Dnnnnnnannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn D D D D D D n D D D D a D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D a D D D D D D D D D D D B UNIVERSITY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS LIBRARY AT AMHERST DOC REF ilC 107 M4 A45 1855 D D D D D D D D D a D □ D D D D D a a D D n a D D D D D D D D D D D D D n D a o a n D D D D D D nDnDnnnnnDnDaDDDDDnnDannnna Ym o'ssa.c Vuxseils STATISTICAL INFORMATION / RELATING TO CERTAIN BRANCHES OF INDUSTRY IK MASSACHUSETTS, For the Year ending June 1, 1855- PREPARED FROM OFFICIAL RETURNS, By FRANCIS DeWITT, SECRETARY OF THE COMMON WE ALTft. BOSTON: WILLIAM WHITE, PRINTER TO THE STATE. 1856. AN ACT TO OBTAIN STATISTICAL INFORMATION RELATING TO CERTAIN BRANCHES OF INDUSTRY. Be it enacted, 4fC., as follows : Sect. 1. The assessors of each city or town in the Commonwealth shall, be- tween the first day of June and the first day of October next, make return to the secretary of the Commonwealth, of the facts as they exist in each city or town on the first day of June next, in relation to the following matter, to wit : — The number of cotton mills in the town ; the whole number of cotton spindles ; the quantity of cotton consumed during the year ending on the first day of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five. The number of yards of cotton cloth manufactured during said year, with a description of the same. Gross value of the same. The number of pounds of cotton yarn manufactured and not made into cloth. Gross value of same. Quantity of cotton thread manufactured; A'alue of cotton thread. Quantity of cotton batting manufactured ; value of cotton batting. Quantity of pelisse wadding manufactured ; value of pelisse wadding. Niunber of yards of cotton flannel manufactured ; value of cotton flannel. The amount of capital invested in the manufacture of cotton. The number of males employed in said business. Number of females employed in same. The number of calico manufactories. Number of yards of calico printed during the year as aforesaid ; gross value of calico printed. Number of yards of goods bleached and colored in said calico factories and not printed ; value of the goods bleached and colored. The amount of capital invested in calico establishments. Number of males employed in said business. Number of females employed in same. The number of estab- lishments for bleaching or coloring cotton goods and not connected with calico establishments ; number of yards of goods bleached or colored in said establish- ments during said year ; value of goods bleached or colored ; amount of capital invested in said bleaching and coloring establishments. Number of hands em- ployed in same. The number of woollen mills ; number of sets of woollen machinery ; number of pounds of wool consumed during said year. Number of yards of broadcloth manufactured ; value of the broadcloth manufactured. Number of yards of cassimere manufactured ; value of cassimere. Number of yards of satinet ; value of satinet. Number of yards of Kentucky jeans ; value of Kentucky jeans. Number of yards of flannel or blanketing ; value of flannel or blanketing ; number of pounds of woollen yarn manufactured and not made into cloth ; value of woollen yarn ; the amount of capital invested in said business. Number of males employed in the manufacture of wool ; number of females in same. IV AN ACT TO OBTAIN STATISTICS. The number of mills for the manufacture of carpeting ; number of pounds of ■wool consumed in the manufacture of carpeting ; number of yards of carpeting manufactured ; value of carpeting manufactured ; amount of capital invested in said business. Number of males employed in the manufacture of carpeting; number of females employed in same. The number of establishments for the manufacture of worsted goods, or goods of which worsted is a component part ; number of yards of such goods manufac- tured during said year ; value of the same ; number of pounds of worsted yarn manufactured and not made into cloth; value of worsted yarn; amount of capi- tal invested in the manufacture of worsted. Number of males employed in said business ; number of females employed in same. The number of establishments for the manufacture of hosiery ; quantity and description of hosiery manufactiured ; value of hosiery manufactured ; number of pounds of yarn manufactured and not made into hosiery; value of yarn manu- factured ; amount of capital invested in said business. Number of males employed in same ; number of females. The number of establishments for the manufacture of linen ; number of yards of linen manufactured; value of same ; quantity of linen thread manufactured; value of linen thread ; amount of capital invested in said business. Number of males employed in same ; number of females in same. The number of silk manufactories; number of yards of silk manufactured dur- ing said year; value of same; number of pounds of sewing silk manufactured; value of sewing silk ; amount of capital invested in said business. Number of males employed in same ; number of females employed in same. The number of rolling, slitting and nail mills; quantity of iron manufactured by said rolling mills and not made into nails ; value of iron thus manufactured ; number of machines for manufacture of nails ; quantity of nails manufactured during said year; value of nails manufactured; amount of capital invested in rolling, slitting and nail mills ; number of hands employed in said business. The number of forges ; number of tons of bar iron, anchors, chain cables and other articles of wrought iron manufactured by said forges during said year; value of said bar iron, chain cables, anchors and other articles ; amount of capital invested ; number of hands employed ; the number of furnaces for the manufac- ture of pig iron ; number of tons of pig iron manufactured ; value of the pig iron ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of furnaces for the manufacture of hollow ware and castings other than pig iron; number of tons of hollow ware and other castings manufactured; value of hollow ware and castings ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of establishments for the manufacture of cotton, woollen, and other machinery ; gross value of machinery manufactured during said year ; amount invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of establishments for the manufacture of steam engines and boilers ; value of steam engines and boilers manufactured during said year ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of shops for the manufacture of fire engines ; number of fire engines manufactured during said year; value of fire engines manufactiured; number of hands employed in said business. AN ACT TO OBTAIN STATISTICS. V The number of seytlie manufactories ; number of scythes manufactured during Baid year ; value of scythes manufactured ; amount invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of axe manufactories ; the number of axes, hatchets and other edge tools manufactured during said year ; value of the same manufactured ; amount of capital invested in said business; number of hands employed in same. The number of establishments for the manufacture of cutlery ; value of cutlery manufactured ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands* employed in same. The number of screw manufactories ; number of gross of screws manufactured during said year ; value of screws manufactured ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of establishments for the manufacture of butts or hinges ; number of dozen of iron butts or hinges manufactured ; number of dozen of brass or com- position butts or hinges manufactured ; value of brass or composition butts or hinges ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of establishments for the manufacture of latches and door handles number of dozen of door handles and latches manufactured during said year; value of door handles and latches ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. I'fje number of lock manufactories ; number of locks manufactured during said jfst ;■ value of locks manufactured ; amount of capital invested in said business ; iimnber of hands employed in same. The number of tack and brad manufactories ; quantity of tacks and brads man- ufactured ; value of tacks and brads ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. ' The number of manufactories of shovels, spades, forks and hoes ; value of spades, shovels, forks and hoes manufactured ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of plough manufactories ; number of ploughs and other agricultu- ral tools manufactured during said year ; value of the same ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of shops for the manufacture of iron railing, iron fences and iron safes ; value of iron railing, iron fences and iron safes manufactured during said year ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number cf hands employed in same. The number of copper manufactories ; quantity of copper manufactured during said year ; value of the same ; amount of capital invested in said business ; num- ber of hands employed in same. The number of brass founderies ; value of articles manufactured in said foun- deries during said year ; amount of capital invested in said business ; niimber of hands employed in same. The number of establishments for the manufacture of britannia ware ; value of britannia ware manufactured during said year ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of metal button manufactories; number of gros^ of metal buttons maniifactured during said year ; value of metal buttons manufactured ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. VI AN ACT TO OBTAIN STATISTICS. The number of glass manufactories ; quantity of window glass manufactured during said year ; value of window glass ; value of other glass manufactured ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of starch manufactories ; quantity of starch manufactured from wheat or flour dui-ing said year ; quantity of starch manufactured from potatoes ; value of all starch manufactured ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of establishments for the manufacture of chemical preparations ; value of chemical preparations manufactured during said year ; amount of capital invested during said year ; number of hands employed in same. The number of paper manufactories ; quantity of stock made use of during said year; quantity of paper manufactured; value of paper manufactured; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of piano-forte manufactories ; number of piano-fortes manufac- tured duiing said year ; amount of capital invested in said business ; the number of all other musical instrument manufactories ; value of musical instruments manufactured during said year ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of clock, manufactories ; number of clocks manufactured during said year ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of sewing machine manufactories ; the number of sewing machines manufactured during said year; amount of capital invested in said business; number of hands employed in same. The number of daguerreotype artists ; number of daguerreotypes taken during said year ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of .pin manufactories; quantity of pins manufactured; amount of capital invested in said business ; n^umber of hands employed in same. The number of establishments for the manufacture of chronometers, watches, gold and silver ware and jewelry ; value of the manufactures of said establish- ments ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of brush manufactories ; value of brushes manufactured during said year ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of saddle, harness and trunk manufactories ; value of saddles, har- nesses and trunks manufactured during said year ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of upholstery manufactories ; value of upholstery manufactured during said year ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of hat and cap manufactories ; number of hats and caps manufac- tured during said year ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of cordage manufactories ; quantity of cordage manufactured dur- ing said year; amount of capital invested in said business^ number of hands employed in same. .«J AN ACT TO OBTAIN STATISTICS. VU The number of vessels launched during said year ; amount of tonnage of said vessels ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of establishments for the manufacture of boats ; number of boats built during said year ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of mast and spar sheds ; number of masts and spars manufactured during said year ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of sail lofts ; the number of sails made during said year, of Ameri- can fabric ; number of foreign fabric ; value of sails manufactured of American fabric ; value of sails manufactured of foreign fabric ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of card manufactories ; value of cards of all kinds manufactured during said year ; capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in sarce. The number of establishments for the manufacture of salt; number of bushels of salt manufactured during said year ; value of salt manufactured ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of establishments for the manufacture of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, "wagons, sleighs and other vehicles ; value of raikoad cars, coaches, chaises, wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles manufactured during said year ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of lead manufactories ; value of all manufactures of lead during said year ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of sugar refineries ; quantity of sugar refined during said year ; value of sugar refined : number of hands employed in same. The number of establishments for the manufacture of oil and sperm candles ; number of gallons of oil ; value of oil manufactured ; number of pounds of sperm candles manufactured during said year ; value of sperm candles manufactured ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of establishments for the manufacture of soap, and tallow candles ; quantity of soap manufactured during said year ; value of soap maniifactured ; number of pounds of tallow candles manufactured during said year ; value of tallow candles manufactured ; amount of capital invested in said business ; num- ber of hands employed. The number of powder mills ; quantity of powder manufactured during said year ; value of powder manufactured ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of establishments for the manufacture of fire-arms ; number and description of fire-arms manufactured ; value of fire-arms manufactured ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of establishments for the manufacture of cannon ; number and description of cannon manufactured ; value of cannon ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of chocolate mills ; quantity of chocolate manufactured during said year ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. Vlll AN ACT TO OBTAIN STATISTICS. The number of chair and cabinet ware manufactories ; value of chairs and cabi- net ware manufactured during said year ; amount of capital invested in said busi- ness ; number of hands employed in same. The number of tin ware manufactories ; value of tin ware manufactured during said year ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employ- ed in same. The number of comb manufactories ; value of combs manufactured during said year ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of establishments for the manufacture of white lead and other paints ; quantity of white lead manufactured ; value of white lead manufactured ; quan- tity and description of other paints manufactiu-ed ; value of other paints ; amount ■of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. . The number of mills for the manufacture of linseed oil ; quantity of oil manu- factured ; value of oil manufactured ; amount of capital invested in said business ; jiumber of hands employed in same. The number of establishments for the manufacture of camphene or burning Auid ; number of gallons of camphene manufactured during said year ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of glue manufactories, and manufactories for the preparation of gums ; value of glue and gums manufactured during said year ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of establishments for the manufacture of cotton gins ; value of cot- ton gins manufactured during said year ; amount of capital invested in said busi- ness ; number of hands emj^loyed in same. The number of flour mills ; number of barrels of flour manufactured during said year ; value of flour manufactured ; amount of capital invested in said busi- ness ; number of hands employed in same. The number of tanneries ; number of hides of all kinds tanned during said year ; value of leather tanned and curried ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of manufactories of patent and enamelled leather ; value of leather manufactured ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of pairs of boots of all kinds manufactured during said year ; num- ber of pairs of shoes of all kinds manufactured ; value of boots and shoes manu- factured; number of males employed in the manufacture of boots and shoes; number of females. The number of establishments for the manufacture of straw bonnets and hats ; number of straw bonnets manufactured during said year ; number of straw hats ; value of straw braid manufactured and not made into bonnets and hats ; value of palm leaf hats ; number of males employed in said business ; number of females. The number of bricks manufactured during said year ; value of bricks manu- factured ; number of hands employed in the manufacture of bricks. Value of mathematical instruments manufactured during said year ; number of hands employed in the manufacture of mathematical instruments. The value of snuff, tobacco and cigars manufactured during said year ; number of males emiiloyed in said business ; number of females. AN ACT TO OBTAIN STATISTICS. IX The gross value of building stone quarried and prepared for building ; number of hands employed in quarrying and preparing building stone. The gross value of marble quarried and prepared for market during said year ; number of hands employed in quarrying and preparing marble. Number of casks of lime manufactured during said year ; number of hands empoyed in the manufacture of lime ; value of lime manufactured. The gross value of mineral coal and iron ore mined during said year ; number of hands employed in mining coal and iron ore. Tlie gross value of whips manufactured during said year ; number of hands employed in the manufacture of whips. Gross value of blacking manufactured during said year ; number of hands employed in the manufacture of the same. Gross value of blocks and pumps manufactured during said year ; number of hands employed in the manufacture of blocks and pumps. Gross value of mechanics' tools manufactured during said year ; number of hands employed in the manufacture of mechanics' tools. Gross value of all wooden ware not otherwise enumerated in this act, including farming utensils, manufactured during said year; number of hands employed in the manufacture of said wooden ware. The number of corn and other brooms manufactured during said year ; value of brooms manufactured ; number of hands employed in the making of brooms. The number of gold and steel pen manufactories ; number of gold pens manu- factured during said year ; amount of capital invested in the manufacture of gold pens; number of hands employed in same; number of steel pens manufactured during said year ; amount of capital invested in said business; number of males employed in same ; number of females. The quantity of lumber prepared for market ; value of lumber thus prepared ; number of hands employed in said business. The number of cords of firewood prepared for market ; value of firewood so prepared ; number of hands employed in said business. The gross value of all other articles manufactured in the town or city during said year, with a description of the same ; amount of capital invested in the busi- ness ; number of hands employed in the same. The number of vessels employed in the whale fishery ; amount of tonnage of vessels employed in the whale fishery ; number of gallons of sperm oil imported during the year ending on the first day of January preceding ; value of sperm oil imported ; number of gallons of whale oil imported during said year ; value of whale oil imported ; number of pounds of whalebone imported during said year ; value of whalebone imported ; amount of capital invested in the whale fishery ; number of hands employed in the same. The number of vessels employed in the mackerel and cod fisheries; tonnage of vessels employed in said fisheries ; number of barrels of mackerel taken during the year ending on said first day of January preceding ; number of quintals of cod fish taken ; value of mackerel taken ; value of cod ftsh taken ; also the value of cod liver sold for medicinal purposes ; number of bushels of salt consumed in the mackerel and cod fisheries ; amount of capital invested in said business ; number of hands employed in same. The number of Saxony sheep, of diff'erent grades ; number of Merino sheep, of different grades ; number of all other kinds of sheep; gross value of all the sheep ; the number of pounds of wool produced from Saxony sheep ; number of pounds 2* X AN ACT TO OBTAIN STATISTICS. from Merino sheep ; number of pounds of all other wool produced ; gross value of all wool produced in the town during the year. The number of asses and mules ; value of asses and mules ; number of horses ; value of the horses ; number of neat cattle ; value of neat cattle ; number of swine ; value of swine. The number of bushels of Indian corn or maize raised during the year ending as aforesaid ; value of the Indian corn or maize ; number of bushels of whaat value of same; number of bushels of rye; value of same; number of bushels of barley ; value of same ; number of bushels of oats ; value of same ; number of bushels of potatoes ; value of same ; quantity of other esculent vegetables ; value of same; quantity of millet raised; value of millet; number of tons of hay; value of hay ; quantity of hemp raised ; value of hemp ; number of pounds of flax raised ; value of flax. Number of bushels of fruit of various kinds ; value of fruit ; number of pounds of hops raided; value of hops; number of pounds of tobacco; value of same, quantity of raw silk raised ; value of same ; quantity of teazles ; value of teazles. Number of pounds of butter produced during said year; value of butter; number of pounds of cheese ; value of cheese ; number of pounds of honey ; value of honey. Number of pounds of beeswax ; value of beeswax ; quantity of shoe pegs man- ufactured ; value of same ; number of bushels of charcoal manufactured during the year ; value of same. Sect. 2. The secretary of the Commonwealth shall cause to be printed, blank tables conveniently arranged for the return of the facts aforesaid, with blank col- umns for the return of facts such as are not enumerated in this act, and shall furnish three copies of the same, together with one copy of this act, to the asses- sors of each town or city, on or before the first day of June next. Sect. 3. The secretary of the Commonwealth, after he shall have received the returns aforesaid, from the assessors of the several towns, shall cause to be pre- pared and printed a true abstract of the same, with each column of figures of such abstract added up for the use of the next legislature, at the next session thereof. Sect. 4. Each assessor shall receive from the treasury of the Commonwealth, two dollars a day for every day that he shall be employed in making the return aforesaid, and the accounts of assessors for these services shall be audited by a committee of the legislature. Sect. 5. The assessors of any town may authorize either of their number, or some other suitable person, to collect the information required by this act, to whom the same allowance per day shall be made from the treasury of the Com- monwealth, as is provided for the services of the assessors. Sect. 6. If the assessors of any town shall wilfully neglect to make the return aforesaid, in the manner aforesaid, such assessors shall forfeit to the Common- wealth a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars. Sect. 7. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. [Approved, May 21,1855.] C0mincrnfeaItIj of Passadjusetts, Secretary's Office, May 16, 1856. To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives : In pursuance of a law passed by the Legislature of 1855, a copy of which accompanies this communication, I have the honor to submit an abstract report of the statistical information collected by the Assessors of the several cities and towns in the Commonwealth, touch- ing the various branches of industrial pursuit in their respective precincts. While this report fails to do full justice to the produc- tive industry of the State, it is believed to be more com- prehensive and complete than either of its predecessors, for an obvious reason that will be likely to ^lake the next superior to this. That entire accuracy, which is so desir- able, and which certainly lies within the scope of syste- matic and persistent effort, has not, I regret to say, been attained in the present instance. This may be, and is, I apprehend, in some measure, owing to the evident haste with which the law of 1855 was prepared. Many im- portant interests, such as printing and publishing, in all their various departments, engraving, building, coasting, the manufacture of clofhing, and various other pursuits which contribute largely to the wealth and prosperity of xii secretaey's letter. the State, were entirely overlooked, while there was a Avaiit of uniformity and completeness in the questions contem- plated and proposed with reference to several other branches. For instance, no inquiry was made as to the value of clocks, sewing-machmes, daguerreotypes, hats and caps, cordage, vessels and boats, masts and spars, chocolate, camphene, straw bonnets and hats, and gold pens. Neither w^as there any inquiry as to the amount of capital invested in sugar refineries, in the manufacture of fire engines, boots and shoes, mathematical instruments, straw bonnets and hats, whips, and twelve other articles which figure somewhat largely in the tables. For the first and most important omission specified, a general inquiry as to all other branches than those specif- ically enumerated in the law, and in the blanks prepared in conformity with it, has been found to afford but an in- adequate remedy. With , regard to printing, publishing and book-binding, a remedy was sought in circulars addressed directly to the proprietors of the different print- ing and book-binding establishments in the State, so far as they could be ascertained. But these proved scarcely more effective than the general inquiry. The whole amount retuified was less than one and a half million of dollars, while the book-publishing business, in the city of Boston alone, is estimated at over four millions. Out of eighty-nine printing establishments in Boston, answers were received from only twenty-six. From but one estab- lishment in the county of Norfolk was there any response, and the proprietor of a newspaper establishment in Hampden County refused to answer. Full returns were received from three counties oiily — Barnstable, Dukes and AVorcestcr. These returns, desultory and unsatisfac- seceetary's letter. xiii tory as they were, are embodied in the appropriate tables, of which they constitute the principal basis. The num- ber of newspapers and periodicals, however, has been made up from other sources. In the mstances specified, where the value was omitted, the omission has been supplied by estimates obtained from persons whose familiarity with the particular branches forming the subject of inquiry, qualified them to judge in the matter. The omission of capital was one for which no remedy suggested itself. Another impediment to entire accuracy has been found in an apparent inability to comprehend the nature and scope of the questions proposed, or a culpable disregard of them, on the part of some of the Assessors. In numerous instances, these officers, instead of obtaining answers to such questions as were presented in the print- ed blanks prepared in conformity with the law, obtained answers to other and very different ones ; which answers, for that reason, were of little or no consequence. In some few cases it would almost seem that special pains were taken to evade the real questions, and procure answers to others that had not been proposed. On the whole, however, the Assessors acquitted themselves of their duties with intelligence, precision and fidelity. When the industrial statistics of the State were first * collected, in 1837, they exhibited an annual production amounting to ^^86,282,616. In 1845, the amount was $124,749,457. It has now swelled to $295,820,681,— an increase of one hundred and thirty-eight per cent, since 1845, and of two hundred and forty-two, smce 1837 ; and this, while the increase of population has been only thirty-four per cent, since 1845, and sixty-two in the xir secretary's letter. longer period named. And this result, so surprising in itself, falls, manifestly, below the reality. Leaving out of the account those branches which were iinfortunately omitted in the specific inquiries, and making all possible allowance for the greater accuracy attained in the collec- tion of the information embodied in the accompanying pages, it is still apparent that the truth has not been reached. It is next to impossible for the tax-payer, when called upon by the Assessor to answer such questions as were propounded under the law, to divest his mind of the impression of an intimate connection between his answers and the assessment of his taxes. Hence, the general tendency to understate results, and an absolute refusal, in numerous instances, to answer at all. Had those branches which were overlooked been included in the returns, and honest and truthful answers obtained in all cases to the questions proposed, I am fully persuaded that instead of two hundred and ninety-five millions, we should have had an aggregate of at least three hundred and fifty millions, or considerable over one million of dol- lars per day for every working day in the year. As it is, the result exhibits a rapid and substantial growth in our industrial resources which is believed to be without a parallel in the history of the world. Respectfully submitted, FRANCIS DeWITT, Secretary of the Commonwealth. STATISTICAL RETURNS Of the Assessors of the several Cities and Toivns in the Commomoealth of Massachusetts, as to facts existing on June 1, 1855, in relation to certain Branches of Industry. val. denotes value, cap. " capital iuvested. enip. " persons employed, m. enip. " males employed. f. emp. denote.'! females einp'oyod. m. '• manufiicture. m"s. " manufactures, m'd. " manufactured. BARNSTABLE COUNTY BARNSTABLE. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 2 ; val, of saddles, &c., $1,280; cap., $675; einp., 3. Hat and Cap Manufactories, 1 ; Hats and Caps m'd., $075 ; cap., $200 ; emp., 1. Estaljlisliments for m. of boats, 1 ; Boats built, 15 ; cap., $1,000; emp., 2. Sail Lofts, 2 ; Sails made of Am. ftibric, 225 ; val. of sails m'd. of Am. fabric, $9,000; cap., $1,800; emp., 8. Establishments for m. of salt, 11 ; Salt m'd., 10,550 bush. ;. val. of salt, $3,500; cap., $16,000; emp., 18. Estaldishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wag- ons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 3 ; val. of railroad cars, &c., m'd., $2,200; cap., $1,350; emp., 5. Tin Ware Manufactories, 3 ; val. of tin ware, $1,050 ; cap., $1,200; emp., 5. 1 2 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. BARNSTABLE. BARNSTABLE CO. Boots and shoes of all kinds m'd., 1,270 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $3,000 ; m. cmp., 15 ; f. emp., -. Bricks m'd., 300,000 ; val. of bricks, $2,300 ; cmp., 8. Val. of blocks and pumps m'd., $500 ; emp., 1. Firewood prepared for market, 3,000 cords; val. of firewood, $15,700 ; emp., 90. Vessels employed in the mackerel and cod fisheries, 17 ; Tonnage, 1,300 tons ; Mackerel taken, 465 bbls. ; Codfish taken, 8,225 quintals; val. of mackerel taken, $4,400; val. of codfish taken, $29,000; Salt consumed, 9,000 bush.; cap., $38,500,; emp., 160. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of differ- ent grades, - ; all other kinds of sheep, 434 ; val. of all sheep, $1,050 ; "Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other wool produced, 966 lbs. Horses, 383 ; val. of horses, $41,750 ; Oxen over three years old, and Steers under three years old, 162 ; val. of oxen and steers, $6,700 ; Milch Cows, 640 ; Heifers, 198 ; val. of cows and heifers $24,688. Butter 25,684 lbs. ; val. of butter, $6,503 ; Cheese, 325 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $32.50. Indian Corn, 460 acres; Indian Corn, per acre, 25 bush. ; val., $11,500. Rye, 185 acres ; Rye, per acre, 10 bush. ; val., $2,312. Barley, If acres ; Barley, per acre, 15 bush. ; val. $29. Oats, 63 acres ; Oats, per acre, 25 bush. ; val., $950. Potatoes, 113 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 50 bush. ; val., $6,631. Onions, 15 acres; Onions, per acre, 200 bush. ; val., $1,600. Turnips cultivated as a field crop, 16 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 130 bush. ; val., $625. Carrots, 8 acres ; Carrots, per acre, 200 bush. ; val., $500. Beets and other esculent vegetables, 17 acres; val., $1,150. English Mowing, 890 acres ; English Hay, 1,200 tons ; val., $18,000. Salt Hay, 1,466 tons ; val., $8,154. Apple Trees cultivated for their fruit, 3,384; val., $2,400. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. BARNSTABLE CO. BREWSTER. Pear Trees cultivated foi- their fruit, 145 ; val., $89. Cranberries, 33 acros ; v il., $1,532. Cod Liver Oil, 100 bbls ; val., $2,000. Tallow Candles m'd., 4,000 lbs. ; val., $600. Swine, 631; val., $7,000. BREWSTER. Harness Manufactories, 1 ; val. of harnesses, , 800 pairs ;'val. of boots and shoes, $5,600; m. emp., 10 ; f. emp., 8. Val. of blocks and pumps m'd., $2,000 ; emp., 3. Vessels employed in the whale fishery, 17 ; Tonnage, 1,885 tons ; Sperm Oil imported, 61,582 galls. ; val. of sperm oil im- ported, $92,373 ; Whale Oil imported, 44,100 galls. ; val. of whale oil imported, $26,460 ; cap. in the whale fishery, $112,000 ; emp., 310. Vessels employed in the mackerel and cod fisheries, 97 ; Tonnage, 8,495 tons; Mackerel taken, 6,000 bbls. ; Codfish taken, 79,000 quintals ; val. of mackerel taken, $60,000 : val. of codfish taken, $246,875 ; val. of cod liver oil sold for medicinal purposes, $400 ; Salt consumed, 13,282 bush. ; cap., $388,000 ; emp., 873. Horses, 80; val. of horses, $6,000. Salt Hay, 150 tons; val., $1,200. Cranberries, 25 acres ; val., $1,200. Establishments for m. of casks, 1 ; cap., $2,000 ; Casks m'd., 2,000 ; val., $3,000 ; emp., 2. Bakeries, 1 ; cap., $2,000 ; Flour consumed, 400 bbls. ; val. of bread m'd., $5,600; emp., 3. SANDWICH. Nail :Mills, 2 ; Machines for m. of nails, 15 ; Nails m'd., 200 tons ; val. of nails, $15,000 ; cap., $12,000 ; emj)., 10. Furnaces for m. of hollow ware and castings other than pig- iron, 1 ; Hollow Ware and other Castings ni*d., 350 tons ; val. of hollow ware and castings, $30,000 ; cap. $20,000 ; emp., 35. Axe Manufactories, 1 ; Axes, Hatchets, and other Edge Tools m'd., 3,000 ; val., $2,500 ; cap., $1,800 ; emp., 6. Tack and Brad Manufactories, 1 ; Tacks and Brads m'd., 100 tons; val. of tacks and brads, $20,000; cap., $15,000; emp., 25. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 15 - — BARNSTABLE CO. SANDWICH. Glass Manufactories, 1 ; Window Glass m'd., -; val. of win- dow glass, - ; val. of other glass m'd., $600,000 ; cap., $400,000 ; emp., 500 men and boys. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wag- ons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 1 ; val. of railroad cars, &c., m'd., $6,000 ; cap., $4,000 ; emp., 10. Firewood prepared for market, 2,443 cords ; val. of firewood, $11,697 ; emp., 25. Alewives, Shad and Salmon taken, 700 bbLs. ; val. of same, $1,400 ; emp., 6. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of sheep, 288 ; val. of all sheep, $576 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - ; Merino Wool produced, - ; all other avooI produced, 999 lbs. Horses, 257 ; val. of horses, $20,478 ; Oxen over three years old, 192 ; Steers under three years old, 174 ; val. of oxen and steers, $12,385 ; Milch Cows, 593 ; Heifers, 149 ; val. of cows and heifers, $16,634. Butter, 18,800 ; val. of butter, $4,700. Indian Corn, 401 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 25 bush. ; val. $9,425. Rye, 166 acres ; Rye, per acre, 8 and 10 bush. ; val. $1,987. Barley, 17 acres ; Barley, per acre, 15 bush. ; val., $300. Oats, 57 acres ; Oats, per acre, 15 and 20 bush. ; val., $609. Potatoes, 109 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 125 bush. ; val. $14,450. English Mowing, 854 acres ; English Hay, 1,031 tons ; val., $18,605. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 239 tons ; val., $1,730. Salt Hay, 999 tons ; val., $5,994. Apple Trees cultivated for their fruit, 5,959 ; val., $2,204. Pear Trees cultivated for their fruit, 375 ; val., $193. Cranberries, 5 acres; val., $250. Establishments for m. of iron and steel axlctrees, 1; val. of same, $6,000 ; cap., $4,000 ; emp., 10. Establishments for m. of machinery, 1 ; Pig and other iron used, 250 tons; val. of machinery m'd., $10,000; emp., 25. 16 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. TRURO. BARNSTABLE CO. TRURO. Sail Lofts, 2 ; Sails made of Am. fabric, 63 ; val. of sails m'd. of Am. fabric, $3,150 ; cap., $800 ; emp., 2. Establishments for m. of salt, 15 ; Salt m'd., 5,078 bush. ; val. of salt, $1,904.25; cap., $3,500 ; cmp., 13. Vessels employed in the mackerel and cod fisheries, 49 ; Ton- nage, 2,843 tons ; cap., $73,500 ; emp., 442. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of sheep, 10 ; val. of all sheep, $30 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other wool produced, 25 lbs. Horses, 112 ; val. of horses, $8,400 ; Oxen over three years old, 24 ; Steers under three years old, 2 ; val. of oxen and steers, $1,200 ; Milch Cows, 248 ; Heifers, 59 ; val. of cows and heifers, $(3,790. Butter, 9,176 lbs. ; val. of butter, $2,294. Indian Corn, 175 acres; Indian Corn, per acre, 15 bush. ; val., $2,625. Rye, 125 acres; Rye, per acre, 5 Imsli. ; val., $812.50. Potatoes, 40 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 50 bush. ; val., $2,000. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 20 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 100 bush. ; val., $1,000. Carrots, 3 acres ; Carrots per acre, 150 bush. ; val., $150. Beets and other esculent vegetables, 3 acres ; val., $150. English Mowing, 34 acres ; English Hay, 69 tons ; val., $1,035. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 50 tons ; val., $200. Salt Hay, 657 tons ; val., $5,256. Ai)ple Trees cultivated for their fruit, 1,200 ; val., $1,200. Pear Trees cultivated for their fruit, 75 ; val., $75. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 17 BARNSTABLE CO. WELLFLEET. WELLFLEET. Forges, 3. Sail Lofts, 2 ; Sails made of Am. fabric, 100 ; val. of sails m'd. of Am. fabric, $4,000 ; cap., $500 ; emp., 4. Establishments for m. of salt, 13 ; Salt m'd., 40,000 bush. ; val. of salt, $12,000 ; cap., $4,(300 ; emp., 10. Tin Ware Manufactories, 2 ; val. of tin ware, $400. Tanneries, 1 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 200 ; val. of leath- er tanned, $400 ; cap., $100 ; emp., 1. Boots of all kinds m'd., 100 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 200 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $500 ; m. emp., 3. A^al. of blocks and pumps m'd., $200 ; emp., 1. Vessels employed in the mackerel and cod fisheries, 80 ; Ton- nage, 5,935 tons ; Mackerel taken, 12,(300 ])bls. ; Codfish taken, 8,528 quintals ; val. of mackerel taken, $129,150 ; val. of cod- fish taken, $27,716 ; Salt consumed, 34,733 bush. ; cap., $220,175; emp., 824. Alewives, Shad and Salmon taken, 312,000 ; val. of same, $156 ; emp., 4. Horses, 124 ; val. of horses, $8,680 ; Oxen over three years old, 8 ; Steers under three years old, 20 ; val. of oxen and steers, $440 ; Milch Cows, 196 ; Heifers, 61 ; val. of cows and heifers, $5,810. Butter, 9,800 lbs. ; val. of butter, $19,600. Indian Corn, 131 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 12 bush. ; val., $1,729.20. Rye, 83 acres ; Rye, per acre, 8 bush. ; val., $996. Potatoes, 40 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 75 bush. ; val., $3,000. Turnips cultivated as a field crop, 10 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 100 bush. ; val., $500. English Mowing, 46 acres; English Hay, 69 tons; val., $1,380. Salt Hay, 734 tons ; val., $5,872. Apple Trees cultivated for their fruit, 2,425 ; val., $480. Pear Trees cultivated for their fruit, 209 ; val., $25. ly STATISTICS OF THE [1855. YARMOUTH. BARNSTABLE CO. Cranberries, 2 acres ; val., $100. Bakeries, 1 ; cap., $700 ; Flour consumed, 400 ])))ls. ; val. of bread m'd., $5,500 ; emp., 2. YARMOUTH. Establishments f(jr m. of cliemical preparations, 4 ; val. of chemical preparations, $3,165 ; cap., $6,(300 ; emp., 5. Harness Manufactories, 4 ; val. of harnesses, &c., $2,375 ; cap., $2,750 ; emp., 6. Sail Lofts, 1 ; Sails made of Am. fabric, 20 ; val. of sails m'd. of Am. fabric, $700; cap., $200; emp., 1. Establishments for m. of salt, 42; Salt m'd., 27,650 bush. ; val. of salt, $8,295 ; cap., $21,350 ; emp., 34. Chair and Cabinet Manufactories, 1 ; val. of chairs and cabi- net' ware, $100; cap., $200; emp., 1. Tin Ware Manufactories, 3 ; val. of tin ware, $2,550 ; cap., $2,300 ; emp., 5. Boots of all kinds m'd., 217 pairs; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 855 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $1,640; m. emp., 5; f. emp., 2. Firewood prepared for market, 385 cords; val. of firewood, $2,695 ; emp., 68. Vessels employed in the mackerel and cod fisheries, 15 ; Ton- nage, 1,035 tons; Mackerel taken, 1,217 bbls. ; Codfish taken, 4,400 quintals; val. of mackerel taken, $9,082; val. of codfish taken, $9,350 ; Salt consumed, 6,881 bush. ; cap., $33,481 ; emp., 170. Alewives taken, 831 l)bls. ; val. of same, $2,027 ; emp., 26. Horses, 156 ; val. of horses, $11,700 ; Oxen over three years old, 37 ; Steers under three years old, 27 ; val. of oxen and steer^, $2,160 ; Milch Cows, 226 ; Heifers, 48 ; val. of cows and heifers, $7,500. Butter, 6,780 lbs. ; val. of butter, $1,356. Indian Corn, 170 acres; Indian Corn, per acre, 25 bush. ; val., $4,250. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 19 BERKSHIRE CO. ADAMS. Rye, 98 acres ; Rye, ])cr acre, 6 busli. ; val., $882. Oats, 5 acres ; Oats, per acre, 16 bush. ; val., $40. Potatoes, 50 acres ; rotatoes,per acre, 40 bush. ; val., $2,000. Carrots, 1 acre ; Carrots, per acre, 240 bush. : val., $60. Beets and other esculent vegetables, 40 acres ; val., $1,000 ; all other Grain or Root Crops, 20 acres ; val., $500. English Mo wmg, 160 acres; English Hay, 325 tons; val.. $4,875. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 95 tons ; val., $475. Salt Hay, 400 tons ; val., $2,800. Apj)le Trees cultivated for their fruit, 283 ; val., $200. (yranberries, 5 acres; val., $100. Establishments for m. of casks, 1 ; cap., $300 ; Casks m'd., 1,000; val., $700; cmp., 2. Establishments for m. of sashes and door blinds, 1 ; cap., $300 ; val. m'd., $1,000 ; emp., 1. Swhie, 253 ; val. of same, $3,0.36. Establishments for Avorking marble, 1 ; cap., $500 ; val. m'd., $1,200; emp., 2. Steam plaliing and sawing mills, 1; cap., $5,000; val. o'f products, $1,200; emp., 4. BERKSHIRE COUNTY ADAMS. Cotton Mills, 15 ; Spindles, 30,306 ; Cotton consumed, 1,983,395 lbs; Cloth m'd., 7,806,000 yds., (print cloths and sheethigs,) ; val. of clotli, $373,985 ; Yarn m'd., 415,476 lbs. ; val. of yarn, $160,000 ; cap., $661,000 ; m. emp., 318 ; f. emp., 387. Calico Manufactories, 1 ; Calico printed, 3,640,000 yards ; 20 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. ADAMS. BERKSHIRE CO. val. of calico, |^273,000 ; cap.; $50,000; m. emp., 55; f. cmp., 5. Woollen Mills, 5 ; Sets of Machinery, 20 ; Wool consumed, 875,000 lbs. ; Cassimere ra'd., 850,000 yds. ; val. of cassimere, $490,000 ; Satinet m'd., 575,000 yds. ; val. of satinet, $287,500 ; cap., $405,000 ; m. cmp., 208 ; f. emp., 136. Furnaces for m. of pig iron, 1 ; Pig Iron m'd., 1,800 tons ; val. of pig iron, $63,000 ; cap., $100,000 ; emp., 150. Furnaces for m. of hollow ware and castings other than pig iron, 3 ; Hollow Ware and other Castings m'd., 150 tons ; val. of hollow ware and castings, $12,000 ; cap., $9,000 ; emp., 8. Establishments for m. of cotton, woollen and other machinery, 2; val. of machinery m'd., $20,000; cap., $9,000; emp. 17. Paper Manufactories, 1 ; Stock made use of, 750,000 lbs. ; Paper m'd., 563,000 lbs.; val. of paper, $90,000; cap., $90,000 ; emp., 76. Piano-Forte Manufactories, 1 ; Piano-Fortes m'd.,-; cap., $-; all musical instruments manufactured, 70 ; val. of musical instruments m'd., $7,000; cap., $2,500; cmp., 7. ' Daguerreotype Artists, 2; Daguerreotypes taken, 750; cap., $400 ; emp., 2. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 3 ; val. of sad- dles, &c., $3,550 ; cap., $3,550 ; emp., 7. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wag- ons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 4 ; val. of railroad cars, er, $138 ; emp., 1. Firewood prepared for market, 100 cords ; val. of firewood, $200 ; emp., 3. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, 26 ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, 1,240; all other kinds of Sheep, 4; val. of all sheep, $2,540 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, 62 lbs. ; ♦ 46 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. NEW MARLBOROUGH. BERKSHIRE CO. Merino Wool produced, 3,720 lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 16 lbs. Horses, 48 ; val. of horses, $5,000 ; Oxen over three years old, 16 ; Steers under three years old, 28 ; val. of oxen and steers, $3,500 ; Milch Cows, 133 ; Heifers, 47 ; val. of cows and heifers, |6,120. Butter, 5,045 lbs. ; val. of butter, $1,242 ; Cheese, 24,580 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $1,966.40 ; Honev, 250 lbs. ; val. of honey, $25. ^ ^ . Indian Corn, 11^ acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 30 bush. ; val., $2,845. Wheat, 1^ acre ; Wheat, per acre, 30 bush. ; val., $90. . Rye, 1 acre ; Rye, per acre, 11 bush. ; val., $13.75. Oats, 109 acres; Oats, per acre, 30 bush. ; val., $1,962. Potatoes, 33.1 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 100 bush. ; val., $2,010. Onions raised during the year, 4 bush. ; val., $3. Turnips cultivated as a field crop, 4 acre ; Turnips, per acre, 250 bush. ; val., $10. English Mowing, 759 acres; English Hay, 759 tons ; val., $6,072. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 57 tons; val., $285. Apple Trees cultivated for their fruit, 1,023 ; val., $304. Pear Trees cultivated for their fruit, 20 ; val., $25. Mai)le Sugar produced, 2,840 lbs. ; val., $198.80. Buckwheat raised, 550 bush. ; val., $350. NEW MARLBOROUGH. Furnaces for m. of hollow ware and castings other than pig iron, 1 ; Hollow Ware and other Castings m'd., 150 tons ; val. of hollow ware and castings, $12,000 ; cap., $7,000 ; emp., 12. Axe Manufactories, 1 ; Axes, Hatchets and other Edge Tools m'd., 1,000; val., $1,000; cap., $2,000; emp., 2. Paper Manufactories, 3 ; val. of stock consumed, $41.000 ; 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 47 BERKSHIRE CO. NEW MARLBOROUGH. Paper m'd., 85,000 reams ; val. of paper, $6G,000 ; cap., $40,000 ; emp., 47. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; val. of tin ware, $1,200; cap., $1,000 ; emp., 1. Flour Mills, 3; Flour m\l., 59,000 bu^:li. ; val. of mills, $8,000 ; emp., 4. The Assessors state, in a note, that " the Mills are for cus- tom work. They grind 85,000 bushels of corn, 1,000 bushels of wheat, 14,000 bushels of rye, and 9,000 bushels of buck- wheat." They return the value of the mills, but not the value of the flour manufactured nor the amount of capital invested in the business, as required by the Act of the Legislature. Tanneries, 1 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 1,700 ; val. of leather tanned, $4,500; cap., $3,000; emp., 3. Boots of all kinds m'd., 900 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 1,500 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $2,800 ; m. emp., 6. Bricks m'd., 150,000 ; val. of bricks, $1,050 ; emp., 2. Casks of Lime m'd., 15,000; val. of lime, $15,000 ; emp., 10. Charcoal m'd., 85,000 bush. ; val. of same, $4,500 ; emp., 20. Val. of whip lashes m'd., $12,000 ; m. emp., 4 ; f. emp., 35. Lumber prepared for market, 1,000 bundles of shingles and 420,000 feet of boards ; val. of lumber, $0,700 ; emp., 10. Firewood prepared for market, 3,000 cords ; val. of firewood, $4,500. Merino Sheep, of different grades, 3,895 ; val. of all sheep, $4,844 ; Merino Wool produced, 11,400 lbs. Horses, 312 ; val. of horses, $18,720 ; Oxen over three years old, 203 ; Steers under three years old, 210 ; val. of oxen and steers, $23,450 ; Milch Cows, 1,069 ; Heifers, 270 ; val. of cows and heifers, $30,500. Butter, 05,000 lbs. ; val. of butter, $11,700 ; Cheese, 50,000 » lbs. ; val. of cheese, $5,000 ; Honey, 890 lbs. ; val. of honey, $120. Indian Corn, 688 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 30 bush. ; val., $20,640. Wheat, 21 acres; Wheat, per acre, 14 bush. ; val., $588. 48 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. OTIS. BERKSHIRE CO. Rye, 452 acres; Rye, per acre, 12 bush.; val., $1.20 per bush. Oats, 604 acres; Oats, per acre, 30 bush. ; val., 50 cts. per bush. Potatoes, 222 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 100 bush. ; val., 40 cts. per bush. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 19 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 200 bush. ; val., 10 cts. per bush. Carrots, 6 acres; Carrots per acre, 500 bush. ; val., 25 cts. per bush. English Mowing, 3,382 acres ; English Hay, 3,382 tons ; val., $8 per ton. Buckwheat, 273 acres ; per acre, 15 bush. ; val., 60 cts. per bush. Apple Trees cultivated for their fruit, 1,500 ; val., $1,385. Beeswax, 53 lbs. ; val., 30 cts. per lb. Establishments for m. of casks, 6 ; cap., $3,000 ; Casks m'd., 13,000; val., $4,000; emp., 12. OTIS. Furnaces for m. of hollow ware and castings other than pig iron, reported "idle," 1. Paper Manufactories, 1 ; reported "idle." Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; val. of sad- dles, etc., $500; cap., $500; emp:, 1. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wag- ons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 1 ; val. of railroad cars, &c., m'd., $500 ; cap., $300 ; emp., 1. Chair and Cabinet Manufactories, 1 ; val of chairs and cabi- net ware, $2,000 ; cap., $1,000 ; emp., 3. Tanneries, 2'; Hides of all kinds tanned, 4,000 ; val. of leather tanned, $10,000 ; cap., $6,000 ; emp., 4. Charcoal m'd., 55,000 bush. ; val. of same, $2,750. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 49 BERKSHIRE CO. OTIS. Val. of wooden ware not otherwise enumerated, including farming utensils m'd., $2,650; emp., 6. Lumber prepared for market, 1,175,200 ft. ; val. of lumber, $8,226 ; emp., 12. Firewood prepared for market, 469 cords ; val. of firewood, $703 ; emp., 2. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all othfer kinds of Sheep, 697 ; val. of all sheep, $1,000 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other AVool produced, 2,074 lbs. Horses, 179 ; val. of horses, $10,740 ; Oxen over three years old, 178 ; Steers imder three years old, 156 ; val. of oxen and Steers, $20,920 ; Milch Cows, 577 ; Heifers 215 ; val. of cows and heifers, $17,005. Butter, 27,760 lbs. ; val. of butter, $4,996 ; Cheese, 42,825 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $3,854 ; Honey, 453 lbs. ; val. honey, Indian Corn, 112 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 30 bush. ; val., $3,360. Rye, 1 acre ; Rye, per acre, 15 bush. ; val., $15. Barley, 5 acres ; Barley, per acre, 23 bush. ; val., $71. Oats, 83 acres ; Oats, per acre, 25 bush. ; val., $1,245. Potatoes, 111 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 89 bush. ; val., $4,945. Onions, 6 acres ; Onions, per acre, 155 bush. ; val., $140. English Mowing, 2,586 acres ; English Hay, 2,102 tons ; val., $16,816. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 521 tons ; val., $2,605. Apple Trees cultivated for their fruit, 3,343 ; val., $714. Gross value of all other articles manufactured in the town, including the production of maple sugar, $1,290. 7 50 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. PERU. BERKSHIRE CO. PERU. Lumber prepared for market, 136,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, 9,520 ; emp., 10. Firewood prepared for market, 560 cords ; val. of firewood, emp., 17. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, 2,367 ; all other kinds of Sheep, 43 ; val. of all sheep, $2,958 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs, ; Me- rino Wool produced, 8,284 lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 125 lbs. Horses, 105 ; val. of horses, $6,725 ; Oxen over three years old, 92; Steers under three years old, 59; val. of oxen and steers, $4,874 ; Milch Cows, 417 ; Heifers, 280 ; val. of cows and heifers, $9,629. Butter, 24,675 lbs. ; val. of butter, $4,935 ; Cheese, 27,226 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $1,633.56 ; Honey, 75 lbs. ; val. of honey, $12. _ Indian Corn, 49 acres ; whole number, 1,340 bush. ; val., $1,340. Rye, 1 acre ; Rye, per acre, 4 bush. ; val., $6.25. Buckwheat, 53 acres; total, 846 bush. ; val., $423, Barley, 11 acres; Barley, per acre, 25 bush. ; val., $229. Oats, 52 acres ; Oats, per acre, 25 bush. ; val., $654. Potatoes, 83 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 125 bush.; val., $5,206. English Mowing, 1,976 acres ; English Hay, 1,363 tons ; val., $13,630. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 359 tons ; val., $1,795. Apple Trees cultivated for their fruit, 2,695 ; val., $250.99. Number of Swine raised, 113 ; val. $604. 1855.] INDUSTRY OP MASSACHUSETTS. 51 — — • — BERKSHIRE CO. PITTSFIELD. PITTSFIELD. Cotton Mills, 4; Spindles, 5,892; Cotton consumed, 691,000 lbs. ; Cloth, m'd,, 1,300,000 yds. ; (manufacture Sheetings one yd. wide — four yds. to the pound — No. 18 yarn) ; val. of cloth, $78,000 ; Yarn m'd., 192,100 lbs. ; val. of yarn, $42,G40 ; Pe- lisse Wadding- m'd., 5,000 bales ; val. of wadding, $50,000 ; cap., $93,000 ; m. emp., 50 ; f. emp.. 111. Woollen Mills, 8 ; Sets of Machinery, 40 ; Wool consumed, 1,355,500 lbs. ; Broadcloth m'd., 207,400 yds. ; val. of broad- cloth, $373,600; Satinet m'd., 860,000 yds.; val. of satinet, $350,000 ; cap., $475,000 ; m. emp., 340 ; f. emp., 178. Furnaces for m. of hollow ware and castings other than pig iron, 2 ; Hollow Ware and other Castings m'd., 265 tons ; val. of hollow ware and castings, $18,000 ; cap., $7,500 ; emp., 15. Establishments for m. of cotton, woollen and other ma- chinery, 2; val. of machinery m'd., $10,000; cap., $5,000; emp., 12. Establishments for m. of steam-engines and boilers, 1 ; val. of steam-engines and boilers, $65,000; cap., $20,000; emp., 50. Paper Manufactories, 1 ; Stock made use of, 150 tons ; Paper m'd., 100 tons ; val. of paper, $40,000 ; cap., $25,000 ; emp., 23. Piano-Forte Manufactories, - ; all other musical instrument manufactories, 1; val. of musical instruments m'd., $8,000; cap., $4,000; emp., 8. Daguerreotype Artists, 2 ; Daguerreotypes taken, 2,700 ; cap., $1,000 ; emp., 2. Establishments for m.- of chronometers, watches, gold and silver ware and jewelry, 1 ; val. of m's., $16,000 ; cap., $2,500; emp., 8. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 4 ; val. of saddles, itli houses sufficiently large for storing 5,000 tons of ice, annually. The sales of the Company average some 3,000 tons annually. Capital, as near as can be ascertained, $10,000." They also present ,the following statistical view of the city : — t^tores. — Groceries, 47 ; Provisions, 7 ; Dry Goods, 15 ; Mer- chant Tailors, 6 ; Hat and Cap, 1 ; A])othecary, 11 ; Auction, o ; Millinery, 12 ; Coal Dealers, 7 ; Flour and Grain, 5 ; Stove Dealers, 4 ; Confectioners, 3 ; Ready Made Clothing, 7 ; Hard- ware, 3 ; Furniture, 5 ; Music, 1 ; Book and Stationery, 3 ; Boot and Shoe, 12 ; Restorators, 5. Hotels.