A Design Arts Film and Video Guide Partners for Livable Places National Endowment for the Arts Published by Partners for Livable Places, a non- profit coalition of individuals and organizations dedicated to the conservation and sensitive devel- opment of the physical environment. Additional copies may be obtained for $5 from Partners for Livable Places, 1429 21st Street, NW, Washington, DC. 20036. This project supported by a grant from the Design Arts Program of the National Endowment for the Arts. Published June 1981 Focus: A Design Arts Film and Video Guide Table of Contents Introduction page v Preface page vii How to Use This Book page ix Index of Titles page xi Focus: A Design Arts Film and Video Guide page 1 Index of Distributors page 53 Introduction The Design Arts Program of the National Endowment for the Arts encourages critical thinking about design. Films and television programs about the designed environment can help focus public attention on a variety of timely design issues. Programs which create critical portraits of the design process, designed objects and designers themselves become valuable tools for the consumers of design as well as the professional designer in their efforts to increase an understanding of the complex struggle to ensure a livable environment. The impact of design decisions in this process, whether based on economic or aesthetic consid- erations, is a subject of labyrinthine proportions; it has yet to be fully conveyed by the camera's eye to a large and disparate audience. A cinematic treatment of this topic demands the best of thefilm artist's talent, as well as critical insight into the relationship of the design arts to the social, political and economic milieu in which they thrive. This guide represents a first attempt to collate a wide variety of film and video materials on design. It reveals an unexpected abundance of existing material, as well as areas to consider in future programming plans; the disciplines of interior, industrial, graphic and fashion design, for example, offer a still untapped source of material and potentially exciting subjects for film or video study. It is our hope that this publication will help stimulate an understanding and concern for the realm of the design arts and, through the media, the important role they play in how we feel about our homes, our cities, and ourselves. Michael J. Pittas Director Design Arts Program Preface Focus: A Design Arts Film and Video Guide is a compendium of film and video programs on the disciplines of architecture, urban and regional planning, landscape design, graphic, industrial, interior and fashion design. Although the interest in audio-visual materials about design has grown in the last decade, the lack of a central source of information about the range or number of programs available has often hindered those who would like to expand educational programs with visual presentations. This publication has grown out of an interest in the Design Arts Program of the National Endowment for the Arts and in the Partners for Livable Places, to encourage the production and use of high quality programs to communi- cate about the various fields of design. The information in this guide was obtained directly from distributors' catalogs and listings. We have made no attempt to screen the films or to determine for how long they would continue to be available. This guide was planned to be simply a reference source. We strongly urge users to confirm the availability of films before making plans to use them, and to screen materials to make sure they are suitable before showing them in public. My thanks to the library staff of the American Institute of Architects and the film library of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, which were of great help to me in preparing this guide. Mary Bruton Editor vn How to Use This Book (9) Explanation of a typical entry (1) BOOMSVILLE (2) (3) (4) (5) 16mm, color, 1969, 10 min., no narration Dist: NFBC (6) Dir: Yvon Mallette (7) Prod: P. Robert Verrall (8) An ironic view of town planning, or rather, the lack of it, and what has happened to our cities as a result. Done in cartoon animation, the film traces the growth of the typical city, from a tiny settlement in the vast North American wilderness to the car- clogged metropolis of today. The programs in this guide are arranged in alphabetical order by title (1). Each entry is designed to include information on the medium (2), color (3), year of release (4), and running length (5), where available. Addresses for the Distributor (6), may be found in the Distribu- tor's Index beginning on page 53. Prices for purchase or rental have not been included, as they are frequently subject to change. Director (7) and Producer (8) names have been included where available. A description of the Program's Content (9), concludes each entry. The Index of Titles, page xi, is divided into subject categories to facilitate selection for specific audiences. Because of the broad scope of material comprising the URBAN ISSUES cate- gory, programs which focus on specific design problems in urban centers have been classified under URBAN PLANNING, and those which treat generalized questions about the quality of life in cities, or their particular character, will be found under CITIES. IX Index of Titles ARCHITECTURE CONSTRUCTION: An Architect at Work 2 Architecture: New Directions 3 The Astrodome 4 Before the Fair 5 Building a House 7 Building a House on the Niger 7 Building for the Nations 7 Building Gund Hall 8 Building in the North 8 Cabin 8 Creative Paper Sculpture: Architecture 14 The Decorative Cornice, Still an Intricate Craft 14 Detroit Metropolitan Airport 15 Domefilm 16 Dulles International Airport- Progress Report 16 Empires of Steel 17 The End 17 Evolution of the Skyscraper 18 The Expanding Airport 18 Expression 18 The 57 Building: San-Vel's Precast, Prestressed Showcase 19 For Thy Great Glory 19 A Home of Your Own 24 Homes Unlimited 24 House Building in Winter 24 The House Construction Home Movie 24 How to Build an Igloo 25 Indian Villagers in Mexico 26 Journey to Power 28 More Homes for More People 33 The New National Gallery Builds 34 The New National Gallery in Berlin 34 On a Day Off 35 On the Work of Francis Leonard of California . . .35 Ornamental Ironwork 36 A Place to Be 37 A Place to Land 37 Planning and Building the Modern Farm Home 37 Ouick Rise 39 The Ron Resch Paper and Stick Thing Film 40 Shelter: Almost Anyone Can Build a House 41 Skyscraper 41 Sydney Opera House 43 Thatching 44 To the Top 45 Winter Construction: It Can Be Done 50 ENGINEERING: The Arch Bridge 2 Bridge Building 7 Bridge High 7 Bridge Is Born 7 Bridges-Go-Round 7 The Cantilever Bridge 8 Challenge at Carquinez 9 It Couldn't Be Done 27 Mackinac Bridge Diary 29 Milestones of the Century: Buiiding Big 32 Miracle Builders 32 Roads Across the Bay 40 ENERGY CONSCIOUS DESIGN: Building a Solar Home 7 A City Farmstead 12 Design for Climate 15 XI Down to Earth City Living 16 New Mexico Passive Solar Buildings 34 A Place to Live 37 HOUSING: Back to School to Live 4 The Flat 19 House 24 Housing a Growing America 25 Housing and Nature 25 Housing Options for Older People 25 How to Innprove Your House 25 Living Structures 29 No Place to Rest His Head 35 Showing Townland Systenn 41 Towers of Frustration 46 A Trip Through the Brooks Home 46 USS Homaday Components 47 The Writing on the Wall 51 HISTORIC PRESERVATION: Andrew Jackson's Hermitage 2 As Papa Wanted It 4 Beauty in Trust 5 A Blueprint for the Past 6 Caring for History 8 Chicago Architecture: Preservation and Destruction 9 The Corbitt-Sharp House 14 The Dodge House 15 The Fall of an American Architecture 18 Fare You Well Old House: Dutch Houses of the Hackensack River Valley 18 Fare You Well Old House: Federal Period Houses 19 Forever Furness 19 Fortress: Story of Ticonderoga 20 A Future for the Past 21 Heritage 23 Home of Hope 24 House Moving 25 lolani Palace 27 Janus: Europe's Architectural Heritage— A Call to Action 27 LA. Too Much 28 A Landmark of Old Russia (Restoration of St. Basil's) 28 The Legacy of Hanover Square 29 Lords of the Manor. . . The Story of Philipsburg 29 Louisbourg 29 Mark Twain's Hartford Home 30 Memory for the Future 31 The Mill at Philipsburg Manor 32 Mission San Xavier del Bac 32 Northeast Farm Community 35 The Old Post Office 35 Out of Sticks and Stones 36 Pride of the Capitol City 38 The Rescue of Mr. Richardson's Last Station ... .39 La Restoration du Grand Trianon 39 Revival of a One Hundred Year Old Farm Home 39 River to the Past 40 Rosedown Restoration 40 A Sense of Place 41 Station 42 Stations 42 Thanatopsis 44 Things Worth Keeping 45 Time Piece 45 Weeksville: Save the Memory of Self 49 What Price Architecture? 49 Williamsburg Restored 50 Your Heritage 51 HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE: Antelami, The Baptistery of Parma 2 Antonio Gaudi 21 Architects of England 2 The Architecture of Japan 3 Architecture, the Art of Space 3 Architecture West 3 Architecture: Why Man Builds 3 Art and Architecture: Chartres Cathedral 3 Art Nouveau 3 Art Nouveau, 1893-1925 3 Bernini's Rome 5 The Boston Palace 6 The Builder 7 Buildings on Parade 8 La Cathedrale des Morts 8 Catheddals of France in the Mirror of the Seasons 9 Changing Environment USA: A Modern Identity 9 Changing Environment USA: A Vanishing Heritage 9 La Chapelle de Ronchamp 9 Charles Rennie Mackintosh 30 Chartres Cathedral 9 The Church in the North 10 Eero Saarinen, Architect 40 Empires of Steel .17 England, Home and Beauty 17 Everybody's Dream 17 Evolution of the Skyscraper 18 Frank Lloyd Wright 51 Franklin D. Roosevelt's Hyde Park 20 French Romanesque Art 20 From Doric to Gothic (Equilibre) 20 From Every Shires Ende: The World of Chaucer's Pilghms 20 Antonio Gaudi 21 Geodesic Domes, the Shape of the Future 22 George Washington's Mount Vernon 22 Gloucester Cathedral 22 The Grain in the Stone 22 Grandeur and Obedience 22 The Great Thaw 22 Hectorologie: Hector Guimard 23 The Hero as Artist 23 Heroic Materialism 24 Himeji Castle 24 Himeji Jo: The Most Beautiful Castle in Japan 24 XII Japanese House 27 Kyoto, Ancient Capital of Japan 28 A Landmark of Old Russia (Restoration of St. Basil's) 28 Light and Sound 29 Man from Monticello 30 Man the Measure of All Things 30 Medieval Symphony 31 Mission San Xavier del Bac 32 Music and Architecture Through the Ages 33 Notre Dame de Paris 35 Our Changing Skylines: Mirror of the World 36 Le Palais du Louvre 36 Pisa, Story of a Cathedral Square 37 Prologue in Masonry 38 The Pursuit of Happiness 39 Royal Rococo 40 Sticks and Stones Will Build a House 42 Stone to the Weather: The Story of the Pennsylvania Bank Barn 43 Symphony in Red and Gold 44 Tv\/o Baroque Churches in Germany 46 Unknown Eiffel 46 A Vanishing Heritage 48 Villard de Honnecourt, Builder of Cathedrals 48 Yakushiji Temple 51 THE PROFESSION: Architects/Architecture 2 Ark Tv\/o— The Computer in Architecture 3 Chronicle of an Adventure 10 Computer Animation 13 The Craftsman 14 The Fountainhead 20 IDCA70 26 Making Places 30 REHABILITATION: Adaptive Reuse 1 Back to School to Live 4 Cinderella of Berkeley Place 10 Cinderella of Prospect Place 10 Here Today 23 My, My Brooklyn USA 33 Revival of a One Hundred Year Old Farm Home 39 San Francisco and Co 40 Working Places 50 TWENTIETH CENTURY ARCHITECTURE: L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui 2 Architecture in the Petroleum Age 3 The Architecture of Japan 3 At Home, 2001 4 Biography of Frank Lloyd Wright 6 Buildings for Work and Play 8 Chicago Dynamics Excerpt 10 The Design Method of Frank Lloyd Wright 15 Detroit Metropolitan Airport 15 Dulles International Airport- Progress Report 16 Dulles International: Port of the Future 16 The Expanding Airport 18 The Fifth Facade 19 First Principles 19 Frank Lloyd Wright 51 Frank Lloyd Wright: The Robie House 51 Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater 51 The Gallery 21 House 24 Jim Stirling's Architecture 43 John Ringling's Ca D'Zan 40 Le Corbusier Designs for Harvard 28 Louis I. Kahn, Architect 28 Les Maisons de Verre 30 Mega-Building: Giants Cast Long Shadows 31 Modern Architecture in Japan 32 Modern Architecture of Japan 32 A Modern Identity 32 Moscos Construction 33 National Fisheries Center and Aquarium 33 The New National Gallery Builds 34 The New National Gallery in Berlin 34 Organic Architecture 36 Le Pink Grapefruit 37 A Place to Be 37 Rhapsody in Rivets 39 The Robie House 40 Signature Against the Sky 41 Skyscraper 41 The Space Between 42 A Study of the Design Method of Frank Lloyd Wright 43 Taliesin East 44 Taliesin West 44 The Tall Building 44 Toward Human Architecture 46 The Wandering Wall 49 What Price Architecture? 49 REGIONAL ISSUES LAND USE PLANNING: Big Yellow Taxi 5 Boomsville 6 Boston Harbor/City/lslands 6 Come to Florida. . Before It's Gone 13 Land Use and Misuse 28 Little Big Land 29 The Meadowlands 31 The Netherlands: Blueprint for an Urban Society 34 Planning the Land 38 REGIONAL PLANNING Basingstoke-Runcorn: British New Towns 4 The Best We Can Do? 5 Cities— The Rise of New Towns 11 The City: A Study of Survival 11 The City and Its Region 11 The City and the Future 11 A City in the Country 12 Come to Florida. . Before It's Gone 13 The Keeping of the Green 28 Megapolis 31 The Metropolis 31 XIII The Middle Atlantic Seaboard Region: Great Cities— Megalopolis 32 Mud 33 Northwest, U.S.A 35 Of People, Land and Planning 35 Planning for Leisure- Playgrounds in the Ruhr 37 The Region— In Change 39 The Right to Choose 39 A Sense of Place 41 Urban Design — Copenhagen 47 SUBURBS/SMALL TOWNS/NEW TOWNS: Cities— The Rise of New Towns 11 Fur-Lined Fox-Hole 21 Phvate Dream— A Public Nightmare 38 Promise City 38 Roscoe: A Blessing in Disguise 40 Small Towns 41 Something Old, Something New 42 Tapiola 44 Today We Live 45 The Town 46 Updating the Historic— Alsfeld in Germany 47 URBAN ISSUES CITIES: Abandonment of the Cities 1 About Life 1 All the Difference 2 Arcology: City in the Image of Man 3 Berlin — Paul Anderson 5 Berlin: The Symphony of a Great City 5 Big Town 5 Bump City 8 Celebration in City Places: The Ford Foundation Garden 9 Celebration in City Places: The Seagram Building and Its Plaza 9 Chandigarh 9 Chicago Breakdown 9 Chicago Fire 10 Chicago: Midland Metropolis 10 The Cities: A City Is to Live In 10 Cities in Crisis: Matter of Survival 11 Cities in Crisis: What's Happening 11 The City 11 The City: An Environmental Classroom 11 The City and the Self 12 The City as Man's Home 12 The City at the End of the Century 12 City Center and Pedestrians 12 A City Is to Live In 12 City Life 12 City Limits 12 The City: Living in a Machine 13 City— One Day , 13 City Out of Wilderness: Washington 13 The City 13 Downtowns for People 16 Dusseldorf: Balanced Urban Grov^rth 16 Faces of the City 18 The Heart of the City 23 How to Live in a City 25 If You Live in a City Where Do You Live 26 The Image of the City 26 It's the Greatest Little City 27 John Kenneth Galbraith: The Idea of the City . . .21 Manhattan 30 Megalopolis 31 The Metropolis 31 The Murals of East Los Angeles 33 NY., N.Y 33 New York Revisited 34 No Turning Back 35 Only One New York 35 Organism 36 Our Changing Cities: Can They Be Saved? 36 Pond and the City 38 Rendezvous 39 Rise of the American City 40 The Rise of the American City 40 Sapporo: Planned Growth 41 Street Freaks 43 Street Paintings of LA 43 A Tale of Three Cities 44 Tokyo: The Fifty-First Volcano 45 Tomorrow's Canberra 45 Two Cities: London and New York 46 Urban Impact on Weather and Climate 47 Urbanissimo 47 Urbanization— The City: Who Needs It? 47 Venice Be Damned 48 Who Is: Oscar Niemeyer 50 Who Wants America Ugly? 50 World City: An Artist's Report 51 HISTORIC PRESERVATION: Alexandria in Virginia- George Washington's Town 1 Beautiful Downtown Newark 4 Bologna: An Ancient City for a New Society 6 Colonial Williamsburg 13 Fells Point, Baltimore 19 Glaveston Island— A Sense of Place 21 The Landmark Challenge 28 Main Street 30 A Measure of Change 31 Prospect for a City 39 Savannah, Who Decides 41 St. Peter's: People on the Move 42 Street of the Sardine 43 Venice Be Damned 48 Vivre Sa Ville 48 Why Save Florence? 50 HOUSING: Beyond Shelter: Ideas from Denmark on Housing for the Elderly 5 Birth of a City 6 Break and Enter (Rompiendo Puertas) 7 Cities, Centers, New Housing Forms 10 Family House 18 A House of Our Own 24 Housing and Nature 25 XIV Housing Problems 25 Inner City Dweller: Housing 26 Kawaida Towers 28 Montreal: The Neighborhood Revived 32 Sensible Growth in Our Community 41 Towers of Frustration 46 The Walls Come Tumbling Down 48 NEIGHBORHOODS: Artist in Manhattan 4 Between the Word and the Deed 5 A Bronx Morning 7 Citizen Harold 11 Dwellings 16 Fulton Street 21 In the Street 26 Montreal: The Neighborhood Revived 32 The Neighborhoods 34 A Place to Be Human 37 The Village, the Village, the Village 48 Where Have All the Flowers Gone? 50 REHABILITATION: A Block in Harlem 6 Botany Village Story 6 Brownstones of Brooklyn 7 Cinderella of Berkeley Place 10 Faneuil Hall Markets, 1826-1970 18 A House of Our Own 24 Indianapolis Attacks Its Slums 26 Main Street 30 Memory for the Future 31 Neighbors: Conservation in a Changing Community 34 Turning Around 46 What Will You Tear Down Next? 49 URBAN PLANNING: Beauty Is Good Business 5 Between the Word and the Deed 5 Bigger Is Better 6 Birth of a Town 6 Boomsville 6 Cities and Suburbs 10 Cities and Suburbs: Centers or Spread City 10 Cities, Centers, New Housing Forms 10 Cities for People 10 Cities Have No Limits 11 Cities: To Build a Future 11 City Planning 13 The City 11 The City 13 A City with a Future 13 Cosmopolis/Big City 2000 AD 14 Designing the Urban Environment 15 Downtowns for People 16 An Expanding Town in Sweden — Gothenburg 18 A Film for Salt Lake City 19 For Your Pleasure 19 Form, Design and the City 20 Glasgow 1980 22 Grenoble— La Villeneuve: The City Conceived Anew 23 Growth of a City: Lexington 23 How Things Get Done 25 The Image of the City 26 Inner City Dweller: Housing 26 Inner City Renewal— London's Lambeth 27 Metropolitan Improvements: Their Impact on People 31 The Middle Atlantic Seaboard Region: Great Cities— Megalopolis 32 Robert Moses 32 The Netherlands: Blueprint for an Urban Society 34 The New Age of Architecture 34 The Next Urban Form 34 Paris Every Day in Winter 36 The Pedestrian Strikes Back 36 Photography and the City 37 Planning for the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area 38 Prospect for a City 39 San Francisco: The Environmental Response to High-Rise Development 41 Socrates in City Hall: The Humanities and Urban Policy Making 42 Street 43 Tale of One City 44 A Tale of Three Cities 44 They Care for a City: Mission Possible 44 They Don't Laugh at Hoboken Anymore 44 Urban Alternatives 47 Urban Patterns 47 Urban Sprawl 47 View from the People Wall 48 What Kind of Tomorrow? 49 DESIGN GENERAL: Arabesque 2 Art Nouveau 3 Art Nouveau (Czech) 4 Art Nouveau, 1893-1925 3 The Bauhaus: Its Impact on the World of Design 4 Blacktop 6 Castro Street 8 Catalog 8 D for Design 14 Design 14 Design and Man 14 Design Into Space 15 Design Plus 15 Design Q & A 15 Developing Creativity 15 An Eames Celebration: Several Worlds of Charles and Ray Eames 16 The Egg and the Eye 16 Elements of Design— Composition 17 Elements of Design— Line 17 Elements of Design— Shape 17 XV England, Home and Beauty 17 Environment and Behavior 17 Espace et Comportment 17 Every Man's Home His Own Capsule 17 Evolution of the Red Star 18 Furies 21 A Geometry Lesson 22 Hardware Wars 23 Hunger 25 Imagery in Space 26 Kaleidoscope 28 Music of the Spheres 33 Powers of Ten 38 Textiles and Ornamental Arts of India 44 Toast 45 Toccata for Toy Trains 45 Tops 45 What Do You Mean by Design? 49 Why Man Creates 50 FASHION DESIGN: Clothing: A Pair of Blue Jeans 13 The Costume Designer 14 Culture and Costumes: The Great Clothes Put-On 14 GRAPHIC D ESI G N.- Bass on Titles 4 Design for People. . .Or Maybe Not 15 La Lettre 29 Westinghouse in Alphabetical Order 49 INDUSTRIAL DESIGN: Boeing 6 Eames Lounge Chair 16 The Fiberglass Chairs 19 Raymond Lowey: Father of Industrial Design ... .29 The Natural History of the Water Closet 34 Sofa Compact 42 Soft Pad 42 Westinghouse in Alphabetical Order 49 INTERIOR DESIGN: Design for Living 15 Charlotte Perriaud 37 Style and Design in Slovac Furniture 43 DESIGNERS An Eames Celebration: Several Worlds of Charles and Ray Eames ... .16 Unknown Eiffel 46 Erte 17 First Principles 20 Frank Film 21 R. Buckminster Fuller: Prospects for Humanity 20 Forever Furness 19 Antonio Gaudi 21 Hectorologie: Hector Guimard 23 Johns, Stella, Warhol: Works in Series 27 Louis L Kahn, Architect 28 Raymond Lowey: Father of Industrial Design 29 Mackintosh 30 Charles Rennie Mackintosh 30 Robert Moses 32 The New Age of Architecture 34 Organic Architecture 36 Eero Saarinen, Architect 40 Shaping the Future 41 Signature Against the Sky 41 The Space Between 42 Jim Stirling's Architecture 43 Frank Lloyd Wright (life) 51 Frank Lloyd Wright (theories) 51 Biography of Frank Lloyd Wright 6 The Design Method of Frank Lloyd Wright 15 Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater 51 Frank Lloyd Wright: The Robie House 51 The Robie House 40 A Study of the Design Method of Frank Lloyd Wright 43 Taliesin East 44 Taliesin West 44 DESIGN FOR THE HANDICAPPED Access America 1 All Things on Wheels Aren't Equal 2 Beating the Averages 4 Child's Creative Learning Space 10 Come Closer 13 Designs for Independent Living 15 Mimi 32 Play Learning Centers for Preschool Handicapped Children 38 Sound the Trumpets 42 Symbol Boy 43 Walk Awhile. . .In My Shoes 48 Where Do the Children Play? 49 LANDSCAPE DESIGN Analyzing the Site 2 Constructing Landscape Features 14 Designing the Public Area 15 Everything Under the Sun 17 Gardens of Britain .21 Gardens of England 21 Gardens of Japan 21 The Gardens of San Simeon 21 Garten der Phantasie 21 Great Gardens of the World— Japan 22 The Hanging Gardens of New York 23 Home Landscaping 24 How to Make Decorative Patio Floors for Outdoor Living 25 The Japanese Garden 27 Japanese Gardens 27 A Legacy for Living 29 Plant a Seed 38 Something for the Trees Something for the City 42 The Structure of Gardens 43 This Bloomin' World 45 What Is Landscape Design? 49 OPEN SPACE/PARKS/RECREATION 840 Acres 1 Celebration: Children and Trees 9 Common 13 XVI Dogs 16 Financed Recreation 20 Green City 23 Green Years 23 Heritage of Green 23 Islands of Green 27 John Muir— Father of Our National Parks 33 Know Your Parks 28 Open Space 35 Open Spaces: Going, Going 36 The Park 36 Parks 36 Planning Recreation Facilities 38 The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces 42 Tragedy of the Connmons 46 Urban Forest 47 A Walk Through Central Park 48 Walking 48 TRANSPORTATION Airports in Perspective 1 Bate's Car: Sweet as a Nut 4 Boeing 6 Broadway Express 7 The Car in the City 8 City Center and Pedestrians 12 City Corridor 12 From Horse Car to Subway in New York City . . .20 Goin' Into Town Feelin' Fine 22 The Golden Age of the Automobile 22 Inner City Dweller: Transportation 27 Master or Servant? 30 Merrily We Roll Along 31 Modulo: Variations on a Design 32 Mr. Urban More 33 A New Town in England— Runcorn 34 Pedal Power 36 Problems of Urban Traffic 38 Take a Ride 44 Traffic Round the World 46 What on Earth! 