THE NERBC 1980 CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN PLAN NEW ENGLAND RIVER BASINS COMMISSION FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN COMPREHENSIVE WATER AND RELATED LAND RESOURCES INVESTIGATION NEW ENGLAND RIVER BASINS COMMISSION FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN COMPREHENSIVE WATER AND RELATED LAND RESOURCES INVESTIGATION New England River Basins Commission Boston, Massachusetts January 1, 1972 n ii n ti ii n i i NEW ENGLAND RIVER BASINS COMMISSION 55 COURT STREET • BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02108 PHONE: (617) 223-6244 NERBC January 1, 1972 TO: The Chairman, Water Resources Council; The Governors and Legislatures of Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont I am pleased to submit the New England River Basins Commission's findings and recommendations on the Connecticut River Basin compre- hensive water and related land resources investigation. The NERBC 1980 Connecticut River Basin plan has been adopted by the Commission pursuant to the Water Resources Planning Act, Public Law 89-80, section 204(3), as an increment of a comprehensive, coordinated joint plan for the water and related land resources of New England. The field level investigation was conducted by a joint Federal-State Coordinating Committee chaired by the New England Division, Corps of Engineers, under authority of U. S. Senate resolution, May 11, 1962. The Commission participated in the study and prepared its findings and recommendations under authority of the Water Resources Planning Act. The Commission's report is based on the Coordinating Committee report and on the response to the Coordinating Committee and draft Commission reports. These inputs to the 1980 NERBC Basin plan are summarized in this report. Accompanying this report and appended to it by reference are the reports of the Connecticut River Basin Coordinating Committee; comments on the Coordinating Committee report, including the report of the Citizens Review Committee; a draft environmental impact state- ment prepared by the Coordinating Committee pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act; and comments on the draft Commission report. The Coordinating Committee report contained recommendations for the conservation and development of the Basin's water and related land resources. The response to the report reflected a predominant concern with environmental implications particularly of major structural alterations. The Commission's response is to initiate with this report a proposal to conduct a Basinwide environmental reconnaissance and restudy of flood management alternatives, as part of a study designed to supplement the field level investigation. A flood management plan for the Basin will be prepared under the overall management of the Commission's Connecticut River Basin Program, and will be considered for adoption as part of the 1980 NERBC Basin plan. The Commission is mindful that in postponing decisions concerning alternative flood management measures a potential risk is incurred of exposure to flood hazard in major flood damage centers in the Basin. At the same time, the Commission accepts the Coordinating Committee's findings that there are unmet needs that call for major actions now. I am hopeful that the Congress and the Basin States will prompt action to meet these needs and will work closely with the Commission in the supplemental study. Sincerely, Chairman The undersigned, members of the New England River Basins Commission, recommend adoption of the NERBC 1980 Connecticut River Basin Plan as part of the Commission's comprehensive coordinated joint plan for the water and related land resources of New England, pursuant to the Water Resources Planning Act. The undersigned further recommend that the plan be transmitted, together with the Coordinating Committee report, comments on the Coordinating Committee and draft Commission reports and other documents appended by reference, to the Water Resources Council and to the Governors and Legislatures of Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont. Dan W. Lufki/ Commissioner State of Connecticut Dept. of Environmental Protection » i rector Maine State Planning Office State/Agency Signature and State/Agency Chairman Merrimack River Valley Flood Control Commission Signature R « w « Pedersen New York State Department of EnvirnmngrH-al rnnaaruaHnn State/Agency Signature State/Agency Signature Robert B. Williams Vermont State ire . * 1 Donald G. Burbank State Conservationist State/Agency f fcPa* United States Department of Agriculture FRANK P. BANE. Colonel Signature NED, Corps of Engineers State/Agency Signature / Noil) , P*yn £ State/Agency Signa^ State/Agency Signature Department of Coonerce State/Agency State/Agency J^j^Ut^ u 0) pq Riv Sh co •H CD H cti CO H a o o PQ o « 0 CD o H en; co o o to •ri '■d M in - ■ J C\l C\J — J L*N o "LA r— | \Q rH "LA 0\ <-r\ CO Eh ^3 J- l—l 1 — 1 J -P O O O O O 0 0 O •H 0 • 0 0 e «H rH 1— 1 rH rH rH H rH rH CD -p o« ©O CO On pry O- MO CM O CO CD 0 O O 0 0 0 pq 0 H rH O O rH rH rH H pq CO CD CO •H o -P rH •H nj '«H ^ CD -H a 'h cti co o CD iH -p p •H -H co