UMASS/AMHERST 312066 030 9990 9 DDDaDDDDaDanDDDaDanDDDnDDDDDDDnn Q D D D D D ^o*^% D D D a ^jp^-t \ D D D n > ara M 5 D D o * kV vdS Isf 50; C. .$200; E. 1. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of articles m'd, $600 ; C. $225 ; E. 1. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1; Y. of ware, $1,000; C. $500; E. 2. Tanneries, 1 ; hides tanned, 1,000; Y. of leather tanned and curried, $4,000; C. $2,500; E. 3 ; bark consumed, 75 cords; Y. $400. Boots m'd, 200 pairs; shoes, 700 pairs; Y. of boots and shoes, $1,400; M. E. 4. Palm-leaf Hats m'd, 45,000; Y. $6,250; F. E. 100. Y, of Building Stone quarried and prepared, $1,000; E. 10. Lumber prepared, 142,100 feet; Y. $1,465; E. 142. Fire Wood prepared, 2,041 cords; Y. $3,735; E. 100. Charcoal prepared, 50,000 bush. ; Y. $3,000 ; E. 10. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 1,400 galls. ; Y. $1,370; other oil, 2,700 galls.; Y. $1,880; Y. of other articles of American production, excepting cotton, wool and iron, con- sumed in manufacturing, $1,797; Y. of other articles of foreign production, excepting as above consumed, $9,546. 23 178 Merino Sheep, 703 ; other sheep, 1,869 ; V. of all the sheep, $5,510; merino wool produced, 2,100 lbs. ; other wool, 5,600 lbs. ; V. of all the wool, $2,695. Horses, 233 ; V. $6,270 ; neat cattle, 1,791 ; V. $33,938; swine, 369 ; V. $2,077. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 10,075 bush.; V. $7,554; rj'-e, 2,200 bush. ; V. $1,650; oats, 9,386 bush.; V. $3,129: pota- toes, 32,909 bush.; Y. $8,227; hay, 3,475 tons; V. $28,460. Fruit raised, 21,810 bush. ; V. $2,248. Butter, 48,855 lbs.; V. $6,150; cheese, 39,405 lbs.; V. $1,986. MONTGOMERY. Lumber prepared, 62,200 feet ; V. $503 ; rail-road sleepers, 1,500 ; V. $230. Fire Wood prepared, 487 cords ; V. $609; charcoal, 10,150 bush.; V. $457; bark, 49 cords; V. $109. Merino Sheep, 784; other sheep, 634; V. of all the sheep, $2,746 ; merino wool, 1,740 lbs.; other wool, 1,641 lbs. ; V. of all the wool, $1,188. Horses, 60; V. $2,660; neat cattle, 414; V. $7,400; swine, 112; V. $645. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 2,897 bush.; V. $1,883; wheat, 9 bush. ; V. $9 ; rye, 1,109 bush. ; V. $832 ; oats, 3,420 bush. ; V. $1,140; potatoes, 4,169 bush. ; V. $1,042; other esculent vegetables, 221 bush.; V. $85; hay, 1,041 tons; V. $7,287; beans, 10 bush. ; V. $13; buckwheat, 256 bush.; V. $128; clover seed, 244 bush. ; V. $1,464. Fruit raised, 9^296 bush.; V. $920. Butler, 12,392 lbs. ; V. $1,548; cheese, 4,005 lbs. ; Y. $200; honey, 255 lbs. ; Y. $32; beeswax, 22 lbs. ; Y. $6. 179 PALMER. Cotton Mills, 2 ; spindles, 23,020 ; cotton consumed, 470,000 lbs.; printing and bleaching goods m'd, 2,640,939 yds.; V. $211,538; C. $360,000; M. E. 225; F. E. 255. Woollen Mills, I; sets of machinery, 2 ; wool consumed, 65,000 lbs. ; satinet m'd, 58,000 yds.; V. $32,000; C. $25,000; M. E. 16; F. E. 13. Furnaces for m. of Hollow Ware and Castings other than Pig Iron, 1 ; hollow ware and castings m'd, 150 tons ; V. $10,- 000; C. $5,000; E. 10. Establishments for m. of Cotton , Woollen and other Machin- ery, 1; V. of machinery, .$2,000; C. $1,000; E. 4. Scythe Manufactories, 1; scythes m'd, 14,000; V. .$9,000; C. $3,000 ; E. 15. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 2; V. of articles m'd, $1,000; C. $300; E. 3. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars, Coaches and other Vehicles, 4; V. of vehicles m'd, $6,260; C. $4,500; E. 16. Soap and Tallow Candle Manufactories, 1 ; soft soap m'd, 175 bbls. ; V. $350 ; E. 1. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 2 ; V. of articles m'd, $1,000; C. $500; E. 2. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; V. of ware, $2,000 ; C. $800 ; E. 2. Boots m'd, 500 pairs; shoes, 750 pairs; V. of boots and shoes, $2,200; M. E. 6; F. E. 1. Palm-leaf Hals m'd, 14,000; V. $1,960; F. E. 75. Bricks m'd, 150,000 , V. $700 ; E. 2. Lumber prepared, 80,000 fent ; V. $800; E. 5. Fire Wood prepared, 2,136 cords ; V. $4,362 ; E. 5. V. of Reeds m'd, $800; C. $500; E. 2. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 3,650 galls. ; V. $3,485; whale oil, 1,250 galls.; V. $1,008; other oil, 1,400 galls.; V. $840 ; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 100 tons; V. .^1,000; V. of other articles of American produc- tion, excepting cotton, wool and iron, consumed in manufactur- ^* |h*€x1 180 ing, $11,000 ; V. of other articles of foreign production, except- ing as above consumed, $400. Merino Sheep, 2,377 ; V. $3,474 ; merino wool produced, 5,990 lbs.; V. $l,9S-4>. Horses, 230; V. $10,920; neat cattle, 993; ¥.$18,877; swine, 302; V. $1,812. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 10,930 bnsh. ; V. $6,831 ; wheat, 35 bush. ; V. $35 ; rye, 4,002 bnsii. ; V. $2,708; oats, 10,702 bush. ; Y. $3,2-8 ; potatoes, 19,010 bush. ; V. $4,752 ; other esculent vegetables, 3,380 bush.; V. $1,506; buckwheat, 1,050 bush. ; y. .$.')25; hay, 2,152 tons; V. $17,216. Fruit raised, 6,062 bush.; V. $S.!2. Butter, 25,090 lbs.; V. $3,136; cheese, 23,800 lbs.; V. $1,488; honey, 311 lbs.; V. $39. RUSSELL. Cotton Mills, 1; spindles, 160; cotton consumed, 8,000 lbs.; V. of cotton twine ni'd, $788; M. E. 1 ; F. E. 4. Lumber prepared, 570,000 feet of hemlock boards, &.c., and 50,000 shingles; V. $2,950; E. 6. Fire Wood prepared, 840 cords; V. $584. Merino Sheep, 499; V. $748 ; merino wool, 1,247 lbs. ; V. $374. Horses, 47; V. $1,477; neat cattle, 435; V. $6,541 ; swine, 75 ; V. $375. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 1,902 bush. ; V. $1,103 ; wheat, 13 bush. ; V. $19; rye, 472 bush. ; V.$283; oats, 1,621 bush. ; V. $405 ; potatoes, 3,375 bush. ; V. $675 ; hay, 875 tons ; V. $6,125; flax, 50 lbs.; V. $6. Fruit raised, 1,629 bush. ; V. $326. Butter, 13,275 lbs. ; V. $1,593; cheese, 4,000 lbs.; V. $200; honey, 50 lbs. ; V. $6 ; beeswax, 10 lbs. ; V. $3. 181 SOUTHWICK. Powder Mills, 1 ; powder m'd, 2,500 kegs ; V. $6,250 ; C. |2,000 ; E. 2. Tanneries, 1 ; hides tanned, 1,000; V. of leather tanned and curried, $1,000; C. $200; E. 2. Boots m'd, 100 pairs ; shoes, 300 pairs ; V. of boots and shoes, $500; M. E. 1. V. of Snuff, Tobacco, and Cigars m'd, $3,458; E. 30. V. of Whips m'd, $175; E. 1. Lumber prepared, 14,500 feet; V. $145. Fire Wood prepared, G25 cords; V. $1,343. Sheep, 1,572 ; Y. $1,572 ; wool produced, 4,729 lbs. ; V. $1,578. Horses, 151; V. $7,340; neat cattle, 977; V. $20,362; swine, 275; V. $1,841. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 10,215 bush.; Y. $5,108; rye, 8,378 bush.; Y. $6,874; oats, 6,214 bush.; Y. $1,902; po- tatoes, 11,915 bush.; Y. $9,976; other esculent vegetables, 1,705 bush.; Y. $332; hay, 1,748 tons; Y. $12,332; buck- wheat, 8,376 bush. ; Y. $3,350. Fruil raised, 44,004 bush.; Y. $2,676; tobacco, 10,400 lbs. ; Y. $627. Butter, 13,043 lbs.; Y. $1,631 ; cheese, 4,165 lbs.; Y. $370; honey, 18,000 lbs. ; Y. $2,160. SPRLNGFIELD. Cotton Mills, 10; spindles, 63.172; cotton consumed, 6,215,- 566 lbs. ; sheetings, shirtings, drillings, and printing goods m'd, 17,864,351 yds.; Y. $1,341,774; C. $2,400,000 ; M. E. 493; F. E. 1,243. Woollen Mills, 3 ; sets of machinery, 6 ; wool consumed, 117,000 lbs. ; satinet m'd, 50,000 yds. ; Y. $30,000; Kentucky jeans, 192,000 yds.; Y. $55,200; C. $14,000; M. E. 29; F. E. 21. Furnaces for m. of Hollow Ware and Castings, other than 182 Pig Iron, 4; hollow ware and castings m'd, 1,200 tons; T. ^01,200; C. |2l,000; E. 41. Establishments for m. of Cotton, Woollen, and other Ma- chinery, 2; V. of machinery m'd, $105,000; C. $65,000; E. 110. Establishments for m. of Cutlery, 1 ; V. of m's, $40,000; C. $20,000 ; E. 44. Lock Manufactories, 1 ; locks m'd, 200 ; V. $1,000 ; C. $500 ; E. 3. Plough Manufactories, 2 ; ploughs and other agricultural tools m'd, 175 ; V. $1,150 ; C. $300 ; E. 2. Brass Foundries, 2; V. of articles m'd, $11,500; C. $6,000; - E. 7. Paper Manufactories, 2; stock consumed, 1,000 tons; paper m'd, 90,000 reams; V. $100,000; C. $75,000; E. 125. Brush Manufactories, 1 ; V. of brushes m'd, $3,000 ; C. $700 ; E. 3. Saddle, Harness, and Trunk Manufactories, 6; V. of articles m'd, $23,750; C. $6,300 ; E. 24. Upholstery Manufactories, 1 ; V. of m's, $1,460; C. $700; E. 4. Hat and Cap Manufactories, 8 ; hats and caps m'd, 16.500 ; V. $26,400; C. $9,150; E. 19. Cordage Manufictories, 1 ; cordage m'd, 20 tons; V. $4,000; C. $2,000 ; E. 4. Card Manufactories, 1; Y. of cards m'd, $15,000; C. $10,- 000 ; E. 6. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars, Coaches, Chaises, and other Vehicles, 8 ; V. of vehicles m'd, $29,425 ; C. $17, 800; E. 65. Lead Manufactories, 1; V. of m's, $2,000; C. $1,000; E. 1. Soap and Tallow Candle Manufactories, 3; soap m'd, 42 tons hard and 2,200 bbls. soft; V. $9,720 ; candles, 40,000 lbs.; V. $3,600; C $10,500; E. 11. Establishments for m. of Fire Arms, 2 ; rifles, carbines, fowling-pieces, and pistols m'd, 5,100; V. $45,800; C. $25,200; E. 49; also, m'd at the United States Armory, 12,000 percus- sion muskets ; V. $144,000; C. $727,000; E. 250. 183 Bronze Cannon, six pounders, m'd, 50; V. $17,000; C. $10,000; E. 6. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories. C ; V. of articles m'd, |21,S00; C. |10,100; E. 29. Tin Ware Manufactories, 6; V. of ware and sheet iron m'd, $42,000; C. $10,250; E. 27. Flouring Mills, 1 ; flour m'd, 1,200 bbls. ; V. $6,000 ; C. $1,000; E. 1. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 2,200 ; V. of leather tanned and curried, $5,374; C. $4,000; E. 7. Boots m'd, 5,270 pairs; shoes, 11,598 pairs; V. of boots and shoes, $28,258 ; M. E. 57. Bricks m'd, 6,000,000; V. $28,137; E. 76. V. of Building Stone quarried and prepared, $2,500; E. 4. V. of Blocks and Pumps m'd, $2,700; E. 4. y. of Mechanics' Tools m'd, $11,000; E. 13. Corn and other Brooms m'd, 20,000 ; Y. $3,000; E. 4. Lumber prepared, 1,100,000 feet; V. $11,700; E. 11. Fire Wood prepared, 2,430 cords; V. $10,327; E. 6. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 16,550 galls. ; V. $12,901 ; whale oil, 830 galls. ; V. $322; other oil, 300 galls. ; V. $450; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 1,105 tons; V. $8,120; bituminous coal, mined in the U. IStates, 34 J chaldrons; V. $430; V. of other articles of American pro- duction, excepting cotton, woollen, and iron, consumed in man- ufacturing, $31,757; V. of other articles of foreign production, excepting as above, consumed, $4,000. Sheep, 1,110; V. $1,665; wool produced, 3,022 lbs. ; V. $907. Horses, 792; V. $27,520; neat cattle, 1,341; V. $16,288; swine, 991 ; V. $5,946. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 25,284 bush.; V. $17,698; wheat, 691 bush.; V. $1,036; rye, 14,052 bush.; V. $9,836; oats, 13,937 bush. ; V. $5,017; buckwheat raised, 2,560 bush. ; V. $1,280; beans raised, 460 bush. ; V. $690; potatoes, 25,581 bush.; V. $10,232; other esculent vegetables, 10,825 bush.; Y. $2,165; hay, 3,885 tons; Y. $46,620. Fruit raised, 9,365 bush.; Y. $3,746 ; tobacco, 49,000 lbs. ; Y. $3,920. 184 Butter, 41,921 lbs.; V. $5,869; honey, 1,050 lbs.; V. $131, Hair Cloth m'd, 700 yds. ; V. $560; 6. $300; E. 3. V. of Sashes and Blinds m'd, $11,000 ; C. $4,200 ; E. 22. V. of Flasks and Pouches m'd, $800 ; C. $300 ; E. 2. V. of Wooden Aqueduct Logs prepared, $4,328; C. $2,000 E. 5. TOLLAND. Establishments for m. of Shovels, Spades, Forks, and Hoes, 1 ; V. of articles m'd, $2,000; C. $1,500 ; E. 3. Clock Manufactories, 1 ; clocks m'd, 20,000 ; V. $40,000 ; C. $5,000 ; E. 20. Tanneries, 2 ; hides taimcd, 4,000 ; V. of leather tanned and curried, $19,000; C. $0,000; E. 11. Lumber prepared, 236,000 feet ; V. $1,060 ; E. 3. Fire Wood prepared, 100 cords ; V. $50 ; liemlock bark, 273 cords; Y. $682. Sheep, 728; V. .$800; wool produced, 2,100; V. $735. Horses, 100; V. $4,261 ; neat cattle, 1,275; V. $17,606 ; swine, 185; V. $1,060. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 1,089 bush. ; Y. $713; wheat, 30 bush. ; Y. $15 ; rye, 158 bush. ; Y. $95; barley, 73 bush. ; Y. $33; oats, 2,142 bush.; Y. $643 ; potatoes, 6,645 bush.; V. $1,461; other esculent vegetables, 600 bush.; V. $100; hay, 2,259 tons; Y. $11,295; flax, 200 lbs.; Y. $30. Fruit raised, 10,135 bush.; Y. $500. Butter, 19,630 lbs. ; Y. $1,963 ; cheese, 159,000 lbs. ; Y. $6,360; honey 100 lbs.; Y. $15; maple sugar, 12,000 lbs.; Y. $840. WALES. Woollen Mills, 1; sets of machinery, 2; wool consumed, 70,000 lbs. ; satinet m'd, 80,000 yds. ; Y. $56,000; C. $16,000 ivi. E. 15 ; F. E. 15. 185 Hoe Manufactories, 1 ; V. of hoes m'd, $175; E. 1. Establisliments for m. of Rail-road Cars, Coaches, Chaises and other Vehicles, 1 ; V. of vehicles m'd, $2,410; C. $500; E. 3. Tanneries, 1 ; hides tanned, 1,010; V. of leather tanned and curried, $1,313; C. $500 ; E. 2. Boots m'd, 1.514 pairs; shoes, 3,050 pairs; V. of boots and shoes, $7,000 ; M. E. 20. V. of Straw Braid m'd and not made into bonnets and hats, $150 ; palm-leaf hats m'd, 10,000 ; V. $2,400 ; F. E. 64. Bricks m'd, 100,000; V. $150; E. 2. Lumber prepared, 70,000 feet; V. $525 ; E. 2; shingles, 75,- 000 ; V. $137. Fire Wood prepared, 372 cords ; V. $5S9 ; E. 2. Sperm Oil consumed in manafactming, 200 galls. ; V. $200 ; other oil, 1,000 galls. ; V. $050; V. of other articles of Ameri- can prodnction, excepting cotton, wool and iron, consumed in manufacturing, $1,200 ; V. of other articles of foreign produc- tion, excepting as above consumed, $2,500. Merino Sheep, 714; V. $1,423; merino wool produced, 1,800 lbs. ; V. $G50. Horses, 56; V. $3,360; neat cattle, 527; Y. $8,750; swine, 60 ; V. $500. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 2,400 bush. ; V. $1,800; rye, 225 bush. ; V. $168 ; oats, $3,000 bush. ; V. $1,000 ; potatoes, 8,700 bush. ; V. $2,175 ; other esculent vegetables, 500 bush. ; V. $200; hay, 1,000 tons; V. $8,000. Fruit raised, 7,700 bush. ; V. $770. Butter, 12,500 lbs. ; V. $1,562 ; cheese, 12,500 lbs. ; V. $625. Hoops prepared, 10,000 ; Y. $150. Steel Carriage Springs m'd, 15 sets; Y. $83. WESTFIELD. Plough Manufcictorics, 1 ; ploughs and other agricultural tools m'd, 150; Y. $1,050; C. $250; E. 1. 24 186 Paper Manufactories, 1 ; stock consumed, 110,000 lbs.; pa- per m'd, 6,000 reams; V. $25,000; C. $30,000; E. 30. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 2; V. of articles m'd, $1,200; C. $900; E. 4. Hat and Cap Manufactories, 1 ; hats and caps m'd, 1,000; V. $2,500; C. $1,000; E. 3. Establishments for m. of Wagons, Sleighs and other Vehicles 4; Y. of vehicles m'd, $4,500; C. $1,500; E. 8. Powder Mills, 2; powder m'd, 88,500 lbs.; V. $9,750 ; C. $3,000 ; E. 3. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of articles m'd, $2,560 ; C. $800 ; E. 5. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of ware, $1,500; C. $500; E. 1. Tanneries, 3; hides tanned, 5,000; Y. of leather tanned and curried, $10,500 ; C. $3,000 ; E. 7. Boots m'd, 925 pairs ; shoes, 4,500 pairs; Y. of boots and shoes, $5,200; M. E. 12 ; F. E. 5. Bricks m'd, 1,300,000; Y. $lv500 ; E. 12. Y. of Snuff, Tobacco and Cigars m'd, $12,500 ; E. 25. Y. of Whips m'd, $100,000 ; M. E. 100; F. E. 200. Y. of Mechanics' Tools m'd, $4,500 ; E. 5. Lumber prepared, 130,000 feet; Y. $1,950 ; E. 5. Fire Wood prepared, 2,590 cords ; Y. $7,770; E. 10. Merino Sheep, 1,057; Y. $1,58G; merino wool produced, 2,282 lbs. ; Y. $685. Asses, 1; Y. $45 ; horses, 370; Y. $18,500; neat cattle, 1,694; Y. $33,880; swine, 753; Y. $3,765. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 22,313 bush. ; Y. $13,388; wheat, 275 bush.; Y. $275; rye, 9,614 bush.; Y. $6,730; bar- ley, 8 bush. ; Y. $6 ; oats, 10,033; Y. $3,010 ; potatoes, 23,935 bush. ; Y. $7,181 ; hay, 2,784 tons; Y. $27,840. Fruit raised, 6,000 bush. ; Y. $1,500 ; tobacco, 43,161 lbs.; Y. $2,158. Butter, 53,835 lbs.; Y. $6,460; cheese, 5,738 lbs.; Y. $344; honey, 2,852 lbs.; Y. $342; beeswax, 149 lbs. ; Y. $3,725. 187 WEST SPRINGFIELD. Cotton Mills, I; spindles, 3,500; cotton consumed, 160,172 lbs. : printing cloth m'd, 802,436 yds. ; V. $48,500; yarn rn'd, (satinet warps,) 30,001) lbs. ; V. $9,000 ; M. E. 15 ; F. E. 50. Woollen Mills, 1 ; sets of machinery, 1 ; wool consumed, 10,500 lbs.; satinet m'd, 7,000 yds.; V. $4,550; flannel or blanketing m'd, 4,000 yds.; V. $2,000; C. $3,500; M. E. 6 ; F. E. 3. Paper Manufactories, 1 ; stock consumed, 150 tons ; paper m'd, 25,000 reams; V. $60,000; C. $30,000; E. 30. Establishments for m. of Wagons and Sleighs and Repairing Vehicles, 6 ; E. 9. Tanneries, 4; hides tanned, 6,360: V. of leather tanned and curried, $13,130; C. $13,550; E. 11. Boots m'd, 200 pairs; shoes, 800 pairs; V. of boots and shoes, $1,500; M. E. 5. Bricks m'd, 450,000; V. $1,800; E. 6. Y. of Snuff, Tobacco and Cigars, $4,901 ; E. 16. V. of Building Stone quarried and prepared, $60,000; E. 40. V. of Whips m'd, $50; E. 1. Corn and other Brooms m'd, 7,752; V. $1,292; E. 1. Lumber prepared, 110,000 feet; V. $1,320; E. 4. Fire Wood prepared, 2,720 cords; V. $10,880; E. 9. Merino Sheep, 2,017; V. $2,017; merino wool produced, 5,539 lbs.; V. $1,939. Horses, 491; V. $25,369; neat cattle, 2,193; V. $43,132; swine, 1,041; V. $8,053. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 25,967 bush. ; Y. $16,879 ; wheat, 2,999 bush.; V. $2,999 ; rye, 13,238 bush.; V. $9,267; oats, 13,513 bush.; V. $4,504; buckwheat, 3,442 bush.; V. $1,721 ; potatoes, 39,686 bush. ; V. $9,922; beans, 270 bush. ; V. $405; V, of other esculent vegetables, $6,082; hay, 5,003 tons; y. $50,030. Fruit raised, 10,714 bush. ; V. $4,581 ; tobacco, 30,150 lbs. ; V. $1,809. Teazles, 600,000 ; V. $700. 188 Butter, 103,923 lbs. ; V. $15,588 ; cheese, 7,435 lbs. ; Y. $520 ; honey, 785 lbs.; V. $131. Broom Seed raised, 744 biisli.; Y. $186. Milk, 37,300 galls. ; Y. $5,968. WILBRAHAM. Plough Manufactories, 1 ; ploughs and other agricultural tools m'd, 1,200; Y. $4,200; C. $3,000; E. 10. Tanneries, 1 ; hides tanned, 150 ; Y. of leather tanned and curried, $750; C. $800; E. 1. Boots m'd, 454 pairs; shoes, 470 pairs; Y. of boots and shoes, $1,378 ; M. E. 4. Pahu-leaf Hats m'd, 700; Y. $116; F. E. 2. Y. of Building Stone quarried and prepared, $2,000; E. 4. Corn and other Brooms m'd, 5,000 ; Y. $500 ; E. 2. Fire Wood prepared, 600 cords; Y. $1,200; E. 2. Merino Sheep, 387; other sheep, 1,992; Y. of all the sheep, $4,163; merino wool produced, 930 lbs.; other wool, 5,500 lbs. ; Y. of all the wool, $2,251. Horses, 252; Y. $10,000; neat cattle, 1,337; Y. $22,729; swine, 375; Y. $1,875. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 13,636 bush.; Y. $8,182; wheat, 177 bush.; Y. $177; rye, 6,270 ; Y. $4,703; oats, 12,038 bush.; Y. $4,013; potatoes, 19,918 bush.; Y. $4,979; other esculent vegetables, 908 bush.; Y. $157; hay, 2,557 tons; Y. $17,899. Fruit raised, 51,832 bush. ; Y. $3,113 ; tobacco, 29,100 lbs. ; Y. $1,455. Butter, 32,340 lbs.; Y. $3,881; cheese, 22,015 lbs.; Y. $1,101 ; honey, 300 lbs. ; Y. $38. 189 COUNTY OF FRANKLIN. ASHFIELD. Tanneries, 3; hides tanned, 1,245; V. of leather tanned and curried, S2,700 ; C. $2,175; E. 4. Palm-leaf Hats m'd, 30,000; V. $3,000. Lumber prepared, 700,000 feet; V. $2,100 ; E. 8. ]\Ierino Sheep, 7,C67; V. $12,000; merino wool produced, 21,402 lbs.; V. $7,515. Horses, ISS ; Y. $5,640; neat cattle, 1,457; V. $15,550; swine, 244; Y. $488. Indian Corn or IMaize raised, 6,253 bush. ; Y. $4,689 ; wheat, 881 bush. ; Y. $881 ; rye, 470 bush. ; Y. $352 ; barley, 157 bush.; Y. $78; oats, 2,441 bush.; Y. $318; potatoes, 23,452 bush.; Y. $3,908; other esculent vegetables, 809 bush.; Y. $144; hay, 3,799 tons; Y. $18,995. Fruit raised, 6,284 bush. ; Y. $1,047. Butter, 49,045 lbs.; Y. $4,904; cheese, 30,846 lbs.; Y. $1,388. Maple Sugar, 59,981 lbs. ; Y. $3,598. Hemlock Bark prepared, 1.500 cords; Y. $4,500. Essences and Patent Medicines m'd, 600 groce ; Y. $2,400. Linen Bosoms and Collars, 92,400; Y. $12,000. BERNARDSTON. Boots m'd, 100 pairs ; shoes, 3,300 pairs ; Y. of boots and shoes, $2,850 ; M. E. 7. Straw Bonnets and Hats m'd, 4,000 ; Y. $400. Lumber prepared, 189,000 feet; Y. $1,122; E. 6. Fire Wood prepared, 300 cords; Y. $400. Charcoal prepared, 8,000 bush. ; Y. $400. 190 Merino Sheep, 1,356 ; other kinds of sheep, 1,056 ; V. of all the sheep, $4,660 ; merino wool produced, 3,802 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 2,152 lbs. ; V. of all the wool, $2,350. Horses, 108; V. $6,300; neat cattle, 739; V. $12,243; swine, 246; V. $1,592. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 7,359 bush. ; V. $4,930; wheat, 79 bush.; V. $118; rye, 2,610 bush.; V. $2,175; barley, 219 bush.; V. $127; oats, 3,830 bush.; V. $1,276; buckwheat raised, 500 bush. ; V. $250 ; potatoes, 7,379 bush. ; V. $2,213 ; other esculent vegetables, 200 bush. ; V. $33; hay, 1,500 tons; V. $12,000 ; flax 100 lbs. ; V. $12. Fruit raised, 4,412 bush.; V. $441; hops, 9,830 lbs.; V. $983. Scythe Snaiths m'd, 6,000 ; V. $2,000 ; E. 10. Beans, 100 bush. ; V. $150. Maple Sugar, 5,000 lbs. ; V. $400. BUCKLAND. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Coaches and other Vehi- cle-s 1 ; V. of vehicles m'd, $600 ; C. $300 ; E. 2. V. of Wooden Ware m'd, $12,500; E. 15. Merino Sheep, 1,000; all other kinds of sheep, 1,524; V. of all kinds, $3,155; merino wool produced, 3,000 lbs. ; all other kinds of wool, 4,572 lbs. ; V. of all kinds of wool, $2,860. Horses, 103; V. $4,120; neat cattle, 679; V. $12,529; swine, 156 ; V. $780. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 4,467 bush. ; V. $2,680 ; wheat, 300 bush. ; V. $375 ; rye, 735 bush. ; V. $551 ; barley, 200 bush.; V. $120; oats, 2,447 bush. ; V. $734; potatoes, 9,190 bush. ; V. $1,838; hay, 990 tons; V. $6,993. Fruit raised, 2,790 bush. ; V. $558. Butter, 23,490 lbs.; V. $2,936; cheese, 33,000 lbs.; V. $1,153. 191 CHARLEMONT. Furnaces for m. of Hollow Ware and Castings other than Pig Iron, 1 ; hollow ware and castings m'd, 4 tons; V. $400; C. $900; E. 2. Shovel, Spado, Fork and Iloe Manufactories, 1 ; V. of arti- cles m'd, $2,000; G. $1,200: E. 4. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 2 ; V. of articles m'd, $800 ; C. $700 ; E. 2. Establishments for rn. of Rail-road Cars and other Vehicles, 1 ; V. of vehicles m'd, $1,500 ; C. $1,200 ; E. 3. Tanneries, 2; hides tanned, 3,800; V. of leather tanned and curried, $18,500: C. $10,700; E. 8. Boots m'd, 3G0 pairs; shoes, 1,700 pairs; V. of boots and shoes, $3,205 ; M. E. 8 ; F. E. 2. Palm-leaf Hats m'd, 25,000; V. $3,000; F. E. 43. V. of Building Stone quarried and prepared, $200 ; E. 1. V. of all other articles m'd, $1,350; C. $235 ; E. 4. Sheep, 3,518; V. $5,277; wool produced, 10,554 lbs.; V. Horses, 155; V. $5,810; neat cattle, 1,175; V. $16,792; swine, 300; V. $1,200. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 6,612 bush.; V. $4,959; wheat, 280 bush. ; V. $350; rye, 1,485 bush. ; V. $1,188; barley, 120 bush.; V. $60; oats, 3,638 bush.; V. $1,091; potatoes, 9,171 bush.; V. $2,267; hay, 2,386 tons; V. $16,702; buckwheat, 375 bush. ; V. $125. Raw Silk, 12 lbs. ; V. $54. Butter, 38,785 lbs.; V. $4,654; cheese, 47,400 lbs.; V. $2,133; honey, 665 lbs.; V. $99. Scythe Snaiths m'd, 25,000; V. $6,500. Shooks m'd, 2,500 ; V. $1,600. COLRAINE. Cotton Mills, 3; spindles, 6,900 ; cotton consumed, 410,000 lbs. ; cotton cloth m'd, (light prints) 2,100,000 yds.; V. $84,- 000; C. $58,000; M. E. 45; F. E. 120. 192 Furnaces for m. of Hollow Ware and Castings other than Pig Iron. 2 ; hollow ware and castings m'd, 70 tons ; V. $5,950 ; C. $4,000 ; E. 4. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; V. of articles m'd, $400; C. $75; E. 1. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 2 ; Y. of articles m'd, $2,500 ; C. $2,000 ; E. 5. Tanneries, 1 ; hides tanned, 355 ; Y. of leather tanned and curried, $1,000; C. $600; E. 1. Boots m'd, 275 pairs; shoes, 1,165 pairs; Y. of boots and shoes, $2,020; M. E. 5. Palm-leaf Hats m'd, 6,594 ; Y. $824. Bricks m'd, 20,000 ; Y. $80. Y. of Mechanics' Tools m'd, $3,000 ; E. 4. Y. of Wooden Ware m'd, $200 ; E. 1. Lumber prepared, 140,000 feet; Y. $1,429. Fire Wood prepared, 333 cords ; Y. $766. Y. of Wagon Shafts and Bedstead Posts m'd, $2,000 ; C. $1,200; E. 4. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 1,250 galls. ; Y. $1,250; all other kinds of oil, 110 galls.; Y. $75 ; bituminous coal mined in the U. States consumed in manufacturing, 20 tons ; Y. $300. Merino Sheep, 1,913; other sheep, 3,773; Y. of all the sheep, $8,529 ; merino wool produced, 6,695 lbs. ; other wool pro- duced, 11,319 lbs. ; Y. of all the wool, $6,212. Horses, 250; Y. $10,720; neat cattle, 1,936; Y. $33,954 ; swine, 309 ; Y. $1,854. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 11.639 bush. ; Y. $8,729 : wheat, 279 bush. ; Y. $348 ; rye, 990 bush. ; Y. $742 ; barley, 785 bush. ; Y. $392 ; oats, 7,946 bush. ; Y. $2,701 ; potatoes, 17,- 612 bush.; Y. $4,403; hay, 4,154 tons; Y. $24,924; flax, 526 lbs. ; Y. $65. Frnit raised, 15,000 bush. ; Y. $1,728. Butter, 39,205 lbs. ; Y. $4,900 ; cheese, 55,294 lbs. ; Y. $2,764 ; honey, 1,272 lbs. ; Y. $222 ; beeswax, 50 lbs. ; Y. $21. Maple Sugar m'd, 34,760 lbs. ; Y. $2,780. Y. of Doors and Blinds m'd, $1,200; C. $600 ; E. 3. 193 CONWAY. Cotton Mills, 2 ; spindles, 2,416 ; cotton consumed, 125,800 lbs. ; printing cloth ni'd, 227,000 yds. ; sheetings, 127,200 yds. ; V. $20, 308 ; cotton yarn m'd and not made into cloth, 162, .520 yds.; V. $6,972; cotton batting m'd, 2,525 lbs.: V. $151; C. $20,000 ; M. E. 22 ; F. E. 36. Woollen Mills, satinet, 1 ; sets of machinery, 2; wool con- sumed, 62,000 lbs. ; satinet m'd, 87,600 yds.; V. $56,000 ; C. $21,300; M. E. 17; F. E. 12. Ploughs m'd, 6 ; V. $65. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1; V. of articles m'd, $500 ; C. $300 ; E. 1. Hat and (yap Manufactories, 1 ; hats and caps m'd, 300 : Y. $900 ; C. $500 ; E. 2. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars and other Vehicles, 2; V. of vehicles m'd, $1,800; G. $1,000; E. 3. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 3 ; V. of articles m'd, $2,800; C. $1,650; E. 8. Comb Manufactories, 1 ; V. of combs m'd, $^00; C. $400 ; E. 3. Flouring Mills, 2; flour m'd, 5,600 bbls. ; V . $9,333 ; C. $3,200 ; M 2. Tanneries, 1; V. of leather tanned and curried, $1,500; C. $500; E. 1. Boots m'd, 400 pairs ; shoes, 1,500 pairs; V. of boots and shoes, $2,700; M. E. 5; F. E. 2. Palm-leaf Hats m'd, 4,800; V. ,$600; F. E. 8. Bricks m'd, 75,000; V. $300; E. 1. V. of Wooden Ware m'd, $1,875 ; E. 4. Lumber prepared, 275,000 feet of boards, 145,000 shingles ; V. $1,665 ; E. 0. Fire Wood prepared, 750 cords ; V. $1,400 ; E. 3. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 590 galls. ; V. $531 ; all oiher kinds of oil consumed, 1,000 galls. ; V. $600 ; V. of all other articles of American production consumed in manu- facturing, excepting cotton, wool and iron, $1,000; V. of all 25 194 other articles of foreign production consumed, excepting as above, |4,000. Sheep, 3,223 ; Y. $6,427 ; wool produced, 7,521 lbs. ; V. $2,632. Horses, 197; V. $9,675; neat cattle, 1,535; V. |28,525 ; swine, 265 ; V. $1,417. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 9,000 bush. ; V. $6,750 ; wheat, 372 bush.; Y. $372; rye, 678 bush. ; Y. $542; oats, 4,044 bush.; Y. $1,496; potatoes, 11,349 bash.; Y. $3,783 ; other esculent vegetables, 500 bush. ; Y. $150 ; hay, 3,398 tons; Y. $24,635. Fruit raised, 3,219 bush. ; Y. $1,073; raw silk, 5 lbs. ; Y. $25. Butter, 53,095 lbs. ; Y. $6,637 ; cheese, 33,900 lbs. ; Y. $1,864; honey, 500 lbs.; Y. $75. Maple Sugar m'd, 40,000 lbs. ; Y. $2,400 ; C. $2,000. Y. of Linen Bosoms and Collars m'd, $10,000; C. $4,000. DEERFIELD. Establishments for m. of Cutlery, 1 ; Y. of cutlery m'd, $60,000 ; C. $20,000 ; E. 80. Plough Manufactories, 1; ploughs, (fcc, m'd, 150; Y. $950; C. $500; E. 1. Establishments for m. of Coaches and other Ychicles, 3; Y. of vehicles m'd, $3,045; C. $1,350; E. 8. Lead Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of m's, $300 ; C. $200 ; E. 1. Tanneries, 1; hides tanned, 400; Y. of leather tanned and curried, $1,600; C. $1,000; E. 2. Boots m'd, 554 pairs ; shoes, 7,496 pairs ; Y. of boots and shoes, $7,020 ; M. E. 16 ; F. E. 8. Y. of Straw Braid m'd, and not made into Bonnets and Hats, $35. Palm-leaf Hats m'd, 27,333; Y. $4,100; F. E, 187. Y. of Wooden Ware m'd, $300. Corn and other Brooms m'd, 47,578; Y. $5,709; E. 16. Lumber prepared, 534,000 feet ; Y. $4,272. 193 Fire Wood prepared, 930 cords; V. $1,162. Whale Oil consumed in manufacturing, 150 galls. ; other oil, 94 galls.; V. of all kinds, $170; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 20 tons; Y. $185; charcoal, 8,000 bush.; V. $440. Sheep, 1,070; Y. $1,070; wool produced, 3,478 lbs.; Y. $1,217. Horses, 249; Y. $8,747; neat cattle, 1,763; Y. $36,214; swine, 932 ; Y. $9,275. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 33,446 bush. ; Y. $22,297 ; wheat, 872 bush.; Y. $872; rye, 9,585 bush.; Y. $6,709; oats, i 6,298 bush.; Y. $5,704; potatoes, 14,257 bush.; Y. $4,752 ; other esculent vegetables, 706 bush. ; Y. $1,000 ; hay, 4,195 tons; Y. $30,500; buckwheat, 180 bush. ; Y. $90. Fruit raised, 12,093 bush.; Y. $1,515; hops, 5,012 lbs.; Y. $451. ^ Tobacco, 395 lbs. ; Y. $24; raw silk, 8 lbs. ; Y. $40; teazles, 33,000; Y. $33. Butter, 56,425 lbs.; Y. $6,771: cheese, 12,125 lbs.; Y. $727 ; honey, 788 lbs. ; Y. $118 ; beeswax, 50 lbs. ; Y. $13. Maple Sugar m'd, 5,800 lbs. ; Y. $400. Broom Corn, 111,357 lbs. ; Y. $6,681. Y. of Broom Corn Seed, $800. ERYING. Woollen Mills, 1 ; sets of machinery, 1 ; wool consumed, 16,500 lbs. ; satinet m'd, 16,500 yds. ; Y. $8,250. Tanneries, 1 ; hides tanned, 2,000 ; Y. of leather tanned and curried, $7,000; C. $1,200; E. 4. Palm-leaf Hats m'd, 6,841 ; Y. $1,026. Y. of Lumber prepared, $6,100; E. 20; shingles m'd, 100,- 000; Y. $200; E. 1. Fire Wood prepared, 200 cords ; Y. $300. Sheep, 178; Y. ,$226; wool produced, 356 lbs.; Y. $120. Horses, 35; Y. $1,380; neat cattle, 205; Y. $3,751; swine, 43 ; Y. $271. 