UMASS/AMHERST 3150t.t.0DS0t.t.ElS HARVE TRACE WKMvanrvvww CATALOGUES 677 15 Mt m i ^i*itrt mt ri»wt*tm}.-v ^y AMERICA *% kY: ::^^3Q STEEL FRAME WINDROW HAY LOADER INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF AMERICA (INCOnPOHATEO) CHtCACO USA :r^^Ea U I A82E ^^. ''iiifiivfi*: A Keystone steel frame windrow hay loader in the field The Right Way to Cure Hay Air Curing vs. Sun Drying In order to cure hay so that it will bring the best price when put on the market and have the highest possible feeding value, it should be raked into light, fluffy windrows so that the air can circulate through it easily. When handled in this way the moisture is drawn out through the leaves, and the hay is bright, tender and uniform in color and quality. When allowed to cure in the swath the top hay will become dry, losing much of its color and strength, and having little more feeding value than straw, while the hay underneath will retain its moisture and become musty. Another advantage of air curing is that the leaves and heads do not shrivel and break off as they do when the hay is dried in the swath. The best quality of hay can be cured at a minimum expense when it is raked into windrows and loaded with the Keystone steel frame hay loader. Every farmer realizes the value of saving time and labor in the hay field, and the fact that the Keystone steel frame windrow loader does this makes it one of the best investments the farmer can make. This loader will handle the heaviest windrows in the gentlest possible manner and deliver the hay onto the wagon without threshing off the leaves and heads. When it is desired to harvest I the crop with all possible speed the hay can be raked into extra large windrows and the Keystone will then pick it up and deliver it onto the wagon in good condition. When the crop is very heavy, this loader will also load hay from the swath. The top of the elevator is made narrower than the bottom so that the hay will be dropped onto the center of the rear end of the wagon where it will not roll off. The Keystone steel frame windrow hay loader is of light draft and very easy to operate, requiring the least amount of help. It leaves the field clean on rough as as well as on smooth ground, and may be worked close to fences, roads and edges of fields. 2 Keystone Steel Frame Windrow Hay Loader The Lightest Draft Hay Loader Made Keystone steel frame hay loader Strong Main Wheels and Frame Construction The main wheels are strongly constructed of steel. The frame is well put together and is rigid, holding the working parts securely in alignment even in the roughest field and when work- ing with the heaviest hay. 3 Operating Mechanism It would be impos- sible to design a more simple hay loader than the Keystone steel frame windrow. There is not a gear or drive chain on it — the entire mechan- ism consists of a gather- ing drum which gathers the hay and drives the elevator carrier. This loader is of all-steel con- struction and is, there- fore, strong and dur- able. It is, at the same time, light in weight and easy to handle. The gathering drum is ratcheted to both wheels and, consequently, there is no dragging wlien turning corners, and as a result of this construc- tion the gathering drum is raised and lowered with the wheels in passing over dead furrows and uneven ground. This makes it possible to gather all the hay irrespective of the condition of the ground. It is never necessary to use more than two horses with the Keystone windrow hay loader. This is due to the fact that it has no gears, pinions, cranks, disks, or other complicated devices which add to the draft of most loaders. There is no question but that it is the lightest draft loader made. The gathering drum is strongly constructed of steel and has eight steel pipe tooth bars to which the spring steel teeth are securely fastened. The elevator carrier is driven by the gathering drum. Elevator Carrier Construction The elevator carrier is composed of speciall.y selected wood slats held in position on the out- side edges by chains. Several strands of rope run between the slats and keep the hay from falling down. A windbreak is provided, which prevents the hay from being blown from the carrier. This windbreak is very effective and adjusts itself automatically to different conditions of hay. absence eystone >r crankf Carrier Tightener The Keystone steel frame windrow hay loader is equipped with a tightening device near the upper end of the carrier, which permits the proper tension to be kept on the carrier at all times. It is a simple matter to make the adjustments by loosening the lock nut and screwing the threaded rod up or down through the bracket. There is one tightener on each side of the machine so that the top pulleys may be kept in line at all times. 