjamin, Frank, Abigail, and Albert. Benjamin, who was the father of thirteen children, died in 1891, aged ninety- two years. Frank followed the trade of hatter, and died in Salem, Mass. On the second occasion Jonathan Lamson wedded Lydia Applcton, who bore him five children — Jonathan, Thomas A., Isaac D. , Lydia, and Jarvis. Jarvis Lamson, who was born in Hamilton, spent the active period of his life in agricult- ural pursuits. He possessed the energy and activity that characterized the New England farmers of the last generation. In the trans- action of the town's business, both as a Se- lectman and a member of the School Board, he displayed much natural ability. He was a Democrat in politics. His death occurred on August 25, 1895. By his first marriage, which was contracted with Lucy Ann Whit- tredge, of Hamilton, who died in 1852, there were two children — Lydia D. and Lucy A. Lydia D. married David B. Wallace, the man- ager of the Saltonstall estate in West Pea- body, Mass., and has a son, Frederick, who is the chief engineer of the Pacific Cotton Mills in Lawrence, Mass. Lucy A., who became the wife of D. W. Appleton, a farmer of Ips- wich, Mass., died leaving three children — Daniel H., Marietta, and Elliott L. The second marriage of Jarvis Lamson united him to I^sthcr Woodberry, of this town. Her par- ents, Elliott and Polly (Stone) Woodberry, both now deceased, were lifelong residents of Hamilton. Their other children were: Will- iam, George, and Mary. William died in 1887, and George in 1870. Mrs. Esther Lamson became the mother of four children — Jarvis, Jonathan, Isaac A., and Elliott W. Jarvis Lamson, Jr., is a member of the well- known firm of Lamson & Hubbard, hatters and furriers at 92 Bedford Street, Boston, and resides in Newton, Mass. He successively married Hattic A. Drinkwater and Sarah Titus, of Dorchester, Mass. The children of the first union were: Esther W. , deceased; May; and Jarvis. The only child of his sec- ond union is Barbara. Isaac A. Lamson re- sides with his brother at the homestead. Elliott W. is a professor at Columbia Col- lege, New York City. The mother died July I, 1864. Jonathan Lamson prepared for his collegiate course at Dummer Academy, and graduated at Amherst College with the class of 1877. Subsequently, after reading law with Charles Scwall, of Salem, Mass., for two and one-half years, he decided not to enter the legal profes- sion, and in 1881 returned to the homestead in Hamilton. Since then he has given his attention to general farming and dairying. His land, comprising two hundred and sixty- two acres and desirably located, is exceed- ingly fertile. The homestead has been in the family since 1694. On March 24, 1884, Mr. Lamson was united in marriage with Hattie A. Dodge, who was born in Ipswich, March 12, 1858, daughter of James P. and Abigail (Goodwin) Dodge. Her father, now deceased, was a na- tive of Hamilton; while her mother, who was born in Ipswich, is a resident of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Lamson have one son, Jonathan Lamson, Jr., who was born August 23, 1S85. Politically, Mr. Lamson is one of the active BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 17 supporters of the Democratic party. He ren- dered valuable public service as a member of the School Board in 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, and 1896, and has ably filled other town offices. Mrs. Lanison is a member of the Congregational church. (HARLES GREENE, an enterprising merchant of Ballardvale, an ex-mem- ber of the Massachusetts legislat- ure, and a Civil War veteran, was born in Andover, May 10, 1840, son of Eaton and Sarah (Nichols) Greene. The grandfather, Jabez Greene, a lifelong resident of Epsom, N.H., throughout the greater part of his life, having followed the business of building con- tractor during his active period, spent his last years in Andover. He married Sarah, daugh- ter of Jacob Nichols, of Haverhill, Mass., and became the father of four children, namely: Abbie A., now the wife of W. H. B. Wood- lin; William H., of whom there is no special record; Laura A., the wife of Newton Jaquith ; and Charles, the subject of this sketch. Charles Greene acquired his education in the common schools of his native town. He then learned stereotyping, and worked in the Andover printing-house for three years. On May I, 1861, he enlisted as a private in Com- pany H, F"irst Regiment, Massachusetts Heavy Artillery. The regiment was sta- tioned at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, for three months, did duty for a year each on Arlington Heights, opposite the national cap- ital, and Maryland Heights, and was then ordered to the front, participating in the battles of Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, and several other engagements. Honorably dis- charged August 8, 1864, Mr. Greene returned to Andover. Resuming his trade, he fol- lowed it in this town and in ]5oston until 1872. Then he came to Ballardvale, and es- tablished himself in the grocery and dry-goods business, which he has since conducted with success. In all, Mr. Greene was Selectman for eleven years, and he has been an Assessor and an Overseer of the Poor. He was elected to the legislature in 1890 and again in 1894, and was assigned to the Committees on Towns and Drainage. He is connected with St. Matthew Lodge, F. & A. M., and is at the present time Commander of Post No. 99, G. A. R. In 1 861 he married Hannah S. Higgins, daughter of Archibald Higgins, of Andover. The only child of the union, Harry C. Greene, died at the age of eighteen years. ^OHN H. SUTTON, the proprietor and general superintendent of the North Andover Woollen Mills, was born in New York City, December 22, 1S60, son of General Eben and Mary (Hasbrouck) Sut- ton. The family originated with Richard Sutton, who resided in Charlestown, Mass., and was a tanner by trade. William Sutton, great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was a woollen manufacturer. In 1802 he be- came the owner of the woollen-mills in North Andover established by John and William Schofield, which have since remained in the family's possession. The grandfather, who was born in the year 1800 and passed the greater part of his life in Salem, conducted the mills for many years. While an able business man, he was a public-spirited citi- zen; and he served in both chambers of the State legislature, besides holding the rank of Major-general in the militia. General Eben Sutton, John H. Sutton's father, was born and educated in Salem, i8 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Mass. When a young man he entered the dry-goods commission house of Farnum, Dale & Co. in New York City. Some years later this firm was succeeded by that of Sutton, Smith & Co., which included Mayor Strong, of New York, as a junior partner. In 1865 Eben Sutton disposed of his interest in the concern in order to take charge of the Sutton Mills in North Andover; and he continued to reside here until his death, which occurred in 1895. The community is much indebted to him for the establishment of the North An- dover Public Library, which was opened in 1875, and contains eight thousand volumes. At the age of sixteen he joined the Salem Cadets, of which company he was a Lieuten- ant at eighteen. After settling in New York he became a member of the famous Seventh Regiment, N. G. S. N. Y. After his return to Massachusetts he was appointed an Aide on the staff of Brigadier-general George H. Peirson. Later he was made Adjutant, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel; and he succeeded General Peirson, after the Litter's death, as commander of the Second Brigade. He mar- ried Mary Hasbrouck, daughter of John L. Hasbrouck, and reared three children: Eben Sutton, now of Boston; Eliza, the wife of Ernest Young, of Cambridge, Mass.; and John H., the subject of this sketch. John H. Sutton accompanied his parents to North Andover when he was five years old. He was fitted for his collegiate course at St. Paul's School, Concord, after which he en- tered Trinity College; but, preferring a mer- cantile career, he did not graduate. He has been connected with the Sutton Mills since December i, 1885, at which time he became book-keeper. Previous to becoming the owner of the mills, he had worked his way forward to the responsible position of superin- tendent. Under the direction of so able a business man the future of the mills bids fair to eclipse its past record. In politics he is a Democrat, but he takes no active interest in public affairs. He is a member of the Ma- sonic fraternity. On April 26, 1883, Mr. Sutton married Mary O. Jacobs, daughter of Joseph and Mary A. (Poor) Jacobs, of Peabody, Mass. He has four children — Richard, Francis, Mary Has- brouck, and Eben Sutton, all residing at home. Richard is a student of Phillips Acad- emy, while the others attend the public schools. tLEXANDER M. HUNTINGTON, a retired business man of Amesbury, ^___ was born here. May 15, 1825. His ]iarcnts were PLnoch and Rebecca (Flanders) Huntington. He had two brothers and one sister — Jacob R., Moses P., and Louisa. Moses P., who had a carriage business in Amesbury for some time, married Miss Rhoda IJartlett. Miss Louisa Huntington lives near her brother Alexander. In early boyhood Alexander M. Huntington attended school in Garland, Me., his home at that time. Afterward he was a student at the Barnard School, South Hampton. Entering the profession of teacher, subsequently he taught for fifteen years in Maine, Massachu- setts, New Jersey, and New Hampshire, with marked success. He had charge of a number of difficult schools, with sometimes one hun- dred pupils at a time. A forty-niner, he went to California around the Horn, and returned by way of the Isthmus. While in California, where he spent fourteen montlis en- tirely, he worked in the mines on the Ameri- can River. He was finally attacked with ma- larial fever, and was advised by his physician to return home. As he entered the tropics on the way hack, he exjierienced a marked ALEXANDER M. HUNTINGTON. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 21 change for the better. In 1867 he and Will- iam G. Ellis, who is now deceased, started a carriage business at Amesbury under the firm name of Huntington & Ellis; and they were together eight years. Mr. Huntington was then for seven years without an associate, and in the meantime purchased the Jacob R. Huntington factory. In 1882 he retired from active business. He was the first president of the Amesbury National Bank and one of the original trustees of the public library. In May, 1874, Mr. Huntington was married to Miss Frances Lurania Gile, of South Hampton, N.H. They have one daughter, Helen, now in the high school. Mr. Hunt- ington is one of the Sinking Fund Commis- sioners of Amesbury, was Town Treasurer for nine years, and the chairman of the Board of Selectmen for three years. In 1885 he was in the legislature, and served on the Finance Committee, going as a member of that com- mittee to inspect the Tewksbiiry Almshouse. He was on the Joint Committee in the House with Governor Greenhalge, and had a seat near him; and he was on the Joint Committee on Expenditures, working hard for some relief from supporting the bridges across the Merri- mac River. Mr. Huntington is a member of the Pioneer Society, which meets every month in the United States Hotel, Boston. KVVIS T. HARDY, the well-known contractor and i^uilder of Andover, ^ was born in tliis town, May 151 1849, son of William and Susan W. (Robin- son) Hardy. The grandfather, Stephen Hardy, a lifelong resident of Andover, owned a large farm, which he cultivated during the active period of his life. William Hardy, the father, purchased a farm in West Andover. Besides carrying on general farming, he paid considerable atten- tion to market gardening. He acquired a comfortable competency, and continued active until his death, which occurred March 10, 1 888. His wife, Susan, a native of Maine, who came to Massachusetts when a young girl, became the mother of the following chil- dren: Charles E. , now the foreman of the sole leather department of A. Vinton & Co.'s shoe factory in Reading, Mass. ; Lewis T., the subject of this sketch; Willard P., who died at the age of sixteen years; Albert A., a pros- perous farmer and market gardener of this town; Susan J., who married George W. Means, the chief of the Andover police, and has one child, Soiihronia H. ; Emma H., who married George Bennett, a prosperous dairy farmer of Andover, and has three children; Edward S., who married Laura Lovejoy, Oc- tober 2, 1893, and has one child; and Fred- erick L. , who married Alice Twiss, and has one child, Mary B. Hardy, and resides in An- dover. Sophronia H. Means married George Wiswell, a milk dealer of Rosendale, and has three children. Lewis T. Hardy was educated in the public schools of Andover. At the age of "seventeen he entered upon an apprenticeship at the car- penter's trade, which he subsequently fol- lowed as a journeyman for some years prior to engaging in business for hi.niself. He is now one of the most prominent coutiactors in this section and the senior member of the firm Hardy & Cole, which has gained a wide repu- tation as reliable builders. He also conducts a large business as a lumber dealer. Mr. Hardy married Hattie R. Abbott, a daughter of Ezra and Hannah V>. Abbott, the former of whom is an industrious farmer of Andover. Mrs. Hardy is the mother of five children, namely: \\. Louise, formerly a school teacher and now employed in an insur- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW ance office in this town; Hattie livclyn; William A.; Philip Lewis; and Roy E. Hardy. Politically, Mr. Hardy is a Republi- can. Although taking a lively interest in public affairs, business pressure has prevented him from holding any town office except that of Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, which he has capably filled for the past nine years. Some time since he completed a com- fortable and attractive residence for his own occupancy. He is a Master Mason, and be- longs to St. Matthew's Lodge, Andover. Both he and his family attend Old South, or Congregational, Church. "ON. MOSES T. STEVENS, the well-known woollen manufacturer of North Andover and an ex-member of Congress, was born in this town, Octo- ber lo, 1825, son of Captain Nathaniel and Harriet (Hale) Stevens. He is a de- scendant in the sixth generation of John Stevens, an Englishman, who was the founder of the American family. John Stevens settled in Andover at an early date in the town's his- tory. He and his descendants down to the present day took an active part in the devel- opment of the town. He died April 11, 1662, and the oldest gravestone in the ancient burying-ground on Prospect Street marks his resting-]3lace. Captain Nathaniel Stevens was the founiler of the woollen manufacturing business that bears his name. In 18 13 he erected a factory on Cochichawick Brook, the site of the first grist-mill in Andover, built in i6.<^4, since which time the locality has been known as Stevens Village. His wife, Harriet, was a daughter of Moses Hale, a native of Lowell and a fuller and finisher of woollen goods. She became the mother of nine children, five of whom are living. The latter are: Henry H. ; Julia M., the widow of S. S. Hunting; Catherine, the wife of Oliver Stevens; A. Plliza, who is now Mrs. Smith; and the Hon. Moses T., the subject of this sketch. Moses T. Stevens was graduated from Phillips Academy in 1S42. He had entered Dartmouth College, when, deciding to imme- diately enter business, he abandoned the idea of pursuing a classical course. Since 1843 he has been connected with the Stevens Mills. Owing to the increased demands made for the mill's goods, the plant was greatly enlarged in 1887 and 1888. The firm is now known as M. T. Stevens & Sons. Besides the factory in North Andover, they operate mills in An- dover, Haverhill, and Franklin, N.H. Mr. Stevens was for twenty-five years Motlerator at town meetings. He was induced to accept the Democratic nomination for Representative to Congress in 1890, and having been elected he was re-elected in 1892. He was a firm supporter of the Wilson-Gorman Tariff ]5ill, and during the last national campaign he allied himself with the sound money wing of his party. His religious belief is that of the Unitarians. In 1853 Mr. Stevens was united in marriage with Charlotte E. Osgood, daughter of Isaac Osgood, of North Andover. Of his eight children, six are living, namely: Mary Os- good; Nathaniel; Sam Dale; Virginia, wife of Whitman Cross; Helen; and Moses T. Stevens, Jr. Ills three sons are connected with him in business. eJi^TEPHEN C. OSGOOD, Chief of Police in Amesbury and an ex- member of the town's Board of Selectmen, was born in Georgetown, Mass., January i, 1854, son of Steplien (third) and BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 23 Sarah P. (Carter) Osgood. He is a descend- ant in the eighth generation of William Os- good, who settled at Salisbury in 1638, and owned a large tract of land, extending for half a mile inland from the Merrimac River, within the limits of the present village of Amc'sbury. A millwright and carpenter, this ancestor erected the first mill in Salis- bury, which stood upon the site now occupied by the Hamilton Corporation Building. Hav- ing been successful in business, he left con- siderable property. He married the widow of Nathaniel VVhittier. His grandson, William, born in 1673, who died in Salisbury in 1752, married Hannah Colby. Joseph Osgood, the fourth in line, born in 1729, married Rebecca Knapp. Stephen Osgood (first), great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, born in 1761, fol- lowed the trade of a ship-calker. The first of his three marriages was contracted with Eleanor True; the second, with Ruth Porter; and the third, with Tabitha Currier. Stephen Osgood (second), the grandfather of Stephen C, jjorn in 1797, was a son of Stephen and Tabitha Osgood. He was a lifelong and well- to-do resident of Salisbury. The maiden name of his wife was Charlotte Morrill. Stephen Osgood (third), who was born in 1826, settled in Georgetown, where he estab- lished himself in business as a tailor. He became prominent in public affairs, and served in both branches of the State legislature. In politics he was a Republican. His wife, Sarah, who was a native of Georgetown, be- came the mother of four children, namely: Louis K. and Charles C. Osgood, both of whom are active business men in Haverhill, Mass. ; Charlotte, now the wife of C. C. Has- kell, a wholesale produce dealer in Jackson- ville, Fla. ; and Stephen C, the subject of this sketch. Stephen C. Osgood was educated in the public schools of his native town. Since he left school, with the exception of a few years spent in business with his father, his time has been chiefly given to the carriage-making in- dustry. For fourteen years he was employed by W. E. Biddle, of Aniesbury, and he has been connected with the Aniesbury Carriage Company's factory for three years. He has evinced a lively interest in political affairs since reaching his majority, and as a Select- man he proved himself a capable member of tlie town government. In addition to serving on the Board of Selectmen, he acted as Super- intendent of Streets during the year 1897. In April, 1S9S, he was elected Chief of Police, succeeding Mr. Jamrin in that office. So far he has proved himself an active and efficient officer. In 1878 he married Susie J. Sly, a daughter of Amos A. Sly, of Georgetown. /^^^^)eORGE H. GIBNEY, a well-known \|5| contractor of Hamilton, was born in Salem, October 24, 1S58. His par- ents were John and Elizabeth (Brown) Gib- ncy. The father, a tanner and currier by trade, carried on business in Salem for many years. About twenty years ago he made his residence upon the farm in this town that has since become the property of the Myopia Club. After leaving the public schools of Salem, George H. Gibney learned tanning and curry- ing in his father's shop. Subsequently, tir- ing of the trade, which required him to be constantly indoors, he and his brother, Ed- ward P., formed the firm of Gibney Brothers, and went into the business of boarding horses during the summer for the members of the Myopia Club. This they successfully con- ducted for some years, when the farm, was sold 24 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW to the club. Mr. Gibney has since been suc- cessfully engaged in his present line of busi- ness. On February 12, 1889, Mr. Gibney was married to Anna L. Whipple, a daughter of Alonzo and Abbic Whipple and a grand- daughter of John Whipple, the founder of the Chibacco House. In 1892, 1893, and 1894 he served as a Selectman of the town, and at the March meeting, 1898, he was again elected to that office. He has served on various town committees, among the most important of which was the one that had charge of the building of the South Hamilton grammar school-house. He was the first to propose and was the prime mover in securing the town clock now in the church steeple. He is a member of Ontario Lodge, Improved Order of Red Men, having served in all the chairs, and being now a Past Sachem. He is an ex-Coun- cillor of the local body of U. O. A. M. ; a member of Israel Putnam Commandery, Loyal Legion of Salem; and of Chibacco Colony of Pilgrim Fathers. For several years he was chairman of the Democratic Town Committee; but, as he was not in sympathy with the free silver movement of 1896, he has since affili- ated with the Republican party. Mr. Gibney attends the People's Church at Hamilton. ■f^TON. WILLIAM HENRY PREN- 1-^ TICE WRIGHT was for many -l^ V -• yC'irs a leading member of the legal fraternity of Lawrence. A son of Nathaniel Wright, he was born in the neighboring city of Lowell. The father, who had the advantage of a liberal education, was well known throughout Northern Middlesex County as an able lawyer. He was very prominent in municipal affairs, and served as Mayor of the city for several terms. He reared four sons and one daughter, all of whom have passed away. William H. P. Wright, after graduating from Harvard College in early manhood, ob- tained admission to the bar, and began the practice of his profession in Lowell with his father. Coming from there to Lawrence soon after that city was incorporated, he entered the office of Daniel Saunders, and became one of the first resident lawyers of the place. Later, in partnership with his elder brother, Thomas Wright, he aided in transacting a large legal business until the death of the senior member of the firm. Thereafter he practised alone for the remainder of his life. A man of undoubted integrity and ability, and well versed in legal lore, he was often called to positions of responsibility." In addition to serving as a Representative to the State legis- lature, he was Mayor of Lawrence for two terms during the trying times of the Rebel- lion. In 1885 he erected the beautiful resi- dence in which his widow now resides, and where, though his health was impaired, he en- joyed the last four years of his life. Frater- nally, he was a Master Mason, and in politics he was a conservative Republican. His death occurred at his home, 55 East Haverhill Street, on July 26, 1891, in his sixty-fifth year. On October 15, 1852, Mr. Wright married Miss Ella M. Kilburn, a daughter of John A. and Sarah (Gray) Kilburn, the former of whom was born in Sterling, Mass., and the latter in Groton. Mr. Kilburn settled in Boston, Mass., when a young man, and was there engaged in lousiness until his demise. His widow survived him five years, and died in Groton, Mass., at the age of sixty years. They reared three children, namely: William Henry Kilburn, an editor and ]iulilisher, who died in New York City; l^lizabeth, wlio died WILLIAM H. P. WRIGHT. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW at Akron, Ohio; and Ella M., now Mrs. Wright. Bred and educated in Boston, Mrs. Wright is a woman of refinement, and is held in high respect throughout the community. She is a member of the Episcopal church, of which Mr. Wright was a regular attendant. She and Mr. Wright reared a son, Emory T., so named after his father's brother. Emory T. Wright, who was born in Lowell, Mass., in 1856, is now residing at the home of his late father in Lawrence, began life for himself as a clerk in the post-office. Here, gradually working his way upward through the various departments, he became route agent in the United States mail service, an important posi- tion, which he has held several years. In 1S97, on a part of the extensive grounds of the Wright homestead property in East Haver- hill Street, he erected a fine double tenement house, which yields him a good income. He was married in November, 1880, to Miss Lucy Ropes, daughter of Joseph and Julia (Tuck) Ropes, and has two sons — Emory T. and William H. P., both attending school. OHN HOOPER, of Rockport, of the firm John Hooper & Son, dealers in lumber, brick, lime, cement, paints, and oils, was born here, December 3, 1849. His parents, John and Margaret (Tarr) Hooper, were also natives of Rockport. The father, who was a son of Robert Hooper, be- sides being a carpenter, qualified as a ship- builder and a house-builder. During the Civil War he was employed in Charlestown navy-yard ; and for many years he was a con- tractor and builder in Rockport, and the head of the firm John Hooper & Son. In politics he was a Republican, and he had a wide circle of acquaintances and friends. He died in 1893. John Hooper, the subject of this sketch, at- tended the public schools of Rockport, and graduated from French & Chamberlain's Com- mercial College in Boston. He learned the carpenter's trade with his father, and was the junior member of the contracting firm of John Hooper & Son. In addition to their business as contractors, the firm engaged in the lum- ber trade; and some years ago they shipped lumber by the cargo from the old wharf in Rockport. Since his father's death Mr. Hooper has been the sole proprietor of the business, though he retains the original firm name. His establishment is near the Boston & Maine Railroad station in Rockport. He has been very successful in financial affairs, and has a large business. By his marriage with Sarah A., daughter of Manasseh Brown, of Ipswich, Mass., Mr. Hooper is the father of two children — ■ Harry B. and Norman S. He votes the Republican ticket. A strong believer in total abstinence, he is an active worker for the cause. He is a member of Granite Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Rockport; of Ashler Lodge, A. F. & A. M., of the same town; of the Rockport branch of the A. O. U. W. ; and of the Temple of Honor, a temperance organization here. He is also a member of Rebekah Lodge of Rock- port. A public-spirited citizen, Mr. Hooper favors all measures likely to benefit his native town. ACHARIAH COLE, a venerable and well-known resident of Wenham and a Deacon of the Baptist church, was born in Beverly, July 26, 18 17, son of Zachariah M. and Annie (Edwards) Cole. Several generations of Coles have lived in Beverly, and the men of the family have been among the leading citizens of that town. Samuel Cole, grandfather of the subject of 28 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW this sketch, was a soldier in the Revolution. Zachariah M. was born in the old town, and spent his life there. In his early years he taught school, and was a land surveyor for these parts. His teaching was confined to the winter term, for eighteen of which he taught in his own town. He also taught in the town of Hamilton. When not otherwise engaged, he gave his attention to farming. His wife, Annie, was born in Wenham. Zachariah Cole, who grew to manhood in Beverly, received his education in the public schools of the town. When sixteen years of age he began to work at shoemaking, being still in Beverly. After following the shoe- maker's trade for some years, he engaged in the grocery business at Beverly, at the same time continuing the making of shoes in com- pany with Robert Whipple, under the name of Cole & Whipple. He subsequently en- gaged in farming, all the while keeping up his work on shoes when he had time to spare. In the spring of 1876 he came to Wenham, and settled on the farm he now occupies. Since that time he has been engaged in agriculture and milk producing. Mr. Cole first married Hannah Patch, of ]5everly. She bore him four children, two of whom are living: George E., of Beverly; and Hannah A., the wife of William P. Dodge, of Wenham. She died in 1851. Mr. Cole afterward wedded Lucy B. Dodge, a sister of Francis M. Dodge, of Wenham. By this marriage there were five children, of whom two are living, namely: Frank, who resides on the farm; and Lucy E., now the wife of John T. Folsom, of Salem, Mass. Mrs. Lucy Cole died on March 7, 1894. While residing in Beverly, Mr. Cole served as Selectman of that town for two years, and was on the School Board for several years. In politics he is a Prohibitionist. He is a member of both the Odd I'ellows and the Masonic organizations of Beverly, and for many years has been a mem- ber and a Deacon of the Wenham Baptist Church. TT^ALEB PIKE, a leading farmer of C Sr^ Salisbury and a native of that town, ^i^ ^ was born November 20, 1820. He is a direct descendant of Major Robert Pike, and is also related to Brigadier-general Zebulon Pike, the discoverer of Pike's Peak, whose daughter married a near relative of President Harrison. His grandfather, Moses Pike, a maker of edged tools, went to Ipswich to weld scythes, a.xes, and other sharp instru- ments. Many of the tools manufactured by Moses are still in the workshop owned by his grandson. P^or years more cattle were shod in this same shop than in any other shop in the county. Caleb's parents were both Pikes, although removed several generations in rela- tionship. Having lived inider the parental roof-tree until he was thirty years old, Caleb Pike bought his present farm. On June 13, 1843, he married Sally Stevens, who, born August 31, 18 18, was a member of one of the old fam- ilies of the district. Their three children are: Caroline Rebecca, born July 4, 1849; Hannah Stevens, born September 12, 1854; and Caleb Scott, born August 30, 1858. Caroline, who married Frank A. Chopin, the Postmaster in Salisbury village, has two chil- dren — Nellie and Arlington. Hannah Stevens is living with the widow of James Pike. By Mr. Pike's second marriage, which united him March 27, 1S64, with Susie A. Courrier, there were five children, namely: Emma Florence, born January 21, 1867, who died young; Annie May, born December 3, 1869, who married John Gibbins, the book- keeper and collector in Amesbury of the New BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW England Telephone Company, and has a son, Edward Gibbins; Wilbur Courrier, born Jan- uary 31, 1871 ; Susie Gertrude, born Decem- ber 23, 1S73; and Moses Kellum, born June 2, 1878. Mr. Pike has never been actively interested in political matters, and has not cared to hold public office. However, he has been High- way Surveyor for many years, and he is much esteemed by his townsmen. On his farm the largest crop is hay. Formerly he had many o.xen. Now his stock comprises about twenty horned cattle and three horses. He is proud of his ancestry, which dates back to the time of the Norman Conquest of England. The family has included many distinguished men, both professional and otherwise. In this country it has given to the nation stalwart yeomen, brave soldiers, and men of sterling worth in business life. '^AMUEL EATON, Tax Collector of Amesbury, was born in the year 1839, in the Gushing house, at East Salisbury, Mass., the same house in which Caleb Gushing was born in the year 1800, and which then stood near Gushing Corner, but was subsequently torn down. His father, Henry Eaton, was a mariner. Being taken sick with yellow fever on board a ship sailing from Havana to New York, Henry Eaton was taken to a hospital in New York, where he improved sufficiently to start for home. He died, however, a few days after reaching home, in the year 1845. His wife, Jemima B. Eaton, mother of Samuel Eaton, died in the year 1869. The subject of this sketch has three sisters now living, one in Amesbury, one in Merrimac, and the third in Kensington, N. H. Samuel Eaton in his boyhood days worked at farming and shoemaking. After he had finished his course in the town school, he en- tered the Tilton Seminary at Tilton, N.H., where he remained three terms, afterward en- tering Eastman's Business College at Pough- keepsie, N.Y., at which he was graduated. In August, 1862, he enlisted in Company G, Forty-eighth Regiment, sailed from New York the ist of January, 1863, in the ship "Constellation," and arrived at New Orleans the 1st of February. He then took a steamer for Baton Rouge, where he landed with the regiment a few days later. He was at the battle of Port Hudson Plains in May, 1863, then at the siege of Port Hudson, and later at Donaldsonville, where the Union forces were attacked by the enemy. Arriving home in August, he was mustered out with the regi- ment in September, 1863. In 1S64 he entered King's Clothing House at Detroit, Mich., and later went to Howell, Mich., where he was employed in the store of Jewett & Grossman, who had a large country trade at that time. In 1866 he returned home, and taught the grammar school in East Salisbury, moving in 1870 to Amesbury, where he worked in carriage shops until 1890. He was then elected Tax Collector, and has since held that office, a period of over eight years. He is a member of Powow River Lodge, No. 90, I. O. O. F. Mr. Eaton married Miss Lizzie T. Dow, of East Salisbury, daughter of Andrew and Louisa Dow. She died in 1880, leaving one son, Henry S., who is a shoe cutter by trade and resides in Amesbury. ANIEL W. FRIEND, an influential resident of Manchester, is a native of this town. He was born August 17, 181 7, son of Captain Daniel and Lucy Ji 3° BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW (Knight) P^ientl, who were respectively na- tives of Wenham and Manchester, Mass. His grandfather was John Friend, better known by the familiar title of "Deacon " Friend. The father was Captain of a militia company, and did service in forts along the coast in the War of 1812. He died in 1820. Daniel W. Friend grew to manhood in Man- chester on the old place where he was born, and which has been in the possession of the family for over two hundred years. He at- tended the common schools, and later a private school in Gloucester for some months in the winter, thereafter beginning to learn the car- penter's trade at the age of si.xteen. Hav- ing completed an apprenticeship of four years, he went to Boston, and there worked as a journeyman carpenter for several years. He also worked in Dorchester, Ko.xbury, and Bev- erly. Later he was successfully engaged in business for himself at Manchester as a con- tractor and builder for a number of years. In 1849 he went " around the Horn " to Califor- nia, being si.x months out before reaching San Francisco. On his arrival, instead of going to the gold fields, he resumed work at his trade, taking contracts. After remaining in California for less than a year, he came home by way of Nicaragua. Mr. Friend has been three times married, and had one son, Daniel, now deceased. The present Mrs. Friend was before this marriage Mrs. Martha S. Pierce, the widow of Joseph Pierce, late of Manchester, and a daughter of Josiah Purnham, late of PZssex, Mass. Dur- ing the session of 1852 Mr. P'riend was sent by the Free Soil jiarty as a Representative to the General Court. He has served for one term as Selectman of Manchester, also as Assessor and Overseer of the Poor. At pres- ent he is a member of the Board of Park Com- missioners. In politics he is a Republican. He is a warm advocate of prohibition, and has spent both time and money in forwarding temperance principles. During the Civil War and prior to it he was a strong anti-slavery agitator. A self-made man, his place in the world has been won by his own energy and determination. /^^JeORGE F. dodge, a leading resi- V ^ I dent of Wenham and a Deacon of the Wenham Baptist Church, was born here, March 11, 1833, son of Stephen and Sally (Grant) Dodge. The Dodge family, which has been settled here for many years, has given to the town men of solid worth and ability. Amos Dodge, the grandfather of George F., was well-known throughout the dis- trict. The father, also a native of Wenham, was engaged in teaching in early life, mostly in the town of Beverly. He was active as a citii;en, and served the town as Selectman and Town Clerk. A man of ardent religious views, he was a zealous member of the Con- gregational church, and for years served as Deacon in that body. He died in 1876, being then in his eighty-fourth year. His wife was a native of Beverly. George I'. Dodge received his early train- ing in the public schools of Wenham. Since leaving school he has devoted his time to agri- cultural pursuits. He married Mary Abbie Dodge, a native of Beverly and a daughter of the late Richard Dodge, and became the father of two children — Mary J. and Alice F. — both now deceased. Mrs. Mary Abbie Dodge died in 1879. She was a devoted member of the Baptist church. Mr. Dodge takes an active interest in local affairs, and helps any movement looking to the welfare or improvement of the town. He is a Republican in politics, and has served the PKKKINS MERRILL. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 33 ])iiblic as Road Surveyor for his district. Since 1854 he has been a member of the Bap- tist church and a Deacon of the society for over thirty years. A large amount of his time and service and earnest effort has been devoted to forwarding the interests of the church. ||^y':RKINS MERRILL, a well-luiown [produce merchant of Salisbury, has !■- lived in this town since his birth, on February S, 1832. A son of Abel and Elea- nor Jackman Merrill, he belongs to one of the oldest and best known families in this section. The first of the name in America was Nathaniel, who came from England in 1635. His son, Daniel, was the first Merrill to settle in Salisbury. Daniel's son Thomas located on a farm near the residence of Per- kins Merrill, and became prominent in church and town affairs. When the redcoats were coming from England, he enlisted in the Home Guard ; and it is told of him that he nailed up a boot-heel as a target, and prac- tised firing at it in order to be ready to shoot if occasion should require. The maiden name of his wife was Margaret Allen. John, son of Thomas, enlisted in the Provincial army from Salisbury, and fought in the battle of Bunker Hill. As a citizen he was prominent in town affairs, and was a zealous churchman. The next in line, John (second), died at the age of fifty-six years. He married Jane Eaton, and had a family of seven children, of whom Abel was the youngest. Abel Merrill, father of Perkins, was a farmer and a prominent mem- ber of the Methodist church, being steward in that society for many years. He was one of the Building Committee of the present church, which was erected in 1834 as a union church, and took the place of the old Congregational church. For several years he was a Captain in the State militia. Levi, son of Abel, en- listed February 6, 1864, as a private in the Heavy Artillery, and, stationed at Fort War- ren, served until the close of the Civil War. Upon being mustered out, he returned to Salisbury, and carried on shoemaking in his own shop. He died in August, 1S94. The maiden name of his wife was Alice Morrill. Their son, Frank, is still living, and resides on the old place. Frank married Annette Eaton, and has one daughter, Ellen. Perkins Merrill received his early training in the Putnam F"ree School. After leaving that institution he taught school for sixteen years, mostly in Salisbury and in Amesbury. For a part of the time he was engaged in un- graded schools and for a part in grammar schools. On August 8, 1862, he resigned in order to enlist in the Union army. In Com- pany C of the Forty-eighth Regiment he went to Port Hudson with General Banks, and was in the battles at Port Hudson, the plains of Port Hudson, and Donaldsonville. A short time after his enlistment he was pro- moted to the rank of Corporal. After he was mustered out, September 3, 1863, he went to Westboro, where he was for three years assist- ant superintendent of the State Reform School. Then he came to Salisbury, and has since been engaged in the produce business, his trade lying principally in Amesbury, New- buryport, and Seabrook. Mr. Merrill has been a dclcj^atc to various political conventions. He has never been a Democrat, and has never voted for license. Like many of his ancestors, he has been an active church member, serving as steward and class leader for some years and as superintend- ent of the Sunday-school for thirty-one years. For many years he has been a zealous sup- porter of temperance movements. He has been a member of the O. U. A. M. Lodge of 34 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Salisbury since it was organized. He is a comrade of A. W. Bartlett Post, No. 49, G. A. R., of Newburyport; and he has served as chaplain of the Forty-eighth Regiment As- sociation, and is now its secretary. The first of his two marriages was contracted with Ellen French, who died in 1S66; and the sec- ond, with Sarah E. Forsyth, who died in 1877, and was buried with her infant child. A son by his first wife died when a year old. /^3!)kORGE W. BLAISDELL, M.D., a V i* I leading physician and surgeon of Manchester, is a native of South Hampton, N.H. He was born March 14, 1856, son of John H. and Nancy (Gregg) Blaisdell. On the father's side he is of English stock, and of Scotch on the mother's side. Repre- sentatives of both families fought in the Rev- olution. Lieutenant Blaisdell, great-grand- father of the Doctor, was a daring officer ; and Captain Gregg, the Doctor's maternal grand- father, fought at Bennington with General Stark. John H. Blaisdell, now living in re- tirement and eighty years old, was formerly a shoe manufacturer of Haverhill, when he made the reputation of a man of energy and foresight. Taken to Haverhill when about two years old, George VV. Blaisdell was there reared to manhood. He attended the public schools and subsequently Dartmouth College from which institution he graduated in 1878. En- tering the medical school of Dartmouth Col- lege in the same year, he studied there for a time. Subsequently he went to Long Island College Hospital in ]?rooklyn, N. Y., and was graduated at that institution on June 14, 1881. Coming to Manchester in October of that year, he located here for the practice of liis profession, He has proved himself a skil- ful physician, and has won a reputation that might be envied by any practitioner. He now enjoys an extensive and lucrative patronage and the confidence and esteem of the commu- nity. Dr. Blaisdell is a member of the Manches- ter Board of Health. He is also connected with Magnolia Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows; with Liberty Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, of Beverly; with Amity Chapter, R. A. M., of Beverly; with St. George Commandery, K. T. , of Beverly; with the American Order of United Workmen, of Manchester; and with the Order of the Pil- grim Fathers. Of the last two organizations he is the medical examiner. In politics he is a Republican. In 1883 he was married to Mary E. Lee, a Manchester lady, daughter of the late John L. and Sarah Lee. Mrs. Blais- dell is the mother of three daughters — Ruth J., Alice L. , and Dorothy. ILLIAM P. DODGE, a prominent resident of Wenhani, was born in this town on June 9, 1844, son of Abraham and Augusta (Edwards) Dodge, who were respectively natives of VVenham and Beverly, Mass. His grandfather, Jacob Dodge, was also born in Wenham, which has been the home of the family for several gener- ations. Abraham Dodge was a prominent man in his time, and served his native town as Selectman and in various other public offices. He was a Republican in politics. His death occurred on December 6, 18S7. William P. Dodge, who grew to manhood in this town, received his early education in the common schools. In later years he added to his stock of knowledge by careful observa- tion of men and affairs and by wide and varied reading. He early engaged in agricultural BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 35 pursuits, and has since been a tiller of the soil. Also, for a number of years past, he has been interested in the manufacture of cider, and now annually turns out from his press many gallons of the beverage. Mr. Dodge married Hannah A., daughter of Zachariah Cole, late of Wenham, a biogra- phy of whom appears elsewhere in this vol- ume. Mr. and Mrs. Dodge have four children living — Nellie A., Hattie C, Alice B., and Lewis A. Dodge. In jjolitics Mr. Dodge is a Republican, is warmly interested in the affairs of the town, and has served for several years as Road Surveyor. He is a member of the Wenham Baptist Church, and takes an active interest in its work. r LIVINGSTONE GOODWIN, of the firm of Goodwin & Kendrick, furniture dealers in Merrimac, is a native of West Amesbury, Mass. Born September 20, 1845, he is a son of Frederick W. R. and Betsey (Hoyt) Goodwin. His father, who was a well-known business man of Newton, reared a family of four children, namely: Mel- vina, now the wife of Charles F. Sargent, of Merrimac; Frederick Plummer Goodwin, who is in the shoe business in Lynn; Benjamin F., who is in business in Newton; and T. Livingstone Goodwin, the subject of this sketch. After attending the public schools of West Amesbury for the usual period, T. Living- stone Goodwin took a business course at Comer's Commercial College in Boston. Then he learned the carriage-trimmer's trade, which he afterward followed as a journeyman for a number of years. About four years ago he established the furniture business which is now carried on under the firm name of Goodwin & Kendrick. He has built up a large and profitable trade, handling paints as well as all kinds of household goods, and winning a jjosition of high standing in the community. Besides attending to his reg- ular business, he discharges the duties of Jus- tice of the Peace, making a specialty of set- tling estates. Mr. Goodwin married Alice L. Sargent, a daughter of Nicholas Sargent, of Merrimac, and is now the father of three sons. The latter are: Allen, who is in the employ of the Boston & Maine Railway; Henry, who grad- uated from the Haverhill High School in 1897; and Arthur W., a pupil in the Whitter Home School. Mr. Goodwin is a member of the present Board of Selectmen. He is a Deacon of the Congregational church, a member of its Prudential Committee, and the president of the Merrimac Young Men's Christian Association. In the last-named capacity he is actively concerned in the moral and religious improvement of this town. RANK M. GREENWOOD, an enter- prising ice dealer of North Andover, was born in Bo.xford, Mass., September 8, 1863, son of Samuel M. and Sarah (Garner) Greenwood. His parents, natives respec- tively of Lincolnshire and Norfolk, England, emigrated after their marriage. The father was twenty-three years old when he arrived in the United States. Settling in Boxford, he followed the shoemaker's trade in connec- tion with farming for some time. In 1864 he enlisted in Company M, Fourth Massachusetts Cavalry, with which he served until the close of the Civil War. From Boxford in 1869 he removed to North Andover, where he pur- chased the ice business carried on by Charles Barker, and resided here for the rest of his life. He died in 1893. Of his seven chil- 36 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW dren, four are living, namely: Jennie, the wife of W. H. Griffin, of Manchester, N. H. ; Mary F., the wife of Quincy W. Perley, of Haverhill, Mass. ; George G. ; and Frank M. Frank M. Greenwood resided in Boxfoid until he was six years old. Then he came with his parents to North Andover, where his education was acquired in the common schools. Having assisted his father in the ice business for a time, he has had entire control of it since the death of the latter. It is said to be the largest of its kind in town. Mr. Green- wood is connected with Cochichewick Lodge, F. & A. M. ; with Wauwinett Lodge and Kearsarge Encampment, I. O. O. F. ; and with the Patrons of Husbandry. He is a Republi- can in politics and a Methodist Episcopalian in religion. liy his marriage on October 28, 1S84, with Mabel E. Keniston, daughter of Henry Keniston, of North Andover, he is the father of three children — Harry K., Guy S. , and Sarah, all of whom live at home and attend school. LIHU W. COLCORU, a retired manu- facturer residing at the corner of Haverhill and I"'ranklin Streets, Lawrence, was born in Kingston, N.H., June 24, 1825, son of Daniel and Polly (Woodman) Colcord. Daniel Colcord, born in Kingston, June 13, 1781, was a mechanic, and constructed the first wooden plough used in his native town. His marriage with Polly Woodman took place June 2, 1812. She was born in Kingston, March 14, 1792, daughter of Samuel Woodman. Of their ten children two died in infancy, and W^arren died March II, 1S67. The rest, five sons and three daughters, grew to maturity and married. Mary died June 12, 1842. Daniel, who was a volunteer soldier in the Civil War, died Au- gust 10, 1897, when nearly fourscore years of age. The mother died March 28, 1831, and the father, April 18, 1S51. They and their deceased children rest in the Kingston ceme- tery, with the exception of Sarah and Warren, who were buried respectively in lola, Wis., and Lawrence. When his mother died, Elihu W. Colcord was but six years old. He received a com- mon-school education, supplemented by one term at Kingston Academy. Then he learned the shoemaker's trade of his elder brothers. In the fall of 1849 ^^ went with the gold- seekers to California, making a voyage of one hundred and fifty-nine days from Nevvburyport around Cape Horn to San Francisco. Dis- heartened by many months of sickness, which began before he reached his destination, he returned home penniless, after he had done some placer mining at Auburn. He next en- gaged in belt manufacturing at Manchester, and in 1853 came to Lawrence, which was then only a hamlet. Here, in company with a Mr. Eaton, firm of Eaton & Colcord, he started on a small scale to manufacture belt- ing in the Essex lumber yard. A year and a half later the firm was succeeded by Colcord & P^oster, which continued the business for two years. At the end of that time the partner- ship was dissolved, Mr. Colcord taking the business and removing to the corner of Broad- way and Essex Street. Five years later he went into the Onlway Block, where he had been two years, when he built on the opposite corner. Removing thither, he carried on the business in his own building from 1856 to 1873, selling out after a very successful and prosperous career. For two years after that time he was in the belting trade in Boston, buying and selling. He also made early in- vestments in real estate that have yielded him handsome returns. He owned considerable ELIHU VV. COLCORD. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 39 land adjoining his home, all of which he sold, with exception of the large corner lot with tenement block on same. In 1848 Mr. Colcord married Lucy A. Frost, who was born in North Andover, Mass., daughter of Samuel A. Frost. She had one sister, Sarah Messer, who died in 1887, and has two brothers living: William P. Frost, in Lawrence: and George S. Frost, a resident of Spring Valley, Minn. Mr. Col- cord has been a lifelong Democrat. While a resident of Kingston, he was Captain of a company of militia, and held the office of Highway Surveyor. In Lawrence he has served one year as City Treasurer, and was Spiggot River Commissioner during the first year of that valuable improvement. He be- longs to the California Pioneers, which were organized November i, 1888, with three hun- dred members. In 1869 he erected his large and elegant house at 360 Haverhill Street, costing over thirty thousand dollars, into which he moved on New Year's Day, 1870. For the past twelve years he has spent his winters at Clarcona, Orange County, Fla., where he has a homestead and a large orange grove. 'AMUFL KNIGHT, a well-known dealer in coal, wood, and building material in Manchester, was born here in 1840, sen of John and Harriet (Per- kins) Knight. The family has long been resident here, and has been a prominent one in the district. John Knight, son of John Knight, Sr., was a tanner and currier by trade. He was in business in Manchester for some forty years. At his death, on July 31, 1 88 1, he was seventy years old. Samuel Knight, who was reared and edu- cated in Manchester, began to learn the trade of tanner and currier at Chelsea, Mass., when fifteen years of age. After working in that place for two years, he returned to Manches- ter, and took charge of his father's business, managing it until 1872. Since that year he has been engaged in his present business. A self-made man, the success he has met with was well earned by the untiring attention he gave to business and the strictly honorable methods he employed. Mr. Knight married Mary B. , daughter of Captain John Carter, a venerable resident of Manchester. Born of the union are three children: Frank P., Harriet P., and George L. Constantly interested in public affairs and desirous of aiding his native town when- ever possible, Mr. Knight has served in sun- dry public positions. He was Selectman at various times, and likewise Assessor and Overseer of the Poor. For a number of years he was Surveyor of Public Highways, and a member and the chairman of the Water Board from the time the water-works system was in- troduced in Manchester until 1895. He was prominent in advocating the introduction of this system, which has been of inestimable benefit to the town. In politics he is a Dem- ocrat, with independent proclivities. He is a member of Magnolia Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of Manchester, having been the first to join that body after its organ- ization in this town. In the town he is recog- nized as one of its substantial business men, and is universally esteemed. RANK H. MESSER, a respected resi- dent of Andover, engaged in the under- taking business, was born in Stone- ham, Mass., February 9, 1855, son of David and Martha A. (Stone) Messer. Ebenezer Messer, the father of David and a native of Methuen, Mass., spent the greater part of his 4° BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW life in Landaff, N.H., where he followed farming. The family is an old one in Methuen, where members of it for generations were prominent citizens. David, born in Landaff, settled in Stoneham, Mass., and for forty-five years conducted an undertaking business. His wife, Martha A., a daughter of Aaron Stone, bore him nine children. Frank H. Messer attended school in Stone- ham, which was his home until he became a young man. He then went to Charlestown, and entered the undertaking establishment of J. L. Perry, with whom he remained five years. Afterward, returning to Stoneham, he was in business with his father until the latter's death in i8go. For the next three years he carried on the business alone. In 1893, leaving the Stoneham branch in charge of his younger brother, he came to Andover, bought out C. S. Parker, and fitted up the place in first-class modern style. In 1892 Mr. Messer married Dora E. Howe, daughter of Frederick Howe, of Roxford, Mass. They have no children. Mr. Messer is a member of the Independent Order of Odd I'ellovvs, being a charter member of Andover Lodge, No. 230, in which he was the first Noble Grand, and of Kearsarge Encampment. He also belongs to the Masonic Blue Lodge of Stoneham, Mass. ; to the Reading Royal Arch Chapter; and to Hugh de Payens Com- mandery of K. T. in Melrose, Mass. T^HARLES C. DODGE, of the C. I Sr Dodge Furniture Company, Manches- ^ir* ^ ter, was born in this town on March 27, 1854. A son of Cyrus and Julia E. (Goes) Dodge, who were respectively natives of Man- chester and Kennebunkport, Me., he is de- scended from Richard Dodge, an Englishman, who came to the New World in 1638, and set- tled at Salem. Representatives of the Dodge family came to Manchester during the early days of the town's history, and have always been among the prominent men of this sec- tion. Moses Dodge, great - grandfather of Charles C. , was the pioneer manufacturer of furniture, as well as the first of the family here. Porn in Beverly, near the Wenham and Manchester line, he started manufacturing in Manchester soon after 1760. During the struggle for independence he was a loyal and aggressive patriot, and in 1775 was one of the minute-men. He expired suddenly in 1776, of heart failure. Moses's son John, the grandfather of Charles C. , and who lived to the great age of ninety-one years, was a skip- per during the greater part of his life. He was famed for his skill as a navigator, and was master of many vessels. While the most of his voyages were made in the coasting service or to the fisheries, he sailed on some foreign trips. His wife, familiarly known as " Mother Dodge," a woman of a strong character, was a leader in the Free Will Baptist church, in which she was distinguished for prayer and exhortation. Cyrus Dodge, the father of Charles C. , began life as a sailor boy. When only ten years of age he went to sea with his father; and when only thirteen he took his turn at the helm with the crew, serving in the night watches as well as at other times. Thus obliged to en- dure many hardships at an early age, there was developed in him a certain rugged tenac- ity that made him in later years the bold and fearless champion of whatever cause he es- poused. At the age of sixteen he determined to quit the sea, and began learning the cabi- net-maker's trade with John P. Allen. For this he showed much aptitude, and in a short time earned a reputation for unusual skill. Subsequently, in 1841, he engaged in cabinet- WILLIAM F. KKDLCJN. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 43 making on his own account, and in time ac- quired a lousiness employing from tliirty to forty men, besides a name for turning out the finest work. During and previous to the Civil War he was a strong partisan of the anti- slavery party. In later years he was a Repub- lican. His death occurred in 1887. His wife, Julia, was a daughter of William Coes, who served in the United States Navy Depart- ment during tlic War of 1812. Their living children are: Charles C. and Cyrus M., both of whom constitute the C. Dodge Furniture Com- pany. Charles C. Dodge attended the Manchester jniblic schools, a school at Chelsea, Mass., and l^ryant & Stratton's Commercial College in ]?oston. Beginning at the age of si.xteen, he was employed for the following four years in various capacities in the railroad service. At the end of that time, owing to the illness of his father and to business considerations, he took charge of different kinds of wood-working machines, which subsequently led him to learn the business of furniture manufacturing. In 1878 he became partner in the company that bears his name. The mill now in use was erected in 1847, having been started on December 20 of that year, so that it has been in operation continuously for fifty years. This fact will be considered rather remarkable when it is remembered that insurance statistics show the average life of a wood-working mill to be about ten years. In politics Mr. Dodge is an Independent, voting for the best candidate rather than in accordance with partisan dictates. On various occasions he has been Moderator of town meet- ings, and he is now serving as Park Commis- sioner. For over a quarter of a century he has been a member of the fire department of Manchester, and has been its acting engineer for twelve years. He is a member of the | Congregational church at Manchester and of the Society of Pilgrim Fathers. ILLIAM F. REDLON, a promi- nent business man of Hamilton, was born November 8, 1861, in Bu.xton, Me., son of Isaac and Lydia (Cleaves) Redlon. His immigrant ancestor, Magnus Redlon, who came to this country from Scot- land, settled in York, Me., in 1717. Magnus subsequently removed to Biddeford, where he died in 1730. Ebenezer Redlon, son of Magnus, settled in Bu.xton, Me. On February 28, 1777, he en- listed in Captain Daniel Lowe's company of Colonel Ichabod Alden's regiment, and on May 5 of that year died in service from fatigue and exposure. It is a noteworthy fact that members of the Redlon family fought in every war of the country since. Ebenezer (second), son of the first Ebenezer, also fought in the Revolution, under Captain Jabez Lane in the Sixth Massachusetts Regiment. His son, Isaac Hancock Redlon, the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was a successful farmer of Buxton. Isaac Redlon, a blacksmith by trade, had charge of the repair shops of the Portland & Rochester Railroad Company at Portland for many years. Subsequently he carried on business for himself at Buxton Centre depot. He was a tall, well-informed man, and weighed about two hundred pounds. While the Civil War was progressing, he joined the Twenty-seventh Regiment of Maine Volunteers, and served as the blacksmith of the regiment. William F. Redlon attended the public schools of Buxton and subsequently the acad- emy at Gorham, Me. P'or a time after leav- ing school he was a clerk in a store at Bux- ton. Later he came to Boston, and for several 44 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW years was travelling salesman for Nicholson & Frost, wholesale dealers in crockery and glass- ware. Tiring of continual travel, however, he resigned this position, and began to manu- facture timber bought in Ossipee, N. H., into lumber of all dimensions for the Boston market. In 1S93 he established himself in Hamilton, where he has now a very large plant devoted to supplying everything needed in the construction of a house from cellar to roof. On April 2, 1882, Mr. Redlon was united in marriage with Emma C. McCorrison, a daughter of Daniel and Harriet (Clay) Mc- Corrison. She has borne him two children: Isaacs., in 1883; and Grace M., in 1884. Mr. Redlon is a member of Star Lodge, No. 26, K. of P., at Centreville, N. H. ; and of Ham- ilton Lodge of Pilgrim Fathers and the A. O. A. M., both of Hamilton. He has been chosen by his fellow-citizens to serve on several important committees, notably on those having in charge the building of the South Hamilton School-house and the new town hall. Mr. and Mrs. Redlon attend the Peo- ple's Church. They have a fine residence on Willow Street. 'AMUEL R. PRINCE, a well- known agriculturist of VVenham and a Deacon in the Baptist church, was bom in Salem, Mass., on April 25, 1833. His parents were Henry and Ruth H. (Ropes) Prince, both natives of Salem. The father, better known as Captain Prince, a seafar- ing man, was for many years engaged in the United States revenue service. During the latter part of his life he was a superintendent of ship-building at Newburyport, and it was in this town that he died. Samuel K. Prince lived in Salem during the first eight years of his life. When a child of four he lost his mother. Four years later he went to Cambridge to live with his uncle, Hardy Ropes. When fourteen years of age he left his uncle's home, and went to Con- cord to work on the farm for Captain Cyrus Hubbard, where he remained about six years. At the end of that time he came to Wenham, where he has since resided for most of the time. Upon reaching his majority, he en- gaged in the milk business, having a milk route in Salem, Mass. After a time he and his brother, Benjamin R., bought a farm in Hamilton for use in the milk business. Re- turning to Wenham subsequently, he followe— !^AILEY SARGENT, an enterprising ^^\ insurance agent of Merrimac and a veteran of the Civil War, was born in this town when it was a part of Amesbury, on August 6, 1834. He is a son of Jonathan Bailey Sargent, a prominent business man of Amesbury, who manufactured carriages, axles, and springs extensively for many years. After completing his education at the Read- ing Academy, Bailey Sargent was employed in his father's factory until 1861. Then he was appointed Postmaster by President Lin- coln. He had served in that capacity for about two years, when, resigning in favor of his sister, Jane Sargent, he enlisted in the Second Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, re- ceiving from Governor Andrew the commis- sion of Second Lieutenant and later that of l-"irst Lieutenant. Assigned to detached duty, he was acting Quartermaster at Plym- outh. Since he was mustered out with the regiment at the close of the war in 1865, he has been chiefly engaged in conducting an in- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 59 surance agency. He has built up a prosper- ous business in this locality, and represents several leading fire and life insurance com- panies. He is a director of the West New- bury Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and he has been the secretary and treasurer of the Merrimac Co-operative Bank since its organ- ization. Mr. Sargent was a Selectman of Aniesbury in 1869 and 1870 and the Town Treasurer and Collector in 1875. In 1876, when Merri- mac was set off and incorporated, he was elected its Town Clerk, Town Treasurer, and Collector. He has filled the former office with marked ability up to the present time. He married Lydia M. Gunnison, daughter of William Gunnison, a prominent carriage man- ufacturer of Merrimac, and has two children • — Porter and Gertrude. Gertrude is the wife of Frank Winn, of this town; and Porter Sargent, who was for many years book-keeper for J. S. Poyen & Co., of Amesbury, is at present the secretary and treasurer of Ames- bury Co-operative Bank, and a Selectman, Assessor, and Overseer of the Poor. Mr. Sargent, Sr. , is an active member of the Sec- ond Massachusetts Heavy Artillery Regiment Association. He has been twice elected Commander of C. R. Mudge Post, No. 114, G. A. R., which he assisted in organizing, antl attended as a delegate the National En- campment at St. Paul, and was also present at those of Washington and Louisville. (HARLES W. COOKE, of Newbury- port, a retired contractor, was born here, February 2, 1831, son of Charles Cooke. He comes of Prussian de- scent through his mother's family. His father, who was born in Boston, died there wliile his son was still an infant. The mother, a daughter of Hannah Cooke, died shortly after the decease of her husband. Thrown upon his own resources thus early in life, Charles W. commenced to earn his own living at the age of seven by making candles. When thirteen years old he began to learn carpentry under the instruction of Mr. Jere Shaw at South Boston. After finishing his apprenticeship with William T. Houston, being then seventeen years old, Mr. Cooke went by sea to Califor- nia, where he arrived without a cent in his pocket. On the voyage he made the acquaint- ance of a man who offered to help him. A hotel runner, whom he met on the wharf, gave him something to do, and allowed him to stay at his hotel until his fortunes improved. At first he worked in the mines. Soon after, in company with two others, he decided to go on the stage, and started for Salt Lake City. He reached Virginia City, Nev. , about a month after silver had been struck in the mines. Stopping here, he built houses, and erected the Harvard Theatre, the first play- house in the town. He acted .for some time in Piller's Opera House, appearing with James Stark, Harry Brown, McCul lough, and Lawrence Barrett, until the wheel of fortune turned again for him, and he became the Chief of Police of Virginia City, the first one elected by the people. Afterward for a long period broken only by a short and unprofit- able stay in Meadow Lake, Cal., he was em- ployed by Charles Bonner, the superintendent of Savage Mine. The company then sent Mr. Cooke to the White Pine district to put up mills. After an absence of eighteen years to a day, he returned to Boston, November 7, 1869. In 1 87 1 he came to Newburyport, and worked in the Victoria Mills, setting up the machinery, after which he went into business with N. W. Hurd, a carpenter. His next 6o BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW change was to become a contractor in business for himself. Five or six years ago, at the urgent request of Captain Charles Lunt, he undertook the general management of that gentleman's estate. Since June, 1896, he has devoted his attention to his own interests in real estate. Mr. Cooke is unmarried, lie is a Demo- crat and a full-blooded American. He was made a Mason in Virginia City, Nev. ; was first Junior Warden in DeWitt Clinton's Com- mandery, K. T., in Virginia City, holding this office four years; and joined Howard Lodge, R. A. M., at Carson City; was K. T. and a member of the Council at Placer- ville, Cal. He is at present a member of Newburyport Commandery. Mr. Cooke's varied life and travels have given him a wide experience and an interesting personality. 'RANKLIN K. hooper, the chair- man of the Republican Town Commit- tee of Manchester and a member of the firm C. H. Sheldon & Co., provision dealers, was born here, February 2, 1849, son of Cap- tain William and Sallie (Colby) Hooper. The Hoopers have been residents here for several generations. Captain Hooper, who was a sea- faring man, was born and died here. His wife's father. Colonel Colby, now deceased, was a prominent man of the town. Franklin K. Hooper passed his boyhood in Manchester until his eleventh year. Then he went to Hopkinton, N.H., to live with Stephen Kelly. After about four years spent there he returned to Manchester, which has since been his place of residence. His early education was obtained in the public schools of Manchester. When eighteen years old he began learning the cabinet-maker's trade, which he afterward followed for about twelve years. At the end of tliat time, in company with Mr. Sheldon, he engaged in the provision business, which he has since followed success- fully. He is a member of the Boston Cham- ber of Commerce. Manchester is indebted to him as one of the promoters of its present admirable water supply system. On various occasions Mr. Hooper has been Moderator of town meetings, and for five years successively he was Town Auditor. He has been the treasurer of the Republican Town Committee, and is now serving his third term as its chairman. A member of Magnolia Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, he is a Past Grand, and he belongs to the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts Odd Fellows. He is also a Mason, having membership in Liberty Lodge, Amity Chapter, and St. George Commandery, of Beverly. He married Susan E. Sheldon, daughter of Charles H. Sheldon, with whom he is associated in busi- ness. Of this union four children have been born; namely, Arthur K., Ethel S., Harry F., and Charles. ESLEY PETTENGILL, the chair- man of Salisbury's Board of Select- men and a well-known farmer, was born here, April 2, 1836, son of William M. and Mary (Stevens) I'ettengill. He comes of an old and honored family founded by Richard Pettengill, one of the early settlers. Matthew Pettengill, the great -great- grandfather of Wes- ley, bought a farm of Robert Pike; and the deed transferring to the purchaser the seventy acres of land comprising the property is still in the possession of the family. Matthew's son, Samuel, had a son, Joseph, who married Rhoda Smith, of Seabrook, artel lived on the farm. William M. Pettengill was a farmer and a JOSEPH F. ESTEN. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 63 leading man in town and churcli affairs. Very conscientious, he was extremely careful in forming opinions and exact in all his busi- ness transactions. His wife, Mary, was a daughter of Joseph Stevens, who fought at the battle of Bunker Hill, attained the age of eighty-five years, and who has been described as a stalwart and brave man. The picture of a venerable man in the act of going to church on Bunker Hill Uay is still vividly retained by Wesley Pettengill among his recollections of his maternal grandfather. The children of William and Mary Pettengill were: John 0. A., William S., and Wesley. John died in Calcutta, at the age of twenty years, he having stopped at that port while on his sec- ond voyage at sea. William S. was a success- ful farmer and speculator, a Selectman of the town, and a Representative to General Court in i860. During the war he recruited Com- pany C of the Forty-eighth Massachusetts Regiment, under Colonel Stone, which, though enrolled for but nine months, was gone a year, having been at Port Hudson under General Banks. After Captain Pettengill came back, he was a recruiting officer for some time. He died in 1881. His wife, Mary E., a daughter of Caleb Pike, had four children, namely: J. 0. A. Pettengill, who married Mary E. Merrill, of Salisbury; Mary J., now the wife of Dr. Eugene Gilman, a dentist of Worcester; and Nellie T. and William S., living at home. After receiving his education in the town schools, Wesley Pettengill went to work on the farm with his brother, his father having practically retired. Beginning in 1865, he was engaged in the grocery business in Salis- bury for two years. Then he went to Law- rence, and in company with Edwin T. Pike formed the firm of Pike & Pettengill. At the end of another two years he sold out his in- terest in this business, and returned to the farm, which he has since carried on. Since the division of the town in 1886, he has taken an active and prominent part in its affairs. He is now the chairman of the Board of Se- lectmen for the fourth term, having been a member of the board since 1886 excepting the years 18S9, 1893, 1894, a"J 1895. He has also been Assessor, Overseer of the Poor, and a member of the Board of Health. A stanch Republican, he has been a delegate to numer- ous State conventions of his party, and he has been the chairman of the Republican Town Committee for a number of years. P'rater- nally, he is a member of Caleb Cushing Coun- cil and of the Essex Agricultural Society. On the 22d of January, 1863, Mr. Petten- gill married Caroline Gerrish, daughter of Daniel Gerrish, of Salisbury. His children are: Annie G., a graduate of North Hadley Female College, now the wife of Walgrave S. Bartlett, who is an attorney of Haverhill; George W., a clerk in the employ of the Bos- ton & Maine Railroad at Amesbury; Henry Gerrish, who married Edith Pike and is the father of Norris Parker Pettengill, aged three years; and Grace Garfield, a young lady of sixteen, living with her parents. Mr. Petten- gill attends the Methodist church. 'sTfOSIiPH F. ESTEN, who was born in the State of Rhode Island in 1836, is a well-known figure on the streets of Amesbury, where for many years he has been actively identified with the business in- terests of the town. His early education was received in the Rhode Island public schools. At the age of ten he became a mem- ber of the family of his uncle, John Chase, of Waterford, Mass., who was a woollen manu- facturer. Here as a boy he gained an insight 64 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW into the woollen business. He was subse- quently employed in Graniteville, R.I., as a boss dress tender; at Webster, Mass., as a boss weaver; at Wilsonville, Conn., as super- intendent; at North Oxford, Mass., as super- intendent; and at Monson, Mass., as general manager. After leaving Monson, he became the superintendent of the woollen department of the Hamilton Woollen Company at South- bridge. From Southbridge this company, through the influence of Joshua Ballard, who at that time was the treasurer of the corpora- tion, transferred Mr. Esten to Amesbury, where he was the agent of the cotton and woollen departments for four years. In 1887, upon the death of Mr. Ballard, many changes were made in the corporation, and Mr. Esten engaged in business for himself, purchasing the extensive carriage plant of Dudley E. Gale on Collins Street. Here he had carried on a first-class manufacturing business for eight years, when, through losses incurred by indorsing the notes of friends during the re- cent financial panic, he was obliged to retire from the carriage industry in 1894. Since that time he has been doing business as a car- riage broker, travelling through various sec- tions of New England. Throughout his long career, despite heavy reverses, no man has lost a dollar by trusting him. Always tem- perate, genial, and interested in town affairs, though he has invariably declined public office, he is highly respected by all who know him. Mr. Esten married Helen E. Colby, of the famous old New England family that has given its name to institutions of learning in at least three States of the Union. Her grandfather, Rowell Colby, built the log house still standing at Enfield, where are prc- served_ many other interesting relics of the family. Her father, Zacheus Colby, a man of means and influence in his day, married Abi- gail Eastman, an aunt of Daniel Webster. Mr. and Mrs. Esten have five children — Wal- ter F., Esther, Albert H., Frank E., and Eunice. Walter F. , a woollen broker, lo- cated at 131 Kingston Street, Boston, married Effie L. Smith, of Southbridge, and has three children: Pearl, aged ten years; Mildred; and Louise. Esther married William H. Bolster, a retired dry-goods merchant of Valley Falls, R. I., and has two children — Arthur and Herbert. Albert H., a woollen dyer of Rhode Island, is unmarried. Frank E. resides at St. Louis, Mo. ; and Eunice, the youngest of the family, married Fred A. Hoyt, the cashier of the Armour Beef Com- pany at Pawtucket, R.L, and resides in a house directly opposite that of her father in Amesbury. Mr. Esten is a member of the Dayspring Lodge, F. & A. M., of Monson, and is connected with the Amesbury Board of Trade. fsTrOHN T. SMALL, of the firm of Don- ncll & Small, building contractors of Groveland, was born in Gray, Me., in 1850, son of Stephen and Hannah (Tweed) Small. Stephen Small, who was born in Gray in 1820, followed agricultural pursuits in that town until his death, which occurred in 1S86. His wife, Hannah, was a native of Massachusetts and a daughter of John Tweed. She lived to be seventy -three years old, dying in 1894. John T. Small in boyhood attended school in his native town, and also assisted his father upon the farm. Later he went to Saco, Me., where he worked at carriage-making for Levi Boothby, and in 1871 he came to Groveland. He was first employed here as a carpenter upon the Merrimac Academy building for Abner Hardy, and has since acquired a high BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 65 reputation as a builder of residences in this and the adjoining towns. Some time ago he became connected with his present partner, Mr. Nathaniel Donnell, and the firm are now doing a profitable business as building con- tractors. In politics Mr. Small supports the Democratic party. He was elected a member of the Board of Selectmen in 1893 and in 1896. In 1874 ^^- Small was joined in marriage with Ellen M. Morse, daughter of James and Maria Morse, of Groveland. Her grand- father, Benjamin Morse, who was born in Newbury, Mass., February 5, 1754, and who was a son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Bartlett) Morse, married Alice Greenough, daughter of James and Mary Greenough. He enlisted as a private in Captain Thomas Mighill's com- pany, of Rowley, in 1777, and after serving with that company six months re-enlisted in Captain Jonathan Ayer's company, of Haver- hill, with which he served three months and thirteen days. James Morse, Mrs. Small's father, was born in old Bradford, Mass., in 1802. He was in early life a cloth weaver and later a farmer. He died in Groveland in 1865. Mr. and Mrs. Small have two children, namely: Alice J., born in 1S75; and Edgar S. , born in 1887. Alice J. was graduated from the high school in 1892 and from the Massachusetts State Normal School, Salem, in 1894. She is now a school teacher in South Groveland. Mr. Small is a member of Papahannah Lodge, Order of the Golden Cross. ISRAEL HERBERT PUTNAM, a re- tired shoe manufacturer of Danvers, was born in this town, January 18, 1S19, son of Simeon and Deborah B. (Brown) Put- nam. The father, a son of Aaron Putnam, was a farmer, and owned the farm that now belongs to the subject of this sketch, into whose possession it came through inheritance. He had seven children, as follows: Simeon, who became a carpenter; Aaron, who was a shoe manufacturer; Augustus, a farmer; Ed- ward, who was an invalid, and died in middle life; Israel H.; Lydia, who married Nathan Tapley; and Elizabeth. Israel H. Putnam, the only member of this large family now surviving, was educated at the Topsfield, Bradford, and Pembrook Acad- emies, and taught school for a few years, numbering among his pupils the well-known Dr. A. P. Putnam. He subsequently learned the shoe business, and, engaging in the manu- facture of shoes while still a young man, he continued in this line until his retirement some eight or ten years ago. When he first began business for himself, the shoes were made on contract by men outside the shop. Mr. Putnam, however, afterward built a fac- tory, where all his work was done, which factory is now owned and operated by his son, Austin H. Putnam. He manufactured chiefly misses' and children's shoes, for which he had a large Western demand, the dealers receiving the article directly from the factory. Mr. Putnam married Sarah P. Putnam, daughter of James A. Putnam, of Danvers. She bore him three children, as follows: Laura M., wife of Samuel P. Driver, of Haverhill; Carrie W., wife of Lewis A. Nichols, of Chicago, 111. ; and Austin H., who has succeeded to his father's business, and, with his wife, Ida M. Lyford Putnam, lives at the old home. Mr. and Mrs. Austin H. Putnam have two chil- dren — Harold L. and Sarah Placentia. Mr. Putnam has been a director of the First National Bank in Danvers, where he has re- sided all his life up to the present time. For many years since his retirement from busi- 66 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW ness he has been president of the savings- bank, giving to its affairs his careful personal attention. Politically, he was a member of the old Whig party, and subsequently became a Republican, but has taken no active part in public affairs. He has been one of the trus- tees of the Peabody Institute, holding this office since its organization. Socially promi- nent, he has long been one of the most use- ful and respected citizens of Danvers. His religious affiliations are with the Congrega- tional church. f^": HARLES WEBSTER GAY, a civil engineer of Lynn, was born in the V >? ^ South Parish of Dedham, now Nor- wood, Mass., April 28, 1848, son of Ebenezer Fisher and Sarah A. (Webster) Gay. His father and five generations of paternal ances- try were natives of Dedham ; and his mother was born in Georgetown, Mass. Ebenezer F. Gay was a grocery merchant and Postmaster in South Dedham for a number of years, and during the last twelve years of his life he car- ried on a leather and shoe finding business in Boston. He was prominently identified with public and religious affairs and with the tem- perance cause in his native town, where he died in 1871, aged fifty-one years. A memo- rial window bearing his name was placed in the First Universalist Church of Lynn by the late Samuel M. Bubier. Charles Webster Gay completed his school education in the Dedham High School at the age of eighteen years. Entering the office of John B. Henck, professor of civil engineer- ing at the Massachusetts Institute of Technol- ogy, he remained with him for a year and a half. He then continued his studies under Colonel H. W. Wilson, of Boston, until 1872, during which year he was in charge of en- gineering work under the Board of Public Works in the District of Columbia. At the same time he conducted an office in Lynn, where he has since practised his profession. In 1 888 he was elected City Engineer, and has held that office for eight years — planning and supervising the construction of notable public improvements, which have involved the expenditure of more than half a million dol- lars of public funds. Pie is a member of the American and Boston Societies of Civil lin- gineers. On January 27, 1873, Mr. Gay was joined in marriage at Andover, Mass., with Rosa- mond Abbott McLaughlin, a native of George- town. He has one daughter, Florence W. Mr. Gay has been quite active in public affairs, and was a member of the Common Council in 1884. He is a thirty-second degree Mason, and is connected by member- shiji with Golden P^leece Lodge, of which he is secretary ; Sutton Chapter, R. A. M. ; Olivet Commandery, K. T. ; Salem Council, R. & S. M. ; and Aleppo Temple of the Mys- tic Shrine, Boston. He is also a member of the O.xford and Park Clubs. f^-\ 1 oww /'=''»\ was IT B. BROWN, cashier of the 'owwow National Bank, Amesbury, IS born in this town in 1849, son of Bailey C. and Frances (Cogswell) Brown. His paternal ancestry were people of high standing, and his mother's family is a notable one in Essex County. Bailey C. Brown learned the tailor's trade in Georgetown, from which place he moved to Manchestcr-by-the- Sea, afterward locating in Amesbury. He was active in political affairs, represented this town in the legislature in the early si.xties, and for many years held the appointment of Deputy Internal Revenue Collector at New- i WILLIAM 1'. COLBY. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 69 buryport, where he remained until this district was consolidated. Albert B. Brown has been connected with the Powwow River National Bank since he was sixteen years old. First appointed as clerk, he served in that capacity until he was elected cashier in 1877. He is also a director of the Powwow River Water Company and a trustee of the Provident Institution for Savings in the towns of Salisbury and Amesbury. He is ca- pable and trustworthy, and has an excellent reputation in business circles. Mr. Brown married Hattie N. Godsoe, of Amesbury. ILLIAM P. COLBY, a retired litterateur, who is now residing in Merrimac, was born in West Ames- bury on October 23, 1821. A son of Joshua Colby, he is a descendant in the eighth gener- ation of Anthony Colby, who accompanied Governor Winthrop to Salisbury in 1638. The line of descent is traced directly from Anthony, through Samuel (first), Samuel (sec- ond), Samuel (third), Barzilla, and Joshua (first), to Joshua (second), William P. Colby's father. The family has furnished governors to both Maine and New Hampshire. Barzilla Colby served as a minute-man in 1776. William Williams, the father of Will- iam P. Colby's grandmother, was prominent among the New Hampshire patriots during the struggle for independence. Joshua Colby (second), was a prosperous carriage manufact- urer of Amesbury. For upward of twenty years he served as a Selectman, represented his district in the State legislature, and was a member of Governor Marcus Morton's Coun- cil in 1843. In the capacity of Justice of the Peace he transacted much legal business, in- cluding the settlement of estates. When he died in iSSi he was eighty-six years old. He married a daughter of William Pecker, a well- known pottery manufacturer in this locality. William P. Colby is indebted for his early education to both the Kingston and Andover academies. After preparing himself for the ministry, he labored as a Universal ist preacher for ten years. Subsequently he served for three years in the Civil War as chaplain of the Seventeenth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers. After the war he engaged in lit- erary work in Boston. Being a versatile writer, he found constant and lucrative' em- ployment until about i88o, when he was sum- moned home by the illness of his father. The latter left him a comfortable estate, upon which he has since lived in retirement, but keeping in touch with current events. Mr. Colby's wife, who was a daughter of Samuel Bancroft, of West Amesbury, died on April 29, 1859. She was the mother of three children, one of whom died in infancy. The others were: Joshua Harlan, who was the pro- prietor of a hotel at Salisbury Beach, and died at the age of thirty years; and Abbie Irene Colby, who is residing at home. Mr. Colby is a comrade of C. R. Mudge Post, G. A. R., No. 114. He attends and supports the Uni- versalist church. ALTER OSBORNE FAULKNER, of the firm of F. J. & W. O. Faulkner, morocco manufacturers of Lynn, Mass., is an energetic, capable business man and an esteemed resident of this city, in which he was born November 10, 1863. His father, Joseph Faulkner, who was born in Maiden, Mass., spent his earlier years on a farm. Learning the morocco dresser's trade, Joseph Faulkner first engaged in business in Danvers, and in 1856 removed to Lynn, where he carried on the same business until his re- 70 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW tircment from active pursuits in 1889, his sons then succeeding him. His wife, whose maiden name was Margaret E. Osborne, was born and educated in Salem. Walter O. Faulkner obtained a practical education in the public schools of Lynn. During his early manhood he was connected with the Thomson-Houston Electric Com- pany as travelling electrician in this and for- eign countries for a period of seven years. This position was one of great advantage, bringing him into close contact with many leading men and prominent enterprises. In 1889, in company with his brother, Frank J. Faulkner, he succeeded his father in the mo- rocco business, in which he has since been profitably engaged. He is a natural me- chanic, happily endowed with inventive genius of a high order, and during the mo- rocco dressers' strike in 1891 made good use of his time, vi^ith his brother's assistance, in- venting and putting on the market a machine for seasoning leather. This invention, known as the "Faulkner Seasoning Machine," has been well tested, and is now generally used in all the large morocco factories of the State. A stanch Republican in his political affilia- tions, Mr. Faulkner has served his fellow- citizens in various responsible positions. In 1894 and 1895 he was a member of the Com- mon Council, and the following year was an Alderman of the city. In 1894 he served on the Committees on Public Grounds, Street Lights, Revision of Charter, and on the Elec- trical Committee. In 1895 he was on the Street Light, the Electrical, and the Public Property Committees. While an Alderman he served on the Street Light and Electrical Committees, and was chairman of the Com- mittee on Claims and of Street Sprinkling. In 1897 he was elected as School Committee for a term of three years. In 1894 he was made a trustee of the Lynn Public Library, and the same year was elected its treasurer, a position which he still holds. He is now serving on the Building Committee, and has been elected to erect the new Shute Memorial Library. He is a valued member of both the Oxford and the Park Clubs. Mr. Faulkner was married September 26, 1888, to Miss Emma J., daughter of the Hon. H. B. Lovering, e.x-Congressman and now (1896) Pension Agent. Mr. and Mrs. Faulk- ner have one child — a son, Joseph H. RANK P. TODD, a leading resident and a prominent agriculturist of Row- ley, was born March 3, 1853. A son of George A. and Ruth Ann (Payson) Todd, he is the only living descendant of the famous Elder Payson in Rowley, Aunt Payson having been the last bearer of the name. The mater- nal line of descent is traced to Elliot Payson, born March 1 1, 1699, fourth son of the Rev. Pldward and Elsie (Phillips) Payson. On November 17, 1722, he married Mary, daugh- ter of James and Mary (Hopkinson) Todd. Born April 15, 1700, she died September 8, 1758. She had a large family of children, all born in Rowley, as follows: Elizabeth, July 23i '723, who married Joseph Burpee; I{d- ward, January 14, 1727, who married widow Hannah Pearson; a child that died in infancy, January i, 1729; James, born June 20, 1730, who married Elizabeth Boynton ; I^lliott, bap- tized December 9, 1733, who died July 16, 1736; Mary, born January 18, 1735, who died July II, 1736; Elliott, May 16, 1737, who married Mary Hazeltine Bradford; David, November 11, 1739, who was killed July 20, 1758; Moses Paul, January 26, 1742, who on April 26, 1758, married Deborah Gage, and had six children; and Mary, March 11, 1744, BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 71 who was the youngest. Moses Paul Payson, great-grandfather of Frank P. Todd, had a son David, born April 5, 1777, who died Septem- ber 12, 1873. David married Ruth Pickard Harris, and became the father of two sons and four daughters. The sons were Elliot and Moses Paul. Of the daughters, Ruth Ann, born June 23, 1818, married George A. Todd. A picture of the old Pickard house, which was recently torn down, is in' the possession of Frank P. Todd. The Todd family began with John Todd, one of the early settlers. Captain Moses Todd, grandfather of Frank P., a farmer and a very prominent man in the county, had a large family of children. The children were still young when their home was burned. With considerable difficulty and sacrifice, it was rebuilt; and, when the boys became old enough to work, they assisted in paying the indebtedness incurred at that time. Captain Todd lived in a part of Rowley called Kit- tery, about a mile and a quarter from where his grand.son now resides. He commanded a company of militia for some years, and died near the close of the Civil War. George A., born in 1812, learned the shoemaker's trade. At the age of twenty-one he went to George- town, then a part of Rowley, and worked as foreman in the shop of John A. Levering. His health failing, he returned to Rowley in 1838 or 1840, and there for some years drove a cart. He then settled upon a farm, and was engaged in agriculture during the rest of his life. Many improvements were made by him on the estate, which comprised a part owned by his first wife and a part bought by him. He was active in town affairs, serving for twenty years as a member of the Board of Overseers of the Poor. A Republican in politics, he was a strong sup- porter of the government throughout the Civil War. He died in 1882, at the age of seventy years. Frank Todd was educated in the common schools of Rowley, the Putnam P'ree School, and Dummer Academy. Having taken charge of the farm in 1883, he has given especial attention to dairying and the raising of fruit and hay, and largely increased the live stock. He has about one hundred and fifty young orchard trees and many older ones. His new barn, which was completed in 1895, is one of the best equipped in New England. Built in accordance with Mr. Todd's suggestions, it is especially adapted to his business. The main building is forty by seventy-two feet, and con- tains two improved silos, with a capacity of seventy-five tons each. The cattle L, thirty- si.x by fifty-si.x feet, is equipped with the Prescott stanchion. The whole is well lighted and ventilated, and supplied with water, which is led into the cattle stalls. As the cattle are kept in a separate part, no odors from the stalls can penetrate to the hay, which is thus kept fresh and wholesome. The cellar is carefully cemented, and is water-tight. All his farming implements are of the modern type. The milk produced is sold in Lynn. While Mr. Todd has not aspired to political honors, he has been a delegate to numerous State, county, and Senatorial conventions. In 1887, 1888, and 1889 he was on the Board c.f Selectmen, and for two years of the time he was chairman. He is a member of the A. O. of U. W., Housatonic Council, of Pomona Grange, and of the Esse.x County Agricultural Society. He and his wife, Mrs. Fannie Todd, have eight children, namely: Ruth Payson, born May 14, 1879, "ow attending school in Newburyport ; John Harris, born September 8, 1880; George Albert, born June 14, 1884; Harland Kendall, born August i, 1886; Laura Francis, born January 20, 1889; 72 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Marion Goldsmith, born October lo, 1894; Emily Hale, born March 28, 1896; and Frank S. , born January 16, 1898. I^TON. EDWARD PAYSON SHAW, of r^4 Newbury port, the State Treasurer JL^ V.^ , of Massachusetts and one of the most successful business men of New Eng- land, was named after the Rev. Edward Pay- son, a celebrated clergyman of Portland, Me., whose eloquent sermons electrified a bygone generation. He was born September i, 1 84 1, in Newburyport, son of Major Samuel and Abigail (Bartlett) Shaw. His father, a knight of the whip from early boyhood, was one of the best-known drivers of the Eastern Stage Company, which was formerly engaged in the business now conducted by the Eastern Railroad Company. He held the rank of Major in the militia when the contingent of Esse.x County was commanded by General Lowe; and he was a contemporary of Colonel Daniel Adams, Colonel Jeremiah Colman, and Major David Emery. His death, which oc- curred in March, 1S68, was regretted as the loss of a man of piety and integrity. He was three times married, his third wife, the mother of the subject of this sketch, being in maidenhood Abigail Bartlett, a daughter of Richard ]5artlett, and a grand-daughter of the Hon. William Bartlett, who was a million- aire, and was alleged to have been the wealth- iest man in the State at one time. After attending the public schools, Edward Pay.son Shaw spent a year under the instruc- tion of the well-known teacher, Master George Titcomb, and then was a jiupil of the Loudon Academy in New Hamjishire. At the age of twenty-two he liought out Lovett's I^oston Express, and conducted it under the name of Shaw's ]5oston Express for the ensuing eight years. Selling his express business in 1871, Mr. Shaw succeeded William H. Swasey in the firm of Sumner, Swasey & Currier, an old and well-established house doing a large busi- ness in flour and produce, having numerous connections in other States and owning several vessels engaged in domestic and foreign trade. In 1879 he purchased Commercial Wharf in Newburyport, together with the business in- terest attached thereto. A few years later he established the People's Line of steam- boats. In 1884 he organized the company which built the Black Rocks & Salisbury Beach Railroad, connecting it by steamboats with the Newburyport & Amesbury Street Railroad, and with others running east, west, and south. Mr. Shaw was the first contractor engaged by the United States government in building the jetties at the mouth of the Merri- mac and deepening the water on the bar, with the object of making Newburyport a " harbor of refuge." In the performance of this work he furnished about one hundred thousand tons of stone, which he took from a quarry opened by him in tlie upper part of the city in 1882. Having sold his interest in the Newburyport & Amesbury Street Railroad to parties in Boston and Salem in 1886, he immediately proposed to build a similar road to Plum Island and upon it. The project was under- taken. He was chosen president of the cor- poration ; and in thirty days he had completed three miles of the road on the island, had con- structed a steamboat pier extending into the Merrimac River, had the cars running, had remodelled and enlarged Plum Island Hotel, had rebuilt the bridge and draw connecting the island with the mainland, and was ready to begin laying the three miles of track necessary to reach Market Square and connect with tiie Amesbury trains. About that time, also, tak- ing for the nucleus of a system the Black BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 73 Rocks & Salisbury Beach Railroad, which had proved one of the most pofitable lines in the Commonwealth, he extended it up the beach, nearly to the Hampton River, and then built a line back to Salisbury, from which point Amesbury was soon tapped, Seabrook at the New Hamjjshire line, and afterward New- buryport. The system has been still further developed recently by connecting Amesbury and Merrimac with Haverhill, and now covers thirty-three miles of road. He organized and has since been the president of the Newbury- port Car Company, which is engaged in the manufacture of street cars. For several years he was president of the Newburyport Board of Trade. He was a director of the First Na- tional Bank of the city for fifteen years, and is now its president. Among the pieces of real estate improved by him is the Merrimac House, now bearing its original name, the Wolfe Tavern, which in 1887 he purchased, repaired, and refurnished. Another valuable piece is Shaw's Hall, a large block erected by him upon the site of the house in which he was born, and now tenanted by nine social organizations. Woodland Place, which has been his residence since 1875, is one of the finest estates in the city. The rest of his property consists of dwellings in the city. On December 24, 1867, Mr. Shaw was mar- ried in Cambridgeport, Mass., t(j Annie Pay- son Trott, a daughter of James Fullerton and Frances Jane Trott, of ]?ath. Me. Born of their union were seven children, of whom one, Grace Hodgdon, is deceased. The others are: Edward Payson, Annie Bartlett, James Fuller- ton, Lizzie Sumner, Samuel Jaques, and Pau- line. A Republican in politics, Mr. Shaw has taken a prominent part in public life. After serving in the Common Council of Newbury- port for two years, he represented the city in the State legislatures of 1881, 1SS2, 1888, and 1889, and was a member of the State Senate for the terms respectively beginning in 1892 and 1893. In 1895, when H. M. Phillips resigned the office of State Treasurer, Mr. Shaw was chosen by the legislature to serve in that capacity for the remainder of the term; and in November, 1895, 1896, and 1897 he was successively elected to the office on the Republican ticket for the current term. No doubt the future has still higher honors for him. A self-made man, his career is a remarkable illustration of what can be achieved by native ability. fmc EORGE W. HOOPER, a leading \p I merchant of Manchester, was born in this town, December 9, 1855, son of William and Sallie (Colby) Hooper. An account of his ancestry and family may be found in the sketch of Franklin K. Hooper, which appears on another page of this work. The subject of this sketch received the ele- ments of a practical education in the public schools of Manchester. At the age of fifteen he obtained employment as clerk in the store of W. V. Crafts, grocer. After working in this capacity for about four years, he became a member of the firm, the style of which was then changed to Crafts & Hooper. The firm continued in business until the death of Mr. Crafts, when Mr. Hooper became sole proprie- tor. He deals in groceries, hay and grain, kitchen furnishings, and smallwares. A man of strict business habits, he has been highly successful. He uses three delivery teams, and takes orders from house to house. His patrons are sure of fair treatment, and know that anything bought in his store will be exactly as represented. Mr. Hooper married Carrie S., daughter of Charles A. Cheever, of Manchester, and has 74 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW three sons — Alfred C, George, and Lewis S. He is a Republican in politics, and fraternally a member of Magnolia Lodge, I. O. O. F. Mr. Hoopei's success has been due partly to his possessing a natural aptitude for business, but chiefly, perhaps, because he has concen- trated his energies upon one thing, instead of dissipating them upon various successive ob- jects. « ■ • • 1 -AMES H. PERKINS, Selectman of Wenham, was born here, October 29, 1828, son of Nehemiah Perkins, Jr., and Eliza (Edwards) Perkins, who were na- tives respectively of Wenham and Beverly. The Perkins family is an old and highly respected one in this section. The original ancestor in America was John Perkins, who came from England in 1638 or 1639, and settled in Ipswich. John Perkins, brother of Nehemiah, grandfather of James H., was a soldier of the Revolution; and Edward Per- kins, another brother, was a privateersman in the War of 1812. Nehemiah Perkins, Jr., was engaged in the manufacture of shoes, and conducted a farm. He spent the greater part of his life in Wenham, but lived for a time in Hamilton, Mass. P'or some years he served as se.xton and undertaker. James H. Perkins grew to manhood in Wenham. His early education was limited to what he could acquire in the district schools, but close observation of men and affairs in later life largely extended his knowledge. He early began shoemaking; and upon reach- ing his majority he engaged i.n the retail boot and shoe trade in Lewis Street, East Boston. In 1857 he sold out his business in order to go into that of manufacturing boots and shoes in Wenham. Subsequent to this he was occupied with farming for a time, and later he successfully carried on a meat and pro- vision business in Wenham. About 1889 he retired from active business life, and has not since returned to it. Mr. Perkins married Mary E. , daughter of Abraham Dodge, of W^enham, who is now deceased. Mrs. Perkins died in January, 1S92, having been the mother of eight chil- dren : Edward A. ; Frank E. ; P'red F. ; Emma A. ; Charles A. ; James H., Jr. ; Alonzo C. ; and George H. Emma, the only daughter, is the wife of George W. Patch, of Wenham. Mr. Perkins has served for a num- ber of years on the Board of Selectmen, also as Assessor and Overseer of the Poor of Wenham. He has been a member of the Republican Town Committee, and has taken an active part in local politics. The family spend the summer at Baker's Island, where Mr. Perkins has a cottage. sifP^OULTON BATCHELDER, a cor- poration officer and a popular citi- zen of Lawrence, was born in Plainfield, Washington County, Vt., De- cember 7, 1836. A son of Jonathan and Wealthy (Ketchum) Batchelder, he is a grandson of Moulton Batchelder, an English- man, who was an early settler of the Green Mountain State, and who reared three sons. Jonathan Batchelder, also a native of Ver- mont, was a farmer. He died about the year 1843, in the prime of life, leaving a widow and seven children. Widow Batchelder died in 1S63, and was buried in Plainfield, beside her husband. Of their family — three sons and four daughters — two sons and two daugh- ters are living. Moulton Batchelder was reared on the home farm, and received a common-school educa- tion. He worked for a blacksmith during one winter. With that exception he was on the iMOULTON BATCHELDEK. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 77 homestead until 1856, when he became a resi- dent of Lawrence. Here he was a watchman in the Bay State and the Washington Mills until 1862. In July of that year he enlisted as a private in Company C, Fortieth Massa- chusetts Volunteer Infantry, for three years. In the service he was made successively Cor- poral, Fifth Sergeant, Orderly Sergeant, and Second Lieutenant. Resigning his commis- sion in February, 1864, he returned to Law- rence, and took up again the duties of watch- man in the mills. A few months later, however, he enlisted in Company K, Sixth Massachusetts Regiment, for one hundred days. Commissioned First Lieutenant, he completed his term of service, guarding Con- federate prisoners at Fort Delaware and de- fending Washington. He was mustered out, and came back to Lawrence in October, 1864. Soon after he was apjjointcd patrolman here, and he subsequently acted in that capacity for a number of years. He was Assistant Mar- shal for several years, was for two years the keeper of the jail under Sheriff Herrick, and was City Marshal for five years. In 1881 he resigned the last-named office to accept a gov- ernment appointment to the State district police. In this body he had served for twelve years and nine months when he resigned to accept his present position, which he has effi- ciently filled for the past three years. In 1859 Mr. Batchelder was married to Miss Mary Jane Rowe, of Plymouth, N.H., who died December 6, i8g6, aged sixty-two. She was the mother of two children: Lillian, who died in infancy in 1863; and Chase M., who is now a shipper in the Everett Mills. Mr. Batchelder is a Republican in politics He is a member of Needham Post, No. 39, G. A. R. ; of the Massachusetts Coramandery; of the Loyal Legion since May i, 1894; and of the Home Club for over twenty years, hav- ing been a director thereof for several years. The Home Club is a model organization, with a membership limited to one hundred and seventy-five. In its rooms good order always prevails, for no ardent spirits are allowed on the premises. Neither politics nor religious belief debars a man from membership. The rooms are at 306 Esse.x Street, and Mr. Batch- elder's office is on the same floor and con- nected with them. Since his wife's death the most of Mr. Batchelder's leisure time is spent in the club-rooms. He has a cabinet filled with the trophies captured xluring his professional life. Among these are three fine game-cocks, stuffed, which were captured be- fore they engaged in the battle for which they were pitted. A man of striking appearance and genial character, he is one of the most popular public men in the city of Lawrence. OHN BECKFORD HILL, senior mem- ber of the firm of John B. Hill & Son, dealers in watches and jewelry, is Beverly's oldest merchant now in active busi- ness, having opened his store here in 1844. He was born in this city, September 25, 1824, son of James and Sally (Beckford) Hill. The paternal grandfather, also named James, born in Ireland, town of Carrickfergus, Antrim County, with two brothets, Hugh and Peter, and two sisters, came to this country in 17SS. He settled in Beverly, where he began as a fish merchant. Having been very success- ful, he was later the owner of a number of vessels. The maiden name of his wife is ncit known. James Hill, youngest son of James, Sr., and the father of John B., born in Beverly in 1792, died in 1829, aged thirty-seven years. Like his father, he was interested in the fish- ing business, and owned many vessels. He 7S BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW married Sally I3eckford, who was born in Bev- erly in 179S, daughter of Captain Benjamin and Ruth (Obear) Beckford. Her father, a Revolutionary patriot and a sea captain, who settled in Beverly after the war, made many voyages between Salem and Russia, and died ill iSio. After the death of her husband Mrs. Sally Hill taught school, both jniblic and [jrivate, in Beverly for a number of years. She died in i S49, aged fifty-one years. Her children were: James, Nancy S., Benjamin B. , Sally B., and John B. James, who was a shoemaker by trade and Town Clerk of Beverly for a quarter of a century, died in April, 1879. He married Mary Curtis, of Beverly, and had two children : James Arthur, who married Kate Pease, of Salem, and has one son, Walter; and William Curtis, who married Georgia T. Town, of Beverly, and has two children — William Webster and George Jackson. Nancy S. Hill, who died in November, 1896, married William P. Friend, now also deceased, and left four children — William S., James PI., Nan S., and Charles H. Friend. Benjamin B. Hill, who died in March, 1879, married Elizabeth A. Perkins, who is also deceased, and left one daughter, Elizabeth A., now the wife of Pierce Bell, of ]5everly, and the mother of one child, Grace P. Bell. Pfis only son, Benjamin B. , Jr., who was a soldier in the Civil War, is now deceased. The only survivors of James and Sally Hill's children are Sally B., who was born in 1821, and John lieckford Hill. John Beckford Hill acquired his education in the public schools of Beverly, after which he went to Salem and learned the jewelry and watchmaker's trade of P'dmund Currier, with whom he remained four years. In 1844 he opened a store for himself in Beverly, where to-day he is the only merchant still in trade of those who were then in business here, and with one exception the only survivor. He took in his scjn, John Franklin Hill, as part- ner in 1870, and since that time the firm name has been John B. Hill & Son. His son now has charge of most of the business. He was the treasurer and secretary of the Beverly Gaslight Company for twenty years, and he is now a trustee of the Danvers Savings Bank. On December 30, 1852, Mr. Hill was united in marriage with Caroline 1{. Perkins, daughter of Benjamin F. and Elizabeth (Mur- ray) Perkins. Of the four children born of the union, three are living — Sarah Elizabeth, John Franklin, and Charles Flanders. Sarah E., who is the wife of Theodore Taylor, of Beverly, has no children. John F. , who mar- ried Anna B. Adams, of this place, has three children — Marjorie B. , Karl Franklin A., and John B. (second). Charles F. , who mar- ried Liefa T. Perry, of Beverly, Mass., has no children, and now resides in Cambridge, Mass. Mr. Hill is an Independent in poli- tics. He was Assessor of Beverly for twenty- one years. Overseer of the Poor for many years, and Town Auditor at one time. He is a thirty-second degree Mason, and was Mas- ter of Liberty Lodge of Beverly for twelve years. He has also been a member of the Sons of Temperance for twenty-seven years, and he belongs to the Knights of Pythias of Beverly. Both he and Mrs. Hill are members of the I'^irst Baptist Church, of which he was clerk from 1856 to 1876. ^oV LLIAM HENRY SEVERANCE, Lynn, who represented the Twelfth Esse.x district in the State legislature of 1897, was born January 12, 1857, in Bangor, Me. His parents, Howard K. and Jennie (Severance) Severance, were both natives of that city, and there spent the BIOGKAPHICAL REVIEW 79 larger part of their comiaaratively brief lives. In 1S62 the father enlisted in a Bangor com- pany of volunteers, and was at the forefront in some of the battles of the Civil War. He never returned to his home, having, without doubt, met death while bravely facing the enemy. His wife, completely jirostrated by thi.s belief, died within a short time. Left an orphan at an early age, William H. Severance was thus prematurely thrown upon his own resources. Prior to the age of eleven years, he attended the district schools of Brad- ford, Me., and that vicinity for a part of each year. Thereafter he began to earn his living. During the first three years he worked in a brush factory at Pushshaw Falls, Me. Then he followed the cooper's trade in different places for ten years, being principally em- ployed in Cambridge, Mass. In 1880 he came to Lynn; and, opening a meat and pro- vision market on Pratt Street, he carried on a thriving business there until 1895. He then established a steamboat express business be- tween Lynn and Boston, which he has success- fully carried on since. Since coming to Lynn, Mr. Severance has had an active part in municipal affairs, his sound judgment making him a most useful official. In 1S93 and 1894 he was a member of the Common Council, serving during the first year on the Committees on Incidentals, and Laying out and Altering the Streets, and in 1895 on the Drainage and Claims Commit- tees. In the fall of 1896 he was elected to the State legislature for the term of 1S97. P"raternally, he is a member of Winnepurkit Tribe of Red Men, Lodge No. 55; of Peter Woodland Lodge, K. of P., No. 72; and of Glenmere Lodge, No. 139, I. O. O. F. P'or the past three years he has been a director of the Lynn Co-operative Bank. On August 8, 1 883, he was married to Miss Lizzie J. Meade, of this city. Five children have blessed the union, four of whom are living; namely, Vic- torine W., Clara N., P"rederick E., and Will iam M. Y^ANGDON HEALEY HOLDER, the jJT proprietor of the oldest baking busi- — I, ,11 — ness in the city of Lynn, is a son of Nathaniel Holder, who was born in Marble- head. After his marriage with Hannah D. Morgan, of Salem, Nathaniel located in Lynn. In 1848 he opened a bakery, begin- ning on a modest scale. Before his retire- ment from active life in 18S2, he had built up a thriving trade. Langdon H. Holder was born in Lynn, March 10, 1846, and was here reared and educated. At the age of sixteen he began assisting his father. Finding the occupation congenial to his tastes, he continued at it, learning the details of the business. Since 1882 he has had the entire charge of the es- tablishment. The bakery has been located on its present site for forty-eight years, and is a well-known landmark of the city. Mr. Holder, who believes that anything worth doing is worth' doing well, takes especial pains to have all his goods pure, healthful, and otherwise of the best quality; and his numerous patrons have not been slow in recog- nizing this fact. He has an extensive trade in the community where his life has been spent. Mr. Holder has served his fellow-citizens in important offices of trust and responsibility. In 1887, 1888, and 1889 he was a member of the Common Council, in the latter year being chairman of the Committees on Fuel, Street Lights, Public Property, Almshouse, and the Poor. In 1890 and 1891 he was a Represent- ative to the State legislature, in which during his first term he was a member of the Com- 8o BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW niittee on Pay-rolls, and during his second term he was on the Prisons Committee. He was appointed by the Speaker of the House to attend the New York Centennial in 1S90, being the only member from Essex County thus honored. In 1892 and 1893 he was a member of the Board of Aldermen. In his first year in that capacity he was chairman of the Committee on Drainage, F"uel and Street Lights, and Public Property; and in 1892 he was chairman of the Committee on Drainage. In politics he is an unswerving Republican and a faithful worker in its ranks. In 1893 and 1894 he was a member of the Republican City Committee, and he is now a member of the Republican Club of Ward Six. On October 28, 1868, Mr. Holder was mar- ried to Miss Ella M. Jackson, who died April 15, 1893. She bore him six children, of whom five are living; namely, Alice J., Amy L., Ernest W., Bessie D., and Everett T. Amy L. is the wife of William Morrison, of Lynn. On June 12, 1894, Mr. Holder mar- ried Miss Anna S. Nutter, of Lynn. They have no children. Ji AVID LOWELL DEARBORN BALCH, a retired carpenter and builder ot Amesbury, was born in this town, October 13, 1828, son of Dr. Israel and Nancy (Goodwin) Balch. The father was a graduate of Dartmouth College and one of the most successful physicians and surgeons of his day in this locality. His rep- utation extended far beyond the limits of Amesbury and its vicinity, his opinion and advice being frequently in demand by his brother physicians throughout the county. He was especially noted for his charitable dis- position. Electricity, then a new object of investigation, had a keen interest for his mind. His mechanical ingenuity enabled him to invent several valuable electrical ap- pliances as well as to construct many of his surgical instruments. In his younger days he taught in an academy, thus acquiring an inter- est in educational matters that he retained throughout the rest of his life. He assisted many young men in their college preparations. Earnestly devoted to his profession, the long rides and constant exposure to all kinds of weather it demanded from him gradually undermined his constitution ; and he died July 7, 1858. Dr. Balch was prominent in public affairs, was connected with the Masonic fra- ternity and various medical societies, and was an active member of the Unitarian ciiurch. David Lowell Dearborn Balch was educated in Amesbury, and has always resided here. He was for a number of years engaged in business as a carpenter and builder, and he served as Road Surveyor for twenty-five years. Some time since he retired after a prosperous business career, and he is now jiassing his time in quiet leisure. On January 10, 1854, he was united in marriage with Judith A. Boardman, daughter of Offin Boardman. Her father was a representative in the sixth gener- ation of an old Essex County family, members of which were active in Colonial and Revolu- tionary affairs. Mrs. Balch is a direct de- scendant of Captain Ofifin Boardman, who with others formed the boat's crew that captured a British vessel off Newburyport Harbor during the struggle for independence. /^^Teorge WALDRON WORCES- \^5T TER, M.D., a well-known physician of Newburyport, was born in Wind- sor, Vt., September i, i860. A son of Chauncy and Adeline (Waldron) Worcester, he IS descended in the eighth generation from DAVIU L. D. BALCH. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 83 the Rev. William Worcester, one of the first settlers of Salisbury, the first pastor located there and a County Commissioner. The Worcester family is one of the oldest in the county, and has produced men noted for honesty and integrity, and eminent in profes- sional and literary lines. Chauncy Worcester, also born in Windsor, was a farmer in that town. Held in high es- teem by his fellow-townsmen, he was chosen to fill various offices of responsibility and trust. A Unitarian in religious belief, his creed was well expressed in the constant help- fulness and kindliness of his daily life. He married Adeline, daughter of Samuel Walden, of Windsor. Novi' seventy-seven years old, she is the eldest of nine children, all of whom are still living. One of her sisters has recently celebrated her golden wedding. Chauncy and Adeline Worcester had five chil- dren, of whom three are living. These are: a daughter, who is a trained nurse in Boston ; Frank D., who is a practising physician at Keene, N.H. ; and Dr. G. W. Worcester, the subject of this sketch. George Waldron Worcester fitted for college at the Green Moun- tain Academy in South Woodstock, Vt., and then entered the University of Vermont at Bur- lington. Later he studied at the Hahnemann College in Chicago, graduating therefrom in 18S3 with the degree of Doctor of Medicine. Since that time he has taken two post-gradu- ate courses, one at the Polyclinic Institute of New York in 1891 and one in 1894 at the Post-graduate Hospital of New York City. Also he has taken a course in microscopy, and has given much attention to surgery. After spending four years at Springfield, Vt., where he had a large practice, he came in 1887 to Newburyport, succeeding to Dr. Bolton's prac- tice. He was subsequently associated with Dr. B. G. Clarke, ophthalmologist, for nearly a year. Since coming to Newburyport he has built up a large practice. His unquestioned skill and the large number of cures he has effected have gained a reputation that might be envied by a much older man. He is a member of the Homoeopathic Medical Society of Vermont, of the Massachusetts Homoeo- pathic State Medical Society, of the Ameri- can Institute of Homoeopathy, of the Gynaeco- logical and Surgical Society of Boston, and of the Essex County Homttopathic Medical Society. Of the last named he was the presi- dent for one year and the secretary and treas- urer for two years. Fraternally, Dr. Worcester is a member of St. John's Lodge, F. & A. M. ; of King Cyrus Royal Arch Chapter; of Amesbury Council, of Newburyport Commandery of Knights Temjilar; and of the Knights of I'ythias of Newburyport. He is medical ex- aminer of both the American Order of United Workmen, of Newburyport, Lodge No. 31, and the New England Order of Protection. He served on the Board of Trade, and he was on the Board of Health from 1890 to 1896. Since 1891 he has been a member of the School Board. On March 10, 1885, he mar- ried Miss Hattie C. Morrison, of Windsor, Vt. , who is the mother of a son, Chauncy M. -\PTAIN ELIJAH P. ROGERS, born in Newbury, December 30, 1824, is a son of William and Jemima (Davis) Rogers. Gideon Rogers, the pater- nal grandfather, a prosperous farmer and a trader in cattle, was distinguished for his strong common sense. His son William, de- scribed as a good scholar and musician, was a favorite pupil of Master Longfellow, a connec- tion of the poet Longfellow. A kindly man, William was generally liked. He married 84 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Jemima Davis, and by her became the father of a large family. She was a daughter of Levi Davis, of Maine, who removed to Ohio, settling in Belmont County, where he became a successful farmer and a highly respected member of the community. He was a Revo- lutionary soldier, and his life was character- ized by great energy and activity. In relig- ion he was a leading member of the Society of Friends. Captain Rogers commenced life in Newbury, in the shoe business with his brother Gideon. Some time afterward, in company with C. M. Noyes, he started in the grocery business. From this he changed to farming. He was a Selectman, and from time to time he served on the Prudential Committee of the School Board. He was deeply interested in educa- tional matters, and his faithful service was most acceptable to the community. For twelve or fifteen years prior to the Civil War he was Second Lieutenant in Company B of Major Ben Perley Poor's Rifles. When the Nineteenth Massachusetts Regiment was called out, Mr. Rogers took command of Company B, and went to Poolesville, Md., in iS6i. Out on detached service when the skirmishing began at Ball's Bluff, Companies B and C at once returned ; and the captains reported to their superior officers that there was about to be fighting further up the river, and that they would like to join the regiment. Captain Rogers reached Harrison Island just as Gen- eral Baker received his death wounds, and as- sisted in carrying the body of the dead general to the rear. At dusk of that day the com- pany, searching for food, discovered a box of bread, which all began eating. It was no- ticed that the bread was soft, as if moistened by the rain; but upon examination it proved to be soaked with human blood. This horri- fying discovery did not, however, deter the hungry men from consuming the bread. From Harrison Island the company marched to Muddy Branch. P'rom there the Captain was sent out with his company to take charge of the construction of a log fort on Seneca Heights, where he spent two or three weeks of the winter. Once, when upon his round of inspection, a light fall of snow covering the ground, the Captain fell from the toj) of the fort, and was badly injured. This caused him to return to his regiment and remain under the doctor's care for many weeks, after which he returned home on leave of absence. He went back to his regiment at Yorktown, Va., while still in a very weak state of health, and in this condition went heroically through his duty amid many deterring circumstances. He afterward did duty with Captain Noyes outside of Washington in the Heavy Artillery. His health prevented him from taking command, and from this time until the close of the war he remained senior First Lieutenant of Heavy Artillery. They were placed at twenty-three different forts, and had most varied and excit- ing experiences. In the winter of 1864 Cap- tain Rogers encamped at P'alls Church, Va. , on the site of the present Camp Alger. After returning from the war he took charge of a shoe shop in Haverhill, and was also in charge of a room in the Charlestown State prison for some years. P'inally, he withdrew from business because of feeble health. He built a house after this, and dealt more or less in real estate. Then he spent a long period of time in the hospital, and underwent a suc- cessful operation, since which he has had somewhat better health. Mr. Rogers has been twice married, first to Jane J. Noyes, a daughter of Colonel Sam- uel M. Noyes. After her death he married Susie K. Church, of Boston. He had three children by the first wife — Nellie P., Wins- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 8S low H., and Lewis M. (the two latter are de- ceased). Norman P., who was educated at the Putnam High School in Newbury and Col- lege of Pharmacy of Boston, is in business at Canton, Mass. iRRY WYLDF:, the superintendent of the print works of the Pacific Mills in Lawrence, residing on Tower 1 1 ill, at 979 Essex Street, was born in February, 1857, in Middleton, Lancashire, England, which is the birthplace also of his father, Robert Wylde. The paternal grand- father, Peter Wylde, born in Tydsley, Lan- cashire, England, in 1789, when old enough served in the press gang under Wellington, and was afterward with Admiral Nelson on the high seas. A block-printer by trade, he was employed for many years in the Lan- cashire Print Works. He married Ruth Aitkins, and with her reared si.x children, all of whom except one daughter are still living in the old country, the eldest being now eighty-three years of age. He attained the age of fourscore and four years, and his wife that of seventy-three. Robert Wylde, born April 21, 1S27, was employed as a calico printer during his active period. He is now spending his declining years in retirement, enjoying a well-earned leisure. On the first day of June, 185 1, he married Sarah Thorp, of Lancashire. They reared eight children, as follows: Anne, who resides in England; William, who is an en- graver in England, and has a wife and three children; Francis, a textile printer in Law- rence, Mass. ; Harry, the subject of this biography; Elizabeth, the wife of Henry Coogan, of England ; Cornelius, who is an engraver, lives at North Adams, Mass., and has a wife and three children; Arthur, who is also engaged in that business in North Adams, and has a wife and two children; and Fred- erick, who is an etcher and engraver. Harry Wylde left school when a young lad, to become a block boy in the machine printing room of a textile-mill. Here he rose rapidly to the coloring department, of which he was an employee from 1876 until 1879. At the age of twenty-two years, being desirous of bettering his circumstances, he came to Amer- ica, a step that he has never regretted since. During the first three years of his residence in Massachusetts he was employed as second hand in the Hamilton Print Works at Lowell. In 1 883 he came to Lawrence as second hand in the coloring department of the Pacific Mills. Here in the following November he was promoted to the position of overseer of the department; and in June, 1893, he was made assistant superintendent of the print works. After three years' faithful service as assistant Mr. Wylde was appointed superin- tendent of the print works, a responsible office, which he has since ably filled. The company employs from forty-three hundred to forty-five hundred hands in its various rooms. Of this large number, nine hundred are under the su- pervision of Mr. Wylde, who has won the sin- cere respect of those above and below him. Politically, Mr. Wylde is a stanch Republi- can. P^raternally, he belongs to the Masonic order, in which he is a Knight Templar; to the A. O. U. W. ; and to the Royal Arcanum. He was chairman of the first meeting of the organizers of the Lawrence Co-operative Rank, which was founded in April, 1888, and of which he was formerly the president and is now a vice-president. He is a member of the St. John's Episcopal Church of Lawrence, with which he united soon after coming here. On the second day of May, 18S9, he was married in Lawrence to Alice I. McClary. 86 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW One of the three daughters of Andrew J. McClary, formerly of Strong, Me., now resid- ing in Chicago, 111., she is descended from a prominent family of Maine, Fort McClary, in Kittery, having been named in honor of one of her near kinsmen. Mr. and Mrs. Wylde have five interesting children, namely: Rus- sell Arthur, who is in his eighth year; Oliver Andrew; Anna Elizabeth; Paul Linton; and A. Francis, an active little fellow in his sec- ond year. M AVID E. SMITH, a well-to-do resi- dent of Rowley, was born Septem- ber 1 8, iSio. A son of Moses and Mary (Jcwett) Smith, he is a descendant of Hugh Smith, who emigrated from England to this country at an early day. The line of de- scent comes to him through John, Benjamin, Benjamin (second), Isaac, and Moses. Isaac Smith, who lived on the old Smith place, on the Georgetown road, had a large family of children. Three of his sons settled in Row- ley, three in Salem, and one in Hopkinton. Moses Smith, the father of David E. , born October i, 1773, died in 1855. His wife, Mary, who was born in 1776, died on June 10, 1855. She was well on Monday, yet she expired on the following Saturday. Their children were: Oilman H., Henry W., Moses, David E., Jacob J., Isaac E., and a daughter that died in infancy. Of these Oilman H. and David E. arc living. Henry W. , who was a carpenter, died in New Orleans, unmar- ried, on January 4, 1841, aged thirty-four years. Moses, a shoe cutter, died unmarried, in Rowley, at the age of eighty-eight. Jacob ]., who was a farmer in Rowley, died in 1894. Isaac, who was a shoe manufacturer of Haver- hill, died on January 15, 1879. David E. Smith attended the common schools of his native town, and subsequently worked for his father at farming. Thrifty and prudent, he has always lived in comfortable circumstances. There has never been a mem- ber of the Smith family here who could not earn his own living, and none ever found it necessary to give a mortgage to raise money or for any other purpose. Mr. Smith's health has always been good, this fact being due, no doubt, to his regular habits and total absti- nence from intoxicants and tobacco. He says he is as well now as he was forty years ago. Habitually an early riser, he always retires early. Having never failed to pay his debts, his word has been as good as his bond. Mr. Smith is connected with the Orthodox (Lower) Church, and recently presented to the society a handsome church organ, costing thirteen hundred dollars. Now eighty-eight years of age, he is as keen and active as a man of thirty. Possessing a remarkably retentive memory, he can give dates and events con- nected with his boyhood with wonderful ac- curacy, and he can read and write readily without the aid of glasses. RETAS R. SANBORN, Registrar of Deeds for the Northern District of Essex County and an esteemed citi- zen of Lawrence, was born August 6, 1834, on the family homestead in Sanbornton, now Tilton, N.H., son of Jonathan Sanborn, Jr. He has sprung from an English family that traces its lineage back to the time of William the Conqueror. The emigrant ancestor, Will- iam Sanborn,' came from I'2ngland to America with his widowetl mother and his brother John in 1632. After living in Massachuscttts for a while, he took up a large tract of wild land in Hampton, N.H., which now includes three townships. The next in line of descent was William Sanborn,^ whose son, William San- LURING GKIMKS. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 89 born, 3 was the succeeding ancestor. The line was continued through Simon Sanborn ■• and his son, Jonathan Sanborn, Sr. ,5 who was the grandfather of Aretas R. Jonathan Sanborn, Sr., succeeded to the ownership of a portion of the original home- stead; and there he and his wife, whose maiden name was Judith Crane, reared their family of three sons and four daughters. Of these chil- dren, all of whom married and reared families, Shadrach settled in Vermont, and Woodbridge was for many years a mechanic and liveryman in Boston. The mother, who survived her husband, attained the good old age of four- score years. Jonathan Sanborn, Jr., was born on the Sanborn homestead in 1792, and until his death, in 1866, was engaged in cultivating the soil. He married Polly Rowe, of Gil- manton, N.H., who survived him two years, (lying in 1868, in the sixty-eighth year of her age. They had six children, namely: Au- gusta, now deceased; Jane, who resides in Tilton, N.H., the widow of the late Ben- jamin M. Durgan; Isaac S. R., who was a railway engineer, and died at Concord, N.H., in 1894; John C, a resident of Lawrence; Aretas R., the subject of this sketch; and Adoniram J., who, together with his wife and child, is now deceased. The homestead is still in the possession of the family, and is occupied by the sixth generation from the original proprietor. Aretas R. Sanborn, having graduated from ]?owdoin College in 1859, studied law with VV. H. P. Wright, of Lawrence, Mass., and was admitted to the Essex County bar in 1864. Beginning the practice of his profes- sion in this city, he continued it until 1894, when he was elected to his present position as Registrar of Deeds. In iSgo he built his present residence at 9 Kendrick Street, and soon after its completion removed to it from 173 Jackson Street, where he had lived fifteen years. He is Past Regent of the Royal Ar- canum, Past Dictator of the Knights of Honor, and was for some time the president of the Lawrence .Society of Natural History and Archaeology, subjects in which he is greatly interested. A Republican in politics, he formerly served as clerk of the Police Court. He is a member of Grace Episcopal Church, of which he was the treasurer during the rectorship of Bishop Lawrence. In November, 1864, Mr. Sanborn married Miss Clara P. Black, of Danvers, Mass., a daughter of James D. and Sally (Fowler) Black, neither of whom is living. Respec- tively a brother and sister of Mrs. Sanborn are: Arthur M. Black, of Providence, R.I.; and Maria H., the wife of Frederick H. Low- ell, an apothecary in Cambridge, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Sanborn have lost four children. Of these, two died of scarlet fever, and were buried in one casket. The death of James B., a lad of eight years, occurred April 5, 1873, and that of Norman P. on the follow- ing day. The others were: Robert H., who died of diphtheria when eight years old; and Louis, a bright and promising lad of sixteen years, who died October 18, 1894. Agnes Rebecca Sanborn is the only surviving child. ORING GRIMES, the president of the Rockport National Bank, is a native of this town. A son of James P. and Clarissa (Hoyt) Grimes, he was born March 10, 1840. His grandfather, Mark Grimes, who was also a resident of Rockport, came from England. The father spent his life in Rockport, which was also his native town. P'or a number of years he held the office of Tax Collector. Of his eight chil- dren, seven are now living; namely, James, 90 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW George, William U., Loring, Moses H., Luther B., and Clarissa. William H. resides in Gloucester; Moses H., in Ipswich, Mass.; and the others in Rockport. The daughter, Clarissa, is the wife of William Grover, of this place. Loring Grimes attended the public schools of Rockport for a time. Beginning at the age of twelve, he was engaged in various em- ployments until 1868, when he started in busi- ness for himself in Rockport. He then es- tablished a wholesale fish and oil business, which he has since successfully carried on. For several years he has been the president of the Rockport National ]5ank. He is also the president of the Cape Ann Isinglass Company at Rockport and a director severally of the Gloucester Safe Deposit and Trust Company, the Lanesville Granite Company, and the Sandy Bay Pier Company. On New Year's Day, 1867, in his twenty - seventh year, Mr. Grimes was united in marriage with Rebecca N. Rowe, who was born in Rockport, daughter of Amos and Rebecca N. Rowe. Her paternal great-grandfather, John Rowe, was a Major in the Revolutionary army; and two of his sons, one of them a Lieutenant, also fought for in- dependence. All three were at the battle of Bunker Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Grimes have one daughter, Clara R., the wife of T. T. Hunter Harwood, of Rockport, Mass. In politics Mr. Grimes is a Republican. He is a member both of the Masonic Society and the Indepen- dent Order of Odd Fellows. (s^OIIN Q. ADAMS, M.D., of Ames- bury, a member of the Adams family of Ouincy, was born in Lawrence, this county, March 13, 1848. A son of Benjamin G. and Sophia (Nutter) Adams, his genealogy for three generations in this country is iden- tical with that of President John Ouincy Adams. The Rev. Joseph Adams, who was the grandson of the Rev. Henry Adams, an English clergyman, graduated from Harvard in 1 7 10, and was ordained in Newington, N.H., in 1715. He was pastor in that town for sixty-eight years, dying May 26, 1783. It will be seen that a part of the family went from Quincy and Braintree to New Hamp- shire, and later returned to Massachusetts. The Rev. Joseph Adams and his sons had large grants of land in New Hampshire, but were driven off by the Indians. The sons later retook possession of them. Joseph, sr.n of the Rev. Joseph Adams, was a practising physician of Barnstead, N. H. His son, Ebenezer, who was Dr. John O. Adams's great-grandfather, served throughout the Rev- olutionary War, and at the time of the surren- der of Cornwallis was far in the South. From there, with other Continentals, he walked home. It is inferred from the fact that he must have been a young man then. He died in Barnstead in 1832. James Adams, son of Ebenezer and the grandfather of Dr. Adams, spent his life on a farm in Barnstead. Though not a large man, he had remarkable muscular power, according to the many interesting tales told of his athletic feats. He was a leader in all sports, taking an interest in them even late in life; and he had no match in wrestling. It is re- lated of him that, long after he had passed middle age, he was challenged to wrestle by a young man. Going into the old muster field, they took their positions. The old gentleman placed his foot easily on his oppo- nent's shoulder, and, starting in that awkward position, easily threw his opponent. It is said that he could reach over backward and pick up a pin from the floor without touching BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW hands. Benjamin G. Adams went to Ports- mouth when in his teens, and there learned the ship-carpenter's trade. He was subse- quently employed in the mills in Lawrence, and was overseer in a room on the lower floor of the Pemberton Mill in February, iS6o, when the great disaster occurred. His knowl- edge of carpentry probably saved his life at that time. By the aid of an axe and a saw which were reached to him, he cut his way out; and with two sticks as support he reached home unassisted, though he was not able to stand again for si-x months. His wife, whose "maiden name was Nutter, was a mem- ber of an old New Hampshire family. They had three sons — George G., Frank H., and John Q. George G., now an architect in Lawrence, married Miss May S. Leslie. Frank H., who is a shoe manufacturer in Amesbury, married Miss Fannie Pike, of New Hampshire. After attending the Lawrence city schools and the Pittsfield Academy, John O. Adams studied for his degree at Harvard Medical School, and graduated at Bellevue Medical College, New York, in 1872. Starting in professional work in Lawrence, he practised there for five years, serving as city physi- cian for two years. In 1881 he located in Amesbury, where he now has a large and very successful practice. Dr. Adams is a member of the Massachusetts Medical Society and the North Essex Medical Association. While carefully keeping out of politics, he served on the Town Board of Health for a year. He is a member of Warren Lodge, F. & A. M., of Amesbury. In 1876 the Doctor was married to Miss Charlotte Morris, of Cheshunt, England. A musician of more than ordinary merit, she has led choirs in Catholic and Episcopal churches for a number of years. At present she is the leader of the choir in the Episcopal church in Amesbury. Her friends declare that she can sing all day without tiring her voice. Mr. and Mrs. Adams have two children: Charlotte F., a beautiful girl of fifteen, attending the high school; and Benjamin G., a lad of ten, in the intermediate school. <^»^» AMUEL G. SARGENT, the well- known real estate dealer of Methuen, son of Edmund and Betsy (Gile) Sargent, was born in Amesbury, now Merrimac, on April 3, 1827. The paternal grandfather, a cooper by trade, spent the latter part of his life in Vermont, engaged in farming, and died there at the advanced age of ninety years. He is buried near Barre, Vt. His wife, a Miss Patten, of Amesbury, before marriage, bore him twelve children, eight sons and four daughters. These, all now deceased, reared families, and lived to the age of seventy or more years. Edmund Sargent, who was born in Ames- bury in 1790, was in early life a grocer and by trade a cooper. Later he became inter- ested in agriculture, and for many years con- ducted a large farm. He was also engaged in brickmaking. In the early part of his life, he lost considerable property through too much kindness of heart. At his death, however, which occurred in this place in 1880, he left a comfortable fortune to his heirs, as well as the record of an honorable and useful life. His wife, Betsy, a native of Alfred, Mc, and a daughter of Richard Gile, died in Methuen in 1876. They came to this town from Ames- bury in 1835. Both were devout and earnest members of the Congregational church. Of their children, four sons and five daughters, all of whom attained maturity, four are liv- ing. These are: Samuel G. , the subject of 92 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW this sketch ; Lucy, who is the wife of Joseph Fulton, of Sunapce, N.H. ; Calvin Sargent, who resides in Methuen ; and Nathan B., a teacher in West Boxford, Mass. The other children were: Sarah, who died at the age of twenty-three; Lodicy J., who died at the age of forty-four; Betsy J. Laney, who died in 1881, aged sixty-five; Mary J. Ilibbard, who died in Montreal, leaving two daughters and two sons, one of the latter being now a lawyer in Pittsfield, Mass. ; and Edmund P. Sargent, who died in Methuen, aged si.xty-eight years. Samuel G. Sargent attended the district schools of Methuen. He subsequently gradu- ated at Atkinson Academy, after which he taught school in Methuen and elsewhere. Many persons recall with pleasure his able and energetic management of the Methuen Grammar School, of which he was the master for thirteen years. In 1S69 he was appointed Postmaster of the village, which office he sub- sequently held for si.xteen years. During the past twenty years he has been interested in the real estate business, and has done con- siderable probate work in settling estates. He has bought and sold a large amount of real estate in Methuen and vicinity, and owns sev- eral places at jirescnt, is a director of the Broadway Savings Bank and a stockholder of the Methuen Bank. Mr. Sargent was married in 1S57, Novem- ber 27, to Sarah W. I'2merson, of Methuen, daughter of Joseph and Sarah W. (Clement) Emerson. Of their seven children, Edward died at the age of eight; Alice, at the age of seven; Annie, at the age of five; and May, who was a teacher of much promise, at the age of twenty-two. The others are: Sarah, who is the wife of William McGonagle, a jiromi- nent railroad official living in Duluth, Minn., and has two sons and one daughter; Charles, yet unmarried, and at i)rcsent in the Klondike gold region, who is a man of remarkable phy- sique, standing six feet two inches high, and correspondingly proportioned; and l^essie, the youngest daughter, who is a student in Mount Holyoke Seminary at South Hadley, Mass. Mr. Sargent is a member of the grange. In politics he is a Republican, and in religious faith he is a Congregationalist. He has been one of the Deacons of the Congregational church for some time. His residence at 5 Tremont Street, which was built in 1869, stands on a lot measuring about one acre and containing a fine apple orchard. A man of remarkably good health from his birth, reckon- ing from when he was sick of measles at the age of seven, he did not require the services of a physician for sixty years. Since he recov- ered from an attack of the "grippe" in i8g6, his health has been unimpaired np to the pres- ent time, and it bids fair to continue so for many years to come. HARLES U. 15ELL, who has been for the past five years city solicitor of Lawrence, Mass., was born in Exeter, N.H., February 26, 1S43, son of the Hon. James and Judith A. (Upliam) Bell. On the paternal side he is of Scotch-Irish stock. His immigrant ancestor, John Bell, was one of the early settlers of Londonderry, N.H., arriving there in 1720. John Bell, Jr., born in Londonderry, N. H., son of John and his wife, Elizabeth, who was a sister of Colonel Andrew Todd, was the father of Samuel Bell, LL. D., grandfather of the subject of this sketch. Samuel Bell was a Dartmouth graduate, class of 1793, a mem- ber of the New Hampshire bar, and Justice of the Sujireme Court of the .State. He was Governor of New Hampshire four successive years, being first elected in 18 19; and he was BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 93 twelve years a United States Senator from New Hampshire. He married first Mehitable Dana, who bore him five children. She dying, he married Lucy Smith, by whom he had four sons and five daughters. These all attained maturity. The Hon. Samuel Bell died at his home in Chester, N.H., in 1850, aged eighty. His eldest son, Samuel D. Bell, was Justice and Chief Justice of the New Hampshire Supreme Court. James Bell, son of the Hon. Samuel and Mehitable (Dana) Bell, was born in Frances- town, Hillsboro County, N.H., November 13, 1S04. A graduate of Bowdoin, he, too, was a member of the New Hanipsliire bar. He began to practise at Gilmanton Iron Works, and a few years later, in 1832, went to E.xe- ter. In 1847 he settled permanently in Gil- ford (now Laconia), N.H. An able lawyer, he established a good reputation, and accumu- lated a competency. In 1855 he was elected to the United States Senate. He died on May 27, 1857. About 1S32 he was married to Judith, daughter of Nathaniel and Judith (Cogswell) Upham, of Rochester, N.H. Na- thaniel Upham, who was born in Dcerfield, N.H., was a prominent merchant and a mem- ber of Congress. His father was the Rev. Nathaniel Upham, a well-known and highly respected Congregational clergyman. The Hon. James and Mrs. Bell had a family of five children, namely: Mary, widow of Nathaniel G. White, of Northampton, N.H.; Eliza U., in Exeter, at the home of her parents; Lucy, in the same place; James D., an extensive farmer of Hawthorn, Fla., where he settled twenty years ago; and Charles U., the sub- ject of this sketch. James D. Bell has one son, Frank U. Charles U. Bell was graduated at Bowdoin College in a class of forty in 1863. He stud- ied law with his cousin, Charles H. Bell, of Exeter, and took a course in the Harvard Law School. In February, 1866, he was admitted to the bar of Rockingham County at Exeter. For five years he conducted an independent practice in Exeter. In November, 1871, he moved to Lawrence, and engaged in practice as a member of the firm of White & Bell. His partner, Nathaniel G. White, who had married Mr. Bell's sister, was a man of prom- inence in the legal profession, and was presi- dent of the Boston & Maine system some fifteen years. He died in 188S. In 1878 Mr. Bell became a member of the firm of Sherman & Bell, which was in existence about ten years. His partner, Edgar J. Sherman, was in 1 888 appointed Judge of the Superior Court, and is still acting in that capacity. From the time of Mr. Sherman's appointment until 1897 Mr. Bell was without an associate. He then took as partner Mr. Fred H. Eaton, a recent graduate from the Boston Law School. Mr. Bell has been very successful in his professional work. He is a prominent member of the Republican party, and has been honored with nomination as Mayor. He has served in the Common Council of the city; and he is one of the commission of three ap- pointed to revise, consolidate, and arrange the Public Statutes of the Commonwealth. He has been for several years a member of the Board of Overseers of Bowdoin College, and he is one of the trustees of Brewster Free Academy. He is a trustee of the Essex Savings Bank. An upright lawyer and a business man whose integrity is unblemished, he has the confidence and esteem of all who know him. On November 21, 1873, he was married to Helen M. Pitman, of Laconia, N.H., daugh- ter of Joseph and Charlotte A. (Parker) Pit- man (both deceased). Mrs. Bell died March 26, 18S2, leaving four children: Alice L., 94 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW who was three years in Smith College, now at home; Mary W. , who has been three years in Smith College; Joseph P., a Junior of Bow- doin College; and Helen P., in the Lawrence High School. Mr. Bell was married April lO, 1883, to Elizabeth W. Pitman, sister of his first wife. He has a pleasant home at 1 17 Jackson Street, into which he moved soon after his first marriage. At the time of the war he was a volunteer in the Forty-second Massachusetts Infantry, a hundred-day regi- ment. He is a Grand Army man, and was in 1888 Commander of Needham Post, No. 39. Mr. Bell has been a Deacon of Trinity Con- gregational Church for twenty years. (^OHN F. JACKSON, dealer in furni- ture and undertaking goods in George- town, was born in this town, January 9, 1853, son of Caleb Spofford and Hannah (Foster) Jackson. His grandfather was Caleb Jackson, a prosperous farmer and a lifelong resident of Rowley, Mass. Caleb Spofford Jackson was born in Row- ley, September 25, 1823. His trade was that of a shoemaker, and he followed it in George- town until his death, which occurred in 1876. His wife, Hannah Foster, whom he married in May, 1850, was born in Georgetown, and was a daughter of John and Hannah (Clark) Foster. She is still living. John F. Jackson was educated in the com- mon and high schools of Georgetown. He served a thorough apprcnticeshijD to the shoe- maker's trade, and was employed as a journey- man by Little & Moulton for ten years, the Little & Co. Corporation for one year, and A. B. Noyes & Co. for three years. He also worked upon ladies' fine footwear in Haver- hill, Mass. In 1887 he purchased the furni- ture, upholstery, and undertaking business of H. P. Noyes, Georgetown, and has since conducted that establishment with satisfactory financial results. On June 28, 1888, Mr. Jackson was united in marriage with Lucy R. Goodwin, daughter of Josiah and Sarah (Merrill) Goodwin, of this town. He has three children, namely: Ardelle May, born May 27, 1889; Richmond Merrill, born August 12, 1894; and Herbert Andrews, born May 24, 1898. Mr. Jackson is a member of Protection Lodge, No. 147, I. O. O. F. ; Bethany Lodge, No. 105, Daughters of Rebecca; and of Pen- tucket Lodge, No. 73, Ancient Order of United Workmen. He is a Deacon of the Peabody Memorial Church, in which he was superintendent of the Sunday-school for ten years; and he is at the present time acting as secretary and treasurer. In politics he is a Republican, but has never sought public office. -fgTARTWELL SUMNER FRENCH, r^rl an esteemed and highly respected J-^ \^ ^ resident of Lynn and for several years past its Tax Collector and Treasurer, was born June 17, 1S39, in Turner, Me., the birthplace of his father, Sumner French. He is of English ancestry, the P'rench family having been first represented in Massachusetts by three brothers of lliat name, who came from England to this country in 1631. The father was one of the leading agriculturists of Turner for the larger part of his active career. He married Nancy Reynolds, who was born in Brockton, Mass. Her grandfather and great- grandfather, both named Ichabod Reynolds, were soldiers in the Revolutionary army. Hartwell Sumner French acquired his edu- cation in the district schools of his native town and in the academies of Hebron and Lewiston F"alls. He subsequently taught HAKTWELL S. FRENCH. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 97 school and assisted in the labors of the farm for two years. On September lo, 1862, in Portland, Me., he enlisted in Company D, Twenty-third Maine Volunteer Infantry. After nine months of service he was mustered out at Portland, July 5, 1863. On the six- teenth day of the following December he re- enlisted at Augusta in the Twenty-ninth Maine Volunteer Infantry, in which he subse- quently served as Second Lieutenant, F'irst Lieutenant, and Captain. In the spring of 1864 he participated in the Red River expedi- tion and in the engagements at Sabine Cross- roads, Pleasant Hill, and Kane River Cross- ing. In July, 1864, the corps to which his regiment was attached was ordered to Wash- ington, D.C. ; and later in the season he took an active part in the Shenandoah campaign, under General Sheridan, being in the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek. On June 29, 1865, the Twenty-ninth Maine Regiment was sent to Savannah, Ga., and thence to Georgetown, S.C. Later it served for three months in Kingstree, S.C, Captain French being appointed to Provost Marshal duty. In September, 1865, he was made Assistant Commissary of Musters in the Department of the Carolinas, a capacity in which he served until July 12, 1S66, when he was mustered out of the service. On return- ing North, Captain French came almost im- mediately to Lynn, where for the ensuing seventeen years he was employed in the shoe business, first with 13. V. Doak & Co. and later with the firm of J. S. Bartlett & Co. In July, 1885, he was elected Treasurer and Col- lector of Taxes for the city of Lynn, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of B. F. Peach. Less than a month after, on August 5, he assumed the duties of his re- sponsible position. At the close of his first term, having given general satisfaction, he was re-elected to the office, and has been honored with a re-election every year since. He has been a director of the Lynn Safe and Deposit Trust Company since its organiza- tion. In politics Mr. French is a stanch Republi- can and an active worker in the party. He is a member of the Lynn Republican Club, and was chairman of the Republican City Committee in 1883 and 18S4. In 1877 he was an Alderman, and in 1881 and 1882 he was a Representative to the State legislature, serving on the Committee on Military Affairs and as chairman of the Labor Committee. He is also a member of the Oxford Club and the Park Club; of the General Lander Post, No. 5, G. A. R. ; of the Abraham Lincoln Lodge, K. of P. ; of the Lynn Board of Trade ; and he was the president of the Massachusetts and Maine Veteran Association in 1895. The first of his two marriages was contracted June 17, 1873, with Miss Abbie R. Barrel!, who died in September, 1882. The second, on November 11, 1884, united him with Miss Josephine Tufts, of Lynn, who has one child, Dorothy French. ;s^OHN PAGE BATES, a retired farmer of Danversport, Mass., was born near his present home, November 4, 1829, son of John and Martha (Page) Bates. The grandfather died in Dedham when his son John was a child. His widow married for her second husband Mr. Fale.s, of Dedham. John Bates worked in the Danvers Iron Works for some years. After marrying he settled on the farm now owned by his son John P., where he lived for the rest of his life. He died No- vember 4, 1890, in the ninety-fourth year of his age, his wife having passed away several years previously. He was an extensive 98 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW grower of Danvers onions, then the best known variety in the market. Mis farm pro- duced from one thousand to twelve hundred barrels of this article yearly. He was a Uni- tarian in his religious opinions, his wife, Martha, being a Baptist. They had six chil- dren, namely: Edward W., who was the cap- tain of a packet steamer running from San Francisco to the Sandwich Islands, and who was lost at sea about 1852, with his vessel and all on board; Albert A., who lives in Dan- versport ; John Page, whose name appears at the head of this sketch; Martha E., who mar- ried Andrew J. Elliott, of Salem; Ellen M., who became the wife of Francis Dodge, of Danvers; and William, who died at the age of ten years. John Page, the third child of his parents, has resided since birth upon his father's farm, which he has continued to improve, growing vegetables and garden produce. He is a Re- publican, but takes no active part in politics beyond casting his vote. March 26, 1854, he married Miss Adeline W. Pickett, daughter of Joseph and Prances Pickett. She died No- vember 16, 1889, leaving four children, namely: John Henry, who resides with his parents; William E., a contractor, who died in Salem, Mass., at the age of thirty-seven, leaving three children — Carlton, Adeline, and Page; Frank, a policeman of Salem, who has two children — P'rederick and Mildred; and Joseph E., a mason of Danversport. L151:RT CLARK, a retired contractor and builder of Rockport, was born at Sandy Bay, April 28, 18 16, son of Henry and Sally (Lane) Clark. The family is an old one in this locality. Henry Clark, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, served in both the army and navy during the Revolutionary War, and was lost on the pri- vateer "Gloucester" in 1776. Henry Clark, Albert Clark's father, was born in Rockport, P"ebruary 15, 1772, and for many years was engaged in the fishing industry at Cape Ann. Albert Clark in his youth attended public and private schools. At the age of sixteen he began his apprenticeship to the carpenter's trade with Jacob Dodge, of Wenham, Mass. Upon attaining his majority he returned to Rockport, where he worked at his trade as a journeyman for some time. P'inally estab- lishing himself in business as a contractor, he was prominently identified with building oper- ations in this section for many years, or until his retirement, which took place several years ago. Mr. Clark contracted the first of his two marriages with Ora Norwood, daughter of Charles and Susannah Norwood, of Rockport. Of that union were born three children, two of whom — Charles H. and Albert F. — are still living, both being residents of this town. His present wife, whom he married in 1S66, was in maidenhood Mary L. Lakeman, daugh- ter of Daniel D. and liliza (Shepard) Lake- man, of Hallowell, Me. Mrs. Clark's mater- nal grandfather, Levi Shepard, of Salisbury, and one of her great-grandfathers, James Lord, third, of Ipswich, were both Revolu- tionary soldiers, the latter serving as a Lieu- tenant in the battle of Bunker Hill. Mrs. Clark is therefore eligible for membership in the Society of Daughters of the American Revolution, for which she has made applica- tion. Mr. Clark has five grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. He has long been inter- ested in all matters relating to public educa- tion, and under the old district-school system he served upon the School Committee. He is a member of Granite Lodge, I. O. O. F., of BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 99 which he is Past Noble Grand, and the only surviving member who was present at its organization in 1848. He and Mrs. Clark attend the Universalist church. They occupy a iileasantly located residence overlooking the ocean, and are highly esteemed in social circles. lEWIS GARRISON HOLT, ice dealer of Lawrence, Mass., has been promi- nent for a number of years in this vicinity as a business man and a member of society. He was born in Andover, Mass., November 15, 1839, son of Jonas and Pamelia Porter (Fry) Holt. He is of the eighth gen- eration in descent from Nicholas Holt, the immigrant, who arrived in Boston in June, 1635, lived for some years at Newbury, Mass., and about 1645 settled in what is now An- dover. In the first company that went from Andover to join the Revolutionary army were fifteen men named Llolt, and one was Captain of the company. Ezekiel Holt, Lewis G. Holt's great-grandfather, lived and died on a farm in Andover quitclaimed to him by the heirs. This farm was in the family until 1873. The original house, erected by a Holt, is still standing. Isaac Holt, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born in this house in 1773. A farmer and cooper, he made a number of water barrels for vessels. He died at the age of seventy. He was married in the house where he was born to Abigail Blunt, a member of an old Andover family which settled in that town shortly after the Holts. Ezekiel Holt and his wife had ten children, who all attained maturity. There were si.\ sons and four daughters. One daughter and all the sons married. The youngest of the family, Warren Holt, went to California in 1865. He was an educator, and for some time he managed a military school in New Jersey. Jonas Holt, son of Isaac, was born at the ancestral homestead in Andover, in December, 1800. He, too, was a cooper and farmer, and spent his days on the old farm. He died in the fall of 1869, aged nearly seventy. His wife was a descendant of Colonel James Frye, who fought in the battle of Bunker Hill. The Andover company was in his regiment. He served throughout the Revolutionary War, and was one of Washington's trusted officers. Mrs. Pamelia P. Holt died in 1868, aged sixty-two. She had been the mother of nine sons and one daughter. Two of the sons died young. The rest attained maturity, were mar- ried, and all but one had children. The eldest son, Warren E. Holt, served through- out the Civil War. He went to the front in the Fourteenth Massachusetts Regiment of Infantry, which was changed early in 1862 to the First Heavy Artillery. A man of fine physicjue, tall and broad-shouldered, and with intrepid courage, he was a shining mark for the foe. At Spottsylvania his hat was pierced by two bullet-holes, his canteen by three, and his clothing riddled; but not a drop of his blood was spilled. He lived to be nearly si.xty years old, and, dying, left two sons and two daughters. His brother, Horace P., died in the prime of life, leaving a widow, who be- came the wife of his brother Albert. Si.x of the family are living, namely: Brooks Frye Holt, in the ice business in Andover; Lewis G. ; Albert N., manager of a summer resort house in North Andover; Albion F"rancis, a druggist in Lawrence; Charles Abbee Holt, M.D., in Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic, a graduate of Harvard Medical College; and Caroline C, widow of James Fleming, in BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Tewksbury, Mass. Dr. Charles A. Holt's wife and son reside in Lawrence. Mrs. Flem- ing has three sons, two daughter.s, and fifteen grandchildren. Lewis Garrison Holt was reared on the farm in Andover, and educated in that town. In 1861 he enlisted in the same comjwny with his brother Warren E., and he served in the ranks three years and two months. At Cold Harbor on June 3, 1864, he was seriously wounded by a niinic ball in the neck. A slight deviation in the course of the ball would have caused it to enter the spinal col- umn with fatal result. Mr. Holt has been engaged in business since he was seventeen years old. On January i, 1873, he sold the family homestead in Andover, which had been owned and occupied by Holts for over two and a quarter centuries, and removed to Lawrence. Here he embarked in the ice business with his brother Brooks; and in 1886 they formed a stock company, Mr. Lewis G. Holt being made secretary and treasurer. The company has a flourishing business, owning twelve ice- houses on the Merrimac River in Lawrence and ten in Methuen on Mystic Pond. They retail some thirty thousand tons of ice annu- ally. Mr. Holt is a trustee of the Pacific National Bank and a trustee of the Lawrence Savings Bank. He was married November 10, 1869, to Emily A. Jenkins, of Bradford, Mass., daugh- ter of Albert and Nancy (Giles) Jenkins. Four children have been born of this union. The eldest son, Louis Albert, is cashier of the ice comi)any. He has a wife and a charming boy. The second son, Edgar Garrison (named for William Lloyd Garrison), a youth of si.x feet two, is in the class of 1900 in Princeton College. The youngest living, Ernest Le- Koy, a boy of nineteen, six feet three inches in height, is a student in Phillips Academy, Andover. The other son, Arthur Brooks, lived but twenty-six months. Mr. Holt was Selectman and Overseer of the Poor in Andover. In Lawrence he was four years Postmaster under Harrison, was two years on the Common Council, three years on the School Committee, and is now chairman of the Board of License Commissioners. A prominent Knight Templar,he has been Senior Warden and Generalissimo in the Command- ery. He is Past Commander of Needhani Post, No. 39, G. A. R. ; and he was twelve years payma.ster of the Sixth Regiment, Massa- chusetts Militia, holding the rank of Lieuten- ant under three colonels in succession. In religious belief he is a Universalist. (gTr-LFRED W. ALLYN, formerly a suc- liiiA cessful builder and contractor of /"Jlij^^ Lawrence, was born April 2, 1824, in Boston, Mass., son of David Allyn. The paternal grandfather, Jacob Allyn, born Au- gust 5, 1757, died in Seekonk, R.I., in 1813. His widow subsequently removed with her family to Pennsylvania, where she lived to a ripe old age. The father, born in Seekonk, August 15, 1785, who died in Chelsea, Mass., in 1861, lived in Boston during a part of his early life. Shortly after his marriage with Elizabeth McAllister, who was a daughter of a master mariner named Symonds, he removed to one of the suburban agricultural towns, and there carried on farming throughout the remainder of his life. He was an industri- ous and well-to-do husbandman, though not considered wealthy. Of the four sons reared by him, two sons are living — David and Thorndike. David resides with his widowed sister-in-law, Mrs. Caroline C. Allyn. Thorn- dike lives in Chelsea. The mother, after surviving the father some time, died at the ALFRED \V. ALLVN. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 103 home of her son, Alfred VV. , in Lawrence, in 1876. Alfred VV. Allyn learned the carpenter's trade in Chelsea, Mass. Subsequently, in 1846, after working for a while in different towns, he settled permanently in Lawrence with his bride. In November of that year he bought an acre of land on Clover Hill, paying twelve hundred dollars for the house and grounds. There were then but four houses on the hill. On land which he afterward pur- chased he used to pasture his cows and raise garden vegetables. His first contract in Law- rence was the building of a fine residence for John Graves, on the estate more recently owned by the late John Fallon. Soon after he became the junior member of the firm Briggs & Allyn, which carried on a substan- tial business during the rest of his life. On April 28, 1846, Mr. Allyn married Miss Caroline C. Chandler, a daughter of Samuel and Sarah (Dickerman) Chandler, of Canton, Mass. Mr. Chandler was a lifelong farmer of Canton, where his birth occurred March 4, 1784, and his death April 14, 1874. He was a prominent member of the Masonic frater- nity, having been Master of his lodge; and at his death he was buried with Masonic honors. His wife, who was born July ig, 1785, died June 3, 1852. She reared six daughters, of whom Mrs. Allyn, the fifth child, is the only survivor. Two other daughters married, one of whom, at her demise, left two daughters. Lewis Chandler, an uncle of Samuel Chand- ler, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. Of Mr. Allyn's three children, one died in in- fancy. Those living are: Mary and Warren C. Mary married Warren F. Taylor, resides on Clover Hill, and has five children. War- ren married Miss Abbie Doland, and has one son, Alfred W. Allyn, a promising young man of nineteen years, now in school. Mr. Allyn, Sr., died on January 9, 1894. Mrs. Allyn has occupied her present home since 1858. The two acres of ground surrounding it are laid out with a variety of ornamental and fruit trees and a handsome flower garden, which is well taken care of by her brother-in- law, David Allyn, who delights in garden- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Allyn were among the founders of the Lawrence Street Congrega- tional Church, which has recently celebrated its fiftieth anniversary. She is now the only survivor of the founders. OHN CLARKSON HOUGHTON, librarian of the Lynn Public Library, was born in this city, July i, 1823, a son of Cyrus Houghton. His father was born in Harvard, Worcester County, Mass., on a farm that had been in the possession of the Houghton family for si.x generations, his ancestors as far back as the records extend having been agriculturists. Cyrus Houghton married Miss Elizabeth S. Martin, who was born in Marblehead, Mass., but removed to Lynn in early life. They reared five chil- dren; namely, Harriet C, John C, Cyrus W. , S. Ellen, and George H. Mr. Houghton was educated in the public schools of Lynn and at the Wesleyan Acad- emy, Wilbraham, Mass., and began the active duties of life as a teacher, engaging in that profession in Lynn for six years. In 1855 he entered a shoe factory, and for the next twenty-two years he was engaged in the shoe business, being connected with Lynn firms. He has always held a rank among the leading, public-spirited, and useful citizens of the place, and has devoted himself to its interests and advancement. In 1858 he was a member of the Common Council, and from 1863 till 1870 was one of the School Committee, one I04 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW year of the time being secretary of the board. For ten years, from 1858 to 1868, he was on the Pine Grove Cemetery Commission. He belongs to the Lynn Historical Society, and he has been one of the most enthusiastic members of the Exploring Circle of Lynn ever since its formation in 1850. In politics Mr. Houghton is a faithful ad- herent of the Republican party. He repre- sented Lynn in the State legislature in 1865 and in 1867, serving as a member of the Educational Committee in the first term, and the last term as one of the Committee on Roads and Bridges. In 1877 he was chosen to his present responsible position, for which his literary qualifications and administrative ability eminently fit him: and he has since filled the office with credit to himself and to the honor of the city. Previous to being ap- pointed librarian, he had served as one of the trustees of the library for fourteen years, or from the date of its organization, making thirty-four consecutive years for which he has been connected with this institution. When sixteen years old he united with the South Street Methodist Church, of which he is a trustee, and for fifty-eight years has been one of its active and valued members. Mr. Houghton married June 5, 1850, Miss Susan Maria Tufts, of Lynn, a daughter of Deacon Richard Tufts. Mr. and Mrs. Hough- ton have had four children, of whom but one, Rodney W. Houghton, is now living. [^ATITANIEL RICHARDSON, Jr., the treasurer of the Rockport Savings L^ V^ ^ Bank, was born in Rockport, Sep- tember 3, 1840, son of the Rev. Nathaniel and Martha P. (Tarr) Richardson. The Rich- ardsons are of English origin, and are con- nected with the Peregrine White stock. The Rev. Nathaniel Richardson, a Congregational clergyman, who was also a native of Rockport, died December 3, 1896, aged ninety years. His wife's grandfather, Jabez Tarr, was a Revolutionary soldier, and participated in the battle of Bunker Hill. Nathaniel Richardson, Jr., acquired his education in the different towns of New Eng- land to which his father was called during his educational ])eriod. When he was twenty- one years of age he returned to Rockport to live. From here on P'ebruary 26, 1864, he enlisted for service in the Civil War. He was enrolled in Company G, Fifty-ninth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, which regi- ment was incorporated with the Ninth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. During the year he spent in the service he took part in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, and some minor engagements, and was promoted to the rank of Corporal. ]?y that time the hardships of army life had undermined his health to such an extent that he was discharged for disability. On return- ing to civil life he was unable to work for some time. When his health began to mend, he engaged as clerk for an uncle named Will- iam Pickett, who was in trade in Waterbury, Conn., and with whom he remained about two years. He was then for two years a clerk for Daniel A. Wheeler, of Rockport, and a clerk in the Rockport Granite Company's store for three years. Then for twenty-two years he was in the grocery business in Rockport. In 1885 a savings institution, called the Granite Savings Bank, was started in connection with the grocery store, and Mr. Richardson was elected its treasurer. In the spring of 1S95 he closed up his grocery business, since which he has given his whole attention to the busi- ness of the bank. October 2, 1878, Mr. Richardson was mar- ^' ^ / f NATHANIEL RICHARDSON. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 107 ried to Laura E. Witham, of Rockport, daugh- ter of the late William Witham. They have had four children, — Ethel M., Henry A., Elsie G., and Arthur S. Arthur S. Richard- son died in 1884. A Republican in politics, Mr. Richardson represented Ruckport in the General Court of Massachusetts in 1881. For two years he was the secretary of the Rockport Board of Selectmen, and he is now serving his fourth year on the School Committee. An esteemed comrade of O. W. Wallace Post, No. 106, G. A. R., he has been Commander of the post for one year. He is also a member of the Order of the Golden Cross. The Rock- port Baptist church has had the advantage of his services in the capacity of treasurer for twenty-eight years and in that of superintend- ent of the Sunday-school for eighteen years. TT^HESTER W. SCOTT, M.D.. who has I ly been a practising physician in Law- ^i^ ^ rence twenty-seven years and more, was born in Barre, Washington County, Vt., November 10, 1832. His j^arents were the Rev. Nathan W. and Dorothy Bean (Phillips) Scott. His paternal grandparents, Luther and Esther (Whitney) Scott, were natives of Ver- mont, and lived in Hartford, Windsor County, that State, for a number of years. Luther Scott was engaged in farming in summer and mending brass utensils and mak- ing brass pins in winter. He died at the age of sixty-two, his widow at the age of eighty- four. They are buried in Greensboro, Vt. Of the twelve children born to them, eleven attained maturity and reared families; and for fifty-four years their number was not diminished by death. The first to pass away was Rachel Ames, who reached the age of fifty-four years. Stephen died at the age of ninety-two, Luther at eighty-seven, John at eighty-three. Elihu, who was the last sur- vivor of the family, was eighty-three at the time of his decease. The maximum ages of the eleven children made a sum of seven hun- dred and eighty-five years, an average of over seventy-one years. Stephen had a family of nineteen children, and his brother Royal had fourteen. Nathan W. Scott was born in Hartford, Vt. , November 4, iSoi. He qualified for the ministry, and was engaged as a Methodist preacher for fifty years, his first regular charge being in Dorchester, Mass. He lived for a few years in New Hampshire and for an ex- tended period in Vermont. He died Novem- ber 8, 1885. On January 29, 1827, he was married to Dorothy Bean, daughter of Jonas Phillips, of Glover, Vt. She, like her hus- band, came of a long-lived family. Her mother attained the age of eighty-seven years, and her mother's mother one hundred and seven. Mrs. Scott died at the age of eighty- six, surviving her husband about nine years. She is buried with him in Glover, Vt. Seven children were born to them. One son died in infancy. The other children are located as follows: Wilber Fiske, in Glover, Vt. ; Ches- ter W. , in Lawrence; Martin Luther, M.D., in West Randolph, Vt. ; Nathan Merritt, in Barton, Vt. ; Dorothy Ann, wife of D. C. Scott, in Lebanon, N. H. ; and John Wesley, in St. Johnsbury, Vt. Dorothy Ann was married first to Andrew J. Moulton, who was killed in the Civil War, leaving her with one daughter; and she has another daughter by her present husband, Mr. Scott. Chester W. Scott spent the time between his ninth and sixteenth years on his father's farm in Greensboro, Vt. The Rev. Mr. Scott then sold the property; and the boy attended the academy a part of the year, dividing the rest of the time between work in the harvest field io8 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW and teaching school. In his nineteenth year he began to study medicine with Drs. Darling and Houghton, at Lyndon, Vt. . He prepared for college at Pittsfield, Mass., and Wood- stock, Vt., and graduated March i, 1S54, from the HonKKopathic College of Pennsyl- vania at Philadelphia. He began to practise at Irasburg, Vt. After a term of six years there he went to Lyndon, Vt. , where he was associated with his old preceptor. Dr. C. P. Darling. Dr. Darling died within a short time, and Dr. Scott followed up his practice for eleven years in Lyndon. In December, 1870, he opened an ofifice in Lawrence, Mass. His office is now at 25 Bradford Street. Dr. Scott has a large and successful practice, and is one of the most popular physicians in this vicinity. He has lived in his pleasant home here twenty-four years, having purchased the property in 1874. P'rom 1864 to 1866 Dr. Scott was demonstrator of anatomy in his Alma Mater at Philadelphia; but the close confinement reduced his avoirdupois forty pounds, and brought on a chronic ailment which troubled him for twenty years. The summer of 1885 he spent abroad with Dr. E. R. Sisson, of New liedford, travelling through the British Isles and on the Conti- nent; and his health was much improved by the change. The Doctor's normal weight is about two hundred and nineteen pounds. Like his maternal and paternal ancestors, he is built on the broad-gauge jilan, [jhysically, mentally, and socially. Dr. Scott was married May 29, 1854, to Martha Colton, of Lyndon, Vt. She died in her native town in April, 1862, aged twenty- nine years. She left one daughter, Mary L. , who became the wife of John D. Morehouse, of Lawrence, Mass., and died at the age of twenty-eight, leaving one daughter. Dr. Scott's second wife was Violet E. Chamber- lain. She died November 5, 1S68, in Lyn- don, Vt., aged about twenty-nine. She bore him three children, one of whom dieil in in- fancy. The others are: Dana Wiiitney, who is married and lives in Lawrence; and Nora Hidden, wife of Melvin C. Poice, of Aber- deen, S. Dak. The present Mrs. Scott is Elizabeth, daughter of Moses Gilfillan, a farmer of Barnet, Vt. She is the mother of the following children: Etta Adele, wife of Oliver S. Warden, of Great Falls, Mont. ; Edward S. , who died of small-po.x at the age of two years and four months; and Walter, a young man of nineteen, a student in the In- stitute of Technology, Boston. In politics Dr. Scott is an independent Republican. He is a Master Mason. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. FREDERICK BURNHAM, a well-known resident and native of Manchester, was born April 20, 1855, son of P'red- erick and Louisa (Goldsmith) Burnham, both now deceased. Abel Burnham, the father of Frederick, Sr., was born in Essex, Mass., where a number of generations of the family preceded him, the Burnhams being among the oldest residents of Essex. Frederick Burn- ham, Sr., was a native of Essex. In his in- fancy his parents removed to Gloucester, where he was reared and educated. When a young man he came to Manchester, where the rest of his life was passed, chiefly occupied in farming. His death occurred here in 1883. He was a public-si)irited citizen and a liberal contributor to church work, though a member of no church. In politics he was a Republi- can, and he served acceptably in town offices, including that of Collector. His wife, Louisa, a native of Manchester, was in her eightieth year when she died in December, BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 109 1897. Of their children, three are living, namely: Louise, the wife of Horace P. Lam- bert, of Salem, Mass. ; Esther, the wife of James K. Pulsifer, of Manchester, Mass. ; and Frederick, the subject of this sketch. Frederick ]?urnham acquired his education at the Manchester public schools and at a pri- vate school near here. He spent his boyhood on the home farm, where he gained a practical knowledge of agriculture, to which he has de- voted more or less of his time ever since. He possesses many sterling qualities of char- acter, is public-spirited in his views, and commands the confidence of his townsmen. For ten years he was a Highway Commis- sioner of Manchester, being for nine years of the time the chairman of the board; and he has served in minor town offices. He is a member of Magnolia Lodge, I. O. O. F., at Manchester. In 1876 he was married to Addie C. Dodge, a native of Beverly, Mass., and a daughter of Benjamin F. Dodge. Two sons and a daughter have been born to them — Arthur, Helen, and Benjamin F. Burnham. NDREW WALLACE PEABODY, well known in Middleton and adjoin- ing towns as a capable man of busi- ness, was born here. May 7, 183S, son of An- drew and Mary (Pettingil) Peabody. The Peabodys, who have lived in Middleton for four generations, are descended from Lieuten- ant Francis Peabody. The grandfather of Andrew W. , Captain Nathaniel Peabody, a lifelong resident of the town, built the house now owned by his grandson, one of the oldest in the village, but in good repair. His wife was Ruth Elliott Peabody. Andrew Pea- body, son of Captain Peabody, was reared to agricultural pursuits. He purchased a farm on the south side of Ipswich River, a mile distant from the old homestead, passed the rest of his days there in farming, and died at the age of si.xty-two. He married Mary Pet- tingil, of Salem, who died in 1882, at the age of eighty-two years. Her children were: Jesse W. , Andrew Wallace, and Eunice G. Eunice married Joseph Fletcher, and resides on the father's farm. Andrew Wallace Peabody, though brought up to be a farmer, has not confined his atten- tion to agriculture. He has been engaged in various enterprises throughout his active life, and always successfully. At one time he car- ried on a provision business. It was in that period of his career that he purchased a part of the Batchelder estate in the village, and there erected a fine set of buildings. This property he afterward e.xchanged for the Western homestead, one of the finest places in Essex County, pleasantly located on the shores of a beautiful lake. He has dealt quite exten- sively in live stock, especially since this last transaction ; and he has given some attention to the lumber business. He married Susan C. French, of Boston, who had one child, Helen Florence. Helen married Mr. G. Fuller, of Boston, and died at the age of twenty-three, leaving one child, Marion Fuller Peabody. The child was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Peabody, and now attends school in Mid- dleton. Mr. Peabody is Republican in poli- tics, and has served his town very faithfully as Selectman, Overseer, and in other capaci- ties. OSEPH R. WILSON, an able and in- telligent agriculturist of Ipswich, Mass., was born April 16, 18 58, on the farm he now occupies, son of Henry Wil- son, Jr. This property, which formerly be- longed to the old Captain Appleton estate, was purchased in 1S45 by Henry Wilson, Sr., BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW the grandfather of Joseph R. The grand- father, born in Maine, was for many years prosperously engaged in the fish business, buying shiploads of fish obtained at Deer Is- land, Me., and sending them to different ports along the coast in exchange for West India goods. After living on the farm for a few years, he removed to North Beverly, where he lived to a very advanced age, retaining his vigor of mind and body to the last. He was but a day or two less than ninety-seven years old when he died, his funeral having taken place on April i, 1892, the ninety-seventh anniversary of his birth. Henry Wilson, Jr., a native of Maine, in- herited his father's farm. After retiring from the fish business, which he followed in early life, he carried on mi.xed husbandry until his demise, January 22, 1893, at the age of seventy-seven years. He married Lucy Patch, a daughter of Benjamin and Fanny (Brown) Patch, who owned the adjoining farm, and who there reared their three children — Lucy, Ephraim, and Jemima, the last named of whom did not marry. Henry Wilson, Jr., and his wife had seven children, namely: Lydia, who died at the age of forty, and was the wife of George Kimball; Lucy, who mar- ried George Gate, of Lynn, Mass., and died leaving two children; Martha, the wife of Al- bert Kimball, who died at a comparatively early age; Carrie, who died young, and was the wife of George Plummer, of Lynn; Mar- garet, who is the wife of E. K. Brown, of this town; Henry A., a grocer, in Newbury- port; and Joseph R. , the special subject of this sketch. The mother is still living, an active and bright woman of seventy-eight years. Joseph R. Wilson has been successfully en- gaged in agriculture from an early age, work- ing with characteristic industry and energy to improve his property. A man of much force of character and ever ready to support meas- ures designed to benefit his native town and county, he holds a firm position in the esteem of the community. He is a member of Agawam Lodge, No. 52, I. O. O. F., of Ips- wich; and of the Chebacco Tribe of Red Men. In politics he is a Republican, following faithfully in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, both of whom were adherents of that party. On November 8, 1893, he mar- ried Miss Annie Harold, of Maine. They have two children, namely: Arthur Harold, four and one-half years old; and Henry Ever- ett, two years old. LBRIDGE M. MORSE, a retired wood and lumber dealer, and a member of one of the most prominent families of Merrimac, was born here, January 31, 1819, on his present farm on Bear Hill. He is a descendant of Anthony Morse, who was born in Marlboro, Wiltshire, England, in 1608. Anthony, who came with the first settlers to Newbury, Mass., in 1635, died October 12, 1 686. Deacon Benjamin, son of An- thony, was born in Newbury in 1640, and be- came Deacon of the Second Church of that place, now the First Church of West New- bury. He married Ruth -Sawyer, whose son William, born January 23, 1674, was also a Deacon of the church for many years. Will- iam in 1696 married Sarah Merrill, and died March 10, 1749. His fourth son, Benjamin, boin August 8, 1703, was a Deacon of the church in his time. Benjamin married Mar- garet Bartlett on October 3, 1726, and re- moved to Amesbury, where he became a farmer. His large estate was divided among his four sons. John Morse, born June 21, 1750, was the tenth child of Benjamin. His ELBRIDGE M. MORSE. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Hi wife, Patience Sargent Morse, made him the father of Benjamin Morse, who was the father of Elbridge M. Morse. Benjamin Morse, born June 24, 1782, lived on the old home- stead until about the time of his marriage, when he moved to the farm now owned by his son. In i8o8 he married Sally Nichols, who bore him three children. Elbridge M. Morse received the little edu- cation obtainable in those days at a school- house, twenty feet scjuare, into which some- times were crowded eighty scholars. In his younger days he worked on the farm. After- ward he dealt extensively in wood and lumber, doing a large business, especially in the former article, before coal was used in this section. He owns a large tract of land, beau- tifully situated on the southern bank of Lake Attitash, the lovely sheet of water made famous by the poet Whittier. On November 2, 1846, he married Eliza Johnson, a daughter of William Johnson, of Johnson's Corner, now Mcrrimac. His children were: Mary F., who became a graduate optician, and is the wife of H. G. Hudson, of Amesbury; Etta M., who is a milliner of Merrimac ; Abby C, who married Wesley C. Howe, of Fitchburg, Mass. ; Benjamin, the youngest, who is a resi- dent of Cambridge, Neb. ; and two who died in infancy. Mrs. Morse died July 16, 1891. Mr. Morse is actively interested in public affairs, and has figured prominently in local politics for the past thirty-five years. He was a member of the Board of Selectmen during the Civil War, was Collector and Treasurer of the town for eleven years; and in the winter of 1S58-59 he represented the district in the General Court, having, among other able men, Caleb Gushing and Benjamin Butler for col- leagues. During that year two sessions were called on account of the revision of the statutes. After Merrimac was set off with a separate town government, Mr. Morse served three years on the Board of Selectmen, and was sent as delegate to various State and Senatorial conventions. He has been a mem- ber of the I. O. O. F. for many years. Al- though nearly eighty years of age, he is still vigorous and active, retaining to a remarkable degree his physical and mental endowments. He conies of a sturdy, long lived race, many members of which have lived in health and strength for twenty years beyond the allotted time of man. The family has had many gen- erations of respected. God-fearing men ; and, to quote what a pastor of the church has said of it, "It is as natural for Morses to be pious as for others to be vicious. " UGUSTUS NINIAN CLARK, a ven- erable and honored resident of Bev- erly, was born March 23, 181 1, in Hancock, Hillslioro County, N.H., son of Ninian Clark. His paternal grandfather, William Clark, was a son of Robert Clark, who emigrated from the north of Ireland to New England, and in 1725 became a pioneer settler of Londonderry, N.H. The father, who was born in New Boston, N.H., in 1769, died at his late homestead in Hancock, N. H., in 1844, aged seventy-five years. He married Sally Warner, a daughter of Warhani and Hannah (Ware) Warner and a lineal descend- ant of William Warner, who came from Eng- land to Massachusetts with the early settlers, and who prior to 1670 was enrolled as a citi- zen of Brookfield. Of Ninian Clark's eight children, two by his first wife and six by his second wife, Augustus N, is the sole survivor. Having been educated in the district schools of Hancock, Augustus N. Clark at the age of seventeen years came to Beverly, where he was engaged as a clerk in the dry- 114 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW goods and apothecary store of William Endi- cott for four years. On attaining his major- ity he engaged in the business of druggist on his own account, following it until 1858. Then he became interested in the manufacture of machine leather belting as senior member of the firm A. N. Clark & Co. This, with other enterprises, kept him busily employed for twenty-five years, at the end of which he retired. For fourteen years he was the treas- urer of the Steam Gauge Company, and for fif- teen years he held a similar position in the United Nickel Company of New York, at the same time retaining his residence in Beverly. He is now a member of the Investing Com- mittee of the Beverly Savings Bank, which is a prosperous institution. A public-spirited man, Mr. Clark is inter- ested in the welfare of the community, and has been most generous in his contributions to the churches, both of Hancock and Beverly. He attends the Dane Street Congregational Church of Beverly, which he presented with a handsome chapel about two years ago, and in which he was musical director for several years. He has also been active in promoting the industries of the town, and has done much to increase its prosperity. In i86i he was a Representative to the State legislature. He was a Presidential elector in 1880, when he cast the vote of Massachusetts for General Garfield. Formerly he was a Whig in poli- tics, and in 1840 he espoused the anti-slavery cause, becoming a follower of Garrison and Phillips. Since the formation of the Repub- lican party he has been one of its firmest ad- herents. On August 23, 1838, he married Hitty, (laughter of Eben and Lydia (Ray) Smith. Of his four children, two died in childhood. Augustus, tlie fourth child, born in 1850, who was educated in the public schools of Beverly, the Andover Phillips Academy, and at the Institute of Technology in Boston, died in 1872, soon after com- ing of age. Mrs. Clark, too, passed away in May, 1888. The surviving child is a daugh- ter, who lives with her father. VERETT HENRY DUNBAR, of Lynn, an enterprising boot and shoe manu- facturer and retail dealer, was liorn in Brockton, Mass., June 8, 1845. His grandfather, Martin Dunbar, served as a soldier in the Revolutionary War. His par- ents, Hiram and Lydia Weston (Dickerman) Dunbar, were natives of Brockton. The father, who was a well-known shoemaker of Brockton, died there, October 20, 1878, aged fifty-seven years. Leaving the public schools when he was twelve years old, Everett Henry Dunbar began to learn shoemaking. In 1862 he came to Lynn, where he found employment as a journeyman shoemaker. F"our years after he engaged in business on Munroe Street as a custom shoemaker and retail dealer. So rapidly did his trade increase here that in 1870 he required a force of twenty-five work- men to fill his orders, and he was then one of the largest manufacturers of custom work in New England. In 1874 he sold out to two younger brothers, and he was afterward en- gaged in the same business in San Francisco, Cal., for three years. Returning to Lynn in 1877, he purchased his former business, and has since carried it on very successfully. Mr. Dunbar contracted the first of his two marriages on October 22, 1868, with Addie M. Hoyt, of Lynn, who died in November, 1 87 1. The second, on November 20, 1879, united him with Julia P2mma Wooley, of this city. In politics he is a Republican; and he was a member of the Common Council in the BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW years 1SS3, 1884, and 1885, serving on the Committees on Streets, Grounds, and Public Property. A thirty-second degree Mason, he is connected with Golden Fleece Lodge, F. & A. M. ; Sutton Chapter, Royal Arch Masons; and Olivet Commandery, Knights Templar, of which he is a charter member. He is also a member of Bay State Lodge, No. 40, I. O. O. F. ; of Sagamore Tribe, No. 2, Im- proved Order of Red Men ; a charter member of Lynn Council, No. 516, Royal Arcanum, which he has represented in the Grand Lodge for the past fourteen years; has been a mem- ber of Lynn Lodge, No. 117, Order of Elks; and is connected with Mystic Lodge, No. 19, Ancient Order of United Workmen: and with the Oxford Club. M AVID M. HILTON, the proprietor of a large livery stable and trucking business, and a very highly re- spected citizen of Gloucester, was born in this city, November 3, 1835, son of Francis and Mary Eliza (Pew) Hilton. Having received his education in the public schools of Glouces- ter, he began to drive a team for William Henry Young, in whose employ he continued for about three years. During the following eighteen months he worked on the schooner "Banner," owned by Charles and George Wood, and used for freighting merchandise between Gloucester and Boston. In 1856 he bought of John Kendall a horse, harness, and cart, for four hundred and fifty dollars, and thereafter spent two years at teaming for Joshua Sanborn. At the end of that time he bought all of Mr. Sanborn's teaming outfit for fifteen hundred dollars, going into debt for a large part of the sum, but paying in full soon after. About that time Mr. Hilton added the busi- ness of a stevedore to his teaming, which he continues to follow. He also built a stable on Mansfield Street. This line of business has steadily increased in importance. His present finely equipped stable at the corner of Main and Pierce Streets is the largest in the city. The main stable is one hundred and fifty by one hundred and forty feet, while the building devoted to the trucking department covers an area of seven thousand square feet. He keeps on an average forty horses for work- ing and driving, and has trucks, harnesses, etc., in proportion, so that he is able to fur- nish any sort of team required for the heaviest trucking. He employs thirty men constantly, and has a yearly business of fifty thousand dollars or more. Mr. Hilton has never married. He is a member of the Veteran Firemen's Associa- tion, also of the Business Men's Association. Public-spirited and progressive, few men enjoy in a greater degree the good will and respect of the entire community. f^OSEPH WHITEHEAD, the well- known dealer in groceries and provi- sions at Saugus Centre, was born in Yorkshire, England, on May 20, 1823. Com- ing to America in 1845, he located at Saugus, and began work in a woollen-mill, having be- come an expert operator before leaving Eng- land. He remained in the mill until 1853, when he went out to California by way of Nicaragua, returning two years later by way of Panama. In California he was engaged in mining, being in the northern part of the State, but meeting with only average success. Upon his return to .Saugus in 1855 Mr. Whitehead opened the grocery store that he has since conducted. His honorable and prompt methods of doing business and his Ilfi BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW uniformly obliging manner have won for him a profitable patronage and many warm friends. To-day he is one of the substantial men of Saugus. For twenty years consecutively he was Town Treasurer, and for a part of that time he was Overseer of the Poor. In 1878 he served in the State legislature, where he exhibited the same sound judgment and busi- ness qualities that have marked his career as a private citizen. While voting the Democratic ticket, he is not a strong party man, as he be- lieves in doing honor to the best man. Mr. Whitehead married Sarah Townscnd, who has now been deceased for twenty years. He has no children living. His son, Ralph Whitehead, who assisted him in the store, died at the age of twenty-seven years. For twenty years he has been a member of Will- iam Sutton Lodge of Masons. iHARLES HENRY DOWNING, Chief of the Lynn Fire Department, was born in South Reading, Mass., on July 10, 1827. A son of John and Lefee (Seger) Downing, natives respectively of Lynn and Marblehead, he is, according to the best information now obtainable, a descendant of Malcolm Downing, who came from Scotland to America in 1654, settled in Lynn, and married Margaret Sullivan on April 4, 1653. Some of his ancestors served in the war of the Revolution. Having received his education in the public schools of Lynn, Charles Henry Downing began learning the shoemaker's trade at the age of thirteen years. After completing his apprenticeship he worked in small concerns \intil 1S60. Thereafter until 1875 he was employed in large factories. For a year and a half he was foreman for Fillsbury Brothers. Then for two years he was engaged in the gro- cery business, and later for ten years he was sole-cutting for Hood & Johnson. During the last five years of that time he was a silent partner in the drug concern of J. W. Chase & Co. In iSgo he was appointed Chief En- gineer of the Lynn Fire Department, which position he has since held and filled in an able manner. He has been a member of the com- pany since 1845 and for twenty-nine years an engineer. His promotion to the chief's posi- tion was well merited, and had the unanimous approval of the department members. Chief Downing has made some valuable changes in the service since he assumed the management, and has a just pride in its efficiency and good record. All the people of Lynn share with him this feeling. Mr. Downing is a member of the Bay State Lodge of Odd Fellows, No. 40. In politics he is a Republican. In 1865, 1866, and 1867 he was a member of the Common Council, during which time he rendered valu- able service on the Committee on the Fire Department. During the years 1862, 1863, and 1S64 he was Clerk of Ward Four. On June 26, 1854, he was married in Lynn to Sarah A. Whitney, of this city. (S ANIEL PUTNAM POPE, a popular townsman of Danvers Centre, was born there, March 8, 1 826, son of Nathaniel and Abi (Preston) Pope. He is a descendant of Joseph Pope, who settled in Danvers, now West Peabody, in 1636, a son of I'31ijah and Hannah (Putnam) Pope. She was a daughter of Daniel Putnam. The direct line of ancestry is made by Joseph,' Joseph,^ Nathaniel,' Elijah," and Nathaniel.-'^ Na- thaniel ' married Mary Swinerton. His son, Elijah, marrietl Hannah Putnam, a daughter of Daniel Putnam. CHARLES H. DOWNING. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 119 Nathaniel Pope, son of Elijah and the father of Daniel Putnam Pope, in 1830 bought the farm now owned by the latter, which was a part of the original Swinerton grant, and lived thereon throughout the rest of his life. He successively married Abi Preston and Char- lotte F"lint. The first wife died March 4, 1 84 1. His death occurred January 17, 1880. His second wife survived him about twelve years. His children were: Elizabeth Putnam, who married Captain Andrew M. Putnam, and lives in Danvers; Harriet Adeline, who mar- ried Henry F. Putnam, a brother of Captain Putnam; Mary Putnam, who married a third brother, and is also living in Danvers; Asenath Preston Pope, who married Nathan Tapiey, both now deceased ; Ira Preston, who married Eliza C. Batchclder; Daniel Putnam, the subject of this biography; Hannah Put- nam, who married Dr. B. B. Breed, of Lynn, who is now deceased; and Jasper Felton Pope, who successively married Sophia Jane Richards and Martha Mansfield. After learning the carpenter's trade Daniel P. Pope was for fifteen years a contractor and builder. Thereafter he devoted his attention to the cultivation of his farm for more than thirty years. On March 30, 1852, he married Lydia Newhall Demsey, a daughter of Isaac and Mary Williams Demsey. Her father was a farmer and shoemaker. The Demseys are an old family of the place, the ancestry being traced from Christopher Demsey, the first settler, who married Elizabeth Burton, and died in 1762, through Isaac and Hannah (Henfield), Bartholomew and Mary (Britton), Isaac and Mary (Williams). The children of Mr. and Mrs. Pope are: Mary, who died when twenty years old; F"letcher, who married Laura Whitticr, and deals in lumber in Dan- versport ; Isaac Demsey, who successively married Eliza Lilly and Cora B. Fox, and is in business with Fletcher, firm of Pope Brothers ; and Guy Preston, who married Irene Hynd, of Danvers, and is in the insurance business in that town. Fletcher Pope, while residing in Danvers, spends the most of his time in Reddington, Me., where he is the superintendent of the Reddington Mills and the general manager of the Phillips & Range- ley Railroad. Mr. Pope, Sr., has served for seventeen years past on the Board of Select- men, and has been the chairman of the board for fourteen years. He always votes the Re- publican ticket. A man of sterling traits, he is very popular in the community. AMUEL A. STACY, the founder of the well-known insurance firm of S. A. Stacy & Co., Gloucester, was born June 11, i8ig, in the old Stacy house in this city. He was a son of Eli and Mary Saunders (Hough) Stacy and a grand- son of Benjamin Stacy. Marblehead was the first abiding-place of the Stacys in this coun- try. John, a son of Thomas Stacy, of Salem, and the first of the family to settle in Glouces- ter, came hither in 1723 from Ipswich, Mass., and was licensed as an innholder. He died here nine years later. Upon leaving the public schools of Glouces- ter Samuel A. Stacy went West, and for a few years resided in Chillicothe, Ohio. Afterward, returning to Gloucester, he made his home here until his death, which occurred on October 19, 1895. For many years he did a prosperous business in insurance, being a member of the firm of S. A. Stacy & Co. He rendered valuable service to the commu- nity as a member of the School Committee in 1 86 1 and 1862, of the Board of Assessors in 1861, 1862, and 1863, of the Auditing Com- mittee in 1847, of the Building Committee of BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW the town hall on Dak Avenue, and of the Board of Aldermen during the first two years of Gloucester's existence as a city. For a long time he was a trustee of the Cape Ann Savings Bank and its president from 1888 to the time of his decease. He was also a trus- tee of the Oak Grove Cemetery and of the Gloucester Water Supply Company, a director of the Gloucester Lyceum and Sawyer Free Public Library, and a trustee of the library's permanent fund. In 1846 Mr. Stacy was united in marriage with Miss Harriet Gilbert, who survives him. Of their five children, two died in infancy. The others arc: John C, Eliza, and George O. Eliza is the wife of A. H. Calef, the treasurer of the Missouri Pacific Railroad, and resides in New York City. George' O. Stacy, born November 3, 1863, was local manager for the telephone company for a few years, and is now the landlord of the Hawthorne Inn and its cottages, which he opened in the summer of 1 89 1. The numerous improvements he has effected in this place have converted it into one of the pleasantcst summer resorts on the New England coast. He also owns the well-known Moorland at Bass Rock. 'RANCIS M. DODGE has had many years of successful experience as a teacher and superintendent of schools, and is now chairman of the School Board of his native town, Wenham, Mass. He was born April 14, 1826, the fourth son of Nicho- las and Prudence E. (Edwards) Dodge, and is of the seventh generation in descent from Richard Dodge, the first of his progenitors in America. In the Genealogy of the Dodge Family his lineage is thus traced: Richard'; Richard,' who lived in the south part of Wenham; William^; RichanH; Nicholas s; Nicholas'; Francis M.' Richard Dodge, first, with his wife and two or more children, came to Salem in 1638, and after living for a time on land owned by his brother William, wiio came in 1629, settled at North Beverly, not far east of Wenham Lake. He owned an extensive tract of land, on which he made substantial improvements, and for many years afterward it was in the possession of his descendants. Nicholas Dodge, father of the subject of this sketch, was an industrious and thrifty farmer and a prominent citizen of Wenham. He served as Selectman of the town many years, and, being Justice of the Peace for a long time, was familiarly known to his contempo- raries as "Squire Nicholas." Of the children born to him and his wife. Prudence, but two survive — Jacob E. and PVancis M., jjoth of Wenham. Francis M. Dodge acquired his elementary education in the public schools of Wenham, and, after fitting for college at the Hampton Falls Academy in New Hampshire, took a full course of study at Colby University, Waterville, Me., where he was graduated in 1853. Beginning to teach school when but sixteen years old, he taught for three years in what is now called Beverly Farms. After his graduation he was for two years jirincipal of the high school at Brattleboro, Vt. ; later on for a time he was at the head of the Hampton Falls Academy ; and he subsequently had a select school in Wenham two years. In 1858 he represented the towns of Topsfield, Bev- erly, and Wenham in the lower branch of the State legislature, being the youngest memlier of the House. He was afterward for several years one of the corps of teachers in Beverly, and then for four years superintendent of the schools of Weymouth, Mass., a position that BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW he was forced to resign on account of ill health. By the advice of his physician he went West to recuperate, and after spending a few months at Red Wing, Minn., had so far recovered his usual vigor that he resumed his educational work by accepting the charge of the public schools of Winona, Minn., of which he was superintendent eight years. Returning then to Wenham, Mr. Dodge has since made this place his permanent home, and has rendered valuable service to his native town as Select- man and as a member of the local School Committee, of which he has been chairman several years. A well-informed man, studi- ous and progressive, he has kept abreast with the times, and has been eminently successful in his chosen field of labor. He is a Repub- lican in politics, an active member of the Baptist church, and is identified with the Ma- sonic fraternity of Beverly. On August 7, 1862, Mr. Dodge married Miss Sarah J. Philbrick, of Seabrook, N.H. They have one child, Adaline P., wife of Edward B. Cole, of Brookline, Mass. Tip^ICHARD TENNEY NOYES, a I )^^ [jrominent farmer of Newbury, was -i^ V_ ^ born here, September 2, 1852. A son of Moses Knight and Hannah M. (Ten- ney) Noyes, he is a direct descendant of Nicholas Noyes, who, coming from Wiltshire, England, with his brother James, settled in Newbury in 1635. Nicholas Noyes was the first man to step ashore when the first boat reached land at Parker River, and therefore may well be called a first settler. He married Mary Cutting. His son. Cutting Noyes, born September 23, 1649, married Elizabeth Knight. Another son, John, married May Noyes, whose son, Amos, married Sarah Jaques, and became the father of John, the grandfather of Richard T. Noyes. This John Noyes, born October 2, 1784, died April 24, 1864. On February 24, 1812, he married Sarah Knight, who died June 20, 1876. Their son Moses married Hannah M. Ten- ney, by whom he became the father of four children. These were: Richard, the eldest, and the subject of this sketch; Edward Au- gustine, who married Helen Noyes Rolfe, and has two children; Lucy Withington, who married Newman Gould; and Annie Carey, who married Arthur C. Currier, and had one son, Dudley S. Currier. Having received his education in the public schools, finishing in the high schools, Richard Tenney Noyes decided to become a farmer. From the time he was four years old he had lived on the old Pierce farm, which had been purchased by his father. There he has since carried on a dairy farm, with about thirty head of cattle, horses, and other stock, and has been most successful. He has served on the Board of Selectmen for the past five years, and is now the chairman of the board. A respected member of the Newbury Farmers' Club, he serves on its E.xecutive Committee. On April 22, 1877, he married Ellen H. Adams, a daughter of Giles A. Adams, of Ntjwbury- port. Their only child, Howard Adams, born May 7, 1879, is now in the graduating class of the Putnam High School at Newbury. Mr. Noyes is a representative man from many points of view, and is highly esteemed in the town. YgriRAM J. PHILBROOK, one of the r^l best known residents of Rockport, -i-^ V, . was born on Fox Island, Me., No- vember 13, 182 1, son of Daniel and Rachel (Young) I^hilbrook. The Philbrook family, which is of English origin, began in this country with three brothers, who came here BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW during the Colonial period. One settled at the mouth of the Kennebec River in Maine; another at Rye, N.H.; and the third, of whom Hiram J. is a direct descendant, found a home on Cape Cod. Hiram J. Philbrook's parents were both natives of Cape Cod. After residing for a time on Fox Island they moved to Brunswick, Me., where the father died at the age of forty-one. During his ac- tive years he was a fisherman and a farmer. He also served as a soldier in the War of 1812, participating in several battles. Of his children there are three survivors, namely: Hiram J., the subject of this sketch; Harriet N. Philbrook, of Charlestown, Mass. ; and Zylpha Y., the wife of Captain Hugh Stan- wood, of Brunswick. Hiram J. Philbrook accompanied his par- ents to Brunswick when he was seven years old, and was educated in the common schools of that town. At the age of fourteen he began to learn the blacksmith's trade. After serving an apprenticeship of seven years with John W. Libby, he went to Oldtown, Me., where he was for a time engaged in making axes for Thomas Springer. From Oldtown he went to Portland, and there worked for Joseph Thaxter. Then he went South, and was for a short period engaged in sharpening tools for the United States government at Fort Sum- ter, Charleston Harbor. After subsequently working in Philadelphia for a time, he came to Rockport in March, 1844. From July of that year until 1872 he was connected with the firm of Preston & Fernal, quarrymen and contractors, first as a mechanic and later as a partner; and for several years he was employed by their successors, the Rockport Granite Com- pany. He is a vice-president, a trustee, and a member of the Investment Committee of the Granite Savings Bank. Mr. Philbrook married Maria R. Flood, of Portland, daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Daniels) Flood. The father was a native of Buxton, Me., and the mother of Exeter, N.H. Mr. and Mrs. Philbrook have two daughters: Emily, the wife of Eben Blachford, of Rock- port; and Sarah E., the wife of the Rev. Byron G. Russell, of this town. A Past Master of Granite Lodge, I. O. O. F., Mr. Philbrook has been a member of the lodge for fifty years, and he is connected with the Veteran Odd P"ellows Association of Essex County. Politically, he is a Democrat, and, though never actively concerned in public affairs, he has always evinced a deep interest in the welfare and prosperity of the town. Mass. EORGE EDMUND HERRICK, a prominent farmer and dairyman of Lynnfield and a native of Salem, was born on March 22, 1835, his par- ents being John and Elizabeth Flint (Foster) Herrick. The first ancestor of the family in this country, Henerie Herrick, settled at Salem on June 24, 1629, among the Puritan colonists. His son, John Herrick, was a farmer in Wenham, where he settleil in 1719. John's son, Josiah, who was also a farmer in Wenham, died on May 14, 1772. Josiah mar- ried Joanna Dodge, of Beverly, who died in 1775- Their son, John, who died in 1806 at the age of seventy-five and resided in Boxford, wedded Anna Brown, who was born in Beverly. Edmund Herrick, son of John and grandfather of George E. Herrick, was born at Danvers. He was a teamster in Washington's army under the immediate command of the great general, and was fond of relating incidents of his army life and of Washington. Settling at Chester, N. H., he first married Mehetabel Curtis, of Middleton, in 1786, and afterward Rachel White. The latter, who survived her BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 123 husband, received a pension from the govern- ment until her death. John Herrick, son of Edmund and the father of George E. , was only sixteen years old at the time of his father's death. Born in Boxford in 1799, he resided there until 1844, when he removed to Peabody, on to the farm of his father-in-law, Captain Aaron Foster, whose daughter he had married in 1828. This homestead was one of the earliest settled in this part of the country, and is now two hun- dred and fifty years old. John died there in 1878 at the age of seventy-nine years. A de- voted member of the Lynnfield church, he liad been one of its Deacons for seventeen years previous to his death. Elizabeth Herrick, his wife, died on the old farm, June 17, 1894, being then in her ninety-fourth year. Her children were: Frances Elizabeth; Mary Jane; John Everett; Cynthia F"oster; George Edmund; Horace, who was born in 1837, and died in infancy; and Clara, who died in child- hood. Of these, George E. and John Everett are living. Frances Elizabeth, born in 1828, who died in Lawrence, married Gilbert E. Hood. Mr. Hood, now a bank treasurer in Lawrence, taught school during his college course; later became principal of Thetford Academy of Thetford, Vt. ; and finally was superintendent of schools at Lawrence for thirteen years. Mary Jane, born in 1830, married Benjamin F. Tweed, an author of some note, who was a professor at Tufts Col- lege and at Washington University, St. Louis, and subsequently a supervisor of the Boston public schools. She died in a Boston hospital while yet a resident of St. Louis. John Everett, born in 1831, lives on the Cap- tain Foster farm at Peabody. Cynthia Foster, who was born in 1833, married Charles Buck, of Stoneham, and died in that town, leaving two sons — Professor Albert Buck and Charles P'rederick Buck, the latter a well-known business man of Boston. George E. Herrick, who took a course of study in the academy at Thetford, Vt., after completing the course of the common schools taught school for a number of terms in Esse.x County and in Vermont. In 1861 he came to Lynnfield, and settled on the farm which had been the home of his wife and of her people for a hundred years. In the same year he joined the church, in which he succeeded his father as Deacon after the latter's death. A member of the School Committee for seven- teen years, he was the chairman of the board during the greater part of that time. His main business being dairying, he milks about thirty cows, and has a flourishing milk route. For a number of years he was engaged in the manufacture of a seed sower, which he had patented, and which was an improvement of the old Danvers seed sower. His first wife, Abbie Ann, was a daughter of Henry and Eunice Bancroft and a graduate of Andover F"emale Academy. Her parents had another child, Plunice Mansfield, who graduated at the Salem Normal School. The sisters were much attached to each other. Abbie's marriage with Mr. Herrick took place on April 24, 1 861. Her children are: George Henry, who resides with his father; and Clara Maria, now a professional nurse. Slie died [anuary 31, 1875. On April 5, 1877, Mr. Herrick mar- ried her sister, Eunice. Mr. Bancroft died in 1879, ^'s wife having died before the mar- riage of Abbie. The children of Mr. Her- rick's second marriage — Gilbert Bancroft and Abbie Frances — live with their parents. In politics Mr. Herrick is a Republican, and has attended various county conventions. He has also attended many church conferences, takes an active part in church work, and is a member of both the Village Improvement So- 124 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW ciety • and the Essex County Agricultural Society. Many premiums and diplomas have been granted him by agricultural societies. Among the improvements he has made on the Bancroft farm are the erection of stone fences, the extension of the land, and the enlargement of the house. f^OHN EVERETT HERRICK, a prom- inent farmer of Peabody, was born in a part of Salem now included in the town of Peabody, on November 19, 1831. A son of John and Elizabeth Flint (Foster) Her- rick, he is descended from Henerie Herrick, who settled in Salem in 1629. (A sketch of Mr. Herrick's paternal ancestors is given in the biography of his brother, George E. Mer- rick.) His mother, Elizabeth, was a grand- daughter of James Foster and a daughter of Captain Aaron Foster. James Foster was the first of that family to settle on the Foster farm. While carrying on general farming, he made a special feature of raising hops, which he shipped to Philadelphia, together with what quantity he could purchase from his neighbors. Aaron Foster, who was the only member of the family that remained in Peabody, was an extensive farmer, owning about two hundred and fifty acres. He was prominent in town affairs, and was a Captain in the militia. When he died in 1844 he was sixty-eight years old. His wife, whose maiden name was Hannah Brown, was reared on the adjoining farm. Having survived her husband, she died during the Civil War, at the age of eighty- six. The house, now situated on the Foster homestead, was probably built by the Cabots, of Salem, about the time of the Revolution, and came into possession of the Foster family in 178S. The original house was burned. The children of Aaron and Hannah Brown F"oster were: Elizabeth Flint, George, James, Clara, Louise, and Mary N. The eldest son died three years ago in Wakefield, at the age of ninety-three. George was a jirominent cit- izen and a heavy real estate owner of Lynn ; James was a custom officer at Boston for seventeen years in succession, and resided at Maiden and Everett; Clara married Professor Tweed, of Tufts College; Louise married Paul Hart Sweetser, of Wakefield, a lifelong educator; and Mary became the third wife of Moses Dornian, of Boxford, a country squire. Elizabeth, the mother of Mr. Herrick, died three years ago, at the advanced age of ninety- four years. Her husband, who had bought the Foster farm, died in 1881, over eighty years of age. He was a most devoted member of the Lynnfield church, and was for many years a leading Deacon. His children were: Frances Elizabeth, Mary Jane, John Everett, Cynthia P'oster, George Edmund, Clara Maria, and Horace. The last two died in childhood. After attending Thetford Academy in Ver- mont, which was then a celebrated school and received students from all over the country, John Everett Herrick taught school for a year in Essex County. Subsequently he was in business in Peabody for two years and in a hotel at Medway for an equal length of time. Being compelled, however, on account of his health to seek an outdoor occupation, he re- turned to the farm, renting it of his father, and actively engaged in agriculture. Upon the death of his father he inherited the farm. He now owns about two hundred acres of the old I'oster estate and a part of the Brown homestead. Besides cultivating extensive gardens, he keeps a dairy, and attends a milk route in Lynn. The orchard in which his grandfather, Aaron Foster, set out a large RALPH H. SARciKNT. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 127 number of fruit-trees, has been enlarged by Mr. Herrick, who now markets considerable fruit. He has been a member of the Essex County Agricultural Society for many years, and was the first president of the West Peabody Farmers' Club, which was at one time a large and influential organization. He served as Selectman and Assessor for six years while both boards were together, and after they were separated he was Assessor for twelve years. In politics a Republican, he has been delegate to various conventions of the party. For twenty years he has been a Mason of Jordan Lodge at Peabody. Mr. Herrick contracted the first of his two marriages with Elizabeth Burnham, of Essex. Subsequent to her death, some fifteen years after her marriage, he married Jiis present wife, Harriet, who is a daughter of Moses Dorman, of Boxford, by his second wife, whose maiden name was Andrews. Her father's third marriage was made with Mary Foster, an aunt of her husband. Mr. Herrick has three children by his first mar- riage, all residing with him; namely, Sarah ISurnham, May Frances, and Willis Everett. lALPH H. SARGENT, one of the most active business men of Merri- mac, was born here, December 5, 1848, at a period when the town site formed a part of Amesbury. After receiving his edu- cation in the Merrimac public schools he be- came a practical machinist, and worked at his trade in Manchester, N.H., for six years. At the end of that time he returned to Merrimac, and, settling upon the homestead farm, lived there until 1897. Then business interests in- duced him to sell the farm and remove to the village. In 1876 Mr. Sargent bought out the ice business of Simeon Adams. This he has since conducted, giving close application to it and building up a successful and lucrative trade. On February 18, 1878, he married Lizzie Morris, of Philadelphia, Pa. His five children by her are: Irma T., Allen M., Orlando, Ralph H., Jr., and Marion M. Constantly alive to town interests, his influ- ence has long been felt in the public affairs of Merrimac. He was made Street Commis- sioner in 1893, and at the present time he holds office as the chairman of the J3oard of Selectmen. An esteemed member of the Bethany Lodge, F. & A. M., he has been Master for two years. Mr. Sargent and his family attend and support the Congregational church. SA G. ANDREWS, ex-Mayor of Gloucester and now a prominent agri- culturist of Essex, was born here, June 24, 1843, son of Asa R. and Mary B. (Clark) Andrews. His grandfather, Moses Andrews, who was a prosperous farmer of Essex, married Sarah Andrews, and has a fam- ily of nine children. Of the latter three are living, namely: Elizabeth, a resident of Gloucester; Clarissa, who lives in Essex; and Asa R. The others were: Stalie, Lucy, Sallie, Oliver, Ruth, and Mary. Asa R. Andrews, a native of Essex, for many years followed the trade of a ship-car- penter. He plied his calling with inilustry and prosperity until his retirement, which took place some time ago. He is now living in Essex. His wife, Mary, was a daughter of George and Sally (Day) Clark, of West Gloucester. Her father was engaged in till- ing the soil during the active period of his life. George and Sally Clark were the par- ents of seven children — George, Sally, John, Susan, James, Elizabeth, and Mary B., none 128 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW of whom are living. Mr. and Mrs. Asa R. Andrews had a family of three children, namely: Asa G., the subject of this sketch; Francis F., born in November, 1845; and Adelaide, born November 2, 1864, who died at the age of fourteen years. Francis F. is engaged in agricultural pursuits in Essex. He married Mary Isabelle Burnham, of this town, and has two children: Lawrence E., who married Susie Courier, and is a clerk in Gloucester; and Mary F., who resides at ht)me. Mrs. Asa K. Andrews died in Sep- tember, i860. Asa G. Andrews was educated in the com- mon schools. At the age of nineteen he began to serve an apprenticeship at shoemak- ing. When his time had expired, he worked at the trade as a journeyman for about six years, and then was engaged in the grocery business in Concord, N.H., for about five years. At the end of that time he sold out, and during the succeeding year was employed by N. S. Batchelder, a wholesale and retail grocer. Subsequently he returned to Glouces- ter, where he became connected with the fish business carried on by Charles l^irkhurst. Six years later he was appointed general man- ager of the Marine Railway, a position which he held for sixteen years. In 1894 he bought the D. L. Haskell farm of one hundred and twenty-five acres in Essex. With the excep- tion of a year spent as clerk for the Higgins & Gifford Boat Manufacturing Company of Gloucester, he has since been engaged in gen- eral farming and dairying. He keeps twelve cows, sells considerable milk, and his farm is regarded as one of the best pieces of agricult- ural property in Essex. He was one of the incorporators and is still a director of the Gloucester Co-operative Bank. While residing in Gloucester, Mr. Andrews figured prominently in its affairs, displaying an ability that won the confidence and admira- tion of his business associates. Since attain- ing his majority he has been a zealous Repub- lican, giving active support to the party. He was a member of the City Council for two years, represented his ward in the Board of Aldermen for three years, and was a member of the Republican City Committee for several years. In 1891 he was elected Mayor of Gloucester, and re-elected in 1892 and 1893. During these three years he gave the city a progressive and business-like administration. On December 21, 1S64, he was united in mar- riage with Almira C. Haskell. She was burn in Epsom, N.H., September 28, 1845, daugh- ter of Moses Critchett and Almira Haskell. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews have two daughters: Mira Adelaide, born May 14, 1870; and Edith G., born August i, 1880. Mira Ade- laide married Charles II. Coas, who is en- gaged in the fish business at East Gloucester, and has one daughter, Adelaide H. Edith G. is residing at home. Mr. Andrews is con- nected with Ocean Lodge, No. Si ; and Ca[)e Ann ICncamjiment, No. ^i^,, I. O. O. F. ; and he is a member of the Tribe of Iinj)roved Order of Red Men in Gloucester. A jjopular man, he still retains a wide influence in the political affairs of this part of the county. 19, ANIEL W. APPLETON, a sulistan- tial farmer of Ipswich, was born on the farm where he now resides, May 21, 1833, son of Daniel and Mehetabel (Cleaves) Appleton. He comes of one of the oldest families of this section of New Eng- land. His emigrant ancestor received a grant of six hundred acres of hind in Ipswich in 1635. Portions of this grant are still owned by members of the family, the original home- stead being now in the possession of Daniel BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 129 l'"uller Appleton, of New York City, who is at the head of the Waltham Watch Company, and has a summer residence in this town. Among the ancestors of Daniel VV. were Isaac Appleton and his son, Thomas, who died in September, 1830, at the advanced age of ninety-one years. Thomas's son, Daniel, was the grandfather of Daniel W. Appleton. Daniel Appleton, Sr., born on the Apple- ton homestead, was reared in Beverly, Mass., having removed there with his parents when about nine years old. He first married Martha, or Patty, Woodbury, who became the mother of Daniel Appleton, Jr., and died at the age of forty years. He subsequently mar- ried Polly Allen, of Manchester, Mass. ; and she survived him, dying November 7, 1S64, aged eighty -four years. His death occurred May 26, 1S63, at the age of eighty-six years. Daniel Appleton, Jr., born in Beverly, Mass., July 4, 1S02, died in that town, October 20, 1S59. In early manhood he followed the sea for twelve years, and then turned his attention to agricultural pursuits. In 1832 he bought the farm now owned and occupietl by his son, Daniel W., and was here engaged in cultivat- ing the soil for several years. Retiring then from manual labor, he returned to Bev- erly, and there spent his declining days in comfort and ease. On April 10, 1832, he married Miss Mehetabel Cleaves, who was born and reared in Wenham, this county. Their children were: Daniel Woodbury, the subject of this sketch; Marietta, born in 1836; and John W. E., born May 22, 1850, who lived but five years. The mother, who lived with her son, Daniel, after the death of her husband, was eighty-three years old when she died on November 22, 1888. At the age of seventeen Daniel W. Apple- ton became an apprentice at shoemaking, a trade which he afterward followed until re- | called to the home farm when his father was unable to care for the property. On taking charge of the farm his parents removed to Beverly, while his sister, Marietta, remained with him to keep house until his marriage. He owns one hundred acres of finely improved land, which he has successfully devoted to general agriculture, and several tenement houses in Beverly, on Lorett Street, which bring him in a handsome annual rental. On the gable of the house which was built some years ago is the Appleton coat of arms. On April 28, 1870, Mr. Appleton married Miss Lucy Abbie Lamson, a daughter of Jarvis and Lucy (Whittredge) Lamson, of Hamilton, and a grand-daughter of Jonathan and Sally (Appleton) Lamson, the latter of whom was a sister of Daniel Appleton, Sr. Mrs. Appleton died December 6, 1S83, leav- ing three children, namely: Daniel Howard, born November 30, 1874, who lives with his father on the home farm ; Marietta Dane, born November 13, 1876, who is the wife of Amos E. L. Scotton, of Brockton, Mass. ; and Elliott Lamson, born April 9, 1S81, who graduated from the Salem Commercial College in June, 1898. <^*^> ILO H. GOULD, a prosperous farmer and an esteemed resident of Andover, was born in his pres- ent residence, P'ebruary 22, 1S58, son of Henry Augustus and Sally (Batchelor) Gould. The Gould family has been in America since 1638, when it began with Richard Gould, who came from England. Cornelius Gould, father of Henry Augustus, born in 1767, followed farming throughout his life. This house is one hundred years old, having been built in 1797. Henry Augustus, who was born in Bradford, Mass., in 1816, passed the greater 13° BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW part of his life in Andovcr, engaged in agri- cultural pursuits. His wife, Sally, was a daughter of David Batchelor, of North Read- ing, Mass. Henry A. and Sally Gould were the parents of ten children. Of these, seven are living; namely, Henry Elias, Sarah Ann, Theodore F., Mark F., Ida R., Milo H., and Asa T. Sarah Ann successively married Ansel Eaton and George F. Mason. Ida R. is the wife of Henry A. Russell, of Andover. Having acquired his education in the An- dover public schools, Milo H. Gould worked with his father on the farm for some years. In 1892 he was appointed superintendent of the Poor Farm. Since the death of his father he has had charge of the homestead, and con- ducted it very successfully. He also manages the Sunnydale Milk Farm. Mr. Gould was first married in 1S79 to Miss Clara Estella Batchelor, daughter of George liatchelor, and became the father of one child, Florence W. A second marriage, contracted in 1889, united him to Carrie, daughter of Walter B. Allen. She has no children. In politics Mr. Gould is a Repub- lican. Both he and his wife are members of the Congregational church. Fraternally, he is a member of the Andover Lodge, Indepen- dent Order of Odd Fellows; and of Andover Grange, No. 183, of which he was Master for two years. VOUIS F. BARTON, of Newburyport, a prominent shoe manufacturer and dealer, was born in Pittsfield, N.H., January 16, 1852. He comes of an old and long-lived family of Massachusetts. At the family reunion held in 1885 it was as- certained that, out of one hundred persons comprising five generations of Bartons, only four were dead. Ebenezer, the hrst ancestor, who came from Flngland, settled in Pittsfield upon an estate that is still in the possession of the family. David Barton, grandfather of Louis F., was a farmer. Although he lived to be eighty- seven years of age, he never rode on steam cars during his life, having been unable to overcome his fear of them. He married Mary Miller, of Brentwood, and became by her the father of ten children. Louis G. Barton, son of David and father of Louis F., a shoemaker by trade, was also the first station agent at Seabrook. He was accidentally drowned on Hampton Bar when he was forty-two years old. His wife, in maidenhood Eliza Ed- munds, of Chichester, N.H., and a daughter of Gardner and Matilda Edmunds, is still liv- ing with her son, Louis F. Barton, being now seventy-nine years old. She is the mother of six children, all of whom are living. Louis F. Barton was the fourth of his par- ents' children. His father's death when Louis was fourteen years old obliged him to leave school then and begin work. Having learned the trade at which his father had worked, he aided his mother in bringing up the family and in paying off the mortgage on the home. When he was twenty-one years of age he came to Newburyport, and worked for the E. P. Dodge Manufacturing Company, where he remained for several years. The company finally offered him the post of super- intendent, but he declined it. In 1879 he and Mr. Pike ojjcned a retail shoe store in Amesbury, the firm being known as Pike & Barton. Here he remained for si.\ months, and then bought the stand where he is now carrying on business, starting in with only one clerk. Mr. Barton also started £\nd built up the business of W. W. Coffin, being a silent partner. In 1891, with two others, he opened up Summit Place, and made by that BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW *3i enterprise some thousands of dollars. Since then he has been interested in a number of real estate investments, including the opening of Arlington Street and the erection of a num- ber of houses, in consequence of which he was known as "The Land King" in 1894. By one of his more recent investments Mr. Bar- ton cleared three thousand dollars in ten days. Barton Street, where he now owns some five or six houses, was also opened by him. In 1S93 he built a fine residence for himself on High Street, which has plate-glass windows and other features in keeping therewith. The proprietor of the Advent Church for the past nine years, he has recently renovated its basement. On January 8, 1896, in partner- ship with Mr. Thuriow, he began the manu- facture of shoes. Mr. Thuriow retired from the firm at the end of three months, since which Mr. Barton has continued the business alone. He makes infants' shoes chiefly, em- ploying about seventy-five hands. Mr. Barton is a devoted member of the Ad- vent Church Society and one of its most liberal supporters. In politics he is a Re- publican, although his family were all Demo- crats. He was urged to run for office, and was selected as the strongest man in his ward. A stanch temperance man, he instituted the Houston Liquor Cure, which was successfully applied by him in one hundred cases of in- ebriety. Fraternally, Mr. Barton is a mem- ber of St. John's Lodge, F. & A. M. ; of King Cyrus Chapter, R. A. M.; of Newbury- port Commandery, K. T. ; of Amesbury Con- sistory; of Ouasquanim Lodge and Merrimac Encampment, I. O. O. F. ; and an honorary member of Canton A. O. U. W. and of the Yacht Club R. A. At one time he was a member of seventeen lodges. On November 24, 1874, he married Lizzie \V., daughter of Moses and Mary E. (Sawyer) Pike. Eight children have been born of the marriage, namely: Leonard, who is a book-keeper for his father; Lizzie, who died at the age of fourteen; Edith, who attends the Newburyport High School; Ralph, who died when three years old; and Beatrice, Clifford, Carrie, and Louis. Mr. Barton's career as a business man furnishes a good illustration of what may be accomplished by perseverance and close application. When, in company with Mr. Pike, he opened the store in Amesbury, he had but two hundred and seventy-five dollars of his own, and needed two hundred and twenty-five dollars more in order to pay for his share of the stock. He tried everywhere among his friends, but found no one able or willing to lend him the needed amount. At last he went to Elder Pearson, who, though a stranger, furnished him the money on an un- indorsed note. ^^^OHN DALY, a prosperous meat dealer and grocer of South Lawrence, doing business at 87 and 91 South Broadway, was born in Ireland, July 18, 1840, son of John and Ellen (O'Neil) Daly. The paternal grandfather, Timothy Daly, was a farmer in County Cork, Ireland. Seven children were born to him and Kate Donovan Daly; namely, James, William, Timothy, Charles, John, Kate, and Patrick. Of these, James, Charles, Kate, and John came to America. Charles, who came first, died in New Orleans; Kate came ne.\t, John in 1S47, and James about 1S52. John Daly, Sr., born in 1797, was a laborer in humble circumstances. His marriage with Ellen O'Neil took place about the year 1S19. She is a daughter of Daniel and Mary (Ryan) O'Neil and a grand-daughter of John Ryan, who studied for the priesthood. Her father, 132 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW who was in the British navy for thirty years, and participated in the battle of Bunker Hill, lived to the great age of one hundred and twelve or thirteen years, being well preserved to the last. He was retired on a good pen- sion, and owned a large estate and a farm that was left by his wife's father. Ellen O'Neil, born November i, 1797, in Castle Townsend, County Cork, Ireland, recently celebrated her centenarian birthday. Although for many years her life was one of toil and struggle, she has been remarkably blessed with health and energy. In her later years she has been ten- derly cared for by her son and his family. While her sight is nearly gone, and she is slight and feeble, she still enjoys life. She came to America with her husband in 1S47 in a sailing-vessel, which was six weeks on the voyage from Oueenstown to Boston. John and Ellen Daly were the parents of eight chil- dren, three sons and five daughters, all born in the old country. He died in 1875, sur- vived by his widow and six children, Johanna and Margaret having died in early childhood. Catherine, who became the wife of Joseph White, died about the year 1877, leaving one daughter. Timothy, who went to Fairport, Fremont County, la., and owned a large farm and stock, died about 1880, over forty years of age, leaving five sons and three daughters, and was buried at Nebraska City. The survivors are: Mary, who is the widow of Patrick Cahill, late of Lawrence; William, unmarried, who is the engineer of a steam- boat in Seattle, Wash., whither he went in 1854; and I'^llen, who is the wife of Daniel O'Brien, and resides in California. John Daly, the subject of this sketch, at- tended the Lawrence city schools, where he gave special attention to the study of book- keeping. Beginning in 1858, he worked as a tanner and currier in Woburn, Mass., until the fall of i860. Then he went to New Or- leans in the cotton press business, at which he was engaged until March 4, 1861. After that, going up the Mississippi River to St. Louis and thence to Chicago, he worked in the latter city a short time at the currier's trade, and finally returned to Lawrence. He subsequently followed liis trade for several years in Boston, on Cape Cod, and in New York. In 1868 he purchased a lot in this city, built a store on it, and there set up in the grocery business, taking up his residence in a tenement over his store. He built his present block with an L in i8go. It is of brick, four stories in height, forty-nine and one-half feet front and forty feet deep. His enterprise and close attention to business have been rewarded by an excellent trade both in meats and groceries. Within a stone's throw of his store is the site of his father's shanty, when South Lawrence was made up of about one hundred and fifty of such, occupied by the sturdy sons of Ireland who had settled here, and to whose thrift and energy may be traced much of the present prosperity of the place. On New Year's Day, 1867, Mr. Daly mar- ried Margaret Barry, of Calais, Me., a daugh- ter of Andrew and Mary (Iloffson) Barry. Nine of their twelve children are living. Their son James died when a year old, and William at the age of three and one-half. Mary, who lives at home, is cashier and book- keeper in the store. Timothy Joseph Daly, a graduate of Harvard, class of 1897, is house surgeon in St. John's Hospital, Lowell. John Daly, Jr., is with his father. Eliza- beth, a graduate of the Lawrence High •School, class of 1897, is at home. Katherine is a member of the class of 1898 in the same school. Helen died at the age of four years. Margaret is in school ; also Thomas, Anna, and Josephine, who is eight years old. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 133 Though nominally a Democrat, Mr. Daly is an independent voter. He served in the Common Council for one year. He is a stockholder of the shoe factory and of the Lowell brewery. Both he and his family are members of the Catholic church. They reside at 350 South Broadway, Phillips Hill, in a substantia], fifteen-room house, that he built eleven years ago. / ^^^JaRDNER APPLETON brown, a V |5T practical and prosperous agricultur- ist of Ipswich, was born May 3, 1S23, on the farm he now owns and occupies, son of Joseph Brown, Jr. The Brown family originated in PZngland, whence at an early day three brothers, John, James, and Will- iam, emigrated to America. One of these brothers settled on the farm now occupied by Manasseh Brown, Jr., and the other two in this vicinity. William probably was the an- cestor from whom this branch of the family has descended. The line was continued by William's son, Elisha,^ Elisha,-* Joseph,' and Joseph,'' each of whom lived and died within the limits of Ipswich. Joseph Brown, Sr. , who was a farmer and carpenter, had a natural aptitude for mechani- cal pursuits. Besides erecting all the build- ings around his place, he made the various implements he used in farming. His home- stead, now occupied by Joseph Marshall, adjoins the Perkins estate, which belonged to his father-in-law. By his marriage with Eliz- abeth Perkins he came into possession of a portion of the Perkins farm. He also re- tained some twenty-two acres of the original Ikown farm, which has always been kept in the family, and now belongs to his grandson, Gardner A. Brown. His first wife died when young. He had passed the age of sixty when a second marriage united him with his sister- in-law, Martha Perkins, who survived him thirty-seven years, living in Ipswich. His first wife bore him five children — ^ Joseph, James, Eunice, Isaac, and Elizabeth. James reared a family of thirteen children, of whom but one is living; Eunice became the wife of Manasseh Brown ; Isaac removed to New Hampshire; and Elizabeth, who was the wife of John Patch, died in early life, leaving one child. The children of the second union were: Elizabeth, now the widow of Thomas Brown, and living on the Beach Road; and Mary, who married William P'oster Wade, of Ipswich village. The father attained the ven- erable age of ninety-one years. Joseph Brown, Jr., was brought up to farm- ing. Eventually he became the owner of his father's homestead property, comprising por- tions of the Brown and Perkins estates. This he has since considerably enlarged by the pur- chase of other land. At the age of twenty- four he married Rebecca Appleton, a daughter of Samuel Appleton and a sister of General James Appleton. He died about fifty years after, being then about seventy years old. His wife survived him, attaining the age of eighty- three years. Both were active workers in the Old South Church, though the Appletons were all Baptists, and she retained her mem- bership in the church. Their chil- dren were as follows: Lucy, who died in childhood; Samuel, a self-educated man, who after acquiring the goldsmith's trade studied law in Alfred, Me., in the office of an uncle, was for many years an attorney in Lowell, Mass., associated with Judge J. G. Abbott in the firm of Abbott & Brown, and died in Lowell at the age of filty-si.x years ; Joseph, who was a farmer on the old homestead, died at the age of forty-three years, leaving a fam- ily whose members reside in Cambridge and 134 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Boston; Winthrop, who died in the West Indies when a young man; Mary Elizabeth, who was the wife of Joseph Kinsman, and died at the age of forty-eight years, leaving two sons — J. P"arley Kinsman and Gusta- VLis; Rebecca Appleton, who died at the age of forty years, and was the wife of Francis Dodge, of Danvers, Mass., the former owner of the asylum farm, which he sold to the State died at the age of forty; and Gardner Appleton, the subject of this sketch. Gardner Appleton Brown has resided all his lifetime on the home farm. On the death of his brother he became its sole owner. The estate contains one hundred acres of land, which he devotes to mixed farming, hay being his principal crop. He has made substantial improvements, increasing the value of his property in a material manner, and is recog- nized throughout the community as a thor- ough-going and able farmer. In politics he is a steadfast Republican, sup[)orting the prin- ciples of his party by voice and vote. He is a regular attendant of the Old South Church. On October 28, 1849, h^ married Miss Judith Ann Perley, of Winthrop, Me. She died in the following year, leaving one son, Charles Gardner. The latter, now living on a neigh- boring farm, married Mary Petficld, and has two children — Marion Gardner and Jesse Appleton. Mr. lirown, Sr., was married a second time in January, 1852, to Miss Leona A. Story, who was born in Essex, daughter of David Story, a former resident of that town. Of his two children by his present wife, Alvin Story is living, and resides on the home farm. Alvin married Miss Ella Thurston, and has three children — Emma Appleton, FAs'ic Frances, and Ruth Story. His younger brother, Jesse Appleton lirown, died at the age of twenty-one years. EORGE A. DAVIS, a prominent busi- i I ness man of Gloucester and the pro- prietor of a large soda water manu- factory and bottling establishment, is a native of Newburyport, born November 27, 1846. A son of William and Nancy (Jackman) Davis, he is descended on the paternal side from early settlers of Amesbury, Mass. Since 1656 the name has been a familiar one in Essex County, and has been borne with honor by many who have been called to serve in official capacities. Mr. Davis's maternal an- cestors were among the oldest and most promi- nent citizens of Newburyport. Joseph Jack- man, his grandfather, served at one time as Postmaster of that town. William and Nancy (Jackman) Davis had nine children, as follows: Sarah E., born January 25, 1832; Joseph W., born August 3, 1833, who died October 11, 1887; Lois, born July 11, 1S35, who died May 29, 1837; Charles O., born December 17, 1837; Lois H., born May 26, 1840, who died May 9, 1897; lulward P., born August 12, 1843, who died August 16, 1843; George A., the subject of this sketch; Stephen F., born June 18, 1850; and Mary I., born May 20, 1854. George A. Davis obtained his education in the public schools of Newburyport, after which he entered the employ of George Giles, of that place, as travelling salesman. In 1869 he came to Gloucester, and with S. P. Winn as partner, under the firm name of Winn & Davis, bought the business which he now conducts. His partner having retired a short time after, he has since carried on the enterjirisc alone; and its growth and success arc due to his own careful management. On September 27, 1S68, Mr. Davis was married to Mary C. Short, of West Newbury, and now has one daughter, Nellie M., living at home. A prominent Mason, he is a mem- GEORGE A. UAVIS. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 137 ber of Tyrian Lodge, A. F. & A. M. ; of William Person Chapter, R. A. M. ; of Beth- lehem Commandery, Knights Templar; of Aleppo Temple and Lafayette Lodge of Per- fection, of Boston; of Giles F. Yates Council, Princes of Jerusalem; of Mount Olivet Chap- ter, Rose Croix; and of the Massachusetts Consistory. He has filled the different chairs in Bethlehem Commandery, of which at the present time he is Eminent Commander. During the term of Mayor Rogers, Mr. Davis was a member of the Common Council. Un- assuming in manner and of genial disposi- tion, Mr. Davis has a large circle of friends and acquaintances. gTlTo /^TkoRGE F. HAMER, of Lawrence, \pT^ the accomplished pianist and organ- ist and teacher of harmony, composi- tion, and counteri^oint, was born in this city, February 7, 1862. His parents, Benjamin and Priscilla (Taylor) Hamer, were born in land. Benjamin Hamer, who was a native of Yorkshire, was born in 1819. He came to this country when about thirty years of age. A skilful and experienced weaver, he had charge of weaving-rooms in Portsmouth, N. H., for a number of years. He removed to Law- rence about 185S, and here had charge of weaving-rooms in the Pacific Mills. He died May 15, 1S97, leaving a widow and this son. George F. Hamer was gifted with a natural talent for music, and was a skilful performer on the church organ at an early age. He acquired a common-school education in Law- rence, and then bent all his energies to the task of advancing himself in music. At fif- teen he was organist of St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Methuen, Mass., afterward St. John's, and the P'irst Unitarian Church of Lawrence, and later of Park Street Church, Boston, Mass. In the meantime he studied witii private teachers in Boston. He spent two years in Munich under the tuition of Joseph Rheinberger, and studied the piano with Kel- lermann ; and he travelled through Germany, Italy, France, and England, all the while perfecting himself in his chosen art. After his return Mr. Hamer was for eight years organist of Trinity Church, Lawrence, and one year organist and director of the Unitarian church in Dorchester, Mass. He is now organist and leader of the choir in the Uni- tarian church in Lowell. Mr. Hamer has achieved success not only as an artist, but also in financial matters. As a teacher of the piano and organ and of har- mony, composition, and counterpoint he has few equals. While at Munich he wrote two orchestral overtures, both of which were per- formed by the orchestra at the music school ; and one of them was given at the graduation exercises of the Royal Music School, some of the nobility being present. Mr. Hamer is known through the country as. a church com- poser, having written many anthems for church use, and also a number of successful piano pieces. His pretty home is at 352 Broadway, Lawrence. He built the house in 1896, and he moved into it in November of that year. Mr. Hamer himself earned the funds for his musical education, and has won his way to distinction and prosperity by untiring work. He was married at the age of twenty-six to Alice M. Smith, of Lawrence. They have two children now living, namely: l{lisabeth, born August 27, 1894; and Fillon, born July 4, 1896; and they have been bereft of two — a daughter that died in infancy and a son, Har- old, at the age of two years. In politics Mr. Hamer is a Republican. He was reared in the Episcopal faith. '38 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW OX. WILLIAM H. TAPPAN, No- tary Public, land surveyor, and real estate dealer in Manchester, Mass., is a native of this town and a worthy repre- sentative of an old and substantial Essex County family, whose founder was Abraham Toppan, an Englishman, who settled at New- bury, Mass., in 1637, and whose posterity includes many distinguished names. Son of Colonel Eben and Sarah (Hooper) Tappan, born October 30, 1821, Mr. Tapixan is a grandson of Ebenezer Tappan, an old- time merchant of Manchester, who was a sol- dier in the Revolution, and who represented Manchester in the State legislature in 181 1. Ebenezer Tappan's wife was lilizabeth Foster. His father, the Rev. Benjamin Tapjian, who married Elizabeth Marsh, was a son of Samuel and Abigail (Wigglesworth) Toppan, and a grandson of Dr. Peter and Jane (l?att) Top- jian, of Newbury, Dr. Peter being the eldest son of Abraham, the immigrant. The Rev. Benjamin Tappan was the second settled minister at Manchester, where he had charge of the parish over forty years, till his death, occurring in 1790. It was he who changed the s]ielling of the name from Top- pan to Tajipan. His son, the Rev. David Tajipan, D.D., was for some years Hollis Pro- fessor of Divinity at Harvard College. Ben- jamin Tappan, Jr., brother of Professor Tap- l)an, married a grand-niece of ]?enjamin Franklin, and was the father of Judge Tap- ]ian, of Ohio, and of the well-known phi- lanthropists f)f New York City, Arthur and Lewis Tappan, the former the first president of the American Anti-slavery Society. Colonel ICben Tappan in iSiS commanded a regiment in the State militia. He was a manufacturer of furniture, fire-engines, and ship steering wheels. He served as Repre- sentative in the State legislature in 1843. His wife was daughter of Captain William Hooper, of Manchester. William H. and his sister, Mrs. General Tannatt, of the State of Washington, are the only survivors of a family of ten children. He was educated in the public schools and at the academy in his native town. He after- ward spent some years in Boston, becoming a draughtsman, and upon the arrival of Profes- sor Louis Agassiz in this country Mr. Tappan was employed by him for several years in making drawings to illustrate his books and lectures. He accompanied the distinguished naturalist on his tour in the South. In 1849 he went overland, by in\itati()n of the Secretary of War, William L. Marcy, brought about through the influence of Daniel Webster and John Quincy Adams, with the regiment of Mounted Rifles, to what was then Oregon Territory, where for a while he was engaged in surveying and stock-raising. Later on he was employed by the United States government in the Indian Department, and was instrumental in extinguishing the Indian title to lands, the consummation being brought about by treaties with the different tribes occujiying that vast region extending from the Pacific to the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains, to secure which he jour- neyed many thousand miles on horseback over Oregon, Washington, and adjoining Territo- ries. His influence made itself felt in the creation of the new Territory of Washington by separation from Oregon, and in the first legislature of W'ashington he was a member of the Territorial Council. Leaving Washington in 1864, Mr. Tapjian went by the overland stage line to Colorado, and, locating himself at Central City, engaged in mercantile business. Times were dull at that period in Colorado, wliich imd not tiien been admitted as a State, and whose mineral BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 139 resources had been but slightly developed. After the destruction of Central City by fire, in which he was a very heavy loser, Mr. Tappan returned to his birthplace and old home, Manchester-by-the-Sea, now become a noted summer resort. Here he has since resided, giving his atten- tion to surveying and dealing in real estate. A stanch Republican in politics, he has served on the Central State Committee, and has taken an active part in town affairs. In iSSi he represented Manchester in the lower branch of the State legislature, and was on the Committee on the Revision of the Statutes. In 1885 and 1886 he served as State Senator from the Tiiird Essex District, and was a member of the following committees: on Prisons, on Harbors and Public Lands, on Fisheries and Game, and on Woman's Suffrage. Mr. Tappan is president of the Manchester Historical Society, of which he was one of the founders, and has always taken an active interest in its work. He is the author of the chapter on Manchester contained in the History of Esse.x County, pujjlished in 1S8S, the first history of the town ever printed. Mr. Tappan's first wife was formerly Miss Anderson, of London, England. They were married April 7, 1S57. She died April 11, 1867. His union with his present wife, Augusta Wheaton, of Manchester, took place in 1 88 1. Mrs. Tappan is a daughter of the late William E. and Sarah Edwards Wheaton, of Manchester, Mass. (JOSEPH CHANDLER NEWHALL, a leading farmer of Lynnfield, was born on August 22, 1 8 16, son of Joseph and Adeline (Batchelder) Newhall. The Newhall family, which is of English descent, came to New England in the early days of the Massa- chusetts Bay Colony. Joseph Newhall, the grandfather of Joseph C. , residing in a part of Danvers now known as South Peabody, reached an advanced age. By trade a stone-worker, he became the owner of stone cjuarries, and sup- plied therefrom the material for building cel- lars, foundations, and so forth. His son, Joseph, who died at the age of fifty-nine, settled across the road from his father's farm. Subsequently Joseph removed to Lynn, where he bought the homestead of his maternal grandfather, Daniel Galucia, and resided there during the rest of his life. His wife, Adeline, who died on January 26, 1866, was a daughter of Henry and Desire (Marsh) Bachelder, of Peabody. Desire was the sixth in line of descent from John Marsh, the founder of the well-known Marsh family of Salem, the line being through John, Zachery, Ezekiel, Ensign Ezekiel, and Lieutenant Ezekiel, who married Bethia Hartshorn. She was married on July 13. i779> and she died on November 2, 1840. Joseph Chandler Newhall, who passed his boyhood in Salem, removed to Lynn when eighteen years of age. After his first mar- riage he lived in Peabody, where he hired his grandfather's farm and carried on teaming for twelve or thirteen years. Upon coming to Lynnfield he settled on the old home of his wife's mother, which was subsequently be- queathed him to hold during his life. H's first wife, Cinderella, born at Lynnfield on March 25, i8i8, died on December 11, 1855. She was a daughter of Roxana Newhall, who died the next spring after Mr. Newhall came to the farm, and a grand-daughter of Ezekiel Newhall, who settled at an early date in South Lynnfield. One of the five original Newhalls was General Josiah, whose father settled at South Lynnfield, on the farm adjoining that of Ezekiel Newhall. After he came into posses- sion of this property, which originally com- 140 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW prised about thirty acres, Mr. Newhall added considerable land, some of which was wood- land lying in Lynn, and which has since been sold to the Lynn Water Works Company. He has bought also thirty acres in Peabody and a wood-lot which he has never seen. Vegetable raising occupied a large share of his attention until his son Frank took charge, since which time considerable dairying has been carried on. In October, 1856, at Reading, Mass., Mr. Newhall married for his second wife Alice Tucker. l?orn at Lynn in I'^ebrunry, 1820, she died on March 6, 18S1. Her death has been attributed to her unselfish devotion to her husband. A short time before, by per- sonally attending him through a long and severe illness, in which erysipelas threatened him with the loss of an arm, she completely undermined her own health, which was never robust. When Mr. Newhall came here he had only about five hundred dollars in the bank, but so much has his business pro.spered that he has been able to give to each of his si.x children about one thousand three hundrctl and fifty dollars. While he has taken a warm interest in town affairs, he has declined public office. He has, however, served on the School Committee. For about two years he has been in delicate health, and has fallen two or three times. Iking a heavy man, these accidents shocked him severely, and have caused a great soreness in his chest. The cane he carries is one that was owned by his grandfather. The children of Mr. Newhall, all the off- s|iring of his first marriage, were: Ashley Chandler Newhall, now a milkman residing in Lynn; Joseph ICverett, who is in the poultry business at South Lynnficld ; Cinderella, who married T. Newhall, recently Mayor of the city of Lynn fur two years; Jeremiah Lucian, who was a milk dealer in Lynn, and died at the age of forty-four; Mary, now Mrs. Charles Abbott, of South Lynnfield ; and Frank Newhall, who was born on April 3, 1853. Frank Newhall married Urildah J., daughter of Nathaniel D. Putnam, of Pea- body, and has two children : Lena Mabel, a young lady of seventeen ; and P'rank Chand- ler, both residing with their parents. tZlected to the Board of Selectmen in 1885, P'rank Newhall served until 1895, with the exception of the year i8go, when he refused to serve. He is now Superintendent of Streets, and has held the position for several terms before. He keeps twenty-five cows, and manages a milk route in Lynn and in Swampscott. An active Democrat, he has attended various party conventions, and he is a prominent memlicr of the Esse.x County Agricultural Society. ARGENT S. DAY, one of the few captains now living in Gloucester that were formerly engaged in the P'ast India trade, was born in this place on P'ebruary 8, 1S20, son of Aaron and Judith (Tarbo.x) Da)'. He attended the public schools here for a number of years. While still (piite young he studied navigation at a private school devoted especially to that science. His first experience at sea on a long voyage was as cabin boy on a brig engaged in the Surinam trade. After making a few trips in this capacity he engaged as mate on the schooner "Cinderella," a coasting-vessel which carried fish to Philadelphia, and brought back a cargo of coal. Not finding this entirely to his lik- ing, he shipped a few months later as ordinary seaman on the "Fljen Brooks," which was bound from Boston to New Orleans. His ability and attention to business were noted immediately by the ship's officers, and at the end of his first trip he was promoted to the BrOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 141 position of second mate. Later, while in the harbor of New Orleans, he accepted an offer made him to ship as second mate of the "R. D. Shepherd," a large, fine vessel bound for Liverpool. At the end of the voyage a more advantageous offer induced him to enter the service of the New York & New Orleans Passenger Packet Company, with which he spent six years, serving successively in the capacities of first and second lieutenant. On leaving the packet company he went to Boston, and there took charge of the "Loo Choo, " which sailed to l^atavia, Java. After twt) voyages in the position of first officer he was appointed captain of the "Loo Choo," being then only twenty - two years of age. When he returned from a voyage to Singapore, he was transferred by his ship-owners to the "Washington Allston, " a new ship that was a remarkably fine and handsome craft. His first voyage in her was to Batavia and his second to Calcutta. It was on this second voyage that he encountered a typhoon which nearly wrecked him. Mrs. Day, who was with her husband on that occasion, was fully aware of the great danger to which the shij) and crew were exposed ; but she showed her- self as brave as a sailor's wife should be. Upon his return Captain Day was given the command of the "Cohota, " one of the largest and most finely equipped vessels engaged in the East India merchant service. For thir- teen years he continued master of this vessel, to the constant satisfaction of her owners. In 1S57 he sold the "Cohota" while in Singa- pore, and returned to America on another ves- sel as a passenger. This was the captain's last voyage across the ocean. The Civil War, which broke out shortly after his return home, greatly affected the foreign shipping business. He met the situation by buying a wharf in Gloucester, building three first-class fishing- vessels, and engaging in the fishing business. After a few years, however, as values in ship- ping property of all kinds were shrinking, he retired. The Captain's wife before her marriage was Lucy Greenleaf, of Gloucester. She was the mother of five children, of whom two are liv- ing. These are: Lucy Lizzie, who was born in 1S55, and is now the wife of Frank Tib- bets, of this city; Elias Elwell, born in 1863, who is now living at Las Cruces, N. M. The others were Oliver E., Charles P. L., and an infant daughter. Captain Day is a member of Tyrian Lodge, F. & A. M., and has been its treasurer for the last thirty-eight years. He is also a member of Bethlehem Comniandery, K. T. ; of William Person Chapter, R. A. M. ; and of Martha Washington Chapter, O. E. S. From the beginning he has been the treasurer of R. A. M., K. T., and O. E. S. ; and he is affiliated with Ocean Lodge, I. O. O. F. JIARLES EDWIN SYMONDS, a prominent citizen of Salem and a son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Baker) .Symonds, was born in Buffum Street, June 12, 1 819. Mr. Symonds's great-grandfather, Benjamin, also a native of Salem, was of the fifth generation descended from John Symonds, who is known to have been in Salem in 1636. According to the best available information, he was a farmer of Toppsfield, luigland. Further, he received a grant of twenty acres of land in Salem, and was made a freeman in 1638. Benjamin Symonds, a lifelong resident of Salem, carried on the business of potter in Osborn Street. William Symonds, the grand- father, for many years dealt in fishermen's supplies, and lived to be eighty years of age. His wife was Eunice Gardner Symonds, 142 BlOGRArillCAL REVIEW Nathaniel Symonds, having started in lite as the proprietor of a grocery store, later became interested in the manufacture of boots and shoes, tl is wife, Elizabeth, was a daughter of Allen and Rebecca (Porter) Baker. The latter was a daughter of the liev. John Porter, pastor of the Congregational church at Ips- wich for many years. Allen Baker owned and cultivated a farm in Ipswich that was formerly owned by acting governor Symonds, who married Martha, the sister of Governor Endicott. Mrs. Elizabeth Symonds died at the age of fifty-two years. Ten of her thir- teen children attained maturity. Charles Edwin Symonds, having passed through the graded schools of Salem, entered the high school at the age of twelve years. After he had studied here for a year and a half, he began to assist his father in his fac- tory. Later he started in business for him- self as a manufacturer of rubber boots and gloves, and subsequently followed it until he was about thirty-five years old, selling for a time most of the boots to the California trade. Then he accejited a position as clerk in the probate office, where he remained for a brief period. During the following five years he was on the Board of Principal Assessors. He then was elected to the offices of City Treas- urer and Collector, which he filled for six or seven years. For fifteen years he was treas- urer and manager of the Salem Savings Bank. At the age of si.xty years he retired from active business, and has since devoted his time to liis private affairs and to his official duties. In 1843 Mr. Symonds married Miss Mary Jane Young, of VVenham. Six children have been born to them — Mary J., Sarah A., Charles N., John H., Lizzie Maria, and Arthur. Arthur died at the age of twenty- four years. Both parents are Unitarians, and have been for ft)rty-seven years constant at- tendants at the services of that tluuch. Mr. Symonds has always taken an earnest interest in public affairs, and has occupied many prominent positions in the public service of the city. He served as a member of the Com- mon Council in 1859, 1893, and 1896, being probably the oldest member of a City Council in the State; and he has been an Overseer of the Poor and for one term a member of the School Committee. (S>r LEXANDER SMART, a forme ^=k riage-maker and Postmaster of ' '°\^_^ Iliac, was born in Montrose, er car- Merri- Scot- huul, in 1842. lie was but five months old when his jiarents came with him to America, settling in Andover, Mass., where his father was in business for many years. At the age of nineteen he came to Merrimac. Soon after he assisted in the organization of the only company of volunteers sent out from Merrimac during the Civil War. This was Comjiany ¥., Fourteenth Massachusetts Regiment, which he joined with a Lieutenant's commission. Attached to Colonel Satchwell's staff, he remained with his company until 1864, when he was wounded by a minie ball, which shat- tered his hand while he was attemiJting to carry a message to the field officer during an engagement. His was the third attempt to deliver the message, the other messengers having lost their lives in the effort. Lieu- tenant Smart's time of service expired while he was in the hospital, and he was refused re- enlistment on account of his physical condi- tion. He then returned to Merrimac, and was there successfully engaged in the car- riage business, in partnership with Mr. R. P. Clement, at the Lower Corner, until 1890, when he retired. Always active in public GE0R(;E H. SAMPSON. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 145 affairs, he was a member of the Republican Town Committee, a delegate to various State and Senatorial conventions, the chairman of the Board of Selectmen during the year in which the town was set off from Amesbury, and in 1SS9 the district's Representative in the General Court of Massachusetts. Such was his influence in the locality that General Coggswell said of him, "I give him the credit of sending me to Washington. " In October, 1S64, Mr. Smart married Eliza- beth VV. Miller, of Andover, a refined and educated lady of Scottish descent. His chil- dren are: William L. and Abbie W. William L. , who is a member of the hardware firm of I. ]1 Little & Co., married Abbie L., daugh- ter of Isaac 1?. Little, and has one daughter, Elizabeth W. Abbie W., a graduate of the Merrimac High School, class of 1897, is an accomplished musician, and much interested in painting. She resides at home, and assists her mother in the post-office. Mr. Smart was appointed Postmaster of Merrimac by Presi- dent Harrison in i8go. He held this position until his death, which occurred November 14, 1892. Having succeeded her husband in the office, Mrs. Smart is Postmistress of Merrimac at the present time. /^TeORGE HARVEY SAMPSON, the \ |ST manager of the Lynn and Salem branches of the Standard Oil Com- pany, was born in East Boston, Mass., March 20, 1857. He is of distinguished ancestry, the first of his progenitors in New England having come over in the "Mayflower," settling in Plymouth. His father, Charles Sampson, born and bred in Duxbury, Mass., was for many years a member of the firm Sampson, Brooks & Campbell, well-known ship-builders of East Boston. He died in 189S, at the age of sixty-seven years. The mother, whose maiden name was Catherine Powers, was born in Chelsea, Mass. George Harvey Sampson obtained his pre- liminary education in the public schools of East Boston, after which he took a three years' course at the English High School of Boston, being graduated from there with the class of 1875. When eighteen years of age he secured a position in a gentlemen's fur- nishing goods store, and two years later he be- came a clerk for the Maverick Oil Company in East Boston. He was subsequently pro- moted to the office of foreman, and then to that of assistant superintendent. He contin- ued with the company from 1885 until 1889, supervising the erection of plants in Lynn, Stoneham, Brockton, Natick, and North An- dover, work for which his mechanical and executive ability especially adapted him. Since 1889 he has been the manager of the Lynn and Salem branches of the Standard Oil Company. Mr. Sampson was a member of the Common Council in 1894 and 1895, and of the Board of Aldermen in 1896 and 1897. In 1894 he was on the Finance and Water Supply Com- mittees, and in the following year on those of Finance, Street Lights, and Electricity. He served in 1896 on the Finance, Streets, Lay- ing Out, Altering Streets, Street Assess- ments, and License Comrnitteeb, and was chairman of those on Street Lights and Elec- tricity. A "true-blue Republican," he is an active worker in the party. In 1894 and 1895 he was a member of the Lynn City Republi- can Club, being its treasurer in the latter year. Now he is a member of the Lynn Re- publican Club. In May, 1898, he was elected chairman of the Republican City Committee. He was the regular nominee of his party for Mayor in 1897. He is an Odd Fellow .46 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW of East Lynn Lodge, No. 207; a member of Central Lodge, No. 25, A. O. U. W., of luist l^oston ; a member of the Lynn Lodge of Klks, No. 117; and he belongs to the Alter Ego Club, to the Lynn Veteran Firemen's Association, and to the Lynn Press Club. On December 23, 1880, in East Boston, he mar- ried Miss Mary L. McAuley, who was born in Everett, Mass. They have three children — George \V. , Lawrence F., and Edith May. /^IIARLES W. MEARS, a prosperous I V''^ farmer and well-known ice dealer of ^ ^ ^ ^ Esse.x, was born in this town, Feb- ruary 28, 1859, son of Solomon P. and Martha J. (Rollins) Mears. His great-grandfather, Samuel Mears, was an Englishman, who set- tled upon a farm in Essex. The grandfather, also named Samuel, who was a lifelong resi- dent of this town, tilled the soil, and followed the trade of a shoemaker during his active period. lie married Sally Burnham ; and his children were: Samuel, John, Solomon P., Asa, Rufus, Lydia, Mary Ann, and Martha. Rufus Mears served in the Civil War, and died in Libby Prison. Solomon P. Mears, father of Charles W. , was born in Essex; and when a young man he learned the shoemaker's trade. He followed it in connection with farming, and died in November, 1894. His wife, Martha, was born in Farmington, Me., daughter of Stanley and Martha Rollins, who were prosperous farming ])eoi:)le. She has had six children ; namely, William F"rank, Warren P., Charles W. , Emma, Clara Belle, and Jennie M. Jennie died in 1875. William F., a shoe- maker, residing in Essex, married Emily P. Doty, of Hamilton, Mass., and has two children — Chester and Clifford. Warren P., a shoemaker in Newton, N.H., married Nellie Knowlton, of Hamilton, and has three children — I'iuby, P'red, and Leonard. P^nima is the wife of P'red Berry, a farmer in Hamil- ton. Her children are: Ernest, Ralph, and Martha Jane. Clara Belle is residing at the homestead with her mother. Charles W. Mears acquired a common-school education, and resided at home until he was eighteen years old. He then engaged as a farm assistant in Hamilton at twelve dollars [ler month. After remaining there eight months he entered the employ of the Winkley & Maddocks Ice Company, of Charlestown, Mass. With this firm he remained five years, having charge of its business in Essex, New- ton, and Wolfboro, N.H., for the greater part of the time. Then he spent six years engaged in the retail ice business in Essex. In that time he purchased the Brighton farm, which he has since carried on. In 1889 he sold his ice business in this town to Story & Story; and in the following winter he stored ice in Wolfboro, N. H., for speculation, sell- ing later to Winkley & Maddocks at a good profit. At the present time he is engaged in cultivating his farm of fifty-six acres, and also does considerable teaming and jobbing. Al- though he favors the Republican party in poli- tics, he is not a partisan, and votes for the candidates whom he considers best qualified for the jjublic service. He holds the office of Street Commissioner, and the able manner in which he conducts the affairs of that depart- ment is giving general satisfaction. On October 17, 1881, Mr. Mears was joined in marriage with Nellie M. Thurston. She was born in Wolfboro, N. H., June 9, 1862, daughter of Francis and Melissa Jane (Frost) Thurston, of that town. Her father died in 1889, and his widow is now residing with her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Mears have three children, namely: Ada Thurston, born August BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 147 2, 1884; Ikrtram Wallace, born October 7, 1885; and Dclmer Roland, born June 26, 1889. Mr. Mears was the thirty-seventh man to sign the application for the charter of P^ern- vvood Lodge, No. 81, Ancient Order of United Workmen, of Gloucester, which now has a membership of over five hundred. He is also connected with Starr King Lodge, No. Si, Knights of Pythias, of Essex. As one of the leading young men of this town he takes an active interest in its general welfare, and his progressive tendencies make him quite pop- ular. ]5oth he and Mrs. Mears are members of the Congregational church. Tt^ICHARD DODGE, formerly a promi- I ^^ nent resident and a native of Wen- -1^ V^ ^ ham, was born in 1804, son of John T. and Polly Dodge. His grandfather, Cap- tain Richard Dodge, commanded a company in the Revolutionary army. The Dodges were among the early settlers of Wenham. Having taken an active part in the political affairs of Wenham, Richard Dodge served as a Select- man for a number of years, also as Town Assessor and Overseer of the Poor. In poli- tics he was a Whig. He died in 1850. He married Mary A. B. Gammon, of Bath, Me. Four of their children are living; namely, Robert Frank, Mary A., Harriet E. , and John T. , all residents of Wenham. Mary is the widow of William G. Pingree, late of Wenham, Mass. ; and Harriet is the widow of the late Thomas P. Pingree, who also resided in Wenham. The father served as a Major in the militia, and was known familiarly as Major Richard Dodge. Thomas P. Pingree was born in Salem, Mass., in 1830, son of David Pingree, who was also a native of Esse.x County. He was educated in the public and private schools of Salem. Early in life he embarked in a mer- cantile business in his native town, and fol- lowed it with success until his death, which occurred May 18, 1876. During his last years he lived in Wenham. In politics he was a Democrat. His widow, Harriet E. Dodge Pingree, resides at the beautiful Pin- gree homestead in Wenham, where she holds a high social position, and is much esteemed. HARLES E. PARKHURST, the manager of the Marine Railway and a highly respected citizen of Gloucester, is a native of Topsfield, Mass. He was born January 3, 1S41, son of Charles and Elizabeth (Andrews) Parkhurst. The first of this family to come to America was Hugh Parkhurst, great-grandfather of Charles E. , who left his home in London in consequence of a dispute with his father upon American politics. He arrived in New Eng- land about the year 1770, and settled in Gloucester, where, being a well-educated man, he soon found employment as a teacher in the public schools. At the battle of Bunker Hill he was in Captain Rowe's company. On the expiration of the time for which he had en- listed he returned to Gloucester, and shipped on the privateer "Yankee Hero." Subse- quently he was killed in an engagement with the British frigate "Milford, " vvliich carried thirty-six guns. He left an only son, Will- iam, the grandfather of Charles E. Parkhurst, who died here in Gloucester in 1853. Will- iam had five sons, who were engaged in the fishery business, and owned fishing-fleets. Charles E. Parkhurst was educated in the public schools of Gloucester. Upon leaving school he entered the employ of his father, who owned a store, and engaged in selling supplies to fishing-vessels. The young man 148 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW was kept busy for the fleet tliat his father then owned, numbering twenty-five vessels. In 1 866 he and his father purchased the Marine Railway, of which he is now the manager. Mr. Parkhurst is a member of Ocean Lodge, No. 91, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. In 1863 he married Mary J. Low, of Rockport, and has one daughter, Mamie B. Parkhurst, living at home. LFRED S. JEWETT, Town Clerk of Manchester and the present chairman of the Board of Selectmen, is a native of Salisbury, Mass. Born on August 8, 1840, he is a son of Alfred W. and Abigail (Sargent) Jewett, the former a native of New- buryport and the latter of Pittsfield, N. H. The Jewett family originated with two broth- ers, Joseph and Maximilian, who came from England about the year 1636, and settled in Rowley, Mass., Joseph Jewett having been the direct ancestor of the subject of this sketch. Thomas Jewett, grandfather of Al- fred S. , was a soldier in the War of 181 2. Alfred VV. Jewett was one of the prominent citizens of Manchester and a thorough type of the old Puritan. When a boy he removed from Newburyport to Salisbury, where he eventually went into the furniture business. In 1844 he came to Manchester, and from 1846 to 1 868 he was engaged in the manufacture of furniture in this place. He retired from business in 1868, and died twenty years later. Of his children, the survivors are: Edgar M., Alfred S., George W., and Orrin W. All reside in Manchester except Edgar, who is a resident of Portsmouth, N. H. The father had served on the School Board of Manchester and on the Board of Selectmen. Alfred S. Jewett grew to manhood in Man- chester, and was educated in the public schools of the town. Never losing the scholar's in- stinct, he has always been a reader and thinker, and is well informed on the general topics of the day. At seventeen he entered his father's shop and began to learn the trade of cabinet-maker. After working there for five years he enlisted for service in the Civil War in July, 1862, joining Company K of the Thirty-eighth Massachusetts Volunteer Infan- try as a private. He served under General Banks in the Red River campaign and under Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley, and fought in the siege and battle of Port Hudson, at the battle of Cane River in General Banks's retreat, in the battle of Opequan Creek, where Sheridan was victorious, and at Winchester, l-^isher's Hill, and in minor engagements. Excepting about six weeks during which he was ill of malarial fever in Louisiana, he was with his regiment throughout the entire term of service, and was practically one of the twenty-five men in the regiment who were always on duty. He was frequently assigned to special duty and clerical work. After his discharge in July, 1S65, he returned to Man- chester, and was for a time an employee of his father. In 1868, upon the retirement of his father, he and his brother, George W. Jewett, joined in the firm A. S. & G. W. Jewett, and continued the furniture manufact- uring business which had been founded by the elder Mr. Jewett. The firm has been in active business down to the present time. Mr. Jewett married Jane F. Leach, of Man- chester. In politics he is a Republican. He takes an active part in the affairs of the town, and is in favor of any movement tending to the public welfare. Inheriting from a line of Puritan ancestry a strict regard for honesty and upright character, he is yet liberal in his views, and is inclined to look with charity on the shortcomings of others. He is a member BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 149 of the Congregational church. Mr. Jewett has served his fellow-townsmen in nearly all the important administration offices. He has been auditor and treasurer //v tcin., member of the Public Library Board and of the School Committee. Since 1888 he has served con- tinuously as Town Clerk, and since 1890 he has been chairman of the Selectmen and Over- seer of the Poor. He has been Commander of Allen Post, No. 6-], G. A. R., of which he is a member; and he is at present serving as Quartermaster in that body. For years he has been a member of the Republican Town Com- mittee, and he also has been a Justice of the Peace. [HENEZER PARSONS, of Lynnfield, farmer, held in much esteem as a citi- zen and neighbor, and well known in liberal religious circles of Essex County, may be briefly characterized as one of that type of men who, by consistent devotion to plain, earnest living and high thinking, uncon- sciously elevate the tone of the community in which they dwell. He was born in Lynnfield July 28, 1832, son of Ebenexer and Mary (Hart) Parsons, and is the third in direct line to bear his name. On the paternal side Mr. Parsons is a descendant in the seventh genera- tion of Joseph Parsons, who emigrated from England about the year 1635, settled at Springfield, Mass., in 1636, was Cornet of a troop of Hampshire cavalry, and in 1655 '^'^^ one of the founders of Northampton. Cornet Joseph Parsons married Mary Bliss; and the next in this line, their son Esquire Joseph Parsons, who was the third Justice of the Court of Conmion Pleas, married Elizabeth, daughter of Elder John Strong, first Ruling Elder of the church at Northampton, Mass. The Rev. David Parsons, son of Esquire Joseph and Elizabeth, was born in 16S0, grad- uated at Harvard College in 1705, was set- tled over a church in Maiden, Mass., for sev- eral years, and later was settled in Leicester, Mass., where he died in 1743. The maiden name of his wife was Sarah Stebbins. Israel Parsons, son of the Rev. David and great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born at Leicester in 1722, and resided there until his death, which occurred in 1767. He married a widow, Mrs. Lois Bancroft Wiley. She was a daughter of Captain Eben- ezer and Ruth (Boutwell) Bancroft, and grand- daughter of Captain Ebenezer Bancroft, Sr. , whose father, Thomas Bancroft, came to Lynn- field in 1640, being one of the earliest settlers in what was then the North Precinct of Lynn. A deed to Thomas Bancroft, dated 1657, is now in the possession of the subject of this sketch. Ebenezer Parsons, first, Mr. Parsons's grandfather, son of Israel, was born at Leices- ter, March 13, 1762. Left fatherless when he was five years old, he came to Lynnfield with his mother, and spent his boyhood upon the farm of his maternal grandfather, Captain Ebenezer Bancroft. At the death of the latter he became the owner of the Bancroft home- stead, and was a prosperous farmer of Lynn- field. He also kept the Sun Tavern for many years. He was a soldier of the Revolu- tion. In his religious views he was a Meth- odist, and he gave some land conditionally to the church. He died April 17, 1843. His wife, Nabby Smith, whom he married on November 18, 1787, was born in Lynnfield April g, 1765, daughter of Amos and Abigail (Hart) Smith, and died May 16, 1849. Their children were: Nabby, Ebenezer, and Israel Augustus. Ebenezer Parsons, second, the father above mentioned, was born in Lynnfield, August 17, 1794. He was a farmer by occupation. 15° BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Never seeking publicity, ho yet took a lively interest in town affairs, and served frequently on committees and in minor offices. He was married October 17, 1824, to Mary Hart, who was born December 17, 1792. She was a descendant of Isaac Hart, who was a resident of Lynn in 1640, and who served in King Philip's War. A deed to him of five hundred acres of land is in the possession of Mr. Par- sons. Isaac Hart's son, Captain Samuel Hart, by tradition a ship-master, and John, son of the Captain, were men of substance in what is now Lynnfield. John Hart married Mehitable Endicott, great-grand-daughter of Governor John Endicott. Mr. Parsons 'is descended from this couple through their son John and their grandson. Captain Ebenezer Hart, who was a Revolutionary soldier, and afterward a member of the General Court from Lynn, of which Lynnfield was then a part. Ebenezer Parsons, second, died April 17, 1853; and Mrs. Mary Hart Parsons died March i8, 1864. Their son, Ebenezer Parsons, third, ob- tained his elementary education in the com- mon schools, and afterward acquired a knowl- edge of Latin, French, and German. He has taught private pupils in these studies, as well as in vocal and instrumental music. He in- herited, especially from his mother, a love of reading; and, though he has not had a college training, he is well versed in many subjects. Fond of flowers, he is an authority on the plant life of the fields and woods of his neigh- borhood. Seeking the best culture books can give, he is abreast of the age in thought, and has written poems worthy to rank with many of those of acknowledged masters. Having naturally a remarkably fine voice and excellent taste in reading, and being an earnest liberal in religious belief, it was natural he should be urged to conduct services as a lay preacher for the remnant of the First Congregational Society (Unitarian) of his native town. This he did, with the exception of one year which he spent in Troy, N.Y. , for more than twenty years, occasionally giving a sermon of his own. For years he also led the musical part of the exercises. A Republican in politics, he has been a member of the School Commit- tee, one of the Selectmen, Town Clerk, vice- president of the Improvement Society, and is still frequently called upon to assist by read- ing or writing in other activities of the town. Still, his regard for what he holds to be dearer than office, dearer than the praise of his fel- low-townspeople — his ideal of truth and honor — is so high that he is not always with his party in town or State affairs. In other words, he is a genuine, conscientious Independent in thought and action. On March 24, 1863, Mr. Parsons was joined in marriage with Mary Alvina Dodge. She was born in Ipswich, Mass., March 21, 1839, daughter of Nathan Dane and Sarah (Shep- herd) Dodge, and is a descendant of John Dodge, of Somerset, England, through his sons Richard and William. Nathan Dane Dodge, a good citizen and a loyal Christian, was named for his great-uncle, the Hon. Nathan Dane, renowned jurist and statesman, brother of his grandfather, Samuel Dane, who was one of the militia company from ]5everly that responded to the Lexington alarm in April, 1775. William Dodge came to New England in 1629, and his brother Richard came in 1638. Both settled at Salem, after- ward Beverly. Mrs. Parsons' s father de- scended through the male line from Richard Dodge, and, by intermarriage of ancestral kin (not, however, of first cousins), from William also. Among his other remote ancestors may be named "that honored old planter," John Woodbury, who came to Cape Ann four years BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW iSi nfter the landing of the Pilgrims, and John's brother William, who was one of the pilots of the expedition for the capture of St. John's and Port Royal. Mr. Dodge's great-grand- father, Livermore Whittredge, was a member of the Committee of Correspondence and Safety formed in Beverly in 1773. Mrs. Sarah Shepherd Dodge, mother of Mrs. Parsons, was a descendant of the Shep- herds long ago living in Salisbury, Mass., whence her great-grandfather, Isaac Shepherd, removed to New Hampshire. His son Isaac served in the army of the Revolution, attain- ing the rank of Sergeant; and after the war he became Major. He served as Representative to the General Court several years. Mrs. Dodge's maternal grandfather, Mark Howe, was a surgeon in the Revolution. He was a son of Lieutenant Howe, Deacon of a Con- gregational church in Ipswich, and his wife, who was grand-daughter of the Rev. William Perkins, of Topsfield. Dr. Howe married Mary, grand-daughter of the Rev. Edward and Elizabeth (Phillips) Payson, of Rowley. Mr. Payson's mother was Mary, sister of the Rev. John Eliot, the apostle to the Indians; while his wife's parents were the Rev. Samuel and Sarah (Appleton) Phillips, founders of per- haps the most illustrious line in New I^ng- land, when one recalls the Phillips Academies of Andover, Mass., and Exeter, N.H., Wen- dell Phillips, and the Rev. Phillips Brooks, the good bishojD. It may here be remarked that the last named was related to Mr. Dodge through the Woodbury and to Mrs. Dodge through the Phillips line. Among her ancestors were also Lieutenant P'rancis Peabody, of Ipswich and Topsfield, Francis Lambert, Ezekiel Northend, and Mark Prime, all of Rowley. Mrs. Parsons was educated in Ipswich, en- joying the advantages of the high school and. for a term, of the excellent Ladies' Seminary, when the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Covvles had charge of it. Afterward she was graduated from the Salem Normal School. She has taught in the public schools, and has had private pupils. Also she has written for newspapers and mag- azines. She is the author of "The Ancestry of Nathan Dane Dodge and of his Wife, Sarah Shepherd Dodge." She was an active mem- ber of the First Congregational Society, working earnestly for its interests during the fifteen years of her connection with it. She is greatly interested in temperance and educa- tion, and gladly forwards any intellectual movement among her neighbors. She is a member of the Lynn Historical Society, and has done a good deal of genealogical work. Mr. and Mrs. Parsons occupy a pleasant resi- dence at Lynnfield Centre. They are the parents of one son, Starr Parsons, born Sep- tember 4, 1869, now City Solicitor of Lynn. (P'or his personal history see next sketch.) TARR PARSONS, attorney-at-law, son of Ebenezer and Mary A. (Dodge) Parsons, was fitted for col- lege at the Boston Latin School, where he took high rank, having entered at the age of thirteen. He won the Franklin medal, be- sides several other prizes, ai;d wrote the class song vvhich was sung at his graduation in 1887. At Harvard University he was chosen a mem- ber of the Classical Club, also of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, and was graduated magna cum landc in 1891. He taught a year in St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., was admitted to the Essex County bar by examination at Salem in October, 1892, and formed that year a partnership in the law business with Mr. Walter H. Southwick, of Lynn. Mr. Par- sons's ability soon placed him in the front 1S2 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW rank of his profession in this city. On May 22, 1897, he was elected by the City Council to complete the unexpired term of J. R. Bald- win, late City Solicitor; and on the second Tuesday in July following he was re-elected to that position for the ensuing year. He married June 26, 1894, Miss Minnie Cora ]3ickford, daughter of Charles M. and Laura A. (Ellis) Bickford. She was born July 2, 1869, in Belgrade, Me. Among her ancestors were Mark Frost, a soldier of the Revolution, and Benjamin Frost, a soldier in the second war with Great Britain ; while botii her father and his father were in the Civil War. Her great-grandfather, William Mor- rill, was the father of three State Governors, one of whom, the Hon. Lot M. Morrill, was Secretary of the United States Treasury under General Grant. Mr. and Mrs. Starr Parsons have one son, Eben, born March 10, 1896. Mr. Parsons is a member and a Past Chan- cellor of Peter Woodland Lodge, No. 72, Knights of Pythias, a member of Euphrates Senate, No. 362, K. A. E. O., and also a member of the Park Club. ('ff^YOHN LLOYD, a well-known business man of Gloucester and a native of the town, was born on January 14, 1825, son of John and Martha (Hoffain) Lloyd. His paternal grandfather, who was a Welsh- man, emigrated from his native land to Amer- ica, and settled in Virginia, whence he came with his family to Gloucester. Here his son John Lloyd, Sr., learned the rope-maker's trade, and worked at it during the rest of his life. Martha Lloyd, the lattcr's wife, was a daughter of Adam Hoffain. After obtaining his education in the public schools of his native town, young John Lloyd worked for a time at rope-making under his father's guidance. Later, however, he learned the business of a barber, in which he was engaged until 1869. In that year, in accord- ance with the advice of his physician, he gave up all business for a time, and devoted him- self to building up his health, which had become much impaired. In 1872, after re- ceiving a diploma from the Oriental School of Embalming in Boston, he started in his pres- ent line of business, that of undertaker and funeral director. Since then he has acquired an excellent reputation in this and the sur- rounding towns for skilful and painstaking work. It is stated that he has now the largest business of the kind in Gloucester. Mr. Lloyd was married to Mary McKenna, a daughter of Bernard and Abigail (Perkins) McKenna. Her grandfather, Nathaniel Per- kins, Jr., was a soldier of the Revolution, having enlisted in the Continental army in July, 1775, and upon the expiration of his term of service re-enlisted in January, 1776. He was in the service until November 24, 1776, when he was honorably discharged. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd have one son, John Lloyd, Jr., born in 1847, ^^o married Emma F. Rowe, and has three children. The latter are: Aaron, who was born in 1869; Mary P., who was born in 1S74; and Edward, who was born in 1876. Aaron is a graduate of the Oriental School of Embalming in Boston, and is now engaged in business with his grand- father. He is a Mason of Tyrian Lodge, William Ferson, R. A. M., and the Bethlehem Commandery, and an Odd Fellow of Ocean Lodge and Cape Ann Encampment. Mary resides with her parents. lulward is a book- keeper in Gloucester. Mr. Lloyd, Sr. , is a member of Ocean Lodge, No. 91, I. O. O. ¥., to which he has belonged for fifty years, and of which he is Past Noble Grand; of Cape Ann Encampment; Sea Shore Lodge; Tyrian DAVID S. J'RESSON. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW I5S Lodge, F. &. A. M., of which he is Past Mas- ter; of William Ferson Chapter, R. A. M. ; of Bethlehem Commandery, K. T. ; of Boston Consistory; of Salem Council, Royal and Se- lect Masters; of Salem Lodge of Protection; Mount Olivet Chapter, Rose Croix; of Con- stantine Lodge, K. of P. ; and of the Improved Order of Red Men. He enjoys the full confi- dence of his fellow-townsmen and the good will of all who know him. M AVID S. PRESSON, the president of the Gloucester Mutual Fishing Insurance Company, was born in this city, August 5, 1838, son of Leonard J. and Caroline M. (Winchester) Presson. He is a descendant of William and Priscilla Pres- ton, of Beverly, Mass. Their form of the sur- name was retained by their son, Randall Pres- ton, who was born in ]3everly, April 3, 1702. William Presson, the great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, born in Beverly, April 20, 1737, moved to Gloucester, where he fol- lowed the tailor's trade. On August 6, 1761, he was joined in marriage with Abigail Sar- gent, of Essex, Mass., and he died December 20, 1 8 14. William Presson (second), the grandfather of David S., was born in Gloucester, January •3. '775- "^^ '^" LMrly age he became a sailor. When a young man he was the master of a vessel engaged in the foreign trade; and he continued to follow the sea until his death, which occurred December 8, 1830. He mar- ried Sarah Parran, daughter of Alexander Parran, of Gloucester. Alexander Parran was one of the first men to join Captain Warner's company, which marched from Gloucester to participate in the battle of Bunker Hill. In the memorable engagement he was struck by a musket ball, which lodged against his right shoulder-blade, having broken his collar-bone in its passage, and which was extracted three months afterward. He rejoined the army at Cambridge; but on August 11, 1777, as he had lost the use of his right arm, he was ap- pointed Third Lieutenant by the General Court, and stationed in Gloucester. He later sailed as superintendent of cargo on board a vessel having letters of marque, and bound for Guadeloupe. In attempting to pass a fort in the night, the vessel was fired upon and sunk, and he was drowned. Leonard J. Presson, the father of David S. , was born in Gloucester, October 25, 1812. He began life as a clerk in a store, was for some time a civil engineer, from 1834 to 1839 the Postmaster in Glouces- ter, and a clerk and Deputy Collector of Cus- toms from 1849 to 1863. He died on January 5, 1864. His wife, Caroline, a daughter of John and Elizabeth Winchester, of this city, became the mother of seven children — Har- riet, Caroline M., David S. , Leonard J., Charles B. , George R., and Mary E. Harriet, now deceased, married William A. Pew, of Gloucester. Leonard J. and Charles B. reside in Gloucester. Mary E. is the wife of John E. Somes and a resident of Gloucester. George R. lives in San Francisco, Cal. The mother was a member of the Baptist church. David S. Presson was educated in the Gloucester public schools. While still young he was appointed to a clerkship in the custom- house, where he remained three years. He was subsequently employed as book-keeper by John Pew & Son for about four years, was in the fish business in St. Louis, Mo., a year, was book-keeper for Sinclair & Lowe, of Gloucester, for two years, and in Richmond, Me., he was engaged in ship-building for five years. Returning to Gloucester in 1867, he was employed in book-keeping by Brown Brothers for two years and by Clarke & Somes 156 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW for twelve years. He was appointed Collector of Customs in 1885, holding office until 1890; and then he became the president of the Mut- ual Fishing Insurance Company. He is a director, the treasurer, and the clerk of the Gloucester Street Railway Company, of which he was one of the promoters and incorporators. Politically, Mr. Presson is a Democrat. He served as a member of the Common Council for the first two years under the city charter, and was a member of the School Committee from 1882 to 18S5. A member of Tyrian Lodge, F. & A. M., he belongs to William Person Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, and he is a Past Eminent Commander of l^ethlehem Commandery, Knights Templar. His relig- ious belief is the Universalist. On August 8, 1866, he first married Augusta, daughter of Captain William E. Herrick. She died Oc- tober 16, 1869, leaving one son— John S. A second marriage, on July 25, 1877, united him with Ruthelia Allen, daughter of John P. Allen, of Manchester, Mass. OHN BAKER, of Manchester-by-the- Sea, the popular and energetic super- intendent of the Essex County Club, was born in this town on February 22, 1S58. A son of John and Nancy A. (Merrill) Baker, respectively natives of Ipswich, Mass., and Groton, N.H., he comes of an old family that has long given leading men to the district. The Bakers came from England to Ipswich, Mass., then called Agawam, about the year 1638. Owing to faulty records, this branch can be traced only to John's great-grandfather, Ebenezer, who was born in 1741, and died April 22, 1794. Ebenezer in 1765 married Jemima Annable, who was born in 1740, and died December 17, 1823. Soon after his mar- riage he moved to Manchester, where his chil- dren were born. The latter were: Joseph, Robert, Betsy, Bethiah, Polly, and Eben. Robert, the grandfather of John, born Novem- ber 19, 1767, married on October 12, 1795, Lucretia Burnham in Ipswich, where he rented a farm, and where his children — Lucretia, Lucy, and John — were afterward born. John Baker, Sr. , whose birth occurred on September 26, 1S03, died January 7, 1877. When a lad of fourteen his father moved to Manchester, and purchased the John Osmon farm, which is still in the family. He helped to found the Baptist Church of Manchester, was one of its supporters, both financially and morally, and a Deacon of it from its organization until his death. Prom- inent in the militia, he devoted considerable time to military practice. In politics he was a Republican. In 1857 he married Nancy A. Merrill, of Hopkinton, who survives him, and is now past sixty years of age. Their chil- dren are : John, Robert, Lucy, Eben, and Lorenzo. John Baker grew to manhood in this town, receiving his education in the graded schools and high school. When fourteen years of age he was obliged to assume practically the charge of his father's business affairs, on ac- count of the poor health of the latter, having to look after the farm and saw-mill, and later to carrying on a milk business. In this last he was associated with his brother Robert for a number of years, after which he sold out, and thereafter for a time confined himself to teaming and gardening. Feeling convinced that larger opportunities awaited him in the West, he finally sold out his other interests to Robert and Lorenzo Baker, and went to Sanborn, Col. Here he was for three years the superintendent for the Thurlow Land and Live Stock Company. Returning to Man- BIOGRAPHICAL A VIEW 157 Chester at the end of that time, he took his present position as superintendent of the Essex County Club, the grounds of which are devoted to golf, tennis, and other open air sports. Mr. 15aker was married first to Mary B. Dade, of Manchester, and by her has one daughter, Hattie Florence Baker. A second marriage united him with Hattie Francella Damon, of Reading, Mass., whose children are : John Irving and Harry Damon Baker. Mr. Baker is a Republican in politics, and has served one year as Constable of Manches- ter. He is an esteemed member of the I. O. O. F. Alive to every movement for progress, he is loyally devoted to the interests of the town. B AVID LOW, the well-known farmer and gardener of Esse.x, was born in this town, April 25, 1822, son of David and Betsey (Story) Low. The pater- nal grandfather, Thomas Low, owned and cul- tivated a farm situated in the northern part of Esse.x. He married Dolly Choate, and had a family of eight children — Thomas, David, Jeremiah, Joshua, Caleb, Josiah, Polly, and Sidney. David Low, Sr., the father of the subject of this sketch and a lifelong resident of Esse.x, followed the butchering business in connec- tion with farming. He was a man of con- siderable prominence, took an active part in military affairs, serving as a Captain in the State militia, and was highly respected for his many commendable qualities. He died June 16, 1870. His wife, Betsey, was a daughter of Michael and Betsey (Goodhue) Story. Her father, a farmer and a carpenter of this town, was accidentally killed in 1797 while assisting in raising a barn. Her mother was again married to Thomas Gid- dings, by whom she had two sons — Job and Paul; and she died in Maine. David and Betsey Low were the parents of nine children; namely, Elizabeth, Clarissa, Mary Ann, David, Michael S., Asenath, James O. , Sid- ney, and Lydia M. Elizabeth married Daniel Hartwell, a teamster of Danvers, Mass., both now deceased. Their children — Elizabeth, Selinda, and Martha — are also deceased. Clarissa, now deceased, married successively Jonathan Story and Jonathan Lufkin. By the latter she had four children — Orvilla, Jona- than L., Jonathan L. (second), and Clarissa. Mary Ann is the wife of Ezra Burnham, of Essex, and has five children — ■ Mary E., Ezra F., Lewis O., Sidney A., and Gardner. Asenath married J. W. Johnson, of New Gloucester, Me., a pedler residing in Essex, and had three children — Albert C, Walter, and Mildred. Both the parents are deceased. James O. , who was born May i, 1830, fol- lowed shoemaking early in life, and in his later years has been engaged in farming. On November 6, 1856, he married Abigail, a daughter of John and Lydia (Holmes) Burn- ham, of Essex, and who died in June, 1S89. Her children were: Edna B., who married Frank Hardy, and died in 1881, leaving one son, Frank; Abbie F., who is the wife of Enoch Story, an ice dealer of P^ssex, and has one son, Enoch F. ; Lydia H. and Betsey S., who are residing at home; Jennie E., who is the wife of Caleb M. Cogswell, a farmer of Essex, and has two sons — Marshall and Wil- bur L. ; and James O., Jr., Susan, and Jessie, who are residing at home. Sidney Low, who followed the trade of a shoemaker besides tilling the soil in his native town, married Abbie H. Burnham, of Essex, and died at the age of forty-eight years, leaving two children — Elizabeth and Frances. Lydia M. Low married Daniel W. Burnham, a ship-carpenter IS8 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW of Essex, and has three children — Maria, Lillian, and Alonzo. After receiving his education in the com- mon schools David Low, the subject of this sketch, learned the shoemaker's trade. This he followed as a journeyman for about nine- teen years, and then engaged in the manu- facture of boots and shoes upon his own ac- count, which he carried on profitably for twenty-five years. At the expiration of that time he retired, and is now residing at the old homestead. Here, keeping a hot-house, he gives his attention to market gardening, besides making a specialty of the raising of plants and flowers, including tomato slips and large quantities of pansies and violets. An- other source of income to him is his interest as a part owner of the well-known Centennial Grove in Essex, which is used extensively during the summer season for excursions and picnic parties. On April 9, 1846, Mr. Low was united in marriage with Mrs. Hannah Maria (I^ow) Low, daughter of Warren and Mary (Babcock) Low, the former of whom was a farmer and a fisherman of Essex. Mrs. David Low became the mother of seven children — Asenath M., George W., Herbert, David E., Anna B., Gertrude, and Mamie IL Asenath M. mar- ried Washington Tarr, a ship -builder of Essex, and died April 10, 1S87, leaving one daughter, Asenath T. George W., who is a farmer and gardener of this town, married Abbie Knowlton, of Essex, whose children and herself are now deceased. Herbert is as- sii5ting his father in carrying on the farm. David E., who is engaged in farming in I"3ssex, married Annie Story, who died in 1896, leaving one daughter, 151anche. Ger- trude married lulwin H. York, of Rockport, Mass., who is a baggage-master on the Boston & Maine Railroad. Anna B. and Mamie 11. are residing at home. Mrs. David Low died in April, 1886. Politically, Mr. Low is an active supporter of the Democratic party, and has served with ability as a Selectman, besides holding other town offices. His genial and courteous manner makes him popular with his fellow-townsmen, who sincerely esteem him. 7TAHARLES F. ELLIOTT, one of the I jp leading contractors and builders of ^ O? ^ Wcnham, Mass., was born in Bev- erly, in the south-eastern part of Essex County, on July 8, 1849, son of Charles and Abbie (Osborne) Elliott. He belongs to one of the old and respected families of this region, whose founder came over from Eng- land. His grandfather, John Elliott, was a soldier in the War of 181 2. His father, Charles Elliott, who resides in J5everly, is now engaged in agriculture. He was formerly a shoemaker. Mrs. Abbie O. Elliott's mother, Mrs. Hannah Osborne, who is still living, is among the oldest residents of Bev- erly, being in her ninety-fourth year. Charles F. Elliott grew to manhood in Beverly, and was educated in the public schools of that town. When eighteen years of age he began learning the carpenter's trade, at which he served an aj^prenticeship of three years. Having mastered the craft, he worked at journeyman's wages for a time, but in 1873 came to Wenham, and the following year started in business for himself as a contractor and builder. Diligent and progressive, Mr. Elliott has constantly increased the scope of his operations. He employs on an average six men the year round, but during busy sea- sons a larger number. Mr. Elliott married for his first wife Addic S. Wilkins, of Wenham. She died in Janu- ary, 1875, and Mr. Elliott has since married BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 159 Mary E. , daughter of Ezra and Sallie (Dodge) Conant, the father a native of Beverly and the mother of Wenham, both now deceased. Mr. Elliott is a member of the Congrega- tional church at Wenham. In politics a Re- publican, he is public-spirited and alive at all times to the best interests of the town and the community. Fraternally, he is a member of the Order of United American Mechanics at Beverly; also of the Wenham Mutual Benefit Association, of which last organization he has been one of the directors. Mr. Elliott stands to-day as an example of the self-made man, the man whose place in society and in the business world has been won by hard work, conscientious business methods, and close at- tention to detail. He commands the respect of all who know him. (s>rLFRED PORTER PUTNAM, D.D., ^JA a Unitarian divine, now residing in ' ®V_^ Salem, Mass., was born in North Danvers, Mass., January 10, 1827, the son of Elias and Eunice (Ross) Putnam. He stands in the eighth generation from John Putnam, who emigrated from Buckinghamshire, Eng- land, and settled in Salem Village in 1634. His great-grandfather, Edmund Putnam, who commanded one of the eight Danvers com- panies that marched to the battle of Lexing- ton, April ig, 1775, was Deacon of the old Salem Village church twenty-three years, and then became a pioneer Universalist in that region. His grandfather, Israel Putnam, married Anna Endicott, through whom he is descended from the old Puritan Governor, John Endicott, also from John Porter, Major William Hathorne, the Rev. Samuel Skelton, and other leading settlers of Essex County. His father was a shoe manufacturer, County Commissioner, State Senator, and Represent- ative; his mother, a native of Ipswich, Mass., and daughter of Adam Ross, a soldier at Bunker Hill and during the Revolution. In the following sketch of the life of Dr. Putnam we quote largely from a biography written by a Dartmouth College classmate, and published in the Danvers Mirror in 1S97. For about a year, beginning at the age of fifteen, he was a clerk in the village bank, of which his father was president. He attended the Literary Institute and Gymnasium at Pem- broke, N. H., 1844-45, ^'■'<:1 was employed as book-keeper of Allen & Minot in ]?oston, 1846-47, but, finally deciding upon a liberal education, was fitted for college in the acad- emies of Andover, Mass., and Springfield and Thetford, Vt., 1847-49. His first college year was passed at Dartmouth, N.II., where he was highly respected by the faculty for his manliness and maturity of intellect. He was greatly endeared to his classmates by his so- cial qualities, and with his peculiarly rich and musical voice easily ranked all as a pub- lic speaker. He was, however, induced to complete his course at Brown University, Rhode Island, which he did in two years, re- ceiving from that institution the degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1852. Having taught a winter district school in Danvers before his college course and another in Wenham, Mass., during its progress, he resumed his labors in the latter town for six months as a teacher in a select school, and then entered the Divinity School at Cambridge, Mass., graduating in 1855. The winter previously he had received a license to preach from the Boston Association of Unitarian Ministers, and on December 19 following he was ordained as pastor of the Mount Pleasant Congrega- tional Society (Unitarian) at Roxbury, Mass. On January 10, 1856, he was united in mar- riage with Louise Proctor Preston, of an old i6o BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Danvers family, daughter of Samuel aud Lydia W. (Proctor) Preston. Her death, which occurred June 12, 1S60, was deeply la- mented by a wide circle of relatives and friends. The sicknesses and sorrows of his first years in the ministry made it desirable that he should seek a change; and May 28, icS62, he embarked with a Cambridge classmate, the Rev. Frederic P'rothingham, upon an ex- tended tour abroad. His travels resulted in a course of lectures to his people on the historic and religious aspects of the Old World, and had much to do with his subsequent studies and experiences. He closed his labors in Roxbury in 1864, having received a unanimous call to settle over the P"irst Unitarian Society in Brooklyn, N.Y., where he was installed in September of the same year, and where he continued to labor for more than twenty-two years. De- cember 27, 1865, he was married to Eliza King Puttrick, daughter of Ephraim and Mary (King) Buttrick, of Cambridge, Mass., and born January 14, 1S33. Mr. Buttrick was descended from William Buttrick and other early settlers of Concord, Mass., and was long a prominent lawyer at the Middle- sex bar. During Dr. Putnam's pastorate in Brook- lyn he was assisted by his people to establish a third Unitarian church in the city and to build chapels for his own Sunday-school and a mission school, which he founded for the poor, engaging at the same time in other be- neficent labors. He was one of the founders and one of the Board of the Brooklyn Union for Christian Work, 1S66 and onward; and in 1878, as secretary of the Brooklyn Theatre Fire Relief Association, he distributed a large proportion of the fifty thousand dollars raised for the numerous families that suffered from that terrible disaster, and wrote the final report of the two years' work. He had been elected president of the Unitarian Sunday- school Society in 1863, and honored with the degree of Doctor of Divinity from his Alma Mater in 1871. But under his accumulating duties his health became enfeebled, and he visited Europe a second time in the winter of 18S3, returning in July; but, on returning home and resuming his parochial duties too soon, his health gradually gave way, and he was obliged to seek recovery by surrendering his post and retiring to his wife's ancestral acres at Concord, Mass. During his life in Brooklyn, Dr. Putnam was a member of many well-known clubs and societies, notably the New York Century Club, the Long Island Historical Society, and the Brooklyn Art As- sociation. In 1895 he removed to Danvers, his native town, and two years later to the adjoining city of Salem. During this period of his recovered health he has preached in thirty or forty towns and cities, and during his ministry has delivered lectures before vari- ous historical societies and other institutions, including courses at Tufts College and at the Meadville (Pa.) Theological School; while as president of the Danvers Historical Society his labors have proved more abundant down to the present time. Various biographical sketches of Dr. Putnam have appeared in different publications issued in the last twenty- five years, and the Memorial History of his Dartmouth College class gives a list of about thirty different book and pamphlet pub- lications of which he was the author between 1859 and 1894. The family relations of Dr. Putnam have proved most congenial and delightful. The second Mrs. Putnam, greatly beloved by her many friends, still shares with him the joys and vicissitudes of life as a helpmeet indeetl. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW i6i They have five children, namely: Endicott Greenwood, born March 8, 1867, in Cam- bridge, now in business in New York City; Alfred VVhitwell, born January 23, 1870, in Brooklyn, a graduate of the Boston Law School in 1S96 and now a lawyer in that city, but living with his parents in Salem; Helen Langley, born January 18, 1872, in Brooklyn, a graduate of Smith College, who for a time was a teacher of English literature in the State Normal School, New Haven, Conn., but is now married to James Kingsley Blake, a lawyer of that city; Ralph Buttrick, born May 13, 1873, in Brooklyn, a graduate of Amherst College and now a teacher in the Cutler School, New York; Margaret Ross, born July 2, 1876, in Quincy, Mass., now a student in Smith College. ON. J. LORING WOODFALL, State Senator for the Third Essex District for 1896-97, is a native of Rockport, Mass., where he now resides. He was born fifty years ago, September 15, 1S47, being the second child of John and Elizabeth B. (Saunders) Woodfall. His parents have five sons and one daughter now living. His father was born in Bolton, England, and came to this country a youth under twenty years of age. His mother is a native of Sandy Bay, now Rockport, Mass, Her parents were Samuel and Lydia P. (Thurston) Sannders. Her mother was of the sixth generation in descent from Daniel Thurston, of Newbury, Mass., the immigrant founder of this branch of the Thurston family in New England, who was a trooper in King Philip's War. Samuel Saunders, Mrs. WoodfalTs father, died at the ripe old age of eighty-seven years. J. Loring Woodfall was educated in the public schools of Rockport, including the high school, leaving before completion of course to accept a position (at the age of six- teen years) in the United States Engineer office at Boston, with Colonel J. D. Graham, having charge of harbors in Massachusetts. There he was employed eighteen months as a clerk, until the death of Colonel Graham, when he returned to Rockport, and subse- quently became paymaster in the Annisquam Mills of that town, a position which he held for seventeen years. For the past thirty years, it may be said, he has been identified with the property interests of the concern. For a year and a half he held a clerkship in the office of John Pew & Son, well-known wholesale fish dealers of Gloucester, Mass., and after that he efificiently discharged the duties of book-keeper and paymaster for the Rockport Granite Company for about six years. Mr. Woodfall is one of the eight men who were instrumental in bringing to the attention of the United States government the necessity for a harbor of refuge at Sandy Bay; and, as secretary of the committee chosen by the town to further the enterprise, much of the work connected with the measure was done by him, and to no one else is due more credit for its success. The harbor when completed will have cost five million dollars, nine hundred thousand dollars of which has been already appropriated by Congress. It will be the largest and most commodious harbor in the United States, if not in the world. Mr. Woodfall was one of the founders of the Granite Savings Bank of Rockport, of which he has been a trustee from the first, and was for many years clerk of the corporation and trustees until he declined further service. He has been a member of the Board of Trus- tees of the Rockport Public Library five years as chairman and treasurer. l62 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW During the legislative sessions of 1894 and 1895 he was a member of the lower house, and established a precedent of giving a Rep- resentative of his district two years' service. In 1896 and 1897 he represented the Third Essex Senatorial District in the State Senate. In 1894, while in the House, he introduced and secured the passage of the bill granting the franchise for the excellent water system that Rockport now enjoys; and at the time the water- works were constructed he served as Water Commissioner. He also served as superintendent of construction during the second year when the pipes were put through the village of Pigeon Cove. One of his first moves in the House of 1895 was the introduc- tion of the following order for the removal of the codfish from the old House '"neath the gilded dome" to the new House in the annex : — "Ordered that the Sergeant-at-arms be and is hereby directed to cause the immediate re- moval of the ancient 'representation of a cod- fish' from its present position in the chamber recently vacated by the House, and to cause it to be suspended in a suitable place over the speaker's chair in this chamber in order that the House of 1895 may further the intent and purpose of the House of 1784, wherein it voted to 'hang the representation of a codfish in the room where the House sit, as a me- morial of the importance of the codfishery to the welfare of this Commonwealth, as had been usual formerly,' and that a committee of fifteen members accompany the Sergeant-at- arms when said memorial is transferred to this chamber." In 1896 Mr. Woodfall was chairman of the Committee on Fisheries and Game, also a member of the Labor and Water Committees. In 1897 he was chairman of the Committee on Harbors and Public Lands, also a member of the Committees on Fisheries and Game and on Water Supply. He was chairman of the subcommittee (of Water and Metropolitan Committees sitting jointly) to draft a water bill for the town of Stoneham, enabling it to leave the Wakefield Company and to become a part of the Metropolitan system. In 1897 he secured the passage of the bill making a reservation of Cape Ann for the preservation of small game and birds. He is a Republican in politics, and has served as chairman of the Republican Town Committee of Rockport for ten years. A public-spirited, progressive citizen, as a legislator imtiring in his labors to promote the interests uf the district, he enjoys to an unusual degree the confidence of his constitu- ents. Fraternally, he is Past Grand in Granite Lodge, I. O. O. v., of Rockport, of which he has been a member for over twenty-six years; and he is also connected by membership with the Daughters of Rebecca. He has been identified with Ashler Lodge, A. F. & A. M., for over a quarter of a century. Mr. Woodfall was married F^ebruary 29, 1872, to Miss Lizzie P. Tufts, a native of Rockport and daughter of the late George W. Tufts and Lucretia Eads Rowe Tufts. Mr. and Mrs. Woodfall have one daughter, Mabel L. ESSE W. PEABODY, the present chairman of the Board of Selectmen in the town of Middleton, was born here, February 28, 1831, son of Andrew and Mary (Pettingil) Peabody. His first ancestor in this country was Lieutenant Francis Peabody, whose son, Joseph, settled in Middleton, where the family has since remained. The house erected by Captain Nathaniel Peabody, the grandfather of Jesse W., is still standing, and is now owned by Samuel M. Peabody. THOMAS AYKEY. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW '6S Captain Peabody married Ruth Elliott. Brought up on the farm, Andrew acquired a taste for agriculture. He bought a farm on the south side of the Ipswich River, and on it spent the remainder of his life, dying at the age of sixty-two. His wife, Mary, who came from Salem, had three children — Jesse W., Andrew Wallace, and Eunice G. Eunice G. married Joseph Fletcher, and resides on her father's farm. Jesse VV. Peabody was employed in a shoe factory early in life, and became well ac- quainted with the details of the business. He was afterward connected with the manu- facture of shoes in Middleton and Danvers until the year iS6i. Then he erected a com- modious dwelling on Pleasant Street in Mid- dleton, and there resided until 1S77. In that year he exchanged his house for a farm lo- cated on South Main Street. Since then he has successfully devoted himself to farming, using modern methods. He married Sarah M. Peabody, a daughter of Joseph Peabody and a grand-daughter of Captain Nathaniel Peabody. Mr. Peabody is Republican in his political opinions, and has ably filled various offices of trust in the gift of the town. He has been a member of the Board of Selectmen and Assessor for twenty-four years, the chairman of the Board of Selectmen for three years, and Tax Collector for the past fifteen years. Captain Nathaniel Peabody had ten chil- dren, namely: Joseph, who lived and died in Middleton; Andrew, the father of Jesse VV. ; Jesse, who lived in Manchester; Ancel, a resident of Andover; Lydia, who married Francis Peabody, of Topsfield; Irene, who married Samuel Symonds, of Peabody; Han- nah, who married James Russell, of Boxford ; Eliza, who married Cummings Barr, of Lowell; Mary, who died in childhood; and Clara, who married Mr. Averill, of Lowell. ^\ HOMAS AYREY, who was the overseer ^1 of the Pacific Mills in Lawrence for more than forty years, is now living in retirement at his pleasant home, 2S9 Broad- way. He was born January 21, 1829, in Lan- cashire, England, the birthplace and lifelong residence of his father and grandfather, both of whom were named Oswald Ayrey. Oswald Ayrey, Sr., after his marriage reared six children, three sons and three daughters. Oswald Ayrey, Jr., learned the trade of blacksmith from his father, and afterward fol- lowed that occupation until his (.ieath, at the advanced age of eighty-three years. In 1821 he married Ann Edmonson, who survived him three years. After she had attained the same age, she was laid beside him in the village churchyard. They had thirteen children, of whom eight sons and two daughters reached maturity, married, and reared families of moderate size. Six of the thirteen are still living, namely: Thomas, the subject of this sketch; Margaret, the wife of John Sager, of England; Mary Ann, now Mrs. Brogden ; James; William; and Henry. When eight years old, Thomas Ayrey left school to enter the print works of his native village. Here he afterward spent si.x years learning to mix colors, at first receiving a very small annual stipend for his labor. At the age of fourteen he was promoted to another department, and in the following nine years ho acquired a practical knowledge of the man- ufacture of cotton goods. In 1854, embark- ing in a sailing-vessel at Liverpool for this country, he reached New York City on Octo- ber 2, after a voyage lasting thirty-two days. He first found employment at a mill in John- son, R.I. The times becoming dull soon after, he worked as a day laborer in Cranston, R.I., and Fall River, Mass., being about six weeks in each place. He subsequently found i66 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW employment in a mill at Lodi, N.J., whence in 1855 he came to Lawrence. Accepting the position of overseer of the print works in the Pacific Mills, which was then a compara- tively small department, Mr. Ayrey held that office for forty-one consecutive years. Under his supervision the work was greatly in- creased and the number of employees in his department was doubled, he having had charge of sixty men when he gave up his position in May, 1896. Reared to habits of industry and thrift, he acquired a good property, and in 1866 built his present substantial residence, which he has since occupied. He is a Repub- lican in politics, and for two years was a member of the Common Council. An active member of the Methodist Episcopal church since 1848, he has served it in every lay office connected with it. He is a well-known Odd Fellow, and has passed all the chairs of the local lodge. In 1858 Mr. Ayrey married Miss Susan Crandall, of Lawrence, who bore him two children, both of whom died in infancy. She passed away in February, 1862, aged thirty- three years. In May, 1863, he married Miss Augusta L. , daughter of James and Hannah (Stanley) Home, of Great Falls, N.H. After a happy wedded life of thirty years she died April 23, 1893, leaving one child. The latter, Minnie E., since the death of her mother has been the comfort and joy of her father's life, and has had charge of the house- hold. She was graduated from the Lawrence High School, and is an intelligent, practical young woman, with decided musical tastes and ability. UWARD STORY, an enterprising lum- ber manufacturer and grain merchant of Essex, was born in this town, July 9, 1836, son of Perkins and Lucy (Goodhue) Story. His grandfather, Jonathan Story, was a lifelong resident of Essex, and followed the trade of a carpenter in connection with farming. Perkins Story, father of Fldward, was in early life a millman. Later he cultivated a farm successfully until his death, which oc- curred in September, 1S71. He married for his first wife Rachel Burnham, a native of Essex. Born of the union were five children, namely: Susan, the widow of Edward Choate; Albert, who died in 1895; Lucy A., who married Andrew Story, and died in Minne- sota; Ira, a ship-carpenter, who first married Sophronia Foster, and whose second wife was named Rachel; and Mary, who is the widow of Samuel Lufkin, and resides in Essex. Perkins Story's second wife, Lucy Goodhue Story, was a daughter of John Goodhue, a cloth manufacturer of this town. She became the mother of five children, namely: Emily, who married Simeon Marshall, and died in 1871; Edward, the subject of this sketch; tllizabeth, who died in infancy; Newton, who died in 1870; and Elizabeth (second), the wife of Nathan Story, a merchant of Essex Falls. Perkins Story's second wife died in 1874. Edward Story attended the school in his na- tive town, and at an early age began to assist his father in the mill. He eventually suc- ceeded to the business, and bought a part of the homestead property. In 1874 he erected his present steam mills, which contain ma- chinery for sawing lumber and grinding grain. He is an extensive manufacturer of planed and matched boards and other building ma- terials, and he deals largely in grain and flour. On January 28, 1874, Mr. Story was united in marriage with Susan A. P'urbush, daughter of Naham and Nancy (Morgan) Furbush, BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 167 of Peabody, Mass. Mrs. Story died in Feb- ruary, 1890, leaving one daughter, Emily, who is now keeping house for her father. In politics Mr. Story is a Republican, but has never been induced to accept public ofifice. He is one of the progressive and successful business men of Essex, and is highly re- spected as a worthy and useful citizen. In religious belief a Universalist, he is an active member of the church in this town. I^AMUEL HYDE BOUTWELL, of Andover, who formerly represented this district in the State legislat- ure, was born here, March 25, 1838, son of George and Fanny (Hyde) Boutwell. The grandfather, Jonathan Boutwell, a prosperous farmer of Wilmington, Mass., who passed his last days in Andover, was the father of seven children, of whom one died young. George Boutwell, father of Samuel H., was engaged in farming in Andover during his active years, and resided here until his death. His wife, Fanny, who was a daughter of Samuel Hyde, of Newton, Mass., became the mother of seven children, namely: Lucy, now the wife of Artemus Wiswell; George and Edward H. ; Parthenia, the wife of Francis Holt; Samuel H., the subject of this sketch; Louisa, the wife of the Rev. James G. Merrill, of Port- land, Me. ; and Mary K. Boutwell. Samuel Hyde Boutwell was educated in the public schools and at Phillips Academy. He taught school in Andover and Tewksbury for four years during the winter months. Having succeeded to the possession of the homestead after his father's death, he has since been en- gaged in farming. Taking an earnest inter- est in public education, he has served as a member of the School Committee for fifteen years, and he is a trustee of the Punchard Free School. He was a Selectman for sixteen years in succession. In 1S74 he was elected to represent Andover and North Andover in the Massachusetts House of Representatives, and was later nominated for the State Senate. On January 12, 1865, Mr. Boutwell married Alice J. Trull, of Tewksbury, daughter of Na- thaniel and Amada Trull. His children are: Frederic S. , Arthur T., Chester N., Winthrop S., and Alice J. Boutwell. The two last named are at home. Chester married Miss Abbie Fessenden, of Tewksbury, and resides on the homestead. Frederic is a clerk in the Andover Savings Bank. Arthur T. is the chemist in the flax mills of Smith & Dove at Andover. 7TAHARLES H. BOYNTON, an exten- I jp sive coal and wood merchant of ^i^ ^ Gloucester, was born in this city, December i, 1841, son of Charles and Mina (Hodgkins) Boynton. The father, a son of John Boynton, was a native of Gloucester. He learned the carpenter's trade, and was a building contractor until i860. Then he es- tablished the coal and wood business now car- ried on by his son. He died in 1882, aged sixty-two years. By his wife, Mina, a daugh- ter of James Hodgkins, of this city, he was the father of six children. Of these, three grew to maturity, namely: Sarah E., who married Edward A. Story, both now deceased; Charles II., the subject of this sketch; and Caroline I"., who married F. W. Bergengren, M.D., of Lynn, Mass. The father attended the Baptist church. Charles H. Boynton was educated in the public schools of Gloucester. After complet- ing his studies he worked at the carpenter's trade with his father. He was later employed in his father's coal and wood business. Sub- i68 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW sequently succeeding to its ownership, he has since carried it on. He is one of the leading merchants in his line in Gloucester, handling an average of twelve thousand tons of coal and eight hundred cords of wood annu- ally, and maintaining a steady patronage. In politics he is a Republican, and he has served for two years in the Common Council. A Past Master of Tyrian Lodge, F. & A. M., he belongs to William Person Chapter of Royal Arch Masons and Bethlehem Commandery of Knights Templar. He is also connected with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. His wife was formerly Mrs. Hannah J. Robinson Hazel. Both he and Mrs. Boynton are mem- bers of the Christian Scientist church. kOSES H. CLOUGH, a retired building contractor residing in Annisquam, city of Gloucester, was born in Annisquam, October 7, 1817, son of Moses and Rhoda (Jones) Clough. Upon completing his education, which was acquired in the public schools of Gloucester, he became an apprentice to his father, who was a carpen- ter by trade. Before beginning work as a journeyman, he went for three seasons on a schooner engaged in the transport of sand to Boston and other places. At the age of eigh- teen he went to Boston, and secured work in Chelsea. Soon after he returned to Boston, and spent a year in the McLean Hospital. Thence he went to Fall River, Mass., and later to Mobile, where he worked for about six months. After returning to Annisquam from the South, Mr. Clough began business for him- self, first erecting the house which is his pres- ent residence. Upon its completion he se- cured contracts for other work in this vicinity, and soon had a very prosperous business. Among the buiUlings erected by him are seven school-houses for the city of Glouces- ter, including the Collins School. In 1868 he built the Orthodo.x church in Lanesville and in 1S69 the General B. F. Butler resi- dence in Annisquam. His next large contract was the building at Bay View of the stores, dwelling-houses, sheds, and barns of the Cape Ann Granite Company, of which Colo- nel Jonas French was manager. From there he went to Hampton, Va., and built the Sol- diers' Home for the government, a work re- quiring several years. So highly was Mr. Clough's judgment valued by the government ofificials with whom he was then brought in contact that he was sent as adviser to the board of management when the Soldiers' Home at Milwaukee was in course of erection. General Butler sent for him to build several houses in Washington. He was next ap- pointed to superintend the excavation of stone at Bay View, to be used for the Boston I'ost- ofifice and Subtreasury building, the last im- portant work undertaken by him. Intending to reside permanently there, he purchased a place in Newtonville, Mass. ; but, finding his health was not so good as at Annisquam, he finally returned to this place, where he now lives retired. Mr. Clough takes pride in saying that he has been a strong and radical temperance man all his life. He is held in the highest es- teem by his neighbors and acquaintances, who have found him upright and honest in all his dealings. On January 3, 1841, he was united in marriage with Martha L. Jacobs, daughter of Obed and Lucretia (Littlefield) Jacobs, of Wells, Me. A son and six daughters have blessed the union; namely, Ellen Frances, Ann Eliza, Georgietta, Ada Augusta, Mary Alice, Emma, and George. Ellen, the wife of James E. Jewett, has two children — Anna BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW i6g B. and Fred. Emma is the wife of Luke F. Ashley. George, a painter by trade, resides in Annisquam. Ann Eliza, who was the wife of Rhuel Griffin, of Annisquam, died aged thirty-five years; Georgietta died aged six years; Ada A. died aged eight years; and Mary Alice died at the age of two years and two months. fRUE riKE, a well-known farmer and influential resident of Salisbury, was born in this town, September 20, 1845, son of True and Mary (Eaton) Pike. Of Eng- lish origin, the family is one of the oldest not only in America but in England. Its genealogy, traced back to the days of Will- iam the Conqueror, will be found elsewhere in this work. True Pike's grandfather enlisted on the 19th of April, 1775, in the Provincial army, before any company had been raised in Salisbury. He was not only a patriot but a brave man, serving gallantly in the Colonial cause. The father, born in Salisbury, Sep- tember II, 181 1, was on the Prudential Board; and his fellow-townsmen would gladly have had him serve as Selectman, but he declined. He served twice on the jury at the Salem courts. A member of the Salisbury Meth- odist Episcopal Church, he was a consistent Christian. He married for his first wife Mary Eaton, of Salisbury, and for his second wife May A. B. Smith, of Livermore Falls, Me. By the second marriage there were the follow- ing named children: Charles, who married Helen Eaton, of Seabrook, and is living on the old farm; Robert, deceased; George, who married Mary L. D. Pike, of Amesbury, daughter of William H. H. Pike; two chil- dren who died in infancy; Mary A., now widowed and residing with Charles Pike; and True Pike, Jr. True Pike, the subject of this biography, after leaving school, was engaged in seafaring for the three years between the ages of fifteen and eighteen. In one of his trips, which lasted twenty-two months, he rounded the Horn on the thirteenth day of August, with the thermometer standing at twenty degrees below zero. He went to Callao, the Isle of Wight, Hamburg, Liverpool, Londonderry, and came home by way of Portland, Me. Landing in his native country when the sound of war was heard, on every side, his youthful enthusiasm was aroused, and he determined to go into the service. After drilling with a company he enlisted; but he did not go to the front, as his father did not think him old enough. He then went to Lawrence, and worked in the cotton-mills, taking charge of the weaving-room. Later he worked in Sutton and then in Salem, where he had charge of rooms for two years. From there going to Beverly, he had the oversight of the packing and shipping department in the firm of Wallis, Kellem & Bray. This place he was obliged to leave on account of a severe at- tack of rheumatism. Subsequently restored to health, he went to Lynn, and had the man- agement of packing and shipping with the A. F. Smith Company. His old enemy, rheumatism, caused him to leave this employ- ment also and come home. After getting; well again he worked successively in Lynn with Charles F. Tebbetts and in Salem with Winslow & Rogers, in both cases superintend- ing the shipping and packing departments. For five years after this, the duration of his lease of the place, he had charge of the Salem Roller Skating Rink. Then he was engaged to take charge of the extensive shipping de- partment in the firm of S. B. Fuller & Sons at Lynn. In 1887, at the urgent request of his sister, he came to Salisbury to make his 170 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW home with her, and engaged in shoemaking and in farming. Wherever Mr. Pike ha.s been he has made the force of his character and his unquestioned integrity felt for the public good. At Salem he was on the Reception Committee of the Republican party during the campaign for IMaine and Logan. During three years prior to 1S9S he was on the School Board of Salis- bury, and in 1896 and 1897 he was a member and the secretary of the Board of Selectmen. He has also been one of the Overseers of the Poor and a member of the Board of Health. Fraternally, he belongs to O. U. A. M., hav- ing affiliation with Niagara Council, No. 11, of Salem. He has held all the offices in the council, and is now the State Council Protec- tor for the second time, having been in the position before in 1884; and he has also been the State Council Doorkeeper. He is like- wise a member of Washington Encampment, P. O. S. of A., No. 3, of Salem; and of the Massachusetts Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, which he has served on various committees, marking graves and ren- dering other services. On April 8, 1868, he married Eliza A. Bartlett, of Newburyport, and has had one son, Charles, who died in his eighth year in Salem. Mr. Pike has in course of construction a handsome residence on Cashing Avenue, which will be completed about the first of August. Wi ILLIAM J. JOHNSON, a real es- tate and insurance broker of Man- chester and a former Postmaster of the town, was born here on January 23, 1847. A son of William and Emmeline (Hill) John- son, he comes of English origin. The father, a native of Concord, N.H., learned the cabi- net-maker's trade in his native town. When nineteen years of age he came to Manchester, and secured employment at his trade as a journeyman. He subsequently engaged in business for himself, and the firm of which he was the senior partner was known as that of William Johnson & Son. This firm lasted until William J. Johnson was appointed Post- master. The elder Mr. Johnson shortly after withdrew from active business life, and is now practically retired, being in his eighty-second year. He is one of the highly honored citi- zens of this town. His wife, Emmeline, a native of Manchester, was a daughter of Cap- tain Benjamin Hill, a sea captain, who made long voyages to foreign ports, and was widely known among seafaring men. She died while her son, William J., was an infant. Having received his education in the public schools, William J. Johnson, when about eighteen years old, began learning the cabi- net-maker's trade with his father, and subse- quently worked for him until he became a member of the firm of William Johnson & Son. He has always been a careful observer of current events, and has kept himself well informed on all topics of general interest. In 1885, under Mr. Cleveland's first administra- tion, after a close contest, he was appointed Postmaster of Manchester. He took charge of the office on October i, 1885, and continued to hold the position until March i, 1890. In March, 1890, he was elected Selectman of Manchester, and held that position for one year, serving also as Overseer of the Poor for the same length of time. For a number of years he has been serving as a member of the Board of Registrars of Manchester, and is now the chairman of the board. An aggres- sive Democrat, he was chairman of the town Democratic Committee for some years previ- ous to his appointment as Postmaster and for some time after his retirement therefrom, ERNEST A. DICK. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW m until after Cleveland's second election. He is a member and the secretary of Magnolia Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of Manchester. For a number of years he has been the treasurer and collector of the First Congregational Parish of Manchester. Mr. Johnson was married on January i, 1873, to Ella L. Taylor, of Montpelier, Vt. She has borne him three children — Fred M., Carrie T. , and Emma H. Carrie is a music teacher. Emma H. is a stenographer for the Goodyear Shoe Machinery Company at their branch ofifice in Lynn; and Fred M. Johnson is employed in the insurance business of Scull & Field, Boston. After leaving the post- office Mr. Johnson purchased the insurance business of John H. Cheevcr, and has since given his attention to that, dealing also to some extent in real estate. He now repre- sents ten different standard fire insurance companies, and is well known among insur- ance men. He is one of our Justices of the Peace and a Notary Public, in which capaci- ties he does a large amount of business in deeds, mortgages, etc. RNEST AUGUST DICK, a contractor and builder, residing at 209 F"erry Street, Lawrence, was born July 21, 1849, i" Saxony, Germany, son of Frederich August Dick. The father, also a native of Saxony, born January 9, 1826, was a son of a carpenter of repute. He learned the weaver's trade in his youth, and subsequently worked at it, and manufactured fabrics on his own account for some time. In 1871 he came to America, and, locating in Lawrence, spent the next ten years employed in the Washing- ton Mills. Afterward he kept a restaurant and lunch-room on Essex Street, where he had a substantial business until his retirement from active pursuits some eight years ago. He and his wife are now spending their de- clining years in comfort at their cosey home, 217 Ferry Street. His wife, Ernestina Myer Dick, whom he married in 1848, was born in Saxony, May 26, 1826. They had six children, all born in Germany; namely, Ernest August, Richard, Hugo, August, Emil, and Bertha. Bertha is now the wife of Gustav Loeckler, a designer for a textile manufactory in Pawtucket, R.I. Richard Dick, the second son, went in 1874 from Law- rence to Milwaukee, Wis., where he studied gymnastics and physical culture for a year, and then went to San Francisco as a teacher. Afterward, in the same city, he followed the business of contractor and builder until his death, which occurred in 18S1, at the age of twenty -seven years. Active and enterprising, he was fairly prosperous, and at his demise left a good property. He was a Mason, and his body was laid to rest in the beautiful Ma- sonic cemetery of San Francisco. Hugo Dick is the editor and proprietor of the Advertiser and Post, the leading German organ of New England and the only German newspaper published in Essex County. August, who learned the carpenter's trade of his older brother, is now doing a large manufacturing business in Worcester, Mass. Both he and his brother Hugo are married, and have fam- ilies. Emil, who was born in 1S58, having received his early education in Lawrence, later graduated from a school of design in Germany. He was subsequently employed as a designer in a factory of Canada, and is now superintendent of the Lewiston mills in Maine. Ernest A. Dick received his education in an academy, and early in life became con- versant with the German, French, and Eng- lish languages. He served three years in the 174 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW German army as a non-commissioned officer. Though he was wounded at the battle of Gravelotte, he afterward participated in the siege of Paris. In 1872 he followed his par- ents to New England, and, coming directly to Lawrence, soon afterward found employment with the firm of Briggs & Allyn, contractors. At the end of seven years, having mastered the details of the carpenter's trade, he estab- lished himself as a contractor and builder, and in 1 88 1 built his present dwelling. Among the important buildings erected by him are the shops of John W. Horn & Co., the Emer- son Manufacturing Company's works, Hiber- nian Hall, Buxton Block, Turne Hall, the Gushing Hotel at Salisbury Beach, and the residences of Frank Page, Richard Sugget, Herbert Whittier, and Walter Coulson. The first to perceive the possibilities of the dis- trict around his residence, to which the only approach then was a cow-path, he purchased three acres of the land, divided it into lots, built upon it, and otherwise improved it, and then sold at a decided advantage. He has also erected a factory and sheds in the local- ity, and he owns cottages on Willoughby Street. In executing his contracts he em- ploys as many as sixty men. Mr. Dick was married October 7, 1875, to Miss Joanna Matthews, a daughter of Ernest and Joanna (Wolf) Matthews, who emigrated from Germany in 1857, and was one of the first German families to locate in Methuen, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Dick lost one child, Hugo, who died at the age of three years. They have six sons and four daughters living; namely, Ernest, Otho, Ida, Richard, Oscar, Emma, Walter, Albert, Elsie, and Eleanor. Eleanor is two years old, while Ernest is a young man of twenty. Mr. Dick is one of the original stockholders of the South Side Brewery, vvhich he built. He is a Master Mason and a strong Republican in politics. In 1882 he served in the Common Council, al- though he prefers devoting his time to his business affairs rather than to public office. SA HOWE, a lumber surveyor and in- spector for a Danversport firm, was born June 18, 1830, son of Ben- jamin and Hannah H. (Berry) Howe. John Howe settled on the farm in Middleton about two hundred years ago, and built a part of the present dwelling-house. His son, Mark, had a son Asa, who was the grandfather of the present Asa Howe. Grandfather Asa, be- sides several sons, had three daughters, to each of whom by his will he left property. The homestead became the property of Ben- jamin and Mark. ]3enjamin married Hannah H. Berry, and died at thirty-six, leaving three children. These were: George; Benjamin; and Asa. Another child, Caroline, had died at the age of two years. Mark sold his in- terest in the homestead to his brother Benja- min for the sum of three thousand dollars. At the early age of eleven the present Asa Howe began to learn the shoemaker's trade. After a time he bought his brother's interest in the farm, and has since devoted himself to its cultivation. Since it came into his pos- session he has added seventy-five acres to the original one hundred and fifty, which ex- tended two miles to the south. For eleven years past he has been employed by Woodman Brothers & Ross, of Danversport, as surveyor and inspector of all lumber cut in the vicinity, the duties of which position occupy his entire time during six months of the year. On May 27, 1857, Mr. Howe married Olive M. Richardson, daughter of Daniel and Olive Berry (Perkins) Richardson, of Middleton. They have two children: Carrie Maria, now BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW I7S the wife of George M. Derry, who is in the box business in Boston ; and Henry Erskine, who is with his father. Mr. Howe is a Re- publican, and has been a Selectman for ten years. He is a member of the Congrega- tional church, where he was a Deacon for eight years. His son has long been the super- intendent of the Sabbath-school. ITZ E. RIGGS, formerly an extensive salt-fish dealer of Gloucester, was born May 3, 1811, son of Andrew and Nancy (Merchant) Riggs. The first ancestor of the Riggs family of whom there is any authentic knowledge was Thomas Riggs, born about the year 1632. According to the records he first appeared as a resident of Gloucester in 1650; and in 1658 he received a grant of six acres of land, located at Little River. A part of the log house that he built in 1660 is still standing and used for a habita- tion. In 1 661 he bought houses of Matthew Coe and Thomas and John VVakeley. He is said to have been educated in Elngland for the profession of a scrivener, and must have been a welcome acquisition to the community, half of the male members of which were unable to write. He served as Town Clerk from 1665 to 1 7 16 inclusive, was a Selectman from 1669 to 1705 inclusive, was Representative to the General Court in the year 1700, and as one of the town officials was fined by the Superior Court in Salem for non-compliance with an order of Governor Andros, calling for an as- sessment from the inhabitants of Gloucester. In 1698 he was chosen the first schoolmaster at a salary of one shilling sixpence per day during the town's pleasure, and at one time he was the largest land-owner in the common territory. There is in existence a small book with a parchment cover, upon the first page of which is written the following: ''Thomas Riggs, his book, 1655. " And if this book, whereon you looli, should casually be lost. Restore it to me ; for I am that who knows best what it cost." Another book, in the same handwriting, con- tains items of sums received and paid, but is chiefly devoted to notes of sermons in short- hand. Thomas Riggs died February 26, 1722. On June 7, 1658, he married Mary, daughter of Thomas Millett; and his son, Thomas (sec- ond), was born December 7, 1666. Thomas Riggs (second) drew one of the Cape lots, and was assessed in the first tax list in 1693. He settled on the westerly side of Annisquam River. In 1723 he was a commoner, and he received woodland with others in the general distribution. He died in August, 1756, and his will was proved in October of that year. On November 22, 1687, he married Ann Wheeler, of Salisbury, Mass. ; and his son, Aaron, the next in line, was born January 18, 1700. Aaron Riggs followed the trade of a housewright during his active years, and died about the year 1790. He first married Thomazine Wentworth, of Dover, N. H. His second marriage was contracted with his cousin, Annie Riggs. Aaron Riggs (second), the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, born in Gloucester, March 18, 1749, was a farmer and a fisherman. A family tradition affirms that he was a minute-man during the Revolutionary War, though his name does not appear upon any list. His death occurred September 15, 1828. He successively mar- ried Martha Adams and Mrs. Polly Oakes. Andrew Riggs, the father of Fitz E. Riggs, was born in Gloucester, April 6, 1783. He was engaged in the fishing industry. In ,76 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW i8i2, while on board the private armed scliooner "Orlando" of Gloucester, com- manded by Captain Robert Evans, he was wounded. He died December 27, 1 8 14, from the effects of wounds received on board the United States ship "Madison" on Lake On- tario. On November 28, 1805, he married Nancy Merchant. Fitz E. Riggs was educated in Gloucester. For some years he followed the sea, first in the merchant service and later as a fisherman, becoming the master of a vessel while still a young man. Associating himself with his brothers, Gorham and Nathaniel, he estab- lished the firm of Riggs Brothers, which was later known as Fitz E. Riggs & Brother. At one time the latter was probably the largest salt-fish concern in the city. Mr. Riggs per- sonally superintended every detail of the busi- ness, believing that success depended as much upon the minor points as upon the more im- portant requirements. In the course of time he acquired a fortune. He was a director of both the Gloucester Mutual Fishing Insurance Company and the Cape Ann National Bank. Public office he invariably declined. He was a member of the Baptist church. Mr. Riggs married Elizabeth L. Robinson, daughter of Samuel Robinson, of this city. Of his nine children, two grew to maturity, namely: Elizabeth, now the wife of Edward S. Eveleth, M. D., of Gloucester; and Fitz E., born July 12, 1850. He died March 8, 1886. TJ^IIARLES HENRY RAMSDELL, an I jj extensive property owner and real cs- ^^ ^ tate dealer of Lynn, was born in this city, September 26, 1840. A grandson of Bijah Ranisdell, he is descended from one of the early settlers of this part of Essex County. Bijah spent a long and useful life here, dying at a very advanced age. Robert Ramsdell, son of Bijah and the father of Charles H., was born in Lynn in 1805, and died in this city in 1884. He was a shoe- maker by trade, an occupation which he fol- lowed throughout the larger part of his life. He married Mary Ann Vickery, who was also a native of Lynn, and with her reared eight children. After leaving the Lynn public schools Charles Henry Ramsdell entered the grocery store of his uncle, Oliver Ramsdell, in whose employment he spent twelve years. In Au- gust, 1864, lie enlisted for service in the Civil War, joining Company D, Elighth Massachu- setts Volunteer Infantry, under command of Colonel Benjamin F. Peach. After serving for one hundred days, located for the most of the time in Baltimore, Md., he was mustered out, November i, 1864, at Rcadville, Mass. At once he returned to his position with his uncle, continuing with him about five years. In 1869 he purchased the grocery business of W. R. Hawkes on Maple Street, this city, an excellent location. Since then he has here built up a flourishing and lucrative trade in groceries. A man of superior business ability and tact, he has made wise investments, and has acquired a good property, much of it being in realty. In politics Mr. Ramsdell is a Republican. During the years 1892, 1893, and 1894 he was a member of the Common Council. In the first year he served on the Committee for Altering and Laying out Streets and on that on State Aid, and in the next two terms he was on the Committees on State Aid and Fire De- partment. An Alderman in 1895 and 1896, he served during the first term as chairman of both the State Aid and the Fire Department Committees; and in 1896 he was in addition a member of the Committee on License and BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 177 of the Special Committee on Butman's Mills. In the fall of 1897 he was elected to represent the Thirteenth Essex District in the State legislature, and is serving on the Committee of Public Services and Parishes and Religious Societies. He is a member of General Lander Post, No. 5, G. A. R. ; a member of Glenmere Lodge; and a charter member of Palestine Encampment, No. 37, L O. O. F. ; a charter member of Winniperket Tribe, I. O. R. M.; a member of Mount Zion Sen- ate, No. 363; and of the Lynn Veteran Fire- man's Association, having been an engineer in the fire department for twelve years. In communion with the Maple Street Methodist Episcopal Church, he is a trustee and the treasurer of the society. In November, 1862, he married Miss Louise L. McGown, of Ellsworth, Me. Two children were born into their household, namely: Ruby Z., now the wife of H. E. Miiiot, of this city; and Hattic L. , the wife of William J. Morgan, also of Lynn. "ERMON COOPER, M.D., of Ames- bury, son of Reuben and Cynthia L^ ^_ Cooper, was born in Croydon, N.H., February 6, 1859. The Cooper family is of English origin, being the one to which Sir Astley Cooper, the noted English sur- geon, belongs. Dr. Cooper's immigrant an- cestor came to this country in May, 1636, with two nephews, and settled in Cambridge, Mass. ; while one nephew settled in Sutton, Mass., and the other in Connecticut. The history of the town of Croydon is closely linked with that of the family, as the name Cooper appears on almost every page. Coopers were among the first settlers, locating there in the time when witchcraft was be- lieved to exist, having made the journey through miles of forest on foot and in ox teams. It is alleged that an uncle of the Doctor swam the Connecticut River with the first plough ever used in Sullivan County, New Hampshire. Two other great-uncles were: William F. Cooper, M.D., of Kelloggs- ville, N.Y. who practised in one town for sixty-four years; and Lemuel B. Cooper, who died about the year 1S90, always a farmer. The historian, Augustus Cooper Blistol, is Dr. Cooper's cousin. The Coopers are a hardy race, broad-shoul- dered and muscular, robust and long-lived. Twenty Coopers, all old men, voted at one election. The family characteristics are industry, sobriety, and unpretentiousness. There is a minister or deacon in every genera- tion, and the family has produced many able physicians. Dr. Cooper's grandfather and father were farmers and graziers in Croydon. In war time they made a specialty of sheep- raising, and sometimes there were as many as nine hundred head on the home farm. Tlie Doctor remembers when wool brought one dollar and fifteen cents. He has three brothers: John A., a professor of dancing in Boston; Orville R., the superintendent of a coal wharf in the same city; and Milon, on the homestead in New Hampshire. Hermon Cooper fitted for college at Kim- ball Union Academy ''n Meriden, N.H., and then entered Dartmouth. Having graduated from the Dartmouth Medical School in 1883, he began practice in Meriden, where he re- mained five years. In November, 1888, he lo- cated in. Amesbury, where he now has a large practice. Especially proficient in surgery, he performed fifty delicate operations last year, and lost but two patients. He is a member of the Dartmouth College Alumni Associa- tion, the Massachusetts Medical Association, and the Amesbury Medical Society; and he is xyS BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW the medical examiner far the A. O. U. \V. Besides reading a number of valuable papers before medical associations, he has published in pamphlet form an article on the use o for- ceps in obstetrics and two on laparotomy. He is a very popular physician, and has a wide circle of acquaintance. Ry his marriage with Miss Ellen F. Currier, of Holliston, Mass., he has a daughter, Maude, thirteen years old. /^APTAIN WILLIAM F. MARTINS, I \f a veteran of the Civil War, now living vil^^ in retirement in Merrimac, was born on the Island of St. Bartholomew, Octo- ber 2 1, 1816. His father was a native of the West Indies; while his mother was a niece of Judge Joseph Story, the eminent jurist of Massachusetts. Having previously resided upon his native island until he was si.xteen years old, he then came to Salem, Mass., and there attended school. He learned the car- riage trimmer's trade in Boston, and after- ward followed it as a journeyman in Piermont, N.H., for a number of years. Later he took up his residence in Merrimac, which was then a part of Amesbury. At the breaking out of the Rebellion he joined Captain J. W. Sar- gent in raising a company, was commissioned its First Lieutenant, and arrived with it in Washington in August, 1861. Here the men were assigned to the Fourteenth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, as Company E, and subsequently did garrison duty in the fortifications about the capital until General McClellan took command of the Army of the Potomac. The Fourteenth was ordered to the front at Bull Run, but upon reaching Centre- ville, Va., was ordered back to Washington. In October, 1862, Lieutenant Martins was promoted to the rank of Captain, and trans- ferred to Company I; and in June, 1863, he was detached and ordered to report to General Milroy at Winchester. After the evacuation of Fort Jackson, which took place two days previous to the battle of Gettysburg, Captain Martins was placed in command of a force to cover the Federal army's retreat; but Milroy was cut off by Confederate General Rhodes, and the retreating division was captured by the enemy. While confined in Libby Prison, Captain Martins witnessed an interesting in- cident that made a lasting impression upon his memory. It seems that the authorities in Richmond had received word that Lee had completely routed the Federal army at Gettys- burg, and that General Meade was retreating North. This news gave them confidence to retaliate for the recent hanging of two Con- federate spies by General Burnside. The seventy-two Union captains then confined in Libby were ordered to draw lots as a means of selecting for execution. The captains were drawn up in line, slips of paper bearing the name of each were placed in a box, and the first two names taken out were to decide whom the victims should be. Then venerable Chaplain Brown, with tears rolling down his furrowed cheeks, while his lips moved in prayer, drew forth the names of Captain Henry W. Sawyer, of the First New Jersey Cavalry, and Captain Flynn, of the Fifty- seventh Indiana Volunteers. Though these officers were immediately placed in close con- finement, some humane power must have in- terceded in their behalf, as they were not exe- cuted. Captain Martins, with others, was exchanged, May 13, 1864, in time to rejoin his regiment at Spottsylvania. Here he re- ceived a gunshot wound in the arm, but refused to go to the rear. While advancing at the head of his company shortly after, a shell burst in close proximity to him, so shat- tering his leg that the remaining portion had WILLIAM CiUODHUL. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW i8i to be amputated that night. As a result he was sent home, and later discharged. Upon his recovery, however, he joined the Veteran Relief Corps, in which he subsequently did duty at Annapolis and Baltimore. After the close of the war he was placed on waiting orders, and remained at home until 1866. Then he requested to be discharged or as- signed to duty, and was ordered to report to General Tilton. He was sent to Georgia, where he performed light duty for some time, and was finally discharged from the service in 1868. In December, 1S39, Captain Martins mar- ried Jane F. Newell, who had five children. These were: Charlotte Rebecca and Belle, both of whom died in infancy; Agnes, who married and died, leaving her children with their grandfather; Newell B., who also served in the Rebellion, and died shortly after its close; and John Sanborn, who died in 1859, at the age of nine. Captain Martins was one of the organizers of C. R. Mudge Post, G. A. R., and served as its first Senior Vice- Commander. He retired from active business pursuits some time since, and receives a merited pension from the government. 61 HOI HOMAS H. HOYT, an able lawyer (^1 and prominent resident of Merrimac, was born in this town, May 11, 1849. He is of Puritan ancestry. His father was one of the nine abolitionists who, headed by the poet Whittier, marched to the polls in Amesbury to support the Free Soil party in the face of much popular antipathy. After completing his early education at the New Hampton (N.H.) Literary Institute, Thomas H. Hoyt graduated from the law de- partment of the University of Michigan in 1874 with the degree of Bachelor of Laws, and was admitted to the bar in the following year. Returning to New England some time later, he was for two years associated with D. C. Bartlett in the practice of his profession in Haverhill, Mass. In 1880 he located in his native town, where he has acquired a large and profitable general law business, and won the confidence of the general public, as well as of his numerous clientage, by his legal ability and sterling integrity. Though not a politician, Mr. Hoyt is deeply interested in local affairs and educational matters. He served upon the Board of Selectmen for three years and on the School Board for fourteen years, having been the chairman of the latter body for the greater part of the time. ^^•^» W/ ILLIAM GOODHUE, a well-known farmer and dairyman of Ipswich, was born September 20, 1835, on the old Goodhue homestead, three miles west of the village. A son of the late Aaron Good- hue, he belongs to an old and honored family. His first ancestor in this country was Will- iam Goodhue, who, born in England in 1612 or 161 3, married Margery Nutsen, of Kent, England, and came to America in 1635 or 1636, his wife dying here in 1668. The line of descent comes through Joseph, born in Ips- wich in 1639 on the homestead above men- tioned, who married Sarah Whipple; Will- iam, born in 1666, who married Mary Lou- don; their son William, born in 1687 or 168S, who married Abigail Adams; William, the succeeding ancestor, born in 1727, who married Mary Lord, and died in 1807; and Aaron, the grandfather of William, born in 1761, who married Mary Kimball. The last-named ancestor served in the Revolution- ary War, and died in 1847. Aaron Goodhue, Jr., the father of the pres- l82 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW cut William, belonged to the seventh genera- tion descended from the first William. He was born April 12, 1794, on the old home- stead, which became his by inheritance, the title having passed by will from descendant to descendant since it came into possession of the family. He was in every respect a worthy representative of his family, maintain- ing in a marked degree those traits of honesty, industry, and thrift, characteristic of the early New Englander. He carried on mixed hus- bandry during his active years, residing on the old farm until his death, which occurred June 16, 1868. His widow, whose maiden name was Fanny Maria Cooper, resides near her son William, a well-preserved woman of eighty-nine years, retaining to a noted degree her mental and physical powers, not even needing glasses to aid her sight. One of her sons, Charles I^eonard Goodhue, is a promi- nent business man of Springfield, being the contractor, builder, and one of the promoters of the fine system of water-works in that city. William Goodhue remained on the home farm until after the death of his father, assist- ing in the various labors incidental to farm life. He inherited the homestead property, on which the original house, erected probably more than two hundred and fifty years ago, stood until 1882. The barn now standing contains a part of the original barn, which, without doubt, was built at about the same time as the house. In 1879 Mr. Goodhue re- moved to his present farm, which lies nearer the village, being one mile west of the Ips- wich railway station. On his eighty acres of land, which was formerly included in the Dawson homestead, he carries on general farming with success, at the same time mak- ing substantial improvements on the place, including the erection of a fine set of build- ings well adapted for his business. I'ormerly he manufactured large quantities of cider; but he is now especially devoting his time to dairying, which he finds quite profitable. His reputation is that of an able business man. In politics Mr. Goodhue is a firm advocate of Republican principles. On November 30, 1882, he married Miss Addie Farnum, of Gloucester, a daughter of Samuel and Abigail (Andrews) Farnum. Mr. and Mrs. Goodhue have two children, namely: Fannie ]5elle, born July 29, 1S83; and William W., born August 6, 1S89. The family are members of the First Church of Ipswich. ELLINGTON POOL, Town Clerk of Wenham, also the sexton and clerk of the Congregational parish, is a native of Rockport, Mass., born on July 5, 1831. His parents, Colonel William and Sophia (Tarr) Pool, were both born in Rock- port. The Pools are an old family of Rock- port. John Pool, the great -great-grandfather of Wellington, was the second permanent set- tler in the town. The first settler, Richard Tarr, was an ancestor of Mrs. Sophia Pool. Caleb Lufkin, a great-grandfather of Welling- ton, was a soldier of the Revolution. Deacon Abraham Pool, the paternal grandfather, was one of the leading citizens of Rockport. Colonel William Pool, born March 16, 1796, was a school teacher in the early and middle part of his life. Later he carried on a farm, and did considerable surveying. He was the first Town Clerk of Rockport after it was set off from Gloucester in 1840, and con- tinued to hold the office for twenty-nine years, being succeeded by his son Calvin, the present incumbent. From 1850 to 1856 he was a Special Commissioner of Essex County. He was a member of the School Committee BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 183 for many years and the secretary of the Con- gregational Sabbath-school for a quarter of a century. His title was received in the Mas- sachusetts militia, he being an officer in the Second Regiment, First Brigade of the Second Division of that organization. During the War of 1812 he wras engaged in military duty as a private, and subsequently he received a land warrant for his services. His wife, Sophia, born September 15, 1796, was a daughter of Jabez Tarr, a soldier of the Revo- lution, who was in Captain John Row's com- pany, fought at Bunker Hill, and took part in the siege of Boston. At his second enlist- ment Jabez joined Captain Swazey's company from Marblehead, regiment of Colonel Glover, who afterward was made a General, and subse- quently fought at White Plains and in other engagements. He also served as prize-mas- ter's mate on the Gloucester packet, a gun- ship that was in service near the close of the war. Benjamin Tarr, father of Jabez, and great-grandfather on the maternal side of the subject of this sketch, served in the war of the Revolution for about six months, in 1776, as Second Lieutenant in Captain Joseph Whipple's company, in the sea-coast defense at Gloucester, Mass. The living children of Colonel William and Sophia Pool are: Well- ington; Calvin W., of Rockport; and Sophia, the wife of Alonzo Wheeler, and now a resi- dent of Rockport. Colonel Pool died Novem- ber 3, 1 87 1, aged seventy-five years, and his wife on February 14, 1S67, aged nearly seventy-one years. Wellington Pool remained in his native town until twelve years of age. Then he came to Wenham, where he began to learn the shoemaker's trade, which he followed until 1876. He worked in Wenham until 1871 and after that in factories at Beverly. Since 1875 he has been Justice of the Peace. In 1870 he was elected Clerk of Wenham, in which capacity he has served up to the present time. At first a Whig, he joined the Repub- lican party at its organization. He is now a member of the Republican Town Committee, and was formerly its secretary. His first Presidential vote was cast for General Scott, but in 1856 he voted for General Fremont. Mr. Pool is also the clerk of the Congrega- tional parish and the church sexton. He is a member of the Masonic order; of Alexander Hamilton Council, No. 10, Order of United American Mechanics; of Aggressive Lodge of Good Templars at Beverly, Mass. ; of the Essex Institute of Salem; of the Society of Colonial Wars in the Commonwealth of Mas- sachusetts; of the Massachusetts Society of the Sons of the American Revolution; and of the Massachusetts Society of the War of 18 12. For years he has been an earnest advocate of temperance. ILLARD ALVIN BURNHAM, who for many years has been identi- fied with the building of fishing- vessels in Essex, was born in this town, Octo- ber I, 1841, son of Willard R. and Lucy (Andrews) Burnham. He is a descendant of Lieut. Thomas Burnham, who was born in England in 1623, and came to America with his uncle. Captain Robert Andrews, on board the ship "Angel Gabriel" in 1635. The line of descent continues through John Burn- ham, born in Essex in 1648; Thomas Burn- ham, born in 1673 ; Jeremiah Burnham, born in 1702; and Willard Alvin's great-grand- father, Aaron Burnham, who was born in Essex, May 15, 1743. Of this family, one of the oldest and best known in this part of the county, a more extended account will be found in the biography of Washington Burnham. i84 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Moses Burnham, the grandfather, born in Essex, December 24, 1771, was a fisherman and a farmer, and died in 1859. He married Eunice Andrews, and had a family of seven children, of whom none survive. They were : Aaron, Moses, EH F., Eunice, Jeremiah, Daniel, and Willard R. Willard R. Burn- ham, Willard A. Burnham's father, was born in Essex, July 6, 1S07, and died November 6, 1S97. In his earlier years he was engaged in the fishing industry. Later he became a boat-builder, and constructed many vessels for the Gloucester fleet. For the last eighteen years of his life he lived in retirement in Essex. His wife, Lucy Andrews, who was born in this town, May 9, 1813, became the mother of two children, namely: Lucy, Amelia, born April 18, 1837, who died July 19, 185 1 ; and Willard A., the subject of this sketch. Mrs. Willard R. l^urnham died Feb- ruary I, 1S72. Willard Alvin Burnham acquired a com- mon - school education, and, when a young man, learned the boat-building trade with his father. He has since followed that occupa- tion in Essex, with the exception of a short time spent in Gloucester, and is now carrying on business to some extent. Besides this he has an interest in the Safe Deposit and Trust Company of Gloucester, of which he is a director. On July 30, 1861, he was united in marriage with Clarissa L. Story, daughter of Jonathan Story, a carpenter by trade, and Clarissa (Low) Story, both of whom were natives of Essex and are now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Burnham have two daughters: Laura A., the wife of Frederick Haskell, a black- smith of Essex; and Hettie Chester, the wife of Francis Cogswell, a carpenter of this town. Politically, Mr. Burnham is a Republican and a member of the Republican Town Com- mittee. He served with ability as a Select- man and Assessor for seven years, as a mem- ber of the School Board for three years, as chief of the fire department for eight years; and he is at present a trustee of the Essex Library. His public services in these capaci- ties are highly commended by his fellow- townsmen. He is connected with John D. Hurd Lodge, F. & A. M., of Ipswich, and with Starr King Lodge, No. 81, Knights of Pythias. ^' EORGE A. SMITH, of Lawrence, 3 1 Mass., superintendent of the Law- rence Public Library, was born No- vember 21, 1835, in Worcester County, this State. After completing his education in the public schools of Barre, Worcester County, he came to Lawrence a lad of fifteen years, but a few months later returned home to Barre, and went to work in the mills in the village of Smithville. In 1S56 he accepted a position in the spin- ning department of the Atlantic Mills in Lawrence; and, when those mills were closed in 1862, he went to the Pemberton Mills, then just rebuilt after the falling of the walls on the loth of January, 1S60, in which one hundred or more persons lost their lives. Two years later he left the Pemberton, and returned to the Atlantic, where he was soon given charge of the spinning department of the largest mill. Mr. Smith continued his connection with this company for thirty con- secutive years, during the last twenty of which he had control of all the ring spinners and spoolers of the different mills of this large plant, having as many as three hundred and fifty hands under his immediate supervision. During his many years of experience he be- came thoroughly acquainted with the details of the business; and during several legal con- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW '8S tests over patents in which he was interested he was before the courts as a witness and an expert, in one important case being on the stand seventeen days. As he had visited all the large mills of New England and investi- gated the machinery of the various plants, his testimony was clear and of great assistance in deciding the merits of the questions pending. Although not a college graduate, Mr. Smith has always taken a deep interest in literary pursuits, and has written on many topics, con- tributing articles in prose and sometimes in verse to different periodicals. His especial hobby of recent times has been the cultivation of seeds, flowers, and fruit, in which be has been unusually successful. In 1S90 he came into possession of the Whiting property, a large brick block fitted up for four tenements, one of which he and his family occupy. The past five years since leaving the mill Mr. Smith, as superintendent of the public library, has had charge of the building and the surround- ing grounds. He is prompt in forwarding whatever in his opinion will advance the moral interests of the community, and for thirty-eight years he has been an active mem- ber and for many years a Deacon of the Sec- ond Baptist Church. Mr. Smith and Nancy B. Smith, of Wind- sor, Vt. , were married in November, 1858. Their only daughter, Blanche, died at the tender age of three and one-half years. They have three sons, all of whom are married and have families; namely: Howard I., who is an employee of the Greenwood Company, of New Hartford, Conn. ; George H., who is con- nected with the Pemberton Mills in Law- rence; and Fred W. , an engineer in the electric plant in Springfield, Mass. The grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Smith are five in number. Mr. Smith has never sought political honors ; and he has held but one office, that of Councilman from Ward Three in 1865, he being one of the last Republicans elected from that stronghold of Democracy. The old high school was built that year, and Mr. Smith was on the committee that built the police station also. The only thing he takes real pride in is the fact that for thirty-seven years he has had charge of one class in the Sunday-school. DWARD P. WILDES, late a well- known and influential resident of Georgetown, Mass., at the time of his death, on May 4, 1898, chairmaji of the Board of Overseers of the Poor, was born in this town, August 27, 1832. He was a son of Green and Mary D. (Jewett) Wildes. His paternal grandfather, Ezra Wildes, who was born in Boxford, Mass., in 1749, served as a soldier in the Revolutionary War. Green Wildes was born in 1812, and died in 1874. He was a farmer and a shoe manufacturer during the active period of his life. His wife, Mary D. Jewett, who was born in Georgetown in 181 2, a daughter of Jeremiah Jewett, died in 1884. Edward P. Wildes was educated in the com- mon schools of Georgetown and at the Dum- mer Academy in Newbury. After completing his course of study he remained at home, as- sisting his father in carrying on the farm until reaching his majority ; and then he be- came a cutter in a shoe factory at Georgetown village. In 1862 he enlisted as a private in Company K, Fiftieth Regiment, Mas- sachusetts Volunteer Infantry, under Captain John G. Barnes and Colonel C. P. Messer. He served under General Banks at New Or- leans, was at the siege and capture of Port Hudson, and was discharged in 1863. In the following year he re-enlisted in the Seven- iS6 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW tcenth Unattached Company, under Captain Barnes, and was commissioned by Governor Andrew Second Lieutenant. He was sta- tioned at Fort Pici kRS. MARY ANN WEFERS, widow of the late Bernard Wefers "^'^ ^ and a well-known milliner of Lawrence, was born in Glasgow, Scotland, daughter of Peter Cunningham, of that city. Mr. Wefers, who died in Lawrence on March 12, 1883, was born in Prussia at Emstetten, in the Province of Miinster. His father, Bernard Wefers, had a family of four sons and two daughters, of whom the sons all came to America. Bernard Wefers, Jr., came first in 1855, being then in his twenty-fifth year. Having graduated shortly before at one of the great German universities, he was familiar with the classics, and spoke several modern languages. Besides possessing literary abili- ties of a high order, he was a skilful per- former on several musical instruments, and had a fine tenor voice. After coming to Law- rence he was for twenty-three years the leader of the choir in St. Mary's Catholic Church. He was in business in Lawrence for many years. In his store at the corner of Hampshire Street, on the common, he car- ried a stock of books, paintings, picture frames, etc. The millinery store at the cor- ner of Essex Street was managed by Mrs. Wefer, whom he married in Lawrence on July 20, 1857. Mrs. Wefers came from Scotland with her aunt when twelve years of age. Having re- ceived a good practical education, at the age of sixteen she learned the milliner's trade, in which she has ever since been engaged. She has been the mother of nine children, six of whom died in infancy. A daughter and two sons are living. The daughter, Minnie, who is a skilful and artistic milliner, does most of the designing for her mother's trade, and has a large share in the management of the store. The two sons, Bernard J. and James A. Wefers, are medical students in the class of 1900 at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. Bernard prepared for his medical course in Holy Cross College, Worcester, and James in Boston College. Both sons are stalwart and finely formed men, six feet in height, of dignified presence, and of mental and moral worth. Bernard J. Wefers, whose name is known wherever athletic sports are carried on, is one of the world's champion sprinters. When a lad he was the swiftest runner among all the boys of his acquaintance. In the fall of 1894, when he began to run with other col- lege men, he at once showed his remarkable powers. He first put himself under regular training in 1895 for the international races to be held in New York City. The English athletes who took part in the contest were beaten, the Americans winning eleven events and breaking six world's records. Of these, Mr. Wefers broke two — the huntlred yards dash, which he ran in nine and four-fifths seconds; and the two hundred and twenty yards dash, which he covered in twenty-one and one-fifth seconds. The following sched- ule shows his record for distance and time as it stands to-day : twenty yards, two and three- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 205 fifths seconds; thirty yards, three and three- fifths seconds; forty yards, four and three- fifths seconds; fifty yards, five and two-fifths seconds; seventy-five yards, seven and three- fifths seconds; one hundred yards, nine and four-fifths seconds; one hundred and nine yards, eleven seconds; one hundred and twenty yards, eleven and two-fifths seconds; one hundred and fifty yards, fourteen and two- fifths seconds; two hundred and twenty yards, twenty-one and one-fifth seconds ; three hun- dred yards, thirty and two-fifths seconds. These records were all made in straight races, excepting the last, which had a turn. His quarter-mile record is forty-eight and four- fifths seconds. Mr. Wefers was the American champion in 1895, 1896, and 1897 for the one hundred and the two hundred and twenty yard dashes; of Canada in 1896 and 1897 for the same distances; Southern champion in 1898 for the quarter-mile; intercollegiate champion in 1896 for one hundred and for two hundred and twenty yards and in 1897 for one hundred yards. In the Metropolitan championship contest of 1897 the New York relay team, comprising 15urke, Long, Lyons, and Wefers, won the contest from the Knickerbockers of New York, breaking the world's record time — one mile in three minutes twenty-one and two-fifths seconds, Mr. Wefers making the last quarter-mile in forty-eight and four-fifths seconds. The remarkable powers of Mr. Wefers as a runner present a strong illustra- tion of heredity. His father was a remarka- bly fleet-footed man, as were others of his ancestors. During the summer of 1897 young Mr. Wefers broke a number of world records, and was beaten only once, by John V. Crumm, the celebrated "Western Wonder," whom, however, he afterward defeated. In one of his most famous races he had the satisfaction of snatching a victory from defeat in a mile relay, by running the last quarter of a mile at a wonderful speed, and that, too, after having previously run two other races on the same day. The gold medals and other trophies won by him form a rich and interesting dis- play. He has many warm friends who hope and expect that he will be equally successful in the race of life. LBERT C. ANDREWS, an honored veteran of the Civil War, now suc- cessfully engaged in the livery business and as agent in Gloucester and vi- cinity for Frank Jones's celebrated ales and for the Pacific Wine Company (Charles Stein & Sons), was born in Holliston, Mass., March 14, 1844. A son of Albert W. and Cynthia (Mann) Andrews, he traces his descent on the maternal side to a passenger of the "May- flower." His maternal grandfather was a First Lieutenant in the War of 1812. His mother having died when he was thir- teen, Albert C. Andrews was apprenticed to a farmer, with whom he remained until he was sixteen years old, receiving as compensa- tion his board and clothes. During this time he took care of a milk route. Upon reaching the age of sixteen he worked out for the season, and at the expiration of his time received eighty dollars in gold. His schooling was limited to attendance at the public schools of Holliston, supplemented by a course at the United States Business College in New Haven, Conn. In July, 1862, he enlisted in Company H, Thirty-second Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry; and on January 4, 1864, he re-enlisted. During his service he partici- pated in thirty-three general engagements and skirmishes, and he did not suffer from disease for a single day, though he was wounded sev- eral times. At Petersburg a singular event 2o6 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW befell him. While lying on his back munch- ing hardtack, with one leg thrown over that of a comrade, a shell exploded in such a man- ner as to carry away the calf of his comrade's right leg, leaving Mr. Andrews uninjured. The latter had barely returned from carrying his wounded comrade to the rear, when he was himself hit in the shoulder by a bullet. Then, turning half-around, he was hit in the right breast; and, starting for the rear, he was struck in the back. It was si.x months before these wounds permitted him to rejoin his regi- ment, which he did January i, 1865. In the February following, at the battle of Hatcher's Run, he was wounded in the right knee, and amputation was found necessary. So poorly was this work done that a further amputation was subsequently necessary, and a third opera- tion, due to an accident, before the wound left by the second had healed. Having gone to the front as a private, he was soon made Corporal and later a Sergeant; and he was acting as First Sergeant, with a prospect of receiving a commission, when the loss of his limb made further service in the army impos- sible. While recovering from the surgeon's work, he was transferred from the hospital at Point Lookout, Md., to Worcester, Mass., where he served as Quartermaster until he was honorably discharged, October 20, 1865. At that time through the influence of General Butler he was tendered a position in the Bos- ton custom-house, which he did not accept, engaging instead, through the advice of friends, in the grocery business in Holliston. Three years later he removed to Gloucester, and on January i, 1869, opened the store which he has since conducted, with the excep- tion of a short time spent in a hotel in Brad- ford, Pa. On January i, 1866, Mr. Andrews was mar- ried to M. Lizzie Holmes, a daughter of Ste- phen Holmes, of Holliston. She is an ac- complished woman and an elocutionist of high rank. They have two daughters — Mabel A. and Mildred. Mabel A., a graduate of the State Normal School at Framingham and the third in her class, obtained a position at once as assistant in the high school at Glouces- ter, which she still retains. Mildred is the wife of Dr. Fitz A. Oakes, of South Fra- mingham. In 1884 Mr. Andrews was ap- pointed Pension Attorney by President Cleve- land. He is now a Notary Public, a Justice of the Peace, and a qualifying officer. In Colonel Allen Post, No. 45, G. A. R., of which he is a prominent member, he has held all the offices but that of Commander, in which he declined to serve, though elected thereto. The present Commander has ap- pointed him Aide-de-camp for this section of the State; and he is the chairman of the Coun- cil of Administration, Department of Massa- chusetts. Mr. Andrews is also a member of Ocean Lodge, No. 91, I. O. O. F., which he has served as chaplain and secretary. ILLIAM MARSHALL, a son of William and Lucy (Butler) Mar- shall, and who owns one of the best farms in the town of Esse.v, was born in Salem, Mass., I'ebruary 7, 1S26. His grandfather, Moses Marshall, was born in Essex. Moses was a prosperous farmer through life and a highly respected citizen of his day. He married Hannah Choate; and his children, all now deceased, were: Moses, Joseph, Caleb, William, Tirzah, Sophronia, Polly, and Susannah. William Marshall, Sr., father of the sub- ject of this sketch, also born in Essex, was reared to agricultural pursuits. He culti- vated farms in Essex, Ipswich, and Salem, BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 207 and ilied in his native town. His wife, Lucy, liivcwise a native of Essex, was a dau<;hter of Captain John Butler, a ship-master, and Abi- gail (Lovekin) Butler, both of this town. William and Lucy B. Marshall were the par- ents of seven children, three of whom are liv- ing, namely: William, the subject of this sketch; Nehemiah, a cabinet-maker, who mar- ried 1'" ranees May, of Manchester, N.H.; and Joseph, wiio married Abbie Kingman, of Ips- wich, and is a thriving farmer of that town. The others were: Harriet, who married John Low, of Essex; Lucy, who was the wife of Edward Eveleth, of this town; and Mary and John, both of whom died in infancy. William Marshall attended the common schools, and assisted his father upon the farm until he was twenty-two years old. Since 1S4S he has resided upon his present farm, which was formerly known as the Burn- ham place, and was the property of his first wife's parents. He owns about ninety acres of land, twenty-five of which are meadow. Besides raising fruit, hay, and other products he keeps an average of thirty-two cows. As a dairy farmer he is widely and favorably known throughout tliis locality, and he is still actively engaged in attending to his every-day duties. On December 26, 1849, '^l''. MarsiialJ mar- ried for his first wife Mary Ann Burnham, who was born in Essex, April 23, 1S25, daughter of Francis and Mary (Proctor) Burn- ham. By that union there was one daughter, Mary Lucy, who died at the age of four months. The mother died February 4, 1872. Mr. Marshall's present wife, whom he wedded December 5 of the same year, was before marriage Mary J. Goodhue. She was born in Essex, October 13, 1833, daughter of Abel and Mary Jane (Rutherford) Goodhue, natives respectively of Essex and Newburyport, Mass. Mrs. Marshall's father, who was a blacksmith by trade, died July 10, 1867, aged fifty-seven years; and his wife, March 10, 1S79, aged seventy-seven. They were the parents ot two children — Mary J. and Helen Maria. The lattei', who was born March 7, 1837, married Warren Eveleth, of Essex, and lives in the village, having one datighter, Helen R. In politics Mr. Marshall is a Republican. Al- though he has never taken any active part in public affairs, he is deeply interested in the welfare of the town. Both he and Mrs. Mar- shall are members of the Congregational church. /®Yo I'LORGE H. STEVENS, the present \^f5T City Clerk of Newburyport, was born at Needham, Mass., Norfolk County, April 15, 1829, son of George G. Stevens. The father, a native of Needham, followed the occupation of farmer in that place, and died at the age of seventy years. In the Unitarian church, of which he was a member, he held the office of Deacon. His wife, whose maiden name was Russell, and who came from Vermont, had seven children, four of whom are now living, George H. being the eldest child. George H. attended the State Normal School at Bridgewater, having previously com- pleted the course of the graded schools in Needham. After graduation he taught school successfully for some time. Eventually he gave up his profession to go into the milli- nery, straw bleaching and dyeing business with his brother, A. S. Stevens, who is now de- ceased. Ten years later he was elected City Clerk of Newburyport, which ofifice he now holds. He married Abigail Bartlett Sumner, a daughter of Michael Sumner, of Newbury- port, and has one child, a daughter, now the 2o8 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW wife of the Rev. Arthur S. liurrill, settled in Conway, N. H. Mr. Stevens was a soldier in the Civil War. In 1S64 he enlisted for three months at Salem in the Third Unattached Company as a Color Sergeant ; was in the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, Company B, Eighth Regi- ment, and advanced to the position of First Lieutenant. He is a member of A. W. Bart- lett Post, No. 49, G. A. R., of Newburyport, Mass. He is also a Mason of St. Mark's Lodge and R. A. Chapter, King Cyrus; also of Newburyport Commandery, No. 3, of which he has been Recorder for the past twenty-five years; and he is a member of the L O. O. F. An untiring and zealous member of the North Congregational Church, he has led the choir for many years, and in other ways has been active and useful in the parish. TT^UFUS KIMBALL, associate editor of I Sr^ the Lynn Item and the [jresident and -Lyy^^ treasurer of the Lynn Mutual Fire Insurance C(jmpany, was born March 13,1829, in Ipswich, Esse.x County, Mass. A son of Josiah Kimball, he is a direct descendant of Richard Kimball, who came to the country in 1634 from Ijiswich, England, in the ship "Elizabeth," Richard landed in Boston, and a few months later made a permanent location in Ipswich, Mass., where many of his name and blood are still living. Josiah Kimball was born, lived, and died in Ipswich. For several years he was Captain of a company of militia, for which reason he was familiarly known as Captain Kimball. He was a carpenter by trade. Active in local affairs, he served as Selectman, and was prominent in the Congregational church. He married Hannah Ivoss, likewise of I[)swich. She was a daughter of Thomas Ross, who participated in the battle of While Plains and other engagements of the Revolutionary War, and died in Ipswich in 1S42. Rufus Kimball attended the public schools of his native town until fifteen years old, ob- taining a practical education. In 1844 he came to Lynn to serve an apprenticeship in the office of the Lynn Nci\:s, then published by his brother, the late J. F. Kimball. After serving his time he was admitted to jxirtner- ship with his brother, a connection that lasted until 1861. In that year, in company with Thomas P. Nichols and A. G. Courtis, he es- tablished the Lynn Transcript, which they conducted until it changed hands, several years later. Mr. Kimball then engaged in the job printing business, and was the city printer for two years. In 1S86 he sold out his establishment, and has since been con- nected with the Lynn Item, a bright and newsy journal and one of the best conducted newspapers in the city. For more than twoscore years Mr. Kimball has been [jrominently identified with the municipal life of the city, tloing nnicli by counsel and service. In 1855, 1888, and 1892 he was a member of the Common Council, being its president in 1888. From 1893 to 1895, inclusive, he was one of the Aldermen of the city, serving as president of the board during the last two years. He was elected General Assessor in 1863, a position which lie held for tw/enty-four consecutive years, having been electetl to eight successive terms. He was a Representative to the State legislature in 1866, 1867, 1889, and 1890. During those years he served on the Commit- tees on Printing, Constitutional Amendments, Mercantile Affairs, and Education ; and he was chairman of the Constitutional Amend- ment Committee when, in 1889, the prohibi- tory amendment was submitted to the peoi)le. KLFUS KIMBALL. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW In 1866 he was appointed by Speaker Stone on the Recess Committee, apiKjinted to revise the salaries of the State officers; and in 1867 he was on the Recess Committee, to report all previous legislations on Charles River and Warren Bridges. Mr. Kimball is now a trustee of the Lynn Five Cent Savings Bank and a member of its Investment Committee, a commissioner of Pine Grove Cemetery, and the president and treasurer of the Lynn Mutual Fire Insurance Company. A straightforward Republican, he is a member of the Massachusetts Republican Club; and for two years, during two Presiden- tial campaigns, he was the secretary of the Lynn Republican Cit)' Committee. Frater- nally, he is a charter member and Past Grand of Providence Lodge, No. 171, I. O. O. F., of which for the past twelve years he has been secretary; the vice-president of the Old Essex- Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolu- tion; and he is an original member of the Park Club of this city. On November 30, 1S54, he married Miss Mary A. Woolley, of Lynn. ■Qf the eight children born to him and Mrs. Kimball, four are now living, namely: Helen P., the wife of Charles H. Ingalls, shoe man- ufacturer; James VV., the clerk of the Massa- chusetts House of Representatives; Lizzie B., the wife of Charles O. Blood, of the firm Blood & Co., grocers; and Alfred, a lumber dealer in Boston. OHN AUGUSTUS BURNHAM, an enterprising and progressive agricult- urist of Ipswich, was born October 23, 1840, in West Gloucester, Mass., on a home- stead that formed a portion of the original Burnham grant. A son of Augustus Burn- ham, he is a direct descendant of Deacon John Burnham, who emigrated from England in 1635, and settled in Chebacco, then a part of Ipswich. In 1637 this ancestor took part in the Pequod expedition, and two years later received a grant of land for his services therein. He was active and prominent in his town, being Deacon of the first church organ- ized in Chebacco; and he owned a large tract of land on the east side of what is now Has- kell's Creek, in Esse.x, where he settled, and resided for the rest of his life. A portion of the original farm is still in possession of the family, being now owned by Samuel M. Burn- ham, of West Gloucester. The succeeding ancestors of John A. Burnham were John,- John,^ Samuel, ■• Ebenezer,' and John.'' The last named, born in 1784, who was the grand- father of the subject of this sketch, died in Andover, Mass. Mr. Burnham's father, Augustus Burnham, was lost at sea when quite a young man, the vessel on which he was employed being wrecked on an incoming trip from the West Indies. His mother, who now resides in Esse.x, subsequently became the wife of the late John Noble. By her first marriage, be- sides John A., she had another son, Charles L. Burnham, of Beverly, Mass., the well- known excursion agent. John A. Burnham was but nine years old when he was left fatherless. Shortly after, he came to this locality to reside with the late John Lowe, of Essex, who soon settled on the Beach Road, on the farm now owned and occupied by Mr. Burnham. John Lowe, a son of John Lowe, was a brother of Martha Lowe, of North Essex, whose biography, to be found elsewhere in this volume, contains a more extended history of the Lowe family. Mr. Lowe bought this valuable estate from George Smith, whose only daughter is the wife of Judge Safford, of Salem. It is the old Smith homestead, having been the origi- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW mil homestead of Adam Smith, who had three sons — Asa, Joshua, and Bemsley, of whom the eldest was the next proprietor. Mr. Burnham has now in his jjossession an old powder-horn found in the attic of the house, inscribed "Adam Smith, 1763." John Lowe married Harriet N. Marshall, who died January 26, 1892, aged seventy-si.x years. His death oc- curred on September 2, 1887, at the age of seventy -eight. They had no children of their own, but reared two — ^John A. Burnham and Mary R. Hoyt. The latter lived with the Lowes from the time she was nine years old until her marriage, ten years later, to George Webb, of Swampscott. Mr. Burnham was made executor of Mr. Lowe's estate. After all legacies were paid, he received the residue, thus coming into possession of the farm. Mr. Burnham first married Amanda Smith, who was reared on the adjoining farm. A ilaughter of Joshua Smith, she was a sister of Cliarles, Frank, Alfred, and Martha Smith. She passed to the higher life January 16, 1892, leaving no children. On April 16, 1892, Mr. Burnham married Miss Addie N. Dole, who was born and bred in Boston. They have no children. A man of high prin- ciple and upright in all of his dealings, Mr. Ikirnham is highly respected in the commu- nity. ■ <^»^» [^TEl'HEN SMITH MARSH, an Al- derman of Lynn and a well-known gr(jcer, was born in this city, Sep- tember 18, 1843. A son of J. K. V. and Sarah C. (Smith) Marsh, he is directly de- scended from George Marsh, who came from England, and landed in Boston in 1635. One of his uncles, Shubal Marsh, was with Sam Houston in Texas. The father, born in New Gloucester, Me., August 22, 1816, was the first newspaper carrier in Lynn, which busi- ness, commencing in 1837, he followed for twenty years. For another twenty years he was in the grocery business. A devoted mem- ber of the First Congregational Church of Lynn, he served it for twenty-one years in the capacities of Deacon and Treasurer. He is now eighty-two years old. His wife, who was a native of Lynn, born September 14, 1817, died in 1893, at the age of seventy-six. Stephen S. Marsh left the public schools of Lynn at the age of seventeen years. He then learned the shoemaking trade, and afterward worked at it for about two years. At the end of that time he joined his father in the gro- cery business, and three years later, in 1865, started in lnisi\iess for himself at the corner of Summer and Pleasant Streets. Having spent twenty-four years in that location, he moved to his present stand, 73, 75, and yy Summer Street, in 1889. Here he has since carried on a very successful trade, and has made many warm friends. On June 13, 1 866, Mr. Marsh was married to Sarah K. King, of Saco, Me., a descendant of the noted King family that produced Gov- ernor King, of Maine, Rufus King, who was United States Minister to England, and other well-known men. Seven children have been born of this union, five of whom are living. The latter are: Stephen E. , William A., Alice M., Charles L., and Frank M. Alice is now the wife of T. C. Crowther, of Lynn. Mr. Marsh is a charter member and for five years was the treasurer of Sagamore Tribe of Red Men, No. 12. He is also a member of Providence Lodge, No. 171, I. O. O. F. , and of Palestine Encampment, No. 37. I'"rom 1887 to 1889 and from 1895 to 1896 he was a member of the Lynn Common Council. Upon the organization of the ]5oard of Aldermen for this year he was assigned to the Committees on Water Supply, .Street Lighting, and l'2n- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 313 nilled Bills, and to thnt of State Aid, of which he is the chairman. <^» ^ > YgTENRY JAMES MILLS, the Post- r^^ master at East Saugus, was born in i>^ V , Bow, N.H., August 29, 1854, son of Thomas C. and Martha T. (Carter) Mills. The father, who is a native of Concord, N.H., has followed agriculture in l?ovv since he was a young man, and is still residing there. The mother was born in Bow, daughter of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Robertson) Carter, of the same town. Colonel John Carter, great-grandfather of Henry James, served as an officer in the Revolution and in the War of 1S12. Henry' James Mills has resided in East Saugus since 1865, and was educated in the public schools of this town. At the age of eighteen he took a position as clerk in a general store conducted by Mrs. Martha B. Hawkes, with whom he remained until her death in 1885. Then he purchased the busi- ness, and has since carried it on energetically and with success. Although a Republican in politics, he was appointed Postmaster by President Cleveland in 1885, and has since held office under the different administra- tions. He has been a member of the School l^oard for the past eight years, and is now its secretary. An attendant of the Methodist Episcopal church, he is one of its trustees. Mr. Mills was made a Mason in William Sutton Lodge, of Saugus, in 1875. Since then he has advanced to the Thirty-second de- gree. He was Worshipful Master of the Blue Lodge in 1882 and 1883; was Most Excellent High Priest of Sutton Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, of Lynn, in 1889 and 1890; and is connected with Melrose Council, Royal and Select Masters, of Maiden; Olivet Comman- dery. Knights Templar, of Lynn; Boston Lodge of Perfection; Mount Olivet Chapter of the Rose Croi.v, Giles F. Yates Council, Princes of Jerusalem; and the Massachusetts Consistory. In 1887 he was appointed, by Grand Master Henry Endicott, Deputy Grand Master for the Seventh Masonic District, a position which he occupied for three years; and he served as Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts in 1895. He is also a trustee of the real estate and charity fund of William Sutton Lodge, and is secre- tary and treasurer of the District Deputy Grand Masters' Association of Massachusetts. ;;^OHN F. GARDINER, e.x-City Marshal of the city of Newburyport, was born in Franccstown, Hillsboro County, N.H., April 15, 1829. The father, with two brothers, came from Charlestown, Mass., where they had been employed in the navy- yard ropewalk. The father bought a farm in Francestown, and lived there during the re- mainder of his life, dying at the age of fifty years. His wife died in 1873. She was Miriam, daughter of Stephen Davis, of West Amesbury, and a neighbor of Horace Greeley. Of their five children, John F. and Stei)hen D. are living. In 1861 Stephen D. enlisted as Sergeant for three months in Company A, Eighth Regiment, which went from Newbury- port at the first call. Upon his return he re- cnlisted and was promoted to the rank of Captain of the same company, going through Baltimore with Butler just after the Sixth. Subsequently he was a patrolman for twenty- four years, during which period he refused promotion. He died June 25, 1894. John F. Gardiner was educated in Newbury- port. F"or twelve years after leaving school he drove a hack for Moses Coleman. When 2i4 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Mr. Coleman left New bury port to become the superintendent of the Metropolitan Railroad in Boston, young Gardiner went with him as driver, in which position he remained for nine years. On April 27, 186S, he became a pa- trolman, was rapidly promoted, holding the position of Sergeant for three years and that of Lieutenant for twenty-seven years. In the fall of 1894 he returned to Newburyport, and was almost immediately elected City Marshal, in which capacity he served for two years. Mr. Gardiner married, and has a son in the West, another residing in Haverhill, and a daughter at home. /^TTrDNER S. morse, an enter- \ 5T prising general merchant of West Bo.xford and a Civil War veteran, was born in this town, October 14, 1837, son of Samuel and JVIary (Parker) Morse. The grandfather, also named Samuel Morse, who was a native of Maine, followed the business of truckman in early life. Later he became a shoemaker, and passed his last years in Bo.x- ford. The father was born in Industry, Me. During the active period of his life he was a shoemaker in this town and vicinity. Possess- ing considerable natural ability outside of his legitimate calling, he was elected to some of the important town offices, and rendered valu- able service to the community. He died at the age of seventy-two years. Mary Morse, his wife, who was a daughter of Jacob C. Parker, became the mother of eight children ; namely, Charlotte N., Pxiwin C. , Sylvester P., Henry M., Mary K., Gardner S., Herbert C, and Susan A. The living are: Charlotte N., who resides in Georgetown, Mass. ; Sylvester P., of Bradford, Mass. ; Henry M., now in Colorado; and Gardner S., the subject of this sketch. It is much to the credit of this family that the five sons served in the Civil War. Of these, two were wounded, and one died in Libby Prison. Gardner S. Morse began his education in the district schools. After completing his studies at Atkinson Academy, he went to Haverhill, where he lived until the breaking out of the Civil War. In i86i he enlisted in Comjjauy ¥, Seventeenth Regiment, Massa- chusetts Volunteer Infantry, of which he was appointed Sergeant. In the service he was struck in the shoulder by a piece of a shell. Having recovered from the wound, he rejoined his company, and thereafter remained with it until honorably discharged at the expiration of three years and three months. Afterward for about eight years he followed the business of photographer in the coal districts of Pennsyl- vania. Upon his return to Massachusetts he taught school two years. Since 1S87 he has conducted a general store in West Bo.xford. Mr. Morse married Mary E. Sager, a native of Pennsylvania. He has no children. He has served with ability as superintendent of schools and upon the School Committee, and was a member of the State legislature in 1893. An honorary membcrshiii connects him with the Junior Order of Ameiican Mechanics, and he was one of the organizers of Post No. 5, G. A. R., of Lynn, and was its third Com- mander. Mr. Morse is now a comrade of I'ost No. 108, of Georgetown. In politics he is a Republican. He cast his first Presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln in i860. fff^OSHUA BRAGDON, a well-known box manufacturer of Danversjiort, was born in Cornish, Me., March 21, 181S, son of Joshua and Lavinia (Brooks) Bragdon. When he was ten years old his father removed to Wells, Me., the parents' native town. GARDNER S. MORSE. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 21^ wliere young Joshua lived until he was six- teen. Then he went to Lynn and bound him- self to Mr. Buffum in the lumber and mill business for one year, for the sum of one hun- dred dollars and his board. At the end of the year his duties and responsibilities were in- creased, and his salary raised. The running of the planing machine was in his charge, and he also kept the books. When Mr. Buffum sold out his business in Lynn, and started in Salem, Mr. Bragdon went with him, taking entire charge of the new enterprise. In 1853 he came to Danversport and engaged in the same business in company with his brother Nathaniel and James Staples. The firm lost Mr. Staples by his death in 18G0. It had an extensive business in the manufacture of bo.xes. Finally it sold the lumber and plan- ing business, restricting itself thereafter to box-making, in wiiich it was very successful. Mr. ]5ragdon also owned two vessels. He sold his box manufacturing interest in 1879 to Woodman ]?rothers & Ross, and has since lived retired. Since 1879 ^'''"- I^rag'tlo'i 'i^s served for twelve years on the Board of Selectmen. During one term, in which was adopted the water-works system, the original cost of which was one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, he was chairman of the board. In that period, also, extensive road improvements were made by the Telford system, especially upon the Danversport turnpike, where a poor road was converted into a substantial one. Having been for sixteen years a Justice of the Peace, he is now holding his third commission. He has been a trustee of the Danvcrs Savings Bank for twenty-five years, was a vice-presi- dent of it for five years, and served for several years on its Investment Committee. Mr. Bragdon is a Republican in politics, and takes much interest in the welfare of his town. In 1840 he married Isabel Littlefield, of Wells, Me., who died in Danvers in 1864. A second marriage in 1865 united him with Mary Frances Twiss, of Beverly, his present wife. Born of the first marriage were: Charles Edward, who died at the age of four and a half years; and Clara A., who died in her twelfth year. His second wife has adopted a daughter, Ida Twiss Bragdon, who is a music teacher. Mrs. Bragdon is a teacher in the Congregational church Sunday-school and a regular attendant of the church. Mr. Bragdon is a member of the Mosaic Lodge, F. & A. M., of Danvers, and has been con- nected with the fraternity for over thirty years. 4^m^* 'shames wedgewood dearborn, one of the foremost contractors and builders of Lynn, was born April 23, 1822, in Effingham, N.H., son of Alvah Dearborn. His grandfather, James Dearborn, who was a native of Greenland, N.H., fought for independence in the Revolution. The father, a native of Lee, N.H., born in Sep- tember, 179S, who died in Saiigiis, Mass., in 1869, served in the War of 1812. He mar- ried Sarah Leavitt, who was born and reared in Effingham, N.H. They became the par- ents of five children; namely, Carr L., James W., Benjamin, Adoniram J., and Sarah L. James W. Dearborn completed his school period at the age of sixteen years in North Hampton, N.H. In 1841 he came to Lynn in search of employment, and afterward worked at various occupations in this locality for three years. Going then to Salem, he was employed in a chemical factory for three years. The following year was similarly spent in Roxbury. He subsequently learned the trade of mason in Andover with Hiram Tuttle, and for two or three years after fol- 2l8 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW lowed it in Salem and Saiigus. Having settled permanently in Lynn in 1866, he and his brothers, Iknjamin and Adoniram J., in the firm Dearborn I5rothers, have since carried on an extensive and flourishing business as con- tractors and builders. He has acquired a wide reputation for substantial and durable work, and is often called upon to superintend the erection of buildings in other cities. After the great fire in Portland, Me., he put up seven large structures. Likewise he erected many buildings in St. John, N.B , after that city had been devastated by fire. Among other public buildings of note erected by him is Kent's Hill College, in Augusta, Me. In 1890 Mr. Dearborn was a member of the Board of Aldermen, serving efficiently in the Committees on Street Lighting, Public Property, and Police, being the chairman of the second committee. In 1897 he was a member of the Common Council, in which he was assigned to the Committees on Sprinkling and Incidental P^xpenses. A straight Repub- lican in politics, he is a member of .the West Lynn Republican Club. He is also a member of West Lynn Lodge, No. 65, I. O. O. F. In Masonry he has taken the thirty-second degree, and belongs to William Sutton Lodge, of Saugus; Sutton Chapter, R. A. M., of Lynn; Mount Olivet Commandery, K. T., of Lynn; Lafayette Lodge of Perfection and Yates Council, Princes of Jerusalem, both of Boiiton; and to the Massachusetts Consistory. He supports all measures tending to advance the moral and material welfare of the com- munity. A faithful member of the South Street Methodist Church, he is one of its trus- tees, and serves on its ]?oard of Managers. In 1843 he married Miss Clara H. ILstcs, of Salem, Mass., who died in June, 18S4. Of their eight children, but two arc living. namely: Clara IL, who is the wife of the late William T. Parker; and Benjamin A. Dear- born. A second marriage on April 20, 18S7, united Mr. Dearborn with Miss Mary E. Web- ster, of Lynn. APTAIN JOHN M. ANDERSON, a former Harbor Master of Glouces- ter, was born in Bergen, Norway, on September 27, 1825, son of Andrew and Caroline (Dahll) Anderson. His father was taken prisoner by the English during the trouble between luigland ami Denmark, and was held by them for five years in Dartmouth Prison. Captain Anderson received his early educa- tion in the common schools of Norway. When his father died he was- obliged to leave school and become self-supporting, being then about fifteen years old. Naturally his thoughts turned to the sea as a means of live- lihood; and he secured a berth as cabin boy on the "Olaf Cyre," which was bound to New York with passengers. After two years spent as cabin boy and ordinary seaman he came to Gloucester. Here he attended the public schools, and at the same time studied naviga- tion. Some time later lack of funds obliged him to discontinue his studies for a space and take a fishing trip. After a short time he had saved siifficicnt money, not only to continue his studies, but to purchase an interest in a fishing-vessel. Disliking this business, he eventually sold his interest and made a pres- ent of the proceeds to his present wife. He then embarked for Surinam as second luate. Thereafter, until he became the master of a vessel, he sailed in the trades. When first officer of the "Manton," a bark owned by Edward ]?abson, of Gloucester, the vessel took fire while lying in the harbor of Surinam, and BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 219 was burned to the water's edge. In 185S he was given command of the brig "Nereiis," owned by George B. Rogers, of Gloucester. With this vessel he made trips back and forth to Surinam until the slaves were freed in that country, when trade there became no longer profitable. As a consequence the " Nereus " was sold by her owners. During the Rebellion, Captain Anderson found opportunity to sail under the flag of Holland, making voyages to Liverpool, London, and other points, but not in command of the vessel. After the war he secured an appointment as first mate on the "R. A. Allen," hailing from Boston, and at the end of his first trip in her he was made captain by the owners. When starting on his first voyage as captain in this craft, he loaded with ice at Boston for New Orleans, and upon reaching that place reloaded with cotton for Providence. From Providence he was sent to Bangor, thence to Matanzas, from which he returned northward to Boston with sugar. After this trip he was given Cf)mmand of the "Mary E. Dana," which was chartered for a coasting voyage to Philadelphia. Subse- quently he made several trips to Cuba in the "O. C. Clara," after which he had com- mand of the "Poincett." On one of the return trips in the last named vessel, while the captain was ill of yellow fever, and the vessel was navigated by the mate, he suffered shipwreck on Nantucket Shoals, when the vessel and cargo were a total loss. The cap- tain and crew escaped with their lives. The owners did not blame Captain Anderson for the disaster. After about three weeks of con- finement on account of his illness, he received command of the "Acacia," which was owned by the same parties, he having a quarter in- terest. For the next ten years he visited in this vessel nearly every port in the North At- lantic. In 1SS3, he met with a severe accident that incapacitated him from further active ser- vice at sea. Accordingly he gave up his ves- sel and settled in Gloucester, engaging in the fishing trade. This, however, proving uncon- genial to him, he soon sold out. Since then he has been very successfully engaged in the ship brokerage business. Captain Anderson served fifteen years as Harbor Master, and during the administration of Governor Rus- sell he was appointed Port Warden of Gloucester. Captain Anderson was married to Clara Prentice Saville, a daughter of Fritz and Lydia Ann (Stanwood) Saville. Of this union three children have been born — Clara, John E., and Oline. Clara, born in 1859, married Preston Friend, who is a book-keeper in Gloucester. She has one child, Louisa, who was born in 1877. John ]•:. Anderson, born in 1862, is in business with Davis Brothers in tiiis city. Oline, who was born in 1869, is the wife of Albert Maddocks, a druggist of Gloucester. She is the mother of three children, namely: Harold, who was born in 1889; Albert S., who was born in 1893; and Lelia P., who was born in 1S94. Captain Anderson is a member of Tyrian Lodge, A. F. & A. M. ; of Martha Washington Lodge, Or- der of the Eastern Star; of the Boston Marine Society; and of the Gloucester His- torical Society. & HOMAS EMERSON COX, formerly a leading farmer of Lynnfield, was born on the home farm, July 28, 181 3, son of Benjamin and Clarissa (Eir.erson) Cox. The father, who came to Lynnfield from Boston when only eight years of age, lived with Deacon Evans for six years. At the age of fourteen he began to learn the shoemaker's trade from Joshua Burnham in BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW the house that was afterward his son's home. After finishing his apprenticeship he re- mained in Mr. Burnham's employ until he was twenty-two years of age. Then he mar- ried and removed to South Reading, the home of his wife's parents. Returning to Lynn- field in 1S12, he bought of Mr. Burnham the place in which he had served his apprentice- ship, and which had been mortgaged. In 1824 he added forty acres to the estate, which originally contained some sixty acres. The old house, erected prol)al)ly before the Revo- lution, is still standing, though it has re- ceived additions. Benjamin Cox carried on farming, and at the same time did consider- able work at his trade. He died on March 3, 1S73, at the age of ninety-one. His wife, who survived him, died on January 17, 1SS9, at the advanced age of one hundred and one years and three months. Their family com- prised eleven children, five of whom are still living; namely, Thomas E., Hubbard, George, Hannah, and Harriet. Hubbard resides in Reading, and George at Wakefield. Hannah is now Mrs. Irenas W. Newcomb, and Har- riet is Mrs. Charles Leonard Bayrd, of Wake- field. Clarissa, who married Reuben Weston, of Reading, recently died at the age of ninety- one. Tliomas Emerson Cox grew to manhood on the farm, and learned the shoemaker's trade with his father. After working for a few months in Cambridge he went to Hartford and suhsetpiently to Union, Conn. Later he returned to Massachusetts, but soon went to Maine, spending two or three years in .Sac- carappa and Portland. Returning then to his native town, he took up his residence at the farm, and in 1857 increased the estate by buy- ing a tract of one hundred and twenty acres, much of it being woodland. lJ]ion the death of his father he bouirht out the interest of the other heirs, and now owns about three hun- dred acres. While carrying on general farm- ing, he devotes the greater part of his time to milk producing; and since 1881 his son, Thomas E., Jr., has given his time to the farm management. On October 6, 1839, Mr. Cox was married to Lucy, daughter of Will- iam and Sally (Burnham) Gould. Mrs. Gould, who was a daughter of Joshua Burn- ham, the original owner of the Co.x farm, was born and married in the old house. Lucy, now Mrs. Cox, was iiorn in South Reading on December 22, 18 18, and hence was twenty- one years of age at the time of her marriage. She has been the mother of six children — ■ Lucy Albina, Benjamin Franklin, Abbie Jane, Caroline Pamelia, Henry Bancroft, and Thomas Emerson. Lucy Albina, who is un- married, resides with her parents. Benjamin F. and Henry B. dietl in childhood. Abbic Jane was instantly killed at the age of nine- teen on an occasion when her horse, taking fright, jumped upon a railroad track in front of an on-coming train. Caroline P. is Mrs. Everett Noyes, of Wakefield. Thomas E. Cox, Jr., who resides on the farm, married Elizabeth Rebecca Leavis, of Wakefield, a lady of English birth. They have two chil- dren — Harold Childs and Ralph I'.merson Cox. Their son, Thomas iLmerson, died at the age of sixteen montiis. In politics Mr. Cox, Sr., was a stanch Democrat, and he faithfully atteudcd and supported the Univer- salist church at Wakefield. He died May 7, 1898. ^^•»» §011N ]\. JUDKINS, founder of the carriage-building house of J. B. Jud- kins & .Sons Company, was horn in Freedom, N. IL, in 1S35, son of John and Mary (Lovcring) Judkins. His grandfather was Samuel Judkins, who held a Major's com- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 221 mission in the Continental army during the Revolutionary War. The grandfather was a prosperous farmer of Freedom, N.H., where he died at the age of forty-five; and each of his sons — John, Peter, and Daniel — inherited a farm. John Judkins, father of John B., set- tled in Melrose in 1855, and retired from business. In 1852 John H. Judkins came to Merrimac (then West Amesbury), and at the age of seventeen began an apprenticeship of five years as a carriage-trimmer. In 1857 he com- menced the manufacture of carriages, which he continued in several different factories in the town until 1866, when the factory now oc- cupied by the Judkins Company, and which has been enlarged several times to accommo- date the steady increase of business, was erected. The present, company was incorpo- rated in 1891 with Mr. John B. Judkins as president; F. B. Judkins, treasurer; and C. H. Judkins, secretary. In 1884 Mr. Jud- kins was elected to represent the towns of Amesbury, Merrimac, and West Newbury in the legislature, and was appointed on the Committee of Manufactures. He has been for many years a director of the First National Bank, and also vice-president and trustee of the Merrimac Savings Bank. He has been identified with the Masonic and Odd P'ellow- ship interests of the town for tiie past quarter of a century. Mr. Judkins married Laura J. Haskell, daughter of William H. Haskell, one of the most prominent citizens and lead- ing business men of the town. iPwl OMAS H. LORD, a grocer of Ips- wich, is one of the best known busi- ness men of the place. Born here March 3, 1829, son of Asa Lord, he is of good old English ancestry, the first of the family to come to America having been Rob- ert Lord, who emigrated from England in old Colonial times. Asa Lord, whose father, Asa, was drowned at sea when he was a young man, was born and reared in Ipswich. Besides working at his trade of shoemaker he was also engaged in a mercantile business. In 1825 he opened a store on the site of the present grocery, not far from Lord Square, and having his dwell- ing, shop, and store connected. Besides con- ducting these he was interested in the coast trade as part owner of vessels bringing lum- ber from Maine ports. He lived to the good age of ninety-one years, passing away in Octo- ber, 1890, having been able until the previous year to be in the store most of the time. He married Abigail II. Hodgkins, a daughter of Captain John Hodgkins, .who, now in her ninety-seventh year, has been confined to the house for some time. Asa was not active in politics. While he was a regular attendant of the First Congregational Church, his religious beliefs more nearly coincided with the Uni- versalist creed. He was an extensive reader, keeping well informed on the current topics of the day. To him and his wife were born the following children: Lucy Ann, a maiden lady, who lives with her mother; Thomas H., the special subject of this sketch; two chil- dren that died in infai'cy; and Mary Abbic, who died in 1886, and was Lhe wife of John A. Brown, of Ipswich. Thomas H. Lord began to serve as clerk in his father's store when a boy. At the age of nineteen he received charge of the books. Of late years he has had entire charge of the business which, until the death of the father, was carried on under the name of Asa Lord. As a man of integrity, straightforward charac- ter and purpose, he has won the confidence of all with whom he has had dealings, and is BIOGRAPHICAL RKVIEVV respected throughout the comnuuiity. A stanch Republican in politics, he is active ill the party, attending most of the local con- ventions. From 1865 until 1872 he served as Selectman, Overseer, and Assessor, and one term in the same capacity since then. He is a member of the First Congregational Church, toward the support of which he contributes liberally. Mr. Lord was married November 13, 1S59, to Miss Lucretia Smith, who was born in Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Lord have no children of their own. An adopted daughter, Anna Louise Lord, has been a member of their family since she was four years old. She graduated from the Manning High School and later, in 1890, from Wellcsley College. Subsequently she taught in Indianapolis, and was for three years a teacher of modern lan- guages in the University of Denver, Colorado. She has spent two years abroad in the Univer- sities of Leipsic and Gottingen, pursuing her special work, Germanic philology. Miss Lord is now in the high school at Jersey City, where she is the teacher of the German language. [^ATMAN MORTIMER HAWKES, a leading member of the legal frater- Ll^' \^ ^ nity of Essex County and a promi- nent citizen of Lynn, is noted for his mental attainments, professional ability, and literary accomjilishments. He was born November i, 1843, in Lynnfield, formerly a part of Lynn, a son of Nathan D. Hawkes. He comes of a long line of honored and distinguished ances- try, being an eighth generation descendant of Adam Ilawkes, who was born in T-"ngland in 1608, came to America with Winthrop in 1630, and died in Lynn in ifjyt. In 1631 he married Ann Hutchinson, by whom he had two children — John and Susanna. (.Susanna married in 1649 William Cogswell, of Ips- wich.) After her death he married Sarah Hooper, by whom he had one daughter, Sarah. Adam Hawkes first located in Charlestown. In 1638, at the time of the first division of lands in Lynn, he received a grant of one hundred acres, and settled in that part of Lynn now known as North Saugus, on the homestead which has since been in the family, descending from one generation to another in unbroken succession. His son John, the first male member of the family horn in America, was born in 1633, and died in 1694. - He first married in 1658 Rebecca, daughter of Moses Maverick, the first magistrate of Marblehead, and Sarah (Allerton) Maverick, daughter of Isaac and Mary (Norris) Allerton, who came over in the "Mayflower," and for his second wife married Sarah, daughter of Thomas Cushman, Ruling Elder of I'lymouth, and his wife, Mary, who was also the daughter of Isaac Allerton. Moses Hawkes, the next in line f)f descent, was born in Lynn on November 29, 1659, and died there February i, 1709. On May 10, 169S, he married Margaret Cogswell, of Ips- wich, this county; and their eldest child, Moses Hawkes, the second, born on March 4, 1699, was the succeeding progenitor. He was a man of prominence in his day and one of the original founders of the town of Saugus. On April 9, 1730, he married Susanna Town- send, a relative of Daniel Townsend, a minute-man, who was killed by the l!ritish at Lexington, April 19, 1775. Tiieir son Na- than, who was born in Lynn, July i, 1745, and died in Saugus, October 17, 1824, was the great-grandfather of Nathan M. Hawkes, the special subject of this sketch. He was very active in tlie management of town affairs, serving as Selectman in 1805, 1806, and 1S07, during the contention between tlie town BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 223 and the First Parish as to the use of the old Tunnel Meeting-house, and was for several years parish clerk. He was one of the lead- ing petitioners for the formation of the towns of Lynnfield and Saugus. On September 3, 1769, he married Sarah Hitchings, a descend- ant of Daniel Hitchings, a soldier in King Philip's War, who held the title to his lands under a deed from the Indian Sagamores. Nathan Ilawkes was Ensign of Captain David Parker's company of Lynn minute-men at the Lexington alarm, April 19, 1775; and his great-grandson has the sword which he wore on that day of days, and under the sword stands the chair in which he sat when he told the story of how ■• The emijattlcd farmers stood, And tired the shot heard round the world." Nathan Hawkes, the second, grandfather of Nathan M., was born in that part of Lynn now Saugus, January 22, 1775, and died in Sau- gus, August 22, 1862. On January 22, 1805, he married Elizabeth Tarbell, a daughter of Jonathan Tarbell, a minute-man of Danvers, whi was at the battle of Lexington, April ig, 1775, and a descendant of John Tarbell, of Salem Village, the leader in removing the Rev. Samuel Parris from his pastorate of the Salem Village Church after the witchcraft trials of 1692. Nathan D. Hawkes was born in Lynn, May 4, 181 1, and died in that city, April 23, 1S50. On November 10, 1842, he married Tacy Pratt Hawkes, daughter of Ahijah and Theo- date (Pratt) Hawkes, who was born on the old Hawkes homestead, which has been in the family since it came into the possession of the immigrant ancestor, Adam Hawkes, in 1638. Nathan M. Hawkes acquired his early edu- cation in the public schools of Lynn, and was graduated from the Friends' School in Provi- dence, R.I., in 1861. He immediately began to read law in the ofifice of Perry & Endicott, of Salem, and on the twenty-first anniversary of his birth, November i, 1864, was, on mo- tion of Judge Endicott, admitted to the Esse.x County bar. He has since been actively en- gaged in the practice of his profession, and in local affairs has been prominently identified with the highest interests of his city, county, and State. From 1867 until 1879 he was Special Justice of the Lynn Police Court. From 1869 until 1872, inclusive, he was a member of the Common Council of Lynn, three years of the time being president of the board. He was also a member of the School Committee and a trustee of the public library. In 1875, 1876, 1877, and 1878 he was a member of the General Court, and in 1879 was State Senator. At present he is a mem- ber of the Lynn Park Commission, which con- trols the Lynn Woods, that the late Charles Eliot called "the largest and most interesting, because the wildest, public domain in all New England." He is also a member of a com- mission appointed by the City Council, con- sisting of the Mayor, the City Clerk, and himself, to secure the publication of the early records of the town. He has ever been deeply interested in liter- ary pursuits, and his frequent contributions to the press have proved a source of pleasure to innumerable readers. In 1S87 and 1888 the Boston i?