196 Indian Corn or Maize raised, 2,000 bush.; V. $1,500; wheat, 48 bush. ; V. ^50; rye, G73 bush. ; V. $.505 ; barley, 10 bush. ; V. $8; oats, 950 busii. ; V. $323; potatoes, 2,000 bush.; Y. $840; hay, 259 tons; V. $2,072; buckwheat, 90 bush.; V. Butter, 3,800 lbs. ; V. $475 ; cheese, 2,325 lbs. ; V. $140. liroom Corn, 3,350 lbs. ; V. $201. Card Boards m'd, 10,000 pairs; Y. .$250; E. 1. Y. of Doors and Sashes m'd, $3,000 ; C. $2,000. GILL. Hat and Cap Manufactories, 1 ; hats and caps m'd, 75 ; Y. $206. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars and other Yehicles, 1 ; Y. of vehicles m'd, $-525; C. .$.500; E. L Tanneries. 1 ; hides tanned, 750 ; Y. of leather tanned and curried, $1,036; C. $2,000, E. 2. Boots m'd, 375 pairs; shoes, 350 pairs; Y. of boots and shoes, $675 ; M. E. 2. Palm-leaf Hals m'd, 30,239; Y. $4,233; F. E. 180. Corn and other Brooms m'd, 4,000; Y. $400; E. 3. Lumber prepared, 295,000 feet ; Y. $1,586 ; E. 7. Fire Wood prepared, 1,236 cords; Y. $1,250; E. 7. Merino Sheep, 1,410; other sheep, 51 ; Y. of all the sheep, $2,920 ; merino wool produced, 4,230 lbs. ; other wool, 150 lbs. ; Y. of all the wool, $1,615. Horses, 113; Y. $6,509; neat cattle, 777; Y. $13,845; swine, 196; Y. $1,235. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 8,043 bush. ; Y. $5,362 wheat, 319 bush. ; Y. $425 ; rye, 3,373 bush. ; Y. $2,5^36, Horses, 201; V. |10,625 ; neat cattle, 488; V. $11,329; swine, 249 ; V. $2,616. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 1,859 bush.; V. $1,300; rye, 10 bush.; V. $8; barley, 40 bush.; V. $32; potatoes, 9,749 bush. ; Y. $3,249 ; other esculent vegetables, 4,787 bush. ; V. $1,292; hay, 1,223 tons ; V. $16,123. Fruit raised, 11,248 bush. ; V. $2,645. Butter, 12,837 lbs.; V. $2,278; cheese, 2,650 lbs. ; Y. $190; milk, 36,746 galls. ; Y. $3,202. Grist Mills, 3; meal m'd, 60,000 bush.; Y. $36,000; C. $6,000; M. E. 14. Boot and Shoe Boxes m'd, 1,200; Y. $384; M. E. 1. BROOKLINE. Establishments for m. of Hosiery, 2 ; hose m'd, 2,600 pairs ; Y. $1,200; C. $1,000; M. E. 3. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of articles m'd, $525 ; C. $350 ; E. 2. Establishments for m. of Chaises, Wagons and other Yehi- cles, 2 ; Y. of vehicles m'd, $1,000 ; C. $3,000; E. 6. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of articles m'd, $300 ; C. $50 ; E. 1. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 3,400 ; Y. of leather tanned and curried, $17,300; C. $24,000; E. 7. Boots m'd, 612 pairs; shoes, 210 pairs; Y. of boots and shoes, $3,500 ; M. E. 7. Fire Wood prepared, 163 cords ; Y. $1,060 ; E. 4. Horses, 270; Y. $20,400; neat cattle, 382; Y. $11,750; swine, 362 ; Y. $5,430. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 1,225 bush.; Y. $858; rye, 2,036 bush. ; Y. $1,425 ; barley, 136 bush. ; Y. $88 ; potatoes, 244 30,869 bush.; V. $12,348; V. of other esculent vegetables, $51,336; hay, 1,789 tons; V. $25,046. V. of Fruit raised, $37,843. Butter, 1,508 lbs.; V. $271 ; cheese, 1,070 lbs.; V. $214; milk, 93,440 galls. ; V. $15,573. Straw 110 tons; V. $1,100. Cider, 1,044 bbls. ; V. $1,044. CANTON. Cotton Mills, 4; spindles, 1,596 ; cotton consumed, 241,920 lbs. ; osnaburgs m'd, 300,000 yds. ; V. $28,000 ; wicking m'd, 26,000 lbs.; V. $6,500; thread, 27,600 lbs. ; Y. $13,700; C. $13,500; M. E. 26; F. E. 24. Mills for m. of Carpeting, 1 ; wool consumed, 38,000 lbs. ; carpeting m'd, 39,000 yds. ; V. $21,400 ; C. $1,200 ; M. E. 22; F. E. 5. Silk Manufactories, 2 ; sewing silk m'd, 5,000 lbs. ; V. $34,- 500 ; C. $8,000 ; M. E. 9 ; F. E. 28. ' Forges, 1 ; bar iron, anchors and other articles of wrought iron m'd, 350 tons ; V. $42,000 ; C. $20,000 ; E. 30. Furnaces for m. of Hollow Ware and Castings other than Pig Iron, 1 ; hollow ware and castings m'd, 500 tons; V. $36,- 000 ; C. $10,000 ; E. 20. Establishments for m. of Cotton, Woollen and other Machin- ery, 2; V. of machinery m'd, $8,000 ; C. $3,500; E. 11. Copper Manufactories, 1 ; copper m'd, 400 tons ; V. $150,- 000 ; C. $50,000 ; E. 38. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; V. of articles m'd, $1,500; C. $500; E. 3. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars, Coaches, Chaises and other Vehicles, 1 ; V. of vehicles m'd, $1,000; C. $300; E. 2.- Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; V. of ware, $2,500; C. $1,000; E. 2. 245 Boots m'd, 210 pairs : shoes. 2,310 pairs ; Y. of boots and shoes, $2,745 ; M. E. 5 ; F. E. 3. y. of Straw Braid m'd and not made into Bonnets and Hats, $100: pahn-Ieaf hats, 1,800; V. $300; F. E. 12. V. of Building Stone quarried and prepared, $100 ; E. 1. Fire Wood prepared, 2,134 cords; V. $6,400 ; E. 8. Marble Monument and Grave Stone Manufactories, 1 ; C. $1,000 ; E. 8. Bobbin Manufactories, 1 : C. $300 ; E. 3. V. of all other articles m'd, $5,500 ; C. $1,500 ; E. 9. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 100 galls. ; V. $95 ; other oil, 300 galls. ; Y. $200 ; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 2,200 tons ; Y. $13,200; bituminous coal mined in U. States, 300 chaldrons : Y. $2,400 ; foreign bituminous coal, 400 chaldrons; Y. $3,150: Y. of other articles of Ameri- can production, excepting cotton, wool and iron, consumed in manufacturing, $500 ; Y. of other articles of foreign produc- tion, excepting as above consumed, $6,800. Sheep, 12 ; Y. $23 ; wool produced, 3G lbs. ; Y. $11. Horses, 147; Y. $7,900 ; neat cattle, 431 ; Y. $9,084; swine, 186 ; Y. $2,596. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 1,238 bush. ; Y. $805 ; rye, 231 bush. ; Y. $178 ; barley, 47 bush. ; Y. $30 ; potatoes, 10,597 bush. ; Y. $2,650 ; other esculent vegetables, 670 bush. ; Y. $175 ; hay, 947 tons; Y. $11,625. Fruit raised, 6,061 bush. ; Y. $1,200. Butter, 9,390 lbs. ; Y. $1,508 ; cheese, 4,725 lbs. ; Y. $296. COHASSET. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of articles m'd, $400; C. $400; E. 1. Establishments for m. of Salt, 4; salt m'd, 5,330 bush. ; Y. $1,600; G. $10,000; E. 4. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars, Coaches, Chaises and other Yehicles, 2; Y. of vehicles m'd, $600 ; C. $1,000; E. 3. 246 Boots m'd, 675 pairs; shoes, 16,911 pairs; V. of boots and shoes, $18,600 ; M. E. 55 ; F. E. 15. Building Stone quarried and prepared, 3,000 tons ; V. $1,500 ; E. 6. Fire Wood prepared, 200 cords; V. $1,200 ; E. 20. Vessels launched, 1 ; tonnage, 131 ; Y. $6,000; E. 6. Vessels employed in Mackerel and Cod Fisheries, 44 ; ton- nage, 2,280; mackerel taken, 7,859 bbls. ; V. $51,083; cod- fish, 3,271 quintals ; V. $7,360 ; salt consumed, 13,424 bush. ; C. $44,000 ; E. 400. Sheep, 403; V. $806; wool produced, 1,262 lbs. ; V. $420. Horses, 85 ; V. $3,500; neat cattle, 430 ; V. $10,750 ; swine, 78 ; V. $390. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 2,382 bush.; V. $1,900; rye, 325 bush. ; V. $325 ; barley, 250 bush. ; V. $200 ; potatoes, 7,332 bush. ; V. $2,444; other esculent vegetables, 1,500 bush.; V. $700 ; hay, 850 tons ; V. $8,500. Fruit raised, 6,128 bush. ; V. $1,532. Butter, 14,923 lbs. ; V. $2,500; cheese, 6,130 lbs.; V. $490, DEDHAM. Cotton Mills, 2; spindles, 4,400 ; cotton consumed, 199,700 lbs.; printing cloth m'd, 971,500 yds.; V. $56,575; batting m'd, 4,000 lbs. ; V. $360 ; C. $61,200 ; M. E. 29 ; F. E. 75. Cotton Thread Manufactories, 1 ; thread m'd, 5,000 lbs. ; V. $8,000 ; C. $3,000 ; F. E. 8. Woollen Mills, 3 ; sets of machinery, 12 ; wool consumed, 305,000 lbs. ; cassimere m'd, 135,000 yds. ; V. $145,000; sati- net, 165,000 yds. ; V. $105,000; C. $75,000; M. E. 80; F. E. 80. Silk Manufactories, 1 ; sewing silk m'd, 7,300 lbs. ; V. $47,- 450 ; C. $10,000 ; M. E. 6 ; F. E. 34. Furnaces for m. of Hollow Ware and Castings other than Pig Iron, 1 ; hollow ware and castings m'd, 175 tons ; V. $10,- 500; C. $4,500; E. 12. V. of Silk and other Machinery m'd, $1,000. 247 Establishments for m. of Shovels, Spades, Forks and Hoes, 2 ; V. of articles m'd, $3,847; C. $600 ; E. 5. Paper Manufactories, 1 ; stock consumed, 250,000 lbs. ; paper m'd, 175,000 lbs. ; V. $7,000 ; C. $5,000 ; E. 5. V, of Saddles and Harnesses m'd, $825. Hat and Cap Manufactories, 1 ; hats and caps m'd, 150 ; V. $425; C. $100 ; E. 1: V. of coloring done, $100. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars, Coaches, Chaises and other Vehicles, 4 ; V. of vehicles, $5,700 ; C. $1.,400 ; E. 8. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 8 ; V. of articles m'd, $51,671; C. $15,900; E. 58. Tin Ware and Sheet Irofi Manufactories. 2 ; Y. of tin ware m'd, $500; V. of sheet iron, $2,400 ; C. $600; E. 3. Glue Manufactories, 1 ; V. of glue and gums m'd, $270 ; C. $100; E. 1. Tanneries, 2; hides tanned, 121,100; V. of leather tanned and curried, $48,450 ; C. $17,000 ; E. 15. Boots m'd, 1,280 pairs ; shoes, 37,445 pairs; Y. of boots and shoes, $28,285 ; M. E. 35 ; F. E. 24. Y. of Straw Bonnets and Hats m'd, $600 ; Y. of braid m'd and not made into bonnets and hats, $338; palm-leaf hats m'd, 2,140; Y. $414; F. E. 1. Y. of Cigars m'd, $5,300 ; M. E. 6 ; F. E. 4. Fire Wood prepared, 1,061 cords; Y. $3,454; E. 3. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 1,865 galls. ; Y. $1,865-; whale oil, 20 galls. ; Y.$14: other oil, 3,120 galls.; Y. $956 ; anthracite coal consumed in manufticturing, 960 tons; Y. $5,650; Y. of other articles of American production, excepting cotton, wool and iron consumed in manufacturing, $7,500; Y. of other articles of foreign production, excepting as above, consumed, $11,500. Sheep, 9 ; Y. $20 ; wool produced, 36 lbs. ; Y. $15. Horses, 398; Y. $19,081; neat cattle, 1,264: Y. $24,493; swine, 473; Y. $7,095. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 4.845 bush.; Y. $3,876 ; rye, 575 bush.; Y. $517; barley, 404 bush.; Y. $242; oats, 17 bush. ; Y. $11 ; potatoes, 27,586 bush. ; Y. $8,552 ; Y. of other esculent vegetables, $1,392; hay, 2,730 tons; Y. $14,028, 248 Fruit raised, 10,362 bush.; V. |2,853. Butter, 13,130 lbs. ; V. $2,100; cheese, 3,373 lbs.; V. $203; milk, 179,689 galls. ; V. $17,969. Pocket Book and Rule Manufactories, 1 ; V. of pocket books m'd, $8,666; V. of rules m'd, $4,334; C. $4,000; M. E. 5 ; F. E. 4. Establishments for m. of Marbling and Fancy Colored Pa- pers and Cards, 1 ; V. of m's, $18,000; C. $7,500; M. E. 5 ; F. E. 10. Turning Establishments, 1; V. of m's in iron, $1,200; V. of m's in wood, $8,000 ; M. E. 9. DORCHESTER. Cotton Mills, 1 ; spindles, 3,500 ; cotton consumed, 408,300 lbs. ; cloth m'd, 919,600 yds. ; V. $100,000 ; batting, 12,000 lbs. ; V. $840; C. $150,000; M. E. 40; F. E. 110. Establishments for m. of Britannia Ware, 1 ; Y. of ware, $40,000 ; C. $10,000 ; E. 40. Starch Manufactories, 1 ; starch m'd, 800,000 lbs. ; V. $40,- 000 ; C. $20,000 ; E. 16. Establishments for m. of Chemical Preparations, 1 ; V. of ar- ticles m'd, $24,000; C. $10,00(1. Paper Manufactories, 2; stock consumed, 300 tons; paper m'd, 15,000 reams; V. $45,000; C. $35,000; E. 30. V. of Earthen Ware m'd, $150 ; E. 1. Establishments for m. of Chronometers and Thermometers, 1 ; V. of articles m'd, $5,200; C. $1,200; E. 5. Saddle and Harness Manufactories, 3 ; V. of articles m'd, $1,400 ; C. $750 ; E. 4. Hat and Cap Manufactories, 1 ; hats and caps m'd, $1,000 ; V. $2,000 ; C. $800 ; E. 3. Cordage Manufactories, 1 ; cordage m'd, 31,200 lbs. ; V. $3,742 ; C. $1,000 ; E. 4. Card Manufactories, 1 ; V. of playing cards m'd, $15,000 ; C. $5,000; E. 14. 249 Establishments for m. of Coaches, Chaises and other Vehi- cles, 12; V. of vehicles m'd, $11,550; C. 83,0UU ; E. 23. V. of Confectionary m'd, .$10,U()0; E. 10. Soap and Tallow Candle Manufactories, 2; soap m'd, 280,- 000 lbs.; V. $11,200; candles m'd, 120,000 lbs.; V. $10,800; C. $4,500 ; E. 9. Chocolate Mills, 2; chocolate prepared, 378,901 lbs. ; Y. $50,- 872 ; C. $38,000 ; E. 15. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 16 ; V. of articles m'd, $85,300 ; C. $20,000 ; E. 120. Tin Ware Manufactories, 4; V. of ware, $15,400; C. $7,000; E. 27. Tanneries, 6 ; hides tanned, 3,270 ; Y. of leather tanned and curried, $55,300; C. $40,000; E. 45. Boots m'd, 3.550 pairs; shoes, 5,650 pairs; Y. of boots and shoes, $12,720; M. E. 38; F. E. 5. Bricks m'd, 596,000 ; V. $3,500 ; E. 9. Fire Wood prepared, 200 cords; Y. $1,000; E. 4. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 2,500 galls ; Y. $2,325 ; other oil, 2,000 galls. ; Y. $1,020 ; anthracite coal con- sumed in manufacturing, 902 tons; Y. $5,412; charcoal. 3.000 bush. ; Y. $900; Y. of other articles of American production, excepting cotton, wool and iron, consumed in manufacturing, $54,600 ; Y. of other articles of foreign production, excepting as above, consumed in manufacturing, $91,400. Sheep, 29; Y. $58; wool produced, 75 lbs.; Y. $25. Horses, 501; Y. $37,575; neat cattle, 620; Y. $18,600 swine, 838 ; Y. $8,380. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 2,797 bush. ; Y. $1,958; rye 529 bush.; Y. $423; barley, 213 bush.; Y. $128; potatoes 18,453 bush.; Y. $7,381; other esculent vegetables, 15,910 bush.; Y. $4,278; millet, 3,000 lbs. ; Y. $15 ; hay, 2,621 tons Y. $31,452. Fruit raised, 23,384 bush. ; Y. $10,000. Butter, 600 lbs. ; Y. $120 ; honey, 200 lbs. ; Y. $50. 32 250 DOVER. Rolling, Slitting and Nail Mills, 3 ; iron m'd, and not made into nails, 850 tons ; V. $93,500; niacliincs for m. of nails, 17; nails m'd, 800 tons; V. |72,000 ; 0. $40,000; E. 40. Brush ManufaclorieSj 1 ; V. of brushes m'd, |3,000; C. $500 ; E. 2. Boots m'd, 100 pairs; shoes, 7,310 pairs; V. of boots and shoes, $5,725; M. E. 9; F. E. 10. V. of Whips m'd, $1,000; E. 3. Fire Wood prepared, 864 cords; V. $2,160; E. 10. Whale Oil consumed in manufacturing, 315 galls.; V. $125; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 500 tons ; V. $3,375; bituminous coal, mined in the United States, consumed in manufacturing, 15 tons; V. $180. Horses, 99 ; V. $5,000 ; neat cattle, 386 ; V. $9,650 ; swine, 216; V. $1,512. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 2,402 bush.; V. $1,802; rye, 278 bush.; V. $222; barley, 272 bush.; V. $163; oats, 766 bush.; V. $306; potatoes, 8,005 bush.; V. $2,001; other cs- cnlcnt vegetables, 500 bush.; V. $100; hay, 761 tons; V. $7,610. Fruit raised, 4,850 bush. ; V. $970. Butter, 8,100 lbs.; V. $133; cheese, 3,500 lbs. ; Y. $210. Milk sold, 15,000 galls. ; Y. $1,500. FOXBOROUGH. Cotton Mills, 2; spindles, 934; cotton consumed, 25,000 lbs. ; thread m'd, 23,000 lbs.; Y. $11,000; C. $5,000: M. E. 4 ; F. E. 10. Woollen Mills, 1 ; sets of machinery, 1 ; wool consumed, 42,000 lbs. ; satinet m'd, 42,000 yds. ; Y. $21,000; C. $20,000 ; M. E. 12; F. E. 6. Furnaces for m. of Hollow Ware and Castings other than Pig Iron, 1 ; hollow ware and castings m'd, 250 tons ; Y. $20,- 000 ; C. $20,000 ; E. 25. 251 Establishments for m, of Shovels, Spades, Forks and Hoes, 1; V. of articles m'd, $6,000; C. $5,000; E. 10. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars, Coaches, Chaises and other Vehicles, 3; V. of vehicles m'd, $2,500; C. $1 ,050 ; E. 4. Tanneries, 1 ; hides tanned, 3,000; V. of leather tanned and curried, $11,000; C. $5,000; E. 3. Boots m'd, 105 pairs; shoes, 175 pairs; V. of boots and shoes, $183 ; M. E. 2. Straw Bonnets and Hats m'd, 260,260; V. $320,929; F. E. 1,349 ; M. E. 74. V. of Building Stone quarried and prepared, $276 ; E, 1. Lumber prepared, 40,000 feet; V. $400; E. 3. V. of Firewood prepared, 1,020 cords; V. $2,831 ; E. 4. Planing Machine Manufactories, 1 ; V. of machines m'd, $20,000 ; C. $15,000 ; E. 25. Box Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of boxes m'd, $2,000 ; C. $3,000 ; E. 3. Bonnet Block Manufactories, 1 ; V. of blocks m'd, $500 ; C. $300 ; E. 1. Baskets m'd, 1,700 ; V. $461 ; E. 2. Hoops m'd, 50,000 ; V. $1,000 ; E. 2. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 375 galls. ; V. $375 ; other oil, 1,000 galls.; V. $650 ; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 237 tons; Y. $1,627; bituminous coal mined in the U. States, 14^ chaldrons; Y. $160; Y. of other articles of American production, excepting cotton, wool and iron, consum- ed in manufacturing, $1,200 ; Y. of other articles of foreign production, excepting as above consumed, $200. Sheep, 18; Y. $36; wool produced, 56 lbs.; Y. $14. Horses, 150; Y. $9,785; neat cattle, 434; Y. $8,488; swine, 285 ; Y. $4,682. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 3,963 bush.; Y. $2,972 ; wheat, 24 bush. ; Y. $24 ; rye, 303 bush. ; Y. $242 ; barley, 60 bush. ; Y. $40 ; oats, 392 bush. ; Y. $145 ; potatoes, 15,072 bush. ; Y. $3,764; other esculent vegetables, 407 bush. ; Y. $120 ; hay, 856 tons; Y. $10,979. Fruit raised, 2,795 bush. ; Y. $755. Butter, 16,918 lbs.; V. $2,819; cheese, .5,710 lbs.; Y. $336. 252 FRANKLIN. Cotton Mills, 7; spindles, 4,422; cotton consumed, 193,804 lbs. ; printing cloth m'd, 576,000 yds. ; V. $37,440 ; yarn m'd, 9,C00 lbs.; V. $1,756; thread, 24,628 lbs. ; V. |12,314 ; bat- ting, 35,000 lbs.; V. $3,000 ; C. .$42,500; M. E. 45; F. E. 49. Establishments for m. of Wagons and Sleighs, 2 : V. of ve- hicles m'd, $2,700 ; C. $1,400; E. 4. Boots m'd, 95 pairs ; shoes, 2,882 pairs ; Y. of boots and shoes, $1,700; M. E. 3. Straw Bonnets and Hats m'd, 107,867; V. $129,800; V. of straw braid m'd and not made into bonnets and hats, $310 ; M. E. 40; F. E. 1,055. Lumber prepared, 379,200 feet; V. $5,537; E. 10. Fire Wood prepared, 1,531 cords; Y. $4,200; E. 5. Boats built, 193; Y. $4,260; E. 11. Y. of other articles m'd, $5,330; C. $1,500; E. 7. Sperm Oil consumed in mannfacturing, 500 galls. ; Y. $500; other oil, 203 galls. ; Y. $178; Y. of other articles of American production, excepting cotton, wool and iron, consumed in man- ufacturing, $9S0. Merino Sheep, 71 ; Y. $138 ; merino wool produced, 228 lbs. ; Y. $65. Horses, 188 ; Y. $9,372; neat cattle, 748 ; Y. $16,206 ; swine, 412 ; Y. $2,377. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 6,793 bush. ; Y. $5,095; wheat, 15 bush.; Y. $18 ; rye, 1,180 bush.; Y. $1,180; barley, 347 bush. ; Y. $208 ; oats, 3,003 bush. ; Y. $1,201 ; potatoes, 20,- 664 bush. ; Y. $5,141; other esculent vegetables, 1,422 bush.; Y. $237; hay, 1,625 tons; Y. $17,859. Fruit raised, 5,960 bnsh. ; Y. $1,595. Butter, 20,183 lbs. ; Y. $3,364; cheese, 7,270 lbs.; Y. $436; honey, 255 lbs. ; Y. $42 ; beeswax, 21 lbs. ; Y. $10. MEDFIELD. Establishments for m. of Shovels, Spades, Forks and Hoes 1 ; Y. of articles m'd, $2,500 ; C. $200; E. 4. 253 Brush Manufactories, 2 ; V. of brushes m'd, $4,000 ; C. $2,700 ; E. 4. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; V. of articles m'd, $300; C. $150; E. 1. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars, Coaclies, Chaises and Vehicles, 2 ; V. of vehicles m'd, $3,200; C. $4o0 ; E. 6. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 1 ; V. of articles m'd, $1,200; C. $500; E. 2. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1; V. of ware, $5,000 ; C. $800; E. 3. Tanneries, 2; hides tanned, 2,000; V. of leather tanned and curried, $4,200; C. $2,000; E. 2. Shoes m'd, 1,000 pairs; V. $700 ; M. E. 2 ; F. E. 2. Straw Bonnets and Hats m'd, 51,800: V. $3,800; F. E. 125. Horses, 148; V. $6,150; neat cattle, 473; V. $10,112; swine, 271 ; V. $3,658. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 5,000 bush. ; V. $3,280; rye, 541 bush. ; V. $484; barley, 295 bush.; V. $176; oats, 845 bush. ; V. $337 ; potatoes, 9,500 bush. ; V. $2,375 ; other escu- lent vegetables, 120 ; V. $30; hay, 1,100 bush. ; V. $10,600. Fruit raised, 2,000 bush. ; V. $975. Butter, 11,720 lbs.; V. $2,662; cheese, 4,230 lbs. ; V. $250. MEDWAY. Cotton Mills, 9 ; spindles, 4,837 ; cotton consumed, 900,000 lbs.; stocking yarn m'd, 300 lbs.; V. $100: thread, 140,000 lbs.; V. $128,025.; baiting, 546,000 lbs.; V. $38,380; pelisse waddiug, 8,500 bales; V. $25,500; coiton flannel, 320,000 yds. ; V. $30,400; C. $101,500; M. E. 80; F. E. 60. Calico Manufactories, 1. Establishments for Bleaching or Coloring Cotton Thread, 2 ; E. 2. Woollen ]\Iills, 1 ; sets of machinery, 1 ; wool consumed, 20,~ 000 lbs. ; Kentucky jeans m'd, 40,000; V. $10,650; C. $5,000 ; M. E. 5 ; F. E. 4. 254 Establishments for m. of Cotton, Woollen and other Ma- chinery, 2; V. of machinery m'd and repairs done, $4,000; C. $1,500; E. 5. Scythe and Hoe Manufactories, 1 ; scythes and hoes m'd, 700 ; V. $600 ; C. $350. Plough Manufactories, 1 ; ploughs and other agricultural tools m'd, 25; V. $250; E. 1. Organs m'd, 4; V. $4,500; C. $500; E. 4. Clock Manufactories, 1; clocks m'd, 3; V. $750; C. $150; E. 1. Bell Foundries, 1; bells m'd, 100,000 lbs.; V. $22,000; C. $5,000 ; M. E. 4. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 2 ; V. of articles m'd, $700; C. $200; E. 2. Establishments for m. of Coaches, Chaises and other Vehi- cles, 4; V. of vehicles m'd, $1,400; C. $1,000; E. 6. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 3; V. of articles m'd, $1,400; C. $400; E. 3. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; E. 2. Boots m'd, 25,240 pairs; shoes, 9,975 pairs; Y. of boots and shoes, $48,295 ; M. E. 71 ; F. E. 31. Straw Bonnets and Hats m'd, 48,404; Y. $54,242; straw- braid m'd and not niEide into bonnets and hats, 150,000 yds, ; Y. $1,500 ; palm-leaf hats m'd, 75 ; Y. $30; F. E. 261. Bricks m'd, 100,000; Y. $600; E. 2. Lumber prepared, 1,250,000 feet; Y. $16,650; E. 10. Fire Wood prepared, 408 cords; Y. $1,516. Establishments for m. of Wool and Flocks from Woollen Rags, 1 ; rags used, 182,000 lbs. ; Y. of wool and flocks m'd, $10,000 ; C. $1,000 ; M. E. 3 ; F. E. 6. Bonnet Pressing Machine Manufactories, 1 ; machines m'd, 6; Y. $600; C. $100; M. E. 2. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 800 galls.; Y, $800. Sheep, 64; Y. $142; wool produced, 250 lbs. ; Y. $83. Horses, 217; Y. $12,180; neat cattle, 875; Y. $20,653; swine, 415 ; Y. $2,624. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 7,633 bush. ; Y. $5,774; wheat, 86 bush.; Y. $120; rye, 1,157 bush.; Y. $1,035 ; barley, 255 253 bush. ; V. $171 ; oats, 3,989 bush. ; V. $1,545 ; potatoes, 19,021 bush. ; V. $4,655 ; other esculent vegetables, 914 bush. ; V. $225; hay, 1,852 tons; V. $19,403. Fruit raised, 6,017 bush.; V. $1,316. Butter, 30,922 lbs.; V. $5,823; cheese, 11,110 lbs. ; V. $670; honey, ISO lbs. ; V. $34 ; beeswax, 10 lbs. ; Y. $3. MILTON. Paper Manufactories, 2; stock consumed, 200 tons; paper m'd, 10,000 reams; V. $30,000; C. $25,000; E. 30. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; V. of articles m'd, $1,000; C. $1,000; E. 2. Establislirnents for m. of Rail-road Cars, Coaches, Chaises and other Vehicles, 2; V. of vehicles m'd, $1,500; C. $1,000; E. 4. Chocolate Mills, 1; chocolate m'd, 28,000 lbs.; V. $4,000; C. $7,000 ; E. 4. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 7; V. of articles m'd, $22,500; C. $11,700; E. 32. Tanneries, 2; hides tanned, 20,150; V. of leather tanned and curried, $8,675; C. $11,200; E. 12. Boots m'd, 425 pairs; shoes, 800 pairs; V. of boots and shoes, $1,988; M. E. 6. Y. of Building Stone quarried and prepared, $79,000; E. 150. Fire Wood prepared, 1,225 cords; Y. $5,513; E. 6. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 400 galls. ; Y. $360 ; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 300 tons ; Y. $1,800; Y. of other articles of American production, excepting cotton, wool and iron, consumed in manufacturing, $2,000 ; Y. of other articles of foreign production, excepting as above, con- sumed, $2,000. Sheep, 9 ; Y. $36 ; wool produced, 36 lbs. ; Y. $12. Asses, 1; Y. $100; horses, 275; Y. $15,000; neat cattle, 643; Y. $13,720; swine, 364; Y. $5,460. 256 Indian Corn or Maize raised, 1,818 bnsh. ; Y. ^1,454; rye, 300 bush.; V. $270; barley, 200 bush.; V. $150; potatoes, 15,400 bush. ; V. $4,640 ; other esculent vegetables, 5,928 bush. ; V. $1,186; hay, 1,698 Ions; V. $18,579. Fruit raised, 13,465 bush.; V. $5,386. Butter, 2,000 lbs. ; V. $500 ; honey, 245 lbs. ; V. $61. NEEDHAM. Cotton Mills, 1; spindles, 2,176; cotton consumed, 140,000 lbs. ; printing cloth m'd, 580,000 yds. ; V. $34,800; C. $10,000; M. E. 20 ; F. E. 31 Establishments for m. of Hosiery, 1; hose m'd, 5,000 pairs; y. $2,000 ; M. E. 3. Sewing Silk m^d, 600 lbs. ; M. E. 2; F. E. 3. Establishments for m. of Hinges and Blind Fastenings, 1; articles m'd, 120,000 sets; V. $10,550; C. $500; E. 15. Paper Manufactories, 6; stock consumed, 920 tons; paper m'd, 704 tons ; V. $144,834 ; C. $68,000 ; E. 77. Glue Manufactories, 3; Y. of glue m'd, $9,000 ; C. $1,500; E. 9. Shoes m'd, 41,100 pairs; Y. $29,400; M. E. 38; F. E. 8. Fire Wood prepared, 1,106 cords; Y. $4,000; E. 4; peat, 300 cords ; Y. $750 ; E. 1. Hogshead Hoops prepared, 50,000; Y. $1,400 ; E. 4. Horses, 204; Y. *$8,160; neat cattle, 693; Y. $14,430;' swine, 169 ; Y. $1,056. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 5,500 bush.; Y. $3,667; rye, 717 bush.; Y. $574; barley, 172 bush.; Y. $138; oats, 323 bush.; Y. $146; potatoes, 21,315 bush.; Y. $6,395; other es- culent vegetables, 1,400 bush.; Y. $280; hay, 1,450 tons; Y. $20,300. Fruit raised, 2,000 bush. ; Y. $1,000. Butter, 30,150 lbs.; Y. $5,025; milk, 20,000 galls.; Y. $2,000. 257 QUINCY. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 3 ; V. of articles m'd, $8,500; C. $3,500; E. 12. Establishments for m. of Salt, 1 ; salt m'd, 1,850 bush. ; V. $126; C. $1,000; E. 1. Establishments for m. of Coaches, Chaises and other Yehi- cles, 3; V. of vehicles m'd, $4,700; C. $2,200; E. 12. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of articles m'd, $2,500: C. $1,000; E. 2. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of ware, $1,500; C. $1,000; E. 1. Tanneries, 7; hides tanned, 1S,1G0 ; V. of leather tanned and curried, $67,125; C. $12,000; E. 26. Boots m'd, 41,876 pairs; shoes, 15,605 pairs; Y. of boots and shoes, $133,273; M. E. 203 ; F. E. 98. Y of Building Stone quarried and prepared, $324,500 ; E. 526. Y. of Slate quarried and prepared, $2,000; E. 6. Y. of Blacking m'd, $1,000; E. 2. Fire Wood prepared, 979 cords; Y. $5,106; E. 15. Yessels launched, 2; tonnage, 60; V. $2,100; E. 3. Yessels employed in Whale Fishery, 1 ; tonnage, 94. Yessels employed in Mackerel and Cod Fisheries, 4; tonnage, 118; mackerel taken, 1,000 bbls. ; V. $5,500 ; codfish, 500 quintals; V. $2,125 ; salt consumed, 400 bush.; C. $3,650 ; E. 22. Sheep, 310; Y $565. Horses, 397; Y. $27,155; neat cattle, 723; Y $17,318; swine, 660 ; Y. $7,920. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 3,360 bush.; Y. $2,016 ; rye, 469 bush. ; Y. $375 ; barley, 360 bush. ; Y. $284 ; potatoes, 9,673 bush. ; Y $2,418 ; other esculent vegetables, 2,364 bush. ; Y. $456; hay, 1,565 tons; V. $21,539. Fruit raised, 4,579 bush. ; V. $2,296. Wax Bleached, 30,000 lbs.; V. $15,000 ; E. 2. 33 258 RANDOLPH. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 3; V, of articles m'd, $1,900; C. |750; E. 3. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars, Coaches, Chaises and other Vehicles, 1 ; V. of vehicles m'd, $3,000 ; C. |500 ; F. 4. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 1 ; V. of articles m'd, $2,000 ; C. $300. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of ware, |1,500; C. $700 ; E. 1. Boots m'd, 227,131 pairs; shoes, 332,281 pairs; Y. of boots and shoes, $700,100 ; M. E. 815 ; F. E. 649. Straw Bonnets and Hats m'd, 200; Y. $50; E. 1. Y. of Bnilding Stone quarried and prepared, $2,000; E. 6. Y. of Blocks and Pumps m'd, $500 ; E. 1. Y. of Mechanics' Tools m'd, $400; E. 2 Lumber prepared, 7,500 feet; Y. $1,000 ; E. 2. Fire Wood prepared, 2,323 cords; Y. $6,969 ; E. 12; peat, 500 cords; Y. $1,500; M. E. 15. Oil consumed in manufacturing, 788 galls. ; Y. $625 ; an- thracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 250 tons; Y. $1,750. Sheep, 2 ; Y. $5 ; wool produced, 7 lbs. ; Y. $3. Horses, 253 ; Y. $12,650; neat cattle, 437; Y. $8,740 ; swine, 554; Y. $6,650. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 1,215 bush.; Y. $911 ; rye, 63 bush. ; Y. $50 ; barley, 6 bush. ; Y. $6 ; potatoes, 13,534 bush. ; Y. $3,384 ; other esculent vegetables, 550,000 lbs. ; Y. $2,750 ; hay, 988 tons ; Y. $9,882. Fruit raised, 25,555 bush. ; Y. $10,222. Butter, 12,962 lbs. ; Y. $2,592 ; cheese, 7,311 lbs. ; Y. $731 ; honey, 165 lbs. ; Y. $28 ; beeswax, 21 lbs. ; Y. $8. ROXBURY. Mills for m. of carpeting, 1 ; wool consumed, 280,000 lbs. ; carpeting m'd, 200,000 yds. ; Y. $120,000; C. $75,000 ; M. E. 100 ; F. E. 60. 259 Establishments for m. of Worsted Goods, 2 ; worsted yarn m'd and not made into cloth, 124,300 lbs. ; V. $25,175 ; M. E. 10 ; F. E. 20. Establishments for m. of Hosiery, 1 ; V. of hosiery m'd, $800 ; M. E. 2. Establishments for m. of Silk and Worsted Fringe and Tas- sels, 1 ; V. of m's, .