49 Where Do We Go From Here? 49 Wherever You Go— There You Are 50 XVII Focus: A Design Arts Film and Video Guide 840 ACRES 16mm, color, 1975, 15 min. Dist: NTHP A film about New York City's Central Park; its design, use, abuse, and program of active restoration. ABANDONMENT OF THE CITIES 16mm, color, 1971, 11 min. Dist: Films, Inc. Prod: NBC Cleveland, St. Louis and New York stand as exam- ples of this growing phenomenon. Landlords do not care, tenants are too discouraged to renovate, mer- chants are too fearful to remain, and as a result, urban neighborhoods deteriorate. ABOUT LIFE 16mm, color, 1968,2 min. Dist: YFDC Over 200 individual shots are included in this short film which portrays the frenzy of contemporary urban life. ACCESS AMERICA 16mm, color, 14 min. Dist: NAC-GSA Shows examples of functional, safe and convenient design of buildings and facilities for all people in a variety of settings: private business, government, his- toric preservation, education, transportation and recreation. ADAPTIVE REUSE 16mm, color, 1976, 15 min. Dist: LAA Examples of commercial and residential adaptive use projects in New Orleans. AIRPORTS IN PERSPECTIVE 16mm, color, 1969, 15 min. Dist: NAVC Documents how some cities have applied workable solutions to problems associated with aviation's dynamic growth, with special emphasis on the coor- dination between airport development and compre- hensive urban transportation planning programs. ALEXANDRIA IN VIRGINIA- GEORGE WASHINGTON'S TOWN 16mm, color, 14 min. Dist: VSTS Historical and architectural survey of this famous town and many of its restored buildings. ALL THE DIFFERENCE 16mm, color, 1970, 21 min. Dist: EKC Contrasts the harsh realities of today's urban blight with the beauty of America's natural wonderlands. Powerful statement on the country's pollution crisis. ALL THINGS ON WHEELS ARENT EQUAL 16mm, color, 14 min. Dist: Courage Center Illustrates that physical disability need not prevent one from obtaining a college education. It shows that the real handicaps are physical barriers which pre- vent mobility on campus, rather than the students' own disability. Ways in which these barriers to edu- cation may be removed are suggested. ANALYZING THE SITE 16mm, b&w, 28 min. Dist: Purdue University From the series Landscaping Your Home this film shows the importance of blending the site and its proposed uses into a harmonious unit. Presents a checklist of a typical site analysis for grading the immediate and extensional landscape. ANDREW JACKSON'S HERMITAGE 16mm, color, 1975, 23 min. Dist: ACI E.G. Marshall tours this famous Tennessee home and describes Jackson's planning and building. Shows many of the original furnishings. ANTELAMI, THE BAPTISTERY OF PARMA 16mm, color, 17 min. Dist: Roland Dir: Carlo L. Ragghianti Prod: Romor Films This film looks at the Baptistery of Parma as an example of harmonious integration of architecture, painting and sculpture in a single building. Designed by Benedetto Antelami, in 1196, the Bap- tistery is octagonal in plan, composed of open log- gias set one upon another, supported throughout by continuous vertical pillars rising to an elaborately constructed cupola. Throughout the building, al- coves and portals are embellished with sculptured groups and fhezes. ARABESQUE 16mm, color, 1975, 7 min. Dist: Pyramid Films Prod: John Whitney Shimmering lines and waves of oscillating color unfold their dance to the music of Eastern rhythms, in the computer-generated imagery of this film. Combining the interplay mathematical coordinates, wave frequencies, and sound-cycle manipulations, the film produces visualizations of flowing ara- besques, evolving from randomness to patterns in- spired by 8th century Persian designs. Their corres- pondences with Islamic abstract art are reinforced by the musical score of Manoocheher Sadeghi, lead- ing contemporary Iranian composer, who recorded his work for this film. THE ARCH BRIDGE 16mm, color, 30 min. Dist: USSC The development of the arch bridge from the year 20 B.C. Features the Fort Pitt Bridge in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. AN ARCHITECT AT WORK 16mm, color, 1963, 29 min. Dist: ISU Describes the planning and construction of the new First National Bank Building in Dallas, Texas, focus- ing on the architectural details. ARCHITECTS/ARCHITECTURE 16mm, color, 1977, 36 min. Dist: IMI A film about architectural design for architecture students and practitioners. Ulrich Frazen, George Hartman, Warren Cox, and Philip Johnson are filmed in their offices, at home and at project sites where they discuss individually and collectively what is happening to architectural design, and the opportuni- ties and problems facing students and practitioners. ARCHITECTS OF ENGLAND 16mm, b&w, 14 min. Dist: lU A brief history of English architecture. L'ARCHITECTURE D'AUJOURD'HUI 16mm, b&w, 1931, 11 min., silent, French titles Dist: MOMA Dir: Pierre Chenal The record of three villas designed by Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret at Garches, Ville d'Avray, and Poissy. Also seen is Le Corbusier's plan for a pro- posed reconstruction of the Paris slums. ARCHITECTURE IN THE PETROLEUM AGE 16mm, color, 1975, 28 min. Dist: Scott Thomas A short treatise on the state of the builder's art: its influences, intentions and present directions in the realms of the vernacular and the monumental. Is the Houston Astrodome the Petroleum Age equivalent of St. Peter's? THE ARCHITECTURE OF JAPAN 16mm, color, 20 min. Dist: Assoc-Sterling Featured are the Horyiji Temple — the oldest wooden structure in the world; the Todaiji Temple in Nara, and the Katsura Willa in Kyoto. In startling contrast are contemporary structures of steel, glass and con- crete in 20th century Tokyo. ARCHITECTURE: NEW DIRECTIONS 16mm, color, 1972, 28 min. Dist: AIBC The film highlights environmental considerations from the interrelated points of view of the developer, the planner, the architect, and finally the builder. ARCHITECTURE, THE ART OF SPACE 16mm, color, 1961, 45 min. Dist: Embassy of Belgium Exploration of shapes, from abstract to concrete forms. This film gives an overview of both foreign and domestic architecture from ancient to modern times. ARCHITECTURE WEST 16mm, color, 1955, 18 min. Dist: U of C-EMC Shows the evolution of architectural design in the western states, and the application of native building materials, from a square log blockhouse to the great modern designs of Wright, Maybeck, Yeon and Neutra. ARCHITECTURE: WHY MAN BUILDS 16mm, color, 1971, 18 min. Dist: C/McG-H In a visual array of all types of buildings from igloos to city apartments and universities, the film illustrates that the needs of people determine what a building should be, and that architecture, in turn, helps to shape the lives of people. ARCOLOGY: CITY IN THE IMAGE OF MAN 16mm, 1973,22 min. Dist: SU Architects and city planners discuss ideas which would lead to greater human contact within the city. ARK TWO— THE COMPUTER IN ARCHITECTURE 16mm, color, 1971, 17 min. Dist: Blake Films This film describes and illustrates the uses of an architectural computer system. ART AND ARCHITECTURE: CHARTRES CATHEDRAL 16mm, color, 30 min. Dist: U of SO Presents an interpretation of the great Gothic cathe- dral at Chartres as a towering synthesis of medieval life and art. ART NOUVEAU 16mm, color, 12 min. Dist: Roland Dir: Maurice Rheims, Monique Lepeuve Prod: Les Films du Jeudi The influence of Art Nouveau was rapidly and pro- foundly felt throughout much of the art, architecture and design of its day. Scarcely a single household object remained unaffected, and ideas of typography, illustration and graphic design underwent a revolu- tion. The film indicates the widespread expression of Art Nouveau ideas, showing among many examples, the furniture of Van de Velde, the ironwork of Gui- mard's famous Paris metro stations, the houses of Auguste Perret, the posters of Mucha and the paint- ing of the Symbolists. ART NOUVEAU, 1893-1925 16mm, color, 12 min. Dist: Roland The European inspired Art Nouveau movement supplied an unorthodox farewell to the 19th century. It anticipated the radical architectural changes which were to occur in the 20th century. This film includes the work of Gaudi, Wright. Sommaruga, Lavirotte. Guimard, Basile. Godwyn, Perret. ART NOUVEAU 16mm, color, 28 min. Dist: Macmillan Audio Produced in Czechoslovakia, this film discusses the many aspects of the art nouveau movement, in archi- tecture, furniture, wallpaper, stained glass, textiles, silver, ceramics, jewelry, and painting. ARTIST IN MANHATTAN 16mm, color, 1968, 9 min. Dist: New York Public Library Dir: Barry Downes & Linda Marmelstein Prod: Barry Downes Productions Paintings by Jerome Myers glorify life in the small, local neighborhoods of Manhattan, emphasizing the warmth of the city at the turn of the century. AS PAPA WANTED IT 16mm, color, 1974, 15 min. Dist: NTHP Insight into the planning process involved in the restoration and preservation of the Old Merchant's House in New York City. THE ASTRODOME 16mm, color, 30 min. Dist: AISC Construction of the Houston Astrodome. AT HOME, 2001 16mm, color, 1967, 25 min. Dist: C/McG-H Prod: CBS News Depicts a home of the future, considering architectur- al trends, and envisioning what cities and social structures of the future may be like. BACK TO SCHOOL TO LIVE 16mm, color, 1976, 18 min. Dist: Viator A film on the adaptive use of old school buildings. Interviews with the developer, architects, financier and tenants of the Central Grammer School in Glou- cester, MA which is now used for housing for the elderly. BASINGSTOKE-RUNCORN: BRITISH NEW TOWNS 16mm, 87 min. Dist: NFBC Examines the operation of two new towns in Great Britain planned to house the overflow from industrial centers. BASS ON TITLES 16mm and video, color, 32 min. Dist: Pyramid Dir Saul Bass The work of Saul Bass covers the full range of the design spectrum, from feature film titles, corporation logos and product design to making his own films about design and communication. In this film he presents a selection of the feature film title sequen- ces which he made famous. The design of these symbols involves the search for a visual statement which instantaneously communicates the film's intent while generating public interest. BATE'S CAR: SWEET AS A NUT 16mm, color, 1976, 16 min. Dist: Arthur Mokin Productions Prod: National Film Board of Canada The film shows the work of English inventor, Harold Bates. Mr. Bates created a car that runs fueled by the manure it turns into methane gas. THE BAUHAUS: ITS IMPACT ON THE WORLD OF DESIGN 16mm, color, 15 min. Dist: Roland Dir: Detten Schliermacher A focus on the Bauhaus, a self-contained center of artistic instruction and culture, in the nineteen- twenties in Germany. This film draws attention to the great social responsibility of town planners, archi- tects, and production designers, closely involved in the work of this center. BEATING THE AVERAGES 16mm, color, 1972, 26 min. Dist: AIA Library Prod: AIA and HEW Raymond Burr, in his role as Ironside, narrates this film on barrier-free architecture. Shows successful attacks on the problem: accessible buses, buildings, housing, curb ramping. BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN NEWARK 16mm, color, 1975, 60 min. Dist: WNET/13 Newark, New Jersey's architecture: many of the most notable buildings have been demolished for parking lots while others are being preserved as landmarks. BEAUTY IN TRUST 16mm, color, 25 min. Dist: NTHP Shows properties of the National Trust in England, sponsored by the National Trust for Places of His- toric Interest or Natural Beauty in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. BEAUTY IS GOOD BUSINESS 16mm, color, 1966, 9 min. Dist: BSU A study of comparative townscapes in Fresno and Santa Barbara, California, and the California Rede- velopment of central business districts. Details the advantages of comprehensive planning. BEFORE THE FAIR 16mm, color, 8 min. Dist: Herman Miller Prod: Charles Eames A survey of the 1 962 Seattle World's Fair as it is being built. A study of natural patterns made by construc- tion materials accompanied by music only. BERLIN— PAUL ANDERSON 16mm, color, 1973, 16 min. Dist: MTP The journalist Paul Anderson talks about Berlin in the Thirties which he knew as a student. Forty years later he makes comparisons with today and con- cludes that modern Berlin is again a metropolis with a future. BERLIN: THE SYMPHONY OF A GREAT CITY 16mm, 1927, b&w, 70 min., silent Dist: MOMA DIr: Walter Ruttmann A day in the life of a great city. Now a classic, this experimental documentary emphasized visual rhythms and strove for a symphonic organization. The result showed how the motifs of everyday life could be thematically patterned. BERNINI'S ROME 16mm, b&w, 1965, 30 min. Dist: lU Prod: WNET/13 Bernini— a Roman Catholic who expressed his reli- gion through the medium of baroque art— became the leading visual interpreter of the Catholic reforma- tion, thus setting the pattern for the aesthetic stand- ard of Rome. The sculpture and architecture of Ber- nini are examined to show how they eliminate the border between what is real and what is illusionary, and how their persistent influence continues to reflect and mold the style of Rome. THE BEST WE CAN DO? 16mm, color, 1968, 14 min. Dist: U of CT Zeroes in on the large housing developments which have created wastelands of ugliness around most urban centers. Shows what good design can do to create new towns and villages. BETWEEN THE WORD AND THE DEED . . . 16mm, color, 1971, 45 min. Dist: Gordon Hyatt, Inc. A documentary designed to investigate the experi- ence of community and advocacy planning in the New York City Model Cities Program, of Central Brooklyn, South Bronx, and East Harlem. BEYOND SHELTER: IDEAS FROM DENMARK ON HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY 16mm, color, 25 min. Dist: Transit Media Denmark is presented as a possible model in the search for alternatives to institutional solutions in care for the elderly. The emphasis in Denmark is towards integrating old people into the community. The film shows an apartment designed for the hand- icapped, and urban planners, builders, as well as the residents themselves. BIG TOWN 16mm, color, 1973, 25 min. Dist: U of C-EMC Collection of five vignettes that capture the flavor of life in New York City and its environs in a revealing, often humorous, manner. BIG YELLOW TAXI 16mm, color, 3 1/2 min. Dist: Pyramid Joni Mitchell sings the lyrics of her own song as this animated film shows Adam and Eve's lush paradise paved over by all-powerful bulldozers that cover the earth with cement. BIGGER IS BETTER BOEING 16mm, color, 1975, 8 min., no narration Dist: MMM Animated view of urban growth from a quaint pastoral scene to self-destruction. BIOGRAPHY OF FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT 16mm, b&w, 26 min. Dist: Two Star Prod: CBS News A portrait of America's most influential architect, the principles for which he stood, and his work and his achievements, told through his own words, and taped by the Taliesin Fellowship during his lifetime. BIRTH OF A CITY 16mm, color, 26 min. Dist: FACSEA A film on a modern housing unit at Marly-la-Roi near Paris. Shows the construction, and completed unit. BIRTH OF A TOWN 16mm, color, 1972, 21 min. Dist: FN A documentary about the construction of Kivenlahti, a new urban environment just outside the city of Helsinki. 16mm, color, 11 min. Dist: Herman Miller Prod: Charles Eames Shows how the computer is used at Boeing Aircraft to build planes. The film was originally completed as part of Boeing's presentation for the Supersonic Transport. BOLOGNA: AN ANCIENT CITY FOR A NEW SOCIETY 16mm, color, 57 min. Dist: NFBG Exemplary in its town planning, Bologna has been transformed into an avant-garde city while preserv- ing its historical roots. BOOMSVILLE 16mm, color, 1969, 10 min., no narration Dist: NFBG Dir: Yvon Mallette Prod: P. Robert Verrall An ironic view of town planning, or rather, the lack of it, and what has happened to our cities as a result. Done in cartoon animation, the film traces the growth of the typical city, from a tiny settlement in the vast North American wilderness to the car- clogged metropolis of today. BLACKTOP 16mm, 1952, color, 11 min. Dist: MOMA Prod: Charles and Ray Eames A study of natural design showing the motion of water as it flows over the grainy surface of a section of pavement. A BLOCK IN HARLEM 16mm, color, 1969, 26 min. Dist: Films, Inc. This is a report on a five-year, six million dollar experi- ment in rehabilitation that was undertaken on one block in Harlem— 144th Street between 7th and 8th Avenues. The program called for renovation of 38 tenant houses and rehabilitation of the lives of the 1900 people who lived in them. BOSTON HARBOR/CITY/ISLANDS 16mm, color, 1969, 18 min. Dist: Urbanimage Prod: Lawrence Rosenblum Commissioned by MIT, this film explores the uses and abuses of Boston's Outer Harbor and Harbor Islands. Dramatizes an important urban situation as scenes of idyllic tranquility conflict with the portrait of a restless, polluted city. THE BOSTON PALACE 16mm, b&w, 1975,9 min. Dist: Wheaton Holden Documents the short-lived history of Peabody and Stern's old Providence Railroad Station in Boston; recaptures the mood of the late Victorian era in America. A BLUEPRINT FOR THE PAST 16mm, color, 1971, 28 min. Dist: PCC Documents the architectural history, demolition and reconstruction of the Pavilion Hotel in Vermont. BOTANY VILLAGE STORY 16mm, 1975, 12 min. Dist: SSP Describes how Clifton, New Jersey retains practical and aesthetic links with its past through urban renewal. BREAK AND ENTER (ROMPIENDO PUERTAS) 16mm, b&w, 1970, 42 min., English and Spanish Dist: Third World Newsreel In New York City in 1970, several hundred families decided to reclaim homes taken away by urban renewal. The film captures the militancy of the Puerto Rican community in fighting for decent housing. BRIDGE BUILDING 16 mm, b&w, 10 min., silent Dist: RIFC Shows the methods of bridge construction employed by the Tajik people of Afghanistan. BRIDGE HIGH 16mm, color, 1975, 10 min. Dist: Kirchheimer Prod: Manfred Kirchheimer An evocative passage across a suspension bridge. Moving from the country to the city, the film expands the half-minute it would take a car to cross, into a nine-and-a-half minute trip, choreographing cables, girders and arches into an exuberant dance. BRIDGE IS BORN 16mm, color, 30 min. Dist: U of M Why and how the Walt Whitman suspension bridge connecting Pennsylvania and New Jersey was de- signed and built. Process of construction detailed from building the caissons and anchorages to spin- ning the main cables, placement of the floor trusses and making the roadway. BRIDGES-GO-ROUND 16mm, 1958, color, 8 min. Dist: MOMA Dir: Shirley Clarke Manhattan becomes a maypole as its bridges exe- cute a carefree but magical dance. There are two versions of the film, one with an electronic sound track by Louis and Bebe Barron, and one with music by Ted Macero and his group. The director feels that both should be seen, the electronic-sound version first, because the sound alters the response of the viewer. BROADWAY EXPRESS 16mm, 1960. 18 min. Dist: Contemporary/McGraw Hill Dir: Michael Blackwood A candid, compassionate look at the people of New York in their daily struggle with the subway system. A BRONX MORNING 16mm, 1931, b&w, 11 min., silent Dist: MOMA Dir: Jay Leyda The Bronx from early morning to noon is the theme of this sensitive, impressionistic documentary. BROWNSTONES OF BROOKLYN 16mm, color, 1972, 12 min. Dist: Bergen Examines the growth of the brownstone revival in some of Brooklyn's older downtown neighborhoods. THE BUILDER 16mm, color, 1972, 8 min. Dist: DCA The history of man as builder, told in a rapid mon- tage of slides, stills, paintings, old black and white excerpts, and modern color footage. Focuses on the discovery of concrete in Roman times, its neglect during the Middle Ages, and its re-emergence as a universal building material. BUILDING A HOUSE 16mm, color, 1967, 7 min. Dist: Purdue University Shows how an African village house is built. A frame is made of thin sticks tied together with rope, mats of grass are added for the sides and reeds used for the roof. BUILDING A HOUSE ON THE NIGER 16mm, color, 1967, 7 min. Dist: U of A This film shows the people in small villages along the Niger River in Mali building temporary settlements with grass and sticks. BUILDING A SOLAR HOME 16mm, color, 8 min. Dist: NSHCI How to build a solar home, using the home built in New Hampshire by the Total Environment Action Group as an example. BUILDING FOR THE NATIONS 16mm, color, 35 min. Dist: USSC Fabrication and erection of the structural steel work for the Secretariat Building, United Nations Head- quarters, in New York City. BUILDING GUND HALL 16mm, color, 1972,28 min. Dist: Harvard Graduate School of Design Prod: Lenn Gittleman Using time lapse and standard filming techniques, this film records the construction story of Gund Hall, Harvard's Graduate School of Design. It documents the collaborative work of architect, project engineer, contractor, and construction crews as they fly madly at their work. BUILDING IN THE NORTH 16mm, color, 25 min. Dist: Embassy of Canada This film focuses on the special problems created in the North by permafrost, and portrays in graphic form the other factors to be considered in northern building operations. BUILDINGS FOR WORK AND PLAY 16mm and video, color, 20 min. Dist: NITC Examines the different architectural designs of office buildings, factories, schools, theaters, and cultural centers, with emphasis on original contemporary architectural forms. BUILDINGS ON PARADE 16mm, color, 1975, 28 min. Dist: SOM People dressed as famous buildings. A satirical architecture-fashion show. BUMP CITY 16mm, color, 5 min. Dist: CFS Prod: Pat O'Neill A cynical cinepoem about Los Angeles, done in col- lage/montage style, depicting the clutter, neon, and pollutions of Southern California, using a soundtrack of L.A.'s natural sounds. CABIN 16mm, color, 1977, 23 min. Dist: U of C-EMC Shows a modern man building a log house, using the tools and techniques of his great-grandfather. Shows all the steps from digging out the foundation to split- ting the wood shingles for the roof. THE CANTILEVER BRIDGE 16mm, color, 25 min. Dist: USSC The complete story of erecting the nation's heaviest cantilever bridge, the Tappan Zee, spanning the Hudson River. Explains the principle of cantilever bridges. THE CAR IN THE CITY 16mm, 1973,30 min. Dist: GPNIT This film asks, are the car and the city compatible? Two-thirds of all urban air pollution is caused by the car and two-thirds of the area in Los Angeles is either roadway or parking facilities. CARING FOR HISTORY 16mm, color, 25 min. Dist: NTHP Restoration crafts being used on historic homes and castles in Great Britain. CASTRO STREET 16mm, 1966, color, 10 min. Dist: MOMA Dir: Bruce Baillie This film, a picture in the form of a street, was inspired by "a lesson from Erik Satie," whose music is intermittently heard. A fluid, experimental film of constantly shifting forms. CATALOG 16mm, 1961, color, 7 min. Dist: MOMA Dir: John Whitney Originally prepared for a West Coast design confer- ence, this work consists of samples of motion- graphic designs made with a specialized analogue computer. LA CATHEDRALE DES MORTS 16mm, 1935, b&w, 12 min. Dist: MOMA Dir: R. Bamberger A camera study of the sculpture of the Mainz cathed- ral, a romanesque structure with gothic additions and details. The director explores the structure using only music, no commentary. CATHEDRALS OF FRANCE IN THE MIRROR OF THE SEASONS 16mm, b&w, 25 min. Dist: FACSEA A tour through the seasons of the particular beauty of each of the following French cathedrals: Notre Dame de Paris, Sens, Chartres, Amiens, Strasbourg, Rouen, and other smaller ones. CELEBRATION: CHILDREN AND TREES 16mm, color, 12 min. Dist: HFHA Prod: Philip Vaughan This film is narrated by the 17-year-old producer. Distressed overseeing bulldozers and road-building machinery rip away a favorite park, Vaughan turned to the medium of the motion picture to make a thought-provoking cinematic statement. CELEBRATION IN CITY PLACES: THE FORD FOUNDATION GARDEN 16mm, color, 1969, 11 min. Dist: EIF Documentary of Intermedia Theater Event at the Ford Foundation Garden, combining choreographed dance activities, music and public participation. CELEBRATION IN CITY PLACES: THE SEAGRAM BUILDING AND ITS PLAZA 16mm, color, 1972, 15 min. Dist: EIF Documentary of the Intermedia Theater Event that took place at the Seagram Building and Plaza, com- bining choreographed dance activities in windows, lobby, and plaza with films, music, graphics and public participation. CHALLENGE AT CARQUINEZ 16mm, color, 27 min. Dist: USSC Construction of the first major shop-welded bridge spanning the Carquinez Strait in California. CHANDIGARH 16mm, color, 11 min. Dist: Embassy of India Features the Indian city of Chandigarh built by Le Corbusier. CHANGING ENVIRONMENT USA: A MODERN IDENTITY 16mm, color, 1971, 11 min. Dist: U of IL The creative contribution of the U.S. to the art and science of architecture is analyzed, and outstanding examples of its beauty are shown. CHANGING ENVIRONMENT USA: A VANISHING HERITAGE 16mm, color, 1971, 11 min. Dist: U of IL Ways in which attitudes, available matehals, and known techniques have produced architectural style changes are traced and illustrated. Foreign architec- tural styles are identified and their influence on American structures shown. LA CHAPELLE DE RONCHAMP 16mm, color, 22 min. Dist: FACSEA A visit to the Ronchamp Chapel "Notre-Dame-du- Haut," built by Le Corbusier. CHARTRES CATHEDRAL 16mm, color, 30 min. Dist: Britannica John Canaday analyzes the seemingly contradictory elements which form Chartres. It becomes a visible proclamation of a fusion of faith, intellect, engineer- ing, and architecture. CHICAGO ARCHITECTURE: PRESERVATION AND DESTRUCTION 16mm, color, 1972, 60 min. Dist: U of C-DFG Classical architecture of the Chicago School, and the political, economic and aesthetic problems in- volved in preserving it. CHICAGO BREAKDOWN 16mm, color, 15 min. Dist: CFS Dir: Gary Brown The inspirational rhythm, texture and syncopated movement of a day in the life of a city emerge as part of this montage of Chicago. Through the pulsating, visual portrayal of transitions of seasons and times of the day, the city is shown thriving on an integrated mixture of motion, hurriedness. peace and serenity which goes from sunrise to sunset. Includes pixilla- tion, and uncommonly photographed views of Chi- cago's famous architecture. CHICAGO DYNAMICS EXCERPT CINDERELLA OF PROSPECT PLACE 16mm, b/w, 1960.5 min. Dist: ISU Excerpt of a television interview with Carl Sandburg and Frank Lloyd Wright about the Chicago dynamic and how it is expressed in the skyscraper concept. CHICAGO FIRE 16mm, b&w, 1956, 26 min. Dist: U of IL Prod: CBS Documents the destructive fire of October 8, 1871. This film looks at the history of Chicago's develop- ment, its ideal location for trade and commerce, rapid growth, dry summer of 1871 , the start of fire in Mrs. O'Leary's cow barn, and the devastation wrought by uncontrolled fire. CHICAGO: MIDLAND METROPOLIS 16mm, color, 1963,22 min. Dist: Uof C-EMCandU of IL A study of Chicago, and why, despite its prosperity, it is beset with the enormous difficulties facing most large cities today. CHILD'S CREATIVE LEARNING SPACE 16mm, color, 1967, 14 min. Dist: U of FL Outlines the philosophy and research of a three-year study. Shows pre-school children at play on a project-designed unified play environment. CHRONICLE OF AN ADVENTURE 16mm, b&w, 1979, 20 min. Dist: MIT A documentary on the 1970 National AIA Conven- tion, which took place on a small island in Boston Harbor, and was attended by over 4,000 of the nation's architects. THE CHURCH IN THE NORTH 16mm, color, 1971, 20 min. Dist: Films of the Nations Features details of church art and architecture in Finland. CINDERELLA OF BERKELEY PLACE 16mm, color, 1971, 25 min. Dist: Bergen Story of the remodelling of a Brooklyn brownstone. 