— 1. Professions. — Editors, 4 ; Doctors, 13 ; Lawyers, 13 ; Clergy- men, 15 ; !Male Teachers, 6 ; Female Teachers, 25 to 40 ; Civil P]ng-ineers, 4 ; Dentists, 2. Vessels owned, including ships, barks, brigs, steamers and schooners, 60 ; Tonnage, 12,000. [Yaluc not returned, nor capital invested in commerce.] Mechanics^ ^c. — Master Mechanics, 12 ; Engineers, 12 ; Bar- bers, 5. Churches. — Congregational, 2 ; Calvinistic Baptist, 2 ; Chris- tian Baptist, 2 ; Methodist, 3 ; Unitarian, 1 ; Universalist, 1 ; Episcopal, 1 ; Associated Presbyterian, 1 ; New Jerusalem, 1 ; Friends, 2 ; Catholics, 1. Banks. — 3, Fall River, Massasoit, Metacomet, and Institution tor Savings. Livery Stables. — (i. 84 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. FREETOWN. BRISTOL CO. FREETOWN. Rolling, Slitting and Nail Mills, 2 ; Machines for m. of nails, 12; Nails m'd., 6Q tons; val. of nails, $6,600; cap., $3,375; emp., 12. Axe Manufactories, 1 ; Axes, Hatchets, and other Edge Tools m'd., 1,300 ; val., $1,015 ; cap., $1,000; emp., 2. Establishments for m. of lire arms, 1 ; Fire Arms m'd., 350 — 250 rifles, 100 carbine guns; val. of fire arms, $2,500; cap., $300; emp., 7. Tanneries, 1 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 150 ; val. of leath- er tanned, $500 ; cap., $300 ; emp., 2. Currying Establishments, 1 ; val. of leather curried, $1,000; cap., $500 ; emp., 1. Boots of all kinds m'd., 150 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 6,000 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $5,700 ; m. emp., 10 ; f. emp., 5. Charcoal m'd., 18,750 bush. ; val. of same, $2,344 ; emp., 56. Lumber prepared for market, 746,500 ft. ; val. of lumber, $6,520; emp., 13. Firewood prepared for market, 4,657 cords ; val. of firewood, $18,600 ; emp., 133. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 307 ; val. of all sheep, $651 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Me- rino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 765 lbs. Horses, 117 ; val. of horses, $7,875 ; Oxen over three years old, 102 ; Steers under three years old, 45 ; val. of oxen and steers, $6,220 ; Milch Cows, 261 ; Heifers, 51 ; val. of cows and heifers, $9,045. Butter, 13,729 lbs. ; val. of butter, $3,432; Cheese, 1,145 lbs.; val. of cheese, $114; Honey, 160 lbs. ; val. of honey, $32. Indian Corn, 186 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 21 bush. ; val., $3,906. Rye, 60 acres ; Rye, per acre, 9| bush. ; val., $712. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 85 BRISTOL CO. MANSFIELD. Potatoes, 117 acres; Potatoes, per acre, G2 bush.; val., $6,528. Onions, 733 bush. ; val., $440. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 781 bush. ; val., $312. Beets and other esculent vegetables, 1,315 bush. ; val., $600. Millet, 5 acres; val., $80. English Mowing, 712 acres ; English Hay, 6104- tons ; ral., $9,768. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 58^ tons ; val., $348. Salt Hay, 118^ tons; val., $948. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 4,834 ; val., $2,175. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 184 ; val., $295. Cranberries, 42 acres ; val., $1,600. Establishments for m. of sashes, doors and blinds, 1 ; cap., $1,500 ; val. m'd., $4,000 ; emp., 4. Establishments for m. of wrapping twine, 1 ; cap., $1,200; Twine m'd., 45,000 lbs. ; val., $6,300 ; emp., 6. Establishments for m. of window blind trimmings, &c., 1 ; cap., $2,000; Trimmings m'd., 3 tons; val., $780; Whale Blubber Spades, 600 ; val., $540. Hoops prepared for market, 105,000 ; val., $2,100 ; emp., 21. Boxboard Logs prepared for market, 117 ; val., $585. Swine raised, 213 ; val., $2,076. MANSFIELD. Cotton Mills, 4 ; Spindles, 2,728 ; Cotton consumed, 115,000 lbs. ; Thread m'd., 90,000 lbs. ; val. of thread, $36,000 ; Bat- ting m'd., 80,000 lbs. ; val. of batting, $6,000 ; cap., $22,550 : m. emp., 24 ; f. emp., 40. Furnaces for m. of hollow ware and castings other than pig iron, 1 ; Hollow Ware and other Castings m'd., 30,000 tons; val. of hollow ware and castings, $25,000 ; cap., $5,000 ; emp., 24. Establishments for m. of cotton, woollen and other machinery, 2; val. of machinery m'd., $58,500; cap., $38,000; emp., 43. 86 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. MANSFIELD. BRISTOL CO. Tack and Brad Manufactories, 2 ; Tacks and Brads in'd., 150 tons; val. of tacks and brads, $21,000; cap., $4,700; emp., 8. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; val. of sad- dles, &c., $600 ; cap., $100 ; cmp., 1. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 8 ; val. of railroad cars, cfec, m'd., $6,000; cap., $2,500; cmp., 8. Establishments for m. of soap and tallow candles, 2 ; soap m'd., 1,000 lbs. ; val. of soaj), $4,000 ; cap., $1,200 ; emp., 4. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; val. of tin ware, $1,000 ; cap., $400 ; emp., 2. Boots of all kinds m'd., 5,000 pairs; Shoes of all kinds niM., 0,000 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $13,000 ; m. emp., 28 ; f. emp., 10. Establishments for m. of straw bonnets and hats, 1 ; Straw Bonnets m'd., 150,000 ; Straw Hats, m'd., 27,500 ; val. of straw bonnets and hats, $110,000 ; m. emp. ,^20 ; f. emp., 275. Val. of marble quarried and prepared for market, $3,000 ; emp., 5. Charcoal m'd., 3,500 bush. ; val. of same, $437.50 ; emj»., 2. Val. of mechanics' tools m'd., $15,000 ; emp., 31. Lumber prepared for market, 75,000 ft. ; val. of lum})er, $1,125 ; emp., 8. Firewood prepared for market, 625 cords ; val. of firewood $2,812.50 ; emp., 25. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif-i ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 10 ; val. of all sheep, $30 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, -lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 40 lbs. Horses, 199 ; val. of horses, $11,940 ; Oxen over three years old, 82 ; Steers under three years old, 25 ; val. of oxen and steers, $4,600 ; Milch Cows, 311 ; Heifers, 29 ; val. of cows and heifers, $9,910. Butter, 12,595 lbs. ; val. of butter, $3,148.75 ; Cheese, 4,675 lbs.; val. of cheese, $467.50; Honey, 385 lbs.; val. of honey, $61.60. 1 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 87 P.RISTOL CO. NEW BEDFORD. Indian Corn, 267 acres; Indian Corn, per acre, 22 l)ush. ; val., $5,874. Wheat, 5 acres; Wheat, per acre, 16 bush. ; val., $140. Rye, 50 acres ; Rye, per acre, 8 bush. ; val., $560. Barley, 2 acres ; Barley, per acre, 12 bush. ; val., $24. Oats, 130 acres; Oats, per acre, 25 bush. ; val., $1,625. Potatoes, 162 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 80 bush.; val., $6,480. Turnips, cultivated as afield crop, 10 acres : Turnips, per acre-, 100 bush. ; val., $250. Beets and other esculent vegetables, 50 acres; val., $500. Millet, 30 acres ; val., $300. English Mowing, 1,200 acres; English Hay, 570 tons; val., $11,400. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 450 tons ; val., $3,600. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 2,440 ; val., $1,215. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 100 ; val., $50. Cranberries, 17 acres; val., $330. Beeswax, 25 lbs. ; val., $10. Bakeries, 1 ; cap., $500 ; Flour consumed, 400 bbls. ; val. of bread m' d., $7,000 ; emp., 4. Baskets m'd., 56,000; val., $13,650. Boots and Shoes bottomed for manufacturers out of town, 12,000 pairs; val., $3,000. Yal. of sewing, fancy and Horence braid, for manufacturers out of town, $11,500. NEW BEDFORD. Cotton Mills, 1 ; Spindles, 31,540 ; Cotton consumed, 1,200,- 000 lbs. ; Cloth m'd., 2,500,000 yds. ; val. of cloth, $350,000 ; cap., $600,000 ; m. emp., 300 ; f. emp., 200. Furnaces for m. of hollow ware and castings other than pig iron, 1 ; Hollow Ware and other Castings m'd., 600 88 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. NEW BEDFORD. BRISTOL CO. tons ; val. of hollow ware and castings, $51,000 ; cap., $20,000 ; emp., 22. Brass Founderies, 2; val. of articles m'd., $95,000; cap., $28,000; emp., 26. Establishments for m. of chemical preparations, 1 ; val. of cliemical preparations, $14,000; cap., $10,000; emp., 8. Piano-Forte Manufactories, 1 ; Piano-Fortes m'd., 3; cap., $- ; all other musical instrument manufactories, 1 ; val. of musical instruments m'd., $7,500; cap., $1,200; emp., 4. Daguerreotype Artists, 6; Daguerreotypes taken, 11,150; cap., $2,800; emp., 12. Establishments for m. of chronometers, watches, gold and silver ware and jewelry, 1. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 5 ; val. of sad- dles, &c., $38,300 ; cap., $10,500 ; emp., 20. Upholstery Manufactories, 6 ; val. of upholstery, $14,000 ; cap., $4,500 ; emp., 6. Hat and Cap Manufactories, 1 ; Hats and Caps m'd., 15,600 ; cap., $1,500 ; emp., 6. Cordage Manufactories, 1; Cordage m'd., 1,000 tons; cap., $75,000 ; emp., 60. Vessels launched during said year, 1 ; Tonnage, 420 tons ; emp., 15. Establishments for m. of boats, 12 ; Boats built, 373 ; cap., $12,000 ; emp., 40. Masts and Spar Sheds, 4 ; Masts and Spars m'd., 1,470 ; cap., $8,000; emp., 26. Sail Lofts, 10 ; Sails made of Am. fabric, 2,311 ; of For. fabric, 408 ; val. of sails m'd. of Am. fabric, $175,231.84 ; val. of sails of For. fabric, $18,553.75; cap., 28,000; emp., 102. Establishments for m. of salt, 1 ; Salt m'd., 5,000 bush. ; val. of salt, $2,500; cap., $20,000; emp., 2. Establishments for m, of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wag- ons, sleighs, and other .vehicles, 7 ; val. of railroad cars, &c., m'd., $41,270 ; cap., $11,000 ; emp., 47. Establishments for m. of oil and sperm candles, 18 ; Oil m'd., $3,270,268 galls. ; val. of oil m'd., $3,042,296.18 ; Sperm Can- 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 89 BRISTOL CO. NEW BEDFORD. dies in (]., 678,110 lbs. ; val. of sperm caudles, $189,970.80 ; cap., $1,390,000; emp., 123. Establishments for m. of soap and tallow candles, 1 ; Soap m'd., 75,000 lbs. ; val. of soap, $4,500 ; Tallow Candles m'd., 80,000 lbs. ; val. of tallow candles, $10,800 ; cap., $7,000 ; emp., 5. Till Ware Manufactories, 12 ; val. of tin ware, $72,000 ; cap., $20,000; emp., 32. Tanneries, 1 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 500. Boots of all kinds m'd., 1,425 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 9,300 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $20,950 ; m. emp., 18. Val. of mathematical instruments, $2,500 ; emp., 3. Val. of snuff, tobacco and cigars, $1,400 ; m. emp., 1 ; f. em])., 4. Val. of building stone quarried and prepared for building, $25,000 ; emp., 20. Val. of blocks and pumps m'd., $26,000 ; emp., 20. Val. of wooden Avare not otherwise enumerated, including farming utensils m'd., $1,000 ; emp., 2. Lumber prepared for market, 200,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $48,000; emp., 3. Firewood prepared for market, 600 cords ; val. of firewood, $2,100. Vessels employed in the whale fishery, 311 : Tonnage, 104,690 tons; Sperm Oil imported, 1,352,106 galls. ; val. of sperm oil imported, $2,011,257.68; Whale Oil imported, 5,483,780 galls.; val. of whale oil imported, $3,214,866.02 ; Whalebone imported, 1,046,200 lbs. ; val. of whalebone imported, $650,249 ; cap. iu the whale fishery, $9,827,100 ; emp., 6,775. Saxony Sheep of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of differ- ent grades, - ; all otl^er kinds of Sheep, 7. Horses, 699 ; val. of horses, $104,500 ; Oxen over three years old, 86 ; steers under three years old, 9 ; val. of oxen and steers, $6,450 ; Milch Cows, 366 ; Heifers, 8 ; val. of cows and heifers, $12,049. Indian Corn, 794 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 50 bush. ; val., $3,973. 12 90 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. NEW BEDFORD. BRISTOL CO. Rye, 5^ acres ; Rye, per acre, 15 to 18 bush. ; val., $127.67. Oats, 37-|- acres; Oats, per acre, 30 bush. ; val., $677.60. Potatoes, 15|- acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 175 bush. ; val., ^1,745.25. Onions, 2 acres ; Onions, per acre, 370 bush. ; val., $310. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, If acre ; Turnips, per acre, 400 bush. ; val., $227.70. Beets and other esculent vegetables, 7 acres ; val., $1,250. Eng-lish Mowing, 1,190 acres ; English Hay, 1,370 tons ; val., $25,800. Salt Hay, 25 tons ; val., $160. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 3,106 ; val., $740. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 156 ; val., $325. Establishments for m. of casks, 12 ; cap., $36,000 ; Casks m'd., 118,.500 ; val., $154,125 ; emp., 115. Estal>lishments for m. of sashes and door Ijlinds, 2 ; cap., $3,200 ; val. m'd., $17,450 ; emp., 18. Establishments for m. of gas, 1 ; cap., $100,000; val, m'd., $26,059.95 ; emp., 6. Bakeries, 7; cap., $38,300; Flour consumed, 14,912 bbls. ; val. of bread m'd., $182,662; emp., 45. Establishments for m. of boxes, 2 ; one for wooden candle boxes, 14,000 m'd. ; one for paper boxes, 69,404 m'd. ; cap., $3,200; val. of boxes m'd., $7,900; emp., 7. Sperm Oil m'd., 1,094,474 galls. ; val., $1,628,030.08. Whale Oil m'd., 2,175,794 galls. ; val., $1,414,266.10. Steam Mills for grinding paints, 2 ; cap., $20,000 ; gross proceeds, $60,000; emp., 4. Steam Mills for planing, 2 ; cap., $14,000; gross proceeds, $16,000 ; emp., 12. Blacksmiths' Shops, 12; cap., $26,000.; proceeds, $121,200; emp., 74. Machine Shops, 4 ; cap., $10,000; proceeds, $25,000; emp., 18. Book Binderies, 2; cap., $850; proceeds, $7,500; emp., 4. Rivet Manufactory, 1 ; cap., $25,000 ; proceeds, $70,500 ; emp., 8. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 91 BRISTOL CO. NORTON. Whale Oil Soap m'd., 1,238,076 lbs. ; val., $34,047.09. "Whale Foots" Soap nrd., 212,771 lbs.; val., $14,893.79. Sperm Oil Soap m'd., 176,451 lbs. ; val., $8,822.55. Nurseries, 2 ; Trees, 48,000. Corn Meal consumed in bakeries, 2,867 bush. ; Rye con- sumed, 1,433 bush. ; val. of bread m'd., $7,045.17. Saleratus Manufactory, 1 ; cap., $5,000 ; proceeds, $6,000 ; erap., 5. NORTON. Cotton Mills, 3 ; Spindles, 3,656 ; Cotton consumed, 175,000 lbs.; Cloth m'd., 376,320 yds., from No. 35 to 40; val. of cloth, $42,336; Yarn m'd.,'45,720 lbs. ; Batting m'd., 25,836 lbs. ; val. of batting, $2,325.24 ; Pelisse Wadding m'd., 3,000 doz. ; val. of wadding, $225; cap., $85,000; m. emp., 53; f. emp., 33. Furnaces for m. of hollow ware and castings other than pig iron, 1 ; Hollow Ware and other Castings m'd., 500 tons ; val. of hollow ware and castings, $50,000 ; cap., $25,000 ; emp,, 30. Copper Manufactories, 1 ; cap., $60,000 ; emp., 60. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 2 ; val. of railroad cars, &c., m'd., $3,615 ; cap., $2,000 ; emp., 5. Establishments for m. of straw bonnets and hats, 1 ; Straw Bonnets m'd., 35,000 ; Straw Hats m'd., 36,000 ; m. emp., 19 ; f. emp., 250. Charcoal m'd., 20,000 bush. ; val. of same, $2,000. Lumber prepared for market, 1,205,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $11,715. Firewood prepared_^for market, 2,588 cords ; val. of fire- wood, $8,210. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 92.; val. of all sheep, $210 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merhio Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 287 lbs. 92 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. PAWTUCKET. , BRISTOL CO. Horses, 211 ; val. of horses, ^16,156 ; Oxen over three years old, 90 ; Steers under three years old, 47 ; val. of oxen and steers, $10,785 ; Milch Cows, 420 ; Heifers, 82 ; val. of cows and heifers, $12,161. Butter, 12,358 lbs. ; val. of butter, $2,471.60 ; Cheese, 8,538 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $1,024,76. Indian Corn, 275 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 28 J bush. ; yal., $7,637. Wheat, 21 acres; Wheat," per acre, 31^ bush.;- val., $170. Rye, 92 acres ; Rye, per acre, 10 bush. ; val., $1,380. Barley, 9 acres; Barley, per acre, 18 bush. ; val., $165. Oats, 97 acres; Oats, per acre, 14 bush. ; val., $819.60. Potatoes, 187 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 61 bush. ; val., $0,844.20. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 8 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 81 bush. ; val., $120. English Mowing, 1,602 acres ; English Hay, 871 tons; val., $17,420. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 521 tons ; val., $5,210. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 3,428 ; val., $1,389. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 150 ; val., $93. Cranberries, 22 acres; val., $1,440. Establishments for m. of boxes, 1 ; cap., $2,000 ; val. of boxes ni'd., $6,000; emp., 3. Round Timber sent to market, 500 tons; val., $3,000. Swine, 367 ; val., $3,070. PAWTUCKET. Cotton Mills, 6 ; Spindles, 16,522 ; Cotton consumed, 794,000 lbs. ; Cloth m'd., .3,498,900 yds., about one-half Print Cloth, I y'd. wide ; 1,592,000 yds. Shirting, | and } y'd. wide ; about 220,000 yds. for Sheeting, 1 y'd. wide ; val. of cloth, $234,700 ; 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 93 BRISTOL CO. ' PAWTUCKET. Yarn in d., 40,000 lbs.; val. of yam, $12,800; Batting m'd., 104,000 lbs. ; val. of batting, $7,800 ; cap., $283,000 ; m. emp., 102 ; f. emp., 22G. Calico Manufactories, 1 ; Calico printed, 16,500,000 yds. ; val. of calico, $1,650,000 ; Goods bleached and colored and not printed, 1,000,000 yds. ; val. of goods bleached, (fee, $70,000 : cap., $700,000 ; m. emp., 300 ; f. emp., 75. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; val. of sad- dles, 0. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 556 tons ; val., $5,560. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 12,024; val., $4,000. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 10,000 ; val., $1,000. Cranberries, 33 acres ; val., $778. Establishments for m. of casks, 2; cap., $16,000; Casks m'd., 270,000 ; val., $33,500 ; emp., 45. Establishments for m. of stone and earthenware, 1 ; cap., $1,500 ; val. of stone and earthenware, $15,000 ; emp., 5. Establishments for m. of sashes and door blinds, 2 ; cap., $9,000 ; val. m'd., $15,000; emp., 15. Establishments for m. of gas, 1; cap., $60,000; val. m'd., $100,000; emp., 5. Bakeries, 3; cap., $2,500; Flour consumed, 1,300 bbls. ; val. of bread m'd., $24,000 ; emp., 10. Establishments for m. of boxes, (candle and soap,) 2; cap., $9,500 ; val. of boxes m'd., $27,000 ; emp., 13. Swine, 1,279 ; val., $17,419. File Manufactories, 2 ; val., $6,400 ; cap., $1,300 ; emp., 13. Ice Establishments, 2; cap., $6,000; val. of ice, $10,000; number of tons, 13,200 ; emp., 10. Crucible Manufactory, 1; cap., $11,000; val., $36,000; emp., 25. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 105 BRISTOL CO. WESTPORT. Establishments for m. of stove linings, 2 ; cap., $2,100 ; val. $7,500; emp., 7. Oil Cloth Manufactories, 1; cap., $8,000; val., $37,000; emp., 18. Car Lining Manufactories, 1 ; cap., $5,000 ; val., $10,000 ; emp., 14. Marble Manufactories, 2 ; cap., $2,000 ; val., $9,000 ; emp., 15. Shingle Mills, 1; cap., $200; val., $1,500. Grist Mills, 5 ; cap., $7,000 ; grain ground, 8,000 bush. ; emp., 5. Steam Grist Mills, 1 ; cap., $8,000; grain ground, 100,000 bush. ; emp., 3. Copper and Brass Kettle Manufactories, 1 ; cap., $25,000 ; val. m'd., $109,000 ; number of kettles m'd., 300,000 ; emp., lo! Knob Manufactories, 1 ; cap., $500; val., $1,000 ; emp'., 2,* WESTPORT. Cotton Mills, 1; Spindles, 808; Cotton consumed, 20,000 lbs.; Carpet Warp m'd., 16,000 lbs.; val. of carpet warp, $2,250. ^ ' Saddle, Harness, and Trunk Manufactories, 1; val. of saddles, «fcc., $500 ; cap.^ $200 ; emp., 2. Vessels launched during said year, 1 ; Tonnage, 326 tons ; cap., $1,000 ; emp., 15. Sail Lofts, 1 ; Sails made of Am. fabric, 52 ; of For. fabric, 9 ; val. of sails m'd. of Am. fabric, 2,550 ; vai. of sails of For! fabric, $400; cap., $800; emp., 3. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 3 ; val. of railroad ca 's, &c., m'd., $6,000; cap., $3,000; emp., 10. Tanneries, 1 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 200 ; val. of leather tanned, $650; cap., $500; emp., 1. Boots of all kinds m'd., 200 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 500 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $1,400 ; m. emp., 4. Charcoal m'd., 6,000 bush. ; val. of same, $1,000 ; emp., 1. 14 106 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. WESTPOET. BRISTOL CO. Val. of wooden ware not otherwise enumerated, including farming utensils m'd., $200. Lumber prepared for market, 300,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $6,000 ; emp., 2. , - Firewood pucpared for market, 2,700 cords ; val. of firewood, ^8,100. Vessels employed in the whale fishery, 22 ; Tonnage, 4,592 tons ; Sperm Oil imported, 70,245 galls. ; val. of sperm oil im- ported, $105,000 ; Whale Oil imported, 15,200 galls". ; val. of whale oil imported, $9,120; Whalebone imported, 1,100 lbs. ; • val. of whalebone imported, $440 ; cap. in the whale fishery, $355,000 ; emp., 462. Vessels employed in the tautog and lobster fisheries, 11 ; Tonnage, 185 tons ; val. of fish taken, $11,000 ; cap., $7,500 ; emp., 31. Alewives, Shad and Salmon taken, 50,000 ; val. of same, $250. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 2,019 ; val. of all sheep, $4,780 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs.; all other Wool produced, 3,829 lbs. Horses, 337 ; val. of horses, $26,293 ; Oxen over three years old, 392 ; Steers under three years old, 85 ; val. of oxen and steers, $23,691 ; Milcli Cows, 855 ; Heifers, 146 ; val. of cows and heifers, $27,849. Butter, 41,825 lbs. ; val. of butter, $9,830 ; Cheese, 8,000 lbs.; val. of cheese, $800; Honey, 678 lbs. ; val. of honey, $83.50. Indian Corn, 696i acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 28 1 bush. ; val., $19,971. Wheat, f acre ; Wheat, per acre, 14 bush. ; val., $20. Rye, 20 acres ; Rye, per acre, 12 bush. ; val., $525. Barley, 36 acres; Barley, per acre, 24 bush. ; val., $965. Oats, 270 acres ; Oats, per acre, 27|- bush. ; val., $4,000. Potatoes, 112 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 86 bush. ; val., $7,500. Onions, 1| acre ; Onions, per acre, 375 bush. ; val., $325. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 107 CHILMARK. DUKES CO. Turni{)S, cultivated as a field crop, 62 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 216 bush. ; val., $3,875. Carrots, 1 acre ; Carrots, per acre, 550 bush. ; val., $110. Beets and other esculent vegetables, | acre ; val., $75; all other Grain or Root Crops, 75 acres ; val., $3,000. English Mowing, 4,086 acres ; English Hay, 2,923 tons ; val., $43,800. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 10 tons ; val., $50. Salt Hay, 200 tons; val., $1,000. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 16,163 ; val., $5,121. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 163 ; val., $66. Cranberries, 6 acres; val., $130. Beeswax, 30 lbs. ; val., $10. Establishments for m. of casks, 3; cap., $1,500; Casks m'd., 560; val., $3,750; emp., 7. Establishments for m. of rules, 1; cap., $4,000; val. of rules, $6,000 ; m. emp., 16 ; f. emp., 2. Establishments for m. of candle, soap, and other kinds of boxes, 1 ; cap., $4,000 ; val. of boxes m'd., $1,200 ; emp., 4, Val. of spokes, felloes and hubs m'd., $1,500 ; cap., $2,000 ; emp., 2. Swine, 758 ; val., $5,468. Val. of spool blocks m'd., $1,000. Milk carried to market, 115,000 qts. ; val., $5,000. D U K E S C O U N T Y CHILMARK. Bricks m'd., 700,000 ; val. of bricks, $3,000 ; emp., 14. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades,-; all other kinds of Sheep, 6,088; val. of all sheep, $13,720 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; 108 STATISTICS OP THE [1855. EDGARTOWN. DUKES CO. Merino Wool produced, -lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 12,037 lbs. Horses, 131 ; val. of horses, $8,245 ; Oxen over three years old, 1(35 ; Steers under three years old, 189 ; val. of oxen and steers, $14,129 ; Milch Cows, 289 ; Heifers, 158 ; val. of cows and heifers, $11,155. Butter, 10,342 lbs. ; val. of butter, $2,275 ; Cheese, 2,987 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $373. Indian Corn, 168 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 27 bush. ; val., $5,443. Rye, 28 acres ; Rye, per acre, 6 bush. ; val., $252. Oats, 93 acres ; Oats, per acre, 18 bush. ; val. $1,004. Potatoes, 30 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 59 bush. ; val., $1,170. Turnips cultivated as a field crop, 6 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 264 bush. ; val., $713. English Mowing, 629 acres; English Hay, 755 tons; val., ),570. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 293 tons ; val., $2,051. Salt Hay, 203 tons; val., $1,827. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 1,521 ; val., $521. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 118 ; val., $100. Swine, 146 ; val., $1,460. EDGARTOWN. Establishments for m. of boats, 2 ; Boats built, 30 ; cap., $500; emp., 4. Sail Lofts, 1 ; Sails made of Am. fabric, ,100 ; val. of sails m'd. of Am. fabric, $2,200; cap., $200; emp., 2. Establishments for m. of salt, 1 ; Saltm'd.,75 bush. ; val. of salt, $37; cap., $100; emp., 1. Establishments for m. of oil and sperm candles, 1 ; Whale Oil m'd., 449,000 galls. ; Sperm, 10,380 galls. ; val. of oil m'd., $448,215; Sperm Candles m'd., 68,800 lbs.; val. of sperm candles, $20,640 ; cap., $100,000 ; emp., 12. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 109 DUKES CO. EDGARTOWN, Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; val. of tin ware, $200 ; cap., $500 ; emp., 1. Boots of all kinds m'd., 50 pairs; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 300 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $(375 ; m. cm})., 2. Val. of blocks and pumps m'd., $300 ; emp., 2. Firewood prepared for market, 100 cords ; val. of firewood, $600 ; emp., 2. Vessels employed in the whale fishery, 12 ; Tonnage, 3,863 tons ; Sperm Oil imported, 3,150 galls. ; val. of sperm oil im- ported, $5,550 ; Whale Oil imported, 63,000 galls., val. of whale oil imported, $37,800 ; Whalebone imported, 20,000 lbs. ; val. of whalebone imported, $6,000; cap. in the whale fishery, $390,000 ; emp., 360. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 800 ; val. of all sheep, $1,700 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - ll)s. ; all other Wool produced, 2,000 lbs. Horses, 112 ; val. of horses, $8,960 ; Oxen over three years old, 92 ; Steers under three years old, 55 ; val. of oxen and steers, $5,700 ; Milch Cows, 253 ; Heifers, 55 ; val. of cows and heifers, $8,690. Butter, 6,950 lbs. ; val. of butter, $1,732. Indian Corn, 427 acres ; Indian Corn, 5,027 bush. ; val., $5,027. Rye, 145 acres ; Rye, 728 bush. ; val., $910. Oats, 36 acres; Oats, 365 bush. ; val., $182. Potatoes, 50 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 120 bush.; val., $6,000. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 18 acres ; Turnips per acre, 120 bush. ; val., $900. English Mowing, 500 acres; English Hay, 542 tons ; val., $8,672. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 189 tons ; val., $1,700. Salt Hay, 67 tons ; val., $600. Cranberries, 6 acres; val., $162. Establishments for m. of casks, 1 ; cap., $500 ; Casks m'd., 1,000; val., $1,200; emp., 2. no STATISTICS OF THE [1855. TISBURY. DUKES CO. Bakeries, 1 ; cap., $600 ; Flour consumed, 300 bbls ; val. of bread m'd., $6,000 ; enip., o. TISBURY. Woollen Mills, [number not given] ; Satinet m'd., 3,000 yds. ; val. of satinet, f 1,500 ; Flannel or Blanketing, 5,000 yds. ; val. of flannel or blanketing, $1,900 ; m. emp., 2 ; f. enip., 3. Establishments for m. of hosiery, — ; Yarn m'd. and not made into hosiery, 3,500 lbs. ; val. of yarn, $3,010 ; m. emp,, 2 ; f. emp., 3. Vessels laimched during said year, 1 ; Tonnage, 192 tons ; cap. $11,000 ; emp. 7. Tanneries, 1 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 600 ; val. of leather tanned, $2,500 ; cap., $3,500 ; emp., 2. Boots of all kinds m'd., 275 pairs; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 725 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $2,393.75 ; m. emp., 5. Firewood prepared for market, 470 cords ; val. of firewood, $3,200. Alewivcs, Shad and Salmon .taken, 600,000 ; val. of same, $3,000 ; emp., Go. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, 1,351 ; all other kinds of Sheep, 899 ; val. of all sheep, $6,187.50; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, -lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, 3,650 lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 2,204 lbs. Horses, 124; val. of horses, $11,090; Oxen over three years old, 90 ; Steers under three years old, 57 ; val. of oxen and steers, $6,090 ; Milch Coavs, 222 ; Heifers, 65 ; val. of cows and heifers, $8,404. Butter, 11,090 lbs. ; val. of butter, $3,105.20 ; Cheese, 1,000 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $120. Indian Corn, 168 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 25 bush. ; val., $4,746. Rye, 24 acres ; Rye, per acre, 10 bush. ; val., $360. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. HI ESSEX CO. AMESBURY. Barley, 2 acres; Barley, per acre, 17 bush. ; val., $42.50. Oats, 39 acres; Oats, per acre, 25 bush.; val., 604.50 Potatoes, 22 acres; Potatoes, per acre, IGO bush.; val., Onions, | acre ; Onions, per acre, 632 bush. ; val., $106. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 4i acres ; Turnips, per acre, 300 bush. ; val. $540. Carrots, 2 acre; Carrots, per acre, 350 bush. ; val., $210. English Mowing, 410 acres ; English Hay, 513 tons; val., $7,715. Wet MeadoAv or Swale Hay, 130 tons; val., $1,300. Salt Hay, 129 tons ; val., $1,032. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 6,212 ; val., $1,000. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 255 ; val., $50. Cranberries, 8 acres ; val., $1,135. Establishments for m. of casks, 1 ; cap,, $1,250 ; Casks m'd., 1,000; val., $1,250; emp., 1. Codfish taken in boats, 600 quintals ; val., $2,700. Swordfish, 100 bbls. ; val., $800. Menhaden and Scuppog, 1,000 l)bls. ; val,, $200. ESSEX COUNTY. AMESBURY. Woollen Mills. [See " Salisbury " for details.] Harness Manufactories, 4 ; val. of harnesses, &c., $6,210 ; cap., $500 ; emp., 6. Hat Manufactories, 1 ; Hats m'd,, 25,000; cap,, $6,000; m. emp., 12 ; f, emp., 4. Vessels launched during said year, 1 ; Tonnage, 500 tons. Establishments for m. of chaises, carryalls, buggies, and other 112 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. AMESBURY. ESSEX CO. vehicles, 20 ; val. of chaises, carryalls, &c., ind., $287,525; cap., $250,000; cmp., 280. Tanning and Currying establishments, 2 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 4,000; val. of leather tanned and curried, $11,500 ; cap., $(3,000 ; emp., 11. Boots of all kinds m'd., 11,400 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 41,420 i3airs ; val. of boots and shoes, $29,136 ; m. emp., 54 ; f. cmp., 40. Bricks m'd., 300,000 ; val. of bricks, $1,200 ; cmp., 3. Lumber prepared for market, 250,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $3,000; emp., 3. Firewood prepared for market, 100 cords ; val. of firewood, $(300 ; emp., 3. Vessels employed in the mackerel fishery, 1 ; Tonnage, 45 tons ; Mackerel taken, 210 bbls. ; val. of mackerel taken, $1,600 ; Salt consumed, 200 bush. ; cap., $1,000 ; emp., 8. Merino Sheep, of different grades, 150 ; val. of all sheep, $350 ; Merino Wool produced, 450 lbs. Horses, 215 ; val. of horses, $15,515 ; Oxen over three years old, 189 ; Steers under three years old, 49 ; val. of oxen and steers, $10,759 ; Milch Cows, 354 ; Heifers, 48 ; val. of cows and heifers, $10,585. Butter, 18,670 lbs. ; val. of butter, $4,667 ; Cheese, 7,764 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $776. Indian Corn, 208 acres; Indian Corn, per acre, 25 bush. ; val., $5,200. Wheat, 11 acres; Wheat, per acre, 10 bush. ; val., $210. Rye, 37 acres; Rye, per acre, 10 bush. ; val., $400. Barley, SO acres; Barley, per acre, 18 bush. ; val., $436, Oats, 46 acres ; Oats, per acre, 25 bush. ; val., $500. Potatoes, 111 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 75 bush.; val., $4,178. Onions, 8 acres; Onions, per acre, 2 bush. ; val., $800. Carrots, 2 acres ; Carrots, per acre, 350 bush. ; val., $175. Beets and other esculent vegetables, 2 acres; val. $100; all other Grain or Root Crops, 3 to 4 acres ; val., $400. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 113 ESSEX CO. ANDOVER. English Mowing, 1,397 acres; English Hay, 1,118 tons; val., ;,770. Wet Meadow or SAvale Hay, 312 tons; val., $2,184. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 6,984 ; val., |3,853. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 300 ; val., $100. Establishments for m. of stone and earthenware, 1 ; cap., $250; val. of stone and earthenware, $1,000. Val. of 1,800 sets of carriage wheels m'd., $16,200 ; val. of " carriage stuff" sawed out, $3,500; cap., $30,000; emp., 19. Establishments for m. of steel eliptic springs and axletrees, 1 ; number turned out during the year, 540 sets; val., $3,240; axletrees produced, 500 sets ; val., $3,000. Horse Collars m'd., 350; val., $525. Swine raised, 225 ; val., $1,350. ANDOVER. Woollen Mills, 4 ; Sets of Machinery, 25 ; Wool consumed, 600,000 lbs. ; Flannel or blanketing, 1,525,000 yds. ; val. of flannel or blanketuig, $500,000 ; cap., $230,000 ; m. emp., 171; f. emp., 160. Esta))lislmients for m. of linen, 1 ; Linen Thread m'd., 1,150,000 lbs., val. of thread, $2.00,000; cap., $85,000; m. emp., 100 ; f. emp., 120, Piano-Forte Manufactories, 1; Piano-Fortes m'd., 200 ; cap., $5,000 ; emp., 16. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; val. of saddles, arcd for market, 150,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $2,500; emp., 2. Firewood prepared for market, 1,383 cords ; val. of firewood, $0,770 ; emp., 0. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 63 ; val. of all sheep, $195 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino AVool produced, - ll)s. ; all other Wool produced, 205 lbs. Horses, 100 ; val. of horses, $13,000 ; Oxen over three years old, 98 ; Steers under three years old, 11 ; val. of oxen and steers, $5,082 ; Milch Cows, 336 : Heifers, 54 ; val. of cows and heifers, $12,127. Butter, 22,480 lbs. ; val. of butter, $5,021 ; Cheese, 3,449 lbs.; val. of cheese, $344 ; Honey, 200 lbs, ; val. of honey, | 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 125 ESSEX CO. GLOUCESTER. Indian Corn, 158 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 28 bush. ; val., $5,482. Wheat, 3|- acres ; Wheat, per acre, 10 bush. ; val., $87.50. Rye, 16 acres ; Rye, per acre, 8 bush. ; val., $224. Barley, 6|- acres ; Barley, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., $1G0. Oats, 82 acres,; Oats, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., $382. Potatoes, 90 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 91 bush. ; val., $6,165. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 1 acre ; Turnips, per acre, 90 bush. ; val., $30. English Mowing, 808 acres ; English Hay, 761 tons ; val., $18,698. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 481 tons ; val., $8,848. Salt Hay, 303 tons ; val., $3,030. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 10,366 ; val., $4,702. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 313 ; val., $216. Cranberries, 15 acres ; val., $385. Shoe String Manufactories, 2 ; Strings m'd., 1,400,000 pairs ; val., $4,700; cap., $1,000; cmp., 6. Establishment!? for m. of medicines, essences and perfumeries, 1 ; val. of medicines, &c., m'd., $10,000 ; cap., $1,000 ; enip., 5. Establishments for m. of shoe patterns, 1 ; val. of patterns m'd., $425 ; emp., 1. GLOUCESTER. Forges, 23 ; Bar Iron, Anchors, Chain Cables, and other articles of wrought iron m'd, 257 tons; val. of bar iron, emp., 20. Newspaper estaljlishments, 1 ; number of papers, 3 ; cap., $2,000; m. emp., 5 ; f. emp., 8. Fish barrels m'd., 2,500 ; val., $1,700; Nets and Seines, 700 ; cap., $5,000; emp., 25. Halibut smoked, 210 tons; val., $25,200; emp., 16. Marine Railways, 3 ; ca;p., $37,000 ; emp., 8. Breweries, 2 ; .cap., $2,000 ; val. of beer m'd., $5,000 ; emp., 4. Ice cut, 6,500 tons; val., 15,000; emp., 65. Establishments for burning and grinding coffee, 1 ; Coffee burnt and ground, 150 tons ; val., $30,000; cap., $9,000 ; emp., 3. Grist mills, 2 ; grain ground, $50,000 bush. ; emp., 6. Livery Stables, 2 ; Horses, 23 ; Carriages, 35 ; Sleighs, 22 ; Hay consumed, 70 tons; Grain consumed, 2,700 bush. ; cap., $15,000 ; emp., 5. Imports of For. merchandise, $185,064 ; Exports, Foreign and Domestic, $112,133. Tonnage of Am. vessels entered, 7,358 ; nutn])er of vessels, 60; emp., 339. 128 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. GROVELAND. ESSEX CO. Toniiag-0 of For. vessels entered, 9,517 ; number of vessels, 12G ; cmp., 602. Tonnage of Am. vessels cleared, 6,223 ; number of vessels, 60 ; emp., 302. Tonnage of For. vessels cleared, 9,570 ; number of vessels, 127 ; emp., 604. Vessels in coasting trade entered, 4,162 tons ; number of ves- sels, 46 ; emp., 177. Vessels in coasting trade cleared, 10,280 tons ; number of vessels, 121 ; emp., 454. GROVELAND. • Tanneries, 3 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 700 ; val. of leather tanned, $2,625; cap., $500; emp., 2. Currying Establishments, 1 ; val. of leather curried, $3,325 ; cap., $500 ; emp., 2. '^^^"^ Boots of all kinds m'd, 19,544 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m' a., 141,870 pairs; val. of boots and shoes, $152,089; m. emp., 261 ; f. cmp., 193. Lumber prepared for market, 100,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $1,200; emp., 3. Firewood prepared for market, 792 cords ; val. of firewood, $4,150; emp., 27. Alewives, Shad and Salmon taken, 3,000 ; val. of same, $300 ; emp., 6. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 47 ; val. of all sheep, $153 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 79 lbs. Horses, 119 ; val. of horses, $8,870 ; Oxen over three years old, 82 ; Steers under three years old, 11; val. of oxen and steers, $4,550 ; Milch Cows, 219 ; Heifers, 51 ; val. of cows and heifers, $8,030. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 129 ESSEX CO. HAMILTON. Butter, 15,416 lbs. ; val. of butter, $3,834 ; Cheese, 6,020 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $640 ; Honey, 62 lbs. ; val. of honey, $8. Indian Corn, 110 acres ; Indian Corn, 3,467 bush. ; val $3,519. Rye, 7} acres ; Rye, 97 bush. ; val., $138. . Barley, If acre ; Barley, 68 bush. ; val., $68. Oats, 36 acres ; Oats, 1,057 bush. ; val., $624. Potatoes, 67|- acres; Potatoes, 4,093 bush.; val., $3,194. Carrots, 1 acre; Carrots, per acre, 183 bush. ; val., $48. English Mowing, 671 acres ; English Hay, 595 ton's ; val., $11,001. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 299 tons ; val., $2,703. Salt Hay, 69 tons; val., $703. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 3,830; val., $3,322. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 126 ; val., $101. Cranberries, 9 acres; val., $74. Beeswax, 7 lbs. ; val., $2. Swine raised, 148 ; val., $1,117. Groveland Mills Company. This Company consumed during the year, 240,000 lbs. cotton. ^Seamless Meal Bags m'd., 210,000 ; val., $50,250 ; m. emp., 17 ; f. emp., 45. HAMILTON. Woollen Mills, 1 ; Wool consumed, 60,000 lbs. ; Yarn m'd. and not made into cloth, - yds. ; val. of yarn, $24,000; cap., $15,000 ; m. emp., 12 ; f. emp., 6. Boots of all kinds m'd., 15,000 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 8,000 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $8,200 ; m. emp., 93 ; f. emp., 56. Firewood prepared for market, 50 cords ; val. of firewood, $300. Vessels employed in the mackerel and cod fisheries, 2 ; Ton- nage, 200 tons ; Codfish taken, 1,000 quintals ; val. of codfish taken, $2,500 ; cap., $6,000 ; emp., 12. 17 130 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. HAYERHILL. ^^^^^ ^O' Horses, 144 ; val. of horses, $10,800 ; Oxen over three years old 162 ; Steers under three years old, 69 ; val. of oxen and steers, $10,660 ; Milch Cows, 376 ; Heifers, 72 ; val. of cows and heifers, $15,760. Butter, 18,800 lbs. ; val. of butter, $4,600 ; Cheese, 2,000 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $200 ; Honey, 125 lbs. ; val. of honey, $30. Indian Corn, 252 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 40 bush. ; val., $10,584. Eye, 40 acres ; Rye, per acre, 15 bush. ; val., $900. Barley, 47 acres ; Barley, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., $750. Oats, 33 acres ; Oats, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., $400. Potatoes, 160 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 80 bush.; val., $7,680. Onions, 5 acres ; Onions, per acre^^ 300 bush. ; val., $1,000. Carrots, 3 acres ; Carrots, per acre, 600 biish. ; val., $525. ^ English Mowing, 1,082 acres ; English Hay, 800 tons ; val., $17,6^00. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 582 tons ; val., $3,488. Salt Hay, 547 tons ; val., $5,470. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 5,900 ; val., $3,000. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 255 ; val., $250. Cranberries, 15 acres; val., $450. HAVERHILL. Woollen Mills, 1 ; Sets of Machinery, 4 ; Wool consumed, 100,000 lbs. ; cap., $25,000 ; m. emp., 30 ; f. emp., 15. Furnaces for m. of hollow ware and castings other tlian pig iron,l; Hollow Ware and other Castings m'd., 60 tons ; vaL of hollow ware and castings, $4,200; cap., $3,000; emp., 4. Tack and Awl Manufactories, 1 ; Tacks and Awls m'd., -^ val. of tacks and awls, $1,400 ; cap., $200 ; emp., 2. Shops for m. of iron railing, iron fences and iron safes, 1 ; val. of iron railing, &c., $3,000; cap., $1,000; emp., 3. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 131* ESSEX CO. HAVERHILL. Piano-Forte Manufactories, -; Piano-Fortes m'd., -; cap., - ; all other musical instrument manufactories, 1 ; val. of fifty-two musical instruments m'd., $3,000 ; cap., $500 ; emp., 5. Daguerreotype i^rtists, 2 ; Daguerreotypes taken, 8,500 ; cap., $750 ; emp., 2. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; val. of saddles, &c., $2,900 ; cap., $500; emp., 3. Hat and Cap Manufactories, 7 : Hats and Caps m'd., 200,100 ; cap., $23,500; emp., 90. Establishments for m. of boats, 1 ; Boats built, 14 ; cap., $500; emp., 3.- Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 3 ; val. of railroad cars, &c^, m'd., $31,000 ; cap., $11,000; emp., 32. Establishments for m. of soap and tallow candles, 1 ; Soap m'd., 800 bbls. ; val. of soap, $3,200; Tallow Candles m'd., 6,000 lbs. ; val. of tallow candles, $900 ; cap., $3,000 ; emp., 4. Tin Ware Manufactories, 3 ; val. of tin ware, $9,500 ; cap., $2,100 ; emp., 17. Tanneries, 1 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 7,750 ; val. of leather tanned, $50,000 ; cap., $10,000 ; emp., 15. Currying Establishments, 5 ; val. of leather curried, $184,500; cap., $15,000; emp., Gl. Manufactories of patent and enamelled leather, 2 ; val. of leather m'd., $107,120; cap., $15,000; emp., 27. Boots of all kinds m'd., 1,040,729 pairs; Shoes of all kind^ m'd., 3,291,286 pairs; val. of boots and shoes, $2,782,930; m. emp., 4,087 ; f. emp., 2,257. Bricks m'd., 1,450,000; val. of bricks, $8,050; emp., 19. Yal. of marble quarried and prepared for market, $4,200 ; emp., 4. Val. of mechanics' tools m'd., $7,000 ; emp., 13. f Corn and other Brooms m'd., 3,000 ; val. of brooms, $600 ; emp., 1. Lasts m'd., 58,000 ; val., $11,000. ^ ! Lumber prepared for market, 3,641,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $63,555; emp., 27. / 132 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. ^HAVERHILL. ' ^^SEX CO. Firewood prepared for market, 2,843 cords ; val. of firewood, $1-4,909; cmp.,38. Alewives, Shad and Salmon taken, 30,000 ; val. of same, $3,000 ; emp., 30. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, 9 ; Menno Sheep, of different grades,-; all other kinds of Sheep, 163; val. of all sheep, $198 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, 27 lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 382 lbs. Horses, 518 ; val. of horses, $19,375 ; Oxen over three years old, (see end of the Return.) Butter, 35,490 lbs. ; val. of butter, $8,558.50 ; Cheese, 9,750 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $1,085 ; Honey, 171 lbs. ; val. of honey, $33. Indian Corn, 37,854 bush. ; val., $37,854. Wheat, 12| acres; Wheat, per acre, 131 bush.; val., $353.50. Rye, 1,024 bush.; val., $1,406. Barley, 588 bush. ; val., $588. ' Oats, 40 acres ; Oats, per acre, 25 bush. ; val., $750. Potatoes, 17,266 bush. ; val., $15,461.25. Onions, ^ acre ; Onions, 305 bush. ; val., $203. Carrots, "l acre ; Carrots, per acre, 279 bush. ; val., $89. ^ Beets and other esculent vegetables, - acres ; val., $11,337 ; all other Grain or Root Crops, 1,004 bush. ; val., $566. English Hay; 3,084^ tons ; val., $51,488. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 827 tons ; val., $7,513. Val. of all kinds of fruit, $12,852. Hops, 2 lbs. ; val., 80 cts. Cranberries, 8 acres ; val., $306. Establishments for m. of sashes and blinds, 3 ; cap., $1,300; val. m'd., $15,000; emp., 13. Estal)lishments for m. of gas, 1 ; cap., $45,000 ; val. m'd., $5,000; emp., 4. Bakeries, 1 ; cap., $15,000 ; Flour consumed, 650 bbls. ; val. of bread m'd., $14,300 ; emp., 6. Establishments for m. of boxes, 3; cap., $2,000; val. of boxes m'd., $17,600 ; emp., 13. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 133 ESSEX CO. IPSWICH. Swine raised, 1,048; val., $18,223. Val. of blacksmithing-, $12,000. Val. of silver ware m'd., $7,000, Val. of millinery business, $17,000. Val. of clothing m'd., $15,000, Val. of confectionery m'd., $5,000. Val. of bookbindery business, $1,500. Val. of artificial teeth m'd,, $1,500. Sweet Potatoes, 10 bush. ; val., $12. Four separate returns were made from this town. Those relating to " neat cattle," are as follows : — District Xo. 1.— Neat Cattle, 281 ; val., $10,564. District No. 2. — Oxen over three years old, 132 ; Steers under three years old, 25 ; val. of oxen and steers, $6,957 ; Milch Cows, 228 ; Heifers, 40 ; val. of cows and heifers, $5,920. District No. 3.— Neat Cattle, 377 ; val., $11,875. District No. 4.— Neat Cattle, 193 ; val., $6,777. IPSWICH. Cotton Mills, 1 ; Spindles, 3,000 ; Cotton consumed, 150,000 lbs.; Cloth m'd., 900,000 yds., Printing Cloths; val. of cloth, $54,000 ; cap., $40,000 ; m. emp., 25 ; f. emp., 45. Establishments for m. of hosiery, 5 ; Hosiery m'd,, ribbed wool, 3,800 doz. pairs; val. of hosiery, $13,300 ; m. emp., 8 ; f. emi),, 6,, Establishments for m, of stocking frames, 1 ; val, of machinery m'd,, $500 ; emp,, 2. Vessels launched during said year, 3 ; Tonnage, 254 tons ; cap., $5,000 ; emp., 6, Estaljlishments for m. of wagons and sleighs, 5 ; val. of wagons and sleighs m'd., $2,000 ; emp., 3. Establishments for m. of soap and tallow candles, 1 ; Soap m'd., 400 bbls., 500 boxes ; val. of soap, $4,000 ; Tallow Can- 134 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. IPSWICH. ESSEX CO. dies m'd., - ; val. of tallow, candles, &c., §1,000 ; cap., ^1,500; emp., 2. Tin AVare Manufactories, 1 ; val, of tinware, $1,500 ; emp. ,2. Tanneries, 1 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 3,000 ; val. of leather tanned and curried, $21,000 ; cap., $5,000 ; emp., 6. Curryin* Establishments, 1. Boots of all kinds m'd., 22,000 pairs; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 20,000 pairs ; val. of l^oots and shoes, $69,000 ; m. emp., 78 ; f. emp., 60. Bricks m'd., 100,000; val. of bricks, $600; emp., 2. Val. of cigars, $500; emp., 1. Val. ofblacldng, $500; emp., 2. Firewood prepared for market, 1,000 cords ; val. of firewood, $6,000. Alewives taken, 300 bbls. ; val. of same, $1,200 ; emp., 6. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 158 ; val. of all sheep, $632 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 600 lbs. Horses, 201 ; val. of horses, $25,080 ; Oxen over three years old, 394 ; Steers under three years old, 150 ; val. of oxen and steers, $33,320 ; Milch Cows, 760 ; Heifers, 151 ; val. of cows and heifers, $21,251. Butter, 42,445 lbs. ; val. of butter, $1,064.25 ; Cheese, 6,000 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $600 ; Honey, 500 lbs. ; val. of honey. Indian Corn, 505 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 35 bush. ; val., $17,675. Rye, 183 acres; Rye, per acre, 12 bush. ; val., $2,296. Barley, 182 acres ; Barley, per acre, 10 bush. ; val., $1,456. Oats, 83 acres; Oats, per acre, 12 bush.; val., $996. Potatoes, 226 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 100 bush. ; val., $16,962. Onions, 5 acres ; Onions, per acre, 600 bush. ; val., $1,500. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 7 acres; Turnips, per acre, 600 bush. ; val., $1,000. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 135 ESSEX CO. LAWRENCE. Carrots, 8 acres ; Carrots, per acre, $500 bush. ; val., $1,200. Beets and other esculent vegetables, 15 acres; val., $1,450. English Mowing, 2,478 acres ; English Hay, 2,930 tons ; val., $37,170. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 474 tons ; val., $2,844. Salt Hay, 2,294 tons ; val., $16,058. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 10,307 ; val., $7,630. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 213 ; val., $346. Cranl)errics, 250 bush. ; val., $500. Esta))lisliments for m. of casks, 2 ; cap., $300 ; Casks m'd., 882 ; val., $617.40 ; emp., 2. Bakeries, 2 ; Flour consumed, 700 bbls. ; emp., 3. Shoo Boxes m'd., 1,000 ; cap., $400. , Guernsey Frocks m'd., 2,700 doz. ; val., $29,200 ; m. emp., 10 ; f. emp., 20. Shirts and Drawers m'd., 1,000 pieces; val., $1,600; m. emp., 1 ; f. emp., 2. Clambait obtained, 3,125 bbls. ; val., $17,020 ; m. emp., 106. Milk, 20,000 galls. ; val., $2,400. Whortleberries, 800 bush. ; val., $1,600. Bayberry Tallow, 2,000 lbs. ; val., $500. LAWRENCE. Cotton Mills, 6; Spindles, 127,644; Cotton consumed, 7,544,704 lbs.; Cloth m'd., 19,981,015 yds. of Sheeting, Shirting, Denims, Tickings, Striped Shirting, and Duck ; val. of cloth, $1,888,015; Yarn m'd., 12,000 lbs.; val. of yarn, $2,100; Flannel m'd., 196,000 yds.; val. of flannel, $21,000; cap., $3,800,000 ; m. emp., 712 ; f. emp., 1,873. Woollen Mills, 5 ; Sets of Machinery, 103 ; Wool consumed, 2,218,534 lbs. ; Woven ajid Felt Beavers m'd., 132,227^ yds. ; val. of beavers, $107,800.62 ; Cassimere m'd., 147,217" yds. ; val. of cassimere, $87,321.65 ; Sathiet m'd., 200,161 yds. ; val. 136 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. LAWRENCE. ESSEX CO. of satinet, $80,004.40; Felting Cloth and Carpets, 110,050 yds.; val., $87,368.08; Fancy Plaids, 147,428 yds. ; val., $73,714 ; Flannel, 2,073,115 yds. ; val. of flannel, $(396,950.47 ; cap., $1,800,000 ; m. emp., 1,300 ; f. emp., 1,000. Shawls m'd., 161,934 ; val., $647,736. Mills for m. of carpeting, 1 ; Wool consumed, 150,000 lbs. ; Carpeting m'd., 75,000 yds. ; val. of carpeting, $45,000 ; cap., $15,000 ; m. emp., 25 ; f. emp., 10. Estaijlishiticnts for m. of do laines, 1. [The Assessors do not state whether this establishment is eml3raced in the five woollen mills returned.] De Laines m'd., 3,216,998 yds. ; val. of goods, $536,000 ; Wool consumed, 475,000 lbs. ; Cotton consumed, 200,000 lbs. ; cap., about $700,000 ; m. emp., 109 ; f. emp., 192. Print Works connected with the de laine establishment ; Sets of Woollen Machinery, 13 ; m. emp., 273 ; f. emp., 25. Furnaces for m. of hollow ware and castings other than pig iron, 3 ; Hollow Ware and other Castings m'd., 2,400 tons; val. of hollow ware and castings, $155,000 ; cap., $170,000 ; emp., 100. Establishments for m. of cotton, woollen and other machinery, 2 ; val. of machinery m'd., $220,000 ; cap., $198,000 ; emp., 215. Establishments for m. of steam-engines and boilers, 1 ; val. of steam-engines and boilers, $270,000; cap., $200,000; emp., 150. Axe Manufactories, 1 ; Axes, Hatchets and other Edge Tools, m'd., 6,000 ; cap., $2,000 ; emp., 5. Brass Founderies, 1 ; val. of articles m'd., $12,000 ; cap., $8,000 ; emp., 3. Paper Manufactories, 3 ; Stock made use of, 2,150 tons ; Paper m'd., 1,500 tons ; val. of paper, $300,000; cap., $150,000; emp., 100. Piano-Forte Manufactories, 1 ; val. of piano-fortes m'd., (only the wood-word,) $83,000; cap., $25,000 ; emp., 33. Daguerreotype Artists, 3; Daguerreotypes taken, 7,100; cap., $3,000; emp., 7. 185r>.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 137 ESSEX CO. LAWRENCE. Saddle, Harness and Trunk ManTifactorics, 4 ; val. of sad- dles, etc., $7,350 ; cap., $1,000; emp., 7. Upholstery Manufactories, 2 ; val. of upholstery, $4,000 ; cap., $500 ; emp., 2. Hat and Cap Manufactories, 2 ; number of hats and caps m'd., 3,700 ; val. of hats and caps m'd., $3,225 ; caj)., $1,500 ; emp., 13. Card Manufactories, 1 ; val. of cards for mill machinery m'd., $20,000 ; cap., $10,000 ; emp., 6. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 2 ; val. of railroad cars, &c., m'd., $61,103; cap., $21,000; emp., 68. Establishments for m. of soap and tallow candles, 3 ; Soft Soap m'd., 2,500 ])l)ls. ; Hard Soap m'd., 160,000 lbs. ; val. of soap, $15,800 ; Tallow Candles m'd., 16,000 lbs. ; val. of tallow candles, $2,240; cap., $14,500; emp., 16. Chair and Cabinet Manufactories, 2 ; val. of chairs and cabi- net ware, $6,250; cap., $2,500; emp., 14. Tin Ware Manufactories, 6 ; val. of tin ware, $30,260 ; cap., $13,500 ; emp., 29. Boots of all kinds m'd., 8,367 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 15,816 pairs; val. of boots and shoes, $24,925; m. emp., 31; f. emp., 30. Val. of building, stone quarried and prepared for building, $26,000 ; emp., 29. Lumber prepared for market, 5,255,463 ft. ; val. of lumber, $67,235.23 ; emp., 57. Firewood prepared for market, 2,060 cords ; val. of firewood, $10,300; emp., 23. Horses, 196 ; val. of horses, $25,480 ; Oxen over three years old, 74 ; Steers under three years old, 4 ; val. of oxen and steers, $5,310 ; Milch Cows, 201 ; Heifers, 8 ; val. of cows and heifers, $6,270. Butter, 3,650 lbs. ; val. of butter, $949 ; Cheese, 200 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $20. 'Indian Corn, 25.|- acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 40 bush. ; val., $1,122. 18 138 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. LAWRENCE. ESSEX CO. Rye, lOf acres ; Rye, per acre, 25 bush. ; val., $322.50. Barley, |- acre ; Barley, per acre, 32 bush. ; val. $30. Oats, 12 acres; Oats, per acre, 25 bush. ; val., $180. Potatoes, 30^ acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 100 bush. ; val., $2,745. Onions, 10 bush. ; val., $6. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 3^- acres ; Turni])S, per acre, 300 bush. ; val., $346.50. Carrots, ^ acre ; Carrots, per acre, 300 bush. ; val., $24.75. Beets and other esculent veg-etables, 6 acres ; val., $597.50. English MoAving, 300 acres; English Hay, 226 tons; val., $3,842. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 26 tons ; val., $260. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 2,500 ; 1,984 bush, apples raised ; val., $596.40. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 165 ; bush., 20 ; val.. Establishments for m. of sashes, doors and blinds, 3 ; cap., $12,000; val. m'd., $37,219.46; emp., 25. Estaldishments for m. of gas, 1; cap., $100,000; val. m'd., $28,000; emp., 6. Bakeries, 2 ; cap., $4,000 ; Flour consumed, 1,300 bbls. ; val. of bread nvdf, $22,000 ; emp., 16. Establishment for m. of boxes, (for boots, shoes, and woollen goods,) 1 ; cap., $10,000 ; val. of boxes m'd., $30,000 ; emp., 6. Swine, 183 ; val., $3,205. Establishments for m. of ]:)elting, banding and harness for mill machinery, 1; val. m'd., $65,000; cap., $27,500; m. emp., 19 ; f. emp., 20. Blank Book Manufactories, 1; val. m'd., $1,200; cap., $300 ; emp., 2. Estal)lishments for m. of machinists' tools, 1 : val. m'd.. $50,000; cap., $80,000; emp., 80. Establishments for m. of paper machinerv, 1 ; val. m'd., $200,000 ; cap., $112,000 ; emp., 100. Cotton Ducking Mills, 1 ; Spindles, 5,000 ; Cotton consumed, 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. I.39 ESSEX CO. LYNN. $1,200,000 lbs. ; Cotton Duck m'd., 1,100,000 yds. ; val., $200,000; cap., $300,000; m. cmp., 75; f. emp., $150. File Manufactories, 2; val. m'd., $21,000; cap., $5,000; emp., 32. LYNN. Silk Manufactories, 1 ; Sewing Silk m'd., 8,000 lbs. ; val. of sewing silk, $85,000 ; cap., $7,000 ; m. cmp., 8 ; f. emp., 5. Establishments for m. of cotton, woollen and other ma- chinery, 3; val. of machinery m'd., $17,500; cap., $2,600; emp., 12. Establishments for m. of steam-engines and Ijoilers, 1 ; val. of steam-engines and boilers, $3,000; cap., $1,000; emp., 3. Shops for m. of iron railing, iron fences and iron safes, 2 ; val. of iron railing, 55 lbs. ; val. of butter, $3,663.75 ; Honey, 230 lbs. ; val. of honey, $46. Indian Corn, 120 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 30 bush.; val., $3,600. Bye, 33 acres ; Rye, per acre, 15 bush. ; val., $742.50. Barley, 10 acres ; Barley, per acre, 15 bush. ; val., $150. Oats, 12 acres; Oats, per acre, 22 bush.; val., $150 Potatoes, 56 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 106 bush.; val., $5,936. English Mowing, 780 acres ; English Hay, 5o5 tons; val., $10,530. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 286 tons ; val., $2,288. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 5,300 ; val., $5,250. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 500 ; val., $275. Cranberries, 20 acres; val., $750. There are 205,000 pairs of shoes made in this town for deal- ers in Dan vers and Lynn ; val., $36,560 ; m. emp., 160. Val. of blacksmiths' work done, $2,500 ; emp., 3. Establishment for cutting ice, 1 ; val. of iee sold, $40,000 ; cap., $25,000. Stores, 2; val. of business done, $40,000. House Carpenters, 8 ; products of their labor, $4,000. WEST NEWBURY. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 2 ; val. of railroad cars Ac?, m'd., $10,000 ; cap., $6,000 ; emp., 15. Comb Manufactories, 15; val. of combs m'd., $186,500 cap., $134,900; emp., 212. 1855.] INDUSTRY OP MASSACHUSETTS. 171 ESSEX CO. . WEST NEWBURY. Boots of all kinds m'd., - pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd,, 275,200 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $231,138; m. emp., 231 ; f. emp., 138. Bricks mM., 600,000 ; val. of bricks, $3,600 ; emp., 4. Firewood prepared for market, 540 cords ; val. of firewood, $3,780 ; emp., 10. Saxony Sheep, of diiferent grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 164 ; val. of all sheep, $656 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 525 lbs. Horses, 169 ; val. of horses, $12,565 ; Oxen over three years old, 282 ; Steers under three years old, 55 ; val. of oxen and steers, $18,872 ; Milch Cows, 520 ; Heifers, 102 ; val. of cows and heifers, $16,632. Butter, 35,761 lbs. ; val. of butter, $8,940 ; Cheese, 11,420 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $1,142 ; Honey, 250 lbs. ; val. of honey, $50. Indian Corn, 298 acres; Indian Corn, 45 bush.; val., $13,410. Wheat, 8 acres; Wheat, per acre, 13 bush. ; val., $208. Rye, 33 acres ; Rye, per acre, 12 bush. ; val., $594. Barley, 66 acres ; Barley, per acre, 24 bush. ; val., $1,590. Oats, 97 acres ; Oats, per acre, 33 bush. ; val., $2,081. Potatoes, 125 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 96 bush.; val., $11,875. Onions, 8 acres; Onions, per acre, 540 bush. ; val., $2,590. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 3 acres ; Turnips per acre, 400 bush. ; val., $360. Carrots, 6 acres; Carrots, per acre, 650 bush. ; val., $1,080. Millet, 10 acres; val., $324. English Mowing, 1,545 acres ; English Hay, 1,831 tons ; val., $34,780. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 720 tons ; val., $7,380. Salt Hay, 581 tons; val., $5,810. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 14,900 ; val., $24,150. 172 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. ASHFIELD. FRANKLIN CO. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 325 ; vaL, $950. Cranberries, 15 acres ; yal., $300. Beeswax, 25 lbs. ; vaL, Val. of milk sold, $3,200. FRANKLIN COUNTY. ASHFIELD. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; val. of sad- dles, &c., $600; cap., $100; emp., 1. Tanneries, 2 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 400 ; val. of leather tanned $1,500 ; cap., $1,800 ; emp., 2. Currying Establishments, 1 ; val. of leather curried, $800 ; cap., $900 ; emp., 1. Boots of all kinds m'd., 165 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 215 jjairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $695 ; m. emp., 1 ; f. emp., 1. Val. of palm leaf ha^ m'd., $2,300 ; m. emp., 4 ; f. emp., 60. Charcoal m'd., 400 bush. ; val. of same, $36 ; emp., 1. Val. of mechanics' tools m'd., $4,500 ; emp., 8. Val. of wooden ware not otherwise enumerated, including farming utensils m'd., $75 ; emp., 1. Luml)er prepared for market, 1,290,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $11,610; emp., 18. Firewood prepared for market, 992 cords ; val. of firewood, $2,480 ; emp., 8. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, 2,624 ; all other kinds of Sheep, 520 ; val. of all sheep, $7,860; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, -lbs. ; Me- rino Wool produced, 10,062 lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 2,068 lbs. Horses, 246 ; val. of horses, $23,210 ; Oxen over three years 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 173 « FRANKLIN CO. ASHFIELD. old, 200 ; Steers under three years old, 314 ; val. of oxen and steers, $1,726 ; Milch Cows, 625 ; Heifers, 240 ; val. of cows and heifers, $24,455. Butter, 80,150 lbs. ; val. of butter, $17,633 ; Cheese, 15,900 ll)s. ; val. of cheese, $1,590 ; Honey, 150 lbs. ; val. of honey, $30. Indian Corn, 283 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 46 bush. ; val., $13,018. Wheat, 40 acres ; Wheat, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., $1,8§0. Rye, 40 acres ; Rye, per acre, 25 bush. ; val., $1,000. Barley, 43 acres ; Barley, per acre, 27 bush. ; val., $870.75. Oats, 90 acres ; Oats, per acre, 30 bush, ; val., $1,350. Potatoes, 139 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 114 bush. ; val., $7,923. Onions, 2 acres ; Onions, per acre, 270 bush. ; val., $405. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 4 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 300 bush. ; val., $300. Carrots, 3 acres ; Carrots, per acre, 365 bush. ; val., $328.50. English Mowing, 2,951 acres ; English Hay, 2,874 tons ; val., $34,488. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 905 tons ; val., $6,335, Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 5,176 ; val., $3,334. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 258 ; val., $320. Establishments for m. of stone and earthenware, 1 ; cap., $1,500; val. of stone and earthenware, $4,950 ; cmp., 4. Val. of surgical splints m'd., $1,400; emp., 3. Faucets m'd., 60,000; val., $1,600; cap., $1,000; emp., 3. Canes m'd., 35,000 ; val., $1,500 ; cap., $400 ; emp., 3. Washboards m'd., 1,000 ; val., $250. Val. of sliirts and collars m'd., $4,000 ; emp., 38. Val. of mincing knives, $1,200. Val. of rolling pins, pill boxes, &c., $500. Shingles m'd., 410,000 ; val., $1,025. Maple Sugar, 40,000 ll)s. ; val. of maple sugar, $4,000. Val. of quinces, $150. Swine raised, 315 ; val., $4,200. 174 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. BERNARDSTON. FRANKLIN CO. BERNARDSTON. Manufactories of shovels, spades, forks and hoes, 1 ; val. of shovels, &c., $050; cap., $6,000; emp., 3. Saddle, Harness, and Trunk ^Manufactories, 1 ; val. of saddles, &c., $300 ; cap., $200 ; emp., 1. Firewood prepared for market, 1,500 cords; val. of firewood, $3,750 ; emp., 10. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, 777 ; all other kinds of Sheep, 259 ; val. of all sheep, $2,590 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, 2,331 lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 777 lbs. Horses, 114 ; val. of horses, $9,280 ; Oxen over three years old, 136 ; Steers under three years old, 212 ; val. of oxen and steers, $12,599 ; Milch Cows, 300 ; Heifers, 160 ; val. of cows and heifers, $12,474. Butter, 26,865 lbs. ; val. of butter, $5,372 ; Cheese, 4,390 lbs. ;'val. of cheese, $439. Indian Corn, 244 acres ; Indian Corn per acre, 32 bush. ; val., $7,808. Wheat, 9 acres; Wheat, per acre, 13|- bush. ; val., $243. Rye, 186 acres ; Rye, per acre, 10 bush. ; val., $2,325. Barley, 2 acres ; Barley, per acre, 15 bush. ; val., $30. Oats, 90 acres; Oats, per acre, 30 bush. ; val., $1,350. Potatoes, 93 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 72 bush.; val., $o,fj48. English Mowing, 1,333 acres; English Hay, 1,616 tons; val., $24,240. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 3,000 ; val. of apples, 50 cts. per bush. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 47 ; val. of pears, $1 per bush. Hops, 16^- acres; Hops, per acre, 712 lbs. ; val., $2,892.50. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 175 FRANKLIN CO. BUCKLAND. BUCKLAND. Establishments for m. of cutlery, 1 ; val. of cutlery, $175,000 ; cap., $150,000 ; cmp., 250. File Manufactories, 1 ; Files m'd., - gross ; val. of files, $2,000 ; cap., $500 ; emp., 4. Daguerreotype Artists, 1 ; Daguerreotypes taken, 500 ; cap., $300 ; emp., 1. Tanneries, 1 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 1,200 ; val. of leather tanned, $8,000; cap., $2,700; emp., 2. Currying Establishments, 1 ; val. of leather curried, $4,000 ; cap., $1,300; emp., 3. Val. of building stone quarried and prepared for building, $2,000 ; emp., 3. Charcoal m'd., 6,000 bush. ; val. of same, $480 ; emp., 1. Lumber prepared for market, 350,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $2,800 ; emp., 6. Firewood prepared for market, 3,000 cords ; val. of firewood, $9,000 ; emp., 12. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, 731 ; all other kinds of Sheep, 170 ; val, of all sheep, $2,062 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, 2,193 lbs. ; all other W^ool produced, 680 lbs. - Horses, 156 ; val. of horses, $11,145 ; Oxen over three years old, 114 ; Steers imder three years old, 164 ; val. of oxen and steers, $8,457 ; Milch Cows, 389 ; Heifers, 141 ; val. of cows and heifers, $11,522. Butter, 77,000 lbs. ; val. of butter, $13,000 ; Cheese, 38,500 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $3,080. Indian Corn, 146 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 40 bush. ; val., $4,860. Rye, 20 acres ; Rye, per acre, 15 bush. ; val., $300. Barley, 6 acres ; Barley, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., $80. Oats, 75 acres ; Oats, per acre, 30 bush. ; val., $1,125. Potatoes, 75 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 100 bush.; val., $B,750. 176 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. CHAELEMONT. FRANKLIN CO. English Mowing, 223 acres; English Hay, 260 tons; val., $2,600. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 1,060 tons ; val., $5,300. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 1,500 ; val., $3,000. Establishments for m. of knife, shaving, pen and pencil boxes, 3 ; cap., $1,200 ; val. of boxes m'd., $2,150 ; emp., 4. Gross val. of all other articles m'd., $7,500 ; cap., $4,000 ; emp., 10. The articles are as follows: — Broom Handles, Pen Holders, Splints, Carpenters' Gauges, Twine Reels, Lemon Squeezers, Towel Rollers, Meat Mauls, Scythes, Sticks, and Brush Handles. Swine raised, 143 ; val., $968. CHARLEMONT. Plough Manufactories, -; Ploughs and other Agricultural Tools m'd., (100 corn-planters, 30 cultivators,) 130 ; val., $330 ; cap., $100 ; emp., 1. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 1 ; val. of railroad cars, &c., m'd., $1,000; cap., $400; emp., 3. Tan^ieries, 2; Hides of all kinds tanned, 3,800; val. of leather tanned, $7,900; cap., $1,500; emp., 4. Boots of all kinds m'd., 280 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 195 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $1,035 ; m. emp., 4. Val. of palm leaf hats, $3,612; f. emp., 200. Val. of marble prepared for market, $2,000 ; emp., 3. Val. of wooden ware not otherwise enumerated, including farming utensils m'd., (20,000 hoe handles, 85,000 broom han- dles,) $1,490 ; emp., 3. Lumber prepared for market, 625,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, l:,375 ; emp., 9. Firewood prepared for market, 525 cords ; val. of firewood, 1,000; emp., 3. Saxony Sheep of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dififer- 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 17T FRANKLIN CO. • CHARLEMONT. eiit grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 990 ; val. of all sheep, $1,980 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 2,970 lbs. Horses, 150 ; val. of horses, $8,500 ; Oxen over three years old, 154 ; Steers under three years old, 184 ; val. of oxen and steers, $9,000 ; Milch Cows, 411 ; Heifprs, 180 ; val. of cows and heifers, $12,700. Butter, 34,900 lbs. ; val. of butter, $6,322 ; Cheese, 12,700 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $1,016 ; Honey, 200 lbs. ; val. of of honey, $30. Indian Corn, 238 acres, Indian Corn, per acre, 40 bush. ; val., $9,520. Wheat, 10 acres ; Wheat, per acre, 141 bush. • yal,, $292. Rye, 125 acres ; Rye, per acre, 11 bush. ; val., $1,485. Barley, 10 acres; Barley, per acre, 17 bush. ; val., $127.50. Oats, 90 acres ; Oats, per acre, 30 bush. ; val., $1,350. Potatoes, 99 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 80 bush. ; vaL, $3,960. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, If acre ; Turnips, per acre, 400 bush ; val., $83. English Mowing, 2,150 acres ; English Hay, 1,946 tons ; val., Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 4,500 ; val., $2,500. Swine, 225 ; val., $1,350. Val. of all other articles produced, $20,304 ; cap. invested in the following branches of industry, $2,000; emp., 24, as follows : — Buckwheat, 15 acres ; Buckwheat, per acre, 11|^ ; val., $132. Maple Sugar, 4,600 lbs. ; val., $4,060. Val. of flagging stone quarried, $200. Scythe Sticks m'd., 3,750 doz. ; val., $15,000. Friction Matches, 4,000 g^i^oss ; val., $1,000; val. of match- boxes, $1,000. Val. of silk and other bonnets m'd., $2,400. Val. of axe handles and ox bows m'd., $112. 23 178 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. COLERAINE. FRANKLIN CO. COLERAINE. Cotton Mills, 2 ; Spindles, 7,500 ; Cotton consumed, 450,000 lbs.; Cloth m'd., 2,800,000 yds., Print Cloths ; val. of cloth, $85,000; Batting m'd., 7,500 lbs. ; val. of batting, $750; m. emp., 55 ; f. emp., 85. Plough Manufactories, 1 ; Ploughs and other Agricultural Tools m'd., 55 ; val., $300 ; emp., 1. Tanneries, 1 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 1,500 ; val. of leather tanned, $4,200 ; cap., $2,500 ; emp., 2. Boots of all kinds m'd., 1,500 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 30 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $2,600 ; m. emp., 2. Val. of palm leaf hats m'd., $267. Val. of mechanics' tools m'd., $3,000 ; emp. 3. Val. of wooden ware not otherwise enumerated, including farming utensils m'd, $5,340 ; emp., 13. Lumber prepared for market, 176,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, ),081 ; emp., 12. Firewood prepared for market, 1,632 cords ; val. of firewood, $2,448 ; emp., 5. Si^xony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, 1,293 ; all other kinds of Sheep, 1,177 ; val. of all sheep, $7,410 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, 3,161 lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 3,531 lbs. Horses, 211 ; val. of horses, $18,155 ; Oxen over three years old, 267 ; Steers under three years old, 325 ; val. of oxen and steers, $24,834 ; Milch Cows, 578 ; Heifers, 209 ; val. of cows and heifers, $18,856. Butter, 39,335 lbs. ; val. of butter, $7,180.30 ; Cheese, 8,880 lbs.; val. of cheese, $710 ; Honey, 445 lbs. ; val. of honey, $74. Indian Corn, 401 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 30 bush. ; yal., $12,030. Wheat, 22 acres ; Wheat, per acre, 15 bush. ; val., $660. Rye, 71 acres ; Rye, per acre, 15 bush. ; val., $1,329. Barley, 17 acres ; Barley, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., $266. Oats, 250 acres ; Oats, per acre, 25 bush. ; val., $3,125. I 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 179 FRANKLIN CO. CONWAY. Potatoes, 152 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 125 bush. ; val., $5,430. English Mowing, 3,111 acres ; English Hay, 2,536 tons ; val., $25,300. AYet Meadow or Swale Hav, 1,156 tons ; val., $5,780. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 4,437 ; val., $3,063. Maple Sugar produced, 15,481 lbs. ; val., $1,238. CONWAY. Cotton Mills, 3 ; Spindles, 1,854 ; Cotton consumed, 300,387 lbs.; Cloth m'd., 207,542yds. of Grain Bags, and 59,080 yds. of Duck ; val. of cloth, $41,867 ; cap., $34,200 ; m. emp., 27 ; f. emp., 53. Woollen Mills, 1 ; Sets of Machinery, 4 ; Wool consumed, 200,000 lbs.; Satinet m'd., 300,000 yds.; val. of satinet, $150,000 ; cap., $65,000 ; m. emp., 46 ; f. emp., 26. Establishments form, of cutlery, 1 ; val. of cutlery, $40,000 ; cap., $30,000 ; emp., 50. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; val. of sad- dles, &c., $1,000; caj)., $150; emp., 1. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 1 ; val. of railroad cars, FRANKLIN CO. Establishments for m. of piano-forte cases and legs, 1 ; arti- cles m'd., 40 cases and 1,200 sets of legs ; val., ^1,000 ; cap., $3,000. Railroad Ties m'd., 5,745 ; val., $1,273.90. Swine, 90 ; vat., $720. GILL. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wag- ons, sleighs, and other vehicles, - ; val. of railroad cars, &c., m'd., $500; emp., 3. Tanneries, 1 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 400 ; val. of leather tanned, $1,500; cap., $1,000; cmp., 2. Val. of palm leaf hats m'd., $1,375. Val. of wooden ware not otherwise enumerated, including farming utensils m'd., $2,500 ; emp., 3. Corn and other Brooms m'd., 1,200; val. of brooms, $240; emp., 1, part of the year. Lumber prepared for market, 50,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $600. Firewood prepared for market, 500 cords ; val. of firewood, $1,500. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of different grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 170 ; val. of all sheep, $510 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, -lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 510 lbs. Horses, 123 ; val. of horses, $9,840 ; Oxen over three years old, 154 ; Steers under three years old, 140 ; val. of oxen and steers, $11,500 ; Milch Cows, 339 ; Heifers, 107; val. of cows and heifers, $11,150. Butter, 48,000 lbs. ; val. of butter, $10,560 ; Cheese, 5,500 lbs.; val. of cheese, $550; Honey, 400 lbs. ; val. of honey, ^66. Indian Corn, 332 acres ; Indian Corn, per aCre, 35 bush. ; val., $11,620; Broom Corn, 39 acres ; Broom Bush, per acre, 700 lbs. ; V9,l., $2,454 ; Broom Seed, per acre, 40 bush. ; val., $597. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 185 FRANKLIN CO. GREENFIELD. Wheat, 20 acres ; Wheat, per acre, 12 bush. ; val., $480. Rye, 245 acres; Rye, per acre, 10 bush. ; val., $3,062. Oats, 130 acres ; Oats, per acre, 30 bush. ; val., $1,950. Potatoes, 80 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 100 bush.; val., $4,000. Onions, 1 acre ; Onions, per acre, 400 bush. ; val., $300. Carrots, 2 acres ; Carrots, per acre, $600 bush. ; val., $300. English Mowing, 1,004 acres ; English Hay, 1,255 tons ; val., $12,550. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 200 tons; val., $1,000. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 3,000; val., $1,250. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 40 ; val., $25. Hops, 2 acres ; Hops, per acre, 600 lbs. ; val., $300. GREENFIELD. Woollen Mills, 1 ; Sets of Machinery, 5 ; Wool consumed, 150,000 lbs. ; Cassimere m'd., 140,000 yds. ; val. of cassimere, $150,000 ; cap., $80,000 ; m. emp., 70 ; f. emp., 50. Furnaces for m. of hollow ware and castings other than pig iron,l ; Hollow Ware and other Castings m'd., 200 tons; val. of hollow ware and castings, $16,000; cap., $8,000 ;. emp., 5. Daguerreotype Artists, 2 ; Daguerreotypes taken, 2,100 ; cap., $1,400; emp., 2. . Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 2 ; val. of saddles, (fee, $3,000 ; cap., $2,000 ; emp., 7. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 2 ; val. of railroad cars, &c., m'd., $3,700 ; cap., $2,500; emp., 6. Chair and Cabinet Manufactories, 1 ; val. of chairs and cabir- net ware, $1,700 ; cap., $2,000 ; emp., 4. Tin Ware Manufactories, 2 ; val. of tin ware, $1,700 ; cap., $1,400 ; emp., 6. Tanneries, 1 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 400 ; val. of leather tanned, $2,000; cap., $800; emp., 1. 24 186 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. GREENFIELD. FRANKLIN CO. Boots of all kinds m'd., 590 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 2,255 pairs; val. of boots and shoes, $4,640 ; ni. emp., 7. Bricks m'd., 500,000; val. of bricks, $2,500; emp., 6. Val. of blacking-, $800 ; emp., 2. Val. of mechanics' tools m'd., $120,000; cap., $70,000; emp., 80. Lumber prepared for market, 554,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $6,000; emp., 13. Firewood prepared for market, 1,663 cords ; val. of firewood, $5,848 ; emp., 6. Saxony Sheep, of diflerent grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif-- forent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 399 ; val. of all shoop, $1,238 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all otlior Wool produced, 931 lbs. Horses, 252 ; val. of horses, $23,659 ; Oxen over three years old, 209 ; Steers under three years old, 243 ; val. of oxen and steers, $24,415 ; Milch Cows, 583 ; Heifers, 127 ; val. of cows and heifers, $19,655. Butter, 49,035 lbs. ; val. of butter, $10,905 ; Cheese, 5,920 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $545 ; Honey, 437 lbs. ; val. of honey, $68. Indian Corn, 404 acres; Indian Corn, per acre, 35 bush.; val., $15,801. Wheat, 15 acres ; Wlicat, per acre, 18 busli. ; val., $604. Rye, 261 acres ; Rye, per acre, 9 })ush. ; val., $2,952. Oats, 121 acres ; Oats, per acre, 30 bush. ; val., $2,201. Potatoes, 72 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 100 bush. ; val., $3,923. Onions, 1 acre ; Onions, per acre, 38 bush. ; val., $38. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 2^ acres ; Turnips, per acre, 411 bush. ; val., $351. Carrots, 2 acres ; Carrots, pur acre, 330 bush. ; val., $220. Beets and other esculent vegetables, - acres ; all other Grain or Root Crops, 16 acres ; val., $240. English Mowing, 1,779 acres ; English Hay, 2,637 tons; val., $31,644. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 159 tons ; val., $1,161. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 187 FRANKLIN CO. HAWLEY. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 480 ; val., $960. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 50 ; val,, $150. Hops, 1 acre ; Hops, per acre, 500 lbs. ; val., $85. Estal)lishments for m. of sashes, doors and blinds, 1 ; cap., $5,000 ; val. m'd., $12,000 ; emp., 10. ]>akcries, 1 ; Flour consumed, 500 bbls. ; val. of bread m'd., $6,000; cap., $2,000; emp., 5. Establishments for m. of baby carriages, 3 ; carriages m'd., 1,700; val., $17,000; cap., $3,500; emp., 14. White Beans, 10 acres ; White Beans, per acre, 12 bush. ; val., $180. HAWLEY. Tanneries, 1 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 2,500 ; val. of leather tanned, $12,000; cap., $2,000 ;,emp., 3. Val. of palm leaf hats, $597 ; m. emp., 1 ; f. emp., 4. Lumber prepared for market, 364,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $18,200 ; emp., 2. Firewood prepared for market, 459 cords ; val. of firewood, $650 ; emp., 2. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, -; all other kinds of Sheep, 1,286; val. of all sheep, $2,572 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; INle- rino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 3,858 lbs. Horses, 165 ; val. of horses, $11,338 ; Oxen over three years old, 129 ; Steers under three years old, 205 ; val. of oxen and steers, $11,585 ; Milch Cows, 300 ; Heifers, 180 ; val. of cows and heifers, $8,506. Butter, 22,440 lbs. ; val. of butter, $4,488 ; Cheese, 4,251 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $425 ; Honey, 230 lbs. ; val. of honey, \ Lidian Corn, 137 acres; Indian Corn, per acre, 30 bush.; val., $4,110. 188 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. HEATH. FRANKLIN CO. Wheat, 22 acres ; Wheat, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., Rye, 23 acres ; Rye, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., $460, Barley, 34 acres ; Barley, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., Oats, 67 acres ; Oats, per acre, 30 bush. ; val., $1,005. Potatoes, 126 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 100 bush. ; val., $6,300. Carrots, 3 acres ; Carrots, per acre, 1,500 bush. ; val., $500. English Mowing, 1,616 acres ; English Hay, 1,234 tons ; val., $12,3^40. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 205 tons ; val., $1,025. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 1,000 ; val., $1,000. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 12 ; val., $20. Establishments for m. of cheese and butter boxes, 2 ; val. of boxes m'd., $1,550 ; cap., $500. Broom Handles m'd., 502,000 ; val., $5,020 ; emp., 10. Shingles m'd., 227,000 ; val., $454. Swine, 137 ; val., $685. HEATH. Tanneries, 1; Hides of all kinds tanned, 1,000; val. of leather tanned, $8,000; cap., $4,650; emp., 2. Val. of palm leaf hats, $1,061 ; [not a regular business.] Lumber prepared for market, 200,000 ft. ; val. of luml)er, $1,000 ; emp., 4. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 403 ; val. of all sheep, $1,294 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 1,612 lbs. Horses, 175 ; val. of liorses, $12,000 ; Oxen over three years old, 187 ; Steers under three years old, 177 ; val. of oxen and steers, $13,158 ; Milch Cows, 370 ; Heifers, 211 ; val. of cows and heifers, $13,500. 1855.] INDUSTRY OP MASSACHUSETTS. 189 FRANKLIN CO. LEVERETT. Butter, 24,757 lbs. ; val. of l)iitter, $4,952 ; Cheese, 15,479 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $1,083. Indian Corn, 182 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 33 bush. ; val., $6,726.72. AVheat, 35 acres ; Wheat, per acre, 15 bush. ; val., $1,312.50. Rye, 14 acres ; Rye, per acre, 17 bush. ; val., $296.75. Barley, 56 acres ; Barley, per acre, 18 bush. ; val., $1,008. Oats, 80 acres ; Oats, per acre, 25 bush. ; val., $1,200. Potatoes, 130 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 110 bush. ; val., $7,150. Carrots, 4 acres ; Carrots, per acre, 400 bush. ; val., $533. English Mowing, 2,800 acres ; English Hay, 1,600 tons ; val., $16,000. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 3,900 ; val., $2,500. All other articles produced are as follows : — Chair-backs, val., $700 ; cap. $400 ; emp., 1. Swine, 137 ; val., $1,030. Maple Sugar, 6,000 lbs. ; val., $480. LEVERETT. ♦ Woollen Mills, 1 ; Sets of Machinery, 1 ; Wool consumed, 4,000 lbs. ; Satinet m'd., 1,000 yds. ; val. of satinet, $600 ; Yarn m'd. and not made into cloth, 300 lbs. ; val. of yarn, $250 ; cap., $2,500 ; m. emp., 3 ; f. emp., 2. Scythe Manufactories, 2 ; Scythes m'd., 340 ; val. of scythes, $260 ; cap., $500; emp., 2. Manufactories of Hoes, 2 ; val. of hoes, &c., $700 ; cap., $600 ; emp., 2. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 2 ; val. of railroad cars, &c., m'd., $1,675 ; cap., $1,000 ; emp., 4. Tanneries, 2 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 2,100 ; val. of leather tanned, $8,000; cap., $4,500 ; emp., 5. 190 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. LEVERETT. FRANKLIN CO. Currying Establishments, 2 ; val. of leather curried, $4,000 ; cap., $300 ; emp., 3. Boots of all kinds m'd., 125 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 125 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $450 ; m. emp., 2. Val. of palm leaf hats, $2,500 ; emp., 147. Charcoal m'd., 60,300 bush., val. of same, $4,824 ; emp., 14. Val. of whips m'd., $700 ; emp., 2. Corn and other Brooms, 15,000 ; val. of brooms, $2,900 ; emp., 4. Lumber prepared for market, 965,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $8,520 ; emp., 25. Firewood prepared for market, 700 cords ; val. of firewood, $1,275; emp., 8. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of differ- ent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 413 ; val. of all sheep, $753 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - ; lbs, ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 997 lbs. Horses, 130 ; val. of horses, $10,040 ; Oxen over three years old, 189 ; Steers under three years old, 128 ; val. of oxen and steers, $12,290 ; Milch Cows, 286 ; Heifers, 123 ; val. of cows and heifers, $90,400. Butter, 23,510 lbs.; val. of butter, $4,231.80; Cheese, 10,225 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $920.25. Indian Corn, 342 acres; Indian Corn, per acre, ^1 bush. ; val., $7,182 ; Broom Corn, 4 acres ; Broom Bush, per acre, 725 lbs. ; val., $261 ; Broom Seed, per acre, 52|- bush. ; val., $84. Rye, 278 acres; Rye, per acre, 7.} bush. ; val., $2,651.25. Oats, 88 acres ; Oats, per acre, 14 bush. ; val., $625. Carrots, |- acre ; Carrots, per acre, 300 bush. ; val., $30. English Mowing, 926 acres; English Hay, 839 tons; val., $10,068. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 472 tons ; val., $3,304. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 6,070 ; val., $2,347. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 72 ; val., $25. Cranberries, 1 acre; val., $60. Establishments for m. of sashes, doors and blinds, 1 ; cap., ; val. m'd., $200 ; emp., 1. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 191 FRANKLIN CO, LEYDEN. Distilleries,!; cap., $500; Alcohol distilled, 40 bbls. ; val., $1,024; emp., 1. Mills for grindiiio- rye or corn, 2 ; Rye Flour, 206 bbls ; val., |1,596 ; Corn, 4(12 bbls. ; val., $1,886 ; emp., 2. Plaster Mills, 1 ; Plaster ground, 70 tons ; val., $400 ; emp., 1. Establishments for m. of scythe snathe irons, 1 ; scythe snath irons m'd., 90,000; val., $9,000; emp., 5. Machine Shops, 1 ; val. machinery m'd., $2,000 ; cap,, $1,000; emp., 3. LEYDEN. Charcoal m'd., 4,000 bush. ; val. of same, $320 ; emp., 1, during 60 days. Lumber prepared for market, 30,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $240; emp., 1. Firewood prepared for market, 563 cords ; val. of firewood, $1,126 ; emp., 2. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of different grades, 1,340 ; all other kinds of Sheep, 456 ; val. of all sheep, $3,084 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, 3,500 lljs. ; all other Wool produced, 1,500 lbs. Horses, 143 ; val. of horses, $10,500 ; Oxen over three years old, 154 ; Steers under three years old, 140 ; val. of oxen and steers, $11,810; Milch Cows, 260; Heifers, 109; val. of cows and heifers, $8,395. Butter, 21,920 lbs. ; val. of butter, $3,945.60 ; Cheese, 3,00Q lbs. ; val. of cheese, $240. Indian Corn, 203 acres; Indian Corn, per acre, 30 bush.; val., $5,481. Wheat, 23 acres; Wheat, per acre, 15 bush. ; val., $603.75. Rye, 32 acres ; Rye, per acre, 12 bush. ; val., $384. Barley, 3 acres ; Barley, per acre, 25 bush. ; val., $50. Oats, 128 acres; Oats, per acre, 25 bush. ; val., $1,600. 192 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. MONROE. FRANKLIN CO. Potatoes, 63 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 100 bush.; val., $2,100. Carrots, 2 acres ; Carrots, per acre, 500 bush. ; val., $250. English Mowing, 1,000 acres ; English Hay, 1,000 tons ; val., $6,500. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 363 tons ; val., $1,452. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 200 ; val., $400. Establishments for m. of broom handles, 1 ; Broom Handles m'd., 115,000; val., $1,150; cap.-^ $400; emp., 2. Maple Sugar m'd., 4,000 lbs. ; val., $320. Swine, 103 ; val., $618. MONROE. Boots of all kinds m'd., 22 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 13 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $83 ; m. emp., 2. Yal. of palm leaf hats m'd., $429 ; m. emp., 4 ; f. emp., 15. Lumber prepared for market, 249,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $1,495 ; emp., 7. ' Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 140 ; val. of all sheep, $439 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 311 lbs. Horses, 46 ; val. of horses, $2,755 ; Oxen, over three years old, 42 ; Steers under three years old, 51 ; val. of oxen and steers, $2,299 ; Milch cows, 141 ; Heifers, 78 ; val. of cows and heifers, $4,112. Butter, 14,110 lbs. ; val. of butter, $2,822 ; Cheese, 2,525 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $202 ; Honey, 367 lbs. ; val. of honey, ^oo. Indian Corn, 25| acres ; Indian Corn, 32^ bush. ; val., $825. Wheat, 3^ acres ; Wheat, per acre, 18 bush. ; val., $130. Barley, 1 acre ; Barley, per acre, 32 bush. ; val., $24. Oats, 19^ acres ; Oats, per acre, 31 bush. ; val., $299. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 193 FRANKLIN CO. MONTAGUE. Potatoes, 28| acres; Potatoes, per acre, 143| bush. ; val., |?1,736.70. Onions, |- acre ; Onions, per acre, 10 bush. ; val., $7.50. Carrots, |- acre ; Carrots, per acre, 90 bush. ; val., |10. Beets and other esculent vegetables, ^ acre ; val., $20. English Mowing, 747 acres; English Hay, 713 tons; val., $5,704. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 1,908 ; val., $202.90. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 10 ; val., $5. Beeswax, 21 lbs. ; val., $7.87. Swine raised, 37 ; val., $239. MONTAGUE. Scythe Snathe Manufactories, 1 ; Scythe Snathes m'd., 8,000 ; val. of scythe snathes, $3,500 ; cap., $3,000 ; emp., 3. Piano-Forte Case Manufactories, 1 ; Piano-Forte Cases m'd., 300; cap., $4,500; emp., IG. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 2 ; val. of railroad cars, etc., m'd., $6,000 ; cap., $4,000 ; emp., 5. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; val. of tin ware, $700 ; cap., $1,400 ; emp., 2. Tanneries, 1 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 4,000; val. of leather tanned, $25,000 ; cap., $5,000 ; emp., 6. Val. of palm leaf hats m'd., $11,225. Bricks m'd., 200,000 ; val. of bricks, $800 ; emp., 2. Val. of building stone quarried and prepared for building. $300 ; emp., 1. Charcoal m'd., 17,600 bush. ; val. of same, $895 ; emp., 2. Corn and other Brooms m'd., 33,000 ; val. of brooms, $7,210 ; emp., 5. Lumber prepared for market, 2,547,500 M. ; val. of lumber, $34,259 ; emp., 39. 25 194 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. ' MONTAGUE. FRANKLIN CO. Firewood prepared for market, 3,732 cords ; val. of firewood, $8,192: einp.,23. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, 3 ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 197 ; val. of all sheep, $503 ; Wool produced from Saxony Sheep, 12 lbs. ; Me- rino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 549. lbs. Horses, 183 ; val. of horses, $14,780 ; Oxen over three years old, 227 ; Steers under three years old, 209 ; val. of oxen and steers, $16,657 ; Milch Cows, 361 ; Heifers, 172 ; val. of cows and heifers, $12,695. Butter, 40,780 lbs. ; val. of butter, $6,796 ; Cheese, 6,310 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $631 ; Honey, 183 lbs. ; val. of honey, $30. Indian Corn, 537 acres; Indian Corn, per acre, 27| bush. ; val., $14,816 ; Broom Corn, 36 acres ; Broom Bush, per acre, 555 lbs. ; val., $1,505 ; Broom Seed, per acre, 46 bush. ; val., $835. Wheat, 41 acres ; Wheat, per acre, 11|^ bush. ; val., $810. 'Rye, 641 acres ; Rye, per acre, 7^- bush. ; val., $6,492. Oats, 122 acres ; Oats, per acre, 21-|- bush. ; val., $1,311.50. Potatoes, 116 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 103 1- bush. ; val., $6,003. Onions, -| acre ; Onions, per acre, 335 bush. ; val., $73. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, If acre ; Turnips, per acre, 200 bush. ; val., $78. Carrots, 1^% acre; Carrots, per acre, 600 bush. ; val., $259. Millet, 4 acres ; val., $72. English Mowing, 1,216 acres ; English Hay, 1,531 tons; val., $24,581. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 348 tons ; val., $3,041. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 4,842 ; val., $2,250. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 81 ; val., $44. Hops, 1 acre ; Hops, per acre, 600 lbs. ; val., Cranberries, | acre ; val., $5. Beeswax, 20 lbs. ; val., $8. Establishments for m. of sashes, doors and blinds, 1 ; cap., ; val. m'd., $1,450 ; emp., 3. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 195 FRANKLIN CO. NEW SALEM. Establishments for m. of cutleiy boxes, 1 ; cap., $200 ; val. of boxes m'd., $400 ; emp., 1. Quinces, 255 bush. ; val., $223. Maple Sugar, 8,220 lbs. ; val., $822. Swine raised, 376 ; val., $2,997. Plougli Handles m'd., 1,600 ; val.. Huckleberries, 450 bush. ; val., $9' Rakes m'd., 6,000 ; val., $900 ; Fork Handles m"d., 1,200 ; val., $75; Hoe Handles m'd., 2,400; val., $100; cap., $500; emp., 2. Establishments for m. of confectionery, 2 ; cap., $2,800 ; val. of confectionery m'd., $7,000 ; emp., 5^. Railroad Ties m'd., 12,600 ; val., $2,900^ emp., 6. Buckwheat, 28 acres ; BuckAvheat, per acre, 10| bush. ; val., $216. Grist Mills, 1 ; 17,000 bush, rye meal, 24,000 bush, corn meal, 16,000 bush, provender, ground; cap., $2,000; emp., 2. NEW SALEM. Tanneries, 2 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 3,300 ; val. of leather tanned, $16,000 ; cap., $5,333 ; emp., 3. Currying Establishments, 2; val. of leather curried, $16,000 ; cap., $5,333 ; emp., 4. Boots of all kinds m'd., 2,655 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 700 pairs; val. of boots and shoes, $6,052 ; m. emp., 9. Tal. of palm leaf hats, $7,115 ; m. emp., 11 ; f. emp., 187. Bricks m'd., 70,000 ; val. of bricks, $350 ; emp., 2. Charcoal m'd., 1,700 bush. ; val. of same, $85 ; emp., 1. Lumber prepared for market, 2,505,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $34,060 ; emp., 17. ■ . ' Firewood prepared for market, 360 cords ; val. of firewood, $515 ; emp., 2. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, -; Merino Sheep, of 196 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. NORTH FIELD. FRANKLIN CO. different grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 310 ; val. of all sheep, $845; Wool prodnced from Saxony sheep, - lbs.; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 958 lbs. Horses, 182 ; val. of horses, $12,952 ; Oxen over three years old, 192 ; Steers under three years old, 118 ; val. of oxen and steers, $13,595 ; Milch Cows, 391 ; Heifers, 122 ; val. of cows and heifers, $11,773. Butter, 23,840 lbs. ; val. of butter, $4,7G8 ; Cheese, 15,600 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $1,560 ; Honey, 30 lbs. ; val. of honey, $5. Indian Corn, 255 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 28 bush. ; val., $8,925. Wheat, 2^ acres ; Wheat, per acre, 22 bush. ; val., $110. Rye, 103 acres ; Rye, per acre, 824 bush. ; val., $1,060. Barley, 28 acres ; Barley, per acre, 16 bush. ; val., $448. Oats, 115 acres; Oats, per acre, 18 bush. ; val., $1,138.50. Potatoes, 155 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 68 bush. ; val., $5,270. Carrots, 1^- acre ; Carrots, per acre, 515 bush. ; val., $291. English Mowing, 1,817 acres; English Hay, 1,350 tons; val., $16,200. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 449 tons ; val., $2,694. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 3,408 ; val., $2,033. Cranberries, 2 acres ; val., $60. Beeswax, 7 lbs. ; val., $2.94. Establishments for m. of match-boxes, 2 ; val. of boxes m'd., $5,480 ; cap., $2,500 ; emp., 8. Swine, 126; val., $1,007. NORTHFIELD. I Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; val. of sad- dles, &c., $400 ; cap., $100; emp., 1. Tanneries, 1 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 1,700 ; val. of leather tanned, $10,000; cap., $3,000; emp., 2. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 197 FRANKLIN CO. NORTHFIELD. Boots of all kinds m'd., 200 pairs; Shoes of all kinds ni'd., 100 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $600. Bricks m'd., 30,000 ; ral. of bricks, $120 ; emp., 2. Charcoal m'd., 50,000 bush. ; val. of same, $4,000 ; emp., 2. Val. of wooden ware not otherwise enumerated, including farming utensils m'd., $9,700. Corn and other Brooms m'd., 155,000 ; val. of brooms, $27,000 ; emp., 18. Lumber prepared for market, 1,579,000 ft.; val. of lumber, $17,750 ; emp., 25. Firewood prepared for market, 350 cords ; val. of firewood, $875 ; emp., 6. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, 300 ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, 200 ; all other kinds of Sheep, 723 ; val. of all sheep, $1,528 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, 1,200 lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, 600 lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 2,169 lbs. Horses, 324 ; val. of horses, $22,180 ; Oxen over three years old, 290 ; Steers under three years old, 201 ; val. of oxen and steers, $17,900 ; Milch Cows, 572 ; Heifers 230 ; val. of cows and heifers, $18,900. Butter, 42,377 lbs. ; val. of butter, $8,475.40 ; Cheese, 5,325 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $426 ; Honey, 250 lbs. ; val. of honey, $37.50. Indian Corn, 700 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 35 bush. ; val., $26,250 ; Broom Corn, 275 acres ; Broom Bush, per acre, 600 lbs. ; val., $13,200 ; Broom Seed, per acre, 50 bush. ; val., $2,750. Wheat, 16 acres; Wheat, 141 bush. ; val., $282.. Rye, 516 acres ; Rye, per acre, 12 bush. ; val., $7,740. Barley, 11 acres ; Barley, per acre, 16 bush. ; val., $171. Oats, 305 acres ; Oats, per acre, 40 bush. ; val., $6,100. Potatoes, 188 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 80 bush. ; val., $6,016. Onions, -| acre ; Onions, per acre, 115 bush. ; val., $78. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, ^ acre ; Turnips, per acre, 150 bush. ; val., $3 198 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. ORANGE. FRANKLIN CO. English Mowing, 2,424 acres ; English Hay, 2,961 tons ; val., $29,610. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 2,190 ; val., $2,190. Hops, 30 acres; Hops, per acre, 830 lbs. ; val., $6,225. Beeswax, 40 lbs. ; val., $12. Establishments for m. of sashes, doors and blinds, 1 ; cap., ; val. m'd., $1,000 ; emp., 2. Gross val. of ploughs and carts m'd., $300. Buckwheat, 320 bush. ; val., $240. Beans, 40 bush. ; val., $100. Shooks m'd., 1,000 bunches; val., $1,000. Shingles m'd., 150,000 ; val., $375. Val. of essence oils m'd., $300. Grist Mills, 4 ; income, $1,600. Ferries, 3 ; income, $900. Toll Bridge income. ORANGE. Furnaces for m. of hollow ware and castings other than pig iron, 1 ; Hollow Ware and other Castings m'd., 50 tons ; val. of hollow ware and castings, $4,000 ; cap., $1,000 ; emp., 3. Plough Manufactories, 1 ; Ploughs and other Agricultural Tools m'd., 100 ; val., $600 ; cap., $200 ; emp., 1. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 3 ; val, of sad- dles, &c., $2,000; cap., $600; emp,, 4. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 2 ; val, of railroad cars &c., m'd., $6,700; cap., $3,300; emp., 8. Chair and Calnnct Manufactories, 2 ; val. of chairs and cabi- net ware, $18,000 ; cap., $8,000 ; m. emp., 22 ; f. emp., 25. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; val. of tin ware, $400 ; cap., $200; emp,, 1. Tanneries, 1 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 2,500 ; val. of leather tanned, $15,000 ; cap,, $2,500 ; emp., 3. 5 I •i 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 199 FRANKLIN CO. ORANGE. Boots of all kinds m'd., 13,000 pairs; Shoes of all kinds m'd., -pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $16,000 ; m. cmp., 20. Val. of palm leaf hats m'd., $2,686 ; f. emp., 27. Yal. of wooden ware not otherwise enumerated, including farming- utensils or hows and axletrees m'd., $500 ; cmp., 1. Lumber prepared for market, 1,031,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $15,000 ; emp., 20. Firewood prepared for market, 500 cords ; val. of firewood, $750 ; emp., 1, Saxony Sheep, of differeni i|-rades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all otli#r kinds of Sheep, 266 ; val. of all sheep, $588 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Me- rino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 745 lbs. Horses, 225 ; val. of horses, $18,345 ; Oxen, over three years old, 188 ; Steers under three years old, 159 ; val. of oxen and steers, $14,093 ; Milch Cows, 520 ; Heifers, 143 ; val. of cows and heifers, $15,405. Butter, 20,305 lbs. ; val. of butter, $4,061 ; Cheese, 8,885 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $710.80. Indian Corn, 223 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 28^^ bush. ; val., $6,170. Rye, 94 acres ; Rye, per acre, 15^ bush. ; val., $1,594.12. Barley, 21 acres ; Barley, per acre, 20| bush. ; val., $357.50. Oats, 116 acres ; Oats, per acre, 25 bush. : val., $1,450. Potatoes, 130 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 49 bush. ; val., $o,185. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 1| acre ; Turnips, per acre, 100 bush. ; val., $25. Carrots, |- acre ; Carrots, per acre, 240 bush. ; $10. English Mowing, 1,680 acres ; English Hay, 1,153 tons ; val., $17,295. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 615 tons ; val., $6,150. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 2,384 ; val,, $1,830. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 44 ; val., $82. Establishments for m. of sashes, doors and blinds, 3; cap., $6,000; val. m'd., $14,000; emp., 16. 200 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. jjQ-^YE. FRANKLIN CO. Pail Manufactories, 3 ; Pails m'd.,200,000 ; val., $25,000 ; cap., $13,000 ; emp., 32. Swine, 282 ; val., $8,231. Val. of all other articles m'd., $11,000; cap., $8,000; omp., 11. ROWE. Woollen Mills, 1 ; Sets of Machinery, 1 ; Wool consumed, 4,000 lbs. ; Satinet m'd., 12,000 yds. : val. of satinet, $6,000; cap., $4,000 : m. emp., 2 ; f. emp., 2. Chair and Cabinet Manufactories, 1 ; val. of chairs and cab- inet ware, $(300 ; cap., $600 ; emp., 2. Tanneries, 1 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 800 ; val. of leather tanned, $3,000 ; cap., $2,500 ; emp., 2. Currying Establishments, 1 ; val. of leather curried, $3,500 ; cap., $2,500 ; emp., 2. Val. of palm leaf hats m'd., $730 ; f. emp., 51. Val. of mechanics' tools m'd., $300 ; emp., 1. Val. of wooden ware not otherwise enumerated, including farming utensils m'd., $1,200 ; emp., 4. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, 354 ; all other kinds of Sheep, 395 ; val. of all sheep, $2,222 ; Wool produced from Saxony Sheep, lbs. - ; Me- rino Wool produced, 1,486 lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 1,188 lbs. Horses, 117 ; val. of horses, $7,075 ; Oxen over three years old, 88 ; Steers under three years old, 193 ; val. of oxen and steers, $9,447 ; Milch Cows, 236 ; Heifers, 187 ; val. of cows and heifers, $8,012. Butter, 22,596 lbs. ; val. of butter, $3,766 ; Cheese, 5,215 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $365.05 ; Honey, 485 lbs. ; val. of honey, $80.83. Indian Corn, 108 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 34 bush. ; val., $3,672. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 201 FRANKLIN CO. SHELBURNE. Wheat, 51 acres ; Wheat, per acre, 17 bush. ; val., $1,734. Rye, 12 acres ; Rye, per acre, 13 bush. ; val., $195. Barley, 6 acres ; Barley, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., $98. Oats, 50 acres ; Oats, per acre, 28 bush. ; val., $700. Potatoes, 76 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 124 bush. ; val., $3,141.33. English Mowing, 2,400 acres ; English Hay, 1,800 tons ; val., $12,600. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 1,334 ; val., $1,014. Maple Sugar produced, 15,135 lbs. ; val., $1,135.12. SHELBURNE. Establishments for m. of steam-engines and boilers, 1 ; val. of steam-engines and boilers, $10,000; cap., $5,000; emp., 2. Axe Manufactories, 1 ; Axes m'd,, 7,600; val., 7,000; cap., $5,000; emp., 6. Daguerreotype Artists, 1 ; Daguerreotypes taken, 600 ; cap., $600 ; exup., 1. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; val. of saddles, &c., $1,15.0; cap., $800; emp., 2. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 1 ; val. of railroad cars, &c., m'd., $3,000; cap., $1,000; emp., 3. Chair and Cabinet Manufactories, 2 ; val. of chairs and cabinet ware, $5,070; cap., $2,400; emp., 6. Tin Ware Manufactories, 2; val. of tin ware, $1,400: cap., $1,000; emp., 3. ^ . Tanneries, 2 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 670 ; val. of leather tanned, $2,700 ; cap., $1,500 ; emp., 2. Boots of all kinds m'd., 900 pairs ; Shoos of all kinds m'd., 1,500 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $3,300 ; m. emp., 4. Firewood prepared for market, 1,000 cords; val. of firewood, $2,000 ; emp., 3. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- 26 202 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. SHUTESBURY. FRANKLIN CO. fereiit grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 685 ; val. of all sheep, $1,757 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Me- rino AVool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 2,069 lbs. Horses, 210 ; val. of horses, $19,210 ; Oxen over three years old, 184 ; Steers under three years old, 249 ; val. of oxen and steers, $19,075 ; Milch Cows, 380 ; Heifers, 171 ; val. of cows and heifers, $15,367. Butter, 38,460 lbs. ; val. of butter, $7,692 ; Cheese, 13,270 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $1,327. Indian Corn, 234 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 40 bush. ; val., $9,360. Wheat, 39 acres ; Wheat, per acre, 15 bush. ; val., $1,200. Rye, 40 acres ; Rye, per acre, 14 bush. ; val., $770. Barley, 10 acres ; Barley, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., $150. Oats, 100 acres; Oats, per acre, 24 bush. ; val., $1,200. Potatoes, 59 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 100 bush. ; val., $2,940. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 2 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 400 bush. ; val., $320. Carrots, 1 acre ; Carrots, per acre, 700 bush, ; val., $280. English Mowing, 1,597 acres ; English Hay, 2,306 tons ; val., $27,672. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 2,837 ; val., $2,934. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 25 ; val., $50. Auger Bits, Car Bits and Augers m'd., 30,000; Automatic Apple Pealers m'd., 33,300 ; cap., invested in both of these branches of business, $30,000 ; emp., 47. SHUTESBURY. Chair and Cabinet Manufactories, 1 ; val. of chairs and cabi- net ware, $800 ; cap., $500 ; emp., 2. Boots of all kinds m'd., 8,238 pairs ; Shoes of all khids m'd., - pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $12,631 ; m. emp., 16. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 203 FRANKLIN CO. SUNDERLAND. Val. of palm leaf hats, $4,830 ; f. emp., 195. Charcoal m'd., 6,200 bush. ; val. of same, |lolO ; emp., 1. Lumber prepared for market, 2,281,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $18,248; emp., 6G. Firewood prepared for market, 800 cords ; val. of firewood, $800 ; emp., 3. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 100 ; val. of all sheep, |250 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Me- rino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 357 lbs. Horses, 116 ; val., of horses, $7,780 ; number of neat cattle, 517 ; val. of neat cattle, $15,865. Butter, 20,000 lbs. ; val. of butter, $5,000 ; Cheese, 5,000 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $400. Indian Corn, 152 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., $3,805. Rye, 63 acres ; Rye, per acre, 10 bush. ; val., $840. Barley, 8 acres ; Barley, per acre, 11 bush. ; val., $100. Oats, 64 acres ; Oats, per acre, 15 bush. ; val., $481. Potatoes, 188 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 50 bush.; val., $4,699. English Mowing, 1,440 acres; English Hay, 770 tons ; val., $9,24^0. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 195 tons; val., $1,170. Val. of apples, $600. Cranberries, 4 acres ; val., $200. Val. of baskets m'd., $200. Swine, 181 ; val., $1,810. SUNDERLAND. Cotton Mills, 1 ; Cotton m'd. into Wicking, 15,000 lbs. ; val. of wicking, $2,550 ; m. emp., 1 ; f. emp., 2. Flour Mills, 1 ; Flour m'd., 500 bbls. ; val. of flour m'd., $4,000; cap., $4,000; emp., 1. 204 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. SUNDERLAND. FRANKLIN CO. Boots of all kinds m'd., 135 pairs; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 840 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, ^875 ; emp., 2. Corn and other Brooms m'd,, 31,400 ; val. of brooms, |$5,055 ; omp., 4. Lumber prepared for market, 234,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $2,300; emp., 4. Firewood prepared for market, 391 cords ; val. of firewood, $976 ; emp., 1. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 152 ; val. of all sheep, $190; Wool produced from Saxony Sheep, -lbs. ; Me- rino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 500 lbs. Horses, 164 ; val. of horses, $13,760 ; Oxen over three years old, 65 ; Steers under three years old, 50 ; val. of oxen and steers, $5,257 ; Milch Cows, 274 ; Heifers, 100 ; val. of cows and heifers, $8,393. Dry Cows, 63 ; val., $1,926. Butter, 35,146 lbs.; val. of butter, $7,099.20; Cheese, 4,070 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $447.70 ; Honey, 441 lbs. ; val. of honey, $70.56. Indian Corn, 397 acres ;. Indian Corn, per acre, 34 bush. ; val., $13,382 ; Broom Corn, 248 acres ; Broom Bush, per acre, 556 lbs. val., $12,416; Broom Seed, per acre, 49 bush.; val., $4,809. Wheat, 46 acres; Wheat, per acre, 101 bush. ; val., $1,192. Rye, 351 acres; Rye, per acre, 9|- bush. ; val., $3,617.90. Barley, 3 acres ; Barley, per acre, 10| bush. ; val., $32. Oats, 71 acres ; Oats, per acre, 26|- bush. ; val., $952.50. Potatoes, 62 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 94^ bush. ; val., $2,926.50. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 2 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 2331 bush. ; val., $93.40. Carrots, 2^ acres; Carrots, per acre, 616 bush. ; val., $346.50. English Mowing, 775 acres; English Hay, 1,034 tons; val., $15,510. Wet Meadow, or Swale Hay, 70 tons ; val., $490. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 4,659 ; val., $1,240. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 205 FRANKLIN CO. WARWICK. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 187 ; val., $52. Hops, 2 acres ; Hops, per acre, 800 lbs. ; val., $400. Tobacco, 7 acres ; val., $765. Raw Silk raised, 2^ lbs. ; val., $15. Beeswax, 11^ lbs. ; val., $4.68. Feed, ground at flour mill, 15,000 bush. ; val., $12,750. Swine, 567 ; val., $6,955. Val. of poultry, $837. Eg-gs, 9,665 doz. ; val., $1,739.70. Maple Sugar iii'd., 8,950 lbs. ; val., $895. Beans, 49 bush. ; val., $73.50. Quinces, 56 bush. ; val,, $28. WARWICK. Glue Manufactories, and Manufactories for the preparation of Gums, 1 ; val. of glue and gums m'd., $800 ; cap., $800 ; emp., 2. Tanneries, 2 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 2,750 ; val. of leather tanned, $5,000 ; cap. $4,500 ; emp., 4. Currying Establishments, 2 ; val. of leather curried, $5,000 ; cap., $4,500 ; emp., 4. Boots of all kinds m'd., 105 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 95 pairs ; val. of shoes made, $350 ; emp., 1. Val. of palm leaf hats, $3,465. " Some made in nearly every family." Charcoal m'd., 1,900 bush. ; val. of same, $195. Lumber prepared for market, 1,098 ft. ; val. of lumber, $11,390 ; emp., " Not able to ascertain." Firewood prepared for market, 824 cords ; val. of tirewood, $1,644. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of differ- ent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 305 ; val. of all sheep, $773 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 871 lbs. 206 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. WENDELL. FRANKLIN CO. Horses, 161 ; val. of horses, 11,798 ; Oxen over three years old, 161 ; Steers under three years old, 242 ; val. of oxen and steers, $12,753 ; Milch Cows, 388 ; Heifers, 177; val. of cows and heifers, $11,147. Butter, 21,091 lbs. ; val. of butter, $4,218 ; Cheese, 7,525 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $602 ; Honey, 35 lbs. ; val. of honey, $12. Indian Corn, 147 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 31 bush. ; val., $6,242. Wheat, 6 acres ; Wheat, per acre, 12 bush. ; val., $180. Rye, 63 acres ; Rye, per acre, 11 bush. ; val., $1,086. Barley, 33 acres; Barley, per acre, 21 bush. ; val., $526. Oats, 86 acres ; Oats, per acre, 26 bush. ; val., $1,119. Potatoes, 115 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 87 bush. ; val., $5,033. Carrots, | acre; Carrots, per acre, 807 bush.; val., $160.' English Mowing, 1,793 acres; English Hay, 876 tons; val., $13,140. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 483 tons ; val., $4,064. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 1,598 ; val., $1,337. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 26 ; val., $26. Val. of staves for pails, $2,575. Val. of oak staves for hogsheads, $1,660. Val. railroad ties, $2,180. Val. hemlock l)ark, $900. Swine, 170 ; val. $1,209. Val. of chestnut shingles, (268,000) m'd., $599. Val. of wooden ware m'd., $2,440 ; cmp., not stated. WENDELL. Daguerreotype Artists, 1 ; Daguerreotypes taken, 125 ; cap., $75. Boots of all kinds m'd., 3,100 pairs; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 1,700 pairs; val. of boots and shoes, $4,650; m. emp., 14: f. emp., 6. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 207 FRANKLIN CO. WHATELY. Val. of palin leaf hats, $2,846 ; f. emp., 133. Luml)er prepared for market, 1,257,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $8,600 ; emp., 19. Firewood prepared for market, 1,673 cords ; val. of fire- wood, $2,409 ; emp., 12. