* UMASS/AMHERST * 31EDt,L D57E STflfl b LIBRARY MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE BBS •3:^»ii5 ■ , S79 ' f n ^'^^,ym ■r% :/?'i!!iloi.Yiis*j STYLE PORTFOUO OF HOME DECOIWION This is the portfolio we send to all answers to our mag-azine advertising, fall and spring-. This, we feel rnnfident, will hf^ the most ,siir,r,fis.sfi]l of the several g-ood portfolios we have g-otten out in the past few seasons, showing the decorative possibili- ties o f-paints" and varnish ' es; iti r tclligently used. — A^ the time these features are mailed out, we also send the inquirer the name and address of the nearest S-W ageal oi dealei and lu the agent 'we send the name of the inquirer. from uaig .swi3tJ^\j::/uttJ=wmM^:m& ^<& ^ DECOl^IVX BEPARpSENT eo* C^^JMAIy ROAD CIX'VI>T-ANI> , O, ^IfSS I'M^ ^:\'^'^ A Few Reasons Why Sherwin-Williams Paint is the Best Paint to Use Made of Pure Raw Materials Every ingredient goiny into SWP is carefully tested in our own chemical laboratories to see that it comes up to our high standard of purity. Even the raw materials manufac- tured m our own plants are not excepted from this test. In order to insure purity, we manufacture the more important raw materials in our own factories. Our zinc comes from our own mines and smelters at Magdalena and Coffeyville, Kans., our lead from our corroding plant at Chicago, our linseed oil from our oil works in Cleveland, our dry colors from our dry color plant in Chicago, our driers from our varnish works at Chicago, Cleveland and Newark. Through this control of the raw materials, we are able to manufacture each in the particular way that will allow us to get the best results in com- bining all of them in SWP. Exact Scientific Formula Smce 1873, when the first factory of this Company was started, constant attention has been given to the improvement and testing of formulas, and thousands of practical and chemical tests have been carried on since that time, so that our present formula is the result of forty years' expert research and experimental work. While SWP is better than it ever was, we are still actively engaged in experimental work on a more extensive scale- than ever. Our constant aim is to improve SWP if possible. Mixed and Ground by Special Machinery The various ingredients entering into SWP are thoroughly mixed and thoroughly ground in special water cooled mills, the grinding stones of which are of the finest'grade of trench stone. This special machinery has been constructed in our own machine shops and is the development of years of experience in making paints and colors of every description. The various pigments are ground to an almost impalpable fineness and thoroughly combined with the pure linseed oil. This insures greatest covering capacity and a smooth, closely knit paint film, which protects the wood and lasts for the longest possible time. This process of manufacture is one of the important things that make the use of SWP economical, as it will cover from 360 to 400 square feet, two coats to the gallon under average conditions, while white lead and oil will only cover from 2,50 to 280 square feet under the same conditions. Full U. S. Standard Measure Every can of SWP is put up full U. S. standard measure. It is carefully tested by weight also, so that there can be no mistake, and each package is hermetically sealed. The consumer is sure that every drop of paint he uses which comes under the Sherwin- Williams label is made of absolutely pure materials and that he is getting full standard measure. He is taking no chances, as. is the case when he attempts to use hand mixed lead and oil. Best House Paint Made There is more SWP used in this country and in foreign countries than any other paint manufactured. This is because it has steadily gained in popularity on account of the satisfaction It gives the user ; once used, it makes a permanent customer. Sherwin- Williams Paint is more widely advertised than any other house paint and so it is easier for the dealer to sell. Each year it will be more aggressively advertised, and so as time goes on it will become better and better known. How Sold SWP IS put up in sealed, full U. S. standard measure packages, in quarts, half-gallons, gallons, five-gallons and fifty-gallon barrels. It comes in Outside Gloss White, China Gloss White, Flat White, Inside Varnish White and fifty-one colors and black. We also put up a special SWP Primer (Gray and Yellow), a scientific undercoating and the best foundation on which to apply good paint. 