iiaki'Miiiiu^ggi (ilOUCESTER .MASSACHUSETTS/ V THE PLACE YOU / "^ G!< l^: V..-J ._-J\ UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AT AMHERST UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Special Collections & Rare Books lOreword. ¥ ¥ This little book will rejoice in the thought that it has accomplished its mission if in interesting you in Gloucester, it has added another to the long list of friends of this quaintly beautiful seaport town. If it could speak it would say to you, " Gloucester welcomes you to her shores, and invites you to enjoy with us the delightful climate and varied attractiveness which she offers." You may rely on this book as a perfectly dependable and authoritive source of information with regard to the Summer Hotels of Gloucester, all of which, be they large or small, can be thoroughly recommended. It is issued by the Publicity Committee of the Gloucester Board of Trade with the cooperation of the hotel proprietors. Copies of it will be gladly mailed to your friends if you wish. Any inquiries for information about Gloucester will be cheer- fully answered by Mr. R. W. Freeman, Secretary of the Board of Trade. To Reach Gloucester, ¥ ¥ Gloucester, Massachusetts— the place you come back to — is situated on that rugged promontory known as Cape Ann, where cooling ocean breezes blow continually from off the broad Atlantic. It is thirty miles from Boston from which it may be reached by Train, Steamer, Trolley or Automobile. About sixteen trains daily leave the North Station, Boston, via the Boston & Maine Railroad, direct for Gloucester, the Express Trains reaching Gloucester in less than an hour. The Steamer trip on the finely equipped steamers of the Boston & Gloucester Steamboat Company is a two-hour ocean sail along the beautiful North Shore, with a varied scenic view of which there is no superior. By Trolley the trip is delightfully varied on account of the ever changing panorama of beautiful scenery of sea and shore, country and city. Only one change of cars is required l^etween Boston and Gloucester. An Automobile Trip to Gloucester is made over a fine stretch of State Highway and Ocean Boulevard, passing through Revere Beach, Lynn, vSalem, Beverly, Pride's Crossing, Beverly Farms, Manchester-by-the-Sea, and enteiing Gloucester through that beautiful section known as Magnolia. Points of Interest to the Summer Sojourner. ¥ ¥ Stai^e Fort Park. Pavilion Beach. Annisquam Willows. Wingaersheek Beach. Granite Quarries. Thatchers Twin Lights. Good Harbor Beach. Long Beach. Old Mother Ann. Dogtown Common. Norman's Woe. Rafe's Chasm. Old Riggs House. Old Ellery House. Fish packing concerns. ¥ ¥ Average Summer Temperature of Gloucester compared with other cities of the United States. Monthly Average. June July Aug. Sept. Gloucester 60.8 66.3 63.9 57.7 New York 69.0 74.5 72.8 65.9 Washington, D. C. 72.7 76.8 74.5 68.1 Chicago, 111. 66.5 72.3 71.2 64.8 Columbus, O. 71.0 75.2 72.7 66.9 Philadelphia, Pa. 7L2 75.8 73.8 67.4 Baltimore, Md. 73.0 77.3 74.7 68.6 St. Louis, Mo. 75.1 79.1 77.2 70.0 Detroit, Mich. 67.8 72.0 69.9 63.1 Providence, R. L 68.3 73.4 71.0 63.2 THE DELPHINE HOTEL. ¥ ¥ Location i ' ' The Delphine ' ' is located at East Gloucester within a short distance of the waters of Gloucester Harbor. How to Get There : Upon arriving at Gloucester take Electric Car marked * ' Rocky Neck " ' or ' ' East Gloucester. ' ' Leave car at corner of Rocky Neck xVvenue, from here it is only six minutes' walk to the house. If preferred, carriage can be taken at B. & M. Station, B. &G. S. B. Co. landing, or at Rocky Neck Avenue. Management, Accommodations, Rates : The Delphine is under the management of the proprietor, Mr. Simpson Lyle. It has ample accommodations for one hundred guests. The rates run