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 87 ; val. of all sheep, $151. Horses, 93 ; val. of horses, $4,003 ; Oxen over three years old, 114 ; Steers under three years old, 96 ; val. of oxen and steers, $7,745 ; Milch Cows, 193 ; Heifers, 49 ; val. of cows and heifers, $4,406, Butter, 8,120 lbs. ; val. of butter, $1,461.60 ; Cheese, 1,970 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $158. Indian Corn, 110 acres; Indian Corn, per acre, 21 bush.; val., $2,693.80. Rye, 38 acres ; Rye, per acre, 10 bush. ; val., $483.75. Barley, 17 acres ; Barley, per acre, 15 bush. ; val., $252. Oats, 34 acres ; Oats, per acre, 17 bush. ; val., $302. Potatoes, 88 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 79 bush. ; val., $3,509. Carrots, 4| acres ; Carrots, per acre, 325 bush. ; val., $429.66. English Mowing, 874 acres ; Engli^•h Hay, 587 tons ; val., $7,044. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 407 tons ; val., $2,442. Swine, 97 ; val., $670. Val. hemlock bark, $375. WHATELY. Woollen Mills, 1 ; Sets of Machinery, 1 ; Wool consumed, 35,000 lbs. ; Satinet m'd., 47,000 yds. ; val. of satinet, $18,800 ; cap., $10,000 ; m. emp., 8 ; f. emp., 4. Tanneries, 2 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 1,300 ; val. of leath- er tanned, $5,300 ; cap., $5,300 ; emp., 4. 208 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. WHATELY. FRANKLIN CO. Bricks m'cL, 25,000 ; val. of bricks, ^2,500 ; emp., 1. Val. of blacking, $10,000 ; emp., 8. Yul. of wooden ware not otherwise enumerated, including farming utensils m'd., $1,582. Corn and other Brooms m'd., 107,000; val. of brooms, $18,800; emp., 20. Lumber prepared for market, 43,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $430. Firewood prepared for market, 1,100 cords; val. of fire- wood, $2,830. Saxony Sheep, of different 'grades, -; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 229 ; val. of all sheep, $458 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Me- rino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 916 lbs. Horses, 186 ; val. of horses, $14,780 ; Oxen over three years old, 159 ; Steers under three years old, 223 ; val. of oxen and steers, $13,090 ; Milch Cows, 381 ; Heifers, 137 ; val. of cows and heifers, $23,650. Butter, 42,440 lbs. : val. of butter, $8,488 ; Cheese, 7,877 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $787 ; Honey, 120 lbs. ; val. of honey, $20. Indian Corn, 449 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 25 bush. ; val., $11,225 ; Broom Corn, 111 acres ; Broom Bush, per acre, 510 lbs. ; val., $5,661 ; Broom Seed, per acre, 31 bush. ; val., $1,147. Wheat, 43 acres; Wheat, per acre, 7 bush. ; val., $602. Rye, 272 acres ; Rye, per acre, 9 bush. ; val., $3,060. Oats, 127 acres ; Oats, per acre, 18 bush. ; val., $1,371. Potatoes, 85 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 88 bush. ; val., $4,000. Carrots, 1 acre ; Carrots, per acre, 800 bush. ; val., $266. English Mowing, 788 acres ; English Hay, 1,000 tons ; val., $16,000. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 660 tons ; val., $6,600. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 1,700 ; val., $1,000. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 25 ; val., $25. Tobacco, 69 acres ; val., $9,165. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 209 HAMPDEN CO. AGAWAM. Establishments for m. of stone and earthenware, 1 ; cap., $8,000; val. of stone and earthenware, $8,000; emp., 7. Drain Tile P]stablishmcnts, 1 ; val. of tiles m'd., $2,000 ; cap., $1,000 ; emp., 6. Val. of broom corn and brushes m'd., $8,000; emp., 7. Swine, 350 ; val., $2,000. HAMPDEN COUNTY AGAWAM. Woollen Mills, 1 ; Sets of Machinery, 1 ; Wool consumed, 10,500 lbs. ; Satinet m'd., 8,000 yds. ; val. of satinet, $3,200 ; Flannel or Blanketing, 1,800 yds. ; val. of flannel or blanket- ing, $900 ; Yarn m'd., and not made into cloth, 800 lbs. ; val. of yarn, $640 ; cap., $9,000 ; m. emp., 5 ; f. emp., 4. Val. of snuff, tobacco, and cigars, $68,510 ; m. emp., 56 ; f. emp., 20. Corn and other Brooms m'd., 6,000 : val. of brooms, $1,500 ; emp., 2. Firewood prepared for market, 361 cords ; val. of firewood, $1,444; emp., 5. Alewives, Shad and Salmon taken, 6,000 ; val>of same, $950 ; emp., 18, during 3 months. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of differ- ent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 439 ; val. of all sheep, $1,317 ; Wool produced from Saxony Sheep, - lbs. ; ^ferino Wool produced, -lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 1,317 lbs. Horses, 207 ; val. of horses, $18,015 ; Oxen over three years old, 179 ; Steers under three years old. 111 ; val. of oxen and steers $14,411 ; 3Iilch Cows, 505 ; Heifers,154 ; val. of cows and heifers, $1,684.50. 27 210 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. AGAWAM. HAMPDEN CO. Butter, 48,743 lbs. ; val. of butter, $9,748.60 ; Cheese, 2,298 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $229.80. Indian Corn, 4581 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 301 bush. ; val., $14,023 ; Broom Corn, 5 acres ; Broom Bush, per acre, 700 lbs. ;..val., $343; Broom Seed, per acre, 57 bush.; val., $71.25. Wheat, 18^ acres ; Wheat, per acre, 8^ bush. ; val., $232.69. Rye, 639 acres ; Rye, per acre, 10 bush. ; val., $6,390. Oats, 145 acres ; Oats, per acre, 24 bush. ; val., $1,740. Potatoes, 201 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 97 bush. ; val., $9,748.50. Onions, 2-| acres ; Onions, per acre, 391 bush. ; val., $659. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 74 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 100 bush. ; val., $1,850. Carrots, 1 acre; Garrots, per acre, 745 bush. ; val., $248.33. Beets and other esculent vegetables, 2 acres ; val., $600 ; all other Grain or Root Crops, 122 acres ; val., $1,403. Millet, 1 acre; val,, $25. English Mowing, 1,553 acres ; English Hay, 2,000 tons ; val., $30,000. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 300 tons; val., $2,100. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 6,958 ; val., $2,293. Tobacco, 26 acres; val., $2,161.74. Distilleries, 1 ; cap., $15,000 ; Alcohol distilled, - bbls. ; all other Licpun-s (gin) distilled, 800 bbls. ; val., $12,500; emp.,5. Grist Mills, 2 ; used as custom or toll mills for grinding wheat, rye, corn, ttc. Milk sold, 77^475 qts. Swine raised, 458 ; val., $3,664. White Beans, 31 acres ; Beans, per acre, 14 bush. ; val., $651. Winter Squashes, 4 acres ; tons, 17 ; val., $510. Water Melons, 2 acres ; tons, 8 ; val., $128. Cabbages, 4 acres ; val., $1,000. 1855.] INDUSTRY OP MASSACPIUSETTS. 211 HAMPDEN CO. BLANDFORD. BLANDFORD. Val. of bedsteads m'd., $2,700 ; cap., $700 ; emp., 5. Tanneries, 4 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 7,600 ; val. of leather tanned, $49,000; cap., $25,000; emp., 24. Currying Establishments, 4 ; val. of leather curried, $49,000 ; cap., $25,000 ; emp., '24. Val. of wooden ware not otherwise enumerated, including farming (" dishes") utensils m'd., $1,800 ; emp., 4. Lumber prepared for market, 1,045,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $58,600 ; emp., " prepared by farmers who do not make it a business." Firewood })repared for market, 1,780 cords ; val. of firewood, $2,870 ; emp., " prepared by farmers, not wholly as a business." Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 976 ; val. of all sheep, $1,952; Wool produced from Saxony Sheep, - lbs.; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 2,153 lbs. Horses, 223 ; val. of horses, $21,150 ; Oxen over three years old, 348 ; Steers under three years old, 221 ; val.' of oxen and steers, $22,381 ; Milch Cows, 1,020 ; Heifers, 293 ; val. of cows and heifers, $28,973. Butter, 60,250 lbs. ; val. of butter, $10,845 ; Cheese, 121,250 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $10,912.50 ; Honey, 400 lbs. ; val. of honey, $6,800. Indian Corn, 234 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 30 bush. ; val., $7,000. Wheat, 4 acres ; Wheat, per acre, 21 bush. ; val., $168. Rye, 50 acres ; Rye, per acre, 21 bush. ; val., $766. Barley, 19 acres ; Barley, per acre, 21 bush. ; val., $390, Oats, 127 acres ; Oats, per acre, 31 bush. ; val., $1,935. Potatoes, 192 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 80 bush. ; val., $6,144. Turnips, cultivated as a field, crop, 4 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 250 bush. : val., $250. 212 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. BRIMFIELD. HAMPDEN CO. Carrots, 6 acres ; Carrots, per acre, 325 bush. ; val,, ^Q4Q. English Mowing, 4,876 acres ; English Hay, 3,650 tons ; val., $29,200. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 224 tons ; val., $896. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 7,320 ; val., $1,440. Cranberries, 2 acres ; val., $75. Beeswax, 25 lbs. ; val., $7.50. Distilleries, 2. [These, according to the report of the Asses- sors, are " out of employ and of no value."] Swine raised, 325 ; val., $2,600. BRIMFIELD. Shoe Tack Manufactories, 1; Tacks m'd., 9 tons; val., $1,500; cap., $1,000; emp., 1. Currying Establishments 1 ; val. of leather curried, $30,000 ; cap., $5,000 ; emp., 3. Lumber prepared for market, 270,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $6,750 ; emp., 4. Firewood prepared for market, 300 cords ; val. of firewood, $800 ; emp., 2. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all otlier kinds of Sheep, 711 ; val. of all sheep, $2,032 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - Djs. ; all other Wool produced, 2,880 lbs. Horses, 187 : val. of horses, $13,970 ; Oxen over three years old, 361 ; Steers under three years old, 210 ; val. of oxen and steers, $21,821 ; Milch Cows, 785 ; Heifers, 210 ; val. of cows and heifers, $24,069. l]uttcr, 46,925 lbs. ; val. of butter, $9,385 ; Cheese, 48,250 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $3,377 ; Honey, 300 lbs. ; val. of honey, $50. Indian Corn, 429 acres; Indian Corn, per acre, 30 bush. ; vul., $12,870. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 213 HAMPDEN CO. CHflSTER. Rye, 170 acres ; Rye, per acre, 12 bush. ; val., $2,040. Barley, 5 acres ; Barley, per acre, 15 bush. ; val., $52. Oats, 416 acres ; Oats, per acre, 26 bush. ; val., $4,867. Potatoes, 323 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 115 bush. ; val., $14,818. English Mowing, 2,464 acres ; English Hay, 2,398 tons ; val., $23,980. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 1,544 tons ; val., $9,264. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 15,093 ; val., $5,450. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 257 ; val., $150. Beeswax, 50 lbs. ; val., $20. Milk, 32,940 galls. ; val., $3,623. Shoes Bottomed, 30,700 ; val., $4,298 ; emp., 30. Railroad Sleepers nr d., 11,000 ; vol., $3,300. Buckwheat, 340 bush. ; val., $338. CHESTER. Cotton Mills, 1 ; Spindles, 1,500 ; Cotton consumed, 33,000 lbs. ; Cloth m'd., 156,000 yds. 4-4 yd. wide, 4^%V J^^- to the pound, used for finishing into Silesia; val. of cloth, $9,000 ; cap., $5,000 ; m. emp., 18 ; f. emp., 18. Tanneries, 3 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 15,700 ; val. of leather tanned, $59,700 ; cap., $23,200 ; emp., 17. Boots of all kinds m'd., 700 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 550 pairs ; val. of boots and shoos, $2,677.50 ; m. emp., 5. Val. of building stone quarried and prepared for building, $1,000 ; emp., 2. Charcoal m'd., 50,000 bush. ; val. of same, $5,000; emp., 4. Shoe Pegs m'd., 800 bush. ; val., $1,200. Lumber prepared for market, 1,080,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $10,800 ; emp., 20. Firewood prepared for market, 3,590 cords ; val. of firewood, $7,180 ; emp., 12. 214 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. CHESTER. HAMPDEN CO. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, 539 ; Merino Sheep, of different grades, 661 ; all other kinds of Sheep, 268 ; val, of all sheep, ^3,303 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, 1,617 lbs. ; Merino AYool produced, 2,123 lbs. ; all other Wool produced, • 098 lbs. Horses, 173 ; val. of horses, $13,557 ; Oxen over three years old, 268 ; Steers under three years old, 225 ; val. of oxen and steers, $17,255 ; Milch Cows, 441 ; Heifers, 244; val. of cows and heifers, $16,398. Butter, 29,750 lbs. ; val. of butter, $5,950 ; Cheese, 8,750 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $875 ; Honey, 1,020 lbs. ; val. of honey, $170. Indian Corn, 117 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 41| bush. ; val., $5,858.40. Wheat, 11 acres ; Wheat, per acre, 19^^ bush. ; val., $420. Rye, 47 acres ; Rye, per acre, 11^^ bush. ; val., $666.25. Barley, 8 acres ; Barley, per acre, Sl^ bush. ; val., $250. Oats, 47 acres ; Oats, per acre, 31| bush. ; val., $1,115.25. Potatoes, 118 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 102f bush. ; val., $6,063. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 10 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 1031 bush. ; val., $207. Carrots, 2 acres; Carrots, per acre, 300 bush. ; val., $198. Beets and other esculent vegetables, - acres ; all other Grain or Root Crops, 15 acres ; val., $315. English Mowing, 959 acres ; English Hay, 974 tons ; val., $9,740. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 1,212 tons ; val., $9,696. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 6,949 ; val., $2,748. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 75 ; val., $50. Beeswax, 25 lbs. ; val., $10.50. Distilleries, 1 ; cap., $200 ; Alcohol distilled, 16| bbls. ; val,, $500 ; emp., 1. Swine, 143 ; val., $858. Peaches, 586 bush. ; val,, $363,32. Establishments for m. of bobbins, 1 ; cap., $1,000 ; val., $1,200 ; emp., 2. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 215 HAMPDEN CO. CHICOPEE. Establishments for m. of bedsteads, 3 ; Bedsteads m'd., 8,900 ; vaL, $22,200; cap., $10,500; cmp., 23. Establishments for m. of cradles, 1 ; Cradles m'd., 700 ; vaL, $825. CHICOPEE. Cotton Mills, 11; Spindles, 81,958; Cotton consumed, 6,451,966 lbs. ; Cloth m'd., 25,848,583 yds. ; Sheetings, 5,437,066 yds. ; Printing Cloths, 2,330,120 yds. ; Shirtings, 9,398,450 yds. ; Cotton Flannel, 1,231,576 yds. ; val. of cloth, $1,508,564.89; cap., $2,400,000; m. emp., 688; f. enip., 1,653. Woollen Mills, 1 ; Sets of Machinery, - ; Wool consumed, 40,000 lbs. ; Cassimere m'd., 45,000 yds. ; val. of cassimere, $35,000 ; m. emp., 15 ; f. emp., 10. Furnaces for m. of hollow ware and castings other than pig iron, 1 ; Hollow Ware and other Castings m'd., 200 tons ; val. of hollow ware and castings, $16,000 ; cap., $3,000 ; cmp., 10. Establishments for m. of cotton, woollen and other ma- chinery, 1; val. of machinery m'd., $35,000; cap., $30,000; emp., 35. Establishments for m. of steam-engines and boilers, 1 ; val. m'd., $30,000; cap., $2,000; emp., 9. Plough Manufactories, - ; Ploughs and other Agricultural Tools m'd., 5,384 ; val., $18,412.86; cap., $8,000; emp., 30. Brass Founderies, 1. Paper Manufactories, 1 ; Stock made use of, 540,000 lbs. ; Paper m'd., 420,000 lbs. ; val. of paper, $44,100 ; cap., $33,000 ; emp., 25. Daguerreotype Artists, 3 ; Daguerreotypes taken, 300 ; emp., 3. Brush Manufactories, 1 ; val. of brushes, $3,500 ; cap., $800 ; emp., 4. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 2 ; val. of saddles, ifec., $1,500; cap., $2,000; emp., 3. 216 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. CHICOPEE. HAMPDEN CO. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wag- ons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 2 ; val. of railroad cars, &c., m'd., $18,000 ; cap., $8,000 ; cmp., 22. Estaltlishments for m. of lire arms, 1 ; Fire Arms m'd., Jj,000 sporting guns, breech-loading carbines, revolvers and pis- tols ; val. of fire arms, $36,000; cap., $40,000; emp., 40. Tin Ware Manuftictories, 3 ; val. of tin ware, $1,500 ; cap., $000 ; emp., 8. Boots of all kinds m'd., 5,675 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 2,150 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $16,950 ; m. emp., 30 ; f. emp., 8. Bricks m'd., 2,500,000; val. of bricks, $125,000; emp., 35. Corn and other Brooms m'd., 50,000 ; val. of brooms, $10,000 ; emp., 6. Lumber prepared for market, 129,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, Firewood prepared for market, 3,026 cords ; val. of firewood, (pine and oak,) $12,104. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 29 ; val. of all sheep, $60 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 100 lbs. Horses, 323 ; val. of horses, $28,632 ; Oxen over three years old, 91 ; Steers under three years old, 41 ; val. of oxen and steers, $7,117 ; Milch Cows, 391 ; Heifers, 71 ; val. of cows and heifers, $14,121. Butter, 21,955 lbs. ; val. of butter, $4,391 ; Cheese, 115 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $14.50 ; Honey, 500 lbs. ; val. of honey, $62. Indian Corn, 540 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 24 bush. J val., $13,080 ; Broom Corn, 7 acres ; Broom Bush, per acre, 700 lbs. ; val., $490 ; Broom Seed, per acre, 175 bush. ; val.- $87. Wheat, 10 acres; Wheat, per acre, 15 bush. ; val., $225. Rye, 789 acres; Rye, per acre, 7| bush. ; val., $7,641. Oats, 188 acres; Oats, per acre, 23 bush. ; val., $1,929. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 217 HAMPDEN CO. GRANVILLE. Potatoes, 165 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 122 bush. ; val., $13,426. Onions, 2 acres ; Onions, per acre, 300 busli. ; val., $400. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 19 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 500 bush. ; val., $1,187. Carrots, 4 acres ; Carrots, per acre, 650 bush. ; val., $866. English Mowing, 902 acres; English Hay, 1,345 tons; val., §22,8(35. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 123 tons ; val., $861. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 7,088 ; val., $2,000. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 100 ; val., $25. Tobacco, 18 acres ; val., $2,660. Establishments for m. of gas, 1 ; cap., $30,000 ; val. m'd., - ; emp., 3. The Ames Manufacturing Company make Cotton and all other kinds of machinery. Machinists' Tools, Turbine Water Wheels, Iron Castings, of every description, Brass and Bronze Castings, Bronze Guns — Field and Navy, Statuary, Swords, Sword Belts and Trimmings, Plated Ware, all varieties. Belt- ing and Engine Hose, Pump Augers and Reamers, Ring-Trav- ellers, Shafting, Pullics, etc.; cap., $250,000; m. emp. on platina ware, 56 ; f. emp., 10 ; m. emp. in furnace, 50 ; in ma- chinery, 184. Establishments for m. of belting, 1 ; val. of belting m'd., $7,000; cap., $3,600; emp., 2. GRANVILLE. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; val. of tin ware, $200 ; cap., ; emp., 1. Tanneries, 2 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, $1,500 ; val. of leatlicr tanned, $4,000; cap., $3,000; emp., 4. Bricks m'd., 100,000 ; val. of bricks, $500 ; emp., 2. Val. of snuff, tobacco and cigars, $400 ; m. emp., 2 ; f. emp., 3. 28 218 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. GRANVILLE. ' HAMPDEN CO. Charcoal m'd., 2,000 bush. ; val. of same, $120 ; emp., 2. Val, of whips m'd., $1,400 ; emp., 5. Lumber prepared for market, 581,000 ft. ; yal. of lumber $3,750 ; emp., 20. Firewood prepared for market, 520 cords ; val. of firewood, $1,050; emp., 20. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 179 ; val. of all sheep, $355 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 636 lbs. Horses, 205; val. of horses, $14,585; Oxen over three years old, 310 ; Steers under three years old, 224 ; val. of oxen and steers, $22,413 ; Milch Cows, 688 ; Heifers, 249 ; val. of cows and heifers, $20,215. Butter, 30,000 lbs. ; val. of butter, $7,833 ; Cheese, 16,130 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $1,513. Indian Corn, 259 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 24 bush. ; val., $2,598. Wheat, 9 acres ; Wheat, per acre, 12 bush. ; val., $242. Rye, 175 acres; Rye, per acre, 9^ bush. ; val., $1,672. Oats, 111 acres; Oats, per acre, 27 bush. ; val., $242. Potatoes, 175 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 72 bush.; val., $4,272. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 5 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 140 bush. ; val., $160. English Mowing, 1,537 acres ; English Hay, 1,456 tons ; val. $14,560. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 1,134 tons ; val., $5,192. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 3,198 ; val., $1,834. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 20 ; val., $30. James P. Cooley has one tree that bears two crops in one year. Powder Kegs m'd., 95,000 ; val. of kegs m'd., $5,300 ; cap., $1,775 ; emp., 28. Val. of toy drums m'd., $1,000 ; emp., 2. Val. of spectacles m'd., $1,000 ; cap., $600 ; emp., 3. Val. of wagon hubs, $500 ; emp., 1. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 219 HAMPDEN CO. HOLLAND. HOLLAND. Firewood prepared for market, 280 cords; vaL of firewood, ; emp., 1. Saxony Sheep, of difForcnt grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of differ- ent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 581 ; vaL of all sheep, $695 ; AVool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 1,307 lbs. Horses, 47 ; val. of horses, $2,493 ; Oxen over three years old, 92 ; Steers under three years old, 88 ; val. of oxen and steers, $5,135 ; Milch Cows, 172 ; Heifers, 54 ; val. of cows and heifers, $3,626. Butter, 4,460 lbs, ; val. of butter, $910 : Cheese, 7,443 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $657 ; Honey, 215 lbs. ; val. of honey, $28. Indian Corn, 102 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 25 bush. ; val., $2,550. 1 ye, 56 acres ; Rye, per acre, 8 bush. ; val., $448. Oats, 73 acroG ; Oats, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., $730. Potatoes, 87 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 85 bush.; val., $3,697.50. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 1| acre ; Turnips, per acre, 125 bush. ; val., $31. Beets and other esculent vegetables, ~ acres ; all other Grain or Root Crops, 20 acres ; val., $100. English Mowing, 583 acres; English Hay, 400 tons; val., $4,000. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 360 tons ; val., $1,963. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 327 ; val., $228. Cranberries, 7 acres; val., $165, 220 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. HOLYOKE. HAMPDEN CO. HOLYOKE. Cotton Mills, 3 ; Spindles, 53,000 ; Cotton consnmed, 4,2GT,- 985 lbs. ; Cloth m'd., 12,517,119 yds.— 970,000 yds. Cotton Cassiraeres for " pantalooncry," 8,199,370 yds. No. 14 Sheeting and Shirting, 3,447,749 yds. No. 70 and 90 Lawns, Jaconets, Checks and Brilliants ; val. of cloth, $1,161,178.36 ; Yarn ni'd., 108,000 lbs. ; val. of yarn, $20,000; cap., $1,600,000 ; m. cmp., 458; f. emp., 1,035. Estal>lis]nnents for m. of cotton, woollen and other machinery, 1; val. of machinery m'd., $325,000; cap., $305,000; emp., 300. Paper Mannfactories, 1 ; Stock made use of, 175 tons ; Paper m'd., 125 tons; val. of paper, $50,000; cap., $60,000; emp., 100. Daguerreotype Artists, 1 ; Daguerreotypes taken, 1,000 ; cap., $300 ; emp., 1. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; val. of sad- dles, &c., $2,500 ; cajl, $500 ; emp., 2. Card Manufactories, 1 ; val. of cards of all kinds m'd., (Clothing for Cotton and Woollen Cards,) $30,240; cap., $10,000; emp., 11. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 2 ; val. of railroad cars, &c., m'd., $1,640; cap., $400; emp., 3. Tin Ware Manufactories, 2; val. of tin w^are, $9,000; cap., ,000; emp., 8. Flour Mills, 1. [This mill was not run last year, but is now in operation, and can turn out 3,500 bbls. flour, 25,000 bush, of othdr grain, and 18,000 bbls. of cement.] Tanneries, 1 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 1,800 ; val. of leather tanned, $10,125; cap., $5,000; emp., 11. Boots of all kinds m'd., 600 pairs; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 1,275 pairs; val. of ])oots and shoes, $3,515; m. emp., 5; f. emp., 1. Bricks m'd., 2,000,000; val. of bricks, $9,500; emp., 20, during 6 months. I 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 221 HAMPDEN CO. HOLYOKE. Yal. of building stone quarried and prepared for l)uilding, $15,000 ; emp., 25. This stone was quarried witliin the limits of Northampton, but owned and used in this town by the Hadley Falls Company. -Charcoal m'd., 3,000 bush.; val. of same, $300; emp., 4, during 2 months. Lumber prepared for market, 436,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $5,6(38 ; emp., 7. Firewood prepared for market, 4,336 cords ; val. of firewood, $14,792; emp., 9. Alewives, Shad and Salmon taken, 500 ; val. of same, $100. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 82 ; val. of all sheep, $205 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Me- rino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 369 lbs. Horses, 213 ; val. of horses, $21,925 ; Oxen over three years old, 103 ; Steers under three years old, 39 ; val. of oxeu and steers, $8,296 ; Milch Cows, 363 ; Heifers, 55 ; val. of cows and heifers, $13,286. Butter, 25,074 lbs. ; val. of butter, $5,014.75 ; Cheese, 550 lbs.; val. of cheese, $68.75; Honey, 278 lbs.; val. of honey, $49.33. Indian Corn, 277 acres; Indian Corn, per acre, 31 bush. ; val., $9,875.05 ; Broom Corn, 4 acres ; Broom Bush, per acre, 825 lbs.; val., $330; Broom Seed, per acre, 34 bush. ; val., $57.12. Wheat, 6 acres ; Wheat, per acre, 14|- bush. ; val., $174. Rye, 849 acres ; Rye, per acre, 7| bush. ; val., $3,934.50. Oats, 132 acres; Oats, per acre, 18| bush. ; val., $1,445.40. Potatoes, 143 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 105 bush.; val., $11,261.25. Onions, 1| acre ; Onions, per acre, 474| bush. ; val., $498.40. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 20 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 410| biish. ; val., $1,643. Carrots, J acre ; Carrots, per acre, 360 bush. ; val., $90. Beets and other esculent vegetables, 3^ acres ; val., $695. 222 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. LONGMEADOW. HAMPDEN CO. English Mowing, 946 acres ; English Hay, 1,211 tons ; val. |18,1(35. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 146 tons ; val., $1,168. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 3,218 ; val., $2,T84. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 19 ; val., $17. Tohacco, 3 acres; val., $264. Beeswax, 17 lbs. ; val., $5.67. Establishments for m. of gas, 1 ; cap., $37,000; val. m'd., $9,074.26; val. of coke m'd., $107.88; emp., 2. Breweries, 1 ; cap., $250 ; Small Beer m'd., 170 bbls. ; val., $841.50 ; emp., 2. Bulls, 3 ; val., $110. Swine, 392 ; val., $8,527.97. White Beans, 4 acres ; Beans, per acre, 14 bush. ; val., $112. Buckwheat, 20 acres ; Buckwheat, per acre, 12|^ bush. ; val., $250. Hens, 2,035 ; val., $678.33. Eggs, 7,902 doz. ; val., i;l,317. Turkies, 127 ; val. of same, $159. Milk produced, 46,012 galls. ; val., $7,362. Card and Piano-Forte Wire Manufactories, 1 ; cap., $1,600 ; val. of stock (coarse wire) used, $10,000 ; val. of card wire, $5,000 ; val. of piano-forte and broom wire, $9,000 ; emp., 4. Power Loom Reed Manufiictories, 1; cap., $1,000; val. of reeds m'd., $1,200 ; val. of stock consumed, $300 ; emp., 1. Loom Harness Manufactories, 1; cap., $3,000; val. of har- ness m'd., $8,000; emp., 15. LONGMEADOW. Covered Button Manufactories, 1 ; Covered Buttons m'd., 90,000 gross ; val. of covered buttons, $30,000 ; cap., $3,000 ; emp., 25. Establishments for m. of soap, 1 ; Soap m'd., 100 bbls. ; val. of soap, $225. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 223 HAMPDEN CO. LONGMEADOW. Val. of building stone quarried and prepared for building, 12,4(30 ; emp., 26. Lumber prepared for market, 75,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, 1,125 ; emp., 3. Firewood prepared for market, 1,850 cords ; val. of firewood, ,650 ; emp., 4. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 180 ; val. of all sheep, $270 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 578 lbs. Horses, 266 ; val. of horses, $19,957 ; Oxen over three years old, 167 ; steers under three years old, 150 ; val. of oxen and steers, $10,989 ; Milch Cows, 549 ; Heifers, 156 ; val. of cows and heifers, $18,350. Butter, 50,020 lbs. ; val. of butter, $8,503 ; Cheese, 3,280 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $328; Honey, 104 lbs.; val. of honey, $12. Indian Corn, 680 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 25 bush. ; val., $25 per acre; Broom Corn, 8 acres; Broom Bush, per acre, 625 lbs.; val., $50 per acre; Broom Seed, per acre, 45 bush. ; val., $16 per acre. Wheat, 2 acres; Wheat, per acre, 10 bush.; val., $15 per acre. Rye, 507 acres ; Rye, per acre, 10 bush. ; val., $10 per acre. Barley, 1 acre ; Barley, per acre, 12 bush. ; val., $8. Oats, 285 acres ; Oats, per acre, 25 bush. ; val., $12 per acre. Potatoes, 135 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 100 bush.; ral., $50 per acre. Onions, ^ acre ; Onions, per acre, 520 bush. ; val., $260 per acre. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 3{- acres ; Turnips, per acre, 320 bush. ; val., $54 per acre. Carrots, 1 acre ; Carrots, per acre, 284 bush. ; val., $71 per acre. Beets and other esculent vegetables, 4 acres ; val., $240 ; all other Grain or Root Crops, 12 acres ; val., $100. Millet, 2 acres; val., $16. 224 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. LUDLOW. HAMPDEN CO. English Mowing, 1,642 acres ; English Hay, 2,024 tons ; vaL, $20,240. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 596 tons ; val., $2,980. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 3,509; val, $1,511. Tobacco, 10 acres; val., $1,400. Swine, 352; val., $2,100. Establishments for m. of spectacles and thimbles, 4 ; cap., $5,500; Silver Spectacles m'd., 9,000; val., $6,300; Gold Spectacles m'd., 8,150; val., $28,525; Thimbles m'd., 3,000 doz. ; val., $8,450; cmp., 27. Establishments for m. of shoulder braces, 1 ; Braces m'd., TOO doz. ; val., ^$4,200 ; cap., $1,000 ; m. emp., 2 ; f. emp., 12. Establishments form, of husks, 1 ; cap., $500 ; val. of husks m'd., $2,000; emp., 1. LUDLOW. Cotton Mills, 1 ; Spindles, 3,520 ; Cotton consumed, 204,400 lbs. ; Cloth, m'd., 649,573 yds., 36 inches wide ; val. of cloth, $42,222.24 ; cap., $25,000 ; m. emp., 31 ; f. emp., 35. Woollen Mills, 1 ; Sets of Machinery, 1 ; Wool consumed, 1,500 lbs. ; Satinet m'd., 1,500 yds. ; val. of satinet, $750 ; Yarn m'd. and not made into cloth, 600 lbs. ; val. of yarn, $600 ; cap., $2,000 ; m. emp., 3 ; f. emp., 2. Corn and other Brooms m'd., 1,500 ; val. of brooms, $250 ; emp., 1, during six months. Lumber prepared for market, 100,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $1,200; emp., 2. Firewood prepared for market, 5,210 cords; val. of firewood, 1,420 ; emp., 30, during six months. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 164 ; val. of all sheep, $410 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs, ; all other Wool produced, 492 lbs. Horses, 211 ; val. of horses, $15,825 ; Oxen over three years 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 225 HAMPDEN CO. LUDLOW. old, 204 ; Steei:s under three years old, 151 ; val. of oxen and steers, $12,918 ; Milch Cows, 467 ; Heifers, 161 ; val. of cows and heifers, $14,090. Butter, 31,350 lbs. ; val. of butter, $5,643 ; Cheese, 9,000 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $810 ; Honey, 500 lbs. ; val. of honey, $75. Indian Corn, 632 acres; Indian Corn, per acre, 20 bush.; val., $12,640; Broom Corn, 2 acres; Broom Bush, per acre, 800 lbs- ; val., $150 ; Broom Seed, per acre, 50 bush, ; val., $40. Rye, 1,147 acres ; Rye, per acre, 7 bush. ; val., $8,026. Oats, 112 acres ; Oats, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., $1,120. Potatoes, 150 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 100 bush. ; val., $7,500. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 5 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 200 bush. ; val., $200. Beets and other esculent vegetables, 25 acres ; val., $250 ; all other Grain or Root Crops, 50 acres; val., $300. English Mowing, 1,193 acres; English Hay, 1,193 tons; val., $16,702. "Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 509 tons ; val., $2,545. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 3,000; val., $1,250. Establishments for m. of sashes, doors and blinds, 1 ; val. m'd., $2,500; cap., $1,500; emp., 2. The income from labor in sewing shirts and drawers, sent from other places, amounts to $2,500, per annum. Grist Mills, 2 ; affording an income of $1,500. Saw Mills, 3; furnishing 200,000 ft. of lumber, one-half for home use. Shingle Mills, 1 ; furnishing 200,000 ft. chestnut shingles ; val. of shingles, $400. Shops for m. of printers' composing sticks, 1 ; val. m'd., $500. Shops for m. of carriages, 1 ; val. m'd., $500. 29 226 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. MONSON. HAMPDEN CO. MONSON. Cotton Mills, 1; Spindles, 3,200; Cotton consumed, 95,626 lbs. ; Cloth m'd., 480,000 yds., 7-8 yds. wide, measuring 5 yds. to the pound ; val. of cloth, $30,000 ; cap., $15,000; m. emp., 22 ; f. emp., 23. Woollen Mills, 4 ; Sets of Machinery, 10 ; Wool conumed, 400,000 lbs.; Satinet m'd., 616,000 yds.; val. of satinet, $254,400 ; cap., $92,000 ; m. emp., 85 ; f. emp., 53. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; val. of sad- dles, er, $1,670. Firewood prepared for market, 4,758 cords ; val. of firewood, $17,880; emp., 35. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 13 ; val. of all sheep, ^o J. Horses, 232 ; val. of horses, $21 ,506 ; Oxen over three years old, 136 ; Steers under three years old, 36 ; val. of oxen and steers, $8,473 ; Milch Cows, 556 ; Heifers, 45 ; val. of cows and heifers, $16,646. Butter, 14,509 lbs. ; val. of butter, $3,627.25 ; Cheese, 800 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $64 ; Honey, 135 lbs. ; val. of honey, $33.75. Indian Corn, 368 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 37 bush. ; val., $12,761. Wheat, 7| acres ; Wheat, per acre, 14 bush. ; val., $186. Rye, 144 acres; Rye, 1,419 bush. ; val., $1,419. Barley, 16 acres; Barley, per acre, 19 bush. ; val., $271.80. 302 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. CONCORD. MIDDLESEX CO, Oats, 141 acres ; Oats, per acre, 23 bush. ; val., $1,570. Potatoes, 212 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 93 bush. ; vaL, $14,951.25. Onions, 2 acres ; Onions, per acre, 400 bush. ; val., $400. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 10 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 350 bush. ; val., $700. Carrots, 6|- acres; Carrots, per acre, 500 bush.; val., $812.50. Beets and other esculent vegetables, 43 acres; val., $2,681. Millet, 91 acres; val., $171. English Mowing, 1,876 acres ; English Hay, 1,763 tons ; val., $31,724. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 1,600 tons ; val., $14,400. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 31,344 ; val., $6,685.25. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 375 ; val., $1,125. Cranberries, 41 acres ; val., $1,230. Beans, 42 acres ; Beans, per acre, 9 bush. ; val., $756. Millv produced for market, 122,261 galls. ; val., $15,282.62, Val. of poultry, $1,200. Corn cut for fodder, 40 acres ; val., $800. Oats cut for fodder, 25 acres; val., $375. Cattle slaughtered, $1,750. Vinegar m'd., 1,500 bbls. ; val., $4,500. CONCORD. Cotton and Woollen Mills, 1 ; Si^indles, 800 ; Cotton con>' sumed, 40,000 lbs. Woollen and Cotton Mills, 1 ; Sets of ^fachinery, 4 ; Wool consumed, 85,000 ll)s. ; Flannel or Blanketing m'd., 270,000 yds.; val. of flannel or blanketing, $54,000; cap., $20,000; m. emp., 25 ; f. emp., 30. Harness Manufactories, 1; val. of harnesses, &c., $2,000; cap., $1,000; emp., 3. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 303 MIDDLESEX CO. CONCORD. Establishments for m. of wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 2; val. of wagons, sleighs, &c., m'cL, $3,000; cap., $1,000; emp., 5. Establishments for m. of fire arms, 1 ; Fire Arms m'd., rifles, 50 ; val. of fire arms, $1,000 ; cap., $500 ; emp., 1. Tin "Ware Manufactories, 1 ; val. of tin ware, $1,200 ; cap,, $800 ; emp., 3. Boots of all kinds m'd., 1,100 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 8,200 pairs; val. of boots and shoes, $13,350; m. emp., 15; f. emp., 5. Val. of blocks and pumps m'd., $3,000 ; emp., 4. Val. of wooden ware not otherwise enumerated, including farming utensils, pails and tubs m'd., $12,000 ; emp., 15. Lumber prepared for market, 60,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $1,000 ; emp., 10. Firewood prepared for market, 3,000 cords; val. of firewood, $12,000 ; emp., 30. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, 5 ; all other kinds of Sheep, 6 ; val. of all sheep. Horses, 272 ; val. of horses, $20,927 ; Oxen over three years old, 226 ; Steers under three years old, 161 ; val. of oxen and steers, $15,756 ; Milch Cows, 1,075 ; Heifers, 123 ; val. of cows and heifers, $24,875. Butter, 11,080 lbs.; val. of butter, $2,770; Cheese, 1,200 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $72 ; Honey, 220 lbs. ; val. of honey, $40. Indian Corn, 463 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 35 bush. ; val., $16,205. Wheat, 6 acres; Wheat, per acre, 13 bush. ; val., $200. Rye, 120 acres ; Rye, per acre, 11-|^ bush. ; val., $1,700. Barley, 7 acres ; Barley, per acre, 12 bush. ; val., $84. Oats, 152 acres ; Oats, per acre, 24 bush. ; val., $1,813. Potatoes, 306 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 76 bush. ; val., $23,475. Onions, 4 acres ; Onions, per acre, 300 bush. ; val., $900. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 52 acres ; Turnips, {MJr acre, 150 bush. ; val., $1,550. 304 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. DRACUT. MIDDLESEX CO. Carrots, 13 acres ; Carrots, per acre, 288 bush. ; val., $1,023. Beets and other esculent vegetables, 3 acres; val., $500. Millet, 8 acres ; val., $200. English Mowing, 1,689 acres ; English Hay, 1,900 tons ; val., $38,000. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 1,025 tons; val., $10,250. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 6,808 ; vol., $4,866. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 856 ; val., $300. Cranberries, 50 acres; val., $2,000. Val. of Potter's hair balmm'd., $3,000; cap., $500; emp.,2. Val. of milk sold, $27,490. Val. of lead pencils m'd., $12,000. Val. of garden seeds sold, $2,370. . DRACUT. Cotton Mills, 1 ; Spindles, 2,350 ; Cotton consumed, 360,000 lbs.; Cloth m'd., 350,000 yds., Sail Duck; val. of cloth, $60,000 ; Twine m'd., 1,000 lbs. ; val. of twine, $2,000; cap., $25,000; m. emp., 18; f. emp., 50. "Woollen Mills, 1 ; Sets of Machinery, 8 ; Wool consumed, 250,000 lbs.; Cassimere nvd., 250,000 yds.; Satinet m^d . 225,000 yds ; cap., $75,000 ; m. emp., 120 ; f. emp., 60. Paper Manufactories, 2 ; Stock made use of, 210,000 lbs. ; Paper m'd., 150,000 lbs.; val.of poper, $10,500; cap., $10,000: emp., 4. Lumber prepared for market, 98,500 ft. : val. of luml)cr, $1,203; emp., 16. Firewood prepared for market, 2,622 cords; val. of firevrood, $11,539; emp., 37. Horses, 197 ; val. of horses, $14,775 ; Oxen over three years old, 229 ; Steers under three years old, 8 ; val. of oxen and steers, $11,850; Milch Cows, 765; Heifers, 76: val. of cows and heifers, $21,025. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 305 MIDDLESEX CO. . DUNSTABLE. Butter, 6,508 lbs. ; val. of butter, $2,427 ; Cheese, 525 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $82.50. Indiau (^orn, 398 acres; Indian Corn, per acre, 30 bush. ; val., $11,700. Wheat, 2^ acres; Wheat, per acre, 12 bush. ; val., $54. Rye, 83 acres; Rye, per acre, 10|^ bush. ; val., $2,498. Barley, 13 acres; Barley, per acre, 18| bush. ; val., $242. Oats, 131 acres ; Oats, per acre, 30^ bush. ; val., $1,977.50. Potatoes, 227 acres; Potatoes, per acre, (37 bush.; val., $8,515.70. Onions, 5| acres; Onions, per acre, 350 bush. ; val., $1,020. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 15-^ acres ; Turnips, per . acre, 423 bush ; val., $1,326.60. Carrots, 5 acres ; Carrots, per acre, 415 bush. ; val., $825.80. Beets and other esculent vegetables, 9 acres ; val., $1,800. English Mowing, 1,930 acres ; English Hay, 2,040 tons ; val., $40,800. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 694 tons ; val., $7,120. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 19,774 ; val., $4,258. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 382 ; val., $222.50. Cranberries, 5 acres ; val., $500. Val. of cabbages raised, $1,500. Squashes, 20 tons ; val., $400. Val. of buckwheat raised, $200. Val. of milk produced, $25,291.88. DUNSTABLE. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 2 ; val. of railroad cars, &c., m'd., $700; cap., $300. Boots of all kinds m'd., 75 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 100 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $350 ; m. emp., 1. Charcoal m'd., 8,300 bush. ; val. of same, $748. 39 t 306 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. DUNSTABLE. MIDDLESEX CO. Lumber prepared for market, 126,500 ft. ; val. of lumber, $12,650. Firewood prepared for market, 531 cords ; val. of firewood, $2,124. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 164 ; val. of all sheep, $410 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Me- rino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other W^ool produced, 460 lbs. Horses, 96 ; val. of horses, $6,322 ; Oxen over three years old, 125 ; Steers under three years old, 71 ; val. of oxen and steers, $8,605 ; Milch Cows, 355 ; Heifers, 108 ; val. of cows and heifers, $12,425. Butter, 18,212 lbs. ; val. of butter, $4,006.60 ; Cheese, 5,122 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $512.20. Indian Corn, 204 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 25 bush. ; Tal., $5,100. W^ieat, 5 acres ; Wheat, per acre, 12 bush. ; val., $135. Rye, 178 acres; Rye, per acre, 10 bush. ; val., $1,780. Barley, 2 acres ; Barley, per acre, 19 bush. ; val., $38. Oats, 68 acres ; Oats, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., $680. Potatoes, 88 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 100 bush. ; val., $4,400. Onions, | acre ; Onions, per acre, 160 bush. ; val., $30. Carrots, 1 acre ; Carrots, per acre, 400 bush. ; val., $100. English Mowing, 868 acres; English Hay, 868 tons; val., $13,020. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 533 tons; val., $3,731. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 1,436; val., $1,243. Cranberries, 13 acres ; val., $210. Establishments for m. of casks, 2 ; Casks m'd.,150; val., $135 ; cap., $140 ; emp., 2, during part of the time. Milk, 30,387 galls. ; val., $3,646.44. Swine raised, 97 ; val., $889. Beans, 15 acres; Beans, per acre, 11 bush. ; val., $330. Buckwheat, 25 acres ; Buckwheat, per acre, 5 bush. ; val., $125. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 307 MIDDLESEX CO. FRAMINGHAM. FRAMINGHAM. Woollen Mills, 3 ; Sets of Machinery, 39 ; Wool consumed, 1,632,132 lbs. ; Flannel or Blanketing, 334,854 yds. ; val. of flannel or blanketing, $331,368.00 ; Yarn m'd., and not made into cloth, 444,272 lbs. ; val. of yarn, ^33,281.60 ; cap., $300,000 ; m. emp., 120 ; f. emp., 148. Establishments for m. of worsted goods, or goods of which worsted is a component part, - ; Yarn m'd., and not made into cloth; 024,000 lbs. ; val. of yarn, $312,000 ; cap., $200,000 ; m. emp., 64 ; f. emp., 75. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 3; val., of sad- dles, &c., $8,340 ; cap., $2,500 ; emp., 12 ; amount of capital in one of the manufactories not given. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 5 ; val. of railroad cars, &c., m'd., $5,710 ; emp., in two establishments, 8. Tin Ware Manufactories, 2 ; val. of tin ware, $6,200 ; cap., $2,000 ; emp., 4. Boots of all kinds m'd., 397 pairs; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 64,400 pairs; val. of boots and shoes, $57,000; m. emp., 57; f. emp., 40. Establishments for m. of straw bonnets and hats, 2 ; Straw Bonnets, m'd., 107,000 ; Straw Hats, m'd., 60,000 ; m. emp., 25 ; f. emp., 300. Val. of building stone quarried and prepared for building, $2,000 ; emp., 3. Val. of lumber, $1,577. Firewood prepared for market, 1,981 cords ; val. of firewood, $9,569. Merino Sheep, of diifercnt grades, 32 ; val. of all sheep, $128 ; Merino Wool produced, 100 lbs. Horses, 330 ; val. of horses, $35,863 ; Oxen over three years old, 165 ; Steers under three years old, 21 ; val. of oxen and steers, $10,969 ; Milch Cows, 860 ; Heifers 129 ; val. of cows and heifers, $28,216. 308 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. FRAMINGHAM. MIDDLESEX CO. Biittor, 89,300 lbs. ; val. of butter, $22,315 ; Cheese, 3,600 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $222 ; Honey, 273 lbs. ; val. of honey, $67.50. Indian Corn, 658 acres; Indian Corn, per acre, 40| bush. ; val., $26,684. Wheat, 15 acres ; Wheat, per acre, 17|- bush. ; val., $548. Rye, 167 acres ; Rye, per acre, 15 bush. ; val., $3,130. Barley, 14| acres ; Barley, per acre, 25^ bush. ; val., $428. Oats, 347 acres ; Oats, per acre, 30 bush. ; val., $5,220. Potatoes, 415 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 100 bush. ; val., $41,500. Onions, 230 acres ; Onions, 210 bush. The val. of 75 bush. 70,) only, is returned. Turnips, 4,569 bush. ; val., $671. Carrots, 20 acres ; Carrots, per acre, 528| bush. ; val., t,400. Beets, 112 bush.; val., $56; Buckwheat, 16^^ acres; val., 5252. Millet, 201 acres; val., $373. English Mowing, 2,680 acres ; English Hay, 2,779 tons ; val., $55,580. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 1,531 tons; val., $15,242. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 30,768 ; val., $12,266. Basket Willow cultivated, 1,128 acres; val., $1,090. Cranberries, 10^ acres ; val., $405. Beeswax, 65 lbs. ; val., $27.80. Val. of whalebone m'd., $3,000 ; cap., $500 ; cmp., 4. Beans, 214 bush. ; val., $428. Val. of garden vegetables produced, $5,509. Val. of animals slaughtered, $26,426. Swine raised, 388 ; val., $3,065. Grapes produced, 1,500 lbs. ; val., $2,150. Vinegar m'd., 200 bbls. ; val., $700 ; cap., $1,800 ; emp., 1. Ice housed, 400 tons; val., $500; cap., $700; cmp., 2. Peaches raised, 100 bush. ; val., $200. Strawberries raised, 15 bush. ; val., $100. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 309 MIDDLESEX CO. GROTON. GROTON. Plough Manufactories, 1 ; Ploughs and other Agricultural Tools m'd., G,000; val., $51,303; cap., $25,000; emp., 35. Paper Manufactories, 2 ; Stock made use of, 2,250,000 lbs. ; Paper m'd., 1,080,000 lbs.; val. of paper, $168,000; cap., $82,000 ; emp., 43. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; val. of tin ware, $15,000 ; cap., $8,000; emp., 8. Tanneries, 1 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 250 ; val. of leather tanned, $1,000 ; cap., $3,000 ; emp., 2. Boots of all kinds, m'd., -pairs; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 117,500 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $108,000 ; m. emp., 84 ; f. emp., 50. Lum])er prepared for market, 283,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $4,348. Firewood prepared for market, 2,050 cords ; val. of firewood, $8,798 ; prepared by farmers. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep of differ- ent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 131 ; val. of all sheep, $344 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 361 lbs. Horses, 288 ; val. of horses, $24,313 ; Oxen over three years old, 294; Steers under three years old, 106; val. of oxen and steers, 20,068 ; Milch Cows, 782 ; Heifers, 175 ; val. of cows and heifers, $24,681. Butter, 42,006 lbs. ; val. of butter, $9,215 ; Cheese, 3,840 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $335 ; Honey, 400 lbs. ; val. of honey. Indian Corn, 486 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 24 bush. ; val., $12,153. Wheat, 5-|^ acres ; Wlieat, per acre, 7 bush. ; val., $92. Rye, 247 acres; Rye, per acre, 7 bush.; val., $2,573. Barley, 9 acres ; Barley, per acre, 15 bush. ; val., $135. Oats, 136 acres; Oats, per acre, 18.] bush. ; val., $1,518. Potatoes, 216 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 90 bush.; val., $12,510. 310 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. HOLLISTON. MIDDLESEX CO. Onions, | acre ; Onions, per acre, 211 bush. ; val., §157. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 1 acre ; Turnips, per acre, 450 bush.; val., §90. Carrots, 1 acre; Carrots, per acre, 650 bush. ; val., §230. English Mowing, 2,G62 acres; English Hay, 2,698 tons; val., $43,279. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 757 tons ; val., §6,572. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 11,578 ; val., §12,115. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 91 ; val., §105. Hops, 20 acres ; Hops, per acre, 650 lbs ; val., §3,411. Cranberries, 1 acre ; val., §253. Bakeries, 1; cap., §2,000; Flour consumed, 1,100 bbls. ; val. of bread m'd., §17,600 ; emp., 8. Chestnuts, 271 bush; val., §923. Val. of milk sold, §7,850. HOLLISTON. Cotton Mills, 1 ; Spindles, 2,000 ; Cotton consumed, 100,000 lbs. ; Cloth m'd., 600,000 yds. of 52 by 56 Prints ; val. of cloth, §30,000 ; cap., §30,000 ; m. emp., 12 ; f. emp., 18. Harness Manufactories, 2 ; val. of harnesses, §24 ; cap., §800 ; emp., 2. Establishments for m. of soap, 1 ; Soap m'd., 27,000 galls. ; val. of soap, §3,240 ; emp., 3. Chair and Cabinet Manufactories, 1 ; val. of chairs and cabi- net ware, §1,000 ; cap., §2,000 ; emp., 2. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; val. of tin ware, §5,000 ; cap., §3,000; emp., 4. Comb Manufactories, 1 ; val. of combs m'd., §75,000 ; cap., §50,000; emp., 70. Boots of all kinds m'd., 277,439 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 67,820 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, §414,484 ; m. emp., 471; f. emp., 112. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 311 MIDDLESEX CO. HOLLISTON. Estalilislimcnts for m. of straw bonnets and hats, 2 ; Straw Bonnets m'd., 7(3,250 ; Straw Hats m'd., 5,000 ; m. emp., 12 ; f. emp., IGO. Charcoal m'd., 800 bush. ; val. of same, $132 ; emp., 1. Val. of copper pumps m'd., $12,000 ; emp., 7. Firewood prepared for market, 2,702 cords ; val. of firewood, $13,510 ; emp., 27. Saxony Sheep, of diiTerent grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 3 ; val. of all sheep, $7.50 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Me- rino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 15 lbs. Horses, 163 ; val. of horses, $12,952 ; Oxen over three years old, 110 ; Steers under three years old, 60 ; val. of oxen and steers, $8,105 ; Milch Cows, 304 ; Heifers, 40 ; val. of cows and heifers, $13,341. Butter, 40,740 lbs.; val. of butter, $1,146; Cheese, 1,975 lbs.; val. of cheese, $157; Honey, 200 lbs.; val. of honey, $33. Indian Corn, 262 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 28 bush. ; val., $7,336. Wheat, 5 acres ; Wheat, per acre, 13 bush. ; val., $162.50, Bye, 27 acres ; Bye, per acre, 12 bush. ; val., $486. Barley, 9 acres ; Barley, per acre, 19 bush. ; val., $171. Oats, 104 acres ; Oats, per acre, 23 bush. ; val., $1,435. Potatoes, 106 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 98 bush.; val., $7,791. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 8 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 1,600 bush. ; val., $400. Carrots, 2 acres; Carrots, per acre, 1,200 bush. ; val., $480. English Mowing, 1,247 acres; English Hay, 1,095 tons; val., $21,900. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 278 tons ; val., $2,224. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 9,152 ; val., $3,850. Pear Trees, cidtivatcd for their fruit, 148 ; val., $213. Cranberries, 77 acres ; val., $4,003. Bakeries, 1 ; Flour consumed, 500 bbls. : val. of bread m'd., $9,000; cap., $1,500; emp., 6. 312 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. HOPKINTON. MIDDLESEX CO. Establishments for m. of boxes for boots, shoes and bonnets^ 2 ; val. of boxes in d., $17,216 ; cap., $2,500 ; emp., 5. Cider Refineries, 1 ; val., $3,500 ; Bbls. refined, 950 ; cap., $7,000 ; emp., G. Corn Planters m'd., 100; val., $500. Washing Machines m'd., 200 ; val., $2,000 ; emp., 2. HOPKINTON. Cotton Mills, 2; Spindles, 1,523. [These Mills are owned in Boston, and have not been in operation for eight 3^ears.] Plough Manufactories, 1 ; Ploughs and other Agricultural Tools m'd., 80 ; val., $450 ; cap., $100 ; emp., 1. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; val. of saddles, &c., $300 ; cap., $200 ; emp., 1, part time. Establishments for m. of boats, 2 ; Boats built, 24 ; cap., $100 ; emp., 2, part time. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 1 ; val. of railroad cars, &c., m'd., $1,125 ; cap., $500 ; emp. ,-3. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; val. of tin ware, $2,500 ; cap., $1,000; emp., 2. Boots of all kinds m'd., G00,474 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., - pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $1,058,820; m. emp., 1,233; f. emp., 88. Val. of straw braid m'd. and not made into bonnets and hats, $400 ; f. emp., 4. Val. of building stone quarried and prepared for building, $700; emp., 2. Charcoal m'd., 5,000 bush.; val. of same, $375; emp., 1, part time. Corn and other Brooms m'd., 960 ; val. of brooms, $100 ; emp., 2, part time. Lumber prepared for market, 219,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $2,750 ; emp., 8. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 313 MIDDLESEX CO. HOPKINTON. Firewood prepared for market, 3,695 cords; val. of firewood, $12,800; cmp., 16. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Slieep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 8 ; val. of all sheep, Horses, 269 ; val. of horses, $25,080 ; Oxen over three years old, 140 ; Steers under three years old, 14 ; val. of oxen and steers, |7,636 ; Milch Cows, 546 ; Heifers, 68 ; val. of cows and heifers, $16,648. Butter, 24,316 lbs. ; val. of butter, $6,079 ; Cheese, 2,050 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $164 ; Honey, 180 lbs. ; val. of honey, $36. Indian Corn, 267 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 292 ly bush. ; val., $8,720. AVheat, 1^ acre ; Wheat, per acre, 12| bush. ; val., $40. Rye, 31^ acres ; Rye, per acre, Qjq\ bush. ; val., $325. Barley, 2| acres ; Barley, per acre, H^Yo^ bush. ; val., $40. Oats, 109|- acres ; Oats, per acre, 22^9„fi_. bush. ; val., $1,509. Potatoes, 205|- acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 82yYo ^^^^i- > "^^l-» $12,717. Onions, ^ acre ; Onions, per acre, 120 bush. ; val., $25. Carrots, 1^ acre ; Carrots, per acre, 550 bush.; val., $232. Beets and other esculent vegetables, 3^ acres; val., $775; all other Grain or Root Crops, 3 acres ; val., $30. English Mowing, 1,734|- acres ; English Hay, 1,262 tons ; val., $21,454. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 541 tons ; val., $4,328. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 6,169 ; val., $4,883. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 62 ; val., $85. Cranberries, 46| acres; val., $778. Establishments for m. of boot boxes, 2 ; cap., $4,000 ; vaL boxes m'd., $30,000; emp., 10. Establishments form, of clothing, 2; cap., $6,000; val. of clothing m'd., $25,000 ; emp., 27. Val. of cider vinegar, $760. Val. of milk sold,"$3,060. Val. of peaches, $156. 40 314 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. LEXINGTON. MIDDLESEX CO. Val. of whortleberries sent to market, $3,291. Swine raised, 222 ; val., $1,917. . There have also been m'd. fRiring the year, 25 sets of boot trees, and 110,000 hoops for boot and dry goods boxes ; val., $1,450 ; emp., 3. LEXINGTON. Tin Ware Manufactories, 2; val. of tin ware, $8,000; cap., $3,000 ; emp., 7. Firewood prepared for market, 950 cords; val. of firewood, $5,700. Horses, 348 ; val. of horses, $36,440 ; Oxen over three years old, 122 ; Steers under three years old, - ; val. of oxen and steers, $7,355; Milch Cows, 1,090; Heifers, 99; val. of cows and heifers, $33,888. Butter, 400 lbs.; val. of butter, $100; Cheese, 100 lbs.; val. of cheese, $10. Indian Corn, 323 acres; Indian Corn, per acre, 31 bush.; val., $10,021. Rye, 62 acres; Rye, per acre, llf| bush. ; val., $4,805. Oats, 31 acres ; Oats, per acre, 30 bush. ; val., $62. Potatoes, 177^ acres; Potatoes, per acre, 89^^: bush. ; val., $19,712.50. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 24^ acres ; Turnips, per acre, 447 bush. ; val., $3,285. Carrots, 12| acres ; Carrots, per acre, 600 bush. ; val., $3,150. Beets and other esculent vegetables, - acres ; all other Grain or Root Crops, 244 acres; val., $18,840. English I\[owing, 1,958| acres; English Hay, 2,521^ tons ; val., $63,037.50. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 608-^ tons ; val., $7,606. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 25,109 ; val., $14,986. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 347 ; val., $560. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 315 MIDDLESEX CO. LINCOLN. Cranberries, - acres ; val., $151. Fur Manufactories, 2; amount m'd., $28,865.92; cap,, $15,000; emp., 32. Establishments for m. of Manilla and Jute mats, 1 ; amount m'd., $4,750; cap., $1,000; emp., 5. Val. of 800 tons of ice cut, $2,400. Yal.