38897 Colonial House— Exterior No. 5 The color treatment for the exterior of a house of this type should not depart from the style established in the excel- lent examples which have come down to us from Colonial times. The body of such a house should be painted in the true Colonial Yellow, with columns and trim of White, and it should be remembered that Colonial Yellow is a cream deep- ened to a yellow without any greenish cast. SWP 375 is just such a yellow. Being a prepared paint, it is of a uniform color and consistency, and by its use the uncertainty of hand- mixed colors is entirely eliminated. The more modified types of Colonial offer a wider choice of color — Silver Gray, White, Brown, Green and Yellow body are frequently used. How to Obtain the Effect* Shown on thii Plate with Sherwin-WilUanu Paint Body - - SWP 375 Trimming - SWP Gloss White Sash - - SWP Gloss White Shutters - - SWP 498 Roof - - S-W Preservative Shingle Stain, B-41 Porch Floor - S-W Porch and Deck Paint, No. 48 Porch Ceiling - S-W Kopal Varnish Ex. Doors - S-W Handcraft Stain, Mahogany mm^ WW" The Suburban Cottage The small cottage which is not entirely surrounded by foliage, is often very attractively decorated by using a soft green body color, such as SWP 358, shown on this illustration. Greens, if they are not too raw or glaring in tone, are very satisfactory for exterior decoration. They should have a slight grayish cast and be of a medium strength of tone. Such colors do not fade or become easily soiled. SWP is made in many attractive greens, suitable for every style of house. How to Qbtain the Effects Shown on this Plate with Sherwin-Williams Paint Body - - SWP 358 Trimming - SWP Gloss White Sash - - SWP Gloss White Shutters - - SWP 461 Roof - - S-W Preservative Shingle Stain, B-42 I^orck Floor - S-W Porch and Deck Paint, No. 48 Porch Ceiling - S-W Kopal Varnish Ex. Doors - S-W Old Dutch Enamel White, Exterior ■^m z^- Plate XXin. Exterior House, No. 8 Body - SWP 393 Trimming • SWP 457 Sask, - SWP 462 iew/ - S-W Preservative Shingle Stain, B-44 Porch Floor - S-W Porch and Deck Paint, 50 Porch Ceiling SWP 462 Ex. Doors - SW- Handcraft Stain. BiM| Oak S Exterior House, No. 9 Body SWP 354 Trimming - SWP 371 Sash SWP Black Roof - S-W Preservative S Stain, C-81 Porch Floor - S-W Porch and Deck Porch Ceiling SWP 354 Ex. Doors - S-W Handcraft S' Weathered Oak .m'.u^^ Wm^: .■^. J^^'- Plate XXIV. Exterior House, No. 10 Body - - SWP 353 . Trimming • SWP Gloss White %^.^^Sash - - SWP 382 1 S-W Preservative Shingle Stain, B-42 S-W Preservative Shingle Stain, B-44 S-W Porch and Deck Paint, No. 48 SWP 462 S-WHandcraft Stain, Brown Oak 1 Exterior House, No. 11 Body - SWP 470 Triimtmig SWP 393 Sash SWP 382 r.||||H|l Roof - S-W Creosote Paint^l9HI^| Oxide • '1 Porch Floor - S-W Porch and Deck Paint, No, 50 Porch Ceiling S-W Kopal Varnish Ex. Doors S-W Handcraft Stain, Fumed Oak ^■^'^^m ■^Wi a^'^W.-, "'.is ■■wratMmiMin ■QSiS@s?np^~n~ Plate XXV. Exterior House, No. 12 upper Body - S-W Preservative Shingle Stain, C-71 Lower Body - SWP 457 TriTnming SWF 393 Sash SWP 457 Roof - S-W Preservative Shingle Stain, C-71 Porch Floor - S-W Porch and Deck Paint, No. 48 Porch Ceiling SWP 457 Ex. Doors S-W Handcraft Stain, Weathered Oak Exterior House, No. 13 Body - - SWP 456 Tritntning - SWP 382 Sash - - SWP Black Roof - - S-W Preservative Shingle Stain, B-43 Porch Floor - S-W Porch and Deck Paint, No. 48 Porch Ceili?ig S-W Kopal Varnish Ex. Doors - SWP 382 -^9''^Mm^^^^ ':Q^^'k : ^.'' -'■••.. Paint Protection for the City Home There are many houses of this type which, on account of their location in comparatively smoky parts of the small or large city, cannot be satisfactorily painted in light colors. It is such conditions which make the many medium shades of SWP very useful. In addition to the Medium Dark Green, SWP 371, shown on this house, there are many attractive Grays, Browns and Buffs which are equally as