UMASS/AMHERST 3120bb005135141 (j^ ^ IWSC^- ^ vV SF 199 J5CP ■f ^ non ® A Tte Fn D ®peir% f * 4 TT • J] /T* " 1@B© S@M ) "Linden Grove" Calves for the "St. Cloud" Herd MESSRS. J. O. TERRELL & SONS, OF SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, CONTRACT FOR ENTIRE "OUTPUT" FOR A YEAR —GET EVERYTHING UNDER SIX MONTHS OLD NOW ON THE PLACE. Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas, may well felicitate themselves over a deal they have just closed with T. S. Cooper & Sons, for all the bull and heifer calves now at "Linden Grove" under six months old, and all to be born here in the next twelve months. It not only shows splendid judgment, but reflects great credit on T. S. Cooper & Sons as breeders. The Terrells have bred Jerseys for more than a quarter of a" century, and long held a "monopoly" of the Jersey trade in the southwestern States and with Mexico and South American countries, as well as the West Indies. Their cattle won Grand Championships at the World's Fair Southern Exhibit in 1904 and countless other premiums at the most important shows below the "tick fever" quarantine line. While maintaining an ideal type in their cattle, "production at a profit" has ever been the St. Cloud slogan, and many of the best butter Jerseys of the great southwest have come from this herd. "GOOD SEED IS CERTAIN TO BRING GOOD RESULTS." The Terrells for the past eight years have tested the merits of the "Linden Grove" cattle. Several bulls of "Linden Grove" blood have made a name in their herd, notably Nobleman of St. Cloud, the great son of Karnak by Noble of Oaklands which they secured as a calf at our 1907 auction for about one-half the amount of their bid. Since then Mr. Terrell has repeatedly endeavored to "strike a bargain" for our young things under six months of age. Nothing would satisfy him but the whole crop of "Linden Grove" calves, but we think he will let us keep a bull or two. Mr. Terrell declared in one of his letters: "This trade is the fulfillment of a dream that I have long had in mind." "THE INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT." It took Mr. Cooper a very long time to even entertain the idea, and still longer to make up his mind to name any price on such a selection. But Mrs. T. S. Cooper came to his relief and helped him out of a dilemma. She "handed down a ruling," just as she did at the 1909 Decoration Day auction when the bull Viola's Golden Jolly was sold. She stepped to the side of Auctioneer Colonel Baily, and with three words settled a difficulty which might have caused considerable trouble. What she did say to Colonel Baily was "Sell the bull." For the benefit of those who were not at the auction, we will relate how the misunderstanding came about: Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314, was not listed to be sold, but was catalogued for "reference only;" but Mr. Cooper realized that he had too much money invested in high class bulls and was not slow to observe that the get of Viola's Golden Jolly were greatly admired by many prominent breeders. (Three of them sold at the 1910 Decora- tion Day auction at an average of within five dollars of $1,300 per head — not a bad average for yearling heif- ers). Viola's Golden Jolly was also the sire of the Grand Champion bull Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86180, for whom Mr. Cooper had time and again refused $10,000; and having him, and other great bulls that have since sold for record prices in the "Linden Grove" Decoration Day sales, he felt relieved to think chat he would not suffer with- out the use of Viola's Golden Jolly. Bearing all this in mind, and "sizing up" the crowd at that great sale, Mr. Cooper felt certain that so great a bull as Viola's Golden Jolly would not "go begging" for bids, even if he had not been advertised, and it took him but a few minutes to make up his mind that he would put the bull in the sale. While the great crowd was at lunch, Mr. Cooper had Viola's Golden Jolly put through the "dressing room" with a number of his get, so that by the time the visitors had again been seated "under the lindens" on the lawn, he had the bull and his progeny pa- raded in the ring. When Sale Manager L. F. Herrick mounted the rostrum he introduced the great sire and his promising youngsters in the ring, and without much further ceremony called for bids on Viola's Golden Jolly. The price was soon up to $8,000, which was bid by Mr. C. I. Hudson. Just at this time it was noticed that there was something quite unusual in the sale ring. Ralph and Peter Cooper were leading the bull, and they never for a moment thought their father would think of selling Viola's Golden Jolly. Someone overhead Peter say to his father, "If we sell this bull we had just as well get out of the business." Mr. Cooper, who was in the ring, quickly walked to the auctioneer's stand, raised his hand and an- nounced that he was compelled to do something he had never done before; but that he noticed both his sons were very much annoyed that he should think of selling Viola's Golden Jolly, and that with the consent of contending bidders he would withdraw the bull. Mr. Hudson arose at once and said that he would cheerfully consent to Mr. Cooper's request; but there was another "finger in the pie," and that was George Council. He ripped off his large black hat, said he came all the way from Illinois to buy Viola's Golden Jolly and was not near his limit in bidding. By this time there was about as much excitement in the ring as when Viola's Brown Prince "tore loose" from his leader and Auctioneer Carey Jones crawled under the stand. At this juncture Mrs. Cooper stepped up to the auctioneers and exclaimed to Colonel Baily: "What in the world has happened?" The Colonel told her that Mr. Cooper wanted to sell Viola's Golden Jolly and that both of the boys protested. All she said was "Sell the bull." Mr. Cooper then realized that the responsibility of selling him rested entirely upon Mrs. Cooper, and that the boys would not bring suit against their mother. Viola's Golden Jolly was sold, and went to Dr. C. E. Still for $11,000. Just so quickly, Mrs. Cooper decided that the deal should be closed with Messrs. Terrell for the calves from "Linden Grove," she well realizing the care and anxiety of which Mr. Cooper would be relieved. She took all the telegrams that came from Mr. Terrell over the 'phone from our station, so that she was in a position to know just what was going on. This deal, while it is a sacrifice on our part, amounts to a most significant tribute, coming from one who has "looked into the chum" and appreciates being called up front by the judge for the blue ribbon. (See opposite page for evidence oj the results nj this transaction.) "JUST AS WELL BUY AT THE FOUNTAINHEAD." The Blood of "Linden Grove" Jerseys Dominates the Nation's Show Rings as Well as the Butter Tests and Register of Merit. mitt ■m r-7* _ M. ;e— '^ REMARKABLE MOVEMENT OF "LINDEN GROVE" CALVES TO TEXAS. Photos show the last two loads in a shipment of 26 calves under three months old, on April 5, 1916, by Messrs. T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa., to Messrs. J. 0. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas. (The bags on rear truck contain cut hay for the youngsters en route.) Seventy-one head in all have been shipped to the Terrells since August 5, 1915, and the total will be 125 or more before the contract year expires. (From The Jersey Bulletin, April SI, 1916.) SEVENTY-ONE "LINDEN GROVE" CALVES SENT TO TEXAS T. S. COOPER & SONS. Pennsylv Our contract last summer with Messrs. J. 0. Terrell & Sons of Texas, for all calves born at "Linden Grove" within twelve months, has developed into one of the most remarkable sales of young stock we have ever recorded. Since August 5, 1915, we have sent them seventy-one calves under three months of age, and we estimate that the total will reach 125 head before their contract year expires — and perhaps more, with "good luck." If a sale of such character has ever before been consummated in pure bred calves of any dairy breed, it has not come to our atten- tion. These youngsters travel a distance of 2,139 miles, each lot in a special express car, via Buffalo and St. Louis. The last shipment, twenty-six head, on April 5th, occupied the entire length of the car, setting the crates side by side as they appear on the trucks in the snapshot. It is unfor- tunate we were not prepared to get a photograph of the entire shipment, and that these views are indistinct; but the extent of the deal may be imagined when it is remem- bered that less than one^half of the crates are shown in the pictures. To Jersey breeders it will be particularly interesting to contemplate the results, in Texas and the great southwest, from the projection of such a volume of powerful Jersey blood into the dairy herds of that region. Many of these calves were sired by Oxford You'll Do and Sultana's Gold- en Jolly, and a number of other great sires are represented. They are out of splendidly bred and great dairy cows — the type of Jerseys only that have been handled at "Lin- den Grove" for forty years. They would no doubt have brought more money if raised and sold in our auctions, but we consented to the sacrifice after having been importuned for years by the Terrells for such an arrangement. Mr. J. 0. Terrell, who had "tasted" this blood on a number of occasions in previous years, wrote us after the contract was closed: "This trade is the fulfillment of a dream that I have long had in mind." Our advertisement of August 11, 1915, related the circum- stances leading up to it. The question has been asked, "What will J. 0. Terrell & Sons do with them?" Well, if they keep them, and de- velop the great cattle they are sure to produce, it will be the wisest thing they can do — for themselves. But it is not difficult to market this class of calves, of either sex. While on this calf subject, it may be well to remind your readers that the south need not confine itself to youngsters in shipping northern Jerseys, if the animals are protected against disease peculiar to southern territory. We need only to call attention to the great success achieved by the Falfurrias herd with mature Jerseys, many of which were purchased at "Linden Grove" by Mr. Ed. C. Lasater. They have made splendid Register of Merit records and won some of the most coveted championship trophies at the fairs, both north and south. And Mr. Lasater has bred from them, succeeding generations of winners and pro- ducers that demonstrate what can be done in Texas, when one has the right kind of a foundation. It does make a fellow feel good to know that his efforts have been appreciated, especially when such appreciation has been expressed by men of responsibility who have been breeders of Jersey cattle a quarter of a century for- profit, and who "look into the churn." A GREAT "LINDEN GROVE" COW THAT "MADE GOOD" IN TEXAS (From The Jersey Bulletin, June 30, 1915.) In considering the noted Jerseys of the country, and es- pecially of our State, Great Scot's Champion, I believe, is the greatest of all. A number of years ago "Lassie" (as she was affectionately called) achieved distinction by win- ning first over Jersey. Since her importation she has re- peatedly won at the best shows in this country. As a crowning victory to her already enviable show record, she won grand championship at the Chicago National Dairy Show in 1911. Here she scored 99% per cent, under Pro- fessor Scovell; and he was not alone in the belief that she was the most perfect cow of the breed. But in her twelfth year at the Falfurrias Jersey Ranch, owned by Mr. Ed. C. Lasater, at Falfurrias, Texas, this great cow made her greatest winning. Think about it — 774 lbs. estimated but- ter in her twelfth year! And this test was made in spite of the extreme hot and dry weather that prevails during the summer and early fall months. I once heard a prom- inent judge remark, after he had given "Lassie" first place in the show ring, and while he was scoring a cow that had made a record of over 600 lbs. of butter in a year, "Yes, she is a great individual, but as a producer I would rather have the other cow than two like her." Now there are a great many who seem to think that one class of cattle win in the ring, and another type win in the yearly tests. For such thinkers, this grand old cow should prove an object lesson. I will say without fear of successful contradiction that Great Scot's Champion is the greatest exponent of perfect Jersey type, coupled with maximum ability as a producer, that the Jersey breed possesses. The general demand for good cattle is excellent. In fact, every breeder that you see nowadays seems full of en- thusiasm. And while we are proud of the showing that is being made here, Texas is just beginning in Jersey ad- vancement. D. F. Bobbitt, Texas. (Great Scot's Champion was imported by "Linden Grove," sold in our 1907 auction as a 5-year-old for $950 to Dr. H. D. Rodman of Kentucky, in whose 1911 auction she was purchased by Mr. Lasater). T. S. COOPER & SONS* AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. Bull. GOLDEN FERN'S LAD, 65300, A. J. C. C. (FOR REFERENCE ONLY.) (P. 2160, Highly Commended, Jersey Herd Book; 6236, English Herd Book.) FIRST PRIZE AND CHAMPION AT NORTH CLUB SHOW, 1896 and 1897. Known Universally as "The Old Plum Tree"— His Stock and Branches Have Yielded the Richest Fruits of Jersey Breeding. Bred by Philip J Ahier, St Martin, Island of Jersey Hum May 17. 1894. Owned by T S. Cooper, Coopersburg. Pa. Imported and sold at public auction. May 13, 1903. when he was secured for exclusive use in the "Linden Grove" Herd, at 82,250, being at that time (within four days) nine years of age. He died at "Linden Grove" May 29, 1908. Sire BOYLE, P. 1559, H.C. Sire of the celebrated bull. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C; Fontaine 7 th, 8 th and 9th, all prize winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours, from which 2 lbs. 10 ozs. of butter was made. "Boyle" also sired the great cow, "Spec- kled Band," public butter test, 2 lbs. 3i ozs., 140 days in milk; dam of the wonderful cow, "Nursie," that made the phenomenal rec- ord of 2 lbs. 71 ozs. of butter in 24 hours in the public butter test, after being in milk 300 days and within 90 days of calving. She sold in our May, '07, sale for $2,200 to Mr. A. B. Lewis. Sire of Tula, P. 5323, H. C. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '94; dam of Rill, P. 6982, H. C. (65 lbs. milk in one day), the dam of Eminent's Ra- leigh, 69011 (see No. 22 of catalog). Fontaine's King, P. 2207, H. C, sire of Caiest, P. 2591, H. C., who sired the dam of Gamboge's Knight. P 3645. H. C.(see page 35); also sire of Mabel's Poet. P. 2964. H. C. Mabel 3Sth, P. 6311, H. C. dam of Mabel's Poet. Fontaine 7th, P. 5391, H. C, 1st prize and Br. Medal, Grouville Show, '98; and Fon taine 9th, P. 6039, H. Cm public butter test. 2 lbs. 10 ozs., in 24 hours. Boyle also sired many other famous ani- mals. During our visit to the Island of Jersey, for a number of years, it has always been our great pleasure to examine the daugh- ters of the famous bull, Boyle. They were of great size, carrying beautiful heads; thin, lone necks; strong. straight backs; the very best of loins-. broad hips ; sharp withers; "b read baskets" wide and deep, which alone told the tale. Dam GOLDEN FERN, P. 4711, H.C. 2d pr. over the Island and Par. prize, '94. One of the grandest dairy cows ever known on the Is- land. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st pr. over the Is- land, Aug., '90; also winner of £15 prize. Sixty-five of his get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326, 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. And 30 o t h e r tested cows — records made both on the Island and in England and America. Six of his sons are credited in the Reg- ister of Merit with officially tested daughters. Three of them were imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auc- tion sales. His double grandson, Gulden Fern's Lad (same in blood as a son), has 27 sons with tested daugh- ters. Golden Fern's I ad is sire of Flying Fox, who is sire of 43 sons with tested daugh- ters, more than any other bull, imported or domestic. (Fly- ing Fox was sold in our '02 auction for $7,500.) Golden Fern's Lad is also sire of Eminent 2d, P. 2532. II, Cm who was sold in our '05 auction for $10,00(1. and lias 2 S sons w i t h tested daughters, led by Eminent's R aleigh, w In i lias 48 tested daughters, 24 of them in Register of Meri t. Eminent's Raleigh is also sire of Raleigh's Fairy Bt 13 , sire of 40 tested cows, ^7 of them in Register. of Merit. Tootsie, P. 3214, II. C Parish prize, '90. Gulden Lad, 1* 1242, II. C 1st pr. over Island, Aim., '90; also win- ner of £15 prize. (See above.) Browu Fern 2d, P. 1944. H. C. 2d St. Martin S h o w, '94. '95. Dam <>f Aurea, P. 8693, H. c. (now Emi- nent's Fern of St. Martin. 252122), Certificate of Merit in public butter test. May. "07, 2 lbs. 5 J ozs., 65 days in milk Sultane's Favourite, P. 873. H. C. 1st pr.. St. Saviour Sire of a remarkable lot of dairy c o w s, including S u 1 t a ne 14th, that in the Tunbridge Wells (England) butter test, '02, in her fif- teenth year, gave 38 lbs. 6 ozs. milk, mak- ing 2 lbs. 1 i ozs. but- ter in 24 hours, when 132 days in milk, winning the Silver Medal. His daughter, Lady Rose, P. 3962, H.C, winner of Par. prize, Aug., '97, is dam of Sultan's Golden Rose, 213891. with a public butter test of 1 lb. 14J ozs. in 24 hours; entered in Register of Merit, with a record of 8,410 lbs. 4.S ozs. milk, 489 lbs. 11 ozs. butter, in 1 year, when ten years old. I Golden Lass 4th. P. 2447, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '88. 2d H. B. pr. ov. J. t '88. 2d Lon. Dairy S., '88. 1st pr. over Eng.. '90. 1 lb. 14£ ozs. butter. Out of the same dam as Golden Lad 2d, sire of Golden Lad's Mermaid, sold at our auction, May, '02, for $1,100; Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold at our auction, May, '03. for $1,725; and many other cele- brated animals. Everton King, P. 390, C. Everton King was a remarkable sire of grand cows of mag- nificent dairy type, inheriting the same from his illustrious dam. Quality, who won first prize and Champion Cup at the Royal Show, '82, and made 16 lbs. 8 ozs. of butter. Many years ago, when on the Island, I was so taken with her that I bought, at a long price, her son, Ever- ton King, P. 390, C. and left him on the Island to be bred to my cows before ship- ment to America. Quality is also dam of the great bull, Happy, F. 309. C, that left a grand lot of dairy cows on the Island. Fontaine 2d, P. 807, H. C. 1st prize over the Is land. '82. One of the very best of the great Fontaine family. Cetewavo 2d, P. 370, H. C Brown Fern, F. 4606. C. Dam of Eminence, F. 7124. II. C. dam of Little Eminence, 122506, 21 lbs. 6 ozs.; Eminence of the Island, 15 lbs. 10 ozs.; Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. 'see No. 19). Count Cicero. F 398. H. C 2d pr over Jersey, '83, Sire of Count's Fillpail. 30975, 24 lbs 5 ozs. Cicero's Ruby, 29040. 14 lbs. l£ ozs. We imported his sire, Cicero, in '83, and sold him in our auc- tion sale for $3,100. He sired many other noted animals, in- cluding Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. Cm the dam of Golden Sul- tana (see page B); Sultane's Snowdrop, dam of Sultan of Oaklands (see No. 69); and Uncle Peter, the sire of many great cows on the Island. Sultane 8th, P. 944, H. C. Dam of many noted prize winners, and winner of 2d H. B. prize and 3d over Jersey in '84; also Parish prize. Sultan Cicero, P. 670, H. C. , Golden Lass, F. 5711, H. C. Sire said to be Roy- alist, P. 139, H. C, son of Regina, F. 32, H. C. Dam of Golden Lad 2d, P. 2023, H. C., a great sire; pronoun- ced by many equally as good as his fa- mous grandsire. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. f Cetewayo. P. 244. C. ( Sire of 4 cows, testing 16 lbs. 2£ ozs. to 17 lbs. 2£ ozs. (See below.) Quality, F. 1748, H. C. Winner of 1st pr. and Cham. Cup at Roy. Jer. Show. '82; 16 lbs. 8 ozs. in 7 days. Her son, Happy, F. 309, C, is sire of Hermione, P. 634, Cm dam of the bull, Trial, P. 1187. H. C, and B rookhill Rose (see page B). Dairy Boy, P. 218, C. Sire of Guenon's Pride, P. 347, H. C, who sired Fontaine 4th, P. 2537, C. Fon- taine 4 th is dam of Fontaine 9th, 4th over Jer., '99; butter test. 1 lb. 15 ozs., 140 days in milk; Fontaine 7th. 3d ov. Jersey, May, '99. Fontaine. F. 2058. C 1st over Jer.. '86, '88. 1st Grouville, '87. Sweepstakes as best cow in show, '88. 24 quarts milk. Cetewayo. P. 224. C. Sire of Cteewayo's Silver Bell, 17 lbs. 2i ozs. Cetewayo 's Lily, 17 lbs. Cetewayo's Daisy, 16 lbs. 4 ozs. (We imported Cete- wayo's Daisy and sold her in our May, '83, auction for $1,600.) Sunrise, F. 1947. C. f Ci'ero, P. 266, H. C 1st pr. over Jersey, '82. Sire of Lady Longfield, 23524. 20 lbs. 13 ozs. Cicero's Jolie. 18246, 18 lbs. 3 ozs. Brunette Star, 27270, 17 lbs. 10 ozs. Cicero's Juno, 1 6726, 17 lbs. 2 ozs. 3 others, 15 lbs. 2 ozs. to 17 lbs. 1 oz. each. Minerva, F. 2281, C. Supposed to be by Royalist, P. 139, H. Cm son of Regina, F. 32, H. C. f Farmer's Joy, P. 306. H. C. 1st over Jersey. 1st pr., Eng. Royal. 1st pr. and Silver Medal at Lon. Dairy Show, '81. Sultane. P. 7, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '70. 1st St. Saviour. "70. 1st H. B., '71. Bronze Medal, C. Ex.. '71. (See below.) Count Cicero. F. 398, H. C (See above.) Happy. P. 211. C. Sire of Happy Blossom, 18218, 19 lbs. 5 ozs. St. Jeannaise. 15789, 17 lbs. 8i ozs. Grandson of Coomassie (see below). Fleur de l'Air, F. 1736. C Farmer's Glory, F. 274, H. C 1st pr. ov. J.. '79, '80. 1st St. Peter, '79, '80. 1st Pa. State Fair. '80. Head of 1st pr. herd. N. J. State Fair, '81. Sire of 4 cows in Amer- ica with butter tests. Victory, F. 1999. H.C. 1st pr.. St. Mary. 3d prize over Jersey. 19-qt. cow in herd of V. E. Fuller. Sultan, F. 58. H. C 1st pr. ov. Jer., '67, '68. 1st Eng. Royal, '68. (Never beaten.) Longueville Queen, F. 272, H. C Dam of Sultane. P. 7. H. C. "the first of the most celebrated family the Island has ever seen." Sultane, P. 7, H. C. (See pedigree and prizes above.) Dam of Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. C, grandam of Golden Sultana (see page B). Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C, sire of Brookhill Rose 2d (see page B). Sultane 8th. P. 944, H. C. grandam of Golden Lad (see above). Sultane 2d. rate of 23 lbs. 8 ozs., for M. H. Messchert. Sultane 4th, a magnificent cow in the former herd of Theo. A. Havemeyer. who sold her bull calf, when nine months old, for $1,775, at the Kellogg sale in May, "82. Sultane 5th, 1st prize over all Jersey, '80, and sold at our sale, May, '83, for $2,800. Bull owned by John De Lacour. Jolly, F. 230. C. Grey. Herd Book closed. Very good cow. Daughter of Bright, F. 110, H.C., 3d pr. ov. Jer., '70; 1st pr. at Bath, '70. ' Vertumnus, P. 161, H. C. 1st prize. Trinity, '77. Sire of Lady Velvetine, 1 7 lbs. 2 ozs. Olymph, 15 lbs. 13 ozs. Lady Kingscote, 15 lbs. 10 ozs. Dairy Pride 2d, P. 37, H. C. Horace. P. 94, II. C. Sire of Le Brocq's Prize, 1st over Jer., '78; 53 bulls in com- petition. Polly, F. 1828. C Romulus, P. 181. C. 2d St, Peter, '78. 3d Lon. Dairy Show. Sire of Mousy 2d, 14962, butter test, 17 lbs 1 oz. in 7 days. (She was im- ported by us. Aug. 20, '81, and sold in our May, '82, auc- tion to the late Mr. D. F. A p p 1 e to n, Ipswich, Mass.) Musique, F. 1096, C I Rosy. F. 682, H. C. Duke. P. 76, H. C. 1st pr. over Jer., '75. Par. and 1st H. B.. '75. Imp and registered as Sweepstakes Duke. 1905. Coomassie, F. 1442. H. C. 2d pr. over Jer , '75. 1st p. ov. J„ '76 to '80. 16 lbs 11 ozs. butter in 7 days. Orange Peel, F. 129, H. C. Sire of Lustre, 15 lbs. 8J ozs. Dairy Pride, F. 348, C. Nonpareil, P 37. H. C lstpr ov. Jer , "72, '73 Young Patricia. F. 35. H. C. Record of 20 quarts milk and 12 lbs. but- ter, Jersey weight. Hero. P. 90. H. C. 1st pr. and Sweep- stakes over Jer., '76. 1st St. Peter. '76. Sire of Daisy of St. Peter. 20 lbs. 5} o«s. Cocotte, 16 lbs. 8$ ozs. Satin Bird. 14 lbs. 15$ ozs. Jenny Le Brocq. 14 lbs. 14 ozs. Stella. F. 705. C. T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. (The information on this and opposite page has appeared for several years in our auction catalogs, and is repeated now and revised primarily for the benefit of those who have not before had our catalog. Parts of it may appear as "ancient his- tory" to former readers; but it has lost none of its force and truth through age; indeed, the story of "The Old Plum Tree" gathers strengthening chapters with succeeding years.) GOLDEN FERN'S LAD, P. 2160, H. C. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey ever produced. He has Champions and first prize winners too numerous to mention here. He has 31 tested daughters and 27 sons with tested daughters. The following is a copy of what Mr. Peter C. Kellogg wrote in Mr. Peer's Sale Catalog when Golden Fern's Lad was sold: "Golden Fern's Lad is without doubt the most popular Island-bred bull with discriminating breeders in Jersey. England, and America, of any one that has ever appeared, not excepting his double grandsire. Golden Lad. He was taken from the Island to England in November. 1898, before his great worth as a sire became established, and ever since that time. Island breeders have expressed regret that he could not be brought back to Jersey. Had that been pos- sible, those best informed express the belief that more money would have been paid for him and that he could have earned more in service fees than any other bull that ever stood on the Island. . "The uniform excellence of the cows got by Golden Fern's Lad. P. 2160. H. C. was the wonder of the Island of Jersey as soon as his earlier career as a sire had made the facts evident. Subsequently they became the admiration of all England, where the bull had gone and where most of his Island-bred daugh- ters soon followed him. The leading herds of England were vying with each other to secure for exhibition and breeding purposes the very finest cows on the Island at the time when Fern's daughters were coming into their inheritance. To obtain the best was to obtain his daughters, and it perforce followed that the Island was promptly almost stripped of them, and particularly of the better ones. They found places of honor in the herds of Lord Rothschild, at lnng Park; Mr. J. Reid Walker, at Rudgley; Mr. R. J. Pope, at Plumpton; Capt. A. B. S. Frazer, at West Tarring; etc. A few determined Island breeders put prohibitive prices upon good daughters of Golden Fern's Lad, and when American breeders, after a long lapse, resumed importing on a more considerable scale, these few remaining daughters of Golden Fern's Lad were the highest priced cows on the Island. In his importation of 1899, sold at auction in May. 1900, Mr. T. S. Cooper brought one of these, registered here as Golden Sultana, 146282, that fetched the top price of his sale. $1 ,600. Two years later, in May, 1902, the bull, Flying Fox. P. 2729. H. C, by Golden Fern's Lad, topped the same importer's sale by bringing $7,500, which is the highest auction price for a Jer- sey that has yet occurred. But these conspicuous instances in this country very faintly reflect the great value of Golden Fern's Lad as a sire measured by the achievements of his daughters in the dairy tests and his sons and daughters in the show rings and the breeding fields of the Island, England, and, to some "I will not here present a list of his great winners, as that will appear in the catalog; but as an evidence of the appreciation in which Golden Fern's Lad was held on the Island of Jersey, after his departure therefrom, I append a quotation from a letter written by Mr. John A. Perree, the Secretary of the Island Herd Book Association, to the Jersey Bulletin in this country. This letter was dated January 27. 1902, when Golden Fern's Lad had been some years in England, and when it was never dreamed that he would come to the United States, and was as follows; . " 'I just want to say what we think of Golden Fern's Lad on the Island. I thought of sending you a list of show and butter-test winners sired by this great bull, but out of respect for your valuable space I have not done so. _ . , , " 'No bull, living or dead, can compare with him for having contributed such a large number of show winners in so short a time. I doubt if Golden Lad, with a much longer career, could compare with his double grandson (Golden Fern's Lad) in numbers. How he came to be sold for exportation was accidental. " 'His owner and breeder, Mr. P. J. Ahier, of La Feme, St. Martin, had the misfortune to lose his dam previous to her having been judged in the cow c |asse s and her points recorded. As it was necessary at that time for a bull to be shown with his dam and the points of both totaled, Golden Fern's Lad was debarred from competition at the "Royal" Show. This explains why no prize "over the Island" stands to his credit. One enthusiastic gentleman (Mr. Charles Nicolle), who told Mr. Cooper that the Island lost S50.000 when Golden Fern's Lad was exported, determined to secure this bull for the Island's use, and generously offered a silver cup to the committee of our society "for an aged bull shown with five of his female progeny." This offer, though much appreciated by the committee, was declined on the plea that the fundamental rules of the society were positive on the way bulls had to be judged (with their dams) Mr. Ahier was a little disappointed, and having a good offer for the bull and considering that he had all his cows in calf by him and a promising successor in Eminent 2d in his stable, sold him. ... • A *u " 'By way of illustrating how we prized Golden Fern's Lad. I will mention what occurred about two years ago. A certain local breeder, being under the impression that the importation of cattle into this Island was prohibited by a minute of one of the State's committees (there were many of the same opinion), was so confident of having this minute rescinded in regard to Golden Fern's Lad by the mass of evidence he could produce in support of his demand, that he inquired a price from the present owner. A price was given, but away in the hundreds (pounds Sterling), yet this did not deter the breeder I refer to. He would have the bull back if he could get it back. He applied to the State's committee, when he was informed that the prohibition was due to a permanent law sanctioned by the Queen in council, against which there was no appeal. I happen to know the price Mr. Walker wanted, and. high as it was, I feel it would have been a very remunerative investment if only Golden Fern's Lad could have been got back. " 'He was one of the most prepotent sires we have ever seen. I have known cases where bulls have been refused qualification m the Herd Book on account of their dams not having sufficient merit, yet those same cows when bred to Golden Fern's Lad have produced winners at the Island and English shows. As milkers, his daughters are unsurpassed, and I have not known a single poor one among them; on the contrary, I have heard complaints from breeders that they will not go dry, and my own experience confirms their persistency. " 'For the last twenty years, at least, no bull has sired stock to sell as readilv as that of Golden Fern's Lad. " 'John A. Perree. T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. DEATH OF SULTANA'S GOLDEN JOLLY GRAND CHAMPION BULL OF 1911 NATIONAL DAIRY SHOW DIES AT "LINDEN GROVE" i Frui/i the Ji rsey Bulletin, April 19, 1916 I "Jim" is dead. "Jim," as he was called by his friends, passed away at "Linden Grove," Coopersburg, Pa., on Mon- day, the 3d of April. And "Jim" had friends, too, don't forget that. Possibly he was closer to Peter Cooper than any one else. For it was Peter who handled Sultana's Golden Jolly from infancy, taught him to do everything except to talk — and when "Jim" turned his expressive eyes on you it seemed he was about to speak. He has a trick of lowering his head and permitting Peter to grasp his horns, then raising the young man off the ground and setting him back safely. A form of amusement not en- couraged by life insurance companies, but evidently safe in this instance, for "Jim" has gone and Peter is still here. But it is a sad Cooper family. Since Viola's Golden Jolly was sold, his son "Jim" was regarded as a fixture, and it would have ruptured the relations of T. S. Cooper & Sons to have discussed parting with him. Ralph Cooper, who regarded Sultana's Golden Jolly more commercially than sentimentally, was touched in a softer spot than he is wont to display. And what of the breeder, the head of the firm? "Still water runs deep," and that same imperturb- ability which surrounds T. S. Cooper in his auction sale ring is noted in his references to the death of Sultana's Golden Jolly. It may indicate what he thought of the bull, that he shook a negative head at every prospective purchaser, when Sultana's Golden Jolly could have been sold for more money than ever was paid for a bull of the breed. When asked for an expression on "Jim's" death, this was Mr. Cooper's reply: "We have bred and owned many valuable bulls at 'Linden Grove,' some of which have been sold for large sums. We have declined large sums for others, simply be- cause they were worth more money to us in our own herd as breeders. Those which were sold, were parted with not for the sake of getting rid of them, but in nearly every case in response to a demand from former customers who had become good friends, and who felt themselves entitled to a chance to possess animals which had distinguished themselves. Another incentive was the publicity attached to the marketing of bulls at long figures, which benefited not only our business, but did good for the breed at large. "Sultana's Golden Jolly is not the first great bull we have buried. Without effort, I recall five others that have preceded him in the past thirty years — bulls which we had determined to keep in spite of any offers. There was Pedro 3187, in the herd for thirteen years, nineteen years old when he died, and serviceable to the last. Golden Fern's Lad we bought when nearly nine years old, and had him for five years. Oxford Lad did not last so long; Combina- tion died soon after importation, from impaction, and Mabel's Raleigh we did not succeed in getting away from the Island. "I have never believed much in 'luck,' but it seems that some 'hoodoo' got into the bulls we refused to sell, ex- cepting Pedro. I have about made up my mind there is something in it. In every case, where I have been badg- ered to put a price on an animal, and positively declined to give the prospective purchaser a satisfactory answer, from some cause or other, bad luck overtook the bull." Indigestion, which had become chronic, was the imme- diate cause of the death of Sultana's Golden Jolly. As many may remember, some time ago the bull developed a festering near the navel which had the appearance of a "boil." Those who have our 1913 and 1914 catalogs can see in the picture the swelling caused by what we thought was a "boil." On several occasions it was lanced and the pus removed by a veterinarian. One day while exploring the wound with his finger, the doctor felt a sharp metallic substance and called Peter to hold the bull while he went after it with the tweezers. He found the substance so fast that it was only withdrawn after several vigorous pulls. It proved to be a wire about five inches long which had caused the irritation. Post-mortem showed that it had penetrated the intestines. Two large tumors formed, and demoralized the digestive tract. The wire appeared to be such as is often found in cut-up hay or straw. A short time ago they lost a valuable Gamboge's Knight cow that was disabled in the same manner. The veterinarian, on post-mortem, found that a wire four inches long in the membranes around the heart had pierced the organ and caused death. {From the Breeder's Gazette, April 19, 1916) Many great bulls whose loss has been keenly felt have left Linden Grove, both by auction and by death, but none has been more deeply mourned than Sultana's Golden Jolly, which died on April 3 at 7 years of age. We bred Sultana's Golden Jolly and raised and maintained him in the pre- mier position in our herd because we believed that in him was focused the most potent influences of the powerful families that have been our guiding star in Jersey breeding for 42 years. We twice owned his distinguished dam, Golden Sultana, by Golden Fern's Lad, having imported and sold her as a first-calf heifer and getting her back again by purchase when 10 years old. She was the nearest liv- ing descendant, with one exception, of that prolific foun- tain head Sultana, a famous "black" cow of the Island which left no less than 14 daughters or sons to radiate her quality. Among these was Count Wolselev, whose daugh- ters included the dams of Oxford Lad, The Owl, Golden Jolly, Nunthorpe, Caiest, Reminder, Houp-La, and others that have built up great families in their own names. We imported Viola's Golden Jolly, the sire of Sultana's Golden Jolly, and he was the bull, next to his son, whose departure created the deepest feeling that we have experienced in parting with our bulls. Viola's Golden Jolly was not far off from Sultanne, being by Golden Jolly, while through his dam, Lady Viola, also the dam of Noble of Oaklands, he traced no less than 4 times to Sultanne. Having known these families so intimately, and finding in our years of experience that our best individuals ap- peared to owe their excellence to the Sultanne influence, we felt that its frequent recurrence and proximity in the pedigree of Sultana's Golden Jolly made him a safe bull to which to pin our faith. Results as reflected in the char- acter of his progeny and his own performances appear to have justified this faith. Sultana's Golden Jolly achieved in one day a succession of triumphs that have not been laid at the feet of any bull of any breed. We exhibited him at the National Dairy Show at Chicago in 1911, where he won 4 championships, including the American Jersey Cat- tle Club's gold medal for grand champion bull bred by exhibitor. He was only a two-year-old, and in competition with the grand champions of 11 important American shows of that season, among them 2 which had won championship over the Island of Jersey in different years. We have been unable to keep his daughters to maturity, so strong has been the demand, while his service has been widely sought for the herds of some of our most far-sighted breeders. I can safely say that he earned $10,000 yearly in the herd. It was through him, and Oxford You'll Do, that I made the deal with the Terrells in Texas to take all our calves of both sexes for a year. Within the last 7 months we have sent them 71 head, and have 25 more to ship as soon as they get a little older. Sultana's Golden Jolly was sick only a short time, though the cause of his death was of long standing. Many will remember that he suffered from what appeared to be a boil at the navel. On several occasions it was lanced by a veterinarian, who removed the pus and relieved the trouble for a time. Once while exploring the wound with his finger he felt a sharp substance which was removed with some difficulty, and proved to be a wire about 5 inches in length, such as is used to attach tags to grain bags. Post mortem revealed 2 tumors where the wire had penetrated the intestine, disturbing his digestion until death came to his relief. So passed away what we always declared the hand- somest and best bred bull we ever owned, but, as we say of Golden Fern's Lad, "his blood still lives and breeds on at Linden Grove." Lehigh Co., Pa. T. S. Cooper. GOLDEN SULTANA, 146282, A. J. C. C. GRANDDAUGHTER OF OLD SULTANE, P. 7, H. C„ AND AT THE TIME OF HER DEATH IN 1914, AT 16 YEARS OLD, WAS HER NEAREST LIVING DESCENDANT, EXCEPT YOUNG JOLLY SULTANE, DAM OF NOBLE'S JOLLY SULTAN. Dam of the sensational bull, Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86180, whose picture and pedigree may be seen on following pages. Golden Sultana won Third Prize in class for aged cows at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904, in the greatest ring ever exhibited in this country, where she sold for $2,350. We afterward bought her for the "Linden Grove" home herd. She is full sister to Sultane's Snowdrop, dam of Sultan of Oaklands. In the "Jersey Bulletin," Mr. W. R. Spann calculated that Golden Sultana had produced nearly $50,000 worth of offspring since her importation. Golden Sultana is dam of Sultana's Oxford Lad, that sold in our 1910 auction for $11,100, and she selling in same sale when twelve years old for $3,700. Sultana's Oxford Lad is sire of the Grand Champion bull at Illinois State Fair, 1913, viz., Elvirian Lad, 106674, bred and owned at Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. Sultana's Oxford Lad has 4 daughters in Register of Merit, and a son with 4 in Register of Merit. Golden Sultana's heifer calf, Sultana of Linden, 239514, sold in our 1910 auction for $1,750, when eight months old. We im- ported Golden Sultana and sold her sixteen years ago for $1,600 as a first-calf heifer. She topped our 1900 auction. Golden Sultana is dam of Gedney Farm Blue Fox's Sultan, 72755, bred by Mr. Howard Willets, at Gedney Farm. Gedney Farm Blue Fox's Sultan has two daughters in Register of Merit with excellent records as two-year-olds. Mr. M. S. Beltzhoover, owner of the Rochroane Farm Jersey Herd, in New York State (which includes the noted Golden Fern's Lad cow, Golden Sultana), in the spring of 1912, wrote the following letter to a friend, who sent it to "The Jersey Bulletin" with the request that it be published. Mr. Beltzhoover bought Golden Sultana in our 1910 auction, when 12 years old. He bought Blue Belle of St. Saviour in our 1911 auction for $1,250, and has been a customer of "Linden Grove" since 1901. Mr. Beltzhoover says: "You ask me, 'How is Golden Sultana'? She is the picture of health, as you will see by the enclosed photograph, taken by my- self on October 26th last. It is only postcard size, but perhaps I ought to send it to 'The Bulletin,' as, no doubt, many would be glad to see what the old cow looks like. By the bye, she was fourteen years old February 1, 1912, and still looks like a much younger cow. I have now two of her heifers, and she is in calf again. Last year she milked 5,135 lbs. in 11A months, and would not go dry. With the last calf she has been milking three months, as follows: 709 lbs., test, 6.3 per cent.; 67S lbs., test, 6.6 per cent.; 727 lbs., test, 6.2 per cent. — on very moderate feed, as I am careful in not overfeeding Jtp j- ' ' % % % SULTANA'S GOLDEN JOLLY, 86180, A. J. C. C. BRED AT "LINDEN GROVE," AND WAS NEVER OFF THE PLACE EXCEPT WHEN TAKEN TO THE NATIONAL DAIRY SHOW IN 1911, UNTIL HIS DEATH HERE, IN HIS EIGHTH YEAR, ON MARCH 31, 1916. He was the admiration of all Jersey breeders, and was never for sale at any price. The question was quite often asked. "What would Sultana's Golden Jolly bring on the Island?" He was only shown once, when he won the following prizes at the National Dairy Show held at Chicago, October 26-November 4, 1911: First Prize in two-year-old class: Senior Champion bull, two years old or over: Grand Champion bull, any age; Special Grand Cham- pion bull, any age; Grand Champion bull bred by exhibitor, winning Gold Medal awarded by A. J. C. C; headed First-Prize Special Herd ($200) for bull and ten females, and sired the First-Prize Calf Herd; with winning four Champion prizes, Gold Medal and other prizes at one show, we doubt if ever such honors have been bestowed on any bull of any breed. A BULL THAT HAS ATTRACTED THE PATRONAGE OF MANY OF AMERICA'S LEADING BREEDERS. Ex-President Darling, of the American Jersey Cattle Club; Messrs. Ayer & McKinney, Mr. R. A. Sibley and Hon. R. J. Fleming arc among the many breeders who have had great cows bred to Sultana's Golden Jolly. Hon. J. 6. Terrell, of Texas, refers to him as "a triumph of the breeder's art." Such patronage is worthy of consideration by the many beginners and breeders of less experience who arc "seeking the light." The females that have been bred to him in this sale should appeal to prospective buyers. His sons and daughters will be espe- cially valuable for the foundation and reinforcement of high-class herds. Consider the bull, and examine his get; then consider his dam, the illustrious Golden Sultana; and knowing what the Jersey world does know of his sire. Viola's Golden Jolly, and his grandsirc, Golden Fern's Lad, and his grandam, the sensational Lady Viola, we think we have not overesti- mated his value. His pedigree on the opposite page shows more convincingly his strong inheritance than we can tell in words — how he traces in every line to the most celebrated butter families and prize animals the world has ever known; and each step marked with individuals that have made great records in the show ring and at the pail, and produced distinguished officially tested cows and the winners of highest honors in the most classic Jersey competitions. Golden Sultana's picture, and something of her achievement and history, appears on following page. Her sire, Golden Fern's Lad, has sired mam tested cows and prize winners; he has 1~ scms with tested daughters with authenticated records. Note what the daughters of Viola's Gulden Jolly are doing in the butter tests, also what the daughters of Golden Jolly and Lady Viola have done, and how their descendants are "keeping the churn going." T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. Bull. SULTANA'S GOLDEN JOLLY, 86180, A. J. C. C. (FOR REFERENCE ONLY.) The Handsomest and Best Bred Bull Ever Owned at "Linden Grove." He is the Admiration of All Jersey Breeders. He Won the Following Prizes at the National Dairy Show Held at Chicago, October 26-November 4, 1911: First Prize in Two-year-old Class. Senior Champion Bull, Two Years Old or Over. Grand Champion Bull, Any Age, Defeating the Champion Winners at Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota State Fairs; Waterloo (Iowa) Dairy Show, National Jersey Show (Shelbyville, Ky.), International Dairy Show (Milwaukee, Wis.), '11; and Champions over the Island in '09 and '10. Special Grand Champion Bull, Any Age. Grand Champion Bull Bred by Exhibitor, Winning Gold Medal Awarded by A. J. C. C, He Headed First-Prize Special Herd ($200) for Bull and Ten Females, and Sired the First-Priae Calf Herd. With Winning Four Champion Prizes, Gold Medal and Other Prizes at One Show, We Doubt if Ever Such Honors Have Been Bestowed on Any Bull of Any Breed. Bred by T. S. Cooper, Coopersburg, Pa. Born October 13, 1908. White spot on forehead; brisket, belly, flanks, tongue and switch white. (See particulars under his picture, opposite page.) Sire VIOLA'S GOLDEN JOLLY, 79314, A. J. C. C. Sold in our '09 auc- tion for $12,000. Sold in Kinloch Farm auction, '11, for $13,000. Sire of 9 cows in Regis- ter of Merit with good year's records as 2 and 3 -year-olds. One of them, Fern's Viola, is now on re- test as a 5-year-old, and has made 672 lbs. butter in 10 mos. She is 75 per cent, same blood as Sul- tana's Golden Jolly. He sired the Grand Champion bulls at Forest City (Ohio), Lexington, Ky., and Utah State Fairs in '14; and many other winners. Sire of Viola's Fawn Duchess, 239332, 5,696" lbs. milk; 418 lbs. lOozs. butter, in one year, at 2 years old, at White Horse Farm. Sold in our May, '10, auction for $425. Handsome Viola's Jolly, 239757, 5,652 lbs. 8 ozs. milk; 400 lbs. 12 ozs. butter, in one year, at 2 years old, at White Horse Farm. Sold in our '10 auction for $725. And 7 others. Golden Jolly, P. 2921, H. C. 1st prize and Champion, North Show. '00. A famous sire of butter cows and winners. Sire of Golden Warrior, 1st over England, Royal Show, '03; 1st over England and Champion, D. S., '03. Jolly Lady of Beechwood, winner of 1st prize, Illinois State Fair, '08; 1st, Champion and Grand Champion at the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '08. Golden Jolly also sired the four cows that won 1st prize for bull and pro- duce, National Dairy Show, Chicago, and Illinois State Fair, '08; and many other winners. Sire of 24 butter test cows, including: Golden Jolly's Fertile. 669 lbs. 11 ozs. Jolly Princess of St. Peter, 633 lbs. 1 oz. Jolly's Pride, 633 lbs. 9 ozs. Jolly's Ruby, 620 lbs. 13 ozs. Sire of 10 bulls with tested daughters, including Derry's Golden Jolly, sire of 13, sold at auction for $1 1,000. Eleven untested daughters are the dams of Register of Merit cows. Sire of Mourier Lass, 234539, Grand Champion cow, Utah State Fair, '13 and '14; and many other winners. Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. Sold in our May, '11, auction for $7,000. 1st over Jersey, '04. Public butter test, May, '04, 2 lbs. 12 ozs. 1st prize, Sweepstakes and Champion, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '05. 1st prize over Jersey and Theatre Cup, May, '05. 1st over England wherever exhibited, '06 and '07. Champion over all England, '07. 1st prize for butter test cows, August. '07. Dam of Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C, winner of 1st over Jersey for bull and progeny, April, '10. He was sold in our May, '11, auction for $15,000. Lady Viola has 4 public butter test daughters, including: Miss.Viola, P. 9644, H. C, Certificate of Merit, butter test. May, '05, 2 lbs. 15 ozs., 39 days in milk. She is dam of the "Linden Grove" service bull, Viola's Golden Fern, 77393. Willoh's Rosy, P. 10444, H. C, Certificate of Merit, May, '06, 3 lbs., 38 days in milk. She is dam of 5 public butter test cows. Golden Jolly's Lady Viola, 203699, public butter test, 1 lb. 15 ozs., 159 days in milk, when only 30 months old. We bought her at auction for $2,550. Goddington Bagatelle, 1 lb. 6 ozs., 24 hrs. Her son, Noble of Oaklands, now has 37 butter test daughters and 28 pro- ducing sons, including Noble's Jolly Sultan, a Champion winner at the Royal Show, Jersey, sire of 11 tested cows. (Noble's Jolly Sultan is in service at "Linden Grove.") Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. His two best daugh- ters in the public butter test are Free- dom, 2 lbs. 10 ozs. butter in 24 hrs. at the T r i n g Show Ring, Eng., being 140 days in milk; and Gold Mine. Gold Medal, Tunbridge Wells, England, 2 lbs. 7 ozs. butter in 24 hours, being in milk 150 days. (For full particulars, see page A.) Dam GOLDEN SULTANA, 146282, A. J. C. C. Winner of 3d prize in class for aged cows at the Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition, St. Louis, '04, in the greatest ring ever exhibited in this country, where she sold for $2,350. We afterward bought her for the "Linden Grove" home herd. Golden Sultana is an intensely bred "Sultane." She is sired by Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C, out of Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. C, winner of many first prizes over the Island, and dam of Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H.C. Her grandam, Sultane. P. 7, H. C, is the first of the greatest family of Jerseys ever bred and owned by that famous breeder, Mr. J. P. Marett. Thus Golden Sultana is a granddaughter of old Sultane and her nearest living descendant. She has inherited the famous dairy type, especially in the udder and teats, for which her grandam was famous, and has inherited all her abundant dairy qualities, having milked as high as 48 lbs. daily. She is dam of Sultana's Oxford Lad, that sold in our '10 auction sale for $11,100, and she selling in same sale when 12 years old for $3,700. She is a full sister to Sultane's Snowdrop, dam of Sultan of Oaklands. Her son. Sultana's Oxford Lad, whom we sold to Elmendorf Farm for $11,100, produced for them, Elvirian Lad, 106674, 1st prize yearling bull (9 entries), Junior and Grand Champion, Illinois State Fair, '13. Sul- tana's Oxford Lad has 4 daughters in Register of Merit, and a son with 4 daughters in Register of Merit. Her son, Gedney Farm Blue Fox's Sultan, 72755, produced Golden Daisy Fox, in Register of Merit, 419 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 2 years old; and Exila Fox Sultana, in Register of Merit, 343 lbs. 8 ozs.. at 2 years old — the former owned and tested by Cornell University, and the latter by Mr. H. C. McLallen, Trumansburg, N. Y. Her daughter, Sultana of Linden, was sold in our '10 auction for $1,750, at 8 months old. Mr. M. S. Beltzhoover, owner of the Rochroane Farm Jersey Herd, in New York State (which includes the noted Golden Fern's Lad cow, Golden Sul- tana), in the spring of '12, wrote: "You ask me, 'How is Golden Sultana?' She is the picture of health, as you will see by the enclosed photograph, taken by myself on October 26th last. It is only postcard size, but perhaps I ought to send it to 'The Bulletin,' as, no doubt, many would be glad to see what the old cow looks like. By the bye. she was fourteen years old February 1, 1912, and still looks like a much younger cow." ■ Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. C. 2d over Jersey, '85. IstH. B.over Jer., '85. Dam of Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. Cm sire of a re- markable lot of dairy cows that have always sold at long prices. Sultane's Snowdrop, P. 8578, H. C., a fa- mous show cow. She is dam of Sultan of Oaklands, P.3746. H. C, 1st over Jer., Apr., '96, who was sold to Mr. P. Rob- erts, Narberth, Pa., for a record price, Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (For full particulars, see front page A.) Brookhill Rose 2d, P. 3440, C. 1st prize over the Is- land, 40 entries, May, '98. Dam of Golden Fern's Red Rose, 23 lbs. 10 ozs. butter in 7 days. Brookhill Fox, Cham. over Eng., and sold for $5,000. The bulls. Reminder and Isonomy. Grandam of Sultan's Black Beauty, sold for $3,000 in our May, '07, sale. Nobleman, P. 2555, H. C. 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr., '98. 1st over Jer., Aug., '98. Reserve over Jersey and Par. prize, '00. 1st at Three-Parish Show, '99. Sire of Nobleman's Lady Mary, the un- beaten Champion of many shows; sold in our '02 sale to J. A. Middelton, Shelby- ville, Ky. Bagatelle 2d, P. 6564, H. C. now named Golden Lad's Victoria, 157325. Sold in our May, '01, sale for $745. She is full sister to Gold- en Lad's Fawn Duchess, that tested 23 lbs. 6 ozs. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. He also sired the great cow, "Speckled Band," public but- ter test, 2 lbs. 3i ozs., 140 days in milk; dam of the wonderful cow, "Nursie," that made the phenomenal rec- ord of 2 lbs. 7| ozs. of butter in 24 hours. Golden Fern, P. 4711. H. C. 2d over Jer., 2d H. B. and Par. prize, '94. Count Wolselcy, P. 928. II. C. 1st over Jer., Apr., '88. 1st over Jer., Aug., '89. Brookhill Rose, P. 1889. C. Half-sister to the dam of Trial, P. 1187, H. C. Aristocrat, P. 2280, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '98. 1st and Sweepstakes, 3-Parish Show, '97. Sire of Aristocratic Beauty, 2 lbs. 10i ozs. in 24 hours, 121 days in milk. She sold in our May, '06, sale for $1,100. Gipsy Maid, P. 4424, H. C. 3d over Jersey, '97. 2d and Sweepstakes at 3-Parish Show, '97. Dam of Gipsy Maid 2d, P. 9641, H. C, win- ner of 1st over Jer., Aug., '02; 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '02. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. The most prepotent bull the Island ever produced, transmit- ting the Sultane type (for udder and teats) to his entire progeny. (See below.) Bagatelle. P. 5076. C- Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '90; also win- ner of £15 prize. Sixty-five of bis get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days; and 31 others. Six sons have tested daughters in Regis- ter of Merit. (See above.) Tootsie, P. 3214, H. Parish prize, '90. . C. C.) Cicero. P. 266. H. C. (7657, A. J. 1st prize over Jersey, '82. Sold at our sale, Oct., "82. for $3,100. Sire of Lady Longfield, 23524, 20 lbs. 13 ozs.; and 8 others. Also sire of Count Cicero, F. 398, H. C. grandsire of Golden Lad. Sultane. P. 7. H. C. 2d prize over Jersey, '70. 1st prize, St. Saviour, '70. 1st Herd Book, '71. Bronze Medal, C. I. Ex., '71. "The first of the most celebrated family the Is- land has ever seen." Dam of Sultane 2d, rate of 23 lbs. 8 ozs.. for M. H. Messchert; Sultane 4th, a magnificent cow in the former herd of Theo. A. Havemeyer, who sold her bull calf, when nine months old, for $1,775, at the Kellogg sale, in May, '82, Sul- tane 5th, 1st prize over all Jersey, '80, and sold at our sale. May, '83, for $2,800. She is also dam of Sultane 8th. P. 944. H. C. grandam of Golden Lad (see front page A) ; and of Count Wolseley, P. 928. H. C, sire of Brookhill Rose 2d (see above). 3751 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. Bull. IMPORTED OXFORD YOU'LL DO, 111860, A. J. C. C. (Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C.) (FOR REFERENCE ONLY.) Winner of First Prize over Jersey, With His Progeny, at the April, 1911, Bull Show, Island of Jersey. Full Brother to the Successful "Butter" Sire, Oxford Knight, P. 3938, C. Bred by G. P. Fcrrcdes, Grouville, Island of Jersey. Born August 24, 1906. Imported January 28, 1913, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; black tongue and switch. "The end of the road." In Oxford You'll Do we find a climax in concentration of the most forceful dairy influences the Island has seen in forty years of breeding for a purpose. Through many lines of descent he claims Sultane, P. 7, H. C., for an ancestor — and twice through Oxford Lass, who is his grand. mi and his sire*s great -grandam. A dairy sire of un- doubted prepotency and power. Intelligent, mascu- line, with not a ''bad sign" in personality, pedigree or performance. Strong head, very wide between the eyes; smooth, clean shoulders; a good hided bull, with rich skin; long and well-ribbed body; rudi- mentary teats extremely long and well placed; the veins on belly are as prominent as in some milk cows; tail set in the Golden Fern's Lad cast, and a wonderful switch. And after all, ''the proof of the pudding" is found in his get. No living sire has put the stamp of capacity — a highly finished dairy type — more unerringly onto his daughters, nor produced a more uniformly long teated, easy milking line of cows than has Oxford You'll Do. Sire GAMBOGE'S KNIGHT, P. 3645, H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny), Apr., '08. Sold at our '1 1 auction for $6,700 to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daugh- ters in a single lot at $1,750 each. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, every animal in competition, sired hy Gamboge's Knight, did honor to its sire, winning among other prizes: 1st prize for four cows in milk. 1st and 2d prize yearling bulls (out of dams by Gamboge's Knight). 2d pr. 3-year-old cow, 9 entries, by Gamboge's Knight. Sire of 41 official test cows, 19 of them with year's records over 500 lbs. butter in 1 year. Twelve of the 19, including the five with the highest tests, were imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auctions: Gamboge's Grey Beauty. 784 lbs. 12 ozs. Gamboge's Tiddledywink, 722 lbs. 14 ozs. Gamboge's Fancy Princess, 712 lbs. 9 ozs. Gamboge's Brownie, 652 lbs. Gamboge's Areola, 592 lbs. 5 ozs. Daisy's January Rose, 585 lbs. 10 ozs. Gamboge's Handsome Duchess, 566 lbs. 5 ozs. Gamboge's Primrose, 566 lbs. Gamboge's Princess, 558 lbs. 13 ozs. Gamboge's Knight's Artistic. 540 lbs. 8 ozs. Gamboge's Vellum, 531 lbs. 12 ozs. Knight's Fancy Princess, 530 lbs. 15 ozs. Gamboge's Modesty, 525 lbs. 7 ozs. Gamboge's Merry May, 520 lbs. 4 ozs. Black Flower, 516 lbs. 15 ozs. Manor's Peeress, 516 lbs. 10 ozs. Gamboge's Crocus, 515 lbs. 1 oz. Gamboge's Fawn Beauty, 505 lbs. 1 Knight's Crocus, 505 lbs. 9 ozs. Gamboge's Tiddled ywink (above) was Grand Champii-n cow at National Dairy Show, '12, and was on show circuit 2-V months during her year's test. Gamboge's Knight is sire of 4 bulls with tested daughters, including: Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075. H. C, sire of 22. Oxford Knight. P. 3938, C. sire of 12. Oxford's Brigadier. 78529. sire of 2 in Register of Merit. Oxford Boy, P. 3937, C, sire of 1 in Register of Merit. His son, Oxford You'll Do, won 1st prize for bull and progeny at the Apr., '11, bull show, Island of Jer. 34 of his sons and daughters have been sold in our auctions for an average of $800. Dam OXFORD EVER, P. 8370, H. C. Oxford Ever is about the best and most valuable cow in the herd of Mr. J. A. l'erree, Secretary Island of Jersey Herd Book. Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass (by Agatha's Flying Fox, above), public butter test, May, '08, 1 lb. 10 ozs., 97 days in milk (cows under 5 years); public butter test. May. '09, 2 lbs. l£ ozs., 83 days in milk; winner of 1st prize over ! and Theatre Challenge Cup. May, '11; Reserve for Renouf Cup, "best butter test cow judged by inspection," May, '07. Oxford Triumph, public butter test, May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs.. 107 days in milk. Oxford You'll Do and Oxford Knight (full brothers), the latter having twelve public but- ter test daughters. Oxford Eva, 177094. dam of Oxford John D., 9004S, sire of 3 in Register <f Jersey, '10. Golden Lad. P. 1242. H. C. Sire of Golden Beatrice, 157326, 22 lbs. in 7 -lays; S9 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. And 31 others. (See above.) Bagatelle, P. 5076, C. f Sarabond. P. 797, H.C. I He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. A great sire. [ Runt Wolseley, P. 928, H. C. 2d over Jer., Apr., '87. 1st over Jer., Apr., '88. 2d over Jer., Apr., '89. 1st over Jer., Aug., '89. Brookhill Rose, P. 1889, C. Out of same dam as Trial, P. 1184, H. C Happy, P. 211, C. Sire of Happy Blossom,18218. 19 lbs. 5 ozs. St. Jeannaise, 15789, 17 lbs. 8i ozs. Fleur de l'Air, F. 1736, C Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C Tootsie, P. 3214, H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944. H. C Wolseley, P. 401. H. C. lstov. Jer., '83.'84.'85. Sultane, P. 7. H. C. 1st St. Saviour, '70. Count Cicero, F. 398, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '83. Sire of 2 tested cows. Hermione, P. 634, C. Vertumnus, P. 161, H. C- 1st pr.. Trinity, '77. Sire of 4 tested cows in America. Garenne, F. 1575, H.C. A 20-quart cow. Dam of Young Ga- renne, 13641. 19 lbs. 8 ozs. Sultane, P. 7. H. C. is dam of: Sultane 9th, P. 1145. H. C, grandam of Golden Sultana. , , ... Count Wolseley. P. 928, H. C, sire of Brookhill Rose 2d (above). Oxford Lass, Alicante, etc. Sultane 8th. P. 944. H. C. grandam of Golden Lad (see above). Sultane 2d, rate of 23 lbs. 8 ozs., for M. H. Messchert. Sultane 4th, a magnificent cow in the former herd of Theo. A. Havemeyer, who sold her bull calf, when nine months old, for $1,775, at the Kellogg sale in May, '82. Sultane 5th, 1st prize over all Jersey, '80, and sold at our '83 sale for $2,800- Dick. F. 171, H. C. 1st St. John, '73, '74. Cowslip, P. 24, C. 1st prize, St. John, '76, '80. f Hero, P. 126, H. C. 1st pr., St. John, '76. Pretty Maid, F. 1943, H. C. Par. pr., R. J. A. S. Count Cicero, F. 398, H. C 2d pr. over Jersey, 'S3. Sire of Count's Fillpail, 30975, 24 lbs. 5 ozs. Cicero's Ruby, 29040, 14 lbs. i\ ozs. Sultane 8th. P. 944, H. C. Dam of many noted prize winners, and winner of 2d H. B. pr. and 3d over Jer. in '84; also Parish prize. Sultan Cicero, P. 670, H. C f Yankee, P. 27, H. C. { 1st over Jersey, '71. 1st Herd Book, '71. | Silver Medal, C. I. Ex., '71. Tinker. f Farmer's Joy, P. 306, H. C. 1st over Jersey. 1st Eng. Royal. 1st prize and Silver Medal at L o n d o u Dairy Show, '81. Sultane, P. 7, H. C "The first of the most celebrated family the Island has ever seen." Count Cicero, F. 398, H. C (See above.) Golden Lass, F. 5711, H. C. 1st over the Island. Sire said to be Roy- alist.P. 139, H. C. f Everton King, P. 390, C. Sire of many noted prize winners, and grandsire of the fa- mous bull, Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. . Lemon, F. 2402, C. Umpire 3d, P. 350. C. M'ine du Pre, F. 4146, C. Sultane. P. 7. H. C 2d over Jersey, '70. 1st pr., St. Saviour, '70. 1st H. B. prize, '71. Br. Med., C I. Ex.. '71. Cetewayo, P. 224, C- Sire of 4 tested cows. Quality, F. 1748. H. C. Winner of 1st pr. and Champion Cup at the Royal Jersey S., '82; 16 lbs. 8 ozs. in 7 days. Umpire 2d, P. 232, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, '80. 3d over Jersey. '81. [ Fancy, F. 1324, C. T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. SOME "BULLY" TESTIMONIALS FROM CANADA TO TEXAS CANADA Mr. John Pringle, manager of the Hank of Toronto, London, < int., Can., writes under date of February 10, 1916: Dear Mr. Cooper: A visitor, after careful inspection of You'll Do's Majesty, 120702, the bull I got from you, said that if we gave him the care he should have he would surely "beat them all" this fall unless something comes out which he has not seen. From the bull barn we went to see the heifers. He selected one he liked, and asked the price. I replied that "last week the price was $200, but that she had been since bred to You'll Do's Majesty and that now the price was raised." He took her. In view of what our friends say of the purchase of this youngster, I am more than anxious that he should make good. I thought it would be of some interest to you, to know just how he impressed the first Canadian breeder who saw him. Yours truly, John Pringle. VERMONT Mr. Henry Welch, whose farm is at West Pawlet, Yer- mont, writes under date of February 17, 1916: My Dear Mr. Cooper: The bull, The Sultan of Saucon, 121099, came through all right, in good condition, and I am more than pleased with him. He is simply superb. I have been thinking that you must have made a mistake and sent me the best bull you had at "Linden Grove." If you have better ones, I want to come and see them. Every one who has seen the bull admires him — calls him a show bull I have been studying his breeding, and it seems to me he is carrying the blood of the very best strains of the breed. I have a bunch of heifers from good dams, and sired by Finan- cial Daisy's Noble (a bull that you once owned), and by breeding them to this bull I am looking for great results. If I do not get some fine stock, then there is no use in paying attention to strains of blood. I want to thank you for the way you have treated me in this deal. You have done better' by me than I expected. I had heard and read much about "Cooper" and his way of dealing, and felt that you would do better by me than I could for myself — and vou certainly did. Today, money would not buy this bull. Respectfully yours, Henry Welch. MASSACHUSETTS Mr. U. G. Groff, Amherst, Mass., under date of February IS, 1916, writes: Dear Mr. Cooper: The bull, N'ursie's Noble Oxford, 121957, arrived safely and on time. He pleases me, and all who have seen him. His pedigree and your description suited me better than anything I had seen advertised. Now that he is here before me, I am satisfied that he is "the one bull among them all" for me. I have some "real dairv cows," and look for "Oxford" to sire some much better ones from them. Thanking you for sending me such a magnificent animal, and hoping that we may meet at the show this fall, I am, Sours very truly, U. G. Groff. NEW JERSEY Oaklands Combination, 120893, A. I. C. C, a vcarling grandson of Combination, 1'. 3744, H. C, and out of a public butter test daughter of Willoh's Rosy, P. 10444, H. C, was sold to Mr. Edward Clark, Pompton Plains, X. T-, who writes under date of July 26, 1915: "Oaklands Combination arrived safely and in good con- dition. He is the handsomest young bull that I have ever owned. I am very much pleased with him indeed, and think him a great bargain." IOWA The Penelcriek Sisters, managers of the Maple Park Dairy Farm, owned by Mrs. Fanny W. Emeny, Eldora, Iowa, under date of February 9th, write: Dear Sir: Faun Sultan of Oaklands, 129192, arrived January 31st and is beginning to get used to us. He is very gentle and good natured. We are yery much pleased with him. He is just "beautiful all over." We believe he will be a blue ribbon winner some of these days. Dr. and Mrs. Emeny are also very much pleased with him. Yery truly yours, Penelerick Sisters. Dr. H. W. Emeny wrote on April 15th as follows: "Faun Sultan of Oaklands has done very well since he arrived here; has become accustomed to this climate and his present surroundings; is doing very nicely at present, and is a very fine animal. I want to assure you that we like him very much and feel entirely satisfied with him. We appreciate very much your confidence in us as one of your customers, and especially since "Faun Sultan" has arrived, we have absolute confidence in you and your stock." In July 1915, we shipped a young bull to Mr. D. W. Rich, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, named Cowslip's Fern, 121686, grandson of Cowslip 16th, P. 6084, H. C, with Noble of Oaklands and Oxford blood on sire's side. Under date of July 11th, Mr. Rich writes: "The young bull from 'Linden Grove' arrived this morning in good condition, and I wish to thank you. The two characteristics that struck me at first sight were his soft mellow hide and his fine dairy type. I am more than pleased with him. If he does not make a sire of good dairy cows, I shall be mistaken. He is so good at withers, has such a strong straight back, and his hind quarters are about as good as any I have ever seen. Then he shows good develop- ment of veins and milk wells. I was so anxious he should have a strong straight back and good rump, as well as thin withers, that you can be sure I am more than pleased, as in these points he is about the best I have seen. He is cut out nicely at the thighs." TEXAS Mr. R. A. Forsyth, Carthage, Texas, under date of March 20, 1916, writes: Gentlemen: Oxford King of the Manor, 122753, the bull you shipped to me, is developing into the handsomest big rugged fellow the Jersey fanciers of this country ever had the occasion to mate their cows with. They are showing their appreciation by forcing me to turn some one off almost daily who has brought a cow for service at a good fee. Yours very truly, R. A. Forsyth. Mr. M. J. George, Burleson, Texas, under date of March 6, 1916, writes: Dear Sir: The bull. You'll Do of Linden, 122757, arrived in good shape, and just as vou said, is a "dandy." But he is so much larger, so much better colored, and his general makeup is so much better, than I expected, that I am more than pleased. I want to thank you for fair and honorable dealing. But knowing your reputation, I felt I was more than safe in your hands. The bull is doing finely. People all along the road for fifty miles have taken much interest in him. I did not show him at the stock show, as he was a little sore after his trip, but I really believe I could have won the Grand Championship with him. I like him so well that if I could not get another of the same blood and individual- ity I would not part with him for three times the price you charged. I regard him as the best bull in north Texas, and am proud to recommend anyone wanting cattle to buy from you "sight unseen." Please pick me out a foundation herd to mate with this bull. I would rather have your judgment than my own. I think more of the bull every time I see him, and think he is easily worth a thousand dollars. Yerv trulv vours, M. 1. George. ORDER OF SALE. It is our intention to follow the order of catalog in selling, as far as practicable, with exception of the bulls. Bulls whose dams are in the sale will be sold when the dams are led out; and the others will be offered, as nearly as expedient, in connection with the families they represent. B63 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 1. Bull. SWEET BREAD'S OXFORD FERN, 140203, A. J. C. C. Bred by Joseph Hamon, Trinity, Island of Jersey. Born July 14, 1914. Solid color, except part of brisket white; spot on belly; black tongue and switch. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa. A splendid young bull, of wonderful development for age; stylish, symmetrical, with very deep, long, well ribbed body, set on short, clean legs; fine head, like that of Tormentor at same age; very deeply dished face, with bright eyes; back straight and strong; splendid hind quarters; beautifully set "whip" tail, with splendid black switch. Good judges are re- quested to look him over and find out if he is not something of a "show" bull. Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570, H- C. 1st and Championship, Grouville-St. Sa- viour Show, April, '11. 1st prize (2-year-old class). Royal Show, Island of Jer., Apr., '12. 1st prize, Class 8, 10 entries, Aug., '12, and Reserve for Voisin Special. 1st prize. Class 3, 13 entries, April, '13. 1st prize, Class 3, 7 entries; 1st prize with progeny, 6 en- tries, Royal Show , April, '15. (Sweet Bread Lord, P. 5299, H. C.) Sire FERN'S OXFORD NOBLE, P. 5012, H. C. In service in the herd of his breeder, Mr. J. A. Perree, Secre- tary of the Island of Jersey Herd Book Society. His opportunities and his inheritance fore- cast for him a bril- liant future. He is sire of Mrs. Nelle Fabyan's excellent young bull. Fern's Noble of River Bank, who made such a good showing in "hot" company at last season's shows. His sire has produced many prize winners, and is a son of the celebrated Noble of Oaklands, who, with his dam, Lady Viola, sold in our '11 auc- tion for $22,000. Lady Viola had four public butter test daughters, and is herself a public test cow, 2 lbs. 12 ozs. in 24 hours. One of her daughters is the dam of five official test cows , and she has two sons with 46 official test daughters. Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. (95700, A. J. C. C.) 1st pr., St. Saviour,'07. 1st pr., Royal Show, '10, for bull and 5 female progeny. Noble of Oaklands sold in our May. '11, auc tion for $15,000 to Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. Sire of 37 tested cows and 28 producing bulls. Lady Aldan, P. 8470, H. C. Winner of 1st prize over Jersey, Aug., '09. Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '09. And numerous other prizes. A magnificent daugh- ter of Golden Fern's Lad, and head of a great family. Her sire was in serv- ice for 5 years at Linden Grove. Oxford Triumph. P. 1210, H. C. Certificate of Merit, public butter test. May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs. in 24 hrs., at 3 yrs. old, 107 days after calving. Out of same dam as Oxford You'll Do, sire of the Theatre Challenge Cup winner at the Royal Show, Jersey, May, '15, and many other win- ners; and has 22 official test daughters. Oxford You'll Do is now at "Linden Grove" and not for sale. His full brother, Ox- ford Knight, sired the cow that has just won Grand Championship at the great Iowa State Fair. Oxford Triumph is by same sire as Maj- esty, sold i n our auction for $1,000, and Stock well, whom we sold for $11,500. Dam SWEET BREAD 15TH, P. 14583, H. C. Bred by Joseph Hamon, Trinity, Is- land of Jersey. Won Certificate of Merit, public but- ter test. May, '11, 2 lbs. i oz. in 24 hours, from 37 lbs. 2 ozs. milk, at 5 yrs. old. Won Trinity Parish prize at Royal Show, May, '1 1 and '13 ; and was Reserve for the Nicolle Special (C h am p io nship). May, '11. Dam of Sweet Bread 27th, winner of 1st prize, 42 entries, at the Royal Show, and Trinity Parish prize, August, '12. Sultan of Oaklands, P. 3746, H. C. (78475, A. J. C. C.) Winner of 1st prize over Jer., Apr., '06; and other Island prs. He has sired a long list of prize winners and 27 butter test daughters. Among the 1st prize winners he has sired are: Campanile's Sultan. Championship over New Zealand and many other prizes, and sold at auction for $3,024. He is sire of Sultan's Dark Beauty, 252210 (Golden Fern's Rose 9th, P. 15037, H.C). 1st over Jer., Aug., '10; sold in our '11 auction for $725 to Mr. Ed. C. Lasater, Texas, for whom she won in the fall of '11, 6 1st prizes and 4 Grand Champion- ships at most im- portant shows. Sire of many other prize winners and several producing bulls. Sweet Bread 8th, P. 10874, H. C. Her half-sister, Sweet Bread 18th, made her best record in the public butter test of May, '14, 2 lbs. 10 ozs. in 24 hours, at 6 years old, 136 days after calv- ing. She won the Bronze Medal in '12, as a four-year-old, with 2 lbs. 2 ozs. butter in 24 hrs., 154 days after calv- ing. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st pr. and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and Grouville ■ Show, '02. 1 st pr. over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. Sire of Gamboge's Knight, sold in our auction for $6,700, and 12 other pro- ducing bulls. Sire of 7 tested cows. Sultane's Snowdrop, P. 8578, H. C. 1 st and Sweepstakes and Cham., Grou- ville and St. Saviour, '03, '04. She was sold to "Ged- ney Farm" for $2,350, and is a full sister to Golden Sul- tana, the St. Louis winner, who is dam of t h e sensational bull, Sultana's Gold- en Jolly, 861S0, win- ner of Gr. Cham- pionship, Nat. Dairy Show, Chicago, '11. Forfarshire, P. 2914, H. C. Champion, St. Saviour Show, '01. Sweepstakes over Grouville and St. Saviour Show, '01. Sire of 16 tested cows, including: Forfarshire's Golden Rose, in Register of Merit, 545 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 year. Sweet Bread 3d, P. 8345, H. C. A great public butter test cow, and dam of 4 public test daughters. She tested as follows in the public tests on the Island: May, '03, 1 lb. 13J ozs.; May. '04. 1 lb. 12$ ozs., 229 days i n milk. Oxford Lad, P. 3123, H. C. 1st prize, St. Saviour Show, '02. Sweepstakes over St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, Apr., '03. 1st State's prize over the Island. Apr., '03. Champion, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '05. He was sold at auction for $3,300. Oxford Lad sired the great bulls, Majesty, Lucy's Champion and Sultana's Ox- ford Lad, the latter selling at our May, '10, auction sale for $11,100. Sire of 42 tested cows. Of his daughters, 1 7 have won prizes or Certificates of Merit in ten public butter tests on Island of Jersey within 5 yrs., among them: Oxford Fancy, Certi- ficate of Merit, May, '08, 2 lbs. 4i ozs., 77 days in milk, and 2 other Certificates. Spent his last days at Linden Grove. I Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass, public butter test. May, '09, 2 lbs. H ozs., 83 days in milk. Oxford Triumph, pub- lic butter test. May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. A leading sire of bulls in Register of Merit. (See above.) Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. Official butter test, 2 lbs. l£ ozs. in 24 hrs.. Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. Winner of first prize at the 3 Western Parishes in '99. r Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (As above.) Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. C. Dam of Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C, sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows that have always sold at long prices. Picton, P. 2392. H. C. Full brother to Hand- some Gold Phillis. who, as a 3-year-old, sold for $625 in our '00 auction. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. (Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C.) (See above.) Slip, P. 2512, H. C Like all of the sons of Golden Fern's Lad, Slip has proved himself a very successful sire. Sire of 3 public butter test cows, etc. Champion Fly inn Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C (Flying Fox, P. 2729, II. C.) Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Among his many test- ed daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 ibs. butter, 13,604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dream wold, 740 lbs. butter, 11,198 lbs. milk, 1 year. Sold in our auction for $7,500. Has 43 sons with tested daughters. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. Dam of Golden Queen of St. Saviour, 2 lbs. 1$ ozs., 214 days in milk. Oxford Ixia, 2 1 b s. 8 ozs., 70 days in milk, and 5 other public butter tests. Flying Fox's Oxford Lass, 1st pr. winner over the Island. Oxford Lad, P. 3123. H. C Caiest, sire of 9 tested cows. Bessie's Lad, P. 2479, H. C. i Oxford Lass, P. 3582. C. One of the most cele- brated cows the Island ever pro- duced. She was never tested for but- ter, but milked as high as 28 quarts daily. (Above.) f Ravaehol, P. 2032, C. His dam is also dam of Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. (see above). Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours, Jersey weight. Cicero, P. 266, H. C. 1st prize over Jer., '82. Sire of Lady Longfield, 23524, 20 lbs. 13 ozs. Lady Fair, 22103, 19 lbs. 10 ozs. Cicero's Jolie, 18246, 18 lbs. 3 ozs. Sultane, P. 7, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '70. Dam of Count Wolseley. Sergeant Major, P. 2010, C 4th St. Martin. '94. Sire of Surville's Primula, Par. prize, Aug., '99. Phyllis, Par. pr., May, '99. Primrose 6th, P. 3808, C. 4th over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '91. 3d North Club. '90. '91. 2d North Club, '97. Reserve, North Club, '98. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. Sire of 31 tested cows. Sultana's Rosette, 149740. A. J. C. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. Dam of Ravaehol, P. 2032, C John Bull, P. 2653, C. Uncle Peter's Rosette, P. 7363, H. C. Rosette's Golden Lad, 57498, A. J. C. C. Alicante, P. 3880, H.C. Flying Fox, P. 2729. H. C. Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C. 1st over Jer., Aug., '89. 1st ov. Jer.. Apr., '88. Sire of many noted cows, including: Alicante, P. 3880, H. C, dam of the noted sires, Nunthorpe, The Owl and Ali- cante's Boy. Oxford Rose, P. 3787, C, dam of Courage. Oxford Primrose, P. 2252, C. Golden Lad 2d, P. 2023, H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Daisy, 136499, 19 lbs. 2 ozs. Golden Lad's Mer- maid, sold at our auction, M a y, '02, for $1,100. Brown Bess 2d, P. 5428, H. C. Orme, P. 1660. H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, 2 lbs. 1* ozs. of butter in 24 hours. Little Eminence, 122506, 21 lbs. 6 ozs. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. Courage, P. 1813. C. Grassy Brown, P. 3370, H. C. Happy, P. 211, C- Sire of Happy Blos- som. 1821S, 19 lbs. 5 Fleur de l'Air, F. 1736, C. Sultan, F. 58, H- C 1st p. over Jer., '67, '68. 1st Eng. Roy., '68. Longueville Queen, F. 272, H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Castor's Beauty, P. 3840, C. Granddaughter of Wolseley, P. 401, H. C. Willard 2d, P. 1078, H. C Primrose 4th, P. 1671, H. C. 3d North Club, '85. 4th over all Jer., '86. 4th H. B.. '86. 2d North Club, '86. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. Golden Fern's Lad has more sons with tested daughters than any other bull, excepting Flying Fox and Noble of Oaklands. both of whom were imported by us and sold in our auctions. Lady Violet, F. 8100, H. C. Sweet Bread 2d, P. 5938. H. C. . Gold Medal, butter test, '00, 2 lbs. 7 ozs., 165 days in milk. Certificate of Merit, public butter test, Oct., '05, 1 lb. 14J ozs., 238 days in milk, at 13 years old. Dam of Sweet Bread 14th. public butter test, May, '10, 1 lb. 5\ ozs., 206 days in milk. Cream Bread, public butter tests: Oct., '09, 2 lbs. 1 oz., 98 days in milk; Oct., '10, 2 lbs. 2 ozs.. 165 days in milk. She won Trinity Parish prize Aug., '07. Now named Picton's Sweet Bread, 254234, and sold in Mr H. V. Prentice's sale, June, '11, for $700. Tattoo 153 No. 2. Bull. T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. PRISCILLA'S SULTAN, 126916, A. J. C. C. Bred by T. S. Cooper, Coopersburg, Pa. Dropped September 25, 1914. White in" forehead; brisket, belly, legs, tongue and switch white. A bull of good style and symmetry; long in body, with depth to match; straight, strong back clean shoulders and thin withers, splendid head and eye; loose, mellow hide; hams thin and well cut out be tween: great length of rump. And he has five lines of Golden Terns Lad blood, twice through Golden Sultana. Sire SULTANA'S GOLDEN JOLLY, 86180, A. J. C. C. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, com- peting against two Cham, winners over the Island and the winners of Championships at eleven of America's most important shows in '11, he won the following: 1st prize in 2 -yr.-old class. 6 entries. Senior Champion bull, 2 years old or over. Grand Champion bull, any age. Headed herd winning $200 Special prize, "bull and 10 females." Silver Trophy ($100 Special I for Grand Champion bull. His only daughter tried for Register of Merit test made 308 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 9 months of her year's test, beginning at 2 years 5 months old. He is sire of: Golden Fern's Jolly, 100629, winner of Grand Championship at Mississippi-Alabama Fair, 13, '14 and '15. (Bred at -'Linden Grove.") Sultana's Vernonia. 1st prize heifer calf and one of 1st prize calf herd. National Dairy Show, '11. (Bred at "Linden Grove. " ) The Owl's Golden Jolly, 2d pr. senior bull calT. and head of 1st prize calf herd. National Dairy Show, '11. (Bred at "Linden Grove. "i Sarah's Sultan. 1st prize yearling bull, Tennessee State Fair, '14. Sold in our '14 auction for $610. St. Helier's Jolly Sultana. 1st prize junior year- ling heifer. 13 entries. Mississippi Alabama Fair, '14. (Bred at "Linden Grove And other winners. His 75 per cent, sister. Fern's Viola, who made 672 lbs. butter in 10 months of a year's test (bred at "Linden Grove"), is dam of Viola's Raleigh, 121171. 1st prize junior yearling bull and Junior Champion. Mississippi Alabama Fair, '15. His half-brother, Jolly's Royal Sultan (by Viola's Golden Jolly), sold at auction for $10,000, and is sire of a Register of Merit cow. His sire is a full brother to Poppy Viola, public test, 1 lb 15 ozs in 24 hrs . ;i t 30 mos. old. 159 days after calving. (We paid $2,550 for Poppy Viola. J Dam PRISCILLA'S SULTANA, 276817, A. J. C. C. Bred by T S Cooper. Her 7 mos old heifer calf, Viola's Priscilla, 308520, s,.l,i in our |

hio). Lexington, Ky., and Utah State Fairs in '14. and many other winners. f Golden Jolly, P. 2921. H. C. 1st prize and Champion, North Show, 00. A famous sire of butter cows and winners. Sire of Golden Warrior. 1st over England, Royal Show. 03; 1st over England and Champion, D. S., '03. Jolly Lady of Reechwood, winner of 1st prize. Illinois State Pair, '08; 1st, Champion and Grand Champion at the National Show. Chicago. '08. Golden jolly also sired the four cows that won 1st prize for bull and pro- duce, National Dairy Show, Chicago, and Illinois State Fair, 08; and many other winners. Sire of 24 butter test cows, including Golden Jolly's Fertile, 669 lbs. 11 ozs. Jolly Princess of St. Peter, 633 lbs. 1 oz. Jolly's Pride, 633 lbs. 9 ozs. Jolly's Ruby, 620 lbs. 13 ozs. Sire of 10 bulls with tested daughters, including Derry's Golden Jolly. sire of 13, sold at auction for $11,000. Eleven untested daughters are the dams of Register of Merit cows, Sire of Mourier Lass. 234539, Grand Champion cow, Utah State Fair, '13 and '14; and many other winners. I Lady Viola. P. 8463, H. C. Sold in our May, '11, auction for $7,000. 1st over Jersey, '04. Public butter test, May, '04. 2 lbs. 12 ozs. 1st prize. Sweepstakes and Champion, St. Saviour and Grouville Show. "05. 1st prize over Jersey and Theatre Cup. May, '05. 1st over England wherever exhibited. '06 and '07. Champion over all England, '07. 1st prize for butter test cows, August, '07. Dam of Noble of Oaklands. P. 3909, H. C.. winner of 1st over Jersey for bull and progeny, April, '10. He was sold in our May. '11, auction for $15,000. Lady Viola has 4 public butter test daughters, including: Miss Viola, P. 9644, H. C. Certificate of Merit, butter test. May. '05, 2 lbs. 15 ozs., 39 days in milk. She is dam of the "Linden Grove" service bull, Viola's Golden Fern. 77393. Willoh's Rosy, P. 10444. H. C, Certificate of Merit, May, '06, 3 lbs.. 38 days in milk. She is dam of 5 public butter test cows. Golden Jolly's Lady Viola. 203699. public butter test, 1 lb. 15 ozs., 159 days in milk, when only 30 months old. We bought her at auction for $2,550. Goddington Bagatelle, 1 lb. 6 ozs., 24 hrs. Her son, Noble of Oaklands. now has 37 butter test daughters and 28 pro- ducing sons, including Noble's Jolly Sultan, a Champion winner at the Royal Show. Jersey, sire of II tested cows. (Noble's Tolly Sultan is in service at "Linden Grove.") Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (See below.) I Sultane 9th, P. 1145. H. C. Dam of Uncle Peter, P. 21 15. H. C-. sire of a re m a rk ab 1 e lot of dairy cows that have always sold at long prices. Sultane's Snowdrop P. 8578, H. C., a fa- mous show cow. She is dam of Sultan of oaklands, P. 3/46 H. C. 1st over Jer.. Apr., '96, and was sold to Mr. P. Rob erts, Narbert h Pa. , for a record price. Golden Sultana, 146282, A. J. C. C. Winner of 3d prize in class for aged cows at the Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition, St. Louis, '04, in the greatest ring ever exhibited in this country, where she sold for §2,350. We afterward bought her for the "Linden Grove" home herd. Golden Sultana is an intensely bred "Sultane." She has inherited the famous dairy type, especially in the udder and teats, for which her gran- dam was famous, and has inherited all her abundant dairy qualities, hav- ing milked as high as 48 lbs. daily. She is dam of Sultana's Oxford Lad, who sold in our '10 auction sale for $1 1 ,100, and she selling in same sale when 12 years old for $3,700. She is a full sister to Sultane's Snowdrop, dam of Sultan of Oaklands. She is dam of Gedney Farm Blue Fox's Sultan, 72755, sire of two 2 year olds in Register of Merit with year's butter records. Her daughter, Sultana of Linden, sold at auction for $1 ,750, at 8 months old. Her son. Sultana's Oxford Lad, 76506. has 4 daughters in Register of Merit, and a son with 4 daughters in Register of Merit. Sultana's Oxford Lad, 76506, A J C C Sold in our May. 10. auction for $1 1.100. At same time his dam. the distin guished Golden Sul tana, sold for $3,700. That his get are appre ciated by Jersey people is indicated by the substantial prices paid for his sons and daughters, most of them calves; Sultana's Jolly Prin- cess | ] l months old selling at our May, '11, auction for SI. 600. His son, Elvirian Lad. has shown sue cessfully by F.lmen- dorf Farm, winning 1st prize at Illinois State Fair in a class of 9 yearling bulls, and was later award- ed Grand Champii m ship for bulls of all ages in '13. Sire of 4 Register of Merit cows, includ ing Oxford Princess Sultana. 500 lbs. 2 ozs. in 1 yr., 2 yrs. old. Golden Fern's Priscilla, 203989, A. J. C. C Her dam'xnade for us a butter "test of 17 lbs. 6*ozs. in 7 days, from 2*S lbs. milk, at 3 years 4 months uld. f oxford Lad. P (123, II. C I 1st State's prize over the Island, Apr., 03. Sire of 42 butter tested to\\ s Suns of O xf or d Lad have realized world's record pri es at auc- tion; Stockwell hav- ing sold for Si 1.500 and Sultana's < >x ford Lad for $11, 100. at our '07 and '10 sates. Among his daughters are: Oxford Lad's Brown Beauty, in Register of Merit. 627 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in l rear. Imp. I ixford Butter cup. in Register of Merit 516 lbs. butter in 1 year. Golden Sultana. 146282, A. J. C C. i See above. 1 Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C Winner of 1st pr. and C h a in p i o n s h i p. North Club Show. '96 and 97. Pedro's Priscilla, 99413, A. J. C. C Daughter of Pedro, lis,. Sweepstakes bull at World's Pair, Chicago, '93, and sire of 45 tested cows. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A J. C. C I Flying Fox, P. 2729. II CO Champion winner over the Island, Aug.. '99. Sold at our auction sale. May, '02, for 57.500. In s a m e sale, three of his heifers on first calf averaged $933. Sire of ( )xf ord Vi xen , 2 lbs. 2| ozs., 49 days in milk. Fox's Belle of Grou- ville. 21 lbs. 3 ozs. Flying Fox's Rowena, 17 lbs. 2i ozs. [ ( >xford Lass. P. 3582, C. < me of the most cele- brated cows the Is- land ever produced. She is dam of Houpla, Caiest, Oxford Lad. i ixford I x i a and other famous ani- mals. Boyle. P. 1559. II C Sire of Fontaine , th. 8th and 9th. all pr. winners over the Is land. Fontaine '»th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year . 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours. Golden Fern. P. 471 1. H. C. 2d over Jer , 2d II B. and Par. prize, '94. f Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '99. I lam of Ravachol, P 2032, C John Bull. P. 2f.s; C Uncle Peter's Rosette. P. 7363, H. C. Alicante. P. 3880. H.C Flying Fox. P. 2729, H. C f Count Wolseley, P. 928. H. C 1st over Jer., Aug.. '89. Among his daughters are Alicante, dam of The Owl. and Brookhill Rose 2d. id. nn of Golden Jolly. < Ixford Primrose. P. 2252. C. One of the best cows in her day on the Island. r Golden Lad. P. 1242. H. C. Sire of i2 tested cows, including Golden Lad's F a w n Duchess, 166538. 2J> lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Lad's Lady Rose. 162097, 21 lbs. 101 O/s Sandgate. 122509. 20 lbs. \0\ ozs. Tootsie. P. 3214. H. C. Parish prize, '90. IMPORTED LADY VIOLA, 238437, A. J. C. C. (Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C.) (Vol. XVII, Page 336, English Jersey Herd Book.) SOLD IN OUR 1911 AUCTION FOR $7,000, THE RECORD PRICE, TO ELMENDORF FARM, LEXINGTON, KY. Lady Viola Won First over Jersey, 1904; Certificate of Merit in Public Butter Test, May, 1904; Yield, 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 50 Days in Milk; First over Jersey and Winner of Theatre Champion Cup, May, 1905; First over England Wherever Exhibited, 1906, 1907, 1908. LADY VIOLA IS DAM OF: Noble of Oaklands, 95700, A. J. C. C. (P. 3909, H. C), winner of First Prize, St. Saviour Show, 1907; First over Jersey, 1910, for bull and progeny. More than 200 First Prizes and Championships stand to the credit of Noble of Oaklands and his get. Noble of Oaklands has 37 tested daughters, and 28 sons with tested daughters. Miss Viola, P. 9644, H. C, Certificate of Merit in Public Butter Test, May, 1905; yield, 2 lbs. 15 ozs., 39 days in milk, when 4 years and 1 month old. (She is owned at "Linden Grove," and we also have her son, Viola's Golden Fern. (See his pedigree, front page D.) Willoh's Rosy, P. 10444, H. C, Certificate of Merit in Public Butter Test, May, 1906; yield, 3 lbs. 38 days in milk, when 4 years and 1 month old. Winner of Parish Prize, August, 1904. Four of her daughters have won Certificates of Merit in the Public Butter Tests, a fifth is entered in Register of Merit, and another won First Prize over the Island. Golden Jolly's Lady Viola, 203669 (Poppy Viola, P. 10902, H. C), winner of Bronze Medal in Public Butter Test, Oct., '05. She is looked upon on the Island as having made the most phenomenal butter test, taking into consideration age and lactation, ever made — testing 1 lb. 15 ozs., 1.59 days in milk and only thirty months old. She made a private test of 2 lbs. 9 ozs. in 24 hours. (We imported Golden Jolly's Lady Viola and sold her in our 1907 auction for $675, to Mr. J. M. Overton; and re-bought her in Mr. Overton's 1908 auction for $2,550. She is dam of the "Linden Grove" bull, Viola's Sultan.) Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314, sold in our 1909 auction to Drs. Still and Laughlin for $12,000; and sold by them in June, 1911, for $13,000. He has 9 daughters in Register of Merit and is sire of the peerless Champion bull, Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86180. Goddington Noble, sired by Blue Sultan, for which Mr. Alexander Miller-Hallet, Esq., refused an offer of two thousand guineas ($11,500). We imported Goddington Noble in the spring of 1913 for Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky., the home of the "Lady Viola family." Goddington Bagatelle, 1st prize (open class, 16 entries) young cow, Bath and West of England Show, 1912; dam of Goddington Noble 2d, 1st prize two-year-old bull, S entries, Bath and West Show, 1912; and other prizes. T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. {Advertisement in the Jersey Bulletin of September 22, 1915.) THE SOUTH SPEAKS OUT FOR THE BLOOD OF THE PEERLESS CHAMPION BULL SULTANAS GOLDEN JOLLY 86180, A. J, C. C. (Bred and Owned by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa.) THE HANDSOMEST AND BEST BRED BULL EVER OWNED AT "LINDEN GROVE." Read the following letter from the late Capt. J. H. Wright, a Mississippi banker and pioneer Jersey breeder of the South. Note that he reached the heights of success with a son of Sultana's (iolden Jolly, and with the daughters of another "Linden Grove" bull. Read opinions of such leading judges as Graves, Warren, Gettys, Spann, Butler that under them, THE BLOOD OF "LINDEN GROVE" DEFEATS THE ISLAND CHAMPION. J. H. Wright, Pres. G. B. Michael, Vice Pres. C. C, Dunn, Sec'y. Linwood Griffin, Cashier. THE GUARANTY LOAN, TRUST AND BANKING COMPANY, MERIDIAN, MISSISSIPPI. Messrs. T. S. Cooper & .Sons, Coopersburg, Pa.: Meridian. Miss., August '.!, 1915 Gentlemen — Noticing your reference to Golden Fern's Jolly in your advertisement in The Jersey Bulletin, I thought you may be interested to know that Dr. Tait Butler, of Memphis: Mr. Sam \. Warren, Mr. W. Gettys, Mr. W. k. Spann and others have expressed themselves about as strongly as Mr. Graves did. I am sending you a clipping from a local paper, which covers pretty well what occurred. The next day I said to Mr. Graves that he had cut out quite a contract for me — to win both classes at the National Dairy Show — to which he replied: "Well, you know I have judged there, and I know about all the cattle that will be there, and I tell you that it is my judgment that you can win both with the bull and the cow." It may be also interesting to you to know that both the cows referred to by Mr. Graves — Merry Gold of Millbrook, 180411, and Golden Massie, 181759 — are daughters of another bull bred at "Linden Grove," to wit: Golden Lad's Guaranty, (>(>4(>.">. (I send you their records.) Many other noted judges have said they never have seen better cows anywhere. In 1912, in a class of seventeen fine cows, Mr. Sam N. Warren gave them first and second; while the imported Tri-State Grand Champion (she hav- ing beaten several other noted herds, and all of the Tennessee herds) was placed third to my two. Very truly yours. J. H. WRIGHT. IT ALL SHOWS WHAT AMERICAN BREEDERS CAN DO WITH THE RIGHT KIND OF FOUNDATION PEN PICTURE OF THE TRIUMPH OF THE SON OF SULTANA'S GOLDEN JOLLY, 86180, OVER THE GREAT ISLAND BRED BULL. (Newspaper account of the Mississippi-Alabama Fair.) It was an inspiring sight to see the beautiful Jerseys on the track in front of the grand stand under the electric lights. The most intense interest centered around the bull senior cham- pionship. Mr McBeath's Beechwood Inauguration. Captain Wright's Golden Fern's Jolly and Black Belt Stock Farm's Cam- panile's Golden Fern were led out before the judge. Three mag nificent bulls they are and as they stood there with proud and defiant carriage, the crowd of many thousands watched every movement of the judge. Quickly the contest settled down between the lordly imported and prize winning Campanile's Golden Fern and Golden Fern's Jolly. After the most critical inspection the judge called up the breeders who had assembled on the track and said. •'Gentlemen, there can be no doubt where this championship should go." Pointing to Captain Wright's Golden Fern's Jolly, he continued: "This is the most outstanding bull that I have seen for years," and then he requested that the crowds be megaphoned, and he urged and insisted that Captain Wright should send this great bull and his two wonderful cows to Chicago to the National Dairy Show, the greatest cattle show in all the world — assuring them that no man had a better chance to win. When one realizes that C. T. Graves represents about all Jer- sey knowledge, it makes one feel that Meridian has a Point Comfort 14th or two. A reporter of The Star heard Dr. Tait Butler, of Memphis, him- self a well-known judge, say to a group of gentlemen that he re- garded C. T. Graves the most competent judge of dairy' cattle in America. Praise from such a'source is praise indeed, and Captain Wright may well feel gratified Jover the possession of such cattle. TWO GRAND CHAMPIONS OF THE SOUTH OF "LINDEN GROVE" BLOOD. (Both Owned by Capt. J. H Wright, Meridian, Miss.) GOLDEN FERNS JOLLY, 100629. (Bred at "Linden Grove.") First prize over two years and under three; also senior cham- pion and grand champion, Mississippi-Alabama Fair. 1913, \Y. R. Spann, judge. First prize and head of the first prize herd; also senior cham- pion and grand champion, Mississippi State Fair, 1913, Wm. Get- tys. judge. First in Class and head of first prize herd; senior champion and grand champion and winner of the American Jersey Cattle Club's gold medal. Mississippi Alabama Fair. 1914. C. T. Graves, judge. (The biggest show at any State fair in the United States, except nm-, for the year — 136 head.) Mr. Graves called him the most out standing bull that he had seen for many years and urged and in- sisted that he be sent to the National Dairy Show, Chicago, with every chance to win. MERRY GOLD OF MILLBROOK, 18041 I. (Sire bred at "Linden Grove.") First and champion. Mississippi-Alabama Fair, and member of the first prize herd, 1911, Dr. Tait Butler, judge. First, sweepstakes and champion, Mississippi State Fair, and member of the first prize herd, 1911, L. E. Frost, Tait Butler and W. B. Sivley. judges. First in class, 17 entries, including the grand champion at the Tri State Fair, Memphis; also champion and grand champion and winner of the American Jersey Cattle Club's gold medal; also mem ber of the first prize herd Mississippi-Alabama Fair 1912, Sam N. Warren, judge. First prize, senior champion and grand champion. Mississippi State Fair, 1913, Wm. Gettys, judge. First prize, senior and grand champion and winner of the Amer- ican Jersey Cattle Club's gold medal for the second time. Mississippi- Alabama Fair, 1914, C. T. Graves, judge. Mr. Graves insisted that she be sent to the National Dairy' Show, Chicago, and pronounced her "wonderful." , /j , j iJfcJ jg ,__, ^ t , u ._,. , ^ J-- _, WHY GO TO THE ISLAND? JUST AS WELL BUY AT THE FOUNTAINHEAD. THE BLOOD OF "LINDEN GROVE" JERSEYS DOMINATES THE SHOW RING AND BUTTER TESTS. Tattoo 151 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30. 1916. No. 3. Bull. SULTANA'S ASHLEY PRINCE, 128972, A. J. C. C. Bred by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa. Dropped December 10, 1914. Star in forehead; brisket, belly, left flank, legs, tongue, tail and switch white. Good head; very- prominent, large eyes, wide apart, and deeply dished face; very rugged constitution; body well ribbed and of great capacity; carries a "bread-basket' " like that of his sire; hide rich and mellow; strong, broad loins; body low to ground, on short legs; tail set high, and with good switch. Viola's Golden Jolly 79314, A. J. C. C. Imported by us and sold in our '09 auc- tion for $12,000, to Kinloch Farm, who sold him two years later for $13,000. Sire of 9 in Register of Merit. Fern's Viola, on retest, has made 672 lbs. butter in 10 mos. of her year's work, be ginning as a five year- old. Sire SULTANA'S GOLDEN JOLLY* 86180, A. J.C. C. At the National Dairy* Show, Chicago, '11, competing against two Cham, winners over the Island and the winners of Championships at eleven of America's most important shows in '11, he won the following: 1st prize in 2-yr. old class, 6 entries. Senior Champion bull, 2 years old or over. Grand Champion bull, any age. Gold Medal offered by American Jer. Cattle Club for Grand Cham, bull bred by exhibitor. Headed herd winning $200 Special prize, "bull and 10 fe- males." Silver Trophy ($100 Special) for Grand Champion bull. Sired t h e 5 animals winning 1st pr. for calf herd, 5 entries. Sire of Golden Fern's Jolly. Grand Champion bull at Mississippi- Alabama Fair, '13, '14 and '15. (Bred at "Linden Grove.") Sultana's Vernonia, 1st prize heifer calf and one of 1st prize calf herd. National Dairy Show, '11. (Bred at "Linden Grove.") St. Helier's Jolly Sul- tana, 1st prize jun- ior yearling heifer, 13 entries, Missis- sippi-Alabama Fair. 14. (Bred at "Lin- den Grove.") And many other win- ners. Dam COMBINATION'S ASHLEY BELLE, 288008, A. J.C. C. (PRINCESS ORLET, P. 16494, H.C.) Sold in our '13 auction for $1,000. A powerful cow, with great, deep, wedge- shaped body, and of handsome mold; immense girth, splendid hips and loins, and strong, straight back ; a sweet dished face, with big, ex- pressive eyes; clean cut flat neck; tail thin, well set, with abundant white switch; udder large, just about perfect in shape, full in front and attached high behind; and one sel- dom sees such long and uniformly sized teats on a cow, and so well placed. A great cow, of great scale, beauty, dairy power and breeding. Golden Sultana, 146282, A. J. C. C 3d pr. at the great St. Louis Show (24 entries) , Sept. , '04, and sold in the ring for $2,350, to Mr. Howard Willets, owner ■ of Gedney Farm, from whom we purchased her for the "L iaden Grove" herd. Sold in our ' 1 auc- tion for $3,700; and at same time her son, Sultana's Ox- ford Lad, sold for $11,100. Golden Sultana is a granddaughter of old Sultane and her nearest living de- scendant. She has inherited the famous dairy type, espe- cially in the udder and teats, for which her grandam was fa- mous, and has inher- ited all her abundant dairy qualities, hav- ing milked as high as 48 lbs. daily while in the Gedney Farm herd and this on ordinary feed. Dairy Maid's Champion, P. 4172, H. C. Sire of Stale Bread 18th, pub- lic butter test. May, '12, 1 lb. 2\ ozs., 191 days in milk; Trinity Par. pr., Aug., '11. Cowslip 45th, Reserve over Jersey, May, '12. Lady Windsor's Prin- cess, 1st prize win- ner. National Jersey Show, Shelbyville, Ky. ; Illinois and Ohio State Fairs; Waterloo (Iowa) Dairy Show, '11. Reading Maid, 1 lb. \\\ ozs. in 24 hrs.. 181 days in milk, 4 yrs. old. Speckled Hip's Fawn Beauty, sold in our '13 auction for $650. Neat Doctor, sold for $1,100; winner of 2d prize at the Royal Show, '13. Combination's Ashley Belle, sold in our '13 auction for $1,000. His sire has 4 other producing sons, in- cluding Molly's Combination and Hillside Lad, each sire of 3 tested cows. Orlet, F. 9769, H. C. Golden Jolly, P. 2921. H. C. 1st and Champion, North Show, '00. Sire of Poppy Viola, 2\ years old, winner of the Br. Medal in the public butter test, testing 1 lb. 15 ozs., 159 days in milk. Sire of 23 other te ted { cows. 10 of them in Register of Merit. Sire of many prize win- ners, and of 2 sons that sold at auction for $24,000. Sire of 10 producing bulls, including Derry's Golden Jolly, sire of 13 test- ed cows; sold at auc- tion for $11,000. Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. 1st over Jer,. May, '04. Tested in public but- ter test, 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 50 days in milk. 1st prize over the Is- land and Theatre Cup (Champion- ship), '05. Golden Fern's Lad ( P. 2160, H. C- 1st and Champion at N. C Show, '96, '97. . Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H, C. Dam of Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C, sire of a re- markable lot of dairy cows that have always sold at long prices. Sultane's Snowdrop. P. 8578, H. C, a fa- mous show cow. She is dam of Sultan of Oaklands, 1st over Jersey, Apr., '96. f Combination, P. 3744, H. C. (Combination of St. Saviour, 88245, A. J. C. C) 1st prize over Jersey, Aug., '06. 1st and Champion, St. Saviour - Grouville Show, Apr., "09. Imported Sept., '09, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Died when six years old, thus his oppor- tunities were limit- ed. Sire of 17 tested cows, including Combina- tion's Dark Wonder, 750 lbs. butter in 1 year; Combination's Dark Bessie, 673 lbs. 3 ozs. (Both import- ed by "Linden Grove.") Dairy Maid, P. 11463, H. C. Winner of 4th over Jer. and Par. prize, Royal Show, May, '07. Ashley King, P. 3227, H. C. Winner of 3d prize over Jer., Royal S., Apr., '04. Sire of Reliable 6th, P. 1 2732, H. C, public butter test, May, '11,1 lb. 74 ozs., 311 days in milk. Victorious 2d, P. 1 3069. H. C, 4th over Jer. and Par. pr., May, '12. Eminent's Brown Dai- sy, 221934, 2d at Blue Grass Fair, Lexington, Ky., '09 and '10. Sir Victor, P. 3695, C, Par. pr., Apr., '05. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (See below.) Brookhill Rose 2d. P. 3440, C. 1 st prize and Cham- pion winner over the Island, May, '98. Dam of Golden Fern's Red [ Rose, 23 lbs. 10 ozs. butter in 7 days. Brookhill Fox, Cham, over Eng., and sold for $5,000. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C Sire of the calibrated bull. Golden Fern's Lad. P. 2160. H. C. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d over Jer.. 2d H. B. and Par. pr., '94. (See below.) Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C 2d over Jer., Apr., '87. 1st over Jer.. Apr., '88. 2d over Jer., Apr., '89- 1st over Jer., Aug., '89. Brookhill Rose, P. 1889, C. Out of same dam as Trial, P. 1184, H. C- Cicero, P. 266, H.C. 1st pr. over Jer., '82. Sire of Lady Longfield. 23524, 20 lbs. 13 ozs. Lady Fair, 22103, 1 9 lbs. 10 ozs. And 7 others. Sold in our '82 auction for $3 , 1 00. Sire of 4 producing bulls, including Count Cicero (above), the grand- sire of Golden Lad and Sultana's Ro- sette. Sultane, P. 7, H. C. 1st pr., St. Saviour,"70. 1st H. B.. '71. Bronze Medal, C I. Ex., '71. "The first of the most celebrated family the Island has ever seen." f Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. 1st prize over the Is- land, Aug.. '03. Sire of Sultan of Oaklands. 1st prize. Sweepstakes. Breeders' Cup and Reserve Champion, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '05. Gamboge's Knight, 2d over Jersey, with his progeny, Apr., 'OS. And other noted ani- mals. Sire of 7 butter test cows. Jersey Skater 6th, P. 5865, H. C. Dairy Lad, P. 3181, H. C. (Dairy Laddie, 65679, A. J. C. C.) A very successful sire, imported by the late Capt. M. M. Gardner and Mr. J. M. Over- ton, Nashville, Tenn. Solitude, P. 8582, H. C. Eminent 2d, P. 2532. H. C. (Eminent, 69631, A. J. C. C) Winner 1st State's pr. over Jer. (with his get), '01 and '02. Goddington purse, '02. Sold in our '05 auction for $10,000. Now owned by Hon. A. M. Bowman, Salem, Va. Eminent 2d has 81 daughters that have made tests in Amer- ica and on the Is- land. Kittie 5th, P. 6289, C. By same sire as Genes- ta 5th, dam of Ge- nesta's Duchess, 575 lbs. 2 ozs. butter in 1 year, 3 yrs. old. f Happy, P. 211, C. Sire of Happy Blossom. 18218. 19 lbs. 5 ozs. St. Jeannaise, 15789, 17 lbs. 8* ozs. Fleur de 1'Air, F, 1736, C. Unregistered. Champion Flying Fox. 61441, A. J. C. C (Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C.) Champion winner over the Island. Aug.. '99. Sold at our auction sale May. '02, for $7,500. In s am e sale, three of his heifers on first calf averaged $933. Sire of 25 tested cows, including: Oxford Vixen, 2 lbs. 2\ ozs., 49 days in milk. Fox's Belle of Grou- ville, 21 lbs. 3 ozs. Flying Fox's Rowena, 17 lbs. 2\ ozs. Flying Fox's Pearl, 15 lbs. 7 ozs. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101. A. J. C. C. (A highly commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432, H.C, J.H. B.) Picton 3d, P. 2715. H. C. 1st pr.. Trinity Show, '99. Sire of Picton's Sweet Lady, 203648 (Sweet Bread 4th, P. 9843, H. C.), winner of 2d prize, St. Saviour Show, '06; Reserve for Championship, St. Saviour Show, '06. Issue, P. 4983, H. C. Winner of 1st prize over Jer. and Par. prize. Royal Show, May, '94. Maud's Boy, P. 2506, C. Solitaire, F. 7458, C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (Imp. Golden Fern's Lad. 65300, A. J. C. C.) W'inner of 1st pr. and Championship, North Club Show, '96 and "97. Purchased by us for use at "Linden Grove," when 9 yrs. old. for $2,250. Sire of many prize win ners and tested cows. Among his many pr.- winning sons is Fly- ing Fox. Eminence, F. 7124, H. C Dam of Little Eminence, 122506, 21 lbs. 6 ozs. Eminence of the Is- land, 15 lbs. 10 ozs., when ten years old. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Tootsie, P. 3214. H.C Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944, H. C f Wolseley, P. 401. H.C. 1st ov. Jer., , 83.'84, , 85. Sultane, P. 7. H. C. 1st St. Saviour, "70. f Count Cicero, F. 398, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '83. Sire of 2 tested cows. Hermione, P. 634, C. Vertumnus, P. 161. H. C 1st pr.. Trinity, '77. Sire of 4 tested cows in America. Garenne, F. 1575, H.C. A 20-quart cow. Dam of Young Ga- renne, 13641, 19 lbs. 8 ozs. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son, Flying Fox, sold in our May, '02, sale for $7 ,500. His son. Eminent 2d, sold in our May. '05, auction sale for $10,000. His ten- months-old bull calf sold in our May. '07, sale for $10,200, and in same sale his grandson, "Stock well." sold for $11,500. (See below.) Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. Aristocrat, P. 2280, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '98. 1st and Sweepstakes, 3-Par. Show, '97. I Stale Bread 2d, P. 2976, C. A magnificent dairy cow. Distinction's Pride. P. 1486, H. C. Sire of Pansy, P. 5325, C. (now Pearl Pen- see. 122504), that tested 16 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 7 days. i Bounty, F. 7744(a), H. C Golden Grain, P. 2112, H. C Maud, P. 5134, H. C. Boyle. P. 1559, H. C. Sire of the celebrated bull. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C; Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th. all prize winners over the Is- land. He also sired the great cow, "Speckled Band," public but- ter test. May. '97, 2 lbs. 2>\ ozs., 140 days in milk; dam of the wonderful cow, "Nursie." i Golden Fern. P. 4711, H. C f Traveler, P. 280, C. I Brown Fern. F. 4606, C. D am of B row n Fern 2d, P. 1944, H. C, winner of 2d prize, St. Martin Show/94, '95. Tattoo 131 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 4. Bull. TRIAL'S SULTAN, 126793, A. J. C. C. Bred by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa. Born September 9, 1914. Solid color, except white brisket; white tongue; black switch. A stylish grey, with every indication of being a great dairy bull. Strong constitution and vitality; great length and depth of body; clean shoulders and good withers; splendidly ribbed barrel, strong, broad muzzle; a clean-limbed, highly bred bull; loose, mellow hide. Sire, SULTANA'S GOLDEN JOLLY, 86180, A. J. C. C. The handsomest and best bred bull ever o w n e d at "Linden Grove." He is t h e admiration of all Jer. breeders, and is not for sale at any price. The ques- tn'ii has quite often been asked, "What would S u 1 t a n a's Golden Jolly bring on the Island?" His show-ring record we believe is not equaled by that of any bull of any breed: First prize 2 -year old, Senior and Grand Champion; Special Grand Champion; A. J. C. C. Gold Medal for Grand Cham- pion bull bred by exhibitor; head of 1st prize Special herd; and sire of the 1st prize calf herd at National Dairy Show, '11. He is 75 per cent, same blood as Fern's Viola, the highest testing daughter of Viola's Golden Jolly, who made 672 lbs. butter in 10 mos. of her year's test. His only daughter tried for Register of Merit made 377 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in 1 year, as a two-year-old. His son. Golden Fern's Jolly, was Grand Champion bull at the Mississippi- Alabama Fair three years in succession, and has sired numerous win- ners. His daughter. Sul- tana's Vernonia, was 1st prize hei'er calf at National Dairy Show, 11. Sire of many other winners. Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314, A. J. C. C Imported by us and sold in our '10 auc- tion for $12,000, to Kinloch Farm, who sold him two years later for #1 3,000. Nine of his young daughters are now in Register of Merit on yearly authenti- cated test. Sire of numerous win- ners of 1st and Champion prizes. (See front pages for more extended pedi- gree and particu- lars.) Golden Sultana, 146282, A. J. C. C- 3d pr. at the great St. Louis Show (24 en- tries), Sept., '04, and sold in the ring for $2,350. Sold in our '10 auction for $3,700. She is the dam of 3 producing bulls. (See No. 2.) f Trial 2d of Oaklands, P. 3809, H. C. 1st prize, 11 entries, bulls from tested dams, Royal Show, Jersey, Aug., '07. 3d over Jersey with progeny, April, '08. He is bred and owned by Mr. John A. Per- ree. Secretary Jersey Herd Book, Island of Jersey, and his get are owned in the best herds on the Island. Sire of 5 tested cows: Brampton Oakland Trial, 673 lbs. 12.8 ozs. in 1 year as a 3-year-old. Imported Rose, 429 lbs. 9 ozs. butter in 1 year. Walnut Polly, public butter test, 2 lbs. 5i ozs. in 24 hrs . 261 days after calving. Virginia 10th, 1 lb. 9 ozs. in 24 hrs., as a 3-year-old, 185 days after calving. Trial's Beauty, 1 lb. 8i ozs., 128 days after calving. He also has 3 untested daughters, each dam of a tested cow. He is full brother to Trial of Oaklands, P. 3644, H. C-. sire of 6 butter test cows. Dam TRIAL'S LADY, 214012, A. J. C. C. Imported by T. S. Cooper & Sons. A strong, deep-bodied cow, with grand ud- d e r development, large and well placed teats. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '02. 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. Sire of Agatha's Oxford Lass (out of the great cow, Oxford Ever), public butter test, May, '08, 1 lb. 10 ozs., 97 days in milk (cows under 5 yrs); public but- ter test. May, '09, 2 lbs. H ozs., 83 days in milk; winner of 1st prize over Jer- sey and Theatre Challenge Cup, May, '11 ; Reserve for Renouf Cup, "best butter test cow judged by inspec- tion," May, '07. Sultan of Oaklands, 1st prize. Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham., St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '05. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. Sold in our '11 auction for $6,700. Dorothy, P. 4411, H. C- Lady Rush, P. 12591. II. C. (Now named I', mi nt'iit 's Lady Rush. 21 '"4 i, A. J. C C A magnificent daugh- ter of Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. Dam of Noble Princess of St. Martin. 225893, sold in our '10 auction for $900 to Mr. J. M. Camden, Versailles, Ky. Miss Jolly of St. Peter's, 240218, sold for $700, to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa , in our '10 «ale. Champion Flying Fox, 61441. A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C.) Champion winner over the Island. Aug., '99. Among his many test- ed daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen,. 870.5 lbs. butter, 13,604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. butter, 11,198 lbs. milk, 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Sa- viour, 411.96 lbs. butter, 6,841 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dream- wold, 10,060 lbs. milk, 1 year. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. (A highly commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432, H.C., J. H.B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. l£ ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. She sold in our '02 auction for $1,700, to Mrs. M.M. Patter- son, Port Kennedy, Pa. 4th pr. over Jersey, Aug., '04, when 14 years old, and never shown before. Public butter test. May, '06, 1 lb. 10J ozs., when 16 years old and 235 days in milk. This grand old matron is owned by Mr. John A. Perree, Island of Jersey, and is dam of his popular bulls, Trial of Oaklands, P. 3644, H. C, and Trial 2d of Oaklands. P. 3809, H. C. Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. (Eminent, 69631, A. J. C. C.) Winner 1st State's pr. over Jersey (with his get), '01 and '02. Goddington purse, '02. Sold in our '05 auction for $10,000 to the late Hon. A. M. Bowman, Salem, Va. Eminent 2d has 81 daughters that have made tests in Amer- ica and on the Is- land. One of the best sons of Golden Fern's Lad. Among his yearly test daughters are: Rose Fern Rosebud, 642 lbs. 11 ozs. Eminent's Honey- moon, 592 lbs. 12 ozs. My Eminent's Carna- tion, 565 lbs. 6 ozs. liminent's Lady Mait land, 549 lbs. 2 ozs. Eminent's Golden Lucy. 524 lbs. 8 ozs. Eminent's Primrose, 511 lbs. 7 ozs. One of his leading Is- land test daughters is Aurea, P. 8693, H. C. (now Eminent's Fern of St. Martin, 252122), Certificate of Merit in public butter test, May, '07, 2 lbs. 5* ozs,. 65 days in milk. Rush's Last, P. 8958, H. C Certificate <>i Merit, public butter Its! . Oct., '12. 2 lbs. 14} ozs. in 24 hours, 4*. lbs. 12 ozs. milk at 12 yrs. old. Dam of 2 tested cows, Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (See below.) Rosette 5th, P. 2881. H. C now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. Dam of Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Forfarshire, P. 2914, H.C. Ravachol, P. 2032, C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam, he proved him- self a remarkable sire, but was butch- ered before his value as a sire was known. Courageous Countess of Oaklands, P. 8640, H. Cm now named Countess of Oaklands. 162098. Official test. 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours, Jersey weight. Trial, P. 1187, H. C. 4th over Jer. and Par. prize, '89. 1st over Jer., Aug., 89. 2d over Jersey and Champion Cup, '90. Sire of Magyarland, 86326, 17 lbs. 8 ozs. Finance, butter test. 2 lbs. 10 ozs. in 24 hrs.. 55 lbs. of milk at the fair, and dam of Financial King. Radier's Lassie, P. 3107, H. C. Sarabond, P. 797, H.C. IK- was sold to go to France when 12 months old. This was a great loss to the Island, as he undoubtedly was a great sire. Rosette 4th, P. 2128.C Orme, P. 1660. H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d. 2 lbs. 1 h ozs. of butter in 24 hours. Little Eminence, 122506, 21 lbs. 6 ozs. Rosette 5th. P. 2881, H. C 1st pr. over Jer., '98. Courage, P. 1813. C Mr. Francis Le Brocq told us that the bull Courage w a s the best son of Golden Lad. I Grassy Brown, P. 3370. H. C. Sultane's Favourite, P. 873, H. C. 1st prize, St. Saviour. Sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows. and of the bull, Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. (see below). Hermione, P. 634, C. f Pollux, P. 871. H. C. Twin brother to Castor, P. 870. H.C. 2d over Jer. and 3d State's pr., June. '87. i Radier's Lass, F. 7384. C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son, Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son, Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 auc- tion sale for $10,000. His ten-mos-old bull calf sold in our '07 sale for $10,200. and in the same sale his grandson, "Stockwell," sold for $11,500. Ten of his get have been sold at an aver- age of $4,560. Among his butter test- ed daughters are: Freedom, public but- ter test, T r i n g, England, 2 lbs. 10 ozs. in 24 hours. 140 days in milk; 1st prize over England, Oxfordshire, '99. La Foret's Lucille, public butter test, 2 lbs. 2 ozs. in 24 hrs. Eminence. F. 7124. H. C. 2d St. Martin. '92. Dam of Little Eminence, 122506, 21 lbs. 6 ozs. Rush 2d. P. 2674, C. Sire of 4 tested cows, including Golden Fern's Gold Mine. 147837 (1 lb. 11 ozs., 244 days after calv- ing), sold in our '05 auction for $800. Lady of the Hills 2d, P. 4917, C. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of the celebrated bull, Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C; Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all prize winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours, from which 2 lbs. 10 ozs. butter was made. He also sired the great cow, "S p e c k 1 e d Band," dam of the wonderful cow "Nursie," who made the phenomenal rec- ord of 2 lbs. 7| ozs. of butter in 24 hours, and won the Silver Medal in the public butter test on the Is- land, after being in milk 300 days, and within 90 days of calving. She sold in our '07 sale for $2,200 to Mr. A. B. Lewis. Golden Fern, P. 4711. H. C. Traveler, P. 280. C. Brown Fern, F. 4606. C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. (See above.) Rush. P. 5869. C. r Elderly 2d, P. 1393, H. C Lady of the Hills, P. 3943, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538. 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326. 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. Golden Lad's Lady Rose. 162097. 21 lbs 10J ozs. Sandgate. 122509. 20 lbs. 104 ozs. Zulu Lady, 20 lbs. 10 ozs. Golden Naiad. 18 lbs. li ozs. Golden Kola. 127232, 17 lbs. 8 J ozs. Golden Lass of St. John. 149150. 16 lbs. 3 ozs. Golden Ora. 127228, 16 lbs. l£ ozs. And 23 others. Tootsic. P. 3214, H. C. Parish prize, '90. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. Brown Fern 2d. P. 1944. H. C 2d St. Martin Show, '94, '95. Dam of Aurea. P. 8693. H C, Bronze Medal winner in public butter test, Oct., '03. Mars. P. 1445. C. Little Gem, P. 3305, C Everton King 7th, P. 1107. C. Rozel's Pet 2d. F. 7413, H. C. Moscow, P. 1006, H. C. Prim Topsy, P. 2S69.C. Tattoo 109 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 5. Bull. GOLDEN FERN'S MON PLAISIR, 122755, A. J. C. C. Bred by J. LeC. Arthur, St. Mary, Island of Jersey. Bora May 24, 1914. Imported (in dam) September 15, 1913, by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A wonderfully showy bull, of great symmetry and high finish; back straight as an arrow, from crest to the root of his well-set tail; luxuriant black switch; very long and deep in body, and of great vigor and constitution ; richly colored skin ; hide thin and mellow; a dairy bull, in pedigree and out- line, and in many respects a great show bull. Sire GOLDEN FERN'S NOBLE, P. 4570, H. C. 1st prize (2-year-old class). Royal Show, Island of Jer., Apr., '12. 1st prize. Class 3, 13 entries, April, '13. Golden Fern's Noble also won 1st prize. Class 3, 7 entries; 1st prize, 6 entries, with his progeny; and the Challenge Cup (4 entries), shown with 5 female progeny over 12 mos. old, at the Royal Show, Jersey, April, '15; and many other prizes. His progeny won 1st for "get of sire" at American Royal Show, Kansas City, '15; at National Dairy Show, Waterloo, Kentucky and Ohio State Fairs, and other prizes in '14. Sire of Lady Noble Fern. 1st prize, Class 1, 56 entries. Royal Show, Jersey, May, '13. Alabama, 1st pr., Class 3, 58 entries, Aug.. '13. Brampton Fern Beauty, Toronto, Ont.. '12. And other winners. He also sired: Agatha's Maiden Fern, entries) , Senior and American Royal, '15. His daughter, Christinas Lassie, 281443, quali- fied for Register of Merit, Class AA, with 334 lbs. 11 ozs. butter, 4,860 lbs. 12.8 ozs. of milk, in 1 year, at 2 yrs. 1 mo, old. His dam, Lady Aldan, P. 8470, H. C, is the head of a great family. 1st prize heifer calf, 1st 3 -year-old cow (8 Grand Championship, Noble of Oaklands. .. P. 3909, H. C. (95700, A. J. C. C.) 1st pr.. St. Saviour,'07. 1st pr., Royal Show, '10, for bull and 5 female progeny. Noble of Oaklands and his sons won all 1st prizes at the bull show, Island of Jer., April, '10. At the bull show, Apr., '11, sons of Noble of Oaklands won 2 out of 4 first prizes. More than 200 first prs. and Championships stand to the credit of Noble of Oaklands and his get, so far as the records have been tabulated. Sire of 37 butter test cows, and of 28 bulls with tested daugh- ters, including Noble's Jolly Sultan, sire of 11 in list. Noble of Oaklands sold in our '11 auc- tion for $15,000. Dam GRACE DARLING OF ST. MARY'S, 306562. (MON PLAISIR'S GRACE, P. 13480, H. C.) Sold in our '14 auction for $700' to Mr. G. W. Chaffee, Quechee, Vt. Entered in Register of Merit (A), 653 lbs. 3 ozs. butter in 1 year, from 10,183 lbs. 9.6 ozs. milk, the first year after importation. She is dam of Noble's Grace, 269819, sold as a yearling in our '12 auction for $435, to Elmen- dorf Farm; winner of Junior Championship at the Blue-Grass Fair and at National Jersey Show, Shelbyville, Ky., and other prizes in 1912. She won 1st prize at the St. Mary Show, '12, and the St. Mary Parish prize at Royal Show, '10 and '13. Her daughter, Grace Stockwell, 240832, quali- fied for Register of Merit (A), with 630 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 1 year, from 9,515 lbs. 1.6 ozs. milk, at 5 yrs. 8 mos. old. (Grace Stockwell is by a bull whose sire, Stockwell, P. 3550, H. C., was sold in our '07 auction for $11,500; and whose dam was imported by us. The latter was by Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C, who "ruled" at "Linden Grove" for five years.) We also imported Grace Darling of St. Mary's, both of her grandsires, and their dams. For- farshire's dam, Rosette 5th, also produced Flying Fox (by Golden Fern's Lad), sold in our '02 auction for $7,500, who has 26 butter test daughters and 43 producing sons — MORE THAN ANY OTHER BULL, OF ANY BREED. i Lady Aldan, P. 8470, H. C. Winner of 1st prize over Jersey, Aug., '09. Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '09. And numerous other prizes. Dam of Lady Aldan 2d, P. 9788, H. Cm 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '03. Lady Aldan 4th, P. 11184, H. C 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '05. Fancy's Pioneer, P. 3195, H. C. Sire of Pioneer's Fancy Cow- slip, 306593, 694 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in 1 year, first year after importation; milk , test, average of 6.61 for year; sold in our '14 auction for $135 to Mr. Geo. T. Chaf- fee, Rutland, Vt. Mon Plaisir's Butter- cup. 224584 (Ber- gere's B e a u t y, P. 11259, H. C), Silver Medal, Oct., '07, 2 lbs. 9} ozs., 143 days in milk; sold in our '09 auction for $750; Champion cow, Ver- mont State Fair, '12 ; entered in Register of Merit, 542 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 1 year, 9 years old. Has 10 other tested daughters, including Boutilliere. 2 lbs. 5^ ozs. in 24 hrs. (pub- lic test). Has 2 producing sons, and sired numerous winners. Grace Darling 3d, P. 11321, C, now named Forfarshire's Darling, 234156, A. J. C. C. Dam of Noble's Dar- kling, 234218, sold in * Dr. H. D. Rodman's auction, '10, for $510. Blue Belle's Blue Fox, P. 3633, H. C. A very promising sire - and great show bull. He was sold at Mr. ' D. S. Williams' sale, Nashville, T en n., Dec, '07, for $1,025, to Mr. Harry Pren- ' tice, Worcester, Mass., who was offered a large ad- vance in price right after the sale. Lady Viola, < P. 8463. H. C. Sold at our ' 1 1 auction for $7 .000. 1st over Jersey, '04. Certificate of M e r i t, butter test, May, '04, 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 50 days in milk. 1st over Jersey and Champion, '05. 1st over Eng. wherever exhibited, '06, '07. Dam of Miss Viola, P. 9644, H. Cm Certificate of Merit, butter test, May, '05, 2 lbs. 15 ozs., 39 days in milk. Golden Jolly's Lady Viola, 203669, pub- lic butter test. 1 lb. 15 ozs., 159 days in milk, when only 30 months old. We bought her at auc- tion for $2,550. Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314, sold in our '09 auction for $12,000. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. His son, Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. Aldan, F. 6213, C. Mon Plaisir, P. 2548, H. C (Golden Mon Plaisir, 59936.) 1st Ohio Agricultural and I ndustrial Ex- position, Columbus, '01. Fancy's Rose, F. 8277, H. C. Certificates of Merit in public butter tests as follows: '98, 1 lb. 15£ ozs. '99, 2 lbs. 1 oz. Forfarshire, P. 2914, H, C. Champion, St. Saviour Show, '01. Sweepstakes over Grouville and St. Saviour Show, '01. Sire of 16 tested cows, including: Forfarshire s Golden Rose, in Register of Merit, 545 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 year. Forfarshire's Britan- nia, in Register of Merit, 482 lbs. 6 ozs. Grace Darling, P. 8475, H. C. Parish prize. May, '01 and '04. Parish prize and Re- serve for Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '03 and '04. By same sire as Clar- encia, P. 8602, H.C., Parish pr., May, '03; Sweepstakes, West- ern Show, '03. Dam of the noted bull, Warder, P. 3227, H. C, 1st over Jersey, Aug., '04, and sire of 10 butter tested Shy Fox, P. 3143, H. C Champion winner at St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Is- land of Jer., '02. 1st and Championship, Ohio and Illinois State Fairs. '03. Blue Belle, P. 4307, H. C. Sold in our '04 sale to Mr. Howard Willets, "G e d n e y Farm," White Plains, N. Y., for $3,600. Nobleman, P. 2555, H.'C. 1st at Three-Parish Show, '99. Sire of Nobleman's Lady Mary, sold in our '02 sale to J. A. Middelton, Shelby- ville, Ky. ; the un- beaten Champion of many shows. Bagatelle 2d, P. 6564. H. C. now named Golden Lad's Victoria, 157325. Sold in our '01 sale for $745. Full sister to Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C- Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all pr. winners over the Is- land. He also sired the great cow, "Speckled Band," public but- ter test, 2 lbs. 3£ozs. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. Picton. P. 2392, H. C Full brother to Hand- some Gold Phillis, sold for $625 in our '00 auction. Sire of Firefly, P. 8022, C, Par. prize. May, '02; whose daugh- ter, Oxford Lady of St. Mary, 213932, sold for $1,025 in our '09 auction. Descended from Farm- er's Glory, who sold at auction to Mr. T. A. Havemeyer for $3,200, and is the sire of F o r g e t-Me-Not, P. 291, H. C. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. 1st pr. over Jer., '89. Dam of Flying Fox. Alicante (the dam of '■The Owl") and Forfarshire, three Cham, winners. Four of her get have sold in our auction sales at an average of $2,762.50. Dam of Sultana's Ro- sette 2d, 14 lbs. 7 ozs. Duplex, P. 2586. H. C. Sire of Uncle Peter's Golden Del, sold as a heifer in our sale, May, '00, for $425; and since tested at Biltmore, N. C, 80 lbs. 13 ozs. in one month; sire of other tested cows. Golden Lily, P. 5101, H. C 1st over Jersey. 1st St. Mary. Champion, W. Show. A magnificent dairy cow, pronounced as such at our sale by all good judges. Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale, May, '02, for $7,500. Venus Violet, P. 3946, H. C. A magnificent dairy cow, milking 20 quarts daily. Aristocrat, P. 2280, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '98. 1 st and Sweepstakes, 3-Par. Show, '97. Gipsy Maid, P. 4424, H. C. 3d over Jersey, '97. 2d and Sweepstakes at 3-Par. Show, '97. Golden Lad. P. 1242, H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326, 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. And 30 others. Bagatelle, P. 5076, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. (See above.) Tootsie, P. 3214. H. C. Parish prize, '90. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land. Aug., '90; also winner of £15 pr. (See above.) Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944, H. C. 2d St. Martin Show, '94. '95. ' Sergeant Major, P. 2010, C. 4th St. Martin, '94. Sire of Surville's Primula, Par. prize, Aug., '99. Phyllis, Par. pr., May, '99. Primrose 6th, P. 3808, C. Reserve, North Club, '98. 1st and Championship, '99. Sarabond, P. 797, H.C. He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. He is by same sire as Sultane's Favorite, P. 873. H. C. Rosette 4th. P. 2128. C We were informed on the Island by J. A. Marett that Rosette 4th, as a dairy cow, had few equals on the Island. Uncle Peter. P. 2115, H. C He has proved him- self a remarkably good sire, and bis get have found ready buyers i n English breeders. Souvenir, P. 5187, H. C. 1st St. Martin. Dam of Souvenir 2d, 3d over Jer., Aug., '97. Clarence, P. 1494, H. C. 1st St. Peter. By same sire as Baron of St. John 2d, P. 1279, H. C. Lily Brown. P. 420, C 2d prize, St. Mary. Tattoo 85 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 6. Bull. THE OWL'S OXFORD YOU'LL DO, 122759, A. J. C. C. Bred by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa. Horn March 4. 1914. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A very rich dark fawn, of wonderful dairy type, great stamina, and splendid development; bright, sparkling eyes; very strong, level back, great depth and length of body, and unusual heart girth; hind quarters perfectly fashioned, finished with a beauti- fully set tail, with generous black switch. He has an exceptionally strong inheritance of high testing blood — -families that we have known long and favorably, and which have "made good" not only at "Linden Grove."' but in the herds of others. He traces twice to < >xford Lass, whose two public test daughters were imported by us. and whose two First-Prize winning progeny— Oxford Lad and Fly- ing Fox's Oxford Lass — were both owned here. We now have her granddaughter and others of her descendants. He goes four times to Rosette 5th, the dam of FIving Fox, who has MORE SONS WITH TESTED DAUGHTERS THAN ANY SIRE OV ANY BREED. Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H. C. Winner of 1st pr. over Jer., with his progeny, at the bull show on the Island, April, '11. This is the most valuable prize, and the greatest distinction that can be accorded a bull. Full brother to Oxford Knight, P. 3938, C, sire of 12 butter test cows, and of other prize winners. Imported by "Linden Grove" and registered as Imported Oxford You'll Do, 111860 — not for sale. He is sire of the bull winning Grand Champion- ship at Indiana State Fair, '15, and sold in our auction for $525. His daughter. You'll Do's Favorite, sold in our '14 auction as a 3-year-old for $500, now under year's official test, will make nearly, if not more than, 900 lbs. butter. His daughter, Golden Oxford Ivy, won 1st prize in her class (76 entries) and the Theatre Chal- lenge Cup (Championship over the Island) at the Royal Show, May, '15; she also won 1st prize in her class (68 entries) at Royal Show, May, '14. Nineteen of his progeny, in our '14 auction, sold for an average of $683.42, including 8 not in milk. 4 of them being bull calves. No living sire has put the stamp of CAPACITY — a highly finished DAIRY TYPE — more un erringly on his daughters than has Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C. (See front pages for his extended pedigree.) Dam THE OWL'S DUCHESS OF ST. SAVIOUR, 203629, A. J. C. C. (BAY LEAF 1 1th. P. 8123, C.) < Ine of the greatest dairy cows in the "Linden G r o v e" herd, and has milk- ed as high as 24 qts. daily. Her son, The Owl's r. olden Jolly, 100180, headed the 1st prize calf herd (all sired by Sul- tana's Golden Jolly), 5 entries, and was 2d prize bull calf, 8 en- tries, at National Dairy Show, '11. The Owl's Golden Jolly sold in our '12 auction for $675, at 16 months old. Her yearling heifer. The Owl's Mona, 240365, sold in our '11 auction to Mr. Ed. C. Lasater, of Texas, for $330, and WOO 1st pr. at the Nat. Dairy S.. Chi- cago, Nov., 11. in a dass of 8 superior calves. The ' 'wis Mona quali- fied for Register of Merit, Class A — 413 lbs. 4 ozs., at 4 yrs. 4 tuns. old. Fontaine's Bay Leaf, lj>5776, out of same dam, sold in our '06 auction for $700, at 5 yrs. old. The Owl's Jolly Duch- ess, 286111, sold in our '14 auction, at 15 months old, for S450. The Owl, P. 2195, H.C. 1st p., St. Saviour, '95. 2d pr. over Jersey, '95, '96. 1st pr. over Jersey, '97. Scored 92 points. At our '01 auction, three daughters of The Owl, all we had, averaged $600 each. Two of them after- ward won 1st prize in their class at West Virginia State Fair. He is sire of Mr. R. A. S bley's Spermfield Owl, 57088, whose 49 Register of Merit daughters include Spermfield Owl's Eva, 1,168 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in one year. The Owl's Oxford Daisy made 759 lbs. butter in one year; she is dam of 2 but- ter test cows, in- cluding the highest testing daughter of Flying Fox. Pay Leaf 9th. P. 6460, C. Comes from a cele brated family. Bay Leaf 10th is dam of Bay Leaf 20th, P. 10432, II. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, May, 04 , and gran- dam of Bay Leaf 33d, P. 12686, C, public butter test, May, 'OS. 1 lb. 4t OZS., when 277 days in milk (about nine months) and only two years old. By same sire as Re- minder. I'. 2052. C. sire of 7 butter test cows. Morion, P. 1690, II C. Sire of Eagle, P. 6736. H. C (now named Mo- rion's S u 1 t a n e, 162115, and sold in our '02 auction), winner of Par. pr., May, '01. Dam of Eminent's Lady Sul- tane, 171946, butter test. 20 lbs. 2 ozs. in 7 days; dam of Kar- nak's Eminent, 84035, 1st pr. two- year-old bull, Louis- iana State Fair, '10. Oxford Orange, P. 6361, C-, a magni- ficent dairy cow; dam of Fern's Ox- ford Orange, sold in our '07 sale for $2,900. Full brother to Pio- neer, P. 1602, H. C, 1st over Jersey, '91, '92; sire of Nuriel, 1st over Jer., 1st H. B. and Par. pr., '00; Lady Clair. 3d H. B. and Par. pr., '00; Pensee, Certificate of Merit, '00, butter test, 2 lbs. 1 J ozs. Alicante, P. 3880, H.C. 1st prize winner over Jersey, '91. 1st p.. R- C. S., '96, '97. 1st and Cham., Roy. C. Show, '98. 1st p., B. and W. S., '98, and many other prizes. Alicante was bought by Lord Rothschild in '94, when she had yielded over 10,000 lbs. of milk in course of one lac- tation. She is also the dam of Alican- te's Boy and "The Owl." The former won 1st prize. Roy- al Counties Show, '96, '97; 1st p. and Cham., Counties S., '98. Also dam of N u n- thorpe, P. 1769, H. C. (as below), sire of Blue Nun, 126625, butter test, 18 lbs. 5£ ozs. in 7 days, from 247 lbs. 8 ozs. milk, at 6 years old. Test made at Bilt- more Farms, Hilt- more, N. C- Nunthorpe, P. 1769, H. C. 2d over all Jer., '93. Sire of Uncle Peter, 3d over Jer. and Par. pr.,'95, and Par. pr., '96. Plaisance, 3d over Jer. and Par. p., '96. and Reserve, Aug., '96. Sweet Eves 2d, Par. pr., '96; Utica Par. prize. '97. Cherry 2d. 11. and \\\, '97; 1st R. C, '97; 1st Royal, '99. West Show, '99. and 2d R C . '99. Lord Carteret, sire of the famous cow , Nunthorpe's Fon- taine. Bay Leaf 7th. P. 5168. H. C. A grand dairy cow. I int of same dam as Bay Leaf 10th. P. 7486, H. C, (See note at left.) Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Sixty -five of his get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538. 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326, 22 lbs.. 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs., 30 days. Golden Lad's Lady Rose, 162097, 21 lbs. 10£ ozs. Sandgate, 122509, 20 lbs. 10£ ozs. Zulu Lady, 20 lbs. 10 ozs. And 27 others. Cicero's Cowslip 3d, P. 3056, H. C. 3d pr. over Jer., '92. Parish prize. '94. Dam of Pioneer, P. 1602, H. C, 1st over Jersey, '91, '92. Count Wolseley, P. 928. H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, April, '87. 1st over Jer., Apr., '88. 2d over Jer., Apr., '89. 1st over Jer., Aug., '89. Sire of many noted cows, including: Alicante, P. 3880, H.C Oxford Rose, P. 3787, C. Brookhill Rose 2d, P. 3440, C Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C, dam of Oxford Lad. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C, now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. 1st pr. over Jer., '89. 1st H. B. prize. 1st Parish prize Dam of Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C Alicante. P. 3880. H.C. Forfarshire. P. 2914, H. C. (Three Champion win- ners. ) Ravachol. P. 2032, C. John Bull, P- 2653, C Uncle Peter's Rosette, P. 7363, H. C Rosette's Golden Lad, 57498, A. J. C C Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. (See above ) Alicante, P, 3880, H.C. Dam of The O w 1 (as above). Trial. P. 1187, H. C 1st ov. J.. Aug.. '89. 2d over Jer. and Cham. Cup. '90. Sire of Magyarland. 86326, 17 lbs. 8 ozs. Finance, butter test. 2 lbs. 10 ozs. in 24 hrs.. 55 lbs. of milk at the fair, and dam of Financial King, used for years in Mr. Win Rockefeller's n o 1 e d Rockwood Herd Bay Leaf 5th, P. 3427, C. Sultanc's Favorite, P. 873, II. C 1st pr.. St. Saviour Sire of Sultane 14th, who in the Tun bridge Wells (Eng land) butter test, '02, in her fifteenth year, gave 38 lbs. 6 ozs. milk, making 2 lbs. 1 J ozs. butter in 24 hour s, when 132 days in milk, win- ning the Silver Medal. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447. H. C. 2d H. B. p. ov. J., '88. 2d Lon. Dairy S., '88. 1st pr. over Eng., '90. 1 lb. 14£ ozs. butter. Sultane's Favorite, P. 873. H. C {See above.) Cicero's Cowslip, P. 1105, H. C. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '88. Wolseley. P. 401. H. C lstov. Jer., '83, '84, '85. Sultane. P. 7, H. C 2d over Jersey, '70. 1st p., St. Saviour, '70. 1st H. B. prize, '71. Bronze Medal, C I. Ex.. '71. f Sarabond, P. 797, H.C. His dam, Sultane, P. 7. H. C. is the first of the most cele- brated family the Island has ever seen. Dam of many famous daughters and granddaughters, one of which was her daughter, Sultane 5th, sold at our auc- tion sale, May, '83, for $2,800. to Mr. A. B. Darling. Rosette 4th, P. 2128.C. We were informed on the Island by J. A. Marett that Rosette 4th, as a dairy cow in her day, had few equals on the Island, and like her daugh- ters was a very rich and persistent milk- Sultane's Favorite, P. 873. II. C 1st pr., St. Saviour. Sire of the famous bull. Golden Lad, as well as a remarkable lot of dairy cows. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447. H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '88. Sultane's Favorite. P. 873, H. C. Hermione P. 634, C. k D am of Brookhill Rose. P. 1889, C. w ho is dam of Brookhill Rose 2d, 1' 3440, C, that produced the great bulls, Golden Jolly. Brookhill Fox. Re- minder and Isono- my; and Golden Fern's Red Rose, 23 lbs. 10 ozs butter in 7 days. Marshal Bazaine, P. 899, C Bay Leaf, F. 3557. C- Count Cicero, V- 398. H. C 2d pr. over Jer.. "83. Sire of Count's Fillpail. 30975. 24 lbs. 5 ozs Cicero's Ruby, 29040, 14 lbs. \h ozs. Sultane 8th. P. 944, H. C. 2d H. B. pr. and 3d over Jer. in '84; also Parish prize. Sultan Cicero, P. 670. H. C. Golden Lass, F. 5711. H. C. 1st over the Island. Dam of Golden Lad 2d. Cicero. P. 266. H. C. 1st over Jersey, '82. Sire of 8 tested cows. Sold by us for £3.100. Cowslip, P. 214, C Mahomet, P. 259, C. Mussy, F. 1152. C. Sultan, F. 58. H. C. 1st pr. ov. Jer., '67, '68. (Never beaten.) Longueville Queen, F. 272, H. C. Count Cicero, F. 398. H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '83. Sire of Count's Fillpail, 30975. 24 lbs. 5 ozs. Sultane. P. 7, H. C. 1st p., St. Saviour. '70. 1st H. B.. '71. Happy Cetewayo, P. 582. C. Son of Golden Cloud. P. 358, H. C. (by Cetewayo, P. 224, C.L Reserve at Roy. and 1st at N. S., '82. Dam. Snowflake. P. 714, H. C, by Hap- py, F. 309, H. Cm son of Quality. F 1748. 11. C. Rosette 2d. F. 943. H. C. 1st pr. at Grouville. Count Cicero, F. 398. H. C 2d p. over Jer., '83. Sultane 8th, P. 944, H- C. Sultan Cicero, P. 670, H. C Golden Lass, F. 5711, H. C. 1st over the Island. Happy. F. 309. C. Son of Scipio, P. 157. H. Cm 2d over Jer.. '77; 2d H. B. and Par. prize, '77. Dam. Quality. F. 1748. H. C.. winner of 1st prize and Champion Cup at the Royal Jersey Show, '82, 16 ibs. 8 ozs. in 7 days. Miguonnc. F. 1443. C. Islesworth. P. 599. H. C. 2d over Jer. and 1st Guenon pr.,'85. Telescope. F. 7000, C. Tattoo 117 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 191B, No. 7. Bull. OXFORD SULTANE'S PRINCE, 126786, A. J. C. C. Bred by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa. Dropped June 10. 1914. Solid color, except spot in forehead and white stifles; blaek-and white tongue; black switch. Very vigorous and rugged, good head, with promi- nent eyes; a mellow hided young bull; with very strong, level back, clean shoulders and good withers; good hips, with rump long to root of tail, which is well set on, with generous switch. f Sire SULTANA'S GOLDEN JOLLY, 86180, A. J. C. C. The handsomest and best bred bull ever owned at "Linden Grove." He is the admiration of all Jer. breeders, and is not for sale at any price. The ques- tion has quite often been asked, "What would S u 1 t a n a's Golden Jolly bring on the Island?" His only daughter tried for Register of Merit test made 308 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 9 months of her year's test, beginning at 2 yrs. 5 mos. old. Sire of Golden Fern's Jolly, 100629, winner of Grande hampion- ship at Mississippi- Alabama Fair, '13, '14 and '15. (Bred at "Linden Grove.") The Owl's Golden Jolly, 2d prize sen- ior bull calf, and head of 1st prize calf herd, National Dairy Show. "11. (Bred at "Linden Grove.") Sultana's Vernonia, 1st prize heifer calf and one of 1st prize calf herd. National Dairy Show, '11. (Bred at "Linden Grove.") Sarah's Sultan, 1st prize yearling bull, Tennessee State Fair, '14. Sold in our '14 auction for $610. St. Helier's Jolly Sul- tana, 1st prize junior yearling heifer, 13 entries, Mississippi- Alabama Fair, '14. (Bred at "Linden Grove.") And other winners. His half-brother. Jolly's Royal Sultan (by Viola's Golden Jolly), sold at auc- tion for Si 0,000. Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314, A. J. C. C Imported by us and sold in our '09 auc- tion for $12,000 to Kin och Farm, who sold him two years later for $13,000. Nine of his young daughters are now in Register of Merit on yearly authenti- cated test. Sire of numerous win- ners of 1 st and Champion prizes. Fern's Viola, on retest, has made 672 lbs. butter in 10 mos. of year's test. Dam OXFORD SULTANE, 269791, A. J. C. C. (CLAIRFIELD SULTANE, P. 16019, H.C.) One of the most per- sistent milkers in the "linden Grove" herd. Golden Sultana, 146282, A. J. C. C. 3d pr. at the great St. Louis Show (24 entries), Sept., '04, and sold in the ring for $2,350, to Mr. Howard \V i 1 1 e t s, owner of Gedney Farm, from whom we purchased her for the "Linden Grove" herd. Sold in our '10 auction for $3,700; and at same time her son. Sultan a's Oxford Lad, sold for $11,100. Golden Sultana is a granddaughter of old Sultane and her nearest living de- . scendant. She has inherited the famous dairy type, espe- cially in the udder and teats, for which her grandam was fa- mous. She has 2 sons with daughters in the Register of Merit. f Oxford You'll Do. P. 4075, H. C. Winner of first prize over Jer., with his progeny, at the bull show on the Island. April, '11. This is the most valuable prize and the great- est distinction that can be accorded a bull. Full brother to Oxford Knight, P. 3938, C-, sire of 12 butter test cows, a n d of other prize winners. Among other great cows, Oxford You'll Do is sire of; Oxford's Ever Lass, 271082, owned by Mr. Hal H. Hill, C eveland. Ohio. She won 1st prize for 2-year-olds at t h e Forest City Fair, Cleveland, i n '13, while making a Reg- ister of Merit record of 9,582 lbs. 14.4 ozs. milk and 480 lbs. 4 ozs. butter, be- ginning test at 2 years 3 months old. Sire of Golden Oxford Ivy. winner of Thea- tre Challenge Cup, Royal Show, Jersey, May, '15; 1st in her class, May, '15 (76 entries), and May, '14 (68 entries). Les Cateaux Sultane. { P. 13623, C. Golden Jolly. P. 2921, H. C. 1st and Champion, North Show, '00. Sire of Poppy Viola, winner of the Bronze Medal in the public butt,er test, testing 1 lb. 15 ozs,, 159 days in milk. Sire of 23 other tested cows. 10 of them in Register of Merit. Sire of Golden Jolly's Fertile, 669 lbs. 11 ozs. ; Jolly's Pride, 633 lbs. 9 ozs. ; Jolly Princess of St. P., 633 lbs. 1 oz.; Jolly's Ruby, 620 lbs. I Lady Viola, P. S463, H. C. 1st over Jer., May, '04. Tested in public but- ter test, 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 50 days in milk. 1st prize over the Is- land and Theatre "Cup (Champion- ship), '05. 1st pr. over Eng'and, '06, '07, '08. Sold in our '11 auction for $7,000. f Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (See above.) [ Sultane 9th, P. 1145. H. C. 2d over Jersey. '85. IstH. B. over Jer., '85. Dam of Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C, sire of a re- markable lot of dairy cows that have always sold at long prices. Sultane's Snowdrop, P. 8578. H. C„ a fa- mous show cow. She is dam of Sultan of Oaklands. f Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny), Apr., '08. Sold at our '11 auction for $6,700 to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,750 each. I I of his daughters, in our 'II auction, averaged $1,391.36. Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. About the best and most valuable cow in the herd of Mr. J. A. Perree, Secy. Is- land of Jer. Herd Book. Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass (by Agatha's Flying Fox, above \ public butter test, May, '09, 2 lbs. li ozs.; and other prizes. Sultan of Oaklands, P. 3746, H. C. (78475, A. J. C. C.) Winner of 1st prize over Jer., Apr., '06; and other Island prs. He has sired a long list of pr. winners and 27 butter test daugh- ters. Among the 1st prize winners he has sired are: Campanile's Sultan. Championship over New Zealand and many other prizes, and sold at auction for $3,024. He is sire of Sultan's Hark Beauty. 252210 (Golden Fern's Rose 9th, P. 15037, H.C.i. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C Purchased by us for use at "Linden Grove," when 9 yrs. old. for $2,250. Among his many pr.- winning sons and daughters are: Eminent 2d, 1st State's prize over Jersey, '01 and '02 (with his progeny); sold in our '05 auc- tion for $10,000; sire of 81 tested daugh- ters. Flying Fox, Champion winner over the Is- land, Aug., '99; sold in our '02 auction for $7,500. Brookhill Rose 2d. P. 3440, C. I st prize and Cham- pion winner over the Island, May, '98. Dam of Golden Fern's Red Rose, 23 lbs. 10 ozs. butter in 7 days. Brookhill Fox. Cham, over Eng., and sold for $5,000. ' Cicero, P. 266. H, C. 1st pr. over Jer., '82. Sold in our '82 auction for $3,100. Sire of 9 tested cows, and of 4 producing bulls. Sultane, P. 7, H. C. 1st pr., St. Saviour, '70. (See above.) Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st pr. over the Island in a class of 44, '02. Sire of Agatha's Oxford Lass (out of the great cow, Oxford Ever, below), public but- ter test. May, '09, 2 lbs. l£ ozs., 83 days in milk ; winner of 1 st prize over Jer- sey and Theatre Challenge Cup, May, 'II. Sultan of Oak'ands. 1st prize. Sweepstakes. Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham., St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '05. Combination, P. 3744. H. C., 1st prize over Jersey. May, '06. ' Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all pr. winners over the Is- land. He also sired the great cow, "Speckled Band," public but- ter test. May, '97, 2 lbs. 3\ ozs., 140 days in milk. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d over Jer.. 2d H. B. and Par prize, '94. Daughter of Golden Lad. Count Wolseley, P. 928. H. C. 2d over Jer., Apr., '87. 1st over Jer., Apr., '88. 2d over Jer., Apr, '89. 1st over Jer.. Aug., '89. Brookhill Rose, P. 1889, C. Out of same dam as Trial. P. 1184, H. C. Happy, P. 211, C. Fleur de l'Air, F. 1736, C. Sultane, P. 7, H. C. 1st prize, St. Saviour, '70. 1st Herd Book, '71. Bronze Medal, C. I. Ex., "71. "The first of the most celebrated family the Is- land has ever seen." Dam of Sultane 2d. rate of 23 lbs. 8 ozs., for M. H. Messchert; Sultane 4th. a magnificent cow in the former herd of Theo. A Havemeyer. who sold her bull calf, when nine months old, for $1,775, at the Kellogg sale, in May, "82; Sul- tane 5th, 1st prize over all Jersey, '80, and sold at our sale. May. '83, for $2,800. f Golden Fern's Lad, \ P. 2160, H. C [ Rosette 5th. P. 2881, H. C. now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C 1st prize over Jer., '99. A very rich and per- sistent milker. f Ravachol, P. 2032. C- L Courageous Countess of Oaklands. P. 8640, H. C. Official test. 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours, Jersey weight. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '90; a so win- ner of i,'15 prize. Sire of 32 tested cows, including; Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Lad's Lady Rose, 162097, 21 lbs. 10i ozs. Sandgate, 122509, 20 lbs. 10* ozs. Zulu Lady. 20 lbs. 10 I Tootsie, P. 3214. H. C. Parish prize, '90. f Wolseley. P. 401. H.C. | lstov. Jer., '83, "84, '85. I Sultane. P. 7, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '70. 1st St. Saviour. '70, f Count Cicero, F. 398. H. C 2d pr. over Jer., '83. Sire of 2 tested cows. Hermione, P. 634, C. Vertumnus, P. 161, H. C. Garenne, F. 1575, H.C Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C Champion winner over the Island, Aug. .'99. Among his many test- ed daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. butter, 13,604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. Official butter test, 2 lbs. 1* ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in mi.k 142 days. She sold in our '02 auction for $1 .700 to Mrs. M.M. Patterson, Port Kennedy, Pa. Fontaine's Oxford Pride. 187430. A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C.) 3d pr. in public butter test. 2 lbs. 1'i ozs., 48 days in milk. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256. H. C. (See above.) Sultane's Snowdrop, P. 8578, H. C 1st prize over the Is- land. May, '01. 1st and Sweepstakes, Grouville and St. Saviour, '01. Pioneer, P. 1602, H. C. 1st over Jer., '91, '92. Sire of Nuriel, 1st over Jer., '00; and 1st H. B. and Par. pr.. '00. Lady Clair. 3d H. B. and Par. pr.. '00. f Pensee. Certificate of Merit. '00. butter test, 2 lbs. 1 1 <>zs. Les Cateaux Gem. / P. 5297, II. C. Les Cateaux Glory, P. 4429, H. C. [ f Caiest, P. 2591, H. C. 1st prize. Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville Show, '98. [ Gamboge's Pride, P. 4508, H. C. She has won six public butter tests; record in May, '96, 2 lbs. 7\ ozs. Dam of three tested cows, and of 2 pro- ducing bulls. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. Sultane 9th, P. 1145. H. C. She is by Cicero, sold in our '82 auction. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Cicero's Cowslip 3d, P. 3056. H. C 3d pr. over Jersey, '92. Parish prize, '94. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Leonle. P. 3216, C. Dam of . Leonie's Dainty, 2d over Jer., Aug., '01 . Dainty Leonie, Par. prize, May, '01. f Fontaine's King. P. 2207, H. C. I By same sire as Golden { Fern's Lad. I I Oxford Lass, P. 3582. C- She was never tested for butter, but milk- ed as high as 28 qts. daily. Dam of 2 public test cows; of 2 1st prize winners at Royal Shows, and 3 bulls with 59 in the list. Sultane's Favorite, P. 873. H. C. Sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows, including Sultane 14th. who gave 38 lbs. 6 ozs. milk, mak- ing 2 lbs. 1 J ozs. butter in 24 hours, when 132 days in milk, winning the Silver Medal. Cicero's Cowslip. P. 1105. H. C. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize. '85. Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C. Sire of Oxford Lass. [ Dainty 2d. P. 405, H. C. 2d over Jersey, '85, and other prizes. Tattoo 81 T. S, COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 8. Bull. GALA ROSE'S GILBERT, 120892, A. J. C. C. Bred by F. H. Le Boutillier, St. Ouen. Island of Jersey. Born February 6, 1914. Imported (in dam) September 15, 1913, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; black-and-white tongue; black switch. Fit to head a herd, desirable from a breeding stand- point, and promises to make a great individual. A very handsome fawn in color; deep body, straight back, good tail setting; splendid head, with bright, prominent eyes, wide apart, and dished face. His dam and both grandams are Certificate of Merit winners in the public butter tests on the Island of Jersey, under auspices of the English Jersey Cattle Society, where there is absolutely no chance for error or fraud. Such tests, while as reliable as any test can be. rarely indicate the cows' real capacity; as, owing to the confusion incident to show-yard tests, change of water, etc., the cows do not usually come up to their customary flow of milk. Note that his dam and sire's dam were both "forty-pound milkers" under such conditions; and that his sire's grandam is in the Register of Merit with more than 9,000 lbs. of milk in a year. His dam milked 7,000 lbs. in 6 months under official test on the Island. Matilda's Noble, P. 4357. H. C. 1st prize. Royal Show, Jersey, Class 2, 16 entries, April, '10. Son of Noble of Oak- lands, 95700. Sire of Laura Artemesia, 418 lbs. 10 ozs. butter in 1 year as a 2- y ear-old. Noble Golden Belle, 415 lbs. 2 ozs., 3 yrs. old. Magic Belle, 1 lb. 11 ozs. in 24 hours, 160 days after calving, at 2 years old. Sire GILBERT, P. 4818, H.C. Winner of 3d Godding- ton prize, Royal Show, Jersey, May, '12. Sire of Sunray's Son, 2d prize, Class 1, 35 entries, Royal Show, Apr. , '15. Lily's Pride Boy, Re- serve, Class I, 32 entries, Royal Show, Apr., '14. And other winners. His sire is a a son of the celebrated Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C., and Matilda 4th, P. 11204, C., she a daughter of Helena's Fox, P. 3208, H. C, out of a daughter of Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. His sire produced Grey Portia, winner of 3 Grand Champion- ships, and 1st at National Dairy Show (13 entries) and Waterloo, Iowa (9 entries), '14. Dam B0WL1NA, P. 12231, H.C. Winner of Certificate of Merit, public but- ter test, May, '08, 2 lbs. li ozs. in24hrs., 62 days in milk, 3 J years old. Certificate of Merit, Oct. ,'09, 1 lb. 11 ozs. 221 days in milk. 1st milking prize, 1st Parish prize and Certificate of Merit, May. '13, 2 lbs. 6£ ozs. in 24 hours, 104 days in milk, yield ing 46 lbs. milk. Under official test on the Island, she had milked 7,000 lbs. in 6 months, when she was exported for the 'Linden Grove" herd. Dam of Bowlina 4th, Certificate of Merit, public butter test, « lct.,'13, 1 lb. 13 ozs. butter, 30 lbs. 4 ozs. milk, at 2 years old, 158 days in calving. Oxford's Gala Rose, 287771. (Gala Rose, P. 14461, H. C.) Winner of two Certi- ficates of Merit in the public butter tests, Trinity Par. prize and Re- serve for Nicolle special, May, '12; butter test. May, '12, 1 lb. 15£ ozs. in 24 hours at four years old; milk yield, 42 lbs. 14 ozs. She was sold in our '13 auction for Si. 025 to Lynne- wood Farm, Ogontz, Pa. Laxton, P. 3478, C. Sire of Bowlina. P. 12231, H. C, 1st milking pr., 1st Parish prize and Certificate of Merit, public butter test. May. '13, 2 lbs. 6£ ozs. in 24 hours, 104 days in milk; Cer- tificate of M e r i t, public butter test, Island of Jersey, May, '08, 2 lbs. lj ozs. butter in 24 hours, when 62 days in milk; Certificate of Merit, Oct. ,'09, 1 lb. 1 1 ozs., 221 days in milk. Rondin's Freedom, P. 12173, H. C. (Lax- ton's F r e e d o m, 235084), Certificate of Merit, Oct., '08, 1 lb. Ill ozs., 187 days in milk. Chill, F. 9248. C. 1 Certificate of Merit, public butter test. May. '06, I lb. 3Jozs. in 24 hours. 1 43 days in milk, at 4 years old. Oxford Knight, P. 3938, C. Full brother to the celebrated bull, Ox- ford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C. Among the daughters of Oxford Knight are the following: Queen Fanessa, P. 15587, C, Certifi- cate of Merit and 2d Par. prize, public butter test,May,'12, 2 lbs. 3 ozs. in 24 hours, and only 3 years old. (Now named Oxford's Milkmaid.) Sold in our '13 auction for $1,100, to Messrs. Ayer & McKinney. Knight's Star, 240805, in Register of Merit, 690 lbs. 6 ozs. but- ter in 1 year, 10,490 lbs. 1.6 ozs. milk, at 4 years old. Daughter of Phibppa, P. 14632, H. C, Cer- tificate of Merit and 1 st Par pr. , public butter test, May, '12, 1 lb. 13 ozs. in 24 hours, at 4 years old. Oxford Nuriel, P. 14643, H. C, Certi- ficate of Merit, public butter test, Oct., '10, 1 lb. 6i ozs. in 24 hours. And 8 others. Raleigh's Vol age, P. 11946, H. C, now named Raleigh's Princess of St. Saviour, 235168, A. J. C. C. Imported by "Linden Grove," and sold in our '10 auction for #775 to Mr. C. I. Hudson. Entered in Register of Merit, Class A, 494 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in one year. Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. (Eminent, 69631, A. J. C. C.) Winner 1st State's pr. over Jer. (with his get), '01 and '02. Goddington purse, '02. Sold in our '05 auction for $10,000 to the late Hon. A. M. Bowman, Salem. Va. Eminent 2d h a s 81 daughters that have made tests in Amer- ica and on the Is- land. Among his Register of Merit daughters with yearly authen- ticated butter tests are: Eminent's Honey- moon, 213908, 592 lbs. 12 ozs. My Eminent's Carna- tion, 565 lbs. 6 ozs. Eminent's Lady M ait- land, 549 lbs. 2 ozs. Rosy of Oaklands, 195835, 524 lbs. 11 ozs. Eminent's Golden Lucy, 210895, 524 lbs. 8 ozs. Eminent's Cocotte, 213903. 491 lbs. 10 ozs. Rhoda 5th, P. 5254, C. Traces three times to the famous Sultane, P. 7. H. C-, whose daughter, Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. Cm is dam of Golden Sultana. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645. H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny). Apr., '08. (See front pages for his picture and extend- ed pedigree.) Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. Daughter of the fa- mous cow, Oxford Lass, who is a'so dam of 2 public but- ter test cows, of 2 first prize winners over the Island, and of the bulls, Oxford Lad, Caiest and Houpla. Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass, public butter tests, May, '08, 1 lb. 10 ozs., 97 days in milk (cows under 5 yrs.); May, '09, 2 lbs. li ozs., 83 days in milk. Oxford You'll Do and Oxford Knight (full brothers), the latter having 12 butter test daughters. Eminent's Raleigh, 69011. (Raleigh, P. 3273, H. C.) Sire of many prize winners and tested cows, among the latter being: Karnak 2d, public but- ter test, 2 lbs. I oz., 85 days in milk. Raleigh's Flora, public butter test. 1 lb. 14 ozs., 165 days in milk. Volage, P. 6844, C. Her grandsire, Nestor 10th, P. 1483. H. C, is out of the same dam as Gamboge's Pride, P. 4508. H. C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. (See front page A.) Eminence, F. 7124, H. C. Dam of Little Eminence, 122506, 21 lbs. 6 ozs. Eminence of the Is- land, 15 lbs. 10 ozs., when ten years old. Lcda, whose daughter, Golden L e d a, won 1st over the Island, and is dam of the bull s, Stockwell. Leda's Golden Lad, Topsman, etc. Satisfaction, P. 3127, H. Cm 3d over Jer., '89. Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. Cm sire of 81 tested cows. Eminent, P. 1842,- H. C. (by Golden Lad). sire of Effie Baal. 14 lbs. lOi ozs. i n 7 days, and other dis- tinguished cows. Trial 2d, P. 474, C Sired by a half-brother to Golden Lad (see above). His grand- sire is by Count Cicero, F. 398, H.C, 2d pr. over Jer., '83; sire of Count's Kill pail, 30975. 24 lbs. 5 ozs.; Cicero's Ruby, 29040, 14 lbs. liozs. and 4 others. Rhoda 3d, P. 4038, C. By a splendidly bred bull — note his line- age — an inbred Sul tane bull. Sultane is dam < if Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '02. S i r e of Agatha's Ox- ford Lass (out of the great cow. < Ixford Ever), public butter test. May, '08. 1 lb. 10 ozs., 97 days in milk (eows under 5 years); public butter test. May. '09, 2 lbs. H ozs., 83 days in milk ; winner of 1st prize over Jer. and Theatre Chal. Cup. May, '11; Reserve for R e n o u f Cup, "best butter test cow judged by in- spection," May, '07. Fontaine's Oxford Pride. 187430, A. J. C. C (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C.) Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C (Eminent, 69631, A. J. C. C.) Winner 1st State's pr. over Jer. (with his get), '01 and '02. Goddington purse, '02. Rill. P. 6982, H. C. Gave 65 lbs. milk in one day. Considered one of the greatest milk producers the Island has ever known. Champion Flying Fox, 61441. A. J. C. C. Among his many test- ed daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. butter. 13.604 lbs. milk. 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold. 740 lbs. butter, 11,198 lbs. milk, 1 year. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. (A highly commended cow, Agatha. F. 8432, H. Cm J- H.B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. lj ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. She sold in our '02 auction for $1,700 to Mrs. M. M. Pat- terson. Port Ken- nedy, Pa. King Nestor, P. 1951, C. Suspect 4th, P. 4310, C. Boyle, P. 1559. H. C Sire of 5 tested cows. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d over Jer., 2d H. B. and Par. prize, '94. Traveler, P. 280, C. Sire of Clubs 2d, 16725, butter test, 14 lbs. 7 ozs. in 7 days, 208* lbs. milk, at 8 years old. Brown Fern, F. 4606, C. Dam of Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944. H. Cm dam of Aurea, P. 8693, H. C. (now Eminent's Fern of St. Martin, 252122), public butter test. May, '07. 2 lbs. 5J ozs., 65 days in milk. Trial. P. 1187. H. C. 4th over Jer. and Par. prize, '89. 1st over Jer.. Aug., '89. 2d over Jer. and Cham- pion Cup, '90. Sire of Finance, the dam of Financial King; also sire of Mr. R. A. Sihley's great cow, Magyar- land, Fan, P. 585, H. C. Won 4th prize over Jersey, Royal Show. Aug., '88. Crowberrv. P. 1111. II C. His dam is also dam of Uncle Peter, P.21I5. H. C-. sire of a re- markable lot of dairy cows. I Rhoda, F. 4323, C. Hope, P. 1948. H. C. Sire of Prosper, Par. pr., '97. Hope's Regina, 2d over England; half-broth- er to B eresford Pride, 1st Bath and West, '02; 1st Royal Counties, '02. Tula, P. 5323, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '94. Par. prize. Class 2, '94. Rosy's Wonder, P. 835, H. C. Sire of many famous cows, including: Mermaid of the Island, 21 lbs. 3 ozs. Tulip of the Island, 19 lbs. 8£ ozs. Suspect, F. 3289, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '90; also win- ner of £15 prize. Sire of 32 tested cows. Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944, H. C. 2d St. Martin Show, '94, '95. Dam of Aurea, P. 8693. H. Cm Bronze Medal winner in public but- ter test. Oct., '03. f Sultane's Favourite, P. 873. H. C. 1st St. Saviour prize. Among his noted prog- eny are: C...lden L a d. P. 1242. H. C, 1st over Jer., '90 (see above). Sultane 1 4th, public butter test. 2 lbs. l{ ozs., 132 days in milk (14 yrs. old). Maggie, P. 3193, H. C, 1st over Jersey. '90. Cicero's Cowslip 3d, P. 3056. H. Cm id over Jersey, '92; dam of Morion and Pioneer. Hermione, P. 634. H. C. Dam ofBrookhill Rose, whose daugh- ter, Brookhill Rose 2d, is dam of Golden Jolly, etc. Platon. F. 310, C. Favorite. P. 358, C. Islesworth, P. 599. H. C. 2d over Jer. and 1st Guenon pr., '85. Descended from Sul- tane. P. 7, H. C. Sultane 9th, P. 1145. H. C. 1st II B ov. Jer., '85. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '91. B326 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916, No. 9. Cow. NEW WAVE, 353273, A. J. C. C. (P. 20478, H. C.) Bred by E. G. D. Renouf, St. Martin, Island of Jersey. Born March 16. 1913. Imported October 3 1 , 1 9 1 5 , by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color, except mottled brisket; white tip to black tongue; black switch. A promising young cow of hearty constitution and good type; very deep, long body; well-sprung ribs; good top line, with broad, prominent hips; carries a sweet head, with large, lustrous eyes; udder of good size, square in front and full behind, with well- placed teats. Sire NEW LEADER, P. 4813, C. Dam WAVE, F.9018, C. Dairy Maid's Champion, P. 4172, H. C. Sire of Stale Bread 18th, public butter test, May,'12, llb.2£ozs., 191 days in milk; Trinity Par. prices. Aug., '11. Cowslip 45th, Reserve over Jersey, May, '12. Sweet Bread 24th, 3d over Jer., Aug., '11. Lady Windsor's Prin- cess, 1st prize win- ner. National Jersey Show, Shelbyville. Ky.; Illinois and Ohio State Fairs ; Waterloo (Iowa) Dairy Show, '11. Reading Maid, 1 lb. 11| ozs. butter in 24 hrs. at 4 yrs. old, 181 days after calv- ing. Speckled Hip's Fawn Beauty, sold in our '13 auction for $650. Neat Doctor, sold for £1,100; winner of 2d prize at the Royal Show, '13. Combination's Ashley Belle, sold in our '11 auction for $1,000. His sire has 4 other sons with tested daughters, including Molly's Combination and Hillside Lad, each sire of 3. Combination, P. 3744. H. C. (Combination of St. Saviour, 88245, A. J. C. C.) 1st prize over Jersey, Aug., '06. 1st and Champion, St. Saviour - Grouville Show, Apr., '09. Imported Sept.. '09, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Died when six years old, thus his oppor- tunities were limit- ed. Sire of 17 butter tested cows. The three highest test- ing daughters were imported by "Lin- den Grove." He also sired Com- bust, 252167 (P. 14403, H. C), Re- gister of Merit re- cord, 555 lbs. 13 ozs. She was imported by "Linden Grove" and sold for $700. She won 1st prize at St. Helier Show, Island of Jer., '10; 1st prize in 4-year-old class, Illinois State Fair, '11 ; Gr. Cham, at Mich. State Fair, '15. Dairy Maid, P. 11463. H. C Winner of 4th over Jer. and Par. prize, Royal Show, May, '07. Carnation's Foxy, P. 3168. C. Sire of Sweet Ruby of Trinity, 203675, win- ner of 1st at Royal Show; 1st and Sweepstakes at the Western Show, Jer.. May, '06; sold in our '07 auction for $435 as a 3-yr.-old to Penshurst Farm; Register of Merit record, 526 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in 1 year; dam of Sweet Ruby of Penshurst, 275- 063. in Register of Merit, 460 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 year, from 6,894 lbs. S ozs. milk, at 2 yrs. 4 mos. old. Scott's Carnation, P. 11616, C. Winner of 2d prize at St. Mary Show. Jer- sey, '05. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. 1st prize over the Is- land, Aug., '03. Sire of Sultan of Oaklands. 1st prize, Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Champion. St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '05. Gamboge's Knight, 2d over Jersey, with his progeny, Apr., '08. And other noted ani- mals. Sire of 7 tested cows. Jersey Skater 6th, P. 5865, H. C. A magnificent cow. Daughter of Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Dairy Lad, P. 3181, H. C. (Dairy Laddie, 65679, A. J. C. C.) A very successful sire, imported by the late Capt. M. M. Gardner and Mr. J. M. Over- ton, Nashville, Tenn. Solitude. P. 8582, H. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729. H. C.) Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our '02 auction for $7,500. In same sale three of his heifers on first calf averaged $933. Sire of 26 butter test cows and of 43 pro- ducing bulls, includ- ing Oxford Lad, etc. Carnation's Pet, P. 6424, H. C. Lady Scott, P. 10105, H. C. Winner of Parish prize, Royal Show, Jersey, May, '04. 2d prize, St. Mary Show, Jersey, '04. Due to calve May 12, 1916, by Plough Lad, P. 5111, H. C, a Highly Commended son of Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570, H C, winner of numerous first prizes at the Royal Island Shows. Plough Lad's dam, Plough, P. 147S5, H. C. (now named Lord Aldan's Black Beauty, 306577), is catalogued for this auction (see No. 14). She won at the Royal Island Show, May, '13, 4th prize in Class 4, with 64 entries. Freddy, P. 3019, C. Flying Fox, P. 2729. H. C. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. (A highly commended cow, Agatha. F. 8432.H.C..J.H.B.) Oflicial butter test, 2 lbs. liozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. Picton 3d, P. 2715. H. C. 1st pr.. Trinity Show, '99. Sire of Picton's Sweet Lady. 203648 (Sweet Bread 4th, P. 9843. H. C.), winner of 2d prize, St. Saviour Show, '06; Reserve for Championship, St. Saviour Show, '06. Issue, P. 4983, H. C. Winner of 1st prize over Jer. and Par. prize, Royal Show, May, '94. Maud's Boy, P. 2506, C. Solitaire, F. 7458, C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever produced. Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. Dam of Flying Fox. P. 2729, H C Alicante, P. 3880.H.C. Forfarshire, P. 2914, H. C. (Three Champion win- ners.) Rake's Revenge, P. 1897, C. Aristocrat, P. 2280, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '98. 1st and Sweepstakes, 3-Par. Show, '97. Sire of Nobleman, who sired the peerless Lady Viola, dam of Noble of Oaklands. Also sire of many noted cows. Son of Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Stale Bread 2d. P. 2976, C. A magnificent dairy cow. and grandam of King of Arden, 58135. Distinction's Pride, P. 1486, H. C. Sire of many prize winners. Sire of Pansy, P. 5325, C. (now Pearl Pen- see, 122504). that tested 16 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 7 days. Bounty, F. 7744 (a), H. C. Golden Grain. P. 2112. H. C. Sire of Golden Prince, P. 2502. H. C, who sired the noted bull, WiUoh, P. 2855, H. C. Maud. P. 5134, H.C. Boyle P. 1559. H. C. Sire of the cele- brated bull. Golden Fern's Lad. P. 2160. H.C; Fontaine 7th. 8th and 9th, all prize winners over the Island. Fon- taine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year, 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d ov. Jersey, 2d H. B. and Par. pr., '94. Orange Peel, P. 1535, C. Greenland Daisy. P. 4247, H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st over Jersey. '90. Sire of 32 tested cows. I. Carnation's Glory 7th, P. 5092, H. C. Twin sister to Golden Lad's Carnation, 157596, A. J. C. C, Champion winner, St. Martin Show,'97. Awarded English Jersey Cattle Society Certifi- cate of Merit, May, '97. Yield, 1 lb. 12 ozs. butter in 24 hours, after being in milk five months. Carnation's Glory, P. 857, H. C. Lama 2d, P. 7585, C. (Now named M e h Lady of Trinity, 172- 956, A. J. C. C.) Her sire is a son of Golden Hero. P. 1833. H. C. winner of three 1 st prizes at Royal Shows; grand- son of Golden Lad. Her dam is by Pasha, P. 1901, C. Financial King, 57788. (P. 2624, H. C.) 2d over Jersey. '98. Among his daughters are; Financial Countess,935 lbs. 10 ozs. esti- mated butter in 1 year, confirmed by churn test — t h e world's record for confirmed test. T i n e y ' s Interested Lass, winner Certifi- cates of Merit in Oct., '05 (2 lbs. 4| ozs.), and Oct., '04 (1 lb. 15| ozs.). Dulcet 2d, Certificate of Merit, Oct., '06 (1 lb. 14 ozs., 141 days in milk). She is dam of 2 daughters win- ning Certificates of Merit. Star Fish, Certificates of Merit in May, '07 (1 lb. 13 ozs., 152 days), and Oct., '03 (1 lb. 8i ozs., 155 days). Carnation, P. 7429, H. C. 2d prize, St. Martin Show, '90. Caumais Lad, P. 2257, H. C. Sire of Alexie, whose son. Interested Prince, won 1st pr. as yearling bull at the Pan - American Exposition in '01. and is now a leading bull in the Register of Merit. Finance, P. 4611, C. Public butter test, 2 lbs. 10 ozs., 55 lbs. milk. Gave 61 lbs. milk in one day at home. Dam of Financial Pride. P. 6060, pub- lic butter test. 2 lbs. 7} ozs.; and she is dam of Financial Queen, P. 7766, H. C. with a public butter test of 1 lb. 11 ozs. in Oct., '99. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (See above.) Geraldine. P. 6414, H. C. B331 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 12. Cow. SULTAN'S MARTINA, 353213, A. J. C. C. (Martina 4th, P. 16321, H. C.) WINNER OF FIRST PRIZE, CLASS 4, TRINITY SHOW, JERSEY, 1915. PARISH PRIZE, ROYAL SHOW, 1915. FIRST PRIZE, ST. MARTIN SHOW, JERSEY, 1915. Bred by C. Marett, St. Martin, Island of Jersey. Born September 5, 1909. Imported October 31, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; black tongue; brownish-black switch. An exceedingly handsome, rich brownish fawn, of symmetrical outline; lovely head; large, prominent eyes; beautiful top line; body long, deep and well ribbed; perfect hind quarters and setting of tail, which is long and thin, with luxuriant brown switch; prominent, tortuous milk viens; tremendous udder of beautiful shape, level bottom, very full in front and rear, with great large perfectly placed teats. A show cow, and one of unusual dairy quality. Sultan of Oaklands, P. 3746, H. C. (78475, A. J. C. C.) Winner of 1st prize over Jer., Apr., '06; and other Island prs. Sire of Campanile's Sultan, Championship over New Zealand and many other prizes, and sold at auction for $3,024. He is sire of Sultan's Dark Beauty, 252210 (Golden Fern's Rose 9th, P. 15037, H.C.), 1st over Jer., Aug., '10; sold in our 1 1 auction for $725 to Mr. Ed. C. Lasater, Texas, for whom she won in the fall of '11, 6 1 st prizes and 4 Grand Champion- ships at most im- portant shows. Sire MOURIER'S SULTAN, P. 4158, H. C. Sire of Sultan's Elmo, 253815, in Register of Merit, Class A, 527 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in 1 year, 8,091 lbs. 6.4 ozs. milk, 5 yrs. 2 mos. old. Fly 8th. P. 15665, H.C.. 4th pr.. Class 3, 59 entries, and Parish prize. May, '11 ; pub- lic butter test, May, '13, 1 lb. 10 ozs. in 24 hrs., at 4 yrs. old. Wotton Easter Egg, Reserve, yearling heifers, 15 entries. Bath and West of England Show, '10; 3d prize, 14 entries, Essex Show, '10. Dam of Wotton Omelette, 3d prize yearling, 21 entries, Bath and West of England Show, '12; and Wotton Flip, 2d prize yearling, 22 entries, Royal Show, England, '13, Dam MARTINA 2d, P. 13609, H. C. Mourier Belle, F. 8651, H. C. Dam of Mabel's Golden Emi- bel, 311585, in Reg- ister of Merit, Class A, 441 lbs. 10 ozs. butter in 1 year, 5,924 lbs. 11.2 ozs. milk, at 3 yrs. 3 mos. old. Mourier Lass, 234539, in Register of Merit, 495 lbs. 14 ozs. but- ter in 1 year, 7,219 lbs. 1 1 .2 ozs. milk, at 9 yrs. 1 1 mos. old. Winner of 1st prize at Utah State Fair, '13 (9 entries), '14 (17 entries) and *15 (11 entries), and Grand Champion- ship each year. [ Laxton, P. 3478, C. Sire of Bowlina, P. 12231, H. C.| 1st milking pr., 1st Parish prize and Certificate of Merit, public butter test, May. '13, 2 lbs. 6£ ozs. in 24 hours, 104 days in milk; Cer- tificate of Merit, public butter test, Island of Jersey, May. '08, 2 lbs. lj ozs. butter in 24 hours, when 62 days in milk; Certificate of Merit. Oct., '09, 1 lb. 11 ozs., 221 days in milk. Rondin's Freedom, P. 12173, H. C. (Lax- ton's Freedom, 235084), Certificate of Merit. Oct., '08, 1 lb. Hi ozs., 187 days in milk. L Martina F. 9559, C. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st pr. and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '02. 1st pr. over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. Sire of Gamboge's Knight, sold in our auction for $6,700, and 1 1 other pro- ducing bulls. Sire of 7 tested cows. Sultane's Snowdrop, P. 8578, H. C. 1st and Sweepstakes and Cham., Grou- ville and St. Saviour, '03, '04. She was sold to "Ged- ney F arm" for 52,350, and is a full sister to Golden Sul- tana, the St. Louis winner, who is dam of the sensational bull, Sultana's Gold- en Jolly. 86180, win- ner of Gr. Cham- pionship, Nat. Dairy Show, Chicago, '11. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C A leading sire of bulls in Register of Merit. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101. A. J. C. C. Official butter test, 2 lbs. l£ ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. Winner of first prize at the 3 Western Parishes in '99. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (As below.) Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. C. 2d over Jersey, '85. 1st H.B. over Jer., '85. Dam of Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C, sire of a re- markable lot of dairy cows that have always sold at long prices. Sultane's Snowdrop, P. 8578, H. C, a fa- mous show cow. She is dam of Sultan of Oaklands, P.3746, H. C, 1st over Jer., Apr., '96. Ravachol, P. 2032 .C. His dam is also dam of Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours, Jersey weight. Cicero, P. 266, H. C 1st prize over Jer., '82. Sire of Lady Longfield, 23524, 20 lbs. 13 ozs. Lady Fair, 22103, 19 lbs. 10 ozs. . Sultane. P. 7, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '70. Dam of Count Wolseley. Sultane 4th. a magnifi- cent cow in the former herd of Theo. A. Havemeyer, who sold her bull calf, when nine months old, for Si, 775, at the Kellog sale, in May, '82. Sultane 5th, 1st prize over all Jersey, '80, and sold at our sale. May, '83, for $2,800. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show. '96, '97. Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. (Eminent, 69631, A. J. C C.) Winner 1st State's pr. over Jer. (with his get). '01 and '02. Sold in our '05 auction for $10,000 to the late Hon. A. M. Bowman, Salem, Va. Eminent 2d has 81 daughters that have made tests in Amer- ica and on the Is- land. Among his Register of Merit daughters with yearly authen- ticated butter tests are: Eminent's Honey- moon, 213908, 592 lbs. 12 ozs. My Eminent's Carna- tion. 565 lbs. 6 ozs. Eminent's Lady M ait- land, 549 lbs. 2 ozs. Rosy of Oaklands, 195835, 524 lbs. 11 ozs. Rhoda 5th, P. 5254, C. Traces three times to the famous Sultane, P. 7, H. C, whose daughter, Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. C. is dam of Golden Sultana. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96. '97. ■ (See above.) Eminence, F. 7124, H. C. Dam of Little Eminence, 122506,21 lbs. 6 ozs. Leda. whose daughter. Golden Leda, won 1st over the Island, and is dam of the bulls, Stockwell, Leda's Golden Lad. Topsman, etc. Trial 2d, P. 474, C. Sired by a half-brother to Golden Lad (see above). His grand- sire is by Count Cicero. F. 398, H. C, 2d pr. over Jer., '83; sire of Count's Fill- pail, 30975, 24 lbs. 5 ozs.; Cicero's Ruby, 29040, 14 lbs. l&ozs. and 4 others. Rhoda 3d, P. 4038, C. By a splendidly bred bull— note his line age — an inbred Sul tane bull. Sultane is dam of Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever produced. (See above.) His daughter. Golden Sultana, at the age of 12 years, sold in our '10 auc- tion sale for $3,700; her son. Sultana's Golden Jolly, won Grand Cham- pionship, National Dairy Show, '11. He has 31 butter test daughters, the highest in Register of Merit being Fern's Belle Rioter (546 lbs. 5 ozs.), who was bred at "Linden Grove" and sold in our '12 auction for $360. to Mr. Geo. T. Chaffee. Rutland, Ver- mont. He has 27 sons with tested daughters, among them being Eminent 2d. sire of 81 (see below), and Flying Fox, sire of 26, both of which were imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auctions. His son. Golden Jolly, has 24 tested daughters, 4 of them above 600 lbs., and 10 or more producing sons, including Viola's Golden Jolly, who was sold in our '09 auction for $12,000, and now has 9 Register of Merit daughters and is sire of the sensational "Linden Grove" bull, Sultana's Golden Jolly. Boyle, P. 1559. H. C. Sire of 5 tested cows. Golden Fern. P. 4711, H. C. 2d over Jer., 2d H. B. and Par. prize, '94. Traveler. P. 280. C. Sire of Clubs 2d, 16725, butter test, 14 lbs. 7 ozs. in 7 days, 208£ lbs. milk, at 8 years old. Brown Fern, F. 4606, C. Trial. P. 1187. H. C. 4th over Jer. and Par. prize, '89. 1st over Jer., Aug., "89. 2d over Jer. and Cham- pion Cup. '90. Fan, P. 585, H. C. Won 4th prize over Jersey. Royal Show, Aug., '88. Crowberry. P. 1111. H. C. His dam is also dam of Uncle Peter. P. 21 15. H. C sire of a re- markable lot of dairy cows. Rhoda, F. 4323. C. Orme, P. 1660, H. C. Sire of 2 tested cows and numerous win- ners. Rosette 5th. P. 2881, H. C. Courage. P. 1813. C. Grassy Brown. P. 3370, H. C. Happy. P. 211, C. Sire of Happy Blos- som, 18218. 19 lbs. 5 ozs. Fleur de I' Air, F. 1736, C. Sultan F. 58, H. C. 1st p. over Jer., '67, '68. 1st Eng. Roy., '68. Longueville Queen. F. 272. H. C Boyle, P. 1559. H. C. Sire of Mabel 35th, public butter test . 1 lb. 144. ozs., 181 days after calving; she is dam of Mabel's Poet (sire of 16) and Fern's Mabel of Grouville. 213979. who sold in our '09 auction for $825, 3 yrs. old. Golden Fern, P. 4711. H. C. Out of same dam as Aurea. P. 8693. H. C. (now Eminent's Fern of St. Martin, 252122). Certificate of Merit in public butter test. May, '07. 2 lbs. 5 J ozs., 65 days in milk. Daughter of Golden Lad, who has 6 sons with daughters in Register of Merit, 3 of them imported by "Linden Grove." (Golden Lad. P. 1242, H. C. Sire of 32 tested cows. i Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944, H. C. 2d St. Martin Show. '94, '95. Sultane's Favourite, P. 873, H. C. 1st St. Saviour prize. Among his noted prog- eny is: Golden L a d. P. 1242, H. C. 1st over Jer., '90 (see above). Hermione. P. 634. H. C. Dam ofBrookhill Rose, whose daugh- ter. Brookhill Rose 2d, is dam of Golden Jolly, etc. Platon. F. 310, C. Favorite. P. 358, C. Islesworth. P. 599. H. C 2d over Jer. and 1st Guenon pr., '85. Descended from Sul- tane, P. 7. H. C. Sultane 9th. P. 1145. H. C. 1st H. B. ov. Jer.. '85. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '91. Last calf March 17, 1916, by Combination's Premier, P. 4069, H. C. (see his pedigree, No. 38 of catalog). (Sold to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas.) Expected to be bred before day of sale to the distinguished bull, Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C, winner of 1st prize with his progeny in a class of 7 entries, at the Royal Show, Jersey, April, 11. He sired the 1st prize 2-year-old cow over the Island, May, '14 (68 entries), also the 1st prize 3-year-old cow over the Island, May, '15 (70 entries), who won the Theatre Challenge Cup (Championship over the Island). He has 21 or more official test daughters, one of which, now on year's test, will produce close to, if not more than, 900 lbs. butter as a four-vear-old. (See front pages for extended pedigree and picture of Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C.) B 322 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 13. Cow. PRETTY CLARENCIA, 353256, A. J. C. C. (P. 19175, H. C.) OFFICIAL RECORD, BEGUN BEFORE TWO YEARS OLD, 265,32 LBS. BUTTER IN 236 DAYS, IN 1914. 