^of 350,840 galls, of milk produced, $52,626.90. LINCOLN. Firewood prepared for market, 1,173 cords ; val. of firewood, $4,994. Horses, 122 ; val. of horses, $12,925 ; Oxen over three years old, 105 ; Steers under three years old, 2 ; val. .of oxen and steers, $6,650 ; Milch Cows, 535 ; Heifers, 59 ; val. of cows and heifers, $21,028. Butter, 6,680 lbs. ; val. of butter, $1,670 ; Cheese, 1,350 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $109. Lidian Corn, 335 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 30 bush. ; val., $10,050. Wheat, 1 acre ; Wheat, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., $40. Rye, 45 acres ; Rye, per acre, 17 bush. ; val., $1,020. Barley, 8 acres ; Barley, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., $160. Oats, 52 acres ; Oats, per acre, - bush. ; val., $1,108. Potatoes, 114 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 56 bush. ; val., $5,609. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 15 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 317 bush. ; val., $1,189. English Mowing, 1,089 acres ; English Hay, 1,089 tons ; val., Jp^l ,i Jo. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 809 tons ; val., $8,090. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 15,195 ; val., $7,084, Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 2,283 ; val, $349. Cranberries, 52 acres ; val., $1,325. 316 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. LITTLETON. MIDDLESEX CO. Swine raised, 138; vaL, $1,314. . Val. of milk sold, $18,727. Asparagus, 21 acres ; val. of crop, $580. Strawberries, 2 acres; val. of crop., $600. Pickles, 17 acres; val., $1,510. LITTLETON. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; val. of sad- dles, &c., $1,000; cap., $500; emp., 2. Currying Establishments, 1 ; val. of leather curried, $700 ; cap., $600 ; emp., 1. Boots of all kinds m'd., 80 pairs; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 1,522 pairs; val. of boots and shoes, $854; m. emp., 2; f. emp., 1. Corn and other Brooms m'd., 270; val. of brooms, $75; emp., 1. Lumber prepared for market, 108,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $1,512. Firewood prepared for market, 1,659 cords ; val. of firewood, $5,805. Horses, 165 ; val, of horses, $13,046 ; Oxen, over three years old, 121 ; Steers under three years old, 10 ; val. of oxen and gteers, $6,793 ; Milch Cows, 533 ; Heifers, 83 ; val. of cows and heifers, $17,020. Butter, 10,957 lbs. ; val. of butter, $2,410 ; Cheese, 75 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $7.50 ; Honey, 25 lbs. ; val. of honey, $4. Indian Corn, 294| acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 30 bush. ; val., $8,835. Wheat, 6| acres; Wheat, per acre, 9 bush. ; val., $112. Eye, 110| acres; Rye, per acre, 10 bush. ; val., $1,388. Barley, 20|- acres ; Barley, per acre, 19 bush. ; val., $355. Oats, 98^- acres ; Oats, per acre, 22 bush. ; val., $1,137. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 317 MIDDLESEX CO. ' LOWELL. Potatoes, 133| acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 82 bush. ; val., $6,031. Onions, ^ acre ; Onions, per acre, 500 bush. ; val., $262. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 7 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 100 bush. ; val., $140. Carrots, 6 acres; Carrots, per acre, 250 bush. ; val., $375. Beets and other esculent vegetables, 20 acres ; val., $1,075. Millet, I" acre ; val., $10. English Mowing, 1,412 acres ; English Hay, 1,511 tons; val., $24,176. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 499 tons ; val., $3,992. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 11,690 ; val., $8,377. Hops, 10|- acres; Hops, per acre, 385 lbs. ; val., $1,185. Cranberries, 36| acres; val., $625. Milk sold, 92,050 cans ; val., $21,171. LOWELL. Cotton Mills, 35 ; Spindles, 350,348 ; Cotton consumed, 37,431,724 lbs. ; Cloth m'd., 98,647,359 yds. Sheetings, Shirt- ings, Printing Cloths, Drillings, Tickings and Osnaburgs ; val. of cloth, $7,494,229; Yarn m'd., 2?!,000 lbs.; val. of yarn, $5,000 ; Batting m'd., 962,000 lbs. ; val. of batting, $61,600 ; Pelisse Waddhig m'd., 370,000 lbs. ; val. of wadding, $53,000 ; cap., $9,490,000; m. emp., 2,105; f. emp., 7,349. Calico Manufactories, 2 ; Calico printed, 21,900,000 yds. ; val. of calico, $1,890,000; cap., $1,000,000; m. emp., 343; f. emp., 29. Establishments for bleaching or coloring cotton, silk and woollen goods, not connected with calico establishments, 5 ; Goods bleached or colored, 28,000,000 yds. ; val. of goods, $2,000,000; cap., $314,000; emp., 350. Woollen Mills, 5 ; Sets of Macliinery, 5Q ; Wool consumed, 1,914,935 lbs. ; Broadcloth m'd., 126,279 yds. ; val. of broad- cloth, $138,924; Cassimere m'd,, 670,500 yds.; val. of cassi- 018 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. LOWELL. MIDDLESEX CO. mere, $737,550 ; Satinet 'in'd., 564,974 yds. ; val. of satinet, $225,990; Shawls m'd., 10,167; val. of shawls, $35,000; Flannel or Blanketing, 600,000 yds. ; val. of flannel or blanket- ing, $132,000 ; cap., $1,050,000 ; m. emp., 610 ; f. emp., 748. Mills for m. of carpeting, 2 ; Wool consumed, 1,994,000 lbs. ; Carpeting m'd., 1,223,654 yds. ; val. of carpeting, including rags and mats, $900,000; cap., $1,400,000; m. emp., 365; f. emp., 595. Establishments for m. of worsted goods, or goods of which worsted is a component part, 2 ; Yarn m'd., and not made into cloth, 75,000 lbs.; val. of yarn, $27,000; cap., $12,000; m. emp., 11 ; f. emp., 7. Furnaces for m. of hollow ware and castings other than pig iron, 2 ; Hollow Ware and other Castings m'd., 3,625 tons ; val. of hollow ware and castings, $243,000; cap., $24,500; emp., 180. Establishments for m. of cotton, woollen and other ma- chinery, 8 ; val. of machinery m'd., $748,000 ; cap., $551,000 ; emp., 761. Establishments for m. of steam-engines and boilers, 2 ; val. of steam-engines and boilers, $117,000; cap., $77,500; emp., 126. Shops for m. of iron railing, iron fences and iron safes, 2 ; val. of iron railing, &c., $5,500; cap,, $2,800; emp., 8. Copper Manufactories, 1 ; Copper m'd., 62,000 lbs. ; val., $20,000; cap., $2,000; emp., 4. Brass Founderies, 2; val. of articles m'd., $7,000; cap., $700; emp., 6. Establishments for m. of chemical preparations, 1 ; val. of chemical preparations, $100,000 ; cap., $50,000 ; m. emp., 30 ; f. emp., 30. Paper Manufactories, 1 ; Stock made use of, 300,000 lbs. ; Paper m'd., 225,000 lbs. ; val. of paper, $13,500 ; cap., $10,000 ; emp., 6. Daguerreotype Artists, 7 ; Daguerreotypes taken, 17,000 ; cap., $9,500; emp., 17. Establishments for m. of chronometers, watches, gold and 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 319 MIDDLESEX CO. LOWELL. silver ware find jewelry, 2 ; val. of m's., $30,000 ; cap., ^11,000 ; cmp., 11. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 7 ; val. of sad- dles, &c., $14,625; cap., $6,500; emp., 19. Upholstery Manufactories, 4 ; val. of upliolstery, $10,000 ; cap., $2,450 ; emp., 9. Hat and Cap Manufactories, 2 ; Hats and Caps m'd., 15,400 ; cap., $11,400 ; emp., 30. Cordage Manufactories, 1; Cordage m'd., 25 tons; cap., $1,000 ; emp., 8. Card Manufactories, 1 ; val. of machine cards m'd., $20,000 ; cap., $12,000; emp., 8. Establislimcnts for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 4 ; val. of railroad cars, iS-c, m'd., $22,900; cap., $23,000; emp., 56. Establishments for m. of soap and tallow candles, 3 ; Soap m'd., soft soap, 6,000 bbls., hard soap, 226,000 lbs. ; val. of soap, $35,000 ; Tallow Candles m'd., 240,000 lbs. ; val. of tallow candles, $32,100; cap., $33,000; emp., 18. Powder Mills, 1 ; Powder m'd., 750,000 lbs. ; val. of powder, $75,000 ; cap., $12,000 ; emp., 18. Establislimcnts for m. of fire arms, 2 ; Fire Arms m'd., rifles, single and double shot guns, and pistols ; val. of fire arms, $5,000; cap., $1,700; emp., 8. Tin Ware Manufactories, 10 j val. of tin ware, $42,500 ; cap., $17,000 ; emp., 36. • Tanneries, 1 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, $12,000 ; val. of leather tanned, $90,000 ; cap., $30,000 ; emp., 30. Currying Establishments, 2 ; val. of leather curried, $160,000; cap., $21,000; cmp., 35. Manufactories of patent and enamelled leather, 1 ; val. of leather m'd., $80,000; cap., $10,000; emp., 35. Boots of all kinds m'd., 35,695 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 61,060 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $131,852 ; m. emp., 148; f. emp., 102. Val. of snuff, tobacco, and cigars, $19,200 ; m. emp., 11 ; f. emp., 5. 320 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. LOWELL. MIDDLESEX CO. Charcoal m'cl., 12,000 bush. ; val. of same, $1,200 ; emp., 1. Val. of blocks and pumps m'd., $1,500 ; emp., 2. Lumber prepared for market, 13,500,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $250,000 ; emp., 340. Horses, 945 ; val. of horses, $94,500 ; Oxen over three years old, 60; Steers 'under three years old, -; val. of oxen and steers, $3,300; Milch Cows, 500; Heifers, -; val. ot cows and heifers, $1,500. Butter, 2,000 lbs. ; val. of butter, $500. Indian Corn, 50 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 40 bush. ; val., $2,500. Rye, 6 acres ; Rye, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., $120. Oats, 16 acres ; Oats, per acre, 25 bush. ; val., $400, Potatoes, 50 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 125 bush. ; val., ^o,11jO. Onions, 7 acres; Onions, per acre, 200 bush. ; val., $700. Carrots, 5 acres ; Carrots, per acre, 300 bush. ; val., $500. English Mowin.o:, 378 acres; English Hay, 440 tons; val., $7,530. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 62 tons; val., $725. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 4,000; val., $3,000. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 2,500 ; val., $1,500. Cranberries, 18 acres ; val., $2,500. Establishments for m. of sashes, doors and blinds, 7 ; val. m'd., $111,400 ; cap., $30,000 ; emp., 115. Establishments for m. of gas, 1 ; val. m'd., $66,200; cap., $200,000; emp., 35. Bakeries, 4 ; Flour consumed, 5,820 bbls. ; val. of bread m'd., $66,560; cap., $29,500; emp., 30. Establishments for m. of boxes, (packing boxes,) 2 ; val. of boxes m'd., $46,000; cap., $32,000; emp., 21. Establishments for m. of wire fence, 1 ; val., $10,000; cap., $20,000 ; emp., 6. Establishments for m. of pyroligncous acid, 1 ; galls, m'd., 40,000; val., $3,200; emp., 4. Establishments for m. of " excelsior " for mattresses, 1 ; quan- tity m'd., 100 tons; val., $4,000 ; cap., $2,000; emp., 6. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 321 MIDDLESEX CO. LOWELL. Establishments for m. of cotton bagging, 1 ; Bags m'd., 124,800; val., $26,000; cap., $14,000; m.^emp., 7 ; f. emp., 20. Establishments for m. of bedsteads, 1 ; Bedsteads m'd., 10,000; val., $30,000; cap., $20,000; emp., 40. Establisliments for m. of power loom harnesses, 3; val., $25,000; cap., $14,000; m. emp., 13; f. emp., 35. Establishments for m. of weavers' reeds, 1 ; val., $4,000 ; cap., $2,000; emp., 5. Establishments for m. of shuttles, 1; val., $8,000; cap., $5,000 ; emp., 5. Establishments for m. of belting, 2; val., $88,000; cap., $22,000 ; emp., 13. Establishments for m. of bobbins, 1 ; val., $18,000; cap., $12,000 ; emp., 28. Establishments for m. of pickers, 1; val., $15,400; cap., $10,000; emp., 10. Establishments for m. of scales, 1 ; val., $8,000 ; cap., $6,000 ; emp., 6. Establishments for plumbing, 1 ; val. of lead used, $4,000 ; cap., $500 ; emp., 3. Establishments for m. of cotton carpeting, 1 ; Carpeting m'd., 120,000 yds. ; Cotton consumed, 40,000 lbs. ; cap., $50,000 ; m. emp., 30 ; f. emp., 19. Establishments for m. of screws, bolts and nuts, - ; Iron used, 300 tons; val. of bolts and nuts m'd., $30,000; cap., $15,000 ; emp., 30. Establishments for m. of mattresses, 1 ; number m'd., 1,000 ; val., $2,000; cap., $400; emp., 1. Establishments for m. of picture-frames, 1; val., $3,100; cap., $1,150 ; emp,, 1. Establishments for m. of bird cages, selves, &c., 1 ; val., $5,000 ; cap., $1,400 ; emp., 6. Establishments for m. of parasols and umbrellas, 1 ; val., $12,000 ; cap., $4,000 ; emp., 12. Establishments for m. of clothing, 15 ; val., $4-50,200 ; cap., $34,900 ; emp., 211. 41 322 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. MALDEN. MIDDLESEX CO. MALDEN. Establishments for m. of linen, 1 ; not in operation. Establishments for m. of britannia ware, 1 ; val. of britannia ware, $18,000 ; cap., $10,000 ; emp., 18. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; val. of sad- dles, &c., $500; cap., $300; emp., 2. Cordage Manufactories, 1 ; Cordage m'd., 6 tons; cap., $400 ; emp., 3. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 3 ; val. of railroad cars, A^^y t>iish. ; val., $4,753.75. Wheat, I acre ; Wheat, per acre, 17 bush. ; val., $34. Rye, 31} acres ; Rye, per acre, 10^ bush. ; val., $416. Barley, lOf acres ; Barley, per acre, 18| bush. ; val., $180.25. Oats, 28 acres ; Oats, per acre, 19^- bush. ; val., $331.70. Potatoes, 64 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 81^ bush.; val., $4,554.90. Onions, i acre ; Onions, 120 bush. ; val., $96. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 1| acre ; Turnips, per acre, 193 bush. ; val., $48. Carrots, 1\ acre ; Carrots, per acre, 293^ bush. ; val., $79.12. Millet, |- acre ; val., $4. English Mowing, 840 acres ; English Hay, 633 tons ; val., $11,762. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 356 tons ; val., $3,450. Apple Trees, cidtivated for their fruit, 5,730 ; val., $2,414. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 100 ; val., $40. Cranberries, 34| acres; val., $767. Beeswax, 20 lbs. ; val., $8. Establishments form, of casks, 1 ; cap., $1,000 ; Casks m'd., 26,000; val., $5,000; emp., 7. Swine raised, 76; val., $687. Beans, 12 acres; 120 bush.; val., $300. Milk sold, 20,787 galls. ; val., $2,286.57. 384 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. POXBOROUGH. NORFOLK CO. FOXBOROUCm. Cotton Mills, 2 ; Spindles, 800 ; Cotton consumed, 68,000 lbs. ; Yarn m'd., 40,000 lbs. ; val. of yarn not given ; Tlircad m'd., 16,000 lbs. ; val. of thread, $7,000 ; Batting m'd., o,000 lbs. ; val. of batting, $250; cap., $10,500 ; m. cmp., 6; f. emp.,10. Establishments for bleaching or coloring cotton goods, not connected with calico establishments, 1 ; Goods bleached or col- ored, 20,000 lbs.; val. of goods, not known; cap., $2,500; emp., 3. Furnaces for m. of hollow ware and castings other than pig iron, 1 ; Hollow Ware and other Castings m'd., 350 tons ; val. of hollow ware and castings, $27,000 ; cap., $7,000 ; cmp., 25. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; val. of sad- dles, &c., $1,000 ; cap., $500 ; erap., 2. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wagons, sleighs, and otlicr vcliiclcs, 1 ; val. of railroad cars, &c., m'd., $4,500; cap., $1,500; emp., 6. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; val. of tin ware, $800 ; cap., $500 ; emp., 1. Boots of all kinds m'd., 250 pairs; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 800 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $1,425 ; m. cmp., 2. Establishments for m. of straw bonnets and hats, 1 ; Straw Bonnets m'd., 1,100,000 ; Straw Hats m'd., 900,000 ; m. emp., 250 ; f. em. 8,000. Val. of building stone quarried and prepared for building, $1,300 ; cmp., 4. Charcoal m'd., 22,300 bush. ; val. of same, $2,398; emp., not known. Lumber prepared for market, 277,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $3,926. Firewood prepared for market, 2,134 cords ; val. of firewood, $7,669. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 9 ; val. of all sheep, $27 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs, ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other wool produced, 36 lbs. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 385 NORFOLK CO. FOXBOROUGH. Horses, 226 ; val. of horses, $22,245 ; Oxen over three years old, 88 ; Steers under three years ohl, 13 ; val. of oxen and steers, $5,073 ; Milch Cows, 351 ; Heifers, 34; val. of cows and heifers, $10,922. Butter, 15,635 lbs. ; val. of butter, $3,909 ; Cheese, 1,840 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $184 ; Honey, 419 lbs. ; val. of honey, $52. Indian Corn, 180 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 28 bush. ; val., $5,040. Rye, 17 acres ; Rye, per acre, 12 bush. ; val., $300. Barley, 5 acres ; Barley, per acre, 17 bush. ; val., $85. Oats, 10 acres; Oats, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., $130. Potatoes, 90 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 95 bush. ; val., $6,450. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 5 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 200 bush. ; val., $333. Carrots, l^-acre ; Carrots, per acre, 600 bush. ; val., $225. English Mowing, 1,312 acres ; English Hay, 843 tons ; val., $16,860. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 392 tons ; val., $4,704. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 10,000 ; val., $2,600. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 630 ; val., $142. Cranberries, 48 acres ; val., $1,113. Bakeries, 1 ; cap., $3,000 ; Flour consumed, 650 bbls. ; val. of bread m'd., $11,000; emp., 7. Establishments for m. of boxes, principally for bonnets and hats, 2 ; cap., $15,200 ; val. of boxes m'd., $14,500 ; emp., 15. Hoops m'd., 470,000 ; val., $9,600. Val. of baskets m'd., $505. Val. of milk sold, $3,300. Val. of ice sold, $500. Val. of clothes dryers m'd. and sold, $375. Val. of jewelry m'd., $45,000. Straw Braid trimmed and pressed, 1,092,000 yds. ; val of labor on the same, $855. 49 386 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. FRANKLIN. NORFOLK CO. FRANKLIN. Cotton Mills, 4 — 3 not in operation ; Spindles, 3,724 ; Cotton consumed, 15,672 lbs. ; Thread m'd., 12,000 lbs. ; val. of thread, ^3,840 ; Batting- m'd., 40,000 lbs. ; val. of batting, $4,000 ; cap., $2,500 ; m. cmp., 5 ; f. emp., 3. Establishments for m. of boats, - ; Boats built, 88 ; cap., $550 ; emp., 5. Establishments for m. of wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 2; val. of wagons, &c., m'd., $800; cap., $400; emp., 3. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; val. of tin ware, $1,000 ; cap., $1,000 ; emp., 2. Boots of all kinds m'd., 20,000 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., - pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $35,000 ; m. emp., 70. Establishments for m. of straw bonnets and hats, G ; Straw Bonnets and Hats m'd., 579,160 ; val. of straw braid m'd. and not made into bonnets and hats, $2,000 ; val. of straw bonnets and hats, $405,000 ; m. emp., 96 ; f. emp., 1,578. Lumber prepared for market, 752,416 ft.; val. of lumber, $9,000 ; emp., 55. Firewood prepared for market, 1,979 cords ; val. of firewood, |7,748 ; emp., 69. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 19 ; val. of all sheep, $53 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Me- rino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 57 lbs. Horses, 206 ; val. of horses, $14,503 ; Oxen over three years old, 172 ; Steers under three years old, 56 ; val. of oxen anc\, steers, $10,265; Milch Cows, 485 ; Heifers, 76 ; val. of cows and heifers, $13,738.' Butter, 21,325 lbs. ; val. of butter, $5,311 ; Cheese, 3,990 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $317 ; Honey, 65 lbs ; val. of honey, $13. Indian Corn, 386 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., $8,496. Wheat, 1| acre ; Wheat, per acre, 12 bush. ; val., $18.75. 1855.] INDUSTRY OP MASSACHUSETTS. 387 NORFOLK CO. MEDFIELD. Rye, 107 acres ; Rye, per acre, 8 bush. ; val., $1,284. Barley, 7 acres; Barley, per acre, 19 bush. ; val., $183. Oats, 149 acres ; Oats, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., $1,728. Potatoes, 166 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 95 bush. ; vaJ., $9,604. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 11 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 50 bush. ; val., $137.50. Carrots, 2} acres ; Carrots, per acre, 254 bush. ; val., $315. Millet, 8 acres ; val., $102. English Mowing, 1,879 acres ; English Hay, 1,030 tons ; val., $20,600. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 701 tons; val., $5,608. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 6,644 ; val., $3,822. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 70 ; val., $45. Cranberries, 105 acres; val., $3,175. Beeswax, 8 lbs. ; val., $1. Establishments for m. of boot, bonnet and thread boxes, 4 ; cap., $4,000 ; val. of boxes m'd., $6,836.83 ; emp., 10. Swine raised, 307 ; val., $3,124. Val. of bonnet wire m'd., $10,000 ; cap., $J,000 ; emp., 3. White Beans, 25 acres ; Beans, per acre, 8| bush. ; val., $540. MEDFIELD. Manufactories of shovels, spades, forks and hoes, 1 ; val. of shovels, &c., $6,000; cap., $1,000 ; emp., 8. Brush Manufactories, 2 ; val. of brushes, $6,500 ; cap., $6,000 ; emp., 5. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wag- ons, sleighs and other vehicles, 2 ; val. of railroad cars, &c., m'd., $11,000; cap. $2,700; emp., 8. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; val. of tin ware, $7,800 ; cap., $2,000 ; emp., 6. Tanneries, 1 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 1,400 ; val. of Jeather tanned, $5,000; cap. $1,000; emp., 2. 388 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. MED WAY. NORFOLK CO. Establishments for m. of straw l)onnets and hats, 2 ; Straw Bonnets m'd., 360,000; Straw Hats mVl., 408,000; val. of siraw braid m'd. and not made into bonnets and hats, $60,000 ; m. omp., 165 ; f. emp., 570. Firewood prepared for market, 850 cords ; val. of firewood, $3,825 ; emp., 20. Horses, 129 ; val. of horses, $11,000 ; Oxen over three years did, 96 ; Steers under three years old, 24 ; val. of oxen and steers, $5,795 ; Milch Cows, 363 ; Heifers, 39 ; val. of cows and heifers, $11,305. Butter, 10,566 lbs. ; val. of butter, $2,642. Indian Corn, 175 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 30 bush. ; val., $5,250. Wheat, 6 acres; Wheat, per acre, 15 bush. ; val., $180. Rye, 47 acres ; Rye, per acre, 12 bush. ; val., $700. Barley, 33 acres ; Barley, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., $660. Oats, 26 acres ; Oats, per acre, 12 bush. ; val., $187. Potatoes, 75 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 80 bush. ; val., $5,000. English Mowing, 674 acres ; English Hay, 674 tons ; val., $13,480. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 684 tons ; val., $5,472. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 3,275 ; val., $1,386. Cranberries, 110 acres ; val., $3,750. Establishments for m. of sashes, doors and blinds, 1 ; val. m'd., $600; cap., $200; emp., 1. • Bakeries, 1 ; cap., $2,000 ; Flour consumed, 200 bbls. ; val. of bread m'd., $20,000 ; emp., 8. Swine raised, 110 ; val., $1,400. MEDWAY. Cotton Mills, 4, (one other Mill, burned Dec. last, containing 1,200 si)indlcs); Spindles, 2,424 ; Cotton consumed, 3,555,000 lbs. ; Thread m'd., 35,000 lbs. ; val. of thread, $21,500 ; Bat. ting m'd., 1,630,000 lbs.; val. of batting, $163,000; Pelisse 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 389 NORFOLK CO. MEDWAY. Wadding m'd., 24,000 bales; val. of wadding, $36,640; Flan- nel m'd., 450,000 yds. ; val. of flannel, $38,250 ; cap., $175,000 ; m. emp., 64 ; f. emp., 60. Establishments for bleacliing or coloring cotton goods, not connected with calico establishments, 1 ; Goods bleached or colored, 23,400 lbs.; val. of goods, $8,200; emp., 2. This establishment has been destroyed by fire. The above returns are for six months only. Establishments for m. of hosiery, -; Yarn m'd., and not made into hosiery, 6,240 lbs.; val. of yarn, $2,500; m.emp., 3 ; f. emp., 2, six months. Establishments for m. of cotton, woollen and other machinery, 1 ; val. of machinery m'd., $2,000 ; cap., $3,000 ; emp., 3. Paper Manufactories, 2 ; Stock made use of, 1,475,0,00 lbs. ; Paper m'd., 1,200,000 lbs. ; val. of paper, $55,125 ; cap., $22,000 ; emp., 15. Piano-Forte Manufactories, 1 ; Piano-Fortes m'd., 2 ; all other musical instrument manufactories, 2 ; val. of musical instru- ments m'd., $7,000 ; emp., 9. Upholstery Manufactories, 2; val. of upholstery, $13,600; cap., $2,000 ; emp., 13. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 2 ; val. of railroad cars, &c., m'd., $1,100 ; cap., $1,600 ; emp., 3. Chair and Cabinet Manufactories, 2 ; val. of chairs and cabi- net ware, $1,000 ; cap., $2,000 ; emp., 4, part of time. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; val. of tin ware, $300 ; emp., 2, part of time. Boots of all kinds m'd., 100,275 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 2,000 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $155,000 ; m. emp., 246 ; f. emp., 61. Establishments for m. of straw bonnets and hats, 2 ; Straw Bonnets m'd., 100,000 ; m. emp., 20 ; f. emp., 180. Bricks, m'd., 450,000 ; val. of bricks, $2,700 ; emp., 6. Lumljcr prepared for market, 975,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $13,500 ; emp., 16. 390 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. MED WAY. NORFOLK CO. Firewood prepared for market, 2,765 cords ; val. of firewood, .,280 ; cmp. 1(3. Horses, 331 ; val. of horses, $29,580 ; Oxen over three years old, 198 ; Steers under three years old, 26 ; val. of oxen and steers, $12,230 ; Milcli Cows, 640 ; Heifers, 24 ; val. of cows and heifers, $18,580. Butter, 30,480 lbs. ; val. of butter, $7,620 ; Cheese, 4,090 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $409 ; Honey, 280 lbs. ; val. of honey, $56. Indian Corn, 379 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 26 bush. ; val., $12,100. Wheat, 4 acres ; Wheat, per acre, 15 bush. ; val., $150, Rye, 52 acres ; Rye, per acre, 11 bush. ; val., $846. Barley, 8 acres ; Barley, per acre, 16 bush. ; val., $96. Oats, ,101 acres : Oats, per acre, 24 bush. ; val., $1,595. Potatoes, 129 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 102 bush. ; val., $13,160. Onions, 28 bush. ; val., $21. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 270 bush ; val., $67. Carrots,-; Carrots, per acre, 210 bush. ; val., $420. Beets and other esculent vegetables, - acres ; val., $50. English Mowing, 1,776 acres ; English Hay, 1,573 tons ; val., $31,460. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 1,060 tons ; val., $10,600. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 11,500 ; val., $4,080 ; Apples, 10,300 bush. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 387 ; val., $112. Cranberries, 73 acres ; val., $2,600. Bakeries, 1 ; Flour consumed, 250 bbls. ; val. of bread m'd., $3,000 ; cap., $600 ; emp., 5. Establishments for m. of boot and bonnet boxes, 3 ; val. of boxes m'd., $13,000 ; emp., 9. Swine raised, 434 ; val., $5,090. Church Bells m'd., 50,000 lbs. ; val., $16,000 ; emp., 2. Bonnet Wire m'd., 1,000,000 yds. ; val., $4,000 ; emp., 3. Milk sold from 100 cows ; val., $2,500. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 391 NORFOLK CO. MILTON. MILTON. Paper Manufactories, 1 ; Stock made use of, 150 tons ; Paper m'd., 100 tons; val. of paper, $25,000; cap., $50,000; cmp., 30. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; val. of sad- dles, er, $275 ; emp., 1. Firewood prepared for market, 1,050 cords ; val. of firewood, $4,700 ; emp., 14. Horses, 374 ; val. of horses, $37,400 ; Oxen over three years old, 70 ; Steers under three years old, - ; val. of oxen and steers, $5,000 ; Milch Cows, 491 ; Heifers, 70 ; val. of cows and heifers, $18,000. Butter, 3,600 lbs.; val. of butter, $1,000; Cheese, - lbs. ; val. of cheese, $500 ; Honey, 100 l])s. Indian Corn, 150 acres; Indian Corn, per acre, 40 bush.; vai;, $6,000. Rye, 50 acres ; Rye, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., $1,250. Barley, 17 acres ; Barley, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., $300. Oats, 15 acres ; Oats, per acre, 25 bush. ; val., $225. Potatoes, 130 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 100 bush. ; val., $13,000. 392 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. NEEDHAM. NORFOLK CO. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 20 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 250 bush. ; vaL, $1,250. Carrots, 19 acres ; Carrots, per acre, 300 bush. ; val., $1,200. English Mowing, 1,395 acres; English Hay, 1,400 tons; val., $28,000. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 325 tons ; val., $3,000. Salt Hay, 320 tons ; vaL, $4,000. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 8,700 ; val., $7,500. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 1,417 ; val., $600. Cranberries, 25 acres ; val., $350. Establishments form, of preserves, 1; cap., $800; val. m'd., $2,000 ; emp., 2. Bakeries, 3 ; cap., $19,000 ; Flour consumed, 2,600 bbls. ; val. of bread m'd., $59,000 ; emp., 25. Swine raised, 443 ; val., $2,600. Wool pulled, 225,000 lbs.; val., $75,000; emp., 12. Sheep Skins m'd. for boot and shoe liuhigs, 275,000 ; val., $220,000; cap., $40,000; emp., 45. NEEDHAM. Cotton Mills, 1 ; Batting m'd., 88,800 lbs. ; val. of batting, ,000; cap., $5,000; m. emp., 10. Establishments, for m. of hosiery, 5; Hosiery m'd., (Stock- ings, Shirts and Drawers,) 7,000 doz. ; val. of hosiery, $20,000 ; cap., $10,000 ; m. emp., 20 ; f. emp., 30. Rolling, Slitting and Nail Mills, 1. ; Machines for m. of nails, 19 ; Nails m'd., 600 tons ; val. of nails, $42,000 ; cap., $10,000 ; emp., 25. Establishments for m. of cotton, woollen and other machi- nery, 1; val. of paper mill machinery m'd., $50,000; cap., $25,000 ; emp., 35. Establishments for m. of butts or hinges, 1 ; val. of brass or composition butts or hinges, $8,000; cap., $7,000; emp., 16. 1855.] INDUSTRY OP MASSACHUSETTS. 393 NORFOLK CO. NEEDHAM. Paper Manufactories, 6 ; Stock made use of, 1,500 tons ; Paper ra'd., 1,225 tons ; val. of paper, $235,600 ; cap., $152,000 ; emp., 60. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; val. of tin ware, $150 ; emp., 2. Val. of white lead, chrome green and vermillion, m'd., $18,000 ; cap., $5,000 ; emp,, 4. Glue Manlifactories, and Manufactories for the preparation of gums, 4 ; val. of glue and gums m'd., $18,300 ; cap., $13,000 ; emp., 18. Boots of all kinds m'd., 24,000 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 89,400 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $118,120 ; m. emp., 105 ; f. emp., 55. Firewood prepared for market, 2,110 cords ; val. of firewood, $10,200 ; emp., 21 during four months. Horses, 259 ; val. of horses, $21,385 ; Oxen over three years old, 54 ; Steers under three years old, 8 ; val. of oxen and steers, $3,200 ; Milch Cows, 486 ; Heifers, 49 ; val. of cows and heifers, $14,819. Butter, 15,800 lbs.; val. of butter, $3,950; Cheese, 800 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $16 ; Honey, 100 lbs. ; val. of honey, $20. Indian Corn, 328 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 35 bush. ; val., $11,480. Rye, 90 acres ; Rye, per acre, 14 bush. ; val., $1,572. Barley, 48 acres ; Barley, per acre, 17 bush. ; val., $1,729. Potatoes, 202 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 82 bush. ; val., $13,251. Onions, 1 acre ; Onions per acre, 300 bush. ; val., $225. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 16 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 250 bush. ; val., $1,000. Carrots, 17 acres ; Carrots, per acre, 400 bush. ; val., $2,267. Beets, and other esculent vegetables, 38 acres ; val., $2,400 ; Buckwheat, 1 acre; val., $12. Millet, 16 acres ; val., $425. English Mowing, 1,500 acres ; English Hay, 1,425 tons ; val., $28,500. 60 394 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. QUINCY. NORFOLK CO. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 727 tons ; val., $7,997. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 12,000 ; val., $3,437. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 1,125 ; val., $425. Cranberries, 42 acres ; val., $1,060. Swine raised, 640 ; val., $8,983. Milk produced, 44,031 galls ; vaL, $6,164. QUINCY. Harness Manufactories, 2 ; (business principally repairing.) Vessels launched during said year, 1 ; Tonnage, 1,500 tons ; cap., $30,000; emp., 50. Establishments for m. of boats, 1 ; Boats built, 20 ; cap., $250 ; emp., 2. Establishments for m. of wagons, sleighs and other vehicles, 2 ; val. of wagons &c., m'd., $7,500 ; cap., $2,000 ; emp., 7. Chair and Cabinet Manufactories, 2 ; val. of chairs and cab- inet ware, $9,000; cap., $2,500; emp., 6. Tin Ware, Sheet Iron ware, and Stove Manufactories. 2; val of tin ware, &c., $14,500 ; cap., $3,500 ; emp., 4. Tanneries, 2 ; val., of leather tanned, $10,000 ; cap., $4,000 ; emp., 4. Currying Establishments, 5 ; val. of leather curried, $45,000 ; cap., $12,000 ; emp., 18. Manufactories of patent and enamelled leather, 1 ; val., of leather m'd., $10,000 ; cap., $2,000 ; emp., 6. . Boots of all kinds m'd., 79,925 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 6,000 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $309,500 ; m. emp., 425 ; f. emp., 146. Val. of building stone quarried and prepared for building, $238,000 ; emp., 324. Firewood prepared for market, 250 cords ; val. of firewood, $1,500. Horses, 302 ; val. of horses, $35,695 ; Oxen over three years old, 76; Steers under three years old,-; val. of oxen 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 395 NORFOLK CO. RANDOLPH. and steers, $5,960 ; Milch Cows, 442 ; Heifers, 5 ; val. of cows and heifers, $15,650. Indian Corn, 109 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 43 bush. ; val., $5,155.70. Rye, 38 acres ; Rye, per acre, 24 bush. ; val., $1,140. Barley, 35 acres ; Barley, per acre, 25 bush. ; val., $875. Potatoes, 50 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 110 bush. ; val., $5,500. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 1| acre ; Turnips, per acre, 400 bush. ; val., $175. Carrots, 8 acres; Carrots, per acre, 400 bush. ; val,, $1,056. English Mowing, 1,309 acres ; English Hay, 1,450 tons ; val., $29,000. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 18 tons ; val., $144. Salt Hay, 780 tons; val., $7,800. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 4,160 ; val., $4,565. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 1,875 ; val., $450. Swine raised, 340 ; val., $6,350. Milk produced, 176,800 galls. ; val., $24,752. Stores, (English and W. I. Goods, Apothecaries', Jewelry, and Variety,) 18 ; val. of business, $213,000. Establishments, for m. of boot and shoe makers' ink, 1 ; val. of ink m'd., $6,000. Establishments for melting and preparing lead for market, 1 ; val. of lead prepared, $7,000. Sloops emp. in freighting stone and other articles, 10 ; emp., 45 men and boys. RANDOLPH. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; val. of saddles, &c., $1,500; cap., $500; emp., 2. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 1 ; val. of railroad cars, / Cotton Mills, 1 ; Spindles, 320 ; Cotton cbnsiTmed, 18,000 lbs. ; Thread m'd., 12,000 lbs. ; val. of thread, $12,000 ; cap., $5,000 ; m. emp., 5 ; f. emp., 5. Woollen Mills, 1; Sets of Machinery, 2; Wool consumed, 40,000 lbs. ; Yarn m'd.^ and not made into cloth, 22,800 lbs. ; val. of yarn, $20,000; cap., $4,000 ; m. emp., 9 ; f. emp., 3. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 2 ; val. of sad- dles, &c., $1,500 ; cap., $700 ; emp., 3. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wag- 404 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. STOUGHTON. NORFOLK CO. ous, sleighs, and other vehicles, 2 ; val. of railroad cars, &c., m'd., $1,000; cap., $3,300; emp., 14. Tin Ware Manufactories, 2 ; val. of tin ware, $6,500 ; cap., $2,500; emp., 5. Currying Establishments, 2 ; val. of leather curried, $13,500; cap., $3,000 ; emp., 8. Boots of all kinds m'd., 355,212 pairs; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 15,800 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $938,935 ; m. emp,, 1,234; f. emp., 769. Yal. of building stone quarried and prepared for building, $1,000 ; emp., 2. Charcoal m'd., 2,000 bush. ; val, of same, $340 ; emp., 1. Val. of mechanics' tools m'd., $12,000 ; emp., 15. Lasts m'd., 15,000 pairs ; val., $8,250. Firewood prepared for market, 3,411 cords ; val. of firewood, $8,678; emp,, 12. Horses, 244 ; val. of horses, $28,773 ; Oxen over three years old, 66 ; Steers under three years old, 20 ; val. of oxen and steers, $4,833 ; Milch Cows, 414 ; Heifers, 30 ; val. of cowi and heifers, $14,220. Butter, 16,380 lbs. ; val. of butter, $4,050 ; €heese, 6,725 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $792. Indian Corn, 131 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 30 bush. ; val., $3,930. Rye, 9 acres ; Rye, per acre, 8 bush. ; val., $108, Barley, 10 acres ; Barley, per acre, 15 bush. ; val,, $145. Potatoes, 87 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 100 bush, ; val., $8,700, English Mowing, 1,103 acres ; English Hay, 910 tons ; val., $17,270. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 462 tons ; val., $4,158. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 6,234 ; val., $2,613. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 332 ; val., $116. Cranberries, 14 acres ; val., $862. Establishments for m. of boxes, 1 ; cap., $6,000 ; val. of boxes m'd., $4,625 ; emp., 3. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 405 NORFOLK CO. WALPOLE. WALPOLE. Cotton Mills, 3 ; Spindles, 3,050 ; Cotton consumed, 67,000 lbs. ; Cloth m'd., 120,000 yds., (Sheeting and Printing Cloths) ; ral. of cloth, $6,000 ; Thread m'd., 5,000 lbs. ; val. of thread, $1,500 ; Batting m'd., 48,000 lbs. ; val. of batting, $4,800 ; cap., $14,000 ; m. emp., 48 ; f. emp., 30. Establishments for Ideaching or coloring cotton goods, not connected with calico establishments, 1 ; Goods bleached or colored, 120 tons of thread, yarn, and knitting cotton ; val. of goods, $75,000; cap., $5,000; emp., 9. Woollen Mills, 1 ; Sets of Machinery, 3 ; Wool consumed, 55,000 lbs. Mills for m. of carpeting, 1 ; Wool List consumed, 3,000 lbs. ; Carpeting m'd., 12,000 yds. ; val. of carpeting, $4,350; cap., $1,500 ; m. emp., 2 ; f. emp., 3. p]stablishments for m. of hosiery, - ; Yarn m'd. and not made into hosiery, 30,000 lbs. ; val. of yarn, $30,000 ; cap., $15,000 ; m. emp., 12 ; f. emp., 16. Forges, 4 ; Bar Iron, Anchors, Chain Cables, and other arti- cles of wrought iron m'd., 350 tons; val; of bar iron, &c., $56,000; cap., $25,000; emp., 12. Furnaces for m. of hollow ware and castings other than pig iron, 1 ; Hollow Ware and other Castings m'd., 200 tons ; val. of hollow ware and castings, $6,000 ; cap., $5,000 ; emp., 12. Manufactories of shovels, spades, forks and hoes, 1 ; val. of Hhovels, &c., $6,000 ; cap., $500 ; emp., 12. Paper Manufactories, 3 ; Stock made use of, 1,100 tons; Paper m'd., 850 tons; val. of paper, $100,000; cap., $27,000; emp., 50. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 2 ; val. of sad- dles, &c., $1,500; caj.., $300; emp., 4. Hat and Cap Manutactorics, 1 ; Hats and Caps m*d., 3,000 ; cap., $1,000 ; emp., 4. Cordage Manufactories, 2; Cordage m'd., 10,000; cap., $1,000; emp., 8. 406 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. WALPOLE. NORFOLK CO. Card Manufactories, 1 ; val. of machine cards m'd., $25,000 ; cap., $5,000 ; emp., 7. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, cliaises, wag- ons and otlier vehicles, 2 ; val. of railroad cars, er prepared for market, 779,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $10,161.50 ; emp., 40. Firewood prepared for market, 1,735 cords; val. of firewood, $6,213; emp., 42. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 40 ; val. of all sheep, $98 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Me- rino Wool produced, - lbs.; all other Wool produced, 128|lbs. Horses, 107 ; val. of horses, $9,375 ; Oxen over three years old, 122 ; Steers under three years old, 33 ; val. of oxen and steers, $6,481 ; Milch Cows, 257 ; Heifers, 85 ; val. of cows and heifers, $7,729. Butter, 10,529 lbs. ; val. of butter, $2,657.25 ; Cheese, 2,320 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $278.40 ; Honey, 81 lbs. ; val. of honey, $12.40. Indian Corn, 205 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 237/^*5 bush. ; val., $5,234.90. Rye, 26 acres ; Rye, per acre, 7 bush. ; val., $259.50. Barley, 2| acres ; Barley, per acre, llf bush. ; val., $34.66f . Oats, 65 acres ; Oats, per acre, 17| bush. ; val., $715.52. Potatoes, 78 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 63|i bush.; val., $2,462.50. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 2 acres; Turnips, per acre, 160 bush. ; val., $192. Carrots, | acre ; Carrots, per acre, 150 bush. ; val., $83. Millet, |- acre ; val., $7. English Mowing, 677 acres : English Hay, 600^ tons ; val., $10,804.50. - 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 445 PLYMOUTH CO. ROCHESTER. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 518 tons ; val., ^3^108. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 6,315 ; val., $2,447. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 178 ; val., $61.50. Cranberries, 18 acres ; val., $157. Beeswax, 5 lbs. ; val., $2.50. * Establishments for m. of boot, shoe and packing boxes, 2 ; cap., $2,500 ; val. of boxes m'd., $3,800 ; emp., 4. Boots Bottomed, 1,020 pairs; val. of labor, $519; emp., 3. Shoes Bottomed, 70,400 pairs; val. of labor, $12,342; emp., 108. Shoes Stitched or Fitted, 63,415 pairs ; val. of labor, $2,695.13; f. emp., 75. Saw, Shingle and Box Board Mills, 8 ; val. of mills, privi- leges and machinery, $2,000 ; Lumber sawed, 1,460,000 ft. Grist Mills, 2. Codfish taken, 3,800 quintals ; val., $11,400 ; emp., 25. Boots and Shoes, custom-work, m'd., 262 pairs ; val., $144. ROCHESTER. Vessels launched during said year, 5 ; Tonnage, 2,170 tons ; cap., $54,000; emp., 175. Sail Lofts, 1 ; Sails made of Am. fabric, 58 ; val. of sails m'd. of Am. fabric, $5,700; cap., $1,000; emp., 2. Establishments for m. of salt, 1 ; Salt m'd, 300 bush. ; val. of salt, $150; cap., $400; emp., 1. Charcoal m'd., 24,100 bush. ; val. of same, $2,410. Lumber prepared for market, 2,121,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $19,524 ; emp., 15. Firewood prepared for market, 1,817 cords ; val. of firewood, $5,677 ; emp., 8. Vessels employed in the whale fishery, 16 ; Tonnage, 3,269 ; Sperm Oil imported, 100,629 galls, ; val. of sperm oil imported, $176,100.75 ; Whale Oil imported, 45,108 galls. ; val. of whale oil imported, $33,831 ; Whalebone imported, 11,000 lbs. ; val. 446 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. ROCHESTER. PLYMOUTH CO. of whalebone imported, |4,950 ; cap. in the whale fishery, $225,800 ; emp., 368. Alevvives taken, 720,000 ; val. of same, $1,800 ; emp., 10. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of differ- ent grades,-; all other kiiids of Sheep, 331; val. of all sheep, $682 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 930 lbs. Horses, 225 ; val. of horses, $16,780 ; Oxen over three years old, 182 ; Steers under three years old, 69 ; val. of oxen and steers, $11,072 ; Milch Cows, 518 ; Heifers, 136 ; val. of cows and heifers, $16,392. Butter, 26,468 lbs. ; val. of butter, $6,617 ; Cheese, 2,270 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $227 ; Honey, 330 lbs. ; val. of honey, $82.50. Indian Corn, 445 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 22 bush. ; val., $9,790. Wheat, 8 acres; Wheat, per acre, 12^ bush. ; val., $150. Rye, 200 acres ; Rye, per acre, 6^ bush. ; val., $1,876. Barley, 6 acres ; Barley, per acre, 14 bush. ; val., $68.80. Oats, 116 acres ; Oats, per acre, 18|- bush. ; val., $1,075. Potatoes, 155 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 79 bush.; val., $9,179. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 13 1 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 200 bush. ; val., $1,080. Carrots, 2| acres ; Carrots, per acre, 300 bush. ; val., $375. English Mowing, 1,629 acres ; English Hay, 1,243 tons ; val., $22,374. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 433 tons ; val., $3,464. Salt Hay, 249 tons ; val., $2,490. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 11,034 ; val., $2,580. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 150 ; val., $51. Cranberries, 34} acres; val., $949. Establishments for m, of casks, 1 ; cap., $1,200 ; Casks m'd., 1,000; val., $2,926; emp., 3. Swine raised, 484 ; val., $5,487. Shingles, 896,000; Staves, 685,000; val., $4,650.50; cap.j $1,500; emp., 6. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 447 PLYMOUTH CO. SCITUATE. SCITUATE. Vessels launched during- said year, 2 ; Tonnage, 572 tons ; cap., $5,000 ; emp., 40. Establishments for m. of boats, 1 ; Boats built, 18 ; cap., $300 ; emp., 2. Sail Lofts, 1 ; Sails made of Am. fabric, 55 ; val. of sails m'd. of Am. fabric, $2,520; cap., $1,000; emp., 2. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 1 ; val. of railroad cars, ., $2,000 ; emp., 2. Tin Ware and Sheet Iron Manufactories, 1 ; val. of tin ware, $800; cap., $1,000; emp., 2. Boots of all kinds m'd., 5,000 pairs; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 34,370 pairs; val. of boots and shoes, $36,036; m. emp., 50; f. emp., 50. 486 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. DOUGLAS. WORCESTER CO. Charcoal m'd., 18,700 bush.; val. of same, $1,870; emp., 12. Lasts m'd., 20,000 ; val., $4,600. Lumber prepared for market, 664,000 ft. ; ral. of lumber, $8,853.33; emp., 30. Firewood prepared for market, 3,295 cords ; val. of firewood, $12,355; emp., 21. Saxonj Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of different grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 78 ; val. of all sheep, $140 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 200 lbs. Horses, 170; val. of horses, $12,149; Oxen over three years old, 169 ; Steers under three years old, 63 ; val. of oxen and steers, $8,285 ; Milch Coavs, 396 ; Heifers, 71 ; val. of cows and heifers, $10,836. Butter, 14,930 lbs. ; val. of butter, $3,732.50 ; Cheese, 3,790 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $303.20 ; Honey, 850 lbs. ; val. of honey, $85. Indian Corn, 256 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 24 bush. ; val., $6,912. Rye, 51 acres ; Rye, per acre, 15 bush. ; val., $1,147. Oats, 158 acres ; Oats, per acre, 22 bush. ; val., $1,781. Potatoes, 169 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 55 bush.; val., $6,972. English Mowing, 1,593 acres; English Hay, 814 tons; val., $16,280. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 199 tons ; val., $1,'592. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 1,096 ; val., $780. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 74 ; val., $93. Cranberries, 3.] acres; val., $100. Establishments for m. of boxes for shoes and boots, 1 ; cap., $850; val. of boxes m'd., $650; emp., 2. ]Mills for planing, ploughing, matching and jointing boards, 1 ; Planed, 30,000 ft. ; val. of labor, $174. Swiuo raised, 275; val., $1,428. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 487 WORCESTER CO. DUDLEY. DUDLEY. Woollen Mills, 2 ; Sots of Machinery, G ; Wool consumed, 85,000 lbs. ; Broadcloth m'd., 32,500 jrds. ; val. of broadcloth, $65,000 ; Satinet ni'd., 100,000 yds ; val. of satinet, $50,000 ; Yarn m'd., and not m'd. into cloth, 8,000 lbs.; val. of yarn. |6,400 ; cap., $7,500 ; m. emp., 51 ; f. emp., 39. Establishments for m. of linen 1 ; Linen m'd., 1,000,000 yds. ; val. of linen, $1,000,000; cap., $100,000; m. emp., 65; f. emp., 75. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; val. of sad- dles, (.fee, $800; cap., $500; emp., 1. Establishments for m. of fire arms, 1 ; Fire Arms m'd., 2,300 Rifles and Pistols ; val. of fire arms, $13,400 ; cap., $3,000; emp., 10. Tanneries, 1; Hides of all kinds tanned, 1,000; val. of leather tanned, $4,200; cap., $3,000 ; emp., 6. Boots of all kinds m'd.,- pairs; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 9,000 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $6,000 ; m. emp., 20 ; f. emp., 25. Lumber prepared for market, 30,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $450 ; emp., 3. Firewood prepared for market, 1,325 cords ; val. of firc- vrood, $3,320 ; emp., 9. Merino Sheep raised, 175 ; val. of all sheep, $565 ; Merino Wool produced, 570 lbs. Horses, 161 ; val. of horses, $11,912; Oxen over three years old, 186 ; Steers under three years old, 164 ; val. of oxen and steers, $14,500 ; Milch Cows, 534 ; Heifers, 262 ; val. of cows and heifers, $22,430. Butter, 32,860 lbs.; val. of butter, $8,215; Cheese, 21,950 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $2,195 ; Honey, 200 lbs. ; val. of honey, $40. Indian Corn, 332 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 33 bush. ; val., $13,250. Rye, 94 acres ; Rye, per acre, 12 bush. ; val., $1,725. Barley, 6 acres ; Barley, per acre, 30 bush. ; val.. 488 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. FITCHBURG. WORCESTER CO. Oats, 273 acres ; Oats, per acre, 82 bush. ; val., ^4,417. Potatoes, IGO acres; Potatoes, per acre, 100 bush.; val., $8,155. Onions, 2} acres; Onions, per acre, 250 bush. ; yal., $345. Carrots, 2 acres ; Carrots, per acre, 460 bush. ; val., $368. Buckwheat, 57 acres; val., $684. English Mowing, 2,300 acres; English Hay, 2,234 tons; val., $31,276. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 418 tons; val., $2,508. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 3,940 ; val., $2,342. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 48 ; val., Cranberries, 1^ acres ; val., $120. Swine raised, 196; val., $1,568. FITCHBURG. Cotton Mills, 4; Spindles, 6,944; Cotton consumed, 985,233 lbs.; Cloth m'd., 1,249,000 yds. Cotton Duck and Shirtings; val. of cloth, $252,025 ; cap., $151,000 ; m. emp., 97 ; f. emp., 105. Woollen :Mills, 1 ; Sets of Machinery, 3 ; Wool consumed, 100,000 lbs. ; Cassimcre m'd., 75,000 yds. ; val. of cassimere, $75,000 ; cap., $50,000 ; m. emp., 34 ; f. emp., 16. Establishments for m. of hosiery, 1 ; Hosiery m'd., 1,566 doz. shirts and drawers; val. of hosiery, $12,480; cap., $15,000; m. emp., 13 ; f. emp., 12. Furnaces for m. of hollow ware and castings other than pig iron, 2 ; Hollow Ware and other Castings m'd., 880 tons ; val. of hollow ware and castings, $55,000 ; cap., $23,000 ; emp., 48. Establisliments for m. of cotton, woollen and other machin- ery, 4 ; val. of machinery m'd., $85,400 ; cap., $48,500 ; emp., 129. Establishments for m. of steam-engines and boilers, 1 ; val. of steam-engines and boilers, $40,000 ; cap., $20,000 ; emp., 2*0. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 489 AVORCESTER CO. FITCHBUBG. Scythe Manufactories, 3 ; Scythes m'd., 7,925 doz. ; val. of scythes, $62,072 ; cap., $26,500 ; emp., 58. Axe Manufactories, 3 ; Axes, Hatchets and other Edge Tools m'd., 100,000 ; val., $52,000; cap., $27,700; emp., 40. Brass Founderies, 1; val. of articles m'd., $10,000; cap., $1,000 ; emp., 3. Paper Manufactories, 8 ; Stock made use of, 2,359 tons ; Paper m'd., 1,332 tons; val. of paper, $287,533; cap., $137,- 500 ; emp., 121. Piano-Forte Manufactories, 1 ; Piano-Fortes m'd., 152; cap., $5,000 ; all other musical instruments m'd., 1,000 ; val. of musical instruments m'd., $7,500; cap., $1,000; emp., 6. Daguerreotype Artists, 2; Daguerreotypes taken, 2,700 ; cap., $500 ; emp., 3. Establishments for m. of chronometers, watches, gold and silver ware and jewelry, 2 ; val. of m's., $27,000 ; cap., $18,000 ; emp., 7. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 2 ; val. of saddles, &c., $6,000; cap., $1,700; emp., 10. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wag- ons, sleighs and other vehicles, 3 ; val. of railroad cars, ifec, m'd., $14,000; cap., $4,000; emp., 10. Establishments for m. of soap and tallow candles, 1 ; Soap m'd., soft, 600 bbls. ; Hard, 25 tons ; val. of soap, $5,000 ; Tallow Candles m'd., 10 tons; val. of tallow candles, $2,800; cap., $4,000 ; emp., 4. Estaltlishments for m. of fire arms,l ; Fire Arms m'd., rifles and fowling guns ; val. of firearms, $1,000; cap., $600; emp., 1. Chair and Cabinet Manufactories, 4 ; val. of chairs and cab- inet ware, $204,000; cap., $62,600; emp., 144. Tin Ware Manufactories, 5; val. of tinware, $12,800; cap., |5,500 ; emp., 14. Boots of all kinds m'd., 3,200 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 33,350 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $31,950 ; m. emp., 39 ; f. emp., 18. Val. of palm leaf hats, $30,000 ; m. emp., 6. Bricks, m'd., 1,050,000 ; val. of bricks, $5,600 ; emp., 10. 62 490 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. FITCHBURG. WORCESTER CO. Tal. of building stone quarried and prepared for building, $75,000 ; emp., 98. Charcoal m'd., 1,000 bush. ; val. of same, $80; emp., 1. Val. of blocks and pumps m'd., $4,000 ; emp., 4. Luml)cr prepared for market, 2,289,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $119,805 ; emp., 37. Firewood prepared for market, 9.537 cords ; ral. of firewood, $25,111 ; emp., 38. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of different grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 82 ; val. of all sheep, $328 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 368 lbs. Horses, 378 ; val. of horses, $35,898 ; Oxen over three years old, 221 ; Steers under three years old, 70 ; val. of oxen and steers, $(3,480 ; Milch Cows, 534 ; Heifers, 145 ; val. of cows and heifers, $19,819. Butter, 31,391 lbs. ; val. of butter, $7,847.75 ; Cheese, 7,814 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $992.30 ; Honey, 200 lbs. ; val. of honey, Indian Corn, 300 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 27| bush. ; yal., $9,410. Wheat, 28 acres; Wheat, per acre, 17 bush. ; val., $826. Eye, 88 acres ; Rye, per acre, 14 bush. ; val., $1,552.50. Barley, 8^ acres ; Barley, per acre, 18 bush. ; val., $110.50. Oats, 112 acres ; Oats, per acre, 17 bush. ; val., $1,194. Potatoes, 1451 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 99 bush. ; val., $10,779.75. Onions, | acre ; Onions, per acre, 357 bush. ; val., $202.25. Carrots, 5 acres ; Carrots,per acre, 712 bush. ; val., $1,068.90. Beets and other esculent vegetables, 6 acres ; val., $1,000 ; all otlier Grain or Root Crops, 10 acres ; val., $500. English Mowing, 2,699 acres; English Hav, 2,254 tons; val., $40,572. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 367 tons ; val., $3,303. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 22,583 ; val., $7,749. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 1,871 ; val., $150. Hops, 3 acres; Hops, per acre, 516i lbs. ; val., $387.50. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 491 WORCESTER CO. GARDNER. Establishments for m. of casks, 1 ; cap., $500 ; Casks m'd., 1,000; val., $1,000; emp., 2. Estal)iishments for m. of sashes, doors and blinds, 3 ; cap., $5,500 ; val. m\\., $10,000 ; emp., 8. Establishments for m. of gas, 1; cap., $20,000; val. m'd., $5,000 ; emp., 2. Bakeries, 1 ; cap., $3,000 ; Flour consumed, 1,500 bbls. ; val. of bread m'd., $25,000 ; emp., 8. Establishments for m. of boxes (different varieties), 1 ; cap., $1,500 ; val. of boxes m'd., $3,000 ; emp., 4. Swine raised, 600 ; val., $4,800. Tailoring Establishments, 6 ; cap., $17,500 ; val. m'd., $54,000 ; emp., 100. Rattan Manufactories, 1 ; cap., $25,000 ; val. m'd., $50,000 ; emp., 22. Sieve Manufactories, 1 ; val. m'd., $2,600 ; emp., 1. Bellows Manufactories, 1 ; val. m'd., $1,000 ; emp., 1. Fan Blower Manufactories, 1 ; cap., $200; val. m'd., $1,500 ; emp., 1. Scythe Snathe Manufactories, 1 ; cap., $1,500 ; val. m'd., $14,200 ; emp., 6. Silk and Satin Bonnet Manufactories, 4; cap., $7,000; val. m'd., $8,500 ; emp., 31. Reed Manufactories, 1; cap., 1,500; val. m'd., $4,000; emp., 4. Spool and Bobbin Manufactories, 1 ; cap., $2,000 ; val. m'd., $5,000 ; emp., 6. Paper Hanging Manufactories, 1 ; cap., $2,000 ; val. m'd., $6,000 ; emp., 6. Piano Case Manufactories, 1; cap., $6,000; val. m'd., $33,000; emp,, 35. GARDNER. Chair and Cabinet Manufactories, 14 ; val. of chairs and cab- inet ware, $483,350 ; cap., $224,850 ; emp., 441. Bricks m'd., 200,000; val. of bricks, $1,000; emp., 3. 492 STATISTICS OF THE [1855, GARDNER. WORCESTER CO. Lumber prepared for market, 1,417,000 ft.; val. of lumber, $14,460; cmp., 17. Firewood prepared for market, 3,971 cords ; val. of firewood, $ J 3,813; emp.,183. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, 58 ; Merino Sheep, of different grades, -; all other kinds of Sheep, -; val. of all sheep, $249. Horses, 170; val. of horses, $14,420; Oxen over three years old, 154 ; Steers under tliree years old. 111 ; val. of oxen and steers, §10,743 ; Milch Cows, 356 ; Heifers, 110 ; val. of cows and heifers, $12,379. Butter, 15,158 lbs. ; val. of butter, $2,091.05 ; Cheese, 5,045 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $504.50 ; Honey, 330 lbs. ; val. of honey, $82. Indian Corn, 81 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 30 bush. ; val., $2,144. Wheat, 7 acres ; Wheat, per acre, 15 bush. ; val., $210. Rye, 9 acres ; Rye, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., $270. Barley, 34 acres ; Barley, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., $612. Oats, 15 acres ; Oats, per acre, 25 bush. ; val., $375. Potatoes, 112 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 80 bush, ; val., $4,480. Onions, | acre; Onions, per acre, 128 bush. ; val., $64. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 2 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 82 bush. ; val., $54. Carrots, 3 acres ; Carrots, per acre, 200 bush. ; val., $300. English Mowing, 1,364 acres ; English Hay, 1,055 tons ; val., $18,990. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 295 tons ; val., $2,655. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 3,134; val., $1,417. Pear Trees, cultivated for tlicir fruit, 38 ; val., $22. Bark, 165 cords; val., $825. Females emp. in caning chairs, 1,671. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 493 WORCESTER CO. GRAFTON. GRAFTON. Cotton Mills, 7 ; Spindles, 28,904 ; Cotton consumed, 1,547,656 11)8.; Cloth, m'd., 6,589,882 yds., 4-4 Sheeting, 7-8 Shirting, 26 in. Print Cloths, 60 in. Table Covers; val. of cloth, $397,113 ; Yarn, m'd., 10,000 lbs. ; val. of yarn, $2,500 ; cap., $526,500 ; m. emp., 259 ; f. emp., 241. Establishments for m. of cotton, woollen and other machinery, 1 ; val. of machinery m'd., $500; cap., $2,000; emp., 2. Manufactories of shovels, spades, forks and hoes, 1 ; val. of shovels, &c., $1,500; cap., $400; emp., 2. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; val. of sad- dles, &c., m'd., $160; cap., $25 ; emp., 1. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wagons, sleighs and other vehicles, 1 ; val. of railroad cars, &c., m'd., $4,000; cap., $2,000; emp., 3. Tin Ware Manufactories, 2 ; val. of tin ware, $1,500 ; cap., $500 ; emp., 2. Boots of all kinds m'd., 136,424 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 554,720 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $580,856 ; m. emp., 495; f. emp., 327. Val. of building stone quarried and prepared for building, $300 ; emp., 2. Yal. of mechanics' tools m'd., $500; emp,. 3. Lumber prepared for market, 62,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $982; emp., 6. Firewood prepared for market, 1,600 cords ; val. of firewood, $6,800; emp., 20. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of sheep, 14 ; val. of all sheep, $50 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Me- rino Wool produced, - lbs ; all other Wool produced, 35 lbs. Horses, 271 ; val. of horses, $18,840 ; Oxen over three years old, 224 ; Steers under three years old, 56; val. of oxen and steers, $12,800 ; Milch Cows 762 ; Heifers, 94 ; val. of cows and heifers, $28,248. 494 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. HARDWICK. WORCESTER CO. Butter, 19,800 lbs. ; val. of butter, $4,950 ; Cheese, 2,500 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $200 ; Honey, 40 lbs. ; val. of honey, $8. Indian Corn, 455 acres; Indian Corn, per acre, 33 bush. ; val., $10,891,871. Rye, 73 acres ; Rye, per acre, 16 bush. ; val., $1,580.04. Barley, 31 acres ; Barley, per acre, 15 bush. ; val., $465. Oats, 205 acres ; Oats, per acre, 32 bush. ; val., $4,067.20. Potatoes, 208 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 125 bush; val., $19,500. Carrots, 8 acres; Carrots, per acre, 600 bush. ; val., $1,200. Beets and other esculent vegetables, 5 acres ; val., $250 ; all other Grain or Root Crops, 3 acres ; val., $175. English Mowing. 2,259 acres ; English Hay, 2,414 tons ; val., $43,452. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 635 tons ; val., $4,445. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 16,326; val., $4,520. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 455 ; val., $180. Cranberries, 20 acres ; val., $650. Establishments for m. of boxes, (Boot and Shoe) 1 ; cap., $100 ; val. of boxes m'd., $1,800 ; emp., 2. Val. of milk sold, $12,000. Val. of peaches, $1,200. Val. of quinces, $300. Swine raised, 525 ; val., $10,000. HARDWICK. Plough Manufactories, 1 ; Ploughs and other Agricultural Tools ni'd., 12; val., $100. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, - ; val. of sad- dles, &c., $1,000 ; cap., $500 ; emp., 1. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 4 ; val. of railroad cars, Ac, m'd., $3,700; cap., $2,000; emp., 7. Tanneries, 1; Hides of all khids tanned, 1,700; val. of leather tanned, $7,000 ; cap., $4,000 ; emp., 2. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 495 WOKCESTER GO. HARDWICK. Boots of all kinds m'd., - pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., - pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $1,600 ; m. emp., 4. Val. of palm leaf liats, $3,000. Lumber prepared for market, 65,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $9,800. Firewood prepared for market, 1,548 cords ; val. of firewood, Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of differ- ent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 217 ; val. of all sheep, $776 ; "Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 712 lbs. Horses, 232 ; val. of horses, $18,080 ; Oxen over three years old, 360 ; Steers under three years old, 92 ; val. of oxen and steers, $25,951 ; Milch Cows, 1,389 ; Heifers, 256 ; val. of cows and heifers, $41,926. Butter, 33,725 lbs. ; val. of butter, $6,745 ; Cheese, 310,540 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $31,054 ; Honey, 80 lbs. ; val. of honey, $14. Indian Corn, 471 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 33 bush.-; Yal., $15,373. Wheat, 15 acres ; Wheat, per acre, 17 bush. ; val., $496. Rye, 146 acres ; Rye, per acre, 121 bush. ; val., $1,844. Barley, 51 acres; Barley, per acre, 23 bush. ; val., $953. Oats, 391 acres ; Oats, per acre, 21 bush. ; val., $4,129. Potatoes, 254 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 98 bush. ; val., $12,516. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 1-|- acre ; Turnips, per acre, 300 bush. ; val., $40. Carrots, 2 acres ; Carrots, per acre, 420 bush. ; val., $210. English Mowing, 2,788 acres ; English Hay, 3,139 tons ; val., $37,468. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 1,000 tons ; val., $5,000. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 4,878 ; val., $3,467. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 336 ; val., $52. Beeswax, 9 lbs. ; val., $3. Establishments for m. of casks, 2 ; val., $200 ; emp., 2. Establishments for m. of boxes for packing cloth and tools, 1 ; cap., $5,000 ; val. of boxes m'd., $9,000 ; emp., 2. Swine raised, 412 ; val., $3,435. 496 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. HARVARD. WORCESTER CO. HARVARD. Establishments for m. of horse power, broomcorn machmes, shafting, pulleys, &c., machinery, 1 ; val. of machinery m'd., $6,000; cap., $3,000; emp., 8. Paper Manufactories, 1 ; Stock made use of, 60 tons ; Paper m'd., 40 tons; val. of paper, $4,000; cap., $2,000; emp., 4. Boots of all kinds m'd., 350 pairs; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 17,800 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $8,612; m. emp., 12: f. emp., 10. Bricks m'd., 1,500,000 ; val. of bricks, $7,000 ; emp., 16. Val. of marble prepared for market, $15,450 ; emp., 15. Val. of slate stone quarried and prepared for market, $1,400. Corn and other Brooms m'd., 24,600 ; val. of brooms, $6,150 ; emp., 11. Lumber prepared for market, 229,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $2,961 ; emp., 17. Firewood prepared for market, 1,611 cords ; val. of firewood, $5,560 ; emp., 12, three months. Horses, 224 ; val. of horses, $17,505 ; Oxen over three years old, 198 ; Steers under three years old, 42 ; val. of oxen and steers, $11,645 ; Milch Cows, 917 ; Heifers, 137 ; val. of cows and heifers, $28,155. Butter, 43,730 lbs. ; val. of butter, $10,932 ; Cheese, 1,350 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $135 ; Honey, 200 lbs. ; val. of honey, $40. Indian Corn, 424 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 37 bush. ; val., $15,285. Wheat, 46 acres ; Wheat, per acre, 18 bush. ; val., $1,679. Rye, 133 acres ; Rye, per acre, 13 bush. ; val., $1,729. Barley, 45 acres ; Barley, per acre, 23^ bush. ; val., $1,068. Oats, 160 acres ; Oats, per acre, 33 bush. ; val., $2,609. Potatoes, 194 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 100 bush.; val., $9,700. Onions, | acre ; Onions, per acre, 150 bush. ; val., $60. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 331^ acres ; Turnips, per acre, 182 bush. ; val., $749. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 497 WORCESTER CO. HARVARD. Carrots, 10| acres ; Carrots, per acre,. 600 bush. ; val., ^1,641. Beets and other esculent vegetables, - acres ; all other Grain or Root Crops, Buckwheat, 27| acres ; val., ^431. Millet, 4 acres ; val., $135. English Mowing, 2,157 acres ; English Hay, 2,254 tons ; val., $33,810. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 947 tons; val., $7,576. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 21,694 ; val., $10,316. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 1,342 ; val., $628. Hops, 33| acres ; Hops, per acre, 600 lbs. ; val., $5,000. Cranberries, 31^ acres; val., $1,085. Establishments for m. of pickles and preserves, 3 ; cap.^ $3,000 ; val. m'd., $8,858 ; emp., 24, three months. Establishments form, of boxes for shoes, 1 ; cap., $700 ; val. of boxes m'd., $1,400 ; emp., 1. Milk, 81,575 cans ; val., $19,578. Peach Trees, 9,516 ; val., $2,123. Quince Trees, 2,045 ; val., $476. Swine raised, 413 ; val., $3,025. Sieves m'd., 200 doz. ; val., $300 ; emp., 3, three months. Herbs prepared for market, 8 tons ; val., $4,000 ; emp., 3. Herbs pulverized, 1,400 doz.; val., $1,225; emp., 2, six months. Val. of garden seeds, $1,500 ; emp., 1. Horse Radish prepared, 10 tons; val., $1,200 ; emp., 3, six months. Rose Water, 40 galls. ; val., $50 emp., 1, one w^eek. Val. of sales from nursery, $1,500. Calves marketed, 1,600; val., $11,200; gathered from this and neighboring towns. Beef Cattle, 150 ; val. $6,000. Yal. of mutton and lamb, $400. Squashes, 8 tons; val., $200. Grapes, 66 bush. ; val., $75. Grass Seed, 196 bush. ; val., $229. Walnuts, 240 bush. ; val., $360. 63 498 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. HOLDEN. WORCESTER CO. Chestnuts, 198 bush. ; vaL, $396. Milling Establishments for sawing lumber, shingles, laths, jointing, planing, and grist grinding, 1 ; vaL, $1,687 ; cap. $7,000 ; emp., 2. Beans, 65 acres; val., $1,173. VaL of berries sold, $1,500. Stores, 2 ; amount of sales, $30,000. Blacksmiths' Shops, 3 ; amount of business, $3,500. HOLDEN. Cotton Mills, 5 ; Spindles, 10,500 ; Cotton consumed, 435,000 lbs. ; Cloth m'd., 1,850,000 yds. ; 1,300,000 yds. for Prints, 400,000 yds. Drilling, and 150,000 yds. Bagging ; val. of cloth, $109,000 ; Yarn m'd., 30,000 lbs. ; val. of yarn, $10,000 ; cap., $52,750 ; m. emp., 120 ; f. emp., 80. "Woollen Mills, 2 ; Sets of Machinery, 3 ; Wool consumed, 70,000 lbs. ; Cassimere m'd., 3,000 yds. ; val. of cassimere, $3,000; Satinet m'd., 85,000 yds.; val. of satinet, $37,500; Flannel or Blanketing, 1,000 yds. ; val. of flannel or blanketing, $750 ; Yarn m'd. and not made into cloth, 3,000 lbs. ; val. of yarn, $3,000 ; cap., $5,500 ; m. emp., 24 ; f. emp., 6. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; val, of sad- dles, &c., $1,000 ; cap., $400 ; emp., 2. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wag- ons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 1 ; val. of railroad cars, &c., m'd., $600; cap., $500; emp., 2. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; val. of tin ware, $3,000 ; cap., $600; emp., 5. Tanneries, 1 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 900 ; val. of leather tanned, $5,500 ; cap., $3,400 ; emp., 3. Currying Establishments, 1 ; val. of leather curried, $5,500 ; cap., " same as above " ; emp,, 1. Boots of all kinds bottomed, 53,500 pairs ; val. of labor, $16,200 ; m, emp,, 84, These boots were bottomed for manu- facturers in adjoining towns. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 499 WORCESTER CO. HOLDEN. Lumber prepared for market, 1,124,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $16,039 ; emp., 29. Firewood prepared for market, 6,682 cords ; val. of firewood, $27,880 ; cmp., 44. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 160 ; val. of all sheep, $405 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Me- rino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 658 lbs. Horses, 258 ; val. of horses, $21,600 ; Oxen over three years old, 212 ; Steers under three years old, 98 ; val. of oxen and steers, $14,605 ; Milch Cows, 543 ; Heifers, 13T ; val. of cows and heifers, $20,250. Butter, 38,980 lbs. ; val. of butter, $8,580 ; Cheese, 8,400 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $750. Indian Corn, 309 acres; Indian Corn, per acre, 30 bush. ; val., $9,270. Wheat, 19 acres ; Wheat, per acre, 17 bush. ; val., $727. Rye, 88 acres; Rye, per acre, 12 bush. ; val., $1,300. Barley, 14 acres ; Barley, per acre, 12 bush. ; val., $168. Oats, 165 acres ; Oats, per acre, 27 bush. ; val., $2,673. Potatoes, 181 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 78 bush. ; val., $8,470. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, 4 acres ; Turnips, per acre, 125 bush. ; val., $125. Carrots, 6 acres ; Carrots, per acre, 650 bush. ; val., $1,170. English Mowing, 2,186 acres ; English Hay, 1,821 tons ; val., $27,315. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 672 tons ; val., $6,720. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 7,027 ; val., $5,475. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 117 ; val., $258. Establishments for m. of casks, 1; cap., $125; Casks m'd., $200 ; val., $200. Establishments for m. of sashes, doors and blinds, 1 ; cap., $500 ; val. m'd., $400 ; emp., 1, three months. Establishments for m. of baskets, 1 ; cap., $1,000 ; val. of baskets m'd., $2,000 ; emp., 5. 500 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. HUBBARDSTON. WORCESTER CO. HUBBARDSTON. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wag- ons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 1 ; ral. of railroad cars, 00 bush. ; val., $240. Carrots, 13 acres; Carrots, per acre, 387^ bush.; val., $1,500. Beets and other esculent vegetables, - acres ; all other Grain •r Root crops, 16 acres ; val., $600. English Mowing, 3,425 acres ; English Hay, 3,928 tons; val., ^61,278. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 910 tons; val., $7,150. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 11,350; val., $5,675. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 68 ; val., $90. Beeswax, 14 lbs. ; val., $5. Establishments for m. of boxes for boots and shoes, 1 ; cap., P,000 ; val. of boxes m'd., $4,000 ; emp., 6. Buckwheat, 115 acres ; Buckwheat, per acre, 17 bush. ; val., ^,800. PAXTON. Tanneries, 1 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 374 ; val- of leather canned, $1,850 ; cap., $1,000 ; emp., 1. Boots of all kinds m'd., 58,100 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., - pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $104,100 ; m. emp., 95 ; f. emp., 28. Lumber prepared for market, 113,000 ft, ; val. of lumber, $1,243. Firewood prepared for market 1,752 cords ; val. of firewood, $5,206.25. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of differ- ent grades,-; all other kinds of Sheep, 39; val. of all sheep, $111 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; ail other Wool produced, 146 lbs. Horses, 111 ; val. of horses, $7,770 ; Oxen over three years old, 93 ; Steers under three years old, 97 ; val. of oxen and steers, $6,692 ; Milch Cows, 225 ; Heifers, 74 ; val. of cows and heifers, $6,808. 524 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. PETERSHAM. WORCESTER CO. Butter, 8,610 lbs. ; val. of butter, $2,152,50 ; Cheese, 9,130 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $730.40. Indian Corn, 90 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 26 bush. ; ral., $2,956. Eye, 6 acres ; Rye, per acre, 18 bush. ; val., $135. Barley, 34| acres ; Barley, per acre, 20 bush. ; val., $509.25. Oats, 89 acres ; Oats, per acre, 29 bush. ; val., $1,300.50. Potatoes, 102 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 104 bush,; val., ^4,257.60. Carrots, 1^ acre ; Carrots, per acre, 412 bush. ; val., $137, English Mowing, 1,074 acres ; English Hay, 810 tons ; val., $11,340. Wet Meadow or SAvale Hay, 318 tons ; val., $2,226, Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 2,534 ; val., $715, Establishments for m. of boxes for boots, 1 ; cap., $200 ; val. of boxes m'd., 700; emp., 1. PETERSHAM. Tin Ware manufactories, 1 ; val. of tin ware, $100. Tanneries, 2 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 1,400 ; val, of leather tanned, $4,000 ; cap., $2,200 ; emp., 4. Boots of all kinds m'd,, 475 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 100 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $887 ; m. emp., 1, Val, of palm leaf hats, $14,926 ; made in families. Bricks m'd,, 50,000 ; val, of bricks, $250 ; emp., 1, three months. Charcoal m'd,, 13,600 bush, ; val, of same, $952 ; emp,, 3. Lumber prepared for market, 1,195,000 ft, ; val. of lumber, $10,502; emp,, 12, Firewood prepared for market, 1,218 cords; val, of firewood, $1,959; emp,, 3. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 398 ; val, of all 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 525 WORCESTER CX). PHILLIPSTON. eheep, $1,384 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Me- rino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 1,015 lbs. Horses, 293 ; val. of horses, $26,295 ; Oxen over three years old, 381 ; Steers under three years old, 261 ; val. of oxen and steers, $27,694 ; Milch Cows, 817 ; Heifers, 329 ; val. of cows and heifers, $29,987. Butter, 41,370 lbs.; val. of butter, $9,485; Cheese, 81,010 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $8,049 ; Honey, 10 lbs. ; val. of honey, $2. Indian Corn, 355 acres; Indian Corn, per acre, 34 biish.; ral., $13,881. Wheat, 4 acres ; Wheat, per acre, 15 bush. ; val., $180. Rye, 92 acres; Rye, per acre, 9 bush. ; val., $1,072. Barley, 112 acres ; Barley, per acre, 22 bush. ; val., $2,404. Oats, 227 acres ; Oats, per acre, 30 bush. ; val., $3,403. Potatoes, 177 acres; Potatoes, per acre, 100 bu^h. ; val., $8,661. English Mowing, 2,717 acres ; English Hay, 2,911 tons; val., $43,665. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 767 tons ; val., $6,392. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 5,904 ; val., $3,916. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 241 ; val., $137. Establishments for m. of casks, 1 ; cap., $3,000 ; ready to go into operation the first of June. Establishments for m. of boxes for cloth and hats, 2 ; cap., $1,000 ; val. of boxes m'd., $5,000 ; emp., 3. Ladders m'd., 300 ; val., $500 ; emp., 1. Swine raised, 411 ; val., $3,139. PHILLIPSTON. Chair and Cabinet Manufactories, 2 ; val. of chairs and cabi- net ware, $10,500 ; emp., 12. Tanneries, 2 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 2,800 ; val. of leather tanned, $11,500; cap., $3,000 ; emp., 5. 526 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. PHILLIPSTON. WORCESTER CO. Charcoal m'd., 5,400 bush. ; val. of same, $486. Lumber prepared for market, 990,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $9,446 ; emp., in one establishment, 6. Firewood prepared for market, 1,369 cords ; val. of firewood, $3,600. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of differ- ent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 74 ; val. of all sheep, $296. Horses, 115 ; val. of horses, $9,515 ; Oxen over three years old, 144 ; Steers under three years old, 98 ; val. of oxen and steers, $11,660; Milch Cows, 230; Heifers, 93; val. of cows and heifers, $8,955. Butter, 21,370 lbs. ; val. of butter, $4,274 ; Cheese, 24,100 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $2,219. Indian Corn, 139 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 43 bush. ; val., $6,574.70. Wheat, 9^ acres ; Wheat, per acre, 15^ bush. ; val,, $330.75. Rye, 32 acres ; Rye, per acre, 11 bush. ; val., $440. Barley, 30 acres ; Barley, per acre, 18| bush. ; val., $555. Oats, 90 acres ; Oats, per acre, 30 bush. ; val., $1,350. Potatoes, 102 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 103 bush. ; val., ^o,Zoo. Carrots, cultivated in gardens, 720 bush. ; val., $180. English Mowing, 1,541 acres ; English Hay, 1,385 tons ; val., $23,545. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 388 tons ; val., $3,104. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, - ; val. of apples, $1,600. Establishments for m. of boxes for boots, 1, in part; val. of boxes m'd., $900 ; emp., 2, in part. Swine raised, 92 ; val., $971. White Beans, 20 bush. ; val., $40. Pumpkins, 300 loads ; val., $376. Hogshead Staves, 20,000; val., $320. Shingles, 150,000; val., $337.50. Ox Bows, 144; val., $100. Axe Helves, 125 ; val., $31.25. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 527 WORCESTER CO. PRINCETON. Washstands, 600 ; val., $300. Toilet Tables, 600 ; val., $300. Knife Handles, 80,000 ; val., $144. Churn Handles, 5,000 ; val., $14. Ventilators, 5,000 ; val., $37.50. Hemlock Bark, 104 cords; val., $468. PRINCETON. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; val. of sad dies, &c., $200; cap., $50; enip., 1. Chair and Cabinet Manufactories, 2 ; val. of chairs and cabi- net ware, $100,000 ; cap., $4,000 ; emp., 50. Tanneries, 1 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 300 ; val. of leather tanned, $1,500; cap., $1,000; emp., 1. Boots of all kinds m'd., 300 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 6,000 pairs ; val. of boots and shoes, $4,000 ; m. emp., 15 ; f. emp., 6. Yal. of straw braid m'd. and not made into bonnets and hats, $500 ; val. of palm leaf hats, $4,000 ; f. emp., 25. Charcoal m'd., 3,000 bush. ; vaL of same, $360. Lumber prepared for market, 342,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $5,047. Firewood prepared for market, 2,020 cords ; val. of firewood, $4,385. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of sheep, 160 ; val. of all sheep., $513 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 598 lbs. Horses, 200 ; val. of horses, $10,000 ; Oxen over three years old, 228 ; Steers under three years old, 106 ; val. of oxen and steers, $18,333 ; Milch Cows, 427 ; Heifers, 89 ; val. of cows and heifers, $13,500. Butter, 42,735 lbs.; val. of butter, $9,401; Cheese, 13,150 528 STATISTICS OF THE [1855. ROYALSTON. WORCESTER CO. lbs. ; val. of cheese, ^1,088 ; Honey, 500 lbs. ; val. of honey, $110. Indian Corn, 220 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 30 hush. ; val., $7,420. Black Sea Wheat, 29 acres; "Wheat, per acre, 18 bush. ; val., $1,044. Rye, 29 acres ; Rye, per acre, 15 bush. ; val., $539. Barley, 41 acres ; Barley, per acre, 25 bush. ; val., $1,005. Oats, 84 acres ; Oats, per acre, 30 bush. ; val., $1,532. Potatoes, 125 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 95 bush. ; val.., $6,000. Onions, 100 bush ; val., $70. Yal. of turnips, $50. Val. of carrots raised in tlie town, $500. Val. of beets, $100. Val. of buckwheat, $50. English Mowing, 1,900 acres ; English Hay, 1,724 tons ; val., $27,584. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 604 tons ; val,, $6,644. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 3,294 ; val., $3,116. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 200 ; val., $100. Hops, 2 acres ; Hops, per acre, 300 lbs. ; val., $100. Cranberries, 4 acres ; val., $50. ROYALSTON. Woollen Mills, 1 ; Sets of Machinery, 4 ; Wool consumed, 80,000 lbs. ; Doeskin m'd., 40,000 yds. ; val. of Doeskin, $35,000 ; Cassimere m'd., 35,000 yds. ; val. of cassimere, $30,000 ; m. emp., 35 ; f. emp., 34. Establishments for m. of chronometers, watches, gold and silverware and jewelry,-; val. of m's., $1,500; cap., $500; emp., 1. Brush Manufactories, 1 ; val. of brushes, $3,500 ; cap.^ $1,800 ; emp., 5. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 529 WORCESTER CO. ROYALSTON. Chair and Cabinet Manufactories, 5 ; val. of chairs and cabi- net ware, $27,800 ; cap., $20,500 ; cmp., 40. Tanneries, 1 ; Hides of all kinds tanned, 800 ; val. of leather tanned, $400 ; cap., $800 ; emp., 1. Currying Establisliments, 1 ; val. of leather curried, $1,600 ; cap., $800 ; emp., 1. Boots of all kinds m'd., 206 pairs ; Shoes of all kinds m'd., 360 pairs; val. of boots and shoes, $1,151; m. emp., 3. Yal. of palm leaf hats, $10,000. Charcoal m'd., 2,000 bush. ; val. of same, $140 ; emp., 2, Yal. of wooden ware not otherwise enumerated, including farming utensils m'd., $11,100 ; emp., 3. Shoe Pegs m'd., 7,000 bush. ; val., $4,200. Lumber prepared for market, 4,373,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $43,860 ; emp., 31. Firewood prepared for market, 531 cords ; val. of firewood, $1,100; emp., 2. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, 6 ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 144 ; val. of all sheep, $603 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, 33 lbs. ; Merino "Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 475 lbs. Horses, 236 ; val. of horses, $21,312 ; Oxen over three years old, 268 ; Steers under three years old, 279 ; val. of oxen and steers, $19,702 ; Milch Cows, 543 ; Heifers, 253 ; val. of cows and heifers, $19,607. " Butter, 33,905 lbs. ; val. of butter, $7,798.15 ; Cheese, 17,735 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $1,773.50 ; Honey, 50 lbs. ; val. of honey, $10. Indian Corn, 207 acres ; Indian Corn, per acre, 31| bush. ; val., $7,374. Wheat, 19 acres ; Wheat, per acre, 11 bush. ; val., $522.50. Rye, 34 acres ; Rye, per acre, 15 bush. ; val., $891. Barley, 85 acres; Barley, per acre, 24 bush. ; val., $2,550. Oats, 109 acres ; Oats, per acre, 31 bush. ; val., $1,689.50. Potatoes, 117 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 103| bush. ; yal.^ $7,277.40. ■ 67 530 STATISTICS OP THE [1855. KUTLAND. WORCESTER CO. Onions, |- acre ; Onions, per acre, 300 bush. ; val., $75. Turnips, cultivated as a field crop, -l acre ; Turnips, per acre, 330 bush. ; val., $41.25. Carrots, 3 acres ; Carrots, per acre, 1,123 bush. ; val., $1,123. English Mowing, 2,854 acres; English Hay, 1,813 tons ; val., $30,821. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 734 tons ; val., $5,872. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 8,417 ; val., $2,704. Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 103 ; val., $36.50. Establishments for m. of pails, 3 ; Pails m'd., 210,000 ; val. of pails, $33,000 ; cap., $33,000 ; emp., 38. Grape Wine m'd., 6 bbls. ; val., $192. Yal. of milk sold, $600 ; emp., 1. Saw Mills, 15. Grist Mills, 2. RUTLAND. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles, 3; cap., $3,500 ; emp., 7. Val. of palm leaf hats m'd., $1,113 ; f. emp., 70. Lumber prepared for market, 326,500 ft. ; val. of lumber, $3,945 ; emp., 8. Firewood prepared for market, 2,946 cords ; val. of firewood, $7,876 ; emp., 6. Saxony Sheep, of different grades, - ; Merino Sheep, of dif- ferent grades, - ; all other kinds of Sheep, 152 ; val. of all sheep, $453 ; Wool produced from Saxony sheep, - lbs. ; Merino Wool produced, - lbs. ; all other Wool produced, 508 lbs. ; val., $169.33. Horses, 226 ; val. of horses, $15,480 ; Oxen over three years old, 332 ; Steers ivnder three years old, 146 ; val. of oxen and steers, $18,208; Milch Cows, 691; Heifers, 196; val. of cows and heifers, $19,655. 1855.] INDUSTRY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 531 WORCESTER CO. SHREWSBURY. Butter, 33,932 lbs. ; val. of butter, $7,358 ; Cheese, 19,670 lbs. ; val. of cheese, $1,876. Indian Corn, 225 acres; Indian Corn, per acre, 26|- bush. ; val., $6,638.40. Wheat, 1|- acre ; "Wheat, per acre, 17 bush. ; val., $75. Rye, 24 acres ; Rye, 9 bush. ; val., $200. Barley, 73 acres; Barley, per acre, 20|^ bush. ; val., $1,505. Oats, 201 acres ; Oats, per acre, 30 bush. ; val., $3,646. Potatoes, 189 acres ; Potatoes, per acre, 96| bush. ; val., $10,970. Carrots, 6} acres ; Carrots, per acre, 427 bush ; val., $1,325. English Mowing, 2,129 acres ; English Hay, 1,673 tons ; val., $26,826. Wet Meadow or Swale Hay, 680 tons ; val., $5,440. Apple Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 2,892 ; val., $2,034, Pear Trees, cultivated for their fruit, 60 ; val., Cranberries, 5 acres ; val., $300. Swine raised, 125 ; val., $1,150. Mules, 1 ; val., $50. SHREWSBURY. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; val. of sad- dles, etc., $1,300; cap., $300. Establishments for m. of railroad cars, coaches, chaises, wagons, sleighs, and other vehicles, - ; val. of railroad cars, r 1 t>r 1 i^" cT 1 ^ o" o ICi ' CO 1 CT 1 ' o a ' CO ot (?J ^ o o o t^ O "cT" l^ o o CO i> J^ O! 1 t-- 1 O 1 o 1 C5 o 1 o T5< % oq^ t^ CO o o t>._^ o_ m moTOoiniapBoa ^ jdu pu« paam 00 CO oo" o ct . ^ c5 o -o^inuBui ujT?j^ o r^ I I-H 1 1 1 •<* 1 ^" CO uonoo jospunoj 1 1 1 1 ** co" S * ""o" "o~" CO o 00 o o CT o in *M^ o 1 o o o o o o o 1 '^ o 1 " CO 1 00 ,^ ,^ i^ 'S' o a 1 o ' Tf ct 00 OJ CO CO in o CO CO 'tj' ■^ ■-H «s CO 00 CO o c^ C: in^ m OJ^ •m"io #^ cT 1 Ci CO in cf TlT 1 <^ *M 1 i^" cT uo'jaoo JO aniB.v 1 ^ 00 ' J^ (N Oi CO a> 1 a 00 1 '^ in L*: CO m r^ t^ 00 t^ Ol ci CO ^ 1 c^" CO n t>r •V 1 -o HN 00 ■^ a a a m r^ o o t>. t>. 1 CO o? 1 r^ •^ CO j>. 00 1 CO o 1 o CO o* »>.„ co„ m CO "q< CO t^ o -rf in •paanjoBjnntira in o CO m o o oo" in o s o in CO ] Ujoio JO epihx 1 00 =1 1 ^^ o co^ CO c>» 1 » 00 1 ^ Ci 1 1 ^ 1 o" irT oo" CO w^ o r>r in I— 1 •^ r-t CO CO m o in CO W in m l> t^ o m CO ""o"" ot "oT" 1—1 in o 00 o o o 00 o . <^ '^ 1 r^ tn^ 1 o^ CO I—* "^ ■^ 1 o o 1 — i^ *>. •panitisnoo uowoojospunod SS *^ ^— ' o" Ci "-• co" CO o CO *^ j C5 m 1^ 00 CO in ?i 00 CO in 00 1 CO c^ 1 oT in 1 CO 1 in o ""to" Oi CO "* "o" CJ ~cr CO 00 o l^~ 1 CO o 1 f>. l.O i> in 00 CO CO 1 m (0» o i^ o CO o i^ 00 t>.^ CO in in •8DIP -nTdg JO jaqiunii »^ *« co" 1 CO Ci CO CO" o 1 CO t>r 1 c^ 05 1-H j ' 1 c5 ' c^ OJ Tf 1 ' OJ in 1—4 1 1 •* — « 1 o CO ■<* o 00 1 Ci in 1 t^ "ti> 1 1 •sum nopoo (M m CJ OJ 1-^ rr (M t^ § 00 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ^ • • • • ^ 9 m i t. • ^ fcT ^ H qT c Ut 0) o c« o Barnstab to o £ Dukes, Essex, c ei 0) c E ri 5 Nantuck Norfolk, 3 O S Oh Suffolk, Worcest % H ?55.] ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. 571 Tt o ^4 o OJ C^f Ci o OJ o o 1 o t^ 1 Ci 'a' cr? '^ CO — ' 1 o in •pa o 1—1 -IT ^^ 1-. i^ o CO in ou -jCoidma eaiouis j 1 1 1 CO QcT 1 1 CO* oT . i? CO J^ CO CO CO CO 00 »c ^^ t>. 1 r>. S ' «? 00 CO CO 00 1 OJ CO 1 LO CO •poXoldlUa 83IBI\[ ■^ o "^ o ■^ CO of Cl 1 1 1 1 1-^ o o O o o o Q o o o o , ° ° , o o o c=> 1 o o , o o ' o o ' o o o o o ' o 1 o o o o ir: o o o o o o o LO o •nojjoo.jo 9ain o o o <^i o •^ »o CO co^ !^^ o -nwjnuBui aiii ii| r '^ 52" 1 j^ ! "„ cc {^ c^ T}« co^ CO -^ i^ CO nouoo }o an IB A 1 ■^ ^" 1 1 5^ ' CO" , in" 1 • a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ •« t H ^ c 4-a 2 CD 1 o ■o" i (<" s r3 CI, 00 "TT .o o ~ H i o Barn Berk C3 O CD to CO 1-1 E ClJ s Midd Nant 0:; O Ply a: 1-1 1 1 1 572 ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. 1 IC O 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 , 1 1 1 •pa o ot •Xoidnia saiBoia^ 1 w ifi 1 1 1 1 1 CO 1 1 1 1 1 lO o •^ •peXoifltua saiBK cc CO 1 o O 1 I 1 1 I o 1 1 1 1 . o o o o o o o o o •buouinsn 1 o O 1 1 1 1 1 o^ 1 1 1 1 -qBlsgoanBa u[ o o cT pa}83AUI IBJIdBO in ?2 1 1 1 I O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o o •pajoioo o puc poipBeiH 1 1 O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 spoof) io eniBA o" ^ • o - ~ o 1— 1 1 1 O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tJi o •paiOTJj o_ lou pUB Sau 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 pms ui paaoiof) puB paqoBaisi '"' spooo JO spaB^\ 1 o O 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 o o o o o o o o o •ODitBO JO aniBA 1 o O 1 1 o 00 o 1 1 1 o o Ci 00 1-^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 o O 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 o o o o o o •painiaj •^ O 1 1 o OOJIBO JO sp.iBA I CO CO 1 1 1 C5, 1 1 1 1 1 1 TO 1 1 1 1 1 (M 1 1 1 1 1 ( •B3U0J -OBJllUBm OOllBO dd • • • • • • • • • • • • a ^ . • • • , , ^ ^ , • ^ *-* s aT ^ C X ^ S ' o o 03 ■4-J to s 1-i cq Bristol, Dukes, Essex, S a fa IS 'a a- S eS E ed ID o cd o Plymoutl Suffolk, 0) O E 1855.] ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. 573 o o l^ oo yn 1 o O 1 l>. 1 1 1 1 00 o o w_ o_ m •ajain o cT oT o~ !>;' CD 10 •rr 1 -[SSBO JO spjBi o c; ■<# •^ CO K 00 -^ 1 1 o 1 in I— I -H 1 ct , CO , , TJ< 1 »-" co" co" Of o o» ""o" 1 o 1 1 CO 1 1 1 1 1 1 CO 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o in •1(1010 CO 00 (M CO -puoag JO aniBA 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 ' 1 1 1 in CO no \ • i io ^ 1 ^ ; 3 -. ' o c^ o> o •pjll'IBUl H10I3 1 Of 'r> -pBO.la JO spicx (M" ot 0" cf of cT 1 GO 1 1 00 1 1 '^ CO 1 1 1 1 i>. 10 o 1 1 CO i 1 1 1 1-1 ' 1 1 1 t>. ^ 1 o o' o CO 00 »>. ~o6~ o o o rf< 00 CO C:, o w O 1 1— ' •^ GO 1 1 1 CO 0^ •yaoinsuoD 100 AV JO spunoj «o co" o" ^— co" JC i>r ocT J^." ct" co~ CO 00 CO a ■^ CO CO CO »o ^ -1' 00 co" 1 ■^ .-.1 C>{ 1 1 1 1.0 oo" -" •iCj9 w !>. o 1 "lo" "cT F^ t^ CO 1 t^ 1 1 _ m Oi ^^ 1— 1 (M ■rti t^ CM £ Ci -uiuaBrc JO sjas OJ CO ' Ci~ ~«r" 1—1 1 CO vn CJ CO 1 in 1 1 1-* cc •Slim U9II00A\ o{ c? •— ( i-^ 1-^ •^ -rt< 1—4 •p.ioidms spuBH 1 1 1 1 § 1 1 1 1 ■«9< 1 1 1 CO I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^ , = 1 , 1 1 p 1 1 1 1 1 ' ' ' 1 • * ■pD;soAU! iBjidBo j 1 1 1 0" 1 1 1 lO_ ^" 1 1 1 6 lO 1 ' 1 1 1 ft) 1— i ' ~o~ O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ° 1 1 1 1 1-3 ' ' O O ■pojo -100-10 psiiocdijr (M "^„ spooo JO aniBA 1 1 I ■ 1 1 1 1 1 00" 1 co" 1 1 P 1 1 1 1 1 1 t o> ' 00 ' ' 1 .1^ -~ < in in ^ ^ o 1 1 1 1 00 43 1 1 1 rn . -T3 1 to , , 1 ■"■J ^ >> — «.! HH o ■pajojoo io S| paqoBoia spooo 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■^ 1 1 CO 1 ■4 <1 00 w a ■^ ot CO CO ■ei.qBjs:^ ontfBo 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 1 CO 1 1 1 •H mi.vi. pajriauLioa "^ I'll puB 'spoof) UOJJO.) Su.oioo ao,iii!i|nBsin joj 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 suiOLU4sumi4b3 • • • • • ; • • • * • • • fcT • J5" H •— ' qT vs c" i~t S S •-S B a Q to s pq 3 oj fO ^ •C 3 « m to fa -a £ 15 to S 00 '-^ Z Oh m "to 574 ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. o o o o o o o c o 1 1 1 o o o 1 CO o o CO o 1 1 1 o o o 1 o o l^ h- o o in ■^ 00 CD CO o: 1 •UJBJt U3\ o o. C^f c>». cri. o o \r. -loo.w JO aniBA fJD 1 1 1 c5 F^ 1 1 of ' m 1 1 ^ CO oc cz 0. o o t>. o o t^ • mOIO OJin 9PBIU 1 1 1 1 1 o CO o 1 in 1 o 00 1 i o o loii puup.'aiiioBj V— i co" *— t CO c -nuiJLU UJBA u.ii CO CO c^ oc -lOOAi. JO syunoj 1 1 1 1 1 1 m CO o o o f>. o o o o t> o o 1 o •^ 1 o o CO 1 1 o c o o 1 o o 1 o o on 1 1 o c o lO o o o o CO CO •rl •Suiia5(UBivT JO o ^l 05_ 1-* w5 cs CO, Of C I3UUBIJ JO aiUBA ^ ct 1 1—1 CO 1 m m Ci in 1 1 1 1 '^ CO • IT o o o 03 o o ■«3< o l> o o o 00 o o in Ci O o o 1 ou 1 CO o_ 00 1 1 1 1 CO O in CO o o o in Cl" *^ TT CO CO c • •SdiiaxiiBifi JO lauuBid JO tpJBi a 1 <3 1 00 1 1 CO 1 1 '^ ' o c s F- fl • r-« -*^ s 'o" o c o o c 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o o 1 1 1 o o c c i H ■suBafjo aniBA o^ o c 1 1 1 1 1 1 od" 1 I 1 1 1 '^ «. 1 I 1 t 1 1 1 c> 1 ) 1 c- hJ m <^ h^ • O "o" o Oi c o o o o c 1 1 o. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o (^ t^ -U4>I JO SpjBA 1 1 ^-1 1 1 1 1 Ln" 1 1 1 CO c o o o o o o o o c i i 1 o 1 o ^ o o o o 1 1 o '=: 1 o 1 o ^ o (C in o 1 1 o ir 1 o o ra o o^ Ci o 00 2 •^aaijBg JO ani^A I-H ^ o •^ c^ t>. o t^ c 1 1— t 1 T-^ o" in cT CO o" 1 1 1 1 ^ a 1 I-H 1 !>. o r^ 1-H I 1 ' ' a c »— ^H I-H ■^ CO m t- »•-* c f/i' fj r 1 , o o c::. o CO o o o c o o (M o <^ o o 00 o I 1 c^ 1 o o_ o in^ in o_ 1 1 1 1 *~^ c •ijaun^S^o ^V^^X CO cs t^ o" in 00 of in" in Of in c c -* CI CO 00 QO (7t co^ r 1 1 1 (N 1 1 1 1 1 »-H Ci 1 » o o in o o o o 1/ 1 i 1 o o 1 o o o 1 1 o o c 1 1 1 o o 1 _^ o o 1 1 o o _ 1 o o CJ o o o CJ T i •ajatn o o CO o in o CO^ ^ -\esvo JO aniBA t o lo" 1 o" o" ci 1 1 1 <=^ 1 1 l^ L 1 CO Oi 1 t^ in o 1 1 ' o ' ' 1—1 »- Ci CO r-< 1— 1 "^ c:i c <3& of If • • • • « • • • • • • • 00 M ^ , • , , , , »K *. • • • •K i f is o CO ID a pa o .22 t5 o 0) to c 2 S Mc4 o IS S X u CO TS Nantucket Norfolk, Plymouth, Suffolk, Worcester 1 ^55.] ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. o o T)< 1 1 1 1 IC 1 1 OJ 1-1 ^^ c^ o CO 1 •pjdiua ^aiBiua^ o i-H 1 1 1 1 1 1 O 1 1 1 « Oi o 1 O CO O •paXoidtns s3I«k w^ 00 00 to 00 o o o o o o o . 1 1 1 1 O 1 1 loo o 1 o o o " o O O! o o o (M o O »>. o o o t^ •pa;s9Ani iBjidBO o O 05 . 00 c^ -jadJBO jo'aniBA 1 1 1 1 o~ 1 1 1 o" -r o 1 ^" o- cT ' ^ o o CO CI l>- CO Ci (M CO 1—1 H m m W 0^ Pi o ■. O ; 00 , 1 1 1 1 •" 1 ' ' ^' ' 1 O' 00 , of ! o o , 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 O o o O O ' •pomneaoD aouo3 JO spunod 1(1111 o 1 1 1 1 CO 1 1 s? \ \ \ \ Oi \ 1 1 •* o? CO 1 — ^ CO ' I— ( •silirc lailJBO •p jduia BaiBtnaji •p3^0[dni9 saiBn 'pajsaAni iBjidBO o O0'*ooco»n'*-Ho— < Tf —1 -H 00 c< in co- in t>. t-i o« CO a CO 00 O OJ o o •rf r>. CO 1 00 1— ( CO in CO cv (I) f^ r>t 1-H o oT 1—1 T— 1 CO •^ I— 1 o o o o (T^ o o O o o o o , o o o o O o o o o ' o o o o o ' o o o o o o o o O o o o o o in o o o o Ol «^ o 1 CO 1-^ c; o QO 1 ~' O} Ci CO ' ?>. CO m •rr J^ €)» C7 C5 1-^ ^-H -* in ot — I Oi r~~t Cl •V C ■£3 ^* e f) e3 rn -a CO 'o !n~ X" s .22 3 DO rt n pq pa « w bn ffi ffi h^ ^ o Tf CO ■^ 00 ^m ■^ (» CO in 'S' in Ci 1-H in o o o o o o o o o in CO in 01 o -* CO 1-H J^ m o o s c 2; o o ^ CL, W p s o Eh 576 ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. •spooo JO nf)j)diaos3(i I I I I I I o (C o h-, •*— > u > ^ ■XI , -^ a a p ^ i K j I 1^ -nUBUI AJl)UBll5 I I I I I &, N o -u o o 00 CO CO I e. I N O 2 •<* Of I = .5g '.Cjois -OH JO 9Jr JOBJ -nuEiu am joj --H I I 1-1 :C I Ci I CO o j=^ i ■pjdina S3I8U13J i ! 1 1 1 1 1 LI i< 1 I— 1 1 o in ot o ; 1 1 1 1 1 Ci 1 r>. 1 CO 1 1 w w •paifoidma s9tBi\[ i o Ci CO Of O o o o o o 1 o o o o o ' o o o o o o o => •p3}S9Ant IBJldBO 1 1 1 o 1 o" , ' o ' o o CO m i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o o L-5 1 1 1 1 o o ■nasA rj< 'S" it* pajsjoAiJOoniBA i 1 1 1 1 1 Ci 1 1 1 1 1 Ci •^ ■'T p m ^ Eh 02 o o 'mop ojni 1 1 1 1 1 1 O 1 1 1 1 1 o Ci P^ SpBtn JOU pUB p.lOBjnnBcn pa CO Of CO O -IsaoAVJOspunoj O 1 o t^ 1—1 ■■■ o o o 1 1 o o o o Tt" T)* o 00 00 •3UIBSatnj0 3llIBA 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 o> ' Ci O) § 00 o< o 1 1 1 1 Ci 1 1 1 t \ 1 CO CO •ps.iiij Ci Ci -nBjnuBin spoof) 1 Hons JO epjBjt 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 '-^ Ci 00 CO 'T 00 jJBctjuauocItuoo B SI pajsaoAV 1 1 1 1 -^ 1 CO 1 ^^ 1 1 o? l>. 1 HOIUAV JO spooy ; ao "spooy pa , 3SJ0AVJO3.10BJ 1 ■IIIIBIU 91)1 JOJ 1 1 1 1 sjuauiUsiIilBisa 93 i • • • • • • • • • • • • • s 1 o • • . • O d" "« • • tT m E^ O c .n V ci i2; XJ u> B ^ i3 ^-I o a m C CO Berkshi Bristol, Dukes, Essex, Frankli a-, E ni to E HI 1— < Middles Nantuc Norfolk Plymou Suflblk, Worces o Eh .855.] ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. 577 •p.oidtna S8IBUI3J 1 O 1 o i2 <^< III! 1 »rt O! r-H n* ■ "pSifoidtna ea[Bi\; CO rH 1 1 1 1 1 iC 1 CO CO O O o o , '=^ . <=> o o 1 O 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 o o ■p»}S3Ant TBjjdBO o o o in 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 ^ o Q . '=' t^ 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 o •pBajqt o o nami jo eniBA 111^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 12; N . "=" Q ^ •pajnioBj 1 1 1 o o 1 1 1 1 1 1 § ^ -nuBta pBoaijt s cT uauji JO spunoj 1 1 1 ""^ 1 1 t p 1 1 1 1 in ~o~ o o , s , , , o o 1 O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o o •u3nn JO aniBA s 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o o »-H €©■ . o . o o ! 1 O 1 1 1 1 1 1 o o o o o •pajn;oB|TinBui o ' §■ ' ' ' 1 1 1 1 1 o o « h •nauiijo ajtij 1 rH 1 ^ 1 --Hill 1 1-1 ■* -OBinuBuiaqi joj sjUdiuqsjiqBjsa 1 1 1 1 CO ?o 1 1 CO -* 1 O 1 1 Tt" O 1 •p.oiduiassiBaiaj ' CO l^ 1-H 1 1 1 1 W C> 1 1 CO •<* 1 O 1 1 00 CO ' •P3/C0ldtn9 S81BPI 1 \n Ti< — I o o o o o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o O 1 00 1 1 o 00 [ o o o o C5 •pajsaAuj iBjtdBO CO CO 05 1^ Ci ri <» I-H OJ a CO 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 €& n i o o o o o i 1 -^ 1 1 1 o 1 1 O 1 1 r ""t o 1 o m w o ■lUBi JO aniBA CO CO o i>. 1 '€& CO CO ;>^ tf i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 €& o o . o o kl 1 O 1 1 o 1 1 -^ 1 1 1 'M' t-H •^jaisoH IC o Ol l>. v; OIUI OpBUl lOU CO ■^ l^ ■rf O UJBA JO spunoj 1-H 1 1 ^H , W W 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 00 ff* o O 1 O 1 1 1 O* 1 -^ 1 1 00 (M r^ o> cv C5 •OtllBA CO oi e* ^H O 1-H CO CO CO •* 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 €© ri • • • • • • • • • ■ • ■ * . •V ^ r - ^" s « « C Stab siiir Bristol, Dukes, Essex, Franklin lesc uck oik, lOUt Ik, cest Tot V Barn Berk E S a a •-< cs O j^ 3 [^ S Z Z PL, M !> 73 578 ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. [185i t 1 o 1 i^ 1 00 1 o 1 (N CO o o» o 1 I Oi <^ Oi o o 00 CV i 1 •p3if oidma spuBH i>. 70 Of CO o .t- 1—1 co" o LC o o o o o lO zc o l^ o o LC o o o> a o 1 o 1 1 1 o 1 o t^ o o CO 5 ■paisaAm midco CJ o o U3 CO TJ* in 00 o» 11 h-rt ^e^ TT c< O) CO CO ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 < 1 o ■* o o o» o CO o o o l-O o CO J o 1 Tr 1 1 1 o 1 o o 1 m < •sn«iIJ0 3niBA Irt 00 o i^ o CD to ; 00 ^ cn rr c J>. 'd< 1 1 1 1 1 F— 1 o 1 irt 1 1 1 o 1 o CJ 1 o f>. o CO o o f>. o> in i < p3jniot!.jnnrtn Qi CO Q* 00 00 I— 1 m SUBK JO BUOl ^ 1— 1 ■^ CD ■^i> 1-^ 1-H n ^ 1 o 1 o o o o o o o J o o o o o o m ; CQ 1 1 00 1 1 1 o 1 c; o o o 00 1 1/3 "'J' o ^i^ I-"! o »n 1 d" •acatjs JO aniBA r^ no CO f^ r» ci (M Of 1— t i—i m CO f>. ?^ 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 T— 1 (r> h-^ ■^ in o ■>* o l« o o 4? o SIIBNJ 1 1 o 1 O 1 •^ 1 o f^ o »n oint apsni jou CO o o o o» o o Ci , Ch puB pajnaoRjn -UBcanoji josuox 00 1-^ ot c^ ot w (N CO in CO •enire iTBsr pub o» 1 00 1 -H 1 CO 1 CO CO CO CO C3 1 SuiDiis 'Suuioa cv 1 1 1 1 Ui 1 1 00 1 o . loo ■pjdtna eaismaj m ■v o 1-^ •paioidcaa sarBK 1 1 1 00 1 1 C5 1— 1 1 00 ' 1^ o O o o 1 1 1 O 1 1 o ! O o o o o o •p3;saA.m tBijdB j 1 1 1 1 00 o 1 m 0& o o o o 1 1 1 O 1 1 o 1 o o 4: o o o o W ■8U1BS JO anpjA o o o o GO ■ o 1— 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 '"' 1 m o o o o 1 1 1 O 1 1 o 1 o o •5ins stn o o o o -Jiag JO spunoj 00 s? CO ■^ "^ j -auiBS JO antuA i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •^nsjospiBi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .' 1 1 1 1 1 1 -sail 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 CO 1 1 _, 1 1 1 in 1 1 -ojoBjnireni ^ns i 1 OQ «r • • • • • • • o CD i!5 • • .l-f , 2 ^ O CO C 1 CO 1 -€ -S .2 S o c = ^ 2 T5 TO E E 2 2 3 o s cu i s 02 o 855.] ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. 579 •pBifoidoiaspaBH 1 CO CO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CO o ' o 1 <_J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o o o •pajsaAUi iBJidBO 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o J?; o 1 o o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o o Pi o 1 •noJi-3(n t>. t>. P-M T— 1 m f^ ot "ff f>. >-n "* •paioidma gpuBH 1 1 1 1—1 in O o o O o o o o o o o o o 1 O 1 O 1 O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o •pa;s3An! iBjidso ° 1 '-''- 1 o> o «o iO o TT o CO CO i '^ o ' o ' CO T-^ f^ ri) •^ o 1—1 O) <» OJ o CO «^ o ro ':< ■^ t>. ^ V} W o o o o , o Q o o o o o O o 1 O 1 O 1 o 1 o o o o o 1 o o o o o o o o o o o P^ o o o o o o o rt) o 00 •auiBsaqijo iba t^ •="- 1 « 1 Cl 00 o o (>> o Ci CTi in ' ■^ ' C5 o> CO C5 o> in ^^ CO o CI o» ^-1 Ot CO S €© o 1 O 1 00 1 *— 1 1 (in CO o CO o o CO »o in CO on CO CD CO in 1—1 "* qio pu« 's.)|qB.-) a »— t CO o *» {>. -uiBqo 'ejoqoiiv »s c» r-H 1—1 CO 'uuai jBiijosuoj, 1 1 1 1 •BaSao^joj.mnii 1 ^ 1 s ■ in l^ CJ I-H CO CO o CO 00 CO o 03 • • • • • ■ • • • • • • • • • H ^ , ^ ^ , ^ *« H 0) oT c X •4-' J2 0) ri >5 P O .a d 05 -IS 0) Bristol, Dukes, Essex, Franklin o a, S 03 s SB 00 -a .is: c OS o o S •J} ff o c< o K o o Oi m 1— « 00 •<9< 1 •pOifoidraa spn«H 1 •^ 1 m 1 c< i> co" o o o o o o o o o o o o O 1 o 1 o o O 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 3 o o o o o o o o o o o •pa}S3Aa) i8)!dB0 CO ^" 1 o o o o Of o LO '3- o. ;>^ ^ ^H CO 1 L-f 1 LO" ^f in ' c7 QO" cf cT •^ Q ^ cr. ■^ tn C-- CO CO J^ 00 Z CO CO •rt CO ^1 CO 1 1— 1 ■ m^ o o o o o o o o o o o <=> 1 o o O 1 o 1 o o O 1 o o o o o ! < o o o o o o o o o o o o ' •pajiijoBjn o o o c o o '-^ o o o o Ci S -UTjm A.UIIJOBIV o Lt '^- 1 IC 1 o o CO rv 1 lo o c? o* LO JO 3tll«A' SSO.lf) o~ <^^ GO ' i>r 1 liO CO" o ' o" o t>r i>r c7 00 C5 CO t>. C5 l^ CO CO QO s LI if: o C5 ot Ci o^ Xjaurqo -Bin jamo puB uaiioo^\i 'uoj I-H i> 1 00 1 1« f— < I 00 CO r-1 n CO CO o 1 1 -io.) }o aJtijoBj 1—1 1 -nUBtU 8111 10} 1 Bjaacnusi[qB;sa 1 1 1 in 00 ■* 1 LO 00 a o 00 1 LO (?» t>. o CO CO CO TJI »o 00 ^^ o CO ^^ <>. CO i>. •paXoidtno spuBH CO 1 ^^ 1 ot CJ CO CO w" O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O 1 o o o o O 1 o o o o <=> : o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 1— 1 •pa^gaAin iBjidBo o o '^- 1 o o o o_ LO o LO LO l-O, co_ H o" o" l>. ' Ci" c-7 i>r ■«* CO" ' QO" o i>r IhT co" &Q 2^ CJ o Ci ■«3< o CO •^ CM LO <1 ■§& CJ T— c* Ol 1— ( CO 1—1 s^ 5 s o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O 1 o o o o O 1 o o o o o <: o o o o o CO o o o o o CJ CO •sSai -}eBO ptreajBAV o o o o o CO m o o CO o Ci CO H o 00 •^ 1 CV o o CO <=, , o CM iq. CO o ^ AiouoH JO aniBA o" CO CO CO 00 o C5 CO co~ : ^ ■«* a r^ UO CO I— 1 •^ CO w . O o o O 1 o o -* m IC 1 o CO r in" a t>r cT LO' o ^»1|0H JO suox ^ 1 1 CO 1 ,noJi -S{^ neqjjaqjo T-l o C« 1 t^ IW CO CO O 1 o r>. 00 in o B3lI[JSB3 puB ^ ^H »" ^^ 1-H o ajB^ JAOiioH I-^ .JO ajiijOKjnuBui aqj joj BaaBU 1 1 -an^ JO aaquinji i • • • • • • • " • • • • • • • • 13D H ttT o g tf iz H o G !-• o C5 ' O 3 X '^ 1 ^ 1 s o ^ OQ o S 1 o u . s eg 1 C3 a> s E HI o a e 3 M o B55.] ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. 581 •pa^oidma 6pn«H 1 1 1 1 i a in (o ^ \ 1 1 l^. 1— 1 1— ( O TP i - ! •pajsaAnj mid«o o o o o o ,0000 0000 ' '0 0000 tn o_ 1 1 1 1 1 ^ '^ T-T cT I 1 1 1 '* H O C/3 •eaqj^ogjoaniBA 0000 0000 0000 c* CO !>. 01 »n t>. 1 1 1 1 1 ^* ci o< in 1 1 1 .CO — ( 1 1 1 I s? — •pajiijoBj 1 . . . . 0000 ! CO 0_ 0^ C3 ' ^ CN! CO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '-' CO 00 1—1 •sauoj -OBjnnBtn em^os 1 1 1 1 lOll— lt-ll-H| 1 1 |h« a r^ ■pa^oiduia BpuBu 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 in 1— 1 o •sani^aa aaij JO atii«A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 g' 1 1 1 0" >n P5 ■saui3aa aijj •saaiSns sjij JO aamoEjnuBiu em JQj sdoqs 1 e> 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ".J. 1 1 1 1 •5i ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 —c 1 1 1 ^H 50 1— I o O <1 •p.Xoidnia spnBH ■n* Cf 1— 1 r^ 1— 1 Tf F-1 GO "o~ 10 in in • '-^ ' • i •pejsaAai psjidBo 00 00000 0000 00 00000 0000 gg gggS<=> 0000 00 00000 0000 ^ 0^ 00000 0000 1 0" 0" 1 CO ic" —" 0" cT 1 (tT 0" tt" 0" 'C^t>;'0{ T} ''*i— lOi— 10 'OOC^'rr «& CO CO (7^ (>< ^ 00 H •saanoa pnB sauirtir^ m.:s JO aanjoBj •nuvm aqi joj 6juatnqsit«iB}sa ^oi CO — (Jt— 'O •^^^>._ II 5C H •I 15 .-.' ^^ _ ;S ^ -S 1 -S :5 1 ^- i 1 ,-3 o B ■3 o ■a <9 _o p. B o 5 582 AESTRACT BY COUNTIES. ^% i o 1 CQ i 1 i ! •pa^oidnia spaBH 1 1 O 1 1 1 1 1 O 1 1 1 1 1 O CO 1 . c o CO CI 1 1 O 1 1 1 1 1 O 1 1 1 1 1 I o o •pajsaAUf iBJidBO ^ i"'" -^ of c-> zi o III '^ w 1 o" Ci •sauoi -OBjnnBre axv rtCOrt ll-H-H \ XT. ^ IOJ(M^00 CO COUNTIES. Barnstable, Berkshire, . Bristol, Dukes, Essex, Franklin, . Hampden, . Hampshire, Middlesex, Nantucket, Norfolk, . Plymouth, Suffolk, . Worcester, o 855.] ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. 583 'paXoidma spoBH -pO)83Ani IBJjdBO I •pajnioBj -nnBin saijoiKT puB saipuBff jooQ JO suazod •63ipaBH 200(1 puB 83 -HaiBT JO 9J.0BJ -nuBtu sqi joj I C5 I . s . o o I cT ' I I O O I o o I CO I 00 CO I I •^ (M o o o o oT O o o o CO CO 00 CO paXoidtna spoBH •paisaAU] iBjidBO ; suna noijisod -lUOf) puB 'sSBJfl puB uojijo aniBA •psinjoBjTinBni B3:^U!H JO sjjna uoijisodiuoa JO ssBaa JO suszoa 'psjnjoBjnuBca I B35iJ!£l JO SUtla UOJX JO SU3Zo(X •Ba3tnH 20 snifl Jo3jn;oBj -nuBm 9qi joj sjuatuqsiiqBjBa T! m D O CO o o o o o o I O I o o o o o o o ■so I § . o o o * o o o I O I o o ifi 1-1 I I I I I I c< a> CO as to rt o i« « pq pq on o c C £ SS 53 a IS -3 3 C a .o o o s 02 ID o QO CO o o o o o in" o o o o o cf o o o «5" I I c3 t3 J :< i -!i a eo 3 « I' O 2 I § o 584 ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. 1 w? rl — 1 1 1 1 — 1 1 1 CO CI 1 1 o OJ Ol 1—1 o i^ •pajCoidraa epncH . Ci I— 1 CO o O O 1 1 1 O 1 1 1 o o 1 1 o o o o o o o o [ o o o o o o o *. •p9}S8Ani lBJ]dBO o o o o o »f5 05 •'l CQ »c ocT , 1 1 '"'" 1 ■ 1 oT oT 1 1 00 P 1—1 00 ' 1 1 1 1 1 ^H l^ 1 1 00 o> < 6© Pi pq o O O 1 1 1 O 1 \ 1 o o 1 1 o Q o o o o o o o ^ < o o o o o c? (?» ■spBig pUB o IC CC o o o f»-l s^OBl JO aniBA o w t~^ »«^ o CO c». o" ^H 1 1 1 ^^ 1 , , co" "^ , t •—■ xn o» CO ' ' 1 1 I 1 CO o 1 1 o> M ^ CO ot E O • < ! ^ O »-l O 1 1 1 Ci 1 1 1 GO OJ 1 1 o r •pa.mjoBjn o ■^ o ;? 1 o 1 -HBUI spBjg pUB T-t o^ I— 1 !>. o> ! BJtOBi JO KUOJ, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 « 1 ■sauojot!; -nuBrff pvjq pUB I-H 1-H -H 1 1 1 r-y 1 1 1 c? I— 1 1 1 00 CM i ^DBXjo wquitix ^p= 1 ] •poXoiduia BpuBH 1 fill 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 •>* 00 1 00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 o o o o o •paisaAUi mideo 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o Of 1 o o> m m- m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 o W o o o o o o o o I 1 •e5i3o''Xjo aniBA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 co" CO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 o in lO Of (?J i P.}38jnUBCa 9^001 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 co" 1 co" 1 ..,| I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t>. 1 l^ 1 1 OD • • • • • . • • * • • • • H oT . • : oT X • :^ • *r £ ^ oT - c >- V J3^ Si a i o 3 ID s Berkshir Bristol, Dukes, Essex, Franklin Hampdei Hampshi o 3 c o 2 ■k-f 3 o e i 3 xn 5 -4-) o .855.] ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. 585 'paiCoidma 8pu«H I -': o o o o o o o i>^ lO^ 0_ 0_ -r" of •^ CT I I o o o o ' ,^ o m o o CV I 00 rt> r-l' » c iz c 1— J p 1 o 1 1 1 o o O o 1 1 1 o o •pajnjnpjnumu CD CO o o o o CO CcS sjiiouiaiduii lEj o CO o C>» 1— « o CO -tHinouSv JaUJO o Ci o CO m i^ o 1 "* 1 1 1 "^^ (X F-^ 1 1 1 00 D3 ' 1—1 *"^ H 1 1 i 1 I o CO o o 1 o o o CO 1 aj o 'JD o o o o o 00 H o OJ o CO <3, o o m U •8m«saiijjo*i«A o CO Of c^ C3 o o CO t^ ; ,^ 1 1 1 1 1 ^ p ii o 00 J^ 2; CO in o o o in 1^ < 72 1 H O 1 1 1 1 1 in •^ o o 1 in o o? CO lO 00 CO CO w o CO 00 1 o •pjnuBtusijSnoia i-H C5 CO fC Ol or 1-^ o CO ' oT ■' 1 1 1 1 1 1—1 1 CO I— 1 in CL, 1 •sauoj 1 "* 1 1 1 ■* o> 1-^ CO 1 1—1 1— t CO o» -OBjnuBpm^not,] OJ M W •paXoidtna spnBH 1 t>. ^ 1 1 in CT "Jl* -S" 1 o in 1 OJ CO . o •^•t o I— ( (M <^ 1-H OJ HI P3 I-t CO 1 o O 1 1 o o o o 1 o o 1 o o w •^ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o in |2 "pajsaAm iBjidBO o o , g o ^ o in o o o o ^ ' 9£ cT 1 1 o" CO 1 r^ o 1 CO ocT 1 fe €©■ o CO S ' M ^ €© 1 1 o O 1 1 o o o 1 o o 1 o o ! o o o c o o o o o O ' ■saoH puB K? o o ^ o o o o o in 1 STiJOj 'isapBds CO o »c o o o o o i CQ 'siaAoijsjoaiiiBA 1 —r '-'- 1 CO 1 ** in o o o 1 in in 1 ^.T ' Ot Ci ' ' l-( ?— 1 Ci ' Ot f>. *H "^ \ QQ ^ o ^ o CM r- ^^ C5 i J CO 00 ' > o ^ •sajJojoiynnBn * aoH puB vo.* 1 OJ ■^ 1 1 OJ 1— < ^* CI 1 OJ e: 1 OJ o? 1 i 02 'apBUs 'laAoqs ■X ■ • ■ • • • • • • • • 1 2i & O 1 s" to .ii o E la en ex 5 3 1 <^ • - r3 O S z ^; O o o o o Si i O U 586 ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. ! 1 1— 1 — H 1— 1 Q \ ^ O 1 r_ •p3:Coidca3 epuBH 1 1 icoioi-^moTfccirjQoc; ! CO CO •pajsaAni isiidBO 1 lOIOIOOOOOOOO o o oooooooo o^ "-J, '^ ^ '^ '^ "-J, *" ^„ ''■^ cT i.T o o" -^ i-T • rr c^ : 1 1 5^ 1 ^ 1 ^ ;: g^ s.japnnoj sssjff ui ps.ioBtnuBui saio!i.iBjo8(iiBA •sauspiinoj 1 lOIOIOOOOOOOO o o oooooooio O OOOl^OOOl^ jC t-f CO~ O" Ci" co" '*" " 01 Oi. CO LT o o< . , ^ 1 1 c- 2- 10 ?- 1 IC2 ICO i(ri-HL':^— i-^-^co 1— ( CO i pa^oidnia spuBH 1 lOI 1 1 1 It^fOICOl Oi to o $020,300 320 & ' o ■pa^sBAm i«4idso $240,000 2,800 90,000 293,500 •atncsjo aniBA $500,000 29,000 500,000 050,500 in" . go •pSJTlJOBjnUBOI jaadoojospunoj 2,000,000 09,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 to" •sauoj -OBjnirejir jaddoo 1 I'll 1 1 1 ICIIrHlOl •<* 05 03 1 « 05 H O c PJ M •paioidtna epusn IIIIGOIIIGOIIIini '" "~ CO CO •pajsaAui iBjiduo $7,500 4,800 227,300 to cT CO •paj jnuBin sajcg uoJipuBsaoua^i uoai JO aiiiBA $32,200 10,700 007,500 in uojjpuB 'saaurij UOJI '^ii'liKH Udj] JO ajiuoEj ■nuBui joj sdoiis 1 1 1 1 Tf 1 1 1 TJ. 1 1 1 Lt 1 * Counties. ■% ^ ^ .E J :5 S -g >.- ^ . -5 rtfUt-3rniiC3c3*— 'C30 "^ 3 f.^ C3 855.] ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. 587 11-^1 1 1 o }^ 1 1 1 1 1 CI ■pa^oidma spuBHi •7J ot CO O 1 1 o o o o o o o 1 1 1 1 1 00 00 jOO 00 •pa4SdAii! ibjiUbo o o o CO I— ( lo 1 o 4©. o ^ o o o <-5 o o o o o» o o o o o •aiuBS oiiJ .10 "iBA o co" CO co" >o oil o CO 1 1 1 1 v^ Of C't ^ o H o o o o H 1 1 1 1 1 1 o o 1 1 1 1 1 o CD •paanjoBj (J o IC iO Uj -nuBin siiojjna o c? t>r cT 1— ( aouio JO SSOUQ 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ci o 1 r 1 1 1 CO CO o o 1 1 ° 1 o o o •suoijna o? Of ITjja;^ JO an(BA CO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I CO o» , ° . o 1 1 O 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 I o •pamjoBj o o -iiiiBiu suonnjj 00 od" :b;ok jo ssoiQ CO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CO •sauojoBj 1 1 OJ 1 1 1 ^^ cc 1 1 1 1 1 t>. -nuBrc uo};na: • 1 1 O 1 n< 1 1 1 ro 1 o 1 o 1 CI •pa:Coidtu8 spuBH c:3 •n< o Oi §? o o o o o o M 1 1 ° 1 O , 1 1 o , "=> , o 1 o rv> ' ' o ' o o ' o o o '< o o <:z> o o o ■pajsa.vui iBjidBO o o O o o o > CO Ol lO o m 00 f t I "^^ 1 CO >o o ^<1 €© 1— 1 o o o o o o 1 . *^ 1 o , , o , <=> o o o o ' o ' o o o o o o o o o •diBA\ «!U -UBjua JO aniBA o C5 o Go- o o o O o oT <\-» Ci to o •n< o ir:; 1 1 ^> 1 1 "—I CO w •8.tB^ BIUIIB 1 1 ^•' 1 1 1 0& 1 1 -^ 1 Oi 1 1 1 (M 1 --I I ^-^ 1 o -JI.in jodaniaej "-" -uumu aiii aoj s)U<)Uiii»![qB)sa tc • • • • • • • • • • • * . • W tj \. ' ' • • cT >f of •„ • c OQ H — CJ n c rr o « O Barnstab Berkshir Bristol, Dukes, Essex, Franklin 5 CO c Middiese Nantuck Norfolk, Plyinout Suflulk, m o o o •o 588 ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. [18^ 1 •paXoidma spu»H 1 1 1 1 1 1 'S' ' ^ 1 1 1 GO o o o 1 1 1 1 o , => O 1 o ' o o o o o •pDJSAAUI IBJldBO 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 " 1 1 1 o o o o o o o ' o o • o o o ! W •paatnoBjiiuBtn o 00 00 qa.jjj Il« to 911IBA "5t s C5 i^ 1 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 '-^ 1 1 1 < ^ H M •S30}B}0,t uiojj pjnuBui 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 / • 1 1 1 1 1 1 to • Ji 1 1 1 t UllOi,^ o o m 53 ao jeauAV w'o.ij o o <:"■> paitiioBinuum o O CO C.-i ilo.Js.Io.f}i»uinit) 1 1 1 1 1 1 o I— 1 j 1 1 •ssiioa 1 1 1 1 1 1 (N 1 o 1 1 1 -DBjnuBKT qoaBJS o o CO 1 1 1 in 1 1 1 CO 1 t^ •paXoidiuD spoBH o r-l CO 00 ir> oo Q0_ I— 1 o O o o o o o o ° 1 1 o o o o o o ' ' , o o o o o o o o o 1 •pajsaAU} iB;ictt!0 o o o 1 1 1 o CO i 1 1 •S 1 o 00_ o o o o o o 1 o o o i 1 1 o o o 1 o o o CO •paanj o o o o o o 02 -OBjnUBUI 6SBI9 o o o o o o <1 aatljo JO ontBA o o Ci CO to o o CO r>- F— < CO O ■9& rl o o o o in »o •ssBtn o> (>» AiopnrAVJoaniBA 1 1— 1 ocT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 QO" ns Ci •pajtijoBjn CO CO -UBCn 68BIO AluP 1 00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 -uiiViJO-A'lUUBnt) i^ t>r " * •feauoj rH w CO s "7^ .2 -^ ^ mklin, mpden s ntucke rfolk, O o ID 0) H o o Eh I CS ca Q H ►t-1 s CO c s dD ^ 1855.] ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. 689 o O CO (M CO f- c^ o o •=" 11 lO o o kO Jv. »* Q c? Of CO 1 ■paAoidma spuBH 1 1— ' •—1 1 —1 1 CO OJ (M 1 c» i , <=> o o o 1 o 1 o o 1 o o 1 o ' o o o 1 o o 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o •pajsdAUi i«}ldBO OJ_ co„ o l^ o o o o o in •-H IC co" \n lo" co- 00 od" " CO ^^ l^ lO in 00 00 1-^ 00 ■o 1 '^ 1 "^ I OJ Ol CO 1 o i>. ■^ •epEui oc i.1 o CO o o o 00 aadBj .JO an IB A irT CO o cT co" co' o" o of Ct! t^ o» CO f". >— »o CO Oi •"sfi ut 1 in^ 1 " 1 ^ CO CO 1 <^ 1 Tf< P4 ^— T1<" 1 '^b-'Vi^^ ^J^-. /■«^>^-^ ^^^ \ < to Ui 1 ^ cc 1 tc PU 1 a; s O m o aj 1 O « rn 2 O « 1 . r- O p 1 j •apucuaad -4-) ;-• w i-i *j I- <-> I-. ii -BJ JO .fJUUBll^ rocc LO O o »n O CO O l^ lO o o CO ll — lO O' o o <^ CD Cf3 O CO o o ■.M CO a> ?o * m '^ »o o \r:^ 00 lO r-. o o o o c« -* (SS 1 ■^'cT o 1 ..^ 1 or rHO'cO 1 co'o" 1 of "^r^ CO o c>» »o c^^ 1— f Ol .—4 1— H J I s./^V^^ 1 io o o m Ci CO 00 o ~co~ CO ! 1 Ci CO 1 lO 1 CO CO (>f 1 CO t>. 1 Tf in - LO o^ 1— t^ l^ -^ I-H OJ CO •pasti ^m^ I-^ c* ^H oi m ■«* •^ CO UDOJS JO SUOJ, 1 -H 1 1 o CO 1 1 CO CO ! 1 1 »^ CO 1 '^ 1 00 CO —> 1 CO o? 1 J^ J •sapoi cc -i CT •— t ■-.^ a -OBjnuBHr aadBi I-H 1 • W 1 GO 1 o 1 o> 1 00 1 lo 1 o\ 1 o ! ^ •paAOiduta spusH a »-^ c; ■^ »c •rp CO ■ O o o o o o o o ""o" o 1 o , <= , o , o , <=> 1 o 1 o o 1 o ' o ' o ' o 1 o 1 o 1 o o o o o o o o o < Ph •pajsaAni XBjidBO r^ o^ o o »ft o_ lO CO 'S cT o" lO" iC , o , <= 1 o 1 o \n 1 o 1 o 1 o ' o ' o 1 o 1 in o o o o o o o to •ea.itiJBdaj^ IBo o. o o_ f^ o^ o t^ •linano JO aniBA M •^ tS ■^ co" o" o" -* 1^ ^ CO l« CO lO t^ o? r^ - . 