SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE "of RARE AND NEW FRUITS, IN ADDITION TO THOSE COMPRISED IN THE 34th EDITION OF THE GENERAL CATALOGUE OF FRUIT TREES, &c. CULTIVATED AT PRINCE'S LINN^AN BOTANIC GARDEN AND NURSEBIEr FLUSHING, NEAR NEW-YORK. Wna. K. Prince & Co., Proprietors. Note.— As the accessions to our collection of all highly estimable rarierir* ef Fruits, engages our conrtant attention, it necessarily arises that we are in posf^ession ot them some time before we can announce them in the regular editions of oar General Catalogue. Amateurs may therefore confidently rely, that whenever any very estimable varieties are announced in Europe, or ir our own country, that we are among the very first to possess them, and as *'v propagate them rapidly, we can ahvays supply them as soon or soouer thaw ethers, and at reasonable rates. The newest varieties of the following Fruits, are but one year grow* ito«i the graft or inoculation— the others are of two J^ears growth.- * The Asterish denotes Fruits of American origin. APPLES —25 TO 37 cents each, EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED. *Beard Burden. *Gillet's Red, (of Ohio.). Belle du Havre. Hambledon Deux-ans, 50 eta ♦Broadwell ♦Heath's Early Nonsuch. IVestfrn'Romanite. »Hyde's Large Red. ♦Burnham Greening. *Indian Rareripe. Coe's Golden Drop. ' Lady Healy's Nonsuch. *Cooper, (of Ohio) *Large Early Y«llow, (Ohio.) *Corsonite. *Lindley's Nonpareil, (N. C.) W •<»». Crab, Spectabilis Riversi, 50 cU. *Lincoln. , Weeping. 50 cts. *Long Island Wine, 50 ct*. ♦Bough, Tart ' *Lyman's Pumpkin Sweet. ♦Detroit, White *Maclean's Favorite. ♦Detroit, Red ♦Martin. •Early Joe. ' •Margold, American Early Red Margaret, ♦Maryland Lady's Bluah. English Red Jufuating. ♦Masters' Red Winter. Borden's Early. ♦Mathews' Stripe. ♦Early Piper. ♦May. Early SummerPippin, Ronald's, 50 ets. ♦Melon. English Ruspet. ♦Mohawk Pippin, (Spinner**^^ W *?«. Aromatic Rusut. Monstrueui, 50 cts. •Estin. ♦Mother. •Fall Ginnctting. ♦Mouse. ♦French's Sweet. ♦Nottingham Brown. ♦Garden Striped. ♦Paradise, Winter Sw*tt ♦Geaesee Pippin. *Peachpond Sweet. 1 $ Peannain, Claygate, 50 cts. , Sweet Endhh Sweeting, of R. I. Pippin, Holland * , Cranberry #.. , Lemon, (Ohio) • , Nyack » , Sprixighill, (6 trees for $5.) Strong's JS'ewtown Pippin- , Sturmer Pomme royale, or Pound Royal. ♦Power's Large Siberian Crab. ♦Princeall. ♦Randolph's Cluster. ♦Red Canada. ♦Reinette, American Golden, 60 cts. , White Spanish Reinette blanche (TEspagne. Roth Kruger. Russet, Pineapple, 50 cts. ♦ , Pumpkin Sweet Russet. ♦Shepherd's, (Ohio) ♦Spiizemberg, Spring Hill, (6 tre^s for S3,) ♦Sterlmg Beauty. ♦Stump. ♦Sweeting, "Wells' , English Ramsdell's Red Pumpkin Sutttinf^. ♦Victuals and Drink. ♦Twenty ounce. Cayuga Red Streak. ♦Waxen, or Belmont. Gate — White apple. ♦Williams' Carolina, 50 cts. Wilmot's Early Seedling, 50 cl». ♦York Greening. PEARS,— Each 50 cents. Ah mon Dieu. Arbre courbe. ♦Areson's Doyenne. Archduke Charles. Balue. Belle de Feron. de Moite. de Troyes. excellenle. Heloise. Bergamot, March — ;Truckhill Bergamotte de Parthenay. libbitent verte. ♦JifWrgen. B«tlrre Audusson. blanc panache, — ■ blanc de Nantee, — Bruneau. : — Chaumontel nouTeao. Davis. d'Anjou. de CharneuBe. de Montigeron, ■ — Duvivier. — ' gris d'hiver noureau. magnifique. gris d'hiver, on De Lucon. Mortefontaine. L'Angeher, #2. UAngelier't Bturri. do. in bud, 91. Thouin. Bezi de Hollandck. — — ; des