1915 RECORD, 143 DAYS BEFORE IMPORTATION, 283.12 LBS. BUTTER; AVERAGE TEST, 6 PER CENT. BUTTER FAT. Bred by James Le Brocq, St. Ouen. Island of Jersey. Born March 7. 1912. Imported October 31, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A long, deep-bodied substantial grey; rich colored, mellow, elastic hide; neat head, with bright, spark- ling eyes and dished face; strong back and broad loin, with prominent hips; great length of rump; strong back and broad loins, with prominent hips; thin, long tail, with beautiful switch; beautifully shaped udder, full and square in front, extending beyond thighs in rear, with good sized teats nicely placed. Sire PRETTY NOBLE, P. 4626, H. C. Full brother to the bulls. Imp. Boutil- liere's Noble, 90976, and Noble's Lord, P. 4312, H. C. Imp. B ou t i Hi ere's Noble was 1st prize aged bull, S entries, and Senior Cham- pion, Forest City (Ohio) Fair. '14. His daughter, Nobles Sweet Clover, in Register of Merit, made 361 lbs. lOozs. butter in 1 year, be- ginning test at 1 yr. 1 1 mos. old. He sired the bull win- ning Grand Cham- pionship at Spokane Inter-State Fair (Wash.), '12 and '13, and Grand Cham- pionship at "Walla Walla (Wash.) Fair and Washington S. Fair, '13; and other winners. Noble's Lord is sire of Caporal, public but- ter test, 1 lb. 1 1 ozs. in 24 hrs., at 3 yrs. old, 159 days after calving. He sired the 2d prize 2-yr.-old bull at New York State Fair, '12; the winners of St. Peter Par. prize at Royal Show, Class 4, Aug., '13, and St. John Parish prize, Class 4, May, '14. Dam LUCY'S PRINCE'S BROWN BEAUTY, 306594, A.J. C.C. (CLARENCIA'S LUCY, P. 16480, H.C.) St. Ouen Parish prize, Class 1 , Royal Show, Jersey, May, '10. Public butter test, as a 4-year-old, 1 lb. 9i ozs. in 24 hrs., 72 days after calving. Sold in our '14 auction for $700, to Lynne- wood Farm, Ogontz, Pa. Dam of Pretty Claren- cia, 353256 (see her record above). Due to calve May 6, 1916, by Golden Fern's Noble, P.4570, H. C, winner of 7 first prizes at Royal Shows, and sire of many winners, (See No. 5 of catalog for his extended pedi- gree.) The calf will go to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas. Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. (95700, A. J. C. C.) 1 st pr. , St. Saviour, '07 . 1st pr. , Royal Show , '10, for bull and 5 female progeny. Sire of 37 butter test cows, and of 28 bulls with tested daugh- ters, including Noble's Jolly Sultan, sire of 1 1 in list. Noble of Oaklands sold in our '11 auc- tion for $15,000. Blue Belle's Blue Fox, P. 3633, H. C A very promising sire and great show bull. He was sold at Mr. I>. S. Williams' sale, Nashville, Ten n., Dec, '07, for Si .025, to Mr. Harry Pren- tice, Worcester, Mas s., who was offered a large ad- vance in price right after the sale. Has 4 sons with 47 tested daughters. L Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C Sold at our '11 auction for $7,000. 1st over Jersey, '04. Certificate of Merit, butter test, May,'04, 2 lbs. 12 ozs.. 50 days in milk. 1 st over Jersey and Champion, '05. 1st over Eng. wherever exhibited, '06, '07. Dam of 4 tested cows. I Boutilliere, F. 9670, H. C. Won 3 Certificates of Merit in public butter tests; 2 lbs. 5£ ozs. in 24 hrs.. May, '11. 1914 record, 532 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in 375 days, 10 yrs. old. 1st prize and Champion, St. Ouen Show, '08. 1st Special prize and Sweepstakes, St. Ouen Show, '10. 3d prize. Royal Show, 54 entries, May, '07. Reserve, Royal Show, 45 entries. May, '10. Sweepstakes, St. Ouen Show, '09. And many other prizes. Dam of the bulls. Pretty Noble, P. 4626, H. C; Noble's Lord, P. 4312, H. C, and Imp. Bou- tilliere's Noble, 90976 (see notes at left). Golden Maid's Prince, P. 3027, H. C. (93538, A. J. C. C.) 1st over Jer. for bull and progeny, Apr., 07. Sire of Golden Maid's Chris- tena, 708 lbs. butter in 1 year; sold in our '13 auction for $625. And 38 other tested cows. Forfarshire's Lucy, P. 10576, H. C Winner of 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '04. Par. prize, Aug., '05. 1st over Jer., Aug., '06, and Reserve for Blythwood Bowl. 1st over Jer., Special Class, Aug., '07. Exported to England, where she has been a frequent winner. Lucy's Prince, P. 3939, H. C. Winner of 2d over Jer. (with his progeny), Apr., '10; a success- ful sire. Three of his daughters sold in our '14 auc- tion for an average of$l,016.66. Lucy's Prince's Fairy was bought by Mr. E. G. Dusenbury, Port- v i 1 1 e, N. V., for $1,750. Sire of 11 butter test cows, including: Lucy's Convent Lassie, 484 lbs. 8 ozs. Lucy Belle's Princess, 468 lbs. 1 oz. ■ Retreat's Iris, 423 lbs. 6 ozs. And 6 Certificate of Merit winners in public butter tests. He is also sire of many prize winners. Fancy's rioneer, < P. 3195, H. C. Sire of Pioneer's Fancy Cow- slip, 306593, 694 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in 1 year, first year after importation; milk test, average of 6.61 for year; sold in our '14 auction for $135 to Mr. Geo. T. Chaf- fee. Rutland, Vt. Mon Plaisir's B utter - cup, 224584 (Ber- gere's B e a u t y, P. 11259. H. C), Silver Medal, Oct., '07, 2 lbs. 9£ ozs., 143 days in milk; sold in our '09 auction for $750; Champion cow, Ver- mont State Fair, '12 ; entered in Register of Merit, 542 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 1 year, 9 years old. Has 10 other tested daughters, including: Grace Darling of St. Mary's, 653 lbs. 3 ozs. (see No. 5 of catalog). Has 2 producing sons, and sired numerous winners. Unregistered. Daughter of Successor. P. 2783, H. C. f Forfarshire, P. 2914, H. C. I Reserve over Jer., '00. 1st prize, St. Saviour Show, '01. Champion, St. Saviour Show, '01. Sweepstakes over Grouville and St. Saviour Show, '01. Sire of Dulcet's Favorite, P. 11391, H. C, winner in the following pub- lic butter tests: May. '06, 1 lb. 8 ozs., 160 days in milk; May, '07, 1 lb. Hi ozs.. 151 days in milk; May, '09, 1 lb. 13i ozs., 137 days in milk. And 15 others. Lucy's Lass, P. 7092, H. C. Mon Plaisir, P. 2548, H. C. (Golden Mon Plaisir. 59936.) 1st Ohio Agricultural and Industrial Ex- position, Columbus, '01. 1st and Sweepstakes, St. Louis Fair, '01 . Sold in our sale. May. '01, for $3,500. Sire of 6 tested cows and numerous bulls with tested daugh- ters. Fancy's Rose, F. 8277, H. C. Certificate of Merit in public butter test, '98, 1 lb. 15£ ozs. Parish prize, '01. Dam of Successor. Successor, P. 2783, H. C. 1st prize over Jer., '00, for bulls, the pro- duce of cows hav- ing won a prize or Certificate of Merit at a butter test. Sire of Westfield Rose, P. 9091, C, winner of Certificate of Mer- it, May, '07, 2 rbs. 6* ozs., 69 days. Picton, P. 232. H. C. Full brother to Hand- some Gold Phillis, that, as a 3-year-old, sold for $625 in our '00 auction. Rosette 5 th, P. 2881, H. C, now named Sultana's Rosette. 149740. A. J. C. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. 1st pr. over Jer., '89. 1st H. B. prize. 1st Parish prize. Dam of Flying Fox, Alicante (the dam of "The Owl") and Forfarshire. Trooper, P. 2109, H. C. 1st pr. over Jer., '95. Lucy 4th, P. 1516. H. C. Clarencia, P. 8602. H. C. Parish prize and Sweepstakes, Western Show, 03. Parish prize, Royal Show, May, '03 and '05. Dam of Warder, P. 3227, H. C, 1st prize, 8 entries, Royal Show, Aug., '04; sire of 15 tested cows, including Warder's Lady, 964 lbs. 10 ozs. but- ter in 1 year; sold in our '06 auction for $230, at 3 yrs. old, to Hood Farm, Lowell, Mass. Claribelle, P. 14048. C, public butter test. 1 lb. 11 ozs., 81 days after calving; dam of Caporal, 1 lb. 1 1 ozs. at 3 yrs. old, 1 58 days after calving. Forfarshire's Clarencia. P. 10446, H. C, 2d" at Royal Show, 66 entries, May, '03; her son, " Clarencia's King. P. 3786, C, is sire of 1 in Register of Merit. Clarencia's Pride, 240797 (P. 12627, H. C), Parish prize. May. '06; sold at auction for $900; dam of Noble's Proud Leda, in Register of Merit, 347 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 2 yrs. old. Clarencia's Lad, P. 3573, H. C, sire of Lady Ramsgate, public butter test, 1 lb. \0\ ozs., at 3 yrs. old, 127 days after calving. Jolly's Clarencia, 238313 (Lady Clarencia, P. 1 1964, H. C), dam of Golden Maid's Dark Beauty, 288006, in Register of Merit, 476 lbs. 12 ozs. butter, 5 yrs. 4 mos. old, sold in our '13 auction for $700; and Miss Clarencia, P. 13820, H. C, Reserve, aged cows, 33 entries, Royal Counties Show, Windsor, Eng., '13; and other prizes. Duplex, P. 25S6, H. C. Sire of Uncle Peter's Golden Del, sold as a heifer in our '00 sale for $425; and since test- ed at Biltmore, N. C, 80 lbs. 13 ozs. in one month. Daisy's Dot, P. 8476, H. C, Certificate of Merit, public butter test, May, '05, 2 lbs. 2\ ozs. butter in 24 hours, yielding 40 lbs. 12 ozs. milk. Uncle Peter's Lady Duplex, 162045 (Aboukir 4th, P. 8535, H. C). 1st pr.. 40 entries, Class 3, Royal Show, Jersey, May, '01 ; sold in our '02 auction for $500. Devotion's Queen, 4th over Jer.. Aug., '01. Grace Darling, Parish prize and Reserve for Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '03 and '04. Philomene, P. 5671 Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C. He has proved him- self a remarkably good sire, and his get have found ready buyers in Eng- lish breeders. Son of Sultana 9th. P. 1145. H. C, dam of Golden Sultana, that sold in our '10 auc- tion for $3,700, at same time her son. Sultana's Oxford Lad, sold for $11,100; also dam of Sultane's Snowdrop, dam of Sultan of Oaklands. Souvenir, P. 5187, H. C. 1st St. Martin. Dam of Souvenir 2d, 3d over Jer., Aug., '97. Strawberry, P. 1578, H. C. 3d over Jersey, '91. Sire of Petune's Pet, winner of Blyth- wood Bowl, '95. , Pelagie, P. 2610, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land. Aug., '90; also . winner of £15 prize. Sire of 32 tested cows. Golden Lily. P. 5101. H. C. 1st over Jersey. 1st St. Mary. Champion. W. Show. A magnificent dairy cow; pronounced as such at our sale by all good judges. Lowland King, P. 1673, H. C. 1st prize over Jer., '92. Fancy, F. 8007, H. C. Gold Medal, butter test, Jer., '93, 2 lbs. 8£ ozs. Success. P. 2476, C. Son of the Golden Lad bull, Great Scot, P. 2153, H. C, sire of Rhymer, Par. pr. , '99; Perry F. Scot, Reserve. R. C. S.. '99; Mabel 42d. 1st over Jer. and Par. pr., '99; and other winners. Fancy Rose, F. 8277, H. C. (See above.) f Sarabond, P. 797, H.C. He was sold to go to France when 12 mos. old. A great loss to the Island, as he undoubtedly was a great sire. Rosette 4th, P. 2128.C. We were informed on the Island by J. A. Marett that Rosette 4th, as a dairy cow in her day, had few equals on the Island, and like her daugh- ters was a very rich and persistent milker. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. (See above.) White House 2d, P. 1232, H. C. 1st pr., St. Ouen, '85. Nunthorpe, P. 1769; H. C. 2d over all Jer., '93. Sire of Blue Nun, 126625, 18 lbs. 5^ ozs.; Sweep- stakes cow at Ohio State Fair, '01 ; and other prizes. Plaisance, 3d over Jer. and Par. p., '96, and Reserve, Aug.. '96. Sweet Eyes 2d, Par. pr.. '96; Utica Par. prize, '97. Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. C. 1st H. B. ov. Jer., '85. lstov. J. and P. p.. '91. Distinction's Pride. P. 14S6, H. C 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '91. Diplomate 2d, P. 3243. H. C. Everton Lord, P. 1088, H. C. , Texas, P. 2205, H. C. Lord Fortescue, P. 1042, H. C. Grace of Grouville, F. 4311, C. 0252 No. 14. Cow. T. S. COOPER & SONS* AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. c. c. LORD ALDAN'S BLACK BEAUTY, 306577, A. J. (Plough, P. 14785, H. C.) Winner of Fourth Prize, Class 4, 64 Entries, Royal Show, Jersey, and St. Martin Parish Prize, May, 1913. Bred by J. E. Bree, Grouville, Island of Jersey. Born January 21, 1908. Imported September 15, 1913, by T. S. Coopei & Sons. Solid color, except spot in forehead and brisket partly white; black tongue and switch. A handsome dark, rich-hided cow, with lots of quality and evident dairy temperament; finely chiseled head with prominent bright eyes, clean, tint neck; sharp withers, hide thin and mellow ; long, deep body; prom incnt hips and good rump, tail beautifully set. thin and long, with flowing black switch; udder of remarkable size and splendid shape; full in fore quarters and unusually well developed in rear; large, beautifully placed teats, wide apart. A prize winner and great dairy cow, and a royally bred one as well. Halloween's Fox, P. 3631, H. C. 1st prize and Swcep- stakes, Grouville Show. Sire of 10 tested cows, including: Sweet Apple Blossom, 593 lbs. 15 ozs butter in 1 year, 7 years old. Fox's Cristabel, 582 lbs. 5 ozs. in 1 year, 5 years old. Princess Daisy, 1 lb. 5 ozs., 211 days in milk. (Now named Fox's Dark Princess, 306560; sold in our 14 auction for £400.) Sire LORD ALDAN, P. 3984, H. C. Sire of Wonder Lily, Certifi- cate of Merit, public butter test, Oct., '13, 2 lbs. 1 oz. in 24 hours, at 5 years old. Dam of Won- der Mary, Certifi- , cate of Merit, Oct., '13, 1 lb. 1H ozs., at 3 yrs. old, 153 days after calving; won 4th prize at the Roy- al Show, May, '14, and May. '15, in classes of 81 and 76 entries, respectively. Guy Fawkes Star, P. 15886, H. C, Grou- ville Parish prize, Class 4, Aug., '12; 2d prize 4-yr.-old cow, Connecticut State Fair, '13. Theory's Fadey 2d, 3d prize 2-y e a r-o 1 d heifer, 22 en tr i es. Royal Counties S. , England, '10. Lena, St. Clement Par. prize. Class 1, May, '09. Plough, P. 14785, H. C., 4th prize, Class 4, 64 entries, Royal S., May, '13. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '02. 1st pr. over the Island in a class of 44, '02. Sire of Sultan of ( laklands, 1st prize. Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham.. St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '05. Combination, P. 3744, H. C-, 1st prize over Jer., May, '06; 1st prize, St. Helier S., Aug., '06; 1st prize and Champion, St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, Apr.. '09. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, II. C. Halloween, P. 9703, H. C. 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '03. Dam of the English bull. La Chasse Peer, Reserve yearling in a class of 21. Bath and West Show, '12; and other prizes. Dam BETWEEN, P. 9287, H. C. Winner of Par. prize. Royal Show, Class 5, Aug.. '11. Also dam of Easter Egg, public butter test, Royal Counties Show, Eng., June, '11, 1 lb. 8i ozs. in 24 hours, 6 years old. Full sister to Boule- vard's Minnie, pub- lic butter test, 2 lbs. li ozs., 139 days in milk ; dam of May Lad's Minnie, 306607, a grand cow- sold in our 1 14 aUCti» >ii for 8450, to Mr J, K. Branch, Pawling, \ V. Lady Aldan, P. 8470, H. C. — Winner of 1st pr. over Jer., Aug., '09; Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '09; and numerous other prizes. Dam of Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570. H. C, winner of 1st prize over Jersey (2-yr.olds) in a class of 29 entries, April, '12. He also won 2d over Jersey and Reserve for Championship, Aug., '11; 1st and Championship, Grouville-St. Sa viour Show, Apr.. '11; and several other prizes. Lady Aldan 2d. P. 9788. H. C, 2d over Jer. and Par. prize. May, "03. Lady Aldan 4th, P. I11S4. H. C, 1st over Jer. and Parish prize, Aug., '05. Aldan's Raleigh. P. 4116, H. C. sold for $1,000 at auction. He has produced 2 first prize win- ners over the Island, 2 public butter test cows and many other great daughters. A magnificent daughter of Golden Fern's Lad. and head of a great family. Her daughter. Lady Aldan 2d (above), is dam of: Lady Aldan Sth, P. 1 1906, H. C. (Raleigh's Lady Aldan), butter test, 18 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days; Parish prize. Aug., '06; entered in Register of Merit. 744 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 1 year. 12,557 lbs. 14.4 ozs. milk. Raleigh's Mabel, 210077, in Register of Merit, 514 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in 1 year, 4 years old. Beauty's Greycoat, P. 2248, C. Sire of Imported Grace Darling. 145737, that made for Mr. R. A. Sibley, 15 lbs. 3 ozs. butter in 7 days, from 201 lbs. 4 ozs. milk, at 5 years old. She is dam of The Duke's Grace Darling, in Register of M e r i t, 456 lbs. 9.6 ozs. but- ter in 1 year, at 2 years old. f Don Carlo, P. 2774, C. Also sire of Boule- vard's Minnie, pub- lic butter test. May, '08, 2 lbs. 13 ozs., 139 days in milk; dam of Boulevard's Nena, public butter test. May. '10. 2 lbs. 3 ozs. in 24 hours, 101 days in milk, at 4 years old. Boule- vard's Nena is en- tered in Register of Merit. Class A, 587 lbs. 13 ozs. butter, 10,152 lbs. 11.2 ozs. milk ; and her daugh- ter. Boulevard's Nan, 240S09, is in Class AA, 540 lbs. butter, 8,795 lbs. milk, in one year. Deborah, P. 6905, H.C. Dam of Fox's Belle of Grou- ville, 180279, butter test, 21 lbs. 3 ozs. in 7 days, 80 lbs. 11 ozs. in 30 days, at 4 years old. Canadienne, P. 7047. H. C- Msi i dam of Boulevard's Minnie. Certificate of Merit, public butter test. May, '08, 2 lbs. lj ozs., 139 days in milk. Cora Smith, public butter test, May. 08, 1 lb. i ' ozs . at 10 years old. Boulevard's Minnie is dam of Boulevard's Nena. public butter test. 2 lbs. 3 ozs.. 101 days in nulk. 4 years old. Favori.P. 2943. H. C. Sire of Favori's Pretty Rosa, in Register of Merit, Class B. No. 999; 6.634 lbs. 1.6 ozs. milk, 458 lbs. 12 ozs. estimated but- ter, in 1 year, when 7 yrs. old. Dam of Favori's Jolly Sul- tan, 1st prize bull calf, New York State Fair. '11. Warder, 1st over Jer., Aug., '04. (A cele- brated sire of butter cows.) Oakland's Bess, P. 9833, H. C-, public butter test, Oct.. '05. 1 lb. H ozs., 248 days in milk; 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '03. Duchess Tamora 2d, P. 5682, H. C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N.C. Show. '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. Aldan, F. 6213, C. Xunthorpe, P. 1769, H. C. Sire of Blue Nun, 126625, 18 lbs. 5£ ozs.; Sweep- stakes cow at ( >hio State Fair, '01; and other prizes. Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. Cm who sired Uncle Peter's Ro- sette, that sold in our May, '01, sale for $1,000. and her heifer calf, by Fly- ing Fox, sold in same sale for $1,250. Xunthorpe's Susanne. 443 lbs. butter in 34o days, at 17 yrs. old; daxn of Brampton Alicante, 427.6 lbs. butter in one year, at 2 years 10 months old. Fidclite Beauty, F. 7499, H. C. Golden Lad 2d, P. 2023, H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Mer- maid, sold at our May, '02, auction sale for $1,100. Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold at our May, '03, a u c t i on sale for $1,725. And many other fa- mous animals. Feuille de Chene 4th, P. 5S43, H. C. Ilarkbeam, IV 1958. 11. C. Little Lass, I' 2221, II. C Eminent 2d. P. 2532, H. C. One of the best sons of Golden Fern's Lad. He has proved himself one of the most successful sires the Island has had for many years. He won the State's pr. over the Island of £50 ($250; in '01 and '02, with five of his get. Sold in our 'OS auction for $10,000 to the late Hon. A. M. Bowman, Salem, Va. Favorite. P. 8354. H.C. (Eminent's Brown Duchess. 157604.) 1st N. C. Show. '00. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, Sth and 9th, all pr. winners over the Is- land. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Sixty-five of his get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Alicante. P- 3880, H.C. 1st prize winner over Jersey, '91. 1st and Cham., Roy. C. Show, '98. 1st p., B. and W. S., '98; and many other prizes. Alicante was bought by Lord Rothschild in '94. when she had yielded over 10,000 lbs. of milk in course of one lactation. She is also the dam of Alicante's Boy and "The Owl." Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. Eminence, F. 7124, H. C. 2d St. Martin. ''2. Sweepstakes, N.C. ,'92. f Eminent, P. 1842. H. C. By a great sire and out of a r e m a r k a b 1 e dairy cow, he sired many great cows, among which was Eminent's Brown Duchess, 157604, 1st prize winner, North Club Show, Island of Jersey, '00, and sold in our May, '01, sale for $500. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. Sixty-five of his get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Tootsie, P. 3214. H. C Count Wolseley, P. 928. H. C 1st over Jer., Aug.. '89. Son of the famous Sul- tane, P. 7, H. C. foundation cow of the greatest family the Island has yet produced. Sultana's Rosette, 149740. A. J. C. C- 1st over Jersey, '99. , Avery rich and per- sistent milker. Dam of Ravachol, P. 2032. C. John Bull, P. 2653. C Uncle Peter's Rosette. P. 7363, H. C. Rosette's Golden Lad, 57498. A. J. C. C Alicante. P. 3880. H.C. Flying Fox. P. 2729. H. C. Orme, P. 1660, H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, winner of 1st prize. B, and W. S., N. A. S. S . and 1st at the Yorkshire S.. Eng.. '95. (2 lbs. 9i ozs. of butter in 24 hrs.) Turtledove 2d, 1st ov. Jer., '95; and many other prizes. [ Go'den Lass, F. 5711, H. C. 1st over the Island. f Golden Pink. P. 1491. H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize. '91. Feuille de Chene 3d. P. 2422. C. 3d over Jer., May, '92. Mourier Boy, P. 1641, I J. C. 2d prize ov. Jer., '92. His sin- is halt brother 1.. Stale Bread 2d. Brown Topsy. F. 7744, H. C. F. S. prize over Jersey. May. '91. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. 1st over Jersey. '90. Oxford Dahlia. P. 2588, H. C. Won 1st pr. and C, Oxfordshire Show. Eng.. '93. 1st pr., R. A. S.. Ches- ter, Eng., '93. 1st p. and Silver Cup. II. S., '93. Golden Lad. P. 1242. H. C. (See above/) ! Cetewayo's Pink, P. 5170. H. C. Happy Cetewayo. P. 582. C. Feuille de Chene, P. 651. C Mourier King. P. 1115. H. C. Grandson of Wolseley. P. 401. H. Cm winner of 1st over Jersey, '83, '84 and '85 Japonnaise. F. 437(». Due to calve September 14, L916, by Golden Fern of Linden, 84011, one of the most prepotent sons of Golden Fern's Lad. Golden Fn of I inden was -bred to order," our desire being for a .on of Golden Fern's Lad out „i the great cow, GotaUd Industry, L62058, one of the greatest daughters of Golden bad. P. 1242, H. C ever owned at In den G m e ^ >rt ^"> have fulfilled our fondest expectations, and they have been highly appreciated by some of our best breeders. (See front pages for extended pedigree of Golden Fern of Linden, 84011.) B 81 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 15. Cow. C. C. GOLDEN MAID'S BONNIE, 353219, A. J. (Copper Nut, P. 16905, C.) OFFICIAL RECORD ON THE ISLAND, BEGUN AS A TWO-YEAR-OLD, 547.14 LBS. BUTTER IN 412 DAYS; AVERAGE TEST, 5.96 PER CENT. FAT. and St. Bred by E. F. Vibert, St. John, Island of Jersey. Born April 28. 1910. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; black tongue and switch, A most substantial and handsome dark grey; good head, with bright, sparkling eyes; clean, flat neck; very straight, strong back, broad at loins; wide, prominent hips; good setting of tail; great length and depth of body, on short, fine legs; large, well balanced udder, extending away out behind and full in front, with good-sized, well-placed teats. Golden Maid's Prince, P. 3027, H. C. (93538. A. J. C. C.) Imp. Golden Maid's Prince. 1 st prize (sons of tested dams), Aug., '01 . 3d prize over the Is- land, Aug., '02. 1st over Jer. for bull and progeny, Apr., '07. Sire of 40 tested cows, the best of which is Golden Maid's Chris- tena, 708 lbs. butter in 1 year; sold in our '13 auction for $625. Sire of 7 untested cows that have tested daughters. Sire of 8 or more pro- ducing bulls, including: Bright Prince, sire of 7 tested cows; im- ported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our '12 auction. Lucy's Prince, sire of 1 1 tested cows. Golden Prince. P. 4025, H. C, sire of 4. Bosnian, P. 3454, H. C, sire of 2 in Reg- ister of Merit. Sire of 4 first prize win- ners on the Island, including Theatre Challenge Cup and the winners of 86 other prizes in Eng., on the Island and in America. 52 of his progeny, male and female, have averaged $438.94 per head. 66 grandsons and granddaughters, all young, have sold for an average of $300. A son, daughter and granddaughter have sold for $2, 000 each. Sire MONKTON, P. 4196, C. Winner of 1st Championship, John, '10. Sire of Copper Nut, P. 16905. C. , official record, begun as a two-year- old. 547.14 lbs. but- ter in 413 days. (See above.) Combination's Dark Buttercup, 286852, sold in our '14 auc- tion as a five-year- old for S400, to Hon. Robert J. Fleming, Toronto. Ont., Can. Monkton's Princess, P. 16458, C, public butter test as a 3- year-old, 1 lb. 2£ ozs. in 24 hrs., 97 days after calving; sold in Mr. W. R. Span n's auction, Nov., '15, for $300. Xmas Lassie, 251590, 1st prize aged cow and Champion, Vir- ginia State Fair, '14- Dam BONNY JESSY, F. 9483, C. Carlo's Gipsy Maid, P. 9748, H. C- (Pilot's Gipsy Maid, 249602, A. J. C. C.) 1st over Jer., 42 en- tries, and Par. prize, Class 2, May, '03. Certificate of M e r i t, Oct.. '05. 1 lb. 5 ozs., 204 days in milk ; St. John Par. pr., Class 5, May. '07. St. John Parish prize, Class 5, Royal Show, Jersey, May, '07. Egyptian, P. 2564. II. C. (Imported and regis- tered as King of Arden. 5S135.) Par. prize, I. of Jer., Apr., "98. 1st pr. yearling. St. John, I. of J., '98. 2d pr. two-ycLir-i'ld. St. John, '99. 1st and Swee pstakt is, Ind. State Fair. '00. 1st and Sweepstakes, 111. State Fair, '00. 1st and Sweepstakes, St. Louis Fair, '00. Sire of Golden Maid 4th, P. 9821. II. C Certificate of Merit, public butter test, I let , 04. 1 lb. 9 ozs., 101 days in milk Golden Maid, P. 6555, H. C 2d over Jersey. '96. Certificate of Merit in- butter test. May, '98, 2 lbs. 4\ ozs. Dam of Golden Maid 3d, P. 8137, H. C, public butter test. » >ct ,07, 1 lb. 12£ ozs.. Ill days in milk. She is dam of 3 public butter test cows. Golden Maid 2d, Par. prizes. May, '98 and '99. f Pilot's Sultan. P. 2795, H. C 4th State's prize, '03. Reserve No., Godding- ton purse. May, '04. Sire of Sultan's Maid. 20 lbs. 2 ozs. butter, 7 days. Pilot's Sultan's Gipsy, public butter test, 1 lb. 13 ozs., 208 days in milk. Carlo's Gipsy Maid, public butter test. 1 lb. 5 ozs., 204 days in milk. Retraite's Gipsy, 1st and Grand Cham., Appalachian Expo., Knoxville, T e n n., '10. Becquet's Jubilee 10th, 4th over Jer., May, '05. My Lady Molly. Par. prize, Aug., '05. \ I Carlo's Gipsy 3d, P. 7399. H. C Dam of Pilot's Sultan's Gipsy, public butter test, 1 lb. 13 ozs., 208 days in milk. Carlo's Gipsy Maid, public butter test, 1 lb. 5 ozs., 204 days in milk. Retraite's Gipsy. 1st and Grand Cham., Appalachian Expo., '10. f Picton, P. 2291. H. C. { Egyptian Buttercup, F. 7496, C. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '95. Dam or Egyptian 2d, P. 3090. H. C, who sired Golden De- light, P. 10534, H. C., winner Certifi- cate of Merit and 2d Par. prize. May, '09, public butter test, 2 lbs. 4i ozs., 94 days in milk. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C 1st pr. ov. the Island, Aug., '90; also win- ner of £15 prize. Sire of Golden Lad's F a w n Duchess, 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326, 22 lbs., 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs., 30 days. Golden Lad's Lady Rose. 162097, 21 lbs. 9£ ozs. Sandgate. 122509, 20 lbs. 10£ ozs. And 28 others. . Bonny Lass, P. 4577, H. C. Sultan, P. 2448, H. C. Reserve over Jersey, April, '98. Sire of Trinity Princess. P. 8543, H. C, public butter test. Oct.. '04. 2 lbs. 1$ ozs., 78 days in milk. Pilot's Legacy 5th, P. 4558, H. C. 1st over the Island. '95 and '97. He also won many prizes in England. Eminent 2d, P. 2532. H. C. (Eminent, 69631, A. J. C. C.) Winner 1st State's pr. over Jer. (with his get). '01 and '02. Goddington purse, '02. Sold in our '05 auction for $10,000 to the late Hon. A. M. Bowman, Salem, Va. Eminent 2d has 81 daughters that have made tests in Amer- ica and on the Is- land. Eighteen of his un- tested daughters are the dams of butter test cows. He has 25 or more sons that are the sires of butter test cows, among them: Eminent's Raleigh, 69011, sire of 48 tested cows and 13 bulls with tested daughters, including Raleigh's Fairy Boy, sire of 40, and Ma- bel's Raleigh, sire of 24. Eminent 10th. 75753, sire of 10 tested cows. Last calf February Gay Lord, P. 1943. II. C. 2d at Yorkshire Show; H. C. at R. A. S. E. Show; 11. C at B. and W. E. Show. I Stale Bread 2d. P. 2976. C. Reserve over Jersey and Par. prize, '99. ( Sultane's Favourite, P. 873, H. C | Sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows, in- cluding S u 1 t a n e 14th. that in t h e Tunbridge Wells (England) butter test, '02, in her fif- teenth year, gave 38 lbs. 6 ozs. milk, mak- ing 2 lbs. lj ozs. butter in 24 hours. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447. H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '88. 2d H. B. over Jer., '88. 1st pr. over Eng., '90. 2d Lon. Dairy Show, '8S, '89; yield, 1 lb. 14£ ozs. butter. Sir John. P. 2176. H.C. Sire of Spring. P. 7096, H. C, winner of Par. prize. Class 3, Aug., '98. I Sultana, P. 6072. H- C. 2d over Jer.. May, '96. 2d North Show. '97. f Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. (See above.) I Pilot's Legacy 3d, P. 2897, C Wonder Lad, P. 1390, H. C. 2d over Jer., Apr., '91. 1st over Jersey. '91. Polite Carlo. P. 1418. H. C. 1st St. John Show as heifer in milk. Miltiades, P. 868.H.C. Stale Bread, P. 2225, C. Count Cicero, F. 398, H. C. 2d over Jersey, '83. i Sultane 8th, P. 944, H. C. Dam of many noted prize winners, and winner of 2d H. B. prize and 3d over Jersey, '84; also Par. prize. Sultan Cicero, P. 670, H. C. Golden Lass, F. 5711. H. C 1st over the Island. Golden Hero. P. 1833, H. C. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, April, '93. Parisienne. F. 7501, H. C Courage, P. 1813, C. Headed the late F. C. Le Maistre's herd with signal success. i Water Lily. P. 4838, H. C Happy Jack, P. 808, H. C Pilot's Legacy 2d. P. 1956. H. C- Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C- (Imp. Golden Fern's Lad, 65300, A. J. C- C.) Winner of 1st pr. and Championship. North Club Show, '96 and '97. Purchased by us for use at "Linden [ Golden Fern Grove," when 9 yrs. old, for $2,250. Sire of many prize winners and tested cows. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all prize winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9.000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours. P. 4711. H. C- 2d over Jer., 2d H. B. and Par. prize. '94. Carlo's Gipsy, P. 3519. H. C Cam of Kilburn, win- ner of 2d prize over Jersey, Class 8, Aug., '04; 3d prize over Jersey, Class 8, Aug., '03. Eminence, F. 7124. H. C Dam of Little Eminence, 122506, 21 lbs. 6 ozs. Eminence of the Is- land, 15 lbs. 10 ozs.. when ten years old. Leda, whose daughter. Golden Leda, won 1st over the Island, and is dam of the bulls. Stockwell. Leda's Golden Lad, Topsman, etc. f Carlo 3d. P. 817, H. C. Sire of Egyptian Hero, P. 1351, H. C, 2d over Jer., Aug., '91; sire of Sweet Bread 2d. P. 5938. H. C, one of the grandest dairy cows we have ever seen and winner of Gold Medal, but- ter test, '00. 2 lbs. 7 ozs., 165 days in milk. Quaker's Girl, F. 7215, C. Traveler, P. 280, C. Sire of Clubs 2d. 16725. butter test, 14 lbs. 7 ozs. in 7 days, 208* lbs. milk, at 8 years old. Brown Fern, F. 4606. C. Dam of Brown Fern 2d. P. 1944. H- C. dam of Aurca, P. 8693, H. C. (now Eminent's Fern of St. Martin. 252122). public butter test. May, '07. 2 lbs. 5J ozs., 65 days in milk. Carlo 2d, P. 337, C Cicero's Cowslip, P. 1105, H. C- Parish prize, Aug., '85. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '88. Dam of Cicero's Cow- slip 3d, P. 3056, H. C., 3d over Jer., '92; Par. prize, '94; dam of Pioneer, P. 1602, H. C, 1st over Jer., '91, '92; Morion, P • 1690, H. C 1916, by Kingsway, P. 5158, H. C, winner of 1st prize at" Royal Show, Class 2, 19 entries, April, '15; son of Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C, and Hillside Lad's Rosy, 306595, a public butter test cow and 1st prize winner at the Royal Show, sold in our '14 auction for $535. (This calf has been sent to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas). Bred March 31, 1916, to the distinguished bull, Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C in a class of 7 entries, at the Royal Show, Jersey, April, '11. He sired the 1st prize 2-year-old cow over the Island, May, '14 (68 entries), also the 1st prize 3-year-old cow over the Island, May, '15 (76 entries), who won the Theatre Challenge Cup (Cham pionship over the Island). He has 21 or more official test daughters, one of which, now on year's test, will produce close to if not more than, 900 lbs. butter as a four-year-old. (See front pages for extended pedigree and picture of Oxford You'll Do, P 4075, H. C.) winner of first prize with his progeny, B 101 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916, No. 16. Cow. MON PLAISIR GRACEFUL LADY, 344009, A. J. C. C. (Mon Plaisir's Grace 4th, P. 19882, H. C.) Dred by J. LeC. Arthur, St. Mary. Island of Jersey. Born June 18, 1912. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; white tongue; black switch. A \mumv; low ..I refinement and high finish; beauti ful top line and long, deep body; neat head, with bright, sparkling eyes; flat neck and thin withers; back straight as an arrow, with well set tail; udder of great circiunference when fresh, square in front, full behind, with long, well placed teats; will have been seven months in milk by sale day, and some good judge will get a bargain because she is not in bloom. A very handsome young cow. beautifully bred. Her dam and half-sister, both in Register of Merit with records more than 600 lbs. butter in one year. In calf to the celebrated bull. "Oxford You'll Do." Iron Duke. P. 4187, H. C. Sired the winners of 2 second prizes over the Island; winners of 1st prizes at West Virginia and Water- loo (Iowa) Shows, '11; and other prs. Sire of Iron Duke's Mazurka, in Regis- ter of Merit, 492 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in 1 year. Son of Noble of Oaklands. 95700. out of a daughter of Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256. H. C. Sire THE FRIAR, P. -17M, H. C. 104280, A. J. C. C. Winner of 2d prize. Class 7, 40 entries, Royal Show, Jersey, Aug., 'II. 2d prize, 2-year-old bull, National Jer- sey Show. Shelby - ville. Ky., '12. Among the prize win- ners produced by his sire are: Pansy's Rose 2d, P. 16819, H. C, 2d at Royal Show and Parish prize, May, '12. Ironmaster, 10292, E. H. B., 2d yearling bull. 20 entries, Roy- al Show, England, '11; and other prizes. His sire is a son of Noble of Oaklands, out of a daughter of Agatha's FlyingFox. Combination's Dark Wonder, 252170, A. J. C. C. (Combination's Pride, P. 13824, H. C.i A beautiful cow, sold in our ' 1 1 auction for $800, as a 4-year- old, to Mr. E. S. George, Detroit, Mich. She is the highest test- ing daughteriof Com- bination, P. 3744, H. C-, having enter- ed the Register of Merit with 750 lbs. of butter in 1 year. Dam GRACE DARLING OF ST. MARY'S, 300562. (MON PLAISIR'S GRACE, P. 13480, H. C.) Sold in our '14 auction for S700 to Mr. (".. W. Chaffee, Quechee, Vt. Entered in Register of Merit (A), 653 lbs. 3 ozs. butter in 1 year, from 10,183 lbs. 9.6 ozs. milk, the first year after importation. She is dam of Noble's Grace, 269819, sold as a yearling in our '12 auction for S435, to Elmen- dorf F;irm; winner of Junior Championship at the Blue-Grass Fair and at National Jersey Show, Shelbyville, Ky.. and other prizes in 1912. She won 1st prize at the St Mary Show . 12, and the St. Mary Parish prize at Royal Show, 10 and '13. Dam of the bull. Golden Fern's Mon I'laisir, 122755, to which a number of our young females have been bred. (See No. 5 of catalog ) Her daughter, Grace Stockwell, 240832, quali- fied for Register of Merit (A), with 630 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 1 year, from 9.515 lbs. 1 .6 ozs. milk, at 5 yrs. 8 mos. old. (Grace Stockwell is by a bull whose sire, Stockwell. 1'. 3550, II C, was sold in our 07 auction for Si 1,500; and whose dam was imported by us. The latter was by Golden Fern's Lad. P. 2160, H- C, who "ruled" at "Linden Grove"' for five yea I We also imported Grace Darling of St. Mary's, l>"th of her grandsires, and their dams. For- farshire's dam, Rosette 5th, also produced Flying Fox (by Golden Fern's Lad), sold in our '02 auction for S7.500. who has 26 butter test daughters and 43 producing sons Mi >RK THAN ANY OTHER BULL, I >!' ANY BREED. Combination, P. 3744, H. C, now named Combination of St. Saviours, 88245, A. J. C. C. 1st prize over Jersey, 15 entries, Aug., '06. 1st and Champion, St. Saviour - Grouville Show, Apr., '09. 1st prize over Jersey, 10 entries. Apr., '09. Sire of Hillside Lad, P. 4100, H. C, 1st over Jer., bulls from tested dams, Aug., '08; 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr., '08; 1st over Jer., Apr., '09. Combination's Leda.P. 14105. H. C. (Com- bination's Golden Leda, 235187), 1st over jer. and Trinity Par. pr.. Aug., '09. Sold in our '10 auc- tion for S890. Sire of 1 7 butter test cows, the 3 highest of which were impor- ted by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auctions. Has 5 producing sons. Fussy, P. 11574, H. C. Certificate of Merit. Oct., TO.buttertest. 2 lbs. 2 ozs. butter, 131 days in milk. A magnificent dairy cow. Official record in '13, 384.75 lbs. butter in 260 days. Granddaughter of Wil- loh, P. 2855, H. C, and Golden Lad's Champion, 57222, sire of 9 tested cow s ; etc. Fancy's Pioneer, P. 3195, H. C Sire of Pioneer's Fancy Cow- slip, 306593, 694 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in 1 year, first year after importation; milk test, average of 6.61 for year; sold in our '14 auction for S135 to Mr. Geo. T. Chaf- fee, Rutland, Vt. Mon Plaisir's Butter- c u p, 224584 (Ber- gere's Beautv, P. 11259, H. C), Silver Medal, Oct., '07, 2 lbs. 9^ ozs.. 14.3 days in milk; sold in our '09 auction for S7S<>; Champion cow, Ver- mont State Fair, '12; entered in Register of Merit, 542 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 1 year, 9 years old. His 10 other tested daughters, including Boutilliere, 2 lbs. 5 J ozs. in 24 hrs. (pub- lic test). Has 2 producing sons, and sired numerous winners. Grace Darling 3d, P. 11321. C. iL"\\ named Forfarshire's Darling. 234156, A. J. C C. I tain of Noble's Dar- in, -'34218, sold in Di II n Rodman's auction, TO. for $ 5 1 Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, II C. 1st prize and Sw eel stakes, St. Sav loiir and Grouville Show, '02, 1st prize over the I land in a class of 44, '02. 1st prize over the Is- land, Aug., '03. Sire of Sultan of Oaklands, 1st prize, Sweepstakes, Reserve Champion, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '05, Gamboge's Knight, 2d over Jersey with his progeny, Apr., '08 ; sold in our '11 auc- tion for S6.700. Agatha's Flying Fox is sire of many other winners. Sire of 7 tested cows. Jersey Skater 6th, P. 5865, H. C. A magnificent daugh- ter of Golden Lad, imported to Amer ica by "G e d n e y Farm." Champion, St. Helier Show, '06. Dam of Maitland Con- stance, P. 10373, H. C-. 4th over Jersey, Aug., '03, and May, '04. f Mon Plaisir, P. 2548. H. C. (Golden Mon Plaisir, 59936.) 1st Ohio Agricultural and Industrial Fix- position, Columbus , '01. 1st and Sweepstakes, St. Louis Fair, '01. Sold in our sale. May, '01, for $3,500. Son of Golden Lad and Golden Lily, P. 5 101, H. C. (as below). Fancy's Rose, F. 8277, H. C. Certificate of Merit in public butter tests as follows: '98, 1 lb. 15i ozs. '99, 2 lbs. i oz. Forfarshire, P. 2914, H. C. Champion, St. Saviour Show, '01. Sweepstakes over Grouville and St. Saviour Show, '01. Sire of 16 tested cows, including: Forfarshire's Golden Rose, in Register of Merit, 545 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 year. Forfarshire's Britan- nia, in Register of Merit, 482 lbs. 6 ozs. Grace Darling. P. 8475, H. C. Parish prize. May, '01 and '04. Parish prize and Re- serve for Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '03 and '04. By same sire as Clar- encia, P. 8602, H.C., Parish pr.. May, '03; Sweepstakes. West- ern Show, '03. Dam of the noted bull. Warder. P. 3227, H. C. 1st over Jersey, Aug., '04, and sire of 15 butter tested cows. Sa- lbs. lbs. Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale May, '02, for 100. In same sale, three of his heifers on first calf averaged £933. Among his many test- ed daughters are: Flying Fox's « heford Queen, 870.5 lbs. butter, 13,604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. butter, 11.198 lbs. milk, 1 year. Blue Belle of St. viour, 411.96 butter, 6,841 milk, 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dream- wold. 10,060 1 b s. milk. 1 year. And 22 others. Agatha of < )aklauds. 162101, A. J. C. C. i A highly commended c o w, Agatha, F. 8432. H.C., J. H. B.) Official butter test. 2 lbs. lj ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. Winner of first prize at the 3 Western Parishes in '99. Winner of 1st pr. and Championship (Silver Cup). St. Saviour Show, '00. Picton. P. 2392. H. C Full brother to Hand- some Gold Phillis. sold for 5625 in our '00 auction. Sire of Firefly, P. 8022, C., Par. prize. May, '02; whose daugh- ter, Oxford Lady of St. Mary, 213932. sold for $1,025 in our '09 auction. Descended from Farm- er's Glory, who sold at auction to Mr. T. A. Havemeyer for S3. 200. and is the sire of Forget-Me- Not, P. 291, H. C. Rosette 5th, P. 2881. H. C A very rich and per- sistent milker. 1st pr. over Jer., '89. Dam of Flying Fox, Alicante (the dam of "The O w 1 ") and Forfarshire, three Chain, winners. Four of her get have sold in our auction sales at an average of S2.7h2.50. Dam of Sultana's Ro- sette 2d, 14 lbs. 7 ozs. Duplex, P. 2586. H. C. ■sir. . >i" Uncle Peter's I '..■Men Del. sold as a heifer in our sale. May, 00, for S425; Hiil since tested at Biltmore, N. C, 80 lbs. 13 ozs. in one month; sire of other tested cows. Golden Lily, P. 5101, H, C 1st over Jersey. 1st St. Mary. A magnificent dairy cow, pronounced as such at our sale by all good judges. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. lie was in service at "Linden Grove" for five years. (See below.) Rosette 5th. P. 2881, H. C. now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C. Dam of Flying Fox. P. 2729, II. C. Alicante, P. 3880. H.C. Forfarshire, p. 2914, H. C (Three Champion win- ners.) Four of her get have sold in our auction sales at an average of $2,762.50. Ravachol, P. 2032. C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam, he proved him- self a remarkable sire, but was butch- ered before his value as a sire was known. Courageous Countess of Oaklands, P. 8640, H. C-, now named Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours, Jersey weight. Sergeant Major, P. 2010. C 4th St. Martin. '94. Sire of Surville's Primula, Par. prize, Aug., '99. Phyllis, Par. pr.. May, '99. Primrose 6th. P. 3808. C. Reserve, North Club. '98. Sarabond. P. 797. H.C He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. He is by same sire as Sultane's Favourite. P. S73, H. C. Rosette 4th, P. 2128, C. We were informed on the Island by J. A. Marett that Rosette 4th. as a dairy cow, had few equals on the Island. Uncle Peter. P. 2115. H. C He has proved him- self a remarkably good sire, and his get have found ready buyers i n English breeders. Souvenir, P. 5187. H. C 1st St. Martin I (am of Souvenir 2d, 3d over Jer., Aug., '97. Clarence, P. 1404. H. C. 1st St Peter. By same sire as BaiOO of St. John 2d, P. 1279, H. C Lily Brown, P. 420. C 2d prize. St. Mary- Last calf October 22, 1915, by Wilkie Bard, P. 5200, C. (Sent to Messrs. ]. 0. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas.) Due to calve September Is, L916, by the distinguished bull, Oxford You'll Do, P. 407.">, II. C, winner of 1st prize with his progeny, in a class of 7 entries, at the Royal Show, Jersey, April, 11. He sired the 1st prize 2-year-old cow over the Island, May, '1 1 (lis entries), also the 1st prize 3-year-old cow over the Island, May,' 15 (76 entries), who won the Theatre Challenge Cup (Championship over the Island). He has Jl or more official test daughters, one of which, now on year's test, will produce close to, if not more than, 900 lbs. butter as a four-year-old. (See front pages for extended pedigree and picture of Oxford You'll Do f P. 4075, H. C.) T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. THE GREATEST DAUGHTERS OF 30 GREAT BULLS CAME DIRECT FROM " LINDEN GROVE." lbs. ozs. Highest Testing Daughter of WARDER, P. 3227, H. C— Warder's Lady, 195777, year's test 967 4 Sold in our 1906 auction for $230. Owned when tested, by Mr. C. I. Hood, Lowell, Mass. Highest Testing Daughter of MAJESTY, P. 3523, H, C— Majesty's Origa's Queen, 238445, year's test 906 7 Sold in our 1910 auction for $1,000. Owned when tested, at White Horse Farms, Paoli, Pa. Highest Testing Daughter of FLYING FOX, P. 2729, H. C— Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 162114, year's test 870 8 Sold in our 1902 auction for $900 (24 months old). Owned when tested, by Mr. Thos. W. Lawson. Highest Testing Daughter of GAMBOGE'S KNIGHT, P. 3645, H. C— Gamboge's Grey Beauty, 252162, year's test 784 12 Sold in our 1911 auction for $1,750. Owned when tested, at White Horse Farms. Highest Testing Daughter of RHYMER, P. 2756, H. C— Great Scot's Champion, 203703, year's test 774 4 Sold in our 1907 auction for $950. Owned when tested, by Mr. Ed. C. Lasater, Falfurrias, Texas. Highest Testing Daughter of RALEIGH'S DUKE, 72486— Raleigh's Dark Wonder, 235185, year's test 770 15 Sold in our 1910 auction for $925. Owned when tested, by Mr. C. I. Hudson, East Norwich, N. Y. Highest Testing Daughter of THE OWL, P. 2195, H. C— The Owl's Oxford Daisy, 162113, year's test 759 10 Sold in our 1902 auction for $1,000. Owned when tested, by Mr. Thos. W. Lawson. Highest Testing Daughter of MABEL'S RALEIGH, P. 3722, H. C— Raleigh's Florence Belle, 235183, year's test 732 7.9 Sold in our 1910 auction for $1,000. Owned when tested, by Mr. C. I. Hudson. Highest Testing Daughter of COMBINATION, P, 3744, H. C— Combination's Dark Wonder, 252170, year's test 750 Sold in our 1911 auction for $S00. Owned when tested, by Mr. Edwin S. George, Detroit, Mich. Highest Testing Daughter of OXFORD MAJESTY, P. 4057, H. C— Majesty's Brown Crocus, 306622 743 Sold in our 1914 auction for $410. Owned when tested, by Mr. John G. Howland, Quechee, Vt. Highest Testing Daughter of OXFORD LAD, P. 3123, H. C— Oxford Cocotte, 2351S0, year's test 724 15 Sold in our 1911 auction for $1,700. Owned when tested, at Bowmont Farms, Salem, Va. Highest Testing Daughter of GOLDEN MAID'S PRINCE, P. 3027, H. C— Golden Maid's Champion, 269565 70S Sold in our 1913 auction for $625. Owned when tested, by Mr. C. I. Hudson. Highest Testing Daughter of FINANCIAL POET, P, 3462, C— Financial Daisy, 252132, year's test 695 12 Sold in our 1911 auction for $2,600. Owned when tested, at White Horse Farms. Highest Testing Daughter of ASTOR, P, 3042, H. C— Lady Astor, 269778, year's test 694 8 Sold in our 1912 auction for $775. Owned when tested, by Mr. C. I. Hudson. Highest Testing Daughter of FANCY'S PIONEER, P. 3195, H. C— Pioneer's Fancy Cowslip, 306593 694 8 Sold in our 1914 auction for $135. Owned when tested, by Mr. Geo. T. Chaffee, Rutland, Vt. Highest Testing Daughter of NOBLE OF OAKLANDS, 95700— Noble's Handsome Queen, 235197 614 3 Sold in our 1910 auction for $875. Owned when tested, at Bowmont Farms, Salem, Va. Highest Testing Daughter of NOBLE'S JOLLY SULTAN, P. 4156, H. C— Jolly Sultan's Pet, 252226 592 9 Sold in our 1913 auction for $210. Owned when tested, by Mr. Wm. R. Wood, Newburgh, N. Y. Highest Testing (R. of M.) Daughter of LEDA'S GOLDEN LAD, 71148— Golden Leda's Nursie, 213954 567 9 Sold privately from "Linden Grove." Owned when tested, by Ayer & McKinney, Philadelphia, Pa. Highest Testing Daughter of PRIDE'S GOLDEN LAD, P, 14165, H. C— Wexford's Spot, 289452, year's test 565 4 Sold privately from "Linden Grove." Owned when tested, by Ayer & McKinney. Highest Testing Daughter of GREAT SCOT, P. 2153, H. C— Scot's Belle, 195756, year's test 557 5.7 Sold in our 1906 auction for $325. Owned when tested, at Hood Farm. Highest Testing Daughter of LUCY'S CHAMPION, P. 3731, H. C— Lucy's Sweet Ruby, 203709, year's test 551 Sold in our 1907 auction for $300. Owned when tested, at Delaware College, Newark, Del. Highest Testing (R. of M.) Daughter of GOLDEN FERN'S LAD, P, 2160, H. C— Fern's Belle Rioter, 203996 546 5 Sold in our 1912 auction for $360. Owned when tested, by Mr. George T. Chaffee, Rutland, Vt. Highest Testing Daughter of FORFARSHIRE, 64759— Forfarshire's Golden Rose, 173205, year's test 545 15 Sold in our 1903 auction for $290. Owned when tested, at Allandale Farms, Fredericksburg, Va. Highest Testing Daughter of OXFORD BOY, P. 3937, C— Oxford Boy's Vixen, 252190, year's test 532 9 Sold in our 1911 auction for $400. Owned when tested, by Mr. Ed. C. Lasater. Highest Testing Daughter of FAVORI, P. 2943, H, C— Favori's Pretty Rosa, 162118, year's test 458 12 Sold in our 1902 auction for $130. Owned when tested, by Mr. George W. Sisson, Jr., Potsdam, N. Y. Highest Testing Daughter of HOUP-LA, P. 2793, H. C— Houp-La's Gamboge, 195821, year's test 437 7 Sold in our 1906 auction for $500. Owned when tested, by Mr. Percival Roberts, Jr., Narberth, Pa. Highest Testing Daughter of FEREOR, P. 2891, H. C— Blue Belle's Pretty Belle, 180295, year's test 401 1.6 Sold in our 1904 auction for $450. Owned when tested, by Dr. C. E. Still, Kirksville, Mo. Highest Testing Daughter of DISTINCTION'S NOBLE, 83768— Year's test begun at 1 yr. 8 mos. old 329 6 Distinction's Oxford Belle, bred at "Linden Grove." Owned when tested, at Allandale Farms. Highest Testing Daughter of GOLDEN LAD, P. 1242, H, C— Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 7-day test 23 6 Sold in our 1902 auction for $500. Owned when tested, by Capt. M. C. Campbell. Another celebrated bull, making thirty in the list, when it appeared in our advertisement in "The Jersey Bulletin," was Eminent, 69631 (Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C), but the following letter from Mr. A. M. Bowman, Jr., manager of Bowmont Farms, Salem, Va., explains why we have omitted his name at this time: 'We must rob you of the honor of having turned out the highest testing daughter of Eminent, 69631, as Eminent's Oxford Pride, 142191, bred at Bowmont Farms and now owned at Acca Farm, has lately made an authenticated test of 656 lbs., exceeding the record of Eminent's Honeymoon by 63 lbs. 4 ozs." The test of Eminent's Oxford Pride had not been reported from the Club office when our list was tabulated. We do not mind surrendering this honor to Bowmont Farms, and be content with having imported the sire. The daughters of three other bulls in the above list have made larger tests since it was compiled; viz., Fancy's Pioneer, Oxford Majesty and Noble of Oaklands. We were not obliged to confine the list to thirty bulls. Without close search of the records, we can recall a number of other noted sires whose highest testing daughters came from "Linden Grove." And to these we might add Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C, whose highest testing daughter will finish in May with more than 900 pounds of butter in one year as a four- year-old. She was sold in our 1914 auction for $500, to Mr. E. T. Bedford, Greens Farms, Conn. And when the official report of Fern's Viola, 237208, is received we can add Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314, to the list. Fern's Viola was bred at "Linden Grove" and born at Knollwood Farm, Mr. C. I. Hudson having bought her pregnant dam, Golden Fern's Distinc- tion, 213882, in our 1909 auction for $900. At last account" Fern's Viola had made 672 lbs. butter in ten months of her year's test. B 306 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 17. Cow OXFORD DAFFODIL, 353222, A. J. C. C. (P. 17777, H. C.) WINNER OF CHAMPIONSHIP AND BRONZE MEDAL, GROUVILLE SHOW, JERSEY, 1912. RESERVE OVER JERSEY AND PARISH PRIZE, CLASS 3, ROYAL SHOW, MAY, 1913. FIRST PRIZE AND SWEEPSTAKES, GROUVILLE-ST. SAVIOUR SHOW, CLASS 3, 1913. Bred by E. G. Marett, Grouvjlle, Island of Jersey. Born June 20, 1910. Imported October 31, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Spot in forehead; white on flanks, ankles and right hind shank; brisket, belly, tongue, half of tail and switch white. A splendid "black," great refinement of type; high finish, yet of strong constitution and dairy tempera- ment; clean, flat neck and thin withers; straight back and strong loins; hind quarters lean, beautifully fashioned, with high tail setting and a flowing white switch; unusual depth of body; tremendous udder, deep, and attached high behind, full in front, with good-sized teats, squarely set on. Sire NOBLE'S JOLLY SULTAN, P. 4156, H.C. (97181, A. J. C. C.) Now at "L i n d e n Grove," and sire of 1 1 butter test cows. 1st pr. over Jer., Class 8, Aug., '10. 1st pr., "Voisin Spe- cial," bull any age, Aug., '10. 1st prize, Class 3, Apr., 'lO. 1st pr. bull, 3 yrs, or over, Nat. Da i r y Show, '11, in a class of 8, defeating the Champion winners at Illinois, Ken- tucky, Ohio and Mich. State Fairs, Nat. Jersey Show , Shelbyville. Ky.,and Waterloo (Iowa) Dairy Show. Nine of his "b a b y" calves sold in our sale for an average of $261; Jolly's M a y Princess, a yearl ng, being bought by Mr. M. S. Beltzhoovcr for $500. One of 8 of the get of Noble of Oak kinds winning 1st Special prize at National Dairy Show, '11, for get of sire, 4 to 8 animals, either sex, irrespective of age or ownership. His dam. folly Stll- tane, P. 11003, II. C., is the closest liv- ing descendant of Sultane, P. 7, n. c., with the except i m of Golden Sultana, dam of Sultana's Golden Jolly, Grand Champion at Nat. Dairy Show, '11. His sire is Noble of « i a k lands, 95700. (See opposite page for extended pedi- gree and particulars.) Dam OXFORD IVY, P. 14125, H.C. Dam of Noble's « ixford Holly, 287788, sold in our '13 auction, as a _4 year old. f <> r $470, to Homewi n id Farm, Rye. N A Sultan of Oaklands, P. 3746, H. C. (78475, A. J. C. C.) Winner of 1st over Jer- sey, Apr., '06. 2d over Jer. and Tar. prize, Apr., '05. Reserve over Jersey, with progeny, Apr., '07. 1st pr., Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Champion, St. Saviour-G r o u- ville, '05. His daughters have won Certificates of Merit in the public butter tests on the Island and have made the Register of Merit in America. Among his most dis- tinguished daughters are; Violette's Beauty 3d, P. 13895, H. C. (now Violette's Sultana, 252253), Certificate of Merit, May, '09, 1 lb. 11* ozs., 90 days in milk, at 2 years old; won 1st and Sweepstakes, St. Sa- yiour-Grouville S., [10. She sold in our '11 auction for $2,600, to Ewell Farm, Tenn.; and her daughter, Noble's Pretty Vio- lette, 252234. sold as a 2-year-old for SI .200 to Elmendorf Farm, Ky. Sultan's Finance, P. 14100, H. C. Cer- tificate of Merit, Oct., '09, 1 lb. 8-V ozs., 1 13 days in milk, at 2 years old. She won 1st prize over Jersey, May, Ml, and 1st prize in Champion Class, Aug.. "11. Sultane'sBellc,203711. who entered the Register of Merit in '11 as a 3-year old, with 8,488 lbs. 3.2 ozs. milk, 519 lbs. 11 ozs. estimated butter. (See other pedigrees for further particu- lars regarding the get of this great son of Agatha's Flying Fox.) Oxford Kit, P. 11931, H I Dam i 'i Combination's Oxford Kit. 271038, in Register of Merit, Class AA. 525 lbs. 7 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 5£ yrs. old. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C 1st pr. over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '03. Sire of Combination. P. 3744, II C, 1st prize over Jersey, May, '06; 1st prize, St. H e 1 i e r Show, Aug., '06; 1st prize and Champion, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Apr., '09, in compe- tition with Beauvoir King, Plymouth Lad and other bulls. Agatha's Oxford Lass, 1st over Jersey and Theatre Challenge Cup, May, '11 ; Cer- tificate of Merit, public butter test, May, '09, 2 lbs. H ozs., 83 days in milk. Sultane's Snowdrop, P. 8578, H. C. 1st pr. over the Island, May, '01. Full sister to Golden Sultana, dam of Sul- tana's Golden Jolly. Eminent's Raleigh, 69011. (Raleigh, P. 3273, H. C.) 4th pr. over Jer., '03. Sire of 37 tested cows, among them , Kar- nak 2d, Certificate of Merit, May, '10, 2 lbs. 1 oz., 67 days in milk. Sire of numerous pr. winners, including: Raleigh's Fairy Boy, 1st over Jer., Apr., '08; also Gr. Cham., Nat. Dairy Show, ' 10, and other Amer- ican prizes. M a b e l's Raleigh, P. 3722, H. C. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '05 and '07. Primrose's Raleigh, 1st over Jer. and Par. p . '05; 1st prize and Breeders' Cup, St. Martin Show, '05. Lord Twylish, 1st over Jersey. Apr., '06. The Jap, 1st prize, St. Clement Show, '05, t '06. Fontaine's King, 1st and Grand Sweep- stakes, St. Louis Ex- hibition, '04. Raleigh's Calais, 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '07. Among his tested daughters is Raleigh's Nancy Wolff, 20 lbs. 4 ozs. Oxford Clover, P. 7817, C. She is out of same dam as Morny Can- non, P. 3058. H. C, winner of 3d prize over Jersey with ]\\-. progeny, April, '07. Sire of many prize winners and tested ci >ws, among them , Simple I nterest 4th, public butter test. May. '06. 1 lb. 9 i ozs., 123 days in milk; and dam of Sultan's Finance, winner of Blyth- wood Bowl, Aug., '12; 1st over Jersey, May and Aug., '11. Flying Fox, P. 2729, II. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Among his 24 tested daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. butter, 13.604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Flower 'o Dreamwold, 740 lbs. butter, 11,198 lbs. milk. 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Sa- viour. 411.96 lbs. butter, 6.841 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dream- wold, 10,060 lbs. milk, 1 year. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. (A highly commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432, H. C..J. H. B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. 1-i ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. She sold in our '02 auction for $1,700, to Mrs. M. M. Pat- terson. Port Ken- nedy, Pa. Eminent 2d. P. 2532. H. C. (Eminent, 69631, A. J. C. C.) Sold at our '05 auction sale for $10,000. Eminent won State's prize and Godding- ton purse over the Island two years in succession, shown with 5 of his daugh- ters in milk. Sire of 71 tested cows. Rill, P. 6982, H. C. Gave 65 lbs. milk in one day. Consider- ed one of the great- est milk producers the Island has ever known. Combines the blood of some of the Island's strongest butter strains. Is doubly descended from the famous Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. Golden Lad is sire of Mon Plaisir, 1st over Jer., '98; Hamley, 1st over Jer., '99; Mona's Glory, 1st over Jer., '97. He has 6 sons with test ed daughters in Reg- ister of Merit. t Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C. 2d prize over Jersey. A remarkably good sire, and his get have found ready buyers from Eng- land at long prices. His granddaughter. Uncle Peter's Gold en Del, 157354. sold in our '01 sale to Biltmore Farms. Biltmore, V C , and has made the phe- nomenal record of 1.341'. lbs. of milk and 80 lbs. 13 ozs. of churned butter in 30 days. One week. 20 lbs. of butter. Oxford Lily 2d, P. 5732. H. C Par. prize. Aug.. '95, and May, '98. Golden Fern's Lad. P. 2160, H. C. Rosette 5 th. P. 2881, H. C- A very rich ad per- sistent milker. Dam of Flying Fox, P. 2729, Alicante, P. 3880. II C Forfarshire, P. 2914. H. C. 3 Champion winners. f Ravachol. P. 2032, C. I By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam, he proved him- self a remarkable sire, but was butch- ered before his value as a sire was known. Courageous Countess of Oaklands, P. 8640, H. C. now named Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours, Jersey weight. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C Show, '96, '97. (See front page A.) | Eminence, F. 7124, H. C. 2d St. Martin, '92. Dam of Little Emi- nence. 122506, 21 lbs. 6 ozs. Hope, P. 1948, H. C Sire of Prosper, Parish pr., '97; Hope's Re- gina, 2d over Eng. ; and other winners. Tula. P. 5323, H. C. 1st over Jer., '94. Par. pr.. Class 2, '94. Closely related to Mona's Glory, P. 2404, H. C, who won 1st prize over Jer.. Aug., '97; and has sired numerous butter tested cows. Xunthorpe. P. 1769, H. C Sire of Uncle Peter. P. 2115, II. C-, who sired Uncle Peter's Ro- sette, that sold in our '01 sale for SI, 000. and her heif- er calf, by Flying Fox, sold in same sale for Si, 250. Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H- C. 1st H. B. over Jer., '85. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '91 . Reserve Champion Cup. '91. 1st over Jer. Champion Cup. '93. Pioneer, P. 1602, H. C. 1st over Jer., '91, '92. Sire of Muriel, 1st over Jersey, '00; 1st H. B. and Par. prize. '00. Lady Clair. 3d H. B. and Par. pr.. 00. Full brother to Morion, P. 1690, H.C, sire of The Owl. P. 2195. H. C. Oxford Lily. P. 3468. H. C Sarabond, P. 797. H.C. He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. Rosette 4th, P. 2128.C Had few equals as a dairy cow in her day on the Island. Orme, P. 1660. II. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, 2 lbs. \\ ozs. of butter in 24 hours. Ro^tte 5th, P, 2881. H C now named Sultana's Rosette.. 149740. A. J. C. C. Courage. P. 181 V C Mr. Francis Le Brocq, the best judge of Jerseys on the Is land, told us that the bull Courage was the best son of Golden Lad. i Grassy Brown, P. 3370, H. C- Boyle, P. 1559, H. C Golden Fern. P. 4711, H.C 2d over Jer.. 2d H. B. and Par. pr.. '94. Traveler. P. 280. C. Brown Fern, F. 4606, C. Orme. P. 1660. H. C Son of Golden Lad. Regina's Pride, F. 7450, H. C 1st over Jer. May. ''4 Boyle, P. 1559. H. C. Mistake. P. 4562. C. Half-sister to Dairy's Golden, winner of many prizes in Eng. Golden Lad. P. 1242. H. C Sire of Golden Lad's F a w n Duchess. 16653S. 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days Golden Beatrice, 157326. 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 in 30 days. And 30 others Alicante. P. 3880, II C 1st prize winner over Jersey, '91. Cicero, P. 266, II. C. 1st pr. over Jer.. '82 Sold at our sale. < k t . '82, for 53,100. Sultane, P. 7. II C. 2d pr. over Jer. '70. 1st p.. St. Saviour. '70. 1st H. B . 71 Golden Lad. P. 1242. II. C. Cicero's Cowslip 3d. P. 3056. H C 2d pr. over Jer , '92. Parish prize. '94, Count Wolseley, P. 928. H. C. Sire of in a n y noted COWS, including: Aluante. P. 3880. H.C Oxford Rose. P. 3787. C- Oxford Daisy, F. 6816, H. C. Due to calve April 22, 1916, by Fern's Oxford Noble 2d, P. 5297, H. C, a son of Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570, H. C, for whose extended pedigree see No. 2G of catalog. The dam of Fern's Oxford Noble is Oxford Triumph. P. 12120. H. C, public butter test, May, 'OS. 1 lb. 1 1 ozs . 107 days in milk. She is a daughter of Oxford I, ad, P. 3123, H. C, and out of I Kiord Ever, P. 8370, H. C, who is also dam of the celebrated bulls, Oxford You'll Do and Oxford Knight, and the great cow, Agatha's Ox- ford Lass. B323 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 18. Cow. NOBLE'S JOLLY COWSLIP, 353249, A. J. C. C. (Cowslip 50th, P. 18756, C.) Bred by H. Falla. St. John, Island of Jersey. Born December 2, 1911. Imported October 31, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A very stylish golden fawn, of undeniable milky type; thin, long, flat neck; high, sharp withers; long, deep, well-ribbed body; prominent milk veins; lean hind quarters, long rump and prominent hips; thin, long tail, with beautiful switch; large, well- balanced udder, and long teats squarely placed. Her dam is a great dairy cow, rich milker, testing an average of 6.26 per cent, butter fat for the year, and is dam of the highest testing daughter of Fancy's Pioneer, who made 694 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in one year. Sire NOBLE'S JOLLY SULTAN, P. 4156, H.C. (97181, A. J. C. C.) 1st pr. over Jer., Class 8, 23 entries, Aug., "10. 1st pr., "Voisin Spe- cial," bull any age (Championship over Jersey), Aug., '10. 1st prize, Class 3, 9 entries, Apr., '10. Sire of 1 1 butter test cows, including: Jolly Sultan's Pet, 252226, in Register of Merit, Class A, 592 lbs. 9 ozs. butter. 5 yrs. 4 mos. old; sold in our '13 auc- tion for S210, to Mr. W. R. Wood, New- burg, N. Y. Maitland's Noble Sul- t ana, 287790, in Register of M e r i t, Class AA, 520 lbs. 13 ozs. butter, 4 yrs. 8 mos. old; sold in our '13 auction for $500, to Dosoris Park, Glen Cove, N. Y. Handsome Sulta na, 302482, in Register of Merit, Class A, 514 lbs. 9 ozs. but- ter, 5 yrs. old Sally's Sultanne, 302493, in Register of Merit, Class AA, 453 lbs. 2 ozs. but- ter, 3 yrs. 3 mos. old. Noble's Jolly Surprise, in Register of Merit, Class A, 441 lbs. 7 ozs., 2 yrs. 2 mos. old. Noble's Jolly Tootles, 301890, in Register of Merit. 18 lbs. 6£ ozs. butter in 7 days, 3 yrs. 8 mos. old. Catrin, public butter test, 1 lb. 14J ozs. in 24 hrs., 3 yrs. old. Maufant Beauty 6th, I lb. 14 ozs., 2 yrs. old, 143 days after calving. (See following pages for further par- ticulars.) Dam COWSLIP 36th, P. 13681, H.C. Official record on Is- land of Jersey, 52 1.69 lbs. butter in 326 days ; average test, 6.26 per cent, butter fat. She is also dam of Pio- neer's Fancy Cow- slip, 306593, the highest testing daughter of Fancy's Pioneer, entered in Register of M e r i t, 694 lbs. 8 ozs. but- ter, 8,923 lbs. 14.4 ozs. milk ; average test, 6 per cent, fat; sold in our '14 auc- tion at the "bar- gain" price of $135, to Mr. George T. Chaffee, Rutland, Vt. (Was dry when sold, and not in con- dition.) Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C- (95700, A. J. C. C.) 1st St. Saviour Parish prize, '07. 3d over Jersey, with progeny, Apr., '08. 1st over Jersey, with progeny, Apr., '10. Sold at our '11 auction for $15,000. Sire of 37 tested cows. Young Jolly Sultane, 269762, A. J. C. C. (Jolly Sultane, P. 11003, H. C) Granddaughter of Sultane, P. 7, H. C., and her nearest living relative, with the exception of Golden S u 1 tana, dam of Sultana's Golden Jolly, Grand Cham, bull, Nat. Dairy S., '11. Sold in our '12 auction to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa. Aurifer. P. 3716, H. C. Reserve over Jersey, Class 1, Apr., '05. 2d over Jer., Class 7, Aug., '05. Sire of Albani 3d, P. 13581, C, public butter test, May, '11, 2 lbs. 3-£ ozs., 123 days in milk. (Now named Aurifer's Lady, 269769, and sold in our '12 auc- tion for §560, to Mr. Heulings Lippincott, of New Jersey.) Brighton. P. 4043, H. C, Reserve over Jersey, bulls from tested dams, Aug., '09. Miss Viola's Daughter, 196245, A. J. C. C, sold in our '1 1 auc- tion for $700. Fleet's Laurel, P. 13537, H.C. (240031, A. J. C. C), butter test, 16 lbs. 1 oz. in 7 days. Cowslip 32d, P. 11573, H. C. Out of same dam as our sensational Noble of Oaklands bull, Cowslip's Gold- en Noble, P. 4498, H. C-, who is sire of: Ocean Cowslip, 1st pr. in a class of 69 year- ling heifers. Royal Show, Jersey, May, '12; 1st prize in a class of 56, May, '13. Brampton Cowslip's Blue Belle, 1st prize 2 -year-old heifer at the great Dominion Exhibition, Toronto, Can., '13. Lily's Cowslip, 2d pr. yearling heifer in a class of 37, Aug., '13. And other winners, in- cluding six Parish prize winners at the '13 Island shows. Blue Belle's Blue Fox, P. 3633, H. C. A son of the famous old Blue Belle, that sold in our '04 sale for $3,600. Sire of Blue Belle's Blue Lad, Grand Champion, San An- tonio, Tex., '09. Bobby's Shy Fox, 64760, A. J. C. C (Shy Fox, P. 3143. H. C.) Champion winner at St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Is land of Jer., '02. Blue Belle, P. 4307, H. C. Blue Belle sold in our '04 auction sale to Mr* Howard Willets, "Gedney Farm," White Plains, N. Y., for $3,600. Dam of Caumais Lad, P. 2257, H. C, sire of Financial King. P. 2624, H. C, and Guenon's Lad, both noted sires. Dam of Blue Nun, 18 lbs. 5* ozs. Dam of Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold in our '03 sale for $1,725. Dam of Blue Belle 6th and 7th, and of Blue Belle's Handsome Fox. Also dam of Blue Belle's Golden Fern, 69196, that sold as a calf for $3,000. I Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. Kiva, P. 759, H. C. Cetewayo, his grand- sire, is also sire of E v e r t o n King, whose daughter is dam of Boyle. . Sultane, P. 7, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '70. lstpr., St. Saviour,'70. f Senator, P. 2759, H. C. Sire of Astor, P. 3042, H. C, 1st over Jer., Aug., '02, and Apr., '03. Golden Leda, P. 8000, H. C. 1st pr. over Jer., '01. 1st prize and Cham- pionship, N. C. S., '00 and '01 ; and has milked over 40 lbs. per day with first calf. Golden Jolly, P. 2921, H. C. (See below.) Young Sultane, P. 2895, C. Her half-sister, Sul- tane 9th, P. 1145, H. C, is dam of Golden Sultana, that sold in our '10 auc- tion for $3,700, at same time her son, Sultana's Oxford Lad, sold for $11, 100. Leda's Golden Lad, P. 3063, H. C. 1st and Sweepstakes, St. Martin Show, '01 and '02. Sire of many prize winners and public test cows, the latter including Dorothy's Pearl, Certificate of Merit and 3d God- dington pr., May, '07, 1 lb. 15| ozs., 1 19 days in milk. Fawn Lass, P. 6462. H. C. Winner of Certificate of Merit, 2 lbs. 1 oz., 66 days in milk; Sil- ver Medal in public butter test, May, '00, 1 lb. 15£ ozs., 228 days in milk. Golden Jolly, P. 2921, H. C. 1st prize and Champion, North Show, '00. A famous sire of butter cows and winners. Sire of Golden Warrior, 1st over England, Royal Show, '03; 1st over England and Champion, D. S., '03. Jolly Lady of Beechwood, winner of 1st prize, Illinois State Fair, [08 ; 1st, Champion and Grand Champion at the National Show, Chicago, '08. Sire of 21 tested cows; and of Viola's Golden Jolly, sire of 5 in Register of Merit. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st p. over the Island, Aug., '90; also win- ner of £15 prize. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538,* 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Ora, 127228, 16 lbs. l£ ozs. And 30 others. Gamboge's Lad, P. 1798, H. C. Reserve over Jersey, Class 2, Apr., '94. Promptitude 2d, P. 2325, C. Certificate of Merit in butter test, May, '97 , 2 lbs. i oz. Dam of four Certifi- c a t e of Merit winners. Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale. May, '02, for $7,500. In same sale, three of his heifers on first calf averaged $933. Sire of Oxford Vixen, 2 lbs. 2} ozs. , 49 days in milk. Fox's Belle of Grou- ville, 21 lbs. 3 ozs. And 22 other cows with butter tests. Venus Violet, P. 3946, H. C. A magnificent dairy cow, milking 20 qts. daily. Bute, P. 328, C. Half-brother to Cete- wayo 2d, who sired Brown Fern 2d. Golden Princess, F. 2624, C. Sultan, F. 58, H. C. Longueville Queen, F. 272, H. C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. Sire of Golden Fern's Sensation, 1st prize, Ohio, '03; 1st prize. Cham, and Grand Champion, Illinois State Fair, '04. Leda, P. 6636, H. C. One of the best cows the Island has ever produced. Dam of Leda's Prince, 1st prize, Tunbridge Wells, England, '01. Rob Roy, P. 1184, H. C. Sire of Gamboge's Pride, P. 4508, H. C-, 1 lb. 12£ ozs. but- ter in 24 hours; 2 lbs. 7} ozs.; 2 lbs. 2\ ozs. (217 days in milk); 2 lbs. b\ ozs.; 2 lbs. 4 '\ ozs.; and several other tests. Gamboge 2d, P. 2294, H. C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C 1st and Champion at N.C. Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. Sire of 29 butter tested Rosette 5 th, P. 2881. H. C now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C. 1st over Jersey. '99. Bobby 5th, P. 1060, C. Lemon's Venus, IjP. 2493, C Cetewayo, P. 224, C. Sire of Cetewayo's Sil- ver Bell, 17 lbs. 2i ozs. ; and 3 others. . Reita, F. 1688, C. Prince of Wales. 1st pr. over Jer., '65. 2d Eng. Roy., '65. Flower, F. 53. H. C. Boyle. P. 1559, H. C. Sire of the celebrated bull. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. Golden Pearl, P. 1975, H. C. Eminence, F. 7124, H. C 2d St. Martin, '92. Favorite's Boy, P. 882, H. C. His grandsire, Nestor is a son of Happy, F. 309. H. Cm that appears in the pedi- grees of Brookhill Rose 2d and the great bull. Trial, sire of Finance and Magyarland. Browny's Grey, P. 2353, H. C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C (For full particulars, see front page A.) Brookhill Rose 2d, P. 3440, C. 1st prize and Cham- pion winner over the Island, May, '98. Cowslip 16th, P. 6084, H. C. ■ Winner of Parish prize, Royal Show, Island of Jersey, May, '02. Cowslip 16th is known on the Island as the "£1,000 cow," as her owner would not part with her at that figure. She is one of the best daughters ever sired by Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C, and her dam. Cowslip 2d, P. 810, H. C, is by Carlo, P. 180, H. Cm whose daughter, Lily Brown, is dam of Golden Lily, who won 1st prize over Jersey, and is the dam of Mon Plaisir, P. 2548, H. C. 1st prize over Jersey and Champion, '98; sold in our '01 auction for $3,500. Cowslip 16th is also dam of: Cowslip's Golden Noble, P. 4498, H. C, winner of 1st prize over Jer.. at the bull show, April, '12, shown with his get. He was used exten- sively in the herd of Mr. John A. Perree, secre- tary of the Island Society, for 3 years. Cowslip's Peer, P. 4695, H. C, and of 3 bulls with tested daughters in Register of Merit, viz.: Ajax, P. 2683, H. C; Cowslip's Astor, P. 3639, H. Cm and Cowslip's Golden Lad, P. 3250, H. C. Her son, Cowslip's Jolly Sultan, 103569, won 1st for "get of sire" at New Hampshire State Fair, '15. (He was sold in our '12 auction for $250, at 10 mos. old, to Mr. Geo. T. Chaffee, Rutland, Vt.) Cowslip 2d, P. 810, H. C. 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, '85. Parish prize, '86. 1st pr., St. John, '91. Half-sister to Cicero's Cowslip, P. 1105, H. Cm 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '85; dam of Cicero's Cowslip 3d, P. 3056, H. Cm 3d over Jer., '92; and dam of the bulls. Pioneer and Morion (sire of The Owl). Sultane's Favourite, P. 873, H- C. 1st pr., St. Saviour. Sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '88. 2d H. B. p. ov. J., '88. 2d Lon. Dairy S., '88. 1st pr. over Eng., '90. Carlo. P. 180, C. (5559, A. J. C. C.) 1st pr., St. John, '78. Par., R. J. A. S., '78. 2d pr. over Jer., '79. 1st pr. over Jer., '80. Sire of Belle Dame 2d, 18 lbs. 12 ozs. Miss Alexander 2d, 15 lbs. 10 ozs. And 2 others. Cowslip, P. 24, C. 1st St. John, '76, '80. Par. pr., R. J. A. S., *79, '81. Last calf, January 3, 1916, by General Cowslip, P. 4743, H. C. (Sent to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas.) Bred March 28, 1916, to Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H C. (See notes at foot of following page.) B80 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 19. Cow. ALABAMA'S EMINENCE, 353216, A. J. C. C. (P. 16190, C.) Bred by N. Le Gallais, Trinity, Island of Jersey. Born November 13, 1909. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A capacious, richly colored fawn, with long, flat neck, and great barrel, set on short, line legs; body long, and of exceeding depth, with well-sprung ribs; back straight and strong, broad at loins, with wide, prominent hips; great length of rump; tail beautifully set, thin and long, with generous switch; swings a tremendous udder that "milks out"; large, squarely placed teats. A very heavy milker, and a "sample" of what the sons of Noble of Oaklands can do when mated with good cows. Sire NOBLE'S JOLLY SULTAN, P. 4156, H. C. (97181, A. J. C. C.) 1st prize, "Voisin Spe- cial," bull any age, Aug., '10. 1st prize, Class 3, Apr., '10. 1st pr. bull, 3 years or over, National Dairy Show, '11, in a class of 8, defeating the Cham, winners at Illinois, Kentucky. Ohio and Mich. State Fairs; Nat. Jersey Show, Shelbyville, Ky., and Waterloo (Iowa) Dairy Show. Now in service at ' ' Lin- den Grove." Sire of 1 1 tested cows, the two highest be- i n g imported b y "Linden Grove" and sold in our auctions. (See opposite page.) His son, Rochette's Jolly Sultan. 91998, is sire of Jolly Sul- tan's Minnie, in Reg- ister of Merit, Class A, 500 lbs. 12 ozs. butter in 1 year, be- ginning test at 1 yr. 1 1 mos. old. Sire of numerous prize winners, including: Halley, 10635, E. H. B., 1st prize yearling bull and Reserve for Champion, Oxford- shire Show, Eng- land, and other prs. in '11. Brampton Noble Sul- tana 2d, 1st prize 3- year-old, Toronto; 2d at Waterloo (9 entries), and 2d at National Dairy S. (13 entries), '14. Cowslip's Jolly Sultan, 103569, whose prog- eny won 1st for "get of sire" at New Hampshire State Eair, '15; sold in our '12 auction for $250, at 10 mos. old. He sired the dam of Viola's Jolly Maid's Prince, 114103. 1st prize junior bull calf, M ississippi- Alabama Fair, '13. Dam { ALABAMA'S FANCY, P. 8730, C. Certificate of Merit, public butter test. May, '13, 1 lb. 7 ozs. in 24 hrs., at 14 yrs. old, 232 days after calving. Her daughter, Ala- bama's Fancy, is dam of Mary You'll Do, 306642. sold in our '14 auction, as a two-year-old, to Mr. Lewis Hanson, Nut- wood, Ohio. Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. (Eminent, 69631, A. J. C. C.) Winner 1st State's pr. over Jer. (with his get). '01 and '02. Goddington purse, '02. Sold in our *05 auction for $10,000 to the late Hon. A. M. Bowman, Salem, Va. Eminent 2d has 81 daughters that have made tests in Amer- ica and on the Island. Among them are the following with yr.'s records : Rose Fern Rosebud, 642 lbs. 1 1 ozs. My Eminent's Carna- tion, 565 lbs. 6 ozs. Eminent's Brookhill Rose, 525 lbs. 13 ozs. Eminent's Lady Mait- land. 549 lbs. 2 ozs. Eminent's Golden Lu- cy. 524 lbs. 8 ozs. Eminent's Grey Lady, 497 lbs. 12 ozs. Eminent's Cocotte, 491 lbs. 10 ozs. Eminent's Primrose, 511 lbs. 7 ozs. Eminent's Honey- moon, 592 lbs. 12 ozs. Rosy of Oaklands, 524 lbs. 1 1 ozs. Eminent's Nellie Gold, 473 lbs. 3 ozs. Penshurst Mona, 466 lbs. 8 ozs. Eminent s Lady Fox- etta, 457 lbs. 10 ozs. Sire of many bulls with tested daugh- ters, among them, Eminent's Raleigh, 69011, sire of 48 tested cows, 24 of them in Register of Merit. Eminent's Raleigh is sire of Mabel's Raleigh, 25 in the list; Raleigh's Fairy Boy, 40 in the list; and other pro- ducing sons. Alabama 3d, P. 2788. C. Her sire, Trinity Boy, P. 765, H. C, is a grandson of Cicero, 7657 (P. 266, H. C). sold in our '82 auc tion for $3,100, who has 9 tested daugh- ters and a number of producing bulls. Her dam, Alabama 2d. P. 1407, C., is a granddaughter of Farmer's Glory, F. 274, H. C. sire of 9 tested cows; etc. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C.j (Imp. Golden Fern's Lad, 65300, A. J. C. C) Winner of 1st pr. and Championship, North Club Show, '96 and '97. Purchased by us for use at "L i n d e n Grove," when 9 yrs. old, for $2,250. Sire of many prize winners and tested cows, among them: Eminent 2d, 1st State's prize over Jersey, '01 and '02 (with his progeny); sold in our '05 auc- tion for $10,000; of 81 tested daugh- ters. Flying Fox, Champion w nner over the Is- land, Aug., '99; sold in our '02 auction for $7,500; sire of 26 tested daughters and prize winners. Lady Aldan, 1st over Jer. and Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '09. Napoleon Bonaparte, 1st over Jer., '99 and '00. Dreyfus, 1st over Jer., April. '01. Redfern's Rainbow, 1st over Jer.. Aug., '00. White Rosebud, 1st over England, '02. Emmeline, 1st over Jer., '00 and '01. Mabelle, 1st over Jer., Aug., '99. Golden Fern's Sensa- tion, winner 2d pr., at the great St. Louis Show, '04, and sold at auction for $2,250. Golden Sultana, 3d pr. at the St. Louis Show and sold in our '10 auction for $3,700. Sensational Fern, sold in our '07 auction for $10,200, at 8 mos. old; sire of 12 in the Register of Merit. Sire of 27 bulls with tested daughters, in- cluding Goldenjolly, sire of 24; Eminent 2d, sire of 81 ; etc. Imminence, F. 7124, H. C. Dam of Little Eminence, 122506,21 lbs. 6 ozs. Eminence of the "Is- land, 15 lbs. 10 ozs., when ten years old. Leda, whose daughter, Golden Leda, won 1st over the Island, and is dam of the bulls, Stockwell, Leda's Golden Lad, Topsman, etc. Eminent. P. 1842. H Boyle. P. 1559. H. C. Sire of "Speckled Ban d," public butter test, 2 lbs. 3J ozs., 140 days in milk; dam of the wonderful cow "Nursie," that made the phenomenal rec- ord of 2 lbs. 7J ozs. of butter in 24 hours in the public butter test, after being in milk 300 days and within 90 days of calving. She sold in our '07 sale for $2,200 to Mr. A. B. Lewis. Tula, P. 5323, H. C. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '94; dam of Rill, P. 6982, H. C. (65 lbs. milk in one day) , the dam of Eminent's Ra- leigh, 69011. Fontaine's King. P. 2207, H. Cm sire of Caiest. P. 2591, H. C, who sired the dam of Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C; also sire of Mabel's Poet, P. 2964, H. C. Mabel 38th, P. 6311, H. C. dam of Mabel's Poet. Fontaine 7th, P. 5391, H. C., 1st prize and Br. Medal, Grouville Show, '98; and Fon- taine 9th, P. 6039, H. C, public butter test, 2 lbs. 10 ozs., in 24 hours. And many other fa- mous animals. During our visit to the Island of Jersey, for a number of years, it has always been our great pleasure to examine the daugh- ters of the famous bull Boyle. They were of great size, carrying beautiful heads; thin, tons necks; strong, straight backs; the very best of loins; broad hips; sharp withers; "bread baskets" wide and deep, which alone told the tale. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d pr. over the Island and Par. prize, '94. One of the grandest dairy cows ever known on the Island. C., sire of 3 tested cows, including Imp. Agenoria's Lass, 20 lbs. 10 ozs. in 7 days, who has a daughter testing 19 lbs. 14 ozs., and a son with 2 in Register of Merit. Eminent also sired Reminder, P. 2419, H. C-. sire of 7 tested cows; and he has 4 untested daughters that are the dams of 7 tested cows. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st pr. over the Is- land, Aug., '90; also winner of £15 prize. Sixty- five of his get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326. 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. And 30other tested cows — records made both on the Island and in England and America. Six of his sons are credited in the Reg- ister of Merit with officially tested daughters. Three of them were imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auc- tion sales. His double grandson, Golden Fern's Lad (same in blood as a son), has 18 sons with daughters in the Register of Merit. Golden Fern's Lad is sire of Flying Fox, who is sire of 21 sons with daughters in the Register of Merit, more than any other bull, im- ported or domestic. (Flying Fox was sold in our '02 auction for $7,500.) Golden Fern's Lad is also sire of Eminent 2d, P. 2532. H. C, who was sold in our '05 auction for $10,000, and has 12 sons with daughters in the Register of Merit, led by Emi- nent's Raleigh, who has 48 tested daugh- ters, 24 of them in Register of M e r i t. Eminent's Raleigh is also sire of Ra- leigh's Fairy Boy, sire of 37 in Register of Merit. Tootsie, P. 3214, H. C. Parish prize, '90. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '90; also win- ner of £15 prize. Sire of 32 tested cows, including: Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Lad's Lady Rose, 162097, 21 lbs. 10$ ozs. Sandgate. 122509. 20 lbs. I0J ozs. Zulu Lady. 20 lbs. 10 ozs. Golden Naiad, 18 lbs. 1 \ ozs. Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944. H. C. 2d St. Martin Show, '94. '95. Dam of Aurea, P. 8693, H. C. (now Emi- nent's Fern of St. Martin, 252122). Certificate of Merit in public butter test. May, '07. 2 lbs. 5J ozs., 65 days in milk. Sultane's Favourite, P. 873, H. C. 1st pr., St. Saviour. Sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows. including S u 1 1 a n e 14th. that in the Tunbridge Wells (England; butter test, '02, in her fif- teenth year, gave 38 lbs. 6 ozs. milk, mak- ing 2 lbs. 1 i ozs. but- ter in 24 hours, when 132 days in milk, winning the Silver Medal. His daughter. Lady Rose. P. 3962, H. C, winner of Par. prize, Aug., '97, is dam of Sultan's Golden Rose. 213891. with a public butter test of 1 lb. 14 J ozs. in 24 hours; entered in Register of Merit, with a record of 8,410 lbs. 4.8 ozs. milk, 489 lbs. 11 ozs. butter, in 1 year, when ten years old. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '88. 2dH. B. pr. ov. J., '88. 2d Lon. Dairy S., '88. 1st pr. over Eng., '90. 1 lb. 14i ozs. butter. Out of the same dam as Golden Lad 2d, sire of Golden Lad's Mermaid, sold at our auction, May, '02, for $1,100; Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold at our auction. May, '03, for $1,725; and many other cele- brated animals. Everton King. P. 390, C. A remarkable sire of grand cows of mag- nificent dairy type. inheriting the same from his illustrious dam, Quality, who won 1st prize and Champion Cup at the Royal Show. '82. and made 16 lbs. 8 ozs. of butter. Many years ago. when on the Island, we were so taken with Qual- ity that we bought. at a long price, her son, Everton King, and left him on the Island to be bred to our cows before ship- * ment to America. Quality is also dam of the great bull. Happy, F. 309, C, that left a grand lot of dairy* cows on the Island.* Fontaine 2d, P. 807. H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land. '82. One of the very best cows of the great Fontaine family. Cetewayo 2d. P. 370. H. C. Brown Fern, F. 4606, C. Dam of Eminence, F. 7124. H. &, dam of Little E m i n e n ce, 122506. 21 lbs. 6 ozs.; Eminence of the Island. 15 lbs. 10 ozs; Eminent 2d, P. 2532. H. C. (see a. left). Last calf, January 26, 1915, by Ulster, P. 5226, C. (Sent to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas.) Bred March 31, 1916, to the distinguished bull, Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C, winner of 1st prize, with his progeny, in a class of 7 entries, at the Royal Show, Jersey, April, '11. He sired the 1st prize 2-year-old cow over the Island, May, '14 (68 entries), also the 1st prize 3-year-old cow over the Island, Mav, '15 (76 entries), who won the Theatre Challenge Cup (Champion- ship over the Island). He has 21 or more official test daughters, one of which, now on year's test, will produce close to, if not more than. 900 lbs. butter as a four-year-old. (See front pages for extended pedigree of Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C.) NOBLE OF OAKLANDS, 95700, A. J. C. C; P. 3909, H. C. SOLD; IN OUR 1911 AUCTION FOR $15,000 (THE WORLD'S RECORD PRICE) TO MR. JAMES B. HAGGIN, OWNER OF ELMENDORF FARM, LEXINGTON, KY. Noble of Oaklands won First Prize, St. Saviour Show, 1907; First over Jersey, April, 1910, for bull and progeny. Noble of Oaklands and his sons won all First Prizes at the Island of Jersey Bull Show, April, 1910. In 1911, two sons won two out of four First Prizes at the April Bull Show. More than 200 First Prizes and Championships stand to the credit of Noble of Oaklands and his get. SIRE OF 37 BUTTER TEST COWS, AND OF 2S PRODUCING BULLS. Noble of Oaklands, like a number of other bulls sold from "Linden Grove," has been criticised in some quarters, in many cases by the unwise or jealous. Noble of Oaklands may have made some "breaks" when crossed with a cow of medium class, but most importers going to the Island are greatly impressed with the get of the sons of Noble of Oaklands, and it is these that are "writing history" about their sire. A special attraction of this auction will be A SPLENDID LINE OF COWS AND HEIFERS SIRED BY SONS OF NOBLE OF OAKLANDS, 95700. Right at this place in the catalog will be found a string of granddaughters of Noble of Oaklands, beginning with No. 17, and others will be found elsewhere in the catalog. The daughters of Noble's Jolly Sultan, P. 4156, H. C; Cowslip's Golden Noble, P. 449S, H. C; Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570, H. C; Agatha's Oxford Noble, P. 4S50, H. C; and Pretty Noble, P. 4626, H. C, will open the eyes of breeders to how the sons of Noble of Oaklands are "breeding on." What a record this family has made in the five years since Noble of Oaklands was sold here for the highest price ever paid for a Jersey bull! His list of official test daughters has quickly grown to 37, the best of which is Noble's Handsome Queen, 235197, who was sold in our 1910 auction for $875, to Bowmont Farms, Salem, Va., where she lately qualified for the Register of Merit, Class A, with 614 lbs. 3 ozs. butter in one vear. It may not be generally known, but Noble of Oaklands has sired 28 BULLS THAT HAVE OFFICIAL TEST DAUGHTERS." IN THIS AUCTION THERE ARE ALSO FIVE DAUGHTERS OF NOBLE OF OAKLANDS, (SEE NOS. 32, 33, 34, 75, 139.) r>- •' I^^^^^M l^^ll JOLLY SULTAN'S ASHLEY QUEEN, 353237, A. J. C. C. A Highly[C'ommended Daughter of Noble's Jolly Sultan, P, 4156, H. C. ; Both Parents Highly Commended. ONE OF FIVE SPLENDID DAUGHTERS OF THIS IMPRESSIVE "NOBLE OF OAKLANDS" SIRE. All of them great dairy cows, milking from 20 to 24 quarts when fresh. (See Nos. 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 of catalog.) NOBLE'S JOLLY SULTAN, 87181, A. J. C. C. (P. 4156, H. C.) Won Championship over the Island of Jersey, and First Prize in his class (23 entries) at the Royal Show, August, 1910. Also First Prize in his class (9 entries) at the Royal Show, April, 1910. Won First Prize in Aged Bull class (S entries) at the National Dairy Show, 1911, defeating the Champion winners of the Illinois, Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan andgMinnesota State Fairs, the Waterloo (Iowa) Dairy Show, the National Dairy Show, in 1911! and the Champion bull over the Island in 1909. Sire of 11 official test cows, the two best of which were imported by "Linden Grove," and sold in our auctions. His son, Rochette's Jolly Sultan, 91998, is sire of Jolly Sultan's Minnie, in Register of Merit, 500 lbs. 12 ozs. butter in 1 year, beginning test when 1 yr. 11 mos. old. Sire of numerous prize winners, including: Halley, 10635, E. H. B., 1st prize yearling bull and Reserve for Champion, Oxfordshire Show, England, and other prizes in '11. Brampton Noble Sultana 2d, 1st prize 3-year-old, Toronto; 2d at Waterloo (9 entries) and 2d at Nat. Dairy Show (13 entries), '14. Cowslip's Jolly Sultan, 103569, whose progeny won 1st for "get of sire" at New Hampshire State Fair, '15; sold in our '12 auc- tion for $250, at 10 mos. old. Noble's Jolly Sultan also sired the dam of Viola's Jolly Maid's Prince, 114103, 1st prize junior bull calf, Mississippi- Alabama Fair, '13. B83 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916, No. 20. Cow. JOLLY SULTAN'S ASHLEY QUEEN, 353237, A. J. (Ashley Queenie, P. 18755, H, C.) c. c. Bred by George Quenault, St. John, Island of Jersey. Born August 3, 1911. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A magnificent dairy cow, and a handsome one; carries no surplus flesh, and has all the signs of a great worker; thin, long, flat neck; sharp withers; prominent spine; very deep body; straight back and prominent hips; tail beautifully set, thin and long, with luxuriant switch; tremendous udder, that milks out well, very deep, full in front, with long, squarely placed teats. A deep and easy milker. f Blue Belle's Blue Fox, P. 3633, H. C. A son of the famous old Blue Belle, that sold in) our '04 sale for $3,600. Sire of Blue Belle's Blue Lad, Grand Champion, San An- tonio, Tex., '09. f Sire NOBLE'S JOLLY SULTAN, P. 4156, H. C. (97181, A. J. C. C.) (See opposite page.) Sire of 11 butter test cows, including: Jolly Sultan's Pet, 252- 226, in Register of Merit, Class A, 592 lbs. 9 ozs. butter, 5 yrs. 4 mos. old; sold in our '13 auc- tion for $210, to Mr. W. R. Wood, Newburg, N. Y. Maitland's Noble Sul- tana, 2S7790, in Re- gister of Merit, Class AA, 520 lbs. 13 ozs. butter, 4 yrs. 8 mos. old; sold in our '13 auction for $500, to Dosoris Park, Glen Cove, N. Y. Handsome Su It an a, 302482, in Register of Merit, Class A, 5141bs. 9 ozs. butter, 5 yrs. old. Sally's Sultanne, 302- 493, in Register of Merit, Class AA, 453 lbs. 2 ozs. butter, 3 yrs. 3 mos. old. Noble's Jolly Surprise, in Register of Merit, Class A, 441 lbs. 7 ozs., 2 yrs. 2 mos. old. Noble's Jolly Tootles, 301890, in Register of Merit, IS lbs. 6* ozs. butter in 7 days, 3 yrs. 8 mos. old. Catrin, public butter test, 1 lb. I4'i ozs.' in 24 hrs., 3 yrs. old. Maufant Beauty 6th, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 2 yrs. old, 143 days after calving. Sultan's Cream Bread, 1 lb. 10£ ozs., 2 yrs. old, 145 days after calving. Dam ASHLEY KING'S QUEEN, 290351, A.J. C. C. (ASHLEY QUEEN, P. 12044, H. C.) Her dam also produced Willow Lassie, 235- 980, dam of Willow Lassie's Queen, in Register of Merit, 361 lbs. 13 ozs. but- ter in 1 year, 2 yrs. old. Her sire produced Ash- ley King's Star, 235- 091, sold at auction for $650; and sired the dam of Com- bination's Ashley Belle, sold in our '13 auction for $1 ,000 (see No. 3 of cata- log). Bobby's Shy Fox, 64760, A. J. C. C. (Shy. Fox, P. 3143, II. C.) Champion winner at St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Is land of Jer., '02. Blue Belle, P. 4307, H. C. Blue Belle sold in our '04 auction sale to Mr. Howard Willets, "Gedney Farm," White Plains, N. Y., for $3,600. Dam of Caumais Lad, P. 2257, H. C. sire of Financial King, P. 2624, H. C, and Guenon's Lad, both noted sires. Dam of Blue Nun, 18 lbs. 5£ ozs. Dam of Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold in our '03 sale for $1,725. Dam of Blue Belle 6th and 7th, and of Blue Belle's Handsome Fox. Also dam of Blue Belle's Golden Fern, 69196, that sold as a calf for $3,000. Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. (95700, A. J. C. C.) 1st St. Saviour Parish prize, '07. 3d over Jersey, with progeny, Apr., '08. 1st over Jersey, with progeny, Apr., '10. Sold at our '1 1 auction for $15,000. Special pr. ($250 Silver Trophy) at National Dairy Show, '11, for "get of sire, 4 to 8 animals, either sex, irrespective of age or ownership," was won by 3 of his sons and 5 daughters. His 37 tested daugh- ters include: Noble's Handsome f Golden Jolly, P. 2921, H. C Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '04. Won in public butter test, May, '04, pro- ducing 2 lbs. 12 ozs. Sold in our 'II auction for $7,000. Nobleman, P. 2555, H. C. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '98. 1st at 3-Par. Show,' ,'99. [ Bagatelle 2d, P. 6564, H. Fying Fox, P. 2729, II. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale. May, '02, for $7,500. In same sale, three of his heifers on first calf averaged $933. Sire of Oxford Vixen, 2 lbs. 2\ ozs., 49 days in milk. Fox's Belle of Grou- ville. 21 lbs. 3 ozs. And 24 other cows with butter tests. Venus Violet, P. 3946, H. C. A magnificent dairy cow, milking 20 qts. daily. Aristocrat, P. 2280, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '98. 1 st and Sweepstakes, 3-Par. Show, '97. [ Gipsy Maid, P. 4424, H. C. 3d over Jersey, '97. Queen, in Register of Merit, 614 lbs. 3 ozs. butter in 1 year. Noble'sGolden Chance, Register of Merit, 479 lbs. 1.6 ozs. butter in 1 year. Noble's Golden Pride, Register of Merit, 443 lbs. 2.8 ozs. but- ter in 1 year. Noble's Nursie, Regis- ter of Merit, 440 lbs. 7 ozs. butter in 1 yr. Young Jolly Sultane, 269762, A. J. C. C. (Jolly Sultane, P. 11003, H. C) Granddaughter of Sultane, P. 7, H. C, and her nearest living relative, with the exception of Golden Sultana, dam of Sultana's Golden Jolly, Grand Cham, bull, Nat. Dairy S.. "11. Sold in our '12 auc- tion to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa. Ashley King, P. 3327, H. C. 3d over Jersey, Class 2, April, '04. Sire of Marguerite Rose, in Register of Merit, 435 lbs. 14 ozs. but- ter in 1 year. Surprise Bess, Gold Medal winner in Tring (England) public butter test, '08, 2 lbs. 9 ozs. in 24 hours, at 3 years old, 105 days after calv- ing. [ Weeping Willow, 211596, A. J. C. C. (Weeping Willow 2d, P. 10665, C.) Dam of Willow's Stockwell, P. 4092, C. (83352, H. C.) ( winner of St. John Parish prize, Royal Show, Apr., '08. 1st prize and Champion, North Show, '00. A famous sire of butter cows and winners. Sire of Golden Warrior, 1st over England, Royal Show, '03; 1st over England and Champion, D. S., '03. Jolly Lady of Beechwood, winner of 1st prize, Illinois State Fair. '08; 1st, Champion and Grand Champion at the National Show, Chicago, '08. Golden Jolly also sired the four cows that won 1st prize for bull and pro- duce, Nat.onal Da ry Show, Chicago, and Illinois State Fair, 'OS; and many other winners. Among his tested daughters are: Farineuse Rosette, public butter test. May, '10, 2 lbs. 4$ ozs., 134 days in milk; Oct., '10, 1 lb. 14£ ozs., 283 days in milk. Vanilla 3d, public butter test, May, '08, 2 lbs. 4,i ozs., 72 days in milk. Jolly's Lass, public butter test, Oct., '05, 1 lb. 15$ ozs., 101 days in milk. Poppy Viola, public butter test, Oct., '05, 1 lb. 15 ozs., 159 days in milk. Nellie Taylor, public butter test, May, '09, 1 lb. \0l ozs., 198 days in milk. Jolly Maiden, public butter test, Oct., '05, 1 lb. 8$ ozs., 146 days in milk. Twylish 9th, public butter test, Oct., '05, 1 lb. 5 ozs., 153 days in milk. Jess, public butter test, Oct., '05, 1 lb. 3'i ozs., 178 days in milk. Jolly Girl, public butter test, May, '06, 1 lb. 2\ ozs., 166 days in milk. Sire of Viola's Golden Jolly, who sold in our May, '09, auction for $12,000. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show. '96,'97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. Sire of -U butter tested Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C. 1st over Jersey, '99. Bobby 5th, P. 1060, C. Lemon's Venus, P. 2493, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Nameless, P. 3222, H. C. Champion over Jersey 5 yrs. in succession. Poster, P. 1152, C. Daisy 7th, P. 3277, H. C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (For extended pedi- gree, see front page A.) Brookhill Rose 2d, P. 3440, C. 1st prize and Cham- pion winner over the Island, May, '98. Dam of (J o 1 d e n Fern's Red Rose, 23 lbs. 10 ozs. butter in 7 days. Brookhill Fox, Cham, over Eng., and sold for $5,000. The bulls. Reminder and Isonomy. Grandam of Sultan's Black Beauty, sold for $3,000 in our '07 sale. Young Sultane, P. 2895. C. Her half-sister. Sul- tane 9th, P. 1145, H. C., is dam of Golden Sultana, that sold in our '10 auc- tion for $3,700, at same time her son, Sultana's Oxford Lad, sold for $11,- 100. Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. (Eminent, 69631, A. J. C. C.) Winner 1st State's pr. over Jer. (with his get), '01 and '02. Goddington purse, '02. Sold in our '05 auction for $10,000 to the late Hon. A. M. Bowman, Salem, Va. Eminent 2d has 71 daughters that have made tests in Amer- ica and on the Is- land. Sire of Eminent's Oxford Pride, in Register of Merit, 656 lbs. but- ter in 1 year. Eminent's Honey- moon, in Register of Merit, 592 lbs. 12 ozs. butter in one year. Kittie 5th, P. 6289, C. f Kiva, P. 759, H. C. \ Cetewayo, his grand- sire, is also sire of Everton King, whose daughter is dam of Boyle. Sultane, P. 7, II. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '70 1st pr., St. Saviour, 70. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (Imp. Golden Fern's Lad, 65300, A. J. C. C.) Winner of 1st pr. and Championship, North Club Show, '96 and '97. Purchased by us for use at "Linden Grove," when 9 yrs. old, for $2,250. Sire of many prize winners and tested cows. (See other pedigrees.) Eminence, F. 7124, H. C. Dam of Little Eminence, 122506, 21 lbs. 6 ozs. Eminence of the Is- land, 15 lbs. 10 ozs., when ten years old. Satisfaction, P. 3127, H. C., 3d over Jer., '89. Bute, P. 328, C. Half-brother to Cete- wayo 2d, who sired Brown Fern 2d. [ Golden Princess, F. 2624, K. C. ( Sultan, F. 58, H. C. ] 1st p. over Jer., '67. '68. i 1st Eng. Roy.. '68. [ Longueville Queen, F. 272, H. C. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. , Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all prize winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d over Jer., 2d H. B. and Par. prize, '94. Traveler, P. 280, C. Brown Fern, F. 4606. C. Dam of Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944, H. Cm dam of Aurea, P. 8693, H. C. (now Eminent's Fern of St. Martin, 252122). public butter test. May, '07, 2 lbs. 5 J ozs., 65 days in milk. Cetewayo, P. 224, C. Sire of Cetewayo's Sil- ver Bell. 17 lbs. 2£ ozs.; and 3 others. Reita, F. 1688, C. Prince of Wales. 1st pr. over Jer., '65. 2d Eng. Roy., '65. Flower, F. 53, H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. (See below.) Tootsie, P. 3214. H. C. Parish prize, 90. Granddaughter of Quality, F. 1748, H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. Sixty- five of his get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538. 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944. H. C. 2d St. Martin Show, '94, '95. Dam of Aurea, P. 8693, H. Cm Bronze Medal winner in public but- ter test. Oct., '03. Last calf January 24, 1916, by Kingsway, P. 5158, H. C, a 1st prize winning son of Oxford You'll Do, P 4075, H C (Sent to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas.) Bred March 13, 1916, to Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C, winner of 1st prize, with his progeny, in a class of 7 entries, at the Royal Show, Jersey, April, '11. He sired the 1st prize 2-year-old cow over the Island, May, '14 (68 entries), also the 1st prize 3-year-old cow over the Island, May, '15 (76 entries), who won the Theatre Challenge Cup (Championship over the Island). He has 21 or more official test daughters, one of which, now on year's test, will produce close to, if not more than, 900 lbs. butter as a four-year-old. (See front pages for extended pedigree and picture of Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C.) B319 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 21. Cow. EASEL'S PRETTY ROSE, 353223, A. J. C. C. (Easel's Rose, P. 17830, H. C.) f Sire NOBLE'S JOLLY SULTAN, P. 4156, H. C. (97181, A. J. C.C.) 1st pr. over Jer.. Class 8, Aug., *10. 1st pr., "Voisin Spe- cial," bull any age, Aug., '10. 1st prize, Class 3, Apr., '10. 1st pr. bull, 3 yrs. or over, Nat. Dairy Show, '11, in a class of 8, defeating the Champion winners at Illinois, Ken- tucky, Ohio and Mich. State Fairs, Nat. Jersey Show, Shelbyville, Ky.,and Waterloo (Iowa) Dairy Show. Now in service at "Liu- den Grove." Sire of 11 tested cows, the two highest be- i n g imported b y "Linden Grove"' and sold in our auctions. (See preceding pages.) His son, Rochette's Jolly Sultan, 91998, is sire of Jolly Sul- tan's Minnie, i n Register of Merit, Class A. 500 lbs. 12 ozs. butter in 1 year, beginning test at 1 yr. 1 1 raos. old. Sire of numerous prize winners, including: Halley, 10635, E. H. B., 1st prize yearling bull and Reserve for Champion, Oxford- shire Show, Eng- land, and other prs. in '11. Brampton Noble Sul- tana 2d, 1st prize 3- year-o 1 d, Toronto, 2d at Waterloo (9 entries) and 2d at Nat. Dairy Show (13 entries), '14. Cowslip's Jolly Sultan, 103569, whose prog- eny won 1st for "get of sire" at New Hampshire State Fair, '15; sold in our '12 auction for $250, at 10 mos. old. He sired the dam of Viola's Jolly Maid's Prince. 114103, 1st prize junior bull calf, Mississippi-Ala- bama Fair, '13. Dam WHITE EASEL 2d, P. 15263, H. C. Bred by V. Risbecq, Trinity, Island of Jersey. Born November 14, 1910. Imported October 31, 1915, by T. S. Cooper^& Sons. Solid color, except mottled brisket; few white specks on belly; black-and-white tongue; black switch. An exceedingly attractive, rich brownish fawn; has the long, deep, wedge shape favored by dairymen; good head; Hat neck; very wide, well-ribbed barrel; level back; strong loins and prominent hips; great length of rump, with thin, well-set tail and a generous dark switch; mellow, elastic hide and prominent milk veins; large, beautiful udder, extending well out behind, with good-sized and well-placed teats. Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, II. C (95700. A. J. C. C.) 1st St. Saviour Parish prize, '07. 3d over Jersey, with progeny, Apr., '08. 1st over Jersey, with progeny, Apr., 10. Sold at our '11 auction for $15,000. Special pr. ($250 Silver Trophy) at National Dairy Show, '11, for '•get of sire, 4 to 8 animals, either sex, irrespective of age or ownershi p," was won by 3 of his sons and 5 daughters. His 37 tested daugh- ters include: Noble's Handsome Queen, in Register of Merit, 614 lbs. 3 ozs. butter in 1 year. Noble's Golden Chance, Register of Merit, 479 lbs. 1.6 ozs. butter in 1 year. Noble's Golden Pride, Register of Merit, 443 lbs. 2.8 ozs. but- ter in 1 year. Blue Belle's Blue Fox, P. 3633, H. C. A son of the famous old Blue Belle, that sold in our '04 sale for $3, (00. Sire of Blue Belle's Blue Lad, Grand Champion, San An- tonio, Tex., '09. [ Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '04. Won in public butter test, May, '04, pro- ducing 2 lbs. 12 ozs. Sold in our '11 auction for $7,000. Bobby's Shy Fox. 64760, A. J. C. C. (Shy Fox, P. 3143, H. C.) Champion winner at St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Is- land of Jer., '02. Blue Belle. P. 4307. H. C. Nobleman. P. 2555, H. C. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '98. 1st at 3-Par. Show, '99. Bagatelle 2d, P. 6564, H. Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale. May, '02, for $7,500. In same sale, three of h i-s heifers on first calf averaged $933. Sire of Oxford Vixen, 2 lbs. 2% ozs., 49 days in milk. Fox's Belle of Grou- ville, 21 lbs. 3 ozs. And 24 other cows with butter tests. Venus Violet. P. 3946, H. C. A magnificent dairy cow, milking 20 qts. daily. Young Jolly Sultane, 269762, A. J. C. C. (Jolly Sultane, P. 11003, H. C.) Granddaughter of Sultane, P. 7, H. C and her nearest living relative, with the exception of Golden Sultana, dam of Suit ana 's Golden Jolly, Grand Cham, bull, Nat. Dairy S., '11. Combination, P. 3744, H. C. (Combination of St. Saviour, SS245. A. J. C. C.) 1st prize over Jersey, Aug., '06. 1st and Champion, St. Saviour - Grouville Show, Apr., '09. Imported Sept., '09, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Died when six years old, thus his oppor- tunities were limited. Sire of 17 butter tested cows. He also sired Com- bust. 252167 (P. 14403, H. C), Reg- ister of Merit re- cord, 555 lbs. 13 ozs. Sin was imported by "Linden Grove" and sold for $700. She won 1st prize at St. Helier Show, Island of Jer., '10; 1st prize in 4 year-old class, Illinois State Fair, 11; Gr. Cham, at Mich. State Fair,' 15, Raleigh's Easel, 252124, A. I. C- C. (White Easel, P. 11556, II. C), Winner of 3d prize, aged cow class, [ Grouville-St. Saviour Show, '10. Imported by "Linden Grove." Golden Jolly, P. 2921, H. C— — 1st prize and Champion, North Show, '00. A famous sire of butter cows and winners. Sire of Golden Warrior, 1st over England, Royal Show, '03; 1st over England and Champion, D. S., '03. Jolly Lady of Beechwood, winner of 1st prize, Illinois State Fair, '08; 1st, Champion and Grand Champion at the National Show, Chicago, '08. Golden Jolly also sired the four cows that won 1st prize for bull and pro- duce, National Dairy Show, Chicago, and Illinois State Fair, '08; and many other winners. Among his tested daughters are: Farineuse Rosette, public butter test, May, '10, 2 lbs. 4h ozs., 134 days in milk; Oct., '10, 1 lb. 14* ozs., 283 days in milk. Vanilla 3d, public butter test, May, '08, 2 lbs. 4| ozs., 72 days in milk. Jolly's Lass, public butter test, Oct., '05, 1 lb. 15J ozs., 101 days in milk. Poppy Viola, public butter test, Oct., '05, 1 lb. 15 ozs., 159 days in milk. Nellie Taylor, public butter test, May, '09, 1 lb. 10J ozs., 198 days in milk. Jolly Maiden, public butter test, Oct., '05, 1 lb. 8J ozs., 146 days in milk. Twylish 9th, public butter test, Oct., '05, 1 lb. 5 ozs., 153 days in milk. Jess, public butter test, Oct., '05, 1 lb. 3£ ozs., 178 days in milk. Jolly Girl, public butter test, May, '06, I lb. 2i ozs., 166 days in milk. Sire of Viola's Golden Jolly, who sold in our May, '09, auction for $12,000. Young Sultane, P. 2895, C. Her half sister, Sul- tane 9th, P. 1145, H. C, is dam of Golden Sultana, that sold in our '10 auc- tion for $3,700, at same time her son, Sultana's Oxford Lad, sold for $11, 100. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviuur and Grouville Show, '02. 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. Sire of 7 tested cows. Jersey Skater 6th, P. 5865, H. C. A magnificent cow, imported to Amer- ica by "Gedney Farm." Champion, St. He'ier Show, '06. Dam of Maitland Con- stance. P. 10373, H. C, 4th over Jersey, Aug., '03, and May, '04; dam of Mait- land Catherine, P. 7279, C. Par. prize, '99. Eminent's Raleigh, 69011. (Raleigh, P. 3273, H. C.) 4th pr. over Jer., 03. 2d State's prize, '03. Basel ^ Belle, P. M53. C. Kiva, P. 759, H. C. Cetewayo, his grand- sire, is also sire of Everton King, whose daughter is dam of Boyle. { Sultane, P. 7, H. C 2d pr. over Jer., '70. 1st pr., St. Saviour, '70. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. Agatha of Oaklands. 162101, A. J. C. C. (A highly commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432, H.C., J. H. B. < official butter test, 2 lbs. 1-| ozs. in 24 hrs., being in milk 142 days. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Jersey Skater 4th, P. 4166, H. C. Caumais Lad, P. 2257, H. C. 2d over Jersey, '96. Sire of Guenon's Lad, P. 2571, H. C, who was selected by Prof. M. A. Scovell to head the herd at the Experiment Station, Lexington, Ky., and proved himself a very successful sire. Easel 2d, P. 3726, H. C. Bute. P. 328, C. Half-brother to Cete- wayo 2d, who sired Brown Fern 2d. [ Golden Princess, F. 2624, H. C. ' Sultan, F. 58, H. C. 1st p. over Jer., '67, '68. 1st Eng. Roy., '68. Longueville Queen, F. 272, H. C. ' Ravachol, P. 2032. C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam. he proved him- self a remarkable sire, but was butch- ered before his value as a sire was known. Courageous Countess, of Oaklands. P. 8640, H. C. Official test. 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours, Jersey weight. Golden Pride, P. 1903, H. C. Sire of Caumais Lad, P. 2557, H. C -. who sired Financial King, P. 2624, H. C. and Guenon's Lad, a fa- mous prize winner, sire of many tested cows, and sold for $4,000. Blue Belle. P. 4307, II. C. Standard, P. 1056, H. C. 3d over Jersey, '88. 2d over Jer., Apr., '89. 1st over Jer., Aug., '89. 1st over Jersey, '90. Easel, F. 2343, C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. Sire of 31 butter tested cows. [ Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C-, now named Sultana's Rosette. 149740, A. J. C. C. 1st over Jersey, '99. Bobby 5th, P. 1060, C. Lemon's Venus, P. 2493, C. ' Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (For full particulars, see front page A.) Brookhill Rose 2d, P. 3440, C. 1 st prize and Cham- pion winner over the Island, May, "98. Dam of Golden Fern's Red Rose, 23 lbs. 10 ozs. butter in 7 days. Brookhill Fox, Cham. over Eng., and sold for $5,000. The bulls. Reminder and Isonomy. Grandam of Sultan's Black Beauty, sold for $3,000 in our '07 sale. Cetewayo, P. 224, C. Sire of Cetewayo's Sil- ver Bell, 17 lbs. 2£ ozs.; and 3 others. Reita, F. 1688, C. Prince of Wales. 1st pr. over Jer., '65. 2d Eng. Roy., '65. Flower, F. 53, H. C. Orme, P. 1660, H. C. Sire of 3 tested cows. Rosette 5th, P. 2881. H. C. Dam of Flying Fox. Courage. P. 1813, C. His dam is a daughter of Oxford Daisy. F. 6816. H. C. Grassy Brown, P. 3370, H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '90; also win- ner of £15 prize. Sixty five of his get sold at auction in America at an aver age of $527 a head. Cherry Belle, F. 7791, H. C Meadow Boy, P. 1193. C. Grisette, P. 2058. H. C i '.rami dairy cow, milking from 18 to 20 quarts daily, and very persistent. Wdlard, P. 836, H. C. My the same sire as Count Wolseley, P. 928. H. Cm winner of 1st over Jersey. Rozel's Buttercup 2d, P. 1562. C. Due to calve April 27, 1916, San Antonio, Texas.) In Culden Fern's Noble, I 1 . 4570, II. C. (Calf will be sent to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, * ^^rl "1 • '■ &&ib£sfl 1 i i 4 /- 1 1 | i C*\ tffii ^Hk.* ..JuJH Mm mm «fi m\* Mm Er IPs " 1 T ti tS . fjf> - .'" > X0 ',{}-';, ■ . ■ IMPORTED COWSLIP'S GOLDEN NOBLE, 120789, A. J. C. C. (Cowslip's Golden Noble, P. 4498, H. C.) Winner of First Prize over Jersey, Shown With His Progeny, at the April, 1912, Bull Show. A FEW FACTS ABOUT COWSLIP'S GOLDEN NOBLE. One of the youngest sons of the sensational Golden Lad cow, Cowslip 16th, P. 6084, H. C, whose picture is shown on following page; a'nd sired by the distinguished Noble of Oaklands, 95700, imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our 1911 auction for $15,000, to Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. Imported by "Linden Grove" after an intimate acquaintance with many of his family, having imported six out of seven of the nearest ancestors on his sire's side, and four of the progeny of his dam, besides so many of her sisters and brothers by the same sire that we cannot count them. Now registered as Imp. Cowslip's Golden Noble, 120789, A. J. C. C, and owned by Mr. Ed. C. Lasater, in whose celebrated Fal- furrias Herd his progeny are sure to be creditably developed and exploited. WINNER OF FIRST PRIZE, shown with five of his progeny, Royal Show, Jersey, April, 1912; defeating Oxford Majesty, P. 4057, H. C. (second prize), and Royal Guide, P. 4104, C. (third prize). Cowslip's Golden Noble was shown with two calves under a year old, one heifer 12 months old and two 15 months old. Oxford Majesty was shown with two 3-year-olds and three 2-year-olds. SIRE OF Two in Register of Merit, Class A, averaging 452 lbs. 12 i ozs. butter in one year, average age at beginning of test, 24 months. The winners of First Prizes at Royal Shows on the Island, May, 1912 (69 entries); May, 1913 (56 entries), and May, 1915 (46 entries). The Sweepstakes bull at Southern Louisiana Fair, the first prize two-year-old heifers at Toronto Exposition, New Jersey and Virginia State Fairs, 1914. The first prize two-year-old bull at Indiana State Fair, 1915. The first prize heifer calf at New York and Connecticut State Fairs, 1914. The Junior Champion heifer at Mississippi-Alabama Fair, Kentucky State Fair and Tri-State Fair (Memphis, Tenn.), 1915. The first prize and fourth prize heifers-in-milk, 46 entries, at the Royal Jersey Show, May, 1915. The winners of fourteen Parish prizes at Royal Shows on the Island of Jersey within four years. And many other prizes. Eight of his heifers (four of them yearlings and calves) have sold in our auctions for an average of $400. a three-year-old sold in our 1914 auction for $S00 each. COWSLIP'S GOLDEN NOBLE, like every other bull exploited by "Linden Grove," has made good. As ■ catalog; He is no freak or accident. He has the blood, and the power, and has "delivered the goods. two-year-old and said in our 1914 COWSLIP 16th, P. 6084, H. C. "THE-FIVE-THOUSAND-DOLLAR COW." (Dam of Cowslip's Golden Noble, P. 4498, H. C— See Preceding Page.) Cowslip 16th is known on the Island of Jersey as "the five-thousand-dollar cow," as her owner would not part with her at that figure. .She is one of the best daughters ever gotten by Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. ; and her dam, Cowslip 2d, P. 810, H. C, is by Carlo, P. 180, H. C, whose daughter, Lily Brown, is dam of Golden Lily, who won first prize over Jersey and is dam of Hon Plaisir, P. 2548, H. C, first prize over Jersev and Champion, 1898, who sold in our May 1!)()1 auction for $3,500. Mon Plaisir produced the sire of VESTA'S DAISY, World's Champion Public Test Cow, and his half-brother, Hamley (also imported by "Linden Grove") sired her dam. COWSLIP 16TH IS THE HEAD OF A WONDERFUL FAMILY. One of her daughters and a granddaughter have sold in our auctions for more than $1,200 each. Another daughter, imported by us sixteen years ago, was sold in our 1900 auction to the late Dr. 11. M. Howe, Bristol, R. I., of "Gilderoy" fame. Her son, Cowslip's Jolly Sultan, 103569, sold in our 1912 auction for $250, at 12 months old, sired the group winning first prize for "get of sire" at New Hampshire State Fair, 1915. She produced the sire of Mrs. Hcnning's Clair Val Darkie, 790 lbs. 3 ozs. butter in one year (Register of Merit, Class A). She produced the sire of Red Chief, who produced the butter test cow, Pansy 6th, dam of the public test cow. Pansy 8th. Slu' produced the sire of Ajax Areola, dam of Gamboge's Areola, 532 lbs. 11 ozs. butter in 1 year I Register of Merit, Class A). She produced the sire of Hamley's Solid Gold, 565 lbs. 3 ozs. butter in 1 year (Register of Merit, Class AA). She produced the sire of Cowslip's Golden Beauty, 437 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in 1 year (Register of Merit, Class AA), sold in our 1911 auction for $1,250; dam of Cowslip's Fawn Beauty, 626 lbs. butter in 1 year, 3 vcars 7 months old (sold in our 1912 auction for $200 at 24 months old). She produced the sire of Cowslip's Golden Finance, Grand Champion cow at Illinois State Fair, 1913. She produced the sire of Gold Orange, 69945, whose daughter, Glenburnie Mallow, made 624 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 year (Reg istcr of Merit, Class AA), and whose five Register of Merit granddaughters include Fritzie Clark, 716 lbs. 15 ozs. butter (Class A). She produced the sire of Miss Elvire, 463 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 1 vear (Register of Merit, Class AA), who is dam of Klviriau Lad, Grand Champion bull at Illinois State Fair, 1913, and Kentucky State Fair, 1914. She produced the sire of Woodbine of Allen Dale, Grand Champion cow, Tri-State Fair, Memphis, Term., 1912. She produced the dam of Noble's Fawn Cowslip, Grand Champion at New Jersey State Fair, 1914. (Sold in our 1914 auction for $350. i She is dam of Aurifer's Golden Cowslip, sold in our 1914 auction for $1,275. She produced the sire of Cowslip's Oxford, first prize senior bull calf, Walla Walla (Wash.) Fair, 1913. She produced the sire of Ocean Cowslip, first prize at Royal Show on two occasions. 69 and .~>li entries (sold in our auction for $800). She produced the parents of many other winners and butter test cows, too numerous to mention. Her daughter, Cowslip 32d, P, 11573, H. C, is]dam of Oaklands' Cowslip, 353218, No. 34 of this catalog, and grandam of Noble's Jolly Cowslip, 353249, No. 18 of catalog. B321 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 22. Cow. HILLSIDE GOLDEN ROD, 353267, A. J. C. C. (P, 20331, H. C.) Bred by P. & H. Abler, St. Clement, Island of Jersey. Born August 29, 1912. Imported October 31. 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Solid color; black tongue and switch. A deep greyish fawn, of striking development for her age; great scale and stamina, with a deep, roomy barrel; straight, strong back; very wide, prominent hips and long rump; Hat neck; clean shoulders and sharp withers; body long, splendidly ribbed; good milk veins; udder of beautiful shape, square in front, with good-sized teats well placed. Here is size, with quality. f Sire COWSLIP'S GOLDEN NOBLE, P. 4498, H. C. Winner of 1st pr. over Jer. at the bull show, April, '12, shown with his get. He was used extensive- ly in the herd of Mr. John A. Penec, Secretary of the Is- land Society, for 3 years. His dam, Cowslip 16th. P. 6084, H. C, has 3 sons with test- ed daughters in Reg- ister of Merit. Her son, Cowsli p's Golden Lad, pro- duced the Grand Champion cow at Illinois State Fair, '13; and her son, Cowslip's A s t o r, produced the dam of the Grand Cham- pion bull on same occasion. (See following pages for extended pedi- gree and particulars concerning Cowslip's Golden Noble, P. 4498, H. C.) Dam l HILLSIDE DIANTHUS, P. 14137, H.C. Raleigh's Fairy Boy, P. 3851, H. C. (83767, A. J. C. C.) 1st prize over Jersey, 24 entries, Apr., '08. 3d prize over Jersey, 18 entries, Aug., '07. Sold in our '09 auction for $8,200. 1st prize and Sweepstakes, New England Fair; 1st prize, Sr. Champion and Grand Champion, Illinois and N. Y. State Fairs, Waterloo (Iowa) Dairy Show, and National Dairy Show, '10. At New England Fair, '10, he also headed special 1st pr. herd with 4 females over 2 years old; won Vanderbilt Cup for bull and best 4 fe- males over 3 years old; New England Agr. Society's Special for bull over 2 yrs. with 4 females; and 1st prize for get of sire. Sire of 40 official test cows, 37 in Register of Merit with year's tests; 35 were tested at Knollwood Farm by Mr. C. I. Hudson, and averaged 523 lbs. 9 ozs. butter in one year, 9,135 lbs. milk, at an average age of 4 years 3 mos. (All officially authenticated tests.) Among his tested daughters are: Fairy Boy's Jasmine, 869 lbs. 5 ozs. Raleigh's Golden Oueen, 726 lbs. 4 ozs. My Pretty Fairy. 720 lbs. 7 ozs. Fairy Boy's Lily, 710 lbs. 1 oz. He has 6 sons and 5 daughters that have pro- duced 15 official test cows, eight of them in Register of Merit averaging 426 lbs. 1 oz. but- ter, 7,713 lbs. 4 ozs. milk, at an average age of 2 years 7 months. Sire of many prize winners, including: Oxford's Fairy Boy, 92821. winner of 13 1st prizes, '11 to '15; sire of numerous pr. winners, and of 4 Register of Merit cows. Raleigh's Handsome Dora, 235202, 1st 2-year-old heifer, Brockton, Mass., '10; sold in our '10 auction for $800. Oxford's Hillside Pansy, 287776, A. J. C. C. (Hillside Malope. P. 12383, H. C.) A daughter of the now famous "big Rats cow" of our '13 auction, now named Oxford's Hill- side Pansy, 287776, and sold for $1,800, to Elmendorf Farm; one of the greatest cows we ever had the pleasure of bringing over. She and her sisters by "Rats" were one of the sensations of the sale. Oxford's Hillside Pansy was also the dam of Agatha's Oxford Pansy, a beautiful heifer calf sold in same sa'e for $400 to Mr. Mark W. Potter, for whom she won 1st prize in "hot" competition at the New York State Fair and at Brockton in '13. Rats is also sire of: Oxford's Lady Grey. 287780, in Register of Merit, Class A, 692 lbs. 11 ozs. butter in 1 year, 11,001 lbs. 6.4 ozs. milk, at 8 yrs. 7 mos. old; she was imported by ' ' Linden Grove" and sold to Messrs. Ayer & McKinney, who write, in reference to her test: "If we are not mis- taken, she is the highest testing daughter of 'Rats.' Her record is all the more remark- able, we think, because it was made during her first year in America, and before she was thoroughly acclimated to our section of the Catskills." Fontaine's Grey Linnet, 254242, in Register of Merit, 517 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in 1 year, 9,488 lbs. 12 ozs. milk, at 6 yrs. 4 mos. Oxford's Grey Dimple, 287789 (Dimple's Flower, P. 13095, H. C), winner of St. Clement prize. Royal Show, May, '10; sold in our '13 auction for $750, to Mr. F. M. Dyer, Closter, N. J. She is dam of Bosnian's Dimpled Princess, 318542, in Register of Merit, 475 lbs. 10 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 3 yrs. 4 mos.; and Fairy's Boy, winner of Reserve for 2-year-old bulls, 15 entries. Royal Counties Show, England, '10. Oxford Viola's Daughter, 287778, sold in our '13 auction for $360, to Undulata Farm, Shelby- ville. Ky. She is dam of Oxford Lavender, 269794 (P. 15599, H. C), winner of Reserve, Royal Show, Jersey, 59 entries. May. 'II; 1st aged cow, National Jersey Show, Shelby- ville, Ky., '13; in Register of Merit, 431 lbs. 9 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 4 yrs. 6 mos.; sold in our '13 auction for$775, to Undulata Farms. Rats, P. 3543, H. C. Winner of Reserve over Jersey, Royal Show, Aug., '05. Sire of Dimple's Flow- er, P. 13095, H. C winner St. Clement Par. prize, Class 4, May, '10. His half-sister. Spec- tre, P. 10622. H. C, a public butter test cow, is dam of Spec- tre's Fairy, P. 14811, H. C, 4th over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '10. Imported b y "Linden Grove" and sold in our '11 auc- tion for $850. Now named My Pretty Fairy, 252196, and entered in Register of Merit, 459 lbs. 6 ozs. in 1 year, 3 yrs. old. She is dam of Gamboge's Perfec- tion, 271380, sold in our ' 1 2 auction for $775; and of the bull. "Self Acting." Sire of 2 in Register of Merit. Hillside Pansy, P. 9169, C. By same sire as Fon- taine's Oxford Pride, 187430 (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C.). 3d prize over Jer., Aug., '01, '02; 3d pr. in public but- ter test. 2 lbs. 7i ozs., 48 days in milk. Sold for $2,500, in our '05 auction, to Mr. How. Willets, owner of Gedney Farm. Dam of 3 public butter test cows, and of the cele- brated bull, Gam- boge's K n i g h t, P. 3645, H. C. Eminent's Raleigh, 69011. (Raleigh, P. 3273, H. C.) 3d pr. over Jer.. '03, and 2d State's prize, '03. Sire of 48 tested cows, 24 of them in Regis- ter of Merit with year's butter rec- ords, including: Raleigh's Lady Aldan, 744 lbs. 5 ozs. Raleigh's Rose, 706 lbs. Raleigh's Calais, 696 lbs. 11 ozs. Raleigh's Houssie, 684 lbs. 6 ozs. Raleigh's Pretty Kar- nak, 669 lbs. 15 ozs. Raleigh's Fairy. 62 7 lbs. 7 ozs. Raleigh's Snowdrop, 612 lbs. 2 ozs. Raleigh's Nancy Wolff, 592 lbs. 8 ozs. Raleigh's L e d a, 582 lbs. 8 ozs. Sire of 7 1st prizewin- ners at Royal Shows, including Raleigh's Fairy Boy, 83767 (P. 3851, H. C). 1st over Jer., Apr., '08; sire of 40 tested cows. His daughter, Ra- leigh's Beauty of St. Martin, 286798. top- ped our '13 auction, selling for $2,050. Fairy Glen. P. 9178, H. C. A most remarkable cow. She was con- sidered by many judges as the most perfect cow on the Island. Has milked 24 qts. daily. Winner 1st pr. over the Island, May and Aug., '05; May, '06. Fontaine's Lord, P. 2900, H. C. Parish prize, '00. 2d over Jersey, '01. 1st State's prize over Jersey, '01. 1st prize, Grouville.'Ol. Doris Gray, P. 8719, H. C. 4th over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '00. Reserve over Jersey, May, '01. Par. prize, Aug., '01, and May, '03. 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '05. Par. pr., Aug., '05. Dam of Raleigh's Dor- othy, P. 12292, H. C., Reserve over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '07; Par. pr., May, '06. Caiest, P. 2591, H. C. 1st prize, Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville Show, '98. Sire of Mabel's Poet, P. 2964, H. C, winner of 22 1st prizes and sire of over fifty prize winners. Fifteen daughters of Caiest sold in our '05 and '06 auction sales, averaging $865 each. Ceres, P. 3932, C. By Prince Alexander, P. 971, Cm great- grandson of Cete- wayo. P. 224, C; dam, Io, F. 3355, C. Eminent 2d. P. 2532, H. C- (Eminent, 69631, A. J. C. C.) Winner 1st State's pr. over Jersey (w i t h get), '01 and '02. Goddington purse, '02. Sold in our '05 auction for $10,000, to the late Hon. A. M. Bowman, Salem, Va. Eminent 2d has 71 daughters that have made tests in Amer- ica and on the Island. One of his leading Is- land-test daughters isAurea, P. 8693. H. C. (now Eminent's Fern of St. Martin, 252122), Certificate of Merit in public butter test, May, '07, 2 lbs. 5i ozs., 65 days in milk. Rill, P. 6982, H. C. Gave 65 lbs. milk in one day. Consider- . ed one of the great- est milk producers the Island has ever known. Dam of the bull, Fly- ing Foam, sire of several high pro- ducers in the Eng- lish butter tests. Orlando, P. 2535, H. C. 1st pr., Grouville. '98. Sire of Golden Chance, winner of 1st over Jersey, May, '00; Certificate of Merit, '03, 1 lb. 6£ ozs., 186 days in milk. Brown Fairy, F. 7819. C. Dam of Amyl. P. 6230, H. Cm Cham., North Club. (Now Brown Beauty of St. Sa- viour, 157320. A. J. C. C.) A 22-quart cow. Sold in our '01 sale for $1,200. f Hillside Monarch. P. 2543, H. C. (62901, A. J. C. C.) Sire of Hearty's Ga- zelle, P. 8591. H. Cm 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '00 Dorothy 3d. P. 6887. H. C. Dam of several prize winners, and gran- dam of Cannon's Fairy, Register of Merit, 464 lbs. 7 ozs. butter in 1 year. Fontaine's King, P. 2207, H. C Sire of John Bull and other noted animals, including O r i g a's Queen, winner Cer- tificate of Merit in public butter test. May, '02. 1 lb. 12£ ozs., 107 days in milk. By same sire as Golden Fern's Lad. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. Dam of Golden Queen of St. Saviour, 2 lbs. 1 r | ozs., 214 days in milk. Oxford Ixia. 2 lbs. 8 ozs.. 70 days in milk, and 5 other public butter tests. Houpla, sire of 6 but- ter tested cows. Flying Fox's Oxford Lass, 1st pr. winner over the Island. Oxford Lad, P. 3123, H. C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C- Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. Eminence, F. 7124. H. C 2d St. Martin, "92. Sweepstakes, N. C,'92. Dam of Little Eminence, 122506. 21 lbs. 6 ozs. Eminence of the Is- land, 15 lbs. 10 ozs., when ten years old. Hope, P. 1948, H. C. Sire of Prosper, Par. pr., '97. Hope's Regina, 2d over England, and half- brother to Beresford Pride, 1st Bath and West, '02; 1st Royal Counties, '02. [ Tula, P. 5323. H. C. 1st over Jersey, '94. Par. prize, Class 2, '94. By same'sire as the cel- ebrated bull. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C f Golden Lad 2d, P. 2023, H. C. Sire of i Golden Lad's Mer- maid, sold at our '02 sale for $1,100. Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold at our '03 sale for $1,725. White Rose, P. 4915, H. C. 1 lb. 13| ozs. of butter five months after calving. Daughter of Golden Lad. Jameson, P. 2260, H.C. By same sire as Cau- mais Lad, P. 2557, H. C.. sire of Finan- cial King, Guenon's Lad and Interested Prince. Grey Linnet. P. 6530, H. C f Carteret's Lad, P 2006, C. Dorothy, P. 4411, H. C. Public butter test, May, '06, 1 lb. 10i ozs., when 16 years old and 235 days in milk. f Boyle. P. 1559, H. C. \ (See above.) | Fontaine 4th, L P. 2537, C Reserve No. for Cup, '90. 1st over Jer., '90, '91. 1st Herd Book, '90. Dam of Fontaine 7th, P. 5391, H. C, 1st prize, Grouville, '98; Bronze Medal, but- ter test, '98. Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C 2d over Jer., Apr., '87. 1st over Jer., Apr., '88. 2d over Jer., Apr., '89. Sire of Alicante, P. 3880, H. Cm a great pr. winner, and dam of the noted sires, Nunthorpe, The Owl and Alicante's Boy. Oxford Primrose, P. 2252, C One of the best cows in her__day on the Island. Due to calve May 18, 1916, by Fontaine's Oxford Lad, P. 5107, H. C. t winner of 4th prize, Class 1,32 entries, Royal Show, Jersey, April, '14. He is a son of our sensational bull, Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C, and his dam is Fontaine's Dolly, P. 12855, H. C, a daughter of Raleigh's Duke, P. 3717, H. C. (72486, H. C), sold in our '06 auction for $600, and sire of a number of noted cows, including Raleigh's Dark Wonder, in Register of Merit, 770 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 year. (This calf will be sent to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas.) B 327 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 25. Cow. COWSLIP'S CYMBELINE, 353231, A. J. C. C. (P. 17753, H. C.) Bred by T. V. Le Breton, St. Saviour, Island of Jersey. Born May 2, 191 1. Imported October 31, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A lovely golden fawn, stylish in carriage and of great stamina; sweet head, with dished face and large, prominent eyes; thin, Hat neck; sharp withers; long and deep of body; thin, mellow hide and promi- nent milk veins; great length of rump; thin, long tail, with switch brushing the ground; beautifully shaped udder, square in front and well out behind; long, well-placed teats. Sire COWSLIP'S QOLDEN NOBLE, P. 4498, H. C. Imported by "Linden Grove" after an in- timate "acquaint- ance with many of his family, having imported six out of seven of the nearest ancestor son. his sire's side, and four of the progeny of his dam, besides so many of her sisters and brothers by the same sire that we cannot count them. Sire of Two in Register of Merit, Class A, aver- aging 452 lbs. 12 i ozs. butter in one year, average age at beginning of test, 24 months. The winners of 1st prizes at Royal Shows on the Island, May, '12 (69 en- tries), '13 (56 en- tries) and '15 (46 entries ). The Sweepstakes bull at Southern Louisi- ana Fair, the first prize . two-year-old heifers at Toronto Exposition, New Jer- sey and Virginia State Fairs, '14. The first prize and fourth prize heifers- in-milk, 46 entries, at the Royal Jersey Show, May, '15. The winners of four- teen Parish prizes at Royal Shows on the Island of Jersey within four years. And many other prizes tiight of his heifers (four of them yearl- lings and calves) have sold in our auc- tions for an average of $400. A two year-old and a three year old sold in our 14 auction for $800 each. Dam CYMBELINE, P. 11670, H.C. Public butter test, May, '13. 1 lb. Si ozs. in 24 hrs., at 9 yrs. old, 101 days after calving. 4th prize, Class 3, 50 entries. Royal Show, Jersey, May, '06. 3d and Sweepstakes, St. Saviour-Grou- ville Show, '06. 4th prize, St. Saviour- Grouville Show, '09. 3d prize, St. Saviour Show . 11. 5th prize, St. Saviour Show, '12. Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. (95700, A. J. C. C.) 1st St. Saviour Parish prize, '07. 1st over Jersey with progeny, April, '10. Sold at our '11 auction for $15,000. Blue Belle's Blue Fox, P. 3633. II. C. A son of the famous old Blue Belle, that sold in our '04 sale for $3,600. He was sold at Mr. D. S. Williams' sale, Nashville, Tenn., Dec, '07, to Mr. Harry Prentice, Worcester, M ass . , for Si ,025. Sire ofAnna's Dorothy, in Register of Merit, 14 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 7 days. Sire of 3 bulls with tested daughters in Register of Merit. Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. Sold in our '11 auction for $7,000. Cowslip 16th, P. 6084, H. C. Winner of Parish prize, Royal Show, Island of Jersey, May, '02. Cowslip 16th is known on the Island as the "£l,000 cow," as her owner would not part with her at that figure. She is one of the best daughters ever sired by Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C, and her dam, Cowslip 2d, P. 810, H. C, is by Carlo, P. 180, H. C, whose daughter, Lily Brown, is dam of Golden Lily, who won 1st prize over Jersey, and is the dam of Mon Plaisir, P. 2548, H.C, 1st prize over Jersey and Champion, '98; sold in our '01 auction for $3,500. Cowslip 16th is also dam of: Cowslip's Golden Noble, P. 4498, H. C, winner of 1st prize over Jer., at the bull show, April, '12, shown with his get. He was used exten- sively in the herd of Mr. John A. Perree, secre- tary of the Island Society, for 3 years. Cowslip's Peer, P. 4695, H. C, and of 3 bulls with tested daughters in Register of Merit, viz.: Ajax, P. 2683, H. C; Cowslip's Astor, P. 3639, H. C, and Cowslip'sGolden Lad, P. 3250, H. C- Her son. Cowslip's Jolly Sultan, 103569, sold in our '12 auction, when 10 mos. old, for $250, to Mr. Geo. T. Chaffee, sired the 1st prize "get of sire" group at New Hampshire State Fair, '15. Moray Cannon, P. 3058, H. C. Winner of 3d pr. over Jer., with his prog- eny, April, '07. Sire of Simple Interest 4th, public butter test. May, '06, 1 lb. 9£ ozs., 123 days in milk. Duchess of Tapon, F. 9658, H. C. (Ozouf's Duchess of T a p o n, 238640), winner of Certificate of Merit, public butter test. May, '07, 2 lbs. \ oz. in 24 hours, 43 days in milk. His half-sister (same dam). The Owl's Ox- ford Daisy, sold in our auction for $1,000; she has 2 tested daughters and 3 producing sons. Oak Lass Wonder, P. 9388, H. C. Parish prize. Royal Show, Jersey, Aug., '01. Out of same dam as Oak Lass 3d, P. 8540, H. C. dam of Oxford Lad's Brown Lassie, 235166, in Register of Merit, Class A, 535 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 8 yrs. 8 mos. old; sold in our '10 auc- tion for $875 to Quechee Fells Farm, Quechee. Vt. Flying Fox, P. 2729. H. C. Oxford Lily 2d, P. 5732, H. C. Dam of The Owl's Ox- ford Daisy, Grand Champion, Brock- ton, Mass., '10; yr.'s record, 11.659 lbs. milk and 759 lbs. butter. Marchand, P. 2711, H. C. Parish p.. Apr.. '99. His half brother, Spermfield Owl, 57088, sired: Spermfield Owl's Eva, 1,168 lbs. 8 ozs. but- ter, 16,457 lbs. 6.4 ozs. milk, in one year. Spermfield Owl's Daw- son, 740 lbs. 3 ozs. Spermfield Owl's Maid, 700 lbs. Spermfield Owl's Vic- tor R., 698 lbs. 5 ozs. Spermfield Owl's Duchess, 686 lbs. 1 oz. Owl's Mertha's Duch- ess, 680 lbs. 7 ozs. Owl's Golden Queen, 668 lbs. 7 ozs. Spermfield Owl's C. Tones, 660 lbs. 8 ozs. Owlettina, 609 1 b s. 13.2 ozs. Spermfield Owl's Eva, 602 lbs. 2 ozs. Owl's Grand Duchess. 576 lbs. 3 ozs. Oak Lass 2d, P. 4791, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242. II. C. Sixty-five of his get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice. 157326, 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. Zulu Lady, 20 lbs. 10 ozs. Golden Naiad, 18 lbs. l£ ozs. Golden Kola, 127232, 17 lbs. 8£ ozs. Golden Lass of St. John, 149150, 16 lbs. 3 ozs. Golden Ora. 127228, 16 lbs. 1 J ozs. Golden Tricolor, 127227, 15 lbs. 14£ ozs. And 24 others. Cowslip 2d, P. 810. H. C. 3d over Jer. and Par. prize. '85. Par. prize. '86. 1st pr., St. John, '91. Pioneer, P. 1602, H. C. 1st over Jer., '91, '92. Sire of Nuriel, 1st over Jersey. '00; 1st H. B. and Par. prize, '00. Lady Clair, 3d H. B. and Par. pr., '00. Full brother to Morion, P. 1690, H. C. sire of Eagle, P. 6736, H. C. (now named M o r i o n's Sultane. 162115, and sold in our '02 auction). Oxford Lily, P. 3468, H. C. The Owl. P. 2195, H.C. 1st St. Saviour. '95. 2d over Jer., '95, '96. 1st over Jer., '97. Scored 92 points. At our '01 auction sale, 3 daughters of The Owl, all we had, averaged $600 each. Two of them won 1st prize in their class at West Va. State Fair. Sire of Spermfield Owl. 57088 (Register of Merit, No. 8), sire of 36 daughters in the Register with au- thenticated yearly records. Turtle Dove, P. 4354, H. C. 3d over Jer. and Par. pr.. '92. Golden Lad, P. 1242. II. C. 1st pr. over the Island. Aug., '90; also win- ner of £15 prize. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice. 157326, 22 lbs. Oak Lass, P. 3473. H. C. Sultane's Favourite, P. 873. H. C. 1 st pr., St. Saviour. Sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows, including S u 1 t a ne 14th, that in the Timbridge Wells (England) butter test. '02, in her fif- teenth year, gave 38 lbs. 6 ozs. milk, making 2 lbs. 1 i ozs. butter in 24 hours, when 132 days in milk, winning the Silver Medal. She also won 1st pr. and Cham., Oxfordshire Show, '00; 1st pr. and Lord Mayor's Cup in milking trials; 3d pr. in but- ter test, Lon. Dairy Show, 1 lb. 12 ozs. butter, 40 lbs. milk, 259 days in milk; 1st pr. in milking trials, Lon. Dairy Show, '00, 83 lbs. 5 ozs. milk (2 days). 112 points. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '88. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. (See above.) Cicero's Cowslip 3d, P. 3056. H. C. 3d over Jersey ,'92. Parish prize. '94. Dam of Pioneer, P. 1602. H. C. 1st over Jer.. '91. '92. Count Wolseley, P. 928. H. C. 1st over Jer., Apr., '88. 1st over Jer., Aug., '89. Sire of many noted cows, including Brookhill Rose 2d, dam of Reminder, P. 2419, H. C. Oxford Daisy. F. 6816, H. C. Morion. P. 1690. H. C. Sire of many prize winners. Full brother to Pioneer, P. 1602, H. C. 1st ov. Jer.. '91. *92. Alicante, P. 3880. H.C. 1st pr. winner over Jer.. '91. 1st p., R. C. S., '96. '97. 1 st and Cham. . Roy. C. Show, '98. 1st p.. B. and W. S., '98. and many other prizes. She is out of same dam as Flying Fox, sold in our '02 auction for $7,500. John Brown. P. 1229. C. Topsy Turvy, P. 2791. C By the same sire as the great Cham- pion cow, Name- less. P. 3222, H. C . dam of the bull, Aristocrat, P. 22S0, H. C. Sans Peur 5th. P. 841, H. C. Princess of Oak 2d, P. 1580, C. Count Cicero, F. 398. H. C. 2d over Jersey, '83. Sire of Count's Pill- pail. 30975, 24 lbs. 5 ozs. Among other great animals he sired the dam of Sultana's Rosette. 149740 dam of Ravachol, P. 2032, C; John Bull. P. 2653. C. Uncle Peter's Ros ette, P. 7363, H. C Golden Lad. 57498 A J. C. C; Alicante P. 3880. H. C; Th- ing Fox. P. 2729, H C. ; Forfarshire, P 2914, H. C, the 3 latter being Cham pion winners. Sultane 8th, P. 944, H. C. Dam of many noted prize winners, and winner of 2d H. B. pr. and 3d over Jer., '84; also Par. prize. Sultan Cicero, P. 670, H. C. Golden Lass, F. 5711, H. C. 1st over the Island. Sultane's Favourite, P. 873, H. C. (As above.) Cicero's Cowslip, P. 1105. H. C. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize. May, '88. Wolseley, P. 401, H.C. 1st ov. Jer., '83. '84, '85. 1st prize over Jersey Jubilee Show, '83. Sultane, P. 7, H. C. 1st St. Saviour. '70. 1st H. B.. '71. Bronze Medal, C. 1. Ex., '71. Golden Lad. P. 1242, H. C. Cicero's Cowslip 3d, P. 3056. H. C. 3d pr. over Jer., '92. Parish prize, '94. Count Wolseley. P. 928. H. C 2d over Jer., Apr., '87. 1st ov. Jer., Apr., '88. 1st over Jer., Aug., '89. 2d over Jer., Apr., '89. Rosette 5th, P. 2881. H. C .. now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740. A. J. C C A very rich, persis- tent milker. 1st over Jer., '89. Rosa's Welcome, P. 930, H. C. Buttercup, F. 6731. C. Margot's Boy, P. 671, H. C My Ducky. F. 3294, C La Commune Prince, P. 498, H. C 3d over Jer. and 3d Herd Book p., '85. Sweet Rose, P. 958, C Count Cicero, F. 398. H. C. (See above.) Princess of Oak, P. 894, C Due to calve September 22, 1916, by the splendid sire, Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C, winner of 1st prize over the Island, April, '11, shown with his progeny. The high class of the progeny of Oxford You'll Do place him in the front rank among prepotent sires. He is a son of the noted and popular bull, Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C, and out of Oxford Ever, P. «S370, H. C, daughter of the celebrated cow, Oxford Lass. Oxford Ever has two public butter test daughters, and is also dam of the pre- potent bull, Ox,. nd Knight, P 3938, C, who lias 12 butter test daughters. (See front pages for extended pedigree of Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, h H * H GOLDEN FERN'S NOBLE, P. C, who 4570, H. was sold ii 1911 auction for 2160, H. C. 15,000. (See (See her pic- Son of the distinguished bull, Noble of Oaklands, 95700, A. J. C. his picture and partial record, opposite No. 19 of catalog.) His dam, the celebrated cow, Lady Aldan, P. 8470, H. C, is a daughter of Golden Fern's Lad, P. ture and record on following page.) Following are the prizes won by Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570, H. C.: First Prize and Championship, St. Saviour-Grouville Show, Jersey, 1911. Second Prize, Class 8, 14 entries, and Reserve for Voisin Special (Championship), Royal Show, Jersey, August, 1911. First Prize, Class 2, 29 entries, Royal Show, April, 1912. First Prize, Class 8, 10 entries, and Reserve for Voisin Special (Championship), Royal Show, August, 1912. First Prize, Class 3, 13 entries, Royal Show, April, 1913. Second Prize, Class 4, 7 entries, with his progeny, Royal Show, April, 1913. First Prize, Class 3, 7 entries, Royal Show, April, 1915. First Prize, 6 entries, with his progeny, Royal Show, April, 1915. First Prize, 4 entries, for Peer Perpetual Challenge Cup, with 5 daughters over 12 mos. old, Royal Show, April, 1915. His progeny won first prize for "get of sire" at the National Dairy Show (11 entries), Waterloo (Iowa) Dairy Show, and Kentucky and Ohio State Fairs, 1914; and the American Royal, Kansas City, Mo., 1915. Following are the records of some of the progeny of Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570, H. C. : Dorothy's Noble Fern, 353250 (P. 19097, H. C), official R. J. A. S. record on Island of Jersey, without grain feed, be- ginning test as a two-year-old, 470 lbs. 5.2 ozs. butter in 361 days; average test, 6.1 per cent. fat. (See No. 66 of this catalog.) Fern Beauty, P. 18914, H. C, official record on the Island, beginning as a two-year-old, 358 lbs. 14.5 ozs. butter in 313 days; average test, 5.97 per cent. fat. (See No. 77 of this catalog.) Golden Fern's Merry Fly, 353241 (Fly 15th, P. 18626, H. C), official record on the Island, beginning test as a two-year-old, 320 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in 335 days; average test, 6.23 per cent. fat. (See No. 26 of this catalog.) Christmas Lassie, 281443, in Register of Merit, Class AA, 334 lbs. 11 ozs. butter in one year, beginning test at 2 years 1 month old. Alabama, 1st prize, Class 3, 58 entries, and Reserve for the Blythwood Bowl, 29 competing, Royal Show, August, 1913; 1st prize 3-year-old, Kentucky State Fair, 1914. Lady Noble Fern, 1st prize, Class 1, 23 entries, Royal Show, May, 1913; Prue of Oaklands (Togo's Golden Princess, 306643), Reserve, Class 1 our 1914 auction as a two-year-old for $1,000. Jersevman, P. 5044, H. C, 1st prize at Trinity Show (yearling), 1913; No. 132 of catalog.) Myrtle Blossom, 1st prize (heifers born 1912), 22 entries, Royal Show, England, and 1st at Royal Counties Show, England, 20 entries, 1913. Brampton High Fern's Noble, 1st prize 2-year-old bull, Calgary (Alta), Canada, 1915. Brampton Fern Beauty, 1st prize senior heifer calf, Toronto, Canada, 1912. Golden Fern's Noble, Jr., 103746, 1st prize aged bull (11 entries). Senior and Grand Champion, Panama-Pacific Exposition, 1915; 1st prize junior yearling, Oregon State Fair, 1913; and other prizes. Agatha's Maiden Fern, 271121, Grand Champion at American Royal, Kansas City, and at Missouri State Fair, 1915; and other prizes. Dam of the 1st prize bull calf and Junior Champion, American Royal, 1915. Sire of many other First Prize and Champion winners. and other prizes. , 37 entries, Royal Show, August, 1913; sold in 1st and Sweepstakes, Trinity Show, 1914. (See >-Dh *1* *V « "• 'yv*.'» ^TW&bL.&l.'lJL- vac-*- LADY ALDAN, P. 8470, H. C. Daughter of the world-famous bull, Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C, who "ruled" for five years at "Linden Grove." Her dam, Aldan, F. 6213, C, is also dam of the noted show cow, Silent, 114438, who was imported by Mr. Wm. Rockefeller, and exhibited some years ago by Mr. Rolla Oliver, of St. Joseph, Mo. Silent is the dam of Hood Farm Golden Lad, 64268, a Register of Merit sire with seven daughters entered, among them Belle 12th of Hood Farm, 606 lbs. 10 ozs. butter in one year. Lady Aldan has won the following prizes: First Prize, Class 5, 21 entries, Blythwood Bowl (Championship), and one of group winning the President's Cup, Royal Show, Jersey, August, 1909. Third Prize, Class 5, 20 entries, one of pair winning First Voisin Special, and one of group winning President's Cup, Royal Show, August, 1908. Reserve, Class 5, 38 entries, and St. Clement Parish prize, Royal Show, May, 1901. SHE IS DAM OF THE BULL, GOLDEN FERN'S NOBLE, P. 4570, H. C. (SEE PRECEDING PAGE). Lady Aldan is also dam of: Lady Aldan 2d, P. 9788, H. C. (Mabel's Poet's Lady Aldan, 2'JS438), winner of 2d prize, Class 2, 42 entries, Royal Show, May, 1903; and other prizes. Dam of Raleigh's Lady Aldan (highest testing daughter of Eminent's Raleigh), 744 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 1 year; Raleigh's Mabel, 514 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in 1 year; Agatha's Lady Mabel, dam of Gedney Farm Blue Fox Mabel, 319 lbs. 1 oz. butter in 1 year as a two-year-old; and Aldan's Noble, 89581, who was sold in our 1913 auction at the "bargain" price of $235, to Mr. Ed. C. Lasater, who valued him at $5,000. Lady Aldan 4th, P. 11184, H. C, winner of 2d prize, Class 2, 40 entries, Royal Show, August, 1905; and other prizes. Dam of Aldan's March Hare, St. Clement Parish prize, Class 1, April, 1909, who is sire of several winners. Lord Aldan, P. 3984, H. C, sire of Wonder Lily, public butter test, 2 lbs. 1 oz. in 24 hrs.; Lord Aldan's Black Beauty, 306577, see No. 14 of this catalog; and other winners. Beaulieu's Kardista, 2705, C. J. H. B., 2d prize three-year-old cow, Toronto, Canada, 1912. Aldan's Raleigh, P. 4116, H. C. (Fern's Golden Raleigh, 88238), sold at auction for $1,000, and now heads the herd of Messrs. Woollen & Newhouse, Indianapolis, Ind. Aldan's Raleigh is sire of numerous butter test cows and prize win- ners, including Harriet 14th, winner of 1st prize, Class 4, 55 entries, Roval Show, August, 1912; and other prizes; public butter test, 2 lbs. 9% ozs. in 24 hours, at 3 years old. His daughter, Aldan's Golden Fern, 306605, sold in our 1914 auction for $800, to Mr. Ed. C. Lasater. B 79 T. S.[COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 26. Cow. GOLDEN FERN'S MERRY FLY, 353241, A. J. C. C. (Fly 15th, P. 18626, H. C.) OFFICIAL RECORD AS A TWO-YEAR-OLD, ON ISLAND OF JERSEY, 320 LBS. TEST, 6.34 PER CENT. Bred by T. J. Renouf, St. Martin, Island of Jersey. Born September 12, 1911. Solid color; black tongue and switch. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. An exceedingly lovely light fawn, of high finish and symmetry; a cow of great scale of vitality, beautiful in every line; handsome head and face; clean, long. Hat neck; long, wide, deep body; broad, prominent hips; splendidly fashioned hind quarters; beautifully set tail with luxuriant switch; udder of great size, about perfect in shape, with good-sized teats squarely placed. 4 OZS. BUTTER IN 335 DAYS; AVERAGE Sire GOLDEN FERN'S NOBLE, P. 4570, H.C. Winner of 7 first prizes at Royal Shows on the Island of Jersey. His progeny won 1st for "get of sire" at 5 important shows in '14 and '15, includ- ing the Nat. Dairy Show, '14. His highest testing daughter, Dorothy's Noble Fern. P. 19097, H. C. (.im- ported by '"Linden Grove" last fall), produced as a two- year-old, 470 lbs. 5.2 ozs. butter in 361 days. Fern Beauty, P. 1S914, H. Ci also imported by "Linden Grove," made as a two-year- old, 358 lbs. 14* ozs. butter in 3 13 days. Fly 15th, P. 18626, H. C, also of this im- portation, made as a two-y e a r-old, 320 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in 335 days. Sire of numerous win- ners, including; Alabama, 1st prize, Class 3, 58 entries, Royal Show, Aug., '13. Lady Noble Fern, 1st prize, Class 1, 23 entries, Royal Show, May, '13. Golden Fern's Noble, Jr., 1st aged bull, 11 entries, and Senior Champion, Panama- Pacific Exposition, '15. Agatha's Maiden Fern, 1st 3-year-old heifer, 8 entries, Senior and Grand Champion, American Royal, Kansas City, '15; Grand Champion at Missouri S. Fair, '15. Warder's Fern Blos- som, 1st 3-year-old heifer, Sr. and Gr. Champion, Hutchin- son, Kan. , '15; 1st at Kansas S. Fair, '15. Fern's Noble Maid, 1st senior heifer calf, 24 entries, and Jr. Champion, Forest City (Ohio) Fair,'14; 1st at Ohio State Fair. '14. And other winners. Dam AERIAL, P. 16086, H.C, now named SULTAN'S GOLDEN FLY, 299230, A. J. C. C. Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. (95700, A.J. C. C) 1st pr., Royal Show, '10, for bull and 5 female progeny. Noble of Oaklands sold in our '11 auction for $15,000 to El- mendorf Farm, Lex- ington, Ky. Sire of 37 butter test cows and 28 produc- ing bulls. Lady Aldan, P. S470, H. C. Winner of 1st prize over Jersey, Aug., '09. Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '09. And numerous other prizes. f Halburton's Sultan, P. 4130, H. C. Sire of Artistic Pearl, 247124, in Register of Merit, Class AA, 436 lbs. 4 ozs, but- ter in 1 year, from 7,253 lbs. 12 ozs. milk, at 2 years 11 mos. old. Full brother to Cam- panile's Sultan, P. 4000, H. C. Re- serve over Jersey, April, '07. Selected as the best yearling on the Island for ex- portation to New Zealand. A m o s t popular and success- ful sire in New Zea- land, winning Cham- pionship over the colony. He sold at auction in '10 for #3,024. Sire of Sul- tan's Dark Beauty, 252210 (Golden Fern's Rose 9th, P. 15037, H. C), 1st over Jersey, Aug., '10; sold in our '11 auction for $725 to Mr. Ed. C. Lasater, Tex., for whom she won in the fall of ' 1 1 , 6 1st prizes and 4 Gr. Championships at most important shows. Fly 5th, P. 14149, H. C. now named Rochette's Golden Gate, 270323, A. J. C. C Her sire also produced Carnation's Love, P. 14524, H.C, pub- lic butter test, May, '13, 1 lb. 10i ozs. in 24 hours, 101 days after calvi ng. She is dam of Carnation's Sweet Heart, P. 20040, H. C, a superior daughter of Oxford You'll Do, to be offered in this auction. Sultan of Oaklands, P. 3746, H. C (78475. A. J. C. C.) Winner of 1st over Jer- sey, Apr., '06. 2d oyer Jer. and Par. prize, Apr., '05. Reserve over Jersey, with progeny, Apr., '07. 1st pr.. Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Champion, St. Saviour-G r o u- ville, '05. Sire of 27 tested cows, including: Violette's Beauty 3d, P. 13895, H.C. (now Violette's Sultana, 252253), Certificate of Merit, May, '09, 1 lb. ll£ ozs., 90 days in milk, at 2 years old; won 1st and Sweepstakes, St. Sa- viour-Grouville S. , '10. She sold in our '11 auction for $2,600, to Ewell Farm, Tenn., and her daughter, Noble's Pretty Vio- lette, 252234, sold as a 2-year-old for SI, 200 to Elmendorf Farm, Ky. Campanile 3d, P. 10197, H. C 2d over Jer., Aug., '02. Daughter of Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. (as below). Darn, Campanile 2d, P. 8180, H. C, Re- serve over Jersey, Aug., '00; Par. pr., '01; Par. prize, '04. Rochette's Golden Lad, P. 3856, H. C. (7821S, A. J. C C.) 2d over Jer., Apr., '07. 1st over Jersey, Aug., '06, '07. 1st pr., Tenn. State Fair, '10. And other prizes, in- cluding Gr. Cham- pionship, Tenn. S. Fair, '11. Sire of Merry Lad, P. 4251, H. C, 1st prize, Class 1, Royal Show, Jersey, Apr., '09; sire of Merry Lulu, Grand Champion, Wiscon- sin State Fair, '13. Daisy's Golden Maid, 1st prize, Class 1, Royal Show, Aug., '09. And many other winners. Sire of 3 butter test cows, including Ro- chette's Lady Pride, in Register of Merit, 5,03 lbs. 1 oz. butter in 1 year. Fly 2d, P. 1-2327, C, now named Golden Gate of St. Martin, 270319, A. J. C. C Dam of Fly 8th, P. 15665, H. C, winner 4th prize. Class 3, 59 entries, and St. John Parish prize, Royal Show, May, 11; Cer- tificate of Merit, public butter test, Oct., '13, 1 lb. 3£ ozs. in 24 hours, 4 years old, 191 days after.calving. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st pr. over the Island in a class of 44, '02. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '03. One of the most suc- cessful sires the Is- land has produced. Sire of 7 tested cows, and of many produc- ing sons. Among his noted prog- eny are: Agatha's Oxford Lass, P. 11386, H.C, win- ner of 2 Certificates of Merit, besides 1st prize over Jer. and Theatre Challenge Cup, May, '11, and Reserve for Renouf Cup, "best butter test cow judged by inspection," May, '09 ; Reserve, May, '07. G a m b o g e's Knight, sold in our ' 1 1 auc- tion for $6,700; sire of 41 tested cows, and the bulls, Ox- ford You'll Do and Oxford Knight. Sultane's Snowdrop, P. 8578, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land, May, '01. Leda's Golden Lad, P. 3063, H. C. 1st over Jer. and 1st State's pr., '01, '02. 1 st and Sweepstakes, St. Martin Show, '01 and '02. Dorothy's Pearl, Cer- tificate of Merit and 3d Goddington pr., May, '07, 1 lb. 15£ ozs., 119 days in milk. And 10 other tested cows. Rochette 3d, P. 9247, H. C. Dam of Noble's Boy, 1st over Jer., Apr., '11; and other prs.; now named Im- ported Noble Boy, 103564, A. J. C. C, and sold in our '12 auction to Hood Farm, Lowell, Mass., to head their show herd. Kilburn, P. 3259, H. C. 3d over Jersey, '03. Sire of Virginia 9th, public butter test, Oct.,'12, 1 lb. 12£ ozs., 158 days in milk. And two other tested cows. Lady's Pet, P. 11704, H. C, 1st prize aged cow, Sr. and Grand Champion, Oregon State Fair, 'II. Pretty Rose of Kil- burn, 1st pr., Senior and Grand Cham- pion, Oregon State Fair, '12, Fly, P. 9714, H. C. Also dam of Fly 7th, P. 15629, H. C, who is dam of Fly 13th, winner of 4th prize, 33 entries, Royal Show, Jer., and St. Martin Parish prize, Aug., '12. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. L (Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C.) Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale, May, '02, for $7,500. In same sale three of his heifers on first calf averaged $933. Sire of Fox Glove, that tested in public but- ter test on the Is- land, 2 lbs. 8$ ozs. in 24 hours. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. (Agatha. F. 8432, H. C, J. H. B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. li ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. Winner of first prize at the 3 Western Par- ishes in '99. 1st prize over Jersey, beating former Roy. winners in '00. Senator, P. 2759, H. C. Sire of Astor, P. 3042, H. C, 1st over Jer., Aug., '02, and Apr., '03. Sire of 12 tested cows. Golden Leda, P. 8000, H. C. 1st pr. over Jer., '01. 1 st prize and Cham- pionship, N. C. S., '00 and '01. Milked over 40 lbs. per day with first calf. Competitor, P. 2618, H. C. Sire of Rayonnante 6th, P. 9049, H. C, Reserve over Jersey, Class 4, Aug., '04. At our '01 sale, 3 daughters of The Owl, all we had, averaged $600 each. Two of them after- ward won 1st prize in their class at West Virginia State Fair. Rochette, F. 7971, C. • Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Carlo's Gipsy, P. 3519, H. C. A noted breeder of prize winners. Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. 1st State's prize over Jer. (with his get), '01 and '02. Goddington purse, '02. Sire of Eminent's Honey- moon, 213908, 592 lbs. 12 ozs. My Eminent's Carna- tion, 565 lbs. 6 ozs. Golden Gate 3d, P. 7286, C. Certificate of M e r i t, public butter test, Oct., '12, 2 lbs. 2 ozs. in 24 hours, 44 days in milk. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, f 96, '97. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. (Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C.) A very rich and per- sistent milker. 1st pr. over Jer., '89. 1st H. B. prize. Ravachol, P. 2032, C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam, he proved him- self a remarkable sire, but was butch- ered before his value as a sire was known. Courageous Countess of Oaklands, P. 8640, H. C, now named Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours, Jersey weight. Nizam, P. 2408, H. C. 3d over Jersey, '97. 1st pr., St. Peter, '97. Belle du Couvent, P. 4674, H. C. 1st pr. over Jer., '94. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (See below.) Leda, P. 6636, H. C. One of the best cows the Island has ever produced. The Owl, P. 2195, H.C. 1st p., St. Saviour, '95. 2d pr. ov. Jer., '95, '96. 1st pr. over Jersey, '97. Scored 92 points. Sire of Golden Maid 3d, Certificate of Merit, 2 lbs. 5 ozs., 130 days after calving; Par. prize, Class 1 , May, '00; Par. prize. Class 4, Aug., '01. Fidelite's Beauty, F. 7499, C. Dam of Lady Gray, P. 5784, C, winner of Par. prize, Aug., '97. Carlo 3d, P. 817, H.C. Sire of Don Carlo, P. 1136, C, winner of 1st over Jer., Aug., '90, and Apr., '91; 2d over Jer., Apr., '90. Quaker's Girl, F. 7215, C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. Eminence, F. 7124, H. C. Dam of Little Eminence, 122506,21 lbs. 6 ozs. Eminence of the Is- land, 15 lbs. 10 ozs. when ten years old. Leda, whose daughter. Golden Leda, won 1st over the Island, and is dam of the bulls, Stockwell, Leda's Golden Lad, Topsman, etc. Satisfaction, P. 3127. H. C, 3d over Jer., '89. Last calf December 10, 1915 (sent to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas) 1iio *n a t r* n\ Bred February 16 1916, to Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C. (now named Imported Oxford You 11 Do, 111860, A. J. C. L.). A 1st prize winner at the Roval Show, with his progeny, sire of 21 official test cows, also sire of the Champion cow over Jersey in '15 and many other winners. Oxford You'll Do has been at "Linden Grove" three years. The large number of uniformly excellent daughters now in the herd, and the showing of his progeny in the butter tests and show ring, substantiate the assertion that he is the greatest living representative of the Oxford-Gamboge family. (See front pages for his picture and extended pedigree.) B 94 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 27. Cow. GOLDEN FERN'S RECEPTION, 347985, A. J. C. C. (P. 19803, H. C.) Bred by C. G. Ahier, St. Helier, Island of Jersey. Born March 12, 1912. Solid color; black tongue and switch. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. A handsome light fawn of high quality, with robust constitution and vitality; beautiful head and face; great large "pop" eyes; sharp withers; beautiful top line, from withers to the root of her well-set tail, which is thin, long, and with luxuriant switch; very wide and deep body, low to ground, on short, fine legs; hide like a kid glove; beautiful udder, extending away out behind and well forward, with good-sized, perfectly placed teats. Sire GOLDEN FERN'S NOBLE, P. 4570, H. C. Reserve for Voisin Special (Champion- ship, bulls any age), Aug., '11. 1st and Championship, Grouvill e-St. Sa- viour Show, Apr., 11. 1st prize (2 -year-old class), Royal Show, Island of Jer., Apr., '12. 1st prize. Class 3, 13 entries, April, '13. 2d prize, 7 entries (with progeny), April, '13. And other prizes. Sire of Lady Noble Fern, 1st prize, Class 1, 56 en- tries, Royal Show, Jersey, May, '13. Alabama, 1st pr., Class 3, 58 entries, Aug., '13. Brampton Fern Beauty, 1 st prize heifer calf, Toronto, Ont., '12. And other winners. (See other pedigrees.) His dam, Lady Aldan, P. 8470, H. C, is the head of a great family. Her daughter, Lady Aldan 2d. P. 9788, H. C, won 2d over Jer. and Par. prize. May, '03; Par. prize, Aug., '03. She is now named Mabel's Poet's Lady Aldan, 248438; is dam of Lady Aldan 8th, P. 11906, H. C. (Ra- leigh's Lady Aldan), butter test, 18 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Dam RECEPTION, P. 12963, H.C. Public butter test, May, 10, 1 lb. Hi ozs. in 24 hrs., from 39 lbs. 12 ozs. milk, at 4 yrs. old, 57 days after calving. 3d prize, Class 5, 38 entries, and Trinity Parish prize. Royal Show, Jersey, May, 12. St. Helier Parish prize, Class 5, Royal Show, May, "14. 2d prize and Sweep- stakes (young cows), Trinity Show, '11. 3d and Sweepstakes (aged cows). Trinity Show, '12. 1st in two classes, and Sweepstakes, Trinity Show, '13. Dam of the bull, Re- ception's You'll Do, winner of St. Helier Parish prize, Class 1 , Royal Show, April, '14. Noble of Oaklands,] - P. 3909. H. C. Mil (95700, A. J. C. C.) 1st over Jersey with progeny, Apr., *10. Sold at our May, '11, auction for $ 15,000. Special prize ($250 Sil- ver Trophy) at Nat. Dairy Show, '11, for "get of sire, 4 to 8 animals, either sex, irrespective of age or ownership," was won by 3 of his sons and 5 daughters. Lady Aldan,, P. 8470, H. C. Winner of 1st prize over Jersey, Aug., '09. Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '09. And numerous other prizes. Dam of Lady Aldan 2d, P. 9788, H. C, 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '03. Lady Aldan 4th, P. 11184. H. C, 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '05. Aldan's Raleigh, P. 4116. H. C, sold for $1,000 at auction. A maguificent daugh- ter of Golden Fern's Lad, and head of a great family. Stockwell, P. 3550, H. C. Sold at our May, '07, auction sale for $11,500 to Hon. A. B. Lewis, Frede- ricksburg, Va. Stockwell has been successful in siring a remarkable lot of animals which have shown themselves to be dairy cows of great value. Sire of Stockwell's Daisy, 234182, A. J. C. C, 561 lbs. 15 ozs. but- ter, 1 year, 5 years old. Stockwell's Golden Le- da, 210074, in Regis- ter of Merit, 434 lbs. 13 ozs. butter in one year. Karnak, 227372, A. J. C. C, 404 lbs. 0.9 oz. butter, 1 year, 2 years old. Jolly Sweet Thing 2d, Cham., Iowa State Fair, '08; also 1st in class, Iowa, Term. and Illinois State Fairs, '08; butter test, 16 lbs. 9 ozs. in 7 days. And 8 other tested cows. Blue Belle's Blue Fox, P. 3633, H. C. sh A son of the famous old Blue Belle, that sold in our '04 sale for $3,600. He was sold at Mr. D. S. Williams' sale, Nashville, Tenn., Dec, '07, to Mr. Harry Prentice, Worcester, Mass., for $1,025. Sire of Anna's Dorothy in Register of Merit, 14 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 7 days. Sire of 3 bulls with tested daughters in Register of Merit. I Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. Sold at our May, '11, auction for $7,000. Certificate of Merit, butter test. May, '04, 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 50 days in milk. 1 st over Jersey and Champion, '05. 1st prize, Sweepstakes, and Cham., Grou- villeandSt. Saviour, '05. 1st over Eng. wherever exhibited, '06. '07. Dam of Willoh's Rosy. P. 10444, H. C. Certifi- cate of Merit. May, '06, 3 lbs., 38 days in milk. Both when four years old. Golden Jolly's Lady Viola, 203669, pub- lic butter test, 1 lb. 15 ozs., 159 days in milk, when only 30 months old. We bought her at auc- tion for $2,550. Oxford Lad, P. 3123, H. C. 1st prize, St. Saviour Show. '02. Sweepstakes over St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, Apr., '03. 1st State's prize over the Island, Apr., '03. Champion, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '05. He was sold at auction for $3,300. Oxford Lad sired the great bulls, Majesty, Lucy's Champion and Sultana's Ox- ford Lad, the latter selling at our May, '10, auction sale for $11,100. Sire of 42 tested cows. Golden Leda, P. 8000, H. C 1st pr. over Jer., '01. 1st prize and Cham- pionship, N. C. S., '00 and '01 ; and has milked over 40 lbs. per day with first calf. Dam of Leda's Golden Lad, of Forfarshire's Golden Leda, 187458, 1st prize and Sweep- stakes at St. Saviour and Grouville Show. May, '04, and of Topsman, Reserve over Jersey, April and Aug., '02. Nobleman, P. 2555, H. C, 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr., 98. Reserve over Jersey and Par. prize, '00. 1st at Three Parish Show, '99. Sire of Island Admiration, 171782, butter test. 14 lbs. 9 ozs. in 7 days from 272 lbs. milk, at 8 years old. Nobleman's Lady Mary, sold in our May, '02, sale to J. A. Middelton, Shel- byville, Ky., the un- beaten Champion of many shows. His dam, Gipsy Maid, is also dam of Gipsy Maid 2d, P. 9641, H. C., who won 1st over Jersey, Aug., '02; 1st over Jersey (Special Class) and Cham- pion over three par- ishes, May, '10; be- sides other prizes. Bagatelle 2d, P. 6564, H. C, now named Golden Lad's Victoria, 157325. Sold in our May, '01, sale for $745. She is full s i s t e r to Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, that tested 23 lbs. 6 ozs. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C.) Champion winner over the Island, Aug.,'99. Among his many test- ed daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. butter, 13,604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. butter, 11,198 lbs. milk, I year. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. One of the most cele- brated cows the Is- land ever produced. She is the dam of three famous bulls; namely, Caiest, Houpla and Oxford Lad. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. Sire of Golden Fern's Sensation, first prize, Ohio, '03; 1st prize, Cham, and Grand Champion, Illinois State Fair, '04; 2d prize. World's Fair, St. Louis, '04; 1st prize. Champion and Grand Champion, Tenn. State Fair,'07 ; 1st prize, Champion and Grand Cham- pion, Illinois State Fair, '07; 1st prize. Cham, and Grand Cham., Nat. Dairy Show, Chicago, '07. Leda, P. 6636. H. C. ■ One of the best cows the Island has ever produced. Mansell, F. 8227, H. C. Also dam of Mansella. P. 8094, H. C, who produced: Eminent's Fawn Beauty, 195757, 20 lbs. 12^ozs. butter in'7 ciays; sold in our '06 auction for $700, as a 5-year-old. Mansella*s Rose, 1st prize 3-year-old cow, Toronto Exposition. '11. Stockwell's Mansella, 213987, sold in our '13 auction for $300. Aristocrat, P. 22SO, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '98. He has shown his worth as a sire of cows that are a credit to his illus- trious dam. He is sire of Aristocratic Beauty, that won the Silver Medal in the public butter test on the Island, testing 2 lbs. 10* ozs. in 24 hrs., being in milk at time of test 121 days. She sold in our May, '06, sale for $1,100. Gipsy Maid, P. 4424, H. C. 3d over Jersey, '97. Dam of Gipsy Maid 2d and Gipsy Maid 3d — the latter, 3d over Jersey, Aug., '10. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538. 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326, 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. Bagatelle, P. 5076. C- Dam of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (See below.) Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. Count Wolsetey, P. 928, H. C. 2d over Jer., Apr., '87. 1st ov. Jer., Apr., '88. 2d over Jer., Apr., '89. 1st ov. Jer., Aug., 89. Oxford Primrose, P. 2252, C. One of the best cows in her day on the Is land. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of the celebrated bull, Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. He also sired the great cow, "S p e c k 1 e d Band," dam of the wonderful cow, "Nursie," that made the phenomenal rec- ord of 2 lbs. 7^ ozs. of butter in 24 hrs., in the public butter test, after being in milk 300 days and within 90 days of calving. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d over Jer.. 2d H. B. and Par. pr., '94. Golden Pearl, P. 1975, H. C Eminence, F. 7124, H. C. 2d St. Martin. '92. Sweepstakes, N. C.,'92. Dam of Little Eminence, 122506,21 lbs. 6 ozs. Eminent and Eminent 2d, 2 famous sires. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. (See below.) Nameless, P. 3222, H. C 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, '93. 1st Cham. Class. '95. '96. '97. '98. Scored 97 points. Poster. P. 1152. C. A b u 1 1 held in h i g h esteem by F. C. Le Maistre on account of his dam and gran- dam, especially the latter — La Bouanne, a splendid cow , though never regis- tered. Daisy 7th, P. 3277, H. C f Sultane's Favourite. P. 873, H. C. 1st pr., St. Saviour. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447. H. C. 1st pr. over Eng.. '90. Baron of St. John. P. 1279, H. C- His grandam. Lady Useful, P. 796, H.C won 1st over Jersey and Parish prize. '86. Lugano. F. 7020, C. Sarabond, P. 797, H.C- He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. This was a great loss to the Island, as he undoubtedly was a great sire. Rosette 4th, P. 2128.C. Wolseley. P.401.H. C. 1st ov. Jer., '83. '84, '85. 1st pr. over Jer. Jubi- lee Show, '83. Sultane. P. 7. H. C- 1st pr. St. Saviour, '70. 1st H. B., '71. (Count Cicero, F. 398, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '83. { Oxford Daisy. F. 6816, H. C. A remarkable cow. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess. 166538. 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326, 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 30 days. And 30 others. Tootsie, P. 3214. H. C. Parish prize. '90. Golden Lad. P. 1242, H. C- lst prize over Jer.. '90. (See above.) Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944. H. C. 2d at St. Martin Show, '94. '95. Traveler. P. 280, C. Brown Fern, F. 4606, C. D am of B row n Fern 2d. P. 1944. H. C. winner of 2d prize, St. Martin Show,*94, '95. Last calf October 22, 1915 (sent to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas). February 10, 1916, to the distinguished bull, Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C, winner of first prize with his progeny, in a class of 7 entries, at the Royal Show, Jersey, April, '11. He sired the 1st prize 3-year-old cow over the Island, May, '14 (68 entries), also the 1st prize 4-ycar-old cow over the Island, May, *15 (76 entries), who won the Theatre Challenge Cup (Cham- pionship over the Island). He has 21 or more official test daughters, one of which, now on year's test, will produce close to, it not more than, 900 lbs. butter as a four-vcar-old. (See front pages for extended pedigree and picture of Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H.C.) B 315 T. S. COOPER & SONS* AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 28. Cow. FERN'S GLITTERING PRIDE, 353245, A. J. C. C. (Fern's Pride, P. 19058, H. C.) Bred by C. O. Ahier, St. Helier, Island of Jersey. Born September 26, 1911. Solid color, except little white on belly; black- and-white tongue; black switch. Imported October 31, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. A very handsome, stylish, deep fawn; splendid head, with sparkling eyes wide apart; flat neck, good constitution and beautiful symmetry; body deep and wide; hind quarters about perfect; mellow, elastic hide; good-sized udder of beautiful shape, with large teats, well placed. ( Sire GOLDEN FERN'S NOBLE, P. 4570, H. C. Six of his heifers sold in our '14 auction for an average of $564. Winner of 2d pr. over Jer., Aug., '11. Reserve for Voisin Special (Champion- ship, bulls any age), Aug., '11. 1st and Championship, G r o u v i 1 1 e St. Sa- viour S., Apr., '11. 1st prize (2 -year-old class), Royal Show, Island of Jer., Apr., '12. 1st prize, Class 8, 10 entries, Aug., '12. 1st prize, Class 3, 13 entries, Apr., '13. 2d pr., 7 entries (with progeny), Apr., '13. And other prizes. Sire of Lady Noble Fern, 1st prize. Class 1, 36 en- tries, Royal Show, Jersey, May, '13. Alabama, 1st pr., Class 3, 58 entries, Aug., '13. Brampton Fern Beauty, 1st prize heifer calf, Toronto, Ont., "12. And other winners. His dam, Lady Aldan, P. 8470, H.C., is the head of a great family. Her daughter, Lady Aldan 2d. P. 9788, H. C, won 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '03; Par. prize, Aug., '03. She is now named Mabel's Poet's Lady Aldan, 248438; is dam of Lady Aldan 8th, P, 11906, H. C. (Ra- leigh's Lady Aldan), butter test, 18 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days; Par. prize, Aug., '06; dam of the magni- ficent young bull, Aldan's Noble, 89581, sold at a "bargain" price in our ' 1 3 auction, to Mr. Ed. C. Lasater, who values him at $5,000. Dam GLITTER'S PRIDE, P. 15149, H. C. Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. (95700. A. J. C. C) 1st St. Saviour Parish prize, '07. 3d over Jersey with progeny, Apr., '08. 1st over Jersey with progeny, Apr., '10. Sold at our '11 auction for $15,000. Special prize (r250 Sil- ver Trophy) at Nat. Dairy Show, '11, for 1 get of sire, 4 to 8 animals, either sex, irrespective of age or ownership," was won by 3 of his sons and 5 daughters. Sire of 37 butter test cows, and of 27 pro- ducing bulls. Lady Aldan, P. 8470. H. C Winner of 1st prize over Jersey, Aug., 09. Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '09. And numerous other prizes. Daughter of Golden Fern's Lad. P. 2160, H. C Lord Victor. P. 3890, H. C Sire of Ora's Lady, P. 15018, H. C, Certi- ficate of Merit, pub- lic butter test, Oct., '12, 2 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hrs.. 163 days after calving. His dam also produced Victress 2d, P. 9769, H. C-, winner of 4th over Jer. and Trinity Parish prize, Class 5, May, '08. D a m of The Owl's Victress, P. 17474, H. C, Cer- tificate of Merit and 1st Parish pr., public butter test, May, '13, 2 lbs. 14£ ozs. in 24 hours, 41 lbs. 4 ozs. milk, 101 days after calving, and not yet 3 years old. The Owl's Victress was sold in our '13 auc- tion, as a 3-year-old, for$925,toMr. J. K. Branch, Pawling. N. Y. Glitter. P. 12390, H. C. Blue Belle's Blue Fox, P. 3633, H. C. A son of the famous old Blue Belle, that sold in our '04 sale for $3 ,600. He was sold at Mr. D. S. Williams' sale, Nashville, Ten n., Dec., '07, to Mr. Harry Prentice, Worcester, M ass., for $1,025. Sire of Anna's Dorothy, in Register of Merit, 14 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 7 days. Sire of 4 bulls with tested daughters in Register of Merit. Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C Sold at our '1 1 auction for $7,000. Certificate of Merit, butter test. May, '04, 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 50 days in milk. Dam of 4 tested cows, and of Viola's Gold- en Jolly, sire of 9 in Register of Merit. f Wonder's Lad, P. 3498, H. C. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr., '04, and Aug., '05. Out of same dam as Wonder Lass, P. 13094, H. C. 2d at Royal Show, 39 en- tries, May, '14; dam of Wonder Lily, public butter test, 2 lbs. 1 oz., 153 days in milk, at 3 years old. Victress. P. 8679. C. - Daughter of Hussy's King, P. 2540. H.C., and Lady Belle, P. 6561, JL C. Clarencia's Lad, P. 3573, H. C. Winner of 2d prize at St. Ouen Show. Sire of Lady Rams- gate, Certificate of Merit. Oct., '08, 1 lb. 10J ozs. in 24 hrs., 127 days after calving, at 3 years old. He sired the dam of Reverent Lad, 104603, 1st prize 2- year-old bull at New England Fair, New York. New Hamp- shire and Michigan State Fairs , J unior Champion at ( New Hampshire State Fair, '12. His half-sister, Lucy's Prince's Brown Beauty. 306594 (Clarencia's Lucy) , sold in our '14 auc- tion for $700, to Lynnewood Farm, Ogontz, Pa. She made a public butter test, when 4 years old. of 1 lb. 9£ ozs. in 24 hours. His dam also produced Claribelle. P. 14048, C, pub. butter test, 1 lb. 1 1 ozs. ; she dam of Caporal, 1 lb. 11 ozs., at 3 years old, 158 days after calving. Amy Riley, P. 10882, C. Leda's Golden Lad, P. 3063, H. C. 1st over Jer. and 1st State's pr., '01, '02. 1 st and Sweepstakes, St. Martin Show, '01 and '02. 1st and Champion, with progeny. West- ern Club, '05. Sire of many prize winners and public test cows, the latter including: Goldeu Leda's Nursie, 213954. in Register of Merit, Class AA, 567 lbs. 9 ozs. butter in one year, 10,069 lbs. 4.8 ozs. milk. Dorothy's Pearl, Cer- tificate of Merit and 3d Goddington pr.. May, '07. 1 lb. 15J ozs., 119 days in milk; Certificate of Merit, May. '09, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 110 days in milk. Pansy 8th, P. 11907, H.C. (Golden Leda's Pansy, 222098), Cer- tificate of Merit, Oct., '07, I lb. 15 ozs., 76 days in milk; 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, '06. Pretty Maid, Certifi- cate of Merit, Oct., '08, 1 lb. 5 ozs., 170 days in milk. Netina's Opal, Certifi- cate of Merit, Oct.. '06, 1 lb. 2^ ozs., 215 days in milk. And 6 other cows. Wonder Cross, P. 6214, H. C. Willoh, P. 2855. H. (See below.) Senator, P. 2759. H.C. Sire of Pretty Lady Superior 10th, P. 9401, H. C. winner of 4th prize over Jer. and Par. prize, Class 2, Aug., '02. Astor, P. 3042, H. C, 1st over Jer., Aug., '02, and Apr., '03; 2d State's pr., Aug., '02; 2d over Jer., with h i s progeny, Apr., '07; 1st over Jer.. with his prog- eny, Apr., '08. Sire of 12 butter test cows. , '01. tested Golden Leda, P. 8000, H. 1st pr. over Jer. 1st prize and Cham- pionship, N. C. S., '00 and '01. Milked over 40 lbs. per day with first calf. Dam of Forfarshire's Golden Leda, 187458. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes at St. Sa- viour and Grouville Show, May, '04. Topsman, Reserve over Jersey, April and Aug., '02. Stockwell, sold at our '07 auction sale for $11,500. Wonder Prime, P. 1832. H. Parish pr., Apr., Lily Cross, P. 8001, H. C. Clarencia, P. 8602, H. C. Parish prize, May, '03. Sweepstakes, Western Show, '03 and '05. Dam of Warder, P. 3227. H. C, 1st over Jersey, August, '04, and sire of 15 butter tested cows. Clarencia's Lad. P. 3573. H. C. 2d pr., St. Ouen; sire of Lady Ramsgate, P. 12314, H. C. public butter test, Oct.. '08, 1 lb. 10J ozs., 127 days in milk; and several other prize winners. Forfarshire's Clarencia, P. 10446. H. C, 2d over Jersey and Parish prize, May, Q3. Clarencia's Pride, P. 12627, H. C.,~ Parish prize, May, '06. Clarencia's Lucy, P. 16480, H. C, Parish prize. May. '10. Clarencia's Daisy, Parish prize, August, '13. Nizam. P. 2408, H. C. 3d over Jersey, '97. 1st pr.. St. Peter, '97. Sire of Golden Lad of St. Peter, 57223, Cham, winner over three Western Par- ishes. '69. Belle du Couvent, P. 4674, H. C. 1st pr. over Jer.. '94. Dam of Belle du Cou- vent 5 th , 3d over Jersey, May, '02. Daughter oi Golden Lad, out of Orphan 2d, P. 2844. H. C, 1st prize. St. Mary Show. '92. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. Sire of Golden Fern's Sensation, 1st prize, Ohio, '03; 1st prize, Cham, and Grand Champion. Illinois State Fair. '04; 2d prize, World's Fair, St. Louis. '04; 1st prize. Champion and Grand Champion. Tenn. State Fair.'07 ; and other prizes. Leda, P. 6636, H. C. One of the best cows the Island has ever produced. Daughter of Eminence, F. 7124, H. C. Wonder Lad, P. 1390, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '91. Lady Prime, P. 2946, H. C. r Duplex, P. 2586, H. C. Sire of Uncle Peter's Golden Del. sold as a heifer in our '00 sale for $425 : and since test- ed at Biltmore, N. C., 80 lbs. 13 ozs. in one month. Daisy's Dot, P. 8476. H. C, Certificate of Merit, public butter test. May, '05, 2 lbs. 2\ ozs. butter in 24 hours, yielding 40 lbs. 12 ozs. milk. Philomene, P. 5671, H. C. Gold worthy, P. 3170, H. C. 2d pr., St. Ouen Show. Sire of Caronette2d, P. 10839, Bronze Medal in butter test, Oct., '07, 2 lbs. \\ ozs., 184 days in milk. Self Help 2d, P. 11125, Certificate of Merit in butter test, May, 'OS, 1 lb. 8i ozs., 243 days in milk. Comtesse Belle, P. 11868, C, Certificate of Merit, public but- ter test, Oct., '08, 1 lb. S\ ozs., 162 days in milk. Jester's Daisy 2d, P. 11124. C. Par. pr.. Aug, '04. Nuttall, P. 3541. C. Parish prize, Class I , Apr., '04- Charmer, P. 8020. C. Granddaughter of Baron's Mabel, P. 1419, H. C, 1st over Jersey, Aug., '85; and other prizes. Willoh, P. 2855, H. C. Parish prize. April, '00; 3d State's pr., April, '03. Willoh is sire of Miss Viola, P. 9644, H. C, winner of Goddington prize in public butter test, 2 lbs. 15 ozs., 39 days in milk, and numerous other tested daughters. Miss Viola was one of the best cows in our '05 importation. She is a full sister to Wilioh's Rosy, P. 10444. H. C, 3 lbs. butter in public test; dam of 5 tested daughters and grandam of the bull. Bright Prince, P. 4129, H. C. Wilioh's daughter, Wilioh's Rosy. P. 10444. H. C, won Certificate of Merit in public butter test, May, '06, 3 lbs.. 38 days in milk; Parish prize, August, '04; dam of Miss Bagatelle, P. 13311, public butter test, 1 lb. 13$ ozs., 120 days in milk; Pretty Rose, P. 12758, public butter test, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 16 days in milk; and 3 other butter test daughters. Willoh is also sire of Syren's Pride, P. 10281, H. C, Certificate of Merit, Oct., '09. 1 lb. 1\ ozs.. 215 days in milk; and she has 2 public butter test daughters. Sire of Gipsy Maid 2d, P. 9641, H. C, 1st over Jersey, Aug., '02, and other prizes. Editress, F. 8548, H. C. Par. prize, Aug., '05. Certificate of Merit in butter test, Oct., '04, 1 lb. 13& ozs., 199 days in milk. Daughter of the Golden Lad bull, La Chasse Prince, P. 1927, C. Last calf March 29, 1916 (sent to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas). Expected to be bred, before day of sale, to the distinguished bull, Oxford You'll Do, P, 4075, H. C, winner of 1st prize with his progeny, in a class of 7 entries, at the Royal Show, Jersey, April, '11. He sired the 1st prize 3-year-old cow over the Island, May, '14 (68 entries), also the 1st prize 4-year-old cow over the Island, May, '15 (76 entries), who won the Theatre Chal- lenge Cup (Championship over the Island). He has 21 or more official test daughters, one of which, now on year's test, will produce close to, if not more than, 900 lbs. butter as a four-year-old. (See front pages for extended pedigree and picture of Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C.) B 320 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 29. Cow. RALEIGH'S JAPANESE FERN, 353243, A. J. (P. 19021, H. C.) c. c. Bred by F. A. Ahier, Grouville, Island of Jersey. Horn September 13, 1911. Some white markings; black tongue; dark switch. [mported < >ctober31, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. A iiandsome, rich fawn; exceedingly mellow, elastic hide; beautifully shaped head, with dished face and large, prominent eyes wide apart; body of great capacity, deep and wide, set low to ground on clean, line legs; level top line; broad, prominent hips; well set tail with good switch; large uddei of beauti- ful shape, carried close to body, very full and square in front and well out behind; large and beautifully placed teats. Sire GOLDEN FERN'S NOBLE, P. 4570, H.C. Winner of 7 first prizes at Royal Shows on the Island. His progeny won 1st for "get of sire" at 5 important shows in '14 and '15, includ- ing the Nat. Dairy Show, '14. His highest testing daughter, Dorothy's Noble Fern, P. 19097. H. C. (im- ported by "Linden Grove"), produced as a two year-old, 470 lbs. 5.2 ozs. but- ter in 1 year. (She is catalogued in this auction.) Fern Beauty, P. 18914, H. C., also imported by "Linden Grove," made as a two-year- old, 358 lbs. 14i ozs. butter in 313 days. Fly 15th, P. 18626, H. C, also of this importation, made as a two-year-old. 320 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in 335 days. Sire of numerous prize winners, including: Alabama, 1st prize, Class 3, 58 entries. Royal Show, Aug.. '13. Golden Fern's Noble, Jr., 1st aged bull, 11 entries, and Senior Champion, Panama- Pacific Exposition, '15. Agatha's Maiden Fern, 1st 3-year-old heifer, 8 entries, Sr. and Grand Champion, American Royal, Kansas City, '15; Grand Champion at Missouri State Fair, '15. Warder's Fern Blos- som, 1st 3-year-old heifer, Sr. and Gr. Champion, Hutchin- son, Kan., '15; 1st at Kansas State Fair, '15. Fern's Noble Maid, 1st senior heifer calf, 24 entries, and Junior Champion, Pore st City (Ohio) Fair, '14; 1st at Ohio State Fair, '14. (See opposite page for extended pedigree.) Dam .RALEIGH'S JAPANESE, P. 15055, C. A daughter of Ra- leigh's Fairy Boy, dam by Moray Can- non, one of the good sons of Flying Fox; and her second dam bred in the lines that produced the im- mortal Blue Belle, P. 3407, H. C. Raleigh's Fairy Boy,*' P. 3851. H. C. (83767, A. J. C C.) 1st prize over Jersey, 24 entries. Apr., 'OS. 3d prize over Jersey, 18 entries, Aug., '07. Sold in our '09 auction for $8,200. 1 st prize and Sweep- stakes, New ling- land Fair; 1st prize, Sr. Champion and Grand Champion, Illinois and N. Y. State Fairs. Water- loo (Iowa) Dairy Show, and National Dairy Show, '10. At New England Fair, '10, he also headed special 1st pr. herd with 4 females over 2 years old; won Vanderbilt Cup for bull and best 4 fe- males over 3 years old; New England Agr. Society's Spe- cial for bull over 2 yrs. with 4 females; and 1st prize for get of sire. Sire of 40 official test cows, 37 in Register of Merit with year's tests; 35 were tested at Knollwood Farm by Mr. C. I. Hudson, and averaged 523 lbs. 9 ozs. butter in one year, 9,135 lbs. milk, at an average age of 4 years 3 mos. (All officially au- thenticated tests.) Among his tested daughters are: Fairy Boy's Jasmine, 869 lbs. 5 ozs. Raleigh's Golden Queen, 726 lbs. 4 ozs. My Pretty Fairy, 720 lbs. 7 ozs. Fairy Boy's Lily, 710 lbs. 1 oz. He has 6 sons and 5 daughters that have produced 15 official test cows, eight of them in Register of Merit averaging 426 lbs. 1 oz. butter, 7,713 lbs. 4 ozs. milk, at an average age of 2 years 7 months. Sire of many prize winners, including: Oxford's Fain - B< xford Lad, P. 3123, H. C. 1st State's prize over Jer., Apr.. 03. Cham.. St. Saviour- Grouville Show, '05. We purchased Oxford I,ad in the Gedney Farm sale, '09, for $3,300. Sire of 42 tested cows. Oxford Ixia 3d, P. 8584. H. C. Winner following prs. in p u b 1 i c butter tests: Silver Medal, Oct.. '03, 2 lbs. l$ ozs., 235 days in milk ; Bronze Medal, May, '04, 2 lbs. 15 1 ozs., 94 days in milk, and a num- ber of other butter prizes. She was sold at a long price to Dr. Watney, England, who only buys big butter test cows. Dam of the bull. Majesty, P. 3523, II C. Dam of Oxford Ixia 6th. pub- lic butter test, 1 lb. 14 <>/.s,, 145 days in milk. i >\ford Pride, public butter test, 1 lb. 10J ozs . J89j!d a y s in milk. Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Among his many test- ed daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. butter, 13,604 lbs. milk. 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. butter. 11,198 lbs. milk, 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Sa- viour, 411.96 lbs. butter, 6.841 lbs. milk, 1 yr. Fox's Daisy o' Dream- wold. 10.060 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Syria o' Dream- w o 1 d, 11,075 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Maid o' The Sea, 11,530 lbs. milk. 1 year. Fox Glove, public but- ter test, May,' 07, 2 lbs. Si ozs. Simone G. G., public butter test, May, '04, 2 lbs. 5£ ozs. Oxford Vixen, public butter test, May, '05, 2 lbs. 2 J ozs. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. (A highly commended cow, A g a t h a, F. 8432, H.C.. J. H. B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. lj o z s. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. She sold in our May, '02, auction for $1,700 to Mrs. M. M. Patterson, Port Kennedy, Pa. Caiest. P. 2591. H. C. 1st prize, Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville Show, '98. Gamboge's Pride, P. 4508, H. C. She has won six public butter tests; record in May, '96, 2 lbs. 7\ ozs. Queenie's Prince 2d, P. 2574, H. C. Sire of 3 public butter test cows. Sire of Crocus 3d, whose daughter. Crocus 5th, P. 10741, H. C. (now named Imported Oxford Buttercup, 224579), won Certificate of Merit in public but- ter test, May, '08, 2 lbs. 1 oz. Oxford Ixia, P. 7100, H. C. Winner of Parish prize and 2d prize, St. Saviour, 98. Winner Bronze Medal, P. B. test. March. '00, 2 lbs. 8 ozs., 70 days in milk. Certificate of Merit, P. B. test, May. '00, 1 lb. 15J ozs., 127 days in milk. Certificate of Merit. P. B. test, May. '01. 2 lbs. 6£ ozs., 147 days in milk. Certificate of Merit. P. B. test, March, '02, 2 lbs. 5i ozs., 48 days in milk. Certificate of Merit. P. B. test. May. 771. 2 lbs. li ozs., 49 days in milk. Certificate of Merit. P. B. test, May, '03, 2 lbs. 2\ ozs., 79 days in milk. Dam of 4 great butter test cows. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show. '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son. Flying Fox, sold in our May, '02, sale for $7,500. His son. Eminent 2d, sold in our May, '05, auction sale for $10,000. Ten of his get have been sold at an aver- age of $4,560. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. now named Sultana's Rosette. 149740, A. J. C. C. 1st prize over Jer.. '99. A very rich and per- sistent milker. Dam of Flying Fox. P. 2729, H. C. Ravachol, P. 2032, C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam, he proved him- self a remarkable sire, but was butch- ered before his value as a sire was known. Courageous Countess of Oaklands. P. 8640, H. C. now named Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours, Jersey weight. Fontaine's King, P. 2207, H. C. Sire of John Bull and other noted animals. By same sire as Golden Fern's Lad. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. Bruce, P. 2327. H. C. Queenie, P. 4859, C. now named Golden Queen of St. Saviour, 149137, A. J. C. C. Won Par. pr. in '95. Reserve over Jer., '97. Certificate of Merit, butter test in '96, making 2 lbs. If ozs., in 24 hours, after being in milk 214 days. Certificate of Merit, butter test in '98. making 2 lbs. 4 J ozs. Una's Boy 2d, P. 2070. H. C. Sire of Oxford Ixia. 2 lbs. 13 ozs. Useful Maid. 2 lbs. 6 ozs. Lucy 8th. 1 lb. 15 ozs. Una's Lily 3d, 1 lb. 14 ozs. He is out of same dam as Fontaine's Ox- ford Pride. 187430. dam of Gamboge's Knight. P 3645. H. C. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. Dam of Caiest. whose eight daughters, in our '05 sale, averaged $987.50. Houpla, sire of Lady Houpla, winner of Champion Cup, test- ing 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 73 days in milk, after first calving. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th. all pr. winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours. Golden Fern. P. 4711. H. C. 2d over Jer.. 2d H. B. and Par. pr., '94. Sarabond, P. 797, H.C. He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. This was a great loss to the Island, as he undoubtedly was a great sire. [ Rosette 4th. P. 2128.C. Onne, P. 1660, H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, 2 lbs. \\ ozs. of butter in 24 hours. Golden L a d 2d. P. 2023. H. C, sire of many noted cows. | Rosette 5th, P. 2881. H. C. Dam of Flying Fox. (See above.) Courage, P. 1813, C. Mr. Francis Le Brocq told us that the bull Courage was the best son of Golden Lad. Grassy Brown. P. 3370. H. C. Boyle, P. 1559. H. C. (See above.) Fontaine 4th. P. 2537. C 1st over Jer.. '90.' 91. 1st Herd Book. '90. Result's Prince, P. 2004, C Reserve over Jersey. Gamboge's Pride. P. 4508, H. C. (See below.) Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '90; also win- ner of £15 prize. Sire of 32 tested cows. Sixty iwe. of his get sold at auction at an average price of $527 per head. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. (See below.) Una's Boy, P. 1752, C- Gamboge's Pride, P. 4508. H. C- 1st pr. at St. Saviour Show. '96. 2d over Jersey. '97. Winner following pub- lic butter tests: May,'96. 2 lbs. 7 J ozs. Oct.. '96, 2 lbs. 2 J ozs.. 217 days in milk. And 4 other tests. Dam of 3 public but- ter test cows. Count Wolseley. P. 928, H. C. 1st over Jer.. Apr., "88. Sire of Alicante. P. 3880. H. C. a great prize win- ner, and dam of the noted sires. Nuu- thorpe, The Owl and Alicante's Boy. Oxford Primrose. P. 2252. C. One of the best cows in her day on the Island. Due to calve April 22 1916. by the distinguished bull, Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C. (So that none may be surprised, and that your family may be prepared for a sensation, we advise those attending the sale to pin a note in their hats ana ascer- tain n this issue is a bull calf, and advise the good wife that you are going to "bid last.") Tattoo 145 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916, No. 36. Heifer. MABEL'S RALEIGH'S IXIA, 319716, A. J. C. C. Bred by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa. Born October 2, 1914. Solid color, black tongue and switch. A very attractive heifer, of great constitution; long, well ribbed body; clean limbs; thin, mellow hide; neat head, with incurved horns; straight back, very strong and broad at loins, with prominent hips; tail beautifully set; thin hams, well cut out between, with promise of great udder; teats large and squarely placed. Sire MABEL'S RALEIGH'S PRINCE, 120788, A. J. C. C. (S1GMOND, P. 4318, H. C.) Winner of 1st prize, GrouvilleShow, Jer., '12. Full brother to Penni- thorpe's Raleigh. 96185, winner of 1st prize, St. Saviour- Grouville Show, '11; sold at auction jn ' 1 1 for $3,100. Imported in '13 by "Linden Grov e," and sold to Mr. H. M. Snider, Wick- liffe, Ohio. It wants only a glance at what the sons of Mabel's Raleigh are doing, through their daughters, in the butter tests, to ap- preciate the prepo- tency of this excep- tionally great dairy bull. Mabel's Ra- leigh's Prince has but few daughters in milk in America; none to our knowl- edge have ever been put to test. We pre- dict for Mabel's Ra- leigh's Prince a record for perform- ing daughters that will be a credit to his family. Look what his brother, Fairy Glen's Raleigh, has done in Mr. Hud- son's herd (and it must be borne in mind he had to take second position in this herd to other great bulls). An- other brother, regis- tered as Mabel's Ra- leigh. 77913, im- ported by the late Mr. Frank W. Hart, has seven daughters in Register of Merit, most of them tested at Good Hold Farm as two-y e a r-o Ids. Other great bulls, including Ibsen, claim Mabel's Ra- leigh for their sire. And it is not likely any one will forget the long line of test- ed daughters he has left, which include the Gold Medal win ner. Twylish 11th, 3 lbs. 5i ozs. butter in public test, in 24 hours (now owned by Hon. R. J. Flem- ing, Toronto, Can.). Dam L GAMBOGE'S IXIA, 235192, A. J.C.C. A splendid daughter of Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645. H. C, out of a full sister to Royal Majesty, 79313. (See opposite page, No. 35. for her ex- tended pedigree.) | Mabel's Raleigh, P. 3722. H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land, Aug.. '05. 1st prize, Grouville, May, '05. 1st over Jersey, May, '07. Sire of 25 tested cows, including: Twylish 11th. Gold Meda.l public butter test, '12, 3 lbs. 5\ ozs. butter, 69 lbs. milk; Grand Cham- pion winner, Do- minion Exhibition, Toronto. '13. Raleigh's Florence Belle, in Register of Merit, 732 lbs. 7.9 ozs. butter in 1 year, 6 years old. Mabel's Snowdrop, 616 lbs. 3 ozs. in 1 year, 4 years old. Raleigh's Remarkable, 581 lbs. 9 ozs. Mabel's Raleigh's Ada, 564 lbs. 12 ozs. Raleigh's Mabel, 514 lbs. 4 ozs. Raleigh's Pretty Fon- taine. 495 lbs. 9 ozs. Raleigh's Dainty. 440 lbs. 14 ozs. R a 1 e i g h's Eminent. 436 lbs. 2 ozs. Mabel's Poetess, 413 lbs. 13 ozs. Raleigh's Remem- brance. 372 lbs. 14 ozs. Imp. Nameless Mabel. 16 lbs. 7 ozs. in 7 days. Spectre's Favorite, public butter test, 2 lbs. 4 ozs., 89 days in milk. Sire of 13 bulls with tested daughters. Eminent's Raleigh, 69011. (Raleigh. P. 3273, H. C.) 3d prize over Jer., 03. 2d State's prize, '03. Sire of many prize winners and of 48 tested cows, among the latter being: Raleigh's Lady Aldan, in Register of Merit. 744 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 1 year. Raleigh's Rose, 706 lbs. butter in 1 year. Raleigh's Calais, 696 lbs. 11 ozs. Raleigh's Houssie. 684 lbs. 6 ozs. Raleigh's Pretty R"ar- nak, 676 lbs. And 19 others in Reg- ister of Merit. Sire of Raleigh's Fairy Boy, with 40 tested daughters ; sold in our '09 auction for $8,200, to Mr. C I. Hudson. Sire of The Imported Jap, 75265, sire of 23 tested cows; sold in our '07 auction to Messrs. Ayer & Mc- Kinney. He has 5 or more other bulls with tested daughters. Mabel Marcus, 213879. (Mabel 43d, P. 8611, H. C.) A magnificent cow, only shown one sea- son and won with ease first prize and Sweepstakes at the Grouville and St. Saviour Show, '06. Milked 20 quarts and made 2 lbs. 12 ozs. of butter in 24 hours on ordinary feed. Her daughter, Mabel's Fairy Maid. 214016, sold as a yearling in our '09 auction for $725; now in Reg- ister of Merit, 529 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 yr., at 5 years old. Mauser's Pennithorpe, 253303, A. J. C. C (P. 10126, H. C.) Public butter test, May, '10, 1 lb. Hi ozs. in 24 hours. 98 days after calving. Sold at auction, May, '11, for $1,150, to Mr. Howard Willets, owner of Gedney Farm. Dam of Raleigh's Pennithorpe, 210071, that tested for the late Mr. Frank W. Hart, 17 lbs. 14 ozs. butter in 7 days, 3 years old. Pennithorpe's Raleigh, 96185, 1st prize, Grouville-St. Saviour Show, '11; sold at auction in '11 for $3,100, to Muskego Lakes Jer- sey Herd, Muskego, wis. Mauser, P. 2892, H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, April Show, Western Parishes. He has proved him- self a remarkably good sire. Sire of Defiant 2d, P. 10536. H. C. public butter test, Oct., '05, 1 lb. 13£ ozs., 51 days in milk. B randie 9th. Certi- ficate of Merit. June, '06, 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 42 lbs. 4 ozs. milk, 4 years old. F e r t i 1 e's Favorite, whose daughter, Fertile's Favorite 2d. P. 12750, C, is dam of Noble's Fa- vorite, 235223, a lovely 2-year-old sold in our '11 auc- tion for $500, to Mr. Ed. C Lasater, Fal- furrias, Tex. Pennithorpe, F. 8098, C. Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C (Eminent, 69631. A. J. C C) Winner 1st State's pr. over Jersey (with his get), '01 and '02. Goddington purse.' 02. Sold in our '05 auction for $10,000, to the late Hon. A. M. Bowman, Salem, Va. Eminent 2d is sire of 81 tested cows. Rill. P. 6982, H. C. Gave 65 lbs. milk in one day. Consider- ed one of the great- est milk producers the Island has ever known. Her sire, Hope, is also sire of Nelly Hope, public test, 1 lb. 8J ozs. b u 1 1 e r in 24 hours, 163 days in milk. Marcus. P. 2461, H- C. Sire of Lady Fon- taine's Rosette, 162120, that sold at our '02 auction sale for $3,100. His sire is a full broth- er to Mona's Glory. P. 2404, H. C, who has a number of daughters tested in America, and who won 1st over Jersey in '97. Mabel 31st, P. 5324, H. C. She is out of same dam as Mabel's Lad, P. 1034, H. C, who sired Brown Fairy, F. 7819, C, dam of the noted cow, Fairy Glen/P. 9178, H. C, dam of Raleigh's Fairy Boy and Fairy Glen's Raleigh. Brown Fairy is also dam of Brown Beauty of St. Sa- viour, 157320, a 22- quart cow sold in our '01 auction for $1,200. Her grandam, Mabel 2d, F. 889, H. C, is dam of Mabel 4th, 18167, A. J. C C, that was sold in our '83 auction for $2,100; Mabel 4th is dam of Cicero's Mabel. 18238, that tested 15 lbs. 2 ozs. butter in 7 days. ■ Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son. Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son. Eminent 2d. sold in our '05 auc- tion sale for $10,000. His daughter. Golden Fern's Sensation, won 2d prize at the great St. Louis S., '04, and was sold at auction for $2,250. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C Show, '96, '97. Eminence, F. 7124, H. C. 2d St. Martin, '92. Sweepstakes, N. C„ 92. Hope. P. 1948. H. C Sire of Prosper, Parish prize. '97; Hope's R e g i n a, 2d over England, half-broth ertoBeresford Pride, 1st Bath and West, '02; 1st Royal Counties, '02. Tula. P. 5323, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '94. La Chasse Prince, P. 1927, C. 1st pr., St. Ouen Show. Sire of Hope, 1st over Jer. and Par. prize. May, '96. Woodbine, 2d over Jer, and Par. prize, Aug.. '97. Fontaine 8th, P. 5608, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '99. Dam of Fontaine's Lord, 1st State's pr.. £30, over Jer., and 2d pr., £S, at annual bull show, Apr., '01. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of the celebrated bull, Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (See below.) Boyle, P. 1559. H. C. Son of Golden Lad. Golden Fern, P. 4711. H. Traveler, P. 280, C. Brown Fern, F. 4606, f Orme, P. 1660. H. C. ■ Was sold by Mr. J. P. Marett to Lord Rothschild at a long price. Regina's Pride, F. 7450, H. C. 1st over Jer., May, '94. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Mistake, P. 4562, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. (See below.) [ Mona 8 th, P. 3983, H. C. 1st pr. over Jer. and Parish prize, '96. Boyle. P. 1559, H. C. (See below.) Fontaine 6th, P. 4320, H. C. Sister of Fontaine 9th. P. 6039, H. C, 1st Grouville, '99; beating the cow that won 1st prize over the Island; Bronze Medal, *99; 21 qts. milk; 2 lbs. 10 ozs. butter in 24 hours. Granddaughter of Fon- taine, F. 2058, C, 1st over Jersey, '86 and '88. Scipio, P. 157, H. C. Mabel 6th, 2d over Jersey, '77. P. 360. H. C- 2d Herd Book and Dam of Mabel 13th, P. Parish prize, '77. 1125, H. C, 2d over Jersey, '92; 1st over Jersey, '94; dam of I Mabel 2d. F. 889, H. C. Mabel 23d, P. 323, Bronze Medal at C. I. H. C. '93. 2d over Jer., Fame 6th, P. 3188, C. A remarkably good dairy cow. Daughter of Everton King. P. 390, C, sire of many noted animals, including Tootsie, P. 3214. H. C, the dam of Boyle (above). Boyle. P. 1559, H. C Sire of the celebrated bull, Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C; Fontaine 7th. 8th and 9th, all prize winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9.000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours, from which 2 lbs. 10 ozs. of butter was made, "Boyle" also sired the great cow, "Spec- kled Band," public butter test, May, '97. 2 lbs. 3£ ozs., 140 days in milk; dam of the wonder- ful cow, "Nursie," that made the phe- nomenal record of 2 lbs. 1\ ozs. of butter in 24 hours, in the public butter test, after being in milk 300 days and within 90 days of calving. She sold in our '07 sale for $2,200 to Mr. A. B. Lewis. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d pr. over the Island and Par. prize, '94. Her dam is half-sister to E m i n e n c e, F. 7124, H. C. (as above). Ex., '71. 2d pr. over Jer., '75. 4th pr. over Jer., '80. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Sixty-five of his get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538. 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326, 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. And 30 others. (See below.) Tootsie, P. 3214, H. C. Parish prize, '90. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. 1st prize over Island, Aug., '90; also win ner of £15 prize. Sixty-five of his get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Sire of 32 tested cows. (See above.) Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944. H. C. 2d St. Martin Show, '94, '95. Dam of the butter-test cow, A u r e a (now Eminent's Fern of St- Martin). He is the His sire, His dam, Golden Beatrice 2d, saw. She made at the rate of IS lbs. 6 ozs. of butter in 7 days, and has repeatedly milked 22 ~to 24 quarts daily. She is perhaps the dam of more high selling calves than anv cow in the world. (See front pages for pedigree of Golden Beatrice s Sultan, 121193.) Bred April 3, 1916, to Golden Beatrice's Sultan, 121193 A. J. C C, a bull that stands in a class by himsel If youngest son of the famous Golden Beatrice 2d, 162060, and her only son sired by Sultana s Golden Jolly, 861 Ml the peerless Sultana's Golden Jollv, is a Grand Champion and the sire of Grand Champions, has been declared by Mr. George E. Peer to have been the greatest imported cow he ever s; O 221 T. S. COOPER & SONS* AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 37. Cow. GAMBOGE'S NANCY, 3065%, A. J. C. C. (Snow, P. 16124, C.) Bred by C. J. Robin, St. Saviour, Island of Jersey. Born March 2, 1909. Imported September 15, 1913, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A Gamboge's Knight, and one of high quality; beautiful top line, sharp withers, and thin, flat neck; prominent, expressive eyes, wide apart, and deeply dished face; good depth and length of body; wide, prominent hips and well-set tail with beautiful switch; splendid udder, large, square, full in front and well out behind; teats of good size, perfectly placed. A valuable cow, and a great breeder. (See her twin daughters, catalogued on opposite page.) This may be one of the great "bargains." as she will not be in bloom, due to calve in August to one of the great sons of Golden Fern's Lad. Sire GAMBOGE'S KNIGHT, P. 3645, H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny), Apr., '08. Sold at our '11 auction for $6,700 to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,750 each. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, every animal in com- petition, sired by Gamboge's Knight, did honor to its sire. Sire of 41 butter test cows, three of them testing above 700 lbs. in 1 year — all three imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auction, viz.; Gamboge's Grey Beau- ty, 784 lbs. 12 ozs. in 1 year. Gamboge's Tiddledy- wink, 722 lbs. 14 ozs. in 1 year. Gamboge's Fancy Princess, 712 lbs. 9 ozs. in 1 year. He is also the sire of four bulls with test- ed daughters, in- cluding: Oxford You'll Do, 1st prize with his prog- eny at Royal Show. April, '11; sire of 21 tested cows, one over 850 lbs. butter in 1 year as a 4-year- old. Oxford Knight, full brother to Oxford You'll Do, sire of 12 tested cows. His daughter, Gam- boge's Tiddledy- wink, was Grand Champion cow at National Dairy Show, '12. Dam NANCY 2d, P. 5846, C. Dam of Agnes, P. 14690, H. C., winner of Certificate of Mer- it in public butter test, Oct., '10, as a two year-old, with 1 lb. 3 ozs. butter in 24 hours, 1 75 days after calving. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256. H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '02. 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '03. Sire of Sultan of Oaklands.lst prize, Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham. , St . Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '05. Combination, P. 3744, H. C, 1st prize over Jersey, May, '06; 1st pr., St. Helier Show, Aug., '06; lstpr. and Cham., St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Apr., '09. Sire of many other wi nners , and of 7 butter test cows. Fontaine's Oxford Pride, 187430, A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C.) 3d prize over Jersey, Aug.. '01, '02. 3d pr. in public but- ter test, 2 lbs. 72 ozs. ,48 days in milk. Sold for $2,500, in our '05 auction, to Mr. Howard Willets, owner GedneyFarm. Dam of 3 public butter test cows. Fortescue 5 th, P. 1687, H. C. By same sire as the grand old cow Cocotte, dam of 6 celebrated cows, in- cluding the highest testing daughter of Oxford Lad ; also The Owl's Sensa- tion, dam of Sensa- tional Fern, sold in our auction for $10,200 when 8 months old. Nancy, P. 2202, C. Granddaughter of the great cow, Quality, F. 1748, H. C. Many years ago, when on the Is- land, we were so taken with "Qual- ity" that we bought, at a long price, her son, Everton King, P. 390, C, and left him on the Island to be bred to our cows before shipment to America. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C.) Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale, May, '02, for $7,500. Among his many tested daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. estimated butter from 13,604 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Flower, o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. estimated butter from 11,198 lbs. milk in 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Saviour, 411.96 lbs. estimated butter from 6,841 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dreamwold, 10,060 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Syria o' Dreamwold, 11,075 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Maid o' The Sea, 11,530 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox Glove, Certificate of Merit and 2d Parish prize, May, '07, 2 lbs. &i ozs. butter in 24 hrs., 37 days in milk. Simone G. G., Certificate of Merit, May, '04, 2 lbs. 5J ozs. butter, 24 hrs., 101 days in milk. Oxford Vixen, Certificate of Merit, May, '05, 2 lbs. 2\ ozs. butter, 24 hrs., 49 days in milk. Flying Fox's La Fontaine, 18 lbs. 2 ozs. butter from 280 lbs. milk, 7 days. Lady Iveagh, 17 lbs. 6.6 ozs. butter, 7 days; 34 lbs. butter 14 days (est.). Flying Fox's Brown Belle, 15 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Handsome Lily, 14 lbs. 8 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Pearl, 15 lbs. 7 ozs. butter. 7 days. Fox's Belle of Grouville, 21 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 7 days; 80 lbs. 11 ozs., 30 days. Flying Fox's Trinity Rose, 20 lbs. 6 ozs. butter, 7 days. Fox's Belle of Trinity, 20 lbs. 5 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Rowena, 17 lbs. 2\ ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Brown Maid, milked 22 qts., 1 day. Fox's Golden Cigarette, milked 20 qts., 1 day, with 1st calf. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. (A Highly Commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432, H. C. J. H. B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. \\ ozs. in 24 hours, Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. Sold in our May, '02, auction for $1,700, to Mrs. M. M. Patterson. Port Kennedy, Pa. Fontaine's King. P. 2207, H. C. Sire of John Bull and other noted animals, including Origa's Queen, winner Cer- tificate of Merit in public butter test, May, '02, 1 lb. 12$ ozs., 107 days in milk. [ Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. Boniface, F. 399, C. Lily 2d, P. 115, H. C. Caiest, P. 2591, H. C. 1st prize. Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouvilfe Show, '98. Sire of 9 tested cows. Gamboge's Pride, P. 4508, H. C. 1st St. Saviour, '96. 2d over Jersey, '97. Winner in 6 public but- ter tests. Dam of 3 butter test cows. Fortescue, P. 766, H. C. 2d over Jer., '86. 1st over Jer., '87, '88. Stella de la Franchise, P. 2364, C. Dam of Rosa's Wel- come 3d, 1204, C. ,3d over Jersey, '90, and sire of Distinction, P. 4736, H. C. Dam of Starlight, P. 7973, H. C, public butter test, May, '00. 1 lb. 12* ozs., 187 days in milk. Everton King, P. 390. C. A remarkable sire of grand cows of mag- nificent dairy type, inheriting the same from his illustrious dam, Quality, who won first prize and Champion Cup at the Royal Show, '82, and made 16 lbs. 8 ozs. of butter. Queen of the May, F. 2133, C. Charles Dickens, P. 598, C. Grandson of Cetewayo, who sired Cetewa- yo 's Silver Bell. 17 lbs. 2£ ozs.; Cete- wayo's Lily. 17 lbs.; Cetewayo's Daisy. 16 lbs. 4 ozs. Stelle, P. 943, H. C 4th over Jer. and Par. prize, '97. Cetewayo, P. 224, C- Sire of Cetewayo's Silver Bell, 17 lbs. 2\ ozs. Cetewayo's L i 1 v, 17 lbs. Cetewayo's Daisy, 16 lbs. 4 ozs. (We imported Cete- wayo's Daisy and sold her in our '83 auction for $1,600.) , Quality, F. 1748, H.C. Winner of 1st pr. and Cham. Cup at Roy. Jer. Show, '82; 16 lbs. 8 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son, Flying Fox, sold in our May, '02, sale for $7,500. His son, Eminent 2d, sold in our May, '05, auction sale for $10,000. His ten-months-old bull calf sold in our May, '07, sale for $10,200, and in the same sale his grand- s o n, "Stockwelt," sold for $11, 500. (See his extended pedi- gree, front page A.) Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C, now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. 1st pr. over Jer., '89. 1st H. B. prize. Dam of Flying Fox, P. 2729. Alicante, P. 3880, H.C. Forfarshire, P. 2914, H. C. Ravachol, P. 2032, C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam. Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. (See above.) Fontaine 4th, P. 2537, C. Reserve No. for Cup, '90. 1st over Jer., '90, '91. 1st Herd Book. 90. Dam of Fontaine 7th, P. 5391, H. Cm 1st prize, Grouville, '98; Bronze Medal, but- ter test, '98. Welcome, F. 166, H. C. Lily, P. 23, H. C. Cetewayo 2d, P. 370, H. C. Sire of Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944, H. Cm grandam of Golden Fern's Lad. Bergere, F. 1878, C. Forget-Me-Not, P. 291, H. C Rosette, F. 1818, C Romulus, P. 181, C. 2d St. Peter, '78. 3d Lon. Dairy Show. Sire of Mousy 2d, 14962, butter test, 17 lbs. 1 oz. in 7 days. (Imported by us, Aug., '81, and sold in May, '82, to the late Mr. D. F. Appleton.) Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all prize winners over the Is- land. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C 2d over Jersey, 2d H. B. and Par. pr., '94. Her dam, Brown Fern 2d, is dam of Aurea, P. 8693, H. C. (now Eminent's Fern of St. Martin, 252122), Certificate of Merit in public butter test. May, '07, 2 lbs. 4^ ozs., 167 days in milk; Br. Medal, public butter test, Oct., '03, 2Ibs.£oz., 167 days in milk. Sarabond, P. 797, H.C. He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. This was a great loss to the Island. Rosette 4th, P. 2128, C Like her daughters was a very rich and per- sistent milker. Orme, P. 1660, H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, 2 lbs. l£ ozs. of butter in 24 hours. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C (See above.) Courage, P. 1813, C. Grassy Brown, P. 3370. H. C. Guenon's Pride, P. 347, H. C. 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, '82. 1st Guenon pr., '82, '83. 3d over Jersey, '83. Fontaine, F. 2058, C. 1st over Jer, '86, '88. 1st Grouville. '87. Sweepstakes as b e s t cow in show, '88. 24 quarts milk. Noble, F. 104, H. C. Daisy, F. 673, H. C. Cetewayo, P. 224. C. Sire of Everton King and of 4 tested cows in America. Sunrise, F. 1947, C. Farmer's Glory, F. 274. H. C 1st over Jertey, '79. . Erica, F. 1946, C. Hero, P. 90, H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes over Jer.. '7o. 1st St. Peter. '76. Sire of Daisy of St. Peter, 20 lbs. 5h ozs. Cocotte, 16 lbs. 84 ozs. Satin Bird, 14 lbs. 15£ ozs. Jenny Le Brocq, 14 lbs. 14 ozs. Musique, F. 1096, C. [ Stella, F. 705. C. Jolly, F. 230, C. Grey. Herd Book closed. Very good cow. Bull owned by John De Lacour. Rosy, F. 682. H. C Due to calve August 20, 1916, by Golden Fern of Linden, 84011, one of the most prepotent sons of Golden Fern's Lid. Golden Fern of Linden was "bred to ordef," our desire being for a son of Golden Fern's Lad out of the great cow, Golden Lad's Industry, 16205S, one of the greatest daughters of Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C, ever owned at "Linden Grove." His progeny have fulfilled our fondest expectations, and they have been highly appreciated by some of our best breeders. (See front pages for extended pedigree of Golden Fern of Linden, 84011.) Tattoo 103 T, S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 38. Heifer. COMBINATION'S SPECKLED, 310530, A. J. C. C. (Twin With Combination's Gamboge Nancy, 310529, below.) Bred by J. J. Richomme, St. Clement, Island of Jersey. Born May 20, 1914. Imported (in dam) September 15, 1913, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. White in forehead, speck on right shoulder; specks on stifles, hips and left flank; line above black switch; black tongue. An attractive rich fawn, of good constitution and dairy type; long, deep, well-ribbed middlepiece; long rump; prominent hips; well-set tail with beauti- ful switch; splendid udder development, with large teats squarely placed. Sire— COMBINATION'S PREMIER, P. 4669, H. C. Winner of two First Prizes at Royal Island Shows, in large classes. (See extended pedigr e below.) Dam— GAMBOGE'S NANCY, 306S96, A. J. C. C. A splendid daughter of Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645. H. C. (Sec opposite page. No. 37, for her extended pedigree.) Bred February 3, 1916, to Golden Kern's Mon Plaisir, 122755, whose dam is the sensational butter cow and breeder, Grace Barling of St. Mary's, 306562, sold in our 1914 auction for $700 to Mr. Geo. W. Chaffee, Quechee, Vt., for whom she made 653 lbs. 3 02S. butter the first year after importation. She has a daughter with a record of 630 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in one year. The sire of Golden Fern's Mon Plaisir is Golden Fern's Noble, winner of numerous first prizes at the Royal Shows, a son of Noble of Oaklands, 95700, out of Lady Aldan, P. 8470, H. C, one of the best daughters of Golden Fern's Lad. (See No. 5 for pedi- gree of Golden Fern's Mon Plaisir.) Tattoo 104 No. 39. Heifer. COMBINATION'S GAMBOGE NANCY, 310529, A. J. C. C. (Twin With Combination's Speckled, 310530, above.) Bred by J. J. Richomme, St. Clement, Island of Jersey. Born May 20, 1914. Imported (in dam) September 15, 1913, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; white tongue; black switch. A lovely heifer, of great constitution and beautiful outline ; sweet dished face ; straight, strong back ; body of unusual capacity, deep and wide, with hind quarters about perfect; very rugged, yet neat in bone and stylish in carriage; promises a beautiful udder, with good sized teats, perfectly placed. Sire COMBINATION'S PREMIER, P. 4669, H. C. Winner of 1st pr. over Jer., 11 entries, bulls from tested dams , May, '11. 1st prize, Class 3, 13 entries, Royal Show, Jersey, April, "14. Sire of Tapon's Butterfly, 2d prize. Class 1, 59 entries, Royal Show, May, '14; 3d prize. Class 3, 46 entries, May, '15. Beach Premier, Re- serve yearling bull at Bath and West (13 entries) and Royal Counties Show (20 entries), England, '13. Combination's Jessie, St. John Parish prize, Class 3, Royal Show, May, '15. The Cardinal, St. Bre- lade Parish prize, Class 1, April, '13. Pretty Emma, St. He- Her Parish prize, Class I, Aug., '13. My Sweet Virginia, 276812, sold as a 10-mos. -old heifer calf in our '14 auc- tion for $210, and her full sister for ■ $200, to Dr. C. H. Frazier, Willow Grove, Pa. Combination's Premier is one of the great service bulls in the herd of Mr. John A. Perree, Secretary of the Herd Book Society. Dam GAMBOGE'S NANCY, 306596, A. J. C. C. (SNOW,P.16124,C.) A splendid daughter of Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. (See opposite page, No. 37, for her extended pedigree.) Combination, P. 3744, H. C, now named Combination of St. Saviour's, 88245, A. J. C. C. 1st prize over Jersey, 15 entries, Aug., '06. 1st and Champion, St. Saviour - Grouville Show, Apr., '09. 1st prize over Jersey, 10 entries, Apr., '09. Sire of Hillside Lad, P. 4100, H. C, 1st over Jer., bulls from tested dams, Aug., '08; 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr., '08; 1st over Jer., Apr., '09. Combination's Leda.P. 14105. H. C. (Com- bination's Golden Leda, 235187), 1st over Jer. and Trinity Par. pr., Aug., '09. Sold in our '10 auc- tion for $890- Sire of 17 butter test cows, the 3 highest of which were impor- ted by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auctions. Has 5 producing sons Oakland's Bess, P. 9833, H. C. Public butter test, Oct., '05, 1 lb. 3$ ozs., 248 days in milk. Dam of Oakland's Glory, 3d over Jer., 40 entries, and Par. prize, Apr., '07. Sire of King of the Roses, 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr., '09; La Fosse Beauty 3d, Reserve over Jersey, Aug., '09. Sire of numer- ous winners. Oakland's Sailor, 3d over Jer., Aug., '06, and other prizes. Sire of 7 tested cows, including Pretty Lass of St. Lawrence, 527 lbs. butter in 1 year; sold in our '09 auction for $360. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '02. 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. 1st prize over the Is- land, Aug., '03. Sire of Sultan of Oaklands, 1st prize, Sweepstakes, Reserve Champion, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '05. Gamboge's Knight, 2d over Jersey with his progeny, Apr. , '08 ; sold in our '11 auc- tion for $6,700. Agatha's Flying Fox is sire of many other winners. Sire of 7 tested cows. Jersey Skater 6th, P. 5865. H. C. A magnificent daugh- ter of Golden Lad, imported to Amer- ica by "Gedney Farm." Champion, St. Helier Show, '06. Dam of Maitland Con- stance, P. 10373, H. C, 4th over Jersey, Aug., '03, and May, '04. Favori, P. 2943, H. C. Sire of Favori's Pretty Rosa, in Register of Merit, Class B. No. 999; 6,634 lbs. 1.6 ozs. milk, 458 lbs. 12 ozs. estimated but- ter, in 1 yr., when 7 years old. Warder, 1st over Jer., Aug., '04. (A cele- brated sire of butter cows.) Halloween, 3d over Jer. and Par. prize. May, '03. D a m of Halloween's Fox, 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, Grouville Sh. (Sire of many great cows.) Bess, P. 6968, C. Also dam of Bessie Willoh, P. 10970, H. C, winner of St. Lawrence Par. prize. Royal Show, Aug., '10. Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale, May, '02, for $7,500. In same sale, three of his heifers on first calf averaged $933. Among his many test- ed daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. butter, 13.604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold. 740 lbs. butter. 11,198 lbs. milk, 1 year Blue Belle of St. Sa- viour, 411.96 lbs. butter, 6,841 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dream- wold, 10,060 lbs. milk, 1 year. And 22 others. Agatha of Oaklands. 162101, A. J. C. C- (A highly commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432, H.C, J. H. B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs.. l£ ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. Winner of first prize at the 3 Western Parishes in '99. Winner of 1st pr. and Championship (Silver Cup), St. Saviour Show, '00. 1st prize over Jersey, beating former Roy. winners in '00. Eminent 2d, P. 2532. H. C. One of the best sons of Golden Fern's Lad. He has proved himself one of the most successful sires the Island has had for many years. He won the State's pr. over the Island of £50 ($250) in "01 and '02, with five of his get. His 81 tested daugh- ters are topped by Eminent's Evasion, 24 lbs. 9 ozs. butter in 7 days; and eight others above 20 lbs. Favorite, P. 8354, H.C. (Eminent's Brown Duchess, 157604.) A grand dairy cow. Sold in our sale. May, '01, for $500 to Mr. F. W. Crane! Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C- Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. He was in service at "Linden Grove" for five years. (See below.) Rosette 5 th, P. 2881, H. C, now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C. Dam of Flying Fox, P. 2729, Alicante. P. 3SS0. H.C. Forfarshire, P. 2914, H. C. (Three Champion win- ners.) Four of her get have sold in our auction sales at an average of $2,762.50. Ravachol, P. 2032, C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam. he proved him- self a remarkable sire, but was butch- ered before his value as a sire was known. Courageous Countess of Oaklands, F. 8640, H. C. now named Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours. Jersey weight. Golden Fein's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. Sire of Golden Sultana, winner 3d prize at the great St. Louis Show, Sept., '04, and sold in the ring for $2,350. Sire of 31 tested cows and 28 producing bulls. Eminence, F. 7124, H. C. 2d St. Martin, '92. Sweepstakes, N. C..'92. Dam of Little Emi- nence, 122506, 21 lbs. 6 ozs. Also dam of Eminent and Eminent 2d, two fa- mous sires. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d over Jer., 2d H. B. and Par. prize. '94. Her dam is half-sister to E m i n e n c e, F- 7124, H. C. Sarabond. P. 797. H.C- He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. This was a great loss to the Island, as he undoubtedly was a great sire. Rosette 4th. P. 2128. C- As a dairy cow in her day had few equals on the Island. Orme. P. 1660, H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, winner of 1st pr., B. and W. S.. N. A. S. S. Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C C 1st over Jersey, '89. (See above.) Courage, P. 1813, C. Mr. Francis Le Brocq, the best judge of Jerseys on the Is- land, told us that the bull Courage wat the best son of Golden Lad. Grassy Brown, P. 3370. H. C. Boyle. P. 1559. H. C Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all pr. winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d ov. Jer., 2d H. and Par. pr., '94. Traveler, P. 280, C. Brown Fern, F. 4606. C. Dam of Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944, H. C.. winner of 2d prize, St. Martin Show, '94 and '95. Also grandam of Gold- en Fern, P. 4711, H. C. Bred January 9, 191b, to Golden Fern of Linden, 84011, this prepotent son of Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C.) A. J. C. C. (See opposite page for further information regarding 219 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 40. Cow. GAMBOGE'S SKYLARK, 306561, A. (Daisy Skylark, F. 10058, C.) J ■ \y» \j* Bred by P. J. Picot, St. Saviour, Island of Jersey. Born August 7, 1906. Imported September 15, 1913, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Spot in forehead; on top of right shoulder and on left stifle; two specks on right stifle; fringe on flanks; brisket, belly, fore ankles, hind stockings and switch white. A handsome cow, of the Gamboge's Knight type; good head, bright, prominent eyes; clean neck; strong, level back and prominent hips; body of great capacity, long, deep, and with well sprung ribs; deep, square udder, large, and of beautiful shape, attached high behind, full in front, with large and perfectly placed teats; prominent milk veins; great length of rump and good seting of tail, which is thin and long, with beautiful switch. A great cow for any herd. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256. H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. Sire of Sultan of Oaklands, 1st prize. Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham., St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show. '05. Sire of 16 butter tested cows. Combination, P. 3744, H. C.. 1st prize over Jersey, May. '06; 1st pr., St. Helier Show, Aug. ,'06, 1st pr. and Cham., St. Saviour and Grouville Show. Apr., '09. Sire of 9 butter tested cows. Agatha's Oxford Lass. P. 11386. H. C. winner of 1st over Jer., Theatre Chal- lenge Cup, May, '11; and Certificate of Merit in two public butter tests — record, 2 lbs. 1 i ozs. Sire GAMBOGE'S KNIGHT, P. 3645, H.C. (95698, A. J. C. C.) Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny), Apr., '08. Sold at our '1 1 auction for $6,700 to White Horse Farm, Paoli. Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,750 each. Sire of Oxford You'll Do, 1st over Jersey with h s progeny, Apr., '11. Oxford You'll do has 21 official test daugh ters, and is sire of many distinguished prize winners. He is now in the "Lin- den Grove" stables. His son, Oxford Knight, P. 3938, C, has 12 butter test cows, and a number of his splendid daughters are in this sale. Gamboge's Knight has already 41 tested daughters. 11 of his daughters, in our 'II auction, averaged $1,391.36. His three highest test- ing daughters were imported by "Lin- den Grove" and sold in our auctions, viz.: Gamboge's Grey Beauty, 784 lbs. 12 ozs. butter in 1 year. Gamboge's Tiddledy- wink. 722 lbs. 14 OZS. butter in 1 year. Gamboge's Fancy Princess, 712 lbs. 9 ozs. butter in 1 year. We imported many others among his very best progeny. Dam YOUNG SKYLARK, P. 10870, C. She has very much the same blood elements as Oxford Cocottc, the highest testing daughter of Oxford Lad, tracing through dam to the bull that produced old Cocotte, who has 4 butter test daugh- ters and was also dam of The Owl's Sensation, dam of Sensational Fern, who sold in our auc tion for $10,200 when S months old. Fontaine's Oxford Pride, 187430. A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C.) 1st prize winner over the Island and Blythwood Bowl, Aug.. '04. 3d prize over Jersey, Aug.. '01. '02. 3d pr. in public butter test. 2 lbs. 7| ozs., 48 days in milk. She and her dam have each 3 public butter tested daughters. f Oxford Lad, P. 3123. H. C. 1st prize. St. Saviour Show, '02. Sweepstakes over St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, Apr., '03. 1st State's prize over the Island, Apr., '03. Champion, St. Saviour and G r o u v i 1 1 e Show. '05. Oxford Lud sired the great bulls. Majesty. Lucy's Champion and Sultana's Ox- ford Lad, the latter selling at our '10 auction sale lor $11,100. Sire of 42 tested cows. His highest testing daughter. Oxford Cocotte— 724 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 year — was imported by us and sold in the "Linden G r o v e" auction, '11. for $1,700. Free Girl. P. 6921. H. C. She is descended from the bull Fortescue. who produced the noted cow C< «otte, grandam of Sensa- tional Fern. etc. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. (Flving Fox. P. 2729, H. C.) Champion winner over the Island. Aug.. '99. Sold at our auction sale, May, '02, for $7,500. In same sale three of his heifers on first calf averaged $933. Sire of Oxford Vixen. 2 lbs. 2\ ozs., 49 days in milk. Fox's Belle of Grou- ville, 21 lbs. 3 ozs. Fox's Belle of Trinity, 20 lbs. £ oz. Flying Fox's Rowena, 17 lbs. 2£ ozs. Flying Fox's Pearl, 15 lbs. 7 ozs. Flying Fox's Brown Belle, 15 lbs. 3 ozs. And 20 other tested cows. I Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. (A highly commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432, H.C.. J. H. B.i Official butter test, 2 lbs. 1 £ ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. Sold in our May, '02, auction for $1,700 to Mrs. M. M. Pat- terson. Port Ken- nedy, Pa. Caiest. P. 2591. H. C. 1 st prize. Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville S.. '98. Sire of Mabel's Poet, P. 2964, H. C, and other noted animals. Fifteen daughters of Caiest sold in our '05 and '06 auction sales, averaging $865 each. . Gamboge's Pride. P. 4508, H. C. The great butter test cow. I" Champion Flying Fox, 61441. A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729. H. C.i Sire of 26 butter test cows. (See above.) { Oxford Lass, P. 3582. C. Dam of Golden Queen of St . Saviour, 2 lbs. H ozs., 214 days in milk. Oxford Ixia, 2 1 b s. 8 ozs., 70 days in milk, and 5 other public butter tests. Mas 3 producing sons. [ Eminent 2d, P. 2532. H. C. Winner 1st State's pr. over Ter. (with his get), '01 and "02. Goddington purse. '02. Sold in our '05 auction for $10,000 to the late Hon. A. M. Bowman, Salem, Va t Eminent 2d has Si' daughters that have made tests in Amer- ica and on the Is- land. Among them are the following with yr.'s records . Rose Fern Rosebud 642 lbs. 1 1 ozs. Joanna 2d, P. 4924, C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced His son, Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son. Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 auction sale for $10,000. Rosette 5th. P. 2881, H. C, now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A, J. C. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. 1st over Jersey, '98. Has 5 producing sons. [ Ravachol. P. 2032. C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam, he proved himself a remark- able sire, but was butchered before his value as a sire was known. Courageous Countess of Oaklands, P. 8640, H. C, now named Countess of Oaklands. 162098. Fontaine's King, P. 2207. H. C. Sire of John Bull and other noted animals. Among his tested daughters is Origa's Queen, winner Cer- tificate of Merit. May, '02, 1 lb. 12? ozs., 107 days in milk. { Oxford Lass. P. 3582. C (See below.) Rob Roy. P. 1184.H.C. Gamboge 2d P. 2294, H. C Dam of Gamboge 4th, 2 lbs. 1 £ ozs., 24 hrs. Count Wolseley, P. 928, H C 1st over Jer., Aug., '89- 2d ov. J., Apr.. '87, "89. 1st ov. Jer.. Apr., '88. Sire of many noted cows, including: Alicante. P. 3880, H. C-, dam of the noted sires, Nunthorpe, The Owl and Ali- cante's Boy. Oxford Rose. P. 3787. C., dam of Courage. Oxford Primrose, P. 2252, C (See above.) Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. Winner of 1st pr. and Championship, North Club Show. '96 and '97. Purchased by us for use at "Linden Grove," when 9 yrs. old, for $2,250. I Eminence, F. 7124, H. C. Dam of Little Eminence, 122506, 21 lbs. 6ozs. Eminence of the Is- land, 15 lbs. 10 ozs.. when ten years old. Joanna 2d was by Paul, sired Helena. P. 5203 of the bull. Helena's Boyle. P. 1559. H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7 th, 8th and 9th. all prize winners over the Is- land. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C 2d over Jersey, 2d H. B. and Par. pr., '94. Sarabond. P. 797. H.C. He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. Rosette 4th, P. 2128, C. Orme, P. 1660, H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d , 2 lbs. li ozs. of butter in 24 hours. Little Eminence. 122506, 21 lbs. 6 ozs. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C Courage, P. 1813, C. Grassy Brown, P. 3370, H. C. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Fontaine 4th. F. 2537, C. Reserve No. for Cup, '90. 1st over Jer.. "90, '91. 1st Herd Book, '90. Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C 1st over Jer., Apr., and Aug., '89. Oxford Primrose, P. 2252, C. One of the best cows in her day on the Island. W'olseley. P. 401. H. C lstov. Jer.. '83, '84, '85.' 1st pr. ov. Jer. Jubilee Show, '83. Cham. Cup for great- est No. of points, '83. .Sultane. P. 7, H. C. "The first of the most celebrated family the Island has ever seen." 2d pr. over Jer., '70. Boyle, P. 1559. H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th. all pr. winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours. Golden Fern. P. 4711, H. C. 2d over Jer., 2d H. B. and Par. prize. '94. Traveler, P. 280, C. Brown Fern. F. 4606. C Dam of Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944. H. C Golden Lad. P. 1242, H. C. Toosie, P. 3214, H. C. Parish prize, '90. Golden Lad. P. 1242, H. C Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944, H. C. Count Cicero. F. 398, H. C Sultane. P. 7. H. C. 2d pr. over Jer.. '70. Happy Cetewayo, P. 582, C. Rosette 2d. F. 943, H. C. 1st prize- at Grouville. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C Oxford Dahlia, P. 2588, H. C. Winner of 7 1st prizes in England. Sarabond, P. 797, H.C Rosette 4th. P 2128. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Oxford Rose, P. 3787. H. C Milked as high as 20 quarts. Guenon's Pride, P. 347. H..C. 3d ov. J. and P. p., '82. 1st Guenon p.. '82. '83. Fontaine, F. 2058. C. 1st over Jersey, '86. Wolseley, P. 401, H. C. lstpr. ov. Jer., '83, '84. Sultane, P. 7. H. C. 2d prize over Jer., '70. Count Cicero, F. 398. H. C- 2d pr. over Jer., Oxford Daisy, F. 6816, H. C. '83. Mahomet. P. 259. C Mussy. F. 1152, C. Her daughter, Mussy 2d. was imported and sold by us in our '82 auction for $790. Sultan. F. 58, H. C. 1st pr. ov. Jer., '67. '68. i Longueville Queen. F. 272. H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. 1st pr. over the Island. Aug., '90; also win- ner of £15 prize. Sire of 32 tested cows. Tootsie. P. 3214. H- C Parish prize, '90. Golden Lad. P. 1242. H. C. (See above.) Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944, H. C. 2d St. Martin Show. "94. '95. Dam of Aurea. P. 8693, H. C, Bronze Medal winner in public butter test, Oct., '03. P. 1 i43. H. C. out of Joanna, F. 7682. C. Paul H. C, public butter test. 1 lb. 9i ozs.. the dam Fox. Due to.calve April 8th, 1916, by the peerless Grand Champion bull, Sultana's Golden Tolly, S61S0 opposite page.) J J (See his pedigree on Tattoo 139 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916, No. 41. Bull. SULTANA'S SKYLARK, 126790, A. J. C. C. Bred by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Cuopersburg, Pa. Born September 5, 1914. Spot in forehead; brisket, belly, legs, tongue, tail and switch white. A handsome greyish fawn, of great constitution and dairy type. Strong "bull" head, with bright, prominent eyes; great length and depth of body; back strong and straight; splendid loins and wide, prominent hips; tail well set on, long and thin, with good switch. Sired by the peerless Grand Champion bull, Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86180, out of a splen- didly bred cow by Gamboge's Knight, out of a daugh- ter of Oxford Lad. Sire SULTANA'S GOLDEN JOLLY, 86180, A. J.C. C. The handsomest and best bred bull ever owned at "Linden Grove." He is the admiration of all 'Jersey breeders, and is not for sale at any price. The question has quite often been asked, "What would Sultana's Golden Jolly bring on the Island?" His son. The Owl's Golden Jolly. 100180, sold as a yearling in our '12 auction for $675. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, com- peting against two Cham, winners over the Island and the winners of Championships at eleven of America's most important shows in '11. he won the following: 1st prize in 2-yr.old class. 6 entries. Senior Champion bull, 2 years old or over. Grand Champion bull, any age. Gold Medal offered by American Jer. Cattle Club for Grand Cham, bull bred by exhibitor. Headed herd winning $200 Special prize, "bull and 10 females." Silver Trophy ($100 Special) for Grand Champion bull. Sired the 5 animals winning 1st prize for calf herd. 5 entries. Defeating the Cham, winners at Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota State Fairs, Waterloo (Iowa) Dairy Show, National Jer. Show (Shelbyville, Ky.), International Dairy Show (Milwaukee, Wis.), '11; and Champions over the Island in '09 and '10. His only daughter tried for Register of Merit work made 308 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 9 months of her year's test, beginning at 2 yrs. 5 mos. old. He is sire of: Golden Fern's Jolly, 100629, winner of Grand Championship at Mississippi- Alabama Fair, '13, '14 and '15. (Bred at "Linden Grove.") Sultana's Vernonia, 1st prize heifer calf and one of 1st prize calf herd. National Dairy Show, '11. (Bred at "Linden Grove.") The Owl's Golden Jolly, 2d prize senior bull calf and head of 1st prize calf herd. National Dairy Show, '11. (Bred at "Linden Grove.") Sarah's Sultan, 1st prize yearling bull. Tennessee State Fair, '14. Sold in our '14 auction for $610. St. Helier's Jolly Sultana, 1st prize junior yearl- ing heifer, 13 entries. Mississippi-Alabama Fair, '14. (Bred at "Linden Grove.") And other winners. His 75 per cent, sister, Fern's Viola, who made 672 lbs. butter in 10 months of her year's test (bred at "Linden Grove"), is dam of Viola's Raleigh. 121171, 1st junior yearling bull and Junior Champion, Mississippi- Alabama Fair, '15. His half-brother. Jolly's Royal Sultan (by Viola's Golden Jolly), sold at auction for $10,000, and is sire of 1 in Register of Merit. Dam GAMBOGE'S SKYLARK, 306561. (DAISY SKYLARK, F. 10058, C.) Daughter of Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C, dam by Oxford Lad. P. 3123, H. C, out of a daughter of Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. (See opposite page for her extended pedigree.) Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314, A. J. C. C. Sold in our '09 auction for $12,000. Sire of 9 in Register of Merit, including: Jolly's Viola, 233315, 493 lbs. butter, 1 year, 4 yrs. 7 mos. old. Viola's Fawn Duchess, 239332, 5.696 lbs. milk; 418 lbs. 10 ozs. butter, in one year, at 2 years old, at White Horse Farm. Sold in our '10 auc- tion for $425. Handsome Viola's Jolly, 239757, 5,652 lbs. S ozs. milk; 400 lbs- 12 ozs. butter, in one year, at 2 years old, at White Horse Farm. Sold in our '10 auction for $725. Fern's Viola, 237208, 6,545 lbs. 3 ozs. milk, 390 lbs. 5 ozs. butter, in 1 year, at 2 years old, for Mr. C. I. Hudson. Bred at "Linden Grove." Viola's Jolly Lady, 244177, 5,038 lb s. 11.2 ozs. milk, 381 lbs. 13 ozs. butter, in 1 year, at 3 years old, at Elmendorf Farm. Bred at "Linden Grove." Viola's Sensation, 239334. 4,846 lbs. 8 ozs. milk, 365 lbs. 4 ozs. butter, in 1 yr., at 2 years old, at Elmendorf Farm, Sold in our '10 auc- tion for $1,125, at 10 months old. Fern's Viola (above mentioned) has been re-tested, and at last report had made 672 lbs. butter in 10 months, She is 75 per cent, same blood as Sultana's Golden Jolly. Viola's Golden Jolly sired the Grand Champion bulls at Forest City (Ohio), Lexington. Ky.. and LUah State Fairs in '14; and many other winners. Golden Jolly, P. 2921, H. C. 1st prize and Champion. North Show, '00. A famous sire of butter cows and winners. Sire of 21 tested cows, and of 5 sons with daughters in the Register of Merit. Sire of Golden Warrior, 1st over England, Royal Show, '03; 1st over England and Champion, D. S., '03. Jolly Lady of Beechwood, winner of 1st prize, Illinois State Fair, '08; 1st, Champion and Grand Champion at the National Show, Chicago, '08. Golden Jolly also sired the four cows that won 1st prize for bull and pro- duce. National Dairy Show, Chicago, and Illinois State Fair, '08; and many other winners. Sire of 24 butter test cows, including; Golden Jolly's Fertile, 669 lbs. 11 ozs. in 1 year. Jolly Princess of St. Peter's, 633 lbs. 1 oz. Jolly's Pride, 633 lbs. 9 ozs. Jolly's Ruby. 620 lbs. 13 ozs. Sire of 10 bulls with tested daughters, including Derry's Golden Jolly, sire of 13, sold at auction for $11,000. Eleven untested daughters of Golden Jolly are the dams of Register of Merit cows- Sire of Mourier Lass, 234539, Grand Champion cow. Utah State Fair, '13 and '14; and many other winners. Lady Viola, P. 8463. H. C. Sold in our '11 auction for$7,0-)0. 1st over Jersey, '04. Public butter test. May, '04, 2 lbs. 12 ozs. 1st prize. Sweepstakes and Champion, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '05. 1st prize over Jersey and Theatre Cup, May, '05. 1st over England wherever exhibited, '06 and 07. Champion over all England, '07. 1st prize for butter test cows, Aug., '07. Dam of Noble of Oaklands. P. 3909, H. C, winner of 1st over Jersey for bull and progeny, April, '10. He was sold in our May, '11, auction for $15,000. Miss Viola, P. 9644, H. C, Certificate of Merit in public butter test. May, '05, 2 lbs. 15 ozs., 39 days in milk, 4 years 1 month old. Willoh's Rosy, P. 10444, H. C (now named Willoh's Lady Viola, 219486, A. J. C. C), Certificate of Merit in public butter test. May, '06, 3 lbs., 38 days in milk. 4 years 1 month old. She is the dam of 5 official tested daughters, and of a 1st prize winner over the Island. Poppy Viola. P. 10902, H. C (now named Golden Jolly's Lady Viola), that we imported in '06. We re-bought her at Mr. J. M. Overton's sale, '08, for $2,550. She is looked upon on the Island as having made the most phenomenal public butter test (taking into consideration age and lacta- tion) ever made, testing 1 lb. 15 ozs., 159 days in milk, being only 30 mos. old. She made a private test at home of 2 lbs. 9 ozs. in 24 hours. * Goddington Bagatelle, public butter test, 1 lb. 6 ozs. in 24 hours. Noble of Oaklands (above mentioned) now has 37 butter test daughters and 28 producing sons, including Noble's Jolly Sultan, a Champion winner, sire of 1 1 tested cows. Golden Sultana, 146282, A. J. C. C Winner of 3d prize in class for aged cows at the Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition, St. Louis, '04, in the greatest ring ever exhibited in this country, where she sold for $2,350. We afterward bought her for the "Linden Grove" home herd. Golden Sultana is an intensely bred "Sultane." She is sired by Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C, out of Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. C, winner of many first prizes over the Island and dam of L'ncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C. Her grandam, Sultane, P. 7, H. C, is the first of the greatest family of Jerseys ever bred and owned by that famous breeder, Mr. J. P. Marett. Thus Golden Sultana is a granddaughter of old Sultane and her nearest living descendant. She has inherited the famous dairy type, especially in the udder and teats, for which her grandam was famous, and has inherited all her abundant dairy qualities, having milked as high as 48 lbs. daily. She is dam of Sultana's Oxford Lad, that sold in our '10 auction sale for $11,100, and she selling in same sale when 12 years old for $3,700. She is a full sister to Sultane's Snowdrop, dam of Sultan of Oaklands. Her son. Sultana's Oxford Lad, whom we sold to Elmendorf Farm for $11,100, produced for them, Elvirian Lad, 106674. 1st pnze yearling bull (9 entries). Junior and Grand Champion, Illinois State Fair, '13. Sul- tana's Oxford Lad has 4 daughters in Register of Merit; his son. Sultana's Fawn Prince (bred at "Linden Grove"), also has 4 daughters in Register of Merit. His daughter. Sultan's Jolly Prncess, sold in our auction for $1,600. Her son, Gedney Farm Blue Fox's Sultan, 72755, produced Golden Daisy Fox, in Register of Merit, 419 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 2 years old; and Exila Fox Sultana, in Register of Merit, 343 lbs. 8 ozs., at 2 years old — the former owned and tested by Cornell University, and the latter by Mr. H. C. McLallen, Trumansburg, N. V. Her daughter, Sultana of Linden, was sold in our '10 auction for $1,750, at 8 months old. Golden Fern's Lad, P, 2160, H. C (Imp. Golden Fern's Lad, 65300, A. J. C. C.) Winner of 1st pr. and Championship, North Club Show, '96 and '97. Purchased by us for use at "L i n d e n Grove," when 9 yrs. old, for $2,250. Sire of many prize winners and tested cows. Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H.C. 2d over Jersey, '85. 1st H. B. over Jer., '85. Dam of Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C, sire of a re- markable lot of dairy cows that have always sold at long prices. Sultane's Snowdrop, P. 8578. H. C, a fa- mous show cow. She is dam of Sultan of Oaklands, P. 3746, H. C, 1st over Jer., Apr., '96, who was sold to Mr. P. Rob- erts, Narberth, Pa., for a record price. T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916, NOT A "RICH MAN'S PLAYTHING" SEVEN DAUGHTERS OF GAMBOGES KNIGHT AT $1,750 EACH. DO THEY NOT REPRESENT A SOUND INVESTMENT? Five of them in Register of Merit, Class A, With Records Averaging 670 Lbs. 8 Ozs. of Butter in One Year, at Five Years Eleven Months Old — Away Above the Average. Three Have Produced Cows With Official Butter Tests. "Doubting Thomases" have been disposed to smile wisely at the men of large affairs who come to our Decoration Day auc- tions and buy the "plums," which in some cases bring a thousand dollars or more. The same "Thomases," when they have any Gamboge's Knight blood for sale, will state in the pedigrees: "Seven of his daughters sold in one lot for SI, 7.50 each." Some other Thomases will pity the man who paid the price — they would "look a long time at the money before paying that much for cows," and they ask, WHAT DID THOSE COWS EVER DO? We will give the facts, as they exist five years after the pur- chase, and ask in return, WHO IS ENTITLED TO THE SMILE? THOSE SEVEN GAMBOGE'S KNIGHT COWS SOLD IN THE "LINDEN GROVE" DECORATION DAY AUCTION FOR $1,750 EACH In the first place, Manager A. K. Heath, of White Horse Farm, for which establishment the cows were bought, writes: "The offspring from those Gamboge's Knight cows have nearly all been kept on the Farms." This alone is a great credit and a compliment to the cows. They are all living and breeding regularly, and their achievements have contributed greatly to the prestige of White Horse Farms, which occupies a prominent and favorable position in American Jersey breeding establish- ments. As an "advertisement" alone, they have returned a great proportion of their purchase price. But they have done other and more important things, which the following will witness: GAMBOGE'S GREY BEAUTY, 252162, made the Register of Merit with 784 lbs. 12 ozs. butter in one year, at six years ten months old. She is the highest testing daughter of Gamboge's Knight. GAMBOGE'S TIDDLEDYWINK, 252156, made the Register of Merit with 722 lbs. 14 ozs. butter in one year, at five years six months old. She stands second in Gamboge's Knight's list. She was Senior Champion cow at Waterloo and Grand Cham- pion at the National Dairy Show, 1912, and at the latter show was in the herd winning First Prize for "get of sire" and First Prize for "dairy herd." She was on the show circuit 2+ months during her great test. Her son by Noble of Oaklands was a prize winner two years at the Connecticut State Fair; and the calf she carried when imported was sold in our 1912 auction for $325 to Mr. Wimbish, of Georgia. GAMBOGE'S FANCY PRINCESS, 252154, made the Register of Merit with 712 lbs. 9 ozs. butter, at five years eight months old. She stands third in Gamboge's Knight's list of forty tested daughters. She is dam of Oxford Majesty's Princess, 306589, public butter test as a four-year-old, 2 lbs in 24 hours, from 41 lbs. 4 ozs. milk — sold in our 1914 auction for $325. At White Horse Farm they bred from her Financial Raleigh's Pride, 276170, that made the Register of Merit, beginning test at one year eleven months old, with 398 lbs. 8 ozs. butter, from 8,141 lbs. 12.8 ozs. milk. This heifer won First Prize in calf class at the Devon (Pa.) Cattle Show, and was 2d at Waterloo and 3d at National Dairy Show in large and hotly contested classes. Her sire's dam, Financial Uaisy, who made the Register of Merit with 695 lbs. 12 ozs. butter, was sold in our 1911 auction to White Horse Farm fur $2,600. GAMBOGE'S HANDSOME DUCHESS, 252150, made the Register of Merit with 566 lbs. 5 ozs. buttter, at seven years live months old. She is the dam of Noble's Fawn Prince, 9o70.~> (sold in our 1911 auction for $500 to Mrs. Adda F. Howie, Elm Grove, Wis.), Junior Champion bull at National Dairy Show, Wisconsin State Fair, and International Dairy Show, 1911 — defeat- ing every bull at Chicago in 1911 excepting our Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86180, who was Grand Champion. GAMBOGE'S PRIMROSE, 252171, made the Register of Merit with 566 lbs. butter at U years old. GAMBOGE'S PROSPERITY, 252142, is the dam of Oxford Sybil, Certificate of Merit, May, 1914, 2 lbs. 9} ozs. in 24 hours from 37 lbs. 2 ozs. milk — a great record for a four-year-old in public test. GAMBOGE'S PROSPERITY LASS, 252189, has a daughter in the Register of Merit— 344 lbs. 2 ozs. butter in one year at two years old. She also is dam of the bull, Majesty's Oxford King, whose get won for Mr. R. W. Gibson, the Premier Champion- ship for Breeder at the Iowa State Fair, 1915. The Year's Milk Alone from One of These Cows, in the Chicago Market, Would Fetch Nearly $250— Not to Mention the Value of the Calf. THEIR REGISTER OF MERIT RECORDS ARE 106 POUNDS ABOVE THE AVERAGE FOR 4,297 JERSEY COWS IN THE A. J. C. C, REGISTER OF MERIT. B335 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 42. Cow. GAMBOGE'S GRISETTE, 353233, A. J. C. C. (P. 18378, H. C.) Bred by A. J. Bisson, Jr., St. Breladc, Island of Jersey. Born May 16, 1911. Solid color, except narrow stripe on brisket; black tongue and switch. Imported October31, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. A very handsome young cow of high quality, splendid constitution and undoubted dairy capacity; perfect symmetry of outline ; carries a lovely head, with long fiat neck, thin withers, back straight and strong, with broad, prominent hips and good rump; beauti- fully set, thin tail, with long black switch; udder a model in shape and texture, and "milks away to nothing," with great, long beautifully placed teats. A wonderfully neat type of cow. i Agatha's Flying Fox P. 3256, H. C. I 1st prize and Sweep- ■i stakes, St. Saviour and Grouville | Show, '02. 1st prize over the Is- | land in a class of 44, '02. | 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '03. j Sire of I Sultan of Oaklands, 1st | prize, Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and I Reserve Cham., St. Saviour and Grou- | ville Show, '05. I Combination, P. 3744, j H. C, 1st prize over Jersey, May, '06; 1st J pr., St. Helier Show, Aug., '06; 1st pr. and Cham., St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Apr., '09, in competition with B e a u v o i r King, Plymouth Lad and other bulls, and judged by two differ- ent set of j u d g e s, thereby winning a very handsome Sil- ver Shield. | Sire of many other winners, and of 7 butter test cows. Sire GAMBOGE'S KNIGHT, P. 3645, H.C. Sold at our '11 auc- tion for $6,700 to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, every animal in com- petition, sired by Gamboge's Knight, did honor to its sire. His son, Oxford You'll Do, won 1st prize for bull and progeny at the Apr., 'II, Bull Show, Island of Jer; sire of 22 official test cows; now in the "L i n d e n Grove" herd. 34 of his sons and daughters have been sold in our auctions f o r an average of $800. Sire of 41 official test cows, 19 of them with year's records over 500 lbs. butter in 1 year. Twelve of the 19, including the five with the highest tests, were imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auc- tions: Gamboge's Grey Beauty, 784 lbs. 12 ozs. i Gamboge's Tiddledy- wink, 722 lbs. 14 ozs. Gamboge's Fancy Princess, 712 lbs. 9 ozs. Gamboge's Brownie, 652 lbs. Gamboge's Areola, 592 lbs. 5 ozs. Daisy's January Rose, 585 lbs. 10 ozs. Gamboge's Handsome Duchess, 566 lbs. 5 ozs. Gamboge's Primrose, 566 lbs. Gamboge's Princess, 558 lbs. 13 ozs. Gamboge Knight's Artistic, 540 lbs. 8 ozs. Gamboge's Vellum, 531 lbs. 12 ozs. Knight's Fancy Princess, 530 lbs. 15 ozs. Gamboge's Modesty, 525 lbs. 7 ozs. Gamboge's Merry May, 520 lbs. 4 ozs. Black Flower, 516 lbs. 15 ozs. Manor's Peeress, 516 lbs. 10 ozs. Gamboge's Crocus, 515 lbs. 1 oz. G a m b o g e's Fawn Beauty, 505 lbs. 15 ozs. Knight's Crocus, 505 lbs. 9 ozs. Dam GRISETTE 4th, P. 12102, C. Fontaine's Oxford Pride, 1S7430, A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C.) 3d prize over Jersey, Aug., '01, '02. 3d pr. in public but- ter test, 2 lbs. 7i ozs., 48 days in milk. Sold for $2,500, in our '05 auction, to Mr. Howard Willets, owner Gedney Farm. Dam of 3 public butter test cows. (See No. 44 for further particulars regarding this great cow.) Derry's Running Fox, P. 3210, H. C. Parish prize. Class I , Royal Show, Jersey, Apr., '02. Sire of Honey Maid of St. Peter, 195799, in Register of Merit (A), 438 lbs. 14 ozs. butter in 1 year, 10 yrs. old; sold in our '07 auction for $350 to Bowmont Farms, Salem, Va. Fox's Dairy Queen, 203473, sold at auc- tion in '07 for $1,075. His half-sister, Golden Rose, is dam of the bull, Derry's Golden Lad, sold at auction for $11,000; sire of 13 tested cows. Grisette, P. 6669, C. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C.) Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale, May, '02, for $7,500. Among his many tested daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. estimated butter from 13,604 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. estimated butter from 11,198 lbs. milk in 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Saviour, 411.96 lbs. estimated butter from 6.S41 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dreamwold, 10,060 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Syria o' Dreamwold, 11,075 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Maid o' The Sea, 11,530 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox Glove, Certificate of Merit and 2d Parish prize, May, '07, 2 lbs. Si ozs. butter in 24 hrs., 37 days in milk. Simone G. G., Certificate of Merit, May, '04, 2 lbs. 5J ozs. butter, 24 hrs., 101 days in milk. Oxford Vixen, Certificate of Merit, May, '05, 2 lbs. 2^ ozs. butter, 24 hrs., 49 days in milk. Flying Fox's La Fontaine, IS lbs. 2 ozs. butter from 280 lbs. milk, 7 days. Lady Iveagh, 17 lbs. 6.6 ozs. butter, 7 days; 34 lbs. butter, 14 days (est.). Flying Fox's Brown Belle, 15 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Handsome Lily, 14 lbs. 8 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Pearl, 15 lbs. 7 ozs. butter, 7 days. Fox's Belle of Grouville, 21 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 7 days; 80 lbs. II ozs., 30 days. Flying Fox's Trinity Rose, 20 lbs. 6 ozs. butter, 7 days. Fox's Belle of Trinity, 20 lbs. 5 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Rowena, 17 lbs. 2\ ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Brown Maid, milked 22 qts., 1 day. Fox's Golden Cigarette, milked 20 qts., 1 day, with 1st calf. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C- (A Highly Commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432, H C, J. H. B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. \\ ozs. in 24 hours, Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. Sold in our '02 auction for $1,700, to Mrs. M. M. Patterson, Port Kennedy, Pa. Won 2 1st prizes at Royal Shows. Caiest, P. 2591. H. C. 1st prize, Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville Show, '98. Sire of 9 tested cows. Gamboge's Pride, P. 450S, H. C. 1st St. Saviour, '96. 2d over Jersey, '97. Winner in 6 public but- ter tests. Dam of 3 tested cows. Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Sire of Fox Glove, that tested in public butter test on the Island, 2 lbs. &\ ozs. in 24 hours. Fox's Belle of Grou- ville, 21 lbs. 3 ozs. Fox's Belle of Trinity, 20 lbs. 5 ozs. And 23 others. (See above.) Mantlet's Rosy 2d, P. 5718, H. C. A grand cow. Dam of Golden Rose, P. 7838. H. C, 2d over Jersey and Par. prize, Aug., '99. Tambour, P. 1872, H. C. Sire of Spring Jack, P. 2332, H. C, sire of 6 high testing cows, including Nursie, winner of Silver Medal, 2 lbs. 7$ ozs., 300 days in milk; sold in our '07 auc- tion for $2,200. Highland Pet, F. 7764, C. 1st prize aged cow and 1st in Special Class, St. Brelade Show. Fontaine's King, P. 2207, H. C. Sire of John Bull and other noted animals, including O r i g a's Queen, winner Cer- tificate of Merit in public butter test, May, '02, 1 lb. 12^ ozs., 107 days in milk. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. She is dam of Houpla, Caiest, Oxford Lad, Oxford Ixia and other famous ani- mals. She has produced two 1st prize winners over the Island, two public butter test cows, and the cow, Oxford Ever, dam of Oxford You'll Do and Oxford Knight. Lowland King, P. 1673, H. C. 1st over Jer., '92. 1st H. B. ov. J., '92. Mantlet's Rosy, P. 4248, C. Wonder Lad, P. 1390, H. C. By the same sire as Clarence, P. 1494, H. C, 1st pr., St. Peter, and sire of Golden Lily, 1st pr. over Jer. She is dam of Golden Mon Plaisir, Cham, win- ner over the Island, '98, and sold in our '01 auction for $3,500. Tambourette, F. 7794, H. C. f Golden Fern's Lad,; P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, "96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced, His son, Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son, Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 auc- tion sale for $10,000. His ten-months-old bull calf sold in our '07 sale for $10,200, and in the same sale his grandson, "Stockwell," sold for $11,500. (See his extended pedi- gree, front page A.) Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all prize winners over the Is- land. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d over Jersey, 2d H. B. and Par. pr., '94. Her dam, Brown Fern 2d, is dam of Aurea, P. 8693, H. C. (now Eminent's Fern of St. Martin, 252122), Certificate of Merit in public butter test, May, '07, 2 lbs. 4* ozs., 167 days in milk; Br. Medal, public butter test, Oct., '03, 2 lbs. ioz.. 167 days in milk. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C, now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. 1st pr. over Jer., '89. 1st H. B. prize. Dam of Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Alicante, P. 3880. H.C. Forfarshire, P. 2914, H. C. Ravachol, P. 2032, C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam. [ Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours. f Boyle P. 1559, H. C. (See above.) i Fontaine 4th, P. 2537, C. Reserve No. for Cup, '90. 1st over Jer., '90, '91. 1st Herd Book, '90. Dam of Fontaine 7th, P. 5391. H. C, 1st prize, Grouville, '98; Bronze Medal, but- ter test, '98. Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C. 2dov. J., Apr., '87, '89. 1st ov. Jer., Apr., '88. Sire of many noted cows. Oxford Primrose, P. 2252, C. One of the best cows in her day on the Island. B y the same sire as Sultane's Favourite, sire of Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. May Lad, P. 1240, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '90. Sarabond, P. 797, H.C. He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. This was a great loss to the Island. Rosette 4th, P. 2128, C. Like her daughters was a very rich and per- sistent milker. Orme, P. 1660, H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, 2 lbs. l£ ozs. of " butter in 24 hours. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. (See above.) f Courage, P. 1813, C. 1 Grassy Brown, P. 3370, H. C. Guenon's Pride, P. 347. H. C. 3d over Jer, and Par. prize, '82. IstGuenon pr., '82, '83. 3d over Jersey, '83. Fontaine, F. 2058, C. 1st over Jer., '86, '88. 1st Grouville, '87. Sweepstakes as best cow in show, '88. 24 quarts milk. Wolseley, P. 401, H.C. 1st ov. Jer., '83, '84, '85. 1st pr. ov. Jer. Jubilee Show, '83. Sultane, P. 7, H. C. "The first of the most celebrated family the Island has ever seen." 2d pr. over Jer., '70. 1st pr., St. Saviour,' 70. 1st H. B., '71. Marquis, P. 804, C. Fliquet 2d, P. 636, H. C. Paragon, P. 743, C. Lowland Beauty, F. 3971, C. f Useful Lad, ) P. 997, H. C. I Lady Useful, 2d over Jer., Aug., '88. L P. 796, H. C. His dam is a grand- 4th H. B. pr., May, '85. daughter of Carlo, P. ISO, C, sire of 4 tested cows. Wonderful, P. 2511, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. pr., Aug., '88. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, '89. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '91. 2d Cham. Class, '91. 1 st over Jersey and Par. pr., '86. Fancy's Conquest, P. 717, H. C. Parish pr., April, '85. Jersey Wonder, P. 859, C. Last calf December 27, 1915 (sent to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas). Bred April 10, 1916, to Golden Fern's Mon Plaisir, 122755, son of the sensational cow, Grace Darling of St. Mary's, 306562, in Register of Merit, Class A, 653 lbs. 3 ozs. butter in one year, and dam of a 630-lb. Register of Merit cow. She was sold in our '14 auction for $700. The sire of Golden Fern's Mon Plaisir is Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570, H. C, winner of numerous first prizes at the Royal Shows. (See No. 5 for extended pedigree of Golden Fern's Mon Plaisir, 122755.) 465 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 43. Cow. GAMBOGE'S QUEEN PRIMROSE, 318385, A. J. C. C. Bred by J. D. Bauche, St. Peter, Island of Jersey. Born May 31. 1911. Imported April 8, 1914, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; black tongue and switch. An attractive light fawn, of refined type; one of the young daughters of Gamboge's Knight, Highly Commended, and from a Highly Commended dam; neat head, with inturned horns and bright, lustrous eyes; flat neck, sharp withers and prominent spine; long, deep, well-ribbed body; strong loins; wide, prominent hips; thin, long tail, with splendid switch; beautiful square udder, with good-sized teats, well placed. f Sire GAMBOGE'S KNIGHT, P. 3645, H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (w i t h his progeny), Apr., "08. Sold at our '11 auction for $6,700 to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,750 each. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, every animal in com- petition, sired by Gamboge's Knight, did honor to its sire. Sire of 41 butter test cows, three of them testing above 700 lbs. in 1 year — all three imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auction, viz.: Gamboge's Grey Beau- ty, 784 lbs. 12 ozs. in 1 year. Gamboge's Tiddledy wink, 722 lbs. 14 ozs. in 1 year. Gamboge's Fancy Princess, 712 lbs. 9 ozs. in 1 year. He is also the sire of four bulls with test- ed daughters, in- cluding: Oxford You'll Do, 1st prize with his prog- eny at Royal Show, April. '11; sire of 21 tested cows, one over 900 lbs. butter in 1 year as a 4-year old. Oxford Knight, full brother to Oxford You'll Do, sire of 12 tested cows. His daughter. Gam- boge's Tiddledy- wink, was Grand Champion cow at National Dairy Show, '12. Dam QUEEN PRIMROSE 2d, P. 14925, H. C. f Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. | 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '02. 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '03. Sire of Sultan of Oaklands, 1st prize. Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham., St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '05. Sire of 27 tested cows. Combination, P. 3744, H. C, 1st prize over Jersey, May, '06; 1st pr., St. Helier Show, Aug. , '06 ; 1 st pr. and Cham., St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Apr., '09. Sire of 17 tested cows. Sire of many other winners, and of 7 butter test cows. i Fontaine's < >xford Pride, 187430, A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801. H. C.) 3d prize over Jersey, Aug., '01, '02. 3d pr. in public but- ter test, 2 lbs. 7\ ozs.. 48 days in milk. Sold for £2.500, in our '05 auction, to Mr. Howard Willets, owner GedneyFarm. Dam of 3 public butter test cows. (See No. 44 for further particulars concern- ing this great cow Golden Castor. P. 3558. H. C. Sire of Imp. Mabella's Love. 231587, in Register of Merit, Class A. 387 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 1 year, from 5,879 lbs. 14.4 ozs. milk, at 3 yr,s. 1 1 mos old. Sire of Castor's Wel- come, 253814, in Register of Merit 180 lbs. 9 ozs. butter in 1 year, from 6,748 lbs. 4.8 ozs. milk, at 3 yrs. 5 mos. old. [ Queen Primrose, F. 9014, C. < Gamboge's Prim, P. 18789, H. C.) Champion Flying Fox, 61441. A. J. C. C.~ i Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C.) Champion winner over the Island. Aug.. '99. Sold at our auction sale, May, '02. for $7,500. Among his many tested daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen. 870.5 lbs. estimated butter from 13,604 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, "40 lbs. estimated butter from 11.198 lbs. milk in 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Saviour, 411. 96 lbs. estimated butter from 6. 841 lbs. milk in I year. Fox's Daisy o' Dreamwold. 10,060 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Syria o' Dreamwold. 11.075 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Maid o' The Sea. 1 1,530 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox Glove, Certificate of Merit and 2d Parish prize. May, '07, 2 lbs. 8J ozs. butter in 24 hrs.. 37 days in milk. Simone G. G.. Certificate of Merit, May. '04, 2 lbs. Si ozs. butter, 24 hrs.. 101 days in milk. Oxford Vixen, Certificate of Merit, May. '05. 2 lbs. 2i ozs. butter, 24 hrs., 49 days in milk. Flying Fox's La Fontaine. 18 lbs. 2 ozs. butter from 280 lbs. milk, 7 days. Lady Iveagh, 17 lbs. 6.6 ozs. butter, 7 days; 34 lbs. butter. 14 days (est I. Flying Fox's Brown Belle, 15 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Handsome Lily. 14 lbs. 8 ozs. butter. 7 days. Flying Fox's Pearl, 15 lbs. 7 ozs. butter, 7 days. Fox's Belle of Grouville, 21 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 7 days; 80 lbs. 11 ozs., 30 days. Flying Fox's Trinity Rose, 20 lbs. 6 ozs. butter. 7 days. 1'. ix's Belle of Trinity, 20 lbs. 5 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Rowena, 17 lbs. 2\ ozs. butter 7 days. Flying Fox's Brown Maid, milked 22 rats., 1 day. Fox's Golden Cigarette, milked 20 qts., 1 day, with 1st calf. Caiest, P. 2591. H. C. 1st prize. Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville Show, '98. Sire of 9 tested cows. [ Gamboge's Pride, P. 4508, H. C. 1st St. Saviour, '96. 2d over Jersey, '97. Winner in 6 public but- ter tests. Dam of 3 butter test cows. Golden Jolly, P. 2921, H. C. Sire of Viola's Golden Jolly, sold in our May, '09, auction for $12,000; sire of 9 in Register of Merit. Golden Warrior, 1st over England. Royal Show. '03; 1st over Kngland and Cham., D. S.. '03. Jolly Lady of Beech- wood, winner of 1st prize. Illinois State Fair, '08; 1st. Cham, and Grand Cham, at the National Show, Chicago. '08. Sire of 24 tested cows. Sire of 10 producing bulls, including I terry's Golden Jolly, sold for $11.- 000; sire of 13 tested Castor's Belle -"'I P. 7235, II. C. Par. pr., Aug., '05. [ Agatha of Oaklands, 162101. A. J. C. C. ■ (A Highly Commended cow, Agatha. F. 8432, H. C, J. H. B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. lj ozs. in 24 hours, Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. Sold in our '02 auction for $1,700, to Mrs. M. M. Patterson, Port Kennedy, Pa. Won 2 1st prizes at Royal Shows. Fontaine's King, P. 2207, H. C. Sire of John Bull and other noted animals, including O r i g a's Queen, winner Cer- tificate of Merit in public butter test. May, '02, 1 lb. 12 J ozs., 107 days in milk. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. 1st and Champion at .V. C. Show. "96. '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son. Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son. Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 sale for $10,000. II i s ten-months old bull calf sold in our '07 sale for $10,- 200, and in the same sale his grandson, "Stockwell," sold for $11,500. (See his extended pedi- gree, front page A.) Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. now named Sultana's Rosette. 149740, A. J. C. C- A very rich and per- sistent milker. 1st pr. over Jer., '89. 1st H. B. prize. Dam of Flying Fox, P. 2729,. H. C. Alicante. P. 3880. H.C Forfarshire. P. 2914, H. C. Ravachol, P. 2032, C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam. Countess of Oaklands. 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours. Boyle. P. 1559, H. C. (See above.) Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C- f Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. < (See above.) [ Brookhill Rose 2d, P. 3440. C. 1st prize* and Cham- pion winner over the Island, May, '98. Dam of Golden Fern's Red Rose, 23 lbs. 10 ozs, butter in 7 days. Brookhill Fox, Cham, over Eng., and sold for $5,000. The bulls. Reminder and Isonomy. Grandam of Sultan's Black B eauty , sold for $3,000, in our '07 sale. ! M.issilia's Lad, P. 1986, C. Castor's Belle, P. 5019, C. [ Fontaine 4th. P. 2537, C. Reserve No. for Cup, '90. 1st over Jer., '90, '91. 1st Herd Book, '90. Dam of Fontaine 7th, P. 5391. H. C, 1st prize, Grpuville, '98; Bronze Medal, but- ter test, "98. Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C. 1st over Jer., Apr., '88. 2d over Jer., Apr., '89. 1st over Jer., Aug. .'89. Sire of many noted cows, including: Alicante. P. 3880, H.C i txford Rose. P. $737, ' ixford Lass. P. 3582, C Brookhill Rose, P. 1889. C. Out of same dam as the bull. Trial, P. 1187, H. C. sire of Finance. Boyle. P. 1559, H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th. all prize winners over the Is- land. 1 Golden Fern. P. 4711. H. C. 2d over Jersey, 2d H. B. and Par. pr., '94. Her dam. Brown Fern 2d. is dam of Aurea, P. 8693, H. C (now Eminent's Fern of St. Martin, 252122). Certificate of M erit in public butter test. May, '07, 2 lbs. 4 J ozs., 167 days in milk; Br. Medal, public butter test, Oct., '03. 2 lbs. 4oz. 167 days in milk. Sarabond, P. 797, H.C He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. This was a great loss to the Island. I Rosette 4th. P. 2128, C Like her daughters was a very rich and per- sistent milker. Orme, P. 1660, H. C Sire of Regina Sultane 2d. 2 lbs. H ozs. of butter in 24 hours. Rosette 5th, P. 2881. H. C (See above.) f Courage. P. 1813. C I Grassy Brown, P. 3370, H. C. Guenon's Pride, P. 347, H. C 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, '82. IstGuenonpr., '82. '83. 3d over Jersey, '83. Fontaine, F. 2058, C 1st over Jer.. '86, '88. 1st Grouville. '87. Sweepstakes as best cow in show, '88. 24 quarts milk. Wolseley, P. 401. H. C. 1st ov. Jer., '83. '84. '85. 1st p. over Jer. Jubilee Show, '83. Champion Cup for greatest number of points, '83. I Sultane. P. 7. H. C 1st H. B.. "71. Bronze Medal. C. I. Ex.. '71. Count Cicero. F. 398, H. C 2d pr. over Jer., '83. Hermione, P. 634. C Snowdrop. P. 1637, C Messilia, P. 4005. H. C Castor 2d. P. 1290. H. C 4 th over Jersey, '90. Perrot's Pet, P. 2095. C f Jack Frost. < P. 1263, C l Lady Baroness. P. 2M4. H. C. I Revc Dor, P. 941. C. I Rhoda. F. 3071. C. f Castor. P. 870. H. C. I Ira's Pride. F. 6657. C. Perrot. P. 342, C. Blount Tempest, F. 4799. C. Expected to be bred to Golden Fern of Linden. 8401 1, a most prepotent son of Golden Fern's Lad, and "bred to order," our desire being for a son of Golden Fern's Lad out of the great cow, Golden Lad's Industry, 162058, one of the greatest daughters of Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C, ever owned at "Linden Grove." His progeny have fulfilled our fondest expectations, and they have been highly appreciated by some of our best breeders. (Sec front pages for extended pedigree of Golden Fern of Linden, S4011.) 3126 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 44. Cow. GAMBOGE'S LADY OF ST. MARTIN, 269787, A. J. C. C. (Sweet Sand, F. 10324, C.) Bred by Ph. Renouf, St. Martin, Island of Jersey. Bora May 31, 1908. Imported February 27, 1912, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color, except spot on belly and mottled brisket; black tongue and switch. A powerful business cow, of great scale and consti- tution; large, prominent, lustrous eyes; long, deep, capacious body, on clean, short legs; wonderful spring of rib; very broad, prominent hips; great length of rump; tremendous udder, attached high and extend- ing away out behind, very deep and full in front; large teats, squarely placed; very prominent, tortuous milk veins. Sire GAMBOGE'S KNIGHT, P. 3645, H. C— Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny). Apr., '08. Sold at our '1 1 auction for £6,700 to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daugh- ters in a single lot at Si, 750 each. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, every animal in competition, sired by Gamboge's Knight, did honor to its sire, winning among other prizes: 1st prize for produce of cow. 1st prize for four cows in milk. 1st and 2d prize yearling bulls (out of dams by Gamboge's Knight). 2d pr. 3-year old cow, 9 entries, by Gamboge's Knight. Sire of 41 official test cows, 19 of them with year's records over 500 lbs. butter in 1 year. Twelve of the 19, including the five with the highest tests, were imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auctions: Gamboge's Grey Beauty, 784 lbs. 12 ozs. Gamboge's Tiddledywink, 722 lbs. 14 ozs. Gamboge's Fancy Princess, 712 lbs. 9 ozs. Gamboge's Brownie, 652 lbs. Gamboge's Areola, 592 lbs. 5 ozs. Daisy's January Rose, 585 lbs. 10 ozs. Gamboge's Handsome Duchess, 566 lbs. 5 ozs. Gamboge's Primrose, 566 lbs. Gamboge's Princess, 558 lbs. 13 ozs. Gamboge's Knight's Artistic, 540 lbs. 8 ozs. Gamboge's Vellum, 531 lbs. 12 ozs. Knight's Fancy Princess, 530 lbs. 15 ozs. Gamboge's Modesty, 525 lbs. 7 ozs. Gamboge's Merry May, 520 lbs. 4 ozs. Black Flower, 516 lbs. 15 ozs. Manor's Peeress, 516 lbs. 10 ozs. Gamboge's Crocus, 515 lbs. 1 oz. Gamboge's Fawn Beauty, 505 lbs. 15 ozs. Knight's Crocus, 505 lbs. 9 ozs. Gamboge's Tiddledywink (above) was Grand Champion cow at National Dairy Show, '12, and was on show circuit 2 J months during her year's test. Gamboge's Knight is sire of 4 bulls with tested daughters, including: Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C, sire of 22. Oxford Knight, p. 3938, C, sire of 12. Oxford's Brigadier, 78529, sire of 2 in Register of Merit. Oxford Boy, P. 3937, C. sire of 1 in Register of Merit. His son, Oxford You'll Do, won 1st prize for bull and progeny at the Apr., '11, bull show, Island of Jer. 34 of his sons and daughters have been sold in our auctions for an average of $800; among them: Oxford Lad's Granddaughter, $2,900. Gamboge's Primrose, $1,750. Gamboge's Fancy Princess, $1,750. Gamboge's Oxford Lass, $1,750. Gamboge's Tiddledywink, $1,750. Gamboge's Handsome Duchess. $1,750. DAM ON ISLAND OF JERSEY. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and G r o u v i 1 1 e Show, '02. 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '03. Sire of Sultan of Oaklands, 1st prize. Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham., St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '05. Sire of 27 tested cows. Combination, P. 3744, H. C, 1st prize over Jersey, May, '06; 1st pr., St. Helier Show, Aug. , '06 ; 1 st pr. and Cham., St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Apr., '09, in competition with Beauvoir King, Plymouth Lad and other bulls, and judged by two differ- ent set of j u d g e s, thereby winning a very handsome Sil- ver Shield; 1st prize over Jer., Apr., '09. Sire of 17 tested cows. Sire of many other winners, and of 7 butter test cows. Sire of 13 bulls with tested daughters, in- cluding Halloween's Fox, sire of 10; Trial of Oaklands and Beechlands Cham- pion, each sire of 6. Champion Flying Fox, 61441 , A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C.) Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale, May, '02, for $7,500. Among his many tested daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. estimated butter from 13,604 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. estimated butter from 1 1,198 lbs. milk in 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Saviour, 411-96 lbs. estimated butter from 6,841 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dreamwold, 10,060 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Syria o' Dreamwold, 11,075 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Maid o' The Sea, 1 1 ,530 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox Glove, Certificate of Merit and 2d Parish prize. May, '07, 2 lbs. 8£ ozs. butter in 24 hrs., 37 days in milk. Simone G. G., Certificate of Merit, May. '04, 2 lbs. 5| ozs. butter, 24 hrs., 101 days in milk. Oxford Vixen, Certificate of Merit, May, '05, 2 lbs. 21 ozs. butter, 24 hrs., 49 days in milk. Flying Fox's La Fontaine, 18 lbs. 2 ozs. butter from 280 lbs. milk, 7 days. Lady Iveagh, 17 lbs. 6.6 ozs. butter, 7 days; 34 lbs. butter, 14 days (est.). Flying Fox's Brown Belle, 15 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Handsome Lily, 14 lbs. 8 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Pearl, 15 lbs. 7 ozs. butter, 7 days. Fox's Belle of Grouville, 21 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 7 days; 80 lbs. 11 ozs., 30 days. Flying Fox's Trinity Rose, 20 lbs. 6 ozs. butter, 7 days. Fox's Belle of Trinity, 20 lbs. 5 ozs butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Rowena, 17 lbs. 2\ ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Brown Maid, milked 22 qts., 1 day. Fox's Golden Cigarette, milked 20 qts., 1 day, with 1st calf. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. (A Highly Commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432, H. C, J. H. B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. li ozs. in 24 hours. Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. Sold in our '02 auction for $1,700. to Mrs. M. Patterson, Port Kennedy, Pa. Won 2 1st prizes at Royal Shows. M. Fontaine's Oxford Pride, 187430, A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C) 2d prize over Jersey, 48 entries, Aug., '02. Reserve, 32 entries. May, '02. 3d prize, 59 entries. May, '04. 1st prize, 39 entries, and Blythwood Bawl, Aug., '04. 3d prize over Jersey, 40 entries, Aug., '01. 3d pr. in public butter test, 2 lbs. 7'i ozs., 48 days" in milk. Sold for $2,500, in our '05 auction, to Mr. Howard Willets, owner of Gedney Farm. She and 4 of her progeny have been sold in our auctions for $13,600, an average of $2,720. Dam of Gamboge's Pride 5th, Certificate of Merit, May, '05, 1 lb. 10 ozs., 150 days in milk. Now named Gamboge of St. Saviour, 195816, sold in our '06 auction for $500, to Penshurst Farm. Narberth, Pa., where she made 640 lbs. butter in a year. She has a daughter in Register of Merit, and a son with 10 in Register of Merit. Gamboge's Pride 7th, Certificate of Merit and 2d Goddington prize, May, '07, 2 lbs. i oz., 50 days in milk; Certificate of Merit and Parish prize, May, '08, 1 lb. 14 J ozs,, 154 days in milk; now named Oxford's Fontaine, 224580; sold in our '09 auction for $2,525, to Dr. H. D. Rodman, Louisville, Ky. She has 2 tested daughters, another that is a Champion winner, and a fourth that sold in our '10 auction for $725, at 14 months old. Gamboge's Pride 8th, Certificate of Merit, May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 138 days in milk; now named Oxford Lad's Great Beauty. 235173; sold in our '10 auction for $1,375. to Mr. Willets. Her daughter, Majesty's Great Beauty, 235188 (sold in our '10 auction for $850 at 3 yrs. old), is dam of a Register of Merit cow, and her 2- mos. old heifer calf sold in our '10 auction for $850. Caiest, P. 2591, H. C. 1st prize. Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville Show, '98. Sire of 9 tested cows. Sire of Mabel's Poet, P. 2964, H. C-. winner of 22 1st prizes and sire of over fifty prize winners. Fifteen daughters of Caiest sold in our '05 and '06 auc- tion sales, averaging $865 each. Mabel's Poet is sire of Poetess Nelly, F. 9213, H. C, 1st pr. and Silver Medal, St. Saviour • Grouville Show, '05; Certifi- cate of Merit in pub- lic butter test, May, '06, 1 lb. 15 ozs., 121 days in milk; and many other cele- brities. Caiest's dam is also dam of the great cow, Oxford Ever, who is dam of Ox- ford You'll Do, Ox- ford Knight and 2 public test cows. Gamboge's Pride, P. 4508. H. C 1st pr. at St. Saviour Show, 96. 2d over Jersey, '97. She has won the fol- lowing public butter tests. May, '96, 2 lbs. 7i ozs. Oct., '96, 2 lbs. 2iozs.. 217 days in milk. And 4 other tests. Dam of 3 public but- ter test cows. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son, Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son, Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 auc- tion sale for $10,- 000. H i s ten-months-old bull calf sold in our '07 sale for $10,200, and in the same sale his grandson, "Stockwell," sold for $11,500. (See his extended pedi- gree, front page A.) Rosette 5th. P. 2881, H. C, now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. 1st pr. over Jer., '89. 1st H. B. prize. Dam of Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Alicante, P. 3880, H. C. Forfarshire, P. 2914, H. C. Ravachol, P. 2032, C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam. Son of Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. (as above). , Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours. Fontaine's King, P. 2207, H. C. Sire of John Bull and other noted animals, including O r i g a ' s Queen, winner Cer- tificate of Merit in public butter test. May, '02. 1 lb. 12$ ozs., 107 d a ys in milk. By same sire as Golden Fern's Lad (above) . Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. Dam of Golden Queen of St. Saviour, 2 lbs. lj ozs., 214 days in milk. Oxford Ixia, 2 lbs. 8 ozs. . 70 days in milk , and 5 other public butter tests. Houpla, sire of Lady Houpla, winner of Champion Cup, test- ing 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 73 days in milk after first calving. Flying Fox's Oxford Lass, 1st pr. winner over the Island. Oxford Lad, P. 3123. H. C. Rob Roy, P. 1184, H. C. 3d over Jer., Aug.. '89. Sire of Zanzibar, win- ner of Certificate of Merit in butter test. May. '00. 1 lb. 14* ozs. in 24 hours. Gamboge 2d, P. 2294, H. C. Dam of Gamboge 4th, 2 lbs. l£ ozs., 24 hrs. Due to calve April 30, 1916, by Sultana's Golden Jolly, 861S0, the handsomest and best bred bull ever owned at "Linden Grove," and supposed to be the most valuable son of the great butter-bred bull, Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314, A. J. C. C, who sold in our 1909 auction for $12,000, and in the Kinloch Farm auction, 1911, for $13,000. His dam, Golden Sultana, is one of the most distinguished daughters of Golden Fern's Lad; she was awarded third prize in the aged cow class at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904, and sold in the ring for $2,350. (See front pages for picture and further particulars concerning Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86180.) 2487 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916, No. 45. Cow. OXFORD IXIA FANCY, 252184, A. J. C. C. (Prime's Queen 2d, P. 14509, C.) Bred by E. C. Mourant, St. Saviour, Island of Jersey. Born June 19, 1907. Imported September 20, 1910, by T. S. Cooper & Belly mostly white; white on flanks, left thigh and tail; spot on front of each fore ankle; brisket, hind stockings, tongue and switch white. A splendidly bred cow, strong in the blood of Oxford Lass, through the three famous sons of that great cow; viz., Caiest, Houpla and Oxford Lad; a deep, rich fawn in color; a cow of scale and dairy type, powerful constitution; flat neck; thin withers; lean hind quarters; very long, deep body; wonderful milk veins; udder of beautiful shape, with well placed teats. She is a great brood cow. and her progeny in this sale will attract attention. (See her two daughters opposite, and her son on the following page.) Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. Sire of Sultan of Oaklands, 1st prize, Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham., St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '05. Sire of 27 butter tested cows. Combination, P. 3744, H. C, 1st prize over Jersey, May, '06; 1st pr., St. Helier Show, Aug., '06; 1st pr. and Chjam., St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Apr., '09. Sire of 17 butter tested cows. Agatha's Oxford Lass, P. 11386, H. C, win- ner of 1st over Jer., Theatre Challenge Cup, May, '11; and Certificate of Merit in two public butter tests — record, 2 lbs. l£ ozs. Sire GAMBOGE'S KNIGHT, P. 3645, H.C. (95698, A. J. C. C.) Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny), Apr., '08. Sold at our '1 1 auction for $6,700 to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,750 each. Sire of Oxford You'll Do, 1st over Jersey with his progeny, April, '11. Oxford You'll do has 22 official test daugh- ters, and is sire of many distinguished prize winners. He is now in the "Lin- den Grove" stables. His son, Oxford Knight, P. 3938, C. has 12 butter test cows, and a number of his splendid daughters are in this sale. Gamboge's Knight has already 41 tested daughters. 11 of his daughters, in our '11 auction, averaged $1,391 .36. His three highest test- ing daughters were imported by "Lin- den Grove" and sold in our auctions, viz.: Gamboge's Grey Beauty, 784 lbs. 12 ozs. butter in 1 year. Gamboge's Tiddledy- wink, 722 lbs. 14 ozs. butter in 1 year. Gamboge's Fancy Princess, 712 lbs. 9 ozs. butter in 1 year. We imported many others among h i s very best progeny. Dam OXFORD PRIME'S QUEEN, 230342. (PRIME'S QUEEN, P. 11284, H. C.) By same sire as Sul- tana's Oxford Lad, sold in our '10 auc- tion for$ll,100; sire of 4 in Register of Merit and of a bull with 4 in the Regis- ter of Merit. Fontaine's Oxford Pride, 187430, A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C.) 1st prize winner over the Island and Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '04. 3d prize over Jersey, Aug., '01, '02. 3d pr. in public butter test, 2 lbs. 7J ozs., 48 days in milk. She and her dam have each 3 public butter tested daughters. Oxford Lad, P. 3123, H. C. 1st prize, St. Saviour Show, '02. Sweepstakes over St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, Apr., '03. 1st State's prize over the Island, Apr., '03. Champion, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '05. Oxford Lad sired the great bulls. Majesty. Lucy's Champion and Sultana's Ox- ford Lad, the latter selling at our '10 auction sale for S11.100. Sire of 42 tested cows. H i s highest testing daughter, Oxford Cocotte — 724 lbs. IS ozs. butter in 1 year — was imported by us and sold in the "Linden Grove" auction, '11, for $1,700. Prime 2d, P. 9860, C. Bought by Mr. Howard Willets for $625, and named G. F. Ox- ford Prime, 189606; dam of the bull, G. F. Prime Oxford, 75999, a noted sire. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C.) Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale. May, '02, for $7,500. In same sale three of his heifers on first calf averaged $933. Sire of Oxford Vixen, 2 lbs. 23 ozs., 49 days in milk. Fox's Belle of Grou- ville, 21 lbs. 3 ozs. Fox's Belle of Trinity, 20 lbs. i oz. Flying Fox's Rowena, 17 lbs. 2i ozs. Flying Fox's Pearl, 15 lbs. 7 ozs. Flying Fox's Brown Belle, 15 lbs. 3 ozs. And 20 other tested cows. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. (A highly commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432, H. C, J. H.B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. li ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. Sold in our '02 auction for $1,700 to Mrs. M. M. Patterson, Pt. Kennedy, Pa. Caiest, P. 2591, H. C. 1st prize, Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville S., '98. Sire of Mabel's Poet, P. 2964, H. C, and other noted animals. Fifteen daughters of Caiest sold in our '05 and '06 auction sales, averaging $865 each. Gamboge's Pride, P. 4508, H. C. The great butter test cow. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C.) •Sire of 26 butter test cows. (See above.) Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. Dam of Golden Queen of St. Saviour, 2 lbs. li ozs., 214 days in milk. Oxford Ixia, 2 lbs. 8 ozs., 70 days in milk, and 5 other public butter tests. Has 3 producing sons. Houpla, P. 2793, H.C. Sire of H o u p 1 a's Gamboge, 195821, Register of Merit, 437 lbs. 7 ozs. butter in 1 year. Gamboge's Grey Prin- cess, 180266, butter test, 18 lbs. 1 oz. in 7 days. And 5 others. Son of Oxford Lass. Prime, P. 6868, C. Public butter test, 1 lb. 7i ozs. in 24 hrs., at 4 years old. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son, Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son, Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 auction sale for $10,000. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C, now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. 1st over Jersey, '98. Has 5 producing sons. Ravachol, P. 2032, C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam, he proved himself a remark- able sire, but was butchered before his value as a sire was known. Courageous Countess of Oaklands, P. 8640, H. C, now named Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Fontaine's King, P. 2207, H. C. Sire of John Bull and other noted animals. Among his tested daughters is Origa's Queen, winner Cer- tificate of Merit, May, '02, 1 lb. 12J ozs., 107 days in milk. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. (See below.) f Rob Roy, P. 11 84, H.C. I Gamboge 2d, P. 2294, H. C. Dam of Gamboge 4th, 2 lbs. 1} ozs., 24 hrs. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all prize winners over the Island. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d over Jersey, 2d H. B. and Par. pr., '94. Sarabond, P. 797, H.C. He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. Rosette 4th, P. 2128, Orme, P. 1660. H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, 2 lbs. 14 ozs. of butter in 24 hours. Little Eminence, 122506,21 lbs. 6 ozs. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C f Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C. 1st over Jer., Aug., '89. 2dov. J., Apr., '87, '89. Sire of many noted cows, including: Alicante, P. 3880, H. C-, dam of the noted sires, Nunthorpe, The Owl and Ali- cante's Boy. oxford Rose. P. 3787, C, dam of Courage. Oxford Primrose, P. 2252, C. Result's Prince, P. 2004. H. C. Reserve over Jersey. Sire of Queenie's Prince, P. 2281, H. C, sire of a number of famous butter test cows. He sired the dam of Cora 4th, public but- ter test, 3 lbs. 3| ozs. in 24 hrs. Lucy 6th, P. 5976, C. Dam of Lucy 12th, P. 9236, C, Certificate of Merit, public but- ter test, '05, 2 lbs. 2 ozs., 118 days in milk. Full sister to Lucy's Boy, P. 1921, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C ToctSie, P. 3214, H. Parish prize, '90. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Brown Fern 2d, p. 1944, H. C. f Count Cicero. ( F. 398, H. C. I Sultane, P. 7, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '70. Happy Cetewayo, P. 582, C. i Rosette 2d, F. 943, H. C. 1st prize at Grouville. (Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Oxford Dahlia, P. 2588, H. C. Winner of 7 1st prizes in England. f Sarabond. P. 797, H.C. Courage. P. 1813, C. Grassy Brown, P. 3370. H. C. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Fontaine 4th. F. 2537, C. Reserve No. for Cup, '90. 1st over Jer., '90. '91. 1st Herd Book. '90. Count Wolseley. P. 928, H. C. 1st over Jer., Apr., ' and Aug.. '89. Oxford Primrose, P. 2252. C. One of the best cows in her day on the Island. Wolseley, P. 401, II. C. 1st ov. Jer., '83, '84, '85. 1st pr. ov. Jer. Jubilee Show. '83. Cham. Cup for great- est No. of points, '83. Sultane, P. 7, H. C. "The first of the most celebrated family the Island has ever seen." 2d pr. over Jer., '70. r Favorite's Lad, P. 1678, H. C. Beau Resultat 2d, 1 P. 3647, H. C. Una's Boy, P. 1752, C. Sire of Lucy's Boy, P. 1921, C, who sired Model, P. 6430, H. C, official butter tests as follows: 2 lbs. i oz.. '96: 1 lb. 14V ozs., '98; 2 lbs. 4 ozs., '98; 2 lbs. 10 ozs., '00. [ Rosette 4th, P. 2128, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. i Oxford Rose, P. 3787. H. C. Milked as high" as 20 quarts. Guenon's Pride, P. 347. H. C. 3d ov. J. and P. p., ]82. 1st Guenon p., '82, '83. Fontaine, F. 2058. C. 1st over Jersey, '86. Wolseley, P. 401, H.C. lstpr. ov. Jer.. '83, '84. Sultane, P. 7. H. C. 2d prize over Jer., '70. Count Cicero, F. 398, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '83. Oxford Daisy. F. 6816, H. C. Mahomet, P. 259, C. Mussy. F. 1152. C. Her daughter. Mussy 2d, was imported and sold by us in our '82 auction for $790. Sultan, F. 58, H. C. lstpr. ov. Jer., '67, '68. Longueville Queen, F. 272, H. C. Major Gordon, P. 909, H. C. 3d over Jersey, '88. 1st over Jer., '88, '89. i Beau Resultat. P. 1218, H. C. Gamboge King, P. 1292. H. C. He is out of the same dam as Gamboge 4th. P. 5464. C, a famous public but- ter test cow. Favorite, P. 358. C. Dam of Favorite's Lad. Favorite's Boy, P. 387, C. Lucy, F. 7239. H. C. Lucy 4th. P. 3733. H. C. 2d over Jer., Aug., '04. Parish prize, '04. Dam of 2 butter test cows. She is also dam ol Lucy 7th. P. 6428. H. C. 1st over Jersey. 19 entries, and Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '00; and of the bull. Lucy's Boy, P. 1921, C. sire of Model, public butter test. 2 lbs. 10 ozs., and other great cows. Due to calve July Hi, 1910, bv Sultana's Golden Jolly, 861S0, the handsomest and best bred bull ever owned at Linden Grove" He won at the National' Dairy Show, Chicago, '1911, four Champion prizes, Gold Medal and other prizes— perhaps the greatest honors ever bestowed upon any bull of any breed. (See opposite page for his extended pedigree.) Tattoo 52 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 46. Heifer. SULTANA'S FANCY IXIA, 307178, A. J. C. C. Bred by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa. Born January 25, 1914. Brisket, left stifle, belly, flanks, legs, tongue, tail and switch white. A very handsome and stylish heifer, rich fawn with some white markings; sweet head; nicely incurved horns; very rugged and long bodied; good spring of rib; wide, prominent hips and good rump; well set tail, with beautiful switch; excellent udder develop- ment, with good-sized and well-placed teats. f Golden Jolly, P. 2921, H. C-- . . - __ i /-n : M^^. A famous sire of butter cows and Sire SULTANA'S GOLDEN JOLLY, 86180, A. J. C. C. The premier sire of the "Linden Grove" herd. He was bred here, and has never been off the place, except when ex- hibited at the Nat. Dairy Show, Chi- cago, '11, where he won Grand Cham- pionship, A. J. C. C. Gold Medal, and other honors never achieved by any other bull of any breed. His progeny have been in such demand that it was with great difficulty we were able to retain any of them. Most have been sold young, to some of the best American breeders. But one of his daugh- ters, to our knowl- edge, has been tried for Register of Merit test. She produced, as a two-year-old, 377 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in 1 year. He has 75 per cent, same blood as the highest testing daughter of Viola's Golden Jolly, who, under year's test, had produced 672 lbs. butter in 10 months. He has sired the win- ners of many 1st and Gr. Champion prs., including: Golden Fern's Jolly, 100629, Gr. Cham, bull at Mississippi- Alabama Fair in '13, '14 and '15. Sire of numerous win- ners. (Bred at "Lin- den Grove.") Sultana's Vernonia, 1st prize heifer calf and member of 1st prize calf herd. National Dairy Show, '11. (This herd was bred at and exhibited by "L i n d e n Grove," and all sired by Sul- tana's Golden Jolly.) (See other pedigrees, and front page B , for his extended pedigree.) Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314, A. J. C C. \ Imported by us and sold in our '10 auc- tion for $12,000 to Kinloch Farm, who sold him two years later for $13,000. Nine of his young daughters are now in Register of Merit. Sire of numerous Gr. Cham, winners and several produc- ing bulls. His tested daughters include : Jolly's Viola, 493 lbs. Viola's Fawn Duchess, 418 lbs. 10 ozs., 2i yrs. old. Viola's Gold Mine, 404 lbs. 12 ozs. Handsome Viola's Jolly, 400 lbs. 12 ozs., 2 yrs. old. Fern's Viola, 390 lbs. 5 ozs., 2 yrs. old (on retest as a 5-year- old, has made 672 lbs. butter in 10 mos.). Viola's Jolly Lady, 381 lbs. 13 ozs. 1st prize and Champion, North Show, '00. Sire'ofl^iested cows, and of 10 sons with tested daughters. Sire of . , « ■ . Golden Warrior, 1st over England, Royal Show, '03; 1st over England and JoUy^dyof'Beechwood, winner of 1st prize, Illinois State Fair, ;08; 1st, pro- and Champion and Grand Champion at the National Show, Chicago '08 GoldeTjolly also sired the four cows that won 1st prize for bull and duce, National Dairy Show, Chicago, and Illinois State Fair, 08, many other winners. Among his tested daughters are: Golden Jolly's Fertile, 669 lbs. 1 1 ozs. Jolly's Pride, 633 lbs. 9 ozs. Jolly Princess of St. Peter, 633 lbs. 1 oz. Farrne^e Ub R y os 6 e?t e! b p S ubHc O butter test. May, '10 2 lbs. 41 ozs., 134 days in vSaTpubSc^ttirlesfM^ ^2«oz,, 72 days in mil,. Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. Sold in our '11 auction for $7,000. 1st over Jersey, '04. Fs^riz^s'wUpfta^rand^Ch^pio'n 2 ^Saviour and Grouville Show. '05. 1st prize over Jersey and Theatre Cup. May, 05. 1st over England wherever exhibited, 06 and 0/. Champion over all England, '07. 1st prize for butter test cows, Aug., 07. Dam of , Nnble of Oaklands P. 3909, H. C, winner of 1st over Jersey for bull and progeny Aprff'w He is the sire of 37 tested cows and 28 producing bulls. He was sold in our '11 auction for ». 15 :" "- . h „tter test Mav Miss Viola, P. 9644, H. C, Certificate of Merit m public butter test, May, '05. 2 lbs. 15 ozs., 39 days in milk, 4 years 1 month old Willoh's Rosy, P. 10444. H. C. now named Willoh s Lady viola ^19*»o A 7 CC) Certificate of Merit in public butter test, May, 06, 3 lbs 38 days in milk, 4 years 1 month old. She is the dam of 5 official test daughters, and of a 1st prize winner over the isiana. ,,.•„,„■, tl ,, ( Poppy Viola, P. 10902, H C. (now named Golden Jolly s Lady Viola), that we taportea in '06. We rebought her at Mr J. M. Overton s sale 08 for $2 550 She is looked upon on the Island as having made the most old. She made a private test at home of 2 lbs. 9 ozs. in 24 hours. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. His two best daugh- ters in the public butter test are Free- dom, 2 lbs. 10 ozs. butter in 24 hrs. at the T r i n g Show Ring, Eng., being 140 days in milk; and Gold Mine, Gold Medal, Tunbridge Wells. England, 2 lbs. 7 ozs. butter in 24 hours, being in milk 150 days. (For full particulars, see page A.) Dam OXFORD IXIA FANCY, 252184, A. J. C. C. (PRIME'S QUEEN 2d, P. 14509.C.) A capacious daughter of Gamboge's Knight. See her pedigree on opposite page.) Golden Sultana, 146282, A. J. C. C. — ^ Z v T Winner of 3d prize in class for aged cows at the Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition, St. Louis, '04, in the greatest ring ever exhibited in this country, where she sold for $2,350. We afterward bought her for the Linden Grove" home herd. ,, ' . . , , „ . , „ Golden Sultana is an intensely bred "Sultane." She is sired by Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C, out of Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. C, winner of many first prizes over the Island and dam of Uncle Peter, P. 2115, a. C. Her grandam, Sultane. P. 7, H. C, is the first of the greatest family of Jerseys ever bred and owned by that famous breeder, Mr. J. P. Marett. Thus Golden Sultana is a granddaughter of old Sultane and her nearest living descendant. She has inherited the famous dairy type, especially in the udder and teats, for which her grandam was famous, and has in- herited all her abundant dairy qualities, having milked as high as 48 IDs. She^dam of Sultana's Oxford Lad, that sold in our '10 auction sale for $11,100, and she selling in same sale when 12 years old for $3,700. She is a full sister to Sultane's Snowdrop, dam of Sultan of Oaklands. Her son. Sultanas Oxford Lad, that we sold to Elmendorf Farm for $11 ,100, produced for them, Elvirian Lad, 106674, 1st prize yearling bull (9 entries), Junior and Grand Champion, Illinois State Fair, '13. Her son, Gedney Farm Blue Fox's Sultan, 72755, produced Golden Daisy Fox, in Register of Merit, 419 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 2 years old; and Exila Fox Sultana, in Register of Merit, 343 lbs. 8 ozs., at 2 years old— the former owned and tested by Cornell University, and the latter by , Mr. H. C. McLallen. Trumansburg, N. Y. Her daughter, Sultana of Linden, was sold in our 10 auction for $1,750, at 8 months old. „ t . , ^ , . c ,, . Her son, Sultana's Oxford Lad, 76506, is sire of 4 in the Register of Merit, including Oxford Princess Sultana, 250216, Class A, 500 lbs. 2 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 2 yrs. 2 mos. old. He is also sire of Sultana s Fawn Prince, 90064, bred at "Linden Grove." who has four daugthers in Register of Merit. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (See below.) Brookhill Rose 2d, P. 3440, C. 1st prize over the Is- land, 40 e n t r i e s. May, '98. Dam of Golden Fern's Red Rose, 23 lbs. 10 ozs. butter in 7 days. Brookhill Fox, Cham. over Eng., and sold for $5,000. The bulls, Reminder and Isonomy. Grandam of Sultan's Black Beauty, sold for $3,000 in our '07 sale. Nobleman. P. 2555, H. C. 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr., '98. 1 st over Jer. , Aug. , '98 . Reserve over Jersey and Par. prize, '00. 1st at Three-Parish Show, '99. Sire of Nobleman's Lady Mary, the un- beaten Champion of many shows; sold in our '02 sale to J. A. Middelton, Shelby- ville, Ky. Bagatelle 2d, P. 6564, H. C, now named Golden Lad's Victoria, 157325. Sold in our '01 sale for $745. She is full sister to Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, that tested 23 lbs. 6 ozs. Boyle, P. 1559, H.C. He also sired the great cow, "Speckled Band," public but- ter test. 2 lbs. 3£ ozs., 140 days in milk; dam of the wonderful cow, "Nursie," that made the phenomenal rec- ord of 2 lbs. 71 ozs. of butter in 24 hours. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. Cicero, P. 266, H. C. (7657, A. J. C. C.) 1st prize over Jersey, '82. Sold at our sale, Oct., '82, for $3,100. Sire of Lady Longfield. 23524, 20 lbs.13 ozs.; and 5 others. Also sire of Count Cicero. F. 398, H.C. grandsire of Golden Lad. Sultane, P. 7, H. C 1st prize, St. Saviour, '70. 1st Herd Book, '71. Bronze Medal, C. I. Ex., '71. "The first of the most celebrated family the Island has ever seen." Dam of Sultane 2d, rate of 23 lbs. 8 ozs., for M. H. Messchert. Sultane 5th, 1st prize over all Jersey, '80, and sold at our sale . May, '83, for $2,800. Sultane 8th, grandam of Golden Lad. Count Wolseley. sire of Brookhill Rose 2d. Due to calve August 10, 1916, by Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C. (now named Imported Oxford You'll Do, 111860, A. J. C C ) A first prize winner at the Royal Show, with his progeny, sire of 21 official test cows, also sire of the Champion cow over Jersey in '15 and many other winners. Oxford You'll Do has been at "Linden Grove" three years. The large number of uni- formly excellent daughters now in the herd, and the showing of his progeny in the butter tests and show ring, substantiate the assertion that he is the greatest living representative of the Oxford-Gamboge family. tended pedigree.) Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. C. 2d over Jersey, '85. IstH. B. over Jer., '85. Dam of Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C, sire of a re- markable lot of dairy cows that have always sold at long prices. Sultane's Snowdrop, P. 8578, H. C, a fa- mous show cow. She is dam of Sultan of Oaklands, P.3746, H. C. (See front pages for his picture and ex- No. 46*. Heifer Calf. YOU'LL DO'S OXFORD IXIA, 347620, A. J. C. C. Tattoo 202 Born September 3, 1915. Sire, Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C. (see notes above). Dam, Oxford Ixia Fancy, 252184 (see her pedigree on opposite page). This calf is not in sale; expected to be sent to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Tex. Tattoo 133 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 47. Bull. IXIA'S FANCY SULTAN, 126788, A. J. C. C. Pa. legs, Bred by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Horn September 1, 1914. White in forehead; brisket, belly, left flank, tongue and switch white. An unusually handsome, rugged bull, with strong, masculine head, broad between the eyes, which are large and prominent; rich, incurving horns; very long, deep, well-ribbed body; splendid withers for so rugged a bull; back straight and strong; powerful loins and prominent hips; beautifully set tail, which is thin and long, with generous switch. He will bear watching in the show ring. Sire SULTANA'S GOLDEN JOLLY, 86180, A. J.C. C. A bull that is receiving the patronage of some of America's best breeders, such as Messrs. Ayer & McKinney, Mr. R. A. Sibley, Hon. Robert J. Fleming, of To- ronto, and others. He sired Golden Fern's Jolly, 100629, 1st prize 2-year-old bull. Senior and Grand Champion, Mississippi-Alabama Fair, "13. His grandsire. Golden Fern's Lad, was in the "Linden Grove" herd for 5 years, and has 3 1 butter test daughters. Golden Fern's Jolly was also Grand Champion at the Mississippi- Alabama Fair, '14, when the judge, Mr. C. T. Graves, said: "This is the most out- standing bull I have seen in years," and advised his owner to take him to the National Dairy Show. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, he won the following- 1st prize in 2-yr.-old class. 6 entries. Senior Champion bull, 2 years old or over. Grand Champion bull, any age. Headed herd winning $200 Special prize, "bull and 10 fe- males." Silver Trophy (£100 Speci al ) for Grand Champion bull. His grandsire. Golden Fern's Lad, has more sons with tested daughters in Regis ter of Merit (27) than any other bull, imported or domes- tic, excepting his own sons. Flying Fox and Eminent 2d, both of which were imported by "Linden Grove" and sold for a total of $17,500. Dam OXFORD IX1A FANCY, 252184, A. J.C. C. 'PRIME'S QUEEN 2d, P. 14509, C.) Bred by E. C. Mour- ant, St. Saviour, Is- land of Jersey. One of the best of our '10 importation. She was not in condition for our next auction ; and has developed into a magnificent cow. We have since declined to name a price on her. She is another of the "really great" daughters of Gam- boge's Knight, and has a rare inherit- ance of the GREAT- EST FAMILIES on the Island. Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314, A. J. C. C. Sold in our '09 auction I Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C Golden Jolly, P. 2921, H. C 1st prize and Champion. North Show, '00. A famous sire of butter cows and winners. Sire of Golden Warrior, 1st over England, Royal Show, '03; 1st over England and Champion. D. S., '03. Jolly Lady of Beechwood. winner of 1st prize, Illinois State Fair. '08; 1st, Champion and Grand Champion at the National Show, Chicago. '08. Golden Jolly also sired the four cows that won 1st prize for bull and pro- duce. National Dairy Show, Chicago, and Illinois State Fair, '08; and many other winners. Golden Jolly has 23 butter tested daughters. He is a son of Golden Fern's Lad (see below) and the great cow. Brookhill Rose 2d, P. 3440, C. for $12,000. Sold in Kinloch Farm auction, '11, for $13,000. Sire of 9 cows in Regis- ter of Merit with good year's records as 2 and 3 yr. olds. Sire of Jolly Royal Sul- tan, 90032, sold at Kinloch Farm sale, '11, for $10,000. Sold in our May, '11, auction for $7,000. 1st over Jersey, '04. Public butter test, May, '04, 2 lbs. 12 ozs. 1st prize. Sweepstakes and Champion, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '05. 1st prize over Jersey and Theatre Cup, May, '05. 1st over England wherever exhibited, '06 and '07. Champion over all England. '07. 1st prize for butter test cows, August, '07. Dam of Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C, winner of 1st over Jersey for bull and progeny, April, '10. He was sold in our May. '11, auction for $15,000- Lady Viola has 4 public butter test daughters. Golden Sultana. 146282, A. J. C- C. Winner of 3d prize in class for aged cows at the Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition, St. Louis, '04, in the greatest ring ever exhibited in this country, where she sold for $2,350. We afterward bought her for the "Linden Grove" home herd. Golden Sultana is an intensely bred "Sultane." She is sired by Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. out of Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H- C. winner of many first prizes over the Island, and dam of Uncle Peter, P. 2115. H- C Her grandam, Sultane, P. 7, H. C, is the first of the greatest family of Jerseys ever bred and owned by that famous breeder, Mr. J. P. Marett. Thus Golden Sultana is a granddaughter of old Sultane and her nearest living descendant. She has inherited the famous dairy type, especially in the udder and teats, for which her grandam was famous, and has inherited all her abundant dairy qualities, having milked as high as 48 lbs. daily. She is dam of Sultana's Oxford Lad. that sold in our '10 auction sale for $1 1 ,100, and she selling in same sale when 12 years old for $3,700. She is a full sister to Sultane's Snowdrop, dam of Sultan of Oaklands. She is dam of Gedney Farm Blue Fox's Sultan, 72755, sire of two 2 year-olds in Register of Merit with year's butter records. Her son. Sultana's Oxford Lad, has 4 daughters in Register of Merit, and a son with 4 in R. of M. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. Sold at our ' 1 1 auction for $6,700 to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,750 each. At the National Dairy* Show. Chicago, 11, every animal in com- petition, sired by Gamboge's Knight, did honor to its sire. Gamboge's Knight's tested daughters in- clude: Gamboge's Grey Beauty, in Register of Merit, 784 lbs. 12 ozs. butter in 1 year. Gamboge's Tiddledy- wink, in Register of Merit, 722 lbs. 14 ozs. butter in 1 year. Gamboge's Knight has 4 sons with official test daughters, in- cluding Oxford You'll Do, sire of 21. and Oxford Knight. sire of 12. His dam has 3 public test daughters, 2 of which have been sold in our auctions for $1,375 and $2,525. Herdaugh- ter. Gamboge's Pride 5th, is dam of 1 in Register of Merit and of Golden Fern 's Son, 10 in Register of Merit. Oxford Prime's Queen, 230342. (Prime's Queen, P. 11284. H. C.) By same sire as Sul- ana's Oxford Lad, sold in our '10 auc- tion for $11,100. sire of 4 in Register of Merit and of a bull with 4 in the Regis ter of Merit. Oxford Lad, P. 3123, H. C. 1st St. Saviour pr., '02. Sweepstakes, St. Sa- viour-Grouville S., Apr., 03. 1st State's prize over Jer., Apr.. 03. Cham., St. Saviour- Grouville Show, '05. We purchased Oxford [ Oxford Lass Lad in the Gedney Farm sale, '09, for $3,300. Sire of 42 tested cows. Sire of 1 8 or more bul Is with daughters in R. of M., including Majesty, sire of 39 tested cows, im- ported by "Linden Grove"; Stock well, sire of 12, imported by us. Prime 2d, P. 9860. C. Bought by Mr. Howard Willetsfor$625, and named G. F. Ox- ford Prime. 189606; dam of the bull. G. V Prime Oxford, 75999, a noted sire. Champion Flying Fox, 61441. A. J. C. C (Flying Fox. P. 2729. H. C.) P. 3582, C. One of the most cele- brated cows the Is- land ever produced. Dam of three famous bulls; namely. Cai- est, Houpla and Ox- ford Lad. (See below.) Houpla, P. 2793. H. C. Sire of 7. Lucy 17th. P. 10266. H. C, Certificate of Merit, public butter test. May, 05, 2 lbs. 7 ozs., 87 days in milk. Lucy 12th. P. 9236, C, Certificate of Merit, public butter test. Oct.. '05. lbs. 2 ozs., 118 days in milk. Out of same dam as Oxford Lad and Cai- est (see above). Prime. P. 6868, C. Public butter test, 1 lb. 7J ozs. in 24 hrs., at 4 yrs. old. By same sire as Queenie's Prince. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. Sultane 9th. P. 1145. H. C 2d over Jersey, '85. 1st H. B. over Jer., '85. Dam of Uncle Peter. P. 2115, H. C. sire of a re- markable lot of dairy cows that have always sold at long prices. Sultane's Snowdrop, P. 8578, H. C, a fa- mous show cow. She is dam of Sultan of Oaklands, P. 3746, H. C. 1st over Jer., Apr., '96. Sold to Mr. P. Roberts, Nar- berth. Pa. Euclid, P. 2239, H. C Sire of many prize winners, including Fontaine's Countess. Also sire of Houpla, P. 2i93, H. C- sire of the following prize winners: Lady Houpla, F. 9271, H. C., 1st prize and Breeders' Champion Cup, St. Saviour Show. '05; Certifi- cate of Merit in but- ter test. Oct., 04, 1 lb. 91 ozs., 240 days after first calf; Cer- tificate of Merit, May, 05, 1 lb. 13J ozs., 105 days in milk. Gamboge's Pride 5th, 10138. H. C-, Certi- ficate of Merit, pub- lic butter test. 1 lb. 10 ozs., 105 days in milk, May, '05. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. Some years ago, while on the Island, we called to see Oxford Lass, having been told it would be hard to find her equal in Jersey- Nothing could tempt the owner to name a price on her. Result's Prince, P. 2004. H. C. Reserve over Jer., '94. Sired the dam of Cora 4th. 3 lbs. 3$ ozs. butter in 24 hours; etc. Lucy 6th, P. 5976, C. Dam of Prime, public butter test, 1 lb. 7J ozs., at 4 years old. Full sister to Lucy's Boy, P. 1921, C. Dam of Lucy 12th, 2 lbs. 2 ozs. Nobleman, P. 2555, H. C. 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr.. '98. 1st over Jer., Aug., '98. Reserve over Jersey and Par. prize, '00. 1st at Three Parish Show. '99. Sire of Nobleman's Lady Mary, sold in our '02 sale to J. A. Middelton, Shelby- ville, Ky.; the un- beaten Champion of many shows. Bagatelle 2d, P. 6564. H. Cm now named Golden Lad's Victoria, 157325. Sold in our '01 sale for $745. She is full sister to Golden Lad's Fawn Duch ess, who tested 23 lbs. 6 ozs. Cicero. P. 266, H. C. {7657, A. J. C.C.) 1st pr. over Jer.. '82. Sold at our sale. Oct . '82. for $3,100. Sire of Lady Longfield. 23524, 20 lbs. 13 ozs.; and 5 others. Also sire of Count Cice ro. F. 398. H C grandsire of Golden Lad. Sultane, P. 7. H. C. Dam of Sultane 2d. rate of 23 lbs. 8 ozs., forM. H. Messchert. Sultane 5th. 1st prize over all Jersey, '80, and sold at our sale. May, '83, for $2,800. Nunthorpe, P. 1769, H- C. Sire of Blue Nun. 126625. 18 lbs. 5£ ozs.; Sweep- stakes cow at Ohio State Fair. '01, and other prizes. Uncle Peter, P. 2115. H. Cm who sired Uncle Peter's Ro sette, sold in our '01 sale for $1,000. and her heifer calf by Flying Fox. sold in same sale for $1 ,250. Nellie Tranter, P. 5472, H. C. 4th over Jersey, '95. r Count Wolseley. P. 928, H. C 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr.. '87. 1st over Jer., Apr., '88. 2d over Jer., Apr., '89. 1st over Jer., Aug., '89. Also sire of Brookhill Rose 2d, Alicante. and other famous cows. Oxford Primrose. P. 2252. C. One of the best cows in her day on the Island. By the same sire as Sultane's Favorite. sire of Golden Lad. Favorite's Lad, P. 1678, H. C. Grandson of Favorite's Boy. Beau Resultat 2d. P. 3647. H. C. Una's Boy, P. 1752, C Sire of Lucy's Boy, P. 1921, C. who sired Model. P. 6430. H. C, official butter test, 2 lbs. 10 ozs. Lucy 4th. P. 3733, H. C. 2d over Jer.. Aug., '04. prize, '04. Dam of 2 butter test cows. T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H. C. (Now Named Imported Oxford You'll Do, 111860, A, J, C, C.) THE MOST PREPOTENT LIVING REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OXFORD-GAMBOGE FAMILIES— NOW IN SERVICE AT "LINDEN GROVE." On one of the front pages of this catalog may be found a discussion of "The Oxfords," giving some of the earlier history of this celebrated family, and calling attention to a prediction concerning Oxford Lass, made by us in 1904, that "ten years from now we will realize her worth as a dairy cow, through her sons and daughters." The day of her sons and daugh- ters is past, but in passing they left so bright a trail as to add lustre to the achievements of their wonderful dam. Oxford Lass may be said to have inherited the crown of her distinguished grandam, Sultane, P. 7, H. C, as "the first of the most famous family the Island has ever seen." What was true of Sultanne in her day, seems to apply with renewed force and distinctness to Oxford Lass. Her three celebrated sons — Oxford Lad, Caiest and Houp-La — have separately established families that stand alone in their prestige. They need nothing to lean upon. And her three equally celebrated daughters — Oxford Ixia, Queenie and Ox- ford Ever — occupy as honored a position as that of their brothers. Oxford Ever, the youngest daughter of Oxford Lass, is the dam of Oxford You'll Do; and through him, as well as through her son, Oxford Knight, and her three daugh- ters — Agatha's Oxford Lass, Oxford Triumph and Ox- ford Eva — her fame has fairly leaped to a command- ing position achieved by few cows of the Jersey or any other race. Gamboge's Knight, the sire of Oxford You'll Do, is out of a granddaughter of Oxford Lass, and with this he brings the blood of the Gamboges — a line that has no occasion to apologize to any other Jersey family, not even that of Oxford Lass. Gam- boge's Knight is also grandson of Flying Fox and Agatha, early "Linden Grove" importations that have played a prominent part in the history of Jersey dairy development in America, as well as on the Island and in England. But we can add little to what we have said about Gamboge's Knight in the past. We asserted posi- tively, in 191 1 , that he was the greatest dairy sire that had ever set foot on "Linden Grove." At that time Oxford You'll Do was still on the Island. Gamboge's Knight has since met a lamentable death. We do not feel it necessary to make comparisons between this distinguished sire and son. Each reflects credit on the other. But we are safe in saying that Oxford You'll Do is the greatest living representative of the Oxford-Gamboge line. And those who watch develop- ments in the butter tests and show rings, both in America and across the water, and who come to "Linden Grove" and inspect the wonderful collection of his uniformly excellent, capacious daughters, will be moved to exclaim: "Never so creditable a show- ing, in such numbers, of the daughters of one bull, even at Linden Grove!" Many have the habit of citing the great daughters of Golden Lad in our auctions fifteen years ago, as the "last word" in beauty and dairy capacity. We wish that all such could see the display of Oxford You'll Do's. There would be some tuning up on another string — although in perfect harmony, for Oxford You'll Do goes no fewer than six times to Golden Lad, who is a 25 per cent. Sultane bull, the same percent- age as Oxford Lass ! On the following pages will be found the pedigree of Oxford You'll Do, but space will not admit the record of his progeny. He has already 21 or more official test daughters, 11 of them in Register of Merit, and another just finishing test with 900 lbs. or more of butter as a four-year-old. His daughters are just reaching full age, and on retest we predict many splendid records. They are show cows as well as workers. The cow winning First at New York State Fair as a three-year-old, First at Connecticut State Fair as a four-year-old, and First at New York State Fan- as a five-year-old (besides being dam of the pair win- ning First as "Produce of cow"), is a daughter of Oxford You'll Do, and she is reported as having made 774 lbs. 7 ozs. butter in one year. She is dam of the Grand Champion bull at New York State Fair, 191 5. Oxford You'll Do sired the Champion cow over the Island of Jersey in May, 191 5, who also won First in her class (76 entries) as a four-year-old, and First as a three-year-old (68 entries), at the Royal Island Show. He sired the First prize bull at Royal Show, Class 2, 19 entries, in May, 1915. He sired the Grand Cham- pion bull at Indiana State Fair, 1915 (bred at "Linden Grove" and sold in our 1914 auction as a calf for $525). He sired the First prize three-year-old cow (11 entries) at Texas State Fair, 191 5 (sold in our 191 4 auction for $745). He sired the Grand Champion bull of the Minnesota and Wisconsin State Fairs, 191 3, who pro- duced the Junior Champion heifer at Iowa State Fair and at Waterloo Dairy Show, 191 5. He sired many other First prize and Champion winners. Nine daughters of Oxford You'll Do, in our 191 3 auction — six of them heifers and heifer calves — sold for an average of $504.44; and 19 of his progeny in our 1 914 auction averaged $683 (eight of them bulls and calves of both sexes). 3686 T. S. COOPER & SONS* AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 48. Cow. OXFORD'S WEXFORD SPOT, 289464, A. J. C. C. Bred by J. Messervy, St. John. Island of Jersey. Born December 9, 1910. Imported January 28. 1913, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color, except mottled brisket and left stifle speckled; black tongue and switch. This wonderful beauty has brought admiring exclamations from all visitors at "Linden Grove" for the past three years. Her conformation is that of a score card model, her outline a silhouette of symmetry and grace, and her temperament that of a business cow. She has the clean flat neck of a true dairy cow, with the sharp withers, prominent spine and lean hind quarters that denote lacteal power and persistency; her back straight and strong; her body long, deep and of great capacity; hide thin and mellow; thin, beautifully set tail with black switch; prominent, tortuous milk veins; tremendous udder, beautifully balanced, with great long teats perfectly placed. She will have been nearly seven months in milk by sale day. Should be seen when fresh and in bloom to be better appreciated. (THE JUDGES WILL DO THIS NEXT FALL.) f Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with h i s progeny), Apr., '08. Sold at our '1 1 auction for $6,700 to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,750 each. 1 1 of his daughters, in our '11 auction, averaged $1,391.36. (See opposite page for further particulars regarding G a m- boge's Knight. J Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H. C, now named IMPORTED OXFORD YOU'LL DO, 1 1 1860, A. J. C. C. Winner of 1st pr. over Jer., with his prog- eny, at the bull show on the Island, April. '11. His daughter. Golden Oxford Ivy, P. 18829. H. C. was 1st prize 2-year-old over the Island of Jersey (68 entries!. May, 14; 1st prize 3-year- old (76 entries) and Theatre Challenge- Cup (Championship over the Island), May, '15. She is now in the "Linden Grove" herd. He has 21 or more official test daugh- ters. You'll Do's Favorite, 306639, sold in our '14 auc- tion for $500, to Mr. E.T.Bedford.Green's Farms, Conn.. is now under official test, and will pro- duce 900 lbs. or more of butter in a year, as a four-year- old. (See opposite page for more extended pedi- gree of Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C.) Dam WEXFORD'S SPOT, 289452, A. J. C. C. (P. 14165, H.C.) Entered in Register of Merit. Class A, 565 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in 1 year, from 8.313 lbs. 1.6 ozs. milk, at 6 yrs. 9 mos. old, one- year after importa- tion. As a 4-year-old, won Certificate of Merit in public butter test, Island of Jersey, 1 lb. 14$ ozs, in 24 hours, 127 days after calving. She was imported by "Linden Grove" and sold to Messrs. Ayer & McKinney, for the noted "Meridale" Herd. Oxford Ever, P. 8370. H. C. Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass (by Agatha's Flying Fox), public butter test, May, '09, 2 lbs. li ozs., 83 days in milk. Oxford Triumph, pub- lic butter test, May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. (See opposite page.) f Pride's Golden Lad, P. 3566, H. C. Winner of Reserve over Jersey. Royal Show, Aug., '04. Sire of Wexford's Spot, P. 14165. H. C, public butter test, May.'ll. 1 lb. I4J ozs., 157 days in milk. Bijou de Terrenuve, P. 13685, H. C, public butter test, May/10, 1 lb. 8', ozs., 204 days in milk. Dame Iris 2d, P. 12777. C public butter test, May. '08, 1 lb. 7 l i ozs., 204 days in milk. Wonder Lass. P.13094, H C. Reserve over Jer. and Par. prize. May. '12. By same sire as the great cow, Dorothy's Pearl, winner of 1st prize in the R. J. A. S. official butter tests on the Island in '13, producing 752 lbs. in, 1 < izs. in one year, when 10 years old. She is dam of 2 offi- cial test cows, one of which will be sold in this auction. Wexford 4th. P. 9760, H. C. Leda's Golden Lad, P. 3063, H. C. 1st over Jer. and 1st State's pr.. '01, '02. 1 st and Sweepstakes, St. Martin Show. "01 and '02. 1st and Champion, with progeny. West- ern Club, '05. Sire of many prize winners and public test cows, the latter including. Dorothy's Pearl, Cer- tificate of Merit and 3d Goddington pr., May, '07, 1 lb. 15| ozs., 119 days in milk; Certificate of Merit, May, '09, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 110 days in milk. Pansy 8th, P. 1 1907, H.C. (Golden Leda's Pansy. 222098). Cer- tificate of Merit, Oct., '07, 1 lb. 15 ozs., 76 days in milk ; 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, '06. Pretty Maid, Certifi- cate of Merit, Oct., '08, 1 lb. 5 ozs., 170 days in milk. Netina's Opal, Certifi- cate of Merit, Oct., '06, 1 lb. 2$ ozs.. 215 days in milk. Among the prize win- ners he has sired is Nestor, 1st over Jer., Aug., '06; while many other winners stand to his credit. Morocco's Pride, P. 9089, H. C. 1st prize over Jer. and winner of Blyth- wood Bowl, '02. 1st prize over the Is- land. '03, and was sent to Australia as the best cow in Jer. Her dam is a daughter of Cato 2d, P. 1954, C-, who is also sire of the noted cow, Triple Interest, and of the good "butter" sire. Cato 4th. P. 2400, C. sire of sev- eral public test cows, and of Speckled Hip, P. 7911, H. C. Postman, P. 2849. H. C. He is out of same dam as Topsy 20th. P. 6979, H. C. and she is dam of Topsy 's Maid. P. 13341, H. C. winner of 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '08; Topsy 32d. P. 14068, H. C (now Noble's Topsy of Oakland. 252169, A. J. C. C). one of the five heifers by Noble of Oaklands, win- ning 1st prize over the Island as "get of sire." Apr., '10. She sold in our '1 1 auc- tion for $1,400. Wexford 2d. P. 6409, C. Senator. P. 2759, H. C. Sire of Pretty Lady Superior 10th. P. 9401. H. C. winner of 4th prize over Jer. and Par. prize, Class 2, Aug., '02. Astor. P. 3042, H. C, 1st over Jer.. Aug., 02. and Apr., '03; 2d State's pr., Aug., '02; 2d over Jer., with his progeny, Apr., '07; 1st over Jer., with his prog- eny, Apr., '08. Astor is not only a 1st pr. winner over the Is- land himself, but is sire of a long list of winners and cows with public butter tests. Golden Leda, P. 8000. H. C. 1st pr. over Jer., '01. 1 st prize and Cham- pionship, N. C. S,, '00 and '01 ; and has milked over 40 lbs. per day with first calf. Golden Leda is also dam of Leda's Gold- en Lad and of For- farshire's Golden Leda, 187458. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes at St. Sav- iour and Grouville Show, May, '04. Dam of Topsman, Re- serve over Jersey, Apr. and Aug., '02. She is also dam of the famous bull. Stock- well, sold at our '07 auction sale for $11,500. (■ Dido, P. 2703. H. C. Par. pr., Apr.. '99. Sweet Morocco, P. 6806. H. C. lstpr. ov. Jer., '02, '03. Reserve for Champion over Jer., '04. Topsy's Lord, P. 2420, II C. His grandsires. Nun- thorpe and Golden Pink, are both by Golden Lad. Topsy 12th, P. 4406, C. Dam of Topsy 20th. winner of Par. pr.. May, '98 ; Reserve over Jer. and Par. prize. May, '04. Topsy's Pride. P. 1886. H. C. ' Nizam, P. 2408, H. C- 3d over Jersey, '97. 1st pr., St. Peter. '97. Sire of Golden Lad of St. Peter, 57223, Cham, winner over three Western Par- ishes, '99 Belle du Couvent. P. 4674, H. C. 1st pr. over Jer., '94. Dam of Belle du Cou- vent 5th, 3d over Jer., May, '02. Daughter of Golden Lad. P. 1242. H. C; dam. Orphan 2d, P. 2844, H. C. 1st prize. St. Mary Show, '92. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. Sire of Golden Fern's Sensation, 1st prize, Ohio, '03; 1st prize, Cham, and Grand Champion, Illinois State Fair. '04; 2d prize. World's Fair, St. Louis, '04; 1st prize. Champion and Grand Champion. Tenn. State Fair. '07; 1st prize, Champion and Grand Cham- pion. Illinois State Fair, '07; 1st prize, Cham, and Grand Cham., Nat. Dairy Show, Chicago, '07. Leda, P. 6636, H. C. One of the best cows the Island has ever produced. Dam of Leda's Prince, 1st prize. Tunbridge Wells, England, '01. Wexford, P. 4225, C. f Warrantable. P. 2202, C. Lily Cross, F. 8001. H. C. Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C. 2d prize over Jersey. Sire of Uncle Peter's Rosette, sold in our '01 sale for $1,000, and her heifer calf, by Flying Fox. sold in same sale for SI. 250. Topsy 9th. P. 4220, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize. '91. 1st over Jer., Aug.. '92. (See below.) f Golden Pink. P. 1491. H. C. 2d over Jersey and Parish prize, '01 . Topsy 9th.P.4220.H.C. 2d over Jersey and Parish prize. '91 . 3d ov. Jer., May, *92. 1st ov. Jer.. Aug., '92. 2d over Jersey. Aug., '91. Parish prizes, '91. '92, '93 and '96. Prince Bobby, P. 1102, C. Grandson of Gamboge. F. 5846, H. C, 3d over Jersey, '90. { Waterford, F. 4142. C. Golden Pasha. P. 2154. C Sire of Rome. 1 st Devon Co.; 1st Bath and West Show . H . C. Royal Show. '98; 2d Bath and West S h o w; 2d Royal Counties Show; 1st Roy. Show; 2d Cam- bridge Show ; 1 st Gloucester Show; 1st and Cham. Spr.. '97; and many other not- ed winners. Jersey Lily. P. 4004, C 2d St. Peter. f Boyle. P. 1559, H. C. I Sire of the celebrated bull. Golden Fern's Lad. P. 2160, H. C. He also sired the great cow. "S p e c k 1 e d Band." dam of the wonderful cow "Nursie." that made the phenomenal rec- ord of 2 lbs. 1\ ozs. of butter in 24 hrs., in the public butter test, after being in milk 300 days and within 90 days of calving. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d over Jer.. 2d H. B. and Par. pr.. '94. Golden Pearl. P. 1975, H. C Eminence, F. 7124, H. C 2d St. Martin. '92. Sweepstakes, N. C ,92. Brave. P. 1845, H. C. True, P. 4693. H. C Xunthorpe. P. 1769. H. C Sire of Blue Nun. 126625, 18 lbs. 5* ozs. Sultane 9th. P. 1145. H C 1st H. B. ov. Jer.. '85. 2d over Jersey, '*S 4th over Jersey. '89. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize. '91. - Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. Cctewayo's Pink. F. 5170, H. C Taunton's Hero. P. 1166. H- C His dam won 2d over Jersey, 1st S t. Mary's prize and Sweepstakes, W. Show. "84. Topsy. P. 661. H. C Gamboge's Boy. P. 771. C. Cavita, P. 2099, C Her sire won 2d over Jersey and Parish prize, *84. Due to calve September 7, 1916, by Sultana's Golden Jolly, S6180, the handsomest and best bred bull ever owned at "Linden Grove," and supposed to be the most'valuable son of the great butter-bred bull, Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314, A. J. C. C, who sold in our 1909 auction for $12,000, and in the Kinloch Farm auction, 1911, for $13,000. His dam, Golden Sultana, is one of the most distinguished daughters of Golden Fern's Lad; she was awarded third prize in the aged cow class at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904, and sold in the ring for $2,350. (See front pages for picture and further particulars concerning Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86180.) OXFORD'S WEXFORD SPOT, 289464, A. J. C. C. A GREAT DAIRY COW AND GREAT SHOW COW, SIRED BY OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H. C, AND OUT OF A HIGHLY COMMENDED REGISTER OF MERIT DAM. Five Years Old. Weight on April 21, 1916, 916 lbs. (Weighed after milking, or the scales would have told a heavier story. Has milked 22 to 24 quarts when fresh.) DUE TO CALVE SEPTEMBER 8, 1916, BY SULTANA'S GOLDEN JOLLY, 86180. WHAT A CALF, AND WHAT A PROSPECT FOR A WINNER AT THE FALL FAIRS! (See opposite page for her pedigree.) Many of our customers write nice things about the Jerseys they have bought at "Linden Grove," some of which we have taken the liberty of using in our advertisements. It is quite generally known that "Cooper fairly loves a good cow," and I might say I have loved her all my lifetime. But as in many other things, I have always insisted that she be handsome as well as good. You can get just as much service out of a vehicle neatly painted and of attractive construction, as from one that is clumsy and rusty-looking — and a good deal more satisfaction in using it. This is so of Jersey cows. It is this that appeals to people of taste as well as thrift, who, though they have looked into the churn and their pocketbooks for thirty years, have not lost their admiration for the beautiful. It is this that brings old Jersey breeders to "Linden Grove" for the class of cattle that not only raise the Register of Merit average, but which possess that symmetry and refinement of type for which "Linden Grove" blood has been awarded fourteen out of eighteen grand championships at nine National Dairy Shows. A lot of twaddle has been written about the "pretty little imported cow," and about "producers" — as though the two were strangers. Gamboge's Tiddledywink, a National Dairy Show grand champion from "Linden Grove," made 744 lbs. 14 ozs. of butter in one year, during which she was on the show circuit 2V 2 months. Great Scot's Champion, another Na- tional Dairy Show grand champion from "Linden Grove," made 774 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in one year when nearly thirteen years old. Warder's Lady, another grand champion from "Linden Grove," made 967 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in one year. Whence originates the idea that a coarse-featured cow has a monopoly of the producing function ? This nonsense has been con- tinually crammed down the throats of farmers who rarely get away from home and have no opportunity to learn that beauty in Jerseys does not handicap efficiency. If they will examine the lists of Register of Merit tests now issued by the Club and published in "The Bulletin," they will find the great majority of the cows are either themselves imported ani- mals or are within three generations of imported bulls or cows. Importations have improved the type and raised the Register of Merit average, and they will always do so if the (Continued on reverse side) YOU'LL DO'S HARRIET, 353253, A. J. C. C. A HIGHLY COMMENDED DAUGHTER OF OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H. C, AND BOTH PARENTS HIGHLY COMMENDED Only four years old, and what a cow! Those who come to see her will agree that the photograph does not do her justice (taken on a rainy day). (SEE OPPOSITE PAGE FOR HER PEDIGREE.) (Continued from reverse side) highest class of cattle are imported. The blood of "Linden Grove" bulls and cows is a dominant factor in the Register of Merit. The following is what we said in our "Bulletin" advertisement, May 20, 1916, and we repeat it with emphasis: "Take away from the Register of Merit the cows that have been bred at or imported by 'Linden Grove,' and those whose parents came from families we have introduced and 'sworn by' for forty years, and the shrinkage will startle those who draw a line between 'imported cattle' and 'producers.' It is no less ridiculous than 'cabbage and vegetables'." There is much talk of high production, without a hint of what it costs. We stated in "The Jersey Bulletin" June 9, 1915, that "The cow whose big record costs a dollar a pound is surely not so useful a creature as the one with a normal yield at a cost of twelve to fifteen cents a pound." We have hoped for a year that some one would answer that article, "Tell the World What it Costs," but there appears some delicacy about admitting that a cow received more sweet milk for food than she returned in the pail. Once upon a time a Jerseyman, visiting a farm where a big test was being conducted, asked the superintendent what the cow was fed. The reply, as repeated to us, was: "That cow gets anything she wants, no matter if it costs two dollars and a half a pound." We are glad that some men are honest enough to enjoy and publish the rational records of their cows. In "The Jersey Bulletin" of April 19, 1916, our advertisement contained a letter from Messrs. Ayer & McKinney, with a list of 29 cows imported by us that had averaged 26 pounds of butter more than the Register of Merit average. Ten of them had aver- aged 630 pounds of butter in a year. In the same issue, Mr. Robert F. Shannon remarked that "I do not think Mr. Cooper claims enough for the Ayer & McKinney-Cooper purchases, because Meridale cattle are not forced to death," etc. In the next issue, we gave a list of 35 cows purchased from us by Mr. C. I. Hudson, which had made the Register of Merit with an average of 568 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in one year, or 79 pounds above the Register of Merit average. (Both of these lists appear further on in this catalog.) We could submit further lists, of the butter test cows purchased here by Bowmont Farms, Mr. R. A. Sibley, Elmendorf Farm, Mr. Ed. C. Lasater, the International Correspondence School, Mr. H. M. Snider, Quechee Fells Farm, Mr. Geo. T. Chaffee, Dosoris Park, Mr. E. T. Bedford, Mr. W. T. Wood, White Horse Farm, and many others who have done Register of Merit work in their herds. Is this not evidence enough that their "little handsome heads" and their refined forms (to say nothing of their fascinating appearance) do not interfere with the economical production of milk and butter? I have sometimes wondered if this showing of the capacity of our imported cows has prevented anyone from taking up our challenge? B 337 No. 49. Cow. T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. YOU'LL DO'S HARRIET, 353253, A. J. C. C. (Harriet 19th, P. 19441, H. C.) Bred by P. J. Simon, St. Clement, Island of Jersey. Born January 1, 191 2. Solid color; black tongue and switch. Imported October 31, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. A magnificent young cow; a Highly Commended daughter of Oxford You'll Do, both parents Highly Commended; and individually she is equal to her splendid breeding. A deep brownish fawn, of rugged constitution, and a dairy type that finds favor among many capable judges. Very long, deep, wide body; strong, straight back; wide, prominent hips, and beautifully set tail, with generous switch; udder of great size and beautiful proportions, with great, large teats, perfectly placed. Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H.C, now named IMPORTED OXFORD YOU'LL DO, 111860, A. J. C. C. Winner of 1st pr. over Jer., with his prog- eny, at the bull show on the Island, April, '11. This is the most valuable prize, and the great- est distinction that can be accorded a bull. Sire of 21 or more offi- cial test daughters, including You'll Do's Favorite, sold in our '14 auction for $500, who is just finishing an official test and will make nearly if not quite 900 lbs. butter as a four- year- old. He sired the Champion cow over the Island of Jersey in May, '15, who also won 1st in her class (76 entries) as a three-year-old, and 1st as a two- year-old (68 entries) at the Royal Show, May, '14. He sired the Grand Champion bull at the Indiana State Fair, '15; who was bred at "Linden Grove" and sold as a calf in our '14 auction for $525. He sired the 1st prize three -year- old cow (1 1 entries) at Texas State Fair, '15; who was sold in our '1 1 auction for $745. He sired many other 1st prize and Cham- pion winners. Nine daughters of Ox- ford You'll Do in our '13 auction (six of them heifers and heifer calves) sold for an average of $504.44; and 19 of his progeny in our '14 auction sold for an average of $683 (eight of them bulls and calves of both sexes). Dam HARRIET 8th, P. 11834, H.C. His son, Harriet's Boy, P. 4248, H. C, is sire of Wonder's Beauty, P. 17139, H. C, winner of 3d prize, Class 2, 50 entries, and St. Cle- ment Parish pri ze , one of group winning President's Cup , Royal Show, Aug. , '12; St. Clement Par- ish prize, Class 1 , and one of group winning President's Cup, Royal Show, Jersey, Aug., '11. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny), Apr., '08. Sold at our '1 1 auction for $6,700, to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,750 each. Sire of 41 tested cows. 11 of his daughters, in our '11 auction, averaged $1,391.36. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, every animal in com- petition, sired by Gamboge's Knight, did honor to its sire, winning among other prizes: 1st prize for get of sire. 1st prize for produce of cow. 1st prize for four cows in milk. 1st and 2d prize year- ling bulls (out of dams by Gamboge's Knight). f Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. | 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and G r o u v i 1 1 e Show, '02. 1st pr. over the Island in a class of 44, 02. Sire of Agatha's Oxford Lass (out of the great cow, Oxford Ever, below), public but- ter test, May, '08, 1 lb. 10 ozs., 97 days in milk (cows under 5 yrs.); public but- ter test, May, '09, 2 lbs. l£ ozs., 83 days in milk ; winner of 1 st prize over Jer- sey and Theatre Challenge Cup, May, '11; Reserve for Renouf Cup, "best butter test cow judged by inspec- tion," May, '07. Sultan of Oaklands, 1st prize, Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham., St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '05. Combination, P. 3744, H. C., 1st prize over Jersey, May, '06; 1st prize, St. Helier Show, Aug., '06; 1st prize and Champion, St. Saviour and Grouville Show , April, '09. His breeder, Mr. John A. Perree, sold him to Mr. Howard Wil- 1 e t s, "G e d n e y F a r m," White Plains, N. Y., for $5,000. Twelve of his heifers, ten of which were yearlings, sold in our '05 auction sale for an average of $558. Fontaine's Oxford Pride, 187430, A. J. C. C (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C.) 3d prize over Jersey, Aug., '01, '02. 3d pr. in public but- ter test, 2 lbs. 1\ ozs., 48 days in milk. Sold for $2,500, in our '05 auction, to Mr. Howard Willets, owner of G e d n e y Farm. Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. Daughter of the cele- brated Oxford Lass. Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass (by Agatha's Flying Fox, above), public butter test, May,'09, 2 lbs. 1-J ozs. ; and other prizes. Oxford Triumph, pub- lic butter test, May, '08, I lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. Oxford Knight, sire of 12 tested cows. f Morocco's Lad, P. 3201, H. C Par. prize, Apr., '02. Sire of Polly's Beauty, P. 11410, C, Silver Medal in public butter test, May, '08, 2 lbs. 13 ozs., 97 days in milk. Now named Polly's Brown Beauty, 224588, A. J. C. C. Sold in our '09 auction to Mr. C. I. Hudson for $1,175. Cardinal's Rose, P. 11833, H. C, 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '06. And other prize winners. Sire of Bagatelle's Lad, 78520, who was imported by Mrs. S. T. Henning, and now has 4 daughters in Register of Merit. Flving Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug. ,'99. Among his many test- ed daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. butter, 13,604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. butter, 11,198 lbs. milk, 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Sa- viour, 411.96 lbs. butter, 6,841 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dream- wold, 10,060 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Syria o' Dream- wold, 11,075 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Maid o' The Sea, 11,530 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox Glove, public but- ter test. May, '07, 2 lbs. 8i ozs. Simone G. G., public butter test. May, '04, 2 lbs. b\ ozs. Oxford Vixen, public butter test, May, '05, 2 lbs. 2\ ozs. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. (A highly commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432.H.C, J.H.B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. li ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. She sold in our '02 auction for $1,700, to Mrs. M. M. Pat- terson, Port Ken- nedy, Pa. Caiest, P. 2591, H. C. 1st prize, Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville Show, '98. Gamboge's Pride, P. 4508, H. C She has won six public butter tests; record in May, '96, 2 lbs. 1\ ozs. Dam of Gamboge's Pride 2d, Gamboge's Pride 3d and Gam- boge's Pride 4th, all public butter test cows. Picton 3d, P. 2715, H. C. 1st pr., Trinity Show, '99. Sire of Picton's Sweet Lady, 2d pr. and Re- serve for Champion, St. Saviour S., '06. By same sire as Noble- man, P. 2555, H. Cm sire of Lady Viola, who sold in our auc- tion for $7,000, and her two sons for $26,000. Sweet Morocco, P. 6806, H. C. 2d over Jer., May, '00. 1st ov. Jer., May, '03. Champion, '03. 1st over Jer., May, '02. Reserve for Theatre Challenge Cup, May, '04. Reserve over Jersey, Aug., '97; Aug., '99, Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son, Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son, Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 auc- tion sale for $ 1 0,000. Ten of his get have been sold at an aver- age of $4,560. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. Cm now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740. A. J. C. C. 1st prize over Jer., '99. A very rich and per- sistent milker. Dam of Flying Fox, P. 2729, Alicante, P. 3880, H.C. Forfarshire, P. 2914, H. C. Ravachol, P. 2032, C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam, he proved him- self a remarkable sire, but was butch- ered before his value as a sire was known. Courageous Countess of Oaklands, P. 8640, H. Cm now named Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours, Jersey weight. Fontaine's King, P. 2207, H. C. Sire of John Bull and other noted animals. By same sire as Golden Fern's Lad. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. She was never tested for butter, but milk- ed as high as 28 qts. daily. Aristocrat, P. 2280, H. C. 1 st and Sweepstakes, 3-Par. Show, '97. Sire of Aristocratic Beauty, that won the Silver Medal in the public butter test on the Island, testing 2 lbs. 10£ ozs. in 24 hours, 121 days. Stale Bread 2d, P. 2976. C. Dam of Oxford's Sweetbread, 252128, sold in our May.'ll, auction for $510 to Messrs. Ayer and McKinney. Cato 2d, P. 1954, C. 3d over jersey, '95. Sire of Triple Interest, 1st over Jer. and Par. pr., May, '01 ; Silver Medal in but- ter test, '01, 2 lbs. 10V ozs. in 24 hours. Morocco, P. 4671, H. C. Parish prize, '93. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all pr. winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours. Golden Fern. P. 4711, H. C. 2d over Jer., 2d H. B. and Par. prize, '94. Sarabond, P. 797, H.C. He was. sold to go to France when 12 months old. This was a great loss to the Island, as he undoubtedly was a • great sire. Rosette 4th, P. 2128.C. Orme, P. 1660, H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, 2 lbs. \\ ozs. of butter in 24 hours. Little Eminence, 122506, 21 lbs. 6 ozs. Golden Lad 2d, P. 2023, H. C, sire of many noted cows. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. Dam of Flying Fox (see above). Courage, P. 1813, C. Mr. Francis Le Brocq told us that the bull Courage was the best son of Golden Lad. Grassy Brown, P. 3370, H. C. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. (See above.) Fontaine 4th, P. 2537, C. 1st over Jersey, '90, '91. 1st Herd Book, '90. Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C. 2d ov. Jer., Apr., '87. Oxford Primrose, P. 2252, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Sire of 32 tested cows. Nameless, P. 3222, H. C. 2dov. J. and P. p., '93. 1st Champion Class, '95, '96, '97, '98. 24 quarts per day. Private butter test, 2 lbs. 11 ozs., 24 hours. Miltiades, P. 868 H. C. Stale Bread, P. 2225, C. Dam of Stale Bread 2d, Reserve over Jersey and Par. pr., '99. Cato, P. 1646, H. C. Also sire of Cato 3d, who sired Fabulous Interest, winner of 3 Certificates of Merit. Madelaine, P. 4198, C Patron, P. 1377. H. C. 4th over Jersey, '90. Madras 2d, P. 3198, H. C. and May, '01. Harriet 3d, P. 7573, C. By Moro, P. 2225, C, who is doubly descended from the bull. Useful Lad, P. 997, H. C. Her dam, Harriet 2d, P. 5484, H. C, is out of a daughter of Fiona, P. 3182, C, who was declared a number of years ago, by Mr. Robert F. Shannon, to be the best cow on the Island. Harriet 3d is dam of: „„ . . . , . Harriet 9th, P. 12466, H. C, winner of 2 Certificates of Merit; 1 lb. 15 ozs in 24 hrs., at 9 yrs. old, 358 days after calving, she is dam of Harriet 14th, P. 15930, H. C, public butter test as a 3-year-old. 2 lbs. 9\ ozs.; winner of 1st prize at Royal Show, 55 entries, Aug., '12, and other prizes. Harriet 9th is also dam of Havanita, 2d at Royal Show, 58 entries, Aug., '13. Harriet 16th, Reserve, 60 entries, Royal Show, and one of group winning President's Cup, Aug., '11. Due to calve April 28, 1916, by the Highly Commended Island bull, Wonder's Pat, P. 5082, H. C, winner of 3d prize, St. Clement Show, Jersey, '14. His sire, Harriet's King, P. 4765, H. C, is by Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C, out of the butter test cow, Harriet 9th, P. 12466, H. C.,.l lb. 15£ ozs. in 24 hours, 358 days after calving. The dam of Wonder's Pat is Wonder's Beauty, P. 17139, H. C, winner of numerous prizes at the Royal and local shows on the Island. B 69 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 50. Cow. YOU'LL DO'S CHAMPION IVY, 353251, A. J. C. C. (Golden Oxford Ivy, P. 18829, H. C.) WINNER OF THEATRE CHALLENGE CUP, CHAMPIONSHIP OVER THE ISLAND OF JERSEY, ROYAL SHOW, MAY, 1915. FIRST PRIZE AS A THREE-YEAR-OLD, 76 ENTRIES, ROYAL SHOW, MAY, 1915. FIRST PRIZE AS A TWO-YEAR-OLD, 68 ENTRIES, ROYAL SHOW, MAY, 1914. Bred by J. B. Badier, St. Martin. Island of Jersey. Horn December 7, 1911. Solid color; black tongue and switch. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper it Sons. For two hundred years they have been breeding "up" and improving the Island Jersey; and here you have the individual selected by the judges at the Royal Show as the Champion cow of 1915. For two years she stood at the head of large classes at the Royal, while a third set of judges awarded her the highest honors over all ages. She looks the part. A type to pattern after and breed from. A hand- some cow, of wonderful substance, well put together, with a body capacity rarely attained by cows of her age. She stands close to the ground, is long and wide of body, strong and straight of back, has what we call a "sensible" head, with great, soft, intelligent eyes; thin withers; strong loins; wide, prominent hips; great length of rump; thin tail, with beautiful switch; skin thin and mellow; milk veins prominent and tortuous, extending away forward on belly; magni- ficent udder, evenly balanced in all quarters, with large teats that could not be better placed. Good judges of dairy type will hardly take issue with the Island judges on the placing of Golden Oxford Ivy as a "queen among queens." Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H.C., now named IMPORTED OXFORD YOU'LL DO, 111860, A. J.C.C. Full brother to Oxford Knight, P. 3938, C, sire of 12 butter test cows, and of several prize winners. Among his 21 official test daughters are: You'll Do's Favorite, about 900 lbs., 4 yrs. old; imported by "Linden Grove." Imp. Rustic Ivy, 774 lbs. 7 ozs. Oxford Triumph's Maiden, 554 lbs. 7 ozs., 4 yrs. 3 mos. old. Oxford's Ever Lass, 480 lbs. 4 ozs., 2 yrs. 3 mos. old. Edith You'll Do, 475 lbs. 6 ozs., 3 years old; imported by "Linden Grove." < Ixford Lavender, 431 lbs. 9 ozs., 4 years 6 mos. old; imported by "Linden Grove." Stella You'll Do, 429 lbs. 15 ozs., 4 yrs. old; imported by "Linden Grove." Hope You'll Do, 408 lbs. 10 ozs., 2 yrs. 3 mos. old. Oxford You'll Do's Cir- cus Girl, 390 lbs. 3 ozs., 2 yrs. old. Egypt You'll Do, 387 lbs. 4 ozs. in 10 mos.; imported by "Lin- den Grove." Lucea Oxford, 378 lbs. 5 ozs., 3 yrs. 7 mos. old Grouville Plush, 377 lbs. 5 ozs., 3 yrs. 7 mos. old. Oxford's Doreen Dora, 374 lbs. 15 ozs., 3 yrs. 9 mos. old. Dam GOLDEN IVY, P. 12246, C. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645. H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (w i t h his progeny), Apr . '08. 1 1 of his daughters, in our '11 auction, averaged $1,391.36. Sire of 41 tested cows, 3 above 700 lbs. but- ter in 1 year (all 3 imported by "Lin- den Grove" and sold in our auctions). Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass (by Agatha's Flying Fox, see above), public butter test, May, '09. 2 lbs. l£ ozs., 83 days in milk. Oxford Triumph, pub lie butter test, May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. Oxford Knight, sire of 12 butter test cows. Oxford You'll Do, sire of 21. Oxford Eva, dam of Oxford John D., 90048, sire of 3 in Register of Merit, averaging 469 lbs. 1 oz., at 2 yrs. 9 mos. old. Diplomate's Golden Lad, P. 3316, .H. C 3d State's prize over the Island, Apr., '03. A grandson of the world's famous bull, Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C, out of a highly com- mended public but- ter test cow. Sire of Simple Interest 6th, I*. 13275, public butter test, Oct., '12, 2 lbs. i oz., 155 days in milk. T i n e y ' s Interested Countess 2d. P. 1 1S(,4, C, public butter test. May, '08, l lb 141 ozs., 57 days in milk. Urdus, V. 9086, II. C. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256. II. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '02. 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. Sire of 7 tested cows and of 13 or more producing bulls. Due to calve April 21, 1916, by Fern's I txford Noble 2d, P. 5297, H. C, a son of Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570, H. C, for whose extended pedigree, see opposite page. The dam of Fern's Oxford Noble 2d is Oxford Triumph, P. 12120, H, C, public butter test, May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. She is a daughter of Oxford Lad, P. 3123, H. C, and out of Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C, who is also dam of the celebrated bulls, Oxford You'll Do and Oxford Knight, and the great cow, Agatha's Oxford Lass. (Sec above.) Fontaine's Oxford Pride, [ 187430, A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C.) 3d pr. in public butter test, 2 lbs. 7% ozs., 48 days in milk. Sold for $2,500. in our '05 auction, to Mr. H. Willets, owner of Gedney Farm. Bessie's Lad, P. 2479, H. C. By the same sire as Orlando, P. 2535, H. C, sire of Fairy Glen, P. 9178, H. C, dam of Raleigh's Fairy Boy and Fairy Glen's Raleigh. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. One of the most cele- brated cows the Island ever pro- duced. She was never tested for but- ter, but milked as high as 28 quarts daily. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. (Flving Fox, P. 2729, H. C.) Among his tested daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. butter, 13,604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. butter, 11,198 lbs. milk. 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Sa- viour, 411.96 lbs. butter, 6.841 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dream- w ol d. 10,060 lbs. milk. 1 year. Fox's Syria o* Dream- w old, 11,075 lbs. milk. 1 year. Fox's Maid o' The Sea, 11.530 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox Glove, public but- ter test. May. 07, 2 lbs. 8i ozs. Simone G. G., public butter test, May, '04, 2 lbs. 55 ozs. ( )xford Vixen, public butter test. May, 05, 2 lbs. 2\ ozs. Fox's Belle of Grou- ville, 21 lbs. 3 ozs butter, 7 days; 80 lbs. 1 1 ozs.. 30 days. Flying Fox's Rowena, 17 lbs. 2\ ozs. And 15 others. . Diplomate, P. 5253, H. C. Certificate of Merit, butter test, '99, yield, 2 lbs. 4th over Jer., May, '00. A magnificent dairy cow. Caiest, P. 2591, H. C. 1st . prize, Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville Show, '98. Sire of Mabel's Poet, P. 2964. H. C M and other noted animals, among them being Gamboge's Pride 4th. P. 8801, H. Cm 2 lbs. 7} ozs. Fifteen daughters of Caiest sold in our '05 and '06 auction sales, averaging $865 each. Gamboge's Pride, P. 4508, H. C. She has won the fol- lowing public butter tests: May, '96, 2 lbs. 1\ ozs. Oct., '96, 2 lbs. 2i ozs., 217 days in milk. Oct., '97, 2 lbs. 4J ozs. Oct., '98, 2 lbs. 1\ ozs., US days in milk. Golden Lad 2d, P. 2023, H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Daisy, 136499, 19 lbs. 2 ozs. Golden Lad's Mer- maid, sold at our '02 auction sale for $1,100. Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold at o u r '03 auction sale for $1,725. Brown Bess 2d, P. 5428, H. C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show. '96. '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son, Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son. Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 auc- tion sale for $10,000. His ten mos. old bull calf sold in our '07 sale for $10,200, and in the same sale his grandson, "Stock- w e 1 1," sold for $11,500. Ten of his get have been sold at an aver- age of $4,560. Golden Fern's Lad is recoguized the world over as the most prepotent sire that the world has ever produced. Rosette 5th, P. 28S1, H. C 1st H. B. prize. 1st Parish prize. Dam of Flying Fox, Alicante (the dam of •■The Owl") and Forfarshire, 3 Champion winners. I'i air of her get have sold in our auction sales at an average of $2,762.50. Dam of Sultana's Ro- sette 2d, 15 lbs. 6 ozs, butter in - days, on 1st calf. True Fit, P. 1425. H. C. Sire of Brand, F. SI 36, J. II. Bm 1st over Tcr.. '99; now named Fine Gold, 157597. and sold in our '01 auction. Minnette, P. 4295. C. Certificate of Merit, butter test, Oct., '01. 2 lbs. 21 ozs., 130 days in milk. Fontaine's King, P. 2207, H. C. Oxford Lass, P. 3582. C. (See below.) Rob Roy, P. 1184, H. C. 3d over Jer., Aug., '89. Sire of Zanzibar, win- ner Certif. of Merit in butter test, May, '00, 1 lb. 14£ ozs. in 24 hours. Dam of Golden Fern's Tulip, 161059. that milked 11,852 lbs. milk and 597 lbs. estimated butter in one year; 19 lbs. 8i ozs. butter in seven days. Gamboge 2d, P. 2294. H. C. Dam of Gamboge 4th. 2 lbs. \h ozs., 24hrs. Orme, P. 1660, H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, winner of 1st prize, B. and W. S.. N. A. S. S., and 1st at the Yorkshire S., Eng., '95. (2 lbs. 9i ozs. of butter in 24 hrs.) Golden Lass, F. 5711, H. C. ' Biron, P. 1375, C. . Brown Bess, F. 7455.C. Boyle. P. 1559, H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, Sth and 9th, all prize winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours. He also sired the great cow, "Speckled Band," dam of the wonderful cow. "Nursie," that made the phenomenal rec- ord of 2 lbs. 7j ozs. of butter in 24 hrs. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d over Jer., 2d H. B. and Par. pr.. "94. From same dam as Aurea, P. 8693, H. C. (now Eminent's Fern of St. Martin, 252122). Sarabond.P. 797, H.C. He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. A great loss to the Island, as he undoubtedly was a great sire. Rosette 4th. P. 2128,0. We were informed on the Island by J. A. Marett that Rosette 4th, as a dairy cow in her day, had few equals on the Island. • and like her daugh- ters was a very rich and persistent milker. Punch, P. 1000. H. C 1st over Jer. and Par. prize. Apr., '88. 1st over Jer.. Apr., '89. Siddine 2d. P. 1838, H. Mourier's King, P. 1115. H. C. Tulip, P. S12, II. C. Boyle. P. 1559. H. C. (See below.) Fontaine 4th, P. 2537. C. 1st over T^r.. '90. '91. 1st Herd Book. '90. Favorite Boy, P. 882. H. C. His grandson. Favor- ite Lad. is sire of Iris, winner of Gold Medal (1st prize) in butter test. May, '01, 2 lbs. 4* ozs., 220 days in milk; Certificate of Merit, May, '00. 2 lbs. 5 ozs., 76 days in milk. Browny's Grey, P. 2353, H. C. Oscar, F. 410. H. C. Gamboge. F. 5846, H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. 1st over Jersey. '90. Oxford Dahlia, P. 2588, H. C. Won 1st pr. and C, Oxfordshire Show, Kng.. '93. 1st pr.. R. A. S.. Ches- ter, Eng.. '93. Everton Lord, P. 1088, H. C. Widow, F. 2360, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st prize over Island, Aug.. '90; also win- ner of £15 prize. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess. 23 lbs. 6 ozs. Golden Beatrice, 157326. 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 30 days. Tootsie, P. 3214.H.C. Parish prize, '90. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944. H. C, 2d St. Martin Show. '94, '95. Count Cicero. F. 398, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '83. Sin.- of Count's Fillpail, 30975, 24 lbs. 5 ozs. Sultane, P. 7, H. C. "The first of the most celebrated family the Island has ever seen." Happy Cetewayo, . P. 582. C. H i s grandsire. Cete- wayo, P. 224, C, is sire of 4 cows test- ing from 16 lbs. 2\ ozs. to 17 lbs. 2\ Rosette 2d, F. 943. H. C 1st pr. at Grouville. Prince of Waverley, P. 731. H. C. Davisounerie's Pet, F. 6038, C. Oscar. F. 410. H. C- Siddine. F. 4153, C. Miltiades. F. 868, H. C. Mourier's Lass, P. 2222. n. C. FOUR HIGHLY COMMENDED DAUGHTERS OF OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H. C. (All to be Sold in this Auction.) READING FROM LEFT TO RIGHT, THEY ARE: Jennie You'll Do, 353255 (No. S7 of catalog). She has been called "Oxford Lad's Granddaughter," as she resembles so much the grand cow of that name which we sold in our 1912 auction for $2,900, to Mr. E. A. Darling, ex-President of the Amer- ican Jersey Cattle Club. You'll Do's Benefit, 353257 (No. 58 of catalog). Her dam is a Highly Commended daughter of Perry Farm Stockwell, P. 4049, C, who produced Grace Stockwell, 630 lbs. 3 ozs. butter in one year, and several other tested cows and prize winners. You'll Do's Pretty Rose, 353265 (No. SG of catalog). She is out of the same dam as Woodlands Lass, winner of First Prize at Royal Show, Jersey, 51 entries, May, 1912 (now owned at Longview Farm, Lccs Summit, Mo.) You'll Do's Pretty Pet, 353235 (No. 91 of catalog). Her dam is a Highly Commended daughter of Noble of Oaklands, 95700. and out of the same dam as Sultan's Gleenie, 528 lbs. butter in one year (sold in our 1911 auction for $255, to Mr. Ed. C, Lasater). OXFORD EVER, P. 8370, H. C. LAST DAUGHTER OF THE CELEBRATED COW, OXFORD LASS, P. 3582, C. (See Notes Opposite No. 47). DAM OF AGATHA'S OXFORD LASS, P. 113S6, H. C. (by Agatha's Flying Fox), public butter test, May, 1909, 2 lbs. H ozs., 83 days in milk; winner of two Certificates of Merit, besides 1st prize over Jersey (48 entries) and Theatre Challenge Cup, May, 1911, and Reserve for Renouf Cup, "best butter test cow judged by inspection," May, 1909; Reserve, 52 entries, May, 1907. She is dam of Agatha's Oxford Noble, P. 4850, H. C, winner of 1st over Jersey, "bulls from tested dams," May, 1912. Agatha's Oxford Noble is sire of Agatha's Oxford Pansy, 288530, that was sold in our 1913 auction, when 10 weeks old, for $400, to Mr. Mark \V. Potter; she was 1st prize junior heifer calf in a class of 8 entries, at New York State Fair; also first prize at Brockton, Mass., 1913. OXFORD TRIUMPH, P. 12120, H. C, public butter test, May, 1908, 1 lb. 14 ozs. in 24 hrs., 107 days after calving. She is dam of the bull, Fern's Oxford Noble, P. 5012, H. C. (sire of Sweet Bread's Oxford Fern, 140203, No. 1 of catalog), and of his full brother, Fern's Oxford Noble 2d, P. 5297, H. C, to whom a number of the females of this importation were bred. OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H. C, winner of 1st prize over Jersey, with his progeny, at the bull show on the Island, April, 1911. This is the most valuable prize and the greatest distinction that can be accorded a bull. He is now at "Linden Grove," where we have a sensational line of his get to prove his prepotency. He has already 22 official test daughters (see notes opposite Pedigree C). OXFORD KNIGHT, P. 3938, C, sire of 12 tested cows, 5 of them in Register of Merit with vcar's butter records averaging 575 lbs. 8 ozs., at 5 yrs. 3 mos old. Six of his tested daughters were imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auctions for an average of $927, at 51 vrs. old. OXFORD EVA. 177(191, dam of Oxford John D., 90048, whose three Register of Merit daughters averaged 469 lbs. 1 oz. butter in one year, at an average age of 2 yrs. 9 mos, The daughters >>l < Ixford You'll Do "ill open the eyes of breeders and capture the hearts of the dairymen. They arc of a "fin- ished" dairy type, with wonderful udders, long, well placed teats, and are dec]) and easy milkers." B 109 T, S, COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 51. Heifer. GOLDEN IVY OF OAKLANDS, 353283, A. J. C. C. Bred by J. A. Perree. St. Saviour, Island of Jersey. Born April 11, 1915. Solid color, except mottled brisket, stifles, belly, front of right hind ankle and left hind ankle; few white hairs in black switch; black tongue. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. This handsome heifer types after her distinguished mother; the same vigorous constitution, and sym- metry, the same sensible head, and promise of the same perfection in milking machinery; body of great length and depth; strong back and prominent hips; very rugged, yet fine in bone, with thin, mellow hide; tail well set, thin and long, with splendid switch; teats long and beautifully placed. Those seeking the "cream" of the get of Golden Fern's Noble will find in this heifer a great individual, from a wonderful dam. Sire GOLDEN FERN'S NOBLE, P. 4570, H. C. Winner of 7 first prizes at Royal Shows on the Island. His progeny won 1st for "get of sire" at 5 important shows in '14 and '15, in- cluding the National Dairy Show, '14. His highest testing daughter, Dorothy's Noble Fern, P. 190- 97, H. C. (imported by " Linden Grove" ' ) , produced as a two- year-old, 470 lbs. 5.2 ozs. butter in 1 year. She is cata- logued in this auc- tion. Fern Beauty, P. 18914. H. C., also imported by "Linden Grove." made as a two-year- old, 358 lbs. 14£ ozs. butter in 313 days. Fly 15th, P. 18626, H. C, also of this im- portation, made as a two-year-old, 320 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in 335 days. Sire of numerous prize winners, including: Alabama, 1st prize, Class 3, 58 entries, Royal Show, Aug., '13. Lady Noble Fern, 1st prize, Class 1, 23 entries, Royal Show, May, '13. Golden Fern's Noble, Jr., 1st aged bull, 11 entries, and Senior Champion, Panama- Pacific Exposition, '15. Agatha's Maiden Fern, 1st 3-year-old heifer, 8 entries. Senior and Grand Champion, American Royal, Kansas City, '15; Grand Champion at Missouri State Fair, '15. Warder's Fern Blos- som, 1st 3-year-old heifer, Senior and Grand Champion, Hutchinson, Kan., '15; 1st at Kansas State Fair, '15. Dam GOLDEN OXFORD IVY, P. 18829, H. C. Winner of Theatre Challenge Cup, Championship over the Island of Jersey, Royal Show, May, '15. 1st prize as a 4 year- old, 76 entries. Roy- al Show, May, 15. 1st prize as a 3-year- old, 68 entries. Roy- al Show, May, '14. (See opposite page for her extended pedi- gree.) Not bred. Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909. H. C (95700, A. J. C. C.)l 1st pr., St. Saviour,'07. 1st pr., Royal Show, '10, for bull and 5 female progeny. Noble of Oaklands and his sons won all 1st prizes at the bull show, Island of Jer., April, '10. At the bull show, Apr., '11, sons of Noble of Oaklands won 2 out of 4 first prizes. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, the special pr. ($250) for "get of sire, 4 to 8 animals, either sex, irrespective of age or ownership," was won by 3 of his sons and 5 daughters. More than 200 first prs. and Championships stand to the credit of Noble of Oaklands and his get, so far as the records have been tabulated. Sireofi|37 butter tested cows, 30 of them in Register of Merit with authenticated tests, including: Noble's Golden Chance, 530 lbs. 15 ozs. Noble's Golden Pride, 443 lbs. 2.8 ozs. Noble's Nursie, 440 lbs. 7 ozs. Noble's Beautiful Lily, 414 lbs. 7 ozs. Noble's Beautiful Nelly, 404 lbs. 6 ozs. Brown Bess of Grou- ville, 401 lbs. 12 ozs. St. Clement's Noble Maid, 394 lbs. 10 ozs. Noble's Imp. Duchess, 385 lbs. 2 ozs. Noble's Proud L e d a, 347 lbs. 3 ozs. Noblesse Benedictine, 332 lbs. 5 ozs. Noble's Proclamation, 312 lbs. Noble'sEminen t Nelly, 304 lbs. 2 ozs. My Noble's Duchess, 14 lbs. 7 ozs. (7 days, 3 yrs. old). Noble of Oaklands sold in our '1 1 auction for $15,000, to El- mendorf Farm, Lex- ington, Ky. Sire of 28 bulls with tested daughters. Blue Belle's Blue Fox, P. 3633, H. C. A very, promising sire and great show bull. He was sold at Mr. D. S. Williams' sale, Nashville, Tenn., Dec., '07, for $1,025, to Mr. Harry Pren- tice, Worcester, Mas s., who was offered a large ad- vance in price right after the sale. He was shown at the Nashville, Tenn., show, Oct., '07, in a class where the Champion bull of the year was shown ; and Prof. Scovell, who had handed out the Champion ribbons at the shows, was free in saying, "had he been judge at Nash- ville, Blue Belle's Blue Fox would have been Cham- pion." Sire of Blue Belle's Blue Lad, 72314, 1st prize and Grand Champion bull, San Antonio (Tex.) In- ternational Exposi- tion, '09. Sire of Anna's Doro- thy, 222016, in Reg- ister of Merit, 14 lbs. 15 ozs. in 7 days, at 4 years old. Sire of 4 bulls with tested daughters. Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. Sold at our '11 auction for $7,000. 1st over Jersey, '04. Certificate of Merit, butter test, May, '04, 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 50 days in milk. 1 st over Jersey and Champion, '07. 1st prize. Sweepstakes and Cham., Grou- ville and St. Saviour, '05. 1 st over Eng. wherever exhibited, '06, '07. Dam of Miss Viola, P. 9644, H. C., Certificate of Merit, butter test, May, '05, 2 lbs. 15 ozs., 39 days in milk. Willoh's Rosy, P. 10444, H. C, Certifi- cate of Merit, May, '06, 3 lbs., 38 days in milk. Both when four years old. Golden Jolly's Lady Viola, 203669, pub- lic butter test, 1 lb. 15 ozs., 159 days in milk, when only 30 months old. We bought her at auc- tion for $2,550. Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314, sold in our '09 auction for $12,000. Ladv Aldan, P. 8470, H. C. Winner of 1st prize over Jersey, Aug., '09. Blythwood Bowl, Aug.. 09. And numerous other prizes. Dam of Lady Aldan 2d, P. 9788, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize. May, '03. Lady Aldan 4th, P. 11184, H. C, 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '05. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son. Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son, Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 auc- tion sale for $10,000. I Aldan. F. 6213, C. Shy Fox, P. 3143, H. C. Champion winner at St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Is- land of Jer., '02. 1st and Championship, Ohio and Illinois State Fairs, '03. His sire, Flying Fox, is also sire of Aga- tha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C, 1st pr. and Sweepstakes, St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '02; 1st pr. over the Island in a class of 44, '02; 1st pr. over the Is- land, Aug., '03. Blue Belle, P. 4307, H. C. Sold in our '04 auction sale to Mr. Howard Willets. "G e d n e y Farm," White Plains, N. Y., for $3,600. Dam of Caumais Lad, P. 2257, H. C, sire of Finan- cial King, P. 2624, H. C, and Guenon's Lad, both noted sires. Blue Nun, 18 lbs. 5i ozs. Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold in our '03 sale for $1,725. Blue Belle's Golden Fern, 69196, that sold as a calf for $3,000. Nobleman, P. 2555, H. C. 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr., '98. 1 st over Jer. , Aug. , '9S . Reserve over Jersey and Par. prize, '00. 1st at Three-Parish Show, '99. Sire of Nobleman's Lady Mary, sold in our '02 sale to J. A. Middelton, Shelby- ville, Ky., the un- beaten Champion of many shows. His dam, Gipsy Maid, is also dam of Gipsy Maid 2d, P. 9641, H. C, who won 1st over Jersey, Aug., '02 ; 1st over Jersey (Special Class) and Cham- pion over three par- ishes, May, '10; be- sides other prizes. Bagatelle 2d, P. 6564, H. C. now named Golden Lad's Victoria, 157325. Sold in our '01 sale for $745. She is fuU sister to Golden Lad's Fawn Duch- ess, that tested 23 lbs. 6 ozs. Boyle, P. 1559. H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all pr. winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours, from which 2 lbs. 10 ozs. of but- ter was made. He also sired the great cow, "Speckled Band," public but- ter test, 2 lbs. 3i ozs. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our '02 sale for $7,500. Sire of Fox Glove, that tested in public bu.ter test on the Island, 2 lbs. 8^ ozs. in 24 hours. Oxford Vixen, 2 lbs. 2'i ozs. Fox's Belle of Grou- ville, 21- lbs. 3 ozs. Fox's Belle of Trinity, 20 lbs. 5 ozs. Flying Fox's Rowena, 17 lbs. 2\ ozs. Flying Fox's Pearl, 15 lbs. 7 ozs. Flying Fox's Brown Belle, 15 lbs. 3 ozs. (See other pedigrees for list of Flying Fox's tested daugh- ters.) Brookhill Fox (out of the great cow, Brookhill Rose 2d), winner 1st at Royal Show, England, '02, in a class of 32, and sold at auction for $5,000. Venus Violet, P. 3946, H. C. A magnificent dairy cow, milking 20 quarts daily. Aristocrat, P. 2280, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '98. 1st and Sweepstakes, 3-Par. Show, '97. He has shown his worth as a sire of cows that are a credit to his illus- trious dam. He is sire of Aristocratic Beauty, that won the Silver Medal in the public butter test on the Island, testing 2 lbs. 10* ozs. in 24 hrs., being in milk at time of test 121 days. She sold in our '06 sale for $1,100. Gipsy Maid, P. 4424, H. C. 3d over Jersey, '97. 2d and Sweepstakes at 3-Par. Show, '97. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538. 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326, 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. And 30 others. Bagatelle, P. 5076, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. (See above.) Tootsie, P. 3214, H. C. Parish prize, '90. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land, Aug., '90; also winner of £15 pr. Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944, H. C. 2d St. Martin Show, '94, '95. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son, Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son. Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 auc- tion sale for $10,000. Ten of his get have been sold at an aver- age of $4,560. (For full particulars, see page A.) Rosette 5th. P. 2881. H. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. 1st pr. over Jer., '99. Dam of Flying Fox, P. 2729 H. C. Alicante, P. 3880, H.C. Forfarshire, P. 2914 H. C. Three Champion win- ners. Four of her get have sold in our auction sales at an average of $2,762.50. Bobby 5th, P. 1060, C. Lemon's Venus, P. 2493, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. (See below.) Nameless, P. 3222, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, '93. 1st over Jersey, '94. 1st Cham. Class, '95, '96, '97, '98. Scored 97 points. Milked 24 qts. a day; private test, 2 lbs. 11 ozs. butter in one day. Poster. P. H52, C. A bull held in high esteem by F. C. Le Maistre on account of his dam and gran- dam, especially the latter— La Bouanne, a splendid cow, though never regis- tered. Daisy 7th, P. 3277, H. C. Sultane's Favourite, P. 873, H. C. 1st pr., St. Saviour. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447, H. C. 1st pr. over Eng., '90. Baron of St. John, P. 1279, H. C. His grandam, Lady Useful, P. 796, H.C, won 1st over Jersey and Parish prize, '86. Lugano, F. 7020, C. Everton King, P. 390, C. Sire of many noted prize winners. Fontaine 2d, P. 807, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '82. Sultane's Favourite, P. 873, H. C. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '88. Cetewayo 2d, P. 370, H. C. Brown Fern, F. 4606, C. 3765 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 52. Cow. OXFORD'S PANSY DEAR, 288721, A. J. (Pansy Dear, P. 15894, H. C. c. c. Bred by J. F. Oautier, St. Lawrence. Island of Jersey. Born January 21, 1909. Imported January 28, 1913, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Mottled brisket and belly; speck on right Hank; white tongue; black switch. A captivating beauty; lovely head, with great, lustrous eyes, dished face, long slender muzzle and small incurved horns; long, clean, flat neck; thin, elastic hide; sharp withers; strong, straight back; deep, wide body with well sprung ribs; thighs lean; very fine in bone; broad, prominent hips and long rump; slender tail, with beautiful switch that drags the ground; wonderfully long, tortuous milk veins, entering large "milk wells" away forward on belly; targe, splendidly shaped udder, with long teats beautifully placed. Long in lactation, and not at her best, but "pretty as a picture," and a young cow of the highest finish and breeding. A splendid breeder, vouched for by her beautiful daughter (see opposite page). Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny), Apr., '08. Sold at our '1 1 auction for $6,700 to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,750 each. Sire of 41 cows with butter records, 3 of them over 700 lbs. butter in 1 year. Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H.C. now named IMPORTED OXFORD YOU'LL DO, 111860, A. J. C. C. Full brother to Oxford Knight. P. 3938, C, sire of 12 butter test cows, and of other prize winners. Sire of 21 or more official test daugh- ters, including You'll Do's Favorite, sold in our '14 auction for #500, who is just finishing an official test and will make nearly if not quite 900 lbs. butter as a four- year-old. He sired the Cham- pion cow over the Island of Jersey in May, '15, who also won 1st in her class (76 entries) as a three-year-old, and 1st as a two-year- old (68 entries) at the Royal Show, May, '14. He sired the 1st prize bull at the Royal Show, Class 2, 19 entries, May, '15. He sired the Grand Champion bull at the Indiana State Fair, '15; who was bred at "Linden Grove" and sold as a calf in our '14 auc- tion for $525. Ik- sired the 1st prize thru- year-old cow ( 1 1 entries) at Texas State Fair, '15; who iold in our 1 4 auction for $745. Dam BLONDETTE, P. 13721, C. She is out of same dam as Blonde 6th, P. 8901, H. C, public buttel test, May, '06, 2 lbs. 9} ozs., 125 days in milk. Now named Lady Blonde of St. IUlicr, 203635. Her dam also produced Blonde 4th. P. 7558, C. (My Blonde, 203627), Br. Medal, public butter test, May, '06, 2 lbs. 7£ ozs., 162 days in milk. Both cows were sold in our '07 auction for $500 each. Oxford Ever, P. 8370. H. C. Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass (by Agatha's Flying Fox, above), public butter test, May, '09, 2 lbs. l£ ozs.; and other prizes. Oxford Triumph, pub- lic butter test, May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. Oxford Knight, sire of 12 butter test cows and numerous prize winners. Oxford Eva, dam of Oxford John D.. 90048, sire of 3 in Register of Merit averaging 469 lbs. 1 oz. at 2 yrs. 9 mos. old. Halloween's Fox, P. 3631, H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, Grouville Show. Sire of 10 tested cows, 3 of them in Register of Merit. Sweet Apple Blossom, 593 lbs. 15 ozs. but- ter m 1 year, 7 years old. Fox's Cristabel, 5S2 lbs. 5 ozs. in 1 year, 5 years old. Sire of many other great cows, among them. Cherry's Mag- nate Interest, 1st pr. and Grand Cham. cow, Illinois State Fair and Interna- tional Dairy Show, Milwaukee. Wis., '12. Grandsire of 5 tested cows, including Ra- leigh's Cristabel, 561 lbs. 10 ozs. butter in one year, 10,091 lbs. 3.2 ozs. milk, at 3 yrs. 5 mos. old. Blonde 2d, P. 5443, II. C. Parish prize, '99. Public butter test, May, '03. 2 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 li< 'in Dam of 3 public test cows. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256. H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes. St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '02. 1st pr. over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug.. '03. Sire of many noted bulls and cows. (See below.) Fontaine's Oxford Pride, 187430. A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C.) 1st prize winner over the Island and Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '04. 3d pr. over Jer., Aug., '01, '02. 3d pr. in public but- ter test, 2 lbs. 1\ ozs., 48 days in milk. Sold for $2,500, in our May, '05, sale, to Mr. Howard Willets, owner of Gedney Farm. Bessie's Lad, P. 2479, II. Caiest, P. 2591, II. C. 1st prize. Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville Show, '98. Sire of Mabel's Poet, P. 2964, H. C., and other noted animals, among them being Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. Cm 2 lbs. 1\ ozs. Fifteen daughters of Caiest sold in our '05 and '06 auction sales, averaging $865 each. Gamboge's Pride, P. 4508, H. C. She has won the fol- lowing public butter tests: May, '96, 2 lbs. 7 J ozs. Oct., '96, 2 lbs. 2t ozs., 217 days in milk. May, '97, 2 lbs. 5} ozs. Oct., '97, 2 lbs. 4i ozs. Oct., '98, 2 lbs. 7 J ozs., 1 18 days in milk. Golden Lad 2d, P. 2023. H. C Sire of Golden Lad's Daisy, 136499, 19 lbs. 2 ozs. Golden Lad's Mer- maid, sold at our May, '02, auction sale for $1,100. Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold at our May, '03, auction sale for $1,725. I Fontaine's King, P. 2207. H. C. Sire of John Bull and other noted animals. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. Rob Roy, P. 1184. H. C. Sire of Zanzibar, win- ner Certif. of Merit in butter test. May, '00, 1 lb. 14£ ozs. in 24 hours. Dam of Golden Fern's Tulip. 161059. that milked 11,852 lbs. milk and 597 lbs. estimated butter in one year; 19 lbs. 8£ ozs. butter in seven days. Gamboge 2d. P. 2294, H. C. Dam of Gamboge 4th, 2 lbs. l£ ozs., 24 hrs. Orme, P. 1660, H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d. winner of 1st prize, B. and W. S., N. A. S. S., and 1st at the Yorkshire S., Eng.. '95. (2 lbs. 9$ ozs. of butter in 24 hrs.) Turtledove 2d, 1st ov. Jer., '95, and many other prizes. Boyle, P. 1559. II. C. Son of Golden Lad. Fontaine 4th, P. 2537, C. 1st over Jersey, '90, '91. Favorite's Boy, P. 882. H. C. His grandson, Favor- ite's Lad, is sire of Iris, winner of Gold Medal (1st prize) in butter test, May, 01, 2 lbs. 4J ozs.. 220 days in milk ; Certificate of Merit, May, '00, 2 lbs. 5 ozs., 76 days in milk. Browny's Grey, P. 2353, II. C. Oscar, F. 410, H. C. Gamboge, P. 5846, Golden Lad, P. 1242, 1st ov. Jer., H. C. H. C. '90. Brown Bess 2d, P. 5428, H. C Golden Lass, F. 5711, H. C. 1st over the Island. Biron, P. 1375, C. Brown Bess, F. 7455.C. L Oxford Dahlia. P. 2588, H. C. Won 1 st pr. and C . , Oxfordshire Show , Eng., '93. 1st pr., R. A. S.. Ches ter. Eng., '93. 1st p. and Silver Cup, H. S., '93. 1st pr., R. A. S., Eng. Show, '94. 2d p. and Blythwood Cham. Bowl at the Y. S.. *94. Everton Lord, P. 1088, H. C. Widow. F. 2360. C. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. One of the most cele- brated cows the Is- land ever produced. She was never tested for butter, but milk- ed as high as 28 quarts daily. Dam of Golden Queen of St- Saviour, 2 lbs. 1 1 ozs., 214 days in milk. Oxford Ixia, a famous winner in the public butter tests; among the many that she won being the Bronze Medal in March, '00, testing 2 lbs. 8 ozs. Caiest, whose eight daughters, in our '05 sale, averaged $987.50. Houpla, sire of Lady Hoiipla, winner of Champion Cup, testing 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 73 days in milk and after first calving. Flying Fox's Oxford Lass, 1st prize winner over the Island. Oxford Lad, P. 3123, H. C , who distinguished himself by having sired a remarkable lot of bulls and cows, winners in the best shows and in the public butter tests. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1 st prize and Sweep- stakes. St. Saviour and Grouville Show, "02. 1st pr. over the Island in a class of 44, '02. Sire of Sultan of Oaklands, 1st prize. Sweepstakes, Hrti.ders' Cup and Reserve Cham.. St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '05. Combination. P. 3744. H. Cm 1st prize over Jer.. May, '06; 1st prize, St. Helier S., Aug., '06; 1st prize and Champion, St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, Apr., '09. Halloween, P. 9703, 3d over Jer pri/<-, May II. C. and Par. 03. C. Ben Dor, r i J81, II. C. Blonde, F. 3455, C. Favori, P. 2943, H. Sire of Favori's Pretty Rosa, in Register of Merit, Class B, No. 999; 6,634 lbs. 1.6 ozs. •milk, 458 lbs. 12 ozs. estimated but- ter, in 1 year, when 7 yrs. old. Dam of Favori's Jolly Sul- tan, 1st prize bull calf, New York State Fair, '11. Warder, 1st over Jer., Aug., '04 (a cele- brated sire of butter cows). Oakland's Bess, P. <>833. H. Cm public butter test. Oct., '05, 1 lb. 3J ozs., 248 days in milk ; 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '03. Baronne's Favorite. 4th over Jer. ; 1st prize, three Western Parishes, '08. Dam of Florence, 1st over Jer. and Par. prize. Aug., '11. Duchess Tamor. i 2d, P. 50S2. II. C. Jolly Boy, P. 921, C. 1st pr., Trinity Show. Moselle. P. 262, H. C. 3d ov. Jer., '85, '87. Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. One of the best sons of Golden Fern's Lad. He has proved himself one of the most successful sires the Island has had for many years. He won the State's pr. over the Island of £50 ($250) in '01 and '02, with five of his get. Sold in our '05 auction for $10,000. N «> w owned by Hon. A. M Bowman. Salem, Va. One of his leading Is- land test daughters is Aurea. P. 8693. H. C- (now Eminent 's Fern of St. Martin, 252122). Certificate of Merit in public butter test. May, '07, 2 lbs. 5£ ozs.. 65 days in milk. Favorite. P. 8354, H.C. (Eminent's Brown Duchess. 157604.) 1st N. C- Show, *00. Royal Khedive, I'. 628, H. C. 1st pr., St. Peter. Aunty 2d. P. 647, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '85. Golden Fern's Lad. P. 2160. H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show. 96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro duced. Eminence. F. 7124, H. C. 2d St. Martin, '92. Sweepstakes, N. C.,'92. Dam of Little Emi- nence. 122506, 21 lbs. 6 o/s Eminent, P. 1842. H. C. By a great sire and out of a remarkable dairy cow, he sired many great cows , among which was Eminent's Brown Duchess. 157604, 1st prize winner. North Club Show, Island of Jersey, '00. and sold in our May, '01 . sale for $500. Sire of Hup. Agenoria's Lass, 20 lbs. 10 ozs. Augustus, P. 255, C Rose 3d, P. S4S. C. Sir George, P. 221, H. C. Aunty, F. 1737. C. Due to calve August 23, 1910, by ]o\\v Sultan of Linden, 120838, a magnificent son of our peerless Grand Champion, Sultana's Golden Tolly 86180, strong in the blood "of Lady Viola and Golden Sultana, through tw.. crosses. His dam, Sultana's Golden Viola, 240363, is by Sultana's Oxford I. ad. 76506, out of Golden Jollv's Lady Viola. 203669, one of the greatest daughters of Golden folly, being full sister to Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314. (See front pages for pedigree of Jolly Sultan of Linden, 120838 Tattoo 186 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 53. Heifer Calf. VIOLA'S GOLDEN PANSY, 344300, A. J. C. C. Bred by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa. Born September 5. 1915. Spot in forehead; spots on hind legs; brisket, left stifle and tongue white; black-and-white switch. As beautiful a heifer as we have ever seen. The right age to show as a calf next fall and have all the advantages of age and development. A sure winner, and bred "in the purple." Time and again have we examined her in search of a "weak place." She seems about perfection, and when we look at her breeding the wish comes that we might again be young enough to build a family from her and watch its development. Stylish in carriage, a lovely light fawn, long bodied, with great depth and spring of rib; top line straight as an arrow, with beautifully set tail; high finish; sweet head and face; skin like that of a mole; splendid udder development, with great long teats perfectly placed. She has the quality and blood that "makes history." Who can foretell what we may write after her name in years to come 3 Certainly not less than "Grand Cham- pion" and a splendid Register of Merit record. She is of that stamp. Sire SULTANA'S GOLDEN JOLLY, 86180, A. J. C. C. The handsomest and best bred bull ever owned at "Linden Grove." He is the admiration of all Jersey breeders, and is not for sale at any price. The question has quite often been asked, "What would Sultana's Golden Jolly bring on the Island?" His son. The Owl's Golden Jolly, 100180, sold as a yearling in our '12 auction for $675. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, com- peting against two Cham, winners over the Island and the winners of Championships at eleven of America's most important shows in '11, he won the following: 1st prize in 2-yr.-old class, 6 entries. Senior Champion bull. 2 years old or over. Grand Champion bull, any age. Gold Medal offered by American Jer. Cattle Club for Grand Cham, bull bred by exhibitor. Headed herd winning $200 Special prize, "bull and 10 females." Silver Trophy ($100 Special) for Grand Champion bull. Sired the 5 animals winning 1st prize for calf herd. 5 entries. Defeating the Cham, winners at Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota State Fairs, Waterloo (Iowa) Dairy Show, National Jer. Show (Shelbyville, Ky.), International Dairy Show (Milwaukee, Wis.), '11; and Champions over the Island in '09 and '10. His only daughter tried for Register of Merit work made 308 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 9 months of her year's test, beginning at 2 yrs. 5 mos. old. He is sire of: Golden Fern's Jolly, 100629, winner of Grand Championship at Mississippi-Alabama Fair, '13, '14 and '15. (Bred at "Linden Grove.") Sultana's Vernonia, 1st prize heifer calf and one of 1st prize calf herd, National Dairy Show, '11. (Bred at "Linden Grove.") The Owl's Golden Jolly, 2d prize senior bull calf and head of 1st prize calf herd. National Dairy Show, '1 1. (Bred at "Linden Grove.") Sarah's Sultan, 1st prize yearling bull, Tennessee State Fair, '14. Sold in our '14 auction for $610. St. Helier's Jolly Sultana, 1st prize junior yearl- ing heifer, 13 entries, Mississippi- Alabama Fair, '14. (Bred at "Linden Grove.") And other winners. His 75 per cent, sister. Fern's Viola, who made 672 lbs. butter in 10 months of her year's test (bred at "Linden Grove"), is dam of Viola's Raleigh, 121171, 1st junior yearling bull and Junior Champion, Mississippi-Alabama Fair, '15. His half-brother, Jolly's Royal Sultan (by Viola's Golden Jolly), sold at auction for $10,000, and is sire of 1 in Register of Merit. Dam OXFORD'S PANSY DEAR, 288721, A. J. C. C. (PANSY DEAR, P. 15894, H. C.) A Highly Commended daughter of Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C. (See opposite page for extended pedigree of Oxford's Pansy Dear, 2S8721.) ' Golden Jolly, P. 2921, H. C. 1st prize and Champion, North Show, '00. A famous sire of butter cows and winners. Sire of Golden Warrior, 1st over England, Royal Show, '03; 1st over England and Champion, D. S., '03. Jolly Lady of Beechwood, winner of 1st prize, Illinois State Fair, '08; 1st, Champion and Grand Champion at the National Show, Chicago, '08. Golden Jolly also sired the four cows that won 1st prize for bull and pro- duce, National Dairy Show, Chicago, and Illinois State Fair, '08; and many other winners. Sire of 24 butter test cows, including: Golden Jolly's Fertile, 669 lbs. 1 1 ozs. in 1 year. Jolly Princess of St. Peter's, 633 lbs. 1 oz. Jolly's Pride, 633 lbs. 9 ozs. Jolly's Ruby, 620 lbs. 13 ozs. Sire of 10 bulls with tested daughters, including Derry's Golden Jolly, sire of 13, sold at auction for $11,000, Eleven untested daughters of Golden Jolly are the dams of Register of Merit cows. Sire of Mourier Lass, 234539, Grand Champion cow. Utah State Fair, '13 and '14; and many other winners. Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. Sold in our '11 auction for $7,000. 1st over Jersey, '04. Public butter test, May, '04, 2 lbs. 12 ozs. 1st prize. Sweepstakes and Champion, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '05. 1st prize over Jersey and Theatre Cup, May, '05. 1st over England wherever exhibited, '06 and '07. Champion over all England, '07. 1st prize for butter test cows, Aug., '07. Dam of Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C, winner of 1st over Jersey for bull and progeny, April, '10. He was sold in our May, '11, auction for $15,000. Miss Viola, P. 9644, H. C. Certificate of Merit in public butter test, May, '05, 2 lbs. 15 ozs., 39 days in milk, 4 years 1 month old. Willoh's Rosy, P. 10444, H. C. (now named Willoh's Lady Viola, 219486, A. J. C. CO, Certificate of Merit in public butter test, May, '06, 3 lbs., 38 days in milk, 4 years 1 month old. She is the dam of 5 official tested daughters, and of a 1st prize winner over the Island. Poppy Viola, P. 10902, H. C (now named Golden Jolly's Lady Viola), that we imported in '06. We re-bought her at Mr. J. M. Overton's sale, '08, for $2,550. She is looked upon on the Island as having made the most phenomenal public butter test (taking into consideration age and lacta- tion) ever made, testing 1 lb. 15 ozs., 159 days in milk, being only 30 mos. old. She made a private test at home of 2 lbs. 9 ozs. in 24 hours. Goddington Bagatelle, public butter test, 1 lb. 6 ozs. in 24 hours. Noble of Oaklands (above mentioned) now has 37 butter test daughters and 28 producing sons, including Noble's Jolly Sultan, a Champion winner, sire of 1 1 tested cows. Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314, A. J. C. C. Sold in our '09 auction for $12,000. Sire of 9 in Register of Merit, including: Jolly's Viola. 233315, 493 lbs. butter, 1 year, 4 yrs. 7 mos. old. Viola's Fawn Duchess, 239332, 5.696 lbs. milk; 418 lbs. 10 ozs. butter, in one year, at 2 years old, at White Horse Farm. Sold in our '10 auc- tion for $425. Handsome Viola's Jolly, 239757, 5,652 lbs. 8 ozs. milk; 400 lbs. 12 ozs. butter, in one year, at 2 years old, at White Horse Farm. Sold in our '10 auction for $725. Fern's Viola, 237208, 6,545 lbs. 3 ozs. milk, 390 lbs. 5 ozs. butter, in 1 year, at 2 years old, for Mr. C. I. Hudson. Bred at "Linden Grove." Viola's Jolly Lady, 244177, 5,038 lb s. 11.2 ozs. milk, 381 lbs. 13 ozs. butter, in I year, at 3 years old, at Elmendorf Farm. Bred at "Linden Grove." Viola's Sensation, 239334, 4,846 lbs. 8 ozs. milk, 365 lbs. 4 ozs. butter, in 1 yr., at 2 years old, at Elmendorf Farm, Sold in our '10 auc- tion for $1,125, at 10 months old. Fern's Viola (above mentioned) has been re-tested, and at last report had made 672 lbs. butter in 10 months. She is 75 per cent, same blood as Sultana's Golden Jolly. Viola's Golden Jolly sired the Grand Champion bulls at Forest City (Ohio). Lexington, Ky., and Utah State Fairs in '14; and many other winners. Golden Sultana, 146282, A. J. C. C. Winner of 3d prize in class for aged cows at the Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition, St. Louis, '04, in the greatest ring ever exhibited in this country, where she sold for $2,350. We afterward bought her for the "Linden Grove" home herd. Golden Sultana is an intensely bred "Sultane." She is sired by Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C, out of Sultane 9th, P. 1 145, H. C, winner of many first prizes over the Island and dam of Uncle Peter, P. 21 15, H. C. Her grandam, Sultane, P. 7, H. C., is the first of the greatest family of Jerseys ever bred and owned by that famous breeder, Mr. J. P. Marett. Thus Golden Sultana is a granddaughter of old Sultane and her nearest living descendant. She has inherited the famous dairy type, especially in the udder and teats, for which her grandam was famous, and has inherited all her abundant dairy qualities, having milked as high as 48 lbs. daily. She is dam of Sultana's Oxford Lad, that sold in our '10 auction sale for $11,100, and she selling in same sale when 12 years old for $3,700. She is a full sister to Sultane's Snowdrop, dam of Sultan of Oaklands. Her son. Sultana's Oxford Lad, whom we sold to Elmendorf Farm for $11,100, produced for them, Elvirian Lad, 106674, 1st pr^ze yearling bull (9 entries). Junior and Grand Champion, Illinois State Fair, '13. Sul- tana's Oxford Lad has 4 daughters in Register of Merit; his son, Sultana's Fawn Prince (bred at "Linden Grove"), also has 4 daughters in Register of Merit. His daughter, Sultan's Jolly Pr ncess, sold in our auction for $1,600. Her son, Gedney Farm Blue Fox's Sultan, 72755, produced Golden Daisy Fox, in Register of Merit, 419 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in I year, at 2 years old; and Exila Fox Sultana, in Register of Merit, 343 lbs. 8 ozs., at 2 years old — the former owned and tested by Cornell University, and the latter by Mr. H. C. McLallen, Trumansburg, N. Y. Her daughter. Sultana of Linden, was sold in our '10 auction for $1,750, at 8 months old. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (Imp. Golden Fern's Lad, 65300, A. J. C. C.) Winner of 1st pr. and Championship, North Club Show, '96 and '97. Purchased by us for use at "Linden Grove," when 9 yrs. old, for $2,250. Sire of many prize winners and tested cows. Sultane 9th. P. 1145, H. C. 2d over Jersey. '85. 1st H. B. over Jer., '85. Dam of Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C, sire of a re- markable lot of dairy cows that have always sold at long prices. Sultane's Snowdrop, P. 8578, H. C, a fa- mous show cow. She is dam of Sultan of Oaklands, P.3746, H. C, 1st over Jer., Apr., '96, who was sold to Mr. P. Rob- erts, Narberth, Pa., for a record price. Tattoo 187 T. S. COOPER & SONS* AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 54. Heifer Calf. YOU'LL DO'S SARAH, 344299, A. J. C. C. Bred by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa. Born September 4, 1915. Few white hairs in forehead; line on right shoulder; brisket, right stifle, belly, legs, tongue and switch white. She possesses all the stamina and excellence of her wonderful dam, Raleigh's Sarah, whose influ- ence, when it met that of Oxford You'll Do, appears to have formed a most "happy nick." A very rugged, handsome heifer, long bodied, w ith capacious, «ell ribbed barrel; beautiful top line; broad, strong loins, great length of rump, and beautifully set tail; udder development of unusual promise, teats of great length, perfectly placed. Will undoubtedly make a great business cow, and a handsome one. For a glimpse into her future, see the picture of her dam, Raleigh's Sarah, on opposite page. Our sincere advice to a young breeder, ambitious to build up a really great herd, is that he cannot pay too high a price for heifers of this quality and breeding. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with h i s progeny), Apr., '08. Sold at our May, '11, auction for $6, 700 to White Horse Farm, P a ol i. Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,750 each. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, every animal in com- petition, sired by Gamboge's Knight, did honor to its sire, winning among other prizes: 1st prize for get of sire. 1st prize for produce of cow. 1st prize for four cows in milk. 1st and 2d prize year- ling bulls ( of dams by Gamboge's Knight). Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H.C., now named IMPORTED OXFORD YOU'LL DO, 111860, A. J. C.C. Winner of 1st pr. over Jer., with his prog- eny, at the bull show on the Island, April, '11. This is the most valuable prize, and the great- est distinction that can be accorded a bull. Full brother to Oxford Knight, P. 3938, C, sire of 12 butter test cows, and of other prize winners. Oxford You'll Do is comparatively a young bull, and his daughters are making their mark in the butter tests. 21 of them now have official butter tests, including You'll Do's Favorite, now on test and will make close to if not quite 900 lbs. but- ter as a four-year- old. He is sire of many 1st prize and Champion winners, includ- Golden Oxford Ivy, Champion over Jer- sey at the Royal .Show, May. '15; 1st at the Royal Show as a 2-year-old (76 entries), and as a 3 year-old (68 en- tries). (She is cata- logued No. 50 of this auction.) Dam RALEIGH'S SARAH, 252134, A. J. C. C. (P. 12026, H. C.) < >ne of the grandest cows catalogued for our auction of '11, but unfortunately we lost her. Her three daughters — yearling, two-year- old and calf, 4 weeks old — were sold for a total of $1,875 to Mr. F. M. Dyer. Cedarvale Farm, Closter, N. J. — an average of $675 each. Her I2-mos.-old son, Sarah's Sultan, 120 837, sold in our '14 auction for $610, to Mr. T. F. Middleton, Eminence, Ky.; won 1st prize at Tennes see State Fair, '14, and headed the 1st prize breeders' young herd. Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. About the best and most valuable cow in the herd of Mr. J. A. Perree, Sec'y Is- land of Jer. Herd Book. Daughter of the cele- brated Oxford Lass. Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass (by Agatha's Flying Fox, above), public butter test. May, '09, 2 lbs. lj ozs.; and other prizes. Oxford Triumph, pub- lic butter test, May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. Emincnt's Raleigh, I 69011. (Raleigh, P.3273.H.C) i 3d pr. over Jer., '03. 2d State'-s prize, '03. Sire of Mabel's Raleigh, P. 3722, H. C, 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '05 and '07; sire of 26 tested cows. Primrose's Raleigh, 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '05; 1st prize and Breeders' Cup, St. Martin S., '05. Raleigh's Fairy Boy, 1st over Jer., Apr., '08; sire of 40 tested cows. Sire of 4 other 1st prize winners on the Island. Sire of 48 tested cows, 24 of them in Regis- ter of Merit. His daughter, Ra- leigh's Beauty of St. Martin, topped our '13 auction at $2,050. Sara de Calais, 197623, A. J. C. C. (Sarah. P. 9904, H. CO Out of same dam as Calais 4th, P. 8205, H. C., grandam of O x f o r d's Phihppa. 306574. a public test cow sold in our '14 auction for $435, to Mr. J. K. Branch, Pawling, N. Y. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1 st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and G r o u v i I I e Show, '02. Sire of Agatha's Oxford Lass (out of the great cow, Oxford Ever, below), public but- ter test. May, '08. 1 lb. 10 ozs.. 97 days in milk (cows under 5 yrs j ; public but- ter test, May. '09, 2 lbs. I J ozs., 83 days in milk ; winner of 1 st prize over Jer- sey and Theatre Challenge Cup, May, '11; Reserve for Renouf Cup, "best butter test cow judged by inspec- tion," May, '07. Sultan of Oaklands, 1st prize, Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham., St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '05. Combination, P. 3744, H. C, 1st prize over Jersey, May, '06; 1st prize, St. Helier Show, Aug., '06; 1st prize and Champion, St. Saviour and G r o u v i 1 1 e Show, April, '09. His breeder, Mr. John A. Perree, sold him to Mr. Howard Wil- 1 e t s, "G e d n e y Far m," White Plains, N. Y., for $5,000. He has 7 tested daugh- ters, and no fewer than 13 sons with tested daughters in Register of Merit. Fontaine's Oxford Pride. 187430, A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th. P. 8801, H. C.) 3d pr. in public butter test. 2 lbs. 1\ ozs., 48 days in milk. Sold for $2,500, in our May, '05, auction. Dam of 3 public test cows. Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. Winner 1st State's pr. over Jersey (w i t li his get), '01 and 02. Goddington purse, 02. Rill, P. 6982, H. C. Gave 65 lbs. milk in one day. Consider- ed one of the great- est milk producers the Island has ever known. Mauser, P. 2892, H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, Apr. Show, Western Parishes. He has proved him- self a remarkably good sire. Sire of Brandie 9th, public butter test, 2 lbs. 1 j ozs. in 24 hours, 4 years old. Defiant 2d, 1 lb. 13* ozs., 51 days in milk. Mauser's Perfnithorpe, 1 lb. \\\ ozs., 97 days in milk. Dam of the noted bulls, Pennithorpe's Ra- leigh and Sigmond (now named Mabel's Raleigh's Prince, 120788). Calais 3d. P. 7211, C. , A grand dairy cow. Her dam is a grand- daughter of Fon- taine, F. 2058, C, the first of the Fon- taine family; 1st ov. Jersey. '88; 24 quarts of milk; 2 lbs. 12 ozs. butter in ^24 hours. Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug.. '99. Among his many test- ed daughters are: Flying Fox's < txford Queen, 870.5 lbs. butter, 13.604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Flo w e r o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. butter. 11,198 lbs. milk, 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Sa- viour, 411.96 lbs. butter, 6.841 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dream- wold. 10.060 1 bs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Syria o' Dreani- wold, 11,075 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Maid o' The Sea, 11,530 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox Glove, public but- ter test, May. '07. 2 lbs. Hi ozs. Simone G. G., public butter test. May, '04, 2 lbs. 5 J ozs. Oxford Vixen, public butter test. May, '05, 2 lbs. 2\ ozs. Agatha of Oaklands. 162101, A. J. C. C. (A highly commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432, H.C., J. H. B.J Official butter test, 2 lbs. li ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight. being in milk 142 days. She sold in our May, '02, auction for $1,700, to Mrs. M. f M. Patterson. Port Kennedy, Pa. Caiest, P. 2591, H. C. 1st prize. Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville Show, '98. Gamboge's Pride, P. 4508, H. C She has won six public butter tests; record in May, '96, 2 lbs. 7 J ozs. She has 3 daughters with" public butter records. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st prize, North Club Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jer. ever produced. Sire of Flying Fox, sold in our May, '02, sale for $7,500. Eminent 2d, sold in our May, '05, sale for $10,000. Golden Fern's Sensa- tion, winner 2d pr., at the great St. Louis Show, '04, and sold at auction for $2,250. Golden Sultana, 3d pr. at the St. Loms Show and sold in i iur May. '10, auction tor $3,700; at same time her son, Sultana's Oxford Lad, sold for $11,100. Six of his get have been sold at an average of $4,575. Fame 6th, P. 3188, C. A remarkably good dairy cow. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C 1st and Champion at N. C. Show. '96. '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son, Flying Fox, sold in our May, '02, sale for $7,500. His son, Eminence 2d, sold in our May, '05, auction sale for $10,000. Ten of his get have been sold at an aver- age of $4,560. Rosette 5 th, P. 2881, H. C. now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C. 1st prize over Jer. ,'99. A very rich and per- sistent milker. Dam of Flying Fox, P. 2729, ii. C. Ravachol.P. 2032, C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam, he proved him- s e 1 f a remarkable sire, but was butch- ered before his value as a sire was known. Courageous Countess of Oaklands. P. 8640, H. C. now named Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours, Jersey weight. Fontaine's King, P. 2207, H. C. Sire of John Bull and other noted animals. By same sire as Golden Fern's Lad. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. She was never tested for butter, but milk- ed as high as 2S qts. daily. Boyle. P. 1559, H. C. Sire of 5 tested cows, and of Tula, P. 5323, H. C. 1st over Jer., '94; Par. prize. Class 2, '94. Tula is dam of Rill. P. 6982, H. C, dam of P^mi- nent's Raleigh, 69011. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d over Jersey, 2d II. B. and Par. pr., '94. One of the grandest dairy cows ever known on the Is- land. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all pr. winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9.000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours. Golden Fern , P. 4711. H. C 2d over Jer., 2d H B. and Par. pr., '94. Sarabond. P. 797, H.C He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. This was a great loss to the I s 1 a n d, as he undoubtedly was a great sire. Rosette 4th, P. 2128.C Orme, P. 1660, H. C Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, 2 lbs. lj ozs. of butter in 24 hours. Little Eminence. 122506, 21 lbs. 6 ozs. Rosette 5th, P. 2881. H. C. Dam of Flying Fox. (See above.) Courage, P. 1813. C. Mr. Francis Le Brocq told us that the bull Courage was the best son of Golden Lad. Grassy Brown. P. 3370, H. C. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. (See above.) Fontaine 4th. P. 2537. C 1st over Jer.. '90. '91. 1st Herd Book, '90. Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C 2d ov. Jer., Apr.. '87. Oxford Primrose, P. 2252, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st prize over Island, Aug., '90; also win- ner of £15 prize. The most prepotent bull the Island ever produced, transmit- ting the Sultane type (for udder and teats) to his entire progeny. Sire of 32 tested daughters and 6 sons with tested daugh- ters in Register of Merit. Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944, H. C. 2d pr., St. Martin Show. '94 and '95. Brown Fern 2d is dam of Aurea. P. 8693, H. C., now named Eminent 's Fern of St. Martin. Aurea won Certificate of Merit in the '07 butter test, with 2 lbs. 4J ozs. of butter, and Bronze Medal in public butter test. Oct., '03, 2 lbs. £ oz., 127 days in milk. She is the dam Of Aurea s Fern, P. 11259 (by Oxford Lad), who won Certificate of Merit in May. >, with 1 lb. 12i ozs. of butter when 236 days in milk. Everton King, P. 390, C. Sire of many noted animals. Fame, F. 2145, C. Rollo. P. 2100. C His dam made 1 lb. 13 j ozs. of butter five months after calving. She was considered by many one of the grandest dairy cows that ever left the Island. Calais, P. 5058, C. Fauvette's Boy. P. 1735. H. C. White Rose, P. 4915, H. C. (Golden Chance.) Biron. P. 1375. C. Pieuse. F. 2361, C Cetewayo, P. 224, C. Sire of 4 cows, testing lf» lbs. 2\ ozs. to 17 lbs. 2 J ozs. Quality. F. 1748, H.C. Winner of 1st prize and Champion Cup at the Royal Jer. Show. '82; 16 lbs. 8 ozs. Golden Lad. P. 1242. H. C. (See above.) Homely, F. 2382, C. Everton Lord. P. 1088. H. C. [ Widow, F. 2300. C- RALEIGH'S SARAH, 252134, A. J. C. C. ONE OF THE "FAMILY" OF THE GREAT EMINENT'S RALEIGH, 69011 (P. 3273, H. C). Dam of the Beautiful Oxford You'll Do Heifer, YOU'LL DO'S SARAH, 344299, A. J. C. C. (See Opposite Page.) Raleigh's Sarah was one of the grandest cows catalogued for our 1911 auction, but was not in condition on sale day. When Mr. \V. R. Spann and Mr. Tom Dempsey were at "Linden Grove" in the winter, snow on the ground, at the time she calved, they were so enthusiastic over her that they insisted we have her out for a photograph; in spite of the fact that she had not shed, it does not take an expert to see the quality reflected in the picture above. Her sire, Eminent's Raleigh, 69011, has sired seven first prize winners on the Island, including Raleigh's Fairy Boy and Mabel's Raleigh, the latter sire of Fairy Glen's Raleigh. Eminent's Raleigh has 48 tested daughters, 24 of them in Register of Merit! his sons, Raleigh's Fairy Boy and Mabel's Raleigh, have respectively, 40 and 24 tested daughters; and his grandson, Fairy Glen's Raleigh, has 16 (a young bull). Eminent's Raleigh was by Eminent 2d, sold in our 1905 auction for $10,000, and sire of SI tested cows. His sire, Golden Fern's Lad, has 31 tested daughters, and 26 sons with tested daughters. Flying Fox, by Golden Fern's Lad, leads all bulls, imported or domestic, in the number of sons with tested daughters, having 43. The dam of Raleigh's Sarah was a Highly Commended daughter of the Golden Fern's Lad bull, Mauser, P. 2892, H. C, who has a number of great cows to his credit, including Mauser's Pennithorpe, who is dam of Mabel's Raleigh's Prince, imported by "Linden Grove" and sold to Mr. H. M. Snider, Wickliffe, Ohio. Mauser's Pennithorpe was sold at auction for $1,150, to Mr. Howard Willets, and her son, Pennithorpe's Raleigh, sold for $3,100 at auction. Sarah's Sultan, 120S37, son of Raleigh's Sarah (by the lamented Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86180), was sold in our 1914 auction, when 12 months old, for $610, to Mr. T. P. Middleton, Eminence, Ky., for whom he won, at the Tennessee State Fair, first prize in the yearling bull class, and headed the first prize breeders' young herd. 3764 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 55. Cow. OXFORD'S MAGGIE CANNON, 289458, A. J. C. C. (Mifanwy, F. 16339, C.) FULL SISTER TO OXFORD'S MAGDALENE, 271103, IN REGISTER OF MERIT, CLASS AA, 327 LBS. 6 OZS. BUTTER IN 1 YEAR, AT 2 YEARS 8 MONTHS OLD. FULL SISTER TO YOU'LL DO'S MAGDALENE, 353259 (SEE OPPOSITE PAGE). Bred by E. G. Marett, Grouville. Island of Jersey. Born March 26, 1909. Imported January 28, 1913, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color, except spot on brisket and right stifle. and mottled belly; black-and-white tongue; black switch. A splendid golden fawn, and a beauty. An "Oxford You'll Do." and one of great scale and capacity; lovely head, with rich, amber horns; sharp, prominent withers; body long, deep and well ribbed, with broad, prominent hips; her outline- is the symmetrical wedge shape, a dairy type in every particular; skin thin and mellow; belly covered with a network of tortuous veins that appear about to burst; has a splendid udder of enormous size, beautifully veined and balanced, with great large teats wide apart and squarely placed. We can pay to "Maggie Cannon" the greatest compliment that may be bestowed upon a cow: FIT TO BE TUB MOTHER OF ANY BREEDER'S HERD BULL. Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H. C. - Winner of 1st pr. over Jer., with his progeny, at the bull show on the Island, April. '1 1. This is the most valuable prize, and the greatest distinction that can be accorded a bull. Full brother to Oxford Knight. P. 393S, C. sire of 12 butter test cows, and of other prize winners. Imported by "Linden Grove" and registered as Imported Oxford You'll Do, 111860— not for sale. He is sire of the bull winning Grand Champion- ship at Indiana State Fair, '15, and sold in our auction for $525. His daughter. You'll Do's Favorite, sold in our '14 auction as a 3-year-old for $500, now under year's official test, will make more than 900 lbs. butter. His daughter. Golden Oxford Ivy, won 1st prize in her class (76 entries) and the Theatre Chal- lenge Cup (Championship over the Island) at the Royal Show, May, '15; she also won 1st prize in her class (68 entries) at Royal Show, May, '14. Among others, he sired the following prize win- ners: Oxford You'll Do, Jr., 102269, 1st prize senior yearling bull and Junior Champion. < )regon State Fair, '12; sold at auction in '12 for $850. Combination You'll Do. 106878. 1st prize junior yearling bull, Minnesota State Fair, '12 ; Grand Champion, Wisconsin and Minnesota State Fairs. '13; and other prizes. Oxford Plush, 234553, 1st prize at Minnesota and Wisconsin State Fairs and National Dairy Show, '09. Crippen. 1st prize senior bull calf, Ore. State Fair and Spokane Interstate Fair, '11. Nineteen of his progeny, in our '14 auction, sold for an average of $683.42, including 8 not in milk, 4 of them being bull calves. No living sire has put the stamp of CAPACITY — a highly finished DAIRY TYPE— more un- erringly on his daughters than has Oxford You'll Do. (See opposite page for his extended pedigree.) Dam MAGDALENE, P. 12144, H.C. Winner of Par. prize. Royal Show, May, '10- Her daughter, "Cat- rin," was Reserve and Highly Com- mended in a class of 18 3-year-old cows, London Dairy Show, '12. She won Cer- tificate of Merit, public butter test, London Dairy Show, '13, 1 lb. I4| ozs. in 24 hrs., at 4 years old, 86 days after calving. Her daughter, Ox- ford's Magdalene, 271103, in Register of Merit, Class AA, 327 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 2 years 8 mos. old, is by Ox- ford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C, and full sister to Oxford's Maggie Cannon, 289458. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny), Apr., 'OS. Sold at our May. 1 1. auction for $6,700 to White Horse Farm, P a o 1 i, Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,750 each. 11 of his daughters, in our '11 auction, averaged $1,391.36. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11. every animal in com- petition, sired by Gamboge's Knight, did honor to its sire. Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. She is a daughter of the celebrated Ox- ford Lass. Dam of 2 tested cows \ Moruy Cannon. P. 3058. H. C Winner of 3d pr. over Jer., with his prog- eny, April, '07. Sire of many prize win- ners and tested cows, among them: Simple Interest 4th, public butter test. May, '06, .1 lb. 9i ozs., 123 days in milk; she is dam of Sultan's Finance. winner of Blyth- wood Bowl, Aug., '12; 1st over Jersey, May and Aug., '1 1. Duchess of Tapon, F. 9658, H. C. (Ozouf's Duchess of Tapon. 238640), winner of Certificate of Merit, public butter test. May, '07, 2 lbs. \ oz. in 24 hours. 43 days in milk. First Hour, F. 9232. H. f Golden Fern's Lad. P. 2160, H. C. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son, Flying Fox, sold in our May, '02, sale for $7,500. His son. Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 auc- tion sale for $10,000. His daughter. Golden Sultana, won 3d pr, at the great St. Louis Show, Sept.. '04. and sold in the ring for $2,350. Ten of his get have been sold at an aver- age of $4,560. Thirty-nine of his get (some only calves) sold at our auction sale at an average of $1,308. Sire of many butter tested cows and pr. winners. (See front page A.) Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale. May, '02, for $7,500. In same sale, three of his heifers on first calf averaged $933. Among his 26 tested daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. butter, 13,604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold. 740 lbs. butter, 11.198 lbs. milk, 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Sa- viour, 411.96 lbs. butter, 6.841 lbs. milk. 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dream- wold, 10,060 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Syria o' Dream- wold, 11,075 lbs. milk. 1 year. Fox's Maid o' The Sea, 11,530 lbs. milk. 1 year. Fox Glove, public but- ter test. May, '07. 2 lbs. 8^ ozs. Simone G. G.. public butter test. May,04, 2 lbs. 5 J ozs. i txford Vixen, public butter test. May,"05, 2 lbs. 22 ozs. Fox's Belle of Grou ville. 21 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 7 days; 80 lbs. 11 ozs.. 30 days. Plying Fox's Trinity Rose, 20 lbs. 8 ozs. butter, 7 days. Fox's Belle of Trinity, 20 lbs. 5 ozs. butter, 7 days. Plying Fox's LaFon- taine, 18 lbs. 2 ozs. butter. 280 lbs. milk. 7 days. Sire of 43 bulls with tested daughters. Oxford Lily 2d, P. 5732, H. C Par. prize. Aug., '95, and May. '98. Dam of The Owl's Ox- ford Daisy, Grand Champion, Brock- ton. Mass., '10; yr.'s record, 11,659 lbs. milk and 759 lbs. butter. Rosette 5th. P. 2881, H. Cm now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C. 1st over Jersey, '89. A very rich and per- sistent milker. Dam of Ravachol, P. 2032, C. John Bull. P. 2563. C. Uncle Peter's Rosette, P. 7363. H. C. Rosette's Golden Lad, 57498. A. J. C C. Alicante. P- 3880. H.C. Flying Fox, P. 2729. H. C. Forfarshire. P. 2914, H. C Sultana's Rosette 2d, 15 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 7 days. Pioneer, P. 1602. H. C 1st over Jer., '91, '92. Sire of Nuriel. 1st over Jersey, '00; 1st H. B. aiul Par. prize, '00. Lady Clair, 3d II. B. and Par. pr., '00. Full brother to Morion. P. 1690. H.C. sire of The Owl, P. 2195. H. C. M::rion is also sire of Eagle. P. 6736, II. C (now named Mo- rion's S u I t a n e, 162 115. and sold in our May. '02, auc- tion), winner of Par. pr.. May. '01. Dam of Eminent's Lady Sultan e, 171946. butter test. 20 lbs. 2 ozs, in 7 days; dam of Karnak's Emi- nent. 84035. 1st pr. two year-old bull. Louisiana State Fair. '10. Oxford Orange. P. 6361, Cm a magni- ficent dairy cow; dam of Fern's Ox- ford Orange, sold in our '07 sale for $2,900. Oxford Lily, P. 346S. II, Boyle. P. 1559, II. C. Sire of the celebrated bull. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C , Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all prize winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9.000 lbs. milk in a year. 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours, from which 2 lbs. 10 ozs. of but ter was made. Sire of other famous animals. Golden Fern. P. 4711, H. C 2d over Jer.. 2d H. B. and Par. prize, '94. Half-sister to Aurea. P. 8693, H- Cm win- ner of Certificate of Merit, public butter test. May, '07. 2 lbs. 4h ozs., 167 days in milk. Sarabond. P. 797. H.C. He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. This was a great loss to the Island, as he undoubtedly was a great sire. Almost a full brother to Sultane's Favour- ite, sire of Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C- Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess. 166538. 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days Golden Lad's Lady Rose. 162097. 21 lbs. 104 OZS. And 30 others. Tootsie, P 3214, H C. Parish prize, '90. f Golden Lad. P. 1242, H. C. | 1st over Jersey, '90. \ (See below.) Brown Fern 2d. P. 1944, II 2d St. Martin '94. '95. C Show, Rosette 4th. P. 2128, C We were informed on the Island by J. A. Marett that Rosette 4th. as a dairy cow [ Rosette 2d Count Cicero. F. 398. H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '83. Sire of Count's Fillpail. 30975. 24 lbs. 5 ozs. Cicero's Ruby, 29040. 14 lbs. l£ ozs. Sultane. P. 7. H. C. 2d pr. over Jer.. '70. 1st p., St Saviour. '70. (See below.) f Happy Cetewayo. P. 582. C. | His grandsire. Cete- wayo, P. 224. C is sire of 4 cows test- ing from 16 lbs. 2\ ozs. to 17 lbs. 2£ ozs. in her day. had few equals on the Island, and like her daugh- ters was a very rich and persistent milk- Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. Sixty-five of his get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538. 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice. 157326. 22 lbs., 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs., 30 days. Golden Lad's Lady Rose. 162097, 21 lbs. 10£ ozs. Sandgate. 122509, 20 lbs. 10* ozs. Zulu Lady. 20 lbs. 10 ozs. And 27 others. Cicero's Cowslip 3d, P. 3056, H. C. 3d pr. over Jersey, '92. Parish prize, '94. Dam of Pioneer, P. 1602. H. Cm 1st over Jer., '91, '92. Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C. 1st over Jer.. Apr., '88. 2d over Jer.. Apr., '89. 1st over Jer.. Aug., '89. Sire of many noted cows, including Brookhill Rose 2d. dam of Reminder. P. 2419, H. C. Oxford Daisy. F. 6816, H. C. F. 943. H. C 1st pr. at Grouville. Her sire is half brother to Sultane. P. 7, H. C. (as below). Sultane's Favourite, P. 873, H. C- 1st pr.. St. Saviour. Sire of Sultane 14th, that in the Tun- bridge Wells (Eng- land) butter test, '02. in her fifteenth year. gave 38 lbs. 6 ozs. milk, making 2 lbs. 1 1 ozs. butter in 24 hours, w hen 132 days in milk. win. ning the Silver Medal. Golden I.ass 4th. P. 2447. H. C 2d pr. over Jer.. '88. 2d H. B. p. ov. J., '88. 2d Lon. Dairy S.. '88. 1st pr. over Eng., '90. 1 lb. 14 J ozs. butter. Sultane's Favourite, P. 873. H. C (As above.) [ Cicero's Cowslip. P. 1105. H. C 1st over Jer. and Par. prize. May, '88. Wolseley. P. 401. H. C 1st ov. Jer.. '83, '84. '85. 1st prize over Jersey Jubilee Show, "83. Sultane. P. 7. H. C 1st St. Saviour. '70. 1st IT. Bm '71. Bronze Medal, C. I. Ex.. '71. "The first of the most celebrated family the Island has ever seen." [ 1010 to Golden Fern of Linden, 84011, one of the most prepotent sons of Golden Fern's Lad, and "bred to order " our desire being for a son of Golden Fern's Lad out of the great cow. Golden Lad's Industry. 162058, one of the greatest daughters of Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C, ever owned at "Linden Grove." His progeny have fulfilled our fondest expectations, and they have been highly appreciated by some of our best breeders. (See front pages for extended pedigree of Golden Fern of Linden, 84011.) OXFORD'S MAGGIE CANNON, 289458, A. J. C. C. A HIGHLY COMMENDED DAUGHTER OF OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H. C. PARENTS AND GRANDPARENTS ALL HIGHLY COMMENDED. (See her pedigree on opposite page.) A GREAT SHOW AND DAIRY COW, SEVEN YEARS OLD, WEIGHT 910 LBS. ON APRIL 21, 1916. SHE HAS MILKED 22 TO 24 QUARTS DAILY. She and her full sister, You'll Do's Magdalene, 353259, see No. 56 of catalog, are highly desirable in quality as well as breeding. They have for dam, a Highly Commended daughter of the Flying Fox bull, Morny Cannon, P. 305S, H. C, a most success- ful sire of great dairy cows. We have never, to our knowledge, seen anything but superior stock from Morny Cannon, who is a full brother to Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, S70 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in 1 year, the highest testing daughter of Flying Fox. Morny Cannon is out of the same dam as Oxfordshire, 63548, who has 12 daughters in the Register of Merit averaging 514 lbs. 13 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 4 years old. (Oxfordshire was imported by "Linden Grove" and sold as a calf for $90.) Morny Cannon is also full brother to Fox's Owlet o' Dreamwold, 182991 (bred at "Linden Grove"), butter test 569 lbs. in one year. (Flying Fox's Oxford Queen was sold in our auction for $900, at 24 mos. old.) Morny Cannon has a number of Register of Merit daughters, and several others have won Certificates of Merit in the public butter tests. Among other great cows he is sire of: Magdalene, P. 12144, H. C, the dam of Oxford's Maggie Cannon and You'll Do's Magdalene (Nos. 55 and 56 of this catalog). Cymbeline, P. 11670, H. C, public butter test, 1 lb. 84 ozs. in 24 hrs., 9 yrs. old, 101 days after calving. Dam of Cowslip's Cymbeline, 353231 (No. 25 of catalog). Golden Fleece 6th, P. 13399, H. C, the dam of You'll Do's Golden Fleece, 353221 (No. 115 of catalog). Simple Interest 4th, public butter test, 1 lb. 9| ozs., 123 days after calving; dam of the celebrated cow, Sultan's Finance, 353206, whose daughter is catalogued for this auction (No. 101 of catalog). Japanese, P. 11S4S, C, dam of Miss Togo, public butter test, 1 lb. 12J ozs., and Togo's Oxford, 3d at Royal Show, 42 entries, April, 1911. Japanese is also dam of Raleigh's Japanese, P. 15055, C, whose daughter, the Highly Commended cow, Ra- leigh's Japanese Fern, 353243, will be sold in this auction. (See No. 29 of catalog.) AGATHA'S OXFORD LASS, P. 11386, H. C. (75 PER CENT. SAME BLOOD AS THE NOTED BULL, OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P, 4075, H, C, WHO IS ATTRACTING MUCH MERITED ATTENTION FROM CRITICAL JERSEY BREEDERS.) Certificate of Merit, Public Butter Test, May, 1908, 1 lb. 10 ozs„ 97 Days in Milk (Cows Under Five Years). Certificate of Merit, Public Butter Test, May, 1909, 2 lbs. It ozs., 83 Days in Milk. Winner of First Prize over Jersey and Theatre Challenge Cup, May, 1911. Reserve for Renouf Cup, "Best Butter Test Cow Judged by Inspection," May, 1909, Agatha's Oxford Lass, and her sister by Oxford Lad, are two of the most valuable cows in the herd of Mr. J. A. Perrec, Secre- tary of the Jersey Herd Book. Her sire, Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C, won First Prize over the Island, in a class of 44, 1902. He is also sire of the famous bulls, Combination, Sultan of Oaklands and Gamboge's Knight. Gamboge's Knight is sire of Oxford You'll Do, 1'. KI75, H. C, and Oxford Knight. P. 3938, C. (as below). The dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass is Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C, a daughter of the celebrated Oxford Lass. Oxford Ever is also dam of: Oxford Triumph, P. 12120, H. C, Certificate of Merit, May, 'OS, 1 lb. 14 ozs., when 107 days in milk, as a three-year-old. Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C, winner of First Prize over Jersey, with his progeny, at the bull show on the Island, April, l'.il 1. Oxford Knight, 1'. 3938, H. C, sire of 12 butter test cows. Two of them, in our 1913 auction, viz., Oxford's Gala Rose, 287781 (Gala Rose, I'. 14461, H. C), and Oxford's Milkmaid, 288005 (Queen Fanessa, P. 155N7, C), sold for $1,025 and $1,000 respectively. AGATHA'S OXFORD LASS IS DAM OF THE BULL, AGATHA'S OXFORD NOBLE, P. 4850, H, C, WHOSE PEDIGREE APPEARS ON PAGE 78 OF CATALOG. B 339 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 56. Cow. YOU'LL DO'S MAGDALENE, 353259, A. J. C. C. (Titania, P. 19401, H. C.) FULL SISTER TO OXFORD'S MAGGIE CANNON, 289458, A. J. C. C. (SEE OPPOSITE PAGE). FULL SISTER TO OXFORD'S MAGDALENE, 271103, IN REGISTER OF MERIT, CLASS AA, 327 LBS. 6 OZS. BUTTER IN 1 YEAR, 2 YRS. 8 MOS. OLD. Bred by E. G. Marett. Grouville. Island of Jersey. Born May 2, 1912. Imported Oct. 31, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Brisket and belly mottled; two specks behind right shoulder; left fore ankle speckled; white tongue; ring above black and-white switch. A sweet-faced light fawn of strong dairy tempera- ment and type, handsome outline and great vitality; Highly Commended, and from Highly Commended parents; has a full sister in Register of Merit, another that will qualify with a gTeat record if given a test, and she herself can go right out of this sale ring and make a year's record without "forcing." She has great depth of body and unusual spring of rib for her years; strong back, broad loins and long rump; large udder, of beautiful shape and texture, which milks out "like a rag," with good-sized teats perfectly placed. A valuable young cow, from whose rare breeding and individuality we have the right to expect great things. Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H. C, now named IMPORTED OXFORD YOU'LL DO, 111860, A. J. C. C. Winner of 1st pr. over Jer., with his prog- eny, at the bull show on the Island, April, 11- Among his 21 official test daughters are: You'll Do's Favorite, over 900 lbs., 4 yrs. old ; imported by "Linden Grove." Imp. Rustic Ivy, 774 lbs. 7 ozs. Oxford Triumph's Maiden, 554 lbs. 7 ozs., 4 yrs. 3 mos. old. Oxford's Ever Lass, 480 lbs. 4 ozs., 2 yrs. 3 mos. old. Edith You'll Do, 475 lbs. 6 ozs., 3 yrs. old; imported by "Lin- den Grove." Oxford Lavender, 431 lbs. 9 ozs., 4 yrs. 6 mos. old; imported by "Linden Grove." Stella You'll Do, 429 lbs. 15 ozs., 4 yrs. old ; imported by "Linden Grove." Hope You'll Do, 408 lbs. 10 ozs., 2 yrs. 3 mos. old. Oxford You'll Do's Circus Girl, 390 lbs. 3 ozs., 2 yrs. old. Egypt You'll Do, 387 lbs. 4 ozs. in 10 mos.; imported by "Lin- den Grove." Lucea Oxford, 378 lbs. 5 ozs., 3 yrs. 7 mos. old. Grouville Plush, 377 lbs. 5 ozs., 3 yrs. 7 mos. old. Oxford's Doreen Dora, 374 lbs. 15 ozs., 3 yrs. 9 mos. old. Dam MAGDALENE, P. 12144, H.C. Winner of Par. prize, Royal Show , M ay , '10. Daughter of the Flying Fox bull, Morny Cannon, P. 3058, H. C. Dam of 2 tested cows, and of Oxford's Maggie Cannon, 289458. (See opposite page for her extended pedi- gree.) Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny), Apr., '08. Sold at our '1 1 auction for $6,700 to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daugh- ters in a single lot at $1 ,750 each. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, every animal in competition, sired by Gamboge's Knight, did honor to its sire, winning among other prizes: 1st prize for produce of cow. 1st prize for four cows in milk. 1st and 2d prize yearling bulls (out of dams by Gamboge's Knight). 2d pr. 3 -year old cow, 9 entries, by Gamboge's Knight. Sire of 4 1 offici al test cows, 1 9 of them with year's records over 500 lbs. butter in 1 year. Twelve of the 19, including the five with the highest tests, were imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auctions: Gamboge's Grey Beauty, 784 lbs. 12 ozs. Gamboge's Tiddledywink, 722 lbs. 14 ozs. Gamboge's Fancy Princess, 712 lbs. 9 ozs. Gamboge's Brownie, 652 lbs. Gamboge's Areola, 592 lbs. 5 ozs. Daisy's January Rose, 585 lbs. 10 ozs. Gamboge's Handsome Duchess, 566 lbs. 5 ozs. Gamboge's Primrose, 566 lbs. Gamboge's Princess, 558 lbs. 13 ozs. Gamboge's Knight's Artistic, 540 lbs. 8 ozs. Gamboge's Vellum, 531 lbs. 12 ozs. Knight's Fancy Princess, 530 lbs. 15 ozs. Gamboge's Modesty, 525 lbs. 7 ozs. Gamboge's Merry May, 520 lbs. 4 ozs. Black Flower, 516 lbs. 15 ozs. Manor's Peeress, 516 lbs. 10 ozs. Gamboge's Crocus, 515 lbs. 1 oz. Gamboge's Fawn Beauty, 505 lbs. 15 ozs. Knight's Crocus, 505 lbs. 9 ozs. Gamboge's Tiddledywink (above) was Grand- Champion cow at National Dairy Show, '12, and was on show circuit 2\ months during her year's test. Gamboge's Knight is sire of 4 bulls with tested daughters, including: Oxford You'll Do. P. 4075, H. C, sire of 22. Oxford Knight, P. 3938, C., sire of 12. Oxford's Brigadier, 78529, sire of 2 in Register of Merit. Oxford Boy, P. 3937, C, sire of 1 in Register of Merit. His son, Oxford You'll Do, won 1st prize for bull and progeny at the Apr., 'II, bull show, Island of Jer. 34 of his sons and daughters have been sold in our auctions for an average of $800; among them: Oxford Lad's Granddaughter, $2,900. Gamboge's Primrose, $1,750. Gamboge's Fancy Princess, $1,750. Gamboge's Oxford Lass, $1,750. Gamboge's Tiddledywink, $1,750. Gamboge's Handsome Duchess, $1,750. Bessie's Lad, P. 2479, H. C. Oxford Lass, P. 3582. C. One of the most cele- brated cows the Is- land ever produced. She was never tested for butter, but milk- ed as high as 28 quarts daily. Dam of Golden Queen of St. Saviour. 2 lbs. lj ozs. ,2 14 das. in milk. Caiest, whose eight daughters, in our '05 sale, aver. $987.50. Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass (by Agatha's Flying Fox, above), public butter test, May, '09, 2 lbs. 1£ ozs.; and other prizes. Oxford Triumph, pub- lic butter test, May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. Oxford Knight, sire of 12 butter test cows and numerous prize winners. Oxford You'll Do, sire of 21 tested cows. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '02. 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '03. Sire of Sultan of Oaklands, 1st prize, Sweepstakes. Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham., St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '05. Sire of 27 tested cows. Combination, P. 3744, H. C-, 1st prize over Jersey, May, '06; 1st pr., St. Helier Show, Aug., '06; 1st pr. and Cham., St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Apr., '09, in competition with B e a u v o i r King, Plymouth Lad and other bulls, and judged by two differ- ent set of j u d g e s, thereby winning a very handsome Sil- ver Shield; 1st prize over Jer., Apr., '09. Sire of 17 tested cows. Sire of many other winners, and of 7 butter test cows. Sire of 13 bulls with tested daughters, in- cluding Halloween's Fox, sire of 10; Trial of Oaklands and Beechlands Cham- pion, each sire of 6. Champion Flying Fox, 61441 . A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C.) Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale, May, '02, for $7,500. Among his many tested daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. estimated butter from 13,604 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Flower o* Dreamwold, 740 lbs. estimated butter from 11,198 lbs. milk in 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Saviour, 411-96 lbs. estimated butter from 6,841 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dreamwold, 10,060 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Syria o' Dreamwold, 11,075 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Maid o' The Sea, 1 1 ,530 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox Glove, Certificate of Merit and 2d Parish prize, May, '07, 2 lbs. 8$ ozs. butter in 24 hrs., 37 days in milk. Simone G. G., Certificate of Merit, May, '04, 2 lbs. 5J ozs. butter, 24 hrs., 101 days in milk. Oxford Vixen, Certificate of Merit, May, '05, 2 lbs. 2\ ozs. butter, 24 hrs., 49 days in milk. Flying Fox's La Fontaine, 18 lbs. 2 ozs. butter from 280 lbs. milk, 7 days. Lady Iveagh, 17 lbs. 6.6 ozs. butter, 7 days; 34 lbs. butter, 14 days (est.). Flying Fox's Brown Belle, 15 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Handsome Lily, 14 lbs. 8 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Pearl, 15 lbs. 7 ozs. butter, 7 days. Fox's Belle of Grouville, 21 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 7 days; SO lbs. 11 ozs., 30 days. Flying Fox's Trinity Rose. 20 lbs. 6 ozs. butter, 7 days. Fox's Belle of Trinity, 20 lbs. 5 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Rowena, 17 lbs. 2£ ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Brown Maid, milked 22 qts., 1 day. Fox's Golden Cigarette, milked 20 qts., 1 day, with 1st calf. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. (A Highly Commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432, H. C, J. H. B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. H ozs. in 24 hours, Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. Sold in our '02 auction for $1,700, to Mrs. M. M. Patterson, Port Kennedy, Pa. Won 2 1st prizes at Royal Shows. C. C- '02. Fontaine's Oxford Pride. 1S7430. A. J. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C.) 2d prize over Jersey, 48 entries, Aug., Reserve, 32 entries, May, '02. 3d prize, 59 entries. May, '04. 1st prize, 39 entries, and Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '04. 3d prize over Jersey. 40 entries, Aug., 01. 3d pr. in public butter test, 2 lbs. 1\ ozs., 4S days in milk. , Sold for $2 ,500, in our '05 auction, to Mr. Howard Willets, owner of Gedney Farm. She and 4 of her progeny have been sold in our auctions for $13,600, an average of $2,720. Dam of Gamboge's Pride 5th, Certificate of Merit, May, '05, 1 lb. 10 ozs., 150 days in milk. Now named Gamboge of St. Saviour, 195816, sold in our '06 auction for $500, to Penshurst Farm, Narberth, Pa., where she made 640 lbs. butter in a year. She has a daughter in Register of Merit, and a son with 10 in Register of Merit. Gamboge's Pride 7th, Certificate of Merit and 2d Goddington prize. May, '07, 2 lbs. \ oz., 50 days in milk; Certificate of Merit and Parish prize, May, '08, 1 lb. 14* ozs., 154 days in milk; now named Oxford's Fontaine, 224580; sold in our '09 auction for $2,525, to Dr. H. D. Rodman, Louisville, Ky. She has 2 tested daughters, another that is a Champion winner, and a fourth that sold in our '10 auction for $725, at 14 months old. Gamboge's Pride 8th, Certificate of Merit, May, 'OS, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 138 days in milk; now named Oxford Lad's Great Beauty, 235173; sold in our '10 auction for $1,375, to Mr. Willets. Her daughter. Majesty's Great Beauty, 235188 (sold in our '10 auction for $850 at 3 yrs. old), is dam of a Register of Merit cow, and her 2- mos. old heifer calf sold in our '10 auction for $850. Caiest, P. 2591, H. C. 1st prize, Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville Show, '98. Sire of 9 tested cows. Sire of Mabel's Poet, P. 2964, H. C-i winner of 22 1st prizes and sire of over fifty prize winners. Fifteen daughters of Caiest sold in o u r '05 and '06 auc- tion sales, averaging $865 each. Mabel's Poet is sire of Poetess Nelly, F. 9213, H. C. 1st pr. and Silver Medal, St. Saviour - Grouville Show, '05; Certifi- cate of Merit in pub- lic butter test, May, '06, 1 lb. 15 ozs., 121 days in milk; and many other cele- brities. Caiest's dam is also dam of the great cow, Oxford Ever, who is dam of Ox- ford You'll Do, Ox- ford Knight a n d 2 public test cows. Gamboge's Pride, P. 4508, H. C. 1st pr. at St. Saviour Show, 96. 2d over Jersey, '97. She has won the fol- lowing public butter tests. May, '96, 2 lbs. 7J ozs. Oct., '96, 2 lbs. 2i ozs., 217 days in milk. And 4 other tests. Dam of 3 public but- ter test cows. Due to calve May 24, 1916, by Fern's Oxford Noble 2d, P. 5297, H. C, a son of Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570, H. C, for whose extended pedigree see No. 66 of catalog. The dam of Fern's Oxford Noble 2d is Oxford Triumph, P. 12120, H. C, public butter test, May, 'OS, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. She is a daughter of Oxford Lad, P. 3123, H. C, and out of Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. ( who is also dam of the celebrated bulls, Oxford You'll Do and Oxford Knight, and the great cow, Agatha's Oxford Lass. B 341 T. S. COOPER & SONS* AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 57. Cow. OXFORD FAIR, 353268, A. J. C. C. (P. 20253, H. C.) Bred by John De Gruchy, Trinity, Island of Jersey. Born November 12, 1912. Imported October 31, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A handsome and capacious young dairy cow of great stamina; body of exceeding depth and width, with good spring of rib; long, clean, flat neck and thin withers; back straight and strong; very broad loin and prominent hips, with great length of rump; tail beautifully set, with flowing dark switch; promi- nent milk veins; stands close to ground, on short, fine legs; magnificent udder, square in front, with large and beautifully placed teats. Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H. C. Oxford You'll Do has already 21 or more official test daugh- ters, 1 1 of them in Register of Merit, and another just finishing test with 900 lbs. or more of butter as a four-yr.- old. The cow win- ning 1st at New York State Fair as a three-year-old, 1st at Connecticut State Fair as a four-year- old, and 1st at New York State Fair as a 5 -year-old (besides being dam of the pair winning 1st as "produce of cow"), is a daughter of Ox- ford You'll Do, and has made the Reg- ister of Merit with 774 lbs. 7 ozs. butter in one year. He sired the Champion cow over the Island of Jersey in May, '15, who also won 1st in her class (76 entries) as a three-year-old, and 1st as a two- year-old (68 entries). Royal Island Show. He also sired the 1st prize bull at Royal Show, Class 2, 19 entries, in May, '15; the Grand Cham- pion bull, Indiana State Fair, '15 (bred at "Linden Grove" and sold in our '14 auction as a calf for $525); the 1st prize three-year-old cow (1 1 entries), Texas State Fair, '15 (sold in our 14 auction for $745); the Grand Champion bull of the M innesota and Wisconsin State Fairs, '13, who pro- duced the Junior Champion heifer at Iowa State Fair and at Waterloo Dairy Show, '15; and many other 1st prize and Champion winners. Nine of his daughters in our '13 auction — six of them heifers and heifer calves — sold for an average of $504.44; and 19 of his progeny in our '14 auction averaged $683 (eight of them bulls and calves of both sexes). (See preceding pages for further particu- lars.) Dam PETITION, P. 10680, C. Dam of Alfriston Peti- tion, 211630, im- ported by Mrs. S. T. I lenning. i" whose Allen Farm herd she gave 1 1 .000 lbs. milk in one year as a five- year-old. f Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. ( Sold at our ' 1 1 auc- tion for $6,700, to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, every animal in com- petition, sired by Gamboge's Knight, did honor to its sire. 34 of his sons and daughters have been sold in our auctions f o r an average of $800. Sire of 41 official test cows, 19 of them with year's records over 500 lbs. butter in 1 year. Twelve of the 19, including the five with the highest tests, were imported by '-Linden Grove" and sold in our auc- tions; Gamboge's Grey Beauty, 784 lbs. 12 ozs. Gamboge's Tiddledy- wink, 722 lbs. 14 ozs. Gamboge's Fancy Princess, 712 lbs. 9 ozs. Gamboge's Brownie, 652 lbs. Gamboge's Areola, 592 lbs. 5 ozs. Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass (by Agatha's Flying Fox), public butter test, May, '09, 2 lbs, 1-J ozs., 83 days in milk. Oxford Triumph, pub- lic butter test. May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. Daughter of Oxford Lass. Reliable, P. 3065, C. Sire of Miss Emily, P. 10624, H. C, public butter test, May, '13, 1 lb. 7J ozs. in 24 hrs., 44 lbs. 10 ozs. milk, at 3 yrs. old, 137 days after calving. Weeping Willow 2d, P. 10665, C. (Weeping Willow, 211596. A. J. C. C), who is dam of: Willow's Stockwell, P. 4092, C. (83352, A. J. C. C). winner St. John Parish prize, April, '08; sire of Lily of Jersey, 1 st at Royal Show, 55 en- tries, May, '10; and Imp. Issue Belle, 246042, 2d at St. John Show as a year- ling, '10. Willow Lassie, 235980, dam of Willow Las- sie's Queen, 275849, in Register of Merit, Class A, 361 lbs. 13 ozs. butter in 1 year, 2 yrs. 1 mo. old. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. Sire of Halloween's Fox, P. 3631, H. C, sire of 10 tested cows. Trial of Oaklands, P. 3644, H. C, and Beechland's Cham- pion, P. 3599, H. C, each sire of 6. Trial 2d of Oaklands, P. 3809, BE. C; Tom Fox of St. Martin, 67258, and Agatha's Blue Fox, 69634, each sire of 4 tested cows. Sultan of Oaklands, 1st prize, Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham., St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '05; sire of 27 tested cows. Combination, P. 3744, H. C, 1st prize over Jersey, May, '06; 1st prize and Champion, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Apr., '09, in compe- tition with Beauvoir King, Plymouth Lad and other bulls; sire of 17 tested cows. Agatha's Oxford Lass, 1st over Jersey and Theatre Challenge Cup, May. '11; Cer- tificate of Merit, public butter test, May, '09, 2 lbs. H ozs., 83 days in milk. And many other winners. Fontaine's Oxford Pride, 187430, A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C.) 3d pr. in public but- ter test, 2 lbs. 7J ozs., 48 days in milk. Sold for $2,500, in our '05 auction, to Mr. Howard Willets, owner Gedney Farm. (See No. 44 for further particulars regarding this great cow.) Dido, P. 2703, H. C. Sire of Morocco's Pride. P. 9089, H. C, 1st prize over Jersey and winner of Blythwood Bowl, '02; 1st prize over the Island, '03, and was sent to Austra- lia as the best cow in Jersey. Reliance, P. 7040, C. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C.- (Flying Fox, P. 2729. H. C.) Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale. May, '02, for $7,500. Among his many tested daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. estimated butter from 13,604 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. estimated butter from 11,198 lbs. milk in 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Saviour, 411. 96 lbs. estimated butter from 6,84V lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dreamwold, 10,060 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Syria o' Dreamwold, 11,075 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Maid o' The Sea, 1 1 ,530 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox Glove, Certificate of Merit and 2d Parish prize, May, '07, 2 lbs. 8J ozs. butter in 24 hrs. , 37 days in milk. Simone G. G., Certificate of Merit. May, '04, 2 lbs. 5| ozs. butter, 24 hrs., 101 days in milk. Oxford Vixen, Certificate of Merit, May. '05, 2 lbs. 2\ ozs. butter, 24 hrs., 49 days in milk. Flying Fox's La Fontaine, 18 lbs. 2 ozs. butter from 280 lbs. milk, 7 days. Lady Iveagh, 17 lbs. 6.6 ozs. butter, 7 days; 34 lbs. butter, 14 days (est.). Flying Fox's Brown Belle, 15 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Handsome Lily, 14 lbs. 8 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Pearl, 15 lbs. 7 ozs. butter, 7 days.. Fox's Belle of Grouville, 21 lbs. 3 ozs. butter. 7 days; 80 lbs. 11 ozs., 30 days. Flying Fox's Trinity Rose. 20 lbs. 6 ozs. butter, 7 days. Fox's Belle of Trinity, 20 lbs. 5 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Rowena, 17 lbs. 2£ ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Brown Maid, milked 22 qts., 1 day. Fox's Golden Cigarette, milked 20 qts., 1 day, with 1st calf. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A.J. C. C. (A Highly Commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432. H. C, J. H. B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. l£ ozs. in 24 hours, Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. Sold in our '02 auction for $1,700, to Mrs. M. M. Patterson, Port Kennedy, Pa. Won 2 1st prizes at Royal Shows. Caiest, P. 2591, H. C. Sire of 9 tested cows. Gamboge's Pride, P. 4508, H. C. 1st St. Saviour, '96. 2d over Jersey, '97. f Cato 2d, P. 1954, C. Sire of Sweet Morocco, P. 6806, H. C-, 1st over Jer., May, '02 and '03; 1st in Champion Class, Aug., '03; Re- serve for Theatre Challenge Cup, May, '04. Triple Interest, 1st ov. Jer. and Par. prize, May, '01; Silver Medal in butter test, '01 ; 2 lbs. 10J ozs. in 24 hours. Morocco, P. 4671, H. C. Gay Prince, P. 2092. H. C. True. P. 4693, H. C. Prince Romulus, P. 798, C. La Dame 2d, P. 4053, C. Fontaine's King, P. 2207, H. C. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, Cato, P. 1646, H. C. Sire of Cato 3d, P. 2143, C, who sired Fabu- lous Interest. 168515. winner of three Cer- tificates of Merit in Island butter tests. Madelaine, P. 4198. C Patron, P. 1377, H. C. Madras 2d, P. 3198, H. C. King Romulus, P. 529, H. C. Coomassie's Niece, F, 3214, H. C Rival, P. 146. C. Venus 2d, P. 460, C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever produced. His son, Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son. Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 auc- tion sale for $10,000. H i s ten-months-old bull calf sold in our '07 sale for $10,200. and in the same sale his grandson, "Stockwell," sold for $11,500. (See his extended pedi- gree, front page A.) Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. 1st pr. over Jer., '89. 1st H. B. prize. Dam of Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Alicante. P. 3880. H.C. Forfarshire, P. 2914. H. C. Ravachol, P. 2032. C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam. Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours. Boyle. P. 1559, H. C. Fontaine 4th, P. 2537, C. Reserve No. for Cup, '90. 1st over Jer., '90. '91. Nero's Lad. P. 1226, C. Stale Bread 2d, P. 2976, C- Reserve ov. Jer., '89. Par. pr., Aug., '89. Everton Lord. P. 1088. H. C Congo, P. 1135. C. f Kaiser's Prince. P. 993, H. C. Lucy Long. F. 3534, H. C. Miltiades, P. 868. H. C Madras, F. 7378. C. Duke of Carolina. P. 353, H. C. Frugal. P. 532. H. C. Grey Prince, F. 168, C. Grey. F. 1203, C Venus, P. 241, C. Jumper, P. 1087, C. His daughter, Zelie, P. 3296, C, is dam of Golden Fern's Grey Daisy, 195783, A. J. C. C. (Zelie 2d, P. 8419. H. C), winner of the following prs.: Par. prize, Class 3, May, 01 ; Certificate of Merit, public butter test. May, '02, 1 lb. 14$ ozs., 86 days in milk; Certificate of Merit, public butter test. May, '04, 1 lb. 9 ozs.. 310 days in milk; dam of Zelie 3d, sold to Lord Rothschild, for whom she won, in '04, 1st over England, Royal Show. London; 2d over England, Tunbridge Wells Show; 1st over England and Reserve for Champion, Sussex Show. La Dame, F. 2301, C. Welcome, F. 172, C Beauty. F. 1543. C Due to calve April 23, 1916, by Kern's Oxford Noble, P. 5012, H. C, a son of Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570, H. C, for whose extended pedigree see No. 66 of catalog. The dam of Fern's Oxford Noble is Oxford Triumph, P. 12120, H. C, public butter test, May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. She is a daughter of Oxford Lad, P. 3123, H. C, and out of Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C, who is also dam of the celebrated bulls, Oxford You'll Do and Oxford Knight, and the great cow, Agatha's Oxford Lass. AGATHA OF OAKLANDS, 162101, A. J. C. C. (A Highly Commended Cow, Agatha, F. 8432, H. C, J. H. B.) (Grandam of the Great Bull, Gamboge's Knight. P. 3645, H. C, Sire of Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C— see Front Page C.) Agatha of Oaklands sold in our 1902 auction sale for $1,700. Official Butter Test, 2 lbs. 11 ozs. in 24 hours, Jersey Weight, being in milk 142 days. Winner of First Prize at the Three Western Parishes in 1899. Winner of First Prize and Championship (Silver Cup), St. Saviour Show, 1900. First Prize over Jersey, beating former Royal Winners, in 1900. First Prize in Champion Class at St. Saviour and Grouville Show, 1901. Sweepstakes over the entire show, beating Royal Winners. First at the Royal in 1901 in Champion Class, beating former Winners. She is not only a Champion winner herself, but a breeder of Champion winners, as her son, "Agatha's Flying Fox," won First Prize at St. Saviour Show, April 3, 1902, as well as Sweepstakes at same show, and finished up by taking First Prize at the Royal Show of Jersey, April 9, 1902, in a class of 44 bulls. He also won First Prize over Jersey, August, 1903. Agatha' s Flying Fox is sire of the celebrated bulls, Gamboge's Knight, Sultan of Oaklands, Combination and others. His descend- ants in this sale show the wonderful quality of this celebrated and successful family. He is sire of the sensational cow, Agatha's Oxford Lass (see picture opposite No. 78). Agatha's Flying Fox was born in February, 1901, fifteen years ago, and it is only within the past six years, since his sons and daughters are reproducing the wonderful dairy and show-ring qualities of his dam, Agatha of Oaklands, that the true value of Agatha's Flying Fox is being appreciated. It recalls the fact, which we have so often pointed out, that breeders too frequently do not give a bull credit for his merits until it is too late to take full advantage of his qualities. (They often do not give sufficient consideration to the fact that a bull, to be prepotent, must be from a great producing dam as well as by a prepotent sire. We have been as careful to satisfy ourselves on this point, with every bull we have exploited, or whose get we have patronized.) This was true of Flying Fox, of Golden Lad, and of Oxford Lad — the latter bull being ac- tually condemned by some until his daughters came in with their second and third calves. It is only then that the true prepotency of a sire is known. (Flying Fox sold for $7,500 in our May, 1902, auction. He is sire of Agatha's Flying Fox; also sire of Oxford Lad, and great-grandsire of Noble of Oaklands.) (See Pedigree C for Further Particulars and Extended Pedigree of Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C.) YOU'LL DO'S BENEFIT, 353257, A. J. C. C. A HIGHLY COMMENDED DAUGHTER OF OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H. C, BOTH PARENTS HIGHLY COMMENDED. (See her pedigree on opposite page,) Her sire, Oxford You'll Do, has already 22 or more official test daughters, 12 of them in Register of Merit, and another just finishing test with 900 lbs. or more of butter as a four-year-old. The cow winning 1st at New York State Fair as a three-year-old, 1st at Connecticut State Fair as a four-year-old, and 1st at New York State Fair as a 5-year-old (besides being dam of the pair winning 1st as "produce of cow"), is a daughter of Oxford You'll Do, and has made the Register of Merit with 774 lbs. 7 ozs. butter in one year. He sired the Champion cow over the Island of Jersey in May, '15, who also won 1st in her class (76 entries) as a three-year-old, and 1st as a two-year-old (68 entries), Royal Island Show. He also sired the 1st prize bull at Royal Show, Class 2, 19 entries, in May, '15; the Grand Champion bull, Indiana State Fair, '15 (bred at "Linden Grove" and sold in our 14 auction as a calf for $525); the 1st prize three-year-old cow (11 entries), Texas State Fair, '1.5 (sold in our '14 auction for $745); the Grand Champion bull of the Minnesota and Wisconsin State Hairs, '13, who produced the Junior Champion heifer at Iowa State Fair and at Waterloo Dairy Show, '1.'); and many other 1st prize and Champion winners. Nine of his daughters in our '13 auction -six of them heifers and heifer calves — sold for an average of $504. 44; and 10 of his progeny in our '14 auction averaged $lis:) (eight of them bulls ami calves "I both sexes). (See front page C, and notes opposite No. 47 of catalog, for further particulars concerning Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C. ) B 75 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 58. Cow. YOU'LL DO'S BENEFIT, 353257, A. J. C. C. (Delectable, P. 18934, H. C.) OFFICIAL R. J. A. S. RECORD, BEGUN AS A YEARLING, 331 LBS. 14 OZS. BUTTER IN 257 DAYS; AVERAGE TEST, 5.44 PER CENT. FAT. Bred by J. P. Amy, St. Ouen, Island of Jersey. BornjMarch 15. 1912. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A rich golden fawn, of highly refined dairy type; the flat "ewe" neck, high sharp withers and prominent spinal processes denoting the persistent worker that converts all her food into milk; great length of body, with splendid ribbing; lean hind quarters, cat hams; thin, long tail with perfect setting and luxuriant switch; magnificent udder, perfect in shape, wide and deep, with large, beautifully placed teats. Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H. C. now named IMPORTED OXFORD YOU'LL DO, 111860, A. J. C. C. Winner of 1st pr. over . Jer., with his prog- eny, at the bull show on the Island. Apr., '11. Among other great cows, Oxford You 11 Do is sire of: You'll Do's Favorite, now on official test and will make close to, if not more than, 900 lbs. butter in 1 year as a four- year old. She was sold in our '14 auction for $500, to E. T. Bedford, G r e e n's Farms, Conn. Golden Oxford Ivy, 1st at the Royal Show, May, '14, as a 2-year-old (68 en- tries); 1st at Royal Show as a 3-year- old, May, '15 (76 entries), and Theatre Chal. Cup (Cham- pionship over the Island). She is now in the "Linden Grove" stables. Golden Fern's Oxford, 1st pr. yearling bull. Junior and Grand Cham., Indiana S. Fair, '15. Oxford You'll Do, Jr., 102269. 1st prize senior yearling bull and Junior Cham- pion, Oregon State Fair. '12; sold for $850, at our 12 sale. Combination You'll Do, 106878, 1st pr. junior yearling bull, Minnesota State Fair, '12; Grand Champion, Wiscon- sin and Minnesota State Fairs, '13; and other prizes. Oxford Plush, 234553, 1st pr. at Minnesota and Wisconsin State Fairs and National Dairy Show, '09. Crippen, 1st pr. senior bull calf, Ore. State Fair and Spokane Interstate Fair, '11. Oxford Miss You'll Do, 271050, 1st prize 2- yr.-old heifer, Ohio State Fair, '12. (For full particulars see front pages.) Dam BENEFIT, P. 15536, H.C. Produced in the official R. J. A. S. tests, on Island of Jersey, 102 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in 63 days as a four- y e a r-old; average test, 5.28 per cent, butter fat. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny), Apr., '08. Sold at our '11 auction for $6,700, to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,750 each. Eleven of his daugh- ters, in our '11 auc- tion, averaged $1,391.36. Sire of 41 tested cows, 3 over 700 lbs. but- ter in 1 year, and all three imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auctions. Sire of 4 bulls with a total of 36 butter test daughters. Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. Daughter of Oxford Lass. (See opposite page.) Perry Farm Stockwell, P. 4049, C. (Now named Stock- well's Fern Lad, 87843, A. J. C. C.) Sold in Dr. H. D. Rod- man's '10 sale to Smith & Roberts, Beatrice, Neb., for $450. He won 1st and Cham- pionship, Missouri State Fair, '10. Championship at Neb. and Missouri State Fairs, '11; at Iowa, Nebraska and Okla- homa State Fairs, '12; and many other prizes. Sire of Grace Stockwell, 630 lbs. 3 ozs. Stockwell's Dahlia, 527 lbs. 5 ozs. Perry Farm Joan, 378 lbs. 1 oz. Benefit, 102 lbs. 8 ozs. in 63 days, 4 years old. Stockwell's Farineuse, 1 lb. 3 ozs. in 24 hrs. Stockwell's Golden Maiden, 1st prize 2- year-old and Junior Cham., Neb. State Fair, '14. Ocean Blue, 99477, Grand Champion bull, Iowa State Fair, '13; Nebraska and Illinois State Fairs, '14; and other prizes. Lady Isolda, P. 12754, IT. C. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '02. 1st pr. over the Island in a class of 44, '02. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '03. Sire of many noted bulls and of 7 tested cows. Fontaine's Oxford Pride, 1S7430, A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C.) 1st prize winner over the Island and Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '04. 3d pr. over Jer., Aug., '01, '02. 3d pr. in public butter test, 2 lbs. 7£ ozs., 48 days in milk. Sold for $2,500, in our '05 sale, to Mr. H. Willets, owner of Gedney Farm. Dam of 3 tested cows. Stockwell, P. 3550. H. C. Sold at our '07 sale for $11,500, to Hon. A. B. Lewis, Frede- ricksburg, Va. Sire of a remarkable lot of animals that have shown them- selves to be d a i r y cows of great value, among them: Stockwell's Daisy, 234182, A. J. C. C., 561 lbs. 15 ozs. but- ter, 1 year, 5 years old. Stockwell's Golden Le- da, 210074, in Regis- ter of Merit, 434 lbs. 13 ozs. butter in one year. Karnak. 227372, A. J. C. C, 404 lbs. 0.9 oz. butter, 1 year, 2 years old. Jolly Sweet Thing 2d, Cham., Iowa State Fair, '08; also 1st in class, Iowa, Tenn. and Illinois State Fairs, '08; butter test, 16 lbs. 9 ozs. in 7 days. Fern Maid, P. 8374, H. C. A splendid daughter of Golden Fern's Lad, long at "L i n d e n Grove." Carlo's Gipsy's Lad, P. 3620, C. Out of same dam as Carlo's Gipsy 3d, P. 7399, H. C, dam of Pilot's Sultan's Gip- sy, pub. butter test, 1 lb. 13 ozs., 208 days in milk; Carlo's Gip- sy Maid, public but- ter test, 1 lb. 5 ozs., 204 days in milk; Retraite's Gipsy, 1st and Grand Cham., Appalachian Expo., '10. Lady Mary, P. 9856, C. By Bandit, P. 2820, C. who is descended from Wolseley, P. 401, H. C. Dam, Lady Alice, F. 8431, H. C. Caiest, P. 2591, H. C. 1st prize, Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville Show, '98. Sire of Mabel's Poet, P. 2964, H. C, and other noted animals. Fifteen daughters of Caiest sold in our '05 and '06 auction sales, averaging $865 each. Gamboge's Pride, P. 4508, H. C. She has won the fol- lowing public butter tests: May, '96, 2 lbs. 7i ozs. Oct., '96, 2 lbs. 2£ ozs., 217 days in milk. May, '97, 2 lbs. 5 2 ozs. Oct., '97, 2 lbs. 4i ozs. Oct., '98, 2 lbs. 7^ ozs., 1 18 days in milk. Dam of 3 tested cows. Oxford Lad, P. 3123, H. C. 1st prize, St. Saviour Show, '02. Sweepstakes over St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, Apr., '03. 1st State's prize over the Island, Apr., '03. Champion, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '05. He was sold at auction for $3,300. Sire of 42 tested cows, and of the great bulls, Majesty, Lucy's Champion and Sul- tana's Oxford Lad, the latter selling at our '10 sale for $11,100. Golden Leda, P. 8000, H. C. 1st pr. over Jer., '01. 1st prize and Cham- pionship, N. C. S., '00 and '01; milked over 40 lbs. per day with first calf. <^ Dam of Leda's Golden Lad; of Forfarshire's Golden Leda, 187458, 1st prize and Sweep- stakes at St. Saviour and Grouville Show, May, '04, and of Topsman, Reserve over Jersey, Apr. and Aug., '02. Forfarshire, P. 2914, H. C. Champion, St. Saviour Show, '01. Sweepstakes over Grouville and St. Saviour Show, '01. Sire of 16 tested cows, including: Forfarshire's Golden Rose, in Register of Merit, 545 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 year. Forfarshire's Britan- nia, in Register of Merit, 482 lbs. 6 ozs. Sold at our '03 sale for $1,750, to Filston Farms, G 1 e n c o e, Md., and they could have had $5,000 for him from two differ- ent parties. Carlo's Gipsy 6th, P. 8218, H. C. (Now named Golden Fern's Gipsy Maid, 2036300 Imported by "Linden Grove." Fontaine's King, P. 2207, H. C. Sire of John Bull and other noted animals. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. Rob Roy, P. 1184, H. C. Sire of Zanzibar, win- ner Certif. of Merit in butter test, May, '00, I lb. 14i ozs. in 24 hours. Gamboge 2d, P. 2294, H. C. Dam of Gamboge 4th, 2 lbs. l^ozs., 24 hrs. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C.) Champion winner over the Island, Aug. ,'99. Among his many test- ed daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. butter, 13,604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. One of the most cele- brated cows the Is- land ever produced. She is the dam of three famous bulls; namely, Caiest, Houpla and Oxford Lad. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. Sire of Golden Fern's Sensation, 1st prize, Ohio, '03; 1st prize, Cham, and Grand Champion, Illinois State Fair, '04; 2d prize, World's Fair, St. Louis, '04; 1st prize, Champion and Grand Champion, Tenn. State Fair, '07; 1st prize, Champion and Grand Cham- pion, Illinois State Fair, '07; 1st prize, Cham, and Grand Cham., Nat. Dairy Show, Chicago, '07. Leda, P. 6636, H. C. One of the best cows the Island has ever produced. Picton, P. 2392, H. C. Full brother to Hand- some Gold Phillis, sold for $625 in our '00 auction. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. Dam of Flying Fox. Alicante (the dam of "The Owl") and Forfarshire, three Cham, winners. Four of her get have sold in our auction sales at an average of $2,762.50. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (See above.) Carlo's Gipsy, P. 3519, H. C. Dam of Kilburn, win- ner of 2d prize over Jersey, Class 8, Aug., '04; 3d prize over Jersey, Class 8, Aug., '03. f Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. ISon of Golden Lad. Fontaine 4th, P. 2537, C. 1st over Jer., '90, '91. Favorite's Boy, P. 882, H. C. His grandson, Favor- ite Lad, is sire of Iris, winner of Gold Medal (1st prize) in butter test, May, '01, 2 lbs. 4£ ozs., 220 days in milk; Certificate of Merit, May, '00, 2 lbs. 5 ozs., 76 days in milk. Browny's Grey, P. 2353, H. C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (See below.) Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C, now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C. 1st over Jer., Aug., '89. Oxford Primrose, P. 2252, C. One of the best cows in her day on the Is- land. Boyle. P. 1559. H. C. Sire of the celebrated bull. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. He also sired the great cow, "Speckled Band," dam of the wonderful cow "Nursie," that made the phenomenal rec- ord of 2 lbs. 7'i ozs. of butter in 24 hrs., in the public butter test, after being in milk 300 days and within 90 days of calving. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d over Jer.. 2d H. B. and Par. pr., '94. Golden Pearl, P. 1975, H. C. Eminence, F. 7124, H. C- 2d St. Martin, '92. Sweepstakes, N. C.,'92. Sarabond, P. 797, H.C. He is by same sire as Sultane's Favourite, P. 873, H. C. Rosette 4th, P. 2128, C. We were informed on the Island by J. A. Marett that Rosette 4th, as a dairy cow, had few equals on the Island. Carlo 3d. P. 817, H. C. Sire of Egyptian Hero. P. 1351. H. C, 2d over Jer., Aug., '91. He is sire of Sweet Bread 2d, P. 5938, H. C, one of the grandest dairy cows we have ever seen, and winner of Gold Medal, butter test. '00,2 lbs. 7 ozs., 165 days in milk. Quaker's Girl, F. 7215, C. Due to calve April 8, 1910, by Fern's Oxford Noble 2d, P. 5297, H. C, a son of Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570, H. C, for whose extended pedigree see No. 66 of catalog. The dam of Fern's Oxford Noble 2d is Oxford Triumph, P. 12120, H. C, pub- lic butter test, May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. She is a daughter of Oxford Lad, P. 3123, H. C, and out of Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C, who is also dam of the celebrated bulls, Oxford You'll Do and Oxford Knight, and the great cow, Agatha's Oxford Lass. (This calf will be sent to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas.) Expected to be bred before day of sale, to one of our great bulls. (See supplementary service list to be circulated at sale.) B64 T. S. COOPER & SONS* AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 59. Heifer. PRETTY SWEET BREAD, 353278, A. J. C. C. Bred by E- E. Leonard, St. Ouen, Island of Jersey. Born March 18, 1914. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Broken color; black-and-white tongue and switch. A sweet heifer, with a pedigree "full of butter." Beautiful head and dished face, with bright, sparkl- ing eyes, body long and deep; clean shoulders, good withers; hide rich, thin and flexible as a kid glove; straight back; hind quarters perfect, indications of splendid udder development, with good sized teats well placed A very' "showy" and richly bred hei fer. Bread Sultan, P. 4353, H. C. Winner of 2d prize, St. Martin and Trinity Show, '10. Sultan's Maid Sylvia, 408 lbs. 1 oz. in 1 year. Sultan's Miss Elvire, 407 lbs. 15 ozs. in 1 year. (Both 3-year-olds.) Mabel's Poet's Sweet- bread, 14 lbs. 3 ozs. in 7 days at 2 years 9 months old. Sweet Bread Boy, P. 4801, H. C, 2d pr., 6 entries, bulls from tested dams. May, '12. f Sire SWEET BREAD LAD 2d, P. 4921, H.C. Winner of 3d pr.. Trinity Show, Jersey, '13. Reserve. Trinity Show, Jersey, '14. Dam JAN, F. 10350, C. A wonderful dairy cow, and by a great sire. In the official R. J. A. S. butter test on Is- land of Jersey, she produced as a five- year old. 676 lbs. 1.6 ozs. butter in 399 days, and milked 12,422 lbs. 8 ozs. Sweet Bread 10th. P. 11654, H. C. Winner of Certificate of Merit, public but- ter test, Oct., 09. 2 lbs. 5 ozs., 124 days in milk. Dam of Sweet Bread 12th. Certificate of Merit and 2d Parish prize, public butter test, May, '10, 2 lbs. 5\ ozs., 101 days in milk. Her dam also pro- duced: Sweet Bread 18th, public butter test, May, '11. 2 lbs. 2 ozs., 165 days in milk. Sweet Bread 5th, pub- lic butter test, May, '06, 1 lb. 4 ozs., 223 days in milk. Lucy's Prince, P. 3939, H. C. Winner of 2d over Jer. (with his progeny), Apr., '10; a success- ful sire. Three of his daughters sold in our '14 auc- tion for an average of $1,016.66. Lucy's Prince's Fairy was bought by Mr. E. O. Dusenbury, Port- ville. N. V., for $1,750. Lucy's Prince's Brown Beauty, sold to Lyn- newood Farm for $700. is dam of Pretty Clarencia, record on the Is- land, with 1st calf, 295 lbs. butter in 236 days. (Pretty Clarencia is cata- logued for this sale.) Lucy's Prince is sire of 1 1 butter test cows, including: Lucy's Convent Lassie, 484 lbs. 8 ozs. Lucy Belle's Princess, 468 lbs. 1 oz. Retreat's Iris, 423 lbs. 6 ozs. And 6 Certificate of Merit winners in public butter tests. He is sire of many prize wiuners. Sultan of Oaklands, P. 3746, H. C. Winner of 1st over Jersey. Apr., '06. 2d pr. and Parish pr., Apr., '05. Reserve, with progeny, Apr.. 07. 1st pr.. Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Champion, St. Saviour-G r o u- ville. '05. Sire of 27 tested cows. Stale Bread 7th, P. 10545, II. C Winner of Reserve over Jersey, Royal Show, Aug., '04. Certificate of Merit, public butter test, Oct., '10, 33 lbs. 12 ozs. milk, 2 lbs. 1 oz. butter, 142 days in milk. Astor, P. 3042, H. C. 1st over Jer., Aug., '02, and Apr., '03. 2d State's p., Aug. ,'02. 2d over Jer., with his progeny, Apr., '07. 1st over Jer., with his progeny, Apr., '08. Sire of 1 1 tested cows. Sweet Bread 3d, P. 8345, H. C. A remarkable dairy cow. She tested as follows in the public tests on the Island: May, '03, 1 lb. 13^ ozs. Oct., '03, 2 lbs. 3i ozs. May, '04, 1 lb. 12jozs., 229 days in milk. Besides Sweet Bread 10th (see record at left), she is dam of: Sweet Bread 11th, public butter test, May. '10. 2 lbs. 2i ozs., 134 days in milk; Oct., '08. 1 lb. 14J ozs., 152 days in milk. And 2 other tested cows. Golden Maid's Prince, P. 3027, H. C. (93538, A. J. C. C.) 1 st prize (sons of tested dams), Aug., '01. 3d prize over the Is- land, Aug., '02. 1st over Jer. for bull and progeny. Apr., '07. Sire of Golden Maid's Christena, 708 lbs. butter in 1 year; sold in our '13 auc- tion for $625. Sire of 38 other tested cows. I Forfarshire's Lucy, P. 10576. H. C. Winner of 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '04. Par. prize, Aug.. '05. 2d prize, young cow class. North Club Show. May, "05, two months before drop- ping second calf — "a record." 2d prize. North Club Show, May, '06, and Reserve Champion, two months before dropping third calf — "a record." 1st over Jer.. Aug. ,'06, ami Reserve for Blythwood Bowl. 1st over Jer., Special Class, Aug.. 07. Exported to England, where she has been a frequent winner. Nuriel's Golden Lad, P. 3059, H. C. 3d prize over Jersey, 24 State's prize and Par. prize, Apr., 01. Sire of Stale Bread 7th, Re- serve over Jersey, August, '04; public butter test, Oct., '10, 2 lbs. 1 oz.. 142 days in milk. Golden Lassie, Reserve over Jer., Aug., '05; dam of Gouda, 4th over Jer., Apr., '11; and of the noted bulls, Noble Peer and Noble's Golden Peer. Stale Bread 4th, P. 9055, H. C. Out of same dam as the sire of G o 1 d e n Maid's Prince. Slip, P. 2512, H. C. Sire of Jessie's Bertha, public butter tests: May. '03. 1 lb. 1'i ozs., 196 days in milk: and other tested cows. Mourier Lad, P. 2691. H. C. Sire of Lady Rowena 4th, public butter test, Oct., '04, 1 lb. 7i ozs., 144 days in milk. Ibex, dam of Reindeer, Bronze Medal in public butter test, Oct., '07, 1 lb. 13i ozs., 161 days in milk. Half-brother to Rosie Belle, Silver Medal, Oct., '06, 1 lb. 13 ozs., 256 days in milk. Stale Bread 2d, P. 2976, C. Winner of Reserve and Parish prize, Royal Show, Aug., '99. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C Lady Violet, F. 8100, H. C. Dam of Sweet Violet, P. 7396, H. C, 4th over Jer., May, '00. Egyptian Hero, P. 1351, H. C. 2d over Jer., Aug., '91. His sire's dam is by Cicero, P. 266, H. C, 1st pr. over Jer., '82. S i re of Lady Longfield, 23524, 20 lbs. 13 ozs.; and 6 other test cows. Ruler, P. 2081, H. C. Sire of Rowena's Daisy, butter test, 20 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days; and other noted animals. Mourier Lass 2d. P. 4147. H. C. Dam of the Silver Med- al winner, Rosie Belle. (See record at left.) MUtiades, P. 868, H. C. His sire, Wolseley, 1'. 401, H. C, won 1st over Jer., '83, '84. '85; 1st prize over Jer., Jubilee Show, '83; Champion Cup for greatest number of points, '83. Stale Bread, P. 2225, C. Her half-sister. Sweet Bread 2d, also pro- duced 3 public test daughters, all of which produced win- ners. Carlo 3d. P. 817, H. C. Grandson of Carlo, P. 180, C, 1st St. John, '78; Par., R. J. A. S.. '78; 2d pr. over Jer., '79; 1st prize over Jer.. '80; sire of 4 tested cows. Sweet Bread 2d, P. 5938, H. C. One of the grandest dairy cows we have ever seen. Gold Medal.buttertest, '00, 2 lbs. 7 ozs., 165 days in milk. Certificate of Merit. public butter test, Oct., '05, 1 lb. 14J ozs., 238 days in milk, at 13 yrs. old. Besides Sweet Bread 3d (see record at left), she is dam of: Sweet Bread 14th, public butter test. May, '10, 1 lb. 5i ozs., 206 days in milk. Cream Bread, public butter tests: Oct., '09, 2 lbs. 1 oz., 98 days in milk; Oct., '10, 2 lbs. 2 ozs., 167 days in milk. She won Trinity Parish prize, Aug., '07. (Now named Picton's Sweet Bread. 254234, and sold in Mr. H. V. Prentice's sale, June. '11, for $700.) She is dam of Sweet Bread 24th, winner of 3d prize over Jersey, Aug., "11. Sweet Bread, F. 6877, H. Egyptienne, P. 2417, H. C. 2d over Jer., '91, '94. Forfarshire, P. 2914. H. C. Reserve over Jer., '00. 1st prize, St. Saviour Show, '01. Champion, St. Saviour Show. '01. Sweepstakes over Grouville and St. Saviour Show, '01, beating, among others, Fereor, 1st over all Jersey, '00; Fontaine's Lord, 2d over all Jersey and 1st State's pr., '01, and judged by different judges at each show. Among his butter test- ed daughters is Laurel's Beauty, P. 11138, C, who won the following public- tests: May, 08, 1 lb. 15Jozs., 197 days in milk; May, '09, 1 lb. 12* ozs., 167 days in milk; May, '10, 1 lb. 8} ozs., 164 days in milk. Sire of Dulcet's Favor- ite. P. 11391, H. C, winner in the follow- ing public butter tests: M a y, '06, 1 lb. 8 ozs., 160 days in milk; May, '07, 1 lb. Hi ozs.. 151 days in milk; May, '09, 1 lb. 13iozs., 137 days in milk. Lucy's Lass. P. 7092. H. C Picton, P. 232, H. C. Full brother to Hand- some Gold Phillis, that, as a 3-year-old, sold for $625 in our "00 auction. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C, now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. 1st pr. over Jer., '99. 1st H. B. prize. 1st Parish prize. Dam of Flying Fox, Alicante (the dam of "The Owl") and Forfar- shire, three Cham, winners. Four of her get have sold in our auction sales at an average of $2,762.50. Dam of Sultana's Ro- sette 2d. 14 lbs. 7 ozs. Also dam of the bulls, Ravachol, John Bull and Rosette's Gold- en Lad. Ravachol is sire of Agatha of Oaklands, 162101. A. J. C. C, official butter test. 2 lbs. l£ ozs. in 24 hrs. (Jersey weight), being in milk 142 days. Trooper. P 2109, H.C. 1st pr. over Jer., '95. I Lucy 4 th, P. 1516. H. C. Sarabond, P. 797, H.C. He was sold to go to France when 12 monthsold. A great loss to the Is- land, as he undoubt- edly was a great sire. Rosette 4th. P. 2128.C. We were informed on the Island by J. A. Ma.-ett that Rosette 4th. as a dairy cow in her day, had few equals on the Island, and like her daugh- ters was a very rich and persistent milker. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st prize over Island, Aug., '90; also win- ner of £15 prize. Sixty-five of his get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Sire of Golden Beatrice, 157326. 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. Golden Lad's Lady Rose. 162097, 21 lbs. 10i ozs. Sandgate. 122509, 20 lbs. 10* ozs. Zulu Lady. 20 lbs. 10 ozs. Golden Naiad, IS lbs. 14 ozs. White House 2d, P. 1232. H. C. 1st pr., St. Ouen. '85. Bred January 31, 1916, to Golden Fern's Mon Plaisir, 122755, son of the sensational cow, Grace Darling of St. Mary's, 306o62, in Register of Merit, Class A, 653 lbs :'> ozs. butter in one year, and dam of a G30-lb. Register of Merit cow. She was sold m our '14 auction for $700. She is the highest testing daughter'of Fancy's Pioneer. The sire of Golden Fern's Mon Plaisir is Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570, H. C, winner of numerous first prizes at "the Royal Shows, a son of Noble of Oaklands, 95700, sold in our 1911 auction for $15,000, and Lady Aldan, P. S470, H. C, one of the greatest daughters of Golden Fern's Lad. v See No. 5 for extended pedigree of Golden Fern's Mon Plaisir, 122755.) Tattoo 155 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 60. Heifer. GOLDEN NOBLE'S MAISIE, 326752, A. J. C. C. Bred by Estate of J. B. Haggin, Lexington, Ky. Born August 5, 1914. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A very substantial, rich fawn-colored heifer, hand- some head, with prominent eyes wide apart, dished face; strong, straight back; good hips; tine in bone, and skin like a glove; beautiful development of udder and perfect placing of teats. A double grand- daughter of Noble of Oaklands, with the blood that produced Willoh's Rosy and Nursie, two great public butter-test cows. Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. (95700, A. J. C. C.) Sire of 37 tested cows, 30 of them in Regis- ter of Merit. Noble of Oaklands and his sons won all 1st prizes at the bull show, Island of Jer., Apr., '10; at the bull show, Apr., "11, sons of Noble of Oaklands won 2 out of 4 first prizes. Sire GOLDEN NOBLE BOY, 108711 An exceedingly hand- some son of Noble of Oaklands. His half brother, Bright Prince, was pur- chased by B. H. Bull & Son of Can- ada to head their celebrated herd. Bright Prince was im- ported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our '12 auction. He now has 7 butter test daughters, in- eluding Bright Prince's Jolty Girl, 573 lbs. 13 ozs. but- ter in 1 year as a three-year-old, win- ner of 6 first prizes and 5 Senior and Grand Champion- ships. Brighton, P. 4043, H. C, out of same dam, has 2 tested daugh- ters and 2 tested granddaughters ; h e sired Edissa Prim- rose, 2d prize aged cow, 15 entries, Pa- cific Live Stock Ex- position, '15. Dam | NOBLE'S 1 PRETTY MAISIE, 269803, A. J. C. C. One of the finest he fers in our ' 1 2 auction. She was sold for $900, as a two-year- old, to Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. Udder development splendid, and teats unusually long for a heifer. Brightness, P. 11606, H. C, now named Viola's Bright Lady, 255485, A. J. C. C. Certificate of Merit in public butter test, May, '08, 2 lbs. 6i ozs., 43 days in milk. Dam of the bull, Bright Prince, P. 4129, H. C, winner of Reserve over Jer., Class 9, Aug., '10; Reserve over Jersey with progeny, Apr., '10. Also dam of Brighton, P. 4043, H. C, win- ner of Reserve at Royal Show, Aug., '09. f Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. (95700, A. J. C. C.) 1st St. Saviour Parish prize, '07. 3d over Jersey with progeny, Apr., '08. 1st over Jersey with progeny, Apr., '10. Sold at our ' 1 1 auc- tion for $15,000. 1st prizes for "get of sire" were won by his sons and daugh- ters in '10 at Nat. Dairy Show, Water- loo (Iowa) Dairy Show, Illinois and Tennessee State Fairs. Special prize ($250 Sil- ver Trophy) at Nat. Dairy Show, '11, for "get of sire, 4 to 8 animals, either sex, irrespective of age or ownership," was won by 3 of his sons and 5 daughters. More than 200 first prs. and Championships stand to the credit of Noble of Oaklands and his get, so far as the records have been tabulated. Mais:e, P. 12377, H. C. Par. pr., Roy. Show, Aug., '06; May, '07, '09 and '11. 2d prize for aged cows and Reserve for Cham., St. Brelade Club, '11. Golden Champion, P. 3334, H. C. 3d over the Island, Aug., '04. 2d over the Island, Aug., '03. 2d State's prize over the Island, Apr., '03. Sire of a long list of butter tested and prize-winning daughters. He traces four times to the famous Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C, and has over 40 per cent, his blood. His sire is one of the best sons of Finan- cial King and out of a magnificent daughter of Golden Lad that we im- ported in '00. Willoh's Rosy, P. 10444, H. C, now named Willoh's Lady Viola, 219486, A. J. C. C. Parish prize, Class 1, Royal Show, Aug., '04. Certificate of Merit and IstGoddington purse, public butter test, May, '06, 3 lbs. butter in 24 hours, 4 years old. Sold for $3,000. Dam of 5 tested cows. f Speckled Lad, P. 3396, H. C. Winner of Par. prize, Roy. Show, Apr. ,'03. Sire of Strawsonizer.P. 11661, C, Par. pr., May, '03 His sire, Napoleon Bonaparte, is sire of the following: Speckled Hip 5th, pub- lic butter test, May, '08, 2 lbs. 3 ozs., 34 days in milk. Dam of Statuette, 2d pr. and Bronze Medal, public butter test, Oct., '09, 1 lb. 13 ozs., 173 days in milk; and other prs. Rozel's Pet 7th, pub- lic butter test, Oct., '08, 1 lb. 9£ ozs., 229 days in milk. Hanissa 6th, public butter test, May,'05, 1 lb. 3J ozs., 204 days in milk. Homestill's Fancy, 3d prize, public butter test, Oct., '05, 2 lbs. 4i ozs., 92 days in milk; and other prs. Honeymoon 4th (now Napoleon's Honey- moon), 8,578 lbs. 3 ozs. milk, 574 lbs. 8 ozs. butter, in 1 yr. ; and other prs. Red Rose of St. Sa- viour, 197620, 575 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 1 year. Eminence of the Is- land, 15 lbs. 10 ozs. butter in 7 days. Napoleon's Fontaine, 24 lbs. butter in 7 days. And 2 others. Calais 7th, P. 10684, C. Bred January 21, 1916, to Jolly Sultan of Linden, 120838, a magnificent son of our peerless Grand Champion, Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86180, strong in the blood of Lady Viola and Golden Sultana, through two lines. His dam, Sultana's Golden Viola, 240363, is by Sultana's Oxford Lad, 76506, out of Golden Jolly's Lady Viola, 203669, one of the greatest daughters of Golden Jolly, being full sister to Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314. (See front pages for pedigree of Jolly Sultan of Linden, 120838.) Sir Watkin, P. 2991, H. C. Son of the famous cow, Golden Lad's Cream- pot, 162061. She is also dam of the bull, Flying Fox's Foxhall, selected by a committee of the A. J. C. C. for then St. Louis World's Fair to breed to the great cows in the dairy test, '04. Iris, P. 7878, H. C By the same sire as the great cow, Golden Beatrice 2d, of the "Linden Grove" herd. Financial King, P. 2624, H. C. Imported by P. J. Cogswell, Esq., to cross on the daugh- ters of Exile. A famous sire. Irene, P. 7835, H. C, now named Golden Lad's Cream- pot, 162061. Dr. Jim, P. 2318, C. Duchess of Kent, P. 6277, H. C. Prize winner over the Island, '99. Caumais Lad, P. 2257, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, '96. Finance, P. 4611, C Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Creampot 2d, P. 2721, H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C . Lily Brown, P. 420, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C Welsh Girl, P. 2552, H. C. Willoh, P. 2855, H. C. He traces three times to Golden Lad, and has 28 ^ per cent, of his blood. Sire of Willoh's Rosy, public butter test, 3 lbs., 38 days in milk, at 4 years old. Dam of 5 butter test cows, and a 5th daughter won 1st over the Island. Miss Viola, public butter test, 3 lbs., 39 days in milk, 4 years old. {Miss Viola and Willoh's Rosy are the two highest testing daughters of Lady Viola.) Syren's Pride, public butter test, 1 lb. 7$ ozs., 215 days in milk. Gipsy Maid 2d, 1st over Jersey, Aug., '02; and many other prizes. Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. Sold at our May, '11, auction for $7,000. Napoleon Bonaparte, P. 2745, H. C. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr., '99. 1st over Jer., Aug., '00. 2d State's prize over Jersey with his get and Goddington purse, '01. Sire of 10 butter-test cows. Son of Golden Fern's Lad. Speckled Band, P. 6052, H. C. Certificate of Merit in butter test. May, '97, 2 lbs. 3£ ozs., 140 days in milk. Certificate of Merit in butter test, May, '98, 1 lb. 14$ ozs., 165 days in milk. Dam of the wonderful cow "Nursie," that made the phenom- enal record of 2 lbs. 7-J ozs. of butter in 24 hours, and won the Silver Medal in the public butter test on the Island, after being in milk 300 days and within 90 days of calving. Manxman, P. 2910, H. C. 2d State's prize over Jersey, '01. His half-sister, Bouil- lon Fan 6th, is dam of the bull, Fighter, P. 4026, H. C, 3d over Jer., Aug., '07; Reserve over Jersey, Aug., '08; 1st prize over Jer., bulls from tested dams, Aug., '09. Sire of Flor- ence Bell 3d, public butter test, May,' 1 1 , 1 lb. 3 ozs., more than a year after calving (371 days). Sire of Beta's Glory, St. Brelade Parish prize, Aug., '10. Calais 5th, P. 8820, II. C. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of the celebrated bull, Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C ; Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all prize winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours, from which 2 lbs. 10 ozs. of butter was made. I Creamer's Villaise 2d, P. 2607, C. Pierrot, P. 2566, H. C. Sire of Bouillon Fan 6th, P. 9047, H. C. winner of 4th over Jersey, May, '03; Par. prize, Aug., '04 ; Certificate of Merit, public butter test, Oct., '03, 1 lb., 6$ ozs., 193 days in milk. Dam of Pla- cida, P. 11008, H.C., public butter test, May, '07, 1 lb. 12^ ozs., 69 days in milk; 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '04. Primrose 6th, P. 3808, C 4th over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '91. 3d North Club, '90, '91. 2d North Club, '97. Reserve, North Club, '98. Orlando, P. 2535, H. C. Won 1st pr., Grouville, '98. Sire of Golden Chance, winner of 1st over Jersey, May, '00; Certificate of Merit, '03, 1 lb. 62 ozs., 186 days in milk. Fairy Glen, P. 9178, H. C dam of the famous Register of Merit sires, Raleigh's Fairy Boy and Fairy Glen's Raleigh. , Calais 3d, P. 7211, C. A grand dairy cow. Her dam is a grand- daughter of Fon- taine. F. 2058, Cm the first of the Fon- taine family; 1st ov. Jer., '88. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. And 31 others. Tootsie, P. 3214, H. C. Parish prize, '90. Granddaughter of Fontaine, F. 2058. C., 1st over Jersey, '88; 24 qts. milk, 2 lbs. 12 ozs. butter, in 24 hours. Aster's Pride, P. 676, H. C. Creamer's Villaise, F. 6349, C. Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C. Sire of Uncle Peter's Rosette, sold in our •01 sale for $1,000; whose heifer calf, by Flying Fox, sold in same sale for $1 ,250. Brown Bess 2d, P. 5428, H. C 1st pr. over the Island, May, '97. Willard 2d, P. 1078, H. C. Primrose 4th, P. 1671, H. C. 3d North Club, '85. 4th over all Jer., '86. 4th H. B., '86. Golden Lad 2d, P. 2023, H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Mer- maid, sold at our auction. May, '02, for $1,100. Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold at our auction, May, '03, for $1,725. Golden Lad's Daisy, butter test, 19 lbs. 12 ozs. in 7 days. White, P. 4915, H. C. 1 lb. 13| ozs. of butter five months after calving. Rollo, P. 2100, C. He is out of the same dam as Golden Lad 2d, P. 2023, H. C. (as above). Calais, P. 5058, C T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 61. Cow. SULTANA'S VERNONIA, 262194, A. J. C. C. Winner of First Prize in a Strong Ring of Heifer Calves, at the National Dairy Show, 1911, and Was the Best Heifer in the Calf Herd that Won First Prize (all Sired by Sultana's Golden Jolly). lirod by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa. Born January 15, 1911. White in forehead; line on withers; brisket, stifles, belly, flanks, legs, tongue, tail and switch white. A young cow of unusual distinction, in pedigree and individuality. Many said she would have topped our 1914 auction if offered, but she could not be sold owing to an accident which made her lame, though a number expressed themselves as wishing to bid on her. She has a sweet head, with dished face; horns small and amber colored; dark, prominent, sparkling eyes; straight, strong back and beautiful setting of tail. She is out of the same dam, and carries 75 per cent, the same blood, as Viola's Brown Prince, 90067, whose get were much admired in our previous auction. Has a body of great length and depth, on short, clean limbs; udder of astonishing size when fresh, extending away forward and out behind; long teats, beautifully placed. Viola's Golden Jolly' 79314, A. J. C. C Sold in our May, '09' auction for $12,000, Sold in Kinloch Farm auction, '11, for S13.000. Sire of 9 cows in Regis- ter of Merit with good year's records as young cow s. Sire of a long list of pr. winners, too numer- ous for mention here. Sire SULTANA'S GOLDEN JOLLY, 86180, A. J. C. C. The premier sire of the "Linden Grove" herd. He was bred here, and has never been off the place , except when ex- hibited at the Nat. Dairy Show, Chi- cago, '11, where he won Grand Cham- pionship, A. J. C. C. Gold Medal, and other honors never achieved by any other bull of any breed. His progeny have been in such demand that it was with great difficulty we were able to retain any of them. Most have been sold young, to some of the best American breeders. But one of his daugh ters, to our knowl edge, has been tried for Register of Merit test. She produced, as a two-year-old, 377 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in 1 year. He has sired the win ners of many 1st and Gr. Champion prs. Dam VERNONIA 3d, P. 12593, H.C., now named LADY VERNONIA'S DAUGHTER, 213949, A. J. C. C. A splendid daughter of the famous cow, Vernonia, F. 8706, H. C. Full sister to Vernonio, P. 3518, H. C, sire of Miss Bagatelle, P. 13311. H. a. Certifi- cate of Merit and 3d Goddington pr. , May, '10, 2 lbs. 8J ozs., 97 days in milk ; Certificate of Merit, Oct., '08, 1 lb. 13} ozs., 120 days in milk; and Pretty Rosy, P. 12758. C.. Certificate of Merit, Oct., '09. 1 lb. 14 ozs. Dam of the prepotent young bull, Viola's Brown Prince, 90067 , that we sold in '13 to Mr. William S. Bransford, Nash- ville, Tenn. Golden Jolly, P. 2921, H. C. 1st prize and Champion, North Show, '00. A famous sire of butter cows and winners. Sire of Golden Warrior, 1st over England, Royal Show, '03; 1st over England and Champion, D. S., '03. Jolly Lady of Beechwood, winner of 1st prize, Illinois State Fair, '08; 1st, Champion and Grand Champion at the National Show, Chicago, '08. Golden Jolly also sired the four cows that won 1st prize for bull and pro- duce, National Dairy Show, Chicago and Illinois State Fair, '08; and many other winners. Golden Jolly has 24 butter tested daughters. He is a son of Golden Fern's Lad (see below) and the great cow, Brookhill Rose 2d, P. 3440, C. Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. Sold in our '11 auction for $7,000. 1st over Jersey, '04. Public butter test. May, '04, 2 lbs. 12 ozs. 1st prize, Sweepstakes and Champion, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '05. 1st prize over Jersey and Theatre Cup, May, '05. 1st over England wherever exhibited, '06 and '07. Champion over all England, '07. 1st prize for butter test cows, Aug., '07. Dam of Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C, winner of 1st over Jersey for bull and progeny, April, '10. He was sold in our '11 auction for $15,000. Lady Viola has 4 public butter test daughters: Miss Viola, P. 9644, H. C. Certificate of Merit, butter test, May. '05. 2 lbs. 15 ozs., 39 days in milk. She is dam of the "Linden Grove" service bull, Viola's Golden Fern. 77393. Willoh's Rosy, P. 10444, H. C, Certificate of Merit, May, '06, 3 lbs., 38 days in milk. She is dam of 4 public butter test cows. Golden Jolly's Lady Viola, 203699. public butter test, 1 lb. 15 ozs., 159 days in milk, when only 30 months old. We bought her at auction for $2,550. Golden Sultana, 146282, A. J. C. C- Winner of 3d prize in class for aged cows at the Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition. St. Louis, '04, in the greatest ring ever exhibited in this country, where she sold for $2,350. We afterward bought her for the "Linden Grove" home herd. Golden Sultana is an intensely bred "Sultane." She is sired by Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C, out of Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. C, winner of many first prizes over the Island, and dam of Uncle Peter, P. 21 15, H. C. Her grandam, Sultane, P. 7, H. C, is the first of the greatest family of Jerseys ever bred and owned by that famous breeder, Mr. J. P. Marett. Thus Golden Sultana is a granddaughter of old Sultane and her nearest living descendant. She has inherited the famous dairy type, especially in the udder and teats, for which her grandam was famous, and has in- herited all her abundant dairy qualities, having milked as high as 48 lbs. daily. She is dam of Sultana's Oxford Lad, that sold in our '10 auction sale for $1 1 ,100, and she selling in same sale, when 12 years old, for $3,700. She is a full sister to Sultane's Snowdrop, dam of Sultan of Oaklands. She is dam of Gedney Farm Blue Fox's Sultan, 72755, sire of two 2-year-olds in Register of Merit with year's butter records. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (See below.) Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. C. Dam of Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C, sire of a re- m a r k a b 1 e lot of dairy cows that have always sold at long prices. Sultane's Snowdrop, P. 8578, H. C, a fa- mous show cow. She is dam of Sultan of Oaklands, P.3746, H. C, 1st over Jer., Apr., '96, and was sold to Mr. P. Rob- erts. Narberth, Pa., for a record price. Centurion, P. 3198, H. C. 2d over Jer., Apr., '02. 1st State's prize over Jersey, '02. 3d over Jer., Aug., '02. Sire of Golden D a i s y of St Peter, P. 10967, H. C.i public butter test, Oct.. '07, 1 lb. 83 ozs., 128 days in milk; 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '05 and '07. Conrad 2d, P. 3862, H. C, Par. pr., Apr., '06. Vernonio, P. 3518, H. C. Vernonia, F. 8706, H. C. now named Lady Vernonia, 195785, A. J. C C Winner 1st prize over the Island, May, '02. Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '02. And many other prs. Butter test, 15 lbs. 15 ozs. in 7 days, when 12 years of age. Sold in our May, '06, sale to Mr. J. M. Overton for $2,500. Her daughter, Golden J o 1 ly's Vernonia, sold in our May, '06, auction for $1,500, to Mr. H. A. Kirby, Providence, R. I. She has won 13 1st and Champion prs. on the Island of Jer. Carlo's King, P. 2876, H. C. Half-brother to Carlo's Gipsy 3d, P. 7399, H. C.dam of Pilot's Sultan's Gipsy, P. 10252, C., public butter test, Oct., '09, 1 lb. 13 ozs., 208 days in milk; Carlo's Gipsy Maid, P. 974S, H. C., public butter test, Oct., '05, 1 lb. 5 ozs., 204 days in milk; 1st over Jer. and Parish prize, May, '03. Ninety, P. 8372, H. C. now named Eininent's Grey Ninety, 203633, A. J. C. C. Claudius, P. 1536, C A sire of great dairy cows, among them being the dam of Gold Medal Prin- cess. 187433, A. J. C. C, winner of Eng. Jer. Cattle Society Gold Medal, May, '04, in public butter test, testing 3 lbs. 2} ozs. in 24 hours, 135 days in milk, and sold in our May, '05, sale for $1,200 to Gedney Farm. Belle Dame's Abbey, F. 5714, H. C. One of t h e best cows on the Island. Sultana's Golden Lad, P. 2609, H. C. Sire of Sultan's Black Beauty, sold in our May, '06, sale for $3,000. Carlo's Gipsy, P. 3519, H. C. Dam of Kilbuni, p. 3259, H. C., 2d pr. over Jer., Aug., '04. Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. Sold at our '05 auc- tion sale for $10,000. Winner 1st State's pr. over the Island of £50 with 5 of his progeny in '01, '02. Eighty, P. 5564, C. Hillside Lad, P. 1163, C. 2d over Jersey and Par. pr., '89. Sire of Distinctii m*s Pride, P. 1486, B.C., 1st ov. Jer. and Par. pr., Apr., '91 ; 3d p.. May. '91 ; 2d ov. Jer., May, '92; and other prizes. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Sultana, P. 6072, H. C 1st and Sweepstakes at the North Show, '96. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '96. Golden Fern's Lad. P. 2160, H. C. Eminence, F. 7124, II. C Sweepstakes, N. Show, '92. Dam of L i 1 1 1 e Emi- nence, 122506, 21 lbs. 6 ozs. Castor, P. 870, H. C. Dolly of the Valley, P. 1246, H. C. Miss Julia 3d, P. 2978, H. C. Castor. P. 870. H. C. 2d pr. and 3d State's prize, June, '87. 1st ov. Jer., Apr., '83. Belle Dame 5th, F. 3424, C. Nobleman, P. 2555. H. C. 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr., '98. 1 st over Jer. , Aug . . '98 . Reserve over Jersey and Par. prize. '00. 1st at Three- Parish Show, '99. Sire of Nobleman's Lady Mary, sold in our May. '02. sale to J A M i d de 1 ton. Shelbyville. Ky.; the unbeaten Champion of many shows. Bagatelle 2d. P. 6564. H. Cm now named C»olden Lad's Victoria. 157325. Sold in our May, '01 , sale for $745. She is full sister to Gold en La d's F a w n Duchess, that tested 23 lbs. 6 ozs. r Cicero, P. 266. H. C. (7657, A. J. C. C.i 1st pr. over Jer.. '82. Sold at our sale. ' >< t . '82, for $3,100. Sire of Lady Longiield. 23524, 20 lbs. 13 ozs. ; and 5 others. Also sire of Count Cice- ro, F. 398. H. Cm grandsire of Golden Lad. Sultane, P. 7. H. C. Dam of Sultane 2d, rate of 23 lbs. 8 ozs., for M. H Messchert. Sultane 4th, a magnifi cent cow in the former herd of Theo. A. Havemeyer, who sold her bull calf, when nine months old, for $1,775, at the Kellog sale, in May, '82. Courage, P. 813, C. Sire of Courageous Countess of Oak- lands, P. 8640, H.C.. 1st over Jer.. Aug.. '00; official test, 2 lbs. in 24 hrs. Water Lily, P. 4838, H. C. f Boyle, P. 1559. H. C- \ Sire of Fontaine 7th. 8th and 9th, a 1 1 prize winners over the Island. C. IG olden Fern, P. 4711. H 2d over Tersey B. and Par C. 2d H. pr.. '94. Volunteer, P. 694, H.C. 2d over Jer. and 2d H. B., Apr., '86. 2d over Jer., Aug., '86. 1st State's p. June, '87. La Grande Julia, F. 3040, H. C. Wolseley. P. 401, H C. 1st ov. Jer., '83, '84, '85. St. John's Twist, F. 6798, H. C. 2d St. Peter as cow. Wolseley. P. 401, II C. 1st ov. J.. '83, '84, '85. St. John's Twist. P. 6798, H. C. f Jim, P. 346. H. C. { Dolly, P. 252, C. Wolseley, r 401, H. C. 1st ov. Jer., '83, '84, '85. Miss Julia, P. 1157, H. C. Bute, P. 323. C. Earring. F. 2341. C. Mahomet, P. 259, C. Half-brother to Beulah De Gruchy. 13.4S0, 22 lbs. 2 ozs. Mussy, F. 1152. C. Due to calve June 3, 1916, by Viola's Golden Fern, 77393, one of the best bulls that Golden Fern's Lad ever sired, and has long been in the "Linden Grove" herd as a breeder. His dam, Miss Viola, 195790, made the remarkable public butter test of 2 lbs. IS ozs. in 24 hours, as a four-year-old. She is full sister to Willoh's Rosy, being out of Lady Viola, the dam of Noble of Oaklands, Viola's Golden Jolly, etc. (sec above). LADY VERNONIA, 195785, A. J. C. C. (Highly Commended Cow, Vernonia, F. 8706, H. C.) Winner First Prize over the Island, May, 1902. Champion Winner over the Island, August, 1902. First Prize, Sweepstakes and Champion Winner, Three Western Parishes, 1902, 1903 and 1904. Winner St. Peter Challenge Prize, 1902 and 1904. First Prize, Island Show, May, 1904. Winner Theatre Challenge Cup and Championship, May, 1904. First Prize, Champion Sweepstakes and Special One of a Herd of Four, St. Peter Show, 1905, First Prize over the Island, August, 1905, as well as a number of other Prizes. Lady Vernonia sold in our 1906 auction for $2,500, to Mr. J. M. Overton, Nashville, Tenn., for whom she made a butter test of 15 lbs. 15 ozs., in her twelfth year. She is half-sister to Gold Medal Princess, 187433, A. J. C. C, winner of English Jersey Cattle Society Gold Medal, May, 1904, in public butter test, testing 3 lbs. 2| ozs. in 24 hours, 135 days in milk. Gold Medal Princess sold in our 1905 auction for $1,600. She is dam of Pretty Sandgirl, F. 9693, C. (now named Cowslip's Golden Beauty, 252125, and sold in our 1911 auction for $1,250) ; entered in Register of Merit, 437 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in one year, and dam of Cowslip's Fawn Beauty, 252254, in Register of Merit, 484 lbs. 14 ozs. butter in one year as a two-year-old. (Cowslip's Fawn Beauty was sold in our 1911 auction for $290, as a yearling.) Lady Vernonia is dam of the bull, Vernonio, P. 3518, H. C, sire of two public butter test daughters, including Miss Bagatelle, P. 13311, H. C, Certificate of Merit and 3d Goddington Prize, May, 1910, 2 lbs. Sf ozs., 97 days in milk; also Certificate of Merit, October, 1908, 1 lb. 13 J ozs., 120 days in milk. Vernonio is full brother to Lady Vernonia's Daughter, 213949, dam of the prepotent young bull, Viola's Brown Prince, 90067 (see opposite page). Lady Vernonia's Daughter is also dam of the excellent young cow, Sultana's Vernonia, 262194, who won, as a heifer calf, First Prize at the National Dairy Show in 1911, in a strong class. (See No. 61, on opposite page.) Tattoo 89 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 62. Heifer. SULTANA'S STOCKWELL BELLE, 310532, A. J. C. C. Bred by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa. Born February 20, 1914. Some white on brisket and belly; stifles, flanks, hind legs, tongue and switch white. A very "showy" orange fawn with little white; lovely head, prominent eyes wide apart, and dished between; beautifully incurved horns; straight, strong back, wide loins and prominent hips; great udder promise, with good sized and well placed teats. Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314. A. J. C. C. Imported by us and sold in our '10 auc- tion for $12,000 to Kinloch Farm, who sold him two years later for $13,000. Nine of his young daughters are now in Register of Merit on yearly authenti- cated test. She of numerous win- ners of 1st a n d Champion prizes. (See front pages for more extended pedi- gree and particu- lars.) Sire SULTANA'S GOLDEN JOLLY, 86180, A. J. C. C. He has 75 per cent, same blood as Fern's Viola, 23720 s , who made 672 lbs. butter in 10 mos. of her year's test, and whose son, Viola's Raleigh, 121171, was 1st prize junior yearling bull and Junior Champion at Mississippi- Alabama Fair, '15. His only daughter tried for Register of Merit test made 377 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 2 yrs. 5 mos. old. H is son, Golden Fern's Jolly, was Grand Champion at Mis- sissippi-A 1 a b a m a Fair, '13, '14 and '15. His son. The Owl's Golden Jolly, was 2d prize senior bull calf and headed the 1st prize calf herd at National Dairy Show, '11 ; he was sold in our '12 auc- tion for $675, at 16 mos. old. His son, Sarah's Sul- tan, was 1st prize yearling bull and headed 1st prize young herd at Ten- nessee State Fair, '14; sold in our '14 auction for $610. Sire of many other winners. Dam STOCKWELL'S PRETTY BELLE, 224604, A. J. C. C. Her dam also pro- duced the bull. Hon- est Lad, P. 3755, H. Ci sire of numerous winners and butter test cows. His daughter. Honest Jane, 306563, was one of the great cows in our '14 auction, selling for $600 to Mr. E. H. Hatch, Colinwood Farm, Maplewood, N. J. Golden Sultana, 146282, A. J. C. C. 3d pr. at the great St. Louis Show (24 entries', Sept., '04, and sold in the ring for $2,350. to Mr. Howard W i 1 1 e t s, owner of Gedney Farm , from w horn we purchased her for the "Linden Grove" herd. Sold in our '10 auction for $3,700; and at same time her son. Sultana's Oxford Lad,' sold for $11,100. Golden Sultana is a granddaughter of old Sultane and her nearest living de- scendant. She has inherited the famous dairy type, espe- cially in the udder and teats, for which her grandam was fa- mous. StockweM, P. 3550, H. C. Sold at our '07 auction sale for $11,500 to Hon. A.B.Lewi s, Fredericksburg, Va. Stockwell has been successful in siring a remarkable lot of animals which have shown themselves to be dairy cow g of great value. Sire of Stock-well's D a i s v, 234182. 561 lbs. 15 ozs. butter. 1 year, 5 year^ old. Stockwell's Golden Le- da. 210074, in Regis- ter of Merit, 4H lbs. 13 ozs. butter in one year. Karnak. 227372. 404 lbs. 0.9 oz. butter, 1 year. 2 years i 1.1 Jolly Sweet Thing 2d. Cham., Iowa State Fair, '08; also 1st in class, Iowa. Tenn. and Illinois State- Fairs, '08; butter test, 16 lbs. 9 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Jolly, P. 2921, H. C. 1st and Champion, North Show, '00. Sire of Poppy Viola, winner of the Bronze Medal in the public butter test, testing 1 lb. 15 ozs., 159 days in milk Sire of 23 other tested cows and 10 pro- ducing bulls, j Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. 1st over Jer., May, '04. Tested in public but- ter test. 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 50 days in milk. 1st prize over the Is- land and Theatre Cup (Champion- ship), '05. 1st pr. over England, '06. '07, '08. Sold in our '11 auction for $7,000. Dam of 3 tested cows. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. (See below.) Sultane 9th, T. 1145. H. C. Dam of L'ncle Peter, sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows that have always sold at long prices. Oxford Lad, P. 3123, H. C- 1st State's prize over the Island, Apr., '03. Champion, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '05. Sold at auction for $3,300. Sire of the great bulls. Majesty, Lucy's Champion and Sul- tana's Oxford Lad, the latter selling at our '10 sale for $11,100. Sire of 25 tested cows, including Oxford Cocotte, 235180, 724 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in one year; she was sold in our '1 1 auc- tion for $1,700 to Bowmont Farms. Oxford Lad has 18 sons with tested daugh- ters. He spent his last days at "Linden Grove." Golden Leda, P. 8000, H. C. 1st pr. over Jer., '01. 1st prize and Cham- pionship, N. C. S., '00 and '01; milked over 40 lbs. per day with first calf. Dam of Leda's Golden Lad. P. 3063. H. C. Forfarshire's G olden Leda, 187458, 1st prize and Sweep - stakes at St. Sa- viour and Grouville Show, May, '04. Topsman, Reserve over Jersey, April and Aug.. '02. River Belle, F. S273, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '02. 1st over Jersey, '04. Public butter test, 1 lb. 11 ozs., 165 days in milk. D;im of Beechland's Favourite, 3d over Jer., 1903. Lady of Beechland, 1st over Jer., 1903. Beechland's Champion, P. 3599, H. C, a favorite sire on the Island. Golden Fern's I ad, P. 2160, II. C. Sire of Flying Pox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. Kminent 2d, sold in our '05 sale for $10,- 000. The Sensational Fern, sold in our '07 sale f o r $10,200. In same sale his grand- s o n, "Stockwell," sold for $11,500. Sire of 31 tested cows. (See below.) Brookhill Rose 2d, P. 3440, C. 1st prize and Cham pion winner over the Island. May. '98. Dam of Golden Fern's Red Rose, 23 lbs. 10 ozs. butter in 7 days. Brookhill Fox, Cham. over Eng., and sold for $5,000. The bulls, Reminder and Isonomy. Grandam of Sultan's Black Beauty, sold for $3,000 in our '07 sale. f Cicero, P. 266, H. C. ■ 1st pr. over Jer., '82. I Sultane. P. 7. H. C. 1st pr., St. Saviour,'70. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C) Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. I >ne of the most cele- brated cows the Is- land ever produced. Dam of three famous bulls; namely, Cai- est, Houpla and Ox- ford Lad. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. (Imp. Golden Fern's Lad, 65300, A. J. C. C.) Winner of 1st pr. and Championship, North Club Show, '96 and '97. Purchased by us for use at "Linden Grove," when 9 yrs. old, for $2,250. Sire of a long list of pr. winners and tested cows (see front page A), and his get have commanded among the highest prices ever realized for Jerseys at auction. Sire of 31 tested cows, and 27 bulls with tested daughters. Leda, P. 6636, H. C. One of the best cows the Island has ever produced. Dam of Leda's Prince, 1st prize. Tunbridge Wells. England, 01. Daughter of Kminence, F. 7124. H. C. the dam of Eminent 2d. Tnielit. P. 1425, II. C. Sire of Brand, 1 st over Jersey. '99; sold in our '01 sale. Diplomate, P. 5253, H. C. one of the Is- land's great cows. Boyle, P. 1559, II. C. SireTof F'ontainc 7th, 8th and 9th, all pr. winners over the Island. Fontaine 9th milked over 9.000 lbs. milk in a year. Golden Fern. P> 4711. II. C. 2d over Jer., 2d H. B. and Par. prize, '94. (See below.) Count Wolseley. P. 928, H. C 2d over Jer.. Apr., '87. 1st over Jer., Apr., '88. 2d over Jer., Apr., '89. 1st over Jer., Aug., '89. Brookhill Rose. P. 1889, C. Out of same dam as Trial, P. 1184, H. C. Happy, P. 211, C. Sire of Happy Blossom, 18218, 19 lbs. 5 ozs. St. Jeannaise. 15789, 17 lbs. S\ ozs. Fleur de l'Air. F. 1736, C. f Count Wolseley. P. 928, H. C 2d over Jer., Apr.. '87. 1st over Jer., Apr., '88. 2d over Jer., Apr., '89. 1st over Jer., Aug., '89. Oxford Primrose, P. 2252, C. One of the best cows in her day on the Is- land. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of Fontaine 9th, public butter test, 2 lbs. 10 ozs. in 24 hours. Speckled Band, 2 lbs. 3£ ozs. Vitula, 2 lbs. 3* ozs. Crocus, 1 lb. 5J ozs. Tula. P. 5323, H. C..- 1st over Jersey and Par. prize, '94; dam of Rill, P. 6982, H. C. (65 lbs. milk in one day), the dam of Eminent 's Ra- leigh, 69011. Fontaine's K i n u. 1'. 2207, H. C. sir. ol Caiest. P. 2591. H. C, who sired the dam of Gamboge's Knight. P. 3645, H. C; also sire of Mabel's Poet. P. 2964, H. C. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d pr. over the Island and Par. prize, '94. One of the grandest dairy cows ever known on the Island. Her dam is half-sister to E m i n e n c e. F. 7124, II. C. dam of Little Eminence, 122506. 21 lbs. 6 ozs. ; Eminence of the Island, 15 lbs. 10 ozs. ; Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. Punch, P. 1000, H. C. • 1st over Jer. and 1st H. B. prize, '88. 1st over Jersey, '89. 2d Essex Show, Eng. 1st and Cham., ", Nor- folk, Eng. Siddine 2d, P. 1838, H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. (See below.) i ootsie, P. 3214. IL C. Parish prize, '90. Golden Lad. P. 1242. II. C. 1st prize ovjei (See belov Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944, H. C. 2d at St. Martin Show. '94, '95. Wolseley. P. 401. H. C. 1st ov. Jer.. '83. '84. '85. Sultane. P. 7. H. C. 2d pr. over Jer.. '70. 1st St. Saviour, '70. Count Cicero, l : 398, II. C. 2d pr. over Jer.. '83. Sire of 2 tested cows. L Bermione, P. 634, C. [ Vertumnus. P. 161. H. C. 1st pr.. Trinity, '77. Sire of 4 tested cows in America. I Garenne. F. 1575, H.C- A 20-quart cow. Dam of Young Ga- renne. 13641. 19 lbs. 8 ozs. Wolseley, P. 401. H.C. lstov. Jer., '83, '84. '85. Sultane. P. 7, H. C. 1st St. Saviour. '70. Count Cicero, F. 398. H. C- 2d over Jer., "83. Oxford Daisy. F. 6816. H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C 1st prize over Island. Aug.. '90; also win ner of £15 pr. The most prepotent bull the Island has ever produced, transmit- ting the Sultane type (for udder and teats I to his entire prog- eny. Among his sons is Aris- tocrat. P. 2280. H. C-, 1st over Jersey, '98; 1st and Sweep stakes, ,} Par. Show . 97. ., i below, ' Tootsie, P 3214, II C. Parish prize, '90. Golden Lad. P. 1242. II. C 1st prize over Island, Aug.. '90; also win- ner of £15 prize. Sire of 32 tested cows. Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944. H. C Dam of Aurea.P.8693, H. C. (now Emi- nent's Fern of St. Martin. 252122). Certificate of Merit in public butter test, May, '07, 2 lbs. 5* ozs.. 65 days in milk. Prince of Waverley, P. 731. H. C His dam is Happy's Waverley. F. 5423. H. C, and his sire is by Happy, F. 309, II. C. Davisonnerie's Pet. F. 6038. H. C Oscar, F. 410. H. C. Siddine, F. 4153, C Due to calve September 19, 191G, by The Owl's Oxford You'll Do, 122759, a splendid son of the sensational Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C, and out of The Owl's Duchess of St. Saviour, 203629, one of the great daughters of The Owl, P. 2195, H. C. She has been in the "Linden Grove" herd many years, and has produced a number of prize winners, and has a daughter in the Register of Merit. (See No. 6 for extended pedigree of The Owl's Oxford You'll Do, 122759.) Tattoo 79 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 63. Heifer. SULTANA'S OXFORD MOONBEAM, 306716, A. J. C. C. Bred by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa. Born February 28, 1914. White line on right shoulder and on left hip; brisket, stifles, belly, flanks, legs, tongue, tail and switch white. A captivating and highly finished heifer, very attractive in her fawn-and-white coloring; a lovely head, long, slender muzzle; large, sparkling eyes; has a strong, level back, deep body, well ribbed; good udder development, with teats of good size, well placed. She is not only a daughter of the sensa- tional Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86180, but she has for dam a splendid daughter of Oxford Knight P. 3938, C, full brother to Oxford You'll Do P 4075. H. C. Sire SULTANA'S GOLDEN JOLLY, 86180, A. J.C. C. The premier sire of the "L i n d e n Grove" herd. He was bred here, and has never been oft" the place, except when ex- hibited at the Nat. Dairy Show, Chi- cago, '11, where he won Grand Cham- pionship, A. J. C. C. Gold Medal, and other honors never achieved by any other bull of any breed. .His progeny have been in such demand that it was with great difficulty we were able to retain any of them. Most have been sold young, to some of the best American breeders. But one of his daugh- ters, to our knowl- edge, has been tried for Register of Merit test. She produced , as a two-year-old, 377 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in 1 year. He has 75 per cent, same blood as the highest testing daughter of Viola's Golden Jolly, who under year's test had produced 672 lbs. butter in 10 months. He has sired the win- ners of many 1st and Or. Champion prs., including: Golden Fern's Jolly, 100629, Gr. Cham. bull at Mississippi- Alabama Fair in '13, '14 and '15. Sire of numerous win- ners. (Bred at "Lin- den Grove.") Sultana's Vernonia, 1st prize heifer calf and member of 1st prize calf herd. National Dairy Show, '11. (This herd was bred at and exhibited by "Linden Grove," and all sired by Sul- tana's Golden Jolly.) (See other pedigrees, and front page B, for his extended pedigree.) Dam OXFORD KNIGHT'S MOONBEAM, 289454, A. J. C. C. (MOONSHINE 2d, P. 14630, C.) Sold in our '14 auction for $525. to Mr. J. K. Branch, Pawling, N. Y. ' Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314, A. J. C. C. Imported by us and sold in our '10 auc- tion for $12,000 to Kinloch Farm, who sold him two years later for £13,000. Nine of his young daughters are now in Register of Merit. Sire of numerous Gr. Cham, winners and several produc ing bulls. Golden Sultana, 146282, A. J. C. C. 3d pr. at the great St. Louis Show (24 en- tries), Sept., '04, and sold in the ring for S2.350, to Mr. H. Willets, owner of Gedney Farm, from whom we purchased her for the "Linden Grove" herd. Sold in our '10 auction for $3,700; and at same time her son. Sultana's Oxford Lad,soldfor$ll,l00. Dam of 3 bulls with daughters in Regis- ter of Merit. Oxford Knight, P. 393S, C. Full brother to the celebrated bull, Ox- ford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C. Sire of 12 tested cows, including: Queen Fanessa, P. 15587, C, Certificate of Merit and 2d Par. prize, public butter test, May, '12, 2 lbs. 3 ozs. in 24 hours, and only three years old. (N o w named Oxford's Milkmaid, 288005, and sold in our '13 auction for $1,100 to Ayer & McKinney, Philadel- phia, Pa.) Moonshine, P. 8933, H. C. She traces to fami ies that made them- selves famous in the earlier days. Twice to Scipio, and twice to old Quality, the dam of Happy and Everton King. Her g r e a t-grandam, Ecornee, F. 846, H. C, was the dam of Mr. S. M. Burnham's great cow, Ona,7S40, who made 22 lbs. 10J ozs. of butter in 7 days in '84, and produced the great bulls, Catono, 3761 ; Gold Coast, 5521, and Ona's Koffee, 9745. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny), Apr., '08. Sold at our '1 1 auction for $6,700 to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,750 each. Eleven of his daugh- ters, in our '11 auc- tion, averaged $1,391.36. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, every animal in com- petition, sired by Gamboge's Knight, did honor to its sire, winning among other prizes: 1st prize for get of sire. 1st prize for produce of cow. 1st prize for four cows in milk. 1st and 2d prize year- ling bulls (out of dams by Gamboge's Knight). His son, Oxford You'll Do, won 1st prize for bull and progeny at the Apr., '11, bull show. Island of Jer. Fort y-o n e of his daughters are tested and others are now making records. Three of his tested daughters made over 700 lbs. butter in 1 year ; all were im- ported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auctions. Oxford Ever, P. 8370. H. C. Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass (by Agatha's Flying Fox, above), public butter test. May, '09, 2 lbs. l£ ozs.; and other prizes. Oxford Triumph, pub- lic butter test, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C, sire of 2 1 ; etc. Rigondaine, P. 2579, H. C. By same sire as Or- lando, P. 2535, H. C, sire of many fa- mous cows, includ- ing the noted Fairy Glen, P. 917S.H. C, dam of Raleigh s Fairy Boy, sire of 40 tested cows, sold in our '09 auction for $8,200. Sunshine 4th, P. 1566. H. C. Agatha's Flying Fox, I'. 3256. H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and G r o u v i 1 1 e Show, '02. 1st pr. over the Island in a class of 44, '02. Sire of Sultan of Oaklands, 1st prize, Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham. , St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '05. Combination, P. 3744, H. C. 1st prize over Jer., May, '06; 1st pr., St. Helier Show, Aug., "06. Fontaine's Oxford Pride, 187430, A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C.) 3d prize over Jersey, Aug., '01, '02. 3d pr. in public butter test, 2 lbs. 7j ozs., 48 days in milk. Sold for $2,500, in our '05 auction, to Mr. H. Willets, owner of Gedney Farm. She is by the same sire as Mabel's Poet, who has had a wonderful record. He has been awarded 22 first prizes and is the sire of over fifty 1st prize winners, in- cluding Poet's Pride, Champion cow for young cows and Grand Champion, B rockton Fair, Mass., '06; and Lady Aldan 2d, 2d over Jersey, '03. Bessie's Lad. P. 2479, H. C. By the same sire as Orlando, P. 2535, H. C, sire of Fairy Glen, P. 9178, H. C. dam of Raleigh 's Fairy Boy and Fairy Glen's Raleigh. I Oxford Lass, v P. 35S2, C. One of the most cele- brated cows the Island ever pro- duced. Golden Lad 2d, P. 2023, H. C (See above.) Mary Gold, P. 418S, H. Conquest, P. 354, C. Sunshine, P. 314. C. Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. (A highly commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432, H. C, J. H.B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. l£ ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. She sold in our '02 auction for $1,700, to Mrs. M. M. Pat- terson, Port Ken- nedy, Pa. Caiest, P. 2591, H. C. 1st prize. Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville Show, '93. Sire of Mabel's Poet, P. 2964, H. C, and other noted animals, among them being Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C, 2 lbs. 7 i ozs. Fifteen daughters of Caiest sold in our '05 and '06 auction sales, averaging $865 each. Gamboge's Pride, P. 450S, H. C. She has won the fol- lowing public butter tests: May, '96, 2 lbs. 7i ozs. Oct., '96, 2 lbs. 2i ozs., 217 days in milk. May, '97, 2 lbs. 5^ ozs. Oct., '97, 2 lbs. 4i ozs. Oct., '98, 2 lbs. 7i ozs., 118 days in milk. Dam of Gamboge's Pride 2d, Gamboge's Pride 3d and Gam- boge's Pride 4th, all public butter test cows. She is grandam of numerous others. Golden Lad 2d, P. 2023, H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Daisy, 136499, 19 lbs. 2 ozs. Golden Lad's Mer- maid, sold at our '02 auction sale for $1,100. Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold at our '03 auction sale for $1,725. And many other fa- mous animals. Brown Bess 2d, P. 5428, H. C. Everton Lord, P. 1088, H. C. Sire of Surprise of Ar- den, a great show and dairy cow in Mr. Higinbotham's herd. Star of Peace 2d, P. 2391. C. Happy. F. 309, C. Out of same dam as Everton King, P. 390, C, sire of many great cows. Lady of the Valley, P. 62, C. Scipio, P. 157, H. C. 2d over Jersey, '77. 2d Herd Book and Par. prize, '77. Ecornee, F. 846, H. C. Ravachol, P. 2032, C. Courageous Countess of Oaklands, P. 8640, H. C, now named Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours, Jersey weight. Fontaine's King, P. 2207, H. C. Sire of John Bull and other noted animals. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. She was never tested for butter, but milk- ed as high as 28 qts. daily. She is dam of Houpla, Caiest, Oxford Lad, Oxford Ixia, and other famous ani- mals. Rob Roy, P. 1184, H. C. 3d over Jer,. Aug., '89. Sire of Zanzibar, win- ner Certif. of Merit in butter test, May, '00, 1 lb. 14£ ozs. in 24 hours. Dam of Golden Fern's Tulip, 161059, that milked 11,852 lbs. milk and 597 lbs. estimated butter in one year; 19 lbs. 8£ ozs. butter in seven days. Gamboge 2d, P. 2294, H. C. Dam of Gamboge 4th, 2 lbs. l£ ozs., 24 hrs. Orme, P. 1660, H. C. Sire of Regina Sultaue 2d, winner of 1st prize, B. and W. S., N. A. S. S., and 1st at the Yorkshire S., Eng.. '95. (2 lbs. 9$ ozs. of butter in 24 hrs.) Turtledove 2d, 1st ov. Jer., '95; and many other prizes. i Golden Lass, F. 5711. H. C. 1st over the Island. Everton Prince. P. 761, H. C. Grandson of the cow. Quality, F. 1748, H. C. (below). Beauty of Faldouet, P. 1644, H. C. Dauntless, F. 403, C. Star of Peace, P. 1350, H. C. Scipio, P. 157, H. C. 2d over Jersey, '77. Quality, F. 1748. H. C. Winner of 1st p. and Champion Cup at the Royal Jersey S., '82; 16 lbs. 8 ozs. Jersey Boy, P. 92, H. C. Sire of Oaklands' Cora , 19 lbs. 9h ozs. Belle Grisette 3d. P. 90, H. C. Due to calve August S, 1916, , by the distinguished bull, Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C, winner of 1st prize with his progeny n a class of 7 entries, at the Royal Show, Jersey, April, '11. He sired the 1st prize 3-year-old cow over the Island, May, '14 (68 entries), also the 1st prize 4-year-old cow over the Island, May, '15 (76 entries), who won the Theatre Challenge Cup (Cham- pionship over the Island). He has 21 or more official test daughters, one of which, now on year's test, will produce close to, if not more than, 900 lbs. butter as a four-year-old. (See front pages for extended pedigree' and picture of Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C.) Tattoo 87 T, S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 64 Heifer. SULTANA'S JOLLY LASS, 310534, A. J. C. C. Bred by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa. Born February 28, 1914. Spot in forehead; some white on brisket and belly; legs, tongue and switch white. A rich orange fawn, developing great body capacity and dairy type; neat head; eyes large and bright, strong, level back; wide, prominent hips, and good rump; promises a beautiful udder, with large and beautifully placed teats. She is strong in the blood of Golden Fern's Lad, and close up to those famous cows, Ulue Belle, Lady Viola and Golden Sultana. Sire SULTANA'S GOLDEN JOLLY, 86180, A. J. C. C. Winner of Gold Medal (Amer. Jersey Cattle Club) at Nat. Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, for Grand Champion bull bred by exhi- bitor; and other honors. He has the precise markings of his fa- mous dam and his illustrious grandsire. Golden Fern's Lad; and his value as a breeder and show bull can only be es- timated by compari- son with the value that Golden Fern's Lad has been to the Jersey interests at large. A bull that is receiving the patronage of some of America's best breeders, such as Messrs. Ayer & McKinney, Mr. R.A. Sibley, Hon. Robert J. Fleming, of To- ronto, and others. He sired Golden Fern's Jolly, 100629, 1st prize 2-year-old bull. Senior and (Irand Champion, Mississippi- Alabama Fair, '13, '14 and '15. The get of Sultana's Golden Jolly have been in great de- mand, and it has been difficult for us to retain any of them. He has been exhibited but once, and on that occasion achieved perhaps greater distinction than was ever ac- corded a Jersey bull in the show rings of this or any other country. (See opposite page for further particulars concerning this sen- sational Gr. Cham, bull.) Dam BLUE BELLE'S JOLLY LASS, 255627, A. J. C. C. Dam of Stockwell's Fern, win- ner of 1st prize as senior heifer calf at Nat. Jersey Show, Shelbyville, Ky.,and Ky. State Fair, '11. Blue Belle's Golden Fern, 69196, A. J. C. C. Son of the world's fa- mous bull. Golden Fern's Lad, and the grand old cow. Blue Belle, sold in our '04 sale for $3,600, at 14 years old. Sold as a calf for £3,000, and has proved himself a great sire. Sire of Cyrene's Blue Belle, 202156, in Register of Merit, 523 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in one year, from 9,199 lbs. 3.2 ozs. milk, at 3 years 8 months old. Fontaine's Blue Belle, 239511, sold in our '10 auction for #500, at 2 years old. His daughter. Lady Fern of Oaklands, 203995, milked 18 qts. with 1st calf; one of her heifer calves sold in our '11 auction for $330; and another, Emi- nent's Lady Fern, sold at Mr. West's sale in Oregon for $425. His son, Blue Belle's Golden Fern. 79043. has several Register of Merit daughters, including Gold Fern's Beatrice. 260406, 708 lbs. 3 ozs. butter in 1 yr. His son. Blue Belle's Caiest, 80986, is sire of Blue Belle's Oc- tober Maiden, 561 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in one year. His half-sister. Golden Sultana, is dam of Sultana's Golden Jolly (above) and has 2 other sons with daughters in Register of Merit. Jolly Lass of St. Lawrence, 213948, A. J. C. C. A splendid daughter of Golden Jolly, P. 2921, H. C. Magnificent udder of grand proportions; good-sized and beau tifully placed teats. We sold, in our 09 sale, a yearling heif- er out of Jolly Lass of St. Lawrence to Mr. W. R. Spann for $360. She is a pre- potent breeder. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (Imp. Golden Fern's Lad, 65300, A. J. C. C.) Winner of 1st prize and Championship, North Club Show, '96 and '97. Purchased by us for use at "Linden Grove," when 9 yrs. old, for $2,250. Sire of many prize winners and 3 1 test- ed cows. (See other pedigrees for partial list of his tested daughters, or front page A.) Sire of Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 sale for $10,000. Golden Fern's Sensa- tion, winner 2d pr., at the great St. Louis Show, '04, and sold at auction for $2,250. Golden Sultana, 3d pr. at the St. Louis Show and sold in our '10 auction for $3,700. Sensational Fern, sold in our '07 auction for $10,200, at 8 mos. old; sire of 12 in the Register of Merit. Sire of 27 bulls with tested daughters, in- cluding Golden Jolly (see below) , Emi- nent 2d, sire of 81 ; etc. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of the celebrated bull, Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C; Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all prize winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hrs., from which 2 lbs. 10 ozs. of butter was made. He also sired the great cow, "Speckled Band," public but- ter test. May, '97, 2 lbs. 3^ ozs., 140 days in milk. She is dam of the wonderful cow "Nursie," who made the phenome- nal record of 2 lbs. 7| ozs. of butter in 24 hours, and won the Silver Medal in the public butter test on the Island, after being in milk 300 days and within 90 days of calving. She sold in our '07 auction for $2,200. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Sixty-five, of his get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Sire of 32 tested daugh- ters, including: Golden Lad's P' a w n Duchess, 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326, 22 lbs.. 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs., 30 days. Golden Lad's Lady Rose, 162097,21 lbs. 10£ ozs. Sandgate, 122509, 20 lbs. 10£ ozs. Zulu Lady, 20 lbs. 10 ozs. Golden Naiad, 18 lbs. li ozs. Golden Kola, 127232, 17 lbs. 8} ozs. Golden Lass of St. John, 149150, 16 lbs. 3 ozs. Golden Ora, 127228, 16 lbs. 1 j ozs. Golden Tricolor, 127227, 15 lbs. 14* ozs. Golden Lad's Rosaire, 115227, 14 lbs. 14$ Tootsie, P. 3214. H. C. Parish prize, '90. Sultane's Favourite, P. 873. H. C. 1st pr., St. Saviour. Sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows, in- cluding Sultane 14th, that in the Tunbridge Wells (England) butter test, '02, in her fif- teenth year, gave 38 lbs. 6 ozs. milk, mak- ing 2 lbs. 1 j ozs. butter in 24 hours, when 132 days in milk, winning the Silver Medal. Also sire of the famous bull, Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer.. '88. 2dH. B.p. ov. Jer.,'88. 2d Lon. D. S.. '88. 1st pr. over Eng., '90. 1 lb. 14* ozs. butter. Half sister to the fa- mous bull, Golden Lad 2d, P. 2023, H. C. Everton King, P. 390, C. Sire of many noted prize winners, and grandsire of the famous bull, Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Fontaine 2d, P. 807. H. C. Golden Fern, 1st over Jersey, '82. P. 4711, H. C. 2d prize over Jersey and Parish prize, '04. By Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C, out of Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944, H. C; she out of Brown Fern, F. 4606, C, dam of Eminence, F. 7124, C., Sweepstakes, N. C. Show, '92; dam of Little Eminence, 21 lbs. 6 ozs., winner of 1st prize, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Indiana and St. Louis Fairs; also Sweepstakes winner. Minnesota State Fair, '02. Eminence is also dam of Eminent and Eminent 2d, two famous Island sires. Brown Fern is also dam of Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944, H. C, winner of 2d prize, St. Martin Show, '94, '95. Brown Fern is also grandam of Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C., 2d prize winner over Jersey. '94, and dam of the world -renowned bull, Golden Fern's Lad. P. 2160, H. C. Meadow Boy, P. 1193, C. Unicorn, P. 784, H. C. 4th State's prize, '87. Blue Belle, P. 4307, H. C, now named Imported Blue Belle, 180234, A. J. C. C. Grandam of Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. She has 2 tested daughters, and 5 producing sons. Sold in our May, '04, auction sale to Mr. Howard Willets, "Gedney Farm," White Plains, N. Y., for $3,600. Dam of Caumats Lad, P. 2257, H. C, sire of Financial King, P. 2624, H. C, and Guenon's Lad. both noted sires. Dam of Blue Nun, 18 lbs. 5* ozs. Dam of Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold in our May, '03, sale for $1,725. Dam of Blue Belle 6th and 7th and of Blue Belle's Handsome Fox. Dam of Blue Belle's Golden Fern, 69196, that sold as a calf for $3,000. Dam of Blue Belle of St. Saviour, 173583, test on 2d calf, 411.96 lbs. butter; sold in our May, '11, auction for $1,250. Grisette.P. 205S, H.C. Grand dairy cow, milk- ing from 18 to 20 qts. daily, and very persistent. Latakia, F. 6346, C. Due de Chambord, P. 580, H. C. Fiery Cross, F. 5935, H. C Golden Tolly, P. 2921, H. C. 1st pr. and Champion, North Show, '00. Sire of Golden Warrior, 1st over Eng.. Royal S., '03; 1st over Eng. and Cham., Dairy S., '03. Golden Jolly has 24 butter test daugh- ters, and 10 or more producing sons, in- cluding Viola's Gold- en Jolly, 79314. sire of Sultana's Golden Jolly, S61S0 (above). Ornate, F. 8929, H. C. A 22-quart cow. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (See above.) Brookhill Rose 2d, P. 3440, C. 1st prize and Cham- pion winner over the Island, May, '98. A wonderful dairy cow. She has milked as high as 28 qts. daily. Without a doubt she ranks way up among the very best the Island has ever pro- duced. She is not only a great dairy cow, but a wonder- ful breeder. Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C. 1 st over Jer., Aug., '89. 2dov. J., Apr.. '87. '89. 1st ov. Jer., Apr., '88. Sire of many noted cows, including: Alicante, P. 3880, H. C, dam of the noted sires, Nunthorpe, The Owl and Ali- cante's Boy. Oxford Rose, P. 3787, C, dam of Courage. Brookhill Rose, P. 1889, C. Nero-du-Coin, P. 463, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '85. Champion Cup, '85. Briarde, F. 1253, C. Boulevard, P. 367, H. C. Musa, P. 525, C. Wolseley, P. 401, H.C. 1st ov. Jer., '83. '84. '85. 1st prize over Jersey Jubilee Show, '83. Sultane. P. 7, H. C. 1st St. Saviour, '70. Count Cicero, F. 398, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '83. Sire of Count's Fillpail, 30975. 24 lbs. 5 ozs. Hermione, P. 634, C. Dam of the bull. Trial. P. 1187. H. C, who sired Finance, the dam of Financial King and of Mag- yarland . Mr. R . A . Sibley's great im- ported cow, with a butter test of 17 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in 7 days. Due to calve August i, 1916, by the distinguished bull, Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C, winner of 1st prize with his prog- eny, in a class of 7 entries, at the Royal Show, Jersey, April, '11. He sired the 1st prize 3-year-old cow over the Island, May, 'II i (is entries), also the 1st prize 4-year-old cow over the Island, May, '15 (76 entries), who won the Theatre Challenge Cup (Championship over the Island). He has 21 or more official test daughters, one of which, now on year's test, will produce close to if not more than 900 lbs. butter as a four-year-old. (See front pages for extended pedigree and picture of Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C.) Tattoo 78 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 65. Heifer. SULTANA'S OXFORD BAYLEAF, 306717, A. J. C. C. Sire SULTANAS GOLDEN JOLLY, 86180, A. J.C. C. Son of Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314, and Golden Sultana, 146282, one of the greatest daughters of Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, competing against two Cham, winners over the Island and the winners of Championships a t eleven of America's most important shows in ' 1 1 , he won the following: 1 st prize in 2-yr.-old class, 6 entries. Senior Champion bull, 2 years old or over. Grand Champion bull, any age. Gold Medal offered by American Jer. Cattle Club for Grand Cham, bull bred by exhibitor. Headed herd winning $200 Special prize, "bull and 10 fe- males." Silver Trophy ($100 Special) for Grand Champion bull. We respectfully re- quest those coming to the sale to exam- ine the get of Sul- tana's Golden Jolly, to convince them- selves that the hon- ors were justly placed. (See other pedigrees for further particulars.) Dam FOX'S BAYLEAF OF OXFORD, 289460, A. J. C. C. (BAY LEAF 50th, F. 16327, C.) She was sold in our '14 auction for $1,225, as a four-year-old, to Mr. Ed. C. Lasater, owner of the Fal- furrias Herd, Fal- furrias, Tex. Bred by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa. Born March S, 1914. Brisket, left stifle, belly, legs, tongue, tail and switch white. A splendid heifer, handsome and stylish; body long, deep and beautifully ribbed; strong, straight back; very broad, prominent hips; great develop- ment of body; very promising udder development, with good-sized teats, well placed. Has every license to make a great cow, having for sire the peerless Grand Champion bull, Sultana's Golden Jolly, S6180, and for dam one of the best daughters of Oxford You'll Do in our '14 auction. ( Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C. Winner of first prize over Jer., with his progeny, at the bull show on the Island, April, '11. This is the most valuaole prize, and the great- est distinction that can be accorded a bull. Full brother to Oxford Knight, P. 3938, C, sire of 12 butter test cows, and of other prize winners. His daughter, Golden Oxford Ivy, P. 18829, H. C, was 1st prize 3-year-old over the Island of Jersey (6S entries). May, '14; 1st prize 4 -year-old (76 en- tries) and Theatre Challenge Cup (Championsh ip over the Island), May, '15. She is now in the "Linden Grove" herd. He has 2 1 or more offi- cial test daughters. You'll Do's Favor- ite, 306639, sold in our '14 auction for $500, to Mr. E. T. B e d f o r d, Green's Farms, Conn. , is now under official test, and will pro- duce 900 lbs. or more of butter in a year, as a four-year- old. Oxford You'll Do has been in the "Linden Grove" herd for 3 years. The large number of uniformly excellent daughters now in the herd, and the showing of his progeny in the but- ter tests and show ring, substantiate our assertion that he is the greatest living male repre- sentative of the Ox- ford-Gamboge family. Bay Leaf 28th, P. 12038, H. C. Her grandsire, Moray Cannon, P. 3058, H. C, won 3d prize over Jersey, with his progeny, April, '07. He is sire of Duchess of Tapon, F. 9658, H. C, winner of Cer- tificate of Merit, public butter test, May, '07, 2 lbs. £ oz. in 24 hours, 43 days in milk. Her yearling son. Noble Duke of St. Saviour, sold for $560 in our '10 auction, at same time her daughter, Raleigh's Duchess of St. Saviour, sold for $1,300. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny), Apr., '08. Sold at our '1 1 auction for $6,700 to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,750 each. 1 1 of his daughters, in our '11 auction, averaged $1,391.36. Sire of 41 cows with butter records and others now on test. Three of his tested daughters made over 700 lbs. butter each in 1 year. All were imported by "Lin- den Grove." Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. About the best and most valuable cow in the herd of Mr. J. A. Perree, Sec'y Island of Jer. Herd Book. She is the only living daughter of the cele- brated Oxford Lass. Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass (by Agatha's Flying Fox), public butter test. May, '09, 2 lbs. l£ ozs.; and other prizes. Oxford Triumph, pub- lic butter test, May, 'OS, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. Hearty Fox, P. 3365, H. C. 1st over Jer., Apr., '03. 1st prize and State's prize, St. Saviour- Grouville Show, '03. Sire of Hearty Diana, P. 13310, H. C, St. Ouen Par. pr., Class 2, May, '08. Hibernia, P. 12651, C, Trinity Parish prize, Class. 2, May, '07.' Superior Lady, P. 12359, H. C, St. Martin Parish prize, Class 3, May, '07; Reserve over Jersey and Parish prize, Class 1, May, '06. Jessie of Oaklands, St. Saviour Par. pr., '05. His sire has more sons with tested daugh- ters than any other bull of any breed. Bay Leaf 20th, P. 10432, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, May, 04. From same famliy as Trial of Oaklands' Bayleaf (Bay Leaf 33d, P. 12686, C), public butter test, May, 'OS, 1 lb. 4£ ozs., when 277 days in milk (about nine months) and only two years old. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C.) Cham, winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale, May, '02, for $7,500. In same sale, three of his heifers on first calf averaged $933. Among his 24 tested daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. butter, 13,604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. butter, 11,198 lbs. milk, 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Sa- viour, 411.96 lbs. butter, 6,841 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dream- wold, 10,060 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Syria o' Dream- wold, 11,075 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Maid o' The Sea, 11,530 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox Glove, public but- ter test. May, '07, 2 lbs. 8£ ozs. Simone G. G., public butter test, May, '04, 2 lbs. 5| ozs. Oxford Vixen, public butter test, May, '05, 2 lbs. 2\ ozs. Fox's Belle of Grou- ville, 21 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 7 days; 80 lbs. 11 ozs., 30 days. Flying Fox's Trinity Rose, 20 lbs. 8 ozs. butter, 7 days. Fox's Belle of Trinity, 20 lbs. 5 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's LaFon- taine, IS lbs. 2 ozs. butter, 280 lbs. milk, 7 days. Hearty, P. 7465, H. C. A magnificent dairy cow, and was im- ported at great cost by Mr. Howard Wil- 1 e t s, "G e d n e y Farm," White Plains, N. Y. Dam of Hearty's Ga- zelle, P. 8591, H. C, 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '00; 4th over Jer., May, '01. Morny Cannon, P. 3058, H. C. Sire of many prize win- ners and tested cows, among them: Simple Interest 4th, public butter test , May, '06, 1 lb. 9\ ozs., 123 days in milk; she is dam of Sultan's Finance, winner of Blyth- wood Bowl, Aug., '12; 1st over Jer., May and Aug., '1 1. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son, Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son, Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 auc- tion sale for $10,000. His daughter, Golden Sultana, won 3d pr. at the great St. Louis Show, Sept., '04, and sold in the ring for $2,350. Ten of his get have been sold at an aver- age of $4,560. Thirty-nine of his get (some only calves) sold at our auction sale at an average of $1,308. (See front page A.) Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C, now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. 1st over Jersey, '98. Dam of Flying Fox, P. 2729, Alicante, P. 3880, H.C. Forfarshire, P. 2914, H. C. 3 Champion winners. Ravachol, John Bull, Rosette's Golden Lad and Sultana's Rosette 2d, 15 lbs. 6 ozs. Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C. A remarkably good sire, and his get have found ready buyers from Eng- land at long prices. His daughter, Uncle Peter's Rosette, sold in our '01 sale for $1,000, and her heif- er calf, by Flying Fox, sold in same sale for $1,250. i Caroline, F. 794S, H. C. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C.) Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale. May, '02, for $7,500. In same sale three of his heifers on first calf averaged $933 . Oxford Lily 2d, P. 5732, H. C. Par. prizes, Aug., '95, and May, '98. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of the celebrated bull, Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C; Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all prize winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d over Jer., 2d H. B. ' and Par. prize, '94. Her dam is half-sister to E m i n e n c e, F. 7124, H. C. Sarabond, P. 797, H.C. He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. This was a great loss to the Island, as he un- doubtedly was a great sire. Rosette 4th, P. 2128, C. We were informed on the Island by J. A. Marett that Rosette 4th, as a dairy cow in her day, had few equals on the Island, and like her daugh- ters was a very rich and persistent milker. Nunthorpe, P. 1769, H. C. Sire of Blue Nun, 126625, 18 lbs. $\ ozs.; Sweep- stakes cow at Ohio State Fair, '01 ; and other prizes. Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C, who sired Uncle Peter's Ro- sette, sold in our '01 sale for $1,000, and her heifer calf, by Flying Fox, sold in same sale for $1,250. Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. C. IstH. B. over Jer., '85. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '91. Reserve Champion Cup, '91. Pioneer, P. 1602, H.C. Sire of Nuriel, 1st over Jersey. '00; 1st H. B. and Par. prize, '00. Lady Clair, 3d H. B. and Par. prize, '00. Full brother to Morion, P. 1690, H. C, sire of The Owl, P. 2195, H.C. Oxford Lily, P. 3468, H. C. The Owl's Princess of St. Saviour, 203628. (Bayleaf 10th, P. 7486, H. C.) A magnificent dairy cow, owned many years in the "Linden Grove" herd, and milking 24 quarts daily. The Owl, P. 2195, H.C. 1st pr., St. Saviour, '95. 2d over Jer., '95, '96. 1st over Jersey, '97. Scored 92 points. Sire of The Owl's Sen- sation, 162128, 4th over Jersey and Par. pr.. '01 ; whose bull calf, by Golden Fern's Lad, sold in our '07 sale for $10,200. Bayleaf 5th, P. 3427, C. Morion, P. 1690, H. C. Sire of The Owl and other prize winners. Full brother to Pio- neer, P. 1602, H. C, 1st over Jer., '91, '92. Alicante, P. 3880, H.C. 1st prize winner over Jersey, '91. lstpr., R. C. S.,'96,'97. 1st and Cham., Roy. C. Show, '98. Marshal Bazaine, P. 899, C. [ Bayleaf, F. 3557, C. Bred January 30, 1916, to Golden Fern's Mon Plaisir, 122755, son of the splendid butter cow, Grace Darling of St. Mary's, 306562, who was sold in our '14 auction for $700. Register of Merit record — 653 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 10,183 lbs. 9.6 ozs. milk, the first year after importation. Her 5-year-old daughter, Grace Stockwell, 240832, made 630 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in one year. Golden Fern's Mon Plaisir was sired by Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570, H. C, winner of numerous 1st prizes at the Royal Shows, son of Noble of Oaklands, 95700 (sold in our '11 auction for $15,000), and Lady Aldan, P. 8470, H. C, a great daughter of Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (See No. 5 for extended pedigree of Golden Fern's Mon Plaisir, 122755.) B310 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 66. Cow. DOROTHY'S NOBLE FERN, 353250, A. J. C. C. (P. 19097, H. C.) Official R. J. A S. Record as a Two-Year-Old, in 1914-1915, 470 Lbs. 5.2 Ozs. Butter in 361 Days, 7,103 Lbs. Milk. Bred by P. J. Ahier, St. Martin, Island of Jersey. Born December 5, 1911. Broken color; white tongue and switch. Imported October 31, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. A magnificent young dairy cow, of most dis- tinguished butter breeding; one of the most valuable cows, for the foundation of a great herd, that has been brought across the Atlantic. The best daugh- ter, by test, of Golden Fern's Noble, and out of the best daughter, by test, of Leda's Golden Lad; and her maternal grandam is one of the most noted public butter test cows the Island has ever produced. We have imported a number of the representatives of this family, and all have been extra high class individuals. Dorothy's Noble Fern is fully capable of sustaining her family honors. A splendid in- dividual, of the strongest dairy quality; handsome head; bright, intelligent eyes; body of great scale, wide and deep; rich mulberry fawn color; hide thin and mellow; a large cow for her age, of rugged con- stitution; strong back, wide hips, great length of rump, and well-set tail, with generous switch; long milk veins, entering the body away forward on belly; beautiful udder of great size, large teats perfectly placed. A COW TO BANK ON. Sire GOLDEN FERN'S NOBLE, P. 4570, H. C. Winner of seven 1st prizes at Royal Shows on the Island of Jersey, His progeny won 1st for "get of sire" at 5 im- portant shows in 1914 and 1915, including the National Dairy Show. Sire of a number of cows with butter tests on the Island, under auspices of the Royal Jersey Agricultural Society, several of which will be offered in this auction. Sire of many prize winners, including the Senior Champion bull at Panama-Paci6c Expo- sition, 1915. (See other pedigrees for further particulars.) His dam, Lady Aldan, P. 8470, H. C, is the head of a great family. Her daughter, Lady Aldan 2d, P. 9788, H. C, won 2d over Jer. and Par. prize. May, '03; Par. prize, Aug., '03. She is now named Mabel's Poet's Lady Aldan, 248438; is dam of Lady Aldan 8th, P. 11906, H. C. (Raleigh's Lady Aldan), butter test, 744 lbs. 5 ozs. in one year; Par. prize, Aug., '06; dam of the magnificent young bull, Aldan's Noble, 89581. Dam DOROTHY'S PEARL, P. 10718, H. C. Winner of Certificate of Merit and 3d Goddington prize, pub- lic butter test. May, 07, 1 lb. 15if ozs. in 24 hrs., 1 19 days after calving, at 4 yrs. old. Certificate of Merit, May, "09, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 110 days after calving. 1st prize in the R. J. A. S. official butter tests, '13, 752 lbs. 10j[ ozs. butter in 306 days, 10,998 lbs. milk, at 10 years old. Record in '14-'15 (369 days), 629 lbs. 12 ozs. butter, 10 094 lbs. milk. Her daughter, Dorothy's Noble Fern, produced as a two-year-old, in 361 days, 470 lbs. 5.2 ozs. butter, 7.103 lbs. milk. Her daughter, New Year's Pearl, produced in '13, in 331 days, 478 lbs. 12 ozs. butter, 5.941 lbs. milk; in '14, in 396 days. 522 lbs. 4 ozs. butter, 6.630 lbs. milk; and in 298 days of '15, made 251 lbs. 5 ozs. butter, 3,320 lbs. 8 ozs. milk; a total of 1,252 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 1,025 days of lactation. She is dam of the bull, Island Butter King, P. 5323, H. C. lately added to the string of great service bulls in the "Oaklands"' Herd of Mr. John A. Perree, Secretary of the Island of Jersey Herd Book Society. She is the best daughter, by test, of the noted Leda's Golden Lad. Her half-sister (same dam), Lady Phyllis, P. 7857. H. C. is dam of: Confidence. P. 10209, H. C, public butter test. May, 04, 1 lb. 8$ ozs. in 24 hrs., at 3 yrs. old; dam of Stockwell's Confidential, 213968, sold in our '13 auction for $455, at 4 yrs. old, to Jersey Glen Farms. Blooming Glen, Pa. Lady Phyllis Buttercup, 252127, in Register of Merit, Class A, 550 lbs. butter in 1 year, at 9 yrs. 10 mos. old, sold in our '11 auction for $410, to Messrs. Ayer & McKinney. Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. 1st St. Saviour Parish prize, '07. Noble of Oaklands sold in our May.'ll, auc- tion for $15,000 to Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. Sire of 37 tested cows and 28 producing bulls. (See front pages for further particulars and picture of this distinguished sire.) Lady Aldan, P. 8470, H. C. Winner of 1st prize over Jersey, Aug., '09. Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '09. And numerous other prizes. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. His son. Eminent 2d, sold in our May, 'OS, auction sale for si His 10-months-old bull calf sold in our May, '07, sale for $10,200. His daughter, Golden Sultana, at the age of 12 years, sold in our May, '10, auc- tion sale for £3.700; her son, Sultana's Golden Jolly, won Grand Champion- ship, Nat. Dairy Show, '11. Sire of many prize winners and 31 test- ed cows. Aldan, F. 6213, C. Leda's Golden Lad, P. 3063, H. C. 1st over Jer. and 1st State's pr., '01 and '02 (44 entries and 28 entries, respectively). 1st and Sweepstakes, St. Martin Show, '01 and '02. 1st and Champion, with progeny, Western Club, '05. Sire of many prize winners and of 1 1 butter test cows, the latter including: Golden Leda's Nursie, 213594, that we sold to Messrs. Ayer & McKinney for $1,000, and who made an official record of 567 lbs. 9 ozs. butter in 1 year, from 10,069 lbs. 4.8 ozs.lmilk. Leda's Fawn Lady, 532 lbs. 12 ozs. butter in 1 year. Victoria of Athenia, 14 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 7 days ; Junior Champion female at World 's Fair, St. Louis, '04. He has a number of sons with tested daughters, including Aurifer. P. 3716, H. C, sire of 3, including Aurifer's Favorite, 286527, 565 lbs. 7 ozs. butter in 1 year; sold in our '13 auction for $400, at 5 yrs. old. Rochette's Golden Lad, P. 3856, H. C. winner of two 1st prizes at Royal Shows and Grand Championship at Tennessee State Fair ; sire of 3 tested cows. Sire of Christmas Pride, Rozel's Victory 6th, Zelie 3d, all 1st prize winners at the Royal Shows; and many other winners. Leda's Golden Lad was imported by Mr. Win. Rockefeller, and headed his noted herd. His untimely death, in a fire which destroyed the Rockefeller stables, was a distinct loss to the Jersey breed. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all pr. winners over the Is- land. He also sired the great cow. 'Speckled Band." public but- ter test, 2 lbs. 3£ ozs. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. Out of same dam as Aurea. P. 8693. H. C, Certificate of Merit in public but- ter test. May, '07, 2 lbs. 5i ozs. Her dam is a half- sister to Eminence, who is dam of Emi- nent 2d, P. 2532, H. C, winner 1st State's prize over Jersey (with his get), '01 and 02; and sold in our '05 auction for $10,000. Senator. P. 2759, H. C. Sire of Pretty Lady Superior 10th, P. 9401, H. C, winner of 4th prize over Jer. and Par. prize, Class 2, Aug., '02. Astor, P. 3042, H. C, 1st over Jer., Aug., '02, and Apr., '03; 2d State's pr., Aug., '02; 2d over Jer., with h i s progeny, Apr., '07 ; 1st over Jer., with his prog- eny, Apr., '08. As- tor is not only a 1st pr. winner over the Island himself, but is sire of a long list of winners and cows with public butter tests. Golden Leda, P. 8000, H. C. 1st pr. over Jer.. '01. 1st prize and Cham- pionship, N. C. S., '00 and '01 ; milked over 40 lbs. per day with first calf. Dam of Stockwell, sold at our May, '07, auction sale for $11,500. Forfarshire's G o 1 d en Leda, 187458, 1st prize and Sweep- stakes at St. Sa- viour and Grouville Show, May, '04. Topsman, Reserve over Jer., Apr. and Aug., '02. Lady Dorothy 2d. P. 4993, C. Silver Medal, March, '02, 2 lbs. 6 ozs., 131 days in milk. Silver Medal, butter test. May. '02, 2 lbs. 5$ ozs.. 182 days in milk. Bronze Medal. Oct., 99, 2 lbs. 8$ ozs.. 89 days in milk. Certificate of Merit. May. '00, 2 lbs. i oz., 307 days in milk. Bronze Medal, March, '01, 2 lbs., 126 days in milk. Certificate of Merit, May, '01, 2 lbs., 182 days in milk. Certificate of Merit, May. '04. 1 lb. 14 ozs., 226 days in milk, 13 years old. Dam of Dorothy White, official R. J. A. S. record, '13. 552 lbs. butter. 7,191 lbs. milk, in 335 days; record in '14, 501 lbs. butter. 7,004 lbs. milk, in 298 days. She has two other great butter test daughters, full sisters by Golden Fern's Lad, viz.: Golden Lady, P. 7534. H. C, Certificate of Merit, May, '00, 1 lb. 9f ozs. butter in 24 hrs., at 3 yrs. old. Grandam of Stockwell's Gold Lady, 213952, sold in our '11 auction for $1,000, to Mr. E.G. Dusenbury; and the latter is dam of Sultana's Fawn Prince, 90064. sold in our '10 auction for $180, sire of 4 in Register of Merit. Class AA, including the yearling heifer winning Grand Championship at Spokane (Wash.) Interstate Fair, '13. Lady Phyllis. P. 7857, H.C.. Bronze Medal. March. '01, 1 lb. 14 ozs. in 24 hrs., as a 3-year-old, 127 days after calving; and 3 other public butter tests. She is dam of 2 official test cows. (See notes at left). [ Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. (See below.) { Tootsie. P. 3214, H. C. Parish prize, '90. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '90; also win- ner of £15 prize. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess. 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326, 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. Golden Lad's Lady Rose. 162097, 21 lbs. 10J ozs. Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944. H. C. 2d St. Martin Show, '94. '95. Nizam. P. 2408. H. C. 1st pr., St. Peter. '97. Sire of Golden Lad of St. Peter. 57223, Cham, winner over three Western Par- ishes, '99. Belle du Couvent, P. 4674, H. C. 1st pr. over Jer., '94. Dam of Belle du Cou- vent 5th, 3d over Jer., May, '02. Daughter of Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C, out of Orphan 2d, P. 2844, H. C., 1st pr.. St. Mary Show, '92. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96. '97. Ten of his get have been sold at an aver- age of $4,560. Sire of Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C; etc. Leda. P. 6636, H. C. One of the best cows the Island has ever produced. Dam of Leda's Prince, 1st prize, Tunbridge Wells, England, '01. Eupidee, P. 1379. C. Son of Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C. 1st over Jer.. Apr.. '88; 1st over Jer., Aug., '89. Sire of many noted cows, includ- ing: Alicante, P. 3880, H. C; Ox- ford Rose. P. 3737. Cm Brookhill Rose 2d. P. 3440, C and Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. His dam, Bellona 3d, P. 874. C, 1st over Jer. and Par. prize. May. '89, is also dam of the bull, Golden Hero. P. 1833, H. C, winner of two 1st prizes at Royal Shows, and sire of 5 butter test cows. Lady Dorothy, P. 1164, C. Daughter of Jersey King, P. 345, H. C, 4th over Jersey, '82, he by Farmer's Glory. F. 274, H. C. 1st at Royal Show, '79, and sire of 9 butter test cows. Due to calve May 11, 1916, by The Cid, P. 5316, H. C, a Highly Commended son of Sea Lad, P. 4720, H. C, winner of 2d prize, Royal Show, Jersey, August, 1913, the latter by Plymouth Lad, P. 3922, C, sire of 17 butter test cows. The dam of The Cid is Castille 2d, P. 1S202, H. C, daughter of The Jap, P. 3713, H. C, imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our '07 auction to Messrs. Aver & McKinney. (Now named The Imported Jap, 75265, and sire of 23 official test cows.) B313 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 67. Cow. Bred by C. G. Ahicr, St. Helier, Island of Jersey. Born August 30, 1911. Broken color; white tongue and switch. Imported October 31 , 1915, by T. S. Cooper .S: Suns. A very handsome, highly finished glossy "black"; neat head, with bright eyes, large and prominent; sharp withers; straight, strong back; splendid hind quarters; great length from hips to root of tail; very long, deep body; large, beautifully shaped udder, attached high behind and extending well forward; thin, mellow hide. Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909. H. C. Sire (95700, A. j. c. C.) 1st pr., St. Saviour, '07. 1st pr.. Royal Show, '10, for bull and 5 female progeny. Noble of Oaklands sold in our '11 auction for $15,000 to El- mendorf Farm, Lex- ington, Ky. Sire of 37 tested cows. FERN'S BONITA, 353238, A. J. C. C. (P. 19057, H, C.) J Sire GOLDEN FERN'S NOBLE, P. 4570, H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersev, 14 entries, Aug., '11. Reserve for Voisin Special (Champion- ship, bulls any age), Aug., 'II. 1st and Championship, G rouville St. Sa- viour Show, April, '11. 1st prize, 29 entries, (2-y e a r-old class 1 . Royal Show, Island of Jer., Apr., '12. 1st prize. Class 8, 10 entries, August, '12, and Reserve for Voi- sin Special. 1st prize, Class 3, 13 entries, Apr., '13. 2d prize, Class 4, 7 en- tries, with his get, Apr., '13. 1st prize, 6 entries, with his progeny, and Challenge Cup, Royal Show, Apr., '15. Sire of Alabama, 1st prize, Class 3, and St. Mar- tin Par. pr., Aug., '13- Golden Fern's Noble, Jr., 1st aged bull, 11 entries, and Senior Champion, Panama- Pacific Exposition, 15. And other winners. Six of his heifers sold in our '14 auction for an average of $564. Sire of Christmas Lassie, 281443, in Register of Merit (AA). 334 lbs. 11 ozs. butter in 1 year, as a 2-ycar- old. Hi rolhy's Noble Fern, P. 19097. H. C, official R. J. A. S, tested as a 2-year- old. 470 lbs. 5.2 ozs. in 361 days. (Im- ported by "Linden Grove" and will be catalogued for this auction.) He sired a number of other tested cows and prize winners. His progeny won 1st for "get of sire" at 5 shows in '14 and '15, including the Nat. Dairy Show, '14. Dam BONITA'S ROSE, P. 15085, H.C. By same sire as Man- dal, F. 10276, H. C, the dam of Cowslip's Gray Beauty, 306631, sold in our '14 auction as a 3- year-old for $800, to Hon. Robert J. Fleming, Toron- to, Canada. Lady Aldan, P. 8470, H. C. Winner of 1st prize over Jersey, Aug., '09. Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '09. And numerous other prizes. Dam of Lady Aldan 2d, P. 9788, H. C, 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, May. 03. Lady Aldan 4th, P. 11184, H. C, 1st over Jer. and Par. prize. Aug., 05. Aldan's Raleigh, P. 4116, H. C, sold for $1,000 at auction. A magnificent daugh- ter of Golden Fern's Lad, and head of a great family. Her daughter. Lady Aldan 2d, P. 9788, H. C, won 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '03; Par. prize, Aug., '03. She is now named Mabel's Poet's Lady Aldan, 248438; is dam of 2 tested cows in Reg- ister of Merit, and of the magnificent young bull, Aldan's Noble, 89581. Blue Blood, P. 4035, H. C. (9503, E. H. B.) Winner, in 1908, of 3d prize, Tunbridge Wells Show. H. C, Royal Counties Show Southampton. 19 09. 1st and Cham., Sussex Show, Brighton, 1st East Surrey Show, Croydon. 1st West Surrey Show. Guildford. 2d Tring Show. 2d Royal Show, Glou- cester. V. H. C, Royal Coun- ties Show, Reading. 1910. 1st East Surrey Show, Reading. 1st Tring Show. 2d Royal Counties S., Winchester. 3d Bath and West Counties Show, Rochester. 3d Sussex Show, East- bourne. 3d Oxfordshire Show, Oxford. Bonita 2d, P. 6358, C. f Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (Imp. Golden Fern's Lad, 65300, A. J. C, C.i Winner of 1st pr. and Championship, North Club Show, '96 and '97. Purchased by us for use at "L i n d e n Grove," when 9 yrs. old, for $2,250. Sire of many prize winners and tested ' cows . (See other pedigrees for partial list of his tested daughters, or front page A.) Among his many pr.- winning sons is Emi- nent 2d, 1st State's prize over Jersey, '01 and '02 (with his progeny) ; sold in our '05 auction for $10,000. Aldan, F. 6213, C. Sultan of Oaklands, P, 3746, H. C. (7S475, A. J. C. C.) Winner of 1st over Jer- sey, Apr., '06. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr., '05. Reserve over Jer. with progeny, Apr., '07. 1 st pr. , Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Champion , St. Saviour-G r o u- ville, '05. He was sold on the Is- land for the highest price ever paid in Jersey up to that time; purchased by Mr. Percival Rob- erts, Jr., Narberth, Pa. He has sired a long list of prize winners and 27 butter test daugh- ters, among the lat- ter being: Sultan's Figgis, in Reg- ister of Merit, 536 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in 1 year, 2 years old. S u 1 1 a n's Handsome Lass, in Register of Merit, 534 lbs. 1 oz. butter in 1 year, 4 years old. Honeysuckle 2d, P. 8768, H. C. Reserve over Jersey, Class 3, 37 entries, and Parish prize, Aug., '01. Parish prize, Aug., '02. Now named Golden Honeysuckle, 210891, entered in Register of Merit, Class A, 562 lbs. 13 ozs. butter in 1 yr., 9 years old; served 99 per cent, of per- fect scale of points. Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. Winner 1st State's pr. over Jer. (with his get), '01 and '02. Sold in our '05 auction for $10,000 to the late Hon. A. M. Bowman, Salem, Va. Eminent 2d has 81 daughters that have made tests in Amer- ica and on the Island. L Bonita. P. 4777, C. f Boyle. P. 1559, II. C. \ Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all pr. winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours, from which 2 lbs. 10 ozs. of butter was made. He also sired the great cow, "Speckled Band," dam of the wonderful cow, "Nursie," that made the phenomenal rec- ord of 2 lbs. li ozs. of butter in 24 hrs. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C 2d over Jer., 2d H. B. and Par. pr., '94. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '03. Sultane's Snowdrop, P. 8578, H. C. t 1st prize over the Is- land, May. '01; 1st and Sweepstakes, Grouville and St. Saviour, '01 ; 1st and Sweepstakes and Champion, Grou- ville and St. Saviour, '03, '04. She was sold to "Gedney Farm" for $2,350, and is full sister to Golden Sultana, the St. Louis winner, who is dam of the sensational bull, Sul- tana's Golden Jolly. Golden Marquis, P. 2615, C. (614261, A. J. C. C.) 1st St. Peter and Cham, winner over St. Mary, St. Peter and St. Ouen. '00. 3d State's prize with h i s progeny, Apr., '01. Sold in our '02 auction for $500. Sire of 10 tested cows, including: Golden Honeysuckle, in Register of Merit, 562 lbs. 13 ozs. but- ter in I year, at 9 years old. Romeril's Primula, 16 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in 7 days. Claudia, public butter test, Tunbridge Wells Show, Eng- land, Aug., '04, 1 lb. 10* ozs. in 24 hours, 4 years old. Sire of several prize winners, and of the bull, Arthur's Gold- en Marquis, 61428, who has 3 daughters in Register of Merit. Honeysuckle, P. 6337, C. Jumper, P. 1087, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, II. C. (See below.) Tootsie, P. 3214, H. C. Parish prize, '90. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land, Aug., '90. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 15732h, 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. And 30 others. Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944, H. C. 2d St. Martin Show, '94, '95. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (See above.) Sultaue 9th, P. 1145, H. C. 4th over Jer., '89. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '91. Dam of Golden Sul tana, winner 3d pr at the great St Loins S., Sept., '04, and sold in our '10 auction for $3,700 her son. Sultana's Oxford Lad, selling at same time for $11,100. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1 st pr. over the Is- land, Aug., '90; also winner of £15 prize. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326, 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. Golden Lad's Lady Rose, 162097,21 lbs. 10£ ozs. Sandgate, 122509, 20 lbs. loi ozs. Zulu Lady, 20 lbs. 10 ozs. Golden Naiad, 18 lbs. 1 V ozs. Golden Kola. 127232, 17 lbs. 8i ozs. And 25 other tested cows — records made both on the Island and in England and America. Jersey Lily, P. 4004, C. 2d pr., St. Peter. Dam of Nizam, 1st St. Peter, '97. Prince Romulus, P. 798, C. Evcrton King, P. 390, C. Sire of many noted prize winners. Fontaine 2d, P. 807, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '82. Sultane's Favourite, P. 873, H. C 1st pr., St. Saviour. Sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows. [ Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447, H. C. '88. '88. 2d pr. over Jer., u 2d H. B. pr. ov. J., 2d Lon. Dairy S., Cctcwayo 2d, P. 370, H. C Brown Fern, F. 4606. C. Cicero, P. 266, H. C. 1st pr. over Jer., '82. Sire of Lady Longfield, 23524, 20 lbs. 13 ozs. Lady Fair, 22103, 19 lbs. 10 ozs. Venus 2d, P. 400, C. Cetewayo, P. 224, C. Sire of 4 tested cows. Irene, P. 683, H. C. Whitcheart, F. 2049.C. Sultane, P. 7, H. C. The first of the most celebrated family the Island has ever seen. 2d over Jersey, '70. f Sultane's Favourite, P. 873, H. C Sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows. His daughter, Lady Rose, P. 3962, H.C. winner of Par. prize, Aug., '97, is dam of Sultan's Golden Rose, 213891. with a public butter test of 1 lb. 145 ozs. in 24 hours, entered in Register of Merit. Golden Lass 4th. [ P. 2447, H. C 1st pr. over Eng., '90. 1 lb. 14j ozs. butter. Out of the same dam as Golden Lad 2d. sire of Golden Lad's Mermaid, sold at our auction. May, '02, for $1,100; Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold at our auction. May. '03, for $1,725; and many other cele- brated animals, in- cluding Orlando, P. 2535, H. C Icnnie's Prince, P. 1073, C- Lady Baroness, F. 2514, H. C King Romulus, P. 529, H. C. [ Coomassie's Niece, F. 3214, H. C Rival. P. 146, C Venus, P. 241, C Romulus, P. 181, C. 2d St. Peter, '78. 3d Lon. Dairy Show. Musique, F. 1096, C. Due to calve April 29, 1916, by Oxford Sultan of Oalkands, P. 5182, H. C, a son of the distinguished Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C, and out of Noble Sultane of Oaklands, P. 17281, H. C, the latter a daughter of Noble of Oaklands, 95700, and Sultanne of Oaklands, P. 11017, H. C. Sultanne of Oaklands has a public butter test of 1 lb. 13 ozs. in 24 hours, 68 days after calving. She is dam of the bull, Blue Sultan, 8S06, E. H. B., who produced Goddington Noble, imported by "Linden Grove" in 1913 for Ehnendorf Farms. Sultanne of Oaklands is by Flying Fox, and out of the same dam as Sultan of Oaklands, P. 3746, H. C. (see above). Tattoo 57 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY C ATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 68. Heifer. FERN'S NOBLE CHRISTMAS GIFT, 307243, A. J. C. C. lircd by Ph. J. Bree. Grouville, Island of Jersey. ]i..rn i Ictober 5. 1913. Imported (in dam) January 28, 1913, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Knsket and belly white; white tip tu black tongue; black-and white snitch. A glossy "black." like her splendid dam. of great sca'.e and dairy development; sp.endidiy ribbed barrel, deep and wide, strong loin; broad hips; long rump; udder extending away forward on belly, with good sized and well-placed teats. Note the great butter family from which she is descended on her dams side. Few heifers have better backing in this respect. Her dam a 22-quart cow, her grandam with a great public butter test, and third dam the Silver Medal cow Nursie, who is out of the butter test cow Speckled Band. She is a double grand- daughter of Noble of Oaklands. bringing Lady Viola, with her 2 lb. 12 oz. public test, twice in the third remove. Sire GOLDEN FERN'S NOBLE, P. 4570, H. C. Winner of 7 first prizes at Royal Shows on the Island of Jersey. His progeny won 1st for "get of sire" at 5 important shows in '14 and '15. in- cluding the National Dairy Show, '14. His highest testing daughter, Dorothy's Noble Fern, P. 19097. H. C. (im- ported by "Linden Grove" last fall), produced as a two- year-old, 470 lbs. 5.2 ozs. butter in 361 days. Fern Beauty, P. 18914, H. C, also imported by "Linden Grove," made as a two-year- old, 358 lbs. \4\ ozs. butter in 313 days. Fly 15th, P. 18626, H. C., also of this im- portation, made as a two-year old, 320 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in 335 days. Sire of numerous win- ners, including: Alabama, 1st prize, Class 3, 58 entries. Royal Show, Aug., '13. Golden Fern's Noble, Jr., 1st aged bull, 11 entries, and Senior Champion, Panama- Pacific Exposition, '15. Warder's Fern Blos- som, 1st 3-year-old heifer. Senior and Grand Champion, Hutchinson, Kan., '15; 1st at Kansas State Fair, '15. Fern's Noble Maid, 1st senior heifer calf, 24 entries, and Junior Champion, Forest City (Ohio) Fair. '14; 1st at Ohio S. Fair, '14. Dam NOBLE'S CHRIST- MAS NURSIE, 289453, A. J. C. C. (CHRISTMAS NURSIE, P. 15215, H. C.) A 22-quart cow. Sold in our '14 auction for the "bargain" price of $375, to Mr. Ed. C. Lasater, Falfurrias, Texas. She is full sister to Noble's Nurse, 253821, in Register of Merit, 440 lbs. 7 ozs. butter in one year, as a two-year- old. Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909. H. C. (95700, A. J. C. C.) 1st St. Saviour Parish prize. 07. 1st over Jersey w ith progeny, Apr., '10. Sold at our '1 1 auction for £15.000, Among his 3 7 tested daughters are: Noble's Golden Chance, Register of Merit, 530 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 year. Brampton Lady Oak- lands, in Canadian Record of Merit. 486 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in 1 year. Sire of 28 bulls with official test daugh- ters, including Noble's Jolly Sultan, a "Linden Grove" service bull who has 1 1 tested daughters. More than 200 1st prs. and Championships stand to the credit of Noble of Oaklands and his get so far as the records have been tabulated. Nurse Agatha, P. 12117, C. Certificate of Merit, public butter test, May, '14, 2 lbs. 12 ozs. in 24 hours, 44 lbs. 14 ozs. milk, at 9 years old. Dam of Noble's Nurse, 253821, in Register of Merit. She pro- duced at Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky., in one year, be- ginning as a 2-year- old, 440 lbs. 7 ozs. butter, from 6,291 lbs. 9.6 ozs. milk. She is dam of Boy's Nursie. 276390, win- ner of 1st prize, Jr. yearling heifers, Nat. Dairy Show. '12; 1st prize and Junior Champion, Il- linois State Fair, '13; and many other prizes. f Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. Sire of Gamboge's Knight, 95698. sire of 41 tested cows; sold in our 1 1 auction for $6,700; sire of 4 pro- ducing bulls, includ- ing Oxford You'll Do. Halloween's Fox, P. 3631, H. C sire of 10 tested cows. Trial of Oaklands, P. 3644. H. Cm ^nd Beechland's Cham- p.on. P. 3599, H.C., each sire of 6. Trial 2d of Oaklands, P. 3809. H. C, Tom Fox of St. Martin. 67258. and Agatha's Blue Fox, 69634. each sire of 4 tested cows. Sultan of Oaklands, 1st prize. Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham.. St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show. '05. Sire of 27 tested cows. Combination. P. 3744, H. Cm 1st prize over Jersey, May, 06; 1st prize, St. Helier Show, Aug., '06; 1st prize and Champion, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Apr.. '09, in compe- tition with Beauvoir King, Plymouth Lad and other bulls. Sire of 17 tested cows. Agatha's Oxford Lass, 1st over Jersey and Theatre Challenge Cup, May. '11; Cer- tificate of Merit, public butter test, May. '09, 2 lbs. I* ozs., 83 days in milk. And many other win- ners. Sire of 7 tested cows. Golden Fern's Niece, 203634, A. J. C C (Nursie, P. 8692, C, J. H. B.) Silver Medal in public butter test. May, '06. She made the phenom- enal test of 2 lbs. 7* ozs. of butter in 24 hours in the public butter test on the Island show grounds, being 300 days in milk at time of test and within 90 days of calving. She sold in our '07 auction for $2 ,200 to Mr. A. B. Lewis; her bull calf by Mabel's Raleigh sold at same sale for $1,1 00 to the late Mr. George Aitken, then man- ager of Billings Farm, Woodstock, Vt. She is dam of Golden L e d a's Nursie, 213594. that we sold to Messrs. Ayer & McKinney for $1,000. and who made an official rec- ord of 567 lbs. 9 ozs. butter in 1 year, from 10.069 lbs. 4.8 ozs. milk (entered in Class AA). Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729. H. C) Champion winner over the Island. Aug., '99. Among his 26 tested daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford O u c e n. 870.5 lbs. butter. 13,604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. butter, 11,198 lbs. milk, 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Sa- viour, 411.96 lbs. butter. 6,841 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dream- wold, 10,060 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Syria o' Dream- wold, 11,075 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Maid o' The Sea, 11,530 lbs. milk, 1 year. | Agatha of Oaklands, 162101. A. J. C C. (A highly commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432,H.C.,J.H.B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. l£ ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. She sold in our '02 auction for $1,700 to Mrs. M. M. Patter- son, Port Kennedy, Pa. Spring Jack, P. 2332. H. C. Sire of F a u v i c ' s Sapphire, Certificate of Merit, 1 lb. 12 ozs., 189 days in milk. Nursie, winner of Sil- ver Medal. 2 lbs. 7* ozs., 300 days in milk. Lady Netina, Certifi- cate of Merit, 2 lbs. 34 ozs., 52 days in milk. Yulan, Certificate of Merit, 2 lbs. 8^ ozs. Yulan is dam of Ox- ford Lass of the Is- land, butter test, 14 lbs. 4 ozs. in 7 days; and she in turn is dam of Oxford In- tense, 213693, Reg- ister of Merit. No. 818, authenticated record, 327 lbs. 13 ozs. butter in one year. And 2 others with splendid public but- ter tests. His half brother. Spermfield Owl, 57088, also sired Spermfield Owl's Eva, 1,168 lbs. . 8 ozs. butter. 16,457 lbs. 6.4 ozs. milk, in one year. Out of same dam as Owl's Lassie, 155973, who has 2 sons with daughters in the Register of Merit. Speckled Band, P. 6052, H. C. Certificate of Merit in butter test, M a y, '97, 2 lbs. 3i ozs., 140 days in milk. Certificate of Merit in butter test, M a y, '98, 1 lb. 14i ozs., 165 days in milk. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C 1st and Champion at N. C Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of [ Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son. Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son, Eminent 2d. sold in our '05 auc- tion sale for $10,000. Rosette 5th. P. 2881. H. C A very rich and per- sistent milker. Dam of Flying Fox, P. 2729. Alicante, P. 3880, H.C { Forfarshire, P. 2914, H. C. 3 Champion winners. Four of her get have sold in our auction sales at an average of $2,762.50. Ravachol, P. 2032, C. ■ Courageous Countess of Oaklands, P. 8640, H. Cm now named Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test. 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours, Jersey weight. Tambour, P. 1872, H. C. Spermfield Lassie, P. 5099, C. Certificate of Merit, 2 lbs. £ oz., 44 days in milk. Dam of Spermfield Owl, 57088 (Register of Merit, No. 8), sire of 36 daughters in the Register with authenticated yearly records, among them: Spermfield Owl's Daw- son, 740 lbs. 3 ozs. Spermfield Owl's Maid, 700 lbs. Spermfield Owl's Vic- t tor R., 698 lbs. 5 ozs. Spermfield Owl's Duchess, 686 lbs. 1 oz. Owl's Mertha's Duch- ess, 680 lbs. 7 ozs. Owl's Golden Queen, 668 lbs. 7 ozs. Spermfield Owl's C Tones, 660 lbs. 8 ozs. Owlettina. 609 1 b s. 13.2 ozs. Spermfield Owl's Eva. 602 lbs. 2 ozs. Owl's Grand Duchess. 576 lbs. 3 ozs. Boyle, P. 1559. H. C Sire of the celebrated bull, Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C; Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all prize winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9.000 lbs. milk in a year, 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours, from which 2 lbs. 10 ozs. of butter was made. Creamer's Villaise 2d,l P. 2607, C Boyle, P. 1559. H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th. all prize winners over the Island. Golden Fern. P. 4711. H. C, 2d over Jer.. 2d H. B. and Par. prize. '94. Her dam is half sister to E m i n e n C e. V 7124, H. C. Sarabond. P 797. H.C. He was sold to go to Fran c e when 1 2 months old. This was a great loss to the Island, as he undoubtedly was a great sire. Rosette4th. P. 2128.C. Had few equals as a dairy cow in her day on the Island. Orme. P. 1660. H. C Sire of Regina Sultane 2d. 2 lbs. 1 i ozs. of butter in 24 hours. Little Eminence. 122506. 21 lbs. 6 ozs. Rosette 5th. P. 2881. H. Cm now named Sultana's Rosette. 149740. A. J. C C. Wonder Lad. P. 1390. H. C. 1st over Jersey. '91 Tambourette, L 7704. H C Sir Julius. P. 1547. H. C. 1st prize. St. Brelade. '91. '92. Spermlight 2d, P. 4157, H C Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C Sixty-five of his get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326. 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 30 days. Golden Lad's Lady Rose. 162097. 21 lbs. 10i ozs. Sandgate. 122509. 20 lbs. 10i ozs. Zulu Lady, 20 lbs. 10 ozs. Golden Naiad. 18 lbs. l£ ozs. Golden Kola. 127232, 17 lbs. 8i ozs. Golden Lass of St. John, 149150. 16 lbs. 3 ozs. Golden Ora. 127228. 16 lbs. l£ ozs. And 23 others. Tootsie, P. 3214. H. C. Parish prize, '90. Aster's Pride, P. 676, H. C. Creamer's Villaise, F. 6349, C. Due October 4, 1916, by Jolly Sultan of Linden, 120S3S, a magnificent son of our peerless Grand Champion, Sultana's Golden Jollv, S6180, strong in the blood of Ladv Viola and Golden Sultana, through two lines. His dam, Sultana's Golden Viola, 240363, is by Sultana's Oxford Lad, 76506, out of Golden Jolly's Lady Viola, 203669, one of the greatest daughters of Golden Jollv, being 'full sister to Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314. (See front pages for pedigree of Jolly Sultan of Linden, 120S3S.) T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. (Advertisement in The Jersey Bulletin, April 12, 1916.) WHAT ABOUT THE GRAND CHAMPION BULLS? THE WINNERS OF PREMIER HONORS, BOTH MALE AND FEMALE, AT SEVEN OUT OF NINE NATIONAL DAIRY SHOWS, WERE OF "LINDEN GROVE" BLOOD, Our recent advertisement, announcing that seven out of nine Grand Champion Females at the National Dairy Show for Nine Successive Years were of "Linden Grove" blood, has brought up the question, How about the bulls? It is with no little satisfaction we are able to make the same relative statement about the Grand Champion bulls, as about the cows. Since the National Dairy Show was inaugurated in 1906, nine exhibitions were held annually until 1915. SEVEN OF THE NINE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALES AT NINE NATIONAL DAIRY SHOWS WERE OF "LINDEN GROVE" BLOOD, VIZ,: 1906 EMANON, 52299, son of Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C, who ruled for five years at "Linden Grove" and died here. Emanon had 75 per cent, same blood as Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C, who was sold in our 1905 auction for $10,000. 1907— IMP. BROOKHILL FOX, 65303, son of Champion Flying Fox, 61441, who sold in our 1902 auction for $7,500. Flying Fox is a son of Golden Fern's Lad, above. 1908— ROYAL MAJESTY, 79313, sold in our 190S auction, on a rainy day, for $1,000. We always said Majesty was a ten-thou- sand-dollar bull, though he brought only $4,000 after leaving "Linden Grove." His sire, Oxford Lad, son of Flying Fox, spent his last days here. 1910— RALEIGH'S FAIRY BOY, 83767, sold in our 1909 auction for $8,200, to Mr. C. I. Hudson. His sire, Eminent's Raleigh, 69011, is a son of Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C, referred to above. 1911— SULTANA'S GOLDEN JOLLY, 86180, bred and owned at "Linden Grove," who died here March 31, 1916. His sire is a grandson, and his dam a daughter, of Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1912— FONTAINE'S CHIEFTAIN, 97158, his sire and dam both imported by "Linden Grove"; the former being Noble of Oak- lands, 95700 (sold in our 1911 auction for $15,000), and the latter, a daughter of Eminent's Raleigh. 1913— NOBLE'S EMINENT LAD, 113642, son of Noble of Oaklands, 95700, out of a daughter of Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. (And the Grand Champions of 1909 and 1914 were not so far off from "Linden Grove"; in 1909 the winner was a grandson of Golden Fern's Lad, and the 1914 Grand Champion was by a son of Mabel's Raleigh, who had the same dam as Raleigh's Fairy Boy, above. We owned Mabel's Raleigh at the time of his death on the Island.) SEVEN OF THE NINE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALES AT NINE NATIONAL DAIRY SHOWS WERE OF "LINDEN GROVE" BLOOD, VIZ.: 1907— GOLDEN FERN'S SENSATION, Grand Champion cow— sold in our 1903 auction for $530. We recently repurchased her in the Elmendorf Farm auction, and she is now at "Linden Grove," seventeen years old. 1908— JOLLY LADY OF BEECHWOOD, Grand Champion cow— sold in our 1908 auction for $510. She has a son by Majesty (sold in our 190S auction for $1,000) that has four daughters in Register of Merit. 1909— MAJESTY'S OXFORD LASS, Grand Champion cow — sold in our 1909 auction for $510. She has several prize winning sons, and a daughter that sold in our 1911 auction for $1,750. 1911— GREAT SCOT'S CHAMPION, Grand Champion cow— sold in our 1907 auction for $1,750. She is dam of the First Prize Senior yearling heifer at National Dairy Show, 1913, and other winners. 1912— GAMBOGE'S TIDDLEDYWINK, Grand Champion cow— sold in our 1911 auction for $1,750. She is the second highest testing daughter of Gamboge's Knight, 744 lbs. 14 ozs. butter in one year. 1913— ULA OF FAIR ACRES, Grand Champion female— by a son of Noble of Oaklands, who sold in our 1911 auction for $15,000, and now has 37 official test daughters and 28 sons with official test daughters. 1914 — NOBLE'S JOLLY NORA, Grand Champion female, bred at Elmendorf Farm; by Noble of Oaklands, above; dam, a daugh- ter of Aleonora, who produced Combust, sold in our auction for $700; etc. (Golden Fern's Sensation, Majesty's Oxford Lass, Great Scot's Champion, and Gamboge's Tiddledywink are all Register of Merit Cows.) The Above is a "Reminder" for Those Expecting to Exhibit at the 1916 National Dairy Show, in Springfield, Mass., Next Fall. We will offer the same sort of material, not only individually, but in breeding — and Golden Fern's Lad shows his face in almost every pedigree. Almost all of the "National" Grand Champions were close descendants of "the Old Plum Tree." The late Hon. A. M. Bowman declared that "the closer you stay with Golden Fern's Lad, the better." It is not surprising that so many breeders, in writing us for stock, are anxious for the blood of Golden Fern's Lad as closely as it can be had in the pedigrees. It makes us appreciate all the more, those great Golden Fern's Lad cows still in the "Linden Grove" herd (in "cold storage"). 569 T. S. COOPER & SONS* AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 69- Cow. SULTAN'S COCOTTE, 252146, A. J. C. C. (P. 13662, H. C.) WINNER OF SECOND PRIZE, ST. SAVIOUR SHOW, ISLAND OF JERSEY, 1910. ENTERED IN REGISTER OF MERIT, CLASS A, 434 LBS. 8 OZS. BUTTER IN ONE YEAR, FROM 6,820 LBS. 4.8 OZS. MILK, 5 YRS. 10 MOS. OLD. Bred by C Quenault, St. Saviour. Island of Jersey. Horn April 2, 1906. Imported September 20, 1910, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color, except dot on belly near brisket; white tongue; black switch. A handsome, capacious mulberry fawn, the type of her illustrious ancestress. Agatha of Oaklands; very deep, wide, well-ribbed body; strong back, broad at loins, with wide, prominent hips and great length of rump; intelligent head, great soft "pop" eyes and dished face; splendidly set tail, with beauti- ful switch; tremendous udder when fresh, very deep, attached high behind, full in front, with great large teats. She is a splendid breeder. One of her heifer calves sold in our '11 auction for $310, to Mr. W. R. Spann. Another, Fontaine's Cocotte, 252245, sold in our ' 1 1 auction for $390 to Mr. Ed. C. Lasater, of Texas, won 2d prize for "dry" yearlings at the Waterloo and National Dairy Shows. '11, in large classes. Another daughter, Noble's Cocotte, 276393. bred at Elmendorf Farm, won four 1st prizes in '12 as a calf, and Junior Championship at National Dairy Show, also two 1st prizes in '13, including 1st at Waterloo, 16 entries; and other prizes. She is the dam of an excellent yearling, Sensation's Cocotte, 326760, and a heifer calf, Goddingtou's Cocotte, 342503, whose pedigrees will be found on following pages. We sold Sultan's Cocotte in our '11 auction for $950. to Elmendorf Farm, where we repur- chased her in 1915. Sire. SULTAN OF OAKLANDS, P.3746, H.C. (78475, A.J. C. C.) Winner of 1st prize over Jer., Apr.. '06; and other Island prs. He has sired a long list of prize winners and 27 butter test daughters, including: Sultan's Dorcas. 604 lbs. 7 ozs. Sultan's Figgis, 536 lbs. 4 ozs. S u 1 1 a n's Handsome Lass, 534 lbs. 1 oz. Sultan's Gleenie, 528 lbs. Sultane's Belle. 519 lbs. 1 1 ozs. Lady Algeria of Oak- lands, 515 lbs. 3 ozs. Also sire of 7 bulls with tested daughters. Among the 1st prize winners he has sired are: Campanile's Sultan. Championship over New Zealand and many other prizes. and sold at auction for $3,024. He is sire of Sultan's Dark Beauty, 252210 (Golden Fern's Rose 9th, P. 15037. H.C), 1st over Jer.. Aug., '10; sold in our '1 1 auction for $725 to Mr. Ed. C. Lasater. Texas, for whom she won in the fall of '11.6 1st prizes and 4 Grand Champion- ships at most im- portant shows. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. Sire of Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645. H. C, sire of 41 tested cows; sold in our '1 1 auction for $6,700. Combination, P. 3744. H. C, 1st prize over Tersey, May, *06. Sire of 17 butter tested cows. Sultane's Snowdrop, P. 8578, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land, May, '01. 1st and Sweepstakes, Grouville and St. Saviour, '01. 1 st and Sweepstakes and Cham. , Grou- ville and St. Saviour, '03, '04. She was sold to "Ged- ney Farm" for $2,350, and is a full sister to Golden Sul- tana, the St. Louis winner, who is dam of the sensational bull, Sultana's Gold- en Jolly, 86180, win- ner of Gr. Cham- pionship, Nat. Dairy Show, Ch'cago, 11. Dam of Sultane of oaklands, P. 11017, H. C, public butter test, 1 lb. 13 ozs. in 24 hrs. ; dam of the bull. Blue Sultan, 8806, E. H. B., who sired God- dington Noble, whose pedigree ap- pears on page 7 1 , following. Dam f Champion Flying Fox, 61441. A. J. C. C (Flying Fox. P. 2729. H. C) Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale, May, '02, for $7,500. In s a m e sale three of his heif- ers on first calf aver- aged $933. Sire of Oxford Vixen, 2 lbs. 2J ozs.. 49 days in milk. Fox's Belle of Grou- ville, 21 lbs. 3 ozs. Fox's Belle of Trinity, 20 lbs. £ oz. Flying Fox's Rowena, 17 lbs. 2£ ozs. Flying Fox's Pearl, 15 lbs. 7 ozs. Flying Fox's Brown Belle, 15 lbs. 3 ozs. And 20 other tested cows. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C C. (A highly commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432, H. C, J. H.B.) Official butter test. 2 lbs. l£ ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. Sold in our '02 auction for $1,700, to Mrs. M. M. Patterson, Pt. Kennedy, Pa. Golden Fern's Lad. P. 2160. H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. Purchased by us for use at "Linden Grove," when 9 yrs. old, for $2,250. (See above.) Sultane 9th, P. 1145. H. C. Dam of Uncle Peter. P. 2115, H. C. sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows that have always sold at long prices. Her daughter. Golden Sultana, won third prize at the great St. Louis Show, Sept.. '04; and sold in our '10 auction for $3,700; her son. Sul- tana's Oxford Lad, selling for $11,100. Her sire, Cicero, 7657, A. J. C. C. (P. 266. H. C-), was imported by us and sold in our '82 auction for $3,100. He is the sire of many famous animals. EMINEM'S COCOTTE, 213903, A. J. C. C. (P. 10329, H. C.) Sold in our *08 auction to Mr. Geo. W. Sisson, Jr., Potsdam. N. Y., for $320- Entered in Register of Merit. Class AA, 491 lbs. 10 ozs. butter in 1 year. from 7.772 lbs. 3.2 ozs. milk, at 8 yrs. 4 mos. old. Scored 93 per cent, of perfect scale of points. Dam of Sultan's Cocotte. 252146. in Register of Merit. Class A. 434 lbs. 8 ozs. but- ter, 6.820 lbs. 4.8 ozs. milk, at 5 yrs. 10 mos. old. Raleigh's Cocotte, 213998, sold in our '08 auction for $310, as a yearling, to Mr. A. O. Auten, Jersewille, 111. Due to calve August 1:5, 1916, by the splendid sire, Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C, winner of 1st prize over the Island, April, '11, shown with his progeny. The high class of the progeny of Oxford You'll Do place him in the front rank among prepotent sires. What would a bull call be worth, by him out of this Register of Merit cow. to head a herd ? (Sce'front pages for extended pedigree of Oxford You'll Do, P, 4075, H. C.) Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C 1st and Champion at N. C Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son. Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son, Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 auction sale for $10,000. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C, now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C C A very rich and per- sistent milker. 1st over Jersey, '98. Has 5 producing sons. Ravachol. P. 2032, C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam, he proved himself a remark- able sire, but was butchered before his value as a sire was known. Courageous Countess of Oaklands. P. 8640, H. C. now named Countess of Oaklands. 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours, Jersey weight. Cicero. P. 266. H. C. Sire of Lady Long- field, 23524. 20 lbs. 1 3 ozs. ; and 8 others. Also sire of Count Cicero, F. 398, H. C. (as above). Sultane, P. 7, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '70 1st pr., St. Saviour/70. 1st II. B., 71. Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. (Eminent, 69631, A. J. C. C.) Winner 1st State's pr. over Jer. (with his get). '01 and '02. Goddington purse, '02. Sold in our '05 auction for $10,000 to the late Hon. A. M. Bowman, Salem, Va. Eminent 2d has 81 daughters that have made tests in Amer- ica and on the Is- land. Sire of Eminent's Honeymoon, in Reg- ister of Merit, 592 lbs. 12 ozs. butter in one year. And 80 others. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th. all prize winners over the Is- land. * Golden Fern, P. 4711. H. C. 2d over Jersey, 2d H. B. and Par. pr., '94. Sarabond, P. 797, H.C. He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. Rosette 4th. P. 2128. C. Orme, P. 1660, H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d. 2 lbs. l£ ozs. of butter in 24 hours. Little Eminence, 122506, 21 lbs. 6 ozs. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. Dam of Flying Fox. (See above. ) Courage, P. 1813. C- One of the best sons of Golden Lad. Grassy Brown, P. 3370, H. C. f Happy, P. 211, C. Sire of Happy Blossom, 18218, 19 lbs. 5 ozs. St. Jeannaise. 15789, 17 lbs. 8 J ozs. [ Fleur de I'Air, F. 1736, C. Sultan. F. 58. H. C- 1st p. over Jer., '67, "68. Longueville Queen, F. 272, H. C. Gulden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (Sec above.) Eminence, F. 7124, H. C. Dam of Little E in i n e n c c, 122506, 21 lbs. 6 ozs. Eminence of the Is- land. 15 lbs. 10 ozs., when ten years old. Leda, whose daughter. Golden Leda, won first over the Island, and is dam of the bulls. Stockwell, Leda's Golden Lad, Topsman, etc. Satisfaction, P. 3127, H. C, 3d over Jer., '89. Eminent 2d, P. 2532. H. C, sire of 81 tested cows. Fortescue, P. 766, H. C. 2d over Jersey, '86. 1st ov. Jer., '87, '88. Golden Lad. P. 1242, H. C. Tootsie. P. 3214. H. C- Parish prize, '90. Golden Lad. P. 1242, H. C Brown Fern 2d. P. 1944. H. C. Count Cicero, F. 398. H. C. Sultane, P. 7, H. C 2d pr. over Jer-, '70. Happy Cetewayo, P. 582, C. Rosette 2d, F. 943, H. C. 1st prize at Grouville Golden Lad. P. 1242. H. C. Oxford Dahlia. P. 2588. H. C. Winner of 7 1st prizes in England. Sarabond. P. 797, H.C. Rosette 4th, P. 2128. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Oxford Rose, P. 3787, H. C. Milked as high as 20 quarts. Yertumnus, P. 161. H. C. 1st pr., Trinity. '77. Sire of 4 tested co%vs in America. Garenne, F. 1575, H.C. A 20-quart cow. Dam of Young Ga- renne. 13641, 19 lbs. 8 ozs. Prince of Wales. 1st pr. over Jer.. '65. 2d Eng. Roy., '65. Flower. F. 53. H. C. Traveler, P. 280. C Sire of Clubs 2d. 16725, butter test. 14 lbs. 7 ozs. in 7 days. JTOSJ lbs milk, at 8 years old. Brow ii Fern, F. 4606. C. Dam of Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944. H. C. dam of Aurea. P. 8693. H. C. (n o w Eminent's Fern of St. Martin. 252122). public butter test. May. '07. 2 lbs. 5 J ozs.. 65 days in milk. Brown Fern 2d is also dam of Golden Fern. P. 4711. H. C, the dam of Golden Fern's Lad (above). Boniface, F. 399, C Lily 2d, P. 115, H.C. Daughter of Welcome, F. 166. H. C. Nothing could tempt the Cocotte, F. 8300, H. C. Cocotte was one of the handsomest and best dairy cows the Island ever pro- duced, also a remarkably good breeder. owner of Cocotte to name a price on her. She has 6 great daughters, four of them tested, including the highest tested daughter of Oxford Lad, and all imported by "Linden Grove." Three of her daughters and a granddaughter are in the Register of Merit. She is grandam of Sensational Fern, 75924, sold in our '07 auction, at 8 mos. old, for $10,200, who now has 12 daughters in the Register of Merit. and several sons with tested daughters. Five of her daughters have been sold in our auctions for an average of $904; 3 granddaughters and a grandson of Cocotte have been sold injour auctions 'Jor aniaverage of S3, 01 5. (See page 71 for further.particulars regarding the great cow, Cocotte.~F. 8300. H. C.) Tattoo E 192 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 70. Heifer. SENSATION'S COCOTTE, 326760, A. J. C. C. Bred by Estate of J. B. Haggin, Lexington, Ky. Born September 29, 1914. Solid color, except small spot on left stifle and on right flank; white tongue; black switch. A handsome glossy "black," with few white markings; a heifer of high finish and rare breeding; back straight and strong, broad at loins, with thin, well-set tail and good switch; beautiful development of udder, with large and perfectly placed teats. Sire SENSATION'S NOBLE, 118176. A splendid bred son of Noble of Oaklands, having for dam one of the grandest cows ever imported from the Island of Jersey. She sold at auction for $2,250. He has 75 per cent, same blood as the bull, Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570, H. C, who won 7 first prizes at the Royal Shows on the Island, and whose get have won 5 or more first prizes for "get of sire' ' at important shows, including the National Dairy Show, in '14. Gold- en Fern's Noble was by Noble of Oak- lands, out of a daughter of. Golden Fern's Lad. We shall sell in this auction some of the best daughters of Golden Fern's Noble, including the great young butter cow, Dorothy's Noble Fern, whose milk tested an aver- age of 6.1 per cent, fat, and who pro- duced as a two-year- old, in the official R. J. A. S. test on the Island, 470 lbs. 5.2 ozs. butter, 7,103 lbs. milk, in 361 days. Dam SULTAN'S COCOTTE, 252146, A. J. C. C. (P. 13662, H. C.) A daughter of Sultan of Oaklands, 78475, sire of 27 tested cows, out of a daugh- ter of Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C, sire of 81. Her dam is one of 6 great daugh- ters of the wonder- ful cow, Cocotte, F. ^ 8300, H. C. She won 2d prize at St. Saviour Show, Island of Jersey, '10. Imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our '11 auction for $875 to Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky., and repurchas- ed by us in the 15 Elmendorf auction. Entered in Register of Merit, Class A, 434 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in 1 year, from 6,820 lbs. 4.8 ozs. milk, at 5 yrs. 10 mos. old. (See opposite page for extended pedigree.) f Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. (95700, A. J. C. C.) 1st pr., St. Saviour, '07. 1st pr., Royal Show, '10, for bull and 5 female progeny. He sold in our '11 auction for $15,000, at same time his dam sold for $7,000. Noble of Oaklands and his sons won all 1st prizes at the bull show, Island of Jer., April, '10. At the bull show, Apr., '11, sons of Noble of Oaklands won 2 out of 4 first prizes. At the National Dairy Show. Chicago, '11, the special pr. ($250) for •■get of sire, 4 to 8 animals, either sex, irrespective of age or ownership," was won by 3 of his sons and 5 daughters. More than 200 first prs. and Championships stand to the credit of Noble of Oaklands and his get, so far as the records have been tabu- lated. Sire of 37 butter tested cows, 31 of them in Register of Merit with authenticated tests, including: Noble's Golden Chance, 530 lbs. 15 ozs. Noble's Golden Pride, 443 lbs. 2.8 ozs. Noble's Nurse, 440 lbs. 7 ozs. Noble's Beautiful Lily, 414 lbs. 7 ozs. Noble's Beautiful Nelly, 404 lbs. 6 ozs. Brown Bess of Grouville, 401 lbs. 12 ozs. St. Clement's Noble Maid, 394 lbs. 10 ozs. Noble of Oaklands has 28 sons with official test daughters — more producing bulls than any other sire excepting Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C, who has 43 sons with tested daughters. Both were imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auctions. Among the sons of Noble of Oaklands are: Noble's Jolly Sultan, P. 4156, H. C. (97181, A. J. C. C), winner of 1st prize. Class 8, 23 entries, Royal Show, August, '10, and the ''Voisin Special" prize (Championship), Aug., '10; 1st prize, Class 3, 9 entries. Royal Show, April, '10; 1st prize aged bull, 8 entries, National Dairy Show, '11. He is the sire of 1 1 official test cows. We shall sell some of the daughters of Noble's Jolly Sultan in this auction that will open the eyes of breeders. Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570, H. C. (See notes at left.) Fontaine's Chief, P. 4153, H. C. (Fontaine's Chieftain, 97 158), 1st prize, Class S, 20 entries, and Voisin Special (Championship), Royal Show, Jersey, Aug., '09; besides many Cham- pionships in America, including Grand Cham- pionship at the National Dairy Show, '12. Sire of 12 Official test cows, among them Imp. White Heart, 272586, 711 lbs. 13 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 3£ years old. I Golden Fern's Sensation, 173201. (Lily's Legacy, P. 8675, H. C.) 1st prize, Sweepstakes and Reserve for Champion, North Club Show, Jersey, '01. Reserve, Class 4 (54 entries), Royal Show, Jersey, May, '02. Sold in our '03 auction for $530, to the late Mr. N. F. Berry, Lexington, Ky. 1st prize, Ohio State Fair, and other prizes in '03. Grand Champion, Illinois State Fair, and 2d in aged class (25 entries), World's Fair, '04. We paid $2,250 for her in the administrator's sale of Mr. Berry's herd. Grand Champion, Illinois and Tennessee State Fairs, and National Dairy Show, '07. Sold in our '10 auction for $1,550, to Elmendorf Farm. 1st prize Register of Merit cow with 2 of her prog- eny, National Dairy Show, '12. Entered in Register of Merit, Class AA, 425 lbs. butter in 1 year, in her 13th year. We bought her in the Elmendorf auction, '15, and she is now at "Linden Grove," in her ISth year, safe in calf to Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C. Dana of Viola's Sensation, 239334, sold in our '10 auction for $1,125; in Register of Merit (AA), 365 lbs. 14 ozs. butter in 1 year, 2 yrs. 3 mos. old. Sensational Stockwell, 86293, sold in our '10 auction for $700; Grand Champion, Trenton, N. J., '12; and other prizes. Sire of Nursie's Golden Beauty, in Register of Merit, 473 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in 1 year, 3 yrs. old. Sultana's Sensation, 106675, sold as a yearling by Elmendorf Farm to Mr. J. E. Evans, Muldon, Miss., for-$700. Champion Sensation, 338708, sold in the Elmen- dorf auction, '15, for $725, at 9 mos. old. Blue Belle's Blue Fox, P. 3633, H. C. A very promising sire and great show bull. He was sold at Mr. D. S. Williams' sale, Nashville, T e n n., Dec, '07, for $1,025, to Mr. Harry Pren- tice, Worcester, Mass., who was offered a large ad- vance in price right after the sale. He was shown at the Nashville, Tenn., show, Oct., '07, in a class where the Champion bull of the year was shown ; and Prof. Scovell , who had handed out the Champion ribbons at the shows, was free in saying, "had he been judge at Nash- ville, Blue Belle's Blue Fox would have been Cham- pion." Sire of Blue Belle's Blue Lad, 72314, 1st prize and Grand Champion bull, San Antonio (Tex. ) In- ternational Exposi- tion, '09. Sire of Anna's Doro- thy, 222016, in Reg- ister of Merit, 14 lbs. 15 ozs. in 7 days, at 4 years old. Sire of 4 bulls with 47 official test daugh- ters. Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. Sold at our '11 auction for $7,000. 1st over Jersey, '04. Certificate of Merit, butter test, May, '04, 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 50 days in milk. 1 st over Jersey and Champion, '05. 1st prize, Sweepstakes and Cham., Grou- ville and St. Saviour, • '05. 1st overEng. wherever exhibited, '06, '07. Dam of 4 butter test cows; etc. Golden Fern's Lad, ■ P. 2160, H. C. Winner of 1 st prize and Championship, North Club Show, '96 and '97. Purchased by us for use at "Linden Grove," when 9 yrs. old, for $2,250. Sire of many prize winners and 31 test- ed cows. (See other pedigrees.) Among his butter test- ed daughters is Free- dom , public butter test, Tring, England, 2 lbs. 10 ozs. in 24 hours, 140 days in milk; 1st prize over England, Oxford- shire, '99. Red Lily, P. 3542, H. C. A magnificent dairy cow, being a daugh- ter of the famous bull, "Count Wolse- ley," a son of the greatest cow the Is- land ever produced, and who sired a re- markable lot of great dairy cows. Shy Fox, P. 3143, II. C. Champion winner at St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Is- land of Jer., '02. 1st and Championship, Ohio and Illinois State Fairs, '03. His sire, Flying Fox, is also sire of Aga- tha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C, 1st pr. and Sweepstakes, St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '02; 1st pr. over the Island in a class of 44, '02; 1st pr. over the Is- land, Aug., '03. Blue Belle, P. 4307, H. C. Sold in our '04 sale to to Mr. Howard Wil- 1 e t s, "Gedney F a r m," White Plains, N. Y., for $3,600. Dam of Caumais Lad. P. 2257, H. C., sire of Finan- cial King, P. 2624, H. C, and Guenon's Lad, b o t p h noted sires. Blue Nun, 18 lbs. 5i ozs. Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold in our '03 sale for $1,725. Blue Belle's Golden Fern, 69196, that sold as a calf for $3,000. Nobleman, P. 2555, H. C. 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr., '98. 1st over Jer., Aug., '98. Reserve over Jersey and Par. prize, '00. 1st at Three-Parish Show, '99. Sire of Nobleman's Lady Mary, the unbeaten Champion of many shows ; sold in our '02 sale to J. A. Middelton. Shelby- ville, Ky. His dam, Gipsy Maid, is also dam of Gipsy [ Maid 2d, P. 9641, H. C. , who won 1 st over Jersey, Aug., '02; 1st over Jersey (Special Class) and Cham- pion over three par- ishes. May, '10; be- sides other prizes. Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale. May, '02, for $7,500. Sire of Fox Glove, that tested in public butter test on the Island, 2 lbs. 8$ ozs. in 24 hours. Oxford Vixen, 2 lbs. 2i ozs. Fox's Belle of Grou- ville, 21 lbs. 3 ozs. Fox's Belle of Trinity, 20 lbs. 5 ozs. Flying Fox's Rowena, 17 lbs. 24 ozs. Flying Fox's Pearl, 15 lbs. 7 ozs. Flying Fox's Brown Belle, 15 lbs. 3 ozs. (See other pedigrees for list of Flying Fox's tested daugh- ters.) Brookhill Fox (out of the great cow, Brookhill Rose 2d), winner 1st at Royal Show, England, '02, in class of 32, and sold at auction for $5,000. Venus Violet, P. 3946, H. C. A magnificent dairy cow, milking 20 quarts daily. Aristocrat, P. 2280, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '98. 1st and Sweepstakes, 3-Par. Show, '97. He has shown his worth as a sire of cows that are a credit to his illus- trious dam. He is sire of Aristocratic Beauty, that won the Silver Medal in the public butter test on the Island, testing 2 lbs. 10£ ozs. in 24 hrs., being in milk at time of test 121 days. She sold in our May, '06, sale for $1,100. Bagatelle 2d, P. 6564, H. C, now named Golden Lad's Victoria, 157325. Sold in our '01 sale for $745. She is full sis- ter to Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, that tested 23 lbs. 6 ozs. Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '88, '89. 2d over Jersey, '87, '89. Sire of Alicante, P. 3880, H. C, a great prize win- ner, and dam of the noted sires, Nun- thorpe, The Owl and Alicante's Boy. Oxford Rose, P. 3787, C, dam of Courage, a great sire. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. Gentille 3d, P. 879, C. Gipsy Maid, P. 4424, H. C. 3d over Jersey, '97. 2d and Sweepstakes at 3-Par. Show, '97. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326, 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. And 30 others. Bagatelle, P. 5076, C. Wolseley, P. 401, H. C. lstov. Jer., '83, '84, '85. 1st pr. over Jer. Jubi- lee Show, '83. Cham. Cup for great- est No. of points, '83. Sultane. P. 7, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '70. 1st pr., St. Saviour, '70. 1st H. B., '71. Bronze Medal at C. I. Ex., '71. Umpire 2d, P.232.H.C. 2d ov. Jer.and P.p. ,'80. 3d ov.Jer.and P. p. ,'81. Gentille, F. 794, H. C. Bred February 7, 1916, to Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86180, A. J. C. C, the handsomest and best bred bull ever owned at "Linden Grove," and not for sale at any price. When such breeders as Hon. Robert Fleming, Messrs. Ayer & McKinney, Mr. R. A. Sibley, President E. A. Darling, of the American Jersey Cattle Club, and others, have their great cows bred to Sul- tana's Golden Jolly, others may think it worth while to secure a little of his blood. (See front pages for picture and pedigree of Sultana's Golden Jolly, S6180, A. J. C. C.) T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, M\Y: 30, 1916. No. 71. Heifer Calf. GODDINGTON'S COCOTTE, 342503, A. J. C. C. Bred by Estate of J. B. Haggin, Lexington, Ky. Born September 11, 1915. Solid color; white tongue; black switch. A beautiful heifer, of rare breeding and high quality; long, deep, well-ribbed body; neat head and fine in bone; skin thin, and mellow as that of a mole; straight back and beautifully set tail; udder develop- ment promising, with unusually large and well- placed teats. A show calf that will take some beat- ing. Blue Sultan. 8S06, E. H. B. - f Sire GODDINGTON NOBLE, 121855, A.J. C. C. 10251, E. H. B. Bred by A. Miller- Hallett, Goddington, Chelsfield, Kent, England. Imported by "Linden Grove," and sold to Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. lie has 75 per cent. same blood as Noble of oaklands, 95700. Dam SULTAN'S COCOTTE, 252146, A. J. C. C. (P. 13662, H.C.) 2d prize, St. Saviour Show, Island of Jer- sey, '10. Register of Merit, Class A, 434 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 5 yrs. 1 mos. old. Sold in our '1 1 auction for $950, to Elmen- dorf Farm, where we purchased her in '15. Dam of Noble's Cocotte. 276393, winner of four 1st prizes in '12 as a calf, and Junior Championship a t National Dairy S. , also two 1 st prizes in '13, including 1st at Waterloo, 16 entries. Fontaine's Cocotte, 252245, sold as a calf in our '1 1 auc- tion for $390, to Mr. Ed. C. Lasater, of Texas; winner of 2d prize at Waterloo and National Dairy Shows, '11. Noble's Lady Cocotte, 255217, sold as a calf in our '12 auc- tion for $310 to Mr. W. R. Spann. Sensation's C o c o t te, 326760, a superior heifer, catalogued on preceding page. (See No. 69 for more extended pedigree of Sultan's C OC O 1 1 e, 252146.) Very highly commended, Tunbridge Wells Show, England, 06. Half-brother (same sire) to Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C, who sold in our '11 auction for $15,000. To date we have record of more than 200 1st prizes and Championships won by Noble of Oaklands and his get, and the list is not com- plete. Noble of Oaklands and his sons won all 1 st prizes at the bull show. Island of Jer., Apr., '10. At the bull show, Apr., '11, sons of Noble of Oaklands won 2 out of 4 first prizes. His prize winning get include Noble's Jolly Sultan, 1st pr. over Jersey, Apr., '10; 1st and Champion over Jer., Aug.. '10; 1st prize aged bull, National Dairy Show, '11. Lady Viola. P. 8463, H. C — Sold in our '11 auction for $7,000. 1st over Jersey, '04. Public butter test. May, '04, 2 lbs. 12 ozs. 1st prize, Sweepstakes and Champion, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '05. 1st prize over Jersey and Theatre Cup, May, '05. 1st over England wherever exhibited, '06 and '07. Champion over all England, '07. 1st prize for butter test cows, Aug., '07. Dam of Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C, winner of 1st over Jersey for bull and progeny, April, '10. He is the sire of a number of beautiful cows. He was sold in our '11 auction for $15,000. He has 37 tested daughters and 28 producing sons. She is also dam of 4 butter test cows, and of the bull, Viola's Golden Jolly, 79313, sold in our '09 auction for $11 ,000. Miss Viola, P. 9644, H. C, Certificate of Merit in public butter test. May. '05, 2 lbs. 15 ozs., 39 days in milk, 4 years 1 month old. Willoh's Rosy. P. 10444, H. C. (now named Willoh's Lady Viola, 219486, A. J. C. C), Certificate of Merit in public butter test, May, '06, 3 lbs., 38 days in milk, 4 years I month old. She is the dam of five official tested daughters, and of a 1st prize winner over the Island. Poppy Viola, P. 10902. H. C. (now named Golden Jolly's Lady Viola), that we imported in '06. We rebought her at Mr. J. M. Overton's' sale, '08, for $2,550. She is looked upon on the Island as having made the most phenomenal public butter test (taking into consideration age and lactation) ever made, testing 1 lb. 15 ozs., 159 days in milk, being only 30 mos. old. She made a private test at home of 2 lbs. 9 ozs. in 24 hours. \ Agatha's Flving Fox. P. 3256. H. C 1st over the Island in ;i class of 44. '02. 1st over the Island, Aug., '03. Sultan of Oaklands. P. 3746, H. C. Winner of 1st over Jer.. Apr., '06. 2d pr. and Par. pr., Apr., '05. Reserve with progeny, Apr., '07. 1st pr.. Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Champion, St. S a v i o u r-Grou- ville, '05. Sire of 27 tested cows, and 7 producing bulls. Eminent's Cocotte, 213903, A. J. C. C. (P. 10329, H. C.) Sold in our '08 auction to Mr. Geo. W. Sisson, Jr., Pots- dam, N. Y. Register of Merit. Class A, 491 lbs. 10 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 8 yrs. 4 mos. old. Dam of a Register of Merit cow. Her yearling heifer, Raleigh's Cocotte, 213998. sold in our '08 auction for $310, to Mr. A. t ' Auten, Jerseyville, 111. Sultane's Snowdrop. P. 8578, H. C. (See above.) Eminent 2d. P. 2532, H. C. (Eminent. 69631. A. J. C. C.) Winner 1st State's pr. over Jer. (with his get). '01 and '02. Goddington purse, '02. Sold in our '05 auction for $10,000 to the late Hon. A. M. Bowman, Salem, Va. Eminent 2d has 81 daughters that have made tests in Amer- ica and on the Is- land. Sire of 25 bulls with tested daughters, among them, Emi- nent s Raleigh, 69 ol 1. sire of 4.x tested cows, 24 of them in Register of Merit. Cocotte. F. 8300, H. C. \ « i indezful o.w. i See notes at right. | Blue Belle's Blue Fox. P. 3633, II. C. Sire of Noble of Oak- lands, P. 3909. H. C. (95700. A. J. C O, 1st St. Saviour Par. prize, '07 ; 3d over Jer., with progeny, Apr., '08; 1st over Jer., with progeny, April, '10. Sold at our '11 auction for $15,000. Sultane of Oaklands, P. 11017, H. C. Out of same dam as Sultan of Oaklands. P. 3746, H.C.(78475, A. J. C. C). Public butter test. 1 lb. 13 ozs. in 24 hours. Her dam is full sister to Golden Sultana, 146282. dam of the sensational bull, Sul- tana's Golden Jolly, 86180. Nobleman, P. 2555, H. C. 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr., '98. 1st over Jer., Aug., '98. Reserve over Jersey and Par. prize, '00. 1st at Three-Parish Show, '99. Sire of Nobleman's Lady Mary, sold in our '02 sale to J. A. Middelton, Shelby- ville, Ky. Shy Fox, P. 3143, II. C. Champion winner at St. S a v i u o r and Grouville Show, Is- land of Jer., '02. Blue Belle, P. 4307, H. C. Sold in our '04 sale to Mr. Howard Wilk-ts. "Gedney Far m," White Plains, N. Y.. for $3,600. Flying Fox, P. 2729. H. C. (See above.) Sultane's Snowdrop, P. 8578. H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land, May, '01; 1st and Sweepstakes, Grouville and St. Saviour, '01; 1st and Sweepstakes and Champion, Grou- ville and St. Saviour, '03, '04. Sold to "Gedney Farm" for $2,350. Aristocrat. P. 2280, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '98. 1st and Sweepstakes, 3-Par. Show, '97. Gipsy Maid, P. 4424, H. C. 3d over Jersey, '97. 2d and Sweepstakes at 3-Par. Show. '97. Dam of Gipsy Maid 2d and Gipsy Maid 3d. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. Sire of 32 tested cows. Golden Lad's Victoria, 157325. Sold in our '01 sale for $745. Bagatelle, P. 5076, C. Flying Fox. P. 2729, H. C. Champion winner over the Island. Aug., '99. Sold at our '02 sale for $7,500. Venus Violet, P. 3946. H. C. A magnificent dairy cow. milking 20 qts. daily. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C- 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. Sultane 9th. P. 1145, H. C. 2d over Jersey, '85. 1st H. B. over Jer.. '85. 4th over Jer.. '89. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '91. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. (See below.) Nameless, P. 3222, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, '93. 1st over Jersey. '94. 1st Cham. Class, '95. '96. '97. '98. Milked 24 qts. a day; private test. 2 lbs. 1 1 ozs. butter in one day. Baron of St. John. P. 1279, H. C. His grandam, Lady Useful. P. 796. H.C.. won 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '86. Lugano. F. 7020. C. Following is the record of six great daughters of COCOTTE. F. 8300, H. C. all of them imported by "Linden Grove": OXFORD COCOTTE. 235180 (P. 13134. H. C), Register of Merit. Class A. 724 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 year, from 10,0^3 lbs. 12.8 <.zs. milk, at 8 yrs. 4 mos. old; tested at Bowmont Farms; sold in our '1 1 auction for Si .700. to the late Hon. A. M. Bowman, Salem, Va. She is the highest testing daughter of Oxford Lad. EMINENT'S COCOTTE, 213903 (P. 10329, H. C). Register of Merit. Class AA, 491 lbs. 10 ozs. butter, 7,732 lbs. 3.2 ozs. milk, at 8 yrs. 4 mos. old; owned by Mr. Geo. W. Sisson, Jr., Potsdam, N. Y.; sold in our '08 auction for $320. to Mr. Sisson. Dam of Sultan's Cocotte. 252146 (P. 13662, H. C). Register of Merit, Class A, 434 lbs. 8 ozs. butter, 6.820 lbs. 4.8 ozs. milk, at 5 yrs. 10 mos. old; tested at Elmendorf Farm; sold in our '11 auction for $950, to Elmendorf Farm, Lexington. Ky. (Sultan's Cocotte is dam of the sensational prize winning heifer, Noble's Cocotte, 276393.) RALEIGH'S REMARKABLE, 213988. Register of Merit. Class AA. 581 lbs. 9 ozs. butter, 8,097 lbs. 2 ozs. milk, at 4 yrs. 5 mos. old; tested at Knollwood Farm; sold in our '08 auction for $350 to Mr. C. I. Hudson. East Norwich. N. Y. Dam of Fairy Lad's Cocotte. 256324 (bred by Mr. Hudson), Register of Merit, Class AA. 403 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 1 year. 6,281 lbs. 1.6 ozs. milk, at 2 yrs. 6 mos. old; tested at Allen Dale Farms. Shelbyville, Ky. FLYING FOX'S RUBY, 187445 (Flying Fox's Victress. P. 9083. H. C). butter test, 20 lbs. 12 ozs. in 7 days, from 314 lbs. milk; winner of Re- serve at Royal Show. Class 3. 36 entries, Aug., '03; sold in our '05 auction for $750, to Mr. Bowman. THE OWL'S SENSATION. 162128 (P. 8678. H. C). imported by -'Linden Grove," and dam of Sensational Fern. 75924, who was bred here and sold in our '07 auction for $10,200, at 8 mos. old. Sensational Fern now has 12 daughters in the Register of Merit, and several sons with Register of Merit daughters. The Owl's Sensation was an outstanding winner for the Blythwood Bowl at the Royal Show, Aug.. '02. but owing to an accident, had to be milked before the judges passed on her. NOBLE'S SENSATION. 252197 (P. 14844. H. C), sold from "Linden Grove'' to Mr George Widcner. Elkins Park, Pa., for $1 .400. Mr. Widener bred from her. Cocotte's Golden Noble, 120669. winner of 1st prize for junior yearling bulls, and Junior Championship, at the Mississippi- Alabama Fair, '14. She is also the dam of Gamboge's Cocotte, 271385, sold as a calf in our 12 auction for $600, to Mr. Howard Willets, owner of Gedney Farm. B328 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUC TION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 72. Cow. CASTOR'S BLACK BEAUTY, 353208, A. J. C. C. Bred by M. G. De La Haye, St. Peter, Island of Jersey. Born February 10, 1908. Imported October 31, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A splendid granddaughter of Golden Jolly, her dam and grandam both Certificate of Merit winners in public butter tests. A cow of wonderful stamina and capacity, rich mulberry fawn, or "black," in color; lovely head, prominent, lustrous eyes wide apart and dished face; exceeding depth and girth of barrel; straight, strong back; long rump and promi- nent hips; hide richly colored, soft and exceedingly mellow; tail beautifully set, thin and long, with luxuriant black switch, udder of great size and soft texture that milks away to "nothing"; long, beauti- fully placed teats. A COW THAT CAN WORK AND WIN. Golden Jolly, P. 2921. H. C. 1st pr. and Champion, North Show, '00. Sire of Golden War- rior, 1st over Eng., Royal S., '03; 1st over Eng. and Cham.. Dairy S., '03. Golden Jolly has 24 butter test daugh- ters, and 10 or more producing sons, in- cluding Viola's Gold- en Jolly, 79314, sire of Sultana's Golden Sire Jolly, 86180. GOLDEN CASTOR, P. 3558, H.C. Sire of Imp. Mabella's Love, 231587, in Register of Merit, Class A, 387 lbs. 6 ozs. but- ter in 1 year, from 5,879 lbs. 14.4 ozs. milk, at 3 yrs. 1 1 mos. old. Castor's Welcome, 253- 814, in Register of Merit (A). 380 lbs. 9 ozs. butter in 1 year, from 6,748 lbs. 4.8 ozs. milk, at 3 yrs. 5 mos. old. Castor's Belle 2d, P. 7235, H. C. Par. pr., Aug., '05. Dam T0UMARINE 2d, F. 10145, H.C. Certificate of Merit, public butter test. May. '09, 1 lb. 7} ozs. in 24 hrs., 154 days after calving. Castor's Beau, P. 2768, C. Sire of Lady Margate, P. 9193, H. C. Silver Medal, public butter test, Oct., '07, 2 lbs. i oz., in 24 hours, 198 days in milk; dam of 2 tested cows. Stella 5th, P. 10503, C, dam o f Stella You'll Do, 288310. a Register of Merit daughter of Oxford You'll Do, 429 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 4 years old, and bought in our '13 auction, as a 3-yr.-old, by those critical judges, I Messrs. Ayer & Mc- Kinney. at the very reasonable figure of $500. Toumarine, F. 10000, H. C. Certificate of Merit and 3d Goddington prize, public butter test, May, '08, 2 lbs. 3J ozs. in 24 hrs.. 134 days after calving. Due to calve May 11, 1916. by Fern's Oxford Noble 2d, P. 5297, H. C, a son of Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570, H. C, for whose extended pedigree, see No. 66. The dam of Fern's Oxford Noble 2d is Oxford Triumph, P. 12120, H. C, public butter test, May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. She is a daughter of Oxford Lad, P. 3123, H. C, and out of Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C, who is also dam of the celebrated bulls, Oxford You'll Do and Oxford Knight, and the great cow, Agatha's Oxford Lass. (Snip Snap, F. 10482, H. C.) Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (Imp. Golden Fern's Lad, 65300, A. J. C. C.) Winner of 1st pr. and Championship, North Club Show, 96 and '97. Purchased by us for use at "Linden Grove " w-hen 9 yrs. old, for $2,250. Sire of many prize winners and tested cows. Among his many prize winning sons is Flying Fox, Champion winner over the Island, Aug., 99; sold at our auction sale, May, '02, for $7,500; sire of 24 tested daughters and many prize winners. Brookhill Rose 2d, P. 3440, C. 1st pr. and Champion winner over the Island May, '98. Snowdrop, P. 1637, C. Massilia's Lad, P. 1986, C. Castor's Belle, P. 5019. C Parish prize, May, '04. (See above.) Eurica. P. 2468, C. His grandam, Jersey Lily, also produced the bull Nizam, whose son, Senator, P. 2759, H. C, is sire of Astor, P. 3042, H. C. 1st over Jer., Aug., '02, and Apr.. 03;andLeda's Golden Lad, P. 3063, H. C, 1st over Jer. and 1st State's pr., '01, '02; 1st and Sweepstakes, S t. Martin Show, '01 and '02; 1st and Champion, with progeny. Western Club, '05; sire of many prize winners and public test cows, the latter including D o r o t h y's Pearl, Certificate of Merit and 3d Goddington pr., May. '07, 1 lb. 15 J ozs., 119 days in milk. Castor's Belle, P. 5019, C. Also dam of Castor's Beau (below). Angler 2d, P. 2384, H. C. By Angler, P. 1938. H. C. 1st pr. and Par. pr., '94, '95, '96; out of Industry 5th, P. 4311, C, 4th over Jer. and Par. prize, '03. Angler is by Mourier Boy. P. 1641, H. C. (grandson of Wol- seley, P. 401, H. C, 1st over Jer., '83, '84, '85), out of Cy- prus 2d, P. 699, H. C. Brune. (Unregistered.) . Massilia, P. 4005, H.C. Castor 2d, P. 1290, H. C. 4th over Jersey. '90. Perrot's Pet, P. 2095, C. Nobleman. P. 2071, C. His dam won Parish prize at Royal Show, Jersey, May, '93. She is a daughter of Count Cicero, F. 398, H. C, who sired the dam of Sultana's Rosette, 149740, dam of Ravachol. P. 2032, C; John Bull, P. 2653, C; Uncle Peter's Rosette, P. 7363, H. C; Ro- sette's Golden Lad, 57498, A. J. C. C.J Alicante. P. 3880, H. C; Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C; For- farshire; etc. I Jersey Belle, P. 6165, H. C. Out of same dam as Golden Marquis, P. 2615, C. (61426, A. J. C. C), 1st St. Peter and Champion winner over St. Mary. St. Peter and St. Ouen, '00; 3d State's prize, with his progeny, Royal Show, Apr., '01 ; sold in our '02 auction to Mr. L. L. Brad- bury, of California; and later headed the great herd of Mr. George A. Smith, Corcoran, Cal. Clarence, P. 1494, H. C. 1st prize, St. Peter. Sire of Golden Lily of St. Mary, 162052, A. J. C. C, 1st prize over Jer., '98; 1st prize over St. Mary, '00; 1st prize over St. Mary, '01 ; Sweep- stakes over three parishes, '01; dam of Golden Mon Plaisir, 59936. Toumazine, P. 4755, C. Boyle, P. 1559. II. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th. all pr. winners over the Is- land. He also sired the great cow, "Speckled Band," public but- ter test, 2 lbs. 3\ ozs. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. Out of same dam as Aurea, P. 8693, H. C, Bronze Medal winner in public but- ter test, Oct., '03. Jack Frost, P. 1263, C. . Lady Baroness, F. 2514, H. C. Reve D'or, P. 941, C. Rhoda, F. 3071, C. Castor, P. 870, H. C. Ira's Pride, F. 6657, C. Perrot, P. 342, C. Blount Tempest, F. 4799, C. Lowland King, P. 1673, H. C. 1st over Jer., '92. 1st H. B. ov. Jer., '92. 1st over Jer., Apr. and Aug., '93. Bossy 4th, P. 1384, H. C. Due. P. 1751, C. Sire of Fancy 2d. P. 6276, C, butter test, 1 lb. 14} ozs. in 24 hours. She is grandam of Suc- cessor, P. 2783, H. C 2d over Jersey, Aug.. '99, who sired a number of public butter test cows. Rhoda's Last, 127230, that tested at Bilt- more Farms, at 10 years 6 mos. old, 18 lbs. 13 ozs. butter in 7 days, 289 lbs. 4 ozs. milk; 78 lbs. 6 ozs. in 30 days, 1,196 l lbs. 4 ozs. milk; 150 lbs. 4% ozs. in 60 days, from 2,335 lbs. 12 ozs. milk. Jersey Lily, • P. 4004, C. 2d St. Peter. Dam of Nizam, 1st St. Peter, '97. Golden Marquis, 1st St. Peter, '00. Useful Lad, P. 997, H. C. 2d over Jer., Aug., '88. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C (See below. J Tootsie, P. 3214, H. C. Parish prize, '90. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land, Aug., '90; also winner of £15 pr. (See above.) Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944, H. C. 2d St. Martin Show, '94, '95. Lily's Prince. P. 681, H. C. 1st over Jer , '86, '87. . Laughing Maid, F. 3023, C. Happy Josephus, P. 615, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '85. Tulip 2d, P. 1150, H. C. 2d over Jersey, '86. Wolseley, P. 401, H. C. St. John's Twist, F. 6798, H. C. 2d St. Peter. Bobby, P. 208, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '79. Royal Beauty, P. 390, C. May Lad, P. 1240. H. C. 1st over Jersey, '90. 1st H. B. and Parish pr., '90. Lowland Beauty, F. 3971, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Sixty- five of his get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326, 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. Golden Lad's Lady Rose, 162097, 21 lbs. 10£ ozs. And 29 others. Rough Briar, F. 2692, H. C. 1st prize winner at St. Clement Show for many years. Jennie's Prince, P. 1073, C. Young Rosebay, P. 2519, H. C. 1st St. Peter. 2d over Jersey. Granddaughter of Cicero, P. 266. H. C, sire of 6 tested cows in America, and of Count Cicero, grandsire of Golden Lad. Sir Thomas, P. 1125, C. Perrot's Pet, P. 2095, C. (See above.) Lady Baroness, F. 2514, H. C. Paragon, P. 743, C. Lady LTseful, P. 796, H. C. 4th H. B. prize, '85. [ 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '86. f Duke of Abercorn, | P. 569. H. C. I 1st over Jersey. i Rosebay 2d, P. 1116, H. C. 1st St. Lawrence. Grandam of Golden Rosebay, 157333. sold at our '01 sale for $2,775. . Golden Nero, P. 729, H. C. 3d over Jersey, '86. I Monta l'Abbe Lily, F. 6177, H. C. B308 T. S. COOPER & SONS* AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 73. Cow. YOU'LL DO JUILLETTE, 353269, A. J. C. C. (P. 20240, H, C.) Tired by J. P. Drelaud, Trinity, Island of Jersey. Born November 20, 1912. Imported October 30, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Brisket partly white, and other white markings; black tongue and switch. A mulberry fawn, of great stamina, with a few splashes of white. A great dairy cow, from "end to end." Intelligent looking head, with large, lustrous eyes; thin, flat neck; very deep, long, capacious barrel; strong back, wide at loins, with prominent hips; very richly colored, mellow hide; thin, long tail with beautiful switch; tremendous udder, of beautiful shape, full in front, deep and attached high behind, with large teats, squarely placed. An < ixford You'll Do. beautifully bred, of the Sultanne type and coloring. Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H.C. Winner of first prize over Jer., with his progeny, at the bull show on the Island, April, 11. This is the most valuable prize, and the great- est distinction that can be accorded a bull. Full brother to Oxford Knight, P. 3938, C, sire of 12 butter test cows, and of other prize winners. His daughter. Golden Oxford Ivy, P. 18829. H. C, was 1st prize 2-year-old over the Island of Jersey (68 entries). May, '14; 1st prize 3-year-old (76 en- tries) and Theatre Challenge Cup (Championship over the Island), May, '15. She is now in the "Linden Grove" herd. He has 21 or more offi- cial test daughters. You'll Do's Favor- ite, 306639, sold in our '14 auction for $500, to Mr. E. T. Bedford, Green's Farms, Conn., is now under official test, and will pro- duce 900 lbs. or more of butter in a year, as a four-year- old. Oxford You'll Do has been in the "Linden Grove" herd for 3 years. The large number of uniformly excellent daughters now in the herd, and the showing of his progeny in the but- ter tests and show ring, substantiate our assertion that he is the greatest living male repre- sentative of the Ox- ford-Gamboge ■family. (See opposite page for more extended pedi- gree.) Dam JUILLETTE 16th, P. 14316, H.C. Dam of J u i 1 1 e 1 1 e's Rosie, P. 16583, H. C, winner of 4th prize, Class 3, 51 en- tries, Royal Show, Jersey, May, '12; St. John Parish prize, Class 4, Royal Show, May, '13. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny), Apr., '08. Sold at our '1 1 auction for $6,700 to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,750 each. 1 1 of his daughters, in our '11 auction, averaged £1,391.36. Sire of 41 cows with butter records and others now on test. Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. Daughter of O x f o r d Lass. Sultan of Oaklands, P. 3746, H. C. (78475. A. J. C. C.) Winner of 1st prize over Jer., Apr., '06; and other Island prs. He has sired a long list of prize winners and 27 butter test daughters, including: Sultan's Dorcas, 604 lbs. 7 ozs. Sultan's Figgis, 536 lbs. 4 ozs. S u 1 t a n's Handsome Lass, 534 lbs. 1 oz. Sultan's Gleenie, 528 lbs. Sultane's Belle, 519 lbs. 1 1 ozs. Lady Algeria of Oak- lands, 515 lbs. 3 ozs. Also sire of 7 bulls with tested daughters. Among the 1st prize winners he has sired is Campanile's Sul- tan, Championship over New Zealand and many other prs., and sold at auction for $3,024. He is sire of Sultan's Dark Beauty, 252210 (Golden Fern's Rose 9th, P. 15037, H.C I, 1st over Jer., Aug., '10; sold in our '1 1 auction for $725 to Mr. Ed. C. Lasater, Texas, for whom she won in the fall of '11, 6 1st prizes and 4 Grand Champion- ships at most im- portant shows. Juillette 8th. P. 8590, C. Also dam of Tuillette 11th, P. 11154, H. C, Certificate of Merit, public butter test, May, '08, 1 lb. 10£ ozs. in 24 hrs.. 160 days after calv- ing; 4th prize. Class 3, 41 entries. Royal Show, Aug., '05. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. Sire of Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C, sire of 41 tested cows; sold in our '1 1 auction for $6,700. Combination, P. 3744, H. C, 1st prize over Jersey, May, '06. Sire of 17 butter tested cows. And 10 other bulls with tested daugh- ters. Agatha's Oxford Lass (out of the great cow, Oxford Ever, below), public but- ter test. May, '08, 1 lb. 10 ozs., 97 days in milk (cows under 5 yrs.); public but- ter test, May, '09, 2 lbs. H ozs., 83 days in milk; winner of 1st prize over Jer- sey and Theatre Challenge Cup, May, "11. And 6 other tested cows. His breeder, Mr. John A. Perree, sold him to Mr. Howard Wil- 1 e t s, "G e d n e y F arm," White Plains, N. Y., for $5,000. Sultane's Snowdrop, P. 8578, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land, May, '01. 1st and Sweepstakes and Cham., Grou- ville and St. Saviour, '03, '04. .She was sold to "Ged- ney Far m" for $2,350, and is a full sister to Golden Sul- tana, the St. Louis winner, who is dam of the sensational bull. Sultana's Gold- en Jolly. 86180, win- ner of Gr. Cham- pionship, Nat. Dairy Show, Chicago, '11. Dam of Sultane of Oaklands, P. 11017, H. C, public butter test, 1 lb. 13 ozs. in 24 hours; dam of the bull, Blue Sultan, 8606. E. H. B., who sired Goddington Noble. ' Great Scot. P. 2153, H. C. Sire of Scot's Belle, 557 lbs. 5.7 ozs. butter in 1 year. Perry F. Scot, Reserve, R. C. S., '99. Mabel 42d, 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '99. Fontaine's Lady Scot, 3d over Jer., '99. Maitland Cherry, 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '99. Rhymer, P. 2756, II. C., sire of 7 tested cows, the best of which is Great Scot's Champion, 203703, 774 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 12 yrs. 8 mos. old; Grand Champion, National Dairy Show, '11, and in. my other prizes. Juillette 5th, P. 5454. II. C. Champion Flying Fox. 61441, A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729. H. C.) Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale, May, '02, for $7,500. In same sale three of his heif- ers un first calf aver- aged $933. Sire of Oxford Vixen, 2 lbs. 2J ozs., 49 days in milk. Fox's Belle of Grou- ville, 21 lbs. 3 ozs." Fox's Belle of Trinity, 20 lbs. i oz. Flying Fox's Rowena, 17 lbs. 2\ ozs. Flying Fox's Pearl, 15 lbs. 7 ozs. Flying Fox's Brown Belle, 15 lbs. 3 ozs. And 20 other tested cows. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. (A highly commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432, H.C. J. H.B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. l£ ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey w eight, being in milk 142 days. Sold in our '02 auction for $1,700, to Mrs. M. M. Patterson, Pt. Kennedy, Pa. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C 1st and Champion at N. C- Show, '96, '97. Purchased by us for use at "L i n d e n Grove," when 9 yrs. old, for $2,250. Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. C. Dam of Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C, sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows. f Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '90; also win- ner of £15 prize. Sire of 32 tested cows. Sixty-five of his get sold at auction at an average price of $527 per head. Sire of 15 or more pro- ducing bulls, includ- ing Boyle (above). Belle Brebis, P. 4473, H. C. Parish prize, '94, '96. One of the best cows in Mr. Wm. Rocke- feller's herd. Golden Pink, P. 1491, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, '91. Sire of Golden Hero, P. 1833, H. C, 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr., '93; 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '93; 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '94. '95. Sire of Nita Belle D, 21 lbs. 1 £ ozs. ; Nico- tine's Pet, 20 lbs. 1 oz. Juillette 2d, P. 2999.C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, II. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son, Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son, Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 auction sale for $10,000. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C, now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740. A. J. C. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. 1st over Jersey, '89. Has 5 producing sons. Ravachol, P. 2032, C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam, he proved himself a remark- able sire, but was butchered before his value as a sire was known. Courageous Countess of Oaklands, P. 8640, H. C. now named Countess of Oaklands, 1 62098 . Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours, Jersey weight. Cicero, P. 266, H. C. Sire of Lady Long- field, 23524, 20 lbs. 1 3 ozs. ; and 8 others. Also sire of Count Cicero, F. 398, H. C. Sultane, P. 7, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '70. 1st pr., St. Saviour.'70. Sultane's Favourite, P. 873, H. C. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447, H. C 2d over Jer., '88. 2dH. B. pr. ov. J., '88. 2dLon. Dairy Sh., '88. 1st over Eng., '90. 1 lb. 14£ ozs. butter. Hillside Lad, * P. 1163, C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, '89. Brebis 3d, P. 1898, H. C. 4th over Jer. and Par. prize. '89. 3d R. C Show, '93. 2d B. and W. Show. '91. and many other awards. Golden Lad. P. 1242. H. C. 1st pr. over the Is land, Aug.. '90; also winner of £15 prize. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538. 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice. 157326. 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. And 30 others. Sixty- five of his get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Cetcwayo's Pink, F. 5170, H. C. Boyle, P. 1559. H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, Sthand9th, all prize winners over the Island. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d over Jersey, 2d H. B. and Par. pr., '94. f Sarabond, P. 797, H.C. He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. Rosette 4th, P. 2128, C. Orme. P. 1660. H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, 2 lbs. \h ozs. of butter in 24 hours. Little Eminence, 122506,21 lbs. 6 ozs. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. Dam of Flying Fox. (See above.) Courage, P. 1813, C. One of the best sons of Golden Lad. Grassy Brown, P. 3370, H. C. Happy, P. 211, C. Sire of Happy Blossom, 18218, 19 lbs. 5 ozs. St. Jeannaise, 15789, 17 lbs. 8i ozs. Fleur de l'Air, F. 1736, C. Sultan, F. 58, H. C- 1st p. over Jer., '67, '68. Longueville Queen, F. 272, H. C. Sultan Cicero. P. 670, H. C. Golden Lass, F. 5711, H. C 1st over the Island. Castor, P. 870. H. C. 2d over Jer. and 3d State's pr. ov. Jer. Jubilee Show, '87. 1st over Jersey, '88. Dolly of the Valley, P. 1246, H. C. Everton King. P. 390, C. Sire of many noted prize winners, and grandsire of the fa- mous bull, Boyle, P. 1559. H. C. Brebis 2d, P. 1214, C. Sultane's Favourite, P. 873, H. C 1st pr., St. Saviour. Sire of Sultane 14th, that in the Tun- bridge Wells (Eng- land) butter test, '02, in her fifteenth year, gave 38 lbs. 6 ozs. milk, making 2 lbs. 1 \ ozs. butter in 24 hours, when 132 days in milk, win- ning the Silver Medal. Golden Lass 4 th. P. 2447. H. C 2d pr. over Jer., 'S8. 2d H. B. pr. ov. J., '88. 2d Lon. Dairy S., "88. 1st pr. over Eng., '90. 1 lb. 14i ozs. butter. This Last calf March 27, 1916, by Fern's Oxford Noble 2d, P. 5297, H. C. (see preceding page for further particulars). calf will be shipped to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas. Expected to be bred, before day of sale, to one of our great bulls. (Examine service list, to be circulated at the sale, for date and name of bull.) B96 T. S. COOPER & SONS* AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 74. Cow. FAITHFUL YOU'LL DO, 353224, A. J. C. C. (P. 18360, H. C.) Bred by Ph. Vautier, St. Ouen, Island of Jersey. Born January 10, 1911. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A splendid "black," typing after her illustrious ancestor, Sultanne; of great capacity and dairy temperament, intelligent head, with bright, lustrous eyes; long "ewe" neck; high withers and strong back; broad at loins, with prominent hips and great length of rump; exceeding depth of body, low to ground, on short legs; mellow, elastic hide; beautifully set tail with splendid switch; tremendous udder, well balanced and very deep (just room for a milk bucket under her); large, squarely placed teats. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny), Apr., 'OS. Sold at our '11 auction for $6,700, to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa. 1 1 of his daughters, in our '11 auction, averaged $1,391.36. Sire of 41 tested cows, 3 above 700 lbs. but ter in 1 year (all 3 imported by "L i n- den Grove" and sold in our auctions). Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H.C., now named IMPORTED OXFORD YOU'LL DO, 111860, A.J. C.C. Full brother to Oxford Knight, P. 3938, C, sire of 12 butter test cows, and of several prize winners. Among his 21 official test daughters are: You'll Do's Favorite, about 900 lbs., 4 yrs. old; imported by "Linden Grove." Imp. Rustic Ivy, 774 lbs. 7 ozs. Oxford Triumph's Maiden, 554 lbs. 7 ozs., 4 yrs. 3 mos. old. Oxford's Ever Lass, 480 lbs. 4 ozs., 2 yrs. 3 mos. old. Edith You'll Do, 475 lbs. 6 ozs., 3 years old; imported by "Linden Grove." Oxford Lavender, 431 lbs. 9 ozs., 4 years 6 mos. old ; imported by "Linden Grove." Stella You'll Do, 429 lbs. 15 ozs., 4 yrs. old; imported by "Linden Grove." Hope You'll Do, 408 lbs. 10 ozs., 2 yrs. 3 mos. old. Oxford You'll Do's Cir- cus Girl, 390 lbs. 3 ozs., 2 yrs. old. Egypt You'll Do, 387 lbs. 4 ozs. in 1 mos. ; imported by "Lin- den Grove." Lucea Oxford, 378 lbs. 5 ozs., 3 yrs. 7 mos. old. Grouville Plush. 377 lbs. 5 ozs., 3 yrs. 7 mos. old. Oxford's Doreen Dora, 374 lbs. 15 ozs., 3 yrs. 9 mos. old. Dam FAITHFUL, P. 8802, H. C. Winner of 1st prize, 62 entries, and Par. pr.. Royal Show, Jersey, May, '04. 1st prize, St. Ouen Sh., Jersey, '05. Dam of Fairy Boy's Faithful. 231563. in Register of Merit, Class A, 602 lbs. 15 ozs. but- ter in 1 year, 1 1 .172 lbs. milk, 4* years old. V a u t i e r's Faithful. 247107, in Register of Merit. 470 lbs. 8 ozs. butter, 5 years 8 mos. old. Sold at auction for $700. Faithful's Faith. 247112, in Register of Merit, 452 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 5 years 9 mos. old. Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass (by Agatha's Flying Fox, see above), public butter test, May, '09, 2 lbs. l£ ozs., 83 days in milk. Oxford Triumph, pub- lic butter test. May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. Oxford Knight, sire of 1 2 butter test cows. Oxford You'll Do, sire of 21. Oxford Eva, dam of Oxford John D., 90048, sire of 3 in Register of Merit, averaging 469 lbs. 1 oz., at 2 yrs.- 9 mos. old. Magnet. P. 238S. 11. C. Parish prize. '97. 1st pr. and Champion. St. Breladc Show, '98. Surprise, F. 8281, H.C. Dam of Dean Swift, P. 3772. C, sire of S w i f t's Mayflower, 197694. in Register of Merit. Class AA, 570 lbs. 14 ozs. but- ter in 1 year. 9,372 lbs. 14.4 ozs. milk, 8 years old; winner of 1st prize, Connecti- cut State Fair, '13; 2d in butter test. Connecticut State Fair. '14 (43 lbs. 9.6 ozs. milk, 2.816 lbs. butter in 24 hours. Dam of Lass of Lane side, 295323, 1st prize 2-year-old, Connecticut State Fair and Brockton, Mass., '14. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '02. 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. Sire of 7 tested cows and of 13 or more producing bulls. Fontaine's Oxford Pride, 187430, A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C.) 3d pr. in public butter test, 2 lbs. 7f ozs., 48 days in milk. Sold for $2,500. in our '05 auction, to Mr. H. Willets, owner of Gedney Farm. Bessie's Lad, P. 2479. H. C. By the same sire as Orlando, P. 2535, H. C, sire of Fairy Glen, P. 9178. H. C. dam of Raleigh's Fairy Boy and Fairy Glen's Raleigh. Caiest, P. 2591. H. C. 1st prize. Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville Show, '98. Sire of Mabel's Poet. P. 2964, H. C, and other noted animals, among them being Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C, 2 lbs. 7J ozs. Fifteen daughters of Caiest sold in our '05 and '06 auction sales, averaging $865 each. Gamboge's Pride. P. 4508, H. C. She has won the fol- lowing public butter tests : May, '96, 2 lbs. 7J ozs. Oct.. '96, 2 lbs. 2J ozs., 217 days in milk. Oct.. '97, 2 lbs. 41 ozs. Oct., '98, 2 lbs. 7} ozs., 1 18 days in milk. Golden Lad 2d. P. 2023, H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Mer- maid, sold at our '02 auction sale for $1,100. Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold at our '03 auction sale for $1,725. Brown Bess 2d, P. 5428, H. C. Fontaine's King, P. 2207, H. C. Oxford Lass. P. 3582, C. (See below.) Rob Roy. P. 1184. H. C. 3d over Jer., Aug., '89. Sire of Zanzibar, win- ner Certif. of Merit in butter test. May, '00, 1 lb. 14i ozs. in 24 hours. Dam of Golden Fern's Tulip. 161059. that milked 11.852 lbs. milk and 597 lbs. estimated butter in one year; 19 lbs. 84 ozs. butter in seven days. Gamboge 2d, P. 2294. H. C. Dam of Gamboge 4th. 2 lbs. 14 ozs., 24 hrs. Orme. P. 1660, H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, winner of 1st pr., B. and W. S., N. A. S. S., and 1st at the Yorkshire S.. Eng.. '95. (2 lbs. 9J ozs. of butter in 24 hrs.)' Golden Lass. F. 5711, H. C. Biron. P. 1375, C. Boyle. P. 1559, H. C. (See below.) Fontaine 4th, P. 2537, C. 1st over Jer., '90. '91. 1st Herd Book, '90. Favorite Boy, P. 882, H. C. His grandson, Favor- ite Lad, is sire of Iris, winner of Gold Medal (1st prize) in butter test, May, '01, 2 lbs. 44 ozs., 220 days in milk; Certificate of Merit. May, '00, 2 lbs. 5 ozs.. 76 days in milk. Browny's Grey, P. 2353, H. C. Oscar, F. 410, H. C. Gamboge, F. 5846. H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '90. Oxford Dahlia, P. 2588, H. C. Won 1st pr. and C, Oxfordshire Show, Eng., '93. 1st pr.. R. A. S., Ches- ter, Eng.. '93. Everton Lord, P. 1088, H. C. Brown Bess, F. 7455.C. Widow, F. 2360, C. Oxford Lass. P. 3582, C. One of the most cele- brated cows the Is- land ever produced. Dam of Golden Queen of St. Saviour. 2 lbs. 1} ozs.. 214 days in milk. . Oxford Ixia, a famous winner in the public butter tests; among the many that she won being trie Bronze Medal in March, '00, testing 2 lbs. 8 ozs. Caiest, whose eight daughters, in our .'05 sale, averaged $987.50. Houpla, sire of Lady Houpla, winner of Champion Cup, testing 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 73 days in milk and alter first calving. Flying Fox's Oxford Lass, 1st prize winner over the Island. , Oxford Lad, P. 3123, H. C. who distinguished himself by having sired a remarkable lot of bulls ana cows, winners in the best shows and in the public butter tests. Lily's Prince. P. 681, H. C. 1st over Jer., '86; Apr. and June, '87. Geneva Boy, P. 1941, C. Snowdon, P. 1637, C. Jack Frost, P. 1263, C. Sweet Nora, P. 4344, C. Parish pr., May, '99. Tambour, P. 1872, H. C. Sire of Spring Jack, P. 2332, H. C. sire of 6 high testing cows, including N u r s i e, winner of Silver Medal, 2 lbs. 7} ozs., 300 days in milk; sold in our '07 auc- tion for $2,200. She is dam of Golden Leda's Nursie, .213594, that we sold to Messrs. Ayer & McKinney for $1,000, and who made an official rec- ord of 567 lbs. 9 ozs. butter in 1 year. Duchess of Geneva, P. 1180. C. Brevity, P. 1228, C. Sweet Martha, F. 6900, C. Wonder Lad, P. 1390. H. C. By the same sire as Clarence, P. 1494, H. C, 1st pr., St. Peter, and sire of Golden Lily, 1st pr. over Jer. She is dam of Golden Mon Plaisir, Cham, win- ner over the Island, '98. and sold in our '01 auction for $3,500. Tambourette. F. 7794, H. C. Lady Baroness, F. 2514, H. C. Philidor, P. 276. H. C. 1st over Jer. and 1st H. B., '83. Belle of Geneva, F. 1648. C. Castor, P. 870. H. C. 2d over Jer. and _ 3d State's pr., June, '87. 1st over Jersey, '88. No. 1, F. 7312, C. Useful Lad, P. 997, H. C. 2d over Jer.. Aug., '88. His dam is a grand- daughter of Carlo, P. 180, C. sire of 4 tested cows. Wonderful, P. 2511, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '88. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize. '89. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize. '91. 2d Cham. Class, '91. Laughing Maid. F. 3023. C. Farmer's Glory. F. 274. H. C. (See above.) Clelie 2d. P. 64, C. f Wolseley. P. 401, H. C. ' 1st ov. Jer., '83, '84, '85. St. John's Twist, F. 6798. H. C. 2d St. Peter as year- ling. 2d St. Peter as cow. : Paragon, P. 743. C. Lady Useful, P. 796. H. C. 4th H.,May. '85. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '86. Fancy's Conquest. P. 717. H. C. Par. prize, April, '85. Jersey Wonder, P. 859, C. Last calf April 9 1916 by Fern's Oxford Noble, P. 5012, H. C. (Will be sent to Messrs. J. 0. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas.) Expected to be bred, before day of sale, to one of our great bulls. (Examine supplementary list of services, to be circulated at the sale.) 3093 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 75. Cow. NOBLE'S BESSY OF OAKLANDS, 269790, A. J. C. C. (Les Prairies Bessy 2d, P. 15083, C.) Bred by J. Le B. Iiuesnel, Trinity, Island of Jersey. Hern July 22. 1908. Imported February 27, 1912, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; blade tongue and switch. A very stylish "black," or mulberry fawn; splendid head, with large •'pop" eyes, bright and wide apart; neat in bone; of high finish; good length and depth of body; broad, prominent hips; strong back; thin, long tail, switch touching the ground; large, beauti- fully shaped udder, large teats squarely placed. Sire NOBLE OF OAKLANDS, P. 3"09, H. C. (95700, A. J.C. C. 1st pr., St. Saviour, '07. 1st pr., Royal Show, '10, for bull and 5 female progeny. He sold in our '11 auction for $15,000, at same time his dam sold for $7,000. Noble of Oaklands and his sons won all 1st prizes at the bull show. Island of Jer., April, '10. At the bull show, Apr., '11, sons of Noble of Oaklands won 2 out of 4 first prizes. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, the special pr. ($250) for "get of sire, 4 to 8 animals, either sex, irrespective of age or ownership." was won by 3 of his sons and 5 daughters. More than 200 first prs. and Championships stand to the credit of Noble of Oaklands and his get, so far as the records have been tabu- lated. Sire of 37 butter tested cows. 31 of them in Register of Merit with authenticated tests, including; Noble's Handsome Queen, 614 lbs. 3 ozs. Noble's Golden Chance. 530 lbs. 15 ozs. Noble's Golden Pride, 443 lbs. 2.8 ozs. Noble's Nurse, 440 lbs. 7 ozs. Noble's Beautiful Lily. 414 lbs. 7 ozs. Noble's Beautiful Nelly. 404 lbs. 6 ozs. Brown Bess of Grouville, 401 lbs. 12 ozs. St. Clement's Noble Maid, 394 lbs. 10 ozs. Noble's Imp. Duchess, 385 lbs. 2 ozs. Noble's Proud Leda. 347 lbs. 3 ozs. Noblesse Benedictine, 332 lbs. 5 ozs. Noble's Proclamation, 312 lbs. Noble's Eminent Nelly, 304 lbs. 2 ozs. Noble of Oaklands has 28 sons with official test daughters — more producing bulls than any other sire excepting Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C, who has 43 sons with tested daughters. Both were imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auctions. Among the sons of Noble of Oaklands are- Noble's Jolly Sultan, P. 4156. H. C. (97181, A. J. C- C. ), winner of 1st prize, Class 8, 23 entries. Royal Show, August, '10, and the "Voisin Special" prize (Championship), Aug 10; 1st prize. Class 3, 9 entries. Royal Show, April, "10; 1st prize aged bull. 8 entries National Dairy Show. '11. He is the sire of 11 official test cows. We shall sell some of the daughters of Noble's Jolly Sultan in this auction that will open the eyes of breeders Golden Fern's Noble. P. 4570, H. C. (See notes on other pedigrees.) Fontaine's Chief. P. 4153, H. C. (Fontaine's Chieftain, 97158), 1st prize, Class 8. 20 entries and Voisin Special (Championship), Royal Jersey, Aug., '09; besides many Cham Sho pionships in America, including Grand Cham- pionship at the National Dairy Show, '12. aire ->f 12 official test cows, among them. Imp. White Heart, 272586. 711 lbs. 13 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 3$ years old. Dam SULTAN'S BESSY, 252144, A. J. C. C. f Stockwell's Daisy, 561 lbs, 15 ozs., and other Register of Merit cows. i Bessy 2d, P. 9690, H. C. A 22 quart cow. A double granddaugh- ter of the famous Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C, and a good one. Dam of Stockwell's Bessy, sold in our '08 sale for $675. Sa- lbs. lbs. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. (.Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C.) Champion winner over the Island. Aug., '99. Among his many test- ed daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen. 870 5 lbs. butter, 13,604 lbs. milk, I year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold. 740 lbs. butter, 11.198 lbs. milk. 1 year. Blue Belle of St vii rur, 41 1.96 butter, 6,841 milk, 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dream- wold. 10.060 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Syria o' Dreara- wold. 11,075 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox Glove, public but- ter test. May, '07, 2 lbs. 8| ozs. Venus Violet, P. 3946. H. C. A -magnificent dairy cow, milking 20 quarts daily. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C C- A leading sire of bulls in Register of Merit. (See above.) Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. Official butter test, 2 lbs. l£ ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. Winner of 1st prize at the 3 Western Parishes in '99. f Golden Fern's Lad, { P. 2160, H. C. (As above.) I Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. C Dam of Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C, sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows that have always sold at long prices. Fereor. P. 2891, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land, '00. Five of his daughters averaged $707 each in our '04 sale. Grandson of Blue Belle, P. 4307, H.C.. sold in our '04 sale to Mr, How. Willets. "G e d n e y Farm," White Plains, N. V.. for $3,600. [ Golden Leda, P. 8000, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '00. Diploma, P. 2863, H. C. now named Golden Fern's Diploma, 59874, A. J. C. C. He was sold at our '01 sale, and went into the herd of Mr. Heu- 1 i n g Lippincott. Camden, N. J., and is proving himself a magnificent sire. Bessy, P. 8437, H. C. A highly commended daughter of the great Golden Fern's Lad. f Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C Winner of 1st pr. and Charnpionsh ip, North Club Show, '96 and '97. Purchased by us for use at "Linden Grove," when 9 yrs. old. for $2,250. Sire of many prize win- ners and 31 tested cows. Sire of 27 bulls with tested daughters. [ Rosette 5th. P. 2881. H. C. now named Sultana's Rosette. 149740. A. J. C C 1st over Jersey, '89. A very rich and per- sistent milker. Dam of Ravachol, P. 2032, C. John Bull. P. 2653. C. Uncle Peter's Rosette. P. 7363. H. C. Rosette's Golden Lad, 57498, A. J. C. C Alicante. P. 3880. H.C- Flying Fox. P. 2729, H. C. Ravachol. P. 2032, C. His dam is also dam of Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. (see above). Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours. Jersey weight. f Cicero, P. 266. H. C 1 st prize over Jer. , '82. Sire of Lady Longfield, 23524, 20 lbs. 13 ozs. Lady Fair, 22103. 19 lbs. 10 ozs. Cicero's Jolie. 18246. 18 lbs. 3 ozs. Sultane, P. 7, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '70. Dam of Count Wolseley. Blue Boy, P. 2578, H. C. Sire of Blue Belle Prin- cess, 157364, sold in our '01 sale to Hon. M. H. Olin. Perry. N. V., and has tested for him, 15 lbs. 1 oz. of butter. Petune's Pet. P. 5704. H. C. 3d over Jer.. '94. '95. 4th over Jersey and Parish pr., Aug., '95. Golden Fern's Lad. P. 2160. H. C. (See above.) Leda. P. 6636. H. C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (See above.) Diplomate. P. 5253, H. C. Champion, St. Martin Show. '99. '02. 1st pr., St. Martin. '02. Certificate of Merit in butter test. May. '99. 2 lbs. in 24 hours, 120 days in milk. f Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. (See above.) Rozel's Rosy. P. 6438, H. C. Bred April 6, 1916, to Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C. (now named Imported Oxford You'll Do, 111S60, A. J. C. C). A 1st prize winner at the Royal Show, with his progeny, sire of 21 official test cows, also sire of the Champion cow over Jersey in '15, and many other winners. Oxford You'll Do has been at "Linden Grove"' three years. The large number of uniformly excellent daughters now in the herd, and the showing of his progeny in the butter tests and show ring, substantiate the assertion that he is the greatest living representative of the Oxford-Gamboge family. (See front pages for his picture and extended pedigree.) Tattoo 62 No. 76. Heifer. T. 8. COOPER & SONS' AUCTI ON SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. VIOLA'S BESSY, 307177, A. J. C. C. Bred by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa Born November 4, 1913. White line across right shoulder; spot on left shoulder; brisket, left stifle, belly, flanks, legs, tongue, tail and switch white. A very attractive glossy mulberry fawn, of great stamina; a pretty, dished face, beautifully incurved horns; long and deep body, with excellent ribbing- strong back and broad loin; wide, prominent hips' and long rump; well-set tail, with good switch; splendid udder promise, large and squarely placed teats. Sire MISS VIOLA'S HANDSOME NOBLE, 100446, A. J. C. C. A powerful individual of rare breeding; deep orange fawn in color, with rich, amber horns; promi- nent crest; hide loose and elastic ; clean in shoulders, and good withers.; back straight and strong; long rump, with excellent tail setting. HE HAS THE SAME PER- CENTAGE OF LADY VIOLA BLOOD AS IS POS- SE S S E D BY NOBLE OF OAK- LANDS, VIOLA'S GOLDEN JOLLY AND THOSE GREAT COWS. WILLOH'S ROSY, MISS VIOLA and others. Miss Viola's Handsome Noble is THE ONLY BULL IN THE WORLD POSSESSING 50 PER CENT. OF LADY VIOLA BLOOD, EXCEPT- ING NOBLE O F OAKLANDS AND GOD DINGTON NOBLE, so far as as our knowledge extends — a n d we think we know this family pretty well. Dam NOBLE'S BESSY OF OAKLANDS, 269790. (LES PRAIRIES BESSY 2d, P. 15083, C.) Bred by J. Le B. Buesnel, Trinity, Is- land of Jersey. She and her dam, her sire and both gran- dams, and many other ancestors, were imported by "Lin- den Grove." Her grandam, Tops- man's Dark Bessy, has 3 daughters in the Register o f Merit, and a son with 1 in Register of Merit, viz.: Combination's Dark Bessy, 673 lbs. 3 ozs. of butter in 1 year. 11,495 lbs. milk, 5 yrs. old. Raleigh's Bessy, 421 lbs. 11 ozs. butter in 1 year, 8,297 lbs. milk, 2 yrs. 9 mos. old. Sultan's Bessy (see record at right). McKay. P. 3878, C-, sire of Fern's White Rose, 235108, 484 1 oz. butter in 1 year, from 7,888 lbs. 8 ozs. milk, at 3 yrs. 2 mos. old. Bred I Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. (See below.) Miss Viola, P. 9644, H. C. (195796, A. J. C. C.) One of the best cows in the "Linden Grove" herd. She won the Goddington prize, in the public butter test, testing 2 lbs. 15 ozs. in 24 hours, 39 days in milk, 4 years old. Dam of Miss. Viola's Daughter, 196245, sold in our '11 auction for $700, to Elmendorf Farm. Mona's Miss Viola, 240505, sold in our '11 auction for $975, at 16 months old, to Elmendorf Farm. Viola's Golden Fern, 77393, one of the best bulls Golden Fern's Lad ever sired; two of his yearling daughters sold in our '11 auc- tion for $500 each. Miss Viola's Golden Fern, 120835. Miss Viola is a full sister to Willoh's Rosy, who was im- ported by Mr. C. I. Hudson, and sold to Elmendorf Farm, where the "Lady Viola" family is owned. Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. (95700. A. J. C C.) 1st St. Saviour Parish prize. '07. 3d over Jersey, with progeny, Apr., '08. 1st over Jersey, with progeny, April, '10. Sold at our '1 1 auction for $15,000. 1st prizes for "get of sire' ' were won by his sons and daugh- ters in '10 at Nat. Dairy Show, Water- loo (Iowa) Dairy Show, Illinois and Tennessee State Fairs. Special prize ($250 Sil- ver Trophy) at Nat. Dairy Show, '11, for "get of sire, 4 to 8 animals, either sex, irrespective of age or ownership," was won by 3 of his sons and 5 daughters. Sire of 37 tested cows, 30 of them in Regis- ter of Merit. Sultan's Bessy, 252144. (Les Prairies Bessy, P. 13337, H. C.) Register of Merit, Class A, 474 lbs. 1 oz. butter in one year, 7,954 lbs. 9.6 ozs. milk, at 6h years old. Five year-old record, 433 lbs. 3 ozs. Willoh. P. 2855, H. C. He traces 3 times to Golden Lad, and has 28fr per cent, of his blood. Willoh's Rosy public butter test. 3 lbs., 38 days in milk, at 4 years old. Island butter test cows, and a 6th daughter won 1st over the Miss Viola, public butter test, 2 lbs., 15 ozs., 39 days in milk, 4 years old. CMiss Viola and W illoh s Rosy are the two highest testing daughters of Lady Syren's Pride, public butter test, 1 lb. 72 ozs., 215 days in milk Gipsy Maid 2d, 1st over Jersey, Aug., '02; and many other prizes. Gipsy Maid 3d. 3d over Jersey, Aug., '10; and many other prizes q™ S S n>han X, w . 1 " ne . r ^ of l j , lst P riz es and Championships at Western btate Fairs, 01, 02, 03 and 05. Willoh sired Golden Rachel's Prince, a bull sold at a bargain price in our 01 auction. His present owner, Mr. A. E. Norton, of Dalton Pa has reported the authenticated records of five daughters and one grand- daughter of this Willoh bull. Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. Sold in our '11 auction for $7,000. 1st over Jersey, '04. 1 st over Jersey and Champion, '05. Dam of Miss Viola, P. 9644, H. C. (See record at left.) Noble of Oaklands, 95700. Willoh's Rosy, P. 10444, H. C, Certi- ficate of Merit, May, '06. 3 lbs., 38 days in milk. She is dam of 5 public test cows, and of a 1st prize winner over the Is- land. Viola's Golden Jolly, sold in our '09 auc- tion for $12,000; sire of 9 in Register of Merit. Goddington Bagatelle, 1st prize young cow, 16 entries, Bath and West of England S., '12. Goddington Noble, valued by his former owner, A. Miller- Hallet, at $11,500; imported by ' ' Lin- den Grove" for El- mendorf Farm. Sultan of Oaklands, P. 3746, H. C (78475, A. J. C. C.) Sire of 27 tested cows, including' Violette's Beauty 3d, P. 13895, H. C. (now Violette's Sultana, 252253). Certificate of Merit, May, '09, 1 lb. Hi ozs., 90 days in milk, at 2 years old; 1st and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour- Grouville S., '10. Sold in our '1 1 auc- tion for $2,600, to Ewell Farm, Tenn., and her daughter. Noble's Pretty Vio- lette, 252234, sold as a 2-year old for $1,200 to Elmendorf Farm, Ky. Bessy's Daisy, P. 10820, H. C, now named Topsman's Dark Beauty, 235159, A. J. C. C. A magnificent dairy cow, milking 22 qts. daily. She and her calf sold in our '10 auction sale for $730. to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa. She is dam of 3 cows in Register of Merit. March 31, 1916, to Jolly Sultan of Linden, 12083S, a magnificent son of our peerless Grand Champion, Sultana's Go den Jolly, 86180, strong in the blood of Lady Viola and Go den Sultana, through two crosses. His dam, Sultana's Go den Viola, 240363, is by Sultana's Oxford Lad, 76500, out of Golden Jolly s Lady Viola, 203669, one of the greatest daughters ot Golden Jolly, being full sister to Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314 (bee front pages for pedigree of Jolly Sultan of Linden,' 120838 ) Nobleman, P. 2555, H. C. 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr., '93. 1st over Jer., Aug., '98. Sire of Island Admira- tion, butter test, 14 lbs. 9 ozs. in 7 days. Nobleman's dam, the magnificent cow, Gipsy Maid, is strongly bred to the families with which we "fell in love" on the Island in the early 80's -Wolseley, grandson of Farm- er's Glory; Angela, the dam of Imported Tormentor; Bobby, representative of Mr. Arthur's captivating "Rose" family, and last, but not least, old "Coomassie." Bagatelle 2d, P. 6564, H. C, now named Golden Lad's Victoria, 157325. Sold in our '0 1 sale for $745. Full s i s t e r to Gold- en Lad's Fawn Duchess, that tested 23 lbs. 6 ozs. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. Sultane's Snowdrop, P. 8578, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land, May, '01 . 1st and Sweepstakes, Grouville and St. Saviour, '01. 1st and Sweepstakes and Champion, Grouville and St. Saviour, '03, '04. Sold to "G e d n e y Farm" for $2,350. Full sister to Golden Sultana, the St. Louis *w inner, who is dam of the sensa- tional bull, Sultana's Golden Jolly, winner of Grand Champion- ship, Nat. Dairy Show, Chicago, '11. P. 3202, H. Jersey, Topsman, C. Reserve over Aug., '02. Son of the famous Golden Fern's Lad cow, Golden Leda, P. 8000, H. C, whose son. Stock- well. P. 3550, H. C, sold at our '07 sale for $11,500, to Hon. A. B. Lewis, Fred- ericksburg, Va. Sire of several prize winners. Bessy 2d, P. 9690. H. C. A 22-quart cow. A double granddaugh- ter of the famous Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C; and a good one. Dam of Stockwell's Bessy, sold in our '08 auction sale for $675 . Aristocrat, P. 2280. H. C. 1st and Sweepstakes, 3-Par. Show, '97. Son of the famous show and butter cow, "Nameless." Gipsy Maid, P. 4424, H. C. 3d over Jersey, '97. 2d and Sweepstakes at 3-Par. Show, '97. Dam of Gipsy Maid 2d and Gipsy Maid 3d — the latter, 3d over Jersey, Aug., '10. Gipsy's Maid 2d won 1st over Jer., Aug.. '02; 1st over Jersey (Special Class) and Cham . over three parishes. May, '10; besides other prizes. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st pr. over the Is- land, Aug., '90; also winner of £15 pr. The most prepotent bull the Island ever produced, transmit- ting the Sultane type (for udder and teats) to his entire progeny. Bagatelle, P. 5076, C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. C. 4th over Jer., '89. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '91. Dam of Golden Sul- tana, winner 3d pr. at the great St. Louis Show, Sept., '04, and sold in our '10 auction for $3,700; her son, Sul- tana's Oxford Lad, selling at same time for $11,100. Fereor, P. 2891. H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land. '00. Five of his daughters averaged $707 each in our 04 sale. Sire of 1 in Register of Merit, and of 3 bulls with 8. Golden Leda, P. 8000, H. C. 1st over Jer., '00. Diploma, P. 2863, H. C. now named Golden Fern's Diploma, 59874, A. J. C. C. Sold at our '01 sale, going into the herd of Mr. Heuling Lip- pincott, Camden, N. J., and is proving himself a magnifi- cent sire. Bessy. P. 8437. II. C. A highly commended daughter of the L great Golden Fern's Lad. Golden Prince, P. 2502. H. C. Champion, Aug., '97. Inbred Golden Lad, who won 1st over the Island, Aug., '90; also £15 prize. Sixty-five of his get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Sire of 32 tested cows. Blancharde 7th, P. 6906, H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. (See below.) . Nameless, P. 3222. H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, '93. 1st over Jersey, '94. Poster. P. 1152, C. A bull held in high esteem by F. C. Le Maistre on account of his dam and gran- dam, especially the latter — La Bouanne, a splendid cow, though never regis- tered. Daisy 7th. P. 3277, H. C. Descended from Young Rose, P. 43, H. C, 1st over Jer., '72, '73. Sultane's Favourite, P. 873, H. C. 1st pr., St. Saviour. Sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '88. 2dH. B. over Jer., '88. 2d Lon. Dairy S., '88. ' Cicero. P. 266, H. C. 1st over Jer., '82. Sire of Lady Longfield, 23524, 20 lbs. 13 ozs. Lady Fair, 22103, 19 lbs. 10 ozs. Sultane, P. 7, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '70. 1 st pr., St. Saviour,'70. 1st H. B., '71. Bronze Medal, C. I. Ex., '71. Blue Boy, P. 2578, H. C. Sire of Blue Belle Princess, 157364, sold in our '01 sale to Hon. M. H. Olin, Perry, N. Y.. and has tested for him 15 lbs. 1 oz. of but- ter. Petune's Pet, P. 5704, H. C. 3d over Jer., '94, '95. 4th over Jersey and Parish pr., Aug., '95. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. Leda, P. 6636, H. C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. Diplomate, P. 5253, H. C. Champion, St. Martin Show. '99, '02. lstpr., St. Martin, '02. Certificate of Merit in butter test. May, '99, 2 lbs. in 24 hours, 120 days in milk. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. Rozel's Rosy, P. 6438, H. C. B97 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION_8ALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916, No^77Tcow. FERN BEAUTY, P. 18914, H. C. OFFICIAL RECORD ON ISLAND OF JERSEY, AS A TWO-YEAR-OLD, 358.94 LBS. TEST, 5.97 PER CENT. FAT. BUTTER, IN 313 DAYS; AVERAGE Bred by G. J. Queree. St. Peter. Island of Jersey. Born September IS. 1911. Imported August 5. 1915. by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Some white markings, mixed switch. A highly finished rich fawn; neat head, with sparkl- ing eyes wide apart; splendid top line; back straight and strong; hind quarters about perfect, with promi- nent hips; long and deep body excellent udder, with good-sized teats squarely placed. W ith her two-year-old record, made under the most simple conditions, as a guide, what may be expected ot her at maturity? And her beautiful heifer calf (on opposite page) proclaims her a good breeder. Sire GOLDEN FERN'S NOBLE, P. 4570, H.C. Reserve for Voisin Special (Champion- ship, bulls any age), Aug., '11. 1st prize (2-year-old class). Royal Show, Island of Jer., Apr., •12. 1st prize, Class 3, 13 entries, Apr.. '13. 2d pr., 7 entries (with progeny), Apr.. '13. And other prizes. Sire of Lady Noble Fern. 1st prize. Class 1 , 56 en- tries, Royal Show, Jersey. May, '13. Alabama, 1st pr.. Class 3, 58 entries. Aug., '13. Brampton Fern Beauty. 1st prize heifer calf. Toronto. Ont.. '12. And other winners. His dam. Lady Aldan, P. 8470, H. C. is the head of a great family. Her daughter, Lady Aldan 2d, P. 9788. H. C, won 2d over Jer. and Par. prize. May, '03; Par. prize, Aug.. '03. She is now named Mabel's Poet's Lady Aldan. 248438; is dam of Lady Aldan 8th. P. 11906. H. C. (Ra- leigh's Lady Aldan), butter test. 18 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days; Par. prize. Aug., 06; dam of the magni- ficent young bull, Aldan's Noble, 89581, sold in our '13 auction to Mr. Ed. C. Lasater, of I'ulfurrias. Tex., who values him at $5 .000. Dam RESTORATIVE, P. 15193, H.C. Certificate of Merit, public butter test, May, '11, 1 lb. 13} ozs. in 24 hours, at 3 years old. 197 days after calving. Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. (95700, A. J. C. C.) 1st pr., St. Saviour,07. 1st pr.. Royal Show. '10, for bull and 5 female progeny. More than 200 first prs. and Championships stand to the credit of Noble of Oaklands and his get. so far as the records have been tabulated. Sire of 37 butter-tested cows. Noble of Oaklands sold in our '11 auction for SI 5.000 to El- mendorf Farm, Lex- ington, Ky. Lady Aldan, P. 8470, H. C. Winner of 1st prize over Jersey, Aug., '09. Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '09. And numerous other prizes. Dam of Lady Aldan 2d, P. 9788, H. C 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '03. Lady Aldan 4th, P. 11184. H. C, 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '05. Beauty's Hero, P. 4009, C. His sire is a full broth- er to Golden Cham- pion. P. 3334, H. C. 3d over the Island, Aug., '04; 2d over the Island, Aug., '03; 2d State's prize over the Island, Apr. .'03. Sire of a long list of butter tested and pr. winning daugh- ters. He traces 4 tunes to the famous Golden Lad. and has over 40 per cent, his blood. Chauve Souris, P. 8731, C. Dam of Golden King's Trinity, 270320. sold at auction for $450. By same sire as the noted bull. Golden Maid's Prince. P. 3027, H. C, winner of 1st over Jersey, bulls from tested dams, Aug., '01; 3d over Jersey. Aug., '02; 1st over Jersey with progeny. Apr.. '07; sire of 40 tested cows. Blue Belle's Blue Fox, P. 3633, H. C. He was sold at Mr. D. S. Williams' sale, Nashville, Tenn., Dec. '07, for $1,025, to Mr. Harry Pren- tice, Worcester, M ass., who was offered a large ad- vance in price right after the sale. Sire of Blue Belle's Blue Lad, 72314, 1st prize and Grand Champion bull, San Antonio (Tex.) International Exposition, '09. Anna's Dorothy, 222016, in Register of Merit, 14 lbs. 15 ozs. in 7 days, at 4 years old. Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. Sold at our '11 auction for $7,000. 1st over Jersey, '04. Certificate of Merit, butter test. May, '04, 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 50 days in milk. 1st over Jersey and Champion, '05. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. Aldan, F. 6213, C. Iris's Duke. P. 3506, H. C. Sire of 2 in Register of Merit, viz.: Duke's Iris, 235101. 539 lbs. 1 1 ozs. but- ter in 1 year. Iris's Duke's Speckled Hip, 290828, 456 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in one year. And other notables. Beauty Fair 3d. P. 5546, C. f Egyptian, P. 2564, H. C. (Imported and regis- tered as King of Ar- den, 58135.) Par. prize, I. of Jer., Apr., '98. 1st prize yearling. St. John, I. of J.. '98. 2d prize two-year-old, St. John, '99. 1st and Sweepstakes. Ind. State Fair, '00. 1st and Sweepstakes, 111. State Fair, '00. 1st and Sweepstakes, St. Louis Fair. '00. Sire of Golden Maid 4th. P. 9821, H. C. Certificate of Merit, public butter test, Oct., '04. 1 lb. 9 ozs.. 101 days in milk. Victory 3d, P. 7366, C. Her dam also produced Wonder's Victory. P. 5457. H. C, dam of Rozel's Victory. P. 7594, H. C. (now namedGolden Fern's Victory, 213876, A. J. C. C). 1st prize and Sweepstakes, North Show, 00. Nobleman, P. 2555, H. C. 3d over Jer.. and Par. prize, Apr., '98. 1st over Jer., Aug.. '98. Reserve over Jersey and Par. prize. '00. 1st at Three-Parish Show, '99. Sire of Nobleman's Lady Mary, sold in our '02 sale to J. A. Middelton. Shelby- ville. Ky.. the un- beaten Champion of many shows. His dam. Gipsy Maid, is also dam of Gipsy Maid 2d, P. 9641. H. C-, who won 1st over Jersey. Aug., '02; 1st over Jersey (Special Class) and Cham- pion over three par- ishes, May, 10; be- sides other prizes. Bagatelle 2d. P. 6564. H. C, now named Golden Lad's Victoria, 157325. Sold in our '01 sale for $745. She is full sister toGoldenLad's Fawn Duchess, that tested 23 lbs. 6 ozs. Sir Watkin. P. 2991, H. C. Son of the famous cow. Golden Lad's Cream- pot, 162061. She is also dam of the bull. Flying Fox's Foxhall. selected by a committee of the A. J. C. C. for the St. Louis World's Fair to breed to the great cows in the dairy test. '04. Iris, P. 7878, H. C. By the same sire as the great cow, Golden Beatrice 2d, of the ''Linden Grove" herd. Elderly 2d, P. 1393, H. C. Beauty Fair, P. 3079, C. Picton, P. 2291, H. C. Sire of Netina's Gem. P. 7971. H. C pub- lic butter test. May. '01, 1 lb. 4 ozs. in 24 hours. Aristocrat, P. 2280, H.C. 1st over Jersey. '98. 1st and Sweepstakes, 3 Par. Show, '97. Sire of Aristocratic Beauty, that won the Silver Medal in the public butter test on the Island, testing 2 lbs. 10i ozs. in 24 hrs.. being in milk at time of test 121 days. She sold in our '06 sale for $1,100. Gipsy Maid, P. 4424, H. C. 3d over Jersey, '97. 2d and Sweepstakes at 3-Par. Show, '97. Golden Lad. P. 1242. H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice. 157326, 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. Bagatelle, P. 5076, C. Financial King. P. 2624. H. C. Imported by P. J. Cogswell. Esq., to cross on the daugh- ters of Exile. A famous sire. I Irene, P. 7835, H. C, now named Golden Lad's Cream- pot, 162061. Dr. Jim, P. 2318. C. Duchess of Kent, P. 6277. H. C. Prize winner over the Island. '99. Egyptian Buttercup, F. 7496, C. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize. May. '95. Dam of Egyptian 2d, P'. 3090. H. C, who sired Golden De- light, P. 10534, H. C, public butter test, 2 lbs. 4i ozs., 94 days in milk. Golden Grain. P. 2112, H. C. His son, Colonist, P. 2485, H. C, is sire of Planchette, P. 8671, H. C. Certifi- cate of Merit in pub- lic butter test, Oct.. '03, yield, 1 lb. 5i ozs., 173 days in milk. Victory 2d, P. 4375. H. C. Everton King 7th, P. 1107, C. Rozel's Pet 2d, F. 7413, H. C. Gay Lord. P. 1943. H. C. 2d at Yorkshire Show; H. C. at R. A. S. E. Show; H. C. at B. and W. E. Show. Stale Bread 2d. P. 2976, C. Reserve over Jersey and Par. prize. '99. Rayon d'Argent. P. 1869. H. C. His sire is a son of Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Royal Belle 2d, P. 1977, H. C. 2d over Jer., '89, '90. Golden King 2d. P. 1199, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. (See below.) Nameless. P. 3222. 11. C 1st over Jersey, '94 1st Cham. Class. '95. '96. '97. '98. Scored 97 points. Poster, P. 1152. C. A bull held in high esteem by F. C. Le Maistre on account of his dam and gran- dam. Daisy 7th. P. 3277, H. C. Sultane's Favourite. P. 873, H. C. 1st pr., St. Saviour. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447. H. C. f Baron of St. John. P. 1279. H. C. His grandam. Lady Useful. P. 796, H.C . won 1st over Jersey and Parish prize. '86. Lugano, F. 7020, C. Caumais Lad, P. 2257, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, '96. Finance. P. 4611. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. Crcampot 2d. P. 2721, H. C. I Golden Lad. P. 1242. H. C. (. Lily Brown. P. 420. C. f Golden Lad. P 1242. H. C. Welsh Girl, P. 2552, H. C. Everton King. P. 390. C. Wigton. F. 4114, C. Wonder Lad. P. 1390. H. C. 2d ov. Jer., Apr.. I Polite Carlo, P. 1418. H '91 C. Victory. P. 3240, H. C. By same sire as Gold- en Lad, P. 1242. H. C. 1st St. John Show as heifer in milk. Miltiades. P. S6S.H.C. Son of Wolseley. Stale Bread. r. 2225, C. Golden Pink. P. 1491. H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. pr.. '91. Queen Dahlia. F. 7602. H. C. | Perrot, P. 342, C. I Royal Belle, k F. 6044. H. C. Golden King. P. 955. H. C. Daisy. P. 421. H. C. Sultane's Favourite. P. 873, H. C. Ville-es-Philippes. F. 6700, C. Due to calve June 28, L916, by the distinguished bull, Oxford You'll Do P 4075, H.C, winner of 1st prize ; with ^his Progeny . class of 7 entries, at the Royal Show, Jersey, April '11. He sired the 1st prize 3 ->- ea V h lVh?Itre ChaUenJ; Cup Ck" entries) also the 1st pri/c 4-vear-old cow over the Island, May.'lo 76 entries), who won the Theatre Challenge cup (C nam entriesj also tneisx prize 4 >a o rWhters. one of which, now on year's test, will produce close to. Ss^)!^£^£^^^^ P. 4075, H. C.) B 114 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAYf30, 1916. No. 78. Heifer. AGATHA'S OXFORD FERN BEAUTY, 353282, A. J. C. C. Sire AGATHA'S OXFORD NOBLE, P. 4850, H. C. Winner of 1st pr. over Jer.. 6 entries, bulls from tested dams, April, '12. 2d prize. Class 1 , 55 entries, and St. Sa- viour Parish prize, April, '12. 2d prize, Class 2, 32 entries, April, '13. 3d prize. Class 8, 24 entries, Aug., '13. 2d pr., 8 entries, bulls from tested dams, Aug.. '13. His daughter, Agatha's Oxford Pansy. 288530. was sold for £400 in our May, '13, auction, when 1 weeks old, to Mr. Mark W. Potter. She was 1st prize heifer calf in a class of 8 entries, at the New York State Fair; 1st prize and Junior Champion at Brock- ton, Mass., '13. His son, Agatha's Ox- ford King, 113161, was 1st prize junior bull calf, at Forest City (Ohio) Fair,'13. His daughter, Agatha's Gamboge, 306645 , sold in our '14 auc- tion, at 9 mos. old, for $450, to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa. His daughter, Agatha's Distinction Queen, topped the yearlings in Mr. W. R. Spann's '15 auction, selling for $450 to Mrs. H. H. Galbraith, Knox- ville, Tenn. His dam is one of the most beautiful and capacious cows in Jersey; Mr. W. R. Spann has declared her the greatest cow on the Island. She has made 3 public butter tests; has won 1st prize and the Challenge Cup, over the Island; and is out of same dam as those two great bulls, Oxford You'll Do and Oxford Knight, whose daughters are mak- ing a reputation in the butter tests. Dam FERN BEAUTY, P. 18914, H. C. Official record on the Island of Jersey as a two-year-old, 358.94 lbs. butter in 313 days; average test, 5.97 per cent, but- ter fat. A Highly Commended daughter of Golden Fern's Noble, from a Highly Commended butter test dam. (See opposite page for extended pedigree.) Bred by G. J. Queree, St. Peter, Island of Jersey. Born April 7, 1915. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Some white markings; wuite tongue; black-and- wuite switch. An exceedingly handsome and well-developed heifer of great refinement, yet splendid constitution and vitality; sweet dished face; prominent, sparkling eyes; straight, strong back and perfect hind quarters; thin, long, well-set tail; body long and deep, with well-sprung ribs; flat neck and thin withers; promise of beautifully shaped udder, good-sized and well- placed teats. ( Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. (95700, A. J. C. C.) 1st St. Saviour Parish prize, '07. 1st over Jersey, with progeny, Apr., '10. Noble of Oaklands and his sons won all 1st prizes at the bull show, Island of Jer., Apr., '10; at the bull show, Apr., '11, sons of Noble of Oaklands won 2 out of 4 first prizes. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, the special prize (S250) for "get of sire, 4 to 8 animals, either sex, irrespec- tive of age or owner- ship," was won by 3 of his sons and 5 daughters. More than 200 first prs. and Championships stand to the credit of Noble of Oaklands and his get, so far as the records have been tabulated. His 3 7 tested daughters include: Noble's Handsome Queen, Register of Merit, 614 lbs. 3 oz. butter in 1 year. Noble's Golden Chance, Register of Merit, 530 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 yr. My Noble's Duchess, Register of Merit, 485 lbs. 13 ozs. but- ter in 1 year. Noble's Golden Pride, Register of M e r i t, 443 lbs. 2.8 ozs. but- ter in 1 year. Noble's Nursie, Regis- ter of Merit, 440 lbs. 7 ozs. butter in 1 yr. Noble's Beautiful Lily, Register of M e r i t, 414 lbs. 7 ozs. butter in 1 year. Noble's Beautiful Nelly, Register of Merit, 404 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 1 year. Noble's Imp. Duchess, Register of M e r i t, 385 lbs. 2 ozs. Noble of Oaklands sold in our May, '1 1 , auc- tion for $15,000 to Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. Not bred, Agatha's Oxford Lass, P. 11386. H. C. Public butter test, May, '08, 1 lb. 10 ozs., 97 days in milk (cows under 5 yrs.). Public butter test. May, '09. 2 lbs. 1* ozs., S3 days in milk. Public butter test, May, '10, 2 lbs. ^oz., 46 days in milk, 6 years old. Winner of l st prize 48 entries) over Jer. and Theatre Chal- lenge Cup, May, '11. Reserve for R e n o u f Cup, "best butter test cow judged by inspection," May, '09. Reserve, Class 4, 52 entries, Royal Show, May, '07. Blue Belle's Blue Fox, P. 3633, H. C. A very promising sire and great show bull. He was sold for 51.025 at Mr. D. S. Williams' sale, Nash- ville. Tenn., Dec, '07. to Mr. Harry Prentice, Worcester, Mas s., who was offered a large ad - vance in price right after the sale. Grandson of F 1 y i n g Fox, P. 2729, H. C„ and Blue Belle, P. 4307. H. C. Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. Now Imported Lady Viola, 238437, A. J. C. C. Sold at our May, '11, auction for £7,000. She won 1st prize over Jersey, '04; won in public butter test, May, '04, 2 lbs. 12 ozs. 1st pr. over Jer. and Theatre Cup, May, '05. 1st over Eng. wherever exhibited, '06, '07 and '08. Dam of Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C, sold for £15,000. Miss Viola, P. 9644, H. C, that tested in public butter test, May, '05, 2 lbs. 15 ozs. Willoh's Rosy, P. 10444, H. C, that tested in public but- ter test, 3 lbs. of butter. Poppy's Viola, P. 10902. H. C, win- ner of Bronze Medal in public butter test, yielding 1 lb. 15 ozs., when 159 days in milk, after dropping her first calf, being only 30 months old. Viola's Golden Jolly, sold for $13,000. And other distinguish- ed animals. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256. H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. Imported by Mr. How- ard Willets, propri- etor of G e d n e y Farm, at a price be- yond £5,000. Sire of Sultan of Oaklands, 1st prize, Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham., St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '05. Combination, P. 3744, H. C-, 1st prize over Jersey, May, '06; 1st prize, St. Helier Show, Aug., '06; 1st prize and Champion, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Apr., '09, in compe- tition with Beauvoir King, Plymouth Lad and other bulls. Gamboge's Knight and many other famous Jerseys. Sire of 7 tested cows. Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. Dam of 2 public butter test cows, and of the noted bulls, Oxford You'll Do and Ox- ford Knight. Her daughter, Oxford Eva, is dam of a bull with 2 Register of Merit daughters. Nobleman, P. 2555, H. C. 3d over Jer. and Par. prize. Apr., '98. 1st over Jer., Aug., '98. Reserve over Jer. and Par. prize, '00. 1st at 3-Par. Show. '99. Sire of Nobleman's Lady Mary, the un- beaten Champion of many shows; sold in our '02 sale to J. A. Middelton, Shel- byville, Ky. His dam, Gipsy Maid, P. 4424, H. C, is strongly bred to the families with which we "fell in love" on the Island in the early 80's — Wolse- ley, grandson of Farmer's Glory; An- gela, the dam of Im- ported Tormentor; Bobby, representa- tive of Mr. Arthur's captivating "Rose" family, and last, but not least, old "Coo- massie." Bagatelle 2d, P. 6564, H. C, now named Golden Lad's Victoria, 157325. Sold in our May, '01, sale for £745. Full sister to Golden Lad 's Fawn Duch- ess, that tested 23 lbs. 6 ozs., and sold in our '02 sale to Col. M. C. Campbell, Nashville, Tenn. Dam of Bagatelle's Belle, public butter test, May, '04, 2 lbs. 8£ ozs. Aristocrat, P. 2280, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '98. 1st and Sweepstakes, 3-Par. Show, '97. Aristocrat is a son of the famous show and butter cow, "Nameless." Sire of Aristocratic Beauty, that won the Silver Medal in the public butter test on the Island, testing 2 lbs. 104 ozs. in 24 hours, 121 days. Gipsy Maid, P. 4424, H. C. 3d over Jersey, '97. 2d and Sweepstakes at 3-Par. Show, '97. Dam of Gipsy Maid 2d, P. 9641, H. C. 2d over Jersey and Par. prize, May, '02; 1st over Jer., Aug., '02; Par. prize, May, '03, and Aug., '07; and many other prizes. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '90; also win- ner of £15 prize. The most prepotent bull the Island ever produced, transmit- ting the Sultane type (for udder and teats) to his entire progeny. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C.) Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Among his 26 tested daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen. 870.5 lbs. butter, 13,604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. butter, 11,198 lbs. milk, 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Sa- viour, 411.96 lbs. butter, 6,841 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dream- wold, 10,060 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Syria o' Dream- wold, 11,075 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Maid o' The Sea, 11,530 lbs. milk, 1 year. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. (A highly commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432.H. C..J. H. B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. l£ ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. Sold in our May, '02, auction for $1,700. Bessie's Lad, P. 2479, H. C. By the same sire as Orlando, P. 2535, H. C, sire of Fairy Glen, P. 9178, H. C. dam of Raleigh's Fairy Boy and Fairy Glen's Raleigh. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. One of the most cele- brated cows the Island ever pro- duced. Bagatelle, P. 5076, C. Dam of Bagatelle 3d (Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess), 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son. Flying Fox. sold in our May, '02, sale for $7,500. His son, Eminent 2d, sold in our May, '05, auction sale for $10,000. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. Dam of Flying Fox. P. 2729, H. C. Alicante. P. 3880, H.C. Forfarshire, P. 2914, H. C. 3 Champion winners. Four of her get have sold in our auction \ sales at an average of $2,762.50. Ravachol, P. 2032, C. Courageous Countess of Oaklands, P. 8640, H. C, now named Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours, Jersey weight. Golden Lad 2d, P. 2023, H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Daisy, 136499, 19 lbs. 2 ozs. Golden Lad's Mer- maid, sold at our May, '02, auction sale for $1,100. Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold at our May, '03, ' auction sale for $1,725. And many other fa- mous animals. Brown Bess 2d, P. 5428, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Nameless. P. 3222, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, '93. Milked 24 qts. a day; private test, 2 lbs. 1 1 ozs. butter in one day. Poster, P. 1152. C. A bull held in high esteem by F. C. Le Maistre on account of his dam and gran- dam, especially the latter. Dairy 7th. P. 3277. H. C. Descended from Young Rose, P. 43, H. C, 1st over Jer., '72, '73. Sultane's Favourite, P. 873. H. C. 4 1st pr., St. Saviour. Sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows. Golden Lass 4th. P. 2447, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '88. 2dH. B. over Jer., '88. 2d Lon. Dairy S., '88. 1st pr. over Eng., '90. 1 lb. 14£ ozs. butter. Half-sister to Golden Lad 2d, P. 2023, H. C, a great sire. Baron of St. John, P. 1279, H. C. Lugano, F. 7020, C. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all prize winners over the Is- land. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d over Jer., 2d H. B. and Par. prize, '94. Her dam is half-sister to Eminence,!?. 7124, H. C. Sarabond, P. 797, H.C. He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. This was a great loss to the Island, as he undoubtedly was a great sire. Rosette 4th, P. 2128.C. Had few equals as a dairy cow in her day on the Island. Orme, P. 1660, H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, 2 lbs. l£ ozs. of butter in 24 hours. Little Eminence, 122506, 21 lbs. 6 ozs. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. Orme, P. 1660. H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, winner of 1st prize, B. and W. S., N. A. S. S., and 1st at the Yorkshire S.. Eng., '95. (2 lbs. 9J ozs. of butter in 24 hrs.) Turtledove 2d, 1st ov. Jer., '95; and many other prizes. Golden Lass, P. 5711, H. C. 1st over the Island. Biron, P. 1375, C Brown Bess. F. 7455, C. 0280 T. S COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SA LE OF J ERSEY CATTLE, MATMH), 1916. No. 81. Cow. LUCY PEARL OF ST. JOHN, 306628, A. J. C. C. (Lucy Pearl, P. 17811, C.) Bred by J. D'Allain, Jr., St. John, Island of Jersey. Born February 3, 1911. Imported September 15, 1913, by T. S. Cooper & "spot in forehead: white brisket and belly; white on left flank; fore ankles and hind legs mostly white, black-and white tongue; half of tail white; black hairs in white switch. A large, attractive and substantial light lawn, rugged constitution; body of great length, depth and width; roomy barrel, set on short, hne legs; good head, with bright, prominent eyes; back strong, and level to root of tail; broad at loin with wide, prominent hips; great length of rump, hide mellow and rich; well-sprung ribs; long tail, with flowing white switch; udder of beautiful shape and ample size; large teats, squarely placed. Has all the indications of a useful dairy cow. f Sire I LUCY'S PRINCE, P. 3939, H.C. Winner of 2d over Jer. (with his progeny), Apr., '10; a success- ful sire. Sire of 10 butter test cows, including; Lucy's Convent Lassie, Register of Merit, 484 lbs. 8 ozs. but- ter in 1 year, 5 yrs. 1 1 mos. old. Lucy Belle's Princess, Register of Merit, 468 lbs. 1 oz. butter in 1 year, 3 yrs. 4 mos. old. Retreat's Iris, Register of Merit. 423 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 1 year, 7,132 lbs. milk. 4i yrs. Poppy 4th, public but- ter test, 1 lb. 9i o2S. in 24 hrs., 3 yrs. old. Clarencia's Lucy, P. 16480, H. C, pub- lic butter test, 1 lb. 9i ozs. in 24 hrs., 4 yrs. old; now named Lucy's Prince's Brown Beauty, 306- 594, and sold in our '14 auction for $700, toLynnewood Farm, Ogontz, Pa. She is dam of Pretty Clar- encia. 353256, cata- logued No. 13 of this auction. Jan, F. 10350, C, a wonderful dairy cow, who made under the R. J. A. S. official tests on the Island (no grain feed), 676 lbs. 1.6 ozs. butter in 399 days, from 12,422 lbs. milk. "Jan" was imported by us, and is dam of the heifer. Pretty Sweet Bread, 353278, No. 59 of catalog. Summer Valentine, public butter test, 1 lb. 7} ozs. in 24 hrs., 3 yrs. old, 170 days after calving. April Sunbeam, pub- lic butter test, 1 lb. 1\ ozs., 3 yTS. old, 195 days after calv- ing- Highview Lucy, public butter test, 1 lb. 6 ozs., 3 yrs. old, 200 days after calving. Dam MISCHIEF'S PEARL, P. 12819, C. ( Golden Maid's Prince, P. 3027, H. C. (93538, A. J. C. C.) 1st prize (sons of test- ed dams), Aug., '01. 1st over Jer. for bull and progeny, Apr., '07. Forfarshire's Lucy, P. 10576, H. C. Winner of 2d prize, yearling class, North Club Show, May, '03. Par. prize, Aug., '05. 2d prize, young cow class, North Club Show, May, '05, two months before drop- ping second calf — "a record." 2d prize. North Club Show, May, '06, and Reserve Champion, two months before dropping third calf — "a record." 1st over Jer., Aug., '06, and Reserve for Blythwood Bowl. 1st over Jer., Special Class, Aug., '07- Exported to England, where she has been a frequent winner. [ Beechland's Champion, P. 3599, H. C. 3d over Jersey, Class 8 , Aug., '05. Sire of Minette of Anneville. 257107, in Register of Merit, 470 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 year, 6,481 lbs. 11.2 ozs. milk, at 5 years old. Ermyntrude 2d, pub- lic butter test. June. '09, 1 lb. 8J ozs. in 24 hours, 4 years old. Princess Emma, 1st over Jersey, Aug., '13, Class 5. Silvery King. 2d over Jersey, Class 1, Apr.. '07. St Martin's Minetta. 257106, 2d prize aged cow, Lexington, Ky., '12. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and G r o u v i 1 1 e Show, '02. 1st pr. over the Island in a class of 44. '02. Sire of Agatha's Oxford Lass, public butter test, May, '08, 1 lb. 10 ozs., 97 days in milk (cows under 5 yrs. ) ; public butter test. May, '09, 2 lbs. It ozs., 83 days in milk; winner of 1st prize over Jersey and Theatre Challenge Cup, May, '11; Re- serve for Renouf Cup, "best butter test cow judged by inspection," May, '07. Sultan of Oaklands.lst prize. Sweepstakes. Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham., St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '05. Combination, P. 3744, H. C, 1st prize over Jersey, M a y, '06; 1st prize, St. Helier Show, Aug., '06; 1st prize and Champion, St. Saviour and Grou vi 11 e Show, Apr., '09. His breeder, Mr. John A. Perree, sold him to Mr. Howard Wil- 1 e t s, "Gedney F a r m," White Plains, N. Y., for $5,000. Twelve of his heifers, ten of which were yearlings, sold in our '05 auction sale for an average of $558. River Belle. F. 8273, H. C. 1st over Jer., '02, '04. Public butter test. 1 lb. 11 ozs., 165 days in milk. Dam of Beechland's Favourite, 3d over Jer. ,'02 and '03. Honest Lad, P. 15185, H. C, sire of 4 tested cows, and the noted bull, Goddington Winks, a great Eng- lish prize winner. , Valiant, P. 1928, C. Sire of Netina 2d, P. 8947, C. public but ter test. May, '07, 1 lb. 5i ozs. in 24 hours, at 10 years old. 181 days after calving. Mischief, P. 6534, C. Misrule. F. 6725, C. Due to calve May 17, 1916, by Golden Fern of Linden, 84011, a most prepotent son of Golden Fern's Lad, and "bred to order, our desire being for a son of Golden Fern's Lad out of the great cow Golden Lad's Industry, 162058, one of the greatest daugh- ters of Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C, ever owned at Linden Grove " His progeny have fulfilled our fondest expectations and they have been highly appreciated by some ol our best breeders! (See front pages for extended pedigree of Golden Fern of Linden, 84011.) Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Among his 26 tested daughters are' Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. butter, 13.604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. butter. 11,198 lbs. milk, 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Sa- viour, 411.96 lbs. butter, 6,841 lbs. milk. 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dream- wold, 10,060 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Syria o' Dream- wold. 11,075 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Maid o' The Sea, 11,530 lbs. milk. 1 year. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101. A. J. C. C. (A highly commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432.H. CJ.H. B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. li ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. She sold in our May, '02, auction for $1,700, to Mrs. M. M. Patterson, Port Kennedy, Pa. Full sister to Beresford Darkie. public but- ter test, 2 lbS. i oz. in 24 hours, 5 years old. Truefit, P. 1425, H. C. Sire of Brand, 1st over Jer- sey, '99. Sold in our May, '01, sale. Diplomate, P. 5253, H. C, one of t h e Is- land's great cows. Les Buttes Lad, P. 1322, C. His sire also produced Bosnia 3d. P. 4680, H. C. winner of 3d over Jer. and Par. pr.. Royal Show, Aug., '03. S h e is dam of Bosnian, P. 3454, C, sire of: Bosnian's Anna. 231557, in Register of Merit, 684 lbs. 7 ozs. butter in 1 year. Mayfair's Choice, 211619, in Register of Merit, 17 lbs. 12 ozs. butter in 7 days. Stale Bread 2d, P. 2976, C. Reserve over Jer. and Par. prize, '99. Dam of many noted animals. (See below.) Golden Fern's Lad. P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show. '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son. Flying Fox, sold in our May, '02, sale for $7,500. His son. Eminent 2d. sold in our May. '05. auction sale for $10,000. i Rosette 5th, P. 2881. H. C. now named Sultana's Rosette. 149740. A. J. C. C. 1st prize over Jer., '89. A very rich and per- sistent milker. Ravachol, P. 2032, C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam, he proved him- self a remarkable sire, but was butch- ered before his value as a sire was known. Courageous Countess of Oaklands. P. 8640. H. C. now named Countess of Oaklands. 162098. Official test. 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours. Jersey weight. Punch, P. 1000, H. C. 1st over Jer. and 1st H. B. pr., '88. 2d Essex Show, Eng. 1st and Cham., Nor- folk. Eng. 1st Herts Show. 2d pr., Cambridge S., '90. Siddine 2d, P. 1838, H. C. Useful Lad, P. 997. H. C. 2d pr., Aug.. '88. Sire of Clarence, P. 1494, H. C, 1st pr., St. Peter, and sire of Golden Lily, 1st pr. over Jer. Les Buttes, P.489.H.C. 3d Herd Book prize and Parish pr.. Aug.. '85. Reserve and Parish prize. Aug., '86. Miltiades, P. 868. H. C. His sire, Wolseley, P. 401, H. C. won 1st over Jer., '83, '84, '85. Stale Bread, P. 2225, C. Daughter of Angela's Lad, P. 397, H. C, who is out of same dam as Tormentor, 3533, imp. Boyle, P. 1559. H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all pr. winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9.000 lbs. milk in a year. 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours. Golden Fern. P. 4711. H. C. 2d over Jer., 2d H. B. and Par. pr., '94. Sarabond, P. 797. H.C He was sold to go to France when 1 2 months old. This was a great loss to the Island, as he undoubtedly was a great sire. , Rosette 4th. P. 2128.C. Orme, P. 1660. H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, 2 lbs. 14 ozs. of butter in 24 hours. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. 1st pr. over Jer., '98. Courage, P. 1813. C. Mr. Francis Le Brocq told us that the bull Courage was the best son of Golden Lad. Grassy Brown, P. 3370, H. C. Prince of Waverly, P. 731, H. C. His dam is Happy's Waverly, F. 5423, H. C. and his sire is by Happy. F. 309. H.C. Davisonnerie's Pet, F. 6038, H. C. Oscar, F. 410, H. C. Siddine. F. 4153, C. Paragon, P. 743, C. Lady Useful. P. 796. H. C., May. '85. 1st over Jer. and Par. pr., Aug., '86. Carlo, P. 180, C. (5559. A. J. C. C.) 1st pr.. St. John. '78. Par.. R. J. A. S.. '78. Lady Nice, P. 302. C. Wolseley, P. 401, H. C. Nice Charmer, F. 5629, C. Angela's Lad, P. 397, H. C. 1st Guenon pr., '83. 3d Herd Book. '83. 5th over Jersey, '83. 3d over Jer.. Aug., '83. 3d and 3d H. B.. '85. Sweet Bread. F. 6877. H. C. Stale Bread 2d, P. 2976, C. (above) is dam of: Oxford's Sweet Bread. 252128. that sold in our '11 auction for? 5 Mo Messrs. Ayer & McKinney; entered in Register of lent 490 lbs. 3 ozs^ butter in 1 year, 8,545 lbs. milk, at 8 years , months old. Her parting Parish prize. May, '02. (Now named Flymg Fox s Sweet Bread, 18,44,. and imported by "Linden Grove. ) ....... „ a <,- R p winner Picton 2d. P. 2632. C. sire of Pnncess Adelaide 2d. P 88,9. H. C.. w inner of 2 public butter tests; Certificate of Merit. May, 05, 1 lb. 6 ozs., HI Pic d t a o y n3d m p lk 2715, H. C. sire of Island Darkie. 181182 butter tests at J years old. 16 lbs. 13 ozs. in 7 days. 32 lbs. 15 ozs, in! 4_ days . 68 lbs. 8 ozs. in 30 days. Also sire of the bull Morocco s Lad. P. 3201 , H. C. Picton 4th P 2912. H. C s re of Sweet Bread 5th. P. 1012,, H. y.. P uu1 "- buner test.' May. '06. 1 ib. 4 ozs.. 223 days in milk, at 5 years old. Also pS,^ H^sS of Picton's Cream Bread. 254234. ,n Register of Merit, 640 lbs. 9 ozs. butter in 1 year. , years old. B 92 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 82. Cow. BRIGHT PRINCE'S BROWN VIOLA, 353215, A. J. C. C. (Bright Hecla, P. 16637, H. C.) WINNER OF FIRST PRIZE, ST. HELIER SHOW, JERSEY, 1912. CHAMPION, ST. HELIER SHOW, 1914. CERTIFICATE OF MERIT, PUBLIC BUTTER TEST, MAY, 13, 1 LB. 12J OZS. IN 24 HRS., AT 3 YRS. 6 MOS. OLD. PARISH PRIZES, ROYAL SHOW, MAY, 1912, AND MAY, 1913. Bred by P. C. Mourant, St. Helier, Island of Jersey. Born October 11, 1909. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color, except part of brisket and belly white; white tongue; black switch. A very rugged yet handsome young cow, with all the characteristics of her great family; the type and temperament of a powerful dairy cow; neat head; long, clean, flat neck; body of great length, wide and well ribbed; strong, level back; great length of rump; well-set tail, with splendid switch; beautiful udder, carrying a network of prominent veins; large, per- fectly placed teats. She comes from families on both sides that we have known intimately and for many years at "Linden Grove"; and we ask breeders to make note of the fact that we predict this cow will make a a name for herself in America. She will be better known five years from now. Sire VIOLA'S BRIGHT PRINCE, 97182, A. J. C. C. (BRIGHT PRINCE, P. 4129, H. C.) Reserve over Jersey, Class 9, Aug., '10. Reserve over Jersey, with progeny, Apr., '10. His progeny won 1st for "get of sire" at Dominion Exhibi- tion, Toronto, ' 1 3 and '14. Imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our '12 auction. Sire of 7 butter test cows, including: Bright Prince's Jolly Girl, 573 lbs. 13 ozs. in 1 year, 3 yrs. 1 1 mos. old; sold at auction for $775; winner of six 1st prizes and 5 Grand Championships, at 6 fairs; a grand cow, owned by Mr. Geo. T.Slade, White Bear Lake, Minn. Also sire of: Woodlands Lass. 1st over Jersey and Par. prize. May, '12. Moray's Beauvoir 2d. 1st prize junior year- ling heifer, Minne- sota State Fair. '11, and other prizes. Brampto n's Haw- thorne, 2d prize 2- year-old heifer, To- ronto Expo., '12. Bright Princess of St. Peter, sold at our '10 auction for $625, at 14 months old. Dam MAITLAND HECLA 2d, P. 8793, H.C. Winner of Parish prize. Class 2, Royal Show, Jersey, Aug., '01. Reserve, Class 5, 23 entries, and Parish prize. Aug., '05. 3d prize. Class 5, '26 entries, and Parish prize, Aug., '06. Dam of Bright Hecla, public butter test. 1 lb. 123 ozs. in 24 hrs., at 3$ years old. Oxfordiana, P. 1190S, H. C., winner of St. Helier Parish prize, Aug., '06, and Aug., '07; now named Ox- ford Maitland, 213- 937. sold in our '08 auction for $600. to Mr. C. E. Reiman, Baltimore, Md. Golden Maid's Prince, P. 3027, H. C- (93538, A. J. C Ct 1st prize (sons of test- ed dams), Aug., '01. 3d prize over the Is- land, Aug., '02. 1st over Jer. for bull and progeny, Apr., '07. Sire of 40 tested cows, of 8 producing bulls, and many 1st prize and Champion win- ners. (See other pedigrees.) Brightness, P. 11606, H. C, now named Viola's Bright Lady, 255485, A. J. C. C Certificate of Merit in public butter test. May, '08, 2 lbs. 6J ozs., 43 days in milk. Imported by "Linden Grove." Also dam of the bull. Brighton, P. 4043, H. C, Reserve, bulls from tested dams, Royal Show, Jersey. Aug., '09. Sire of Brighton Beauty, Certificate of Merit, public butter test. Oct., '12. 1 lb. 10 ozs. in 24 hours, at 3 years old, 131 days after calving; and other producers. f Lord Nob, P. 2509, C. Also sire of Nob's Happy. P. 8315, C, Parish prize. Class 1, Royal Show, Jersey, Aug.. '00. Pauline. P. 8483, C.. dam of Jockey's Pauline, 302479, in Register of Merit (A), 452 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 6 years old. His sire also produced the bull, Rhymer. P. 2756, H. C, sire of 7 tested cows, the best of which is Great Scot's Cham- pion, 203703, 774 lbs. 4 ozs. butterin 1 year, at 12 yrs. 8 mos. old; Grand Champion. National Dairy Show, 'l l , and many other prizes. Golden Lad's Pretty Maid, 149157, A. J. C C. (Maitland Hecla, P. 7094, H. C.) 4th prize. Class 3. 47 entries, Royal Show, Jersey, May, '98. Sold in our '00 auction, as a 4-year-old, for $325, to Biltmore Farms. Egyptian, P. 2564, H. C. (Imported and regis- tered as King of Arden, 58135.) Par. prize, I. of Jersey, Apr., '98. 1st pr. yearling, St. John. I. of Jer., '98. 1st and Sweepstakes, 111. and Ind. State Fairs. '00. Golden Maid, P. 6555, H. C Certificate of Merit in butter test, May, '98, 2 lbs. 4 J ozs. Golden Champion, P. 3334, H. C. 3d over the Island, Aug., '04. 2d over the Island, Aug., '03. 2d State's prize over the Island. Apr.. '03. Sire of a long list of butter tested and prize -winning daughters. He traces four times to the famous Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C, and has over 40 per cent, his blood. Willoh's Rosy, P. 10444, H. C. now named Willoh's Lady Viola, 219486. A. J. C C. Parish prize, Class 1, Royal Show, Aug., '04. Certificate of Merit and IstGoddington purse, public butter test, May, '06, 3 lbs. butter in 24 hours, 4 years old. Dam of 5 tested cows. Great Scot, P. 2153, H. C. Sire of Rhymer, Par. pr., '99. Perry F. Scot, Reserve R. C. S., '99. Mabel 42d, 1st over Jer. and P. pr., '99. Maitland Cherry. 1st over Jer. and Par. pr., '99. Jersey Skater 6th, P. 5865, H. C. A magnificent cow, imported to Amer- ica by "G e d n e y Farm." Champion, St. Helier Show, '06. Dam of Maitland Con- stance, P. 10373, H. C-, 4th over Jersey, Aug., '03, and May, '04; dam of Mait- land Catherine, P. 7279, C, Par. prize, '99. Sister to Golden Lad's Gold Frame, sold for $550, in our auction. Dam of Combination. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land, Aug., '90; also winner of £15 prize. Jersey Lily, F. 7855, C. Wonder Lad. Gay Lord, P. 1390. H. C. Picton. P. 2291. H. C. P. 1943, H. C. Sire of Listener, P. 2d at Yorkshire Show. Polite Carlo. 7841. C, 4th over H. C. at R. A. S. E. P. 1418. H. C. Jer. and Par. prize, Show. 1st St. John Show as Aug.. '98. H. C. at B. and W. E. Show. heifer in milk. Egyptian Buttercup, Militades, P. 868.H. C. F. 7496, C. Stale Bread 2d, P. 2976, C. Stale Bread, Golden Lad, Reserve over Jer. and P. 2225, C. P. 1242, H. C. Par. prize, '99. Sire of 32 tested cows. Sappeur, P. 1358. C. Miltiades. P. 868, H. C. Bonny Lass, Aukobar, F. 6766. C. P. 4577, H. C. Her sire is a grandson Bonny, F. 7461. C. of Wolseley, P. 401, H. C. Caumais Lad, Financial King, P. 2257, H. C. Sir Watkin, P. 2624. H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. P. 2991, H. C. Imported by P. J. prize, '96. Son of the famous cow, Cogswell, Esq., to Golden Lad's Cream- cross on the daugh- Finance, P. 4611, C. pot, 162061. ters of Exile. She is also dam of the A famous sire. ' Golden Lad, bull. Flying Fox's P. 1242, H. C. Foxhall, selected by Irene, P. 7835, H. C, a committee of the now named Creampot 2d, A. J. C. C. for the Golden Lad's Cream- P. 2721, H. C. St. Louis World's pot, 162061. Fair to breed to the Golden Lad. great cows in the P. 1242, H. C. dairy test, '04. Dr. Jim, P. 2318, C. . Lily Brown, P. 420, C. Iris, P. 7878, H. C. By the same sire as the Golden Lad, great cow. Golden Duchess of Kent, P. 1242, H. C. Beatrice 2d, of the P. 6277, H. C. "L i n d e n Grove" Prize winner over the Welsh Girl, herd. Island, '99. P. 2552, H. C. Willoh, P. 2855, H. C. He traces three times to Golden Lad. and has 28i per cent, of his blood Sire of Willoh's Rosy, public butter test, 3 lbs., 38 days in milk, at 4 years old. Dam of four public butter test cows, and a 5th daughter won 1st over the Island. Miss Viola, public butter test, 3 lbs., 39 days in milk, 4 years old. (Miss Viola and Willoh's Rosy are the two highest testing daughters of Lady Viola.) Syren's Pride, public butter test, 1 lb. 1\ ozs., 215 days in milk. Gipsy Maid 2d, 1st over Jersey, Aug., '02; and many other prizes. Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. Sold at our May, '11, auction for $7,000. Dam of 4 tested cows; and of the bulls. Noble of Oaklands, sold in our '11 auction for $15,000, and Viola's Golden Jolly, sold in our '09 auction for $11,000. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. (See below.) Belle Brebis, P. 4473, H. C. Parish prize, '94, '96. One of the best cows in Mr. Wm. Rocke- feller's herd. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C (See below.) Jersey Skater 4th, P. 4166, H. C- 1st prize and Cham- pion Cup, Royal Dublin Show, '95. Sultane's Favourite, P. 873, H. C. 1st pr., St. Saviour. Sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows, in- cluding S u 1 1 a n e 14th, that in the Tunbridge Wells (England) butter test, '02, in her fif- tenth year, gave 38 lbs. 6 ozs. milk, making 2 lbs. lj ozs. butter in 24 hours, when 132 days in milk, winning the Silver Medal. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '88. * \ Castor. P. 870. H. C Hillside Lad, Dolly of the Valley. P. 1163, C. 2d over Jer. and Par. P. 1246, H. C. pr., '89. Everton King, Brebis 3d, P. 1898, H.C. P. 390, C. By same sire as Toot- sie, dam of Boyle. Brebis 2d, P. 1214, C. Everton Prince, Everton Lord, P. 761, H. C. P. 1088. H. C. Beauty of Faldouet, P. 1644, H. C. Jersey Skater 3d, L'Empereur Napoleon, P. 2887, C. P. 866, H. C. Count Cicero, Jersey Skater 2d. F. 398. H. C. P. 2287, C. 2d pr. over Jer., '83. Sire of Sarabond, P. Cicero, P. 266, H. C. 797, H. C, who sired 1st pr. over Jer., '82. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, Sire of H. C, a very rich Lady Longfield, 23524, and persistent milk- 20 lbs. 13 ozs. er. Dam of Rava- Lady Fair, 22103, 19 chol, P. 2032, Cj lbs. 10 ozs. John Bull. P. 2653, C.; Uncle Peter's Minerva, F. 2281, C. Rosette, P. 7363. H. Supposed to be by C; Rosette's Golden Royalist, P. 139. H. Lad. 57498, A. J. C. C, son of Regina. C; Alicante. P.3880, F. 32, H. C. H. C; Flying Fox. P. 2729, H. C, and r Farmer's Joy, Forfarshire. P. 2914, P. 306, H. C. H. C 1 st over Jersey. Sultane 8th, Sultane, P. 7. H. C. P. 944, H. C. 2d over Jersey, '70. Last calf, April 13, 1916 (sent to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas). Expected to be bred before day of sale, to Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C, the sire of 21 or more official test daughters, one of which, now under official test, will produce close to if not more than 900 lbs. butter in 1 year, as a four-year-old. He was imported by "Linden Grove" and registered as Imported Oxford You'll Do, 111S60, A. J. C. C. (See notes opposite No. 40 of catalog, and front pages, for further particulars). B 336 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 3 0, 1916. No. 83. Cow HETTY'S GOLDEN MAID, 353220, A. J. C. C. (P. 17241, H. C.) OFFICIAL RECORD ON ISLAND OF JERSEY, 455 LBS. 12 OZS. BUTTER IN 352 DAYS, 7,033 LBS. MILK, AS A THREE-YEAR OLD. Bred by J. P. Pirouet, St. Ouen. Island of Jersey. Bora May 9, 1910. Imported October 3 1 , 19 1 5. by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A very handsome and substantial greyish fawn. a cow of great scale and symmetry; lovely head, with bright, prominent eyes; straight, strong back; body • >f great depth and length; large, beautifully shaped udder, with good sized teats, perfectly placed; hind quarters roomy and almost perfectly fashioned, with broad, prominent hips; tail well set, thin and long, with beautiful switch. Sire GOLDEN MAID'S PRINCE, P. 3027, H. C. (93538, A. J. C. C.) 1st over Jersey, bulls from tested dams, Aug., '01. 3d Over Jersey. Aug., '02. 1st over Jersey with progeny. Apr.. '07. Sire of 40 tested cows, the best of which is Golden Maid's Christena, 708 lbs. butter in 1 year; sold in our '13 auction for $625. Sire of 7 untested cows that have tested daugh- ters. Sire of 8 or more producing bulls, including: Bright Prince, sire of 7 tested cows; imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our '12 auction. Lucy's Prince, sire of 1 1 tested cows. Golden Prince, P. 4025, H. C, sire of 4. Bosnian, P. 3454. H. C, sire of 2 in Register Merit. Monkton, P. 4196, C sire of 2 tested cows. Imported Bosnian. 93533. sire of 3 tested cows; Grand Champion at Vermont State Fair, '13. Sire of numerous other prize winners, including: Golden Maid's Opal, 254289. Grand Champion, Connecticut State Fair, '13; Senior Champion, National Dairy Show, 14. Fauvic's Prince. 107961. Grand Champion, Brockton. Mass.. '14. Golden Oxford Knight, Junior Champion bull, Mississippi-Alabama Fair, '13. His daughter. Golden Maid of Jersey. 526 lbs. 13 ozs.. is dam of the bull winning Grand Cham- pionship at National Dairy Show. '14. (See opposite page for further particulars.) Dam HETTY, F. 10021, C. Official Island records, under auspices of the Royal Jersey Agricultural Society: 1913 14 lactation — 424.92 lbs. butter in 315 days. from 6,115 lbs. milk; average test, 6.37 per cent. fat. For 240 days, to end of '14: 343.44 lbs. butter. 5.300 lbs. milk; average test. 5.71 per cent. fat. Picton, P. 2291, II. C. f Egyptian, P. 2564, H. C. Imported and regis- tered as King of Arden, 58135. Fol lowing is his list of winnings: Par. prize, I. of Jer., Apr., '98. 1st prize yearling. St. John, I. of J., '98. 2d prize two-year-old, St. John. '99. 1st and Sweepstakes, Ind. State Fair, '00. 1st and Sweepstakes, 111. State Fair, '00. 1 st and Sweepstakes. St. Louis Fair, '00. Sire of Golden Maid 4th, P. 9821. H. C. Certificate of Merit, public butter test. Oct., '04. 1 lb. 9 ozs.. 101 days in milk His sire also produced: Listener. P. 7841. C, winner of 4th prize. Class 1. and Parish prize. Royal Show. Jersey. Aug.. '98. Netina'sGem. P. 7971. H. C. public butter test. May. '01. 1 lb. 4 ozs. in 24 hours. 75 days in milk, at 4 years old. She is dam of Netina's Suc- cessor, P. 3211, C, Parish prize, Class 1, April, '02. Golden Maid, P. 6555, H. C. 2d over Jersey, '96. Certificate of Merit in butter test. May. '98, 2 lbs. 41 ozs. Dam of Golden Maid 3d, P. 8137. H. C. public butter test, Oct.. '07, 1 lb. 12J ozs.. Ill days in milk. She is dam of: Golden Maid 4th. pub- lic butter test. 1 lb. 9 ozs., 101 days in milk. Golden Maid 5th, pub- lic butter test. 1 lb. 6 ozs., 153 days in milk. Golden Maid 6th, pub- lic butter test, 1 lb. 15 ozs., 105 days in n" lk ... , Golden Maid is by same sire as Boyle, sire of Golden Fern's Lad; Mon Plaisir, 1st over Jer., '98; Ham- ley. 1st over Jer, '99; Mona's Glory, 1st over Jer., '97; Cour- age: Nunthorpe; Golden Pink; Pio- neer; Morion: Orme; La Chasse Prince; Sultana's Golden Lad, and others that have won fame. Sixteen or more grand- sons of Golden Lad have daughters in the Register of Mer it. His double grandson. Golden Fern's Lad (same in blood as a son), has 27 sons with daugh- ters in the Register of Merit, led by Emi- nent 2d, P. 2532, H. C , who was sold in our May, '05, auc- tion for $10,000. Gay Lord, P. 1943, H. C. Second at Yorkshire Show A. S. C. at B Show H. C. at E . Show ; and W. Wonder Lad. P. 1390, H. C. 2d over Jer., Apr., 1st over Jersey, '91 Polite Carlo, P. 1418. H. C. 1st St. John Show as heifer in milk. and Stale Bread 2d. P. 2976, C. Reserve over Jer. Par. prize. '99. Dam of many noted animals. (See below.) Miltiades. P. 868, H. Stale Bread. P. 2225, C. Daughter of Angela's Lad. P. 397. H. C. who is out of same dam as Tormentor, 3533, imp. '11 auction for S510. to , winner lb. 6 ozs.. 227 Egyptian Buttercup, F. 7496, C. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize. May, '95. Dam of Egyptian 2d, P. 3090. H. C. who sired Golden De- light, P. 10534, H. C., winner Certifi- cate of Merit and 2d Par. prize, May, '09, public butter test, 2 lbs. 4J ozs., 94 days in milk. Stale Bread 2d. P. 2976, C. (above) is dam of: Oxford's Sweet Bread. 252128, that sold in our Messrs. Ayer & McKinney; entered in Register of Merit, 490 lbs. J ozs. butter in 1 year. 8,545 lbs. milk, at 8 years 7 months old. Her yearling heifer, Raleigh's Sweet Bread, 252240, sold at same trnie for $350, to Mr R. L. Shuford. Newton, N. C; and her heifer calf. Nobles bweet Bread, 252252, for S250, to Mr. W. R. Spann. Stale Bread 5th. P. 9739, H.C., winner of 4th prize. Class 1, 60 entries and Parish prize. May, '02. (Now named Flying Fox's Sweet Bread, 18/44/. and imported by "Linden Grove.") Picton 2d, P. 2632, C. sire of Princess Adelaide 2d. P. 88/9. H. c of 2 public butter tests; Certificate of Merit, May. '05, Pict a on S 3d, m p llk 27IS, H. C, sire of Island Darkie, 181182 butter tests at 7 years old, 16 lbs. 13 ozs. in 7 days, 32 lbs. 15 ozs. in 14 days, 68 lbs. 8 ozs. in 30 days. Also sire of the bull. Morocco's Lad, P. 3201, H.C. Picton 4th P. 2912, H. C, sire of Sweet Bread 5th, P. 10127. H. C public butter test, May, '06, 1 lb. 4 ozs.. 223 days in milk, at 5 years old. Also sire of several prize winners. . Picton 5th. P. 3517, H. C, sire of Picton's Cream Bread. 2J4234, in Register of Merit, 640 lbs. 9 ozs. butter in 1 year, 7 years old. f Count Cicero, F. 398. H. C. 2d pr. over Jer.. '83. Sire of Count's Fillpail. 30975. 24 lbs. 5 ozs. Cicero's Ruby. 29040, 14 lbs. li ozs. We imported his sire. Cicero, in 'S3, and sold him in our auc- tion sale for $3,100. He sired many other noted animals, in- ' eluding Sultane 9th. P. 1184. H. C. the dam of Golden Sul- tana; Sultane's Snowdrop, d a m of Sultan of Oaklands; and Uncle Peter, the sire of many great cows on the Island. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. 1st pr. over the Is- land, Aug.. '90; also winner of £15 prize. Sixty-five of his get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess. 166538. 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice. 157326, 22 lbs., 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs., 30 days. Golden Lad's Lady Rose. 162097, 21 lbs. 10i ozs. Sandgate. 122509, 20 lbs. 10i ozs. Zulu Lady, 20 lbs. 10 ozs. Golden Naiad, 18 lbs. li ozs. Golden Kola, 127232, 17 lbs. 8i ozs. Golden Lass of St. John. 149150. 16 lbs 3 ozs. Golden Tricolor. 127227, 15 lbs. 14* ozs. Golden Lad's Rosaire. 115227. 14 lbs. 14} ozs. And 22 other tested cows — records made both on the Island and in England and America. Six of his sons are credited in the Reg- ister of Merit with officially tested daughters. Three of them were imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auc- tion sales. Bonnv Lass. P. 4577. H. C. Sired by a grandson of Wolseley, P. 401. 11. C. Sultane's Favourite, P. 873, H. C. 1st pr., St. Saviour. Sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows, including Sultane 14th, that in the Tunbridge Wells (England) butter test. '02, in her fif- teenth year, gave 38 lbs. 6 ozs. milk, mak- ing 2 lbs. li ozs. butter in 24 hours, when 132 days in milk, winning the Silver Medal. His daughter. Lady Rose, P. 3962. H.C.. winner of Par. prize. Aug., '97, is dam of Sultan's Golden Rose, 213891, with a public butter test of 1 lb. 14} ozs. in 24 hours; entered in Register of Merit, with a record of 8 410 lbs. 4.8 ozs. milk, 489 lbs. 11 ozs. butter, in 1 year, when ten years old. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447, H. C. 1st pr. over Eng., '90. 2d Lon. Dairy Show, '88, '89; yield. 1 lb. 14i ozs. butter. Out of the same dam as Golden Lad 2d. sire of Golden Lad's Mermaid, sold at our auction, M a y, '02, for $1,100; Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold at our auction. May. '03, for $1,725; and many other cele- brated animals. Sappeur, P. Bonny. F. ' 1358. C. Sultane 8th. P. .944, H. C. Dam of many noted prize winners, and winner of 2d H. B. prize and 3d over Jersey. '84; also Parish prize. Sultan Cicero. P. 670. H. C. Golden Lass. F. 5711. EC. C. Sire said to be Roy- alist. P. 139. H. C. son of Regina. F. 32. H. C. Dam of Golden Lad 2d, P. 2023, H. C . a great sire; pronoun- ced by many equally as good as his fa- mous grandsire. Golden Lad. P. 1242. H. C. Miltiades. F. 868, H. C. Sire of the great cow. Stale Bread 2d. P. 2976. C. (as above). Aukobar, F. 6766. C. Due to calve April 4, 1016, by Kingsway, I\ 515S, H. C. ; win Kingsway is a son of our distinguished bull, Oxford You nncr of 1st prize at the Royal Show. Class 2, 19 entries, April. 11 Do, P. 41)7.^. H. C. His dam, Hillside Lad's Rosy, oOooOo '15. (Beechland Lilac P 1568S, H. C), was sold in our '14 auction for $535, to Campbell's Soup I/arm, Linnaminson N. J. isne won v, 48 entries, May, '11; Certificate of Merit in public butter test, as a 3-year-old, ; . o ozs^ in £% She is dam of Fern's Golden 1st prize at the Roval Show, _ hours, 179 days after calving; Champion Cup at St. Peter Show. 11 and '12; and other prizes. Lilac, 307407, winner of 3d prize at the Royal Show. 56 entries, May, '13, sold in our '14 auction for ^l'2.xas a 2-yr.-old,to hlmcn dorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. B 325 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 84. Cow. LENA'S GOLDEN MAID, 348102, A. J. (P. 18451, H. C.) c. c. Bred by J. R. Vautier. St. Peter. Island of Jersey. Born April 22, 1911. Imported October 31. 1915, by T. S. Cooper Koons. Solid color, except small spot on brisket; black tongue and switch. A beautiful cow; lovely head, with wide dished face; bright, prominent eyes and neatly incurved horns; clean, long, flat neck; sharp withers and prominent spinal processes; beautiful top line; back strong, broad at loins; long rump and thin, beauti- fully set tail, with generous switch; body of great capacity; fine in bone, with soft, mellow hide; prominent milk veins; beautiful udder, with large and well-placed teats. Sire GOLDEN MAID'S PRINCE, P. 3027, H. C. (93538, A. J. C. C.) 1st over Jersey, bulls from tested dams, Aug., '01. 3d over Jersey, Aug., '02. 1st over Jersey with progeny. April, '07. Sire of 40 tested cows, including: Golden Maid's Christena. in Register of Merit, 708 lbs. butter in 1 year; sold in our '13 auc- tion for $625 to Mr. C. I. Hudson. East Nor- wich. N. Y. Lily of Hauteville. 695 lbs., 6 ozs., a noted prize winner, also in Mr. Hudson's herd. Golden Maid's Brown Maid. 694 lbs. 14 ozs.; sold in our '11 auction for $650. to Messrs. Ayer & McKinney. Philadelphia, Pa. She is dam of Noble's Beautiful Lily, in Register of Merit. 414 lbs. 7 ozs. butter in 1 year, on first calf, right after importation; sold in our 11 auction for $2,000 to Elmendorf Farm. Iris Belle. 615 lbs. 6 ozs. Prince's Rosadella, 613 lbs. 8 ozs. Golden Maid of Oaklands. 537 lbs. 1 oz. Meadow Queen of Allen Dale. 528 lbs. 4 ozs. Golden Maid of Jersey, 526 lbs. 13 ozs.; dam of the Grand Champion bull at National Dairy Show, '14. Prince's Black Rose. 511 lbs. 4 ozs. And 31 other tested cows. Seven of his untested daughters are the dams of tested cows. Has 8 or more producing sons, and has sired many prize winners. (See opposite page for further particulars.) Grand Warder, P. 3690, H. C. Winner of Parish prize. Class 1, April, '05. Reserve. Class 8, Aug., '06. Sire of W a r d e r's Lily, P. 14052. C, Certificate of Merit, public but- ter test. Royal Coun- ties Show, '12, 2 lbs. 3} ozs. in 24 hours. 36 lbs. 4 ozs. milk, at 5 years old. Lord North. P. 4164, H. C, winner of Re- serve. Class 3. Apr.. '10; 3d prize. Class 2, Apr., '09; Reserve, Apr., '08, and Aug.. '09. Grand Warder's dam won 1st prize at St. Mary Show and Sweepstakes at Western Show, '99; she is dam of Though t f ul Bru- nette. Parish prize. May. '04; Western Duke. P. 2902, H. C, 1st over Jersey. '00, and sire of the bull, Ida's Glory. 1st over Jer., Aug., 04. Dam PRINCESS LENA, P. 13303, H. C. Winner of St. Peter Parish prize. Class 3, Royal Show, Jersey, Aug., '08. 4th prize. St. Peter Show, '11. Dam of Aldan's Golden War- der, 113345. sold at auction as a yearling for $700. to Woollen & Newhouse. In- dianapolis, Ind. You'll Do Financial Warder, sold as a 2- year-old for $350. to George Pradford, Madison. Tenn. She is by same sire as Grand Warder's Champion, 306569 (Lady Defiant 2d. P. 14721. C). sold in our '14 auction for $1,285 to Mr. Ed. C. Lasater, Falfurrias, Texas. She made a public butter test, as a 4-year-old, of 1 lb. 14J ozs. in 24 hours; won St. Peter Parish prize, May, 10. and May, '11; and is dam of the bull, D e f i a n t ' s Baron, P. 4870. H. C, winner of 4th prize at the Royal Show, May, '12, and Reserve, Aug., '12 (bulls from tested dams). Sir Watkin's Lass, P. 11768, H. C. Winner of Parish prize. Class 3, Roy. Show, Jersey. Aug., '06. Egyptian, P. 2564, H. C. Imported and regis- tered as King of Arden, 58135. Fol- lowing is his list of winnings: Par. prize. I. of Jer., April, '98. 1st prize yearling, St. John, I. of J.. '98. 2d prize two-year old, St. John. '99. 1st and Sweepstakes. Ind. State Fair, '00. 1 st and Sweepstakes, 111. State Fair, '00. 1st and Sweepstakes, St. Louis Fair, '00. Golden Maid. P. 6555., H. C. Certificate of Merit in butter test, May.'98, 2 lbs. 4 J ozs. Dam of Golden Maid 3d, P. 8137, H. C, public butter test, Oct., '07, 1 lb. 12i ozs., Ill days in milk. She is dam of Golden Maid 4th, public butter test, 1 lb. 9 ozs., 101 days in milk; and 2 other public test cows. Warder, P. 3227, H. C. ' 2d over Jer.. Apr., '04. 1 st over Jer. , Aug. , '04 . Sire of Warder's Lady, 195777 (Little Mary, F. 94S4, H. C), 14.820 lbs. 11 ozs. milk. 964 lbs. 15 ozs. butter, in 1 yr., 6 yrs. old; 52 lbs. 13 ozs. milk in 1 day; 1st and Grand Champion (Silver Medal). Mich. State Fair. 3-year-old. La Belle Jardiniere, 8,893 lbs. 9.6 ozs. milk, 568 lbs. 4 ozs. butter, in 1 yr., at 5 years old. Warder's Ferry Maid, 6,282 lbs. milk. 388 lbs. butter, in 9 mos., at 3 yrs. old. Ida May. public butter test, Oct.,>'07. 2 lbs. 9i ozs.. 61 days in milk. Petite Indienne. pub- lic butter test, May, '10. 2 lbs. 7 ozs., 125 days in milk. Mona 18th. public but- ter test. May, 08, 2 lbs. 5} ozs., 60 days in milk. Periling, public butter test, Oct.. '10, 2 lbs. 1 oz., 182 days in milk. Thoughtful 3d. P. 4985, H. C. Sir Watkin. P. 2991. H. C. Sire of Willia, public butter test, May, '09, 2 lbs. 13 ozs.. 59 days in milk; Oct., '05, 1 lb. 8| ozs., 225 days in milk; 4th over Jer. and Par. p., May, '04; Par. prs.. May, '05 and '09. Dam of Pretty Willia, 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '11. And 4 others. Beech Lass, P. 8493, H. C. Picton. P. 2291. H. C. Egyptian Buttercup, F. 7496, C. 1st over Jer., and Par. prize. May, '95. Dam of Egyptian 2d. P. 3090, H. C, who sired Golden De- light, P. 10534, H. C., winner Certifi- cate of Merit and 2d Par. prize. May, '09, public butter test, 2 lbs. 4V ozs., 94 days in milk. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. (See below.) Six of his sons are credited in the Reg- ister of Merit with officially tested daughters. Three of them were imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auc- tion sales. Bonny Lass, P. 4577. H. C. Sired by a grandson of Wolseley. P. 401, H. C. Favori, P. 2943, H. C. Sire of Oakland's Bess, public butter test, Oct., '05, 1 lb. 3f ozs., 248 days in milk ; 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '03. D am of Combination's P.V e- mier, 1st over Jer., "bulls from tested dams," May, '11; Oakland's Glory, 3d over Jer. and Par. pr., Apr., '07; Oak- land's Sailor, 3d over Jer.. Aug., '08. Favori's Pretty Rosa, in Register of Merit, Class B. No. 999, 6,634 lbs. 1.6 ozs. milk, 458 lbs. 12 ozs. estimated butter, in 1 yr.. when 7 yrs. old. D a m of Fa- vori's Jolly Sultan. 1st prize bull calf, New York State Fair, '11. Clarencia, P. 8602, H. C. Sweepstakes, Western Show, '03. Dam of Clarencia's Lad. P. 3573, H. C. 2d pr., St. Ouen; sire of Lady Rams- gate. P. 12314, H. C, public butter test, Oct., '08, 1 lb. 10i ozs., 127 days in milk; and several other prize winners. Financial King, 57788. (P. 2624, H. C.) 2d over Jersey, '98. Sire of Financial Countess, 935 lbs. 10 ozs. estimated but- ter in 1 year, con- firmed by churn t e s t — the world's record for confirmed test. [ Irene. P. 7835, H. C. (Now named Golden Lad's Creampot, 162061.) Duplex, P. 2586, H. C. (See above.) Graphic. P. 4699, C. H. C. Yorkshire C. at R. Show; H. and W. E. Gay Lord, P. 1943 Second at Show; H A. S. E C. at B. Show. Stale Bread 2d, P. 2976, C. Reserve over Jer. and Par. prize, '99. Dam of Oxford's Sweetbread, 252128, in Register of Merit, 490 lbs. 3 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 8 years old. Sultane's Favourite, P. 873. H. C. 1st pr.. St. Saviour. Sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447, H. C. 1st pr. over Eng., '90. 2d Lon. Dairy Show, '88. '89; yield, 1 lb. 14i ozs. butter, ©ut of the same dam as Golden Lad 2d. Sappeur, P. 1358, C. Bonny, F. 7461, C. Eminent 2d, P. 2532. H. C. Sold at our auction sale. '05. for $10,000. Won 1st State's prize over the Island of £50. with five of his progeny, in '01 and '02. He has 81 daughters tested in America and on the Island, and several others now on authenti- cated test. Favorite. F. 8354. H. C. (Eminent's Brown Duchess. 157604.) A grand dairy cow; sold in our sale. May. '01, for $500. to Mr. F. G. Crane. Duplex. P. 2586. H. C. Sire of Uncle Peter's Golden T)el, sold in our '00 sale, as a heifer, for $425: and since tested at Biltmore, N. C. 80 lbs. 13 ozs. in one month. Sire of other tested cows. Philomene. P. 5671, H. C. Caumais Lad, P. 2257. H. C. Sire of Petune's Favorite, winner of Blyth- wood Bowl over Is- land of Jer.. Aug.. '99. G u e n o n ' s Lad, a Champion winner at Kentucky Fairs, and sire of tested cows. Wonder Lad, P. 1390. H. C. 2d over Jer., Apr. . '91. 1st over Jersey, '91. Polite Carlo, P. 1418, H. C. Miltiades. P. 868, H. C. Stale Bread, P. 2225, C. Count Cicero. F. 398. H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '83. Sire of Count's Fillpail, 30975, 24 lbs. 5 ozs. And 8 others. We imported his sire, Cicero, in '83, and sold him in our auc- tion sale for $3,100. i Sultane 8th, P. 944, H. C. Dam of many noted prize winners, and winner of 2d H. B. prize and 3d over Jersey. '84; also Parish prize. ( Miltiades, P. 868. H.C. { Aukobar. F. 6766, C. f Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jer. has ever pro- duced. His son. Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. (For full particulars, see front page A.) Eminence, F. 7124, H. C. 2d St. Martin,. '92. Eminent, P. 1842. H.C. A very successful sire. Uncle Peter, P. 2115. H. C. H i s granddaughter. Uncle Peter's Gold- en Del. 157354. sold in our '01 sale to Biltmore Farms, Biltmore, N. C. j Souvenir, P. 5187, H. C. 1st St. Martin. Dam of Souvenir 2d. 3d over Jersey, Aug.. '97. Golden Pride. P. 1903. H. C. Sire of Uncle Sam, P. 2383, H. C. sire of Karnak's Daughter, public butter test, May, '08. 2 lbs. 83 ozs.. 108 days in milk. Blue Belle. P. 4307. H. C. Now named Imported Blue Belle. 180234, A.J. C. C. Trial, P. 1187. H. C. Finance. P. 4611. C. , Public butter test. 2 I Interest. F. 3582, C. lbs. 10 ozs., 55 lbs. Private test on Island Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. Creampot 2d. P. 2721. H. C. Brevity. P. 1228. C. Summerville. F. 2485, C. of Jersey, at rate of 25 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 7 days. Carlo 3d. P. 817, H. C. Creampot, F. 2993. C. Castor, P. 870. H. C. 3d State's pr.. '87. 1st over J., Apr.. '88. Sold to Sir Jas. Blyth. i. No. 1. F. 7312, C. Last calf November 10, 1915 (sent to Messrs. T- O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas). _ Bred February 15, 1916, to the distinguished bull, Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C, winner of 1st prize, with his progeny, in a class of 7 entries, at the Royal Show, Jersey, April, '11. He sired the 1st prize 3-year-old cow over the Island, May, 14 (68 entries), also the' 1st prize 4-year-old cow over the Island, May, '15 (76 entries), who won the Theatre Challenge Cup (Cham- pionship over the Island). He has 21 or more official test daughters, one of which, now on year's test, will produce close to, if not more than, 900 lbs. butter as a four-year-old. (See front pages for extended pedigree of Oxford You'll Do, P. 407o, H. C.) B 304 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 191B. No. 85. Cow. OXFORD VIOLA OF OAKLANDS, 353276, A. J. C. C. Bred by J. A. Perree, St. Saviour, Island of Jersey. Born July 2, 1913. Imported October 31. 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Some white markings; white switch; black tongue. A magnificent young cow, of aristocratic breeding, beautiful symmetry and high quality; perfectly level top line, clean, flat neck and sharp withers. A cow of great stamina, stylish in carriage, with every promise of dairy ability; great depth of body; well- sprung ribs and strong loins; tail well set, with switch touching the ground; large, beautifully balanced udder, with great long teats, well placed. An aristocrat, and looks it. Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H. C. Winner of 1st pr. over Jer., with his prog- eny, at the bull show on the Island, April, '11. This is the most valuable prize, and the great- est distinction that can be accorded a bull. His daughter, Golden Oxford Ivy, P. 18829, H. C, was 1st prize 2 -year-old over the Island of Jersey {68 entries), May, '14 ; 1st prize 3-year- old (76 entries) and Theatre Challenge Cup (Championship over the Island). May, '15. She is now in the "Linden Grove" herd. He has 21 or more official test daugh- ters. You'll Do's Favorite, 306639, sold in our '14 auc- tion for $500, to Mr. E-T.Bedford.Green's Farms. Conn., is now under official test, and will pro- duce 900 lbs. or more of butter in a year, as a four-year- old. (See opposite page for extended pedigree of Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C.) Dam NOBLE VIOLA OF OAKLANDS, P. 17106, H.C. She produced as a four-year old, under official test on Island of Jersey. 211.4 lbs. butter in 217 days; average test, 5.37 per cent, butter fat. (This without grain feed.l Her half- brother. Bright Prince (out of same dam), was purchas- ed by B. H. Bull & Son, of Canada, to head their celebrated herd. Bright Prince was im- ported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our '12 auction. He now has 7 butter test daughters, in- eluding Bright Prince's Jolly Girl, 573 lbs. 13 ozs. but- ter in 1 year as a three year-old, win- ner of 6 first prizes and 5 Senior and G rand Champion- ships. Brighton, P. 4043, H. C, out of same dam, has 2 tested daugh- ters and 2 tested granddaughters; he sired Edissa Prim- rose, 2d prize aged cow, 15 entries. Pa- cific Live Stock Ex- position, '15. Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. (95700. A. J. C. C.) 1st pr.. Royal Show, '10, for bull and 5 female progeny. More than 200 first prs. and Championships stand to the credit of Noble of Oaklands and his get, so far as the records have been tabulated. Sire of 37 butter tested cows, 31 of them in Register of Merit with authenticated tests, including: Noble's Handsome Queen, 614 lbs. 3 ozs. Noble's Golden Chance, 530 lbs. 15 ozs. Brampton Lady Oak- lands, in Canadian Record of Merit, 486 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in 1 year. Sire of 28 bulls with official test daugh- ters, including Noble's Jolly Sultan, a "Linden Grove" service bull who has 1 1 tested daughters. Noble of Oaklands and his sons won all 1st prizes at the bull show, Island of Jer., Apr., '10; at the bull show, Apr., '11, sons of Noble of Oaklands won 2 out of 4 first prizes. At the Island bull show, Apr., '12, his son. Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570, H. C, won 1st prize in the 2-yr.-old class of 29 entries, with his grandson (by Noble's Jolly Sul- tan), 2d prize. In the mature class, his son, Noble Monarch, P. 4519, H. C, won 1st prize. In the class for bulls shown with their progeny, his son, Cowslip's Golden Noble. P. 4498. H. C, won first; while in the yearling class, the winners of 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and Reserve prizes were his sons and grandsons. Noble of Oaklands sold in our '1 1 auction for $15,000. Brightness, P. 11606, H. C. now named Viola's Bright Lady, 255485, A. J. C C. Certificate of Merit in public butter test. May, '08, 2 lbs. 6$ ozs., 43 days in milk- Dam of tfie bull. Bright Prince, P. 4129, H. C, winner of Reserve over Jer., Class 9, Aug., '10; Reserve over Jersey, with progeny, Apr., '10. Also dam of Brighton, P. 4043, H. C., win ner of Reserve at Royal Show, Aug., '09. Blue Belle's Blue Fox, P. 3633, H. C. He was shown at the Nashville, Tenn., Show, Oct., '07. in a class where the Champion bull of the year was shown; and Prof. Scovell, who had handed out the Champion ribbons at the shows, was free in saying, "had he been judge at Nash- ville. Blue Belle's Blue Fox would have been Cham- pion." Sire of Blue Belle's Blue Lad, 72314, 1st prize and Grand Champion bull, San Antonio (Tex.) International Exposition, '09. Anna's Dorothy, 222016, in Register of Merit, 14 lbs. IS ozs. in 7 days, at 4 years old. A very promising sire and great show bull. He was sold at Mr. D. S. Williams' sale, Nashville, Tenn., Dec, '07, for $1,025, to Mr. Harry Pren- tice, Worcester, Mass., who was offered a large ad- vance in price right after the sale. He has 4 producing Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. Sold at our '11 auction for $7,000. 1st over Jersey, '04. Certificate of M e r i t, buttertest, May, '04, 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 50 days in milk. 1st over Jersey and Champion, '05. 1st prize, Sweepstakes and Cham., Grou- ville and St, Saviour, '05. Dam of Miss Viola, P. 9644, H. Cm Certificate of Merit, butter test, May, '05, 2 lbs. 15 ozs., 39 days in milk. And 3 other tested cows. Golden Champion, P. 3334. H. C. 3d over the Island, Aug., '04. 2d over the Island, Aug., '03. 2d State's prize over the Island, Apr., '03. Sire of a long list of butter tested and prize-winning daughters. He traces four times to the famous Golden Lad. P. 1242, H. C, and has over 40 per cent, his blood. His sire is one of the _ best sons of Finan- 3 cial King, and out J of a magnificent " daughter of Golden Lad, that we im- ported in '00. Willoh's Rosy, P. 10444, H. Cm now named Willoh's Lady Viola, 219486. A. J. C. C. Parish prize. Class 1 , Royal Show, Aug., '04. Certificate of Merit and IstGoddington purse, public butter test. May, '06, 3 lbs. butter in 24 hours, 4 years old. Sold for $3,000. Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our '02 sale for $7,500. Sire of Fox Glove, that tested in public butter test on the Island. 2 lbs. Si ozs. in 24 hours. Fox's Belle of Grou- ville, 21 lbs. 3 ozs. Fox's Belle of Trinity, 20 lbs. 5 ozs. Flying Fox's Brown Belle, 15 lbs. 3 ozs. (See other pedigrees for list of Flying Fox's tested daugh- ters.) Brookhill Fox (out of the great cow, Brookhill Rose 2d), winner 1st at Royal Show, England, '02, in a class of 32, and sold at auction for $5,000. Venus Violet, P. 3946, H. C- A magnificent dairy cow, milking 20 quarts daily. Aristocrat, P. 2280, H. C. 1st over Jersey. '98. 1st and Sweepstakes, 3-Par. Show, '97. Lie has shown his worth as a sire of cows that are a credit to his illus- trious dam. Sire ofAri stocratic Beauty, that won the Silver Medal in the public butter test on the Island, testing 2 lbs. 10J ozs. in 24 hrs., being in milk at time of test 121 days. She sold in our '06 sale for $1,100. Gipsy Maid, P. 4424, H. C 3d over Jersey, '97. 2d and Sweepstakes at 3-Par. Show, '97. Financial King, P. 2624, H. C Imported by P. J. Cogswell, Esq., to cross on the daugh- ters of Exile. A famous sire. Irene, P. 7835, H. C. now named Golden Lad's Cream - pot, 162061. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son, Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son. Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 auc- tion sale for $10,000. (For full particulars, see page A.) Rosette 5th, P. 2881. H. C. A very rich and per- sistent miker. 1st pr. over Jer., '89. Dam of Flying Fox. P. 2729, Alicante, P. 3880, H.C. Forfarshire, P. 2914, H. C. Three Champion win- ners. Shy Fox, P. 3143, H. C. Champion winner at St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Is- land of Jer., '02. 1st and Championship, Ohio and Illinois State Fairs, '03. His sire. Flying Fox, is also sire of Aga- tha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. Cm 1st pr. and Sweepstakes, St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '02; 1st pr. over the Island in a class of 44, '02; 1st pr. over the Is- land, Aug., '03. Blue Belle. P. 4307, H. C. Sold in our '04 sale to Mr. Howard Willets, "G e d ne y Farm," White Plains, N. Y., for $3,600. Dam of Caumais Lad, P. 2257, H. Cm sire of Finan- cial King, P. 2624, H. Cm and Guenon's Lad, both noted sires. Blue Nun. 18 lbs. 5£ ozs. Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold in our '03 sale for $1,725. Blue Belle's Golden Fern, 69196, that sold as a calf for $3,000. Nobleman, P. 2555. H. C. 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr., '98. 1st over Jer., Aug., '98. 1st at Three-Parish Show, '99. Bagatelle 2d, P. 6564. H. Cm now named Golden Lad's Victoria, 157325. Sold in our '01 sale for $745. Full sister to Golden Lad's Fawn Duch- ess, that tested 23 lbs. 6 ozf. Sir Watkin, P. 2991, H. C. Son of the famous cow, Golden Lad's Cream- pot. 162061. She is also dam of the bull. Flying Fox's Foxhall, selected by a committee of the A. J. C. C. for the St. Louis World's Fair to breed to the great cows in the dairy test, '04. Iris, P. 7878, H. C. By the same sire as the great cow. Golden Beatrice 2d, of the "Linden Grove" herd. Willoh. P. 2855, H. C He traces three times to Golden Lad. and has 28jr per cent, of his blood. Sire of Willoh's Rosy, public butter test, 3 lbs.. 3S days in milk, at 4 years old. Dam of 5 public butter test cows, and a 5th daughter won 1st over the Island. Miss Viola, public butter test, 3 lbs.. 39 days in milk, 4 years old. (Miss Viola and Willoh's Rosy are the two highest testing daughters of Lady Viola.) Syren's Pride, public butter test. 1 lb. 7$ ozs.. 215 days in milk- Gipsy Maid 2d, 1st over Jersey. Aug., '02; and many other prizes. Lady Viola, P. 8463. H. C. Dam of Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C, winner of 1st over Jersey for bull and progeny, April. '10. He is the sire of 37 tested cows and 28 producing bulls. He was sold in our 'II auction for $15,000. (See above.) Poppy Viola, P. 10902. H. C (now named Golden Jolly's Lady Viola), that we imported in '06. We rebought her at Mr. J. M. Overton's sale. '08, for $2,550. She is looked upon on the Island as having made the most phenomenal public butter test (taking into consideration age and lacta- tion) ever made, testing 1 lb. 15 ozs., 159 days in milk, being only 30 mos. old. She made a private test at home of 2 lbs. 9 ozs. in 24 hours. f Dr. Jim. P. 2318, C. Duchess of Kent, P. 6277, H. C. Prize winner over the Island, '99. Bobby 5th. P. 1060, C Lemon's Venus. P. 2493, C Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C (See below.) Nameless. P. 3222. H. C. 1st over Jersey, '94. 1st Cham. Class, '95, '96, '97, '98. Scored 97 points. Milked 24 qts. a day; private test, 2 lbs. 1 1 ozs. butter in one day. Poster, P. 1152, C. A bull held in high esteem by F. C. Le M aistre on account of his dam and gran- dam, especially the latter — La Bouanne. a splendid cow, though never regis- tered. Daisy 7th, P. 3277, H- C. Caumais Lad. P. 2257, H. C 2d over Jer. and Par prize, '96. Finance, P. 4611, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C Creampot 2d, P. 2721. H. C- Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. Lily Brown, P. 420. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C Welsh Girl, P. 2552. H. C. Due to calve May 11, 1916, by Golden Fern's Lad of Oaklands, P. 529S, H. C, a Highly Commended bull carrying 75 per cent, of the blood of Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570, H. C, being out of the same dam, Lady Aldan, P. S470, H. C, one of the great daughters of Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. The sire of Golden Fern's Lad of Oaklands is Agatha's Oxford Noble, P. 4850, H. C., son of Noble of Oaklands and the great cow, Agatha's Oxford Lass (see No. 78 for his pedigree). This calf will be sent to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas. FONTAINE'S OXFORD PRIDE, 187430, A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C, J. H. B.) GRANDAM OF THE CELEBRATED BULL, OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H, C. Following is the record of Fontaine's Oxford Pride, 187430, A. J. C. C, : 2d prize over Jersey, 48 entries, Aug., '02. Reserve, 32 entries, May, '02. 3d prize, 59 entries, May, '04. 1st prize, 39 entries, and Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '04. 3d prize over Jersey, 40 entries, Aug., '01. 3d pr. in public butter test, 2 lbs. 7| ozs., 48 days in milk. Sold for $2,500, in our '05 auction, to Mr. Howard Willets, owner of Gedney Farm. She and 4 of her progeny have been sold in our auctions for $13,600, an average of $2,720. Dam of Gamboge's Knight, 95698 (P. 3645, H. C), sold at our '11 auction for $6,700 to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,750 each. Sire of 41 butter test cows, three of them testing above 700 lbs. in 1 year — ■ all three imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auctions. He is also the sire of four bulls with tested daughters, including Oxford You'll Do. Gamboge's Pride 5th, Certificate of Merit, May, '05, 1 lb. 10 ozs., 150 days in milk. Now named Gamboge of St. Saviour, 195816, sold in our '06 auction for $500, to Penshurst Farm, Narberth, Pa., where she made 640 lbs. butter in a year. She has a daughter in Register of Merit, and a son with 10 in Register of Merit. Gamboge's Pride 7th, Certificate of Merit and 2d Goddington prize, May, '07, 2 lbs. i oz., 50 days in milk; Certificate of Merit and Parish prize, May, '08, 1 lb. 144, ozs., 154 days in milk; now named Oxford's Fontaine, 224580; sold in our '09 auction for $2,525, to Dr. H. D. Rodman, Louisville, Ky. She has 2 tested daughters, another that is a Champion winner, and a fourth that sold in our '10 auction for $725, at 14 months old. Gamboge's Pride Sth, Certificate of Merit, May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 138 days in milk; now named Oxford Lad's Great Beauty, 235173; sold in our '10 auction for $1,375, to Mr. Willets. Her daughter, Majesty's Great Beauty, 2351S8 (sold in our '10 auction for $850 at 3 yrs. old), is dam of a Register of Merit cow, and her 2-mos.-old heifer calf sold in our '10 auction for $850. mrmi *&&&*£' S3*. YOU'LL DO'S PRETTY ROSE, 353265, A. J. C. C. A HIGHLY COMMENDED DAUGHTER OF OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H. C. THREE YEARS OLD. (See her pedigree on opposite page.) SHE IS OUT OF THE SAME DAM AS THE FIRST PRIZE ROYAL SHOW WINNER, WOODLANDS LASS (TUODOT, 290368, A. J. C, C), NOW OWNED AT LONGVIEW FARM, LEE'S SUMMIT. MO. FOLLOWING IS A PARTIAL RECORD OF HER DISTINGUISHED SIRE, OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H. C: Sire of 22 or more official test daughters, including You'll Do's Favorite, sold in our '14 auction for $500, who is just finishing an official test and will make more than 900 lbs. butter as a four-year-old. He sired the Champion cow over the Island of Jersey in .May. '15, who also won 1st in her class (76 entries) as a 3-year-old, and 1st as a 2-year-old (68 entries) at the Royal Show, May, 14. He sired the 1st prize bull at the Royal Show, Class 2, 19 entries, May. 1"). He sired the Grand Champion bull at the Indiana State Fair, '15; who was bred at "Linden Grove" and sold as a calf in our 14 auction for $525. He sired the 1st prize three-year-old cow (11 entries) at Texas State Fair, '15; who was sold in our '14 auction for S74.~>. i See front page C, and notes opposite No. 47 of catalog, for further particulars concerning Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C.) B86 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 86. Cow. YOU'LL DO'S PRETTY ROSE, 353265, A. J. C. C. (July Oxford Rose, P. 19868, H. C.) Hred by t C. F. Renouf, Trinity, Island of Jersey. Born July 10, 1912. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Suns. Solid color; white tongue; black switch. An exceedingly beautiful cow, rich light fawn in color, and of highly refined type; lovely head, broad, dished face, with prominent, lustrous eyes; long, clean, flat neck and sharp withers; smooth shoulders; thin, mellow hide; great length of body; broad, strong loins; prominent hips and long rump; beautifully set tail, with splendid switch; tremendous udder, covered with a network of veins; great, large, beautifully placed teats. Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H.C. Winner of 1st pr. over Jer., with his prog- eny, at the bull show on the Island. April, '1 1. This is the most valuable prize, and the greatest dis- tinction that can be accorded a bull. Full brother to Oxford Knight, P. 3938, C, sire of 12 butter test cows, and of other prize winners. Imported by "Linden Grove" and regis tered as Imported Oxford You'll Do, 1 1 1860 — not for sale. He is sire of the bull winning Grand Championship at In- diana State Fair, '15, and sold in our auc- tion for $525. His daughter. You'll Do's Favorite, sold in our '14 auction as a 3-year-old for$500, now under year's official test, will make more than 900 lbs. butter. His daughter, Golden Oxford Ivy, won 1st prize in her class (76 entries) and the Theatre Challenge Cup (Championship over the Island) at the Royal Show, May, '15; she also won 1st prize in her class (68 entries) at Royal Show, May, '14. Nineteen of his prog- eny, in our '14 auc- tion, sold for an average of $683.42, including 8 not in * milk, 4 of them be- ing bull calves. No living sire has put the stamp of CA- PACITY— a highly finished DAIRY T Y P E— more un- erringly on his daughters than has Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C. (See front pages for his picture and more extended pedigree.) Dam ELLA ROSE OF JERSEY, 290826, A.J. C.C. (ELLA ROSE, P. 12731, H.C.) Winner of Trinity Par- ish prize. Class 5, Royal Show, Jersey, Aug., '11. Dam of Woodlands Lass, 1st prize win- ner at Royal Show, 51 entries. May, '12. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. Sire of 41 official test cows, 19 of them with year's records over 500 lbs. butter in 1 year. Twelve of the 19, including the five with the highest tests, were imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auc- tions: Gamboge's Grey Beau- ty, 784 lbs. 12 ozs. Gamboge's Tiddledy - wink, 722 lbs. 14 ozs. Gamboge's Fancy Princess, 712 lbs. 9 ozs. Gamboge's Brownie, 652 lbs. Gamboge's Areola, 592 lbs. 5 ozs. Daisy's January Rose, 585 lbs. 10 ozs. Gamboge's Handsome Duchess, 566 lbs. 5 ozs. Gamboge's Primrose, 566 lbs. Gamboge's Princess, 558 lbs. 13 ozs. Gamboge's Knight's Artistic, 540 lbs. 8 ozs. Gamboge's Vellum, 531 lbs. 12 ozs. Knight's Fancy Prin- cess, 530 lbs. 15 ozs. Gamboge's Modesty, 525 lbs. 7 ozs. Gamboge's Merry May, 520 lbs. 4 ozs. Black Flower, 516 lbs. 15 ozs. Manor's Peeress. 