16mm, color, 1972, 12 min. and 20 min. versions Dist: Bergen Renovation of three abandoned stores into fashion- able townhouses in Brooklyn. THE CITIES: A CITY IS TO LIVE IN 16mm, color, 1968, 54 min. Dist: BFA Prod: CBS News The results of 25 years of inadequate planning and negligence that have led many of our nation's cities to a point of major crisis are examined in depth by Walter Cronkite. CITIES AND SUBURBS 16mm, color, 1972, 56 min. Dist: ISU The crises of the urban areas of the U.S. is examined. Includes urban sprawl, transportation, property taxes, schools, housing. CITIES AND SUBURBS: CENTERS OR SPREAD CITY 16mm, 1974, 56 min. Dist: Sterling Considers the impact of urban sprawl as well as basic planning issues, in particular the placement of different building types in relation to each other. CITIES, CENTERS, NEW HOUSING FORMS 16mm, color, 1972, 31 min., English Dist: Embassy of Germany The rapid growth of cities creates many problems. The film demonstrates examples of modern city planning and architectural solutions, present and future. CITIES FOR PEOPLE 16mm and video, color, 1975, 49 min. Dist: U of E-EMC Dir: Amanda Pope with John L. Field An essay on the successful humanization of the urban landscape which explores the space left in a city — for people— after the buildings are up. Filmed in San Francisco, Savannah, San Antonio, Atlanta, Boston and New York, as well as in the age-tested medieval and Renaissance cities of Asolo, Bologna, Cortona, Milan, Perugia, San Gimignano, Todi, and Vernaza, Italy, it demonstrates that beauty, harmony, and spatial complexity, need not be cosmetic extras; they are the factors that make some cities livable and others alien. 10 CITIES HAVE NO LIMITS 16mm, color, 1969, 53 min. Dist: Film, Inc. Prod: NBC A discussion of urban chaos and problems by Frank McGee and Daniel Moynihan, including interviews as well as suggestions for the future. CITIES IN CRISIS: MATTER OF SURVIVAL 16mm, color, 1969, 18 min. Dist: U of WI-LaCrosse Contrasts ugliness of technological growth with nat- ural beauty. Examines causes, effects, and possible solutions to problems of pollution. CITIES IN CRISIS: WHAT'S HAPPENING 16mm, color, 1968, 22 min., no narration Dist: U of C-EMC An impressionistic film on urban sprawl, unplanned growth, and the frenetic pace of city living, filmed in Los Angeles. CITIES— THE RISE OF NEW TOWNS 16mm, b&w, 1966, 60 min. Dist: lU Prod: WNET/13 The building of totally planned communities is a relatively new concept in urban development. Sev- eral examples of new planned towns are shown including Reston, Virginia; Foster City and Irvine, California; Columbia, Maryland; Tapiola, Finland; and Vellingby, Sweden. The economic, sociological, and governmental implications of this movement are discussed by prominent planners and government officials. CITIES: TO BUILD A FUTURE 16mm, color, 1968, 65 min. Dist: BFA Prod: CBS News Recent attempts and plans to solve various urban problems, including Philadelphia's redevelopment program, aerospace industry's urban systems pro- jects, and planned new towns. Interviews Lewis Mumford, Athelstan Spilhaus, William Pereira, John Lindsay, and Gunnar Myrdal. CITIZEN HAROLD 16mm, color, 8 min. Dist: NFBC Dir: Hugh Foulds Prod: Robert Verrall An animated film about one man's attempt to bring about changes in his community through participa- tion with fellow citizens and the local government. A discussion-starter with a dual ending, for groups exploring methods of bringing about change. THE CITY 16mm and video, b&w, 1939, 44 min. Dist: Pyramid Dir: Willard Van Dyke and Ralph Steiner This famous film on urban development was made to be exhibited at the World's Fair in New York, 1 939. A classic film in both the history of the documentary and in the dawning concern for the quality of life. Music by Aaron Copeland, text by Lewis Mumford. THE CITY: A STUDY OF SURVIVAL 16mm, color, 1971, 28 min. Dist: Embassy of Germany Shows the problems faced by a modern industrial society and what is being done to make a viable metropolis out of dozens of local governments in the sprawling industrial region of the Ruhr River in Ger- many. Deals with the practical ways and means of making the city a humane place to live in again. THE CITY: AN ENVIRONMENTAL CLASSROOM 16mm, color, 28 min. Dist: NYU Prod: Educational Facilities Laboratories and New York City Board of Education This film shows facilities and resources in and around New York City, in which effective programs of environmental education are underway. THE CITY AND ITS REGION 16mm, b&w, 28 min. Dist: Sterling History shows that cities thrive best when they live in harmony and balance with the countryside. How can this balance be maintained or restored in today's sprawling metropolitan regions? THE CITY AND THE FUTURE 16mm, b&w, 1963, 28 min. Dist: U of C-EMC This film stresses that an inevitable and urgent choice must be made between low-grade urban sprawl or a new kind of regional city. 11 THE CITY AND THE SELF 16mm and video, color, 1973, 52 min. Dist: Time Life Prod: S. Milgram and H. From This film takes as its starting point the experience of everyday people in cities, how they are touched by the anonymity, aloofness, and indifference of urban life. What is the human meaning of density, heter- ogeneity, and concentration of people in our cities? Not just a picture of the city as it is, it also examines how people in the city behave in experimental situations. THE CITY AS MAN'S HOME 16mm, b&w, 28 min. Dist: Sterling Slums, giant public housing complexes, mass sub- urbs, anonymous and bleak luxury apartments — almost everywhere in our cities communal standards of living fall and personal standards rise. The film asks how did this happen and what can cities do now? THE CITY AT THE END OF THE CENTURY 16mm and video, color, 1977, 19 min. Dist: Arthur Mokin Prod: Arthur Mokin A poetic examination of the nation's urban crisis which traces the historic and traditional role of the city in the growth of civilization. The film probes the origins, characteristics, and value of cities, focusing on New York City as a prototype of cities everywhere. CITY CENTER AND PEDESTRIANS 16mm, color, 1975, 56 min. Dist: NFBC History of the encroachment by the car on our cities and some creative approaches about limiting its access in favor of the pedestrian. Examines the life support system of the Integral Urban House, including its systems of solar capture, waste recycling, and urban food production. The film shows how an old dilapidated Victorian home was transformed from a weather-beaten abandoned dwelling into a self-reliant, ecologically sound urban habitat. It raises many important issues, including our need to shift from the present petroleum-based economy to a solar-based economy, and the possi- bility of living in urban areas without causing detri- mental consequences to our environment. A CITY IN THE COUNTRY 16mm, color, 1974, 25 min. Dist: Australian Information Service Most Australians live in a few big cities. Several pro- vincial centers are being developed to decentralize population and to provide pleasant living environ- ments. This film shows one such development: Albury-Wodonga. A CITY IS TO LIVE IN 16mm, color, 1968, 54 min. Dist: BFA Prod: CBS Urban problems, focusing on Cleveland, are dis- cussed by Walter Cronkite. Suggests a regional approach to solving the problems of cities. CITY LIFE 16mm, color, 1972, 29 min. Dist: lU Prod: WTTW This film reflects the theory that cities are in a state of deterioration because the people who live in them do not accept the responsibility for changing them. Urban specialist Lewis Mumford explains that a healthy city is one in which all the people have a stake in its functioning; that overcentralized govern- ment bureaucracy cannot make cities more human. CITY CORRIDOR 16mm, color, 1974, 15 min. Dist: American Federation of the Arts (AFA) Dir: D. Jeff Eger Prod: P.F. Thompson, Inc. Architectural design for the Canal Street crosstown vehicular tunnel, in New York City. A CITY FARMSTEAD 16mm, color, 1978, 15 min. Dist: Phoenix Dir: Louis Schwartzberg Prod: Steve Greenberg CITY LIMITS 16mm, color, 28 min. Dist: NFBC Prod: Laurence Hyde Critical analysis of the problems of North American cities by Jane Jacobs, authority and author of books and articles on the subject. Former New Yorker, she chose to live in Toronto because "it is a city that still has options ... it hasn't made so many mistakes that it's bound to go downhill." 12 THE CITY: LIVING IN A MACHINE CLOTHING: A PAIR OF BLUE JEANS 16mm, color, 1970, 22 min. Dist: U of C-EMC Asks whether tomorrow's cities will succeed al- though today's cities have failed. Introduces Dr. Spilhous who shows the practical and philosophical implications of his machine city. CITY— ONE DAY 16mm, color, 1969, 18 min. Dist: U of SC A city is many things to many people, more than traffic jams, pillars of concrete and hustling people. It is, in itself, a living, breathing thing. CITY OUT OF WILDERNESS: WASHINGTON 16mm and video, color, 1975, 30 min. Dist: Films, Inc. Dir: Francis Thompson A film history of the nation's capital, which utilizes old prints, documents, daguerreotypes and photo- graphs, as well as contemporary aerial serial footage of the Mall. The film attempts to portray a historically precise story of Washington D.C.'s history, as well as convey a sense of the city's vitality and influence. CITY PLANNING 16mm, color, 20 min. Dist: Embassy of Kuwait Deals with cities being built in Kuwait, on land that was once desert. THE CITY 16mm, 1939, b&w, 43 min. Dist: MOMA Dir: Ralph Steiner and Willard Van Dyke Narration by Henwar Rodakiewicz and Lewis Mum- ford. This classic film deals with four phases of town building: the New England town, built around a cen- tral plaza; the unplanned industrial community with its by-products of pollution and human waste; the crowded metropolis; and the new decentralized community, which is planned for space and segre- gates work and play. A CITY WITH A FUTURE 16mm, color, 1973, 30 min. Dist: GPNIT Shows how planning can enable industry to coexist with people in a city. 16mm, 1971, 13 min. Dist: LCA Dir: George Kaczender Prod: LCA Using a lively rock ballad to "teach" most of its con- cepts, this film follows the making and marketing of a well-known item of clothing— blue jeans— from cot- ton fields to purchase. Each step shows how raw goods, labor, packaging, distribution, advertising and profit contribute to the final retail price. Amusing sidelights emerge in a look at a manufacturer's con- ference which points out the influence of prevailing styles in consumer marketing strategy. COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG 16mm, b&w, 1938,9 min. Dist: U of IL Shows the capital city of colonial Virginia, Williams- burg, which has retained its colonial style of building. COME CLOSER 16mm and video, color, 1979, 23 min. Dist: Skye Pictures, Inc. Dir: Mark Centkowski Prod: Ellen Bynum Sponsored by the Bureau of Education for the Hand- icapped, this film presents examples from five museums across the U.S. which accommodate dis- abled visitors. Options in the design of museum spa- ces, as well as attitudes of museum personnel are explored, to show what some museums are doing to make their programs more accessible. COME TO FLORIDA . . . BEFORE ITS GONE 16mm, 1971,58 min. Dist: U of So. FL An example of what overdevelopment has done to the natural environment. COMMON 16mm, color. 1975, 20 min. Dist: MIT How a central city park affects the quality of life in the urban environment. COMPUTER ANIMATION 16mm, color, 1979, 30 min. Dist: U of C-EMC 13 Discusses the role of the computer in producing animated films. Shows and discusses animations generated by the computer for weather displays, architectural and engineering stress analysis, as well as works of art. CONSTRUCTING LANDSCAPE FEATURES 16mm, b&w, 15 min. Dist: MSU Explanation of design details for walls, steps, walks and fences with emphasis on practicality, proportion and appearance. THE CORBITT-SHARP HOUSE 16mm, color, 1967, 14 min. Dist: U of ID Shows the Georgian home which was built in the 18th century by William Corbitt in Delaware, and which was restored by Rodney Sharp in the 1930's. COSMOPOLIS/BIG CITY 2000 AD 16mm, color, 1970, 52 min. Dist: C/McG-H Prod: ABC News Visits such authorities as architects Philip Johnson, I.M. Pei, and Senator Paul Douglas. Floating cities, prefabricated units, megastructures, and green belts surrounding new British towns are only a few solu- tions to urban problems which are discussed. THE COSTUME DESIGNER 16mm, b&w, 1949, 9 min. Dist: lU Prod: TFC/RKO Radio Describes the work of the costume designer and shows knowledge of design derived through expe- rience and research must be combined with artistic creative ability to produce costumes appropriate to the historical period of a picture and suitable to the social economic status of the characters. THE CRAFTSMAN 16mm, color, 1972, 7 min. Dist: BFA A man builds a house for himself with the loving and patient care of a craftsman. With far different stand- ards, he constructs a public building. This animated film makes a satiric statement about man's supposed anonymous role in mass production. CREATIVE PAPER SCULPTURE: ARCHITECTURE 16mm and video, color, 11 min. Dist: Sterling Step-by-step demonstrations in closeup detail show how to produce anything from a simple cottage to a Gothic cathedral once the techniques of making the basic shapes have been mastered. From actually working with paper to make their own buildings, students will learn how certain geometric shapes and forms are basic to all architecture. CULTURE AND COSTUMES: THE GREAT CLOTHES PUT-ON 16mm, color, 19 min. Dist: Britannica Why do people wear clothes? For protection, deco- ration, identification, disguise, modesty. This film shows styles of different cultures, explores how functions lead to fashions. It appeals to both sexes and encourages the study of contemporary fashions. D FOR DESIGN 16mm, color, 1955, 23 min., English Dist: Audio Brandon Dir: Hagen Hassenbalch Prod: Danish Culture Film Production An introduction for American consumers and art students to Danish furniture, porcelain, fabrics and silver, presented in their native setting. Famous Dan- ish designers are seen at work, going to nature for the forms and surfaces of their art. THE DECORATIVE CORNICE, STILL AN INTRICATE CRAFT 16mm, color, 6 min. Dist: Gallier House The plasterer's craft shown today much as it was in earlier times. Also 20-minute and 10-minute versions. DESIGN 16mm, color, 1957, 11 min. Dist: BU Uses animation to present a nontechnical formula for basic design. Shows how to make flat surfaces interesting and effective by application of basic shapes, repeating shapes, stylization, exaggeration and distortion. DESIGN AND MAN 16mm, color, 1958, 11 min. Dist: ISU Portrays the concept of design as a dynamic process involving man's efforts to adapt his environment to his own purposes. Shows industrial and architectur- al design applications. 14 DESIGN FOR CLIMATE DESIGN Q & A 16mm, color, 1967, 21 min. Dist: Embassy of Australia Discusses how architects and engineers can control a number of natural elements, including solar heat, sun and sky glare, wind, rain and noise in designing buildings with comfortable indoor climates. DESIGN FOR LIVING 16mm, color, 1965, 19 min. Dist: IFB Analyzes furniture, rooms, utensils through function, honesty and other design criteria. DESIGN FOR PEOPLE... OR MAYBE NOT 16mm, color, 1974, 12 min. Dist: Assoc-Sterling Prepared for the Second Federal Design Assembly by the National Endowment for the Arts, this film portrays selected citizen's reactions to Federal pub- lications, stamps, signs, and educational material. Focuses on the need for the designer of visual mate- rials to clearly address the specific needs of the user. DESIGN INTO SPACE 16mm, color, 1951, 10 min. Dist: UC-EMC Students demonstrate ways to fashion a space design. Shows the initial sketch, three-dimensional model, and final structure out of metal, plastic, etc. THE DESIGN METHOD OF FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT 16mm, color, 1971, 13 min. Dist: James Vaseff An analysis of Wright's method of house design. DESIGN PLUS Video, color, 1979, 30 min. each Dist: EDMI Prod: Judith Carrington A series of 76 interview format programs produced for television, covering a variety of design/environ- mental issues. Topics range from art in the environ- ment, open spaces, and the social aspects of hous- ing design, to global resource sharing, holistic eco- nomics, design and ecology, etc. The program often emphasize the role of the consumer in design- related environmental concerns. 16mm, color, 5 min. Dist: Pyramid Prod: Charles and Ray Eames Charles Eames answers questions about design. DESIGNING THE PUBLIC AREA 16mm, b&w, 28 min. Dist: U of IL Basic principles of tree placement, lawn areas, and foundation planting design. DESIGNING THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT 16mm, color, 1975, 28 min. Dist: RHR This film was prepared by the United States for use at the 1976 United Nations Conference on Human Set- tlements (HABITAT). Discusses the problems of urban planning, including land use and historic preservation. DESIGNS FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING 16mm, color, 1967, 14 min. Dist: U of M Devices and methods developed so that handi- capped people can dress, feed themselves and lead useful lives. DETROIT METROPOLITAN AIRPORT 8mm, color, 1967, 5 min. Dist: UFC Shows unique "free form" 51 foot high columns for supporting the terminal roof. DEVELOPING CREATIVITY 16mm, color, 11 min. Dist: U of Wl-Madison Demonstrates the need for artistic creativity in solv- ing problems of modern civilization through art edu- cation; examines the application of art in solving problems of architecture and the environment. THE DODGE HOUSE 16mm, color, 20 min. Dist: NTHP An architectural examination of an Irving Gill house that has been torn down since this film was made. 15 DOGS DUSSELDORF: BALANCED URBAN GROWTH 16mm, color, 5 min. Dist: Cyclops A film on walking in Central Park from the point of view of a dog. DOMEFILM 16mm, color, 1972, 40 min. Dist: Jerald R. Brown A review of dome building on the West Coast, featur- ing brief interior and exterior shots of twelve domes created in a variety of styles and materials. DOWN TO EARTH CITY LIVING 16mm and video, color, 18 min. Dist: Pyramid Dir: Joaquin Padro This film depicts the alternatives used at the Integral Urban House in Berkeley, California to transform a typical urban residence into an almost self-sufficient habitat. Solar energy is integrated into the house to provide economical and efficient heating. The house roof and back yard are utilized to furnish the dwellers with a year-round assortment of vegetables, while organic waste is recycled and transformed into plant nutrients for use in the garden. Poultry, bees and other domestic animals provide the necessary sup- plemental nourishment. This model household is an example of what people can do to improve the urban environment and their own lives. DOWNTOWNS FOR PEOPLE 16mm, color, 1972, 26 min. Dist: Hagan Prod: Roger Hagan Shows the best and the worst of U.S. and European downtowns from the pedestrian's viewpoint. DULLES INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT— PROGRESS REPORT 16mm, color, 1961, 15 min. Dist: NAC-GSA Illustrates the step-by-step progress of the construc- tion of the airport, including preliminary tests of the mobile lounge. DULLES INTERNATIONAL: PORT OF THE FUTURE 16mm, 1967, 15 min. Dist: Penn State Saarinen's airport terminal is explained in terms of its functional design. 16mm, color, 56 min. Dist: U of C-EMC Individualized for profit, yet harmonious in its whole, DUsseldorf has met and largely conquered the con- flicting demands of economic growth and a human environment. DWELLINGS 16mm, color, 1974, 13 min. Dist: New York Public Library Dir: Rudy Burckhardt Follows artist Charles Simmonds from one demoli- tion site to another as he constructs minature vil- lages and cities in areas laid waste by the wrecker. AN EAMES CELEBRATION: SEVERAL WORLDS OF CHARLES AND RAY EAMES 16mm, color, 1975, 90 min., sound Dist: lU Dir: Perry Miller Adato Prod: WNET/13 This film profiles Charles and Ray Eames, a creative couple renowned for their design work. Their design efforts are broad in scope, including: architecture, filmmaking, science, communications, painting, and furniture design— most notably The Eames Chair. Included are excerpts from a number of their films, views of major exhibits created for international exhibitions and museums, a visit to their unique Cali- fornia home, and comments by colleagues on the remarkable achievements by this Renaissance cou- ple in communicating ideas through design. EAMES LOUNGE CHAIR 16mm, b&w, 2 min. Dist: Pyramid Prod: Charles and Ray Eames A stylized, speeded up scene of the assembling of the Eames Leather lounge chair and ottoman, with music by Elmer Bernstein. THE EGG AND THE EYE 16mm and video, color, 25 min. Dist: Carousel Prod: Edie Eisenberg and Jeffrey Brown There are many ways to cook an egg but there are many more ways to look at one. This film states and shows that no single object has had as much effect as the egg shape on legend, art and literature. 16 ELEMENTS OF DESIGN— COMPOSITION 16mm, b&w, 1950, 11 min. Dist: Purdue University Discusses composition as one of the basic elements of design and its function in the arts and industry of everyday life. ELEMENTS OF DESIGN— LINE 16mm, b&w, 1950, 11 min. Dist: U of CT Discusses line as one of the basic elements of design, and its function in the art and industry of everyday life. ELEMENTS OF DESIGN— SHAPE 16mm, b&w, 1950, 11 min. Dist: U of CT Discusses shape as one of the basic elements of design, and its function in the art and industry of everyday life. EMPIRES OF STEEL 16mm, b&w, 40 min., silent Dist: AISC Erection of the Empire State Building. THE END 16mm, color, 1974, 25 min. Dist: New Yorker Films A film about garbage and recycling, the ecology lifestyle, and the building of a house made out of recycled windows and antiques. ENGLAND, HOME AND BEAUTY 16mm, color, 1976, 38 min. Dist: AFA Prod/Dir: Chris Mason A look at the kaleidoscope of architecture and decorative arts of the 1930s in England. Sequences in the film include a series of chocolate boxes designed by artists such as Arthur Rackham and Mark Gertler, a group of radios and a tour of build- ings of varying styles. Work by Graham Sutherland, Ben Nicholson, Marcel Breurer, Marian Dorn, Walter Gropius and others is shown. ENVIRONMENT AND BEHAVIOR 16mm, color, 1972,25 min. Dist: Robert Bartholomew A description of an interdisciplinary research project undertaken at Cornell University emphasizing the need for cooperation between designers and psy- chologists on near physical environment behavior problems. ERTE 16 mm, color, 1979, 28 min. Dist: Phoenix Prod: Tony Ryan Art Deco, one of the most important design move- ments of the twentieth century, hails Remain de Tir- toff, better known as Erte', as an artist who contrib- uted much to its development and acceptance as a legitimate art form. This film is a portrait of Erte, who has been working for over eighty-two years in many design fields. His career began with his association in 1912 with Paul Poiret, king of Paris couture. Later, Erte worked with Harper's Bazaar, providing the magazine with its monthly covers, as well as dress, shoe, jewelry, and interior designs. In the 1920's, he designed for the Folies Bergere and the Paris Opera, and also for the Ziegfield Follies and Irving Berlin's Music Box Revue in America and for MGM in Holly- wood. Diane Vreeland narrates. ESPACE ET COMPORTMENT 16mm, color, 1972, 35 min., English Dist: LEEH The relationship of space to animal and human behavior patterns is studied from modern historical and psychological perspectives. EVERY MAN'S HOME HIS OWN CAPSULE 16mm, color, 1973, 19 min. Dist: Thomas Spence An animated exploration of ambiguous space, space which potentially conforms, confines or contains. EVERYBODY'S DREAM 16mm, b/w, 1960, 29 min. Dist: lU A look at architecture as a clue to cultural change. Shows the influence of earlier architects in the mod- ern emphasis on functional simplicity and the use of natural materials. EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN 16mm, color, 1967, 20 min. Dist: PCA 17 This film illustrates the design opportunities in the use of concrete and its products in outdoor living areas. Shown are driveways, swimming pools, reflect- ing pools, decks, patios, planters, walls, walks. The role of the landscape architect working with the builder and owner is emphasized. EVOLUTION OF THE RED STAR 16mm, color, 1973, 8 min. Dist: Serious Business Company Prod: Adam Beckett Striking unusual graphic style — waves of sensuous color radiate and grow creating a landscape of mus- cles out of a red star. Plays with photographic color transformations. The story of U.S. Steel's new 64-story Pittsburgh headquarters building. Covers all phases of the building from planning to groundbreaking to dedica- tion. Contains construction scenes and discussions by the architect and structural engineer regarding the innovative design and building techniques used in the structure. FACES OF THE CITY 16mm, color, 1970, 21 min. Dist: Australian Information Service Identifies the five general zones in a modern city. Using Australian cities as an example, this film shows how the population and flow of services influ- ences the nature of the city. EVOLUTION OF THE SKYSCRAPER 16mm, 1939, b&w, 50 min., silent Dist: MOMA Dir: Francis Thompson Prod: Department of Architecture of the Museum of Modern Art This is an account of the history of the skyscraper in America, presenting the work of the principal archi- tects and their most notable buildings. Details of