veteran*. Bcxi de Vouet. Bonchretien d'Amieoa. Bonaparte. Bonne de Zee«. Ent6- Boulon de St. Marc. British Q«oen. Caillot rosat, English Calebasse de Nerkman. ♦Calhoun. Captif de St. Helens Chapman's Early. Maria. Chaumontel Beige. ♦Citron. Colmar Chamay. Comtesse de Lunay. ♦Dallas. De Juvardeil. Be Pape, on de St. Plerr^^. Delice de la Cour. Dingier. Doyenne d'Alengon. musque. — ^ d'hiver nouteaa. • d'ete, (true) gris d'hiver nouTfew. grisjaune d'hivtr. de Nerkman. Duchesse de Mars. d'Orleans. Due de Bordeaux. •Edwards. Epine Dumad. — ; — d'ete. Episcopal. Esperine, Ezinowesser. Ferdinand Meester. Figue verte. d'Alengon. Fontarablo. Gamier. Girardon. Girofl^. Gratioli, (of Jersey) Josephine de MaIiaw^. Helicte Dundaa. •Heary. *riennetta. ♦Hill's Fall Butter, (of Ohio) *Hull. ^Imperial Sugar, (N. Carolina) luconnue Van Mons. Las Casas. Leon le Clerc of Van Mone. *Locke. Louise de Prusse. Lu(iuet d'Allemagne. Mabille. Marie Louise Delcour. " Mes Delices. fc *Moore's Pound. Neill, Van Mons *01iver's Russet. ■ Orange d'ete. C *Osburn, (Ohio) ^ *Oustreman. Parfum d'hiver. Poire Belle Henriette. ^ Poire de M. Bonnet. ■Jt St. Dorothee. Phi'.ippe,"or Double Philippe. Plonigastel. Deasnus. ^ Dumas. ^ . Pears on Quince for Dwarfs or 100 fine varieties. ♦Polk. 'Pratt. ♦Queen of August, large, iuptrior, extra, $1. Rahut, or Deus fois I'aa. Reine d'hiver. Ridelle. Rousselet de Stoutgard. perdreau. St. Germain nouveau. St. Marc. Soldat laboureur. Souveraine d'ete. ♦Stansel's New^ton. St. Francois. St. Joseph. St. Michael d'hiver. ♦Summer Virgalieu. Surpasse INIadeleine. Tarquin des Pyrenees. Tavernier de Boulogne. ♦Tyson. Van Mons of Leon le ri'"-" Kan Mom Leon le Clerc. Vicomte de Spoelberch. Vilaine de St. Florent. Wellington, or Waterloo. Wilhelmina. William, of Quenouille form can be supplied of above CHERRIES— Each 50 cents. j';auman's May. Bi^arreau de Mai. Ik-Ue de Sceaux, ^'1. ♦Buwue's Clarion, ^1. Biittuer's Black Heart. Morello. Cerise do Ravaen. *Coiumbia, 75 cts. ♦Coe's Transparent, ^1. Dmvning's Red Cheek, Lavly White Heart. (Downing.) ^)old striped leaved, ornamental, ^\. Holland Bigarreau. Bigarreau de HoUande. Imperial Morello. ♦Ives' JMottled Seedling. Lemercier, 75 cts. ♦Prince's Early Black Heart, very titi triable early variety, 75 eta. Reine Hortense, 75 cts. Rivers' Early Heart. Rumsey's Late Morello. Walsh's No. I. No. 2. Werder's Jtarly Black. PLUMS.—Each 50 CENTS. Apricot Plum of Tours, 75 cts. Abricotee. Brad.-haw, 75 cts. Buei's Favorite. i Cceutche de Dorel, ^1. ^" Chapman's Prince of Wales, 75 Coxe's Incomparable. ■^ *Deanison's Albany Beauty. ♦Dennison's Red. ♦ Superb. s», Domine Dull, {distinct.) French Long Blue. Du Koi, ^1. *Fariv LT"nes?*»e. English Yellow Gage. Reine Claude btanche. Fellenberg, 75 cts. F orb us Gage. Fonday. Golden Gage, 75 cts. GiB^ie's Late Green, 75 Cts. ■—^_ — New Apricot Plum, 75 cti. — z Taybank, ^1. Green Roman, ^1. Verte bonne de Rome. ♦Henrietta Gage. % Howland's Yellow. ♦Hudson Gage. *Ives' Washington Seedling. King of Plums, 75 cts. *Larigdon's Seedling, 75 cts. ♦Lawrence's Yellow Egg, 75 cts. ♦ Purple Gage, 75 cts, * Oval Blue. Merveille de New Kent. Montfort, 75 cts. ♦Mulberry. ♦Orange. Peach Plum (of France.) Prunes des bois. ♦Purple Favorite. Reine Claude de Bavay, 75 cts. de Toussaint, 75 cts. Reine Claude d'Octobre, 75 ct«. Rivers' Early, No.. 2. ♦Rockland Great Gage. Royal Green Gage, 75 cts. Saint Etienne, 75 cts. *Thomas. *Tory, or August