from $1Z.00 to |20.00 per week for single rooms and from $22.00 to $30.00 per week for double rooms. The house is open from June to September. (Booklet upon ap])lication.) When writing for information please mention this booklet. THE FAIRVIEW. ¥ ¥ Location i ' ' The Fairview ' ' is located at East Gloucester on elevated ground overlooking the waters of picturesque Gloucester Harbor. How to Get There : Upon arriving at Gloucester, take Electric Car marked ' ' Rocky Neck " or " East Gloucester ' ' . Leave car at corner of Rocky Neck Avenue, from here it is only six minutes' walk to the House. If preferred, carriages can be taken at B. & M. Station, B. & G. S, B. Co. Landing or at Rocky Neck Avenue. Management, Accommodations, Rates : The Fairview is under the management of Miss G. A. Renton. It has ample accommodations for about sixty-five guests. The rates are from $11.00 to $17.00 per week for single rooms and from $21.00 to $25.00 per week for double rooms. Transients, $2.50 per day. The house is open from June to October. (Booklet upon application.) When writing for information please mention this booklet. THE BRYNMERE. ¥ ¥ Location ; ' ' The Br\-nmere ' ' is located at Annisquam at a point where the River meets the open sea, where a fine view of Annisquam River, Coffin's Beach and the'sea, may be obtained. How to Get There: Upon arriving at Gloucester, take Electric Car marked "Annisquam" or " Lanesville ". Leave car at Annisquam Station where carriages connect with the house. Management, Accommodations, Rates: The Brynmere is managed by Miss S. C. Stetson, the proprietor, and the house accommodates about seventy guests. The rates are 52.50 and 13.00 per day with reasonable rates by the week, month or season. Special rates for June and vSeptember. (Booklet upon application.) When writing for information i^lease mention this booklet. Br ■ ^ ^Zi M lE^^ "^^ ^i™ JIIH ^ iMUmmfWi 1 THE PILGRIM HOUSE. Location i ' ' The Pilgrim House ' ' is located on Wonson Street, at East Gloucester, with a broad veranda directly facing- Gloucester Harbor. How to Get There i Upon arriving at Gloucester, take Electric Car marked " Rocky Neck " or " East Gloucester " and ride to the end of the line. The house is then within two or three minutes' walk. If preferred carriage can be taken at B. & M. Station or at B. & G. S. B. Co. landing. Management, Accommodations, Rates : The Pilgrim House is managed by the proprietor, Mrs. Annie R. Hopkins, and the house accommodates forty guests. The rates are from llO.OO to $14.00 per week with special rates by the season and for double rooms. The house is open from April to November. (Booklet upon application.) When writing for information please mention this booklet. M 11 ^^ i ^^^^^^^^M 1^^ ^a ^^^^^^^^ ^K K ^^^^i© ua ^^^^^ W» m i«SSl u 3 MCW R--* I'-^'A ^^^^ 8 ffc- ^^^^ v;;|;;- ■fay^ m « •^ THE OCEANSIDE HOTEL. ¥ ¥ Location : " The Oceanside " is located at Magnolia, Mass., within a few minutes' walk of Magnolia Beach and the open Ocean. How to Get There : From Magnolia Station of the Boston & Maine Railroad, carriages may be taken direct to the Hotel. Management, Accommodations, Rates : The Oceanside is under the management of Mr. W. vS. Warren, Jr., and with its cottages connected has accommodations for four hundred guests. The rates are from $ZS.OO weekly and upward. The hotel is open from June to September. (Booklet upon application.) When writing foi- information please mention this booklet. THE vSURFSIDE HOTEL. ¥ ¥ Location : " The Surfside " is located on Western Avenue, Gloucester, directly on the ocean front. How to Get There : Carriages for the hotel meet all trains at the B. & M. Station and steamers of the B. & G. S. B. Co. The house is within ten minutes' walk of the Railroad Station and the