construction are explained in titles. THE EXPANDING AIRPORT 16mm, color, 9 min. Dist: Pyramid Prod: Charles and Ray Eames An animated film presenting Eero Saarinen's con- cept for the then proposed Dulles Airport in Wash- ington, D.C. THE FALL OF AN AMERICAN ARCHITECTURE 16mm, b&w, 1970, 2 min. Dist: NTHP Documents the destruction of historic landmarks, the film was produced as part of the Rise of an American Architecture Centennial Exhibition of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. FAMILY HOUSE 16mm, color, 16 min. Dist: Perennial Education An artistic treatment which highlights changes in the philosophy of housing. Made entirely from still pho- tographs and nostalgic Victorian paintings, the film contrasts the traditional romantic image of the home as domicile from cradle to grave, with the needs of today's more transient population. Designed to stim- ulate thought about housing and town planning. AN EXPANDING TOWN IN SWEDEN —GOTHENBURG 16mm, color, 25 min. Dist: Time-Life Films Prod: BBC-TV How does a 550-year old town deal with its popula- tion problem? This film shows how Gothenburg is redeveloping its old town center, creating pedestrian streets and renovating its traffic pattern. Its excess population is being housed in satellite townships based on the Stockholm model. EXPRESSION 16mm, 20 min. Dist: USSC FANEUIL HALL MARKETS, 1826-1970 16mm, color, 1975, 12 min. Dist: Urbanlmage A film history of Boston's oldest market area. With the buildings now undergoing physical rehabilita- tion as part of a unique downtown redevelopment project, this film serves as a reminder of one of the most interesting and colorful aspects of Boston's past. FARE YOU WELL OLD HOUSE: DUTCH HOUSES OF THE HACKENSACK RIVER VALLEY 16mm and video, color, 30 min. Dist: NJPTV 18 A documentary essay of the Dutch colonial architec- ture of the Hackensack River Valley. Some of the more outstanding houses of this uniquely American architecture are featured. This study of architecture is also a profile of some of the people who lived in these homes and a brief history of the region. FARE YOU WELL OLD HOUSE: FEDERAL PERIOD HOUSES 16mm and video, color, 30 min. Dist: NJPTV This historic and poetic look at the federal pehod houses of central New Jersey is hosted by Harry Devlin, architect, author and lecturer. The film is a study of the period and architectural style of this era in early American history. FELLS POINT, BALTIMORE 16mm, color, 1975, 40 min. Dist: Montgomery College Focuses on the survival of this historic (1730) com- munity in a period of change. The people of the area talk about their houses, professions and views on the past and future of Fells Point. A FILM FOR SALT LAKE CITY 16mm, color, 1971, 12 min. Dist: Morton Rosenfeld Confronts the problem of unplanned urban devel- opments and their destructive effect on the character of a city. FINANCED RECREATION 16mm, color, 21 min. Dist: MSU Prod: National Association of Park Executives Variety of systems for self-financing parks; exam- ples, public need, suitability to area. FIRST PRINCIPLES 16mm, color, 1974, 17 min. Dist: Assoc-Sterling Film on the recent concrete work of the late Louis I. Kahn. Narrated by Vincent Scully, Kahn's biographer, the film shows how Kahn's philosophy of design was influenced by Roman architecture. Included are many scenes of his work at Yale University, as well as scenes of India. THE FIBERGLASS CHAIRS 16mm, color, 9 min. Dist: Pyramid Prod: Charles and Ray Eames The design concepts and the production of fiber- glass chairs. THE FIFTH FACADE 16mm, color, 1973, 28 min. Dist: Australian Information Service The architect, Joern Utzon, in discussing his crea- tion describes the unique roof of the Sydney Opera House as "a fifth facade." Narrated by the architect and American theatrical producer, Sam Wanamaker, it includes the ceremonies of opening day. THE 57 BUILDING: SAN-VEL'S PRECAST, PRESTRESSED SHOWCASE 16mm, 1974,25 min. Dist: PCA The story of the construction of a unique all-precast, prestressed building in downtown Boston, designed, cast, and erected by the San-Vel Concrete Corp. Shows highlights of the building construction from foundation to completion and occupancy. THE FLAT 16mm, b&w, 15 min. Dist: C/McG-H A surrealistic fable from Czechoslovakia about a ma- cabre apartment designed to frustrate even the sim- plest human needs. Hailed by the British Film Institute as the "best visual rendering of Kafka's nightmare world yet produced." FOR THY GREAT GLORY 16mm, color, 28 min. Dist: NCA A tour of the National Cathedral, Washington, D.C. The film includes shots of the interior and exterior of the Cathedral as it nears completion. FOR YOUR PLEASURE 16mm, color, 1971, 5 min. Dist: MMM An animated film showing the advance on the en- vironment of the concrete jungle of highways and skyscrapers. FOREVER FURNESS 16mm, color, 1976, 15 min. Dist: NTHP 19 Surveys the career and work of architect Frank Fur- ness; includes footage of recent restoration of Penn- sylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. FORM, DESIGN AND THE CITY 16mm, color, 1962, 57 min. Dist; RMC Analyzes factors that produce excellent city plan- ning by focusing on the genesis of Penn Center, Philadelphia's project to remove urban blight from its inner city. Edward Bacon traces the development of the master plan which sought to integrate commer- cial and residential areas, to create a practical and aesthetically pleasing urban environment. FORTRESS: STORY OF TICONDEROGA 16mm, color, 1967, 28 min. DIst: SU Portrays Ticonderoga in Revolutionary history, its restoration in 1908 and conversion to a museum. THE FOUNTAINHEAD 16mm, 1944, 114 min. Dist: United Artists Based on Ayn Rand's novel about an avant-garde architect. Gary Cooper plays the role of Howard Roark who defies conventional standards and de- stroys his own buildings when they fail to come up to his idealized conceptions. FRANK FILM 16mm, color, 1973, 9 min. Dist: Direct Cinema Limited Prod: Caroline and Frank Mouris Using multiple assemblages of cut out magazine photographs and an innovative dual soundtrack, "Frank Film" summarizes Frank's whole life, his sur- roundings, influences, interests and dreams, and details his quest for self knowledge and his devel- opment as an artist. It transcends Frank's life to become a social history documenting the changes that post World War II America has gone through regarding mass consumption, religion, food, cars, fashion, art, politics, education, life styles, and social mores. FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELTS HYDE PARK 16mm, color, 24 min. Dist: Paramount Communications FDR's home, an impressive house near the Hudson River is documented here as a reminder of his life. E.G. Marshall hosts. FRENCH ROMANESQUE ART 16mm, monochrome, 21 min. Dist: Roland Dir: Edouard Logereau Prod: L'Atelier du Film After centuries of savagery which followed the col- lapse of the Roman Empire, the craftsmen of the 1 1 th and 12th centuries built monasteries and churches, adorned with statuary and symbolic carvings. This film documents the finest Romanesque sculpture and architecture in France. FROM DORIC TO GOTHIC (EQUILIBRE) 16mm, b&w, 1952, 20 min., sound (English) Dist: Audio Brandon Dir: Andre Gillet Prod: Atlantic Film, Marcel de Huebsch The basis of balance (equilibrium) in architecture is conveyed in a film excursion into the history of archi- tecture. This film makes use of animation, diagrams, plans, scale models and actual scenes of buildings and exteriors including famous French cathedrals. FROM EVERY SHIRES ENDE: THE WORLD OF CHAUCER'S PILGRIMS 16mm, color, 1969, 38 min. Dist: IFB Presents the many architectural works constructed along the route of the 14th century pilgrimage to Canterbury Cathedral, including Bodiam Castle, Durham Cathedral, Norwich Cathedral, several manor houses, etc. Accompanying guide includes narration, notes, list of all architecture and art shown in the film. FROM HORSE CAR TO SUBWAY IN NEW YORK CITY 16mm, b&w, 13 min., silent Dist: New York Public Library Rare early footage of public transportation in New York City made by the Biograph & Edison Film Companies. R. BUCKMINSTER FULLER: PROSPECTS FOR HUMANITY 16mm, b&w, 1967, 30 min. Dist: lU Prod: WNET/13 Presents R. Buckminster Fuller's predictions of the prospects for humanity. He believes that the tech- nology derived from space exploration, computer applications, and systems analysis will unify man- 20 kind. This prediction is expounded In excerpts filmed during speeches by Fuller at three educational insti- tutions: Merritt College, Oakland, California; Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, Aspen, Colorado; and Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California. FULTON STREET 16mm, b&w, 32 min. Dist: CFS Dir: Robert Crawford A documentary study of New York City's Fulton Street Fish Market, from dawn to dusk. FUR-LINED FOX-HOLE 16mm, b&w, 1964, 30 min. Dist: lU Prod: George C. Stoney Associates The people who escape the big cities to the subur- ban split-levels often don't know what they're run- ning toward. Shows Wheeling, a community as old as Chicago itself, but now caught in the spreading net of satellite communities where each family seeks a bit of territory all its own. A bewildered new home- owner complains, "We thought we were buying a house but we wound up buying a community." A FUTURE FOR THE PAST 16mm & 35mm, color, 1971, 30 min. Dist: UC-EMC and NTHP Prod: World Wide Films, Inc. for the Civic Trust of England A film on conservation areas and areas of architectur- al or historic interest in England, and the action being taken to protect and enhance them. FURIES 16mm, color, 1977, 3 min. Dist: Serious Business Company Prod: Sara Petty Vivid fluid charcoal pastel cats dance contrapuntally to a trio for flute, cello, and piano. One of the most precise uses of music in animation. JOHN KENNETH GALBRAITH: THE IDEA OF THE CITY 16mm, color, 1968, 28 min. Dist: AIM "We have every evidence that the modern city is no longer suited for its task." Galbraith describes new organic conceptions for the city. THE GALLERY 16mm, color, 1970, 9 min. Dist: Australian Information Service This film captures myriad impressions of textures, shapes, sounds and images at the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne. GALVESTON ISLAND— A SENSE OF PLACE 16mm, 1975,25 min. Dist: GCCAC Presents strong local involvement in preservation related Bicentennial activities in Galveston. GARDENS OF BRITAIN 16mm, color, 20 min. Dist: PSAP The history and development of British gardens from the 17th century to the present is examined. GARDENS OF ENGLAND 16mm, color, 10 min. Dist: U of ID Some famous British beauty spots, illustrated in full color and described by flower experts who lend appreciation for the charm of landscaped gardens. GARDENS OF JAPAN 16mm, color, 1979, 18 min. Dist: Consulate General of Japan Various types of Japanese gardens are shown, from a moss garden to one devoid of trees and water, to Katsura Imperial Villa. The unity of purpose between the buildings and gardens of the Katsura Villa is regarded as the perfection of Japanese creativity and artistry. THE GARDENS OF SAN SIMEON 16mm, color, 28 min. Dist: MTP-FL A look at the William Randolph Hearst mansion and its formal gardens. GARTEN DER PHANTASIE 16mm, color, 1972, 33 min. Dist: MTP Presentation of German landscape architecture over two centuries. ANTONIO GAUDI 16mm, 1965, color, 27 min. Dist: MOMA Dir: Ira Latour 21 This film explores the work of one of architecture's greatest innovators. Using as a guideline Gaudi's credo that "originality is a return to the origin," it shows how the architect's personal sense of space evolved from the mediterranean forms he knew so well. GEODESIC DOMES, THE SHAPE OF THE FUTURE 16mm, color, 27 min. Dist: Environmental Communications A history of domes from those inhabited by primitive man to the contemporary geodesic dome. Shows actual manufacture and construction of residential and commercial domes, and an interview with R. Buckminster Fuller. A GEOMETRY LESSON 16mm, b&w, 1947, 13 min. Dist: Audio Brandon Dir: Virgilio Sabel Prod: Carlo Ponti This film relates principles of geometry to everyday existence by showing the geometric bases of natural forms and by indicating how geometry functions in art and science. A correlation between abstract art and the spatial forms of higher mathematics is sug- gested through demonstrations of how abstract forms can be derived from mathematics. GEORGE WASHINGTON'S MOUNT VERNON 16mm, color, 1972, 28 min. Dist: VSTS A visit to the home of the first President in Virginia. GLASGOW 1980 16mm, color, 30 min. Dist: Sherman In 1960 work began on the biggest urban redevel- opment in Europe— a 20-year program involving 5 square miles. To be completed about 1980, this film is an interim report, showing the vast scale of the work. Emphasis is on the present, but the history and future of Glasgow are shown. GLOUCESTER CATHEDRAL 16mm, b/w, 10 min. Dist: Purdue University Norman architecture from the 14th century. GOIN' INTO TOWN FEELIN' FINE 16mm, color, 28 min. Dist: MTPS Features the problem that large cities have with traf- fic congestion. Offers a solution: bus service for commuters. THE GOLDEN AGE OF THE AUTOMOBILE 16mm, 1970,30 min. Dist: LCA The colorful history of the automobile is traced from its early years as a plaything of the rich, through Henry Ford's development of the Model T as a car for everyman, to the present day when its proliferation has changed the face of America. THE GRAIN IN THE STONE 16mm and video, color, 1975, 52 min. Dist: Time Life Prod: Time Life Films and BBC Man splits a stone and reassembles the pieces to build a wall, a cathedral and a city. From the Greek temples of Paestum and the cathedrals of medieval France to modern Los Angeles, this film expresses man's faith and fancy as architect and builder. (From The Ascent of Man series) GRANDEUR AND OBEDIENCE 16mm and video, color, 1970, 50 min. Dist: Time-Life Prod: BBC Kenneth Clark documents the inception of the inter- national Baroque style, with scenes from Roman architectural and street designs, paintings and sculp- ture. He considers the concept of illusion and the sense of grandeur as reflections of political and reli- gious thought, translated into monumental works of art. (From the Civilization series) GREAT GARDENS OF THE WORLD— JAPAN 16mm, color, 1974, 30 min. Dist: CCC Guides viewers through a variety of magnificent Japanese gardens, accented by historical temples and shrines. THE GREAT THAW 16mm and video, color, 1970, 50 min. Dist: Time-Life Prod: BBC An examination of the European world as it came alive in the 1 2th century. Kenneth Clark explores the strength of will and intellect that was manifested in the great abbeys and cathedrals constructed in this era, the phenomenon of the artisans responsible for these designs, and the role of the Church in their inspiration and support. (From the Civilization series) 22 GREEN CITY 16mm, color, 1963, 23 min. Dist: U of C-EMC Prod: Stuart Finley Shows the difference between cities where careful planning and conservation have provided some parks and other open spaces, and cities that have had no planning at all. Discusses the destruction of landscape that has taken place in the major U.S. cities. GREEN YEARS 16mm, color, 28 min. Dist: Association Illustrates how the city parks can be used as an educational tool. City parks mix people of all ages and from all levels of society, and supply open space for their activities in ways that cannot be duplicated in the green spaces of suburbs or countrysides. GRENOBLE— LA VILLENEUVE: THE CITY CONCEIVED ANEW 16mm, color, 117 min. Dist: NFBC The Villeneuve project aims at the creation of a total community in the city core, and depends on collabo- ration between the public and all levels of govern- ment for its success. GROWTH OF A CITY: LEXINGTON 16mm, color, 1972, 6 min., silent Dist: U of KY The film shows, through animation, the growth of Lexington, Kentucky, from a frontier settlement in the 1700's to a middle-sized city in 1972. The ani- mated map shows the actual yearly development in the plan of the community. THE HANGING GARDENS OF NEW YORK 16mm, color, 1969, 18 min. Dist: IFB Presents the many private and public gardens found high on the buildings of New York City. Some practi- cal help is given on how such gardens are put in place and on what trees and plants will survive in the city. HARDWARE WARS 16mm, color, 1978, 13 min. Dist: Pyramid Films Prod: Ernie Fosselius and Michael Wiese As the scenes of "Star Wars" reverberate through the new media folklore, their impact is being translated into many forms. This hilarious parody of the spec- tacular space epic is a film whose special effects are made with household appliances available in any hardware store. THE HEART OF THE CITY 16mm, b&w, 28 min. Dist: Sterling A study of the growing sterility, dullness and conges- tion that is destroying the vitality, variety and breadth that once made cities physically attractive and humanly creative. HECTOROLOGIE: HECTOR GUIMARD 16mm, color, 13 min. Dist: Roland Dir: Yves Plantin, Alain Blondel Prod: Films ABC Hector Guimard, the leading French Art Nouveau architect-designer, was in his time a highly contro- versial figure. Today he is considered the most indi- vidualistic artist of that era, having evolved a purely personal style with no roots in the past. HERE TODAY 16mm, color, 1978, 26 min. Dist: Hagan Prod: Roger Hagan The case for adaptive use of old commercial struc- tures and houses in Canada. HERITAGE 16mm, color, 26 min. Dist: OAC A state preservation program is explained through the example of the restoration of an 1839 adobe. HERITAGE OF GREEN 16mm, color, 20 min. Dist: MNCPPC History of the park program of Montgomery and Prince George's Counties, Maryland, including plan- ning, land acquisition, development, maintenance, and the future of the park system. THE HERO AS ARTIST 16mm and video, color, 1970, 50 min. Dist: Time-Life Prod: BBC 23 Kenneth Clark looks at Rome in the 1 6th century as a world of artistic giants and heroes. Michaelangelo, Raphael, Bramante, Leonardo da Vinci — the men and their works — are viewed in the light of papal politics and the courage of the individual. (From the Civilization series) HEROIC MATERIALISM 16mm and video, color, 1970, 50 min. Dist: Time-Life Prod: BBC The growth of the city of New York is compared to the growth of a medieval cathedral; Kenneth Clark cites the dedication of the contemporary city to the glory of money, in contrast to the medieval dedica- tion in construction to the glory of God. This episode examines the engineering and architectural achieve- ments from the Industrial Revolution, discusses the role of contemporary urban society, and capsulizes Clark's own philosophy about the future of civiliza- tion. (From the Civilization series.) HIMEJI CASTLE 16mm, color, 1972, 30 min. Dist: Penn State Tour of Himeji Castle, also known as the Snowy Heron Castle, illustrates Japanese Feudal architec- ture. Traces the development of castle architecture throughout Japan's medieval period. HIMEJI JO: THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CASTLE IN JAPAN 16mm, color, 27 min. Dist: U of IL The Himeji Castle, completed in 1609, istheepitome of the art and science of this particular branch of architecture in Japan. It is interesting not only for its delicate beauty and unusual construction, butforthe ingenuity with which the architects overcame the disadvantages of wooden construction. HOME LANDSCAPING 16mm, color, 1970, 11 min. Dist: U of ID Prod: American Association of Nurseries Basic principles of home landscaping that ensure a balance between beauty and utility. HOME OF HOPE 16mm, color, 1974, 15 min. Dist: NTHP Presentation of the community benefits from the restoration of the Frederick Douglass home in the District of Columbia. A HOME OF YOUR OWN 16mm, b&w, 43 min. Dist: Roa's Films This film lampoons the British building trade as it charts hazards involved in building a young couple's dream house. Sound effects, no dialogue. HOMES UNLIMITED 16mm, color, 30 min. Dist: Purdue University A look at factory construction, employing assembly line techniques of units of prefabricated houses. The assembly of a typical house, and glimpses of interior and exterior views of these homes are shown. HOUSE 16mm, color, 1955, 11 min. Dist: Pyramid Prod: Charles and Ray Eames With the aid of Elmer Bernstein's score, this record of the Eames' personally designed home becomes a visual poem about the people who live within it. HOUSE BUILDING IN WINTER 16mm, b&w, 19 min. Dist: Embassy of Canada Based on a survey of methods of winter building developed by builders across Canada and shows each phase of house building from excavation and foundation through to final finishing. Illustrates meth- ods of protecting the ground prior to construction, erection of masonry within protective shelters, etc. THE HOUSE CONSTRUCTION HOME MOVIE 16mm, color, 1971, 10 min. Dist: Film-Maker's Cooperative During the summer of 1971 the filmmaker built a house in the hills of Orange County, Vermont. Origi- nally conceived as a snapshot by which the con- struction process could be remembered, the film compresses four months of construction into 10 minutes of screen time. A HOUSE OF OUR OWN 16mm, color, 1975, 27 min. Dist: Phoenix Prod: Robert Freedman 24 A House of Our Own tells the story of two groups of low-income, New York tenants who undertake self- help rehabilitation through the New York City Sweat Equity Programs. The Sweat Equity Program en- ables urban residents to obtain loans from the city to buy and renovate neglected buildings, turning them into livable homes once again. Urban homesteading is documented as one design for people pioneering the rehabilitation of the inner city by repairing aban- doned buildings themselves. HOUSE MOVING 16mm, b&w, 1969,8 min. Dist: Phoenix Prod: Derek Lamb Time-lapse techniques compress into eight minutes of film, the year's labor required to transport an old house to a new site. The frantic rhythm of House Moving incorporates the uproarious sequence of activities during which the house is uprooted and taken on its voyage of relocation — a traffic dance on the highway. HOUSING A GROWING AMERICA 16mm, color, 23 min. Dist: Assoc-Sterling History of housing from Jamestown to the 1970's, focusing on environmental problems. HOUSING AND NATURE 16mm, color, 1967, 24 min. Dist: FN Features the new town of Tapiola on the outskirts of Helsinki. The film illustrates the problems of combin- ing the values of urban and rural dwellings. HOUSING OPTIONS FOR OLDER PEOPLE 16mm, video, color, 1974, 28 min. Dist: ETV Center Designed to assist still-active older persons and their families in making decisions about how and where they live, and to encourage them to examine options before the crisis of a move arrives. HOUSING PROBLEMS 16mm, 1935, b&w, 15 min. Dist: MOMA Dir: Arthur Elton and Edgar Anstey This pioneering film on the evils of urban housing and some proposed remedies, uses unrehearsed interviews inviting slum dwellers to speak directly into the camera. HOW THINGS GET DONE 16mm, b&w, 1964, 30 min. Dist: lU Prod: George C. Stoney Associates The story of twelve square blocks of land in the city of New York and what happens when the area is pin-pointed for change. In an urban renewal plan, some will benefit, some others will get hurt. Who will decide? Documents the pressures, finances, specu- lation, and politics of one such plan. (From the Me- tropolis: Creator or Destroyer? series) HOW TO BUILD AN IGLOO 16mm and video, 11 min. Dist: Sterling Two Eskimos give a step-by-step demonstration of igloo construction, showing how a site is selected and how blocks of snow are used to make a snug but ventilated home. HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR HOUSE 16mm, b&w, 11 min. Dist: U of MM Contrasts the dream home of modern technology with the inadequate houses in which most of us continue to live. The film creates an awareness of physical surroundings, their influence upon man and his ability to control them. HOW TO LIVE IN A CITY 16mm, b&w, 1964, 30 min. Dist: lU Prod: George C. Stoney Associates Documents the eternal, city-bound dilemma— every- thing so near, but where is there room to stretch? Examines the open-spaces dream to build a city with more living room. Questions whether the designers are making conformers out of the cities with their monotonous architectural designs. (From the Me- tropolis: Creator or Destroyer? series) HOW TO MAKE DECORATIVE PATIO FLOORS FOR OUTDOOR LIVING 16mm, color, 1971. 20 min. Dist: PCA Shows the required steps in producing decorative patio slabs with exposed aggregate and colored fin- ishes, and flagstone, incised geometric, and leaf patterns. HUNGER 16mm, color, 12 min. Dist: National Film Board of Canada 25 Dir: Peter Foldes Prod: Rene Jodoin Rapidly dissolving, reshaping images, made with the aid of a computer, create a stark contrast between abundance and want. The film is a satire of self- indulgence in a hungry world. A man eats, at first sparingly, but his appetite grows to gluttony, greed, and gratification of every desire. The nightmare that finally haunts him is the one that hangs over our desperate world. IDCA 70 16mm, color, 1970, 20 min. Dist: Cyclops A documentary on the Aspen Design Conference of 1970, where debates raged about the meaning of environmental issues and the politics of acting on them. IF YOU LIVE IN A CITY WHERE DO YOU LIVE Video, color, 1970, 5 30-min. programs, sound Dist: AIT Prod: WGBH-TV, Boston A five-part series for junior high students about the quality of life in modern cities. The documentary films and follow-up activities give students a bal- anced and positive look at what city life can offer, while stimulating thought and discussion on sub- jects such as urban conservation, city planning to meet diverse individual needs, and methods of effect- ing change. PROGRAMS: Teacher Orientation Program — Mike Wallace intro- duces the series, explains the curriculum unit, and presents the program objectives. 