appropriate and durable under most severe exposure. SWP is made to with- stand the most severe action of smoke and fumes. How to Obtain the Effects Shown on this Plate with Sherwin-Williams Paint Body - ■ SWP 371 Trimming - SWP 360 SasA - - SWP 498 Roof - - S-W Preservative Shingle Stain, C-72 Porch Floor - S-W Porch and Deck Paint, No. 48 Porch Ceiling - S-W Kopal Varnish Ex. Doors - S-W Handcraft Stain, Cathedral Oak V^TV^T^TSrV'^^N' Finish Your Floors With a Paint That Lasts OUR reason for specifying S-W Inside Floor Paint as a surface over which to apply stencil borders is due to the fact that by its use you can be sure to have a finish on your floors that 'will last. This paint is especially iuade for inside floors, is ready for use and can be easily applied. It combines durability with quick drying qualities. For this reason it is especially suit- able for any room in the house where the floors are of soft wood. It comes in ten good shades, which are especially pleasing and which produce soft color effects that blend harmoniously with the furnishings, hangings and color schemes of the room in which it is used. It also has the great advantage of withstanding scrubbing and cleaning without any fear of damage to the surface. It dries hard over night, but for best results should be allowed to stand 48 hours before it is walked on. On account of its splendid durability it will outlast the average varnish stain finish on the market today. By means of the stencil borders described on the inside of this folder just as attractive results can be secured as can be obtained by the use of a varnish stain finish. Sherwin-Williams Floor Finishes THIS line contains a finish for any style and any floor, old or new. You can select the finish in the line which you think is suitable for the work you want to do, and by writ- ing us can secure a folder giving instructions how to secure the best results from that particular finish that it is possible to get. The Floor Finish line includes the following: S-W Inside Floor Paint — for inside floors, painted surface. S-W Porch and Deck Paint — for porch floors, painted surface. S-W Mar-not — for varnished floors, natural finish. S-W Floorlac — for inside floors, stained finish. S-W Crack and Seam Filler — for filling cracks and seams in floors. S-W Floor Wax — for producing a waxed finish on floors. S-W Dancing Floor Wax (powdered)— for ballroom floors. F311 KIO 37S SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR, FLOOR DECORATION i 1^ sS»%^s>^^=^^^^ Finish Your Floors With a Paint That Lasts OUR reason for specifying S-W Inside Floor Paint as a surface over which to apply stencil borders is due to the fact that by its use you can be sure to have a finish on your floors t/iat ivill last. This paint is especially made for inside floors, is ready for use and can be easily applied. It combines durability with quick drying qualities. For this reason it is especially suit- able for any room in the house where the floors are of soft wood. It comes in ten good shades, which are especially pleasing and which produce soft color effects that blend harmoniously with the furnishings, hangings and color schemes of the room in which it is used. It also has the great advantage of withstanding scrubbing and cleaning without any fear of damage to the surface. It dries hard over night, but for best results should be allowed to stand 48 hours before it is walked on. On account of its splendid durability it will outlast the average varnish stain finish on the market today. By means of the stencil borders described on the inside of this folder just as attractive results can be secured as can be obtained by the use of a varnish stain finish. Sherwin-Williams Floor Finishes THIS line contains a finish for any style and any floor, old or new. You can select the finish in the line which you think is suitable for the work you want to do, and by writ- ing us can secure a folder giving instructions how to secure the best results from that particular finish that it is possible to get. The Floor Finish line includes the following: S-W Inside Floor Paint — for inside floors, painted surface. S-W Porch and Decl< Paini — for porch floors, painted surface. S-W