$15,000 ; C. |6,000 ; M. E. 15 ; F. E. 45. Rolling, Slitting and Nail Mills, 3 ; iron m'd and not made into nails, 3,766,143 lbs.; V. $125,000; machines for m. of nails, 48; nails m'd, 4,274,600 lbs.; V. $160,000; C. $100,- 000 ; E. 240. Forges, 18 ; bar iron, anchors, cables and other articles of wrought iron m'd, 119 tons; V. $46,600; C. $1,550; E. 60. Furnaces for m. of Hollow Ware and Castings other than Pig Iron. I ; hollow ware and castings m'd, 1,350 tons ; V. $45,000 '; C. $25,000 ; E. 50. Establishments for m. of Steam Engines and Boilers, 2 ; V. of articles m'd, $15,800 ; C. $6,000 ; E. 9. Establishments for m. of Fire Engines, 1 ; engines m'd, 28 ; V. $25,000 ; E. 24. Establishments for m. of Butts or Hinges, 1 ; articles m'd, 23,500 doz. ; V. $4,300 ; C. $3,000 ; E. 16. Brass Foundries, 1 ; Y. of articles m'd, $3,000 ; C. $2,000 ; E. 2. Starch Manufactories, 3 ; starch m'd from wheat or flour, 1,360,000 lbs. ; V. $68,000; C. $12,000 ; E. 12. Establishments for m. of Chemical Preparations, 3; V. of m's, $90,000; C. $50,500; E. 29. Establishments for Staining and Stamping Paper, 4 ; paper finished, 91,800 rolls. ; V. $14,500; E. 13. Clock Manufactories, 1; clocks m'd, 15; V. $150; E. 1. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 7; V. of articles m'd, $5,150; C. $1,450; E. 11. Upholstery Manufactories, 1 ; V. of m's, $20,000 ; C. $10,- 000 ; E. 15. Hat and Cap Manufactories, 1 ; hats and caps m'd, 1,872; V. $3,872; C. $400 ; E. 2. 260 Cordage Manufactories, 4 ; cordage m'd, 2,155 tons ; V. $370,- 000; C. $246,000; E. 174. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars, Coaches, Chaises and other Vehicles, 6 ; V. of vehicles m'd, $31,300; C. $9,250; E. 41. Soap and Tallow Mannfactories, 5 ; hard and soft soap m'd, 1,283,600 lbs.; Y. $63,280; candles, 170,000 lbs.; V. $15,100; C. $23,500 ; E. 31. Establishments for m. of Rifles and Fowling Pieces, 1; V. of arms m'd, $800 ; C. $500; E. 2. Establishments for m. of Cannon, 1 ; {just commenced-) steel and iron cannon, and carriages for same m'd, 30; V. $15,000; C. $100,000 ; E. 22. Chair and Cabinet Ware Mannfactories, 8; V. of articles m'd, $56,000; C. $23,700; E. 70. Tin Ware Manufactories, 5 ; V. of ware, $2,000 ; C. $650 ; E. 9. Establishments for m. of Sheet Lead and Pipe, White Lead and other Paints, 1; sheet lead and pipe m'd, 400 tons; V. $48,000; white lead, 200 tons; V. $24,000; red lead, 50 tons; litharge 40 tons, and crome yellow, 12 tons; V. $3,600; C. $100,000; E. 54. ' ii<^}^- Gkie Manufactories and Manufactories for the preparation of Gums, 2; V. of glue and gums m'd, $23,000; C. $5,000; E. 8. Bakeries, 9 ; bread m'd, 18,100 bbls. ; V. $174,500 ; C. $20,- 000 ; E. 54. Tanneries, and Curriers' Establishments, 16; hides and skins tanned and curried, 228,300; V. $287,000; C. $108,000; E. 112. Boots m'd, 12,305 pairs ; shoes, 82,275 pairs ; V. of boots and shoes, $88,692 ; M. E. 82 ; F. E. 34. Bricks m'd, 5,900,000; V. $29,800; E. 77. V. of Stone quarried and prepared, $17,500 ; E. 34. V. of Blocks and Pumps m'd, $1,800 . E. 6. Soap, Fish and Candle Box Manufactories, 2 ; boxes m'd, 60,000; V. $9,000; E. 14. 261 Turpentine and Rosin Manufactories, 1 ; spirits of turpentine m'd, 900 bbls. ; rosin, 3,000 bbls. ; V. of m's, $15,600; E. 4. Barrels m'd, 1,200; V. $1,200; hogsheads, 150; V. $150; E. 2. Distilleries, 1 ; rum m'd, 240,000 galls. ; V. $7,200 ; E. 3. V. of Looking Glass Frames, Sashes and Blinds m'd, $20,- 000; E. 17. Breweries, 2 : beer brewed, 6,000 bbls. ; V. $34,000; E. 9. Patent Corselet Manufactories, 1 ; V. of m's, $2,500 ; E. 2. Jerked Beef prepared, 100 tons; V. $6,000; tried tallow m'd, 100,000 lbs.; V. $6,000; sizing, 50 tons; V. $2,500; neat's foot oil, 2,400 galls.; Y. $1,700; shin bones, 100,000; V. $1,200; bone manure m'd, 6,000 bush.; V. $1,400; C. $15,000. Oakum Manufactories, 1 ; oakum m'd, 300,000 lbs.; Y. $24,- 000; C. $10,000; E. 16. India Rubber Manufactories, 1 ; rubber used, 24 tons; cloth m'd, 31,000 yds. ; Y. of all the m's, $5,000; E. 40. Y. of Knit Goods and Yarn m'd, $30,000; E. 50. Fire Wood prepared, 165 cords; Y. $815. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 2,028 galls. ; Y. $1,820; whale oil, 10,000 galls.; Y. $4,000: other oil, 10,692 galls. ; Y. $6,375; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 5,021 tons; Y. $30,000; foreign bituminous coal, 3,500 chal- drons ; Y. $24,500 ; Y. of wood consumed in manufacturing, $2,105. Asses, 1; Y. $75; horses. 1,097: Y. $90,369; neat cattle, 873; Y. $24,863; swine, 1,451: Y. $12,146. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 3,686 bush. ; Y. $2,201 ; rye, 974 bush.; Y. $759; barley, 381 bush.; Y. $227; oats, 3'0 bush.; Y. $157; potatoes, 47,378 bush.; Y. $18,951 ; other es- culent vegetables, 76,381 bush.; Y. $35,149; hay, 3,547 tons; Y. $53,205. Fruit raised, 37,821 bush.; Y. $30,822. Butter, 1,405 lbs.; Y. $286. Milk, 239,050 galls. ; Y. $23,905. 262 SHARON. Cotton Mills, 2; spindles, 1,300; cotton consumed, 97,000 lbs. ; printing cloth m'd, 250,000 yds. ; V. $12,500 ; duck, 47,- 000 yds.; V. $10,340; C. $4,000; M. E. 12; F. E. 20. Woollen Mills, 1 ; sets of machinery, 1 ; wool consumed, 23,475 lbs. ; satinet m'd, 31,300 yds. ; V. $12,520. Axe Manufactories, 1 ; axes and other edge tools m'd, 300 ; V. $300 ; E. 2. Boots m'd, 16,421 pairs ; shoes, 200 pairs ; V. of boots and shoes, $33,230 ; M. E. 83 ; F. E. 53. Straw Bonnets and Hats m'd, 16,421 ; V. $5,320 ; V. of straw braid m'd and not made into bonnets and hats, $203 ; F. E. 67. Fire Wood prepared, 1,408 cords; V. $2,937; E. 30, Hoops prepared, 86,000; V. $2,150. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 300 galls. ; Y. $300; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 10 tons; V. $80. Sheep, 54; V. $108; wool produced, 154 lbs.; V. $46. , Horses, 115; Y. $5,360; neat cattle, 500; Y. $9,406; swine, 289; Y. $2,905. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 3,487 bush. ; Y. .$2,615 ; rye, 460 bush.; Y. $460; barley, 472 bush.; Y. $330; potatoes, 11,301 bush.; Y. $3,390; hay, 983 tons; Y. $11,445. Fruit raised, 4,437 bush. ; Y. $879. Butter, 15,543 lbs. ; Y. $2,442 ; cheese, 7,500 lbs. ; Y. $525. STOUGHTON. Cotton Mills, 3; woollen mills, 1; the owners or agents of these cotton and woollen mills refuse to give any information in regard to them. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 2 ; Y. of articles m'd, $320; C. $200; E. 3. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars, Coaches, Chaises and other Yehicles, 1 ; Y. of vehicles m'd, $400; C. $150; E. 2. 263 Soap and Tallow Candle Manufactories, 2 ; soap m'd, 300 bbls. ; V. $1,350 ; C. $700 ; E. 3. Boots m'd, 217,177 pairs; shoes, 9,200 pairs; V. of boots and shoes, $418,274 ; M. E. 527 ; F. E. 306. V. of Straw Braid m'd and not made into Bonnets and Hats, $57; F. E. 11. V. of Mechanics' Tools m'd, $2,300 ; E. 8. Fire Wood prepared, 849 cords; V. $3,358; E. 4; charcoal, 12,000 bush.; V. $1,000; C. $400; E. 2. Hoops prepared, 43,000 ; V. $860 ; C. $400 ; E. 2. Horses, 229; V. $11,700; neat cattle, 571; V. $12,207; swine, 418 ; Y. $4,18:). Indian Corn or Maize raised, 2,738 bush. ; Y. $2,190 ; rye, 78 bush. ; Y. $78 ; barley, 146 bush. ; Y. $120 ; potatoes, 16,- 824 bush.; Y. $3,365; Y. of other esculent vegetables, $1,500; millet, 5 tons; Y. $75; hay, 1,000 tons; Y. $13,000. Fruit raised, 7,775 bush. ; Y. $1,755. Butter, 25,000 lbs. ; Y. $4,000; cheese, 16,400 lbs. ; Y. WALPOLE. Cotton Mills, 5 ; spindles, 2,800; cotton consumed, 116,700 lbs. ; ticking m'd, 70,000 yds. ; shirting, 185,000 yds. ; Y. of all cotton cloth m'd, $25,000; stocking yarn m'd, 7,000 lbs.; Y. $2,310; thread, 7,000 lbs.; Y. $3,500; C. $43,000 ; M. E. 22 F. E. 45. Establishments for Bleaching or Coloring Cotton Goods, not connected with Calico Establishments, 1 ; goods bleached or colored, 100,000 lbs. ; Y. added to goods by this process, $6,500 ; C. $3,000 ; E. 7. Woollen Mills, 3 ; sets of machinery, 5 ; wool consumed, 175,000 lbs. ; broadcloth m'd, 6,666 yds. ; Y. $13,332 ; cassi- mere, 193,321 yds.; Y. $37,000 ; C. $16,000; M. E. 30; F. E. 17. Carpeting m'd from listing, 4,000 yds. ; Y. $1,600; C. $400 ; M. E. 5. 264 Furnaces for m. of Hollow Ware and Castings other than Pig Iron, 1 ; hollow ware and castings m'd, 100 tons; V. $8,000; C. $3,000 ; E. G. Establishments for m. of Cotton, Woollen and other Machin- ery, 3; V. of machinery m'd, $4,100; C. $5,100; E. 8. Hoe Manufactories, 1; V. of hoes m'd, $4,500; C. $6,000; E. 12. Paper Manufactories, 3; stock consumed, 750,000 lbs.; pa- per m'd, 670,000 lbs. ; V. $35,635 ; C. $33,500 ; E. 21. Harness Manufactories, 2 ; V. of harnesses m'd, $215 ; C. $200 ; K. 2. Hat and Cap Manufactories, 1; hats and caps m'd, 1,200; Y. $2,000 ; C. $700 ; E. 5. Cordage Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of cordage m'd, $1,500; C. $500 ; E. 3. Card Manufactories, 1 ; {just gone into operation.') EstabHshments for m. of Wagons, Sleighs and other Yehi- cles, 8; Y. of vehicles m'd, $14,700; C. $5,100; E. 32. Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of articles m'd, $3,000 ; C. $800 ; E. 5. Tanneries, 1 ; {just gone into operation.) Boots m'd, 10,811 pairs ; shoes, 421 pairs ; Y. of boots and shoes, $17,025 ; M. E. 35 ; F. E. 12. Staw Bonnets and Hats m'd, 46,400; Y. $60,000 ; C. $5,000; F. E. 225. Twine Manufactories, 1 ; twine m'd, 25,000 lbs. ; Y. $5,000 ; C. $2,200 ; E. 4. Iron Axletree Manufactories, 1 ; axletrees m'd, 120,000 lbs. ; Y. $10,000 ; C. $3,800 ; E. 9. Grist Mills, 4. Saw Mills, 3. Y. of Lumber prepared, $500 ; E. 2. Fire Wood prepared, 1,100 cords; Y. $4,000; E. 15. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 855 gnlls. ; Y. $855; other oil, 1,040 galls. ; Y. $780 ; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 471 tons ; Y. $3,860; bituminous coal mined in the U. States, 18 tons ; Y. $180 ; Y. of other articles of Ameri- can production, excepting cotton, wool and iron, consumed in 265 manufacturing, $2,710 ; V. of other articles of foreign produc- tion, excepting as above consumed, $5,260. Sheep, 26; V. $52; wool produced, 78 lbs. ; V. $31. Horses, 185; V. $11,100; neat cattle, 588 ; $11,760; swine, 217; V. $2,604. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 4,586 bush. ; V. $3,440; wheat, 57 bush.; V. $60; rye, 1,088 bush.; V. $1,000; barley, 961 bush.; V. $480; oats, 275 bush.; V. $110 ; potatoes, 20,000 bush.; V. $5,000 ; other esculent vegetables, 2,500 bush. ; V. $900; hay, 1,500 tons; V. $18,000. Fruit raised, 2,500 bush. ; V. $1,500. Butter, 21,000 lbs. ; V. $3,780 ; cheese, 2,500 lbs. ; Y. $150. WEYMOUTH. Rolling, Slitting and IVail Mills, 3; iron m'd and not made into nails, 500 tons ; Y. ,$50,000 ; machines for m. of nails, 50; nails m'd, 2,220 tons ; Y. $200,000 ; C. $70,000 ; E. ^100. Tack and I3rad Manufactories, 1; Y. of tacks and brads m'd, $30,000; C. $10,000; E. 15. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 2; Y. of articles m'd, $1,400; C. $600; E. 4. Establishnietits for m. of Rail-road Cars, Coaches, Chaises and other Yehiclcs, 4 ; Y. of vehicles m'd, $2,000 ; C. $800 ; E. 5. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 2 ; Y. of articles m'd, $3,000; C. $1,800 ; E. 4. Tanneries, 1 ; hides tanned, 1,000 ; Y. of leather tanned and curried, $10,600; C. $5,000 ; E. 8. I3oots m'd, 119,905 pairs; shoes, 408,574 pairs ; Y. of boots and shoes, $557,122 ; M. E. 1,202 ; F. F. 633. Y. of Building Stone quarried and prepared, $4,000; E. 10. Y. of Wooden Ware m'd, $2,000 ; E. 4. Fire Wood prepared, 050 cords ; Y. $2,600 ; E. 4. Sash, Door and Blind Manufactories. 6 ; Y. of articles m'd^ $8,000. 34 Z66 Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 1,890 galls.; V. $1,- 377; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 900 tons; Y. $5,400; bituminous coal mined in the U. States, 3,000 tons ; V. $18,000. Merino Siiecp, 65 ; V. $130 ; merino wool produced, 195 lbs. ; V. $78. Horses, 286; V. $17,160; neat cattle, 574; V. $13,202; swine, 558; V. $11,160. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 2,515 bush. ; V. $1,685; rye, 136 bush. ; V. $109 ; barley, 100 bush. ; V. $75 ; ' potatoes, 16,660 bush. ; V. $5,498 ; other esculent vegetables, 184 tons; V. $2,760; hay, 1,309 tons; V. $17,565. Fruit raised, 7,434 bush. ; Y. $2,974. Butter, 15,751 lbs.; Y. $3,150; cheese, 14,222 lbs.; Y. $1,138 ; honey, 500 lbs. ; Y. $100. WRENTHAM. Cotton Mills, 5 ; spindles, 3,856 ; cotton consumed, 131,404 lbs.; sheeting m'd, 321,664 yds.; Y. $18,496; yarn (satinet warp,) m'd and not made into cloth, 15,600 lbs. ; Y. $3,588 ; thread, 44,542 lbs.; Y. $16,476; batting, 100,000 lbs. ; Y. $600; C. $20,000; M. E. 41 ; F. E. 39. Mills for m. of Carpeting, 2; wool consumed, 80,000 lbs.; carpeting m'd, 68,561 yds. ; Y. $44,136; C. $5,000; M. E. 35. F. E. 7. Establishments for m. of Fire Engines, 1; engines m'd, 5; Y. $1,000; E. 1. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 2; Y. of articles m'd, $1,840; C. $600 ; E. 2. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars, Coaches, Chaises and other Yehicles, 3; Y. of vehicles m'd, $3,890; C. $1,000; E. 7. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 3 ; Y. of articles m'd, $11,400; C. $4,500; E. 19. Boots m'd, 7,475 pairs ; Y. $10,011 ; M. E. 32 ; F. E. 2. 267 Straw Boimets and Hats m'd, 81,568; V. $70,951; F. E. 495^ " Walking Canes m'd, 161 dozen; V. $483; E. 1. Baskets m'd, 5,120; V. $1,280; E. 5. Boot and Shoe Boxes m'd, 3,500; V. $1,163; E. 3. Lumber prepared, 195,000 feet; V. $1,560; E. 2. Fire Wood prepared, 1,041 cords; V. $3,123; E. 5. Boats built, 175; V. $4,250; E. 6. Merino Sheep, 272 ; V. $272; merino wool produced, 1,019 lbs. ; V. $254. Horses, 321; V. $14,445; neat cattle, 1,079; V. $21,580 ; swine, 646; V, $5,168. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 10,899 bush. ; Y. $7,266; rye, 1,810 bush. ; V. $1,448; barley, 189 bush.; V. $95 ; oats, 2,.523 bush.; V. $841 ; potatoes, 33,274 bush. ; V. $8,319 ; hay^ 2,363 tons; Y. $25,664. Fruit raised, 4,771 bush.; Y. $1,590. Butler, 32,242 lbs. ; Y. $4,836 ; cheese, 14,170 lbs. ; Y. $709. COUNTY OF BRISTOL. ATTLEBOROUGH. Cotton Mills, 7; spindles, 12,874; cotton consumed, 487.851 lbs.; printing cloths m'd, 1,367,743 yds.; shirtings, 328,590 yds. ; Y. $160,937; cotton thread m'd, 14,400 lbs. ; Y. $4,320; C. $172,000; M. E. 115 ; F. E. 174. Calico Manufactories, 1 ; calico printed, 2,240,000 yds. ; Y. $250,000 ; C. $50,000 ; M. E. 65 ; F. E. 8. Furnaces for m. of Hollow Ware and Castings, other than Pig Iron, 1 ; hollow ware and castings m'd, 40 tons ; Y. $3,200; E. 10. Brass Foimdries, 1; Y. of articles m'd, $3,300; C. $500; E. 3. 268 Metal Button Manufactories, 1 ; buttons m'd, 20,546 groce ; V. $4I,0S0; C. $50,000; E. 45. Clock Manufactories, 2; clocks m'd, 850; V. $5,950; C. $2,400 ; E. 9. Establishments for m. of Chronometers, Gold and Silver Ware, and Jewelry, 11; Y. of m's, $85,000; C. $28,000; E. 102. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of articles m'd, $780; C. $300; E. 2. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars and other Yehicles, 3 ; Y. of vehicles m'd, $4,000 ; C. $1,500 ; E. 5. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of ware, $5,200 ; C. $1,500; E. 5. Comb Manufactories, 2 ; Y. of combs m'd, $500 ; E. 2. Tanneries, 2; hides tanned, 3,400; Y. of leather tanned and curried, $G,000; C. $3,000; E. 8. Boots m'd, 845 pairs; shoes, 1.272 pairs; Y. of boots and shoes, $3,124; M. E. 5. Straw Bonnets and Hats m'd, 21,062; Y. $18,955; Y. of straw braid m'd and not made into bonnets and hats, $2,610 ; F. E. 71. Bricks m'd, 260,000; Y. $1,430; E. 6. Y. of Snuff, Tobacco and Cigars m'd, $500 ; E. 1. Y. of Whips m'd, $12. Y. of Blocks and Pumps m'd, $317 ; E. 1. Lumber prepared, 40,000 feet ; Y. $488. Fire Wood prepared, 2,712 cords; Y. $9,492; E. 24. Boats built, 20; Y. $600; E. 1. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 4,121 galls. ; Y. $3,708; other oil, 190 galls.; Y. $147; anthracite coal con- sumed in manufacturing, 1,366 tons; Y. $9,562 ; foreign bitu- minous coal, 56 chaldrons; Y. $448; Y. of all other articles of American production consumed in manufacturing, excepting cotton, wool and iron, $72,963; Y. of all other articles of for- eign production consumed, excepting as above, $35,700. Sheep, 170; Y. $250; wool produced, 456 lbs.; Y. $137. Horses, 333; Y. $16,650; neat cattle, 1,328; Y. $20,381; swine, 558 ; Y. $3,348. 269 Indian Corn or Maize raised, 9,345 bush.; V. $6,074 ; rye, 1,GS4 bush. : V. i$l,347 : barley, GO bush. ; V. $40 ; oats, 1,715 bush.; Y. $634; potatoes, 35,400 busli.; V. $7,965 ; other es- culent vegetables, 1,796 bush.; V. $449; millet, 22 tons; V. $220; hay, 2,111 tons; V. $20,712. Fruit raised, 9,866 bush. ; V. $2,932. Butter, 29,585 lbs. ; V. $4,931; cheese, 12,355 lbs. ; V. $864; honey, 150 lbs. ; V. $25 ; beeswax, 20 lbs. ; V. $7. Establishments for m. of Hooks and Eyes, 1 : hooks and eyes m'd, 138,888 groce; V. $20,222 ; C. $3,000; M. E. 5 ; F. E. 25. Establishments for m. of Shuttles, 2; shuttles m'd, 1.750 dozen: V. $7,450; V. of shuttle mountings m'd, $925; C. $4,000 ; E. 14. Paper Boxes m'd, 2,662 dozen ; V. $650. Thread Spools m'd, 900 groce; V. $225. Thread m'd, 14,800 dozen spools; Y. $1,924. Spectacles m'd, 1,500 dozen; V. $5,250. Glass Steps m'd, 350,000; Y. $1,400. Black Glass Buttons m'd, 2,500 groce ; Y. $1,875. Spectacle Glasses m'd, 2,460 dozen; Y. $1,372. Suspender Buckles m'd, 250 groce; Y. $500. Medals m'd, 100 groce; Y. $1,200. Weavers' Reeds m'd, 2,000; Y. $1,700; C. $500; E. 3. Y. of NYindow Sashes and Blinds m'd, $200. Y. of ^Yooden Boxes and Trunks m'd, $1,500 ; E. 2. Hoops m'd, 2,700 ; Y. $376. Y. of Sculpture and Stone Cutting, $600. BERKLEY. Boots m'd, 350 pairs ; shoes, 300 pairs ; Y. of boots and shoes, $1,050 ; M. E. 5 ; F. E. 3. Straw Bonnets and Hats m'd, 3,300; Y. $6,600; F. E. 12. Bricks m'd, 1,800,000; Y. $7,790; E. 19. Shingles m'd, 2,500,000; Y. $10,000; E. 16. 270 Fire Wood prepared, 759 cords; V. |3,036 ; E. 5. Alewivcs taken, 435,000; shad, 8,600; V. of shad and ale- wives, $4,735 ; E. 30. Sheep, 395; Y. $593; wool produced, 1,148 lbs. ; V. |344. Horses, 73; V. $2,655; neat cattle, 375; V. $5,620; swine, 184; V. $3,312. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 4,630 bush.; V. $3,472 ; rye, 989 bush. ; V. $840 ; oats, 258 bush. ; V. $103 ; potatoes, 12,- 618 bush.; V. $3,154; other esculent vegetables, 752 bush.; V. $188 ; hay, 629 tons; V. $7,348. Fruit raised, 2,591 bush. ; V. $863. Butter, 6,670 lbs.; V. $1,111; cheese, 5,660 lbs.; Y. $453. DARTMOUTH. EstabHshments for m. of Salt, 7; salt m'd, 14,800 bush. ; Y. $2,960; C. $17,700; E. 6. Mills for m. of Linseed Oil, 1 ; oil m'd, 8,000 galls. ; Y. $6,400 ; C. $7,000 ; E. 2. Tanneries, 2; hides tanned, 800; Y. of leather tanned and curried, $2,400; C. $3,000; E. 5. Boots m'd, 300 pairs ; shoes. 600 pairs ; Y. of boots and shoes, $1,200; M. E. 5. Lumber prepared, 350,000 feet ; Y. $2,800 ; E. 20. Fire Wood prepared, 2,860 cords; Y. $9,000; E. 60. Boats built, 3; Y. $600; E. 2. Yesscls employed in the Whale Fishery, 13; tonnage, 4,041 ; sperm oil imported, 120,000 galls; Y. $108,000 ; whale oil im- ported, 150,000 galls. ; Y. $50,000; whalebone imported, 75,- 000 lbs. ; Y. $30,000 ; C. $325,000 ; E. 350. Yessels employed in the Mackerel and Cod Fisheries, 2; tonnage, 160; codfish taken, 1,400 quintals; Y. $3,500 ; salt consumed, 1,300 bush.; C. $2,500; E. 20. Merino Sheep, 500 ; other sheep, 1,083 ; Y. of all the sheep, $3,300 ; merino wool produced, 1,300 lbs. ; other wool, 2,600 lbs. ; Y. of all the wool, $1,000. 271 Horses, 375; V. $16,635 ; neat cattle, 1.556; V. $36,407; swine, 704 ; V. $4,000. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 13,064 bush.; V. $10,451 ; rye, 240 bush.; V. $192 ; oats, 6,045 bush.; V. $2,015; potatoes, 25,850 bush. ; V. $6,465 ; other esculent vegetables, 10,000 bush. ; V. $2,500 ; hay, 2,803 tons ; V. $28,030. P\uit raised, 8,500 bush.; V. $2,130. Butter, 22,100 lbs. ; V. $3,757; cheese, 10,000 lbs. ; Y. $800 ; honey, 250 lbs. ; V. $50 ; beeswax, 30 lbs. ; V. $5. Milk, 75,550 galls. ; V. $9,500. Menhaden Oil, 250 bbls. ; V. $3,000; C. $3,500 ; E. 8. Carding Machines, 1 ; wool carded, 1,000 lbs. ; C. $1,000. DIGHTON. Cotton Mills, 2 : spindles, 3,550 ; cotton consumed, 155,186 lbs. ; printing cloth m"d, 435,253 yds. ; nankin cotton cloth, 315,000 yds.. No. 24|; V. $49,940; cotton batting m'd, 320,- 000 lbs. ; Y. $22,400; C. $42,000 ; M. E. 50; F. E. 52. Furnaces for m. of Hollow NVare and Castings other than Pig Iron. 1 ; hollow ware and castings m'd, 75 tons ; Y. $7,500 ; C. $1,500; E. 9. Axe Manufactories, 2 ; axes and other edge tools m'd, 800 ; Y. $680; C. $3,000; E. 2. Boots m'd, 400 pairs ; shoes, 5.000 pairs; Y. of boots and shoes, $4,550 ; M. E. 8 ; F. JO. 4. Shingles m'd, 200,000; Y. $800; E. 1. Fire Wood prepared, 918 cords ; V. $2,960; E. 4; charcoal, 2,9uObush.; Y.$26I. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 625 ^alls. ; Y. $562 ; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, ICO tons; Y. $500. Sheep, 391; Y. $504; wool produced, S79 lbs. ; Y. $226. 1 lorses, 1 37 ; Y. $6,656 ; neat cattle, 495 ; Y. $8,413 ; swine, 378 ; Y. $4,413. Indian Corn or IMaize raised, 5,688 bush. ; Y. $3,835 ; wheat, 10 bush. ; Y. $8 ; rye, 1,031 bush. ; Y. $813 ; barley, 38 bush. ; 272 V. $23; oats, 1,837 bush. ; V. $598; potatoes, 21,181 bush.; V. $5,319 ; other esculent vegetables, 1,007 bush. ; V. $399 ; hay, 998 tons; V. $11,035. Fruit raised, 9,027 bush. ; Y. $1,952. Butter, 9,871 lbs. ; V. $1,811 ; cheese, 9,075 lbs. ; V. $1,394; honey, 135 lbs. ; V. $14. Hogshead Hoops m'd, 15,000 ; V. $225 ; nail keg hoops, 100,000; V. $374. Grist Mills, 3; grain ground, 10,000 bush. ; C. $3,000; E. 2. Slaughter Honses, 2; beef, &c., slaughtered, 187,800 lbs.; V. $9,390 ; C. $2,000 ; E. 3. Shad taken, 253,500 ; Y. $2,000 ; M. E. 14. EASTON. Cotton Mills, 5 ; spindles, 2,250 ; cotton consumed, 112,023 lbs.; printing cloth m'd, 110,000 yds.; Y. $0,500; cotton yarn m'd and not made into cloth, 45.001 lbs.; Y. $10,979; cotton thread, 19,000 lbs. ; Y. $11,750; cotton batting, 2,575 lbs. ; Y. $154; cord, 9,000 lbs.; Y. $2,520; twine and wicking, 0,525 lbs. ; Y. $970 ; C. $24,000 ; M. E. 22 ; F. E. 37. Furnaces for m. of Hollow Ware and Castings other than Pig Iron, 2 ; hollow ware and castings m'd, 350 tons; Y. $30,- 250 ; C. .$35,000 ; E. 35. Establishments for m. of Cutlery, 1 ; Y. of cutlery m'd, $11,000; C. $5,000; E. 20. Tack and Brad Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of tacks and brads m'd, $0,000 ; C. $4,500 ; E. 8. Shovel, Spade, Fork and Hoe Manufactories, 2 ; Y. of arti- cles m'd, $130,000; C. $40,500; E. 72. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of articles m'd, $100; C. $100; E. 2. Eslablishmenls for m. of Rail-road Cars and other Yehiclcs, 3; Y. of vehicles m'd, $2,000; C. $700; I-:. 5. Boots m'd, 30,037 pairs ; shoes, 42,810 pairs; Y. of boots and shoes, $87,718; M. E. 91 ; F. E. 50. 273 Straw Bonnets and Hats m'd, 4,611 ; V. $1,150 ; V, of straw- braid m'd and not made into bonnets and hats, $500 ; F. E. 100. V. of Mathematical Instruments m'd, $4,250; E. G. Lumber prepared, 200,000 feet ; V. $2,000 ; E. 10. Fire Wood prepared, 1,917 cords; V. $5,751 ; E. 6. Box Factories, 1; boxes m'd, 3,000; V. $875; C. $200; E. 1. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 668 galls. ; V. $668 ; whale oil, 32 galls. ; V. $30 : anthracite coal consumed in man- ufacturing, 500 tons; V. $3,350 ; foreign bituminous coal, 350 chaldrons : V. $2,925 ; V. of all other articles of American pro- duction consumed in manufacturing, excepting cotton, wool and iron, $16,150: V. of all other articles of foreign production consumed, excepting as above, $14,000. Sheep, 189; Y. $189; wool produced, 524 lbs. ; V. $157. Asses and Mules, 1; V. $50: horses, 193; V. $9,650; neat cattle, 734; V. $12,000; swine, 234; V. ,$2,500. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 4,974 bush. ; V. $3,730; rye, 378 bush. ; V. $284; barley, 1.59 bush.; V. $118; oats, 790 bush. ; V. $276 : potatoes, 29,896 bush. ; Y. $5,979 ; other es- culent vegetables, 6,400 bush.; Y. $1,600; hay, 1,423 tons; Y. $14,769. Fruit raised, 10,155 bush. ; Y. $2,031. Butter, 16,073 lbs. ; Y. $1,928 ; cheese, 8,307 lbs. ; Y. $498 ; honey, 100 lbs.; Y. $12; beeswax, IS lbs.; Y. $4. FAIRIIAYEN. Cotton Mills, 1 ; spindles, 1,148 ; cotton consumetl, 22,940 lbs. ; cotton cloth m'd, 35,398 yds. ; Y. $2,124; candle wicking m'd, 14,057 lbs.; C. $10,100; M. E. 8; F. E. 14. Brass Foundries, 1 ; Y. of articles m'd, $5,000; C. $1,200; E. 4. Paper Manufactories, 1 ; stock consumed, 25 tons ; paper m'd, 20 tons; Y. $2,500; C. $1,200; E. 3. 35 274 Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; V. of articles m'd, $300; C. $50; E. 1. Establishments for m. of Salt, 2; salt m'd, 3,100 bush. ; V. $1,500; C. $5,000; E. 4. Establishments for m. of Oil and Sperm Candles, 2 ; oil m'd, 54,080 galls. ; V. $1S,G72 ; sperm candles m'd, 43,341 lbs. ; V. $ll,2G9; C. $15,000; E. 6. Soap Manufactories, 1; soap m'd, 25 tons; V. $1,000; C. $500 ; E. 2. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 2 ; V. of articles m'd, $600; C. $300; E. 3. Tin Ware Manufactories, 2; V. of ware, $2,000 ; C. $G00; E. 3. Tanneries, 4; hides tanned, 146; V. of leather tanned and curried, $500; C. $200; E. 4. Boots m'd, 650 pairs; shoes, 1,600 pairs ; V. of boots and shoes, $4,600; M. E 20. V. of Onilding Stone quarried and prepared, $500 ; E, 18. Y. of blocks and Pumps m'd, $2,000 ; E. 4. Lnm!)er prepared, 217,000 feet; V. $1,976; E. 150. Fire Wood prepared, 2,585 cords; Y. $8,755; E. 200. Vessels laimched, 1; tomiage, 376; Y. $16,000; E. 20. Boats, built, 98; Y. $4,900 ; E. 14. Candle Boxes, 22,000; Y. $3,960; E. 6. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 50 galls. ; Y. $45 ; foreign bituminous coal consumed, 90 tons; Y. $720. Yessels employed in the Whale Fishery, 4o ; tonnage, 14,105 ; sperm oil imported, 532.944 galls.; Y. $179,049; whale oil, 614,239 galls. ; Y. $184,271; whalebone, 202,530; Y. $60,759; C. $1,109,000; E. 1,120. Spermaceti m'd, 50,014 lbs. ; Y. $12,504. Harpoons, Lances, &.C. m'd, 1,600 pieces; Y. $1,600; E. 15. Sheep, 694; Y. $900; wool produced, 1,769 lbs.; Y. $440. Horses, 294: Y. $14,700 ; neat cattle, 863; Y. $17,260; swine, 789; Y. $7,890. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 6,880 bush. ; Y. $1,128; wheat, 30 bush. ; Y. $12 ; rye, 731 bush. ; Y. $585 ; barley, 216 bush. ; 275 V. $108 ; oats, 3,358 bush. ; V. $1,108 ; potatoes, 21,030 bush. ; V. $5,483; otiier csciil«Mit vogctables, 2,8UU Lush.; V. $S4U ; hay, l,G5l tons; V. $18,101. Fruit raised, 7,815 bush. ; V. $1,503. Buuer, 22,000 lbs.; V. $3,300; cheese, 1,100 lbs. ; V. $88. Oil casks m'd, 44,850; V. $14,850; E. 55 ; C. $10,000. y. of Wearing Apparel m'd, $10,000; E. 35. Poultry, 4,378 lbs.; V. $438. FALL RIVER. Cotton IMills, G ; spindles, 38,952; cotton consumed, 1,550.- 230 lbs.; printing cloth nrd, 0,790,050 yds ; nankins, 240,000 yds.; Y. $483,101 ; cotton yarn m'd and not made into cloth, 60,405 lbs. ; V. $0,900; C. $000,000 ; ]\I. E. 250 ; F. E. 520. Calico Manufactories, 2; calico printed, 10,040,000 yds. ; V. $2,000,000 : C. $350,000 ; M. E. 705 ; F. E. 48. Woollen Mills, 1; sets of machinery, 7 ; wool consumed, 100,000 lbs. ; cassimcrc m'd, 140,000 yds.; V. $130,000; sati- net, 20,000 yds.; Y. $15,000; C. $75,000; M. E. 70; F. E. 40. Rolling, Slitting and Nail Mills, 2; iron m'd, 2,400 tons ; Y. $210,000 ; machines for m. of nails, 04; nails m'd, 3,250 tons; Y. $200,000 ; C. $250,000 ; E. 300. Furnaces for m. of Hollow Ware and Castings other than Pig Iron, 3 ; hollow ware and castings m'd, 1,275 tons; Y. $41,025; C. $10,000; E. 05. Establishments for m. of Cotton, Woollen and other Machin- ery, 2 ; V. of machinery m'd, $124,500; C. $38,000 ; E. 124. Establishments for m. of Steam IJoilers, 1 ; Y. of boilers m'd, $250; C. $1,000; E. 2. Brass Foundries, 2; Y. of m's, $8,000; C. $3,000; E. 0. Establishments for m. of Chronometers, Watches, Gold and Silver Ware and Jewelry, 1 ; Y. of m's, $5(J0 ; C. $500; E. 1, Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 2; Y. of articles m'd, $12,000; C. $3,000 ; E. 11. 276 Hat and Cap Manufactories, 3; hats and caps m'd^ 2,400; V. $4,400; C. $3,200; E. 11. Establishments lor m. of Rail-road Cars and other Vehicles, 2 ; V. of vehicles m'd, $7,000 ; C. $3,800 ; E. 16. Establishments for m. of Oil and Sperm Candles, 1 ; C. $10,- 000 ; {iwt in operation.^ Soap Manufactories, 2 ; soap m'd, 160,000 lbs.; V. $4,000; C. $3,000 ; E. 4. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 5; V. of articles m'd, $12,100; C. $3,650; E. 22. Tin Ware and Sheet Iron Manufactories, 3 ; V. of ware, $10,000 ; C. $4,000 ; E. 14. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 3,300; V. of leather tanned and curried, $9,200; C. $6,300; E. 9. Boots m'd, 1,630 pairs; shoes, 4,600 pairs; V. of boots and shoes, $10,750 ; M. E. 26 ; F. E. 12. V. of Snuff, Tobacco and Cigars m'd, $1,450; E. 3. V, of Building Stone quarried and prepared, $25,000; E. 45. V. of Blocks and Pumps m'd, $1,900; E. 2. V. of Mechanics' Tools m'd, $650 ; E. 3. Lumber prepared, 150,000 feet; V. $1,500; E. 7. Fire Wood prepared, 2,530 cords; V. $6,745; E. 45; char- coal, 1,200 bush. ; V. $120. Vessels launched, 1 ; tonnage, 150 ; V. $8,500 ; E. 20. Boats built, 13; V. $2,500; E. 4. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 17,848 galls.; V. $16,449; all other kinds of oil consumed, 1,700 galls.; V. $1,- 200; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 11,986 tons; V. $54,998; bituminous coal mined in the U. States, 5,005 tons; V. $27,920; foreign bituminous coal, 4,325 tons; V. $23,- 850 ; V. of all other articles of American production consumed in manufacturing, excepting cotton, wool and iron, $150,355; V. of all other articles of foreign production consumed, except- ing as above, $203,200. Vessels employed in the Wliale Fishery, 7; tonnage, 1,989; C. $166,000 ; E. 180. Sheep, 541 ; V. $1,006; wool produced, 1,375 lbs. ; V, $383. 