1. On Winthrop Street (Exterior Environment)— The games children play in alleys, yards, and on sidewalks help to reveal the nature of the outdoor urban environment and what children think about it. 2. Insideplaces, Insidethings (Interior Environ- ment)— A number of city homes are visited to explore how children use interior spaces for games and other play activities. 3. In Time (The Changing Environment) — Environ- mental change is illustrated as a group of children and an urban archeologist explore a derelict house, and an ex-boxer talks about the changing site and function of Madison Square Garden. 4. People Watching (Designing a Place for Needs) — Individuals try to satisfy diverse needs within the urban environment — a man exercises in a play- ground, and a high-rise dweller cultivates a garden. 5. Among Priorities (Making Choices)— A group of children investigate the question of land develop- ment when a vacant lot they use as an adventureland is marked as a construction site. THE IMAGE OF THE CITY 16mm, color, 1974, 16 min. Dist: Britannica Prod: Charles Eames The film shows that such problems as ethnic hous- ing patterns, crowd estimations, and traffic loading can be measured through photography-related tech- niques. A segment portrays the use of multiband cameras, radar images, computer-generated graph- ics, satellite observations, and thermograms. IMAGERY IN SPACE 16mm, color, 1971, 11 min. Dist: ACI Designed to stimulate an awareness of space in life and arl. Sensitive photography of two dimensional art, sculpture, and architecture demonstrates the importance of spatial relationships. IN THE STREET 16mm, 1952, b&w, 16 min. Dist: MOMA Dir: Helen Levitt, Janice Loeb, and James Agee This film grew out of street shooting by the three director-photographers, all of whom had had a part in the making of The Ouiet One. Using angle views to conceal themselves from their subjects, they revealed random behavior in a neighborhood on the upper East Side of Manhattan. INDIAN VILLAGERS IN MEXICO 16mm, color, 1969, 12 min. Dist: U of M Building a new adobe house in the Mexican village of Teotitlan del Valle is included among many scenes of village life. INDIANAPOLIS ATTACKS ITS SLUMS 16mm, 30 min. Dist: lU Discussion of slum clearance and rebuilding in Indi- anapolis; uses aerial photography, animation, and charts. INNER CITY DWELLER: HOUSING 16mm, color, 1973, 19 min. Dist: lU Focuses on an inner-city resident's attempts to main- tain an old house on his own as a mechanism to review the problems of inner city housing: costs, programs, impact of flight to suburbs, and impact of modern technology. 26 INNER CITY DWELLER: TRANSPORTATION 16mm, color, 1973. 22 min. Dist: lU Prod: Indiana University A-V Center The transportation problems of a lower-income city dweller who works in the suburbs are presented, while two middle-class professionals discuss possi- ble solutions to urban transportation problems. INNER CITY RENEWAL— LONDON'S LAMBETH 16mm, color, 25 min. Dist: Time Life Prod: BBC Through this look at urban renewal in a decaying section of London, we see how inner-city develop- ment is being tackled in a humane and hopeful way. lOLANI PALACE 16mm, color, 28 min. Dist: JLH Proposed restoration of the palace of Hawaii's last ruler. JANUS: EUROPE'S ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE— A CALL TO ACTION 16mm, color, 37 min., no narration Dist: Roland Dir: Anthony Wilkinson Prod: James Garrett Janus highlights the dangers threatening the magnif- icent buildings, civic architecture and urban envi- ronment, both ancient and modern, of Europe. The film demonstrates that our architectural hehtage is as much at the mercy of citizens as of architects, planners and government departments. It illustrates the dangers to our physical environment— not only to the wonders of the past, but to the heritage we leave to the future. THE JAPANESE GARDEN 16mm, color, 11 min., no narration Dist: Japan National Tourist Organization Features classic landscape gardening, a Japanese art form which dates back to the sixth century. Gar- deners are shown recreating natural settings closely associated with the spirit of Zen Buddhism. ISLANDS OF GREEN 16mm, color, 1965, 24 min. Dist: Association Prod: Stuart Finley, National Audubon Society and U.S. Forest Service Small islands near urban communities are needed. The National Audubon Society can help, as shown in this film. JAPANESE GARDENS 16mm, color, 14 min. Dist: Embassy of Japan Japan's world famous gardens originated as minia- tures of natural landscapes. This film interweaves scenes from nature with views of famous Japanese gardens to illustrate the tradition of symbolism and abstraction. IT COULDNT BE DONE 16mm, color, 1979, 59 min. Dist: U of IL Pays tribute to the ambitious men who completed architectural and engineering projects which were at the time considered to be impossible to accomplish. Includes the Hoover Dam, Mount Rushmore, Golden Gate Bridge, Panama Canal. ITS THE GREATEST LITTLE CITY 16mm, color, 1970, 8 min. Dist: OSU A satirical, animated film depicting the catastrophes that can occur through lack of planning in small towns, as well as large cities. JAPANESE HOUSE 16mm, 1955,20 min. Dist: MDMA Dir: Sidney Peterson Prod: Department of Architecture of the Museum of Modern Art In 1954 the Museum imported and exhibited in its garden a Japanese house of sixteenth-century de- sign, for the purpose of illustrating those aspects of Japanese architecture and decoration which have influenced modern theories of design. The film is a pictorial survey of the interior and exterior of the house. JOHNS, STELLA, WARHOL: WORKS IN SERIES 16mm, color, 1972. 29 min. Dist: AMST 27 Interviews with Philip Johnson, architect of the new South Texas Art Museum building, as well as the artists in the inaugural exhibition, Jasper Johns, Frank Stella, and Andy Warhol. JOURNEY TO POWER 16mm, color, 16 min. Dist: National Film Board of Canada Prod: Crawley Films Limited Using multiple images as a way of describing the planning, construction, and operation of the power project at Churchill Falls, the film provides a fascinat- ing glimpse into the workings of a masterpiece of modern technology. This power project constitutes one of the mightiest sources of hydro-electric power in the world and includes the world's largest under- ground power-house. LOUIS I. KAHN, ARCHITECT 16mm, color, 1973, 28 min. Dist: Penn State Shows a large number of Kahn's achievements, including Yale University Art Gallery, Salk Institute in San Diego, Olivetti Plan, Bryn Mawr dormitories, Kimball Art Museum, model of the Mellon Art Collec- tion in New Haven. Narrated by Vincent Scully. KALEIDOSCOPE 16mm, color, 4 min. Dist: Herman Miller Prod: Charles Eames The product of Charles Eames using his camera with a lens that transforms images into geometric pat- terns. These abstractions of objects in his studio are accompanied by the music of an antique carousel. KAWAIDA TOWERS 16mm and video, color, 30 min. Dist: NJPTV A look at the Kawaida Towers controversy, the underlying issues of community control, the need for housing in Newark, and undeveloped land in Newark. THE KEEPING OF THE GREEN 16mm, color, 1973, 30 min. Dist: GPNIT Discussion of green belts in London, Vienna and Denver. KNOW YOUR PARKS 16mm, color, 1962, 11 min. Dist: U of IL Shows the business district of Urbana, Illinois and the campus of the University of Illinois. Then shows Urbana's city parks and points out the need for more and better parks in all cities. Indicates the steps to be taken in acquiring good recreational facilities. KYOTO, ANCIENT CAPITAL OF JAPAN 16mm, color, 28 min. Dist: Association Capital of Japan for over one thousand years, this city remains the cultural and spiritual center of tradi- tional Japan. L.A. TOO MUCH 16mm, color, 1969, 12 min., silent Dist: U of C-EMC Lyrical, nostalgic look at the past, symbolized by the long life and violent death of a beautiful Victorian house. LAND USE AND MISUSE 16mm, color, 1975, 13 min. Dist: LCA This film explains why careful utilization of our land surface is vital to man's existence. It shows how some of our accepted practices — deforestation, in- dustrial and agricultural abuses and urban develop- ment — can create loss of water, crops, wildlife, and even climatic changes. THE LANDMARK CHALLENGE 16mm, color, 20 min. Dist: MHDC Historic preservation effort in Mobile, Alabama, presented as a local and national example. A LANDMARK OF OLD RUSSIA (RESTORATION OF ST. BASIL'S) 16mm, b&w, 1956, 10 min., English Dist: Audio Brandon Prod: Central Documentary Film Studios (Moscow) During the Summer of 1955 work was begun to restore St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow to its original state. This great historical landmark, over four cen- turies old, now stands as originally conceived with its colors and ornamentation fully restored. LE CORBUSIER DESIGNS FOR HARVARD 16mm, 1966, 15 min. Dist: MOMA Prod: Bruce Green 28 The purpose of this film was to explore the potential of cinema as a means of analyzing and teaching architecture. It uses as its material the designs which the famous French architect made for Harvard University. A LEGACY FOR LIVING 16mm, color, 1976, 14 min. Dist: MTP Inc Discusses what a landscape architect does, stress- ing the importance of bringing the natural and built environments closer to man. Giradelli Square is featured. THE LEGACY OF HANOVER SQUARE 16mm, color, 1976, 15 min. Dist: NTHP History of buildings and events which shaped Han- over Square in Syracuse, New York; discusses resto- ration work in progress. LA LETTRE 16mm, 1938, 8 min. English Dist: MOMA Dir: Jean Mallon The development of lettering from roman capitals is traced through cursive to renaissance and modern. LIGHT AND SOUND 16mm, color, 1970, 15 min. Dist: BU The film captures a multitude of architectural details of historic European buildings, and revives visions of the past in numerous close-ups. LITTLE BIG LAND 16mm, color, 1972, 29 min. Dist: lU Prod: WTTW The tremendous growth of our cities and highways has obliterated many of the earth's natural systems. Lowlands, which replenish our underground water supply, are being filled in; land situated close to the cities and once used for farming is considered too valuable for cultivation; and steep forests are being leveled to facilitate construction. Urban experts sug- gest that with total land-use planning and population control, human needs can be accommodated with- out destroying the inherent values of the land. LIVING STRUCTURES 16mm, color, 30 min. Dist: SU In this era of searching for alternative lifestyles, the structures in which people live have come to have meanings far beyond that of shelter. This film shows various kinds of living structures being built in differ- ent parts of the country by people of different life- styles, including houses which merge into the land, and those that reflect not the land, but the in- habitants. LORDS OF THE MANOR . . . THE STORY OF PHILIPSBURG 16mm, color, 1971, 14 min. Dist: MTPS The 300-year history of Philipsburg Manor and Its recent restoration. LOUISBOURG 16mm, color, 10 min. Dist: NFBC Dir: Albert Kish Prod: Tom Daly Restoration of the Fortress of Louisbourg, historic landmark on the Atlantic shore of Cape Breton Island. The fort was originally built by King Louis XV to protect French possessions in the New World during the French colonial era. Its restoration is con- sidered to be the biggest archaeological dig in North America. This film gives a detailed account of the reconstruction and refurbishing. RAYMOND LOWEY: FATHER OF INDUSTRIAL DESIGN 16mm and video, color, 1980, 15 min. Dist: Carousel The name, Raymond Lowey, is not a household word, but his designs and logos are recognized by practically everyone. His famous commissions in- clude Coca-Cola, Exxon, Schick, Greyhound, TWA, the U.S. Post Office, and his favorite— the NASA Skylab. This interview with the 85 year old designer reveals his thoughts about what constitutes good design, and his passion for improving the most ordi- nary objects. MACKINAC BRIDGE DIARY 16mm, color, 27 min. Dist: USSC Story of the conversion of steel, wire and concrete into the world's longest suspension bridge, spanning the straits of Mackinac. 29 MACKINTOSH 16nnm, color, 33 min. Dist: Penn State Documents some of the brilliant achievements, as well as the disappointments, of Charles Rennie Mackintosh's life. His simple and distinctive style earned him the reputation as the "great purifier in the field of architecture." CHARLES RENNIE MACKINTOSH 16mm, color, 18 min. Dist: Roland Dir: W. Thomson Prod: Louis R. Annand, Educational Films of Scot- land A film about Charles Rennie Mackintosh, the first British architect to acquire an international reputa- tion since the eighteenth century, and the leading exponent of the distinctive style of Glasgow art nou- veau. Born in 1868, Mackintosh is probably best known for the Glasgow School of Art, but he also accomplished several other buildings including pri- vate houses and a school. The film examines these projects in detail and also those never realized, such as his proposals for Liverpool cathedral. Also shown are his posters, furniture, interiors and Miss Cran- ston's famous tearooms. MAIN STREET 16mm, color, 1970, 29 min. Dist: Modern Talking Pictures Prod: John Karol A dozen downtowns from Massachusetts to the Dakotas are featured in this film, a component of the Main Street Project of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. It documents the merchants, civic leaders, and others responsible for the revitalization of older downtown areas, showing how the business community can be a vital force in rehabilitating a city center. LES MAISONS DE VERRE 16mm, b&w, 28 min., English Dist: FACSEA A new lifestyle, new materials, and uses of glass in contemporary French architecture are examined. MAKING PLACES Video, b&w, 1976, 16 min. Dist: AWA Dir: Judy Graf Klein & Joan Kirchheimer Prod: Alliance of Women in Architecture (AWA) Designed to explain the architecture profession to students from a non-sexist point of view, "Making Places" takes a young high school student to an architect's office, the World Trade Center observa- tion deck, and via train, to Roosevelt Island. It also shows a neighborhood in transition emphasizing the need for architectural services in its rehabitation. MAN FROM MONTICELLO 16mm, color, 1976. 13 min. Dist: BIA Describes Jefferson's influence on brick in architec- ture throughout the history of the U.S. Shows the University of Virginia, Washington, D.C. and Monti- cello. Discusses Jefferson's role as an architect, planner and promoter of brick. MAN THE MEASURE OF ALL THINGS 16mm and video, color, 1970, 50 min. Dist: Time-Life Prod: BBC Examining the theory that a burst of civilization depends on confidence, Kenneth Clark looks at Florence in the 14th century, and the "architecture of humanism." He focuses on the Renaissance archi- tecture in this city as it reflects the dignity of man, and his position at the center of a flowering society. (From the Civilization series) MANHATTAN 16mm, 1921, b&w, 9 min., silent Dist: MOMA Dir: Charles Sheeler and Paul Strand Though not intended as pure documentary, this famous picture, one of the earliest of the factual films which impressionistically recreated its subject, re- mains perhaps the only record of what New York "felt like" during the years directly after World War I. MARK TWAIN'S HARTFORD HOME 16mm, color, 23 min. Dist: Paramount Communications The exuberantly styled Mark Twain villa (1873) is a fantastic creation of varicolored brick and sweeping wood cornices, gables, and balconies. Today it approaches total restoration to its late 19th-century prime. E. G. Marshall hosts. MASTER OR SERVANT? 16mm and video, 56 min. Dist: Sterling 30 Shall we have greater reliance on public transporta- tion in our urban region or continued dependence on the automobile? This film examines the issues and answers. THE MEADOWLANDS 16mm and video, color, 30 min. Dist: NJPTV A case study of the pressures inherent in the devel- opment of the 20,000 acre Hackensack, New Jersey Meadowlands. The program shows some of the ways in which uncontrolled development has thus far harmed the environment and takes a look at proposals to develop a master plan for the future of the area. A MEASURE OF CHANGE 16mm, color, 1975, 29 min. Dist: Urban I mage This film documents Newburyport, Massachusetts' success in preserving her architecture, and the con- tinuing community struggle to find design solutions that are compatible with the historic townscape. MEDIEVAL SYMPHONY 16mm, b&w, 1959, 20 min. Dist: Embassy of Belgium Discusses the architecture and history of the colle- giate church of Saints Michael and Gudula in Bel- gium. Its construction took place in three distinct phases which covered three centuries and three Gothic periods. MEGA-BUILDING: GIANTS CAST LONG SHADOWS 16mm, 1973, 22 min. Dist: U of C-EMC Examines controversies surrounding the high-rise trend; considers philosophical and social implications. MEGALOPOLIS 16mm, b&w, 6 min. Dist: CFS Dir: Sal Giammona An animation film using modelling clay to show a little blob moving over the landscape to the music of Ravel's "Bolero." As it moves, it creates, one by one, the classic architectural structures of each civiliza- tion in history, until it creates a modern skyscraper city. Then destruction comes in the form of an atomic war; but after a pause the blob emerges from the wreckage and starts all over again. MEGAPOLIS 16mm, color, 1972, 29 min. Dist: lU Prod: WTTW Our cities are growing so big that one city is growing into another forming one huge sprawling megapolis. City planners are convinced that too much land being devoted to the car. In Park Forest South, Illi- nois, a new city, paths have been constructed which allow pedestrians and cyclists to travel throughout the city under main streets. According to city planners, our apathy is destroying our cities; we have the tech- nology to build cities which provide for varying life styles. (From the Earthkeeping Series) MEMORY FOR THE FUTURE 16mm, color, 1975, 28 min. Dist: NTHP Prod/Dir: John Gordon Hill Documents the revitalization of Seattle, including the creation of historic districts and such renovation/ adaptive use projects as Pioneer Square. MERRILY WE ROLL ALONG 16mm & video, b&w, 19, Part 1—25 min.. Part 11—26 min. Dist: Xerox Films Prod: Robert L. Bendick Groucho Marx dons his narrator's cap to steer the viewer through 70 years of automotive history . . . from the first "horseless carriages" to the impact the car has had on the American economy. THE METROPOLIS 16mm and video, color, 1977, 60 min. Dist: Films, Inc. Portrays the difficulties of industrial society by ex- amining the problems of the urban metropolis, the most visible facet of modern society and the one that best reflects its uncertainty and crisis. METROPOLITAN IMPROVEMENTS: THEIR IMPACT ON PEOPLE 16mm, b&w, 28 min. Dist: U of MN Metropolitan changes in the Twin Cities have re- sulted in highway contruction, urban redevelopment and renewal, and institutional expansion. This film discusses problems raised by relocating displaced persons. 31 THE MIDDLE ATLANTIC SEABOARD REGION: GREAT CITIES— MEGALOPOLIS 16mm, color, 16 min. Dist: C/McG-H Introduces the concept of megalopolis, and dis- cusses the many problems caused by the growth of the super-city. Focusing on the three principal cities of New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, the film stresses the increasing impact of urbanization on life, and helps viewers develop a better understand- ing of forces operating within urban areas. MILESTONES OF THE CENTURY: BUILDING BIG 16 mm, b/w, 1960,24 min. Dist; U of IL Film clips celebrate engineering milestones of the 1930's: construction of the Empire State Building, Rockefeller Center, George Washington Bridge, Golden Gate Bridge, Shasta Dam, etc. THE MILL AT PHILIPSBURG MANOR 16mm, color, 20 min. Dist: Sleepy Hollow Visit to the old gristmill attached to restored Philips- burg Manor in North Tarrytown, New York, along the Hudson River. MIMI 16mm, b&w, 1972, 12 min. Dist: U of IL Mimi, crippled as the result of a birth injury, goes about her daily activities in a wheelchair, constantly facing architectural barriers like high curbs, narrow doorways, and steep stairs. MIRACLE BUILDERS 16mm, color, 1954, 15 min. Dist: MSU Engineering marvels of thousands of years ago in Lebanon, Istanbul, and the Andes, which cannot be duplicated today. MISSION SAN XAVIER DEL BAC 16mm, color, 1979, 33 min. Dist: U of C-EMC Documents the restoration and cleaning of this Spanish mission near Tucson, Arizona, one of the best examples of mission architecture in the United States. MODERN ARCHITECTURE IN JAPAN 16mm, color, 28 min. Dist: Assoc-Sterling Survey of modern Japanese architecture shows many examples of the brilliance with which Japan's forward-looking architects combine elements of tra- ditional design with the latest technological ad- vances. Includes wood and bamboo, suspension roofs, stainless steel, poured concrete structures, suspended glass. MODERN ARCHITECTURE OF JAPAN 16mm, color, 28 min. Dist: Assoc-Sterling Depicts the modern architecture of Japan, showing the strides made in religious structures. A MODERN IDENTITY 16mm, color, 11 min. Dist: Alemann Films A look at modern American architecture, revealing world-wide influences presented in a contemporary i mage. Concentrates on the i mpact of the skyscraper. MODULO: VARIATIONS ON A DESIGN 16mm, color, 8 min. Dist: National Film Board of Canada Dir: Pierre Moretti Prod: Francois Seguillon Camera animation of designs for an automobile, shifting between the drawings and the prototype, and suggesting through camera movement some- thing of the speed and vitality of the machine. What emerges is the portrait of a leashed thing, a made object that seems to tremble with life like a grey- hound. Through the camera and the noninstrumen- tal music the film creates a feeling of exhilaration, of being inside this machine designed for speed. A film without words. MONTREAL: THE NEIGHBORHOOD REVIVED 16mm, color, 1975, 57 min. Dist: NFBC A look at Montreal's restoration of older apartments with government subsidies, as well as integration of new low-rent housing into these older neighbor- hoods. ROBERT MOSES 16mm, b&w, 1960, 30 min. Dist: SIU 32 Robert Moses, the dynamic city planner, is inter- viewed by Gilmore D. Clark, designer of the court and gardens for the U.N. Building. Moses touches on a variety of subjects ranging from his philosophy on city planning to the problems of future planning for the entire nation. MOSCOW CONSTRUCTION 16mm, color, 1951, 40 min., English Dist: Audio Brandon Dir: G. Bobrov Prod: Central Documentary Film Studios (Moscow) A general summary of the architectural changes that have been taking place in Moscow. From old photo- graphs, this film reveals the drastic changes that have been made. New apartment buildings, modern factories, new homes, new office skyscrapers, and the new university are all shown in detail as they are being constructed. MORE HOMES FOR MORE PEOPLE 16mm, color, 28 min. Dist: Embassy of Canada Shows materials used and all stages of construction for three sets of semi-detached Canadian-style homes in the United Kingdom. MR. URBAN MORE 16mm, color, 1970, 15 min. Dist: Swedish Institute One of Stockholm's one million inhabitants, trying to get out of town in his car on a fine Friday afternoon in June, has ample time as he inches his way forward to contemplate the quality of modern urban living. MUD 16mm, color, 23 min. Dist: Stuart Finley, Inc. Examines erosion and sedimentation and points out the necessity of evaluating geographical and geolog- ical factors of the terrain in planning new com- munities. JOHN MUIR— FATHER OF OUR NATIONAL PARKS 16mm, color, 15 min. Dist: Walt Disney John Muir's crusades to establish national parks and to preserve America's scenic splendors are particu- larly relevant in light of today's conservation efforts. Presents Muir's early life and depicts his personal conflict in choosing between science or business for his career. THE MURALS OF EAST LOS ANGELES 16mm, color, 1976, 37 min. Dist: U of M Chicano artists are changing the environment with a multitude of murals that express Chicano concerns and aspirations and which establish new reference points for Chicano identity and pride. MUSIC AND ARCHITECTURE THROUGH THE AGES 16mm, b&w, 1948, 15 min. Dist: U of IL How the development of musical instruments and instumentation parallels the evolution of art and architectural forms. MUSIC OF THE SPHERES 16mm, color, 1977, 10 min. Dist: Pyramid Films Prod: Jordan Belson "There is geometry in the humming of the strings. There is music in the spacing of the spheres." Pytha- goras (5th century B.C.) The film connects abstract, cosmic images with the Earthly world we know, in synthesized transformations into live action photo- graphy. The abstract order of mathematics and space produces the endless variations of form that compose the visible world. This film weaves their relationships into an aesthetic experience. MY, MY BROOKLYN USA 16mm, color, 1974, 15 min. Dist: Bergen A tour of Brooklyn's revived brownstone communi- ties and architectural highlights. N.Y., N.Y. 16mm, 1957, color, 15 min. Dist: MOMA Dir: Francis Thompson Using varied and surprising camera distortions, this film moves the viewer swiftly through a day in New York, turning the city's familiar scenes into a new world of fantasy— buildings float, limp automobiles swallow themselves, and skyscrapers shoot into the air. NATIONAL FISHERIES CENTER AND AQUARIUM 16mm, color, 11 min. Dist: Pyramid Prod: Charles and Ray Eames 33 Shows the architecture of the National Aquarium, and general philosophies and disciplines involved in its design. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE WATER CLOSET 16mm, color, 1976, 30 min. Dist: WITF— Hershey, PA Prod: Samuel Hudson A lively, irreverent film about the evolution of the western water closet. Using animation and live foot- age, the program describes the engineering and functional systems of the W. C, as well as the high- lights of its aesthetic qualities. THE NEIGHBORHOODS 16mm, b&w, 1964, 18 min. Dist: SFPURA This is an appeal by a citywide citizen organization for neighborhood groups to work toward conserving and improving their own localities. Successful ex- amples are shown. NEIGHBORS: CONSERVATION IN A CHANGING COMMUNITY 16mm, color, 28 min. Dist: Conservation Foundation Explores the experiences and attitudes of 12 resi- dents of Boston's South End, once an urban renewal area, now committed to urban conservation. THE NETHERLANDS: BLUEPRINT FOR AN URBAN SOCIETY 16mm, color, 1971, 16 min. Dist: Britannica Shows the technological planning which is urbaniz- ing thesmall but populous Netherlands, focusing on the importance of the sea in this advancement. In place of windmills and earthen dikes the Delta Pro- ject is under way to protect the land, and reclaim millions of acres from the sea. Large-scale, mechan- ized farming, large housing projects, and expanded industrial production have sprung up to accom- modate a burgeoning population. Also presented are the consequences that spring from new economic growth, such as overcrowding and water pollution, and the need for social planning. THE NEW AGE OF ARCHITECTURE 16mm, b&w, 1958,32 min. Dist: Herman Miller Brings together a group of noted architects, includ- ing Eero Saarinin, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Edward D. Stone, each explaining his idea of design and demonstrating with an example. NEW MEXICO PASSIVE SOLAR BUILDINGS 16mm, color, 1978, 14 min. Dist: National Audio Visual Center Describes major passive solar heating systems and how they work. The film shows examples of privately owned buildings which are making use of the sun for winter heat. Both interior and exterior views are shown. THE NEW NATIONAL GALLERY BUILDS 16mm, color, 1979, 13 min. Dist: NGA Chronicles the design and construction of the National Gallery of Art's East Building by l.M. Pei. (Short version of /A Place To Be.) THE NEW NATIONAL GALLERY IN BERLIN 16mm, color, 1968, 28 min., English Dist: Embassy of Germany The building and opening of the new National Gallery in Berlin, the first museum to be built by architect Mies van der Rohe. Deals with the actual construction and also with the art treasures dis- played in the gallery. A NEW TOWN IN ENGLAND— RUNCORN 16mm, color, 25 min. Dist: Time Life Prod: BBC Runcorn is an example of a new town with its own local authority grafted onto an existing community. Its public transportation system has made possible fairly high frequency bus service running on roads free from other traffic. NEW YORK REVISITED 16mm, b&w, 1971, 28 min. Dist: Christopher Corrao A non-narrative ecological documentary depicting the city environment in an oppressive and psycho- logically hostile way. Using abstract images, its mon- tage attempts to create vivid, yet surreal portrayal of the human condition. THE NEXT URBAN FORM 16mm, color, 1969, 25 min. Dist: U of IN 34 A proposal for a unified world zoning growth and development pattern based on integration of move- ment systems. A new form for the Future City based on decentralization rather than concentration. NO PLACE TO REST HIS HEAD 16mm, color, 1976, 90 min. Dist: HUD— OSFP Dir: Oscar Newman Prod: Institute for Community Design Analysis Narrated by Oscar Newman, this film explores in depth the concepts set forth in his book Defensible Space. Through animation and other techniques, the film examines housing design related to types of occupants, and provides design guidelines for main- taining density requirements and quality environ- ments which are reasonably free from crime. NO TURNING BACK 16mm, b&w, 1969, 10 min. Dist: U of So. PL Prod: NBC As a nation totally committed to technological prog- ress, we are presently enduring the dehumaniza- tion of cities and the dangers of environmental pollu- tion. Narrator Douglas Kiker warns that it will soon be too late to change this direction. NORTHEAST FARM COMMUNITY 16mm, color, 16 min. Dist: lU Documents the restoration of Hancock Shaker Vil- lage in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. NORTHWEST, U.S.A. 16mm, 1944, b&w, 20 min. Dist: MOMA Dir: Willard Van Dyke A regional portrait is presented with emphasis on the development of the area and its future. NOTRE DAME DE PARIS 16mm, color, 20 min. English Dist: FACSEA Situated in the heart of Paris, the sculpture and archi- tecture of this cathedral, are seen against the chang- ing background of the seasons. OF PEOPLE, LAND AND PLANNING 16mm, color, 1975, 26 min. Dist: ISU Presents several major issues: land use planning and economic development, recreation pressure in the north, urban land-use conflicts, urban sprawl, loss of farmland, the role of wetlands and planning around transportation facilities. Local land-use issues are commented on by people involved. THE OLD POST OFFICE 16mm & video, color, 1972, 30 min. Dist: NTHP A review of the architectural merits of a St. Louis landmark, and interviews with persons attempting to find an adaptive use for the building. ON A DAY OFF 16mm, b&w, 22 min. Dist: Embassy of Canada A film about cooperative building in which a group of people build their own houses the self-help way. It shows how the group formed a committee, obtained plans from the Central Mortgage and Housing Corp., then proceeded to build during the summer. ON THE WORK OF FRANCIS LEONARD OF CALIFORNIA 16mm, color, 1973, 15 min. Dist: BFU The film studies a unique dome construction system being used to cover the roof of a Georgian house in Somerset, England. ONLY ONE NEW YORK 16mm, b&w, 1964,75 min. Dist: Audio Brandon Dir: Pierre-Dominique Gaisseau An ode to the city he calls "the only cosmopolitan center on earth," has been created in this documen- tary by a French explorer and film-maker. In this essay on the city, Mr. Gaisseau explores the more picturesque and obscure ethnic byways of the great metropolis. OPEN SPACE 16mm, color, 1969,28 min. Dist: MTP— NY Prod: HUD Depicts the urgency of acquiring open spaces in rapidly growing urban areas. Stresses the impor- tance of using present urban open spaces correctly and urges community groups to create recreational areas in inner cities and suburbs. 35 OPEN SPACES: GOING, GOING OUT OF STICKS AND STONES 16mm, color, 29 min. Dist: MTP— NY Prod: HUD Park acquisition and development. ORGANIC ARCHITECTURE 16mm, 1964; 29 min. Dist: Penn State Frank Lloyd Wright discusses concepts of nature and function, and the proper use of materials. He relates these concepts to two of his buildings: Unity Temple and the Johnson Building. ORGANISM 16mm, color, 1975, 20 min. Dist: Phoenix Prod: Hilary Harris Using pixillation and time lapse techniques, the city of New York is seen as a living, pulsating organism. Shots of city roadways, pedestrian and vehicular movement are intercut with microscopic scenes of pulsing arteries and veins. The effect created is a surrealistic comparison between the urban center and its microcosm in the human body. ORNAMENTAL IRONWORK 16mm, color, 5 min. Dist: Gallier House Documents intricate crafts of wrought and cast iron from foundry to final application. OUR CHANGING CITIES: CAN THEY BE SAVED? 16mm, color, 17 min. Dist: Britannica This film focuses on the crises of the city: its unem- ployment, social conflicts, poverty, and crime. Using drawings and photography, the film finds the roots of these problems in the technological revolution that has made it increasingly difficult for the unskilled to find work. As the camera scans high-rises, welfare applicants, and slums, it reveals how the failure to deal with technological changes is causing a critical breakdown in our cities. OUR CHANGING SKYLINES: MIRROR OF THE WORLD 16mm, color, 1970, 22 min. Dist: U of IL Shows the transition in America from traditional designs in architecture and art to a unique, modern style. 16mm, color, 1972, 25 min. Dist: UHF Utah's need for preservation is shown in a survey of the state's history through its architectural en- vironment. LE PALAIS DU LOUVRE 16mm, color, 1970, 22 min., English Dist: FACSEA This film about the architecture of this great museum shows where great moments in the history of Paris live on. PARIS EVERY DAY IN WINTER 16mm, b&w, 1970, 45 min. Dist: MIT The form, quality and use of the urban pedestrian movements of Parisian street life are the topic of this filmed research. THE PARK 16mm, color, 1970, 8 min. Dist: ACI Within most cities, islands of nature provide a meas- ure of respite from urban sprawl. These islands are the parks. PARKS 16mm, color, 1971, 7 min. Dist: SU Shows the value of islands of nature within cities. PEDAL POWER 16mm, color, 1977, 15 min. Dist: Bullfrog Films This film shows pedaling as a source of energy, starting with Leonardo da Vinci and ending with the bicycle and applications in the house. THE PEDESTRIAN STRIKES BACK 16mm, color, 1968, 25 min. Dist: NEM Traces the history and development of pedestrian malls from the Roman Forum and Medieval Europe to present-day Europe and America. Shows the development of one mall in California from begin- ning to end. Deals with its social and economic importance; presents interviews with architects, plan- ners, politicians, merchants, and pedestrians. 36 CHARLOTTE PERRIAUD A PLACE TO BE HUMAN 16mm, b&w, 30 min. Dist: FACSEA A trip through Japan, Paris, and new ski resorts in the Alps show new techniques in the utilization of space. Perriaud, an assistant to Le Corbusier, comments on several floor plans, projects, and furniture designs, which function to better use limited space. PHOTOGRAPHY AND THE CITY 16mm, color, 1972, 12 min. Dist: U of C-EMC Prod: Charles Eames A concise history of urban and geographic photo- graphy. Shows how graphic tools have helped meet the changing needs of cities. LE PINK GRAPEFRUIT 16mm, color, 1976, 27 min. Dist: Phoenix Dir: Lawrence Halprin Prod: Sue Yung Li Ikeda A portrait of the artist, Salvador Dali, and the en- vironment he has created for himself in his home in northern Spain. His famed surrealistic style is not reserved merely for the two-dimensional canvas. His home and his whole life reflect his eccentric perspective. PISA, STORY OF A CATHEDRAL SQUARE 16mm, color, 10 min. Dist: Roland Dir: Carlo L. Ragghianti Prod: Romor Film The Cathedral square at Pisa stands today almost exactly as it was in the middle ages. This complex of buildings originated in the 10th century with the Lions Gate. In 1063 work started on the Cathedral itself, under the direction of the architect Buschetto. The Baptistery, designed by Diotisalvi, followed a century later, and the Campanile, or leaning tower in 1173. A PLACE TO BE 16mm, color, 1979, 55 min. Dist: NGA Dir: Charles Guggenheim Chronicles the design and construction of the Na- tional Gallery of Art's East Building by I.M. Pei. 16mm, color, 1972, 30 min. Dist: U of IL Filmed in Illinois, this film is designed to make people aware of ways in which their participation in plan- ning can improve the visual and psychological impact of the community. Illustrates ways of human- izing and beautifying the purely commercial, bring- ing out the variety and value of older architecture, and producing communities with individuality. A PLACE TO LAND 16mm, color, 22 min. Dist: AIS Shows stages in construction of the new interna- tional airport for Melbourne, Australia, and the extension of Sydney's international airport. A PLACE TO LIVE 16mm, color, 1978,23 min. Dist: Lumen-Bel, Inc. Focuses on the Shelter Institute of Bath, Maine, a school that teaches people to build their own homes which are energy-efficient, comfortable, economi- cal, and ecologically sound. PLANNING AND BUILDING THE MODERN FARM HOME 16mm, color, 1961, 15 min. Dist: PCA The development of the modern farm home and its essential features. The film displays a wide variety of concrete construction units and how they are incor- porated for function and beauty in a rural dwelling. A construction sequence illustrates the hidden fea- tures of quality in building the farm house. PLANNING FOR LEISURE- PLAYGROUNDS IN THE RUHR 16mm, color, 25 min. Dist: Time Life Prod: BBC Shows how a network of regional parks in the Ruhr Valley, and the rehabilitation into leisure areas of the exhausted seams of open-cast mines near Cologne, have resulted in a new landscape. The plan includes putting back topsoil for farms and woods, and filling in mining pits with water for sailing and fishing. 37 PLANNING FOR THE TWIN CITIES METROPOLITAN AREA 16mm, b&w, 28 min. Dist: U of MN City planners should consider social consequences rather than focus only on transportation and physi- cal distribution of population. Explains that metro- politan plans offer a framework for decision-making, not the decisions themselves. PLANNING RECREATION FACILITIES 16mm, color, 16 min. Dist: MSU Need for and value of pre-planning parks, commun- ity centers and other recreational areas. Includes suggestions for design, layout and construction of special activity and multi-purpose areas and effec- tive land use. PLANNING THE LAND 16mm, color, 1975, 24 min. Dist: ACI This film illustrates the steps that some citizens have taken through their local governments to success- fully plan land use in their communities. PLANT A SEED 16mm, color, 1977, 3 min., no narrative Dist: Phoenix Prod: Joan Rosenfelt A visually complete and explicit statement about how urban dwellers, with a small amount of initiative, can beautify their steel and concrete environment with flowers. Using only images of flowers in window boxes, and on balconies and fire escapes, the film shows what any individual can do to help bring floral beauty into the urban setting. PLAY LEARNING CENTERS FOR PRESCHOOL HANDICAPPED CHILDREN 16mm, color, 1975, 25 min. Dist: U of So. FL A visual report of an investigation of the design, construction, and evaluation of play learning cen- ters. The film follows a year-long project which pro- vides play alternatives for children in three centers, who are effectively excluded from traditional play. POND AND THE CITY 16mm, color, 1965, 16 min. Dist: Britannica Balanced life cycle of a pond, contrasted with the harsh and overcrowded life in a man-made city. POWERS OF TEN 16mm, color, 1968, 8 min. Dist: U of C-EMC Prod: Charles Eames A "linear view of our universe from the human scale to the sea of galaxies." A continuous zoom from a man sleeping on Miami Beach to the furthest known point in space, and back to the nucleus of a carbon atom in the sleeping man. PRIDE OF THE CAPITOL CITY 16mm, color, 1975, 15 min. Dist: NTHP Documents the heyday and eventual demise of the famous Broadwater Hotel, a Helena, Montana, land- mark. PRIVATE DREAM— A PUBLIC NIGHTMARE 16mm, b&w, 1964, 30 min. Dist: lU Prod: George C. Stoney Associates Asks whetherthe well-planned suburban community can be realized through private enterprise. Describes Eldorado Hills, California, where the planners had 10,000 vacant acres and built from scratch. Ex- amines the community which resulted, comparing arguments for and against the success of such a giant planned development. PROBLEMS OF URBAN TRAFFIC 16mm, color, 10 min. Dist: Embassy of Japan Focuses on the standards set for urban traffic in Tokyo. Shows the development of an intra-urban network of express roads, subway lines and other facilities to expand the capacity of public transporta- tion. Included are the various safety systems, and measures to prevent air pollution. PROLOGUE IN MASONRY 16mm, b/w, 24 min. Dist: BIA A story of clay masonry structures beginning with the Sumerian civilization of 2000 B.C. Historical background prepared by architects David Rosenthal and Casper Neer. PROMISE CITY 16mm, color, 1972,30 min. Dist: lU Prod: PTL 38 This documentary explores the slow death of an Iowa farming community. Not unlike other small midwestern towns, Promise City is confronted with economic crisis brought about because the small farmer can no longer make a living. The town finds itself with a diminishing population (with 50% of the inhabitants over age 55), no fire department, and no physician. Residents reflect upon the town's past history and some believe that even the economic conditions existing during the depression were bet- ter than current problems. PROSPECT FOR A CITY 16mm, color, 25 min. Dist: Sherman The planning and present state of Edinburgh's 18th- century New Town. THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 16mm and video, color, 1970, 50 min. Dist: Time-Life Prod: BBC Accompanied by music of the 18th century, Kenneth Clark examines the symmetry and decorous inven- tion of the Rococo style. He expolores the architec- ture of this period in northern Europe, as it attempts to give visible form to the underlying philosophy of the age — the pursuit of happiness. (From the Civili- zation series) QUICK RISE 16mm, color, 1971, 5 min. Dist: Pyramid Capsulization of the construction of a 20-story office building. THE REGION— IN CHANGE 16mm, color, 1973, 29 min. Dist: SFL A documentary filmed in north Georgia and western North Carolina that examines the impact of recrea- tional and other types of development and changes on people and the environment. RENDEZVOUS 16mm and video, color, 9 min. Dist: Pyramid Dir: Claude Leiouch French director Claude Leiouch goes on a mad dash through the early morning streets of Paris on a route that passes through its most famous districts and well-known avenues. Leiouch assures us that no special effects were employed— the 35mm film camera was mounted on the hood of the Ferrari sportscar and the film was shot in real time, the time it took him to drive across Paris. THE RESCUE OF MR. RICHARDSON'S LAST STATION 16mm, color, 1979, 30 min. Dist: John Gordon Hill Prod: John Gordon Hill Documents the remarkable and successful efforts to save H.H. Richardson's Union Railroad Station in New London, CT. Follows the transformation of the station from an eyesore into a focal point of civic pride. Traces the development of Richardson as an architect, by illustrating his buildings. LA RESTORATION DU GRAND TRIANON 16mm, color, 24 min, French & English Dist: FACSEA The Grand Trianon in Versailles was restored to its former splendor, to be used as a residence for the heads of foreign governments visiting Europe. REVIVAL OF A ONE HUNDRED YEAR OLD FARM HOME 16mm, color, 20 min. Dist: U of IL Shows how the 100 year old Deem home, located near Tuscola, Illinois, was remodeled with plywood, through the efforts of the Agricultural Extension staff of the University of Illinois. RHAPSODY IN RIVETS 16mm, color, 1941, 10 min. Dist: United Artists Classic cartoon in which animals build a skyscraper to Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody. THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE 16mm, color 1971, 20 min. Dist: MTP-NY Examines the need for a metropolitan approach to urban development. Because of arbitrary zoning laws, ill-planned land use and jurisdictional jealous- ies, it is pointed out that the various government agencies serving inner cities and suburbs are often working at cross purposes, to the detriment of the overall metropolitan environment. 39 JOHN RINGLING'S CA D'ZAN THE RON RESCH PAPER AND STICK THING FILM 16nnm, color, 23 min. Dist: Paramount Communications Built by John Ringling in 1927-30 and bequeathed to the state of Florida in 1936, is the magnificent Ring- ling Museum of Art in Sarasota. The complex includes the Circus Museum of Art, the Museum of Art, the Asolo Theater, and Ca D'Zan, the Ringling residence. RISE OF THE AMERICAN CITY 16mm, b&w, 32 min. Dist: WSU How a major city is composed of a diversity of indi- viduals many of v^/hom came to the city to fulfill a private dream of success. How problems that con- fronted the city in the past are still major problems facing urban centers. THE RISE OF THE AMERICAN CITY 16mm, color and b&w, 23 min. Dist: Britannica Opens with statements by John Lindsay and God- frey Cambridge, who help the viewer to see the prob- lems of the city today, as well as some of the steps we can take to solve them. RIVER TO THE PAST 16mm, color, 1969, 24 min. Dist: U of IL Portrays the Sleepy Hollow restorations at Tarry- town which show a part of Westchester County, New York, as it was 200 years ago. Includes tours of the following homes: Sunnyside, a large Dutch cottage, the Van Cortlandt Mansion, and the Philipsburg Manor. ROADS ACROSS THE BAY 16mm, b/w, 1963,24 min. Dist: U of C-EMC Covers the century of dreams and talk that led to the building of the great bridges of San Francisco Bay. Traces the need for bridges, studies some of the proposals made over the years, and documents the construction of the Bay Bridge. THE ROBIE HOUSE 16mm, color, 1971, 18 min. Dist: U of WA An experimental film study, using computer graphic animation to illustrate architectural form and spatial characteristics, together with color sequences which depict Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House in Chicago. 16mm, color, 40 min. Dist: Environmental Communications The film documents the work of Ron Resch begin- ning in 1 961 , moving into his folded mosaic domes. Many concepts evolve into three dimension struc- tures and sculptures. It is a rare document of the creative process, showing the beginning of an idea in paper and stick construction climaxing in its subse- quent development into a total system approach in architectural design. ROSCOE: A BLESSING IN DISGUISE 16mm, color, 1975, 25 min. Dist: WKYC-TV Details the revitalization of this Ohio town, once a center for canal traffic. ROSEDOWN RESTORATION 16mm, color, 1965, 19 min. Dist: Joyce Simmons The history and restoration of a 17th century planta- tion in St. Francisville, Louisiana. ROYAL ROCOCO 16mm, color, 12 min., no narration Dist: Roland Dir: Dr. Carl Lamb Prod: Euphono Film A study of the rococo style as exemplified in Schloss BrUhl, an 18th century palace in which architecture, gardens, and every detail of the interior decoration are brought into harmony. The film has an accom- paniment from the music of Handel and other com- posers of the period. EERO SAARINEN, ARCHITECT 16mm, color, 1967, 29 min. Dist: U of C-EMC With Aline Saarinen and Professor Edgar Kaufman of Columbia University providing the commentary, this film concentrates on what was perhaps Saarin- en's most challenging assignment— the creation of Dulles Airport. SAN FRANCISCO AND CO. 16mm, color, 1974, 56 min. Dist: FMP Illustrates a six-level warehouse that has been com- pletely restructured to accommodate housing and offices. 