Steamboat Landing. Management, Accommodations, Rates : The vSurfside is under the management of Mr. Joseph Hyams and has accommo- dations for one hundred persons. Automobile parties and tran- sients given special attention. The rates are from $2.50 to |4.00 per day, |15.00 and upward per week. The house is open from June to the latter part of September. (Booklet upon application.) When writing for information please mention this booklet. MERRILL HALL AND COTTAGES. ¥ ¥ Location : ' ' Merrill Hall and Cottages ' ' are located at East (Tloucester, on elevated ground surrounded by shade trees and lawns. How to Get There ; Upon arriving at Gloucester, take Electric Car marked ' ' Rocky Neck ' ' or ' ' East Gloucester ' ' . Leave car at corner of Rocky Neck Avenue, from here it is only four minutes' walk to the house. If preferred, carriage can be taken at B. & M. Station. B. & G. S. B. Co. landing or at Rocky Neck Avenue. Management, Accommodations, Rates : ]\Ierrill Hall and Cottages are managed by Buell & Crosby (Mrs. Buell and Mr. Crosby) and the four houses have in all, sixty rooms. The rates are from #12.00 to ;fl5.00 per week for single rooms, ;?16.00 to 125.00 for one person in double room, #25.00 to |35.00 for two persons in double room. Open from June 1st to October 1st. (Booklet upon ai)i)lication.) When writing foi' infoi-mation j^lease mention this booklet. THE MOORLAND HOTEL. ¥ ¥ Location : ' ' The Moorland ' ' is located at Bass Rocks within a short distance of Good Harbor Beach and directly on the broad Atlantic. How to Get There: From the B. & M. Station at Glouces- ter carriages can be taken direct for the Hotel. From Bass Rocks Station a line of Motor Cars traverse a pleasant country direct to the hotel. Management, Accommodations, Rates : The Moorland is under the management of Mr. Edward D. Parsons and there are ample accommodations for 300 guests. The rates range from |3.00 daily upwards and from ;f;i2.00 weekly upwards. The hotel is open from June to September. (Booklet upon application.) When writing for information please mention this booklet. ABORN HOTEL AND COTTAGES. ¥ ¥ Location : ' ' The Aborn Hotel and Cottages '.' are located at Magnolia, Mass., within a very short distance from the Ocean and within a hundred yards of the famous Kettle Rocks. How to Get There : From MagnoHa Station of the Boston & Maine Railroad carriages may be taken direct to the Hotel. Management, Accommodations, Rates : The Aborn Hotel and Cottages are under the personal supervision of Mrs. E. A. Carney. The rates run from p. 00 to |5.00 per day with special rates for the season. About 125 guests can be accom- modated. The house is open from June to September. (Booklet upon application.) When writing for information please mention this booklet. THE GRAND VIEW. ¥ ¥ Location : ' ' The Grand View ' ' is located on high land on Annisquam Point commanding a splendid view of Annisqtiam River and Ipswich Bay. How to Get There: Upon arriving at Gloucester, take Electric Car marked ' 'Annisquam " or " Lanesville ' ' . Leave car at Annisquam Station where carriages connect with the house. Management, Accommodations, Rates : The Grand View is under the management of Mr. J. L. Publicover, the proprietor, and the house accommodates about one hundred and twenty-five guests. The rates are from |2.50 to $3.00 a day and from |12.00 to 120.00 weekly. The house is open from June to vSeptember. (Booklet upon application.) When writing for information please mention this booklet. ^ i: THE HARBOR VIEW. ¥ If Location: " The Harbor View " is located at East Glouces- ter on the harbor side of the neck of land which forms the Eastern boundar}" of Gloucester Harbor, commanding an extensive water view. How to Get There : Upon arriving at Gloucester, take