Mar-not — for varnished floors, natural finish. S-W Floorlac — for inside floors, stained finish. S-W Crack and Seam Filler— for filling cracks and seams in floors. S-W Floor Wax — for producing a waxed finish on floors. S-W Dancing Floor Wax (powdered) — for ballroom floors. K3n KIO 37SI SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR, FLOOR DECORATION ■Tl An Easy and Attractive Way to Finish Your Floors THE floor problem is one wiiicli causes a ureal deal of trouble and bother to ihe average house owner. W here the floors are of hard wood and the house is new, a clear varnish finish is the natural selection. Fret^uently, however, the floor is of soft wood, or is not a new one, and the qutttion of the best way to finish it is brought home very forcibly on account of the fact that it has become scratchedor marred. Thb leaves the houseownerwiih a choice of two finishes, one a stained and varnished linish, the other a painted surface. The former, pre- ferred by many, means a considerable amount of labor, because of the number of coats which havi^ to be applied and the necessary manipulation of the graining tool or brush to secure ihe proper grained effect. Un- less a person is an expert, the results obtained from a finish of this kind arc often unsatisfactory-. On the other hand, a painted finish is easy to apply and can be selected so as to harmonize absolutely with the color scheme of the walls, ceilings and furnishings of the room. By the use of a slencil border applied over this painted surface, the floor can be finished most attractively and made to reiiemble very closely 3 par<)uet finish. The outline as given in the following specifications and in the color schemes shown on the next three pages affords the house owner an easy method of finishing his Hoors with very little trouble andv tplea ^ults. Specifications for obtaining effects lown on the following pages : De§i(D No. 1 exults Vic rrcommend a finis' I I III i ! floor varnish. I( t Desifn No. 3 Shcrw in-Wiuiams ATTRACTIVE WALL DECORATIONS THE walls aiul ci^iliiigs of your hoino form a most important part uf lliu decoration. They dom inatc iIk- iniire color scheme and make the hack- ground for your furniture, draperies, etc., therefore, the greatest possible care should be exercised in deciding upon the kind and quality of materials and the character of the decoration. While ilu- first thought is as to the style of decora- lion, there is another important point for consideration and that is sanitation. A wall surface tliat can be cleaned readil}- with soap and water and which has no wall covering that is germ and dust col- lecting is demanded. Wallpaper am! fabric wall coverings arc used because of their decorative value only and many of the designs available tend to produce an over decorative effect. Kalsomine and water paints are fairly sanitary when first applied, but cannot be cleaned with soap an-l water and lack durability. Until the last year or two it has been almost impossible lo i^et a sanitary finish combined witli the necessary decorative qualities. Paint always has been a perfect sanitary finish for walls and ceilings, but the usual paint gloss was objectionable and in order to produce a wall finish thoroughly •■atisfactory in every particular it has been necessary for the paint manufacturer to aiM the decorative qualities to his material. Sherwin-Williams Flat-tone is the result. It has many ])oints in its favor. In the first place it can he applied over every kind of wall — whether rough or smooth plaster, canvas, burlap, muslin, plaster board or metal : it gives an absolutely sanitary finish which can be cleaned with soap and water: it is durab'c. will last for years, all paste and paper pulp full of germs are eliminated. and this decorative finish actually becomes a l.art of the wall itself. In Flat-tone vou can get the soft, vel- ^ct\. Hat effects' without any of the nbjcc- tiunable gloss in former wall paints. At the same tinie. with this richness anrl dcnth of tone it offers a surface which can be sten- ciled and decorated giving an individuality to \our home. Flat-tone is an economica] tinish in llie long run because it does not ictiuirc rcfinishing for a considerable period of time. Finger marks or other spots can easily be washed off. Then again, when \ .n, do come to the time of refinishing the wall is in excellent condition, it is only necessary to apply another coat of the same materia! in tlie same color — or in any other color desired. The color suggcsti. .n- ■•liov. n -n thi> folder represent the ■•i\'«' ■' ''■ !