40 SAN FRANCISCO: THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE TO HIGH-RISE DEVELOPMENT Video, 25 min. Dist: Dornbusch Illustrates the results of a study of the environmental and social impacts of alternative development forms and intensities in San Francisco. SAPPORO: PLANNED GROWTH 16mm, color, 57 min. Dist: U of C-EMC Sapporo, Japan, appears to be one of the best planned cities in the world, combining growth and technology with town planning and preservation of green spaces. SAVANNAH, WHO DECIDES 16mm, color, 1975, 30 min. Dist: MIT Historical, political, social and economic forces that make Savannah unique are described by architects, planners, historic preservationists, and citizens. A SENSE OF PLACE 16mm, color, 1976, 22 min. Dist: U of NH Details the restoration of a room in the 18th century Yernald House in the Strawberry Banke section of Portsmouth, NH. A SENSE OF PLACE 16mm, color, 56 min. Dist: NFBC Dir: Rene Bonniere Prod: Roman Bittman and Colin Low The film deals with the mass movement of people from rural to urban areas, and the solutions being sought by the world's governments. It shows man's resourcefulness in coping with enormous problems and the need to cope with change. SENSIBLE GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY 16mm, color, 10 min. Dist: Assoc-Sterling Presents the story of how an established community faces negative attitudes that restrict the supply of decent housing. Sensible growth is shown to be a rational concept for balanced expansion, good hous- ing, and protection of the total environment. SHAPING THE FUTURE 16mm, b/w, 1968, 13 min. Dist: Embassy of Germany An interview with Professor Walter Gropius, the first director of the Bauhaus, at the exhibition "50 Jahre Bauhaus" held in Stuttgart under the auspices of the German Foreign Ministry. SHELTER: ALMOST ANYONE CAN BUILD A HOUSE 16mm, color, 1971, 13 min. Dist: LCA Dir: George Kaczender Prod: LCA From the ground up, this animated film shows the actual building of a modern house. As the construc- tion progresses, intercut scenes show a group of children building their own simple treehouse. The result is a graphic illustration of how today's home has changed from bare essentials of shelter to a complex, interdependent part of the community. SHOWING TOWNLAND SYSTEM 16mm, color, 30 min. Dist: WBTLA Studies the industrial housing system for building new towns, neighborhoods, and apartment buildings. SIGNATURE AGAINST THE SKY 16mm, color, 1966, 60 min. Dist: WCAU-TV, Phil, PA Prod: Inez Gottlieb A comprehensive coverage of the work of Philadel- phia architect Louis Kahn: from Salk Institute, Rich- ards Building, to the University of Ahmenebad, India, with comments by Mr. Kahn. SKYSCRAPER 16mm, b&w and color, 1959, 20 min. Dist: Audio Brandon Prod: Shirley Clarke, Irving Jacoby, Willard Van Dyke Dramatization of the human beings who create the modern skyscraper, and a reflection of a city's unending transformation, told through a story of the construction (from blueprint to occupancy) of the Tishman Building at 666 Fifth Avenue, New York. SMALL TOWNS 16mm, color, 1972, 18 min. Dist: MSU 41 Addressed to the residents of small towns, this film describes the problems typical of small communities and suggests certain solutions. THE SOCIAL LIFE OF SMALL URBAN SPACES 16mm, color, 1980, 55 min. Dist: The Municipal Art Society Prod/Dir: William H. Whyte An examination of urban open spaces used for social purposes, based on research from direct observa- tions of actual behavior. Using time lapse photog- raphy, the film reveals some contradictions to pre- vailing hypotheses about what people actually want and need in their social space. It shows that success- ful urban space combines elements that invite peo- ple to use it— like sun, trees, water, food, other people — and points out design criteria to be con- sidered in the creation of these spaces. SOCRATES IN CITY HALL: THE HUMANITIES AND URBAN POLICY MAKING Video, color, 27 min. Dist: NLC Urban decision-makers often have time to consider only the short-term impacts of their decisions. An elected official and four humanist academicians dis- cuss the need for a humanistic perspective in urban decision-making. SOFA COMPACT 16mm, color, 11 min. Dist: Herman Miller Prod: Charles Eames Traces the design development of the Eames Sofa Compact, which folds for easy shipping. The ease of assembling it, and its adaptability is demonstrated. SOFT PAD 16mm, color, 4 min. Dist: Pyramid Prod: Charles and Ray Eames Describes a new chair system in a way that reflects some of the design concepts and conveys the char- acter of the pieces. SOMETHING FOR THE TREES . . . SOMETHING FOR THE CITY 16mm, color, 14 min. Dist: Association Shows how to stimulate and teach city residents to protect their trees, emphasizing their importance to the health of city residents, and the visual beauty they provide. SOMETHING OLD, SOMETHING NEW 16mm, color, 1971, 20 min. Dist: MTPS A presentation of lifestyles in new towns. Includes Reston, Virginia; Welfare Island, New York; Colum- bia, Maryland; and Jonathon, Minnesota. SOUND THE TRUMPETS 16mm, color, 1964, 22 min. Dist: Courage Center How architectural barriers in building design prevent the physically handicapped and aged from many activities of daily living. Discusses sensible planning and construction. THE SPACE BETWEEN 16mm, b&w, 1968,7 min. Dist: Canyon Impressions of the Marin County Civic Center de- signed by Frank Lloyd Wright. ST. PETER'S: PEOPLE ON THE MOVE 16mm, b&w, 28 min. Dist: LFA A look at how historic St. Peter's Lutheran Church, New York City, comes to terms with radical change, deciding to tear down its Gothic edifice and become part of a skyscraper/shopping/business develop- ment. STATION 16mm and video, color, 1979, 23 min. Dist: Multi-Media Productions The biography of the Union Railroad Station in New London, CT. Examines the rise and fall of the railroad and the depots, the threat to this building, and the battle to save it. STATIONS 16mm, color, 1974, 28 & 63 min. versions Dist: Hagan Prod: Roger Hagan Hundreds of railroad stations are now unused and endangered. Many are architectural or historical landmarks. This film shows a variety of adaptive uses of stations, and often centers on the people who are or were involved in the effort to save the stations. STICKS AND STONES WILL BUILD A HOUSE 16mm, color, 1971, 30 min. Dist: lU Prod: PTL 42 This film traces the development of Indian architec- ture in the southwestern United States. Initially, shel- ter came in the form of crude pit-houses. Later, builders began using masonry construction, and finally, during the great Pueblo period, building sophisticated apartment-type complexes, housing as many as two thousand tenants. Early attempts to explore remaining ruins are seen in film footage photographed during archeological expeditions in the 1920's. JIM STIRLING'S ARCHITECTURE 16mm and video, 1973, color, 50 min. Dist: Films, Inc. Prod: Arts Council of Great Britain Although his work is controversial, James Stirling is one of the few British architects of this century to receive international acclaim. Stirling remains an individualist at a time when the trend is toward design by teamwork and computer. The film follows Stirling through his daily activities— meeting with clients and contractors, visits to sites— and shows some of his most famous buildings. Throughout, he discusses his views on architecture, his own and others. STONE TO THE WEATHER: THE STORY OF THE PENNSYLVANIA BANK BARN 16mm, color, 1975, 22 min. Dist: Eagle History of the design of the Pennsylvania Bank Barn, built in Eastern Pennsylvania by Dutch and German settlers. STREET 16mm, color, 1974, 15 min. Dist: American Federation of Arts (AFA) Dir: Jeff Eger Prod: Francis Thompson, Inc. Architectural project for a radical redevelopment of the East midtown part of Manhattan. STREET FREAKS 16mm, color, 1978, 4 min. Dist: Phoenix Prod: John Canemaker An urban fable about a young street musician who finds competition for space to play his music a bit too tough, until he joins in the live-and-let-live attitude of the other street "freaks." An animated view of New York's street life, with its cacophony of sights and sounds. STREET OF THE SARDINE 16mm, color, 21 min. Dist: Pyramid A nostalgic, semi-documentary film that gives an impressionistic view of John Steinbeck's Cannery Row, the sardine fishery harbor of Monterey. After the sardines disappeared, these wharves, vast ware- houses and canneries became deserted. STREET PAINTINGS OF L.A. Video, color, 60 min. Dist: Environmental Communications This program documents the creation of two of Los Angeles' earliest and most ambitious street painting projects: L.A. Fine Arts Squad's Climax Club mural and the Fool's Aquarius Theater painting. THE STRUCTURE OF GARDENS 16mm, color, 15 min. Dist: CRA Demonstration gardens in California, and New York state public parks are shown as sources of landscap- ing ideas for homeowners. A STUDY OF THE DESIGN METHOD OF FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT 16mm, 1975, 16 min. Dist: James Vaseff The elements of Wright's domestic architecture. STYLE AND DESIGN IN SLOVAC FURNITURE 16mm, color, 13 min. Dist: Roland Prod: Bratislava Film Studios A panorama of Slovac furniture through the ages. Each period is represented by a completely fur- nished room, and a craftsman shows how restora- tion is performed. SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE 16mm, color, 1972, 8 1/2 minutes Dist: Australian Information Service Nearing completion, the final stages of construction prepare the Opera House for opening in October 1973. SYMBOL BOY 16mm, color, 1976, 5 min. Dist: Benchmark Films, Inc. Dir: Bruce Moir and Bob Kingsbury Prod: National Film Board of Canada 43 Animation teaches the basic vocabulary of Bliss symbols. The film shows how the Bliss system can help the verbally handicapped to communicate. SYMPHONY IN RED AND GOLD 16mm, color, 1960, 14 min. Dist: Embassy of Germany The Old Resident Theatre in Munich, a jewel of rococo architecture, was destroyed during World War II and restored to its former splendor in 1958. TAKE A RIDE 16mm, color, 1978, 25 min. Dist: Australian Information Service Improvements being made to urban transport to bring about reduction in travel by private vehicles. TALE OF ONE CITY 16mm, color, 1976, 14 min. Dist: Australian Information Service An animated film about the plight of city dwellers when town planners ignore their needs. A TALE OF THREE CITIES 16mm, color, 1974, 28 min. Dist: U of KS An appraisal of how the world will cope with increased population and the urban crisis of the year 2000. This film visits three different cities on three different continents, showing three different stages of devel- opment. Analyzes their different approaches to the same problems of traffic congestions, haphazard growth of suburbs, deterioration of downtown areas, and pollution of the environment. The three cities appraised are Djakarta, Indonesia; Caracas, Vene- zuela; and Stockholm, Sweden. TALIESIN EAST 16mm, color, 1951, 7 min. Dist: Radim Films Depicts the home of Frank Lloyd Wright, near Madi- son, Wisconsin. TALIESIN WEST 16mm, color, 1951, 19 min. Dist: U of IL Record of Wright's desert home, with brief narration written by Wright explaining some of his ideas about the relationship of modern art and nature. THE TALL BUILDING 16mm, b&w, 30 min. Dist: Time-Life Traces the evolution of aesthetics of the skyscraper. Shows the new construction methods devised, dis- covery of the use of steel beams. Examines the work of Root, Sullivan, Adier; ends with the John Hancock Building. TAPIOLA 16mm, color, 13 min. Dist: FN Features the garden city Tapiola near Helsinki. Shows how Tapiola was planned and built so that it became a model city of our day. TEXTILES AND ORNAMENTAL ARTS OF INDIA 16mm, 1955, color, 11 min. Dist: MOMA Prod: Charles and Ray Eames A film record of the exhibition of Indian textiles and ornamental arts held at The Museum of Modern Art. THANATOPSIS 16mm, b/w, 6 min. Dist: U of SC A somber study of the ornamented steps, windows, doors and elaborately designed railings and trim- mings of an old deserted house about to be demol- ished. THATCHING 16mm, color, 1979, 15 min. Dist: IFB The history of this building trade in England and in the early New England colonies. THEY CARE FOR A CITY: MISSION POSSIBLE 16mm, color, 52 min. Dist: C/McG-H Prod: ABC An examination of a city — San Francisco— and how its people are making progress against such matters as air and water pollution, transportation, and hous- ing. A constructive look at modern urban problems. THEY DON'T LAUGH AT HOBOKEN ANYMORE 16mm and video, color, 30 min. Dist: NJPTV 44 The story of a revitalized Hudson County, New Jer- sey, city told through an examination of the devel- opment and rehabilitation programs underway in Hoboken. The film offers a look at the lifestyles of some of the city's residents as well as interviews with some of the residents. It also studies some of the reasons for Hoboken's attraction to New Yorkers, office workers, artists, writers, and businessmen. THINGS WORTH KEEPING 16mm, color, 30 min. Dist: GPNIT European monuments and Chicago's new architec- ture are explored, with commentary about the link between preservation of our heritage and our physi- cal environment; interview with John J. Costonis. THIS BLOOMIN' WORLD 16mm, color, 1970, 19 min. Dist: EKC Portrays man's sensitivity (and lack of it) to his envir- onment. Stressing garden beautification for cities, corporations, and individual homes. TIME PIECE 16mm, color, 1971, 15 min. Dist: NFBC Dir: Albert Kish Prod: Colin Low Examples of restoration projects undertaken by Canada's National Historic Sites Service. Fort Louis- bourg, rebuilt to its former dimensions on Nova Sco- tia's Cape Breton coast; near Winnipeg, a century- old Hudson's Bay Company trading post; in King- ston, the home of Sir John A. Macdonald; and Dawson City. At 1 ,815 feet the C.N. tower in Toronto is the world's largest free-standing structure— its purpose, to pro- vide a new link in nationwide communications. This film takes us step by step through the construction of the tower from the soil tests and the enormous exca- vations to the topping-off of the communications mast by helicopter. TOCCATA FOR TOY TRAINS 16mm, color, 1956, 14 min. Dist: Herman Miller Prod: Charles and Ray Eames Discloses some of Charles Eames' thoughts on design as he and Ray Eames film toy trains in motion through countrysides and miniature stations. TODAY WE LIVE 16mm, 1937, b&w, 25 min. Dist: MOMA Dir: Ruby Grierson and Ralph Bond Prod: Paul Rotha This film shows how the British unemployed of the thirties were recruited to build public buildings and playgrounds that could be used in reviving the lost social life of country villages. TOKYO: THE FIFTY-FIRST VOLCANO 16mm, color, 51 min. Dist: Time Life Prod: BBC This profile of Tokyo, the world's largest city, is about the quality of life that this extraordinary place has to offer. What happens in Tokyo may well affect us all, for in huge metropolises like it, human beings are facing strains that have never been encountered before in man's history. TOAST 16mm, color, 1974, 12 min. Dist: Bullfrog Films Prod: Daniel Hoffman The film is an unnarrated visual depiction of every- thing it takes to produce a piece of toast. TO THE TOP 16mm, color, 27 min. Dist: NFBC and Westminster Films, Ltd. Prod: Westminster Films Ltd. TOMORROW'S CANBERRA 16mm, color, 34 min. Dist: Australian Information Service Canberra is Australia's capital and the home of its federal government. Developed from a prize-winning plan by American architect Walter Burley Griffin, Canberra is an example of how a city may be planned to exist harmoniously with nature. TOPS 16mm, color, 1969. 7 min. Dist: Herman Miller Prod: Charles Eames A study of tops, beginning from their coloration, variation, and spinning methods, and ending with their falls. 45 TOWARD HUMAN ARCHITECTURE TRAGEDY OF THE COMMONS 16mm and video, color, 1979, 90 min. Dist: Ray Hubbard Prod/Dir: Ray Hubbard A fast paced commentary on the curreat state of American architecture. Interviews with Lewis Mum- ford and Nathaniel Owings are intercut with scenes from contemporary city architecture, with discus- sions on the aesthetic and economic validity of the skyscraper, and other energy consuming construc- tions. TOWERS OF FRUSTRATION 16mm and video, color, 30 min. Dist: NJPTV A film examining the problems, people, and condi- tions in the Stella Wright Public Housing complex in Newark's Central Ward. The film attempts to under- stand why living in the complex which houses seven thousand people is so bad and who is responsible. Shown are tenants who organized a rent strike as well as tenants who do not seem angry with their situation. The problems depicted are national in application, shared by dozens of instant, high-rise slums from coast to coast. THE TOWN 16mm, 1944, b&w, 12 min. Dist: MOMA Dir: Josef von Sternberg Prod: Joseph Krumgold The cultural heritage of the Old World as transmitted to the New, is exemplified in an average mid-western American town, in its eclectic architecture, its mixed population, and its several religions. TRAFFIC ROUND THE WORLD 16mm, color, 26 min. Dist: Association How big cities like London, Paris, Tokyo, Rome, Buenos Aires, Chicago and Los Angeles are not solving their traffic problems. A TRIP THROUGH THE BROOKS HOME 16mm, color, 1971, 8 min. Dist: Turnbridge Films A single shot tour of the home of a couple whose retirement dreams have come true. The film ends with the cameraman accidentally walking into a wall of the home. 16mm, 1971,25 min. Dist: lU A look at failures of the English commons design due to overpopulation and lack of ecological considera- tion. TURNING AROUND 16mm and video, 1974, color, 23 min. Dist: Films, Inc Dir: Len Appelson Prod: Ford Foundation A unique and painstaking effort to reverse the pat- tern of redlining and deterioration of urban neigh- borhoods is working in several cities through a pro- gram known as Neighborhood Housing Services. Turning Around dramatizes the program as it is ap- plied in the Madisonville area of Cincinnati, a neigh- borhood in an early stage of decline but containing basically sound structures. Through the cooperation of residents, local banks, city government, private foundations and the federal Urban Reinvestment Task Force, deteriorating homes are rehabilitated and city services restored. TWO BAROQUE CHURCHES IN GERMANY 16mm, color, 11 min. Dist: Pyramid Prod: Charles and Ray Eames By combining 296 stills of two mid-1 8th century German Baroque churches, Vierzehnheiligen and Ottobeuren, this film attempts to express the feeling of German Baroque and define what give it such great style. TWO CITIES: LONDON AND NEW YORK 16mm, color, 1973, 23 min. Dist: U of WI-LaCrosse Focuses on public housing, transportation and enter- tainment to make dramatic comparisons. What sig- nals the difference in quality of life? Is it because New York is multi-national and London is decidedly British; or merely because London is so much older and perhaps, a little wiser? UNKNOWN EIFFEL 16mm and video, color, 1975, 28 min. Dist: Films, Inc. Dir: Joan Laskoff Prod: Lenox Art Corporation 46 The soaring tower that is synonymous with Paris made the name of Eiffel a household word, but that same tower obscured the man himself. One of the great engineering geniuses of all time, Gustave Eiffel left a legacy of landmarks throughout the world — bridges, viaducts, cathedrals, buildings of every kind. His contributions to design and construction are legion, and his innovative solutions to problems are standard procedures today, a half century after his death. His work in structural steel made the sky- scraper possible; the Panama Canal was built from his basic design. Using 19th century pictures, Un- known Eiffel is a portrait of a genius and his works. UPDATING THE HISTORIC— ALSFELD IN GERMANY 16mm, color, 25 min. Dist: Time-Life Films The problem confronted is how to maintain a healthy social and economic life in a small historic town which is in danger of becoming a tourist museum. URBAN ALTERNATIVES 16mm, color, 1973, 19 min. Dist: U of IL Designers and architects who work as urban envir- onmentalists have constructed many alternatives to our urban complaints. Discusses aspects such as housing, open space, decay, transportation, and commercial developments. URBAN DESIGN— COPENHAGEN 16mm, 1974, 28 min. Dist: Washington U Documents an urban design seminar emphasizing planning issues, traffic and transportation, land and space use and convervation and rehabilitation; ex- amples from the Danish countryside. URBAN FOREST 16mm, color, 1976, 15 min. Dist: U of M By providing effective air cooling and purification, protection from winds, and noise level reduction, trees and woody plants are a necessary aspect of the urban environment. Citing examples in several cities, the film explores the benefits and problems of the urban forest. URBAN IMPACT ON WEATHER AND CLIMATE 16mm, 1972, 16 min. Dist: LCA Is it true that cities have more clouds, more rain, more pollution than open country? This film answers these questions through some revealing meteoro- logical findings, showing how weather and climate can be affected by the concentration of buildings which make up a city, and offering possible alterna- tives. URBAN PATTERNS 16mm, color, 16 min. Dist: Australian Information Service This film traces the development of urban systems in Australia, past and present, and examines the domi- nance of a city over its surrounding area. URBAN SPRAWL 16mm, 22 min. Dist: Stuart Finley, Inc. Great economic pressures cause today's zoning sys- tem to break down. A new system is needed which can protect natural resources and yet produce qual- ity urban communities free from blight. URBANISSIMO 16mm and video, 1966, color, 6 min., animated Dist: Films, Inc. Prod: John and Faith Hubley A comic allegory depicts a runaway "city" devouring its environs. A food farmer has an encounter with the (to him) fascinating monster and deserts his rural home for the imagined joys of urban life. A brief little cartoon which conveys a pointed message. URBANIZATION— THE CITY: WHO NEEDS IT? 16mm, color, 29 min. Dist: Xerox Films This program visits three cities, Venice, Tokyo and New York for a close-up examination. It deals with questions that face cities today, and one proposed solution by Paolo Soleri for new kinds of cities. USS HOMADAY COMPONENTS 16mm, 20 min. Dist: USSC How quality housing can be erected faster and at lower cost by using engineered, factory-manufac- tured components such as exterior and interior modular wall panels, pre-assembled roof trusses, pre-hung doors. Shows how components can be designed into homes, apartments, town houses, motels, schools, special purpose buildings. 47 A VANISHING HERITAGE VIVRE SA VILLE 16mm, color, 11 min. Dist: Alemann Films This film explores the accomplishments of the Amer- ican polyglot heritage and pays tribute to its evi- dence in our architectural environment. Shows the influence of many different cultures on American buildings. 16mm, color, 17 min. Dist: Embassy of Canada In Quebec and Montreal the past still lingers in many old streets and buildings, but often this is where age takes its toll. Illustrates how planned renewal pro- jects can give life to blighted areas and yet preserve their historic character. VENICE BE DAMNED 16mm, color, 1971, 51 min. Dist: NBCEE Venice, a living museum of Western man's cultural history, is being destroyed by old age, air pollution, and lack of planning and concern. A commentary on the responsibility of preserving this unique city. WALK AWHILE ... IN MY SHOES 16mm, color, 27 min. Dist: NFBC This film looks at the world of mobility through the eyes of the disabled. It point up the need for improved facilities and changed attitudes in all aspects of public life. VIEW FROM THE PEOPLE WALL 16mm, color, 14 min. Dist: Britannica Prod: Ray and Charles Eames The film demonstrates the way that a computer can solve complex problems, using examples such as city planning and weather simulation. THE VILLAGE, THE VILLAGE, THE VILLAGE 16mm, color, 1977, 37 min. Dist: Phoenix Prod: Jay Cohen Throughout its history, Greenwich Village has been threatened whether at the hands of over-zealous city planners in the 1840's who wanted to unify all of Manhattan within the gridiron plan, or by those in the 1970's who advocate cutting a major interstate high- way through its historic streets. This film is about the growth and constant threats to the existence of the Village, and presents a message for those concerned with the fate of neighborhoods and communities. VILLARD DE HONNECOURT, BUILDER OF CATHEDRALS 16mm, monochrome, 15 min. Dist: Roland Dir: Georges Rebillard, Yves Thaler Prod: Les Films du Touraine An evocation of the world of the 13th century in France. The film alternates shots of actual views of major French cathedrals with drawings from Villard's own album. A WALK THROUGH CENTRAL PARK 16mm, color, 1975, 20 min. Dist: Leonard Davis Center A walking tour of the Park with emphasis on land- scape design. WALKING 16mm, color, 5 min. Dist: National Film Board of Canada Dir: Ryan Larkin Prod: Ryan Larkin An artist's observation of the way people walk. It employs a variety of techniques, line drawing, color wash, etc., to catch and reproduce the motion of people afoot. All are registered with humor and indi- viduality, to the accompaniment of special sound. THE WALLS COME TUMBLING DOWN 16mm and video, color, 1975, 30 min. Dist: Films, Inc. Dir: Madeline Anderson Prod: Ford Foundation St. Louis, the city in which Pruitt-lgoe became a notorious failure reflecting on all public housing in this country, has pioneered a new approach to pro- viding decent homes for the poor: the Housing Authority acts as a holding company while tenants and private contractors are responsible for the man- agement of housing development sites. This film shows how tenant management is working. It exam- ines the newly evolved structure of public housing management in St. Louis, discusses the innovative management tools being used there, and dramatizes the highly personal interaction between the Housing Authority and tenants. 48 THE WANDERING WALL WHAT ON EARTH! 16mm and video, color, 1976, 23 min. Dist: Skye Pictures Dir: Mark Centkowski Prod: Ellen Bynum This film presents the innovative design concepts of the New York architectural firm, SITE, Inc., in their Best Products Company building in Sacramento, CA. The unorthodox "Notch Project" is documented in a lively style, its sliding wall that seals the building shut challenging questions of art vs. architecture, form vs. function. WEEKSVILLE: SAVE THE MEMORY OF SELF 16mm, color, 1976, 15 min. Dist: NTHP Preservation efforts in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brook- lyn, interpret recently found historical materials and emphasize community participation. WESTINGHOUSE IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER 16mm, color, 12 min. Dist: Pyramid Prod: Charles and Ray Eames A tour de force of product presentation, picturing some quick glimpses of Westinghouse products— in alphabetical order. WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY DESIGN? 16mm, color, 1973, 12 min. Dist: NGA Presents in layman's language, the ways in which design affects visual communications, interiors and industrial design, architecture and the landscaped environment. Stresses the practical aspects of design. WHAT IS LANDSCAPE DESIGN? 16mm, b&w, 15 min. Dist: MSU Synopsis of landscape architecture history; shows how logic is applied in designing outdoor space for human use. WHAT KIND OF TOMORROW? 16mm, color, 15 min. Dist: U of MN Urges Twin Cities residents to begin planning ahead. Reveals a few urban problems, and shows that it is not too late to start more careful city planning. 16mm, color, 10 min. Dist: National Film Board of Canada Dir: Les Drew and Kaj Pindal Prod: Wolf Koenig and Robert Verrall This film shows what many Earthlings have long feared— that it is the automobile that has inherited the Earth. An animated film, it shows life on Earth as one long, unending conga-line of cars which Martian visitors judge to be the true inhabitants of Earth, while man seems to be a parasite infesting the autos. WHAT PRICE ARCHITECTURE? 