Electric Car marked "Rocky Neck" or "East Gloucester". Leave car at corner of Rocky Neck Avenue. From here it is only four minutes' walk to the house. If preferred, carriage can be taken at B. & M. Station, B. & G. S. B. Co. landing or at Rocky Neck Avenue. Management, Accommodations, Rates : The Harbor View is under the management of Mr. W. F. Osborne, the proprietor, and it contains one hundred rooms. The rates are from $12.00 weekly upward and from 1^2.50 per day upward. The house is open from April 1st to November 1st. (Booklet u])on application.) When writing for information please mention this booklet. HAWTHORNE INN AND COTTAGES. ¥ ¥ Location: "The Hawthorne Inn'and Cottages" are located at East Gloucester on the Harbor's edge, affording- a most picturesque view of Gloucester Harbor. How to Get There : Upon arriving at Gloucester, take Electric Car marked ' ' Rocky Neck " or " East Gloucester ' ' . Leave car at corner of Rocky Neck Avenue. From here it is only five minutes' walk to the house. If preferred, carriage can be taken at B. & M. Station, B. & G. S. B. Co. landing, or at Rocky Neck Avenue. Management, Accommodations, Rates: The Hawthorne Inn and Cottages are under the management of Mr. George O. Stacy and there are three hundred and fifty rooms in the Inn and Cottages. The rates range from $15.00 to $20.00 per week. The house is open from June to September. (Booklet upon application.) When writing for information please mention this booklet. THE BEACHCROFT. ¥ ¥ Location: "The Beachcroft " is located at Eastern Point within a stone's throw of a beautiful bathing beach. How to Get There : Upon arriving at Gloucester, take Electric Car marked ' ' Rocky Neck " or " East Gloucester ' ' . Leave car at corner of Rocky Neck Avenue. From here it is only nine minutes' walk to the house. If preferred, carriage can be taken at B. & M. Station, B. & G. S. B. Co. Landing, or at Rocky Neck Ave. Management, Accomtnodations, Rates : The Beachcroft is under the management of Mi\.'W)^>mas K. Ucvr; and the house has ample accommodations for ninety guests. Rates will be gladly quoted upon request. The house is open from June to Septem- ber. (Booklet upon application.) When writing for information please mention this booklet. liieiiiBiiii THE EDGECLIFFE HOTEL. Id In Location : ' ' The Edgecliffe ' ' is located at High Rocks, near Long Beach, right on the Atlantic Ocean, offering splendid opportunities for fishing and surf bathing. How to Qet There : Uj^on arriving in Gloucester take Electric Car marked ' ' Long Beach ' ' and the conductor will tell you where to get off to reach the hotel. From the car it is only five minutes' walk to the hotel. Management, Accommodations, Rates : The Edgecliffe is under the management of Mr. and Mrs. George P. Chick and the house contains one hundred rooms. The rates are |4.00 per day ; with private bath, |6.00 per day. By the week |17.00 and up; with private bath, $27.00 per week and up. The House is open from July 1st to September 3rd. (Booklet upon application.) When writing for information please mention this booklet. THE MAILMAN HOUSE. ¥ ¥ Location: "The Mailman House" is located at Eastern Point within a short distance of the waters of picturesque Gloucester Harbor. How to Get There : Upon arriving- at Gloucester, take Electric Car marked "Rocky Neck" or "East Gloucester". Leave car at corner of Rocky Neck Avenue. From here it is only five minutes' walk to the house. If preferred, carriage can be taken at B. & M. Station, B. & G. S. B. Co. Landing or at Rocky Neck Avenue. Management, Accommodations, Rates: The Mailman House is under the management of Miss Jennie Mailman and there are twenty-five rooms in the main house and cottage con- nected. The rates are #10.00 and #12. 