277 Horses, 3G7 ; V. ,4^25,917; neat cattle, 444: V. $10,661; swine, 572; V. $3,196. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 3,942 bush. ; V. $2,393; rye, 143 bush.; V. $107; barley, 223 bush.; V. $142; oats, 165 bush.; V. $.55; potatoes, 12,105 bush.; V. $3,172; other escu- lent vegetables, 1,S90 bush.; V. $422; hay, 545 tons; V. $7,526. Fruit raised, 4,762 bush. ; V. $1,046. Butter, 6,091 lbs. ; V. $1,228; cheese, 100 lbs. ; V. $7 ; honey, 40 lbs. ; V. $7. Y. of Wearing Apparel m'd, $45,700; C. $21,850; E. 111. V. of Millinery m'd, $3,850; C. $2,150; E. 17. Y. of Blacksmiths' Articles m"d, $15,000; C. $4,600; E. 27. Y. of Marble m'd, $3,000; C. $1,200: E.' 4. Y. of Blank Books m'd, $975; C. $350; E. 2. Y. of Oil and other Casks m'd, $2,500; C. $2,000; E. 3. Y. of AVeavers' Reeds m'd, $630; C. $700 ; E. 3. Y. of Yessels' Sails m'd, $6,000 ; C. $2,000; E. 6. Y. of Composition Molasses and Water Gates m'd, $3,000; C. $1,500; E. 3. Y. of Millwright Articles m'd, $4,250; C. $1,000; E. 8. Y. of Patterns for Machinery m'd, $5.500 ; E. 10. American Iron consumed in the m. of Nails, Hoops, Castings, Machinery and Blacksmiths' work, 11,360 tons; Y. $410,750. Foreign Iron consumed in the m. of Castings, Machinery and Blacksmiths' work, 314 tons; Y. $24,850. Foreign Steel consumed in the m. of Machinery and Black- smiths' work, 18 tons ; Y. $5,400. Y. of Milk, $1,400. FREETOWN. Rolling, Slitting and Nail Mills, 2; machines for m. of nails, 14; nails m'd, 210 tons; Y. $21,000; C. $2,400; E. 15. Axe Manufactories, 1 ; axes and other edge tools m"d, 2,760; Y. $1,650; C. $700; E. 3. 278 Shovel, Spade, Fork and Hoe Manufactories, 1 ; V. of arti- cles ni'd, .$1,000; C. |500 ; K. 3. Saddle, Harness and IVnnk Manufactories, 1; V. of articles m'd, $200; C. $100; K. 1. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 2; V. of articles m'd, $350; C. $300; E. 2. Tanneries, 3; hides tanned, 310; V. o.f leather tanned and curried, $802; C. $1,000; E. 3. Boots m'd, 121 pairs; shoes, 250 pairs; V. of boots and shoes, $519; M. E. 3. Lumber prepared, 83,400 feet; V. $1,506; E. 30. Fire Wood prepared, 2,670 cords; V. $8,010; E. 117. Anthracite Coal consumed in manufacturing, 30 tons; V. $180. Yessels employed in the AVhale Fishery, 2; tonnage, 634; sperm oil imported, 5,461 galls. ; V. $4,550; whale oil, 26,451 galls.; V. $8,993; whalebone, 4,000 lbs.; V. $1,200; C. $46,- 000 ; E. 55. Sheep, 851 ; V. $1,032; wool produced, 1,972 lbs. ; V. $592. Horses, 142 ; V. $5,841 ; neat cattle, 558 ; V. $9,906; swine, 352 ; V. $3,029. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 4,606 bush.; V. $3,224; rye, 778 bush.; V. $583; barley, 149 bush.; V. $74; oats, 386 busli. ; V. $116; potatoes, 17,721 bush.; V. $3,544; other es- culent vegetables, 1,594 busli ; V. $319; hay, 837 tons; V. $8,370. Fruit raised, 4,732 bush. ; V. $946. Butter, 10,059 lbs. ; V. $1,509; cheese, 3,140 lbs. ; V. $220. MANSFIELD. Cotton Mills, 6; spindles, 3,896 ; cotton consumed, 170,430 lbs. ; cotton cloth m'd, 770,326 yds. ; V. $46,219; cotton yarn m'd, 27,000 lbs. satinet warp; V. $9,000; C. $44,000; M. E. 52; F. F. 57. Woollen Mills. 1 ; sets of machinery, 1 ; wool consumed, 279 24,000 lbs. ; satinet m^d, 27,000 yds. ; V. $11,000; C. $4,000; M. E. G ; F. E. 4. Forges, 2 ; bar iroii; anchors, &c. m'd, 70 tons j V. $2,400 ; C. $2,500 ; E. 4. Kstablisliments for m. of Cutlery, 1 ; V. of cutlery m'd, $4,000; C. $1,000; E. 6. Tack and Brad Manufactories, 1 ; tacks and brads m'd, 75 tons; ¥.$11,250; 0. $4,000 ; E. 8. Saddle, Harness and Trunk IManufactories, 2; Y. of articles m'd, $900: C. $200; E. 2. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars and other Vehicles, 7; V. of vehicles m'd, $12,800; C. $5,900; E. 18. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; V. of ware, $4,000 ; C. $800; E. 2. Boots m'd, 200 pairs; shoes, 1,500 pairs; V. of boots and shoes, $1,800; M. E. 3; F. E. 1. Straw Bonnets and Hats m'd, 20,455; V. .$25,165; V. of straw braid m'd and not made into bonnets and hats, $1,000; F. E. 250. Fire Wood prepared, 716 cords; V. $2,861. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 936 galls. ; V. $936 ; anthracite coal consumed, 10 tons ; V. $65. Sheep, 12; V. $20; wool produced, 40 lbs.; Y. $13. Honses, 133; Y. ,$6,563; neat cattle, 453; Y. $8,610; swine, 191; Y. $1,438. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 4,625 bt;sh. ; Y. $3,098 ; rj^e, 362 bush. ; Y. $246; oats, 1,188 bush.; Y. $439 ; potatoes, 19,688 busli. ; Y. $4,922; hay, 694 tons; Y. $10,410. Fruit raised, 1,470 bush. ; Y. $588. Butter, 19,410 lbs.; Y. .$2,911; cheese, 13,550 lbs. ; Y. $1,084; honey, 50 lbs.; Y. $8; beeswax, 20 lbs.; V. $10. Baskets m'd, 35,200 ; Y. $5,228. Boots and Shoes bottomed, 18,100 pairs; cost of bottoming $3,679. Y. of labor in Sewing Frncy and Florence Braid, $8,lo7. 280 NEW BEDFORD. Furnaces for m. of Hollow Ware and Castings other than Pig Iron, 1 ; hollow ware and castings m'd, 75 tons; V. $7,500; C. ^20,000 ; E. 15. Brass Foundries, 2 ; V. of m's, $60,000 ; C. $17,000; E. 20. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 5 ; V, of articles m'd, $13,500; C. $4,300; E. IS. Upholstery Manufactories, 1 ; V. of upholstery m'd, $1,000; C. $500 ; E. 1. Cordage Manufactories, 1 ; cordage m'd, 300 tons; V. $27,- 000 ; C. $40,000 ; E. 45. Establishments for m. of Salt, 7; salt m'd, 15,900 bush. ; V. $3,180 ; C. $13,900 ; E. 7. Establishments for m. of Coaches, Chaises and other Vehi- cles, 5 ; V. of vehicles m'd, $15,000; C. $8,300; E. 65. Establishments for m. of Oil and Sperm Candles, 15; oil m'd, 1,230,439 galls. ; Y. $734,886; sperm candles m'd, 687,- 344 lbs. ; V. $274,616 ; C. $386,000 ; E. 66. Soap and Tallow Candle Manufactories, 3; soap m'd, 110,- 400 lbs.; V. $4,170; candles m'd, 16,000 lbs. ; V. $9,600; C. $4,000; E. 4. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 5 ; V. of articles m'd, $11,000; C. $3,400; E. 18. Tin Ware Manufactories, 8; V. of ware, $29,800; C. $18,- 300 ; E. 18. Tanneries, 3 ; hides tanned, 1,700 ; V. of leather tanned and curried, $6,700 ; C. $3,700 ; E. 6. Boots m'd, 3,025 pairs; shoes, 8,427 pairs; V. of boots and shoes, $21,723; M. E. 64; F. E. 6. V. of Cigars m'd, $2,500 ; E. 5. V. of Blocks and Pumps m'd, $13,200; E. 16. V. of Wooden Ware m'd, $1,100; E. 2. Lumber prepared, 255,080 feet; V. $5,116. Fire Wood prepared, 943 cords; V. $4,715. Boats built, 375 ; V. $20,375 ; E. 34. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 158 galls. ; V. $140 ; whale oil, 1,575 galls.; V. $550; all other kinds of oil, 756 281 galls. ; V. $360 ; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 950 tons ; V. $4,750. Vessels employed in the Whale Fishery, 242; tonnage, 11^- 470: sperm oil imported, 4,397,111 galls.: V. $4,177,255; whale oil, 8,254,480 galls. ; Y. $2,532,885 ; whalebone, 2,532,- 445 lbs.; V. $1,012,878; C. $6,231,900 ; E. $5,775. Sheep, SO ; V. $160 ; wool produced, 320 ; V. $105. Horses, 1,220; V. $91,500; neat cattle, 1,500 ; V. $37,500; swine, 1,800; V. $9,000. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 2,000 bush. ; V. $1,300 ; rye, 170 bush. ; V. $170; barley, 34 bush. ; V. $30; oats, 400 bush. ; Y $160; potatoes, $10,500 bush. ; Y. $4,150; hay, 900 tons; Y. $10,800. Butter, 700 lbs. ; Y. $140. Barrels m'd, 134,400; Y. $37,672; C. $37,333; E. 143. Blacksmith's Shops, 11 ; Y. of articles m'd, $40,131 ; C. $56,829. NORTON. Cotton Mills, 4; spindles, 2,320; cotton consumed, 200,000 lbs. ; cotton cloth m'd, 598.272 yds. ; Y. $35,896 ; cotton yarn m'd and not made into cloth ; 12,000 lbs. ; Y. $2,000 ; cotton batting, 16,000 lbs.; Y. $1,240; Y. of pelisse wadding m'd, $1,300 ; C. $39,600 ; M. E. 35 ; F. E. 36. Furnaces for m. of Hollow Ware and Castings other than Pig Iron, 1 : hollow ware and castings m'd, 450 tons; Y. $35,- 000 : C. $25,000 ; E. 35. Copper Manufactories, 1 ; copper m'd, 750 tons; Y. $316,- 750 ; C. $226,000 ; E. 60. Establishments for m. of Soap and Tallow Candles, 1 ; soap m'd, 300 bbls.; Y. $1,200; C. $1,000; E. 2. Tanneries, 1; hides tanned, 50; Y. of leather tanned and curried, .$.50; C. $150; E. 1. Y. of Building Stone quarried and prepared, $300; E. 1. Lumber prepared, 383,000 feet; Y. $1,167; E. 20. Fire W^ood prepared, 1,660 cords; Y. $4,996; E. 17. 36 282 Sheep, 276 ; V. $421 ; wool produced, 565 lbs. ; V. $169. Asses, 1; V. $50; horses, 169; V. $7,712; neat cattle, 654; V. $10,875 ; swine, 293; V. $1,465. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 6,308 bush.; V. $3,154; rye, 724 bush. ; V. $543 ; oats, 600 bush.; V. $180; potatoes, 18,- 052 bush. ; V. $4,528 ; other esculent vegetables, 800 bush. ; V. $300; hay, 1,160 tons; V. $11,600; flax, 10 lbs.; V. $1. Fruit raised, 2,319 bush. ; V. $417. Butter, 7,535 lbs. ; V. $1,227 ; cheese, 8,702 lbs. ; V. $676 ; honey, 68 lbs. ; V. $11 ; beeswax, 4 lbs. ; V. $1. V. of Grave Stones, $700 ; E. 2. PAWTUCKET. Cotton Mills, 6; spindles, 17,500; cotton consumed, 751,208 lbs. ; printing cloth m'd, 1,012,450 yds. ; sheeting, 125,700 yds.; shirting, 1,901,500 yds.; cambric, 228,870 yds.; V. $233,682 ; C. $210,600 ; M. E. 129 ; F. E. 241 ; cotton thread, 25,000 lbs. ; V. $10,000. Calico Manufactories, 1 ; calico printed, 4,961,472 yds. ; V. $694,606; C. $200,000; M. E. 489; F. E. 61. Establishments for m. of Cotton, Woollen and other Ma- chinery, 1 ; V. of machinery m'd, $60,000 ; C. $25,000 ; E. 50. Establishments for m. of Coaches, Chaises and other Vehi- cles, 2 ; Y. of vehicles m'd, $4,500 ; C. $3,000 ; E. 18. Lumber prepared, 75,000 feet ; V. $600 ; E. 1. V. of all other articles m'd, $4,400; C. $2,000; E. 6. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 2,920 galls. ; V. $2,- 500; whale oil, 700 galls. ; V. $560; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 1,816 tons; V. $10,000; bituminous coal mined in the U. States, 14 chaldrons; V. $100; foreign bitu- minous coal, 596 chaldrons; V. $4,470; V. of all other articles of American production consumed in manufacturing, excepting cotton, wool and iron, $73,000; V. of all other articles of for- eign production consumed, excepting as above, $76,000. Horses, 150; V. $9,000; neat cattle, 172; V. $3,440; swine, 188; V. $1,000. 283 Indian Corn or Maize raised, 670 bush. ; Y. $400 ; rye, 68 bush. ; V. $50 ; potatoes, 5,600 bush. ; V. $1,680 ; millet, 6 tons; V. $72; hay, 140 tons; V, $2,240. RAYNHAM. Rolling, Slitting and Nail Mills, 1 ; machines for m. of nails, 64; nails m'd, 4,949,800 lbs.; V. $210,000; C. $50,000; E. 80. Forges, 1; bar iron, anchors, &c. m'd, 190 tons; V. $21,500; C. $17,000; E. 8. Furnaces for m. of Hollow Ware and Castings other than Pig Iron. 1 ; hollow ware and castings m'd, 100 tons; V. $9,- 000; C. $4,000; E. 10. Shovel, Spade, Fork and Hoe Manufactories, 2; V. of arti- cles m'd, $16,.500; C. $3,700; E. 21. Tanneries, 1 ; hides tanned, 525 ; V. of leather tanned and curried, $1,200; C. $1,000; E. 3. Boots m'd, 600 pairs ; shoes, 40,000 pairs ; V. of boots and shoes, $31,000; M. E. 100; F. E. 50. Straw Bonnets and Hats m'd, 2,000; V. $800; V. of straw braid m'd, and not made into bonnets and hats, $800; F. E. 100. Bricks m'd,;95,000 ; V. $375 ; E. 3. Lumber prepared, 16,000 feet timber, 112,000 feet boards, 38,000 shingles ; V. $2,420. Fire Wood prepared, 1,610 cords; V. $5,695. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 400 galls. ; Y. $360 ; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 230 tons ; Y. $1,- 380 ; bituminous coal mined in the U. States, 8,000 bush. ; Y. $1,760. Sheep, 164 ;» Y. $287; wool produced, 380 lbs. ; Y. $126. Horses, 149 ; Y. $7,450 ; neat cattle, 358 ; Y. $5,376; swine, 275 ; Y. $3,300. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 4,781 bush.; Y. $2,875 ; rye, 444 bush. ; Y. $333 ; oats, 1,395 bush. ; Y. $525 : potatoes, 284 15,542 bash. ; Y. $3,885; other esculent vegetables. 800 bush. ; V. $200 ; hay, 905 tons ; V. $10,860. Fruit raised, 1,455 bush. ; V. ,$582. Butter, 9,695 lbs. ; V. $1,616 ; cheese, 5,650 lbs.; V. $395 ; honey, 198 lbs. ; V. $36. REHOBOTH. Cotton Mills, 1 ; spindles, 3,064 ; cotton consumed, 50,000 lbs., printing cloth m'd, 253,867 yds.; V. $16,500; C. $25,- 000; M. E. 20; F. E. 25. Establishments for m. of Cotton Baiting, 1 ; batting m'd, 250,000 lbs.; V. 7,500; C. $3,000; M. E. 7. Ph)ugh Manufactories, 1; ploughs and other agricultural tools m'd, 25; V. $200; E. 1. Shoes m'd, 1,587 pairs; V. $1,105 ; M. E. 2 ; F. E. 2. Straw Bonnets m'd, 9,200; V. $3,738; V. of straw braid m'd and not made into bonnets and hats, $400; F. E. 33. V. of Whips m'd, $200 ; E. 1. V. of Mechanics' Tools m'd, $2,500; E. 4. Y. of Wooden Ware m'd, $3,000; E. 7. Shingles m'd, 230,000; V. $690; ship timber, 411 tons; Y. $2,055. Fire Wood prepared, 3,046 cords ; Y. $10,664. Spnrm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 300 galls. ; Y. $260; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 50 tons; Y. $275 ; Y. of all other articles of American production consumed, ex- cepting cotton, wool and iron, $850. Sheep, 875 ; Y. $1,531 ; wool produced, 2,406 lbs. ; Y $601. Horses, 241 ; Y. $9,640 ; neat cattle, 1,051 ; Y. $21,850 ; swine, 577; Y. $4,037. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 11,555 bush. ; Y. $7,511 ; rye, 1,399 bush. ; Y. $1,049 ; barley, 24 bush. ; Y. $12; oats, 6,127 bush.; Y. $2,144; potatoes, 35,693 bush.; Y. $8,923 ; other esculent vegetables, 2,500 bush.; Y. $400; hay, 1,955 tons; Y. $21,955. 285 Fruit raised, 15,000 bush. ; V. $3,000. Butter, 25,625 lbs. ; V. $4,271 ; cheese, 23,020 lbs. ; V. $1,841. Sash and Blind Manufactories, 1 ; sash lights m'd, 35,384 ; V. $1,415 ; blinds m'd, 277 ; V. $451. Globes m'd, 50 ; V. $500. Cotton Twine Manufactories, 1 ; twine m'd, 75,000 lbs. ; V. $12,000 ; C. $4,000 ; M. E. 5; F. E. 15. SEEKONK. Cotton Mills, 3; spindles, 45,864; cotton consumed, 1.200,- 140 lbs. ; printing cloth m'd, 1,222,300 yds.; V. $56,000: C. $40,000 ; M. E. 47 ; F. E. 49. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 2 ; Y. of articles m'd, $1,000, C. $500. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars and other Vehicles, 4; V. of vehicles m'd, $2,000; C. $1,000; E. 8. Tanneries, 1 ; hides tanned, 500 ; V. of leather tanned and curried, $1,000; E. 2. Boots m'd, 120 pairs ; shoes, 60 pairs; V. of boots and shoes, $495 ; M. E. 2. V. of Snutr, Tobacco and Cigars m'd, $500; E. 2. Y. of Building Stone quarried and prepared, $1,386; E. 8. Y. of Mechanics' Tools m'd, $500 ; E. 2. Hames m'd, L200 ; Y. $600; E. 1. Plasters m'd, 7,000; Y. $560 ; E. 1. Lumber prepared, 227 tons ; Y. $908. Fire Wood prepared, 1,237 cords; Y. $4,329. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 850 galls. ; Y. $765 ; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 75 tons; Y. $405; Y. of all other articles of American production consumed, ex- cepting cotton, wool and iron, $1,325. Saxony Sheep, 6; merino, 138; Y. of all the sheep, $325; Saxony wool produced, 36 lbs.; merino, 414 lbs. ; Y. of all the wool, $166. 286 Horses, 255 ; V. $12,750 ; neat cattle, 1,064 ; V. $22,776 swine, 464 ; V. $2,320. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 14,153 bush. ; V. $8,775 wheat, 13 bush. ; V. $20; rye, 1,762 bush. ; V. $1,410; barley 78 bush. ; V. $58 ; oats, 3,208 bush. ; V. $1,283 ; potatoes 34,570 bush. ; V. $8,604 ; other esculent vegetables, 14,695 bush.; V. $5,134; millet, 37 tons; V. $370; hay, 1,972 tons V. $21,692. Fruit raised, 9,162 bush. ; V. $1,832. Butter, 24,475 lbs. ; V. $4,079 ; cheese, 4,370 lbs. ; V. $262. Milk, 62,964 galls. ; V. $7,555. SOMERSET. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars and other Vehicles, 1 ; V. of vehicles m'd, $400; C. $150; E. 1. Boots m'd, 4 pairs ; shoes m'd, 2,575 pairs; V. $1,482; M. E. 4 ; F. E. 2. Establishments for m. of Stone Ware, 1 ; Y. of ware m'd, $9,400 ; C. $4,000 ; E. 13. Establishments for m. of Black Lead Crucibles, 1; V. of crucibles m'd, $2,000; C. $1,200; E. 2. Establishments for m. of Earthen Ware, 3; V. of ware m'd, $3,300; C. $1,100; E. 7. Vessels employed in the Whale Fishery, 2 ; tonnage, 367 sperm oil imported, 14,497 galls. ; V. $13,300 ; whale oil, 25,000 galls. ; V. $8,000 ; whalebone, 7,400 lbs. ; V. $2,500 ; C. $25,000 ; E. 42. Saxony Sheep, 25 ; merino, 73 ; other sheep, 386 ; V. of all the sheep, $776 ; Saxony wool produced, 100 lbs. ; merino, 260 lbs.; other wool, 1,190 lbs. ; V. of all the wool, $429. Horses, 83; V. $3,925; neat cattle, 432; V. $7,976; swine, 291 ; V. $3,210. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 6,111 bush. ; V. $3,972; rye, 691 bush. ; V. $484; barley, 95 bush.; V. $57; oats, 3,920 bush. ; V. $1,306 ; potatoes, 11,993 bush. ; V. $3,598 ; other 287 esculent vegetables, 3,000 bush.; V. $1,000 ; hay, 692 tons; V. $8,650. Fruit raised, .5,344 bush. ; V. $1,334. Butter, 9,582 lbs.; V. $1,597; cheese, 3,700 lbs. ; V. $222. SWANZEY. Cotton Mills, 1 ; spindles, ISO ; cotton consumed, 31,200 lbs, ; printing cloth m'd, 190,000 yds. ; V. $11,700 ; cotton yarn m'd and not made into cloth, 600 lbs. ; V. $180 ; C. $10,000 ; M. E. 10; F. E. 12. Paper Manufactories, 1 ; stock consumed, 30 tons ; paper m'd, 3,500 reams; V. $1,750; C. $4,000; E. 3. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars and other Yehicles, 4; V. of vehicles m'd, $2,550; C. $1,000; E. 5. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 475 ; V. of leather tanned and curried, $1,500 ; C. $700 ; E. 2. Shoes m'd, 12,340 pairs; V. $8,275 ; M. E. 14; F. E. 10. Bricks m'd, 75,000; V. $3,750; C. $2. Fire Wood prepared, 703 cords ; V. $2,519 ; E. 2. Vessels launched, 2; tonnage, 1,000; V. $30,000; E. 30. Boats built, 1 ; V. $100. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 350 galls. ; V. $242 whale oil, 130 galls. ; V. $52 ; all other kinds of oil, 30 galls. V. $30 ; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 30 tons V. $150. Sheep, 893 ; V. $1,321 ; wool produced, 2,637 lbs. ; V. $814. Horses, 161 ; V. $6,553 ; neat cattle, 644 ; Y. $13,242 ; swire, 748 ; V. $7,730. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 10,473 bush.; V. $6,434; rye, 1,532 bush. ; V. $1,088; barley, 75 bush. ; V. $52; oats, 5,620 bush.; V. $1,879; potatoes, 24,885 bush.; V. $5,587 ; other esculent vegetables, 6,545 bush.; V. $1,763; hay, 1,320 tons; Y. $12,029. Fruit raised, 11,200 bush. ; Y. $2,326. Butter, 19,824 lbs. ; Y. $3,439; cheese, 7,925 lbs. ; Y. $615 honey, 66 lbs. ; Y. $10. 288 TAUNTON. Cotton Mills, 5 ; spindles, 21,026; cotton consumed, 860,122 lbs.; cotton cloth m'd, 3,310,619 yds.; V. $209,682; cotton flannel m'd, 398,695 yds.; V. $42,859; C. $310,000; M. E. 202 ; F. E. 305. Woollen Mills, 1; sets of machinery, 4; wool consumed, 100,000 lbs. ; cassimere m'd, 80,000 yds. ; V. $75,000. Rolling, Slitting and Nail Mills, 2; iron m'd, 4,000 tons; Y. $320,000 ; C. $50,000 ; E. 150. Furnaces for m. of Hollow Ware and Castings other than Pig Iron, 4; hollow ware and castings m'd, 349 tons; V. $29,- 980; C. $13,500; E. 37. Establishments for m. of Cotton, Woollen and other Ma- chinery, 2; V. of machinery m'd, $172,500; C. $51,000; E. 203. Axe Manufactories, 1 ; axes and other edge tools m'd, 500 ; V. $500 ; C. $200 ; E. 1. Tack and Brad Manufactories, 3; tacks and brads m'd, 350 tons; V. $62,000; C. $22,000; M. E. 42; F. E. 17. Establishments for m. of Britannia Ware, 1 ; V. of ware m'd, $20,000; C. $15,000; E. 20. Paper Manufactories, 1; stock consumed, 150 tons; paper m'd, 130 tons; V. $18,000; C. $5,000; E. 10. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 2; Y. of articles m'd, $3,500; C. $2,000; E. 5. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars and other Yehicles, 3; Y. of vehicles m'd, $4,000; C. $2,100; E. 6. Establishments for m. of Soap, 1 ; hard soap m'd, 9.000 lbs., soft, 115 bbls; Y. of all the soap, $1,080; C. $200; E. 1. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of ware, $1,500; C. $600; E. 3. Tanneries, 1 ; hides tanned, 800 ; Y. of leather tanned and curried, $2,500 : C. $2,500 ; E. 2. Boots m'd, 1,650 pairs; shoes, 6,325 pairs; Y. of boots and shoes, $10,525; M. E. 22; F. E. 6. Straw Bonnets and Hats m'd, 87,000; Y. $28,750; Y. of 289 straw braid m'd and not made into bonnets and hats. $1,000 ; F. E. 1,350. Bricks m'd, 8,258,000; V. $32,083; E. 97. Y. of Cigars m'd, $650; E. 3. V. of Mechanics' Tools m'd, $140 ; E. 1. V. of Wooden Ware m'd, $1,400; E. 3. Lumber prepared, 150 tons; V. $750; E. 1. Fire Wood prepared, 2,949 cords; Y. $7,954; E. 8. Yessels launched, 1 ; tonnage, 50; Y. $1,000; E. 2. Boats built, 20; Y. $1,000; E. 1. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 5,201 galls.; Y. $4,- 819; other kinds of oil, 2,050 galls.; Y. $1,390; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 2,308 tons; Y. $12,736; bitu- minous coal mined in the U. States, 2,026 chaldrons; V. $18,- 490; foreign bituminous coal, 1,449 chaldrons; Y. $11,050; Y. of all other articles of American production consumed in man- ufacturing, excepting cotton, wool and iron, .$7,000; Y. of all other articles of foreign production consumed, excepting as above, $3,000. Sheep, 518; Y. $948; wool produced, 1,316 lbs. ; Y. $389. Asses and Mules, 3; Y. $225 ; horses, 588 ; Y. .$32,399; neat cattle, 1,2-12; Y. $23,197; swine, 862; Y. $4,790. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 9,851 bush. ; Y. $5,910 ; rye, 1,593 bush.; Y. $1,274; barley, 111 bush.; Y. $83; oats, 806 bush.; Y. $242; potatoes, 39,654 bush. ; Y. $9,913; other es- culent vegetables, 10,295 bush.; Y. $2,586 ; hay, 2,423 tons; Y. $27,902. Fruit raised, 7,666 bush. ; Y. $2,054. Butter, 50,700 lbs.; Y. $8,619; cheese, 33,800 lbs.; Y. $2,704. Nail Casks m'd, 75,000; Y. $8,000; candle boxes, 47,- 000; Y. $8,500; lead kegs, 3,000; Y. $600; C. $13,000; E. 31. Knob Manufactories, 1 : wooden knobs m'd, 600 groce ; Y. $L2(J0; C. 1,200; E. 3. Flannel or Yarn Kersey m'd, 40,000 yds.; V. $10,000. Fire Bricks m'd, 266.000 ; Y. $8,000 ; C. $3,500 ; E. 9. 37 290 V. of Stone Ware m'd, $4,000 ; C. $1,800 ; E. 5. V. of Black Lead Pots m'd, $4,000; C. $1,800; E. 4. V. of Clay Stove Linings m'd, $1,000; E. 1. WESTPORT. Cotton Mills, 1 ; spindles, 1,300 ; cotton consumed, 5,875 lbs. ; cotton yarn m'd and not made into cloth, 4,500 lbs. ; V. $900; C. $15,000; M. E. 6; F. E. 12. Axe Manufactories, 1 ; axes and other edge tools m'd, 300 ; V. $200; C. $200; E. 1. Shovel, Spade, Fork and Hoe Manufactories, 1 ; V. of arti- cles m'd, $2,500 ; C. $1,.500 ; E. 5. Establishments for m. of Salt, 1; salt m'd, 75 bush.; V. $25 ; C. $000 ; E. 1. Establisluncnts for m. of Rail -road Cars and other "Vehicles, 4; V. of vehicles m'd, $4,500; C. $1,500; E. 8. TaiHierics, 1 ; hides tanned, 300; V. of leather tanned and curried, $1,000; C. $1,000: E. 1. Boots m'd, 200 pairs: shoes, 1,000 pairs; V. of boots and shoes, $1,200; M. E. 4. Straw Bonnets and Hats m'd, 75; F. E. 1, V. of Blocks and Pumps m'd, .$;300 ; E. 1. V. of WoodtMi Ware m'd, $150; E. 1. liumber prrparrd, 150,000 (cot; V. $3,000; E. 4. Fire Wood prepared, 2,629 cords; V. $1 1,000; E. 12. Sperm Oil consumed in nianufucturiug, 315 galls.; V, $300; anthracite coal coiKsunied in manufacturing, 75 tons: V. $450; bituminous coal mined in the U. States, 35 chaldrons; V. $350. Vessels employed in the Whale Fishery, 11 ; tonnage, 2.075 ; sperm oil imported, 80,640 galls.; V. $72,500 ; whale oil, 28,- 192 galls.; V. $9,400 : whalebone, 5,000 lbs.; V. $2,000 ; C. $172,000; E. 232. Sheep, 1,626; V. $3,252; wool produced, 4,108 lbs.; Y. $1,350. 291 Horses, 279; V. $13,000; neat cattle, 1,364; Y. $30,430; swine, 1,014; V. $4,504. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 15,736 bush. ; V. $11,015 ; rye, 446 bush. ; V. $401 ; barley, 455 bush. ; V. $315 ; oats, 8,971 bush.; V. $3,230; potatoes, 36,551 bush.; V. $12,180; other esculent vegetables, 11,958 bush. ; V. $2,985; hay, 1,757 tons; V. $41,846. Fruit raised, 14,947 bush. ; V. $3,737, Butter, 33,502 lbs. ; V. $6,030; cheese, 8,090 lbs.; V. $647; honey, 150 lbs. ; V. $25 ; beeswax, 15 lbs. ; V. $5. Oil Casks m'd, 2,500; V. $3,125. V. of Truss Hoops m'd, $300. Ships' Scrapes m'd, 1,200; V. $275. COUNTY OF PLYMOUTH. AI3INGT0N. Tack and Brad Manufactories, 2; V. of tacks and brads m'd, $18,622; 0. $11,200; E. 27. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of articles m'd, $1,200; C. $500 ; E. 2. Tanneries, 1 ; hides tanned, 1,600; Y. of leather tanned and curried, $4,400; C. $2,000; E. 2. Boots m'd, 198.314 pairs; shoes, 1,067,962 pairs; Y. of boots and shoes, $1,013,126; M. E. 2,193; F. E. 1,361. Boot and Shoe Boxes m'd, 47,100 ; Y. $11,300 ; E. 14. Confectionary m'd, 20,000 lbs. ; Y. $3,120; E. 2. Lumber prepared, 413,000 feet; Y. $3,730 ; shingles, 400,- 000; Y. $1,200. Fire Wood prepared, 1,450 cords ; Y, $5,800. Sheep, 40 ; Y. $80 ; wool produced, 160 lbs. ; Y. $53. Horses, 322; Y. $19,320; neat cattle, 587; Y. $12,750; swine, $440 ; Y. $2,640. 292 Indian Corn or Maize raised, 2,012 bush. ; Y. $1,308 ; wheat, 24 bush. ; V. |36 ; rye, 190 bush. ; V. $152 ; barley, 103 bush. ; V. $72 ; oats, 87 bush. ; V. $30 : potatoes, 24,509 bush. ; V. $0,- 127; other esculent vegetables, 150 bush. ; V. $38; hay, 1,031 tons; V. $12,372. Fruit raised, 4,689 bush.; V. $1,407. Butler, 12,714 lbs.; V. $1,927; cheese, 7,125 lbs. ; V. $570. BRIDGEWATER. Flannel or Blanketing m'd, 150 yds. ; Y. $150. RolUng, suiting and Nail Mills, 2; iron m'd and not made into nails, 800 tons; Y. $72,000; machines for m. of nails, 20; nails m'd, 700 tons ; Y. $60.000 ; forges, 2 ; bar iron, cables, anchors and other articles of wrought iron m'd, 100 tons; Y. $20,000 ; brass foundries, 1 ; {the establishment of the Bridge- water Iron Co. ;) C. $96,000; E. 125. Hollow Auger Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of augers m'd, $600 ; E. 1. Furnaces for m. of Hollow Ware and Castings other than Pig Iron, 3 ; hollow ware and castings m'd, 460 tons ; Y. $28,000. Establishments for m. of Steam Engines and Boilers, 1 ; Y, of engines and boilers m'd, $5,000. Establishments for m. of Butts and Hinges, 1 ; iron butts or hinges m'd, 24 dozen ; Y. $100. Door Handles and Latches m'd, 100 dozen.; Y. $1,000; Y. of blind hinges and fastenings m'd, $400: E. 2. Tack and Brad Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of tacks and brads m'd, $7,000; C. $10,000; E. 8. Paper Manufactories, I ; stock consumed, 50 tons ; paper m'd, 40 tons ; Y. $4,000 ; C. $4,400 ; E. 6. Soap and Tallow Candle Manufactories, 1 ; hard soap m'd, 5 tons; soft, 30;) bbls. ; Y. $1,700 ; C. $1,000. Cotton Gin Manufactories, 2 ; gins m'd, 200; Y. $30,000; C. $65,000 ; E. 35. 293 Boots m'd, 1,600 pairs; shoes, 5,000 pairs; V. of boots and shoes, $7,375 ; also, 50,000 pairs of shoes m'd for manufactu- rers it! other towns. Straw Bonnets and Hats m'd, 7,000; V. $15,000 ; straw braid m'd and not made into bonnets and hats, 33,300 yds. ; V. $333. Bricks m'd, 600,000; V. $2,400; E. 6. Corn and other Brooms m'd, 300; V. $50. Lumber prepared, 200,000 feet ; V. $2,000. Fire Wood prepared, 804 cords; V. $2,814; E. 3. Sheep, 185 ; Y. $270 ; wool produced, 686 lbs. ; V. $205. Horses, 254 ; V. $10,940 ; neat cattle, 765 ; V. $14,420 ; swine, 415 ; V. $6,640. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 7,519 bush.; V. $5,627; wheat, 43 bush.; V. $53 ; rye, 1,138 bush.; V. $1,024; barley, 2S2 bush. ; V. $175 ; oats, 4,263 bush. ; Y. $1,705 ; potatoes, 25,124 bush. ; Y. $5,024; Y. of other esculent vegetables, $2,100; hay, 1,063 tons; Y. $13,819. Fruit raised, 6,906 bush. ; Y. $2,071. Butter, 21,505 lbs.; Y. $3,634; cheese, 11,575 lbs.; Y. $812 ; honey, 160 lbs. ; Y. CARYER. Furnaces for m. of Hollow Ware and Castings other than Pig Iron, 5; hollow ware and castings m'd, 445 tons; Y. $36,350; C. $23,400; E. 59. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars, Coaches, Chaises and other Yehicles, 1 ; Y. of vehicles m'd, $500 ; C. $700 ; E. 2. Boots m'd, 25 pairs; shoes, 3,780 pairs; Y. of boots and shoes, $2,664; M. E. 5; F. E. 4. Straw Bonnets and Hats m'd, 75 ; Y. $75 ; Y. of straw braid m'd and not made into bonnets and hats, $292 ; F. E, 8. Lumber prepared, 564,000 feet; Y. $4,636 ; E. 10. Fire VYood prepare 1, 2,024 cords ; Y. $4,048 ; E. 8 ; char- coal, 17,800 bush.; Y. $1,113; E. 6. 294 V. of Willow Baskets m'd, $900 ; E. 2. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 40 galls. ; V. $40 ; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 157 tons ; V. $1,099. Sheep, 488; V. $732 ; wool produced, 1,253 lbs.; V. $418. Horses, 109 ; V. $5,055 ; neat cattle, 579 ; V. $9,820 ; swine, 212; V. $2,120. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 4,077 bush. ; V. $3,058 ; rye, 1,224 bush. ; V. $979 ; oats, 598 bush. ; V. $224 ; potatoes, 7,170 bush. ; V. $1,613; other esculent vegetables, 2,367 bush. ; V. $710; hay, 1,086 tons; Y. $10,569. Fruit raised, 3,230 bush.; V. $854; hops, 14 lbs.; V. $1. Butter, 10,875 lbs. ; V. $1,813; cheese, 2,700 lbs. ; V. $196 ; honey, 185 lbs. ; V. $28; beeswax, 30 lbs. ; V. 8. DUXBURY. Woollen Mills, 1; sets of machinery, 1; yarn m'd and not made into cloth, 11,500 lbs. ; V. $10,000 ; C. $4,000; M. E. 3 ; F. E. 2. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 2; V. of articles m'd, $1,300; C. $625; E. 3. Cordage Manufactories, 1 ; cordage m'd, 12 tons; Y. $2,400; C. $5,000 ; E. 5. Establishments for m. of Salt, 4; salt m'd, 2,200 bush.; Y. $688 ; C. $3,600 ; E. 4. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars, Coaches, Chaises and other Yehicles, 2; Y. of vehicles m'd, $1,100 ; C. $350; E. 2. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of articles m'd, $1,000 ; C. $300 ; E. 2. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of ware, $5,000; C. $3,000; E. 10. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 1,058; Y. of leather tanned and curried, $3,600 ; C. $2,050 ; E. 3. 295 Boots m'd, 2,079 pairs ; shoes, 163,265 pairs; V. $122,500; M. E. 148; F. E. 100. Bricks m'd, 260,000 ; V. $1,300; E. 5. V, of Building Stone quarried and prepared, $1,056 ; E. 5. V. of Blocks and Pumps m'd, $750 ; E. 4. Turning and Carving Establishments, 1 ; V. of m's, $500 ; C. $75 ; E. 2. Lumber prepared, 350,000 feet; V. $3,150; E. 4. - Fire Wood prepared, 2,266 cords; V. $10,157; E. 30. Vessels launched, 4; tonnage, 655 ; V. $39,794; E. 45. Vessels employed in the Mackerel and Cod Fisheries, 9; ton- nsge, 759 tons; codfish 4,300 quintals; V. $10,033; salt con- sumed, 5,684 bush. ; C. $12,000; E. 64. Sheep, 284; V. $426; wool produced, 852 lbs. ; V. $284. Asses and Mules, 3; V. $45; horsey 192; V. $12,205; neat cattle, 603; V. $12,060; swine, 403; V. $8,463. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 5,967 bush. ; V, $4,475 ; wheat, 58 bush. ; V. $58; rye, 1,451 bush.; V. $1,451; barley, 3 bush.; V. $2; oats, 1,201 bush.; V. $480 ; potatoes, 19,150 bush.; V. $4,788 ; other esculent vegetables, 3,378 bush.; V. $1,689; hay, 2,253 tons; V. $27,036. Fruit raised, 6,096 busii. ; V. $2,438. Butter, 17,785 lbs. ; V. $2,964; cheese, 1,390 lbs. ; V. $111. V. of Poultry and Eggs, $5,025. EAST BRIDGEWATER. Rolling, Slitting and Nail Mills, 1 ; iron m'd and not made into nails, 184 tons; V.;^ 18,400; machines for m. of nails, 28; nails m'd, 312 tons; V. $29,010; C. $15,000; E. 30. Tack and Brad Manufactories, 2; tacks and brads m'd, 155 tons ; V. $22,0t)0 ; C. $9,000 ; E. 50. Brass Foundries, 1 ; V. of articles m'd, $1,000; C. $300; E. 2. 296 Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 3 ; V. of articles m'd, $2,000 ; C. $200 ; E. 2. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars, Coaches, Chaises and other Vehicles, 4 ; V. of vehicles m'd, $5,025 ; C. $2,000 ; E. 8. Soap and Tallow Candle Manufactories, 1 ; hard soap m'd, 5 tons; soft, 300 bbls. ; V. of all the soap, $5,200 ; E. 1. V. of Leather curried, $12,000; C. $1,000; E. 4. Boots m'd, 20,350 pairs; shoes, 189,100 pairs; V. $153,440; M. E. 250 ; F. E. 133. V. of Building Stone quarried and prepared, $500; E. 1. Lumber prepared, 159,000 feet; V. $1,090; E. 5. Fire Wood prepared, 670 cords; V. $2,010; E. 2. V. of other articles m'd, $8,000 ; C. $3,000 ,' E. 7. Whale Oil consumed in manufacturing, 252 galls. ; Y. $240 ; other oil, 630 galls. ; V. $350 ; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 250 tons; V. $1,750. Merino Sheep, 99; V. $198; merino wool produced, 297 lbs. ; V. $89. Horses, 221 ; V. $7,735 ; neat cattle, 509 ; V. $8,965 ; swine, 287 ; V. $2,256. V. of Indian Corn or Maize raised, $16,926 ; rye, 284 bush. ; V. $227 ; barley, 90 bush. ; V. $58 ; oats, 624 bush. ; V. $281 ; potatoes, 19,498 bush. ; V. $3,900 ; V. of other esculent vege- tables, $1,856; hay, 1,021 tons; V. $12,252. Fruit raised, 2,944 bush. ; V. $736. Butter, 15,783 lbs. ; V. $2,683 ; cheese, 13,098 lbs. ; V. $1,047; honey, 100 lbs.; V. $14; beeswax, 6 lbs. ; V. $2. HALIFAX. Woollen Mills, 2; sets of machinery, 5 ; wool consumed, 100,000 lbs.; cassiniere m'd, 75,000 yds.; V. $75,000; satinet, 25,01)0 yds.; V $12,000; M. E. 40; F. K. 30. Hoots m'd, 4,945 pairs; shoes, 37,785 pairs; V. of boots and shoes, $34,368 ; M. E. 64 ; F. E. 30. Cora and other Brooms m'd, 125 ; V. $25 ; E. 1. 297 Lumber prepared, 325 tons ; V. $3,655 ; E. 20. Fire Wood prepared, 448 cords ; V. $1,536 ; E. 14. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 315 galls. ; V. $300 ; lard oil, 1,575 galls. ; V. $900 ; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 75 tons ; V. $525 ; V. of other articles of for- eign production, excepting cotton, wool and iron, consumed in manufacturing, $2,000. Merino Sheep, 293 ; V. $373 ; merino wool produced, 878 lbs. ; V. $303. Horses, 106 ; V. $5,487 ; neat cattle, 425 ; V. $8,425 ; swine, 176; V. $2,162. Indian Corn or IMaize raised, 3,701 bush.; V. $2,930; rye, 514 bash. ; V. $454 ; barley, 26 bush. ; V. $20 ; oats, 1,031 bush.; V. $348 ; potatoes, $10,970 bush.; V. $3,053 ; other esculent vegetables, 495 bush.; V. $151 ; hay, 686 tons; V. $7,790. Fruit raised, 862 bush. ; V. $219. Butter, 9,055 lbs. ; V. $1,357; cheese, 11,700 lbs. ; Y. $925; honey, 166 lbs. ; V. $17; beeswax, 6 lbs.; V. $2. HANOVER. Forges, 3 ; bar iron, anchors, cables and other articles of wrought iron m'd, 170 tons; V. $24,800; C. $18,000; E. 11. Furnaces for m. of Hollow Ware and Castings other than Pig Iron, 1 ; hollow ware and castings m'd, 35 tons ; V, $2,- 840; C. $1,000; E. 3. Tack and Brad Manufactories, 2 ; tacks and brads m'd, 80 tons; V. $14,000; C. $14,000; E. 12. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars, Coaches, Chaises and other Vehicles, 1; V. of vehicles m'd, $400; C. $200; E. 2. Cotton Gin Manufactories, 1; V. of gins m'd, $444; C. $500; E. 1. Tanneries, 2; hides tanned, 450; Y. $1,412; C. $1,150; E. 3. 38 298 Boots, 7,397 pairs; shoes, 105,902 pairs; V. of boots and shoes, $97,626 ; M. E. 166 ; F. E. 78. V. of Wooden Ware m'd, |901 ; E. 5. Lumber prepared, 453.583 feet; V. |3,867. Fire Wood prepared, 906 cords ; V. $2,855 ; E. 8. Vessels launched, 2; tonnage, 365 ; V. $12,000; E. 20. Whale Oil consumed in manufacturing, 18 galls.; V. $9; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 378 tons ; V. $2,520. Sheep, 382; Y. $700; wool produced, 1,125 lbs.; V. $321. Horses, 131; V. $5,832; neat cattle, 467; V. $8,794; swine, 319; V. $3,188. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 3,522 bush. ; Y. $2,312 ; rye, 731 bush. ; Y. $585 ; barley, 57 bush. ; Y. $32 ; oats, 122 bush. ; Y. $56; potatoes, 17,240 bush.; Y. $4,310; other esculent vegetables, 1,386 bush ; Y. $572; hay, 825 tons; Y. $8,657. Fruit raised, 5,121 bush. ; Y. $1,289. Butter, 17,019 lbs. ; Y. $2,798; cheese, 8,425 lbs.; Y. $523; honey, 310 lbs. ; Y. $38; beeswax, 44 lbs. ; Y. $15. HANSON. Flannel or Blanketing m'd, 22 yds. ; Y. $9 ; woollen yarn m'd, 10 lbs. ; Y. $4. Rolling, Slitting and Nail Mills, 1 ; machines for m. of nails, 6 ; nails m'd, 50 tons ; Y. $6,000 ; C. $3,000 ; E. 10. Forges, 1; bar iron, cables, anchors and other articles of wrought iron m'd, 62 tons; Y. $9,300; C. $5,000; E.'4. Tack and Brad Manufactories, 3; tacks and brads m'd, 202 tons; Y. ,$21,375; C. $10,000 ; E. 25; tack machines m'd, 15; Y. $1,400; E. 1. Harness Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of harnesses m'd, $150 ; C. $15. Wagon Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of vehicles m'd, $460; C. $100; E. 1. Soap Manufactories, 2 ; hard soap m'd, 2 tons ; soft, 70 bbls.; Y. of all the soap, $520; C. $250; E. 2. 299 Tanneries, 1 ; hides tanned, 200 ; Y. of leather tanned and curried, $1,000; C. $700; E. 1. Boots m'd, 2,3S0 pairs ; shoes, $82,050 pairs ; V. of boots and shoes, $66,257; M. E. 133; F. E. 175. V. of Lumber m'd, $1,906 ; E. 2. Fire Wood prepared, 736 cords; V. $1,866; E. 2. Slioe Boxes m'd, 32,500; V. $8,325 ; C. $4,950 ; E. 9. Shoe Fitting Machines, 36; V. $54; E. 1. Sheep, 217; Y. $313; wool produced, 651 lbs. ; Y. $195. Asses, 1; Y. $10; horses, 123; Y. $5,060; neat cattle, 394; V. $6,394; swine, 246; Y. $3,722. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 8,429 bush. ; Y. $6,322; wheat, 13 bush. ; Y. $20 ; rye, 454 bush. ; Y. $409; barley, 150 bush. ; Y. $113 : oats, 319 bush. ; Y. $128 ; potatoes, 42,365 bush. ; Y. $10,591 ; Y. of other esculent vegetables, $600 ; hay, 620 tons; Y. $7,285. Fruit raised, 4,142 bush. ; Y. $663 ; hops, 20 lbs. ; Y. $4. Butter, 9,597 lbs.; Y. $1,600; cheese, 4,650 lbs.; Y. $326; honey, 280 lbs. ; Y. $17; beeswax, 33 lbs.; Y. $17. HINGHAM. Establishments for Bleaching or Coloring Cotton Goods, not connected with Calico Establishments, 1 ; goods bleached or colored, 12,000 yds.; Y. $1,000; C. $1,500; E. 5. Establishments for m. of Worsted Goods, 1 ; goods m'd, 30,- 000 yds. ; Y. $40,000; C. $3,000; M. E. 16 ; F. E. 64. Forges, 9 ; bar iron, anchors, cables and other articles of wrought iron m'd, 21 tons; Y. $5,100; C. $3,600; E. 11. Furnaces for m. of Hollow Ware and Castings other than Pig Iron, 2 : hollow ware and castings m'd, 221 tons ; Y. $13,- 200; C. $11,000; E. 16. Axe Manufactories, 2; axes and other edge tools m'd, 6,408; Y. $3,800 ; C. $2,000 ; E. 6. 300 Plough Manufactories, 1 ; ploughs and other agricultural tools m'd, 150 ; V. |1,200 ; C. $800 ; E. 2. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 3 ; V. of articles m'd, $700 ; C. $500 ; E. 3. Hat and Cap Manufactories, 3; hats and caps m'd, 11,916; V. $26,500; C. $1,800; E. 23. Cordage Manufactories, 1 ; cordage m'd, 150 tons ; V. $28,- 000; C. $10,000; E. 22. Establishments for m. of Salt, 2 ; salt m'd, 1,675 bush. ; V. $496 ; C. $6,800 ; E. 2. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars, Coaches, Chaises and other Vehicles, 3 ; V. of vehicles m'd, $3,600 ; C. $1,500 ; E. 7. Establishments for m. of Fire Arms, 1 ; fowling-pieces m'd, 50; V. $500; C. $100; E. 1. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 4 ; V. of articles m'd, $10,200; C. $4,900; E. 15. Tin Ware Manufactories, 2; V. of ware, $2,200 ; C. $1,400; E. 4. Tanneries, 3 ; hides tanned, 3,225 ; V. of leather tanned and curried, $10,100; C. $10,500; E. 6. Boots m'd, 2,458 pairs; shoes, 27,105 pairs; V. of boots and shoes, $38,097 ; M. E. 92 ; F. E. 44. V. of Blocks, Spars and Pumps m'd, $1,500; E. 2. Y. of Mechanics' Tools m'd, $50 ; E. 1. Y. of Wooden Ware m'd, $25,066 ; E. 84. Lumber prepared, 33,000 feet; Y. $319; E. 2. Fire Wood prepared, 2,007 cords ; Y. $8,575. Yessels launched, 1; tonnage, 550; Y. $23,000; E. 20. Anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 120 tons; Y. $710 ; bituminous coal mined in the U. States, 32 chaldrons ; Y. $288; foreign bituminous coal, 20 chaldrons; Y. $200. Yessels employed in Mackerel and Cod Fisheries, 28; ton- nage, 1,639; mackerel taken, 9,341 bbls. ; Y. $66,558; salt consumed, 14,482 bush.; Y. $33,000 ; E. 311. Sheep, 773 ; Y. $1,546 ; wool produced, 2,590 lbs. ; Y. $699. Horses, 210; Y. $10,500; neat cattle, 733; Y. $18,740; swine, 233 ; Y. $2,330. 301 Indian Corn or Maize raised, 4,039 bush. ; V. $3,029 ; rye, 787 bush.; V. $G69 ; barley, 294 bush.; V. $176; oats, 55 bush. ; V. |22 ; potatoes, 11,530 bush. ; V. $3,459 ; other escu- lent vegetables, 100 tons; V. $800 ; hay, 1,492 tons; V. $17,316. Fruit raised, 8,431 bush. ; V. $3,174. Butter, 24,860 lbs. ; V. $4,474; cheese, 4,300 lbs.; V. $300; honey, 160 lbs. ; V. $32. HULL. Establishments for m. of Salt, 2 ; salt m'd, 2,200 bush. ; V. $726 ; C. $4,000 ; E. 3. Boots m'd, 175 pairs; shoes, 300 pairs; Y. of boots and shoes, $825 ; M. E. 5. Vessels employed in the Mackerel and Cod Fisheries, 4 ; tonnage, 153; mackerel, 200 bbls. ; V. $1,500; salt consumed, 200 bush.; C. $1,500; E. 23. Sheep, 381 ; V. $762 ; wool produced, 1,675 lbs. ; V. $419. Horses, 11 ; V. $550; neat cattle, 51 ; V. $1,785; swine, 44; V. $440. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 245 bush. ; V. $172; rye, 20 bush.; V. $15; barley, .360 bush.; V. $216; potatoes, 1,021 bush. ; V. $357 ; V. of other esculent vegetables, $285 ; hay, 325 tons ; Y. $2,600. Fruit raised, 497 bush. ; Y. $310. Butter, 400 lbs.; Y. $80; cheese, 300 lbs.; Y. $24. KINGSTON. Cotton Mills, 1 ; spindles, 590; cotton consumed, 10,000 lbs, ; yarn m'd and not made into cloth, 8,350 lbs. ; C. $6,000 ; M. E. 1 ; F. E. 12. Forges, 2; bar iron, anchors, cables and other articles of wrought iron m'd, 80 tons; Y. $11,500; C. $10,000 ; E. 5. Furnaces for m. of Hollow Ware and Castings other than 302 Pig Iron, 1 ; hollow ware and castings m'd, 100 tons ; Y, $8,000 ; 0. ^7,000 ; E. 10. Axe Manufactories, 1 ; axes and other edge tools m'd, 400 ; V. 15700 ; C. $400 ; E. 2. Tack and Brad Manufactories, 3 ; tacks and brads m'd, 87 tons ; V. $17,400 ; C. |8,500 : E. 15. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; V. of articles m'd, $150; C. $400; E. 1. Soap and Tallow Candle Manufactories, 1 ; soap m'd, 72,- 000 lbs. ; V. $3,600; C. $1,000 ; E. 2. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 600 ; V. of leather tanned and curried, $800 ; C. $2,000 ; E. 2. Boots m'd, 2,300 pairs; shoes, 34,300 pairs; V. of boots and shoes, $30,000 ; M. E. 32 ; F. E. 25. V. of Augers m'd, $4,000; E. 6. V. of Potters' Ware m'd, $500 ; C. $500; E. 2. Hames for Harnesses m'd, 600 pairs ; V. $600 ; C. $500 ; E. 2. Lumber prepared, 164,000 feet; V. $1,400; E. 3; ship tim- ber, 100 tons ; V. $900. Fire Wood prepared, 2,211 cords; V. $6,376; E. 10. Vessels launched, 3; tonnage, 337; V. $15,500; E. 9. Vessels employed in the Mackerel and Cod Fisheries, 15 ; tonnage, 1,418; mackerel, 50 bbls. ; Y. $350; codfish, 11,740 quintals; Y. $34,500; salt consumed, 13,840 bush. ; C. $30,- 000 ; E. 128. Sheep, 213; Y. $327; wool produced, 524 lbs. ; Y. $140. Horses, 117 ; Y. $5,000 ; neat cattle, 342; Y. $6,919; swine, 259 ; Y. $1,942; Y. of swine slaughtered, $5,000. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 3,349 bush. ; Y. $2,511 ; wheat, 19 bush. ; Y. $19 ; rye, 763 bush. ; Y. $763 ; barley, 55 bush, ; Y. $40 ; oats, 182 bush. ; Y. $60 ; potatoes, 10,000 bush. ; Y. $2,500; other esculent vegetables, 1,440 bush. ; Y. $352; hay, 809 tons ; Y. $8,748. Fruit raised, 4,020 bush. ; Y. $834. Butler, 9,541 lbs.; Y. $1,590; cheese, 3,095 lbs. ; Y. $216. 303 MARSHFIELD. Cotton Mills, 2 ; spindles, 2,010; cotton consumed, 74,940 bs. ; sheeting m'd, 115,000 yds.; V. $7,762 ; yarn m'd and not made into cloth, 31,000 lbs.; V. $4,960; batting m'd, 1,000 lbs. ; V. .$70 ; C. $18,000 ; M. E. 8 ; F. E. 26. Wool carded, 1,500 lbs. Boots m'd, 135 pairs ; shoes, 797 pairs ; V. of boots and shoes, $1,166; M. E. 4. Lumber prepared, 262,000 feet ; V. $2,022. Fire Wood prepared, 932 cords ; Y. .$2^758. Sperm oil consumed in manufacturing, 170 galls.; V. $162. Sheep, 773; V. $1,160; wool produced, 2,215 lbs.; V. $554. Horses, 163; V. $7,335; neat cattle, 807; V. $16,510; swine, 375; V. $7,119. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 6.136 bush.; V. $4,602 ; wheat, 189 bush. ; V. $189 ; rye, 1,480 bush. ; V. $1,184; barley, 5 bush.; V. $3 ; oats, 1,337 bush. ; V. $535 ; potatoes, 19,671 bush.; V. $3,934; other esculent vegetables, 3,775 bush.; V. $755; hay, 3,019 tons; V. $23,190. Fruit raised, 8,347 bush. ; V. $2,087. Butter, 22,220 lbs. ; V. $3,555 ; cheese, 10,137 lbs. ; Y. $710 ; honey, 175 tons; Y. $35; beeswax, 21 lbs.; Y. $7. MIDDLEBOROUGH. Cotton Mills, 2 ; spindles, 3,200 ; cotton consumed, 157,164 lbs. ; sheeting m'd, 255,697 yds. ; printing cloth, 350,000 yds. ; Y. of all the cloth m'd, $40,024; batting m'd, 2,600 lbs.; Y. $208 ; C. $32,000 ; M. E. 30 ; F. E. 47. Rolling, Slitting and Nail Mills, 1 ; machines for m. of nails, 4; cut nails m'd, 220,000 lbs.; wrought nails, 51,500 lbs. ; Y. of all the nails, $18,650; C. .$8,.500; E. 23. Forges, 1 ; bar iron, anchors, cables and other articles of wrought iron m'd, 30 tons; Y. $2,500; C. $1,000; E. 2. Furnaces for m. of Hollow Ware and Castings other than 304 Pig Iron, 1 ; hollow ware and castings m'd, 225 tons ; V. $5,- 000 ; C. $1,000 ; E. 18. Latch and Door Handle Manufactories, 1 ; door handles and latches m'd, 1,200 dozen; V. $1,200; C. $600; E. 3. Tack and Brad Manufactories, 1 ; tacks and brads m'd, 75,- 000 lbs. ; V. $4,500 ; C. $5,000 ; E. 4. Manufactories of Shovels, Spades, Forks and Hoes, 3 ; arti- cles m'd, 42,250 ; V. $14,200 ; E. 38. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; V. of articles m'd, $180; C. $200; E. 1. Establisliments for m. of Kail-road Cars, Coaches, Chaises and other Vehicles, 7; V. of vehicles m'd, $3,100; C. $2,000; E. 9. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 3; V. of articles m'd, $1,780; C. $1,520; E.G. Tin Ware Manufactories, 2; V. of ware, $2,200; C.$750; E.4. Boots m'd, 309 pairs; shoes, 60,140 pairs; V. of boots and shoes, $12,793; M. E. GO; F. E. 18; boots m'd, 3,47G pairs; shoes, 57,77G pairs; M. E. 70; F. E. 20. Straw Bonnets and Hats m'd, 18,479; V. $25,549. Palm-leaf Hats m'd, 350; V. $70; F. E. 19G. V. of Snuff, Tobacco and Cigars m'd, $1,500 ; E. 3. V. of Building Stone quarried and prepared, $2,000; E. 12. V. of Blocks and Pumps m'd, $150 ; E. 1. Y. of Mechanics' Tools m'd, $100 ; E. 1. V. of Wooden Ware m'd, $300 ; E. 2. Nail Casks m'd, 14,000; V. $1,260; C. $500; E. 3. Lumber prepared, 693,700 feet; shingles, 347,000; V. of lumber and shingles, $7,631 ; E. 16. Fire Wood prepared, 3,707 cords; V. $10,194; E. 12; char- coal, 67,100 bush. ; V. $4,694. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 330 galls, ; V, $290; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 124 tons; T. $980; foreign bituminous coal, 72 chaldrons; V. $926 ; V. of other articles of American production, excepting cotton, wool and iron, consumed in manufactnring, $4,505 ; V. of other articles of foreign production, excepting as above, consumed, $35. Sheep, 1,539; V. $1,924; wool produced, 3,788 lbs. ; V.$947. 305 Horses, 540; V. ^2,700; neat cattle, 2,442; V. $31,746; swine, 984 ; V. $8,856. Indian Corn or Maize raised," 2^688 bush.; V. $16,266; wheat, 133 bush. ; V. $133 ; rye, 3,948 bush. ; V., |3,356 ; bar- ley, 174 bush. ; V. $131 : oats, 7,956 bush. ; V. #^3; potatoes, 55,741 bush.; Y. $13,935; other esculent vegetables, 6,102 bush.; V. $1,526; hay, 3,453 tons; V. $41,438. Fruit raised, 20,960 bush. ; Y. $4,192 ; cranberries, 600 bush.; Y. $1,200. Butter, 50,887 lbs. ; Y. $8,481 ; cheese, 35,446 lbs. ; Y. $2,- 481 ; honey, 466 lbs. ; Y. $78. Fruit Trees raised, 1,150; Y. $175. NORTH BRIDGEWATER. Manufactories of Shovels, Spades, Forks and Hoes, 1 ; Y. of articles m'd, $2,000 ; C. $500 ; E. 2. Musical Instrument Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of instruments m'd, $900 ; C. $350 ; E. 2. Brush Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of brushes m'd, $21,500; C. $6,000 ; E. 21. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 : Y. of articles m'd, $1,500; C. $300; K 3. Hat and Cap Manufactories, 1 ; hats and caps m'd, $1,040; Y. $2,500 ; C. $500 ; E. 3. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars, Coaches, Chaises and other Yehicles, 1 ; Y. of vehicles m'd, $1,590; C. $300; E. 3. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 8; Y. of articles m'd, $38,000; C. $18,571 ; E. 48. Tin Ware and Stove Manufactories, 2 ; Y. of ware, $6,074 ; C. $2,200; E. 11. Boots m'd, 44,711 pairs; shoes, 155,476 pairs; Y. $179,716; M. E. 301 ; F. E. 203. Y. of Snuff, Tobacco and Cigars m'd, $5,200 ; E. 9. . Y. of Blocks and Pumps m'd, $361 ; E. 2. 39 306 V. of Mechanics' Tools m'd, ^8,250 ; E. 19. Shoe Last and Boot Tree Manufactories, 1 ; V. of articles m'd, $7,995; C. $1,500; E. 7. V. of Machines for Rolling Leather, $1,599 ; C. $300 ; E. 1. V. of Packing Boxes m'd, $2,132; 0. $400; E. 6. Lumber prepared, 300,000 feet ; Y. $3,531. Fire Wood prepared, 1,155 cords; Y. $4,620. Horses, 292; Y. $17,520; neat cattle, 632; Y. $15,800; swine, 338 , Y. $5,070. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 5,000 bush. ; Y. $3,333 ; rye, 366 bush. ; Y. $293 ; barley, 239 bush. ; Y. $143 ; oats, 585 bush.; Y. $234; potatoes, 23,111 bush.; Y. $5,777; other es- culent vegetables, 2,000 bush.; Y. $600; millet, 4 tons; Y. $50 ; liay, 1,445 tons ; Y. $20,230. Fruit raised, 7,249 bush.; Y. $1,812. Butter, 20,496 lbs.; Y. $3,279; cheese, 23,280 lbs.; Y. $1,- 862 ; honey, 235 lbs. ; Y. $28 ; beeswax, 16 lbs. ; Y. $4. PEMBROKE. Y. of Wagons m'd, $50. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 1 ; V. of articles m'd, $45; E. 1. Boots m'd, 650 pairs; shoes, 27,180 pairs; M. E. 56; F. E. 82. Y. of Building Stone quarried and prepared, $475 ; E. 3. Y. of Packing Boxes m'd, $8,250; C. $1,000; E. 19. Sheep, 315 ; Y. $473 ; wool produced, 830 lbs. ; Y. $252. Horses, 122 ; Y. $3,660 ; neat cattle, 508 ; Y. $10,160 ; swine, 291 ; Y. $2,292. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 3,991 bush. ; Y. $2,993 ; wheat, 2 bush. ; Y. $3 ; rye, 964 bush. ; Y. $800 ; barley, 108 bush. ; Y. $81 ; oats, 648 bush. ; Y. $259 ; potatoes, 15,563 bush. ; Y. $3,891 ; other esculent vegetables, 1,016 bush. ; Y. $406 ; hay, 1,085 tons ; Y. $13,020. Fruit raised, 6,246 bush. ; Y. $1,249. 307 Butter, 14,611 lbs.; V. P,484; cheese, 4,645 lbs.; V. ^25; honey, 74 lbs. ; V. $15 ; beeswax, 4 lbs. ; V. $1. Amount paid for Bottoming and fitting Boots and Shoes, $8,716 ; for m. of clothing, $1,500. PLYMOUTH. Cotton Mills, 5 ; spindles, 2,768 ; cotton consumed, 187,000 lbs. ; duck m'd, 40,000 yds. ; V. $10,000 ; cod lines, 4,970 ; V. $2,018 ; V. of cotton yarn m'd, $4,800 ; batting, 34,000 lbs. ; Y. $2,550; C. $23,400; M. E. 31; F. E. 47. Rolling, Slitting and Nail Mills, 2 ; iron m'd and not made into nails, 600 tons; Y. $55,000; machines for m. of nails, 30; nails m'd, 1,000 tons ; Y. $85,000 ; C. $100,000 ; E. 50. Forges, 1 ; bar iron, anchors and cables m'd, 146 tons ; Y. $8,800 ; C. $5,000 ; E. 3. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 3 ; Y. of articles m'd, $2,.550; C. $1,300; E. 4. Cordage Manufactories, 5 ; cordage m'd, 912 tons ; Y. $203,- 800 ; C. $133,700 ; E. 139. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars, Coaches, Chaises and other Yehicles, 2 ; Y. of vehicles m'd, $700 ; C. $1,500 ; E. 2. Oil and Sperm Candle Manufactories, 2 ; oil m'd, 45,500 galls. ; Y. $38,200 ; candles, 34,750 lbs. ; Y. $3,687 ; C. $45,- 000 ; E. 7. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories. 1 ; Y. of articles m'd, $600 ; C. $300 ; E. 2. Tin Ware Manufactories, 2 ; Y. of ware; $3,100 ; C. $3,300 ; E. 7. Tanneries, 1 ; hides tanned, 550 ; Y. of leather tanned and curried, $1,000 ; C. $3,000 ; E. 2. Boots m'd, 1,477 pairs ; shoes, 825 pairs ; V. of boots and shoes, $6,326; M. E. 17; F. E. 3. Bricks m'd, I'M) 000; Y$600; E. 2. V. of Building Stone quarried and prepared, $1,000; E. 4. V. of Blocks and Pumps rn'd, ^650 ; E. 3. 308 Rivet Manufactories, 1 ; iron m'd, 75 tons ; V. $10,000 ; rivet machines, 6 ; rivets m'd, 75 tons ; V. $16,500 ; C. $10,- 000; E. 15. Coopers' Shops, 5 ; casks m'd, 10,000 ; V. $3,200 ; E. 10. Oil Soap m'd, 30,000 lbs. ; V. $850. Cod Liver Oil m'd, 500 bbls. ; V. $7,500. V. of Fresh Fish and Lobsters, $4,000 ; E. 18. V. of Ship Thimbles m'd, $3,000 ; E. 4. Fire Wood prepared, 6,.583 cords; V. $24,057; E. 50. Vessels launched, 4 ; tonnage, 299 ; V. $9,568 ; E. 35. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 4,000 galls. ; V. $3,600 ; whale oil, 14,175 galls. ; V. $4,252; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 815 tons ; V. $3,677 ; bituminous coal mined in the U. States, 278 chaldrons ; V. $3,200 ; foreign bituminous coal, 1,980 chaldrons; V. $21,780. Vessels employed in the Whale Fishery, 5 ; tonnage, 998 ; sperm oil imported, 6,675 galls.; V. $6,007; whale oil, 800 galls. ; V. $355 ; C. $77,000 ; E. 107. Vessels employed in the Mackerel and Cod Fisheries, 55 ; tonnage, 4,000; mackerel taken, 120 bbls.; V. $780 ; codfish, 40,617 quintals ; V. $93,107; salt consumed, 48,575 bush.; C. $104,993; E. 465. Sheep, 986; V. $1,411 ; wool produced, 1,907 lbs. ; V. $572. Horses, 324; V. $15,452; neat cattle, 923; V. $14,062; swine, 650; V. $7,747. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 7,582 bush. ; V. $4,700 ; wheat, 166; V. $166 ; rye, 1,459 bush. ; V. $1,094; barley, 401 bush. ; V. $200; oats, 640 bush. ; V. $256 ; potatoes, 16,179 bush. ; V. $4,045 ; other esculent vegetables, 4,124 bush. ; V. $1,237; hay, 1,562 tons; V. $15,953. Fruit raised, 3,043 bush. ; V. $1,217. Butter, 3,640 lbs. ; V. $691. PLYMPTON. Cotton Mills, 1 ; spindles, 1,100 ; cotton consumed, 27,000 lbs. ; printing cloth m'd, 16,000 yds. ; V. $11,200; batting, 1,200 lbs.; V. $120: C. $15,000; M. E. 7; F. E. 20. 309 Woollen Mills, 1; sets of Machinery, 2; wool consumed, 11,793 lbs. ; satinet m'd, 15,720 yds.; V. $6,(335; C. |6,000 ; M. E. 5 ; F. E. 10. Tacks and Brads m'd, 6,000 lbs. ; V. $600 ; E. 1. Manufactories of Shovels, Spades, Forks and Hoes, 1; V. of articles m'd, $20,800 ; C. $10,000 ; E. 20. Shoes m'd, 5,000 pairs ; V. $3,780 ; boots bottomed and fit- ted, 1,850 pairs; shoes, 34,129 pairs; V. of labor in bottoming and fitting boots and shoes, $8,255 ; M. E. 50; F. E. 24. Iron Rivets m'd, 6 tons; V. $1,140; M, E. 3. Shoe Boxes m'd, 4,000; V. $1,000; C. $1,000; E. 2. Lumber prepared, 369,000 feet ; V. $2,287 ; E. 40 ; ship timber, 200 tons ; V. $1,800 ; E. 4. Saw Mills, 5 ; V. $2,000 ; E. 5. Wooden Hoops prepared, 27,000; V. $830 ; E. 4. Fire Wood prepared, 223 cords; V. $436; E. 20; V. of char- coal, $730 ; M. E. 6. Saxony Sheep, 15 ; other sheep, 97 ; V. of all the sheep, $220; Saxony wool, produced, 42 lbs. ; other wool, 239 lbs.; V. of all the wool, $112. Horses, 89; V. $5,340; neat cattle, 400; V. $8,330; swine, 182 ; V. $2,794. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 3,753 bush. ; V. $2,252 ; rye, 500 bush. ; Y. $400 ; barley, 69 bush. ; Y. $51 ; oats, 600 bush. ; Y. $240; potatoes, 9,341 bush. ; Y. $2,335 ; beans, 200 bush. ; Y. $300 ; other esculent vegetables, 1,308 bush. ; Y. $436; hay, 696 tons; Y. $8,388. Fruit raised, 1,577 bush. ; Y. $552. Butter, 10,983 lbs.; Y. $1,759; cheese, 3,040 lbs.; Y. $213. Y. of Poultry and Eggs, $480. ROCHESTER. Forges, 1 ^ bar iron, anchors, cables and other articles of wrought iron m'd, 25 tons; Y. $2,000; C. $2,600; E. 3. Hat and Cap Manufactories, 1; hats and caps m'd, 100; Y. $200; C. $133; E. 1. 310 Establishments for m. of Salt, 10 ; salt m'd, 7,185 bush. ; V. $1,796; C. $5,250; E. 10. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 2 ; Y. of articles m'd, $1,600; C. $500; E. 2. Boots m'd, 186 pairs ; shoes, 2,036 pairs ; V. of boots and shoes, $2,594 ; M. E. 4. Palm-leaf Hats m'd, 115; Y. $40. Y. of SnufF, Tobacco and Cigars, $800 ; E. 1. Y. of Building Stone quarried and prepared, $825 ; E. 2. Y. of Blocks and Pumps m'd, $700 ; E. 2. Y. of Oil Casks m'd, $6,666; C. $4,500. Eiimber prepared, 572.560 feet ; Y. $6,438 ; E. 58 ; shingles, 4,003,000 ; Y. $1,008 ; ship timber, 137 tons ; Y. $1,096. Fire Wood prepared, 5,171 cords; Y. $15,513; E. 50. Yessels launched, 7 ; tonnage, 2,068 ; Y. $82,720 ; E. 73. Boats built, 18 ; Y. $1,080; E. 3. Yessels employed in the Whale Fishery, 14; tonnage, 2,538; sperm oil imported, 113,298 galls.; Y. $103,120; whale oil, 103,540 galls. ; Y. $36,239; whalebone, 30,550 lbs. ; Y. $9,776; C. $166,210 ; E. 294. Yessels employed in the Mackerel and Cod Fisheries, 2 ; ton- nage, 140; codfish taken, 1,350 quintals; Y. $2,700; salt con- sumed, 1,800 bush. ; Y. $6,500; E. 21. Sheep, 1,228; Y. $1,228; Y. of wool produced, $1,148. Horses, 272; Y. $33,600; neat cattle, 1,146; Y. $17,190; swine, 760; Y. $9,120. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 10,641 bush. ; Y. $6,264; rye, 1,803 bush.; Y. $1,442; barley, 314 bush.; Y. $251; oats, 2,391 bush. ; Y. $836 ; potatoes, 31,646 bush. ; Y. $7,913; other esculent vegetables, 4,213 bush.; Y. $1,264; millet, 1^ tons; Y. $24; hay, 1,839 tons; Y, $20,229. Fruit raised, 13,312 bush.; Y. $3,994. Butter, 29,666 lbs.; Y. $5,340; cheese, 4,107 lbs.; Y. $329; honey, 329 lbs. ; Y. $41. 311 SCITUATE. Tack and Brad Manufactories, 2: tacks and brads m'd, 195,000 lbs. ; V. $20,500; C. $9,000; E. 18. Ploughs m'd, 10 ; V. $80. Wagons m'd, 15; V. $750; C. $200; E. 2. Tanneries, 1; hides tanned, 150; V. of leather tanned and curried, $570; C. $250; E. 1. Boots m'd, 642 pairs; shoes, 9,300 pairs; V. $9,193; M. E. 22 ; F. E. 15. Bricks m'd, 250,000; Y. $1,300; E. 5. y. of Mechanics' Tools m'd, $300; E. 1. Lumber prepared, 125,000 feet boards and 67 tons timber ; V. $1,730 ; E. 3. Fire Wood prepared, 1,409 cords; Y. $3,795 ; E. 10. Yessels emploj^ed in the Mackerel and Cod Fisheries, 9 ; ton- nage, 560; mackerel, 677 bbls. ; Y. $5,003; codfish, 2,300 quintals; Y. $4,925; salt consumed, 4,519 bush.; C. $11,525; E. 77. Sheep, 915 ; Y. $1,367; wool produced, 2,639 lbs. ; Y. $660. Horses, 340; Y. $12,493; neat cattle, 1,268; Y. $23,603; swine, 559 ; Y. $8,385. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 9,079 bush.; Y. $6,810; rye, 1,847 bush. ; Y. $1,400; barley, 583 bush. ; Y. $418 ; oats, 395 bush.; Y. $132; potatoes, 27,503 bush. ; Y. $5,500 ; other es- culent vegetables, 261 tons; Y. $1,305; hay, 2,788 tons; Y. $25,171. Fruit raised, 10,488 bush.; Y. $2,622. Butter, 39,015 lbs.; Y. $6,502; cheese, 18,286 lbs.; Y. $1,- 280 ; honey, 620 lbs. ; Y. $82; beeswax, 35 lbs. ; Y. $12. Lobsters taken, 30,000; Y. $900; E. $15. Y. of Fruit Trees raised, $100. WAREHAM. Cotton Mills, 2 ; C. $5,000 {not in operation). Rolling, Slitting and Nail Mills, 4; iron m'd and not made 312 into nails, 2,100 tons; V. $147,000; machines for m. of nails, 150; nails m'd, 4,000 tons; V. $360,000; C. $1,000,000; E. 450. Forges, 2 ; liar iron, anchors, cables and other articles of wrought iron m'd, 2,000 tons; V. $120,000; C. $120,000; E. 25. Furnaces for m, of Hollow Ware and Castings other than Pig Iron, 1 ; hollow ware and castings m'd, 600 tons; V. $15,- 000; C. $15,000; E. 15. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; V, of articles m'd, $1,000; C. $500; E. 2. Establishments for m. of Salt, 1 ; salt m'd, 300 bush. ; V. $90; C. $4,000; E. 1. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 1 ; V. of articles m'd, $1,200; C. $1,000; E. 3. Tanneries, 1; hides tanned, 350; V. of leather tanned and curried, $1,500; C. $1,500; E. 2. Boots, 150 pairs ; shoes, 800 pairs ; V. of boots and shoes, $1,400; M. E. 8. Y. of Building Stone quarried and prepared, $4,000; E. 10. Lumber prepared, 350,000 feet ; V. $3,500 ; E. 13. Fire Wood prepared, 2,575 cords ; Y. $10,500. Staves m'd, 1,120,000; Y. $4,000; C. $5,000; E. 12. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 1,575 galls. ; Y. $1,- 500; other oil, 315 galls.; Y. $250; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 4,000 tons; Y. $28,000; foreign bituminous coal, 750 tons; Y. $6,000. Yessels employed in the Whale Fishery, 6; tonnage, 1,366 sperm oil imported, 89,750 galls.; Y. $85,500; whale oil, 73,000 galls. ; Y. $20,000 ; whalebone, 15,000 lbs. ; Y. $4,- 500; C. $116,000; E. 140. Yessels employed in the Mackerel and Cod Fisheries, 1 ; ton- nage, 76; codfish, 700 quintals; Y. $1,400; salt consumed, 960 bush. ; C. $2,500 ; E. 11. Sheep, 628; Y. $1,256; wool produced, 1,884 lbs. ; Y. $628. Horses, 133 ; Y. $9,975 ; neat cattle, 375 ; Y. $8,450; swine, 322 ; Y. $6,762. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 3,306 bush. ; Y. $2,644 ; rye, 313 722 bush. ; V. $722; oats, 595 bush. ; V. $198 ; potatoes, 6,675 biisli. ; V. $2,002 ; V. of other esculent vegetables, $2,168 ; hay, 923 1 tons; Y. $11,082. Fruit raised, 1,858 bush.; V. $929. Butter, 14,000 lbs. ; V. $2,333. WEST BRIDGEWATER. Furnaces for m. of Hollow Ware and Castings other than Pig Iron, 3; hollow ware and castings m'd, 315 tons; V. $25,- 750; C. $12,500; E. 33. Manufactories of Shovels, Spades, Forks and Hoes, 1 ; V. of articles m'd, $15,000; C. $12,000 ; E. 8. Plough Manufactories, 1 ; ploughs and other agricultural tools m'd, 100; V. $500; C. $250; E. 1. Establishments for m. of Wagons, Sleighs and other Vehi- cles, 2; V. of vehicles m'd, $1,400; C. $2,000; E. 5. Boots m'd, 20,241 pairs; shoes, 84,022 pairs; V. $99,201 ; M. E. 132 ; F. E, 22. Straw Bonnets and Hats m'd, 100 ; V. $125 ; V. of straw braid m'd and not made into bonnets and hats, $628 ; F. E. 46. Lumber prepared, 70,500 feet; V. $1,662; E. 6 ; shingles, 348,000; box boards, 150,000; laths, 12,000; V. of shingles, box boards and laths, $1,241 ; C. $2,050; E. 7. Fire Wood prepared, 930 cords ; V. $3,010 ; E. 24. Merino Sheep, 31; other sheep, 20; V. of all the sheep, $117; merino wool produced, 93 lbs. ; other wool, 58 lbs. ; Y. of all the wool, .$61. Horses, 114; Y. $5,390 ; neat cattle, 659 ; Y. $14,039 ; swine, 241 ; Y. $2,840. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 4,571 bush. ; Y. $3,127; rye, Y. $370; oats, 1,242 Y. $4,139; other es- hay, 1,528 tons; Y. 466 bush. ; Y. $382 ; barley, 517 bush, bush.; Y. $436; potatoes, 20,889 bush, culent vegetables, 815 bush. ; Y. $328 $17,864. Fruit raised, 5,626 bush. ; Y. $1,171. Butter, 17,732 lbs. ; Y. $2,836 ; cheese, 11,533 lbs. ; Y. $876 40 314 COUNTY OF BARNSTABLE. BARNSTABLE. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 2 ; V. of articles m'd, $350 ; C. |500 ; E. 2. Establishments for m. of Salt, 24; salt m'd, 21,000 bush.; V. $5,250; C. $17,350; E. 27. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars and other Vehicles, 7; V. of vehicles m'd, $4,200; C. $1,950; E. 9. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of articles m'd, $450; C. $200; E. 1. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; V. of ware m'd, $400 ; C. $200; E. 1. Tanneries, 1 ; hides tanned, 200 ; V. of leather tanned and curried, $1,000 ; C. $500 ; E. 2. Boots m'd, 596 pairs; shoes, 3,650 pairs; V. of boots and shoes, $5,788; M. E. 18; F. E. 12. Bricks m'd, 75,000; V. $337; E. 1. V. of Blocks and Pumps m'd, $600; E. 1. Fire Wood prepared, 1,155 cords; V. $4,620; E. 43. Boats built, 15 ; V. $600 ; E. 2. Vessels employed in the Mackerel and Cod Fisheries, 8 ; tonnage, 460 ; mackerel, 2,400 bbls. ; V. $15,800 ; salt con- sumed, 3,600 bush. ; C. $8,500; E. 86. Sheep, 438 ; V. $657 ; wool produced, 876 lbs. ; V. $292. Asses, 1 ; V. $25 ; horses, 308 ; V. $13,085 ; neat cattle, 1,094; V. $17,824; swine, 715; V. $9,388. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 13,552 bush. ; V. $9,034; wheat, 47 bush.; V. $61; rye, 3,181 bush.; V. $2,385 ; barley, 315 bush. ; V. $189; oats, 2,720 bush.; V. $1,020 ; potatoes, 16,- 200 bush. ; V. $4,050 ; onions, 76,500 bunches ; V. $1,683; other esculent vegetables, 9,188 bush. ; V. $2,297; hay, 2,980 tons; V. $24,412. Fruit raised, 2,746 bush. ; V. $994. Butter, 40,440 lbs. ; V. $8,088 ; cheese, 2,150 lbs. ; V. $172. 315 BREWSTER. Paper Manufactories, 1 ; stock consumed, 50 tons ; paper m'd, 50 tons ; V. |<3,000 ; C. $5,000 ; E. 3. Establishments for m. of Salt, 39 ; salt m'd, 20,500 bush. ; V. $4,500; C. $16,500; E. 39. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; V. of ware, $2,000; C. $2,000; E. 3. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 7,000 ; V. of leather tanned and curried, $3,000 ; C. $5,200 ; E. 4. Boots m'd, 260 pairs ; shoes, 950 pairs ; Y. of boots and shoes, $1,410; M. E. 9 ; F. E. 2. V. of Blacking m'd, $1,350; E. 7. Vessels employed in the Mackerel and Cod Fisheries, 4 ; tonnage, 235 ; codfish, 2,400 quintals ; V. $5,400 ; salt con- sumed, 2,600 bush. ; C. $7,500 ; E. 32. Sheep, 150 ; V. $300 ; wool produced, 450 lbs. ; Y. $150. Horses, 90 ; Y. $3,785 ; neat cattle, 337 ; Y. $5,055 ; swine, 103 ; Y. $824. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 2,925 bush.; Y. $2,294; rye, 450 bush.; Y. $337; oats, 300 bush. ; Y.$120; potatoes, 3,030 bush. ; Y. $900 ; other esculent vegetables, 2,500 bush. ; Y. $1,150; hay, 525 tons; Y. $5,250. Fruit raised, 830 bush. ; Y. $330. Butter, 7,790 lbs.; Y. $1,298; cheese, 550 lbs. ; Y. $40. CHATHAM. Establishments for m. of Salt, 54 ; salt m'd, 18,000 bush. ; Y. $3,600 ; C. $19,600 ; E. 54. Boots m'd, 150 pairs ; shoes, 400 pairs ; Y. of boots and shoes, $900 ; M. E. 3. Boats built, 6; Y. $50; E. 1. Yessels employed in the Mackerel and Cod Fisheries, 13 ; tonnage, 777 ■ mackerel, 400 bbls. ; Y. $2,000 ; codfish, 7,600 quintals ; Y. $17,000 ; salt consumed, 10,000 bush. ; C. $12,800; E. $117. Sheep, 300 ; Y. $300 ; wool produced, 600 lbs. ; Y. $200. 316 Horses, 100; V. $5,000; neat cattle, 650; V. $7,800 ; swine, 300; V. $2,400. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 4,000 bush.; Y. $3,000; wheat, 200 bush. ; Y. $200: rye, 1,500 bush. ; Y. $1,125; barley, 500 bush. ; Y. $375 ; oats, 500 bush. ; Y. $200 ; potatoes, 5,000 bush. ; Y. $1,250; hay, 850 tons; Y. $6,300. Butter, 30,000 lbs. ; Y. $5,000. DENNIS. Forges, 7; C. $700; E. 7. Establishmeuts for m. of Salt, 85 ; salt m'd, 34,600 bush. ; Y. $8,650; C. $86,000 ; E. 100 ; Y. of Epsom Salts m'd, $2,010. Boots m'd, 85 pairs ; shoes, 500 pairs ; Y. of boots and shoes, $797 ; M. E. 8. Fire Wood prepared, 110 cords ; Y. $525 ; E. 2. Yessels employed in the Mackerel and Cod Fisheries, 32; tonnage, 1,532; mackerel, 3,605 bbls. ; Y. $28,840 ; codfish, 11,150 quintals; Y. $27,875 ; salt consumed, 19,344 bush. ; C. $36,822 ; E. 330. Sheep, 25 ; Y. $50; wool produced, 50 lbs. ; Y. $17. Horses, 113; Y. $3,955; neat cattle, 422; Y. $6,752 ; swine, 415 ; Y. $7,470. Indian (^orn or Maize raised, 6,523 bush. ; Y. $3,914; rye, 1,254 bush. ; Y. $940; oats, 506 bush.; Y. $202 ; potatoes, 6,616 bush. ; Y. $1,985 ; squashes, 100 tons ; Y. $2,000 ; other esculent vegetables, 1,658 bush. ; Y. $498; hay, 1,044 tons; Y. $9,506. Fruit raised, 203 bush. ; Y. $101. Butter, 9,200 lbs.; Y. $1,533. Lamp Black F^'actorics. 13; lamp black m'd, 30,000 lbs. ; Y. $2,(300; C. $1,200 ; E. 13. Codfish Oil m'd, 225 bbls.; Y. $2,475. Beans 120 bush. ; Y. $210. Shad and Alcwive Fisheries, 1; shad, 125 bbls. ; Y. $1,250; alewives, 295 bbls. ; Y. $855 ; salt consumed, 420 bush. ; C. $1,490; E. 65. 317 EASTHAM. Establishments for m. of Salt, 35 ; salt m'd, 17,320 bush. ; V. $4,330; C. $14,180; E. 35. Boots m'd, .50 pairs ; shoes, 300 pairs ; V. $450 ; M. E. 3. Palm-leaf Hats m'd, 1,000; V. |120; F. E. 20. Vessels employed in the Mackerel and Cod Fisheries, 5 ; ton- nage, 200 ; mackerel, 500 bbls. ; V. $5,000 ; codfish, 2,000 quintals; V. $5,000; salt consumed, 2,500 bush. ; C. $1,500; E. 41. Horses, 95 ; V. $2,955 ; neat cattle, 388 ; V. $4,82G ; swine, 130; V. $950. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 6,577 bush.; Y. $4,275; rye, 1,740 bush.; V. $1,211; oats, 75 bush.; V. $30; potatoes, 3,444 bush. ; V. $963 ; other esculent vegetables, 1,883 bush. ; V. $579 ; hay, 682 tons ; V. $4,404. Fruit raised, 496 bush. ; V. $243. Butter, 7,193 lbs. ; V. $1,096. FALMOUTH. Woollen Mills, 2; sets of machinery, 3; wool consumed, 40,000 lbs.; satinet m'd, 7,300 yds.; V. $4,700; flannel or blanketing, 52,000 yds.; V. $17,000; woollen yarn m'd and not made into cloth, 4,000 lbs. ; V. $3,300 ; C. $35,000; M. E. 14; F. E. 17. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 1 ; V. of articles m'd, $1,000; C. $250; E. 2. Establishments for m. of Salt, 42; salt m'd, 24,500 bush.; y. $4,920; C. $28,000; E. 35. Establishments for m. of Oil and Sperm Candles, 1 ; oil m'd, 40,924 galls.; V. $19,347; candles m'd, 43,500 lbs.; V. $10,- 875 ; C. $26,000 ; E. 5. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1; V. of ware, $100; C. $300; E. 1. 318 Tanneries, 1 ; hides tanned, 100 ; V. of leather tanned and curried, $175; C. $400; E. 1. Boots m'd, 132 pairs; shoes, 1,300 pairs; V. of boots and shoes, $1,855; M. E. 5. Fire Wood prepared, 4,130 cords; V. $16,520; E. 40. Boats built, 8 ; V. $460 ; E. 1. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 400 galls. ; V. $380 ; other kinds of oil, 400 galls. ; V. $260 ; anthracite coal con- sumed in manufacturing, 9 tons; V. $90. Vessels employed in the Whale Fishery, 5 ; tonnage, 1,574; sperm oil imported, 70,063 galls. ; V. $64,458 ; whale oil, 7,397 galls.; V. $2,589; whalebone, 454 lbs. ; Y. $130; G. $169,000; E. 134. . Vessels employed in the Mackerel and Cod Fisheries^ 2 ; ton- nage, 95; codfish, 800 quintals; V. $2,000; salt consumed, 800 bush. ; C. $2,500 ; E. 17. Oil Casks m'd, 3,400 ; V. $4,250 ; C. $1,000 ; E. 3. Candle Boxes m'd, 1,200 ; V. $240; E. 1. Lamp Black m'd, 3 tons; V. $300; E. 3. Sheep, 947; V. $1,220; wool produced, 2,367 lbs.; V. $994. Horses, 201; V. $10,000; neat cattle, 726; V. $10,890; swine, 398 ; V. $6,368. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 8,756 bush. ; V. $5,691 ; wheat, 130 bush. ; V. $140 ; rye, 826 bush. ; V. $661 ; barley, 1,498 bush.; V. $749; oats, 1,158 bush.; V. $347; potatoes, 20,500 bush.; V. $5,125 ; other esculent vegetables, 8,055 bush.; V. $2,014; hay, 1,235 tons ; V. $14,820. Fruit raised, 3,089 bush. ; V. $1,390. Butter, 21,010 lbs. ; V. $3,782; cheese, 5,360 lbs. ; V. $429. HARWICH. Cotton Mills, 1 ; spindles, 466; cotton consumed, 11,700 lbs. ; cotton yarn m'd, 10,400 lbs. ; V. $1,560 ; cotton batting m'd, 1,500 lbs. ; V. $120 ; C. $2,300 ; F. E. 5. 319 Woollen Mills, 1 : sets of machinery, 1 ; wool consumed, 1,100 lbs. Establishments for m. of Salt, 4; salt m'd, 450 bush.; V. $122 ; C. $375 ; E. 6. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars and other Vehicles, 1; C. $100; E. 2. Tanneries, 1 ; hides tanned, 100 ; V. of leather tanned and curried, $300; C. $400; E. 2. Boots m'd, 300 pairs; shoes, 1,000 pairs; V. of boots and shoes, $1,300; M. E. 9. Fire Wood prepared, 100 cords ; Y. $350 ; E. 10. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 10 galls. ; V. $9 ; all other kinds of oil, 10 galls. ; V. $5. Sperm Oil imported, 400 galls. ; V. $360. Vessels employed in. the Mackerel and Cod Fisheries, 22 ; tonnage, 1,410; mackerel, 650 bbls. ; V. $3,900; codfish, 14,- 200 quintals; V. $28,400 ; salt consumed, 16,100 bush. ; C. $32,796 ; E. 190. V. of Wearing Apparel m'd, $1,800 ; C. $1,200 ; E. 5. Forges, 2; V. of labor, $700; C. $600; E. 3. V. of Sails m'd, $3,000; C. $2,000; E. 4. Saxony Sheep, 100; V. $150; Saxony wool produced, 300 lbs. ; V. $60. Horses, 70 ; V. $350 ; neat cattle, 300 ; V. $3,000 ; swine, 150; V. $1,200. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 2,000 bush.; V. $1,000; rye, 500 bush.; V. $300; oats, 100 bush.; V. $30; potatoes, 1,000 bush. ; V. $250 ; other esculent vegetables, 200 bush. ; V. $50 ; hay, 600 tons ; V. $3,600. Fruit raised, 200 bush. ; V. $60. Butter, 4,500 lbs. ; V. $562; cheese, 100 lbs. ; V. $6. V. of Wheelwrights' Work m'd, $500 ; C. $200 ; E. 2. V. of Carpenters' Work, $456 ; E. 7. V. of Painters' Work, $546 ; C. $500; E. 2. V. of Blacking m'd, $1,200 ; C. $700 ; E. 18. Poultry, 1,500 lbs. ; V. $189 ; eggs, 20,800 doz. ; V.$l,664. 320 ORLEANS. Establishments for m. of Salt, 46 ; salt m'd, 17,072 bush. ; V. $4,268; C. $11,170; E. 46. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars and other Vehicles, 2; V. of vehicles m'd, $880; C. $700; E. 3. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; V. of ware, $600 ; C. $500 ; E. 2. Boots m'd, 207 pairs; shoes, 1,525 pairs; V. $1,765; M. E. 8 ; F. E. 3. Palm-leaf Hats m'd, 160; Y. $40; F. E. 2. Fire Wood prepared, 130 cords ; V. $750 ; E. 5. Boats built, 6; V. $240; E. 2. Vessels employed in the Mackerel and Cod Fisheries, 9 ; tonnage, 490 ; mackerel, 1,000 bbls. ; V. $6,000 ; codfish. 3,500 quintals ; V. $7,000 ; salt consumed, 5,000 bush. ; C. $9,000 ; E. 75. Sheep, 342; V. $400; wool produced, 1,000 lbs. ; V. $370. Horses, 147; V. $5,000; neat cattle, 491; V. $6,000 ; swine, 208 ; V. $2,000. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 9,353 bush. ; V. $5,600 ; wheat, 61 bush.; V. $100; rye, 1,661 bush. ; V. $1,080; barley, 41 bush. ; V. $20 ; oats, 747 bush. ; V. $260 ; potatoes, 6,220 bush.; V. $1,250; other esculent vegetables, 2,613 bush.; V. $600; hay, 1,000 tons; V. $7,500. Fruit raised, 1,009 bush. ; V. $500. Butter, 23,715 lbs.; V. $3,083; cheese, 825 lbs.; V. $40. V. of Poultry, $555. Eggs, 37,941 doz. ; V. $4,000. PROVINCETOWN. Establishments for m. of Salt, 70 ; salt m'd, 26,000 bush. ; V. $0,500; C. $2,780; E. $100. Establishments for m. of Oil and Sperm Candles, 1 ; oil m'd, 9,450 galls.; V. $8,316; sperm candles m'd, 7,500 lbs.; V. $2,250 ; C. $1,000 ; E. 3. 321 Boots m'd, 800 pairs ; shoes, 2,500 pairs ; V. of boots and shoes, $4,000 ; M. E. 8 ; F. E. 6. V. of Blocks and Pumps, $1,000; E. 2. Boats built, 150; V. $7,500; E. 9. ^^^ Vessels employed in the Whale Fishery, 26 ; tonnage, 3,255 ; sperm oil imported, 105;210 galls. ; V. $92,584; whale oil, 25,- 800 galls.; V. $10,400; C. $156,000; E. 520. Vessels employed in the Mackerel and Cod Fisheries, 50; tonnage, 3,000; mackerel, 1,000 bbls. ; V. $9,000; codfish, 20,- 000 quintals : V, $45,000 ; salt consumed, 35,500 bush. ; C. $57,000 ; E. 400. Fishing boats, 150; V. $4,500; V. offish taken, $18,750; C. $2,250. Asses, 1 ; V. $30 ; horses, 6 ; V. $240 ; neat cattle, 75 ; V. $1,125; swine, 100; V. $500. SANDWICH. Furnaces for m. of Hollow Ware and Castings other than Pig Iron, 1 ; hollow ware and castings m'd, 200 tons ; V. $18,- 000 ; C. $20,000 ; E. 18. Axe Manufactories, 1 ; axes and other edge tools m'd, 1,800 ; V. $1,800 ; C. $900 ; E. 2. Glass Manufactories, 2 ; V. of glass m'd, $350,000 ; C. $300,- 000; E. 316. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 3 ; V. of articles m'd, $1,154; C. $577; E. 3. Establishments for m. of Salt, 4; salt m'd, 1,200 bush. ; V. $400 ; C. $2,000 ; E. 2. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars and other Vehicles, 3; V. of vehicles m'd, $2,700; C. $1,000; E. 6. Fish Oil m'd, 8,505 galls. ; V. $2,700. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 1 ; V. of articles m'd, $700; C. $233 : E. 2. Tin and Copper Ware Manufactories, 1 ; V. of ware, $2,000 ; C. $1,200; E. 3. 41 322 Boots m'd, 225 pairs ; shoes, 750 pairs ; Y. of boots and shoes, $2,000 ; M. E. 2. Bricks m'd, 200,000 ; V. $1,200 ; E. 3. V. of Building Stone quarried and prepared, $315 ; E. 2. Fire Wood prepared, 4,714 cords ; V. $19,63G ; E. 16. ^ Ycssels launched, 1 ; tonnage, 400; V. $15,000; E. 15. Casks m'd, 6,000 ; V. $4,500 ; C. $3,000 ; E. 2. Iron Axle Manufactories, 1 ; V. of axles m'd, $2,800; C. $3,000 ; E. 4. Saw Mills, 1; staves m'd, 220,000; V. $2,400; C. $3,000; E. 2. Sperm Oil consumed in manufacturing, 300 galls. ; V. $300 ; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 375 tons ; V. $2,- 150; bituminous coal mined in the U. States, 3,694 chaldrons ; V. $26,000; foreign bituminous coal, 556 chaldrons ; V. $4,000 ; V. of all other articles of American production consumed in manufacturing, excepting cotton, wool and iron, $71,675 ; V. of all other articles of foreign production consumed, excepting as above, $20,000. Sheep, 881 ; Y. $1,322 ; wool produced, 2,572 lbs. Horses, 291; Y. $13,217; neat cattle, 1,092; Y. $19,607; swine, 538; Y. $8,126. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 12,139 bush.; Y. $9,104; rye, 3,141 bush.; Y. $2,669; barley, 224 bush. ; Y. $134; oats, 1,428 bush. ; Y. $570 ; potatoes, 17,517 bush. ; Y. $4,379 ; oth- er esculent vegetables, 2,400 bush. ; Y. $1,000 ; hay, 2,689 tons; Y. $27,672. Fruit raised, 2,855 bush. ; Y. $1,427. Butter, 15,402 lbs. ; Y. $2,567 ; cheese, 494 lbs. ; Y. $39. TRURO. Estabhshments for m. of Salt, 25; salt m'd, 11,515 bush.; Y. $3,224 ; C. $19,640 ; E. 25. Palm-leaf Hats m'd, 16,299; Y. $2,118; F. E. 410. Vessels employed in the Mackerel and Cod Fisheries, 40 ; 323 tonnage, 2,050; mackerel, 6,740 bbls. ; V. $49,925; codfish, 6,250 quintals ; Y. $14,062 ; salt consumed, 16,360 bush. ; C. $63,050 ; E. 350. Fish Oil m'd, 6,615 galls.; Y. $2,337. Sheep, 83 ; Y. $124 ; wool produced, 196 lbs. ; Y. $66. Horses, 52 ; Y. $1,685 ; neat cattle, 357 ; Y. $4,982 ; swine, 143; Y. $1,716. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 2,870 bush. ; Y. $1,865 ; rye, 733 bush. ; V. $586 ; oats, 60 bush. ; Y. $24 ; potatoes, 2,861 bush. ; Y. $1,002 ; other esculent vegetables, 1,708 bush. ; Y. $683 ; hay, 653 tons ; Y. $3,918. Fruit raised, 620 bush. ; Y. $310. Butter, 4,034 lbs. ; Y. $672. WELLFLEET. Establishments for m. of Salt, 28; salt m'd, 6,000 bush. ; Y. $1,680; C. $32,000; E. 28. Tanneries, 1 ; hides tanned, 200 ; Y. of leather tanned and curried, $500; C. $250; E. 2. Boots m'd, 300 pairs; shoes, 1,000 pairs; Y. of boots and shoes, $2,000 ; M. E. 8. Yessels employed in the Mackerel and Cod Fisheries, 60; tonnage, 2,600; mackerel, 9,700 barrels; Y. $67,900; codfish, 2,000 quintals ; Y. $4,500 ; salt consumed, 12,000 bush. ; C. $50,000 ; E. 480. Sheep, 50 ; Y. $100 ; wool produced, 100 lbs. ; Y. $40. Horses, 85; Y. $2,550; neat cattle, 320; Y. $5,000; swine, 100; Y. $1,000. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 2,000 bush.; Y. $1,200; rye, 850 bush.; Y. $637; potatoes, 1,700 bush.; Y. $425; other esculent vegetables, 700 bush.; Y. $175; hay, 850 tons; Y. $5,000. Fruit raised, 1,000 bush. ; Y. $400. Butter, 4,000 lbs. ; Y. $480. 324 YARMOUTH. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 5 ; V. of articles m'd, $1,200; C. $650; E. 5. Cordage Manufactories, 1 ^ cordage m'd, 4 tons ; V. $800 ; C. $1,200; E. 2. ' Establishments for m. of Salt, 62 ; salt m'd, 72,840 bush. ; V. $18,099 ; C. $72,840 ; E. 40. Establishments for m'g Epsom Salts, 3 ; salts m'd, 350 bbls. ; V. $1,837; C. $1,200; E. 3. Establishments for m. of Rail-road Cars and other Yehicles, 3; V. of vehicles m'd, $1,100; C. $1,000; E. 4. Chair and Cabinet Ware Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of articles m'd, $200 ; C. $200 ; E. 1. Tin Ware Manufactories, 2; V. of ware, $650; C. $550; E. 2. Boots m'd, 600 pairs; shoes, 3,625 pairs; Y. $5,360; M. E. 15. Fire Wood prepared, 750 cords; Y. $3,240 ; E. 8. Yessels employed in the Mackerel and Cod Fisheries, 24 ; tonnage, 1,404 ; mackerel, 3,412 bbls. ; Y. $18,780 ; codfish, 6,195 quintals; Y. $15,280; salt consumed, 11,840 bush.; C. $27,500; E. 297. Horses, 137; Y. $5,875; neat cattle, 403; Y. $7,245; swine, 398 ; Y. $4,500. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 5,645 bush.; Y. $3,389; rye, 1,256 bush. ; Y. $876 ; barley, 69 bush. ; Y. $35 ; oats, 200 bush.; Y. $80; potatoes, 6,367 bush.; Y. $1,588; other escu- lent vegetables, 2,000 bush.; Y. $600; hay, 1,025 tons; Y. $8,200. Fruit raised, 200 bush. ; Y. $80. Butter, 9,200 lbs.; Y. $1,533; cheese, 200 lbs.; Y. $16. 325 DUKES COUNTY. CHILMARK. Bricks m'd, 25,000; Y. $112 ; E. 2. Mackerel, 217 bbls. ; V. $1,300; V. of codfish, $651; C. $188 ; E. 12. Herring taken, 50,000 ; V. $250 ; salt consumed, 35 bush. Sheep, 6,691; V. $10,036; wool produced, 15,971 lbs.; V. ' $5,324. Horses, 102 ; V. $3,060 ; neat cattle, 833 ; V. $13,744; swine, 149; y. $1,788. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 4,327 bush. ; V. $2,885 ; rye, 107 bush. ; V. $96 ; barley, 56 bush. ; V, $42 ; oats, 1,372 bush.; V. $457; potatoes, 8,519 bush.; V. $1,704; other es- culent vegetables, 4,213 bush. ; V. $702 ; hay, 944 tons ; V. $10,384. Fruit raised, 370 bush. ; Y. $123. Butter, 11,625 lbs. ; Y. $2,325 ; cheese, 5,520 lbs. ; Y. $497. Fish Oil m'd, 30 bbls. ; Y. $120 ; salt consumed, 30 bush. EDGARTOWN. Hat and Cap Manufactories, 1 ; hats and caps m'd, 300; Y. $800 ; C. $500 ; E. 1. Establishments for m. of Salt, 1; salt m'd, 500 bush.; Y, $150 ; C. $2,000 ; E. 1. Oil and Sperm Candle Manufactories, 2 ; oil m'd, 200,000 galls.; Y. $117,000; sperm candles m'd, 71,-500 lbs. ; Y. $17,- 900 ; C. $80,000 ; E. 12. Tin Ware. Manufactories, 1; Y. of ware, $500; C. $200; E. 1. Boots m'd, 40 pairs ; shoes, 250 pairs ; Y. $600 ; M. E. 2. Y. of Blocks and Pumps m'd, $750; E. 3. 326 Fire Wood prepared, 168 cords; V. $1,050; E. 2. Boats built, 18 ; V. $5,080 : E. 4. Vessels employed in the Whale Fishery, 11 ; tonnage, 3,200; sperm oil imported, 65,935 galls.; V, $60,525; whale oil, 48,- 825 galls. ; V. $18,065 ; whalebone, 16,000 lbs. ; Y. $7,360 ; C. $149,800 ; E. 255. Oil Casks m'd, 4,500; V. $5,000; C. $4,000; E. 8. Herrings, 1,700 bbls. ; V. $3,400; C. $19,000; E. 15. Sheep, 2,537; Y. $2,565; wool produced, 5,074 lbs.; Y. $5,370. Horses, 86; Y. $4,633; neat cattle, 487; Y. $9,721; swine, 248 ; Y. $2,447. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 5,000 bush. ; Y. $3,500 ; rye, 756 bush.; Y. $566; barley, 75 bush.; Y. $75; oats, 536 bush. ; Y. $166; potatoes, 6,666 bush. ; Y. $2,000 ; other escu- lent vegetables, 3,033 bush.; Y. $900; hay, 576 tons; Y. $6,556. Fruit raised, 450 bush. ; Y. $360. Butter, 2,196 lbs. ; Y. $439. TISBURY. Tin Ware Manufactories, 1 ; Y. of ware, $500 ; C. $400 ; E. 1. Tanneries, 1 ; hides tanned, 700 ; Y. of leather tanned and curried, $2,400; C. $1,800; E. 3. Boots m'd, 200 pairs; shoes, 1,540 pairs; Y. of boots and shoes, $2,725 ; M. E. 7. Stockings and Mittens m'd, 2,500 pairs; Y. $625. Y. of Oil Casks m'd, $1,800; C. $1,200 ; E. 3. Fire Wood prepared, 500 cords ; Y. $2,500. Yessels launched, 1 ; tonnage, 52 ; Y. $2,800 ; E. 5. Boats built, 15 ; Y. $935 ; E. 3. Yessels employed in the Whale Fishery, 4; tonnage, 1,287 : sperm oil imported, 43,500 galls.; Y. $36,100; whale oil, 1,400 galls. ; Y. $500 ; C. $93,000 ; E. 121. 327 ' Merino Sheep, 2,449 ; V. $3,673 ; merino wool, 5,650 lbs. ; V. $1,883. Horses, 116 ; V. $4,640; neat cattle, 500; V. $7,000; swine, 322 ; V. $3,220. Indian Corn .or Maize raised, 3,288 bush. ; V. $2,200; rye, 304 bush. ; V. $228 ; oats, 830 bush. ; V. $273 ; potatoes, 6,000 bush.; V. $1,500; other esculent vegetables, 7,000 bush.; V. $1,400; hay, 525 tons; V. $0,300. Fruit raised, 1,200 bush. ; V. $400. Butter, 6,105 lbs. ; V. $1,099. COUNTY OF NANTUCKET. NANTUCKET. Brass Foundries, 1 ; V. of articles m'd, $6,000 ; C. $4,000 ; E. 4. Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufactories, 4 ; V. of articles m'd, $1,950 ; C. $1,000 ; E. 10. Hat and Cap Manufactories, 1 ; hats and caps m'd, 600 ; V. $600 ; C. $300 ; E. 1. Cordage Manufactories, 1 ; cordage m'd, 300,000 lbs. ; V. $30,000; C. $10,000; E. 30. Oil and Sperm Candle Manufactories, 24; oil m'd, 1,022,019 galls.; V. $1,279,817; candles, 858,581 lbs.' ; V. $214,645; C. $1,580,417 ; E. 105. Soap and Tallow Candle Manufactories, 2 ; hard soap m'd, 11,000 lbs. ; soft, 440 bbls. ; V. of soap m'd, $7,800; C. $5,000 ; E. 5. Tin Ware Manufactories, 7; V. of ware, $1,000 ; C. $2,000 ; E. 12. Boots m'd, 370 pairs ; shoes, 2,300 pairs ; V. of boots and shoes, $4,200; M. E, 11 ; F. E. 3. V. of Snuff, Tobacco and Cigars m'd, $600 ; E. 3. 328 Y. of Blocks and Pumps m'd, $2,600 ; E. 10. Candle Box Manufactories, 6 ; boxes m'd, 30,000 ; V. $6,600 ; C. $4,000 ; E. 12. V. of casks m'd, $40,000 ; C. $30,000 ; E. 65. Establishments for m. of Coopers' Tools, Harpoons and oth- er Whale Craft, 14 ; V. of articles m'd, $4,200; C. $4,000; E. 15. Boats built, 117; Y. $6,775; E. 12. Whale Oil consumed in manufacturing, 400 galls. ; Y. $140 ; anthracite coal consumed in manufacturing, 200 tons ; Y. $1,050; bituminous coal mined in the U. States, 111 chaldrons; Y. $1,000; Y. of other articles of American production, except- ing cotton, wool and iron, consumed in manufacturing, $22,000. Yessels employed in the Whale Fishery, 77 ; tonnage, 26,295 ; sperm oil imported, 986,868 galls.; Y. $868,443; whale oil, 140,269 galls. ; Y. $46,756 ; whalebone, 30,708 lbs. ; Y. $10,- 336 ; C. $2,660,000 ; E. 1,900. Yessels employed in the Mackerel and Cod Fisheries, 4; tonnage, 110; C. $2,000; E. 12. Sheep, $7,500; Y. $15,000; wool produced, 1,600 lbs.; Y. ^4,000. Horses, 442; Y. $30,000 ; neat cattle, 1,053 ; Y. $20,000; swine, 1,304; Y. $11,518. Indian Corn or Maize raised, 500 bush. ; Y. $300 ; potatoes, 6,000 bush.; Y. $1,500; other esculent vegetables, 7,000 bush.; Y. $1,400; hay, 3,500 tons; Y. $42,000. Butter, 30,000 lbs. ; Y. $7,500. 329 Q o o o o •SntppBAV • ■ c* o o . . • • o in o co^ • • • • o o 3SSI[3J[JO 3t\\^\ in 4©. 1-H in" I-H 73 "o" o o o O o o o o o li •SaippBj\Y 3SSI o o • • • • o_ Ol^ • • • Oi, ■Pd JO spnnoj 1-H ocT in" co" 1-H .2 5 c S o a. O f 1 o 00 »-< Of o ■* ao o •^ rt ° o> o in C5 in in X Oi -^i* Ol — H S-3 •StnnBg CO t^ —t CO I-H T?< oi a> I-H o uono3jo an[B^ I— 1 co" co" 1—) CO of X in ^H o o o ^^ in Tl< o "Tn~ o o in o o o m CT pH i^ o o CO "5 lO" •SaniBg uo; o CO m C5 m •^ o m^ X in_ in fcpsia -100 jo spunoj 00 o" 1-H of tC of CO 00 X in CO CO 1-H * ' co" o in of Si- CO 00 in "2! CO go CO 00 in a o •pBOjqx aojioo JO on[e^\^ • • " t>. • • CO 0{ • • • • 1 If too a CO O CO ■^ 1^ o r^ l^ t>. -H •peajqj, uo; • • • o^ • co^ • , t>^ CO • • * • OJ, .E.S -100 JO sponoj 1—1 OJ CO co" si o o c^ o o OJ X ■^Tl in -<* o "-H co&l • Oi »>. C5 i>. o J^ CO in in 1-H o CO c s ^ •UJB,^ 1—1 o_ CO o Ci o c; '^ ^4 in o. o noiio3 JO aniBA 1— r ^ oT co" Sf 1— 1 CO 1-H 1-h" • X _S_3 »— 1 o< c* o H ^ t5»S O o CO a o o CO o ""x" o o o ■)-+•<». :j •qio[3 oini apeoi o 00 CO o ;?; »^ o •^ •<3< o o ■^ 00 o CJ "^ in 1^ TJ< o o 10U xu^X "°1 • ' n 1-H in" o" co" r>r 00 o" cT o" • • cT . S 4) U en .3 t:^ -100 jo'spunoj 1— 1 CO C>i in I-H m CO OJ i^ 1-H CO CO, 1-H 1/5 o ■^ CO XI CO Ci — H CO ~Qi O 3 00 Ci r^ C^{ o X —1 •<* X c— > o o Ci. Ci CO ■^ •^ CO o. ^ C "^ •qiop • o crT -^ • in" •^ o •^ of ocT • • * rj^ _oo aonoojo 3n[B^\^ o ". ■^ T— ( o T— I X g co^ 1— 1 CO CO 1-H 1-H -H C5 lO 00 Ci o o '^ X o. Ci •— CO CO JN, CO <^ CO *^ CO CO Ci 1-H o 'q- o ^^ 00 CO 7-H Cl in X CO C5 •£ « •qio[0 • n cvT o" e <^r in" i-T CO co" co" • • • of io uouoo JO spjB^\^ n 1^ 00 CO o X s. CO 1> X CO (H cT 'a^ c^ oT r^ •<1^ s in -^•^ M lo 03 CO o 1^ o 1— 1 CO in T? o rf §^ 1-H Tl< ■^ o CO o in m o o o in — •^-J rr CO "^ C5, •psumsnoo noi • o" x" o" o" iS x" or co" co" 1-H * * -H -}oo JO spunoj C5_ oJ^ o CO in o in CO o CO m 1-H o Oi £^^3 ■§-=2 ^^ od" otT t>r 1—1 of m" co" Ti in O 5 S 00 •^ o (M CO CO CO 1— ^ o Tjt CO CO CO O S Tt CD ■n< in CO 1-H o< ■* CO r^ 00 •S3[pnidg noiioo f-H O I-H C5, •^ CO Ci 'iT Ci CO <3< •^ •-^ CO C^ r—l •-»< c^" t^ CO co" cT ic ^^3 o CO i>. o CO CO in — H • Ol 1—1 1-H X :S.2 o r= — a * -1— -+-(- '-0. ■sinW noiioo • 00 ^ in 00 i> C5 1—1 in OJ in o in CO 1— 1 I-H OJ o CO ss . « 4 • • « , « « , • , • • • tsf SjOu c s a QQ :^i= u H . >l^ »J* sT ^ ^ • • ^ cT • *^ i = s H B Ui 1> .s" o ^ "^ 3 ^ - 5i R 'i" ^ CO "m TS • 2 M •^ 3 =s _- o — p-( t3 O Siiffoi: Essex, ■3 o S a. S 2 s as o 2 o O £ BarnsI DukcE Nantu « •*- 42 S30 •paAoid ■^ • • • • •<* • « • 4 • CO -U13 sajBuiaj l-H T-l iO CO o 03 t>. p8Xo[dinasa[Bi\f • CM r^ ■^ • • • ■^ • • • ' 00 00 1— ( o o o O o o o o o o o o »n o w paisaAHi iiB)idB3 • • •' CO l-H • o o CO « « I— 1 o o o o o •pajo[oo puB o o paipBajq spoorj a a §f ' • • • o • • • • • 5f Oi 6 o ^^^ JO anjB^ =» 'pajnud 10U t^ § CO Ci :3 < 'saUOlOBJ ODl -|B3 ui pajojoa pUE {38l{DBa|q spoog JO spjB^ » • p- 1 o" 00 00 • • • • ■ « • • * 1—1 o" 00 00 O o a CO !>. o Oi ^^ l-H o lO^ s co^ 00^ cT ■^ o ■«*' cT •OOIJBQ JO 9X\\e\ ^ 1—1 I— ( »o Oi oi" o rt< Tf CJ o o CO r^ t^ 1— ( •paintjd ^" I— 1 CO ■^ CD OOIIBOJO SpJBA. t^ 1— ( s 00 00 o •sauoj I— 1 50 • • • » (?} r-1 ■* • ^ . I— 1 -oi2jnuBj^ o^IFO C5 i^ 00 i> o o o r}< Oi a iC f>. •ps.^ojd . ^ ■^ T-H C<{ IC i« CO ■^ no o -ma sa[Btuo^ CO 00 I— 1 CO W3 1— 1 ft »n Ci 1—1 CO Oi r^ l^ t>. 00 t^ CO OJ CO Oi I— 1 CO CO J^ \fi »n t>. o -e •pajCo[diu3 saiBm CO I— 1 1-1 CO CO CO Oi t p a CO co" o o o o o o o o o o o o •^ o o o o o o o o o o o o s •nono3 JO o^ CO Gi o o o r>.^ <^„ w ■^ CO o JS cd~ o gT o CO oo" o" TT oT cT of oT o 9Jn)3BjniIBlU HI • r-i •^ t^ l^ o t^ •^ o o Oi • CO 1 paisaAu; {B)idB3 00 o o -H o CO Ui CO r o I— ( o o TO Oi H ca © »o \n O •jauuBij uonoQ JO aniBA • • o o o • • • • • o CO 00 of « « « • Ci CO o 1: ^ o o m lo o o Oi Oi •iauuBij[ UOnOQ JO spjBji^ o e 1 o cT o o " • B » • o cT CO 00 CO • A • • CO QO" 1— ( • • • • • • • • « « • • • • H a « * • • a • i » e • • • • IT «r cT ^ p •^ S-i c •V gT rSZ .