# ^1A^ ^^^TES AGUICULTlFJi^^ EXIIII!IT|(I\. Oq ^^7y T / SEPTEMItER. .) / . THE GRAND GOLD MEDAL OF THE SOCIETY. The Fifth Annual Exhibition of the United States Agricultural Society, will be held on the spacious grounds of the " South Western Agricultural and Mechanical Association," at Louisville, Kentucky, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, September 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, and 5th, 1857. {^ Announcements, that the Exhibition will take place in October, are erroneous, and should be corrected. Encouraged by the continued success of its former exhibitions, and by the approbation of the Agricultural community, the Society has offered a list of Premiums to be awarded at Louisville, amounting, in the aggregate, to Twelve Thousand Dollars, for the various classes of Domestic Ammals, Farm Products, Fruits, Flowers, Native Wines, Agricultu- ral Implements, and Machinery. The Society's National Trial of Implements will be continued at Louisville. The awards of the jury, on the Mowers and Reapei's, tried at Syracuse, N. Y., will be announced, and the machines tested will be on exhibition. Local committees of citizens of Louisville have been appointed to act with the officers of the Society in perfecting ai'rangements, and Thirty Thousand Dollars have been guaranteed to meet expenses. A magnificent Floral and Fruit Hall, and a spacious Implement Hall have already been erected on the grounds. This valuable co-operation and material aid, coupled with the excellence of the selected location, and the large amount of premiums offered, induces the expecta- tion, that the exhibition of 1857 will be superior to any of its predecessors. Favorable arrangements for the transportation of Stock, and other articles, will be made with the various railroads. The List of Entries, the Awards of Premiums, and the Proceedings, will be pulilished in the Journal of the Society for 1857. The Premium List, with the names of the Judges, and the Regulations of the Exhibition, will be furnished on appli- cation to Col. L. A. Whiteley, Assistant Secretary of the United States Agricultural Society, Louisville, Kentucky. Exhibitors of Agricultural Implements and Machinery, can obtain any desired information by addressing .Joseph E. Holmes, Superintendent, Newark, Ohio, until the I5th of August; after that date, all communications must be addressed to Louisville, Kentucky. If exhibitors delay their applications, it may be a matter of impossibility to furnish steam-power, or to make arrangements to test, in a thorough and satisfactory manner, the tardy machines. MARSHALL P. WILDER, President. BEX: PERLEY POORE, Secretanj. Editors are respectfully invited to give the above an insertion in their Journals. For the greater convenience of those connected with the Press, a tent will be set apart for their use, and every facility, with a telegraph office on the ground, will be offered theui t« obtain and transmit information. UNITED STATES AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Q//y. ^Jeai (2^P.- yof/i /Uf-tence al l/fe Q/^t'/l// Q^-tn/tua/' 0Mu/'iUon a/ (ne //.nUea &rm^e) Q/taitcauuzai ^yoctel//, ^o /j6 ne/c/ c?i <^caMuoue, --i^ii y{ A^ee ^czcatai annexec/.y '^//e 0xnf/'f'^cG?i wc/l /^e one o/ f/itat cnteie-t^, en- a/c it-j ae/iaUnie/i^. QAo uilot 'yx/imo-e ufu'c /'-r: .yiazea ^/ io?i(/fi // iinoitn^ii o/ €m t^/?|^ in m/iocA- c^ m ^o t'e /isca, ana '^Ae G/ra^io?i m/f/c// me ^^yoccc^n ie/iU4e-?i^-i. G^ aianr/ Q^-vriiteuMazac ^^^anaue^ n'iu //e /ff'/f/ on ^//e alouna-j, a/ui //? M//uc/i aou ate ed/iec/,acci/' t7tvUea. .=^^ MlcnauM/iec/ aue4/4, Aom euj^eiem^ -i-ectfon-) o/ //pen^, /io?n to/w?7t ecbaaen/ ae/e/ze^fj-e-i maa /'c e.r/uc^ef/. /rim -f^en^t/nen^'j o/ l/ie /uaAe4^i le-t/iect, ri/ a?/i, ^//oui C/'/'eauni ^-/eiva/i^, ^^-^*^^i^.^=^^^^^^^^^/l..,^,/. oi e .£r. &/. (yri uoui aiujAa/, /uea-te le/iot^ i^ouide^ a( me .^J^ieau/enl'd -^yenf.