00 per week for each person. The house is open from June to the latter part of September. (Booklet upon ap])lication.) When writing for information ]ilease mention this booklet. THE ROCKAWAY AND COTTAGES. ¥ ¥ Location: "The Rockaway and Cottages" are located at East Gloucester overlooking the harbor, with its always changing marine panorama. How to Get There: Upon arriving at Gloucester, take Electric Car marked " Rocky Neck " or " East Gloucester " and ride to Rackliffe Street, the house is then within two or three minutes' walk. If preferred, carriage can be taken at B. & M. Station or at B. & G. S. B. Co. Landing. Management, Accommodations, Rates : The Rockaway and Cottages are under the management of Mr. W. A. Publi- cover, and ample accommodations are provided for 150 guests. The rates are from #2.50 to $3.00 a day; #15.00 and upward weekly. The house is open from May 1st to October 1st. (Booklet upon application.) When writing for information please mention this booklet. .*«>» 'iL^ pi>aO0QE^S^'' /^x > - ^ -^ OH|™jiDJ ^Ri |iSli%ii"ln ^ iBQ^t IPULA^^ HB *' L«»L«-*- THE HESPERUS, ¥ ¥ Location: " The Hesperus " is located at Magnolia, Mass., within a short distance of Magnolia Beach and the open sea. How to Get There : From Magnolia Station of the Boston & Maine Railroad carriages may be taken direct to hotel. Management, Accommodations, Rates : The Hesperus House is under the management of Mrs. C. G. Francis and there are one hundred rooms in the house and cottage connected. The rates range from $4.00 daily upward and $25.00 weekly and upward. The house is open from June to September. (Booklet upon application.) When writing for information please mention this booklet. HOTEL THORWALD, ¥ ¥ Location: " The Thorwald " is located at Bass Rocks, two hundred yards from Good Harbor Beach with its splendid surf bathing-. How to Get There: From the B. & M. Station at Glouces- ter carriages can be taken direct for the hotel. From Bass Rocks station a line of Motor Cars runs over pleasant country roads direct to the Thorwald. The ' ' Long Beach ' ' and ' ' Bass Rocks ' ' trolley cars run within a short distance of the hotel. Management, Accommodations, Rates; The Thorwald is under the management of Mr. Lester Roberts, Mrs. Lucy A, Jackman is the proprietor. There are one hundred and seventy- five rooms in the hotel. The rates range from |3.00 to f6.00 per day and from $17.50 to $35.00 per week. The house is open from June to September. (Booklet upon application.) When writing for information please mention this booklet. WINGAERvSHEEK INN. ¥ ¥ Location : ' * Wingaersheek Inn " is located at West Glouces- ter on that beautiful beach known as Wingaersheek or Cofihn's Beach. How to Get There : From West Gloucester station on the B. & M. Railroad take a carriage direct to the hotel A small boat ferry is operated between W^ingaersheek Beach and Annis- quam. Management, Accommodations, Rates: "Wingaersheek Inn" is under the management of Mr. A. O. Pierce, and with the six furnished cottages connected has accommodations for about eighty guests. The rates for transients are S3. 00 per day, while for those occupying cottages table board at the Inn is $10.00 per week. The house is open from June to September. (Booklet upon application.) When writing for information please mention this booklet, ••iil^wiiisJ^^* i ^^^■^ THE OVERLOOK HOTEL. ¥ ¥ Location: " The Overlook " is located at Annisquam on a commanding eminence offering a beautiful view of the waters of Annisquam River and the surrounding country. How to Qet There; Upon arriving at Gloucester, take Electric Car marked "Annisquam" or " Lanesville " . Leave car at i\nnisquam Station where carriages connect with the house. Management, Accommodations, Rates: The Overlook is under the management