LIBRARY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SOURCE__XlXJ_-^-_X 6>30. Q(o InS A rn This book may be kept out TWO WEEKS only, and is subject to a fine of TWO CENTS a day thereof the day indicated be! DATE DUE Library Bureau 13-723 CARD INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURE • • • MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS Volume 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Statement concerning the institute. 2. Letter to Mr. Perkins relative to the institute. 1909. 3. The Institute and cooperative banking. 1909. 4. Resolution passed by the national grange. 1910. 2 conies 5. Price Fluctuations in the staples; their influence on the v/elfare of the state. 1910. 2 copies. 6. Its Labors in behalf of economic betterment. 1910. 7. General introduction to the bulletins of the bureau of agricultural intelligence and of diseases of plants. 1910. 8. Report of the delegation of the U.S. to the general assembly of the institute. 1911. 9. Message from the president of the U.S. concerning creation of institute. 1906. 10. Its influence on economic welfare. 1911. ll.Raiffeisen System of rural cooperative credit, its adaptation and adoption in the U.S. 1912. 12.L'Activite de l f Institut. 1912. 15. Le Present et l'Avenir de l'Institut. 1912. 14. Su Importancia para la America latina, en especial para Chile . 1913 . lr. Message from the president of the U.S. concerning the general assembly of the institute. 1913. 16. Board of Agriculture and fisheries. The Institute - Its objects and its publications. 1912. 17. The Landschaft. Co-operative rural credit. 1913. In. Pamphlet concerning the institute. 1913. 19. The Way out of the rut. 1913. 2 copies. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont.) 20. Concerning the international year book of agricultural statistics. 1913, 1914. 21. Steadying the world's prices of the staples. 1914. 22. Proposal for an international conference on the regulation and control of ocean carriage by means of an international commerce commission. ...... 27-. Concerning the fourth volume of the International year-book of agricultural legislation. 1915. 24. Letter to Senator Hiram W. Johnson on the work of the institute. 1918. 25. Our foreign trade after the war. 1918. 26. RESOLUTION ENDORSING THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURE PASSED BY THE NATIONAL GRANGE At its forty-fourth annual session Atlantic City, N. J., November 16th-25th, 1910 " The National Grange, profoundly interested in the cause of international fraternity and co-operation, and in the commanding movement for its promotion, which is the distinguishing mark and glory of our age, feels peculiar pride and satisfaction in the fact that it is in the field of agriculture that the work of international organi- zation has achieved one of its broadest and most beneficent results. We rejoice that the International Institute of Agriculture, the conception and in great measure the creation of one of our American fellow citizens, and a member of our own Order, has now won the con- fidence and support of almost all the great governments of the world, and become one of the chief servants of all agricultural peoples. Its scientific investigations and invaluable publications promise to put a stop, at no distant day, to all disastrous and demoralising specu- lation in agricultural products. We urge our own government to that conspicuous support of its activities which befits the greatest of agricultural nations : and we urge more generous and practical provision for the wide spread of its regular bulletins and various publications among the farmers of the United States. We recommend the appointment by the administration of the National Grange of a special committee to promote the interests of the International Institute in this country and to make its work of greater and more constant service to our people ".