16mm, 1972, 60 min. Dist: U of C-DFG The classical architecture of the Chicago School (Sullivan, Adier, Holabird, Roche, Burnham, and Root) and the political, economic and aesthetic prob- lems involved in preserving it are studied. WHAT WILL YOU TEAR DOWN NEXT? 16mm, b&w, 1964, 30 min. Dist: lU Prod: George C. Stoney Associates Examines the old versus the new, a conflict in reshaping a metropolitan complex in upper New York State. Shows the problems encountered and the reaction of the people when they learn that generations-old traditions surrounding the neigh- borhood are about to be destroyed in the name of progress. Examines the rationale behind the change and asks the question, what should remain and what should be torn down when a city rebuilds? WHERE DO THE CHILDREN PLAY? 16mm, color, 1970, 19 min. Dist: U of FL Filmed in 1970 at Forrest Park School for physically handicapped children in Orlando, Florida, this film shows the environmental therapy complex (ETC) in use. The ETC has proved to be an exceptionally supportive play environment. WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? 16mm, color, 22 min. Dist: NFBC Dir: James Carney Prod: Rex Tasker and Len Chatwin Toronto is the example used in this film which dis- cusses not only the mechanics of urban transporta- tion, but many of the underlying political and eco- nomic tensions as well. 49 WHERE HAVE ALL THE FLOWERS GONE? 16mm, color, 1972, 7 min. Dist: Pierre Stevens Covent Garden, London, is studied in the past, pre- sent and future. The question is asked "Has progress the right to destroy an evolved community order?" WHEREVER YOU GO— THERE YOU ARE 16mm and video, color, 30 min. Dist: NJPTV A film examining the state of transportation in the Garden State through bus systems, railroads, and automobiles. Featured are car pools, Dial-A-Ride, and the Lindenwold High Speed Line. Additional segments focus on the Erie Lackawanna Railroad and some futuristic trains. Where the automobile is concerned, the film looks at the legacy of the car in terms of land use, highways and pollution. WHO IS: OSCAR NIEMEYER 16mm, color, 1968, 30 min. Dist: lU Prod: WNET/13 In 1956 Oscar Niemeyer and Brazil joined forces to build a new city and a new society: Brasilia. Nie- meyer, a Brazilian architect who contributed to the design of the United Nations, continues to work toward the completion of the city. The new capital city's buildings exhibit a high aesthetic impact that avoids American and European functional empha- sis. Niemeyer's major disappointment is in the failure of the project to produce a new society. WHO WANTS AMERICA UGLY? 16mm, color, 1972, 8 min. Dist: U of IL A film about visual pollution: billboards, neon signs, graffiti, junk-yards and acres of concrete — and what a group of fifth-grade students do about it. WHY MAN CREATES 16mm, color, 1970, 25 min. Dist: Pyramid Films Prod: Saul Bass & Associates The film is organized into eight major sections: The Edifice — an animated history of the world man has built on ideas; Fooling Around— illustrations of how ideas can begin in the play of the creative mind; The Process — the young creator's struggle; Judge- ment — society makes its contribution to the creative process; A Parable — the fate of an unaverage bounc- ing ball throws some light on the creator's place in the world; Digression— a statement of the possible rela- tionship between ideas and institutions; The Search — a close-up view of the patient process by which scientists develop new ideas; and finally. The Mark— the question of why people need to create is explored. WHY SAVE FLORENCE? 16mm, color, 59 min. Dist: lU Prod: NET Florence suffered a devastating flood in 1966 which ruined thousands of priceless art treasures. This documentary studies how and why the restoration process has been hindered by bureaucracy, tourism, and commercial opportunism even though thou- sands of private citizens have donated time and money to help this city. WILLIAMSBURG RESTORED 16mm, color, 1957, 28 min. Dist: C/McG-H This film shows the restoration of the city of Wil- liamsburg during the 1920's. Contains numerous examples of colonial architecture and shows many occupations — architect, archaeologist, researcher, carpenter and curator— associated with the project. WINTER CONSTRUCTION: IT CAN BE DONE 16mm, b/w, 22 min. Dist: Embassy of Canada Shows clearly that it is possible to carry out con- struction of large buildings in the winter with effi- ciency and economy. WORKING PLACES 16mm, color, 1975, 22 min. Dist: NTHP Dir: John Karol Prod: Society for Industrial Archeology Surveys industrial adaptive use projects in the U.S. through interviews with planners, local officials, con- struction workers and others. 50 WORLD CITY: AN ARTIST'S REPORT FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT'S FALLINGWATER 16mm, color, 1978, 17 min. Dist: Phoenix Prod: Jack Klawitter Carrying pencils, watercolor paper, acrylics and a tape recorder, artist- re porter Franklin McMahon cap- tures the sights and sounds of cities in the U.S., Europe, South America and the Far East, telling the story of this century's movement to the cities. The film shows developed and developing nations of the world acquiring a common lifestyle as they merge together in the international exodus from the land to the urban centers. It demonstrates that the theme of the next century's urban dwellers may be unity in diversity. FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT 16mm, b&w, 24 min. Dist: Association Prod: McGraw-Hill Early newsreel footage is used to explore the life of America's most famous architect. Includes his philos- ophy of life and work as well as many of the build- ings he designed, including the famous prairie houses. FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT 16mm, b&w, 1958,30 min. Dist: Films, Inc Prod: NBC One of the world's most original and influential archi- tects discusses his theories of functional architec- ture and analyzes contemporary styles, tracing them back to Greek and Asiatic origins. FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT 16mm, b&w, 1955, 30 min. Dist: U of lA The architect discusses theories of functional archi- tecture and analyzes contemporary styles. The film reveals the wit and eloquence of his personality. 16mm, color, 23 min. Dist: Paramount Communications Wright sought to bring the beauty of all natural things into the buildings he created. His soaring imagination can be appreciated in Fallingwater, in the mountains of Pennsylvania. E.G. Marshall hosts. FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT: THE ROBIE HOUSE 16mm, 1,976,25 min. Dist: GPNIT Built in Chicago in 1908 the Robie House marks the culmination of Wright's Prairie style. THE WRITING ON THE WALL 16mm and video, color, 50 min. Dist: Time Life Prod: BBC Is there a relationship between crime and housing design? Some illuminating theories on how we are influenced by our architectural surroundings. YAKUSHIJI TEMPLE 16mm, color, 1968, 30 min. Dist: U of IL Yakushiji Temple in the ancient Japanese temple of Nara is an architectural gem, most of which has been restored several times in its history. The film presents details of the art treasures which add to the grandeur and solemnity of this ancient temple. YOUR HERITAGE 16mm, color, 1971, 1 min. Dist: Cinemakers Adapted from a multiscreen film on the rise of Amer- ican architecture, this 60-second TV spot is a plea for architectural preservation. It documents the destruc- tion of a number of fine examples of 19th century architecture. 51 Index of Distributors (AA) Aluminum Association 750 Third Avenue New York, NY 10017 (ACI) ACI Media 5451 Marathon Street Hollywood, CA 90038 (AFA) American Federation of Arts 41 East 65th Street New York, NY 10021 AIA Library 1735 New York Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 (AIBC) Architectural Institute of British Columbia 1555 Robson Street Vancouver 5, B.C., CANADA (AIM) Association Instructional Materials 866 Third Avenue New York, NY 10022 (AIS) Australian Information Service 636 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10020 (AISC) American Institute of Steel Construction, Film Library 101 Park Avenue New York, NY 10017 (AIT) Agency for Instructional Television Box A Bloomington, IN 47402 Alemann Films P.O. Box 76244 Los Angeles, CA 90076 American Concrete Institute Box 4754 Redford Station Detroit, Ml 48219 (AMST) Art Museum of South Texas P. O. Box 1010 Corpus Christi, TX 78403 (AP) Audience Planners 1 Rockefeller Plaza #1710 New York, NY 10020 (Association) Association Films 866 Third Avenue New York, NY 10022 nc. 53 (Assoc-Sterling) Association-Sterling Films 866 Third Avenue New York, NY 10022 (Assoc-Sterling (NJ)) Association-Sterling 600 Grand Avenue Ridgefield, NJ 17657 (Audio Brandon) Audio Brandon Films 34 MacQuesten Parkway South Mount Vernon, NY 10550 Australian Information Service Australian Consulate-General 636 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10020 Jan Baca Avenue Caudillo 150-1 Barcelona, SPAIN (BSU) Ball State University College of Architectural Planning Muncie, IN 47306 (Baptist) Baptist Sunday School Board 127 9th Avenue, N. Nashville, TN 37206 Robert Bartholomew MVR Hall Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14850 (Bergen) Bergen Motion Picture Service Route 46 Lodi, NJ 07644 (BSC) Bethlehem Steel Corporation Advertising Division 701 East Third Street Bethlehem, PA 18016 (BFA) BFA Educational Media 2211 Michigan Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 BFU Pulteney Mews Bath BA2 4DS ENGLAND (BIA) Brick Institute of America 1750 Old Meadow Road McLean, Virginia 22101 Jerald R. Brown Dymaz P. O. Box 310 Menio Park, CA 94025 Blake Films 104 West Concord Street Boston, MA 021 18 (Britannica) Britannica Films (Encyclopedia Britannica Educational Corp.) 425 North Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 (BU) Boston University Krasker Memorial Film Library 765 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, MA 02215 Bullfrog Films Oley, PA 19547 Calvin Cinequip, Inc. 1909 Buttonwood Street Philadelphia, PA 19130 Canadian Consulate of Philadelphia 3 Ben Franklin Parkway Philadelphia, PA 19102 (Canyon) Canyon Cinema Cooperative Industry Center Building, Room 200 Sausalito, CA 94965 • (Carousel) Carousel Films, Inc. 1501 Broadway New York, NY 10036 (CCC) Chevron Chemical Company Advertising 575 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94105 (Cinemakers) Cinemakers, Inc. 162 West 56th Street New York, NY 10019 (CDC) Community Design Center 935 North Washington Avenue Lansing, Ml 48906 54 (CFS) Creative Film Society 7237 Canby Avenue Reseda, CA 91335 (C/McG-H) Contemporary/McGraw-Hill Films 1221 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020 Conservation Foundation 1717 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Consulate General of Japan 235 East 42nd Street New York, Ny 10017 Coronet Films 65 East South Water Street Chicago, II 60601 Christopher Corrao Engage Film Project 870 Broadway New York, NY 10003 Courage Center Film Libarian 3915 Golden Valley Road Golden Valley, MN 55422 (CRA) California Redwood Association 617 Montgomery San Francisco, CA 94111 (CSCD) Citizens and Southern Community Development Corp. Box 9586 Savannah, G A 31402 * (CVA) CVA Productions 132 Cherokee Road Charlotte, NC 28207 (Cyclops) Cyclops Films, Inc. 1697 Broadway, Room 1109 New York, NY 10019 Danish Information Office 280 Park Avenue New York. NY 10017 (DIIC) Direttore delli Institute Italiano de Cultura 686 Park Avenue New York, NY 10021 (Dornbusch) David M. Dornbusch & Co., Inc. 1736 Stockton Street San Francisco, CA 94133 (Eagle) Eagle Movie Company CenterValley, PA 18304 (EAI) Electronic Arts Intermix 84 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10011 Easter Seal Society for Crippled Children and Adults of Washington 521 2nd Avenue West Seattle, WA 98119 (EDMI) Environmental Design Media Interface 1136 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10028 (EIF) Experimental Intermedia Foundation 131 Greene Street New York, NY 10012 (EKC) Eastman Kodak Company AV Library 343 State Street Rochester, NY 14650 Embassy of Belgium Film Library 3300 Garfield Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008 Embassy of Canada Office of Information - Films 1771 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Embassy of Germany 4645 Reservoir Road, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20007 Embassy of India 2107 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20088 N.W. Embassy of Japan Information Section 2514 Massachusetts Avenue. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008 Embassy of Kuwait 2940 Tilden Street, N.W. Washington, DC. 20008 55 Environmental Communications 66 Windward Avenue Venice, CA 90291 ETV Center MVR Hall Cornell University Ithaca, New York 14853 (FACSEA) French American Cultural Services and Educational Aid 972 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10021 (Films, Inc.) Films, Incorporated 1144 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette, IL 60091 (FN) Films of the Nations 7820 20th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11214 Stuart Finley, Inc. 3428 Mansfield Road Falls Church, VA 22041 (FFR) Foundation for Restoration 34 South Third Street Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670 Films of the Nations 7820 20th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11214 (FL Dept. of Commerce) State of Florida Department of Commerce Tallahassee, FL 32304 Jeffrey Fleisher 14021 Kendale Lakes Boulevard Miami, FL 33143 (FMP) First Media Press 6E 39th Street New York, NY 10016 Ford Foundation 320 East 43rd Street New York, NY 10017 Gallier House 1118-1132 Royal Street New Orleans, LA 70116 (GCCAC) Galveston County Cultural Arts Council, Inc. P.O. Box 1105 Galveston, TX 77550 Glen-Gery Corp. 1155 Lancaster Avenue Reading, PA 19607 Gordon Hyatt, Inc. 130 East 59th Street New York, NY 10022 (GPNIT) Great Plains National Instructional Television P.O. Box 80669 Lincoln, NE 68501 (Hagan) Roger Hagan Associates 1019 Belmont Place East Seattle, WA 98102 (HFHA) Harper's Ferry Historical Association P.O. Box 147 Harper's Ferry, WV 25425 John Gordon Hill 1211 First Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 Wheaton Holden 228 Causeway Street Mills, MA 02054 Richard Howell 1642 Milvia Street Berkeley, CA 94709 (HPF Inc.) Historic Pullman Foundation, 614 East 113th Street Chicago, IL 60628 Inc. (RAY HUBBARD) Ray Hubbard Associates, 11720 Beall Mountain Rd. Potomac, MD 20854 Inc. (HUD - OSFP) Director, Office of Single Family Planning Department of Housing and Urban Development 451 7th Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20411 (IMI) International Masonry Institute 823 15th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 (IFB) International Film Bureau 332 South Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60604 56 (Inland-Ryerson) Inland-Ryerson Construction Products Co. Box 393 Milwaukee. Wl 53201 (ISU) Iowa State University Media Resources Center 121 Pearson Hall Ames. I A 50010 (lU) Indiana University Audio-Visual Center Bloomington, IN 47405 Japan National Tourist Organization 45 Rockefeller Plaza New York, NY 10020 Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation 3 Gateway Center Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Manfred Kirchheimer 210 West 101st Street New York, NY 10025 Claudia Kohey 525 Georgina Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90402 (LAA) Louisiana Architects Association 830 North Street Baton Rouge, LA 70802 (LCA) Learning Corporation of America 1350 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10019 (LEEH) Dr. Leroy Laboratoire d'Etho-Ecologie Humaine Instltut Marcel Riviere 78 Le Mesnil Street Denis, FRANCE Leonard Davis Center City College 138th & Convent Avenue New York, NY 10031 (LFA) Lutheran Film Associates 315 Park Avenue South New York, NY 10010 Lumen-Bel, Inc. 303 West 11th Street New York, NY 10014 MacMillan Films 34 MacQueen Parkway South Mount Vernon, NY 10550 (MFL (NJ)) Modern Film Library 315 Springfield Avenue Summit. NJ 07901 (MFL (NY)) Modern Film Library 2323 New Hyde Park Road New Hyde Park, NY 11040 (MHDC) Mobile Historic Development Commission 201 North Conception Street Mobile, AL 36603 (MIT) Architecture - Film Section Mass. Inst, of Technology 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 (MMM) Mass Media Ministries 2116 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21218 (MNCPPC) Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission 6600 Kenilworth Avenue RIverdale, MD 20840 (MDMA) Circulation Director Department of Film The Museum of Modern Art 1 1 West 53 Street New York, NY 10019 Montgomery College Department of Learning Resources Rockvllle Campus Rockvllle. MD 20850 (MSU) Michigan State University Instructional Media Center East Lansing, Ml 48824 Herman Miller, Inc. Zeeland, Ml 49464 (MTP) Modern Talking Pictures, Inc. 2000 L Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20036 57 (MTPS) Modern Talking Picture Service 1212 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 (ARTHUR MOKIN) Arthur Mokin Productions, Inc. 17 West 60th St. New York, NY 10023 Multi-Media Productions 24 Granville Road Cambridge, MA 02138 (NAC-GSA) National Audiovisual Center, GSA Washington, D.C. 20409 (NAVC) National Audiovisual Center National Archives and Records Service GSA Washington, D.C. 20409 (NBCEE) NBC Educational Enterprises Room 1040, 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York, NY 10020 (NCA) National Cathedral Association Mount St. Alban Washington, D.C. 20016 (NCMA) National Concrete Masonry Association P.O. Box 135 McLean, VA 22101 New Yorker Films 43 West 61 st Street New York, NY 10023 (NEM) National Educational Media 15250 Ventura Blvd. Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 (NFBC) National Film Board of Canada 16th Floor, 1251 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020 (NGA) National Gallery of Art Extension Service Washington, D.C. 20565 (NFC) New Film Company, Inc. 331 Newbury Street Boston, MA 021 15 (NITC) National Instructional Television Center Box A Bloomington, IN 47401 (NJPTV) New Jersey Public Television 1573 Parkside Avenue Trenton, NJ 08638 (NLC) National League of Cities 1301 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, D.C. 20004 (No. IL U) Northern Illinois University Media Distribution Department Atgeld Hall DeKalb, IL 60115 Christine Noschese 145 Waverly Place New York NY 10014 (NSHCI) National Solar Heating & Cooling Information Center P.O. Box 1607 Rockville, MD 20850 (NTHP) National Trust for Historic Preservation 1785 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 (NYU) New York University Film Library 26 Washington Place New York, NY 10003 (OAC) Office of Architecture and Construction Information Officer P.O. Box 1979 Sacramento, CA 95805 (OSU) Ohio State University Dept. of Photography and Cinema 156 West 19th Street Columbus, OH 43210 (Oklahoma) Oklahoma State University AV Center Library Annex Stillwater, OK 74074 Angelos Papastefanou 190 Claremont Avenue, Apt. 1A, New York, NY 10027 58 Paramount Communications 5451 Marathon Street Hollywood, CA 90038 Paramount Oxford Films 5451 Marathon Street Hollywood, CA 90038 (PCA) Portland Cement Association - Audio-Visual Communication Section Old Orchard Road Skokie, IL 60076 (PCC) Pizzagalli Construction Company Joy Drive South Burlington, VT 05401 (PEF) Perennial Educational Films P.O. Box 236 Northfield, IL 60093 John Penn Haddon Woodbridge Suffolk 2427 ENGLAND (Penn State) Pennsylvania State University AV Services University Park, PA 16802 Perennial Education 1825 Willow Road Northfield, IL 60093 (Phoenix) Phoenix Films, Inc. 470 Park Avenue, South New York, NY 10016 (Pittsburgh) Pittsburgh Corning Corporation 3 Gateway Center Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (PPG) PPG Industries, Inc. Glass Advertising Department One Gateway Center Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (PSAP) Public Service Audience Planners, Inc. 208 South La Salle St. Chicago, I L 60604 Purdue University AV Center West Lafayette, IN 47907 Pyramid Box 1048 Santa Monica, CA 90406 Radim Films 17 West 60th Street New York, NY 10023 (RCS&HSB) Red Cedar Shingle and Handsplit Shake Bureau 5510 White Building Seattle, WA 98101 (RHR) RHR Filmedia, Inc. 48 West 48th Street New York, NY 10036 (RIFC) Rhode Island Film Cooperative Warwick Public Library 600 Sandy Lane Warwick, Rl 02886 (RMC) Reynolds Metals Company Motion Pictures Services P.O. Box 27003 Richmond, VA 23261 Roa's Films 1696 North Astor Street Milwaukee, Wl 53202 (Roland) The Roland Collection P.O. Box 855 Highland Park, IL 60035 Morton Rosenfeld 803 Fourth Avenue Salt Lake City, UT 84103 Rotch Library Room 7-238, MIT Cambridge, MA 02139 (SFL) Southern Film Laboratories, 2381 John Glenn Drive Chamblee, GA 30341 nc. (SFPURA) San Francisco Planning and Urban Renewal Association 414 Clement Street San Francisco, CA 94118 59 Serious Business Company 1145 Mandana Boulevard Oakland, CA 94610 (Sherman) Sherman Films, Inc. P.O. Box 6 Cathedral Station New York, NY 10025 Simmons Company P.O. Box 49000 Atlanta, GA 30340 Joyce Simmons P.O. Box 1730 Shreveport, LA 71116 (SOM) Skidmore, Owings & Merrill 400 Park Avenue, S. New York, NY 10022 (Sleepy Hollow) Sleepy Hollow Restorations Tarrytown, NY 10591 (Slusarenko) Ronald Slusarenko, Wilmsen, Endicott Green, Berhard and Associates 812 S.W. Washington Street Portland, Oregon 97205 (SIU) Southern Illinois University Learning Resources Service Carbondale. IL 62901 (SKYE PICTURES) Skye Pictues, Inc. 1460 Church St. NW Washington, DC 20005 Thomas Spence 229 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 10011 (SSP) Sullivan Street Productions 1402 Manhattan Avenue Union City, NJ 07087 (Sterling) Sterling Education Films 241 East 34th Street New York, NY 10016 Pierre Stevens 18 Kingdom Road London NW6 ENGLAND (SU) Syracuse University Film Rental Center 1455 East Colvin Street Syracuse, NY 13210 (Texture) Texture Films 1600 Broadway New York, NY 10019 Third World Newsreel 26 West 20th Street New York, NY 10011 Scott Thomas 100 Carrol Iton Terrace No. 21 Charlottesville, VA 22903 Time-Life Films 43 West 16th Street New York, NY 10011 Transit Media P.O. Box 6070 Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417 (Triton) Triton College 2000 Fifth Avenue River Grove, I L 60171 (TSCPC) Topeka-Shawnee County Planning Commission Shawnee County Courthouse Topeka, Kansas 66603 Turnbridge Films, Inc. 1697 Broadway New York, NY 10019 (Two Star) Two Star Films, Inc. 79 Bobolink Lane Levittown, NY 11756 (U of C-EMC) University of California Extension Media Center Berkeley, CA 94720 (U of CT) University of Connecticut Center for Instructional Media Storrs, CT 06268 (UFC) Universal Form Clamp Co. 1238 North Kostner Avenue Chicago, IL 60651 60 (UHF) Utah Heritage Foundation 603 East South Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84102 (U of A) University of Arizona Bureau of Audio-Visual Services Tucson, AZ 85721 (U of C-DFG) University of Chicago Documentary Film Group 5811 South Ellis Avenue Chicago, III 60637 (U of Fl) University of Florida Bureau of Research College of Architecture Gainesville, FL 32611 (U of lA) University of Iowa AV Center Media Library C-5 East Hall Iowa City, lA 52242 (U of ID) University of Idaho AV Center Moscow, ID 83843 (U of IL) University of Illinois Visual Aids Service 1325 South Oak Street Champaign, II 61820 (U of KS) University of Kansas Film Rental Service 746 Massachusetts Street Lawrence, KS 66044 (U of KY) University of Kentucky College of Architecture Lexington, KY 40506 (U of M) University of Michigan AV Education Center 416 4th Street Ann Arbor, Ml 48109 (U of MN) University of Minnesota AV Library Service 3300 University Avenue, SE Minneapolis, MN 55414 (U of NE) University of Nebraska at Lincoln Instructional Media Center Lincoln, NE 68508 (U of NH) University of New Hampshire Department of Media Services Durham. NH 03824 (U of SC) University of Southern California Division of Cinema Film Distribution Center University Park Los Angeles, CA 90007 (U of T) University of Texas School of Architecture and Planning Austin, TX 78712 (U of So FL) University of South Florida Educational Resources Tampa, FL 33620 (U of WA) University of Washington Department of Architecture Seattle, WA 98195 (U of WI-LaCrosse) University of Wisconsin AV Center 1705 State Street Lacrosse, Wl 54601 (U of Wl-Madison) University of Wisconsin Bureau of Audio-Visual Instruction University Extension 1327 University Avenue P.O. Box 2093 Madison, Wl 53701 (UFCC) Universal Form Clamp Co. 1238 North Kostner Avenue Chicago, IL 60651 United Artists 729 7th Avenue New York, NY 10019 (Urban Image) Urban Image Corporation 253 Summer Street Boston, MA 02210 61 (USSC) United States Steel Corp. 600 Grant Street Pittsburgh, PA 15230 James Vaseff 6-1/2 Acacia Street Cambridge, MA 02138 (Viator) Albert Viator 3 Calder Street Gloucester, MA 01930 WCET-TV 2222 Chicksaw Street Cincinnati, OH 45219 (WKYC— TV) WKYC-TV 1403 East 6th Street Cleveland, OH 44144 WNET/13 Media Services 365 West 58th Street Nev\/ York, NY 10019 (VSTS) Virginia State Travel Service 6 North 6th Street Richmond, V A 23219 (Walt Disney) Walt Disney Educational Materials 800 Sonora Avenue Glendale, CA 91201 (Washington U) Washington University School of Architecture St. Louis, MO 63130 (WSU) Wayne State University AV Department 5448 Cass Avenue Detroit, Ml 48202 (YFDC) Youth Films Distribution Center 43 West 16th Street New York, NY 10011 Xerox Films 245 Long Hill Road Middletown, CT 06457 (WBTLA) Warner Burns Toan Lunde Architects 724 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10019 62