1 » 1 ^ 1 "^ 1 CJ 1 ^.. ' w 1 1 1 1 1 _r 1 o -■a^L-J u.daj^ jBDiin.qr) a.joBjnuBiu am aoj Bj.mqsiiUBjsa I" 1 1 t>. 1 "O / 35 1 • cT , , -^ c - ?1 "S . . • I 25 O IS 1 ^ 1 m o CD 2 = P c -a a • — Z 2 o 3 oo p o o i 590 ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. [1855 •pBiCoidraa spuBH I I -^ I I I I 1 I CJ I I I ^ I •p3;s3Am iBjidBO M I O I O 1 -pajtii i O I I "^ I I I 1 I I 1 o I I I O in I I (7» I I I I I I I I I I o o 1 I § I I I I I I I O, I I I o !! o I' •-^ ■ ! €(§■ O O CO •ssuojotytinBre Xooio JO -ox I I ^ I I I I I I I I I I (M ;l ■psA0idai9 spuBH o5 1^ CO I— ( O 1^ I— I H O Q < m W H O ■ o ;?; (—1 ■pajsaAui TujidBO 'gjuani -njjsiiT iboismk: JO sjjpd pjqDBt -ap J3l|J() puB u.iov ajjoj-ouB -ill 'SA"a>{ 'sag -B.o 'sSdT uiiap ■oiare puB ajjoj -ouBj.i JO aniB^ •paamoBinaBTO sjuauinjj-iux | tBojsnjtj JO aniBA •sauojo'jnuBre aaqjo \vi jo ojj •pajsaAUi iBjidBo •pajiu -OKjr-iiBiu Bajaoj •0UB!,i juaaqiunjsi •siuainiuisux iBnisnm jotiio puB saiaoinuBlrT [ JO saiiojoBjnuBjt i 00 O Ci 00 C\> I— I in o o o o o o o o o c^» d^ — " o> 40 o ■ o o o o o o o o o o o C5 (N o o o o o o o o o o o o o o_ of o o o o o o CO o o o o o CO ao o o o o 1^ of o o o o o o o o t>r to" I I I I o o o o o o o o O -Lt o o o o o o o o o o" CO o o o o o_ CO o o o 00 XT. o o o o o I ^ 1 Oi o o o o o o IC ■^" CO o o o o o o o o o o o o o O LO^ o •^ CO o o o o o o o 13 o o ire co" o o o o o o o o io~ o" LO -^ o o I oc 0\ liO I (M -^ 1 LO — — I C<» CO o o Irt o o o ao CO lO Ci o o o o o 00 co" to 25 o .n L- KJ ^ ^ •^-J fO O C -s X ^ r^ «i Lrt » ca a u o o la a, £ S 5 cj X o &3 fc-i S w :5 '-V ^-. w n *-" ■ — ■ c O z 3 O JO rt 4-^ ^ CD n ^ O H o :h a O 3 32 ^ 1855.] ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. 591 c£ 1 > •pa^oidtna spnvn 1 on 1 w 1—1 1 1 in on 1- CO ^i 00 r^ g J i> I— 1 c* ^ ^^ a z 1 o o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o O o O o •< o o o o c o o o O o If: o in o f^ <>. in in in 4 •* •P8}88AUI IBJTdBO o> o ^— * ^ CD in *N o <*> in •^ »n on Of Of 5^ CO i-H J^ 1 . 1 1 I I ^^ oT^ u. bJ s ^ tn a: 1 o o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o o o o o (-J o o o o o o o o o •sjuaui o c^ o <=> o 'T o in Of -qsitq^isa p!8s 'O CO in lO) r^ r^ oT in JO 9ilH3BinuBUI -r CO m nn CO o auj JO aniBA <^ c:i f-^ CO 1 1 1 1 1 Of X.Map pnB ajTtjVV o J3AJ1S pui; p|oo 1 1-M in 1 t>. 1 c* 1 in 1 CO I— 1 CJ Tj* o z 'SdqoiR^W 's.53m o< c^ t^ ! as a -oiiojq,-) JO 3J1H -oiijnuBui 91(1 joj f5U3mi|s!( 1 1 1 1 1 ' -qBisajoaaquitiii pa^oiduia spirBH 1— ( QO 1 Ci "»* 00 00 00 (?» CO m o 1— ( 1—1 in Of o aj H o o o o IC o o o o o o o o in o o lO f^ lO o o o o in o m o. 2-1 CO CO CO CO Of CO Ot) <^ I— 1 Tf r— GO •3© >^ •p3;63AU!It3}!dBO c^ o 1—1 Cf ■^ C7 on 1— t ^ CO GO o 1—1 CO H ^ O m w p:; O o m o m o o 1-^ o o o OD N. CO 1 ^J o 1-'^ CO 1 o Of m T-H •*! o o o O <^ Of ! CO o («) 00 CO (1) C7> »— ' o> CO m ■"^ Of CO i w S3dA103.U3n8 in jC -^ CO CO (Ti CO Of o O oo" I g r— 1 o ^ Of CO CO o 1 c< ■<* <^ Q "■■isiuv r-» t^ 1 l^ ira 1-H l^ in 1-H CO in in CO CO 1—1 CO -^a JO .isqiimij aj ■poXoidtua spaoH 1 1 1 1 CO 1 e 00 CO I— t 00 T-l '^ f?; 1 1 1 1 O 1 o o o W o o o o •pa^saAUi iBiidBO o o^ CJ o o •^ o J>. <1 ' 1 ! 1 1 m 1 1— n 00 % IrH <^ , 1 1 1 1 o CO O in 00 r^; •p3jn53BjnaBai o o in CO o* o ' i 4 S3Uiq3BI\[ Sut -Ava's JO aaquinij CO Tp ►^ ' s 1 CO 1 •S3IJ0J0B)MURIH 1 1 1 1 —1 1—< _^ ir 00 8llUI0BJ4 3U[M.3S 1 1 *l qT • ; : : • • • • 'A O to ■ ^> : : m 1 s a o 9-. n t-l 3 CO c >-• fa 53 s 03 IS a. E 01 c cfl o 3 O S >^ To o o *^ o Eh % 592 ABSTRACT BY COUNTIE? [185 1 1 1 (-^ 1 IC 1 o> 1 ^M« 1 TO 1 Ci «-H o ! i 1 p3.{oidai3 spaBH i Ol Ci 1-^ TO o 1 1 1 O 1 o 1 o 1 o I O 1 o O o • o o o o o o o lo 1 *^ c T— o 00 TO Of •pajssAui iBjidBO 00 o Of IC 00 •^ 1 '^ , l>. x.'^ IC ^ i 1 1 -^ ►-I I ' 1 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o ■ o o o o o o o o o o o o t-H ■paanj \ cc o o 1 TO 00 H-l •OBjiinBtn A'iois -~~, c^ o> C5 TO i>. ^ r-* hU -loqUa JO oiHBA Cf cv» Of r^ lO Of f>. ■ 1 1 ^J- I 1 1 c< 1 1 1-^ 00 •sauoi:>Bj 1 1 nn 1 00 1 1 -1 TO 1 o» 1 Of 1> Of 1 1 -nacre •A\isiucid]i 1—1 \n 03 * 1 1» CT> 1 o »>. (T) ■;o TO ■^ no O OJ TO o •paioidraa spiraij )-^ i.-^ i>. CO »-^ (T/ cv or TO Ol 00 CO z F— 1 TO 1-H C5 D ci o o o 1 lO o O o o o O Of O lO r^ r^ o> if} tr: o» lO O o o CD o TO O t^ o ■P91S3.UII IBJldEO Oi CO in t>. m If? c^ o (•■^ OU CO 00 QO =« ^ ■^ C5 CO }^ o — r CO Ci l^ 1 c>' TO »— * CO Of Of m Pi ^ o o TO 1 !>. 'o o ».-5 CI o o o o o o o CO <^ C5 »o o *>. no o o o o 00 ■^ < •pojnjoBj Ci •^ ■^ i> c 00 o Of CO l^ Of 1—1 X -TiuBtn B5iiinjx ^^ r>. o Ct^ nn 'Cj /■*-* 1—1 >c O 00 ^ cT ^ « o t— 1 Of Of LC f^ Of m •seippBSJoaniBA T™1 1 t^ ^l la ^ , Q ■s3uo}3Bjnn -BrC >|iin-i,l. PUB ssaoiBH 'aippug 00 ■* 00 1 »n o o CO o Of rt o o> r^ TO c< CO 1—1 1-^ TO o Of Of ^ TO TO •paXoidma spuBH 1 1 1 1 1 1 -5* T— 1 1 CS 1—1 Of 1—1 O Ci Of 1 1 1 1 1 1 o o o 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o 00 CO t>. O "* o CO 05 •pajsaAui iB}tdBO ^ TO I>r TO O of t^ 1 1 1 1 TO 1 Of CO 3 ?— f 1—1 Of T^ m CC Ui 1 1 1 1 1 1 o o o 1 o o o o o s^ o o o o o o o o lo ■^ o irj Q-> O r^ lO t^ sansiug JO anjBA 1 1 1 1 1 1 TO TO 1 o 00 i^ Of Of ■* 00 (a© •S3U01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-^ 1—1 11^ 1 •^ Of TO a CO -DBjnaBre usn^a 1— 1 i/j • • 4 • • to « tT • ) O c i m IS CO "in 2 s a. 1— 1 HI n. S a H-( o Z 11 p- m o o 1 855.] ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. 593 ■paXoidtua spuBH «£) o Tf O 1 1 i> CJ 00 m _, , Oi f-H o CO 1— < ot in (M o o o O 1 1 o o o o O 1 O o CO o •— t o «) o o o in ++ Ol »o m C5 ^T r^ m l^ in &0 •pajsaAQt iBjidBO fe. o ot r^ CO CO" 00 H €©■ I— 1 ^^ '— ' 1 in m < O W o 1 o o ^ 1 1 (?J Tj< O -^ no •* 1 Of •giraq '!*' o CO 2J ■^ OS (iU cv o ■* SJVOgjO WqiUHX I— 1 rp o ■^ o( in of sjBojiJoaanpBj -nuBiu am ao( 00 1 Ci OJ in 1 1 -H -* ** in CO Ci 1 o siuduiqsiiqeisa 1 CJ o 1 00 1 1 1—1 o 1 o ^^ in -rit o •pa^oidnta spuBH CO o CO o CO o CO CO in I— 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 1 o 1 1 o o 1 o o o o o -t— o o o o o o o o o o H •p3}saAni iBjjdBo o o o CO •^ o •^ o in o in o o O in Of o o — ^r' <1 1 i> 1 '^ 1 1 .^ 1 Of 1—1 o Of in CO CO « €»> « o 1 o o 1 00 1 1 o o 1 o o o o Gf) o o o o o o o o •pa o o C5 o LO o o o o rr -jtiispjnnBuiaSB -paoo JO fspunoti 1 ^^ o o o oT 1 1 in 1 o Of CO" CD in Of co" CO c^ O^ CO CO in o Of •satjojoBj 1 I— 1 I— 1 1 CO 1 r-l 1— 1 1^ 1 in t>. « CO Tf -nasre 9iiBpi6.-) — A r—n rj" 1— 1 «* o 1 00 1 O m Of in in O -H Of * pBiCoidaia epuBn I— 1 o CO 1 ^1 i—i O CO in •rr o o o o O o o o o o o o cc o o <=; 1 o 1 O 1 o o o o o o ;i- o o o o o in o o o O 00 CO <1 •pa^saAtit iBji^BO o o in o o S o o o Of o o O rj< Of CO CO ■?©■ ■•o C r^ Of I™. Of CO a, c 1 '^ CO TT r- in <1 m t 'P o o 1 o 1 O 1 CO o o o O CO Tf cc t>. o in o o o CO o O 00 on ^ •pa.inpB;ii -ur.m s .B, ■ piiK o oo" CO co" ci o^ o Of" CO in on" co^ «^, 00 o" s}BH JO aaqumst •^ in o Of Of 'V K m 1 1 1 l>. in ■saiaojOBjtiuBn 1.H CO o» 1 o 1 Ol 1 CO 1—1 ff» CO t^ o ^v^ dBj puB :h:h i—i I— 1 CO --« Ci a . . • . . • • • • . • • • « • o B IS cq 1 cq C KJ IS to a. 5 0) c 1- o Z •ff 3 O S ta o & O o cS5 i ! •.J o 75 594 ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. 1 •ouawt nSiMoj JO pojni.mtiiBm 1 1 {^ 1 OJ 1 1 1 1 t^ 1 1 O) 1 00 8HBj5' io.wqiuiix o W5 I-H •* o 1 OQ H ^ QO 1 c? o CO 1 1 1 i C* c» »>. »>. 1 Ifl ! O •ouqBj iiBnt 00 00 o i^ o ^^ uu CO — i 1-^ -jamv JO spBLii O 1^ T-H 00 Of lo i^ ■^ i ^ SUBS JO Jaqranx f- 1 1 1 1 1 1 CO 1 CO 1—1 i •— 1 1 < 1 ! 02 S1J07 Ci 1 -* f— 1 O 1 1 1 1 CO r— 1 t>. CO 1 o 1 1 1!BS JO J3quinx J— 1 1—4 (M CO o . , ■^ 1 00 1 1> 1 1 1 O) o> 1 OJ C^ 1 r^ 'P3A0idu3 spaBH OJ ot CO t^ CO -i— o 1 o 1 O 1 1 1 o o 1 o O 1 O ' rt o o o o o o o O ! -< o o o o o o o O ' &H •pajsaAui i«]idBO o o CO o o o CO o o o O OJ 02 1 O) 1 ;: 1 1 1 s 1 00 1 § 1-^ ii <1 02 o I o 1 CO 1 1 1 o CI 1 1 O 1 OJ 02 •pajirjoBjn tIBni SJBd),' puB o 03 UO o (JU CO 1-H ^. <1 sjsBWjoAaqmnx rH 1-^ OJ co" C5 tA 1-H 1 1-H I^ I «^ ?SBM JO jaqtuiiK CO i 00 I C5 b. ^ 1 1 1 in 1 o in CJ 1 Ol ! ■paXoidina spuBH o CO 00 B lO o CO Of 05 in j 1—1 V CO * i Q o 1 o O O 1 1 1 o 1 o o O ( o < K o o o o o o o o o ffi o o o o o o o o o i O •pajsaAui iB;tdBO o o o o o o o o o o o o o o CO 1 'f^ o 1 ^ O 1 I 1 CO 1 o CO m 1 o C5 1 rr) TH 00 ' CO TT o ' 1* €©■ CO ct T-^ 1-1 C5 05^ i h4 1 w m V i ^ o 1 a> o •^ 1 1 1 CTi «o 00 o Ol o CO »n CO o ■>!j< LO •^ CO 00 (/3 1 02 •8T3SS3A PJBS JO 3dliUUuX I— ( 00 o F^ 'S' of OS 1 ^ ' > 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •paqouncx syss CO 1 ^ I— 1 o 1 1 1 rf 1 1--( in w 1 CO 1 -S3A JO aaqaitiij a CO I— 1 CO «n 1 r 1 SD • « • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 1 1 «r oT • • • a "- c * - to 're 1 m 0) _c tn CO.— -a: o ^ 3 c 1 u c . 1 C5 ^m, ^d QO 1 pa<£oicIina spneij i CO *o ^ '75 1 <^ T"' ~cr -r ! "^ 1 4C 2j ' '^ ^^ i>> •pajS3An[ iBiidBQ S CO TO €8^ OC !>. ~'-^ ■ • l^ 1 CO LO (_;. H ^- ^„ 00 o_ Cj 1—1 •^IBSJOBIUBA co t>." o~ , i? m '2 c^ -v^ 5 m €0 l» , Li S >-t Ifl »« t **^ t^ ■ I 5 1 1 1 1 1 -kS o SpulU \\V JO cT c>r 0" QCT 0" ( c spjBj JO aniBA 1 1 CO Qi CO 1 •^ 1 1 1 i& 1 •souoj 1 1 >— 1 1 »^ 1 d 05 1 ■^ —4 S "E. I'g -OBjnuBK P'iBO I-H ^ i § i 1 1^ paA'oiduia spiiBii r^ 1 »n OJ IC 1 1 1 1 LO ^^ -^ n 1 2 i , 3 T* c^ ^-< Oi^ ^H "^ f^ C7 in I 1 *~ CD o~ "0 "0" 0*^ ^o"' . 1 1 1 1 1 1 IN I 1 •ou 1 CJ 1 1— I 1 1 1 »o 1 in 1 CO i VJ -qB,^ nSiajo,^ jo 00 rj< S C\» 1 t— ( o paanj:iB)iiUilU silBS JO oniBA 1 1 « 1 t 1 1 in CO or 1 i m ! g -5 05 ^^ 's* ; ■S J3 CO 1 1 1 t>. 1 ■ 8 t— ( r>-> ~f 1 1 CO ■^ 0* •0 ' 3 ■oijqBj nBo.srav JO ii.uiiioBtniiHui CO 00 10^ 00 t>. CO j^ SUBS JO aniBA CO (M" 0" (>r CO CO CO CTi 00 1 * €» \ '"' 1 1 1 , •^ 1 X) 1 ss Q tn C r! P5 Berkshire, . Bristol, Q Essex, Franklin, . Hampden,. Hampshire, 03 '4-' 3 5 • is s 1 . 1 1 ^-> Eh 596 ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. 1 ir: 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 § 1 •pa^oidtna spusH c^ CO o O o 3 Q 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 o 1 o F=q 1 o 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 o 1 o 1 o ??; ■paugaj 00 1—1 o o CO hH fe W aeSns Jo eniuA ^ CO o co" , IC o in 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 o <1 I 1 1 1 cf 1 o o o O o o o O 1 t>^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 o 1 o •paugw ■ ^■^ cT o ;:3 asSngjospunoj o o o o in rn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T— ( 1 oo" OJ 1 OJ saijsuiiay jeSng 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1— ( 1 ~CT~ 1 CO 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 00 1 o 1 1 1 00 •pa^oitJma bpubh CO CO XI o o ~o~ o 1 1 1 ■ o 1 1 1 o 1 o 1 1 1 o f 1 1 i o 1 t 1 o 1 o 1 1 1 o o o o o •paisaAUi iBjjdBO o o o o o in" o • 1 1 1 1 €© 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 I 1 €©■ o o o O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 o 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 ' o 1 1 1 o 1 o 1 1 1 o o o o C5 •piOT 10 B.ioBjn o o o o -UBUi UBJO eniFA 1 1 1 Iff 1 1 1 to 1-^ 1 o" l-O 1 1 1 -1" -(— SSiJO} 1 1 1 1 fH 1 1 1 1—1 1 1— < 1 1 1 rD -OBinUBK PB^l 'fi , l^ CO r^ ^_i 00 o j^ CO o ^ o» in ^~ 7^^ •pajfoidina spuBH (M iC •n 1 00 ■* lO 00 o Cj l^ o — Ci o 1-^ 1-^ •^ OJ ^^ CO — • '« V CO "cr OJ- O o o o o o o o o o o '~ci~ o o o o o , o o o o o o o o o o o 03 J o o lO ' o o o o o o o o o in o •i u »o o o o o o o »o in o o o Oi l>. - S pajsaAUUBJiiIco o r^ IC m 'a- C5 »n o CO (>» en ■^ a <>-^ <; £ IC or >-^ t^ cf Ot ifi oo" ci" Oi O'" cf —'^ = > o 1 CO o o o ifi o o o in CO in UIlll SrfJ.JlH^A JJ Ol. GO c^ o *>. ■^ LO CTj o o CO CO CO in -Hli> |)ucbi|r!!ais 00 "^ t>. •^ t>.^ in^ O^ 00 Of t>.^ o cr_ Ci r. •bii,nn,\i'i>,>!''llJ oT 00 00 -rf c^r 00 IC w erf co" OJ" s: J2 Sdll.)BiO '"B ) V-m CO s o< 00 o 00 CO -'i' t^ CO in «= S P.-iUon JO oiiI«A m r^ 1-^ 1 ^ CO 1-^ ct f-H OJ CO CO -J 2 (^r 5 (o j^ s.ioiq9A.i3mov tf •8MH!d|S"*".SBAV Ci r>. o» ' 00 •r** ^ t^ •H CO IC CO 00 •^ m -j *t'.P*Mv)'*'\U^^o^ • CI ■^ J>. *— ) I-^ I— 1 •■■c 00 CO ot CO o» Sj«,) P..M!V>1 .40 "<* < ajniiuui ail I Juj A lijuaiuilsiUlBjsa 1 C-i aT (^ ^ , , , cT o :_ CD to , ^ • to" 15 ^25 O 00. C a pa -q to S a CO £ o 3 IS o o E 4-> O) H o o 1855.] ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. 597 c 1 00 O r^ 1 1 1 00 o o 1 t^ 1 a ■ 3 . Q €©■ m ■ ' ?^ « A o 1 00 o O 1 1 1 o o o 1 O 1 00 ! ^ o 1—1 o o CO ■T o o in o o m LC o — o o in 1 ■ ■pailUOBjiinBiu CD ^^ CO '^— > 55 o o t>. I!0 iO aiiiBA o oi Oi o o^ i-0 o. o • ^_ cT 1 '^'' 00 QO" , 1 1 ^ QO j>r I '£ 1 in ■ 1 €& 1 'O •^ CO ' ' ' CD w CO ' CO ' o o '^ CO »» co„ o_ 1 1 CO s o 1 GO o O 1 1 1 o "rp o 1 O 1 c« o o CO o o •^ o o Ci •pajruoB; <^., o» CO (>;_ o CO o. o. 00 1 -numu ]!() snoi r^ o Ci~ CO Ifj" oo" »>.' i^ ^ -Ib3 jo jdquinx o kO in •rr CO CO o CO f •^ Tt< o -^ 00 1 1 co" 1 1 1 1 1 in [ SOTP 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! -UB3 tu.rts P"B 1 IK) JO oanionj ^-< C5 ^^ CJ IC l^ -^ C5 in niiBtii aiii j')( '— ' •^ BjuaunjsutiBjsa 1 1 1 1 1 1 o5 • • • • . • • . • u ^ M H O o c cT Q) I- tffl rt •r: to o S £ ^ ffi ffi 3 2 o 2 ■^ ^ CO 111 H^ rj^ > 00 C3 o H 1 1 693 ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. [1 1 13 1 ' "i^j rf r^ 1 Ci 1 \n i>. o TO 00 (TJ ■<# o , o o o o o o o o 1 O 1 o o ' o o o o o o o o O o o o o o o o o o o pajssAUi widBO 2^ 00 o Ci o p. i>. lO (N, i cT o Ci o" Tf to" di M^ ^^ •^ CI OJ ■<5< o» 1 1 1 co^ -^ o o _^^ o o o ^ o o o o o S , « , o o o 1 o 1 o o o o o ' l^ ' o o o 1 o 1 o o S •^ o \n TO o o o \n •saipncD cc ^ CO c. So 00 io o o •*>.oit8X JO atUBA ^ o" 1— ( of TO of o TO co" of • 1 1 cy 1 1 OD 1 1 i w 1 Q o o O 1 © 1 o' o w 1 o 1 o o i o o o o m o o lo o o o •pajninBjnaBOi o_ o^ o C-? TO o t>^ o o o ^ S-»[PUB0 .W0[ ■^ r^ o" irf o d^ '*' lO" o" \n -IBl JO spunuj TJ< uo fe l^ r-( •^ r^ o 00 o c* r-^ c*. TO CI i "-^ 1 1 1-^ 1 1 hq < is o CO o o o o o o o o o 1 o '^ 1 ^ , o o o o o o o o 1 o 1 o ' TO o o o — , CT o •^ : < o CO CO o c^ t^ ^ TO o — ^ •ilBosjo aniBA f 00^ ■^ o. t^ O)^ z\_ o t>. f- oo" ^. to" •^^ oo" r^ l!t t>." IC o h—W to. o* o t* I— ^ ■^ TJ" ! < 1 1 c; 1 O -o CZ2 1 1 1 1 O 1 ^H o 1 1 CO 1 CO o — ^ o o TO TO •pa in J GO CO 00 TO TO o -nBinaoin asn-^ ■«««" cf 00 •i^ o" yos JO siaijBa 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o - 1 O 1 o o o o o »^ o Tt< LO In LO o o o o o GO o •^ •psjnj O^ Ss Ci o o Oi o o rr o Oi -OBintrBtn dmis' PI "^ TO o" o" Tt o-x irT o" o" o" pjBH JO spunoj 1 1 oT 1 <:c (N TO cT TO TO o o TO •8?IP -nB,-> Ai Tinj, puB dKov JO ajnjoB; 1 Ol o. ' TO ' CM '■O TO o TO C) 00 o -* T tiiiBcii ain jnj 6juauiq-!|flBjs3 1 1 i « • • • • • • • • • • * • • • Sd ^ , , • • , ^ , , , ^ ^ aT ^ (<" ,r >-• o iZi O 3 *-> C ca o P3 Bristol, Dukes, Essex, Franklin S 5 1-^ o ID -3 -a 3 c o 3 o 3 m 1 o E S55.] ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. 699 1 c» t^ 1 i 1 L'? 1 O 1 1 "-H r^ <^> i •pa/oidnis spuBH CO Of 00 OJ o» 1 1 1 1 o O 1 1 1 O 1 O 1 1 o o o o o o o o o o Q •pajsaAuj i«;idBO 1 CO 1 o 1 1 « 1 Of 1 00 1 ^ ;: # 1 i 1 1 1 o O 1 1 1 O 1 O 1 1 o o in \r> : o o o o o o (- t^ m o o o IIO iJO rp 8aM-v3.li J JO IVA 1 ^ 1 CO" > 1 OJ • 1 1 r^ CO ai m I '<^ 1 '• A 1 o O 1 1 1 O 1 O 1 1 1 o O < CO lO o »o yo o CO o CO CO ^ W -OBjnnBm siiuv 9JU JO aaqiunx o 1 1 Ot 1 00 ■^ 1 Cni 1 /~«-> /-^*— * /-wA— i 1 a ' ' ll ' ll ' ' g. u 4; 1 t "^1 . o 2 c a 1^ a &4 'psjniciKjn neuisiiuv sji.if O 2i| s! ^£ ? = 1 io UoiJtliaosaa m to 111 »3 •a r: 1 0^ ■pajsaAni lejidBO U5 o" o vn lO o CO- CO 1 1 C^ 1 '"' r Irt hJ ' €©■ €& 1— 1 p, 1 W 1 1 o o 1 1 1 o m CT o o o o» p^ o o o kO .■M •jspAvoa.jo aniBA ■»f o' a od" 1^ 1 "^ CO , c^ 1 Q ' €^ €& 1 ^ 1 u 1 O 1 1 1 1 O 1 O 1 1 1 1 c O P-i o o ^ o o •paj o o o o o^ 1 -r]08inn''m Jap o o o o O ; -M.Od JO gpunod in •<* 1 1 1 1 1 1 \n r^ 1 1 1 1 o 55 1 •SIITW Jap^sioj 1 (M 1 1 1 1 CO 1 (M 1 1 t 1 1-4 1 00 -. ^ Is — r CO 01 © C ^ CO ID ^ 3 - s •- s ^ -= s 03 i-« ^ ^ L^ ^ O ^^ ^ K^ 855.] ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. GOl •p3A'oidni3 spuBH 1 J> lO 1 o 1 1 1 CO 1 1 1 O i^ j GO CO i^ 00 y—i 1— 1 C{ CT CO o 1 O o 1 o 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 o o o H o o o o o o CO •pajsa.vin iBjidBO ^■M o o. CO in c^j o_ O ^ cf '*" oo" ct" ct" * squioo JO aniBjV go" co" CT co" ct" r^." w 1 m 1 <^ 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 "^ m 1 ' CM 1 1 1 rH 1 I ' CT in o ^ o ■saijojOBjniiBre 1 OJ I-H 1 O 1 1 1 CO 1 1 1 CO o m quio'o JO ioqiunx 1-H CO m o o o o \ri o o ,o o o o 1— 1 o o o O CO o o o o> o in o o o ^ ■poanj oi OJ^ CO c^ o o l^ lO in o CO O O CO CT„ H -OBjmiBi\raaBAi Oi QCT m ■^ co" liO 2r co" "*" ct" co" cT in" "■H U!x JO oniBA m m CO Oi 00 CO CT CT "52 m S •S8TJ0}0EJ 00 CO i^ rH C2 t>. CT o CO lO rH in rH CO o -tiuBHa-iBjVtuii rH r-i (^J CO 7-\ r-' CO CO rH in Tf CO OE rH CO \n 1 CO CO l^ 1.0 ■^ •^ o rH O rH CO W 1— ( r-i i> CT CT CT y^ t^ O CT ■rf •pa^oiduia spusH '* i>. lO CO r>^ CT^ <1 T^ rf t3 O O o 1 o o O O o o o in o o m (5 O o o in o O \n o o in O O CO •-H -^ g •pajsaAtii iBjidBO or co^ CO 1 LO co_ co" CO co" rH o CT o o' CO t^ ^ rH CO C5 CO co" H 1 ^ CT t—^ CO in era. O CT o o o o o O o O mom CT <) •pa-ini o •^ CO 1 o l^ o o o »o o f^ S r' 00 00 o Qq_ r-H «*_ CO co^ CT CO CO 00^ i-*^ OJ o -OBjnUBlU 3JBAV i& '^ oT CO co" cT cT cT ct" ct" CO cT oT p ^9UTQB3 pilB CO rH 00 o CT rH CO Ci m CO C5 CO >?; sjib'ho jo atHBA 1 <^ t>. o in_ Oi^ P5 r-T rH CO J»_ •sauojDBjnnBre )-H ^ Tf 1 lo Ci o C5 o CT „J t^ CO r^ Oi jau'iqBO puB d ■^ ^ CO CO Oi o jjBijojoaaquinfi CO • * • • • * ' • " ■ ' ' ; a ^ -c c5" rT 15 o CO >v* to" O 01 c -a .22 "5 CO Q W c Em CO a, 5 o 3 C o a; 5 =5 g Ph M :^ 3 o Eh s o J o o * 76 602 ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. •p.Xoidtno spuBH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 CO 00 1 5S O o o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 o 1 o - o o o •po}S8Ani \v%iivo 1 1 1 1 1 1 o o o 1 1 "^ 1 1 o o o~ 1 id 1 o o o" o • 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ' m 1 1 ' iO 1 CO ij r 1 C5 H 1 1 1 1 -i 1 1 1 1 1 ^ ' CO 1 1— 1 m- g©^ •pajnj o o o O -OBjnnBui pBa'i 1 1 1 1 O 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 fc 1 r^ ^mAS. JO Buox Ci lO C2 1—1 CO co" •SJUIBJ janio pnB pBa7 ■Jl!lIA\J0 3Jin3B( 1 1 1 1 — 1 i 1 1 1 - 1 ^ 1 «D 1 -lUlBlU Ot|l JOJ 1 siuaumsiiqBJ«'.ir i •r S cT ^ • • • • • • • • c ■-■ K • • m • uT • oT H ^ (V, ^ '5 r^ o "eS O rnstab rkshir 1 i 1 1 mpde mpshi ddlesc nluck rfolk, rmnut ffblk, CQ "t, 3 CO u, CQ Q H C«H S ffi S ^ 855.] ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. 603 o o •paAoidma spucu' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 o 1— < CO o o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 o ^ o. o^ O ■lio]s,)Aa! n-'jjtlBO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o o o •pajiH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 o o O -acjnuBtti sHif) cT cT Q uonoo JO aniBA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 % 1 1 ^ •suio no; -JOO 10 oanjovj ■l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CO 1 1 CO -nuBUi 9tu jo; sjuauiqsnqtusa: •paAoidina spnuH 1 1 1 lO CJ 1 1 o 1 irj 1 1 to 00 00 T-H CO CO s 1-H o H O o o o o o 1 1 1 o o 1 1 o 1 o 1 1 lO o ■^ 00 o 00 I— 1 •^ •paisoAui iKiK'fO ■<* CO cd" ^^ ■!*' 00 ■^ CO CM % 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 < t 1 1 1 1 m s _ s o o o o o o 1 1 1 o o 1 1 o 1 o 1 1 in lO •pajnjonjn >o„ 00 o 00 CO o CO CO p atiu) JO aiiiBA '-rs CO f^? i?; 1 1 1 w 1 ' ' m 1 1 1 1 1 ^^ •-uiiiojo aoj sauo OBjn 1 t 1 1 Ci l-H 1 1 CO 1 t^ 1 1 a o -UBcapuB'sauoj ^OBjnuBre anio 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 l>. »-H CO ft •paXoidraa spuBjj GV CO M & M N o o o o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 o o o o^ in o lO^ O •pajsaAui iBjiclBo cT -<*" lO S V CO M , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^^ 1 T— 1 ^^ liq 1 1 i 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 €©■ « P pq 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o o 1 o o o o o « •poaii aii.i o o S o o -luiiuu au3i|U \6 o 22 QO" w -lUBO JO SUOIIBO f* 00 CO o >^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 w M (^ •pttiB 3nt g -lanq jo aaatjd 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 _ 1 <^ »-^ 00 rt O £ -£ .2 -^ S :3 (U !-i 3 ca ! cq cq cq Q H c t-l fa o s a) o ■.-» 3 o >^ .o o o 1 *-> o H ! 04 ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. [ISt -. CO t^ ■* (Ti 00 Ci O O? l^ 1 i> in m o 1 _ o 1— H ^ m 00 CO t^ in 1-H CO 00 1 ■^ •pajfoidtna spucH T-i o CO 1—1 in 1— 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 1 o o o o o o o o o O CO o o o o o o o n o o o o O 00 O LO O o o o o Cl ^ c^ m id t^ Cf — CO o_ l^ o — C5 ■yojsoAu; ib^uIbo of o irT co" CO — " c^" o" oo" O" O" Ci CO m CO 1— 1 J> LO 00 CO -* I c^ I-H T5< lO in . I— 1 1-H '^ 1 72 €©. 1 — 1 Pi o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 1 o O O o o w '^ o o o o w? o — O 'O o o o r^ C5 o o o o CO o CO o o in -f o o IT) < •pauuBj ja o. o CO LO IX! O in o cc i>_ 00 o in CO -ilJBS'I JO an[VA -riT o" — oT o S 00 cT ^^ rf o" — in m l^ CO 00 in l^ l^ QO 1 S m c^ 01 QO 1 1 Oi CO -H of ' Ol -H CO -1<" m o CO LO O '* o o in -^ o o o o CT o r^ J>. o w C? o i^ >n CO O 00 j^ l>^ i^^ TC O iO o (^' ^ o Cw '-C <=> -^ — ' ■pauuBj 1—1 tC CO in" cT jC cf~ 'S — " in Ci ■^ sspni JO •'sqtuii VI 00 05 00 in -1 CO o.> ^H I— 1 — o o d , CO OJ i T-H CT c< CO O 1-H Ci CO — ^ O CO 1 o O fH '^ o 1 •sauaa (N 1— H o o< CT ^ Cf n •-0 -UBj, JO aaqintiif CT 1 1 O ^ ' 1 1-H O CO o 1 1 ' O 00 C5 paioidtto spuBH 1 CO CO 1 1 ^H T-H 1 1 00 1 1—1 o o o o o o o o O 1 o O 1 1 o o o o 1 1 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o moo o o in o o o_ rr_ o^ o^ o^ o^ •^ •pajsaAui iBjidBO QO" o T)'" 00 00 -rf cT in i>r '^ 1 Ci in 1 1 0{ 1-1 1 1 1 Q o 1 m rt 1 1 1 1 ' CO CO GO €^ iJ h^ 1— < ^ o o o o o o o o o 1 o O 1 1 o o o o 1 1 1 o o o /^ o o o o o o o o o •—1 -* o o o o o o o '* P •pa.iTilot!jnuBiu oq_ o o o^ o__ oq_ O '^ o O inou JO 9niBA o ■^ cv^ oc5" CO o" o" cT 1 in <^ 1 1 -H — O 1 1 , 1^ 1-1 '* 1 o* ^ 1 ^H 1-H 1 1 ' 00 o f^ m ^ 1 o O 1 1 o O 1 o 1 1 1 o o o o o o o o o o o ■p.ijnjnEjnuBui CO o LO CO o o o 1-H aiioi^i JO s[a.i.iBa iC o" in" o r-T co" c^ i 1 00 CC 1 1 — 1 — 1 1 1 °c CO CT •smrc 1 w C^ 1 1 rH « CO CO 1 1 1 Ci CO CT jnoijjojaquinjj I-H CO • • « • • Hampden, Hampshire, Middlesex, • • • • o 3 a TO C "to Bristol, Dukes, Essex, Franklin, Nantucke Norfolk, Plymouth Suffolk, Worcestc 1855.] ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. 605 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 1 00 1 1 o o o t>. -^ f-^ o -f- ■pa.Coiduia spu\i]i I— ( ^H Tt cd 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i-* o o o o o < ■ 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 o , ^ 1 o o 1 J 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 o ' o 1 1 o o o o o o o o ■paisaAui ibjuIbo o !>• o o l>.^ i>r oT co" . in t>r ly o cc Of 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 u H W-H <1 Z a o o o o o 1 1 1 . =" 1 1 1 o , ° 1 1 o o o o> o o Of Q < •pa C\' or o o •^ -amoBjnnBui aa o CO o o_ oi -tljuai JO aniBA CO Of o Of t^ 1 1 1 1 <^ 1 1 1 IC 1 ■* 1 1 Of fH 1 1 1 ' m 1 1 1 1 1 _r Z €©. &3 <1 1 1 1 1 t^ 1 1 1 o 1 -^ 1 1 1—1 Of Oh •aaiU -uaT pjauiBua piiu JUOJB.I .JO sauojDBjnuBjc 1—1 Of ^ v-j 1-H 1 CO QO CO !» l^ 1 crs _ o ^^ Of CO o> T— t ■^ m 00 Of lO IC o ■pDAOidma spuBH o CO ^H t— ( 1—1 1-^ * 1 1 15 o o o o o o o o o o o o o W o o o o 1 o o o o 1 ° o o o o 1^ Q o o ' o CO o o o 1 o o o o CO <5 Q o o o CO o o o o o o o CO K •paisoAus iBjidBO r>.^ o lO o aq_ "-^ o o^ ao_ CO lO o TJ< CO cT n •*'" 1— • ot •^ oo" in CD irT oo" €^ c^ ■^ l-H ■* 00 •^ CO ^ a »-q 1 ^ O! 1 ^ nH ^^ M -< H OQ W o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o , o o o o o , <= o o o o O o o o ' w o o o o 1 o o o Of t^ ^ o o o <>. o o o o o o o l^ 'T •pai.un,') aa o^ CO o_ o CO CO o_ CO Oi, o Of o -lUBOT JO eniBA J-^" »— ( •rr ■^ cf od" •n^ cT o o" o" ^ Id cc CO CO ct o o 00 CO {>■ lO p:5 1-H 1 •^^ »-^ 1— ' 1 ^ 00 t>. Of^ ^v-> c* ^ co" »— ^ " ■s© ::d •sinauHi'Ti CO «5 1—1 o o OJ crs ' ^ Tj< o in o -qBjsa PuiA.1 Ci CO Of Of CO Of -jnQ JO jaqains 1 1 o i2 C B n • • Oj 2 .2 1 s S IB 3 c OS • 0) E a a. s MH o CS o o p >. a, • 3 o CO O) o • o o 606 ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. -# o o OJ •^ -* »>. .^ ■rf CD O 1 ^H ^J 00 CO t^ l^ CO Oi 1^ 1 o 1— t •pa 1 IC 1 1 Ci 'S* •^ "^ ot r— CO CT -Xoidoia saiMinaj: CD co" co" 1-^ 1—1 CO o -^ CT CT CO CO 1 Ci ^^ , ■pa-^oidraa saiBjjj 1 1 ■^ 1 1 ^H CT CO in Ci in Ci o CO H < -^ o Of CO F- ( Ci 00 Ci LO CO 00 § W •SJl!H.JB3T 1 J^ 1 1 1 CT 1 o •* 1 : 1 1 inicj JO aniBA tag^ co~ co" oo" ■^ rf< lo CO i < m H s^BH JO sjauuofi 00 o in -^ o »^ OJIII SpBlU JOU pUB paJIUDBJ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CO 1 fc 00 CO 1 CT CO -nuBcn P!BJ{i AiBj;s JO aniBA s 00 ct" -1^ Ci o o IC o o o o in 1 § 1 1 -f 1 1 1 i^ t^ o o o o 1 1 XI ■pajtij Qq_ CT^ 00 m^ o o o ■^ -OBinUBUI SJBH j^" o in" »n" oo" o" cT »^ PP MBJJS JO .laqiurifj 1 1 — 1 1 1 •—1 CO CO f— t 00 in^ '^r 1 1 o Ci^ ! > »— H 1 1 "—1 i LI xo o o o o o o 1 1 lO 1 1 1 Ci in t>. o CO 1 o CO H •paanjOBj OJ O.' °°„ ■^ o o o o o. o. CZ3 -nuBra sjauuog cT oo" oo" "^ c^ i>r c-*^ co~ AiBJJSJO Jaqiun^ o \n CO 00 CO -? CT 1 1 ^H 1 1 1 CO CT ct" 1 CO CO CO •SJBH 1 puB sjanuoji: MBjjsjoajnjaBj 1 1 Tj* 1 1 1 n ■^ Ci ^H CO CT 1 CO ^ -nuBiu am .io( sitiaumsiiqBisji oo Ci (?J 1 00 ^^ o t^ o CT LO in -* CO 1 , , "P" T— t CO -rP CO m CT 00 ■r*< in CT do • -ifoxdiiia saiBraaj[ ?J CT^ in i-A in ■^ ct" CT co" CO ' CO 00 -* l^ •«rt< O c* _^ _^ »n _J CO s Ln in o \ o •pa.foidtna sai«re w o o CT CO 00 CO ■"^ CT CO -rf !— 1 CT •^ J>." cc" in Ci in" O o GO CO 00 O CO «— ( CI ^ m o 00 o in CO •rf 00 00 o CO o c CO r^ l^ o ^H o i^ CT Cv»_ OD o o o CO o^ w^ o CT l^ ^•^ Ci^ ^H *^" J •pa.in}r>cjn cT o" 00 CO o o>" -T~ o ct" o" o" 00 co" N." -UBm SDoqs PLIB o C5 o CT CO CT ^-1 Ci CO Ci •^ O i sjoou JO aiiiBA «» (.^ •^ 1-H »n Ci^ 00 1-H 00 in Q co" T^ '^" i> t>r ^ €©■ <5 CO IC o \n 00 00 L'S CO in in 00 CT o Ci 2? m o •Tf CO o.> -o Ci t^ o C^' o CO o ^-1 w*i H ».• o> CO o^ F-M l^ •rf ^-4 00^ CO o »— ( •^ ■^ O •paanjaBjnuBin o T— 1 •^ C5 cT 8f •^" in o ct" CO Ci" Ci ■^ i^ O saoqg JO s.uB(j ■«s< CO in CT^ 00 rH '^ pq o" ^ co" co" i 1 -H o o w 05 CO o CO Ci o CO •H o Ci Ci oo (^» 00 o o oa m Ci in o CO CT c^ (TJ 00 CO IC ^» 00 00 ^^ T—4 CO i>.^ .— « o CO •pajtHOBJllllBlU BJOOVI JO SJIBJ »^ ■^ <^^ 00 CO *— ( t>r CO 00 1-^ 'I'" co~ m co" CT /v^ ■^ /— N CO O! ot GO Ci t^ CO CO Ci 00 CO;. ■^ J> I— 00 '^ »-H i-h" co" >-i" m • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • _ar ^ • • • • •^ .2 m fa 3 c s ■ 5 -a O o ■Jl o o o O .855.] ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. 607 1 a nn -^ 1 nn ■^ CO 1 o 1 <-^ IC t>. CO o ' o on <^r) c 00 Ci O 00 Oi o ; p3A"oi(Iraa;spTOH m I— 1 I") o O! 1— I H an o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 1 o o o 1 o 1 o o o o o •3811IEU1 ioj pa -aBdaid puB pou o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 00 o CO CO CO P 1-^ Ifi liO o o CO CO o t^ o •"T* C"» -aBtil) 'auots sui m F^ o CO cT CO in o» CO CO 00 in -pimq JO aniBA (T) p?' CO m CO f '■■^ r-H C^ 00 P CO ^ ' r:< CO 1—1 io_ 1 ■ ' 1 •pa 1 1 lO 1 CO 1 Ci 1 r^ 1 ^ OJ 00 Oi o 1^ -^oidraa saiBtnaj I-H »« CO Of ■* CO CO s ■«i o •Bsantsnq am m 1 in on ■ 1 _, 1 CO 1 00 1 00 m CO CO !5 VaAo'idiua boibj^^ o 1— t ^^ (M CO I— t < ca 1 1 o o Q o o o o o o o o o H S 1 o o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o O tj o O 1 o o \fi lO o o o o o o h ■p.oBjmiBrasjBS -IQ piiB o,iai:qox o id o> o o O IC 1.0 Ci P^ o •^ lO m ot o •^ t^ ^v i>- 'ijmis .(0 aniB/^ CO Ci ^H o CO in 00 1 '"' ■^ o 1—1 00 orj CO (?* cv -* i c i ■ "^ CD fc •paAoidmaspncH 1 1— 1 CO 1 CO 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ci 1 {^ o 1 1 o o o o o o 1 o o 1 o 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 O ' - M 05 •poinjoBj o o o o o o a ^ -nuBtn sjuaiit -njJSUt IBOUBUI ^ o o CO o o ^^ ^ 1 '-« -aniBlViJO aniBA c< o r^ 1 o 21 O 1 1 1 1 I— 1 1 1 rH i^ ' CJ CO -r "Tf Cfl on _ o Ci 1 CO — l^ s Ci ' !— 1 lO 00 1— t •^ T— 1 CO CO Cj ■<* CO Ci 00 "= 1 ■pa.toidma spuBH 1—1 ^^ C^J 1— ( 1-J_ o o o O o o o o o 1 o ==> s o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o »f? o o o o o '=> 9 o J2 w r-) Ci <-> 1^ o ^> o CO CO lO o CO IC o *>. no l-O Of 00 IC CO lO CO 1—1 c» •sijDua Jo'auit'A CO o ro CO ■^ t^ no c» J>. 1 <=> O CO o l>r M m OJ tT o 1— 1 I— t r— ( Cj o ' c< CO i-H Ci s ^>; OJ CT ! ' — 1 #> ^^ ^^ ^-i o o o o o o o o 1 o o o o o o C-) o o o o o o o o o o o cT o o o o oo" lo" o c-r o o o" cT o o C3_ cT o CO" lO r-i Ci n iO r» o o Ci ^H no o F"^ iG ' 1 -iiuBtu siiaiisx iO CD o *-<• CO C^ CO »o ■^ o ^ o CO co^ 1 lo jaqiuiiM C* »c ^^ 1— ( 00 cy 00 1 CO 1 00 o 1-H • . • • • • • • • • • • • a5 oT cT • • • • c^ X OJ ^ CD r2 55 O 1 -D P3 "35 "o to -a S O CO to fa s ci J= t£ S o to tu o c s ■ 608 ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. [18,^ < o o < o ■pa-Coiduia spuuH ■p3.inj -OBjmlBin IE03 -JBII3 }0 oiiit'A ■pajnj -OBjnUBUl IBOO -jBiio josiaiisug lO CO CO 1-H 1^ — < O I 1—1 CO 00 "-H rH OJ !> CO C5 GO CO o o o »o o t^ -^ of CO c^ O 00 I lO 00 o o CO O CT QO — I ^ ^ o o o CO o o o o o C-j — C^ 00 o l^ o o o o CO 00 00 o o o •^ <^ CO ■^ o O "* Ci Of CO" QO" o 00 o o CO CO CO 00 (M -* CO CO o o o o o o 00 "^ o »o i-^ C^ O^ 00^ co~ CO o~ t>r >0 00 CO i>. I I Of »o CO o u o o ■^ '^ -X aj (O O cd (I' !-• w n « 03 ^ c c a> ' • ' 'a X -M Q, tu C P OQ OS C3 y Em ffi X £■ ^ -^ c o 3 O S (1h CO OJ «c o ■*-J O 855.] ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. 009 H 1 1 pOAOiflnis spucjj 1 —< i^ 1 'C \ri 'O ■^ m 1 CO ■rf a t^ I Pi < CO o-\ 1— 1 10 CO t>. OJ 0? CO 15 1 \^ 1 o O 1 o o 1 ! Z o o o o ' K •pajiijov; o o ■^ r^ >-H Q O -lUIBUI 8i8A\ 113 -poojw JO aniB v L': o ^ 00 ri — w f-^ ^^ "f r>. CO 'O (JO «5 -r m t^ 1 o -f I F-i C* 1^ («i CO -H in O ^^ -H JVJ Of "^t* CO J^ ■^ <■;.* c>; CO J^ ! ^ •pa^CoidraaBpciBH 1 ^ 00 1 i2 <^ Irt 00 00 1 CO no OJ 00 ij CT ^ Ci irt cju CO F-^ in — Ci "^ i o •— -i CO n H *tf3 1 o O 1 o o 1 u o o o o K •paaiHOBjn o o o o Tf Tj< O -iiBUi sjoox .sar -UBunauT joaiiiKA o o o o iO "TTI o* a: lO o CO 00 •^ 0. C5 t^ CO i y ' I cf OJ 1 ■^ r^ •»* CJ •^ in iO 00 t>. OJ \ H •--/;* OJ ' GO Of yn \ri m — 00 Tf S ^ 1-^ -rp "^ a ^ oj CU •paAOidtna spuBH o Cf »>. (M OJ 1 1 f^ 0. CO o» Tt< CO 1 5^ I— 1 t^J CO CO 00 QO ^ ^ D CL, 1 1 =a o o o o O 1 1 o o o o o OJ ■pajiijDBjn o o o o »o in 1 k> -UBinsdoi.jpuB kO o ■* o C3 <^ in ^H 1 j QD »r; in CO 1:0 Of (7) CO ■^ \n ' o sqooia JO aniB^\ IC ^ GO '^ 1 •^ I— 1 ^^ in" •^ o ^ c-x t! ' -* — Ci ^H I— 1 Si 1 ■pa.toiduia spasH 1 1 -o 1 00 1 1 1 1 1 Tf* 2 <^ 1 •.V I-H CO "^ o ^° 1 1 O 1 1 1 I 1 1 ! o O •paJiU -OBjnnBiu Siii o 1 o o 00 00 ! -5(aBisT ,io atiiBA oT , »c 0" 00 00 OJ in 1 o> ' 0? j^ 1 m j 1 1 pSifoidnia spuBH ! 1 % 1 1 1 OJ 00 CO ■* ■^ 1 Tfl 1 Ot OJ CO 0= i CO 1 r*-i 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 '1 HH <=> :, w o <— ) ' ?: •pa.uijDBinuBni o in in sd'MM. .JO 3»IBA o l^ •n* •^ c^ in ■] o» v^ CO ^^ CO CO in 1-H o>» CO , €fe^ ■^ 1 CD • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 » ^ ^ , ^ , .^ ^ • , • r^ ■H a; ^ ^ 0) to ■*— ' ^ ^ r~ o ^ c (-• 0) Xi -. 01 a, S ca Oh 5 z J-H S CL, iC 1 Tl 610 ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. [1855 o Oh 02 < o o o 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 o ^^ i r>\ l^ Ci ' ■am«s .JO -ib'A 1 1 1 1 1 % 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^ o o o 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 o o •p3.iin GO o 00 ! -OUIUUBtn S33rl t>r t>^ ! aoiis .JO sjausna 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-H O o o o o o o o 1 O 1 1 Of 1 1 »n 1 IC o o ro in o c? C^l o» o o oo •<3' ■oinES jo>niBA t>. CT o GC' o in Ci" ! 1 m ■^ 1 1 w 1-H \fi c^ ^ i o o o o o o r— \ O ' 1 O 1 1 o 1 1 1 l-O 1 o o o GC' CO ( o ^ c^ o o o rr CO ■ ■pajr.j ■rh /•^ o o o \!? rf- -OtijnuBlU SJfB'I -V c. (>' cc '^ CD o o 1 1 L'5 1-^ o pa-foiduia spa^H , 1 I I I 1 I I »n I I I I '-T I CO o o I I I I I I I O I I I I O I O •pajsaAui iBjidB,") I I I i I I I O O o irT o o lO I I I I o o o o •pajiUOKjn -UGUl' SUBrl pjog •satJOioBj -iiu«ic uaj pjoo I I I I I I I O I I I I O I o o o o I I I I I I I orj I I I I o o lO 00 I I I I I I I '-< I I I I OJ CO 50 o o •po.foidina spucH I CO i^ O 00 CO I-! C5 I GO "* o CO lOI lOOOOOl I lOOO O OOOOO OOIO si •l>iJlljaBlllUBUl o -^ o o o Ln o o m SUI00.15] JO an|BA o CO >n cc CO o in CO H f». I— < CO -t o "^ p»4 a ^" in c-» CO C>> 1 I 1 '=' (^ CO CO I— 1 m c^ Eh (?■> CO O m ' i:^ 1 — 1 1 o o rs O O 1 1 1 o o _< <1 00 in o o n* o* (U in o o» c m t^ -=> CO o ft5 •pajiUDBiiuiBUi ^^ z^ o -* o o o o sin.J5xaaiiJopu8 ■»• »n ^H 1—" in 00 luo,-) JO .idrnuii>c f— ' CO' I—* t>^ O 1 1 1 T-< 1 1 ^- O « 1 . . . • • • • • • • • t3 o CO lO Of •p o 1 o Q c^ O 1— < o CO c>? CD CO — 1 kD lo 1 Ln ! O .-^ ■v? GO Cj Oi 00 CI O <^ XJ ^H •amvt-.jij jn|VA r 'S" v^ o" > CO CO t^ i-O CO' in O Of ■^ CO <^ CO !^ ■^ o? 1—1 1— ! 1—1 CO 1 F-^ rr. 1 "^ Oi W s r^ €& : H-i - • "* '-, „ o CO CO ^^, o « 1 in o 1 'Tf o 'yz Of o t>. o< Ci Of CO >?: >o -^*' *-« ■jojiavm jni CO (Ti l^ LC l>. ■^ "* 00 CV CO ^ Cj pOJBdwd puOAi oT •rf of ^ i>r »ft Ci i>.' *C Tf TO -3i|jl JO spao,-) — ^ Ci I" n OJ w CO c^ CO »« Ci t>. . 1 1 CO 1 l-t J^ 1 CO ^•J Ci J^ 1 1-- CO 1 CO CO Tj 7^ lO ^^ OJ CO CO CO or <- 1 I i j ■p9A0I(IUI9 SPUBH 1 -y^ 1 T-H OJ CO 1 CO 1 co" j o o o o o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o o 1 1 1ft o 1 lO 1 1 1 1 1 1 i^ ^, 1 1 CO 1 o cr^ "jaaj u[ passaaU w^ s CO o <>. 1 -xa jou aaq •-0 Ci Oi o 00 -innq ,io aniBA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 oT 51 co" 1 1 r/S of 1 ci" CO <3& -. CO 1 CO J^ ^ IC o — ^ J^ o LO J>. in oo iJ •aiiiBii JO snin^v Zi c« s •n* 00 —^ ■" o r,-^ u^ 1 m CO IC CO c? ^^ >* 00 »>r 2 •rf 1 00 o o Ci Cj lO (M w.f Of 1 1 CO ^a 1 c^ n X 1 Of 1 "^ CO 1 I i 1 m i 1 CO CO o •CO o o o o 00 CO o o o o CO o o lO o rf Oi o s • 1 GO >o 1 c^ lO i>. >ni M-^Biu Oi 00 o -t< liO 00 Ifi -3< o CO JO) pajBda.id CO o (7f_ i>^ CO CO o_ Of ^^ o t^ ! jaqanii jo laaj oT irT cT OD of of LO" no 00 CO 1 1-^ 1 1-H Of 1 • .—1 , ^ CO I— 1 •r. • • • • " • ■ • • " • • • " ' o o c ~w (K CQ i 3 p o .7) 7] 2 c S 5 33 5 o to _o •-a o -a: z o s Siiftblk, . Worcester, o c 612 ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. [185 l« -^ o c: O 1 S ^ rf CT) 1 CT CD "^ 1 1 1 1 o ,•" CD in GO CO »— i 1-M CO CO^ ■paA'oirlms spuBH QO" i-T •-H O 1— * 1 1 1 1 1 1 z o~ O o o o ^c5~ o o t O o 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 o o ■* 1 »* o 1 o 1 1 1 1 o o c 00 Iff o o o o o i^ •^ '^ ■^ o o CD 00 a in ■pajsd.Mi! iviKiuo o cT cT IC cf i>r cd" GO o <^ J o CO CO ^ •>rt< C" , %j 1 1 1 "^ 1 Of o in__ ^ 1 cf 1 1 1 1 •* 1 1—1 Z o o o o o o "o~ o 1 o o r-' r 1 t o , o o o o 1 CD o M 1 1 1 1 o o CO o Oi o zz o in o> t^ CO IC o CO Ci, l^ TO •amps .n|i,io ycx »n" or T)<~ QO" of ^ ■^ O CO o "o~ 1 GO" o Z 1 1 1 1 1 OJ o"" 00 "o" o o Tf o C in o o o o I t^ o t: 1 1 1 1 *> 1 o_ 00 TO 3 piJJ TO ■>IB11A\ .1" >>pi"i. o »H in CO o o rri •ouivs oin l<>'"n;A •»r^ lo 00 ^^ o 00 CD_ CD »— 1 00 ^ t>r f— CO co" •— in" p!H % 1 3_ CC' 1 1 1 ] A^ o H 1 c^ 1 I 1 I 1 c*** ■1 _#_ ^ CO "or ""o~ in Oi 00 •<* •>3< ■ f^ o o t^ CO o Ci 00 K CO 1 o in 1 1 1 1 *^- 1 1-H cv CD ^ o 1 w n 1 1 1 1 55 1 •n C! CD co" o^ ""o^ ~o^ "o o o" "o~ ~o o o o o 1 1 1 1 ° 1 c; o o CCi I -^ o 1 1 1 t 1 <— ii J>. 00 CO t^ 1ft !^ ^i^ ^j tfi ^^ •aiucs aiiJ .10 -yex o LO IC^ in OJ CO o « 00 in" ^^ •-^ otf cT cT c5 '^t^ m 00 CO in 1 cc 1 I 1 1 C^ 1 ^-( p. ^ 1 c^" 1 t 1 1 1 CD »-^ o in o CD ^H Ci in 1 CD lO -^ 1 1 1 1 O 1 in •^ o i>. TO F— H GO l>. i>.^ c^ 00 •pajjoduij no nuads JO suoh'bo 00 1 cd" lO CO CO* O! 1 1 1 1 "" 1 CO o OJ o ^^ "'oF CO O CO ^C5~ . »M o 1 •^ CD -^ 1 1 1 1 o H 856.] ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. 613 ^j , o CO T ^^ ^ ^— ^ .^ .■-■ 1 Cf , r; ' 1 1 1 ~. CO t^ O 1 o CO 1 CO^ CO 00 o. m •poA'oidmospucii CO 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 .J o o o o ~o" ~o~ o ~o" o , o 1 *= 1 1 1 1 o o <= , o cc 1 o ' o ' ' 1 1 o in in 1 o CO w o ^ o •^ 00 o CO •pdjBo.vui U'lPlfJ c> »c CO Of^ Of lO o •^_ !5 !>." t>." ram, cd" oo" g'~ CO Oi •^ t>. o o^ Ci 1 1 <=• .' 1 . CO Oi 1 CO ■€©■ 1 ' of ' ' 1 1 1 ^ 1 c 1 o» 1 1 1 O 00 CO O 1 Oi ■soua i5 ^ CO Q GO J^ o •^ -lIS!,^ po3 put! o 2 o !>. CO CO o l.O I8ja!i3uiv: din In." p t>r ^1^ CO in -*'" III pauinsuoo It "^ •c f-1 lO ■Tt Of JIBS JO siausnsx o 1 z i 1 1 1 •* ^ _ o o "o m o 1 ^ 1 O 1 1 1 1 1 1 o ° , o W o b^ o o o in bdsod.uitl s o >•=! w** /^-' ibutoipain aoj u CO CO o 00 3 Hi pios i!0 -laAiT \n I'T o" o poo JO aniBA CT o 1 Z 1 « 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CO m tu o ' o O o o o 1 c , ° , , o 1 o ^ 1 o ; c Ci o ■X t>. u. CO , CO s ~J CV .-^ 3 O •Ud5|BJ I(SK^ 00. p o 2* i> ■* o poD JO aniBA cT — » O »™^ 1 z 1 at' 1 1 1 T— Z 1 ■«# <5 m < o o o o o ~o^i H o 1 ''~' 1 1 1 i 1 1 o- o o 1 o -rf 1 *-* 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 Ci 1 o Of W 00 S 1-^ CO Ci o CO •ua^iB} loja v^ o yumrn t^ ■TT* o COj, ^ -510Bi\[ JO aniBA cc" s oT o ^ >>." in W t^ o t^ f* CO 00 in w 1 2 1 •*" ' 1 1 1 1 1 OJ 1 "^ o S r oP ocT Of 1 CO" in !>. Ol «> 1 1 ^ "ai~ "ob~ o . CO , ■s.iisi.^f poo ptIB {5 1 »c 1 O 1 1 CO CO CO O 1 § Taj35i3Bi\[ am III paA'oiduia sjas CO •n^ t>r t>r j>J" o» CO o u -saA JO a3BUuox 1 1 1 1 1 » z 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 •saiiaiis!^ CO OJ ' CO ' ' CO CO cri m poo puB laia !>. in c* C5 00 "n> ->138i\[ am ui pa « »o o T-t -^oiduia siassaA 1 1 1 1 1 1 z 1 I-H 1 t— 1 _ar • • • • • • ... £; '^ o) • • • • . 1 nT - c* 'a 15 Xi L^ — (D V .4_> -«-' ■.-> O Barnsta Berkshi Bristol, JS o c c rS 'Ja n 5 Q a t, a Hainpsl Middles Nantuc o o Suffolk, Worces O 4> O (514 ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. [18 O o o o o (^ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 1 o o CO •^ CO CJ CO Ci (M i^ CO t>. CO 1 o <>. CO or p o» •n c^ CO o ■^ l^ 00 Of cr. m^ ■^ 1 '^ c^ 00 CO CO o •^ r-l 00 CO o. •^ o ^•ino.U IIPJ'J'IBA 1 IS 0-: CO co' t>r Of Ci of o» '^ co" jC lO' »o 1 s 00 "o" w^ ""i-n" '^oT LO !>. LO O) CI -M CO __^ ~co~ t>. o o» -* O} CO (^ •rf CO o 00 Of 1 00 o »i^ •^ o> Of Ci i>^ wl' 00 CO OJ_ 00 o ■\(MJi\ Jdl[10 TO cT cd" o" ■rtT or of C*" a6' 00 co" lilt 10 spiinoj •o CO o? CO 1 0* o CO o "oT 2 CO CO 00 tC -7— 1 r2! or »n OJ CO 1 1 1 1 1 00 o : O w CO CO o o_ 5"» o ■0^ »o •|ooAV ou -I.I8K .JO spuno^ co" co" CO Of - 00 1 O 1 1 1 1 1 1 > f CO OJ TT 22 t^ o GO Oi : Q •daaqs A'noTCBS iiiojj paonpoad 1 1 e* ^„ s s. 1 1 1 1 1 ^ LO^ ^ \00M, JO spunoa GO —' ~" o? ■^" < o o o o ~cr ^'o" "cT ~o" ""o~ ~f*S~ ~^c>~ o ~"o~ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o J^ 00 i^ »>. CO CO ■^ _ LO CO ^H I CO — H CO 00 r^ Tt* o CO o OJ '^ GO o lO Ci -f H ■(iaaqs ne .lo ■]V\ <^ CO o>. '^„ CvJ^ 3, Ot LO^ Of >* o ■rr 00^ W co~ CO* •^ •-H w ■rl"'' n •*" of co" *— 1 CO co" U'.l ^ »— 4 c? "-f« -r OJ o" o 1 ^co^ m^ 'in~ "iO~ W.4 t^ 00 V4 Of ~ifi~' t>. o •rt< 00 o» o OJ o> 00 o t>. 00 o Of •daaqs jo ■^ ■^ o i^ o ■^ •^ 00 00 Of, O! Oi 1 •o 00 span -lamo itv -" -o" 1-^ LrT i>r of 1-H i>r "' »— ^ Of" lO" gf (^J 00 «^ »-^ ~co~ "Ci" ~co~ "i^~ ~TJ"^ T*< ?>? 00 »c 00 Ci ct o CO f^ 00 •saptuS juaaa^ip 1 o CO I— t CO ■^ o 1 1 1 1 •rr »o JO 'daaiig ouuai\[. <>. 1-H in CO ~iio" r>. "ci' "CO" "cT ~i^ "lo" I— 1 ~co~' CO •sapwS aaajauip jo a s CO 05 CO o 1 CT„ !?f 1 CO o 0{, 1 1 1 »— 1 00^ 'daaijs Auoxug -^ co" * z" 1 o paXoidraa spnsH 1 CO 00 s o 1 CO o CO <5 lO o Of CO C. 1 CO 1 lO 00 ■^ * 00 "co^ ^o~ ~o~ ~o~ "o" ~o~ o "Of^ o "CD~~ ira 1 CO o o 1 o o o in r^ 1 1 lO W ■ua^iBj uoiurBS' oi ^ o IC CO o. {^ t^ Of Q puBpBiis't>aAiAi w^ 0D~ co" *•** or ''•V LO~ ^. co~ -31 V JO aniBA ^H 1— ^ y-r ^ 5 ^ 1 1 1 1 €& o "G\r" ~o" 'o~ "cs" ^o^ ^o"^ ~o~ _____ o Of Q o i^ o o o o o o o o <^ o 1 CO o o 1 QO o^ o o o O 1 1 "'T' < oT in o" tn oT cT IC cT o O}" Of" CO o Oi ~r f^ J> o CO o TO CO CO o? CO 00 *^ 1 1 1 •n< of •ua^Bi uonuBS puB pans 'saAjAiaiY J3 1 7j 3 1 J3 •A ■^ 1 1 J2 ^ J2 J2 JS .^ ^ CO o o Of 00 lO o o 0{ J>. H 05, 1 CO 1 CO i- 1 1 ^'■ J Tj3" lO ^- '^ Tf m te ■ • • « • * • • • • • • • • • i » « _«r • • • • • o X o , r • '^ fcT tc" H qT » 2 Ui s ,sz o '^ !5 d 'J} IS w CJ i CO 5 a 03 3 o 2i 11 *-* o o o Eh 1 1 1 55.] ABRTRACI^ BY COUNTIES. 6ir> o o o o o o O o o o o o o o ^ o o o o o o O o o o o o o o o J^ '■C CO Wv in l>. t^ l^ Ci 00 in 00 in in .^ t^ OJ o "rri CO f^ in •rr i^ o» w^ Cj in ■^ Ci ■BJ3II3II pu» \n 00 (^>_ o o o_ CT o. ."^ i>.^ t^ -r I— c CT SAVon jii atijBA ^ d^ j>r no CO in crT •^ rC j>r t>r lO" -)<" ct" ^H •^ l^ c< rn o "* t^ ^H CT CO ^ Oi S? ^m »o Qi CO •n< CO CO CO CO Of 00 ^ "^ ^' t^ o in 00 kn QO ■^ -f GO lO in CO CO CO — H lO 00 nn I^ ■^ C»J 00 r^ CO o 00 ■nr ■5j< •K.ta4!3H <^^ >c "^ ;^ »o l>.^ o »c in Ol o in Ci in of oo" cT 1— t cT cT o" of '* OD CO 00 q . '^ o'> CO •»* < :> o o o <-, o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o :5 o QO o> d o 00 00 1^ CO CT Ci Ci o CO _H o c; •^ 1— * ■^ oo cc 00 !>. CO CO CO' 1>. •^ 5 < ■8i8048 pnB novo 10 aniBA 00 o^ '^^ in o in 1—* in o, ^i^ 00 oT QO" CO co" C5 00 ^^^ (M o ■^ o -^ CO J^ Of ■^ >■ €(&. C<{ 1— ( CO CO CO or CO r- « 00 CT ^ :> -) I 13 o c? .4 CO ■-4 J^ — 00 C-j CT ■^ ^M J>. CO ^ -* CO C5 o Oi CO 00 05 Ci in Ci CT CT 00 lO Cj CO of «o CO co" o Of T^ O cd" Of, < Of D =5 ^ in 00 1>. i-^ o? CT •rf< t>. CT a> in o ■«# in in o 1-H •^ CO o o C5 CO j^ i^ in CO CT Q »« j>. f-^ CO 00^ CO, in 00 o_ t^ in CT 1^ •p|0 WMJA CO co" in -^ Iff CO in or or ct" O D aajqi jbao uaxQ T-^ in « \ o o o o o o o o o o o o o O o o o o o o o o o o o o o c=> o o 00 r» 00 in ir» 2 .-H GO rv-s »o CO o m rN. Ci C5 o CI C5 i^ 00 CO 16 CO ^H r-t •— i ■•o 00 •RaH-ioij JO sniBA « -f 00 Of -^ -* '^ •rr< o co^ -J< 1— 1 CO "^l GO, •^ CO oT od" F-H or ■^ j>r ct" -f c^ of o" o -1^ i^ -TI o a Ut) '^ o CO lO CO CO Ci 00 CT 00 o »c ^ CO ^-4 CO i^ '-^ i^ CT ^ ^^ ^H ^ O LO o 1^ Ci l^ o C5 CT CO o CO ^^ "* ^ CO Ci Ci o Oi 1C C5 CT *-H •»!« Ci Ci CT 00 Of Of t>J^ •^ CO o^ "* ao_ O l^ CO CO 00 I— 1 -* '^„ 's^gJOH ci CC' IC t>r rfT •^ irT ct" tc 't in" CO o 00 5 o • CO c P5 • to a> P5 cq to" P • x" -a: a • c a- £ a" E o -Si »-H 4-* O 'S CO o Z ■*-' 3 O a 72 • O m o « o • JO o 616 ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. [185 w )^ o w w w H H •AflUOH JO "IHA jfaaoHJo spuiioa •asaaiio jo -iba 9S381I0 jospunod •jauna JO -IBA 00 TO 1 o o TO TO TO TO ' E o o o 00 CO '8 s O O Oi TO go '^ " 1 i> 1 ■" 1 TO l>. 1 TO (-75 o l^ Oi 1 TO CD o o 00 *>. CT TO o TO 00 l^ •T o — o •^ Of O ■3> O 00 O o 1-1 a »c TO -^ i^ m 40 »0 ir: i^ o> OCO-rfOO^ClOrt'C-! I LO—lTOOCJJOfOCi^ «^ »>. TO TO kO »C CO O 05 OJ -H O ^^ 1-^ •* -^ O^ lO QO" 00 l>. 1-. O' o »ni o l>;^ !>;, TO„ 0» TO TO in TO »o in TO — 00 TO TO^ Cf o 00 'to 4/5 CT TO J^ (M O TO 00 TO — CO O r^ 00 c-r to" CO TO (N TO r>- _ to" -h" 00 TO 00 f» TO TO i>> — o o in irt — o-j o co- co ct" f^ o -f 00 2 TO o CO »r; o o o O l>- 00 c\» o '* CO "-I o TO O CT o o CO o id ao o o O CO CO 00 TO -3" 00 i>. o -^ TO »0 CO Tf< j^ o> •«* o» <— I TO CJ ^ rl" i>^ 00 jC _r -^ o (?j j^ -f TO CO lO in 00 IC — O* TO "O TO Of OO o o r-H in J>. 1— I TO CO co^ 00 •aajjiiHjospuno^ CM" in TO (>> TO ■^ m 00 m !>. in TO O CD Of -^ ^ m in 00 IT- o o TOl00QDTOQ0TOCOO't>.'-O?C0in •^ a O? TO QD to' •* Cj — 22 SI '^ S? ■O)TOTOC^-- Of TO m 00 i>. 00 TO TO on 5?i •D O ■4-* c J3 to CO OJ !-• pq q5 W 2 S to -« TO TO -a: a c a: o TO CI, X 0) TO 13 ■-a 0) O c z o Oh W 4) TO O 555.] ABSTRACT BY COUiVTIES. 617 o o o o o <.«J »c » »n o IC o o m 05 o o o 1 o o CO 4^ t l^ m CT o o o TJ< -* CO o I :-o _ Of o 1.0 i^ CO ■«* 00 CO 00 CO !>. o — ^ o 1^ CT CO "^ m i^ C:r CT •jBaqAiJoaniBA o_ aq_ 00 -? -^ t^ 00 CT„ in 00 ^^ 35 ^^ ■sf" s^r in c^r go" CO Cj CO ^ 1-^ T— 1 1-^ r>. 1 m iilf-i W •3iOB jad CO t^ 1^ 1 ■^ in CO in CO o CO i^ o m m H^ ■^ f^ •~i T-H ^^ T— ^ r-i ^^ 1— 1 1—1 ^>^ CO ^ i-H '}«aUAV JO 'Usng -4«< -«! -^N -Jl -■f -w o CO »^ 1 o Oi m o >-4 ot i>. o —I C5 o •jEailjVi JO sajay rr o Of m l-H CO o 1— H CO LO CO o CO ct" 1 1 , 1 1 00 in 00 o o o 00 1 1 1 1 1 1 •paas o ^-H CO 00 moo.i}{ JO aniBA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 co" CO o CT o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 05 co" ■•ajoB aad 'paas 1 -n< 1 1 1 >H uiooatrjosi.tisna "^ CO in m o o o o o *. 1 1 1 1 1 m CO CT 1 1 1 1 1 o o bp-4 w^ CO m o 00 r^ •ilsiUH CO LO CO CO '=2 o mooja JO an[BA <^„ o CO CO o 00 CT o" i^ 1 1 1 1 1 "^ CO 1 1 1 1 t QO 1 t I I 1 m- t— t 1 1 1 1 1 ^ G 1— 1 Oi o <-, O ajOB .lad 'qsiuji 1 1 I 1 1 00 o '^ 1 1 1 1 1 o o ^ uioo.i}i.Jospunoj m l^ CO ■^ CO -i1 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 T*l 00 1 1 1 1 cs 00 }>. 00 t^ :o CO CO CO »o i^ 00 o Of Tt CO --« o C^ •uaoa J>^ o o ?J o t^ 1—1 ■^ o 00 m ^w 00 CD ^M r—i rN O URipui JO an|BA Wi^ ci o in of in Ci i>r o" l^ n o" CO m o l^ 00 00 CO CO CO CT i^ -rp CO ■^ CT o m C'l T— 1 c^ Cvj CT CO CO 1—1 1—1 m 00 HN •aiOB jad 'ujoo o CO. l>. *»rf -* O) iO Oi 05 — H m l^ l^ o 00 OBipuxjosiausua ot CO OJ d CO CO CT CT CT CT CO CT CO CO CT ■ -« -*?) -o -- 00 00 lO •luoo OBipuijo Baaov in CO cT t^ \n 00 00 O o 1— I 1—1 CO CT^ 1— < in co" I— 1 05 cc • • • • • • • • • " " • " • • ! U ^ ^ ^ ^ , . ■ .. • o Barnstable, 'o a? V m 3 s CI IS to E 0) o 3 c O s o S Suffolk, Worcester 3 o H 78 618 ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. [185 •ouiBS JO oniCA i>^ of^ cq_ j> "^^ '^ "^ *>„ i"^ TjT t>r CO r-T ao~ of oT of -^ OJ OJ CD l^ 00 CO t>. O CO CO in F-l O co" CD H o siBO JO siaqsiia •s^DO JO sajoy QOO-^QOT}> CD CO •ouiKs JO auiBA o o o o o in o o CO o in CO t^ o CO o o o t^ o O O 1^ 00 o IC w pq CO OC5 0>Cl.-iOOJ>.-(" '^ *-"^ "^ ^ 'R, "^ o~ co" irf ro~ f*" -^ 00 Q0~ of C\f — ' — 00 C^ CO •OJOB .lad '.fax -jBn JO siaqsTiji 00 i> O) CI -^ -I" 1— I >— I OJ r-H Of OJ -i< c; i^ CO o C! '— I ^ OJ Of 00 cT 1— I o Of •iCax.iva: JO S3J0V 00 Of CO "^ t^ CD Of '^ CO Of «n 00 CO -^ t^ Of CO CO o ■^COCOOfCDOfOfCi —I "^ CO oo o O l^ 1^ 1.0 -rr 1—1 OLOi^-Locoooinoo-^ OOfOfi— lOOOJ^OOO Of Of •amus JO aiiiBA 1 Of m Of ira rf t^ IC Of 00 CD " o o o o Of 00 Of €8^ 1-1 O Of Of in -^ lO -t< 00 »0 00 l^ l^ o Of 00 vc in i>. --I Of CO Ci CD in 00 CD Of i^ 1—1 CD p^ •aj3i3 jad 'a,Ca JO siaijsii'j •aXji JO sa.iav CO in o Of cT CD in l^ !— 1 l^ 1— 1 CO I— 1 o I— I CO Si*- 1—1 rH o Of CO Of 1— 1 -*?1 -. CO ■^ CO .-^1 ^^ l^f (^ (^-1 o »— 1 (^^ <_> o •* o o CD T-H o -T Of CD CD Cj c^ I— 1 o Of in I" o I— 1 l^ CO ?— 1 CO Of o ai a) o aj ^ -iS >ic: CO 0) S-: f^ Ui m ert ol o i_ to &H « P2 PQ Q w tn m a> o S CD O 3 C s Eg CI o -4-' o I ^ 855.] ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. 619 o O Of o o o CT o i~. O m o O o CO . o iO CO o O ■<:>< o »0' ■^ '^ CT CO O o o o lO CX) CO -1 o CT 00 CO o CO CO o >.o 1—1 Ci O CO in J^ J-» CT Ci OJ o Of CO CT Of in sdiu.inj, JO 9iii«A l>.„ O CJ 1—1 TJ<_ CO O Of m 1-H LO^ l^ CO CO ■rtJ" '^ co" cf 00 '-^ oo" CO Ci CO ■T^ 00 ^^ ct" CO m I— 1 CT 1— ( 1—1 cz!' Cl< hM ^ r-;« ^w- H*! -I'M — ilM rHJ':i r-.|«l WW ^l-M (^ •aaoB jad 'sdi Ci CO -^ 00 —l ■* 00 o CO o> TT CO O CO v^ ■^ 1^ CO (M Tj* m CT o lO CO Tt< o •^ CO D -u.inx JO sistisnfi ■— t Ol Ct Ol Ol o? CT CT CO 1— ' CT CT CT CT CT H ^H- colli -loi -rx ^|ci ^1-1. -H- Hei H« --1^1 '-i'l' -H CD 00 oo C5 b. c:^ -* kO 1-H O Of <-H CT )^ •Bdinanxjosaaov 00 C! O fH o Of CO m o wti Of o 1—1 CT 1—1 CT ct" o o o o o in o o o o o o O in o o irj o O CT ■^ IC f-^ o o CD 1 ■^ -^ o -H o CO CO o CO ■rt" CO CO o r^^ 1 CO CO o lO i^ o CO Ci •^ i-O 00 ^J S CO •*! •suoiuojo -"'[KA o_ co_ --^ r— ( — Ci 00 •^ ■^ »o ■^ o c? T}< 'I*' — " -T^ IC co" ct" i>r co" ct" t>." i>r m 1 00 :rl J^. O t— < -S ;^ •aiov mA 'snot »«|o ■•j-ios H^ — vc^ wrf «|-r .!r|i- cfc ,-'fil ■->« 1— t 05 CVJ! CJ GO Ci o O o l^ CO 1 CT CO o -uo JO siaqsna w OD »0 CO CO 00 CO CT CO 00 Tt* CO i-H 1—1 C>J CO CO CO i-l CO Tft CT CT CO CO CO .-l!M >Q\cn ^1-* lolo coj-* H5-> io|te m\^ .rto ^^ — iiJ H" ■TT 00 -^ , -^ lO ■* 00 CT »o Of o ■«* OS •suoiuo JO saaov « " c^ CT 1-H '^f CO CT CO o o in o lO CO iO O l.O o o 00 o CT CT o Oi Ci o t^ o 00 ^ —I o ••^N 00 o Of tS< o a o Of 00 00 CO !>. i^ CO o 00 CT CO CO O! 00 CO CO !>. "O" m -H n <^ Ci CO O m o •SOOJBJOJJO'IBA *<-( r--_ OJ_ 00 in 1>^ m J^ co_^ o CT co^ Oj cT CO o~ o" o" in in — « in i>r -1<~ CO oo" CO 1—1 , in -H in r-l CO o i^ 00 t>. 1-H -r ^^ Of '** . €(& a ^ CT r-1 I— I 1—1 •* CT r— 1 m »o CC' oT ■w as- o H < f-fM — i«I . <-! I> —^ O Ci C5 o 00 o o t^ C5 Ci C5 i-^ I— 1 »-( r— 1—1 P-i "hS" •:i>o ^-^I ^—^ r->1 Hc') -i« — 1-1 L-^ 00 »o o» 00 oo' CO CO CO OJ -* iC Ci cr> Of o >o o ct! m CT m 00 l^ ~r CO C5 CO 00 B30^BJ0tIJ0Sa.lDV C^ o o T— 1 r^ O CO T— * in CO -T_ o. 1 CO or CO ct" CO CO CO ct" CT 1-H 'X • • • • " • ' ' * " * " • o Barnstable, Berkshire, Bristol, s s Q Essex, Franklin, . 33 o 1-1 £ o to o s o 3 O Oh o to. ID O »- o >^. fi20 ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. [18/ h-3 ■J«11!I\! JO 3U1BA ■jaillK: JO S8.I3Y c; ooooo o-o o I lO ICiOOOO lOO lO r; 7" oi "-^ t>» o f>. O! 'o "C TC rt f-i (N lo ci o o Ci o 6& —to) C? O ca E- O !> Eh J D O 50 a B O Q •aiuBS JO atiiBA O o o o o I.'; 00 <^ cc o • C C2 o o o o o >o lO (>. Lt o o o 1 l^ 1^ — -^ o» CO «, — ■■o "» c*. ^ "^ -^ to ao c^ X) o ■^ L'; i.O OT cc iri LO C^.' !» i.t — ^^ en CO ^■^ i^ •^ ^ ».* -H o 1—1 1 1 "^ 00 •BdOJf) J0O>{ JO UIBJtJ aailjo [IB "! pajBAijjna ssaoy (^J 00 ■^ ■^ 00 -n" 00 }>• 00 Ci 00 -^ o ■^ I— I CO 00 00 ':c CO ~. o o lO •aiuBs .10 aiiiBA O 00 00 C^>_ or -h" o o lO o o lO 00 Of »o" o o o o o o o o o o o LO CO 00 o o» CO CO 00 LO lO 00 -- OJ »o kO rs »o" Of GO O Ci o o o lO 00 CO »o 00 •saiq -BjoSa.v juaino -S3 jaqje puB sjaag JO saioy Ol 00 00 o ^ o Of ^loj t"pN »-*i— cc;-* ^r^i T-,— lo -*"eoco>oo}i>.coco »^ LO T*i .- Cj o o> to Ci r: — ^ -^ — CO CO lO 00 CO H O O O CO o o »o »* o o lo -r; CO — CO LO r>. — o lo LOCOCO — COOOOCOOCi j-sjoxiBO JO auiBA I o o — o 1— I r>. o? -- ^ I— O Ol oT irf _r '^ CO LO CO ^ oT "^ -^ ao In. O CO Ci O O CO r^ Ci 35 'W QO -* CO O CO «>_ 00 00^ 00 C0~ J^ -^ CO" t>r of "H^ CO :^^ co OJ o oo' •aaoB aad 's^oa i -JBO JO sioiisua •gjojjB3 JO saaov -Ici O iO Ci o ^- CO o OJ »— 4 CO JO lO o O! lO OT rv^ ■^ lO CO 00 -^ t>. -^ CO CO o? CO -rp CO Tj" .--;«i ,-lt- CO o CO f^ »^ o t^ o* CO LO ■^ re r-fM M^c ^,-r r^'rt H^ --I^' =■"'■ *-i^ CO»Orj.COaDOOO ■"'^'^ •^C0C0 0'COi-i'*»O>-l-^ c^ t-|ao ao Id i5 O -Z ^ Ut irt '3 ^ ^ m m o -S M nJ o 3 ca M ra Q c es to CO 13 O s B K fa = 3 § Z o ^ 3 . o n CO cc -3< lO Ot) •A«H o o ■^ CC ilBf; lo sn\v\ ^ o> !?? t>. w o m 1 o o o n CO I'A'BM J1"S.I" >"">X .^I -« o 1 l« 05 S^> 1 1 1 CO Ci »^ ^t< CT l« o c? CO CC rr «> CT JO ivopBaur O O O o o o in 00 00 CO (Tt) 00 00 00^ c^ ^ CD" t^r — re IC o o o o o o — -^ CO LO O — LO" CO CO « QC 10 O o o o ■TO cv o o o o f^ O o o o o o» o o 00 era fl) (7» CO CO Tt> i^ »n t^ o ^ »c Of Tt 1 »c 00 O 1 ! »« i "^ rxj TL' ^—* 1< o .-^ *^ (r< in 1 o o o rf Of O O -< -^ C* O .— 0( o ,_^ -^J o o o o o ^-^ Cj CO CO (^ i^ lO "^ CO o !>. •^ 00 t^ rf o CO' kO IC MH 1 O 7^ AUii aiSMs ~ ao iiopuam CO C^» ■.* CT •^ C^J — C5 CVJ_ f^ CO . CO CO oo' o o o o o o o o CO CO O CO t^ CO CO lo Cj m Cj 00 »r? C5 CO LI o o c? CO LO CO o o CO o co^ irT o o »o o o CO o 00 o o o o QO 00 CO c^ o o Of o o o lO 00 CO LO Ci o o o CO 00 CO LO LO CO lO ot 00 CO o o lO kO — ^ CO 00 •ABH qsiiiSiia .loeaox »o Ci •«»< O CO (>» i-- CO — ' C) Cj 'Tf Of 00 CO CO Ci o o lO »0 00 — CO — 1 00 CO }>. o LO '# -^ or -rt nrf 00 3i C5 rr ■^ re -- T C^ O C5 Tf 00 o:- Of — o •SUIMOJ^T H8]i8n5f JO swoy --o>»>.c:5LociOO CicocJCOco'r>'c^^}>. re o lo io_ LO o t>. o)^ '^co'^-^cococT-^ t^ re re •'3' Of -^ o> LO Of o o >o Of •^ »-^ ■«> •* TJ" o CO «^ «-! O Of CO o? lO Of o o o o Of" CO re CO ^^ GO O 00 •<» 00 c. ■» • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a oT ^ • • • • •, o o tn 'a -w" • 1, • ^ no ^ 0) V, ^ 0) •"; ri o Burnstab o ■o .— to" o s Q 2 O a. 2 s o ■4^ o a. .o oo o o £ o 622 ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. [185 o o •<* o •^ o o t^ o 1 1 1 1 1 1 J> d I o 1 1 1 CO o 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 CO »n o Of o i^ ^ ■iio.iU(ifj,i,ju ouiUjV cv -* Of^ CO '^ ^ 1 €& 1 1 Of" co" 1 1 1 1 1 J>." < . 1 1 1 1 1— 1 c5 Of ' ' \ 1 1 1 in pq O -(IN H« 1 H 1 OJ 1 1 1 CO o m 1 1 1 1 1 1 —1 •OOOUHdJ.JOSO.lOV Cj l>. in Of ; __^ F-^ 1-^ _.__.„.. __ '^ o o o o o •-0 ' CO 1 o 1 1 00 m 1 ^ O 1 1 1 CO •<* Of o o Oi _H ' ■sdoii JO oniBA CO o CO QO Of TJ< CO^ ^^ i->^ CO ' o" 1—! -*~ t^ , . T-^ 1 Of 1 1 1 I-H -r ' -i— 1 1 1 1 1 1 €© aj P-i p -Wl • c Hfl O o "^ 00 o ^ {^ in •.u,ic .lad 1 o 1 1 t i^ 1 O O 1 1 1 00 in 'sdoij ,H) spunoj cc o £^ t" CO Of" z in CO d c «^ ■*-j kH" «^ ■siloi|,(o 1 CO 1 1 S -f< 1 CO o> 1 1 1 53 in S3J0BJ0 .laqmhii o in I— 1 Ci CO Of Z ^ o o o Of o o o Of -X 1 1 o 1 o o CO o o o m i 00 o "pajiuoiumia .y t1SIAV.l3mO JOU o CT — ^ iN. O OJ Ci ■* in juuniBpiit: sdu o in o CO s <>. O 00 "Tj" in^ rr in CO % CO 00 -J3110 JO oniTJA 1 1 m CO* -^ CO 00 co~ 1 CO Of m « —1 0^ cq O o o o w o o o o o CO ^H O o o O '^ o o o o o t^ o» ^ cc o l^ O i^ o CO Of Of o CO _H Of ^ H s.iua.i j(i oiiii!,v o ■rf CO O C>! 00 Of o in -^^^ »— 1 J^ CO Of Tf P 00 ■^ l^ ^-^ Of o co^ Of, CO •^ 'S' 00 00 ^H «> ^ ■^ co'~ o» r-^ »•— i ^ T^r CO* CO Of 00 00 ^H Of Of 00 ^ m m f Ph Tl CO 00 00 CO CO o CO -^ CO T-^ OJ r^ ot pa OJ Of ^o — OJ in o 1^ 00 ■«# l^ Of 00 Oi •JUUJ »— 1 C|, f— 1 r-H O C5 l^ O CO Oi, in J> CO jpia JOJ POJBA cf •^ oT i>r of Of" Of" *— ri in" ^H Of" in -!JIiiosoa.ij,.ii3a(i (7* Of ^ -* T— ( Of 00 1—1 o ■^ O o in O o o -^ in Of 00 ^ o Cvj O O CO o o in Of 1 CO Ci H ^H o 00 o —1 in C5 Of Of m f^ Ci 00 Of CO P^ ■S31(I(1VJ0 Ji'U'A 00 1—1 CO Of o r.Nf o Ci Cj CO CO 1-H Of„ -- o p-« Of m cj Oi i^ C^ CO CO 00 •<* , J ta o" CO co" r^ CO" o" 00 O i^ ^^ Of m CO Of _ m \n iO CO I— 1 "^ -^ T3< ^. 1 CO CO Of ^m AND — _^„. C3 »o ^H CO J^ Ci Tf OJ CO CO 1—4 CO t^ CO CO Of o C5 C5' 00 1 Of Of 'S* W ■11"JJ o '^ 1-H l^ 1-^ o CO 00 in l>^ "1 in l>. Oi >-l .iidUJ JOJ paiBAi} in" ^^ t^ tC cT co" 00 00 — " in" •^ ■^ in CO ^1 -ino saaax oiddv C^f OJ 1— ^ S^ CO I— 1 J^ in «n 1 1-H Ci CO CO Of < Of" !« • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * iT ^ • • • ^ t- >< 0) • •_ • tT •jT H qT f^ 0) 13 55 O ■■J) CO 3 .2 CQ c a CS3 ■73 a. M-l CO y M-( ^ Z z s *-> tn CO CO I-H CO Of ^ lO oo 1-H o Of 00 O' .00 O o o o o o O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O o o o o o o o o CO on lO o f^ o o o 00 Of o CO o o <+ lO lO <-X) >o en o o o lO ^-H o fT) o o *>• 1 •s^sBO JO aiMBA C5 CO "^ o> lO O' rt) CO CO o o o en CO 1 ?^ »0 ■^ O) CO t-H ~p in r^ «o • CO !-H o CO o o >o o }^ o o o o o o o o 1 Of o C7i Of o lO o o C CO I.': o lO o o CO w •pa.inj o O o o CO •^ 4^ ^ 3 »o Of o o ■^ "V CO -3i;jiuii;in sjisbo o ■^ Of '^ TO « o CO <^ uo 1-H CO < ^-4 ko -^ HI o Of o lO ■^ -^ I— ( •^ *— ( ^- •^ f-H CO -H GO o ^H o o o o o o O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o irs i>. o o C-i o o o o o o o lO r>. o o> o »o o o CD o >o o o i-H o LO rt< •pojsoAiii imnlBO CO m Of «>. CO a) o> CO (^ iO o Of Of -r o lO nn CO 1-^ o» lO ^M CO — f< o l^ t^ 1 6© QU •^ Of 1— ( 1-H lO in s^SBDjo ajnjoBj CO ^H CO o> CO I-H r>. OJ >o ,-75 CO 00 t^ Tf 1 CO Of CO ■n' Of 1-H rH 1-H Oi suiouiqsiiqinsa ' 1-H 1 o> OJ 1 CO j^ o ^ 1 o o 1 o l^ I— 1 Cv» CO •:t< CO o f^ o C/0 1-H t>. •XTJM. X -sa35[ .JO aniBA CO o -+ »0 -H GO -* C5 00 t^ Of »o CO 1-H CO CO t^ CO ^ CO CO ■* < 1 1 1 Of 1-H 1 m ■ w 1 -«1 I -w 1 1 - to CO CO o rn -f< o LO -saaji jospuTioj o *"^ I— ( Of lO CO r— CO 1 1 1 1 Of o o o o o o o o o o >o o IC o 1 o o o o o o o o c_> (JO 1 o 00 so CO r\y J>. rri lO C3 o •rti o o 00 o s soi.iaoq -ui!.i;) o aniBA T-H (D TO 'n o CO ■. 1-H o o> ^H m Ci — H o O' Of irT Of CO ^^ Of CO CO ^ €© 2; <: H^ -|(N U3)00 «l-l. H« ^H- COM Pi !>. 1 o ■^ o CI CO »o TJ< a> t^ 1 ^-1 fi? •sau.iaq o m 1-H «^ »c 1-H o CO -f CO o -UB.10 ji) sajoy I— < CO CO of CA) CO CO in lyi • • • • • • • ' • " ' * • • • aj a. ! ^ 1 m i CD • a> s P i-i a. S S >< w 1 o s c o .4-> 6 o g 33 I-. 0) ro v o k-1 o OQ o 624 ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. Pi H o H CO 00 1 1 — 1 "^ ^-^ 1 1 CO 1 1 Zi ^H Of r^m^ CO ct ot I— ( •paA'oirtuia spuBH 1 1 1 1 1 0-1 1 1 ■ ■paaiHOB.inuBUi 10 10 aaBMuama'-Ba puB (r> CO "^ 91IOJS .10 ail^A TO- CO 10 1 1 ^' — ^ 1 "*" 1 1 1 ■^' OJ O' ' ' x^i- ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tn ^j kO •psjsaAin iKiii'sD Ol IC c* J^ •^ •«^ ifi *H t ""^ ^M r«M 'r) 1 1 cf, <¥§■ •ajvM. -naiUJBa piiti atiojsjo ojruoFi 1 1 i': 1 CO Cf 1 1 -T 1 1 1 — Of 1^ -nuRUI 81]} -lOJ sU''3inus'W}S5i: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -C 1 'j:; --C ( 1 i? ^n — < J>. T— * 1—1 i\A .iduia93i«tno,5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 1 1^ ^ tn 1—1 , •pii.foidmosaiBre a? 03 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 OJ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 001 1 -^ E-H •paainrrtsjnaBia Q SJOSSKX PUB gjiiii.i,^ 10 aniBA '■O oT in n -r> x 1 1 CO <1 CO 1 ' 1 N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ph p^ •paissAui i«;icln3 •^ CO 3: ^D 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 *5^ 1 Ut 1 1 u • •tiiassB.T. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 —' 1 0> Of \ 1 m 1 puB aSuijj JO ' aamoBjnuBiuaqi 1 aoj siuamqsiiqBjsa 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 • a-l • • • • • • • • • • » ^ , • , , , , ^ ^_ , , , ^ h>4 a> j^ &> 5 ^ U c3 135 G -a: P5 &2 c es fen OJ a- Oh S C cd 3 s a] 3 855.] ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. 625 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 Oi 1 i^ CO in m •pa.toitltaa spuBH ^ 00 CO 00 W r-H > 1 Ph o O 00 QO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 O 1 o in in ■pajtuoBjn o_ o R, *i. 00^ w : UBta U3lIA\.0tllBA o (tT <£ CO CO r-l co" 1 ^ 1 ^ , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f» 1 1 1—1 CO 1 o o o o 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 O 1 o o O ' •p8JS3AU[ IBJIliBO o o" 00 00 o_ in__ in" in" in ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^^ 1 1 m '■ •sai^ioi.x \ ■ o pUB SaAiSS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CO 1 rt 1 CO Tj< 1-H 1— 1 -gjrT JO a.in;oBj nM pm -nuBUI 9m JOJ sjuaoiqsiiqBisjT ; 1 -* 1-H 1 •* 1 QO -H l^ Tj* a "* o t^ 00 o* CO CO 1—1 l>- I— 1 »-^ pajCoiduia spuBH f^ CO > o \n «o ^ o o O o , o o l^ , == o (N CM o o o o s^ o o ■^ ' o Ci ' 2 1 •^ o o o o o Of : CO CO •pojinoBjiiucin in IC l^ o o o ^ S O CO SKO .JO OllIBA CO o r^ O (7»_ 0_ co_ o «S O CO •N VJ S ^ % 1 ^ .