5 1 6 lbs. 10 ozs. Gamboge's Crocus, 515 lbs. 1 oz. Gamboge's Fawn Beauty, 505 lbs. 15 ozs. Knight's Crocus, 505 lbs. 9 ozs. Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. About the best and most valuable cow in the herd of Mr. J. A. Perree, Sec'y Island of Jer. Herd Book. Daughter of the cele- brated Oxford Lass. Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass (by Agatha's Flying Fox), public butter test, May, '09, 2 lbs. l£ ozs., 83 days in milk. Wearie Willie, P. 3574, C. His son, Duke of Hal- berton, P. 3864, H. C, has 2 tested daughters, including Lady Blythwood, 240730, in Register of Merit, Class A, 747 lbs. 11 ozs. but- ter in 1 year, 9,094 lbs. milk, at 7 yrs. old. Eva Rose, P. 9756, C. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C.) Champion winner over the Island, Aug., Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256. H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes. St. Saviour and G r o u v i 1 1 e Show, '02. 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '03. Sire of Su'.tanof Oaklands, 1st prize, Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham., St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, "05. Sire of 27 tested cows. Combination, P. 3744, H. C, 1st prize over Jersey, May, '06; 1st prize over Jer., Apr., '09. Sire of 1 7 test- ed cows. Sire of many other winners, and of 7 butter test cows. Sire of 13 bulls with tested daughters, in- cluding Halloween's Fox. sire of 10. Fontaine's Oxford Pride, 187430, A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. S801, H. C) 2d prize over Jersey, 48 entries, Aug.. '02. Reserve, 32 entries, May, '02. 3d prize, 59 entries, May, '04. 1st prize, 39 entries, and Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '04. 3d prize over Jersey, 40 entries, Aug., '01. 3d pr. in public butter test, 2 ibs. 7i ozs., 48 days in milk. Sold for $2,500, in our '05 auction, to Mr. Howard Willets, owner of Gedney Farm. She and 4 of her progeny have been sold in our auctions for $13,600, an average of $2,720. Dam of Gamboge's Pride 5th, Certificate of Merit, May, '05, 1 lb. 10 ozs., 150 days in milk. Now named Gamboge of St. Saviour, 195816, sold in our '06 auction for $500, to Penshurst Farm, Narberth, Pa., where she made 640 lbs. butter in a year. She has a daughter in Register of Merit, and a son with 10 in Register of Merit. Gamboge's Pride 7th, Certificate of Merit and 2d Goddington prize, May, '07, 2 lbs. % oz., '99. Sold at our auction sale, May, '02, for $7,500. Among his many tested daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. estimated butter from 13,604 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. estimated butter from 11,198 lbs. milk in 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Saviour, 411.96 lbs. estimated butter from 6,841 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dreamwold, 10,060 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox s Syria o' Dreamwold, 11,075 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Maid o' The Sea, 1 1 ,530 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox Glove, Certificate of Merit and 2d Parish prize, May, '07, 2 lbs. S\ ozs. butter in 24 hrs., 37 days in milk. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. ■ (A Highly Commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432, H. C, J. H. B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. 1 \ ozs. in 24 hours, Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. Sold in our '02 auction for $1,700, to Mrs. M. M. Patterson, Port Kennedy, Pa. Won 2 1st prizes at Royal Shows. 50 days in milk; Certificate of Merit and Parish f Napoleon ^ Bonaparte prize, May, '08, 1 lb. 14i ozs., 154 days in milk; now named Oxford's Fontaine, 224580; sold in our '09 auction for $2,525, to Dr. H. D. Rodman, Louisville, Ky. She has 2 tested daughters, another that is a Champion winner, and a fourth that sold in our '10 auction for $725, at 14 months old. Halburton's Prince, P. 3131, H. C. Sire of Peacock Duchess, P. 10927, C, public butter test, May, '10, 1 lb. 4'i ozs. in 24 hrs., 237 days after calving. Dam of Gamboge's Handsome Duchess, 252150, in Register of Merit, Class A, 566 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 1 year, from 8,519 lbs. 4.8 ozs. milk, at 7 yrs. 5 mos. old; 1st prize 2-year-old, St. Brelade Show, '08; sold in our '11 auction for $1,750; dam of Noble's Fawn Prince, 95705, Junior Cham- pion bull at National Dairy Show, Wisconsin State Fair and International Dairy Show, '11; sold in our '11 auction for $500. Topsy's Lad, P. 2420, H. C. His sire is out of same dam as Golden Sul- tana, winner 3d pr. at the great St. Halburton's Pride 2d, Louis Show, Sept., P. 9719, H. C. '04; and sold in our By Napoleon Bona- '10 auction for parte, P. 2745, H. $3,700. C. (see above). Shepherd, P. 2911, C. Milkweed, i Topsy 20th, P. 6979, H. C. Parish prize, Royal Show, May, '98. Reserve over Jersey, and Parish prize. Royal Show, May, '04. Caiest, P. 2591, H. C. 1 st prize , Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville Show, '98. Sire of 9 tested cows. Sire of Mabel's Poet, P. 2964, H. C, winner of 22 1st prizes and sire of over fifty prize winners. Gamboge's Pride, P. 4508, H. C. 1st pr. at St. Saviour Show, '96. 2d over Jersey, '97. She has won the fol- lowing public butter tests ; May, '96. 2 lbs. 7J ozs. Oct., '96, 2 lbs. 2\ ozs., 217 days in milk. And 4 other tests. Dam of 3 public but- ter test cows. P. 2745, H. C. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr., '99. 2d State's prize over Jer., with his get and Goddington purse, '01. Sire of 10 butter test cows, including Speckled Hip 5th, Certificate of Merit, May. '08, 2 lbs. 3 ozs., and dam of Sta- tuette, Bronze Med- al winner, public butter test, Oct., '09. Campanile 2d, P. 8180, H. C. Reserve over Jersey, Aug., '00. Par. prize, '01, '04. Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par- ish prize, '95. 2d over Jersey, '96. Topsy 9th, P. 4220, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par- ish prize, '91. 1st over Jer., Aug. ,'92. Doctor, P. 2059. H. C. Topsy 12th. P. 4406, C. F. 8349, C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C M now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. 1st pr. over Jer., '89. 1st H. B. prize. Dam of Flying Fox, P. 2729. H. C. Alicante, P. 3880, H.C. Forfarshire, P. 2914, H. C. Ravachol, P. 2032, C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam. Son of Rosette 5th, P. 2881. H. C. (as above). Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours. Fontaine's King. P. 2207, H. C. Sire of John Bull and other noted animals, including Origa's Queen, winner Cer- tificate of Merit in public butter test. May, '02, 1 lb. 121 ozs., 107 days in milk. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. His daughter, Golden Sultana, at the age of 12 years, sold in our '10 sale for $3,700; her son, Sul- tana's Golden Jolly, won Grand Cham- pionship, Nat. Dairy Show, '11. Fleet 2d, P. 3435, H.C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, '91. Dam of Dreyfus, 1st over Jersey, '01. Granddaughter of Sultane, P. 7, H. C, who is also gran- dam of Golden Sul- tana. Traveler 2d, P. 2411. H. C. His sire is by a son of the Wolseley bull, Castor, P. 870, H.C,. 2d over Jer., '87; 3d State's pr., '87; 1st over Jersey, '88. Campanile, 1 P. 5383, H. C. Nunthorpe, P. 1769, H. C. Son of Golden Lad. Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. C. Golden Pink. P. 1491, H. C. Topsy, P. 661. H. C. r Distinction's Glory, P. 1680, H. C. Doctress 7th, P. 3522. H. C. Everton King, P. 390, H. C. Topsy 5 th, P. 3245, H. C. Last calf December 22, 1915, by Fern's Oxford Noble, P. 5012, H. C. (Calf sent to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas.) Bred February 15, 1916, to Sultana's Golden Jolly, S6180, the handsomest and best bred bull ever owned at "Linden Grove," and supposed to be the most valuable son of the great butter-bred bull, Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314, A. J. C. C, who sold in our 1909 auction for $12,000, and in the Kinloch Farm auction, 1911, for $13,000. His dam, Golden Sultana, is one of the most distinguished daughters of Golden Fern's Lad; she was awarded third prize in the aged cow class at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904, and sold in the ring for $2,350. (See front pages for picture and further particulars concerning Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86180.) B 70 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 87. Cow. JENNIE YOU'LL DO, 353255, A. J. C. C. (Les Champs Do It, P, 19409, H. C.) Bred by C. A. Bailhache, Grouville, Island of Jersej Horn February 13, 1912. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Broken color; white tongue; black and white switch. Those who attended our auction of 1910, or who saw the great cow, "Oxford Lad's Granddaughter, at the shows, will need no further description of this cow than the statement that she is "Grand- daughter's double" in type and coloring. An exceedingly handsome but rugged fawn, with white markings; neat head; long, flat neek and sharp withers; body of great length, width and depth; prominent hips, long rump, and splendidly set thin, long tail, with switch brushing the ground; a hide like velvet, thin and mellow; beautifully shaped udder, of great depth and circumference, traced with a network of veins, and such teats on a young cow are rarely seen, a handful each, long and per- fectly placed. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny), Apr., '08. Sold at our ' 1 1 auction for $6,700 to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,750 each. Sire of 41 cows with butter records, 3 of them over 700 lbs. butter in 1 year. Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H. C. now named IMPORTED OXFORD YOU'LL DO, 111860, A. J. C. C. Full brother to Oxford Knight, P. 3938, C, sire of 12 butter test cows, and of other prize winners. Sire of 21 or more official test daugh- ters, including You'll Do's Favorite, sold in our '14 auction for $500, who is just finishing an official test and will make nearly if not quite 900 lbs. butter as a four- year-old. He sired the Cham- pion cow over the Island of Jersey in May, '15, who also won 1st in her class (76 entries) as a 3-year-old, and 1 st as a 2-year-old (68 entries) at the Royal Show, May, '14. He sired the 1st prize bull at the Royal Show, Class 2, 19 entries, May, '15. He sired the Grand Champion bull at the Indiana State Fair, '15; who was bred at "Linden Grove" and sold as a calf in our '14 auc- tion for $525. He sired the 1st prize three-year-old cow (1 1 entries) at Texas State Fair, '15; who was sold in our '14 auction for $745. (See other pedigrees for further particulars.) Dam LES CHAMPS SCEPTRE, P. 12861, C. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1 st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '02. 1st pr. over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '03. Sire of many noted bulls and cows. Fontaine's Oxford Pride. 187430. A. J. C. C (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801. H. C.) 1st prize winner over the Island and Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '04. 3d pr. over Jer., Aug., '01, "02. 3d pr. in public but- ter test, 2 lbs. 7J ozs., 48 days in milk. Sold for $2,500, in our '05 sale, to Mr. H o ward Willets, owner of Gedney Farm. Caiest, P. 2591, H. C. 1st prize, Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville Show, "98. Sire of Mabel's Poet, P. 2964, H. C, and other noted animals, among them being Gamboge's Pride 4th. P. 8801, H. C, 2 lbs. 7 J ozs. Fifteen daughters of Caiest sold in our '05 and '06 auction sales averaging $865 each. Oxford Ever, P. 8370. H. C. Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass (by Agatha's Flying Fox, above), public butter test, May, '09, 2 lbs. l£ ozs.; and other prizes. Oxford Triumph, pub- lic butter test. May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. Oxford Knight, sire of 12 butter test cows and numerous prize winners. Oxford Eva, dam of Oxford John D.. 90048, sire of 3 in Register of Merit averaging 469 lbs. 1 oz. at 2 yrs. 9 mos. old. Bessie's Lad, P. 2479, H. C. Gamboge's Pride, P. 4508, H. C She has won the fol- lowing public butter tests: May, '96, 2 lbs. 7 J ozs. Oct. .'96, 2 lbs. 2J ozs., 217 days in milk. May, '97, 2 lbs. 5'i ozs. Oct. '97, 2 lbs. 4J ozs. < >ct., '98, 2 lbs. 7 J ozs., 1 18 days in milk. Golden Lad 2d. P. 2023, H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Daisy. 136499, 19 lbs. 2 ozs. Golden Lad's Mer- maid, sold at our May, '02, auction sale for $1,100. Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold at our May, '03, auction sale for $1,725. A nd many other mous animals. Fontaine's King, P. 2207, H. C. Sire of John Bull and other noted animals. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. Rob Roy, P. 1184, H. C. Sire of Zanzibar, win- ner Certif. of Merit in butter test. May, '00, 1 lb. 14£ ozs. in 24 hours. Dam of Golden Fern's Tulip, 161059, that milked 11,852 lbs. milk and 597 lbs. estimated butter in one year; 19 lbs. 8£ ozs. butter in seven days. Gamboge 2d, P. 2294, H. C. Dam of Gamboge 4th, 2 lbs. liozs.. 24 hrs. Orme, P. 1660, H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, winner of 1st prize, B. and W. S., N. A. S. S., and 1st at the Yorkshire S. , Eng. , '95. (2 lbs. 9 J ozs. of butter in 24 hrs.) Turtledove 2d, 1st ov. Jer., '95, and many . other prizes. Boyle, P. 1559. H. C. Son of Golden Lad. Fontaine 4th, P. 2537. C. 1st over Jersey, '90/91, Favorite's Boy, P. 882. H. C. His grandson. Favor- ite's Lad. is sire of Iris, winner of Gold Medal (1st prize) in butter test. May. '01. 2 lbs. 4J ozs., 220 days in milk; Certificate of Merit, May, '00, 2 lbs. 5 ozs., 76 days in milk. Browny's Grey. P. 2353, H. C Oscar, F. 410, H. C. Gamboge, F. 5846, H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242. 1st ov. Jer.. H. C '90. fa- Golden Lass, F. 5711, H. C 1st over the Island. Oxford Dahlia. P. 2588. H. C. Won 1st pr. and C., Oxfordshire Show. Eng.. '93. 1st pr., R. A. S., Ches- ter, Eng.. '93. 1st p. and Silver Cup. H. S., '93. 1st pr.. R. A. S., Eng. Show, '94. 2d p. and Blythwood Cham. Bowl at the Y. S.. '94. Biron, P. 1375, C. Brown Bess, F. 7455, C Everton Lord, P. 1088. H. Widow. F. 2360, C Dictator's Lad, P. 3605. C His sire is a full broth- er to Imp. Mohican, 65299. who for years headed the herd of Mr. Edw. Howe, Princeton, N. J., the only surviving charter member of the American Jersey Cattle Club. Mohi- can has four daugh- ters in the Register of Merit, including Mohican's Thirty eight, 212985. 752 lbs. 9 ozs. butter in 1 year. Mohican also has 4 untested daughters, each dam of a Register of Mer- it cow. Imp. Dictator and Imp. Mohican w ere sired by Plying Fox, P 2729, H. C, who was sold in our '02 auction for $7,500. and who now has 26 butter test daugh- ters and 43 sons with tested daughters. Their dam, Fancy's Beauty 2d, P. 6324, II. C-, is a daughter ol Morion; P 1690, 11 C , who sired The i iul, p 2195, H. C Gamine 2d. IV 11205. C. i Oxford Lass, v P. 3582. C. One of the most cele brated cows the Is- land ever produced. She was never tested for butter, but milk- [ Brown Bess 2d, ed as high as 28 P, 5428, H. quarts daily. Dam of Golden Queen of St. Saviour, 2 lbs. 1$ ozs., 214 days in milk. Oxford Ixia, a famous winner in the public butter tests; among the many that she won being the Bronze Medal in March, '00, testing 2 lbs. 8 ozs. Caiest, whose eight daughters, in our '05 sale, averaged $987.50. Houpla, sire of Lady Houpla, winner of Champion Cup. testing 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 73 days in milk and after first calving. Flying Fox's Oxford Lass. 1st prize winner over the Island, oxford Lad. P. 3123. H. C., who distinguished himself by having sired a remarkable lot of bulls and cows, winners in the best shows and in the public butter tests. f Sultane's Favourite. P. 873. H. C. 1st pr., St. Saviour. Sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows. including Sultane 14th. that in the Tunbridge Wells (England) butter test, '02. in her fif- teenth year, gave 38 lbs. 6 ozs. milk, mak- ing 2 lbs. li ozs. butter in 24 hours, when 132 days in milk, winning the Silver Medal. Dictator. P. 3091. H. C. (Now named Imported Dictator, 65296, A. J. C. C.) Sire of Instructive, P. 10670, H. C, winner of St. Cle- ment Parish prize, Class 4. May, '07; public butter test, 1 lb. 7£ ozs. in 24 hrs., 3 yrs. old. Dam of Silver Stick, winner of 2d prize for 2-year-old bulls at the Royal Show, England (16 en- tries), and Royal Counties Show ( 1 5 entries), '11 ; and 2d at Royal Show | 10 entries) , Liverpool, '10. Also dam of the bull. Construc- tor, winner of St. Clement Parish prize. Class 1, Royal Show, Jersey, Apr., "15. Surville Rose, I". 8206, II. C. Winner of Parish prize. Royal Show, Jersey, May, '03. Royal Lad. P. 3235, Gamine, l. 8880, C. Mon Plaisir, P. 2548, H. C. Imp. and registered as Golden Mon Plaisir. 59936. First in his class and Champion winner over the Island in '98. First uhio Agr'l and Industrial Exposi- tion, Columbus, '01. First and Sweepstakes, St. Louis Fair, '01, Headed Grand Sweep- stakes II e r d, all dairy breeds, f )hio Exposition, '01, and several other prizes. Sold in our sale. M;iv. '01, for £3,500, to Hon. H. N. Higin- botham, Joliet, 111. Sire of Bright Bess. P. 9534, H. C. Champion winner over the Is- land. May. '03, and other Champion prizes, and sold in our 04 sale for $1,000. Fancy's Pioneer and Kilmarnock, the sire of Vesta's 1 >.lim Bel Royal Buttercup 2d, P. 3266, C Parish prize. May, Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Sixty-five of his get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538. 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326, 22 lbs.. 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs., 30 days. Golden Lad's Lady Rose, 162097,21 lbs. 10£ ozs. Sandgate. 122509, 20 lbs. 10* ozs. Zulu Lady, 20 lbs. 10 ozs. And 27 others. I Golden Lily, 1 P, 5101, H. C 1st over Jersey. 1st St. Mary. Champion, W. Show. A magnificent dairy cow. 1 i;nn of Grace Darling (by Duplex), that won 1st pr. at St. Mary Show, May, "01. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447. H. C. 1st over Eng.. '90. 1 lb. I4i ozs. butter. Clarence, P. 1494. H. C. 1st St. Peter. Lily Brown. P. 420, C. 2d pr . St Mary- nam of Deery, Cham. over Jersey, and Sold to Mr. Coleman for $1,500. Wolseley. P. 401. H. C. 1st ov. Jer.. '83.'84,'85. '96. Lord Nelsoi t. P. 900, H. C. 4th ov. Jer. . Apr.. '87. Philidura, 3d ov. Jer June. '87. 1 I'. 1IMI 2d ov. Jer. Apr., '88. Bel Royal Buttercup. F. 6262, H. C. Last calf April 6, 1916, by Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4.',70, H. C. (Will be sent to Messrs. J. 0. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas.) Expected to be bred, before day ol sale, t le ol our great bulls. (Examine supplementary list of services, to be circulated at the sale.) FOUR YEARS OLD. JENNIE YOU'LL DO, 353255, A. J. C. C. A HIGHLY COMMENDED DAUGHTER OF OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H. (See her pedigree on opposite page.) She has been called "Oxford Lad's Granddaughter," as she resembles very much the magnificent cow of that name which we sold in our 1912 auction for $2,900, to Mr. E. A. Darling, ex-President of the A. J. C. C. FOLLOWING IS A PARTIAL LIST OF THE 22 TESTED DAUGHTERS OF HER SIRE, OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H. C: You'll Do's Favorite, about 900 lbs., 4 yrs. old; imported by "Linden Grove," and sold in our 1014 auction for $500. Imp. Rustic Ivy, 774 lbs. 7 ozs., at 4 yrs. 7 mos. old. Oxford Triumph's Maiden, 554 lbs. 7 ozs., 4 yrs. 3 mos. old. Oxford's Ever Lass, 480 lbs. 4 ozs., 2 yrs. 3 mos. old. Edith You'll Do, 475 lbs. 6 ozs., 3 yrs. old; imported by "Linden Grove." Oxford's Gamboge Agatha, 438 lbs., 4 yrs. old. Oxford Lavender, 431 lbs. 9 ozs., 4 yrs. 6 mos. old; imported by "Linden Grove." Stella You'll Do, 429 lbs. 15 ozs., 4 yrs. old; imported by "Linden Grove." Hope You'll Do, 40S lbs. 10 ozs., 2 yrs. 3 mos. old. Oxford You'll Do's Circus Girl, 390 lbs. 3 ozs., 2 yrs. old. Egypt You'll Do, 387 lbs. 4 ozs. in 10 mos.; imported by "Linden Grove." Lucea Oxford, 378 lbs. 5 ozs., 3 yrs. 7 mos. old. Grouville Plush, 377 lbs. 5 ozs., 3 yrs. 7 mos. old. Oxford's Doreen Dora, 374 lbs. 15 ozs., 3 yrs. 9 mos. old. Dream of Oaklands, 338 lbs. 15 ozs., 1 yr. 11 mos. old; imported by "Linden Grove." Nuriel of Oxford, public butter test as a two-year-old, 1 lb. 7 ozs., 147 days after calving; imported by "Linden Grove. IMPORTED OXFORD YOU'LL DO, 111860, A. J. C. C. (Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C.) Winner of First Prize over Jersey, With His Progeny, at the April, 1911, Bull Show, This is the most valuable prize and the greatest distinction that can be accorded a bull. He is the Premier Sire of the "Linden Grove" herd, and is the Most Prepotent Living Sire of Great Dairy Cows we have ever owned. On April 26, 1916, we had records of 22 official butter test cows sired by Oxford You'll Do, among which are the following: You'll Do's Favorite, 306632, just finishing year's authenticated test with more than 900 lbs. butter as a four-year-old. She was sold in our 1914 auction for $500, to Mr. E. T. Bedford, Green's Farms, Conn. Imp. Rustic Ivy, 272579, in Register of Merit with 774 lbs. 7 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 4 yrs. 6 mos. old. She was 1st prize 3- year-old cow at New York State Fair, 1913 (11 entries); 1st prize 4-year-old at Connecticut State Fair, 1914; and 1st prize 5-year-old at New York State F'air, 1915, besides being dam of the Grand Champion bull and the 1st prize "produce of cow" at New York State Fair, 1915. He is sire of many distinguished prize winners, including: The Champion Cow over the Island of Jersey in 1915, who also won 1st in her class (76 entries) at the Royal Show, Jersey. May, 1915, and 1st in her class (68 entries), May, 1914. She was imported by "Linden Grove," registered as You'll Do's Cham- pion Ivy, 353251, and is catalogued for this auction (see No. 50). The First Prize Yearling bull, Junior and Grand Champion, Indiana State Fair, 1915. He was bred at "Linden Grove" and sold in our 1914 auction at 5 mos. old, for $525. He sired the Grand Champion bull of the Minnesota and Wisconsin State F'airs, 1913; who was sire of the Junior Champion heifer at the Iowa State Fair and at the Waterloo Dairy Show, 1915. He sired the First Prize three-vear-old cow (11 entries) at the Texas State Fair, 1915, who was sold in our 1914 auction for $745. He sired the Grand Champion bull of the Arizona State Fair, 1915. And many other winners. Nineteen of his progeny (eight of them bulls and calves of both sexes), in our 1914 auction, sold for an average of $6S3. You'll Do's Fawn Beauty, 306616, sold for $2,100 to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa. She is dam of the bull, Trumps, winner of 1st prize in the calf class, Toronto, 1914. You'll Do's Lady Moon, 306615; Fox's Bayleaf of Oxford, 289460; and Remindress of Oxford, 289462; sold respectively for $1,225, $1,225 and $1,025, to Mr. Ed. C. Lasater, Falfurrias, Texas. Oxford You'll Do is a full brother to Oxford Knight, P. 3938, C, who has 12 tested daughters, 5 of them in Register of Merit, with tests averaging 575 lbs. 8 ozs. butter, at 5 yrs. 3 mos. old. Six of his tested daughters were imported by "Linden Grove," and sold in our auctions for an average of $927, at 5+ yrs. old. We are offering a line of splendid daughters of Oxford You'll Do in this auction. In dairy temperament, udders and teats, we doubt if any living sire can exhibit their equal. B 110 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 88. Heifer. DOLLY OF OAKLANDS, 353286, A. J. C. C. Bred by J. A. Perree, St. Saviour, Island of Jersey. Born May 5, 1915. Imported August 5. 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Broken color; black tongue; white switch. A "stunning" golden fawn- and- white, of great beauty and stamina; sweet head, with broad, dished face; strong, straight back and beautifully set tail; great length and depth of body; gives every indica- tion of a large and beautiful udder, like that of her splendid dam; long, well placed teats. Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. (95700, A. J. C. C.) 1st pr., St. Saviour,'07. 1st pr.. Royal Show, '10, for bull and 5 female progeny. Noble of Oaklands and his sons won all 1st prizes at the bull show. Island of Jer., April, '10. At the bull show. Apr., '1 1, sons of Noble of Oaklands won 2 out of 4 first prizes. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, the special pr. ($250) for "get of sire, 4 to 8 animals, either sex, irrespective of age or ownership," was won by 3 of his sons and 5 daughters. More than 200 first prs. and Championships stand to the credit of Noble of Oaklands and his get, so far as the records have been tabulated. Sire of_37 butter tested cows, 30 of them in Register of Merit with authenticated tests, including: Noble's Golden Chance, 530 lbs. 15 ozs. Noble's Golden Pride, 443 lbs. 2.8 ozs. Noble's Nursie, 440 lbs. 7 ozs. Noble's Beautiful Lily, 414 lbs. 7 ozs. Noble's Beautiful Nelly, 404 lbs. 6 ozs. Brown Bess of Grou- ville, 401 lbs. 12 ozs. St. Clement's Noble Maid, 394 lbs. 10 ozs. Noble's Imp. Duchess, 385 lbs. 2 ozs. Noble's Proud L e d a, 347 lbs. 3 ozs. Noblesse Benedictine, 332 lbs. 5 ozs. Noble's Proclamation, 312 lbs. Noble'sEminent Nelly, 304 lbs. 2 ozs. My Noble's Duchess, 14 lbs. 7 ozs. (7 days, 3 yrs. old). Noble of Oaklands sold in our '1 1 auction for $15,000, to El- mendorf Farm, Lex- ington, Ky. Sire of 2S bulls with tested daughters. Sire GOLDEN FERN'S NOBLE, P. 4570, H. C. Winner of 7 first prizes at Royal Shows on the Island. H is progeny won 1 st for "get of sire" at 5 important shows in '14 and '15, in- cluding the National Dairy Show, '14. His highest testing daughter, Dorothy's Noble Fern, P. 19- 097, H. C. (imported by ' ' Linden Grove") , produced as a two- year-old, 470 lbs. 5.2 ozs. butter in 1 year. She is cata- logued in this auc- tion. Fern Beauty, P. 1S914, H. C, also imported by "Linden Grove," made as a two-year- old, 358 lbs. 14$ ozs. butter in 313 days. Fly 15th, P. 18626, H. C, also of this im- portation, made as a two-year-old, 320 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in 335 days. Sire of numerous prize winners, including: Alabama, 1st prize, Class 3, 58 entries, Royal Show, Aug., '13. Lady Noble Fern, 1st prize. Class 1 , 23 ^entries, Royal Show, T May, '13. Golden Fern's Noble, Jr., 1st aged bull, 11 entries, and Senior Champion, Panama- Pacific Exposition, '15. Agatha's Maiden Fern, 1st 3-year-old heifer, 8 entries, Senior and Grand Champion, American Royal, Kansas City, '15; Grand Champion at Missouri State Fair, '15. Warder's Fern Blos- som, 1 st 3-year-old heifer, Senior and Grand Champion, Hutchinson, Kan., '15; 1st at Kansas State Fair, '15. Dam I JENNIE YOU'LL DO, 353255, A. J. C. C. A Highly Commended daughter of Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075. H. C. (See opposite page. No. 87, for her extended pedigree.) Lady Aldan, P. 8470, H. C. Winner of 1st prize over Jersey, Aug., '09. Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '09. And numerous other prizes. Dam of Lady Aldan 2d, P. 9788, H. C, 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '03. Lady Aldan 4th, P. 11184, H. C. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '05. Blue Belle's Blue Fox, P. 3633, H. C. A very promising sire and great show bull. He was sold at Mr. D. S. Williams' sale. Nashville, T e n n., Dec., '07, for $1,025. to Mr. Harry Pren- tice, Worcester, M ass., who was offered a large ad- vance in price right after the sale. He was shown at the Nashville, Ten n., show, Oct., '07, in a class where the Champion bull of the year was shown ; and Prof. Scovell, who had handed out the Champion ribbons at the shows, was free in saying, "had he been judge at Nash- ville, Blue Belle's Blue Fox would have been Cham- pion." Sire of Blue Belle's Blue Lad, 72314, 1st prize and Grand Champion bull, San Antonio (Tex.) In- ternational Exposi- tion, '09. Sire of Anna's Doro- thy, 222016, in Reg- ister of Merit, 14 lbs. 15 ozs. in 7 days, at 4 years old. Sire of 4 bulls with tested daughters. Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. Sold at our '11 auction for $7,000. 1st over Jersey, '04. Certificate of Merit, butter test, May,04, 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 50 days in milk. 1 st over J ersey and Champion, '07. 1st prize, Sweepstakes and Cham., Grou- ville and St. Saviour, '05. 1st over Eng. wherever exhib.ted, '06, '07. Dam of Miss Viola, P. 9644, H. C. Certificate of Merit, butter test, May, '05, 2 lbs. 15 ozs., 39 days in milk. Willoh's Rosy, P. 10444, H. C, Certifi- cate of Merit, May, '06, 3 lbs., 38 days in milk. Both when four years old. Golden Jolly's Lady Viola, 203669, pub- lic butter test, 1 lb. 15 ozs., 159 days in milk, when only 30 months old. We bought her at auc- tion for $2,550. Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314, sold in our '09 auction for $12,000. r Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C- 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son, Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son. Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 auc- tion sale for $10,000. Aldan. F. 6213, C. Shy Fox, P. 3143, H. C. Champion winner at St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Is- land of Jer., .'02. 1st and Championship. Ohio and Illinois State Fairs, '03. His sire. Flying Fox. is also sire of Aga- tha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C, 1st pr. and Sweepstakes, St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '02; 1st pr. over the Island in a class ot 44, '02; 1st pr. over the Is- land. Aug., '03. Blue Belle. P. 4307, H. C. Sold in our '04 auction sale to Mr. Howard Willets. "G ed ney Farm," White Plains, N. Y., for $3,600. Dam of Caumais Lad, P. 2257, H. C, sire of Finan- cial King, P. 2624, H. C, and Guenon's Lad, both noted sires. Blue Nun, IS lbs. 5i ozs. Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold in our '03 sale for $1,725. Blue Belle's Golden Fern, 69196, that sold as a calf for $3,000. Nobleman, P. 2555, H. C 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr., '98. 1st over Jer., Aug., '98. Reserve over Jersey and Par. prize, '00. 1st at Three-Parish Show, '99. Sire of Nobleman's Lady Mary, sold in our '02 sale to J. A. Middelton. Shelby- ville, Ky. ; the un- beaten Champion of many shows. His dam. Gipsy Maid, is also dam of Gipsy Maid 2d, P. 9641, H. C, who won 1st over Jersey, Aug., '02 ; 1st over Jersey (Special Class) and Cham- pion over three par- ishes. May, '10; be- sides other prizes. Bagatelle 2d, P. 6564. H. C. now named Golden Lad's Victoria, 157325. Sold in our '01 sale for $745. She is full sister to Golden Lad's Fawn Duch- ess, that tested 23 lbs. 6 ozs. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all pr. winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours, from which 2 lbs. 10 ozs. of but- ter was made. He also sired the great cow, "S p e c k 1 e d Band," public but- ter test, 2 lbs. 3£ ozs. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Champion winner over the Island. Aug., '99. Sold at our '02 sale for $7,500. Sire of Fox Glove, that tested in public DU.ter test on the Island, 2 lbs. 8i ozs. in 24 hours. Fox's Belle of Grou- ville. 21 lbs. 3 ozs. Fox's Belle of Trinity, 20 lbs. 5 ozs. Flying Fox's Rowena. 17 lbs. 2£ ozs. Flying Fox's Pearl, 15 lbs. 7 ozs. (See other pedigrees for list of Flying Fox's tested daugh- ters.) Brookhill Fox (out of the great cow, Brookhill Rose 2d), winner 1st at Royal Show, England. '02, in a class of 32, and sold at auction for $5,000. Venus Violet, P. 3946, H. C. A magnificent dairy cow, milking 20 quarts daily. Aristocrat, P. 2280, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '98. 1 st and Sweepstakes, 3-Par. Show, '97. He has shown his worth as a sire of cows that are a credit to his illus- trious dam. He is sire of Aristocratic Beauty, that won the Silver Medal in the public butter test on the Island, testing 2 lbs. 10£ ozs. in 24 hrs., being in milk at time of test 121 days. She sold in our '06 sale for $1,100. Gipsy Maid, P. 4424, H. C. 3d over Jersey, '97. 2d and Sweepstakes at 3-Par. Show, '97. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess. 166538. 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice. 157326, 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. And 30 others. Bagatelle, P. 5076, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. (See above.) t Tootsie. P. 3214, H. C. Parish prize, '90. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land. Aug., '90; also winner of £15 pr. Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944, H. C. 2d St. Martin Show, '94, '95. Golden Fern's Lad, 1'. 2160, II. C. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son. Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son. Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 auc - tion sale for $10,000 . Ten of his get have been sold at an aver- age of $4,560. (For full particulars, see page A.) Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. 1st pr. over Jer., '89. Dam of Flying Fox. P. 2729, Alicante, P. 3880, H.C Forfarshire, P. 2914, H. C. Three Champion win- ners. Bobby 5th. P. 1060, C. Lemon's Venus, P. 2493, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C (See below.) Nameless, P. 3222, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, '93. 1st over Jersey, '94. 1st Cham. Class, '95, '96, '97, '98. Scored 97 points. Milked 24 qts. a day; private test, 2 lbs. 1 1 ozs. butter in one day. Poster, P. 1152, C. A bull held in high esteem by F. C. Le Maistre on account of his dam and gran- dam, especially the latter — La Bouanne, a splendid cow, though never regis- tered. Daisy 7th, P. 3277, H. C. Sultane's Favourite, P. 873. H. C. 1st pr., St. Saviour. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447. H. C. 1st pr. over Eng., '90. Baron of St. John, P. 1279, H. C His grandam. Lady Useful, P. 796, H.C, won 1st over Jersey and Parish prize, '86. Lugano. F. 7020, C. Everton King. P. 390. C. Sire of many noted prize winners. Fontaine 2d, P. 807, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '82. Sultane's Favourite, P. 873. H. C. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447, H. C 2d pr. over Jer., '88. Cetewayo 2d, P. 370, H. C. Brown Fern. F. 4606, C. a bull that stands in a class by himself. He is the by Mr. George ^ ozs. of butter in 7 days, and has repeatedly milked 22 to 24 quarts daily. She is perhaps the dam of more high selling calves than any cow in the world. (See front pages for pedigree of Golden Beatrice's Sultan, 121193.) B 104 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CAT TLE, MAY 30. 1916 . No. 89. Cow. YOU'LL DO'S NURIEL, 353228, A. J. C. C. (Nuriel of Oxford, P. 18010, H. C.) CERTIFICATE OF MERIT, PUBLIC BUTTER TEST, OCTOBER, 1913, 1 LB. 7 OZS. IN 24 HOURS, AT 2$ YEARS OLD. ^ KI 147 DAYS AFTER CALVING, Bred by John Huelin, St. Mary, Island of Jersey. Born April 1. 1911. Imported August 5, 1915. by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Broken color; white tongue and switch. A handsome dairy cow. of unusually high quality. Has all the indications of dairy capacity and per- sistency, withers sharp and prominent; hind quarters lean, with great length from hips to root of tail: long, deep, capacious body, with splendid ribbing; broad, strong loins and prominent hips, beautifully set thin tail with flowing white switch touching the ground; large, deep udder, covered with veins, attached high behind and of great circumference; good sized teats well placed. f Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H.C. Winner of 1st pr. over Jer., with h s prog- eny, at the bull show- on the Island. Apr., 11. This is the most valuable prize, and the greatest dis- tinction that can be accorded a bull. Full brother to Oxford Knight, P. 3938. C, sire of 12 butter test cows, and of other prize winners. Imported by "Linden Grove" and regis- tered as Imported Oxford You'll Do. 1 1 1860 — not for sale. He is sire of the bull winning Gr. Cham- pionship at Indiana State Fair, '15, and sold in our auction for S525. His daughter, You'll Do's Favorite, sold in our '14 auction as a 3-year-old for $500, now under year's official test, will make nearly, if not more than, 900 lbs. butter. His daughter. Golden Oxford Ivy, won 1st prize in her class (76 entries) and the Theatre Challenge Cup (Championship over the Island) at the Royal Show, May, '15; she also won 1st prize in her class (hS entries) at Royal Show, May, 14. No living sire has put the stamp of CAPA- CITY— a highly fin- ished DAIRY TYPE — more unerringly on his daughters than lias ( Ixford You'll Do. P. 4075, II. C. (See front pages for his picture and more ex- tended pedigree.) Dam OAKLANDS NURIEL, 293063, A.J. C. C. (NURIEL 5th, (P. 14531, C.) Tier graudam, Nuriel, P. 5615, II. C, von 1 st prize at the Roy- al Show, and Parish prize, May, 00; prizes in special classes, R03 al Shs., Aug., '00, and May, '02; and other prs. Ilt-r sire. Pioneer, is full brother to Mo- rion, sire of The » >\\ 1. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny), Apr., '08. Sire of 41 tested cows. 11 of his daughters, in our '11 auction, averaged $1,391.36. Al the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '1 1 , every' animal in com- petition, sired by Gamboge's Knight, did honor to its sire, winning among other prizes; 1st prize for get of sire. 1st prize for produce of cow. 1st prize for four cows in milk. Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C Daughter of the cele- brated Oxford Lass. Dam of Agatha's Oxford I. ass (by Agatha's Flying Fox, above), public butter test. May. '09, 2 lbs. lfc ozs.; and other prizes. <)x!.Td Triumph, pub- lic butter test. May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. Oxford Knight, sire of 12 tested cows. "Trial 2d of Oaklands, P. 3809, H. C. 1st prize, 11 entries, bulls from tested dams. Royal Show, Jersey, Aug., 07. 3d over Jersey with progeny, April, '08. He is bred and owned by Mr. John A. Per- rce, Secretary Jersey Herd Book.Island of Jersey, and his get are owned in the best herds on the Island. Sire <>t 5 tested cows: Brampton Oakland Trial, 673 lbs. 12.8 ozs. in 1 year as a 3-year-old. Imported Rose, 429 lbs. 9 ozs. butter in 1 year. Walnut Polly, public butter test, 2 lbs. 53 ozs. in24hrs.,261 days after calving. Virginia 10th, 1 lb. 9 ozs. in 24 hrs., as a 3-year-old, 185 days after calving. Trial's Beauty, 1 lb. Si ozs., 128 days after calving. He also has 3 untested daughters, each dam of a tested cow. Nuriel 2d, P. 10442, C. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and G r o u v i 1 1 e Show, 02. 1st pr. over the Island in a class of 44, '02. Sire of Agatha's Oxford Lass (out of the great cow, Oxford Ever, below), public but- ter test, May, '08, 1 lb. 10 ozs., 97 days in milk (cows under 5 yrs.); public but- ter test, May, '09, 2 lbs. lh ozs., 83 days in milk; winner of 1st prize over Jer- sey and Theatre Challenge Cup, May. 11; Reserve for Renouf Cup, "best butter test cow judged by inspec- tion," May, '07. Sultan of Oaklands, 1st prize, Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham., St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '05. Twelve of his heifers, ten of which were yearlings, sold in our '05 auction sale for an average of $558. Fontaine's Oxford Pride, 187430. A. J. C. C (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C.) 3d pr. in public but- ter test, 2 lbs. 7| ozs., 48 days in milk. Sold for $2,500, in our '05 auction, to Mr. Howard Willets. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. (See above.) Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Champion winner over the Island. Aug. .'99. Among his many test- ed daughters are: living Fox's 1 txford Queen, 870.5 lbs. butter. 13,604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Flower o* Dreamwold, 740 lbs. butter, 11.198 lbs. milk, 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Sa- viour, 411.96 lbs. butter, 6,841 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dream- wold, 10,060 lbs. milk, 1 year. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C (A highly commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432, H.C, J- H. B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. l£ ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. She sold in our '02 auction for $1,700, to Mrs. M. M. Pat- terson, Port Ken- nedy, Pa. Caiest, P. 2591.H. C. 1st prize, Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville Show, '98. Gamboge's Pride, P. 4508, H. C. She has won six public butter tests; record in May, '96, 2 lbs. 7\ ozs. Dam of Gamboge's Pride 2d, Gamboge's Pride 3d and Gam- boge's Pride 4th, all public butter test cows. Dorothy, P. 4411, H. C 77 4th pr. over Jersey. Aug., '04, when 14 years old, and never shown before. Public butter test. May. '06, 1 lb. 10i ozs., when 16 years old and 235 days in milk. This grand old matron is owned by Mr. John A. Perree, Island of Jersey, and is dam of his popular bulls. Trial of Oaklands, P. 3644, II. C., and Trial 2d of Oaklands, P. 3809, H. C- Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96. '97. His son. Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son, Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 auc- tion sale for $10,000. Napoleon Bonaparte, P. 2745, H. C. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '99. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize. Aug., '00. Goddington purse. '01. Sire of 10 butter test cows, including Speckled Hip 5th. Certificate of Merit. May, '08. 2 lbs. 3 ozs. Dam of Statu- ette, Br. Medal win- ner, public butter test, Oct., '09. Sire of 2 1st pr. win- ners over the Island, and a long list of other prize winners. Full brother to Drey- fus, P. 2909, H. C, 1st over Jer., Apr.. '01 ; 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr., '00. Nuriel, P. 5615. H. C. (See notes at left.) Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son. Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. Rosette 5th. P. 2881, H. C. now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C. Ravachol, P. 2032, C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam, he proved him- self a remarkable sire, but was butch- ered before his value as a sire was known. Courageous Countess of Oaklands. P. 8640, H. C. now named Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Fontaine's King, P. 2207, H. C. Sire of John Bull and other noted animals. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. She was never tested for butter, but milk- ed as high as 28 qts. daily. Trial, P. 1187, H. C. 4th over Jer. and Par. prize, '89. 1st over Jer., Aug., '89. 2d over Jersey and Champion Cup, '90. Sire of Magyarland, 86326, 17 lbs. 8 ozs. Finance, butter test, 2 lbs. 10 ozs. in 24 hrs., 55 lbs. of milk at the fair, and dam of Financial King. Radier's Lassie, P. 3107, H. C Boyle, P. 1559. II C. Sire of Fontaine 7th. 8th and 9th, all pr. winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year. Golden Fern. P. 4711. H. C. 2d over Jer.. 2d H. B. and Par. pr., '94. Fleet 2d, P. 3435, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, '91. Dam of Dreyfus, P. 2909, II. C. By same sire as Brookhill Rose 2d, P. 3440, H. C, the dam of Golden Jolly, P. 2921, H. C, sire of Viola's Golden Jolly, sold in our '09 auction for $12,000. Pioneer, P. 1602. II. C. 1st over Jer., '91, '92. Wigton. F. 7198, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Cicero's Cowslip 3d, P. 3056. H. C. 3d over Jersey, '92. Parish prize, '94. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th. all pr. winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours. Golden Fern. P. 4711, H. C Sarabond, P. 797.H.C. Rosette 4th, P. 2128.C. Orme, P. 1660, H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, 2 lbs. l£ ozs. of butter in 24 hours. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C Courage. P. 1813, C. Grassy Brown, P. 3370, H. C. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. (See above.) Fontaine 4th, P. 2537, C. I 1st over Jer.. '90, '91. Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C. 2d ov. Jer., Apr., '87. Oxford Primrose, P. 2252, C. Sultane's Favourite, P. 873, H. C. 1st prize, St. Saviour. Sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows, and of the bull. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. (see below). Hermione. P. 634. C. Pollux, P. 871, H. C. Twin brother to Castor, P. 870. H.C. 2d over Jer. and 3d State's pr.. June, '87. Radier's Lass, F. 7384, C Golden Lad. P. 1242. H. C. (See above.) Tootsie. P. 3214, H. C Parish prize. '90. Golden Lad. P. 1242, H. C Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944. H. C 2d St. Martin Show, '94, '95. Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C 1st over Jer., Aug., '89. 2dov. J.. Apr.. '87, '89. Sire of Alicante. P. 3880, H.C Oxford Lass, P. 3582. C Fleet, P. 2544. C Granddaughter of Count St. George, P. 341, H. C Sultane's Favourite, P. 873, H. C Cicero's Cowslip, P. 1105, H. C 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '85. Last calf March 21, 1916, by Fern's Oxford Noble 2d, P. 5297, H. C. (Sent to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, TeXa Expected to be bred, before day of sale, to Golden Fern's Mon Plaisir, 12275.5, son of the splendid butter cow Grace Darling of St. Mary's, 306562, who was sold in our '14 auction for $700. Register of Merit record-bo3 lbs. 3 ozs butter, : 0,1M ta 9.6 ozs. milk, the first year after importation. Her 5-year-old daughter. Grace Stockwell, 240832 made 630 lbs. € i ozs butter in one year. Golden Ferns Mon Plaisir was sired by Golden Fern's Noble P 4570, H. C , winner of numerous s .prizes at the Royal Shows, son of Noble of Oaklands. 95700 (sold in our '11 auction lor #lo,000), and Lady Aldan, P. 84<0 H. L a great daughter of Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (See No. 5 for extended pedigree of Golden Fern s Mon Plaisir, 12-7o5.) B 115 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 90. Heifer. GOLDEN FERN'S NURIEL, 353280, A. J. C. C. Bred by J. Huelin, St. Mary, Island of Jersey. Bora April 1, 1915. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Broken color; white tongue and switch. A highly finished, rich, deep fawn-and-white, with promise of all the dairy quality of her capacious dam. Handsome in every line, with sweet head; clean, fiat neck; strong, straight back and beauti- fully fashioned hind quarters; great length and depth of body; splendid development of udder; long, squarely placed teats. Sire GOLDEN FERN'S NOBLE, P. 4570, H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey, 14 entries, Aug., "11. Re serve for Voisin Special (Champion- ship, bulls any age), Aug., '11. 1st and Championship, G r o u v i 1 1 e-St. Sa- v iour Show , Apri 1 , '11. 1st prize, 29 entries (2-y ear-old class). Royal Show, Island of Jer., Apr., '12. 1st prize, Class 8, 10 entr es, August, '12, and Reserve for Voi- sin Special. 1st prize, Class 3, 13 entries, Apr., '13. 2d prize. Class 4, 7 en- tries, with his get, Apr., '13. 1st prize, 6 entrks, with his progeny, and Challenge Cup, Royal Show, Apr., '15. Sire of Alabama, 1st prize, Class 3, and St. Mar- tin Par. pr., Aug., '13. Golden Fern's Noble, Jr., 1st aged bull, 11 entries, and Senior Champion, Panama- Pacific Exposition, '15. And other winners. Six of his heifers sold in our '14 auction for an average of $564. Sire of Christmas Lassie, 281443, in Register of Merit (AA), 334 lbs. 11 ozs. butter in 1 year, as a 2 -year- old. Dorothy's Noble Fern, P. 19097, H. C, official R. J. A. S. tested as a 2-year- old, 470 lbs. 5.2 ozs. in 361 days. (Im- ported by "Linden Grove" and will be catalogued for this auction.) Dam YOU'LL DO'S < NURIEL, 353228, A. J. C. C (NURIEL OF OXFORD, P. 18010, H. C.) Certificate of Merit, public butter test, Oct., '13, 1 lb. 7 ozs. butter in 24 hrs., at 2\ yrs. old, 147 days after calving. A Highly Commended daughter of Oxford Youll Do, P. 4057, H. C. (See opposite page. No. 89, for her ex- tended pedigree.) Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. (95700, A. J. C. C.) lstpr., St. Saviour, '07. 1st pr., Royal Show, '10, for bull and 5 female progeny. Noble of Oaklands and his sons won all 1st prizes at the bull show. Island of Jer., April, '10. At the bull show, Apr., '11, sons of Noble of Oaklands won 2 out of 4 first prizes. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, the special pr. ($250) for "get of sire, 4 to 8 animals, either sex, irrespective of age or ownershi p," was won by 3 of his sons and 5 daughters. More than 200 first prs. and Championships stand to the credit of Noble of Oaklands and his get, so far as the records have been tabulated. Sire of 37 butter tested cows, 30 of them in Register of Merit with authenticated tests, including: Noble's H a n ds o me Queen, 614 lbs. 3 ozs. Noble's Golden Chance, 530 lbs. 15 ozs. Noble's Golden Pride, 443 lbs. 2.8 ozs. Noble's Nurse, 440 lbs. 7 ozs. Noble's Beautiful Lily, 414 lbs. 7 ozs. Noble's Beautiful Nelly, 404 lbs. 6 ozs. Brown Bess of Grou- ville. 401 lbs. 12 ozs. St. Clement's Noble Maid, 394 lbs. 10 ozs. Noble's Imp. Duchess, 385 lbs. 2 ozs. Noble's Proud L e d a, 347 lbs. 3 ozs. Noblesse Benedictine, 332 lbs. 5 ozs. Noble's Proclamation, 312 lbs. Noble's Eminent Nelly, 304 lbs. 2 ozs. (See other pages for further particulars and picture of this distinguished sire.) Lady Aldan, P. 8470, H. C. "Winner of 1st prize over Jersey, Aug., '09. Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '09. And numerous other prizes. Dam of Lady Aldan 2d, P. 9788, H. C, 2d over Jer. and Par. prize. May, '03. Lady Aldan 4th, P. 11184, H. C, 1st over Jer. and Par. prize,' Aug., '05. Blue Belle's Blue Fox, P. 3633, H. C. A very promising sire and great show bull. He was sold at Mr. D. S. Williams' sale, Nashville, Te n n., Dec, '07, for $1,025, to Mr. Harry Pren- tice, Worcester, M a s s., who was offered a large ad- vance in price right after the sale. He was shown at the Nashville, T e n n., show, Oct., "07, in a class where the Champion bull of the year was shown; and Prof. Scovell, who had handed out the Champion ribbons at the shows, was free in saying, "had he been judge at Nash- ville, Blue Belle's Blue Fox would have been Cham- pion." Sire of Blue Belle's Blue Lad, 72314, 1st prize and Grand Champion bull, San Antonio (Tex.) In- ternational Exposi- tion, '09. Sire of Anna's Doro- thy, 222016, in Reg- ister of Merit, 14 lbs. 15 ozs. in 7 days, at 4 years old. Sire of 4 bulls with tested daughters. Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. Sold at our '1 1 auction for $7,000. 1st over Jersey, '04. Certificate of Merit, butter test, May,'04, 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 50 days in milk. 1st over Jersey and Champion, '05. 1st prize, Sweepstakes and Cham., Grou- ville and St. Saviour, '05. 1st over Eng. wherever exhibited, '06, '07. Dam of Miss Viola, P. 9644, H. C, Certificate of Merit, butter test, May, '05, 2 lbs. 15 ozs., 39 days in milk. Willoh's Rosy, P. 10444, H. C Certifi- cate of Merit, May, '06, 3 lbs., 38 days in milk. Both when four years old. Golden Jolly's Lady Viola, 203669, pub- lic butter test, 1 lb. 15 ozs-, 159 days in milk, when only 30 months old. We bought her at auc- tion for $2,550. Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314, sold in our '09 auction for $12,000. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N.C. Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son, Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son, Eminent 2d, sold in our May.j 05, sale for $10,000. Aldan, F. 6213, C Shy Fox, P. 3143, II. C. Champion winner at St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Is- land of Jer., '02. 1st and Championship, Ohio and Illinois State Fairs, '03. His sire, Flying Fox, is also sire of Aga-, tha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C, 1st pr. and Sweepstakes, St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '02; 1st pr. over the Island in a class of 44, '02; 1st pr. over the Is- land, Aug., '03. Blue Belle, P. 4307, H. C. Sold in our '04 auction sale to Mr. Howard Willets, "Gedney Farm," White Plains, N. Y., for $3,600. Dam of Caumais Lad, P. 2257, H. C, sire of Finan- cial King, P. 2624, H. C, and Guenon's Lad, both noted sires. Blue Nun, 18 lbs. Sh ozs. Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold in our '03 sale for $1,725. Blue Belle's Golden Fern, 69196, that sold as a calf for $3,000. Nobleman, P. 2555, H. C. 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr., '98. 1st over Jer., Aug., '98. Reserve over Jersey and Par. prize, '00. 1st at Three-Parish Show, '99. Sire of Nobleman's Lady Mary, sold in our '02 sale to J. A. Mid- delton , Shelby v ille , Ky. ; the unbeaten Champion of many shows. His dam, Gipsy Maid, is also dam of Gipsy Maid 2d, P. 9641. H. C, who won 1st over Jersey. Aug., '02; 1st over Jersey (Special Class) and Cham- pion over three par- ishes. May, '10; be- sides other prizes. Bagatelle 2d, P. 6564, H. C, now named Golden Lad's Victoria, 157325. Sold in our '01 sale for $745. Full sister to Golden Lad's Fawn Duch- ess, that tested 23 lbs. 6 ozs. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all pr. winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 ?" hours, from which 2 lbs. 10 ozs. of but- ter was made. He also sired the great cow, "Speckled Band," public but- ter test, 2 lbs. 3£ozs. Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale, May, '02, for $7,500. Sire of Fox Glove, that tested in public butter test on the Island, 2 lbs. 8$ ozs. in 24 hours. Oxford Vixen, 2 lbs. 2 J ozs. Fox's Belle of Grou- ville, 21 lbs. 3 ozs. Fox's Belle of Trinity, 20 lbs. 5 ozs. Flying Fox's Rowena, 17 lbs. 2^ ozs. Flying Fox's Pearl, 15 lbs. 7 ozs. Flying Fox's Brown Belle, 15 lbs. 3 ozs. I (See other pedigrees for list of Flying Fox's tested daugh- ters.) Brookhill Fox (out of the great cow, Brookhill Rose 2d), winner 1st at Royal Show, England, '02, in a class of 32, and sold at auction for $5,000. Venus Violet, P. 3946, H. C. A magnificent dairy cow, milking 20 quarts daily. Aristocrat, P. 22S0, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '98. 1 st and Sweepstakes, 3-Par. Show, "97. He has shown his worth as a sire of cows that are a credit to his illus- trious dam. He is sire of Aristocratic Beauty, that won the Silver Medal in the public butter test on the Island, testing 2 lbs. 10£ ozs. in 24 hrs. r being in milk at time of test 121 days. She sold in our '06 sale for $1,100. Gipsy Maid, P. 4424, H. C. 3d over Jersey, '97. 2d and Sweepstakes at 3-Par. Show, '97. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326. 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. And 30 others. Bagatelle, P. 5076, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. (See above.) Tootsie, P. 3214, FI. C. Parish prize, '90. I Golden Fern,, P. 4711, H. C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son, Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son. Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 auc- tion sale for $10,000. Ten of his get have been sold at an aver- age of $4,560. (For full particulars, see page A.) I Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker, lstpr. over Jer., '89. Dam of Flying Fox. P. 2729, Alicante, P. 3880, H.C. Forfarshire, P. 2914, H. C. Three Champion win- ners. Four of her get have sold in our auction sales at an average of $2,762.50. f Bobby 5th, P. 1060, C. 1 Lemon's Venus, P. 2493, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C (See below.) Nameless, P. 3222, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, '93. 1st Cham. Class, '95, '96, '97, '98. Scored 97 points. Milked 24 qts. a day; private test, 2 lbs. 1 1 ozs. butter in 1 day. Poster, P. 1152, C. A bull held in high esteem by F. C. Le Maistre on account of his dam and gran- dam, especially the latter — La Bouanne, a splendid cow, though never regis- tered. Daisy 7th, P. 3277, H. C Suitane's Favourite, P. 873, H. C. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447, H. C. 1st pr. over Eng., '90. Baron of St. John, P. 1279, H. C His grandam. Lady Useful, P. 796, H.C, won 1st over Jersey and Parish prize, '86. Lugano, F. 7020, C. Everton King, P. 390, C. Sire of many noted prize winners. Fontaine 2d, P. 807, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '82. ! Suitane's Favourite, P. 873, H. C. Golden Lass 4th, iaua, Aug., vu, also P. 2447, H. C. winner of £15 pr. 2d pr. over Jer., '88. Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944, H. C 2d St. Martin Show, '94, '95. Cetewayo 2d, P._370, H. C. Brown Fern, F. 4606. C. Bred April 19, 1916, to Golden Beatrice's Sultan, 121193, A. J. C. C, a bull that stands in a class by himself. He is the youngest son of the famous Golden Beatrice 2d, 162060, and her only son sired by Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86180. His sire, the peerless Sultana's Golden Jolly, is a Grand Champion and the sire of Grand Champions. His dam, Golden Beatrice 2d, has been declared by Mr. George E. Peer to have been the greatest imported cow he ever saw. She made at the rate of 18 lbs. 6 ozs. of butter in 7 days, and has repeatedly milked 22 to 24 quarts daily. She is perhaps the dam of 'more high selling calves than any cow in the world. (See front pages for pedigree of Golden Beatrice's Sultan, 121193.) B82 T. S. COOPER & SONS* AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 91. Cow. Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H. C. Winner of 1st pr. over Jer., with his prog- eny, at the bull show on the Island, April, '11. T h i s is the most valuable prize, and the great- est distinction that can be accorded a bull. Full brother to Oxford Knight, P. 3938, C, sire of 12 butter test cows, and of other prize winners. Among his 21 official test daughters are: You'll Do's Favorite, about 900 lbs., 4 yrs. old ; imported by "Linden Grove." Imp. Rustic Ivy, 774 lbs. 7 ozs. Oxford Triumph's Maiden, 554 lbs. 7 ozs., 4 yrs. 3 mos. old. Oxford's Ever Lass, 480 lbs. 4 ozs., 2 yrs. 3 mos. old. Edith You'll Do, 475 lbs. 6 ozs., 3 yrs. old ; imported by "Linden Grove." O x f o r d's Gamboge Agatha, 438 lbs., 4 yrs. old. Oxford Lavender, 431 lbs. 9 ozs., 4 yrs. 6 mos. old; imported by "Linden Grove." Stella You'll Do, 429 lbs. 15 ozs., 4 yrs. old; imported b y "Linden Grove." Hope You'll Do, 408 lbs. 10 ozs., 2 yrs. 3 mos. old. Oxford You'll Do's Circus Girl, 390 lbs. 3 ozs., 2 yrs. old. Egypt You'll Do, 387 lbs. 4 ozs. in 10 mos. ; imported by "Lin- den Grove." Lucea Oxford, 37S lbs. 5 ozs.. 3 yrs. 7 mos. old. Grouvillc Plush, 377 lbs. 5 ozs., 3 yrs. 7 mos. old. ' Oxford's Doreen Dora, 374 lbs. 15 ozs., 3 yrs. 9 mos. old. Dream of Ouklands, 338 lbs. 15 ozs., 1 yr. 1 1 mos. old; im- ported by "Linden Grove." Nuriel of Oxford, pub- lic butter test as a two-year-old, 1 lb. 7 ozs., 147 days after calving; imported by "Linden Grove." Dam NOBLE'S PET, P. 15114, H. C. Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C- (95700, A. J. C. C) 1st over Jersey, with progeny, Apr., '10. Noble of Oaklands and his sons won all 1st prizes at the bull show. Island of Jer., Apr., '10; at the bull show, Apr.. '11, sons of Noble of Oaklands won 2 out of 4 first prizes. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, the special prize ($250) for "get of sire, 4 to 8 animals, either sex. irrespec- tive of age or owner- ship," was won by 3 of his sons and 5 daughters. More than 200 first prs. and Champ ionships stand to the credit of Noble of Oaklands and his get, so far as the records have been tabulated. His 37 tested daughters include: Noble's Ff andsome Queen, Register of Merit, 614 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, in 1 year. Noble's Golden Chance, Register of Merit, 530 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 yr. My Noble's Duchess, Register of M e r i t, 485 lbs. 13 ozs. but- ter in I year. Noble's Golden Pride. Register of M e r i t, 443 lbs. 2.8 ozs. but- ter in 1 year. Noble's Nursie, Regis- ter of Merit. 440 lbs. 7 ozs. butter in 1 yr. Noble's Beautiful Lily, Register of M e r i t. 414 lbs. 7 ozs. butter in 1 year. Noble's Beautiful Nelly, Register of Merit. 404 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 1 year. Noble's Imp. Duchess. Register of M e r i t, 385 lbs. 2 ozs. Noble of Oaklands sold in our ' 1 1 auction for $15,000 to Klmen dorf Farm, Lexing- ton, Ky. Sire of 28 bulls with tested daughters. Gleenie 8th. P. 11224, H. C. Dam of Sultan's Gl renie, 252155, in Register of Merit, Class A, 528 lbs. but- ter in 1 year, from 8,243 lbs. 1.6 ozs. milk, at 7 yrs. 8 mos. old. She w'as sold in our '1 1 auctii 'ii for $255, to Mr. Ed. C. Lasater, Falfurrias, Texas. Blue Belle's Blue Fox, P." 3633. II C, A very promising sire and great sh«>\\ bull. He was sold for $1,025 at Mr D. S. Williams' sale, Nash- ville, Tenn., Dec, '07, to Mr. Harry Prentice, Worcester, Mass., who was offered a large ad - vance in price right after the sale. Grandson of F 1 y i n g Fox, P. 2729. H. C, and Blue Belle, P. 4307, H. C. Ladv Yiola, P. 8463. H. C. Now Imported Lady Viola. 238437, A. J. C. C. Sold in our '1 1 auction for $7,000. 1st prize over Jersey. '04; public butter test. May. '04, 2 lbs. 12 ozs. 1st pr. over Jer. and Theatre Cup, May, '05. 1st over Eng. wherever exhibited, '06, '07 and '08. Dam of Noble of Oaklands. P. 3909. H. C. sold for $15,000. Miss Viola. P. 9644, H. C., that tested in public butter test. May. '05, 2 lbs. 15 ozs. Willoh's Rosy, P. 10444. H. C. that tested in public but- ter test, 3 lbs. of butter. Warder, P. 3227, H. C. 1st over Jer.. Aug. .'04. Sire of Warder's Lady. 195777 (Little Mary, F. 9484. H. C), 14.820 lbs. 11 OZS. milk, 964 lbs. 15 ozs. butter, in I yr., 6 yrs. old; 52 lbs. 13 ozs. milk in 1 day; 1st and Grand Champion (S i 1 v er Medal), Mich. State Fair, 3-year-old. La Belle Jardiniere. 8,893 lbs. 9.6 ozs. milk. 56S lbs. 4 ozs. butter, in 1 yr.. at 5 years old. Warder's Ferry Maid, 6.282 lbs. milk. 388 lbs. butter, in 9 mos., at 3 yrs. old. Id.i May, public butter test. Oct., '07, 2 lbs. 9j ozs., 61 days in milk. Petite Indienne. pub- lic butter test. May. '10. 2 lbs. 7 ozs., 125 days in milk. Mona 18th. public but ter test. May, '08, 2 lbs. 5i ozs., 60 days in milk. Perling. public butter test. Oct.. '10. 2 lbs. 1 oz., 182 days in milk. Sire of 8 other tested cows, and several producing bulls. Gleen c 4th, P. 8237, H. C. Winner of 1 st over Jer sey and Parish prize. Aug., '01 ; Reserve for Blythwood Bowl. NoMeman, P. 2555, H. C. 3d over Jer. and Par. prize. Apr.. '98. Istat3-Par. Show, '99. Sire of Nobleman's Lady Mary, the un- beaten Champion of many shows; sold in our '02 sate to J. A. Middelton, Shel- byville, Ky. His dam, Gipsy Maid, P. 4424. H. C is strongly bred to the families with which we "fell in love" on the Island in the early 80's — Wolse- ley, grandson of Farmer's Glory; An- gela, the dam of Im- ported Tormentor; Bobby, representa- tive of Mr. Arthur's captivating "Rose" family, and last, but not least, old "Coo- massie." Bagatelle 2d. P. 6564, H. Cm now named Golden Lad's Victoria, 157325. Full sister to Golden Lad's Fawn Duch- ess, that tested 23 lbs. 6 ozs.. and sold in our '02 sale to Col. M- C. Campbell, Nashville. Tenn. Dam of Bagatelle's Belle, public butter test. May, '04, 2 lbs. S£ ozs. f Favori. P. 2943. H. C. Sire of I Oakland's Bess, public butter test. Oct., '05, I lb. 3f ozs.. 248 days in milk; 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '03. Dam o f Combination's Pre- mier, 1st over Jer.. "bulls from tested dams." May. '11; Oakland's Glory. 3d over Ter. and Par. pr.. Apr-. '07; Oak- land's Sailor. 3d over Jer.. Aug.. '08. Favori's Pretty Rosa, in Register of Merit. Class- B. No. 999, 6,634 lbs. 1.6 ozs. milk. 458 lbs. 12 ozs. estimated butter, in 1 yr . when 7 yrs. old. Dam of Fa- vori's Jolly Sultan. 1st prize bull calf. New York State Fair. '11. i Clarencia, P. 8602, H. C Dam of Clarencia's Lad. P. 3573. H. C, 2d pr.. St. Ouen. f Devotion's Lad, P. 2432. C. Son of Golden Lad, who also sired Mo- na's Glory, P. 2404. H. C.. 1st prize win- ner over the Island, Aug., '97, and sire of 6 tested cows. Gleenie. P. 2657, H. C- l Her sire was one of Golden Lad's best sons. Used with I great success by Mr. P. Le Masurier, Les Nieures Farm, St. Peter. YOU'LL DO'S PRETTY PET, 353235, A. J. C. C. (Noble's Pet 2d, P. 18675, H. C.) OFFICIAL R. J. A. S. RECORD, BEGUN AS A TWO-YEAR-OLD, 238.82 LBS. BUTTER IN 207 DAYS, WITHOUT GRAIN FEED. RECORD AS A THREE-YEAR-OLD, TO DATE OF EXPORTATION, 265.27 LBS. BUTTER IN 227 DAYS. Bred by P. Vautier, St. Ouen, Island of Jersey. Born July 25, 1911. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Brisket, left stifle and belly mottled; patch on right side, speck on right stifle; black tongue and switch A strikingly capacious dairy cow. of attractive wedge shape, low to ground, handsome head, with large, lustrous eyes wide apart; long, clean neck; thin, high withers; back strong, wide at loins, with prominent hips and great length of rump, body of great length, depth and girth, splendidly ribbed, and set on short, clean legs; perfect setting of tail, which is thin and long, with luxuriant black switch; promi- nent, tortuous milk veins; udder of phenomenal size, beautiful shape, wide and deep, with great. large, perfectly placed teats, wide apart. Aristocrat, P. 2280, H. C Aristocrat is a son of the famous show and butter cow, "Nameless." Sire of Aristocratic Beauty, that w o n the Silver Medal in the public butter test on the Island, testing 2 lbs. 104 ozs. in 24 hours, 121 days. Gipsy Maid, P. 4424. H. C. 2d and Sweepstakes at 3 -Par. Show, '97. Dam of Gipsy Maid 2d. P. 9641, H. Cm 2d over Jersey and Par. prize. May. '02; 1st over Jer.. Aug.. '02; Par. prize, May. '03, and Aug., '07; and many other prizes. Golden Lad. P. 1242. H. C- 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '90; also win- ner of £15 prize. The most prepotent bull the Island ever produced, transmit- ting the S u 1 t a n e type (for udder and teats) to his entire progeny. Bagatelle, P. 5076. C Dam of Bagatelle 3d (Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess), 2i lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Eminent 2d, P. 2532. H. C Won 1st State's prize over the Island of £50, with five of his progeny, in "01 and '02. He has 81 daughters tested in America and on the Island, and several others now on authenti- cated test. Favorite. F. 8354, H. C. (Eminent's Brown Duchess. 157604.) A grand dairy cow; sold in our '01 sale for $500, to Mr. F. G. Crane. Duplex. P. 2586. II. C. Sire of Uncle Peter's Golden Del, sold in our '00 sale, as a -heifer, for $425; and since tested at Biltmore. N. C, 80 lbs. 13 ozs. in one month. Sire of other tested cows. I'hilomene, P. 5671, H. C Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. Devotion 6th, P. 3261, H. C. 2d over Jersey, '90. 4th over Jersey, '95. Skinner. P. 1620. C. Sire of Golden Del of St. Peter, and sold in our '01 sale for S700; public butter test. 2 lbs. 1 ,' ozs. in 24 hrs. Val de la Mare Fancy, F. 6225. C- Gulden Lad. P. 1242, H. C Nameless, P. 3222, H. C- 2d over Jer. and Par. prize. '93. Milked 24 qts, a day; private test. 2 lbs. 1 1 ozs. butter in one day. Poster. P. 1152. C. A bull held in high esteem by F. C. Le Maistre on account of his dam and gran dam, especially the latter. Daisy 7th. P. 3277. H. C Descended from Young Rose. P. 43, H. Cm 1st over Jer.. '72, '73. Sultane's Favourite, P. 873. H. C. 1st pr., St. Saviour. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447. H. C 2d Lon. Dairy S.. '88. 1st over Eng., '90. 1 lb. 14£ ozs. butter. Half-sister to Golden Lad 2d, P. 2023, H. Cm a great sire. Baron of St. John, P. 1279, H. C Lugano, F. 7020, C Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C The most celebrated bull the Island of Jer. has ever pro- duced. His son. Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. (For full particulars see front page A.) Eminence, F. 7124, H. C. 2d St. Martin. '92. Eminent. P. 1842. H.C A very successful sire. Uncle Peter, P. 2115. H. C. H i s granddaughter. Uncle Peter's Gold en Del. 157354. sold in our '01 sale to Biltmore Farms, Biltmore. N. C. Souvenir, P. 5187. H. C. 1st St. Martin. Dam of Souvenir 2d, 3d over Jersey, Aug., '97. The Bard. P. 962, H. C. Grandson of Wolseley, P. 401. H. Cm 1st over Jersey, '83. "84 and '85 ; sire of Count Wolseley. P. 928. H. C. Devotion 2d. P. 1358. H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess 166538. 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. And 31 others. (See above.) Orpheline, F. 3385, H. C J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas.) •r cow, Grace Darling of St. Mary's, 306562, Last calf February 1, 1916, by General Cowslip, P. 4743, H. C. (Sent to Messrs. Bred April 5, 1916, to Golden Fern's Mon Plaisir, 122755, son of the splendid butter cov who was sold in our '14 auction for $700. Register of Merit record — 653 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 10,183 lbs. 9.6 ozs. milk, the first year after importation. Her 5-year-old daughter, Grace Stockwcll, 240832, made 630 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in one year. Golden "Fern's Mon Plaisir was sired bv Golden Fern's Noble. P. 4570, H. C, winner of numerous 1st prizes at the Royal Shows, son of Noble of Oaklands, 95700 (sold in our '11 auction for $15,000), and Lady Aldan. 1'. 8470, H. C„ a great daughter of Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (See No. 5 for extended pedigree of Golden Fern's Mon Plaisir, 122755.) Tattoo 88 No. 92. Heifer. T. S, COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916, YOU'LL DO'S LADY KILBURN, 310535, A. J. C. C. Bred by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa. Born March 24, 1914. White spot in forehead; some white on brisket and belly; stifles, flanks, legs and switch white; black-and- white tongue. A handsome rich orange fawn-and-white, of great scale and constitution; straight, strong back; great barrel, long and deep, with good spring of rib; good udder development, with large and well-placed teats. A daughter of the distinguished Oxford You'll Do, out of a Highly Commended cow of splendid breeding. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645. H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (w i t h his progeny), Apr., '08. Sold at our '11 auction for $6,700 to White Horse Farm. Paoli. Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,750 each. Eleven of his daugh- ters, in our '11 auc- tion, averaged Si, 391.36. Sire of 41 tested cows, 3 over 700 lbs. but- ter in 1 year, and all three imported by 'Linden Grove" and sold in our auctions. Sire of 4 bulls with a total of 36 butter test daughters. Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H.C. now named IMPORTED OXFORD YOU'LL DO, 111860, A. J. C. C. He is now in the "Lin- den Grove" stables. Winner of 1st pr. over Jer., with his prog- eny, at the bull show on the Island, Apr., '11. Among other great cows, Oxford You'll Do is sire of: You'll Do's Favorite, now on official test and will make close to, if not more than, 900 lbs. butter in 1 year as a four- year- old. She was sold in our '14 auction for $500, to E. T. Bedford, G r e e n's Farms, Conn. Golden Oxford Ivy, 1st at the Royal Show, May, '14, as a 2-year-old (68 en- tries); 1st at Royal Show as a 3 -year- old. May, '15 (76 entries) , and Theatre Chal. Cup (Cham- pionship over the Island). She is now in the "L i n d e n "Grove" stables. Golden Fern's Oxford, 1st pr. yearling bull. Junior and Grand Cham.. Indiana S. Fair, '15. And many other winners. Dam LADY KILBURN, 213935, A. J. C. C. (LEONIE'S LADY 3d, P. 11857, H. C.) Winner of Par. prize, Class 3, Roy. Show, Aug., '06. We have retained Lady Kilburn in the "Linden Grove" herd as a breeder ever since her im- portation. She is a remarkable dairy cow and a splendid breeder. Her yearling daughter, Princess Kilburn, 276889, was pur- chased in our '13 auction for $340, by Dr. W. D. N. Moore. Highland Park, 111. Her half-sister. Lady Kilburn, P. 11731, H . C. , produced in public butter test, May.'ll, 1 lb. 9i ozs. in 24 hrs.. 90 days in milk; dam of Lady M yrtle, P. 13548, H. C. public butter test. May.' 12, 1 lb. 9i ozs., 233 days after calving. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and G r o u v i 1 1 e Show, '02. 1st pr. over the Island in a class of 44, '02. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '03. Sire of many noted bulls and of 7 tested cows. Caiest, P. 2591, H. C. 1st prize. Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville Show. '98. Sire of Mabel's Poet, P. 2964, H. C. and other noted animals, among them being Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801. H. C, 2 lbs. 7% ozs. Fifteen daughters of Caiest sold in our '05 and '06 auction sales, averaging $865 each. Fontaine's Oxford Pride, [ Gamboge's Pride 187430, A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801. H. C.) 1st prize winner over the Island and BIythwood Bowl, Aug., '04. 3d pr. over Jer., Aug., '01, '02. 3d pr. in public butter test. 2 lbs. 7J ozs., 48 days in milk. Sold for $2,500, in our '05 sale, to Mr. H. Willets, owner of Gedney Farm. Dam of 3 tested cows. P. 4508, H. C. She has won the fol- lowing public butter tests' May, '96, 2 lbs. 7J ozs. Oct.. '96, 2 lbs. 2iozs., 21 7 days in milk. May, '97, 2 lbs. 5| ozs. Oct., '97, 2 lbs. 4i ozs. Oct., '98, 2 lbs. 7| ozs.. 118 days in milk. Dam of 3 tested cows. Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass (by Agatha's Flying Fox, above), public butter test, May, '09, 2 lbs. 14 ozs.; and other prizes. Oxford Triumph, pub- lic butter test. May, '08. 1 lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. Oxford Knight, sire of 12 butter test cows and numerous prize winners. Oxford You'll Do, sire of 21 tested cows. Oxford Eva, 177094, dam of Oxford John D., 90048, sire of 3 in Register of Merit averaging 469 lbs. 1 oz. butter in 1 year, at 2 years 9 months old. Kilburn, P. 3259. H. C. 3d over Jersey, '03. Sire of Virginia 9th. public butter test, Oct.. '12, 1 lb. 124 ozs., 158 days in milk. And two other tested cows. Lady's Pet, P. 11704, H- C, 1st prize aged cow, Sr. and Grand Champion, Oregon State Fair, '11. Pretty Rose of Kil- burn. 1st pr.. Senior and Grand Cham- pion, Oregon State Fair. '12. Mill Maid, P. 12298, H. C. 4th over Jer. and Par. prize. May, '07. Leonie's Lady, P. 9370, H. C We imported Leonie's Lady, Oct., '07, at great cost, but we were unfortunate in losing her. She won 2d pr. over the Is- land, Aug., '02, in a large class. She was a magnificent dairy cow, just such a cow from which we would like to select a bull for use in our own herd. Bessie's Lad, P. 2479, H. Golden Lad 2d, P. 2023, H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Daisy, 136499. 19 lbs. 2 ozs. Golden Lad's Mer- maid, sold at our '02 auction sale for $1,100. Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold at o u r '03 auction sale for $1,725. And many other mous animals. Fontaine's King, P. 2207, H. C. Sire of John Bull and other noted animals. [ Oxford Lass. P. 3582, C. Rob Roy, P. 1184. H. C. Sire of Zanzibar, win- ner Certif. of Merit in butter test. May. '00, 1 lb. 144 ozs. in 24 hours. Dam of Golden Fern's Tulip. 161059. that milked 11.852 lbs. milk and 597 lbs. estimated butter in one year; 19 lbs. Si ozs. butter in seven days. Gamboge 2d, P. 2294, H. C Dam of Gamboge 4th. 2 lbs. L4 ozs.. 24 hrs. Orme. P. 1660. H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, winner of 1st prize, B. and W. S., N. A. S. S., and 1st at the Yorkshire S., Eng.. *95. (2 lbs. 9h ozs. of butter in 24 hrs.) Turtledove 2d, 1st ov. Jer., '95, and many other prizes. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Son of Golden Lad. Fontaine 4th, P. 2537, C. 1st over Jer., '90, '91. Favorite's Boy, P. 882, H. C His grandson . Favor- ite Lad, is sire of Iris, winner of Gold Medal (1st prize) in butter test, May. '01, 2 lbs. 4i ozs., 220 days in milk; Certificate of Merit, May, '00, 2 lbs. 5 ozs., 76 days in milk. Browny's Grey, P. 2353, H. C. Oscar, F. 410, H. C fa- Brown Bess 2d, P. 5428, H. C Golden Lass, F. 5711. H. C. 1st over the Island. Biron, P. 1375. C. Gamboge. F. 5846. Golden Lad. P. 1242, H. C. Oxford Dahlia. P. 2588, H. C Won 1st pr. and C.. Oxfordshire Show, Eng., '93. 1st pr., R. A. S., Ches ter, Eng.. '93. 1st p. and Silver Cup. H. S., '93. 1st pr., R. A. S., Eng. Show, '94. 2d p. and BIythwood Cham. Bowl at the Y. S., '94. Brown Bess, F. 7455, C Everton Lord. P. 1088. H. Widow, F. 2360. C Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. One of the most cele- brated cows the Is- land ever produced. She was never tested for butter, but milk- ed as high as 28 quarts daily. Dam of Golden Queen of St. Saviour, 2 lbs. 1| ozs., 214 days in milk. Oxford Ixia, a famous winner in the public butter tests; among the many that she won being the Bronze Medal in March, '00, testing 2 lbs. 8 ozs. Caiest. whose eight daughters, in our '05 sale, averaged $9S7.50. Houpla, sire of Lady Houpla, winner of Champion Cup, testing 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 73 days in milk and after first calving. Flying Fox's Oxford Lass, 1st prize winner over the Island. Oxford Lad. P. 3123, H. C., who distinguished himself by having sired a remarkable lot of bulls and cows, winners in the best shows and in the public butter tests. Flying Fox, P. 2729. H. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug., *99. Sold in our '02 auction for $7,500. Carlo's Gipsy, P. 3519. H. C. [ A noted breeder of prize winners. f Leda's Prince, P. 2762. H. C. Winner of many 1st prizes over England. Sire of Dairylike, P. 9043, H. C, winner of Certificate of Mer- it, public butter test, Oct., '03, 1 lb. 113 ozs., 159 days in milk; 4th over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '02. Leda's Prince is a full brother to the fa- mous cow. Golden Leda.P. 8000, H. C, the dam of Stock- well, that sold in our '07 sale for $11,500. She is also dam of the celebrated bull. Leda's Golden Lad, and other famous animals. Carlo 3d. P. 817, H. C. Sire of Don Carlo, P. 1136. C, winner of 1st over Jer., Aug., '90. and Apr., '91; 2d over Jer., Apr., '90. Quaker's Girl, F. 7215. C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C Was in service 5 years at "Linden Grove." Leda, P. 6636, H. C. Dam of Golden Leda, P. 8000, H. C, 1st pr. over Jer., '00; 1st pr. and Championship, N. C. Show, '00 and '01 ; and has milked over 40 lbs. per day with first calf. Leda's Golden Lad, P. 3063, H. C. f Golden Hero. P. 1833, H. C. Sire of Nita Belle D, 21 lbs. 14 ozs. Nicotine's Pet, 20 lbs. 1 oz. Leonie 2d, 6706. Out of same dam as Leonie's Dainty, P. 8682, H. C, winner of 2d over Jer., Aug., '01. Leonie. P. 3216, C Dam of Dainty Leonie, P. 9203, H. C, Par. prize. May, '01. Carlo 2d, P. 337, C. His sire, Carlo, has 4 tested daughters in America. Cicero's Cowslip, P. 1105, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '85. Her sire, Cicero, was sold in our auction. May. '83, for $3,100. Dam of Cicero's Cow- slip 3d, the dam of Pioneer and Morion. Golden Pearl, P. 1975, H. C. Eminence, F. 7124. H. C. Sweepstakes, N. Club Show, '92. Dam of Little Eminence, 122506, 21 lbs. 6 Golden Pink, P. 1491, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, '91. Bellona 3d, P. 874, C. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '89. Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C. 2d over Jer., Apr., '89. 1st over Jer., Aug., 'S9. Dainty 2d. F. 405, H. C. Carlo, P. 180, H. C. Dairy Maid, F. 1147. C. Cicero, P. 266. H. C. 1st over Jersey, '82. Sire of Lady Longfield . 23524, 20 lbs. 13 ozs. ; and 5 others, 15 lbs. 2 ozs. to 19 lbs. 10 ozs. each. Cowslip, P. 24, H. C. Lowland King, P. 1673, H. C. { Promesse, F. 5481, H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '90; also win- ner of £15 prize. Sire of 32 tested cows. Cetewayo's Pink. V. 5170. H. C. Napier 2d. P. 244, C. Bellona 2d. P. 529, C Wolseley. P. 401, H. C. lstov. Jer., '83, '84, '85. Sultane. P. 7, H. C. "The first of the most celebrated family the Island has ever seen." Bred February 16, 1916, to Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86180, A. J. C. C, the handsomest and best best bred bull ever owned at "Linden Grove." He won, at the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, 1st prize in 2-year-old class, Senior Champion and Grand Champion bull, any age; headed 1st prize $200 Special herd, bull and 10 females; Special Grand Champion, $100 prize; A. J. C. C. Gold Medal, Grand Champion bull bred by exhibitor; sired the animals winning 1st prize as calf herd. (See front pages for picture and further particulars concerning Sultana's Golden Jolly.) B 74 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 93. Cow. BOUTILLIERE'S OXFORD GIRL, 353254, A. J. C. (P. 19548, H. C.) Bred by E. E. Leonard, St. Ouen, Island of Jersey. Born January 21, 1912. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color, except mottled brisket and belly: black tongue and switch. An exceedingly attractive grey, of wonderful substance and dairy type; great length and depth of body; neat head with crumpled horns and prominent, lustrous eyes; clean, flat neck and sharp withers; back straight and strong, broad at loins, with wide, prominent hips; thin, well set tail with flowing black switch; belly covered with a network of veins; hide soft and mellow; tremendous udder of beautiful shape, heavily veined, with large teats perfectly placed. A wonderfully good cow — and what a combination of blood lines! A union of the families that produced the highest testing cows of our 1914 auction. OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H. C. Winner of 1st pr. over Jer. with his progeny, at the bull show on the Island. April, 'II. This is the most valuable prize, and the great- est distinction that can be accorded a bull Full brother to Oxford Knight, P. 3938, C, sire of 12 butter test cows. The greatest living representative of the Ox- ford-Gamboge line. Now in the "Linden Grove" stables, and regis- tered as Imported Oxford You'll Do, 111860. Sire of 21 or more official test cows, including: You 11 Do's Favorite, just finishing year's test with more than 900 lbs. butter. She was sold in our '14 auction for S500. Imp. Rustic Ivy. 774 lbs. 7 ozs. butter in 1 year She won 1st at New York State Fair as a three- year-old. 1st at Connecticut State Fair as a four-year old, and 1st at New York State Fair as a five year-old, besides being dam of the pair winning 1st as "produce of cow," and dam of the Grand Champion bull at New York State Fair. '15. His daughters are just reaching full age. and on re-test we predict some splendid records. Oxford You'll Do sired the Champion cow over the Island of Jersey in May. '15, who also won 1st in her class (76 entries) as a three- year-old. and 1st as a two-year-old (68 entries), at the Royal Shows. She is catalogued in this auction, with her splendid daughter. (See Nos. 50 and 51 of catalog.) He sired the 1st prize bull at the Royal Show, Class 2, 19 entries. Mav. '15. He sired the Grand Champion bull at Indiana Mate Fair. 15; sold in our '14 auction for S525, as a calf. He sired the 1st prize three year-old at Texas btate Fair, '15 (11 entries); sold in our '14 auction for $745. He sired the Grand Champion bull at the Min- nesota and Wisconsin State Fairs. '13- who produced the Junior Champion heifer at Iowa Mate Fair and Waterloo Dairy Show '15 He sired many other 1st prize and Champion winners. Nineteen of his progeny in our '14 auction aver- aged 8683 (eight of them bulls, and calves of both sexes). (See other pedigrees for further particulars and notes opposite page 40 of catalog.) AND IT COST $35 TO REGISTER HER DAITGHTER. Under date of April 7. 1916, Mr. E. E. Leonard, St. Ouen, Island of Jersey, owner of Boutil- licrc, F. 9670, H. C. writes: "I am sending you the official year's test of Boutilliere. She calved on March 21, 1915, and finished her test March 23, 1916. She produced 12.103 lbs. milk, testing 5.8 per cent, butter fat. equiva- lent to 798 lbs 12 ozs. butter. She carried a calf over 6 months during test." Fancy's Pioneer. P. 3195, H. C. The sire of 13 great butter test cows. His two highest testing daughters were sold in our '14 auction (see below). A third daugh- ter. Fancy's Pioneer's Great Beauty, 306559, was sold in same auction for $1,000, to Hon. Robert J. Fleming, of Toronto, Canada. Other great daughters of Fancy's Pioneer have been imported by "Linden Grove," viz.: Pioneer's Fancy Cowslip, 306593, 694 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in I year, first year after importa- tion; milk test, average of 6.61 for year; sold in our '14 auction for $135 to Mr. Geo. T. Chaffee. Rutland. Vt. Grace Darling of St. Mary's, 306562, sold in our '14 auction for $700, to Mr. G. W. Chaffee, Quechee. Vt. Entered in Register of Merit (A), 653 lbs. 3 ozs. butter in 1 year, from 10,183 lbs. 9.6 ozs. milk, the first year after im- portation. Mon Plaisir's Buttercup. 224584 (Bergere's Beauty. P. 11259. H. C), Silver Medal. Oct.. '07, 2 ibs. 9t ozs.. 143 days in milk; sold in our '09 auction for $750; Champion cow, Vermont State Fair, '12; entered in Register of Merit, 542 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 1 year, 9 years old. Bushy Belle. 238328, in Register of Merit. 641 lbs. 9 ozs. butter in 1 year. 7 years old. Dam of Belle of Jersey. Silver Medal, public butter test, Oct.. '13. 2 lbs. 4J ozs.. 182 days in milk, 4 years old; Erdenheim Majesty, Junior Cham.. Michigan State Fair, '11, and other prizes. Cowslip's Golden Fancy, 253757, 569 lbs. 15 ozs. butter. 9,428 lbs. 8 ozs. milk, at 5 yrs. old. Lily Newton's Maid, 270326, 575 lbs. 15 ozs. butter. 7.957 lbs. milk, at 5 yrs. 2 mos. old. Red Flag. 232728. 546 lbs. 5 ozs. butter, 9.400 lbs. 3.2 ozs. milk, at 7 yrs. 3 mos. old. Pioneer Renown, 238694, in Register of Merit, 456 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 1 year, 4 years old; 1st prize 2-year old, Michigan State Fair, '10. Fancy's Pioneer has 3 other tested daughters, including Boutilliere, 2 lbs. 5} ozs. in 24 hrs. (public test). Has 2 producing sons, and sired numerous winners. His daughter, Grace Darling of St. Mary's, is dam of Grace- Stockwell, 240832, qualified for Register of Merit (A), with 630 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 1 year, from 9,515 lbs. 1.6 ozs. milk, at 5 yrs. 8 mos. old. (Grace Stockwell is by a bull whose sire. Stockwell, P. 3550, H. C, was sold in our '07 auction for $1 1,500; and whose dam was imported by us. The latter was by Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. who "ruled" at "Linden Grove" for five years.) | Dam. unregistered. Daughter of Successor. P. 2783. H. C. Dam BOUTILLIERE, F. 9670, H. C. < me of the greatest butter test cows, and one of the most prepotent brood cows, the Island ever produced. Hutter tests: Certificate of Merit. May. '11,2 lbs. 5J ozs., from 39 lbs. 8 ozs. milk, 7 yrs. old. Official R J. AS. record. '14. without grain feed. 10 vrs. old. 532 lbs. 4 ozs. butter, 8,705 lbs. milk, in 375 days; average test. 5.41 per cent, butler Winner of Parish prize. Class 3. Royal Show, May, '06. 2d prize. St. Ouen Show, '06. 3d prize. Class 4, 54 entries, and St. Ouen Parish prize. Royal Show. Mav, '07. 4th prize, bweepstakes and Reserve Champion, St. Ouen Show, '07. 1st and Champion. St. Ouen Show 'OS Mon Plaisir, P. 2548, H. C. Imp. and registered as Golden Mon Plaisir. 59936. First in his class and Cham, winner over the Island in '98. First Ohio Agr'l and Industrial Exposi- tion. Columbus. '01. Headed Grand Sweep- stakes Herd, all dairy breeds. Ohio Exposition, '01, and several other prizes. Sold in our '01 sale for $3,500. to Hon. H. N. Higinbotham. Jo- liet. 111. Sire of Bright Bess, P. 9534, H. C. Cham- pion winner over the Island. May. 03, and other Champion prizes, and sold in our '04 sale for $1,000. Sire of many other winners and tested cows, and is the head of a splendid family of butter cows and prize win- ners that ''breed on." As an example, his daughter, Mon Plaisir's Fanny, P. 9398, H. C. (203640, A. J. C. C.I. that sold for $1,225 in our '07 auction, has a public butter test. May. '05, of 1 lb. 1 1 } ozs., when 211 days in milk. His son, Kilmarnock, is the sire of Vesta's Daisy, Gold Medal, public butter test cow, 3 lbs. 11£ ozs. in 24 hrs. .the world's record in public test; she was sold in our '12 auction for $2,700, to Mr. E. H. Hatch. Maplewood, N.J. Fancy's Rose, F. 8277, H. C. Certificate of Merit in public butter tests, as follows: '98. 1 lb. 15J ozs. '99. 2 lbs. } oz. "00, 2 lbs. 8 J ozs. Parish prize, '01. Dam of Successor, P. 27S3, H. C. 2d over Jer.. Aug., '99, who sired a number of public butter test cows. I Champion. St. Ouen Show, '08. Reserve, Class 5, 45 entries, and St. Ouen Parish prize, Royal Sh.m . May, Sweepstakes. St. Ouen Show, '09. 1st Special prize and Sweepstakes, St. Ouen Show '10 2d prize. Special class, and Reserve for Champion, St. Ouen Show, '11. 2d prize, St. Ouen Show, '13. Dam of Pretty Noble. P. 4626. H. C, sire of Pretty Clarencia. 353256. official R. J. AS. test as a yearling, 295 lbs. 5.1 ozs. butter in 236 days (see No. 13 of catalog). Noble's Lord. P. 4312 H. C. sire of several prize winners, and the butter test cow, Caporal. 1 lb. 11 ozs. in 24 hrs.. at 3 yrs old Imp. Boutilheres Noble. 90976, imported by Mr. Hal H. Hill. Cleveland, unio. Winner of 1st prize for aged bulls (8 entries) and Senior Cham- pionship. Forest City (Ohio) Fair. '14. His daughter. Noble's Sweet Clover, in Register of Merit, made 361 lbs. 10 ozs. butter in I year, begin- ning test at 1 yr. 1 1 mos. old. He sired the bull winning Grand Cham- pionship at Spokane (Wash.) Inter-State Fair. '12 and '13, and Grand Championship at Walla Walla (Wash.) Fair and Washington State Last calf April 11, 1916, by Golden Fern's Noble, I'. 4570, II C. | Will be sent to Messrs. I lexas.) hxpected to be bred, before day of sale, to one of our ^reat bulls circulated at the sale.) Successor, P. 2783, H. C. 2d over Jer.. '99. 1st prize over Jer., '00. for bulls, the pro- duce of cows hav- ing won a prize or Certificate of Merit at a butter test. Sire of Westfield Rose, P. 9091. C. winner of Certificate of Mer- it, Oct.. '04, 1 lb. 8} ozs.. 231 days; Cer- tificate of Merit and 1st Par prize. E. J. C. S., May, '07, 2 lbs. 6| ozs., 69 days: 4th over Jer. and Par. prize, R. J. A. S.. May. '07. His sire is by the same bull as Rhymer, P. 2756. H. C. sire of 7 tested cows, includ- ing Great Scot's Champion, 774 lbs. 7 ozs.. at 12 yrs. old: Grand Champion at National Dairy Show. '11; sold in our '07 auction for $950. I F Success, P. 2476, C. Fancy Rose, F. 8277. H. C. Certificate of Merit, butter test, '98, '99. '00. 2 Ibs. 8} ozs. butter. Her dam is the great Gold Medal winner. Fancy. F. 8007, H. C. fsee above>. She is also dam of the celebrated bull. Fancy's Pioneer, P. 3195, H. C. who was the sire of 3 of the greatest cows in our '14 auction. Two have since made the Register of Merit with 694 Ibs. 8 ozs. butter and 653 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, in I year. and one of them was sold in our auction for Si, 000. f Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land. Aug., '90; also winner of £15 prize. Sire of 32 butter tested cows, including: Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess. 166538. 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326. 22 lbs., 7 days, 89 lbs. 5 ozs., 30 days. Golden Lad's Lady Rose, 162097.21 lbs. lOfc OZS. Sandgate, 122509, 20 lbs. 104 ozs. Zulu Lady, 20 lbs. 10 ozs. Golden Naiad, 18 lbs. li ozs. Golden Kola, 127232. 1 7 lbs. 8£ ozs. Golden Lass of St. John, 149150, 16 lbs. 8 ozs. Golden Ora. 127228, 16 lbs. 1 J ozs. Golden Lad has proved himself the most prepotent bull the Island has ever pro- duced, transmitting the Sultane type (for udder and teats) to his entire prog- eny. Sire of Golden Mon Plaisir. 59936, 1st in his class and Cham- pion winner over the Island in '98. Sold in our '01 sale for $3,500. to Hon. H. N. Higinbotham, Jo- Het. III. Golden Lily, P. 5101, H. C. 1st over Jersey. 1st St. Mary. Champion, \V. Show. A magnificent dairy cow; pronounced as such at our sale by all good judges. Lowland King, P. 1673. H. C. 1st over Jersey, '92. Fancy, F. 8007, H. C. Gold Medal, butter test. Jer.. '93. 2 lbs. 8£ ozs. Gold Medal, butter test. Jer., '94. 2 lbs. 1 1 \ ozs. Certificate of Merit. butter test. '95. 2 lbs. 7j ozs. Gold Medal, butter test. Jer., '96, 3 lbs. 3| ozs. Great Scot. P. 2153. H. C. Son of Golden Lad (as above). Sire of Rhymer, Par. pr., '99. Perry F. Scot. Re- serve. R. C S.. '99. Mabel 42d. 1st over Jer. and P. pr.. '99. Fontaine's Lady Scot, 3d ov. Jer.. '99. Maitland Cherry. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize. '99. Fancy 2d, P. 6276, C. 1 lb. 14J ozs. Daughter of the Gold Medal cow. Fancy, F. 8007, H.C who is also dam of Fancy's Rose. F. 8277. H.C." the dam of those, great bulls. Fancy's Pioneer. P. 3195. H. C-, and Successor. P. 2783, H. C. (see above). Her sire, Due. P. 1751. C. . is by Golden Lad. P. 1242. H. C. the sire of Great Scot and Mon Plaisir (see above). . O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, (Examine supplementary list of services, to be B84 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 94. Cow. YOU'LL DO'S GREY PRINCESS, 353258, A. J. C. C. (Easter Greeting, P. 19620, H. C.) Bred by D. Ange, Trinity, Island of Jersey. Born April 3, 1912. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Spot on right hip; right flank mottled; patch on left flank; white tongue; black-and-brown switch. A handsome young cow, of high dairy quality and great refinement; one of the persistent workers; ■a sweet-faced beauty, with prominent, dark eyes; flat "ewe" neck and sharp withers; back straight to root of tail; long, well-ribbed body, on the finest of legs; thin "cat" hams; prominent milk veins, extend- ing away forward on belly; beautiful udder, of great size when fresh, that "milks away to nothing," with good-sized and well-placed teats. (Will have been seven months in milk by sale day; here is another chance for the good judges.) Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H.C. Winner of 1st prize over Jer., with his progeny, at the bull show on the Island, April, '11. T h i s is the most valuable prize, and the great- est distinction that can be accorded a bull. Full brother to Oxford Knight, P. 3938, C, sire of 12 butter test cows. Now named Imported Oxford You'll Do, 111860, A. J. C. C. Sire of 21 or more offi- cial test cows, in- cluding You'll Do's Favorite, sold in our '14 auction for $500, who is just finishing an official test and will make more than 900 lbs. butter in 1 year, as a 4-year- old. He sired the Cham- pion cow over the Island of Jersey in May, '15, who also won 1st in her class (76 entries) as a 3- year-old, and 1st as a 2-year-old (68 en- tries), at the Royal Show, May, '14. He sired the 1st prize bull at the Royal Show, Class 2, 19 entries, May, '15. He sired the Grand Champion bull at the Indiana State Fair, '15, who was bred at "Linden Grove" and sold as a calf in our '14 auc- tion for $525. He sired the 1st prize three year-old cow (11 entries) at Texas State Fair, '15, who •was sold in our '14 auction for $745. Nine daughters of Ox- ford You'll Do, in our '13 auction (six of them heifers and heifer calves;, sold for an average of $504.44; and 19 of his progeny, in our '14 auction, sold for an average of $683 (eight of them bulls and calves of both sexes). (See opposite page for further particulars concerning Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C.) Dam MARSUMA, F. 9362, H.C. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. Winner of 2d over Jersey (with his progeny), Apr., '08. Sold at our '11 auction for $6,700, to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,75 each. Gamboge's Knight's tested daughters in- clude : Gamboge's Grey Beauty, in Register of Merit, 784 lbs. 12 ozs. butter in 1 year. Gamboge's Tiddledy- wink, in Register of Merit, 722 lbs. 14 ozs. butter in 1 year. Gamboge's Knight has 4 sons with official test daughters, in- cluding Oxford You'll Do, sire of 2 1 , and Oxford Knight, sire of 12. His dam has 3 public test daughters, all of which have been sold in our auctions, two of them for $1,375 and $2,525. Her daughter, Gam- boge's Pride 5th, is dam of 1 in Register of Merit and of Gold en Fern's Son, 10 in Register of Merit. Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. Daughter of the cele- brated Oxford Lass. Dam of Oxford Triumph, pub- lic butter. test. May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. Oxford You'll Do and Oxford Knight (full brothers), the latter having 12 butter test daughters. Agatha's Oxford Lass (by Agatha's Flying Fox, above), public butter test, May, '09, 2 lbs. l£ ozs., and other prizes. r Bobby's Shy Fox, 64760, A. J. C. C. (Shy Fox, P. 3143, H. C.) Champion winner at St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Is- land of Jer., '02. 1st and Championship, Ohio and Illinois State Fairs, '03. Reserve, Class 2, 28 entries. Royal Show, Jersey, Apr., '02. He was sold in our '03 auction to the late Mr. N. F. Berry, Lexington, Ky. His son, Blue Belle's Blue Fox, 69632, is sire of Noble of Oak- lands. I Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. Sire of Sultan of Oaklands, 1st prize, Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham., St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '05. Sire of 27 butter tested cows. Combination, P. 3744, H. C, 1st prize over Jersey, May, '06; 1st pr., St. Helier Show, Aug., '06; lstpr. and Cham., St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Apr., '09. Sire of 17 butter tested Fontaine's Oxford Pride, 187430, A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C.) 1st prize winner over the Island and Blythwood B o w 1, Aug., "04. She is by the same sire as Mabel's Poet, who has had a wonderful record. He has been awarded 22 1st prizes, and is the sire of over fifty 1 st prize wi nners , including Poet's Pride, Cham, c o w for young cows and Grand Champion, Brockton Fair, Mass., '06 ; and Lady Aldan 2d, 2d over Jersey, '03. Bessie's Lad, P. 2479, H. C. By the same sire as Orlando, P. 2535, H. C, sire of Fairy Glen, P. 9178, H. C, dam of Raleigh's Fairy Boy and Fairy Glen's Raleigh. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our '02 sale for $7 .500. Among his many test- ed daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. butter, 13,604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. butter, 11,198 lbs. milk, 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Sa- viour, 41 1.96 lbs. butter, 6,841 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dream- wold, 10,060 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Syria o' Dream- wold, 11,075 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Maid o' The Sea, 11,530 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox Glove, public but- ter test. May, '07, 2 lbs. 8i ozs. Venus Violet, P. 3946, H. C. A magnificent dairy cow, milking 20 qts. daily. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. (See below.) Agatna of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. (A highly commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432,H.C,J.H.B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. l£ ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. Caiest, P. 2591, H. C. 1st prize, Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville Show, '98. Sire of Mabel's Poet, P. 2964, H. C, and other noted animals, among them being Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C, 2 lbs. 1'i ozs. Fifteen daughters of Caiest sold in our '05 and '06 auction sales, averaging $865 each. Gamboge's Pride, P. 4508, H. C. She has won the fol- lowing public butter tests: May, '96, 2 lbs. 71 ozs. Oct., '96, 2 lbs. 2i ozs., 217 days in milk. May, '97, 2 lbs. 5| ozs. Oct., '97, 2 lbs. 4J ozs. Oct., '98, 2 lbs. 7i ozs., 1 18 days in milk. Dam of Gamboge's Pride 2d, Gamboge's Pride 3d and Gam- boge's Pride 4th. all public butter test cows. She is grandam of numerous others. Golden Lad 2d, P. 2023, H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Daisy, 136499, 19 lbs. 2 ozs. Golden Lad's Mer- maid, sold at our "02 sale for $1,100. Brown Bess 2d, P. 5428, H. C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show. '96. '97. Ten of his get have been sold at an aver- age of $4,560. His sons and daughters have been winning 1st prizes and Grand Champion honors from the Atlantic to the Pacific. (See front page A.) Rosette 5 th, P. 2881, H. C, now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740. A. J. C. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. 1st H. B. prize. 1st Parish prize. Dam of Flying Fox, Alicante (the dam of "The Owl") and Forfarshire, three Champion winners. Four of her get have sold in our auction sale at an average of $2,762.50. Bobby 5th. P. 1060, C. Lemon's Venus, P. 2493, C. Ravachol, P. 2032, C. Courageous Countess of Oaklands, P. 8640, H. C, now named Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test. 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours, Jersey weight. Fontaine's King, P. 2207, H. C. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. She was never tested for butter, but milk- ed as high as 28 qts. daily. She is dam of Houpla, Caiest, Oxford Lad, Oxford Ixia, and other famous ani- mals. Rob Roy, P. 1184, H. C. Sire of Zanzibar, win- ner Certif. of Merit, in butter test. May, '00, 1 lb. 14£ ozs. in 24 hours. Dam of Golden Fern's Tulip. 161059. that milked 11,852 lbs. milk and 597 lbs. estimated butter in one year; 19 lbs. 8£ ozs. butter in seven days. Gamboge 2d, . P. 2294, H. C. Dam of Gamboge 4th, 2 lbs. li ozs., 24 hrs. • Onne, P. 1660, H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, winner of 1st prize, B. and W. S., N. A. S. S., and 1st at the Yorkshire S., Eng., '95. (2 lbs. 9J ozs. of butter in 24 hrs.) Turdledove 2d. 1st ov. Jer., '95; and many other prizes. Golden Lass, F. 5711, H.C. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Golden Fern, P. 4711. H. C. One of the grandest cows ever known on the Island. Her dam is a half- sister to Eminence, F. 7124, H. C, dam of Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. Sarabond, P. 797, H.C. He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. This was a great loss to the Island, as he undoubtedly was a great sire. Rosette 4th, P. 2128, C. We were informed on the Island by J. A. Marett that Rosette 4th, as a dairy cow in her day, had few equals on the Island, and was a very rich and persistent milk- er. Bobby 3d, P. 697, H.C. Cyprus, F. 2089, C. Lemon Venus, Courage, P. I813.C. Mr. Francis Le Brocq told us that the bull Courage was the best son of Golden Lad. Grassy Brown, P. 3370, H. C. Boyle, P. 1559. H. C. Son of Golden Lad. Fontaine 4th, P. 2537, C. 1st over Jersey, '90, '91. 1st Herd Book. '90. f Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C. 2d ov. Jer., Apr., '87. Oxford Primrose, P. 2252, C. One of the best cows in h e r day on t h e Island. Favorite Boy, P. 882, H. C. His grandson, Favor- ite Lad, is sire of Iris, winner of Gold Medal (1st prize) in butter test, May, '01, 2 lbs. 4£ ozs., 220 days in milk; Certificate of Merit, May. '00, 2 lbs. 5 ozs., 76 days in milk. Browny's Grey, P. 2353, H. C. Oscar, F. 410, H. C. Gamboge, F. 5846, H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Sire of 32 tested cows. Oxford Dahlia, P. 2588, H. C. Won 1st pr. and C, Oxfordsh ire Show , Eng., '93. lstpr., R. A. S., Ches- ter, Eng., '93. 1st pr. and Silver Cup, H. S., '93. 1st pr.. R. A. S., Eng. Show, '94. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Sire of 32 tested cows. Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944, H. C- 2d pr., St. Martin Show, '94 and '95. Count Cicero, F. 398, H. C. 2d over Jer., '83. I r Lemon Rex, P. 552, C. Piatt. F [ Venus, F. 1784, H. C. 1 Sultane, P. 7, H. C. 1st p., St. Saviour, '70. v 1st H. B., '71. Happy Cetewayo, P. 582, C. His grandsire, Cete- wayo, P. 224, C. is sire of 4 cows, test- ing from 16 lbs. 2i ozs. to 17 lbs. 2\ ozs. Rosette 2d. F. 943. H. C. 1st pr. at Grouville. Orange Peel. P. 288, H. C. 3d p. and 3d H. B., R. J. A. S., '81. Cyprus 2d, P. 699, H. C. Lemon Peel, P. 320, C. 2855. C. Last calf October 6, 1915 (sent to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas). Sired by Hamptonne Grey, P. 4995, H C winner of 1st prize St Ouen Show, '14, and other prizes. He is a double grandson of Horny Cannon, P. 3058, H. C. Bred February 16 1916, to Sultana's Golden Jolly, S6180, A. J. C. C, the handsomest and best bred bull ever owned at "Linden Grove " He won, at the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, 1st prize in 2-year-old class, Senior Champion and Grand Champion bull, any age; headed 1st prize $200 Special herd, bull and 10 females; Special Grand Champion, $100 prize; A. J. C. C. Gold Medal, Grand Champion bull bred by exhibitor; sired the animals winning 1st prize as calf herd. (See front pages for picture and further particulars concerning Sultana's Golden Jolly.) B 89 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 95. Cow. OXFORD'S HANDSOME NATTIE, 344012, A. J. C. C. (Vespasia 5th, P. 19920, H. C.) FULL SISTER TO OXFORDS PRETTY NATTIE, 353239 (SEE OPPOSITE PAGE). Bred by J. A. Romeril. St. Peter, [stand of Jersey. Horn August 27, 1912. Imported August 5. 1915. by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A very handsome and substantial young c< m . sweet head and dished face ; large, lustrous eyes ; neck long and flat; sharp withers; strong, straight back; wide loins and hips; well-set tail, with beauti- ful switch touching the ground; deep body, of great length, with well-sprung ribs; large, square udder, very long from front to rear, extending away out behind and carried snugly; long, squarely placed teats. "The making of a wonderful cow." Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H.C. The greatest living representative of the Oxfor d-Gamboge line. Now in the "Linden Grove" stables, and registered as Im- ported Oxford You'll Do, 111860. Sire of 21 or more offi- cial test cows, in- cluding: Imp. Rustic Ivy, 774 lbs. 7 ozs. butter in 1 year; 1st at New York State Fair as a 3-year-old, 1st at Connecticut State Fair as a 4-year-old, and 1st at New York State Fair as a 5- year-old, besides be- ing dam of the pair winning 1st as "pro- duce of cow," and dam of the Grand Champion bull at New York State Fair, '15. He sired the following: Champion cow over the Island of Jersey in May, '15, who also won 1st in her class (76 entries) as a 3-year-old, and 1st as a 2-year-old (68 entries), at the Roy. Shows. She is cata- logued in this auc- tion, with her splen- did daughter (Nos. 50 and 51 of catalog). 1st prize bull at the Royal Show, Class 2, 19 entries, May, '15. Grand Champion bull at Indiana State Fair, '15; sold in our '14 auction for $525, as a calf. 1st prize 3-year-old at Texas State Fair, '15 (11 entries); sold in our '14 auction for $745. Grand Champion bull at the Minnesota and Wisconsin State Fairs, '13; who pro- duced the Junior Champion heifer at Iowa State Fair and Waterloo Dairy Sh., '15. (See other pedigrees for further particu- lars, and notes oppo- s i t e No. 40 of catalog.) Dam NATTIE, P. 12475, C. Winner of Reserve No., aged cows, St. Helier Show, Jersey, '13. A daughter of Beech- land's Champion, P. 3599, II. C, out of a daughter of Astor, P. .1042. H. C. (See opposite page, No. 96, for her ex- tended pedigree.) Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny), Apr., '08. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, every animal in com- petition, sired by Gamboge's Knight, did honor to its sire, winning among other prizes: 1 st prize for produce of cow. 1st prize for four cows in milk. 1st and 2d prize year- ling bulls (out of dams by Gamboge's Knight). 2d pr. 3-year-old cow, 9 entries, by Gam- boge's Knight. Sire of 41 official test cows, 19 of them, with year's records over 500 lbs. butter in 1 year. Twelve of the 19, including the five with the highest tests, were imported by "Lin- den Grove" and sold in our auctions: Gamboge's Grey Beau- ty, 784 lbs. 12 ozs. Gamboge's Tiddlcdy- wink, 722 lbs. 14 ozs. Gamboge's Fancy Princess, 712 lbs. 9 ozs. Gamboge's Brownie, 652 lbs. Gamboge's Areola, 592 lbs. 5 ozs. Daisy's January Rose, 585 lbs. 10 ozs. Gamboge's Handsome Duchess, 566 lbs. 5 Primrose, Princess, ozs. Gamboge's 566 lbs. Gamboge's 558 lbs. 13 ozs. Gamboge's Knight's Artistic. 540 lbs. 8 ozs. Gamboge's Vellum , 531 lbs. 12 ozs. Knight's Fancy Prin- cess, 530 lbs. 15 ozs. Gamboge's Modesty, 525 lbs. 7 ozs. Gamboge's Merry May, 520 lbs. 4 ozs. Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. About the best and most valuable cow in the herd of Mr. J. A. Perree, Secy Island of Jer. Herd Book Dam of Agatha's Oxford I ass (by Agatha's Flying Fox, sec above*, public butter test, May, '09, 2 lbs l ozs.. 83 days in milk. ri Triumph, pub lie butter tesl , May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs.. 107 days in milk. Oxford Eva, 177094, dam i 'i ' Ixford Conn D., 90048, sire of J in Register of Merit averaging 4f>*J lbs. I oz., at 2 yrs 9 mi s, old. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256. H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes. St. Saviour and G r o u v i 1 1 e Show, '02. 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '03. Sire of Sultan of Oaklands, 1st pri ze , Sweepstakes , Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham., St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '05. Sire of 27 tested cows. Combination, P. 3744, II. C, 1st prize over Jersey, May, '06; 1st pr., St. Helier Show, Aug., '06: 1st pr. and Cham., St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Apr., '09, in competition with B eauvoir King, Plymouth Lad and other bulls, and judged by two differ- ent set of j u d g e s, thereby winning a very handsome Sil- ver Shield; 1st prize over Jer., Apr., '09. Sire of 17 tested cows. Sire of many other winners, and of 7 butter test cows. Sire of 13 bulls with tested daughters, in- cluding Halloween's Fox, sire of 10; Trial of Oaklands and Beechland s Cham- pion, each sire of 6. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox. P. 2729, H. C.) Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale. May, '02, for $7,500. Among his many tested daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen. 870.5 lbs. estimated butter from 13,604 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. estimated butter from 11,198 lbs. milk in 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Saviour, 411.96 lbs. estimated butter from 6,841 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dreamwold, 10,060 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Syria o' Dreamwold, 11,075 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Maid o' The Sea, 11,530 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox Glove, Certificate of Merit and 2d Parish prize, May, '07, 2 lbs. 82 ozs. butter in 24 hrs., 37 days in milk. Simone G. G., Certificate of Merit, May, '04, 2 lbs. 5^ ozs. butter, 24 hrs., 101 days in milk. Oxford Vixen, Certificate of Merit, May, '05. 2 lbs. 2% ozs. butter. 24 hrs.. 49 days in milk. Flying Fox's La Fontaine. 18 lbs. 2 ozs. butter from 280 lbs. milk. 7 days. Lady Iveagh, 17 lbs. 6.6 ozs. butter, 7 days; 34 lbs. butter, 14 days (est.). Flying Fox's Brown Belle, 15 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Handsome Lily, 14 lbs. 8 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Pearl, 15 lbs. 7 ozs. butter, 7 days. Fox's Belle of Grouville. 21 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 7 days; 80 lbs. 1 1 ozs.. 30 days. Flying Fox's Trinity Rose. 20 lbs. 6 ozs. butter, 7 days. Fox's Belle of Trinity. 20 lbs. 5 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Rowena, 17 lbs. 2£ ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's'Brown Maid, milked 22 qts., 1 day. Fox's Golden Cigarette, milked 20 qts., 1 day, with 1st calf. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C— • (A Highly Commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432, H. C J. H. B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. l£ ozs. in 24 hours, Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. Sold in our '02 auction for $1,700, to Mrs. M. Patterson, Port Kennedy, Pa. Won 2 1st prizes at Royal Shows. M. Fontaine's Oxford Pride. 187430. A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th. P. 8801, H. C) 1st prize, 39 entries, and Blythwood Bowl. Aug., '04. 3d prize over Jersey, 40 entries, Aug., '01. 3d pr. in public butter test, 2 lbs. 73 ozs.. 48 days in milk. Sold for $2,500, in our '05 auction, to Mr. Howard Willets, owner of Gedney Farm. She and 4 of her progeny have been sold in our auctions for $13,600, an average of $>,72(>. Dam of Gamboge's Pride 5th, Certificate of Merit, May, '05, 1 lb. 10 ozs., 150 days in milk. Now named Gamboge of St. Saviour, 195816, sold in our '06 auction for $500, to Penshurst Farm. Narberth, Pa., where she made 640 lbs. butter in a year. She has a daughter in Register of Merit, and a son with 10 in Register of Merit. Gamboge's Pride 7th, Certificate of Merit and 2d Goddington prize. May, '07. 2 lbs. \ oz.. 50 days in milk; Certificate of Merit and Parish prize. May. '08, 1 lb. 14J ozs., 154 days in milk; now named Oxford's Fontaine, 224580; sold in our '09 auction for $2,525. Gamboge's Pride 8th. Certificate of Merit, May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 138 days in milk; now named Oxford Lad's Great Beauty, 235173; sold in our '10 auction for $1,375, to Mr. Willets. Bessie's Lad, P. 2479. H. Golden Lad 2d, P. 2023. H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Daisy, 136499. 19 lbs. 2 ozs. Caiest, P. 2591, H. C. 1st prize. Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville Show. '98. Sire of 9 tested cows. Sire of Mabel's Poet, P. 2964, H. C, winner of 22 1st prizes and sire of over fifty prize winners. Fifteen daughters of Caiest sold in o u r '05 and '06 auction sales, averaging $865 each. Gamboge's Pride, P. 4508, H. C. 2d over Jersey, '97. Winner of the follow- ing public butter tests: May, '96, 2 lbs. 7J ozs. Oct.. '96, 2 lbs. 2* ozs., 217 days in milk. And 4 other tests. Dam of 3 public but- ter test cows. Orme, P. 1660, H. C- Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1 st and Champion at N. C. Show. '96. '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son. Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son. Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 auc- t ion sale for $10,000. H i s ten months-old bull calf sold in our '07 sale for $10,200. and in the same sale his grandson, "Stockwell." sold for $11,500. (See his extended pedi- gree, front page A.) Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C, now named Sultana's Rosette. 149740, A. J. C. C A very rich and per- tistent milker. 1st pr. over Jer., '89. 1st H. B. prize. Dam of Flying Fox. P. 2729. H. C Alicante. P. 3880, H.C. Forfarshire, P. 2914. H. C. Ravachol. P. 2032, C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam. Son of Rosette 5th. P. 2881, H. C (as above). [ Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test. 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours. Fontaine's King, P. 2207, H. C. Sire of John Bull and other noted animals, including O r i g a's Queen, winner Cer- tificate of Merit in public butter test, May, '02, 1 lb. 12i ozs., 107 days in milk. By same sire as Golden Fern's Lad (above). Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. (See below.) Rob Roy, P. 1184, H. C. 3d over Jer., Aug., '89. Sire of Zanzibar, win- ner of Certificate of Merit in butter test. May. '00, 1 lb. 14J ozs. in 24 hours. Gamboge 2d, P. 2294. H. C. Golden Lass. F. 5711. H. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. Oxford Dahlia. P. 2588, H. C. C Brown Bess 2d, P. ^42S, H. C. Biron, P. 1375, C. Everton Lord, P. 1088, H. Brow n Bess, F. 7455.C. I Widow. F. 2360, C. Oxford Lass. P. 3582. C. She was never tested for butter, but milk ed as high as 28 qts. daily. Dam of Golden Queen of St. Saviour, 2 lbs. lj ozs., 214 days in milk. oxford Ixia. a famous winner in the public butter tests; among the many that she won being the Bronze Medal in March. 00. testing 2 lbs. 8 ozs. Caiest, whose eight daughters, in our '05 sale, averaged $987.50. Houpla, sire of Lady Houpla, winner <>! Champion Cup. testing 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 73 days in milk and after hrsi calving. Flying Fox's I ixford I. ass. 1st prize winner over the Island. Oxford Lad, P. 3123, H. C. who distinguished himself by having sired a remarkable lot of bulls and , cows, winners in the best shows and in the public butter tests. Last calf September 29, 1915, by Algiers, P. 5172, C. (Sent to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas.) Bred March 12, 1916, to Jolly Sultan <»i" Linden, 120838, a magnificent son of our peerless Grand Champion, Sultana's Golden Jolly, S6180, strong in the blood of Lady Viola and Golden Sultana, through two lines. His dam, Sultana's Golden Viola, 240363, is by Sultana's Oxford Lad, 70506, out of Golden Jolly's Lady Viola, 203669, one of the greatest daughters of Golden Jolly, being full sister to Viola's Golden Jolly, 7931 1. (See front pages for extended pedigree of Jolly Sultan of Linden, 120838.) B 90 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 96. Cow. OXFORD'S PRETTY NATTIE, 353239, A. J. C. C. (Vespasia 4th, P. 18912, H. C.) FULL SISTER TO OXFORDS HANDSOME NATTIE, 344012 (SEE OPPOSITE PAGE). Bred by J. A. Romeril, St. Peter, Island of Jersey. Born September 8. 1911. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A handsome greyish fawn of great substance and symmetry; every indication of being a powerful dairy cow; long, clean, flat neck and prominent withers; splendid top line; great depth of body; strong loins, wide hips and good setting of tail; body long, well ribbed, and of great capacity; mellow, elastic hide; long tail, with beautiful switch; udder of great size and perfect balance, extending well for- ward and out behind; teats of extraordinary length, beautifully placed. Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H. C, now named IMPORTED OXFORD YOU'LL DO, 111860, A. J. C. C. Imported in '13 by "Linden Grove." Sire of 21 or more offi- cial test cows, in- cluding You'll Do's Favorite, sold in our '14 auction for $500, who is just finishing an official test and will make more than 900 lbs. butter in 1 year, as a 4-yr.-old. He sired the Champion cow over the Island of Jersey in May, '15, who also won 1st in her class (76 entries) as a 3 -year- old, and 1st as a 2- year-old (68 entries), at the Royal Show, May, '14. He sired the Grand Champion bull at the Indiana State Fair, '15, who was bred at "Linden Grove" and sold as a calf in our '14 auc- tion for $525. He sired the 1st prize 3 -year-old cow (11 entries) at Texas State Fair, '15, who was sold in our '14 auction for $745. He sired many other 1st prize and Cham* pion winners. Nine daughters of Ox- ford You'll Do in our ' 1 3 auction (six of them heifers and heifer calves) sold for an average of $504.44; and 19 of his progeny in our '14 auction sold for an average of $683 (eight of them bulls and calves of both sexes). (See opposite page for extended pedigree of Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C.) Dam NATTIE, P. 12475, C. Winner of Reserve No., aged cows, St. Helier Show, '13. Her daughter, Noble's "Vespasia, 289456, is dam of the bull, Tom You'll Do, 113062, selected in our '14 auction by Mr. Jacob E- White, the w e 1 1-k n o w n Greenville (Ohio) dairyman, and pur- chased by him for $200, at 13 months old. Beechland's Champion, P. 3599, H. C. 3d over Jersey. Class 8, Aug., '05. Sire of Beechland's Champion Lily, 291464. in Reg- ister of Merit, 572 lbs. 13 ozs. of butter in 1 year, 8,837 lbs. 11.2 ozs. milk, 7 yrs. old. Minette of Anneville, 257107, in Register of Merit, 470 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 year, 6,481 lbs. 11.2 ozs. milk, at 5 years old. Bermuda 4th, public butter test, May, '08, 1 lb. 11| ozs. in 24 hrs., at 3 yrs. old. Ruby 3d, public but- ter test, 1 lb. 11$ ozs. in 24 hrs., 201 days after calving. Claribelle, public but- ter test, 1 lb. 11 ozs. in 24 hrs., 81 days after calving. Ermyntrude 2d, pub- lic butter test, June, '09, 1 lb. 8^ ozs. in 24 hours, 4 years old. Princess Emma, 1st over Jer., Aug., '13, Class 5. Silvery King, 2d over Jersey, Class 1, Apr., '07. St. Martin's Minetta, 257106, 2d prize aged cow, Lexing- ton, Ky., '12. Beechland's Champion Lily (above) was 1st prize aged cow at Missouri State Fair, '14 and '15; 1st at Hutchinson, Kan., and 2d at American Royal (7 entries), '15; sold at auction for $500. WoodviUe's Champion, P. 3901, H. C, son of Beechland's Champion, is sire of 2 tested cows, in- cluding Apache, F. I01S0, H. C. (2 lbs. i oz.), winner of 1st at Royal Show, 58 entries, and Theatre Challenge Cup, May, '12. Petune du Couvent, P. 10963, C. Her sire also produced Day Dream, P. 12216, H. C., winner of 1st pr. over Jer. and Par. pr.. May, '07; Par. prize, May, '06; dam of Day Dream 2d, Par. pr., May, '08. (Now named Noble's- Day Dream, 269775, and sold in our '12 auc- tion for $510, to El- mendorf Farm, Lex- ington, Ky.) Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st pr. over the Island in a class of 44, '02. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '03. One of the most suc- cessful sires the Is- land has produced. Sire of 7 tested cows, and of many produc- ing sons. Among his noted prog- eny are: Agatha's Oxford Lass, P. 11386, H. C, win- ner of 2 Certificates of Merit, besides 1st prize over Jer. and Theatre Challenge Cup, May, '11, and Reserve for Renouf Cup, "best butter test cow judged by inspection," May, '09 ; Reserve, May, '07. Gamboge's Knight, sold in our '1 1 auc- tion for $6,700; sire of 41 tested cows, and the bulls, Ox- ford You'll Do and Oxford Knight. Sultan of Oaklands, 1st prize, Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham., St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '05. Combination, P. 3744, H. C, 1st prize over Jersey, May, '06; 1st prize, St. Helier Show, Aug., '06; 1st prize and Champion, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, April, '09. River Belle, F. 8273, H. C. 1st over Jer., '02, '04. Public butter test, 1 lb. 1 1 ozs., 165 days in milk. Dam of Beechland's Favourite, 3d over Jer., '02 and '03. Honest Lad, P. 15185, H. C, sire of 4 tested cows, and the noted bull, Goddington Winks, a great Eng- lish prize winner. His daughter, Hon- est Jan e, 306563, was one of the great cows in our '14 auc- tion, selling for $600 to Mr. E. H. Hatch, Colinwood Farm, Maplewood, N. J. Astor, P. 3042, H. C. 1st ov. Jer., Aug., '02, and Apr., '03. Sire of 1 1 public butter test cows, including: Retreat's Ituna, Cer- tificate of Merit and 2d Goddington pr., May, '06, 2 lbs. 6i ozs., 132 days in milk. Albani 2d, Certificate of Merit and 1st Par. prize, May, '11, 2 lbs. 6J ozs., 126 days in milk. Egmont 2d, Certificate of Merit, May, '10, 2 lbs. 2\ ozs., 50 days in milk. Petune's Polly, P. 9676, H. C. Certificate of Merit, public butter test. May. '05, l lb. 13 ozs., 89 days in milk. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Among his 26 tested daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. butter, 13,604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. butter, 11,198 lbs. milk, 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Sa- viour, 411.96 lbs. butter, 6,841 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dream- wold, 10,060 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Syria o' Dream- wold, 11,075 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Maid o' The Sea, 11,530 lbs. milk, 1 year. . Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. (A highly commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432, H.C., J.H.B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. 14 ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. She sold in our '02 auc- tion for $1,700, to Mrs. M. M. Patter- son, Port Kennedy, Pa. Full sister to Beresford Darkie, public but- ter test, 2 lbs. ^ oz. in 24 hours, 5 years old. Truefit, P. 1425, H. C. Sire of Brand, 1st over Jer- sey, '99; sold in our '01 sale. Diplomate, P. 5253, H. C, one of the Is- land's great cows. ' Senator, P. 2759, H. C Sire of Pretty Lady Superior 10th, P. 9401, H. C, winner of 4th prize over Jer. and Par. prize. Class 2, Aug., '02. Leda's Golden Lad, who sired Dorothy's Pearl, Certificate of Merit and 3d God- dington pr.. May, '07, 1 lb. 155 ozs., 119 days in milk; Certificate of Merit. May, '09, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 110 days in milk; and many other celebrated cows and prize winners. [ Vicomtesse du Couvent 3d, P. 6684, C. Pomona's Glory, P. 2741, C. Son of Mandarin, P. 2227, C, and Po- mona 4th, P. 5414, H. C. [ Petune's Favourite, P. 8176, C. (Favorite Girlie, 168521, A. J. C. C.) Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son, Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son, Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 auc- tion sale for $10,000. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C, now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C. 1st prize over Jer., '89. A very rich and per- sistent milker. Ravachol, P. 2032, C. B y a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam, he proved him- self a remarkable sire, but was butch- ered before his value as a sire was known. . Courageous Countess of Oaklands, P. S640, H. C-, now named Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours, Jersey weight. Punch, P. 1000, H. C. 1st over Jer. and 1st H. B. pr., '88. 2d Essex Show, Eng. 1st and Cham., Nor- folk, Eng. 1st Herts Show. 2d pr., Cambridge S., '90. . Siddine 2d, P. 1838, H. C. Nizam, P. 240S, H. C. 1st pr., St. Peter, '97. Sire of Gold Medal Princess, 3 lbs. 2\ ozs., and sold in our '05 sale for $1,200. Sire of Golden Lad of St. Peter, 57223, Cham, winner over three Western Par- ishes, '99. t Belle du Couvent, P. 4674, H. C. 1st pr. over Jer., '94. Dam of Belle du Cou- vent 5th, 3d over Jer., May, '02. Daughter of Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. (see above); dam, Orphan 2d, P. 2844, H. C, 1st prize, St. Mary Show, '92. ' Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all pr. winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours. , Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d over Jer., 2d H. B. and Par. pr"., '94. Sarabond, P. 797, H.C. He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. This was a great loss to the Island, as he undoubtedly was a great sire. . Rosette 4th, P. 2128.C. Orme, P. 1660, H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, 2 lbs. \\ ozs. of butter in 24 hours. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. 1st pr. over Jer., '89. f Courage, P. 1813, C. i Mr. Francis Le Brocq told us that the bull Courage was the best son of Golden Lad. .Grassy Brown, P. 3370, H. C. Prince of Waverly, P. 731, H. C. His dam is Happy's Waverly, F. 5423, H. C, and his sire is by Happy, F. 309, H. C. Davisonnerie's Pet, F. 6038, H. C. Oscar, F. 410, H. C. Siddine, F. 4153, C. Golden Pasha, P. 2154, C. Sire of Rome. 1st Devon County; 1st Bath and West Show; H. Cm Royal Show, '98; 2d Bath and West Show; 2d Royal Counties Show; 1st Royal Show; 2d Cam- bridge Show; 1st Gloucester Show ; 1st and Champion Spr., '97. Crown Prince, 1st over Eng., Essex Show, and other winnings. Jersey Lily, P. 4004, C. 2d St. Peter. Golden Boy 2d, P. 1251, C. (Never exhibited.) Darkey's Daisy 3d, P. 3445, H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Comtesse du Couvent, F. 75S4, II. C. Golden Pride, P. 1903, H. C. 2d pr., Bath and West of Eng. Show, '98. Blue Belle. P. 4307, H. C. Sold at our auction for $3,600. Due to calve April 15, 1916, by Oxford Sultan of Oaklands, P. 5182, H. C, a son of the distinguished Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C, and out of Noble Sultane of Oaklands, P. 17281, H. C, the latter a daughter of Noble of Oaklands, 95700, and Sultanne of Oaklands, P. 11017, H. C. Sultanne of Oaklands has a public butter test of 1 lb. 13 ozs. in 24 hours, 6S days after calving. She is dam of the bull, Blue Sultan, 8806, E. H. B., who produced Goddington Noble, imported by "Linden Grove" in 1913 for Elmendorf Farms. Sultanne of Oaklands is by Flying Fox, and out of the same dam as Sultan of Oaklands, P. 3746, H. C. Rob Roy, P. 118 H. C. Vicomtesse du Couvent, P. 4758, H. C. 1st and Champion, Western Shows, "93. Caumais Lad, P. 2257, H. C. 2d over Jersey, '96. Petune's Pet, P. 5704, H. C. Winner of Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '95; and other prizes. B 307 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTL E, MAY 30, 1916. No. 97. Cow. YOU'LL DO'S LASSIE, 353261, A. J. C. C. (Oak View Lass, P. 19647, H. C.) Bred by J. F. Lesbirel, St. Mary, Island of Jersey. Born May 19, 1912. Imported October 13, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A magnificent steel grey, stylish and symmetrical of outline; good head, with prominent, lustrous eyes; flat neck and thin withers; long, deep body; well- sprung ribs; back straight and strong; loins broad, with gTeat width of hips and length of rump; hide exceedingly tbin and mellow; prominent milk veins. splendid udder, of great size, with long, squarely placed teats. more cows. •774 at 4J Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H. C. Full brother to Oxford Knight. P. 3938, C, sire of 12 butter test cows, 6 of them in Register of Merit, averaging 575 lbs. 8 ozs of butter in 1 year. 8.773 lbs. 12.9 ozs. milk, at 5 yrs. old. Five of his tested daughters were im- ported by ■'Linden Grove" and sold in our auctions for an average of $927 Sire of 22 oi official test including; You'll Do's Favorite, just finishing test with more than 900 lbs. butter as a 4- year-old. Imp. Rustic Ivy lbs. 7 ozs. yrs. old. Oxford's Triumph Maiden. 554 lbs. 7 ozs.. at 4 vts. 3 mos. Oxford's Ever Lass 480 lbs. 4 ozs., at 2 yrs. 3 mos. Edith You'll Do, 47a lbs. 6 ozs., at 3 yrs. Oxford's Gamboge Agatha. 438 lbs., at 3 yrs. 5 mos Oxford Lavender. 431 lbs. 9 ozs., at 4i yrs. Stella You'll Do, 429 lbs 15 ozs., at 4 yrs. Hope You'll Do, 408 lbs. 10 ozs., at 2 yrs. 3 mos. , i Ixlord You 11 Do s Circus Girl, 390 lbs. 3 ozs.. at 2 yrs. Egypt You'll Do, 454 lbs. 8 ozs., at 5 yrs. 5 mos. Lucea Oxford, 378 lbs. 5 ozs., at 3 yrs. 7 mos. e And a number o others with official tests on the Island of Jersey for varying periods, six of which have been lately imported by "Lin- den Grove" and will be sold in this auc- tion. All of the tests above mentioned are Reg- ister of Merit rec- ords. Six of the cows, including the highest, were im- ported by "Linden Grove." Oxford You'll Do is sire of many prize winners! (See other pedigrees for further particu- lars.) Dam JANUARY LASS, F. 9629, H. C. Winner of Parish prize, Royal Show, Jersey, Aug., '10. 2d prize and Sweep- stakes. St. Mary Show, '13. Due to calve May Antonio, Texas.) Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jer. (with his prog- eny), Apr.. 'Ox. Sold at our '11 auction for $6,700, to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,750 each. He has already 41 test- ed daughters. 1 1 of his daughters, in our '11 auction, averaged $1.391. 36. His five highest test- ing daughters were imported by "Lin- den Grove" and sold in our auctions, in- cluding: Gamboge's Grey- Beauty. 784 lbs. 12 ozs. butter in 1 year. Gamboge's Tiddledy- wink, 722 lbs. 14 ozs. butter in 1 year. Gamboge's Fancy Princess, 712 lbs. 9 ozs. butter in 1 year. We imported many others among h i s very best progeny. Gamboge's Tiddledy- wink (above) , Grand Cham, at Nat. Dairy Show, '12, in her year's test, gave 10,279.8 lbs. milk and 717 lbs. 8 ozs. butter (on show cir- cuit 2\ mos. during test). She was also 1st prize cow in a ring of 20 entries and Senior Champion at the Waterloo (Iowa) Dairy Show-. 12 — "the greatest exhi- bition of Jerseys in the history of the breed." She was imported by "Lin- den Grove," and sold in our '11 auc- tion for $1,750, to White Horse Farm. Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. About the best and most valuable cow in the herd of Mr. J. A. Perree, Sec'y Island of Jer. Herd Book. Daughter of the cele- brated Oxford Lass. Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass (by Agatha's Flying Fox, above), public butter test, May,'09, 2 lbs. li ozs., 83 days in milk. Oxford Triumph, pub- lic butter test. May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. Oxford Knight, sire of 1 2 tested cows. Oxford F,va, dam of Oxford John I), who has 3 daughters in the Register of Merit. Agatha's Flying Fox. P. .3256. H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes. St. Saviour and G r o u v i 1 1 e Show. '02. 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. Sire of Agatha's Oxford Lass (out of the great cow, Oxford Ever, below), public but- ter test. May. '08, 1 lb. 10 ozs., 97 days in milk (cows under 5 yrs.); public but- ter test. May, '09. 2 lbs. li ozs., 83 days in milk; winner of 1st prize over Jer- sey and Theatre Challenge Cup, May. 11; Reserve for Renouf Cup, "best butter test cow judged by inspec- tion," May, '07. Sultan of Oaklands, 1st prize, Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham., St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '05. Combination, P. 3744, H. C, 1st prize over Jersey, M a y, '06; 1st prize, St. Helier Show, Aug., '06; 1st prize and Champion, St. Saviour and Grou ville Show, Apr., '09. His breeder, Mr. John A. Perree, sold him to Mr. Howard Wil- 1 e t s, "G e d n e y F a r m," White Plains, N. Y., for $5,000. Twelve of his heifers, ten of which were yearlings, sold in our '05 auction sale for an average of $558. Fontaine's Oxford Pride, 187430, A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C.) 3d prize over Jersey, Aug., 01, '02. 3d pr. in public but- ter test, 2 lbs. 7j ozs., 48 days in milk. Sold for $2,500, in our '05 auction to Mr. How. Willets, owner of Gedney Farm. Bessie's Lad, P. 2479, H. C. By the same sire as Orlando, P. 2535, H. C, sire of Fairy Glen. P. 9178. H. C, dam of Raleigh's Fairy Boy and Fairy Glen's Raleigh. Champion Flying Fox, 61441. A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C.) Champion winner over the Island, Aug. ,'99. Among his many test ed daughters arc- Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. butter, 13,604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. butter, 11,198 lbs. milk, 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Sa- viour, 411.96 lbs. butter, 6,841 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dream- wold, 10,060 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Syria o' Dream- wold. 11,075 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Maid o' The Sea, 11,530 lbs. milk. 1 year. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. (A highly commended cow. Agatha. F. 8432. H. C, J.H.B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. li ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. She sold in our 02 auction for $1,700, to Mrs. M. M. Pat- terson, Port Ken- nedy, Pa. Caiest. P. 2591.H. C. 1st prize, Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville Show, '98. Sire of Mabel's Poet, P. 2964. H. C. and other noted animals, among them being Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C., 2 lbs. 7{ ozs. Fifteen daughters of Caiest sold in our '05 and '06 auction sales, averaging $865 each. Gamboge's Pride, P. 4508, H. C. Winner of the follow ing public butter tests: May, '96, 2 lbs. 7i ozs. Oct., '96, 2 lbs. 2i ozs., 217 days in milk. May, '97, 2 lbs. 53 ozs. Oct., 97, 2 lbs., 4i ozs. Oct.. '98, 2 lbs. 7j ozs., 118 days in milk. Golden Lad 2d. P. 2023. H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Daisy. 136499, 19 lbs. 2 ozs. Golden Lad's Mer maid, sold at our '02 sale for $1,100. Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold at our 03 sale for $1,725. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show. '96. '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son. Flying Fox. sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son, Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 sale for $10,000. Ten of his get have been sold at an aver- age of $4,560. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C., now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740. A. J. C. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. Dam of Flying Fox, P. 2729. H. C. Alicante. P. 3880. H.C. Forfarshire, P. 2914, H. C. Ravachol, P. 2032, C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam, he proved him- self a remarkable sire, but was butch- ered before his value as a sire was known. Courageous Countess of Oaklands, P. 8640, H. C, now named Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours, Jersey weight. Fontaine's King, P. 2207. H. C. Oxford Lass. P. 3582, C. i Rob Roy. P. 1184, H. C. 3d over Jer., Aug., '89. Sire of Zanzibar, win- ner Certif. of Merit in butter test. May, '00, 1 lb. 14i ozs. in 24 hours. Dam of Golden Fern's Tulip. 161059, that milked 11,852 lbs. milk and 597 lbs. estimated butter in one year; 19 lbs. 8i ozs. butter in seven days. Gamboge 2d, P. 2294, H. C. Dam of Gamboge 4th, 2 lbs. li ozs., 24 hrs. Orme, P. 1660. H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, winner of 1st pr., B. and W. S.. N. A. S. S., and 1st at the Yorkshire S., Eng., '95. (2 lbs. 9J ozs. of butter in 24 hrs.) Boyle. P. 1559, H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all pr. winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9.000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d over Jer.. 2d H. B. and Par. prize, '94. Sarabond. P. 797, H.C. He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. This was a great loss to the Island, as he undoubtedly was a great sire. Rosette 4th. P. 2128.C. Orme, P. 1660, H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, 2 lbs. li ozs. of butter in 24 hours. Little Eminence, 122506. 21 lbs. 6 ozs. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. 1st pr. over Jer., '89. f Courage, P. 1813, C. Mr. Francis Le Brocq told us that the bull Courage was the best son of Golden Lad. Grassy Brown, P. 3370, H. C. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. (See above.) Fontaine 4th, P. 2537, C. 1st over Jersey, '90, '91. 1st Herd Book. '90. Favorite Boy, P. 882, H. C. His grandson. Favor- ite Lad, is sire of Iris, winner of Gold Medal (1st prize) in butter test. May, '01, 2 lbs. 4i ozs., 220 days in milk; Certificate of Merit. May, 00. 2 lbs. 5 ozs., 76 days in milk. Browny's Grey, P. 2353, H. C. , Oscar, F. 410, H C. Brown Bess 2d, P. 5428, H. C. Golden Lass, F. 5711. H. C. 1st over the Island. r BironJP. 1375, C. { Brown Bess, F. 7455.C. Gamboge, F. 5846, H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '90. Oxford Dahlia, P. 2588. H. C. Won 1st pr. and C, Oxfordshire Show, Eng., '93. 1st pr., R. A. S.. Ches- ter, Eng., '93. 1st p. and Silver Cup, 11. S., '93. Everton Lord, P. 1088. H. C. Widow. F. 2360, C. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. One of the most cele- brated cows the Island ever pro- duced. She was never tested for but- ter, but milked as high as 28 quarts daily. Dam of Golden Queen of St. Saviour, 2 lbs. lj ozs, 214 days in milk. , „k. „™ hi.;., thr Oxford Ixia, a famous winner in the public butter tests; among the many that she won being the Bronze Medal in March, '00. testing 2 lbs. 8 ozs. C-iiest whose eight daughters, in our '05 sale, averaged $987.50. Hotipla sire • oi "ifady Houpla. winner of Champion Cup. testing 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 73 days m milk and after first calving. , Flying Fox's Oxford Lass, 1st prize winner over the Island ( ixford Lad. P. 3123. H. C. who distinguished himself by having sired a remarkable lot of bulls and cows, winners in the best shows and in the public butter tests. I.". 1916, by General Cowslip, P. 4743, H. C. (Calf will be sent to Messrs. J. 0. Terrell & Sons, San B 305 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 98. Cow. OXFORD ADA OF OAKLANDS, 353275, A. J. C. C. (P. 20750, H. C.) Bred by J. A. Perree, St. Saviour, Island of Jersey Born April 15, 1913. Imported October 31. 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color, except few white specks on belly; black tongue and switch. A large, powerful young cow of remarkable development for her age; has every indication of superior dairy capacity; robust, and of the deep- bodied, rangy type; neat head, with thin, flat neck; sharp withers; prominent spine and level top line; strong loins and prominent hips; great length of rump; hide soft and mellow; immense, well shaped udder, with splendid large teats, squarely placed. Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H. C. Sire of 22 or more offi- cial test cows. 16 of them with Register of Merit records, in- cluding: You'll Do's Favorite, just finishing with more than 900 lbs. butter as a 4-year- old. She was sold in our '14 auction for $500, to Mr. E. T. Bedford, Greens Farms, Conn. Imp. Rustic Ivy, 774 lbs. 7 ozs., at 4^ yrs. old. She was 1st pr. 3 -year-old (11 en- tries) at New York State Fair, '13; 1st pr. 4-year-old, Con- necticut State Fair, '14; 1st prize 5-year- old, dam of the Gr. Champion bull and the 1st prize "pro- duce of cow," New York State Fair, '15. Six of his Register of Merit daughters were imported by "Linden Grove." Six others with official tests on the Island of Jersey, were im- ported by "Linden Grove" in '15, and will be sold in this auction. Oxford You'll Do is sire of many prize winners, including: Golden Oxford Ivy, Champion over the Island of Jersey in '15; 1st prize 2-year- old at Royal Show, May, '14 (68 en- tries), and 1st prize 3-year-old, May, '15 (76 entries). Now named You'll Do's Champion Ivy, 353251, and cata- logued for this auc- tion (see No. 50). Kingsway, P. 5158, H. C, 1st prize bull, Class 2, 19 entries. Royal Show, May. '15. Dam NOBLE ADA OF OAKLANDS, 306599, A.J. C.C. Sold in our '14 auction to Mr. R. Conroy Vance, Fredericks- burg, Va. Full sister to Noble Maid of St. Saviour, 306629, sold in same auction to Folly Farms, Abington, Pa. Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. (95700, A. J. C. C) 1st over Jersey with progeny, Apr., '10. Sold at our '1 1 auction for $15,000. Among his 37 tested daughters are: Noble's Handsome Queen, in Register of Merit, 614 lbs. 3 ozs. butter in 1 year; sold in our '10 auc- tion for $875, to the late Hon. A. M. Bowman. Noble's Golden Chance, Register of Merit, 530 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 year. Brampton Lady Oak- lands, in Canadian Record of Merit. 486 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in 1 year. Noble's Golden Pride, 443 lbs. 2.8 ozs. Noble's Nursie, 440 lbs. 7 ozs. Noble's Beautiful Lily, 414 lbs. 7 ozs. Noble's Beautiful Nelly, 404 lbs. 6 ozs. Brown Bess of Grou- ville, 401 lbs. 12 ozs. St. Clement's Noble Maid, 394 lbs. 10 ozs. Noble's Imp. Duchess, 385 lbs. 2 ozs. Sire of 28 bulls with official test daugh- ters, including Noble's Jolly Sultan, a "Linden Grove" service bull who has ten tested daughters. More than 200 1st prs. and Championships stand to the credit of Noble of Oaklands and his get so far as the records have been tabulated. Noble of Oaklands and his sons won all 1st prizes at the bull show, Island of Ter., April, '10. At t h e bull show, Apr., '11, sons of Noble of Oaklands won 2 out of four first prizes. Absolution. P. 10465. H. C. f Blue Belle's Blue Fox, P. 3633, H. C A very promising sire and great show bull. He was sold at Mr. D. S. Williams' sale, Nashville, Tenn,, Dec, '07, for $1,025, to Mr. Harry Pren- tice, Worcester, M ass., who was offered a large • ad- vance in price right after the sale. Sire of Blue Belle's Blue Lad, 72314, 1st prize and Grand Cham, bull, San Antonio (Tex.) International Expo- sition, '09. Anna's Dorothy, 222016. in Register of Merit, 14 lbs. 15 ozs. in 7 days, at 4 years old. Sire of 4 bulls with tested daughters in Register of Merit. A son of the famous old Blue Belle, that sold in our '04 sale for $3,600. Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. Sold in our '11 auction for $7,000. 1st prize over Jer., '04. Public butter test, May. '04, 2 lbs. 12 ozs. 1st ov. England wher- ever exhibited, '06, '07 and '08. Dam of Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314, sold in our '09 auction for $11,000. Miss Viola, P. 9644, H. C, that tested in public butter test, May, '05, 2 lbs. 15 ozs. Wilton's Rosy, P. 10444, H. C, that tested in public but- ter test, 3 lbs. of butter. Poppy Viola, P. 10902, H. C, win- ner of Bronze Medal in public butter test, yielding 1 lb. 15 ozs., when 159 days in milk, after dropping her first calf, being only 30 months old. f Mermaid's Hopeful, 61448, A. J. C C. (Imported.) He has proved himself a very successful sire. Imported by us in Sep- tember, '01 , to breed to the daughters of Flying Fox. In his pedigree is a com- bination of the best dairy blood the Is- land ever produced. Semeramis, P. 560, H. C., is descended from Welcome, F. 172, H. C. through Hero, P. 90, H. C, who is sire of Daisy of St. Peter. 20 lbs. 5£ ozs. ; etc. Confession, P. 9102, H. C Due to calve May 31, 1916, by Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570, H. C, winner of 1st prize and Championship, Grouville-St. Saviour Show, April, '11; 1st prize over Jersey (2-year-old class, 29 entries), April, '12, and other prizes. He is a son of the distinguished Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C, who sold in our '11 auction for $15,000, and his dam is the foundation cow, Lady Aldan, P. 8470, H. C, winner of 1st prize over Jersey and Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '09. She is a daughter of Golden Fern's Lad, and the head of a great family. (See No. 100 for extended pedigree of Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570, H. C.) Shy Fox, P. 3143, H. C. Champion winner at St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Is- land of Jer.. '02. 1st and Championship, Ohio and Illinois State Fairs. '03. His sire, Flying Fox, is also sire of Aga- tha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C, 1st pr. and Sweepstakes, St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '02; 1st prize over the Island in a class of 44, '02; 1st pr. over the Is- land, Aug., '03. Blue Relic, P. 4307, H. C. Sold in our '04 auction sale to Mr. Howard Willets, "Gedney F arm," White Plains, N. Y., for $3,600. Dam of Caumais Lad. P. 2257, H. C, sire of Financial King, P. 2624, H. C, and Guenon's Lad, both noted sires. Nobleman, P. 2555, H. C. 1st over Jer., Aug., '98. Sire of Island Admira- tion, butter test, 14 lbs. 9 ozs. in 7 days. Bagatelle 2d, P. 6564, H. C, now named Golden Lad's Victoria, 157325. Sold in our '01 sale for $745. Full sister to Golden Lad's Fawn Duch- ess, that tested 23 lbs. 6 ozs. Hopeful, P. 2584, H. C Three 1st prizes, St. Brelade Show. Special pr., St. Bre- lade Show. Sire of Sal Sly. P. 9076, C, winner in public but- ter test. May, '03; Certificate of Merit, 1 lb. 13 ozs., 137 days in milk ; Par. pr., Aug., '02. Dam of Sal Sly 3d. P. 15515, J. H. B., win- ner of St. Brelade Par. prize, May, '11. Honeymoon 2d, P. 9077, H. C, winner of Par. prizes. May, '01, and May, '02. Mermaid 8th, P. 7847, H. 0., now named Golden Lad's Mermaid, 162096. A magnificent cow. Her dam was imported by Mr. C. A. Sweet, Buffalo, N. Y.. and tested for him, 21 lbs. 3 ozs. butter in 7 days. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729. H. C.) Champion winner over the Island, Aug.. '99. (See above.) Bonne Soeur, P. 6243, C. Half-sister to Jolly Sul- tane, P. 11003, H.C., dam of Noble's Jolly Sultan. Her dam is half-sister to Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. Cm dam of Golden Sultana, that sold in our 'lO.iauc- tion for $3,700. Flying Fox. P. 2729. H. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug. .'99. Sold at our auction sale. May, '02, for $7,500. Sire of Fox Glove, that tested in public butter test on the Island. 2 lbs. Si ozs. in 24 hours. Oxford Vixen. 2 lbs. 2i ozs. Fox's Belle of Grou- ville, 21 lbs. 3 ozs. Fox's Belle of Trinity, 20 lbs. 5 ozs. Flying Fox's Rowena, 17 lbs. 2\ ozs. Flying Fox's Pearl, 15 lbs. 7 ozs. Brookhill Fox (out of the great cow, Brookhill Rose 2d), winner 1st at Royal Show, England, '02. in a class of 32, and sold at auction for $5,000. Venus Violet, P. 3946, H. C. A magnificent dairy cow, milking 20 quarts daily. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son. Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son. Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 auc- tion sale for $10,000. Ten of his get have been sold at an average of $4,560. (For full particulars, see page A.) Sire of Golden Sultana, sold for $3,700; dam of the distinguished bull. Sultana's Gold- en Jolly. Rosette 5th, P. 2881. H. C A very rich and per- sistent milker. Dam of Flying Fox, P. 2729, Alicante, P. 3880. H.C. Forfarshire, P. 2914, H. C. Three Cham, winners. f Golden Lad. P. 1242, H. C. Aristocrat, \ P. 2280, H. C. I Nameless. 1st and Sweepstakes, P. 3222, H. C- 3-Par. Show, '97. 1st over Jersey. 94. Gipsy Maid, P. 4424, H. C. 3d over Jersey, '97. Golden, P. 2166, H. C. Three 1st prizes and Champion Cup, St. Brelade Show. His sire's dam. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447, H. Cm won 2d pr. over Jer., '88; 2d H. B. pr. over Jer., '88; 2d Lon. Dairy Show, '88; 1st pr. over Eng.. '90; 1 lb. 14£ ozs. of butter. Miss Sergeant, P. 5407, H. Cm now named St. Brelade's Grey Princess, 162124. Winner of 7 1st prizes on the Island; also 5 Champion Cups. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Grisette des Ruisseaux, P. 4359, C. Three 1st prizes, St. Brelade Show. f Young Sergeant. P. 1344, H. C 1st St. Brelade. Semeramis, P. 560, C. Two first prizes. Golden Lad 2d, P. 2023, H. C Sire of Golden Lad's Daisy, 136499, 19 lbs. 2 ozs. Golden Lad's Mer- maid, sold in our '02 sale for $1,100. Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold in our '03 sale for $1,725. Mermaid 6th, 1 P. 4012. H. Cm now named Mermaid of the Island, 138787. Blythwood Bowl, '96. Certificate of Merit, 2 lbs. 1 J ozs. r Joe, P. 1743, H. C. Full brother to Cow- slip 16th, P. 6084, H. C., one of the best daughters ever sired by Golden Lad. She was known on the Island as the £1,000 cow, as her breeder would not part with her. Young Sultane, P. 2895, C. Dam of Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. C, 2d over Jer., '85; 1st H. B. over Jer., '85; 4th over Jer., '89; 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '91. Orme. P. 1660. H. C. Was sold by Mr. J. P. Marett to Lord Rothschild at a long price. Orme also sired Little Eminence, 122506, 21 lbs. 6 ozs. Golden Lass, F. 5711, H. C One of the grandest dairy cows ever seen in Jersey. Rosy's Wonder, P. 835, H. C Sire of Mermaid of the Island. 21 lbs. 3 ozs. Tulip of the Island, 19 lbs. 8-J ozs. Mermaid, F. 2554, C. 4th over Jersey, '86. 1st over Jersey, '88. 1st Cham. Class, '89. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H- C. (See above.) Cowslip 2d, P. 810, H.C. 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, '85. Kiva, P. 759, H. C. Cetewayo, his grand sire, is also sire of Everton King, whose daughter is dam of Boyle. Sultane, P. 7, II. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '70. B 107 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 99. Cow. RALEIGH'S FINANCE, 353205, A. J. C. C. (P. 13426, H. C.) WINNER OF THEATRE CHALLENGE CUP (CHAMPIONSHIP OVER THE ISLAND), ROYAL SHOW, JERSEY, MAY, 1914. FOUR CERTIFICATES OF MERIT IN PUBLIC BUTTER TESTS; AS,A FOUR-YEAR-OLD MILKED 32 LBS. 2 OZS., 108 DAYS AFTER CALVING, PRODUCING 1 LB. Ill OZS. BUTTER IN 24 HOURS. OFFICIAL RECORD, 1914, SUPERVISED BY ROYAL JERSEY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, 559 LBS. 3.2 OZS. BUTTER IN 356 DAYS, FROM 9,971 LBS. 8 OZS. MILK, ON REGULAR HOME CARE, WITHOUT EXTRA FEED. DAM OF TWO FIRST PRIZE ISLAND BULLS— SEE DETAILS AT FOOT OF FOLLOWING PAGE, WITH PEDIGREE OF HER SPLENDID DAUGHTER. A RARE PRIZE FOR THE HERD OF ANY BREEDER. Bred by J. G. Buesnel, St. Saviour, Island of Jersey. Born June 15. 1906. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; white tongue; black switch. "One of the richest plums on the tree." A most remarkable cow, possessing great scale and dairy capacity,' combined with a refinement of type rarely seen in cows of her size and stamina. Has all the signs of the great worker that she is, and is put together symmetrically, with the deep roomy barrel, great length and "wedgy" shape which is associated with the heavy, persistent milker; withers high and sharp; prominent spinal processes; lean hind quarters, with broad hips; long rump and "cat" hams; handles like a kid glove, and has prominent, tortuous milk veins; deep, square udder, beautifully balanced, with large and perfectly placed teats. A great "brood cow," as her beautiful heifer calf on following page, and her two first prize sons, will testify. One of the "queens" of the breed. Such cows make history, and are THE KIND TO BUILD HERDS ON. Sire MABEL'S RALEIGH, P. 3722, H.C. 1st prize, Grouville, May, '05. 1st over Jersey, May, '07. Sire of 24 tested cows. He has 13 producing sons, including Fairy Glen's Raleigh, who heads the Allen Dale Farm Herd, Slulbyville. Ky.,and has 16 official test daughters averaging 477 lbs. butter in 1 year, 3 yrs. 9 mos. old. His sire also produced Raleigh's Fairy Boy. sire of 40 offi- cial test cows, 37 in Register of Merit, of which 35, tested at Knollwood Farm, have an average rec- ord of 523 lbs. 9 ozs. butter in I year, at 4 yrs. 3 mos. old. Raleigh's Fairy Boy is a 1st prize- winner at the Royal Show, and Grand Champion at Nat. Dairy Show, "10, be sides winning many other prizes. Dam I FINANCIALGOLD, P. 11729, H. C. Her dam is out of the same cow that pro- d u c e d Financial Buttercup. P. 9409. H. C, the dam of Fi- nancial Daisy, 252132 (P. 2028. H. C), sold in our '1 1 auction for $2,600. to White H o r's c Farms, Paoli, Pa. Financial Daisy won 1st at the Ri lyal Show and Blyth- wood Bowl (Cham pionship over the Island), Aug., '10; Certificate of Merit, (»ct.. '09, 2 lbs. 9i ozs. butter, 45 lbs. 4 ozs. milk, at 5 yrs. old; Register of Mer- it. Class A. 695 lbs. 12 ozs. butter in 1 year, 11.550 lbs. 11.2 ozs. milk, at 7 yrs. 1 mo. old. Eminent's Raleigh, 69011. (Raleigh. P.3273.H.C.) 3d prize over Jer.. '03. 2d State's prize. '03. Sire of many prize winners and of 48 tested cows, among the latter being: Raleigh's Lady Aldan, in Register of Merit, 744 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 1 year. Raleigh's Rose, 706 lbs. butter in 1 year. Raleigh's Calais, 696 lbs. 1 1 ozs. Mabel Marcus, 213879. (Mabel 43d. P. 8611. H. C.) A magnificent cow, only shown one sea- son and won with ease 1 st prize and Sweepstakes at the Grouville and St. Saviour Show, '06. Milked 20 quarts and made 2 lbs. 12 ozs. of butter in 24 hours on ordinary feed. Her daughter. Mabel's Fairy Maid, 214016, sold as a yearling for $725, made 529 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 year, in Register of Merit, at 5 years old. Ilamley's Golden Lad, P. 3128, H. C. Sire of Ilamley's Blanchia. 14 lbs. 2 ozs. in 7 days, 3 yrs. old; dam of 1 in Register of Merit. iMeetwing 2d, 1 lb. 93 ozs. in 24 hrs., 3 yrs. old, 105 days after calving. Prince Hamley, P. 3813. H. C, sire of 2 in Register of Merit. Les Onnes' Hamley. P. 3708, H. C, sire of 2 tested cows. He sired the dams of 5 Register of Merit cows, including Iris Belle. 615 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 1 year. Financial Rosette, P. 9842, H. C. Certificate of Merit, public butter test. May, 06, 2 lbs. 2{ ozs. in 24 hrs., at 5 years old. Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H- C. (Eminent, 69631, A. J. C. C) Winner 1st State's pr. over Jersey (with his get). '01 and '02. Goddington purse. '02. Sold in our '05 auction for $10,000, to the late Hon. A. M. Bowman, Salem, Va. Eminent 2d is sire of 81 tested cows. His 7 day tested daughters in Amer- ica are topped by Eminent's Evasion, 24 lbs. 9 ozs. Rill, P. 6982. H. C. Gave 65 lbs. milk in one day. Consider- ed one of the great- est milk producers the Island has ever known. Marcus, P. 2461, H. C. Sire of Lady Fon- taine's Rosette, 162120, that sold at our '02 auction sale for $3,100. His sire is a full broth- er to Mona's Glory, P. 2404, H. C, who has a number of daughters tested in America, and who won 1st over Jersey in '97. { Mabel 31st, P. 5324. H. C. She is out of same dam as Mabel's Lad, P. 1034, H. C. who sired Brown Fairy, F. 7819, C, dam of the noted cow, Fairy Glen, P. 9178, H. C, dam of Raleigh's Fairy Boy and Fairy Glen's Raleigh. riamley, P. 2637. H. C Now registered as Golden Lad's Cham- pion, 57222, A. J. C- Cm and sold to Mr. Elmer A. Darling, President A. J. C.C.. Beta. P. 3143. H. C- Dam of Golden Bea- trice, sold in our '01 sale for $1,400, to Biltmore Farms, Biltmorc, N. C. Interested King. P. 2841, C Out of same dam as Interested Prince. sire of 36 in Register of Merit, including Passport, 987 lbs. butter in one year, 19,694 lbs. milk (the highest year's milk record of the Jersey breed). Financial Maid, F. 8618. H. C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C Show, '96, '97. Eminence, F. 7124, H. C 2d St. Martin, '92. Sweepstakes, N. C.,'92. Hope, P. 1948, H. C. Sire of Prosper, Parish prize, '97; Hope's R e g i n a, 2d over England, half-broth- er to Beresford Pride. 1st Bath and West, '02; 1st Royal Counties, '02. Tula, P. 5323, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '94. La Chasse Prince, P. 1927, C. 1st pr., St. Ouen Show. Sire of Hope, 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '96. Woodbine, 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '97. Fontaine 8th, P. 5608, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '99. Dam of Fontaine's Lord, 1st State's pr., £30, over Jer., and 2d pr.. £8. at annual bull show, Apr., 01. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of the celebrated bull. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. Mabel 6th, P. 360, H. C. Dam of Mabel 13th, P. 1125. H. Cm 2d over Jersey, '92; 1st over Jersey, '94; dam of Mabel 23d. P. 323. H. Cm 2d over Jer.. '93. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C 1st over Island, Aug., '90. Handsome 2d, P. 2686. H. C 2d over Jersey and Parish Show, '97. 1st Par. prize, '95. Everton Prince. P. 761. H. C Miss du Cl"s. P. 1396, C ( Gamboge's Hero, P. 2416, C. 1st over Jer. as a tested sire, '98. I Compound Interest, P. 6035, H. C. Silver Medal in but- ter test, '98, 2 lbs. 2 ozs. Certificate of Merit, '99, 1 lb. 12 ozs. f Boyle, P. 1559, H. C Son of Golden Lad. Golden Fern, P. 4711. H. C. Traveler, P. 280, C. Brown Fern, F. 4606, C. Orme. P. 1660, H. C Was sold by Mr. J. P. M a r e t t to Lord Rothschild at a long price. . Regina's Pride. F. 7450. H. C f Boyle. P. 1559, H. C. I Mistake, P. 4562. C. Golden Lad. P. 1242, H. C. (See below.) Mona 8th, P. 3983, H. C- 1st pr. over Jer. and Parish prize, '96. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Fontaine 6th, P. 4320, H. C. Sister of Fontaine 9th, P. 6039, H. Cm 1st Grouville. .'99; beating the cow that won 1 st prize over the Island; Bronze Medal, '99; 21 qts. milk ; 2 lbs. 10 ozs. butter in 24 hours. Scipio. P. 157, H. C 2d over Jersey. '77. 2d Herd Book and Parish prize, '77. f Golden Lad. P. 1242, H. C. Sire of 32 tested cows, j (See below.) [ Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944. H. C. 2d St. Martin Show, "94. '95. Golden Lad. P. 1242, H. C. 1st pr. over the Island. Aug.. '90; also win- ner of £15 prize. I Oxford Dahlia. P. 2588. H. C Islander. P. 1181, H. C- (See below.) I Darkey's Dairy Pride. P. 1186, H. C. Islander. P. 1181. H.C 3d over Jersey, '90. Mona 5th, P. 2619, C. 1st over Jersey and Parish prize, '93. Dairy Lad, P. 1133. H. C- Fontaine 4th. P. 2537, C Reserve No. for Cup. "90. 1st over Jersey. '90. 1st over Jer., '91. Blythwood Challenge Cup. '91.' f TerseyBoy. P. 92.H.C I Sire of Oakland's Cora. | 19 lbs. 9h ozs. I Belle Grisette 3d. P. 90, H. C f Sans Peur. P. 2, H- C I Mabel 2d. F. 889. H. C. \ 2d pr. over Jer.. '68 Bronze Medal at C. I. Ex.. '71. 2d pr. over Jer., '75. 4th pr. over Jer., '80. Sultane's Favourite. P. 873, H. C. Golden Lass 4th. P. 2447, H. C Everton King, P. 390, C. Sire of many noted prize winners. Lemon, F. 2402. C. Umpire 3d. P. 350. C. M'me Du Pre. F. 4146, C. f Duke. P. 2093. C. Par. pr.. Apr., '95. Gamboge's Pride. P. 4508. H. C. 1st St. Saviour. '96. Winner following pub- lic butter tests May. '96. 2 lbs. 7i ozs. Oct. '96, 2 lbs. 21 ozs., 217 davs in milk. May, '97, 2 lbs. 5J ozs. Grandsire of Coo- massie. Mabel. F. 192. H. C. Cetcwayo. P. 224, C. Sire of Cetewayo's Silver Bell. 17 lbs. 2\ ozs. Cetewayo's Lily, 17 lbs. Cetewayo's Daisy. 16 lbs. 4 ozs. Quality, F. 1748. H. C Winner of 1st p. and Champion Cup at the Royal Jersey S., '82. (16 lbs. 8 OZS.) Umpire 2d, P 232. H.C. 2d ov. Jer. and Par. prize. '80, 3d over Jersey, '81. Fancy. F. 1324. C f Una's Boy, P. 1752. C. [ Gamboge 2d. P. 2294. H. C i See below.) Rob Roy, P. 1184. H. C Gamboge 2d. P. 2294. H. C Dam of Gamboge 4th. 2 lbs. H ozs.. 24 hrs. Bull calf born March 2:\, 1016. (Will be sent to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas.) Expected to be bred to the distinguished bull, Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C, winner of 1st prize, with his progeny, in a class of 7 entries, at the Roval Show, Jersey, April, '11. He sired the 1st prize 3-year-old cow over the Island, May, 14 (6Sentries), also the 1st prize 4-vcar-old cow over the Island, May, '15 (76 entries), who won the Theatre Challenge Cup (Cham- pionship over the Island). He'has 21 or more official test daughters, one of which, now on year's test, will produce close to, if not more than, DIM) lbs. butter as a four-year-old. (See front pages for extended pedigree of Oxford You'll Do, P. 401 ■>, H. C.) A bull calf from this service would be worth more than will probably be paid for the dam, even into four figures. B 111 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 100. Heifer. RALEIGH'S FINANCE'S DAUGHTER, 353284, A. J. C. C. Bred by J. G. Buesnel, St. Saviour Jersey. Born April 11. 1915. Imported August 5, 1915. by T. S. Coo Mottled brisket; most of belly white tongue white; black switch. She has the stamp of her splendid youth and beauty in addition; a golden sweet head; long, deep, well-ribbed body; strong constitution , but of fine bone beautifully set tail, with nice switch; large square udder development, large placed teats. Island of per & Sons, ankles and dam, with fawn, with neat and of and finish; promises a beautifully f Sire GOLDEN FERN'S NOBLE, P. 4570, H.C. Winner of 7 first prizes at Royal Shows on the Island of Jersey. His progeny won 1st for "get of sire" at 5 important shows in '14 and '15, includ- ing the Nat. Dairy Show, '14. His highest testing daughter. Dorothy's Noble Fern, P. 19097. H. C. (im- ported by "Linden Grove" last fall), produced as a two- year-old, 470 lbs. 5.2 ozs. butter in 361 days. Fern Beauty. P. 18914, H. C, also imported by "Linden Grove." made as a two-year- old, 358 lbs. 14£ ozs. butter in 313 days. Fly 15th, P. 18626, H. C, also of this im- portation, made as a two-y e a r-old, 320 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in 335 days. Sire of numerous win- ners, including: Lady Noble Fern, 1st prize, Class 1, 23 entries. Royal Show, May, '13. Golden Fern's Noble. Jr., 1st aged bull, 11 entries, and Senior Champion, Panama- Pacific Exposition, '15. Agatha's Maiden Fern, 1st 3-year-old heifer, 8 entries, Senior and Grand Champion, American Royal, Kansas City, '15; Grand Champion at Missouri S. Fair. '15. Warder's Fern Blos- som, 1st 3 -year-old heifer, Sr. and Gr. Champion, Hutchin son, Kan., '15; 1st at Kansas S. Fair, '15. Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. (95700, A. J. C. C) 1st over Jersey, with progeny, Apr., '10. Sold at our '1 1 auction for 515,000. Sire of 27 bulls with tested daughters. Noble of Oaklands and his sons won all 1st prizes at the bull show, Island of Jer., April, '10. At the bull show, Apr., '11, sons of Noble of Oaklands won 2 out of 4 first prizes. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, the special pr. ($250) for "get of sire, 4 to 8 animals, either sex, irrespective of age or ownership," was won by 3 of his sons and 5 daughters. More than 200 first prs. and Championships stand to the credit of Noble of Oaklands and his get, so far as the records have been tabulated. Sire of 37 butter tested cows, 31 of them in Register of Merit with authenticated tests. Lady Aldan, P. 8470, H. C. Winner of 1st prize over Jersey, Aug., '09. Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '09. And numerous other prizes. Dam of Lady Aldan 2d, P. 9788, H. C, 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, May, "03. Lady Aldan 4th, P. 11184, H. C, 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '05. Aldan's Raleigh, P. 4116. H. C, sold for $1,000 at auction. A magnificent daugh- ter of Golden Fern's Lad, and head of a great family. Dam RALEIGH'S FINANCE, 353205, A. J. C. C. Blue Belle's Blue Fox, P. 3633, H. C A son of the famous old Blue Belle, that sold in our '04 sale for S3 ,600. He was sold at Mr. D. S. Williams' sale, Nashville, T e n n., Dec, '07, to Mr. Harry Prentice Worcester, M ass., for $1,025. Sire of Anna's Doro- thy, in Register of Merit, 14 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 7 days. Sire of 4 bulls with tested daughters in Register of Merit. Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. Sold at our '1 1 auction for $7,000. Certificate of Merit, butter test. May, '04, 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 50 days in milk. 1st over Jersey and Champion, '05. 1st prize. Sweepstakes, and Cham., Grou- villeand St. Saviour, '05. 1st over Eng. wherever exhibited, '06, '07. Dam of Willoh's Rosy, P. 10444, H. C, Certifi- cate of Merit, May, '06, 3 lbs.. 38 days in milk. • Golden Jolly's Lady Viola, 203669. pub- lic butter test, I lb. 15 ozs., 159 days in milk, when only 30 months old. .We bought her at auc- tion for $2,550. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. (Imp. Golden Fern's Lad, 65300, A. J. C. C.) Winner of 1st pr. and Championship, North Club Show, '96 and '97. Purchased by us for use at "L i n d e n Grove," when 9 yrs. old, for $2,250. Sire of many prize winners and tested cows. (See other pedigrees for partial list of his tested daughters, or front page A.) Aldan, F. 6213. C. (P. 13426, H.C.) f Nobleman, P. 2555. H. C. 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr., '98. Reserve over Jersey and Par. prize, '00. 1 st at Three-Parish Show, '99. Sire of Island Admiration, 171782, butter test. 14 lbs. 9 ozs. in 7 days from 272 lbs. milk, at 8 years old. Nobleman's Lady Mary, sold in our '02 sale to J. A. Mid- delton. Shelby ville, Ky. ; the unbeaten Champion of many shows. His dam, Gipsy Maid, is also dam of Gipsy Maid 2d, P. 9641, H. C, who won 1st over Jersey, Aug., '02; 1st over Jersey (Special Class) and Cham- pion over three par- ishes. May, '10; be- sides other prizes. Bagatelle 2d, P. 6564, H. C, now named Golden Lad's Victoria. 157325. Sold in our '01 sale for $745. Full sister to Golden Lad's Fawn Duch- ess, that tested 23 lbs. 6 ozs. (■ Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all pr. winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours, from which 2 lbs. 10 ozs. of butter was made. He also sired the great cow, "S p e c k 1 e d Band." dam of the wonderful cow "Nursie." that made the phenomenal rec- ord of 2 lbs. 7i ozs. of butter in 24 hrs. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d over Jer., 2d II. B. and Par. pr., '94. Aristocrat, P. 2280. H. C. 1st over Jersey. '98. He has shown his worth as a sire of cows that are a credit to his illus- trious dam. Sire of Aristocratic Beauty, that won the Silver Medal in the public butter test on the Island, testing 2 lbs. 10£ ozs. in 24 hrs., being in milk at time of test 1 2 1 days. Sold in our '06 sale for $1,100. Gipsy Maid, P. 4424, H. C. 3d over Jersey. '97. Dam of Gipsy Maid 2d and Gipsy Maid 3d — the latter, 3d over Jersey, Aug., '10. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess. 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice. 157326. 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. Bagatelle, P. 5076, C. Dam of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess. 23 lbs. 6 ozs. Golden Lad. P. 1242. H. C- (See below.) Tootsie. P. 3214. H. C. Parish prize, '90. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land, Aug., '90. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538, 2i lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326, 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. And 30 others. Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944, H. C. 2d St. Martin Show , '94, "95. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. (See below.) [ Nameless. P. 3222. H. C 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, '93. 1st Cham. Class, '95, '96, '97, '98. Scored 97 points. Poster, P. 1152, C. A b u 1 1 held in high esteem by F. C. Le Maistre on account of his dam and gran- dam, especially the latter — La Bouanne, a splendid cow, though never regis- tered. Daisy 7th. P. 3277, H. C f Sultane's Favourite. P. 873. H. C I 1st pr., St. Saviour. I Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447, H. C- 1st pr. over Eng., '90. Baron of St. John, P. 1279, H. C His grandam, Lady Useful, P. 796. H.C. won 1st over Jersey and Parish pr., '86. [ Lugano. F. 7020, C Everton King. P. 390, C. Sire of many noted prize winners. Fontaine 2d, P. 807, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '82. Sultane's Favourite. P. 873, H. C. 1st pr., St. Saviour. Sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447, H. C 2d over Jersey, '88. 2d H. B. over Jer., '88. 2dLon. Dairy S.. '88. Cetewayo 2d, P. 370, H. C Brown Fern, F. 4606. C Aldan, F. 6213, C, is dam of the noted show cow. Silent, 114438, imported by Mr. Wm. Rockefeller and exhibited some years ago by Mr. Rolla Oliver, of St. Joseph, Mo. Silent is the dam of Hood Farm Golden Lad, 64268, a Register of Merit sire with 7 daughters entered, among them. Belle 12th of Hood Farm, 606 lbs. 10 ozs. butter in 1 year, from 9,408 lbs. 4 ozs. milk, at 6 yrs. 3 mos. old. (See opposite page for extended pedigree of this Champion winning tested daughter of Mabel's Raleigh, P. 3722, H. C.) Winner of Theatre Challenge Cup (Championship over the Island), at the Royal Show, Jersey, May, '15. 2d prize. Class 5, 30 entries, Royal Show, May. '15. Four Certificates of Merit in public butter tests; record as a four-year-old, 1 lb. ll£ ozs. in 24 hrs., 32 lbs. 2 ozs. milk. 108 days after calving. Official Island record, supervised by the Royal Jersey Agricultural Society, 559 lbs. 3.2 ozs. butter in 1 year, from 9,971 lbs. S ozs. milk (without grain or other extra feed). Dam of Financial Raleigh Sultan, P. 5015, H. C. winner of 1st prize. Class 1, 35 entries, and St Saviour Parish prize, Royal Show, April, '13; 4th prize. Class 2, 19 entries. Royal Show, April, '14. Sire of Parsifal, winner of Grouville Parish prize. Class 1, April, '15. Financial Baron. P. 4602, H. C, winner of 1st prize, St. Saviour Show, Jersey, as a two-year-old; 2d at St. Saviour Show as a yearling; Reserve, Class 4, 8 entries, with his progeny, Royal Show. April, '14; Reserve, Class 3, 7 entries, April, '15. Sire of several winners, including Zelda 4th, 4th prize. Class 2, 36 entries, Royal Show, May, '14; and Caronette of S. B., 322318, 1st prize senior yearling heifer and Junior Champion, Inter-State Fair, Spokane, Wash., '15. The two 1st prize bulls mentioned above, Financial Raleigh Sultan and Financial Baron, were sired, respectively, by a grandson and a son of Agatha's Fly- ing Fox, indicating a congenial "nick." Raleigh's Finance (see opposite page) is bred again to a grandson of Agatha's Flying Fox. viz., Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C. "What will the harvest be?" Bred April IS, 1916, to Golden Beatrice's Sultan, 121193, A. J. C. C, a bull that stands in a class by himself. He is the youngest son of the famous Golden Beatrice 2d, 162060, and her only son sired by Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86180. His sire, the peerless Sultana's Golden Jolly, is a Grand Champion and the sire of Grand Champions. His dam, Golden Beatrice 2d, has been declared by Mr. George E. Peer to have been the greatest imported cow he ever saw. She made at the rate of 18 lbs. 6 ozs. of butter in 7 days, and has repeatedly milked 22 to 24 quarts daily. She is perhaps the dam of more high selling calves than any cow in the world. (See front pages for pedigree of Golden Beatrice's Sultan, 121193.) B 112 T. S. COOPER & SONS* AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, M AY 30, 1916. No. 101. Heifer. Bred by J. G. Buesnel, St. Saviour, Island of Jersey. Born April 19. 1915. Broken color; white tongue and switch. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. A very attractive light fawn-and-white. of great substance; stylish carriage and symmetrical outline; body long, deep and well ribbed; strong, straight back; beautifully fashioned hind quarters, with well-set tail and good switch; thighs f.h'm and flat, well cut out, to make room for the splendid udder of which she has promise; teats long, squarely placed, and wide apart. SULTAN'S FINANCE'S DAUGHTER, 353285, A. J. C. C. Sire GOLDEN FERN'S NOBLE, P. 4570, H.C. Six of his heifers sold in our '14 auction for an average of $564. Winner of 2d pr. over Jer., Aug., 11. Reserve for Voisin Special (Champion- ship, bulls any age), Aug.. '11. 1st prize (2-year-old class). Royal Show, Island of Jer., Apr., 12. 1st prize, Class 8. 10 entries, Aug., '12. 1st prize, Class 3, 13 entries. Apr., '13. 2d pr.. 7 entries (with progeny), Apr., '13. And other prizes. (See opposite page for extended pedigree.) Dam SULTAN'S FINANCE, P. 14100, H. C. Certificate of Merit, public butter test, at 30 mos. old, 1 lb. 8£ ozs. in 24 hrs.. 1 13 days after calv- ing. Public butter test, May, '12. 1 lb. Hi ozs., at 5 yrs. 10 mos. old. Official R. J. A. S. rec- ord on Island of Jersey. '14. 402 lbs. 12.8 ozs. butter in 353 days ; average test, 5.4 per cent, butter fat. 2d prize. Class 3, 43 en- tries, Royal Show, and Parish prize, Aug., '09. Parish prize, Class 4, and one of group winning President's Cup, Aug.. '10. 1st prize. Class 4. 41 entries. May. '11. 1st in Champion class, Aug.. '11. 1st prize. Sweepstakes and Challenge Cup. St. Saviour Show, '11. 2d prize (Special class) and Challenge Cup, St. Saviour Show, "12. 1st prize and Challenge Cup (won outright). St. Saviour Show, '13. R e s e r v e. Class 6 (Champion class), and Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '12. 1st prize, Class 5, 45 entries, and Parish prize, May, '13. 1st prize, Class 6 (Champion class). May. '14. 1st prize. Class 5. 30 entries, and Parish prize, May, '15. Reserve for Theatre Challenge Cup, May, '15 (beaten only by You'll Do's Cham- pion Ivy, 353251, see No. 50 of this catalog) . Sultan of Oaklands, P. 3746, H. C (78475, A. J. C C) Winner of 1st over Jer- sey, Apr., '06. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr., '05. Reserve over Jersey, with progeny, Apr., '07. 1 st pr. , Sweepstakes , Breeders' Cup and Reserve Champion, St. Saviour-G r o u- ville, '05. Sire of 27 tested cows, some of which have won Certificates of Merit in the public butter tests on the Island and have made the Register of Merit in America. Among the most dis- tinguished are: Violette's Beauty 3d, P. 13895, H.C. (now Violette's Sultana, 252253), Certificate of Merit, May, '09, 1 lb. Hi ozs-. 90 days in milk, at 2 years old; won 1st and Sweepstakes, St. Sa- viour-Grouville S., '10. She sold in our '11 auction for $2,600, to Ewell Farm, Tenn. ; and her daughter, Noble's Pretty Vio- lette, 252234, sold as a 2 -year-old for $1,200 to Elmendorf Farm, Ky. Sultane's Belle,2037 1 1 , who entered the Register of Merit in '11 as a 3-year-old, with 8.488 lbs. 3.2 ozs. milk, 519 lbs. 11 ozs. estimated butter. (See other pedigrees for further particu- lars.) Simple Interest 4th, P. 11404, H. C. Certificate of Merit, public butter test, May, '06, 1 lb. 91 ozs. in 24 hrs., 2 yrs. old, 123 days after calving. St. Saviour Parish prize, Class 5, Royal Show, Aug., '12. Dam of Sultan's Interest, P. 14841, H. C, public butter test, 4 yrs. old, 1 lb. 14 J ozs. in 24 hrs.; St. Saviour Parish prize. Class 2, May, '10. Financier 2d, P. 4772, H. C, 1st prize. 8 entries, bulls from tested dams. Royal Show, Aug., '13; and other prizes. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st pr. over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '03. Sire of Combination, P. 3744, H. C, 1st prize over Jersey, May, '06; 1st prize, St. H e 1 i e r Show, Aug.. '06; 1st prize and Champion, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Apr., '09, in compe- tition with Beauvoir King, Plymouth Lad and other bulls. Agatha's Oxford Lass, 1st over Jersey and Theatre Challenge Cup, May, '11; Cer- tificate of Merit, public butter test, May, '09, 2 lbs. U ozs., 83 days in milk. Sultane's Snowdrop, P. 8578, H. C. 1st pr. over the Island, May, '01. Full sister to Golden Sultana, dam of Sul- tana's Golden Jolly. Morny Cannon, P. 3058, H. C. Winner of 3d pr. over Jer., with his prog- eny, April, '07. Sire of many prize win- ners and tested cows, among them: Simple Interest 4th, public butter test, May, '06. I lb. 95 ozs., 123 days in milk; she is dam of Sultan's Finance, winner of Blyth- wood Bowl, Aug., '12; 1st over Jersey, May and Aug., '11. Duchess of Tapon, F. 9658, H. C. (Ozouf's Duchess of Tapon, 238640), winner of Certificate of Merit, public butter test, May, '07, 2 lbs. *■ oz. in 24 hours, 43 days in milk. Sire of Magdalene, P. 12144, H. C. whose daughter, Oxford's Magdalene, 271103, in Register of Merit, Class AA, 327 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 2 years 8 mos, old. is by Oxford You'll [to, p. 4075. H. C, and full sister to Oxford's Maggie Cannon. 28945S. (See No. 55 of cata- log.) Simple Interest 2d, P. 8098, C Winner of 4 Certifi- cates of Merit in public butter tests. Record at 6 yrs. old, 2 lbs. $ oz. in 24 hrs.. 137 days after calv- ing. Dam of Simple Interest 6th, P. 13275, H. C, who has 4 public butter tests; 3 -year-old rec- ord, 2 lbs. i oz., 155 days after calving. Fl'g Fox Oxford In- terest. 166932, dam of Fox Forda, 201- 715, in Register of Merit, 796 lbs. 3 ozs. butter in 1 year, from 14.363 lbs. 6.4 ozs. milk, at 6 yrs. old. Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Among his 24 tested daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. butter, 13,604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Flower o* Dreamwold, 740 lbs. butter, 11,198 lbs. milk, 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Sa- viour, 411.96 lbs. butter, 6,841 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dream- wold, 10.060 lbs. milk, I year. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. (A highly commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432, H. CJ. H. B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. l£ ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. She sold in our '02 auction for $1,700, to Mrs. M. M. Pat- terson, Port Ken- nedy, Pa. Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale, May, '02, for $7,500. In same sale, three m of his heifers on first calf averaged $933. Among his 26 tested daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen. 870.5 lbs. butter, 13,604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. butter, 11,198 lbs. milk, 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Sa- viour, 411.96 lbs. butter, 6,841 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dream- wold, 10,060 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Syria o' Dream- wold, 1 1 ,075 lbs. milk, 1 year. (See above.) Oxford Lily 2d, P. 5732, H- C Par. prize, Aug.. '95, and May. '98. Dam of The Owl's Ox- ford Daisy, Grand Champion, Brock- ton, Mass., '10; yr.'s record, 11,659 lbs. milk and 759 lbs. butter. Quecnie's Prince. P. 2281. H. C. 2d prize over Jersey, Aug., '97. Sire of Model 2d, 1st prize winner, St. Saviour, and tested in public butter test, 2 lbs. 1 1 ozs.. May, '03, and sold in our auction sale, '04. for $995. Half-brother to Queenie's Prince 2d, P. 2574. H. C. sire of Oxford Ixia 3d. Simple Interest. P. 4456, C. Dam of Fair Interest, butter test, 2 lbs. 5£ ozs. vSimple Interest 2d. butter test, 2 lbs. i oz. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. Dam of Flying Fox, P. 2729, Alicante, P. 3880, H.C. Forfarshire, P. 2914, H. C. f Ravachol. P. 2032, C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam, he proved him- self a remarkable sire, but was butch- ered before his value as a sire was known. Courageous Countess of Oaklands, P. 8640, H. C. now named Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours, Jersey weight. Pioneer, P. 1602. H. C. 1st over Jer.. '91, '92. Sire of Nuriel, 1st over Jersey, '00; 1st H. B. and Par. prize, '00. Lady Clair, 3d H. B. and Par. pr., '00. Full brother to Morion, P. 1690, H.C, sire of The Owl, P. 2195, H. C. Morion is also sire of: Eagle, P. 6736, H. C. (now named Mo- rion's S u 1 1 a n e, 162115, and sold in our '02 auction), winner of Par. pr.. May, '01. Dam of Eminent's Lady Sul- tane, 171946. butter test, 20 lbs. 2 ozs. in 7 days; dam of Kar- nak's Eminent, 84- 035, lstpr. two-year- old bull, Louisiana State Fair, '10. Oxford Orange, P. 6361, C, a magni- ficent dairy cow; dam of Fern's Ox- ford Orange, sold in our '07 sale for $2,900. i (xford Lily, P. 346S. H. C. Result's Prince, P. 2004, H C. Reserve over Jersey. f Sarabond, P. 797, H.C. He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. Rosette 4th, P. 2128.C Had few equals as a dairy cow in her day on the Island. Orme, P. 1660, H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, 2 lbs. H ozs. of butter in 24 hours. Rosette 5th. P. 2881. H. C. now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C- Courage, P. 1813. C. Mr. Francis he Brocq. the best judge of Jerseys on the Is- land, told us that the bull Courage was the best son of Golden Lad. Grassy Brown, P. 3370. H. C Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Sixty- five of his get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538. 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326, 22 lbs., 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs., 30 days. Golden Lad's Lady Rose, 162097,21 lbs. 10i ozs. Sandgate. 122509, 20 lbs. 10£ ozs. Zulu Lady, 20 lbs. 10 ozs. And 27 others. Cicero's Cowslip 3d. P. 3056. H. C 3d pr. over Jersey, '92. Parish prize, '94. Dam of Pioneer, P. 1602. H. C, 1st over Jer., '91. '92. Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C 1st over Jer., Apr., '88. 2d over Jer.. Apr.. '89. 1st over Jer.. Aug.. "89. Sire of many noted cows, including Brookhill Rose 2d, dam of Reminder, P. 2419. H. C. Oxford Daisy. F. 6816, H. C Favorite's Lad. P. 1678. H. C Beau Resultat 2d, P. 3M7. H. C. Queenie. P. 4859. C. (Golden Queen of St. Saviour, 149137.) She was sold in our '00 sale. Certificate of Merit, public butter test, '96, 2 lbs. If ozs.. when 214 days in milk. Superior. P. 1113, C. Interest, F. 3582. C Dam of Finance, Cer- tificate of Merit. '94. 2 lbs.; '97. 2 lbs. 4 oz.; '98, 2 lbs. lOfc ozs.; and 8 others. Golden Lad. P. 1242. II. C. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C Dam of Oxford Ixia, P. 7100. H. C.. win ner Bronze Medal, public butter test. March. '00. 2 lbs. 8 ozs., 70 days in milk. Fortescue, P. 766. H.C 1st over Jer., '87. 1st at head of herd. '88. Sire of the great cow. Cocotte. F. 8300, H. C (see No. 69 of catalog). Jolie Grisette, F. 6698. H. C. Expected to be bred to Golden Beatrice's Sultan, 121193, A. J. C. C, the last son of the famous Golden Beatrice 2d, lb2060, and her only son by Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86180. (See front pages for his extended pedigree.) Here is a young bull that stands in a "class by himself." His lamented sire, Sultana's Golden Jolly, was a Grand Champion winner, and the sire of Grand Cham- pions. His dam, Golden Beatrice 2d, tested at the rate of 18 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 7 days, and repeatedly milked 22 to 24 qts. daily. She is probably the dam of more high selling calves than any cow in the world. B 113 T. S. COOPER & SONS* AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY^CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 102. Heifer. VESTA'S VICKY'S DAUGHTER, 353281, A. J. C. C. Bred by O. J. Queree, St. Peter, Islaud of Jersey. Born April 5, 1915. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & ,Sons. Brisket, belly, front of fore ankles, hiud ankles and shanks white; tongue and switch black and white. An exquisitely colored rich brownish fawn, of high finish; sweet head and face; sharp withers; strong, straight back ; very long body, set on tine, clean limbs ; hide mellow and elastic ; splendid udder develop- ment, with perfect placing of teats. Sire GOLDEN FERN'S - NOBLE, P. 4570, H. C. 1st prize, Class 8, 10 entries, Aug., '12, and Reserve for Voi- sin Special. 1st prize. Class 3, 13 entries, Apr., '13. 1st prize, 6 entries, with his progeny, and Challenge Cup, Royal Show, Apr., '15. And other prizes. Sire of Alabama, 1st prize, Class 3, and St. Mar- tin Par. pr., Aug., 13. Golden Fern's Noble. Jr., 1st aged bull, 11 entries, and Senior Champion, Panama- Pacific Exposition, '15. And other prize win- ners. Six of his heifers sold in our ' 1 4 auction for an average of $564. Sire of Christmas Lassie, 281443, in Register of Merit (AA), 334 lbs. 1 1 ozs. butter in 1 year, as a 2-year- old. Dorothy's Noble Fern, P. 19097, H. C. official R. J. A. S., tested as a 2 -year- old, 470 lbs. 5.2 ozs. in 361 days. And a number of other tested cows. His progeny won 1st for "get of sire" at 5 shows in '14 and '15, including the Nat. Dairy Show, '14, Dam VESTA, P. 15787, H.C. Official R. J. A. S. rec- ord at 5 yrs. old, 371 lbs. 12.8 ozs. butter in 327 days, without grain feed ; average test, 5.51 per cent, butter fat. Winner of 1st prize, St. Peter Show, Jersey, Class 4, '14. Parish prizes, Royal Show, May, '14 and '15. She has 75 per cent, same blood as Im- ported Victory, 269- 977, in Register of Merit. 561 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 10,254 lbs. milk, at 4 yrs. 1 mo. old. Dam of 2 in Register of Merit ; viz., Imp. Expecta- tion's Victory, 209- 978, 357 lbs. 3 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 1 yr. 11 mos. old; Oxford You'll Do's Circus Girl, 274712, 390 lbs. 3 ozs., at 2 yrs. old. Her grandam, Vic- torine, P. 9950, H. C. , also produced Vixen, P. 13520, H. C, 3d prize. Class 1, 37 entries, Royal Show, Aug., '07; 3d prize, Class 3, 46 entries, Aug. , '08 ; St. Lawrence Parish prize, Aug., '07, '08 and '09. Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. (95700, A. J. C. C.) 1st pr., St. Saviour,'07. 1 st pr. , Royal Show , '10, for bull and 5 female progeny. Noble of Oaklands sold in our '11 auction for $15,000 to El- mendorf Farm, Lex- ington, Ky. Sire of 37 tested cows. Lady Aldan, P. 8470, H. C. Winner of 1st prize over Jersey, Aug., '09. Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '09. And numerous other prizes. Dam of Lady Aldan 2d, P. 9788, H. C, 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '03. Lady Aldan 4th, P. 11184, H. C, 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '05. Aldan's Raleigh, P. 4116, H. C, sold for $1,000 at auction. A magnificent daugh- ter of Golden Fern's Lad, and head of a great family. Her daughter, Lady Aldan 2d, P. 9788, H. C, won 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '03; Par. prize, Aug., '03. Sh e is now named Mabel's Poet's Lady Aldan, 248438; is dam of 2 tested cows in Reg- ister of Merit. Barb, P. 3920, C. Sire of Imp. Expectation's Victory (see notes at left). Glory Le Cornu, 248- 519, 438 lbs. 1 oz. butter in 1 year, at 4 yrs. 9 mos. Dahlia, P. 16072, H. C, Certificate of Merit, Oct., '13, 2 lbs. 12 ozs. butter in 24 hrs., 4 yrs. old. Barleycorn, P. 15526, H. C, public butter test, 1 lb. 6 ozs., at 3 yrs. old; sold at auction for $500. Annette, P. 15014, H. C, St. Saviour Par- ish prize, Class 3, Aug., '10; dam of Doreen's Lassie, St. Saviour Parish prize, Class 1, Aug., '11. Amy, P. 15812, C, dam of Expecta- tion's Amy, 493 lbs. 12.6 ozs. butter in 342 days (official Island test). Vicky, P. 11974, C. Dam of Du Jardin's Trump, 78522, sire of 2 in Register of Merit; viz.: Cotton's Adelaide, 502 lbs. 2 ozs. at 4 yrs. 4 mos. old (Class AA). Gipsy Frolic, 14 lbs. 4 ozs. in 7 days, 3 yrs. old; dam of Gipsy Frolic 2d, 275413, sold in the Allen Dale Farm auction, '13, for $1,000 as a yearling. Blue Belle's Blue Fox, P. 3633, H. C. A son of the famous old Blue Belle, that sold in our '04 sale for $3,600. Sire of Blue Belle's Blue Lad, Grand Champion, San An- tonio, Tex., '09. Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. Sold in our '11 auction for $7,000. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (Imp. Golden Fern's Lad, 65300, A. J. C. C.) Winner of 1st pr. and C h a m p i o n s h i p. North I Club Show, '96 and '97. Purchased by us for use at "L i n d e n Grove," when 9 yrs. old, for $2,250. Sire of many prize winners and tested cows. (See other pedigrees for partial list of his tested daughters, or front page A.) Among his many pr- winning sons is Emi- nent 2d, 1st State's prize over Jersey, '01 and '02 (with his progeny) ; sold in our '05 auction for $10,000. Aldan, F. 6213, C. Viceroy, P. 3531, H. C- By Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. Dam.Vi- eomtesse, P. 6376, C. Barbette, P. 9348, C Daughter of Hamley, P. 2637, H- C, now named Golden Lad's Champion, 57222, A. J. C. C. Gipsy's King, P. 3270, H. C. 1st prize, Class 2, 24 entries, Royal Show, April, '04. 1 st and Champion, Western Show, '05. Sire of 7 tested cows, including: Gipsy King's Fontaine, 612 lbs. 10 ozs. but- ter in 1 year, 10 yrs. 8 mos. old. Fern's Expectant, 560 lbs. 3 ozs., at 4 yrs. 8 mos. ; scored 1 00 points (perfection) ; sold in our '08 auc- tion for $450, to Mr. E. G. Dusen- bury, Portville, N. Y. Also sire of: Roving Gipsy, 67588, sire of 7 in Register of Merit. Doctor's Lad, P. 3678, H. C, sire of 3 test- ed cows. Castor's Lord, P. 3895, H. C, sire of 2. Victorine, P. 9950, H. C. Winner of Parish prize. Royal Show, Jersey, Aug., 02. Her daughter, Import- ed Victory, 269977, in Register of Merit, is dam of 2 in Reg- ister of Merit. Bobby's Shy Fox, 64760, A. J. C. C. (Shy Fox, P. 3143, H. C.) Champion winner at St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Is- land of Jer., '02. Blue Belle, P. 4307, H. C Dam of 2 butter test cows and 5 bulls with tested daughters. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all pr. winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours, from which 2 lbs. 10 ozs. of butter was made. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d over Jer., 2d H. B. and Par. pr., '94. Out of same dam as Aurea, P. 8693, H. C, Bronze Medal winner in public but- ter test, Oct., '03. Her dam is half-sister to E m i n e n c e, F. 7124, H. C. [■ Fereor, P. 2891, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land, '00. H is daughters are of the Blue Belle type and color, all strictly 1 st class ; one in milk on first calf milking daily 18 quarts. Sire of Blue Belle's Grey Actress, 187- 446, in Register of Merit, Class A, 450 lbs. 7 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 13 yrs. 4 mos. old. She won 4th at the Royal Show, 26 entries, A ug. , '03 ; and is dam of the bull, Agatha's Actor, 69639, sire of 1 in Register of Merit and of several 1st prize winners. Golden Fern's Gipsy Maid, 203630. (Carlo's Gipsy 6th, P. 8218, H. C.) A magnificent dairy cow, now owned in the "'Linden Grove" herd. Favori, P. 2943, H. C. Sire of Favori's Pretty Rosa, in Register of Merit, Class B, No. 999; 6,634 lbs. 1.6 ozs. milk, 458 lbs. 12 ozs. estimated but- ter, in 1 yr., when 7 years old. Warder, 1st over Jer., Aug., '04. (A cele- brated sire of butter cows. J Halloween, 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, May, 03. Victorrae, P. 9950, H. C, the dam of Vicky, P. 11974, H. C. (See notes at left.) Vicomtesse, P. 5376, C. Dam of the bull, Vice- roy, P. 3531, H. C (see above). Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our '02 sale for $7 ,500. In same sale, three of his heifers on first calf averaged $933. Sire of Oxford Vixen, 2 lbs. 2\ ozs., 49 days in milk. Fox's Belle of Grou- ville, 21 lbs. 3 ozs. And 22 other cows with butter tests. Venus Violet, P. 3946, H. C. A magnificent dairy cow, milking 20 qts. daily. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. (See below.) Tootsie, P. 3214, H. C. Parish prize, '90. Golden Had, P. 1242, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land, Aug., '90. Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944, H. C. 2d St. Martin Show, '94, '95. Blue Boy, P. 2578, H. C. Sire of Blue Belle Prin- cess, 157364, sold in our '01 sale to the late Hon. M.H.Olin. Perry, N. Y., testing for him 15 lbs. 1 oz. of butter. His dam, Blue Belle, P. 4307, H. C, is dam of Caumais Lad (sire of Financial King and Guenon's Lad) ; Blue Nun, 18 lbs. 5£ ozs. ; Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold in our '03 sale for $1,725; Blue Belle 6th and 7th; Blue Belle's Handsome Fox, and Blue Belle's Golden Fern, sold as a calf for $3,000. Petune's Pet, P. 5704, H. C. 3d over Jersey, '94. 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '95. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. Carlo's Gipsy, P. 3519, H. C Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. (Eminent, 69631, A. J. C. C.) Winner 1st State's pr. over Jer. (with his get), '01 and '02. Goddington purse, '02. Sold in our '05 auction for $10,000 to the late Hon. A. M. Bowman, Salem, Va. Eminent 2d has 8 1 daughters that have made tests in Amer- ica and on the Is- land. Sire of 25 bulls with tested daughters, in- cluding Eminent 's Raleigh. Favorite, P. 8354, H.C. (Eminent's Brown Duchess, 157604.) 1st N. C. Show, '00. A grand dairy cow. Sold in our '01 sale, for $500. to Mr. F. W. Crane. f Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. Sire of 29 butter tested cows. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C- C. 1st over Jersey, '89. Bobby 5th, P. 1060, C. Lemon's Venus, P. 2493, C. Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C. 2d over Jersey. A remarkably good sire, and h i s get have found ready buyers from Eng- land at long prices. His daughter, Uncle Peter's Rosette, sold in our '01 sale for $1,000, and her heif- er calf, by Flying Fox, sold in same sale for $1,250. H i s granddaughter, Uncle Peter's Gold- en Del, 157354, sold in our '01 saletoBilt- more Farms, Bilt- more, N. C, has made the phenom- enal record of 1,3414 lbs. of milk and 80 lbs. 13 ozs. of churn- ed butter in 30 days. Out of same dam as Golden Sultana, the dam of S u 1 1 a n a's Golden Jolly; and Sultane's Snowdrop, the dam of Sultan of Oaklands; etc. Blue Belle, P. 4307. H. C, now named Imported Blue Belle, 180234. A. J. C. C. Sold for $3,600 in our '04 sale. Grandam of Noble of Oaklands. Strawberry, P. 1578, H. C. Petune, F. 4193, H. C. Carlo 3d, P. 817, H. C. Hisgrandsire, Carlo, P. ISO, C, is sire of Lily Brown, P. 420, C, dam of Golden Lily, P. 5101, H. C. Quaker's Girl, F. 7215, C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (Imp. Golden Fern's Lad, 65300, A. J. C. C.) Winner of 1st pr. and Championship, North Club Show, '96 and '97. Among his many pr.- winning sons is Fly- ing Fox, Champion winner over the Is- land, Aug., '99; sold at our '02 sale for $7,500; sire of 26 tested daughters and many prize winners. Eminence, F. 7124, H. C. Dam of Little Eminence, 122506, 21 lbs. 6 ozs. Eminence of the Is- land, 15 lbs. 10 ozs., when ten years old. Expected to be bred to Golden Beatrice's Sultan, 121193, A, J C, C. (See notes at foot of opposite page.) Tattoo 146 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 103. Heifer. MABEL'S SWEET SECRET, 324987, A. J. C. C. Bred by T. S. Cooper & Suns, Coopcrsburg, Pa. Born November 26, 1914 Solid eolor, except white brisket; white tongue; black switch. A rich brownish fawn, of strong dairy character; neat head; very long, deep body; broad loins; great length nf rump, and prominent hips; well set tail, with luxuriant black switch; promise of splendid udder, with good-sized and well-placed teats. Stockwell, P. 3550, H. C. (Imported Stockwell, 75264, A. J. C. C.) Sold at our '07 sale for $11,500. A son of the great Ox- ford Lad and out of one of the best daughters that Gold- en Fern's Lad ever sired. Time will prove that blood will te'.I, and that he will prove a very suc- cessful sire. Sire of Stockwell's Daisy, 234182, A. J. C. C, 561 lbs. 15 ozs. but- ter in 1 year. Karnak, 227372, A. J. C. C, 404 lbs. 0.9 ozs. butter in 1 year. Jolly Sweet Thing 2d, 213532, A. J. C. C, 17 lbs. 9 ozs. butter in 7 days. And 9 other tested cows. The following is a list of prizes that some of his get have won: Stockwell's Giltedge, 1st prize, Minnesota, Kentucky, Tennes see and Wisconsin State Fairs; also Champion bull at Iowa; Junior Cham- pion at Indiana, Kentucky, Tennes- see and Missouri State Fairs. Jolly Sweet Thing 2d. 1st prize and Grand Champion, Iowa S. Fair; 1st prize, Ten- nessee and Illinois State Fairs; also 1st prize at Wiscon- sin and Minnesota. Stockwell's Brown Beauty, 1st pr. and Grand Champion at Kentucky Blue Grass Fair, '07. Stockwell's Fern Lad, 1st prize and Grand Champion bull at Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri State Fairs. S t o c k w e 1 1's Fawn Beauty, 1st prize heifer at Worcester, and 1st and Cham- pion heifer at Syra- cuse, '08. Sire MABEL'S RALEIGH'S PRINCE, 120788, A. J.C. C. (SIGMOND, P. 4318, H.C.) Winner of 1st prize, Grouville Show, Jersey, '12. He sired the Grand Champion bull of the New York State Fair, '15. Full brother to Penni- thorpe's Raleigh, 96185, winner of 1st prize, St. Saviour- Grouville Show, '11; sold at auction in '1 1 for $3,100. (See opposite page for extended pedigree of Mabel's Raleigh's Prince, 120788, A.J. C. C.) Dam STOCKWELL'S SECRET, 230328, A. J.C. C. A magnificent dairy cow, and a grand breeder; splendid udder, with good- sized and beautifully placed teats. " Fern's Golden Secret, 203984. She is now in the "Lin- den Grove" herd and one of our greatest dairy cows, being a heavy and persistent milker. Dam of Viola's Golden Secret, 239729, a beautiful heifer call sold in imr '10 auc- tion for $475, Oxford Lad, P, 3123, II. C. 1st State's prize over the Island. Apr.. '03. Champion, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '05. Oxford Lad sired the great bulls. Majesty, Luc y's Champion and Sultana's Ox- ford Lad, the latter selling at our '10 auction sale for 511,100. Sire of 42 tested cows. His highest testing daughter, Oxford Cocotte— 724 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 year — was sold in the "Linden Grove" a u c t i o n, '11, for SI, 700. Golden Leda, P. 8000, H. C. 1st over Jer.. '00. 1st pr. and Champion- ship, North Club Show, '00 and '01, and has milked over 40 lbs. per day with first calf. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. 1st and Champion, N. C. Show, '96, '97. Sire of 31 butter test cows, including: Gold Mine, public but- ter test, Roy. Show, England, 4 lbs. 8^ ozs. in 48 hours. La Foret's Lucille, public butter test. 2 lbs. 2 ozs. in 24 hrs. Lady Dorothy 2d, Br. Medal, public butter test, Oct.. '99, 2 lbs. 8J ozs., 89 days in milk. Lottie, public butter test, 1 lb. 14? ozs.. 120 days in milk , 1st over Jer., '98; 1st over England, '99 and '02. Linda, public butter test, Tring, England. 1 lb. 14 ozs.. 110 days in milk; winner of three 1st prizes over England. Pearl 4th, public but ter test. 2 lbs. 3J ozs., 35 days in milk ; winner of two 1st prs. over England. Zelie 2d, public butter test, '02, 1 lb. 14} ozs., 90 days in milk. Abbess, public butter test. London Dairy Show, 1 lb 13 J ozs. Molly Bawn, public butter test, May, '08. 1 lb. 1 U ozs., 119 days in milk. Lady Phyllis, public butter test. May.'Ol, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 127 days in milk. Golden Fern's Emi nence, authenticated test, 436 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 year, 3 years old. Rozel of Clearview, 18 lbs. 12} ozs. butter in 7 days. Queen Hamley, 180381. (l r . 9089, H. C) Public butter test. May. '03, 1 lb. 2 ozs. in 24 hours, 179 days in milk, at 3 years Old. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C) Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our '02 sale fur $7,500. In same sale three of his heifers on first calf averaged $933. Oxford Lass, P. 3582. C. One of the most cele- brated cows the Is- land ever produced. She is the dam of 3 famous bulls; name- ly, Caiest, Houpla and Oxford Lad. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. (See below.) Leda, P. 6636. H. C. Her dam, Eminence, is also dam of Emi- nent and Eminent 2d, two famous sires. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, Sth and 9th, all prize winners over the Island. Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hrs., from which 2 lbs. 10 ozs. of butter was made. "Speckled Band," dam of the wonder ful cow, "Nursie," that made the phe- nomenal record of 2 lbs. 7\ ozs. of butter in 24 hours in the public butter test, after being in milk 300 days and within 90 days of calving. , Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C 2d pr. ov. the Island and Par. prize, '94. Daughter of Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. out of a half -sister to Eminence, F. 7124, H. C Hamley. P. 2637, H.C. (Golden Lad's Champion. 57222.) 2d over Jer., Aug., '98. Cham, over Jer., '99. Sold in our '00 auction for $800. Sire of Farineuse 4th (Ham- ley's Perfection. 213893), public but- ter test, May, '07. 2 lbs. 13 ozs., 55 days in milk. Agrippina. Br. Medal, public butter test. Oct., '04, 1 lb. 154 ozs., 156 days in milk. Palopye (Hood Farm Golden Happy, 173919). authenti- cated test, 553 lbs. 13 ozs. butter in 1 year. Silver Belle, P. 251, C. Half-sister to Lucy Belle 2d, P. 5088, H. C . dam of Pansy, P. 8006. H. C. Parish prizes, Aug.. '98, and Mav. 00; Claudia. P. 8558, II. C. Parish prizes, May, '04, and Aug., '05. Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. pr., Apr,, '87. 1st over Jer., Apr., '88. 2d over Jer., Apr., '89. 1st over Jer., Aug., '89. Among his other daughters are Ali- cante, dam of The Owl, and Brookhill Rose 2d. dam of Golden Jolly; Fleet 2d, dam of Napoleon Bonaparte and Dreyfus. Oxford Primrose, P. 2252, C. One of the best cows in her day on the Island. Golden Pearl, P. 1975, H. C. Eminence, F. 7124. H. C. 2d St. Martin. '92. Sweepstakes, N. C.,'92. Golden Lad. P. 1242. H. C. Sixty five of his get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326. 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. Golden Lad's Lady Rose, 162097, 21 lbs. i0\ ozs. Sandgate, 122509, 20 lbs. 10J ozs. Zulu Lady, 20 lbs. 10 ozs. Golden Naiad, 18 lbs. l£ ozs. Tootsie, P. 3214. H. C. Parish prize, '90. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. 1st over Jersey, '90. Sire of 32 tested cows. (See above.) Handsome 2d, P. 5686. H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. Show. '97. 1st Par. prize, '95. Dam of Aleonora, P. 7605. H. Cm dam of Combust. P. 14403, H. Cm winner Certifi- cate of Merit, public butter test. May. '10. 1 lb. 4J ozs.. when 147 days in milk and only 3 yrs. old; 1st prize. St. Helier S.. '10; sold at our "11 auction for $700. Farmer's Glory, F. 274. H. C. 1st over Jer.. '79, '80. 1st St. Peter. '79, '80. 1st Pa. State Fair, '80. Head of 1st pr. herd. X j State Pair, '81 Sold at auction to Mr. T. A. Haveineyer for $ 1.200. Sire of 6 tested cows. Lucy Bell. P. 251, C. Dam of Lucy Bell 2d. P. 5088. H. C-, 3d over Jer., Aug., '95; 2d over Jer., Aug., '00; and other prizes. Wolseley, P. 401, II. C. lstov. Jer.. '83,'84.'85. 1st ov. Jer., Jubilee Show, '83. Cham. Cup for great- est No. of points, '83. Sultane. P. 7. H. C- "The first of the most celebrated family the Island has ever seen." 2d pr. over Jer.. '70. 1st pr., St. Saviour/70. 1st H. B., '71. f Count Cicero, F. 398. H. C. { 2d prize over Jer., "83. [ Oxford Daisy. F. 6816, H. C. Lowland King. P. 1673. H. C i Prom esse. F. 5481 H. C. Sultane's Favourite, P. 873, H. C. 1st pr.. St. Saviour. Sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows, including Sultane 14th, that in the Tunbridge W ells (England) butter test, '02, in her fif- teenth year, gave 38 lbs. 6«ozs. milk, mak- ing 2 lbs 1 J ozs. but- ter in 24 hours, when 132 days in milk, winning the Silver Medal. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447. H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '88. 2dH B. pr. ov. J., '88. 2d Lon. Dairy S.. '88. Everton King. P. 390, C. Fontaine 2d. P. 807. H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land, '82. One of the very best cows of the great Fontaine family. Distinction's Glory, P. 1680. H. C. Sold to Sir James Blyth. His sire is a grandson of Wolseley, P. 401. H. C.. who sired Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C. Handsome of Waverley. P. 3777. C. Granddaughter of Lady Useful. P. 796. H. Cm 1st over Jersey. Grey King. P. 169, H. C 3d pr. and 3d H. B. over Jer.. '78. Sire of Camelia 2d. 11188. 20 lbs. 3 OZS. Bonheur, F. 1651. H.C. 1st pr.. St. Peter, as heifer and 3 yr old o m Jersey Boy. IV 92, H. C Sire of Oaklands Cora, 19 lbs. 9J ozs. Hetty, F. 1106, C Bred April 8, 1916, to Golden Beatrice's Sultan, 121193, A. |. C. C, a bull that stands in a class by himself. He is the youngest son of the famous Golden Beatrice 2d, 162060, and her only son sired by Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86180. His sire, the peerless Sultanas Golden Jolly, is a Grand Champion and the sire of Grand Champions. His dam, Golden Beatrice 2d, has been declared by Mr. George E. Peer to have been the greatest imported cow he ever saw. She made at the rate of IS lbs b ozs. of butter in 7 days, and has repeatedly milked 22 to *24 quarts daily She is perhaps the dam of more high selling calves than any cow in the world. (See front pages for pedigree of Golden Beatrice's Sultan, 121193.) Tattoo 157 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 104. Heifer. MABEL'S LADY MARY, 325735, A. J. C. C. Bred by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopcrsburg, Pa. Born December 20, 1914. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A handsome fawn with dark shadings, and the making of a good dairy cow. Very long, deep body, set on the finest of legs; straight back, strong loins; splendid hind quarters; promising udder develop- ment, with long, well-placed teats. f Sire MABEL'S RALEIGH'S PRINCE, 120788, A. J. C. C. (S1QM0ND, P. 4318, H.C.) Winner of 1st prize, GrouvilleShow, Jer., '12. He sired the Grand Champion bull of the New York State Fair, '15. Full brother to Penni- thorpe's Raleigh, 96185, winner of 1st prize, St. Saviour- Grouville Show, '11 ; sold at auction in '1 1 for $3,100. It wants only a glance at what the sons of Mabel's Raleigh are doing, through their daughters, in the butter tests, to ap- preciate the prepo- tency of this excep- tionally great dairy bull. Mabel's Ra- leigh's Prince has but few daughters in milk in America; none to our knowl- edge have ever been put to test. We pre- dict for Mabel's Ra- leigh's Prince a record for perform- ing daughters that will be a credit to his family. Look what his brother. Fairy Glen's Raleigh, has done in Mr. Hud- son's herd (and it must be borne in mind he had to take second position in this herd to other great bulls). An- other brother, regis- tered as Mabel's Ra- leigh, 77913, im- ported by the late Mr. Frank W. Hart, has seven daughters in Register of Merit, most of them tested at Good Hold Farm as two-year olds. Dam I NOBLE'S LADY OF ST. MARY, 235226, A. J. C. C. Her dam is by the same bull as Vesta's Daisy, P. 11217, H. C. winner of Gold Medal, public but- ter test, May, '11, 3 lbs. 11* ozs. of churned butter in 24 hrs., from 44 lbs. 2 ozs. milk, the WORLD'S REC- ORD FOR YIELD OF CHURNED BUTTER IN PUB- LIC TEST. Vesta's Daisy (now named Imported Vesta's Daisy, 269760) was sold in our '11 auc- tion for $2,700, to Mr. E- H. Hatch, Maplewood, N. J. Mabel's Raleigh, P. 3722, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land, Aug., '05. 1st prize, Grouville, May, 05. 1st over Jersey, May, '07. Sire of 25 tested cows, including: Twylish 11th, Gold Medal, public butter test, '12, 3 lbs. 5\ ozs. butter, 69 lbs. milk; Grand Cham- pion winner, Do- minion Exhibition, Toronto, '13. Raleigh's Florence Belle, in Register of Merit. 732 lbs. 7.9 ozs. butter in 1 year, 6 years old. Mabel's Snowdrop, 616 lbs. 3 ozs. in 1 year, 4 years old. Raleigh's Remarkable, 581 lbs. 9 ozs. Mabel's Raleigh's Ada, 564 lbs. 12 ozs. Raleigh's Mabel, 514 lbs. 4 ozs. Raleigh's Pretty Fon- taine, 495 lbs. 9 ozs. Raleigh's Dainty, 440 lbs. 14 ozs. Mauser's Pennithorpe, 253303, A. J. C C. (P. 10126. H. C.) Public butter test, May, '10, 1 lb. 11% ozs. in 24 hours, 98 days after calving. Sold at auction. May, '11, for $1,150, to Mr. Howard Willets, owner of G e d n e y Farm. Dam of Raleigh's Pennithorpe, 210071, that tested for the late Mr. Frank W. Hart. 17 lbs. 14 ozs. butter in 7 days, 3 years old. Pennithorpe's Raleigh, 96185, 1st prize, Grouville - St. Saviour Show, '11; sold at auction in '11 for $3,100, to Muskego Lakes Jer- sey Herd, Muskego, Wis. Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. (95700, A. J. C. C.) 1st pr., St. Saviour,'07. Noble of Oaklands sold in our '1 1 auction for $15,000, to El- mendorf Farm, Lex- ington, Ky. (See front pages for further particulars and picture of this distinguished sire.) Fostoria, P. 11320, H. C. Her sire also produced the world's Cham- pion public butter test cow (see notes at left). Eminent's Raleigh, 69011. (Raleigh, P. 3273. H. C) 2d State's prize, '03. Sire of many prize winners and of 48 tested cows, among the latter being: Raleigh's Lady Aldan, in Register of Merit, 744 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 1 year. Raleigh's Rose, 706 lbs. butter in 1 year. Raleigh's Calais, 696 lbs. 1 1 ozs. Raleigh's Houssie, 684 lbs. 6 ozs. Raleigh's Pretty Kar- nak, 676 lbs. And 19 others in Reg- ister of Merit. Sire of Raleigh's Fairy Boy, with 40 tested daughters ; sold in our '09 auction for $8,200, to Mr. C. I. Hudson. The Imported Jap, 75265, sire of 23 tested cows; sold in our '07 auction to Messrs. Ayer & Mc- Kinney. i Mabel Marcus, 213879. (Mabel 43d, P. 8611, H. C.I A magnificent cow; only shown one sea- son and won with ease first prize and Sweepstakes at the Grouville and St. Saviour Show, '06. Milked 20 quarts. Mauser, P. 2892, H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, April Show, Western Parishes. He has proved him- self a remarkably good sire. Sire of Brandie 9th, Certi- ficate of Merit, June, '06, 2 lbs. li ozs., 42 lbs. 4 ozs. milk, 4 years old. F e r t i 1 e's Favorite, whose daughter, Fertile's Favorite 2d, P. 12750, C, is dam of Noble's Fa- vorite. 235223, a lovely 2-year-old, sold in our '1 1 auc- tion for $500, to Mr. Ed. C- Lasater, Fal- furrias, Tex. Pennithorpe, F. 8098, C. Kilmarnock, P. 3155, H. C Winner of 3d prize over Jersey and Parish prize, Royal Show, April, '02. Sire of the successful prize winning bull, Galway. His sire, Mon Plaisir, P. 254S, H. C, is sire of many great show and butter test cows, among them: Mon Plaisir's Grey Beauty, 1st pr. 2-year old heifer in milk at Charleston, S. C, Exposition, '02. . Nautilus, P. 7515, C- Bred April 5, 1916, to Golden Beatrice's Sultan, 121193, A. J. C. C, a bull that stands in a class by himself. He is the youngest son of the famous Golden Beatrice 2d, 162060, and her only son, sired by Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86180. His sire, the peerless Sultana's Golden Jolly, is a Grand Champion and the sire of Grand Champions. His dam, Golden Beatrice 2d, has been declared by Mr. George E. Peer to have been the greatest imported cow he ever saw. She made at the rate of IS lbs. 6 ozs. of butter in 7 days, and has repeatedly milked 22 to 24 quarts daily. She is perhaps the dam of more high selling calves than any cow in the world. (See front pages for pedigree of Golden Beatrice's Sultan, 121193.) Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. (Eminent, 69631, A. J. C. C.) Winner 1st State's pr. over Jersey (with his get). '01 and '02. Goddington purse, '02. Sold in our '05 auction for $10,000, to the late Hon. A. M. Bowman, Salem, Va. Eminent 2d is sire of 81 tested cows. { Rill, P. 6982, H. C Gave 65 lbs. milk in one day. Consider- ed one of the great- est milk producers the Island has ever known. Her sire, Hope, is also sire of Nelly Hope, public test, 1 lb. 8 1 ozs. butter in 24 hours, 1 63 days in milk. f Marcus. P. 2461, H. C Sire of Lady Fon- taine's Rosette, 162120, that sold at our '02 auction sale for $3,100. His sire is a full broth- er to Mona's Glory, P. 2404, H. C. who has a number of daughters tested in America, and who won 1st over Jersey in '97. Mabel 3 1st. P. 5324, H. C. f Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C Fame 6th, P. 3188, C. A remarkably good dairy cow. Daughter of Everton King, P. 390. C, sire of many noted animals, including Tootsie, P. 3214. H. Cm the dam of Boyle (above). Mon Plaisir, P. 2548, H. C. Imp. and registered as Golden Mon Plaisir, 59936. First in his class and Champion winner over the Island in '98. First' Ohio Agr'l and Industrial E x p o s i- tion, Columbus, '01. First and Sweepstakes, St. Louis Fair, '01. Headed Grand Sweep- stakes Herd, all dairy breeds, Ohio Exposition, '01, and several other prizes. Sire of Bright Bess, P. 9534, H.C, Champion winner over the Island, May, '03, and other Champion prizes. Sold in our '04 sale for $1,000. And many other great cows. Mayflower 2d, P. 3479, H. C- Mabel's Hero, P. 2177, H. C His sire, Fauvette's Boy. is also sire of Twiney, Certificate of Merit in butter test, Oct., '01, 1 lb. 7 ozs., 288 days after calving. La Belle de la Bottel- erie, P. 3475, C- Descended from the Farmer's Glory bull. Baron. P. 289. H.C. who sired Baron's Sophie, 19 lbs. 12 ozs., the dam of Sophie's Tormentor. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C 1st and Champion at N. C Show, '96, "97. Boyle. P. 1559, H. C. Son of Golden Lad. Golden Pern, P. 4711, H. I Eminence, F. 7124. H. C 2d St. Martin. '92. Sweepstakes. N.C.,'92. Hope, P. 1948. H. C Sire of Prosper, Parish prize. '97 ; Hope's R e g i n a, 2d over England, half-broth- er to B e r e s f o r d Pride. 1st Bath and West. "02; 1st Royal Counties, '02. Tula, P. 5323, H. C 1st over Jersey, '94. La Chasse Prince, P. 1927, C 1st pr., St. Ouen Show. Sire of Hope, 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '96. Woodbine, 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '97. Fontaine Sth. P. 5608. H. C 2d over Jer. and Par. prize. May, '99. Dam of Fontaine's Lord, 1st State's pr., £30. over Jer., and 2d pr., £8, at annual bull show, Apr., '01. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of the celebrated bull. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (See below.) Mabel 6th, P. 360, H. C Dam of Mabel 13th. P. 1125. H. C, 2d over Jersey. '92; 1st over Jersey, '94; dam of Mabel 23d, P. 323. H. C, 2d over Jer., '93. C f Traveler, P. 280, C. f Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C Sixty-five of his get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs.. in 7 days. And 31 others. Golden Lily, P. 5101. H. C 1st St. Mary. Champion, W. Show. A magnificent dairy cow ; pronounced as such at our sale by all good judges. Dam of Grace Darling (by Duplex). 1st pr., St. Man' Show, May, 01. Fauvette's Boy, P. 1735, H. C Sire of the great cow, Jersey Ven- ture, that swept the Western Show rings in '97, '98 and '00; and of many other great cows. Mabel 28th, P. 5194, H. C 1st prize over Jersey. Marquis, P. 804. C Botella, P. 2528. C L Brown Fern. F. 4606, C f Orme, P. 1660. H. C \ Was sold by Mr. J. P. Marett to Lord Rothschild at a long price. Regina's Pride, F. 7450. H. C 1st over Jer., May, '94. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C Mistake. P. 4562, C Golden Lad. P. 1242, H. C. (See below.) Mona Sth, P. 3983. H. C 1st pr. over Jer. and Parish prize. '96. Boyle. P. 1559. H. C. (See below.) Fontaine 6th, P. 4320. H. C Sister of Fontaine 9th. P. 6039, H. Cm 1st Grouville. '99; beating the cow that won 1st prize over the Island; Bronze Medal. '99; 21 qts. milk; 2 lbs. 10 ozs. butter in 24 hours. Granddaughter of Fon- taine. F. 2058, C, 1st over Jersey, '86 and '88. Scipio, P. 157, H. C 2d over Jersey, '77. 2d Herd Book and Parish prize, '77. , Mabel 2d. F. 889, H. C Bronze Medal at C. I. Ex.. "71. 2d over Jer.. '75. 4th over Jer., '80. Sultane's Favourite, P. S73, H. C. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2477, H. C. 2d over Jer., '88. 2d H. B. ov. J., '88. 2d Lon. D. S., '88. 1st over Eng.. '90. 1 lb. 14J ozs. butter. Clarence, P: 1494. H. C. 1st St. Peter. Lily Brown, P. 420. C 2d pr.. St. Mary. D a m of Deery. Cham, over Jersey, and sold to Mr. Coleman for Si. 500. f Golden Lad. \ P. 1242. H. C (See above.) t Fauvette, F. 2024. C f Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of Golden Fern's Lad. Mabel 23d, P. 3213, H. C LaChasseBoy, P. 502.C Marchioness of St. Ouen, F. 2959, C Royal Khedive, P. 628. H. C 1st St. Peter, '85. Myrtle Pet, F. 3205, C B303 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 105. Cow. MAUFANT'S COWSLIP, 353229, A. J. C. C. (P. 18210, H. C.) Bred by A. J. Le Vesconte, St. Saviour, Island uf Jersey. Born April IS, 1911. Solid color; black toogue and switch. Imported October 31, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. An attractive light fawn, of high finish and great vitality; clean, flat neck; sharp withers; strong back and loins; prominent hips; long rump; well-set tail, thin and long, with good switch; fine in bone; skin thin, mellow and elastic; large, well-balanced udder, with good-sized and well-placed teats. Sire COWSLIP'S GOLDEN NOBLE, P. 4498, H. C. Imported by "Linden Grove" after an in- timate acquaintance with many of his family, having im- ported six out of seven of the nearest ancestors on his sire's side, and four of the progeny of his dam, besides so many of her sisters and brothers by the same sire that we cannot count them. Winner of 1st prize, shown with five of his progeny, Royal Show, Jersey, April, '12; defeating Ox- ford Majesty, P. 4075, H. C. (second prize ) , and Royal Guide, P. 4104, C. (third prize). Cow- slip's Golden Noble was shown with two calves under a year old, one heifer 12 months old and two 15 months old. Ox- ford Majesty was shown with two 3- year-olds and three 2-year-olds. Sire of Two in Register of Merit, Class A, aver- aging 452 lbs. 12£ ozs. butter in one year, average age at beginning of test, 24 months. The winners of 1 st prizes at Royal Shows on the Island, May, '12 (69 en- tries); May, '13 (56 entries), and May, '15 (46 entries). The Junior Champion heifer at Kentucky State Fair, Tri-State Fair (M e m p h i s, Tenn.) and Missis- sippi-Alabama Fair, "15. The 1st prize 2-year- old bull at Indiana State Fair, '15. The Sweepstakes bull at Southern Louisi- ana Fair, the 1st prize heifer calf at New York and Con- necticut State Fairs, the first prize two- year old heifers at Toronto Exposition, New Jersey ami Vir- ginia State Fnirs, "14. Dam MAUFANT'S PET, P. 10867, C. Dam of ( '.ladstone's Maufant's Fairy, 256227, 1st prize 3- ■ Id cow, Inter- State Fair, Trenton, N. J., '12. Blue Belle's Blue Fox, P. 3633, H. C. A son of the famous old Blue Belle, that sold in our '04 sale for $3,600. Sire of Anna's Dorothy, in Register of Merit, 14 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 7 days. Noble of Oaklands, { Sire of 3 bulls with tested daughters in Register I'. 3909, H. C. of Merit. Sold at our '11 auction for $15,000. L Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. (See other pedigrees.) Sold in our '11 auction for $7,000. Cowslip 16th, P. 6084, H. C. Winner of Parish prize, Royal Show, Island of Jersey, May, '02. Cowslip 16th is known on the Island of Jersey as "the five-thousand dollar cow, ' as her owner would not part with her at that figure. She is one of the best daughters ever gotten by Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C; and her dam. Cowslip 2d, P. 810, H. C, is by Carlo, P. 180, H. C, whose daughter, Lily Brown, is dam of Golden Lily, who won first prize over Jersey and is dam of Mon Plaisir, P. 254S, H. C, first prize over Jersey and Cham- pion, 9S, who sold in our *01 auction for $3,500. Mon Plaisir produced the sire of VESTA'S DAISY, World's Champion Public Test Cow, and His half brother, Hamley (also imported by "Linden Grove"), sired her dam. COWSLIP 16TH IS THE HEAD OF A WONDERFUL FAMILY. One of her daughters and a granddaughter have sold in our auctions for more than $1,200 each. Another daughter, imported by us sixteen years ago, was sold in our '00 auction to the late Dr. H. M. Howe, Bristol, R. I., of "Gilderoy" fame. She produced the sire of Mrs. Henning's Clair Val Darkie, 790 lbs. 3 ozs. butter in one year (Register of Merit, Class A). She produced the sire of Red Chief, who produced the butter test cow, Pansy 6th, dam of the public test cow, Pansy 8th. She produced the sire of Ajax Areola, dam of Gamboge's Areola, 532 lbs. 1 1 ozs. butter in 1 year (Register of Merit, Class A). She produced the sire of Hamley's Solid Gold, 565 lbs. 3 ozs. butter in 1 year (Register of Merit, Class AA). She produced the sire of Cowslip's Golden Beauty, 437 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in 1 year (Register of Merit, Class AA), sold in our '11 auction for $1,250; dam of Cowslip's Fawn Beauty, 626 lbs. butter in 1 year, 3 years 7 months old (sold in our '12 auction for $290 at 24 months old). She produced the sire of Cowslip's Golden Finance, Grand Champion cow at Illinois State Fair, '13. She produced the sire of Gold Orange, 69945, whose daughter, Glenburnie Mallow, made 624 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 year (Register of Merit, Class AA), and whose five Register of Merit granddaughters include Fritzie Clark, 716 lbs. 15 ozs. butter (Class A). She produced the sire of Miss Elvire, 463 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 1 year (Regis- ter of Merit, Class AA), who is dam of Elvirian Lad, Grand Champion bull at Illinois State Fair, '13, and Kentucky State Fair, '14. She produced the sire of Woodbine of Allen Dale, Grand Champion cow, Trt State Fair, Memphis, Tenn., '12. She produced the dam of Noble's Fawn Cowslip, Grand Champion at New Jersey State Fair, '14. (Sold in our '14 auction for $350.) She is dam of Aurifer's Golden Cowslip, sold in our '14 auction for $1,275. She produced the sire of Ocean Cowslip, first prize at Royal Show on two occasions, 69 and 56 entries (sold in our auction for $800). She produced the parents of many other winners and butter test cows, too numerous to mention. Ilalburton's Prince, C. P. 3131, H. Sire of Peacock Duchess, P. 10927, C, public butter test. May, '10. 1 lb. 4'i ozs. in 24 hrs., 237 days after calving. Dam of Gamboge's Handsome Duch- ess. 252150, in Register of Merit, Class A, 566 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 1 year, from 8,519 lbs. 4.8 ozs. milk, at 7 yrs. 5 mos. old; 1st prize 2-year-old, St. Brelade Show, '08; sold in our '11 auction for $1,750; dam of Noble's Fawn Prince, 95705, Junior Champion bull at National Dairy Show, Wisconsin State Fair and International Dairy Show, '11. sold in our '11 auction for $500. Weane Willie, P. 3574, C, whose son, Duke of Halberton, P. 3864, H. C, has 2 tested daugh- ters, including Lady Blythwood, 240730, in Register of Merit, Class A, 747 lbs. 11 ozs. butter in 1 year, 9,094 lbs. milk, at 7 yrs. old. Wearie Willie also sired Hlla Rose of Jer- sey, 290826 (Ella Rose, P. 12731, H. C). winner of Trinity Parish prize. Class 5, Royal Show, Aug., '11; dam of Woodlands Lass, P.' 16567. H. C, 1st prize at Royal Show. 51 entries, May, '12; sold at auction for $525, and now owned at Longview Farm, Kansas City. Mo. Woodlands Lass is dam of Woodlands Fern. Reserve, Class 3, 68 entries, Royal Show, May, '14, and other prizes. Queen's Boy, P. 946, C. Maufant Grey 2d, P. 3508, C. Maufant Grey, F. 7399, C Napoleon Bonaparte, P. 2745, H. C. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '99. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., "00. Goddington purse, '01. Sire of 10 butter test cows, including Speckled Hip 5th, Certificate of Merit, May, '08, 2 lbs. 3 ozs. Dam of Statu- ette, Br. Medal win- ner, public butter test, Oct.. 09. Sire of 2 1st pr. win- ners over the Island, and a long list of other prize winners. Campanile 2d, P. 8180, H. C. Reserve over Jersey, Aug., '00. Par. prize, 01, '04. Pierson, P. 680, H. C. 1st over Jersey. 1st H. B. and Par. pr., April, '85. 1st Guenon pr., Aug., '85. Queen of La Hougue, F. 6597, H. C Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. 1 st pr. over the Island. Aug., '90; also win- ner of £15 prize. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538. 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326, 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. Golden Lad's Lady Rose. 162097, 21 lbs. 10J ozs. Sandgate. 122509, 20 lbs. I0i ozs. Zulu Lady, 20 lbs. 10 ozs. Golden Naiad, 18 lbs. l£ ozs. Golden Kola, 127232. 17 lbs. 8£ ozs. Golden Lass of St. John, 149150, 16 lbs. 3 ozs. Golden Ora, 127228, 16 lbs. l£ ozs. Golden Tricolor, 127227, 15 lbs. 14* ozs. And 22 others. Sixty-five of his get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Sire of Boyle. P. 1559. H. C, sire of the celebrated bull, Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C; Fon- taine 7th, 8th and 9th, all prize winners over the Island. Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hrs., from which 2 lbs. 10 ozs. of butter was made. Cowslip 2d. P. 810, H. C. 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, '85. Par. prize, '86. 1st pr., St. John. '91. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. His daughter, Golden Sultana, at the age of 12 years, sold in our '10 sale for $3,700; her son. Sul- tana's Golden Jolly. won Grand Cham- pionship, Nat. Dairy Show, '11. Fleet 2d. P. 3435. H.C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, '91. Dam of Dreyfus, 1st over Jersey. '01 . Granddaughter of Sultane. P. 7. H. C, who is also gran- dam of Golden Sul- tana. Traveler 2d, P. 2411. H. C. His sire is by a son of the Wolseley bull, Castor. P. 870, H.C. 2d over Jer., '87; 3d State's pr.. '87, 1st over Jersey, '88. Campanile. P. 5383. H. C. Happy Cicero, F. 374, H. C Aunty 2d. P. 647, H.C. 1st over Jer., '85. Reserve over Jer., May, '88. f Sultane's Favourite, P. 873. H. C. 1 st pr. , St. Saviour. Sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows, including Sultane 14th. that in the Tunbridge Wells (England) butter test, '02. in her fif- teenth year, gave 38 lbs. 6 ozs. milk, making 2 lbs. \\ ozs. butter in 24 hours, when 132 days in milk, winning the Silver Medal. Golden Lass 4th. P. 2447, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '88. 2d H. B. ov. Jer., '88. 1st pr. over Eng., '90. 2d Lon. Dairy Show, '88, '89; yield, 1 lb. 14 J ozs. butter. Out of same dam as Golden Lad 2d, whose granddaugh- ter. Fairy Glen, is dam of Raleigh's Fairy Boy, a Regis- ter of Merit sire and successful show bull. He sold in our '09 auction sale to Mr. C. I. Hudson, East Norwich, L. I., for $8,200. He won 1st prize over the Is- land, Apr., '08, beat- ing a large and very select lot of bulls. f Carlo. P. 180, C. 1st pr., St. John. '78. Par.. R. J. A. S.. '78. 2d pr. over Jer., '79. 1st pr. over Jer., '80. Sire of Belle Dame 2d, 18 lbs. 12 ozs. Miss Alexander 2d, 15 lbs. 10 ozs. And 2 others. Cowslip. P. 24, C. 1st St. John. '76, '80. Par. pr.. R. J. A. S., '79, '81. Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C. 1st over Jer., Aug., '89. 2dov. J., Apr., '87, '89. Sire of many noted cows, including: Alicante, P. 3880, H.C. Oxford Rose, P. 3787, C. Brookhill Rose 2d, P. 3440, C. Oxford Lass, P. 3582. C. Fleet, P. 2544. C. Granddaughter of Count St. George, P. 341, H. C. Doctor. P. 2039, H. C. Grandson of Distinc- tion. F. 5519, H. C, 4th over Jer. and 1st F. S. prize, '90. Traveller's Joy 4th, P. 3887, H. C. Certificate of Merit, butter test. '97. 2 lbs. 2i ozs. in 24 hrs. Prince Bobby, P. 1102. C. Lady Sudbury, P. 3172. H. C. Sir George, P. 221, H.C. 7656. A. J. C. C. Sold in our auction, '81, for $5,100. H. C. Aunty. F. 1737, C. 1st prize winner at the Royal Show, Jersey, April, '14. (Sent to Last calf February 27, 1916, by Slim Jim, P. 501)7 Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas.) Bred April 17, 1916, to the distinguished bull, Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C, winner of 1st prize with his progeny, in a class of 7 entries, at the Royal Show, Jersey, April, '11. He sired the 1st prize 3-year-old cow over the Island, May, II (68 entries), also the 1st prize l-year-old cow over the Island, May, '15 (76 entries), who won the Theatre Challenge Cup (Championship over the Island). He has 21 or nunc official test daughters, one of which, now on year's test, will produce close t... n not more than, 900 lbs. butter as a four-year-old. (See front pages for extended pedigree and picture of Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C.) T. 9. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. Twenty-six Pounds Above Register of Merit Average THE RECORDS OF 29 MERIDALE FARMS COWS IMPORTED BY "LINDEN GROVE." TEN OF THESE COWS AVERAGED ABOVE 630 LBS. BUTTER IN ONE YEAR. MERIDALE FARMS Ayer & McKlNNEY. Proprietors Meredith, Del aware. County New York Philadelphia, Pa., April 7, 1916. Mr. T. S. Cooper, Coopersburg, Pa. Dear Mr. Cooper: We have more than a little satisfaction in enclosing to you a report of the Register of Merit records completed at Meri- dale Farms by cows we have purchased at various "Linden Grove" auctions since 1907. These cows were taken direct to Meridale Farms and started on test promptly after freshening there. Not one of them was specially fitted for the work, nor forced in any way for a high record; in other words, they worked right along under regular herd care and feed. The average of our tested herd of 147 cows last year was 51S lbs. butter per cow. The average of the 29 im- ported cows, as you will observe, is 515 lbs. butter per cow. This is a distinct tribute to the adaptability of the Jersey to widely differing conditions of farming. In other words, these cows have proven their superiority on the Island as well as in America. There are also sent you, lists of the Register of Merit daughters of The Imported Jap, 75265; The Owl's Oxford Prince, 95699, and Raleigh's Fontaine Prince, 72642, herd bulls which we have purchased at "Linden Grove." Very truly yours, Ayer & McKinney. These 29 Cows and 3 Bulls all Came from "Linden Grove" Name IMPORTED REGISTER OF MERIT COWS AT MERIDALE FARMS Milk lbs. Golden Maid's Brown Maid, 252126 10,083 Oxford's Lady Grey, 289780 11,001 Raleigh's Pretty Karnak, 252135 10,904 Gamboge's Brownie, 269800 8,662 The Owl's Pretty Maid, 252203 10,015 Cowslip's Fawn Beauty, 252254 10,460 Lilac's Princess, 235219 9,606 Glorious Dividend, 288309 8,785 Golden Leda's Nursie, 213954 10,069 Wexford's Spot, 289542 8,313 Lady Phyllis Buttercup, 252127 8,525 Gamboge's Merry May, 269785 7,976 Golden Jolly's Wyandotte, 203687 7,519 Oxford's Sweet Bread, 252128 8,545 The Owl's Lady Jane, 269557 6,086 Sultan's Bessy, 252144 7,954 Nursie's Golden Beauty, 251552 7,993 Pearl of Oaklands, 286850 7,003 Oxford's Lowland Polly, 288719 7,768 Cowslip's Sweet Bread, 290856 7,675 Fern's Golden Fontaine, 203998 7,729 Raleigh's Remembrance, 224599 6,596 Cowslip's Golden Beauty, 252125 7,193 *NobIe's Meridale Fontaine, 301679 4,999 Vesta's Daisy's Daughter, 269766 7,019 The Owl's Molly, 268940 5,689 Gamboge's Beatrice, 268950 5,476 Oxford's Bright Star, 287785 7,895 Stella You'll Do, 288310". 6,155 Average for 29 8,045 515 ♦Purchased in dam. Ten of above mentioned cows averaged 630 lbs. Butter Age lbs. yrs. 694 10 692 8 676 8 652 5 649 6 626 3 595 5 587 6 567 7 565 6 550 9 520 4 495 9 490 8 481 7 474 6 473 3 473 5 473 5 457 2 452 372 3 437 * 354 2 430 S 420 2 393 2 445 6 429 4 REGISTER OF MERIT DAUGHTERS OF THE IMPORTED JAP, 75265 Name Milk lbs. Jap's Milla Garfield, 246123 10,464 Jap's Lady Dorcas, 246118 10,904 Jap's Baroness, 296248 8,597 The Jap's Honoria, 236222 8,854 The Jap's Santa, 241271 4,580 Jap's Lady Perfection, 246119 4,565 Jap's Lenore, 246120 4,609 Jap's Nora, 248110 7,172 Jap's Milla King, 248111 6,169 Jap's Brookhill Rose, 255199 5,380 Jap's Fontaine Dorcas, 266157 6,694 Jap's Letty King. 265248 5,929 Jap's Meridale Claudia, 281652 5,845 Meridale Claudia May 2d, 281655 7,424 Jap Sayda Hester, 293777 6,630 Jap's Nettina, 298339 4,995 Jap's Mertha, 299455 4,593 Jap's Achsa Belle, 306051 8,413 Jap Sayda Rose, 310309 7,249 Jap's Edith Lass, 324186 6,521 Butter Age lbs. yrs. 668 633 616 516 311 337 402 428 425 425 478 42S 386 485 340 333 315 558 442 375 Average for 20 6,830 451 2 + REGISTER OF MERIT DAUGHTERS OF THE OWL'S OXFORD PRINCE, 95699 The Owl's Pretty Maid, 252203 10,015 Lilac's Princess, 235219 9,606 Lilac's Lady Jolly, 235225 9.81S Lilac's Golden Judy, 301893 8,060 Minnie of Jersey, 257112 7.4S5 The Owl's Molly, 269840 5,689 REGISTER OF MERIT DAUGHTERS OF FONTAINE PRINCE, 72642 Hamley's Maid of Meridale, 262000 7,661 Raleigh's Meridale Mattie, 238819 7,730 649 6 595 5 582 4 451 3 436 2 420 2 RALEIGH'S 524 3 440 5 AND FOR SUCH COWS AS THESE THE A. J. C. C. MAKES US PAY ($35 REGISTRY FEE. Tattoo 108 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 106. Heifer. MAIDEN OF GROUVILLE, 349265, A. J. C. C. Bred by P. E. Le Couillard, Grouville, Island of Jersey. Horn May 20, 1914. Imported (in dam) September 15, 1913, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A '"black," of attractive type and good finish; sweet head and face, with lustrous eyes and inturned horns; deep-bodied, straight backed, with griM* length of rump; thin, long tail, with beautiful switch; U""d udder development, with long and beauti- fully placed teats. f BritamiKiis, P. 4425, C- Son of Noble of Oak- lands, 95700. and Rosedale I'na 4th, P. 10696. H. C, she by Golden Maid's Prince, P. 3027, H. C, out of Rosedale Una, F. 8698, H. C, winner of 3d at Roy- al Show, 23 entries, Aug. . '05 ; dam of the butter test cow, Golden Unit, 1 lb. 12 ozs., 235 days after calving. Sire MAIDEN'S BOY, P. 4960, H.C. By same sire as Sweet Maiden, winner of Grouville Parish prize. Royal Show, Jersey, Class 4, May, '15, whose dam is Gold Maiden, P. 13806, H. C, the maternal grandam of Maiden's Boy. Dam PENNITHORPE'S WONDER, .106615, A. J. C. C. (CONFETTI, P. 16829, H.C.) A magnificent dairy cow, capacious body, with splendid udder and large, perfectly placed teats. She was sold in our '14 auction, as a four- year old, for $525, to Mrs. E. V. Seeler. Devon. Pa. { Maiden Beauty, P. 15757. H. C. Parish prize, Class 3, Aug., "11. By Bertha's King, P. 4418, H. C. son of Mabel's Raleigh (see at right) and the butter test cow, Jes- sie s Bertha, P. 9419. H. C. 2 lbs. 1| ozs. in 24 hrs. Dam, Good Maiden, P. 13806. H. C., win- ner of 1st at the Royal Show, 50 en- tries, Aug., '10; 1st in Champion class, May, '11, and other prizes. She by Benedictine's Jock- ey, P. 3725. H. Cm out of Bonnie Maid en. P. 10780, C, win- ner of 4 Certificates of Merit in public butter tests, 2 lbs. 2\ ozs. in 24 hrs., 169 days after calving. Pennithorpe's Raleigh, 96185, A. J. C. C (P. 4095, H. C.) 1st prize, Grouvjlle-St. Saviour Show, '11. Sold at auction in '11 for S3, 100. Sire of Snowball's Rose, 3d over Jer. and Par. prize. Aug., '12. Continuity, Par. prize. Aug., 12. Royal Belle, Grouville Par. prize, Aug.. '13. Pennithorpe's Pearl . 290837, sold in the Jersey Isle Stock farm sale, July, '13, for $650, at 3 years old. He is full brother to Sigmond.P. 4318, H. C., winner of 1st prize. Grouville S., '12. (Now named M a b e 1's Raleigh's Prince. 120788; he was imported by us and sold in '14 to Mr. H. M. Snider, Wickline, Ohio.) Fauvic's Milkmaid, 306564, A. J. C. C (Cornelia's Pride, P. 13998. C.) Public butter test, May, '10. 1 lb. 10 ozs. in 24 hours, at 3 years old, from 38 lbs. 8 ozs. milk. Dam of Continuity, Grouville Par. prize, Class 1. Aug.. '12. A splendid butter cow, from a great pro ■ ducing family. \ Mabel's Raleigh. P. 3722, H. C. | 1st prize, Grouville, May. '05. 1st over Jersey, May. '07. Sire of 24 tested cows, including: Twylish 11th. Gold Medal, public butter test, '12, 3 lbs. 51 ozs. butter, 69 lbs. milk; Grand Cham- pion winner, Do- minion Exhibition. Toronto. '13. Raleigh's Florence Belle, in Register of Merit, 732 lbs. 7.9 ozs. butter in 1 year, 6 years old. Mabel's Snowdrop, 616 lbs. 3 ozs. in t year, 4 years old. Raleigh's Remarkable. 581 lbs. 9 ozs. Mabel's Raleigh's Ada, 564 lbs. 12 ozs. Raleigh's Mabel. 514 lbs. 4 ozs. Raleigh's Pretty Fon- taine, 495 lbs. 9 ozs. Raleigh's Dainty, 440 lbs. 14 ozs. R a 1 e i g h's Eminent. 436 lbs. 2 ozs. Mabels Poetess, 413 lbs. 13 ozs. R a 1 e i g h's Remem- brance. 372 lbs. 14 ozs. Imp. Nameless Mabel, 16 lbs. 7 ozs. in 7 days. Spectre's Favorite, public butter test. 2 lbs. 4 ozs., 89 days in milk. Sire of 13 bulls with tested daughters, in- cluding Fairy Glen's Raleigh. 79438, who has 16 in the list. Fairy Glen's Raleigh heads the herd at Allen Dale Farm, Shelbyville, Ky. Mauser's Pennithorpe, 253303, A. J. C. C (P. 10126. H. C) Public butter test. May, '10, 1 lb. \\\ ozs. in 24 hours, 98 days after calving. Dam of Raleigh's Pen- nithorpe. 210071, that tested for the late Mr. Frank \V. Hart. 17 lbs. 14 ozs. butter in 7 days. 3 years old. Fauvic's Fox. P. 3370, H. C- Sweepstakes w inner, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, as a two-year-old. Sire of Lady Fox of St. Sa- viour's. 213936, in Register of Merit, 47s lbs. 13 ozs. but- ter in 1 year. 6.999 lbs. 8 ozs. milk, at 6 years old. Rosegall. P. 13767, H. C., Bronze Medal. public butter test. May. 13, 2 lbs. 11 ozs. in 24 hours, 155 days in milk. And 5 other tested Eminent 's Raleigh. 690 1 1 . (Raleigh, P. 3273.H.C.) 3d prize over Jer.. '03. 2d State's prize, '03. Sire of many prize winners and of 48 tested cows, among the latter being: Raleigh's Lady Aldan, in Register of Merit. 744 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 1 year. Raleigh's Rose, 706 lbs. butter in 1 year. Raleigh's Calais, 696 lbs. 1 1 ozs. Raleigh's Pretty Kar nak, 669 lbs. 15 ozs. And 20 others in Reg- ister of Merit. Sire of Raleigh's Fairy Boy. with 40 tested daughters. Mabel Marcus, 213879. (Mabel 43d. P. 8611. H. C.) A magnificent cow, only shown one sea- son and won with ease first prize and Sweepstakes at the Grouville and St. Saviour Show, '06. Milked 20 quarts and made 2 lbs. 12 ozs. of butter in 24 hours on ordinary feed. Her daughter. Mabel's Fairy Maid, 214016. sold as a yearling in our '09 auction for $725; now in Regis- ter of Merit, 529 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 5 years old. Her great-grandam, Mabel 2d. F. 889, H. Cm is dam of Mabel 4th, 18167. A. J. C. C-, that was sold in our '83 auction for $2,100. Mabel 4th is dam of Cicero's Mabel, 18238, that tested 15 lbs. 2 ozs. butter in 7 days. Mauser. P. 2892. H. C. 1 st prize and Sweep- stakes. April Show, Western Parishes. H e has proved hi in- self a remarkably good sire. Sire of Defiant 2d. P. 10536. H. C, public butter test. Oct., '05, 1 lb. 13i ozs., 51 days in milk. Pennithorpe. F. 8098. C Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C C. (Flying Fox. P. 2729. H. C ) Champion winner over the Island. Aug., "99. Among his 26 tested daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. butter, 13.604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreaznwold, 740 lbs. butter. 11.198 lbs. milk. 1 year. Eminent 2d, P. 2532. H. C. Rill, P. 6982, H. C Gave 65 lbs. milk in one day. Consider- ed one of the great- est milk producers the Island has ever known Her sire, Hope, is also sire of Nelly Hope, public test, 1 lb. %\ ozs. butter in 24 hours, 1 63 days in milk. Marcus. P. 2461, H. C. Sire of Lady Fon- taine's Rosette, 162120. that sold at our '02 auction sale for $3,100. His sire is a full broth- er to Mona's Glory, P. 2404, H. C, who has a number of daughters tested in America, and who won 1st over Jersey in '97. Mabel 31st, P. 5324, H. C. She is out of same dam as Mabel's Lad. P. 1034, H. Cm w h p sired Brown Fairy. F. 7819. C-, dam of the noted cow. Fairy Glen, P. 9178. H. C. dam of Raleigh's Fairy Boy and Fairy Glen's Raleigh. Brown Fairy* is also dam of Brown Beauty of St. Sa- viour, 157320, a 22- quart cow , sold i n our '01 auction for $1,200. Golden Fern's Lad. P. 2160, H. C. Winner of 1st pr. and Championship. North Club Show. '96 and '97. Purchased by us for use at "L i n d e n Grove." when 9 yrs. old, for $2,250. Sire of a long list of pr. winners and tested cows (see front page A), and his get have commanded among the highest prices ever realized for Jerseys at auction. . Fame 6th, P. 3188. C. A remarkable good dairy cow . Golden Fern's Lad. P. 2160. H. C. (See above.) . Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. 1st pr. over Jer., '99. 1st H. B. prize. Dam of Flying Fox, Alicante (the dam of "The Owl") and Forfarshire, three Champion winners. Hope. P. 1948, H. C. Sire of Prosper. Parish prize, '97 ; Hope's R e g i n a, 2d over England, half broth- er to Beresford Pride, 1st Bath and West. 02, 1st Royal Counties, '02. Tula, P. 5323. H. C 1st over Jersey. '94. f La Chasse Prince. P. 1927. C- 1st pr.. St. Ouen Show. Sire of Hope. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, May. '96. Fontaine 8th, P. 5608, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize. May. '99. Dam of Fontaine's Lord, 1st State's pr.. £30. over Jer.. and 2d pr., £8, at annual bull show, Apr.. '01. Boyle. P. 1559. H. C. Sire of the celebrated bull, Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C (See below.) Mabel 6th. P. 360, H. C Dam of Mabel 13th. P. 1125. H. Cm 2d over Jersey. '92. 1st over Jersey, '94; dam of Mabel 23d, P. 323. H. C, 2d over Jersey, '93. Boyle. P. 1559. H. C- Sire of the celebrated bull. Golden Fern's Lad. P. 2160. H. C; Fontaine 7 th, 8th and 9th, all prize winners over the Is- land. "Boyle" also sired the great cow . ' ' Spec - kled Band." public butter test. May. '97. 2 lbs. 3* ozs.. 140 days in milk. dam of the wonder- ful cow "Nursie." that made the phe- nomenal record of 2 lbs. 1\ ozs. of butter in 24 hours, in the public butter test, after being in milk 300 days and within 90 days of calving. She sold in our '07. sale for $2,200 to Mr. A. B. Lewis. Golden Fern. P. 4711. H. C. f Sarabond. P. 797. H.C. He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. A great loss to the Island, as he undoubtedly was a great sire. Cornelia. F. 9188. H. C. Winner of 4th prize ( aged cows 1 . Grou- ville Show. '12. By same sire as Maus- er's Pennithorpe, 253303 (see above). Fauvic's Love. P. 7466. C. Gold Medal at Island butter test, May,*03, testing 2 lbs. 12} ozs. butter in 24 hours. Certificate of Merit, May. 04, 2 lbs. 15 J ozs., 45 lbs. 10 ozs. milk, 8 years old. And 3 other public tests. v Rosette 4th. P. 212S.C We were informed on the Island by J A. Marctt that Rosette 4th, as a dairy cow- in her day, had few equals on the Island. Villo, P. 1438. C. Sire of Villo's Copper- mine. Guenon's Pet 2d. P. 2759. H. C. 1st prize over Jer., "93. Pollux, P. 871. H. C Twin brother to Castor. P 870. H. C . 2d over Jer.. Apr.. '87. I 2d Jubilee Cup. '87. L La Sente's Buttercup 3d. P. 1833, C. Bred January 3, 1916, to Sultana's Golden folly, S61S0, A. J. C. C, the handsomest and best bred bull ever owned at "Lin- den Grove." He won, at the National Dairy Show. Chicago, '11, 1st prize in 2-year-old class. Senior Champion and Grand Champion bull, anv age; headed 1st prize $200 Special herd, bull and 10 females; Special Grand Champion, $100 prize; A. J. C. C. Gold Medal, Grand Champion bull bred by exhibitor; sired the animals winning 1st prize as calf herd. (See front pages for picture and further particulars concerning Sultana's Golden Jolly.) Guenon. P. 1998, C- Sire of 5 tested cows, including: Glenneld, that tested 1 7 lbs. 3 ozs. for Mr. Robert Davies, of Canada. Hermione, public test, 3 lbs. 10J ozs. in 48 hours. La Sente's Buttercup 4th, P. 2960, C. Tested April, '95, 1 lb. Hi ozs. in 24 hours. Oct.. "96. 2 lbs. 8i ozs. T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 107. Cow. GOLDEN PLUM'S VIOLA, 262196, A. J. C. C. Bred by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa. Born February 10, 1911. Broken color; few black spots on white tongue; white switch, A strikingly handsome young cow, of great sub- stance and high quality; beautifully symmetrical outline; great length and depth of body; splendid head, with large, sparkling eyes; good withers; straight, strong back; great length of rump; strong loins and wide, prominent hips; splendid udder, of beautiful shape, with good sized teats perfectly placed. Sire SULTANA'S GOLDEN JOLLY, 86180, A.J. C. C. The handsomest and best bred bull ever owned at "Linden Grove." He is the admiration of all Jersey breeders, and is not for sale at any price. The question has quite often been asked, "What would Sultana's Golden Jolly bring on the Island?" His son, The Owl's Golden Jolly, 100180. sold as a yearling in our '12 auction for $675. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, com- peting against two Cham, winners over the Island and the winners of Championships at eleven of America's most important shows in '11, he won the following: 1st prize in 2-yr.-old class, 6 entries. Senior Champion bull, 2 years old or over. Grand Champion bull, any age. Gold Medal offered by American Jer. Cattle Club for Grand Cham, bull bred by exhibitor. Headed herd winning $200 Special prize, "bull and 10 females." Silver Trophy ($100 Special) for Grand Champion bull. Sired the 5 animals winning 1st prize for calf herd, 5 entries. Defeating the Cham, winners at Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, niinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota State Fairs, Waterloo (Iowa) Dairy Show, National Jer. Show (Shelbyville, Ky.). International Dairy Show (Milwaukee, Wis.). '11; and Champions over the Island in '09 and '10. His only daughter tried for Register of Merit work made 308 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 9 months of her year's test, beginning at 2 yrs. 5 mos. old. He is sire of: Golden Fern's Jolly, 100629, winner of Grand Championship at Mississippi-Alabama Fair, '13, '14 and '15. (Bred at "Linden Grove.") Sultana's Vernonia, 1st prize heifer calf and one of 1st prize calf herd, National Dairy Show, '11. (Bred at "Linden Grove.") The Owl's Golden Jolly, 2d prize senior bull calf and head of 1st prize calf herd. National Dairy Show, '11. (Bred at "Linden Grove.") Sarah's Sultan, 1st prize yearling bull, Tennessee State Fair, '14. Sold in our '14 auction for $610. St. Helier's Jolly Sultana, 1st prize junior yearl- ing heifer, 13 entries, Mississippi- Alabama Fair, '14. (Bred at "Linden Grove.") And other winners. His 75 per cent, sister. Fern's Viola, who made 672 lbs. butter in 10 months of her year's test (bred at "Linden Grove"), is dam of Viola's Raleigh, 121171, 1st junior yearling bull and Junior Champion, Mississippi- Alabama Fair, '15. His half-brother. Jolly's Royal Sultan (by Viola's Golden Jolly), sold at auction for $10,000, and is sire of 1 in Register of Merit. Golden Plum, P. 2515, C. By same sire as Nizam, P. 2408, H. C, sire of Gold Medal Prin- cess, Gold Medal winner in public but- ter test, testing 3 lbs. 2\ ozs. Sold in our '05 sale for $1,200, to Mr. How- ard Willets. Dam GOLDEN PLUM'S DAUGHTER, 157353. Milked 16 quarts daily with first calf. Lowland Heiress, P. 6025, H. C. (Golden Lad's Pretty Rose, 149143, A. J. C. C.) A magnificent cow, and sold at our '00 sale to Mr. M. S. Beltzhoover, Ard- sley-on-Hudson, N. Y., for $1,325. Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314, A. J. C. C. Sold in our '09 auction for $12,000. Sire of 9 in Register of Merit, including: Jolly's Viola, 233315, 493 lbs. butter, 1 year, 4 yrs. 7 mos. old. Viola's Fawn Duchess, 239332, 5,696 lbs. milk; 418 lbs. 10 ozs. butter, in one year, at 2 years old, at White Horse Farm. Sold in our '10 auc- tion for $425. Handsome Viola's Jolly, 239757, 5,652 lbs. 8 ozs. milk; 400 lbs. 12 ozs. butter, in one year, at 2 years old, at White Horse Farm. Sold in our '10 auction for $725. Golden Jolly, P. 2921, H. C. 1st prize and Champion, North Show, '00. A famous sire of butter cows and winners. Sire of Golden Warrior, 1st over England, Royal Show, '03; 1st over England and Champion, D. S., '03. Jolly Lady of Beechwood, winner of 1st prize, Illinois State Fair, '08; 1st, Champion and Grand Champion at the National Show, Chicago, '08. Golden jolly also sired the four cows that won 1st prize for bull and pro- duce, National Dairy Show, Chicago, and Illinois State Fair, '08; and many other winners. Sire of 24 butter test cows, including: Golden Jolly's Fertile, 669 lbs. 1 1 ozs. in 1 year. Jolly Princess of St. Peter's, 633 lbs. 1 oz. Jolly's Pride, 633 lbs. 9 ozs. Jolly's Ruby, 620 lbs. 13 ozs. Sire of 10 bulls with tested daughters, including Derry's Golden Jolly, sire of 13, sold at auction for $11,000. Eleven untested daughters of Golden Jolly are the dams of Register of Merit cows. Sire of Mourier Lass, 234539, Grand Champion cow, Utah State Fair, '13 and '14; and many other winners. Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. Sold in our '1 1 auction for $7,000. 1st over Jersey, '04. Public butter test. May, '04, 2 lbs. 12 ozs. Golden Sultana, 146282, A. J. C. C. Winner of 3d prize in class for aged cows at the Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition, St. Louis, '04, in the greatest ring ever exhibited in this country, where she sold for $2,350. We afterward bought her for the "Linden Grove" home herd. Golden Sultana is an intensely bred "Sultane." She is sired by Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C, out of Sultane 9th, P. 1 145, H. C, winner of many first prizes over the Island and dam of Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C. Her grandam, Sultane, P. 7, H. C, is the first of the greatest family of Jerseys ever bred and owned by that famous breeder, Mr. J. P. Marett. Thus Golden Sultana is a granddaughter of old Sultane and her nearest living descendant. She has inherited the famous dairy type, especially in the udder and teats, for which her grandam was famous, and has in- herited all her abundant dairy qualities, having milked as high as 48 lbs. daily. She is dam of Sultana's Oxford Lad, that sold in our '10 auction sale for $11,100, and she selling in same sale when 12 years old for $3,700. She is a full sister to Sultane's Snowdrop, dam of Sultan of Oaklands. Her son, Sultana's Oxford Lad, that we sold to Elmendorf Farm for $11,100, produced for them, Elvirian Lad, 106674, 1st prize yearling bull (9 entries). Junior and Grand Champion, Illinois State Fair, '13. Her son, Gedney Farm Blue Fox's Sultan, 72755, produced Golden Daisy Fox, in Register of Merit, 419 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 2 years old; and Exila Fox Sultana, in Register of Merit, 343 lbs. 8 ozs., at 2 years old — ■ the former owned and tested by Cornell University, and the latter by Mr. H. C. McLallen, Trumansburg, N. Y. Her daughter. Sultana of Linden, was sold in our '10 auction for $1,750, at 8 months old. Golden Pasha, P. 2154, C. Sire of Rome, 1st Devon County; 1st B. and W. S.; H. C, Roy. Show, '98;2dB. and W. S.; 2d Royal Counties S. ; 1st Roy. Show ; 2d Cambridge S. ; 1 st Gloucester S.; 1st and Ch. pr., '97. Crown Prince, 1st over Eng., Essex Show, and other winnings. Belle du Convent 3d, 1st over England, Sussex Show, '68; 1st over Lon. D. S. ; 3d Tunbridge Wells. And many other noted winners. Golden Heroine, P. 6367, H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st p. over the Island, Aug., '90; also win- ner of £15 prize. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days Golden Ora, 127228, 16 lbs. \\ ozs. And 31 others. Sixty- five of his get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Lowland Daisy, P. 2336, C. 4th St. Peter, '88. 3d St. Peter, '89. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. (See below.) Maitland Lily, P. 4017, H. C Reserve over Jersey. Parish pr., May, '93. 1 st and Sweepstakes, 3 -Parish Show. Golden Hero, P. 1833, H. C. 1st ov. Jer. and Par. pr., April, '93. 2d over Jer. and Par. pr., Aug., '93. 1st over Jer. and Par. pr., '94, '95. Sire of Nita Belle D.. 21 lbs. \\ ozs. Nicotine's Pet, 20 lbs. 1 oz. La Marechale 2d, P. 2584, C. Perrot, P. 342, C. Sire of Eastwood Clearwater, 27 lbs. Miss Nellie Parker, 23 lbs. 11 ozs. And 2 others. Lowland, F. 3971, C. A grand cow. Sir Thomas, P. 1125, C. Maitland Daisy, P. 2941, H. C. Her sire also won 1st over England, the Queen's Gold Med- al, and the Cham. Bowl given by the R. A. S.E.S., Wind- sor, '89. Golden Pink, P. 1491, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, '91. Bellona3d,P. 874.C. 3d over Jer. and Par. pr., '88. 3d over Jer. and Par. pr.. May, '89. 1st over Jer. and Par. pr., Aug., '89. Dam of Bellona 5th, 3d Royal, '93; 1st Royal Counties. '93. Bobby. P. 208, H. C. 1st H. B. and 2d pr. over Jer., '79. Royal Beauty, P. 390, C. 15 lbs. 2* ozs. days. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (Imp. Golden Fern's Lad, 65300, A. J. C. C) Winner of 1st pr. and Championship, North Club Show, '96 and '97. Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. C. 2d over Jersey, '85. 1st H. B. over Jer., '85. Dam of Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C, sire of a re- markable lot of dairy cows that have always sold at long prices. Sultane's Snowdrop, P. 8578, H. C, a fa- mous show cow. She is dam of Sultan of Oaklands, P.3746, H. C, 1st over Jer., Apr., '96, who was sold to Mr. P. Rob- erts, Narberth, Pa., for a record price. Golden Nero, P. 729. H. C. 3d over J., Apr., '86. Mont-a -1'Abbe Lily. F. 6177. H. C Castor, P. 870, H. C. 1st over Jer., Apr., '88. La Marechale, F. 7339. H. C 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '84. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. (See above.) Cetewayo's Pink, P. 5170, H. C. Napier 2d, P. 244. C. [ Bellona 2d, P. 529, C- Vertumnus, P. 161, H. C 1st Trinity. 77. A son of Coomassie, F. 1442, H. C. 1st over Jer.. '76 to '80; 16 lbs. \\\ ozs. butter in 7 days. She is al- so dam of Khedive, the sire of Tormen- tor, 3533. Young Rose, P. 43, C. 1st over Jer., '72, 73. Browny, P. 158, H. C. Sire of 5 cows testing 14 lbs. 10i ozs. to 16 lbs. 13 ozs. Princess Royal, P. 240, C Last calf May 5, 1916, by Gala Rose's Gilbert, 120892, whose pedigree may be seen on No. 8 of catalog. (Calf will be sent to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas.) B 346 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 108. Heifer Calf. YOU'LL LOVE, 353288, A. J. C. C. FULL SISTER TO YOU'LL DO'S TRUE LOVE, 353279, A. J. C. C. (SEE NO. 109, BELOW;, Bred by E. Le Gresley, Grouville, Island of Jersey, Born October 16. 1915. Imported October 31, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color, except part of belly white; white hind ankles; black tongue and switch. An exceedingly beautiful young thing, great refinement of type, stylish and symmetrical in outline; neat head; back straight as an arrow; well set tail; very long. deep, well-ribbed body; splendid hind quarters; promise of beautiful udder; teats of extra- ordinary length, beautifully placed. Sire— BOWLINA'S YOU'LL DO, P. 4970, H. C. A Highly Commended son of Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C. out of the great butter test cow. Bowlina, P. 12231, H. C. (See his extended pedigree below.) Dam-YOU'LL DO'S LOVE, P. 19824, H. C. A Highly Commended daughter of Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C. (See her extended pedigree below.) B 338 No. 109. Heifer. YOU'LL DO'S TRUE LOVE, 353279, A. J. C. C. FULL SISTER TO YOU'LL LOVE, 353288, A. J. C. C. (SEE NO. 108, ABOVE). Bred by E. Le Gresley, Grouville. Island of Jersey. Born September 14, 1914. Imported October 31, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A splendidly bred heifer, of great refinement of type ; neat head; very long bodied, with straight back, strong, broad loins, prominent hips and long rump; beautifully fashioned hind quarters and setting of tail, which is thin and long, with beautiful switch; good udder development; long, well-placed teats. Oxford You'll Do. P. 4075. H. C. Winner of 1st pr. over Jer., with his prog- eny, at the bull show on the Island, April, '11. This is the most valuable prize, and the great- est distinction that can be accorded a bull. Sire of 22 or more official test cows, and many prize winners. (For full particulars and extended pedi- gree of Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C see front pages.) Sire BOWLINA'S YOU'LL DO, P. 4970, H. C. DAM YOU'LL DO'S LOVE, P. 19824, H.C. Winner of Parish prize, Royal Show, Jersey, Aug., '13. Not bred. Bowlina, P. 12231, H. C Winner of Certificate of Merit, public but- ter test. May. 'OS. 2 Itis 1 1 ozs. in 24 hrs., 62 days in milk, 3i years old. Certificate of Merit, I i.i , 09, 1 lb. 11 ozs., 221 days in milk. 1st milking prize, 1st Parish prize and Certificate of Merit. May. '13, 2 lbs. 6i ozs. in 24 hours, 104 days in milk, yield- ing 46 lbs. milk. Under official test on the Island, she had milked 7,000 lbs. in 6 months, when she was exported for the "Linden Grove" herd. Dam of Bowlina 4th, Certificate of Merit, public butter test, Oct ,'13. 1 lb. 13 ozs. butter. 30 lbs. 4 ozs. milk, at 2 years old, 158 days in calving. Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C. (See above.) Derry's Lovey, P. 15889, C. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645. H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny), Apr., '08. Sold at our '11 auction for $6,700 to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,750 each. 11 of his daughters, in our '11 auction, averaged $1,391.36. Sire of 41 cows with butter records and others now on test. (See front pages.) Oxford Ever. P. 8370, H. C. Laxton, P. 3478, C. Sire of Bowlina, P. 12231. H. C, 1st milking pr., 1st Parish prize and Certificate of Merit, public butter test. May, '13. 2 lbs. 6£ ozs. in 24 hours, 104 days in milk ; Cer- tificate of Merit, public butter test. Island of Jersey, May, '08, 2 lbs. lj ozs. butter in 24 hours, when 62 days in milk ; Certificate of Merit, Oct., '09, 1 lb. 11 ozs., 221 days in milk. Rondin's Freedom, P. 12173, H. C. (Fax ton's Freedom, 235084). Certificate of Merit, Oct., '08, 1 lb. Ill ozs., 187 days in milk. fc Chill. F. 9248, C. Certificate of Merit, public butter test, May, '06, 1 lb. 3'i ozs. in 24 hours. 143 days in milk, at 4 years old. Derry's Golden folly, 82807, A. J. C. C Winner of 4th prize over Jer., Apr.. '08. Sold at auction for $11,000 at Mr. A. P. Walker's sale. '09. Sire of 13 butter test cows. Sire of Mikado, P. 3874. H. C. (now Derry's Flying Fox).sold for $1,000, to Muskego Lakes Jersey Herd, Mus- kego, Wis., and win- ner Parish prize, Class 1, Apr.. '06. Derry's jolly Lad, 80538, winner of 1st and Grand Cham- pionship at National Dairy Show, '09. Truelove, P. 6718, C. Dam of True Belle, winner of 3d prize. Class I, 28 entries, and Parish prize, Roval Show, Jersey. Aug., '03. Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C (Eminent, 69631, A. J. C. C) Winner 1st State's pr. over Jer. (with his get), '01 and '02. Goddington purse, '02. Sold in our '05 auction for $10,000 to the late Hon. A. M. Bowman, Salem. Va. Eminent 2d has SI daughters that have made tests in Amer- ica and on the Is- land. Among his Register of Merit daughters with yearly authen- ticated butter tests are: Eminent's Oxford Pride, 142191. 656 lbs. butter in 1 year. Eminent's Honey- moon, 213908, 592 lbs. 12 ozs- My Eminent's Carna- tion, 565 lbs. 6 ozs. Eminent's Lady Mait- land. 549 lbs. 2 ozs. Rosy of Oaklands, 195835, 524 lbs. 11 ozs. Eminent's Golden Lucy, 210895, 524 lbs. 8 ozs. Eminent's Cocotte, 213903, 491 lbs. 10 ozs. Sire of 25 bulls with tested daughters. Rhoda 5th, v P. 5254. C. Traces three times to the famous Sultane. P. 7, H. C. whose daughter, Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. C. is dam of Golden Sultana. Golden Jolly, P. 2921, H. C. Sire of Viola's Golden Jolly, sold in our "09 auctionfor$ll,000. Golden Rose. P. 7838. H. C. 2d over Jersey and Par. prize, Aug., '99. Daughter of Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Dam by Lowland King. P. 1673, H.C. winner of 1st over Jer., '92 and '93. ■ Joseph, P. 2008, C. Sire of Harrow-gate of Biltmore, 127233, butter test, 18 lbs. 13| ozs. in 7 days, from 330 lbs. 12 ozs. milk, at 7 years 7 months old. Les Fonds Jolly, P. 5705. H. C 4th over Jersey, May. *95. Reserve over Jersey, ^ Aug., '97. Golden Fern's Lad. P. 2160. H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show. '96, '97. Sire of 31 tested cows and 27 producing bulls. Eminence. F. 7124, H. C. Dam of Little Eminence, 122506.21 lbs. 6 ozs. Eminence of . the Is- land, 15 lbs. 10 ozs., when ten years old. Leda, whose daughter, Golden Leda, won 1st over the Island, and is dam of the bulls, Stockwell. Leda's Golden Lad. Topstnan, etc. Satisfaction, P. 3127, H. C, 3d over Jer.. '89. Eminent 2d, P. 2532. H. C-, sire of 81 tested cows. Eminent. P. 1842, H. C- (by Golden Lad), sire of Effie Baal. 14 lbs. 10J ozs. in 7 days, and other dis- tinguished cows. Trial 2d, P. 474. C Sired by a half-brother to Golden Lad (see above). His grand- sire is by Count Cicero, F. 398, H. C, 2d pr. over Jer., '83; sire of Count's Fill- pail, 30975, 24 lbs. 5 ozs.; Cicero's Ruby, 29040. 14 lbs. lj ozs. and 4 others. Rhoda 3d, P. 4038. C. By a splendidly bred bull — note his line- age — an inbred Sul- tane bull. Sultane is dam of Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (See above.) Brookhill Rose 2d, P. 3440. C 1st prize and Cham winner over the Is- land, May, '98. Dam of Reminder, Golden Jolly and Brookhill Fox, 3 fa- mous sires. She has milked as high as 2S quarts daily. Black Diamond, P. 1726, H. C. Blue Belle. P. 4307, H. C. now named Imported Blue Belle. 180234. A. J. C. C- Sold for $3,600 in our '04 sale. Grandam of Noble of Oaklands. Boyle. P. 1559. H. C. Sire of 5 tested cows. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d over Jer., 2d H. B. and Par. prize. '94. Traveler. P. 280, C Sire of Clubs 2d, 16725. butter test. 14 lbs. 7 ozs. in 7 days. 208i lbs. milk, at 8 years old. Brown Fern. F. 4606, C. Dam of Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944. H. Cm dam of • Aurea. P. 8693. H. C. (now Eminent's Fern of St. Martin. 252122). public butter test. May. '07, 2 lbs. 5* ozs., 65 days in milk. Trial, P. 1187. H. C. 4th over Jer. and Par. prize. '89. 1st over Jer.. Aug., '89. 2d over Jer. and Cham- pion Cup. '90. Sire of Finance, the dam of Financial King; also sire of Mr. R. A. Sibley's great cow, Magyar- land. By same sire as Gold- en Lad, P. 1242. H. C., and out of same dam as Brookhill Rose. P. 1889. C. (see below). Fan, P. 585. H C Won 4th prize over Jersey. Royal Show. Aug.. '88. Crowberry. P. 1111. H. C- His dam is also dam of Uncle Peter. I' 21 15. H. Cm sire of a re markablc lot of dairy cows. Rhoda. F. 4323. C. Count Wolseley. P. 928. H. C. 1st over Jer., Apr.. "88. 2d over Jer., Apr,, '89. 1st over Jer., Aug. .'89. Sire of Oxford Lass, etc. Brookhill Rose. P. 1889. C. Out of same dam as Trial. P. 1187. H. C- (see above). Birou. P. 1375. H. C Sire of Pawn, P. 1766, who sired the hand- some cow, Brow'n Beauty of St. Sa- viour. 157320. A. J. C. C.sold in our '01 sale to Mr. F. G. Crane, Dalton.Mass., for $1,200. Moonbeam. P. 2439. C. Blue Belle has 2 tested daughters and 5 pro- ducing sons, including the sire of Financial King. Gnenon's Lad and Alexie (sire of In- terested_Princc). Tattoo 114 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 110. Heifer. ASHLEY BELLE OF LEHIGH, 319707, A. J. C. C. Dropped May 24. 1914. Solid color; black tongue and switch. Bred by C. Le Tourneur. Trinity, Island of Jersey. Imported (in dam) April 8, 1914, by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa. A show heifer, rich deep fawn in color, and of great refinement and symmetry of type; stylish in carriage; a heifer of abundant vigor and capacity; very neat head, with beautifully turned horns; level top line; strong back; high setting of tail, which is thin and long, with beautiful switch; great length and depth of body; well-sprung ribs; good udder development, with good-sized and squarely placed teats. A splendidly bred heifer, whose dam is now in Register of Merit. Her great-grandsire, Flower's Hero, is by Golden Jolly, P. 2291. H. C, out of a half-sister to the sire of Vesta's Daisy, the world's record public butter test cow, 3 lbs. ll£ ozs. butter i n 24 hours, who sold in our 1912 auction for $2,700. The Plymouth Lad, S9792, A. J. C. C. (Plymouth Lad, P. 3922, C.) 1 st prize and Senior Champion bull, In- diana State Fair, '10. Sold at auction for $9,000. Sire of Kilroy. P. 4308, H. C. (Plymouth Lad's Golden Jolly. 88240), winner of 1st prize ov. the Island, Class 7, Aug., '09; sold for $2,000. Lady Hermit. 238350, sold in '10 for $950 as a two-year-old. Sire of 18 tested cows, including Cowslip's Fawn Beauty, 252254, in Register of Merit, 626 lbs. butter in 1 year, at 3 yrs. 7 mos. old. She was sold in our '12 auction. Sire SEA LAD, P. 4720, H.C. 2d prize in a class of 24 aged bulls. Royal Show, Jer., Aug. ,13. Sire of Highland Fox's Dorcas, 294914. 2d prize junior yearling heifer, 8 entries. In- diana State Fair/14. He traces twice to Golden Fern's Lad, who is the sire of Eminent 2d, Golden Jolly and Flying Fox, and 22 other producing bulls, in- eluding Sensational Fern, who was bred at ' 'Linden Grove' ' and sold in our auc- tion as a calf for $10,200. Golden Fern's Lad was in service at "Linden Grove" for 5 years. He has 31 butter test daughters, and 27 sons with tested daughters. Eminent 2d was sold in our auction for $10,000. He has 81 tested daughters (more than any other imported bull) and 25 sons with tested daughters. Flying Fox was sold in our auction for $7,500. He has 26 tested daughters and 43 producing sons — more than any other bull of any breed. Dam GAMBOGE'S ASHLEY BELLE, 318392. Register of Merit rec- ord, 373 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in 1 year, be- ginning test at 3£ years old. She is one of ten heifers selected from the "Linden Grove" herd by Mr. H. W. Snider for his Spring Grove Farm, Wiek- liffe, Ohio, in the fall of '14. All of them are making the Register of Merit. Gamboge's Tiddledy- wink, by same sire, is in Register of Mer- it, 722 lbs. 14 ozs. butter in 1 year, and was Grand Cham- pion at National Dairy Show, '12. She was imported by "Linden Grove" and sold with 6 others by same sire for $1,750 each. Seaweed, P. 11942, H. C. Out of same dam as Beeswing, public butter test, May.'ll, 1 lb. 6 J ozs. in 24hrs., at 8 yrs. old, 195 days after calving. Her sire produced Ra- leigh's Fairy Boy, sold in our '08 auc- tion for $8,200. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645. H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny), Apr., '08. Sold at our '11 auction for $6,700. 41 of his daughters are tested and others are now making records. Four of his sons are the sires of Register of Merit cows. Ox- ford You'll Do, who is now at "Linden Grove," is sire of 21 butter test cows. He produced the Grand Champion bull at Indiana State Fair last fall, and his full brother. Oxford Knight, produced the Gr. Champion cow at Iowa State Fair. Oxford Knight has 12 tested daughters. Ashley Belle, P. 12922, H. C. Her sire has 4 butter test daughters and produced a number of prize winners. Flower's Hero, P. 3502. C. Half-brother to Gold- en Jolly's Lady Viola (Po_ppy Viola), that we imported in '06. We re-bought her at Mr. J. M. Overton's sale. '08, for $2,550. Sh e is looked upon on the Island as having made the most phe- nomenal public but- ter test (taking into consideration age and lactation) ever made. Plymouth, P. 10344, H. C. 2d prize (Bronze Med- al). Oct. .'09, butter test, 2 lbs. 7£ ozs., 134 days in milk; Silver Medal and £5 Goddington prize. May, '10, 2 lbs. 6i ozs., 288 days in milk; C. of M., Oct., '10, 1 lb. 7 ozs., 498 days in milk. Reserve and Par. pr., Class 3, May, '04. Reserve, May, '10, for "Nicolle Special." best butter test cow, judged by inspec- tion. Eminent's Raleigh, 69011. Sire of many prize winners and of 48 tested cows, among the latter being; Raleigh's Lady Aldan, in Register of Merit, 744 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 1 year. Has 7 or more produc- ing sons. Seabreeze. P. 8001, C. Dam of a tested cow, a n d of the bull, Rocksand, P. 3986, H. C, Reserve at Royal Show, 25 en- tries, '07. Ashley King, P. 3327, H. C. 3d over Jersey, Class 2, April, '04. Sire of Surprise Bess, Gold Medal winner in Tring (England) public butter test, '08,2 lbs. 9 ozs. in 24 hours, at 3 years old, 105 days after calv- ing. Ashley King sired the dam of Combina- tion's Ashley Belle, 288008, one of the most splendid young cows of our '13 auc- tion, selling as a 3- year-old for $1,000, to Mr. E. H. Hatch, Maplewood, N. J. By same sire as Emi- nent's Raleigh (above), sire of 48 tested cows. Les Noyers' Belle, P. 10672, C. Mercury, P. 3018, C. Sire of several butter test cows. His grandsire, Caumais Lad, is son of Blue Belle. Lady June, P. 5050, C. Her grandsire. Useful Lad, is sire of the bull, Clarence, P. 1494, H. C, whose daughter, Golden Lily, won 1st prize over Jersey. Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. (Eminent, 69631, A. J. C. C.) Winner 1st State's pr. over Jersey (with his get), '01 and '02. Goddington purse, '02. Sold in our '05 auction for $10,000, to the late Hon. A. M. Bowman, Salem, Va. Eminent 2d is sire of 81 tested cows. Rill. P. 6982, H. C. Gave 65 lbs. milk in one day. Consider- ed one of the great- est milk producers the Island has ever known. Her sire, Hope, is also sire of Nelly Hope, public test, 1 lb. 8$ ozs. butter in 24 hours, 163 days in milk. Actor, P. 2256, C. 1st over Jer., '96, '97. Actor was considered by his breeder, Mr. Wm. Labey, one of the best bulls ever on the Island. Sunshine 4th, P. 1566, H. C. Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. (See above.) Kittie 5th, P. 6289, C. Golden Maid's Prince, P. 3027, H. C. (93538, A. J. C. C.) 1st over Jersey, bulls from tested dams, Aug., '01. 3d over Jer., Aug., "02. 1st over Jersey with progeny, Apr., '07. His tested daughters include: Golden Maid's Chris- tena, 708 lbs. in 1 yr. ; imported by "Linden Grove." Minorca, public butter test, 2 lbs. 9£ozs., 70 days in milk. Lily B r o w n, public butter test, 2 lbs. 4£ ozs., 49 days in milk. And 37 others with tests. Alexandrine 3d, P. 7120, H. C. Financial King, P. 2624, H. C. Sire of a magnificent lot of dairy cows, the best being Financial Countess. Badier's Lady, P. 7345. H. C. Dam of Warder's Lady, authenticated test. 819 lbs. 15 ozs. butter fat in one year. Orphan's Lad, P. 1436, C. Lady Alice, F. 7825, C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. Eminence, F. 7124, H. C. 2d St. Martin, '92. Sweepstakes, N. C.,'92. Hope. P. 1948, H. C. Sire of Prosper, Parish prize, '97; Hope's R e g i n a, 2d over England, half-broth- er to Beresford Pride, 1st Bath and West, '02; 1st Royal Counties, '02. Tula, P. 5323, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '94. Golden Hero, P. 1833. H. C. 1st ov. Jer., '93, '94. '95. Sire of Nita Belle D, 21 lbs. li ozs. Nicotine's Pet, 20 lbs. 1 oz. Sire of several public butter test cows. Fontaine 7th, P. 5391, H. C. 1st pr., Grouville, '98. .Bronze Medal, butter test, '98. Full sister to Fontaine 9th. Egyptian, P. 2564, H. C. Imported and regis- tered as King of Arden, 58135. Par. prize, I. of Jer., Apr., '98. . 1st pr. yearling, St. John, I. of J., '98. Caumais Lad, P. 2257, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, '96. Sire of many noted animals. Finance, P. 4611, C. Roderick, P. 1912, C. Badier's Moselle, P. 4776, C. Useful Lad, P. 997, H. C. 2d prize, Aug., '88. Belle Orpheline, P. 1080, H. C. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Son of Golden Lad. Golden Fern, P. 4711. H. C. Traveler, P. 280. C. Golden Maid, P. 6555, H. C 2d over Jersey, '96. Certificate of Merit in butter test, May, '98, 2 lbs. 4J ozs. „ Dam of Golden Maid 3d, P. 8137, H. C, public butter test, Oct., '07, 1 lb. 12£ ozs., Ill days in milk. Dam of 3 public butter test cows. Golden Maid 2d, Par. prizes, May, '98 and '99. Angler. P. 1398, H. C. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '94, '95 and '96. Alexandrine 2d, P. 5090, C. Brown Fern. F. 4606. C. Orme. P. 1660. H. C Was sold by Mr. J. P. Marett to Lord Rothschild at a long price. Regina's Pride, F. 7450. H. C. 1st over Jer., May, '94. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Mistake, P. 4562, C. Golden Pink, P. 1491, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, '91. Sire of numerous prize winners. Bellona 3d. P. 874, C. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '89. Boyle. P. 1559. H. C. (See above.) Fontaine 4th, P. 2537, C. Picton, P. 2291. H. C. Egyptian Buttercup, F. 7496, C- Dam of Egyptian 2d, P. 3090, H. C. who sired Golden De- light, P. 10534, H. C., winner Certifi- cate of Merit and 2d Par. prize. May. '09, public butter test, 2 lbs. 4£ ozs., 94 days in milk. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st pr. ov. the Island. Aug., '90; also win- ner of £15 prize. Six of his sons are credited in the Reg ister of Merit with officially tested daughters. Three of them were imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auc- tion sales. Bonny Lass, P. 4577, H. C. Mourier Boy, P. 1641, H. C. Descended from Wol- seley, P. 401, H. C, 1st over Jer., '83, '84, '85. Cyprus 2d, P. 699, H. C. Due to calve October 3, 19 1G, by Sultana's Golden Jolly, S61S0, A. J. C. C, the handsomest and best bred bull ever owned at "Linden Grove." He won, at the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, 1st prize in 2-year-old class, Senior Champion and Grand Champion bull, any age; headed 1st prize $200 Special herd, bull and 10 females; Special Grand Champion, $100 prize; A. J. C. C. Gold Medal, Grand Champion bull bred by exhibitor; sired the animals winning 1st prize as calf herd. (See front pages for picture and further particulars concerning Sultana's Golden Jolly.) Tattoo 144 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 111. Heifer. FERN'S LUCY BELLE, 319714, A. J. C. C. Bred by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg. Pa. Horn September 10, 1914. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A very handsome, rich deep fawn of great stamina; beautiful top line; body long, deep and well ribbed; strong, broad loins and prominent hips; tail well set, with good switch; her dam is one of the great daugh- ters of Noble of Oaklands, and out of the same dam as the bull, Lucy's Prince; good udder development, with large squarely placed teats.. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. (See front page A.) Sire VIOLA'S GOLDEN FERN, 77393, A. J. C. C. Viola's Golden Fern is siring for us a class of calves of which we are very proud. (See preceding pages for further particu- lars.) Three of his daughters, in our '13 auction, averaged $383.33. One of them, Min- ette's Golden Viola, 240367, sold to Mr. R. A. Sibley, made the Register of Mer- it, Class AA, with 405 lbs. 14 ozs. but- ter in 1 year, at 4 yrs. 5 mos. old. She was sold for $410. Judging by what the d e s c e njd ants of "Golden Fern's Lad" are doing on the Island and in America, and best of all, the great public butter tests that they are making and their great popu- larity among Island, England and Amer- ican breeders, con- vinces us that "Golden Fern's Lad" is the most prepo- tent, most distin- guished and pre- eminent Jersey bull that the world has ever produced. He has 29 butter tested daughters and 27 sons with tested daughters. Dam NOBLE'S LUCY BELLE, 252188, A. J. C. C. (NOBLE LULU, P. 14587, H. C.) Winner of 2d prize, yearling class. North Club Show, Island of Jersey, '08. Reserve, heifers in milk, North Club Show, '10. V. H. C. at Trinity Show, '10. One of five winning 1st over Jersey, '10, as progeny of Noble, of Oaklands. A "grand good" young cow ; strong a nd rugged; stylish, with grand udder, ex- tending away to front and rear; great long soft teats, beau- tifully placed. Dam of Merry Lad's Lulu, 293086, win- ner of Trinity Parish prize, Class 2, Aug.. '12; 1st prize aged cow, Senior and Gr. Champion, Wiscon- sin State Fair, '13; and other prizes. Miss Viola, P. 9644, H. C. 195796, A. J. C. C. One of the best cows in the "Linden Grove" herd. She won the Goddington prize, in the public butter test, testing 2 lbs. 15 ozs. in 24 hours, 39 days in milk. (See No. 112 for furth- er particulars.) Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. (95700, A. J. C. C.) 1st St. Saviour Parish prize, '07. 3d over Jersey, with progeny, Apr., '08. 1st over Jersey, with progeny, April, '10. Sold at our '11 auction for $15,000. 1st prizes for "get of sire" were won by his sons and daugh- ters in '10 at Nat. Dairy Show, Water- loo (Iowa) Dairy Show, Illinois and Tennessee State Fairs. Special prize ($250 Sil- ver Trophy) at Nat. Dairy Show, '11, for "get of sire, 4 to 8 animals, either sex, irrespective of age or ownership." was won by 3 of his sons and 5 daughters. Sire of 37 tested cows, 30 of them in Regis- ter of Merit. Forfarshire's Lucy, P. 10576, H. C. 2d prize, yearling class. North Club Show, May, '03. 2d prize, young cow class, North Club Show, May, '05, two months before drop- ping second calf — "a record." 2d prize, North Club Show, May, '06, and Reserve Champion, two months before dropping third calf — "a record." 1st over Jer., Aug., '06, and Reserve for Blythwood Bowl. 1st over Jer., Special Class, Aug., '07. Exported to England, where she has been a frequent winner. Dam of Champion Lucy. P. 12373. H. C, winner of 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '07. "Selected for Australia as the best young cow on the Island."— J. A. Perree. She is dam of Noble's Lucy, 252175, 2d over Jer., Aug., '08 ; sold in our '11 auction for $1,400. Dam of the bull, Lucy's Prince, P. 3939, H. C., winner of 2d over Jersey (with his progeny). Apr., '10; a success- ful sire. Willoh, P. 2855. H. C. He traces 3 times to Golden Lad, and has 28J per cent, of his blood. Sire of Willoh's Rosy, public butter test. 3 lbs., 38 days in milk, at 4 years old. Dam of 5 official butter test cows, and a 6th daughter won 1st over the Island. Miss Viola, public butter test, 2 lbs. 15 ozs., 39 days in milk, 4 years old. (Miss Viola and Willoh's Rosy are the two highest testing daughters of Lady Viola.) Syren's Pride, public butter test, 1 lb. 1\ ozs. days in milk. Gipsy Maid 2d, 1st over Jersey, Aug., 02; many other prizes. Gipsy Maid 3d, 3d over Jersey, Aug., 10; many other prizes. Clara's Orphan, winner of 11 1st prizes Championships at Western State Fairs. '02. '03 and '05. The get of Willoh "breed on," in evidence of which there are striking examples. ,215 ; and and and '01, Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. 1st over Jersey. '04. Certificate of Merit, butter test, May, "04, 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 50 days in milk. 1st over Jersey and Champion, '05. 1st over Eng- wherever exhibited. '06, '07. She sold in our auction, May. '11, for $7,000; at same time her son. Noble of Oak- lands, sold for $15,000. Dam of Willoh's Rosy, P. 10444, H. C, Certi- ficate of Merit, May, '06, 3 lbs., 38 days in milk. (Willoh's Rosy is dam of 4 public butter test cows.) And 3 other butter test cows. Forfarshire, P. 2914, H. C. Reserve over Jer., '00. Champion. St. Saviour Show, '01. Sweepstakes over Grouville and St. Saviour Show, '01. Sold at our auction sale. May, '03, for $1,750. to Filston Farms, G 1 e n c o e, Md., and they could have had $5,000 for him from two differ- ent parties soon after getting him home. Sire of 16 tested cows, including: Forfarshire's Golden Rose, in Register of Merit. 545 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 year. Forfarshire's Britan- nia, in Register of Merit, 482 lbs. 6 ozs. Roulette of Biltmore, 14 lbs. h oz. butter in 7 days. Golden Lizzie, public butter test. 2 lbs. 2\ ozs. in 24 hours, 114 days in milk. Britannia 6th, public butter test, 2 lbs. 3£ ozs. Juillette 11th. public butter test, 1 lb. 10* ozs. Dulcet 's Favorite, P. 11391, H. C. winner in the following pub- lic butter tests: May, '06, 1 lb. 8 ozs.. 160 days in milk; May. '07. 1 lb. Hi ozs., 151 days in milk; May, '09. 1 lb. 13* ozs., 137 days in milk. Lucy's Lass, P. 7092, H. C. Nobleman, P. 2555. H. C. 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr,, '98. 1st over Jer., Aug., '98. Reserve over Jer. and Par. prize, '00. 1st at Three Parish Show, *99. Sire of Nobleman's Lady Mary, sold in our '02 sale to J. A. Middelton, Shelby- ville, Ky.; the un- beaten Champion of many shows. Bagat;lle 2d. P. 6564, H. C, now named Golden Lad's Victoria, 157325. Sold in our '01 sale for $745. Picton, P. 2392, H. C. Full brother to Hand- some Gold Phillis, that, as a 3-year-old, sold for $625 in our '00 auction sale. Sire of Firefly. P. 8022, C, Par. prize. May, '02 ; whose daugh- ter, Oxford Lady of St. Mary, 213932, sold for $1 ,025 in our '09 auction. Rosette 5th. P. 2881, H. C. now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. 1st Parish prize. Dam of Flying Fox, Alicante (the dam of "The O w 1") and Forfarshire, three Champion winners. Four of her get have sold in our auction sales at an average of $2,762.50. Dam of Sultana's Ro- sette 2d, 14 lbs. 7 ozs. Trooper. P. 2109. H. C. 1st over Jer., '95. Sire of Rosebay 11th, public butter test. 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 166 days in milk. Octavia, P. 7510, C- public butter test. 1 lb. 13 ozs.. 37 lbs. 12 ozs. milk. Jubilee Flora. 1st over Jersey, '97. Jolly Queen, 4th over Jersey, '99. Pansy (8006), Parish prizes. Aug.. '99, and May, 00. Lucy 4th, P. 1516. II Aristocrat, ' P. 2280, H. C. 1st and Sweepstakes, 3 Par. Show, '07. A son of the famous show and butter cow, "Nameless," he has shown his worth as a sire of cows that are a credit to his illustrious dam. Sire of Aristocratic Beauty, that won the Silver Medal in the public butter test on the Island, testing 2 lbs. lo£ ozs. in 24 hours, be- ing in milk at time of test 121 days. Sold in our '06 sale for $1,100 to Mr. J. M. Overton, Nash- ville, Tenn. By same sire as Boyle, sire of Golden Fern's Lad; Mon Plaisir, 1st over Jer., '98; Ham- ley, 1st over Jer. ,'99; Mona's Glory. 1st over Jer.. '97; Cour- age, Nunthorpe, Golden Pink, Pio- neer, Morion, Orme, La Chasse Prince, Sultana's Golden Lad, and others that have won fame. Gipsy Maid; P. 4424, H. C. 2d and Sweepstakes at 3 Par-Show, '97. Sergeant Major, P. 2010. C 4th St. Martin. '94. Sire of Surville's Primula. Par. prize, Aug., '99. Phyllis. Parish prize. May, '99. Primrose 6th, P. 3808, C. 2d and 3d, North Club, '97. Reserve, North Club, '98. Sarabond, P. 797, H.C. He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. A great loss to the Is- land, as he undoubt- edly was a great sire. Rosette 4th, P. 2I28.C. We were informed on the Island by J. A. Marett that Rosette 4th, as a dairy cow in her day. had few equals on the Island, and like her daugh- ters was a very rich and persistent milker. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st prize over Island, Aug.. '90; also win- ner of £15 prize. White House 2d, P. 1232. H. C. 1st pr.. St. Ouen. '85. Columbus. P. 447. C. His sire, Forget-Me- Not, sold at our auc- tion sale. May, '82. for $2,150. His grandsire, Fann- er's Glory, sold at auction to Mr. T. A. Ilavemcyer for $3,200, and is sire of Beulata De Gruchy, 13480, 22 lbs. 2 ozs.; Maritana. 12039, 16 lbs. 3£ ozs.; and 5 other cows that made butter tests in America. Lucy 2d, P. 687, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess. 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326, 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. Golden Lad's Lady Rose, 162097. 21 lbs. 10J ozs. Sandgate, 122509, 20 lbs. 10 j ozs. Zulu Lady. 20 lbs. 10 ozs. Golden Naiad. 18 lbs. \\ ozs. Golden Kola, 127232, 17 lbs. 8i ozs. And 25 others. Nameless, P. 3222, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, '93. 1st over Jersey, '94. 1st Cham. Class. '95. f Poster, P. 1152, C. A bull held in high esteem by F. C. Le Maistre on account of his dam and grandam. especially the latter — La Bou- a n n e' a splendid cow, though never registered. 'l Daisy 7 th, P. 3277, H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Cai 's Beauty, P. 3840, C- Granddaughter of Wolseley, P. 401, H. C. Willard 2d, P. 1078, H. C. Primrose 4th, P. 1671, H. C Count Cicero, F. 398, H. C. Sultane. P. 7, H. C. "The first of the most celebrated family the Island has ever seen." Happy Cetewayo, P. 582. C. His grandsire, Cete- wayo, P. 224. C. is sire of 4 tested cows testing from 16 lbs. 2£ ozs. to 17 lbs. 2J ozs. Rosette 2d. F. 943, H. C. 1st pr. at Grouville. Baronet. P. 307. H. C. 1st over Jersey, '84. Out of same dam as the famous bull. Tormentor, sire of 47 tested cows. White House, F. 2531. H. C. Forget-Me-Not, P. 291, H.C. 1st H. B. prize. '81. 1st and Sweepstakes, N.J. State Fair, '82. Sire of Well Done, 19 lbs. 4 ozs. Pearl. F. 2198, C. Sir George. P. 221. H. C. 1st over Jer., '80. '81. Sire of Aunty 2d, P. 647, H. C, 1st over Jer., Aug.. '85; 3d over Jer., June ; '87; Reserve, May, '88. Lucy Peel. F. 2203, C. Due to calve October 27, 1916, by Sultana's Golden Jolly. 8(3180, the handsomest and best bred bull ever owned at "Linden Grove," and supposed to be the most valuable son of the great butter-bred bull, Viola's Golden Jollv, 79314, A. J. C. C, who sold in our 1909 auction for $12,000, and in the Kinloch Farm auction. 1911. for $13,000. His dam, Golden Sultana, is one of the most distinguished daughters of Golden Fern's Lad; she was awarded third prize in the aged cow class at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904, and sold in the ring for $2,350. (See front pages for picture and further particulars concerning Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86180.) Tattoo 148 T. S, COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 112. Heifer. FERN'S HANDSOME MAID, 325732, A. J. C. C. Bred by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa. Itorn November 25, 1914. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A rugged light fawn; neat head, broad between the eyes and with fine muzzle; strong back, broad at loins; mellow hide; great length and depth of body; like her sisters by the same sire, she promises a large, beautiful udder; teats already large, and squarely placed. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. Sire of Flying Fox, sold in our "02 sale for $7,500. Sire (See front page A for VIOLA'S f uH pedigree.) GOLDEN FERN, 77393 t A. J. C. C. Viola's Golden Fern is siring for us a class of calves of which we are very proud. We sold two of them in our '11 auction to show breeders how good they are. Though only year- lings, Viola's Golden Lena and Viola's Gold Lady sold for $500 each. We pre- dict both will do credit to their illus- trious ancestors. Three of his daughters in our '13 auction averaged $383.33. One of them, Min- ette's Golden Viola, 240367, sold to Mr. R. A. Sibley, made the Register of Mer- it, Class AA, with 405 lbs. 14 ozs. but- ter in 1 year, at 4 yrs. 5 mos. old. She was sold for $410. Viola's Golden Fern is sired by the world's famous bull. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C, out of Miss Viola, P. 9644, H. C, one of the very best dairy cows in the "Linden Grove" herd. She won, in the public butter test on the Island, the Goddington pr., testing 2 lbs. 15 ozs., in 24 hours, being in milk only 39 days and barely 4 yrs. old. She is a daughter of the celebrated cow, Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C, and a full sister to the great cow, Willoh's Rosy, P. 10444, H.C., that tested 3 lbs., in the public butter test, in 24 hours. (See front pages for more extended pedi- gree of Viola's Golden Fern.) Miss Viola, P. 9644, H. C. (195796, A. J. C. C.) One of the best cows in the "Linden Grove" herd. She won the Goddington prize, in the public butter test, testing 2 lbs. 15 ozs. in 24 hours, 39 days in milk, 4 years old. Dam of Miss Viola's Daughter, 196245, sold in our '1 1 auction for $700, to Elmendorf Farm. Mona's Miss Viola, 240505, sold in our '11 auction for $975, at 16 months old, to Elmendorf Farm. Miss Viola's Golden Fern, 120835. Miss Viola is a full sister to Willoh's Rosy, who was im- ported by Mr. C. I. Hudson, and sold to Elmendorf Farm, where the "Lady Viola" family is owned. Dam OXFORD'S HANDSOME MAID, 269798, A. J. C. C. (LYSBETH, P. 16016, H. C.) A rugged cow of gener- ous size; a deep, square udder, well developed forward and unusually full behind, covered with prominent veins; splendid teats, per- fectly placed. A 20-quart cow. Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C. Winner of 1st pr. over Jer., with his prog- eny, at the bull show on the Island, Apr., '11. Among other great cows, he is sire of: You'll Do's Favorite, now on official test, and will make close to, if not more than, 900 lbs. butter in 1 year as a four-year- old. She was sold in our '14 auction for $500, to E- T. Bedford, G r e e n's Farms, Conn. Golden Oxford Ivy, 1st at the Royal Show, May, '14, as a 2-year-old (68 en- tries); 1st at Royal Show as a 3-year- old, May, '15 (76 entries), and Theatre Chal. Cup (Cham- pionship over the Island). She is now in the "Linden Grove" stables. Golden Fern's Oxford, 1st pr. yearling bull, Junior and Grand Cham., Indiana S. Fair, '15. (For full particulars see front pages.) Old Maid, P. 13914, C. Willoh, P. 2855, H. C. He traces 3 times to Golden Lad, and has 2SJ per cent, of his blood. Sire of Willoh's Rosy, public butter test, 3 lbs., 38 days in milk, at 4 years old. Dam of 5 public butter test cows, and a sixth daughter won 1st over the Island "«««i "ssi Miss Viola, public butter test, 2 lbs. 15 ozs., 39 days in milk, 4 years old (Miss Viola and Willoh's Rosy are the two highest testing daughters of Lady Viola ) Syren s Pride, public butter test, 1 lb. 7$ ozs., 215 days in mil.k. Gipsy Maid 2d, 1st over Jersey, Aug., '02; and many other prizes. Gipsy Maid 3d, 3d over Jersey, Aug., '10; and many other prizes. Clara's Orphan, winner of 11 1st prizes and Championships at Western State Fairs.'Ol '02 '0* and '05 The get of Willoh "breed on," in evidence of which there are striking examples. Willoh's Rosy's 5 tested daughters include Brightness, dam of Viola's Bright Prince Miss Viola is dam of the "Linden Grove" service bull, Viola's Golden Fern. Syren's Pride is dam of 2 public butter test daughters and 2 winners in inspection classes Gipsy Maid 2d is dam of Noble's Gipsy Boy, Willoh is sire of Clarencia's Lad, who sired Lady Ramsgate, public butter test, Oct., 'OS, 1 lb lOi ozs 127 days in milk (3 years old). Willoh sired Golden Rachel's Prince, a bull sold at a bargain price in our May, '01, auction His present owner, Mr. A. E. Norton, of Dalton, Pa., has reported the authenticated records of five daughters and one granddaughter of this Willoh bull, and another on test. The six cows, with their records, are: Rachel Chenille, 13,734.1 lbs. milk, 723 lbs. 2\ ozs. butter, in 1 year. Rachel Cute, 10,639.2 lbs. milk. 690 lbs. 6 ozs. butter, 1 year. Rachel Wizz, 6,341 lbs. milk, 416 lbs. butter, in 6 months, 4 days. Golden Crony 3d, 4,883.7 lbs. milk, 325 lbs. 12 ozs. butter in 5 months. Golden Yum 3d, 2,263 lbs. milk, 150 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 2 months. Golden Dollykin 2d (granddaughter), 10,644.9 lbs. milk, 632 lbs. 11 ozs. butter, in 1 year. Fontaine's King, P. 2207, H. C. Sire of John Bull and other noted animals. Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. Sold in our '1 1 auction for $7,000. Won in public butter test, May, '04, pro- ducing 2 lbs. 12 ozs. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny), Apr., '08. Sold at our '11 auction for $6,700, to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,750 each. Eleven of his daugh- ters, in our '11 auc- tion, averaged $1,391.36. Sire of 41 tested cows, 3 over 700 lbs. but- ter in 1 year, and all three imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auctions. Sire of 4 bulls with a total of 36 butter test daughters. Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. Daughter of Oxford Lass. Her sire is by Golden Lad 2d, P. 2023, H. C, who is sire of Orlando, P. 2535, H. C, sire of Fairy Glen, P. 9178, H. C, dam of Raleigh's Fairy Boy and Fairy Glen's Raleigh. Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass, P. 11386, H. C, win- ner of 2 Certificates of Merit, besides 1st prize over Jer. and Theatre Challenge Cup, May, '11, and Reserve for Renouf Cup, "best butter test cow judged by inspection," May, '09 ; Reserve, May, '07. She is dam of Agatha's Oxford Noble, winner of 1st prize, "bulls from tested dams," May, '12. Oxford Knight (full brother to Oxford You'll Do), sire of 12 official butter test cows. Stourhead, P. 3715, H. C. Winner of Parish prize, Royal Show, Island of Jer., Apr., '05. Old Fashioned, F. 9499, H. C. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1 st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '02. 1st pr. over the Island in a class of 44, '02. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '03. Fontaine's Oxford Pride, 187430, A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C.) 1st prize winner over the Island and Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '04. 3d pr. over Jer., Aug., '01, '02. 3d pr. in public butter test, 2 lbs. 7$ ozs., 48 days in milk. Sold for $2,500, in our '05 sale, to Mr. H. Willets, owner of Gedney Farm. Dam of 3 tested cows. Eminent's Raleigh, 69011. (Raleigh. P. 3273. H. C.) 3d pr. over Jer., '03, and 2d State's prize, '03. Sire of 48 tested cows, 24 of them in Regis- ter of Merit with year's butter rec- ords, including: Raleigh's Lady Aldan, 744 lbs. 5 ozs. Raleigh's Rose, 706 lbs. Raleigh's Calais, 696 lbs. 1 1 ozs. Raleigh's Houssie, 684 lbs. 6 ozs. Raleigh's Pretty Kar- nak, 669 lbs. 15 ozs. Raleigh's Fairy, 627 lbs. 7 ozs. Raleigh's Snowdrop, 612 lbs. 2 ozs. Raleigh's Nancy Wolff, 592 lbs. 8 ozs. Raleigh's L e d a, 582 lbs. 8 ozs. Sire of 7 1st prize win- ners at Royal Shows, including Raleigh's Fairy Boy, 83767 (P. 3851, H. C-). 1st over Jer., Apr., '08; sire of 40 tested cows. His daughter, Ra- leigh's Beauty of St. Martin, 286798, top- ped our '13 auction, selling for $2,050. Oxford Crocus, P. 8225. H. C. Caiest, P. 2591, H. C. 1st prize, Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville Show, '98. Sire of Mabel's Poet, P. 2964, H. C. and other noted animals. Fifteen daughters of Caiest sold in our '05 and '06 auction sales, averaging $865 each. Gamboge's Pride, P. 4508. H. C. She has won the fol- lowing public butter tests: May, '97, 2 lbs. 5$ ozs. Oct., '97, 2 lbs. 4i ozs. Oct., '98, 2 lbs. 7\ ozs., ' 118 days in milk. Dam of 3 tested cows. Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. (Eminent, 69631, A. J. C. C.) Winner 1st State's pr. over Jersey (with get), '01 and '02. Goddington purse, '02. Sold in our '05 auction for $10,000, to the late Hon. A. M. Bowman, Salem, Va. Eminent 2d has 71 daughters that have made tests in Amer- ica and on the Island. One of his leading Is- land test daughters is Aurea, P. 8693, H. C. (now Eminent's Fern of St. Martin, 252122), Certificate of Merit in public butter test, May, '07, 2 lbs. 5i ozs., 65 days in milk. Rill, P. 6982, H. C. Gave 65 lbs. milk in one day. Consider- ed one of the great- est milk producers the Island has ever known. Dam of the bull, Fly- ing Foam, sire of several high pro- ducers in the Eng- lish butter tests. Hillside Jack, P. 2480, H. C. Son of Jersey Boy, P. 2162, H. C, 3d over Jersey, April, '96, and Grey Queen, P. 4738, C, a daughter of Gamboge King. P. 1292, H. C. Oxford Poppy, P. 5728, H. C. Winner of Par. prize, Royal Show, May, '97. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. Rob Roy. P. 1184, H. C. Sire of Zanzibar, win- ner Certif. of Merit in butter test, May, '00. 1 lb. 14£ ozs. in 24 hours. Gamboge 2d, P. 2294, H. C. Dam of Gamboge 4th, 2 lbs. ljozs., 24 hrs. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. Purchased by us for use at "Linden Grove," when 9 yrs. old, for $2,250. Sire of Eminent 2d, 1st State's prize over Jersey, '01 and '02 (with his progeny) ; sold in our '05 auc- tion for $10,000. Eminence, F. 7124, H. C. Sweepstakes, N. C.,'92. Dam of Little Eminence, 122506, 21 lbs. 6 ozs. Eminence of the Is- land, 15 lbs. 10 ozs., when ten years old. Hope, P. 1948, H. C. Sire of Prosper, Par. pr., '97. Hope's Regina, 2d over England, and half- brother to Beresford Pride, 1st Bath and West, '02; 1st Royal Counties, '02. Tula, P. 5323, H. C. Par. prize. Class 2, '94. By same sire as the cel- ebrated bull, Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C. 2d prize over Jersey. Sire of Uncle Peter's Rosette, sold in our '01 sale for $1,000, and her heifer calf, by Flying Fox, sold in same sale for $1,250. He is also grandsire of Uncle Peter's Gold- en Del, sold in our '01 sale to Biltmore Farms, Biltmore, N. C. Grandson of Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Oxford Myrtle, P. 5130, H. C. Jol^Sel^iroVin^t'h^tt ofLa n dv f Vio, d a e ^a 2 r 8 M' * ST^* S °\° f OUr PeeTleSS Grand Ch ^P^n, Sultana's Golden 9±nik? ; k e i . 8 , t ° e ,. mo , oa ot Lady Viola and Golden Sultana, through two crosses His dam Sultana's r^Mon vi„u ^^S^\^^n^iS^wn2^ J f olly ; s Lady f vi « 669 > °- °f "he SS'iS'dSihtorfVoSS; j y iig iuii sister to \ lola s Golden Jolly, 79314. (See front pages for pedigree of Jolly Sultan of Linden, 120838.) Tattoo 13G T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 113. Heifer. VIOLA'S PRETTY WYANDOTTE, 319710, A. J. C. C. Bred by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa. Born August 10, 1914. White in forehead; spot nt root oi tail; brisket, stifles, belly, flanks, legs, tongue and switch white An attractive and beautifully bred fawn and-white; sweet dished face, prominent eyes and rich incurved horns; straight, strong back; long bodied, with greal length of rump; neat in bone; hide mellow and elastic; developing a great udder, with unusually long, well placed teats. Golden Fern's Lad. P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, "97. (See front page A.) Sire VIOLA'S GOLDEN FERN, 77393, A. J.C. C. Viola's Golden Fern is siring for us a class of calves of which we are very proud. (See preceding pages for further particu- lars.) Viola's Golden Fern is sired by the world's famous bull. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, II. C. Judging by what the descendants of "G olden Fern's Lad" are doing on the Island and in America, and best of all, the great public butter tests that they are making, and their great pop- ularity among Is- land, England and American breeders, convinces us that "G olden Fern's Lad" is the most prepotent, most distinguished and pre-eminent Jersey bull that the world has ever produced. Golden Fern's Lad has 31 butter tested daughters and 27 sons with tested daughters; his son. Eminent, has 81 tested daughters, and his son. Flying Fox, has 26 ; while his grandsons, Ox- ford Lad and Emi- nent's Raleigh, have respectively 42 and 48 tested daughters. There are others too numerous to men- tion. Dam SULTAN'S GREAT BEAUTY, 271600, A. J. C. C. Her dam has 75 per cent, same blood as Golden Folly's Wyandotte, 203687, in Register of Merit, Class AA, 495 lbs. butter in 1 year, from 7,519 lbs. 11.2 ozs. milk, at 9 yrs. 7 mos. old. Slu was sold in our '07 auc- tion for $500, to Messrs. Ayer & Mc- Kinney. Miss Viola, P. 9044, H. C. (195796. A. J. C. C.) ( »ne of the best cows in the "Linden Grove" herd. She won the Goddington prize, in the public butter test, testing 2 lbs. 15 ozs. in 24 hours, 39 days in milk, 4 years old. Dam of Miss Viola's Daughter, 196245, sold in our '1 1 auction for $700, to Ehnendorf Farm. Mona's Miss Viola, 240505, sold in our '11 auction for $975. at 16 months old, to Elmendorf Farms. Viola's Golden Fern, 77393, one of the best bulls Golden Fern's Lad ever sired; two of his yearling daughters sold in our '11 auc- tion for $500 each. Miss Viola's Golden Fern, 120835, and Miss Viola's Hand- some Noble, 100446. She is a full sister to WiUoh's Rosy, im- ported by Mr. C. I. Hudson, and sold for $3,000, to Elmen- dorf Farm, where the "Lady Viola" family is owned. Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86180, A. J. C. C. The premier sire of the "Linden Grove" herd. He was bred here, and has never been off the place, except when ex- hibited at the Nat. Dairy Show, Chi- cago, '11, where he won Grand Cham- pionship, A. J. C. C. Gold Medal, and other honors never achieved by any other bull of any breed. His progeny have been in such demand that it was with great difficulty we were able to retain any of them. Most have been sold young, to some of the best American breeders. But one of his daugh- ters, to our knowl- edge, has been tried for Register of Merit test. She produced, as a two-year old, 377 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in 1 year. He has sired the win- ners of many 1st and Gr. Champion prs. Golden Jolly's PrincesSj 203661, A. J. C. C. (Wyandotte's Princess, P. 10846, H. C.) A very handsome COW, with magnificent udder. Willoh, P. 2855. H. C. He traces 3 times to Golden Lad, and has per cent, of his blood. Sir.- of WiUoh's Rosy, public butler test, 3 lbs.. 38 day in milk, at 4 years old. Dam of 5 official butter test cows, and a 6th daughter won 1st over the Island. Miss Viola, public butter test, 2 lbs. 15 ozs., 39 days in milk, 4 years old. \ Miss Viola and WiUoh's Rosy are the two highest testing daughters of Lady Viola.) Syren's Pride, public butter test, 1 lb. 1'i ozs., 215 days in milk. Gipsy Maid 2d, 1st over Jersey, Aug., '02; and many other prizes. Gipsy Maid 3d. 3d over Jersey, Aug., '10; and many other prizes. Clara's Orphan, winner of 11 1st prizes and Championships at Western State Fairs, '01, '02, "03 and '05. Nobleman, P. 2555, H. C 3d over Jer. and Par. prize. Apr., '98. 1st over Jer., Aug., '98. Reserve over Jer. and Par. prize, '00. 1st at Three-Parish Show, '99. Sire of Nobleman's Lady Mary, sold in our '02 sale to J. A. Middelton, Shelby- ville. Ky.; the un- beaten Champion of many shows. Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '04. Certificate of Merit, butter test, May, '04, 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 50 days in milk. 1 st over Jersey and Champion, '05. 1st over Eng. wherever exhibited, '06, '07. She sold in our auction. May, '11, for $7,000; at same time her son, Noble of Oak- lands, sold for $15,000. Dam of WiUoh's Rosy, P. 10444. H. C, Cer- tificate of Merit, May, '06, 3 lbs., 38 days in milk. (See below.) Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314, A. J. C. C. Sold in our '09 auction for $12,000. Sire of 9 in Register of Merit, including: Jolly's Viola, 233315. 493 lbs. butter, 1 year, 4 yrs. 7 mos. old. Viola's Fawn Duchess, 239332, 5,696 lbs. milk; 418 lbs. 10 ozs. butter, in one year, at 2 years old, at White Horse Farm. Sold in our '10 auc- tion for $425. Handsome Viola's Tolly, 239757, 5,652 lbs. 8 ozs. milk; 400 lbs. 12 ozs. butter, in one year, at 2 years old, at White Horse Farm. Sold in our '10 auction for $725. Fern's Viola. 237208, 6,545 lbs. 3 ozs. milk, 390 lbs. 5 ozs. butter, in 1 year, at 2 years old, for Mr. C. I. Hudson. Bred at "Linden Grove." Bagatelle 2d, P. 6564, H. C., now named Golden Lad's Victoria, 157325. Sold in our '01 sale for $745. Aristocrat. P. 22X0. H. C. 1st and Sweepstakes, 3 Par. Show, '07. A son of the famous show and butter cow, "Nameless," he has shown his worth as a sire of cows that are a credit to his illustrious dam. Sire of Aristocratic Beauty, that won the Silver Medal in the public butter test on the Island, testing 2 lbs. 10£ ozs. in 24 hours, be- ing in milk at time of test 121 days. She sold in our '06 sale for $1,100. Gipsy Maid, P. 4424, H. C. 2d and Sweepstakes at 3-Par. Show, '97. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land, Aug., '90; also winner of £15 prize. The most prepotent bull the Island ever produced, transmit- ting the Sultane type (for udder and teats) to his entire progeny. . Bagatelle, P. 5076, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. Si re of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchtss, 166538. 25 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. And 31 others. (See below.) Nameless, P. 3222, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize. '93. 1st over Jersey. '94. 1st Cham. Class, '95. Poster, P. 1152, C. A bull held in high esteem by F. C. Le Maistre on account of his dam and grandam, especially the latter — La Bou- a n n e, a splendid cow. though never registered. Daisy 7th. P. 3277, H. C. Sultane's Favourite, P. 873, H. C. 1st pr., St. Saviour. [ Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447, H. C 1st pr. over Eng., '90. Baron of St. John, P. 1279. H. C. His grandam. Lady Useful. P. 796, H.C., won 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '86. Lugano, F. 7020. C. Golden Jolly, P. 2921, H. C. 1st prize and Champion, North Show, '00. A famous sire of butter cows and winners. Sire of Golden Warrior, 1st over England, Royal Show, '03; 1st over England and Champion, D. S., '03. Jolly Lady of Beechwood, winner of 1st prize, Illinois State Fair, '08; 1st, Champion and Grand Champion at the National Show, Chicago, '08. Golden Jolly also sired the four cows that won 1st prize for bull and pro- duce. National Dairy Show, Chicago and Illinois State Fair, '08; and many other winners. Golden Jolly has 24 butter tested daughters. He is a son of Golden Fern's Lad (see below) and the great cow. Brookhill Rose 2d, P. 3440, C. Lady Viola, P. 8463. H. C. Sold in our '11 auction for $7,000. 1st over Jersey, '04. Public butter test. May, '04, 2 lbs. 12 ozs. 1st prize. Sweepstakes and Champion, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '05. 1st prize over Jersey and Theatre Cup. May, '05. 1st over England wherever exhibited, '06 and '07. Champion over all England, '07. 1st prize for butter test cows, Aug., '07. Dam of Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. winner of 1st over Jersey for bull and progeny, April, '10. He was sold in our '11 auction for $15,000. Lady Viola has 4 public butter test daughters, amoni, them: Miss Viola. P. 9644, H. C, Certificate of Merit, butter test. May. '<)>, 2 lbs. 15 ozs., 39 days in milk. She is dam of the "Linden Grove" service bull. Viola's Golden Fern, 77393. WiUoh's Rosy. P. 10444, H. C. Certificate of Merit. May, '06, 3 lbs., 38 days in milk. She is dam of 4 public butter test cows. Golden Jolly's Lady Viola, 203699, public butter test, 1 lb. 15 ozs.. 159 days in mi.k, when only 30 months old. We bought her at auction for $2,550. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (See front page A.) Sultane 9th. P. 1145, H. C Dam of Sultane's Snowdrop, P. 8578, H. C. a fa mous show cow. She is dam of Sultan of oaklands. P. 3746, H C. 1st over Jer., Apr.. '96. Golden Sultana. 146282, A. J. C- C. Winner of 3d prize in class for aged cows at the Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition, St. Louis, '04, in the greatest ring ever exhibited in this country, where she sold for $2,350. We afterward bought her for the "Linden Grove" home herd. Golden Sultana is an intensely bred "Sultane." She is sired by Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C, out of Sultane 9th. P. 1145. H. C. winner of many first prizes over the Island, and dam of L'ncle Peter, P. 21 15, H. C. Her grandam, Sultane, P. 7, H. C, is the first of the greatest family of Jerseys ever bred and owned by that famous breeder, Mr. J. P. Marett. Thus Golden Sultana is a granddaughter of old Sultane and her nearest living descendant. She has inherited the famous dairy type, especially in the udder and teats, for which her grandam was famous, and has in- herited all her abundant dairy qualities, having milked as high as 48 lbs. daily. Golden lolly. P. 2921, H. C. Wyandotte 4th, P. 7606. II. C. Reported to have been a remarkable cow, and mother of a great family. Angler, P. 193S. H. C. 1st pr. and April, ' ( >4. 1st pr. and Par April, '95. Wyandotte, F. 7393, C. Par. pr., Mourier Boy. P. 1041, II. C. Cyprus 2d, P. 699, H. C. Mourier's Ring. P. 1115. H. C Japoitaise. F. 4376, C. Bobby. P. 208. H. C. 1st over Jersey, '79. Cyprus. F. 2089, C. Bred April 20, 1916, to Golden Beatrice's Sultan, 12119:5, A. J. C. C, a bull that stands in a class by himself. He is the youngest son of the famous Golden Beatrice 2d, 162060, and her only son sired by Sultana's Golden Jolly, S6180. His sire, the peerless Sultana's Golden folly, is a Grand Champion and the sire of Grand Champions. His dam. Golden Beatrice 2d, has been declared by Mr. George E. Peer to have been the greatest imported cow he ever saw. She made at the rate of IS lbs. 6 ozs. of butter in 7 days, and has repeatedly milked 22 to 24 quarts daily. She is perhaps the dam of more high selling calves than any cow in the world. (See front pages for pedigree of Golden Beatrice's Sultan, 121193.) T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. (Advertisement in The Jersey Bulletin, August 8, 1915.) "Linden Grove" Champion Blood at the "Royal" Island Show of 1915 The statements under the illustrations of Golden Oxford Ivy and Sultan's Finance, on page 850, issue of June 23d, make it appear that both won the same prize at the Royal Island Show last May. Permit us to suggest that it should have been added that Golden Oxford Ivy won first prize in Class 4, for cows three to six years of age; and Sultan's Finance in Class 5, for "aged" cows. I wish further to add, for the credit of her sire, Oxford You'll Do, who is now in the "Linden Grove" stables (and not for sale), that Golden Oxford Ivy not only won her first prize in a class of 76 contestants ("the majority of them fit and able to win out everywhere, hands down, in many an American show," to quote Mr. Mourant), but that she later defeated Sultan's Finance for the Theatre Challenge Cup, awarded to "the best Jersey cow or heifer in milk entered or eligible for entry in the Jersey Herd Book." That Sultan's Finance was "worthy of her steel," let me show you what Sultan's Finance has won at the past Island shows: Sultan's Finance (Defeated by a Daughter of Oxford You'll Do) won as follows: August, 1909 — 2d prize, Class 3, heifer-in-milk, 43 entries; and St. Saviour Parish prize. Beaten only by Combination's Golden Leda, that we imported and sold in our 1910 auction for $850; and beat- ing Statuette, who the next year was first at the Bath and West of England Show, 11 entries. August, 1910 — One of the group winning the President's Cup; the group including Financial Daisy (imported and sold by us in 1911 for $2,600 to White Horse Farm) and her daughter, Financial Daisy 2d. October, 1909 — Certificate of Merit, public butter test, at only 30 months old, 1 lb. SJ ozs. in 24 hours, 113 days after calving. May, 1911 — 1st prize, Class 4, 41 entries (cows 3 to 6 years of age). August, 1911 — 1st prize in Champion class (special class for cows disbarred from competing in regu- lar classes by reason of having won a first prize at former show). May, 1912— Public butter test, 1 lb. llj ozs. in 24 hours, at five years old. August, 1912 — Reserve in Champion class; Blythwood Bowl (Championship). May, 1913 — 1st prize, Class 5, 45 entries, and St. Saviour Parish prize. Defeating among others, F'anCy's Pioneer's Great Beauty (2d prize), sold in our 1914 auction for $1,000; the butter test cow, Oak- lands Bess, dam of so many winners, including Oaklands Sailor and Combination's Premier; Good Maiden, who had won first at the Royal, 50 entries, August, 1910, and first in Champion class, May, 1911. May, 1914 — 1st prize in Champion class, defeating Princess Emma, who had won 1st prize in Class 5, 34 entries, at the Royal Show, August, 1913. May, 1915 — 1st prize, Class 5, 30 entries, Reserve for Theatre Challenge Cup, and St. Saviour Parish prize. Defeating Raleigh's Finance, the Theatre Cup winner, May, 1914. IT TAKES SOMETHING OF A COW to go ahead of so consistent a winner as Sultan's Finance, who has shown her superiority over so many other great ones. And it means added prestige to Oxford You'll Do that it was his daughter to accomplish what has seemed impossible until Golden Oxford Ivy happened along. It is no new sensation to Golden Oxford Ivy to stand in first place. She won first in a class of 68 entries at the Royal Show in May, 1914; the second, third and reserve places going to daugh- ters of Golden Fern's Noble, and fourth to a daughter of Noble's Boy — both sons of Noble of Oaklands, that we imported and sold in 1911 for $15,000, and who, with his progeny, is credited with probably more first prizes and championships than any other bull. We imported Noble's Boy and sold him in 1912 to Hood Farm. In winning the Theatre Challenge Cup, Golden Oxford Ivy holds it permanently; her owner, Mr. John A. Perree, having won the trophy at three successive shows. Not Only in America, But in Their Native Home, They Find Their Champions of "Linden Grove" Blood, Cowslip's Golden Noble, Also It might be thought, too, that Village Beauty and Golden Augustine 3d were "tied" for first place. They also won in different classes. Village Beauty was first in Class 3 (heifers-in-milk, 46 entries), and, according to Mr. Mourant, she "deserves to be forthwith renamed Island Beauty." We are particularly interested in her achievement from the fact that we imported her sire, Cowslip's Golden Noble, who sired both the first and fourth prize winners in this class. We sold him privately to Mr. Ed. C. Lasater, of Texas. Those who have attended the "Linden Grove" auctions are familiar with the type produced by Vil- 'ageoise, the dam of Village Beauty. In 1911 we sold Noble's Village King, a son of Villageoisc, to Mr. George W. Sisson, Pots- dam, N. V., at a "give-away" figure, and he won second prize for two-year-old bulls at the New York State Fair that fall. In 1912 we sold Black Beauty of St. Saviour (a first prize winner at the Royal), a daughter of Villageoise, to Mr. J. K. Branch, of Pawling, N. Y., for $1,700. In same auction we sold Village Noble, a son of Villageoise, to Mr. T. L. Eyre, West Chester, Pa., for $425; he won first .prize for two-year-old bulls at the Devon (Pa.) Cattle Show that fall. In 1914 we "gave away" Vil- lage Knight, a son of Villageoise by Gamboge's Knight, who went at a bargain price to Mr. Lasater. THE WORLD'S SHOW RINGS AND THE REGISTER OF MERIT ARE DOMINATED BY "THE BLOOD THAT FLOWS THROUGH 'LINDEN GROVE."' We might add, that since the above was printed, Golden Oxford Ivy has been brought to "Linden Grove" (see You'll Do's Champion Ivy, 353251, No. 50 of catalog). And that we have a splendid daughter of Sultan's Finance, No. 101 of catalog. Also seven daughters of Cowslip's Golden Noble; viz., Nos. 22, 23, 24, 25, 105, 123 and 124 of catalog. 0268 S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY C ATTLE, M AY 30, 1916. No. 114. Cow. LAURA YOU'LL DO, 306610, A. J. C. C. (Reine, P. 17392, H. C.) Hred by P. W. Le Sauteur. Grouvllle, Island of Jersey. Horn March 7, 1910. Imported September 15, 1913, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. . Solid color; black tongue and switch. A Highly Commended "Oxford You 11 Do. from Highly Commended parents, and one of the great workers; carries no surplus flesh, but converts all her food into milk, a lovely head, with dished face and prominent, sparkling eyes wide apart, very thin, clean flat neck; high, sharp withers; body ol great depth and spring of rib; lean hind quarters; prominent hips and long rump; beautifully set, thin, long tail with luxuriant switch; prominent milk veins; tremendous udder, deep and of great circumference; great large teats, squarely placed. Gamboge's Knight. P. 3645, H. C. Sire of 41 official test cows. 1 9 of them with year's records over 500 lbs. butter in 1 year. Twelve of the 19, including the five with the highest tests, were imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auc tions . Gamboge's Grey Beau- ty, 784 lbs. 12 ozs. Gamboge's Tiddledy wink, 722 lbs. 14 ozs. Gamboge's Fancy Princess, 712 lbs. 9 ozs. Gamboge's Brownie, 652 lbs. Gamboge's Areola, 592 lbs. 5 ozs. Daisy's January Rose, 585 lbs. 10 ozs. Gamboge's Handsome Duchess, 566 lbs. 5 ozs. Gamboge's Primrose, 566 lbs. Gamboge's Princess. 558 lbs. 13 ozs. Gamboge's Knight's Artistic, 540 lbs. 8 ozs. Gamboge's Vellum. 531 lbs. 12 ozs. Knight's Fancy Prin- cess. 530 lbs. 15 ozs. Gamboge's Modesty, 525 lbs. 7 ozs. Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H.C. Winner of 1st pr. over Jer., with his prog- eny, at the bull show- on the Island, April, '11. This is the most valuable prize, and the greatest dis- tinction that can be accorded a bull. Full brother to Oxford Knight. P. 3938. C, sire of 12 butter test cows, and of other prize winners. Imported by "Linden Grove" and regis- tered as Imported Oxford You'll Do, 1 1 1860 — not for sale. He is sire of the bull winning Grand Championship at In- diana State Fair. '15, and sold in our auc- tion for $525. Sire of 22 official test cows. His daughter. You 11 Do's Favorite, sold in our '14 auction as a3-year oldfor$500, now under year's official test, will make more than 900 lbs. butter. His daughter. Golden Oxford Ivy. won 1st prize in her class (76 entries) and the Theatre Challenge Cup (Championship over the Island I at the Royal Show, May. '15; she also won 1st prize in her class (68 entries) at Royal Show, May, '14. Nineteen of his prog- eny, in our '14 auc- tion, sold for an average of $683.42, including 8 not in milk. 4 of them be- ing bull calves. No living sire has put the stamp of CA- PACITY— a highly finished DAIRY T Y P E — more un- erringly on his daughters than has Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075. H. C. (See front pages for his picture and more extended pedigree.) Dam CINDER 2d, P. 13742, H.C. Oxford Kver. P. 8370. H. C. About the best and most valuable cow in the herd of Mr. J. A. Perree, Sec'y Island of Jer. Herd Book. Daughter of the cele- brated Oxford Lass. f Prince Hamley, P. 3813, H. C. Sire of Lady Juliet Hamley. 237518. in Register of Merit, Class AA, 471 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in 1 year, from 7,31 1 lbs milk, at 4 yrs. I 1 mos. old. Seaside Lassie, 252756, in Register of Merit. Class AA. 435 lbs. 14 ozs. butter in 1 year, from 6,163 lbs. 6.4 ozs. milk, at 6 yrs. I I mos. old. (Both of the above im- ported by the late Mr Jas. B. Haggin. and tested at Elmen- dnrf Farm, Lexing- ton, Ky.) Cinder, F. 9360. C. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land. Aug., '03. Sire of 5 tested cows, and of many noted bulls. Sire of Agatha's Ox- ford Lass (out of the great cow. Oxford Ever, below), public butter test. May, 08, 1 lb. 10 ozs, 97 days in milk (cows under 5 years); public butter test, May, '09. 2 lbs. li ozs., 83 days in milk. Fontaine's Oxford Pride, 187430, A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th. P. 8801. H. C.) 3d prize over Jersey, Aug., '01, 02. Sold for $2,500. in our '05 auction, to Mr. Howard Willets, owner of G e d n e y Farm. Dam of 3 public butter test cows, two sell- ing in our sales for $1,375 and $2,525. Her dam also has 3 public butter test daughters. Her sire is half brother to Houpla and Oxford Lad. She is dam of Gam- boge's Pride 7th, P. 10517, H. C. (now named Oxford's Fontaine, 224580). who is dam of Maj- esty's Pride 2d, pub- lic butter test, 2 lbs. ^ oz. Hamlev's Golden Lad, P. 3128, H. C. Sire of H a m 1 e y's Blanchia, 210788, in Register of Merit, 560 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 1 year, 9,461 lbs. 15 ozs. milk, at 6 years old. Fleetwing 2d, Certifi- cate of Merit, public butter test, Tun- bridge Wells, Eng- land. Aug.. '08. 1 lb. 9$ ozs. in 24 hours. 105 days in milk, at 3 years old. Fontaine's Violet, P. 11706, H. C. 4th over Jersey, May, '08; dam of Fon- taines Love, P. 14205, H. C, 4th prize, Class 1, May. '08. Les Ormes' Hamley. P. 3708, H. C. Parish prize. Class 1, Apr., '05; sire of 2 public butter test cows. Hamley, P. 2637, H.C. (Golden Lad's Champion, 57222, A. J. C. C.) Sold at our May, '00, sale to Mr. Elmer A. Darling.ex-President A. J. C. C. Winner 1st prize over the Island. '99, in his class; also Cham, winner over all bulls at the same show. Sire of Hood Farm Golden Happy, 553 lbs. 13 ozs. butter in 1 yr. at 9 years old. Farineuse 4th (Ham- ley ' s Perfection, 213893), public but- ter test, May, '07, 2 lbs. 13 ozs.. 55 days in milk. Agrippina, Br. Medal, public butter test, Oct., '04, 1 lb. 15i ozs., 156 days in milk. Sultana's Rosette 2d, 15 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 7 days. Hamley's Pride, in Register of M e r i t. 450 lbs. 1 oz. butter in 1 year. 10 years old. Forget-Me-Not. Bronze Medal. Tring butter test, Aug. .'03. 2 lbs. 2J ozs. in 24 hours, 1 76 days after calving, 3 yrs. old. Golden Lad's Cham- pion 2d. 61424. sire of 1 in Register of Merit. Dido 2d. P. 81,14. C. Winner of Bronze Medal, public butter test. Oct.. '02, 1 lb. 101 ozs. Certificate of M c r i t. Oct., '04, 1 lb. 121 ozs.. 169 days in milk. Certificate of M e r i t. Oct., '05. 1 lb. 151 ozs. 195 days in milk. Sliver Medal. '06, 1 lb. 13} ozs., 151 days in milk. Golden Lad. P. 1242, H. C. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '90; also win- ner of £15 prize. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess. 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice. 157326, 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. Golden Lad's Lady Rose. 162097,21 lbs. 101 ozs. Sandgate, 122509, 20 lbs. 10} ozs. Zulu Lady. 20 lbs. 10 ozs. Golden Naiad, 18 lbs. li ozs. Golden Kola. 127232, 17 lbs. 8} ozs. And 25 others. Sixty five of his get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Sire of Boyle. P. 1559, H. C. sire of t h e celebrated bull. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C; Fon- taine 7th, 8th and 9th, all prize winners over the Island. Boyle also sired the great cow, "Spec- kled Band." dam of the wonderful cow, "Nursie." Sultane's Favourite. P. 873. H. C. 1st pr., St. Saviour. Sire of Sultane 14th. that in the Tunbridge Wells (England) butter test, '02. in her fif- teenth year, gave 38 lbs. 6 ozs. milk, making 2 lbs. 1 1 ozs. butter in 24 hours, when 132 days in milk, winning the Silver Medal. She also won 1 st pr. and Cham.. Oxfordshire Show. '00; 1st prize and Lord Mayor's Cup in milking trials; 1st prize in milking trials, Lon. Dairy Show, '00, 83 lbs. 5 ozs. milk (2 days), 112 points. Lady Rose. P. 3962 H. C, Parish prize. Aug.. '97. whose daughter. Suit an's GoldenRose.213891. at 10 yrs. old. made the Register of Merit with 8.410 lbs. 4.8 ozs. milk. 489 lbs. 11 ozs. butter, in one year, authenticated test. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447, H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '88. 2d H. B. over Jer., '88. 1st pr. over Eng., '90. Distinction's Glory. P. 1680, H. C. Sold to Sir James Blyth. Handsome of Waverley, P. 3777. C. I Handsome 2d. P. 5686. H.C. 2d over Jer. and Par. Show, '97. 1st Par. prize, '95. Beta. P. 3143. H. C. Golden Be^rce. 157326 (Beatrice, P. 6852 H. C). 3d over Jersey May '00; sold in our '01 auction for $1,400 to Biltmorc Farms; butter test 22 lbs in 7 days. 69 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days; dam of Golden Beatrice 2d 18 lbs. 6 ozs.. five of whose progeny have been sold at an average of $950. Beta's Solid Gold, P. 11092, H. C. pub ic butter test. May 12. 1 lb. 124 ozs., in 24 hours, 148 days after calving, at 9 years old; dam of Beta s Glory, in Register of Merit Beta's Golden Fox. 64771. sire of 1 m Register of Merit Beta 2d P 8177 H C , dam of the bull. Beta s Noble. P. 4303. H. C. Caiest, P. 2591. H.C. 1st pr.. Championship and State's prize, Grouville S., '98. Sire of Mabel's Poet. P. 2964, H. C. and other noted animals, among them being Gamboge's Pride 4th. P. 8801, H. C, 2 lbs. 1\ ozs.. 48 days in milk in pub- lic butter test; 1st prize winner over the Island and Blythwood B o w 1, Aug.. '04. S h e is dam of 3 public test cows, and of the noted bull. Gam- boge's Knight, sire of 41 tested cows. Caiest has 9 tested daughters. Fontaine's King. P. 2207, H. C. Sire of John Bull and other noted animals, including O r i g a's Queen, winner Cer- tificate of Merit in public butter test. May. '02, 1 lb. 12J ozs., 107 days in milk. By same sire as Golden Fern's Lad. Dido, P. 4267, H. C. 3d prize, public butter test, Oct.. '00. 2 lbs. in 24 hours. Oxford Lass. P. 3582. C. Dam of Golden Queen of St. Saviour. 2 lbs. U ozs.. 214 days in milk- Oxford Ixia, 2 lbs. 8 ozs., 70 days in milk, and 5 other public butter tests. Houpla, sire of 6 but- ter tested cows. Flying Fox's Oxford Lass. 1st pr. winner over the Island. Oxford Lad, P. 3123. H. C. Boyle. P. 1559. H. C. Son of Golden Lad. Fontaine 4th. P. 2537. C Reserve No. for Cup. '90. 1st over Jer., '90. '91. 1st Herd Book. '90. Dam of Fontaine 7th. P. 5391. H. C . 1st prize. Grouville. '98; Bronze Medal, but- ter test, '98. Count Wolsclev. P. 928, H. C. 2d over Jer.. Apr.. '87. 1st over Jer.. Apr., '88. 2d over Jer., Apr., '89. Sire of Alicante. P. 3880. H. C. a great pr. winner, and dam of the noted sires, Nunthorpe, The Owl and Alicante's Boy. Oxford Primrose. P. 2252. C. One of the best cows in her day on the Island. Bred April 20, 1916, to Golden Fern's Mon Plaisir, 122755, son of th % s P le fi n d'f.bu«er eow G a ee q Daring of St. Mar s 306562, who was sold in onr '14 auction for $700. Register of Merit f «f^, VadfeM ^6 m buSir n one yearl the first year after importation. Her 5-year-old daughter, C ' r ^ r c 7 S t ^ k " e,, wi 2 nm ;f;f Tmerous 1st prizes at the Royal Shows, Golden Fern's Mon Plaisir was sired by Golden Fern s Noble, P. 4570, H C., vv.nne roln men us u P daughter of son of Noble of Oaklands, 95700 sold in our '11 auction for $15,000), and Lad> Aldan 1 . M-u n . c_ g Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (See No. 5 for extended pedigree of Golden Fern s Mon I laisir, Mtoo.) B67 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 115. Cow. YOU'LL DO'S GOLDEN FLEECE, 353221, A. J. C. C. (Golden Fleece 8th, P. 16809, C.) Bred by E. Le Gresley, Grouville, Island of Jersey. Bora May 25, 1910. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A handsome individual, and a great dairy type; a cow of constitution and capacity, with refinement; sharp withers; long, deep, well-ribbed body; thin "ewe" neck; hide mellow and elastic; strong, straight back, with prominent spine; tail beautifully attached, long and thin, with luxuriant switch; prominent, tortuous milk veins; splendid udder, extending away out behind, full in front, with large squarely placed teats. Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H.C., now named IMPORTED OXFORD YOU'LL DO, 111860, A. J.C.C. Full brother to Oxford Knight, P. 3938, C, sire of 12 butter test cows, and of several prize winners. Among his 21 official test daughters are: You'll Do's Favorite, about 900 lbs., 4 yrs. old; imported by "Linden Grove." Imp. Rustic Ivy, 774 lbs. 7 ozs. Oxford Triumph's Maiden, 554 lbs. 7 ozs., 4 yrs. 3 mos. old. Oxford's Ever Lass, 480 lbs. 4 ozs., 2 yrs. 3 mos. old. Edith You'll Do, 475 lbs. 6 ozs., 3 years old ; imported by "Linden Grove." Oxford Lavender, 431 lbs. 9 ozs., 4 years 6 mos. old ; imported by "Linden Grove." Dam GOLDEN FLEECE 6th, P. 13399, H.C. Winner of Parish prize, Royal Show, Jersey, Aug., '08. By same sire as Magda- lene, P. 12144. H.C, the dam of 2 tested cows, one of which will be sold in this auction; also dam of Oxford's Maggie Cannon; see Nos. 55 and 56 of this cata- log. Lilac's daughter, Mrs Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny), Apr., '08. Sold at our '11 auction for $6,700. to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa. 11 of his daughters, in our '11 auction, averaged £1,391.36. Sire of 41 tested cows, 3 above 700 lbs. but- ter in 1 year (all 3 imported by "L i n- den Grove" and sold in our auctions). Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass (by Agatha's Flying Fox, see above), public butter test, May, '09, 2 lbs. l£ ozs., 83 days in milk. Oxford Knight, sire of 12 butter test cows. Oxford You'll Do, sire of 21. Oxford Eva, dam of Oxford John D., 90048, sire of 3 in Register of Merit, averaging 469 lbs. 1 oz., at 2 yrs. 9 mos. old. Morny Cannon, P. 3058, H. C. Sire of Simple Interest 4th, public butter test, May. '06. 1 lb. 9$ ozs., 123 days in milk. Duchess of Tapon, F. 9658, H. C. (Ozouf's Duchess of T a p o n, 238640). winner of Certificate of Merit, public butter test. May, '07, 2 lbs. ^ oz. in 24 hours, 43 days in milk. Golden Fleece, P. 9093, C. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '02. 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. Sire of 7 tested cows and of 13 or more producing bulls. Fontaine's Oxford Pride, 187430, A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C.) 3d pr. in public butter test, 2 lbs. 72 ozs., 48 days in milk. Sold for $2,500, in our '05 auction, to Mr. H. Willets, owner of Gedney Farm. Caiest, P. 2591, H. C. 1st prize, Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville Show, '98. Sire of Mabel's Poet, P. 2964, H. C. and other noted animals, among them being Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C, 2 lbs. 7$ ozs. Fifteen daughters of Caiest sold in our '05 and '06 auction sales, averaging $865 each. Gamboge's Pride, P. 4508, H. C. She has won the fol- lowing public butter tests: May, '96, 2 lbs. 7J ozs. Oct., '96, 2 lbs. 2\ ozs., 217 days in milk. Oct., '97, 2 lbs. 4J ozs. Oct., '98,2 lbs. 7$ ozs., 118 days in milk. Bessie's Lad, P. 2479, H. C. By the same sire as Orlando, P. 2535. H. C, sire of Fairy Glen, P. 9178, H. C. dam of Raleigh's Fairy Boy and Fairy Glen's Raleigh. . C. Fontaine's King, P. 2207. H. C. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. (See below.) Rob Roy, P. 1184, H. C. 3d over Jer., Aug., '89. Sire of Zanzibar, win- ner Certif. of Merit in butter test, May, '00, 1 lb. 14£ ozs. in 24 hours. Dam of Golden Fern's Tulip, 161059. that milked 11,852 lbs. milk and 597 lbs. estimated butter in one year; 19 lbs. 8£ ozs. butter in seven days. Gamboge 2d, P. 2294. H. C. Dam of Gamboge 4th, 2 lbs. Hozs., 24 hrs. Orme, P. 1660, H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, winner of 1st pr., B. and W. S., N. A. S. S., and 1st at the Yorkshire S., Eng., '95. (2 lbs. 94 ozs. of butter in 24 hrs.) Boyle. P. 1559, H. C. (See below.) Fontaine 4th, P. 2537, C. 1st over Jer., '90. '91. 1st Herd Book, '90. Favorite Boy, P. 882, H. C. His grandson. Favor- ite Lad, is sire of Iris, winner of Gold Medal (1st prize) in butter test, May, '01, 2 lbs. 4* ozs., 220 days in milk; Certificate of Merit, May, '00, 2 lbs. 5 ozs., 76 days in milk. Browny's Grey, P. 2353, H. C. Oscar, F. 410, H. C. Gamboge, F. 5846, H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '90. Golden Lass, F. 5711, H. C. Golden Lad 2d, P. 2023, H. Sire of Golden Lad's Mer- maid, sold at our '02 auction sale for $1,100. Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold at o u r '03 auction sale for $1,725. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. One of the most cele- brated cows the Is- land ever produced. Dam of Golden Queen of St. Saviour, 2 lbs. 1| ozs., 214 days in milk. Oxford Ixia, a famous winner in the public butter tests; among the many that she won being the Bronze Medal in March, '00, testing 2 lbs. 8 ozs. Caiest, whose eight daughters, in our '05 sale, averaged $987.50. Houpla, sire of Lady Houpla, winner of Champion Cup, testing 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 73 days in milk and after first calving. Flying Fox's Oxford Lass, 1st prize winner over the Island. Oxford Lad, P. 3123, H. C-, who distinguished himself by having sired a remarkable lot of bulls and cows, winners in the best shows and in the public butter tests. Brown Bess 2d, P. 5428, H. C. Biron, P. 1375, C. Brown Bess, F. 7455.C. Oxford Dahlia. P. 2588, H. C. Won 1st pr. and C. Oxfordshire Show, Eng., '93. 1st pr.. R. A. S., Ches- ter, Eng., '93. Everton Lord, P. 1088, H. C. Widow, F. 2360, C. Kruger, P. 8677, H. C. (see at right), is dam of Grasfort Duchess, P. 9789, C., whose daughter, My Noble's Duchess, 252231, sold in our '12 auction for $800 as a 3-year-old, to Elmendorf Farm, and entered Register of Merit with 485 lbs. 13 ozs. butter as a 3-year-old. My Noble's Duchess is dam of My Linden Duchess, 299 1 64 , 1 st prize senior y.earling and Junior Champion. Missis- sippi-Alabama Fair, '14; 1st prize 2-year-old, Senior and Grand Champion, same fair, '15; and My Linden Duchess is dam of Algerian Noble Prince, 131948, 1st prize senior bull calf, Mississippi-Alabama Fair, '15. Grasfort Duchess is also dam of Lackland, P. 4617, H. C, winner of 3d prize. Class 3, 13 entries, Royal Show, Apr., '13. He is sire of Fancy's Raleigh, 129741, 1st prize yearling bull, 7 entries, Junior and Grand Champion, Panama -Pacific Exposition, '15. He also sired Golden Augustine 3d, 1st prize, Class 2. 44 entries, and St. John Parish prize, Royal Show, Jersey, May, '15. Lilac's daughter. Actor's Jessie, 222080, is dam of Oxford Knight's Jessie, 306583, sold in our '14 auction for $375, to Campbell's Soup Farm, Cinnaminson, N. J., and her 2-mos.- old heifer calf sold for $190. Actor's Jessie is also dam of Jessica Fox, 213512, 1st prize winner at Washington State Fair and Port- land (Ore.) Exposition, '08. Champion Flying Fox, 61441. A. J. C. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Oxford Lily 2d, P. 5732. H. C. Dam of The Owl's Ox- ford Daisy, Grand Champion, Brock- ton, Mass., '10; yr.'s record, 1 1 ,659 lbs. milk and 759 lbs. butter. Wellington, P. 2746. H. C. 1st ov. Jer.. Apr., '00, and Aug., '01. 2d ov. Jer., Aug., '00. Reserve over Jersey, Apr., '99, and Aug., '99. Sire of Marseilla, P. 9333, H. C, 1st prize over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug.. '02. Grasfort Queen, P. 9455, H. C, Reserve over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '02. Roxana. P. 9753, H.C, Par. pr., May, '01. Lilac. P. 6717, C Parish prize, May, '96. Dam of Mrs. Kruger, P. 8677, H. C, 2d pr., Class 1. 37 entries, Royal Show, May, '00. Actor's Jessie, 222080 (see notes at left). Pioneer, P. 1602, H. C. Sire of Nuriel, 1st over Jersey, '00; 1st H. B. and Par. prize, '00. Full brother to Morion, P. 1690, H. C. sire of Eagle, P. 6736, H. C (now named Morio n's Sultane. 162115, and sold in our '02 auction). Oxford Lily, P. 3468. H. C Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C (Imp. Golden Fern's Lad, 65300, A. J. C C) Victoria 2d. P. 3284. H. C. 2dov. J. and P. p., '90. 3dov. J. and P. p., '90- Her dam is half-sister to Count Wolseley, sire of Oxford Lass, Alicante, etc. Joseph, P. 2008, C Sire of Harrowgate of Biltmore, 127233, butter test, 18 lbs. 13$ ozs. in 7 days, from 330 lbs. 12 ozs. milk, at 7 years 7 months old. Joseph also sired the dam of Eminent's Fleur de Lis, 535 lbs. 15 ozs. butter, at 4 yrs. old; she dam of Figgis' Barbara, 483 lbs. 15 ozs., at 2 yrs. 7 mos. old. Miss Pallot, P. 4870, H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Cicero's Cowslip 3d, P. 3056, H. C 3d over Jersey, '92. Parish prize, '94. Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C. 1st over Jer., Apr., '88, and Aug., '89. Oxford Daisy, F. 6816, H. C. Major Gordon, P. 909, H. C 3d over Jer., '88. 1st over Jer., '88. '89. Victoria, P. 2423, H.C. 1st ov. Jer. and Par. prize, '88. Black Diamond, P. 1726, H. C Blue Belle, P. 4307, H. C, now named Imported Blue Belle, 180234, A. J. C C. Sold for $3,600 in our '04 sale. Grandam of Noble of Oaklands. Dam of 5 bulls with tested daughters. ' The Colonel, P. 1301, C Belle Grisette, [ P. 3736, H. C. Sultane 's Favourite, P. 873, H. C. (As above.) Cicero's Cowslip, P. 1105, H. C. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '88. Wolseley, P. 401, H.C. 1st ov. Jer., '83. '84, '85. Sultane. P. 7, H. C 1st St. Saviour, '70. Pierson. P. 680, H. C- 1st over Jersey, '85. Lady Hardy, P. 1411. H. C Wolseley, P. 401, H.C. lstov. Jer., '83. '84, '85. Gentille 3d, P. 879, C Biron. P. 1375. H. C Sire of Pawn, P. 1766, who sired the hand- some cow, Brown Beauty of St. Sa- viour, 157320. A. J. C. C, sold in our '01 sale to Mr. F. G. Crane. Dalton.Mass., for $1,200. Moonbeam, P. 2439, C. Bashie's Wonder, P. 929. H. C. 1st over Jersey, '87. La Rochelle, F. 5457, H. C f Felix, P. 1092, H. C I Pontorson, P. 1875, H. C Last calf January 16, 1916, by Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570, H. C. (Sent to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas.) Bred April 20, 1916, to Golden Fern's Mon Plaisir, 122755, son of the sensational cow, Grace Darling of St. Mary's, 306562, in Register of Merit, Class A, 653 lbs. 3 ozs. butter in one year, and dam of a 630-lb. Register of Merit cow. She was sold in our '14 auction for $700. The sire of Golden Fern's Mon Plaisir is Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570, H. C, winner of numerous first prizes at the Royal Shows. (See No. 5 for extended pedigree of Golden Fern's Mon Plaisir, 122755.) T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. STILL THEY COME— MORE TO FOLLOW SEVENTY-NINE POUNDS ABOVE THE REGISTER OF MERIT AVERAGE 35 "Linden Grove" Imported Cows at Knollwood Farm Bought in Our Decoration Day Auctions by Mr. C. I. Hudson THEIR AVERAGE RECORDS AT 6 YRS. 3 MOS. OLD, ARE 568 LBS. 6 OZS. BUTTER IN ONE YEAR, OR 79 LBS.' 6 OZS. GREATER THAN THOSE OF ALL COWS IN REGISTER OF MERIT TO JULY 31, 1915 Ten of These Cows Averaged 684 lbs. 5 ozs. Butter in One Year, at Six Years Nine Months Old THIRTY-SIX "LINDEN GROVE Register of Merit Records at Raleigh's Dark Wonder, 2351*5.. Raleigh's Florence Bell, 2351S3 Raleigh's Golden Queen, 224610. . . My Pretty Fairy, 252196 Golden Maid's Christena, 269565. . . Lady Astor, 26977S Raleigh's Pretty Fontaine, 213985. Oxford Lad's Brown B., 235174.. . Raleigh's Florence B.ell 3d, 248658. Mabel's Snowdrop, 210079 Sultan's Dorcas, 269783 Eminent's Honeymoon, 213908. . . Raleigh's Molly, 269792 Raleigh's Remarkable, 2139S8 Raleigh's Dark Princess, 224616.. ., Raleigh's Fairy Lady, 214023 Mabel's Raleigh's Ada, 210081 My Eminent's Carnation, 203696. . . Fontaine's Oxford Actress, 18S24S. . Golden Maid of Oaklands, 203662. . Leda's Fawn Lady, 213923 Mabel's Fairy Maid, 214016 Imp. Oxford Buttercup, 221579.. Fern's Distinction, 226001 Majesty's Victorine, 213962 Imp. Florence Bell, 224577 Gamboge's Perfection, 271380 Raleigh's Princess of St. S., 235168. Cowslip's .Silver Crown, 252139 Oxford Vernal, 213961 Lady Fox of St. Saviour's, 213936. Fern's Oxford Princess, 225895 Kafnak, 227372 Fern's Viola, 23720S Golden Maid's Brown Lady, 216184 Raleigh's Pretty Nell, 235234 (7 d.) Average of 35 year's tests ."iSli ' IMPORTED COWS Knollwood Farm Milk Butter Age lbs. ozs. 11,181 7 770 15 8 1 12,300 4 732 7 6 11,700 3 726 4 7 1 12,510 720 7 7 12,196 3 708 6 1 9,376 8 694 8 5 6 9,854 4 627 13 7 2 10,701 1 627 8 7 8 10,849 9 619 4 5 10.2S5 13 616 3 4 10 S.656 9 604 7 6 6 9,513 13 592 12 9 9 11,641 7 593 6 5 6 8,097 2 581 9 4 5 11,766 4 575 4 6 8 10,711 9 571 5 5 8 10,824 9 564 12 5 4 '.I.Oir. 1 565 6 6 7 S.269 3 552 8 9 3 8,087 6 537 1 8 4 9,056 8 :,:;2 12 10 1 9,032 8 529 15 5 •> 8,730 4 516 9 s 7,70.-. 6 514 4 3 4 0,101 511 9 6 2 8,736 15 .".00 6 10 8 9,045 8 499 3 2 7 9,112 4 495 8 6 7 8,193 1 188 7 7 3 8,489 3 ISO 1 6 11 6,999 8 478 13 6 3 10,304 7 596 14 6 5 6,200 6 404 9 2 8 6,545 3 390 5 2 4 5,695 10 365 3 2 6 288 10 14 10 6 9 6 6 3 Mr. C. I. Hudson, owner of Knollwood Farm, East Norwich, N. Y., sends us the accompanying list of imported cows bought in the "Linden Grove" Decoration Day auctions. Mr. Hudson has tested 122 cows at Knollwood that are entered in Register of Merit. Thirty-five of them were bred or imported by us. The highest testing cow at Knollwood Farm is Fairy Boy's Jasmine, 231561, 869 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in one year, at five years ten months. She is a daughter of RALEIGH'S FAIRY BOY, 83767, imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our 1909 auction for $8,200, to Mr. Hudson. He has 42 tested daughters, average test of 37 now in Register of Merit, 9,135 lbs. milk, 523 lbs. 9 ozs. butter, at four years three months old. Three were tested on the Island. The other two are Fairy Boy's Houssie (a two-year-old) and Raleigh's Handsome Fairy, the latter imported by "Linden Grove" and sold to Allen Dale Farms, and she has made her record on three quarters. (Both tests have just been reported to the American Jersey Cattle Club, and are far over the requirements.) Mr. Hudson also advises us that FAIRY GLEN'S RALEIGH, 79438. sired by the "Linden Grove" bull, Mabel's Raleigh, P. 3722, H. C, has sixteen daughters in the Register of Merit averag- ing 7,729 lbs. butter and 477 lbs. 3 ozs. milk, at three years eight months old. KARNAK'S NOBLE, 87952, whose sire and dam and both grandams were imported by "Linden Grove," has six in the Register of Merit, five of them with year's tests averaging 7.9S5 lbs. 6 ozs. milk and 470 lbs. 8 ozs. butter, at two years eight months old. "Knollwood's Fairy Glen, a two-year-old daughter of Fern's Remembrance (bred at "Linden Grove" and sired by Golden Fern's Lad), has just started on test and milked as high as 42 lbs. 7 ozs. in one day. Another two-year-old heifer, Raleigh's Distinction, by Raleigh's Fairy Boy (her dam, Fern's Distinction, bought at 'Linden Grove'), has milked as high as 43 lbs. 3 ozs. Both arc on full year's test, and so are never pushed for a day's yield." THIS SORT OF RECORDS, ON ECONOMICAL FEEDING, ARE WHAT INDICATE THE REAL PROFITABLE COW. B71 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEYjCATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 116. Cow. OXFORD'S HANDSOME PEARL, 344006, A. J. C. C. (Oxford Pearl 3d, P. 16500, C.) OFFICIAL R. J. A. S. RECORD, AS A FOUR-YEAR-OLD, 473 LBS. BUTTER IN 440 DAYS; AVERAGE TEST, 5.76 PER CENT. BUTTER FAT. Bred by C. Le Sueur, Grouville, Island of Jersey. Born April 30, 1909. Imported August 3, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; black tongue and switch. One of the loveliest cows that it has been our pleasure to offer to an aesthetic trade. Undoubt- edly a great dairy cow, but one of extreme beauty and refinement of type. A head that would delight an artist; flat "ewe" neck; sharp withers and prominent spine; lean hind quarters; beautifully set tail, thin and long, with luxuriant black switch; body of great length and girth, with perfect ribbing; hide like satin; prominent, tortuous milk veins; udder beautifully balanced, of tremendous size when fresh, with large and well placed teats. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over f „^*»i, ire Jersey (with his progeny), Apr., 'OS. Sold at our '11 auc- tion for $6,700. to White Horse Farm, P a o 1 i, Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,750 each. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, every animal in com- petition, sired by Gamboge's Knight, did honor to its sire, winning among other prizes: 1st prize for get of sire. 1st prize for produce of cow. 1st prize for four cows in milk. 1st and 2d prize year- ling bulls (out of dams by Gamboge's Knight). Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H.C., now named IMPORTED OXFORD YOU'LL DO, 111860, A. J. C. C. Winner of 1st pr. over Jer., with his prog- eny, at the bull show on the Island, April. '11. This is the most valuable prize, and the great- est distinction that can be accorded a bull. Full brother to Oxford Knight. P. 3938, C, sire of 12 butter test cows, and of other prize winners. Oxford You'll Do is comparatively a young bull, and his daughters are making their mark in the butter tests. 21 of them now have official butter tests, including You'll Do's Favorite, now on test and will make close to, if not quite, 900 lbs. but- ter as a four-year- old. He is sire of many 1st prize and Champion winners, includ ng Golden Oxford Ivy, Champion over Jer- sey at the Royal Show, May, '15; 1st at the Royal Show as a 3-year-old (76 entries), and as a 4-year-old (68 en - tries). (She is cata- logued No. 50 of this auction.) Dam OXFORD PEARL, P. 13097, H. C. She is out of the same dam as Pearl of Oaklands, 2S6580, in Register of Merit, Class A, 473 lbs. 10 ozs. butter in 1 year, 5 yrs. old; sold in our '13 auc- tion for $600, to Messrs, Ayer & Mc- Kinney , ow ners of Meridale Farms. Pearl of Oaklands (Sultan's Pearl, P. 14787, H. C.) won Grouville Parish prize, Royal Show, Jersey, Aug., '10. [ Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. About the best and most valuable cow in the herd of Mr. J. A. Perree, Sec'y Is- land of Jer. Herd Book. Daughter of the cele- brated Oxford Lass. Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass (by Agatha's Flying Fox, above), public butter test, May. '09, 2 lbs. l£ ozs.; and other prizes. Oxford Triumph, pub- lic butter test, May, 'OS, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. Pearl's Duke, P. 3402, H. C. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '02. Sire of Agatha's Oxford Lass (out of the great cow, Oxford Ever, below), public but- ter test, May, '08, 1 lb. 10 ozs., 97 days in milk (cows under 5 yrs.); public but- ter test, May, '09, 2 lbs. 1+ ozs., 83 days in milk; winner of 1st prize over Jer- sey and Theatre Challenge Cup, May, '11; Reserve for Renouf Cup, "best butter test cow judged by inspec- tion," May, '07. Sultan of < 'aklands, 1st prize. Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham., St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '05. He has 7 tested daugh- ters, and no fewer than 13 sons with tested daughters in Register of Merit. Fontaine's Oxford Pride, 187430, A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C.) 3d pr. in public butter test, 2 lbs. 7i/ ozs., 48 days in milk. Sold for $2,500, in our '05 auction. Dam of 3 public test cows. r Dictator, P. 3091, H. C- (Now named Import- ed Dictator, 65296, A. J. C. C) Sire of Instructive, P. 3605, C, public but- ter test, May, '06, 1 lb. 7$ ozs. in 24 hrs., 3 yrs. old, and 2 other public tests; winner of St. Cle- ment Parish prize, Class 4, Royal Show, May, '07. Dam of 2 prize winning bulls. Pearl 3d, Pearl 5th, P. 11273, H. C. Dam of Pearl's Noble, Reserve, 2-year-old bulls, 13 entries. Royal Counties S. , England, '12, and other prizes. I. Her sire, Moray Can- non, won 3d prize over Jer., with his progeny, Apr. , '07 . He is sire of Duchess of^Tapon, F. 9658, H. C, winner of Cer- tificate of Merit, public butter test. May, '07, 2 lbs. A oz. in 24 hours, 43 days in milk. Her yearling son. Noble Duke of St. Saviour, sold for $560 in our '10 auction, at same time her daughter, Raleigh's Duchess of St. Saviour, sold for SI, 300. P. 6516. H. C. Moray Cannon, P. 3058, H. C. Sire of many prize win- ners and tested cows; among them. Simple Interest 4th, public butter test, May, '06, I lb. 9'i ozs., 123 days in milk; dam of Sultan's Finance, winner of Blyth- wood Bowl, Aug., '12; first over Jer., May and Aug., '11. j Pearl 3d. P. 6516, H. C. 3d pr., Grouville. A grand cow; owned by Mr. Le Sueur, breeder of Rosette 5th, and of Snow- flake, Cham, cow at Jubilee Show, Eng. Dam of Pearl 4th, sold to England for £110 and winner in '00 of following prizes: 2d prize at the B. W. E. Show, Bath; 1st pr. at the R. C. S. Show, Winchester. Flying Fox, P. 2729. H. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Among his many test- ed daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen. 870.5 lbs. butter, 13.604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. butter, 11,198 lbs. milk, 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Sa- viour, 411.96 lbs. butter, 6,841 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dream- wold, 10,060 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Syria o' Dream- w old, 11.075 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Maid o' The Sea, 11,530 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox Glove, public but- ter test. May, '07, 2 lbs. 8^ ozs. Simone G. G., public butter test, May, '04, 2 lbs. 5£ ozs. [ Agatha of Oaklands. 162101, A. J. C. C. (A highly commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432, H.C., J. H. B.) Official butter test. 2 lbs. \\ ozs. in 24 hrs.. Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. She sold in our '02 auction for $1,700, to Mrs. M. M. Pat- terson, Port Ken- nedy, Pa. Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. (See above.) Fancy's Beauty 2d, P. 6324, H. C. Also dam of Imp. Mohican, 65299 (by Flying Fox), sire of 4 in Register of Merit, including Mohican's Thirty- eight, 752 lbs. 9 ozs. butter, 11,435 lbs. 12.8 ozs. milk. Also has 4 untested daughters, each dam of a tested cow. t Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Oxford Lily 2d. P. 5732, H. C. Dam of The Owl's Ox- ford Daisy, 162113, Grand Champion. Brockton, Mass. ,'10, and other prizes; 759 lbs. butter, 11,659 lbs. milk in 1 year; dam of 2 tested cows. Nunthorpe, P. 1769, H. C. Sire of Blue Nun, 126625, 18 lbs. 5£ ozs.; Sweep- stakes cow at Ohio State Fair. '01; and other prizes. Lord Carteret, P. 2064, H. C, sire of Van- ture's Lad, a noted prize winner, and sire of winners. Pearl, F. 76S4, H. C. A persistent milker, having given over 4 gallons daily. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son. Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son. Eminence 2d, sold in our '05 sale t for $10,000. Ten of his get have been sold at an aver- age of £4,560. Rosette 5 th, P. 2881, H. C, now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C. 1st prize over Jer.,'S9. A very rich and per- sistent milker. Dam of Flying Fox, P. 2729. H. C. Ravachol, P. 2032, C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam, he proved him s e 1 f a remarkable sire, but was butch- ered before his value as a sire was known. y Courageous Countess of Oaklands, P. 8640, H. C. now named Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours, Jersey weight. Morion, P. 1690, H. C. 1st ov. Jer., '91, '92. Sire of The Owl and other prize winners. Full brother to Pio- neer. P. 1602. H. C. (see below). Fancy's Beauty, P. 5023, H. C. f Pioneer. P. 1602, H. C. 1st over Jer., '91, '92. Sire of Nuriel, 1st over Jer., '00; 1st H. B. and Par. prize, '00. Lady Clair. 3d H. B. and Par. prize, '00. Full brother to Morion, P. 1690, H.C., sire of The Owl, P. 2195, H. C. Oxford Lily, L P. 3468, H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land, Aug., '90; also winner of £15 prize. Sire of 32 tested cows, and of many noted bulls, including Morion and Pioneer (as above) . Alicante, P. 3SS0, H. C. 1st over Jer., '91. 1st pr., R. C. S., '96, '97. 1st and C, Roy. C. S., '98. 1st pr., B. and W. S., '98 ; and many other prizes. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th. all pr. winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours. Golden Fern, P. 47U. H. C. 2d over Jer., 2d H. B. and Par. pr., '94. Sarabond, P. 797, H.C. He was sold to go to France when 1 2 months old. This was a great loss to the Island, as he undoubtedly was a great sire. Rosette 4th, P. 2128.C. Orme, P. 1660, H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, 2 lbs. l£ ozs. of butter in 24 hours. Little Eminence, 122506,21 lbs. 6 ozs. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. Dam of Flying Fox. (See above.) ' Courage, P. 1813, C. Mr. Francis Le Brocq told us that the bull Courage was the best son of Golden Lad. Grassy Brown, P. 3370, H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. (See below.) Cicero's Cowslip 3d, P. 3056, H. C. 3d over Jersey, '92. Parish prize, '94. Rosa's Welcome, P. 1204. H. C. Fidelite's Beauty, F. 7499. C. ' Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Cicero's Cowslip 3d, P. 3056, H. C. 2d over Jer., '92. Parish prize, '94. Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C- Sire of many noted cows, including Ali- cante, P. 3880, H. C. (see below). Oxford Daisy, F. 6816. H. C. Sultane 's Favourite, P. 873, H. C. 1st pr., St. Saviour. Sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447, H. C. 2d over Jer., '88. 2d H. B. ov. J., '88. Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. pr., Apr., '87. 1st over Jer., Apr., '88. 2d over Jer., Apr., '89. 1st over Jer.. Aug., '89. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. (See above.) Last calf October 4, 1015, by Algiers, P. 5172, C. (sent to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas). Bred March 13, 1916, to Golden Fern's Mon Plaisir, 122755, son of the splendid butter cow, Grace Darling of St. Mary's, 306562, who was sold in our '14 auction for $700. Register of Merit record, 653 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 10,183 lbs. 9.6 ozs. milk, the first year after importation. Her 5-year-old daughter, Grace Stockwell, 240832, made 630 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 1 year. Golden Fern's Mon Plaisir was sired by Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570, H. C, winner of numerous 1st prizes at the Royal Shows, son of Noble of Oaklands, 95700 (sold in our '11 auction for $15,000), and Lady Aldan, P. 8470, H. C, a great daughter of Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (See No. 5 for extended pedigree of Golden Fern's Mon Plaisir, 122755.) B 99 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERS EY CATTLE, M AY 3 0, 1916. No. 117. Cow. MRS. OAK YOU'LL DO, 347984, A. J. C. C. (Miss Oak. P. 18447, H. C.) Bred by Mrs. Gautier, St. Saviour, Island of Jersey. Born October 15, 1910. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A very handsome fawn of refined type, stylish in carriage and of unquestionable dairy capacity; very long, clean, flat neck and sharp withers; level back and prominent spine; strong loins; wide hips; beauti- fully set tail, with luxuriant black switch touching the ground; long, deep, capacious body; skin like a glove; prominent, tortuous milk veins; udder of great depth and beautiful balance, attached high behind, covered with veins, and set with great large perfectly placed teats. Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H. C, now named IMPORTED OXFORD YOU'LL DO, 111860, A. J. C. C. Winner of 1st pr. over Jer., with his prog- eny, at the bull show on the Island, April, 11. Among his 21 official test daughters are: You'll Do's Favorite, over 900 lbs., 4 yrs. old ; imported by "Linden Grove." Imp. Rustic Ivy, 774 lbs. 7 ozs. Oxford Triumph's Maiden, 554 lbs. 7 ozs., 4 yrs. 3 mos. old. Oxford's Ever Lass, 480 lbs. 4 ozs., 2 yrs. 3 mos. old. Edith You'll Do, 475 lbs. 6 ozs., 3 yrs. old; imported by "Lin- den Grove." Oxford Lavender, 431 lbs. 9 ozs., 4 yrs. 6 mos. old; imported by "Linden Grove." Stella You'll Do, 429 lbs. 15 ozs., 4 yrs. old; imported by "Linden Grove." Hope You'll Do, 408 lbs. 10 ozs., 2 yrs. 3 mos. old. Oxford You'll Do's Cir- cus Girl, 390 lbs. 3 ozs., 2 yrs. old. Egypt You'll Do, 387 lbs. 4 ozs. in 10 mos.; imported by "Lin- den Grove." Lucea Oxford, 378 lbs. 5 ozs., 3 yrs. 7 mos. old. Grouville Plush, 377 lbs. 5 ozs., 3 yrs. 7 mos. old. Oxford's Doreen Dora, 374 lbs. 15 ozs., 3 yrs. 9 mos. old. Dam OAKLEAF, P. 14338, C. Her dam also produced Fatuna's Rose, P. 12787, C, dam of Warder's Lady Cou- lisse, 291470, in Reg- ister of Merit, Class AA, 521 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 year, from 8,885 lbs. 14.4 ozs. milk, at 5 yrs. 9 mos. old. Her sire also produced Alene's Trial, 252757, dam of Knight's Trial, 252802, in Register of Merit, Class AA, 380 lbs. 12 ozs. but- ter in 1 year, from 6,311 lbs. 6.4 ozs. milk, at 2 yrs. old. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. ; Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny). Apr., 03. Sold at our '11 auction for $6,700 to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1 ,750 each. Sire of 41 official test cows, 19 of them with year's records over 500 lbs. butter in 1 year. Twelve of the 19, including the 6ve with the highest tests, were imported by "Linden Grove," and sold in our auctions: Gamboge's Grey Beauty, 784 lbs. 12 ozs. Gamboge's Tiddledywink, 722 lbs. 14 ozs. Gamboge's Fancy Princess, 712 lbs. 9 ozs. Gamboge's Brownie, 652 lbs. Gamboge's Areola, 592 lbs. 5 ozs. Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. About the best and most valuable cow in the herd of Mr. J. A. Perree, Secy Is- land of Jersey Herd Book. Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass (by Agatha's Flying Fox, above), public butter test. May, '09, 2 lbs. 14 ozs.; and other prizes. Oxford Triumph, pub- lic butter test, May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. Oxford Knight, sire of 12 butter test cows and numerous prize winners. Oxford You'll Do, sire of 21 tested cows. Trial 2d of Oaklands, P. 3809, H. C. 1st prize, 11 entries, bulls from tested dams. Royal Show, Jersey, Aug., '07. 3d over Jersey with progeny, April, '08. He is bred and owned by Mr. John A. Per- ree, Secretary Jersey Herd Book, Island of Jersey, and his get are owned in the best herds on the Island. Sire of 5 tested cows: Brampton Oakland Trial, 673 lbs. 12.8 ozs. in 1 year as a 3-year-old. Imported Rose, 429 lbs. 9 ozs. butter in 1 year. Walnut Polly, public butter test, 2 lbs. 52 ozs. in24hrs.,261 days after calving. Virginia 10th, 1 lb. 9 ozs. in 24 hrs., as a 3-year-old, 185 days after calving. Trial's Beauty, 1 lb. 84 ozs., 128 days after calving. He also has 3 untested daughters, each dam of a tested cow. Fatuna, F. 8995, H. C. Dam of Plymouth's Fatuna, P. 17188, H. C, Certifi- cate of Merit, public butter test. May.' 14. 1 lb. 71 ozs. in 24 hrs., at 3 yrs. old, 103 days after calving. Bessie's Lad, P. 2479, H. C. By the same sire as Orlando, P. 2535, H. C, sire of Fairy Glen. P. 9178, H. C, dam of Raleigh's Fairy Boy and Fairy Glen's Raleigh. Golden Lad 2d, P. 2023, H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Daisy, 136499, 19 lbs. 2 ozs. Golden Lad's Mer- maid, sold at our '02 sale for $1,100. Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold at o u r '03 sale for $1,725. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, II. C. Sire of many winners, and of 7 butter test cows. Sire of 13 bulls with tested daughters, including Halloween's Fox, sire of 10; Trial of Oaklands and Beechland's Champion, each sire of 6. (See below.) Fontaine's Oxford Pride, 187430. A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C). 2d prize over Jersey, 48 entries. Aug., '02. Reserve, 32 entries. May. '02. 3d prize. 59 entries, May, '04. 1st prize, 39 entries, and Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '04. 3d prize over Jersey, 40 entries. Aug., '01. 3d pr. in public butter test, 2 lbs. 72 ozs., 48 days in milk. Sold for $2,500, in our '05 auction, to Mr. Howard Willets, owner of Gedney Farm. She and 4 of her progeny have been sold in our auctions for $13,600, an average of $2,720. Dam of 3 tested cows. Golden Lad. P. 1242, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '90. Oxford Dahlia, P. 2588. H. C. 1st pr. and Cham., Ox fordshire Show. Eng., '93. 1st pr., R. A. S., Ches- ter, Eng., '93. 1st p. and Silver Cup, H. S., '93. Orme, P. 1660, H. C. Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, winner of 1st pr., B. and W. S., N. A. S. S., and 1st at the Yorkshire S., Eng., '95. (2 lbs. 9i ozs. of butter in 24 hrs.) Golden Lass, F. 5711, H. C. 1st over the Island. Biron, P. 1375, C- Brown Bess, F. 7455.C. Everton Lord, P. 1088, H. C. Widow, F. 2360, C. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. One of the most cele- [ Brown Bess 2d, brated cows the Is- P. 5428, H. C. land ever produced. Dam of Golden Queen of St. Saviour. 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 214 days in milk. ■_..*«. Oxford Ixia, a famous winner in the public butter tests; among the many that she won being the Bronze Medal in March, '00, testing 2 lbs. 8 ozs. Caiest, whose eight daughters, in our '05 sale, averaged $987.50. * Houpla, sire of Lady Houpla, winner of Champion Cup, testing 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 73 days in milk and alter first calving. Flying Fox's Oxford Lass, 1st prize winner over the Island. _ Oxford Lad, P. 3123, H. C, who distinguished himself by having sired a remarkable lot of bulls and cows, winners in the best shows and in the public butter tests. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st. prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '02. 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. Sire of Agatha's Oxford Lass (out of the great cow. Oxford Ever), public butter test, May, '08, 1 lb. 10 ozs., 97 days in milk (cows under 5 yrs.); public but- ter test, May. '09. 2 lbs. li ozs.. 83 days in milk; winner of 1 st prize over Jer- sey and Theatre Challenge Cup, May, '11; Reserve for Renouf Cup, "best butter test cow judged by inspec- tion"' May, '07. Sultan of Oaklands, 1st prize, Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham., St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '05. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C, sold in our '11 auction f o r $6,700. (See above.) Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C.) Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Among his many test- ed daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. butter, 13,604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. butter, 11,198 lbs. milk, 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Sa- viour, 411.96 lbs. butter, 6,841 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dream- wold, 10,060 1 bs. milk, 1 year. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. (A highly commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432,H.C.,J. H.B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. 14 ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. She sold in our '02 auction for $1,700, to Mrs. M.M.Patter- son, Port Kennedy, Pa. Dorothy. P. 4411. H. C. 4th pr. over Jersey Aug., '04, when 14 years old, and never shown before. Public butter test. May, '06, 1 lb. 10J ozs.. when 16 years old and 235 days in milk. This grand old matron is owned by Mr. John A. Perree, Island of Jersey, and is dam of his popular bulls. Trial of Oaklands, P. 3644, H. C and Trial 2d of Oaklands, P. 3809, H. C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (See below.) Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C, now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. Dam of Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Forfarshire, P. 2914, H. C. Ravachol, P. 2032, C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam, he proved him- self a remarkable sire, but was butch- ered before his value as a sire was known. Courageous Countess of Oaklands. P. 8640, H. &, now named Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test. 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours, Jersey weight. Trial. P. 1187. H. C. 4th over Jer. and Par. prize, '89. 2d over Jersey and Champion Cup, '90. Sire of Magyarland, 86326, 17 lbs. 8 ozs. Finance, butter test, 2 lbs. 10 ozs. in 24 hrs., 55 lbs. of milk at the fair; and dam of Financial King. Radier's Lassie, P. 3107, H. C. Sarabond, P. 797, H.C. He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. This was a great loss to the Island, as he undoubtedly was a great sire. Rosette 4th, P. 2128.C. Orme, P. 1660. H. C Sire of Regina Sultane 2d, 2 lbs. li ozs. of butter in 24 hours. Little Eminence, 122506, 21 lbs. 6 ozs: Rosette 5th. P. 2881, H. C. 1st over Jer., '89. Courage. P. 1813, C. Mr. Francis Le Brocq told us that the bull Courage was the best son of Golden Lad. Grassy Brown, P. 3370, H. C. Sultane's Favourite, P. 873. H. C. 1st prize, St. Saviour. Sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows, and of the bull. Golden Lad. P. 1242, H. C (see below). Hermione, P. 634, C. Pollux, P. 871. H. C. Twin brother to Castor. P. S70, H.C, 2d over Jer. and 3d State's pr., June.'87. Radier's Lass, F. 7384, C Last calf December 7, 1915, by Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570, H. C. (sold to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas) . „ Bred January 25, 1916, to Sultana's Golden Jolly, S61S0, the handsomest and best bred bull ever owned at "Linden^ Grove, 861800 B329 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 118. Cow. YOU'LL DO'S SWEET-HEART, 353252, A. J. C. C. (Carnation's Sweet-Heart, P. 20040, H. C.) Bred by Geo. Dorey, St. Martin, Island of Jersey. Born January 1, 1912. Imported October 31, 1915. by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color, except mottled brisket; little white on belly; black tongue and switch. A splendidly developed young cow of great vigor and symmetry of form; a business cow, and a hand- some one; neat head with amber horns; beautiful top line; very strong, broad loin; prominent hips, and long, lean rump; beautifully set tail, with switch brushing the ground; has wonderful spring of rib, and a deep, wide, capacious paunch; large, tortuous milk veins, running well forward; magnifi- cent udder, of beautiful shape, perfectly balanced, with large teats squarely placed. Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H.C. Oxford You'll Do has already 21 or more official test daugh- ters, 1 1 of them in Register of Merit, and another just finishing test with 900 lbs. or more of butter as a four-yr.- old. The cow win- ning 1st at New York State Fair as a three -year-old, 1st at Connecticut State Fair as a four-year- old, and 1st at New York State Fair as a 5 -year-old (besides being dam of the pair winning 1st as "produce of cow"), is a daughter of Ox- ford You'll Do, and she made the Reg- ister of Merit with 774 lbs. 7 ozs. butter in one year. He sired the Champion cow over the Island of Jersey in May, '15, who also won 1st in her class (76 entries) as a three-year-old, and 1st as a two- year-old (68 entries), Royal Island Show. He also sired the 1st prize bull at Royal Show, Class 2, 19 entries, in May, '15; the Grand Cham- pion bull, Indiana State Fair, '15 (bred at "Linden Grove" and sold in our '14 auction as a calf for £525 J ; the 1st prize three -year- old cow (11 entries), Texas State Fair, '15 (sold in our '14 auction for $745); the Grand Champion bull of the Minnesota and Wisconsin State Fairs, '13, who pro- duced the Junior Champion heifer at Iowa State Fair and at Waterloo Dairy Show, '15 ; and many other 1st prize and Champion winners. (See preceding pages for further particu- lars.) Dam CARNATION'S LOVE, P. 14524, H. C. Public butter test, May. '13, I lb. I0i ozs. in 24 hrs., 5 yrs. old, 101 days after calving. Winner of 1st prize, St. Martin Show, '10. Dam of Carnation's Darling, P. 1S072, Ci winner of St. Helier Parish prize, Class 2, Royal Show, Jersey, May, '13. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. Sold at our '11 auc- tion for $6,700, to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, every animal in com- petition, sired by Gamboge's Knight, did honor to its sire. 34 of his sons and daughters have been sold in our auctions f o r an average of SS00. Sire of 41 official test cows, 19 of them with year's records over 500 lbs. butter in 1 year. Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass (by Agatha's Flying Fox), public butter test, May, '09, 2 lbs. H ozs., 83 days in milk. Oxford Triumph, pub- lic butter test, May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. Daughter of Oxford Lass. [ Rochet te's Golden Lad, P. 3856, H. C. (78218, A. J. C. C.) 2d over jer., Apr., '07. 1st over Jersey, Aug., '06, '07. 1st pr., Tenn. State Fair, '10. And other prizes, in- cluding Gr. Cham- pionship, Tenn. S. Fair, '11. Sire of Merry Lad, P.4251.H. C, 1st prize. Class 1, Royal Show, Jersey, Apr., '09; sire of Merry Lulu, Grand Champion, Wiscon- sin State Fair, '13. Daisy's Golden Maid, 1st prize. Class 1, Royal Show, Aug., '09. And many other winners. Sire of 3 butter test cows, including Ro- chette's Lady Pride, in Register of Merit, 503 lbs. 1 oz. butter in 1 year. Leda's Golden Lad, P. 3063, H. C. 1st over Jer. and 1st State's pr., '01 and '02 (44 entries and 28 entries, respectively). 1st and Sweepstakes, St. Martin Show, '01 and '02. 1st and Champion, with progeny, Western Club, '05. Sire of many prize winners and of 11 butter test cows, the latter including: Golden Leda's Nursie, 213594, that we sold to Messrs. Ayer & McKinney for $1,000, and who made an official record of 567 lbs. 9 ozs. butter in 1 year, from 10,069 lbs. 4.8 ozs.'milk. Leda's Fawn Lady, 532 lbs. 12 ozs. butter in 1 year. Victoria of Athenia, 14 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 7 days; Junior Champion female at World's Fair, St. Louis, '04. He has a number of sons with tested daughters, including Aurifer, P. 3716, H. C, sire of 3, including Aurifer's Favorite, 286527, 565 lbs. 7 ozs. butter in 1 year; sold in our '13 auction for $400, at 5 yrs. old. Rochette's Golden Lad, P. 3S56, H. C, winner of two 1st prizes at Royal Shows and Grand Championship at Tennessee State Fair; sire of 3 tested cows. Sire of Christmas Pride, Rozel's Victory 6th. Zelie 3d, all 1st prize winners at the Royal Shows; and many other winners. Leda's Golden Lad was imported by Mr. Wm. Rockefeller, and headed his noted herd. His untimely death, in a fire which destroyed the Rockefeller stables, was a distinct loss to the Jersey breed. Sire of Dorothy's Pearl, official test, 629 lbs. 12 ozs. butter in 369 days, at 10 yrs. old; dam of Dorothy's Noble Fern (see No. 66 of catalog). He is out of same darn as S t o c k w e 1 1, P. 3550, H. C, sold at our '07 sale for $11,500, to Hon. A. B. Lewis, Frede- ricksburg, Va.; sire of a remarkable lot of animals that have shown themselves to f Competitor, be dairy cows of P. 2618, H. C. great value. Sire of Rayonnante 6th, P. 9049, H. C, Reserve over Jersey, Class 4, Aug., '04. At our '01 sale, 3 daughters of The Owl, all we had, averaged $600 each. Two of them after- ward won 1st prize in their class at West Virginia State Fair. Rochette 3d, P. 9247, H. C. Dam of Noble's Boy, 1st over Jer., Apr., '11, and other prs.; now named Im- ported Noble Boy, 103564, A. J. C. C, and sold in our '12 auction to Hood Farm, Lowell, Mass., to head their show herd. C Trial of Oaklands, P. 3644, H. C. Sire of 6 tested cows, including: Trial's Sweet Bread, 563 lbs. 5 ozs. Trial's May Queen, 447 lbs. 1 1 ozs. Cocotte 2d. 1 lb. 14£ ozs. in 24 hrs., 164 days after calving. Simone A. B.. 1 lb. 13^ ozs., 124 days after calving. He sired the darn of Raleigh's Dorothy, 386 lbs. 11 ozs., at 2 yrs. 5 mos. Rochette, F. 7971, C. f Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '02. 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. Senator, P. 2759. H. C. Sire of Pretty Lady Superior 10th, P. 9401, H. C, winner of 4th prize over Jer. and Par. prize, Class 2, Aug., '02. Astor, P. 3042, H. C, 1st over Jer., Aug., '02, and Apr., '03; 2d State's pr., Aug., '02: 2d over Jer., with his progeny, Apr., '07; 1st over Jer., with his prog- eny, Apr., '08 ; sire of 1 1 butter test cows. Golden Leda, P. SOO0, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '01. 1st prize and Cham- pionship, N. C. S., '00 and 01; milked over 40 lbs. per day with first calf. Dam of Stockwell, sold at our '07 sale for $11,500. Forfarshire's G o 1 d en Leda, 187458, 1st prize and Sweep- stakes at St. Sa- viour and Grouville Show, May, '04. Topsman, Reserve over Jer., Apr. and Aug., '02. The Owl, P. 2195, H.C. 1st St. Saviour, 95. 2d over Jer., '95, '96. 1st over Jer., '97. Scored 92 points. Sire of Golden Maid 3d, Cer- tificate of Merit, 2 lbs. 5 ozs., 130 days after calving; Par. prize, Class 1, May, '00; Par. prize, Class 4, Aug., '01. Spermfield Owl, 57088 (Register of Merit, No. 8), sire of 36 daughters in the Register with au- thenticated yearly records. Fidelite's Beauty, F. 7499, C. Dam of Lady Gray, P. 5784, C., winner of Par. prize, Aug., '97. Carnation's Countess. P. 12659, C. Certificate of Merit and 1st Par. prize, pub- lic butter test, May, '12, 1 lb.9jozs.in24 hrs., 179 days after calving. Dorothy, P. 4411, H. C. ■ 4th pr. over Jersey, Aug., '04, when 14 years old, and never shown before. Public butter test. May, '06, 1 lb. 10$ ozs., when 16 years old and 235 days in milk. This grand old matron is owned by Mr. John A Perree, Island of Jersey, and is dam of his popular bulls. Trial of Oaklands. P. 3644. H. C. and Trial 2d of Oaklands, P. 3809, H. C. Carnation's Queen, P. 9457, H. C. Financial King. 57788. (P. 2624, H. C.) 2d over Jersey, '98. Sire of Financial Countess, 935 lbs. 10 ozs. estimated but- ter in 1 year, con- firmed by churn t e s t — the world's record for confirmed test. And 14 other butter test cows. Carnation's Jubilee, P. 7784, H. C. By Rover, P. 2258. H. C.out of Carnation's Glory, P. 857, C. Caumais Lad, P. 2257, H. C. Sire of Petune's Favorite winner of BIyth wood Bowl over Is land of Jer., Aug. '99. G u e n o n ' s Lad, a Champion winner at Kentucky Fairs, and sire of tested cows. Alexie, sire of Mr. R. A. Sibley's In- terested Prince. Finance, P. 4611, C Public butter test, 2 lbs. 10 ozs., 55 lbs. milk. Nizam, P. 2408, H C 1st pr.. St. Peter, '97. Sire of Golden Lad of St. Peter, 57223, Cham, winner over three Western Par- ishes, '99. Belle du Couvent, P. 4674, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '94 Dam of Belle du Cou- vent 5th, 3d over Jer., May, '02. Daughter of Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C, out of Orphan 2d. P* 2844, H. C, 1st pr., St. Mary Show, '92. Golden Fern's Lad, P- 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. Ten of his get have been sold at an aver- age of $4,560. Sire of Eminent 2d. P. 2532, H. C; Fly ing Fox; etc. Sire of 31 tested cows. Leda, P. 6636, H. C. One of the best cows the Island has ever produced. Dam of Leda's Prince, 1st prize, Tunbridge Wells, England, '01. Morion, P. 1690, H. C. Sire of many prize winners. Full brother to Pioneer, P. 1602, H. Cm 1st over Jer., '91, '92. Alicante, P. 3880, H.C. 1st prize winner over Jer., '91. lstp.,R. C.S., '96, '97. 1st and Cham., Roy. C. Show, '98. 1st p.. B. and W. S., '98, and many other prizes. She is out of same dam as Flying Fox, sold in our '02 auction for $7,500. Trial, P. 1187, H. C. 4th over Jer. and Par. prize, '89. 1st over Jer., Aug., '89. 2d over Jersey and Champion Cup, '90. Sire of Magyarland, 86326, 17 lbs. 8 ozs. Finance, butter test, 2 lbs. 10 ozs. in 24 hrs., 55 lbs. of milk at the fair, and dam of Financial King. Radier's Lassie, P. 3107, H. C. Golden Pride, P. 1903, H. C. Sire of Uncle Sam, P. 2383, H. Cm sire of Karnak's Daughter, public butter test. May, '08, 2 lbs. 8J ozs., 108 days in milk. Blue Belle. P. 4307, H. C. Now named Imported Blue Belle, 180234, A. J. C. C. Trial, P. 1187, H. C. Interest, F. 3582, C. Private test on Island of Jersey, at rate of 25 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 7 days. Last calf January 16, ,1916, by Oxford Majesty, P. 4057, H. C. (sent to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas). I.i iary 16,^1916, _to ^Jolly^ Sultan of Linden^ 120838^ a magnificent son of our peerless Grand Champion, Sultana's lghters of 20S38.) B312 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 119. Cow. YOU'LL DO'S SOCIETY GIRL, 353248, A. J. C. C. (Society Sensation, P. 19503, H. C.) Bred by E. H. Godel, St. Mary, Island of Jersey. Horn November 29, 1911. Imported October 31, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A wonderful "big-little" cow, dark attractive grey, with beautiful top line, sweet head, long flat neck, and of great stamina; a dairy cow, long and deep of body; hind quarters of score-card pattern ; hide thin and mellow; tail beautifully attached; tre- mendous udder, of perfect balance and great cir- cumference, perfect in shape; udder like that of "Golden Lad's Solid Gold," and no artist would have the courage to "paint" such teats on an udder as she has naturally, long, wide apart and perfectly placed. Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H.C., now named IMPORTED OXFORD YOU'LL DO, 111860, A. J, C. C. Winner of 1st pr. over Jer., with his prog- eny, at the bull show on the Island, April, '11. Among his 21 official test daughters are: You'll Do's Favorite, over 900 lbs., 4 yrs. old ; imported by "Linden Grove." Imp. Rustic Ivy, 774 lbs. 7 ozs. Oxford Triumph's Maiden, 554 lbs. 7 ozs., 4 yrs. 3 mos. old. Oxford's Ever Lass, 480 lbs. 4 ozs., 2 yrs. 3 mos. old. Edith You'll Do, 475 lbs. 6 ozs., 3 yrs. old; imported by "Lin- den Grove." Oxford Lavender, 431 lbs. 9 ozs., 4 yrs. 6 mos. old ; imported by "Linden Grove." Stella You'll Do, 429 lbs. 15 ozs., 4 yrs. old; imported by "Linden Grove." Hope You'll Do, 408 lbs. 10 ozs., 2 yrs. 3 mos. old. Oxford You'll Do's Circus Girl, 390 lbs. 3 ozs., 2 yrs. old. Egypt You'll Do, 387 lbs. 4 ozs. in 10 mos. ; imported by "Lin- den Grove." Lucea Oxford, 378 lbs. 5 ozs., 3 yrs. 7 mos. old. Grouville Plush. 377 lbs. 5 ozs., 3 yrs. 7 mos. old. Oxford's Doreen Dora, 374 lbs. 15 ozs.. 3 yrs. 9 mos. old. Dam SOCIETY GIRL, F. 9726, C. Gamboge's Knight. P. 3645. H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny), Apr., '08. Sold at our '1 1 auction for $6,700 to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daugh- ters in a single lot at $1,750 each. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, every animal in competition, sired by Gamboge's Knight, did honor to its sire, winning among other prizes: 1st prize for produce of cow. 1st prize for four cows in milk. 1st and 2d prize yearling bulls (out of dams by Gamboge's Knight). 2d pr. 3-year old cow, 9 entries, by Gamboge's Knight. Sire of 41 official test cows, 19 of them with year's records over 500 lbs. butter in 1 year. Twelve of the 19, including the five with the highest tests, were imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auctions: Gamboge's Grey Beauty, 784 lbs. 12 ozs. Gamboge's Tiddledywink, 722 lbs. 14 ozs. Gamboge's Fancy Princess, 712 lbs. 9 ozs. Gamboge's Brownie. 652 lbs. Gamboge's Areola, 592 lbs. 5 ozs. Daisy's January Rose. 585 lbs. 10 ozs. Gamboge's Handsome Duchess. 566 lbs. 5 ozs. Gamboge's Primrose. 566 lbs. Gamboge's Princess, 558 lbs- 13 ozs. Gamboge's Knight's Artistic, 540 lbs. 8 ozs. Gamboge's Vellum, 531 lbs. 12 ozs. Knight's Fancy Princess, 530 lbs. 15 ozs. Gamboge's Modesty, 525 lbs. 7 ozs. Gamboge's Merry May, 520 lbs. 4 ozs. Black Flower. 516 lbs. 15 ozs. Manor's Peeress, 516 lbs. 10 ozs. Gamboge's Crocus, 515 lbs. 1 oz. Gamboge's Fawn Beauty. 505 lbs. 15 ozs. Knight's Crocus. 505 lbs. 9 ozs. Gamboge's Tiddledywink (above) was Grand Champion cow at National Dairy Show, 12, and was on show circuit 2£ months during her year's test. Gamboge's Knight is sire of 4 bulls with tested daughters, including: Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C, sire of 22. Oxford Knight. P. 3938, C. sire of 12. Oxford's Brigadier, 78529, sire of 2 in Register of Merit. Oxford Boy, P. 3937, C. sire of I in Register of Merit. His son. Oxford You'll Do. won 1st prize for bull and progeny at the Apr.. '11. bull show. Island of Jer. 34 of his sons and daughters have been sold in our auctions for an average of $800; among them: Oxford Lad's Granddaughter, $2,900. Gamboge's Primrose. $1,750. Gamboge's Fancy Princess, $1,750. Gamboge's Oxford Lass. $1,750. Gamboge's Tiddledywink, $1,750. Gamboge's Handsome Duchess, $1,750. Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass (by Agatha's Flying Fox, above), public butter test. May, '09, 2 lbs. l£ ozs.; and other prizes. Oxford Triumph, pub- lic butter test. May. '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. Oxford Knight, sire of 12 butter test cows and numerous prize \\ inners. Oxford You'll Do. sire of 21 tested cows. Bessie's Lad, P. 2479, H. C. Oxford Lass, P. 3582. C. One of the most cele- brated cows the Is- land ever produced. She was never tested for butter, but milk- ed as high as 28 quarts daily. Dam of Golden Queen of St. Saviour. 2 lbs. 1 J ozs.,214das. in milk. Caiest, whose eight daughters, in our 05 sale. aver. $987.50. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1 st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '02. 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '03. Sire of Sultan of Oaktands, 1st prize, Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham., St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '05. Sire of 27 tested cows. Combination. P. 3744, H. C., 1st prize over Jersey, May, '06; 1st pr., St. Helier Show, Aug., '06; 1st pr. and Cham., St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Apr., '09, in competition with Beauvoir King. Plymouth Lad and other bulls, and judged by two differ- ent set of j u d g e s, thereby winning a very handsome Sil- ver Shield; 1st prize over Jer., Apr., '09. Sire of 17 tested cows. Sire of many other winners, and of 7 butter test cows. Sire of 13 bulls with tested daughters, in- cluding Halloween's Fox, sire of 10; Trial of Oaklands and Beechlands Cham- pion, each sire of 6. Fontaine's Oxford Pride. 187430. A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th. P. 8801. H. C.) 2d prize over Jersey. 48 entries, Aug., '02. Reserve, 32 entries. May, '02. 3d prize, 59 entries, May. '04. 1st prize, 39 entries, and Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '04. 3d prize over Jersey. 40 entries, Aug., '01. 3d pr. in public butter test, 2 lbs. 7^ ozs., 48 days in milk. Sold for $2,500, in our '05 auction, to Mr. Howard Wallets, owner of Gedney Farm. She and 4 of her progeny have been sold in our auctions for $13,600. an average of $2,720. Dam of Gamboge's Pride 5th, Certificate of Merit, May, '05, 1 lb. 10 ozs., 150 days in milk. Now named Gamboge of St. Saviour, 195816. sold in our '06 auction for $500, to Penshurst Farm, Narberth, Pa., where she made 640 lbs. butter in a year. She has a daughter in Register of Merit, and a son with 1 in Register of Merit. Gamboge's Pride 7th, Certificate of Merit and 2d Goddington prize, May, '07, 2 lbs. \ oz., 50 days in milk; Certificate of Merit and Parish prize, May, '08, 1 lb. 14J ozs., 154 days in milk; now named Oxford's Fontaine, 224580; sold in our '09 auction for $2,525, to Dr. H. D. Rodman, Louisville, Ky. She has 2 tested daughters, another that is a Champion winner, and a fourth that sold in our '10 auction for $725, at 14 months old. Gamboge's Pride 8th, Certificate of Merit, May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs.. 138 days in milk; now named Oxford Lad's Great Beauty, 235173; sold in our '10 auction for $1,375, to Mr. W r illets. Her daughter, Majesty's Great Beauty, 235188 (sold in our '10 auction for $850 at 3 yrs. old), is dam of a Register of Merit cow, and her 2- nios. old heifer calf sold in our '10 auction for $850. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C.) Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale, May, '02, for $7,500. Among his many tested daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen. 870.5 lbs. estimated butter from 13,604 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. estimated butter from 11,198 lbs. milk in 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Saviour, 411- 96 lbs. estimated ^ butter from 6,841 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dreamwold, 10,060 lbs. milk in I year. Fox's Syria o' Dreamwold, 11,075 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Maid o' The Sea, 1 1 .530 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox Glove, Certificate of Merit and 2d Parish prize, May, '07, 2 lbs. 82 ozs. butter in 24 hrs., 37 days in milk. Simone G. G., Certificate of Merit, May, '04. 2 lbs. S\ ozs. butter, 24 hrs., 101 days in milk. Oxford Vixen. Certificate of Merit. May. '05, 2 lbs. 2J ozs. butter, 24 hrs., 49 days in milk. Flying Fox's La Fontaine, 18 lbs. 2 ozs. butter from 280 lbs. milk, 7 days. Lady Iveagh, 17 lbs. 6.6 ozs. butter, 7 days; 34 lbs. butter, 14 days (est.). Flying Fox's Brown Belle, 15 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Handsome Lily, 14 lbs. 8 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Pearl, 15 lbs. 7 ozs. butter, 7 days. Fox's Belle of Grouville, 21 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 7 days; 80 lbs. 11 ozs., 30 days. Flying Fox's Trinity Rose, 20 lbs. 6 ozs. butter, 7 days. Fox's Belle of Trinity, 20 lbs. 5 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Rowena, 17 lbs. 24 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Brown Maid, milked 22 qts., 1 day. Fox's Golden Cigarette, milked 20 qts., 1 day, with 1st calf. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101. A. J. C. C. (A Highly Commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432. H. C. J. H. B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. 1 4 ozs. in 24 hours, Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. Sold in our '02 auction for $1,700, to Mrs. M. M. Patterson, Port Kennedy, Pa. Won 2 1st prizes at Royal Shows. Caiest, P. 2591, H. C. 1st prize, Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville Show, '98. Sire of 9 tested cows. Sire of Mabel's Poet, P. 2964, H. C, winner of 22 1st prizes and sire of over fifty prize winners. Fifteen daughters of Caiest sold in o u r '05 and '06 auc- tion sales, averaging $865 each. Mabel's Poet is sire of Poetess Nelly, F. 9213, H. C. 1st pr. and Silver Medal. St. Saviour - Grouville Show, '05; Certifi- cate of Merit in pub- lic butter test, May, '06, 1 lb. 15 ozs., 121 days in milk; and many other cele- brities. Caiest 's dam is also dam of the great cow, Oxford Ever, who is dam of Ox- ford You'll Do, Ox- ford Knight a n d 2 public test cows. Gamboge's Pride, P. 4508. H. C. 1st pr. at St. Saviour Show. 96. 2d over Jersey, '97. She has won the fol- lowing public butter tests. May. '96. 2 lbs. 7{ ozs. Oct., '96, 2 lbs. 2iozs., 217 days in milk. And 4 other tests. Dam of 3 public but- ter test cows. Last calf April 16, 1916, by Jerseyman, P. 5044, H. C, be sent to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas.) whose pedigree may be seen on No. 137 of catalog. (Calf will B8S T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 120. Cow. YOU'LL DO'S GREY DAISY, 353232, A. J. C. C. (Midland May Queen, P. 18644, H. C.) Bred by J. De Caux, Trinity, Island of Jersey. Bora May 16, 1911. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A very attractive grey, of neat type and dairy temperament; beautiful top line, with prominent spine, sharp withers and thin, flat neck; very long and well-ribbed barrel; great length of rump and beautifully set tail, which is thin and long, with luxuriant switch; hide thin and mellow; prominent milk veins; large, beautifully shaped udder, carried snugly, very full and "flat-bottomed," with large, squarely placed teats. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jer. (with his prog- eny), Apr., '08. Sold at our '11 auction for $6,700, to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,750 each. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, every animal in com- petition, sired by Gamboge's Knight, did honor to its sire. Sire of 41 official test cows, 19 with year's records over 500 lbs. butter in 1 year. Twelve of the 19, including the five with the highest tests, were imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auc- tions: Gamboge's Grey Beau- ty, 784 lbs. 12 ozs. Gamboge's Tiddledy- wink, 722 lbs. 14 ozs. Gamboge's Fancy Princess, 712 lbs. 9 ozs. Gamboge's Brownie, 652 lbs. Gamboge's Areola, 592 lbs. 5 ozs. Daisy's January Rose, 585 lbs. 10 ozs. Gamboge's Handsome Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H. C. Sire of 22 or more offi- cial test cows, 16 of them with Regis- ter of Merit records, including; You'll Do's Favorite, just finishing with more than 900 lbs. butter as a 4-year- old. Sold in our '14 auction for $500, to Mr. E. T. Bedford, Greens Farms, Conn. Imp. Rustic Ivy, 774 lbs. 7 ozs., at 4£ yrs. old; 1st prize 3-year-old (1 1 en- tries), New York State Fair, '13; 1st prize 4-year-old, Connecticut State Fair, '14; 1st prize 5 -year-old, dam of the Grand Cham- pion bull and the 1st prize ' ' produce of cow," New York State Fair, '15. Six of his Register of Merit daughters were imported by "Linden Grove." Six others with official tests on the Island of Jersey, were im- ported by "Linden Grove' ' in '15, and will be sold in this auction. (See other pedigrees for further particu- lars.) Oxford You'll Do is sire of many prize winners, including: Golden Oxford Ivy, Champion over the Island of Jersey in '15; 1st prize 2-year- old at Royal Show, May, '14 (68 entries), and 1st prize 3 -year- old, May, '15 (76 entries). Now named You'll Do's Champion Ivy, 35325 1 , and cata- logued for this auc- tion (see No. 50). Kingsway, P. 5158, H. C, 1st prize bull, Class 2, 19 entries. Royal Show, May, '15. His full brother, Ox- ford Knight. P. 3938, C, is sire of 12 tested cows, 5 of them in Register of Merit with records averaging 575 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 5 yrs. 3 mos. old. Six of his tested daughters sold in our auctions for an average of $927. Dam MIDLANDQUEEN, F. 9674, H.C. Certificate of Merit, public butter test, Oct., '08, 1 lb. 12J ozs. in 24 hrs., at 5 yrs. old, 172 days after calving. Duchess, ozs. Gamboge's 566 lbs. Gamboge's 566 lbs. 5 Primrose, Princess, 558 lbs. 13 ozs. Gamboge's Knight's Artistic, 540 lbs. 8 ozs. Gamboge's Vellum, 531 lbs. 12 ozs. Knight's Fancy Prin- cess, 530 lbs. 15 ozs. Gamboge's Modesty, 525 lbs. 7 ozs. Gamboge's Merry May, 520 lbs. 4 ozs. Black Flower, 516 lbs. 15 ozs. Manor's Peeress, 516 lbs. 10 ozs. Gamboge's Crocus, 515 lbs. 1 oz. G a m b o g e's Fawn Beauty, 505 lbs. 15 ozs. Knight's Crocus, 505 lbs. 9 ozs. Gamboge's fiddle dy- wink (above) was Grand Champion cow at Nat. Dairy Show, '12, and was on show circuit 2£ months during her year's test. Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. About the best and most valuable cow in the herd of Mr. J. A. Perree, Sec'y Is- land of Jer. Herd Book. Daughter of the cele- brated Oxford Lass. Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass (by Agatha's Flying Fox, see above), public butter test, May, '09, 2 lbs. l£ ozs., 83 days in milk. C.C.- Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1 st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '02. 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '03. Sire of Sultan of Oaklands, 1st prize, Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham., St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '05. Sire of 27 tested cows. Combination, P. 3744, H. C, 1st prize over Jersey, May, '06; 1st pr., St. Helier Show, Aug., '06; 1st pr. and Cham., St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Apr., '09, in competition with Beauvoir King, Plymouth Lad and other bulls, and judged by two differ- ent set of j u d g e s, thereby winning a very handsome Sil- ver Shield; 1st prize over Jer., Apr., '09. Sire of 17 tested cows. Sire of many other winners, and of 7 butter test cows. Sire of 13 bulls with tested daughters, in- cluding Halloween's Fox, sire of 10; Trial of Oaklands and Beechland's Cham- pion, each sire of 6. Fontaine's Oxford Pride, 187430, A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8S01, H. C.) 1st prize, 39 entries, and Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '04. 3d pr. in public butter test, 2 lbs. 7% ozs., 48 days in milk. Sold for $2,500, in our '05 auction, to Mr. Howard Willets, owner of Gedney Farm. She and 4 of her progeny have been sold in our auctions for $13,600, an average of $2,720. Dam of Gamboge's Pride 5th, Certificate of Merit, May, '05, 1 lb. 10 ozs., 150 days in milk. Now named Gamboge of St. Saviour, 195816, sold in our '06 auction for $500, to Penshurst Farm, Narberth, Pa., where she made 640 lbs. butter in a year. She has a daughter in Register of Merit, and a son with 10 in Register of Merit. Gamboge's Pride 7th, Certificate of Merit and 2d Goddington prize. May, '07, 2 lbs. i oz., 50 days in milk; Certificate of Merit and Parish prize, May, '08, 1 lb. 14J ozs., 154 days in milk; now named Oxford's Fontaine, 224580; sold in our '09 auction for $2,525, to Dr. H. D. Rodman, Louisville, Ky. She has 2 tested daughters, another that is a Champion winner, and a fourth that sold in our '10 auction for $725, at 14 months old. Gamboge's Pride 8th, Certificate of Merit, May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 138 days in milk; now named Oxford Lad's Great Beauty, 235173; sold in our '10 auction for $1,375, to Mr. Willets. Her daughter, Majesty's Great Beauty, 235188 (sold in our '10 auction for $850 at 3 yrs. old), is dam of a Register of Merit cow, and her 2- mos.-old heifer calf sold in our '10 auction for Bessie's Lad. P. 2479, H. C. By the same sire as Orlando, P. 2535, H. C, sire of Fairy Glen, P. 9178, H. C, dam of Raleigh's Fairy Boy and Fairy Glen's Raleigh. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. (Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C.) Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale, May, '02, for $7,500. Among his many tested daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. estimated butter from 13,604 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. estimated butter from 11,198 lbs. milk in 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Saviour, 411.96 lbs. estimated butter from 6,841 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dreamwold, 10,060 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Syria o' Dreamwold, 11,075 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Maid o' The Sea, 11,530 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox Glove, Certificate of Merit and 2d Parish prize. May, '07, 2 lbs. 8f ozs. butter in 24 hrs., 37 days in milk. Simone G. G., Certificate of Merit, May, '04, 2 lbs. 5£ ozs. butter, 24 hrs., 101 days in milk. Oxford Vixen, Certificate of Merit, May, '05, 2 lbs. 2£ ozs. butter, 24 hrs., 49 days in milk. Flying Fox's La Fontaine, 18 lbs. 2 ozs. butter from 280 lbs. milk, 7 days. Lady Iveagh, 17 lbs. 6.6 ozs. butter, 7 days; 34 lbs. butter, 14 days (est.). Flying Fox's Brown Belle, 15 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Handsome Lily, 14 lbs. 8 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Pearl, 15 lbs. 7 ozs. butter, 7 days. Fox's Belle of Grouville, 21 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 7 days; 80 lbs. 11 ozs., 30 days. Flying Fox's Trinity Rose, 20 lbs. 6 ozs. butter, 7 days. Fox's Belle of Trinity, 20 lbs. 5 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Row r ena, 17 lbs. 2& ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Brown Maid, milked 22 qts., 1 day. Fox's Golden Cigarette, milked 20 qts., 1 day, with 1st calf. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. ■ (A Highly Commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432, H. C, J- H. B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. 1$ ozs. in 24 hours, Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. Sold in our '02 auction for $1,700, to Mrs. M. M. Patterson, Port Kennedy, Pa. Won 2 1st prizes at Royal Shows. Caiest, P. 2591, H. C. 1st prize, Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville Show, '98. Sire of 9 tested cows. Sire of Mabel's Poet, P. 2964, H. C, winner of 22 1st prizes and sire of over fifty prize winners. Fifteen daughters of Caiest sold in o u r '05 and "06 auction sales, averaging $865 each. Mabel's Poet is sire of Poetess Nelly, F. 9213, H. C, 1st pr. and Silver Medal, St. Saviour - Grouville Show. '05; Certifi- cate of Merit in pub- lic butter test, May, '06, 1 lb. 15 ozs., 121 days in milk; and many other cele- brities. Caiest 's dam is also dam of the great cow, Oxford Ever, who is dam of Ox- ford You'll Do, Ox- ford Knight a n d 2 public test cows. Gamboge's Pride, P. 4508. H. C. 1st pr. at St. Saviour Show, 96. Winner of the follow- ing public butter tests : May, '96, 2 lbs. 1\ ozs. Oct., '96, 2 lbs. 2£ozs., 217 days in milk. And 4 other tests. Dam of 3 public but- ter test cows. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son, Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son, Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 sale for $10,000. H i s ten - months - old bull calf sold in our '07 sale for $10,200, and in the same sale his grandson, "Stockwell," sold for $11,500. (See his extended pedi- gree, front page A.) Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C C A very rich and per- sistent milker. 1st pr. over Jer., '89. 1st H. B. prize. Dam of Flying Fox, P. 2729, Alicante, P. 3880, H.C. Forfarshire, P. 2914, H. C. Ravachol, P. 2032, C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam. Son of Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. (as above). Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours. Fontaine's King, P. 2207, H. C. Sire of John Bull and other noted animals, including Origa's Queen, winner of Certificate of Merit in public butter test, May, '02, 1 lb. 12$ ozs., 107 days in milk. By same sire as Golden Fern's Lad (above). Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. Dam of Golden Queen of St. Saviour, 2 lbs. 1$ ozs., 214 days in milk. Oxford Ixia, 2 lbs 8 ozs., 70 days in milk, and 5 other public butter tests. Houpla, sire of Lady Houpla, winner of Champion Cup, test- ing 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 73 days in milk after first calving. Flying Fox's Oxford Lass, 1st pr. winner over the Island. Rob Roy, P. 1184, H. C. 3d over Jer., Aug., '89. Sire of Zanzibar, win- ner of Certificate of Merit in butter test. May, '00, 1 lb. 14£ ozs. in 24 hours. Gamboge 2d, P. 2294. H. C Dam of Gamboge 4th, 2 lbs. l£ ozs., 24 hrs. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. One of the most celebrated cows the Island ever produced. She was never tested for but ter, but milked as high as 28 quarts daily. Dam of Golden Queen of St. Saviour, 2 lbs. 1 J ozs.. 214 days in milk. Oxford Ixia, a famous winner in the public butter tests; among the many that she won being the Bronze Medal in March, '00, testing 2 lbs. 8 ozs. Caiest, whose eight daughters, in our '05 sale, averaged $987.50. Houpla, sire of Lady Houpla, winner of Champion Cup, testing 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 73 days in milk and after first calving. Flying Fox's Oxford Lass, 1st prize winner over the Island. Oxford Lad, P. 3123, H. C, who distinguished himself by having sired a remarkable lot of bulls and cows, winners in the best shows and in the public butter tests. Last calf March 17, 1916, by Fern's Oxford Noble 2d, P. 5297, H. C. (Sent to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas.) Expected to be bred, before day of sale, to one of our great bulls. (Examine Supplementary List of Services, to be circulated at the sale.) Tattoo 71 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 121. Heifer. GOLDEN FERN'S MINNIE, 306933, A. J. C. C. Dropped December 20, 1913. Solid color; black tongue and switch. Bred by James Le Brocq, St. Oucn, Island of Jersey. Imported (in dam) September 15, 1913, by T. S. Cooper & Sons, "Linden Grove," Coopersburg, Pa. She is the daughter of a 24-quart Highly Com- mended cow (one of the best in our 1914 auction), and sired by a Champion winning son of Noble of Oaklands. A rich orange fawn, that promises to make a most handsome and capacious cow. Splen- did head, with inturned horns; Ion g and deep of body, short of leg, and low to ground, with great capacity; strong constitution; very mellow hide; beautiful udder development, with good sized and w ell placed teats. Sire GOLDEN FERN'S NOBLE, P. 4570, H.C. 1st prize (2-year-old class). Royal Show, Island of Jer., Apr., '12. 1st prize, Class 8, 10 entries, Aug., '12. 1st prize. Class 3, 13 entries, April, '13. 2d prize, 7 entries (with progen y), April, '13. 1st prize. Class 3, 7 entries; 1st prize, 6 entries with his prog- eny; 1st prize (Peer Perpetual Challenge Cup), shown with 5 female progeny; Royal Show, Jersey, April, "15. Sire of Christmas Lassie, 281- 443, in Register of Merit, Class AA, 334 lbs. 11 ozs. butter in 1 year, from 4,860 lbs. 12.8 ozs: milk, at 2 yrs. 1 mo. old. Myrtle Blossom, 1st pr., 22 entries. Roy- al Show, England, "12. Lady Noble Fern, 1st prize, Class 1, 56 en- tries. Royal Show, Jersey, May, '13. Alabama. 1st pr.. Class 3, 58 entries, Aug., '13. B."r a m p t o n Fern Beauty, 1st prize heifer calf, Toronto, Ont., '12. Dam MAY LAD'S MINNIE, 306607, A. J. C. C. (MINNIE'S BEAUTY, P. 16425, H.C.) She has given 24 quarts daily, and four months after calving was still giv- ing 20 quarts daily. One of the rare bar- gains of our '14 auc- tion, selling for $450, to Mr. J. K. Branch, Pawling, N. Y. Note that she has several crosses of the blood of Golden Lad, once through Mon Plaisir, the paternal grandsire of Vesta's Daisy. Golden Lad also produced the maternal grandsire of Vestas Daisy, viz., Golden Lad's Champion, 57222, sold in our '00 auc- tion to Mr. E. A. Darling, ex-Presi- dent of the American Jersey Cattle Club. Vesta's Daisy is the World's Champion public butter test cow. She was sold in our '12 auction for $2,700. Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. (95700. A. J. C. C.) 1st pr.. Royal Show, '10, for bull and 5 female progeny. Sire of 37 butter tested cows. Lady Aldan, P. 8470, H. C. Winner of 1st prize over Jersey, Aug., '09. Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '09. And numerous other prizes. Dam of Lady Aldan 2d, P. 9788, H. C, 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '03. Lady Aldan 4th, P. 11184. H. C, 1st over Jer. and Par. prize Aug., '05. Aldan's Raleigh, P. 4116, H. C, sold for $1,000 at auction. May Lad, P. 4197, H. C His sire has 8 butter test daughters, in- cluding Brightness, P. 11606, H. C. Cer- ti6cate of Merit, May. '08, 2 lbs. 6i ozs. in 24 hours. Imported by "Lin- den Grove" and now named Viola's Bright Lady,255845. She is dam of the bull. Bright Prince, P. 4129, H. C. now named Viola's Bright Prince,97182, imported by "Lin- den Grove," and sold in our '12 auc- tion. Descended from Mon Plaisir. the grand- sire of Vesta's Daisy, 3 lbs. 114 ozs. but- ter in 24 hours. I Bi pulevard's Minnie, P. 9793. C. Winner of Certificate of Merit, public but- ter test, May. '08, 2 lbs. 13 ozs., 139 days in milk. Dam of Boulevard's N e n a, public butter test, 2 lbs. 3 ozs., 101 days in milk, 4 years old. Moselle, 232790, sold in Mr. W. L. Scott's, auction, Shelby Co., Ky., '12, for $640. Noble Minnie. 254298, sold in Mr. IT. V. Prentice's auction, Worcester, Mas s., '12. for $510, at 16 months old. Blue Belle's Blue Fox, P. 3633, H. C. A very promising sire and great show bulL He was sold at Mr. D. S. Williams' sale, Nashville, T e n n., Dec, '07, for $1,025, to Mr. Harry Pren- tice, Worcester, M a s s., who was offered a large ad- vance in price right after the sale. Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. Sold at our '11 auc- tion for $7,000. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. Aldan, F. 6213, C. Dam of the Great "Silent." Golden Champion, P. 3334, H. C- 3d over the Island. Aug., '04. 2d over the Island, Aug., '03. 2d State's prize over the Island, Apr., '03. He traces four times to the famous Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Mon Plaisir 's Buttercup, 224584. (Bergere's Beauty, P. 11259, H. C.) Silver Medal, Oct., '07, 2 lbs. 91 ozs., 143 days in milk. Champion cow, Ver- mont State Fair, '12. Entered in Register of Merit, 542 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 1 year, 9 years old. Dam of Noble Prince • of St. Peter, 83769, sold in our '09 auc- tion for $525, as a yearling; 1st prize 2- year-old, Brockton, '10; 1st prize, New York State Fair, Brockton, and New England Fair, '11. Granddaughter of the great cow, Bobby's Fanny, P. 3742, H. C-, who is also dam of: Mon Plaisir's Fanny, P. 9398, H. C., Cer- tificate of Merit, butter test. May, '05, 1 lb. Ill ozs., 211 days in milk. Aristocrat's F a n n y. who made the phe- nomenal test of 2 lbs. 1 1 1 ozs., when 80 days in milk and only 3 years old. Don Carlo, P. 2774. C. Sire of Between, P. 9287, H. C, winner of Par. prize. Royal Show, Class 5, Aug., '11 (see below). . Canadienne, P. 7047. H. C Also dam <>f Cora Smith, public butter test. May.'OS, 1 lb. 13£ ozs., at 10 years old. Between, P. 9287, H. C., winner of Parish prize, Royal Show, Class 5, Aug., '11. Dam of li a s t e r Egg. public butter test, Royal Counties Show, Eng., June, '11. 1 lb. 8J ozs. in 24 hours, 6 years old. Shy Fox, P. 3143. H. C. Champion winner at St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Is- land of Jer., '02. Blue Belle. P. 4307. II. C. Sold in our "04 auc- tion sale to Mr. Howard W i 1 1 e t s, "G e d n e y Farm," White Plains, N. Y., for $3,600. Sir Watkin, P. 2991, H. C Son of the famous cow, Golden Lad's Creampot. 162061. She is also dam of the bull, Flying Fox's Foxhall, selected by a committee of the A. J. C. C. for the St. Louis World's Fair to breed to the great cows in the dairy test, '04. Iris, P. 7878, H. C. Public butter test. May, '04, 1 lb. 7 ozs., 6 years old. By the same sire as the great cow. Golden Beatrice 2d, of the "Linden Grove" herd. Fancy's Pioneer, P. 3195. H. C Sire of Bushy Belle. 238328, in Register of Merit, 523 lbs. 10 ozs. but- ter in 1 year, 6 years old. Gol-den Maytime, 240038, in Register of Merit, 512 lbs. 7 ozs. butter in 1 year, 4 years old. Pioneer Renown, 238694, in Register of Merit. 456 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 1 year, 4 years old; 1st prize 2-year-old, Michigan State Fair, '10. And 7 other tested cows. Bergere. P. 8465. H. C- 3d over Jer.. Aug., '04. Certificates of Merit in butter tests, as fol- lows: '04. 1 lb. 11 ozs., 171 days in milk. '05, 2 lbs. 5 ozs., 52 days in milk. Reserve over Jersey for tested cows, May. '05. Dam of Meta. P. 8465. H. C-, winner of Gold Medal. May. '12, 2 lbs. 5 ozs. but- ter in 24 hours, 232 days after calving. Beauty's Greycoat, P. 2248, C. Sire of Imported Grace Darling, 145737, that made for Mr. R. A. Sibley, 15 lbs. 3 ozs. butter in 7 days, from 201 lbs. 4 ozs. milk, at 5 years old. S h e is dam of The Duke's Grace Darling, in Register of M e r i t, 456 lbs. 9.6 ozs. but- ter in 1 year, at 2 years old. • Deborah, P. 6905. H.C. 1 Dam of Fox's Belle of Grouville, 180279. butter test. 21 lbs. 3 ozs. in 7 days. 80 lbs. n ozs. in 30 days, at 4 years old. Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale. May. '02. for $7,500. Venus Violet. P. 3946. H. C. A magnificent dairy cow, milking 20 quarts daily. Financial King, P. 2624, H. C. Imported by P. J. Cogswell, Esq., to cross on the daugh- ters of Exile. A famous sire. Irene, P. 7835, H. C, now named Golden Lad's Creampot, 162061. Dr. Jim. P. 2318. C. Duchess of Kent, P. 6277. H. C. Prize winner over the Island, '99; Reserve for Blythwood Cup in '99. Mon Plaisir, P. 2548, H. C. 1st Ohio Agricultural and Industrial Ex- position, Columbus, '01. 1st and Sweepstakes, St. Louis Fair, '01. Sold in our sale. May, '01. for $3,500. . Fancy's Rose, F. 8277, H. C. Certificate of Merit in public butter tests, as follows: '98, 1 lb. 154 ozs. '99, 2 lbs. i oz. '00, 2 lbs. 8j ozs. Parish prize, '01. Nunthorpe, P. 1769, H. C Sire of Blue Nun. 126625, 18 lbs. 5i ozs.; Sweep- stakes cow at Ohio State Fair, '01 ; and other prizes. Uncle Peter. P. 2115, II. C, who sired Uncle Peter's Ro- sette, that sold in our '01 sale for $1,000, and her heifer calf, by Fly- ing Fox, sold in same sale for $1 ,250. Nunthorpe's Susanne, 443 lbs. butter in 346 days, at 17 yrs. old; dam of Brampton Alicante, 427.6 lbs. butter in one year, at 2 years 10 months old. Fidelite Beauty, F. 7499. II. C Goldeu Lad 2d, P. 2023, H. C Sire of Golden Lad's Mer- maid, sold at our '02 sale for $1,100. Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold at our "03 sale for $1,725. And many other fa- mous animals. Feuille de Chcnc 4th, P. 5843, H. C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. The most celebrated bull the island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. Was in service at "Linden Grove" 5 years. Rosette 5th. P. 2881, H. C. Caumais Lad. P. 2257. H. C 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, '96. Finance. P. 4611, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. Creampot 2d. P. 2721, H. C- Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Lily Brown, P. 420. C. Golden Lad. P. 1242. H. C Welsh Girl. P. 2552. H. C Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C (See below.) Golden Lily, P. 5101, H. C 1st over Jersey. 1st St. Mary- Champion, W. Show. Lowland King. P. 1673, H. C. 1st over Jer., '92. Fancy, F. 8007, H. C Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Sixty-five of his get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Alicante, P. 3880, H.C. 1st prize winner over Jersey, '91. 1st and Cham., Roy. C. Show, '98. 1st p., B. and W. S., '98; and many other prizes. Bought by Lord Rothschild in '94. when she had yield- ed over 10.000 lbs. of milk in course of one lactation. Dam of Alicante's Boy and "The Owl." Orrac, P. 1660, II. C Sire of Regina Sultanc 2d, winner of 1st prize, B. and W. S.. N A S. S.. and 1st at the Yorkshire S., Eng., '95. (2 lbs. 9j ozs. of butter in 24 hrs.) Turtledove 2d, 1st ov. Jer.. '95; and many other prizes. Golden Lass, F. 5711, H. C 1st over the Island. Golden Pink, P. 1491, H. C 2d over Jer. and Tar. prize, '91. Feuille de Chene 3d, P. 2422, C 3d over Jer.. May, '92. Bred March 5, 1916, to Golden Fern's Mon Plaisir, 122755, s on of the splendid butter cow, Grace Darling of St. Mary's, 306562, who was sold in our '14 auction for $700. Register of Merit record, 653 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 10,1S3 lbs. 9.6 ozs. milk, the first year after importation. Her 5-year-old daughter, Grace Stockwell, 240S32, made 630 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 1 year. Golden Fern's Mon Plaisir was sired by Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570, H. C, as above. (See No. 5 for extended pedigree of Golden Fern's N'on Plaisir, 122755.) Tattoo 107 T. S, COOPER & SONS' AUCTI ON SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 122. Heifer. GOLDEN FERN'S OXFORD ROSY, 310528, A. J. C. C. Bred by P. F. F. Ozouf, St. Saviour, Island of Jersey. Born May 20, 1914. Imported (in dam) September 15, 1913, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A deep-bodied heifer, of substance and finish; neat head, with rich, incurved horns; strong back and broad loins ; long, well-ribbed barrel ; great length of rump; wide, prominent hips; mellow, elastic hide; promises a lovely fore udder, well- developed in rear, with long, squarely placed teats. Oxford Knight, P. 3938, C. Full brother to the celebrated bull, Ox- ford You'll Do, win- ner 1 st prize over Jer., with his prog- eny, Apr., '11; and in the character of his sons and daugh- ters, and their per- formances in the butter tests and show rings, he is demonstrating that "blood tells," and particularly the blood that is combined in the veins of these two sensational sires. Sire of 12 tested cows, 5 of them in the Register of Merit, averaging 575 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 5£ yrs. old. Six of his tested daugh- ters were imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auc- tions for an average of $927. Among his daughters are the following: Queen Fanessa, P. 15587, C, Certificate of Merit and 2d Par. prize, public butter test, May, '12, 2 lbs. 3 ozs. in 24 hours, and only 3 years old. Gala Rose, P. 14461, H. C, winner of two Certificates of Merit in the public butter tests ; Trinity Par. prize and Reserve for Nicolle special. May, '12. Butter test, May, '12, 1 lb. 15f ozs. in 24 hours, at four years old. Queen Fanessa was sold in our '13 auc- tion for $1,100, to Messrs. Ayer & Mc- Kinney. Gala Rose was sold at same time for $1,025, to Lynnewood Farm. Oxford Knight has 4 other tested daugh- ters, including Knight's Star, 240805, in Register of Merit, with the splendid record as a four-year-old of 690 lbs. 6 ozs. butter and 10,490 lbs. 1.6 ozs. milk. Sire GOLDEN FERN'S NOBLE, P. 4570, H.C. Winner of 7 first prizes at Royal Shows on the Island of Jersey. His progeny won 1st for "get of sire" at 5 important shows in '14 and '15, in- cluding the National Dairy Show, '14. His highest testing daughter, Dorothy's Noble Fern, P. 19097, H. C (im- ported by "Linden Grove" last fall), produced as a two- year-old, 470 lbs. 5.2 ozs. butter in 36 1 days. Fern Beauty, P. 18914, H. C, also imported by "Linden Grove," made as a two-year- old, 358 lbs. 14£ ozs. butter in 313 days. Fly 15th, P. 18626, H. C., also of this im- portation, made as a two-year-old, 320 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in 335 days. Sire of numerous win- ners, including: Alabama, 1st prize. Class 3, 58 entries, Royal Show, Aug., '13. Golden Fern's Noble, Jr., 1st aged bull, 11 entries, and Senior Champion. Panama- Pacific Exposition, '15, Warder's Fern Blos- som , 1 st 3 -year-old heifer, Senior and Grand Champion, Hutchinson, Kan., '15; 1st at Kansas State Fair, '15. Fern's Noble Maid, 1st senior heifer calf, 24 entries, and Junior Champion, Forest City (Ohio) Fair, '14; 1st at Ohio S. Fair, '14. (See No. 112, and other pedigrees, for further particulars.) Dam OXFORD KNIGHT'S GRAY ROSY, 306585, A. J. C. C. (RUSTIQUE'S QUEEN, P. 15207, C.) Sold (a "dry" cow) in our '14 auction for $350, to Mr. T. L. Eyre, West Chester, Pa. Udder of beau- tiful shape and good size, with perfectly placed teats. Rustique 4th, P. 11214, C. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. Sold at our '1 1 auction for $6,700 to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,750 each. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, every animal in com- petition, sired by Gamboge's Knight, did honor to its sire. Gamboge's Knight's tested daughters in- clude: Gamboge's Grey Beauty, in Register of Merit, 784 lbs. 12 ozs. butter in 1 year. Gamboge's Tiddledy- wink, in Register of Merit, 722 lbs. 14 ozs. butter in 1 year. Gamboge's Knight has 4 sons with official test daughters, in- cluding Oxford You'll Do, sire of 21, and Oxford Knight, sire of 12. His dam has 3 public test daughters, all of which have been sold in our auctions. Oxford E,ver, P. 8370, H. C. Daughter of the fa- mous cow, Oxford Lass, who is also dam of 2 public but- ter test cows, of 2 first prize winners over the Island, and of the bulls, Oxford Lad, C a i e s t and Houpla. Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass, public butter tests. May, '08, 1 lb. 10 ozs., 97 days in milk (cows under 5 yrs.); May, '09, 2 lbs. l£ ozs. , 83 days in milk ; winner of 1st prize over Jer. and Thea- tre Challenge Cup, May, '11 ; Reserve for Renouf Cup, "best butter test cow judged by in- spection," May, '07. And other noted ani- mals. Morny Cannon, P. 3058, H. C. Winner of 3d pr. over Jer., with his prog- eny, April, '07. Sire of many prize win- ners and tested cows, among them: Simple Interest 4th , public butter test, May, '06, 1 lb. ?$ ozs., 123 days in milk; she is dam of S u 1 1 a n's Finance, winner of B 1 y t h- wood Bowl, Aug., '12; 1st over Jersey, May and Aug. ,'11. Duchess of Tapon, F. 9658, H. C. (Ozouf's Duchess of X a p o n, 238640), winner of Certificate of Merit, public butter test, May, '07, 2 lbs. i oz. in 24 hours, 43 days in milk. Rustique, P. 7300, C. Dam of Sagasta, P. 9490, C, now named Fontaine of Oak- lands, 195812, and sold in our '06 auc- tion for $600; dam of the great bull, Ra- leigh's Duke, 72486. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1 st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '02. Sire of Agatha's Ox- ford Lass (out of the great cow, Oxford Ever, below), public butter test, May.'OS, 1 lb. 10 ozs., 97 days in milk (cows under 5 yrs.); public but- ter test. May, '09, 2 lbs. 1^ ozs., 83 days in milk; winner of 1st prize over Jer- sey and Theatre Challenge Cup, May, '11. Fontaine's Oxford Pride, 187430, A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C.) 3d prize over Jersey, Aug., '01, '02. Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale, May, '02, for $7,500. In same sale, three of his heifers on first calf averaged $933. Among his 26 tested daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. butter, 13,604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. butter, 11,198 lbs. milk, 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Sa- viour, 411.96 lbs. butter, 6,841 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dream- w o 1 d, 10,060 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Syria o' Dream- wold, 11,075 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Maid o' The Sea, 11,530 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox Glove, public but- ter test, May, '07, 2 lbs. 8£ ozs. Simone G. G., public butter test, May, '04, 2 lbs. 5f ozs. Oxford Vixen, public butter test. May, '05, 2 lbs. 2f ozs. Fox's Belle of Grou- ville, 21 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 7 days; 80 lbs. 11 ozs., 30 days. Flying Fox's Trinity Rose, 20 lbs. 8 ozs. butter, 7 days. Fox's Belle of Trinity, 20 lbs. 5 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's LaFon- taine, 18 lbs. 2 ozs. butter, 280 lbs. milk, 7 days. Oxford Lily 2d, P. 5732, H. C. Dam of The Owl's Ox- ford Daisy, Grand Champion, Brock- ton, Mass., '10; yr.'s record, 1 1 ,659 lbs. milk and 759 lbs. butter. Hope, P. 1948, H. C. Sire of Prosper, Parish pr.,'97. Hope's Regina, 2d ov. England. And many other great cows. La Fontaine, F. 7969, H. C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son. Flying Fox, sold in our May, '02, sale for $7,500. His son, Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 auc- tion sale for $10,000. His daughter, Golden Sultana, won 3d pr. at the great St. Louis Show, Sept., '04, and sold in the ring for $2,350. Ten of his get have been sold at an aver- age of $4,560. Thirty-nine of his get (some only calves) sold at our auction sale at an average of $1,308. Sire of many butter tested cows and pr. winners. (See front page A.) Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C, now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C. 1st over Jersey, '89. A very rich and per- sistent milker. Dam of Ravachol, P. 2032, C. John Bull, P. 2563, C. Uncle Peter's Rosette, P. 7363, H. C. Rosette's Golden Lad, 57498, A. J. C. C. Alicante, P. 3880, H.C. Flying Fox, P. 2729, Forfarshire, P. 2914, H. C. Sultana's Rosette 2d, 15 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 7 days. Pioneer, P. 1602, H. C. 1st over Jer., '91, '92. Sire of Nuriel, 1st over Jersey, '00; 1st H. B. and Par. prize, '00. Lady Clair, 3d H. B. and Par. pr., '00. Full brother to Morion, P. 1690, H.C, sire of The Owl, P. 2195, H.C. Morion is also sire of: Eagle, P. 6736, H. C. (now named Mo- rion's S u 1 t a n e, 162115, and sold in our May, '02, auc- tion), winner of Par. pr.. May, '01. Dam of Eminent's Lady Sul tane, 171946, butter test, 20 lbs. 2 ozs. in 7 days; dam of Karnak's Emi- nent, 84035, 1st pr. two-year-old bull, "Louisiana State Fair, '10. Oxford Orange, P. 63t>l, C, a magni- ficent dairy cow; dam of Fern's Ox- ford Orange, sold in our '07 sale for $2,900. Oxford Lily, P. 3468, H. C. Orme, P. 1660, H. C. Was sold by Mr. J. P. M a r e 1 1 to [Lord Rothschild at a long price. Regina's Pride, F. 7450, H. C. 1st over Jer., May, '94. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of the celebrated bull. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C; Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all prize winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours, from which 2 lbs. 10 ozs. of but- ter was made. Sire of other famous animals. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d over Jer., 2d H. B. and Par. prize, '94. Half-sister to Aurea, P. 8693, H. C, win- ner of Certificate of Merit, public butter test. May, '07, 2 lbs. 4i ozs., 167 days in milk. Sarabond, P. 797, H.C. He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. This was a great loss to the Island, as he undoubtedly was a great sire. Almost a full brother to Sultane's Favour- ite, sire of Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Rosette 4th, P. 2128, C. We were informed on the Island by J. A. Marett that Rosette 4th, as a dairy cow in her day, had few equals on the Island, and like her daugh- ters was a very rich and persistent milk- Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Sixty-five of his get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326, 22 lbs., 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs., 30 days. Golden Lad's Lady Rose, 162097,21 lbs. 10£ ozs. Sandgate, 122509. 20 lbs. lOJ ozs. And 28 others. Cicero's Cowslip 3d, P. 3056, H. C 3d px. over Jersey, '92. Parish prize, '94. Dam of Pioneer, P. 1602, H. C, 1st over Jer., '91, '92. Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C. 1st over Jer., Apr., '88. 1 st over Jer. , Aug. , '89. Sire of many noted cows, including Brookhill Rose 2d, dam of Reminder, P. 2419, H. C. Oxford Daisy, F. 6816, H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Oxford Dahlia, P. 2588, H. C. Won 1st pr. and C., Oxfordshire Show, Eng., '93. 1st pr., R. A. S., Ches- ter, Eng., '93. And many other prs. Bred February 4, 1916, to Jolly Sultan of Linden, 120838, a magnificent son of our peerless Grand Champion, Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86180, strong in the blood of Lady Viola and Golden Sultana, through two lines. His dam, Sultana's Golden Viola, 240363, is by Sultana's Oxford Lad, 76506, out of Golden Jolly's Lady Viola, 203669, one of the greatest daughters of Golden Jolly, being full sister to Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314. (See front pages for extended pedigree of Jolly Sultan of Linden, 120838.) Tattoo 97 T. S. COOPER & SONS* AUCTION SALE OP JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 123. Heifer. COWSLIP'S BEAUTY OF TRINITY, 308373, A. J. C. C. Dropped April 2.Q, 1914. Solid color; black tongue and switch. Bred by A. G. Le Brun, Trinity, Island of Jersey. Imported (in dam) September 15, 1913, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. A robust, attractive dark fawn; sweet head and face; body of great width and depth, with well- sprung ribs; straight, strong back; wide hips and long rump; udder running away forward on belly, with well placed teats. Sire COWSLIP'S GOLDEN NOBLE, P. 4498, H. C. Winner of 1st pr. over Jersey, at the bull s h o w , A p r i 1 . ' 1 2 , shown with his get. Imported by "Linden Grove" and regis- tered as Imp. Cow- slip's Golden Noble, 120789, A. J. C. C. One of the youngest sons of the sensa- tional Golden Lad cow, Cowslip 16th, P. 6084, H. C. He was imported by us only after an inti mate acquaintance with many of his family, having im- ported six out of seven of the nearest ancestors on his sire's side; and four of the progeny of his dam; besides so many of her half- sisters that we can- not enumerate them here. In winning the "bull and progeny" prize at the Royal Show, he defeated Oxford Majesty, who was shown with two 3- year-olds and three 2-y e a r-old daugh- ters; while Cowslip's Golden Noble was shown with 2 calves under a year old, one heifer 12 months old, and two heifers 15 months old. He is six years old, and has two daughters in Register of Merit , Class A, averaging 452 lbs. 12* ozs. but- ter in 1 year, aver- age" age at beginning of test, 24 months. He sired the 1st and 4th prize heifers-in- milk, 46 entries, at the Royal Island Show, May, '15. He sired the Sweep- stakes bull at South- ern Louisiana Fair; the 1 st prize two- year-old heifers at Toronto Exposition, New- Jersey and Yir- ginia State Fairs, '14. Dam BROWN BEAUTY OF TRINITY, 306586. (LADY BOUNCE 2d, P. 15187, H.C.) A Highly Commended cow, out of a Highly Commended daugh- ter of Oxford Lad, 1st prize winner at the Royal Show, and sire of 42 tested cows and 18 producing bulls. We paid $3,300 for Oxford Lad to use in the "Linden Grove" herd. We imported his son. Majesty (39 tested daughters) and sold him for Si ,000, and sold an- other son for $1 1,100. Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, II. C. (95700. A. J. C. C) 1st St. Saviour Parish prize, '07. 1st over Jersey with progeny, April, '10. Sold at our ' 1 1 auction for Si 5, 000. Sire of 37 tested cows. Has 28 producing sons. Blue Belle's Blue Fox, P. 3633, H. C. A son of the famous old Blue Belle, that sold in our '04 sale for $3,600. He was sold at Mr. I>. S. Williams' sale, Nashville, Ten n., Dec, '07, to Mr. Harry Prentice, Worcester, Mass., for $1,025. Sire of Anna's Doro- thy, in Register of Merit, 14 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 7 days. Sire of 4 bulls with tested daughters in Register of Merit. Lady Viola. P. 8463, H. C Sold in our '1 1 auction for $7,000. Bobby's Shy Fox, 64760. A. J. C C. (Shy Fox, P. 3143, II. C.) Champion winner at St. Saviour and Grouville Show, is land of Jer., "02. 1st and Championship, Ohio and Illinois State Fairs, "03. Blue Belle. P. 4307, II. C. Dam of Caumais Lad, P. 2257, H. C. sire of Finan- cial King, P. 2624, II C., and Guenon's Lad, both noted sires. Blue Nun. 18 lbs. 5£ ozs. f Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug , '99. Sold at our auction sale. May, '02, for $7,500. In same sale, three of his heifers on first calf averaged $933. Sire of Oxford Vixen, 2 lbs. 2\ ozs., 49 days in milk. And 25 other tested cows. Venus Violet, P. 3946. H. C A magnificent dairy cow, milking 20 quarts daily. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C- 1st and Champion at N. C Show. '96. '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son. Flying Fox. sold in our 02 sale for $7,500. His son, Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 sale for $10,000. His ten m o n t h s old bull calf sold in our "07 sale for $10,200, and his grandson. "Stockwcll," sold in same sale for $11,500. Rosette 5th, • P. 2881, H. C. Cowslip 16th, P. 6084, H. C. Winner of Parish prize, Royal Show, Island of Jersey, May, '02. Cowslip 16th is known on the Island as the "£1,000 cow," as her owner would not part with her at that figure. She is one of the best daughters ever sired by Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C-, and her dam, Cowslip 2d, P. 810, H. C , is by Carlo, P. 180, H.C, whose daughter, Lily Brown, is dam of Golden Lily, who won 1st prize over Jersey, and is the dam of Mon Plaisir, P. 2548, H. C, 1st prize over Jersey and Champion, '98; sold in our '01 auction for $3,500. Dam of Cowslip's Golden Lad, P. 3250, H. C, sire of 6 tested cows, 4 of them in Register of Merit, including Cowslip's Golden Beauty, 437 lbs. 4 ozs., who was sold in our '1 1 auction for $1 ,250. Cowslip's Astor, P. 3639, H. C, and Ajax. P. 2683, H. C, each with a tested daughter in Register of Merit. Cowslip's Peer, P. 4695, H. C ; Cowslip 32d, P. 11573. H. C ; etc. ( >xford Knight, P. 3938, C* Full brother to the celebrated bull. Ox- ford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C, winner of 1st prize over Jer., with his prog- eny, April, '11; and in the character of his sons and daugh- ters, and their per- formances in the butter tests and show rings, he is demonstrating that "blood tells," and particularly the blood that is combined in the veins of these two sensational sires. He has 12 tested daughters, and is sire of numerous pr. winners. including the Grand Champion cow at Iowa State Fair, "15. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645. H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny), Apr., '08. Sold at our '11 auction for $6,700, to White Horse Farm. Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,750 each. Sire of 41 tested cows and 4 producing bulls. Oxford's Brown Beauty, 224600. A. J. C. C. (Lady Bounce, P. 13404, H. C) A Highly Commended daughter of Oxford Lad, imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our 1 1 auc- tion to Mr. Mark W. Potter for $550. Her yearling daughter, Noble's Brown Ox- ford, 240353. was sold at same time to Mr. Ed. C. Lasater. of Falfurrias, Tex., for $535. Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. Dam of Agatha's Ox- ford Lass (by Aga- tha's Flying Fox, above). Oxford Lad, P. 3123, H. C. 1st State's prize over Jer., Apr., '03. Cham., St. Saviour- Grouville Show, '05. We purchased Oxford Lad in the Gedney Farm sale, '09, for $3,300. 17 of his daughters won prizes or Certi- ficates of Merit in ten public butter tests on Island of Jersey within past 5 years. Sire of 42 tested cows. Bounce, P. 9592. H. C. 1st prize, Trinity Par ish Club, '03. Khiva, her grandsire, produced Young Sultane. the gran- dam of Noble's Jolly Sultan. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '02. Sire of Agatha's Ox- ford Lass (out of the great cow, Oxford Ever, below), public butter test, May, '08, 1 lb. 10 ozs.. 97 days in milk (cows under 5 yrs.); public but- ter test. May. '09, 2 lbs. li ozs., 83 days in milk; winner of 1st prize over Jer- sey and Theatre Challenge Cup, May, '11 ; Reserve for Renouf Cup. "best butter test cow judged by inspec- tion," May, '07. Fontaine's Oxford Pride. 187430. A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801. H. C.) 3d prize over Jersey, Aug., "01, '02. Bessie's Lad, P. 2479. H. C. ( >xfi>rd Lass, P. 3582, C (See below.) Champion Flving Fox, 61441. A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C.) (See above.) Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. Dandy 2d, P. 2732. II. C. Sire of Prosperous 3d. public butter test. Oct., '05, 1 lb. 9 ozs.. in 24 hours, 109 days in milk. Lady Surprise. 3d pr., Class 1, 29 entries, and Parish prize. Royal Show, Jersey, Aug., 02. Sweet Seventeen, P. 2731, C. Plying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sire of 26 tested cows. (See below.) Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. Official butter test, 2 lbs. l£ ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. She sold in our '02 auction for $1,700. Caiest, P. 2591, H. C. 1st prize. Champion ship and State's pr., Grouville Show, '98. Sire of Mabel's Poet, P. 2964. H. Cm and other noted animals, among them being Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. Cm 2 lbs. 1\ ozs. Fifteen daughters of Caiest sold in our '05 and '06 auction sales, averaging $865 each. Gamboge's Pride. P. 4508, H. C. Winner of the follow- ing public butter tests: May, '96, 2 lbs. 7J ozs. i tat , '96. 2 lbs. 2\ ozs.. 217 days in milk. Mona's Glory, P. 2404, H. C. Imported by the late Capt. M. C. Camp- bell, of Tennessee. Sire of 5 tested cows, and of several bulls with daughters in Register of Merit. Clara, P. 5598, H. C. (Neva's Clara, 161051, A. J. C C.) Dam of Clara's Or- phan, 61121, Sweep- stakes bull. Indiana and Illinois State Paixs, 'OS, and other prizes. Khiva, P. 759, H. C. 2d over Jersey and 2d Herd Book prize, April, '87. Mother Duff, F. 3873, H. C. Ravachol. P. 2032. C By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam, he proved him self a remarkable sire, but was butch- ered before his value as a sire was known. Countess of Oaklands. 162098. Official test. 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours. Jersey weight. Fontaine's King. P. 2207. H. C. Sire of John Bull and other noted animals. By same sire as Golden Fern's Lad. Oxford Lass, P. 3582. C (See below.) f Rob Roy, P. 1184, H. C. 3d over Jer.. Aug.. '89. Sire of Zanzibar, win- erof Certif. of Merit in butter test. May, '00. 1 lb. 14J ozs. in 24 hours. Gamboge 2d, P. 2294. H. C Dam of Gamboge 4th. 2 lbs. l£ ozs.. 24 hrs. ( Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Sire of 32 tested cows. Mona 8th, P. 3983. H. C. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize. May, '96. And 12 other first prizes. Beauvoir. P. 1668.H.C. Sire of Jessie of St. Lawrence. 168504. butter test. 19 lbs. 12 ozs. in 7 days, from 282 lbs. 10 ozs. milk, at 11 years old. Neva, F. 2190, C. Bute, P. 328. C Half-brother to Cete- wayo 2d, who sired Brown Fern 2d. Golden Princess, F. 2624. C. Bred February 1, 1916, to Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86180, A. J. C. C, a Champion bull whose pedigree, individuality and achievements are commanding the attention of America's best breeders. (Full particulars and extended pedigree of this peer- less young sire will be found on front pages.) Tattoo 156 T. S. COOPER & SONS* AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 124. Heifer. COWSLIP'S MAGDELINE, 325734, A. J. C. C. Bred by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa. Born December 5, 1914. Solid color; black tongue and switch. An exceedingly attractive brownish fawn; very long bodied, and with good spring of rib; strong, straight back and good length of rump; neat head, with incurved horns and dished face; beautifully set tail, with splendid switch; promise of a magnificent udder, with great, long teats perfectly placed. Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C. Winner of 1st pr. over Jer., with his prog- eny, at the bull show on the Island, Apr., '11. Among other great cows, Oxford You'll Do is sire of: You'll Do's Favorite, now on official test and will make close to, if not more than, 900 lbs. butter in 1 year as a four- year- old. She was sold in our '14 auction for $500, to E. T.. Bedford, G r e e n's Farms, Conn. Golden Oxford Ivy, 1st at the Royal Show, May, '14, as a 2-year-old (68 en- tries); 1st at Royal Show as a 3 -year- old. May, '15 (76 entries), and Theatre Chal. Cup (Cham- pionship over the Island). She is now in the "Linden Grove" stables. Golden Fern's Oxford, 1st pr. yearling bull, Junior and Grand Cham., Indiana S. Fair, '15. Oxford You'll Do, Jr., 102269, 1st prize senior yearling bull and Junior Cham- pion, Oregon State Fair, '12; sold for $850, at our '12 sale. Combination You'll Do, 106878, 1st pr. junior yearling bull, Minnesota State Fair, '12; Grand Champion, Wiscon- sin and Minnesota State Fairs, '13; and other prizes. Oxford Plush, 234553, 1st pr. at Minnesota and Wisconsin State Fairs and National Dairy Show, '09. Crippen, 1st pr. senior bull calf, Ore. State Fair and Spokane Interstate Fair, '11. Oxford Miss You'll Do, 271050, 1st prize 2- yr.-old heifer, Ohio State Fair, '12. (For full particulars see front pages.) Sire COWSLIP'S GOLDEN NOBLE, P. 4498, H.C. One of the youngest sons of the sensa- tional Golden Lad cow, Cowslip 1 6th, P. 6084, H. C; and sired by the distin- guished Noble of Oaklands, 95700, im- ported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our '11 auction for $15,000 to Elmen- dorf Farm, Lexing- ton, Ky. Now registered as Imp. Cowslip's Golden Noble, 120789, A. J. C. C, and owned by Mr. Ed. C. Lasater, Falfurrias, Tex. Sire of Two in Register of Merit, Class A, aver- aging 452 lbs. 12i ozs. butter in one year, average age at beginning of test, 24 months. The winners of 1st prizes at Royal Shows on the Island, May, '12 (69 en- tries), '13 (56 en- tries) and '15 (46 entries). The Sweepstakes bull at Southern Louisi- ana Fair, the first prize two-year-old heifers at Toronto Exposition, New Jersey and Virginia State Fairs, '14. The first prize and fourth prize heifers- in milk, 46 entries, at the Royal Jersey Show, May, '15. The winners of four- teen Parish prizes at Royal Shows on the Island of Jersey within four years. And many other prs. Eight of his heifers (four of them year- lings and calves) have sold in our auctions for an aver- age of $400. A two- year-old and a 3- year-old sold in our '14 auction for $800 each. (See opposite page for extended pedigree of this splendid son of Noble of Oaklands, 95700.) Dam MAGDELINE YOU'LL DO, 306603, A.J. C.C. (D00N, P. 11619, C.) She has 75 per cent, same blood as Re- mindress of Oxford, 289462, A. J. C. C, a splendid long-teated daughter of Oxford You'll Do, sold in our '14 auction for $1,025, to Mr. Ed. C. Lasater, Falfurrias, Texas. l Doreen 2d, P. 7813, H. C. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. Winner of 2d over Jersey (with his progeny), Apr., '08. Sold at our '11 auction for $6,700, to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,750 each. Gamboge's Knight's tested daughters in- clude: Gamboge's Grey Beauty, in Register of Merit, 784 lbs. 12 ozs. butter in 1 year. Gamboge's Tiddledy- wink, in Register of Merit, 722 lbs. 14 ozs. butter in 1 year. Gamboge's Knight has 4 sons with official test daughters, in- cluding Oxford You'll Do, sire of 21, and Oxford Knight, sire of 12. His dam has 3 public test daughters, all of which have been sold in our auctions, two of them for $1,375 and $2,525. Her daughter, Gam- boge's Pride 5th, is dam of 1 in Register of Merit and of Gold- en Fern's Son, 10 in Register of Merit. 1 1 of his daughters, in our '11 auction, averaged $1,391.36. Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. Daughter of the cele- brated Oxford Lass. Dam of Oxford Triumph, pub- lic butter test, May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. Oxford You'll Do and Oxford Knight (full brothers), the latter having 12 butter test daughters. Halloween's Fox, P. 3631, H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, Grouville Show. Sire of 10 tested cows, 3 of them in Register of Merit, including: Sweet Apple Blossom, 593 lbs. 15 ozs. but- ter in 1 year, 7 years old. Fox's Cristabel, 582 lbs. 5 ozs. in 1 year, 5 years old. Sire of many other great cows, among them, Cherry's Mag- nate Interest, 1st pr. and Grand Cham, cow, Illinois State Fair and Interna- tional Dairy Show, Milwaukee, Wis. ,'12. Grandsire of 5 tested cows, including Ra- leigh's Cristabel, 561 lbs. 1 ozs. butter in one year, 10,091 lbs. 3.2 ozs. milk, at 3 yrs. 5 mos. old. Doreen, P. 7813, H. C. Dam of Doreen's Princess, P. 11022, H. C, Parish prize. Class 3, May, '05. Oxford's Remem- brance, 287886, sold in our '13 auction, at 4 years old, for $500, to Lynnewood Farm, Ogontz, Pa. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256. H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '02. 1st pr. over the Island in a class of 44, '02. Sire of Agatha's Oxford Lass (out of the great cow, Oxford Ever, below), public but- ter test, May, '08, 1 lb. 10 ozs., 97 days in milk (cows under 5 yrs.); public but- ter test, May, '09, 2 lbs. l£ ozs., 83 days in milk; winner of I st prize over Jer- sey and Theatre Challenge Cup, May, 'll;Reserve for Renouf Cup, "best butter test cow judged by inspec- tion," May, '07. Sultan of Oaklands, 1st prize, Sweepstakes, B reeders ' Cup and Reserve Cham., St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '05. Fontaine's Oxford Pride, 187430, A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C.) 3d prize over Jersey, Aug., '01, '02. 3d pr. in public but- ter test, 2 lbs. 1\ ozs., 48 days in milk. Sold for $2,500, in our '05 auction, to Mr. Howard Willets, owner of G e d n e y Farm. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes , St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '02. 1st pr. over the Island in a class of 44, '02. Sire of Sultan of Oaklands, 1st prize. Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham. , St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '05. (See above.) Halloween, P. 9703, H. C. 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '03. Reminder, P. 2052, C. Sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows, most of which have gone to England's best breeders. Sire of Golden Glow, 18 lbs. 3 ozs. butter in 7 days. Reminder's Dinnis, 14 lbs. 3£ ozs. in 7 days. Final Interest, rate of 17 lbs. 15 ozs. Tapon's Duchess, pub- lic butter test, 2 lbs. 3 ozs., in 24 hours. 161 days in milk. Financial Queen, 1 lb. II ozs., 24 hours. Melrose, P. 7111, H.C, Certificate of Merit, May, '00, butter test, 1 lb. 5J ozs., 204 days in milk. Reminderess, 1st over Jer. and Par. prize. May, '98. Donna Belle 2d, 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '99. And other distinguish- ed animals. Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug. ,'99. Among his many test- ed daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. butter, 13,604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. butter, 11,198 lbs. milk, 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Sa- viour, 411.96 lbs. butter, 6,841 lbs. milk, 1 year. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. (A highly commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432,H.C.,J.H.B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. 1^ ozs. in 24 hrs.-, Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. She sold in our '02 auction for $1,700, to Mrs. M. M. Patter- son, Port Kennedy, Pa. Caiest, P. 2591, H. C. 1 st prize, Champion- ship and State's pr., Grouville Show, '98. Gamboge's Pride, P. 4508, H. C. She has won six public butter tests; record in May, '96, 2 lbs. 7i ozs. Dam of 3 tested cows. Favori, P. 2943, H. C. Sire of Favori's Pretty Rosa, in Register of Merit, Class B, No. 999; 6,634 lbs. 1.6 ozs. milk, 458 lbs. 12 ozs. estimated but- ter, in 1 year, when 7 yrs. old. Dam of Favori's Jolly Sul- tan, 1st prize bull calf, New York State Fair, '11. Oakland's Bess, P. 9833, H. C, public butter test, Oct., '05, 1 lb. 32 ozs., 248 days in milk; 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '03. Duchess Tamora 2d, P. 5682, H. C. Nunthorpe, P. 1769, H. C. 2d over all Jersey, '93. Sire of Blue Nun, 126625, 18 lbs. 5^ ozs.; Sweep- stakes cow at Ohio State Fair, '9 1 ; and other prizes. Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C, who sired Uncle Peter's Ro- sette, that sold in our May, '01, sale for $1,000. Lady Clair, 3d prize, Class 5, 30 entries, and Parish prize, Royal Show, May, '00. Lord Carteret, P. 2064, H. C, sire of the fa- mous cow, Nun- thorpe's Fontaine, pubhc butter test, 2 lbs. l£ ozs., and dam of 2 tested cows. Flyaway, P. 4856, C. 2d pr. over Jer. and Parish prize, '93. Dam of Reminder, P. 2052, C, a famous sire. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C. 1st prize over Jer., '89. A very rich and per- sistent milker. Dam of Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Alicante, P. 3880, H.C. Forfarshire, P. 2914, H. C. Ravachol, P. 2032, C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam, he proved him- self a remarkable sire, but was butch- ered before his value as a sire was known. Courageous Countess of Oaklands, P. 8640, H. C, now named Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours, Jersey weight. Fontaine's King, P. 2207, H. C. Sire of John Bull and other noted animals. By same sire as Golden Fern's Lad. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. She was never tested for butter, but milk- ed as high as 28 qts. daily. Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. One of the best sons of Golden Fern's Lad. He has proved himself one of the most successful sires the Island has had for many years. He won the State's pr. over the Island of £50 ($250) in '01 and '02, with five of his get. Sold in our '05 auction for $10,000. Now owned by Hon. A . M. Bowman, Salem, Va. Favorite, P. 8354, H.C. (Eminent 's Brown Duchess, 157604.) 1st N. C. Show, '00. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Alicante, P. 3880, H.C. 1st prize winner over Jersey, '91. 1st p., R. C. S., '96, '97. 1st and Cham., Roy. C. Show, '98. 1st p., B. and W. S., '98, and many other prizes. Alicante was bought by Lord Rothschild in '94, when she had yielded over 10,000 lbs. of milk in course of one lac- tation. She is also the dam of Alican- te's Boy and "The Owl. ' ' The former won 1st prize. Roy- al Counties Show, '96, '97; 1st p. and Cham., Counties S., '98. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. C. 2d over Jersey, '85. Heiress, F. 7905. C. sire. IstH. B. over Jer., '85. Expected to be bred, before day of sale, to Golden Beatrice's Sultan, 121193, A. J. C. C, a bull that stands in a class by himself. He is the youngest son of the famous Golden Beatrice 2d, 162060, and her only son sired by Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86180. His sire, the peerless Sultana's Golden Jolly, is a Grand Champion and the sire of Grand Champions. His dam, Golden Beatrice 2d, has been declared by Mr. George E. Peer to have been the greatest imported cow he ever saw. She made at the rate of 18 lbs. 6 ozs. of butter in 7 days, and has repeatedly milked 22 to 24 quarts daily. She is perhaps the dam of more high selling calves than any cow in the world. (See front pages for pedigree of Golden Beatrice's Sultan, 121193.) Tattoo 56 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 125. Heifer. ALDAN'S PRETTY LENA, 307176, A. J. C. C. Dropped October 20, 1913. Solid color; black tongue and switch. Bred by F. D. Houillebecq, St. Clement, Island of Jersey. Imported (in darn) September 15, 1913, by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa. Very rugged, with great depth of body; neat head; wide, prominent hips and great length of rump; hide exceedingly thin and mellow; good udder development, full in front; large teats, perfectly placed. An Island-bred heifer, from Highly Commended parents, and descended from some of the most famous animals of the breed. She goes three times to Lady Aldan, who is believed by some breeders to have been the greatest daughter of Golden Fern's Lad. She also traces to those wonderful cows, Lady Viola, Blue Belle, the Mabels, Fairy Glen, and Sultane's Snowdrop, who is a full sister to our Golden Sultana, the dam of Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86180, the peerless Champion bull. Sultan of Oaklands. P. 3746, H. C. (78475. A. J. C. C.) Winner of 1st over Jer- sey, Apr., '06. 1st pr., Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Champion, St. Saviour -G r o u- ville. '05. f f Sire ALDAN'S NOBLE SULTAN 2d, P. 4859, H.C. He represents a com- bination of blood that has produced some of the most famous animals ever imported by ' 'Lin- den Grove." His sire was sold in our '11 auction for $15,000, at the same time his sire's dam, Lady Viola, sold for $7,000. Lady Viola has four public test daughters, one of which has 5 official test daughters. She is a public butter test cow herself, and is dam of Viola's Golden Jolly, sold in our '09 auction for $12,000, who has 9 daughters in the Register of Merit, and produced our sensational Grand Champion bull, Sul- tana s Golden Jolly, 86180. Noble of Oaklands' sire and paternal grandsire were im- ported by "Linden Grove." His pater- nal grandam. Blue Belle, was imported by "Linden Grove" and sold for $3,600 when 14 yrs. old. She has two tested daughters, and five sons with tested daughters. Dam ALDAN'S LENA, 307175. (P. 17137, H.C.) Her grandam, Try- phena 11th, is dam of Lady Lena of St. Clement's, 197624, who has 3 daughters in Register of Merit, viz.: Eminent's Lady Lena, 597 lbs. 3 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 5 yrs. 6 mos. old. Fern's Lady Lena, 539 lbs. 5 ozs., at 2 yrs. 3 mos. old (by Golden Fern's Son, bred at "Linden Grove"). Sultan's Lady Lena, 423 lbs. 7 ozs., at 3 yrs. 5 mos. old (by Sultan of Oaklands, above;. I.ady Lena of St. Cle- ment's is sired by Eminent's Raleigh, who appears twice in this pedigree, be- iug sire of Mabel's Raleigh and Lady Aldan 8th. Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. Tst over Jersey with progeny, Apr. , '10. Sold at our '11 auc- tion for $15,000. Sire of 37 tested cows. He has 8 sons with tested daughters, including Noble's Jolly Sultan, sire of 11 tested cows, and Champion winner at the Royal Show. Lady Aldan 13th, P. 13878, H. C. 3d prize at Royal Show, Class 4, 41 entries, and Reserve for Theatre Chal- lenge Cup, May, '11, and other prizes. Dam of Lady Aldan 18th, winner of 4th prize, Class 2, 60 entries, and St. Cle- ment Parish pr., Aug., *I1. Aldan's March Hare, P. 4295. C. Winner of St. Clem- ent Parish prize, Class 1. Royal Show, April, '09. Sire of Wonder Mary, pub- lic butter test, Oct., '13, 1 lb. lli ozs. in 24 hrs., at 3 yrs. old, 153 days after calving. Maitlands Polly 2d, St- Lawrence Parish prize. May, '12 (Class 2). Juanita's Rosebud, St. Clement Parish prize, Class 3, Aug., '12. His sire produced the Grand Champion bull at National Dairy Show, '14. His grandsire, Mabel's Fox, won Parish prize, Royal Show, Class 1. April, '02; and sired Calais Daisy, winner of Parish prize, Class 3, May, '05. Sire of 24 tested cows including: Violette's Beauty 3d, P. 13895, H. C. (now Violette's Sultana, 252253), Certificate of Merit, May, '09, 1 lb. 1U ozs., 90 days in milk, at 2 years old; won 1st and Sweepstakes, St. Sa- viour-Grouville S., '10. She sold in our May, '1 1, auction for $2,600, to E w e 11 Farm, Tenn. He is by same sire as Gamboge's Knight, sire of 41 tested cows. Lady Aldan 8th, P. 11906, H. C. (Raleigh's Lady Aldan. 210067.) Highest testing daugh- ter of Eminent's Raleigh, 744 lbs. 5 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 7i yrs. old. Dam of Lady Aldan's Mabel, 448 lbs. 1 oz. in 1 year, at 2 yrs. 2 mos. old. Fairy Glen's Raleigh, 79438, A. J. C. C. (Fairy Lad, P. 4003. H. C.) 4th over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr. ,'07. 1st over Jer., Aug. 07. Imported and owned by Mr. C. I. Hudson, Klnollwood Farm, New York. Entered in Register of Merit. Class A. Sire of 16 tested cows in Register of Merit Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. One of the most suc- cessful sires the Is- land has produced. Sire of 7 tested cows, and of many produc- ing sons. [ Sultane's Snowdrop, P. 8578, H. C- 1st and Sweepstakes and Cham., Grou- ville and St. Saviour, '03, '04. She was sold to "Ged- ney Farm" for $2,350, and is a full sister to Golden Sul- tana, the St. Louis winner. Eminent's Raleigh, 6901 1. (Raleigh, P. 3273. H. C) 3d pr. over Jer.. '03. 2d State's prize, '03. Sire of 48 tested cows, among them, Kar- nak 2d, Certificate of Merit, May, '10, 2 lbs. 1 oz., 67 days in milk. Sire of 7 bulls with tested daughters. Mabel's Poet's Lady Aldan, 248438. A. J. C. C. (Lady Aldan 2d, P. 9788, H. C.) Mabel's Raleigh, P. 3722, H. C. Fairy Glen, P. 9178, H. C. Considered by many judges as the most perfect cow on the Island. Has milk- ed 24 quarts daily. Won following prizes: 1st pr. over the Island, May and Aug., '05; May, "06. Winner Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '05. Lord Aldan's Tryphena, 306578. (Lena, P. 14616, II. C.) Winner of St. Clem- ent Parish prize. Class 1, May. '09. Lady Aldan 4th, P. 11184, H. C. 2d prize. Class 2, 40 entries, and Parish prize. Royal Show, Aug., '05. Parish prize. Class 1, Royal Show, May, '04. Lord Aldan, P. 3984, H. C- Sire of Wonder Lily, Certifi- cate of Merit, public butter test, Oct., '13, 2 lbs. 1 oz. in 24 hours, at 5 years old. Guy Fawkes Star, P. 15886, H. C, Grou- ville Parish prize. Class 4, Aug., '12; 2d prize 4-yr.-old cow, Connecticut State Fair, '13. Theory's Fadey 2d, 3d prize 2-y e a r-o 1 d heifer, 22 entries. Royal Counties S., England, '10. Lena, St. Clement Par. prize, Class 1, May, '09. Plough. P. 14785, H. C, 4th prize, Class 4, 64 entries, Royal S., May, '13. Tryphena 1 1th, P. 9442, C. Grandam of 3 in Reg- ister of Merit. Mabel's Fox, P. 3162, H. C. Lady Aldan, P. 8470. H. C. (See below.) Halloween's Fox, P. 3631, H. C. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes, Grouville Show. Sire of 10 tested cows, including: Sweet Apple Blossom, 410 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in 1 year, 3 years old. Fox's Cristabel, 582 lbs. 5 ozs. in 1 year, 5 years old. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C.) Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our '02 sale for $7,500. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101. A. J. C. C. Official butter test, 2 lbs. li ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. (Eminent, 69631, A. J. C. C.) Winner 1st State's pr. over Jersey (with his get), '01 and '02. Rill," P. 6982, H. C Gave 65 lbs. milk in one day. Consider- ed one of the great- est milk producers the Island has ever known. Mabel's Poet, P. 2964, H. C. Winner of 22 first prizes, and sire of over fifty first prize winners. Lady Aldan, P. 8470, H. C. (See below.) Orlando, P. 2535, H. C. Sire of Golden Chance, winner of 1st over Jersey, May, '00; Certificate of Merit, '03, 1 lb. 6; ozs., 186 days in milk. Maggie's Pet, public butter test. May, '02, 1 lb. 7i ozs. l n 24 hours, at 2 years old. Brown Fairy, F. 7819. C. Flying Fox, P. 2729. H. C. Mabel 41st, P. 7899, H. C. Agatha's Flying Fox. P. 3256, H. C. 1 st over the Island in a class of 44, "02. Sire of 7 tested cows. llallnween, P. 9703. H. C. 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '03. Lady Aldan, P. 8470, H. C. ■ ■ Winner of 1st pr. over Jer., Aug., '09; Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '09; and numerous other prizes. Dam of Golden Fern's Noble. P. 4570. H. C, winner of 1st prize over Jersey (2-yr.-olds) in a class of 29 entries, April. '12. He also won 2d over Jersey and Reserve for Championship, Aug., 11; 1st and Championship, Grouville St. Sa- viour Show, Apr., '1 1 ; and several other prizes. Lady Aldan 2d. P. 9788, H. C, 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '03. Lady Aldan 4th, P. 111S4. H. C. 1st over Jer. and Parish prize, Aug., '05. Ravachol, P. 2032. C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam. he proved himself a remark- able sire, but was butchered be fore his value as a sire was known. His dam is also dam of Flying Fox. Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. Purchased by us for u s e at "L i n d e n Grove," when 9 yrs. old, for $2,250. Eminence. F. 7124. H. C. 2d St. Martin, '92. Sweepstakes, N. C.,'92. Caiest, P. 2591, H. C. Sire of Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801. H. C. 2 lbs. 7J ozs.; dam of the noted bull. Gamboge's Knight, and 8 other tested cows. Mabel 38th, P. 6311, H. C. Golden Lad 2d, P. 2023, H. C. White Rose, P. 4915. H. C. 1 lb. 13$ ozs. of butter five months after calving. Daughter of Golden Lad. Mabel's Lad. P. 1034. H. C. Half-brother (same dam) to Mabel 3lst, the grandam of Mabel's Raleigh. P. 3722, H. C. Science 2d, P. 2042. C. Actor, P. 2256, C. 1st ov. Jer., '96, '97. Mabel 39th. P. 6694. C. Favori, P. 2943. H. C. Sire of Favori's Pretty Rosa. in Register of Merit. 458 lbs. 12 ozs. but- ter, in 1 year, when 7 yrs. old. Warder. 1st over Jer., Aug.. '04. (A cele- brated sire of butter cow S.) Duchess Tamora 2d, P. 5682. H. C. C Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C (See above.) Aldan. F. 6213. C. Also dam of the noted cow. Silent. 114438. winner of many prizes, and dam of 2 bulls with 8 tested daughters. Clarion, P. 2657. C. Tryphena, F. 5327, C. Rivage, P. 2199, H. C. Grandsire of 1 in Reg- ister of Merit. La Fontaine's Mabel, F. 5327, C. Golden Hero. P. 1833, H. C 1st over Jer. and Par. pr.. April. "93. Stilton, P. 4841. H. C. 3d over Jer. and Par. pr., Aug., '97. Due to calve September 5, 1916, by Sultana's Golden Jolly, S6180, the handsomest and best bred bull ever owned at "Linden Grove," and supposed to be the most valuable son of the great butter-bred bull, Viola's Golden Tolly, 79314, A. J. C. C, who sold in our 1909 auction for $12,000, and in the Kinloch Farm auction, 1911, for $13,000. His dam, Golden Sultana, is one of the most distinguished daughters of Golden Fern's Lad; she was awarded third prize in the aged cow class at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904, and sold in the ring for $2,350. (See front pages for picture and further particulars concerning Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86180.) Tattoo 115 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 126. Heifer. BENEDICTINE'S NOBLE LADY, 310531, A. J. C. C. Bred by W. J. Mallet, St. Lawrence, Island of Jersey. Imported (in damj April 17, 1914, by T. S. Coop- er & Sons. Born May 25, 1914. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A very sweet light fawn, exceedingly long bodied, with good depth and spring of rib; neat head; dark, sparkling eyes; skin like velvet; very fine in bone, but of strong constitution; straight back, very broad at loins; thin tail with beautiful long switch; splendid udder development, with good-sized, squarely placed teats. Rozel's Noble, P. 4464, H. C Winner of 1st pr. over Jersey, 30 entries, Aug., '10. Reserve for Voisin Spe- cial, bulls any age, Aug., '10. 1st pr. 2-year-old bull, Senior Cham, and Grand Champion, New England Fair, Worcester, Mas s., '11. Sire of several Register of Merit cows. At the Island bull show, April 10, '12, his son. Golden Fern's Noble, won 1st prize in the two- yr.-old class of 29 entries, with h i s grandson (by Noble's Jolly Sul- tan), 2d prize. In the mature class, his son, Noble Monarch, won 1st pr. In the class for bulls, shown with their progeny, his son. Cowslip's Golden Noble, C, won first; while in the yearling class, the winners of 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and Re- serve prizes were his sons and grand- sons. Sire BENEDICTINE'S NOBLEMAN, P. 4857, H.C. Winner of 1st prize, Class 2, 19 entries, Royal Show, Jersey, April, '14. (Was four years old April 11, '15 — no daughters mature.) His sire also won 1st prize at the Brock- ton, Mass., Fair, '14. He sired the 1st prize two-year- old heifer at Ver- mont State Fair, '14, and other winners. Rozel's Noble has three butter test daughters (only six years old) , one of which made in the public butter test on the Island, Oct., 1913, as a 2-year- old, 158 days after calving, 1 lb. 13 ozs. butter in 24 hours, from 30 lbs. 4 ozs. milk. Two others in Register of Merit with 2-year-old rec- ords of 348 lbs. 3 ozs. and 377 lbs. 11 ozs. in 1 yr. His grandsire. Noble of Oaklands,has37 but- ter test daughters, and is the sire of 28 bulls with official test daughters. Dam YOU'LL DO'S DAUGHTER, 308873. (P. 18086, H.C.) Imported April 7, '14, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. An Oxford You'll Do that is certain to do her sire great credit, and out of a splen- did dairy cow of rare breeding ; udder of great size, with large and beautifully plac- ed teats. Grisette, P. 13812, H. C. Reserve, Class 3, 48 entries, Royal Show, Jersey, May, '09; Parish prize (Class 4), Royal Show, Jer- sey, May, '10. Oxford You'll Do, ' P. 4075, H. C. Winner of 1 st over Jer., with his prog- eny, at the bull show on the Island, April, '11. This is the most valuable prize, and the great- est distinction that can be accorded a bull. Sire of 22 cows with official butter tests. Full brother to Oxford Knight, P. 3938, C. sire of 12 butter test cows, and of numer- ous prize winners. (See other pedigrees for full particulars.) Lord Aldan's Black Beauty, 306577, A. J. C. C. (Plough, P. 14785, H. C.) Winner of 4th prize, 64 entries, Class 4, Royal Show, Jersey, May, '13. A prize winner and great dairy cow, and a royally bred one as well. (See No. 14 for her ex- tended pedigree.) f Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. - (95700. A. J. C. C.) 1st pr., Royal Show, '10, for bull and 5 female progeny. Noble of Oaklands and his sons won all 1st prizes at the bull show, Island of Jer., Apr., '10. At the bull show, Apr., '11, sons of Noble of Oaklands won 2 out of 4 first prizes. Sold in our '11 auction for $15,000. Rozel Maid 3d, P. 9743, H. C. 3d over Jer. and Par. pr.,May, '03 and '09. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, in a very large class, May, '04. 5 Campionships, St. Martin Club. Championship, St. Martin and Trin- ity Show, '10. Dam of Rozel's Sultan, 2d over Jer., Aug., '08, '09, and Apr., '11; 2d over Jer., with get, Apr., '11; 3d over Jer., Apr., '08, '10; 3d over Jer., with get, Apr., '10; 2d Voisin Special over the Island, Aug., '09. Sold to New Zeal- and, Apr., '11. Rozel's Noble 2d, Re- serve over Jersey, Aug., '11. Benedictine's Jockey, P. 3725, H. C. Sire of 7 tested cows, including Jockey's Pauline, in Register of Merit, 452 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 year, at 6 yrs. 3 mos. old. Rose Wing, F. 9678, H. C. Lord Aldan, P. 3984, H. C. Sire of Wonder Lily, Certifi- cate of Merit, public butter test, Oct., '13, 2 lbs. 1 oz. in 24 hours, at 5 years old. Guy Fawkes Star, P. 15886, H. C, Grou- ville Parish prize, Class 4, Aug., '12; 2d prize 4-yr.-old cow, Connecticut State Fair, '13. Theory's Fadey 2d, 3d prize 2-y ear-old heifer, 22 entries, Royal Counties S. , England, '10. Lena, St. Clement Par. prize, Class 1, May. '09. Plough, P. 14785, H. C, 4th prize, Class 4, 64 entries, Royal S., May, '13. Between, P. 9287, H. C. Winner of Par. prize, Royal Show, Class 5, Aug.. '11. Also dam of Easter Egg, public butter test, Royal Counties Show, Eng., June, '11, 1 lb. 8i ozs. in 24 hours, 6 years old. Full sister to Boule- vard's Minnie, pub- lic butter test, 2 lbs. 1$ ozs., 139 days in milk ; dam of May Lad's Minnie, 306607, a grand cow. Pearl King, P. 2827, H. C. 2d State's pr., Apr., '02. Reserve for Godding- ton purse. May, '02. 2d State's pr., Apr., '03. Goddington purse. May, '04. Sire of Silver Lass Pearl, pub- lic butter test. May, '10, 1 lb. 15i ozs., 1 18 days in milk. Newcome's Beauty, public butter test, Oct., '09, 1 lb. 11 ozs., 171 days in milk. Rozel Maid, P. 7417, C. Her dam, Rayonnante 3d, P. 4716, H. C.,' took first prize at St. Martin Show many years in suc- cession. Jockey, P. 3358, H. C. He is also sire of the bull, Benedictine's Jockey, P. 3725, H. C, sire of Cunning Mouse 3d, public butter test, Oct., '10, 1 lb. ll£ ozs., 78 days in milk; Re- serve over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '10; Fusee 3d, public butter test, May, '11, 1 lb. 9 ozs., 103 days in milk. And other winners. Young Benedictine 3d, P. 7725, H. C. 1st over Jer., Cham- pion class, May, '09. Reserve for Theatre Challenge Cup, May, '08. 1st over Jer., Cham- pion class. May, '08. Halloween's Fox, P. 3631. H. C. (See opposite page for his pedigree.) Golden Prince, P. 2502. H. C. Champion, Aug., '97. Sire of the great butter bull, Willoh, P.2855. H. C, sire of the 2 highest testing daughters of L a d y Viola. Distinction's Pearl, P. 5851, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '99, and numerous other prs. Dam of Oxford Distinction's Queen, P. 11732, H. C, 1st prize over Jer., Aug., '06, and Blythwood Bowl. Benedictine's Prince, P. 2951, C. Sire of Lady Carita, P. 9768. C-, winner St. Helier Parish prize, May, '08; dam of Lady Carita 4th, P. 12402, H. C, 2d pr. and Reserve for Cham., St. Helier Show, '08; 1st and Cham., St. Helier Show, '09. Grisette, F. 8358, H. C. Golden King, P. 2329, H. C. 2d St. Lawrence, '96. His grandsire, Cicero, is sire of Lady Long- field, 23524, 20 lbs. 13 ozs.; Lady Fair, 22103, 19 lbs. 10 ozs. ; Cicero's Jolie, 1S246, 18 lbs. 3 ozs. Young Benedictine 2d, P. 6714, H. C. Par. prize. May. '99. Reserve, May, '00. 1st St. Lawrence. 3d over Jer., May, '02. Lady Aldan, P. S470. H. C. Winner of 1st pr. over Jer., Aug., '09; Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '09; and numerous other prizes. Dam of Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570, H. C, winner of 1st prize over Jersey (2-yr.-oIds) in a class of 29 entries, April, '12. He also won 2d over Jersey and Reserve for Championship, Aug., '11; 1st and Championship, Grouville-St. Sa- viour Show, Apr., '11 ; and several other prizes. Lady Aldan 2d, P. 9788, H. C, 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '03. Lady Aldan 4th, P. 11184, H. C, 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '05. Aldan's Raleigh, P. 4116, H. C, sold for $1,000 at auction. Don Carlo, P. 2774. C. Also sire of Boule- vard's Minnie, pub- lic butter test. May, '08, 2 lbs. li ozs.. 139 days in milk; dam of Boulevard's Nena, public butter test, May, '10, 2 lbs. 3 ozs. in 24 hours, 101 days in milk, at 4 years old. Beauty's Greycoat, P. 2248, C- Sire of Imported Grace Darling, 145737, that made for Mr. R. A. Sibley, 15 lbs. 3 ozs. butter in 7 days, from 201 lbs. 4 ozs. milk, at 5 years old. She is dam of The Duke's Grace Darling, in Register of M e r i t, 456 lbs. 9.6 ozs. but ter in 1 year, at 2 years old. Deborah, P. 6905. H.C. Dam of Fox's Belle of Grouville, 180279. butter test, 21 lbs. 3 ozs. in 7 days, 80 lbs. 11 ozs. in 30 days, at 4 years old. Canadienne, P. 7047, H. C. Also dam of Boulevard's Minnie, Certificate of Merit, public butter test, May, '08, 2 lbs. If ozs., 139 days in milk. Cora Smith, public butter test. May, '08, 1 lb. 13£ ozs., at 10 years old. Golden Grain, P. 2112, H. C. Grandson of Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Golden Gem, P. 5654, H. C. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize. May, '94, '95; Aug., '95, '96. Perry Farm Glory, P. 1717, H. C. 3d over Jer., Aug., '92. His dam is a daughter of E m i n e n c e, F. 7124, H. C. Distinction, F. 5519, H. C. 4th over Jer. and 1st F. S. pr., '90. 3d over Jersey, '90. Hussy's King, P. 2540, H. C. Young Benedictine 2d, P. 6714, H. C. Dam of Young Bene- dictine 3d, P. 7725, H. C. (see below). Golden Hero, P. 1833, H. C. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr., '93. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '93. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '94, '95. Rosebay 2d, P 1116, H. C. 4th over Jersey, '90. 1st St. Lawrence, '90. Grandam of Golden Rosebay, 157333. sold at our '01 sale for $2,775. Clemenceau, P. 1988. H. C. Sire of many prize winners, including Bella Bey, 2d over Jer., Aug., '98. Young Benedictine, P. 5553, H. C. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160. H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96. '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. Aldan, F. 6213, C. Nunthorpe, P. 1769, H. C. Sire of Blue Nun. 126625, 18 lbs. 5+ ozs.; Sweep- stakes cow at Ohio State Fair, '01 ; and other prizes. Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C, who sired Uncle Peter's Ro- sette, that sold in our '01 sale for $1,000, and her heifer calf, by Fly- ing Fox, sold in same sale for $1 ,250. Fidelite Beauty, F. 7499, H. C. Golden Lad 2d, P. 2023, H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Mer- maid, sold at our '02 sale for $1,100. Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold at our '03 sale for $1,725. And many other fa- mous animals. Feuille de Chene 4th, P. 5843, H. C. Bred March 9, 1916, to Jolly Sultan of Linden, 120838, a magnificent son of our peerless Grand Champion, Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86180, strong in the blood of Lady Viola and Golden Sultana, through two crosses. His dam, Sultana's Golden Viola, 240363, is by Sultana's Oxford Lad, 76506, out of Golden Jolly's Lady Viola, 203669, one of the greatest daughters of Golden Jolly, being full sister to Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314. (See front pages for pedigree of Jolly Sultan of Linden, 120838.) Tattoo 132 No. 127. Heifer. T. S. COOPEK & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30. 1916. SULTANA'S OXFORD CROCUS, 319711, A. J. C. C. Bred by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa. Born September 2, 1914. Solid color; black tongue and switch. An exceedingly handsome light fawn, of stylish carriage and of the very best breeding; sweet head and face; strong, straight back and broad loins; beautifully set tail, with generous switch; lone, well- ribbed barrel; thin, mellow hide; splendid develop- ment of udder, with large teats, beautifully placed. Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314, A. J. C. C, Sold in our '09 auction for $1 1,000. Sold in Kinloch Farm auction, '11, for $13,000. Sire of 9 cows in Regis ter of Merit with good year's records as 2 and 3 yr. olds. Sire of Jolly Royal Sul- tan, 90032, sold at fCinloch Farm sale, '11, for $10,000. Sire SULTANA'S GOLDEN JOLLY, 86180, A. J. C. C. A bull that has re- ceived the patronage of some of America's best breeders, such as Messrs. Ayer Si McKinney, Mr.R.A. Sibley, Hon. Robert J. Fleming, of To- ronto, and others. He sired Golden Fern's Jolly, 100629, 1st prize 2 -year old bull, Senior and Grand Champion, Sfississippi- Alabama Fair, '13. Golden Fern's Jolly was also Grand Champion at the Mississippi-Alabama Fair, '14, when the judge, Mr. C. T. Graves, said; "This is the most out- standing bull I have seen in years," and advised his owner to take him to the National Dairy Show. His grandsire, Golden Fern's Lad, was in the "Linden Grove" herd for 5 years, and has 31 butter test daughters. Sire of numerous other winners. (See opposite page for further particulars.) Dam OXFORD LAD'S CROCUS, P. 12049, H. C. Dam of Majesty's Brown Crocus, 306- 622. in Register of Merit. 743 lbs. but- ter in 1 year; the highest testing cow by Oxford Majesty; sold in our '14 auc- tion for $410, to Mr. John G. Howland, Quechee, Vt. She is dam of Gam- boge's Crocus, 252147, in Register of Merit. 515 lbs. 1 oz. butter in 1 year; sold in our '11 auc- tion for $535; dam of 1 in Register of Merit, and of a pub- lic butter test cow Full sister to Imported ■ I Butter iip. 224579 (Crocus 5th, 1». 1074M, II C), public buttei tesl . May, '08, 2 1 1 « - 1 14 days in milk. 5 years old; 2d over Jersey. Aug., '04; sold in our '09 auc- tion for S700 to Mi C.I. Hudson . enter ed in Register of M^rit, 516 lbs. butter in 1 year. f Golden Jolly, P. 2921 , H. C. 1st prize and Champion, North Show, '00. A famous sire of butter cows and winners. Sire of Golden Warrior, 1st over England, Royal Show, '03; 1st over England and Champion, D. S., '03. Jolly Lady of Beechwood, winner of 1st prize, Illinois State Fair, '08; 1st, Champion and Grand Champion at the National Show, Chicago, '08. Golden Jolly also sired the four cows that won 1st prize for bull and pro- duce. National Dairy Show, Chicago, and Illinois State Fair, '08; and many other winners. Golden Jolly has 24 butter tested daughters. He is a son of Golden Fern's Lad (see below) and the great cow, Brook- hill Rose 2d, P. 3440, C. Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. Sold in our May, '11, auction for $7,000. 1st over Jersey, '04. Public butter test. May, '04. 2 lbs. 12 ozs. 1st prize, Sweepstakes and Champion, St. Saviour and Grouville Show, '05. 1st prize over Jersey and Theatre Cup, May, '05. 1st over England wherever exhibited, '06 and '07. Champion over all England, '07. 1st prize for butter- test cows, August. '07. Dam of Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C, winner of 1st over Jersey for bull and progenv. April, '10. He was sold in our May, '11, auction for $15,000. Lady Viola has 4 public butter test daughters Golden Sultana, 146282, A. J. C. C- " Winner of 3d prize in class for aged cows at the Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition, St. Louis. '04, in the greatest ring ever exhibited in this country. where she sold for $2,350. We afterward bought her for the "Linden Grove" home herd. Golden Sultana is an intensely bred "Sultane." She is sired by Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, out of Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. C, winner of many first prizes over the Island, and dam of Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C. Her grandam, Sultane, P. 7, H. C. is the first of the greatest family of Jerseys ever bred and owned by that famous breeder, Mr. J. P. Marett. Thus Golden Sultana is a granddaughter of old Sultane and her nearest living descendant. She has inherited the famous dairy type, especially in the udder and teats, for which her grandam was famous, and has inherited all her abundant dairy qualities, having milked as high as 43 lbs. daily. She is dam of Sultana's Oxford Lad, that sold in our '10 auction sale for S11.100, and she selling in same sale when 12 years old for $3,700. She is a full sister to Sultane's Snowdrop, dam of Sultan of Oaklands. She is dam of Gedney Farm Blue Fox's Sultan. 72755. sire of two 2 year-olds in Register of Merit with year's butter records. Oxford Lad, P. 3123, H. C. 1st St. Saviour pr., '02. Sweepstakes, St. Sa- viour-Grouville S., Apr., '03. 1st State's prize over Jer., Apr., '03. Cham., St. Saviour- Grouville Show, '05. We purchased Oxford Lad in the Gedney Farm sale, '09, for $3,300. Sire of 42 tested cows. Sire of 18 or more bulls with daughters in R. of M., including Majesty, sire of 39 tested cows, im ported by "Linden Grove" ; Stockwell. sire of 12, imported by us. Sire of Sultanas Oxford Lad, 76506, sold in our 10 sale for SI 1.100. Stockwell, P. 3550. H. C-, sold in our '08 sale for $11,500. I Oxford Beauty of St. S a v i on r, 235161, sold for $1,325. Crocus 3d, r 9297, C. A great dairy COW , milking 20 /s. as a 2 year old, 1 *4 days after calving; now named < txiord Majesty's Crocus, 290832, and sold at auction for $1,000 f Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox. P. 2729. H. C.) Oxford Lass. P. 3582, C. One of the most cele- brated cows the Is- land ever produced. Queenie's Prince 2d, P. 2574, H. C. Sire of oxford Ixia 3d, P. 8584, II. C. 2 lbs. 15 ozs. ; dam of the bull, Royal Majesty , sire of 39 tested co» s and sold in our os -ale lor S1.000. La Duchesse. public hotter test, 2 lbs. 1A ozs., at 13 years old. Patent 2d, public but- ter test, 2 lbs. i oz., at 3 years old. ] lis dam has 2 public butter test daugh- ters, and is dam of Queenie's Prince, P. 2281, H, C, sire of 5 public butter test cows. Cr..ciis. P. '.4o4, H. C. Certificate of Merit, public butter test. 99; \ i «■ 1 d, l lb.l4i( ■ izs i ''1 f 41 tested cows, Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C.) Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. .Sold at our auction sale, May, 02, for $7,500. In same sale, three of his heifers on first calf averaged $933. Among his 24 tested daughters are: Flying Fox's ( Ixford Queen. 870.5 lbs. butter. 13.604 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. butter, 11,198 lbs. milk, 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Sa- viour, 411.96 lbs. butter, 6,841 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dream - w ol d. 10,060 lbs. milk, 1 year. and of the noted bulls, Oxford You'll I Agatha of Oaklands, Do and Oxford Knight. Agatha's Flying Fox has 13 or more sons with tested daugh- ters in Register of Merit. Jersey Skater 6th, P. 5865, H. C. A magnificent cow, imported to Amer- ica by "G e d n e y Farm . ' ' Champion, St. Helier Show. '06. Dam of Maitland Con- stance, P. 10.173, II. C, 4 th over Jersey, Aug., '03, and May, 04; dam of Mait- land Catherine, P. 7279, C, Par. prize, '99. Daughter of Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. What's Wanted, P. 3126, C. Sire of a grand lot of dairy cows, among them: Simone B. K., Certifi- cate of Merit. Oct., '10. 2 lbs. 3 ozs.. 32 days in milk; Certi- ficate of Merit and 3d Goddington pr., May, '09, 1 lb. 12J ozs.. 190 days in milk. Sweet Ionia, Certifi- cate of Merit and 3d Goddington prize. May, '09, 1 lb. 13 ozs., 161 days in milk. Lady Prim 2d, Certi- ficate of Merit, Oct.. '07, 1 lb. 7 ozs., 157 days in milk. Flying Vixen 2d. wili- er of St. Mary Par- ish prize, Class 4, May, "09. Lady Phyllis Butter- cup, 252127, in Reg- ister of Merit, Class A, 442 lbs. 2 ozs. butter in 1 year; sold in our '1 1 auc- tion for £410, to Messrs. Ayer & Mc- Kinney. Birdie 3d, P. 8299, C Due to calve June 2, 1916, by Golden Fern's Noble, P 1570 H.L., Winner oi seven 1st prizes at Royal Shows on the Island, arid sire of numerous winners and tested cows. He is a son ot Noble of Oaklands, 95700, sold in our '11 auction for $15,000, and ladv Aldan. I'. 8470, H. C, winner ol 1st over Jersey and the Blythwood Howl, Aug., '09, She is one of the great daugh- ters of (olden Fern's Lad, P. 21G0, H. C. (Sec No. 66, and N bf P P fsTO' f ° r furthcr P articulars regarding Golden Fern's 162101, A. J. C. C. (A highly commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432.H.C. J. H. B.) Official butter test. 2 lbs. l£ ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days. Financial King, P. 2624. II. C. 2d over Jersey, '98. Sire of a magnificent lot of dairy cows, the best being Financial Countess with an au- thenticated test of 935 lbs. 10 ozs. but- ter in 1 year. Plis dam. Finance, is one of eight daugh- ters from the cow, "Interest," all of which had milk and butter tests. Pansy 4th, P. 7353, C. (See below.) Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C- The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son. Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 auc- tion sale for $10,000. His daughter, Golden Sultana, won 3d pr. at the great St. Louis Show, Sept., '04, and sold in the ring for $2,350. Ten of his get have been sold at an aver- age of $4,560. Thirty nine of his get (some only calves; sold at our auction sale at an average of $1,308. (See front page A.) Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C. now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. Dam of Alicante. P. 3880. H.C Forfarshire. P. 2914, H. C. Ravachol, John Bull, Rosette's Golden Lad. etc. Caumais Lad. P. 2257. H. C. 2d over Jersey, '96. Sire of Guenon's Lad, P. 2571. H. C. Finance. P. 4611, C. She has to her credit a public fair test of 2 lbs. 10 ozs. in 21 hrs. and a milk record of 55 lbs. per day at the fair. Speculator. P. 2057, H. C. Boyle, P. 1559. H. C. Sire of the celebrated bull. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C; Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all prize winners over the Island. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d over Jer.. 2d II. B. and Par. prize. '94. Her dam is half sister toEminence, F. 7124, H. C Sarabond, P. 797, H.C He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. This was a great loss to the Island, as he undoubtedly was a great sire. Rosette 4th. P. 2128, C. We were informed on the Island by J. A. Marett that Rosette 4th, as a dairy cow in her day, had few equals on the Island, and like her daugh- ters was a very rich and persistent milker. Golden Pride. P. 1903, H. C Sire of Caumais Lad. P. 2557. H. C, who sired Financial King. P. 2624. H. C. Blue Belle. P. 4307, H. C. Trial, P. 1187, H. C Pansy, P. 5325. C. 3d pr. in butter test, '96, 2 lbs. 5 ozs. Interest. F. 3582. C. Doncaster. P. 1774. H. C Hottot, F. 5485, C. Distinction's Pride. P. 1486, H. C. Pensee. F. 7504. C. Pansy 4th. 7353. by Speculator, P. 2057. H. C. won in butter tests: Cer tificate of Merit. May, '99, I lb. 2\ ozs.. 220 days after first calf; Certificate <>f Merit. May. '00, 1 lb. 15$ ozs.. 110 days in milk; first prize. October. '00. 2 lbs. 6j ozs.; second prize, March, '01, 1 lb. 14j ozs.; second prize. October. '02. 1 lb. 15 ozs.; Certificate of Merit. October. 03. 1 lb. 151 ozs.; Certificate of Merit. May, '04. 2 lbs. 1 J ozs,, 314 days in milk. Speculator, P. 2057. H. C-, also sired the remarkable cow, Violette. F 8557 . H. C. (Gold Medal winner, 3 lbs. } oz. in 24 hours). Violette, F. 8557, H. C, is one of the greatest butter cows the Island has had for years. She is owned by Dr. Herbert Watncy, Buckhold, England. She won as follows: Certificate of Merit. May, '00, 1 lb. 9\ ozs.. 128 days in milk; Certificate of Merit. October. '00. 1 lb. 12 ozs., 282 days in milk . (.old Medal butter prize. May. 02. 3 lbs. 2 oz.. 67 days in milk; Silver Medal, October, '01, 2 lbs. 4J ozs., 220 days in milk. Orme. P. 1660, II. C Sire of Rcgina Sultane 2d. winner of 1st prize, B. and W. S.. N. A. S. S.. and 1st at the Yorkshire S„ Eng . '95. (2 lbs. 9i ozs. of butter in 24 hrs I Turtledove 2d, 1st ov. Jer.. '95; and many other prizes. Xit, P. 2343. H. C. A sire whose get is much valued on the Island. By s:une sire as Or- lando, P. 2535. H. C, sire of many fa- mous cows, includ- ing the noted Fairy Glen, P. 9178, H. C-. dam of Raleigh's Fairy Boy. Out of same dam as Morny Cannon, P. 3058, H. C., sire of many prize winners and tested cows, among them. Simple Interest 4th. public butter test, May, '06. 1 lb. o; ozs.. 123 days in milk ; she is dam of Sultan's l'i nance. Birdie, F. 8138, C. Reserve over Jersey, Aug., '03. Golden Lad 2d, P. 2023. H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Daisy, 136499. 19 lbs. 2 ozs. Golden Lad's Mer- maid, sold at our '02 sale for $1,100. Golden Lad's Blue Belle, sold at our '03 sale for SI, 725. And many other fa- mous animals. Oxford Lilv 2d. P. 5732. II. C. Par. prizes. Aug.. '95. and May, '98. Dam of The Owl's I >x ford Daisy, Grand Champion, Brock- ton, Mass.. 10; yr.'s record, 11.659 lbs. milk and 759 lbs. butter. Golden Lass. F. 5711. H. C 1st over the Island. Pioneer. P. 1602. H.C. Sire of N'uricl. 1st over Jersey, 00; 1st H. B. and Par. prize. '00. Lady Clair, 3d H. B. and Par. prize, '00. Full brother to Morion, P. 1690, H. C, sire of The Owl, P. 2195, H. C Oxford Lily, P. 3468. H. C. B 347 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 132. Heifer Calf. GOLDEN FERN'S OXFORD DA WISH, 353287, A. J. C. C. Bred by J. Fallot, Trinty, Island of Jersey. Born July 21, 1915. Imported October 31, 1915. by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Solid color, except mottled brisket and belly, and little white on left stifle extending to flank; black tongue and switch. A very rugged, yet handsome golden fawn, of great development of body; long and deep, with exceeding spring of rib ; a sweet face, long flat neck ; strong back ; well-set tail, with good switch; thin, flat thighs, well cut out between, with plenty of room for udder; hide thin and mellow; splendid udder development, large teats for age, squarely set and placed wide apart. Golden Fern's Noble, P. 4570, H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jer., Aug., '11. 1st prize (2 -year-old class), Royal Show, Island of Jer., Apr., '12. 1st prize. Class 8, 10 entries, Aug., '12. 1st prize, Class 3, 13 entries, April, '13. 1st prize. Class 3, 7 en- tries; 1st prize, 6 en- tries, with his prog- eny; and the Chal- lenge Cup (4 entries), shown with 5 female Sire , JERSEY/HAN, P. 5044, H. C. Winner of 1st pr., yearling bulls, Trinity Show , Jer- sey, '13. 1st prize, two-year-old bulls, and Sweep- stakes, Trinity Show, '14. His dam is a full sister to Eminent's Grey Bess, 203649 (Ane- mone's Bess. P.9659, H. C), sold in our '07 auction for $400, to the late Hon. A. M . Bowman. She won 4th prize at the Royal Show, 38 en- tries. May, '03, and 3d prize, 62 entries. May, '04 ; Reserve, Class 4, 61 entries. Royal Show, May. '06. She is dam of Maid of Athens, P. 11066, C, winner of Par. prize. Class 1 , Royal Show , May, '04; and Galopin. P. 3S57, H. C, winner of 3d prize. Class 7, 21 entries. Royal Show, Aug., '06. Dam I OXFORD DAWISH, 353236, A. J. C. C (P. 19712, H. C.) ' A Highly Commended daughter of Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C. (See opposite page. No. 131, for her ex- tended pedigree.) Not bred. progeny over 12 mos. old, Royal Show, Jersey, Apr., '15. And many other prs. His progeny won 1st for "get of sire" at American Roy. Sh., Kansas City,- '15; at Nat. Dairy Show, Waterloo, Kentucky and Ohio S. Fairs, and other prizes in '14. ** Sire of Lady Noble Fern, 1st prize, Class 1, 56 en- tries, Royal Show , Jersey, May, '13. Alabama, 1st pr., Class 3, 58 entries, Aug., '13. Brampton Fern Beau- ty. 1st prize heifer calf, Toronto, Out,, '12. And other winners. He also sired: Agatha's Maiden Fe^n, 1st 3-yr.-old cow (8 entries), Sr. and Gr. Championship, American Royal, '15. Christmas Lassie, 281443, who quali- fied for Register of Merit, Class AA, with 334 lbs. 11 ozs. butter, 4,860 lbs. 12.8 ozs. of milk, in 1 year, at 2 yrs. 1 month old. Anemone 2d, P. 9062, H. C. Dam of Noble's Brown Prin- cess, 235205, sold in our '10 auction, as a 2-year-old, for $650, to the late Hon. A. M. Bowman, Salem, Va. King Anemone, P. 4108, H. C, who is sire of: Fairy Boy's Daisy's Buttercup, in Reg- ister of Merit, 399 lbs. 1 oz. butter in 1 year, at 4 yrs. 8 mos. old. Christmas Anemone, 3d prize, 59 entries. Royal Show, Jersey, May, '11. Silver Stick, 2d prize 2-year-old bull, 16 entries. Royal Show, England, '1 1 ; etc. Full sister to Emi- nent's Grey Bess, 203469 (Anemone's Bess, P. 9659, H.C.), sold in our '07 auc- tion for $700, to the late Hon. A. M. Bowman. (See notes under her son, Jer- seyman, above.) Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. (95700, A. J. C. C.) 1st St. Saviour, '07. 1st pr., Royal Show, '10, for bull and 5 female progeny. Sold in our '1 1 auction for $15,000. Noble of Oaklands and his sons won all 1st prizes at the bull show, Island of Jer., April, '10. At the bull show, Apr., '11, sons of Noble of Oaklands won 2 out of 4 first prizes. More than 200 first prs. and Championships stand to the credit of Noble of Oaklands and his get, so far as the records have been tabulated. Sire of 37 butter test cows, and of 28 bulls with tested daugh- ters, including Noble's Jolly Sultan, sire of 1 1 in list. Among his 37 tested daughters are: Noble's Handsome Queen, Register of Merit, 614 lbs. 3 ozs. butter in 1 year. Noble's Golden Chance, Register of Merit. 530 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 year. Brampton Lady Oak- lands, in Canadian Record of Merit, 486 lbs. 8 ozs. butter in 1 year. Lady Aldan, P. 8470, H. C. Winner of 1st prize over Jersey, Aug., '09. Blythwood Bowl, Aug., '09. And numerous other prizes. Dam of Lady Aldan 2d, P. 9788, H. C, 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, May, '03. Lady Aldan 4th, P. 11184, H. C, 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '05. Eminent 2d, P. 2532. H. C. (Eminent, 69631, A. J. C. C.) Winner 1st State's pr. over Jersey (with his get), '01 and '02. Goddington purse, '02. Sold in our '05 auction for $10,000, to the late Hon. A. M. Bowman, Salem, Va. He has 81 daughters that have made tests in America and on the Island. One of the best sons of Golden Fern's Lad. Among his yearly test daughters are: Eminent's Oxford Pride, 656 lbs. but- ter in 1 year. Rose Fern Rosebud, 642 lbs. 1 1 ozs. Eminent's Honey- moon, 592 lbs. 12 ozs. My Eminent's Carna- tion, 565 lbs. 6 ozs. Eminent's Lady Mait- land, 549 lbs. 2 ozs. Eminent's Golden Lucy, 524 lbs. 8 ozs. Eminent's Primrose, 511 lbs. 7 ozs. Anemone, F. 8348, H. C. Dam of Anemone's Bess, P. 9659, H. C (see notes at left). Blue Belle's Blue Fox, P. 3633, H. C. A very promising sire and great show bull. He was sold at Mr. D. S. Williams' sale, Nashville, Ten n., Dec, '07, for $1,025, to Mr. Harry Pren- tice, Worcester, Mass., who was offered a large ad- vance in price right after the sale. Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. Sold at our '1 1 auction for $7,000. 1st over Jersey, 04. Certificate of M e r i t, butter test, May, '04, 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 50 days in milk. 1st over Jersey and Champion, '05. 1st over Eng. .wherever exhibited, '06, '07. Dam of Miss Viola, P. 9644, H. C., Certificate of Merit, butter test, May, '05, 2 lbs. 15 ozs., 39 days in milk. Golden Jolly's Lady Viola, 203669, pub- lic butter test, 1 lb. 15 ozs., 159 days in milk, when only 30 months old. We bought her at auc- tion for $2,550. Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314, sold in our '09 sale for $12,000. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. His son, Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. Aldan. F. 6213, C. f Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son. Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son. Eminent 2d. sold in our '05 auc- tion sale for $10,000. His ten-mos.-old bull calf sold in our '07 sale for $10,200, and in the same sale his grandson, ' ' Stock- w e 1 1," sold for $11,500. Ten of his get have been sold at an aver- age of $4,560. Among his butter test- ed daughters is Free- dom, public butter test, Tring, England, 2 lbs. 10 ozs. in 24 hours, 140 days in milk; 1st prize over England, Oxford- shire, '99. Eminence, F. 7124, H. C. 2d St. Martin, '92. Dam of Little Emi- nence, 122506, 21 lbs. 6 ozs. Pioneer, P. 1602, H. C. (Full brother to Morion, P. 1690, H. C, sire of "The Owl," P. 2195, II. C.) 1st ov. Jer., '91, '92. Sire of Nuriel, 1st over Jer., '00; 1st H. B. and Par. pr., '00. Shy Fox, P. 3143, H. C. Champion winner at St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Is- land of Jer., '02. 1st and Championship, Ohio and Illinois State Fairs, '03. Blue Belle, P. 4307, H. C. Sold in our '04 sale to Mr. Howard Willets, "G e d n e y Farm," White Plains, N. Y., for $3,600. Nobleman, P. 2555, H. C. 1st at Three-Parish Show. '99. Sire of Nobleman's Lady Mary, sold in our '02 sale to J. A. Middelton, Shelby- ville, Ky.; the un- beaten Champion of many shows. Bagatelle 2d, P. 6564, H. C, now named Golden Lad's Victoria, 157325. Sold in our '01 sale for $745. Full sister to Golden Lad's Fawn Duch- ess, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. ( Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. J Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all pr. [ winners over the Island. He also sired the great f cow. "Speckled Band," public but- ter test, 2 lbs. 3£ozs. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of the celebrated bull, Golden Fern's Lad. P. 2160, H. C; Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all prize winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours, from which 2 lbs. 10 ozs. butter was made. He also sired the great cow, "Speckled Band," dam of the wonderful cow "Nursie," who made the phenomenal rec- ord of 2 lbs. 7i ozs. of butter in 24 hours, and won the Silver Medal in the public butter test on the Is- land, after being in milk 300 days, and within 90 days of calving. She sold in our '07 sale for $2,200 to Mr. A. B. Lewis. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. Traveler, P. 280, C. Brown Fern, F. 4606, C. D am of B row n Fern 2d (above). Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs., in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326, 22 lbs., 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. And 30 others. Cicero's Cowslip 3d, P. 3056. H. C. 3d over Jersey, '92, Parish prize, '94. Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale, May, '02, for $7,500. Venus Violet, P. 3946, H. C. A magnificent dairy cow, milking 20 quarts daily. Aristocrat, P. 2280, H. C. 1st over Jersey, '98. 1st and Sweepstakes, 3-Par. Show, '97. Gipsy Maid, P. 4424, H. C. 3d over Jersey, '97. 2d and Sweepstakes at 3-Par. Show, '97. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326, 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. And 30 others. Bagatelle, P. 5076, C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. (See above.) Tootsie, P. 3214, H. C. Parish prize, '90. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land, Aug., '90; also winner of £15 pr. (See above.) Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944. H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326, 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. Golden Lad's Lady Rose. 162097,21 lbs. 10'. ozs. Sandgate, 122509, 20 lbs. lOi ozs. Zulu Lady. 20 lbs. 10 ozs. Golden Naiad, 18 lbs. 1 £ ozs. Golden Kola, 127232, 17 lbs. 8£ ozs. Golden Lass of St. John, 149150, 16 lbs. 3 ozs. Golden Ora, 127228, 16 lbs. l£ ozs. And 23 others. , Tootsie, P. 3214, H. C. Parish prize, '90. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944, H. C. 2d St. Martin Show, '94, '95. Dam of Aurea, P.8693. H. C, Bronze Medal winner in public but- ter test, Oct., '03. Sultane's Favourite, P. 873, H. C. 1st St. Saviour. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447, H. C. 2d over Jersey, '88. 2d H. B. ov. J., '88. 2d Lon. Dairy Show, '88. 1st over Eng., '90. Sultane's Favourite, P. 873. H. C. (See above.) Cicero's Cowslip, P. 1105, H. C. B91 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 133. Cow. YOU'LL DO'S BROWN BEAUTY, 353271, A. J. C. C. (Princess White Star, P. 20329, H. C.) Bred by P. C. Mourant, St. Helier, Island of Jersey. Born ranuary 24, 1913. Imported August 5, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Some white markings, tongue, half of tail and switch white. A capacious young cow, of great development and scale for her age; very long and deep body, splendidly ribbed; a neat head; long, flat neck; withers high and sharp; strong, straight back; prominent hips and lean hind quarters; thin, long tail, with generous white switch touching the ground; hide exceedingly thin and mellow; prominent milk veins; large, beautifully shaped udder, with good-sized teats squarely placed and wide apart. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645, H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny), Apr., "08. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, every animal in com- petition, sired by Gamboge's Knight, did honor to its sire. Sire of 41 official test cows, 19 of them with year's records over 500 lbs. butter in 1 year. Twelve of the 19, including the five with the highest tests, were imported by "Lin- den Grove" and sold in our auctions. Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H.C., now named IMPORTED OXFORD YOU'LL DO, MI860, A. J. C. C. Imported in '13 ( by 'Linden Grove." Sire of 21 or more offi- cial test cows, in- cluding You'll Do's Favorite, sold in our '14 auction for $500, who is just finishing an official test and w ill make more than 900 lbs. butter in 1 year, as a4-yr.-old. He sired the Champion cow over the Island of Jersey in May, '15, who also won 1st in her class (76 entries) as a 3-year- old, and 1st as a 2- year-old (68 entries), at the Royal Show, May, '14. He sired the Grand Champion bull at the Indiana State Fair, '15, who was bred at "Linden Grove" and sold as a calf in our '14 auc- tion for $525. He sired the 1st prize 3 -year-old cow (11 entries) at Texas State Fair, '15, who was sold in our '14 auction for $745. He sired many other 1st prize and Cham- pion winners. Dam PRINCESS STEPHANIE, F.9456, H.C. Winner of 3 Certifi- cates of Merit in public butter tests: May. '10, 1 lb. ll£ ozs. in 24 hrs., 120 days after calving. May. '11. 1 lb. 151 ozs., 165 days after calv- ing. May, '12. 1 lb. 11$ ozs., at 9 yrs. old, 162 days after calv- ing. Won 1st prize, Special Milk Yield class, St. Helier Show, '12. And other prizes. She is by same sire as Mabel's Poet's Lady Aldan. 248438, im- ported by "Linden Grove," who is dam of: Raleigh's Lady Aldan, 744 lbs. 5 ozs. but- ter in 1 year (highest testing Raleigh cow i. Dam of Lady Aldan's Mabel. 448 lbs. 1 oz., at 2 yrs. old. Raleigh's Mabel, 514 lbs. 4 ozs. butter in 1 year, 4 years old. Aldan's Noble, 89581, sold in our '13 auc- tion to Mr. Ed. C. Lasater. of Texas, \\ ho values him at $5,000. Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. About the best and most valuable cow in the herd of Mr. J. A. Perree, Sec'y Island of Jer. Herd Book. Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass (by Agatha's Flying Fox, see above), public butter test, May, '09. 2 lbs. li ozs., 83 days in milk. Oxford Triumph, pub- lic butter test, May, "08, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. Oxford Eva, 177094. dam of Oxford John D., 90048, sire of 3 in Register of Merit averaging 469 lbs. 1 oz.. at 2 yrs. 9 mos. old. ■ Mabel's Poet. P. 2964, H. C. Bred by Mr. Wm. Labey, founder and breeder of the great Fontaine and Mabel families. Mabel's Poet has had a wonderful record. He has been award- ed twenty-two first prizes, a n d is the sire of over fifty first prize winners, including Poet's Pride, Cham, cow for young coys and Grand Champion, B rockton Fair, Mass., '06; Lady Aldan 2d, 2d over Jer., '03; Mabels Blue Belle. 20 lbs. I oz., and sold at our '05 sale for $1,000; and many other great animals. He was sold at auction for $3,000. Sire of Poet's Pretty Bird, in Register of Merit, 683 lbs. 13 ozs. but- ter in 1 year. Poet's Los Olivas, 61 1 lbs. 3 ozs. butter in 1 year. Imp. Fauvic's Sap- phire. 579 lbs. lOozs. Poets Bird. 550 lbs 5 ozs. Mabel's 1'oet's Nelly, 529 lbs. 8 ozs. Poet's ( )wl Strawberry. 489 lbs. 3 ozs. Poet's Lass, 18 lbs. 2 ozs. in 7 days. Agatha's Flying Fox, | P. 3256. H. C. 1st prize and Sweep stakes. St. Saviour and G r o u v i 1 1 e Show. '02. 1st prize over the Is- land in a class of 44, '02. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug.. '03. Sire of Sultan of Oaklands, 1 st prize, Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Cham., St. Saviour and Grou- ville Show, '05. Sire of 27 tested cows. Combination, P. 3744, H. C, 1st prize over Jersey, May, '06; 1st pr., St. Helier Show, Aug., '06; 1st pr. and Cham., St. Saviour and Grouville Show, Apr., '09, in competition with B e a u v o i r King, Plymouth Lad and other bulls, and judged by two differ- ent set of j u d g e s, thereby winning a very handsome Sil- ver Shield; 1st prize over Jer., Apr., '09. Sire of 17 tested cows. Sire of many other winners, and of 7 butter test cows. Sire of 13 bulls with tested daughters, in- cluding Halloween's Fox, sire of 10; Trial of Oaklands and Beechland's Cham- pion, each sire of 6. Fontaine's Oxford Pride. 187430, A. J. C. C. (Gamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C.) 3d pr. in public but- ter test, 2- lbs. 7 J ozs., 48 days in milk. Caiest, P. 2591, H. C. 1st pr.. Championship and State's prize, Grouville S., '98. Sire of Mabel's Poet, P. 2964, H. C, and other noted animals, among them being Oamboge's Pride 4th, P. 8801, H. C (as above). Caiest has 9 tested daughters, in- cluding: Caiest Pearl, in Regis- ter of Merit, 607 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 1 yr. Annie Lee. F. 8894, H. C, public butter test, 2 lbs. 12 ozs. in 24 hours. Fancy 14th, public butter test, 2 lbs. 1 1 ozs., 256 days in milk. Gamboge 5th, public butter test, 1 lb. 12 ozs., in 24 hours, at 5 years old. Fifteen daughters of Caiest sold in our '05 and '06 auction sales, averaging 5S(.s each. Mabel 38th, P. 6311, II. C. * >ne of the best dairy cows ever bred by Mr. Wm. Labey. Large and tempting offers have been re- fused for her. She is half sister to Gold- en Fern's Lad. being by Boyle, the sire of the great Fontaine family. She is descended from Mabel 2d. P. 889. H. C.,dam of Mabel 4th. 18167, A J. C. C. sold in our '83 auc- tion for $2,100. Champion Flying Fox. 61441, A. J. C. C. • (Flying Fox, P. 2729. H. C.) Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale, May, '02, for $7,500. Among his many tested daughters are: Flying Fox's Oxford Queen, 870.5 lbs. estimated butter from 13,604 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Flower o' Dreamwold, 740 lbs. estimated butter from 11,198 lbs. milk in 1 year. Blue Belle of St. Saviour, 411.96 lbs. estimated butter from 6,841 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Daisy o' Dreamwold, 10,060 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Syria o' Dreamwold, 11,075 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox's Maid o* The Sea, 11,530 lbs. milk in 1 year. Fox Glove, Certificate of Merit and 2d Parish prize, May, '07, 2 lbs. Hi ozs. butter in 24 hrs., 37 days in milk. Simone G. G., Certificate of Merit, May, '04, 2 lbs. 5} ozs. butter, 24 hrs., 101 days in milk. Oxford Vixen, Certificate of Merit, May, '05, 2 lbs. 2\ ozs. butter, 24 hrs., 49 days in milk. Flying Fox's La Fontaine, 18 lbs. 2 ozs. butter from 280 lbs. milk, 7 days. Lady Iveagh, 17 lbs. 6.6 ozs. butter, 7 days; 34 lbs. butter, 14 days (est.). Flying Fox's Brown Belle, 15 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Handsome Lily, 14 lbs. 8 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Pearl, 15 lbs. 7 ozs. butter, 7 days. Fox's Belle of Grouville, 21 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 7 days; 80 lbs. 11 ozs., 30 days. Flying Fox's Trinity Rose. 20 lbs. 6 ozs. butter, 7 days. Fox's Belle of Trinity. 20 lbs. 5 ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Rowena, 17 lbs. 2\ ozs. butter, 7 days. Flying Fox's Brown Maid, milked 22 qts., 1 day, Fox's Golden Cigarette, milked 20 qts., 1 day. with 1st calf. Agatha of Oaklands, 162101, A. J. C. C. (A Highly Commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432, H. C, J. H. B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. l£ ozs. in 24 hours, Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days Sold in our '02 auction for $1,700, to Mrs. M. Patterson, Port Kennedy, Pa. Won 2 1st prizes at Royal Shows. M. Fontaine's King. P. 2207, H. C. Sire of John Bull and other noted animals. Among his tested daughters is Origa's Queen, winner Cer- tificate of Merit, May, '02. 1 lb. 12} ozs., 107 days in milk. Dam of 2 high testing daugh- ters. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. Dam of ''.olden Queen of St. Saviour, 2 lbs. \\ ozs,, 214 days in milk. ( Ixford Ixia, 2 lbs. 8 ozs., 70 days in milk, and 5 other public butter tests. Houpla, sire of Lady Houpla, winner of Champion Cup, test- ing 2 lbs. 12 ozs., 73 days in milk after first calving. Flying Fox's Oxford Lass, 1st pr. winner over the Island. Oxford Lad. P. 3123, II. C. The great cow, Oxford Ever, who is dam of Oxford You'll Do, Oxford Knight and 2 public test cows. Boyle. P. 1559. II. C. Sire of the celebrated bull, Golden Fern's bud. P. 2160. II. C.j Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all prize winners over the Is- land Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs milk in a yt .ii . 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours. Mabel 23d, P. 323, II. C. 4ih over Jer, and Par, prize, '91. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. (See below.) Fontaine 4th, P. 2537, H. C. Reserve No. for Cup, '90. 1st over Jersey, '91. Blythwood Challenge Bowl for best cow in show, '91. 22 qts. milk and 3 lbs. butter in 24 hours. Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C. 1st ov. Jer., Apr., '88. Sire of many noted cows, including: Alicante, P. 3880, H. C, dam of the noted sires, Nunthorpe, The Owl and Ali- cante's Boy. Oxford Rose, P. 3787, C, darn of Courage. Oxford Lass, dam of Oxford Ixia, the Bronze Medal win- ner in public butter test, testing 2 lbs. 8 ozs.; grandam o f Oxford Ixia 3d, Sil- ver and Bronze Med- al winner at public butter test, testing 2 lbs. 15 \ ozs. I Ixfi >rd Primrose, P. 2252, C. One of the best cows in her day on the Island. By the same sire as Sultane's Favourite. sire of Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. BveztoD King, P. 390, C. Sire of many noted prize winners, a n d graudsire of the famous bull, Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Mabel 13th, P. 1125. H. C. 2d pr. over Jer., '92. 1st pr. over Jer., '94. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. His son. Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. His son, Eminent 2d, sold in our '05 auc- tion sale for $10,000. His ten-months old bull calf sold in our '07 sale for $10,200, and in the same sale his grandson, "Stockwell," sold for $11,500. (See his extended pedi- gree, front page A.) Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C, now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740, A. J. C. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. 1st over Jer., '89. 1st H. B. prize. Dam of Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Alicante. P. 3880, H.C. Forfarshire, P. 2914, H. C. Ravachol, P. 2032. C. By a great sire and out of a phenomenal dam. Son of Rosette 5th. P. 2881, H. C. (as above). Countess of Oaklands, 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours. Guenon's Pride, P. 347. H. C. 1st over Jersey, '82. IstGuenon pr., '82. '83. 3d over Jersey, '83. 3dH. B.ov. J., '82, '83. Fontaine, F. 2058, C 1st over Jer.. '86, '88. 1st Grouville, '87. Sweepstakes as best cow in show, '88. Wolseley. P. 401. H.C. 1st ov. Jer., '83, '84, "85. 1st ov. Jersey Jubilee Show, '83. Sultane, P. 7, II. C "The first of the most celebrated family the Island has ever seen." 2d over Jersey, '70. 1st St. .Saviour, '70. 1st H. B., '71. Dam of Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. C, 2d over Jer., '85; 1st H. B. over Jersey. '85; 4th over Jersey, '89; 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '91. Count Cicero, F. 398, H. C 2d over Jersey. '83. Sire of Count's Fillpail. 30975, 24 lbs. 5 ozs. Cicero's Ruby, 29040, 14 lbs. \\ ozs. Oxford Daisy, F. 6816. H. C. A remarbable cow. Cetewayo, P. 224, C. Sire of 4 tested cows. Quality. F. 174S. II. C Winner of 1st p. and Cham. Cup at t h e Roy. Jer. Show. '82. (16 lbs. 8 ozs.) Guenon's Pride, P. 347, H. C IstGuenon p., '82, '83. 3d over Jersey, 'S3. Mabel 6th, P. 360, H. C. Last calf March 25, 1916, by Fern's Oxford Noble, P. 5012, H. C. (Sent to Messrs. J. O. Terrell & Sons, San Antonio, Texas.) B 342 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 134. Cow. YOU'LL DO'S LOTTIE, 353272, A. J. C. C. (Dame Oxford, P. 20406, H. C.) Bred by John De Gruchy, Trinity, Island of Jersey. Born February 5, 1913. Imported October 31, 1915, by T. S. Cooper & Sons. Broken color; black tongue and switch. A handsome light fawn -and- white, of high finish and dairy type; neck Jong and flat; long body of good depth and splendid ribbing; straight back; broad loins and great length of rump ; prominent veins on udder and belly; hide thin and mellow; a sweet head, with small, rich, incurved horns; well-set tail, with luxuriant switch; large udder, of beautiful shape, extending far forward, with large and well-placed teats. Gamboge's Knight, P. 3645. H. C. Winner of 2d pr. over Jersey (with his progeny), Apr.. 'OS. 1 1 of his daughters, in our '11 auction, averaged Si, 391. 36. Sire of 41 tested cows, 3 above 700 lbs. but- ter in 1 year (all 3 imported by "Lin- den Grove'' and sold in our auctions). Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075, H. C. The greatest living representative of the Oxfor d-Gamboge line. Now in the "Linden Grove" stables, and registered as Im- ported Oxford You'll Do. 111860. Sire of 21 or more offi- cial test cows, in- cluding: Imp. Rustic Ivy, 774 lbs. 7 ozs. butter in 1 year; 1st at New York State Fair as a 3-year-old, 1st at Connecticut State Fair as a 4-year-old, and 1st at New York State Fair as a 5- year-old, besides be- ing dam of the pair winning 1st as "pro- d uce of cow, ' ' and dam of the Grand Champion bull at New York State Fair, '15. He sired the following: Champion cow over the Island of Jersey in May, '15, who also won 1st in her class (76 entries) as a 3-year-old, and 1st as a 2-year-old (68 entries), at the Roy. Shows. She is cata- logued in this auc- tion, with her splen- did daughter (Nos. 50 and 5 1 of catalog). 1st prize bull at the Royal Show, Class 2, 19 entries, May, '15. Grand Champion bull at Indiana State Fair, '15; sold in our '14 auction for £525, as a calf. 1st prize 3-year-old at Texas State Fair, '15 (11 entries); sold in our '14 auction for $745. Grand Champion bull at the Minnesota and Wisconsin State Fairs, '13; who pro- duced the Junior Champion heifer at Iowa State Fair and Waterloo Dairy Sh., '15. (See other pedigrees for further particu- lars, and notes oppo- s i t e No. 40 of catalog.) Dam LOTIS, P. 15194, H. C. Her dam is also the dam of Oxford Fair, 353268, A. J. C. C. (see No. 57 of cata- log). Oxford Ever, P. 8370, H. C. Dam of Agatha's Oxford Lass (by Agatha's Flying Fox, public butter test. May, '09, 2 lbs. l£ ozs., 83 days in milk. Oxford Triumph, pub- lic butter test. May, '08, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 107 days in milk. Trinity Sultan, P. 4054, C. His sire is a half- brother to Gam- boge's Knight (above), who sold at our '11 auction for $6,700 to White Horse Farm, Paoli, Pa., who bought six of his daughters in a single lot at $1,750 each. At the National Dairy Show, Chicago, '11, every animal in com- petition, sired by Gamboge's Knight, did honor to its sire. Gamboge's Knight is sire of 41 butter test cows, three of them testing above 700 lbs. in 1 year — all three imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auction, viz.: Gamboge's Grey Beau- ty. 784 lbs. 12 ozs. in 1 year. Gamboge's Tiddledy- wink, 722 lbs. 14 ozs. in 1 year. Gamboge's Fancy Princess, 712 lbs. 9 ozs. in 1 year. Gamboge's Knight is also the sire of four bulls with tested daughters, includ- ing: Oxford You'll Do. 1st prize, with his prog- eny, at Royal Show, April, '11. Oxford Knight, full brother to Oxford You'll Do, sire of 12 tested cows. Petition, P. 10680, C. Dam of Alfriston Peti- tion, 211630, im- ported by Mrs. S. T. Henning, in whose Allen Farm herd she gave 11,000 lbs. milk in one year as a five- year-old. Sultan of Oaklands, P. 3746, H. C. (78475, A. J. C. C.) Winner of lst;,over, Jer- sey, Apr., '06. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr., '05. Reserve over Jersey, with progeny, Apr., '07. 1st pr., Sweepstakes, Breeders' Cup and Reserve Champion, St. Saviour-G r o u- ville, '05. 27 of his daughters have won Certifi- cates of Merit in the public butter tests on the Island and have made the Reg- ister of Merit in America. One of his most dis- tinguished daugh- ters isViolette's Beauty 3d, P. 13895, H. C. (now Violette's Sultana, 252253, Certificate of Merit, May, '09, 1 lb. 11$ ozs., 90 days in milk, at 2 years old; won 1st and Sweepstakes, St. Sa- viour-Grouville S. , '10. She sold in our '11 auction for $2,- 600, to Ewell Farm, T e n n., and her daughter, Noble's Pretty Violette, 252- 234, sold as a 2- y ear-old for $1,200 to Elmendorf Farm, Ky. Trinity Princess, P. 8543. H. C. Par. pr., May, '01. Certificate of Merit, Oct., '04, 2 lbs. li ozs., 78 days in milk. Certificate of Merit, May, '05, 1 lb. 14£ ozs., 280 days in milk. 4th over Jer., May, '05. Par. pr.. May, '05. 4th over Jersey (butter tested cows), May, '05. 2d over Jer., Aug., '05. Her half-brother, Pi- lot's Sultan, is sire of Carlo's Gipsy Maid. 1st over Jer., May, '03; Certifi- cate of Merit, public butter test, Oct., '05, 1 lb. 5 ozs., 204 days in milk. Reliable, P. 3065, C. Sire of Miss Emily, P. 10624. H. C, public butter test, May, "13, 1 lb. 7i ozs. in 24 hrs., 44 lbs. 10 ozs. milk, at 3 yrs. old, 137 days after calving. Weeping Willow 2d, P. 10665, C. (Weeping Willow, 211596, A. J. C. C), who is dam of: Willow's Stockwell, P. 4092, C. (83352, A. J. C. C), winner St. John Parish prize, April, '08; sire of Lily of Jersey, 1st at Royal Show, 55 en- tries. May, '10. Willow Lassie, 235980, dam of Willow Las- sie's Queen. 275849. in Register of Merit, Class A, 361 lbs. 13 ozs. butter in 1 year, 2 yrs. 1 mo. old. Agatha's Flying Fox, P. 3256, H. C. 1st over the Island, Aug., '03. One of the most suc- cessful sires the Is- land has produced. Sire of Gamboge's Knight, sold in our '1 1 auc- tion for $6,700. Combination, P. 3744, H. C, 1st over Jer- sey, May, '06. And other notables. Sultane's Snowdrop, P. 8578, H. C. 1st prize over the Is- land, May, '01 ; 1st and Sweepstakes. Grouville and St. Saviour, '01; 1st and Sweepstakes and Champion, Grou- ville and St. Saviour, '03, '04. She was sold to "Ged- ney Farm" for $2,- 350, and is full sister to Golden Sultana, the St. Louis winner, who is dam of the sensational bull, Sul- tana's Golden Jolly, winner Gr. Cham- pionship, Nat. Dairy Show, Chicago, '11. Sultan, P. 244S, H. C. Reserve over Jersey, Apr.. '98. Sire of Sultan's Sul- tana, 157345, a very fine young cow, sold in our '01 sale for $335. St. Helier's Princess, F. 8415, H. C. Par. pr., May, '01.. 1st over Eng., milking trials, and 2d (In- spection Class) TunbridgeWells.'Ol. R- H. C, milking trials, Lon. Dairy Show. '01. Certificate of Merit, butter test, '01, 1 lb. 10i ozs., 122 days in milk. Certificate of Merit, butter test, Dairy Show, '01, 1 lb. 132 ozs., 185 days in milk. Dido, P. 2703, H. C. Sire of Morocco's Pride. P. 9089. H. C, 1st prize over Jersey and winner of Blythwood Bowl, '02; 1st prize over the Island, '03, and was sent to Austra- lia as the best cow in Jersey. Reliance, P. 7040, C. Champion Flying Fox, 61441, A. J. C. C. [ Agatha of Oaklands, 162101. A. J. C. C. (A highly commended cow, Agatha, F. 8432, H.C., J. H. B.) Official butter test, 2 lbs. 1 -J ozs. in 24 hrs. 1st prize over Jersey, beating former Roy. winners in '00. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. C. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '91. Dam of Golden Sultana, win- ner 3d pr. at the great St. Louis S.. September, '04, and sold in our '10 auc- tion for $3,700; her son. Sultana's Ox- ford Lad, selling at same time for $11,100. Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C., sire of a re- markable lot of dairy cows that have always sold at long prices. Sir John, P. 2176, H.C. Descended from Gold- en Lad, the most prepotent bull the Island ever pro- duced, transmitting the Sultane type (for udder and teats) to his entire progeny. [ Sultana, P. 6072, H. C. 2d ov. Jer., May, '96. 2d North Show, '97. Dam of Sultana's Golden Lad, P. 2609, H. C, sire of a re- markable fine lot of dairy cows, includ- ing Sultan's Black Beauty, sold in our '07 auction to W. R. Spann for $3,000. Cato 2d, P. 1954, C. Sire of Sweet Morocco, P. 6806, H. C, 1st over Jer., May, '02 and '03; 1st in Champion Class. Aug., '03; Re- serve for Theatre Challenge Cup, May, '04. Triple Interest. 1st ov. Jer. and Par. prize, May. '01; Silver Medal in butter test, '01; 2 lbs. lOiozs. in 24 hours. Morocco. P. 4671, H. C. Gay Prince, P. 2092, H. C. True, P. 4693, H. C. Prince Romulus, P. 798, C. La Dame 2d, P. 4053, C. Ravachol, P. 2032, C. His dam is also dam of Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C. Courageous Countess of Oaklands, P. 8640, H. C-, now named Countess of Oaklands. 162098. Official test, 2 lbs. of butter in 24 hours, Jersey weight. Cicero. P. 266. H. C. 1st prize over Jer., '82. Sire of Lady Longfield, 23524, 20 lbs. 13 ozs. Sultane. P. 7, H. C. 2d over Jer.. '70. 1st St. Saviour, '70. 1st H. B., '71. Golden Hero, P. 1833, H. C. 1st over Jer. and Par. prize, '93, '94, '95. Sire of Nita Belle D, 21 lbs. 1 £ ozs. Nicotine's Pet, 20 lbs. 1 oz. Descended from Hero, P. 90, C, who sired Daisy of St. Peter, 20 lbs. 5£ ozs.; Co- cotte, 16 lbs. 8i ozs.; and 2 others. Parisienne, F. 7501, H. C. Courage, P. 1813, C. Headed the late F. C. Le Maistre's herd with signal success. Sire of Courageous Countess of Oak- lands, P. 8640, H. C, 1st over Jer., Aug., '00; official tes.t, 2 lbs. in 24 hrs. She is dam of Aga- tha. F. 8432, H. C, official butter test, 2 lbs. l^ozs. in 24 hrs., Jersey weight, being in milk 142 days; 1st prize over Jer., beating former Roy. winners in '00. Water Lily, P. 4838, H. C. Cato, P. 1646, H. C. Sire of Cato 3d, P.2143, C, who sired Fabu- lous Interest, 168515, winner of three Cer- tificates of Merit in Island butter tests. Madelaine, P. 4198, C. Patron, P. 1377, H. C Madras 2d, P. 3198, H. C. King Romulus, P. 529, H. C. Coomassie's Niece, F. 3214, H. C. Yenus 2d, P. 460, C. Rival, P. 146, C. Yenus, P. 241, C. Due to calve April 22, 1916, & Sons, San Antonio, Texas.) Jumper, P. 1087, C. His daughter, Zelie, P. 3296, C, is dam of Golden Fern's Grey Daisy, 195783. A. J. C. C. (Zelie 2d, P. 8419, H. C), winner of the following prs. : Par. prize. Class 3, May, '01; Certificate of Merit, public butter test, May, '02, 1 lb. 14£ ozs., 86 days in milk; Certificate of Merit, public butter test. May, '04, 1 lb. 9 ozs., 310 days in milk; dam of Zelie 3d, sold to Lord Rothschild, for whom she won, in '04, 1st over England, Royal Show, London; 2d over England, Tunbridge Wells Show; 1st over England and Reserve for Champion, Sussex Show. La Dame, F. 2301, C. by Golden Fern's Lad of Oaklands, P. 529S, H. C. (Calf will be sent to Messrs. J. O. Terrell Tattoo 74 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 135. Heifer. OAKLANDS OXFORD ROSE, 306925, A. J. C. C. Dropped January 15, 1914. Solid color; black tongue and switch. Bred by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa. A heifer of royal breeding, representing many of the greatest individuals of the families we have patronized within the past forty-one years. We own her sire, the sensational Oxford You'll Do, ]'. 4075. H. C-, and her dam. We imported both her grandsires, and many of the ancestors of each, and know that they are the type that win in the show ring and raise the Register of Merit average. A rugged heifer, of great constitution; bright, promi- nent eyes; thin, flat neck; exceedingly long bodied, with well sprung ribs; strong back; very broad at loins, with prominent hips; long rump; thin, long tail, with black switch; has the making of a splendid udder, large and squarely placed teats. Sire OXFORD YOU'LL DO, P. 4075.H.C. Now at "Linden Grove," registered as Imported Oxford You'll Do. 111860, and not for sale. Sire of Golden Oxford Ivy, CHAMPION OVER JERSEY, 15, win- ning 1st in her class of 76 entries, and Theatre Challenge Cup, at the last Roy. Show in May. She also won 1st in her class of 68 entries at the Royal Show, May, '14. Golden Fern's Oxford, 120935, GRAND CHAMPION bull at Indiana State Fair, '15 (as a year- ling). Bred at "Lin- den Grove" and sold in our '14 auction for $525. Edith You'll Do, 255216, in Register of Merit, 475 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 1 year, as a three-year-old. (Sold in our '1 1 auc- tion for $200 as a heifer calf.) Stella You'll Do, 288.110, in Register of Merit, 429 lbs. 15 ozs., as a four-year- old. (Sold in our '13 auction for $500, 3 yrs. old.) Oxford Lavender. 431 lbs. 9 ozs., as a four- year-old. (Sold in our '13 auction for $775.) You'll Do's Favorite, 306639, sold in our '14 auction for $500; now under official test, and will make 900 lbs. or more of butter in 1 year, as a four year-old. And 18 other official test cot s. (See opposite page, or front page C, for his extended pedigree.) ( Champion Flying FoXi 61441, A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729, H. C.) Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our auction sale, May, '02, for $7,500. In same sale, three of his heifers on first calf averaged $933. Among his 26 tested daughters are: Fox's Syria o' Dream- wold, 1 1 ,075 lbs. milk, 1 year. Fox's Maid o' The Sea, 11.530 lbs. milk, 1 year. Although imported 15 years ago. Flying Fox's daughters are still making records as aged cows. Dur- ing the past sum- mer, two daughters of Flying Fox quali- fied for Register of Merit with records over 700 lbs. butter in 1 year, both past ten years of age. One, Fox's Pride o' Dreamwold, made 787 lbs. 9 ozs. but- ter, 11,508 lbs. milk, IN HER 12TH YR. Flying Fox's sons are also demonstrating the prepotency of this blood. Forty- three of his sons have produced test- ed daughter s — a greater number than any other bull of any breed. f Golden Fern's Lad. P. 2160, H. C. (Imp. Golden Fern's Lad, 65300, A. J. C. C.) Winner of 1st pr. and Championship. North Club Show, '96 and '97. Sire of many prize winners and tested cows. (See other pedigrees for partial list of his tested daughters, or front page A.) Among his many pr. winning sons and daughters are: Eminent 2d, 1st State's prize over Jer., '01 and '02 (with his progeny) ; sold in our '05 auction for $10,000; sire of 81 tested daughters. Flying Fox, Champion winner over the Is- land, Aug., '99; sold in our '02 auction for $7,500; sire of 26 tested daughters and prize winners. Sire of 31 tested cows, and 27 bulls with tested daughters. Rosette 5th, P. 2881, H. C, now named Sultana's Rosette, 149740. A. J. C. C. A very rich and per- sistent milker. 1st pr. over Jer., '89. 1st II. B. prize. 1st Parish prize. Dam of Flying Fox, Alicante (the dam of "The Owl") and Forfarshire, three Champion winners. We imported Sultana's Rosette and sold her in 00 for $900. and her bull calf for $800. Royle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all pr. winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours. He also sired the great cow , "Speckled Band," public but- ter test, May, '97, 2 lbs. 3£ ozs.. 140 days in milk; dam of the wonderful cow "Nursie," that made the phenomenal rec- ord of 2 lbs. 7} ozs. of butter in 24 hrs., and won the Silver Medal in the public butter test on the Island, after being in milk 300 days and within 90 days of calving. Sold in our '07 sate for $2,200 to Mr. A. B. Lewis. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d pr. over the Island and Par. prize, '94. One of the grandest dairy cows ever known on the Is- land. Golden Lad, I*. 1242. II. C. 1st pr. over the Island, Aug., '90; also win, er of £15 prize. Sire of 32 tested cows, including Golden Lad's Pan n Duchess. 166538. 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Lad's Lady Rose, 162097,21 lbs. 10£ ozs. Sandgate, 122509, 20 lbs. 104 ozs. Zulu Lady, 20 lbs. 10 ozs. Golden Naiad, 18 lbs. 1 i ozs. Golden Kola, 127232, 17 lbs. 8i ozs. Golden Lass of St. John. 149150. 16 lbs. 3 ozs. Golden Ora. 127228. 16 lbs. 1 £ ozs. Tootsie, P. 3214. Parish prize. '90. H. C Sarabond, P. 797, H.C. He was sold to go to France when 12 months old. A great loss to the Island, as he undoubtedly was a great sire. Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. (See above.) Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944, H. C. 2d St. Martin Show, '94. '95. Dam of Aurea, P. 8693. H. C. (now Emi nent's Fern of St. Martin, 252122). Certificate of Merit in public butter test, May, 07, 2 lbs. 5i ozs., 65 days in milk. Count Cicero. F. 398, H. C. 2d over Jer., '83. Sultane. P. 7. H. C. "The first of the most celebrated family the Island has ever seen." Sultune's Favourite, P. 873. H. C. Sire of Sultane 14th, that in the Tun- bridge Wells (Eng land) butter test, '02. in her fifteenth year, gave 38 lbs. 6 ozs. milk, making 2 lbs. 1 i ozs. butter in 24 hours, when 132 days in milk, win ning the Silver Medal. Golden Lass 4th. P. 2447, H. C 2d over Jer.. '88. 2d H. B. ov. J.. '88. 2d Lon. Dairy S., '88. 1st over Eng., '90. Everton King. P. 390. C Sire of many noted prize winners, in- cluding Le Uourg Queen. P. 3328. C. dam of the great cow. Lilac, P. 7996, C. Fontaine 2d, P. 807. H. C. 1st over Jersey, '82. Cetewayo 2d, P. 370, H. C- [ Brown Fern, F. 4606, C. Dam of Eminence, F. 7124. H. C. dam of Little Eminence. 122506, 21 lbs. 6 ozs. ; Eminence of the Island, 15 lbs. 10 ozs. ; Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. Cicero, P. 266, H. C- 1st over Jersey, '82. Minerva, F. 2281, C. Sultan, F. 58, H. C. Longueville Queen, F. 272. H. C. Cicero. P. 266, H. C. (7657, A. J. C. C.) was imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our '82 auction, 33 years ago, for $3,100. In same sale we sold his son, Young Garenne's Duke, 6863, at 3 mos. old, for $1,760 (sire of 4 butter test cows). Rosette 4th, P. 2128.C We were informed on the Island by J. A. Marett that Rosette 4th, as a dairy cow in her day, had few equals on the Island. Angela's Rosette 5th, P. 5070. C. She is dam of 3 official test cows. Her grandsire, Bashie's Wonder, is grand- sire of Mr. R. A. Sibley's great im- ported cow, Magyar- land, .S9326. 17 lbs. 8 ozs. in 7 days, whose sou produced the dam of Sperm- field Owl's Eva. 1.168 lbs. 8 ozs. in 1 year. Birthright. P. 1313. H. C. By same sire as Red Light. Gold Medal winner, 2 lbs. 10 ozs. butter in 24 hrs., public test. Bashie's Wonder, P. 929, H. C. 1st over Jersey and P. prize, '87. A successful sire. Happy Cetewayo, P. 582, C. His grandsire, Cete- wayo, P. 224, C, is sire of 4 tested cows. Rosette 2d. F. 943, LesFonds, P. 662.H.C. 1 st over Jersey and Champion Cup, '85. Golden Cloud, P. 358, H. Prize winner Snow llake, P. 714. H. C. Dam of Snowllake 3d, 1st over Jer., '88. Gilderoy, P. 414, H. C. Castaledes, F. 2876. C. Bashie 2d. P. 1415, H. C. Angela's Rosette. P. 1614. C. Exhibited as one of the get of Angela's Lad. winner 1st over Jersey. Lovebird. P. 2581, C. 1st over Jersey and P. pr., Aug.. 88 Angela's Lad, 1'. 397, H. C. 1st Guenon prize, '83. 3d Herd Book, '83. 5th over Jersey, '83. 3d over Fer., Aug., '83. 2d and 3d II It , '85 Industry, F. 2509, C- Cetewayo 4th, P, SSI. II. Sunshine 4th, P. 1566, H. Farmer's Joy, P. 306, H. C 1st pr., Eng. Roy. 1st pr. and Silver Medal at London Dairy Show, '81. Angela, F. 1607, H. C. Dam of Major Camp bell Brown's Tor- mentor. Gilderoy, P. 414. H. Bashie. F. 2861. II . Cetewayo 2d, P. 370. H. C- 4.C. Dam ROSE OF OAKLANDS, 195834, A. J. C. C. (P. 10048, C.j Bred hy Mr. John A. Perree, Island of Jersey. Her dam also pro- duced : Rosy of Oaklands, 195835. in Register of Merit v Sultana's Oxford Lad, 76506, out of Golden Jolly's Ladv Viola, 203669, one of the greatest daughters of Golden Jolly, being full sister to Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314. i See front pages for pedigree of Jolly Sultan of Linden, 120838.) T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 141. Cow. WARDER'S SYREN 2d, 273419, A. J. C. C. Bred at Allen Dale Farms, Shelbyville, Ky. Born October 21. 191 1. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A handsome young cow, of pronounced dairy type; very clean, long, flat neck and sharp withers; beauti- ful top line, strong loins and prominent hips; back straight to setting of tail, which is thin and long. with generous black switch ; great length of rump ; body deep and splendidly ribbed; large, well-shaped udder, with good-sized teats squarely placed. Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. (Eminent, 69631, A. J. C. C.) Winner 1st State's pr. over Jer. (with his get), '01 and '02. Goddington purse, '02. Sold in our '05 auction for $10,000, to the late Hon. A. M. Bowman, Salem, Va. He has 8 1 daughters that have made tests in America and on the Island. Sire EMINENT 14th, 75573, A. J. C. C. 1 st prize 2-year-old, Blue Grass Fair, Lexington, Ky.; Tennessee State Fair and National Dairy Show, '08; Jr. Champion bull, Nat. Dairy Show, '08. Sold in the Allen Dale Farm auction, July, '13, for $1,200, to Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. Sire of Sensational Actress 2d, 222845, in Register of Merit, 421 lbs. butter in 1 year, be- ginning test at 1 year 1 1 months old. Harmony of Allen Dale 2d, 233224, in Register of Merit, 15 lbs. 12 ozs. butter in 7 days, at 4 years old. Sire of a number of prize winners, in- cluding the pair win- ing first as "pro- duce of cow," at National Jersey S. . Shelbyville. Ky.,"10. Sire of Bosnian's Choice. 106246, who sold as a yearling in the Allen Dale Farm auction, July, '13, for $1,000. to Mr. C. I. Hudson; after- ward winning 1 st prize in 2 -year-old class at Nassau, Queens Co. (N. Y.), Fair. His dam also pro- duced : Nunthorpe's Emi- nence, 232105, 15 lbs. 7 ozs. butter in 7 days, on first calf. Fontaine's Uoyle, 1st prize bull, London and Toronto, Can- ada, '06. Dam WARDER'S SYREN, 211639, A. J. C. C. Imported by Mrs. S. T. Henning, Shelby- ville, Ky., and yield- ed 8,360 lbs. milk in one year. Nunthorpe's Fontaine, 172289, A. J. C. C A magnificent dairy cow, ranking way at the top of many of the great cows we have owned. Certificate of Merit, public butter test, May, "00, 2 lbs. ljf ozs., 144 days in milk, 4 years old. Sold in our '03 auction to the late Hon. A. M. Bowman. Dam of Brown Fon- taine of Trinity, 172- 296 (La Ruette's Fancy, P. 7917, H. C.), public butter test, May, 00, 1 lb. 8$ ozs., 2 years old, and 108 days in milk. Dam of Na- poleon's Fontaine, 24 lbs. butter in 7 days; Flying Fox's La Fontaine, 1 8 lbs. 2 ozs. (Napoleon's Fontaine is dam of Eminent 's Fontaine A. 22 lbs. 1 oz., and Eminent of Wylde- wood, 75755, sire of one in Register of Merit.) General Warder, P. 3681, H. C. 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr., '05. Sire of Warder's Dora, public butter test, May, '10, 1 lb. 11 ozs., 201 days in milk. Calcutta's Syren, pub- lic butter test, Oct., '10. 1 lb. 5 ozs.. 148 days in milk. Vivienne, 1st over Jer., Aug., '07. Syren's Queen, 4th over Jer., Aug., '07. Miss Clarencia, St. Ouen Par. prize, May, '09. His dam, Hamley's Pride, 213895 (P. 9425, H. C), is en- tered in Register of Merit — 450 lbs. 1 oz. butter in one year, 7,513 lbs. milk, at 10 years old. She is also dam of Leda's Pride, P. 3832, H. C, winner of Par. pr., Apr., '06; and grandam of Ward - er's Champion, P. 3826. H. C- Syren's Pride, P. 10281, H. C. Public butter test, 1 lb. 7^ ozs. in 24 hours. Daughter of the great Golden Lad bull. Willoh. P. 2855, H. C-, who has 4 tested daughters. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (Imp. Golden Fern's Lad, 65300, A. J. C. C.) Winner of 1st pr. and Championship, North Club Show, '96 and '97. Purchased by us for use at "L i n d e n Grove," when 9 yrs. old, for $2,250. Eminence, F. 7124, H. C. Dam of Little Eminence, 122506, 21 lbs. 6 ozs. Lord Carteret, P. 2064, H. C Sire of Venture's Lad, 52300, Sweepstakes bull, Indiana, Wis- consin and Illinois State Fairs; also at Omaha Exposition, '98. Sire of Albright Lady, winner of four Championships as a yearling heifer. Sire of Golden Venture, 57646, who has 2 daughters entered in Register of Merit. Fontaine 9th, P. 6039, H. C 4th over Jersey, '99. Butter test, '99. Bronze Medal, '99. 4th H. B. over Jer., '99. 1st G r ou v ill e, '99, beating the cow that won 1st over Island. 21 quarts milk. 2 lbs. 10 ozs. butter in 24 hours. 9,000 lbs. milk in 1 year. i' Warder, P. 3227, H. C. 2d over Jer., Apr., '04. 1st over Jer., Aug., '04. Sire of Warder's Lady, 195777 (Little Mary, F. 9484, H. C), 14,820 lbs. 11 ozs. milk, 964 lbs. 15 ozs. butter, in 1 yr., 6 yrs. old; 52 lbs. 13 ozs. milk in 1 day;' 1st and Grand Champion (Silver Medal), Mich. State Fair, 3-year-old. La Belle Jardiniere, 8,893 lbs. 9.6 ozs. milk, 56S lbs. 4 ozs. butter, in 1 yr., at 5 years old. Warder's Ferry Maid, 6,282 lbs. milk. 3S8 lbs. butter, in 9 mos., at 3 yrs. old. Ida May, public butter test, Oct., '07, 2 lbs. 9i ozs., 61 days in milk. Petite Indienne, pub- lic butter test, May, "10, 2 lbs. 7 ozs., 125 days in milk. Mona 18th, public but- ter test. May. '08. 2 lbs. 5£ ozs.. 60 days in milk. Periling, public butter test, Oct., '10, 2 lbs. 1 oz., 182 days in milk. And 8 other tested cows, besides nu- merous prize win- ners. Hamley's Pride, P. 9425, H. C. (213895, A. J. C. C) 2d over Jer. "and Par. prize, Aug., '96. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of "Speckled Band," public but- ter test, 2 lbs. 3\ ozs., 140 days in milk. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d pr. over the Island and Par. prize, '94. One of the grandest dairy cows ever known on the Island. Nunthorpe, P. 1769, H. C. Sire of Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C, who sired Uncle Peter's Ro- sette, that sold in our '01 sale for ftl.- 000, and her heifer calf, by Flying Fox, sold in same sale for $1,250. And a number of other remarkable dairy cows. [ St. Ouennaise 7th, P. 1620, H. C. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Son of Golden Lad. * Fontaine 4th, P. 2537, C Reserve No. for Cup, '90. 1st over Jer., '90, '91. 1st Herd Book, '90. Dam of Fontaine 7th, P. 5391, H. C, 1st prize, Grouville, '98; Bronze Medal, but- ter test, '98. Favori, P. 2943, H. C. Sire of Oakland's Bess, public butter test, Oct., '05, 1 lb. 3i£ ozs., 248 days in milk ; 3d over Jer. and Par. prize. Aug., '03. D a m of Combination's Pre- mier, 1st over Jer., ' 'bulls from tested dams," May, '1 1 ; Oakland's Glory, 3d over Jer. and Par. pr., Apr., '07; Oak- land's Sailor, 3d over Jer.. Aug., '08. Favori's Pretty Rosa, in Register of Merit, Class B, No. 999, 6,634 lbs. 1.6 ozs. milk, 458 lbs. 12 ozs. estimated butter, in 1 yr., when 7 yrs. old. Dam of Fa- vori's Jolly Sultan. 1st prize bull calf. New York State Fair, '11. Clarencia. P. 8602, H. C. Sweepstakes, Western Show, '03. Dam of Clarencia's Lad, P. 3573, H. C, 2d pr., St. Ouen; sire of Lady Rams gate, P. 12314, H. C., public butter test, Oct., "08, 1 lb. 10J ozs., 127 days in milk; and several other prize winners. Hamley, P. 2637, H. C. (Golden Lad's Cham- pion, 57222, A. J. C. C.) Cham, winner over the Island, '99, Sold in our '00 auc- tion, to Mr. Elmer A. Darling, ex Presi- dent A. J. C. C. i Pride, P. 7455. H. C. A great dairy cow. Golden Lad. P. 1242, H. C. Sixty-five of his get sold at auction in America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Sire of 32 tested cows. Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944. H. C. 2d St. Martin Show. '94, '95. Dam of Aurea, P. 8693. H. C. f Golden Lad. P. 1242, H. C. . I Alicante, P. 3880. H.C. 1st p.. B. and W. S., '98; and many other prizes. Alicante was bought by Lord Rothschild in '94, when she had yielded over 10,000 lbs. of milk in course of one lactation. She is also the dam of Alicante's Boy and "The Owl." Guenon's -Pride, P. 347, H. C. 3d over Jer. and Par. prize, '82. IstGuenonpr., '82, '83. 3d over Jersey, '83. 3dH. B.ov. J., '82. '83. t Fontaine, F. 2058. C. 1st over Jersey, '86,'88. 1st Grouville, '87. Sweepstakes as b e s t cow in show, '88. 24 quarts milk. 2 lbs. 12 ozs. butter in 24 hours. Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. Sold at our auction sale. '05,for$10,000. Won 1st State's prize over the Island of £50, with five of his progeny, in '01 and '02. He has 81 daughters tested in America and on the Island. and several others now on authenti- cated test. Favorite, F. 8354, H. C. (Eminent's Brown Duchess. 157604.) A grand dairy cow; sold in our sale. May, '01, for $500, to Mr. F. G. Crane. f Duplex. P. 2586, H. C. Sire of Uncle Peter's Golden Del, sold in our '00 sale as a heifer, for $425; and since tested at Biltmore, N. C, 80 lbs. 13 ozs. in one month. Sire of other tested cows. Philomene, P. 5671. H. C f Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C 1st pr. oyer the Is- land, Aug.. '90; also winner of £15 prize. Sire of Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess, 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Beatrice, 157326, 22 lbs. in 7 days; 89 lbs. 5 ozs. in 30 days. And 30 other tested cows. i Handsome 2d. L P. 5686. H,C. 2d over Jer. and Par. Show, '97. Stiltane's Favourite P. 873, H. C. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447, H. C. 2d over Jer., '88. Cetewayo 2d, P. 370, H. C. { Brown Fern. F. 4606. C. Dam of Eminence, F. 7124. H. C. Count Wolseley. P. 928, H. C. 1st over Jer., Aug., '89. Son of the famous Sul- tane, P. 7. H. C, foundation cow of the greatest family the Island has yet produced. I Sultana's Rosette. 149740. A. J. C. C. 1st over Jersey, '89. Dairy Boy, P. 218, C. Son of Vertumnus, P. 161, H. C. sire of 3 tested cows in Amer- ica. Dairy, F. 1267, H.C. 24 qts. milk in 24 hrs. Horace, P. 94, H. C- Sire of "Le Brocq's Prize." 1st over J., '78; 53 bulls in com- petition. Polly. F. 1828, C. 1st over Jer., '84. '85. 26 quarts of milk. 3 lbs. 9 ozs. butter in 24 hours. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jer. has ever pro- duced. His son, Flying Fox, sold in our '02 sale for $7,500. (For full particulars, see front page A.) Eminence, F. 7124, H. C. 2d St. Martin, '92. Eminent, P. 1842, H.C. A very successful sire. Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C. H i s granddaughter, L'ncle Peter's Gold- en Del, 157354, sold in our '01 sale ' to Biltmore Farms. Biltmore, N. C. Souvenir, P. 5187, H. C. 1st St. Martin. Dam of Souvenir 2d, 3d over Jersey. Aug. , '97. Sultane Favourite, P. 873. H. C. 1st pr., St. Saviour. Sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows, including Sultane 14th, that in the Tunbridge Wells (England) butter test, '02. in her fif- teenth year, gave 38 lbs. 6 ozs. milk, mak- ing 2 lbs. 1 J ozs. but- ter in 24 hours, when 132 days in milk, winning the Silver Medal. Golden Lass 4th, P. 2447. H. C. 2d over Jer., '88. 2d H. B. ov. J., '88. 1st over Eng.. '90. 1 lb. 14J ozs. butter. Due to calve September 1, 1916, by Oxford Vou'll Do, P. 4075, H. C„ winner of 1st prize, with his progeny, in a class of 7 entries, at the Royal Show, Jersey, April, '11. He sired the 1st prize 3-year-old cow over the Island, May, '14 (68 entries); also the 1st prize 4-year-old cow over the Island, May, '15 (76 entries), who won the Theatre Challenge Cup (Championship over the Island). He has 21 or more official test daughters, one of which, now on year's test, will produce close to, if not more than, 900 lbs. butter as a four-year-old. (See front pages for extended pedigree of Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C.) Tattoo 160 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 142. Heifer. VIOLA'S DAIRYLIKE, 324989, A. J. C. C. Bred by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa. Born December 25, 1914. Spot on left shoulder; brisket and flanks white; blai V :md-white tongue and switch. Kxeeedingly handsome, and a rich glossy "black" with some white markings; very high finish and quality; sweet head, with dished face and inturned horns; great length of body; straight back and good rump, with high tail setting; good development of udder, with good-sized and well placed teats. Sultana's Oxford Lad, 76506, A. J. C. C. Sold in our '10 auc- tion for $11,100; his dam, the distin- guished Golden Sul- Sire tana, selling at same time for £3,700. His son, Elvirian Lad, has been shown suc- cessfully by Elmen- dorf Farm, winning 1st prize at Illinois State Fair in a class of 9 yearling bulls, and was later award- ed Grand Champion- ship for bulls of all ages in '13. The late Mr. A. M. Bowman, who was one of the last bid- ders on Sultana's Oxford Lad when he sold for $11,100, of- ten regretted that he did not get this gTeat Sire VIOLA'S SULTAN, 96385, A. J.C. C. Full brother to Sul- tana "s Golden Viola, 240363, dam of the •Linden Grove" service bull, Jolly Sultan of Linden, 120838 (see front page G). His dam, Golden Jolly's Lady Viola, won Bronze Medal in public butter test, Oct., '05, making the phenomenal record of 1 lb. 15 ozs. of butter in 24 hours, when 1 59 days in milk and only 30 mos. old. (This is considered the most remarkable record, considering age and period of lactation, ever made on the Island.) She made a private record of 2 lbs. 9 ozs. in 24 hours. Golden Jolly's Lady Viola was sold in our '07 auction for $675, and we re-bought her in Mr. Overton's sale, '08, for $2,250 (Dr. C. E. Still, Kirksville.Mo., being the contending bid- der). She is full sister to Viola's Golden Jolly, 79314, sire of Sultan a's Golden Jolly. 86180. Viola's Sultan's gran- dam, Lady Viola, is dam of Noble of Oaklands, who sold in our '1 1 auction for $15,000, and has 37 tested daughters. Dam SULTAN'S DAIRYLIKE, 252259, A. J. C. C. Golden Jolly's Lady Viola, 203669. A. J. C. C. (Poppy Viola, P. 10912. H. C.) Rozel's Sultan, P. 4140, H. C. 3d prize over Jersey, April, '08. 2d prize over Jersey, Aug., '08. 2d prize over Jersey, Aug., '09. Sold to go to New Zealand. The Jersey Bulletin of Feb. 19, '13, quotes thus from a New Zealand agricultural paper: "The well-known bull, Rozel's Sultan. owned by W. V. Harkness, has done fairly well for him- self the past season and has practically defied competition at the shows where he has been entered. At Palmerston, North, he only took second, but at Wan- ganui. Hawera and Stratford he annex- ed first and cham- pionship honors. ' Noble's Dairylike. 252208, A. J. C. C. (P. 15047, H. C.) She was bred by that pre-eminent breeder, Mr. Phil. J. Ahier, the breeder of Gold- en Fern's Lad, Emi- nent, Eminent 2d, Leda's Golden Lad, Stockwell and others, and was call- ed one of the best daughters of Noble of Oaklands in the importation. More than 160 1st prs. and Championships stand to the credit of her sire, Noble of < )aklands. and his get, so far as the the records have been tabulated. ' Oxford Lad, P. 3123. II. C. Champion, St. Saviour and G r o u v i 1 1 e Show, '05. Sire of the great bulls. Majesty, Lucy's Champion and Sul- tana's Oxford Lad, the latter selling at our '10 auction sale for $11,100. Sire of 42 tested cows. His highest testing daughter, Oxford Cocotte — 724 lbs. 15 ozs. butter in 1 year — was imported by us and sold in the "Linden Grove" auction, '11, for $1,700. Golden Sultana, 146282, A. J. C. C. 3d pr. at the great St. Louis Show (24 entries) , Sept. , '04, and sold in the ring for $2,350. Sold in our '10 auction for $3,700. Dam of the sensa- tional bull. Sultana's Golden Jolly. Full sister to Sultane's Snowdrop, P. 8578, H. C, a famous show cow, and dam of Sultan of Oak- lands, P. 3746, H. C. Golden Jolly, P. 2921, H. C. Lady Viola, P. 8463, H. C. Sultan of Oaklands, P. 3746. H. C. Rozel Maid 3d, P. 9743. H. C. 3d over Jer. and Par. pr.. May. '03 and '09. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize in a very large class, May, '04. 5 Championships, St, Martin Club. 1st pr.. Sweepstakes. Special prize and Championship, St. Martin. '10. Championship, St. Martin and Trin- ity Show. '10. Dam of Rozel's Noble. P. 4464, H.C. winner of 1st pr. over Jer., Aug., '10; Reserve for Voisin Special, bulls any age, Aug., '10; 1st pr. 2 year- old bull, Sr. Cham. and Gr. Cham., New Eng. Fair, Worces- ter, Mass., '1 1 . Noble of Oaklands, P. 3909, H. C. (95700, A. J. C. C) 1st St. Saviour Parish prize, '07. 1st over Jersey with progeny, Apr., '10. Sold in our '1 1 auction for $15,000. Dairylike 2d, P. 10392, H. C Her dam is half sister to Leonie's Lady, P. 9370, H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, Aug., '02; dam of the good young sire, Noble of St. Saviour, 79321, sold in our '10 auction for $330, and whose yearling daughters sold for $285 and $235 in our '12 auction. Champion Flying Fox, 61441. A. J. C. C. (Flying Fox, P. 2729. H. C.) Champion winner over the Island, Aug., '99. Sold at our '02 sale for $7,500. In same sale, three of his heifers on first calf averaged $933. Oxford Lass, P. 3582, C. One of the most cele- brated cows the is- land ever produced. She is dam of Houpla, Caiest, Oxford Lad, Oxford I x i a and other famous ani- mals. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C- Show, '96, '97. The most celebrated bull the Island of Jersey has ever pro- duced. Sultane 9th, P. 1145, H. C. 2d over Jersey, '85. 1st H.B. over Jer., '85. Dam of Uncle Peter, P. 2115, H. C. sire of a remarkable lot of dairy cows that have always sold at long prices. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. Brookhill Rose 2d, P. 3440, C. 1st prize and Cham- pion winner over the Island, May, '98. Dam of Golden Fern's Red Rose, 23 lbs. 10 ozs. butter in 7 days. Pearl King, P. 2827, H. C. 2d State's pr.,Apr.,'02. Reserve for Godding- ton purse. May, '02. 2d State's pr., Apr., '03. Goddington purse, May, '04. Sire of Silver Lass Pearl, pub- lic butter test. May, '10, 1 lb. 15J ozs., 118 days in milk. Newcome's Beauty, public butter test, Oct., '09, 1 lb. 11 ozs., 171 days in milk. And 5 others. Rozel Maid, P. 7417, C. Her dam, Rayonnante 3d, P. 4716, H. C, took first prize at St. Martin Show many years in succession. Leda's Golden Lad, P. 3063. H. C. 1st over Jersey and 1st State's pr., '01, '02. 1st and Sweepstakes, St. Martin Show, '01, '02. 1st and Cham., with progeny, Western Club, '05. Sire of many prize win ners and 1 1 tested cows. Dairylike, P. 9043. H C. An exceptionally good dairy cow. Certificate of Merit in the public butter test, Oct., '03, 1 lb. 112 ozs., 159 days in milk. 4th over Jer. and Par. prize. May, '02. Count Wolseley, P. 928. H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. prize, Apr., '87. 1st over Jer., Apr., '88. 2d over Jer., Apr., '89. 1st over Jer., Aug., '89. Among his other daughters are Ali- cante, dam of The Owl, and Brookhill Rose 2d, dam of Golden Jolly. Oxford Primrose, P. 2252, C. One of the best cows in her day on the Island. By the same sire as Sultane's Favourite, sire of Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Cicero, P. 266, H. C. Sire of Lady Long- field, 23524, 20 lbs. 13 ozs. ; and 5 others. Also sire of Count Cicero, F. 398, H. C. (as above). Sultane, P. 7, H. C. 2d over Jer., '70. 1st St. Saviour, '70. 1st H. B.. '71. Count Wolseley, P. 928, H. C. 2d over Jer., Apr.. '87. 1 st over Jer., Apr., '88. 2d over Jer., Apr., '89. 1st over Jer., Aug., '89. (See above.) Brookhill Rose, P. 1889, C. Half-sister to Trial, P. 1184, H. C. Golden Prince, P. 2502, H. C. Champion, Aug., '97. Sire of the great butter bull,Willoh.P.2855, H. C, sire of the 2 highest testing daughters of L a d y Viola. Distinction's Pearl, P. 5851. H. C 1st over Jer., '99, and numerous other prs. Dam of Golden Fern's Distinc- tion, sold in our '09 sale for $900 to Mr. C. I. Hudson. Oxford Distinction's Queen, P. 11732, H. C, 1st prize over Jer., Aug., '06, and Blythwood Bowl. Leda's Prince, P. 2762, H. C. Winner of many 1st prs. over England. Sire of Leonie's Lady, P. 9370. H. C. 2d over Jer. and Par. pr., Aug., '02. Full brother to Golden Leda, P. 8000, H.C, the dam of Stock - well, sold for $11,- 500; Leda's Golden Lad, Topsman, and others. Amyl, P. 6230, H. C. (Now Brown Beauty of St. Saviour, 157320, A. J. C. C.) Cham., North Club Show, '98. 22 quarts daily. Sold in our '01 auction for $1,200. Her half-sister. Fairy Glen, is dam of the celebrated bulls, Ra- leigh's Fairy Boy and Fairy Glen's Raleigh. Wolseley. P. 401. H.C. 1st ov. Jer.,'83.'84 J '85. 1st over Jer., Jubilee Show, '83. Cham. Cup for great- est No. of points, '83. Sultane. P. 7. H. C. •'The first of the most celebrated f a m i 1 y the Island has ever seen." 2d over Jer., '70. 1st St. Saviour. '70. Count Cicero, F. 398. H. C. 2d over Jer., '83. Oxford Daisy, F. 6816, H. C. A remarkable cow. f Happy, P. 21 l.C. Sire of Happy Blossom, 18218, 19 lbs. 5 ozs. St. Jeannaise. 15789, 17 lbs. 8§ ozs. Fleur de I* Air, F. 1736, C. Sultan. F. 58. H. C. 1st over Jer., '67, '68. Longueville Queen, F. 272, H. C- ( Wolseley. P. 401, H.C. 1st over Jer., Jubilee Show. '83. Sultane, P. 7, H. C. Count Cicero, F. 398, H. C. 2d over Jer., '83. Sire of 2 tested cows. Hermione. P. 634, C. Golden Grain, P. 2112. H. C. Grandson of Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C. Golden Gem, P. 5654, H. C 1st over Jer. and Par. prize. May, '94, '95; Aug., '95, '96. Perry Farm Glory, P. 1717, H. C. 3d over Jer., Aug., '92. His dam is a daughter of E m i n e n c e. F. 7124, H. C. Distinction, F. 5519, H. C. 4th over Jer. and 1st F. S. prize, *90. 3d over Jersey, '90. Golden Fern's Lad. P. 2160. H. C. Leda, P. 6636, H. C. One of the best cows the Island has ever produced. Dam of Golden Leda. P. 8000, H. C, 1st over Jersey, '01 ; 1 st pr. and Cham - pionship, North Club Show. '00 and '01, and has milked over 40 lbs. per day with first calf. Pawn, P. 1766. C. Sire of Brown Beauty of St. Saviour, 157320. Brown Fairy. F. 7819, C- Dam of Fairy Glen, P. 9178. H. C. 1st over Jersey, May, '05; 1st over Jer. and Blyth- wood Bowl, Aug., '05 ; and many other prizes. Bred March IS, 1916, to Golden Fern's Mon Plaisir, 122755, son of the splendid butter cow, Grace Darling of St. Mary's, 306562, who was sold in our 14 auction for $700. Register of Merit record — 653 lbs. 3 ozs. butter, 10,183 lbs. 9.6 ozs. milk, the first year after importation. Her 5-year-old daughter, Grace Stockwell, 240S32, made 630 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in one year. Golden Fern's Mon Plaisir was sired by Golden F'ern's Noble, P. 4570, H. C-, winner of numerous 1st prizes at the Royal Shows; son of Noble of Oaklands, 95700 (sold'in our '11 auction for $15,000), and Lady Aldan, P. 8470, H. C, a great daughter of Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. (See No. 5 for extended pedigree of Golden Fern's Mon Plaisir, 122755.) Tattoo 154 T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAY 30, 1916. No. 143. Heifer. VIOLA'S UNION MAID, 325733, A. J. C. C. Bred by T. S. Cooper & Sons, Coopersburg, Pa. ■ Born November 25, 1914. Solid color; black tongue and switch. A substantial and handsome light fawn, with great depth of body and spring of rib; neat head, wide between eyes and dished face; level back and great length of rump; hide exceedingly mellow and elastic; thin, long tail, with good switch; splendid udder development, with long, perfectly placed teats. Sire VIOLA'S SULTAN, 96385, A. J. C. C. Full brother to Sul- tana's Golden Viola, 240363. who is dam of the magnificent bull, Jolly Sultan of Linden, 120838 (see front page G). His sire. Sultana's Ox- ford Lad, sold i n our '10 auction for $11,- 100. He has 4 daughters in Regis- ter of Merit, and a son with 4 in the Register of Merit. The late Mr. A. M. Bowman, who was one of the last bid- ders on Sultana's Oxford Lad, when he sold for $11,100, of- ten regretted that he did not get this great sire. His dam, Golden Jolly's Lady Viola, won Bronze Medal in public butter test, Oct., '05, making the phenomenal rec- ord of 1 lb. 15 ozs. of butter in 24 hours, when 159 days in milk and only 30 mos. old. (This is considered the most remarkable record, considering age and period of lactation, ever made on the Island.) She made a private record of 2 lbs. 9 ozs. in 24 hours. Golden Jolly's Lady Viola sold in our '07 auction for $675 , and we re-bought her in Mr. Overton's sale. '08. for $2,250 (Dr. C.E. Still, Kirksville, Mo., being the con- tending bidder). (See opposite page for extended pedigree of Viola's Sultan, 96385.) Dam UNION MAID, 306575, A. J. C. C. (P. 14608, C.) Sultana's Oxford Lad, 76506, A. J. C. C. (See opposite page.) Goldeu Jolly's Lady Viola, 203669, A. J. C. C. (Poppy Viola, P. 10912, H. C.) Full sister to Viola's Golden Jolly. 79314, sire of Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86180. Union Jack, P. 3850, H. C. Winner of 3d prize, North Club Show. Jersey. '06. His sire also produced Dorothy's Pearl, P. 10718, H. C, win- ner of the following: Certificate of Merit and 3d Goddington prize, public butter test, May. '07. 1 lb. 15} ozs. in 24 hrs., 119 days after calving, at 4 yrs. old. Certificate of Merit, May, 09, 1 lb. 14 ozs., 110 days after calving. 1st prize in the R. J. A. S. official butter tests. '13. 752 lbs. 10Jozs.butterin306 days, 10.998 lbs. milk, at 10 years old. Record in '14-' 15 (369 days). 629 lbs. 12 ozs. butter, 10,094 lbs. milk. Her daughter, Doro- thy's Noble Fern, produced as a two- year-old, in 361 days, 470 lbs. 5.2 ozs. but- ter, 7,103 lbs. milk. (See No. 66 of cata- log.) Her daughter. New Year's Pearl, pro- duced in '13, in 331 days, 478 lbs. 12 ozs. butter, 5.941 lbs. milk; in '14, in 396 days. 522 lbs. 4 ozs. butter, 6,630 lbs. milk; and in 298 days of '15, made 251 lbs. 5 ozs. butter, 3,320 lbs. 8 ozs. milk; a total of 1 ,252 lbs. 5 ozs. but- ter in 1,025 days of lactation. She is dam of the bull. Island Butter King, P. 5323, H. C. late- ly added to the string of great serv- ice bulls in the "Oak- lands" herd of Mr. John A. Perree, Secretary of the Is- land of Jersey Herd Book Society. Rozel's Maid 2d, P. 8887, C. Leda's Golden Lad, P. 3063. H. C ; — 1st over Jer. and 1st State's pr., '01 and 02 (44 entries and 28 entries, respectively). 1st and Sweepstakes, St. Martin Show, 01 and '02. „, , 1st and Champion, with progeny, Western Club, '05. Sire of many prize winners and of 1 1 butter test cows, the latter including; Golden Leda's Nursie, 213594, that we sold to Messrs. Ayer & McKinney for $1,000. and who made an official record of 567 lbs. 9 ozs. butter in 1 year, from 10.069 lbs. 4.8 ozs.'milk. Leda's Fawn Lady, 532 lbs. 12 ozs. butter in 1 year. Victoria of Athenia. 14 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 7 days; Junior Champion female at World s Fair, St. Louis, '04. ... He has a number of sons with tested daughters, including Aurifer, P. 3716. H. C, sire of 3, including Aurifer's Favorite. 286527, 565 lbs. 7 ozs. butter in 1 year; sold in our '13 auction for $400, at 5 yrs. old. Rochette's Golden Lad. P. 3856, H. C. winner of two 1st prizes at Royal Shows and Grand Championship at Tennessee State Fair; sire of 3 tested cows. Sire of Christmas Pride, Rozel's Victory 6th, Zelie 3d, all 1st prize winners at the Royal Shows; and many other winners. Leda's Golden Lad was imported by Mr. Wm. Rockefeller, and headed his noted herd. His untimely death, in a fire which destroyed the Rockefeller stables, was a distinct loss to the Jersey breed. Martine, F. 8461. C. f Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C. (Eminent, 69631. A. J. C. C.) Winner 1st State's pr. over Jer. (with his get). '01 and '02. Goddington purse, '02. Sold in our '05 auction for $10,000, to the late Hon. A. M. Bowman, Salem, Va. Eminent 2d has 81 daughter that have made tests in Amer- ica and on the Is- land. Eighteen of his un- tested daughters are the dams of butter test cows. He has 25 or more sons that are the sires of butter test cows. Among his tested daughters are: Eminent's Oxford Pride, 656 lbs. but- ter in one year. Rose Fern Rosebud. 642 lbs. 1 1 ozs. butter in 1 year. Eminent's Honey- moon. 592 lbs. 12 ozs. Eminent's Fontaine Bess, 580 lbs. 2 ozs. Rosetta Eminent, 567 lbs. 15 ozs. My Eminent's Carna- tion, 565 lbs. 6 ozs. Among his producing sons are: Eminent's Raleigh. 69011, sire of 48 tested cows and 13 bulls with tested daughters, including Raleigh's Fairy Boy. sire of 40, and Mabel's Raleigh, sire of 24. Eminent 10th, 75753, sire of 10 tested cows. Imp. King of Hambie, 65298, sire of 6 test- ed cows. Rozel's Maid, F. 7826, C. Senator, P. 2759, H. C. Sire of Pretty Lady Superior 10th, P. 9401, H. C, winner of 4th prize over Jer. and Par. prize, Class 2, Aug., '02. Astor, P. 3042, H. C. 1st over Jer., Aug., '02, and Apr., '03; 2d State's pr., Aug.. '02; 2d over Jer.. with h i s progeny. Apr., '07; 1st over Jer., with his prog- eny, Apr.. '08. Sire of a long list of win- ners and cows with public butter tests. Golden Leda, P. 8000, H. C. 1st over Jer., '01. 1st prize and Cham- pionship, N. C. S., '00 and '01 ; milked over 40 lbs. per day with first calf. Dam of Stockwell. sold at our '07 sale for $11,500. Forfarshire's Golden Leda. 187458. 1st prize and Sweep- stakes at St. Sa- viour and Grouville Show, May, '04. Golden Fern's Lad, \ P. 2160, H. C. (Imp. Golden Fern's Lad, 65300, A. J. C. C.) Winner of 1st pr. and Championsip, North Club Show, '96 and '97. Purchased by us for use at "Linden Grove," when 9 yrs. old. for $2,250. Sire of many prize winners and tested cows. Among his many pr. winning sons and daughters are: Eminent 2d, 1st "State's prize over Jersey, '01 and '02 (with his progeny); sold in our '05 auc- tion for $10,000; sire of 81 tested daughters. Flying Fox, Champion winner over the Is- land, Aug., '99; sold in our '02 auction for $7,500; sire of 26 tested daughters and prize winners. Lady Aldan, 1st over Jer. and Blythwood Bowl, Aug.. '09. Napoleon Bonaparte. 1st over Jer., '99 and '00. Dreyfus, 1st over Jer., April, '01. Distinction's Pearl 2d, 1st over Jersey, '01 ; sold in our '09 auc- tion for $900. Eminence, F. 7124. H. C. Dam of Little Eminence, 122506, 21 lbs. 6 ozs. Eminence of the Is- land. 15 lbs. 10 ozs., when ten years old. Leda, whose daughter. Golden Leda, won 1st over the Island, and is dam of the bulls. Stockwell. Leda's Golden Lad, Topsman, etc. (See above.) Satisfaction, P. 3127. H. C, 3d over Jer., '89. Boyle, P. 1559, H. C. Sire of Fontaine 7th, 8th and 9th, all prize winners over the Is- land. Fontaine 9th milked over 9,000 lbs. milk in a year; 41 lbs. 4 ozs. in 24 hours. He also sired the great cow, "Speckled Band." public but- ter test. May, '97, 2 lbs. 3i ozs., 140 days in milk; dam of the wonderful cow "Nursie," who made the phenomenal rec- ord of 2 lbs. 7} ozs. of butter in 24 hrs.. and won the Silver Medal in the public butter test on the Island, after being in milk 300 days and within 90 days of calving. She sold in our '07 sale for $2,200 to Mr. A. B. Lewis. During our visit to the Island of Jersey, for a number of years, it has always been our great pleasure to ex- amine the daughters of the famous bull, Boyle. They were of great size, carry- ing beautiful heads and the very best of udders and teats. Golden Fern, P. 4711, H. C. 2d over Jer., 2d H. B. and Par. prize, '94. Traveler. P. 280. C. Sire of Clubs 2d. 16725. butter test. 14 lbs. 7 ozs. in 7 days. 208i lbs. milk, at 8 years old. Brown Fern, F. 4606, C. Dam of Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944, H. C, dam of Aurea, P. 8693, H. C. (now Eminent's Fern of St. Martin, 252122). public butter test, May, '07. 2 lbs. 5i ozs., 65 days in milk. Nizam, P. 2408, H. C. 1st pr., St. Peter, '97. Sire of Golden Lad of St. Peter, 57223. Cham, winner over three Western Par- ishes, '99. Belle du Couvent, P. 4674, H. C. 1st over Jer., '94. Dam of Belle du Cou- vent 5th, 3d over Jer., May, '02. Daughter of Golden Lad, P. 1242, H. C, out of Orphan 2d, P. 2844. H. C 1st pr., St. Mary Show, '92. Golden Fern's Lad, P. 2160, H. C. 1st and Champion at N. C. Show, '96. '97. Ten of his get have been sold at an aver- age of $4,560. Sire of Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C; etc. (See below.) Leda, P. 6636, H. C. One of the best cows the Island has ever produced. Dam of Leda's Prince. 1st prize, Tunbridge Wells, England, '01. Daughter of Eminence, F. 7124, H. C. (as below). Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. 1st over the Island, Aug., '90; also win- ner of £15 prize. Sire of 32 tested cows. including: Golden Lad's Fawn Duchess. 166538, 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. Golden Lad's Lady Rose, 162097, 21 lbs. \0k ozs. Sandgate. 122509. 20 lbs. lOfc ozs. Zulu Lady, 20 lbs. 10 ozs. Golden Naiad, 18 lbs. l£ ozs. Golden Kola. 127232, 17 lbs. Si ozs. Golden Lass of St. John. 149150. 16 lbs. 3 ozs. Golden Ora. 127228. 16 lbs. li ozs. Six of his sons have tested daughters in Register of Merit. Tootsie, P. 3214. H. C. Parish prize. '90. Granddaughter of Quality. F. 1748, H. C. Golden Lad, P. 1242. H. C. Sixty-five of his get sold at auction m America at an aver- age of $527 a head. Sire of Golden Lad s Fawn Duchess. 166538. 23 lbs. 6 ozs. in 7 days. (See above.) Brown Fern 2d, P. 1944, H. C. 2d St. Martin Show, '94, '95. Dam of Aurea, P. 8693, H. C, Bronze Medal winner in public but- ter test. Oct., '03. Her sire. Cetewayo 2d. P. 370, H. C, is a son of Cetewayo, P. 224. C, sire of Cete- wayo's Silver Bell. 17 lbs. 24ozs.;Cete- wayo's Lily, 17 lbs.; Cetewayo's Daisy. 16 lbs. 4 ozs. (We im- ported Cetewayo's Daisy and sold her in our '83 auction for $1,600.) Bred April 10, 1916, to Golden Beatrice's Sultan, 121193, A. J. C. C, the last son of the famous Golden Beatrice 2d 162060 and her only son by Sultana's Golden Jolly, 86160. (See front pages for his extended pedigree.) Here is a young bull that stands in a "class by himself." His lamented sire, Sultana's Golden Tolly, was a Grand Champion winner, and the sire of Grand Ltiam- pions. His dam, Golden Beatrice 2d, tested at the rate of 18 lbs. 6 ozs. butter in 7 days, and repeatedly milked -^ to -4 qts. daily. She is probably the dam of more high selling calves than any cow in the world. T. S. COOPER & SONS' AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE, MAT 30. 1916. LARGEST JERSEY SHOW IN 1915 "LINDEN GROVE" BLOOD AGAIN TRIUMPHS AT THE GREAT TEXAS STATE FAIR. Under Prof. Hugh G. Van Pelt, judge, won all Championships, and Seventeen out of Twenty First Prizes. Eighteen herds represented, with 350 head of Jerseys. The Falfurrias Herd, owned by Mr. Ed. C. Lasater, Falfurrias, Texas, mostly of "Linden Grove" blood, did most of the winning. AS AT NASHVILLE, "LINDEN GROVE" BLOOD "CLEANED THE PLATTER." GRAND CHAMPION BULL— We imported his sire, Noble of Oaklands 95700, and sold him in our 1911 auction for $15,000. We imported Eminent 2d, P. 2532, H. C, the sire of his dam, and sold him in our 1905 auction for $10,000. We imported his half-sister (same dam), and sold her in our 1914 auction as a two-year-old for $1,000 GRAND CHAMPION COW— Sultan's Dark Beauty 252210 imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our 1911 auction for $725. She was Grand Champion at National Jersey Show, Ohio and Illinois State fairs, in 1911, and had won First Prize at the Royal Show, Jersey, 44 entries, May, 1910. Her daughter by Gamboge's Knight (hred at "Lin- den Grove") was First Prize heifer calf at Texas State fair, 1912, and Junior Champion at Indiana State fair and Kansas City, as a yearling, 1913. GET OF SIRE— FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD PRIZES won by the get of three Noble of Oaklands bulls. First by Nobleman of St. Cloud, sold in our 1907 auction, when six weeks old for $325. Second by the Grand Champion bull mentioned above. Third by Aldan's Noble, imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our 1913 auction for $235 to Mr. Lasater, who values him at $5,000. TWELVE-DAY BUTTER TEST— First prize (heifer class) won by Oxford Vixen's Brown Beauty 294310, bred by Mr. Lasater from parents purchased at "Linden Grove." Her sire, Oxford Vixen's Majesty 95474, was imported by us in 1910, and sold as a yearling for $100. Her dam Noble's Brown Beauty 224609, imported by us in 1908 and sold as a four-year-old for $300. JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL— Son of Aldan's Noble 89581 who was in service at "Linden Grove" for three years He sired both the First Prize Senior and Junior bull calves, in classes of 12 and 14 entries. We imported Aldan's Noble's sire (Noble of Oaklands I and his dam (Mabel's Poet's Lady Aldan), the latter being dam of Raleigh's highest testing daughter — 744 lbs. 5 oz. butter in one year. Mabel's Poet's Lady Aldan is still in the "Linden Grove" herd, in calf to Oxford You'll Do. She is out of the same dam as Golden Fern's Noble. JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE— By a son of Noble of Oak- lands (imported by "Linden Grove"]. Noble of Oaklands now has 37 official test daughters, and 28 sons with of- ficial test daughters. We imported Noble of Oaklands' sire, and his dam. Lady Viola, who sold in our 1911 auc- tion for $7,000. We imported his paternal grandsire, and both grandams, and other ancestors. SENIOR HEIFER CALVES, TWENTY ENTRI ES— First Prize won by a granddaughter of Noble of Oaklands. (She was also Junior Champion). AGED BULLS, EIGHT ENTRIES— We imported the sire and maternal grandsire of the First Prize bull; the grandsire of the Second Prize bull; while the Third Prize bull was sold in our 1914 auction fur $325, at two years old. TWO-YEAR-OLD BULLS, FIVE ENTRIES— First Prize won by a son of Golden Fern's Grey Prince 73208, bred at "Linden Grove" and sold in our 1911 auction for $1,500. His sire, Golden Fern's Lad, reigned for five years at "Linden Grove," and his dam's sire (Flying Fox, son of Golden Fern's Lad), was sold in our 1902 auction for $7,500. YEARLING BULLS, SIX ENTRI ES— First Prize won by a son of Nobleman of St. Cloud (winner of First Prize for "get of sire") and Eminent's Clemence, both imported by "Linden Grove." The Second Prize bull was by Flora's Blue Fox 73212, bred at "Linden Grove," sired by Flying Fox. SENIOR BULL CALVES, FOURTEEN ENTRIES— First Prize Bull sired by Aldan's Noble 89581 (imported by "Linden Grove.") JUNIOR BULL CALVES, TWELVE ENTRIES— First Prize bull (also Junior Champion), sired by Aldan's Noble 89581. AGED COWS, FOURTEEN ENTRI ES— First Prize to Sul- tan's Dark Beauty (the Senior and Grand Champion cow), imported by "Linden Grove." Second Prize to Mabel's Raleigh's Gray Beauty 306565, sold in our 1914 auction for $1,375. She is dam of Imp. Nimay 272571, in Register of Merit, 429 lbs. 15 oz. butter in one year, at 4 years old. THREE-YEAR-OLD COWS, ELEVEN ENTRI ES— First Prize to Martha You'll Do 306627, sold in our 1914 auc- tion for $745. (Her sire, Oxford You'll Do, P. 4075, H. C, is now in the "Linden Grove" stables.) Second Prize won by a daughter of Nobleman of St. Cloud (First Prize for "get of sire"); and Third Prize by a daughter of Ox- ford's Raleigh 75267, imported by "Linden Grove" and later owned by Mr. W. Gettys. TWO-YEAR-OLD HEIFERS, THIRTEEN ENTRI ES— First. Prize won by a granddaughter of Majesty and Raleigh's Fairy Boy, both imported by "Linden Grove" and each the sire of 40 tested cows. Second Prize cow sired by a son of Majesty. SENIOR YEARLING HEIFERS, ELEVEN ENTRIES— First Prize to a daughter of Majesty's Western King 113111, both of whose parents were imported by "Linden Grove" and sold in our auctions. Second Prize by a daughter of Topsy's Fontaine Prince 95704 (imported by "Linden Grove"). (ALL FIRST PRIZES FOR HERDS AND OTHER GROUPS WERE WON BY MR. LASATER, MOSTLY WITH PRIZE WINNERS IN THE OTHER CLASSES, AND ALL OF "LINDEN GROVE" BLOOD.) "IF YOU WANT TO BE CALLED UP FRONT BY THE JUDGE," WHAT'S THE ANSWER? Annual Decoration Day Auction, "Linden Grove," Coopersburg, Pa., Tuesday, May 30