^c:^;v/ published a series of sketches entitled, "The Best Town to live in." Mr. Hawkes showed his appreciation of his native town by writing an article setting forth the natural and acquired charms of Lynnfield and its desirability as a place of residence. He has since published a work entitled, "In Lynn Woods with Pen and Camera, 1893." The Esse.x Institute has also published his "Glean- ings Relative to the Family of Adam 224 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Havvkes" and "Semi -historical Rambles among the lughteenth-century Places along the Saiigus River." The Magazine of Avuri- can History and the New Engiatid Magazine have printed some of Mr. Hawkes's local his- torical studies, including "The Lynn Iron Works" and "Captain Robert ISridges, Founder of the Iron Works." He is a forcible and eloquent speaker, and is often called upon in this capacity on public occasions. Many of his addresses of this character have been published, among them being an "Address at the Dedication of the New Town Hall " at Lynnfield, January 28, 1892; an address delivered before the Essex Agricultural Society at Haverhill, Mass., September 21, 1S93; a memorial address commemorative of James Robinson Newhall, given before the Lynn Press Association, Jan- uary 17, 1894; and an address delivered be- fore the Bay State Lodge, No. 40, I. O. O. F. , on the occasion of its fiftieth anniversary. Mr. Hawkes is the holder in fee of one bit of real estate in Lynnfield, which has to him a peculiar interest. It is the little enclosure which contains the mortal remains of some of his kin, including his great-grandfather, Jon- athan Tarbell, the Danvers minute-man, who was on Lexington Green, A])ril 19, 1775. Mr. Hawkes was married December 2, 1867, to Mary, daughter of Benajah and Cynthia Buffum, of North Berwick, Me., at tlie Buffum homestead. They have one child, Alice Hawkes. Mr. Hawkes is a member of the Essex In- stitute and of the New England Historic- Genealogical Society, his taste for historic re- search and investigation making him a most desirable member of each. He is an Odd I-'ellow, belonging to the Bay State Lodge, No. 40, I. O. O. F., of which he is a Past Grand. He was a charter member of the Lynn Historical Society, and is a member of its Council. He is a member of the Society of "Mayflower" Descendants. Since the immigrant Englishman, Adam Hawkes, pitched his tent in the wilderness outskirts of Lynn, each succeeding generation to the time of the subject of this sketch has tilled the soil on the baiiks of Saugus River; and possibly he, too, looks with longing ej'cs upon the scenes familiar to his fathers, and craves the serenity of rural life that may come after the treadmill drudgery of office work is over. / SJeORGE CANNING HOWARD, \J5 I M.D., a popular physician of Law- rence and a son of Samuel and Amanda (King) Howard, was born in Pom- fret, Windsor County, Vt., August 24, 1840. The paternal grandfather, Adam Howard, who was born in the town of Braintree, Mass., en- listed as a soklicr in the Revolutionary army when a youth. His brother, Benoni, who set- tled in Connecticut, also served in the Revo- lution. Separated by the war, neither knew whether the other was alive or dead when it was over. On his release from military ser- vice, Adam, taking a pack on his back, walked to Vermont, crossing the Connecticut River at Lebanon or West Lebanon. He was urged to settle at West Hartford; but, the land being too level to suit him, he sought the hilly part of the State, purchasing a tract of timber land in Pomfret. At his death he was about four- score. He married a Miss Polly Mann, of Randoljjh, Mass., who is buried with him in the family cemetery on the old farm. They reared a family of six sons and three daugh- ters. Of these, two settled in St. Lawrence County, New York. Four stayed in Pomfret, Samuel and Seth remaining on the old home- JOHN FRENCH JOHNSON. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 2 2 7 Stead, and Benoni and Daniel making settle- ments on either side. The first of the family to pass away was Adam, Jr., who died in Messina, N. Y., at the age of forty. Samuel Howard, born in Pomfret, June 15, 1800, was engaged during his active life in farming on the homestead. He died Febru- ary 24, 1874. In 1825 he was married to Amanda King, also a native of Pomfret, born in March, 1S07. She died January 20, 1875, eleven months after her husband's demise and at exactly the same hour of the day. Both rest in the Pomfret cemetery. They were members of the Methodist lipiscopal church. All their children, two sons and six daughters, attained maturity, and were well educated; and all but the youngest married. August in S., having graduated from Dartmouth in 1858, went West in 1861, obtained a diploma from the law department of Ann Arbor College in 1862, and settled on a tract of land. The daughters living are: Jane, the wife of Chauucy Childs, who lives in Pomfret; Ann, the widow of Carlos Tenuey, residing in Hart- fonl, Vt. ; and Emma, the wife of Austin Howard (no relation), residing in West Hart- ford. George Canning Howard was a student at the New London (N. H.) Academy, one of the oldest institutions in the State. During the Civil War, from P'ebruary, 1863, to June, 1865, he served in the medical department of the Union army. Graduating from the medi- cal department of Dartmouth College in 1865, he began to practise almost immediately in North Attleboro, Mass. Three years later he went to Salem, N.H., where he was in active professional work for thirteen years. In July, 1882, he opened an office on the corner of Jackson and Essex Streets, Lawrence, where he is still to be found during office hours. He has a large practice, and is highly es- teemed in this city. His handsome residence at 145 Haverhill Street was purchased by him in 1887. On September 5, 1865, he was married to Georgiana Smith, of North Attleboro, daugh- ter of Isaac and Georgiana (Butterfield) Smith. Mr. Smith kept a country store in early life, and was later in the jewelry busi- ness in Boston with W. D. Whiting, the hus- band of his wife's sister. He died in 1854, leaving, besides a widow, Georgiana, who was then eight years old. Dr. and Mrs. Howard have two children — Florence and Fred A. The former is the wife of James Hasbrouck Le Fevre, who is a son of a Presbyterian clergyman in New Jersey, comes of Huguenot descent, and is the superintendent of the roll- ing-mill of the Pennsylvania Steel Company at Steelton, Pa. Fred A. Howard is the superintendent in a manufactory of sterling silverware in North Attleboro, Mass. The Doctor is a stanch Republican and sound money man. He is a Knight Templar of Bethany Connnandery, Lawrence; a member of Phoenician Lodge of Lawrence, Mass.; and he was D. D. G. M. of the Second Masonic District of New Hampshire in 1881 and 1SS2. Both he and his family attend divine worship at Grace Episcopal Church. 'sffOII'^ FRENCH JOHNSON, stationer, t)ne of the leading business men of Amcsbury, was born in this town, Sep- tember 22, 1845, a son of F-leazer A. and Mary A. (I'Vench) Johnson. He is connected with many of the old families of Massachu- setts and of Rockingham County, New Hamp- shire, among which may be named the Weares, the Austins, the Bartletts, the Dows, the P'renches, the Greens, the Greenleafs, the Morrills, the Storys, the Coffins, and the Cur- 228 BIOGKAPHICAL REVIEW ricrs. On the paternal side he is a descendant in the ninth generation of Captain Edward Johnson, who was born in Canterbury, Eng- land, in 1599, and with his family settled in VVoburn, Mass., in 1636. A prominent figure in Church and State, Edward Johnson was a man of unusual literary habits and attainments. He wrote the first history of New England published, an ac- count of the colonies from 1628 to 1650. A member of the Great and General Court of Massachusetts for a number of terms, he was Speaker of the Mouse one term. He was Captain of the train band at Woburn and one of the original twenty-four members who in 1637 formed the Ancient and Honorable Ar- tillery Company. He had seven children, all born in Canterbury. His son Edward died in Woburn in 1692. Edward Johnson, Jr., was married early in 1650 to Catherine Baker, who bore him four children. Edward, third, son of Edward and Catherine (Ikiker) Johnson, was born in Wo- burn in November, 1650. He was Captain of a company that took [hUt in the early Colonial wars. He married Miriam Holbrooke, by whom he had five children. His daughter Susanna represents the fourth generation in the direct line connecting the subject of this sketch with the immigrant ancestor above named. Susanna Johnson married Captain lileazer Johnson, who was of the third genera- tion in descent from another immigrant ances- tor, William Johnson, counting down from whom John French Johnson is eighth in the male line. William Johnson was born in Canterbury, England, in 1C02, and died in Charlestown, Mass., in 1677. He lived to see one hun- dred and twenty towns settled, with a quota of si.xteen thousand fighting men. He was mar- ried in 1632-34 to Elizabeth Story, and by this union had eight children, the eldest born in England, the others in Massachusetts. His son Isaac, born in Charlestown in 1649, fought in King William's War (1688), when the Indian allies of the French made such savage raids on the settlements in New Hamp- shire and Massachusetts. He died in Charles- town in 171 I. Isaac Johnson was married in 1671 to Mary Stone. Their son. Captain Eleazer Johnson, was born in Charlestown in 1676. A master mariner, he made many long and successful voyages, and acquired consider- able wealth. He died in Charlestown, Mass., at the advanced age of ninety-two. His mar- riage to Susanna Johnson took place in 1698. Their son Eleazer, Jr., representing the fifth generation from Cajjtain Edward and the fourth from William Johnson, the pioneers of the family, was born in Charlestown in 1699. Married to Elizabeth Austin in 1722, he had a family of seven children, one being a son, Isaac, second, who was born in Charlestown in 1729, and whcjse house in that place was tiestroyed during the battle of Bunker Hill. His jjrother or, more probably, his eUlest son, Eleazer, a lad in his teens, was taken prisoner at that time and carried to New York. He died in the Jersey prison .ship in New York Harbor. Isaac Johnson, second, was married to Elizabeth Cofifin in 1760. He died in Newburyport in 1S17. Daniel C. Johnson, son of Isaac ami Eliza- beth, and grandfather of John FVench Johnson, was born in Newburyport in 1770. He was a man of modest, retiring disposition; and, aside from his jirivate affairs, his chief inter- est centred in his church, in which he was prominent all his life. He died in 1828. Daniel C. Johnson was married in 1794 to Sally Avery. He had a family of nine chil- dren, Eleazer A. being the eldest son. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 229 Eleazer A. Johnson was born in Newbury- port in 1797. For a number of years he was engaged in manufacturing shoes, and he was connected with the Amesbury woollen-mills for more than a quarter of a century. A man of deep religious feeling, he devoted much of his time to religious affairs, and was Deacon of the Congregational church in Amesbury forty years. He died in 1885. Deacon John- son was married to Ruth Butler in 1821 and to Mary A. French, above named, in 1838. Through his mother Mr. John F. Johnson is eighth in line of descent from Ensign Abra- ham Morrill, who came to this country in 163S. The six intervening generations are represented respectively by the Hon. Isaac Morrill, Jacob Morrill, Elizabeth Morrill, Jacob Barnard, Sarah Barnard, and Mary French. John French Johnson is one of a family of ten children. He was educated in the public schools of Amesbury and Davis Academy. After leaving school he entered the employ of Scribner's Sons & Co. in New York City, with whom he remained ten years. Returning then to Amesbury, he bought out a small sta- tionery and book store on Main Street, a few doors from his present place of business. He had a constant and rapid increase in trade; and four years ago, his old store being too small, he moved to his present commodious quarters in the Hamilton Block. He carries a large stock, and has one of the best equipped stores of the kind in Essex County, occupying two floors ninety by eighteen feet. Mr. Johnson is a man of literary tastes, and has devoted much of his leisure in the past ten years to tracing the history of his family. Mr. Johnson was married in 1876 to Frances A. Keniston, who died in 1895. He is a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artil- lery Company of Boston, and enjoyed the famous European tour in the summer of 1896. He is a thirty-second degree Mason and a member of Aleppo Temple of the Mystic Shrine, Boston, Mass. ; has been through the chairs in the subordinate lodges and the chap- ter; is Thrice Illustrious Master of the Ames- bury Council, Royal and Select Masters; sec- retary of Trinity R. A. Chapter; and for twelve or more years has been Bast Com- mander of Newburyport Commandery, K. T. , the oldest commandery in this section, if not in the country. He is a charter member of Attitash Lodge, Ancient Order of Red Men, and has been trustee since the lodge was or- ganized. He is also a member of the Society of Colonial Wars, eligible through twenty- eight distinct lines; of the New England His- torical and Genealogical Society; and of the Bureau of American Ancestry. Actively in- terested in the welfare and progress of the community, he was a charter member of the Village Improvement Society and its first secretary; and he is now corresponding secre- tary of the society. He is also a member of the Wonnesquam Club, the leading and practi- cally the only business and professional men's social club in Amesbury. OHN C. M. BAYLEY, one of New- buryport's most prominent lawyers, was born in this city, July 8, 1850. He is a descendant of some of the earliest settlers of this part of Essex County. His great-grandfather Bayley and his grandfather Bayley both bore the name Robert. The for- mer was a sea captain and a ship-owner. In war time a brother of the elder Robert fitted out many privateersmen. The younger Robert Bayley was a well- known man of his time, and there are family traditions of many strange incidents in his 230 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW eventful life. In the prosecution of his busi- ness, which was the importation of West India goods, he made many voyages to the West Indies. Upon one occasion, with fourteen companions, he resorted to the extraordinary expedient of allowing himself to be buried in the ground up to his neck in order to escape the contagion of a terrible fever that was devastating the land. During the War of 1 81 2, while on one of his voyages, the ship he was in was captured by a British frigate, and he was placed in irons and conveyed to Dartmouth Prison, where he was confined for six years. Starting in business alone, he afterward took his brother and son into the firm, which was then carried on under the style of Robert Bayley & Son. He was a Deacon in the Prospect Street Church, and was one of its most active and influential members. He married Abigail Chase. Charles M. Bayley, son of Robert and Abi- gail (Chase) Bayley, went into the West India trade with his father, and made one hundred trips to the islands during the course of his life. He owned many vessels, and continued in business with his father until 1878. His death occurred in 1892. His wife, whose maiden name was Charlotte Clark, survives him. She is now eighty-four years of age. They had seven children, of whom four, in- cluding the subject of this sketch,' are still living. John C. M. Bayley was educated in the public schools of Newburyport and at Dumnier Academy, Byfield, Mass. At the age of eigh- teen he went abroad, seeking to benefit his health, which had been poor for some time, and during his absence visited different parts of Europe, Calcutta, India, and other places. After his return, when twenty-five years of age, he began the study of law with Judge Pike, of Newburyport. Later on he was for one year the private secretary of Caleb Cush- ing, under whom he continued his legal studies. He had been admitted to the bar the year previous, 1878: and he was the law ])artner of Frank W. Hale for three years thereafter, or until Mr. Hale went to Colo- rado Springs. In 1886 Mr. Bayley became associated with General Benjamin F. Butler, with whom he was engaged in practice in Bos- ton, enjoying with him the most friendly relations until the General's death. Since his return to Newburyport Mr. Bayley"s practice has consisted largely of mercantile and probate court work. He is also a mem- ber of the United States Court. A strong Republican, like the other members of his family, Mr. Bayley has been urgently re- quested to enter politics, but has declined. In earlier manhood, however, he was for three years a member of the Common Council, and he served as City Solicitor during the years 1882 and 1883. On October 31, 1888, Mr. Bayley married Sarah Frances, daughter of Benjamin F. and Sarah F. Colt, of Cohasset. He has three children, all girls, namely: Marion Hortense, who was born March 16, 1892; Charlotte Colt, born November 14, 1893; and Josephine Lawrence, born December 10, 1896. HARLES F. YORK, the popular chairman of Rockport's Board of Se- lectmen, was born here, September I, 1844. A son of Nathaniel F. S. and Frances A. (Hamilton) York, he is of ling- lish extraction on the paternal side and of Scotch on the mother's side. The father, who was born in Yarmouth, Me., came in his earlier years to Rockport, where he served the community for periods of varying length in the capacities of Selcctniiin, chairman of BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 231 the Selectmen, a member of the School Board, and a Trial Justice. On the School Board he spent eighteen years, being the chairman for a part of that time. In politics he was a Republican, and took much interest in public affairs. A prominent member of Ashler Lodge, A. F". & A. M., at Rockport, he was its Master for several terms, and also served as chaplain for a time. By his death on March 7, 188S, Rockport lost a valued citizen. His wife, Frances A. York, was born on Chebeague Island, Cumberland County, Me., near Portland. Their other children are: Sumner D., who is at present Assistant District Attorney of Esse.x County, lives in Rockport, and has his law office in Gloucester; and Rebecca F., the widow of the late Howard Wheeler, of this place. Charles F. York attended the public schools of Rockport, including the high school. Upon completing the course of the latter institution he entered French's Commercial College at Boston, Mass., from which he also graduated in due time. Subsequently for a period he studied law, which interested him as a sci- ence. In 1867 he engaged in the fishery business with the firm of John Low & Son, of Gloucester. Having spent several years with that firm, he was employed for three years by John Pew & Son, of that place, in the same line of business, for the greater part in the capacity of travelling salesman. Then he was a travelling salesman for Mar- shall & York; and later he was employed for several years by Parmenter & Co., both of which firms were fish dealers and packers in Gloucester. While still retaining an interest in the fishing business at Gloucester on a ommission basis, he afterward acquired a profitable connection as a local insurance agent, and represented a number of the stand- ard companies. On November i, 1871, Mr. York married Mariett, daughter of Amos and Martha Luf- kin, of Rockport. Two sons have been born to them, namely: Charles F. York, Jr., now a graduate of the Harvard Dental School and engaged in business here in Rockport; and Amos C, living at home. Mr. York is prac- tically a self-made man, having had to do for himself since he was about fourteen years of age. He is a Republican in politics. In 1894 he was first chosen a Selectman of Rock- port. Re-elected in 1895 to serve until March, 1898, he has since been the chairman of the board. He has been a Justice of the Peace for some time. For six years he served as a trustee of the Rockport Public Library. He attends religious services at the Congrega- tional Church of Rockport. cj^AMUEL NEWMAN CALDWELL is one of the old and respected resi- dents of Newbury, Mass. He was born in Dunbarton, N.H., June 27, 1835, a son of David Story and Abigail (Newman) Caldwell. He traces his descent from Alex- ander Caldwell, who was born in Ireland in 1690, and died in Litchfield, N. H., January 5, 1766. Alexander's wife, Margaret, was born in Ireland in 1709, and died January 6, 1791. Their eldest son, Thomas, the next in line of descent, was born in Ireland in 1733, and died at Dunbarton, N.H., February 20, 1816. Thomas married in 1759 Elizabeth Holmes, who died March 23, 1805. Their children were: Mary, who married Thomas Mills; Margaret, who married John Mills, of Dunbarton; Alexander, second, who married Mary Moore, of Bedford; William, who mar- ried Thankful Burnham ; Betsey, who never married; and Thomas, Jr., who was born May 232 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 3, 1766, and died at Dunbarton, Ajiril 4, i«35- The younger Thomas Caldwell was married December 17, 1793, to Thankful Story, daugh- ter of David Story and a relative of the re- nowned Judge Story. She was born in Ips- wich, Mass., in 1773, and died in Newark, N.J., September 10, 1836. Many members of the Caldwell and Story families served in the early Indian wars and in the Revolution. Mr. S. Newman Cald- well has in his possession an antique gun which was one of the best smooth-bore weap- ons of its day, and did good service as an offensive and defensive arm in the hands of Cald wells during the Colonial wars. The children of Thomas and Thankful (Story) Caldwell were: Thankful Story, born February 20, 1796, who died June 16, 1803; Sarah Story, born February 12, 1798, who was married to Thomas Mill on December 28, 1 8 19; David Story, the father above men- tioned; Margaret Mills, born February 27, 1 802, who was married on December 26, 1826, to Putnam Ingalls, of Merrimac, N.H., and died about two years ago in New- ark, N.J.; Thankful Story, born June 30, 1804, who was married June 21, 1841, to Frederick A. Morgan, of Hartford, Conn. ; Eliza, born October 27, 1806, who died April 29, 1834, and is buried in Dunbarton, N.H.; Serene, born July 13, 1809, who died in Newark, N.J., about two years ago, the wife of Walter Harris, Jr. ; and Mary Ann, born July 17, 1 81 3, who died unmarried in Orange, N.J., February 15, 1872. David Story Caldwell was born March 22, 1800. He was engaged for a number of years in farming and orcharding, making a specialty of apples; and he dealt some in real estate. For a number of years he was Selectman of Dunbarton, and he was Overseer of the Poor for an extended period. He was married De- cember 5, 1827, to Abigail Newman, of New- buryport, Mass., who bore him eight children. Wallace, the eldest, was one of the forty- niners in California. He acquired a claim in Nevada, for which he was offered seventy-five thousand dollars. He died in Boston, No- vember 2, 1896, leaving one daughter, who is the wife of Herbert Newton, of Haverhill, Mass. John H., the second son, died in 1878, thirteen years after his marriage, lilizabeth, the third child, who died July 17, 1891, in Newbury, Mass., was the wife of Judge Addison C. Niles, of Nevada City, and left one son, who is in San Francisco. S. Newman is the subject of this sketch. Thomas Alexander, his twin brother, now residing on a farm in Newbury, was in Cali- fornia a number of years, and was engineer at Truckee and Wadsworth. David A., the sixth child, was one of the ablest teachers in the city of Boston, also in the Boston Reform School. He died February 7, 1886. His wife was Mary Anna Payson. Their only daughter, Anna Payson, was married August 2, 1885, to William L. Vinal, who was killed at the terrible explosion of the Boston Sub- way, March 4, 1897. They had a little girl, Molly, eleven years old. The seventh child, George, lived but four years and a half. The youngest, Charles, twin brother of George, graduated at Dartmouth and Harvard, and is now practising medicine in Chicago. He served in the army and navy during the war, entering the service as a member of the Dart- mouth College cavalry that fought at Gettys- burg. He married an Ohio lady, who had been engaged in teaching the Indians at Fort Arbuckle. S. Newman Caldwell acquired his education in the common school and Dummer Academy. His early life was filled with change and ad- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 23i venture. After leaving school he went to sea, and he was subsequently engaged on the survey from Madison to Milwaukee, and was for a while in Iowa. Returning home, he was for some time at Deer Island, Boston Harbor, engaged as a boatman and in other capacities. His father's sickness made it necessary for him to return to the farm in Newbury, and there he has since resided. He was married in 1878 to Mary Anna, daughter of Jonathan H. and Nancy (Mudgett) Johnson. Her family gave to the Union sev- eral brave defenders at the time of the war, her father, three of his brothers, and two of his sons being in the army. Her father, who was Captain of a company, was brought home to Deerfield, N.H., from New Orleans, and died shortly after his arrival; and one son, Mrs. Caldwell's eldest brother, who was in the Eleventh New Hampshire Regiment, was brought home dead within seven months. He was killed at Spottsylvania, and his body was shot three times while being carried from the field. An uncle was wounded at the same time. Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell have three children — Mary Newman, Annie Alden, and David Story. (^^OSEPH COLBY, an esteemed resident of Methuen and a salesman in the wholesale dry-goods house of Bradford, Thomas & Co., Boston, was born in Concord, N.H., October 18, 1840. His father, Timo- thy Colby, who was born and reared among the granite hills of New Hampshire, after attaining manhood settled in the city of Con- cord. Here the father was prosperously en- gaged as a builder and contractor until his death, which occurred in 1880. He married Sarah Kimball, also a native of New Hamp- shire, who is now living in Concord. They became the parents of three children, as fol- lows: Joseph, the subject of this sketch; Annie, who is now the wife of A. P. Fitch, of Concord, N.H.; and George H., now a resident of Concord. In 1858, after completing his education, Joseph Colby went to Boston as a clerk in a dry-goods store. He continued in that capac- ity until familiar with the details of the busi- ness, when he entered upon a mercantile career on his own account. A few years later he accepted a position with the firm with which he is now connected, and has since remained in their service as one of their most faithful and trustworthy employees. On September 5, 1871, Mr. Colby married Miss Mary Ada, daughter of Kimball and Mary Esther (Neal) Gleason, of Methuen, and has since resided at 147 Broadway, the Glea- son homestead. Kimball Gleason, born in Haverhill, Mass., April 30, 18 19, died May 21, 1S70. A member of the Gleason family, who were known far and wide as most success- ful manufacturers of hats, he learned the trade of hatter in early life, and afterward carried on a thriving business. Possessing good busi- ness ability, notwithstanding some reverses, he met with success in his operations, acquired considerable property, and at his death left a good estate. A large-hearted, generous man, and kind to the poor, he had the sincere esteem of the community in which he lived. In religious belief he was a strong Universal- ist. Although not an aspirant to political ofifice, he served in the State legislature for one term. His widow, who survived him fifteen years, died at her home in Methuen on January 12, 1885, aged si.\ty-si.x years. They reared three children, namely: Georgiana, who became the wife of the late M. VV. Hodg- don, and died January 31, 18S9, leaving one daughter, Mary; Mary Ada, now Mrs. Colby; 234 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW and Florence May, the wife of William Os- wald, of Lawrence. Mary Hodgdon first mar- ried Harry F. F"oss. After his death she be- came the wife of Henry G. Powning. Mrs. Colby was educated in the public schools of Mcthuen, at the Abbott Academy in Andovcr, and at Doctor Gannett's School in Boston. She is much interested in literature. Kim- ball Gleason Colby, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Colby, has had excellent educational advantages. After receiving a diploma at Phillips Academy in Andover he went to Amherst College, from which he was gradu- ated in 1895. OHN DWINELL, who resided all his lifetime on the old Dwinell home- stead in Topsfield, was born in 1782. A son of John Dwinell, Sr. , he was a lineal descendant of one of the earliest settlers of this part of Essex County. The emigrant ancestor of the family, Michael Dwinell, was probably a F'rench Huguenot, the name hav- ing been originally spelled Du Enniel. He located in Topsfield in 1660, receiving a large tract of land, on which he built a dwelling- house not far from the present home of Charles Pcabody. He reared nine children, and died about the year 1713, his will having been proved in 17 17. His son Michael, born in 1670, became a physician, and died in 1762. Dr. Dwinell had seven wives and twelve children. His son, Jacob, by his wife Han- nah, born in 1715, died September 16, 1784. Jacob succeeded to the original home- stead, the whole of which has always been kept in the family, and built the present house on a part of the land granted to his grand- father, erecting it in 1761. He married Kezia Gduld, of Hoxford, who bore him seven children. His son Israel was a soldier in the French and Indian War, and died while on the march to Crown Point in 1760. A letter written by Israel to his parents, dated June i, 1760, is still preserved by his niece. Miss Sarah P. Dwinell. John Dwinell, Sr. , another son of Jacob, born on the old home farm in 1747, died in 1 81 8. He inherited the family estate, on which he made substantial improvements, each year clearing some part of the land. He served in the Revolution, as did his brother Jacob. He married Esther Richards, who, born in Southboro, Mass., was reared on the Pierce farm, which adjoins the Dwinell homestead. She lived to the remarkable age of one hundred and one years, eight months, and ten days, passing away on the homestead in 1847. Many articles of value left by her are preserved by her grandchildren. She was one of those strong, heroic women of olden times, who shared their husband's daily toil, and with them received the respect of the community. Her husband, broad-minded and liberal, was especially noted for his benevo- lence to the needy, and usually had several women without natural protectors under his care. Of his children, John Dwinell, Jr., and Esther reached maturity. The latter married Moses Wilds, whose son, Moses, re- cently died in Topsfield. John Dwinell, the subject of this biography, inherited the old homestead of his forefathers. A practical and progressive farmer, he kept well abreast of the times in general matters. Though modest and unassuming in manner, he was highly esteemed by his neighbors and friends for his brotherly spirit, sound judg- ment, and strict integrity. The first of his two marriages was contracted in 18 10 with Sarah Perkins. She died in 1813, leaving no chilihen. The second marriage, in i.SiS, united him to Louisa Richards, who, Imrn in BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 235 Southboro, Mass., in 1798, died in 1S79 on the home farm. She was a member of the Congregational church, of which he was a regular attendant. They had eight children, the following being their record : John, born in 1819, died in 1859; David Holt, who always lived on the homestead, remained un- married, and died in 1896; Sarah Perkins, born in 1822, is unmarried, and resides on the home farm; Louisa Richards, born in 1824, dieil in i8g6, unmarried; Hepsibah Sophia, who was born in 1S26, and died in 1897, mar- ried James Henderson, of Topsfield, but had no children; Esther Mehitabel, born in 1828, is unmarried, and also lives on the homestead; Willard Adolphus, born in 1831, now carrying on the old homestead, where he resides, mar- ried in May, 1864, Ruth Ann Stickney, of Salem, and has two children (Annie Cole, the wife of Fred \V. Harnes, of North Brookfield, Mass. ; and John Willard Dwinell, living at home) ; and George Winslow, born in 1S34, lived on that part of the old Dwinell tract now occupied by Loren Rust, and died there, unmarried, in 1890. The father died on the homestead in 1864. )N. CHARLES CHASE DAME, prominent lawyer and an esteemed resident of Newburyport, was born June 5, 1819, at Kittery Point, then in the Maine District of the Commonwealth of Mas- sachusetts, son of Joseph and Statira (Chase) Dame. On the father's side he belongs to the eighth generation descended from John Dame, who came from England with Captain Thomas Wiggin in 1633, and settled on terri- tory now within the limits of the town of Dover, N.H. This John Dame took a leading part in the affairs of the early colony on the Piscataqua, was one of the first Deacons of the first church organized in Dover, and one of the signers of the celebrated protest of 1641. Among his descendants were Judge Dame, of Rochester, N. H ; Jonathan Dame, for many years a bank cashier in Dover; and Harriet F. Dame, who received the thanks of the New Hamp- shire legislature for heroic services rendered to the sick and wounded in the field through- out the late war. The line of descent from the founder of the family was continued to Charles C. Dame by John Dame (second,) John (third), Richard, Benjamin, Samuel, and Joseph. Samuel Dame, the grandfather of the sub- ject of this sketch, resided in Wakefield, N.H. His eldest son, Joseph, by his wife, Olive Tuttle Dame, was born in Wakefield, May I, 1784. Joseph followed the profes- sion of schoolmaster for several years in New Castle, N.H. He was the first man from his native town to enlist for service in the War of 181 2, during which he was sta- tioned at Fort McCleary on Kittery Point. His wife, -Statira, whom he married Decem- ber 2, 1 8 14, was a daughter of Joshua Tufts Chase, of Kittery. The latter was a man of note, and had the confidence of the community. He was a member of the General Court at Boston for the seven years preceding the sev- erance of his district from Massachusetts, and of the Maine House of Representatives for the nine years succeeding that event. Joshua Tufts Chase was a direct descendant of Aquila Chase, who was one of the settlers that located in Hampton in 1639, and who removed in 1646 to Newbury, where he received several grants of land. Aquila was the first pilot of the Merrimac River, and subsequently fol- lowed the calling of ship-master. Thomas Chase, son of Aquila and Anne (Wheeler) Chase, resided in Newbury, and was the father 236 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW of the Rev. Josiah Chase, born November 30, 171 3. The Rev. Mr. Chase was ordained Sep- tember 19, 1750, as the first minister over Spencer Creek Parish in Kittery, where he labored for thirty-eight years. In 1743 he married Sarah Tufts, a great-grand-daughter of Governor Eradstreet, and afterward had a son who was the father of Joshua Tufts Chase. The children of Joseph and Statira (Chase) Dame were: Mary Ann, born April 10, 18 17; Charles C, the subject of this sketch ; Loammi B. , born November 17, 1821; Joseph Calvin, born March 19, 1824; Luther, born March 3, 1826; Marshall Morrill, born July 9, 1828; Statira A., born December 20, 1830; and Anna Chase, born May 14, 1833. Both par- ents were members of the Baptist church. The father died September 23, 1S73, and the mother's death occurred in her eighty-third year. Charles Chase Dame was seven years of age when his parents removed to New Castle, N.H. Upon the return of the family to Kit- tery four years later, he began to work for his living as a farm hand, clerk, or at whatever honorable employment offered in the summer season, while he attended school throughout the winter months. At the age of fourteen he became a pupil of the high school at Ports- mouth, N.H., and thereafter attended it for one year. In the winter of his seventeenth year he took up his father's profession, that of teacher, and followed it throughout that sea- son in Kittery. Then, to further qualify him- self for this calling, he took a course at the South New Market Academy. After this he taught for some time in Brentwood, N.H. In June, 1839, complying with a request for his services, he came to Newbury, the home of his matc-rnal ancestors, and took charge of the school at the "Upper Green." He had spent nearly two years in this position when. on February 7, 1841, he accepted the charge of a grammar school at Lynn, Mass. On May 2, 1842, he was elected principal of the South Male Grammar School in Newburyport. His stay here was of short duration, as he was soon after transferred to the Brown High School, where he taught for about six years, displaying rare abilities as an instructor. Then, his health having given way under the strain of his daily duties and private studies, he resigned his position in the high school, February 22, 1849, 'i"'^' made a voyage to the Pacific coast, making a short stay in South America. After an absence of two years he returned to Newburyport with his health fully restored. In the following fall he took charge of the English department of Chauncy Hall School, Boston, then as now one of the most successful private schools in the country. During the nine years he passed here he qualified himself for the legal profession, and was admitted to practice in the courts of Mas- sachusetts, September 8, 1859, and in the United States District Court on the 17th of the following October. His admission to the Supreme Court was granted March 22, 1876. In 1S60, resigning his position in Chauncy Hall School, he opened a law office in Boston, where he prosperously followed the profession until 1875. President Andrew Johnson appointed him Collector of Internal Revenue for the Fifth District of Massachu- setts, and he filled that office continuously, under the succeeding administrations of Grant, Hayes, Garfield, and Arthur, until August i, 1883. In 187s the duties of the office were largely augmented by the consolidation with the Fifth District, of the Sixth, Seventh, and apart of the I'ourth; and he abandoned his legal business. Throughout the fifteen years of his Collcctorship, during which his collec- tions averaged one million dollars annually, BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 237 the government did not lose a dollar through any shortcoming of his. Upon vacating the office his accounts, which were found entirely free from discrepancies, were promptly ad- justed, and left in such good order as to prove that he had been a model official. Resuming his profession soon after, he has since fol- lowed it in Newburyport, where he had re- tained his residence since 1839. He is inter- ested in the Merchants' National Bank, of which he is a director, and in the Institution for Savings, of which he is a trustee. On September i, 1842, Mr. Dame was united in matrimony with Frances A. Little, of Newbury, who bore him four children. These were: Frances Chase, born August 25, 1843, now deceased; Charles Little, born May II, 1845, deceased; Frances Maria, born August 2, 1848; and Charles Wallis, born February 23, 1855. Originally a Whig in politics, Mr. Dame has been a Republican since the formation of the latter party, and he has taken an active interest in national and State affairs. He had been a member of the Republican State Com- mittee for several years, when, complying with the order of President Hayes requiring F'ederal officials to keep free of party organi- zations, he resigned. In 1886 he was re- placed on the committee, which has had the advantage of his services since. After serv- ing Newburyport successively in its School Committee, Common Council, and Board of Aldermen, he was sent to the State Senate in 1 868 by the Fourth Essex District. In 1886 he was elected Mayor of the city, and in the following year his administration of its affairs was characterized by a conservative policy and a studied regard for the best inter- ests of the citizens. Desirous of promoting the welfare of Newburyport when out of office as well as when in office, he is a member of several educational and charitable associations, has been a Water Commissioner since 1894, and is a director of the public library. He also belongs to the Veteran Artillery Com- pany, of Newburyport, and to the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, of Boston. Of the former organization he was the Com- mander in 1870, and he is now the Judge Ad- vocate. Finally, he is prominent in the Masonic order, his connection with which furnishes a most creditable and interesting chapter of his life. He joined the fraternity in 1857, when he was received as a member of Revere Lodge, Boston. In the following year he was ad- mitted to St. Andrew's Royal Arch Chapter and the Boston Commandery of Knights Tem- plar and in 1859 to the Boston Council of Royal and Select Masters. Three years after in Raymond Lodge of Perfection at Lowell, Mass., he received the Ineffable Degrees and was admitted to the Council of Princes of Jerusalem, to Mount Calvary Chapter of Rose Croix, and to the Massachusetts Consistory. Next year, on May 22, he was made honorary member of the Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors-general of the Thirty-third Degree, an honor to which his services in be- half of Mason-ry well entitled him. He was introduced and crowned an active member ad vitam, September 23, 1S97, of the Supreme Council for the State and District of Massa- chusetts, and is now Deputy for the State of Massachusetts. He was Worshipful Master of Revere Lodge in i860 and 1861. After filling subordinate offices in St. Andrew's Chapter, he was Scribe in 1859, King in i860, and High Priest in 1861 and 1862. Also in 1862 he was ele- vated to the dignity of Grand King of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Massachusetts. Having received orders of Knighthood in the 238 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW IJoston Commamlery of Knights Templar in 1858, he was the Eminent Commander in 1866 and 1867. He was Commander of Hugh de Payens Commandery of Knights Templar at Melrose, Mass., while that organization was conducted under a dispensation, and he has been retained on its roll as an honorary member since then. He is now an honorary member of all the Masonic bodies in Newbury- port, incUuiing lodge, chapter, and command- ery. In 1867 a new lodge established in Georgetown, Mass., was named the Charles C. Dame Lodge in his honor. He was the Illus- trious Commander in thC Boston Consistory of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in the years 1863, 1864, and 1865; was De[Hity Grand Master in the Grand Lodge of Massa- chusetts in 1862, 1863, and 1864; and was elected Grand Master of Massachusetts Masons in 1865, 1866, and 1867. By a unanimous vote in 1881 he was elected to the Board of Directors of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts for two years, and he has been regularly re- elected since. On December 10, 1884, when the Masonic Education and Charity Trust was established, Mr. Dame was elected a trustee thereof for the term of seven years, reckoning from the first day of tiiat year; and when the ]5oard of Trustees organized he was chosen secretary, an office which he has held up to the present time. He has also served on im- portant special committees of the Grand Lodge. The superintendence f)f the erection of the Masonic Temple in Boston, at the corner of Tremont and Boylston .Streets, fell to his lot while he was Grand Master of the Masons of Massachusetts. L^ndertaken after a business depression that had lasted two years, this was a herculean task; but it was accomplished, thanks chiefiy to the tireless efforts of Grand Master Dame, assisted by Rifrht Worshipful .Sereno D. Nickerson; and the building was duly dedicated in 1867, in the presence of President Andrew Johnson, distinguished Masons from different States, and an immense concourse of Massachusetts brethren. The occasion was one of exultation to Mr. Dame, and was only of less importance to the Grand Lodge than the day of 1873, when its entire debt was wiped out. LBERT E. COGSWELL, a retired resident of Essex, Mass., was born at "'l!>\__^ the Cogswell homestead in this town, September 23, 1852, son of Albert and Elizabeth (Edwards) Cogswell. He is a lineal descendant in the eighth generation of John Cogswell, who was born in 1592 'in Westbury Leigh, Wilts County, England, son of Edward and Alice Cogswell and grandson of Robert Cogswell. An earlier member of the family in England was Lord Humphrey Cogswell, who received a coat of arms in 1447. On September 10, 161 5, John Cogswell married Elizabeth, daughter of the Rev. Will- iam and Phillis Thompson; and in May, 1635, he with his family sailed for America on board the "Angel Gabriel," commanded by Captain Andrews. The ship, which was wrecked on the coast of Maine in August, 1635, brought other passengers, who settled in Essex; and among them were John and Thomas liurnham, ancestors of the lUirnham family of this town. John Cogswell settled in ICssex, and engaged in the manufacture of woollen cloth. He owned three hundred and seventy-five acres of land; and the family homestead, where eight generations have re- sided, is a part of his original tract. He died November 29, 1669; and his wife died June 2, iC>yC>. Their children were as follows: a daugiiter who married in luigland and lived in ALBERT E. COGSWELL. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 241 London; Mary, who in 1649 married Godfrey Armitage; William, who was born in England in 1619; John, born in 1622; Hannah, who in 1652 married Deacon Waldo; Abigail, who married Thomas Clark; Edward, born in 1629; Sarah, who married Simeon Tuttle, and died in 1692; and Elizabeth, who on July 31, 1657, wedded Nathaniel Masterson. William Cogswell, son of John and the next in line, was united in marriage in 1649 with Susannah Hawkes, who was born in Charles- town, Mass., in 1633, daughter of Adam and Anna (Hutchinson) Hawkes. William Cogs- well died December 15, 1700, a few years after the death of his wife. They were the parents of ten children, namely: Elizabetli, born in 1650; Hester; Susannah and Ann, twins, born January 5, 1657; William, l)orn December 4, 1659; Jonathan, born April 26, 1661 ; John, born May 12, 1665; Adam, born January 12, 1667; Sarah, born February 3, 1668; and Edmund, who died young. Lieutenant John Cogswell, son of William, married Hannah Goodhue, who was born in Ipswich, Mass., July 4, 1673, daughter of William, Jr., and Hannah (Dane) Goodhue. The following children were the fruit of this union: Hannah, born March 27, 1693; Will- iam, born September 24, 1694; Susannah, born March 10, 1696; John, born December 2, 1699; Francis, born March 26, 1701; Elizabeth, who married Colonel Joseph Blaney, October 20, 1 7 1 7 ; Margaret, born March i, 1722; Nathaniel, born January 19, 1707; Joseph, who died in 1728; and Rethiah, who was married January 15, 1730. Lieuten- ant John Cogswell died in 1710; and his wife was again married in 1713 to Thomas Perley. She died December 25, 1742. William Cogswell, son of Lieutenant John, was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, and during the active period of his life was here engaged in agricultural pursuits. The family residence was built by him in 1732. On Sep- tember 24, 1719, he wedded Mary Cogswell, who was born in 1699, daughter of Captain and Elizabeth (Wainwright) Cogswell. She died at the homestead in Essex, June 16, 1734. On March 13, 1735, he married for his second wife Mrs. Elizabeth Wade Apple- ton, widow of Penjamin Appleton, V.sq. William Cogswell died July 19, 1762. He was the father of sixteen children. Those by his first union were as follows: Elizabeth, born June 13, 1720; John, born February 23, 1722; Mary, born September 15, 1723; Jona- than, born May 9, 1725; Jacob, born May 18, 1727; Lucy, born June 28, 1728; Sarah, born February 5, 1729; William, born in May, 1731; and Sarah, born March 3, 1733. His children by his second union were: Hannah, baptized in December, 1735; Hannah, second, baptized June 7, 1737; William, second, born March 5, 1740; Susannah, born April 19, 1741 ; Samuel, born March 15, 1742; Susan- nah, second, born July 9, 1743; and William, third, born May 31, 1745. Deacon Jonathan Cogswell, great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was married on March 16, 1748, to Mary Appleton, who was born March 25, 1729, daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Wade) Appleton, of Ipswich. Deacon Jona- than died F'ebruary 11, 1812, and his wife died June 30, 1S13. Their children were: Nehemiah, born in 1749; William, born Au- gust 26, 1750; Jonathan, born January 4, 1754; Elizabeth, born June 7, 1756; Joseph, born December 20, 1757; Benjamin, born June 27, 1759; Mary, born December 19, 1760; Hannah, born August 12, 1762; Ben- jamin, second, born October 17, 1764; Benjamin, third, born August 15, 1766; Na- thaniel, born May 17, 176S; Sarah, born Jan- uary 13, 1770; Aaron, born December 28, 242 r.IOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 1771 ; and another child, who was born Octo- ber 12, 1773, and died in infancy. Aaron Cogswell, grandfather of Albert E., was an industrious and successful farmer. He married Lucy Kinsman, who was born Octo- ber 14, 1781. They reared four children, namely: Aaron, born February 21, 1807; Albert, born October g, 18 10; Lucy, born July 17, 1 81 3; and Jonathan, born March 5, 1820. Aaron Cogswell died July 20, 1847. Albert Cogswell, his second son and the father of Albert E., was one of the able farmers and prominent residents of this town, widely known and sincerely respected. His energetic and prosperous life ended July 3, 1885. His wife, Elizabeth Edwards, whom he wedded December 26, 1849, was born in Wenham, Mass., June 11, 1820, daughter of Benjamin and Susan (Roberts) Edwards. She became the mother of two sons: Albert E., the subject of this sketch; and Aaron, born July 20, 1858. Aaron Cogswell has been a prosperous farmer and a successful provision dealer in Esse.x, and is now living here in re- tirement. He is an active Republican, and is now serving as secretary and treasurer of the Republican Town Committee. He is a Past Chancellor of Starr King Lodge, No. 81, Knights of Pythias, of this town; is a mem- ber of J. T. Hurd Lodge, F. & A. M., of Ipswich; of Ocean Lodge, No. 91, L O. O. F. ; and Cape Ann Encampment, No. 33, of Gloucester, Mass. On July 20, 1886, Aaron Cogswell married Emma Dade, born in this town, June 28, 1864, daughter of Sylvester and Mary Jane Dade, the former of whom is a gardener and fruit-grower of Esse.x. Mrs. Albert Cogswell died January 2, 1897. Albert IC. Cogswell began his education in the common scliools, and completed his studies with a business course at the Boston Commer- cial College. He has always resided at the family homestead in Essex, and previous to his retirement was an exceedingly active farmer. On January i, 1890, Mr. Cogswell was joined in marriage with Sally A. Wright, who was born in Marshfield, Mass., December 25, 1852, daughter of Ezra and Sally (Holmes) Wright, of Plymouth, Mass. Ezra Wright was born April 4, 1S24; and his wife, Sally, was born in February of the same year. She died February 23, 1858, leaving four children, namely: Ruth 15., now wife of Richard A. Windsor, telegraph operator at Duxbury, Mass.; Josephine, now widow of Henry W. Swift, late of Plymouth, Mass. ; Sallie A., who is now Mrs. Albert E. Cogswell; and Emma, wife of Philip Adams, a railroad en- gineer of Newburyport, Mass. Ezra Wright's second wife was Rebecca S. Phillips, born March 13, 1836, daughter of James and Martha (Perkins) Phillips, the former of whom was a manufacturer of musical instru- ments in Boston, and the latter a native of Lancaster, N. H. James Phillips died in 1878, and his wife died in January, 1870. By his second union Ezra Wright had one son, Ezra, wiio was born December 13, 1S62, and married Emma Cole, of Kingston, Mass. Politically, Mr. Cogswell is an active sup- porter of the Republican party. He is a member of Starr King Lodge, Knights of Pythias, and is both prominent and popular amonfr the leadinsj residents of Essex. ENO A. APPLETON, of Rockport, an insurance broker, Justice of the Peace, and Notary Public, is a na- tive of Ipswich, Mass., born January 22, 1824. A son of Captain Oliver and Anstice (Cogs- well) Appleton, both of whom were born in Ipswich, he comes of an old Ipswich family AARON COGSWELL. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 243 that traces its genealogy to Little Wadding- field, England. The founders of the Apple- ton family in this country were three brothers, who came from said English town and settled in Ipswich. These ancestors owned a large tract of land lying between and along the Ipswich and Miles Rivers, and which included a portion of the estates now owned and occu- pied by the wealthy New York Appletons, together with the fine residence and mill site of C. J. Norwood, Esq., on I])swich River. Remarkable instances of longevity in the fam- ily were Zeno A. Appleton's father and grand- father, who respectively attained the ages of ninety and ninety-three years, and his grand- mother, who was one of twelve sisters named Patch, and who was ninety - nine years old when she died. Captain Appleton, who ob- tained his military title in the local cavalry, spent his life in Ipswich and Hamilton, chiefly occupied in agriculture. Zeno A. Appleton lived in Ipswich until he was ten or twelve years of age. Then he removed with his parents to Hamilton, where the rest of his minority was passed on his father's farm. He obtained his education by attending the public schools of Ipswich and Hamilton, and spending a few terms at the Hampton Falls Academy in New Hampshire and the Gorham Academy in Maine. Soon after, he began teaching in the town of Ips- wich. Subsequently he taught in Hamilton, Essex, and Wenham for periods covering about ten years in all. He also spent portions of several years in shoemaking; and later he carried on a general mercantile business at Hamilton, where he was living at the outbreak of the Rebellion. In the fall of 1862 he enlisted in the Putnam Blues of Charlestown ; but after a short time he was transferred, to enable him to engage in the recruiting service in Rockport and other towns. After several months spent in that occupation he was trans- ferred to the Third Company of Massachusetts Heavy Artillery Volunteers, which was first assigned to the forts in ISoston Harbor. Af- terward it was engaged in fort duty in the vicinity of Washington, where it was in 1864, when Mr. Appleton was honorably discharged. Having entered the army as a private, he re- ceived a commission as Second Lieutenant from War Governor Andrew, when he joined the Heavy Artillery; and, after he left the recruiting branch of the service in the latter part of 1863, Governor Andrew commissioned him as First Lieutenant. After returning to civil life he settled in Rockport, and for a time was a clerk in the Rockport Savings Bank. While holding that position he ac- quired an interest in the insurance business, which finally became so large that he was able to resign his position in the bank and devote his time exclusively to insurance. He writes both fire and life insurance policies, and rep- resents in both lines some si.xteen of the lead- ing companies. For twenty-five years he has been a Justice of the Peace and for a number of years a Notary Public. He is a Republi- can in politics and a member of the P'irst Congregational Church of Rockport. He was first married to Adeline A. Choate, of Rock- port, whose only daughter by him is now de- ceased. A second marriage united him with Mrs. Eliza G. Plenderson, uf this place. Their home, pleasantly situated oii High Street, is one of the finest in Rockport. ,ALPH ORIGEN BAILEY, one of the prosperous business men of Ames- bury, was born here, June 24, 1849, son of Orlando Sargent and Mary (Gove) Bay- ley. The family is traced back to the early settlement of the county, and tradition tells 244 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW of a pedigree traced from the time of William the Conqueror. The ancient coat of arms which hangs in Mr. Bailey's hall, bears the following inscription : "The most noble Rob- ert Daily, Duke of Rossteven, Marquis and Earl of Lindsay, and Baron of Bresby, L. great chamberlain of England and one of ye P. C, so created July 26, 1353, in ye 7th of Ed'' ye 2"^. This antient and noble family is descended from Leopold Baily, who was constable of Dover Castle in the time of King Ethelred and owner o a town in Kent now called Bersted, but having quarrelled with ye monks of Canterb*", his oldest son was killed therein, whereupon he solicited Swene, King of Denmark, to invade ye realm, and was assisting therein. Besieged Canterb^ and took the archbishop prisoner, and ye death of his son was avenged in ye year 10 14." John Bayley was one of the first settlers in Salisbury, Mass. He came from Chelten- ham, or, as some say, Chippenham, a place about twenty miles from Bristol, England, embarking with his son John, Jr., in May, 163s, on the "Angel Gabriel," a vessel of two hundred and forty tons. An interesting account of the voyage of this and the sister ship "James," which brought Richard Mather, ancestor of all the New England Mathers, and many other settlers, has been published. The "Angel Gabriel" anchored at Pemaquid, Me., was entirely destroyed by a great storm in August, and cattle and goods and several sea- men on board were lost. Owing to this ter- rible experience John Bailey never recrossed the ocean, and his wife and daughters and a son Robert died in England. John, Jr., born in 1613, settled in Newbury in 1650. Me was one of the party who opposed the Rev. Mr. Parker for arbitrary conduct. He mar- ried Eleanor Emery, sister of John Emery and of Ann Emery, who married James Ord- way, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Bayley, Jr., had eleven children. Their son Joseph, born in 1648, removed in 1700 to Arundel, Me., near Bristol. He was killed by the Imlians in October, 1723, at the age of seventy-five years. Joseph Bayley married Priscilla Put- nam, daughter of Captain John and Rebecca (Prince) Putnam, of Salem Village. John Bayley, the third of the ten children of Joseph and Priscilla, was born September 16, 1678. His first wife was Mary Bartlett ; his sec- ond, a widow, Sarah Giddings. Captain William, son of John and Sarah l^ayley, was born in 1719. lie married Anna Lowell, who died in 1774, at the age of fifty years. He died August 23, 1788, at the age of sixty-eight years. His wife was a daugh- ter of Gideon Lowell. Their children were: Daniel: James; Sarah, who married Elijah Clough ; Hannah Lowell, who married Daniel Currier; Ann or Abigail, who married Amos Atkinson; Betsy, who married Daniel Wor- then; and Mary, who married Captain John Blaisdell, of Amesbury. James Bayley, the second son of Captain William, born September 30, 1746 (old style), married Abigail, daughter of Deacon Orlando Sargent. They had ten children, namely: John, who died at the age of twenty-five; Jon- athan, who married a Miss Stevens, and died in his twenty-seventh year; Sally, who mar- ried Captain Stephen Webster; James, who went to sea and died at Surinam, May 24, 1796; William, grandfather of Ralph O., born March 20, 1779; Betsey Sargent, who dieil January i, 1801; Orlando Sargent, born De- cember 22, 1784, who married ]5etsey Lowell, grand-daughter of Captain Abner Lowell, and died in 1S17; Daniel, who died at sea Decem- ber 5, 1805; Charles Worthen, born Febru- ary 17, 1790; and Moses, born in 1792, who married Susan Leach. Charles Worthen Bay- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 24S ley went to sea, was impressed, and served on board a British ship of war for some time. In consequence of the efforts made by his brother William, who in iSio went to Halifax for that purpose; he was released, and came home after an absence of many years. He afterward went to sea again, and was never heard from. Mrs. Abigail Sargent Baylcy died June 20, 1800. On September 14, 1801, James Bayley married a second wife, Dorcas Bartlett, daughter of Francis and grand- daughter of John Bartlett. By this union he had another son, James, born in 1804. William Bayley, the grandfather, married July 19, 1801, Anna, only daughter of Adams and Anna Morrill. She died July 2, 1802. He married for his second wife, December 19, 1805, Elizabeth Ordway, who was born June 5, 1779, and died March 2, 1S62. William Bayley owned the property now held by the Catholic Society, and upon the present site of the St. Joseph's Church the old Bailey house used to stand. He was one of the prosperous merchants of his day. He died June 2, 1857. By his first wife he had a daughter, Anna, who in 1828 married William J. Boardman, and died a year or two later; and by his second wife he had four children — Betsey, Abigail, Hannah Ordway, and Orlando Sargent. Betsey Bayley, the eldest of these, born November 7, 1806, became on July 3, 1832, the second wife of William J. Boardman, son of Joseph and Anna Boardman. His grandfather was Nathaniel Boardman, of Salisbury, Mass. William J. was for many years prominent in town and church affairs, being connected with the Main Street Congregational Church of Amesbury. He died twenty or more years ago. His children by his wife Betsey were: Joseph, now a Congregational minister in Barnet, Vt.; Anne Morrill, deceased; Eliza- beth, who died aged four years; and three others who died in infancy. Abigail Bayley, born July 16, 1808, married August 8, 1831, Daniel Currier Bagley, son of William and Sarah (Worthen) Bagley. The children of Daniel C. and Abigail Bagley were: Edward Stimpson, deceased; Abby, who married the Rev. Rufus King, now pastor of a church in Cairo, N. Y.; and Ella Maria, who married Edward A. Childs, a leading dry-goods mer- chant of Amesbury at the present time. Hannah Ordway, born March 25, 1813, now residing in Toronto, Canada, married the Rev. Harrison O. Howland, a Congregational or Presbyterian minister, who died in Kinder- hook, N.Y., about 1870. Their children were: Elizabeth Phyfe, who married James T. Harris, now living in Missouri; William Bayley, born June 10, 1849; Mary, who died in childhood; Abby Bagley, now assistant principal of Demill College in Toronto, Can- ada; and Ellen Maria, residing in Toronto, Canada. William Bayley Howland, founder of the Outing magazine, formerly owner and publisher of the Cambridge (Mass.) Tribune, is now manager and treasurer of the Outlook, New York. His residence is Montclair, N.J. Orlando Sargent Bayley (or Baley, as he spelled his name), was born April 5, 18 18. In young manhood, after a short time spent as a clerk in his father's store, he entered the Salisbury Mills, and became overseer of the wool-sorting department. He was later em- ployed for some years as accountant, and in 1862 was elected to the legislature to fill the unexpired term made vacant by the death of E. G. Colby. He was subsequently appointed Trial Justice, which office he held for many years; and he was afterward appointed by President Hayes to a clerkship in the ap- praiser's department of the Boston custom- house. He was again elected to the legisla- ture from the First District, He was a meni- 246 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW ber of the Board of Selectmen at the time of the separation of Merrimac from Amesbury, and for three terms was an associate of W. H. 15. Currier and William D. Lowell at the time of the annexation of Salisbury. He served on the School Board for many years, and was appointed probation officer under the new law to try persons arrested for drunken- ness, filling this office satisfactorily until the time of his decease. He was originally a Whig, but early indorsed the anti-slavery movement, and was one of the few political associates of John Greenleaf Whittier at a time when the men and principles of that party were derided and scorned. He was one of the original members of the Free and Easy Club, organized in the town fifty years ago. In religious faith he was a Congregationalist. In all the various phases of his life Mr. Bayley showed devotion to duty and earnest- ness of endeavor. He married May 5, 1839, Mary, daughter of Charles Gove. They had four children: Charles William, who married a daughter of David Batchelder, of Newbury- port, and is now a bookseller and stationer; Elizabeth Boardman ; Ralph Origen, the sub- ject of this sketch; and Austin. Mr. Ivalph O. Bailey after acquiring his education in the Amesbury schools, entered a carriage shop, where he worked industri- ously for ten years. In 1884 he was elected Collector of Taxes, which position he held for six years. He then formed a partnership with the late Benjamin L. Fifield, and established a large furniture business. Mr. Fifield being shortly afterward appointed Postmaster of Amesbury, the business from that time on was conducted by Mr. Bailey; and two years later, at the death of Mr. Fifield, he bought out the interest of the heirs. He now occupies two floors in the block, and carries a large stock of goods, an energetic and successful business man. He succeeds his father as probation officer for the Second Essex District. He married Hannah Matilda Hill (born Trussell), daughter of John L. and Hannah Trussell, both of whom were born in Amesbury, as were, jirobably, their ancestors for genera- tions back. Mr. Bailey has no children. ILLIAM HENRY NEWHALL, formerly Town Clerk of Saugus, was born in Groton, Mass., Febru- ary II, 1821, son of Captain David and Phoebe (Kimball) Newhall. The father plied the calling of shoemaker in Saugus and Groton, when boots and shoes were made by hand. A prominent man in his day, he held various town offices, and served as Captain in the State militia. He died in Saugus Cen- tre at the age of eighty-one years. Of his large family of children, five sons lived to maturity, namely: John E;dwin Newhall, now a resident of Saugus; Charles Addison, who served in the Civil War, and now resides in Chelsea, Mass. ; Hiram Harrison, also a vet- eran and now a resident of Reading, Mass. ; David Kimball, who died in Lynn in January, 1897; and William Henry, the subject of this sketch. William Henry Newhall was educated in Saugus. After completing his studies he en- gaged in the manufacture of shoes. He is a prominent man, and has taken an active part in public affairs. In 1852 he was elected Town Clerk, and he had filled that position for forty-three years when he was succeeded by his son. He was chairman of the Board of Selectmen and Assessors for twenty - seven years, was Ta.x Collector five years, and represented his district in the legislature in 1856. Originally a Democrat in politics, he joined the Republican party in i860. He BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW H7 first married Harriet L. Fisk, of Saiigus. She died, leaving two sons: George Francis, who resides in Lynn, Mass. ; and Henry L., a resident of South Durham, Me. His second wife was Lucinda H., daughter of Abijah and Sarah (Sargent) Boardman, and grand-daugh- ter of Aaron and Mary (Cheever) Boardman. The Boardman family is one of the oldest in the county, and the house now standing on the old homestead at Oakland Vale was built at an early day. Mrs. Newhall's maternal an- cestors came from Hillsboro Bridge, N. H. A cousin of hers was the late Mayor John Sargent, of Cambridge, a prominent man in his time and a native of that place. Jonathan and Sarah (Booth) Sargent, ancestors of Mrs. Newhall, were married August 13, 1774, and moved from Bradford, Mass., to Hillsboro, N. H. Mr. Newhall has been a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows for fifty-three years, has occupied the important chairs of the local lodge, and has represented it in the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. Elmer Boardman Newhall, the only son of William H. and Lucinda H. Newhall, was born in Saugus, December 3, 1863. He was educated in his native town, and graduated from the high school with the class of 1879. He then engaged in the grocery and provision business in Melrose, where he remained two years. At the expiration of that time he returned to Saugus; and, having previously learned the carpenter's trade, he started as a contractor and builder. He is now conduct- ing a profitable business in that line, and his work extends to all the adjoining towns. He has erected many fine residences in Wellesley, Newton, Cambridge, and Lynn, and employs from ten to forty men. He is also a manu- facturer of finishing material, and operates a steam planing -mill for that purpose. For many years he assisted his father in the duties of Town Clerk. Since he succeeded to that office in 1894 he has proved a most capable public official. In politics he is independent. Mr. Newhall, Jr., is unmarried; and his par- ents reside with him at the old homestead. He is a member of the Nanepashmet Club, a social organization of this town. fOHN E. DUSTIN, a prominent manu- facturer of machinery in Lawrence and a resident of Methuen, was born Jan- uary 3, 1836, in Derry, Rockingham County, N. H., son of William and Lydia (Corliss) Dustin. On the paternal side he is of Scotch and English descent. His grandparents were Beniah and Sarah (Rowel I) Dustin, of Salem, N. PL Mrs. Sarah Dustin was a daughter of William Rowell, a Revolutionary patriot who fought at Bunker Hill. She and her husband are buried in Salem. They reared five sons and four daughters, who all reached an age between those of seventy-five and eighty years. William Dustin, born in Salem, N. H., followed the trade of ship-carpenter in Boston, Portsmouth, and Newburyport, and died in 1856. He was married in 1821 to Lydia, daughter of Dr. Joseph Corliss. Dr. Corliss was married twice, and had a family of twelve children. Mrs. Lydia Dustin's mother, of French parentage, was born on the ocean during the voyage from France to America. Lydia was born in Windham, N.H., in 1801. She died in 1881, and lies buried with her husband in Salem, N. H. They had a family of six sons and three daughters, namely: William C, now an ice dealer in Stoneham, Mass. ; Adelia, now the widovv of William Marshall, in New York City; John E., the subject of this biography; Beniah C, residing in Worcester, Mass., and in the baking business; Joseph J. A., a ma- 248 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW chinist and the siiperintenclent of John E. Dustin's shop; Elijah, a farmer in Billerica, Mass., who died at the age of fifty-six, leav- ing a widow, two sons, and two daughters; Susan, who was the wife of William Marston, and died in Boston at the age of sixty-four; Lydia A., who died at the age of sixty-four, being then the widow of Charles A. McGin- ley; and Archibald E., who died at the age of nineteen. Mrs. Marston left a daughter and a son, and Mrs. McGinley left two sons and a daughter. John li. Dustin was educated in the district school and in an academy of his native town. He came to Lawrence in 185 1, when he was fifteen years old, and began to learn the ma- chinist's trade in the works of Aratus Blood, a wealthy locomotive manufacturer, now of Manchester, N. H. Having served an appren- ticeship of three years, he was subsequently employed for two years in the locomotive works of Seth Wilmarth in Boston, and then returned to Lawrence for a while. In 1871 he went to Whitefield, N. II., where he was connected for five years with the Brown Lum- ber Company as master mechanic. In 1876 he started his present business in Lawrence, at 30 Adams Street; and in 1893 he i)urchased the property. In financial matters he has been very successful. Starting without capi- tal, he has built up a prosperous business, which has sometimes amounted to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year. While he has met with reverses, he has never been har- assed by debt, and has always paid one hun- dred cents on the dollar. He is a stockholder of the Merchants' Bank of Lawrence. The handsome residence of his family on Prospect Street, in Methucn, was erected by him in 1891. Mr. Dustin has been three times married. The first marriage was contracted March 15, 1 86 1, with Harriet J. Thompson, of Solon, Me., who died in 1882, at the age of forty- eight. She bore him two children: Carrie F., a beautiful and lovable girl, who died at the age of seventeen; and John Edgar, born twelve ycai;s later than his sister, who lived but seven days. The second marriage was made in 1884 with Mrs. Ellen M. Cummings, of Littleton, N.H., the widow of Jonas M. Cummings, by whom she had one son. She died in 1892, aged forty. On April 18, 1894, the third marriage united Mr. Dustin with Emily J., daughter of Jerome and Mary (Sar- gent) Cross, of this city. Mrs. Emily J. Dustin, one of ten children, was born in Methuen. Her father, who died in 1880, was a farmer in early life, and served for a time in the Civil War. Later he had a prosperous coal and wood business. A strong Republi- can in politics, Mr. Dustin has served on the Lawrence Common Council, and is now one of the Water Commissioners of Methuen. In the Masonic fraternity he has attained the degree of Master. He is not a church mem- ber, believing that deeds avail witliout creeds. SCAR ANDREWS, of the well-known firm of Ayer & Andrews, fish dealers of Gloucester, was born in Lanesville, December 25, 1843, son of Joseph L. and Hephzibah (Sargent) Andrews. His first an- cestor in this country, Robert Andrews, was made a freeman at Ijjswich, Mass., in 1635. As Robert was an innkeeper there, it is quite probable that he opened the first public house or tavern in that town. William Andrews, another ancestor, was wounded while serving in the expedition against Louisburg, and died upon the passage home. Several of the family enrolled themselves among the patriots during the Revolutionary War, BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 249 Stephen Andrews, the grandfather of Oscar, was a native of Essex. He removed to Lancs- ville somewhere about 1800, and there married Mary Lane. They had four children — Stephen, Amaziah, Joseph L. , and Mary J. Joseph married Hephzibah Sargent, who was a daughter of Henry Sargent and a grand- daughter of VVinthrop Sargent. She was a descendant of William Sargent, a native of Bristol, England, whose son, Epes Sargent, was the common ancestor of several distin- guished Americans and of the Sargents of Gloucester. Joseph and Hephzibah Andrews were the parents of two sons and one daughter. Joseph H., the first-born, now an Assessor of this city, married Martha J. Woodbury, and has one son — Edgar W. , who was born in 1 87 1. Edgar is now in charge of the store of the Rockport Granite Company. The daugh- ter, Mary O. , married Charles H. Sargent, of Reading, who served in the Eighth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, during the Rebel- lion. He was formerly a civil engineer on the Union Pacific Railroad, and is now residing in Garrison, Neb. His children are: Joseph S., Marianne, Charles R., Helen M., and Grace. After receiving his education in the Gloucester public schools Oscar Andrews entered his father's employ in the fishing business, and when twenty-one years old he was admitted to partnership. He carried on a wholesale fish business on his own account from 1878 to 18S8. Then he associated him- self with Benjamin Low, a partnership that continued until 1894, in which year the pres- ent firm of Ayer & Andrews was organized. He married Susanna Lane, of Folly Cove, Rockport, a daughter of Nathaniel and Esther (Sargent) Lane and a grand-daughter of Na- thaniel and Sarah Lane. Mrs. Andrews is the mother of five children, namely: Will O., born in 1870, who married Edith L. Favor, has two children, and is in business with his father; Josephine, born in 1S72, who resides at home; Ralph, born in 1876, who is book- keeper for Ayer & Andrews; Esther S. , born in 1879; Earl, born in 1895; and Doris, born in 1897. Mr. Andrews has long occupied a prominent place in the fishing industry of this city, and is highly esteemed both in busi- ness and social circles. He is a member of Constantine Lodge, Knights of Pythias. IDNEY F. NEWMAN, a highly respected farmer of Newbury, was born here, February 18, 1843, ''O" of John and Henrietta (Woodbury) Newman. The great-grandfather, Captain John Newman, died in Guadeloupe at the age of thirty-one. Samuel Newman, son of Captain Newman, married Phoebe Hale, and in 181 2 moved to Newbury from Newburyport, where he had kept a store. He afterward bought a farm and built the house which is now standing on the old estate. Punctuality and vigor were his chief characteristics. Subsequently appointed the agent for the Eastern Stage Company, conducting the line between Newburyport and Boston, he was obliged to take up his resi- dence again in Newburyport for the period of seven years. He was frequently employed to settle estates, and he served in the State leg- islature for three terms. John Newman, the father of Sidney F. , was educated in Newbury and at the Bradford Academy. His principal occupation was farming, and at one time he served on the School Committee. He first married Rebecca B. Danforth, of Newbury, whose children by him were: Edna D., who married Jeremiah Allen, a merchant of Newburyport; and John H., who married Abby A. Tenney, and has two daughters. Mrs. Rebecca Newman died 25° BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW soon after the birth of her secoiul child. A second marriage subsequently united Mr. Newman with Henrietta Woodbury, of Gloucester, who became the mother of Sid- ney F. Sidney F. Newman was educated at the public schools of Newbury. As soon as his school days ended he began a farmer's life on a farm of three hundred acres. He has de- voted most of this property to the production of milk, hay, and fruit. He keeps forty cows, the milk of which he sells at wholesale to the milkmen of the place; and he sends a large cjuantity of fruit to market in the season. For si.x years he was Selectman, and at the same time served on the School Committee. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., Quascacunquen Lodge, No. 39, of Newburyport; of the Essex- County Society and the Amesbury and Salis- bury Agricultural Association ; and of the Newbury Farmers' Club, of which he was the first president. On December i6, 1867, Mr. Newman married Mary Jeanette Bayley, who was born November S, 1S41, in Pennsylvania. Her father, William Bayley, belongs to the old Newburyport family which for six genera- tions has occupied the old house at the head of Summer Street, on High Street. He was one of the party that wont in ox teams from Haverhill and the surrounding towns, intend- ing to settle near Ithaca Lake. He settled at Moosic Mountains, near Elk Lake, Pa., taking up about one hundred acres of land in a place which has since become a noted summer re- sort. Mr. and Mrs. Newman have had five chil- dren — George Edward, John William, Mary, Lillian, and Ada Elizabeth. George Edward, who is now in California, graduated from the Massachusetts Agricultural College at Am- herst in 18S8, and spent some years in Utah. John William graduated from the Putnam High School in Newburyport, and went to Boston in 1888 to engage in the wholesale fruit com- mission business. Mary graduated from the same high school in 18S8, from the State Normal School at Salem in 1891, took one year's course at Radcliffe College, and is now a teacher in Detroit Seminary at Detroit, Mich. Lillian graduated from the high school in 1892, taught f(jr two years in Newbury and West Newbury, and has since attended the Normal Art School in Boston; and Ada Eliza- beth, who graduated from the high school in 1894 and lives at home, is teaching the lower grammar school in Newbury. USTIN W. STORY, a prosperous gen- eral merchant, the Postmaster of Pigeon Cfive, and an ex-member of the State legislature, was born February 20, 1829, in what is now Rockport, son of John and Abigail (Walen) Story. The grand- father, James Story, who served as a soldier in the Revolutionary War, came from Essex, Mass., to Rockport when this town was a part of Gloucester, and resided here for the rest of his life. John Story, father of Austin W., was a fisherman during his active period, and for many years the master of a schooner en- gaged in that industry. He served in the War of 1812, and in his later years he received a pension from the government. Having acquired his elementary education in the common schools, Austin W. Story at- tended the Liberal Institute at Waterville, Me., and studied for one term at the academy in Thetford, Vt. Subsequently he taught two terms of school. At the age of twenty-four he engaged in business at Pigeon Move, where he has since resided, having oc- cupied his present store for the past forty-two years. He has served as a Selectman, Asses- AUSTIN W. STOKV. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 253 sor, and Overseer of the Poor nine years; was chairman of the Board of Selectmen one year; was a member of the School Board for two years; a Representative to the legislature in iS6i and 1864; and he has held the office of Postmaster for nearly thirty-nine years, hav- ing been originally appointed by the Buchanan administration. In politics he is a Republi- can, and was so at the time of his appointment as Postmaster. Mr. Story married Frances E. Hovcy, of Gloucester, who had five children, two of whom are living, namely: Mrs. Edward VV. ]?anks, of Pigeon Cove; and Mrs. David L. Durgin, of Lcwiston, Me. Mrs. Story died August 2, 1894. Mr. Story is one of the best known men in this section, and has had a long and successful business career. He is con- nected with Ashler Lodge, F. & A. M., of Rockport, and was for thirty years the super- intendent of the Sunday-school of the Univcr- salist church. B ANIEL WEBSTER, a popular town official of Amesbury, was born in Salisbury (now Amesbury), August 23, 1838. His parents were Ezekiel F. and Betsey M. (Low) Webster. His paternal grandfather, Daniel Webster, was a merchant of Salisbury Point, where he was a lifelong resident. Azor Webster, son of Azor, Sr. (brother of Ezekiel), and cousin to Daniel of the same generation, is president of the Amesbury and Salisbury Savings Bank. He settles estates, makes wills, and attends to other legal mat- ters. He was Town Clerk of .Salisbury many years, and is a very public-spirited man. He married Idaletta True, of Salisbury. His son and only child, Alfred C, is treasurer of the savings-bank. Daniel Webster, the direct subject of this sketch, was in the provision business for twenty years. On the death of his father in 1872 he sold out, and since that time he has dealt in real estate. He filled the office of librarian for some time, and has been trustee of Mount Prospect Cemetery fifteen years. He is also a trustee of the Amesbury and Salisbury Savings Bank. All the Websters have been good citizens of Amesbury, and it may be truthfully said that Daniel Webster has not an enemy. At the election last year he received a thousand votes out of thirteen hundred. In 1882 he was elected Selectman, and spent much of his time in the office in the bank. He was Selectman four years in Salisbury and two years in Amesbury. He has also been a member of the School Com- mittee of Salisbury and a Constable. Mr. Webster has served as delegate to a number of State and Senatorial conventions. He is a member of the Village Improvement Society and of the Literary and Historical Society. On January 5, 1872, he was married to Helen M. Collins, of Amesbury. They have one child, Annie E., who is attending the Russell Home School in Merrimac. Mr. and Mrs. Webster are members of the First Bap- tist Church. HARLES L. AYER.S, a Deputy Sheriff and a prominent resident of Newburyport, was born in Ports- mouth, N.H., January i, 1838. He is a descendant from one of the old families of Portsmouth. The grandfather, Johnathan Ayers, was also born in the same town, and was a butcher. His wife (who was a Miss Tutherly, of Maine, before her marriage) bore him five sons and four daughters. Charles W. Ayers, the father of Charles L. '54 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Ayers, was the third-born child of his par- ents. He received a public-school education. In company with a Mr. Roach, under the firm name of Roach & Ayers, he was successfully engaged in the manufacture of boots and shoes. His death occurred when he was thirty-one years of age. In religion he was a Univer- salist and a prominent member of the society. His religious creed voiced itself in his daily life through his many acts of benevolence. He married a daughter of Samuel Goodwin, a well-known citizen of Newburyport ; afid three children were born to them, two of whom are now living. Charles L. Ayers, the eldest child of his parents, attended the graded schools of New- buryport, finishing his education at the high school. Then he went into the provision store of Mr. Knight, for whom he worked from his sixteenth to his twenty-first birthday. Next he became a partner in the firm of John L. Knight & Sons, and remained with them until 1864. He enlisted in the Third Unat- tached Company of Infantry, and became its Second Lieutenant in 1863; and on May 3, 1864, the company was ordered for service. In August of the same year, having been mustered out at the end of his term of three months, he re-enlisted, and was commissioned Second Lieutenant of the Fourth Heavy Ar- tillery Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, which was stationed on the Virginia side of the Potomac, in the very heart of the great struggle. On July 17, 1865, he was able to leave the army; and he then returned to his native city. Thereafter he was in business, in company with Knight & Sons, until 1870, when he was made City Marshal. When he had been in that position for a year, he was appointed l^eputy State Constable, which office he held from 1871 to 1873. Upon the death of Mr. Knight, Sr. , he went into the provision business with that gentleman's half- brother, forming the firm of Knight & Ayers. This partnership lasted until 1876, when he was again appointed City Marshal. In the following year he was appointed on the State force as Constable. This he resigned in 1878, to become keeper of the jail and Deputy Sheriff. He entered the militia in March, 1866. Elected Captain of his com- pany, he served in that capacity until 1874, when he was chosen Lieutenant Colonel of the Eighth Regiment. In 1882, upon the promo- tion of Colonel Peach to the rank of Brigadier- general, Mr. Ayers was elected Colonel. This rank he held with distinguished ability until December, 1885, when he was forced to resign on account of ill health. Mr. Ayers's political creed is that of the Republican party. He has been twice in the Common Council and once in the lioard of Aldermen. He was a charter member of A. VV. Bartlett Post, No. 49, G. A. R., and was its first Adjutant. For three years he was Commander of the Newburyport Veteran Artillery Company, and is still an honored member. He is a member of Eighth Regiment Veteran Association, which he helped to reorganize, and was then its Commander. He belongs also to the mil- itary order of the Loyal Legion of Massachu- setts, and is the secretary and treasurer of Company M, Fourth Heavy Artillery Veterans' Association. A member of the city fire de- partment from 1862 until 1875, he was cap- tain of one of the steam-engine companies for five years, and the chief marshal in a number of parades. Fraternally, he is a member of Quascacunquen Lodge, No. 39, I. O. O. F. , and of Merrimack Encampment, of which he was Chief Patriarch in 1871 ; and he is connected with the New England Order of Protection. In religion he is a Universal- ist. He was married to Miss Adams, a BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 25s daughter of Richard Adams, of Newbury, Mass., and subsequently to a daughter of Joshua W. Lincoln, of Charlestown. By his first marriage there are two children : Charles W. , who is a telegraph operator; and Edward R. Aycrs, an engineer and the day officer at the jail. ILLIAM N. AMES, one of the prominent business men of Ames- bury, was born in this town, March I, 1858, son of William H. and Dolly Colby (Baglcy) Ames. The paternal grandfather, Nathaniel Ames, who was born in Parsonfield, Me., died when his son, William H., was about nine years old. He married Miss Stickney, sister of John L Stickney. William H. Ames, a native of St. Andrews, N. B. , learned the carpenter's trade in Haver- hill, Mass., and was subsequently in the em- ployment of Robert Morrill for a number of years. In 1856 he moved to Amesbury, where he worked at carpentry and in the Mcrri- mac hat factory. He eventually started in the manufacture of boxes, and built up an extensive business, furnishing all the boxes for the Merrimac Hat Company and the Bailey Hat Company, of Ncwburyport, for some time. In 1872 the former company began to make their own bo,\cs, and the other company finally closed up their business. The loss of two of his best customers having made a serious defi- cit in the accounts of William H., he started in the coal business in 1880, establishing a yard at Bailey's Wharf, at the ferry. This venture of his, which became increasingly profitable, has now flourished for nearly twenty years. He was on the School Board for a number of years, and he was in the legislature in 1870. A member of Warren Lodge, F. & A. M., he is a charter member of Tim- othy Chapter, R. A. M., and is a Knight Tem- plar of Ncwburyport Commandery. He also belongs to Powow River Lodge, I. O. O. F. He was at one time a Knight of Honor. His wife was a daughter of William H. Bagley, of Amesbury, who lived at "Hackett's, " made famous by Whittier. Mr. Bagley was a char- ter member of Warren Lodge, of Amesbury. Mr. and Mrs. Ames had two children: Will- iam N., the subject of this sketch; and Hor- ace T. , born November 22, 1S72. The latter, a graduate of the Amesbury High School, is in business with his brother. William N. Ames was educated in his na- tive town, completing his studies in the Amesbury High School. He early became associated in business with his father, and was in control of the box business until within a few years. Since 1887 he has been a member of the firm of W. N. Ames & Co., manaeins the coal trade. The company carries about five thousand tons of coal per annum, which is shipped directly frcm New York to the yards at Amesbury Ferry; and it has a number of delivery teams. Mr. Ames is a charter mem- ber of the Amesbury Co-operative Bank, and has the first book issued by that institution. He has been a member of several political committees, and has served as delegate to a number of conventions. A Mason in good standing, he belongs to Warren Lodge, F. & A. M., Trinity Chapter and Amesbury Council. He is a charter member of Josiah Bartlett Lodge, O. U. A. M. ; and he is con- nected with Wonnesquam Yacht Club. ^|KV. JOHN WESLEY ADAMS, a supernumerary of the New Hampshire Methodist' Episcopal Annual Con- ference, is an esteemed resident of Methuen, Mass., his pleasant home being at the corner 2s6 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW of High and Gage Streets. He was born May 23, 1832, in Townsend, Middlesex County, Mass., son of John and Mary (Taggart) Adams, Jr. The branch of the Adams family to which he belongs is that founded by Henry, of Brain- tree, the roll of whose posterity includes among other distinguished names two Presi- dents of the United States and the stanch patriot, Samuel Adams. Henry Adams came from England with his eight sons probably between 1630 and 1634, and settled at Braintree (now Quincy), where he died in 1646. Joseph, born in 1626, sev- enth son of Henry, resided in Braintree. He married Abigail Baxter, and was the father of Joseph, Jr., who by his second wife, Hannah Bass, had a son John, born in February, 1691-2. This John Adams, grandson of the first Joseph, was the father of President John Adams. From Henry of Braintree the Rev. John W. Adams of Methuen thus traces his descent: Henry'; Joseph'; Jonathan,' born in 1671; Jonathan,' born in 1725, died in Lunenburg, June 17, 1813; Jonathan, 5 born at Lunenburg in 1759, died in December, 1S43; John Adams, Sr.,*" born in Lunenburg, April 5, 1782, died in Townsend, Mass., December 20, 1845; John Adams, Jr.,M3orn in Lunen- burg, October 5, 1807, died in Chelsea, Mass., Novemher 9, 1889. Jonathan Adams-'wasa soldier in the Revolutionary War. At one time he owned one African slave. John Adams, Sr. , was a prosperous lius- bantlman, and accumulated considerable prop- erty for his time. He married Mary Russell, who was born in Townsend, December 24, 1785, and died August 31, 1855. They had fifteen children, twelve of whom grew to adult life and married, namely: Thomas, jjorn March 11, 1805; John, Jr.; Sophia, born June 2, 1809, now deceased; William, born February 28, 181 1, who was for many years a Captain in the State militia, and who died in Minnesota, December 2, 1895; Mary, born June 28, 1 81 3, now the widow of Asa Tyler and living in Townsend; Lovisa, born June 15, 1 81 5, now deceased; Eli, born July 7, 1817, who died in Townsend in 1897; Eri, a twin brother of Eli, residing in Townsend; Plooma, born June 19, 1819, who lives in Minneapolis, Minn. ; Fannie, born September 27, 1821, now deceased; James, born January 12, 1825, now deceased; and Stephen, born January 2, 1827, who resides in Lunenburg. John Adams, Jr., learned the cooper's trade in his youth, but on removing to Boston was there a pressman in a newspaper office. Going thence to Temple, Me., he was at first foreman in a printer's establishment and afterward a merchant. In 184S he opened a boarding-house in Lawrence, Mass., and at the same time bought ten acres of land on Clover Hill as an investment. Selling later at an advantage, he built a house on Newbury Street, where he lived until his removal to Chelsea, when he bought a fine residence, which he occupied until his death, of la grippe, as above mentioned. His wife nine days later succumbed to the same disease. Her maiden name was Mary Taggart. She was born January 28, 1808, in Goffstown, N.H., a daughter of John and Hannah (Hawcs) Taggart. Her parents subsequently removed to Temple, Me., where she was married to John Adams, Jr., October 7, 1S30. They reared but two of their five children, namely: John Wesley, the direct subject of this sketch ; and Lucy I'.Ivira, wife of I-'rank A. Hardy, station agent at Amherst, Mass. John Wesley Adams in his boyhood at- tended first the Oliver Grammar School and then the high school in Lawrence, Mass., and BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 257 at the age of eighteen years began life for himself as a clerk in a Lawrence bookstore. He was afterward employed in Lowell as an assistant in the office of the Daily News, later being engaged in the grocery business with his uncle, the Rev. John Taggart, a retired Methodist minister. In 1S57 Mr. Adams, having determined to devote himself to the ministry of the gospel, assumed the pastorate of the Methodist Episcopal church at Rye, N.U. He has since continued in the work with the exception of two years, 1889 and 1890, when he travelled extensively in foreign countries. He visited England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, from whence his mother's family, the Taggarts, came to New England, they having been Scotch-Irish Protestants; and he also went to Greece, Palestine, Egypt, France, Italy, Belgium, and Switzerland. On the breaking out of the Civil War Mr. Adams was active in securing enlistments, ad- dressing many meetings for that purpose, and fanning the flames of patriotism wherever he went. December 5, 1S63, he was commis- sioned chaplain of General Gilman Marston's original command, the Second New Hamp- shire Volunteer Infantry, otherwise known as "The Fighting Second," and immediately joined his regiment, which was then guarding the rebel prison camp at Point Lookout, Md. He served until December, 1865, and not only performed his sacred duties in the camp, but was under fire in every battle in which the regiment was engaged and frequently at the extreme front. As a mark of appreciation of his services in the army he has a testimonial written on parchment, with the signatures of the officers of his regiment, headed by that of the Colonel, J. N. Patterson, who was then Brevet Brigadier-general. This testimonial speaks not only of his faithful chaplaincy, but of his soldierly bearing, his valor in action, his sympathy for the sick and wounded, his personal character, and the eminent respect and affection in which he was held by the officers and men. Since the war he has been in yearly demand on Memorial Days, giving lectures and making camp-fire speeches. In 1S83 he was the poet of the Veterans' Re- union at Weirs, N. H. Aside from his regu- lar pastoral duties he devotes some time to literary work, and has written some poems of more than average merit, including one very humorous and taking one, entitled "The Nile Mosquito," which was read by a scholarly critic at a public dinner in London, and pub- lished subsequently in Zion s Herald of Bos- ton, Mass. For four years Mr. Adams was Presiding Elder of the Concord District of New Hamp- shire Conference, and in 1876 he was a dele- gate to the General Conference. He was sec- retary of the Committee on Personal Statistics for his conference for thirty consecutive years, and for twenty-two years was a trustee of the New Hampshire Conference Seminary and Female College, the last twenty years being also president of the board. He belongs to the Colonel Green Post, No. 100, G. A. R., and is now department chaplain of the New Hampshire Union of the Veterans' Union. He likewise belongs to the military order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, and is a member of the Massachusetts Commandciy, K. T. , also of the local grange. The Rev. John W. Adams has twice mar- ried. On February 20, 1854, he married in Lawrence, Mass., Rebecca Hardison. She died December i, 1857, leaving two children, namely: John F., who was killed at the age of fifteen years by the cars; and Mary Estelle, now widow of the late R. I. Stevens and mother of four children. On August 24, 1858, Mr. Adams married Lydia M. Tref- 2S8 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW cthoii, of Rye, N.ll. 'Iwci of the five chil- dren Ixirn to Mr. and Mrs. Adams died in infancy. The three now living are: Lydia Viola, wife of Lewis H. Fos.s, of Rye, N. H. ; Wilbur Fisk Adams, a merchant tailor in Denver, Col., who is married and ha.s one daughter; and Charles Wesley Adams, M. D., a physician in Franklin, N. H., and the pres- ent Mayor of the city, who is married and has two children — Ruth and Charles Wesley Adams, Jr. The Doctor's son, it will be noted, is the only male representative in his generation of his grandfather's family. "REDERICK W. KORH, an enterpris- ing and prosperous business man of Lawrence, was born March 5, 1845, in Saxony, Germany, which was also the birth- place of his father, Charles Korb. Charles Korb, who was born in 18 19, was until 1862 engaged as a baker in Saxony. In that year he came to America, and located in Philadel- phia. His wife, whose maiden name was Adeline Spenler, remained in the Fatherland until 1866, when she, too, crossed the ocean, and joined him in Philadelphia, where he had established a good business as a baker. Their four children are: Frederick W. , the subject of this sketch; Mrs. Augusta West, of Law- rence, and Emily Kretzchmar, twins; and Emil B. , who also resides in Lawrence. Frederick W. Korb served in the German army for fifteen months. At tlie battle of Koniggrjitz, July 3, 1866, he was twice \vo\mded by bullets, one of which penetrated his left leg, and once by a bayonet thrust. In 1867 he came to America, going directly to Philadelphia, and there worked at the baker's trade with his father. In 1869 he started in business as a baker on Chestnut Street, Law- rence, where he continued for fifteen years. In August, 1SS2, he bought three acres of land, on which was the house in which he now lives. In a short time he built a bakery on the corner of Ferry and Prospect Streets. He subsequently erected other houses, and has now a two-and-a-half-story dwelling, four cot- tages on Berkeley Street, besides tenement houses. He has in all eleven tenements, which bring him in a handsome annual in- come. Also he has considerable stock in a brewery which was established on the South Side in i S96. In politics Mr. Korb votes independent of party restrictions. Fraternally, he is an Odd Fellow. Both he and his wife worship at the Presbyterian church. Mrs. Korb, whose maiden name was Frederika Petzold, has reared two children, namely: Alma, who mar- ried Edward Claus, of Lawrence, and died in 1893, leaving one daughter; and Olga, who is the wife of Alfred Schlcgel, of Lawrence, and has one son and two daughters. 'sitOSEPH STOWELL, one of the oldest business men of Lawrence, was born in Grantham, Sullivan County, N.H., April 10, 1824, son of Amisa and Betsey (Spalding) Stowell. His grandfather, Eben- ezer Stowell, was in the American army dur- ing the entire Revolutionary struggle, and was honorably discharged at the close. Ebenczer was a well-to-do farmer of Grantham. His wife, who survived him many years, was over ninety at her death. Both were buried in the Grantham cemetery. They reared five sons and one daughter. Some of their children settled in Michigan and other Western States. Amisa Stowell, who was born near his son's birthplace in Grantham, and was princi]ially occupied in farming in that town, died in 1858. His wife, who was horn in 1794 in BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 259 Plainfield, N.H., a town adjoining Grantham, and was left an orphan at an early age, died in 1854. They reared a family of six sons and four daughters, who all married. These were : Sylvester, the eldest, now about four- score, who is a farmer of Unity, N.H. ; Whit- ney, who died in Acton, N.H., when about seventy-three, leaving a wife and two daugh- ters; Lucinda, who was the wife of Albert Harlow, and died at the age of forty; Joseph, the subject of this sketch; Martha, who died unmarried in 1851; Emelinc, the wife of Henry Hughey, in Springfield, Vt. ; Caroline, who was the wife of Henry Adams, of Spring- field, Vt., and died in 1896, aged about sixty; S. Austin, who has been working in his brother's place of business in this city forty years; DeWitt Clinton, who died about i860, leaving two daughters; and George H., a hardware merchant in Claremont, N.H., who has a wife and one daughter. Joseph Stowell remained on his father's farm until about eleven years old. From that time until he reached the age of twenty he was on the farm of Oliver Burr, the husband of his father's only sister. He then worked for two years in a bobbin shop at Acton, N.M. In March, 1846, he came to Lawrence, where, having acquired some experience in harness- making with his brother, he worked in a har- ness shop for a month. He then purchased the stock of his employer, whom he then em- ployed both as a workman and an instructor for himself in the trade. The shop was on the corner of Haverhill Street and Broadway. Five years later Mr. StowcU moved to Ames- bury Street, near Essex, where he also re- mained five years. Early in the fifties he effected his first purchase of real estate, pay- ing eleven hundred dollars for a lot thirty-five feet front by ninety-three feet deep. To tliis land he mc^ed his building from Amesbury Street. In 1S65 he added carriage-making to his harness work, and built a three-story frame structure, ninety-three by twenty-three feet, which he still occupies. Adjoining the building is his harness shop, 311 Common Street, which he purchased about 1S75. His buildings now extend for seventy-five feet front on one side of the street and for fifty feet front on the other, where are the livery stables. One of these lots he purchased in 1870, the other in 1879. The stable on the north side, a frame structure erected by him- self, is eighty-seven by ninety-three feet. The other, a brick building, was on the land when he purchased it. He started in the liv- ery business in 1862 with a stable on Jack- son Street, near Essex Street, which is now owned and managed by Orville L. F. Stowell; and in 1867 he opened a large stable on Com- mon Street, of which he had control some twenty years, selling it in 1S87. He has owned fully one hundred horses, including a good stock horse. In 1866 he purchased his pleasant home on Tower Hill, at 29 Forrest Street, corner of Crescent. On October 15, 1849, Mr. Stowell was mar- ried to Miss Jane Nesmith, of Londonderry, N. H., who died without issue in 1852. In 1855, March 16, Marion, daughter of William and Hannah (Boyce) Dickey, of Londonderry, N.H., became his second wife. She has borne him three children: Frank E., who keeps a livery in this city, resides and carries on an undertaking business in Lowell, and has one son, Joseph, now eight years old ; Hattie E., now the wife of Clarence Will- iams, a commercial traveller of New York City; and Orville L. F., who, as already mentioned, conducts a livery stable in this city, and is married, but has no children. Mr. Stowell, Sr., is an independent voter. He served on the Common Council in 1890, 26o BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW although he docs not seek office. He has independent views on religious matters, but frequently attends church service. Robust and active, he is well-preserved, and appears much younger than he actually is. A good judge of horse-flesh, he loves a fine horse. Yp)HANDER M. RASKINS, the piopric- |JT tor of nn isinglass factory in Rock- -*• — " jiort, was born here, June 20, 1842, son of Moses and Betsey D. (Clark) Haskins. Ancestors of Mr. Ma.skins nn both sides of the family took an active part in the early Colonial wars. His father came of old Virginia stock of English origin. The grandfather, Bennett Haskins, was the first of the family to settle in Rockport, locating here in ante-Revolution- ary times. One of the patriots who went up from Rockport to join the Continental forces mustering at Boston, he served eight months in the siege of Boston, under General Wash- ington, and fought in the battle of Bunker Hill. One of his sons, Joseph T. Haskins, was a soldier in the War of 1812. Moses Haskins, the father of Leandcr M. Haskins, was born in Rockport, and passed much of his life there. He was a director of the Rockport National Bank and a director and one of the incorporators of the railroad be- tween Gloucester and Rockport. In politics he was a Democrat, and he was for a time a Selectman of Rockport and a member of the School Committee. He died in 1863. His wife, Betsey, belonged to the fifth generation descended from Daniel Thurston, a soldier in King Philip's War; to the fifth generation descended from y\bel Platts, who died at tiic siege of Quebec; to the third descended from Moses Platts, who died of wounds received in the siege of Louisburg; and to the fourth de- scended from John Pool, the second settler upon the Cape. Her death occurred in 1882. She was a member of the Congregational Church of Rockport. Of the children born to her and Moses Haskins, the following attained maturity: Moses W. , who died in 1 86g ; Martha W., the wife of John N. Choate, of Rockport; Jose]ih T. , of Portland, Me.; and Leander M. Having attended the ]iublic schools of Rock- port and Phillijis Andover Academy, Leander M. Haskins graduated from Dartmouth in 1862. While attending school he taught for four winters and one spring term. The sala- ries so earned and the proceeds of one fishing season supplied the funds in part necessary for his collegiate course. After receiving his di- ploma he was for a portion of two seasons engaged under J. Herbert Shcdd, a well- known e.\pert in civil engineering. In 1863 he was appointed clerk in the commissary de- partment, and assigned to the Nineteenth Army Corps, under Captain William F. Young, of Winchester, Mass. In the service some si.x months, he was at Port Hudson and at Donelsnnville, Miss. A fever contracted by him incapacitated him from further service for a while. Then from December, 1863, to October, 1868, he was employed as clerk in the Navy Department at Washington. On re- turning to New England he engaged in busi- ness with his brother, Moses W. Haskins, under the firm name of Haskins Brothers. They dealt in all kinds of fish products, and had their headquarters in Boston. The firm was in existence twenty years. Soon after its dissolution Leander M. Haskins disposed of all the branches of the business except the manufacture of isinglass. The works in which this industry is carried on are in Rockport. During the busy season fifty men are enqdoyed here. The main office is at 10 and 11 Long Wharf, Boston. Mr. Haskins is also connected LEANDER M. HASKINS. k... BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 263 with a luiniber of financial institutions. He is a director of the Faneuil Hall National Bank of Boston, one of the strongest institutions in the East; and he was a director of the Rock- National Bank. He is also a director of the Rockport Street Railway. In politics Mr. Haskins is an Independent, under which designation he was elected to the State legislature for 189S and appointed to the Railroad Committee. In 1S71 he was married to Gertrude Davis, a native of Spring- field, Vt. ; and he now has one child, Louise. Mrs. Haskins died at the Charlesgate Hotel in Boston on January 15, iSgS. Mr. Haskins is a member of the Boston Art Club, of the Boston University Club, of the Boston Ath- letic Club, and of the Boston Chamber of Commerce. A Mason in good standing, he belongs to Ashler Lodge, F. & A. M., of Rockport, and Boston Commandery, K. T. He is also a member of Wingaersheek Lodge of Red Men, of Rockport. Both he and his daughter are members of the Old South Church in Boston, as was also Mrs. Haskins. Mr. Haskins has a handsome summer residence in Rockport, which stands on high land, com- manding a fine view of land and sea. His business is now so firmly established that he is able to take an e.xtended vacation occasion- ally. In 1892 and 1894 he visited Europe, travelling through the British Isles and over a greater part of the • continent. A man of pleasing personality, well-read, in touch with the times, and a good speaker, he is qualified to fill almost any position in public life. 'OHN HUME, of Amesbury, Mass., an old-time neighbor and friend of the poet Whittier, of whom he has the ten- derest recollections, is a native of Scotland. He was born at Greenlaw, in Berwickshire, March 20, 1822, and when he was one year old he was taken by his parents to Stitchel, where he lived until he was twelve. His boyhood and youtli were spent in the vicinity of places long famed in song and story. He served as a tailor's apprentice five years in Melrose, close by Abbotsford, and he distinctly remembers Sir Walter Scott, whom he often saw. Many times when a lad he climbed the stairs of the Abbey with the old se.xton on a Sunday, to ring the bells. After finishing his apprenticeship he obtained a situation at Galashiels, where he remained five years; and from that place he went to Stow, whence every Saturday night he re- turned to his home. One evening he was met about a mile from his destination by several friends of his own age, who were eager to start for the United States. The idea pleased Mr. Hume, and a week from the following Monday he was en voyage, a younger brother taking his situation. That was in 1847. Amesbury was then a small straggling village, and the dam at Lawrence was just being laid out. In the mills then in operation at Amesbury the hours of labor were from five a..m. to seven p.m. in the summer time, and the wages averaged from si.xty-seven to seventy-five cents, very few employees receiving as high as a dollar and a quarter. At the time of the "great potato disturbance," the famine in Ireland, Mr. Hume applied to ti;e superintendent of a woollen-mill for a situation for a friend in the carding or spinning room, and the following passed between them : — "Where are you from?" "From Scotland." "You know you are lying: you're from Ire- land. Now tell me how many people are starving over there." Hume's eyes flashed indignantly, and thrusting his hand in his pocket (he had a hundred gold sovereigns with him) he drew out a handful of gold, crying, 264 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW "That don't look much like starvation, does it?" The superintendent turned around and remarked, "You'd better give the young man a position." Mr. Hume was employed about si.\ weeks in a mill, but did not like the work. The superintendent of the mill was anxious to get new patterns; and Mr. Hume, who was a designer, had drafts of a number of designs, which he taught to the operatives. In 184S he opened a tailor shop in Ames- Iniry, where he managed a successful business for nearly thirty years. His back office, which he supplied with the leading periodi- cals of the day, was a centre for the discus- sion of literary and political questions. The poet Whittier usually spent an hour or two there every day in social chat. Mr. Hume early invested in the carriage business, and during the depression of 1 871, when he re- alized little as a tailor, he engaged with his brother in the manufacture. In 1883, the year of the big fire, their plant was burned to the ground. It was rebuilt as soon as possible; but the following year Mr. Hume retired, hav- ing soUl out to the firm then known as Hume & Walker, who are now managing the business under the name of the Hume Carriage Com- pany. Mr. Hume, however, still owns a woollen-mill in Ohio. In 1857 he was married to Helen Jane Fielden, a member of one of the stanch old abolition families of this section. Mr. and Mrs. Hume have two daughters. The elder, Isabelle, lives in Ohio, where her father's woollen mill is. She is the wife of George li. Batchelder, and has four children, two daughters and two sons. The other daughter, Elizabeth, a graduate of Wellesley, is a young lady of high literary and musical attain- ments, and is closely identified with the so- cial, literary, and musical clubs of the village. Mr. Hume has no personal political aspira- tions, but has often been "the power behind the throne" in local movements. In 1848, at the special request of the poet Whittier, he was a delegate to the first Free Soil National Convention, at Buffalo, when Van Buren was nominated. Travelling extensively, he was frequently in Washington, and was often the guest of the great lobbyist, Sam Ward. Mr. Hume was in the national capital when the was made to impeach Andrew John- son, and was presented to the President. He said: "I am on my way from Ohio to my home in Mas.sachusetts. I simply wanted to shake hands with President Johnson." "What!" said the President, "don't you want anything at all?" "No, nothing." "Well, that is remarkable. Don't go: sit right down here. I want to talk with you." Mr. Hume sat down and passed sOme time in pleasant con- versation. Mr. Hume was early allied with the abolition movement, and with Whittier he was closely interested in the underground railroad. Many a fugitive slave has sought and found shelter beneath his roof. In the State legislature as Representative from the First Essex District in 1870 and 1871, he was prominently identified with several important measures before the House. AMUEL A. BOYNTON, one of the most successful business men of Rowley, was born in that town, Feb- ruary 16, 1842, son of Henry and Elizabeth W. (Chamberlin) Boynton. The Boynton family originated with two brothers of the name, who came from. I^ngland to Rowley in 1639. Major Ebenczer Boynton, the grand- father of S. A. Boynton, was one of the unique characters of his time. He was for many years the proprietor of the old tavern BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 265 on the western side of the common, opposite the present Eagle Hotel, which was then owned by the Smiths. His characteristic tavern sign read: "Major Ebenezer Boynton. Take your choice." Report says that a ma- jority of travellers chose the Major's cheery hostelry. His business was a prosperous one for those days, and he was in very comfortable circumstances. His seven sons — John, Eze- kiel, Daniel, Eben, William, Charles, and Henry — all became successful merchants. John had three children, namely: John, who is engaged as hacknian for S. A. Boynton ; Frank, a well-to-do tailor in Haverhill; and William, who is also in Haverhill, where he owns a large livery and sale business. Eze- kiel never married. Daniel left four children : Warren, who is in business in Ipswich; Charles, residing in Chelsea; Hannah, who married Daniel Appleton and lives in Ips- wich; and Harriet, who married Daniel Mer- rill and lives in Rowley. Eben had three sons and two daughters, namely: George, who was well known for many years as cap- tain of the State police, and died recently at his home in Georgetown; Eben, who lives in Rowley; John Henry, who is a farmer in Rowley; Mary, now deceased, who married Moses Dodge and lived in Albany, N.Y. ; and Elizabeth, who married Edward Parker and lived in Rowley, where she died in 1886. William, who resided in Melrose and died there in 1S91, besides one daughter, had a son, Justin, who lives in New York. Henry Boynton left three children, of whom Lizzie died nearly twenty years ago. The others are: Henry P. and Samuel Augustus, the subject of this sketch. The father owned a large amount of real estate in Rowley. He died in April, 1888. The mother, who was the only surviving member of her generation, died in Rowley at the age of ninety-one. Samuel A. Boynton attended the schools of Rowley until he was twenty-one years of age. He then opened a livery stable in his native place, where he is also extensively interested in the manufacturing of heels. Besides the hands in his large factory he employs the inmates of the Lawrence jail and of the house of correction at Ipswich. He also has a blacksmith shop, a mail business, a depot livery, a leather concern in Boston, a heel factory in Dover, N.H., and a skating rink. Likewise he carries on a farm of fifty acres, on which he cuts from thirty to forty tons of hay annually. Mr. Boynton has been Tax Collector, Town Treasurer, and Selectman. A Mason in good standing, he is a member of the John T. Heard Lodge, of Beverly Chapter, at Salem, and of Aleppo Temple of the Mystic Shrine. He is a charter member of the O. U. A. M. , in which society he has held office. In 1872 he married Sarah M. Howe, of Ipswich, a daughter of George Howe. Mrs. Boynton has made him the father of one son, Augustus Bennett, now twenty-three years of age, and residing with his parents. OSIAH PEABODY PERKINS, an agriculturist of Topsfield, was born on his present homestead, October 4, 1832. He is a descendant of John Perkins, who emigrated from England to Boston in 163 1, and located in Ipswich in 1633. John's son. Deacon Thomas Perkins, born in Eng- land in 1616, married Phebe Gould, also a native of England, and in 1638 settled in Topsfield, where he died in 16S6. The pres- ent farm of Josiah Peabody Perkins was a part of the estate acquired by Deacon Thomas. His son Thomas, born in Topsfield in 1659, died here in 1722, having married Sarah j66 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Wall is. Thomas was a man of some note, and served on the jury during the witchcraft trials. His son Samuel, born in Topsfield in 1699, married Margaret Towne, and diet! in 1764. Their son Samuel, born here in 1730, married Dorothy Perkins, and died in 18 10. The next in descent was their son Elijah, the grandfather of Josiah Peabody Perkins. Elijah Perkins was engaged in tilling the soil during his active period, having inherited the original homestead. Born in 1765, he married Ruth Fisk, and died in 1851. His son, Dudley Perkins, born in 179S, was reared a farmer, and resided on the homestead until his death, which occurred September 2, 1879. A man of. much ability, Dudley served the community in sundry capacities, includ- ing those of Overseer and member of the School Committee. In politics he was a strong Republican, and he was an active member of the Congregational church. He married Miss Sarah Perkins, a daughter of Robert Perkins. Of his seven children two are living, namely: Josiah Peabody, the sub- ject of this sketch; and Samuel Webster, of Topsfield. The mother died December 2, 1S74. Josiah Peabody Perkins obtained an educa- tion in his early days by attending the public schools when he was not needed on the farm. He subsequently carried on farming, and worked at the shoemaker's trade for many years. On his part of the old homestead, which contains one hundred and thirty acres of land, he raises a large crop of hay each sea- son, while devoting a section of it to grazing. He is especially interested in dairying, which he deems one of the most profitable branches of agriculture, keeping from ten to twenty cows. The large measure of success he has met with may be attributed to the practical knowledge and experience he gained while with his parents. A faithful, law-abiding citizen, living in peace with all men, he has the respect of the entire community. He is a member of Topsfield Grange. Mr. Perkins was married August 10, 1854, to Miss Phebe W. Towle, who was born in Topsfield, Mass., on the ancestral homestead of the Bradstreet family, daughter of Samuel and Cynthia (Bradstreet) Towle. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins have had seven children, namely: Mary E., who married first Arthur W. Phillips, of Topsfield, and second Edward S. Towne, of Chicago, III.; Josiah Fremont; Jessie Marion, now the wife of Benjamin F. Paige, of Pembroke, Mass. ; a child that lived but a brief time; Nellie, now the wife of Wilbur Paige, of Manchester, Mass.; Willie, who died in infancy; and Alice Lilian, who is living with her parents. ;^AMES M. FAIRFIELD, a capitalist and a real estate owner in Lawrence, has been actively identified with the business interests of this city since early manhood. He was born November 16, 1823, in Douglas, Mass., which was the birth- place likewise of his father, Simon P"airfield. His grandfather, Abram Fairfield, married Abigail White, who belonged to a prominent Uuaker family. Abram died while yet a young man, leaving two sons, Simon and Reuben. His widow afterward became the wife of a Mr. Walling, by whom she had one son. Simon Fairfield, born in 1801, died at South Douglas in 1848. A farmer by occu- pation, industrious and honest, he by his persistent energy accumulated a considerable fortune for his day and generation. In 1820 he married Phoebe Churchill, who, born in 1802 in Scituate, died at South Douglas in BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 267 i860. Of their ten children, eight sons and two daughters, seven grew to maturity, namely: James M., the subject of this sketch; Charles, a speculator and banker in Kansas; Enos W., a wealthy ranchman of California; Clark, a dealer in grain and lumber in Des Moines, la.; Asa C, a retired merchant and real estate dealer in Waverly^ la.; John N., who resided in Waterloo, la., and died, leaving one son and three daughters; and Al- bert, who died in Worcester, Mass., leaving one son and three daughters. James M. Fairfield acquired a good com- mon-school education in his native town. At the age of nineteen he went to Pascoag, R.I., where he served an apprenticeship of two years at the machinist's trade. Having spent the next year working in Pawtucket, R. I., he came to Lawrence in 1848. Here he estab- lished himself as senior member of the grocery firm J. M. Fairfield & Co., and continued in business until burned out a year later. Dur- ing the following six years he carried on a substantial trade in dry goods. Then he changed to ready-made clothing, in which he dealt for eighteen years, first located at the corner of Essex and Newbury Streets and afterward on Essex Street near Lawrence. Having previously become somewhat inter- ested in real estate, he then retired from the clothing business and devoted himself to buy- ing and selling realty. His first venture in this line was made in 1853, when he bought a small cottage on Oak Street. His next was the purchase of the lot on which was his Essex Street store, and which he subsequently traded for a double tenement on Newbury Street. He now owns from 413 to 441 Essex Street, four brick blocks, containing stores, rooms, and offices; a wooden block, 541 to 545 Essex Street; and the Fairfield Block, 563 and 565 Essex Street, a handsome brick structure, five stories in height, with a large store on the ground floor and fine offices above. The last named building was completed in 1896, and is considered one of the most desirable business locations in the city. In 1885 Mr. Fairfield bought his present residence at 339 Haverhill Street. He also owns the build- ings numbered from 404 to 412 Common Street, in which there are three stores and twenty-six tenements; two tenements at 230 Tremont Street; and two tenement houses in Methuen. A keen, far-sighted man of busi- ness, he has acquired this large property by enterprise and untiring industry. In politics Mr. Fairfield is a strong Repub- lican. He is an attendant of the Methodist church. Having twice entered matrimony, he is now a widower. His children are: Agenor D., a bright and active Christian woman, living in Methuen, and the treasurer of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the New Hampshire Conference; Samuel M., a Methodist Episcopal minister, at pres- ent engaged in the church mission work in Tennessee, to which place he went from New York City; and William, a resident of Law- rence. WillianVs first wife died, leaving him two daughters, Anna Marie and Helen, who live with their grandfather, Mr. Fair- field, and are now attending school. William subsequently marriet! again, and by his second wife has had one son, James Albert, a sturdy little lad of six years. f^OHN F. WOODMAN, a successful business man of Amesbury, was born in this place, March 14, 1840, son of Stephen and Sally (Osgood) Woodman. Stephen Woodman, whose early life was spent in Kingston, N. H., first came to Amesbury in 1830, but removed in 1840 to South Hamp- 268 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW ton, N. H. Ill 1S45 he rctuined to Amcsbuiy, and' bought a farm at the junction of Winter and High Streets, now a busy and thickly settled portion of Aniesbury village. There he built his substantial residence, now occu- pied by his widow and daughter. Besides carrying on his farm he conducted a prosper- ous meat market. He was president of the savings-bank for several years and a director of the Powow River National Bank. A lead- ing member of the Baptist church for many years, he was especially active in its affairs; and at the time of his death, which occurred in May, 1884, he was a Deacon and its treas- urer. With the poet Whittier, he was an old Free Soiler and abolitionist. He married Sally Osgood, of Amesbury, of whose children Stephen F., Ellen, Mary A., and John Fran- cis (the last named the subject of this sketch) are now living. Stephen F. , who is a general agent of the Travelers' Insurance Company, corner of State and Kilby Streets, Boston, and the president cf the Underwriters' Life and ¥\ic Insurance Association,' married a daughter of R. W. Fatten,' has two children, Willis Patten and Esther, and resides in Jamaica Plain. Ellen is unmarried, and lives with her mother at the old hoiii'estead. ' Mary A. married George W. Osgood, a prominent carriage manufacturer, located on Carriage Hill, Amesbury. They have a son and a daugh- ter, and occupy a beautiful home in the resi- dential part of the town. John F"rancis Woodman was educated in the Amesbury schools and at the Putnam Free School in Newburyport. At the age of eigh- teen he went to work in his father's market, and when twenty-three years of age became a partner in the business under the firm name of S. Woodman & Son. Since the retirement of his father in 1881 he has conducted the store. He also succeeded his father as a director of the Powow River National Bank. Since 1S69, when he joined the society, he has been devoted to the interests of the Bap- tist church. He was active in the rebuilding of the church edifice in 1871, and since his father's death he has acted as treasurer. In 1863 Mr. Woodman married Vandora Rich, of Belfast, Me., who died in 1882. She was prominent in church and social cir- cles, yet devoted to her children and home. Their five children, all of whom graduated from the high school, are: Emmerette R., who lives at home; Mabel, who married Roland C. Eraser, lives in Melrose, and has two chil- dren; Myrtie P., who attended school at An- dover after graduating from the high school, then [)ursued a musical course in Boston, and is now at home; Wilton V., who graduated from the high school at the age of si.xteen years, and is now in business with his father; and Ernest L. , who graduated from the high school at the age of eighteen, class of 1897. In political belief Mr. Woodman is a Repub- lican. §OHN G. PLUMMER, formerly a suc- cessful fish dealer in Newburyport, was born there, December 25, 1819. A son of Nathaniel and Sarah (Higgins) Plum- mer, he is descended from P'rancis Plummer, who was born in Wales, at the foot of Snow- don Mountain. This ancestor came to Essex County with his wife and their two sons, Samuel and Joseph, in the year 1635, and settled on the banks of the Parker River. They were farming people, and bought land. Francis built a house, and obtained a license to keep a tavern and run a ferry across the river. He was the first settler to keej) a public house in the eastern part of the State. His son Joseph settled on the south side of JOHN G. PLUiMMER. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW = 71 the river, on whnt is now called Newbury Neck. Samuel, from whom John G. I'lummer is descended, bought land on the north side of the river, where he built a house. The sons intermarried with the Doles and the Danforths, and had many children and grandchildren, who grew up and scattered through Maine, New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania, becoming law- yers, doctors, ministers, traders, and farmers, and attaining prominence in their various walks of life. Governor Plummer, of New Hampshire, is a connection of the family. A son of Samuel bought land further u[) the river, near the site of the Dummer Academy. Nathaniel Plummer, born September 15, I 76 1, was twice married. His first bride was Mary Greenleaf, born in Newburyjiort, June 27, 1763, who had si.x children. The latter were: Mary Greenleaf, born June 27, 1787; Amos, born September 5, 1789; Dolly, born December 20, 1791 ; Ebenezer, born Septem- ber 3, 1796; and two who died in infancy. Ebenezer, the youngest son, who served in the United States navy for many years, was with Decatur and Hull on the frigate "Constitu- tion," and was afterward killed by pirates and buried on the island of Juan Fernandez. Nathaniel Plummer's second marriage was contracted with Sarah Higgins, who was born in Augusta, Me., May 24, 1772. ]?y her he became the father of eight children, namely: Jesse Higgins, born September 2, iSoo; Na- thaniel Foster, born August 25, 1S02; Sarah Higgins, born March 9, 1805; Nancy Sillo- way, born October 20, 1807; Fanny Maria, born April 10, 1810; Fmeline, born May 25, 181 3; Catherine Mariott, born March i, 18 16; and John Greenleaf, the subject of this biog- raphy. John Greenleaf Plummer, the youngest of fourteen children, came into the world, like all the rest, on the old homestead. He grew up an ardent sportsman, being e.xjjert with rod and gun at the age of thirteen. At the age of fourteen he began to learn shoemaking with Eben Rodgers; and a year later he could turn out ten pairs of shoes daily, at the rate of twenty-two cents a pair. In 1S37, business having been dull with him, he tried a fishing trip on a mackerel schooner. This life proved uncongenial; and on his return he attended the Branch Academy, then kept by John R. Rollins. His ne.xt effort to earn an honest penny was keeping the toll-gate on the turn- pike, near the Glen Mills. In 1S3S he was able to return to his home and build a shoe shop, where he worked at his trade as the occasion offered. He also acted as pilot for boats going up the river, spending his leisure time in fishing and farming on the old place. After his father's death in 1840 he sold the house, and came with his mother to Newbury- port. In this town he worked at shoemaking for several years. Then, desiring a change of occupation he entered the dress department of the James Cotton Mill. Upon leaving this position he began to deal in fish, buying in Gloucester to supply the market in Newbury- port. Competition was strong; but by care- ful buying, honest dealing, and close attention to business, he outsold his competitors, and soon had the route to himself. In 1852 he sold his team and removed to Gloucester, where he went into partnersln'p with Harry Merchant, buying fish and curing and smoking halibut. They hired Five Pound Island in Gloucester Harbor, and continued in business together for three years. At the end of that time Mr. Plummer returned to Newburyport, and engaged in the business of extracting oil from the livers of pollock. Soon after, he en- tered into partnership with Eben B. Phillips and John Marston, of Boston. This firm is alleged to have obtained the best and purest 27 2 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW coil liver oil in the woiicl. In 1857 Moses Stevens joined Mr. riunimer, and in 1S61 Charles W. Hale was admitted into the firm. The three continued in business for several years, until the city railroad company bought their wharf. They then bought some land and built their halibut houses on Victoria Avenue. After the death of Mr. Hale, Mr. Plummer and Mr. Stevens conducted business together until the year 1892, when both re- tired. Mr. Plummer was the first to smoke salt halibut. He had a large business in this commodity, shipping to E. & C. Nickerson, of New York, and other parties in Chicago and Poston. He also dried pollock, and sold to a firm in Portland, Me. This business was given up in 1892. He was also in the dry fish trade, which he sold out to Tliomas Den- nett Aubin, May 10, 18S9. Mr. Plummer was married November 29, 1842, to Clara, daughter of Samuel H. Poore, of Newburyport. Born of the marriage were two children : Clara Greenleaf, who died young; and Catherine Marriott, who married Hiram Gilmore Janvrin. Mr. Janvrin is chief member of the hardware firm of M. C. Warren & Co., IDock .Square, ]3oston, and resides in Lexington. He and his wife have two chil- dren. Mrs. Clara Plummer died in iSSi. Mr. Plummer was an old Free Soiler, one of the first three in Newburyport; and he has been a Republican since the Civil War. Not caring for public life, he has always refused oflfice. He joined the I. O. O. F. , but after- ward left the society and became a member of the J. O. G. T., Mountain Rill Lodge, and Sons of Temperance. He is also a prominent Red Man. Strict attention to business, added to his commercial daring and enterprise, has made Mr. Plummer one of the most prosperous men in his native place. ;ff]YEREML\II J. DESMOND, a leading [iharmacist of Lawrence and the pro- prietor of the spacious and well- equipped drug store at 565 Broadway, was born November 3, 1867, on Park Street, not far from his present place of business. His paternal grandparents, Patrick and P211en (Sullivan) Desmond, emigrated from Ireland to America in 1847, and with their seven children, four sons and three daughters, lo- cated in Lawrence. The death of the grand- father occurred in 1877, in the seventy-eighth year of his age. The grandmotlier, having survived him ten years, died at the home of one of her sons in California, when eighty- seven years old. After coming to this city the four sons — Humphrey, Daniel, Cornelius, and Jeremiah — established themselves in busi- ness as manufacturers of woollen hats, each cf the brothers assuming the charge of a depart- ment. Having but limited means to start with, they began on a modest scale. With the lapse of time they enlarged their opera- tions, and became known as particularly suc- cessful manufacturers. In 1867, just after the insurance on their plant had run out, a ilire misfortune befell them. Owing to some unexplainable cause, probably incendiarism, their factory was burned to the ground, and the eighty thousand dollars which by industry and thrift they had accumulated vanished in smoke. Instead of rebuilding the three younger brothers went to California, two locating in San Francisco, and the third going into business in Los Angeles. Humphrey Desmond, born in 1826, was a native of Irelaml, where he learned the hat- ter's trade. After coming to Lawrence, as above mentioned, he was in business with his brothers until their factory was burned. Thereafter he worked with Mr. Tenney, a former competitor, as a journeyman hatter BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 273 until 1873. In that year he was elected Su- perintendent of Streets for the city of Law- rence, a position which he had held for twelve months when the Republicans came into power. From that time until his retirement from active pursuits in i.SSj, he was engaged in the grocery business with his sons, Patrick J. and Daniel E. A man of excellent judg- ment, he acquired a large property. In 1859 he purchased about seven acres of land on Park Street, where he built a small house and a hat factory. The house, numbered 316, was the family residence until 1S81, when the present fine residence at 370 Park Street was com- pleted. In 1850 he married Ann Halloran, who came to Lawrence about 1S45 from County Kilkenny, Ireland, with her parents. Ten children were born of the union, namely: Patrick ]., August 27, 1854, who died August 10, i88g, leaving a widow; Daniel E., Au- gust 3, 1856, grocer and fruit dealer, carrying on business at the stand previously occupied by his father, corner of Broadway and Park Street; Mary Agnes, who died August 19, 1863, aged five years; Ellen Maria, who died July 15, i860, in infancy; Nora Agnes, born April 29, 1 86c, who was educated at St. Mary's Parochial School of Lawrence, Mass. ; Humphrey Joseph, who died in August, 1865, aged two years; C. Joseph, born December 10, 1865, whose education was completed at Villanova College, Pennsylvania, and who is the junior member of the firm of D. E. & C. J. Desmond, grocers and fruit dealers; Jeremiah J., the special subject of this sketch; Mary M., born May 27, 1S69, who was grad- uated from the Lawrence High School, class of 1889; and Margaret E. , born May 3, 1871, who, after graduating at the Lawrence High School, class of 1891, became a pupil of the Academy of the Sacred Heart at Manhattan- ville, N.Y. The father died January 15, 1888, and the mother on October 14, 1891. Having received his early education in the Oliver Grammar School of Lawrence, Jere- miah J. Desmond took a four years' course at Villanova College, Pennsylvania. In 1S87 he entered the United States postal service, and had been mail agent between Troy and New York City for one year when a change of ad- ministration deprived him of that position. Then he became an apprentice and clerk in the drug store of H. M. Whitney. After three years spent here, having closely applied him- self to the study of drugs, he passed a success- ful examination in pharmacy. In the fall of 1893 he opened a handsome store in the brick block erected by the Desmond family, which he has since conducted. Mr. Desmond resides with his brothers and sisters, none of whom are married. An un- compromising Democrat in politics, he has been actively interested in municipal affairs. In 1895 he was a member of the Common Council, when, besides serving on some of the more important committees of that body, be secured the erection of the new engine house, and, with the president, John P. S. Mahoney, was largely instrumental in making the semi- centennial celebration of the city the very successful and creditable event it was. He is an esteemed member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks. / ^^^TraNVILLE VV. PETTINGELL, for VJ^ I the past sixteen years the undertaker of Amesbury, was born at Rocky Hill, Salisbury, Mass., July 4, 1854. The youngest son of Amos and Mary Pettingell, he is a descendant in the eighth generation from Richard Pettingell, the earliest settler of the name. Amos Pettingell, who was a prominent con- 274 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW tractor and builder, erected many of the best business blocks and private residences now standing in Amesbury and Salisbury. In early life a ship-joiner, he long owned and operated a saw-mill at Clark's Pond, which was destroyed by fire many years ago. When he became an architect he feadily secured orders, and was soon given the largest con- tracts to be had in the vicinity. He was a member of the Salisbury Point Baptist Church. At his death he left seven children — John S. , Charles F. , Annette L., Roger L., Florence H., Mary E., and Granville W. The first-born served in the Union navy, on board the ship "Young Rover," during the first year of the Civil War. Afterward he enlisted in the famous Forty-eighth Massachu- setts Volunteer Regiment, in which he served until the close of the war. Charles F. is the general manager of the C. F. Pettingell Machine Company, of Lawrence, Mass. An- nette L. married William T. Follensbee, of Amesbury. Roger L. is in business with his brother, as superintendent of the Machine Company at Lawrence. Mary E., the wife of Worthington G. Paige, resides on the old homestead at Rocky Hill, Salisbury. Granville W. Pettingell, the youngest of his parents' children, was educated in the common schools of his native place. After leaving school he learned the carriage-trim- ming trade, engaging for that purpose with the firm of Hume & Morrill in 1874. P'ive years later he went into the grocery business with Benjamin S. Blake, of Amesbury, a connec- tion that lasted three years. Then he re- turned to his trade of carriage trimmer. In 1882, upon the death of Mr. Blake, he suc- ceeded to the business, the exclusive control of which has since been in his hands. In April of the year 1880 Mr. Pettingell married P'ronia T., daughter of Deacon B. S. and Lavonia (Tucker) Blake. Mrs. Pettin- gell has had two children — -Mildred Blake and Unabelle Alice. Mr. Pettingell is a member of the Powow River Lodge, I. O. O. F. ; of the Colfax Lodge of Re- becca; of Amesbury Lodge, A. O. U. W. ; and of the Amesbury Merchants' Association; and the Wannesquam Boat Club. The Vil- lage Improvement Society and other organ- izations formed for public good count him among the most influential members. He is well known as a prosperous and energetic citi- zen, actively interested in the welfare of the town. LsjBEN SUMNER, who was for many years JQ; a prominent business man of New- buryport, was born in that city, March 1 1, 1820, son of Michael and Mary (Bart- lett) Sumner. His descent is traced to Roger Sumner, husbandman of Bicester, Oxfordshire, England, who died December 3, 1608. In 1 60 1 this ancestor married Joane I'ranklin. Their only child, William, born in 1605, mar- ried Mary West and came to New P^ngland in 1636, settling in Dorchester, Mass. William Sumner became a Selectman in 1637. I-'or more than twenty years he was a Commis- sioner; and he was a Deputy to the General Court in 165S, 1666, 1670, 1672, 167S-81, and 1683-86. His death occurred on De- cember 9, 1688. Of his six children, the eldest was William, Jr., born in Bicester, who became a mariner and married Augustine Clement, of Dorchester. They had ten chil- dren, of whom Clement, the ninth child, was born in Boston, September 6, 1671. On May 18, 1698, Clement married Margaret Harris. He lived in Boston, where all his seven chil- dren were born. Samuel, the seventh child of Clement, born August 31, 1709, married Ai)i- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 27s gail, daughter of Samuel Frothingham, of Cliarlestovvn, who had eight children. Eben- ezer, the fifth of these, born in March, 1742, married Elizabeth Tappan, of Newburyport, and lived in that city, where his twelve chil- dren were born. Michael, the fifth child, father of Eben Sumner, was born January i, 1780. He was twice married, the first time to Esther Moody, who bore Iiim two children. The second marriage was contracted with Mary Bartlett, whose children by him were: Rich- ard Bartlett, Mary, Eben, William, Samuel, John, Hannah Maria, and Abigail Bartlett Sumner. Eben Sumner attended the Brown High School. When fourteen years of age he ob- tained employment in the wholesale grocery store of Mr. Wood, remaining there for nine years and receiving constant promotions. In 1843 he engaged in the retail grocery busi- ness, locating the following year on Com- mercial Wharf with John Wood & Son, im- porters. Later he and William H. Swasey formed the firm of Sumner & Swasey, com- mission merchants in the Calcutta and do- mestic trade. In 1853 Warren Currier was admitted to partnership, when the style of the firm became Sumner, Swasey & Currier. The company did considerable ship-building, and owned the vessels "Reporter," the "Ex- porter," "Daniel I. Tenney," bark "Signal," "Sea Dog," and the "Bordeaux." They made large importations of salt. In 1871 E. P. Shaw succeeded Mr. Currier without causing any alteration in the firm name. Mr. Sumner was the originator and president of the Towle Manufacturing Company, manufact- urers of silverware. At the organization of the First National Bank of Newburyport he was chosen a director. He was its president from iSSg to the time of his death. He was also the president of the Five Cent Savings Bank, a director of the Merchants' Bank for a number of years, and, having been one of the incorporators of the Newburyport Car Manu- facturing Company, he was its treasurer for the remainder of his life. While a loyal Republican and always warmly interested in the affairs of the city, Mr. Sumner, on account of deafness, did not care to become a candidate for office. A quiet man and of a religious nature, he was a founder of the Whitfield Congregational Church, a Deacon of the society for some years, and a member of the Executive and Parish Commit- tees from 1850. He was widely known and respected in the business community, and be- loved by a large circle of personal friends on account of his many admirable qualities of heart and mind. His wife, Elizabeth A., is a daughter of Samuel Shaw and half-sister of the Hon. E. P. Shaw, State Treasurer of Massachusetts, whose biography appears elsewhere in this work. She has been the mother of five children, of whom two are now living: M. Fannie Sum- ner, who resides with her mother; and Eben Sumner, Jr. Eben married Miss Hattie Richard, and has one son, Bertram Dale Sumner, who is employed in the office of the Electric Street Railway Company of Wakefield, Mass. OHN ALEXANDER FITZHUGH, M.D., a successful physician of Ames- bury, Mass., was born in Fauquier County, Virginia, December 4, 1854, and is descended from the famous old Southern fam- ily of that name, of ancient Scottish origin. The well-authenticated papers of which the Doctor has made a valuable collection, at great trouble and expense, trace the line of ancestry back to Malcolm I., King of Scotland 943-54, 276 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW through his daughter Thora. She married Sigurd, Earl of the Orkney Isles. Their son Bardolph settled in Richmondshire, England, and became the powerful Baron of Ravens- worth (Scott's "Rokeby," canto iii. p. 75, and note). Bardolph was not molested in his possessions by William the Conqueror. Barker says he possessed various manors in the time of the Conqueror. The regular pedi- gree is extant from the first to the fifteenth generation, traced by Robert Knox, of Freder- icksburg, Va. The FitzHugh barony is con- tinued seven generations by writ. The direct descent ceased in 1508. The names of FitzIIugh and HughFitz were interchangeable until the thirteenth century. The name appears on the roil of Battle Abbey, and two of the name signed the Magna Charta of 12 1 5. They were leaders in the Crusades, 1096-1219; were active with the Lancasters in the Wars of the Roses, 1455-85. A FitzHugh of Ravensworth married the sister of the Earl of Warwick, "the King-maker." Hume makes him a leader of the rebellion in the war against Edward IV., 1463-65. In 1508 the estate of Ravensworth and the old baronial castle fell to Thomas Dacres (see again Scott's "Rokeby " ). Catharine Parr, the last wife of Henry VIII., was the grandmother of the last Lord FitzHugh, of Ravensworth. Almost the last Catholic Bishop of London was John a great-grandson of Catharine Parr and a son of Lord FitzHugh. In Yorkshire, England, near Thorsgill, is the famous Eglis- tone Abbey, founded in the reign of Henry II., 1133-1189. It still bears reminders of the FitzHugh family. At Mortham Castle, within a cjuarter of a mile of ancient Greta Bridge, between two majestic elms, still stands an ancient sculptured armorial monument re- moved fnim Eglistone Abbey, which once marked the last resting-place of many genera- tions of FitzHughs ("Rokeby," canto ii. p. 39, published by Joseph Cushing, Baltimore, Md., 181 3). The name is mentioned by the famous Captain James Cook, who was entertained by FitzHugh while in Canton, China, for whom he afterward named the sound near Vancou- ver's Island FitzHugh. Two daughters of this famous Virginia family married distin- guished abolitionists. Of the later generations of FitzHugh, Will- iam FitzHugh was baptized at Great Barford, England, January 21, 1570. His will, dated January 2, 1632, was proved September 25, 1638. He married Margaret Smith. Their son Henry inherited newly erected buildings in St. Paul, Bedford [J'irgiiiin Hist. l\lag., 1894, p. 415). Henry, son of William and Margaret, born in 1614, died before 1684. He was a lawyer, who removed to London. By his wife, Mary, he had seven children, of whom William, the youngest, was baptized January 10, 165 1 (St. Paul's Regis- ter). That he was burgess for 170 1-2 is reported in the William and Mary Hist. Quarterly., 1895-96. He held this position at the time of his death. He defended Rob- ert Beverly in the celebrated case, when pros- ecuted for his refusal to hand the records over to the Royal Governor. Colonel William FitzHugh was born in 1650 at "Bedford," England; and his estate, now situated in King George County, Virginia, was so named. His will, dated April 5, 1701, was proved December 10, 1701, in Stafford County, which then included King George. He emigrated from England to Westmoreland County, Virginia, in 1670, married May i, 1674, Sarah Tucker, liorn August 2, 1663, eldest daughter of John and Rose Tucker, issue five sons and one daughter. They inherited fifty-four thousand and fifty-four acres of land in Stafford and Esse.x Counties. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 277 Of their six children, the second son, Cap- tain Henry, was born February 15, 1686, died December 12, 1758. His tomb is still to be seen at "Bedford," in King George County. He married February 24, 1718, Susannah Cooke, born December 7, 1693, died Novem- ber 4, 1749. She was the daughter of Morde- cai Cooke, who patented one thousand one hundred and seventy-four acres of land in Gloucester County in 1650. Of the five chil- dren of Captain Henry and Susannah Fitz- Hugh, Major Henry, the second son and third child, born September 18, 1723, died in Feb- ruary, 1783. He married October 23, 1746, Sarah Battaille, of "Flintshire," now part of the estate of "Santee, " Caroline County. His title, Major, is supposed to have been received during service in the Revolutionary War; but the records are not complete. He had eleven children. The second son was William FitzHugh, of "Prospect Hill," Fauquier County, who removed from Staf- ford County in 1771 (Bishop Meade's "Old Churches and Families of Virginia," vol. ii. p. 192). He was born in 1750. His will is dated February 7, 18 13, and was proved April 29, 181 7, recorded in the Fauquier County Will Book, 181 3-1 7, p. 324. He married in 177s Elizabeth Dcadnam, of Gloucester County, who died of small-pox about the year 1777. He married, second, Sally Diggs, grand-daughter of Governor Edward Diggs, of Virginia; and by her he had nine children. Dr. William Deadnam FitzHugh, the only issue by the first marriage, and grandfather of Dr. FitzHugh of Amcsbury, was born March 17, 1776, and died May 3, 1838. He was baptized by the Rev. William Stuart, of St. Paul's Parish, King George County, and was reared by his grandmother, Mrs. Sally Battaille FitzHugh, at "Bedford,"" the old homestead. He was first married October 2, 181 1, by the Rev. Hugh Coran Boggs, to Patsie Julia Ta- laiferro, second daughter of Colonel Lawrence H. and Sally Dade Talaiferro, an old and prominent Virginian family. She was born May 8, 1782, and died between 18 16 and 1818, leaving one child to survive her. He married, second. Miss Martha Stuart Thorn- ton, daughter of Colonel William Thornton, of Rappahannock County, and his wife, Mar- tha Stuart. The second wife was born about 1785, died December 19, 1861, and was buried at "Elmwood." Dr. William D. FitzHugh was a celeljrated surgeon in his day, and being ambidextrous was thereby able to perform operations with remarkable swiftness and skill. By his second wife he had four chil- dren — William D., Jr., Francis T., Thomas T. L., and George W. Thomas graduated in medicine from the University of New York in 1848. His diploma is in the possession of his nephew, the subject of this sketch. He died at Stevensburg, Culpeper County, Va., of typhoid fever in 1849. George Warren FitzHugh, third son and fourth child of Dr. William D. and Martha S. (Thornton) P'itzHugh, was born February 12, 1826. Before the war his estate consisted of a plantation, several mills, and eighty negroes. He was a handsome man, six feet one inch tall, and weighed two hundred and thirty pounds. He had great physical strength and powers of endurance. He rode seventy-two miles on horseback in a single day, to be wit!: his command at the hanging of John Brown in 1859. He possessed a genial temperament, and was very popular, being called the "Grandfather " of the Black Horse Cavalry, though, in fact, one of the youngest men in the command. He was a member of the Black Horse Cavalry from the time of its organization until 1863, when he was honor- ably discharged. He participated in the 278 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW charge at Bull Run and in the battles of Cokl Harbor and at Williamsburg. The company was merged into the Fourth Virginia Cavalry, and during the campaign Mr. FitzHugh was under General J. E. H. Stewart at the capture of the transports by the cavalry at White House Landing, a feat never before accom- plished. He was always greatly in favor of the Union, but believed that he owed his first allegiance to his native State. All his pos- sessions were swept away during the war, "nothing being left except his hope in heaven." He died of heart disease at Grape- wood, Fauquier County, March 23, 1873, and was buried in the Presbyterian churchyard at Greenwich, Prince William County. He married first, June 13, 1849, Miss Abbic Mayo Thom, the youngest child of Colonel John Thom and his wife, Abigail Dellart (Mayo) Thom, of Powhatan, seat near Rich- mond. She was born at "]?erry Hill," Cul- peper County, December 23, 1830, and died at Grapewood, Fauquier County, November 21, 1859. She is buried at I^lmwnod, in the same grave with her two youngest children. His second marriage was with Miss Elizabeth Frances Gray, eldest daughter of Nathaniel N. and Sarah Ann (Edmunds) Gray, born November 19, 1S40. Their only child, War- ren Gulick, was born shortly after the death of his fatlier, July 20, 1873. The children of the first marriage are as follows: William De- Hart, born March 11, 1850, married Elizabeth Carter Grayson, who was born October 18, 1853, and died April 26, 1896; Thomas Cam- eron, born November 7, 1851, was lost at sea in 1872; Elizaiieth liland, born May 26, 1S53, lives at Warrenton, Va. ; John Alex- ander, December 4, 1854; Anna Blanche, born October 25, 1856, died in August, 1S62, of diphtheria; luigene Mayo, born November 16, 185S, died in infancy; Henry Thom, born and died November 20, 1859. John Alexander FitzHugh graduated from the medical department of the Western Reserve University at Cleveland, Ohio, March 9, 1880, and on March 10 of the fol- lowing year from the Hahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia. On August 8, 1881, he located in Amesbury, Mass., where he practised for five years. The years from 1886 to 1 888 were spent by him in the St. Thomas and other hospitals in London, Eng- land. Upon his return he practised for a short period in Atlanta, Ga. Then, settling permanently in Amesbury, he married on July II, 1889, Miss Agnes Allen Somerby, daugh- ter of Samuel Somerby and his wife, Nancy Allen Currier, of Newburyport, in which city she had taught successfully in the public schools for fourteen years. The children of Dr. and Mrs. FitzHugh are: Marion Stuart, born June 10, 1890, who died of scarlet fever, December 23, 1893; Lena Grayson, who was born October 4, 1891 ; and Beulah Thornton, born June 25, 1895. Dr. FitzHugh is very much intcrestetl in genealogical research; and he has in his pos- session many manuscripts of interest and value, among them being letters written by his remote ancestor. Colonel William P'itz- Hugh. He has traced the genealogy of the Mayo family from Joseph, the grandson of William, August 17, 1656, to the present time, the ancestry including the names of many persons of historic renown, among them that of General Winfield Scott, who married a cousin of the Doctor's grandmother. Dr. FitzHugh is a P'ellow of the Massachusetts Medical Society. He has been president of the Amesbury Medical Society, of which he is an original member; and he still retains his membership in the St. Thomas Medical So- ALFKKU LANG. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 281 ciety, of London. He is Past District Dep- uty, G. C, of the K. of P. ; Past Thrice Illustrious Master, Amesbury Council, Royal and Select Masters; and is a member of the Povvovv River, I. O. O. F., and Harmony En- campment, as well as of the N. E. O. P. and of various minor organizations. He is an active trustee of the Amesbury Public Library, to which he has devoted much time and at- tention; and he is also an ex-member of the Board of Health, but has steadily refused political preferment. LFRED LANG, a retired contractor and Ijuilder, who by long-continued honesty has acquired a competency, is spending the closing years of his useful life in a well-earned leisure at his home, 279 Broadway, Lawrence, Mass. He wgs born February 12, 1820, in Brookfield, Carroll County, N. H., a son of Samuel Lang. Thomas Lang, father of Samuel, spent his entire life of fourscore and four years in the Granite State, where his birth occurred June 27, 1741- He was three times married, and he reared a family of twenty children, the eldest of whom was Thomas, Jr., born Febru- ary 12, 1766, and the youngest Olive, born December 6, 1802. He was a prosperous hus- bandman, highly respected for his sterling integrity and Christian character. A devout follower of the Master, he dedicated his chil- dren to God in their infancy, carrying them in his arms to the ba]itismal font, the last- born, Olive, when he was past si,\ty-one years old. Samuel Lang was born in Nottingham, N.H., October 30, 17S4. He was brought up to agricultural pursuits, and made farming his life occupation. He lived in different towns in New Hampshire in his early days, but finally settled on a farm in Brookfield, where he died at the age of si.xty-seven years, in 1 85 1. In 1808 he married Lydia Thurber, who was born August 17, 1789, and died in 1880, aged ninety-one years. They had twelve children; namely, William, a daughter that died in infancy, Caroline, Henry, Eliza, Al- fred, Mary Ann, Almira, John, Clarissa, Emily, and Lydia M. William, born in 1809, died at Ossipee, N.H., in July, 1836. Caro- line, who has never married, resides in Wake- field, N.H. Henry died in March, 1894, leaving a widow, one son, and two daughters. Eliza is the wife of John Churchill, of Law- rence. Mary Ann, widow of Isaac M. Clarke, lives in Reading, Mass. Almira is the widow of Ebenezer Garvin, of Wakefield, N.H. Clarissa is the wife of Eben Chapman, also of Wakefield, N.H. John is a resident of Lawrence. Emily, who married Joseph W. Fales, died in middle life. Lydia M., the widow of John B. Howard, resides in Wake- field, N.H. Both parents were devout mem- bers of the Methodist church. The father was quite active in town affairs, serving as Select- man and in other minor offices. Alfred Lang in his early years received a good common-school education, and at the age of seventeen began working at the carpenter's trade. Going to Boston two years later, he remained there until 1853, profitably em- ployed as a builder. Perceiving the advan- tages offered to one of his trade in a new and rapidly growing city, he then came to Law- rence, which had just received its charter; and from that time until his retirement from active pursuits he was one of the leading con- tractors arid builders of this city. In 1854 he built a house for himself and family on West Haverhill Street, where he lived until J 874, when he removed to his present fine BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW residence, whicli he erected at a cost of seven thousand dollars, on a lot fifty by one hundred feet. Mr. Lang is a true Re|niblican in his politi- cal affiliations; and, though not an as])irant for official honors, he was a member of the Common Council one term, an Alderman two years, and Supervisor of Public Property for a time. Mr. Lang and Susan Sims Burleigh, a daughter of Ezra and Lucy (Hyde) ]?urleigh, of ]5oston, RLass. , were married on April 6, 1843. They have three children, namely: William A., who is cashier of the National Bank of Reading, Mass., is married, Init has no children living; Susie Maria, a graduate of the Lawrence High School and an accom- plished pianist, lives with her parents; and Albert S., who has succeeded to the business of his father, is married, and has two sons — Albert W. and Alfred E. Albert W., who was graduated from Phillips Academy, An- dover, is now in business with his father; and Alfred E. is a member of the class of iSgg at Phillips Academy. iMfty-five years ago Mr. and Mrs. Lang united with the First Christian Church of Boston, of which they have since been faithful members. Naturally endowed with good abilities, Mr. Lang has improved his mind by reading, ob- servation, and reflection, by e.xercise culti- vating literary taste and skill. He has written several poems, among others worthy of note being one entitled '"A Chri.stmas Offering," descriptive of the advent, life work, and resurrection of Christ and his blessings on mankind. \Vc take pleasure in here rejiroducing a prose article from his pen, an autobiographical sketch, whose object, as he says, "is to show the youth of to-day some of the differences between family suc- toms and opportunities for mental culture ex- isting seventy years ago and those of the pres- ent time. " I'2arly and Latter E.xperiences. by aleked lang. In the early part of the nineteenth century, upon a farm in a rural town among the Granite Hills, there lived a happy couple whose family regularly augmented until twelve children were born, among them the subject of this story. The girls being largely in the ma- jority, the boys were necessarily put to work at the tender age of seven or eight years. It was not uncommon for the writer, at that age, to accompany laboring men into the field to do light work. There began the early physical training which developed a good constitution and the capabilities for undertaking many arduous duties later in life. Many of the customs in those days would seem strange in this age of modern improve- ments — notably, the method of striking fire, which was after this wise: Every well-regu- lated family was supplied with a tin bo.x con- taining a steel, a flint, and a quantity of tinder, the latter being charred cotton or linen cloth. By the concussion of the flint and steel a spark was thrown upon the tinder, which retained the spark until the breath could be blown upon it. When it increased, a piece of charcoal was added, the blowing being continued a few moments until the coal ignited, to which was added white birch bark or pine cone, and the work was accomplished. It sometimes occurred — though never, to my recollection, in my mother's family — that people would find themselves without tinder or fire in the house. y\s tinder cannot be made without fire, they were obliged to borrow one or the other from a neighbor; but, with judicious care, no family was without fire or the means to produce it. In warm weather, BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 283 when little fire was needed, a hemlock knot buried in live coals and covered with ashes proved one of the best means of retaining it. In those days people didn't require half the artificial heat or clothing that is now needed to make them comfortable. A warm room, like what we require to-day, was then un- known. People had no stoves in their houses. One fire in the kitchen fireplace was all that was thought necessary, e.xcept on special occa- sions. I never wore a flannel under-garment or an overcoat until I was eighteen years old. I did not know that I needed them — in fact, I did not, being comfortable without them. The same was true of all the other boys in our neighborhood. Wet feet every night caused no sickness, colds, or alarm. They were a common occurrence. We had only to dry our stockings at the chimney corner during the night, to be all right ne.xt day. Such a condi- tion and experiences would to-day be thought real hardshij); but they were not then so re- garded, neither were they so in reality. The thought being assimilated to the conditions and circumstances by which we were sur- rounded formed the balance which held us and made life easy and comfortable. Advantages for education were very limited. After we were eight or nine years old, two or three months' schooling in the winter was all that could be allowed, mornings and evenings of that time being largely devoted to the care of live stock and the preparation of fuel. At the age of eleven and one-half years I began to mow, and one year later could per- form such work with comparative ease. Much of the field work, such as driving oxen from pasture, yoking and driving them with hay rigging into the field, loading and stowing hay, spreading, raking, etc., could be done by a well-trained boy of thirteen or fourteen about as well as by a man of mature years. Such was my experience up to the age of thirteen and one-half years, when father told me that I must go from home and learn the trade of a carpenter. This matter had previously been talked up in the family, though until then I had had no knowledge as to the proposed time of departure. That night there appeared the fairy-land and castles built especially for me, I little dreaming the realities held in store for me by the future. On the morrow, with a bundle of clothing, on foot, I left home to go to my new work, ten miles distant. The house being reached, I was kindly receiveil ; but all was new to me, and for the first time I realized that there is "no place like home." When night came, I remembered that I had placed myself ten miles from father, mother, and baby. How twenty-four hours can change the visions of a child! Tears plenty, but castles few! Yet these experiences of the rough side of life had better come to us too early than too late. The first work given me was trimming limbs from small felled trees on a piece of burned ground, and putting them in jiiles convenient for loading on the team wagon. Not much "carpentering" about that job, which lasted about one week! The ne.xt job was sawing and planing not less than fourteen hours per day. When hours by daylight were short, we had the light of one tallow candle supplied, lamp oil not being in use with us. In those days a power planer or a circular saw was un- known, the hard work of planing and sawing, now done by machinery, then being executed by hand. When leave was granted to visit home, the fact of there being neither cars, stage, nor horse available afforded no barrier. Few horses could cover the distance quicker than I could by cutting across lots. Fences were 2S4 BIOGRAPHICAL RKVIEVV no more a hindrance to a boy than to a fox or a clog. Thus I bounded over hill and dale like a roe, touching ground, much of the way, about once in four or five feet. The joy of reaching home was sufficient inspiration not to believe myself tired. During one very severe winter, the snow being four feet deep, we had no fuel except as I drew it on a hand sled. Oxen couldn't be driven iiito the woods, but the snow was hard enough to bear the weight of a boy and his load. So I was assigned the job of drawing for my master's family the wood already pre- pared for the fireplace. It did not occur to me that I was undergoing any hardship. I knew that we must have the fuel, and that I coidd not do the work my master was doing, so cheerfully supplied the place of a beast of burden. I possessed a physique equal to the task, and no bad results came of it. During that winter, also, there came to my master's family an addition, which necessi- tated changing my sleeping-room from a fin- ished bedroom to an unfinished, open chamber, where not only daylight but snow could freely enter through the boarding of the walls of the house. With the thermometer registering ten degrees below zero, to sleep alone and be com- fortable under such circumstances would to-day be thought impossible; but such was my ex- perience. It did not then appear a hardship, nor was I conscious of suffering, though a boy having a constitution less vigorous evidently would have suffered under such exposure. As years rolled on, we busied ourselves building houses ami barns in summer, win- dows, sleighs, and furniture in winter. When I was seventeen years old my master died, cutting short the term of my apprenticeship two and one-half years. Yet I was sufficiently skilled to carry forward some unfinished work, as well as some not yet begun. Thus early in life I was largely thrown upon my own re- sponsibility. In the year 1837 I went to Watertown, Mass. ; but, that being the year of the great financial panic, work was suspended, and I re- turned home to pursue my calling as best I could, at fifty-eight cents per day. At this rate of compensation I executed far more work than is now performed at two and one-half dollars per day. In the light of this last statement can be seen something of the changed condition brought to a skilled mechanic by the last fifty- five years. In 1S38 skilled house carpenters commanded one dollar and fifty cents per day of twelve hours. In 1893 the same class of mechanics command three dollars per day of nine hours. Articles of food now average as cheap as then, and clothing averages fifty per cent, cheaper. Yet fifty years ago strikes were unknown, while to-day a spirit of dis- satisfaction and unrest seems to rule the work- ing-man. In 1838 I engaged work for the season in Newton, Mass., at eighteen dollars per month and board. The following year, believing I could there find my level, I went to Boston. Though at this time little more than nineteen years of age, I was obliged to measure both strength and skill with those of mature age and large experience. My first venture came in the form of a contract to finish (nie hundred doors and work all the mouldings by hand, myself. On this job I cleared about the aver- age day pay. Next I took a similar job, on which I cleared two dollars per day. This brought me to the front, when I found no diffi- culty in commanding the full pay of a skilled workman. One sight made a deep and lasting impres- sion upon me, namely: it was not unusual for old men to call from shoj) to shop in search of BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 285 employment or to go through the streets with heavy boxes of tools upon their shoulders. Witnessing these sights, altogether new to me, brought me face to face with some of the reali- ties of my calling, as well as with some of its possibilities. It was then and there that I resolved that old age should not find me in that situation, that the race for success began in the determination not to recognize f a i hi re. Since leaving the parental roof I had been under scarcely any restrictive influence, except that of the good seed sown during childhood's years by pious parents. Now there came to my assistance an older sister, who not only looked after every detail of my clothing, but took care to know my associates, and that I accompanied her to church every Sabbath. No one else can supply the place of an older sister to a younger brother in a great city. This period of my life brought me face to face with my first great responsibility; namely, that of providing a home for my parents, who did not own the farm upon which they lived nor the live stock thereon. It can hardly be understood how parents could respectably rear eleven children under such circumstances, yet such is the fact. When, owing to the infirmi- ties of age and other reasons, it became evi- dent that our parents must leave the old home, an older brother and sister and myself resolved to buy them a farm and lightly stock it. Though the sum jointly possessed was less than five hundred dollars, we agreed to pay eighteen hunilred for our farm. Going into debt proved a great incentive to activity and economy. This enterprise cost me the first thousand dollars of my spare earnings, never to return in kind, though it did return many fold in bless- ings. We must at some time part with all things material, but the fruition of a good act is that which we can forever keep. Early discovery that the largest share of the purchase money must be paid by myself proved an incentive to hjok for business offering greater inducements than journeyman's wages. Within the next six months I had two oppor- tunities to enter into a copartnership with ex- perienced builders. One of them came from a poor man who had a daughter, the other from a rich man who had no daughter. I chose the former, and in due time we formed the copart- nership. Within two years, with the daughter afore- said I entered into another copartnershij) which continues to this day. Fifty years, with never a thought of dissolution ! In making the choice of my second partner, I builded better than I knew. The result has proved a good, triie, loving wife and mother, who has well and truly filled every office in her sphere. Three children, two sons and a daughter, also came to brighten our home, all being now full grown and living within easy access of us. The first copartnership was successful, but the second has proved a greater success, though, upon en- tering it, I soon found that I had assumed still greater responsibilities, which meant to me only greater incentives. About all the spare money I had earned thus far had been appro- priated toward paying for the farm and stock for my parents. Our first contract, to furnish material and build two houses, afforded but small margin; while the nevt_ to build two more, by reason of failure of the owner afforded still less. If the wind favored, the tide did not, and vice versa; but the ship still obeyed the helm. My partner was a skilled builder, yet lacked on many points essential to success. Early discovering this fact, I set myself to work to supply those essentials wherein he was lacking. By reason of the failure above mentioned, in order to secure ourselves, we were obliged through process of 286 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW law to take possession of the real estate last built upon and sell it at auction. After [laying all debts, we found ourselves again scarcely more than square with the world. Those early experiences and conflicts, seem- ingly hard to meet victoriously, nevertheless proved some of the most valued lessons of my life. True manhood and womanhood are never developed on "flowery beds of ease": there- fore the conflicts of life have their uses. Having learned to wrestle with some of the harder problems of a business life, though without capita], I resolved upon another and bolder step forward ; namely, the purchase of a lot of land and the erection of a house for myself. This I accomplished by employing masons, slaters, painters, etc., whom I could pay with my work and material bestowed upon their houses, thus weaving the carpenter's profit on several houses into one. The capi- talist, of course, was under us all. Within one year I sold my house at a price which gave me a good margin, a capital suffi- cient to do business, and which never grew less. Soon after this, without embarrass- ment, I met the last payment due on the farm. Not many years afterward my father passed from earth, leaving mother many years of widowhood and home enjoyment. No retro- spective thought affords greater peace than the association and help bestowed in providing that paternal home. If any regret lingers, it is that I gave no more. The passing oppor- tunity to do good is always the one to em- brace. Being blessed with good health and a good helpmeet at home, not many years elapsed before I was able to buikl me a home and pay for it. At twenty-one years of age, with the young lady who afterward became my wife, I was baptized, and both joined a Christian church in Boston, where our names are still retained. I would not in any wise undervalue church influence, yet I can truly say that no church or other influence has ever produced more vital effect for good upon my thought than that re- ceived during early childhood days at my mother's knee. There are mothers who intui- tively impart to their children a Christian training, while unfortunately there are others who in those duties are defaulters. Were I to be asked the Cjuestion, Who in the human family share the greatest accountability and responsibility.'' my answer would be. The mothers of our youth. Good seed bears good fruit. We do not "gather grapes of thorns, nor figs of thistles." If we sow to the wind, we "reap the whirlwind." When thirty years of age there had been laid the foundation for whatever of success in life has since appeared. Soon after this time I made an attemjit to join one of the then popular orders. The introduction thereto proved so distasteful that I proceeded no further. In the political fieUl I met with little better success, filling elective offices for a peritid of five years only to learn that I cherished scarcely anything in common with the jioliti- cian except strict observance of the elective franchise. Therefore I withdrew from the field altogether, to pursue simply a legitimate business calling. During a business experience of forty-five years I have never become party to a contract that I did not honorably fulfil, or that did not in some measure prove a financial success, even to the contract with myself not to spend my last days in adversity. Some time since, I turned over to my younger son a prosperous business, which he is now successfully carrying on for himself. Thus, knowing that, in any event, my family BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 287 is well provided for, I feel free to devote the balance of my years to other activities in the furtherance of "peace on earth, good will to men. " ^CA''/ II-LIAM TALCOTT KIMBALL, City Clerk of Lawrence, was born in this city, November 30, 1854. His parents were William Addison and Caro- line L. (Smith) Kimball. He is a lineal descendant of Richard Kimball, a well-to-do yeoman, who, with his family, came to Massa- chusetts from Ipswich, England, in 1634, and located first in VVatertown, moving thence to Ipswich, in the county of Essex. His proj]- erty amounted to seven hundred and thirty- seven pinuids sterling. His son Benjamin, who was born in 1637, about the time of the removal to Ipswich, fought in the Indian wars. Benjamin Kimball died June 11, 1695. Samuel, son of Benjamin, was born in Brad- ford, Esse.x County, Mass., in 1680, and died in 1739. He married Eunice Chadwick ; and their son Edmund, who was born in Bradford in 1716, is the next in this line. He was a man of large landed estates, a prominent and influential citizen. He died in Bradford in 1795. Edmund's son David, who was born June 16, 1749, died in Pembroke, N.H., in 1816 or 1817. His wife was Mehitable Clement. They had thirteen children, ten of whom — namely, four sons and six daughters — attained maturity. The eldest, William, who was William T. Kimball's grandfather, was born in Pembroke, N. H., October 2, 1771. The other sons who grew to manhood were: Eliphalet, John Carle- ton, and Jesse. William Kimball was a farmer of Pembroke. He died in 1845. He was married November 4, 1S02, to Sarah Os- good, who was born in Andover, Mass., in 1780, daughter of Samuel Osgood. She sur- vived her husband many years, and was nearly ninety years old when death called her to rest. Mr. and Mrs. William Kimball were members of the Orthodox Congregational church. Four- teen children were born to them, and four sons and two daughters attained adult age. William Addison was the youngest son. William Addison Kimball was born in Pembroke, N.H., t'ebruary 21, 1821. He was for some time mill overseer in Newbury- port, Mass. In 1852 he came to Lawrence as an overseer in the Atlantic Mills, and in 1859 he engaged in the hardware business. A self- made man, having earned his own capital, he was quite successful in its investment. In politics he was an active Republican. He was elected to the office of Overseer of the Poor in 1S79 and 1880. He was a prominent member of the Orthodox Con- gregational church, an officer in the society. William A. was twice married. His first wife, to whom he was united June 3, 1S52, was a daughter of Daniel and Abigail (Jevvett) Smith, born in 1823. The Jewetts are an old and worthy New England family, springing from Maximilian Jewett, who came from Eng- land in 1639, and settling in Rowley, Mass., was one of the prominent citizens of his time, and was a member of the General Court. Mrs. Caroline L. Kimball died August 6, 1869, leaving two children: William T., the subject of this sketch; and Edward P., now cashier of the First National Bank in Maiden, Mass. The father's second marriage, to Miss Kate F. Chandler, of Lawrence, took place December 30, 1874. William A. Kimball died March 6, 1880. He is survived by his second wife, a sketch of whom appears on another page. William Talcott Kimball graduated from the Lawrence High School, and afterward 2S8 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW stiuliccl for one year in Stuttgart, Wiirtem- berg, Germany. Returning to Lawrence, he was for a number of years confidential clerk for the Hon. Edgar J. Sherman, who was then registrar of bankruptcy, having full charge of that branch of his business. In politics he is a Republican. He was elected City Clerk in 1885, the office in 18S6 being awarded a Democrat. In 1S87 Mr. Kimball was again elected; and he has held the position up to the present time, with the e.xception of 1892, when he was editor of the Lawrence Daily Auicrican. But one other citizen of Lawrence has held the office as long as Mr. Kimball. Mr. Kimball has all the details of the city administration at his finger ends, and is one of the best authorities here on such matters. He is a member of the Essex Club, the leading Republican organization of the county; of the Home Market Club; and of the Republican Club of Massachusetts. He is one of the directors of the Lowell, Lawrence & Haver- hill Street Railway. On May 20, 1885, he was married to Mina, daughter of Myron H. Kelley. Her mother was a Spanish lady; and she herself was born in Concepcion, Chili. She died April 23, 1886, aged thirty years, leaving one daughter, Mina Elizabeth, who was born March 13, 1886. On June 4, 1887, Mr. Kimball was married to his first wife's sister Lillia, who also was born in Chili. She is the mother of one child, Lillia Carrita, born July 20, 1S90. Mr. Kimball is a Knight Templar, a mem- ber of the Mystic Shrine, and Past Master of Phcenician Lodge, F. & A. M. He belongs to the order of Pilgrim leathers, and is secretary both of the Home Club and the Merrimack Valley County Club of this city. He is one of the few citizens of Lawrence honored with a medal by the Massachusetts Humane So- ciety. The occasion was this: In 1881, while on the rocks at Gloucester, at a time when the sea was very high, he saw a boat, in which were six persons, capsize. Though not able to swim, he at once put out in a boat, and at the risk of his own life rescued four boys. Mr. Kimball resides at No. 95 Summer Street, where he was born and where his grandfather Smith settled in the early days of Lawrence. OHN MERRILL POOR, a representa- tive of one of West Newbury's oldest families, was born in this town, Au- gust 14, 1829, son of John and Lydia M (Merrill) Poor. The family dates its origin in England from the Norman Conquest, and was prominently identified with both Church and State affairs under the early Plantagenet rule. Rodger le Poer, who was l^ishop of Salisbury- in 1121, officiated at the marriage of Henry I. with the daughter of Godfrey, Count of Louvain, and placed the crown upon her head. This ceremony took place at Wind- sor Castle. Richard Poor, also Bishop of Salisbury, distinguished for his piety and learning, was the founder of the famous old cathedral in that town. He died at an ad- vanced age in 1237. Richard Poor, a nejihew of Bishop Roger Poor (or Le Poer), located in Gloucestershire, and reared three sons — Her- bert, Richard, and Philip. Herbert and Richard were educated for the church, and were advanced by old friends of their great- uncle. Bishop Roger Poor. The third son, Philip, is supposed on good authority to have been the ancestor of the present branch of the family in America. Samuel Poor (first), the first ancestor of John Merrill Poor to emigrate to America, died in old Newbury in 1694, aged eighty-one years. His son, Samuel Poor (second), born in old Newbury in 1G48, died in 1728. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 289 Samuel Poor (third), who was born in the same town in 1683, died in 1769. John Poor, great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born there in March, 1709, and Moses Poor, the grandfather, in 1760. After follow- ing the occupation of farmer throughout his active period Moses died in 1S40. John Poor, son of Moses, born in 1783, was a life- long resident of Newbury. He was also a farmer, and died in 1866. His wife, Lydia E. , was a daughter of Deacon Abel Merrill, of West Newbury. John Merrill Poor's attendance at the dis- trict school in the winter season ceased when he was seventeen years old. For the succeed- ing fourteen years his summers were spent as a farm assistant; and during each winter he worked at shoemaking in Haverhill, Mass., for Moses Howe. About the year i860 he settled upon the farm he now owns. To-day he is one of the most prosperous farmers in this town. In politics he is a Republican. He has served with ability as a member of the Koard of Selectmen for three years, and was inspector of cattle for one year. He has been treasurer of Newbury Grange, No. 146, Patrons of Husbandry, for eight years; and he is also a member of the Esse.x County Pomona Grange. In 1870 Mr. Poor was united in marriage with Mary Alice Merrill, daughter of William Merrill, of West Newbury. Mrs. Poor has had si.x children, as follows; John, born in 1872; William, born in 1873; Lydia C, born in 1876; Dean Stan wood, born in 1880; Charles A., born in 1882; and Albert, born in 1885, who died in 1894. John fitted for his collegiate course at Professor Carlton's preparatory school, and graduated from Dart- mouth College, class of 1897. William assists his father upon the farm. Lydia C. attends school in Bradford. Dean Stanwood is a graduate of the West Newbury High School, class of 1897. fjiY<^^J''l'II E. BAILEY, of Georgetown, who is extensively engaged in the man- ufacture of boots and shoes, was born at Newbury, Mass., 1839. A son of Joseph Jenness and Myra (Danforth) Bailey, he is of English descent. His first ancestor in Amer- ica was James Bailey, who came over with the Rev. Ezekiel Rogers and settled in Belleville, Newbury, now a part of Newburyport. Mr. Bailey's great-grandfather was Deacon Ed- mund Bailey. His grandfather, Josiah, was born in West Newbury, Mass. Joseph Jen- ness I^ailey, son of Josiah, born in London- derry, N.H., in 1802, besides being a farmer, dealt extensively in lumber, [unxhasing stock in the North, shipping it to Newbury and then selling it at the ship-yards. He lived in Newbury, and married Myra Danforth, a daughter of Master Daniel Danforth, who belonged to one of the old families of Essex- County. Joseph E. Bailey was educated in the public schools of Newbury, graduating from the Put- nam High School at Newburyport in 1858. He then came to Georgetown, to work as clerk in a grocery store for Nathaniel Lambert & Son. After four years he was taken into the firm, which then became N. Lambert & Co. This partncrshiji had lasted five years when Mr. Bailey and the younger Lambert pur- chased the interest of the senior partner, and the name was changed to Lambert & Bailey. In 1884 Mr. Bailey bought his partner's in- terest, and thereafter carried on the business for ten years in his own name. Then he sold out his stock of goods and rented the store to Sanborn & Noyes. Afterward he spent about three years in settling estates in which he and 290 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW his family were interested. In 1888 he and Mr. Noyes formed the firm of A. B. Noyes & Co. for the manufacture of boots and shoes. The firm, which was incorporated under the laws of the State with a capital of twenty thousand dollars, A. B. Noyes being the pres- ident and J. E. Bailey the treasurer, employs now about fifty skilled workmen. In 1881 Mr. Bailey erected the Bailey Block, to be used for stores below and tenements above. At one time he was the president of the Georgetown Savings Bank, and he now is a trustee and the auditor of that institution. He has served the community in the capacities of Selectman, Treasurer, and Collector, and was Town Clerk for ten years. In 1874 he was elected to the State legislatiue, where he was a member of the Committee on Mercantile Affairs. In politics he is a Republican and a strong temperance man. He is a member of the First Congregational Society of George- town, and has been the treasurer of the society for seven years. His connection with frater- nal organizations is limited to membership in Protection Lodge, No. 147, I. O. O. F., of Georgetown. In 1866 Mr. Bailey was married to Sarah A. liaton, a daughter of Daniel W. and Sarah Little Smith Eaton, of West Newbury. Her grandfather, James Smith, the fourth bearer of the name in the Smith family, was born on the old farm on Crane Neck Hill, in West Newbury. The second James Smith was the Cai)tain of a company in the Revolutionary War. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey have one son, Klmer Smith Bailey, who was born in 1872. After passing through the public schools and graduatitig from Phillips Academy in An- dover, Elmer .S. Bailey took a special course in architecture at Brown University, and in 189s graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design at the head of his class, taking a prize for the best design. He is now a mem- ber of the firm of Cooper, Bailey & Kerr, architects, of Boston, Mass. '^AMES F. PEASE, of the well-known carriage-makers in Merrimac, Samuel C. Pease & Sons, is a descendant of one of the Pease brothers who came from Eng- land to Salem in 1635, afterward settling one at Martha's Vineyard and one in Enfield. When Thomas Mayhew received a grant of Martha's Vineyard, seven families named Pease were found there. Among them was John Pease, who then had in his possession an Indian grant. The tradition is that they were shipwrecked there, and afterward traded with the Indians. Most of the ancestors of the family followed the sea. Generally men of character, some were eminent divines or dis- tinguished in other walks of life. One of the Pease family at the age of eighteen was se- lected to serve in Lafayette's body-guard be- cause of his magnificent physique. Another of the family was present at the surrender of 15urgoyne. The Hon. Calvin Pease was for fourteen years Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Ohio. Captain Levi Pease made the first contract for carrying mails in New F2ng- land from Portsmouth, N. H., to Savannah, Ga. Abisha Pease, the great-grandfather of James F., was i^rominent in church affairs. He left Martha's Vineyard and took up a large tract of land in Norridgewock, which he afterward lost through an imperfect title. Subsecjuently in Fall River he made a sufficient amount of money to enable him to return to Norridge- wock and repurchase his farm. His son, the grandfather of Mr. James I''. Pease, removed to Fall River in middle life. Samuel C. Pease, after a few years of school- ing, began to learn the trade of carriage-maker BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 291 in Fall River. Afterward he worked at his trade in West Amesbury, now Merrimac, until 1 86 1, when he went into business for him- self in a small way. A few years later he was able to buy the business and residence of John S. Poyen, and after an interval the establishment now owned by his sons, to which he added every year, as his custom steadily increased. His son James F. was made a member of the firm in 1S79, and rVank E. was received in 1SS3. In 18SS Mr. Pease disposed of the remainder of his inter- est to his youngest son, John T., and retired from active business, except to the extent of serving in the capacity of a director of the Merrimac National ]5ank. Since then he has given the most of his time to extended Eu- ropean travel and trijis to California. He is connected with the Congregational church, and together with his three sons, James F. , Frank E., and John T., is a member of Riverside Lodge, No. 174, I. O. O. F. James F. Pease, the eldest son of .Samuel C. , was educated at the Merrimac High School and a commercial college in Boston. After learning the carriage trade he went into busi- ness with his father. For the past ten years he has had sole charge of the concern. Car- riages of the highest grade are made in iiis establishment and shipped to all parts of the world. In 1895 a magnificent rockaway, adorned with gold-mounted lamps and other accessories, was sent by them to Turkey, to be used as the sultan's private carriage. Poth he and his brother Frank are directors of the Co- operative Bank of Merrimac. In politics he is a Prohibitionist, and he has served as a member of the Executive Committee of the State. He married Mary A., daughter of John P. Heath, of Merrimac, and has eight children — Harry Alvin, James Chase, Anne Mary, Ruth Evelyn, Martha, John Samuel, Elizabeth, and Beulah, all living at home. A man of culti- vated literary tastes, he has rendered valuable services to the community as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Public Library, of which he is the present chairman. An es- teemed Odd Fellow, he is a Past Grand of the Riverside Lodge, and is now its chaplain and a trustee. He is a member of the Congrega- tional church, and served for some time on its Prudential Committee. P'rank K. Pease, a draughtsman of unusual ability, is in charge of the blacksmith and wood-working department of the manufactory. He is Past Grand of Riverside Lodge, Past Chief I'atriot of P2agle Encampment, and Cap- tain of Canton P'agle, Haverhill. Now serv- ing his fifth year in the School Committee, he is the present chairman of that body. He married Miss Fannie Noyes, a daughter of Stephen Noyes, a contractor of Haverhill, and Sarah (Hoyt) Noyes, and has four children — Carrie Noyes, Charles P'rancis, Sarah Anne, and Frank Webster, all of whom are at home. John T. Pease is in charge of the iiainting, trimming, and finishing department of the business. He married Miss Mattie Perry, of Sherman Mills, Me., a daughter of Joseph and I{mma (ICaton) Perry, and has two children — Emma Mattie and Mabelle Ella, both at home. In politics he is a Republican. ILLIAM BARNES, janitor of the Nevins Library building at Me- thuen, Mass., was horn March 15, 1834, in Orford, Grafton County, N.H. His parents were John Busby and Lucy (P'reeman) Barnes, both descended from old Connecticut families. His paternal grandfather removed from Fairfield County, Connecticut, to Mon- treal, Canada, where he afterward resided. His 292 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW mother's father, Daniel Freeman, served in the Revolutionary War, and soon after its close removed from Connecticut, the State of his birth, to Orford, N. H., where he was a pioneer settler. John Busby Barnes was born in December, 1793, in Montreal, Canada, and was there reared and educated. When ready to establish himself in business he removed to New Eng- land, and thereafter lived in New Hampshire or Massachusetts until his decease in July, 1 87 1. He married Lucy Freeman, who was born December 25, 1S03, and died in 1875. Six children, all sons, were born to John Busby and Lucy Barnes, William being the fourth. One son, Joel Barnes, died very sud- denly of apoplexy at the age of fifty-four years, leaving two daughters. On January 8, 1853, before he had reached the nineteenth anniversary of his birth, Will- iam Barnes married Juliet Waldo, a fair young maiden of his own age, who was born in Me- thuen, Mass., a daughter of George A. and Almira (Bodwell) Waldo. He learned the hatter's trade when a young man, and worked as a journeyman at the Methuen bench for many years. During the war of the Rebellion he volunteered his services to his country, en- listing in the Fourteenth Massachusetts Vol- unteer Infantry, which was changed to the l'"irst Massachusetts Heavy Artillery. He was mustered in at I'ort Warren, Boston Har- bor, July 7, 1861. For two years and nine months he was engaged in garrison duty around Washington, D. C, and was then sent to the field of conflict. On May 15, 1864, he took an active part in the battle of Spottsyl- vania. Within the next six weeks his regi- ment was at the front in eight decisive con- tests; and, although one thousand three hundred and forty out of one thousand seven hundred and forty of his comratlcs were killed, wounded, or captured, he was fortunate enough to escape unharmed. His health, however, was undermined by the exposures and privations of life in camp and field, and he now draws a pension from the government. On returning to Methuen at the expiration of his term of enlistment he resumed work at his trade, and continued at it until 18S4, when he was appointed to his present position by Mr. Henry C. Nevins. He is an active member of a post of the G. A. R., of which he has been Junior Vice-Commander and chaplain. In politics he formerly affiliated with the Democratic party, but in 1896 he became a sound money Republican. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes have four children, namely: Lucy Ardelle, wife of Edward W. Austin, of Lawrence, Mass. ; George Will- iam, of Methuen; Charles Albert, of Chicago, 111. ; and Lewis lulgar, of whom a brief sketch will be found on another page of this volume. ;nry converse attwill, a rising young lawyer of Lynn, was born in this city, March 11, 1872. His father, Isaac M. Attwill, a native of Lynn and one of its best known and most respected residents, married Miss Harriet E. Sanger, of Watertown, Mass., and they be- came the parents of seven children; namely, Helen L. , Annie L., Joseph W., Mary C, Jesse L. (second), Harriet S., and Henry C. Henry C. Attwill took the full course of study in the public schools of his native city, entering the primary grade as soon as old enough, and receiving his diploma from the high school in the spring of 1890. A few months later he became a student at the Bos- ton University School of Law, from which he was graduated with the class of 1893. On the 8th of August, the same year, he was DUDLEY BKAUSTKEET. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 29S admitted to the Suffolk bar, ami at once asso- ciated himself with William D. Turner, who was then counsel for the Metropolitan Sewer- age Commission, and who has an office in that city and in Lynn. He has since conducted a successful practice, having proved himself an earnest student of his profession, an acute and logical reasoner, and one possessed of more than ordinary oratorical ability. In 1896 Mr. Attwill was elected to repre- sent his constituents of the then Eighteenth Essex District in the State legislature, where he was distinguished as being the youngest member of the House. During that year he served on the Committees on Probate and In- solvency, and was a member and the clerk of the Committee on Elections. He is now, in 1897, also a member of the House of Repre- sentatives, being clerk of the Committee on the Judiciary. In politics he is a stanch and steadfast Re- publican anil an active worker in the interests of his party. In 1894 and 1895 he was a member of the Lynn Republican City Com- mittee. He now belongs to the Lynn Repub- lican Club, and is likewise a member of the social orjranization known as the Oxford Club. IS UDLEY BRADSTREET, of Tops- field, Mass., son of John and Sail}' (Rca) Hradstreet, bears the names of two distinguished ancestors — Governor Simon Bradstreet, of whom he is a descendant in the seventh generation, and Governor Thomas Dudley, from whom he is descended through the Governor's daughter Anne, of literary fame, wife of Governor Bradstreet. This is the line from Governor .Simon ' and Anne (Dudley) Bradstreet: John,' who married Sarah Per- kins; Simon, ' who married in 1711 Elizabeth Capen ; John,^ who married Elizabeth Fisk ; Captain Dudley, 5 who married Mary Porter; John,'' who married Sally Rea, and was the father of the subject of our sketch. Captain Dudley Bradstreet, the grandfather, was the only son and the youngest child in his father's family. He was born and reared on the old Bradstreet homestead in Tojisfield. He chose an agricultural life; and in 1809, some years after his marriage, he bought a farm in Danvcrs, Mass., and made that his home until his death, on April 23, 1833. He and his wife, Mary, had eleven children; namely, Polly, Eliza, Sarah, Lydia, Porter, Joseph, Dudley, John, Albert, Jonathan, and Thomas. Of these, Polly, the eldest, married Samuel Peabody, of Boxford. Eliza became the wife of Silas Cochran, of Essex. .Sarah married Ahira Putnam, of Danvers. Lydia married a Mr. White, and had three children, all of whom became teachers in Boston. Por- ter, who married Mehitabel Bradstreet, daugh- ter of John Bradstreet, settled on the adjoin- ing farm, which was a part of the original tract granted to Governor Bradstreet, and lived there until his death at the age of sixty-seven years. He reared but one child, Hannah Prince, who married Humphrey Balch, and died in 1891. Joseph Bradstreet, who was a tailor in Boston, was drowned in the dock. He left a widow and two children. Dudley, Jr., the third son, who never married, was a hotel-keeper in early years, but subsequently bought from .Samuel Bradstreet, a near kins- man and the father of Cleveland Bradstreet, late Mayor of Rochester, N. Y. , the old home- stead in Topsfield, and lived here until his death in 1832, aged forty-seven years. Al- bert, who lived for a time in the West, mar- ried a Miss .Stearns and died in Melrose, Mass. Jonathan went to Iowa when a young man, being the first settler in Burlington, and was shot during a dispute over land, at the 296 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW age of twenty-seven years. The youngest of the family, the Rev. Thomas Ikadstreet, of Thompson, Conn., married a daughter of Seth Thomas, and is the father of Thomas Dudley ]?radstreet, who is manager of the Seth Thomas clock factory. Dudley Bradstreet, Jr., dying in 1832, as already noted, left the old Bradstreet estate to his father, Captain Dudley, who died a few months later. His brother John then bought the interest of the remaining heirs in that property and in the Danvers farm, also. John Bradstreet, son of Captain Dudley Bradstreet and brother of Dudley, Jr., re- mained on the Danvers farm until his death, February 22, 1870, at the age of si.xty-seven years and eight months. His wife, who was the daughter of Israel Rea, of Topsfield, sur- vived many years, living in Topsfield, her death at the advanced age of ninety being caused by injuries received fiom her clothing catching fire. John and Sally (Rea) l^radstreet had five children, namely: Dudley, the special subject of this sketch; John; Israel; Harrison; arid Sarah. John, the second son, was a cattle dealer in Hamilton. Israel went to California for his health, and died there, of consumption, leaving a widow and three children, who still remain in that State. Harrison, who is the keeper of a lodging-house in Boston, for a time owned the Danvers farm. He is married, but has no children. .Sarah, who is unmar- ried, lives in Topsfield. Dudley Bradstreet, the eldest son, was born on the Danvers farm, July 6, 1S27. From the time he was old enough to make himself use- ful, he assisted in the management of the place until attaining his majority. He then worked for a time for his uncle Porter on the adjoining farm, once a part of Governor Brad- street's landed property. In 1849 his father placed him in charge of the old homestead, which he had previously bought; and here Mr. Bradstreet has since been prosperously engaged in general farming. The estate contains one hundred and twenty-five acres; and the present house, built on the site of the original dwell- ing, was erected in 1770, one hundred and twenty-eight years ago, by a John Bradstreet, Sr. , who was descended from the second son of Governor Simon Bradstreet. Mr. Bradstreet married February 12, 1S51, Miss Rtehitabcl P. Bradstreet, who was born in Hamilton, Mass., daughter of Josiah and Sarah (Patch) Bradstreet. Josiah Bradstreet was a son of John Bradstreet, Jr., and a grand- son of John Bradstreet, Sr. ,who built the pres- ent house on the home farm, which he had in- herited. John, Jr., was the first child born in this house. The farm descended to Samuel Bradstreet, the son of John Bradstreet, Sr. ; and he sold it, as above mentioned, to the uncle of the present owner. Mr. and Mrs. Bradstreet have ten children, namely: Sarah Josephine, wife of Josiah Loring Gould, of Melrose, Mass. ; Horace D., who married Mabel Warner, of Ipswich; Josiah Porter, of Hamilton, who married Addie Smith; Sam- uel W., unmarried; John H., who married Lucy Kneeland, and in company with his brother Samuel carries on the Esse.x County Agricultural Society Farm ; Percy Leroy, living at home; Albert C, also living on the old farm, who is Master of the Topsfield Grange; Alice Gertrude, who lives at home; Ruth, wife of Frank Bradstreet, of Beverly; and Mettie, a teacher in the Topsfield High School. Mr. Bradstreet has always been numbered among the most faithful and public-spirited citizens of Topsfield, doing his full share to secure its advancement. He has held nearly all the town offices, serving as Selectman fif- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 297 teen years and as a member of the School Committee twenty years. In 1879 and 1880 he was a Representative to the State legislat- ure, in which he was one of the Committee on Comities. For several years he was a Trustee of the Esse.x Agricultural Society and for many seasons a regular exhibitor at its annual fairs. In politics he is an unswerving Republican. Fraternally, he is a Mason, be- longing to Amity Lodge of Danvers. RANCIS A. P. KILLAN, senior member of the firm of F. A. P. Killan & Sons, well-known builders and con- tractors of Manchester, Mass., was born in Boxford, Mass., on September 11, 1823, son of Samuel and Lois (Holt) Killan. His father was a native of Boxford, and his mother of North Reading, Mass. The former, who was a farmer by occupation, died in 1839. The subject of this sketch was educated in the common schools of Boxford. At the age of eighteen years he began to learn the trade of carpenter and builder with William B. Morgan, then a prominent contractor and builder of Manchester. After serving an apprenticeship of nearly three years he be- came foreman for Mr. Morgan, and had some ten or fifteen workmen under his charge. He was at this time but twenty years old. Previ- ous to the breaking out of the Civil War he was engaged in business for himself, and sub- sequently during the war was a partner in the well-known firm of Phillips & Killan, with which he remained connected for thirty- eight years, or up to the time of Mr. Phillips's death. Since 1895 he has been associated in business with his son. The business methods of the firm have been such as to secure for them a wide reputation and the entire confi- dence of their patrons in this and other towns and cities. The buildings erected by them give evidence of the most careful and consci- entious work, and each is a standing adver- tisement for them. Mr. Killan has served as town surveyor of lumber and measurer of wood and bark, also as town ganger of oil. Mr. Killan married Mary E. Martin, of Manchester. He has had eight children, of whom three are living— Augustus M., Martin Lewis, and Cyrus Bartlett. In politics Mr. Killan is a Republican. He is a member and Deacon of the Congrega- tional Church of Manchester. Fraternally, he is a member and Past Grand of Magnolia Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and at present is serving as chaplain of the lodge. (ffj^OHN TUFTS, manager of the Cape Ann Isinglass Company, of Rockport, was born in this town, May 10, 1843, son of Fli G. and Hannah (Mcjannet) Tufts. The family is an old and higjily reputable one in this locality. Eli G. Tufts, who was for many years a tailor in Rockport, died in 1852. His wife, Hannah, was a daughter of Samuel Mcjannet, a Scotchman, who came to this town when twenty-tiiree years old, and resided here for the rest of his life. She became the mother of four children, all of whom are liv- ing, namely: William E. Tufts, of St. Ste- phens, N.B. ; John, the subject of this sketch; Susan H., wife of Levi P. Thurston, of Rock- port; and Albert C, who resides in Sacra- mento, Cal. John Tufts completed his education in the Rockport Grammar School. At an early age he began tcf work for the Rockport Granite Company, shipping stone from this town to Boston, anrl si)cnt his summers in that occupa- tion for a numijer of years. At the age of 298 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW eighteen he became employetl in the isinglass factory at Ipswich, Mass. Isinglass can only be manufactured during the winter season: and Mr. Tufts was connected with the Ipswich factory for about twelve seasons, during which time he became thoroughly familiar with the Inisincss. In 1882 he was appointed manager of the Cape Ann Isinglass Company's factory in Rockport, a position which he has since filled with marked ability; and he is at the present time a stockholder and a member of the firm. Mr. Tufts married Maria Clark, daughter of Lemuel J. Clark, late of Rockport. He has two children: Clara M., wife of Manley G. Littlefield, of this town; and Hosea C. In politics a Republican, Mr. Tufts takes a lively interest in the business development of the town. He is connected with Ashler Lodge, F'. & A. M., and is Past Grand of Granite Lodge, I. O. O. F. He attends the Univer- salist churcii. —•-•••-♦— 'RED r. -STANTON, a well-known grocer and formerly Postmaster of Wenham, was born in this town on September 2, 1864, son of Charles H. and Mary E. (Boynton) Stanton. The Stanton family has been long and favorably known here, and its members have occupied ]iosi- tions of trust and responsibility in the affairs of the town. Charles H. Stanton, who was a son of Alvin Stanton, was born in this county. He is now a prominent Democratic jiolitician of Wenham and a member of the Hoard of Trustees for the pulilic library. I'red P. Stanton in his boyhood attended the public schools of Wenham and subse- (|uently the Beverly High School. At six- teen years of age he became clerk in the mer- cantile house of A. D. & W. ¥. Trowt, of this town, and for the following sixteen years was one of the most trusted employees of that firm. During five years of this time he served as Collector of Taxes for the town of Wenham and for ten years as Postmaster. Since he started in business for himself, in 1897, he has secured a generous patronage. His wide acquaintance furnished him with many pa- trons, whose confidence he studies to retain. He keeps two delivery wagons, and makes house to house calls. Besides carrying on his store he does considerable newspaper work, being local correspondent for the Beverly Times, the Salem Gazette, and for the Asso- ciated Press. Mr. Stanton married Mary A. Beard, daughter of Charles E. Beard, superintendent of the Boston Ice Company's works at Newton Junction, N. IL, and formerly a resident of Wenham. Three children have been born to him; namely, Melvina A., Winnifrcd, and Blanche A. Mr. Stanton is a Democrat po- litically, and has served as member of the Wenham Democratic Town Committee. Fra- ternally, he belongs to the Order of United American Mechanics, Golden Star Council, at Beverly, of which he is ex-Councillor, ami to the Wenham Mutual Benefit Association. ILLIAM HOARE, a member of the well-known firm of Roljerts & Hoare, leading contractors and builders of Manchester, Mass., is a native of Devonshire, England, born February 2, 1848, son of Stephen and Jane A. Hoare. Both parents were natives of England, and the mother is now deceased. William Hoare re- ceived his education in the public schools of his native country. At the age of fourteen he began to learn the carpenter's and joiner's trade, to which he served a seven years' ap- prenticeship. During this time he attended BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 299 evening school. After finishing his appren- ticeship he worked at his trade for some time as a journeyman in England. Coming to America in 1871, he settled in Gloucester, Mass., where he soon secured employment. From Gloucester he came subsequently to Manchester, and worked here for a num- ber of years for Phillips & Killan, builders. He then became a member of the firm of Friend, Roberts & Hoare, which later be- came Roberts & Hoare, its present style, Mr. P^iend being no longer connected with it. For some fifteen years the firm has carried on a very successful business, and to-day is the leading firm of contractors in Manchester. They employ about sixty carpenters besides other workmen. Mr. Hoare married N. Jessie Hodgess, who was born in Devonshire, England. He has a family of five children, as follows: Emma F. ; Jessie M., a well-known music teacher of established reputation; William W. ; Abbott H.; and Mabor T. Mr. Hoare is interested in all matters per- taining to the welfare of Manchester, and is one of the men to whose vigorous and tireless efforts the town is indebted for its splendid system of water-works. He was one of the first three members composing the Water Board, and served as a member for five years. Mr. Hoare is an active member of the Congregational church. Fraternally, he be- longs to Magnolia Lodge at Manchester. A good representative of the Anglo-American citizen, he enjoys the confidence and esteem of all who have dealinrrs with him. ARON PARSONS, chief clerk at the Gloucester custom-house, was born in this city. May 4, ia Belle, aged fourteen, attending the public schools. They live at 21 Valley Street, which has been their home since 1877. In piilitics the Kress Brothers are Republi- cans, but with strong prohibition tendencies. Herman Kress is an active worker in the Ger- man Methodist Episcopal church, while Otto is connected with the Garden Street Methodist Episcopal Church. Both are class leaders. fsffOHN BRODHEAD PIKE, a promi- nent citizen of Salisbury, was born in this town on New Year's Day, 1836, son of Caleb and Mary (Pike) Pike, He is a descendant in the seventh generation of Major Robert Pike, so justly famed in early Colonial days for sound judgment and clear- headed common sense, coupled with great ability and unbounded courage. Major Pike was born in Langford, England, in 16 16. He came to Salisbury in 1638; and from that time, for fifty years on, his name is connected with almost every event of impor- tance in the history of the town. He was Representative to General Court, Lieutenant, Captain, Colonel, Major-general, a man of physical strength as well as mental and moral powers. It is related that on the voyage com- ing to America, he asked for larger rations, and upon the captain's asking, "What can you do more than others to deserve it?" he seized an iron bar, and ijcnt it neaiiy double across his knee. The astounded captain ex- claimed, "Bend it back again, and I will double your rationsl" This the young man (lid with apparent ease. Major Pike in many ways was far ahead of his times. He scorned the petty bigotries and narrowness of his age, and liatl a mind broad, charitable, and hu- mane. As early as 1643 he was one of seven townsmen in full charge of the town affairs. In 1654 he demanded of the General Court of BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 321 Massachusetts the release of Thomas Macy, immortalized by Whittier, and of Joseph Pear- ley, who had been sentenced to fine and im- prisonment for preaching the word of God without having been ordained. In those days the decrees of the General Court were held as infallible, almost sacred; and the Major's boldness created consternation on all sides. He declared that the men who voted for the measure violated their oaths as freemen, that their act was an outrage against liberty, both civil and ecclesiastical, and that he, more- over, stood ready to make his statement good. By way of punishment he was fined and dis- qualified for hokling office, but so necessary were his advice and judgment to the welfare of the colony that the disqualification was soon removed. Many other interesting incidents in his life are told: one, of his being arrested and fined for profaning the Lord's Day by starting be- fore sundown on Sunday to cross the Merri- mack in order to get an early start for Boston, before the ice should break up; another inci- dent tells of his disjjute with the great preacher, Wheelwright. The redoubtable Major, as magistrate, refused to acknowledge the supremacy of the church, and for his heresy was excommunicated, although it was not long before he was reinstated. He en- tered into the matter of the witchcraft perse- cutions with all the zeal of his nature, and denounced the cruel sacrifice of human life when no other man in the colony dared raise a murmur of protest. It is a matter of history that his action had great weight in checking -the craze. His manly action in defence of Quakers, who were ordered to be whipped from Dover to Boston, ten lashes in each town, is well known through Whittier's poem concerning the Salisbury constable. His humane treatment of the Indians during King Philip's War also does honor to the Major, whose soul was as generous as it was bold. He was on the Governor's Council for a quar- ter of a century; and, wherever the battle was to be fought for humanity, justice, and free- dom, there every time would the valiant Major be found, throwing the full weight of his in- fluence as champion. History has left meagre records of the de- scendants of Major Pike until recent times. The successive ancestors in this line have been as follows: Moses, born 1654; lilias, born 1692; Moses, second, born 1717; Moses, third, born 1750, who died 1845; and Caleb, father of Mr. John B. Pike. Moses Pike, third, was a man of unusual physical strength; and many are the deeds of prowess related of him. He enlisted early in the Provincial army in the Revolution, and came home on a furlough prior to June 17, I77S- His brother Elias, who took his place as substi- tute, was in the battle of Bunker Hill, and was severely wounded by a bullet in the leg. Caleb Pike, son of Moses, third, built the house now occupied by his son John B., in 1814. His .children were: James, Caleb, Moses, Mary E. , and John B. James married Mary, daughter of the Rev. John Brodhead, an eminent divine, and has two children: James Thornton, of Newfield, N. H.; and Anna Ger- trude, now Mrs. Charles B. Kendall, of Bos- ton. James was a graduate of Middletown, and an eloquent and active preacher of the Metho- dist Episcopal church. He was Presiding Elder of the Third District of New Hamp- shire for a great many years. He was always interested in politics, and was candidate for governor, receiving nearly the required num- ber of votes for election. From 1855 to 1859 he was in Congress. During the war he was Colonel of the Sixteenth New Hampshire Regiment, in the division of General Banks, 322 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW of whom he was a personal friend. Moses Pike was killed in 1896 by receiving a kick from a horse, and his widow is living in Mr. John Pike's family. Mary E. Pike is now Mrs. Pettingell. John B. Pike's birthplace was the home- stead which was granted in 1638 to Major Pike, and has been in the family ever since. He was educated in the Putnam Free High School at Newburyport, and has been engaged in farming and blacksmithing, as were his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. He has passed all his life in his native town, with the exception of the time he was in the Civil War. He enlisted in August, 1862, was with General Banks at Port Hudson, and was at Donaldsonville, went to liaton Rouge, and up the river in a steamer to Cairo, and came home by rail. After returning from the war, Mr. Pike engaged in blacksmith work. On his farm Mr. Pike cuts a large amount of salt hay. He pays considerable attention to fruit culture and poultry raising. Two years ago his fruit crop was eight hundred and sixty barrels, and last year three hundred. In April he averages daily thirty-three dozen eggs. Mr. Pike was married on June ig, 1867, to Ella F. Hughes. Their children are: Emma P"., born July 25, 1S68, now living at home, who has been a teacher of music at Science Hill School, near Louisville, Ky., for five years; Maurice C, born July 5, 1870, also at home; Fannie A., born September 11, 1872, who is niarried to F. A. Hardy, of Derry, N.H., superintendent in the shoe factory in that town; Bessie H., born October 2, 1874, a teacher in Natick; Lizzie, born January 6, 1877; Mary E. , born June 13, 1880; Katy A., born July 19, 1881 ; and Jessie Blaine, born December 28, 1885, who died October 18, 1889. BEN PARSONS, the founder of Fatherland Farm, was the second son of the Rev. Moses Parsons, who was ordained pastor of the Congregational church in By field, Newbury, June 20, 1745, and who during that summer removed his family from Gloucester to the old parsonage in this parish now owned in the family of the late Hon. Isaac Wheelwright, in which mansion liben was born I'ebruary 27, 1746. As a boy, he attended the town school until the opening of Dummer Academy in 1763, when he became a pupil of that institution in charge of the famous Master Moody. It is said of him that after leaving Dummer School he preferred business to the college education which was offered him by his father, and that accordingly he took his clothing in a bundle, and, with his shoes under his arm, started off on foot for Gloucester, declaring that, when he had earned money enough to do so, he should come back and buy the Dummer farm at Newbury P'alls. In Gloucester, Eben Parsons engaged in fishing off the coast of Cape Ann, but soon extended the business, acquiring several vessels of his own, by which he obtained the means to engage largely in commercial pursuits, later on sending his ships to all foreign ports then open to trade. He finally became one of the largest importers in the country, and had the reputation of being, in old-time i)arlauce, "a iirincely mer- chant. " In May of 1767 Mr. Parsons was married to Mary, daughter of Colonel John Gorham, of Barnstable; and a few years later he removed to Boston, where he had purchased a large and valuable estate as a home for himself and fam- ily. The house was situated on Summer Street, its garden and grounds occupying all the space between what are now Otis and Winthrop Places; while his cow pastured over EISEN PARSONS. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 325 the way on what was afterward called Church Green on account of its being occupied by the edifice of the Unitarian society which bore that name — "Church Green Society." The narrow passage-way just below Devonshire on Summer Street was the path to .Mr. Parsons' s barn, and is the only landmark now remaining of his home there. In the year 1801 the subject of our sketch, being then fifty-five years of age, carried out his declared intention of returning to his na- tive town and buying the Dummer place. Deeds recorded in Salem court-house attest to the fact that the first piece of land purchased by him in connection with this farm was bought from Richard Dummer and wife under date of Se]3tember 10 of that year. The ne.xt parcels of land were bought from Shubael Dummer and wife and Simeon Danforth and wife under dates of June 3 and 4, 1803. Other deeds of land purchased by him are re- corded in the same place. The present man- sion was built by Mr. Parsons in 1802, as evi- denced by the discovery, during late repairs, of coins of that date beneath hearthstones of the main house and cottage adjoining, which latter was built for a seed-house, having origi- nally many small rooms divided into compart- ments for the storage of farm ]iroducts in that line. The house and other buildings being com- pleted, the owner set about improving the premises by the building of solid walls of hewn stone, which was brought in vessels from Cape Ann quarries to Newburyport, and thence transported by gundelows over Parker River to the farm. These walls were built seven feet in height and three feet wide, with a foundation of proportionate strength beneath the surface. Gate-posts of hammered granite were set deep into the earth at all openings in the massive walls, these, and the many-barred wooden gates which swung between, being furnished with wrought iron hinges, latches, and staples of gigantic size, secured by mam- moth padlocks, the keys to which were each attached to a large slip of brass or wood on which was inscribed the name of the particu- lar gate to which it belonged. These keys were kept in a portable mahogany closet made for the purpose, which is now in possession of the writer, as also some of the ancient, ponderous keys, though the gates to which they were the open sesame — like the strong hands that operated them — have long since crumbled to decay. Well-curbs and troughs were constructed from the same stanch mate- rial as the walls and gate-posts, these being fastened into shape by huge bolts of copper soldered into openings drilled in the stone for this purpose. Meanwhile improvements on the land were going on; and during the years of 1S08 and 1809 a marshy tract on the northern side of the farm was reclaimed or manufactured into a fertile field by means of a very stout wall, impervious to water, being constructed along the margin of the Falls River at this point, and the entire space of bog filled in with stones and gravel, topped with loam, all of which ingredients were respectively drawn from neighboring premises by o.x-team, and spread into level space by hand labor. The name of this new-made portion of the farm was Sewall's Point, as given in old letters of Mr. Parsons to his foreman, Jeremiah Allen, under whose supervision the work was carried on. The owner was then residing in his Boston home, which was not given up until after the death of his wife, September 10, 1810. But frequent visits were made by himself and fam- ily to this country place, which, out of regard for his father's memory and love for his native town, he had named P'atherland Farm. 326 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW The journeys to Byfield were sometimes made by stage over the old turnpike, but more fre- quently in his own family coach, with driver and footman in the old-time livery. These ar- rivals created not a little sensation among the inhabitants of this rural district, as aged citi- zens of Newbury have enjoyed recalling and describing to the writer ; and marvellous tales they tell of boxes and bags of silver coin brought over the road by oxen, with which to recompense the army of artisans of various kinds employed upon the premises. However this may have been, we have rea- son to believe that vast sums of money were expended by the owners to bring this goodly heritage into the high state of cultivation and beauty in which it was left for the occupancy of the next tenant and heir. The record for 1 8 14 shows that the farm taxes of Eben Par- sons were seven hundred and forty-four dollars and twenty cents, his real estate being valued at sixteen thousand four hundred dollars, and his personal property at eighty thousand dol- lars. At this period Mr. Parsons was a resi- dent of Byfield, having removed hither soon after the decease of his wife. He was deeply interested in agriculture, and was a large con- tributor in many ways to the advancement of that science, using his commercial facilities in aid of this by the importation of fine breeds of cattle, sheep, and swine for the improve- ment of American stock, and by bringing from other countries various kinds of seeds, grain, and grasses, as well as scions from foreign fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs. He was fond of experiment in matters re- lating to farming; and, while his efforts in this way might not all have been satisfactory to himself, they were in many instances highly successful, results being such as to encourage repetition. Mr. Parsons was a man with ideas far ahead of the time in which he lived, and his ojiin- ions upon subjects connected with the pursuits in which he was engaged were often sought by men of the highest standing in commercial and agricultural affairs. Though not so renowned as his younger brother, the eminent jurist and chief justice of the commonwealth, yet he was possessed of great ability, and was probably as useful to the community in other ways as Theophilus was on the bench. Eben Parsons died in his country home No- vember 2, iSig, at the age of seventy-four years. His remains, with those of other mem- bers of the family, rest in a tomb in the old Byfield cemetery, which was erected a year later by his son Gorham, agreeably to his father's intention. Of thirteen children born to Mr. and Mrs. Eben Parsons, this son was the only one who survived the years of childhood. Gorham Parsons was born in Gloucester, July 27, 1768. His early years were spent in that town and in Boston, excepting the time he was a pupil at Dummer Academy. In April of 1790 he was married to Sarah, daughter of Captain Thomas Parsons, of Newburyport. After residing a few years in Boston, he purchased a large and valuable estate in Brighton, and made his home there, embellishing the place with lav- ish hand. Having inherited his father's fondness for agriculture, he spared no pains in the cultivation of his farm and in the produc- tion of choice fruits. He also continued the importation of fine cattle, sheep, and swine. After the death of his father he kept up the Byfield farm in addition to the Brighton es- tate, but continued to reside at the latter place until after the death of Mrs. Parsons, who preferred the home there to Fatherland Farm. She passed away on December 8, 1837, soon after which event that property was sold and Mr. Gorham Parsons came to ]5yfield BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 327 to reside. Being afflicted with the gout in the last years of his life, he was unable to carry out many of his plans for imijrovement on the farm ; but his interest in all matters pertaining to agriculture flagged not until the end. That he was a valued member of the Massachusetts Agricultural Society, many letters and docu- ments from its officials attest; while numerous and valuable prizes awarded for fine speci- mens of live-stock and various agricultural products affirm the success of his efforts in that direction. Neither father nor son aspired to the holding of State or town office, though a document exists bearing the seal of the Commonwealth and signed by His Excellency, John Brooks, under date of February 23, 1818, appointing Ebenezer Parsons to be a Justice of the Peace in the county of Essex. Gorham Parsons died in the Byfield home in the month of September, 1844, at the age of seventy-six years. As the union of himself and wife was not blessed with living offspring, Fatherland Farm was given by will of the owner, in 1S42, to a grand-nephew of his wife, who was also his own namesake, Gorham Par- sons Sargent, then a minor, and the son of the Hon. Winthrop Sargent, of Philadelphia, Pa., who had a few years previously removed his family from that city to the farm in order to care for Mr. Parsons in his declining days. The i^lace was appreciatively occupied by the Sargents until the spring of 1862, when it passed into the hands of Benjamin F. Brown, of Waltham, who in July following sold it by public auction to his nephew, Benja- min B. Poole, of Newbury, under whose fif- teen years of occupancy the premises suffered deterioration to a lamentable degree. From this condition of things the next owner, Jacob B. Stevens, of Peabody, who came into possession of the place by purchase in the autumn of 1S77, sought earnestly to re- trieve the old estate; but, his ability not being equal to the desire in this direction, he de- cided to part with the property, and thus, in October of 1881, Fatherland Farm came into the possession of one of the same blood, if not of the same name as its original founder — one to whom the old place is doubly dear for the association of visits made to it in earlier years, when, to her childish fancy, it seemed a very paradise on earth, and from the fact that in later years it was a love-gift to her from the one nearest and dearest to her in life. <■♦•»»• fs^OHN n. PKNNIMAN, a retired pork merchant, living at 488 Broadway, Lawrence, is a native of Warwick, Franklin County, Mass. He was born De- cember 21, 1827, son of Dean and Hannah (Hastings) Penniman. Bunyan Penniman, the father of Dean, is thought to have been born in Mendon, Mass. He was one of the early settlers of the town of Warwick, where he carried on farming. His marriage with a Miss Dean was blessed by the birth of eight children, two sons and six daughters, that attained maturity. The sons were Dean and Jesse. Jesse went West in 1839, first settling in Lasalle County, Illinois. Six years later he went to St. Paul, Minn., where he ran a hotel on the Bluff. The ccrly years of his life were spent as a farmer. He died about 1885, leaving three sons and a daughter. Bunyan Penniman died at the age of about eighty-three years. His widow lived to be eighty. Dean Penniman, born in Mendon, Mass., October 24, 1800, died in Lowell, May 11, 1864. He moved to Lowell in 1842, where he engaged in the wood business. He also kept teams and did teaming. In 1821 or 1822 he married Hannah Hastings, who, born on 328 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW November 22, 1S04, died in 1893, in her eighty-ninth year. Their children were: Isaac H., Clarissa P., John 11, George Fay- ette, Franklin H., Hannah A., Sarah, and Mary Abbie. Isaac H. Penniman, born June 2, 1823, served in the Civil War, and died in 1894 at the Soldiers' Home in Chelsea, Mass. He had a wife, but no children. Clarissa P. died in 1S29, when about four years old. George I'ayette, born September 29, 1830, is a retired builder, living in Lowell. Franklin II., born December 11, 1S33, died in 1893. Hannah A., born November 15, 1S36, who is unmarried, resides in Athol. Sarah, also unmarried, resides in Lowell; and Mary Abbie Penniman resides in Athol. The last three were formerly school-teachers. When John B. Penniman was fourteen years old, his parents removed from their farm to the city of Lowell. He received but a limited schooling. At the age of twenty-si.x he came to Lawrence, and became a clerk in the gro- cery store of J. Shattuck, Jr. He afterward worked for the firm of Shattuck Brothers about five years. In 1858 he embarked in the meat business. Two years later he opened a market on Lawrence Street, between Essex and Com- mon Streets, where he had carried on business for about thirteen years, when he sold out in 1873. In the spring of 1877 he started in the jobbing and wholesale pork business. This he conducted at 56 Amesbury Street up to Janu- ary I, 1894, when he sold out. On December 13, 1865, Mr. Penniman was united in marriage with Sarah C. Sawyer, of this city, who was born in Bradford, N. H. Left an orphan at an early age, she was cared for by her aunt. Her younger and only sister, who was adopted by M. W. Baxter, and went with him to Pike County, Illinois, is now the wife of W. II. Connor, and has one daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Penniman have three daughters — Sarah Ella, Etta F., and Annie l?lanche. Sarah Ella, a graduate of Wellesley, classes of 1893 and 1895, and honored with the. degree of Master of Arts, made a special study of organ and harmony. She is now a teacher of history in the Lawrence High School. Etta F., also a graduate of Wellesley, class of 1893, is a violinist in the Fadette Orchestra, Washing- ton, and was formerly a successful teacher in Lawrence and vicinity. Annie Blanche is a member of the class of 1898, Wellesley Col- lege. All possess rare qualities of mind and character, and are modest and retiring. Mr. Penniman is a member of the Masonic frater- nity, and of Bethany Encampment, I. O. O. F., since 1865. In politics he is a Republican voter. He has lived in his present home since June 17, 1870. DWIN P. STANLEY, the popular Treasurer and Collector of Manchester, was born here May 26, 1844, son of Paul Stanley, a native of this county, and Stattira (Pert) Stanley, a native of Manches- ter. Paul Stanley was a brother of Jeffrey T. Stanley, who is at present a Selectman of Manchester, and whose biography, containing further mention of the Stanley family, will be found on another page. Paul was by trade a cabinet-maker, and was engaged for a number of years in the manufacture and sale of furni- ture in Manchester. In politics he was a Republican. He died a few years ago. Mrs. Stattira Stanley died in the eighties. Besides Edwin P., the surviving children are; Otis M., who resides in East Bridgewater, Mass. ; Andrew, a resident of Beverly; and Charles L. , a resident of Lynn. Edwin P. Stanley grew to manhood in his native place, receiving his education in the graded schools and high school of the town. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 329 which he left at the age of fourteen. On De- cember 10, 1861, he enlisted in Company H of the Nineteenth Massachusetts Volunteer In- fantry, which shortly after joined the army of the Potomac under General McClellan. He took part in the siege of Yorktown, and was in active service all through the Peninsula campaign. At Glendale, Va., he received four bullet wounds, was made a prisoner and taken to Richmond, and was confined for thirty days in Libby Prison, being e.xchanged at the end of that time. On April 17, 1863, he was honorably discharged, after which he returned to Manchester. In 1 87 1 Mr. Stanley engaged in painting, taking contracts for work and employing a force of men. Having carried on this busi- ness for about twelve years, he disposed of it, as his health had become poor. In 1888 he was elected Collector of Manchester, and he has now entered on his tenth year in that office. He has also served for several years as Town Treasurer. At one time he was the Sealer of Weights and Measures. As might be e.xpected, Mr. Stanley is an active man in the local grand army organization, Allen Post, No. 6"]. For three years he was Post Com- mander, and he is now the Senior Vice Com- mander. He is a member of the Masonic Lodge at Beverly, Mass., and of Amity Royal Arch Chapter of Beverly; also of Magnolia Lodge, No. 149, Independent Order of Odd Fellows of Manchester. Mr. Stanley married Rachel J., daughter of Abner Hobbs, of West Gloucester, Mass. ; and one daughter, Mamie A., has blessed the union. In politics he is a Republican. He has been a member of the Republican Town Committee, of the Esse.x County Republican Committee, and of the Congressional Com- mittee for this district. He was largely in- strumental in securing the first nomination of the Hon. William Coggswell for Representa- tive to Congress, and naturally takes consider- able pride in his candidate. ILTON ELLSWORTH, a well- known heel manufacturer of Row- ley, was born in Ipswich, Mass., July 7, 1843, son of Simeon Ellsworth and his wife, Hannah (Jewett) Ellsworth. He is a descendant of Jeremiah and Mary Ellsworth, the latter of whom was buried May 24, 1688. The succeeding generations were represented by Jeremiah,- who died May 6, 1704; Will- iam,' who died February 21, 1812; William,-' who died May 22, 1856; and Simeon, 5 who was born in 1801. Simeon's wife Hannah belonged to one of the wealthiest families in the town, and was a descendant of Jeremiah Jewett. He was boarding on Bradford Street when he died in 1897, at the advanced age of ninety-two. His brother Benjamin has been the beach lighthouse-keeper at Ipswich since Lincoln's time. Another brother, John, now ninety years old, a well-preserved man, to whom sickness is unknown, makes a conspicu- ous figure on the street. He is popular with all classes, especially with the young, and has been a stanch Republican since the organiza- tion of that party. A limited education was obtained by Mil- ton Ellsworth in the common schools. After passing the age of twelve years, he pegged shoes for his father out of school hours. At si.xteen he began learning to make shoes. He enlisted in Company C of the Nineteenth Massachusetts Regiment for service in the Civil War. His war record, given by George B. Blodgett in his History of Rowley, is as follows : — "Promoted to rank of Corporal, and for bravery at Gettysburg made First Sergeant; 33° BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW re-enlisted December 22, 1863; discharged June 28, 1865, by order of War Department — the service of this man deserves special men- tion." Although he was constantly on duty with his regiment, he was never wounded, and never in hospital. He was Corporal of the color-guard on that terrible day at Fredericks- burg, and the only one who came out unhurt. Besides taking part in frequent reconnoissances and skirmishes so costly in human life, he was in the liattlcs of Hall's Hluff, Yorktown, West Point, Fair Oaks, Teach Orchard, Sav- age Station, Glendale, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, Second Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Bristol Station, Mine Run, Wilderness, Spott- sylvania, Potopotomy, Cold Harbor, and Pe- tersbing. At Petersburg, the hour being 3 P.M. of June 22, 1864, he was captured with his whole regiment by the enemy. From this time on he experienced the horrors of Ander- sonville and Libby Prisons, until with about four thousand other prisoners he reached the Union lines at Jacksonville, Fla., on the even- ing of April 28, 1865. Broken in health he was ordered home to await his discharge. • He was enrolled with Company C as Orderly Ser- geant. In an interesting scrap-book he has preserved sundry relics of his war experiences. He was active in more than thirty battles, and passed two months and si.\ days in prison. After receiving his discharge, he resided for a time in Haverhill, where he worked in a heel manufactory. Afterward he went into business for himself in Rowley, starting with a little shoii. In time he was able to build a house and factory in Rowley, and is now ac- counted one of the most prosperous men in the town. In 1882 Mr. Ellsworth was elected to the State legislature, where he served on Printing and Military Committees. In 1891 he was chosen Selectman, which office he still holds. He was Commander of the G. A. R., General James Appleton Post, No. 128, Ipswich; be- longs to the e.x-Prisoners' War Association; and is president of the Nineteenth Massachu- setts Regiment Association. Two years ago he built his present home, one of the prettiest in the village. Here he resides with his wife and daughter. He makes no literary preten- sions; but at camp-fires and conventions he is always called upon for a speech, and he lias written several war lectures of thrilling inter- est. August 25, 1866, Mr. Ellswoith married Abbie Frances, who was born June 16, 1847, daughter of Ezekiel and Caroline (Blacking- ton) Bailey. He has one child, Winnifred C. , born September 25, 1867, who married Justin I^"letcher, of Georgetown, Mass., November 17, 1896, and resides in Georgetown. 4^ a^fc p, lAJOR EDWARD F. BARTLETT, a well-known citizen and military man of Newburyport, Clerk of the Police Court for the district of Newbury- port from 1870 to the present time, was born here May 30, 1835. A son of Joseph and Joanna Bartlett, he is a descendant of the Bartlett family that landed at Parker River and settled Bartlett Springs. The father ran the first packet from Newburyport to Boston, and was the owner and builder of various sail- ing craft. He, in conjunction with Wood & Sons, built the "Decatur" and the side-wheel steamer "Ohio," with a capacity of three or four hundred tons. The packet referred to was started by him in 1825, and was afterward continued for thirty-five years. Greatly inter- ested in all military training, he was a mem- ber of the old Newburyport Artillery Associa- tion, the only organization, besides the An- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 331 cients and Honorables, that is allowed to parade under arms. He was also a member of the St. Mark's Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Of his fourteen children, four are now living. When twelve years old, Edward F. Bartlett, the fifth child of his parents, entered the Put- nam Free School, being then the youngest and smallest of the forty pupils comprising the first class formed in that institution. Upon leav- ing school, he became a druggist's clerk. Later on, together with his brother, A. W. Bartlett, he worked in a dry-goods store. In 1862 he enlisted in the Eighth Regiment, Company A. For a time, too, he was in the Si.xtieth Regiment, Company H. I'inally, he was transferred back to the Eighth, in which he served altogether for twenty years, two years of which were in the service of the United States in the War of the Rebellion. Starting as Sergeant, he was mustered out as Major. Maj-^ • tial citizens, was born in this town, June 17, 1S39, son of Jabez and Annie (Fitts) True. He comes of a family that has been prominent in Salisbury since the settlement of the town in 1638, and has produced men of unblemished character and firm religious prin- ciples, and many brave soldiers who have haz- arded their lives in defence of the country. The genealogy is traced back through seven generations to Henry True, Esq., who was one of the prominent citizens in this section in military and civil affairs. He was one of the first commoners of Salisbury, one of the larg- est land-owners, and was a Captain of militia. His wife, Israel, was sister of the famous Major Robert Pike, of Newbury. Captain True's original commission, dated October 29, 1696, and many other valuable records, especially accounts of his active service in the militia, are in the possession of Mr. P. Albert True. Some of these tell of his scouting e.x- peditions "to give warning of the enemy," of his "pressing men into service," and of "hold- ing his force ready to march at a half-hour's notice." He wrote a flowing hand, and did much writing of legal documents. His son, Henry, Jr., born March 8, 1645, nuirried on March 15, i668, Jane Bradbury, who was born March 11, 1645, and died June 24, 1729. She was a daughter of Thomas Bradbury, Salisbury's first and famous teacher. Thomas Bradbury was a son of William and Elizabeth Bradbury. He held many offices of importance at that time. He was long identi- fied with the early history of the town, and his influence was potent in moulding public opinion. His wife, Mary Bradbury, was sen- tenced to be executed for witchcraft. Henry True, Jr., died September S, 1735. His son Jabez was the eighth child, and was born in October, 1685. His wife, to whom he was married January 8, 1707, was Sarah Tappan, born 1680. She died P'ebruary 7, 1767, having married for her second husband on December 11, 1756, Joseph French. Jabez True died May 22, 1749. Of his ten chil- dren, the youngest was Samuel, afterward widely known as Deacon Samuel True. He was born December 16, 1728, and died No- vember 10, 1815. He first married widow Hannah Kimball Hazeltine, of Haverhill, who was born May 21, 1729, and died July 28, 1768. I"or his second wife he married in 1772 Sarah Mials, who died February 17, 1812. Deacon Samuel's fifth child was Jabez, sec- ond, born January 23, 1764, died May 2, 1835. Like his father, he was of a very religious nat- ure. P'eeling himself called to the ministry, he began his education for the work by read- ing the Bible; and at the age of twenty years he had read it through thirteen times in course, besides his promiscuous reading, which was quite a little. He had a vigorous memory and a very loud voice, and was able to an- nounce his text, giving chapter and verse, and preach an hour without any book or paper before him. Also all notices he gave without paper. Later in life he had become so used to speaking extempore that he could always win his case by the use of Scripture, and could 382 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW always correct any Scripture if misquoted. He was appointed Elder in the Baptist church, and preached at Hampstead, Amesbury, Exe- ter, and occasionally at Salisbury. He began at a salary of thirty dollars a year, and in 1812 was ordained Deacon by request of the Church Ecclesiastical Council. Many men of the True family were found among the soldiers of the Revolution: Aaron True, private, enlisted October 14, 1779, for one month and twenty days under Captain Stephen Jenkins; and Lieutenant Bradbury True was with Colonel Edmund Wortley, April 24, 1775, probably at North Yarmouth, Me., and was later commissioned by General Washington. Daniel True, seaman, was in the naval service. Dudley True was a private on Captain Henry Merrill's list in Colonel Caleb Cushing's regiment, which marched from Salisbury on the Lexington alarm, April 19. '775- Ezekiel True also was a private on the Lexington alarm roll, in Captain Stephen Merrill's company. His name appears on various receipts all along from 1775 to 1777; and he was evidently in at least two regi- ments, his second enlistment being on August '7. "^777 > f'om Middlesex County. Jabez True, private, was in Captain John Evan's company, in camp at Cambridge, May 17, 1775 ; also in Captain Harris's company of the Guard regiment at Winter Hill and in Cap- tain Stephen Jenkins's company. He enlisted October 14, 1779, and was discharged Novem- ber 27, 1779. He was in detached service to re-enforce General Washington, October g, 1779; also in Captain Moses Ncwal's com- pany, Colonel Titcomli's regiment, from May 4, 1777, to July 4 of the same year; and in Captain Huse's company from April 12, 177S, until his discharge, July 4, 1778. Jacob True was on the Lexington alarm roll, and marched on April 19, 1775, from Newburyport. He also enlisted in Colonel Little's regiment. May 2, 177s, at the age of twenty-one years, and went to Quebec. John True enlisted July 4, 1780, in Captain Richard Titcomb's company, Colonel Nathaniel Wade's regiment, and served until October 10 of the same year. He was Corporal on warrant to pay men in Captain James Pierce's company, March 17, 1783, and was the same in Captain Samuel Huse's company, November 10, 1777, receiv- ing his discharge Eebruary 3, 1778. Later he was stationed at Winter Hill in the regi- ment of the Guards. He was also Corporal in Captain Jeremiah Putnam's company in the Rhode Island service, where he remained for four months and three days. Jonathan True, of North Yarmouth, Me., was in Colonel Vase's regiment for three years, was in the expedition at Penobscot, and performed many missions which required a man of courage and discretion. Moses True was on the Lexington alarm roll and in the famous 19th of April march. Nathaniel True was in the seacoast service from Cumberland County. Obadiah True took part in the capture at West Point. Samuel True was at Lexington, and later a member of the Winter Hill Guards and also in the coast service. Thomas True was also at Lexington, and William True was in the list of officers of the Massachusetts militia, being Second Lieutenant in the Fourth Company of the Second Essex County Regiment, and a part of the time in the seacoast service. Zebulon True was in Colonel Benjamin Tupper's regi- ment, and served with credit. The father of Mr. I^ Albert True was Jabez, born October 19, 1802, son of Elder Jabez and Ruth (Brown) True. He was a farmer, a highly esteemed and prominent citi- zen, and a Deacon of the Baptist Church of Seabrook. He owned a fine estate, and kept a large amount of stock, was a man of conserv- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 383 ative temperament and of very firm principles. He died in September, 1875. His wife, Annie, to whom he was married in December, 1826, died August 30, 1S90. Their four children were: Caroline E., born April 18, 1831; Idaletta Louisa Maria, born July 5, 1845; Oliver A., born December 9, 1834; and P. Albert, whose personal history is given below. Caroline E. married Azor O. Web- ster, and had one son — Alfred C. , born Feb- ruary 4, 1852, now treasurer of the Powow River Savings Bank, of Amesbury, of which his father is president. Mrs. Webster died September 20, i860; and Mr. Webster mar- ried for his second wife her sister, Idaletta. Oliver A. True, who was a farmer, died Jan- uary 25, 1863, at the age of twenty-nine years. He was interested in the family his- tory and genealogy, and had planned to look it up. P. Albert True was graduated at the Putnam Free School in i860, and has since made his home on the True homestead. June 17, 1872, he married Sarah Emily Morrill, who was born November 19, 1841, daughter of John and Sally (Marston) Morrill, of Salisbury Plains. She is of the seventh generation of Merrills in Salisbury. Both Mr. and Mrs. True were baptized March 3, 1895, by the Rev. William R. Webster, of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Salisbury, and were re- ceived into full communion with the church the following September. Mr. True is now one of the stewards of the society and a mem- ber of the committee on music and on the pas- tor's salary. He is active in every movement pertaining to the welfare of the town, and worthily represents the family. He was elected president of the Town Improvement Society at the time of its organization, and has held the office since. He is a stockholder of Commoners of Salisbury and clerk of the or- ganization; has been Justice of the Peace for thirty-seven years, having been appointed by Governor Andrew in 1862, and successively reappointed by governors Claflin, Rice, Butler, and Brackett ; has been trustee of Anna Jaques Hospital in Newburyport for several years; is a member and director of the Salis- bury Home for Aged Women ; has been on the School Board for many years, and is Highway Surveyor, Auditor of Accounts, and member of the Esse.x Agricultural Society as well as trustee of several companies. For thirty-five years he has been engaged in writing legal documents and in settling estates. He is a warm Republican, and has written for the press. In 1893 he was appointed delegate to Chicago. Mr. True's children are: Ralph Preston, clerk in the Powow National Bank; Florence Marston, formerly a student at Abbot Acad- emy, Andover, a fine musician and critic, teaching piano and violin and harmony; Helen Webster, who graduated at the Putnam School in 1896; and Edward Parker True, a student in the Putnam School. fllOMAS FREEMAN PORTER, a real estate dealer, insurance agent, and Notary Public of Lynn, was born Oc- tober 30, 1847, in Paradise, N.S. , not far from the scene of Longfellow's immortal poem "Evangeline." His parents, Theron and Elizabeth Freeman Porter, were both born in the Province of Nova Scotia, where the father was for several years engaged in farming and carpentering. In 1852 they removed to Boston, and nine years later settled in Swampscott, Mass. For thirty years the father worked at his trade in that place, and then, with his wife, took up his residence with his son, Thomas Freeman, in 384 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Lynn, where they are enjoying the comforts of life. Thomas F. Porter completed his education in the Swampscott schools, which he attended until about thirteen years old. When quite young he began his mercantile career as a clerk in a dry-goods store of Swampscott, and was afterward employed by various shoe firms in Lynn for a few years. Going then to Bos- ton, he was engaged as a clerk in the stores of C. F. Hovey & Co. and Charles C. Holbrook, remaining with the latter firm until the big fire of November, 1S72. Returning to Lynn after this, he was connected with the firm of Porter & Taylor, grocers, and continued work- ing for them until 1874, when he was ad- mitted into partnership, the name being changed to Porter, Taylor & Co. Thirteen years later he purchased his brother's interest in the firm of Porter, Hanson & Co., grocers in City Hall Square, where he was in business for about a year. In 1888 he embarked in his present real estate and insurance business, which he has since conducted with success. He is vice-president of the Lynn Board of Fire Underwriters. Taking a genuine interest in local affairs, Mr. Porter has served with prudence and fidel- ity in both branches of the city government. In 1885, 18S6, 1887, and 1888 he was a member of the Common Council, and served on the Printing, Public Property, Election, Public Grounds, and Finance Committees. In 1896 and 1897 he was a member of the Board of Aldermen, serving on the Commit- tees on Streets, Street Assessments, Educa- tion, Public Grounds, Claims, and Bills in Second Reading. He is a stanch Republican in politics, and in 1882 and 1883 was a mem- ber of the Lynn City Republican Club. He was made an Odd Fellow in the Bay State Lodge, No. 40, of which he is Past Grand; and he is a Past Chief Patriarch of Palestine Encampment, No. 37, I. O. O. F= ; a member of the Golden Fleece Lodge, A. F. & A. M. ; of the Sagamore Tribe of Red Men, No 2 ; and of the Knights of Pythias. He is like- wise a member of the Advisory Board of the Houghton Horticultural Society, a member of the Lynn Board of Trade, the Lynn Repub- lican Club, and the Lynn Historical Society. For two years he was speaker of the Lynn Assembly, a debating society of some promi- nence. Possessing much literary talent, he has acquired quite a reputation as a writer of both prose and verse, his articles being pub- lished in some of the leading newspapers, periodicals, and magazines of the country. Mr. Porter was married September 14, 1876, to Miss Emma E. Norris, daughter of Moses Norris, a well-known morocco manu- facturer of Lynn. Born in Charlestown, April 20, 185 1, Mrs. Porter died April 30, 1891. She left one child, Chester H. Porter, who was born in Lynn, April 28, 1880. AMUEL BROOKINGS, Jr., the Assistant Postmaster of Newbury- port was born in Newbury, Mass., August 24, 1 84 1, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Little) Brookings. He belongs to one of the old Massachusetts families. On the father's side he is of English descent. His great-grandfather, Samuel Brookings, came from England, and settled in Newbury. The grandfather, also named Samuel, born in Newbury and a member of the Old South P^irst Presbyterian Church, was a merchant of the town for several years, and fitted out fishing- vessels. He married Eunice Mclntire, of the same place, became the father of seven chil- dren, and died at the age of eighty. His wife died at seventy. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 38s Samuel Brookings, the fifth bearer of the name and the father of the subject of this biography, was born August 3, 1S03. He followed the calling of navigator in the fisher- ies of the Bay of Chaleur. In his later years he became a shoemaker. He enlisted in the Union army in July, 1861, joining the Nine- teenth Massachusetts Regiment. At Har- per's Ferry he was injured, and he was honor- ably discharged in May, 1862. At the time of Banks's raid he re-enlisted, and went to Boston shortly after his discharge, but was sent back. Once more he enlisted, this time accompanied by his two sons, and entered Company A, Forty-eighth Massachusetts Regi- ment, under Colonel Stone. After this he was at Plain's Store, the siege of Port Hudson, and the battle of Donaldsonville. At this time he was sixty years old; but he dyed his whiskers, and re-enlisted as forty-four years old, rather than allow his young sons to go to the front without him. At the time of his death, October 27, 18S8, he was the oldest member of the G. A. R., A. W. Bartlett Encampment, Post No. 49. On March 11, 1823, he married Elizabeth Little, who was born April 22, 1805, daughter of Captain David Little, and who died December 12, 1869. Her grandfather. Colonel Moses Lit- tle, a Revolutionary soldier, fought at Bunker Hill. Her children were born as follows: Eunice Mclntire, February 4, 1824; John Bag- ley, June 12, 1826; David Little, August 5, 1828, who died September 28, 1878; Melvin Fessenden, December 23, 1830; George Will- iam, September 17, 1833; Elizabeth Sarah, December 5, 1835; Mary Little, August 15, 1839, who died March 12, 1844; Samuel, the subject of this sketch, August 24, 1841; and Philip, September 4, 1843, who died January 13, 1845. Samuel Brookings, Jr., was educated at the public schools. Afterward for a few years he worked at the shoemaker's trade. While the Civil War was waging, he enlisted with his father and brother in Company A, Forty- eighth Massachusetts Regiment, Nineteenth Army Corps, Gulf Department, under General Banks, and was subsequently in the battle of Plain's Store, May 21, the assault on Fort Hudson, May 27, 1S63, the siege of Port Hudson, and in the battle at Donaldson- ville on July 13, 1863. He then returned with the regiment to the old quarters at Baton Rouge, whence the latter was ordered home in August. On returning to civil life he resumed shoemaking. February 5, 1866, he was appointed to a position in the Post-office Department. In May, 1869, he was promoted from the position of carrier to that of clerk; and on June 11, 1S77, he was made Assistant Postmaster, which position he has since held, having served under eight Postmasters. Mr. Brookings is a member of the A. W. Bartlett Post, No. 49; of the St. John's Lodge, F. & A. M., since 1867; and of King Cyrus Chapter, R. A. M., since 1878. The secretary of the St. John's Lodge since 1872, he is the oldest continuous incumbent of that office, except one, in the State. He has also been secretary of King Cyrus Chapter since 1878. He has been a member of Ouascacun- quen, I. O. O. F., since 1872. On September 18, 1862, he married Abby W. Merrill, who died October 27, 1887. A second marriage in January 13, 1891, united him with Sarah N. Berney, daughter of Benjamin Dutton, a ship- builder. Mr. Brookings is interested in city affairs, and was for three years in the early seventies a member of the Common Council. From 1892 to the year 1894 he held the position of auditor in the Co-operative Bank. Since then he has been a director of the insti- tution. Always faithful to duty, honest, and 386 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW industrious, Mr. Brookings has the sincere esteem of his fellow-citizens. rrs^l ENRY W. SAWYER was born in West Newbury, Mass., April 21, 1822. He was the youngest son of Stephen and Sarah (Brown) Sawyer, and was a lineal descendant of William Sawyer, who was born in England in 161 3, and came to this country about 1640, and a few years later settled at Newbury, Mass., where he took the oath of allegiance and was made a freeman in 1678. Stephen Sawyer, son of William, was born in Newbury, April 25, 1663, and died June 8, 1753. Stephen Sawyer, Jr., great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born in Newbury, and died in 1765. Micah Sawyer, son of Stephen, Jr., and grandfather of Henry W., was born in New- bury, April 23, 1741, and died March i, 1817. Stephen Sawyer, third, Henry W. Sawyer's father, a tiller of the soil, was born in West Newbury, October 25, 1780, and died October 30, 1874, at the age of ninety-four years. His wife, Sarah Brown, was the daughter of Stephen Brown. She was born at Turkey Hill, West Newbury, in 1789, and died No- vember 26, 1 87 1. Henry W. Sawyer began his studies in the common schools of this town, and completed his education by a year's attendance at the Amcsbury High School. He turned his at- tention to agricultural pursuits at an early age, and, being an industrious, exceedingly ca- pable, and thorough farmer, was successful in his chosen vocation. He was a man of stanch integrity, scrupulously honest in all his deal- ings. In politics he was a Republican. Although his forefathers were Quakers, he did not adhere to that form of worship, but attendetl the First Congregational Church until his advanced years, when he became afflicted by deafness. On June 10, 1852, he was united in mar- riage with Harriett D. Moulton. She was born in West Newbury, January 26, 1S26, daughter of Colonel Daniel and Diedamia (Spofford) Moulton, both of old Colonial stock. Her father was one of the prominent farmers of this town in his day, and for many years held a Colonel's commission in the State militia. . Henry W. Sawyer lived to be nearly seventy -two years old. His death, which occurred on February 15, 1894, was the cause of sincere regret in a large circle of relatives and friends. Mrs. Sawyer, with two of their four chil- dren — Carrie E. and Henrietta M. — survives her husband. Their eldest daughter, Eleanor, born April 22, 1856, died in infancy; and their only son, Stephen, born May 12, i860, died July 13, 1862. Carrie E., born Febru- ary II, 1858, was united in marriage with David H. Evans, of Haverhill, January 12, 1887. Henrietta M., born January 3, 1864, resides with her mother at the homestead, near Indian Hill, West Newbury. Mrs. Sawyer also has three grandchildren, as follows: Har- old Sawyer Evans, born in West Newbury, October 12, 1890; Ethel Moulton Evans, born June 6, 1892; and Alice Evans, born Sep- tember 21, 1896. OSEPH O. PROCTER was for many years prominent among the men en- gaged in the Gloucester fisheries, and is now a representative business man of the city. Born here on May 4, 1829, he is a son of the late Joseph J. and Eliza A. (Gilbert) Procter. His paternal great-grandfather, Jo- seph Procter, settled in Gloucester in 1766, BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 387 and established a fish business here. The same kind of business has been carried on by five generations, each successive proprietor bearing the name of Joseph Procter. The fifth of the name, son of the subject of this siancis and Howard. The others were: Martha Liifkin; Elias, who was a prom- inent yoimg man in Essex when he died I"eb- ruary 24, 1890; John Prince (first); John Prince (second) ; and I'^lihu. Tt^^EV. SAMUEL JONES SPALDING I S^ was an esteemed clergyman of New- _l^ V^ _j buryport. Born December 20, 1820, at Lyndeboro, N. H., he was a descend- ant in the eighth generation from lulward Spalding, the first of the family in this coun- try, who arrived in America about 1619, and came to Massachusetts in 1630. Two of his ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War, designated respectively as Samuel the elder and Samuel the younger. The elder Samuel was enrolled in 1776 by Abiel Abbott, and was in the battle of White Plains, being at that time Lieutenant. Another ancestor was Roger Conant, who was appointed first gover- nor of Cape Ann Colony in 1625, and was the founder of Salem. Samuel J. Spalding fitted for college in Nashua, N. II., under the well-known teacher David Crosby. Subsequently he entered Dartmouth College, and graduated therefrom in the class of 1842. In this year he entered Andover Theological Seminary, where he studied for the ensuing three years. On Oc- tober 26, 1846, he was ordained pastor of a new parish in Salmon l-'alls, N. H. A few years later, having accejited a call from the Whitefield Church at New- buryport, he was dismissed from his first charge, and was installed in this city June 30,^ 1851, where he served as pastor for thirty-two years. On December 29, 1862, having pro- cured a leave of absence from his people, he was mustered into the P'orty-eighth Massachu- setts Regiment, hoUling the commission of chaplain. With his regiment he served in the First Brigade and First Division of the Army of the Gulf, under Major General Auger. This regiment was at the battle of Plains Store, May 21, 1863; at the siege of Port Hudson, where it was actively engaged in the first and second assaults on May 27 and June 14; and in the fight at Donald.sonville on July 13. It was mustered out of service August 30, 1863. The Rev. Mr. Spalding was a member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society and a corresponding member of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. He was also a member of the Esse.x North Asso- ciation, of which he prepared a history that was published in Boston in 1865, under the title "Contributions to the Ecclesiastical His- tory of Essex County, Massachusetts." He was twice married. The first marriage was contracted June 27, 1848, with Sarah Lydia Metcalf, of Medway, Mass., who was born August 3, 1829, daughter of the Hon. Luther Metcalf and his wife, Sarah Brown (Phipps) Metcalf. Her death occurred September i, 1849, at Salmon Falls (Rollinsford), N. H. The second marriage, on September 16, 1851, united him with Sarah Jane Parker Toppan, of Hampton, N. H. She was born September 7, 1S22, daughter of the Hon. Edmund and Mary (Chase) Toppan. Her children, all born in Nevvburyport, were: Mary T., Annie T., and lulmund .S. The first two live at home. Annie T. was married July. 11, 188S, to Na- NATHANIEL MIGHILL. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 459 thanie! D. Chappin, of Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Spalding is a descendant of Christopher Toppan, who was settled as pastor of the Oldtown Church at Newburyport for forty years; and of Judge Pepperell, the father of Sir William Pepperell. Other ancestors of hers were Colonel Wingate, who commanded at the siege of Louisburg; the Hon. John Frost, who was in the Governor's Council in 1727; and Judge Parker, the father of Bishop Parker, who was formerly the rector of Trinity Church of Boston, being the only Episcopal clergyman that remained at his post during the Kevolution, and who died in 1804, soon after he was elected bishop. Mr. Spalding died at his residence in Green Street, April 10, 1892. At that time he was a trustee of Dummer Academy in Byfield, Mass., and of Hampton and Seabrook Acade- mies in New Hampshire. He was much beloved as a friend ; and, as a citizen, he occu- pied a warm place in the hearts of his towns- men. In the discharge of his pastoral duties his tenderness and care were unfailing, and his zeal for the church and for the welfare of the community was constantly exercised. TT^HARLES P. MIGHILL and his I jp brother, Benjamin P. Mighill, are V»,if^,..^ well-known farmers of Rowley, sons of Nathaniel and Maria (Proctor) Mig- hill. They are descendants of Thomas Mighill, who came to Rowley with the first settlers in 1639. He brought with him his wife Ellen and two sons Samuel and John. Thomas, Jr., was born in 1640, whose mother died the same year, being the first person buried in Rowley. Thomas later married Ann, a sister of Francis Parrat. By this union he had si.x children, one of whom was Stephen. The direct line of ancestry to the present generation is as follows: Stephen, born 1651; Nathaniel, born 1684; Jeremiah, born 1724; Thomas, born 1765; Nathaniel, the father above named, born in iSoi. Stephen married in 1680 Sarah Phillips, whose father was also the ancestor of the late Phillips Brooks, D.D., and of Hon. Wendell Phillips. Thomas built the large two-story, four-room house which stood east of the pres- ent residence of Charles P. Mighill. Stephen Mighill died in 1687, leaving three young children, namely: one son, Nathaniel, and daughters, Sarah and Ann. His widow mar- ried (second) March 6, 1688, Robert Green- ough, who became the guardian of her chil- dren. Nathaniel Mighill was an influential man and the owner of large estates. He married in 1705 Priscilla Pearson, daughter of Jere- miah, a miller of Rowley. Nathaniel and Priscilla Mighill had five sons and five daugh- ters, all of whom were in prosperous circum- stances. Stephen, second, their eldest son, had more land assigned him than the others, with the understanding that he should live at "Bald Pate," now in Georgetown, then a part of Rowley, and at that time an undesirable place of residence, being uninhabited. Eze- kiel, the second son, settled in Newburyport (then Newbury). Nathaniel, second, the third son, settled in Rowley. His was the house still standing at the south-westerly corner of the common, a typical house of "ye olden time," with timbers hewn from the solid white oak. Thomas, the fourth son, was a Captain in the Revolutionary War. He raised his own company, and served three years. He was for many years a clerk and Deacon of the church, and Town Clerk. He was a Repre- sentative to the General Court eleven years. 460 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW We quote from his Autobiography, now in possession of his grand-daughter, in which is contained an extended account of his religious experience: "I, Thomas Mighill, married to Hannah Northcnd, daughter of Ezekiel and Elizabeth his wife, November, 26th day, 1747. Had no child by her. She deceased September 25, 1748, in the hour of travail taken with extreme pain in her head, fainted away and died within the space of three or four minutes from the time she was seized. This happened in the dead of the night on Saturday; and I was very much surprised, and found it hard to say 'Thy will be done.' But when I thought more wisely on this sudden stroke of Divine Providence, who it was that ordered it, I felt more calm and submissive to the will of Heaven, knowing he had and ought to have all his creatures at his control and disposal. She was born July 29, 1728. When she de- ceased she was twenty years, one month, and twenty-eight days. My second wife was Sarah Northend, daughter of Captain John Northend and Bethiah his wife. I was married to her November, 13th day, 1750. I had three chil- dren by her : first, Hannah, born on Saturday, half after one o'clock in the morning, January, i8th day, 1752; second, Sarah, born Wednes- day, four o'clock afternoon, February 20, 1754; third, son, born August 6th and deceased as soon as born, 1761. My wife after a spell of weakness was seized on Lord's Day, between seven and eight o'clock in the morning, on the last day of May, 1778, and had upward of sixty fits of the convulsive kind, and deceased June the first, at two o'clock in the morning, 1778. This was soon after I served in the Continental army almost two years. "God's ways are wonderful and past my conception; and, whilst I passed through many changing scenes, he that orders all things in wisdom — I am ashamed that I am no more resigned to his all-wise disposing providence. She was born November 24th, 1721. She was, when she deceased, fifty-six years and half one year." (It is said she procured and drove a load of provisions to her husband's regiment in Charlestown, a distance of about thirty miles.) "My third wife was Rachel Lane, a widow woman, daughter of Captain John Row, of Gloucester. I was married to her October the 15th, 1778. The children I have by her: first, Elizabeth, born on Saturday morning, October 23, 1779; second, Dorothy, born Saturday, at nine at night, August, 18th day, 1781 ; third, Anna, born on Monday about sun-rising, September 29th, 1783; fourth, Thomas, born Monday at night, July loth, 1786." A family record says: "Deacon Thomas Mighill deceased August the 26th, 1807, aged eighty-five years, four months, and thirteen days. Rachel, widow of Deacon Thomas Mighill, deceased June the 17th, 1S24, aged eighty years. Thomas, son of Deacon Thonias Mighill, deceased April the 9th, 182S, aged forty-one years. " Jeremiah, the fifth son of Nathaniel and Priscilla, settled on the old homestead. He married Sarah Lambert, and by her had two sons and three daughters. The elder son, Nathaniel, third, born 1759, was a remarkably bright lad. Specimens of his handwriting at the age of fourteen are now in the possession of Mr. Charles P. Mighill, and show at that early age a plain and masterly hand. Thomas Mighill, son of Jeremiah and the grandfather of Charles P. and Benjamin P., married Mary Scott, daughter of Lieutenant Moses Scott, who served in the War of the Revolution. The first three generations of tiie family were farmers and maltsters. Their malt probably took the place of the tea and BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 461 coffee of our day. On the estate on which Thomas lived had been the malt-yard of the first three generations. East of the yard, across the way, stands the old house, probably built by Ezekiel prior to 1680; and near by stood the house built by the first Thomas. The grandfather was a farmer in high standing in the community. His children remembered that he entertained the entire council when the minister was settled in the parish. He was also guardian of some boys of the town. He was a large real estate owner in Rowley. He died at the age of fifty-five years. Nathaniel, son of Thomas, was born, as before mentioned, in iSoi. He received a good common-school education, and, though not a college-bred man, was especially profi- cient in mathematics, and, with his fine intel- ligence and attainments, ranked for years among the foremost citizens. He was very popular, and was held in high esteem, commanding the fullest confidence of his fellow-townsmen. He represented Rowley in the General Court in 1838-39, and for seventeen years was Dea- con of the church. At the time of his death he was Town Clerk, Selectman, Overseer of the Poor, Assessor, and had served on the Prudential Committee, being given the author- ity to engage the teachers of the district. In 1S27 he married Maria Proctor, daughter of Dr. Benjamin Proctor. Her father and his son Charles were the leading physicians in the town for a period of eighty years, a record scarcely to be duplicated in New England. Deacon Nathaniel and Maria (Proctor) Mighill had four sons — Charles P., Thomas, Nathaniel, and Benjamin P. — and two daugh- ters — Elizabeth and Julia Maria. Charles P., the eldest son, born in 1830, received in his boyhood a common-school education. At the age of fifteen years the entire care. of his father's farm devolved upon him, and this responsibility he continues to carry. He has been employed in settling estates. His present residence was built by his father seventy years ago, and at the time was called "the finest house in town." Thomas, the second son, was born in 1836. He is a contractor and builder in Haverhill, Mass. By his first wife, Jane Dovvnes, whom he married in 1861, he has one son, Thomas Arthur, a college-educated young man, who, having studied chemistry in Germany, is now teaching it in Tufts College, Medford, Mass. By his second wife, Maria H. Johnston, of Bremen, Me., Thomas Mighill has a son, Charles Frederic, now a student in the Hav- erhill High School. The Rev. Nathaniel Mighill, the third son of Deacon Nathaniel and Maria (Proctor) Mighill, was born in Rowley, Mass., August 25, 1839. He was graduated from Dummer Academy in Newbury, Mass., and from Am- herst College, Amherst, Mass., and afterward studied at Union and Andovcr Theological Seminaries. He was ordained at East Cam- bridge, Mass., September 29, 1S64; dis missed September 24, 1867; installed at Brattleboro, Vt., October 3, 1867; dismissed August 31, 1875 ; .installed at First Church, Worcester, Mass., September 15, 1875; dis- missed June 15, 1877. He married Fannie H. Allen, formerly of Chelsea, Vt. , and by her had two sons — Ralph Scott and Hugh Nathaniel. The former has recently com- pleted his education at Amherst College. The latter is now an undergraduate at the same institution. The Rev. Nathaniel Mighill died February 3, 187S, in his thirty-ninth year. He was a man of unusual cultivation and refinement. His untimely death was greatly mourned. Benjamin P., the fourth son and youngest child, born in 1845, was educated at Rowley 462 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW and at Dummcr y\cademy. He has spent his life upon tlie home farm, and has risen to a prominent position in the town, serving at present as Town Clerk and Justice of the Peace. For many years he has held offices of trust in the church, being clerk of the same, and has been superintendent of the Sunday- school nearly twenty-eight years. He married August 13, 1 88 1, Catherine N. Adams, daughter of John C. and Sarah J. (Noyes) Adam.s, of Newbury, Mass. Mrs. Mighill is librarian of the Rowley Free Publiq Library. OEL FOSTER, of Mcthucn, son of Zephaniah Kittredgeand Mercy (Trull) Foster, was born in Tewksbury, Mass., March 3, 1829. The Foster family were early settlers in Tewksbury. They have always been active and prominent in public affairs, and in every generation, almost without exception, mem- bers and stanch supporters of the Congrega- tional church. Amos Foster, great-grandfather of Joel, was killed by a band of Indians when on his way home from the French and Indian War, in which he had been a soldier. His son Amos, Joel's grandfather, who was born about 1750, fought in the battle of Bunker Hill, and after the war drew a pension of ninety-six dollars a year. The younger Amos Foster died and was buried at Tewksbury in 1S35. 1 1 is first wife, lieulah Kittredge, died in 1776, at twenty-one years of age. His second wife, born Clark, bore him three sons and two daughters. Zephaniah Kittredge Foster was born at Tewksbury in 1793, and died there at the age of forty-five. His wife Mercy, to whom he was married in 1822, was the daughter of Jesse Trull, of Tewksbury, and graiul-daughter of Ca].)tain John Trull of the army of the Revolu- tion. On the morning of the Lexington alarm Captain Trull was one of the first to fire the minute-gun to arouse the patriots of the Merri- mac Valley, and later in the day he led his company to battle. Mrs. Mercy Trull Foster died in 18S0, aged eighty-seven years. She was the mother of four sons and two daughters; namely, Mary Ann, Zephaniah Parker, John Trull, Joel, Enoch, and Elizabeth O. Mary Ann married Joseph S. Farmer, of Tewksbury. At her death she left a son and daughter. Zephaniah Parker Foster resides in Alameda, Cal. John Trull P'oster, who was a farmer of Tewksbury, died from the effects of a fall in his barn. Joel is the special subject of this sketch. His personal history is outlined below. Enoch, for many years engaged in the manufacture of furniture, now retired, lives at Tewksbury. Elizabeth O. married Nathaniel P. Cole, and lives in San Francisco. Joel Foster married Sarah M., daughter of Pravity and Sarah (Prown) Gray, of Tewks- bury, September 26, 1S60. Their children are : Harry, who died in in- fancy; Alice Gray, who married Charles W. Mann, and died June 11, 1898, leaving a daughter, Alice Rachel, born June 5, 189S; Frederick W. , who married Alice Russell, has one son, Russell Joel Foster; Leona E. , who married Edward D. Taylor, and has a daughter, Ruth Leona; Thaddeus Cole and Helen G., residing with their parents at Methuen. In 185 1 Joel Foster became associated with his brother Enoch and brother-in-law N. P. Cole for the manufacture of furniture, under the firm name of Fosters & Cole, with shops at Tewksbury, and subsequently in San Fran- cisco, under the name of N. P. Cole & Co., since Mr. Foster's retirement from Inisiness, in 1871, known as the California I'^nrnitme BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 463 Manufacturing Company. Two years later Mr. Foster bought the farm where he now lives, in the easterly part of Methuen on the How Road, commonly known as How Street. His home is beautiful for situation, commanding an extensive view of lake and forest, bounded on the west by the grand Monadnock and the sunset, l^ehind his build- ings his broad acres stretch up over the higiiest hill in the town, on the summit of which is the reservoir of the town water-works, and on the farther side another house and barn belong- ing to his farm of two hundred and fifty acres. This farm is a part of the original grant of land made by King George to one of the first settlers in this section by the name of How, and conveyed from one generation to another in that name until purchased by Mr. Foster. The sons are associated with their father in the management of the farm, and the daughters who married are still in his neighborhood. And here, surrounded by his family and com- manding the respect and good will of his neighbors, long may he live, until, like a shock of corn fully ripe, he is gathered into the last great harvest. OHN P. S. MAHONEV, a promising and pojjular young attorney of Law- rence, Mass., was born October 21, 1869, in the adjoining town of North An- dover, a son of Cornelius Mahoney. John P. S. Mahoney was graduated from the Johnson High School, and, after taking a full course in the Boston University Law School, received his diploma in 1893. On August 8, 1893, he was admitted to the Suffolk County bar, and at once began the practice of his pro- fession in the office of DeCourcy & Coulson, of Lawrence, Mass. In January, 1S94, the first day of the month, he severed his connection with that firm, and established him.self in the Merchants' National Bank Building, where he had an office until the completion of the New Central Building, when he took possession of his present handsome suite of rooms on the fourth floor. Since his residence in this city he has built up a fine practice, and has made himself known in legal, educational, political, and social circles. The past four years he has been principal of the Oliver livening School, which employs some thirty-five teachers, and each season proves itself a blessing to hun- dreds of young men and women by opening unto them a way for adding to their stock of knowledge. Mr. Mahoney has been identified with the Democratic party as one of its stanchest sup- porters since coming of age, and, when but twenty-four years old, was chosen chairman of the Democratic committee of North Andover. During the first year of his residence in Law- rence he represented Ward 2 in the Common Council, which he served as president one term. On June 26, 1897, Mr. Mahoney married Miss Mary E. Bradley, of Cambridge, Mass., a daughter of Daniel and Eunice Bradley. Mrs. Mahoney is a woman of broad culture, a graduate of the Somerville High School and of Radcliffe College, and prior to her marriage was a teacher of French in the I^awrence High School. Sailing from Boston on July 3, 1S97, on that beautiful steamer, the "Canada," Mr. and Mrs. Mahoney spent their early honey- n)oon travelling in the British Isles and on the continent of Europe. After visiting the for- mer homes of both their parents and the noted places of interest in Scotland and lingland, they made an extended trip through Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, and iM-ance, devoting two weeks of their time to the city of Paris. Returning thence to Liverpool, they again took 46j BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW passage on the "Canada," and after a pleasant ocean voyage of seven days disembarked in ]5oston on the second day of September. Mr. and Mrs. Mahoney are valued members of St. Mary's Church of this city, and their cosey home on Custer Street is a centre of social activity. T^APTAIN JAMES O. KNAPP, a rc- I >| tired shipmaster of Newburyport, ^^ ^ Mass., was born in the town of Newbury, September 25, 183S. Son of J. J. and Mary (Pierce) Knapp, he is of the eighth generation in lineal descent from William Knapp, who came to Massachusetts from Bury St. Mary, Suffolk County, liiigland, about 1630, it is said, and who settled at Water- town. Mr. J. J. Kna[)p, father of the Captain, was a well-known merchant of Newburyport, and owned ships, brigs, and schooners. He was at one time part owner in four ships, and did a large importing business in the West India molasses trade. He was one of the oldest di- rectors in the Merchants' National Bank, and had been in that position for fifty years at the time of his death. He was also director of the Institution for Savings, was secretary of the Newburyport Mutual Fire Insurance Com- pany for fifty years, and secretary of the New- buryport Marine Insurance Company for twenty years. He was naturally reserved, fond of his home, and not attracted by ijublic life. He had many friends in the insurance business, Brewster, Skott, and others, and was highly respected for his ability and integrity. He owned a considerable library of books in Spanish, which language he read fluently; and he was also a good I'Vcnch scholar. His wife, the mother of Captain Knapp, was a daughter of Captain Benjamin and I^liz- abeth (Gerrish) Pierce, of Newburyport. Her father, when only twenty-two years of age, owned many brigs and barks. He built the brig "Alert," and during the War of 18 12 made a present of her to the United States government. A model of the "Alert" may be found to-day in the Smithsonian Institute in Washington. Her maternal grandfather was William Gerrish, a wealthy ship-builder of Newburyport, who married Mary Brown. Through this ancestor Captain Knapp is descended from Richard Brown, who came from Alford, England, wintered in Ipswich in 1634, and the following year, sailing up Parker River, came to Newbury. In 1645 Richard Brown received a grant of land on the banks of the Parker River, and later he re- moved to the training green. His wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Captain Edward Green- leaf, who came from England in the ship "Mary and John," and was one of the first settlers to come by water to Newbury. In 1636 Richard Brown was chosen one of the seven Selectmen; and April 14, 1638, he was elected Constable. His son Richard, born at Newbury, I-'ebruary 18, 1657, married Mary Jacques, antl in turn had an only son, the Rev. Richard Brown, born Sejitember 12, 1675. The third Richard was graduated at Harvard in 1697. He was Town Clerk of Newbury, and taught the parish school, in- structing a class in Latin, and receiving the sum of twenty jwunds a year for his services. He married Martha Whipple, of Ipswich. His son William had a daughter Mary, born November 27, 1733, who married William Gerrish, as above mentioned. Mr. J. J. Knapp had six children, two sons and four daughters. One daughter, Elizabeth Knapp, is now Mrs. Lanman, of Hartford, Conn. The other living daughter is Mrs. Walker, who resides with her son-in-law. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 465 William W. Johnson, son of Mr. Johnson, of encyclopasdia fame. James O. Knapp, leaving the Newburyport High School at sixteen years of age in 1854, shipped on board the ship "Merrimack," Cap- tain Isaac A. Bray, of Newburyport. They sailed from New York to Akyab on the eastern coast of the Bay of Bengal. From there they went to Antwerp, and thence home by way of New Orleans. His second voyage was in the same ship to New Orleans and back to Boston. On his third voyage he went as second mate in the "Oliver Putnam," Captain Smith, to Liverpool, thence, loaded with salt, to Cal- cutta, and returned with hides, gunny-bags, and castor oil to Boston. On his fourth voy- age he shipped as first mate of the "Clarissa Currier" from Boston to Melbourne, Aus- tralia, thence to Calcutta, then with a cargo of hides, gunny-bags, antl castor oil to Lon- don, and returned by way of New York. The fifth voyage saw him first officer of the ship "Merrimack," with coal from New York to "'Frisco," and thence to London with wheat, returning with iron and steel bars and some passengers to Boston from Liverpool. Ujaon his arrival home he was given the command of the "Susan Howland," and started for "'Frisco"; but the ship caught fire one night, when about fifty miles from the island of Fer- nando de Noronaha, and Captain Knapp with thirty-two men escaped in two life-boats, and made land by rowing to the island, where they remained for forty-three days. They were finally rescued by a steamer, and taken to Pernambuco, and thence home. On his seventh voyage our hero was Cap- tain of "Ship Agnes " that sailed from Boston, and touched at Melbourne, Batavia, Cheribon, Singapore, and at Prince Wales Lsland in the Straits of Malacca, where he shipped a cargo of nutmegs, cloves, tin, pepper, and gambler, worth two hundred thousand dollars. On his eighth voyage, as master of the same ship, he went to Port Louis (capital of the Mauritius Islands), Batavia, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Manila, returning to Boston after an absence of two years. The ne.xt voyage he loaded coal from New York to Hong Kong, going by the Eastern route via the Malay Archipelago. Captain Knapp next sailed in the "King Fisher," owned by Sam- uel G. Reed. He sailed from New York; but the ship was disabled on the voyage, and was sold at auction at Montevideo. This was his last voyage, and during the ne.xt ten or twelve years Captain Knapp man- aged his real estate investments in Boston. He is now retired. He owns a nice summer residence on Parker River, near the place where his ancestors first landed. He is a member of St. John's Lodge, F. & A. M., and was visiting member of lodges at Hong Kong and at Melbourne, Australia. He is interested in genealogical studies, and has written three volumes of three hundred pages each on the Knapp, Gerrish, Pierce, and Brown families, with a view to j^ublishing in the future. Captain Knapp married Emily, daughter of William H. Whitmore, and has two children, namely: Orithyia W, ; and Joseph W., who is a bright boy of ten years, and is atteniling the Kelley Grammar School. ;sjtAMES C. CROMBIE, of Lawrence, well known as a public servant for many years, was born in Lowell, May 20, 1854. A son of James C. and Harriet (Heald) Crombie, he comes of New England Revolutionary stock. His immigrant ances- tor, James Crombie, who was a son of John Crombie, left the north of Ireland about 1720, 466 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW and settled in Londonderry, N.H. On No- vember 17, 1721, James married Joan Rankin, who bore him four sons and five daughters. The sons were: Hugh, William, James, and John. Of these, James settled in New Bos- ton, N.H., in 1783. Before this he had mar- ried Jane, daughter of Robert Clarke, of Lon- dontlerry, and had a family of six sons. Their son Robert, who is next in the line of descent, married Mary Patterson. Clark Crombie, James C. Crombie's grand- father, was born in New Boston, September 14, 1784. He resided for some time in South Reading (now Wakefield), Mass., in Lowell, and in Baltimore, Md. His death occurred in Baltimore, and his remains were carried to Lowell for interment. His wife, who was Lucy Dane Crombie, a niece of the founder of the Dane Law School at Harvard University, also died in Baltimore, and was buried with her husband in Lowell. They reared the following children: Jane, the wife of Butler Trull, of Goffstown, N.H. ; James C, the father of the subject of this sketch; Daniel D., who was a prominent manufacturer in Lawrence; Sarah E.,, the wife of John P. Ammidon, a Baltimore mer- chant; and Albert D., a business man, resid- ing in Maiden, Mass. Daniel D. Crombie was the first agent of the Everett Mills in Lawrence, and was for eight years the treas- urer of the corporation. He was well known as a business man of high integrity and marked ability. He died in Kennebunkport, Me., in March, 1886. James C. Crombie, Sr. , was born in New Boston, N.H., Septem- ber 4, 1814. He was a manufacturer, and for a number of years was connected with the Merrimack Manufacturing Company of Lowell. He died in Lowell in June, 1854. About 1843 he was married to Harriet Heald, of Carlisle, Mass., a daughter of the Hon. John Heald and grand-daughter of John Heald, who was an officer in the Revolution- ary Army. The Hon. John Heald was a typical New Englander, strong-willed and sensible. He held a number of town offices in Carlisle, and represented the district in the legislature. Of the eleven children of Mr. and Mrs. Heald, seven daughters and three sons attained maturity. James C. Crombie, the only son of his i)ar- ents, was an infant when his father died. After that event his mother moved to Law- rence, and he was educated in the public schools of that city. Subsequently, at a pri- vate academy, he prepared to enter college; but ill-health compelled him to relinquish his purpose. Advised by Dr. Garland, who is now deceased, to seek outdoor employment, he obtained from Major Merrill the appoint- ment of letter-carrier, and subsequently spent thirteen years in the postal service. A stanch Republican, he took an active interest in municipal affairs from the time of his first vote; and, to quote a local paper, "his knowl- edge of the various city departments is prob- ably greater to-tlay than any person's not offi- cially connected with them." Mr. Crombie was elected ex-Mayor Rollins's successor on the School Board, when that gentleman moved from Lawrence. During his connection with that body he has never failed to attend a meet- ing. It was largely through his efforts that the handsome modern school building on Pros- pect Hill was secured. In 1890 the State Firemen's Relief Commission was estab- lished, and Governor Brackett appointed Mr. Crombie a member of the board. In the first year he served as secretary. Afterward, re- appointed by Governor Russell, he was unani- mously elected chairman, which office he still holds. He made several arguments before Legislative Committees in behalf of the t {US' t'XlV; »rsL'! GKOKC;^ \V. SARGENT, "i-' Mkkri.mac, Mass. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 469 annual appropriation of ten tliousand dollars, which his efforts were largely instrumental in securing. He is serving his third year as president of the ]?oard of Trade. In 1 892 he was advocated for Mayor of Lawrence ; and the Sunday Tclcpam of November 13 of that year thus speaks of him: "His integrity is unquestioned, and his conduct of his own affairs proves that the city finances would be handled prudently, though not niggardly. He has a mind of his own, and, once having de- cided a question to be right, could not be swerved in the least." Mr. Crombie is a member of the Home Club of Lawrence. He was married July 17, 1895, to Miss Lillian E. Larrabee, of that city. /§> EORGE WASHINGTON SAR- V p I GENT, a native of Merrimac, born November 25, 18 19, and a prosper- ous farmer of this place, is a descendant of the old Sargent family, whose name since the days of the early settlement of the country has figured prominently in the history of the town and State. The extensive and well-cultivated farm owned by Mr. Sargent is located at his- toric Bear Hill, where, besides carrying on large farming operations, he is profitably en- gaged in lumbering. His remarkable success in business shows him to be a man of energy and executive ability combined with per- severance and good judgment. On December 3, 1S54, he was united in matrimony with Myra, daughter of Richard W. and Sally Sargent, of West Amesbury. The union has been blessed by the following children: Walter Heman, who married Lizzie, daughter of B. F. Huntington, of Amesbury; Homer R., who married Lydia A., daughter of George W. Hoyt, and has three children; Edgar Porter; and George Allen. ,ALVIN W. POOL, Town Clerk of Rockport, is a native of this town, born May 29, 1834. A son of Colonel William and Sophia (Tarr) Pool, he is a descendant of John Pool, who came to America from England, and was the second permanent settler in Rockport. John had a son Caleb, whose son. Deacon Abraham Pool, was the grandfather of the subject of this sketch. Colonel William Pool, who was also born in Rockport, was an officer in the Cape Ann Regiment. He followed the business of surveyor, and took contracts for building roads. In politics he was a Republican. He served for two terms as Special Commissioner of Essex County, and was the first Town Clerk of Rockport elected after its incorpora- tion. After he was in the ofiRce twenty-nine years, his son succeeded him, so that the Town Clerkship has never been out of the Pool family. Calvin W. Pool attended the public schools of Rockport, and graduated from the Massa- chusetts State Normal School at Westfield in i860. He taught for several years in Rock- port, then, on account of poor health, en- gaged in surveying, having learned the art from his father. During the Civil War he served in both the army and the navy. In the army he belonged to Company F, Thirty-fifth, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, attached to the Ninth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. During the six months he spent in the ser- vice he held the rank of Sergeant, was in the Maryland campaign, and fought at South Mountain and Antietam. In the navy he served for about ten months as paymaster's clerk on the monitor "Mahopac." This ves- sel was engaged in the bombardment of Fort Fisher, took part in the operations on the James River during the fall of 1864 and the spring of 1865, and was in Charleston Harbor 470 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW when the city was evacuated. Since he re- turned to civil life, Mr. Pool has made sur- veying and engineering his principal busi- ness. He entered upon the duties of Town Clerk in 1S69. In ])olitics Mr. Pool is a Republican. While serving for several years on the Rock- port School Committee, he has taken an active interest in educational matters here. In 1870 he was married to Ellen E. Tarr, a native of Rockport and a daughter of Asa Tarr, late of this town. Of his four children, William A. and Mary M. are living. The others, Helen B. and Bessie G., are deceased. Mr. Pool is chaplain of O. W. Wallace Post, No. 106, G. A. R., and has been Commander of the post. He is Deacon and clerk of the Congre- gational church, and has served for several years as superintendent of the Sunday-school. A well-known and popular man, he has the esteem and good will of his townsmen. "ON. SYLVANUS SMITH, a promi- nent business man of Gloucester, son of William Smith, was born in 1829, in what is now the town of Rockport. The father, an old-time fisherman and master mariner, was the owner and manager of differ- ent vessels during his active life. He subse- quently lived in retirement for a period before his death, which occurred at the advanced age of eighty-seven years. His wife, Charlotte, a daughter of Caleb Pool, of Gloucester, bore him twelve children, of whom eight attained maturity, and one daughter and five sons are living. When ten years old, Sylvanus Smith began making short fishing tri]is. At the age of fif- teen he went on long voyages ; and, when twenty, he was made master of the schooner "Eliza Ann," which he commanded during one season. When twenty-two years old, he had a vessel built for himself. Four years later he had another built, in which he was engaged in fishing and trading. In 1S64 he gave up seafaring; and in company with Jo- sejih Rowe, forming the firm of Rowe & Smith, he was in business on Main Street for three years. Since 1867, as the head of the firm of Sylvanus Smith & Co., he has been prosperously engaged in the fishing business and that of real estate. He is also interested in the First National Bank and the Safe De- posit & Trust Company, of which, respec- tively, he is a director, and in the Gloucester Net and Twine Corporation, of which he is vice-president. He is the treasurer and a di- rector of the Gilbert Hospital. For thirty- three years prior to his retirement from the board in 1897, he was a director of the Gloucester Mutual Fishing Insurance Com- pany ; and he was the president for seven years of the local Board of Trade. A Mason of high standing, Mr. Smith be- longs to the local lodge, chapter, and com- mandery. While he has persistently declined all municipal offices, he was a Representative to the State legislature in 1892 and 1893, when he was chairman of the Fishery Com- mittee. In 1894 and 1895 he was a member of the State Senate, in which he was also chairman of the Fishery Committee, serving also on the Committees on Railroads, Liquor Laws, Harbors, and Public Lands. While he was in the Senate occurred the memorable fight regarding the withdrawal of the water charter from the old company, and in which the bill was pushed through by hard work. After that he served as chairman of the Board of Water Commissioners, and the treasurer for two years. In 1896 he was Presidential Elect(;r, being the first person to be chosen to that office from Cape Ann. In December, BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 47' 1855, he married Miss Eliza Rowe, of Rock- port. Of his twelve children, the survivors are: Mrs. E. E. Bradley, Howard, Eliza, Horace, and Sylvanus. Howard is in busi- ness with his father; Eliza is the wife of F. A. Fisher; Horace is the teller of the Safe Deposit & Trust Company; and Sylvanus is engaged in the coal business in this city. ARON LORD, a prosperous and pro- gressive agriculturist of Ipswich, Essex County, Mass., his native town, was born on High Street, March 7, 1S40, a son of Joshua and Martha (Willett) Lord. His father was a son of Captain Na- thaniel Lord and a brother of Caleb Lord, who recently died in the village. Further interesting ancestral history may be found in connection with the sketch of George Augus- tus Lord, elsewhere in this biographical work, he being the present occupant of the old Lord homestead, at the head of Manning Street. Joshua Lord was born in Ipswich in 1806, and here spending his entire life of about forty-two years, dying in 1848. He was a farmer and fisherman. He married Martha Willett, who was born on the farm adjoining the one now owned by Aaron Lord, Oliver Smith being the present proprietor of that estate. They had eight children; namely, Martha W., Margaret B., Elizabeth B., Moses W., Aaron, Mary R., Hannah Ellen, and Ed- mund B. Martha W., who died in 1864, was the wife of George W. Langdon, now of Salem; Margaret B. is the wife of Henry F. Russell, of Salem; Elizabeth B. is the wife of Warren B( ynton, of Ipswich; Mary R. is the wife of John M. Dunnells, of Ipswich; Hannah Ellen married John W. Newman, of Ipswich; Moses W. died in 1848, aged ten years; and Edmund B. died in 1848, aged two years. Joshua Lord died in 1848; and Mrs. Martha W. Lord died in 1SS4, at the age of seventy-four years. Aaron Lord early became dependent upon his own resources, his mother having been left a widow with several young children. At the age of eight years he began working for an uncle, George Willett, an e.xpressman, de- livering papers and packages, making his home with this uncle, who was also his guar- dian, until sixteen years old, attending school a small portion of the time. He subsequently worked in a restaurant four years for William Lord, and he was afterward a clerk in the store of Asa Lord. He was next employed for some time as sui)erintendent of a railroad section, being foreman of the section hands. Learning the shoemaker's trade, Mr. Lord worked awhile for Lynn shoe firms; and he then worked in the ship-yards of Lewis and Edward W. Choate three winters. Went from ship-yards to work for Ross & Lord, re- maining in their employ six or seven years, becoming foreman for them in the building of several wharves and bridges. May 15, 1877, while shingling a barn, he fell from the roof, breaking all the bones in one ankle, this acci- dent preventing him from doing any more bridge work; and he therefore gave up his sit- uation. In the spring of 1S78 he worked for Edward W. Choate, assisting in building the last boat built in this town, the little steamer,, the "Carlotta, " now running on the river. On February 27, 1878, Mr. Lord married Catherine Elizabeth, daughter of Oliver and Catherine (Parkhurst) Underbill, and in June following settled on his present farm, previ- ously owned by his wife's father, then de- ceased. Mrs. Lord's paternal grandfather, Jeremiah Underbill, came to Ipswich from Chester, N.H., when a young man, and, mar- rying a Miss Appleton, settled on this farm, 472 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW which is a part of the original Appleton homestead. Mere Oliver Underhill and his wife spent their entire wedded life, he dying in 1S77, at the age of seventy-six, and she in 1880, aged seventy-four. They had nine children, namely: the Rev. John Winn Underhill, who was educated at Amherst and Andover, Mass., and settled as pastor of the Congregational church of Amherst, where he died two years later in 1862, aged thirty-three years; Sarah Winn, who died at the age of twenty -nine years; Susan Appleton, who died at the age of forty-eight years; Jeremiah Choate, a coal and grain dealer in Hamilton; Laura Parkhurst, wife of William Willcomb, of this town; Oliver Appleton, who died at the age of fifteen years; Catherine E. , now Mrs. Lord; Nathaniel R., a farmer in Ips- wich; and William Perley, who died in child- hood. Sarah Winn was the wife of the late Peter Byers ; and Susan Appleton was twice married, her first husband being James Byers, and her second, Henry Kendrick. Mr. and Mrs. Lord have four children. Martha Underbill, the eldest, now eighteen years of age, was graduated from the Manning High School in June, 1896, and has since been teaching; Everett Raymond, sixteen years old, is a student in the high school. The younger children are: Myra, aged twelve years; and Arthur Russell, ten years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Lord are active members of the Methodist PZpiscopal church. In politics he is a strict adherent of the Republican party. He has been prominent in local affairs from 1888 until 1894, serving as Selectman, Asses- sor, and Overseer of the Poor. Fraternally, he is a member of Syracuse Lodge, No. 30, K. of P. Mr. Lord has but a small farm now, having within a few years disposed of a por- tion of his estate to Francis R. Appleton, of New York, who is anxious to secure as much as possible of the original Appleton home- stead granted to the first settler of that name in this section of New luigland. t^TON. DAVID INGERSOLL ROB- j-^ INSON, e.\-Mayor of Gloucester Xi® ^ ^ and the treasurer of the Atlantic Halibut Company, was born in Manchester, Mass., October 6, 1S44, son of John and Sarah L. (Ingersoll) Robinson. On the paternal side he is a descendant in the eighth generation of Abraham Robinson (first), who, it is supposed, was a son of the Rev. John Robinson. Abraiiani (first) settled at Squam, and died February 23, 1645. Abra- ham Robinson (second), who was born about the year 1638, is thought to have died in 1740, at the advanced age of one hundred and two years. He married Mary Harrandaine, who, born in 1649, died September 28, 1725. Abraham Robinson (third), born October 15. 1677, died December 28, 1724. On Feb- ruary 10, 1703, he married Sarah York, who, born in 1682, died August 9, 1718. Andrew Robinson, son of Abraham Robinson (third), and the next in line, was born in Gloucester, November 16, 1710. On January i, 1736, he married Martha Gardner, who was born No- vember 5, 171 3. Jonathan Robinson, son of Andrew and great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, born in Gloucester, April 21, 1742, died January 30, 1S21. On January 10, 1765, he married Anna 13atting, who was born in July, 1744. John Robinson, grandfather of David I., was born in Gloucester, July 10, 1784. He was a mariner, and died in the West Indies, September 27, 1S09. On De- cember 21, 1802, he married Sally Riggs, who, born Sejitember 4, 1771, died in Alton, 111., October 26, 1858. John Robinson (second), David I. Robin- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 473 son's father, was boni in Gloucester, April 4, 1806. He acquired a good education, and learned the shoemaker's trade, which he fol- lowed for several years. About the year 1851 he moved to Alton, 111., where he was en- gaged as a teacher in the public schools for a number of years, and finally returned to Gloucester. For some time previous to his retirement he was engaged in missionary work under the "Saunders Legacy," being an active member of the Baptist church. He took a deep interest in temperance work, and at one time was Grand Worthy Templar of .the Teniple of Honor of the State of Illinois. John Robinson died August iS, 1892. On April 8, 1S30, he married Sarah L. Ingersoll, who, born in Gloucester, January 26, 1807, was a daughter of David Smith and Sally (Butler) Ingerst)ll. She was a descendant of George Ingersoll, through his son Samuel, who was baptized July 12, 1696, when he was fifty years old, and was probably a twin brother of Joseph, born October 14, 1646. Josiah Ingersoll, son of Samuel, baptized June 10, 1694, on December t,o, 1712, married Mary Stevens, who was born February 2, 1694. Josiah Ingersoll (second), the great-grand- father of Mrs. John Robinson, born July 21, 1716, died January 13, 1789. On April 11, 1740, he married Bathia Sargent, who was born June 18, 1724. John Sargent Ingersoll, the grandfather of Mrs. John Robinson, born July 6, 1751, on November 22, 1772, married Lydia Smith, who was born November 8, 1754. David Smith Ingersoll, Mrs. John Robinson's father, who was baptized March 13, 1774, in February, 1803, married Sally Butler. Mrs. John Robinson died in Alton, 111., September i, 1875. Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson were the parents of six chil- dren, five of whom grew to maturity, namely : John Smith Robinson, who served as a Lieu- tenant in the Seventh Illinois Regiment, and was mortally wounded at the battle of Altoona Pass, Ga. ; Sarah Ann, who married Sylvester Lowe, both now deceased; Mary Eliza; Will- iam Lamson ; and David Ingersoll. David Ingersoll Robinson was educated in Alton, 111. After teaching school for two years, he enlisted in Company H, One Hun- dred and Thirty-third Regiment, Illinois Vol- unteers, which was stationed at Rock Island, III. After leaving the military service, he was in a mercantile business in the West until 1869, when he came to Gloucester. Here he was engaged in the halibut business with Seth Stockbridge and William T. Smith, first as book-keeper and subsequently as a partner, under the firm name of Stockbridge & Co. He continued thus with a number of changes in the company until October 24, 1895, when the Atlantic Halibut Company was incorpo- rated, with Mr. Robinson as its treasurer. This concern is one of the largest dealers and shippers of halibut upon the coast, handling in 1896 five million, five hundred thousand pounds, which was marketed in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and other places. He is also the manager of the Gloucester Fresh Fish Company, a corporation that commenced busi- ness on December 6, 1897, and which handles upward of five million pounds of fresh fish annually. In politics Mr. Robinson is a Republican, and believes in prohibiting the liquor traffic. He served as clerk of Ward One when Glouces- ter became a city, and was later elected to the Common Council, and became the president of that body. He was chosen Mayor in 1886, re-elected in 1887, and was again elected in 1895. The city having voted to license the liquor saloons, he demonstrated his consist- ency by resigning the Mayoralty in April, 1888, simply because he was averse to issuing 474 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW the licenses which would legalize the sale of liquor in Gloucester. He has been a member of both the Independent Order of Good Tem- plars and the Sons of Temperance, and was formerly Most Worthy Templar, the highest officer in the Temple of Honor. He is also connected with the Masonic fraternity, the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and the United Order of the Golden Cross; and he is commander of St. Angelo Commandery, No. 224, Knights of Malta. For eight years he has been the superintendent of the Sunday- school connected with the First Baptist Church, of which he was formerly Deacon; and he was one of the founders of the Glouces- ter Fisherman's Institute, a philanthropic organization established for the purpose of maintaining a reading-room and chapel, and promoting the moral and religious welfare of the thousands engaged in the fishing industry of this city. On January 21, 1869, Mr. Rob- inson was united in marriage with Helen Amanda Smith, who was born June 6, 1841, daughter of Samuel and Hannah (Gott) Smith. Mrs. Robinson is the mother of three children, namely: Will Austin, born March 8, 1874; Emma J. C, born November 8, 1S75; and Helen Dunford, born November 9, 1882. ■*■* • » » rERRY COLLIER, Mayor of Beverly, was born in the neighboring city of Salem, October 28, 1838. A son of John and Hannah (Trofifiter) Collier, he is of Scotch lineage on the paternal side. John Collier, his grandfather, who was likewise a native of Salem, spent many years of his life there as a rope-maker. He and his wife Eunice were the parents of five children, two sons and three daughters. The elder son, John, father of Perry Collier, was born in Salem in 1794. He, too, was a rope-maker by trade; and the active years of his life were silent in that calling with the exception of a period during the War of 18 12, in which he served aboard a privateer. He was in France when peace was declared. In politics he was a Democrat. Hannah Trofifiter, whom he married, was born in Salem in 1796, being two years his junior. He died at the age of si.xty years, she at eighty-eight. Their union was blessed by the birth of thirteen children, of whom the subject of this sketch was the youngest. Perry Collier attended the public schools of Salem. After completing his schooling, he worked for a short time in a tobacco shop, next in a provision store, and after that as a salesman for twelve years in a furniture store. During the succeeding eight years he was employed in the upholstery department of Willard Goldthwaite & Co. He travelled through New England and New York State as salesman for a Salem house from that time up to 1868, when he started in a small way in the real estate business in Salem. Ten years later, in 1878, he removed to Beverly, since which time both these cities have profited by his operations in real estate, he retaining his in- terests in Salem, where he still owns prop- erty. The first one in this vicinity to see the advantage of houses sold on the instalment plan, he built many residences in these places ; also factories, aggregating in value over one hundred thousand dollars. In 1888 he pur- chased an estate in Wenham, on which he erected a fine building, which he occupies dur- ing the summer season. In 1894 he labored untiringly to awaken public interest and pre- pare the petition to the Massachusetts legis- lature for a city charter for Beverly, and the success of the movement was largely due to his efforts. While Beverly was still a town, he BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 475 was elected to many offices of trust, including that of Selectman in 1893 and 1894. In De- cember, 1S97, he was elected Mayor of the city for the year 189S, and is the fourth occu- pant of the chair. Fraternally, Mr. Collier is a member of the Grand Lodge and Grand En- campment ; of the .Salem Encampment and of Essex Lodge, I. O. O. P., of Salem, in which he has held all the offices; of the Royal Arca- num of Beverly ; of Cabot Lodge, A. O. U. W. , of Beverly ; and of the Grand Lodge of the A. O. O. W. He was the organizer of the last two. He is the president of the social organization known as the board of Salem. On October 23, 187S, Mr. Collier married Emma F. Kimball. She was born in Charles- town, Mass., daughter of James and Alice (Foster) Kimball, now of Beverly. They have had three children, of whom Alice Ger- trude and Franklin Perry Collier are living. M AVID TULLAR PERLEY, who was for many years a prominent agriculturist of Ipswich, was born January 17, 1824, in Linebrook, Ipswich. Representing one of the oldest families in this town, he was descended in the seventh generation from Allan Perley, who came from London in the "Planter" in 1635, and settled in Ipswich, where he died in 1675, aged seventy-five years. Timothy Perley, son of Allan, born in 1653, died in 1719. His son Stephen, born in 1684, died in 1725. The line of descent was continued through Ste- phen's son Allan, born in 1718, who died in 1804; Allan's son Allan, who, born in 1763, died in 1S43 ; and the son of the latter Allan, Abraham, born in 1793, who died in 1861, and was the father of David Tullar Perley. David T. Perley was educated in the Tops- field and Dunimer Academies, receiving better schooling than most farmers' sons of his day. He succeeded to his father's home and busi- ness, and had one of the largest and most im- proved homestead estates in the west part of Ipswich. He added land by purchase to the original tract, increasing its extent to two hundred acres, which he devoted to the gen- eral purposes of agriculture, including stock- raising and dairying. He was also exten- sively engaged in cattle dealing, doing a large business as a trader, and supplying both dairy- men and marketmen. In all he owned five farms, aggregating about one thousand one hundred acres of land. While enterprising and thrifty, he was esteemed for his upright dealings. Though a stanch Republican in politics, he took no active part in local affairs. Mr. Perley was three times married. Miss Sophronia A. Plummer, of Newbury, became his wife in 1851. She died in 1853, leaving one son, Oscar Wentworth Perley, now of South Omaha, Neb. In 1861 Mr. Perley married Mrs. Abigail Scarl Kent Stevens, whose previous husband had died, leaving her with one son, William Henry Stevens, now of West Newburry. Of this union there were three children, namely : David Sidney, born February 21, 1862; Roscoe Damon, born Au- gust II, 1864; and Carrie Sophronia, born October 18, 1865. The mother died in 1879. In 1880 a third marriage united Mr. Perley with Miss Elizabeth Ann Lavalette, who was , born in the same house that he was, she being a daughter of Nathaniel H. Lavalette. They had five children — Chester Garfield, Mabel Alice, Bertha Cheever, IJarrison Otis, and Helene Louise. Harrison Otis died in child- hood. Mr. Perley died at his home August 16, 1 891. A successful business man and a typical citizen, he was esteemed by all. Mrs. Perley resides in the village with her children, who are attending school. David Sidney Per- 476 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW ley is successfully conducting the business left by his father, having a commodious residence, a fine barn, and a large amount of stock. He is recognized as a keen, wide-awake man, well endowed with the progressive spirit and te- nacity of purpose that is sure of winning the best results. He married Miss Louise Hart, of New Hampshire, and has four children — Marion, Carrie Abbie, Sidney Harold, and Eveline Louise. Roscoe Damon Perley, a young man of good mental attainments, gradu- ated from the Harvard Medical School with the class of 1896, and is now one of the staff of the Boston City Hospital. His success thus far as a practitioner gives flattering prom- ise of a brilliant career in the future. Miss Carrie S. Perley, who is living at the family home, has studied music with private tutors in Boston, and is an accomplished and talented artist in her chosen profession. "ON. CHARLES O. BAILEY, of Newbury, son of William P. and Ll^ ^^ Ursula (Larkin) Bailey, is a de- scendant in the eighth generation of one of the three brothers — John, Richard, and Josiah Bailey — who came from England in 1635. His ancestors were prominent in the old Co- lonial days, both as citizens and as soldiers. The family traditions tell of seven members who fought in the War of the_ Revolution. The Baileys were farmers for many genera- tions. On the mother's side Charles O. Bailey is descended of Thomas R. Larkin, who loaned to Paul Revere the horse on which the latter made his famous ride. His paternal great-grandfather owned a large tract of land in what is now West Newbury. His grand- father, Joseph ]5ailey, who died in 1865, is remembered i)y his townspeople as "a fine old gentleman. " William P. Bailey, the father of Charles O., was born in Newbury, June 17, 1S42. He was in business in Haverhill for many years. In 1862 he enlisted in Company K, Fiftieth Massachusetts Regiment, and was with Gen- eral Banks in the assaults on Port Hudson and in the battle of Plains Store. After more than two years of active service he re-enlisted in the Seventeenth Massachusetts, unattached company, stationed at Salem. He married Ursula, a daughter of Samuel R. Larkin, of the old manufacturing firm of Larkin & Mor- rill. They have four children, the eldest of whom is Charles O. His twin brother, J. Ed- mund, who died at the early age of seventeen, just after passing his examinations for Har- vard, was a graduate of the Putnam Free High School at Newburyport. Maud C, who mar- ried M. B. Bailey (no relation), now resides at Topsfield, Mass. Grace L. married How- ard F. Morrill, the junior partner of Larkin & Morrill. Born in Newbury, January 24, 1863, Charles O. Bailey was educated at the Putnam Free High School, Dummer Academy, and Bryant & Stratton's Business College. In 1884 he entered into partnership with his father. Under the firm name of Bailey & Co. they did business for ten years in Haverhill, residing during this period in Newbury, Mass. In 1894 he and his father went into business in Newbury, under the same firm name. He was Selectman in the years 1892, 1893, 1894, and 1895; and during the last two years he was the chairman of the board. He has served for nine years on the School Board, and in 1896 he was an alternate delegate from the Sixth Congressional District to the Republican National Convention held at St. Louis. A member of the State legislature in 1895, he represented the double district comprising Newburyiiort, Newbury, Ipswich, and Rowley. HENRY C. KING. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 479 He was re-elected in 1896, and in 1897 was elected to the Massachusetts Senate, repre- senting the Third Essex District. In both branches he served on the more important committees. Mr. Bailey is a member of the C. C. Dame Lodge of Masons of Georgetown ; of the Sons of Veterans; the Junior O. U. A. M. ; and the I. O. O. F. In 1884 he married Elizabeth T. Brickett, of West Ne\vbur)^ They have one son, Harold L. , a bright, active lad, ten years of age, and said to be a "chip of the old block." An ardent sportsman, Mr. Bailey, in the midst of his active public life, still finds an occasional opportunity to slip away with rod or jjun. t^TENRY C. KING, a prominent mcr- r^H chant and manufacturer of Law- -L^ V rence, residing at 266 Andover Street, was born at Tunbridge, Vt., August 30, 1852. A son of Nathaniel King, he is a grandson of the Rev. Nathaniel King, who was a well-known preacher in the early part of the century, and in many ways a man of note. The Rev. Mr. King was of remarkable phy- sique, standing six feet, two inches, and weighing two hundred pountls. Physically built upon a noble plan, his moral nature was correspondingly large. In the olden time, when ministers labored solely for the good they might do in their Master's vineyard, he always preached without any stated compensa- tion. He married Lydia Noyes, of Vermont, and on the farm to which he took his bride their thirteen children were born and reared. The latter were: Dilly, Lydia, Hannah, Harty, Abigail, Nathaniel, Eliza, Sally, Daniel, Philip, Nancy, Harvey, and Aaron. All of these sons and daughters married and reared families, one having brought up a fam- ily of ten children. The father attained the age of eighty years, and the mother that of ninety-one. Nathaniel King was born in 1805, either in Tunbridge or Northfield, Vt. Brought up to farming, he followed it until about fifty years of age, serving for a time as Assistant Judge of the local court. His first wife, whose maiden name was Hunt, bore him si.x chil- dren, of whom four sons grew to maturity, and two are now living. The latter are: Simeon, of Plymouth, Vt. ; and Orlando, of Lawrence, Mass. His second wife, Rebecca F. Whitney King, was born at Tunbridge, Vt. , daughter of Aaron and Betsey Whit- ney. The children born of this union were: Amanda, who lived but ten years; and Henry C. King. Upon leaving the district school when thir- teen years old, Henry C. King became a clerk in the general store of his uncle in Tunbridge. After six years, in which he gained valuable experience, he came to Lawrence, and for six months thereafter was a salesman for Shattuck Brothers. He then accepted a position with M. & H. D. Manahan, who had a large gro- cery store. Having purchased this store in 1882, he has conducted it successfully since, adding a line of provisions, wood, coal, hay, grain, lime, cement, and other articles. To meet the demands of his present business he employs from thirty to forty men. He has also large interests in other enterprises. In December, 1893, he became one of the incor- porators and a third owner of the D. W. Pin- gree Company, which is doing a general lum- ber business, daily cutting about twenty-five thousand feet of lumber to be used in its box factory. In 1894 he was made the treasurer and general manager of the Dillon Machine company, which is carrying on a lucrative business. He is likewise the treasurer of the 480 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW American Mason Safety Tread Company, which manufactures a metal matting for stairs and thresholds from corrugated steel or iron with a lead filling. This matting, for which a great demand is anticipated, has already been adopted for use in the United States navy and the government buildings in Wash- ington. Also, Mr. King is the president of the Lamson Store Equipment Company of Lawrence, having offices in Boston, Mass. Politically, Mr. King affiliates with the Re- publican party, but has never been an aspirant for official honors, his time, outside of his business, being entirely given to his home and family. Fraternally, he is a Mason, belong- ing to Grecian Lodge and Bethany Command- ery, K. T. ; and to Monadnock Lodge and Kearsarge Encampment, L O. O. F. He is a member of the Congregational church, and when its present house of worship was erected he was chairman of the Building Committee. He was married October 17, 1876, to Nellie F., daughter of Milton and Mary Abbott, of Lawrence. Mr. Abbott, who was a mer- chant in this city, died at the age of fifty years. Mrs. Abbott and four of her sons are still living. Mr. and Mrs. King have three children — -Carl, Philip, and Helen. Carl and Philip, respectively aged eighteen years and si.xteen and a half, are attending Phillips Academy in Andover, Mass. Helen is a win- some child of eleven years. 'RANCIS PROCTER, the senior mem- ber of the firm Procter Ikothers, pub- lishers of the Cape Ann Advertiser ^v\(\ Gloucester Daily Times, was born in Glouces- ter on March 16, 1833, son of Francis E. and Ann (Allen) Procter. His immigrant ances- tor was John Procter, who arrived with his family from England on board the "Susan and Ellen" in 1635, and settled in Salem. John Procter (second), who was born in England in 1633, was tried with his wife for witchcraft; and he was executed at Salem, August 19, 1692. Benjamin Procter, the next in line, died in Salem in 1720. He left a son, John, aged fifteen years, who married Lydia Waters, and died in 1771. Joseph Procter, son of John and Lydia, removed from Danvers, and settled in Gloucester on March 3, 1768, there estab- lishing the fish business which is still carried on by his descendants. He was also inter- ested in other enterprises, and was one of the prominent residents of his day and an active business man. He married Elizabeth Epes, through whom the Procters of Gloucester arc descended from the Rev. I-'rancis Higginson, the first minister in Salem, and related to the descendants of Colonel Prescott of Bunker Hill fame, as well as to William LI. Prescott, the historian. Joseph and Elizabeth Procter had a large family of children. Among them was Daniel Epes Procter, grandfather of the subject of this sketch. P'rancis \\. Procter, the father, who was a sea captain engaged in the South American trade, died at the age of forty-two years. He married Ann Allen, daughter of Thomas Allen, of Gloucester, and a descendant of the Rev. John White, who was ordained to the ministry here April 21, 1703, and served as pastor of the First Parish for fifty-eight years. After the death of his father, Francis Proc- ter, at the age of thirteen years, assisted in the supjiort of his two brothers and widowed mother, who shortly afterward lost her eye- sight. He attended the public schools when the opportunity jjermitted. The necessity of helping to keep the homestead and support the family prevented him from learning a trade, which could yield little or no income during an apprenticeship. ' His first effort in this di- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 481 rection was to borrow a dollar of his mother, and buy thirty-three copies of the Flag of our Union, at that time a favorite wgekly, and dis- pose of them. Little by little he added to his stock of newspapers and books until he ob- tained a good business foothold. Then, in 1S54, he and his brother, George H. Procter, formed the firm of Procter Brothers, which has since advanced rapidly in prosperity and importance. Their enterprise now embraces printing and publishing, besides an extensive business in books, stationery, newspapers, and miscellaneous fancy goods. The firm started in a store fitted up under the old homestead. This was destroyed by fire on February iS, 1864; but they immediately rebuilt, erecting the substantial Procter Building known as the Old Corner, and still occupy the same location. In 1858 the senior partner, assisted by his brother, launched his first newspaper venture, which consisted of a monthly sheet. This was soon enlarged, and, as the Cape Ann Adver- tiser, in 1856 was issued weekly. In 1888 they established the Gloucester Daily Times, which is now in the full tide of success as the result of the liberal and progressive methods of Francis Procter, the general manager, and George H. Procter, the editor. Francis Procter is the chairman of the Gloucester Board of Trade, and of the Commit- tee on City Improvement, and a director of the Co-operative Bank. He was a delegate to the first Free Soil Convention; was Town Auditor in 1861 ; Warden of Ward Four; and a mem- ber of the Board of Aldermen in 1876. He is now one of the Park Commissioners and the secretary of the board. He married M. Melissa Rice, a native of Marlboro, Mass., daughter of Solomon Rice. She is a grand-daughter of Thomas Rice. Mrs. Procter is the mother of three children, namely: F"rank R., born in 1857; William A., born in i860; and Mary Melissa, born in 1873. Mr. Procter is widely known among editors and publishers, having been the secretary of the Massachusetts Press Association for two years, its vice-president for five years, and its president for three years. He has also been a frequent delegate and member of the Executive Committee of the National Editorial Association Convention, contributing papers on advertising for the past fifteen years, and as such has been an exten- sive traveller over various sections of the United States, extending also, in one of its excursions, as far as the City of Mexico. He spent the winter of 1879 and 1880 at Ber- muda to recover his broken health, and also was a member of the first Raymond excursion across the continent to California in 1881. He is a Master Mason, and was secretary of Tyrian Lodge for two years. He is also a member of the Independent Christian Society, and was chairman of the Parish Committee for seven years. K APTAIN BENJAMIN A. FOLLANS- ])EE, a well-remembered master mariner of Amesbury, son of Benja- min and Elizabeth (Kenney) Follansbee, was born in Pittston, Me., December 25, 1S16. The paternal grandfather, Benjamin P'ollans- bee, was a pioneer shiiD-builder on the "Back Landing " on Powow River at Amesbury. The father settled at Pittston, on the Kennebec, in 1896, and became a pioneer ship-builder of the place. His ship-yard was on the site of the present great houses of the Knickerbocker Ice Company. He had extensive business inter- ests. While an active member of the Congre- gational church, he held very liberal views. An able public speaker, and appearing fre- quently before his townspeople, he exercised much influence with them. He married 482 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Kenney, of Ilallowcll, Me., who was a soldier in the Revolution. Her sister, Mrs. Hannah Robin- son, died at Augusta in August, 1897, in the one hundred and third year of her age. Captain Follansbec spent almost his entire life upon the sea, making frequent voyages to foreign shores in the command of ships owned in part by himself. The three quickest trips made by clipper ships were sailed by the "Greenfield" under his command. A short time before the Civil War began he retired from a seafaring life, and opened a store in Amesbury. The hearty, genial captain, too liberal for a successful storekeeper, could not refuse people credit for the necessities of life; and, accordingly, he found the venture anything but profitable after a trial of two years. The life was also dull for him, whose temperament called for energetic action, to which he had been so accustomed. The result was that he went to sea again. In the winter of 1872 he was lost off the coast of England in the ship "Sardis. " Captain Follansbee circumnavi- gated the globe several times, and visited all the principal ports of the civilized world. He was accompanied by his wife when he went to China and to some other countries. On one of his voyages, and wliile in port at Yokohama, his entire crew, with the exception of the mate, mutinied. He was compelled to put them in irons, and did not release them until the vessel was on the high sea.s. At the time the New York papers contained an extended account of the incident. During the Civil War he was shut up in Singajiore Harbor for several months, fearing capture by the "Alabama," which was there at the same time. The only serious mishap that befell the Captain through- out his entire career was the loss, off the New Jersey coast, opposite Long Branch, of the "Tartar," a new shij) Ijiiilt at Portsiunutli, N.H., on her maiden trip from England to New York, under his command. Among the other vessels commanded by him were the "Skylark" and "Uncowah." His reputation was that of an able and successful navigator, and he was widely known to ship-owners and seafaring men. In 1843 Captain Follansbee married Miss Aphia Ann Russell Tyler, of Amesbury, who now resides in this town with her daughter. His children are William Tyler and Alice Cushman. William Tyler Follansbee, who is a carriage-maker of Amesbury, married Miss Annette Pettingell. They have a daughter, Helen Leslie, eight years of age. Miss Fol- lansbee, a graduate of Bradford Academy, is the present librarian of the Amesbury Public Library, which position she has held for sev- eral years past. She is connected with the Elizabeth H. Whittier Club and various other social literary societies of the town. RANK SAVAGE, the efficient chair- man of the Amesbury School ]?oard, was born in Boxford, Mass., on Sep- tember 2, 1833, son of Johnson and Mary (Hardy) Savage. Johnson Savage, son of a sea captain, was a carpenter by trade, and re- sided during the greater part of his life at Bo.xford, where he died at the age of fifty-six years. By his wife, Mary, who was born in Georgetown, there were five children — Will- iam Johnson, P'rank, Leonard, Mary J., and Sarah. William Johnson has been the master of almshouses in various places, including those of this State at Ipswich, Topsfield, and Boxford. He is now in poor health, and re- sides in Georgetown. Leonard enlisted in 1 86 1, in the Thirteenth Massachusetts Vol- unteer Regiment, and served for three years in the Civil War. When this term exi)ire(l. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 483 he re-enlisted, was shortly afterward captured with a part of his regiment in the Shenandoah Valley, and was sent to Salisbury Prison, where he died of starvation. Mary J. married Mr. O'Dowd, and lives in Amcsbury. Sarah, the youngest daughter, now a widow, married a Mr. Emerson, and made her home in Brad- ford, where she still resides. When nineteen years of age, Frank Savage entered Atkinson Academy, where he spent three years in preparing for college, teaching school for a part of the time. In 1859 he en- tered Dartmouth College, graduating there- from with the class of 1863. Subsequently he taught school at Haverhill for some time, was a teacher in the public schools of Ames- bury for two years, and for three years was principal of the high school at Bradford. He spent the following three years teaching in the Reform School at Westboro, and for the next ten years was the principal of the Salis- bury High School. About fifteen years ago the delicate state of his health obliged him to retire from the teaching profession. Since then he has served for twelve years on the School Board of Amcsbury, being for the past ten years the chairman of the board. He is a member of the Democratic Town Committee, and at one time was the Democratic candidate for State Representative. His popularity was attested by the fact that he lacked but twenty- two votes to secure his election in a strong Republican district. He is a member of Powow River Lodge, No. go, I. O. O. F., in which he has filled all the chairs; and is con- nected with the Essex County Teachers' As- sociation, one of the oldest societies in the State. In 1873, March 27, Mr. Savage married Anna M. J. Lawrence, a daughter of the Rev. John J. Lawrence, of New York State. Mr. Lawrence was one of the early missionaries sent out by the A. B. C. F. M. to the Madura Mission, where, after spending twelve years in his high calling, he passed to his reward. Mrs. Savage, who was born in Hindostan, was brought to America in infancy by her mother, who taught school successfully in Troy, N. Y., and other places. Mrs. Lawrence afterwartl carried on a flourishing boarding-school in Ballston, N. Y., until loss of health compelled her to retire. She could not be prevailed upon to accept the help to which she was en- titled from the A. B. C. F. M. Mrs. Savage received her education at Mount Holyoke Seminary, graduating in 1866. She taught school successfully until the time of her mar- riage, the most of these years having been spent as teacher of a high school in Tecumseh, Mich. She has, until recently, taken an ac- tive part in the work of the Union Evangeli- cal church. Her only daughter, Miss Pahel A. Savage, an energetic and capable young lady and a graduate of the Newburyport Train- ing School, has been a successful and popular teacher in the Amcsbury schools since she was eighteen years old. DWARD A. LANE, a prominent busi- ness man of Manchester and secretary of the School Board, was born in Annisquam, a part of Gloucester, Mass., on December 4, 1847, his parents being Allen and Charlotte (Sargent) Lane, both natives of that town, and both representing old Glouces- ter families. Mr. Lane passed the early part of his life at Annisquam, and attended the public schools there. At the age of sixteen he began learn- ing the painter's trade, with K. L. Cook, of Gloucester, with whom he worked six years; and soon after reaching his majority he en- tered into partnership at Lanesville with Al- 484 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW bcrt Lane, luidcr llie firm name of Albert Lane & Co. At the end of about two years he came to Manchester, and started a business for himself, this being in March, 1872. He carries on the painting business in all its branches, his contracts in most cases includ- ing painting, glazing, sash, blinds, and paper- hanging. He employs on the average the year round a force of twenty-five men, in busy times the number reaching as high as fifty. Mr. Lane has finished the greater part of the fine summer residences in and about Manches- tcr-by-the-Sea, and has had several large con- tracts in different places in the State, also in the White Mountain region of New Hamp- shire. I'^or ten years prior to 1896 he had an office in Boston, and did a large amount of work in Boston, Brookline, and Cambridge. At the present time he has an office and store at Hamilton; and since September, 1896, he has built up quite an extensive trade in that growing town. Although well occupied with his own busi- ness affairs, Mr. Lane has found some time to devote to the interests of the town and of his fellow-citizens. He has served one term as Selectman, and has been for several years an active and efficient member of the School Committee. He belongs to the Congrega- tional church of Manchester. Of a social temperament and interested in fraternal organizations, he is a member of Magnolia Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, being Past Grand of the same and present treasurer; also member and Past Master of North .Shore Lodge, American Order of United Workmen. Mr. Lane has been twice married. His first wife, Amanda Sargent, of Annisquam, Mass., bore him three children: Grace G., a graduate of Smitii College, in the class of 1894, now a teacher in tlie high sciiool at I''al- mouth, Mass. ; E. Percy Lane, a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at Boston, in the class of 1898; and Henry Phillips, who died at the age of sixteen months. Mr. Lane's second wife, Annie E. Leighton, of Hopkinton, Mass., is the mother of a daughter, Annie L. Mr. Lane is a pop- ular man in his town, and carries on a very successful business. He has the full confi- dence of the public at large and of his numer- ous patrons. LEXANDER CALDWELL, the senior member of the firm Alexander & George J. Caldwell, distillers, is one of the most prominent and influential citizens of Newburyport, where he was born and where he has always made his home. He represents the third generation of his family in this city, being a son of Captain John Cald- well, who was a lifelong resident, and grand- son of Alexander Caldwell, of Scotch-Irish stock, who came here a young man in the latter part of last century from Dunbarton, N.H. The Caldwells in earlier times were strict Calvinists. They have all the Scottish char- acteristics of industry, frugality, and integ- rity. From the History of Dunbarton, N. H., we learn that a James Caldwell and a Samuel Caldwell were among the original grantees of that town in 1752; also that Thomas Cald- well, a kinsman of the Caldwells of New- buryport, distillers, removed from Litchfield, N.H., to Dunbarton, and there became a wealthy farmer. Thomas died in 18 16, aged eighty-three, having been born in 1733 in Ire- land — if we mistake not — son of Alexander, first (elsewhere recorded as born in 1690), who a few years later emigrated with his family, and settled in New Hampshire, prob- aldy at Litchfield. David S. Caldwell, of ALEXANDER CALDWELL. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 487 Newbury, it is stated, was a grandson of Thomas Caldwell. Alexander Caldwell, second, as we may call him, the grandfather above mentioned, was a native of New Hampshire, son of an immi- grant (as appears from the family tradition that he had a brother born on the passage) . Coming to Newburyport when a young man, he was promptly warned awa)' outside the limits of the town, as was customary in those days on the advent of strangers. He had, however, come to stay, and he found employ- ment in a distillery. Later he built the dis- tillery which is now carried on by his descend- ants, and which has been owned and conducted by the family for over a hundred years. He married Mary Warner, of this city. His death occurred in 1832, at the age of eighty- five years. Some two years before this the business had passed into the hands of his son John, formerly a sea captain. John Caldwell was born in 1783, and died in 1859, the town by that event losing one of its most respected citizens. He had several brothers, nearly all of whom were engaged in the distilling busi- ness. The following is a brief record: Jo- seph ran a distillery in Portsmouth; James was a dry-goods merchant on State Street, Newburyport; Alexander, who was a wealthy distiller of New Orleans, La., died during the Rebellion; Abner was a distiller in Dover, N. H., and later was engaged in com- merce on Ferry Wharf; and William was in the business at New Orleans and later in partnership with his brother-in-law, William Wheelwright. At one time two of the brothers conducted a distillery at Norfolk, Va. Distilling was carried on by the family simul- taneously in five States of the Union. All the brothers were active members of the Pres- byterian church. CajDtain John Caldwell married, and had five sons and one daughter — William, Joseph, John, Alexander, George, and Ellen. Will- iam Caldwell, who is a graduate of Bowdoin College, antl has published a volume of poetry, was declared to be the best lyric poet in New England by John G. Whittier. Jo- seph is in business in Philadelphia, and John is in Newburyport. Alexander and George still carry on the business founded by their grandfather, maintaining the family reputa- tion for producing the best rum in America for medicinal and scientific purposes. The buildings of the company, including a bonded warehouse, cover an acre of ground. The business pays the largest tax in town, the largest amount having been assessed in 1873, when the total was three hundred thousand dollars, about a thousand dollars for every working day in the year. Mr. Caldwell has also built and sailed ships, and has been a stockholder in the principal corporate indus- tries of the city, including the manufacture of cotton, carpets, hats, paper, and silverware. For twenty-five years he has been a director of the Ocean Bank. His charities have been many and large, and he has been always ready to help the needy or distressed. Much inter- ested in the welfare of his native city, he is relied on to support any project designed for its benefit. After serving for one term in the Common Council, he declined renomina- tion. Mr. Caldwell has been twice married. On the first occasion he was united with Eliza- beth H. True, of New Hampshire, who died in 1894. Born of that marriage was one son, George M., who married Lavinia Smith, of Cape Breton, and has four children living — Arthur G., James S. , Viola G., and Elizabeth H. Mr. Caldwell's second marriage was contracted with Adelaide A. French, of Hodgdon, Me. 488 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW M AN I EL COONEY, a prosperous business man of West Newbury, Mass., where for two terms he has held the office of Postmaster, was born in this town, May 27, 1857. He was named for his father, who emigrated from County Cork, Ire- land, in 1845, ^"^1 settled in West Newbury. Daniel Cooncy, St., died March 15, i860. His wife, whose maiden name was Catherine Lemasney, died on September 26, 1892. She also was a native of Ireland. Daniel Cooney acquired his early education in the public schools, and subsequently, while learning the shoemaker's trade, continued to pursue his studies in the evening school. After working in a factory here for three years, he entered the shoe manufacturing busi- ness as a contractor. In 1S85 he engaged in the grocery and provision trade, which he has since carried on, having a liberal share of pa- tronage in his line. In politics he is a Dem- ocrat, and the party has in him an earnest and able supporter. He was first appointed Post- master in 1885, was again appointed in 1893, and served until October 15, 1S97. In 1886 he was appointed a Justice of the Peace. In the fall of 1S92 the Democratic party unani- mously nominated him as their candidate for Representative to the General Court; and, al- though the district is overwhelmingly Repub- lican, he received a very flattering vote. In 1893 he was appointed a Notary Public. He has also held many minor offices. Without doubt Mr. Cooney has settled more estates in the Prt)bate Court than any other man of his age in town. On February 7, 1880, Mr. Cooney was united in marriage with Margaret L. Mitchell, daughter of John Mitchell, of West Newbury. P'ive children have been born of this union, namely: Mary E., now aged seventeen; M. Blanche, aged eight; Alice M., aged si.x; John J., who was born in 18S5, and died in 1 886; and Catherine, who died in infancy. The surviving children are now attending school. Mr. Cooney is Chief Ranger of the Court of I'oresters in this town, and has occupied that chair since its organization. He is highly respected both as a progressive busi- ness man and a faithful public official, and has a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. The family attend St. Ann's Roman Catholic Church. EV. MICHAEL T. McMANUS, pas- tor of St. Patrick's Church, South ^ \^_ ^ Lawrence, Mass., was born in Ire- land, a son of Terence and Mary (McManus) McManus. His father, who was a farmer, died at the age of forty-eight; and his mother was left a widow with four children. Mrs. McManus, though before marriage of the same surname as her husband, was of a different family, not related to his, it is said. Michael T. McManus was the youngest child in the family, and was but two years old when his father died. He was brought to this country when ten years of age, and went to live with his uncle, Father James T. Mc- Manus, who was forty years pastor at Geneva, N.Y. In Geneva he was prepared for col- lege, and he was ordained at Troy, N.Y., in 1870. In 1 87 1 he was assistant pastor of St. Patrick's Church, Lowell. There he re- mained until 1876. He then went to West Newton, his first pastorate. He was the first resident Catholic pastor in this part of New- ton, and in 1882 he was transferred to Law- rence. The society here then numbered about twenty-five hundred souls. The church was unfinished and heavily in debt, and there was BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 489 no parish house. Under the able manage- ment of Father McManiis the church edifice has been completed, a parsonage built, and the whole developed into one of the most de- sirable church properties in the State. The church is a large brick structure, over two hundred feet by seventy-five, with an audience- room in the basement. The interior decora- tion is rich and tasteful. Including four beautiful altars of marble and onyx, with gold ornaments, the interior furnishings cost sixty- five thousand dollars. The parsonage is large and well planned. The congregation now numbers about three thousand souls. Father McManus has two assistants, the Rev. John E. Cronley and the Rev. Alexander J. Hamilton. In 1886 he rebuilt St. Michael's in North Andover, which now has a congrega- tion of some seven hundred; and this parish also is under his direction. Father McManus is a modest but dignified gentleman, of large stature and noble appearance, and has many warm friends. He is a man of broad culture and intelligence. In 1881 he visited Rome, Switzerland, and his native land; and in the winter of 1896-97 he was in California. Tl^ATHANIEL POOL, of Rockport, a I =/ graduate of Brown University, is re- -A^ V^ ^ garded as one of the leading agri- culturists of Essex County. He was born Au- gust 18, 1 83 1, son of Nathaniel and Abigail (Hadley) Pool. His parents were native resi- dents of this locality, formerly known as Sandy Bay, Gloucester. His father, who was a prosperous farmer, served as a soldier in the War of 18 1 2. He was a son of Caleb Pool and a lineal descendant of John Pool, a native of England, who settled at Sandy Bay about the year 1700. Caleb Pool, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was for eleven years a member of the Board of Selectmen of Gloucester. His wife was Lucy Wise Haskell, a daughter of Deacon Nathaniel Haskell, of West Glouces- ter, and grand-daughter of the Rev. John Wise, the first pastor of Chebacco, now Essex, Mass. Nathaniel Pool acquired his elementary ed- ucation in the common schools, and was fitted for college at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., then under Samuel H. Taylor, LL. D., commonly called "Uncle Sam," and at Kim- ball Union Academy, Meriden, N. H., where he was a classmate of Chief Justice Field, of the Massachusetts Supreme Court. In 1854 he was graduated, with the degree of Master of Arts, from Brown University, then under the presidency of Francis Wayland. Among his classmates there were the late Governor Ames, of Massachusetts; and Governor Bourn, of Rhode Island, with whom he has had a lifelong acquaintance and a warm friendship. After teaching in the public schools of St. Louis, Mo., for a year, he returned to Rock- port, where he has since devoted his time and energies to agriculture. In spite of the many syenitic ledges for which this locality is famous, Rockport contains several well-culti- vated farms, and among them the Pool prop- erty, which is level, fertile, and desirably located. Mr. Pool has displayed a deep inter- est in general farming, to which he has ap- plied modern scientific methods with excellent results. Mr. Pool married Cynthia A. Morrill, who was born in Wilmington, Mass., April 11, 1836, daughter of Deacon Isaac Morrill, of that town. He has seven children, namely: lulward C. ; Hattie A., widow of Charles Pool; Alice A., wife of P"erdinand Orne; Addie F., wife of Frank Dodd; Carrie A.; Francis Wayland; and Melville C. Pool. 49° BlOGRArmCAL REVIEW Politically, Mr. Pool is a Republican with strong Prohibition sympathies. He belongs to the Order of the Golden Cross and to Gloucester Commandery; and is a trustee of the K. A. !•:. O., Mount Sinai .Senate, of Rockport. Me is an active member of the Rockport Methodist PLpiscopal church ; also of the Young Men's Christian Association, of which he has been president, having also represented • it in several international con- ventions. Mrs. Pool is connected by mem- bership with the Daughters of Liberty of this town. Like her husband, she is a member of the Methodist church. |EV. JAMES L. HILL, D.D., Salem. Dr. Hill's life inseparably blends -i^ V ^ ^ ^ with lissex County institutions and churches. Born in Iowa and graduating from Iowa College, he came East, and took, like his father before him, his theological course at the Andover Seminary in this county. Pefore he had completed his studies, he was called to the pastorate of the North Church in Lynn. Here he remained for twelve years. His portrait and a biographical sketch are found in "Pict- uresque Lynn." While in Lynn, he was elected to preach the Election Sermon before the governor and the legislature of Massachu- setts. This sermon, upon "The Growth of Government," was published by the State. Governor Rice did Dr. Hill the honor to tell him that it was the best PLlection Sermon preached during his term of office. It was while still in this ha[ipy and prosper- ous Esse.x County pastorate that Dr. Hill be- came so much interested in the .Society of Christian Endeavor that by it his whole life has been affected. He went to England cam- paigning with others in its behalf; and, as his appointments lay in the north-east of England, he founded there the society at Old Poston, which still has a jnosperous career. He was present when the United Society of Iindeavor was formed, and has been a trustee from the beginning. He helped to secure the Golden Rule, which became the organ of the societies, and has attained a large ciculation. He has made hundreds of convention, anniversary, Grand Army, and commencement adilresses; and he makes annually a midwinter trip West to fill his lecture appointments. His leaflets and newspaper articles are very numerous, and his fugitive pieces that have been gathered fill four hundred and fifty pages as large as an atlas. At her last commencement his Alma Mater elected him a trustee for life. She had earlier conferred upon him the degree of Doc- tor of Divinity. His emigrant ancestor settled at Piddeford Pool, near the mouth of the Saco River, Me. Thence the family spread out as far as Phipps- burg, where Dr. Hill's grandfather maintained a mansion, in which he lived when appointed collector of the port of Bath and when he be- came Senator from Maine. "It was my lot," wrote Jefferson in 1820 to Mark Langdon Hill (Dr. Hill's grandfather), "to be charged with the duty of changing the course of the govern- ment from what we deemed a monarchical to its republican tack." Governor Langdon, of New Hamjjshire, from whom Dr. Hill receives his middle name, is an ancestor. Dr. Hill's father went to Iowa when it was a Territory, as one of the far-famed Iowa band. His mother died when she was twenty-eight years old from the privations and hardships of this pioneer life, saying, "Somebody must be built into these foundations." His father gave the first dollar to found Iowa College, which has become the mother of missionaries and patriots. Of these parents, two sons sur- vive, one of them the subject of this sketch. Rev. JAMES L. HILL, D.D. FREDERICK M. LIBHEV. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 493 and the other Dr. Gersliom H. Hill, who is superintendent of the State Institution for the Insane at Independence, and thus has lived in a building that cost over a million dollars, with a hospital family of over twelve hundred persons. Dr. Hill was married March 2S, 1878, to Miss Lucy B. Dunham, only daughter of the Rev. Isaac Dunham, who was at that time chaplain of the Massachusetts Senate. Mrs. Hill has been an ideal wife and helper, and is quite a voluminous writer, particularly upon missionary work and that of the Junior Soci- ety of Christian Endeavor. She is president of the Essex South Branch Auxiliary to the Woman's Board of Missions. She is vice- president of the Salem Woman's Club, and superintendent of Junior Christian Endeavor Societies for Massachusetts. As to politics and religion, Dr. Hill cares only to state that he believes in this present Spanish-American War, July, 1898, with all his heart and mind and soul. He believes we have a mission to the misruled. On the theory that there is no better place on this footstool, while perfect health reigns in his home, he has bought an unoccupied lot in Harmony Grove Cemetery, named from the harmonies of the birds that sing and lodge there, so that, living or dead, his associations must l)e with Essex County. REDERICK MARCELLUS LIBBEY, residing on Prospect Street, Lawrence, is the superintendent of the pulp-mills connected with the works of the Russell Paper Company. A son of Nathaniel B. Libbey, he was born September 27, 1852, in Farmington, N. H. His father's paternal grandfather, whose name was Benjamin, was born January 18, 1758, in Lebanon, Me., being a son of an early pioneer of that section of the State. The woods surrounding Benjamin's family home in the wilderness were infested with bears and other wild animals, and he naturally became accustomed to firearms while yet a youth. When the colonists resisted the demands of the mother country, he shouldered his musket, and was an active participant in the struggle for independence. His wife Polly, who was born in June, 1759, bore him ten children, as follows: Dorcas, on April 7, 1780; John, March 10, 17S2; Went worth, in 1784; Benja- min, September 17, 1786; Oliver, December 23, 1788; Lucy, September 6, 1791 ; Daniel, December 7, 1793; Polly, March 31, 1796; Nabby, July 19, 1798; and Isaac, September 14, 1803, who died in infancy. A man of fine physique, Oliver Libbey was five feet eleven inches in height, broad and muscular, and weighed two hundred pounds. He served in the War of i8r2 as Captain of a company. In 1S13 he first married Hannah Delano, who was born in 1793. She died in early womanhood, leaving one child, Nathaniel B. Libbey. Oliver's second marriage was made with Lydia Littlefield, of Brooks, Me., who bore him eight daughters. Of these, the eldest, Hannah, born in 1S17, died in 1891. Another daughter, Mary, now seventy-six years old, is bright and active, with her mind clear as ever, and her hair of its original color. She was a teacher for some years prior to her marriage with the late Rev. Charles Stratton, an advent preacher, and is now a widow, re- siding in Albion, Me. Nathaniel B. Libbey, born September 4, 1814, in Lebanon, Me., learned the trade of a stone mason in his native town. He went to sea when he was young, and he was after- ward in the Aroostook War. He then worked at his trade for a time in Boston, where, after the Civil War, he assisted in building the At- 494 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW lantic Avenue sea-wall. Going thence to New Hampshire, he lived first in Farmingtoii and then in Somersworth. During the Civil War he enlisted from Somersworth as a soldier in Company F, Fourth New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry. After serving for two years, he was discharged for physical disability, and has been in poor health ever since. Now, in his eighty -fourth year, he makes his home with his sister, Mrs. Mary Stratton, in Albion, Me. On January i, 1S51, he married Martha Noble, of South Berwick, Me., who was born in that town October 30, 1822, daughter of Moses Noble. Their children were: Frederick M., the subject of this sketch; Charles, who died at the age of two and one-half years; Nettie, whose birth and death occurred during the absence of her father in the army; Estelle, who died in A]Dril, 1895, leaving a beautiful little girl of four years, Edna S., who lives with her uncle, F. M. Libbey ; and Elfie, who > is now the wife of Charles F. Young, a car- riage manufacturer in Haverhill, Mass. Mrs. Martha N. Libbey died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Young, in Haverhill, in Janu- ary, i8g6. Frederick M. Libbey attended the Somers- worth Grammar School until fifteen years old. Going then to Boston, he was employed at first in the Adams House, and afterward in a whole- sale produce house, remaining in the city until 1873. Accompanied by a young friend, he started in that year for the West, going on a prospecting tour; and, as long as his money held out, he had a pretty good time. He sub- sequently worked in the passenger service of the Burlington & Missouri Railroad for a year, at the end of which he returned to the pa- rental roof-tree, then in Haverhill, Mass. He was next employed as a common laborer with others by the East Boston Ikidge Company. In a short time he proved himself so capable that he was made foreman of the whole gang of fifteen. During the ensuing nine years he resided in Haverhill, where he was employed by the Lawrence Ice Company in the summer season, and worked in shoe factories in the winter. On September 15, 1883, he secured a position with the Russell Paper Company of Lawrence, and for five years had charge of the department of paper stock. Since that time, a period of nearly ten years, he has filled his present responsible position as overseer of the pulp-mills. Mr. Libbey is a Master Mason. In the Order of Odd Fellows he is Past Grand of Monadnock Lodge of Lawrence, and Past Chief Patriarch of Kearsarge Encampment. A steadfast Republican in politics, he was for three years a Councilman of Lawrence, being on the floor in 1886 and 1887, and the presi- dent of the Council in 18S8. In 1890 he rep- resented his ward on the Board of Aldermen. In 1879 he married Mrs. Jennie Hamlin, of Buxton, Me., a widow with two children. She died in 1890, after bearing him four daughters, three of whom died in infancy, two having been twins. Estelle Libbey, the sur- viving daughter, is a pupil in the high school. On November 11, i8gi, Mr. Libbey married Mrs. Emma J. Ricker, a daughter of Jeremiah and Ann (Warren) White, both of whom have departed this life. Mr. Libbey is not con- nected by membership with any religious denomination, while the other members of his family are strong Universalists. fsTrOHN EDWARD McCUSKER, a well- known business man of Newburyport, was born here August 14, i860, son of the late John McCusker. The father, who was brought by his sister to this country from County Tyrone, Ireland, when a young child, BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 495 came to Newburyport when fifteen years of age, and when he was the only person hereabouts bearing that surname. He was for many years in the newspaper and stationery business, and was also employed at the old Dexter House on High Street when the old mansion was used and occupied as a hotel. He lived here for some fifty years, modest and retiring, yet a man of genial temper and ready wit, winning a large circle of friends by his readiness to oblige. By his wife, who is a daughter of Andrew Haynes, an old-time sail-maker of Newbury- port, representing one of the first families, he became the father of eight children, of whom three daughters, besides John E. McCusker, are now living in this city. Mrs. McCusker, now seventy years old, survives her husband. John Edward McCusker received a good public school education, graduating from the Brown High School in the class of 1876. He went into business under his father's manage- ment, remaining from 1S77 to 1S81. In Sep- tember, 1 88 1, when the Newburyport Water Works Company was organized, he became the company's book-keeper, which position he filled for 'eight months. By this time his interest in the business and knowledge of its details had become so evident that he was appointed superintendent and assistant treas- urer. In these capacities he was practically the manager of the company until February, 1895, when the city assumed control. He is still the active agent Mr. McCusker's grasp of the business and his recognized executive ability have caused him to be sought for far and near as organizer and developer of water supply systems. In 1885 he was appointed superintendent, assistant treasurer, and di- rector of the Gloucester Water Supply Com- pany, which connection he still retains. In the same year he was elected to a like position in the Franklin Water Company, and he has been connected with other water-works in Rhode Island and New York States. His experience, extending over a period of fifteen years, has given him a thorough understanding of the management and control of public water supplies, and has especially fitted him to take charge of such enterprises. Mr. McCusker is a member of the St. John's Lodge, F. & A. M., which was organized in 1766; of Cyrus Chapter, R. A. M., the third oldest in the State, organized in 1790; of Amesbury Council, R. & S. M. ; and of New- buryport Commandery, K. T. , the third oldest in the State, organized in 1805, and of which he is a Past Eminent Commander. He has also membership in Ouascacunquen Lodge, No. 39, I. O. O. F. He married Miss Hattie Swan, a daughter of Isaac and Wary (Good- win) Swan, and a descendant of one of the old Newburyport families. In politics he is a Republican, and he is an esteemed member of the Unitarian church. M R. GEORGE H. NEWELL, at the present time the leading dentist of Gloucester, was born in Pittsfield, N. H., April 29, 1S54. His father, W. J. Newell, was a son of W. H. and Olive (Dennett) Newell, and grandson on the father's side of Samuel and Betsey (Hill) Nute, and on the mother's side of Moses and Betsey (Hodsdon) Dennett, the grandfather of Dr. George H. Newell, W. H. Newell having, by act of legislature, changed his name from that of Nute after his marriage and the birth of one son, from no apjiarent motive. His mother, Nancy Cate Newell, was a daughter of Shepherd and Hannah (Bickford) Cate. Shepherd being the son of Daniel Cate, and Hannah the daughter of Colonel 49 6 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW John and Nancy (Hodgdon) Bickford, and as all of the above were descended from among the earl)' settlers, it will be seen that the Doctor is a thoroughbred American. The father of Colonel John Bickford was Sergeant John Bickford, and served in the Colonial army under the king. Colonel John Bickford was a persistent patriot during the Revolutionary War, having enlisted first at Nottingham, N. H., in July, 1776, as a private under Captain Joseph Chandler in Colonel Wynian's regiment. In September of that year he re-enlisted under Captain Nathan Sanborn in Colonel Tash's regiment, with whom he served until discharged some three months later; and on September 23, 1776, he enrolled himself in Colonel Joseph Badger's, serving until the expiration of the stipulated term, March 15, 1777, when he received his pay, amounting to nine pounds, four shillings, and si.xpence. In September, 1777, he again joined the army as a private in Captain Page's company, for service in Rhode Island under General Sullivan. He was mustered out Janu- ary 7, 1778; and on July 22 following he once more enlisted for a longer term, which lasted until the later part of December, 17S0, when he was mustered out as a Sergeant at Kingston, N.H., by Josiah Bartlett, receiving his pay, it is said, of ten hundred and eighty-one pounds; but this is probably a mistake. In later years he was commissioned a Colonel in the State militia, a reward whicli he certainly deserved. Daniel Cate was quite prominent as an Ind- ian fighter, being among the garrison sta- tioned at a block-house a few miles north of Dover, N. H., at which place tradition gives him credit for being of much worth. George H. Newell graduated from the pub- lic schools of Dover, N. H., and then entered the dental office of Dr. C. M. Murphy of that city, a practitioner of high reputation, with whom he remained three years, removing to his present home in September, 1S73, to be- come associated with Dr. J. P. Dennett, to whose practice he succeeded on the latter's removal to Boston some nine years ago. Dr. Newell was married in 1880 to Carrie A. Rust, of Gloucester, and has a family of four children: Clara L., born in 1882; Marjorie C, born in 18S9; Katharine, born in 1892; and P'dward D., born in 1S94. Both the Doc- tor and his wife come of musical people, and have always been very prominent in the musi- cal circles of Gloucester. tm^ EORGE S. JUNKINS, a former \ p5 1 Mayor of Lawrence, was born in North Berwick, York County, Me. May 10, 1846. A son of Daniel and Louisa (Weymouth) Junkins, he is of the fifth genera- tion in America descended from his immigrant ancestor, who came from Scotland and settled in old York, Me. from York the family subsequently moved to Berwick, Me. Jotham Junkins, the grandfather of George S., born in 1791, was a farmer in North Berwick. He married a Miss Ingraham, of Portland, Me., who bore him one son and three daughters. Daniel Junkins, born in North Berwick in 1 82 1, who was a meat dealer in South Ber- wick, died in his native town in 1893. His first wife, Louisa, also a native of North Ber- wick, died in 1S55, aged thirty-seven. She was the mother of five children, namely: Mary Ellen, who died at the age of seventeen; Oscar W. , who became a sea captain, and whose residence is in Lawrence; Daniel E. , now a farmer of Buxton, Me. ; George S. , the subject of this sketch; and Sarah A., who be- came the wife of Charles H. Lindsay, and died without issue in 1S95. The maiden name of Daniel Junkins's second wife, who "1 GEORGE S. JUNKINS. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 499 came from Smithfield, was Olive Merrill. A most estimable lady, she has been a kind mother to the orphaned children. At present she is living in Somersworth, N. H. Her children by her late husband are: Louise, the wife of Alvin H. Stevens, of Dover, N.H. ; Mary, the wife of Frank Malory, of Somers- worth, N.H. ; and Frank, a resident of Leba- non, Me. George S. Junkins acquired his early educa- tion in the common schools of South Berwick and Lebanon. At the age of sixteen he went to work in a flannel factory in North Berwick, where he was employed for si.\ years. He then opened a meat market in Lawrence in company with A. L. Mellen. Since that time the firm has established an extensive and pros- perous business. Mr. Junkins has ranked prominently among the business men of Law- rence for over thirty years. He is active and popular among the Lawrence Republicans. In 1890 he was in the Common Council, in 1891 and 1893 he was a member of the Board of Aldermen, and since 1893 he has been serv- ing on the Water Board, of which at present he is the President. F^lected Mayor in 1896 and re-elected in 1897, he proved a progres- sive and able chief magistrate. Mr. Junkins was married April 2, 1870, to Josie M. McDuffee, of this city, a daughter of Charles and Sarah (Hopkinson) McDuffee. Some time ago Mr. McDuffee, who was a car- penter and builder, fell from a building, and died one week after from the injuries he then received, aged fifty-nine years. His wife had died at the age of twenty-nine, leaving Josie M., her only child. Mr. and Mrs. Junkins have three children: Bertha L., an accom- plished young lady, who, having completed the classical course in Boston University, graduated therefrom June i, 1898; Helen M., who is a teacher in Dr. Sargent's School of Physical Culture in Cambridge, Mass. ; and Marion W., now sixteen years of age, who graduated in June, 1898, from the Lawrence High School. Mr. Junkins is a steward and trustee of the Methodist Episcopal church and a member of several fraternal organizations. The family resides in a handsome home at 6 Greene Street, which Mr. Junkins pur- chased in February, 1875. DWARD BAILEY, a retired builder of Rowley, was born January 13, 1S34, son of Ezekiel P. and Sally (Hobson) Bailey. The first record of the family appears in 1642. James Bailey was prominent in the affairs of the town, was Constable in 1649, Overseer in 1653; in the years 1661-67 was judge of the delinquents who failed to attend town meeting; in 1667 served on a jury in Ipswich; and was Selectman during the years 1665, 1666, and 1667. He died at the age of fifty-one. His wife Lydia bore him seven children. The first child, John, born Decem- ber 2, 1642, married, June 16, 1668, Mary Mighill, daughter of Deacon Thomas Mighill. John died in i6go, when coming from Canada. His widow Mary was administratrix of the estate, April 22, 1691 ; and there is an inven- tory on file giving names of children. She died March 14, 1694. Nathaniel, the next in descent, born April 4, 1675, married Sarah Clark, of Ipswich. He died July 21, 1722, in the forty-eighth year of his age. His gravestone is in I\owley Cemetery, number two in the fourth row west. Deacon David, fourth son of Nathaniel, born November 11, 1707, married Mary Hodg- kins, December 7, 1727. She died in Au- gust, 1759. He married second Mehitable Smith, 1760. He was Deacon of the church, Soo BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW and lived on Weatherfield Street. The old house is still standing, and was probably built as long ago as i6So, his children, grandchil- dren, and great-grandchildren having lived there. The stone erected to his memory is little more than a foot square, made of clay, and stands now near the enclosed lot where rest the first ministers of the town. He died May 12, 1769, in his sixty-second year. Ezekiel, the ne.xt in descent, son of Deacon David, was born January 5, 1747, married Lois Brocklebank, twin sister of Eunice, and daughter of Nathan and Anna P. ]5rocklebank (great-grand-daughter of Captain Samuel Brocklebank of .Sudlniry fame of September, 1769). He was in the army in 1775. Pierce, his brother, was in the army, and died at Albany, N.Y., in 1760 of small-po.x. David, Jr., was the drummer in the first foot company of Rowley. He was born Feb- ruary 15, 1735, and married Hannah Kil- bourne, 1756. Jacob, the third son, was born April 16, 1 73 1. He graduated from Harvard College, 1755. He then went to England to obtain orders in the Established Church (Episcopal), walking all the way to Boston, and stopping one night at Norwood tavern, Lynn. He preached at Marblehead, Mass., Pownalboro (on the Kennebec), and Georgetown, Me., where he was persecuted and driven to Nova Scotia for persisting in the prayer of "God save the king. " He married Sally, daughter of John Weeks, of Hampton, N. H., and died at Annapolis Royal, July 26, 1808. His first son, Charles Percy Bailey, was a remarkably handsome lad; and, when the Duke of Kent visited Annapolis, he observed the youth, in- quired as to his parentage, and prevailed upon his father to let him take the boy. He put him into the militia, and afterward gave him a commission in the duke's own regiment, where he served with honor until the breaking out of the Revolution, when he was ordered to Canada with the regiment. He was killed in the battle of Chippewa, July 5, 1814, at the time holding position of Captain in command of his com- pany. John Bailey, son of Deacon David, was born September 9, 1741, and married Hannah Dresser. He died of small-pox while in the army of the Revolution. Ezekiel Pierce, son of Ezekiel and Lois Brocklebank Bailey, was born August 31, 1789; married Sally, daughter of Moses and Sarah Jewett Hobson in 1815; died July 27, 1859. Sally, his wife, died in Rowley, June 30, 1880. Their children were : Charles Jew- ett, born January 8, 1816; Ezekiel, born Au- gust 22, 181 8; Sarah Gage, born March 7, 1821; Sophia, born August 22, 1823; Fred- erick, born March 8, 1826; Henry, born May 30, 1S29; Mary Ann, born July 2, 1831; Ed- ward, born January 13, 1834; Olive, born July 17, 1836; and William Albert, born March 13, 1839. Edward Bailey, the direct subject of this sketch, was educated in the common schools and at Dummer Academy. He has passed his life up to the present time in Rowley, where he was long engaged in business as a carpenter and builder, but is now retired. P^ebruary 7, i860, he married Martha Georgia Peckham, a representative of the old Peckham family of Newport, R. L She was born June 12, 1839. Their son, Albert lulward, was born Janu- ary 19, i8g6, was educated in the common schools of Rowley, the Putnam School at Nevv- buryport, and at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, graduating therefrom in the class of 1886. He married Lucy Lauriat, of Medford, December 25, 18S9. Their children were: Lauriet, born August 19, 1S91, died P'cbruary 17, 1892; and Beatrice, born l-'ebruary 19, 1894. James Guy was born May 8, 1863, BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW SOI died April ii, 1865. George Guy was born March 14, 1S65. He attended the schools of Rowley, the Putnam School of Nevvburyport, graduated from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy in 1S88, entered the Harvard Medi- cal School the fall of the same year, and grad- uated in the class of 1892. He has since been in active practice in the towns of Rowley, Ipswich, and Hamilton. In the fall of 1897 he was appointed by Governor Wolcott medical examiner of the Second Essex District. He married, in 1894, Grace Foster Damon, of Ipswich, and Ijy her has two daughters, Grace Kimball and Martha Peckham. Charles Peck- ham was born November 13, 1873, attended the schools of Rowley and Dummer Academy, and entered the banking-house of Tower, Gid- dings & Co., of Boston, in 1893. :ACHARIAH J. CHASE, of the firm of Z. J. Chase & Sons, ice dealers, .-- Lynn, Mass., was born in Danville, Me., January 20, 1830, son of Moses and Lo- rena (Sawtelle) Chase. Both parents were na- tives of Maine. They removed from Danville to Poland, Me., and later to Brookside, Wis., where they lived during their last years. But two years old when his father and mother went to Poland, Zachariah was there until he was eight years old. Then he lived with an uncle in Bangor for three years, after which he re- turned to Poland. When about sixteen years old, he went to Lowell, Mass., to work in the Suffolk County Cotton Mills, and was em- ployed in the spinning-room for four years. At the end of that time he went to Newbury- port, Essex County, where he learned the shoemaker's trade, making shoes by hand. A year later, in 185 1, at the age of twenty-one, he came to Lynn, where he has since resided. Here, for the ensuing four or five years, he worked at his trade. Then he began to drive an ice-cart, at which he worked for several years. After that he was associated in the ice business with George Townes, of Swam.p- scott, for a year. In 1867 he bought out the entire business, and conducted it alone until he received his sons into partnership. At first he had but one team, and did business on a small scale, buying his ice of others; but after a time the increase in his trade war- ranted more outlay, and he began building the ice-houses on Flax Pond. For seven years he was a director and the manager of the Lynn Ice Company. He put his entire business into this venture when it was started in 1879; but, as it proved a losing investment, he with- drew, and formed the firm of Z. J. Chase & Sons. Since then he has given the business his personal attention, to which fact may be attributed the success of the enterprise. In the summer he runs six double teams, and em- ploys about twenty men. Some three years ago Mr. Chase bought a farm of one hundred acres in Albany, Carroll County, N.H., on which his family has since spent the summer every year. On November 24, 1853, Mr. Chase was married in Lynn to Miss Harriet Moon, a daughter of Robert and Sarah (Cheever) Moon. The house in which she resides, and the site of which was her birthplace, was built when she was three years old, about the time of her father's death. The latter was a meat dealer. Mrs. Moon died four or five years ago. They had one other daughter, Hannah M., the widow of George Wells, who was killed in the Civil War. This place, which contains about twenty acres, is now owned and occupied by the two daughters, Mrs. Chase having come here since her mother's death. Mr. and Mrs. Chase have four children — George Merrill, Edward Elmer, Charles Ever- S°2 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW ett, and Mial Woodbury. George Merrill, Edward Elmer, and Mial Woodbury are in the ice business with their father. George Merrill married Julia D. Abbott, and has five children — Hattie Maud, William O., George Elmer, Mial D., and Lena Abbott. Edward Elmer married Myra Crowell, and has two children — -Alma Crowell and Robert Merrill. Mial Woodbury married Maud D. FioUis. They have no children. Charles Everett, un- married, lives at home. The two eldest sons are in the Lynn Fire Department. Mr. and Mrs. Chase are members of the Maple Street Methodist Episcopal Church, of which she has been a member since she was a girl. Mr. Chase is also a trustee of the church. Yp)AWRENCE JENSEN,* the well-known |J| boat-builder of Gloucester, Mass., is •^ — -' a native of Germany. Born July 13, 1858, he attended school until sixteen years old, when he went to China, and for the succeeding five years was engaged in the coasting trade. Returning to Germany, he studied navigation; and at the age of twenty- five years he emigrated to the United States. After visiting various parts of the country, he settled in Gloucester, where he turned his attention to the building of pleasure-boats. His first yacht, the "Sparhawk, " is now owned in Dorchester. Becoming known as an expert builder of models, he was employed by the United States government to construct fifty models, comprising the various kinds of fishing-vessels in use from the beginning of the trade in Gloucester in the Colonial period to the present day; and these were exhibited at the Columbian I^xposition, Chicago, in 1893. He also completed a set of models illustrating the advance made in steamboat building from the days of Ross, l-'itch, Ful- ton, and Stephenson down to the palatial pas- senger steamer of the present time, which together with the others made a most inter- esting display at the Atlanta Exposition in 1895. The entire collection has since been deposited in the National Museum at Wash- ington, D.C. Having finished his work for the govern- ment, Mr. Jensen resumed boat-building, and has since completed some speedy crafts of the knockabout class, from designs made by E. B. Stearns, a naval architect of Marblehead, the last one to leave his yard being the ninth boat in succession built for the Westchester County Club, New York. The knockabout called the "Torment,'" built from his own de- signs, is acknowledged to be the fastest of her kind in or around Gloucester; and he is about to construct a similar boat, to be named the "Traveller." His natural ability, training, and experience make him the equal of any yacht-builder in this country, and he has every reason to be proud of his work. Mr. Jensen married Mary Peterson, a native of Germany, whose immediate relatives are now residing in this country. He is a mem- ber of Ocean Lodge, I. O. O. F. TT^HARLES DANFORTH,* the popular I li and efficient Postmaster of Manches- ^ ^ ^ ter, Mass., is a native of this town, born February 11, 1841, son of Jeremiah and Mary A. (Allen) Danforth. His parents were also natives of Manchester. The Dan- forth family has been resident in Manchester for several generations. Jeremiah Danforth was for many years a furniture manufacturer here, having a salesroom in Boston and em- ploying a large mmiber of men. Edward Danforth, a son of Jeremiah Dan- forth, served in the late Chinese war, luuler BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 503 General Ward, formerly of Salem, Mass. He lost his life through a magazine explosion. General Ward also was killed during the war. Another brother of the subject of this sketch, John C. Danforth, is a dentist at Bordeaux, France, and has built a fine business there. Captain Joseph Allen, maternal grandfather of the subject of our sketch, was a seafaring man all his life, and was familiarly known as Captain "Joe." Charles Danforth, who was reared in Man- chester, attended the public schools, and sub- sequently Atkinson Academy in New Hamp- shire and Comer's Commercial College at Boston, Mass. When about seventeen years of age, he began to learn wood carving with Leach, Annable & Co., furniture manufact- urers of Manchester, and successors to his father, Jeremiah Danforth. He subsequently worked as a journeyman until 1S95, when he was appointed Postmaster of Manchester by President Cleveland. He still holds this po- sition, and is giving most satisfactory service. Mr. Danforth married h'llen C. Rowe, of Manchester, daughter of Abram Rowe, who celebrated his ninetieth birthday anniversary on August 25, 1897. Mr. and Mrs. Danforth have one daughter, Mary E., who is the wife of Irving Gannett. Another daughter, Grace C, is now deceased. MOS ROWE,* a prominent business man of Rockport, formerly a member of the legislature, was born in this town, April 11, 1831, son of Amos and Re- becca N. (Stanley) Rowe. His grandfather, William Rowe, and his great-grandfather, John Rowe, both took part in the battle of Bunker Hill, the latter serving with the rank of Major. They were residents of this sec- tion. Amos Rowe, first, father of the subject of this sketch, was a native of Rockport, and was engaged in farming until his death, which occurred in 1877. His wife Rebecca was born in Lynn, Mass. Amos Rowe, the subject of this sketch, was reared and educated in Rockport. In early life he followed farming. At the age of thirty years he engaged in the granite busi- ness, and for the past quarter of a century has been a heavy stockholder in and a director of the Pigeon Hill Granite Company. He is an active and influential factor in local public affairs, having twice represented his district in the legislature, first in 1865, and again in 1879. In politics he is a Republican. Mr. Rowe married h^lizabeth Choate, daugh- ter of John S. Choate, a former resident of this town, now deceased. He has two daugh- ters: Lizzie C, wife of William Leighton, of Peabody, Mass.; and Nellie G., who resides at home. Mr. Rowe is a charter member of Wonnasquam Tribe, Improved Order of Red Men, and was its first Sachem. EEWIS HENRY BARTLETT,* an ac- tive and enterprising business man of •mv Lynn, Essex County, was born April 2, 1865, in Wareham, Mass. A son of Lewis H. and Hannah J. (Churchill) Bartlett, he is descended by both parents from promi- nent early settlers of the old B.^y State, and well illustrates the sterling qualities of his lineage. His father was born in Easton, Mass., while historic Plymouth was the birth- place of his mother. Mr. Bartlett completed his early education in the public schools of Wareham. From the age of sixteen until he was nineteen years old he was engaged in the retail grocery business with his father. He then spent four years in the wholesale grocery house of F. & F. Rice, 504 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW of Boston. In 1S79 he came to Lynn, where for six years he carried on a livery establish- ment, the first four years being a member of the firm of Thomas & Bartlett, and the last two of Wallace & Bartlett. He then em- barked in an entirely new enterprise, the manufacture of machine button-holes — a busi- ness in which he still continues, having met with much success from the start. He was elected a member of the VVareham School Committee as soon as he had attained his ma- jority. At the expiration of three years he was re-elected, but on account of removal to Lynn he was forced to resign the office. Since he became a resident of this busy city, Mr. Bartlett has been conspicuous in Republican organizations. From i8go to 1893 inclusive he was a member of the Re- publican City Committee, being its chairman during the last three years. In 1S94 and 1895 he was a leading member of the State Centr.1l Committee. He likewise belongs to the Lynn Republican Club, of which he has been the treasurer for six years ; and he is vice-president of the Essex Club. In 1S92 and 1893 he served in the House of Repre- sentatives as one of the Committee on Mer- cantile Affairs and on Railroads. In 1S96 he was elected to the State Senate, and in the following year he was honored with a re-elec- tion. While in the Senate he was chairman of the Committee on Drainage, and was one of the Committees on Federal Relations and Railroads. Mr. Bartlett has never married. i illARLES EDGAR SPRAGUE,* Alderman of Lynn and the manager of the Charles IC. Sprague Box Com- pany, was born in East Taunton, Mass., on September i, 1845. His father, Caleb C. Sprague, was born in the town of Bridgcwater in 1819; and liis mother, whose maiden name was Mary K. Washburn, was born in Belfast, Me., in 1S17. Mr. Sprague attended the public schools of Wareham, and subsequently took courses of study at Bridgewatcr Academy and Powers Institute, Bcrnardston, Mass. Having finished school when about seventeen years of age, he went to sea in 1S63, on board the clipper ship "Highlander," bound from New York to San Francisco. From San P'rancisco they were on the voyage to Liver- pool, England, when on December 25, 1864, the ship was captured and burned .in the Straits of Malacca by the Confederate priva- teer "Alabama." The United States consul at Calcutta, India, sent the crew back to America on the bark " Robert " of Newbury- port. Mr. Sprague reached Boston in August, 1865, and spent the three following months at his home. He then shipped on the clijiper ship "Herald of the Morning," bound for San P'rancisco, but subsequently left her for the " P'air Wind." The latter ship was wrecked on the Irish coast in 1866, the crew taking to their boats, and landing at a place about seven miles from the city of Cork. After spending some time there, they returned to America in the winter of 1S67. Mr. Sprague then came back to Wareham, and entered the employ of the Parker Mills Nail Company as clerk in the office. A year later he went to Ottawa, Kan., as secretary to Isaac S. Kal- loch, the superintendent of the L. L. & G. R. R. of Kansas. After remaining there for five years, he again returned to Wareham in 1S73, and resumed his former position. At the end of four years he came to Lynn, and engaged as book-keeper for Thomas Brothers, box manufacturers. In 1896 he succeeded Messrs. Thomas under the present firm name. In Wareham, on November 28, 1872, Mr. FRENCH OKinVAY. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 507 Sprague was united in marriage with Helen M. Segee, of that place. Mrs. Sprague has three children — Mabel G., Helen L., and Charles F. Mabel G. is now the wife of H. M. Hoague, of Concord, N.H. Mr. Sprague has filled many important public offices. In 1870 he was Deputy Register of Deeds for Osage County, Kansas; in 1874 and for the three years succeeding he was Selectman, Assessor, and Overseer of the Poor in Wareham ; in 1S85 and 18S6 he was a member of the Lynn Common Council; and in 18S7 and 1897, respectively, he was elected to the Lynn Board of Aldermen. I'^or a num- ber of years he was the president of the Lynn Republican Club of Ward Three, and he is a trustee of the Lynn Public Library. He be- longs to the East Lynn Lodge, No. 207, L O. O. F. , of which he is a charter member and Past Grand; to the fraternity of Red Men, Tribe No. 2; to Kirtland Lodge, No. 151, Knights of Honor; and to the Oxford and Park Clubs of Lynn. As a member of the city government, Mr. Sprague has given great satisfaction to his constituency. ^1 HE ORDWAY FAMILY, of North ^ I Esse.x, has been favorably known in the county for generations. Ever since the first settlement, in 1635, the name has figured prominently in the annals of Newbury, Salisbury, and Amesbury, Mass., and of South Hampton, N.H. The Ordways have been active in war as well as in peace, and the name is enrolled among those of the heroes of 1776. Dr. Nehemiah Ordway, a relative of French Ordway, the present representative of the family in Amesbury, was a cousin of the Jo- siah Bartlett who signed the Declaration of Independence. Having graduated from Har- vard College with high honors, he figured prominently for more than half a century among the professional men of Massachusetts. He was a man of unusual ability, and became a skilful physician and surgeon. During a long and successful life he acquired a large fortune, becoming the owner of extensive estates, in- cluding the land sometimes alluded to as Monument Square, that is now the site of the present Catholic church, and extending back to Whittier Hill. On the square is a well where the Improvement Society has had in- scribed "Ordway Well, 1735." Dr Ordway was very generous to the poor, and many public institutions were liberally remembered in his will. During the exciting times of 1775 and 1776 he acted as Moderator at several meetings. His wife, Patience Bradshavv Ord- way, came of an old Colonial family. The Doctor died January 3, 1779. His son. Dr. Samuel Ordway, born P'ebruary 23, 1746, who died July 6, 1805, was equally well known in his profession. The latter studied medicine under the guidance of his father, and was for many years the leading physician in this sec- tion of the country. During the Revolution- ary period he was prominent in public affairs, and held many public offices. He married Abigail Bartlett, who lived to the advanced age of ninety years. Their son William, an active business man, was engaged in many local enterprises, owned and operated a saw- mill, carried on a buckyard, and at one time was extensively interested in the pottery busi- ness. William married Lucy iMtts, of East Salisbury, whose children by him were: Ruha- mah French, Eliza D., Lucy Ann, Hannah, French (the youngest), and one who died in infancy. Ruhamah French Ordway married Horace Fremont, and had one daughter. Eliza D. married Colonel Everett Horton, and resides at Attlcboro, Mass. Lucy Ann, educated at South Hadley Academy, taught So8 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW school for about five years in Liberty, Mo., and in other places in the South, and now resides with her brother, French Ordway, in Amesbury. Hannah, who graduated at South Hadley Academy, in 1S40, taught school in Fulton and Columbia, Mo. She married Oliver Cunningham, a teacher of that State, and taught with him until his death in 1859. She subsequently continued teaching in Rich- mond, Mo., for several years. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham are: Oliver Smith, Lucy Ordway, Mary Lyon, William Thomas, and Emma. French Ordway, the youngest member of the family, has always made his home in Amesbury. While a carpenter and builder by trade, he is largely occupied in attending to the needs of the tenants of the lands and houses he has inherited. His pleasant home in Ordway Court has been in the family for many generations. On August 15, 1847, he married Abbie B. Dow, of Raymond, N.H., who died July 12, 1852, at the age of twenty- five years. (JOSEPH Wn.LIS ATTWH.L,* City Clerk of Lynn, was born in this city, January 18, 1864, son of Isaac M. and Harriet E. (Sawyer) Attwill. The family has been identified with Lynn for over two hundred years. Mr. Attwill is a descendant of Joseph y\ttwill, who, according to the rec- ords, was married here in 1692. The great- grandfather of the subject of this sketch, Zachariah y\ttwil], served in the Revolution- ary War; and the paternal grandfather, Jesse L. Attwill, was Captain of the Lynn Light Infantry. Isaac M. Attwill has been engaged in the shoe business here for the past forty- three years, and is well known to the trade. He married Harriet E. Sawyer, a native of Watertown, Mass. Joseph Willis Attwill supplemented his public school education with a commercial course at a business college; and about the year 1881 he became associated in trade with his father, continuing in business with him until elected City Clerk in 1897. On October 30, 1889, Mr. Attwill was united in marriage with Plffie F. Bascom, of this city. He has one daughter, Dorothy. In politics Mr. Attwill is a Republican; and, as a member of the Common Council in 188S, he labored diligently in the interests of good government, and served with ability upon the Committees on Public Property, P'uel, and Street Lights. He is a member of the Lynn Republican and Oxford Clubs. fHOMAS MARTIN BURCKES,* Mar- shal of the Lynn Police Force and a naval veteran of the Civil War, was born in Charlestown, Mass., May 3, 1847, son of Martin and Rebecca (Blanchard) Burckes. The grandfather, Martin Burckes (first), a native of Quincy, Mass., and a ship- carpenter by trade, during the War of 1812 entered the United States Navy in the capac- ity of carpenter, ranking as Lieutenant, and served on the sloop-of-war "Howct," under Commander Lawrence, for three years. Sub- sequently he was engaged in ship-building in Boston until 1847, when he bought a farm in Waterford, Me. After residing there until 185S, he returned to Charlestown, where he died in 1884, at the advanced age of ninety- seven years. Martin Burckes, a native of Charlestown, was a contractor and builder in Charlestown until 1S51. Then he went to California for the purpose of engaging in the same business, and died in San Francisco in 1855. His wife Rebecca was also a native of Charlestown. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 509 Thomas Martin Burckes attended the pub- lic schools of Charlestovvn and Lynn until he was fourteen years old. After completing his studies, he learned the shoemaker's trade, which he followed as a journeyman for two years. On September 4, 1863, he enlisted at the Charlestown Navy Yard for one year, and was assigned to the south-western blockading squadron, under Admiral Farragut. On board the gunboat "Aroostook," he was engaged during his term of service in shelling shore batteries and chasing privateers. He was dis- charged at Philadelphia, November 4, 1864, having served two months over time. Re- turning to Lynn after this, he followed his trade until 1SS5, in which year he joined the police force as a patrolman. He was ap- pointed a Lieutenant in 1888, was made a Captain in 1S89. On November 14, 1892, he was appointed Marshal of the force — a position he has since filled with marked ability. In Lynn, on November 4, 1866, Mr. Burckes was united in marriage with Lucy A. Clark, of Di.xmont, Me. Of their six chil- dren, five are living; namely, Charles H., Grace B., Stacey R., Myron E. , and T. Gor- don Burckes. Grace is now the wife of Harry E. Southwick, of Peabody, Mass. In politics Mr. Burckes takes an indepen- dent course. He is a member of Golden Fleece Lodge, F. & A. M. ; of Bay State Lodge, No. 40, I. O. O. ¥. ; of the Royal Arcanum, Council No. 516; and a comrade of General Lander Post, No. 5, G. A. R. W' [LLIAM ABBOTT LOCKWOOD,* one of the proprietors of the well- known tailoring establishment of W. VV. Swasey & Co., Lynn, was born in this city, October 20, 1865, son of William M. and Annie R. (Abbott) Lockwood. His father was a native of Black Rock, Conn., and his mother of Wiscasset, Me. William M. Lockwood was for many years a resident of Lynn, and served in the city government in 1889. He died in 1S92. William Abbott Lockwood completed his education in the public schools when he was seventeen years old. Then, securing a posi- tion as book-keeper with the Boston commis- sion house of Case, Leland & Co., he re- mained with them for two years. In 18S4 he became connected with the tailoring establish- men of W. W. Swasey; and after the death of his employer in iSgo he associated himself with Mr. A. Brodner, and, under the firm name of W. W. Swasey & Co., has since car- ried on a flourishing trade. In politics a Re- publican, he was a member of the Common Council in 1893 and 1894, and served upon the Committees on Claims, Public Grounds, Enrolled Bills, Fuel, and Street Lights. He is a member of East Lynn Lodge, No. 207, I. O. O. F". ; Sagamore Tribe, No. 2, Im- proved Order of Red Men; the O.xford and the Ward Three and P'our Republican Clubs. On December 24, 18S6, Mr. Lockwood mar- ried Carrie E. Clark, of this city. He has one daughter, Helen E. USTIN W. LUNT,* a thriving gen- eral farmer and milk dealer of West Newbury, was born in Newbury- port, Mass., in i860, son of Jacob W. and Frances (Wood) Lunt. His grandfather. Captain Micajah Lunt, a native of Birming- ham, England, and a ship-master, emigrated to America when a young man, and, settling in Nevvburyport, became a successful shipping merchant. He owned a fleet of schooners, which were engaged in the coasting trade. 5'o BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Jacob W. Lunt, Austin W. Lunt's father, was born in Newbury in 1828. He was for some years a seafaring man, but later engaged in the livery business in Newburyport. He died in August, 1S96. He married Frances Wood, daughter of Hiram Wood, a well-known mer- chant of Newburyport in his day. Austin W. Lunt acquired a common-school education. After completing his studies, he went to Boston, where he was employed in a millinery store for two years. He then went to Lynn, Mass., and for some time was en- gaged as a shoe cutter with his brother. He next entered the shoe business in Lynn, which he carried on for a time, removing sub- sequently to Manchester, N.H., where he was similarly engaged until 1892. He then set- tled upon his present farm, which he is now carrying on with success, and has a paying milk route in Newburyport. In politics Mr. Lunt is a Republican. In 1890 he was joined in marriage with Agnes W. Dobson, a native of Aroostook County, Maine, and daughter of William Dobson. He has one son, Evans A., born in 1892. t-m» ^> ■ — - (c^AMES BURNS,* the senior member of the firm of Burns & Bee, roofers in Lynn, was born in East Linton, Scot- land, May 20, 1838. His parents, Richard and f21izabeth (Low) Burns, both of East Linton, reared a family of ten children. For the last fifty years of his life the father was the janitor of the Presbyterian Church of East Linton. He lived to the ripe old age of eighty-nine years, and at his death left one hundred and twelve descendants. James Burns obtained the elements of his education in the public schools of the little town in which he was born, and from his earli- est years was trained to habits of industry, economy, and thrift. Being one of a large family, he was forced, when but eleven years old, to begin wage-earning in a bakery, where he remained two and a half years. Then he engaged in the business of roofer, at which he worked five years in East Linton, becoming an expert workman. Going then to Hadding- ton, a much larger place, he followed the same business there for three years, and was after- ward engaged at it in Edinburgh until 1869. Sailing then for America, with his family, he disembarked in Boston, Mass., on March 14, and for the following eighteen months was a resident of that city. In the fall of 1870 he came to Lynn, and, with John D. Bee, formed the firm Burns & Bee, which has since con- ducted an e.vtensive business in roofing of all kinds. For the past five years Mr. Burns has been actively identified with the city government, having been a member of the Conmion Coun- cil or of the Board of Aldermen. During the first three years of this time he was in the Council, being on the committees of Public Property and State in 1892; the ne.xt year on Public Property, P^ire Department, and State Aid Committees; and in 1894 on the commit- tees on Public Projierty, P'ire Department, State Aid, and Charities. In 1S95, as an Alderman, he was one of the committee on Public Property, and was chairman of the com- mittees on the Fire Department and State Aid. Ne.xt year he was on the committees on Water Supply and Fire Department, and he was the chairman of the Public Property Com- mittee. In politics he is a sound Republican, and he is an active member of the West Lynn Republican Club. Mr. Burns is a valued member and an ear- nest and faithful worker in many of the frater- nal organizations of Lynn. Among them are the West Lynn Lodge, No. 65, I. O. O. F., GEORGE O. GOODWIN. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 513 of which he is Past Grand, and the president of the board of trustees; Fraternity Encamp- ment, No. 6"], I. O. O. F. ; American Order of Scottish Clans, being Fast Chief of Clan McLean, No. 5 ; Mount Zion Senate, No. },6i, of which he is Past Excellent Senator; the West Lynn Odd Fellows Association, of which he is the president; the West Lynn Yacht Club; and the Lynn Veteran Fireman's Asso- ciation. He was married in Haddington, Scotland, May 25, 1S60, to Miss Eliza Dun- bar, of that city. Of their six children, two are living, Eliza L. and Maggie D. (sJ^AMES VALENTINE FELKEK,* city Treasurer of Newburyport, was born there April g, 1856. The founder of the family came from England, and settled in Lewiston, Me., one hundred and fifty years -ago. John Felker, the grandfather of James v., was a farmer in Lewiston, and at one time was Selectman of that place. He was a re- ligious man and a member of the church. He had seven children, and he died at the ad- vanced age of seventy. John Franklin, second child of John and the father of James V., born in Lewiston, came to Newburyport when a young man. A carpen- ter by trade, he built vessels under contract, including two schooners, one of which he owned and sent to the fisheries. He died at the age of forty-seven years. Ten years before his death he went to Australia to engage in mining, but returned after one year's absence. A Democrat in politics, he was in the City Council one year; and he was a regular attend- ant at the Universalist church. He married Polly A. Williamson, of Stark, Me., who still lives, at the age of seventy-nine years. They had seven children, only two of whom are now living. Helen D. married Charles A. Poole, a i)ainter of Waltham, where she now resides. James Valentine P'elker, the youngest child, was educated in the grammar school and high school of Newburyport. After his school-days were over, he entered the office of the City Treasurer, where he remained as clerk for two years. He then became book-keeper for eight years in the Philadelphia & Reading Coal and Iron Company, wholesale and retail. In 1SS2 he was elected City Treasurer, when he re- signed his former position ; and he has served his city in this capacity ever since that time. Mr. Felker has been auditor of the Newbury- port Five Cent Savings Bank since 1890. He is independent in politics, and was a Council- man in 1880. He is a member of the St. John's Lodge, F. & A. M., and King Cyrus Chapter; of the Knights of Pythias organiza- tion, which he has served in the capacity of treasurer since 1890; and of the I. O. O. F., U. O. A. W. , Royal Arcanum, and the Dalton Club. He attends the Unitarian church of Newburyport. In May, 1874, he married Harriet, daughter- of Captain Moses Moulton, a sea captain of Newburyport. They have one daughter, Elizabeth-Helen, now ten years old. /^^TeORGE O. GOODWIN, a retired VmT] business man of Merrimac and an ex-member of the Massachusetts legislature, was born in Brewer, Me., January 6, 1822. The greater part of his active career has been spent in Brewer, where as a young man he kept a general merchandise store, manufactured brick, and built ships on an ex- tensive scale. In the winter of 1861-62 he represented Penobscot County in the State legislature. In 1874 the failing health of his wife's father caused him to dispose of his large business interests upon the Penobscot River and return to Merrimacport, the home of his 5'4 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW wife, where he has since resided in retire- ment. He has long been prominent in finan- cial circles, and as a trnstee of the Merrimac Savings Bank has displayed a deep interest in the welfare of that institution. Public affairs have engrossed his attention to some extent, and as a member of the legislature in iS86 he served upon the Committees on State House and Pay-roll. On November lo, 1847, Mr. Goodwin mar- ried Emily Sargent, a descendant in the eighth generation of William Sargent, who settled in Ipswich, Mass., in 1632. Her parents were Patten and Dolly (Sargent) Sargent. Patten Sargent was born August 16, 1793, the second of the eight children of Ichabod B. and Ruth (Patten) Sargent. In his time he was a lead- ing man in Merrimac, and was well known in the business circles of Boston. At his death, which occurred in Merrimacport, his age was ninety years and one day. He was the father of six children, of whom Mrs. Goodwin was the fourth-born. The Sargents are still prominent in Essex County. Both Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin are members of the Congrega- tional Church of Merrimac. jHARLES HENRY SPEAR,* Clerk of Committees and Mayor's Clerk in Lynn, son of Samuel V. Spear, was born in this city, January 29, 1S51. His paternal grandfather, George Spear, a native of Chester, Pa., served in the Revolutionary War. The father, born in Chester, Pa., in 1S06, when a boy of thirteen years walked to Exeter, N. H., where he spent the following four years, and learned the shoemaker's trade. In 1823 he located in Lynn, and was here actively en- gaged at his trade for nearly half a century. In 1870 he retired from business pursuits. Though now over ninety years of age, he is in the full possession of his faculties, and keenly alive to the enjoyments of life. He is one of a family of fourteen children, four of whom are living. His wife, whose maiden name was Betsey M. Lewis, was born in Lynn, being a descendant, through several generations, of Edmund Ingalls, the original settler of this city. The school-days of Charles Henry Spear ended when he was fourteen years old. I"or seven years thereafter he was an empk)yee of the firm of Graves & Sanborn, shoe manufact- urers. Subsequently he was with the well- known firm Brown & Brothers for eighteen years. Then, as one of the results of the memorable fire of November, 1889, he was thrown out of emi)loyment. In 1890, in com- pany with Annie M. Adams, he founded the Adams Elevator Company, which dissolved at the end of a year. In 1891 Mr. Spear was elected by the City Council to his present position, that of Clerk of Committees and Mayor's Clerk, the duties of which he has since discharged with ability and fidelity. In 1887 he was a member of the Lynn Com- mon Council, serving with efficiency in the committees on Euel, Street Lights, and Print- ing. In the following year he was in the Board of Aldermen, and did good service as a member of the committees on Elections, Bills in Second Reading, and Drainage Assess- ments; and as the chairman of the committees on I<"uel, Street Lights, and Printing. He was elected Superintendent of Street Lights in 1S89, and served in that capacity for the ensuing three years. An earnest advocate of the principles of the Republican party, he is one of its leading workers. For eight years he was a member and the secretary of the Re- publican Club of Ward Three, and for four years he belonged to the Republican City Committee. A prominent Mason, he belongs BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW S'S to Mount Carniel Lodge, Sutton Chapter, R. A. M., and Olivet Commandery, K. T. He was a member of Ba}' State Lodge, No. 40, L O. O. F., from 1S73 until 18S9, when he withdrew, and became a charter member of East Lynn Lodge, No. 207, L O. O. F. THOMAS KING,* a well-known citi- zen and business man of Gloucester, was born in this city, July 27, 1862, son of Bourne and Abigail (Blatchford) King. His father, liourne King, was for many years engaged in the fishing business in Gloucester. His mother was a daughter of George Blatch- ford. Having obtained a practical education in the excellent public schools of Gloucester, he entered the employ of a Mr. Hilton as teamster. Later he was engaged for some time in driving a wagon for George A. Davis. In May, 1898, he started in his present line of business as a wholesale dealer in liquors, and has so far been successful to a degree hardly anticipated. Mr. King attracted the attention of the public in November, 1897, by inaugu- rating a charity ball, the proceeds of which were to be given to the Addison Gilbert Hos- pital Association. It was attended by many of the best-known and most prominent citizens of Gloucester, as well as by plain workingmen — a truly democratic assemblage. During the conce'rt that preceded the ball Mr. King was called to the stage, and presented with a mag- nificent bouquet in recognition of his efforts in making the affair such a brilliant success. The local press pronounced it the largest and one of the best-conducted balls ever held in Gloucester. The receipts, less expenses, were nearly twelve hundred dollars, which were turned over to the Hosjoital Association. Mr. King can with aptness be called a self- made man, his present prosperous condition having been achieved by his own efforts, un- aided either by especially favoring circum- stances or by influential friends. Stage Fort Park, which has recently been taken by the State, became known as a pleasure resort through his efforts, and on account of the at- tractions offered and advertised by him. Mr. King is a member of the Improved Order of Red Men, of Lodge 117, Order of Elks, at Lynn, and of the volunteer fire department, being connected with the steamer "Bay View." In the fire department especially he takes a warm interest, and freely contributes both of his time and money to increase its efficiency. Mr. King married Miss Hattie R. Cook, a daughter of Joseph Cook, and a native of the Pine Tree State. APTAIN CHARLES E. GROVER,* one of Gloucester's best-known citi- zens and a veteran of the Civil War, was born in this city, August 24, 1820, son of William and Harriet (Lufkin) Grover. He is a descendant in the eighth generation of Edmund Grover, whose sister Anne was the wife of Governor John luidicott. The line of descent comes to him from Edmund through Nehemiah, Elder Edmund, Deacon Eleazar, William, Eleazar, and William. Elder Edmund Grover was recommeRded as a preacher in Gloucester in 1722. Eleazar Grover, the grandfather of Captain Grover, resided in the I'irst Parish at the head of the harbor, served in the War of 1812, and was for some time confined in Dartmoor Prison, England. William Grover, the father, was a sea captain, and for some years was engaged in the Surinam trade. Charles E. Grover began his education under private instruction, and completed his studies at the Pinkerton Academy in Derry, S>6 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW N.H. After leaving school, he accompanied his father on three voyages, in which he ac- quired a dislike for the sea. He then served an apprenticeship at the cabinet-maker's trade in Manchester, Mass. In 1840 he became a member of the firm Collins & Grover, cabinet- makers of Gloucester. Upon the withdrawal of his partner some time later, he continued the business alone, with increased facilities, being the first to introduce steam power for manufacturing purposes in the town. About the year 1847 he relinquished manufacturing in order to give his attention exclusively to the sale of furniture and kindred goods. Shortly after, when he received his younger brother into partnership, the firm name be- came C. E. & E. Grover. Messrs. Grover leased an entire block, which enabled them to enlarge their business by the addition of West India goods and groceries. In 185 i they aban- doned tlie furniture trade in order to engage in the fishing industry, for which purpose they purchased several boats, built others, and soon had quite a fleet at their disposal. After his brother's death in 1857 the senior partner wound up the affairs of the firm, and, going to Dakota, he invested in real estate to a con- siderable extent. He returned in the follow- ing year, thinking he had a handsome fortune in the land scrip he brought back — an illusion that a general panic soon dissolved. Locat- ing then in Boston, he was engaged in import- ing produce from the provinces until early in 1861. In this year, April 19, he opened a recruiting office on State Street, and in the short space of three days raised the first com- ])any of three years' men formed in Boston, which was the nucleus of the regiment organ- ized by l-'letcher Webster. Having received his commission, investing him with the com- mand of the company on April 23, Captain Grover took his men to Fort Warren, to wait the completion of the regiment. Recruiting proceeded so slowly, however, that, tired of waiting, he resigned his command, and raised another company, but declined to become an officer of it. Then, in August, 1862, he en- listed as a private in a company raised in Cambridge, afterward designated Company F of the Forty-first Massachusetts Volunteer In- fantry. Shortly after reaching the front he was appointed Sergeant, and later Sergeant- major. The Forty-first was subsequently changed by the War Department to the Third Massachusetts Volunteer Cavalry, and served upon the Lower Mississippi. Captain Grover was wounded at Port Hudson and Yellow Bayou, but recovered in time to accompany his regiment to the Shenandoah Valley. At the battle of Opequan, September 19, 1S64, he was severely wounded, and reported dead; but, thanks to careful nursing at General Sheridan's headquarters, he rallied, and was sent to the officers' hospital in Philadelphia, where he ultimately recovered. In the in- terim he was promoted to the rank of First Lieutenant for meritorious conduct. After participating in the grand review at Wash- ington, his regiment was ordered to Fort Leavenworth, Kan. He was then assigned to special duty as mustering officer at Fort Kear- ney, was subsequently commissioned Captain, and discharged as such in 1865. He saw much hard fighting during his three years of service, and passed through many exciting scenes, including Sheridan's famous arrival at Cedar' Creek in time to turn a defeat into a glorious victory. Captain Grover married Ann T. Friend, a daughter of William Scott I'riend. He has two daughters, namely: Adelia, who is the wife of George Tomlinson, of Boston, and has four children — James, Annie C, Edith, and Adelia; and Clementine, who married Gusta- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 517 vus L. Lawrence, and has three children. Mrs. Grover, who possessed many womanly virtues and was unfailing in her love and de- votion to her family, died November 20, 1896, leaving, besides her bereaved husband and children, a large circle of friends to mourn her loss. Captain Grover was formerly a prominent figure in the public affairs of Gloucester. He served as chairman of the Board of Selectmen under the town govern- ment when twenty-si.x years old, was Town Clerk for three years, and was Postmaster by the appointment of President Johnson and the reappointment of President Grant for six years. His unabated interest in the survivors of the Third Massachusetts Cavalry has led him to write a history of the regiment. He has also acquired some celebrity as a poet; and some patriotic verses from his pen were read at the dedication of a soldiers' monument at Winchester, Va., some years ago. OSEPH WHEELER HAMMOND,* the president of the Board of Aldermen of Lynn, and an agent of the New Eng- land Telephone Company, was born August 23, 1858, in Nahant, Mass. His father, the late John Q. Hammond, a native of Strong, P'ranklin County, Me., married Caroline A. Wiggin, a native of Stratton, N. H. After completing the course of the public schools of Lynn, graduating from the high school in the class of 1877, Joseph Wheeler Hammond was fitted for Dartmouth College, but never matric- ulated there. Before attaining his majority, he started out in the world on his own account, and soon developed the business tact and pro- gressive ideas that have made him successful in his various undertakings. His first salaried employment was that of a book-keeper — a po- sition which he held with May & Withey for a while, and afterward with P. W. Butler. In 1880 he learned the shoe-cutting trade, which he followed until 1883. Then failing health compelled him to seek other pursuits less con- fining. From that time until 1891 he was connected with several grocery firms, and during the two years immediately following was an employee in the purchasing department of the Boston, Revere Beach & Lynn Railway Company. In 1S93 he accepted his present position as right-of-way agent for the New England Telephone Company — an office for which his good judgment and courtesy have admirably adapted him. While a resident of Nahant, Mr. Hammond was a member of the School Committee in 1885, 1886, and 1887, the latter year being the chairman of the board. In 1893 and 1894 he represented Ward Four of Lynn in the Common Council, in both terms being one of the committee on Street Lights, Ordinances, Printing, and Accounts. In 1895 and 1896 he was a member of the Board of Aldermen. In the first year he formed one of the commit- tee on License, Printing, Ordinances, and Public Grounds, being the chairman of the latter. In 1S96 he was a member of the committee on License, Police, Ordinances, Printing, and Public Grounds, and was also chairman of the joint committee on Parks. During that term he was likewise chairman of the Board of Aldermen. In politics he is a strict adherent of the principles put forth by the Republican party. He is a charter mem- ber of Abraham Lincoln Lodge, No. 127, K. P. ; and of Sagamore Tribe of Red Men, No. 2. Mr. Hammond was married in Lynn, November 18, 1S84, to Miss Mary Anna John- son of this city. Si.x children have blessed the union; namely, Charles P., Joseph B., Frank, Marion, Helen, and Louisa. S«8 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW If" [LLIE E. MERRILL,* a prosper- ous farmer and livery stable-keeper of West Newbury, was born in this town in 1856, son of Elbridge and Abbie W. (White) Merrill. His grandfather, Captain Samuel Merrill, who was a native of West Newbury, settled upon the farm now owned by his grandson, the subject of this sketch; and he lived to the advanced age of ninety-seven years. The father, born in West Newbury, August 17, 18 1 5, was one of the industrious and progressive farmers of his day. Having labored unremittingly for the support and ed- ucation of his family, he died September 20, 1885. He married Abbie W. White, daugh- ter of Samuel White, a ship-master who died at sea. After leaving school, Willie E. Merrill drove a milk wagon to Newburyport for sev- eral years. He also did considerable team- ing, operated a grist and cider mill, and is still engaged in making cider, of which last season's output was one thousand barrels. In 1885 he engaged in the livery business, keep- ing an average of twenty horses. In the fol- lowing years he bought the express between Newburyport and Haverhill, and carried the mail. Since the death of his father he has carried on the homestead farm, where he raises the usual crops, making a specialty of onions. Mr. Merrill was joined in marriage with a daughter of Major Samuel Merrill, who was born in I'arsonsfield, Me., in 1815, and served as a commissioned ofificer in the Second Regi- ment of the Maine Volunteer militia. She became the mother of seven children, born as follows: Celia and Delia, twins, on April 11, 1879, who died in infancy; Jessie Maud, March 29, 1880; Mary Abbie, June i, 1882; Mabel Knapp, June 11, 1884, who died Feb- ruary 6, 1886; Nellie Elizabeth, April 9, 1887; and Ida Grace, October 28, 1888. Mrs. Merrill died November 28, 1896. Mr. Merrill served as Road Commissioner for seven consecutive years, was a member of the committee appointed to grade and gravel Pipe Stone Hill Road, and was appointed Town Undertaker by the Selectmen in three succes- sive years. He is a member of Indian Hill Council, No. 11, Junior Order of United American Mechanics; and of Laurel Grange, No. 161, Patrons of Husbandry. 1835- AMES HUME, the pioneer carriage manufacturer of Amesbury, was born in Galashiels, Scotland, April 23, At the age of eighteen he came to this country. He was first employed as a spinner in the woollen-mills of Amesbury in 1853. After two years spent in this line of work he learned the trade of carriage painting in the shop of J. R. Huntington. In 1856 he re- turned to Scotland, and for some time worked at his trade in Edinburgh. He came back to Amesbury in 1857, and there began building carriages in a small way at the age of twenty- three. Thus early he laid the foundation of the present Hume Carriage Company, which is claimed to be the largest and most widely known carriage manufacturing company in the Unitetl States. Realizing the importance of saving as well as earning money in the early days, Mr. Hume often hauled his carriages to Salem and other places to meet his Boston customers, thus saving no inconsiderable item of freight. He worked early and late, and began and con- tinued his business as the builder of honest and substantial work. Never behind in styles, preferring to lead instead of being letl, he was able to secure customers from among the most liberal and enterprising buyers. / JAMES HUME. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 521 He originated and introduced many popular styles now widely copied. A liberal em- ployer, he was quick to recognize and recom- pense merit. While frugal and saving, he was always ready to aid the poor and to lend a helping hand to struggling manufacturers. He built the first carriage factory on what is now known as Carriage Hill, the principal manufacturing district of the town. In 1884 he retired, and was succeeded by the Hume Carriage Company. Although nominally out of business, he finds abundant occujjation in investing and caring for his capital. When in town his hosts of friends find him in his private ofifice at the factory, where they always receive a cordial welcome. He lives quietly and unostentatiously, dividing his time be- tween his town residence and his country house when not travelling or revisiting Scot- land, where he and his family frequently go. A great lover of horses, his favorite recreation all through his long business career was a quick drive on the roads behind one of his many fast thoroughbreds. He is the presi- dent of the Amesbury Electric Light Com- pany and a diiector of the First National Bank in Merrimac. His life has been charac- terized by adherence to sterling principles, great business tact, and the good deeds prompted by a generous and kindly nature. Mrs. Hume, by her parents, is a direct de- scendant of Captain John Courier, of Revolu- tionary fame, and of Josiah Bartlett, who was one of the signers of the Declaration of Inde- pendence. On the Bartlett side she traces her genealogy through illustrious generations to William the Conqueror. A lady of rare culture and refinement, she is a leader in the literary and social circles of Amesbury. She is a member of the Daughters of the Revolu- tion, of the Executive Committee of the Elizabeth Whittier Club, of the Village Improvement Society, and of various other local and benevolent associations. Among her heir- looms are many rare and valuable relics of other days, some of them dating back to Co- lonial times. Mr. and Mrs. Hume have three children. Jean Bartlett Hume, the eldest daughter, a woman of marked literary ability, is the author of many short stories that have been published in the magazines. She is also an accomplished musician, and is the happy possessor of a fine voice. James Hume, Jr., is a student at Phillips Andover Academy. Joseph Bartlett, the youngest child, is attend- ing school in Amesbury. RLANDO F. HATCH,* of the firm of L. M. Hatch & Sons, contractors and lumber dealers, is a native of Nobleboro, Me., where he was born October 26, 1845. His first ancestor in this country, William Hatch, came from Sandwich, Eng- land, in 1634, on the bark "Hercules." With William came his wife Jane, five chil- dren, and six servants. Having embarked for the Plymouth Colony, they settled in Scitu- ate, Mass. William Hatch is recorded on the custom-house records as a merchant. He was a man of means, and became a useful and in- fluential citizen in his new home. He built a house as early as 1635, and became first Ruling Elder of the second church of Scituate in 1648. After his death on November 6, 1651, his widow on October 8, 1653, married Elder Thomas King, her deceased husband's successor in his church office, and died in November following. The children of Elder Hatch, all born in England, were: Jane, who married John Lovice, of Scituate; Annie, who became the wife of Lieutenant James Torrey, of Scituate, on November 2, 1643; Walter, the next ancestor of Orlando P. ; Hannah, 522 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW who married Lieutenant Utley, December 6, 1648; and William, who died in 1656 in Virgina. Walter Hatch had shares in certain iron works and in the fulling and cloth mills, and was a large land-owner in Scituate, Rhode Island, and elsewhere. In his will, dated 1698, among other bequests, he gave to his sons, John and Israel, the fulling-mill and the grist-mill, and two hundred and sixty acres of land on North River. Afterward he divided three thousand, three hundred, and seventy- five acres of land that he bought of one Thomas Hatch among all his children. Walter Hatch married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Jane Holbrook, of Weymouth, Mass. After her death he married a second time. His children were: Hannah, Samuel, Jane, Antipas, Rerthia, John, Israel, and Jo- seph. He died in 1701. Israel, born in Scituate, March 25, 1667, married Eliza, daughter of the first Jeremiah Hatch, of Scitu- ate, on July 27, 1699. In his will, dated 1733, he gave his son Jonathan the part of the farm in Scituate that his father Walter gave him, and part of Green Island cedar swamp in the town of Hanson; also all his horse-flesh and meat tubs, the chest in which he kept his writings, and a small cupboard marked "W. H." He died in 1740, aged seventy-three years. His children were: Eydia, Israel, Elizabeth, David, and Jon- athan. Jonathan Hatch, bnrn in Scituate, October 28, 1709, died in 1775. He successively married Agatha Phillips, of Marshfield, and Rachel Curtis. He was the father of fifteen children; namely, Agatha, Jerusha, Elisha, Thankful, Lydia, Mark, Zaccheus, Philips, James, Lucy, Jonathan, Prince, Frederick, Briggs, and Rachel. Frederick Hatch, born in Scituate in 1759, when grown to manliood moved to Maine, and settled in West Neck, Nobleboro, where he died February 19, 1854. His children were: Zaccheus, Frederick, David, James, Zylpha, Thankful, Lydia, Nabby, and, Polly. Frederick (second), born in 1784 in Nobleton, Me., died in 1836. He married Annie Cheney, of Whitefield, Me., about the year 18 12, and by her became the father of seven children- — Ephraim, Crowell, Edwin, Lucy, Lot, Sewall, and Amy Ann. Lot Hatch, the father of Orlando Hatch, was born in Jefferson, Me., in 1821. He was a ship joiner by trade. In July, 1871, he came to Newburyport with his two sons, Orlando and Willard, and opened business here as a ship joiner and carpenter, of which he is still the head, though seventy-si.x years old. His wife, a daughter of Alexander Hall, is seventy-three years old. They recently cele- brated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Both are members of the Baptist church and regular attendants at the services. Of their four children, Willard A. is the only other survivor. Orlando Hatch was sent to the common schools of his native town, and later to Lin- coln Academy at Newcastle, Me. In August, 1864, when eighteen years of age, he entered the United States Navy, and was assigned to the United States steamship "Sabine" at Portland. Later he was transferred to the re- ceiving ship "Ohio" at Charlestown Navy Yard, and then went into the service at Florida, where he remaineil ten months. In June, 1865, he was discharged, and returned home. Afterward he attended school for a term at Lincoln, took a course in Bryant & Stratton's Commercial College, and then learned the trade of ship-joiner at East Bos- ton. Later, after working successively at Newburyport and East Boston, he settled here in 1872, and has since been in company with BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 523 his father and brother. Mr. Hatch married Sarah B., daughter of Oliver Carlton, and now has three children. VVillard, the eldest, is a book-keeper for his father; and Frank and Laura are still in school. Mr. Hatch is a member of the American Lesrion of Honor. rb. HODSDON,* a well-known busi- ness man of Gloucester and a member of the Board of Aldermen, was born in Kennebunkport, Me., August 25, i860, son of Elbridge and I-Cliza (Leach) Hodsdon. His first American ancestor was George Hodsdon, who settled in Cambridge at an early date in the Colonial period. Mr. Hodsdon"s great- grandfather died of apople.xy while serving in the American army during the Revolutionary War. Some of the descendants of George Hodsdon settled in Maine, where the name is sometimes spelled Hodgdon ; and Timothy Hodsdon, who was born in Berwick, returned to that State prior to the year 1800, after a sojourn elsewhere. Elbridge Hodsdon, the father above named, was a native of Booth- bay, Me. He moved from Kennebunkport to Gloucester. F. D. Hodsdon was educated in the public schools of this city. After the completion of his studies he entered the employ of Thomas L. Tarr in the market business, continuing as a clerk until 1S81, when he purchased the business, and has since carried it on with suc- cess. His well-known energy and progres- sive tendencies make him especially efficient in the conduct of public affairs. He was a member of the City Council in 1895, was elected to the Board of Aldermen for 1S97, and re-elected for i8g8. While in the lower branch of the government he was chairman of the Committee on Public Property which gave out the contract for erecting the Hussey School building, and he was also chairman of the same committee in the Board of Aldermen when it was completed in 1897. He is a member of the Cemetery Commission, and one of the Commissioners of the Huntress and Tufts Funds. Mr. Hodsdon married Ida Sundebery, daughter of George Sundebery, of Gloucester, and has three children, namely: Albert, born in 1S83; George E., born in 1887; and Helen A., born in 1888. Mr. Hodsdon belongs to Acacia Lodge, F. & A. M.; Constantine Lodge, Knights of Pythias; the Uniformed Rank, and the local tribe. Improved Order of Red Men. C. MACDONALD,* a prominent merchant tailor of Salem, son of John and Bella (McKinnon) Macdonald, was born in Queen's County, Prince Edward Island, in 185.9. He comes of the famous clan Macdonald that traces its descent back to the Macdonald of the Isle of Skye, who was "Lord of the Isles." His paternal grand- father, Angus, in 1842 emigrated from Skye to Prince Edward Island, and was there engaged in farming throughout the rest of his life, tak- ing an active part in public affairs and relig- ious work. Angus was one of three brothers, each of whom lived to be over ninety years of age, one having been over a hundred. Before leaving Skye, he was twice married; and botli wives died in Scotland. The first wife was a McPherson. His children were: James, Donald, Malcolm, John, Mary, Sarah, and Christie, of whom six are now living. John Macdonald, who was born in the Isle of Skye, came with his father to Prince Ed- ward Island at the age of twelve years. He became a ship-builder and farmer, and was known to be faithful to every trust. He did S24 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW considerable contract work on ships: and liis employers were sure to find, without excep- tion, every specification of the contract care- fully fulfilled. At his death he was thirty-six years old. His wife Bella, who was a native of Prince Edward's Island, died on May 28, 1879. She was the mother of two children, J. C. Macdonald being the younger. Having been educated in the public schools of his native province, J. C. Macdonald learned the tailor's trade with Angus Mac- Swain, being bound as an apprentice for five years. In 1879 he came to this country, and took a course of instruction at the Glencross Cutting School in New York City. After completing the course, he entered the employ of John Phillips, who later became the head cutter and foreman with A. Shuman & Co., of Boston. After working for Mr. Phillips for four years, Mr. Macdonald was the head cutter with Charles Green & Co., of Boston, for two years, subsequently filled a similar position with the firm of George Cas- tor & Co., of Boston, and in 1885 took charge of the cutting department, becoming also the buyer, of Almy, Bigelow & Washburn's estab- lishment in Salem. In 1890 he started in business for himself in Salem at 202 1-2 Essex Street. Three years later he removed to the corner of Essex and Washington Streets, where he has since built up a prosper- ous and lucrative business. The quality of his work is unexcelled. The manufacturing department of his business, which is outside the ware-rooms, is one of the best managed in the city. Mr. Macdonald is one of the Thorndike Associates. He is also a member of the Clan Wallace, No. 127, of Salem, of which he was tlie first Chief; a member of the Grand Clan of Massachusetts; and an executive member of the Royal Clan, which is the highest in the society. An esteemed Mason, he has mem- bership in Star King Lodge, Washington Royal Arch Chapter, Salem Council, Wins- low Lewis Commandery of Salem, Sutton Lodge of Perfection, and the Mystic Shrine, Aleppo Temple. In 1893 he was united in marriage with Mrs. Poole, of Peabody, Mass., and now has one daughter. RIN A. ORDWAY,* a prominent farmer and a native of Newbury, was born June 25, 1840, in Byfield Parish. His grandfather, William Ordway, was drowned when his father, Samuel Ordway, was only two years old. WillTam's brothers were Eliphalet, Enoch, Joseph, Nathaniel, John, Joshua, Thomas, and William. John settled in Hampstead, where he became very successful and very wealthy. His descend- ants were numerous in Haverhill. Joshua was a most successful school-teacher. Samuel, who was a farmer, went across the isthmus to California in 1851. He contracted what was known as "isthmus fever," and lived only about two months after returning home. A man of character and enterprise, he was highly esteemed by his townsmen and by all who knew him. With an instinct for trade he was prosperous in business, was well-to-do. In the capacity of supervisor of schools in Grove- land he was a most efficient officer. He was a member of the Orthodox church in that town. Orin A. Ordway received his early training in the public schools of Groveland and at the academy in that town. After his school-days had ended, he began shoemaking. For a time he had charge of a finishing-room. Later he bought a large farm in Groveland. Four years ago his fine buildings, which had cost over three thousand dollars, consisting of two barns BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 525 and a house, all new, together with a large amount of fresh English hay that had just been stored, besides farming tools and implements, were destroyed by fire inside of an hour and a half. This was a great loss and it gave a severe shock to Mrs. Ordway's health, which was never very strong. Mr. Ordway is an active man in town affairs. In politics he is a Republican. He has been Road Commis- sioner for four years, and had practical charge of the roads for three years preceding his appointment. He is a member of the United Mechanics and of the Esse.x Agricultural Asso- ciation. On November 28, twenty-nine years ago, Mr. Ordway was united in marriage with Augusta, a native of ]5yfield Parish, and a daughter of Isaiah and Mary Rogers. Mrs. Ordway is a member of the Methodist Episco- pal church, and an active worker in all its departments. She is charitable and benevo- lent, and, although not in robust health, is always ready to give time and effort to forward any good cause. She is an active worker in the temperance department and among the young people. Mr. and Mrs. Ordway's son, Sherman A. Ordway, born in Newbury, now a young man of twenty-seven years, was edu- cated in this town, and lives at home with his parents. He is a member of the Junior League, and a zealous supporter of that organ- ization. )EMUEL MEADER BROCK,* of Lynn, the proprietor of Mrs. Dins- more's Cough and Croup Balsam, and an ex-member of the legislature, was born in Strafford, N. H., November 6, 1837, son of Nathaniel and Sarah Worth (Meader) Brock. The father, a prosperous farmer and a lifelong resident of Strafford, represented the town in the legislature in 1852 and 1S53, served it in the capacity of Selectman, and died in 1887. Sarah W. Brock, his wife, a native of Roches- ter, N.H., was a descendant of John Meader, who, born in England in 1630, arrived in Massachusetts in 1650, and in 1653 settled in Dover, N.H. Lemuel Meader Brock obtained his educa- tion in the public schools of Strafford and at the academies in Wolfboro, N.H., and South Berwick, Me. In 1859, having taught school for three years in New Hampshire, he went to Boston. There he was engaged in the grocery business for three years, in the wholesale but- ter and cheese business for the succeeding seven years, and he was connected with a hotel for two years. Coming to Lynn in 1870, he was engaged in the hotel business here for seventeen years. In 1877 he pur- chased of Mrs. Dinsmore a half interest in her Cough and Croup Balsam, which was at that time struggling for an existence among the more widely advertised patent medicines; and, after her death in 1879, he became sole pro- prietor of the rights. In 1885 he decided to devote his entire energies to the business. By good management since then he has succeeded in bringing the remedy into pulDlic notice throughout the United States and Canada, with the result that large quantities are now disposed of annually. On February 22, 1859, Mr. Brock married Melissa A. Sanders, of Strafford. He has two daughters, both residing in Lynn : Eva Mabel, the wife of Fred M. Newhall; and Ada A., the wife of Frank E. Davis. Politically, Mr. Brock is a Republican. He was a Representa- tive to the legislature in 1891 and 1892, and served upon the committees on Prisons and Land and Harbor. An esteemed Mason, he is a member of King Solomon Lodge, F. & A. M., of Charlestown. He is also connected 526 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW with West Lynn Lodge, No. 65, L O. O. F. ; West Lynn Encampment, No. 67; of Everett Lodge, No. 20, Knights of Pythias of Lynn, of which he is a charter member; with Mana- pashemet Tribe, No. 82, Improved Order of Red Men; and Lynn Lodge, No. 117, Order of Elks. LFRED L. MOORE,* a well-known farmer and a jorominent resident of West Newbury, was born in 1829, son of Greenleaf and Mary (Poor) Moore. His great-grandfather was Abner Moore. Greenleaf Moore (first), the grandfather, a lifelong resident of Old Newbury, died at the age of si.xty-seven years. The father, who was born in Old Newbury in 1796, followed the trade of shoemaker during the active period of his life. He was for many" years identified with religious work, and acted as a Deacon of the First Congregational Church. His wife Mary, born in Old Newbury in 1797, was a daughter of Samuel Poor, an ex- tensive farmer of that town in his day. Alfred L. Moore attended school in his native town. When eighteen years old he began to learn the joiner's trade with Ichabod Titcomb. A year later he gave up the ham- mer and fore-plane to learn the shoemaker's trade with his father, which he afterward fol- lowed until he was thirty-three years old. He was next engaged in driving a milk wagon to Ncwburyport, and continued that occupa- tion for seven years, without missing a single trip. For over twenty-five years he has culti- vated a farm located upon Middle Road, be- tween Newbury])ort and Georgetown, making a specialty of potatoes. In i860 Mr. Moore was joined in marriage witli Hannah Moody Pearson. 15orn in Ncw- buryport in 1836, she was a daughter of Dea- con John P. and Hannah (Pillsbury) Pearson. The father was a ship-carpenter, and the mother was a representative of an old and prominent family of that city. Mr. and Mrs. Moore have two children, namely: Hannah M. A., born in 1864; and Alfred L., Jr., born in 1S70. Hannah M. A. graduated from the West Newbury High School, and was the valedictorian of her class. In 1S90 she mar- ried Herbert D. Field, and now resides in Northfield, Mass. Alfred L., Jr., completed his studies at Professor Carleton's private preparatory school in Bradford, Mass. He learned the shoemaker's trade, and is now employed by Bliss & Dodge in Newburyport. In politics Mr. Moore is a Republican, and was Surveyor of Highways for several years. He is connected with Newbury Grange, No. 146, Patrons of Husbandry, and has filled all of its important chairs. Since 1858 he has been a member of the First Congregational Church, of which he has served as Clerk and Assessor; and he was the superintendent of the Siniday-school for twenty years. ORACE E. HARRIMAN,* a shoe manufacturer of South Georgetown, son of William B. and Olive (Nel- son) Harriman, was born in Georgetown in 1852. The paternal great-grandfather, Moses Harriman, born in Bradford, Mass., who was a farmer by occupation, enlisted in the Conti- nental army, was an ensign at the battle of Lexington, and was afterward promoted to the rank of Second Lieutenant, and in November, 177s, he was made Lieutenant. His son, Moses, born in Bradford in 1774, was engaged in farming throughout the remainder of his life, and died at the age of seventy-five. William B. Harriman, son of the second Moses Harriman, born in Georgetown in 181 i. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 527 died there in 1SS4. He was engaged in shoe manufacturing. An ardent abolitionist, he took much interest in local politics. He mar- ried Olive, a daughter of Moses Nelson, who, born in Georgetown in 1773, died there in 1863. Her mother, whose maiden name was Phcebe Ikittlebank, was Mr. Nelson's second wife, and a daughter of one of the minutemen who responded to the Lexington alarm. Mr. Brittlebank served for nine days on the alarm roll of Captain Eliphalet Spofford's company, in Colonel Samuel Garish's regiment, which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775, from Rowley to Cambridge. The children of Will- iam and Olive Ilarriman were: Caroline, Ellen, and Horace E. Caroline, who was edu- cated in the common and high schools and at Topsfield Academy, married in 1S62 Charles Tyler, of Georgetown. He enlisted in 1862 in Company K, Fiftieth Massachusetts Vol- unteer Infantry, was a musician in the band, and served under Banks at New Orleans and Baton Rouge. He was discharged in 1863. Ellen, born in 1848, died in infancy. Will- iam B. Ilarriman's first wife was Abigail March. Horace E. Harriman was educated in the public schools of Georgetown, graduating from the high school there. Afterward he worked in the shoe business until 1879, when he started in as a manufacturer, with a factory lo- cated at South Georgetown, where he carries on his business at the present time. He pro- duces heavy work, and sells to the retail trade of New England. In politics he is a Republi- can. He was married in 1874 to Mary, a daughter of Israel and Harriet (Fitch) Bal- com, of Salem. They have four children : Alice G. , born in 1875, who graduated from the Boston Conservatory of Music, is now a music teacher, and lives at home; Fred H., born in 1878, now with his father in the fac- tory; Harriet O. , born in 1881, now a pupil in the high school; and William A., born in 1893. LFRED W. THOMPSON,* a well- known citizen of Newburyport, was born here March 7, 1839. His great-grandfather, a sturdy, vigorous man, was of Scotch descent. His father, Albert Thompson, likewise a native of Newburyport, who was the proprietor of a livery stable on Inn Street for a number of years, died at the age of forty-seven years. Albert was a promi- nent member of the Veteran Artillery Associ- ation, and held different offices in that orcan- ization. He married Mary Ann Burrill, who died at the age of fifty years. Of their four children, three are now living. Alfred W. Thompson, the youngest child and only son of his parents, attended the pub- lic schools of this city. When his school days ended, he learned the trade of silversmith with William P. Jones and A. F. Towle. After the Civil War began, he enlisted in Company B, Thirty-fifth Massachusetts Regi- ment of the Ninth Army Corps, under Gen- eral Burnside, and served until the close of the war. He was in the battles of Sulphur Springs, Fredericksburg, North Anna, Jack- son, Kno.xville, and Cold Harbor, being in active service for about tliree years. Return- ing to his native city after the great struggle had ended, he began to work again at his trade. In 1874 he entered the business he now follows, that of keeper of a restaurant, bar, and pool-room. He has recently made addi- tions to his premises, rendered necessary by his increasing trade. In politics Mr. Thompson is an Independent. He is a member of the A. W. Bartlett Post, No. 49, G. A. R., and of Newburyport Vet- 5^8 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW cran Artillery Association. Connected with the latter for thirty years, he has served it as Sergeant for several years, and was formerly its Commander. He is also member of the Veteran Firemen's Association and of St. Mark's Lodge, F. & A. M. On December 13, 1869, he married Louisa M., daughter of Joseph Pickett, of Newburyport. ^OSl'.l'II CROSBY RANDLETT,* Al- derman of Lynn and the chairman of the General Reiniblican Committee of the city, was born at Bangor, Me., May 22, 1859. His parents were James C. and Emma S. (Clarke) Randlett, respectively natives of Penobscot Comity and Bangor. James Rand- lett was for a nimiber of years engaged in the making of boots, shoes, and moccasins, prin- cipally the last. Afterward he was in the grocery business in Bangor. From Bangor he removed to Ashland, Mass. From there he came to Lynn, where he died in April, 1893, at the age of si.xty-three years. Joseph Crosby Randlett received his educa- tion in the public schools of Bangor, finishing at the age of fifteen. He began his working life in the hardware business of W. P. Dickey of Bangor, with whom he remained for two years. Going then to Ashland, he worked in a boot and shoe shop until the fall of 1880. In June, 1881, he entered the passenger ser- vice of the Boston &: Albany Railroad, and was subsequently in the employ of that com- pany until February, 1895, being the con- ductor of the New York & Boston Express dining the last year. From February until September, 1895, he was in company with his brother in the sale of fruits and periodicals. He then came to Lynn to work for the Thomp- son & Houston I'^lectric Company, now the General IHectric Company, with which he has since remained. Mr. Randlett is a member of West Lynn Lodge, No. 65, I. O. O. F. ; also of North Star Lodge of Masons at Ashland. F'or the past six years he has been a member of the Republican City Committee, and during the last two years he has been the chairman of the General Committee. F^or five years he was the president of the West Lynn Republi- can Club. From 1895 to 1897 he held a seat in the Common Council, and at present he is on the Board of Aldermen. He is on the committees on Claims, Water Supply, Street Sprinkling, State Aid, Elections, and Drain- age Assessments and Drainage. Of the last two named he is the chairman. /^TeORGE W. HEATH,* of Newbury- V P^T port, a veteran of the Civil War, was born in Fredericton, N.B. , April 12, 1838, son of James and Huldah K. (Cogges- well) Heath. His grandfather Coggeswell belonged to an old family of Frederic- ton. James Heath, who was born in Plais- tow, N.H., worked as a ship-carpenter for twenty-five years. He died at the age of eighty years; and his wife Huldah, outliving him, died at the residence of her son, George William, in the ninety-third year of her age. They had seven children, of whom three arc now living. When the subject of our sketch was four years old, his parents removed to Plaistow, N. H. He began life as a cook, being em- ployed about twelve years in the Hazeltine House, Manchester, now called the Windsor House. In 1861 he enlisted in Company E, Fourth New Hampshire Regiment, and was in the Ninth and Tenth Army Corps. His regi- ment was the first to arrive in the .South. His BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 529 first battle was that fought at Ogeechee, and he subsequently participated in eleven differ- ent battles — at James Island, St. Helena, Jacksonville, Fernandina, siege of Fort Sum- ter, Stony River, Opelousas, Break-of-Day, Tally-ho, Gloucester, and Bermuda Hundred. February 22, 1864, he re-enlisted at Beau- fort, S. C. , for three years, and was cook for the officers. He was wounded in the battle of Drury's Bluff in May of the same year, and was taken prisoner. He remained in the hospital for three months on account of the wound received through the hips, and was confined to his bed for nine months more. One ball still remains in his hip. For a number of years Mr. Heath was keeper of a boarding-house, averaging about thirty-five boarders. He continued in the business till 1890. He now leads a retired life in New- buryport. He is unmarried. He is a liberal- minded man and a Republican in politics. He attends the Methodist Fpiscopal church, is a member of Louis Bell Post, No. 3, G. A. R., at Manchester, N. H., and of the U. V. L. of Newburyport. / STeORGE W. FRO.ST,* who conducts a \ fi> I flourishing wood and coal business at Pigeon Cove, was born in Rockport, July 21, 1853, son of Andrew and Abbie (Saunders) Frost. The parents were natives of Nova Scotia, and it is said that the Frosts are originally of Irish origin. Andrew Frost, who settled in Rockport and was engaged in fishing here for many years, died in March, 1885. George W. Frost was educated in the public schools of Rockport. At the age of eighteen he accepted a position as clerk in the general store carried on by the Bay State Granite Company, with which he remained nearly three years. He was ne.xt employed by George H. Shepherd, a meat and provision dealer, with whom he continued for several years. Subse- quently he was a travelling salesman for two different salt-fish concerns of Gloucester. In 1890 he purchased the wood and coal yard es- tablished by the late William Marchant in 1857, and has since carried on a successful business. Mr. Frost married Cynthia Butler, of Gloucester, and is the father of three chil- dren — Abbie M., \V. Marchant, and AnnieT. Politically, Mr. Frost is a Republican, and has served as a Water Commissioner one year. He is connected with Granite Lodge, I. O. O. v., of Rockport; and Ocean View Lodge, No. 84, Knights of Pythias of Pigeon Cove. He contributes liberally toward the support of churches, and is actively interested in all movements for developing the resources of the village and increasing its attractiveness as a summer resort. RANK EUGENE WELLS,* City Mar- shal of Lynn, was born February 16, 1863, in Benton, N. H., the birthplace of his father, George Wells. His paternal grandfather, luios Wells, spent the major por- tion of his life in Benton, where he was a farmer and mill-owner, and. one of the sub- stantial business men. George Wells, a farmer by occupation, dur- ing his years of active life was identified with the more prominent interests of his native town, which he continued to make his home, and in which he filled various local offices. He married Caroline B. Morse, who was born in Haverhill, Grafton County, N. H., daughter of Jacob Morse, who moved to that town from Hebron, which is in the same county. He and his two brothers were extensive land-owners 53° BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW in Haverhill, and carried on a very large busi- ness in lumber manufacturing and dealing. They were very prominent in public affairs, and all served at different times in the New Hampshire legislature. Frank E. Wells obtained his elementary education in Haverhill, N. H. After leaving the public schools of that town, at the age of thirteen years, he attended the academy at Newbury, \'t., for two years. Going then to Lancaster, N. II., he served an apprenticeship of three years at the carriage iron worker's trade, at which he subsequently worked in Lancaster, Leominster, Mass., and in Boston. In 1884 he came to Lynn, and for two years was employed as conductor on the Lynn & Boston Railway. In January, 1886, he was appointed an officer on the Lynn police force, and for five years did efficient service as patrolman. In January, 1891, he was ap- pointed City Marshal, his present position, an office which he is filling most satisfactorily, his management eliciting the approbation of those above him in power as well as of those under his control. Since he assumed the charge of this important department of the city, the service has been greatly improved and advanced, it being now placed on a higher scale than ever before. In 1892 the service stripe was inaugurated ; and the official staff of the department changed from marshal, dep- uty, and captain, to marshal, two lieutenants, and three sergeants. Mr. Wells is a member of Mount Carmel Lodge, A. V. & A. M. ; of Sutton R. A. Chapter; of Olivet Commandery, K. T. ; of Abraham Lincoln Lodge, K. of P. ; and of Poquanum Tribe of Red Men. In politics he affiliates with the Republican ]iarty. On Au- gust 9, 1887, he married in Haverhill, N.H., Miss Martha P. Southard, who was born and reared in that town. Mr. and Mrs. Wells have tliree children; namely, Mabel H., Earl E. , and Hazel V. BEN KNOWLTON,* who has conducted a successful bakery on King Street, Rockport, for nearly half a century, was born in this town. May 31, 1822, son of Azor and Lois (Hale) Knowlton. In 1640 three Knowlton brothers, accompanied by their parents, sailed from England for America; and the father was lost overboard on the passage. The brothers with their mother settled in Ips- wich, Mass. One of them afterward moved to Rhode Island, another to Maine, the third remaining in Ipswich. Of the last named the subject of this sketch is a direct descendant. Colonel Thomas Knowlton, a descendant of the Rhode Island settler, served under General Washington, and was killed in the Revolution- ary War. Malachi Knowlton, Eben Knowl- ton 's grandfather, was a native of Hamilton, Mass., and served as a soldier in the War of 1 81 2. Azor Knowlton, Eben Knowlton's father, was born and reared upon his father's farm in Hamilton ; and, when a young man, he engaged in fishing at what is now Rockport. He later owned or controlled considerable wharfage in this town, which business he fol- lowed for forty years, or until his death. Lois, his wife, was a native of Rockport. Eben Knowlton was reared to manhood in Rockport, and made the most of his oppor- tunities for obtaining an education by attend- ing the district schools. In his twentieth year he began an apprenticeship to the baker's trade in Gloucester, and served as apprentice or journeyman about seven or eight years. Returning to Rockport in 1848, he went into business for himself. Beginning on a small scale, he has since conducted a first-class bakery, which for many years has enjoyed a % m i -' >*■- ' 4. ^ GE(JR(jE W. SAR<;ENT, of Lawrence, Mass. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 533 large patronage and has proved very profitable. He has two teams, and employs usually about four men. Mr. Knowlton married Elizabeth Matthews, and has five children living, namely: Eben S. Knowlton, Tax Collector of Rockport ; Re- becca J., wife of William Colby, of Franklin, Mass. ; Archie, a resident of Hartford, Conn. ; Benjamin H., of this town; and James M. Knowlton, M.D., a physician in Indiana, Pa. Mrs. Knowlton is no longer living. Aside from his own business affairs Mr. Knowlton considers the welfare and prosperity of the town as paramount to all other interests, and is in favor of any practical schemes for its improvement. He is connected by member- ship with Ashler Lodge, F. & A. M. , and attends the Baptist church. /®Xo EORGE WOODBURY SARGENT, \ P I M.D., for many years a prominent physician of Lawrence, Mass., was born April 9, 1834, in Concord, Vt., a son of Dr. Seneca and Mary (Wilder) Sargent. His paternal ancestors were among the earliest set- tlers of Esse.x County, and for many genera- tions devoted themselves to clearing the land and cultivating the soil. Dr. Seneca Sargent was a son of Philip Sargent. He was born in Lunenburg, Vt., where he acquired his early education. He was graduated from Dartmouth College; and, after practising his profession in different towns in Vermont and New Hampshire, he located in Lawrence, Mass., then a new city, coming here in 1846 with his family. He was very skilful in his treatment of diseases, and secured an extensive patronage in this vicinity. During the late Civil War, in 1862, he enlisted as a volunteer surgeon, and served with the Army of the Potomac until failing health compelled him to retire. He died at his home, 133 Haverhill Street, in 1873, at the age of threescore and ten years. His wife, whose maiden name was Mary Wilder, was born in Bethlehem, N. H., in 1808, and died in Lawrence in 1888. They had four children, three sons and one daugh- ter, of whom but two children are living, namely: Charles Frank, of Somerville, Mass.; and John VV., of Lawrence. George Woodbury Sargent, after receiving his diploma from Albany Medical College in 1857, made two voyages to Europe as a ship's surgeon. Returning then to Lawrence, he decided to remain with his father; and both, while the father lived, had their office at 181 Essex Street, where Dr. George B. Sargent, his son, is now located. While yet a young man Dr. George W. Sargent established an excellent reputation for professional ability; and as the years went on he acquired a large and lucrative practice, notwithstanding the fact that he was handicapped by imperfect health. In December, 1892, weakened by many days of severe labor and exposure, he was attacked by pneumonia, which terminated fatally on January i, 1S93. The Lawrence Medical Club, of which Dr. Sargent had been one of the original mem- bers, paid sincere tribute to his memory. We quote from a paper read at the meeting in February following his death: — "Dr. Sargent was for quite a number of years the city physician of Lawrence, and he was no less conscientious in the discharge of his duties to the poor of the city than to those more favored. . . . His experience as physi- cian to the jail was of a similar character, and his fidelity to this trust is evidenced by the fact that his continuous service in this capac- ity extended over thirty years. ... As a med- ical witness he was distinguished by the dig- 534 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW nity of his bearing when on the stand, by the frankness and unpartisan character of his testi- mony, and by the intelligent and comprehen- sive nature of his opinions. "As a consultant he was modest, frank, and honorable, and he brought to this duty a mind well stored with the valuable fruits and expedients of experience and study. His opinion was always expressed with candor and delicacy, and with due deference to the inter- ests of his colleagues as well as to those of the patient. "Dr. Sargent felt a deep interest and took an active part in the evolution of the Law- rence General Hospital from the beginning. He was a life member of the Ladies' Union Charitable Society, and was a member of the board of construction of the hospital build- ing. His services as consultant were in fre- quent demand by the hospital physicians. "He was a member of the Massachusetts Medical Society and of the American Medical Association, as well as of the Medical Club, to whose meetings he contributed much valu- able information in the topical discussions and in the papers which he read. . . . He usu- ally got hold of and appropriated for use whatever was new in medicine, and both his eyes and his ears were used for this purpose. His therapeusis was intelligent, well defined, and purposeful, his bearing in the sick-room tactful, cheerful, and pleasing, inspiring con- fidence in patients and friends. . . . He had the privilege and good fortune to find in his home those attributes which are so necessary in order to make the hard and exhausting life of a physician a success and a blessing to the world — ■ namely, rest, comfort, and mental and moral support." Fraternally, he was a Mason and an Odd Fellow, and a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, his practice as an assistant sur- geon during the war of the Rebellion qualify- ing him for membership in the latter organi- zation. He married in 1S63 Mary Bancroft, who was born in West Amesbury, now Merrimac, Mass., and was educated at an academy. Her parents, Samuel and Eunice (Kelley) ]5an- croft, were prosperous members of the farming community. They reared eight children. The two now living are: Mary (Mrs. Sar- gent) ; and Leman Eaton Bancroft, a carriage manufacturer, who owns and occupies the old homestead. Mrs. Bancroft died at the age of sixty-seven years in 1864; while her husband, who survived her, attained the age of four- score years, his death occurring in 1874. Dr. George W. and Mrs. Sargent had three children, as follows: Mary Lena, who died at the age of eight years; George Bancroft; and Irving Wilder. The elder son, George B., studied at Phillips Academy in Andover, and, after his subsequent graduation from Dr. Hale's School in Boston, entered the Harvard Medical School, from which he received his degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1894. The following year he spent abroad, continuing his studies in the hospitals of Vienna, London, Edinburgh, and Berlin. In the latter part of 189s he returned to Lawrence, and estab- lished himself in the office previously occu- pied by his father and grandfather. He has already built up a good practice, and bids fair to become one of the leading physicians of the city. He is a member of the Massa- chusetts Medical Society, and also a member of the medical staff of the Lawrence General Hospital. In June, 1896, he married Miss Mary Gibbs, daughter of the Rev. William E. and Cornelia (Van Houzen Lester) Gibbs, of Lawrence. They have one child, a little daughter, named Cornelia Bancroft. Irving W. Sargent, the younger son, was graduated BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 535 from the Andover Phillips Academy in June, 1S96, when but sixteen years old, and is now a Junior at Harvard College. T^ALEB J. NORWOOD,* of the firm I jr"^ C. Norwood & Son, manufacturers of ^^ ^ isinglass at Ipswich, Mass., has been intimately associated with the business interests of the town since reaching man's es- tate. This industry was first started here by Seth Norwood more than half a century ago, but after a few years' trial it was abandoned. In 1857 Caleb Norwood, the father of Caleb J., established the present plant at Norwood's mills, about three miles west of the village of Ipswich, having as a partner his brother-in- law, James Manning, of Rockport. After the retirement of the latter Mr. Norwood admitted his son into partnership, the firm name being changed from Norwood & Manning to C. Nor- wood & Son. The factory of Messrs. Nor- wood, working night and day, employs thirty- five hands, and puts out annually five hundred cases of isinglass of one hundred and twenty- five pounds each. There are but four other factories of the kind in existence. In addi- tion the firm has a saw-mill and grist-mill, which have an extensive business. Caleb Norwood, born in Rockiiort, Mass., in 1 80S, died in Ipswich in 1870. During his earlier years he was master of a coast ves- sel. In 1S50 he went to California as agent for Eastern ship-owners. On his return from the Pacific coast he conducted a hotel in Rockport for a time, and then removed to Ipswich. He married Jerusha Butman, of Rockport, who survived him, dying in 1875. They reared two children, namely: Fiducia, a resident of Rockport, who never married ; and Caleb }., the subject of this biography. Born and bred in Rockport, Caleb J. Nor- wood came from there to Ipswich when eigh- teen years old. He has since been connected with the factory. At first a workman, he be- came familiar with the details of the manu- facturing process. Afterward he became a member of the firm, and since the death of his father has had the entire management of the place. The business has constantly increased in size and value, and now ranks among the leading industries of the town. The water power of the factory has been one of the long- est in use in the State. The first dam on this part of the river was built two hundred years ago for a carding-mill and a grist-mill. Mr. Norwood's first wife, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Rowe, died in early womanhood, leaving two children. The latter are: Will- iam Jerome, who carries on the grist-mill, is married, and has one son; and Alice D., who recently married Lincoln Ross, of Rockford, 111. Mr. Norwood subsequently married Miss Martha A., daughter of William A. Dane, of Hamilton. They have two children: Grace Almira, the wife of Harry E. Bailey, of Bos- ton; and Charles A., a student at the Boston Latin School. Mrs. Bailey, an elocutionist of rare power, while yet a young girl won commendation, not only from the public press, but from such high authorities as Gail Hamil- ton and John Greenleaf Whittier. Mr. Norwood is well endowed with the suc- cess-compelling qualities of industry and fore- - sight. Through his kindly intelligence and sterling integrity, he has won the regard of all in the community. He is a director of the First National Bank of Ipswich. In 1888 he served in the Committee on Public Service in the State House of Representatives, repre- senting the district composed of the towns of Hamilton, Wenham, and Ipswich. He was nominated for the legislature without his knowledge or consent ; and he was elected in 536 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW this Republican stronghold, though at that time he was one of the most active Democrats in this section of the county. Since 1896, however, Mr. Norwood has acted with the Re- publican party. 'REDERICK L. ATKINSON,* of the okl Atkinson family of Charleston, Me., was born there, November 12, 1856. The Atkinsons, who were among the very early settlers of Newbury, figured in the Revolutionary War. The family's coat of arms may be seen at Concord, N.H. Ben- jamin Atkinson, the grandfather of Frederick L., was an extensive farmer in Charleston and a Deacon of the Orthodox church of that place. He married Mary Clement, who had seven children. Benjamin F. Atkinson, the father of Fred- erick L., was born in Franklin, Mass., in 1822. He was liberally educated, and taught school early in life in his native town. Afterward he kept one of the largest general stores in Bangor, disposing of large quantities of potatoes in the Boston market annually. He married Harriet Seavey, who belonged to an old Mount Desert family, and by her be- came the father of five sons and two daugh- ters. In 1864, owing to the illness of his wife, Mr. Atkinson removed to Newburyport, and resided at the Ocean House until 1870. For the next thirteen years he was engaged in ship-building. During that time he built over fifty vessels, most of them destined for foreign voyages. In 1878 he commenced the building of three-masted vessels; and in 1883 he laid the keel for the largest square-rigged vessel ever built on the Merrimac River, a bark called the "Adam W. Spies." In 1884 he engaged in the coal business with his son Frederick. In February, 1896, he retired from business life. He is a Republican in politics. His first Presidential vote was cast in 1844. He was Mayor of Newburyport in 187s and 1876, when no salary was attached to the office. In 1878 he was elected to the Lower House of the State legislature. He has been also the chairman of the Public Library trustees, and occupied many other po- sitions of trust. Having graduated from the Newburyport High School, Frederick L. Atkinson was a clerk in the office of the Merrimac Coal and Wood Company from 1871 to 1874. That position he left to act as clerk and deputy to Collector Charles C. Dame of the internal revenue service. In 1S81 he resigned this post on account of illness, and afterward, for three years, was associated with his father in the firm of B. F. Atkinson & Son. Three years later he entered into partnership with Mr. Henry M. Cross, in the retail coal busi- ness. He retired from this connection at the close of the year, and formed with his father the Atkinson Coal Company. Upon the death of Eben F. Sumner, he became a direc- tor in the First National Bank. In politics Mr. Atkinson has always been a Republican, has been much interested in pub- lic affairs, and has served on the Republican City Committee for a number of years. He married Susan B., daughter of Albert Russell, the owner of an iron foundry in Newburyport. Russell Atkinson, named after Mrs. Atkin- son's family, is his only child. ILLIAM FRANCIS BRACKETT,* City Auditor of Lynn, Essex County, was born in this city, Oc- tober 9, 1844. His father, also named Will- iam v., born in Lynn, was a son of George Brackett, one of the pioneer manufacturers of BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 537 morocco in this vicinity, and one of tlie four- teen men wlio were instrumental in organiz- ing the Unitarian Congregational church of Lynn. Mr. Brackett's mother, whose maiden name was Susan Wardwell Harris, born in Ipswich, this county, came of honored Revo- lutionary ancestors. Mr. Brackett was educated in the public schools of Lynn, and graduated from the high school with the class of 1862. Since begin- ning his active business career, he has been employed in the manufacture of shoes for a large part of the time, having been with A. & J. Smith as cutter for four years, with Mor- gan & Donovan as foreman of their shop for eight years, and for three years with B. F. Spinney & Co. In 1885, when Messrs. Spin- ney & Co. transferred their plant to Norway, Me., Mr. Brackett obtained a position with Rumsey Brothers, for whom he worked two years. On January i, 1888, he was appointed Auditor of the city, an important office, to which he has since been annually re-elected, his long term of continuous service being strong evidence of the confidence reposed in him by the people and of the fidelity and dis- crimination with which he has fulfilled his various duties. Mr. Brackett has always taken a deep inter- est in local affairs, being especially interested in educational matters. From 1875 to 1882 he was a member of the School Board. In 1879 he was the secretary of the board — an office which was abolished in 1880, its duties being relegated to the Superintendent of Schools. He is a steadfast Republican, being a valued member of his party. He served from 1869 to 1876 as a member of the Repub- lican City Committee. Connected with sev- eral social and secret organizations of Lynn, he belongs to the West Lynn Lodge, No. 65, I. O. O. F., of which he was a charter mem- ber and the first secretary; to the Fraternity Encampment, No. 67, the same organization; to the Ivy Rebecca Lodge, No. 49; and to Mount Sion Senate, K. A. E. O. He is also a director in the West Lynn Odd Fellows Building Association. On November 25, 1880, he was united in marriage with Miss Calista G. Parcher, of Waterbury, Vt., the ceremony having been performed at the home of the bride. ILLIAM HENRY BUTTERS, prosperous dairy farmer of Methuen, son of George Washington and Fanny (Parker) Butters, was born in Woburn, Middlesex County, February 10, 1834. The Butters family is of English origin. Willard Butters, the grandfather of William H., fol- lowed the occupation of farmer, and died in Woburn about 1828, when he was a little past his prime. He married Sally, daughter of John Colwell, of an old New England family of Scotch origin. She died in 1857, aged eighty-three. She was then living with one of her sons in Methuen, and her remains rest in the old burial-ground here. Willard and Sally Butters reared four sons and a daughter, namely: Willard A., a farmer and ship-car- penter, who died at the age of seventy; George W., the father of the subject of this sketch; Samuel A., a wheelwright, who lived to be over eighty; Sally, the wife of Orrin Reed, who also lived to be over fourscore; and El bridge Garrison, a wheelwright, who worked in Boston for many years, and died in Methuen at the age of fifty-eight. Mrs. Reed left three daughters and two sons, and El- bridge G. Butters left two daughters. George Washington Butters, born in Mid- dlesex County, June 20, 1800, spent a part of his early life engaged in boot-making. On 538 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW November 14, 1839, he came to Methuen, pur- chased some twenty acres of land, and erected a good dwelling-house and barns on the other side of the street, opposite his son's present home. His property was afterward sold to the millionaire, Mr. Searles; and his build- ings are walled in by the massive masonry erected by that gentleman. He was in busi- ness as a contractor for some time, and was an active factor in the building up of the city of Lawrence. In Methuen he had a milk route for a number of years; and for six years, with his sons, he managed a steam saw-mill in New Hampshire. Actively interested in pub- lic affairs, he was in the State legislature for three terms. He died May 24, 1883. His wife, whom he married in 1824, was born in Woburn in 1804, daughter of Joseph Parker, of that town. She died May 24, 1880, exactly three years before the death of her husband. Both are buried in the Walnut Grove Ceme- tery. They were members of the Orthodox Congregational church. Their children were: Fanny Maria, who was the wife of John C. Webster, and died without issue, at the age of fifty-eight; Martha, unmarried, who died in the old Butters home in Methuen, at the age of forty-four; George Albert, residing on the farm here; William Henry, the subject of this biography; Charles, residing in Haver- hill, Mass.; and Lucy, who lived but three years, dying in 1842. William Henry Butters acquired a common- school education with some difficulty, as trouble with his eyes debarred him from study between the ages of eight and eleven years. He learned the shoemaker's trade with his father, and worked at it some thirty years. With his brother, George Albert, he has been successfully engaged in dairy farming for a number of years. They keep twenty-five good cows and two horses. The brothers lived in a substantial double house, built in 1869. William H. Butters was married January 21, 1865, to Lucinda P. Nichols, of Derry, N.H., daughter of Woodburn and Eliza (Day) Nichols. Mr. Nichols died at the age of fifty-four, leaving a widow and nine children. His widow died at the age of seventy-four. Nine of their grandchildren are living. Of their children, three besides Mrs. Butters sur- vive, namely: Emelinc, who is married, and resides in Bradford, Mass. ; Woodburn J., a resident of Methuen; and Ellsworth P., re- siding in Groveland, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Butters have one child, George Henry, now twenty-six years old, and engaged in the busi- ness of commercial traveller, who graduated from the Methuen High School at the age of seventeen. He is unmarried, and makes his home with his parents. Mr. William H. Butters is a member of the Republican party. DWARD P. POOR,* a well-known citi- zen of Lawrence, Mass., is living re- tired from active pursuits at his pleasant home, 91 Concord Street. He was born in 1830 in l)an\-ers, now Peabody, Mass., which was likewise the birthplace of his father, the Rev. Ebenezer Poor. He is a lin- eal descendant of Daniel Poor, who was born in Wiltshire, England, in 1624, and who in 1638 came to America with an older brother and sister. Daniel Poor lived in Newbury, Essex County, Mass., until 1644, when he became one of the original settlers of Andover, Mass., where he acquired a large landed prop- erty, and at his death left an estate valued at eight hundred pounds. He was prominent in town affairs, and held many important local offices, among others that of Selectman, in which he served eight years, BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 539 Daniel Poor, Jr., son of Daniel, was bnrn in Andover, Mass., in 1656; and his son, Thomas Poor of the third generation, was born in the same place in 1703. Joseph Poor, Sr. , son of Thomas, was born in Andover in 1748; and the ne.xt in line of descent, Joseph Poor, Jr., was born in Dan vers, Mass., in 1771, and died in that town in 1850. Joseph Poor, Jr., the grandfather of Ed- ward P. Poor, was twice married, and was the father of fifteen children, five of whom were by his first wife, Tamison Sprague, mother of the Rev. Ebenezer Poor. She was born in Salem, Mass., daughter of Ebenezer Sprague, and a descendant of Ralph Sprague, who with his brothers, Richard and William, settled in Charlestown, Mass., in 1629. Lieutenant Sprague, one of the ancestors of Mr. Poor, was a member of the Colonial militia for a number of years, and also represented Charles- ton in the Colonial legislature several terms. Joseph Poor, Jr., and his father were both farmers of good repute; and the former served in the War of 181 2. The Rev. Ebenezer Poor was graduated at Dartmouth College in 1818, at the age of twenty-two years, and at Andover Theological Seminary in 1821. He was ordained pastor of the Second Congregational Church at Beverly, Mass., in October, 1823. After leaving Bev- erly in 1S29, he preached at Edgartown, South Hadley, and Berkeley, Mass., and in Perrys- burg, Ohio, and in other places. On February 2, 1825, he married Clarissa Abbot, daughter of Caleb and Deborah (Ames) Abbot. She was born August 25, 1S03, and is now living, a bright and active woman of ninety-four years, with her daughter, Mrs. Briggs, in An- dover, Mass. She is a descendant of George Abbot, who emigrated from England to Massa- chusetts about 1640, and in 1644 settled in Andover, Mass., where in 1647 he married Hannah Chandler. The next two progenitors in direct line were Timothy Abbot and Timo- thy Abbot, Jr. Asa Abbot, son of Timothy, Jr., was the father of Caleb Abbot. Caleb Abbot served in the War of the I^evolution seven years. He marched to Lexington on April 19, 177s; fought at Bunker Hill two months later; was at the engagements at Trenton, Princeton, and Saratoga; and at the battle of New Town, in western New York, was under the command of General Enoch Poor, a kinsman of Joseph Poor, the grand- father of Edward P. The General had three brothers in the Revolutionary army, two of whom were also officers; while their father, Thomas Poor, from whom doubtless they in- herited their patriotism, was a soldier in the French and Indian War, and was present at the taking of Louisburg. Caleb Abbot was with Washington at Valley Forge during the terrible winter of 1777-78, as well as in the engagements enumerated ; and the five years prior to his death, which occurred at the advanced age of eighty-five, he drew a pen- sion from the goverrmient for his services in the struggle for independence. Three children were born to the Rev. Ebenezer Poor, two of whom grew to maturity, namely: Edward P., the subject of this sketch; and Emily Gray, wife of Caleb Briggs, formerly of Lawrence, but now of Andover. The other child, Joseph, died at the age of six years. Edward P. Poor received a good common- school education, after which he worked for a time at the machinist's trade. Not finding that occupation congenial, he gave it up, and for some years was employed in the Boston Custom House. Since 1848 he has resided in Lawrence, where he has served as City As- sessor twenty years and as City Treasurer five years. He has also been quite active in pub- lic affairs, and in 1880 and 1881 represented S40 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW the city in the State legislature. He is a decided Republican in politics, and is a Master Mason. He is a member of the Congrega- tional society, and attends the church of that denomination. In 1S54 Mr. Poor married Miss Marietta Allen, of Boston. They have had three chil- dren, one of whom died in infancy, and one, Clarissa Sprague, lived but three short years. The eldest child, a son, Abbot Allen Poor, born June 7, 1855, has charge of the accounts in the Asylum for the Insane at Danvers, Mass. /^Tkorge burrill currier,* \ P I General Assessor of Lynn, was born in this city, November 24, 1827, a son of Joseph R. and Elizabeth M. (Clark) Currier. The paternal grandfather came to Lynn in 1797, soon after attaining his major- ity, and, opening a tailor's shop, was here prosperously engaged in business until his demise in 1S56, at the age of fourscore years. Highly esteemed for his intelligence, he was sent as a Representative to the State legislat- ure for two terms. Joseph R. Currier and his wife were lifelong residents of this city. In his early life he was a last-maker. I'rom i860 until his death, which happened in 1885, he carried on a successful grocery trade. He lived eighty years. From early youth until his closing days he watched with pride and pleasure the growth of his birthplace. He served the community in some of the minor public offices, and for a time was Over- seer of the Poor. George B. Currier received a practical edu- cation in the public schools of Lynn, which he quitted when about fourteen years old. He then learned the shoemaker's trade from his father, with whom he worked until twenty- three years of age. During the ensuing four- teen years he was employed in the shoe factory of Daniel F. Chase, and from that time until 1873 he worked for different firms of the city. He was then elected City Assessor — a posi- tion which he retained six consecutive years until 1879. In 1 88 1 Mr. Currier was again elected Assessor of Lynn ; and at each suc- ceeding election since he has been re-elected to the same office, giving him an honorable record of twenty-two years in the service of the municipality. Prior to accepting this important position, Mr. Currier had been in the Common Council in 1869 and 1870, in both years serving on the Education Committee; and in 1871 he was elected to the Board of Aldermen. In the latter capacity he was on the Education Committee, and was chairman of the Com- mittee on F"ire Department and Claims. He was also connected with the volunteer fire de- partment of Lynn for thirty years, being for twelve years one of the engineers of the de- partment. On December 25, 1S50, Mr. Currier mar- ried Miss Abigail E. Alley, of Lynn. They became the parents of two" children — Mar- garet E. and Mary L. Margaret E., now de- ceased, married Benjamin E. Porter. Mr. Currier is a man of broad and liberal ideas, progressive in all of his views. He is a mem- ber of the P'irst Universalist Society. -rTVjTNANNASEH BROWN, a thrifty and p: I =y well-to-do agriculturist of Ipswich, fA ejjs \^ ^ was born on the homestead where he now lives, August 10, 1823, son of Captain Josiah and Nabby (Baker) Brown. He is of English descent, and represents two of the longest established families of this part of the State. MANNASEH BROWN. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW S43 Captain Josiah Ikown, born on this farm in 1771, died here November 14, 1851. Own- ing about seventy-five acres of the old Brown homestead, adjoining the Gardner A. Brown farm on the south, he devoted his time and en- ergies to clearing and improving the land; and about sixty-five or seventy years ago he built the present dwelling-house. In politics he was an old-time Whig, and for several years was Captain of a company of State mili- tia. He belonged to the South Church, being one of its most active members. Captain Brown was twice married, both of his wives having been daughters of John Baker, an old resident of Ipswich. His first wife, Lucretia, bore him three children, namely: James, who went to Illinois when a young man, there mar- ried, reared a family, and died at the age of si.xty years ; Josiah, who died of consumption at the age of thirty-five, unmarried; and Lu- cretia, who was the wife of the late Joel B. Stowe, and who went to Cincinnati, Ohio, where both were engaged in teaching until their demise. The only child of the second marriage was Mannaseh, the subject of this biography. His mother lived to the ripe old age of eighty years. Mannaseh Brown has been engaged in agri- cultural pursuits from his earliest youth, carrying on general farming with most satis- factory results. Of late years hay has been his chief crop. On March 4, 1846, he married Miss Eunice A., daughter of James and Lucy (Fellows) Brown. James Brown received a part of the original homestead of the Ikown family from his paternal grandfather as a building lot; and, having erected his house, he and his wife lived there, carrying on mixed husbandry during their wedded life. He died at the age of fifty-eight years, and she four years later. The old home farm descended to his daughter Martha, the late wife of Henry Whipple, and is now owned and occupied by their son, George Albert Whipple. Mr. and Mrs. Mannaseh Brown are the parents of four children — Lucy Abbie, Sarah A., John B., and Sarah A. (second). Lucy Abbie, living in Hamilton, two miles distant from her early home, and the wife of Emory Lawrence, has one daughter, Nellie Frances, who married Walter Hatch, of Amesbury, and has four children — Walter Lawrence, Marion Frances, Raymond Brown, and Rufus. Sarah A. died in childhood. John B. resides in California. Sarah A. (second), the wife of John Hooper, of Rockport, Mass., has two children — ^ Harry B. and Norman M. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are both active members of the Congregational (the old South) church, which he joined when nineteen years of age, and she at the age of sixteen. Prosperous in his undertakings, Mr. Brown has surrounded himself and family with the comforts of life. He is well worthy of the high respect accorded him by all. H. YOUNG, M.D.,*onc of Ames- bury's successful physicians, was born in Rochester, N. H., September I, 1S54. His forefathers were among- the early settlers of Wolfboro, N. H., owning large estates and taking prominent positions in the town. His grandfafhci moved from Wolfboro to Rochester, where John F. Young, the Doctor, was born. The latter married Miss Waldron, who is a direct descendant of the famous Major Waldron, of Dover, N. H. After leaving the Rochester schools at the age of fifteen, B. H. Young fitted for college at the West Lebanon Academy, and graduated from Bates College at Lewiston, Me., in the class of 1876. He completed his medical course at the Boston University in 1880, and 544 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW in the fall of the same year opened his office on Market Street, Amesbiiry. He has since located more centrally on Main Street, and built a substantial residence on Gushing Street, where he now lives. By his marriage with Hattic P. Cheney, of Newburyport, he has one son, James. The Doctor was formerly a member of the Essex North Association. He is now a mem- ber of the Amesbury Doctors' Club, which, though he makes no pretensions to literary style, has invariably received his papers with interest and respect. He is also a member of the Motolinia Lodge, No. ii8, I. O. O. F. ; and he is the medical examiner of the Home Circle, Golden Cross fraternity, and the A. O. U. W. Before the division of towns was accomjilished. Dr. Young served for three years upon the School Board of Salisbury. He also served for three years upon the Board of Health in the town of Amesbury. ff?, OODBURN JAQUISH NICHOLS,* the master mechanic and superin- tendent of repairs in the cotton-mill at Methuen, was born in Derry, N. H., April 1 8, 1S33, son of Woodburn and Eliza (Day) Nichols. The father, who was a well-known carpenter in Derry, born in Thornton, N. H., in 1799, died in the former town in 1851. He was si.x feet in height, and weighed one hundred and eighty to two hundred pounds. His wife, Eliza, who was born in 1800, and to whom he was married in 1820, sometimes weighed as much as three hundred and twelve pounds. She died in 1S72, having been the mother of ten children, five sons and five daughters. Of their children, Jonathan, the first-born, was the first to die, being then about the age of seventeen; Emmelinc, now a widow, resides at Bradford, near Haverhill ; Lucinda is the wife of Henry Butters, of Methuen; and Ellsworth P. resides in Grove- land. Both parents were buried at Derry. While attaining maturity in his native town, Woodburn Jaquish Nichols obtained his educa- tion in the pulilic schools. Then he learned the carpenter's trade, and subsequently worked as journeyman carpenter in New Hampshire, Lawrence, Groveland, and Haverhill. He first came to Methuen in 1S52, and spent the ensuing five years here. In 1S65 he came again, and located permanently. He has charge of all the repairing work done at the cotton-mill, and of any wood-work required about the premises. A man of fine physique, he is six feet one and one-half inches in height, correspondingly proportioned, anti weighs two hundred pounds. Mr. Nichols was married in 18S6 to Ade- laide J., daughter of John and Julia (Austead) Abbot. Mr. Abbot, who died in 1870, was a man of unusual ability, an editor and a facile writer. He was in middle age at the time of his death, and left, besides his widow, their only child, Adelaide. Mr. and Mrs. Nichols have a foster-daughter, Maria Emery, who is the child of Mr. Nichols's youngest sister, and was left an orphan at an early age. She is a teacher, and is now pursuing a post-graduate course of study in the State Normal School. Mr. Nichols belongs to the Masonic Order; also to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. In politics he is a Democrat, but votes inde- pendent of party lines. 4^»^» ON. CHARLES PERKINS THOMP- SON,* whose death at his late home in Gloucester, Mass., on January 19, 1894, was a grievous loss not only to his immediate family and friends, but to the city in which he had lived for so many years, and BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 545 to the Essex County bar, was a son of Fred- erick M. and Susanna (Cheesman) Thompson, of Braintree, Mass. He was born in that town July 30, 1827, and, when but three years old, was a pupil in one of its public schools. A bright, intelligent youth, when but twelve years old he formed opinions and expressed them in regard to public matters. After a two years' course at the HoUis Institute in South Braintree, he was graduated in 184S. While living in the town of his birth, he was recog- nized by his fellow-citizens as a young man of ability, and was elected at different times to offices of trust. He subsequently read law with Hallett & Thomas, of Boston, and on October 16, 1854, was admitted to the bar. Isaac Wyman, Esq., who was associated with him as a student for two years, writes: "It was in the fifties that the late Judge Charles P. Thompson became a student in the office of Hallett & Thomas, at the corner of Court Street and Court Square, Boston, in the third story of the Tudor Building. Three rooms of the office suite opened into a fourth room on three of its sides. The first room, used for the reception of clients, was for a long time in charge of Judge Thompson, whose native courtesy specially adapted him to the duty of receiving the clients; and his magnetic amiability made it easy for him to gather the facts of their cases. The business was trans- acted with uniformity, and he naturally be- came a favorite with both clients and wit- nesses. Students were required to make the briefs with case authorities in support of each point, and to give the names of witnesses and state briefly their testimony to the respective parts of the suit. Whilst Judge Thompson was clever at all parts of the work, he excelled in adjusting and applying the principles of the law to the testimony, avoiding unnecessary details of irrelevant matters. "For the noon hour the office business was suspended. The strictness of office rule was relaxed, and the students' room was given up to mirth and recreation. At such times it was Thompson's wit that outshone all others; yet even in its wildest moments his merriment was always of a kindly nature, and was never meant to wound or offend an antagonist. After his admission to the bar he remained awhile with Mr. Hallett in discharge of the duties of Assistant District Attorney, conducting pre- liminary hearings before the United States Commissioners and the Grand Jury while Mr. Hallett held the office. In that practice he became proficient in shipping and in admi- ralty jurisprudence, and acquired his taste for that branch of the law. It was that which probably led him to remove to the seaport of Gloucester, when he began his successful practice there. " In May, 1857, Mr. Thompson located in Gloucester, where he built up a very successful general law practice, which included office work of all kinds, the trying of cases in police courts, before trial justices, and in the Supe- rior and Supreme Judicial Courts, his business being confined the first few years to the local courts of this city and to the justice courts of near-by towns. He proved himself a skilful advocate, and soon won a reputation as one of the foremost lawyers of the county. Possess- ing in an eminent degree a sound knowledge of common law and of the principles of juris- prudence, and endowed with a keen intellect and a well-balanced mind, he attained a rare success in his profession, and won the absolute confidence of his numerous clients. In 1 87 1 and 1872 Mr. Thompson repre- sented Gloucester at the General Court, where he served on important committees, and in the support or the defence of petitions presented often spoke in terms of eloquence and wit. 546 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW When the matter of selling the Old South Church property of Boston was brought before the House, he listened to the arguments of the petitioners, who urged its great value for busi- ness purposes, and to the opponents, who re- garded the removal or destruction of the build- ing as a sacrilege. Mr. Thompson strongly opposed the granting of the petition, and in an effective speech, in referring to the mone- tary value of the estate, said, "Mr. Speaker, I did not know before that land had got to be so high in Boston that the Lord cannot afford to own a corner lot." In 1874 Mr. Thomp- son was elected to the Mouse of Representa- tives of the United States Congress, and while there earned an excellent reputation. As chairman of the committee appointed to go to Florida to make investigations regarding the vote of that State in the Presidential election, he exercised great ability and impartiality; and, as an influential member of a committee to investigate and report the facts in certain dis- puted elections to the House, he performed his duties in a manner that commanded the respect of his political opponents. At the close of his term in Congress he resumed the practice of law, and continued it until his appointment to the bench of the Superior Court in 1S85 — a position which he held until his death. The manner in which he there performed the duties devolving upon him are well expressed by an associate upon the bench in these words: "As a judge, his conduct for impartiality, independence, and integrity, was above all praise. The high and the low, the rich and the poor, the humblest and the proudest, stood upon the same level before him; and to all alike, so far as he could control the final de- cisions of the court, even-handed justice was meted out. " Services commeniDvating the life of the late Judge Thompson were held in the City Hall, Gloucester, Monday evening, April 9, 1894, at which John Corliss, Esq., the presiding officer, made an eloquent address, and the Hon. William D. Northend, of Salem, de- livered a brilliant eulogy. On June 29, 1894, at a session of the Superior Court held in Salem, a memorial of judge Charles P. Thompson, prepared by Messrs. Northend, Moody, Moulton, Herrick, Niles, and Saunders was presented to the Essex Bar Association, and was subsequently entered upon the records of the court. Elbridge Burley, Daniel Saun- ders, Henry P. Moulton, William H. Niles, and Justice Sherman also eulogized Judge Thompson on that occasion. A printed rule of conduct, whose author- ship has been ascribed to various persons, found in his desk at home shortly after his death, expresses in a few words religious principles that governed the judge: "I expect to pass through this life but once. If, there- fore, there is any kindness I can show or any good thing that I can do to any fellow-being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neg- lect it, for I shall not pass this way again." On January 10, iS6i, Mr. Thompson mar- ried Miss Abby Herrick, of Gloucester. Of this union two children were born — Frank Ilallett Thompson and Grace Thompson. M AVID T. PORTER,* a successful dentist of Lawrence, whose home and office are at 258 I'lssex Street, was born in Taunton, Mass., July 8, 1827. A son of Thomas and Julia (Hathaway) Por- ter, he is a grandson of Benjamin Porter, of Freetown, who raised a company for the Revo- lutionary struggle. The family originated with an luiglishman, who, after his arrival in this country, received a grant of land ten miles long, some of which is still in the possession BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 547 of the family. Benjamin and Betsey (Hatha- way) Porter reared a family of nine children, five sons and four daughters, born between the years 1797 and 1817, all of whom grew to maturity. Two of the daughters, Ann and Eliza, were twins. The father died about the year 1830. The mother had passed away some time previously. Both lie in the Freetown Cemetery. Thomas Porter, born in Freetown, Mass., April g, 1801, died September 16, 1881. He came to Lawrence in early manhood, and for many years held the position of foreman in the machine works of the Essex Company. His marriage to Julia Hathaway took place in 1827. The record of her family, which is one of the oldest in New England, is traced through six centuries of Old England's his- tory. The wife of William Shakespeare is said to have been a scion of this family. While Mrs. Julia Porter's great-grandfather was a Loyalist, and in command of a company of militia, his sons fought with the patriots in the struggle for independence. It is related that, when the Revolutionists came to take his stock, he and his men received them with three cheers for King George. Then, as they began to let down the bars to free the animals, he threatened to blow them into eternity; and they desisted. Thomas and Julia Porter had four children ; namely, David T., Anna, Fan- nie, and Harriet. Anna, now the Widow Grover, resides on North Andover Street in Lawrence. Fannie died soon after her mar- riage. Harriet is the wife of Frederick Clark. David T. Porter was educated in the com- mon schools. When twenty years of age, he began to learn the machinist's trade under his father, and subsequently fallowed it for about six years. Having duly studied at the Boston Dental College, he was graduated in 1874. He had previously started in the dental busi- ness on May 26, 1858, more than forty years ago. In 1869 he built the Porter Block, num- bers 256, 258, 260, and 262 Essex Street, a four-story brick structure, of fifty feet front and eighty feet deep, having two large stores on the ground floor. The first of Dr. Porter's t\yo marriages was contracted December 7, 1856, with Julia A. Joy, who was born January 5, 1834, in Stark, Me. She died in her twenty-second year, leaving no children. His second marriage, on December 11, 1870, united him with Susan Amy Woodbury, a daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Emery) Woodbury, of Salem, N. H. Mr. Woodbury was killed on a railroad in New Hampshire only seven days after his daughter's marriage, when he was sixty-five years of age. His five children, of whom Mrs. Porter is the youngest, are all living. His widow died in May, 1897, aged eighty-seven years. Both were buried in Salem, N. H., where his life was spent as a farmer. Mrs. Porter was edu- cated in the schools of Salem. She has no children. Leonora Smith, a cousin who has been adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Porter, has lived with them since she was seven years old. Mr. Porter is a Master Mason and a member of the Model Club. He also belongs to the Home Club, which comprises one hundred and sixty of the best citizens of Lawrence. ;^OHN SPALDING STARK,* who car- ried on a thriving meat and provision business in Ballardvale, Andover, was born in this town, September 10, 1845. His parents were William D. and Martha A. (Perry) Stark. His father was a native of Middlesex village, now a part of Lowell, Mass.; and his mother was born in New Hampshire. His paternal grandfather was a 548 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW near relative of General Stark of Revolution- ary fame. William D. Stark resided in Vermont until lie was twenty-one years old, and in 1S42 he settled in Ballardvale. He was in early life a carpenter, but abandoned that occupation for the purpose of engaging in the meat and pro- vision business, which he followed for the rest of his life. His wife was related to the Tenneys, of Lexington, Mass., some of whom were minute-men in 1775. She became the mother of three children, namely: Caroline E., wife of Arthur Butler; John S., the sub- ject of this sketch; and another son, who died young. John Spalding Stark acquired a common- school education; and, after completing his studies, he entered his father's store as an as- sistant. He has conducted business on his own account for the past twenty-five years, and is known and respected as an enterprising merchant and a public-spirited citizen. For eleven years he has been Cajitain of the fire department. He has served upon the Board of Engineers for si.x years, and is at the pres- ent time a member of the Board of Selectmen. In politics he is a Republican. He is con- nected with Andover Lodge, L O. O. F., and the Royal Arcanum, and is a member of the Congregational church. Mr. Stark married Ellen Fletcher, daugh- ter of John and Bathsheba Fletcher. Six- children have been born of this union, and five of them are living, namely: Martha E. , wife of E. R. Lawson; John VV. ; Ada E. ; Sarah J. ; and Frederic S. Stark. F. R. BIRON, M.D.,* a popular physician of 7\mesbury, was born in Sherbrooke, P.O. He concluded his general education at St. Charles College, Sherbrooke, and was subsequently graduated from the Montreal School of Medicine. Be- ginning the practice of his profession at Skow- hegan, Me., he remained there six years, and was very successful ; but the necessity of rid- ing much of the time over rough country roads in all varieties of weather caused his health to suffer. In February, 1896, he went to Cin- cinnati, where he took a post-graduate course, also studying in the hospitals. Coming then to Amesbury, he has since been engaged in practice here, and through his practical skill and up-to-date knowledge of his profession has made a very favorable impression. He is a member of the Maine Medical Association, the Massachusetts Medical Association, and the Amesbury Medical Society. He belongs also to Amesbury Lodge, A. O. U. W. Dr. Biron was married February 25, 1892, to Miss Mary Louise Clarke Fales, of Foxboro, Mass., daughter of a prominent citizen of that town. His children are: Mary Louise, Hubert Francis, and Elise Fales. "ff^AMES DURGIN, a former shoe manu- facturer of West Newbury, was born in tliat town, November 4, i S08, son of Nicholas and Mary (Foster) Durgin. Nicho- las Durgin, a native of Durham, N.H., pros- perously followed agriculture in West New- bury for a number of years. He lived to be seventy-five years old. His wife, Mary, died at the age of ninety years. Having acquired a common-school education in his native town, James Durgin at the age of fourteen years was hired as a farm assistant. Six months later he entered upon an appren- ticeship at the shoemaker's trade with Dudley Heath in West Newbury, and remained with him six years, receiving his board, clothing, and three months' schooling each year. He Mk. and Mrs. JAMES UURGIN. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW SSI subsequently worked at his trade in Hamp- stead, N.H., for eight years, and then re- turned to West Newbury to take charge of a shoe factory carried on by Benjamin Edmunds. Four years later he engaged in the shoe man- ufacturing business on his own account, con- tinuing alone until the firm of Holsom, Bailey & Durgin was organized. During the two years of that firm's existence he acted as gen- eral superintendent of the factory, while his partners attended to the selling of the goods. He was next in partnership with Benjamin Edwards, Jr., for two years. Then, after carrying on business alone for a number of years, he established the firm of Durgin & Son. In 1886, after this firm had conducted a large and profitable business for over thirty years, he retired from active pursuits. Dur- ing the Civil War J. Durgin & Son had a con- tract to furnish army shoes to the government. They introduced much new and improved machinery, which greatly increased their fa- cilities. In June, 1831, Mr. Durgin wedded Martha Heath, a daughter of John and Abigail Heath, of Hampstead, N. H. Mrs. Durgin has had three children, as follows: James Henry, born in 1833; John A., born in 1S38; and Charles W., born in 1848. John A. was in the hotel business in Bethlehem, N.H., at the time of his death, which occurred in 1890. Charles W. died in 1852. James Henry Durgin com- pleted his studies at the academy in Gilman- ton, N.H., and then engaged in business with his father. He is now carrying on a shoe factory in Haverhill, Mass., under the firm name of J. H. Durgin & Son. After his re- tirement from business Mr. Durgin resided upon his farm, which is situated near the village of West Newbury. In politics he supports the Republican party. He was con- nected with Ouascacunquen Lodge, No. 39, Independent Order of Odd Fellows; and with Indian Hill Council, No. ii, Junior Order of United American Mechanics. For many years he was a Deacon of the Second Congre- gational Church, and he took an active inter- est in religious affairs. Mr. Durgin died on October 28, 1897, aged eighty-seven. His widow resides at the old homestead, which was their home for the past fifty years. OHN NELSON COLE, of Andover, the editor and publisher of the An- dover Weekly Townsman and the Law- rence Daily Telegram, was born in Groveland, Mass., November 4, 1863. He is a son of George S. and Nancy (Bodwell) Cole. The first members of the Cole family in this country came from England, and settled in Derry, N.H.; and its first representatives in Massachusetts moved from Derry to Box- ford early in the seventeenth century. Ephraim F. Cole, John N. Cole's grandfather, one of a line of Boxford farmers, died in 1888, aged about seventy-eight. He married Miss Sarah Spofford, a member of one of the old Boxford families. She is now living in Boxford, and, though eighty-seven years old, is bright and active. Ten children were born to her, six of whom, five sons and a daughter, are yet living. George S. Cole, who was born in West Boxford, has lived in Andover for the past forty years. For a number of years he was in business as a contractor and builder. He has served the people in a number of public offices, and has been Deputy Sheriff for some years. In the year 1859 he was married to Nancy Bodwell, of Boxford, niece of Asa M. Bodwell, one of the early settlers and large land-owners of Lawrence. They had five children, namely: Rebecca F. , now the 552 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW wife of Richard Curdcn, residing in Law- rence; John Nelson, the subject of this biog- raphy; Emma L., the wife of Edward S. Gould, of Lawrence; Maud, residing with her parents in Andover; and George Warren, who died in New London, Conn., in 1894, being then but twenty-five years of age. A first- class workman, George W. was sent to New London as supervising architect for a Boston firm. He left a widow and one daughter. John Nelson Cole attended the common schools and the Punchard High School. At the age of fifteen he went to work in a store, and subsequently for some time he was office boy in the mill of M. T. Stephens & Sons in Andover. While in the employ of the Messrs. Stephens he was promoted to the re- sponsible position of paymaster, which he held four years. In 1887 he started in the printing and publishing business, bringing out the Andover Townsman ; and in 1896 he purchased the Lawrence Telegram. Under his management the circulation of the latter paper has increased from thirteen hundred to over five thousand. Mr. Cole is one of the busiest men in Andover, and, though a young man, he has accomplished more than many who are well advanced in life. Li the columns of his journals he advocates sound morals and high principles, and he lives up to his teaching. On September 22, 18S6, Mr. Cole was mar- ried to Minnie White Poor. They have three children — Abbie Beth, Margaret, and Philip Poor, aged respectively ten, eight, and si.x years. Mr. Cole votes the Republican ticket. At present he is a member of the Andover School Board. In the Masonic fraternity he is a Master, and he is a member of the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows. The family has a pleasant home at 8 Locke Street, which he erected in 1893. RANCIS M. ANDREWS,* who has been the efficient sujjerintcndent of the Manchester Water Works since they were started in 1S91, was born at Marblehead, Mass., May 16, 1847, his parents being Au- gustus and Rebecca (Clotman) Andrews. His father was a native of Essex, Mass., and his mother of Marblehead, both representing old and respected families. The father, who was a farmer by occupation, died nearly twenty- five years ago. Francis M. Andrews resided in Marblehead with his parents until about twelve years of age. The family then removed to Hamilton, Mass., where he lived until he reached his majority. His education was obtained in the common schools of Marblehead and Hamilton. In his twenty-fourth year he entered the em- ploy of the city of Salem as second engineer of the pumping station, which position he filled for some time. Subsequently going to Natick, he became engineer there of the pumping station of the Natick Water Works. Later he was in the employ of Henry R. Worthington, of New York, and of the New England Water Works Syndicate, resigning this last position to become superintendent of the Manchester Water Works. He has satis- factorily fulfilled the duties of the position, and given evidence of exceptional ability in his chosen line of work. Mr. Andrews married Susan N. Huntoon, of Salem, Mass. She has borne him four children — Rebecca T., Frederick H., Eleanor C, and Francis M., Jr. Mr. Andrews is a member of the Odd P^ellows Lodge at Natick, also of the Royal Arcanum of that place, and of Rebecca Lodge, I. O. O. Y., at Manches- ter. He has won the respect and esteem of the community in general since coming to Manchester, and has made many warm friends here. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 553 Mi: kOSES PRAY,* formerly a well- known blacksmith of West New- bury, who died in 1893, at the age of sixty-four years, was born in Newbury- port in 1829. His father, Rufus Pray, who was a native of Sanford, Me., followed the ice business in Amesbury, Mass., for a number of years. Moses Pray, grandfather of the sub- ject of this sketch, was a lifelong resident of Maine. Moses Pray attended school in Newburyport and Oldtown. When si.xteen years old, he was apprenticed to J. & E. Gerry, of Newbury- port, to learn the blacksmith's trade. He was subsequently employed as a journeyman by different parties for several years, and finally settled upon a farm situated five miles west of Newburyport, on the middle road to George- town. He continued to work at his trade in connection with tilling the soil for the rest of his life. He attended the old Parish Congre- gational Church, and in politics acted with the Democratic party. In 1852 Mr. Pray was joined in marriage with Sarah E. Wellman, who survives him. She is a daughter of John G. and Eliza Wellman, of Searsmont, Me. Her father was a prosperous farmer, and lived to be eighty-four years old. Her grandfather, Samuel Wellman, who was a native of Bremen, Me., received a pension from the United States government for his services in the Continental army during the Revolution- ary War. His widow was retained upon the pension list until her death. Mrs. Pray has had six children, as follows: Charles G., born in 1854, who is now resid- ing in Newburyport; George W. and Georgia A., twins, who were born in 1856, and died in infancy; Ellen ¥., born in 1S61, who was educated in the West Newbury common and high schools, and resides with her mother; Bessie Anna, born in 1863, who also resides with her mother at the homestead; and John William, born in 1866, who is a carpenter in Salem, Mass. LARENCE IRVING ALLEN,* the City Messenger of Lynn since Janu- ary, 1S93, was born in this city, October 25, 1854. A son of Daniel W. Allen, he belongs to an old and respected fam- ily of this part of Essex County. The pater- nal grandfather, Ezekiel Allen, a lifelong resident of Lynn and one of its early shoe- makers, was prominent in religious circles, and one of the founders of the Second Uni- versalist Church. Born in 1800, he died in 1879, nearly fourscore years old. Daniel W. Allen, who has passed his seventy years of life in Lynn, occupies a place among its most respected citizens. He worked at the shoemaker's trade until 1S61, when he was elected City Messenger, an office which he had satisfactorily filled for three years, when he resigned in 1864, to enlist in defence of the Union. He served in the Civil War until the expiration of his term of enlistment with Company D, Eighth Massa- chusetts Volunteer Infantry, being mustered out in December of the same year. F'rom 1865 to 1895 he was engaged in the manu- facture of shoes for the New England trade, carrying on a substantial business. Since that time he has lived retired from active pur- suits, enjoying in his declining years the re- ward of his previous toil. He was a member of the State legislature in 1895 and 1896, representing the Nineteenth Essex District. In the legislature, besides serving in the committees on Street Railways and Prisons, he was one of a special committee sent to Chattanooga and Chickamauga to assist at the dedication of the national cemeteries. His 554 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW wife, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Steel, was born in Hull, England. Clarence Irving Allen acquired his early education in the Lynn public schools, which he attended regularly until fifteen years of age. His first steady employment was that of clerk in a grocery store. Leaving that posi- tion, he learned the shoemaker's trade, and afterward the trade of a shoe cutter. Having become proficient in the latter, he was fortu- nate enough to secure a position as cutter in the shoe factory of Morgan & Dore, with whom he afterward remained for eighteen years. He was subsequently employed in the same capacity for four years by different firms. In 1893 he was elected to the office of City Messenger, his present position. Mr. Allen is a Republican in politics, and active in all public affairs of the city. In 1890, 1 89 1, and 1892 he represented Ward Five in the Common Council, serving in the committees on Fire, Printing, and Public Grounds. He was made an Odd Fellow in Providence Lodge, No. 171; is a charter member of Euphrates Senate, No. 362, K. A. E. O. ; and a charter member and Past Chancellor of Abraham Lincoln Lodge, No. 127, K. of P., and has been a representative to the Grand Lodge. KLINT WESTON,* a farmer of George- town, Mass., the son of Samuel and Mehitable (Covvdry) Weston, was born in Georgetown in 1807. His father was born in Reading, Mass., in 1768. He was a cooper by trade, but was engaged in farming. He married Mehitable, a daughter of Na- thaniel Cowdry, of Reading. Their son, Flint Weston, was educated in the public schools of Georgetown, and has been engaged in farming there ever since. During the winter he works at shoemaking. He was married in 1S30 to Caroline M., a daughter of Joseph Hardy, of Bradford. Mr. and Mrs. Weston have had four children: Charles H., born in 1S32, who married Au- relia Adams, of Bradford, and is now engaged in farming; Charlotte Howard, born in No- vember, 1832, who married George Marcy, of Bradford, and is now deceased; John B., born in 1837, a carriage-maker by trade, who en- listed in 1861, and was killed in the battle- field; and Bartlett H., born in Georgetown in 1840. The last-named was educated at Tops- field Academy and Dartmouth College, gradu- ating from the latter institution in 1864. He then taught until 1893, when he entered the ministry of the Congregational church, and is now located in Dunstable, Mass. He mar- ried Sarah, daughter of Benjamin S. Dodge, of Rowley. EREMIAH HEALY,* coal dealer, a popular citizen of Newburyport, was born here, P'ebruary 25, 1868. His father, Patrick Healy, came to this city at the age of four. He was a machinist by trade, and was a resident here until his death by an accident at the early age of thirty-two. Jeremiah Healy was the second of five chil- dren, and was educated in the grammar and high schools of his native city. He left school to enter the employ of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company, starting as office-boy, and being promoted to the posi- tion of book-keeper. Leaving this company after some years, he then learned the printing business with the Pxonomy Printing Com- pany, and was afterward with Henry M. Cross for one year. He was next associated with P. H. Creasey some seven or eight years, at the end of which time he bought out his BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 555 partner's agency in May, 1895. Mr. Healy, however, ships his coal direct, runs his own barges, and owns sheds on the wharf, handling between four and five thousand tons of coal yearly. He is a Democrat in politics, and was on the Common Council from Ward Five for four successive years, 1892-96, becoming an Alderman in 1S97. He is a member of the M. C. O. Foresters, and Chief Ranger; and of the Fr. Lennon Benevolent Association, of which he was president at one time. He is also a member of the B. 1'. O. Elks and of the American Yacht Club and the Sherman Club. rr^^l'ON. JOSIAH CHASE BENNETT, a real estate dealer of Lynn and one of the city's best known men, was born May 6, 1835, in Sandwich, Carroll County, N.H. A son of Simon and Mary Fogg (Chase) Bennett, both also natives of Sandwich, he is a direct descendant of Samuel Bennett, who came from England to America in 1635 on the ship "James," and afterward located in Lynn. It is to be inferred that Samuel was a man of some prominence, as, under date of 1639, his name appears on the roll of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston. On the mother's side Mr. Bennett is a descendant of Aquila Chase, who came from England and settled in Hamp- ton about the year 1640, and of Thomas Chase, Aquila's son, who served in King Philip's War in 1675. Mr. Bennett's great-grandfather, Stephen Bennett, Sr. , who for seven years was a Drum- major in the Revolutionary War, was frozen to death in Moultonboro, N.H., on Lake Winnipesaukee. Stephen Bennett, Jr., the grandfather, who was born in Moultonboro, after learning the cooper's trade, settled in the neighboring town of Sandwich, where he spent the rest of his days. Simon ]5ennett passed his life among the hills of the Granite State, chiefly occupied in farming. For many years he was connected with a company of the New Hampshire State militia as drummer, having been instructed in the use of the drum by his grandfather, the Revolutionary hero. Like most farmers' sons of his time, Josiah Chase Bennett acquired his education in the public schools, remaining in Sandwich until he was si.xteen years of age. Then, in Sep- tember, 1 85 1, he came to Massachusetts, spent some time in Danvers, and finally secured his first regular employment from F. P. Merriam & Co., of Middleton. Later he was employed by Frank Dane & Co., of Dan- vers, with whom he remained four years, and subsequently was engaged in the hatter's busi- ness in Boston on his own account for a few years. Then he was obliged to give up all active occupation for a while, owing to poor health, during which time, however, he busied himself with the art of photography. In 1S65 he came to Lynn, and during the next three years he travelled extensively for the Ameri- can Shoe Tip Company, acquiring a practical knowledge of the shoe business. Then he began the manufacture of shoes, following it successfully thereafter for over twenty years. In 1892 he retired from the shoe trade, and embarked in the real estate l3ubiness, which he is carrying on at the present time, being an extensive dealer in city and suburban property. Although his private interests absorb a good deal of his time, Mr. Bennett has found sufficient leisure to be a leader in the Repub- lican party. He was the first president of the Lynn Republican Club, and for several years afterward he served as its president or vice- president. He is also an active member of 556 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW three other prominent Republican Clubs — the Massachusetts, the Middlesex, and the Essex. The Oxford Club also numbers him among its members. Outside Lynn he belongs to the Boston Home Market Club, the Boston Mer- chants' Association, and to the Society of Colonial Wars. In 1892 he was a delegate to the Republican national convention. He was the State Senator from Lynn in 1885, repre- senting the First Essex Senatorial District, and was re-elected to the Senate in 1897. Also earnestly interested in religious work, he is a useful member of St. Stephen's Epis- copal Church. He was married at Rochester, N.H., February 5, 1865, to Miss Nancy Louisa Richardson, of that town, a daughter of Captain Ephraim Richardson and Procinda (Thorpe) Richardson. / SJeORGE SANBORN, of Lawrence, was \ f^T employed as a carpenter and wood- worker by the Essex Company for fifty-two years. Born November 5, 1823, in Epping, N.H., he was a son of Zebulon and Betsey (Hill) Sanborn, both of whom were na- tives of New Hampshire. The father, son of Daniel Sanborn, whowas a farmer in humble circumstances, was born in Rockingham, N.H., about 1793, and died in Epping at ninety. A most capable farmer, he acquired a fair property, having started on a rented farm. Of his thirteen children, twelve — eight sons and four daughters — reached ma- turity. Three sons and two daughters are now living, namely: Sally, who is the widow of Prescott Chase, is now nearly eighty years old, and resides in Epping; George, the sub- ject of this biography ; Rufus and Charles, resi- dents of Ncwfield, N.H. ; and Abbie, now Mrs. Norris, residing in Haverhill. Daniel, born in 1811, who became a carriage-maker, was eighty years old when he died. The mother broke her hip, and died from the effects of her injury at seventy-three. George Sanborn's boyhood was passed on his father's farm in New Hampshire. He re- ceived a good common-school education. At eighteen he began a three years' apprentice- ship at carriage-making with his brother Daniel. On July 18, 1845, after working at his trade for one season in Worcester, he en- tered the employ of the Essex Company, being required to do repairing and all their outside work in wood. For the last forty years of his life he was the superintendent of outside affairs, hiring the men and supervising the work. Though he did not go to the war, he paid the cost of procuring a substitute. One of the incorporators of the Lawrence Lumber Company, he was a stockholder from its for- mation. As the superintendent he had much responsibility, having from sixteen to twenty men in his charge during the winter and as high as one hundred and fifty in the summer. Lately he had the assistance of his son. In 1848 Mr. Sanborn married Sarah Norton, of Buxton, Me. Twin children were born to them, but they died in infancy. At her death Mrs. Sanborn left no living children. Mr. Sanborn was again married in 1855 to Jane Blair, of Barnet, Vt. A son and daughter have blessed this union — George A. and Genevieve. George A., a carpenter, who has succeeded to his father's position in the em- ployment of the Essex Company, is married and has one son, Waldo Harvey Sanborn, now eight and a half years old. Genevieve is the wife of William A. McCrillis, of Boston, and has a son aged ten years. A Republican in politics, Mr. Sanborn has served in the city government for four years, two as Councilman and two as Alderman. For about seventeen years he was a member of the fire department, GKOKGE SANBORN. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 559 serving in tiie capacities of foreman and en- gineer. He died on March 8, 189S. The family reside at TJ Bradford Street, in the house which he built at the time of the war. -rg)TENRY K. TALMER,* the George- r=T| town agent of the American Express J-^ V, , Company, was born in this town March 3, 1S69, son of John M. and Hannah S. (Kimball) Palmer. His grandfather was John Palmer, Jr., who was born in 1780, mar- ried Sarah Merrill, of Georgetown, and died in 1867; and his great-grandfather was John Palmer, Sr. , a native of Bradford, Mass. John M. Palmer, his father, was born in 1823. He learned the carpenter's trade, which was his principal calling through life; and he was a skilful and reliable mechanic as well as a worthy and upright citizen. He resided in Georgetown. His wife, Hannah S. Kimball, was a daughter of Josiah and Hannah (Ross) Kimball. The Kimball family of Ijis- wich are descendants from three brothers, who emigrated from England. Mrs. John M. Palmer's maternal grandfather, Thomas Rose, was a member of an Ipswich company that served in the Revolutionary War. Her pater- nal grandfather was Jeremiah Kimball, of Ips- wich. Henry K. Palmer was educated in the com- mon schools of Georgetown. When his studies were completed, he entered the employ of I. F. Carter, a manufacturing druggist, for whom he worked three years; and during the succeeding four years he was with the Georgetown Boot & Shoe Company. He next engaged in the retail clothing trade; and, after carrying on business for a year, he in 1895 became the agent of the American Express Company in this town. Politically, Mr. Palmer supports the Repub- lican i)arty ; and he takes an active interest in local public affairs. He was elected to the Board of Selectmen in 1895, was re-elected the following year, was an Assessor for the same time, and has served in the fire department for the past ten years.. He is a member of Charles C. Dame Lodge, F. & A. M. ; of Protection Lodge, No. 147, I. O. O. F. ; and of the Union Social Club of Georgetown. In 1895 Mr. Palmer was united in marriage with Maud A. Pingree, daughter of Charles H. and Lucy H. Pingree, of Georgetown. SCAR GOWEN,* a prosperous dairy farmer of West Newbury, is a native of this town, born in 1851 upon the farm that he now owns and occupies. He is a son of Ezekiel and Hannah P. (Colby) Gowen. His grandfather, Ezekiel Gowen, first, was a lifelong resident of Maine. Ezekiel Gowen, second, father of Oscar, was born in Alfred, Me., in 1806. When a young man, he settled in West Newbury. He was engaged in the fish business, and also fol- lowed agriculture during his active period. He died in 1879. His wife, Hannah, was a daughter of Benjamin Colby, of Newburyport. •Oscar Gowen passed his boyhood and youth upon the farm, and was educated in the dis- trict schools. He followed shoemaking for three years, and for several years thereafter was engaged in driving a fish wagon through Haverhill, Merrimac, Groveland, and South Groveland, After his father's death he suc- ceeded to the possession of the homestead, and has since devoted his time to dairy farming and the breeding of fancy poultry. He served as Road Commissioner five years. In 1885 Mr. Gowen married Ella O. Carr, daughter of Prentiss and Laura Carr, of Danville, Vt. 560 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW He has one daughter, Etta H. G., who is now attending school. Mr. Gowen is a member of Protection Lodge, No. 147, I. O. O. F., of Georgetown; Mohawk Tribe, No. 67, Improved Order of Red Men, Haverhill; Groveland Lodge, No. 74, Ancient Order of United Workmen; is Vice-Councillor of Indian Hill Council, No. 1 1, Junior Order of American Mechanics; and member of West Newbury Grange, No. 146, Patrons of Husbandry. —*-•••->— APTAIN AUGUSTUS JOSHUA liOITT,* the well-known pension attorney and real estate dealer of Lynn, and a veteran of the Civil War, was born in East North wood, N. H., December iS, 1845. His grandfather, Daniel Hoitt, served as a soldier in the War of 181 2. He is a son of Joshua and Datha (Pillsbury) Hoitt, both also natives of East Northwood. The father was a carpenter, and followed that trade in East Northwood until enlisting in Company G, Tenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers. He was honorably discharged on account of physical disability, the result of a severe wound received at the battle of Fredericks- burg. Returning to his home from the field, he resumed his trade. He is still residing at East Northwood, and is now eighty-five years old. Augustus Joshua Hoitt was reared and edu- cated in his native town. Having learned the shoemaker's trade, he was employed as a journeyman for two years. On September 26, 1 861, he enlisted in Company A, Fifth New Hampshire Regiment, under Colonel E. E. Cross, and was mustered in on the 14th of the following October. The iMfth was assigned to General O. O. Howard's Brigade, First Division, Second Army Corps, and took part in thirty battles, including Fair Oaks, Malvern Hill, Fredericksburg, Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and the siege of Petersburg; and he was present at the sur- render of General Lee at Appomattox Court- house. Mr. Hoitt was wounded at the battle of Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. He was pro- moted and appointed Captain of Company I, Fifth New Hampshire Volunteers, on October 28 of the same year, and was mustered out June 28, 1865. After the war he resumed shoemaking, being employed in East North- wood and Haverhill, Mass., for some time; and in 1867 he came to Lynn, where for sev- eral years he acted as foreman in various fac- tories. He was appointed City Marshal under the W. L. Baird administration. In this office he had served for two years, when he re- signed in order to accept the superintendency of J. S. Bartlett & Co. 's factory. This posi- tion he held until President Harrison, in 1889, appointed him Postmaster, in which capacity he served with credit for four years and four months. Since retiring from the post-ofTice, he has given his attention to his present busi- ness. In politics he is a Republican, and in 1878 he was a member of the Common Council. In Bennington, Vt., on March 2, 1869, Cap- tain Hoitt was joined in marriage with Au- gusta L. Howard, of Bennington. They have had two children, both of whom are now de- ceased. Captain Hoitt was formerly Com- mander of Post No. 26, G. A. R., of North Bennington. Since he joined General Lander Post, No. 5, of Lynn, he has served it for three years in the same capacity. rgjERBERT CONE BAYRD,* Building r^l Inspector of Lynn, was born in this -L^ V. city, November 3, 1851. He is a son of Edward and Mary (Cone) Bayrd, the BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW S^i former of whom was a native of Lynn, and the latter born in Sag Harbor, N.Y. The grand- father was William Bayrd, who in 1S12 was appointed the first toll-gate-keeper on the Bos- ton and Salem turnpike. FZdvvard Bayrd was engaged in the milling and grocery business in Lynn for thirty years, and died in 1878. Herbert Cone Bayrd, having completed his studies in the public schools at the age of six- teen, served an apprenticeship to the mason's and bricklayer's trade. Working as a journey- man for about seventeen years, he has since 1887 conducted a profitable business on his own account as a contractor and builder. He was appointed building inspector on June i, 1897, his qualifications for the position being generally recognized. As a member of the Common Council for the years 1889 and 1890, he served upon the committees on Claims, Almshouse, and Poor. Representative to the legislature in 1893, he was assigned to the Committee on Election Laws, and was clerk of the Committee on Counties. On July 18, 1877, Mr. Bayrd was joined in marriage with Clara Ada Lowe, of Cherryfield, Me. He has si.x children; namely, Sarah, Anna, PZtta, Thomas, Enoch, and Amy. Mr. Bayrd is a member of West Lynn Lodge, No. 67, I. O. O. F. ; a charter mem- ber of Fraternity ICncampment, No. 5; and charter member of Nanapashemet Tribe, No. 82, Improved Order of Red Men. He belongs to the Sixth Ward Democratic Club. /©> I'ORGE IRA TARR,* an esteemed \_^J resident of Rockport and a member of the firm George J. Tarr & Co., manufacturers of fish oil at Gloucester, Mass., was born February 2, 1856, in Rockport, son of George J. and Oresa (Sanborn) Tarr. The family, one of the oldest in Rockport, is de- scended from Richard Tarr, who came from Wales and settled here in 1639. From him the line of descent comes through his son, Ben- jamin; Benjamin's son, Solomon ; Solomon's son, James; and James's son, George ]., the father of George Ira. John Tarr, another de- scendant of Richard, saw service as a Revolu- tionary patriot. James Tarr, the grandfather of George Ira, was a soldier in the War of 1812. George J. Tarr was formerly engaged in the fishing business in Rockport. From here he went to Gloucester, and continued in the same business for nearly half a century, handling, curing, and packing fish for the market in a variety of ways. From a small beginning he built up a large and very successful busines.s. In later years he operated extensively in vessel property. He also dealt in real estate, becom- ing one of the largest real estate holders in Gloucester. In politics he is a Republican; and he served in the Massachusetts legislature of 1895-96. For a number of years he has been a director of the Gloucester National Bank and of the Gloucester Safe Deposit Com- pany. His wife, whose maiden name was Oresa Sanborn, like himself is a native of Rockport. They are the parents of three sons and three daughters. The sons — Daniel S., George Ira, and Henry A.— have been associ- ated with their father in the fish business from boyhood. George Ira Tarr grew to manhood here in Rockport, receiving his education in the schools of the town and at Bryant & Stratton's Commercial College in Boston. At the age of seventeen he became a regular employee in his father's business, and subsequently a member of the firm. In its earlier years the business was of a general character; but for a number of years past the firm has given its attention exclusively to the preparation of fish oil for 562 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW the market, becoming probably the largest ex- clusive dealers in fish oil in the country. Mr. Tarr married Annie Ross, a native of Rockport, Mass., by whom he has become the father of six daughters. In politics he is a Republican, and he takes an active interest in local affairs. He is serving his third term on the ]5oard of Water Commissioners, of which he is the present chairman. The town is in- debted to him as one of the principal jiro- moters of its splendid system of water-works. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and the Daughters of Rebecca. 'RANK D. CLARK,* the manager of the Collateral Loan Company of New- buryport, was born in Concord, N. H. Belonging to the sixth generation of the Clarks in this country, his genealogy is traced back to England. Ancestors of his were officers in the War of the Revolution. His grandfather, Daniel Clark, who was born in Stratham, N. H., was prepared for college in the Ilamj)- ton Academy, subsequently graduating from Dartmouth. Having been admitted to the New Hampshire bar, Daniel opened an office at Manchester, where he continued in active practice for fifty years. In politics he was a Republican. He spent a number of sea- sons in Washington. He was Judge of the United States District Court for many years. Born of the first of his two marriages was one daughter. His second marriage was con- tracted with Mary Salter, of Portsmouth, who bore him two sons. They had one other child, an adopted daughter. Henry S. , the younger of the two boys, and the father of Frank 1)., was born in Manchester. After attending Dartmouth College and completing a law course, he was admitted to the bar, and began practice with his father. Afterward he retired from the profession. He married Mary Dearborn, of Hampton, N. H., who had four children by him, one girl and three boys. Having completed the course of the Man- chester schools, Frank D. Clark prepared for college at the Hampton Academy and the Manchester High School. His college career was given up, however; and he came to New- buryport in 1 8go, taking the position of clerk with the Collateral Loan Company. In one year's time he took control of the entire busi- ness, which he has since successfully managed. Mr. Clark is a musician, playing the clarinet almost exclusively. He is a member of the Adelphi Society of Newburyport, and has played in different military bands. For the past three years he has played in the Haverhill Brass Band. Besides spending considerable time in concert work, he has given lessons on his favorite instrument. / ^^^TuSTAVUS H. TUFTS, of Middle- \ f5 1 ton, was born in Maiden, Mass., March 31, 1824. A son of Eben and Hannah (fLarnden) Tufts, he belongs to an old Maiden family founded by three brothers who came to America from England. In Melrose he learned the shoemaker's trade, residing in Maiden during his apprenticeship. In 1848 he returned to Middleton, and built a house in the village. Nine years after he bought his present farm, located two miles north of the village. This property was the homestead of Deacon Joseph Peabody, of Lynn, the father of Dean Peabody, Esq., the late clerk of the Essex County Court in Salem. The house upon the estate is, per- haps, tile oldest one in town. Since taking up his residence there, Mr. Tufts has devoted BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 5^3 himself to farming, and lately raises straw- berries /or the market. On June 2, 1846, Mr. Tufts married Miss Emeline Stiles, of Middleton, whose acquaint- ance he made in Maiden. She is a daughter of David and Nancy (Farnham) Stiles and a grand-daughter of Ezekiel and Miriam (Rich- ardson) Stiles, of Marblchead. The old Stiles homestead adjoins the northern boundary of the Tufts property, and is the only farm owned by that family since the grandfather first settled in Middleton. Mrs. Tufts has been the mother of twelve children, of whom nine are now living. Two died in infancy, each at the age of two years; the other ten were reared to maturity. Possessed of a healing power, she has never employed a physician for the family's ailments. Both families, the Tufts and the Stiles, have been Spiritualists for forty years. Hiram, the first to adopt this faith, was excommunicated be- cause of his belief. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Tufts were: Landon, who died in in- fancy; Annie W., who became Mrs, E. B. Jarvis, and now resides at Leominster; Evelyn A., who was the wife of Jacob Kent, had three children, and died at the age of twenty-six; Alice, who died at the age of two years; Myra L., who became Mrs. Daniel Fuller, of Middleton; Ardclia, who became Mrs. James Gallagher, of Middleton; Alice M., who became Mrs. Hiram Towne, of Box- ford; Miriam Richards, who is now Mrs. George E. Danforth, of Milton, N.H.; Wil- bur H. ; Cora (now Mrs. F'rank Leech) ; Lewis P.; and Leighton I^. The three boys live at home. The Tufts brothers are widely known as musicians of merit, the company consisting of a performer upon the piano, a harmonica player, and a whistler. The girls were also musical, and their home was a famous resort for the young people of the vicinity. Ardelia had an especially fine voice, and often sang in public on important occasions. The young men of the family are members of the grange, and universally popular. In i8g6 Mr. and Mrs. Tufts celebrated their golden wedding, the fourth anniversary of the kind in the fam- ily within thirty-four years. They have seventeen grand-children. ^AMES K. PULSIFER,* a prominent business man of Manchester, dealer in wood and coal, is a native of Glouces- ter, Mass., born on July 30, 1854, son of William and Lydia (Elwell) Pulsifer. Both his parents were born in Gloucester. The Pulsifers, who settled in Gloucester some two hundred years ago, have since been a promi- nent and highly respected family there. Some of its male representatives served in the Revolutionary War and in the War of 18 12. James K. Pulsifer spent the early years of his life in Gloucester, and attended school there until about seventeen years of age. When a youth, he was employed for consider- able time in the fishing industry, for which Gloucester was then, as now, famous. In his eighteenth year he began learning the trade of carpenter and joiner, and, after serving a three years' apprenticeship, followed it as a journeyman for a number of years, occasion- ally working as foreman for different contrac-, tors and builders. Coming to Manchester in 1879, he worked at carpentering here until 1S90, when he started in the business in which he is at present engaged. He has been quite successful; and he now runs three de- livery wagons, which are kept busy most of the time. Mr. Pulsifer married Esther Burnham, of this town, daughter of the late Frederick Burnham. He has two children — Ruth A. 5^4 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW and Revere B. In politics Mr. Pulsifer is a Republican. He is warmly interested in all the affairs of the town, and takes an active part in town and political meetings. /^^TaRVIN steel SCOTT, M.D.,* \ f5 I one of the ablest physicians of Law- rence, son of Alexander Scott, was born in Lanarkshire, Scotland, November 12, i860. His mother's people, the Aitkenheads, are an old family of repute, dating back to the time of the Covenanters. The birthplace of Dr. Scott was distant about a mile and a half from that of John Hunter, and three miles from that of David Livingstone, the great African explorer. He is the eleventh of twelve children, of whom eight sons and two daughters reached maturity, and of wbose num- ber five came to this country. James, a sculptor, who was the first to leave home, died of consumption in New York City, leaving a wife and family. Archibald, Robert, and Thomas, who are carpenters, reside in Jersey City. Garvin Steel Scott graduated in 1884 from Glasgow University. He taught for five years. Beginning in his fourteenth year, he was engaged in teaching for five years. His initial practice was obtained in London. In October, 1891, he came to this country; and in February, 1892, he settled in Lawrence, opening an office at 272 Broadway. He was soon in command of a large general practice. A warm-hearted Scotchman, who cannot say "No" to one in distress, he overworked him- self, responding to calls both by day and night ; and he was obliged to take a rest. Selling his comfortable home on the corner of Broad- way and disposing of his practice, he started for California in October, 1897. There he proposes to rest and recuperate. Dr. Scott was married in Lancashire, Eng- land, in 18S6, to Ellen Maria Sewell, of Lon- don, a daughter of Alfred and Maria Sewell. Mr. Sewell is a business man of London, re- siding at Forest Gate, a suburb of London. His wife died at the age of fifty, leaving two daughters and a son. Mrs. Scott, who is not very strong, accompanied her husband to Cali- fornia. Dr. Scott belongs to the English Order of Odd Fellows; to Black Prince Lodge, Knights of Pythias; and to the order of the Scottish Clans. He is popular both professionally and socially. He is a lover and a skilful player of the game of draughts. ON. GEORGE HASKELL,* of Ips- wich, has long been prominently ^ ^ identified with the interests of Essex County. He was born in Newbury- port, August 24, i8og, a son of Aaron and Eunice (Dodge) Haskell, and springs from some of the oldest families in the county. Three brothers, Roger, William, and Mark Haskell, with their mother and possibly a sister, came to this country from the south of England, and were in Salem, Mass., in 1636. The mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Haskell, married John Hardy, who died in 1652 or 1653, will- ing to her most of his property, which passed to her sons. Roger Haskell died in 1667. Mark, who was a master mariner, died a year later. William settled in Gloucester, and died there in 1693. His estate was estimated the largest in Gloucester. In 1643 he was married to Mary Tibbctts, and at his death he left nine children. His son Joseph, born June 2, 1646, married Mary Graves, of An- dover, and reared three sons — Joseph, Daniel, and Ebenezcr. NehemiaJi, a descendant, born March 23, 1727, was tiie grandfather of the subject of this sketch. He was born in BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 565 Gloucester, within a mile of the Ipswich boundary line, and passed most of his life in Newburyport. He was Deacon of the First Presbyterian Church on Federal Street in that city. He died when about fifty-five years of age, and his resting-place is marked by a most elaborate gravestone. His old homestead is now owned and occupied by a grand-daughter, Miss Lizzie Kimball. On Novembers, 1762, he was married to Elizabeth Fitts, a native of Ipswich and member of one of the early fam- ilies. Their children were: Nehemiah, Jere- miah, Aaron, Moses, Elizabeth, Hannah, and Sally. Jeremiah was the father of Daniel Noyes Haskell (deceased), at one time editor of the Boston Transcript - Miss Lizzie Kim- ball is the daughter of Daniel N. HaskelFs sister. Aaron Haskell, who was born in 1773, was the Hon. George Haskell's father. He was married January i, 1796, to Eunice, daughter of Barnabas and Elizabeth (Giddings) Dodge. Her parents were natives of Ipswich, descend- ants of early settlers there. Barnabas Dodge was an eminent surveyor, employed by the State in the latter part of the last century to run out the township lines in the District of Maine. George Haskell at an early age went to the private school of Miss Chase on Milk Street, Newburyport; and he remembers being sent with the other scholars to pick up the apples in her garden after the great September gale of 1815. A few years later he attended the public school at the south end of the Mall. When he was ten years old, his parents re- moved to Ipswich ; and there he attended the Feoffees Grammar School (Latin and Greek), then taught by George Choate, afterward emi- nent as a physician in Salem. He studied in this school under different teachers some six years. In January, 1825, he was apprenticed to Smith & Dyer, of Boston, dealers in fancy morocco and other goods, 2 Milk Street. They manufacture work-boxes, dressing-cases, portfolios, pocket-books, etc., and had a profit- able business, there being no other establish- ment of the kind in this part of the country. Mr. Haskell remained with them two years, living in the family of Mr. Dyer in Purchase Street on Fort Hill. Labor in the shop ended at 8 p.m. ; but the establishment was kept open until ten o'clock, and overwork by the hour or piece-work was given to those who desired it. The boy seldom missed an hour of the overtime allowed, earning enough to pay for his clothes and to send occasional re- mittances to his mother, who was then a widow and needed his help. He was not at- tracted by the temptations that usually allure the country boy; but he visited all the churches, and his memory holds some valuable pictures. Lyman Beecher preached in Han- over Street; Henry Ware's church was on the same street, and Charlotte Cushman, who had not then gone on the stage, sang in the choir; Orville Dewey and Mr. Palfrey preached on Brattle Street; Mr. Ballon, in School Street; Dr. Wisner, in the Old South; several differ- ent preachers, in the church which stood at the corner of Summer and liedford Streets; Dr. Channing, in Federal Street; and Bishop Cheverus preached in Franklin Street, in the only Roman Catholic charch then in Boston. After leaving the employ of the Boston firm, Mr. Haskell engaged for a year with Mr. Sykes in Providence, R.I., a dealer in fancy goods; and, Mr. Sykes removing to Worces- ter, he went there with him. In the spring of 1828 he entered the employ of Mr. Skerry, of Salem, Mass., also a dealer in fancy goods; and from the fall of that year until June, 1830, he was manufacturing on his own ac- count in Cambridgeport. With a supply of 566 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW the best goods — real morocco, heavily gilt, with steel mountings and satin lining — he went to Cincinnati, hoping to establish their manufacture in that city; but the people of the West were not ready for such superflui- ties, and he left his goods to be sold on the best terms possible. The homeward journey was made by stage and boat, the stage office in Boston being at Earl's tavern in Hanover Street. On his return he resumed his manu- facturing business in Cambridgeport. In 1830 he had an attack of hay fever, which puz- zled the doctors, to whom it was not so famil- iar as it is now; and he returned to his mother's home in Ipswich to die. With the approach of winter, however, it disappeared; and in the spring of 1831 he commenced man- ufacturing in Ipswich. The panic of 1837 caused the failure of several firms which bought his goods, and he lost most of his earnings. He then determined to change his occupation, and turned his attention to grape culture. An account of some of his methods of procedure was printed in the Country Gcntlc- inan in September, 1S63, and a pamphlet pub- lished by himself in 1877. From that time to the present he has been engaged in horti- culture, making experiments and valuable dis- coveries, accounts of which appeared in the Country Geiitlcinan from time to time for twenty years. In 1839 ho was induced by Asa Andrews, one of the oldest members of the Essex County bar, to enter on the study of law; and in March, 1843, he was admitted to the bar, and opened an office in Ipswich. In the spring of 1861 he was seized with head trouble, and mental work was interdicted; and he never resumed his law practice. Mr. Haskell began his political career as a Whig, and has long been a loyal Republican. In 1837 he was elected Selectman and As- sessor of Ipswich, and he was re-elected in 1838. Resigning in a few weeks, he was again elected, and held office by annual re- elections until 1847, when he refused to serve longer. He has been a trustee and treasurer of the public library for over a quarter of a century, and made a speech at the opening in 1869. He was first elected to the legislature in 1838, and was re-elected in 1840. In 1853 he was a member of the Constitutional Convention in which Benjamin Y . Butler rep- resented Lowell. In 1854 he was again in the legislature. In 1856 he was on the Board of County Commissioners, elected for three years. In i860 he was a member of the House of Representatives, and again in 1876. As a politician, he was fearless and outspoken, and did not hesitate to criticise the leaders of jmblic opinion. Mr. Haskell early developed a talent for literary work, and prose and verse flowed freely from his pen. A number of , poems, valuable articles on political subjects, and contributions to the Country Gcntlcmmi are found in a neat book published by him in 1896. In 1882 his eyesight failed, and he has since lived in retirement. His last ad- dress to the public was given in 1884, on the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of Ipswich, when he was made president of the day. He has a beautiful home on Heartbreak Hill. His house was built in 1882, and is surrounded by vines and fruit-trees. ENRY PETTINGICLL, who died at his home in Georgetown, Essex County, Mass., January 6, 1895, at the venerable age of niney-three years, was a native of the adjacent town of Newbury, and was born in the old Coffin house on the banks of Parker River, December 2, 1801. He was the eldest son of Stephen and Lovey (Adams) BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW S67 Pettingel], and through both father and mother came of early Colonial stock of Eng- lish origin. Richard Pettingell, the emigrant ancestor of the family of this name, was in Wenham, Mass., in 1648, and removed to Newbury in 1652. His wife was Joanna, daughter of Richard Ingersoll, of Salem. They had three sons — Nathaniel, Samuel, and Matthew. Their daughter Mary married Abraham Adams, of Newbury, brother of Elizabeth Adams, who married Edward Phelps, of An- dover. Henry Pettingell, first, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was a wealthy shipping merchant in Newburyport, and at one time owned the land which is now included within the limits of State, Fruit, Federal, and Lime Streets in that city. He married Sally Cheever, who belonged to a prominent Salem family long engaged in the East India trade. Her brother. Captain Aaron Cheever, served under General Wolfe at the siege of Quebec. Stephen Pettingell, son of Henry and Sally (Cheever) Pettingell, born in 1773, followed farming in connection with the butchering business. He served as a Sergeant in the Newburyport Artillery Company, which was organized in 1775, and during the War of 181 2 was called into service to occupy the fort on Plum Island and defend the town against the British cruisers. Stci)hen Pettin- gell lived to be seventy-four years old. His wife, Lovey Adams, was a daughter of the Hon. Daniel Adams and a sister of Colonel Daniel Adams. She was born at Newbury, April 12, 1777. Her father, born at Newbury in 1756, was of the si.\th generation in descent from Robert Adams, who came from England to Ipswich, Mass., in 1635, lived for a time at Salem, and settled at Newbury in 1640. Abraham Adams, born at Salem in 1639, son of Robert and his wife Eleanor, married Mary Pettingell, of Newbury, as above mentioned. Robert, second, the next in this line, son of Abraham and Mary, married Rebecca Knight, and was the father of Abraham, second, who married Abigail Peirce. A third Robert Adams, son of Abraham and Abigail, married Love Jaques. Daniel Adams, the si.xth child born of this union, was the father of Lovey Adams. (See Essex Antiquarian, Vol. II., 1S98, edited by Sidney Perley.) The Hon. Daniel Adams served in the Revolutionary War in Captain Jacob Gerrish's Company, Colonel Moses Little's Regiment, in which he enlisted April 24. 1775- Henry Pettingell acquired his education in his native town. When five years of age, he was a pupil in a school taught by Miss Abigail Hasseltinc, of Bradford, the term being fin- ished by her sister. Miss Ann Hasseltine, afterward Mrs. Judson. At a later period he attended the Newbury North, or turnpike. School, where among his teachers were: Mas- ter Chase; Mr. Benjamin Cheever, his father's cousin; and Mr. Joshua Coffin, the historian of Newbury. When the British men-of-war be- sieged the garrison on Plum Island, little Henry, then but ten years old, stood by his father's side, and assisted him to load the guns while returning the enemy's fire. For that meritorious conduct, he was presented by Cap- tain Hunnewell, of the Newburyport Artillery, with a silver dollar bearing the date 1803. This coin is still in the family's possession. While yet a boy, Henry Pettingell entered upon an apprenticeship at the blacksmith's trade in Ipswich with a Mr. Michael Brown, at that time High Sheriff of Essex County, and later worked for Jonas Merriman in Tops- field, Mass. While there, he had access to a good library; and by devoting his leisure time S68 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW to books, studying night iiftcr night by the forge fire, he greatly enhanced his knowledge of the world and its literature. From Tops- field he went to Newburyport, where he worked for a Mr. Eben Jewett for a time; and he then came to Georgetown to enter the employ of a Mr. Asa Bradstreet. In 1824 he ]nirchased his employer's business, and, start- ing out for himself, continued actively engaged for si.\ty-five years, or until failing sight compelled him to retire. His first shop, which stood near the road, is said to have been the central blacksmith, carriage, and machine shop for a large territory. In it were made from the crude iron by hand all sorts of tools for farm and household uses; also shoes, bolts, nails, and house-building hardware, and so forth. He sometimes em- ployed as many as six journeymen and four or five apprentices. In time outgrowing the old shop, he built a brick one, and fitted it up with modern appliances, including a power- ful steam-engine. In this lie turned out such work as bell-yokes for church bells, sets of fire-hooks, goose-necks for fire-engines, and heavy iron furnishings for saw-mills. For many years he was the leading smith and ma- chinist of the county. The bell on the Con- gregational church, which tolled n.inety-three times on the occasion of his funeral, was cast by Colonel Paul Revere and son, and was hung in the belfry of the old church in 1815. It was rehung by Mr. Fettingell in 1830, and again hung by him after the building of the new church in 1872-73. His wife's father, it may be mentioned, played an important part in the purchase of the bell. In 1825 Mr. Fettingell was united in mar- riage with Abigail F. Dole, daughter of Ralph and Martha F. (Falmer) Dole, of Rowley, Mass. Iter father was a son of Grccnleaf Dole, and a lineal descendant of Richard Dole, merchant, who came from Bristol, Fng- land, to Newbury in 1639, and in 1647 mar- ried Hannah Rolfe. Greenleaf Dole, we are told, married a daughter of Dr. Moore, of Cambridge, a surgeon of the Revolution, whose wife was a Boylston, a kinswoman of Susanna Boylston, wife of Deacon John Adams and mother of the elder President Adams. Mrs. Greenleaf Dole lived to the age of ninety-one, her last years being passed at the home of her son Ralph. Her Moore ancestors had landed property in Virginia. In her old age it was the delight of her grandchildren to listen to her stories of her early life. She would tell of riding with her father to the soldiers' bar- racks, when his services were needed. When the sentry would call for the countersign, he would say, "Cambridge"; and they would say, "Let him pass, he is Dr. Moore." She would also tell of going to balls and parties in Boston, and of meeting such distinguished persons as John Hancock, Josiah Ouincy, and others. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fettingell were the jjarents of five children, namely: Martha A., who was born June 22, 1827, and died aged five years, five months; Martha A., second, born December 10, 1833; Lovey Adams, who lived but nineteen hours; Hannah Coleman, born April 17, 183S; and George H., born May 18, 1840. Martha A., second, who mar- ried Charles Holmes, of Ipswich, May 16, 1859, had two children — Henry Francis and Charles Albert, both of whom died in 1864. She died in 1863. Hannah Coleman was graduated from the Putnam ]'"rcc School, Nevv- buryjiort, on July 13, 1858. She resides at the homestead. Miss Fettingell is a valued correspondent of the local press. Her mem- ory is well stored 'with interesting ancestral lore; and she is the possessor of precious sou- venirs — letters from noted friends of her BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 569 mother's family, and heirlooms illustrative of the history of early generations of her kins- folk. George H. Pettingell acquired a common and high school education, and is now propri- etor of the blacksmith shop formerly carried on by his father. Mrs. Abigail P. Pettingell died December 31, 1873, aged si.\ty-eight years. Mr. Pettingell's first Presidential vote was cast for John Ouincy Adams, and he lived to vote for Benjamin Harrison. He is remem- bered as having been a "model citizen in every respect. He was always at town meet- ing, and voted and labored for the most pro- gressive measures. " Modest and retiring, he never aspired to worldly honor, but aimed only to be good and true and do what was right. His pure life gained him the respect of the community in which he dwelt. His mind was clear and serene to the last. Although afflicted with blindness in his later years, he was never heard to complain. On his last birthday, December 2, 1894, he was the recip- ient of many valuable gifts and other tokens of the affectionate regard of kinsfolk and friends. jDWARD S. KNIGHT,* a well-known florist of Manchester, and a prominent citizen of the town, was born here on August 13, 1853. His parents were John and Deborah (Carleton) Knight, the father being a native of Manchester, and the mother of Blue Hill, Me. Mr. Knight's first ances- tor in this country was William Knight, who came from England in 1635, and settled in Salem, Mass. One of WiUiam's grandsons, John Knight, came to Manchester in 1692, and was the first of the family in this town. Two of John's descendants, John and Joseph Knight, residents of Manchester, served in the Revolutionary War. Mrs. Deborah Carle- ton Knight was a daughter of Eben Carleton and grand-daughter of Moses Carleton, who was an officer in the Revolutionary War, so that the subject of this sketch is descended on both sides from Revolutionary stock. P^dward S. Knight in his boyhood attended the public schools of Manchester, including the high school, and subsequently took a jire- paratory course at the New London (N.H.) Academy. At the age of twenty he entered his father's tannery at Manchester, where he was employed during the succeeding eleven years. He later established himself in his present business, and from a modest begin- ning has developed a prosperous trade. Mr. Knight has served three years as Selectman, Assessor, and Overseer of the Poor, and has also served as a member of the Manchester Board of Health. He has been a candidate for Representative to General Court from this district. Interestcil in fraternal societies, he is a member of Magnolia Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Manchester, also of North Shore Lodge, A. O. U. VV. , and has served as presiding officer of both lodges. He also belongs to the Grand Lodge in both these organizations. Mr. Knight married for his first wife Alice B. Gilman, and four children of this marriage are living; namely, Edv^ard C, Bessie E., Carleton, and Alice G. The present Mrs. Knight was before her marriage Carrie L. Knight. OHN ASHTON,* an architect and a prominent citizen of Lawrence, was born at Staley Bridge, Lancashire County, England, September 15, 1861, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Doxey) Ashton. His great-grandfather, Randall Ashton, who was a 57° BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW silk weaver in early life, lived at Staley Bridge for some time, and died in 1S54, aged eighty-seven. This ancestor had two sons and three daughters who attained maturity. His son John, the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born at Staley Bridge in 1802. For a number of years he was the manager of a cotton-mill. He died in 1867 in Manchester, which is eight miles from Staley Bridge. His wife, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Orrill, died at the age of sixty-five. Their son Orrill, who came to this country in a sailing-vessel in 1857, lo- cated first in Rhode Island, and then found employment in a Lawrence mill as a cotton siMnner. Samuel Ashton, father of the subject of this sketch, was born at Staley Bridge, Sep- tember 22, 1827. In 1867 he came to this country to visit his brother Orrill, and after a stay of seven months returned to his native country. He came again in 1875, bringing his wife and a part of his family; and from that time to the present he has made his home in Lawrence. His wife, who was born in Nottingham, England, August 8, 1827, and whom he married June 17, 1848, died in Law- rence in March, 1896, aged sixty-nine years. Of her children, Adeline is now Mrs. Derbyshire, of this city; and Annie, who came from England to Lawrence in 1871, is the wife of George E. Daniels, of Wollas- ton, Mass. A daughter Mary, with her brother Orrill, came later. The eldest daugh- ter, Eliza Ann, followed. John and Martha came with the father and mother. Several of the grandchildren of Mrs. Elizabeth Ashton passed away before her death, and she left twenty-eight grandchildren. John Ashton attended the public schools in England and this country. He worked as a carpenter for a year and a half. He was next employed for two years in a worsted-mill. Then he served his time to the machinist's trade, and worked at it for ten years. In the mean time he studied architecture evenings without a teacher. He then took a special course in the Boston Institute of Technology. Subsequently he started in business for him- self, in his present office in the Slater Build- ing. Among the public buildings for which he has drawn the plans are the John K. l^ar- box Grammar School ]5uilding, erected in 1894, and Ward One Engine-house. A num- ber of competitors sent in plans for these buildings, and the best plans were selected by the committee. Other buildings designed by Mr. Ashton are: the Godfrey Building; the Alma Block for Mr. Oswald; the Knowell Block in Methuen ; the residence of Joseph Walworth on Haverhill Street, and the homes of his two sons; Joseph James's residence on Haverhill Street; and the fine residence of Gordon Cannon in Andover. At this writing he is remodelling the Gleason Building. On October 24, 1883, Mr. Ashton was married to Rebecca Woodworth, of Nova Scotia, a daughter of Lewis Woodworth. He has three children living, Stella, Lewis, and Leslie, aged respectively nine, seven, and five years; and he has lost an infant daughter. In politics he is independent, favoring the Republican side. He is a Knight of Pythias and a member of the United Order of the Golden Cross. He is also a member of the United Congregational Church at Tower Hill. OHN HOMER, M.D.,* one of the leading physicians of Newburyport, Mass., was born at Bucksport, Me., December 6, 1835, son of John C. and Har- riet (Blaisdell) Homer. He is of English descent. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW S7I William Homer, the Doctor's grandfather, who was a farmer and a lumberman, was born about 1750, and died in 1830, at the age of eighty. His wife was a Miss Colson. He had eleven children. John C. , the fourth child, was born in Bucksport, Me., where he obtained a common-school education. He owned a farm three miles out of the village, and here by his farming and fishing accumu- lated a competency and became a man of some local prominence. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and served for some years on the executive committee of the church. His wife Harriet was a daughter of the Rev. William and Dorcas (Colson) Blais- dell, her father being a Baptist clergyman. They had seven children. He died in Sep- tember, 1877. John Homer fitted for college at the East Maine Conference Seminary in Bucksport, Me. In the year 1856 he served on the fron- tier in a volunteer company under General James H. Lane for the suppression of border ruffianism in Kansas. General Lane crossed by team from Iowa City with five hundred men. After arrival no immediate trouble was anticipated; and several of the men took up sections of land, notably young Homer, who located on one hundred and sixty acres, now the centre of the city of Hamilton, and helped lay out the town. They then built earth forti- fications, and were ready for the enemy. At Osawatomie two hundred and fifty ruffians with artillery were ordered to attack John Brown, who had erected a log fort for the pro- tection of himself and his friends. His com- mand consisted of twenty-seven men ; and, armed with Sharp's rifles, they entered the fort, and succeeded in keeping at a distance the far superior forces of the foe until their artillery was planted in position and the forti- fications were demolished, causing Brown's men to retire into the timber. Here they were re-enforced by a company of one hundred men sent to Osawatomie by General Lane, Homer among the number. By the use of stratagem the men marched through the timber, and were able to approach unseen by the enemy within rifle range. The men were drawn up in line of battle near the edge of the wood, and poured volley after volley into the ranks of the ill- disciplined ruffians, who hastily retired, carry- ing their dead and wounded, and burning buildings and committing other depredations as they retreated. The company was ne.Nt or- dered to ]?ull Creek, and on arriving found the darkness so great that they were unable to make the attack, and were ordered to retire to the battle ground of Black Jack, where the first battle with the ruffians had been fought by the settlers. Here they were re-enforced and re- freshed, and prepared to march uiiun Bull Creek at daylight the following morning, a distance of seven miles. Upon arriving, they found the border ruffians had left Bull Creek by reason of General Lane's stratagem, by which three hundred men had been made to appear like three thousand. Provisions, forage, and arms were left by the ruffians in their hasty move. It was after this experience that the young sol- dier was placed in the battalion of Fort Titus, and also of Ossokee, through the battle of Fort Franklin. He retired to Tabor, la., and served on the body-guard of bis commander until he received his discharge on account of sickness incurred in the following manner: — A squad of fourteen men were detailed to perform a duty at the city of Nebraska, which necessitated crossing the river by ferry six miles below the city. Thinking soon to arrive in camp, but little provision was car- ried, a meal of hard bread stowed away in the saddle-bags being deemed sufficient. Too late it was discovered that no path existed in the 572 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW way they were to go, and that the grass grown fifteen feet high made passing impracticable. Hunger and exposure brought on sickness, and the entire number was stricken down with malaria or typhoid fever. The Doctor's com- rade, a young man from Ohio, was taken with him to the house of kind strangers, from which he was removed to the hospital, where he died of typhoid. Dr. Homer's case was malarial, and he recovered by means of roots and herbs and the kindly nursing of the family. As soon as his strength returned, he journeyed in the saddle a distance of three hundred miles, and immediately upon reaching Iowa City received his dismissal. He returned to the East in March, 1857. Entering Bowdoin College, he left it in 1862 for Harvard, where he received his bachelor's degree in 1865. Before his college days he had been much in- terested in pharmacy, and had been a drug clerk in Winterport. He was graduated at the Harvard Medical School in 1865. Much of the time prior to graduation was spent in earning funds to defray the expenses of his education, which he did by teaching school and by travelling for a business house. He became surgeon for the A. T. S. Railroad for the year 1872-73, and is still local surgeon for the Boston & Maine I'iailroad. As an inventor, the world has much to thank him for. Nu- merous surgical and mechanical implements have been originated by him, and are now rec- ognized as invaluable by the entire medical profession. Among these may be named the Harvard Emergency Splint, which is admira- bly adapted for use in case of a broken leg. Dr. Homer is a member of the Massachusetts Pharmacy Society, and is also connected with the State and American Pharmacy Association. He is one of the charter members of the Har- vard Medical School Association, and belongs also to the Harvard Alumna; Association. In municipal affairs Dr. Homer is also prominent. He is a member of the Board of Trade, of the Board of Health in Wakefield, and is now con- nected with the new Board of Trade and with the Veteran Artillery Company. He belongs to a number of secret societies, and also to the Young Men's Christian Association. He has lectured by invitation before that body and be- fore various medical societies. He is Pro- fessor of Surgery in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, being a charter member of that organization in Topeka, Kan., formed in 1872. He is a member of the First Baptist Church. Dr. Homer was married in June, 1856, and has one daughter, Josephine. He has recently erected a fine residence and store on his prop- erty at the corner of High and Summer Streets, and here on one of the finest sites in the city he conducts a drug store. ILL! AM TAYLOR, superintendent of the Byfield Woollen Mills, was born in Huddersfield, England, May 30, 1852. His ancestors for several genera- tions were weavers and mill men, and he also was reared to that calling. He attended the common schools until reaching the age of nine years, when he began work in the mills; and his education, so far as books are concerned, was completed by evening study. In time becoming familiar with every branch of the weaving industry, he gradually worked his way forward to an advanced position, and later be- came associated with a Mr. Sykes in the man- ufacture of worsted goods. Finally selling his interest, he came to America, and first found employment in Ontario, Canada. He subse- quently became sujierintendent of the River- side Mills at Providence, R.I., where he re- mained four years, going thence to the Wash- ington Mills at Lawrence, Mass. He then BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 573 paid a visit to England, and after his return was for a year employed in the Providence Worsted Company's Mills. From Providence he went to Vassalboro, Me., where he re- mained for a time, subsequently making a tour through the Western States, Manitoba, and Ikitish Columbia. In 1893 he entered upon his present position as superintendent of the Byfield Woollen Mills. During his long ex- perience he has displayed his mechanical in- genuity to good advantage by introducing vari- ous devices in the way of improvements, and several of his patents are now in use through- out the country. In 1874 Mr. Taylor was married in England to Clara Beaumont, a native of Iluddersfield. Her father, who was a weaver by trade, and ran one hand loom for fifty years, died at the age of eighty-eight years. The hand loom above referred to was changed to a power loom, which he continued to run until he left the mill. Mr. Taylor takes a great interest in public affairs, and last year officiated as chairman of a political caucus in this town. He has trav- elled considerably, and held responsible posi- tions in some of the largest mills in this coun- try. His knowledge of the cotton and woollen manufacturing industry has been gained by many years of practical experience and careful observation, and he is acknowledged to be an expert in his calling. He is a member of Peabody Lodge, No. 184, Sons of St. George, Providence, R. I. ^^»^» XfOWLE & JOHNSTON, the proprietors V^\^ of the Wolfe Tavern at Newburyport, are among the most enterprising and reliable hotel men of New England; and their hostelry is one of the most widely and favora- bly known to the travelling public. The tav- ern, which was formerly occupied by Mrs. Philbrick, was purchased by the present pro- prietors and opened on April 11, 1892. Sub- sequently renovated and fitted with steam heating apparatus, it now ranks with the best hotels of its class to be found in this section. The house contains sixty rooms, with baths and all modern improvements. During the summer from fifty to three hundred bicyclists are entertained. Coaching parties frequently stop over night here. The hotel numbers among its regular or occasional patrons such well-known men as Mr. Warren, of Philadel- phia; John Sheppard and John Sheppard, Jr., of Boston; Fisher PTdredge, of Portsmouth; Henry Cabot Lodge, General Cogswell, George Fred Williams, W. Bourke Cockran, and Sen- ator Hoar. Governor Greenhalge, Governor Russell, and the Rev. Phillips Brooks have also stopped here. Daniel H. Fowle, of Fowle & Johnston, son of Stephen D. and Nancy (Cheever) Fowle, was born in Newburyport, June 10, 1858. His paternal great-grandfather. Colonel Fowle, served the cause of the American colonies in the Revolutionary War. Colonel P'owle's portrait, with that of bis wife, was painted by the famous artist, Copley. Ste- phen D. Fowle, who was born in Newbury- port, conducted the Franklin House here for several years. He died when his son Daniel was only ten years old. Ste^jheii and Nancy Fowle had four children, namely: Laura, who married Daniel Llamblet, the proprietor of the American House in Newburyport for many years; Robert, who keeps a hotel at Sioux City, la., and formerly conducted Hotel Fowle and Hotel Merchants in the same city and the Wentworth at Parker, Dak. ; Stephen D. , who died in 1882, at the age of thirty- eight years; and Daniel PL, with whom this sketch is more immediately concerned. 574 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Daniel H. Fowle was educated in the scliot)Is of Nevvbiiryport, including the high school. He then went into the catering busi- ness with his brother Robert at Lawrence, Mass., where he remained a short time. After that he became bell-boy at the Essex House at Lawrence, where he remained for seven years. At the age of twenty-one he found employment in the American House at New- buryport. In iSSi he went to Salisbury Beach, and opened the St. James Caf6, which was burned down in the following winter. He then came to Newburyport, and opened a res- taurant at the corner of Bridge and Merrimack Streets, where he conducted business for four years. At the end of that time he opened Plum Island Hotel as a summer resort. On finding sufficient business there, he kept it open also during the winter months, conduct- ing it for seven years. In May, 1SS9, he and W. R. Johnston opened a restaurant at 5 Inn Street, which was known as Fowle & John- ston's, and which they conducted until they purchased the Wolfe Tavern. Mr. Fowle is a member of St. Mark's Lodge, F. & A. M. ; of King Cyrus Chapter, R. A. M. ; of the Commandery, Lodge of Perfection; and Aleppo Temple, Mystic Shrine. He belongs to both the Massachu- setts Hotel Association and the United States Hotel Association. By his marriage with Carrie F. Torrey, of Newburyport, he became the father of four children, of whom George Daniel is now deceased. The others are: James Eugene, who attends the high school in Newburyport; Robert Stephen; and Laura Etta. The mother died June 7, 1S90. Mr. Fowle subsetiuently married Mabel Gillett, a daughter of George E. Gillett, of Boston, a descendant of one of the patriots who took part in the famous "Boston Tea Party," and a grand-niece of Farmer Larkin, who gave to Paul Revere the horse on which the latter made his famous ride. William R. Johnston, the other member of the firm of Fowle & Johnston, son of Patrick Johnston, was born in Newburyport in 1852. He is an esteemed Mason of the Mystic Shrine. 's^TAMES S. WALLACE,* Postmaster of Rockport and an ex - member of the legislature, was born in this town October 17, 1846, son of David and Mary H. (Pool) Wallace. He is a representative of an old Gloucester family who originally spelled the name Wallis. His grandfather, Joseph Wallace, was lost at sea. David Wallace, who was a native of Gloucester, Mass., moved from West Gloucester to Rockport, where he became a prominent builder, residing here until his death, which occurred December 14, 1S78. He was a highly esteemed citizen and a member of the Congregational church. Of the children of David and Mary H. Wallace, two are living, namely: David, a resident of this town ; and James S., the subject of this sketch. James S. Wallace came into the world and was reared in the house on Granite Street where he now resides. His education was ac- quired in the common schools. Beginning at the age of eighteen, he was engaged in the fishing industry for a number of years, making trips to North Bay, N. S. , and along Cape Ann shore. Giving much of his attention to public affairs, he has been the chairman of the Democratic Town Committee for a number of terms; and in iSgo he ably repre- sented in the legislature the Eleventh Essex District, which comprises the town of Rock- port and the Second Ward of Gloucester. In 1893 he was selected as one of the three spe- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 575 cial Assessors appointed to make a revaluation of the town's assessable property. He was appointed Postmaster July i, 1894, and has since conducted the business of the ofifice with marked ability. He takes a deep interest in the general welfare of the community, actively supporting all measures for improvement. A liberal-minded, public - spirited citizen, he fully merits the esteem in which he is held. On October 31, 1871, Mr. Wallace was united in marriage with Laura A. Haskell, a daughter of Halton P. and Olive (Tarr) Haskell, of Rockport. Mrs. Wallace's parents hgd a large family of children, six of whom are living, namely: Sally, the wife of Moses Longley, of Kockport ; Jane, the wife of George W. Green, of P^ast Gloucester; Charles, who resides in Rockport; Laura A., who is now Mrs. Wallace; John J. Haskell, of Gloucester; and Llla F., who married John L. Thompson, of East Gloucester. For up- ward of twenty years Mr. Wallace has been identified with the Rockport Fire Department, and has acted as foreman of G. P. Whitman Hook and Ladder Company for the past eight years. He is a member of Ashler Lodge, F. & A. M., and was its Worshipful Master for five years. Yp)TENRY HOBBS,* a prominent resi- \^\ dent of Wenham, is a native of what -li® V^^ _, is now Rockport, Mass., born June 8, 1827. A son of Amos F. and Bethiah (Goodell) Hobbs, he counts among his ances- tors several loyal supporters of independence in the struggle of 1776. The founder of the family came from England. Amos F. Hobbs was born in Wenham, Mass., son of Jonathan Hobbs, a native of Ipswich, Mass., who was a son of Abraham Hobbs, of Topsfield, Mass. Abraham had several sons who served as Revolutionary sol- diers; while he was a member of the Consti- tutional Convention that met at Cambridge, Mass., and formulated the present State Con- stitution, and he subsequently served in the State legislature. Amos F. Hobbs was at one time a stone-cutter at Pigeon Cove, in what is now a part of Rockport, Mass. He was also engaged in general trade. The later years of his life were spent here in Wenham, where he was well known for miles around. His wife, Bethiah, was born in Salem, Mass. Henry Hobbs, who was but two years old when his parents came to Wenham, passed his boyhood here, receiving his education in the town schools. When about nine years old, he began working at shoemaking; and he contin- ued to follow that trade imtil he reached the age of twenty-three. After that, for a num- ber of years, he was engaged in the express business, over the route from Wenham through Danvers, Peabody, and Salem. He subse- quently took up harness-making, which he fol- lowed with success for forty years. Mr. Hobbs is a public-spirited man. He appre- ciates the value of a good education, and is ever ready to do his part toward placing within the reach of others the privileges he was unable to enjoy. In 1895 he presented the Wenham Public Library with seventy-six vol- umes, including many valuable works. He married for his first wife Harriet A. Goodell, of Wenham. Three children were born to them, of whom two are living, namely: Charles H., in Salem, Mass. ; and Hattie A., at home. He married for his second wife Lucretia P. Dudley of Danvers, Mass. In politics Mr. Hobbs supports the candi- date he considers to be best fitted for the office. Formerly, he was a Free Soiler. He has served as Town Collector; and he repre- sented the towns of Danvers and Wenham dur- 576 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW ing the session of i8So in the Massachusetts General Court, serving on the Committee on Banks and Banking. For a number of years he has been a trustee of the Essex Agricult- ural Society, with which he has been identi- fied for forty years, and each year has served on committees. He has the esteem of the community, and is beloved by the poor for his many charitable deeds. [ICHAEL MANN,* a former mem- ber of the Common Council of "^'^^ Lawrence, Mass., was born in 1826 in Limerick County, Ireland, where he learned the trade of a carder. When about twenty-five years of age, he emigrated to Amer- ica, making Lawrence his permanent place of abode. Here he secured work at his trade, and for nine years was connected with the Washington Mills. Mr. Mann was twice married. His first wife, whose maiden name was Casey, left two sons and one daughter at her death. His sec- ond marriage, contracted in 1868, united him with Miss Mary Kane, a daughter of William Kane, and who was also born and reared in County Limerick, Ireland. Mr. Kane, who was engaged in agricultural pursuits in the Emerald Isle, came to America with his wife in 1851, making the voyage from Liverpool to Boston in six weeks. He left his older chil- dren in Ireland with an aunt, who brought them to this country in 1853. At first he resided in Salem, Mass. Soon after he came to Lawrence, and obtained employment in the drying-room of the Bay State Mills, receiving seventy-five cents per day for his services. In 1862 he purchased a home at 36 West Street, where he afterward resided until his death in 1867, at the age of sixty-seven years and six months. He married Bridget Byron, who survived him and died at the age of seventy- four years. Of their nine children, six grew to maturity, and four are now living. The latter are: Mrs. Mann; two other daughters that reside in Lawrence; and Timothy Kane, an assistant superintendent in the Lawrence Water Works. By his second wife, Mary, Mr. Mann became the father of five children, two of whom died in infancy, and Mary at the age of five years. The surviving children are: Michael Joseph, and Thomas Davis. The father died in the prime of his life. Mrs. Mann labored hard to support and educate her sons after the death of her husband, who left her with limited means. She gave them such early educational advan- tages as were afforded by the excellent system of instruction in the city public schools, and has been amply repaid for years of toil and sacrifice by seeing them grow into honest and upright men, fully able now to care for her. She occupies the house which her father built on West Street. Her son, Thomas D., is now a type-setter on the Lawrence Sentinel. Michael J., born March 15, 1872, on Spring Street, beginning when a lad of fifteen years, worked in the Pacific Mills until recently, when he resigned in order to continue his ed- ucation at I'hillips Academy in Andover, Mass., where he is a member of the class of 1 90 1. ALTER LAWRENCE RAMS- DELL, the present Mayor of Lynn, was born in East Bridgewater, June 16, i860, a son of Joshua S. and S. (Fuller) Ramsdell. Joshua S. Ramsdell was a native of Hanson, Mass., but was reared in East Bridgewater, where he worked at the shoemaker's trade until the breaking out of the Civil War. Intensely Mass. , Mary BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 57? patriotic, he enlisted April 20, 1S61, a day or two after the firing of the first gun at Fort Sumter, in the Bridgevvater company of three months' men, but was not accepted. He sub- sequently enlisted for three years in the com- pany which was sent to Fortress Monroe, and which afterward became a part of the Twenty- ninth Massachusetts Regiment. He partici- pated in the Peninsular Campaign, and after the battle of Fair Oaks, May 31 and June i, 1862, was stricken with fever. Being taken to the Mill Creek Hospital in Hampton, Va., he died there; and his body was tenderly laid to rest in the National Cemetery, hallowed by so many of the Union's heroic dead. His wife, Mary S. Fuller Ramsdcll, who was from Yarmouth, Me., survives him. They had two children, namely: Walter Lawrence; and Lucie Luella, late Mrs. Thomas S. South- ward, of Cambridgeport. Walter Lawrence Ramsdcll was educated in Brookline, Mass., whither his widowed mother removed in 1S66, attending first the public schools of that town and later the grammar schools of Cambridge. At the age of seven- teen years, being almost entirely dependent upon his own resources, he began to learn the printer's trade, at which he worked for three years in various local establishments, master- ing it in all its branches. In 1879 he went West, and spent four years as a travelling journeyman, joining the Typographical Union in Omaha, Neb., and in Chicago becoming connected with the Knights of Labor. In 1883 he returned to Cambridge, Mass., and obtained employment in the well-known print- ing-office of Wright & Potter in Boston, where he remained three years. In 1S86 he located permanently in Lynn, during the first three years of his residence here being foreman of the printing-office of Woodbury S. Prentiss, the principal establishment of the kind in the city. He subsequently occupied a similar position in the office of the Lynn Daily Press until January, 1891, when he entered the com- posing-room of the Lynn Item. A short time later he became a member of the staff of re- porters and general writers of that enterprising paper, in which capacity he continued until June, 1S93. He then severed his connection with the Ite»i to accept the appointment of correspondent of the Boston Daily Globe, which position he has retained up to the pres- ent time, his contributions to that wide-awake daily being widely read and appreciated by the reading public. Since 1892 Mr. Ramsdcll has been one of the prominent leaders of the People's Party of Lynn. In 1S93 he was its candidate for State Senator and for Mayor of the city, and in the following year was nominated for Congress from the Seventh District. Political success awaited him; for in 1896 he was elected Mayor of the city of Lynn, as a Democratic and Citizens' Reform candidate, by a large majority, the duties of which responsible office he performed with such eminent ability and satisfaction to the general community that he was re-elected in 1897. Brought to the atten- tion of the people of the Congressional Dis- trict, he became the acknowledged Democratic candidate for Congressional honors, and was nominated in the Democratic convention of the district held in 189S. F"raternally, Mayor Ramsdell is a charter member of the Peter Woodland Lodge, No. 72, K. of P. ; is Past Chief of Essex Castle, Knights of the Globe; and is a member of the Park Club, Clover Club, and Press Club. Mr. Ramsdell was first married August i, 1884, Miss Mary A. Chisholm, of Antigonish, N. S. , becoming his wife. She died January 19, 1892, having borne him five children, of whom four are now living; namely, J(jshua 578 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Kenneth, I.ucy S. , Eliza T. , and Lawrence B. On December i, 1894, Mr. Ramsdell married for his second wife Miss Catherine R. Parr, of Kempt, N. S. , their union being solemnized in Brighton. Mr. Ramsdell is a gentleman of pleasant address, possesses much personal magnetism, and is a most effective jniblic speaker. His political opinions have not been adopted as a means of self-advancement, but upon strong conviction founded upon mature reflection, and have the strength that invariably accompanies sincerity. With such opinions, so closely in touch with the most advanced thought of the present day and backed by earnestness of pur- pose and a mind well stored with living facts acquired by close study of men and books, Mr. Ramsdell seems to be a man marked out to accomplish still greater things than any he has yet attempted and to filla career of still wider usefulness. IDWARD A. BROWN,* a well-known resident of Amesbury, is a descendant of George Brown who died in Eng- land, and whose widow, together with their sons — Henry, William, and George — came to America about the year 1630, settling in Colchester, now called Salisbury. William, who was a farmer and a weaver by trade, and became a Selectman and Constable of the town, married Elizabeth Mansfield, and set- tled on I5rovvn's Hill in Salisbury. He had a large family, of whom Ephraim served as Se- lectman and in other offices, and was a sol- dier in King William's War. bljihraim's son by his wife Sarah, also named ICphraim, mar- ried Lydia Eastman. Their son Nathaniel was a master mariner, who traded successfully along the Atlantic coast, and whose account books are in the possession of Edward A. Brown. Nathaniel, first, married Catherine Stevens. ]?y his second wife, Judith Mor- rill Brown, was born Jacob, Edward A. l^rown's great-grandfather, who, serving for three years in the Revolutionary War as En- sign, was with General Sullivan in his expedi- tion into Rhode Island, and was at Saratoga and Valley Forge. Jacob, after his discharge from the army for disability, became a Select- man and a Magistrate in the town. His son Enos, who was also a man of prominence, married Nancy Allen, of Bridgewater. Of their children, Leonard, the father of the sub- ject of this sketch, was extensively engaged in the grocery and lumber business. He mar- ried, and became the father of five children, of whom Edward A. was the first-born. The others arc: William, who is a teacher of vocal and instrumental music in Amesbury and Bos- ton; Leonard, in the carriage business, who married Mary L Merrill, and has three chil- dren ; Fred, a printer of Amesbury, who mar- ried Mary Bacheldor, and has four children; and Forest, the principal of the Amesbury High School. After graduating from the Amesbury High School and Lindon Academy, respectively in 1887 and 1SS8, Forest entered Dartmouth College in the latter year, and graduated in the class of 1892. He has since received the degree of Master of Arts from his Alma Mater. Edward A. Brown was educated at the Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technology at Boston, where he took the course in civil engineering. During his school-days he was a member of the Aljiha Delta Phi fraternity and of the Senior society of Cash and Garter. He went West in 1874, when the l^lack Hills gold fever was raging, and roughed it for the ensu- ing nine years, during which he was variously occupied. He taught school in the Black Hills, among pioneers who came from every BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW S79 State in the Union, with books of every pos- sible description. In Rapid City, So. Dak., he was County Superintendent of Schools. Then he prospected through various parts of the West, and followed his profession as a civil engineer in Montana, at Yellowstone Park, in Wyoming and Idaho. He returned to the East in 1884, and became interested in military affairs, joining the Amesbury Rifle Team, which is the best in the State. Mr. Brown is the clerk, treasurer, and a trustee of the public liijrary of Amesbury. Deeply in- terested in natural history, he owns a valuable collection of specimens, many of which were picked up during his travels in the West. He has also done much in genealogy, success- fully tracing, not only the history of his own family, but also that of many other old fami- lies of this section. ^m*m* NOCH SAWYER, a leading farmer and a native of Salisbury, was born Novem- ber 27, 1841, son of Enoch and grandson of Jeremiah Sawyer. Jeremiah, who, born May 19, 1777, died April 19, 1854, was a Deacon in the Baptist Church of Salis- bury, and at the time of his death its senior ofificer. He was baptized in May, 1809, by Elder John Peak. His wife, Elizabeth Fitts Sawyer, familiarly called Betsey, was born February 23, 1780, and died April 21, 1859. She was an active church worker. By occu- pation Jeremiah was a farmer, and for some time kept a grocery store. His children were born as follows: Moses, October 21, 1808; Eliza, February 15, iSii; Josiah, December 16, 1S13; Sarah, January 25, 1816; Jeremiah H., September 2, 1823; and Enoch, the father of the subject of this sketch, who was born August 20, 1806. Enoch Sawyer, better known as " Deacon Enoch," was warm-hearted and generous, yet very determined in any question of principle. He was the treasurer of the church society, and always took a prominent part in both foreign and home missions. Also he was a trustee of the Baptist church and of several funds. A close friend of Whittier, he was in full sympathy with the humane views of the benevolent Quaker pott. After driving a butcher's wagon for a while, being an excel- lent penman, he kept books for various firms, including those of Caruthers & Brown, Nahum Osgood, and Deacon Woodman. Being con- sumptive, he was never in robust health. On May 15, 1836, he married Apphia Adams Kelley, who after his death married Colonel Joshua Colby, of Mcrrimac. She died March 19, 1896. The children of Enoch and Apphia Sawyer were: Susan C, born March 4, 1837; Joseph William, born February 5, 1839; ''"fl Enoch, the subject of this sketch. Enoch Sawyer, Jr., worked as a shoemaker for a few years, and was then employed in the packing room of the Salisbury Corporation. In 1 861 he was made overseer in one of the rooms of the Salisbury Mills Company, and had charge of sixty-five employees. After this he was assigned to the press room, in charge of fourteen hydraulic presses, having the inspection of all the cloth turned out by seventy-five sets of cards. He held this posi- tion until 1876, in which year he was chosen to serve the district comprising Amesbury, Salisbury, Merrimac, and West Newbury in the legislature. At the expiration of his term he resumed his work in the mill, taking again his old position and holding it until the mills were shut down. After this he spent a year in Lisbon, Me., and the following year in the Bleakie Mills at Hyde Park. When the Salisbury Mills opened again, he returned and did the last piece of work performed in the 58o BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW woollen department in Amesbury. He then came to the carriage room of Bidclle & Smart, where he remained but a short time. For the past ten years he has been engaged in farm- ing, raising large crops of both fresh and salt hay. A Selectman for one year, Mr. Sawyer de- clined further service in that office. In Amesbury he was the foreman of the Union Engine Company, assistant engineer, and a member of the executive committee, having declined to become chief engineer. He was elected to the School Committee, but declined to serve. In 1876 he served in the General Court of Massachusetts, and was on the Labor Committee with the Hon. Carroll D. Wright, now the head of the Labor Bureau. He has been a member of Powow River Lodge, No. 90, since May 31, 1869, has been through the chairs, and frequently called upon to serve in various official capacities, as he was well versed in all the duties of every officer. He has also been a Representative to the Grand Lodge. He married Mrs. Adelaide A. Pike Getchell, who had two sons by her first hus- band — Nicholas T. and Edward S. Getch- ell. Nicholas married Bertha Merrill, and has two children — Ruel S. and Ruth Apphia. Edward S. married Sally George and lives in Salisbury. Mrs. Sawyer has one son by Mr. Sawyer — Enoch Earle Sawyer. The latter, born December i, 1883, now a pupil in the town schools, is a lad of fine ability, and bids fair to worthily represent the Sawyer name in the years to come. HARLES FRANCIS II A W~ THOKNI";,* a prominent real estate dealer of Lynn, son of Henry G. and Helen M. (I'ay) Hawthorne, was born in this city, November 17, 185S. His mother was born in Boston. By his father, a native of Salem, he comes of distinguished Colonial stock. Nathaniel Hawthorne, the celebrated author, who was for many years a custom- house officer at Salem, was an own cousin of Henry G. Hawthorne. The latter, like the novelist, was reared in his native town. Soon after reaching man's estate he removed to Lynn, where he resided for fifty-five years. He was a successful druggist and the proprie- tor of a large dry-goods store in West Lynn. He had good business ability, was progressive and enterprising, and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. After attending the public schools of Lynn for the usual period, Charles Francis Haw- thorne completed a course at Philli]:s Andover Academy, graduating therefrom in the class of 1874. Soon after leaving school he learned the plumber's trade, at which he worked for ten years in Lynn. During this time he be- came very much interested in Lynn real es- tate. In 1885 he gave up his trade, and turned his attention exclusively to the real es- tate business, in which he has since been ex- tensively engaged. Mr. Hawthorne takes an intelligent interest in matters pertaining to the welfare of his na- tive city, supporting in various ways the pro- gressive ideas now dominant in the manage- ment of public affairs. In 1S91 he accepted the appointment of Sealer of Weights and Measures for the city of Lynn, and was again appointed to the same office in 1896. In 1895 he was a member of the Lynn Common Council, and served in the Committee on Water Supply. In this committee he was successful in jnitting through the bill known as the "Stand Pipe Bill," a measure highly pleasing to his constituents of Ward Four. A strong defender of the principles of the Re- publican party, he is an active member of the BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 581 Lynn Republican Club, and for several years was a member of the Republican City Com- mittee. He is also a member and vice-presi- dent of the Sealers, Weights, and Measures Association. On November 3, 1880, in Lynn, he married Miss Fanny E. Williams, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Hawthorne have four children; namely, Harry C, Freddie J., Frank E., and Burt V. -ESSE A. TOWNS,* who was a resi- dent of Methuen for more than half a century, was born in Londonderry, N.H., in 1S22. He was one of the five chil- dren, four sons and a daughter, of James N. Towns, all of whom are now deceased. When a lad, besides acquiring a practical, common- school education, he learned the carpenter's trade. On attaining his majority, he settled in Methuen, and was afterward one of the leading contractors and builders of this town for many years. He was a skilful workman, ingenious and inventive, and possessed good architectural taste. For about nine years he had charge of the wood-work department in the shop of Mr. Searles, a well-known architect and contractor. Though he began working at his trade when carpenters depended upon their own labor for doors, blinds, sashes, etc., he kept pace with the times, being quick to avail himself of all new and improved methods. By his industry and economy he acquired a good property. In addition to building the residence now occupied by his widow, he erected a tenement block on the same street. Mr. Towns was twice married. His first wife, whose maiden name was Catherine Hcs- seltine, died in 1851. She left one daughter, Ella Grace, who is now the wife of Jackson Webster, of Haverhill, Mass., and has one daughter. Mr. Towns's second marriage was made with Caroline, daughter of Thomas Lenfest, of Lewiston, Me. Mr. Lenfest, a ship-builder by trade, having spent his early life in Charlestown, Mass., removed to Methuen, where he was engaged in agricult- ural pursuits for nearly threescore years. He married Abigail Coburn, of Lowell, and became by her the father of nine children. Of these, two died in infancy, and five after reaching maturity. Those living are Mrs. Towns and her widowed sister, Mrs. M. A. Whittier, who resides with her at Mrs. Towns's pleasant home on High Street. Mr. Towns died at his home, January 24, 1S96, aged seventy-three years. « * • » > -rJDWARD HAMMOND SMITH,* City Engineer of Lynn, Mass., son of the late John E. Smith, was born in this city June 4, 1858. His father, who was born and reared in Lynn, on the breaking out of the late Rebellion enlisted as Lieutenant of Com- pany I, Twenty-ninth Massachusetts Volun- teer Lifantry, and went with his regiment as far as Baltimore, Md. Resigning while there, he returned to Lynn, where he raised a com- pany of men, which was attached to the Thirty-eighth Regiment as Company E, he being elected its captain. Captain Smith subsequently served with his comrades until the close of the war, taking part in many en- gagements. In July, 1865, he was mustered out of service in Boston. Thereupon he re- turned to Lynn, and engaged in his former occupation of a morocco finisher, being the senior member of the firm Smith & Oliver. From i86g to 1875 he was a State officer on what is now known as the State District Po- lice. His death occurred on January 17, 1S91. He married Mary E. Hammond, who was born 582 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW in Salisbury, Mass. She was a daughter of Edward Hammond, who ser\4ed on a privateer and in the regular naval service during the War of 1812. At that time he was captured and sent to Dartmoor Prison, England. After being confined there for a time, he was ex- changed, and returned to Marblehead. He subsequently took up his abode in Lynn, and died here in 1872. lulward H. Smith was bred and educated in Lynn, being graduated from the high school in 1876. A bright, active lad at the time of his graduation, he had but little trouble in procuring a situation in the office of the City Engineer, where he remained until 1891. In that year he went into business for himself, opening a surveyor's office on Union Street, continuing there until 1896, when he was elected to his present office as City Engineer. His previous connection with this department had already made him familiar with the duties required of him, so that he came well prepared for the position, which he has since filled most creditably and satisfactorily. Mr. Smith has been prominent in military organizations and the Odd Eellows fraternity, and has contributed his full share to the advancement of each. Entering the State militia in 1876, he was connected with Com- pany D, Eighth Massachusetts Regiment, for fourteen years, and filled all the grades from the lowest to that of Captain. He is a mem- ber and the secretary of the West Lynn Lodge, No. 65, I. O. O. F. ; a member and. the treas- urer of I-'raternity Encampment, No. 67; a member of the Ivy Rebecca Lodge, No. 49; a charter member and past secretary of Mount Sion Senate, No. 363, K. A. E. O. ; a mem- ber of the Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F. ; and of the Grand Senate, K. A. E. O., of the State of Massachusetts. In politics he is a Republi- can. On February 21, 1883, he married Miss Carrie W. Merrill, a native of Lynn, and a great-grand-daughter of John Knight, a New Hampshire man, who served as a soldier in the War of the Revolution. OP"i HA RLE S M. LUNT, an e.xtensive ■ jl real estate owner of Newbury, and V >r ^ ^ senior member of the firm of C. M. Lunt & Sons, contractors, was born in this town, January 27, 1836, son of Joseph and Ann (Knight) Lunt. His birthplace and that of his father and grandfather was the old Kelley house, which has long been owned by the Lunt family, and was the first dwelling that stood on the hill overlooking the Parker River settlement. The family originated far back in the Middle Ages, and its early history is unknown to the present generation. One of the name was knighted for deeds of chivalry some time during the thirteenth century. The first ancestor in America was Henry Lunt, who accompanied a party of emigrants from England in 1635, and settled upon the banks of Parker River in the town of Newbury, whence he removed to what is now Newbury- port, where he owned land at the head of Fed- eral Street, his farm including the site of the residence of J. J. Currier. Records show that the Lunts of the Colonial period were sturdy, industrious people, and that they were influen- tial factors in town and church affairs. Many of them followed the sea, and several were pilots. During the stirring times of 1776, when the aged pastor of the Old South Church, Newbury, made an urgent call for volunteers to shoulder the musket and support the Dec- laration of Independence, members of the Lunt family were the first to respond. .En- sign Cutting Lunt, great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, is said to have been the only person to escape from the C)ld Mill BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 583 Prison, where he was held a captive by the British; and he made his way out disguised as the company's washerman. The sentinel was afterward shot for his negligence. Captain Ezra and Lieutenant Paul Lunt were officers of a company raised for the expedition to Can- ada, and the names of Ensign Cutting and John Lunt appear among those who manned whale-boats and captured a I^ritish man-of-war lying in Newburyport Harbor. Nathaniel Lunt, grandfather of Charles M., was a miller; and his grist-mill, which was operated by horse-power, was the only one in this section during his time. He possessed a perfect knowledge of the country, and knew the name of the occupants of every house be- tween Newbury and Haverhill, a distance of twenty miles. His wife, Eleanor Clark, who belonged to a highly reputable family of Greenland, N. H., was a direct descendant of Bishop Clark. Joseph Lunt, only son of Nathaniel and Eleanor Lunt, and father of Charles M., was reared to agricultural pursuits, and became a successful farmer. He owned and cultivated the home farm, and, like his ancestors, was noted for his progressive tendencies and gen- erous hospitality. He held various town and county offices, and in 1856 was elected to the legislature by votes cast irrespective of party •lines, as he was a clear-headed man, and pos- sessed the ability and courage to forcibly ex- press his views. He married Ann Knight, a member of one of the oldest families in Newbury. They had two sons, namely : Charles M., the subject of this sketch; and J. Austin, a farmer of Newbury, who was born December 29, 1833, and died in December, 1S78. Charles M. Lunt acquired his education in the common schools and at Dummer Academy. At an early age he developed business ability of a high order, and the active period of his life has been marked by a display of energy and progress which has enabled him to accu- mulate considerable wealth. For many years he has been at the head of the firm of C. M. Lunt & Sons, who do an extensive plumbing business, and are well known through this and other counties as e.\perts in the boring of arte- sian wells. He has been engaged in other enterprises, and has invested quite largely in real estate. In that field he has been unusually successful, having bought several so-called worthless farms, upon which he planted fruit orchards, by so doing making each of them pay for itself in a few years' time. He has made a specialty of raising apples, and in all probability he grows a larger amount of Bald- win apples and Bartlett pears than any other grower in Essex County. He carries on the • lid homestead farm, which is still one of the most productive pieces of agricultural property in Newbury; and he keeps an average of fifty head of cattle and ten horses. Politically, he acts with the Liberal party, by which he was elected a Selectman and Overseer of the Poor for a number of years. His intellectual faculties have been exercised frequently in a literary way as a contributor of many readable articles to various newspapers; and he has been appointed a member of two World's Fair Commissions. He belongs tQ the Newbury Farmers' Club. Mr. Lunt and Ellen Pike Coleman, of New- buryport, were united in marriage on April i, 1859. They are the parents of five chil- dren, as follows: Eleanor Clark, Mary Cole- man, Elizabeth Pike, George Warren, and Daniel Coleman. George W. and Daniel C. are members of the firm of C. M. Lunt & Sons. Eleanor C. is the wife of William Knapp, a druggist in Stockton, Cal. Mary C. married George Little, of Newbury, and has S84 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW three children George. Herbert C, Dorothy C. , and /^TkORGE E. STICKNEY, Jr.,* one of V ST Newbnryport'.s influential citizens, was born there November 6, 1865. The family is an ancient one. The ancestor, Robert Stickney, visiting in Boston, England, in the year 165S, was invited to a house built one hundred and fifty years before the time of his visit; and he there saw a coat-of-arms of the Stickney family dating back to the Nor- man-French family of De Stickney in the thir- teenth century. William Stickney, grandson of one Robert, born December 30, 1558, mar- ried, made his will on October 3, 1582, and was buried on the 15th of the same month at Frampton. Amos Stickney, born in Eng- land in 1635, married in Newbury, June 24, 1663. His son, John Stickney, was born in Newbury, June 23, 1666. John Stickney, Jr., born there July 30, 1693, was the father of Caleb, who was born in the same place January 9, 1720. Caleb's son John, born there in 1750, was the father of Jacob, born July 28, 1774, the great-grandfather of George E. Caleb Stickney, the grandfather, born Feb- ruary 9, 181 1, was a shipbuilder and block- maker, and in business for himself for more than forty years. He was a prominent member of the Veteran Artillery Association, of which he was an officer and the band sergeant at dif- ferent times. He is now eighty years old. ]5y his wife, Miriam M. Noycs Stickney, he is the father of two children — Mrs. Henry A. WiLson and George E. George E. Stickney, .Sr., who was well educated for the times, is now an ex])ert machinist with the Towle Man- ufacturing Company. He is an esteemed member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He married Miss ]5erry, one of the seven children of James Berry, of Kittery, Me. As soon as George E. Stickney, Jr., graduated from the Newburyport High School with the class of 1882, he went at once into the Mer- chants' Bank as a messenger. Three years later he took the same position in the Revere National Bank of Boston. At the end of one year here he became assistant corresponding clerk. From this position he was rapidly pro- moted to that of head corresponding clerk, general clerk, and assistant receiving teller, which last he held for about eight years. From the Revere National Bank he went to the Old Colony Trust Company as receiving teller, in which capacity he is employed to-day. On March 9, 1888, he organized the co-operative bank at Newburyport, of which he is now the secretary and treasurer. The deposits of this institution have grown from one dollar in 188S to one hundred and seventy thousand dollars in 1896. An Independent in politics, Mr. Stickney served in the City Council in 1890 and 1891 ; and he was an Alderman in 1892, 1893, 1894, and 1S95. He is a member of the St. John's Lodge, F. & A. M. Mr. Stickney on December 18, 1894, mar- ried Susan Coffin Adams, a descendant in a direct line of Francis Cooke, who came from England in the "Mayflower " in 1620. Jacob, son of Francis, settled at the Isle of Shoals. Samuel, the next in descent, was the father of Charles, who married Mary Caswell of the Shoals, and removed to Newburyport. Their children were: Zebidec, William, John, Charles, Elias, Sam, Betsey, and Sarah. John Cooke married Sarah lulwards; and they had four children — John, Charles, Moses, and Mary. The only daughter, Mary, married Richard Adams on May 3, 1818. Thirteen children were the fruit of this union; namely, .Sarah, David, Richard, Jnlm (Juincy, Edwin, BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 58s Xenophon, Charles, Mary, William, Ellery, Xenophon (second), Moses Cooke, and Benja- min. Moses Cooke Adams married Elizabeth Jane Disney, October 6, iS6i. Their chil- dren were: Lizzie D., Carrie S., and Susan Coffin. Mr. Stickney's rapid rise in business gives promise of a still brighter future. His enterprise and energy, as shown in the organ- ization of the co-operative bank, suggest the possibilities of the future bank director and president. EFFREY T. STANLEY,* one of the Selectmen of Manchester, Mass., and formerly Representative from the Tenth Esse.\ District to the Massachusetts General Court, was born at Beverly, Mass., June i, 1826, son of 1\tu1 and Mahala (Thistell) Stan- ley. Both his parents were natives of Essex County. Paul Stanley, the father, who was a general mason, resided in Beverly until 1826, when he removed to Manchester, where he remained until his death seven years later. Of his children, only two are living — Jeffrey T. and Rufus A., of whom the latter resides in Gloucester, Mass. Jeffrey Stanley came to Manchester with his parents to this town when an infant, and his school-days were sjjent here. At the age of seventeen he began to learn the cabinet- maker's trade with George Procter, a furniture manufacturer of this town. He worked for Mr. Procter for about three years, and was subsequently employed for a time by Allen & Decker in the same line of business. In 1849 he went to the newly discovered gold fields of California, making the journey, which took about six months, by the overland route. He remained there for a time, and upon his re- turn came by way of the Isthmus of Panama. Since that time he has resided in Manchester. In 1 85 1 he engaged in business for himself in the manufacture of furniture, but subse- quently followed his trade as a journeyman for several years. In September, 1862, he enlisted in Company A of the Forty - fifth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, and was in service for over nine months. His regiment formed a part of the Nineteenth Army Corps under General Foster in North Carolina, and took part in the battles of Kingston, White- hall, Goldsboro, and others. He was honor- ably discharged in July, 1863. Mr. Stanley was married on June 18, 1854, to Elizabeth A. Edwards, of Manchester. Mrs. Stanley was born on May 10, 1830, a daughter of Samuel and Sarah J. (Allen) Ed- wards. She is descended on both sides from old and respected families of Manchester. Her father, who was a seafaring man, was only eighteen years old when he did guard-duty at Norton's during the War of 1812. Mrs. Stanley is a member of the Ladies' Sewing Circle of the Congregational church. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley have one son, Fred Stanley, a resident of Woburn, Mass. He married Lizzie Pierce, who bore him one daughter — Bertha E., now deceased. Mr. Stanley has served as jdoI iceman of Manchester for one year, and as chief of the fire' department. During the session of 1887 he was sent as Representative from the town to the General Court from "the Tenth Essex' District. In 1890 he was appointed Post- master of Manchester, and held that office over five years. He is now serving his third consecutive term as Selectman and as Assessor and Overseer of the Poor. He is also a mem- ber of the Board of Health. In politics he is a Republican; and he is a member of the Re- publican Town Committee, having been for- merly its chairman. He is also a member of the Congressional Committee from the Sixth 586 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Congressional District. He is present Quar- termaster Sergeant of Allen Post, G. A. R., which he has served for two years as Com- mander. HOMAS W. JAMES,* a machinist and respected citizen of Lawrence, was born in Deerfield, N. H., August 27, 1829, son of Kzekiel Worthen and Lucy (French) James. John James, father of Ezekiel Worthen, born in Deerfield, died there in 1834, after a long and well-spent life. He had four sons and si.x daughters. Ezekiel Worthen James, a native of the same place, born in 1774, died in 1S50. He was a plain, honest, and well-to-do farmer, owning a three- hundred-acre farm. In 1805 he married Lucy French, who was born in 1780. Of their twelve children, si.x sons and four daughters grew to maturity, and four are now living, namely: Elizabeth Charles, in New Hamp- shire; Rawlin, in Haverhill; Thomas W., the subject of this sketch ; and Samuel, in Phila- delphia, Pa. The mother died in 1862. Thomas VV. James remained on the farm until eighteen years old, receiving his educa- tion in the common school. Leaving home in 1847, he became an apprentice at the ma- chinist's trade, which he has followed with good success ever since. On May 31, 1850, he married Julia A. Bean, who was born in Deerfield, N. H. Her parents, John and Mary Bean, were cousins. The father was a son of Joshua and Hannah (Stevens) Bean, of Not- tingham, N. fL ; and the mother, a daughter of Samuel Bean. John Bean, a farmer by occu- pation, served his town as Selectman, Col- lector, and in other important offices. Both he and his wife were members of the Free Will Baptist church. They had three chil- dren, of whom one other daughter is living. Mr. Bean died May 26, 1888, aged eighty-one; and his wife died at sixty. At her marriage Mrs. James was seventeen years old. Both her children, a son and a daughter, are living. The daughter, E!lla P'rances, now the wife of Frank Hilton Chapman, has four sons and one daughter; while the son, John Frank James, a merchant grocer, married Myra Angle Smith, of St. Johnsbury, and has one daughter living, Alice Sophia. Besides their six grandchil- dren, Mr. and Mrs. James have one great- grandchild. Mrs. James is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. YgTH^AM NEWTON HARRIMAN, for f^l a number of years editor and propri- J-^ V, ^ etor of the Georgetown Advocate and Town Clerk of Georgetown, Mass., his native place, was born May 22, 1837, and died suddenly of heart disease while attending to his official duties at the town hall on Octo- ber 31, 1897. He was the son of Pliram and Sarah (Spofford) Harriman. His father was born in Georgetown in 1804, and his mother was a native of Andover, Mass. The immigrant ancestor of the Ilarriman family was Leonard Harriman, a native of England, who settled at Rowley, Mass., in 1638. Jonathan Harriman, son of Leonard, was born in Rowley in 1657, and died in 1741. John Harriman, son of Jonathan, was born in what is now Georgetown in 1703, and died in 1753. Enoch Harriman, son of John and great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born in Georgetown in 1736, and lived to be past fourscore years of age. Enoch Harriman, second, grandfather of Hiram N., was born in this town in 1775, and died in 1844. Hiram Harriman, Hiram N. Harriman's father, was engaged in the shoe manufactur- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 587 ing business in Georgetown during the active period of his life, and is remembered by many of our older citizens as an able and prosper- ous business man. He was instrumental in developing the principal industry of this town, and acquired an honorable reputation for in- tegrity and punctuality. He died in 1S76. His wife, Sarah Spofford, was a daughter of Samuel and Deborah (Robinson) Spofford, of Andover, Mass., and a descendant of John Spofford, one of the pioneer settlers of Georgetown. Hiram N. Harriman began his education in the common schools, later attending succes- sively the Bradford Academy and the Putnam High School, Newburyport, where he was graduated in 1856. After pursuing a further course of study at Comer's Commercial Col- lege in Boston, he went to the State of Illi- nois, where he resided a short time. Return- ing to Georgetown in 1S62, he entered the United States recruiting service; and in July, 1864, he enlisted in an unattached company, under Captain John G. Barnes. He after- ward re-enlisted in the same company, and in 1S65 was commissioned by Governor Andrew Brevet Captain to serve in the Sixty-second Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, com- manded by Colonel J. Harris Hooper. He was mustered out with that regiment; and upon his return to this town he engaged in the shoe manufacturing business, which he followed until 1S72. He was appointed a Constable by Governor Claflin, was reap- pointed by Governor Washburn, and served in that capacity for about three years. He then entered the newspaper business, which he con- tinued to follow as long as he lived. Under his enterprising and judicious management the Advocate, an independent weekly journal, chronicling the local, county. State, and na- tional news, had a large circulation through- out this section. In politics Mr. Harriman was a Republican. In all matters relative to the welfare and improvement of the town he took a lively interest. He was a trustee and a member of the Investment Committee of the Georgetown Savings Bank. He served as Town Clerk in 1877 and 1878, and thenceforth continuously from 1884; and at the time of his death he was Chief Engineer of the fire department. In 1858 Mr. Harriman was united in mar- riage with Sarah A. Hardy, daughter of Na- than Hardy, of Groveland, Mass. Mrs. Har- riman is the mother of two children: Augus- tus, born in 1866; and Mary L., born in 1872. Augustus was educated in the common schools, and was a printer in the office of the Advocate. Mary L. is a graduate of the Georgetown High School, and is residing at home. Mr. Harriman was a charter member and a Past Master of Charles C. Dame Lodge, F. & A. M. ; a member of King Cyrus Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, of Newburyport ; and of Haverhill Commandery, Knights Templar. In 1888 Grand Master Henry Endicott ap- pointed him Deputy Grand Master of the Ma- sonic District of Massachusetts, and he held that appointment for two years. He was also connected with Protection Lodge, No. 147, I. O. O. F. ; was president of the Union Club of Georgetown ; was a-Past Commander- of Everett Peabody Post, No. 108, G. A. R., and served as its Uuartermaster since 1884. (sTTLBERT gushing TITCOMB, one li-il of the most highly esteemed citizens ' ''V.^ of Newburyport, son of the late Francis Titcomb and his wife, Sally Dodd Titcomb, was born in 183 1, and comes of a family famous in the founding and develop- 588 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW mcnt of this town, and distinguished in the annals of the country as producing brave sol- diers and erudite professional men, who have been always ready to give their best service for the country wherever needed. The first ancestor in America, Captain William Tit- comb, came from Newbury, England, in 1634, on the ship "Hercules," and in company with the Rev. Thomas Parker, and other persons from the same neighborhood, settled on the banks of the Parker River, at a place called by the Indians Ouascacunquen, which they named Newbury, for their old home. He was a man of means and education, was made free- man in 1642, Selectman in 1646, and Repre- sentative to the General Court in 1655. In the long contest between the Rev. Mr. Parker and his parishioners in regard to church gov- ernment, he supported the popular side; and, when the courts decided in favor of the pastor, Mr. Titcomb was fined. The Titconibs early owned land in what is now the centre of the town, back of Oak Hill Cemetery, and on Greenleaf Street, where the B. & M. freight station stands; and in the course of time they had estates in parts of Byfield, West Newbury, and Newburyport. When the river front became the business centre, the Titcombs owned wharves and stores both below and above Market Square. William, for many years a revenue ofificer, was located just below where the custom- house now stands. Josiah was just above Market on Broadway, when it was in reality a broad way. He owned a splendid mansion at the head of what was then Titcomb's Wharf, and gave fashionable parties, at which silver punch bowls freely circled. This mansion was standing up to some forty years ago, when it was burned. Near by was the house of the gallant Colonel Moses Titcomb, and just opposite that the Hodge house, owned by Michael Hodge, husband of Josiah Titcomb's daughter. On the east corner of Merrimack and Green Streets was the residence of Gen- eral Jonathan Titcomb. On Market .Street was the home of the Hon. PLnoch Titcomb, the biithplace of generations of Titcombs. Sam- uel, after whom Titcomb Street was named, lived on State Street, where the John Carr house now stands; and he owned the whole square from High to Harris and from State to Green Streets, with the exception of Wolf Tavern. He was very wealthy, and had es- tates in West Newbury, Pelham, and Salem. The family has spread to nearly all parts of the country, and has produced men of superior abilities and noble hearts, men eminent in Church and State, and ever ready to champion the cause of truth and freedom. Colonel Moses Titcomb, born in 1700, was son of William Titcomb, Jr., and his wife, Ann Cottle, one of the beauties of the town, who formerly lived in Cottle's Lane, now known as Bromfield Street. Colonel Titcomb marrieil Miriam Currier; and his daughter Miriam became the wife of Nicholas Tracy, whose house (in former times) is now the public library building. The Colonel had a blacksmith shop at the first wharf below Green Street. He was a man of fine physique; and when, during the siege of Louisburg, the sol- diers needed amusement, he could beat any man in his regiment pitching quoits, could throw any one in wrestling, or e.xcel in lift- ing, and was as fearless as he was strong. Under General Pepperell's command he held commission as Major, and from his own means furnished a battery of five forty-two pounders, called Titcomb's battery. He returned from the victorious contest with high honors, bringing as a trophy the bomb-shell which now decorates the stone post at the corner of Middle and IndeiJcndent Streets. While di- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 589 reeling his men in a charge at the battle of Lake George, he was shot by an Indian; and his body was never recovered. General Jonathan Titcomb, born in 1727, son of Josiah and Martha (Rolfe) Titcomb, was a highly distinguished officer in the Revolu- tionary War. He was Representative to the first legislature after the evacuation of Bos- ton, and later was a member of the Constitu- tional Convention. He was first naval officer of the port of Newburyport, and was chairman of the Committee on Reception when Wash- ington was here in 1790. General Titcomb lived to be about ninety years of age. He was a devoted Presbyterian, and was one of the founders of the Second Presbyterian Church, and always its most liberal friend, giving one thousand dollars toward the church building. PZnoch Titcomb, born in 1752, son of Henry Titcomb, was a merchant in Newburyport. He served as a Representative in the legisla- ture, also as a State Senator, and for twenty- eight years in succession he was Town Treas- urer, declining a re-election at the end of that time on account of failing health. Enoch Titcomb died in 1814, aged si.\ty-two years. His son Francis Titcomb, father of Mr. Al- bert C. Titcomb, married Miss Sallie Dodd, of Salem. He was a silversmith, learning the business under William Moulton. Of his seven children, Mr. Albert C. Titcomb is the only one now living. Albert Gushing Titcomb attended the "monitorial" school, under Masters Cool- idge, Caldwell, and Reed, graduating at the age of fourteen. Beginning life for himself, he was at first in the dry-goods store of Jo- seph F. Toppan on State Street, and then in Boston for two years. In 1849 he sailed for San Francisco in the brig "Charlotte,"' and reached the Golden Gate July 23 of that year. After spending two years in the mines, he went to Relejo, Central America, and invested in the hotel business and in the coffee trade between that port and San P'ran- cisco. When twenty years old, he came back to Newburyport, and went into the machine shop of the Bartlett Mills, agreeing to work six months without compensation while learn- ing the trade. At the end of two months the agent of the company was so pleased with his skill and industry that he put his name on the pay-roll at forty-two cents per day. Later on he worked at this trade in Roxbury, and in the Old Colony Railroad machine shops until 1855, when he became travelling salesman for Robinson, Potter & Co., manufacturers of jewelry at Providence, R.I. He has since been connected with the dia- montl and jewelry business and has been lo- cated on the islands of St. Thomas and Cur- aqoa in the West Indies and in San Francisco. He has travelled extensively, having made the journey to California forty times, and having been in nearly every State in the Union. He is now retired from business, and lives on High Street, in one of the finest residences in the city. In 1890 Mr. Titcomb became treas- urer of the Lamson Consolidated Store Ser- vice Company, which was at that time almost a bankrupt concern. He so managed its finan- cial affairs as to clear the entire debt, and to put the business on a paying basis. In politics Mr. Titcomb is a Republican. He has twice been Mayor of his native city. Many municipal reforms have been originated by him, among them being the reduction of tax rates and the remodelling of streets. He also removed the poorhouse from Federal Street, established the system of sewerage, and had the school buildings of the city thor- oughly renovated. He was urged to accept the nomination for the Mayoralty in 1897, but 59° BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW declined to do so. Mr. Titcomb is a member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. While in San Francisco, he was one of the reincorpora- tors of the Y. M. C. A. there, and one of the stanchest friends of the organization. He aided Mr. Moody, the evangelist, in raising a debt of eighty-three thousand dollars that lay on its property. Mr. Titcomb has been a member of the Nevvburyport Board of Trade, and he is at the present time a member of the State Board of Trade. Fraternally, he is a member of the Sons of the American Revolu- tion; of St. John's Lodge, F. & A. M., of King Cyrus Chapter, and of Newburyport Commandery, K. T. Mr. Titcomb has been twice married. His first wife, Ellen Graves, whom he married in i860, bore him two sons — Albert and Will- iam Graves. The last named, William Graves Titcomb, was for some time in the office of the Waltham Watch Company at Bos- ton. He is now president of the New Eng- land Steam Brick Company of Providence, whose manufactory is at Nayatt, R.I. His wife, whose maiden name was Jessie Watson Shepard, is the daughter of John Shepard, of the well-known firm of Shepard, Norwell & Co., Boston. Their third child, Richard Spofford Titcomb, is named for an intimate friend of the subject of this sketch, the late Richard S. Spofford, who died in 1888, and is survived by his gifted wife, Harriet Prescott Spofford. Mrs. Ellen Graves Titcomb died in 1882; and two years later Mr. Titcomb mar- ried Hitta Louise, the accomplished daughter of Amos C. Clement, of Plaistow, N. H. By this union there is one son, Albert Clement, and a daughter, Ruth. Mr. Titcomb's popularity with the residents of his own town is attested by the enthusiasm manifested whenever he has been a candidate for public honors among them. When he was electetl to the Mayoralty, he received a major- ity of five hundred and ninety-seven votes, which is the largest majority ever given to a Mayor of this city. He is of gentle and kindly disposition, possessed of large means, and is an active and public-spirited citizen, whose hand and heart are open to all unfortu- nates, and who has a pleasant smile for all whom he meets. There is no honor within their gift which his fellow-citizens would not gladly bestow upon him. ON. ORRIN JAMES GURNEY,* a former Mayor of Newburyport, was ^ \^ ^ born in this city, April 8, 1849, son of John and Mary (Knowles) Gurney. His paternal grandfather, Nathaniel Gurney, followed the trade of wheelwright in New- buryport for a number of years, and died here at the age of seventy. Nathaniel married Maria Hastings, who bore him twelve chil- dren, of whom two are still living. He at- tended the old Harris Street Presbyterian Church. John Gurney, son of Nathaniel and father of Orrin James, was a harness-maker by trade, and carried on business for some years in Newburyport. He died when be- tween sixty and seventy years old. His wife Mary was a daughter of Jonatiian Knowles, of North Hampton, N.IL She was the mother of three children, two boys and a girl. She died when her son Orrin was but two years of age. After a limited course of study in the com- mon schools, Orrin J. Gurney began work at the age of eleven on a farm. He afterward worked for some time in the Ocean Cotton Mill. Subsequently, while still a youth, he was employed successively in a hat factory, a soap factory, and a barrel factory. When sixteen years old he was apprenticed to BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 59' Charles Brown, a carpenter, with whom he re- mained for five years. He then, in 1S73, opened a factory for the manufacture of wooden boxes, starting in a little one-story building on Kent Street. His business grew rapidly; antl in November, 1S80, he purchased the old Baptist church on Congress Street, which he enlarged by adding a second-story and adapted to factory purposes, and where he is at present located. He now employs a force of fourteen or fifteen hands, and manu- factures both wooden and paper boxes. A Republican politically, Mr. Gurney served formerly as Inspector and Clerk of his ward. In 1883 he was elected a member of the Common Council. The next year he served on the Board of Aldermen. For five consecutive years, beginning with 1887, he was a member of the Council, which he left in 1892 to become Mayor of the city. This latter office he held for four years — a longer term than that served by any previous Mayor of Newburyport. During his administration he effected many important reforms. Among others he obtained a charter for the Newbury- port Water Company, compelling the old com- pany to sell at a price to be determined by a commission. He also cleared the city of the houses of bad repute, in spite of strong oppo- sition from an element that claimed such an undertaking to be impracticable. In 1S96 Mr. Gurney was defeated by a majority of but fifty-six. He was, however, unanimously elected Park Commissioner, and was chairman of the board for three years. A prominent Free Mason, Mr. Gurney was Marshal of his lodge for seven years, High Priest of the chapter for two years, and Com- mander of Newburyport Commandery, K. T. , in 1894-95, attending the triennial conven- tion at Boston. The Newburyport Command- ery was really the first to be formed in this country, although recorded as No. 3. It was instituted in 1795, but the original charter was lost. Mr. Gurney belongs to St. John's Lodge, A. F. & A. M. ; Cyrus Chapter, R. A. M. ; Newburyport Commandery, K. T. , No. 3; and Amesbury Council, R. & S. M. ; also to Newburyport Lodge, Riverside Com- mandery, No. 52, U. O. G. C. (of which he has been a member sixteen years, and New- buryport Lodge, No. 512, K. of H. In 1895 Mr. Gurney became the first president of the Veteran Firemen's Association, which was then formed. In March, 1873, he married Miss Abbie A. Hunter, daughter of Michael Hunter, of Newburyport. OHN W. ALLEN, a well-known grocer of Newburyport, was born March 29, 1845. II'S great-grandparents on the maternal side of the family were carried off by the Indians, and were never heard from again. Their son, William Perry, was born in Newbury, near Turkey Hill. The loss of his parents in his childhood left him without a home, and he was bound out to the town. When of age, he enlisted, and took part in the Revolutionary War. He died soon after the close of the war. His wife, in maidenhood Eleanor Poore, lived to be ninety years old. They had two children. Of English birth, John W. Allen came from Yarmouth, England, when a boy. He was the eldest of the family, which comprised three sisters and five brothers. A farm of one hundred acres in Newbury was his home until within the last twelve years. He owned six- teen cows, dealing largely in dairy products, and having a large milk business. Often- times, unable to procure reliable help, he was obliged to carry on the farm entirely un- aided. The care proved too much for him ; 592 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW and he removed to town, where he built him- self a handsome residence on High Street. Mr. Allen has always been active in town pol- itics. He was in the Common Council in 1890-91, and an Alderman in 1892-93. He has been chairman of various committees, and a member of fifteen at different times. That Mr. Allen is a popular man is shown by the large number of votes always cast for him, and the frequency of his nomination for different offices. He belongs to the Mutual Benefit Association, Merrimac Lodge, No. 31, A. O. U. W., of Newburyport. Also con- nected with the First Parish Congregational Church since the year 1876, he has been its treasurer and collector; and he has served on the Parish Committee. He married first Mary E. Plummer, of Newbury, on November 26, 1867. His second wife, Sarah E., whom he married June 15, 1884, was a sister of the first. There are three daughters — Elizabeth P., Caroline Frances, and Edith Greenleaf, all at home. I^ARNARD STANVVOOD, a retired I ^"TS farmer of Gloucester, was born in !«*■• this city, July 15, 1815, son of Barnard and Hannah B. Stanwood. The fam- ily has been identified with Gloucester since 1653; and the subject of this sketch is a de- scendant in the seventh generation of Philip Stainwood, who came to Gloucester in 1653, served as a Selectman in 1667, and died here in 1672. He had four sons and four daugh- ters. Philip Stainwood, second, the ne.xt in the line, was twice married. His son Philip, third, born in 1690, was the father of Job, who changed the spelling of the name to its present form. Job Stanwood lost his left arm in the expedition against Louisburg, and was granted a pension by the General Court. lie married Hannah Byles, and his son Zebu- Ion was Barnard Stanwood' s grandfather. Zebulon Stanwood owned a large farm located at Stanwood's Point. His business was farm- ing and building vessels. He was twice mar- ried, and by his first wife, whose maiden name was Mary Rust, he had eight children; namely, Zebulon, Theophilus, Theodore, VVinthrop, Job, Solomon, Mary, and Hannah. By his second union there were no children. Barnard Stanwood went to live with his grandfather when quite young, his father hav- ing been lost at sea. At the age of twenty- three he inherited a part of his grandfather's farm, which he cultivated successfully for many years, or until appointed superintendent of the almshouse. The affairs of that institu- tion he managed with ability for thirteen years. Purchasing a farm of thirty acres on Washington Street, he carried it on until the growth of the city made it advantageous for him to subdivide his property into house lots; and in that way he has disposed of a greater part of it. Under the old town government he was several times elected Overseer of the Poor, and was chairman of the Committee on Public Property. He served as Chief Engineer of the fire Department in the days when hand engines were in use, and has been a member of the 15oard of Assessors under the city gov- ernment. He is a charter member of Ocean Lodge, I. O. O. F., and Cape Ann Encamp- ment, and has repeatedly occupied the impor- tant chairs in the first-named body. In his religious belief he is a Universalist. Mr. Stanwood married for his first wife Harriet Knowlton, and for his second her sis- ter, Mary Knowlton. By his first marriage he had two children — Harriet N. and James Albert; and by his second he has two sons — John J. and Frank. James Albert died young. Harriet N. married Daniel Fuller, BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 593 of Swampscott, and died a few years later, leaving two children. She was a graduate of the Salem Normal School. John J. Stan- wood, who was born in July, 185 1, is in the fish business. He married F'annie Proctor, daughter of George Proctor, editor of the Gloucester Daily Times, and has two children: Barnard, born in 1890; and Marjorie, born in 1892. Frank Stanwood, who was born Octo- ber 28, 1853, was with his brother for several years, or until i8go, when he bought a wharf. He is now carrying on business on his own account. He deals in all kinds of dried, pickled, smoked, and boneless fish, and has a specialty known as sandwich halibut. He married Maggie, daughter of Martin Evans, of Rockport, and has one son, Daniel B., who was born in April, iSg6. Mrs. Mary K. Stanwood died in October, 1896. Frank Stanwood is a prominent member of Tyrian Lodge, F. & A. M. ; and of William Person Chapter, Royal Arch Masons; a Past Grand of Ocean Lodge, L O. O. F. ; and Past Chief Patriarch of Cape Ann Encampment. He is now serving as High Priest of that order. /^^TlT.BERT H. KITTREDGE, crockery \ 5T merchant, a prominent business man of Lawrence, Mass., was born in North Tewksbury, this State, on July 1 1, 1848, son of Henry A. and Mary (Clark) Kit- tredge. His first ancestor in this country, and probably the ancestor of most, if not all, of the Kittredges in the United States, was John Kittredge, who came from England with his mother, and settled in Billerica, Mass., where he died on October 18, 1676. He was a ]ihysician and farmer, and was Selectman in 1653. The earliest book of records speaks of him as "Dr. John Kittredge, on whom the healing art had descended and had come down through many generations." The different branches of the family are traced in the records of Billerica. Dr. John Kittredge, second, son of the immigrant, died in Billerica in 17 14, at the age of forty-nine. His grave is in the Smith burial-ground in Tewksbury. The next in line, Dr. John, third, who died in 1762, at the age of seventy-two, was buried by the side of his father. Then came Dr. John Kittredge, fourth, who died in Andover, aged about si.\ty-eight years, and whose descendants are still living in that town. He was twice mar- ried. Dr. Benjamin Kittredge, son of the fourth Dr. John and his wife Mary, was born in An- dover on March 7, 1740 or 1741, and died on January 18, 1822. His three half-brothers were: Thomas, John, and James or Jacob; and his half-sisters were Hannah and Su- sanna. Thomas was a distinguished physi- cian and surgeon, and resided in Andover. John was a farmer on the old farm in that town. He was unmarried, and his maiden sisters lived with him. Dr. Benjamin Kit- tredge settled in Tewksbury. Although his progenitors were skilful physicians and sur- geons, he was the first of the name who studied medicine in a professional school. He mar- ried Rebecca, daughter of John and Anne Ball._ She was born on July 12, 174/, and died on July 5, 1808. The children of Benjamin and Rebecca Kittredge were as follows: Benjamin, Jr., who was born on December 9, 1767, stud- ied medicine with his father, practised for a while in Chester, N.H., and died on January 8, 1830; Rebecca, born August 22, 1769, died October 21 of the same year; John Ball, who was born in June, 1771, and died in Feb- ruary, 1848; Rebecca, second, born in Decem- ber, 1772, died in 1847; Theodore, who was 594 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW born on May 17, 1775, and died September 18, 1798; George, who was born May 15, 1777, died February 12, 1824; Charles, born in July, 1779, died in 1812; Jacob, who was born December 19, 1781, and died in October, 1824; Mary, born October 26, 17S4, died in 1840; Henry, who was born on January 3, 1787, and died December 18, 1847; and Rufus, born June 28, 1789, died February 23, 1854. Dr. Henry Kittredge, the seventh son of Dr. Benjamin, was distinguished for his surgi- cal skill, as his ancestors had been. His prac- tice extended through Tewksbury, Andover, Lowell, and Billerica. He married Naomi Pinkerton, daughter of William and Margaret (Brown) Pinkerton, of Tewksbury. She was born on July 15, 1790, and died on October 18, 1844. She was the mother of five children — Maria, Henry A., Margaret, Mary, and Julia. Maria, who was born on August 13, 181 2, and died on April 15, 1870, married Henry Griffin, of Andover, Mass. Margaret, who was born on January 22, 181S, and mar- ried Dr. William Gray, of Billerica, died in Washington, D. C, May 24, 1893. Mary Brown Kittredge was born on March 26, 1823, and died on January 11, 1865. She was the wife of Alpheus Trask, of Beverly. Julia A. Kittredge, who is the wife of Isaac New- ton Goodhue, of Newton, Mass., was born on October 26, 1828. She is now in Minnesota. Henry A. Kittredge, father of Gilbert H., was born in North Tewksbury, Mass., on Au- gust 19, T815. He was a volunteer in the late Civil War, and went to New Orleans with General B. F. Butler, where he died in the hospital on August 7, 1862. He was buried in Cypress Grove Cemetery. He was married in New York City on May 19, 1841, to Mary Clark, of Tewksbury. She was born on Janu- ary 16, 1824, and died on August 26, 1896, having been the mother of nine children, by name Mary A., Henry C. , Sarah S. , Gilbert H., Lsabelle C. , John Ball, Theodore Augus- tus, Ellen May, and Clara Frances Kate. Mary A., who was born in Tewksbury on April 24, 1S43, died when about twelve years of age; and Henry C. , who was born on August 7, 1845, tl'cd August 26 of the same year. Sarah Snell, who was born on August 31, 1846, is the wife of Charles Morton, and re- sides in Boston. lsabelle Clark, who was born in Lowell on August 23, 1851, died in May, 1874, unmarried. John Ball Kittredge, who was born on March 4, 1854, died in July, 1854. Theodore Augustus, who was born in Lowell on March 22, 1855, is now in San Antonio, Te.v. He is unmarried. Ellen May, not married, was born in Lowell, April 5, 1857. Clara Frances Kate, who was born on Februarys, i86o, and died on September 4, 1864, was a child of remarkable sweetness and precocity. Gilbert H. Kittredge was educated in the public schools of Lowell and .Salem, and at the age of fourteen took a course in Leavitt's Commercial College. He entered business life when only thirteen years of age, being employed as a clerk in a grocery store odd hours when out of school. After leaving school in his fifteenth year, he gave his full time to business, and was for some seven years in the same place. He lived with his mother up to 1 88 1, when he came to Lawrence. Here until 1889 he was in business as one of the firm of French, Puffer & Co. ; but in July, 1889, he succeeded the firm. Mr. Kittredge's fine store occujiies two whole floors and half of another at 389 Esse.\ Street. He carries a first-class line of goods and a larger stock than any other firm in the city, and possibly in the county, both of crockery and silver-plated ware. He employs about si.x workmen. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW S9S Mr. Kittredge resides at 9 Valley Street, where he purchased a house in 1S92. He was married at the age of twenty-three to Emily F. Hamilton, of Arlington, Mass. She died on September 24, 1874, at twenty-two years of age, leaving two children : Henry Clark Kit- tredge, who is a clerk in Lowell; and Emma May, who resides with her father. Mr. Kit- tredge was again married, on July 16, 18S4, to Margaret J. O'Neil, of Machias, Me., who was left an orphan at an early age By this marriage there are two children: Guy Hamil- ton, who was born on July 20, 1885; and Grace Mildred, who was born January g, 1889. Mr. Kittredge is a Mason, a member of the Blue Lodge, an Odd Fellow, a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, of the Royal Arcanum, of the Pilgrim Fathers, and of the Sons of Veterans. In politics he is a Republican. For about eight years he has been a member of the Republican City Com- mittee, and he is at present chairman of said committee. In 1893 and in 1894 he served on the Board of Aldermen. In religious views he is a Universalist, and believes in "deeds before creeds. " ii^yCRCY \V. WHEELER, c.x-presi- dent of the Gloucester Common '^ Council, was born in this city, Octo- ber 30, 1859, son of Harvey and Lucy (Par- sons) Wheeler. He traces his lineage back through his grandfather, Vinson (or P'inson) Wheeler, and his great-grandfather, Aaron Wheeler, to Moses Wheeler, without doubt the Moses, son of Jethro, Jr., and Sarah (Haraden) Wheeler, whose birth is recorded in the Gloucester registry. Babson, the historian, says that Jethro Wheeler, Sr. , father of Jethro, Jr., in 1712 bought of Joshua Norwood, for one hundred and fifty pounds, about one hundred acres of land near Pigeon Cove, and that he had been in Newbury before 1695, and subsequently in Rowley, where he sold land in 1704. Jethro Wheeler, Sr., eventually removed to Maine; and it is supposed that he was killed by the Indians. His widow and children returned to Gloucester, and made their home on the north side of the Cape, at what is now Annisquam. From Coffin's History of Newbury we learn that David Wheeler, born in Salisbury, Eng- land, came from Hampton to Newbury in 1645, was married there a few years later, and had several children, one a son named Jethro, born in 1664. Savage says that Jethro Wheeler, of Rowley, son of David, married Hannah French, daughter of Edward, of Salis- bury, and had a son Jethro, born in 1692. Mr. Percy W. Wheeler's grandfather, Vinson (or Finson) Wheeler, served under Peter Coffin in a skirmish at Coffin's Beach during the War of 18 12. Mr. Wheeler's mother, Mrs. Lucy Parsons Wheeler, belongs to an old Gloucester family. Her parents were William P. and Mary (Witham) Parsons, and her paternal grandfather was Thornas Parsons. Percy W. Wheeler was educated in the pub- lic schools. When seventeen years old, he went to Merrimac, Mass., where he learned the trade of a carriage blacksmith; and, after working as a journeyman there for some time, he followed his trade in Haverhill for a short period. Returning to Gloucester in 1881, he was employed by Alexander McCurdy some five years, at the end of which time he established himself in the general blacksmithing business, which he carried on successfully for ten years. In 1897 he purchased the coal wharf formerly owned by Benjamin Spinney, and he is now dealing quite extensively in coal and wood. He served in the Common Council for the years 1SS6 and 1887, and, being again elected 596 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW in i8g2, was acting president from March until the close of the year. Mr. Wheeler married Annie Ingersoll, daughter of Samuel Ingersoll, of Gloucester. She is a descendant of George Ingersoll, who came from Bedfordshire, England, and was in Gloucester in 1646, and of Josiah Ingersoll, who served in Captain Warner's company at the battle of Bunker Hill. Her maternal grandfather was Nathaniel Hadlock, who was taken prisoner during the War of 181 2, and confined in Dartmoor Prison. Mrs. Wheeler is the mother of three daughters, namely: Es- telle, horn in i /^jTo liORGE W. ROWELL, a well-to-do \J5 I resident of Amesbury, is a native of this town, son of George and Re- becca (Jones) Rowell. The genealogical rec- ord of the family has been difficult to trace with accuracy, but from the best information obtainable it is probable that Mr. Rowell's first ancestor in this country was an early settler in Esse.x County. The family is un- questionably of English origin. According to Savage's History, one Thomas Rowell was living in Salem, Mass., in 1649, and some years later — in 1651 and 1652 — was a resi- dent of Ipswich. Mr. Rowell traces his an- cestry directly to Valentine Rowell, who was probably a brother of Thomas. On November 14, 1643, Valentine Rowell was married in Salem to Joanna, daughter of Henry Pindar. They had a family of eight children. Philip Rowell, son of Valentine, was born May 8, 1648; and, according to the diary of the Rev. William Wells, he was mail-carrier between Amesbury and Newburyport, and was killed by the Indians in Patten Hollow, July 7, 1690. This Philip married Sarah, daughter of the first Abram Morrill, by whom he had nine children, among them Jacob, the eldest, born August 15, 1669. Jacob Rowell married Han- nah Barnard, of Andover, Mass. ; and the line was continued through his son Philip. This Philip Rowell kept a general store, transacted legal business, and was the owner of the Amesbury Iron Works and Nail I-'actory. A man of large means, he also engaged in private banking, acted as broker, exchanging the money of one Province for that of another, and was, in short, a typical "country squire" of Colonial days. He joined the Society of P'riends, and served as clerk of that organiza- tion in Amesbury. On October 10, 1719, he married Elizabeth Purrington, and had a large family, of whom Jacob, his third son, was great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch. Jacob, son of Philip and Elizabeth Rowell, was connected with the iron works, had large property interests in Amesbury, and also prac- tised law to a limited e.\tent. He took a leading part in public affairs, and was one of the most prominent and influential residents of his day and locality. He married Anna Bu.xton, of Salem, and was the father of eight children. Jacob Rowell, son of Jacob and Anna and grandfather of George W. , adopted agriculture for his occupation, and was one of the wealthy men of Amesbury in his day. He married Abigail Jones, daughter of John Jones, a representative of a prominent Andover fam- ily; and his children were: John, Elizabeth, Jacob, Samuel, Charles, George, Abigail J., .Sarah, and Mary. George Rowell, George W. Rowell's father. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 597 was a hardware merchant, an auctioneer, and also an extensive dealer in real estate. He possessed ample means, which were largely employed in developing the business prosperity of Amesbury; and he was quite prominent in local public affairs. He died at the age of fifty-two years. Plis wife Rebecca became the mother of three children — Georgiana Au- gusta, one son who died in infancy, and George VV., the subject of this sketch. George W. Rowell was educated in the schools of Amesbury. Since reaching his majority, his time has been chiefly devoted to the management of his property, which in- cludes, besides his Amesbury estate, five cot- tages at Salisbury Beach. Mr. Rowell is deeply interested in local history and geneal- ogy. He has given considerable attention to the tracing of his own family record, as briefly embodied in this article. "ON. ANDREW R. CURTIS,* a former Mayor of Newburyport, was L-^ V, , one of the ablest and most popular chief magistrates who have presided over the affairs of this municipality. He was born here November i, 1851, son of Philip H. and Mary Ann (Hinchey) Curtis. His father, who is a native of Bristol, England, came to this country when he was eighteen years old, and has since resided in Newburyport. A hatter by trade, Philip B. Curtis followed that calling here successively as a journeyman and foreman for some years. Subsequently he became a member of the firm for which he worked, and which afterward conducted the Curtis Hat Manufactory. Upon the dissolu- tion of the firm, when its lease of the shop was forfeited in consequence of an explosion on the premises, he engaged with the New York Biscuit Company as agent, and thereafter represented them in that capacity on the road for twelve years. He was still in the em- ployment of the New York firm when he opened a retail meat market in Newburypoit. This venture having prospered, he later added general provisions to his stock in trade, and after another interval opened a department for wholesale trade. The business, which has be- come one of the largest of the kind in the town, is still actively conducted by the proprietor, now in his sixty-fifth year. He has served the community as an Overseer of the Poor, is a member of the Episcopal church, and is held in the highest regard by his townsmen. His wife, who is a daughter of John Hinchey, of London, PIngland, has borne him three chil- dren — Philip J., Louisa, and Andrew R. Louisa is now the wife of a Mr. Ordway, of Boston. Andrew R. Curtis received his elementary education in the common schools of Amesbury, this county. He afterward attended the high school, from which he graduated in due course. At the close of his school-days he took service aboard a merchant vessel, and thereafter was engaged in seafaring for seven years. Then, abandoning the sea, he engaged in the manu- facture of hats, and has prosperously followed that business since. In January, 1S80, he married Ella M. Flanders, of Bradford, Mass., and is now the father of three children. These are: Aaron, a pupil of the Newburyport High School; George, also attending school; and Charles. Mr. Curtis has been a prominent member of the Republican party for many years. He was a member of the Common Council, serving in the capacity of president of that body; and he also rendered valuable services to the city on the Board of Aldermen. In 1S95 his fellow-citizens deemed him the fittest person to intrust with the chief magis- tracy, and he was accordingly elected to that 598 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW office. His administration of the city's affairs throughout the ensuing year was so good that his candidacy for a second term was unopposed by the I3emocratic party in i8g6, when he was triumphantly re-elected. He is a member of the Veteran Firemen's Association ; and as Mayor of the city he was chairman, cx-officio, of the Park Commission and the Public Li- brary Board of Trustees. iHARLES IL HILDRETH, M.D.,* was for many years a popular and successful physician of Gloucester. The youngest of the seven children of the Rev. Hosea and Sarah (McCloud) Hildreth, he was born in Gloucester in 1825. His im- migrant ancestor came from the northern part of lingland to Massachusetts, and on May 10, 1643, was made a freeman in the part of Woburn now called Chelmsford. His great- grandson, Timothy Hildreth, the grandfather of Charles H., removed to Vermont. The Rev. Hosea Hildreth, who was born in Massachusetts, for many years was an instruc- tor in I^hillips Exeter Academy. Later he became pastor of the First Church in Glouces- ter. ]5y his wife, Sarah, he was the father of seven children; namely, Richard, Samuel, Charles H., Elizabeth, Mary, Fanny, and Sarah. The three sons were Harvard gradu- ates. Richard, class of 1826, was the well- known historian. Samuel, class of 1837, a young man of marked ability, died two years after his graduation. Both of the parents are also deceased. Charles H. Hildreth prepared for college in Phillips Exeter Academy, in which, as noted above, his father was an instructor. After- ward he entered the Harvartl Medical School, and duly graduated therefrom with honor. For some years after obtaining his medical degree he was house surgeon of the Massa- chusetts General Hospital, and later assistant physician at the Deer Island Hospital. Lo- cating in Gloucester in 185 1, he soon ac- quired a large and lucrative practice. Besides attending to his professional duties, he was for many years a regular contributor to tlie local press. As a citizen, he was public- spirited; and he rendered valued service to the community as a member of the School Com- mittee for nearly thirty years, serving continu- ously from his first election in 1855 until his death. He also held the office of surveyor of the port of Gloucester for a period. Dr. Hildreth married Miss Annie Dawley, a daughter of Hiram Dawley, of Boston. They had one son, Samuel, born March 30, 1868. Samuel attended the public schools of Gloucester, graduating from the high school in 1884. He then entered Harvard College, from which he graduated in 1889. After this he completeil a course in the Harvard Law School, class of 1892; and in February of the same year he was athiiitted to the Suffolk County bar. Shortly after he opened a law office here in Gloucester. He first served in the city government in 1897. In the follow- ing year he was elected president of the Com- mon Council. He belongs to Tyrian Lodge, F. & A. M. ; McPherson Chapter, R. A. M. : and ]?ethlehem Commandery, Knights Temp- lar. On June 15, 1898, he was married to Blanche Brackett, a daughter of William D. lirackett, who is a large shoe manufacturer, with offices in Boston. His father, Dr. Hil- dreth, died here. May 21, 1884. (g>r' II. PEIRCE, M.D., a rising young ^^ physician of West Newbury, was born y walk the deck. In all. Captain Cheever sailed as a com- mander on fifty-six foreign voyages, hailing always from Newburyport. He had a part in- terest in all the ships that he commanded, and was a large owner in the "Lyra," "Elcaldo," and "Calumet." Captain Cheever was also financially interested in various Newburyport enterprises, including a hat factory and a cotton-mill. His last years were spent in re- tirement, and his death occurred in June, 6o2 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 1898. He was a member of the Marine So- ciety of Nevvlniryport and of St. John's Lodge, F. & A. M. Captain Cheever married Rebecca Newman, of Newburyport, in December, 1844. He had two daughters, one of whom is the wife of George VV. Varina, of Newburyport. M ANIEL GLEASON,* one of the founders of the hat manufacturing business in Methuen, was born in Haverhill, Mass., in 1813, and died at his late home in Methuen, August 27, 1867. He was a son of David and Phccbe (Carlton) Glea- son, and was descended from early settlers of New England on both the paternal and mater- nal side. The emigrant ancestor on the Gleason side was Thomas Gleason, who took the oath of fidelity at Watertown, Mass., in 1652, his name at a later date being found on the Charlestown records, and who died in Cam- bridge, Mass., in 1684. His son, Joseph Gleason,^ born at Watertown, was a Captain in the ten years' war, and married Abigail Garfield. Isaac Gleason,^ born in Sudbury, Mass., married Martha Livermore. Isaac Gleason,' born in Sudbury, November 15, 1705, married Lucy Noyes. Isaac Gleason,' born in Sudbury, October 24, 1733, died in Waltham, Mass., March 18, 1791. His son, David,'' father of Daniel, married Phoebe Carl- ton, a daughter of Kendall Carlton, of Haver- hill, Mass., and the descendant of one of the original settlers of Essex County, Edward Carlton, who came from England to America in early Colonial times. Though Edward Carlton returned to his native country prior to his death, his son John, who married a Miss Rowel 1, remained here permanently, and be- came the founder of one of the leadint:; fam- ilies of this part of New England. David Gleason was a prominent hat manufacturer of Haverhill from early manhood until his death in middle life. His wife, whose death oc- curred about a year previous to his, bore him si.\ sons; namely, David, Charles, Hiram, Kimball, Daniel (the special subject of this sketch), and John. These sons all located in Methuen when young men, and for many years carried on a substantial business as hat manu- facturers. One of them, Kimball, subse- ([uently removed to Laconia, N.H., where he began the manufacture of hats in one of the Belknap Mills, and founded an extensive busi- ness. Daniel Gleason conducted a large and pros- perous manufacturing business in Methuen until 1865, when he retired from active pur- suits, being succeeded by his son-in-law, Mr. Charles H. Tenney. He married Miss Delia M. Kendall, who was born in Litchfield, N. II., a daughter of Timothy and Fanny (Sen- ter) Kendall, both descendants of early and honored New England families. Her great- grandfather, Nathan Kendall, lived to a ripe old age, as did her grandparents, Timothy Kendall and his wife, the former dying in August, 1867, aged eighty-nine years, and the latter when ninety-two years old. The parents of Mrs. Gleason reared nine children, si.\ sons and three daughters, of whom Mrs. Gleason and four sons are living, as follows: Germon Kendall, a resident of Litchfield, N.II. ; John Kendall, who lives in the South; Samuel, who went to California in 1849, and still resides there; and David, a resident of Concord, N. H. Mr. and Mrs. Gleason reared two children, namely: Fanny, wife of Charles H. Tenney; and Imogene, wife of William R. Rowell, for- merly a leading attorney of Methuen, but who died in 1897. ISoth daughters were educated BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 603 at the Abbott Female Seminary in Andover, Mass. Since the death of her husband Mrs. Gleason resides at her pleasant home in the village, or with her daughter Mrs. Tenney, who has a beautiful summer home not far dis- tant, besides a winter residence in New York City. Charles H. Tenney, who began business life with but little capital, by energy, determina- tion, and the exercise of good judgment has accumulated a handsome estate. Succeeding to the manufacturing business of his father-in- law, he has greatly enlarged it in all its branches, and is now the largest commission dealer in hats in the United States, if not in the world. Some years ago he purchased one hundred acres of wild land in Methuen, and with the assistance of an expert landscape gardener has improved and beautified it so that it now resembles a veritable park. His large and attractive residence, built of brick, stone, and marble, stands on an eminence overlook- ing the quiet village of Methuen, and com- manding a view of Lawrence and the surround- ing country. It is reached from three direc- tions by wide and circuitous driveways, skirted by fine lawns ornamented with choice and rare shrubs. Mr. and Mrs. Tenney have one son, Daniel Gleason Tenney, a fine specimen of stalwart manhooil, who was graduated from Yale College in 1S91, and is now in business with his father in New York City. II.LIAM R. ROWELL,* for some years an attorney in Methuen, Mass., where he died in October, 1897, was born in Troy, Vt. , March 18, 1844, a son of Hon. A. J. and Lucy A. (Richardson) Rowel 1. A fuller account of his ancestry may be found in the biography of the Rowells of Orleans County, Vermont, written in 1866 by Frederick W. Baldwin. William R. Rowell in his boyhood and youth attended the village school and academy, and also took a year's course of study in the New Hampshire Institute at Fairfax, Vt. During the winter of 1 860-61 he taught school in Masonville, Province of Quebec. The following sjDring he was appointed a cadet at West Point, on the recommendation of the Hon. Homer E. Royce, M.C. , and in June entered the Military Academy. A few months later he resigned his cadetship to enter the Union army with his father, who was on the staff of General Grover. Returning to his home in the fall of 1862, he remained there a year, when he enlisted as a private in the Third Battery of the Vermont Light Artil- lery, and on January i, 1864, was mustered into service as First Sergeant. The battery went into the camp of instruction, near Wash- ington, for drill and equipment, and in the early spring was sent to the front and attached to the Ninth Army Corjis of the Potomac, with which it remained until the close of the war. Sergeant Rowell proved himself a faith- ful soldier, and erelong was promoted first to the rank of Second Lieutenant and later to that of First Lieutenant of his company, which he commanded a portion of the time. The gal- lantry and efficiency of the battery at Fort Steadman, March 25, 1865, was mentioned by Captain R. H. Start in the Adjutant and In- spector-general's Report of Vermont, 1865, in Appendix C, page 50. Mr. Rowell was a stanch Republican in pol- itics, and was a member of the State legisla- ture two years. The first year he served on the Committee on Taxation, and the second on that of Finances, Ways, and Means. He was Commander of the G. A. R. Post at Troy, Vt. , and, coming to Methuen, in 1S86 was made 6o4 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Commander of the Colonel William B. Green Post, No. lOO, of this city. He was for a time Judge Advocate on the staff of the depart- ment commander of Massachusetts, and was an aid on the staff of Chief Commander Jack Adams. He was also a Master Mason. Mr. Rowell married Miss Imogene Gleason, daugh- ter of Daniel and Delia M. (Kendall) Gleason, of whom a brief sketch will be found elsewhere in this volume. /^^TkORGE D. CABOT, a late and much \ i) I respected resident of Lawrence, was born April 26, iSi2, at Jamaica Plain, Mass., a son of John and Lydia (Dodge) Cabot. He was a representative of one of the oldest New England families, and is believed to have been descended from John Cabot, who made explorations along the Atlantic coast in the latter part of the fifteenth century, through his son Sebastian, although the line of descent lias not been fully traced. The founder of the Cabot family in America was John Cabot who emigrated from Wales, and in 1702 married Anna Orne, of Salem, Mass. Their son, John Cabot, second, was born in 1704, and in December, 1732, married Sarah Higginson, of Salem, and settled in Beverly. John Cabot, third, grandfather of George D., was born in Beverly, Mass., Jan- uary 14, 1744, and married Hannah Dodge, of .Salem, who died P'ebruary 7, 1830, aged seventy-two years. Of their eleven children, only three grew to adult life: John, the father of George D. ; Lucy, who never married ; and Fanny, who became the wife of Judge Charles Jackson. John Cabot, third, was a man of influence and means, and during the Revolu- tion was a subscriber to a war vessel presented by Esse.x County to the government ; and he also advanced from his private purse money to the town of Beverly for the payment of troops. A cousin of his, Enoch Cabot, son of Farnham Cabot, of Andover, Mass., was one of the three original settlers of Andover, Me., the others being a Mr. Poor and a Mr. Stephens of the same town. Enoch Cabot was born in Ando- ver in 1779, in the same house in which sev- eral of his ancestors had first drawn the breath of life. When he and his companions, brave and courageous youtig men, went to Maine, the country was in its virgin wildness; and their destination was reached by following a bridle- path marked by blazed trees. John Cabot, fourth, was born July 31, 1782, in Beverly, Mass., in which town he spent his earliest years. He subsequently removed to Jamaica Plain, and became one of the success- ful business men of that place. He married Miss Lydia Dodge, of Salem, a cousin of Chief Justice Story; and they became the par- ents of four children, three of whom grew to maturity, namely: John Lee Cabot, who was born November 7, iSio, and died November 21, 1837; George D., the subject of this sketch; and Lydia Dodge Cabot, wife of The- odore Parker, the Unitarian minister. Neither of the parents is now living, the father's death having occurred April 24, 1855, and the mother's May 5, 1863. George D. Cabot pursued his elementary studies for a time in Waltham, Mass., under the instruction of Dr. Sanrtiel Ripley and Ralph Waldo Emerson, and was afterward a pupil in the school of Jonathan Homer, where he had as classmates James Freeman Clarke and his brothers. After completing his early education at the academy in Watertovvn, he began his life's work, when but fifteen years old, as a clerk in the counting-house of Mer- rick, Lee & Co., Boston, importers of dry goods. Within a year he was promoted to the office of book-keeper, taking a position at BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 60s a nominal salary. Two and one-half years later he accepted a situation with Josiah Whit- ney, a cotton shipper, and a brother of Eli Whitney, inventor of the cotton gin. At the age of nineteen years he was sent to Savan- nah, Ga., to attend to the buying and shipping of cotton from that point for his employer. In 1832 he became book-keeper in a counting- house in New York City; but on reaching his majority he returned to Boston, where, in com- pany with his brother, John Lee Cabot, he established a lively shipping business with ports on the Mediterranean Sea. In 1835 he engaged in the tea trade in New York City, and in 1838 went to Springfield, N.J. (now Milburn), where he had charge of a woollen- mill until 1845. Coming then to Lawrence, Mass., Mr. Cabot assumed charge of the office of the Essex Land and Water Power Company at the dam, and was connected with that organ- ization seven years, when, on account of fail- ing health, he was obliged to seek outdoor em- ployment. He then accepted a position with the Lawrence Machine Company, and at the same time took temporarily the agency of the Lawrence Gas Company. He soon, however, resigned the former position, and for thirty- three consecutive years devoted himself en- tirely to the last-named company, of which he was agent until 1884, when he retired from active pursuits. In 1846 he purchased the first building lot sold on Prospect Hill by the Essex Company, and in October of that year he had his residence ready for occupancy. The original lot was three hundred feet deep, with a frontage of one hundred and fifty feet; but he later bought large additions, so that his spacious grounds, bordering on High and Pros- pect Streets, and containing more than sixty thousand feet, formed one of the most attrac- tive and desirable estates in the vicinity. Mr. Cabot was prominently identified with many of the more important projects that have proved of inestimable benefit to the city. He obtained the charter for the Duck, or lower, bridge, which he built across the Merrimac. In 1S77 he was one of the organizers of the Essex Savings Bank, of which he was also vice-president and president. He was one of the promoters of the first street railway laid in Lawrence, and of the Archibald Wheel Com- pany, and while in New York assisted in organ- izing the Bissell Truck Company. He was for a number of years one of the trustees of the New England Gas Association, and for two years served as its president. He was a member of the Civil Engineers' Association of the United States and of the Lawrence Home Club, a popular social organization, which is always filled with its maximum niembershiji of one hundred and seventy-five. He was for- merly a Whig, but subsequently a stanch ad- herent of the Republican party from its forma- tion, and was one of the first Aldermen of Lawrence. His death occurred January iS, 1898. Mr. Cabot was married December 15, 1S35, to Miss Harriet Story Dodge, who was born in Salem, Mass., March 20, 1814, and died January 10, 1881. Mr. and Mrs. Cabot had six children, namely: Elizabeth Dodge, born November 13, 1836, who died January 7, 1898; Lydia D., born January 7, 1839, who married John F. Weare, anci died in Chicago,^ 111., August 22, 1879, leaving three children ; Charlotte Louise Cabot, born in 1841, who died in infancy; Harriet Story, born June 15, 1843, who has had charge of the household since the death of her mother; Sarah Russell, born August 13, 1845, who lives in Cam- bridge, Mass., and is the widow of the late Edward W. Stevens, who died in 1891, leav- ing six children; and John Cabot, M. D., who with his accomplished wife, also a skilful 6o6 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW physician, is successfully engaged in the prac- tice of his profession in New York City. )EWIS EDGAR BARNES,* superin- tendent of the cotton-mills belonging to the Methuen Corporate Company of Methuen, Mass., has by long years of ex- perience acquired a thorough knowledge of his particular line of manufactures, and is well fitted for the responsible position he is so ably filling. He was born in March, i860, in Lawrence, Mass., a son of William and Juliet (Waldo) Barnes, his grandparents on the pa- ternal side being John Busby and Lucy (Free- man) Barnes. Further information in regard to his ancestral history may be found else- where in this book, in connection with the sketch of William Barnes. When but a year old, the subject of this sketch came with his parents to Methuen from Lawrence, where they spent two years only. He attended the public schools of Methuen until quite a lad, when he began work in the carding-mill of the Methuen company. A few months later he was promoted to the finishing- room, and was afterward sent to the office, where he was employed six years, first as a runner, and then as book-keeper. In 1889 he was made overseer in the Nevins Bagging Mill, and was subsequently connected with the Edison Electric Light Company of Law- rence for a year. The latter situation he re- signed to accept his present position with the Methuen Corporate Company. Since then he has resided on Osgood Street, in a house be- longing to the company. Mr. Barnes is well known in Masonic circles, belonging to the Lodge, Chapter, and (Bethany) Commandery (K. T.) of Lawrence. He is also a Knight of Pythias. In politics he has the courage of his convictions, and votes as his conscience dictates, regardless of party lines. He has little time to attend to public affairs, but has served on the local Board of Education. Mr. Barnes was married in December, 1889, to Miss Carrie E. Richardson, the only child of Monroe and Meda (Kimball) Richardson. Mr. Richardson, formerly a well-known resi- dent of Methuen, died in 1870. OHN E. KNOWLTON,* for some years a prominent contractor of Rock- port and at present engaged in the life insurance business here, was born in this town, November 25, 1854, son of Azor and Martha (Turner) Knowlton. His parents were natives of Rockport, and his paternal grandfather, also named Azor, of Hamilton, Mass. The family is descended from early settlers of Essex County, to whose history further reference is made in the sketch of Eben Knowlton, which appears on another page of this volume. Azor Knowlton, father of John E., was a well-known mason and con- tractor in his day, and carried on business in Rockport until his death. In politics he was an active supporter of the Republican party. John E. Knowlton, the special subject of this sketch, completed hi school education in the Rockport High School. At the age of seventeen he began to learn the mason's trade with his father, with whom he continued as a journeyman until the latter's death in 1880. Then, succeeding his father, he carried on a general contracting business for about sixteen years. In July, 1896, he gave up the busi- ness, and, establishing himself as a life insur- ance broker, has since been thus profitably en- gaged. In politics he is a Republican, and he takes an active interest in all measures for the good of the town and the welfare of the general community. He is a member of BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 607 Ashler Lodge, F. & A. M. ; Granite Lodge, I. O. O. F. ; and Friscilla Lodge, Daughters of Rebecca, L O. O. F. Mr. Knowlton married Catherine B. Barnet- son, a native of Leith, Scotland. He has two children — Arthur R. and Marion C. The family attend the Unitarian church. OHN E. BAILEY,* contractor and builder of Newburyport, is a native of the town, and was born here, August 2, 1 838, son of John Bailey. Mr. Bailey's great-grandfather, Isaac Bailey, was a car- riage-builder of West Newbury. He married a Miss Kendrick. Their son John removed to Newburyport, and became a prosperous car- penter and builder. His wife in maidenhood was Annie Pearson, a daughter of Simeon Pearson, of Newburyport. Of their three children, John, father of the subject of this sketch, followed his father's occupation, antl was for forty-five years one of the best-known builders in this section of the State. Until 1855 he was in business with Mr. Towle, under the name of Bailey & Towle, and after that formed a partnership with John E. Bailey, under the name of John Bailey & Son, which continued until 1873. He died in 1877, aged sixty-four years. He was a mem- ber of the Common Council, and was for many years connected with the North Congrega- tional Church. His wife, who was a daugh- ter of Caleb Woodbury, of Salisbury, bore him two children. John E. Bailey, who was the first-born child of his parents, attended the common schools of Newburyport, and later on the Brown High School. He then learned the builder's trade under his father's direction, and availed him- self of every opportunity of becoming an ex- pert workman. At the same time he was tak- ing lessons in draughting. Mr. Bailey has from the beginning of his business career shown much nicety of workmanship, coupled with unusual ability for making plans and de- signs on a large scale, and practically apply- ing all known principles of architectural con- struction in such a way as to secure both solidity and beauty. Among the structures which he has erected are the Brown High School building, the Belleville Congregational Church, and the addition to the public library, built in 1882. He made also plans for the Eighth Regiment Armory, and remodelled the Ashland Street School-house. In politics Mr. Bailey is a Republican. He has served for five years on the Common Council, and for two years as Alderman, and has been a mem- ber of the Board of Health, and a director of the public library. He is a member of St. Mark's Lodge, F. & A. M. ; and of Ouas- cacunquen Lodge, No. 39, I. O. O. F. ; also of the Merrimack Encampment, No. 7. He is a fine musician, and was organist of the 15elleville Congregational Church- — ^of which he is a member — for twenty years, resigning in 1893. Mr. Bailey's wife is a daughter of John Teel, of Newburyport. She is the mother of one daughter, Alice W., who resides with her parents. The home in which Mr. Bailey lives was built by his great-grandfather Pear- son, and has been the family residence for many years. WILLL'^ spec AM T. MARTIN,* late a re- ;cted citizen and market-gardener of Middleton, Mass., was born in Marblehead, June 30, 1847, son of Knott and Martha (Martin) Martin. The father, Knott Martin, was born on the old family homestead in Marblehead. He was the owner of five or 6o8 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW six vessels, which he sent every year to the fishing banks. A good business man, he was president of the National Bank of Marblehead for many years, and was very successful in all his undertakings. He died at the age of seventy-three. His wife was also of Marble- head. They had seven children, of whom but two are now living — William T. and Martha. The last-named is the wife of William Stearns, of Marblehead. William T. Martin in his youth learned the trade of shoemaker. After some years spent in company with his brother-in-law, Mr. Stearns, he went into business for himself, meeting with fair success until failing health compelled him to change his occupation. In 1 88 1 he came to Marblehead, and secured a farm located on the Ipswich River, at Hour's Station, about forty acres in extent, which he devoted to the raising of vegetables and garden produce for the Boston market. A Republi- can politically, he served as Surveyor of High- ways for several years, in 1S90 was made a Selectman, and was shortly afterward elected a member of the Council. A man of good judgment and right feeling, his influence was always used to further the best interests of the town. He married. May 2, 1876, Miss Emily J. Allen, a native of Marblehead. She died June 28, 1891, leaving three children — James II., William T. , Jr., and Florence E. "ClDWARD LEWIS DALEY,* of Lynn, Jpl United States Commissioner of Immi- gration for Eastern Canada and the Maritime Provinces, was born October 6, 1855, in Danvers, Mass. His father, the late John M. Daley, was born in County West Meath, Ireland, in 1827, and came to this country when a young lad. He was engaged in agricultural i)ursuits in Danvers for nearly half a century. He died in that town in i8go, nearly thirty years after the death of his wife, which occurred in Danvers in 1861. Her maiden name was Mary Ann Donahue. She also was born in Ireland, County Galway having been her birthplace. Edward L. Daley obtained the rudiments of his education in the public schools of Danvers, completing it at the Houlton High School in that town. He subsequently served an ap- prenticeship at the shoemaker's trade, and for two years after was employed in the shoe fac- tory of E. & A. Mudge, of Danvers. Going then to Salem, he spent a short time in that city, but, not liking the outlook for business there, came to Lynn, locating here in 1877. The following eight years he worked in vari- ous shoe factories of this city, and in that time was a leader among those members of the craft that were interested in forming labor unions and similar organizations. In Decem- ber, 1879, ^^ organized and became president of the first Lasters' Union in Lynn; and he was also active in organizing at a later period the first assemblies of the order of the Knights of Labor in this city. In 1885 Mr. Daley was elected secretary of the New England Lasters' Protective Union, with headquarters at Lynn. In 1SS9 the New England Lasters' Protective Union extended its territory, and became known as the Lasters' Protective Union of America, with headquarters at Boston, Mass. Mr. Daley was elected general secretary, and was annu- ally re-elected to the same position until April, 1894. In that year the Lasters' Union was consolidated with various other organiza- tions of the shoemakers, under the title of the "Boot and Shoe Workers' Union," in which Mr. Daley declined to accept any office. He was also one of the founders of the "Ameri- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 609 can Federation of Labor," working with Sam- uel Gompers, P. J. McGuire, Adolph Strauss, John McBride, George E. McNeil, and other prominent labor men, and for fourteen years was a delegate to all of its conventions. In 1892 Mr. Daley was made editor and manager of the shoe workers' journal, the Laster, but re- signed that position in 1S94, when he severed his official connection with all labor organiza- tions. While he was actively identified with the Lasters' Union, the subject of having a hall specially for its use was agitated and pro- jected by him; and through his instrumental- ity a charter for it was secured from the legis- lature, and in 1888 it was erected under the name of the Lasters' Aid Association. It is owned and occupied by labor organizations, being, probably, the only institution at pres- ent of its kind in the United States. After severing his connections with the labor organizations, Mr. Daley engaged in the manufacture and sale of the portable barrel platform, under the name of the " ]?arrel Plat- form Manufacturing Company of Massachu- setts." In May, 1896, he was appointed Im- migrant Inspector, with headquarters at Ellis Island, N.Y., and a few months later, the ist of November of the same year, received his appointment to his present position, his head- quarters being transferred to Lynn. In 1892 Mr. Daley was a member of the State legislature, and, besides serving on the Committee on Labor, was one of the commit- tee to dedicate the World's Fair Buildings in Chicago in the fall of that year. Frater- nally, he is connected with various secret or- ganizations, being a member of the Benevo- lent and Protective Order of Elks, and Past Exalted Ruler of Lynn Lodge, No. 117; a charter member of Nahanto Tribe, No. 104, I. O. R. M. ; of Valladolid Council, Knights of Columbus, of Lynn; a member, and in 1895 and 1S96 president, of the Lynn Clover Club. He is likewise a member of the Edwin Forrest Club of Boston. In politics he is a stanch Democrat. OHN CHAMBERLAIN,* who at the time of his death (in 1897 or 1898) was one of the oldest citizens of New- buryport, was born in Maiden, Mass., in 1818, son of Bowman Chamberlain. His father was a butcher of Maiden, who died in 1S27, at the age of forty-nine. Leaving home at the age of nine years, the subject of this sketch worked on a farm until he was fourteen. He then went to sea, making many voyages to New Orleans and cities on the Caribbean Sea dur- ing the summer months, and finding employ- ment ashore throughout the winter. In 1833 he came to Newburyport, and learned the tin- ner's trade with his brother Henry. In 1849 he went into business for himself, locating on the corner of Liberty and Market Streets, where he remained for twenty-seven years. Subsequently, removing to 13 Liberty Street, he there continued business until 1895, when he retired with a competence. Beginning with absolutely no capital, by hard work and strict economy he compelled success, and was an excellent example of what may be accom- plished by rightly directed energy and perse- verance. Mr. Chamberlain married in 1846 Louise H. Hills, who was born in West New- bury. She died in 1858, leaving no children. Mr. Chamberlain was a member of Quascacun- quen Lodge, No. 39, I. O. O. F. , for fifty years. He also belonged to the Daughters of Rebecca, I. O. O. F. A stanch Republican, he cast his first vote for President in 1840, but never cared to hold public office. Until near the close of his life he retained his sight most perfectly, and could read the finest print with- 6io BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW out the aid of glasses. A younger brother, Charles Chamberlain, residing in Somervillei Mass., is the only surviving member of a fam- ily of ten. (ff^yOSIAH WILSON,* an extensive whole- sale cracker dealer of Lynn, was born in Kittcry, Me., December 22, 1S33, son of Joseph and Abigail (Wilson) Wilson. The parents were natives of Kittery and rep- resentatives of entirely different families. The subject of this sketch was educated in the common schools of his native town. He fol- lowed various occupations until 1867, in which year he came to Lynn. Engaging in the cracker business, he has from a small be- ginning built up a large wholesale trade in that line, and is at the present time one of the most extensive handlers of these goods east of Boston. As a member of the Common Coun- cil in 1S81, he served with ability upon the committee which had in charge the laying out of new streets, and besides rendered capable services in other directions. Mr. Wilson was married in Beverly, Mass., March 13, 1S53, to Lydia P. Grush, of that town. He has five children — Josiah C, P. Arthur, M. Adela, Lewis I., and Charles W. He is a member of Bay State Lodge, No. 40, I. O. O. F., Palestine Encampment, No. 37; and is a charter member of Sagamore Tribe, No. 2, Improved Order of Red Men. "CjlJWARD ANDREWS ARCHH^ALD, Jpl president of the Archibald Wheel Company of Lawrence, Mass., was born February 9, 1838, in Truro, N.S., where three generations of the family had made their home. His parents were Alexander and Ann (Field) Archibald. From the Historical and Genealogical Rec- ord of Colchester County, Nova Scotia, we learn that four brothers — David, Samuel, James, and Thomas — bearing this surname, natives of the north of Ireland, doubtless of Scottish descent, Presbyterians in religion, came to America about 1757, and after living for a few years at the Scotch-Irish settlement of Londonderry, N.H., removed thence to Truro, N. S., being among the early settlers of the township. The date of their arrival was December 13, 1762. David Archibald, Esq., the eldest of the four, was the first Justice of the Peace at Truro, the first representative of the township in the Provincial Parliament, and the first Elder of the Presbyterian congre- gation. Samuel Archibald, Sr. , from whom Mr. Archibald of Lawrence is lineally descended, was born in 1719, the second of the four brothers. He also was an Elder of the church. His wife was Eleanor Taylor. They had six sons and four daughters before coming to Truro, and two daughters were born after- ward. James, the fourth son, was born in 1754. He was one of the wealthiest and most influential citizens in Truro, and was known as "Squire Jimmy," being Judge of the local court. He married Rebecca Deyar- mond, and reared a large family of children. Alexander Archibald, sixth son of James and Rebecca and father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Truro, N. S., October 22, 1797. He was an able and well-to-do farmer, owning some one hundred acres of land. His wife, Ann, who was born in London, Eng- land, in the first decade of the century, came to Nova Scotia with her parents about 1820. Mrs. Ann F. Archibald lived to be eighty years of age. She was the mother of four sons and three daughters, namely: Elizabeth, widow of William Archibald, in Londonderry, BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 6ii N.S.; William Field Archibald, on the homestead farm in Truro; Thomas D., in Burlington, la., since 1S67; Henry (de- ceased), who was a missionary among the sea- men of New York City a great many years; Louisa, wife of the Rev. S. F. Huestis, stew- ard of the Methodist Book Concern in Hali- fax, N. S.; Edward Andrews, of Lawrence; and Jessie B., in Nova Scotia. Edward Andrews Archibald acquired his education in the common schools of his native place. He left home at the age of fifteen, and in 1853 found employment at Groton Junction, now Ayer, Mass. In 1856 he was working in Lawrence; and in 1857-58 he was in California, whither he went by way of the Isthmus of Panama. In that State he was first engaged in the manufacture of carriages in San Francisco and afterward in the Santa Clara valley. Returning to Massachusetts, he bought out his former employer, E. G. Butters, of Methuen, carriage manufacturer. He was in business at Mr. Butters's stand until 1869, when he built a shop in the Marsh district of Methuen for the manufacture of stock and iron-hubbed wheels. The wheels are an invention of his own, manufactured by a patent press process, also an invention of Mr. Archibald. These wheels had gained such popularity in 1871 that Mr. Archibald formed a stock company for their manufact- ure. The enterprise has continued to prosper, and the corporation now carry the largest stock for heavy wheels in the United States. The plant is a large one, covering two acres. It occupies the site of Mr. Archibald's origi- nal shop. For the past si.\ years Mr. Archi- bald has been president of the corporation and a member of the Board of Directors. The other directors are: G. D. Cabot; James Wight, of Reading (formerly of Boston) ; and George W. and Daniel Tcnney, of Methuen. The company own saw-mills, and cut about one million feet of oak annually for their wheels. The following testimonial is from the head- quarters of the Lawrence Fire Department, office of the Board of Fire Engineers:^ Lawrence, Mass., July i, 1S97. Archibald Wheel Company. Gcnllctnen, — We have in our fire department a sup- ply wagon, with a set of your two-inch roll-bearing wheels and axles. The wagon, with the usual load and including the driver, weighs about twenty-six hundred pounds, and so loaded is used for an exercise wagon, making on an average seventy-five miles per week. This wagon went into service over three months ago, and has not had a drop of oil added to the axles or a wheel taken off or been examined since then until two days ago, when I had all the wheels taken off and examined care- fully, and found all parts of the bearings in perfect con- dition — no signs of wear, friction, or want of oiling in the least. I cannot conceive of any more perfect roller- bearing axles and wheels. The wagon can be started forward or back on a level floor by a pull of twenty pounds. The wheels when jacked up and whirled have run ten minutes and twenty seconds before coming to a full stop. To know what that means, you have only to try this on a similar wagon with ordinary axles. Your roller-bearing axles and wheels are a grand suc- cess. I regret that we have not got them on all of our fire apparatus. Very respectfully yours, Melvin Beal, Chief Fire Department. The company have on file other valuable testi- monials, including one from the Jersey Pack- ing Company. This company's wagons are heavily loaded and drawn over the paveinents and car tracks of New York, Jersey City, and Brooklyn; and the testimonial states that the Archibald wheels have worn better than any other. Mr. Archibald is a self-made man, and has reason to be proud of the work which he has accomplished. Mr. Archibald was first married on Christ- mas, 1859, to Abbie E. Moore, of Bailey, 6l2 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW N. B., daughter of James Moore. She died in April, 1884, aged forty-seven. She left six children, namely: Everett H., treasurer and superintendent of the Archibald Wheel Com- pany; Hattie L., wife of Sullivan A. Doyle, residing near her father; Jane A., wife of J. Frank Emerson; Maud, wife of William Bus- well; George W., in inisiness with his father; and Annie Field Archibald, a student in Bos- ton University. Everett H. Archibald has a wife and one son, and Mrs. Buswell has one daughter. Mr. Archibald's second marriage, to Miss Margaret Augusta Mann, of Bailey, N.B., daughter of Deacon Thomas Mann, took place in September, 1886. Of the two chil- dren born of this union one lived but nine months. The other, Edward, is a beautiful boy of two years. Mr. Archibald has lived for the past twelve years at 4 Centre Street, Methuen. He votes the Republican ticket. A prominent member of the First Congrega- tional Church of Methuen, he has been Deacon for a number of years. KREDERICK E. CLARKE,* of Law- rence, has been associated with the manufacturing interests of this thriv- ing city for more than twoscore years. He was born December 13, 1834, in Watertown, Mass., a son of William E. Clarke. His pa- ternal grandfather, Dyer Clarke, was born in Watertown, Middlesex County, in 1773. He was a farmer by occupation, and also kept a public house or tavern for many years. He had four children, one son and three daughters. William E. Clarke was born in Watertown, Mass., September 2, 1808. He learned the machinist's trade, which he followed a large part of his active life, being employed in different cities, and was well known as a man- ufacturer of cotton machinery after his re- moval to Newton, Mass., where he spent his last years, dying there in 1892. In 1829 he married Sybil Ann Briggs. They had eight children, of whom six are living, namely: Frederick E. , the subject of this sketch; Sybil Ann, wife of Professor William H. Pettee, of Ann Arbor, Mich.; William D., a broker, in New York City; Edward H., a resident of San Francisco, Cal. ; Bradford, a resident of Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and Horace A., who lives in Boston, Mass, The mother died in Newton, Mass., in 1888. Frederick E. Clarke was graduated at the Lawrence High School, with an excellent rec- ord for scholarship. Soon afterward he began working as a machinist with his father, from whom he learned the trade. In 1854 he en- tered the Pacific Mills as assistant superin- tendent of the machinery department, where he remained four years. In 1858 he accepted the responsible position of book-keeper and paymaster of the Pemberton Manufacturing Company, with which he was thus engaged when a fearful catastrophe occurred in 1861, the walls of the mill falling in and causing great destruction of life and property. When, a short time later, the new company was organized, Mr. Clarke became its agent, and has ably performed all the duties devolving upon him in this capacity, thus materially aiding his employers in their efforts to estab- lish a successful business. For the past twenty-five years he has also been agent of the Methuen Manufacturing Company, and has likewise been actively identified with some of the leading financial institutions of the city. Since 1892 he has been president of the Law- rence Savings Bank, and one of the directorate of the Bay State National Bank. At present he is serving as chairman of the Park Com- mission of the city of Lawrence. Politically, BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 613 he is a strong Republican ; and, fraternally, he is a Master Mason. He is broad and liberal in his religious beliefs, and is one of the trustees of the Unitarian church, of which he is a regular attendant. On October 20, 1858, Mr. Clarke married Miss Harriet A. Porter, daughter of Thomas H. and Julia (Hathaway) Porter, and a de- scendant of one of the oldest and most honored families of New England. The Porters are able to trace their ancestry in a direct line back to Cromwell. On April 3, 1SS3, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke were sadly bereft by the death of their only child, Ethel Reynolds Clarke, a young lady of rare sweetness and gentle disposition, greatly beloved by all who knew her. During the winter season Mr. and Mrs. Clarke occupy their pleasant home on E!ast Haverhill Street, Lawrence, but in sum- mer reside in their country house in North Aiulover, where the air i.s fresh and invigo- ratintr. INDEX. BIOGRAPHICAL. PAGB A. Abbott, J.nmes iS8 Adams, John 90 Adams, John W 255 Allen, Clarence 1 553 Allen, George F 49 Allen, John W 591 Allyn, Alfred W 100 Ames, William N 255 Anderson, John M 218 Andrews, Albert C 205 Andrews, Asa G 127 Andrews, Elias 455 Andrews, Francis M 552 Andrews, Oscar 248 Appleton, Daniel W 12S Appleton, Zeno A 242 Archibald, Edward A 610 Ashton, John 569 Atkinson, Frederick L. ... 536 Attwill, Joseph W 50S Attwill, Henry C 292 Austin, George N 337 Ayers, Charles L 253 Ay ray, Thomas 165 B. Bagley, George F 315 Bailey, Charles 476 Bailey, Edward 499 Bailey, Henry T 12 Bailey, John E G07 Bailey, John W 359 Bailey, Joseph E 2S9 Bailey, Ralph 243 PAGE Bailey, S. Oilman 441 Baker, John 156 Balch, David L. D 80 Barnes, Lewis E 606 Barnes, William 291 Bartlett, Edward F 330 Bartlett, Lewis H 503 Barton, Louis F 130 Batchelder, Moulton .... 74 Bates, John P 97 Bates, Wallace 34S Bayley, John C. M 229 Bayrd, Herbert C 560 Bell, Charles U 92 Bennett, Amos F 51 Bennett, Josiah C 555 Bingham. Henry T 364 Biron, J. F. R 54S Blaisdell, George W 34 Blaisdell, John L 315 Boutwell, Samuel II 167 Boynton, Charles 308 Boynton, Charles H 167 Boynton, George W 453 Boynton, Samuel A 264 Brackett, William F 536 Bradford, George R 19T Bradstreet, Dudley 395 Bragdon, Joshua 214 Brock, Lemuel M 525 Brookings, Samuel, Jr. . . 3S4 Brown, Albert B 66 Brown, Charles D 335 Brown, Charles E 359 Brown, Edward A 578 Brown, Gardner A 133 PACK Brown, Mannaseh 540 Brown, Otis F 451 Brown, Thomas 599 Bullock, Benjamin .S 53 Burckes, Thomas M 50S Burnham, Albert P 3.^5 Burnham, Frederick .... 108 Burnham, John A 211 Burnham, Washington .... 309 Burnham, Willard A 1S3 Burns, James 510 Butters, William H 537 C. Cabot, George D 604 Caldwell, Alexander .... 4S4 Caldwell, Samuel N 231 Calley, Benjamin F 393 Caverly, John B 337 Challis Family im Chamberlain, John 609 Chase, Ch.irles H "306 Chase, Z. J 501 Cheever, Albert 601 Chesley, John F 420 tlark, Albert 98 Clark, Augustus N 113 Clark, DeWitt S. " 355 Clark, Frank D. 562 Clarke, Frederick E 612 Clough, Moses H 168 Coffin, Amos B 303 Cogswell, Albert E 238 Cogswell, John H 199 Colby, Edmund S 332 6i6 INDEX PACK Colby, Joseph 233 Colby, Samuel V 370 Colby, William P 69 Colby, William W 313 Colcord, Elihu W 36 Cole, John N 551 Cole, Zachariah 27 Collier, Perry 474 Conant, IJeiijamin H 11 Cooke, Charles W 59 Cooney, Daniel 48S Cooper. Hermon 177 Cox, Thomas E 219 Crombie, James C 465 Currier, David E 368 Currier, Ebenezer R 433 Currier, George I? 540 Currier, William H. B. ... 447 Curtis, Andrew R 597 D. Daley, Edward L 60S Daly, John 131 Dame, Charles C 235 Danfortli, Charles 502 Danforth, John M 202 Davis, Frank E 192 Davis, George A 134 Day, Sargent S 140 Dearborn, James W 217 Dearborn, John H 399 Desmond, Jeremiah J 272 Dewhirst, William H 346 Dick, Ernest A 173 Dodge, Charles C 40 Dodge, George F 30 Dodge, Francis M 120 Dodge, Richard 147 Dodge, William P 34 Downing, Charles H 116 Dunbar, Everett H 114 Durgin, James 54S Dustin, John E 247 Dwinell, John 234 Dyer, J. Franklin J2 E. Eaton, Samuel 29 Elliott, Charles F 158 Ellis, William G 401 Ellsworth, Milton 329 Esten, Joseph F 63 Estes, George T . . . 336 Eveleth, Edward S 195 F. Fairfield, James M 266 Faulkner, Walter 69 Fears, Isaac P 367 Felker, James V 513 Fellows, Alonzo B 376 FitzHugh, John A 275 Fletcher, Samuel A 435 Flint, Sylvanus 350 Fogg, Ebenezer K 300 Follansbee, Benjamin A. . . . 4S1 Foss, Joshua N 349 Foster, Joel 462 Fowle & Johnston 573 French, Hartwell S 94 Friend, Daniel W 29 Frost, George W 529 G. Gale, Stephen M 412 Gardiner, John F 213 Gay, Charles W 66 Gibney, George H 23 Gleason, Daniel 602 Goodhue, William 181 Goodwin, Alpheus 419 Goodwin, George 513 Goodwin, T. Livingstone ... 35 Gould, Milo H 129 Gove, William H 20[ Gowen, Oscar 559 Greene, Charles 17 Greenwood, Frank M 35 Grimes, Loring 89 Grover, Charles E 515 Gunn, -Samuel G 339 Gurney, Orrin J 590 H. Hale, Benjamin 422 Hamer, George F 137 Hammond, Joseph W 517 Hardy, Lewis T 21 Harriman, Hiram N 5S6 PAGE Harriman, Horace E 526 Haskell, George 564 Haskins, Leander M 260 Hastings, Horace N 442 Hatch, Orlando F 521 Hawkes, Nathan M 222 Hawkes, Samuel 40S Hawthorne, Charles F 5S0 Healy, Jeremiah 554 Heath, George W 528 Henderson, Francis D. ■ ■ 331 Heme, Robert R. , 370 Herrick, George E 122 Herrick, John E 124 Higgins, George C 306 Hildreth, Charles H 598 Hill, James L 490 Hill, John B 77 Hilton, David M 115 Moare, William 298 Hobbs, Amos F 358 Hobbs, Henry 575 Hodsdon, F. D 523 Hogan, George E 402 Hoitt, Augustus J 560 Holbrook, David 349 Holder, Langdon H 79 Holihan, Peter 414 Holker, William 50 Holt, Albert N 300 Holt, Lewis G 99 Homer, John 570 Hooper, Franklin K 60 Hooper, George W 73 Hooper, John 27 Houghton, John C 103 Howard, George C 224 Howe, Asa 174 Howe, Joseph S 57 Hoyt, Thomas H iSt Hume, James 51S Hume, John 263 Huntington, Alexander M. . . iS Hurd, Edward P 395 J Jackson, John F 94 James, Thomas W 5S6 Janvrin, George N 441 Jensen, Lawrence 502 Jewett, Alfred S 148 INDEX 6,7 PAGE Johnson, Edmund B 42S Johnson, John F 227 Johnson, William J 170 Judkins, John B 220 Junkins, George S 496 K. Killan, Francis A. P 297 Kimball, Kate F. . . 377 Kimball, Rufus 208 Kimball, William R 15 Kimball, William T 287 King, George B 307 King, Henry C. . 479 King, J. Thomas 515 Kittredge, Gilbert H. . . 593 Knapp, James O. . ... 464 Knight, Edward S 569 Knight, Samuel 39 Knowlton, Eben 530 Knowlton, John E 606 Kerb, Frederick W. . . 258 Kress, Herman 319 Kress, Otto 319 L. Lambert Family 439 Lamson, Jonathan 16 Lamson, Josiah A 186 Lane, Edward A. . . . 4S3 Lang, Alfred 281 Leslie, Horace G 426 Libbey, Frederick M. . . . 493 Little, J. Peaslee 194 Lloyd, John 152 Lockwood, William A 509 Lord, Aaron 471 Lord, Thomas H 221 Low, David 157 Low, Reuben S 356 Lunt, Charles M 5S2 Lunt, Austin W 509 M. Macdonald, J. C 523 Mahoney, John P. S 463 Mann, Michael 576 Marland, Charles H 375 Marsh, Stephen S 212 PAGE Marshall, William .... 206 Martin, Lorenzo A 35S Martin, William T 607 Martins, William F 17S McCusker, John E. . . . . 494 McManus, Michael T 488 Mears, Charles W 146 Mears, Henry W ig6 Merrill, Joseph 452 Merrill, Perkins 33 Merrill, Willie E 518 Messer, Frank H. . -39 Mighill, Charles P. . ... 459 Mills, Henry J 213 Moody, Nathaniel W 33S .Moore, Alfred L 526 Morse, KIbridge M no Morse, Gardner S. . . . 214 Murray Brothers ... . . 318 Murray, George E 318 N. Nelson, Sherman 411 Newell, George H 495 Newhall, Elmer B 247 Newhall, Joseph C. . . 139 Newhall, William H 246 Newman, Sidney F 249 Nichols, Woodburn J. . . . 544 Norwood, Caleb J 535 Noyes, Richard T 121 O. Ordway Family 507 Ordway, Orin A 524 Osgood, Stephen C 22 Oswald, William 445 P. Palmer, Henry K 559 Parker, John L 365 Parkhurst, Charles E. . . 147 Parsons, Aaron 299 Parsons, Eben 322 Parsons, Ebenezer 149 Parsons, Starr 151 Peabody, Andrew W 109 Peabody, Jesse W 162 Pease, James F 290 PAGE Peirce, A. H 59S Peirce, Thomas W 9 Penniman, John 1! 327 Perkins, James H 74 Perkins, Josiah P 265 Perkins, N. Porter 417 Perley, Charles 11 Perley, David T 475 Pettengill, Wesley 60 Pettingell, Granville W. . . . 273 Pettingell, Henry 566 Pettingell, John M 600 Philbrook, Hiram J I2r Pike, Baxter P 340 Pike, Caleb 28 Pike, George C 453 Pike, John B . . 320 Pike, True 169 Plumnier, John G 26S Pool, Calvin W 469 Pool, Nathaniel 4S9 Pool, Samuel G 347 Pool, Wellington 182 Poor, Edward P 538 Poor, John M 288 Pope, Daniel P 116 Porter, David T 546 Porter, Thomas F 3.S3 Pray, Moses 553 Presson, David S 155 Prince, Samuel R 44 Procter, Francis 480 Procter, Joseph 3S6 Pulsifer, James K 563 Putnam, Alfred P 159 Putnam, Israel H C5 R. Ramsdell, Charles H 176 Ramsdell, Walter L 576 Randlett, Joseph C 528 Redlon, William F 43 Richardson, Benjamin P. . . . 397 Richardson, Frank C 54 Richardson, Nathaniel, Jr. . . 104 Riggs, Fitz E 175 Roberts, Oliver T. . ... 305 Robinson, David 1 472 Rogers, Elijah P 83 Rowe, Amos .... . . 503 Rowell, George W 596 6iS INDEX PAGB KowL-ll, William K 603 Iviiiullctt, John I' 373 S. Sampson, George H 145 Sanborn, Aretas R S6 Sanborn, George 556 Sargent, Bailey 58 Sargent, George \V 469 Sargent, Dr. George W. . . . 533 Sargent, Ralph H 127 Sargent, Samuel G 91 Saunders, Caleb 354 Saunders, Daniel 341 Savage, Frank 482 Sawyer, Enoch S79 Sawyer, Henry W 3S6 Schaake, Frederick W. ... 418 Scott, Chester W 107 Scott, Garvin S 564 Seavers, George H 39S Seavey, James F 367 Severance, William H 78 Shaltuck, Charles 419 Shaw, Edward P 72 Small, John T 64 Smart, Ale.\ander 142 Smith, David E 86 Smith, Edward H 5S1 Smith, Fred S 57 Smith, George A 184 Smith, Harvey C 360 Smith, Moses G 3S8 Smith, Sylvanus 470 Spalding, Jacob F 44 Sjjalding, Samuel J 456 PAon .Spear, Charles H 514 Sprague, Charles E. . . . 504 Stacy, Samuel A 119 Standlej-, Horace 364 Stanley, Edwin P 328 Stanley, Jeffrey T 5S5 Stanley, John L 413 Stanton, Fred P 298 Stanwood, Barnard 592 Stark, John S 547 Steere, Marquis D. F 390 Stevens, Francis J 49 Stevens, George H 207 Stevens, Moses T 22 Stickney, George E., Jr. . . . 584 Stiles, Farnham 46 Story, Austin W 250 Story, Edward . . . ' . . . 166 Story, Isaac N 427 Stowell, Joseph 25S Sumner, Eben 274 Sutton, John H 17 Symonds, Charles E 141 T. Tappan, William H 138 Tarr, George 1 561 Taylor, William 572 Tenney, George J 436 Tenney, J. Harrison .... 346 Thompson, Alfred W 527 Thompson, Charles V 544 Titcomb, Albert C 587 Todd, Frank P 70 Todd, Frederick 374 Towne, John H 406 PAGE Towns, Jesse A 581 Trowt, William F 53 True, P. Albert 3S1 Tufts, Gustavus H 562 Tufts, John 297 Tukesbury, David M 388 U. Usher, William R 454 W. Wallace, James S 574 Webster, Daniel 253 Wafers, Mary Ann 204 Wells, Frank E 529 Weston, Flint 554 Wheeler, Percy W 595 Whitehead, Joseph 115 Wildes, Edward P 185 Wilson, Howell F 451 Wilson, Joseph R 109 Wilson, Josiah 610 Winkley, J. Otis 316 Woodbury, Eben 317 Woodfall, J. Loring 161 Woodman, John F 267 Worcester, George W. ... So Woods, Charles W 410 Wright, William H. P. ... 24 Wylde, Harry S5 York, Charles F. Young, B. H. . 230 543 PORTRAITS. PAGE Alljn, Alfred \V loi Ayrey, Thomas 164 Ualcl), David L. D 81 Hatclieldcr, Moulton .... 75 ISradfoid, George K I go liradstreet, Dudley 294 Brown, Charles D 334 Brown, Mannaseh 541 Brown, Otis F 450 Burnham, Albert I' 344 Caldwell, Ale-\ander .... 4CS5 Coflin, Amos B 302 Cogswell, Aaron .... faces 242 Cogswell, Albert E 239 Colby, William P 68 Colby, William W 312 Colcord, Elihu W 37 Currier, Ebenezer B 432 Davis, George A 135 Dick, Ernest A 172 Downing, Charles H 117 Durgin, James 549 Esten, Joseph F 62 I'AUE Flint, Sylvanus 351 French, Hartwell S 95 Goodhue, William 180 Goodwin, George 512 Grimes, Loring 88 Hale, Benjamin 423 Haskins, Leander M 261 Heme, Robert R 371 Hill, James L faces 490 Hogan, George E 403 Holihan, Peter 415 Howe, Joseph S 56 Hume, James 519 Huntington, Alexander M. . . 19 Johnson, John F 226 Junkins, George S 497 Kimball, Rufus 209 Kimball, William R 14 King, Henry C 478 Lang, Alfred 280 Libbey, Frederick M 492 Merrill, Perkins 32 Mighill, Nathaniel 458 Morse, Elbridge M 11 1 Morse, Gardner S 215 Ordway, French 506 Oswald, William 444 Parsons, Eben 323 Peirce, Thomas W 8 Plummer, John G 269 Presson, David S 154 Redlon, William F 42 Richardson, Nathaniel, Jr. . . 105 Sampson, George H 144 Sanborn, George 557 Sargent, George W 468 Sargent, Dr. George W. . . . 532 Sargent, Ralph H 126 Smith, Harvey C. . . . |B . 361 Smith, Izette B faces 363 Steere, Marquis D. F. . . (steel) 391 Stevens, Francis J 48 Story, Austin W 251 True, P. Albert 380 Wright, William H. P. ... 25 ACME BOOKBiWOINO CO . INC. DEC 28 1990 t!X)CAMB«IDGt; STREET ^ARLESTOWN, MASIl