4 Clutch engaged Clutch disengaged Clutch Construction The gathering drum is ratcheted to both wheels by means of a very simple clutch which can be easily thrown out or in. This permits the loader to be moved from place to place without turning over the whole mechanism, which would make an unnecessary load for the team and which would cause unnecessary wear and tear on the working parts. Ratcheting the drum to both wheels insures even loading on the turns and prevents dragging. Showing manner in which teeth are fastened to the tooth bar Teeth The teeth are of oil tempered spring steel and are of the coil type. The accompanying illustration shows that two teeth are made from one piece of steel. It also shows the manner in which the teeth are fastened to the tooth bars. This construction insures ample strength for picking up the heaviest hay and, at the same time, gives sufficient flexibility to permit the teeth to pass over obstructions in the field without becoming damaged. One pair of spring steel teeth Forecarriage The Keystone steel frame windrow hay loader is equipped with a forecarriage which carries part of the weight of the loader, thus relieving it of the twists and strains which would result if no forecarriage were used. It also makes it unnecessary for the loader to be lifted when being connected to the wagon as the hitch may be moved to any desired position. It permits the driver to disconnect the loader from the wagon without requiring him to get down ofl' the load. When the load is complete he simply has to pull the rope which extends from the hook on the fore- carriage to the top of the load. When disconnected from the wagon the loader is held in an upright position. The loader can be used with any height of farm wagon without readjusting or changing. The wheels on this forecarriage are equipped with shields which prevent the hay from wrapping about the axles. Sold by INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF AMERICA CHICAGO (Incorporated) USA For further information write International Harvester Company of America Chicago, III, or write our nearest branch house. fl """"""""""""""""""""""""" ""■""""" " """"""" '■''■■'■' ""''"'""■""''■■■"■n...i.nnmnnNn.,,.„i.n..HHn..,„. n.n.H.,...,„...,....Hi»..n......... ' BRANCH HOUSES INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF AMERICA ■ NCORPORATEOI a.iaaaz!s;si!s;:z;s::=^^^^ ...........i., i g" ■>— asgs sia--B-!B-5 gs=-^^ ABERDEEN. S D. ^ALBANY, N Y. fcTLANTA. GA. 'AUBURN. N. V AURORA. ILL. BALTIMORE. MD. BIRMINGHAM. ALA. BISMARCK. N. D. BOSTON. MASS BUFFALO. N Y. CEDAR FALLS. lA. CHARLOTTE. N. C. CINCINNATI. OHIO CLEVELAND. OHIO COLUMBIA. S C COLUMBUS OHIO CONCORDIA. KAN COUNCIL BLUFFS. lA CRAWFORD. NEB. DAVENPORT. lA. DENVER. COLO OES MOINES. lA. DETROIT. MICH. DUBUQUE, lA. EAST ST. LOUIS. ILL. EAU CLAIRE. WIS. ELMIRA. N. Y EVANSVILLE. IND. FARGO. N D. FT DODGE. lA. FT WAYNE. IND. GRAND FORKS. N. D. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH GREEN BAY WIS. HARRISBURG. PA. HELENA. MONT HUTCHINSON. KAN INDIANAPOLIS. IND. JACKSON. MICH. JACKSONVILLE. FLA. KANKAKEE. ILL. KANSAS CITY. MO KNOXVILLE. TENN. LANSiA'G. A'ICH. LINCOLN. NEB. LITTLE ROCK. ARK. MADISON, WIS. MANKATO. MINN. MASON CITY. lA. MEMPHIS. TENN. MILWAUKEE. WIS. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. MINOT. N D. NASHVILLE. TENN. NEW ALBANY. IND. NEW ORLEANS. LA. OGDENSBURG. N. Y. OKLAHOMA CITY.OKLA. OMAHA, NEB. PARKERSBURG. W VA. PARSONS, KAN, PEORIA, ILL. PHILADELPHIA, PA. PITTSBURGH. PA PORTLAND. ORE OUINCY. ILL. RICHMOND, IND, RICHMOND. VA. ROCKFORD. ILL. ST. CLOUD. MINN. ST JOSEPH. MO. ST. LOUIS. MO. SAGINAW. MICH. SALINA. KAN. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. SIOUX CITY. lA. SIOUX FALLS, S. D. SOUTH BEND. IND, SPOKANE, WASH, SPRINGFIELD, ILL, SPRINGFIELD, MO, TERRE HAUTE, IND. TOLEDO, OHIO TOPEKA, KAN. WATERTOWN, S, D. WICHITA, KAN, WINONA, MINN, Sill^l E |nilllliiniMllnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iitiini iiinimiiiiiHiiiiMiiiiiHniniiniiiiiiiiiuniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiii fl JpiiE HARVESTER PBE99