tJ T3 rH Tl ft crj ri -P ■3 S 0 •Tl rH CD co P-, -P A3 ^ 'd O in •ri D cci q rH .ri a, ho «ri iH O -P -ri CL> CO O o -p tU) CO CO o n S ™ 6> CD KQ ?H O CD Ph ft g t3 Ph CD rH ^> cti E - ' .3 S o • ^ CD CO Tl CO CD g CO P CD > P 1 CO •ri 'A > o Ph CO CD CD H -P CD <0 -P E-i CO fJ S •1-3 o -d ^ cmJc^I A-4 PL, CO "LA CO Eh CO H to PQ O Os o o o H nO o o e H 6 CNJ O o o nO o o nO O o ca -=t CA CM O o o ■LA O o CA •\ CA 1A O O (A ^\ CA On O O (A O O en o o CA o o o o o o o o C\J o o o o o o o cm r— CNJ On O NO r— I O NO CNJ On CNJ "LA O O On O •H Ph" -P Jh O o c CD *H PQ P CO CO W CNJ 3 ■LA PQ NO Eh > H "LA H On O H CNJ CNJ H Eh p O o NO CO On O O H O H o o CA On O O r— o o £h CD > •H a o o NO o> "LA On On O O r- <^ o CO On rH O o si OnI On O O E*- <*\ CA On Fh O Eh HjCNj( A-5 FACT SHEET FOR THE CONNECTICUT VALLEY URBAN PILOT PROJECT* 10/22/71 The Connecticut Valley Urban Project is one of six urban pilot projects undertaken by the Geological Survey in order to demonstrate the use of geology and hydrology in the decision making process required in regional urban development. All of these studies are being made on a regional basis. The Connecticut Valley Urban Pilot Project area extends from latitude 43° in the vicinity of Brattleboro, Vermont, and Keene, New Hampshire, southward to Long Island Sound, between latitude 72° f 7%-rainutes, and 73°. This encompasses approximately 5,000 square miles and includes about one hundred 7%-minute quadrangles. As part of this program, grants-in-aid are made to state geologists to be matched in services directly related to the completion of project objectives. The State Geologist is expected to coordinate his activities with other state agencies, such as state, regional, and local planning office, water resources commissions, etc., that are directly involved in making decisions relative to land use and environmental problems. In FY-1971 Connecticut Valley Urban Pilot Project was funded at a level of $100,000, in FY-1972 at a level of approximately $200,000. The initial funding has been for a feasibility study, using as a basis existing geologic mapping prepared under State Cooperative and Survey programs, as well as by State agencies. The project design calls for completion of this study in about 5 years at a much greatly increased rating of funding. ^Supplied by the U. S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, 80 Broad Street, Boston, Massachusetts 021 1 0. B-1 DESCRIPTION OF THE NORTHEASTERN UNITED STATES WATER SUPPLY STUDY* The Corps of Engineers North Atlantic Division is conducting the Northeastern United States Water Supply (NEWS) Study in conformance with Title I, Public Law 89-298 (October 1965). The study area includes those river basins within the United States which drain into Chesapeake Bay, into the Atlantic Ocean north of Chesapeake Bay, into the St. Lawrence River, and into Lake Ontario. The study area includes all or a portion of 1 3 states including all six New England States. The objective of the NEWS Study is the preparation of a coordinated general plan for essential water supply development in the Northeast which will recommend to the Congress an active program for Federal, State, local and private organizations. Such plans shall provide for appropriate financial participation by the States, political subdivisions thereof, and other local interests. It will thus provide a public forum where all concerned with the water supply problems of the area can be heard in developing a plan to resolve one of the major domestic problems now facing the United States . ^Source: "Announcement of formulation stage public meetings on Northeastern United States Water Supply Study, Southeastern New England area, " prepared by the New England Division, Corps of Engineers, November 30, 1971. C-l APPENDED BY REFERENCE The following documents are appended by reference to the 1980 Basin plan recommended by the Commission and are transmitted with the plan to the Water Resources Council and to the Basin Governors and Legislatures. Connecticut River Basin Coordinating Committee, Connecticut River Basin Comprehensive Water and Related Land Resources Investigation (June 1970 - released October 1970). Connecticut River Basin Coordinating Committee, Draft Environmental Statement for the Connecticut River Basin Comprehensive Water and Related Land Resources Investi- gation (with comments ) (August 1971). Comments addressed to the New England River Basins Commission on the Report of the Connecticut River Basin Coordinating Committee (November 1970 - July 1971). Report of the Citizens Review Committee on the Connecticut River Basin Comprehensive Water and Related Land Resources Investigation to the New England River Basins Commis sion (February 1971). The Connecticut River Ecology Action Corporation, Proceedings of a Symposium, "Scientists' Views on the Connecticut River Basin Plan , " Publication #1 (Hadley, Massachusetts, June 1971). Comments on the draft findings and recommendations of the New England River Basins Commission on the Connecticut River Basin Comprehensive Water and Related Land Resources Investigation (July - November 1971). I I I II I 1 I -»