> ■ ■ '■"■itivc effects whicli arc pos^l/ !■ . ■ .'^i -i i!n> wall finish. There ar- : .m.-i' -i :.r,-mti- ful shades making pr.inn.-.iK' -v^ i-inniici! number of combination-. 11 -lii'f I nrlliei- more. our Decorative hL'iMrf.iicii \. dl 1" pleased to nffcr special Mii4gc--.iiijii-- upon vl- eeipl "f eiltier blueprints, photographs or rougli jienci! j'lans >howing the room or rooms you w isli lu finish together with sncli information as will help them in selectini; color combinations which will meet cxacilv with your requirements. Flat-tone is put up in quart, lialf-gallon and gallon cans, liquid form, readv for use. Get a color card from the Sherwin-Williams :ity. 3r\' method of the design^ our Decorative Department you can get a verv attractive little stencil book which tell- all about this interesting method of decora- Complete Specifications lor Color Plates shown on this folder S/efii-i/Sti. 212 ll'o»divork-atid llainstoiiii^—S-W Enamel While. /■;..,ir— Natural. S-W M;.r-iiot V-iriiish. L\-i7iiig— S-W Flat-lonc Old GoUl. 1 1 a//— S-W Flat-tone Cocoamit Brown. Sfenci/—^o. ISy. Size 4 incliis liin1i, price 30c. iroodit'ort— Oak, S-W ll;.iirii - H ■ 1 lamkraft Stai' CO 25c. n Fumed ■ \V Mar-nol Varnish, No. Cri/fHi;— S-W Fiat-lone Cream, II „/;_S-W Fi.it-tone Old Gold. S/gii,i/-\^x'i fi Stain Weath- i.d S-W Mar-nol ercd 03l<- ;-;oor— S-W Golden Oak- 1 Varnish, No. 8 Ceiling— S-Vl Flat-lone Ivory Wall— S-W Flat-tone Lichen Gray, S/rncil-Ko. 94. Siie 3 inches high, price 20c. ll'codiwrA— Birch, S-W Handcraft Stain Mri Woor— Natural. S-W Mar-nol p^;^^ s = s if SHERWIN-WiLUAMS There is an inci easing demand for rich and durable flat effects in the artistiL- decoration of interior walls and woodwork. There are many cheap kalsominc finishes on the market which aim at this result and are satisfactory for some of the cheaper classes of finish, but which are in no way suitable for high class work, S-W Flat-tone is made to meet the particular reiy. Upper Wall, S-W Flat-totte System Effect, No. 3 Loioe, Wall, S-W Flat-tone No. 13. Srencil Bji der, Stencil No. 124. Woodnxiork, Oak; S-W Handciatt Stain, Cathedra! Oak. Floor, Oak; S-W .Antique Oak Paste Filler and S-W Mar-not. ■'^^l^pi m Above are two miniature c^H^^^^^^H^ the practical manner in which our Decorative Department sends out suggestions free f^BBpii^iWiPl the interior decoration of their homes, stores, etc. These elevations are accompanied with exact specifications for securing the effects shown. Agents and dealers who are aggressive and work in close touch with us on this plan will find themselves securing some of the most prohtable business in their communities, much of it being of a character that they could never hope to secure without this help. 'W!'^^m^< Specific^ Cotta. Stencil, No. 97. Woodwork, S-W Varnish Stain, Dark Oak. ./%>tfr, S-W Floorlac, Light Oak. : \ Specificatioa— Oi'/Wif, S-W Flat-tone, Buff. Upper Wall, S-W Flat-tone, Buff. Lower Wall, S-W Flat-tone, Rich Maroon. Woodwork, S-W Golden Oak Stain. Fhpr, Natural; S-W Mar-not. '^;'''^:^'-^^'i'^'i'^i^'.'i ' Specification — Ceiling a; \cil, No. 18y. Wood- t'i^5pecincation— CVz/z'w^, S-W Flat-tone, Cream. Wall, S-W VVaifiscoUng, S-W Enameloid, White. Slencil, No, 306. Flat-tone, Old Gold. Woodwork, S-W Handcraft Stain, Woodwork, S-W Enameloid, White. Floor, Linoleum. Silver Gray. Floor, S-W Inside Floor Paint, Gray. Enclosed is a sheet containing- reproductions of the current advertisements of Sherwin-WilHams Paints and Varnishes and the extension of the Decorative Idea. This shows the advertisements as they will appear in all the big- magazines in colors, and also the smaller advertisements both in magazines and farm papers. Our advertising- campaigns have been growing stronger and better each year and this year it will be more productive than ever. if isfi^pisv,, . -mimmmsmwm p» on i«9