— i (D O O Suffolk, Essex, . m ■-o o E 0) a, S pq .22 D O S Barnstab Dukes, . Nantuck be ns be o O fa 4> b0 a a. bo B o o fa * 331 o o e* o 00 00 o o o o o nn c o >o C^l o •^ o o o , o CO o 1-H o OJ o o o nn •913U1 . ».^ CO o o o 00 o? ^ ^ . . . en -ISSBQ JO 3n[t!^Y ^ CO in I— 1 CO 1— 1 t^ 00 I— ( o 0{ t^ ' ' o Tt lo 00 o o r^ o o rti CO i^ o Of o Tf c> o o »o •aiam S't 00 rr ^i o o> CO o o •n< -ISSBQ JO spjB^\^ ' t>r CO s o o o 00 00 o w in Ol (-< 1—1 CO CI o oo . o l^ ■^ CO" - . rC [ooAiJo spanoj o 00 g^ 8 00 1-1 00 CO in 1— 1 ■» a o vi •3. 9 J3 a o o 3 O •5 O I— ( Pi O o o Q HI o •pa -^ojdraa spiiBjj CO Ci C?i lO paisaAtn [BjidBQ o o o co" 1— t o o o o" in o o o eo" o o •pajo[oo JO p3q3B3[q spoor) JO 3n(B^\^ o o m co" CJ o o o o o" o o co" o o o •pajo -joo JO paqoB8|q spooojospjB^ O c> CJ •^ CO o^ CO o o o o" o o o o cf •siu8mqsi[ -qBisa oDi|BO qii.n paiDauiioD loa puB 'spoor) noijoQ Snijo|oo JO SuiqoB3|q joj S)n3iuqsi|qBiS3 CO CJ o o m . o o o CJ cT ct T S v a o bo a _3 Oi m H a o 5g 3 02 • 2 -■ C ^ 1-^ ^ 00 CO •^ CO •^ CT i>. t-t in CT) CO '^ 05 i> o 1-H ■^ "^ ri r>. -UI3 sapeuiaj CO 00 Oi C* CO l-H CO Oi CD OJ CO CO in i^ 00 CO 00 'a' 1— I •p3^o[dm3 S3[ei\[ CO 1—1 CO CO o CO 1—1 l^ TJ* 1— 1 • • n o O o o o CT o o o O o S o O o o o O o o o o o o o o_ o. o CO C7_ in o. o o o o pajsaAUi iBjidBQ CO r-T 1— « CO o" in o" r>r o" o" ^ ■^ 1—1 CO GO C5 o 1—1 m CT 1—1 1—1 CO § ,^ 1—1 1— t id* ^ m= o o o o o p •pggioads jou spoor) JO 9n[B^ o CO • • • • co^ • • • • • • • CO, o o o o o o o o o •pagraads jon • o' • • • • of » • • • • • • ct" SpoOQ JO SpiBj^ g o o 00 o r>. O ■^ o CT) o CO Ifi CO o o o 00 to Ci CO cd~ • • • CT • o o" CO CO CO ctT 3 o m o o o o o in •1 o CO CO o o 1—1 o o Hiop oini apBui o C5 CO 1—1 o in„ o CT S lou 'ujEX uar cT cT i> • " • ct" ■ 1— T ^"^ S o o (M 1— ( 1-^ in 1 -loo^jospunoj "H T— 1 CT Ci CJ CO o o CO »— I o Ci o r>. CO o 00 o o ■^ 1—1 o in o CO ^ t^ -rf 00^ "^ o oi rH^ o 1— 1 o Oi, •Suna^ueig jo . oo o 1—1 '^'~ of r4" r^ o~ l^ '^^ [auuBi^joaniBA o CO o 1—1 in 1— ( 1-1 00 CT^ o ^ 1—1 o ^ o 1—1 in o o CO CO o CT o t^ •Sui o rj< in o o i^ CT) o t-<. o CO "^ 1— t o_ •^ o. "^ CT o r^ o C5 ■ ^ •^ * ■ -lajjuBia JO pii lO in ■^ in ■^ cf cf cS' CT cT -UB|j JO spjB;;^ CO I— 1 o 1— ( •^ m o o in o o o o o m o o in 00 o o o m 00 •snB3f A-^om CO, o in CO Of <=>_ o^ CO CO -n35i JO oniBA in I— 1 in CO irf in 1—1 o" CO o CT o o in o o o o O in o -^ o o o o O ■^ •SUBOfXjJOtH o o 00 o o in^ o_ o ' * CO, V^J'V^^ T J-X i~H'% f Vn ^P irT o in "^ (rf in cd" o oT -na^i JO spjB_x^ I— f CO o C5 in o o in CJ in CO 1— 1 CT ^H co^ o o in 1> O o o o o in o r^ o o Oi -H lO CO in CT o CO o CT o o •^ t^ m in 1—1 in o CO l>^ CO •N '^'^ in }^ i>r oo" QCT t^ 00 CO oo" ■^ . inT lanijBg JO aniBA s CO CO a> in o 1—1 CO Oi o €©: CO Cvf tH m I— 1 1— ( o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o CT o CT o o 1— < 1—1 o CO o CO o r^ CO t^ •laujlBgjospjB^ • g o~ 1—1 -^ In." to" co" oo" r>r cd" i>r oo" o ■^ 'OS ■^ 00 Ti< CO -^ •<* in 1-1 ri •4" 1—1 •rt< 1—1 o CT in co" tn • • ■ • • • • • • • • ■ • • • • x" n" oT • r^ 1 O U Sufiolk, Essex, a> CO i tn S S C!i a 0) D O S >-, Barnstab Dukes, Nantuck 333 ■p3Xo[d o o Oi 00 • • • • • • oo -UJ3 S31BUiaj I— 1 r-< in lO ■^ 00 in o 95 p3;foidiuas3pei\[ • n 00 03 i> o •uiST^ pai • » IC_ • • • ^ • • ^ , j>^ -sJOAVJoaniBA CO o" •5i< Q ^ «3= o o CO C£} o o CO worst: •qio[o o)ni apBtn .oa 'njB^ poi -sjo^^jospunoj • • o • • • • CO in • • • ' • CO 1—1 CO o OD o o 00 o lO o o o •spoor) o GO o_ • • • • • o 00^ qons JO Bn[e\ o CO cT CO o o 00 o ^00"^ o C5 ^ o CO •spoor) qons JO spjej^ o I— ( 1—1 • • • • • o CO • • • CO •jjEd luouod -nioo « SI psisjOAv qoiqMjo spooS JO 'spoog pajsjo^YV T-H (M CO ' • • CO • rH • o r-l JO ajuiOEjnuDLu jqj si(iiiii>i(qp]S3 •paAOjd c* o ot ^ • • ■^ • • • i>. • • • • • >— 1 -ina sa[Bmajj Ci CO a '^ ? 6 •Snr -}8diB3joan[BA » • in • • oo • • • • • co^ CO ^■^ »o ^H 00 ^ 4©: t>. o -H 00 P-. Cl o o in Pi <3 •Smiad -JBO JO SpJBJt • • CO C5 o • • • in 1-H • • • • • en 00 in O <© 1—1 CO 1—1 i-T 00 o oo" CO o CO •p9uinsnoo • • GO • • • • o • CO" o • • • • <^ looAVJospunoj 00 CO CO !>;, i-T ^H o o •pauinsaoa uoi (O o -lOQ JO spunoj • • • in • • • • • • • • o 1 "siiiiv: o * m • \^ • en • • „ ^ • • • • • • • H z: o • • •1 « i CO -3 Si '5) fcO a ■3 u B O o c '■5 3 334 •payCojd g^ , 01 -uia sa[Eiuaj Oi • • • 01 •po;Co|dui3saiBi«j • CO • • • • • ■ • • • • •pajsaAui [BijdBQ • • « • • • • • • • • ^ m ^ H ^ t—i •PB3JIJX ^ uaujq jo 8n[B^ 1— 1 1—1 (3 <0 •029 'anrA\x'pB3Ji(X ' irj 10 uaui'jjo spunoj XI •uani^ JO 9jni -0B)miBm9qiJO( • n • • • • • • • • • CO S)U3iui(si[qBiS3 •paXojd ■<:j< 05 C5 . 05 • • • • • m -ma sa[Biuaj; 1— t 1—1 ira ■-H C^i CO r^ CO 00 CO •p3iCo[dui3 saiBH[ Oi ' • • • • • ' o o •pajsaAUi lEjidBQ IC I— 1 Of * * • 0^ 1—1 • • • 10 of ■5j< ■^ •ajB_s.J0 9niEA »-H • CJ • • • • • Of % ^ ' C3 •yfjaisoq Of Of H- ( OIUI gpBUI }OH • • CO • • • • • 06 m O iUBj\ JO spuno J !— ^ I— 1 Of o f^ »o Of in t^ •^ Of Oi •Xj -aisoHJo 3n(BA 00 •CO co" I— ( Cvi • • CO • •^ o CO OJ GO •:Cj9IS .0 o> »o CO CO 01 Oi CO \n Of iO T-H -ofj jonondijss •50 Oh !n C^J • • ,-r »o • • • Of" • ■^ -ap C!y ^CiuuBti^ CO ■^ 'Jl CO I— 1 vCjais * -ojj )0 ajinoBj 1-1 \n ■* • l-H • I— 1 10 • • • • r^ -niiBui ain joj I— 1 sjuaumsnqB^sg • • • • • • • ■ * • • , • • • • • EH ^ ^ S; 0) m »— t }h (U ^^ ,^ t3 O O to TO to '-5 m a, S Hampden Franklin, Berkshire Norfolk, Bristol, . Plymoutli Barnstabl Dukes, a> c 335 y-t ipH (M O Ift o & •p/o[diu3 sptTBH • l-H 1—* • • • • 00 CO ^ • « • ?2 1-H o ~o~ O ~o^ o ~o" O o o O o o o o •SH!I\I o o^ in 9\ o_ •<* m -^ -iilS'Snilloy lii • E 1—1 • * • . I-l cT 1-H in CO od" • • • CO o pajsaAUi lejiduo r-T 1-H ^ »fl o o o O m H? CD o o o C5 t>. h— t iO^ o o C3_ CO_ CT^ § o • "^ c^r ^ CO ct" •sncN JO aniBA * * l-H * * * CO crs in • • • O l-H >-H Tl< r}< •rp io_ I-H <1 2 ^ o o o o o O o o o o o <^ Q o o CO CO o "■^J" 1^ . cT -- . o" ■«*' crT cT <1 •sirex[ JO sptmoj in rH T-H CO CO 00 g o 1-H of o 1-H CJ i>r 1-H I-H I-H CO CT CO in Of CO o Eh •sn^M •* r— 1 •^ CO ■^ JO ajTipBjnueiu » « • « "4 « I-H fH o< • * • m ^3 02 JOJ sauiiiDB[\[ o o lO o o o m o o Ol o o o CT oiui apBui lou o o" o o ♦ • • 1—1 . CO CD CO o co" CO • • • O cd" CO 2 'uojj JO anpA ^ a m CT 1-^ C ^ o o u^ n o ■"* CT ^ c^^ CO o 00 ■^ •sireM ^> o CM •^ CO oi o)Hi apBiu lOU • T— 1 * • • * CO CO CO « • '^ noj£ JO suox 1-H •siniVI I'.BM puB rH CO • « • rl Ci t>. I-H 1-H • • • CT CO Sui)i!is 'Suiiio-ji ■pd,Co[d e • CO 1-H • t^ "^a* • • • CO • • • • • ~00 CT -lua saiBuiaj r-H I— 1 o t>. GO a ^1^ •pa.foiduia s8[B[\[ • • • I— ( • a • I-H • • • • • CT o o O O m o o o o o o^ o o ^ •paisaAUi iBiidGQ • to • •«3<" • * • of • • • • • 00 O m «: I-H I-H ^ o (TJ o o t>- C3 CQ o Ifi t>. -Aidg JO atijBA \n^ T-H • * • 1-H co' CO • • • • • - ja" _r s o o 'S X *— « o &, &■ ^ to Jo o O «t3 en S m 02 W o S S b m o 4^ CO s ill M Q is 336 l6 25 00 OS •<* 1-H (M ■^ CO CO ■^ 00 JSe •paiCojduia spirepj ao c^ kO cx) I-H o -H CO c^ in l-H l-H • • Of m I-I o o o o o o Q) O o o o o o o o ^^ o l^ o ^5 O o o o o !>. ^ lO^ o^ lO o ■* o (M C^ lO o_ Ci o Of_ t— ( •pajsaAui i^jideo ■^'' ocT oo" co" i>r cd' oo" CD~ oT \n O o^ • • CO H Oi 00 CD CM 1-1 CO I— 1 i>. Of 1-1 < S l-H r^ ^99: m= o lO o o o o o >— I o in o o -H o J^ o o o o »o r^ o iO •^ o ■«* P •sSni i^O 00 1-H J> 00 oi a> I-H lO o I-H o -ISBO pUB OJB^ 3P of co" ^^ CO f— 1 t-H 1-H cT g CO l-H 00 < Avoi[OH JO aniB^ ^ CM l-H l-H l-H Of, H m: P5 iC in »o »o o o o (M ifi "* •M ^ c^ <1 •nojj rf Of lO o (M tn a> Of t^ l-H o C5 <^ Stj HBq; jaqio I— 1 CO 00 lO (M CO Of CD CO r^ •<* Of o^ •^ a (7J pH Of Of Of • • cT sSuiisBQ -jp ajB^\ Of O AVOIPH JO 3"OX •uoJi Si J nBt|i J jaqio sSuiisBQ o pUB 9JBjW MOJlOfJ r>. CO a 1—1 l-H ■^ lA IC o l-H m l-H r-i C5 JO ajnpBjnuBui ai|i JO(S80BUjnjJO-0{iJ •pa.Co[dui3 spaBjj • • • • • • • Of • • • • • • in CO Of o o o o o o •pajsaAui jB^idBQ • • • • • • • l-H • • * • ■ « in in l-H O 04 «: ^ 1-4 r-l CO CD h-f •UOJI SlJ JO 9tl[ByY • • 4 • • • • 00~ • • i « • • oo" O -H ■^ l-H 46= s 00 00 •aoJiSijjo suoj, • * ■ * • • • 00 • * • ff • • 00 IC •uoJiSijjoojniDEj -nuBLu aqi joj sao • ■ • • • • a "^J^ • • • • • • ** -BUjnj JO jaqiunj^ •paXo[dui3 spuEH in (7J — H o (7J • • • W W § Of 1-H Of 00 t-H OJ Of o o lO o o o o o o in o l-H Of o o in o o o 00 o 00 ^ i^ o CO luO Of CO CD •paiS9AUI [BJldBQ o" CO i>r 00 • • • CO l-H ^" • ' • ^ ^" E o "O in o CD o o ^^ o CO ■^ C5 ot o o o o ^^ o CD •sapiiiB jaiijo ?y 'saiqBO uiBqo 'uojj JBg JO an[B^ Of, CD CD • • • CD ocT G5 co" in ■ CO • • 05 ocT P4 o «9= CO Oi a CO 05 Of o OJ CO in w •UOJJ o 00 a IC Ci o ■^ 00 IjOJj^Y J" S8[D!1JB o Oi »o ■^ SP Of CD CO l-H jaqio puB 'sajqBQ rn ot CM l-H • • • i> »o Of ^ • • • 0{ in uiBqQ 'sjoqouv , 'uojj JBg JO SUOJL 00 Oi •^ IC o CO Of o SJ •saSjo J JO jaqtunfj T-^ 1^5 l-H • ■ • Of a I-H • • in • • • • • • • • • • • • • t3 -m" 2; a ■T3 .s" o M s ^ ^ a" Q 1 S 2 m Q ^ © § s a> ■a o o 1 Oh S 3 s 2 2 't-i pq s 337 xn •p,iCoidui3spuBfi o O I— ( T— 1 • « • • • • • • » • o o o o o r w o o o f^ o •sauiSug 3JIJ JO an(E^Y CM C7 eo" ■^ r^ • • • • • o • • • • • 00 i W •<* ■<3« • • • , • CO • • • • • S w •sauiSug oaij rH CO Cd I— 1 1 Q •S9iii3ug ajij JO 3jni3Bj i-H OJ t— 1 • • • • • (M • • • • • CO -nuuiu Joj sdoijg M o o a ^H •pjXojdinaspnBjj 1-H • • • • • • • • • • • SI o o o o o o o o n o o ^5 o Q •paisaAin iBjidBQ 1 • • • • • (D r-T • • • • S5 ^ m: "o o O o o m o 00 o o is •sjajiog pne sauiSug 00 • « • • • • • 1—1 »* "^ • • oo" o »— ^ o uieajg JO 8n[e^Y 4©: •sja § •||og pne sauiS -< -lia lueaig jo (M • • • • • • • tr? ^ I-H • • CO ajiUDBjnuEui JOJ siuaiuiisi|qe)S[j ■rj< ■>* •^ CO •^ a OJ ,^ S^ i:* I— 1 • • I-H •p,jCo[duiaspuBfj O ^ g LO T— 1 1© ot o ■h' •paisaAui piideQ CO 'St J5 cT CO r^ oo" CO I-H I—I • • P^ ^ « ^ o ~o~ ~^^ ~o^ ~o^ " o' "O ^ ^ o ~ o " »fl~ 2? 00 C5 o Ci o o o VI p o Oi •>* Hi •pajnpBjn -nEui^jaujuoEi^ C5 o 00 « w or. 00^ CO • • <: S JO aniBA ssojr) E Ic 'S' r-( CO 1 . "jCjaniqD -BUI jaqio -jy ua[ *POA\ 'uonoQjo C5 •^ ^ CO i> I-H "«* o I— ( o 1—1 • • 1-H ajniJBjnuBui aqi 1-H JOJ s),uiqs!|qE?s3 • p • • • « • C • f • • • • • • • • • « • O 3 i CO m 'a .—1 i S 113 B a c IS o o i 1 PL, pq o at a -g 1 43 338 i-H t^ . 1-i CO in rH (O ts. •p,jCotdai3spuBjj ""I d •^ CO ot 1— 1 ^5 in o o o o w C5 a o o o o (M l^ TJH^ o 1— I lO o t>. •paisaAui iBiidEQ s • I-l * co" g*^ " ' CO ■ • • • «% ^ o O o iO o o o »f5 P^ o o o i^ o o o i^ J o c-> CO in^ CO CO o i-H H •Xjo; »>r TZ r-{ o" o" in * • • > CO 1 ^ ■ a ■^ CO ' r- •<* O o -ino JO aniE.v •yCjai I Ol "* rH !— ( Ol w a ■^ "'"0 J° sjnp'y • • • • . r-1 -nuBiu am joj sjuaiuiisiiqcisg n •p,^oidui3 sptrejj • CO 00 03 CO 1—1 00 O (?i i>. CO (Ti g o iC o o o o O o o o ifl o o rx lo o o o o o o o (>f 22 CO Ci oo r-( 00 o 1— i rj< C3 a Q . •pa;s9Aui lEJidBQ ^ CO CO I— 1 co" of • •«t~ oT GO a 1= o> o o r>. O o o» o o o o f-H CO If; lO o o o ■^ o CO o o •* E-if-i Ci oc cri CO m ^»< (>? CO o to 00^ •^ w,. •siooj, JO 3niEA • sf o oT cT oT CO co" ■^ •-T ■^ ^ o E o o o ■«* o o m o o 00 o J^ o o o TJ* o o C{ o CO o o CO W ■sioox 00 i^ ■^ 00 m o o CO co^ CO 00^ wo aSpgjgqiopuB * of cT lO (>r ocf co" •^ o" r-i in of siaqojBH 'saxy I— 1 in •saijoi -3BjnuBi\[ oxy • ot >» JN ct i-^ o< m 1—1 m CO I— 1 m CO CO 00 o uo m r-l •p/0[dui3SpUBJI • r-i r-1 r^ 1—1 • • • • * • 1—1 O o O o o o o O •^ o o o m 05 o t^ o o »o CO UO •pajsaAni [EiidBO • • ^^ co" co" CO • • • • • • ^ o in o o o o lo o GO o o lO o CO o^ o o o '^ CO Oi •saqi^oSJO-I^A • • in l-H g'" co" ,cr •^ • • • • • • CO 1-H o M o 00 o o o o CO o CM CD o o o OJ o^ i-H^ CN_ o^ CO l>. CO •saqi^Dg • T— 1 r— 1 CO • • • • ■ • cT I— t •sauojDBj -nuBH[ aqiXog • • I-H -H 1— 1 OJ • 1—1 • • • • « ^ • • • m • • • ' • ■ ■ • * • t4 • • a> u^ C3 *o o • wG r^ . a g M C5 CO m o T3 _n ^^ •*-> 3 3 i ^3 S a a m pq 2 I-l o 1 o s Pk w p 2; 339 ' o , 1—1 1—1 CO . . . >A •pjAO[duiaspnBij ■^ Oi rH t^ o o O o o o o O o o GV c^ t>. o CO •pajsaAni fejideQ O • -a' ck- • • • • • • co" m 1— 1 "o" % o o o o O i>. o o o j4 c» cv o o o •sjjooT JO anp^ ^ I— ( o O o o o O o ^^ o •sjjooq • • •rj< Of a • • • • • • 00 r>. o CO Cvj 1—1 ■»*< •saijoi «o Oi IH • W5 -nUBUI 31)1 JOJ siaauiqsijqBisg • CO • • • • oT • • • • • • • « 4-> 0) c a; (-• r— 1 0) 1 ^ ^ ?p 00 CO i« •H 1—1 rH in p^iCo[dina sptrefi r^ o o o o o o o in o o in o o o IC o »n in r^ o m J): p9)S9Aai IBIldBQ o Iff ■^ o, T^ o 1-H in 00 co" CO o rn" • o m oo" 6 o3 «: ^ o o ^^ in o o in o O o o iM K o 1-3 o o CO 00 o CO 00 i^ »n o S9 Oi •sines aqi JO -pA w 1—1 ■^ CO co" CO 00 CO 1— 1 Cf cf CJ rn" • • • c5 rH o >— 1 00 CI in CO o in o ■^ o (M Oi O rH i^ I— 1 CJ SP CO P-i •sioox CO CO CS r-J^ l>.^ I^ Cf, CJ CO [BJminouSy ■'^ •*" 1—1 cT 1-^" 'g<' cT CO • . CO -H)o puBsqSnou •saiJoioBj I— ( rH ii o CO i> m rf c? I-l CJ • • • £? -nui2i\[ 'ilSno[j CO — ( t^ 72 CI •^ ■* l>. ■^ 00 "S?" r^ 1-1 00 Ci O fa •p,Xoidin3spnejj vK I— ( CO o f-l o . . . in CJ o o o <3 o o o o o o o o o o o o o lO o o o in r* • •si co^ o r^ m^ o o 00^ in m OS •patssAm jBitdEQ 05: ■ I— ( co" cT 1—1 CO i>r in C{ cT 1^ * ... CO CJ QO rH LS, SPA AND H €©: o o o o m ~~§~ o i^ o o CJ o o o o i^ CJ 1^ •^ C3 o rH •saoH puB 's[8Aoqgjo-iEA • In. Of f-i 00^ 'if »n 00 cf -*< O co" m rH 00 CO > o m ^ ■sooH pne s5jjo j 'sapcdg 'spAoqs rH • (M CO "^ CJ Tf m CO CO •O ' • • ^ (osaiJopBjnuBi\j (M c» m o Oi •p/oiduiaspuEH CO i> CO . . . rH CJ O o o O in , CJ pq ^ O o o !>. tN, ■«* o in Oi 03 Q •spBjg puB . . • , . . <=>^ CJ^ Oi, CO <1 SIOBJL JO 3n|BA 00 * • • CJ s r^ OJ xn v^ o o o in in o o o r>. (>. o •spBjg puB W3^ c^ rf CJ »* , . . i'^ ^ OJ co" • oT -^ • i>r Q f-H c* CO Z S: O o o o o o o ^ o o <_, O 05 ^ •saupnnoj ssEjg -^ •^ o o o o o I-H o o o CO o o o 00 m ui paitipBjnuBiu ^H o J> CJ co~ * CO" CO f-" co" m s9ioi)JEjo aniEjY 1—1 " 1-H t>. Ift < m 05 a> y^ iH 1-H CJ G^ • t-4 « a • T-4 CO sauptmoj ssBjg w o 4 ■»* f-t . • » OJ o . • • h» •p^i'0[dlII8SpUBH Ci •^ CO o o o o o o o o o o o o o o •pajsaAm jEjidEQ CO ■ lO • • • • • \n CO • • • i "f ^ »o ^ d ^ o o o o o o o o o o lO o ^ o o 0{ o J^ CJ 0^ •jaddo^ JO anjE^v ct' • o • • « of CO • • fe • o Oh 1— 1 1—1 ir- 1— ( >-H o 1— < r-^ CO s o O o o o O o o •jsd o o o o -doQ JO spnnoj • o CO • • * • o 05 o o • • • 8 •saijoioBj Tt< • l-t r-( • • • • CJ IH * • • • 05 -nnEjy[ jaddo3 Q Z •ptXoiduiasptiEjj 00 > • • • • • . • s a 4 • fe <1 o o O o O o o Z •paisaAui {EiidEQ w • • * « « t • • • • • • « CO H "4 ^ o o RAILINGS SAF •sajBg puB S33Uaj'Sui|IB-JJ o CO • • * • • a • • • * • « i 1 nojj JO 3n|B^ 1—1 ■95= •saonaj nojj 1 puB 'sajBS UOiJ 1 ^ 'SU|[IB}J IIOJI t>. ■ • 6 • « • • ft • • * • h» O JO 3jni3BjnUBUI aqt joj sdoqg • * • e • • * • • • • • • * 6 • H e X. ;-■ 9 ^ ^ o b a> .is a -r 0) * -C ^ 0) in P»5 03 o s (u a (X ^ CO .o d eg i 1 .i4 342 m < O •p;Xo[dui3 spire fj OJ CO o CO CO •pajsaAui psjidEQ S 2 '=' o o o Of o o QO" • of O'' • • o o" o ssEio JO aniBA O O O o O O O O OS O rj< O OT • rJH" r^ • O" • t^ CO »o «§= CO CO o 00 •saijoj -OBjntrei\[ ssE[r) Tf^'CO******'"'*^** o t— ( O <: •p Oi CO iO CD Oi •sauo)DEjnuBi\[ lioiing iB)9j\f i-l • • • • rH • • • • o? <; Eh HI w ■p,iCoidtn3spnBH cocoj> S2'*** s •paisaAni [E|idB3 O Irt o o o O CO o o o »if ^- od" o" lo 1-H I— 1 "- ( «3= o 4©: •ajByV\ Bin -aB)uajoan[BA $20,550 10,000 12,000 • • • • 40,000 20,000 • • o m of o •8je^ EIUUB) -ug JO 3jniDB/ -nuBiu aqi joj siuauiqsjiqB^sg coco-^ • • • • . -^^ 1-^ • . . Oi • 1 o s 1 :a 1 .s .§ ^- . f -S . -3 343 "q< w •^ o CO •p,i(oidtaaspuBjj / in r^^ Pi ■p3}S3AUI [BIldBQ in 3 ■ 8 ■ In < ^ CU PL, •suop -Biedajj [Boi o o O 00 o o »n CO 1-:; < CO CO CO CO • • • ■ ■ o . • • -uiaqajo aniB^ » CO I-l 1— 1 ^@= IbH »=5 u •SUOllBJB -dajj [BoiuiaqQ 1-1 F-l l^ , . , , , Tf , , , , , CO JO ajniaajnuBui rH JOjS},tuqs!iqBjsa T— 1 00 O •p,:fo[dui3spuBjj -H • (?t CO O o o O o o in o »n •p9JS3AUI [BlldBQ S » CO iC K o o o Q w o m P^ •HOiBIg oqi iiB JO aniBA • • I— 1 • • • • • o co" o • • • m «= I— 1 1—1 •jnog O o o o o JO JBaiJAV UIOJJ . ^ o^ o pairnoejnuBtu CO s s§ qojBis JO -spj \n I—" CO •S3IJ01 w • •* CO -OBjnuBH[ qaJBig • . . • . . • . . . . . . H M H • ■ • • • ■ > . . . , 2; p o O 1) a -2* 13 ■4-r ' 3 o o a 83 CL, a 1 IS Z m pu 1 s 1 S ^ a S S e] « R !? 344 1—1 t>. J> (M I-H iH (N •<* (?? b. m Eh ■p,ifoiduiaspuEH o o o o O o ~o o >o o o lO iO iO ^3 CO GO »o I-H rH CO 10 CO 1-H •paisaAUi lEjidEQ 00 of ■ ■ * • c^ 91 Of ^ «: 'O o o O o o »o <>. >o o « o o fM •siuauinJisiij ]b 10 rH_ o O CO CO co^ 10, CO <5 -oisnm j0 8n[ByY 8 ^ cd" I-H Tp' 00" 95: Q •S31J0) Ci CO I— 1 CT -H l-H OJ l-H 1-H _j -DBjnnBJ\[ 1U9UI I— ( • CO ^ -njjsuj [ED!sim[ 00 ■^ CO 00 C5 -H 1-H CO CO CO C3 •p^Xo[duospuEH c^ I— I 0{ o CO OD ?-H 0{ 1—1 CO l-H o J^ o o o r^ o CO o o o CO o o o l>^ lO^ 0, cv 0^ *^ •pajsaAUi pjidBQ i>r r^ o otf CO l-H ■^ 0" ^ ^ Tt^' ' r-( 1— ( Oi I-H CO * CO GO I-H •<* ^ CO I-H I-H OJ 1-H 1-H 1-^ OJ o o o o Oi CO Ci 1-H rj< lO o CO CO IC l^ »o o CO, ■^ a l-H C?i_ (TJ CT •jadBjjo aniBA o^ cT ■^ i>r CO \n ■"a^ c^ ■* CO cT * ^ o (?* (M 00 * CO I-H c< IC 4& CO I-H (?< l-H ■^ CO l-^ d ^ w P-. o o o o w c »o < 1 o o o o t^ CO t^ • • o i> in o. • ^ c 10 • • • • 1-H rt r\ a; of ocT 00 l-H l-H \n CO r^ •jadBj JO XjIlUBD^ « 00 CO CO c^ l-H C3 OJ CO H« -0 en •^ »— 1 CO CO o Ci ^•* IC C • o i-H -^ OJ OJ • t^ iit \n "^ CO o 00 'Jf lO CO <^J 1-H t^ H 1— ( ■^ ICi CJ « CO o 1-H 10 \n S CO •pauinsnoo 1— 1 'a o CO CD ifj 00 00 Jiooig JO suox co" I-H cT I-H of of •S3U0J -0EjnuBj^[ jadej • ct 00 I— 1 l-H I-H 00 irt • g CO 1—1 l-H g • • • • • • • • • • . D ^ •v ♦* f^ O ^ ><" m >-• XD .5" 3 Jo "o stable 38, tucket o 1^ o 1 a s -2 CO 1-1 S 1 -^ § m P g 345 00 -. . o o o 00 o m o o o CO ^cq •OTJ 'aSV^ J3A o o »/? ct o •^ o o o CI -ci -i!S pue ppo — ^ '^^ •'J' 00 o o C7 o o 'saqoiB^V 'SJ318 2 1—1 1-^ o cf o cT ^" -uiouoji|3JO"ieA 1= E H^ •AJ[3M8f ~ '^ ;)UB '3-IB^Y\ J8A z — -|!gpuep|oo'sa qM -qoie^vv 'sjajsui a 1-^ I-^ c* (M w C{ 1-^ OJ • • • • w »« -ouojqQ JO ajni = Z -3B(ntieui aqi joj w< S)uaiuqsi|qEiS3 •p,iCoidtaa spuBjj CO • TJ< • • o CV' ■ CJ (?J Ci • • • • o o o o o o o o o o lO o LO s o o ^ TT . CO •paisaAui p3}idB3 ^ » of • • IS oT • • • • 02 lo o o o o o m •v^ o? o o o o o 1^ o c^„ o o o Cj o o •S3{ooj3joan[BA oT • ^ " * o" w" • • • • '^^ ^^ 'g' lo -3 4e= O «D ^ o ^ 00 o OJ CO r^ o ^5 PM in o •S^30[OJO-OJJ o o cc 00 • • • • 1^ CI •satjo) C! 1-^ • 1— < (?J CI • • • • o -oEjnnBjvT j[3o|0 « • • • • « • • • • • • • • • • • w o en § c sT ^ • p ^ o o ai "Ts ;r M ^*^ ^ f* so - o o X -3 o G. &. ,^ "ra o o 2 M S = O 1 o E A fo P3 0; o .2 C J£^ O •*-> -2^ cs S c) cu p Q 2 44 346 ^ o o CO \n, c^ OJ ■<3* w CJ -^ In. »ri HH e^. C^J CO i? \a !-^ c^ c* f^ 1*-l IM o •p/oidinaspuBH -^ ^- Oi • 1-1" o o o o o o o o o o CO o o • CO iO o o o o LO CO o o o CO o o C5 CO 00 o CO •^ T-^ CO l^ o CM rf m CO f*. m •paiSSAUl IBlldBQ CO co" 1—1 CO o 1—1 •"^^ (M" co" cT • c^' Pi <: 4e= s o ' P »— 1 Ci o CT o o CO o l^ o o o o CM t^ J^ O! o lO o o* o o o o o •^ z <: •sd[B3 pUB o o C30 CO I— I o in" 00 T— 1 c6" ocT CM • C30 CO CI s)BH JO 8n[BA ^3 00 I-H ■rr (^J tH CM ^^ m ^& m= Eh . o i^ lO CM o \o o o '^ •sdBQ priB Ci_ T»-< "*„ '^^ iN. kC IC o CM^ •^ o CO CO CO siBjj JO jaquinj^ or o 1— ! 1—1 en co' 1—1 1— t ■^ CM co" 1—1 •SOUOPBJ111IBI\[ dB^ puu }6H 5? 1—1 T— ( »o o CO CO lO CO LO • f-i 1—1 CO •^ 1—1 T}t CO Oi CO •^ lO T— ( IC •p(;fo[duiaspuBH 00 1-1 1—1 lO • • B • • CM o o o o o o o o Pi o o o o o o o o »— < o^ 00 o l^ o o i-^ •paisaAm (BjidBQ CO •«T co" 1~^ of • • • 1— ( • • * • CM H m J ^i^ ^ o o CO ^. o o o p-^ 1 O ffi o< o »^ o CO o o CO •jCjdis -(oiidajoan[eA CO oo" • 1—* • • o CTi 1—1 • • • • CM^ >^ lO D CO •sauoiOBjn • aei^^jajs[oiid|-i CO c r^ CO • r-i • • - •-I • • • • 00 in w lad o i^ w^ Ttl 00 CO ■<* CO \n uo -* CM o CD •P(Xo[diu3spuBjj l^ t^ o CO CO 1— 1 CO to •^ CM r^ • 1— t CO t) 05 o ^ o CO o o LO in o o o r^ o o <^ o ^1 C3 (M irj o l^ 1^ l^ lO Tl J^ o rj* ■^ o. c;^ i^ /— ^ CO lO o y—i lO^ o o. o_ o m •pa)S8AU! |e)idB3 >o" Tl^ •^ i6' i>r ocT cF lo (— ! cT inT T^ • r-i -3^ w p-( r^ 1—1 ^" 1—1 m «= z \fi o liO w w o IC o »o o o ■^ o 'sK Pi •sjfiinjj^ -V sa o> CO CM 00 no o CO o o o o (M CM^ 00 CO o J5 C5_ <: -SSJUJBJI 'so|p •^ k/f (oT oo" cT i->r oo" <>r CO ^ co" • ^-1 (M" S -peg JO aniL'A '^ CO "^ lio 1— ( C! 1-H Ol CO 1—) ^ s ^ P P <3 •sauoioEjn ■^ \n 00 CO Ci •^ — ^ o ■* CO 00 iH ■* c: -nBy\[ J^nnjx -^ (^^ •«3" CO Tf T— 1 •^ 1—1 CM CO 1—1 ^' 1-^ • CTj en ssaujBy'a[ppL's m • • • • • • • • • • n • • • m H a s o O *> s ^ o tn 0) to 0) ■-a en o CI. s o c 1-4 "to p= • •23 f5 o s 3. £ C2 •*- (D o s a 4: :347 w m 00 o J^ — ^ ^ P(Xo[dui3 spue jj ■ ^H CM CO 00 in o o o o lO o m o o o \n CO 00 o o CV CO ■. in T— 1 o •l[BgJ0 3niB\ * • • ' • • • • c< l> CO CO • < % m o o lO o 1^ o o» o 00 r^ CO Ci o 1-H o 00 lO c^ m ^— • •)lBgjos[3qsna ■* • • • • • l^ CO CO CO • •l|BSJO DJtllOBJ Ci . . . • • • • U3 l>. Ci 00 I-( • o» -nirjui 9\\\ JO) I— 1 1-^ 1— ( CO siuauiiisi|(icis3 liO in •p^XofduiaspuBtj QO • -^ 00 'O o • • ■^ • • • • • 1—1 o O <^ o o o o o . Q ^ 2^ « <: o o o o o o in o o o rj< o o ■rj< O •spaijj KB JO o^ TJ- l^ l^ o o 00^ spjBQ JO an[BA o % in I— < CO in F— 1 1—1 Co" Of •sauoj F-< CO o CO 1—1 • • CJ • • c 1 -OBjnnBi\[ pJBQ CJ * CO i <^ o 00 J> ■^ CO o LO CO Cf o t^ t ■p,iCo[dui3sptrBH Ci CO 1— 1 •^ ou T— 1 CO 1— ( CO CO o o o o o o o o o o o o o o GQ o o o o o o o o CO LO CJ 1— 1 GO o CO l^ o l^ Of o Cl •p31S3Ani jnidBQ 00 o r-l I— ( CJ o 00 I— 1 1—1 c6' tn H *= (^J CJ iiO o o o c> o o o o -H o Ci ■^ o o o ■<# o o o o Of < •oSb cc CO CJ CO o . '"'« Oi o Of QO o CO a -pjo3 JO aniBA ■^ o •^ TJ< rl o 00 CO o CO CO o C5 o o ^ I— ( CO Ol ^ o c~ (3 o o o o o o o o TO o 00 ^ o o o C3 o o o o 00 •aSs co_ o Ql o o o (T* o o o o t>^ -pjoQ JO spunoj o O o CO o o o o 00 GO o o C5 OX '^ co_ CO oT CO CO •S3|J01DBJ CO ^ CJ 1-^ • c? l^ T-l l^ 1-N • 1—1 Ci -nuBi\]; aSepjoQ T"^ "^ ■^ en *-< H • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ! O O 3 to m o o a, B Hampden Franklin, Berkshire 1 o 1-1 P3 •3 o s 3 Q o 3 c 2 o a. o o a v o bo a O 348 •P(^0[dui9SpUBJJ t>. ■^ • t-H i-H l-K f-< • ^ CO ■ • I • o m o o o o S" o o o O o o o o o •pajsaAuiiBiidBQ o^ "^ o^ CM o o j^ •^ TP" • • • r-i » o CO • • • • C^^ hH in »>. «= ^ < ^ o o o o o o o o O h3 »c o CO o o o o o 00 •pB9qjos3jnpBj 1>J^ o^ CO Oi_ o^ CO o^ o^ ^ I • 00^ -nuBiu JO an[B^ of 1— ( r-l oT ocT cd" o ■S3IJ01 c* »-^ 1-1 I— 1 I— 1 i-H I-H • I-) (?i • • • • -H -OBjnUB^^[ pBS'J WAG- ES. o CO CO i^ CO CJ 00 m TJ< »f? T(< Tf • • 1-H •p,iCo[dui3spnEjj I— ( CO I— 1 CO I— 1 1— I I-H ■^ I-H 1-H I-H ■>* . o Ifi CO 00 00 o C30 i^ ■^ •paisaAni jBjidBQ rjT t^ oT j>r -^ in cT QO" od" QO" o" TjT • • CO ■«* Oi o Oi Qt I-H CO CO <7J l-H m in 40= ACHES D OTH o »« ■«* I— ( IC i-H o m o O m' o CO lO ri CO 00 •<* CO »o "H •^ m t^ 00 l>. Oz •S3[3 CO CO CO in CO co" 00^ cd" Of in I— 1 co" CO 00 00 otT m CO -iqaA JO 8n[B^ 1—1 I— i CO CO CO t>. ■n" a t^ o I— 1 m iH CO D CARS LEIGHS, ^ 1— r^ ^ . CO CO o r^ CO m 00 CO CO • • CO RAIL- ON ajnpBjnuBui aqi ot Oi Oi 00 I— 1 CO CO eo CO CO Oi I-H CO m J0jsi,uiqs![qBjsa • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • « • • • • • « H H B C9 • • • • • • • • • • O O a> (^ p" „ 4-> ^ ^ ~ 3 1 •% 10 ra -s ^ ^ a cd o M ,^ rS 03 59 'O 1—1 \S ^— t o -k-> CO 3 X 5_J cu cx ^ 02 ^O o a tn tu ^ 1 3 o to to ■5 O S s CO Barn Nan S d s s -5 o u t> CS -d -a -a o -3 "3, S a 10 J3 a 3 C C (U > o ^^ •5.0 CC -73 n rt ■- J3 r- Ui " a> ^ 3 -J o (P o .2 O O C3 fl^ a, rt 3 CS 9} s tr><*- fcr J3 S 3 -3 ni ^ Si iJ4y a a <: < O 'p,i(o(diuaspuBjj o o t^ 1-1 » CI 00 CJ O I CO o o i-l CO pajsaAut (BiidBQ o o o o o cT o o o oo" o o o o o o o o o o o OJ 00 o 00 •saipnBo lujadg JO 3n|E^Y o 00 o o o o 00 00 C5 00 CO CO 00 ocT o 01 o CO i>r -if c; •safpnEQ luadgjospunoj Oi o to o ■T3< C3 o o o rj4 •(lOJoaniBA I!OJo S"0IF9 00 o o o o o CO o -1 o :o o o o 00 o Ci •sajpuBQ mjadg ^ |!0 JO qo ajniaajnuBiu joj S)uauiqsi[qE)S3 I— C5 CI 00 o o o o o o o CO IC 00 00 o o c» oo" CO CO CO CO ct o o o C2 00 or o o "* o t^ o CO o o o 00 Ct CJ Ci 00 oo" >o 00 00 Ci 1— I o Ci CI o CM ITS r3 o CO oo" CO CM CM CO o" a 00 00 CO cS a. CS CO 5 > Q < m PjAo[daospaeH pajsaAUi lEjideQ CO o o o o cT •jEJong JO aniB^ o o o Ci 4©: •je9 -ng JO spunoj o o o CO CO "^ ocT -3uy9'jj JBSng Ol CO o o o S « o o ^. bo o 5 2! ^ O * co" CO 00 ox m p o 3 • o ^ s c O o en na ><■ o Cl, a. m m -a 1 g S e3 -G --; ;3 -S ^ ^^ o o s o .2 ^ m a n O 3 o 3 c cd 360 ] •p/o[dtuas[)uii|j • • CO t>. • Ifl • CO • • • • • • 05 o o o o o o o o o o o »o o lO o •p3jsa.\ni [BiideQ • o •o" • o" • CO" • • * • • • o" CT 1—1 pi m^ ^ # o o o o o f^ o o o o o lO lO o lO lO •jap.wojjo-iEA • • rC o • crT • CT • • • • • • lO I— 1 I-^ 1—1 1—1 CO I— 1 O PL, ^ «: o o o o o o o o o o • jopAvo J JO sSa2[ • CO oo" • • • • • • CO "* CI CO CT -^ •SIIIW J3PMOJ • • • • • 1—1 }^ •^ ^ CT CO CT •^ CO CO o o CO •p,iCoidui3spiiB|| OJ O CO 1-H — i 1—1 •^ 1—1 • CO o t» o o ko o O o o o o CT 2 a o li-3 CJ o CT o o Ui o t>. CO 1-^ in CO o »o "^ i^ i^ CT o 00^ •p3)saAni ^Biideg of CO go" lo" T—^ o 1—1 00 CT oo" ct" • o o Oi »iO o o o o CT o o o cz ■^ Oi 1—1 CO o CT o o o •safpuBQ MOiiBX JO aniBA CO CO I— 1 00 go" o T— 1 CO CO CO rl* o CO o" • • • • CO hJ Q Z 1—1 o LO Ci o o o O o o '* <1 O o lO 00 o o o o o o ■^ •SajpUBQ A\0[ -FJ, JO spunoj 00 CO o o o co" I—I o "5^ o o o o cd" 1—1 • • • ct" o I— " G^ CT 00^ LLO •-i 1—1 00 "* C5 t>l i>. o O o o o o o fN. 1— ( I— ( o o J^ liO CO iiO r^ C3 C5 -*1 •dsog •Sjl o l-H r— 1 l^ o CT^ 00 ■^ oo 00 —4 H aip [[B JO 8n[BA § err of I— ( cT 1—1 ^n r-i 1—1 i-T 1—1 • r>r S ^: •^ % o ':J' CO *-t1 o O o o o o o < •-f 00 rr o o o o o o o CO rri o i>^ '^ o^ o^ CO ■^ o o l-*^ Ph •dBOg o" crT LrT oT ■^ cT co" c r 1—1 o" O f^ CO CO o • 00 i>. CO r > CT 1-1 o p.iBfi JO spuno J ^1, ^ o I— I CJ r-l CO CO M 1 l-H 00 o CO o in »o o IC O o Oi •deog CO CO o o CO r>. o 1—1 l^ •^ rt" oq_ CO r— i> CT r^ « • CO "?*< CO r}< Oi yog JO spjjBa T— » I— 1 cT CO ocT •saip -UBO MOIJBJ^ ^-. GO CO CO r>. CO •^ CO o C5 in CT Ci dBogjoajinJBj a CO • • • o I— ( -niieiii oqi joj siaDuiqsjiquisrf • • • • • • • • • " oT • • H • » o CO no m l^ «>. ^ o <:^ o o o o o Ci o 1—4 o o o o o . m 4©: c^ CO in CO 00 CO O "^ Cvf 00 00 0^ m c:5 o •sqiuoQ JO aniB^ 4©^ ^" I— 1 cT l-H l-H • • • 00 •S9U01 l-H CO T-l CO CO • 1—1 CO « o? » • • l-H -OBjnuB[\[ qtuo3 •p,X^o[duiaspuBH 1—1 0? CO 00 00 OJ CO l-H l-H 00 CO Q C3 »o 10 in in 1-^ CO l-H 00 0^ co^ 0^ 00 l-*^ ai„ CO CO i^ CO t>- cc" l^ c>^ •«*" irT of t>r l-H tc ">* CT CO •p9)S3AUI 1131ldT3Q CO TT CO »H a l-H CO 2i m m rji rft HH m 10 CO l^ in CT H <^ Gi ■^ •^ CO in in ^H "^ in in i^ CO CO •3JBA\ iC r>^ cT o" ^H co" of l-H 1— ( in cxT in l-H ■^ 2f «!X JO sni^A «>3 CO i>. t^ l-H 'g' o< CO in 1— i •S3ijo;oBjn CO CO CO CO c:> 01 I-H 00 — H l-H 05 i>. Cf l^ CO -UBjt aieAV uij^ CT W C-j 00 in 00 CO CO {^ in Oi ■* • , ^ <3 •p^yCoiduiaspiiBfj f— 1 CO 01 CO l-H l-H •<3< CO CO 00 1-H CO •^ i^ CT ^ 10 ifi _ CO "* 10 c^ J^ »o i^ CO in in C5 CO t; H •^ J^ liO 10 "^ t^ CO T co^ CO CO CO H co" i>r oo' j>r _r -^ co" oT r^." i>r r>r ^ •pajsaAuiiBiidBg ■^ ^ J> »/^ f-H F-H F-l Oi « 00 Oi H- ! ^ pq < m rjl •rf l-H in OS »o T-H 10 CO CO i^ J>. in O) in 4>. •^ "t. o> J^ in i> t^ CJ o_ "*_ CO, CO •ajB^W puiqwni CO cT '^ of CO j>r cf Tj^ "siT r-H CO 79 sjiBiio JO -i^Y CO § p-n o< CO in CJ in s ^^ w. ^ a 1— 1 •S8iJ0)0Bjn 10 CO \n CO l-H 00 C^ $5 ■^ in CO • • 05 -uBi\f 9jc^ lau CO ^ •^ T-H l-H 1-t '^ CJ in l-H fHH '* ■^ O -iqE3 puB JiBqQ si D 1 • >f • qT • • « • « • * • • • • • • • cu ^ c" r\ > 3 ni CD 3 C 1 S s c Si ID >-< PQ 2 '0 m Li P3 tn (S5 3 353 o . o? . . . ■ • • ^J • • • • •p,iCo[diH3spnBjj I— 1 CJ CO o o o o o f^ o o o c o o •paisaAtii iBvdE^ o 50, . ^- . . . . ■ 4©: ^ a o o o o o Q o c o Q cv \ri '» 1-M •[lOJooniBA o rr * ' ' ciT • * * * CO ?(§: I— ( ' o o o o o o o o J ■|!OJ° suoH^D o o • o" • • • o • CO • QO 00 o I— 1 1^ •(!0 Paas -tiiq JO HjniJRj 1-H d • • • • • • 1-H • • • • n« -niiBui joj siiin; <>. _ C\i ^ • • • . in * • * • , •o 1 •pj-foiduiaspiiBjj T CO a o o o o o o o m o o o o o o o o o o o in H ■p3)S3Ani [BJldBO o o c^ rH • • • • o • ft ft • • ri' z ^ ■«3" in '? < ^ ^ o o o o o o o o o o C5 •snii^j '-J t>.^ in cv Of H jamo JO 8n|Ti \ 5^; Oi i>. y % •-ri -H ^ o 4(&: «©= o o o o o o o z •pBa-i ailHAV JO 9n|«A o in • • • ft • • ft ft ft ft • o o Q < o o o Q E5 o o o o o 8 •pBaq "Tl C: j, o of 1— 1 3'iqAVJO spunoj o 00, 1—1 o -a' s- •SltljBJ J3((10 C!9 peaq ai|i|A\ Jo l^ rM 1— 1 P-1 • • • ft r- 1 ft ft , ♦ • *^ ajniOMjnuiiiu joj IH s)u8Ujqsi|qv!)S3 0} # H M f< 2; & , , , ; . , , , , , k , , o O •>> C>2 ><~ CO o 2 o o 3 "o 4 3 O s 1 o E S .2 C c 45 3d4> •p/o[dutaspuBH c* • 03 1— ( T— 1 l« I— 1 a CO • > « • O CO O o o O o o o o o o O o o iO G3, TH o_ o_ CV (M o^ m •pa^saAUi [BjidBO • • irT •^ rl co" o" • • • TjT ^ «5: 1—1 1—1 €6: S o CT o o O CO o lO o CO T-H o O CO o o irj C5_ CO o_ O CO "^ 00 •jnoi^ JO onp2A CO • QCT oo" •^ CO cT ■^ • • • • "g^ ^^ r-i r-i o T"^ l^ H- 1 ^ 1-^ p:5 ^ o O O o o o o o O o O O o o o o o •urejr) jsipo 7p o^ l>.^ t>.