of Mr. D. W. Sylvester, the proprietor, and the house accommodates one hundred and twenty-five guests. The rates are from |2.50 to $3.50 a day and |14.00 to $21.00 weekly. The house is open from June to September. (Booklet upon application.) When writing for information please mention this booklet. In addition to the Hotels mentioned in the foregoing pages, there are many smaller boarding houses which are perfectly reliable, among which are the following: Brookbank Inn, Freshwater Cove, Mrs. L. M. Sawyer, proprietor. Stanley Cottage, Magnolia, Miss A. J. Stanley, proprietor. Norman Cottage, Magnolia. Willow Cottage, Magnolia. North vShore Grill, Magnolia. The Guest House, Bass Rocks, W. P. Harding, proprietor. Mrs. Charlotte Lane, Annisquam. Dudley and Hall Cottages, Annisquam, A. B. Clark, proprietor. The Idlewild, Annisquam. Mrs. F. M. Clark, Cor. Western Ave. and Middle St. The Pleasant View, Middle St., INIrs. Gourville, proprietor. The Ravenswood, Freshwater Cove, i\Irs. A. B. Cook, proprietor. Train Service from Boston. There are about sixteen trains between Boston and Glouces- ter daily— Sundays a few less — thus practically giving hourly train service. At the time of going to press with this booklet, the summer schedule had not been made up by the Boston & Maine Railroad. Time tables will be gladly mailed to any address upon application to R, W. Freeman, Secretary, Glouces- ter Board of Trade. Boston & Gloucester Steamboat Company Service. Steamers leave Boston for Gloucester: 10.00 A. M., 2.00 P. M. (Weekdays). Sundays: 10.15 A.M. Steamers leave Gloucester for Boston : 3.00 A. M. , 2.15 P. M . (Weekdays.) Sundays: 3.15P.M. (No 3.00 A. M. boat Monday.) Through Train Service. rVrt A>rt' York Central Lines: From Chicago :— Twentieth Century Limited : Leaves Chicago, 2.30 P. M., arrives Boston 11.50 next morning. Xo. 6: Leaves Chicago 10.15 A. M., arrives Boston, 2.35 P. M. next day. From St. Louis : — Xew England Special : Leaves St. Louis, 10.45 P. M., due in Boston 10.40 A. M. second morning. New York & New England Special : — Leaves St. Louis, 8.45 A. M. due Boston, 6.05 P. M. following night. Leaves Cleveland : 10.15 P. M., due Boston, 6.05 following night. Leave Cincinnati : 12.35 P. M. , due Boston, 6.05 following night. Leave Columbus : 4.20 P. ]\I., due Boston 6.05 following night. Pennsylvania Railroad. Federal Express: — Leaves Washington (Union Station), daily, 5.35 P. M. Leaves Baltimore (Union Station), daily, 6.35. P. M. Leaves Philadelphia (Broad St. Station), daily, 8.55 P. M. Due Boston (South Station), 7.00 A. M. Xeic York, Xew Haven cr Hartford R. R. Midnight Express leaves New York daily, 1.09 A. M. Due Boston, 7.10 A. M. Fall Riz'er Line: Steamers leave Pier 19. North River, daily, 5.30 P. M., due Fall River wharf, 5.00 A. M. Fast train (Steamboat Express; leaves Fall River Wharf. 6.40 A. M. Due Boston, 8.00 A. AL I- 0) ^ -^ o C TO ^ c\i . 3 -C ^s %0^ ■-— s c '~^' ""^ c c S ?^ 8 o 1 <, ■r -'to in ^ "^ X b-o ijc 5 § W W^ O i; (D 0^ -^ z o c/i c c < a. u ,9. 1 1 ^1 ^ S ^ ■0 c c a; •■§ t- 5; E -0 c to "^ 1 ^f l^- Take the Trolley Around Cape Ann q That is the best way to see the g-lories of that picturesque and beautiful "Artists' Paradise'' and the best way to reach the many points of interest about Gloucester, the center of The Grcalcst Summer Resort Section Aloiio- the Atlantic. ^ The trolleys also connect for varied and interesting- trips from Gloucester all along" the famous North Shore and Eastern New England. For Free Trolley Information Maps, boot^lets and rates for Special Oiarterea Cars for Privat e Parlies inquire a I I tie office of Itie Boston cr Norltiern Si. Ky. Co., 100 Main SI., Gtoucesler: or Call, ' Ptione or Write Itie Passenger Department, 309 Wasti- ington St., Boston, Mass.