— i 1 <^'~ 1 o" i-T in TlT CO a" in ^ • ' I— 1 ■* ' C3i 1 CO I— 1 CO i-» -i* T?< in < m i-H -I— 1— ( —■ ^-^ ■<* o o "o 1 o 1 o o o o o o o o o \- o O o o o o o o o o o o O 1 CO o o o o o o O O o„ o C5 ^ w o~ IC jC ro o" o «f o" 1-H 1—1 CO •pa?S3AU! ibjiJbo CO o Of IC 1 1 QO Ot CO •^ 0_ 1-1 CO 1 t^ i of •SB0J0 8JT11 ^ o» CO 1 Ol 1 OJ i-i -iS* I— 1 ^ r-l •<*< m fe -OBjnaBtu ain^of CO sjuattiqs![qB}s'a CO 05 1—1 1 t^ c* r^ o in 1 — ' CO CO 00 r* ai •pa,<:ot(Ini3 spuBH I-H "^ QO n o Ol CO CO r-i CO Tf l^ Q 1—1 C>f 1—1 l> 1— 1 kj o o o o o o o o o o o o to « o o o 1 Tf" o o o o 1 o o o o ^ O) o o Ci o o O CO o o o in Ci p •pairn »c o in lO o O -H o o O l^ in -oBjnuBm aniBA o go" 00 in in Cj d^ in" in ^ CO -< m Oi -^ f ^ o» o I— 1 '^ in CO 1 CO rl< CO ?— 1 25 Ci ^ p:5 o o o o o o o o o o o o * o O o o o 1 o o o o o 1 o o o o o O o o o o o o o o o o o o o Q •paieoAui iBjiilBO o o in "—I o o o o I— 1 o m o o CO in o o Oi o O 00 00 00_ GO C5 ^ cT o i>r" o . »* CO ^ 1 in Of r>. ^ s < in sausBsjoaitijOBj Oi CO o -tiuBta anj Joj i-H BiuaimisjiqBjsa • • • • • • « • • • • • • U) i-i < — ' c c* 9 >r -C 0.1 "3 2? O .£! it. to 02 c ^ cQ pa ■4-' .22 M .5 3 c s en 0) 11 a 2 o G ci ??; Oh 02 i:* o 1 « St a it s a o 79 626 ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. •paiCoiiIraa spuBH 1 1 » 1 Oi 1 OJ 1 CO 1 00 c« CO o »r5 c* 1 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o o o , o O o cc io o o o o o 1— 1 •pajnjoBjnnBni o Oi >— ( o o o 00 o Ci Aaaa JO ani'BA o CO 00 o CO O Of o o •^ 00 CO °9 1 1 ly^ 1 t- 1 1 »>r 1 o" 00 il> m ^^ Tf o CO LO • O! CO TJl m w 1 1 H : 1 1 O 1 >c 1 o 1 o 1 o o o o Ifi : 1 o o J>. o o o o »o •M ; fe •pajtijovjTiUBin 1 o CO 1—1 •^ QO 1—1 GO 05 w 1 1 K' jaaa JO 8i3Jat;a ^■^ o^ I^ 05 CO « 1 1 m 1 11 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o o .o o in o iC o O 0{ o o <^ •pa^saAui TBU^BO 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 Of I— 1 1 ^ o o» 1 c^ t^ 00 CO o Of 1 1 r-" 1 -^ 1 F-* 1 cc 1 CO >-i jt^ TJ< l>. ! 1 •sauaAia.ta Oi 1 >(t 1 1 Oi F-* m 1 :c 1 "«}< 1 J^ 1 r>. 1 1 •paifoidcaa spuBH 1— H o 1—1 1 O 1 1 ■* "^ o 1 o 1 O 1 O 1 00 o o OJ o o o o Of G^ o o o o o 00 •pannsia s-ionb CO t^ f» lO o m CO -n UK JO aniBA 1 1 1 CO F™1 1 1 1 05 of 1 in CO m H« H« GQ 1 CT 1 1 i^ o !© 1 o 1 1 1 r^ 1 Of W •paunsia o • (X) •rr l^ ^" in CO in 00 1— 1 sjonbti aatiio HB JO siajJBii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2^ «> 1 ^ ^ 1— ( H 1 O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O 1 OJ 1 o? o o p.^ "M cc •painisiaioq o CO in Q -ODIV JO sia.TJiBa o in CO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 c^ 1 w , 1> 1 O 1 1 o O o 1 o 1 O 1 O 1 o o o o l/^ o o o o o lO CO o o o CJ •pajssAU! i«;tdt)a rs> CO 00 o o •"^ ' 1 <» 1 1 =^ 1 ^ 1 « 1 00 ' CO . 1 1 (?J 1 1 CO r-( * CX) w c? 1 — 1 a 1 00 •sauaiiijsia o> « ! • • • • • • • • • • u ^ • • . ■ • . ^ v% * * . ^ 00 »-♦ 0) ^ K •i^ m H •^ (U n . i^ ^-. ^ 1 1 1 1 CO 1. m o w 1 o 1 1 1 to • paAOidtua satBK ^^ ^w ^ ' o 1 o ! ^ 1 1 1 1 o 1 o o a ! 1 I ■paioidina spoBH 1 1 1 1 1 00 1 ^l 1 i 1 ' 8 o 00 o o o o o o o 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 o 1 1 1 1 o o o i o o o Q o ' • •paiinovjuauin o iC o ^^ o m satio;BWjo anisA o» '^., o w„ t^ W 1 1 1 1 1 (£ 1 ^i^ 1 1 1 1 o" 00 in W 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 I 1 1 ' IQ CO m o ^ < 1 1 1 f 1 o 1 o 1 1 1 1 o o o S o o ^ o o G5_ o^ o_ o o ■paamoBjnuBiu CD* lo" <^ o" ' ^ saiiojBK io ssojo >C !7» o o o 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 '-" t-H CO 1— 1 h- 1 o o o o o Ph 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 o 1 1 1 1 o o ® f=^ o o o o o I ■ •pajsaAui iBjidBO 1 1 1 l' 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 2 § cT o 00 CO , J •saqDjBH uoi^ -ouj JO oaniOBj 1 1 1 1 1 s^> 1 — 1 1 1 1 •^ CO t^ \ -nil tu aqi aoj BjuaoiiisiiqBjsa trt • ■ • • • • • . • • • • . c3 r^ • • • - , , ^ ^ ^ , QQ .-• O ^ o ;^ •.— ' ^ V. ^ c Ul o JZ Q "a z V fill i "c E "5 73 1) 2 1 ^ o o 1 sc ca c; o lu: ^ a 1— 1 § JC 3 ^ 628 ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. [185^ PiAoidina saj^maj 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 in 1 in 1— 1 UNDE •paAoidtna saiBj^i 1 1 1 1 CO 1 f— 1 1 1 1 o CO CT CO CO CT i O 1 1 1 1 o 1 o o o 1 1 1 o o o fe o o o o o o o TYPE •pa.itij o o o o o o o -OBHIUBIU '05^^ 'eci.fX JO 3in«A 1 1 1 1 o 1 o p™1 o o 1—1 '-^ 1 o o o o CT o 1—1 1 1 1 1 €(& 1 l>. 1 1 1 CO o CT CO ' O €& •%,-! '^^ •• !-*-( 1 w 1 1 1 1 o 1 o o o 1 t 1 o o o H o o o o o o o :n o o o o o o o o o o o o o o G Tdls-eAU! IKIU'BO o CO o o o m 00 Iz; 1 1 , 1 l^f 1 r^ ic I 1 1 cd" CO I 1 1 1 €<& 1 1 I I o 1— ( TYPE A ^ Bapapunoj gdA'i 1 1 1 1 f-H 1 w^ r-l a 1 1 1 CO _ CT ■09W}g poB atlA'x I-H ! o o ot CO o « Oi 00 Of- CO r-l o CT r^ ■paA'oiduta spuBji c? o ?! ?— 1 CO CO CO CT o CO 1—1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o lO o o o o o o o o o o o o m o CO 1^ o o o o o o o o o o o Ci •pajiHOBjiiuwui o O} o o o o o o <> o o o ^H o s pB8Ja JO atiiBA ?-H in in o o o o O 1>._^ CO CO "* 00 co_ CO I-^ CO cT co~ oT co" o aS -^ •^ o" i>r in cT oT »— 1 CO (^! cv -H Oi I— 1 Ci rf CO ot a> m CO CO a CO o CT in^ CO 1 ^ W o ^ <^ o CO o o o m o o CO C^j CT o ■ m ^ Tt ff t^ c? 1 1 /\ ^ o t>. 00 o CO o o O -n< o lf3 i^ r^ Ci pauiuBU03 CO I— 1 CO CO co^ LO o_ CM l^ o» »c_ CO w CJ cs> anoujospjaBa CO c^ 1-^ FH CO ■^ ct" ^ ifT sf CI T}< ifi CT CO I— 1 CO ^ CT m o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o lO o o o o o o o o o in, o o o •pajsaAui iBjjduo t>^ l^ >o o I— 1 o I— 1 o o F— 1 '*- m l>.^ CO o c^r o" co" C)' cr co' CO o i-h" ■rj<" CO 1— «i oo" o" m CO CO a 00 1-H CO CO Ol "* o 1— 1 »>. T— t r-i 00 CT CO in CO CO CO ■saijasiBa "!f CO CT m I-H CT w H " • • • • • • " ' • • • • • • • • to" 1 1— 1 H o 3 a w a a o S-i o m o m CO 2 o £ JS ID to 0) o o 3 a t-l o o s 02 53 o (-1 o 13 o H 855.] ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. 629 l?» 1 o 1 1 1 C^J o o 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tt -r^ CO w-i o o •auiBs am JO eniTJA 00 1-' o o CO i ^ O en ■^ t^ "*■ of 1 ^ 1 i 1 1-H ^ tc" 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^ ^ 1 IC I 1 1 CO o o 1 1 1 1 1 1 »-H CO »o o CT ■^ •pairn ■^ o o OJ, •"S* -oBjnuBiu .iB3ng cT co" 22" — ^ CD airfare JO ppunoj o OJ CO Ol CO S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; •pe.f oidiua spu«H 1 1 1 1 o in o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s o o o o o o i 1 1 1 1 o o o 1 o 1 o 1 1 1 o K-< o o o o o o erf •paisoAui TPiirt^D o o CO o o o o o § ^-Li J?^ CO oT oo" o Irt' of 1 1 1 1 ^^ 1 CO 1 1 1 1 in o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m H- 1 H O o o o o o ^5 o W 1 1 1 1 o o o 1 o 1 o o 1 1 o PIH •paainaiiiu CD o o o o o o o o o o CO ^ -uButAUauoipaj o o o^ o o m^ in o -uoo JO ain^A CO i>r irT o" CO •rf aS o 1 1 1 1 "^ i^ 1 <-^ 1 CO 1 1 t>. ; 1 1 1 ' ^ 1 J-H 1 1 ( o» ' ^ ■A".I3U0!1 -03JUO0 JO aarii -OBjnuBu'i am 1 1 1 1 rr ot ^ 1 O! 1 {?< * 1 1 1-H aoj sjuaniiisit -qcjsjT JO aaauiiiK - "* 1 r^ a CO w 00 CO 00 l^ CO c^ ■paAoiduia spuUH OJ o CO ot cH i-H 1— 1 1—1 o 1-H t^ 00 g : 1 o o 1 o o o o o o CO o o o CO ; o o o o o o o o GO o o o 00 ' T-H o o o o Irt CO o ^H 00 o ot CO 1 •p9.injocjnuBiu saxoii JO aniBA C5 o wJ 00 o l^ ^-4 r^ Ci Tir o (yt 00 1>^ OT, Cv^ o l^ "^ o Of o ■^ t^., 1 ^ ~ *i r p^ ■^ CO of ocT t>. 1 rX CD 1 ,„^ 1-^ C( CO 1-H t>. C5 »j ^ F-H CJ 1-H T-H 1-H ^ H k1 O 1 o o 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o lO o o o o o o o o o o in o Of o o o in o •^ ifi in o ^H Ol , •paisaAui widBO o_ 00 c^ =1 CO 00 c^ CO in CO ■^ CO 1 ^^ cT 1 Qo" LO" o fff o Ol CO t>." ocT c^ 1 ^ 1 s CO ' ■ W • • Si g "^ to o a, o t a 03 to _CD •T3 o -a: o 2 • o 3 o Ch 3 * . to CO »c o o^ CO in w ■^ OT O CO ^^ CO 00 CO OJ CO o CO ct CO 1-^ CO I— 1 ^M CO •aniMfe'jo aniBA ". t^ Tf ■* C7, in o 1—1 1—1 Of r- o in H CO oT . o" ~lrt Cl CO lO "<# (M rH CO I-H 00 »c 1 OJ 00 1— 1 ^ 1 1—1 in 1 00 ■* CO CO Ci o 00 ^ -<*< w-d CO CO 1 CO CO t saiMtj JO aaqtnni; CO. 1— fH ?0 o CO LO o 00 CO c5 CO — H co" co" of •rt< CO (?r -cf co" '# ^^ M^ 1 m c CO CO »o **^ 1 00 ■paXoidtna spiren 1 1 00 ( 1 ^ o 00 a> 00 1 I— ( 2 in CO a o H ^ ^H en P4 1 1 O 1 1 1 ^ o o 1 o 1 o o o o o o o o o o o C ^ o o o o o o o M •pajsaAui iBjidBo § o o in 00 o o o o o CO « 1 1 00 1 1 1 00 co" lO 1 in I <^ i>r o" o 1 1 f*>- 1 1 1 »c r^ 1 m 1 ^5 1-H J>. M lo r>. l-l cf CT H m 1 1 O 1 o o o o o 1 o o o o o Ci! o o o o o o o o o o o !zi o o o o o o o CO o o CO M •onjBA o o o o IQ o o •^ o o Cj w o CO o CO t>^ o. o CO o o 00 ». •^ H 1 1 t^" 1 co" "*" co" f>r .-^ 1 cT j>r o 'Pi" O I 1 CO ' 00 CO CTi 1 CO o o »o s h^ m' ^ 1—1 o o^ o ocT Ci" ^ *. H ■paXoidma spuBH 1 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 lO "Tt* CO Oi ^ (M H) -^ 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 o o o o ^ o o o o o ^ o o o o o U^ ■psjsaAUj i«}!dBO o o o o o 'A o lO, o IC CO •^ o 1 1 1 1 1 CO 1 1 1 1 1 1-i c>r o" r m M o 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 o o o o o o o o o o h o o o o o in •3I1IB.V' o o o o o CO o o Tj< t^ >-< 1 1 1 1 1 r>r 1 1 1 ) 1 CO CO CO o-y -sj 1 1 1 1 I o 1 1 1 1 t "^ CO o o» n» m €© g o o O Q o m in •psjtiioBjnaBtn ' 1 1 1 1 1 •^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ot co_ sajzopio jaquitiNj ^ Ci CO A< CO 00 •/) • ♦ • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 I- • • • ... o o w o J4 • *J * oo" 3 o o i P5 C •n to c a- a: a, S — C 5 o 3 o a ^ i w 0) o o 855.] ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. r531 1 1 o 1 m 1 1 1 ot 1 1 1 1 1 t^ I 1-^ CO CO CO ' psAOidraa spuBH « i o' o o o , 1 I o 1 o 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 O ; o o o o ■pa)S3Aa| iv)id«o 1 o o 1 s in 1 '^ 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 o o m aj in 1 o o o o o m ', 1 1 o 1 o 1 1 1 o 1 1 o 1 1 o "^ i o o o o o PQ •ani JO 8ni«A § § o •>* g 2 K o CO o" w sT 1 ""I 1 l^ , , I m 1 1 1 1 CO i 1 1 «. 1 ! 1 ' m 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 , g 1 o o 1 1 1 o o I 1 o o 1 1 O 1 o 1 OJ Ci_ '^•, -D fN •la^jBui'joj . CO o o o o ^' 1 '■ a •s83a pire CO 1-H »0 -^ ■^ in o 1 1 1-H Oi 1 CO in 00 i ii o 1 03' 1 1 1 1 \ ■2 1 a 1 O CO 1 CO 1 o 1 o 1 o o W CO o 1 O CO a o QD t'v o t>. CO Oi 1« CO 1-H m 00 in CO J2 m r>. K 1 i ■5mi?.If>9ni«A i c3_ n_ CO oo" 00 CO o 22" 00 CO H2 1 * 1 I 1 ^ (>» 1 <^ 1 ^^ ' CO 1 « CO CO t €^ 1 w )— 1 > ^. 1 1 '# 1 CO 1 CO 1 ^ 1 2! o S •* m n CO •TO 00 o •^ c^ CO CO o (7*, o "^ ^l CJ T3< CO of <— t ^ § X) ^" oo" 00 co" o i 1 i CO 1 QO 1 i-T 1 CO 1 -^ 1 cf *-H ^ 00 Of CO 1-H 1 i «? i • • • ' • • ■ • " • * 1 ! 1 .2 oT ' • * a Hampshire, Middlesex, ' i-T .2" 2 25 P O Barnstab Berkshin Bristol, Dukee, Essex, s s Nantuck Norfolk, s o E Oh 3 02 a; o o G32 ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. [185 p.ifoidraa saiBraa,! I— < Of 1 1 CO T}. CO 1 1* CO 1 1 t-^ i^ CT 1-H ■pa.toidraa sotbh CD 00 CO CO CO t^ »0 CO t^ CO o ^ CT r- 1 1—1 Qi 1-H 1—1 m l-H o CO 00 C5 s O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O o o o o o o o o o o o o •palSDAUI IB^TdBO CO o 00 o o Of. o o o o o CO o o o o *^ CO CO CO y^ ^-T^' Ci co" c^ cT of CO tm^ ct t>r *. €e K OJ o I— t •<* •saoij -BOIlQllJ^IJBaX pae XiaajjBtif) 1 1 1 1 IC 1 1 1 Tf ^~ 1 1 O 00 CO GC 'iCimnocn-ig 'Ai -Uinore 'X^JisaAi -ig 'A'lJiaaM 1 1 1 1 -iuuas 'A"i3ia3M 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 •paqsn -qnd sjodBj A'l 6 CO CO t>. - /-.^ oc CO o o> CO 00 •pDiisn ►—1 -qtid sjodedsAiaji 1 1 CO 1 CT 1 ^^ 1 -* 1 1 1 CO OJ CT .CliBa JO .iDquinjn ^^ /■WA.^N /^ «.Aw^ /^.A..^ P^ •3 a as '3 o 3 cut, Coppcr- , Ncwsp'r Ac. c. auop Suijnn J jo o. t- O c o. is O. o .« c o cu c m a. a. s - spuni snbuBA diij. a, 5 J3 w ■u* OS a CD a» a. J5 o 1-5 a c 1 00 s o J2 p. S « a CO 55 O 55 •a c o o "A o C c. (5 c 13 o a C8 52 S i-s {T s 1-5 ■-5 U l-> e-» -2 ^, Jlf 1 M a .K it pSi" J£ X? ia j>i £ .m"S /i^ o o X! O a o o °^ o o-= c r* o o 4) o o o o o o oO « o o^ Oi-H o ■ Pi Izi » l-» a M AA C5 t^ K P3 ' o O O O o O O O O O O o o o ot O o O o o O O O o o O o o o ? % MBoX am iC 00 o vn o o O O CO o o o o »* Siiunp 9uop 3ui qj 00 o ?S l^ o O o C\' o o CD 00 -^ -Uiu.I nejn aniKA ''"%. l^ o^ lO o l^ F-H G>^ o o l>.^ CT O •^ cT r)H~ c^" o o' ■^ cT ,■-« •rl» irT l-C t>r c^ «^ I— 1 rH J> »o J-* f-^ O CD *■ « CT 00 » • • • • • • • • • • • • • U t s; o ■♦J en eq CO to- ol OQ 2 'a S tn o c .2 O 6 S o c 855.] ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES. 633 u 0> C5 00 Ci r^ CO .H .H in 1 CO ■n< CO r^ -H OS CO •* 1-^ CO 00 CO o in I-H CO O,' 00 o s •pa^oidina spnen 1-n in o c< c^ !— ( 1-^ J> o< 1—1 (?f QCT ^ s W as , O o o o o o o o o o o o o o w o o o 1 o o o o o 1 CO o o o o V7 PP c^ m o 1 o o in o m 1 o o o o l^ CO r» »o o o 1-. o i>. o Oi o o •^ pajsaAnj iBjidtJO 00 QO" o CO co" co^ CO, o» CO 00 CO w ■^ (M IC CO 00 l^ CO o CO CO l^ C5 CO o (?{ 1 CO m 1 CO Ci 'a' 00 CO H 5 ^ tn H •paiBjaui o o o o o o o o CI o o CO o o m G A^ ^hZ^t>TT^iri¥1I "l Q r>. CO o a> o CO o o o? i>. — H o v>H o z s o CO ^M o w^ CO CO <^ l^ 00 CO Ci o •^ in 5 5 H .y sKJlO.I'lIM 1 o oi C^ in o Ci_ !>. to aS 00 1> o cT •*" -* Tt" c*r IC 00 in" ■^ co" '-' w -au3 bja^iSBg Of C5 o o t>. CO o t^ c; CO in w '^ 'il.i>jlS 4q''!J.«. €© ?— I l^ o^ »— 1 CO t— 1 cc_ !>;_ 1—1 CO in_ t>^ u -iaaiiA\ saiiojs 1—1 rH~ I-H CO I-H — tfi -9ABao JO an[i!A ^H s m p.-foidniasaxBtnaj 1 OJ 1 1 00 CO •^ CO 1 1 1 o CO T— 1 1—1 CO 00 I-H •pajCoidoia saicrt 1 ■* CO 1 .— 1 I— 1 m lO in I— 1 1 1 1 CO I-H 00 lO I-H o o o o o o o o o o 1 o o 1 o s^ o o o 1 1 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o d •paisaAHi midBO o CO o o o o o o in 00 in o ?^ ^ ^^ of (^f ci CO in cT •^ cT H-( 1 m 1 1 1 1 c^ in P 1 1 1 1 1 m ;^ H- < ra W o o o o o o o o o o o o 1 o o 1 o o o o o 1 1 1 o o o m o o o o o o '^ o CO o ■onop 3nipntq 13 lO o o o o CO o o 05 -Tiooa. JO aniBA o C^J o o lO o t^ in^ ^„ CN si co" o' CO" iO" co" C0~ 00 I-H t>r 1 f.^ 1 T— 1 CN 1 1 1 l^ •«* ^ T3 1 o o 1 o o o CO 1 1 1 00 i^ —4 o o o o o o GO -* Tl< •JBa^C am o o lO s o o 1^ 00 ""^ CJ_ 3uunp puiioq in CO co" di cxT o cf CO 00 cT snobajoaaquiiij^ 1 1 CO o 1—1 1 1 1 in T-H CO 00 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • m H ^ • • ^ , »« ^ . • . v^ . H O 1 m a CO .22 p (0 to s 5 X OD — ■*-» -a 3 e o "S o E 3 o o o o o 80 634 SUMMARY. <»i w -I o o S S GO 5a OQ 1i ■i:) fee -< ►c> » ^ S "?*i f^O *C> "^ « w ^:> «J ■iJ ^ V. Ci' a, ■*^ ^ "^ c rs ^ ^ of t^ r— ( 1— ( ^ S CM ■" , o» LC G 00 C »ni 10 in 0^ 0^ ■^ co^ C • *N > Ci ^H "!* 00 ^ c" c" CO co" t>r if LO CO 00 ^H TJ< t>» CO i^ if i> ■^^ (7J CO ■<3< 10 05^ CO w Ti^ s 1-i 0" I— 1 00 '3. OS €© H C5 l^ CO CT CO c^ {>. CO- ~^ ■^ -H i^ o> CO t>. c] ■<* GO i> •^ CO 10^ GO ■<* CO I' #v CO P ■^ t>r -* -^ •rf 00 go" a 3 l^ CO l^ CO »o a 'T' in CO CO •- t-H t>.„ ot 00 00 CO I— < r-* r^ r a r-- 2 ^ ■^ oT 00" of 'O J^ l^ Tt ■^ c? CO 00 in r^ C m 00 10 •^ ^^ CO lO CO (Ml »-* r. s t^ 1-H CO co^ c* C3 ^1 o_ in C «\ «l •^ 1-^ 1-^ T-^ co~ CO T— ( V o< •0 in C C3 <^ oo Ot c ^ I-H c;?^ 00 cq^ *v > C3 *— ( Ci in •^ co" 0" in of cT ^ n CO CO CO in in •^ CO c iO Ci^ CO CO CT w CO t<. n 3 1-^ >— 1 i>r of mH of P. CO 00 U H CT "* c CO CO c 00 ■^ a -0 CO c CO t— ( ^— ^ 'a* CO GO ^ o LO Of_ no 00 t^ 1—* 0^ 00 ~j II 3 CO ^1 iO Ci go" r^ 0" of m" ^ c3 > Tfl — H T— I ^o 'rf Tf ■ -H •^ t^ Ci O 1/5 C5 a 00 l^ i^ lO o r>t (^f ■^ l> o o 1 '^ I— 1 i> CD m lO 00 Ci -Ti (:>>_ 'rr CN ^n 1— ( CJ CJ 1—1 r^ 1—1 r^ Ci O o O o lo >rt o o O o o »rt o O o t^ lO o 1 Oi w (M 1 o >c C5 CJ lO r>. o o o Of 00 o w o» l>^ in t^ CO CJ o IC o o CD CO cc j>r Ci" 00 00 CO co" CO co" 00 of cT r>r o Of CO ■^ CO cr< CJ CJ o lO CJ CD [^ F- 1 i-H 1 1 1—1 1—1 CO I— 1 ^■^ 00 CO o »n l-H o o o p t^ CJ „i o o o •<* -r '-r o CO •n< t^ 1 CD o i^ CO F— 1 a o n C5 c; IC GO Oi •^ »—* co^ CV o CO c co^ CO a CO o c^r 00 iC co" •^ 00 !■-' CO o" co' IC 1»^ cT o" — . CD o> o CO 1— ( cri ■^^ Of o m l^ C) CJ .— • CO Ol^ o OJ I— 1 >— I Of CJ >-H 1—1 o CO ^^ Ci 1 CD o 00 \fi "* -n* lO o 00 C3 >* o "H 00 1—1 o o t>. -r CO •<* •* 00 o CO CO CI CO l^ 00 CO i>. CJ •^ <>l t^ o I— 1 •<* l^ Of CO CO ■^ CO CO in a cf Ci • o o o o o o o o o o o >.o o o o o o o o 1 o o o o o o o LO J^ o o o o o o^ kO o 00 OJ o o o IC o o CO -o CO CO »N co" "^ cT co" cT QO" o ifT cf -* od" cc" o o CD m 00 o CO o c:) Of r^ I— 1 CJ r^ o 00 s? CJ 1— t s^ rf o '^ CO I— 1 CJ T}< I— 1 CJ CO IC 1—1 of cf 1 o o o o o o o o O o o o o CO o o o o o o o o o o c=> o o o o o 00 o o o 00 o o o Of "* in o o o o CJ lO o o o o CO o o o CO »o Ol o o o o l-M r-^ CO o o in lO »n o o^ lO CO CO o^ o 1— t t>.^ CJ, L-:^ o •^ lO o CO '^ o cT o o (M (r» l^ cx) c^ CO CO CJ o CO m CO o o o. Of 1-^ o lO f— t CO 00 l^ CO co^ m^ n -^ n T— 1 m ^ c s 1— ( • • • • if bJD c • • • rt o I- r3 'o • .a • • era . en e3 u B c3 C a m o c a • o a a CO ■*-» • c e3 C ei m m 'a to" o C3 CI. < ■T3 o u S o • m "So .5 C5 l-H OJ c o P- ^ ^ S to B to" o o a CO fco '5 Pi o n. < m "S eS « ■♦J CJ •t^ SJ •4-J o o "o o s ^ a a. "o ca O) L^ X a o 3 o o cs o o !-• te S m '■^ < O 02 « Q hJ H M s 1— O n 636 SUMMARY. [1855. O O CO •a CO a CO r^ CO 00 B o Ci CO '\S CO CO o* ■^ 1 1 01 OJ "* CO I— ( CO Tf 01 ot CO C3 ^ « t 1-^ a> , i^ in in 13 0) m CO in 1 1 o» j^ •^ n 10 c^ IC i^ IC CO OJ oq_ m t m o > H Ci ^H t^" ^H ■<* CO erf od" -* o ^-^ CO ifO Tf C3 i-H 01 CO •^ m t^ CJ »H ot I— t I— ( -^ "3 i-T 1 1 OD H »o CO in in CO ■^ lO 00 10 CO i^ o> j^ 1 1 0? Ci iO CO "^ w co^ Ci^ CO Ci i^ * OJ CO cf •^ 0" 00" ■nT in" CO of =3 10 10 i-H CO 10 •> GO ■^ •^ CO CO ct 00 CO CO 0? CO CO C^ CO CO CO i^ I— t Oi o>. Tj* CI 5 a. r-i OJ I— 1 1— H " S a " ■6 in Q t>. i^ Q in 10 CO 10 i^ o_ 00 in CO CM ■ 00 o» «0 ^H in -rt< 0" r>r r>r a^ r^" i>r c iO i^ CO 00 CO OJ CO o» O ■3 1-H 1— 1 co_ 1— ( 0^ I— 1 in I— I t^ OJ CO iO 0. CO OS H * * * t^ LO in r^ Ci Q 01 O! (TJ CO ■^ 00 CO Q 'Jf 1-H 1— 1 00 r^ 00 CO ^ 01 in^ ^ Ol J^ 00 »ft t i-^ in"" o" in" in" "*" 03 ■^ •^ Ci Of Tt* Ci CO o> CO C^ 1—1 r-t OJ CO CO "* OJ^ cT — H '^^ of oT 1— ( • . . . . . > . . . . . M . « ns C « . . . . es . . S oT »^ 03 . • • . . • a 3 U >-i ob" H M H . 00" • . • • -a s ei m s m 3 00" PQ pq 02 d Cu G 02 Q m 02 1855.] SUMMARY. 637 >0 CO »>. •»i< In, 1^ O "^ O -^ C» O O T-H O f^ •^ 1-H o CD CO CO Oi r^ ■^ 00 oo in o o ''i* ■<9« lO 1— t tr> CO 1-H CO CO CO O CO O Ci CJ —I '-I ot o CO o CO o id ■<* o o t^ CJ o 00 o 00 CO o o !>. o rt< >o Cvf Tf t^ o a 00 o OLJ 1-H 05 CO o> o lO o Cf <^ C) m t^ lO o o CO r^ CO in •^ ■^ VH o> ^-1 CO r^ CO •n< o> "^ ■^ o> Ci CO o •^ -^ CO Of <■» in CO o 00 1^ CO i> Ci 1— < in o CO O o CO CO o Ci ■^ 00 IN. 00 o Cj in o ^-^ 00 CJ in 00 o J^ ^-( lO 00 CO cs CO o o CO CO in o o> 1> •rti C5 •^ 1-H CO CO CO CO CO I— t o CO eo" 00 1—1 c< o c> o ot (M l^ Ci ■^ ^H 00 in CJ in ■5l< Of o rt" o Ci CO 1-M in CO Ci CO •<* in 00 ••c o I— 1 Ci in co" r—\ in 1— < c< CO -9" ■^ c< o CO o o o o o o ■^ o o CO o o o in j^ o in o o in o o» l^ o 1 ^-4 o o o Of CO -^ in t^ Ci o CO CO 1^ o o in o in ^ o CO 00 o Ci 00 CO r^ Ci in o» c^ •^ 52 in in CO in rf Ci CO Ci 00 '3< CO 00 00 m CO in CO CO Ci^ 1— ( I-H f— ( 1— 1 Ci 1-H Ot co" in^ 1—1 # # * * * o o o o o Of Ci O o o o o 00 00 O o o o o o o I— 1 t^ o o o o o CO in o o o in o <— 1 o 00 Ci o 1— 1 in o o ^H CO in m o o .-H CO in CO Ci ■<* In. in o CO Ci CO o» r^ 00 •^ fM T}< CO o» o» Ci Ci o •«^ o» in ^H ■^ CO CO 00 o CO t^ .-H o o O' o CO CO o 00 i"H *^ Of r^ CO •^ •^ o? ■^ in in ■^ in F-H Ol OJ C5 00 Ci "* ^H CO OJ Ci ■^ CO CO CO o 00 t^ Of CO r-^ o< •^ ot ot CO t>. • 9 • • • CJ • • > ■s o c CS tn o • • • • • • • 9 • • • • o c • no" C3 O n • 13 c B5 > • t Oh 7] TO "3 • o c 1-4 'S w to 7J aT <4-J a U O C3 cS bJD c a O S 0) s OJ S 1 O o 0) CS d a ri (P 3 D- O o ..^ U> M-1 O pq > W O m P4 ^ QQ M W pL, fe 3 a ■a 638 SUMMARY. [1855. n3 o O s f^ ■^ o CO o -t CO CD o CO = 1" •^ a tC o 1"^ CO CO 1 o 'g* CO o 1 " 2 of of V ■ •3 o o o rf o o o o >o O o IC o o J>» ^^ o o o 1 j>; o »o — ^ 1 • C« o 11^ CO {^ iq^ o CO o kc^ in o ^ co" CO C^ i-n co~ 1 CO" 00 ^~ o o 00 a, IS 1 1 H o o OJ CO CO CD o o CO C5 o o 1 15 •^ "* "T** in o 00__ no CO 1 of — CO co" co" CO ,-^ j>r in ^rp co" 3 ^ GO CO 00 00 CO TJ< i—H CO 00 r' T— 1 1 CO 1 o t^ CO _^ ^ 1-^ n CO 00 o CO CO o •^ tn ■* CO l> •—4 o CO CO o i"^ "^ o 03 '~' OJ, •"^ CO 1— 1 I— 1 -* ■>*' 1— t CO o "O o o ifi ip o o o o o o o CO o oi o o ^H l^ o CO o o lO o tn OJ c > o o CO a o^ o_ o »o_ "* o rr_ 'i' s^ • o" n cf o" «^ ^4^ o" irT "^ ■^ r>r of t>J" o >o o rH i>. r^ r^ C3 CO w o in ot •^ €©■ I— 1 o„ o 1—1 c^ CO rH i—i 1— t CO I-H Of i-'T) a a. i-T •^ 00 H * * o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o i-H CO CJ o o CJ o o o o o CO a ifi 1— I 00 •«* Ci OJ o o m o •^ T— * -r o r— t o Ci r^l ■^ o CO CO o o„ •<# C5_ c3 ■^ i>r cT ^1 o" r>r o of oT cT o" •^" ^^ > »o Ci CO in o C5 CO CO Ci ■^ r^ J>. €©■ T—i o •^ s irj CO -* lO o o W of 1-^ of o T—l • • • • • • • • • • • * • • oT • r2 • 0) 32 ■4-J J3 (4 _C '3 r^ <4-> "3 • bJD c '5 o < ■73 -3 d) o n C3 • 3 ^ . s rt r3 o o c c (V ID o ■73 ca 0) s 3 o c c a a o c 0^ . c s a c o 1 ed r^ ^ ^ o c3 o a> cd O o u H U ;j o 5 O E J &H SUMMARY. 639 ^H t^ 00 c» a Of O CO CO o ■<* CO CO c^ — i^ o CO 1^ ■n* CO r>. Ot CO o lO o 1-^ CO "* o GO CO in c< Of 00 CO o CO c^ o Ci o t C5 a> i^ a o Oi CO rf ■^ o CO o CO cni o CM! CO 1 -^ c* •rt< o CO — H ^■^ •«* CO o CO in o CO CO o •^ o> CO CO 00 o C5 o •»# •>* w o CO T-H f— < o r^ 1-H CO o -* o c< CO CM ■^ (M ^— I— 1 (7» CO o t>.. CO CO CO o Ol 1-H -^ r-i "«* Ol CO 1-H cri CO lO lO m o w Ci J^ o CO GO o o c> 1—4 o t>. l^ o LI o> 00 CO CO Ci ■ 'T* — CO CO LO ^M l^ o» 'JJ' ^— (M CO CO o< o CO a ■"^ -* ^^ (^i I-^ t^ I— ! * o o CO iO o o o m CO Of CO of o o >.o ao„ ■*" o o o o ocT 00 o o CO o> 00 tn o o o CO CO o o o Ci CO o CO CO o o o o in irT <0) o o o o o 00 o o o o o o iO ^3"" c-r in" ^ •^ ^ CO — l^ o o in CO CO CO S OS s • * • • • • • • '3 . • g • g bo ••• O ...••• ^" in^ g "-' p o ■•-> s __, •— ^ o -K^S -u C1.J2C5 02c 3rt2 g _.->■« 1 (§ § H ^« ^ • ^ -^ . ^" ^ -1 g 'S 640 SUMMARY. [1855. o O T3 ■^ ^ o 00 CO 1 QO o Of il^ CO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C O iO Ci co_ 00 d ^^ oT cf 1— ( t>r o a) o o 1 1 1 1 'S' 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 -4-t o CO • irT od' lO o CO 00 oi ^ C13 1 1 1 1 c^ ^n 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 00 'S. m H ^H o CO t^ 1^ o r^ o CO OJ CO 1 L'^ o lO CO CO 1 o* 00 00 o CO CO ^^ CO ^ CO o i>^ ira o_ c5 00 «— < 00 ^-^ '* CO 00 oo" od" •^ 0(5" c^ OJ 00 t^ 00 OJ *>. OJ CO »c OJ 5 €© o o CO "^ s^.' J^ lO^ "^ CO > 1 ^^ 1-H 1— 1 1 00 I— 1 1—^ CO in -f -H LO 1 ^ CO 1 ^H o> CO lO 00 1 1 1 1 t 1 ■^ CO rr^ lO, ■^ oS .-H CO lO" ^^ o" X" 1— ( <-^ « ■d O 00 CO o 1 1 1 ■-f CO 1 1 1 1 1 1 s • CO I* in QO" CO CO 10 CO o "3 1 1 1 ■^ co" 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 CO H * o O o o o o o o o l>. .-< CI CO o o o o o o o o o "^ t^ TT» o IC o C>J m CO o CO C5 1-H w _^ 00 _^ CO »n o ^^ C5 •r ■^ o co" cT CO ■^ co^ i"H «_ri co" o" ^ S o o CO CO OJ l^ CO OJ CO CO i>. CO ■§© ?— 1 -o o J^ 00 ■rf ^- I-^ o iO CO cf !>. oT in cf co" .-, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • c m" a> o3 o • > 'c3 u >^ • of 0; • • gT c o T3 ■ a TO o ^3 s o p 1 fin O o • c o o ■-a c CO 'o o o o a ID QJ en a CIS c TO c tJT O o "o TO 0) o 6 ''3 Oh CS a> P <0 o > oT -•^ 1— ( *^ •T3 i2 CO Ki J3 s •J 'is 1^ < a. o H-l o 3 c o o ce Pi 1855.] SUMMARY G41 I I I I I I I I GO 1— ( J^ o o in !?? Of cc o Of o C5 *>. o o ■^ CO 00 1—1 o CO in CO 1^ Of. 1-^ CO tH If? f^ >r: 00 lO GO 00 « >rf CO CO OJ CO C5 Ci 01) •<* ^ o> CO C^ in CO rH CO OJ t>. c* lO 00 Of 00 re CO o O re o Ph O 3 re . >o ■<* Ol \n CO Of w in o o CO CO 7* in r^ . o Tf Of ■^ 'Tf o Of o< r^ o o 00 CO *>. 00 i> o nn o CO o 1-H tH 00 Of cs> r^ ^H 1-H CO C5 Of •^ >n Of o -rf »o •^ CO r~^ o •^ CO t>. CO •^ l^ l>. 05 r:f CO o \n Of l« CO Of rr TJ< 1— < C5 CO o CO ^H t>. CO 00 ■^ CO in OJ lO r^ 1^ LO Of CO OJ 00 •^ 00 00 o 1—) •^ in CO o »— 1 o w^ r^ 1— ( ■^ OJ 00 CO, 1— ( 1— ( 00 a o P3 en re 5 a 81 642 SUMMARY. [1855. =3 O O ^ P^ < CO •d CO oj lo m in in o i^ 1 1 1 "^T r -^ CO 1 c o T-H oJ 00 00 0{ s & 1— H I— 1 2 "- S c s u • ^^ *w^ o o o 1 1 1 1 etJ 1 1 1 1 • U3 l>.^ »o„ B s ^ o ^ s I— 1 1 1 I s s 00 1 1 s 1 1 00 "a 03 O ;j H bn fcci o m _^ in o cv CO 1 1 1 r^ 1 1 2 ;J o 1 co_ o 1—1 • i-t • •-• . •^ <>r o -^ "TS in LO o CO 1 1 1 c l-H 1 1 a l-H 1 -o GO ■<* 00 LO t^ CO o (?< r^ 00 c? m 03 0) c o o .-^ t^ , 00 rr CO in CO CO o CO OJ I— 1 i^ CO I"^ T-^ '^ CO l-* oJ •"■ ^ o. l-H ^ B o t^ o o o o a o ■k^ in <^„ C5 Ci co^ C5 Ci, CD o o 00 l-H CO en o co" T— » oo" co" I-^ ■^ cT cf oo" o" o" Ci (m" o IX) o> CO in CO c>t CO CO TJ< T— t CO in O €©■ CO l^ I— 1 C3 I— 1 "51* CO l-H ^ "S c^" i-O *3. CO 03 H o o o J>. o O o o o o o CO o o o ■q< •^ o O f— 1 o o m o 00 o o o Ci CT 00 CO Ci o o Ci o CO CO _ o lO »o CO tn ot CO in o o o 00 In. O o •^ o CO 00 00 00 t^ o co^ i>^ in 3 co" irf CO or o co" Iff in 00 of o i>r 00 CO (M CO CO ■t" in in 03 CO cri o Ci i>. •^ r-i o C5 CO l-H CO CS m CO o a 4» co" co" • • . • • • • • • • • • . . • o cr • • • • • '^ • a • o « • CO • c o s > CO Q o cfT TO o o ex -3 •73 C V c o 2 o o p a> L-i ■-3 B S3 o c cd o 'a c 13 6 c .2 a> to .5 a OS 3 o I-T O c o c5 c (—1 a o 1- CS ai 0) D. o m a> o o n o fe W W U £ < PQ C^ w H PQ U 1855.] SUMMARY. 643 ^ CO 1 1 1 1 CO CO C>l l>. CO in 1—1 o i>. 1 1 1 1 CO vO i^ t^ o" in" r- 1 ■>!1< '^ .-N .% 1 1 1 ( » oT 05 in CO IC r^ _^ CO -* •^ CO 1— ( Ci fN CO ■*- ■^ o^ 00 l>^ a »s i-h" rC "*" in" ^-4 in rf 1— ( Ci o CO Cvf in CO CT C^ OD •^ •^f 1— ( CO 00 1 CJ in 1 1 1 1 00 Of o CTi o C{ I-^ CO t » CO CO in" CT o o o o o r^ o QO 1 o o 1 1 1 o m O "S*! o in o CO !>, in OJ CO OJ CT rC cT 1-H C5 CT oT co" CO 1 CO 1 1 1 o ■^ i^ in o 00 co" CO CO C5 CO o~ ■ CT C? o o ^^ Q CO (-, o o in o C5 "^ o o J> 05 »n o o o en o t^ CO o CO CO l^ CO o 00 o CO l^ — H C5 o o n"^ CD CO o 1-^ CJ m m 00 CT^ J>. 00^ m^ CO CO ^-l co^ O! t^ CO CO oF or vH ^H in~ (^^ Ci »— 1 l>.'~ CO »H o »c o CO CO lO »n CO LO •^ in iO o> Oi o in l^ CO CO >— 1 I— 1 1-^ 00 • • • ^ s" CO • 'T3 , _o c "S o § » • V ■ CO 4-> • a> o ' • • • • • o o Cm o .2 • O O • • • >> "5 C3 o T3 u • o o ■ £?" • • > ^3 a 5 c o >-> e co" C-l O C o bo 02 0) .2 "o c c o c 1 o o Cm be c o • .s 72 bo bD H c a b -4—1 6 • c .1-1 fc'o .S '3 a IS o o CD c 2 to > d o c CO _d s o O 5 CO "S CO CS CO > w o 644 NOTES TO ABSTRACT. [1855. NOTES. (1.) Cotton. — Lancaster Quilts, in the mai>ufaeture of which, at Clinton, |!125,000 is invested, 219,493 pounds of cotton consumed, 1,600 spindles used, and 40 males and 60 females employed, are not embraced in the table ; shoe-strings, manufactured by an establishment in Carver, to the amount of $20,000, are likewise omitted. In the returns from Amherst, Boylston, Brookfield, Coleraine, Lancaster, Northbridge, Northampton, Sunderland and Westfield, the amount of capital invested is omitted ; those from Boxford give neither capital, value of manufactured goods, nor the number of hands employed ; Concord returns embrace neither capital nor the number of hands, while, in numberless instances, either the quantity of raw material used, the class of goods manufactured, their value, or some other material statement is omitted, (2.) Bleaching and CoLORiNG.-y-The value of goods bleached is omitted in the returns from South Danvers and Foxborough ; no capital is returned from Medway, the mill, the operations of which, for six months, are embraced in the table, having been burned down. (3.) Woollen. — Not included in the table are 15,094 embossed table covers, value, $25,000, manufactured in Salisbury ; 143 yards roller cloth, value, ,$350, and 97 yards of woollen shawls, value, $390, manufactured in Southbridge ; and 275,000 pounds of wool and cotton, consumed in the manufacture of satinets in Stockbridge. Eleven towns fail to return the amount of capital invested ; five, the number of sets of machinery ; four, the quantity of wool consumed ; four, the value of the fabrics manufactured ; six, the number of hands employed, and from one or two the returns are deficient in all of these respects. (4.) Carpeting. — Not included in the table are four mills for the manufacture of painted carpeting, (two in Essex, one in Middlesex and one in Norfolk,) having an aggregate capital of $12,500, producing 88,000 yards, and employing 28 hands. From two mills in Middlesex there are no returns of the quantity manufactured, and from one no return of capital. One mill in Norfolk and two in Nantucket make rag carpets only. (5.) Worsted. — The number of establishments in Chelmsford and Framingham is omitted in the returns, and the owner of a mill in Sudbury refuses to give any infor- mation as to the value of his manufactures, or the amount of his capital. The estab- lishment in Essex County manufactures mousseline de laines ; that in Norfolk County manufactures fancy worsteds ; one of those in Worcester County manufac- tures mousseline de laines, and the other, coach lace, 689 lbs. of silk being used in the manufacture of the last-named fabric. There is also an establishment for printing mousseline de laines at Southbridge, in Worcester County, which prints 4,500,000 yards, valued at $675,000, has a capital of $150,000, and employs 140 males and 20 females. 1855.] NOTES TO ABSTRACT. 645 (6.) Hosiery. — From the estaljlishments for the manufacture of shirts and drawers in Woburn and Worcester, the qiiantity manufactured is not returned ; the descrip- tion of goods manufactured in the establishment at Oxford is omitted, and the returns from Norfolk County are exceedingly defective throughout. (7.) Silk. — Tliere is an establishment in Newton for the manufacture of ribbons, fringes and trimmings. Value of goods manufactured, f 38,000 ; capital, $20,000 ; males employed, 16 ; females employed, 35. (8.) Rolling, Slitting and Nail Machines. — There are, in addition, 15 machines in operation in Shirley, for the manufacture of horse nails, and there is a new mill in process of erection in Somerset, with a capital of $60,000. There is also in Plymouth an establishment for the manufacture of zinc, nails and brads, where there are eight machines in operation, zinc manufactured to the value of $8,500, nails and brads to the value of $10,000, and where .$10,000 capital and fifteen hands are employed. The value of iron manufactured at one mill in Danvers, the quantity and value of nails made, and tlie amount of capital invested, are not given in the returns ; neither is the number of machines in Roxbury. • (9.) F.ORGES. — No particulars are returned of the business of three forges in Well- fleet and three in Nahant. The number of hands employed in seven at Beverly, and the number of hands and amount of capital employed in four at Newbury, are not returned. From seven forges in South Hadley nothing but the amount of capital and the number of hands is returned. One forge in Norfolk County is connected with nail works. (10.) Hollow Ware and Castings. — Two furnaces in Berkshire, included in the table, are not in operation, and of one in Hampden no particulars are given. (11.) Axes, Hatchets and Edge Tools. — There is no return of the value of the article manufactured in Lawrence, Essex County ; none of the number of axes made or the amount of capital invested in Sharon, Norfolk County, and none of the number of tools made in Millbury, Worcester County. (12.) Tacks and Brads. — The number of mills in Duxbury is omitted in the returns. A mill in Plympton returns 170,100,000 as the whole number of tacks and brads made ; one in South Scituate, 375,000,000, and one in Abington, 1,405,- 300,000. (13.) Ploughs and other Agricultural Implements. — The number of manu- factories in Sandisfield ; the amount of capital invested in Tyringham, Coleraine, Leverett and Hard wick ; and the number of articles manufactured in Shirley and Fitchburg, are all omitted in the returns. (14.) Copper. — Not included in the table, is an establishment at Taunton for the manufacture of copper and brass kettles, where 300,000 kettles, valued at ,$109,000, are manufactured, $25,000 invested, and ten men employed. At a manufactory in North Brookfield, copper and sheet iron are produced to the value of $2,000, and one man is employed. The weight of copper manufactui'ed in Boston is not returned. 646 NOTES TO ABSTRACT. [1855. (15.) Brass Fouxderies. — The returns from one, a cannon foundery at Chicopee, are embraced in another department. (16.) Paper. — From New Marlborough, Berkshire County, and Middleton, Essex County, the value, instead of the quantity, of the stock used is returned, the amount being stated in the first case at $41,000, and in the last at $10,000. The quantity of paper manufactured in Huntington, Hampden County, is not returned, nor the quan- tity of stock used or the amount of capital invested in the business in Shirley, Mid- dlesex County. At Natick, ^Middlesex County, is a mill for the manufacture of paper pulp, which is not embraced in the table. It uses 490 tons of stock, manufactures pulp to the value of $70,475, has $16,500 capital, and employs twelve hands. Not included, likewise, is an establishment for the manufacture of sand paper, at Win- chendon, Worcester County, which makes 400 reams of sand paper, valued at $1,200, employs $200 capital, and one hand. (17.) Piano-Fortes, and other Musical Ixstruments. — The towns of Pittsfield, Berkshire County ; New Bedford, Bristol County ; Beverly, Haverhill and Lawrence, in Essex County; Springfield, West Springfield and Westlield, in Hampden County; Cambridge, Marlborough, Reading, To wnsend and Waltham, in Middlesex County ; Caatoa, in Norfolk County ; Chelsea, in Suffolk County ; and Worcester city, make no return of the number of musical instruments manufactured. Montague, in Franklin County, specifies 300 piano-forte cases, but makes no return of their value. North Bridgewater, in Plymouth County, returns all the particulars, except the number of establishments. (18.) Daguerreotypes. — The numbar of Daguerreotypes taken in Great Barring- ton, Berkshire County, and the amount of capital invested, are not returned. (19.) Chronometers, Watches, &c. — From an establishment in New Bedford, no returns have been given. (20.) Saddles, Harnesses, &c. — Hancock, Berkshire County, returns no capital ; Quincy, Norfolk County, no particulars ; West Brookfield, Worcester County, no value of manufactures ; and Westminster, in the same county, the number of manufactories only. (21.) Hats and Caps. — The number of hands employed in the manufactory at West Brookfield is not returned. (22.) Cordage. — Eight establishments in Essex County manufacture lines ; three of them return 4,230 dozens lines manufactured, and five the value — $24,000 — instead of the number. There is no return of capital from the manufactory in Marble- head ; the manufactory in Hampden County is not in operation, and from that in Southborough, Worcester County, $3,000 is returned as the value of the cordage made, while the number of pounds is omitted. (23.) Boats. — The number of establishments for boat building in Swampscott, Essex County, and Franklin, Norfolk County, as well as the amount of capital and n.umber of hands employed in South Hadley, Hampshire County, is not given in the returns. 1855.] NOTES TO ABSTRACT. 647 (24:.) Vessels Launched. — There is no return of the amount of capital invested in ship building in New Bedford, or of the amount of capital and number of hands employed in Amesbury. (25.) Masts axd Spars. — The proprietor of one mast and spar shed in Fairhaven, Bristol County, refused to give the assessors any information touching his business. Twenty thousand dollars is returned as the value of the masts and spars manufactured in Sulem, Esses County, the number being omitted ; and $2,000 is returned as the value of those manufactured in Hingham, Plymouth County, where the number is likewise omitted. (26.) Railroad Cars, &c. — Ipswich, in Essex County, and Deerfield, in Franklin County, make no return of capital ; Attleborough, in Bristol County, and Ware, in Hampshire, return neither the amount of capital invested nor the number of hands employed ; Gill, in Franklin County, returns neither the amount of capital nor the number of establishments, and Shrewsbury, neither the number of establishments nor of employees ; Abington, in Plymouth County, returns the capital of only one out of four establishments, and Rutland, in Worcester County, makes no return of the value of the vehicles manufactured. (27.) Lead.— At the manufactory in Salem, Essex County, both sheet and white lead are manufactured. (28.) Fire Arms.— ,$137,000 comprises the amount of the manufacture at the United States Armory, in Springfield, which is included in the aggregate of Hampden County, in the column of the " value of fire arms." (29.) White Lead and other Paints.- Returns from Needham, Norfolk County, do not specify the number of establishments, but give $18,000 (which sum is included in the table) as the " value of white lead, chrome green and Vermillion." Essex County makes no return of the number of hands employed. (30.) Flour Mills.— From the town of New Marlborough, in Berkshire County, no return is made of the value of flour, or the amount of capital invested, but the sum of $8,000 is returned as the value of the mills in that place. Holyoke, Hampden County, returns neither value, capital, nor the number of hands employed. East- hampton makes no return of the number of barrels, and Hatfield returns one '« custom mill," but omits all other particulars. (31.) Currying Establishments.— The towns of Deerfield, in Franklin County, West Roxbury, in Norfolk County, and North Brookficld in Worcester County, make no returns of the amount of capital invested. Melrose, in Middlesex County, returns neither value, capital, nor the number of hands employed. (32.) Patent and Enamelled Le.i.ther.— Wilmington, in Middlesex County, returns " one manufactory just commenced," but omits all other particulars. AVor- cester city returns one establishment for the manufacture of "enamelled leather clotK' but specifies no further particulars. This estabHshment is not included in the table. 648 NOTES TO ABSTRACT. [1855. (33.) Boots and Shoes. — Hardwick, in Worcester County, makes no return of the number of pairs of boots or shoes, but returns the aggregate value, and the number of persons employed, which are included in the table. The town of Mansfield, in Bris- tol County, besides its regular returns, gives the following statistics : " Boots and shoes bottomed for manufacturers out of town, 12,000 pairs; value, $3,000," Wen- ham, Essex Coimty, in addition to its regular statistics gives the following statement : <' There are 205,000 pairs of shoes made in this town for dealers in Danvers and Lynn ; value, $36,560 ; men employed, 160." The foregoing particulars are pre- sumed to be included in the table in the county aggregates of the several towns, wherein are located the establishments for which the articles were made. (34.) Straw Bonnets and Hats. — Berkley, in Bristol County, returns, 7,595 straw bonnets and hats (which are included in the table) and omits all other statistics, but adds that the articles enumerated were " made in private families." Greenwich, in Hampshire County, after giving the pecuniary value of the palm leaf hats made in that town, submits the following information in the appropriate place for the number of employees : " Females employed, almost all in the town, when occupied with notjiing of more importance." Petersham, in Worcester County, adds to its enumera- tion of palm-leaf hats, that they are " made in famihes." (35.) Charcoal. — The number of hands employed in the manufacture of charcoal is omitted in the returns from Adams and Otis in Berkshire County ; Norton and Raynham, in Bristol County ; Warwick, in Franklin County ; Monson and Wilbra- ham, in Hampden County ; Huntington, in Hampshire County ; Dunstable and Tewksbury, in Middlesex ; Foxborough, in Norfolk ; Rochester, in Plymouth ; and Ashburnham, Leominster, Northbridge, Phillipston, Princeton and West Brookfield, in Worcester County. (36.) Blacking. — The number of hands employed in the manufacture of blacking, in Gloucester, Essex County, is not returned. (37.) Mechanics' Tools. — The number of hands employed on mechanics' tools in Weymouth, Norfolk County, is not returned. (38.) Wooden Ware. — The number of hands employed in the manufacture of wooden ware, in Westport, Bristol County ; in Northfield and Whately, Franklin County, and in Goshen, Hampshire County, is not returned. (39.) Corn and other Brooms. — The number of hands engaged in the manu- facture of brooms in Shirley, Middlesex County, is not returned. (40.) Gold Pens. — The following statistics, in the returns from Wilhamsburg, Hampshire County, are not embraced in the table : " Gold and silver pencil cases manufactured, 40,000; capital, $12,000 ; men employed, 24; females employed, 2." (41.) LuMKER. — The following towns fail to return the number of hands engaged in the preparation of lumber for market : Stockbridge, Fall River, Norton, Middleton, Gill, Warwick, Whately, Blandford, Chicopee, Huntington, Chelmsford, Dunstable, Framingham, Groton, Littleton, Pepperell, Tyngsborough, Wilmington, Dedham, 1855.] NOTES TO ABSTRACT. 649 Foxborough, Marshfield, N. Bridgewater, Hard wick, Leominster, Paxton, Princeten, Shrewsbury, Southborough, West Boylston. The quantity of lumber is omitted in the returns from Framingham, and the value in those from Pembroke. (42.) Firewood. — The foUcwing towns make no return of the number of persons employed in preparing firewood for market, viz. : Great Barrington, Lanesborough, New Marlborough and Tyringham, in Berkshire County; Fairhaven, New Bedford, Norton and Westport, in Bristol County; Tisbury, in Dukes County ; Gloucester, Hamilton and Ipswich, in Essex County ; Gill, Warwick and Whately, in Franklin County ; Blandford, Chicopee, Monson and Palmer, in Hampden County ; Chester- field and Northampton, in Hampshire County; Burlington, Dunstable, Framingham, Lexington, Lincoln, Littleton, Melrose, Pepperell, Stoneham and Wilmington, in Middlesex County; Brookline, Dedham, Foxborough, Quincy and Wrentham, in Norfolk County ; Marshfield and South Scituate, in Plymouth County ; Hard- wick, Lancaster, Leominster, New Braintree, Northborough, North Brookfield, Pax- ton, Phillipston, Princeton, Shrewsbury, West Boylston and West Brookfield, in Worcester County. (43.) Whale Fishery. — Besides the deficiencies indicated in the table, the cities of Fall River and Lynn return neither the quantity of sperm nor whale oU, nor the value of either. (44.) Mackerel and Cod Fisheries. — Truro, in Barnstable County, returns the number of vessels employed in the cod and mackerel fishery, their aggregate tonnage, the number of bushels of salt consumed, the capital invested, and the number of hands employed, but omits aU other particulars. Beverly, Essex County, adds to its full returns the following item : " Codfish Oil, 425 barrels ; value, $8,925." Marble- head, same county, adds the following : "Value of cod liver oil/o>- currying jnirposes, $7,217." Nahant, same county, omits the number of bushels of salt consumed. The return from Nantucket states that the fish are talien "in boats." Marshfield, in Plymouth County, returns only the value of codfish taken, and the number of hands employed, and Plympton, in the same county, only the quantity of fish, the value, and the number of employees. (45.) Alewives, Shad and Salmon. — The towns of Falmouth, in Barnstable County, Westport, in Bristol County, and Holyoke, in Hampden County, and the city of Lynn, in Essex County, make no return of the number of hands employed in the alewive, shad and salmon fishery. Appended to the return from Watertown, Middlesex County, is the following item : " Value of other fish taken, $1,200." Too late to be inserted in the proper place, came the following return from Edgartown : "Barrels of herrings or alewives caught, 1,130 ; value, $3,390 ; hands employed, 9." (46.) Sheep and Wool.— The town of Salisbury, Essex County, makes no return of the value of sheep. From the following places no return is made of the number of pounds of wool produced : New Bedford, Bristol County ; Wendell, Franklin County ; Chesterfield, Hampshire County ; Chelmsford, Concord, Hopkinton, New- ton and Wilmington, in Middlesex County ; Dedham and Dorchester, in Norfolk County ; Abington, Plymouth County ; and Bolton, Gardner, Phillipston and West Boylston, in Worcester County. 82 650 NOTES TO ABSTRACT. [1855. (47.) Horses, Oxen, Cows and Calves. — From three of the four districts into •which Haverhill seems to have been divided, the assessors return the whole number of «' neat cattle," without regard to the classifications contemplated in the official inqui- fl lies. The number thus returned is included in the table under the head of " oxen over three years old." " Neat cattle," only, are likewise returned from Shutesbiu-y and Monson. Hatfield makes the following supplementary return, which is not included in the table : " Beef cows, 242 ; gross value, $7,640." (48.) CoKN, Indian and Broom. — From Haverhill and Swampscott, in Essex County, from Monson, in Hampden, and Sudbury, in Middlesex, the number of acres appropriated to the cultivation of corn is not returned. (49.) Wheat. — The value of the wheat raised in Abington is not returned. (50.) E.TE. — The number of acres is not returned from Haverhill, Swampscott, Monson or Sudbury. (51.) Barley. — The number of acres is not returned from Haverhill, Swampscott, Sudbury or Wilmington, nor the value from Winthrop. (52.) Oats. — The number of acres is not returned from Monson or Sudbury. (53.) Potatoes, Onions, Turnips, &c. — Tlie statistics from Haverhill, Monson and Sudbury, with regard to the crops of potatoes, onions, turnips, carrots, beets and other vegetables, and hay, are in conformity with the instructions to assessors in no particular. In the returns from many other towns the number of acres cultivated, and the average yield per acre, are omitted, (54.) Apples, Pears, &c. — In twenty-one towns, the number of trees, or the value of fruit, is omitted. (55.) Hops. — Pepperell and Wilmington return only the gross quantity and value. (56.) Cranberries. — Either the number of acres, or the value of cranberries, is omitted in the returns from fifteen towns. (57.) Maple Sugar. — The value of maple sugar made in Otis is included in the " gross value of all other articles," returned from that town, and 1,700 pounds made in Savoy, is included with " sugar refined." (58.) Porte Monnaies. — The quantity manufactured in Plymouth and Suflfolk Counties, as well as in Lancaster and Millbury, in Worcester County, is not returned ; nor is there any return at all from one establishment in the city of Worcester. I TABLE : AGGEGATE VALUE OF ARTICLES PRODUCED IN EACH COUNTY \^fSS^/P(^ b(5^ftEia— m 'Map ERRATA [Most of the following errors are corrected in the Tables.] 'age 11. Value of Corn : For $69,157, read $6,915. 'age 30. Value of Charcoal : For S88,400, read $3,640. 'age 54. Value of Oats : For $47,520, read $5,940. 'age 119. Value of Boots and Shoes : For $1,000, read $11,225. 'age 217. Number of Hides tanned : The " $ " is altogether superfluous. 'age 228. Indian Corn : For 125 bushels, read 125 acres ; and for 2,500 bushels per acre, read 25. 'age 338. Shovels &c. : For $300, read $3,000. age 350. Keg Staves and Headings, should read as follows: Establishments, 13; Keg Staves I, 3,600,000; val., $10,000; Keg Heads, 1,250,000; val., $12,000. 'age 374. Copper Manufoctories : For $10,000,000, read $500,000. 'age 410. Carpeting: For $2,000, rfarf $10,000. 'age 421. Boots and Shoes : For 15,000 pairs of Shoes made, read 52,500 pairs; and for 20 men ployed, read 63. 'age 505. Lumber : For 1,700 ft., read 1,700,000 ft. 'age 551. Scythes : For 7,200 doz., rea/1 7,200 Scythes. 'age 570. Pounds of Cotton Yarn m'd and not made into Cloth : For 3,321,146, read 3,321,646. ue of Cotton Yarn manufactured in Essex County : For 38,131,22, read 38,131,77. •age 574. Y^ards of Flannel or Blanketing m'd in Dukes : Omit the two right hand ciphers. INDEX TO COUNTIES AND TOWNS Page rase Abington, 412 Brookfield 479 Acton, . . 281 Brooklinc, . . 372 Adams, 19 Buckland, . . 176 Agawam, . 209 Burlington, . . 292 Alford, . 22 Cambridge, . . 293 Amesbury, . . Ill Canton, . 374 Amherst, . 246 Carlisle, . 297 Andover, . 113 Carver, . 415 Ashburnham, . 466 Charlemont, . 176 Ashby, 283 Charlestown, . 298 Ashfield, . . 172 Charlton, . 481 Ashland, . 285 Chatham, 5 Athol, . 467 Chelmsford, . , 300 Attleborough, . 68 Chelsea, . 462 Auburn, 470 Cheshire, . 24 Barnstable County, 1 Chester, . 213 Barnstable, . 1 Chesterfield, . 250 Barre, . 471 Chilmark, . . 107 Becket, 23 Chicopee, . 215 Bedford, . 287 Clarksburg, , . 27 Belchertown, 248 Clinton, 482 Bellinghara, . 369 Cohasset, 376 Berkley, 71 Coleraine, . 178 Bekksiiiue County, . 19 Concord, 302 Berlin, 473 Conway, . 179 Bernardston, 174 Cummington, . 251 Beverly, 115 Dal ton, . 28 Billerica, 288 Dana, . . 484 Blackstone, . 474 Danvers, . 120 Blandford, . 211 Dartmouth, . . 72 Bolton, 476 Dedham, . 377 Boston, 454 Deerfield, . . 181 Boxborough, 290 Dennis, 6 Boxford, 118 Dighton, 74 Boylston, Bradford, 478 119 Dorchester, . Douglas, 380 485 Braintree, , 371 Dover, . 382 Brewster, 3 Dracut, • 304 Bridge water. 414 Dudley, 487 Brighton, 291 Dukes County, 107 Brimtield, . . 212 Dunstable, . 305 BauTOL County, 68 Duxbury, . 417 654 INDEX TO COUNTIES AND TOWNS. rage Page East Bridgewater, . . . 418 LakeviUe, 431 Eastham, 7 Lancaster, . 501 Easthamptoii, 252 Lanesborough, 37 Easton, 75 Lawrence, . 135 Edgartown, . 108 Lee 39 Egremont, . 29 Leicester, 503 Enfield, 254 Leominster, . 504 Erving, 183 Lenox, 41 Essex County, . 111 Leverett, 189 Essex, 122 Lexington, . 314 Fairhaven, . 77 Leyden, 191 Fall River, . 80 Lincoln, 315 Falmouth, . 8 Littleton, 316 Fitchburg, . 488 Longmeadow, 222 Florida, 31 Lowell, 317 Foxborough, 384 Ludlow, 224 Framingham, 307 Lunenburg, 507 Franklin County, 172 Lynn, 139 Franklin, 386 Lynnfield, . 142 Freetown, . 84 Maiden, 322 Gardner, 491 Manchester, 143 Georsetown, 124 Mansfield, . 85 Gill,^ . 184 Marion, , 432 Gloucester, . 125 Marbiehead, . 145 Goshen, 255 Marlborough, . 323 Grafton, 493 Marshfield, . 434 Granby, 256 Medfield, . . 387 Granville, . 217 Medford, . 325 Great Barriiigton, 32 Medway, 388 Greenfield, . 185 Mendon, 508 Greenwich, . 257 Melrose, . 326 Groton, 309 Methuen, 147 Groveland, . . 128 Middleborough, . . 435 Hadley, 258 Middlefield, . . 263 Halifax, . 421 Middlesex County, . 281 Hamilton, . . 129 Middleton, . . 148 Hampden County, . 209 Milford, 510 Hampshire County, . 246 Millbury, . . 512 Hancock, , 34 Milton, . 391 Hanover, . 422 Monroe, . 192 Hanson, . 424 Monson, 226 Hardwick, . . 494 Montague, . . 193 Harwich, . 10 Montgomery, . 228 Harvard, . 496 Monterey, . . 43 Hatfield, . . 260 Mount Washington, , 44 Haverhill, . . 130 Nahant, . 149 HaM'ley, . 187 Nantucket County-, . 366 Heath, . 188 Nantucket, . . 366 Hingham, . 425 Natick, . 327 Hinsdale, . 35 Needham, . . 392 Holden, . 498 New Ashford, , 45 Holland, . 219 New Bedford, . 87 HoUiston, . . 310 New Braintree, . . 515 Holyoke, . 220 Newbury, . . 150 Hopkinton, . . 312 Newburyport, . 151 Hubbardston, . 500 New Marlborough, . 46 Hull, . . 428 New Salem, . 195 Huntington, . 261 Newton, . 329 Ipswich, . 133 Norfolk County, . 369 Kingston, . . 429 Northampton, , 266 INDEX TO COUNTIES AND TOWNS. 655 Page 1 Page Northborough, . . . . 516 | Somerset 98 Northbridge, 517 Somerville, . . 339 North Andover, . 155 Southamjiton, . 272 North Bridgewater, 437 Southborough, . . 533 North Brookfield, 519 Southbridge, . 534 North Clielsea, 464 South Danvers, . . 165 Northfield, . 196 South Hadley, . 270 North Heading, . Norton, 333 91 South Reading, . South Scituate, . . 341 . 449 Oakham, 520 Southwick, . . 231 Orange, 198 Spencer, . 637 Orleans, 11 Springfield, • . 233 Otis, . 48 Sterling, . 538 Oxford, 521 Stockbridge, . 59 Palmer, 229 Stoneham, . . 343 Pawtucket, . 92 Stoughton, . . 403 Paxton, 523 Stowe, . 344 Pelham, 267 Sturbridge, . . 539 Pembroke, . 439 Sudbury, . 346 Pepperell, . 334 Suffolk County . 464 Peru, . 50 Sunderland, . 203 Petersham, . 524 Sutton, , , . 541 Phillipston, . 525 Swampscott, , . 167 Pittstield, . 51 Swanzey, . 100 Plainfield, . 268 Taunton, . 101 Plymouth Couni Y, 412 Templeton, , . 544 Plymouth, . 440 Tewksbury, . 347 Plyrapton, . 443 Ti.sbury, . 110 Prescott, 269 Tolland, . 237 Princeton, . 527 Topsfield, . 168 Provincetown, 13 Tcwnsend, . . 349 Quincy, 394 Truro, . 16 Randolph, . 395 Tyngsborough, . 351 Raynham, . 94 Tyringham, . . 61 Reading, 335 Upton, . 547 Rehoboth, . 95 Uxbridge, . . 548 Richmond, . 54 Wales, . 239 Rochester, . 445 Waltham, . . 352 Rock port, . 156 WalpoJe, . 405 Rowe, . 200 Ware, . . 273 Rowley, 158 VVareham, . . 450 Roxlmry, 397 Warren, . 550 Royalston, . 528 Warwick, . . 205 Russell, 230 Washington, . 62 Rutland, 530 Watertown, . . 354 Salem, 159 Way land, . . 356 Salisbury, . . 162 Webster, . 552 Sandistield, . 55 Wellfleet, . . 17 Sandwich, . 14 Wendell, . . 206 Saugus, . 165 Weiiham, . . 169 Savoy, . 57 Westborougli, . 554 Scitu.ite, . 447 West Boylston, . 556 Seekoiik, . 97 West Bridgewatei » . 452 Sharon, . 402 West Brookfield, . 557 Sheffield, . . 58 West Cambridge, . 357 Shelburne, . . 201 Westfield, . . 240 Sherborn, . 336 Wtstford, . . 358 Shirlty, . 338 Westhampton, . 275 Shrewsburj', . 531 W( stminster. . 559 Shutesbury, . 202 West Newbury, . 170 656 INDEX TO COUNTIES AND TOWNS. Weston, Westport, . West Roxbury, . West Springfield, West Stcckbridge, Weymouth, Whately, . Wilbraham, Williamsburg, Williamstown, Wilmington, Page 360 105 409 242 63 407 207 244 277 65 361 Page Winchendon, . 561 Winchester, . . 362 Windsor . 67 Winthrop, . . . . . 465 Woburn, . 363 WoRCESTEK County, . . 466 Worcester, . . 663 Worthington, . 280 Wrentham, . . 410 Yarmouth, . . 18 INDEX TO THE TABLES Page Page Alewives, Shad and Salmon, . 614 Cotton Goods of all kinds, . 570, 571 Alcohol and other Distilled Liquors, 626 | Cranberries, 623 Anchors, Chain Cables, &c., . 579 Currying, .... 605 Apples, Pears, &e., . 622 Cutlery, .... 582 Axes, Hatchets, and other Edged | Daguerreotypes, . 591 Tools . 582 Distilleries, . 626 Bakeries, .... . 628 Door-Handles and Latches, . 583 Barley . 618 Fire Arms, . 599 Beeswax, .... . 623 Fire Engines, 581 Beets . 620 Firewood, . ... 611 Blacking, .... . 609 Flour, 604 Bleached and Colored Goods . 573 Forges, 579 Blocks and Pumps, . 609 Friction Matches, 627 Boats, . 593 Fringe and Tassels, 624 Bookbinding, . 633 Gas 625 Boots and Shoes, . . 605 Glass 588 Boxes, of all kinds, . 629 Glue and Gum, . 603 Brass Articles, . 586 Gold Pens, , 610 Breweries, . . . . 626 Hats and Caps, . 593 Bricks, .... . 607 Hay, .... 621 Britannia Ware, . . 587 Hollow Ware and Castings, other Brooms of all kinds, . . 610 than Pig Iron, . 580 Brushes, .... . 592 Hops 622 Building Stone, . . 607 Horses, Oxen, Cows and Calves, . 615 Butter, Cheese and Honey, . 616 Hosiery and Yarn, . 576 ,577 Buttons, . 587 Ice, .... , 631 Butts or Hinges, . . 583 India Rubber Goods, . . 627 Calico, .... . 572 Iron Railings, Fences and Safes, . 586 Carrots, . 620 Lasts and Shoe Pegs, . . 610 Camphene or Burning Fluid . 603 Lead, .... . 596 Cannon, . 600 Leather, . 604 , 605 Cards, .... . 595 Leather, Patent and Enamelled, . 605 Carpeting, . . 575 Lime, .... 608 Chairs and Cabinet Ware, . 601 Linen 577 Charcoal, . 608 Linseed Oil, 602 Chemical Preparations, . 589 Locks,. 584 Chocolate, . . 600 Lumber, 611 Chronometers, Watches, &c. . 591 Machinery, . 580 Clocks, . 590 Mackerel and Cod Fishery, 613 Clothing, . 630 Maple Sugar, 629 Combs, . 601 Marble, 608 Confectionery, . 629 Masts and Spars, . 594 Copper, . 586 Mathematical Instruments, 607 Corn, Indian and Broom, . 617 Mechanics' Tools, 609 Cordage, . 693 Milk, .... 631 Cotton Gins, 83 . 603 Millet, .... 620 658 INDEX TO TABLES. Mineral Coal and Iron Ore, . Miscellaneous Table, . Musical Instruments, . Notes to Tables, . . . . Oats Oil and Sperm Candles, Onions, . • . . . Paper, ...... Pickles and Preserves, Pig Iron Ploughs and other Agricultural Implements, . . . . Porte Monnaies, PocketBooks, &c.. Potatoes, . . . . . Poultry and Eggs, Powder, Printing, . . . . . Railroad Cars, Coaches, Carriages, &c., Rolled and Slit Iron and Nails, . Saddles, Harnesses and Trunks, Sails, .... Salt Sashes, Doors and Blinds, Screws, Scythes, Sewing Machines, Page 608 633 590 644 618 597 619 689 625 579 585 630 579 631 599 632 596 578 592 594, 595 595 625 582 581 591 Page Sheep and Wool, . . . .614 Shovels, Spades, Forks and Hoes, 585 Silk 578 Snuff, Tobacco and Cigars, . . 607 Soap and Tallow Candles, . . 598 Starch, 588 Steam Engines and Boilers, . . 581 Stone and Earthen Ware, . . 624 Straw Braid, Bonnets and Hats, . 606 Sugar Refined, .... 596 Summary, 634 Swine . .630 Tanneries, 604 Tacks and Brads, . . . 584 Tin Ware, 601 Tobacco 622 Turnips, . . . . .619 Types and Stereotypes, . . 628 Upholstery, 592 Vessels, 594 Whale Oil and Bone, . . .612 Wheat, 617 Whips, 609 White Lead and other Paints, . 602 Wooden AVare, . . . .609 Woollen Goods of all kinds, 573,574,575 Worsted, 576 J^873 15 s-^ : IS CT I >i v— ' > I < I t^. V «.> 1 LIBRARY BifiDlNG Ca INC. JUL 1979 MEDFORD, MASS.