^ ■^^ o^ co^ co^ =t. jnoi^jo siajjug 1—1 CO ocT Ifl c6~ CO CO •s|iin[ Suuno[^ I— 1 • 1— 1 o t— 1 t>. I— 1 OJ "(J* • • • • CO Of •p,jCo(duiaspuEfj • • • • •■ • • • OJ T— 1 CO CO • 00 o o o ■ o o o zn o o o^ "^ •paisaAHi [B)idE3 • • « • " ■ • • cT in • irT i—4 ^H CO j^ «= ^ o ■^ -^ o Eh o ■^ •^ •snir) nojioojo an[BA • • • e a • a • f"1 •<3< CO • o ^ * O •suigt tionoQjo ajniJBjnuEui ai|) a • « • s • • • ^H • CO • Tf joj si^uiqsiiqejsg ■p,^o[dtuaspuBH • 00 f— 1 1— ( i-^ 1— (■ « CO 4 • «■ S o o lO o o o ~»?3 CO o o OJ o o o C5 s ^ •^ »o_ lO ■** 00 CO •pajsaAui [BiidBQ r^ ■^ * ' CO «' • • s o % ^ m o o o o o »o Z < o o o o o r^ t>. •siunr) puB anio JO ariii3A • o or I— 1 T— I o 1— ( • o • or CO • • • 00 H 22. CO P J ^ =» O •suinr) JO iioTiBJBdajd puB anio JO • 1^ CO -H 1—1 • 1—1 • t^ o • • o OJ ojniDBjniiBiu JOJ S)uaan]si[qBisg ~ in • • • • • • • * • • • hH • • , ^ iT aT ^ <£^ •i-T D O 1 CO CO k— 1 r3 03 0) o Oh S a -a a, S X. c to pq 111 !Z c5 E cq P Z 355 00 \n « Ci CO 00 CO ^^ 00 ._- j^ -H CO 00 •pa.Co[d r^ i>. o c< r- 1 CO O Oi ■^ CO CO • l^ C5 o 00 o r^ CO •o_ -lua sa[Buiaj 00 CO rH c< ct 1— < j>. »^ 00 00 ^ rr CO ct^ rH 'saoqg puB j>r «3 F-( j>r CD ^ l(f m" j>r '3' o" i>r CO •^ cT sjoog JO aniByv ?J 00^ « J> 00 o r1 CO 1~^ o a C5 1>^ fe ■^ oT c^" of I— ( ■^ ^ rH < m= _^ C5 LO t^ CO <>. o O ~"^»^ o o o o o ct m r:) o CO o tvW o ct J^ 'O Tfl CO o CI o in ■o. J^ o ■5J> o» CC o CO •^ o» o in^ tNJ^ CO ^H E-i •S30l|g JO j>r o~ o" c^ cT o" o" c^ ■rr" o cT i>r cT ocT O o SJiBd JO jaquin^ ■^ CO CO CTw o o I— 1 HZ CO o o CO 1— ( I— 1 « ocT co" oT 1—1 of rH C5 o o 00 t>. CI in 00 •^ o? o in o o o r* f^ lO Of o •^ *-H l^ CO CO m o •^ t^ CO •sioog JO •<3< 1-H rr^ o 00 o CO 00 J^ 00 i^ c^ CO rr siied JO J^4lun^^^; C^" 00~ ^m o" o di' •^ co~ cP CO cT CO*" 00 CO . CO C5 00 CO t^ 1-^ co" OJ LO CO '^ CJ o o r^ -t< o o 1-H CO CO •p,jCo[dui3spnBH o GO o Ci 00 o o I-H CO ■^ o< -H • -3< o ct o r^ o o o 00 >n m o o o o o in o o OD r^ in CO i^ c o m m in o 'S' o \!\ o o r^ co^ in »n o m i^ 00 in ■p3)S3Aai JBJidBO cT LO" co" «* ■^ i^ o Tf" cT •^ co" T"^ • cT ' ?o C^ l^ IC i^ o o 00 ct (Ti C{ g ^ C5 l-n "-^ a m ^ ta o 00 Ci i> in _4 H c» o ct ct m o i>. 1— 1 •paujnD o CO o n o 00 o *n 00 j>. o in ci o l>^ LO^ ■5" co_ CO o^ >n^ OD^ CO cr2_ TJ< CO la puB pauuBi ja CO i.'T CO or r^ o" -^ ^1 tc" cP CO •^" oT *r*i ^ -meaqjo aniii_Y 00 io_ GO CO 6o 00 I— 1 o CO CO CO 00 ^ ?& r-K co" _^ o o i-H r>> o o o /^^ o o 00 ■^ CO ^-1 ct o CO 'T' 00 o 66 o o in o co_ o o t^ ■^ CO 1—1 CO t^ 00^ •panoBj sapju • o" co" o" _^ cT ocT CD" o" of oo" r>r • in" Ol r-^ — ^ LO CO CO ■rr o I— 1 in Ci 1— n 1— 1 •n< rH •sauauuBj, f^ o CO CO i>. CO J^ -H CO in CO 1—1 CO c< ■^ CO « CN Oi CO CO •<3< o< r-l t>. 1-1 •^ • • • • • • • • • • • • • •■4 G3 » ^ o ^ cT ■♦.r H • QJ Lx c ** o j£" • o 4^ en a) "oi c w JaT ^ ■*-» „ o o O i '3 '3 o E Id -IS 1-1 s M 2 71 o S to C en o -a c 3 to ii ^ Hi (—1 t-i o 'fc-t 3 c 2; 356 i> CO i-H •H CO 1—1 CO CO CO t^ 00 •<* CT t>. o ■<* t— ( (M 0{ (TJ 1-1 CO 00 CT I— 1 o •p,;C0[dui3spUBJJ 1— 1 o I"! -H 1-^ • 1—1 ^ o o ■* OJ O) J^ IC ko o 00 o i^ CT CT 02 96 C5 "* 05 CO CO 1-H CO o CT o CO -H CO w ■^ t^ C5 c^ rH 00 ^— o. rf CO »0^ Tl 00 ■s^i^Mff JO sni^A CD iO co" cT co" (?r 00 CO irT lo" I-T ' ct" Tfl O C5 lO 1—1 ■<* CO 1^ —{ HH ^ (?t CO Pi ^ n o O o LO 00 "* o ifi CO 00 o kO w CO i^ 1—1 Oi CO iO o o i^ ^^ l^ CT l^ •sjjaugjo spues TO O 00 lO^ XC CO o_ lO "^ CT^ CT o^ -notjj.Jo-'.quJnM o" o ^H T— 1 1-^ (^r CO I— 1 T— 1 cT T— 1 1—1 02 "* "* o CJ Ci f— 1 (M o 1* r^ O CT -H H •p8.^o[d CO CO o t>. CO o O o> ^ 1— ( lO CO — ^ OJ_ Oi co^ CO i^ i^ Cl CT igi • • CO -uia saiBiuaj 1—1 co" I^ 1-^ co" 1—1 |j^ < r-t i>. 1—1 CO (M ■* CO lO O 00 t^ w C5 i^ CO Ifi CO rti ■Dl 1-^ 1—1 i^ CO 1 •SIGH jeai -lU[Ba JO 8.1(BA • Of I— 1 00 ocT o co^ i-h' CO r-i C5 co„ I— 1 • I— 1 CT ct" CT 00 J ct 1— 1 . •^ •^ CT Q •SJTJfJ (tT co" CO (>r 1—1 cf j>r »•" lO" JB3[-UIlBJJ0-0^ • Oi 00 1—1 Ci ^ i-i •* 00 oi 1—1 ct" STRAW B ■<^ i^ o 00 00 r^ CO t>. •S1BH JO nau CO no o 1—1 00 o CO CT, CO c«o. -nog 0)111 apBiu )oii pile pajin • • i ocT •^ • oT • "*" I— 1 i-T • • • CT o I-H ,« -oejnuBui piejg ^ m Eh MBJig JO aniBA o o CO 1—1 O CO o CT 00 a> CT »o O! CTi •«* o o o o CO 'I' O ■^ •SIBH puB siaiiuog o^ Irt o» o^ o_ 1* 'S' o CT i^ 00, m oo" Oi CO • 1*1 lO" 00 • • • Eh AVEJisjo aniBA ^ rl CO o. tq ^ 5= 2^ O n Ci id }>. o> O CT t^ o CO •^ •«* •SlBH o (M CO I* o r-i lO o o »o »o ^ o^ (7i "^ C5 Ifi O^ CO ■^ l>-^ CO 05 puB siauuog o" ■^ cT od" • rr" cT i>r iS • • • co" < 05 MBJ)g JO -OfJ ^^ CO I— 1 •^ s 1—1 CT •^ Eh I-T W • • • : : : : : : CO H N4 H • • • • • • • • • * ■ • • • » U O O JA • CI 03 a> m 0) aT IS OJ _g -i^ • 3 O c ^ . o pq p 2; 1 3 02 0) 03 ^ T3 i o o s a, S ca 3 a (I) 2 o •4-' pq 357 »o CO 5* •p,jCo[dui3spuBH • • ■ • • l> • • ■ • • 00 lO o ■<3< 05 • o» o O !^^ H •auiiq JO 9n[B^ • • kO • • • O • • • • • • g i-T of o" n H-l ^ "^ 12. ^ ■eg: o o I-H -H o o CO CO •auiiq JO s^SBQ • o I-H o • • • CO co" • • • • CO ■s 1-^ in -f l-H UO ot •pj.Co[diuaspirBH CO I— 1 • rH I— 1 • • I-H I-^ • " • • • CO p4 J m o O o o TH ^ Pi < •pajBcI 00 o Of o CO S3 CO^ -ajd -2p paijjBnb t>r • cT cT • • 90" • •^ • • • • 0" ai'lJ^IM J" an|BA •— < i> 0? «e= ?& o o n (TJ CO GO 'S" "* 1-H CO 01 i^ c? C5 •p,^o[dui3spaBU CO I-H I-H i> I-H l^ CO • 00^ H -h" OT o o CO o >n o o o 00 cc '■0 CO lO Ci o crj o CO o o o J^ 00 10 '— ' C^ •pajBd 00^ rf r- < Of lO^ ■^ i^ CO I-H 00 CO to S -ajd piiB paii -jBnb auoigSui .piuig JO aniBA o l^ "* o " CO »o Oi • • 10 •0 1 — 1 I— 1 'Tl 0^ pa 1 ■ • jH 1 ?^ o o fO 00 •p^jCofduia spire jj •^ • • 1-H • • • " • • • • • CO ^S 1 «aD I AT. ISTR o o ' «a «^ o o Irt 1(0 Cd-H •s^iiaiu GO o CJ^ 0^ -nJisuijo an|BA. co" "* 10 ^ ^ Sot TOBAC- IGARS. C5 Ci o? o I-H _^ -* CO CO (^J •p,^o[diuaspuBfi GO Ci T— 1 i> I-H I-H 1-H • ■^ 1— 1 o irs o CI c^ -o •SiB§l3 t^ o o GO o »n CO tjH^ o_ C3 lO 1— 1 00^ CO CO in CO s^ piiB oooBqox T— 1 CO co" o cT • • 10 IQ" «> • • •H^ ^o 'jjnug JO aniBA s I-H o ct 0^ CO zo m: OT • • • • . • • « • • • . • H H-* ^ ^ ^ b* c a> ^ #^ ^ ♦J p o O 3 • o 03 ,4-1 CO o CO a. s c 0) s a c -Id 3 S a .v « P a 358 "^ X* <© 05 CO CO iO lO »n o Oi CO m •p,;Co[duiaspuBH 1—1 1—1 to CO CNf 1—1 CO 1—1 Oi • • • o 5 J o o O in •^ o o o o o o CTi o o CO CO o O o lO o C5 o C5 •SpOX ,SDl f^ t^ !>. o 00 lO co^ o* 1^ CO ao_ -"EqaaiVIJo 'Iea f-H o" I— ( 1—1 1—1 wj" (oT CO co" 1—1 3 f^ S- <___<„ m^ PUMPS. ■^ Cj (M Ci 1—1 ■rfi 1—1 C^i 00 -t rt< CO CO o •^ •p,Xo[dui3spaEfj IC M CM 1—1 0{ 1—1 I— 1 o 0{ ■^ o W (TJ l^ »iO o (TJ o o 1^ 1— 1 o o o Ci o Of 1^ o o o CO iiO o I— 1 o iO o •q< •sdiunj ptiB o XT' w C\J i>^ 1— 1 CO »/0 l^ I—I CO J> CO Of o s>jD0iajo ani«A 1—1 I— 1 C5 Tf cf I— 1 •<3<~ I— 1 cT Of o ^ 1—1 J _q_._ — 1 CO WO c^ 1-i CO 1—1 CO • •p,^0[dlU9SpUEfJ • 1— < • o lO • • • • • Of id m cu HH o lO 00 »o r>. o o r>> Hrl o J^ o Of C^i o I-H -i< •sdniA\ JO ani^A 1^ €6= • • o ot • • • 1—1 > ■4-) en o 3 -i-> a i m CO CO w '3 •-a o s 1—1 ex, S CO o M to s 359 W CO O f— t 00 •^ l-H CO 1-H a l^ f— I/^ t>. p4 ■p;iCo[diaasptrEjj CI CM CO Oi —H rl 1—1 1—1 1-^ o ot T— 1 Ci 00 •ERAG o O o o o> {-J o o c CJ CO o o o Ifi o •^ -:ri CO o f^ o 00 CO OJ lO LO o o 2? 1 ^ ■3^ O' I-H O o oq_ O !^ o o co^ o l^ 00 o c^ O o o ** 'S3JSB0 JO oniBA co" i-T of r^ CO i>r ocT Iff ?f CO o CO 4(5= ^ o? CI .p,Xo[dui9spuB{j • • « i-< • m • • • * • 1—1 o o o o •paisaAni jBjidBQ « ■ t • o^ • • • • « « • • • o^ 72 L-^ ■ to" ^se: ^ z PL, 1 o. o 1 J o ^ =3 y •siraj • • • , o • • • • • « • • • o 1—1 H pais JO aniBA E-i S «: m ■" o o •snaj (aaig , , • • o o e • • • • • s , o 1 JO aoojf) JO o CO cT CO tmma^mm ~?0 (TJ CO o LO o CO OJ Oi -H •p/o[duiaspuBjj • cJ o 1—1 • • CO 1 O o LO ^^^ r^ c^ CO ifi ■<* % ■^ o o *>. CO QO t>. { • •suioojgjo -[B^ • o 1—1 OD 00 CO t^ ^ co^ a • • < * 00 o o I-i % p^ 1 n ' O o o Ci CO © OJ o LO 1 o o 4^ i » ■^ o CI GO •sujoojg jai])o • OJ co^ 00^ ^ •>* ^ rj< Ci pUB UiOQ JO -0^ •^ irT CO od" 00 CO CO in —r I— 1 »— 1 K F-^ o l^ ■rr CJD 00 cj ■^ C a CO •o Pi p,Ao[diuaspuBjj Ol I— 1 CO o ^^ CO I— I CO i-^ ct WJ • • • o 00 < ^ Z W •siisuaifi o o QO 1—1 S! o T}< in ■^ CO l^ CO SniiujBj §nip o CO o o o t^ o C3_ o 00 CO o CO, CO 1— ( o CO Q -npui 'paiBJam irT o" co" i.o" irT t^" r>r cf •^ c^ rC * • • co" O , O -nua as|A\jamo 10U 'aJB^^ ua ^ CO Ol OJ I— t C! ^-1 5© ^ -pooA\ JO an[BA • • • • • fcT « Li H~ * * S • • K ^ m m ^ OJ B Ui ^ '2 ^ ' t3 ^ ^ _o QJ CO ■T3 '^ *^ — '^ 3 a v.. o 1 -3 O o a. S s -a: G ■ 5 'o .23 O s 3 a 3 02 CO ^ ^ 1^ a> CO o ca 3 O S60 ! .09 * 1 sow -5 •p^Xoidoia spuBfj • C>J •^ CO I— ( OJ o • r^ CO • « tt irt 1—1 o »o c^ 1—1 '^ < C{ 9^ SASHE LINDS •sauTBjj; pitB o o o o o o o o o o o 1—1 00 spii'ia 'sjoo(i • •^ lO CO o. CD o o « « « • r-^ 'saqsBg JO 8n[B^ wf i^ 1—1 i>r co" cT o QO ca ^. w z o •pjXIoidmaspuBjj lO CO CO • • Tf • t-H CI Ci • • • ?2 o o o ~o~ o o o o o o o o o o o o gc4 o^ CO o^ 0{ t>. C7j o lO •p3}S9AHl iBiideQ ^H T— 1 ■^ • • a t CO • • (^ .rf ^ -H ^ << «^ o o o o \n o o o »o ►Jh ■OJB^Y <=> o o o l^ lO o § CI H anoig puB ua o^ o IC lO • • o^ ■ I-^ l^ • • B o CCJ -q)jB3jo anpjA lo" o5 ox r-1 cd" < ^ H o o -Tt< o CI 1-H o o rH CI ir> ■p,iC0[dui3SpUBfJ lO I-H (TJ •<3< ' • • CI 1-^ ko » 1— f CO CI fcg oQ - w^ o o o o o o t>. >n J-^ o o lO o o o 00 Ol t^ •rtl CO o '^ o o ca>4 •spui>] [|e Jo »o '"v .^ Ci o ^H »o 00 o CN| CO XI o saxog JO aniB^ t— ( CI cT Q^ 1— t cT I— 1 CO co" c» pq «: '* c» ! M •p,;f 0[dllia SpUBfJ TJ< • o • • • • * • • • « • • CO o i 1-^ 1—1 o o (3 w o o (•^ Xfl Oi 1/5 t^ < •pajsaAui |B>idB3 00 • CO^ • • • • • " • • * • • »N m^ "o~ "~o~ o ' ^ o o s <; •spssBX puE ao_ iO^ i cq_ ■ W aSuuj JO 8n[BA CO od" ^ ^ O ^ t— ' ■sail -oiDB[niiB[^ [as c^ • O! • • • • • • • * « ■ • ■* -SBj, puB aSuijj 03 2; • • • • • * « • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6 • • • • • • • • O ^ -^ »• ^ O X (1) 2 c" ,^ 'r^ Q^ _c ^ *s ^ J£ ^ % K i oa to &3 0) 03 0) o s E 3 c >-l J35 o 2 o s >> J3 3 cs n Q ^ 361 o • 00 • • • • • • • »^ p,;Co[duia spire jj 1-H CO o <_3 Q o Q ^^ o o c* 1 ■pajs3Ani [Biide^ cd' • • • • « •—1 o o -r ■^ 00 00 •auiJBaig JO -pBA ^ • • • • • • • • ^ 1 , o o . 1-3 o O •3ni •jcaigjospunoj 5^" • • • • • • • • • Q 1—1 I-H tf < hJ TO pjBi JO aii[e^ o • 1 « • • • • • • I-H o o o o o o TO o o o piBi JO snoiicg 1—1 o o I-H CI •S3IJ010BJ ■>* • 1^ • • • • • • • \n -ntrejii no pjeq l^ l^ \n • • • • 00 • t>. "0« ■pj^o[duiaspuBij o< I— I -M i-t 00 o o o o o ifi w , o o o in o a •'I' m o Ci o a o C5 -H ^ •S)SBi JO anpSjY Ci Ci ■^ • • • o^ • r>. O m < O' i-H 1-H S ys= » ^ o <-, o o <^ o lO o »o •sjSBq JO ofyi • o • • • • • • ?5 I-H • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • H M H • • • • • • • • • • * • » » & • • 45 at o o ai Oh c a. cT re ^ ^ • stable, 38, . tucket. 1 02 & 00 to ii o S s 2 P3 s ;2; n Q 2 46 362 2? "^ Ol l« 00 o 00 I-^ o» CO o CI »n . -* I— 1 CO Ui Ci CO ^ ^ • I— 1 CO w OJ (M Ui Of Of f— 1 1—1 ot 22 CiJ r-i CO ttcl: RED. o' " O o O ^ o o lO o o o lO - ~Q o o IQ o o o o CO o o o t^ ^^ CO 0? 00 f— 1 CO co^ CO Of, i^ CO o co^ o J^ •paisaAui |ii)idE3 of •^ O CO Ci Of ?— 1 Ui T-H o" CO I— ( • • •^"^ 00 ifS |£ ^ -H Bra fez CO lO Of CO 00 IC 1^ IC o -o •*! Ci o •r» ^5 Of h- CO o oo Of (■3 CO 1-H ^r o 00 ^< •S8[0 o o "^ l^ i^ CO FH CO Of CO Of o o?. CO JS -IIJB jaqiO ]|B O o OS CO co" CO co" CO ^^ 00 ff CO I— I '3''' ccT J JO an[BA ss,ojr) CD c>< iO Of Of I—I CO 1— ( i^ <5 ^ •P(jfo[dlU3SpUBJJ o CO ■* CO 1—1 • 1—1 • to CO 1—1 t^ Of -!1< S in o o o CO o o lO o o o Ho^ 'CO' Eh o o »Q l^ . o 1— t J^ OQ lO 1—1 t>. '^ GV^ CO 00 00 I-l i« 1— » o p. cq^ o t^ Ci ■siBOg JO oniBA 'P o" • • cT o" i-T ocT CO of . •p,:CoidlU3SpUBfJ o ^ CO Of • m • i^ o Of r^ o 1-H o o IC o o Of O o «>• C\f Of Of o o 00 O o ■^ IC Of "^^ 1-^ \o iO O QO ^H M od" in -rtf 00 \n Of irT Of Of •S|3SS3A JO -IBA 00 C5 Of Of in o CO 1—1 I— 1 1-H m w »— 1 CO CD o r^ CO •^ o Of Of > ^^ Ci 1-H o r^ <^ o o •aSBiiuo^j^ o CO •* « • • • • m iO^ c^ TJI • •V oT t>r 1-H 1-4" ■V CO •pD 00 CO r^ • • • • * CO iC I— 1 1-H I— 1 • Of •^ Of Of 1-1 -qounB[ s(3ssaA 1-H •paXojd • I— 1 ■<^ • • • • • • • • • • • « -uia saiBiuaj CO CO ' •p3jCo|dlll3 S81BI\[ • m • • • • • • • • • • • o j >H o o o o o o o •SuiaXQ joj i>.^ o * t>J, p^Aiaoaj lunotuy 5S oo" to • • • • • • 4 « • • • • • • W !5 • .2 i cT * 00 5S ■^3 .s" ^ ^ o S 3 QQ 3 B CS o 3 CO to o E OS a. s c fa a) o 'o .2 3 Q 363 o ^1 00 L-? OJ LO 00 l^ C5 OJ Tf< 00 in •p,iCoidta3spirefj C3 CO I-H 0{ in 00 n in o CO Ol ii 0{ O •* -1 i^ o ^^ o pii^ 1>^ t>. \n 00 o o o Of o f/D CO I'. J •reoo o> 00^ t^i. o 'O^ o o_ CO in • • ri^ < -jeqo JO aniBA % 11 I-H co" i-H Of l-1~ co" -r o «: o \ri o o o o o o o o in ot o \n IC o o o o o 25 < hi o Q •leoo -•req0J0S(3qsna • • CO CO in o o oT CO 00 o of I-H Of • • • Si in Of C5 o ■^^ Ci Ci -1 00 11 t>. o o CO in < . % o ^H rH 00 CO 00 •Jliea JO an[T!A • of cT I-T co" o • • • • • • sT W ?-1 11 1= < - « Tjt ■ o i^ t^ CO l^ • • • • • » !>. •JlJeajo spjoQ ■<3< CO CO J5 in CO J5 o o •^ CO oi Ci .^ lO o 00 CO o i^ in o rt o 00 o c* CO 'rj< in o o 00 Of •^ in 2J > o o OJ m co„ CO m "S* /— V CO in co^ K*- ■p°oA\ cT irT o crT i:^ tt" o" cT no o" in co" cT '^ ■ T IT ^r\ ''\r^ r at ■ p. 00 00 CO o I— I o CO o Of •<3< -H H 9jrj JO an[iJ Y W I— ( r^ n 1—1 O^ Cs5 iT 1— 1 4©: ^ o Of C5 (TJ •^ J>. CO CO ■^ J>. o QO ■»s< (M f^ o 00 J^ 11 in ■^ o 00 CO m •pooAV W Ci I— ( ^ n 00 C5 ^r Cf^ o_ CO * in^ S-flJ JO SPJOQ i-T t>r o 1-H of o~ <£ o" of co" ^^ od" 0{ LT r^ Of Oi 11 in Of CO CO 1—4 CO CO c? j^ L~ F-< 1 r^ o 0^ -f , •o •pi.Coiduiaspaefi • ^1 Lt ^ Of 00 o CO GO Of • • • o I— CO o I-H Of 11 CO Of Of in Of o CO 1-- CO CO 1< m «H o> 1—1 Of Of Of o ■^ CO I— 1 •«* t* C5_ co^ C5 00 m •S3[guu|s JO -[e V • , • • i>r \n oT n • CO ■ • • Of" m= n CO u 2 Oi o o OJ O 00 QO S5 (-1 ■^ o m C5 CO Ci l-H •SO|§UItlg o c:- i-H Of^ C5 ** o TI< m JO spaesnoqj, co" of ^H o< in" CO •1 Q <5 .^ CO o o CO o -H _^ Of Tt in . in -!9< Ph l>.^ in CO O o_ 00 Of 00 I-H Tl« Of •jaquini jo ■\^\ cT o" i>r of in" TlJ" in o" cc" °2" • • • oo" ^?* c^ ^H 00 ■^ t>. 1—1 CO Of in x> s ^ CO >i m t^ h^ w TJt r i>r ■^ -1 n LO" I1 cT n W co" 00 en • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • H X u £ ^ ^ cT -r K o o i-i cT rv o J3" o e U '73 ■*-j * —4 o s t-l *K 4^ 3 JA o ^ ^ s en o o o 1 i-H -is o 2 1 m 'C P 3 O S 5 m S 3 «3 Q 2 364 'uouonpojd uSia ^ I— ( U5 00 CO I-H § CO 8 9X CD w CO ^H CO CO I-H ocT Of oo" 03, i-h" oT in ■ Oi to l^ CO 00 I-H CO »H CO Of • ' in -joj JO sapiiJB •^ CM I-H CO ja.lio lie JO -[ba ^ ^ Ci rr •^ CO CO in in 00 UDjj [>iit: |0OyY\ T ■— * CO CVf T Ci tNi -r i>. 00 'iioiio^Sjildajxd "" i^^ •^ cri ^- co„ »» « CO in^ CO Of 'UOjIOIlpOjd UBOj i 0" 00 ia ^ co CO — r CO Of 1-H Of ■^ I-H • t -jaiu^ JO sa(DHJB ^ co^ t>. CO ^H jaqio ||B JO JBA l—\ co" — H 10 ■»* CO CO m CO »o 00 00 I-H l>. CO •[BOQsnouiuimig c^k in. •^ I-H 1-H t>^ •^ Ci 0, ^. uSiajo j JO -[BA rri irT 00 I-H Of ^ cxT Of nT I-H ^ ■«l" i^ CO 00 iO Oi CO m •[BOO 10 ^^ CO I-H f-H Ci 00 m 00 snouiuirivff uSia i>.^ CO r-i • • • s 00, ■^ in • • -jOjjosu.jpiBqo i>r of CO •<3^ Of" Of Of . •saieig L'^ ■»* 00 CO CO Tl Of Of 00 -H Eh pajuiQ 01(1 III pa '^ CO CO 00 co" • T}< CO I-H CO ocT CO co" 0, <5 -uim |R03 snou 5 l^i Of ■n< 01 -!»< -luiniia joan[BA I-H •saiBitj •<* ^ r^ >rO CO I-H I-H CO I-H 'W 0. I-H C3 1-H r-l CO no •Q oqi III pauiui -H I— 1 •<3' "<3< 0, CO CO I-H CO IB03 snouiiuni (Tf oT I-H wT co" CO I-H -igjo suojpiEiio CO <>. 10 \fi •rp 1-H I-H I-H HH Oi 00 Ol rf CO 01 00 •^ CO CO •^ in 1-H •|B03 OlID as„ »o iro ^L Oi i-H I-H CO lO 00_ Of Of •^ -Bjqiuyjoan[BA 10 CO 01 ^ OJ d^ ^H of ocT Oi d^ CO Of" • 1-H CO in ^ D ^ I-H S 00 in CO 00 t^ « CO ^^ CO a »* C3 m •[BOQ aiio w J2 -^ CO O! CO Of Of 00 Of 1-H 00 •^ CON ■«* co^ 10 00 Of, OJ 05- in 03, CO Of r>. -Ejqjnv JO buoj^ 0" •^ oT oT i-h" I-H cT \n cT -^ CT I-H 1—1 ts: CO CO 22 OJ Of 10 "* ^^ i>. m in • CO CO w CO ■^ CO ■fl •T< Ci Of U ^ l!0 JO sp"!'I -"^ qio i[B JO an[BA 1-H CO 1-^ 10 co" I-H co~ CO CO- 00 co" co" CO 0, I-H I-H CO in, 1-H « • in CO CO hi" I-H o J-* r>» Oi LO OJ Of ■ I-H CO 03 •I!0 I-H iO I-H OJ Ci ■^ Of Of 1-H CO XJ J^ Of CO t^ n< rf Tfl t^ CO in CO, JO spni5( jaq)o s 00" j>r lO" CO i-h' Ci" m" Of" • • I-H o I[B jo" suoiier) C5 . CO -H g:) CO Oi CO •<* -H* 'HO »o 00 CO I-H CO w 0, I— ( I-H n^ Of 1-H «3: aieiIA\ JO anJeA co" irT or r^ I-H ■t I-H rf CO Of % CO CO *^ !>. in 00 OJ CO ■* CO CO Ci CO CO ■^ -rf no CO 0, CO, CO Of, l^ Tf TJ" ■^ ■"S" r)< in 3I«HA\ JO -SUBD l-H CO*' I-H I-H ■^'" of ^H I-H 0" Of" 1— ( CO in \n \fi J>. 00 ,-4 ^^ Of •^ Of CTi ■^ (M . I-H i>.^ 00 CO "^ uijadg jo atqBA ^ 0" I-H S"" g 01 00 I-H oT co" I-H 1-H CO irT xn in "^ 00 C^J 00 10 •rf Ci Ci CO Of •^ 00 10 1-^ 10 -1< Tl< 01 I-H Of •<3< CO 1-H in ■I!0 c^ rf ^H IC, 0, Of I— 1 I-H i^ rj< i> t^ uijodg JO "siiBj) cf 00 1^ 0* I-H OJ oT in oT 1-H t co" • • 00 Of 0? • • y^ jT • • • • • • • oT • • i • m CO CO a; &-< CD s £ S oj 1 a 15 '>-t a 0^ .—1 U) w ;z; 366 CO o "* 1^ •^ CO o 00 t:" -H o TJ< w t^ o J>. ■p,Xo\dmdspxreji l-H • • • Irt CO CO C5 ^H CO -• o o o o o o o o o o o o o Q ^^ o o^ o_ oJ o 00 o C5 •(lajsaAui [BjidEQ ?; • • • • ^' g irj" L0~ =3 ^ r— o QO" CO CO c< CO -H ^H o r>. CO o o CO 00 t^ CO l^ CO CO CO ^ o CO CJ_ I— 1 CO CO in •anoq "S" • . ^ . . . . c^ TjT !>" o" t>r -apqAYJoaniBA 4©: l-H 1-1 T-{ - •[!Oi3tnojo-[i2A o" • • ' • CO" i>r i> • CO >H ^ »-^ o © QO in Ci ■«1< 1^ lO Ci -* o •I'O laqiojo sno[iEr) • in ' • • 00 in 1—1 CI • 22 ^ =5 Cj C5 -* C5 in CO CI o o ■^ Ci 00 CO LO Eii^ S. l^ W5 o o LO t^ CO J •I'O ^ sf • ' • . 23 CO of ocT co" "H < ^I^qAVJoanieA 03 ITS I— 1 l-H ■<3- -o X Ci oT ^ ^ r> oo a o J^ LO CI 'o' ■<5< 00 o o o Oi CO Ci *^ CO CO 'S' 1-H OJ rv> C5^ •I'O I— 1 gT , . , otT j>r co" o" o" of aiB'LW JO •S[1'20 l>. 8 o I-H P3 LO I-H 4>. LO cT ^ o •^ !>. Cf »o CO CO CO 00 io c* o CJ ""i- ir> o o. CO •<3< CO »* c^ TO j>r £2" . . . • • • • ^* 't' i>r co" oo" cT uuadgjo an[EA ^ •^ C3 TH LO a CO CO CO Ci vrs CO CO CO «o 00 CO J^ oo lO (^ J^ CO CO -H TO rs. CO CO (^ CO •^ (30 t>^ uuadg JO -siifio o o lO o g s co" 00 o fH CI l-H Ci t>. »«" _col o t^ •^ — ' Of C: J^ 110 •^ t>. 00 C5 00 o o? 00 a in o« 00 O R, 00^ T3^ c Tf •aScaaox r-T • • • ■n^ '*" ■^ co" CO l-H — i •Xjaqsij (M o rH CJ LO ^H LO t^ Ci 91BqA\ aqi ui pa • • • S5 CI CO l-H t^ t>. -Ao[diua s[assoA Cv ■^ * esex, ester, shire, .1 • • • • 6« • 3^ •- cT ,c • 0> ^ ^ ;^ ^ ^- ^. •*-» 3 3 •* 5 Essex Middl Wore Hamp Ilamp Frank Berks Norfo Bristo O 73 s P5 O 566 oo ^ SI (N ^ o o r>. CJ CO •p,i(o[dui9SpUBfJ •^ Ci (M OJ CO o 00 . O, CO •paisaAUi [BijaB^ s i>r CO • i>r (^^ (tT cT • oT 00 00 c» "^ o CO 4»5: o Ci CO •sauaqsij poQ § % tn to o o o CO CO pUB I3Jcl>|0Bl\[ •^ 00^ 00, CO, o o o^ aiH ui pauinsuoo 1—1 cT CO (>J * co" I— 1 i-T CO 0^ • lIBg JO siaqsng ct I—I ■^ c? in o in o . Q m^ ^ . o i^ o o o -<3< o -poOJosiEiuin^ o •^ in of • • co" »— 1 1-H 00 (M . • CO 1— ( CO o 00 IC o CO ^^ in O w < ^^ 00 CO 00 o ■^ o in »—• CO CO in 1^ CO o. 3 •pj3 cf •^ ^ •qT i^" I-T i>r -3J0BJ\[JO 8n[By\^ o ^ CO in t>. o lO t^ m a 00 t^ i^ 00 lO ■<3< «o in 00 o 1— I Ct -jjDBi^r JO -siqa rt* Ot 00 CO ■^T c^ CO t>r CO • • • oo" o" ^: • cd" 00 I— 1 •<* lO 00 o iiO CO o CO •M (^> C5 Oi «o •T in C5 o Ci 1—f CO 1— 1 1^ w l-i *>^ •aSBonoj, of co" • • • oT ocT 1— 1 t W •S3IJ31JSIJ p03 plIB |3J3 CO 00 CO • « 00 • • • ^ c? CO § • rj* CO -?].)B[\[ aqi til pa n* I— 1 Ol Oi -.(oidiua siassay\^ • 01 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • M H K S3 O • • esex, ester, shire, den, lin, hire, Ik, • ^ 3 • a> ^ r^ 3 o s -4-» CQ 3 a a Middl Wore Ilamp Hamp Frank Berks Norfo 2 CO C 367 CI CT 05 »>. CO "^ o S o o Oi t>. o ss 1^ f*^ !>. C5 1-H CJ no TJ< CO 00 r>. o CO •jooAV oq_ o. 00 §• c* =1 Of o. rj< o »-H m o r-^ * ^-^ rr oT co" o" in rH t>r QCT of CO TJT in aqi ][e jo aniB^ m: I— I o< 'S' in I-H CO CO CO CO 1— ' x* r^ CO CJ in CO ^ in O CT rf l^ 00 00 i-H m CI o 00 in o •rr o CO •joo^VV J^'lio o l>. t>J, o 'S" CO co^ in co^ o. CO Ci cr (>r Oi CO cT »>r oo cT CO CO Qt5" ^^ I-H irT \\e JO spunoj to r-« •^ CO CO i^ i^ CT CT CT CO ^ CO r^ CO CO O) w CT r* 00 O o CO ^H t— I "^ I-H in ■rf •^ }^ CO in i2 'I°°A\ °^'!'' Of 00 ■<* r-< o 1— 1 CI "*„ Ci, CT, CO o T-T cT Ci •^ •^ •^ r-i 1-H r-T • uf * j>r '^Vi J*' sputioj i-^ o I— 1 CO CO lO c* ^ J o t— 1 CO 00 o CT CO CO CJ o 00 o ,- (M C5 C5 o CO Gi CO •^ o 1-H 'C^jW ^"^ » 5' ■^ co_ • >-H CO • • CT^ ^ -XBS JO spunoj o CO CO TO C{ o Ci Q < ifl 1/? CO CO -* lO in CO in CO CO rj* o "* '* OJ o lO r>. CO ■"TV in -H 00 CT i^ c=> 00 •daaqg 00 00 o o CO CO o tn^ in CT oq_ co" CD CO, CT cd" o in CT, 00 ^ am ii'^ JO ann3\ ^ CO C3 CO QO Cf I-H r-( >-H I— 1 in ct in t>. CO w o C^J Ci CO CO •* '* CO 00 o o o 00 CO CO CO J-^ CO CO ■«* CO 1-H CT o •^ •d33l(g ■^ o_ l^ 1— 1 'S" 00" Oi o -H ■^ c^ c^ lO CO rjH" ■^ in io CO in t>r r— 1 cT Ci" CO Ci iC in JO spui5j jaqiO TM Qt I— 1 Oi Ci lO rH »0 CO ^ O in 1-H 1-H 00 ^H 00 Ci 00 OJ Oi CO 1-H 00 CO o O ^H CT •^ CT •^ ot C3_ in OJ CO 00^ '^I' l^ T* r3< TJ" •daaijg ouiJ3i\[ ■<3^ CO l-H 55 00 ct" « CO I-H CO 1-H 1-H in o CO ^ in o in •^ r-«. CO CO i->. "^f CO 1-H o j>. •daaijg ^uoxEg • • CO 1-H 00 CT • I-H • ■ 00 co" CO fH d • • • » • • • • • • • • • • • » • • g H fc O ^ o 9 o ■4-> € c >-• ^s" 3 Suffolk, Essex, t/3 -a o t s a a Em o O en 3 O S >^ to g P3 rn o 3 Q C 368 o Oi w o o 00 *197fJ?ni JOj 00 >— 1 o P CO I-H- parav'juBis "379 • I-H cT • •- •«*" • • cT lo" •■ • in o r)< CO CD o ^H CJ Tj< o CI CO CI in 00 m t^ CO ^5 00 CO CD »o 00 CO 00 GO M" m 1-H CO o. CO Oi 03 ^H O) Oi, CO 00, o GO ■«j< •^ »rt '3' •N •s •aniMg JO an[B^ }>r ■^ w^ 00 f*^ Ci rM Cvf I-H in CO cd" tC r^ r>. ^ o CO 1—1 CO o •rP •. OS CO I— 1 s o o CO CD ■. CO "* CD 00 a Tj" o 1-H C5 CO CO 'S' CO ^H a 00 i^ CO Oi ^H O ■^ O^ o \n^ CO CJ c^ CD ■<* CI ■^ t>. CD 1> CD, i>^ a ■aaiMg i-T cT •^ cd" co" i>r co" c^ oT cT 1> co" rH ■^ z I— 1 r— 1 w^ I-H o 1-H HH ^ o o CI CD •<* CO CO t^ 00 o CI CO W? O S GO OJ •^ l-H l^ T)< r>. T •^ CI CO o CO O o iz; 1—^ l« cq^ 00 CO ^ v-^ t>. iO C5 o 1-H ■<*, o 1-H . 00 lO CO CD CD i>. CI CD^ CO 00^ o. lO »» •aHIBO }B8N »^ '*" w o of Ui c* CO irT Tt" CO I-T i-h" CO 02 (M CO CO (M . w* o l>. »n ct Of o o Ol •^ o CO o 1-H n^ w Oi_ CD o co^ CO t^ ■^ 1-H 1-H o CO o I-H rx of •sasjoHJoaniB^ Ci § 00 8 05 1—1 § 00 § ^H O ^"^ CI ^' 1-H m u . ■^ ?. 00 o t^ 00 00 T 00 Q s ■V 00 •sasjrojj 00 CO o 1> o 1-H CO co" co" CO 00 CO in 1-H CD I-H CO Tj< 1-H CO »/5 \fi »rt Ifi m m m »(5 •S3|ni\[ puc • » , i • CO •<* • 1-H I-H CI CO m m • • 00 sassy JO an[G^ * l-I" ^ CO •<* T»* CI m -rf CI *> •S9ini\[ 'ly sassy • • • « 1-H • I-H • • •^ • m b o • • • • • • 0) • • • • • • a • « • ■ • • • • • .a • • 3 • • • • V o . •»■ m to s ^ ^ 3 a ^^ o -iii o a) 01 n3 i^ o ^-9 00 3 3 09 01 CO Kl ^ TS s o s a, S W c « pq o o CO pq S pq 5 a 369 < Tj< OJ CO l>. »o 00 Oi 00 rf< l^ o? o m Oi •IB31IM -jjong JO an[B^ * • 00 "^ 1-H I-H CO I-H • • • m • * in I-H CO ic CO c^ m CO n< CO O in CJ5 a CO i^ •JB3I[AV rf lO o^ O 00 C5. CT -jfonajospqsng >— ( r CO \6 o^ -^ co" CO in CO cT cT " in" T-H CO o CO "* CO o 1-H o ^ 1-H 1-H ^ ^H c^ CO 00 o r>. in o O) I-H o 00 05 »* 00 •^ CO o i> a o CO l^ -H CO in CO Cj, i>-^ CO CO CO CO co„ r^ 00, l^ t^ I-H ■sjBOJOs[9i[sna • cT ^ j>r ^ i-h" Ci" cT •^ CO 'jf ^T ct" CD Ui Ci o CO o I-H I-H o I-H CO CO 1-H ■^ CT CO ^H o 00 •<* o CO o CO CO C55 CT CT CT t^ 1-H n CO CO (M o CO 1-H o 1-H in CO 1-H o m= o (^ C5 CO (M 00 o lO I-H in in I-H CT •X:a|jBajooniBA uf Ci cd" CO oT ■^ •<^ CO I-H ct" I-H a o 00 t^ J> ■^ -H o '* I* CO o CT I-H pmm U3 o o I-H I-H o CO CT r^ CT CO CT CO CO •.Cat o c^ cs^ o "^ CO CO '^ t^ 00 l^ 1-H o>. -JBg JO sjaiisng cT — H s ■<3<" ocT r- m 1-H CO ct" I-H CT I-H O r^ o 00 CO o» CJ t^ CO Ci I-H 00 o CO CO CO 00 i^ C5 CO CO 1— 1 •^ cr> o o CTi CO <— 4 00 l^ I-H CO CO m o o. l>;^ 00 00 00 o •a.C^ JO an[BA ^ cf otT r>r CO co' cT i>r I-H ^-i t>r of • 00 !-* CO •>* •^ o CO CO I-H I-H I-H I-H o 00 t>. 00 l^ t>. t>. CO o m I-H CT t^ in o •^ 00 in (M r^ ct C! •^ CO I-H a CO CT OJ •^ 00 ■^ co^ CO 00 o CH. 1-H ^» o 1-H Ci ■ •oAy JO s|9iisna CO cT r^ co' i>r c^ Oi ■^ in" ^H t>. I-H CO I-H ■^ CO CO i^ m m I-H I-H CT 1—1 CO CO CO I-H 05 «-4 f^ I-H ~~o~ J> 1-H CT o 00 ■^ Ol CO CO ^5 CO ■>!}' i-«. o o c* OJ >* I-H CO CO CO CT CO •^ in. . #^ •IcaqAV JO ani^A • CO of t>r l^ Irt oT 1> in "* IT? 't Tt 00 ^ CO wm CO l^ 00 CO l^ in »o in l^ C5 CO •^ CO 00 CO C2, l^ CJ 00 r^ o I-H CO ■^ 0^ ■JBaq^VVJO'lsna • of 1—1 I-H co" in 00 i>r • • o o O ,_^ CO ■<* p^ Oi CO I-H 1-H CO in o ». CO m l>. O in i-H 1-H O 00 in l^ CO 00 o !> Ifi Tf K^ o in 00 CO, CO l>^ £>^ co„ CO in, CO CO •aziBi^T JO nioQ m= CO I— T 00 crT oo in I-H in 1-H CO ?5 3 s ^H o o" in CO in uBi'puiJo sniBA r^ 1— ( DJ I-H rH T-H CO o 00 00 00 I-H in CT CO C5 CT I-H o w o m ^5 ^H o> »o •^ m in •^ CO C5 o -5' ^ o 1—1 •aziBj^ JO UJOQ UBip i> CO cT co^ •<* ot5" i-^ o CO CO in ct" m in CO 1-H CO CO in CT in" -«I JO spqsng CO 00 I-H 00 I-H F-H "H 00 CO I-H CT 1—1 t^ I-H 00 1— • • » • • • • • • • • • • • • « • • • • • • g •T3 cT "S ^ 3 o ^ a> Id IS M .^ 3 Q B Dukes, Nantuc O 3 o '3 o S cS E G cd to o 2 to s Ph C 1- a 47 370 v ' 03 o o 1—1 CO 1—1 00 00 Mt •sdoH JO aniBA " m= o d7 CO 00 r- 1 » • • • • CT of • T— 1 CO xn m= o O O 00 w o t^ O T* o ffi CO o OJ ■^ ^^ 00 o 00 CO ^ 1— ( t^ 00 t— 1 co^ iO_ rH •sdou JO spuno J 00 (?f 1-H ITi I— 1 CO CO o o O ■r)< 00 i>. CO CO 00 CO o m CO ~o o CO r^ ■rp 00 1—1 CO CO ■^ CO CT CO 00 'd' f-^ 1— I o. iO CO CO »— 1 Ci J> CO 00 CO 00 o • •jiaijjoaniBA c^ cvT T— 1 00 co" oT co" CO o oT CO o ■*■ H h*4 «= (>j T— ( CT CT CT CT CT CT CO :?* l-H Oi l-H I— 1 !>. 05 ^ o o CO CO o "* 1—1 CO CO 1—1 •* 00 o CO o i>. CO o QO CT kO in 1^ 1-H •"* •«* CT ■^ fi< 00 CO in 00 C5 CT^ 00 CO CT o CD CT o 1—1 •jnujjosiaqsnrj cf orT r>r CO" O •^ CO CO in co" in co" CT * o . CT 1-^ • • 0" • CO ~icr' m 1— t ""CT~ o CO •XB[jjospunoj • « • • CT o 00 o CT CT « I— 1 9 • • • § Y 1—1 •>* lO CO CO o o ifi TJ< CO CO rfi 00 Oi CT o o t>. CO CO 00 C5 T-H T-H 00 Oi 00 CO o 00 ■^ o lO ■^ o_ CM CT 00 o„ •«1< 00^ CO Oi o m CT o CO •X:bh jo anjBA t>r "^ i>r o cT •^ rC rl rjT irT in o" cS ct" •<*" ^^ 00 Ci 0{ •^ ■^ IfJ •si* Ci G5 2J CT CT •^ 1-H m^ •^ i> CO CO CO »0 CO CT CO 1-H CT in €©= CO r^ •^ CO lO CT CT i^ Ci 00 o ■^ m o CT «3 o t^ l^ CO CO t>. ""^ lO m CO •rr o 00 ■^ O) W3 id CO •^ ■n< l^ CO o m o in •^ •Xbh jo suox i-T in" t>r 00 ocT o CO co" s cT •^ CT~ CO CO kO i> OJ ■<3< ■^ la 00 CO CT CT l-H o o I— 1 CO «3 o Oi CO CT o CT rf CO »^ QO o !> o CO l>. l>. <1 •lainW JO anFA ■ ^ • ^ • • CO • • * ■^ W In. Oi CD CO m CO Ci xn •lailiW JO suox • • CT • • • CO • ff • S5 1—1 1— t o 1— I o G5 O 00 CT t^ 1— f "lo~ "^fX)~" ~or' CT o CT P3 o •s3[qBia o W Ci C5 •^ c» ■^ Ci •^ o l^ CO O o 00 o >-H CO t>^ "^ TTl CO o 1—1 1—1 »* ■ m o '^, o -SsA in»|n3sa otT (tT o" irT ocT co" oT cT irT 1-H (£ CO co" 1-^' vf jailio JO aniBA ^ t^ 00 1—1 ■* I— 1 1—1 o 1-^ CT I— 1 T-H —J LO yn rj< ■^ in CO 1-n T)< o CT m r^ o o o> •saiqBio ao CO »— ( o CO 1^ »-H "^ CO Of m •^ o 00 ^-t CO o Oi i>^ CD CO •^ CT i> CT o ^ -SaA luajnasg • irf \n 00~ •^ o" CD~ 1-H t^ Qo" i>r ■^ i>r 1^ jamo JO sjaqsnji CO 0{ o CO O CT "^ CT CO 00 CT J> CO rf 1—1 o CO 1—1 o Ci Oi Oi t^ CO •<* 00 CO "H| CO f^ •^ o o o l>. o o »>. a l^ cH CO in Ci CO o <^ o ■^ T-H l^ l^ \n CO Ci^ 00^ o^ 1-H CT m^ (^ *N •sao} ^^ cT o» Ci of i>r crT cT od~ c^ Ci co'^ in i-h" Ci -e»oj JO aniBA m: CO 1—1 lO ^ CO 00 CO o 1-H 1— 1 1—1 CT o CO ^ »-^ CO CO Ci CO 00 1.H "Tf Oi cc m m o m ^5 CO c* o 00 c^ 00 Oi o? o» Oi in 00 o 1— < •saoi o '^ t>.^ o CO C5^ m 00 C5 -Sf 00 •^ I— 1 o rH -Biojjospqsna cd" in —T xrf j>r co" v^ a> co" 05 -^ o rH CO r^ l^ i>. CO o CO CT Ci o? F-H o CT CO iO CO 00 CT CO CT CO CO ■^ •^ • 03 ■ ■ 'i m 0) c 9 •* cr p ^ rt 0) 1 r3 .5 2 riiT „ o a Ph r— 1 i2 m o s p o O s QQ s a. S &i £ 3 i !-H o 2 '3 ■5) to S 1 c 371 _ * •XBAV o CO m •^ CO l^ 1—1 CT 00 f-l >. r>» "^ CO t^ CT CO CO • • • 00 -saag jo anp^ ^ -H r-i 1-H I-H ^ C5 1—1 01 co~ ot •^ CT l>» Lo" 1 00 •XBAV o OJ Oi TTl CO CO wo Ci 1-H -saagjo spunoj • Ol Ci •^ "SJ* C{ CO 10 I-H I-H * • • I-H co" H M 00 •* (?» Tfl 00 "^ C5 CT 00 »>. 1 CO »o ot C5 C5 00 »o 00 ^ .iCanoji J<> ^"F A I— ( 1— ( CO, CO co^ 1-H of CT I-H •^ • • • CT CO tH ^ 1 m= H ^ ""o" £J ""'*" CO tn CO CT t^ •ifa -uoji JO spTino J £? C5 t^ (M TJ< Ui CO O cT 0" 00 ocT cT cd" i-T GO 1-H I-H CT^ 1-H CT co" • • • ct" |J-4 C! '^ »-H CJ o CT CO oj 01 i^ •-t* CO' CT !>. •^ iO i^ CO 1-H CO CO t^ CT ■^ Ci «> o c-j 00 CO J> I-H l> I-H t^ ■^ 1-^ , •3S391J3J0 anjE^ • cT Ci co" oT cP cd~ LrT 00" cf CO • 00 H »-H ■"^ C! CO CT T-H I-H ■—4 Oi m ^ 1— 1 I-H CO C5 Ci CO •-0 C5 CT »-H •^ CT cs l>. M 00 CO CO »o •3< CT »o CT ■^ CO i^ CT CO O CO, •^ . »o. CO R, »n. 00 CO »o CO •0S33q3jo-spj o ocT 00 ocT 00 1-H CO 1-H CT 00 10 oo" cT in • CT CO c^ I— 1 CO l^ lO ct" I-H 1-H T-H CT "-( HZ r^ i-H L-O -f IT CO Q Ci t^ CO Cj 00 I— I 00 CO 00 C5 CO ^^ l^ C5 c IC t^ 1-H iO wo ^ CO 00 kO i>» • •J3lingj0 3nfc\ • -^ 01 CO co' Ci 00 CT 00 CO CT CO CO CT CO c-7 CT CO t>r co" 1-H ■^^ I— 1 CJ I-H I-H H 1-H H H m^ F-^ •rN •^ CO ■^T l^ CO 05 In. -* "^ CO g 1-H CO LO CO m Tt l>. Cf 05 00 00 CT I/O •J3, od~ >— 1 CO CO CO co~ CO cT CO ocT co" CO ct" co" 01 0, kiO 00 -Itig JO spanoj o 1:0 CO i2. CO CO CO C5 0:5 I-H 00 01 CO CO 1-H I-H CO CO 00 00 OQ CO ■^ W •saizB9j,jo-[BA • • • • • fe 00 l>^ • • • • • • CO < rH % CO CT 00 •S3[ZB3X • • • . * CO 1* 00 • • « • • • 1-H JO spuBsno^x 1-H CO tii ^^ __^ CT 2 < erf ■^ns • • '&. iO • C{ • • • • • • • ifi MBy[ JO aniBA mr- '3' 1^ % •■^I!S • • co 1— ( I— 1 • Ui CT • • • • « • Oi AvB-jj JO spnno J r^ 1-H c? iO ^ LO CO • "00 00 CO •^ CT 00 o • • • • I— 1 0, LO • • • • • • CO Q -a^qoXJo an^A !3^ ^H cd" «: ^-1 1-H «9= TOB 00 1-H 1-H 00 CJ »o CO •OODBq -OX JO spunoj • • • • 00 oo" Cf • • • • • • CO t .-H CT m • • • • • • • • • • • « • • t4 • • x" 0) c" •N flT • -tT ^ • 1 m •4-> Ol 0) 2 IS 03 Jo 'o 2 a a> 3 Q 3 U fg -3 s c -2 03 a >* s P5 s 372 §^ wS I— 1 CO "«* >-^ wt3 CO QO C5 F-H •qsTugTypaag luoojg JO 8n[B^ • • • • o oT in i-t 00 • • « • • • co" O^ «= ^ OS p^5 «< M t>. »o o o OJ Ei^ 00 »o o ■^ 1— 1 r-i 00 ^.o OJ^ CO P^ ■saujagjoaniBA m^ oo" • • • « • ■ I— 1 • • o P4 ^ H « _____ ^ . o T-H fH •spaag uap m • • ^. , * , in^ • , • , r • -JBO JO 8n[BA r-i CO •^ ^^ ^ ^OJ POULTR" AND EGG Oi o CO 00 00 in 00 -H C£> 'S' •^ 00 CO o o 05 -inoj JO 3n[BA « CO 1— ( « C5 CO • ■<*< in irT • • QO in~ it , o -t< 00 T— 1 CO P4 o CO ■* CO •rr* . CO •^ Pm •JBSng 9jd o CO CO CJ^ o <3 -Biv[ JO spunoj cf o TO CO S CO o< in CO in {^ o 00 a in t^ O! c? C3 o CO ■«* in »-H O o ■^ 00 Oi l-H rr* Ci^ •Jll'.M JO ^ni^A CO in •'I CI in in • • CO ocT • • • • O W «: 1—1 % ' O -H CO o o m T:t< a 00 iin CO o o c? I— 1 »~i o oq_ o CO Oi in ■<* •5Il!I\IJosuoiiB9 CO CO f— 1 in co" CO • • in in I— ( • • • • in 00 lO o f-H S o aoiig JO 8n[BA 1— 1 • o I— ( • • • A • • « • • o oo' — o CO in do O aoqgjo S[aiisiia CO • 00 • co^ • • • • • • • • o 00 CO • Or H « • • • • • • • • • • » • • • • * « 0) € c < :S" oT 13 o *N 05 to r^ ^ ^ :3 cd O O -^