Damson. Violette de Belgique, 75 cts. Belgian Violet. Virgin, (Thompson.) *White American Cherry. Apricot. AbrifOtt blanc. ♦Winter Bolmer. PEACHES. — 25 cents, except those noted. (C. denotes Cling?tones.) Acton Scott. •Baltimore Beauty. *Barnaru. Belle de Chatenay, 50 cts. *Bough, 50 cts. ♦Camden. ♦Congress, C. (genuine) ♦Druids Hill. ♦Duchess Mignone, 50 cts. ♦Early Newington Freestone. ♦Early Tillotson, (mildews.) White, 50 cts. ♦Flushing Heath, C. 50 ct?. ♦ Imperial, C. very large, ripe in Oct., 50 cts. French Violet, 50 cts. Apricot Peach, 50 cts. White Nutmeg, eariicst, 50 cts. Prince's Excelsior, (6 trees in bud ^5 ) ♦ Fortunatus, C splendid, lo cts. * White October, C. very tsti- -^"^m. re trees for S3.) ♦ White Octou^ix •estone, (6 trees for ^3.) ♦Pope's. Roval Pompone, C. monstrous, excfl- lent, ripe Oct 20. (6 trees for ^5.) Scarlet Admirable, 50 cts. Sulhampstead. ♦Scott's Extra Early, 50 cts. * Nonpareil, 50 cts. ♦September Red Puarenpe. Sernach. Smith's Magdalen, 50 ets ♦ Mammoth, (6 trees for $5.) ♦ Yellow October, C. 75 cts. ♦Spring Hill Orange, 75 cts. ♦Grant's White October, 50 cts. Green Catharine, common variety, erro- *Strawberry neoudy so called. ♦Stump the World. Grosse Admirable jaune, 50 cts. . World's Beater Mignone Incomparable, 50 cts. ♦Tippecanoe, G ♦Hart's Seedling, 50 cts. ♦Honest John. ♦.Tersey Rareripe, ♦Kimber's Favorite Yellow. ♦Leopold. ♦Lignum rubrum, a curiosity. ♦Marie Antoinette, C? syn.) ♦New Sweetwater, very early, 50 cts ♦Orange Red. '^avie Monstre, C. 50 cts. A^andyke, larze, very fine, ripe Aug. 15. Vanguard, (distinct trom Noblesse.) ♦Waxen Mignone, 50 cts. ♦Washington Cling, (gcmane.) ♦Weeping, ornamental, 37 cts. ♦White Imperial. ♦Whitehead's Red Heath, C. ♦Wiley's Nutmeg, very early, 50 cc-i. ♦Yard's Favorite, 50 cts. NECTARINES.— 37 to 50 cents. Broomfield. Hardwicke Seedhng. Old White. APRICOTS. Akarish, (from Persia]|gr5 cts. Alberge le gros, 50 cts. Early Red, 37 cts. Gros Musch, g cis Gros Muscat, 37 eta. Vert Muscat. St. Ambroise, 75 cts. Monstreute, 75 cte. DUTCH MEDLAR. Variegated leaved, 50 ct«. GRAPES. For an admirable collection of new and very select varieties of the mcvst estimable Table Grapes, see our General Catalogue page 39, and our Supple- ment Catalogue, No. 8. We also call attention to the 13 new Hybrids from the Isabellas, which are there announced. In addition to the fine collection of Table Grapes, we now offer 50,000 plants of native varieties, suitable for market and for making wine, and the time is not distant when our country, which has been preeminently marked out by the Deity as the " Land of the Vme," will be dotted over with luxuriant vineyards, which, when planted with our natiye varieties, will yield crops six-fold as great as the vineyards of Europe. Black European. Brabant. - - . - Gushing. - - - - Fastolf, (price reduced.) - Franconia, (price reduced to ^10 per 100.) - Imperial. . . - - Knevett's Giant. Nottingham CURRANTS. French Large White, 37 cts. Large Red, 37 cts. Large Red Provence, (^3 for 6.) ^- White do. iUver edged leaves, (^BfoT 6.) N. B. The two preceding varieties are the largest of all Currants, and ar« very distinct and of remarkably vigorous growth, and are in no other Nursery in England or America. White Transparent, 37 cts. Blanc transparent. Symphoria fuchsoides, ornamental, 50 cts. SPBE dozen. :rries. dozen. #1 50 Michigan. - - - . ^1 50 2 00 Monarch. - - - - 2 00 2 00 New American Red. 1 50 3 00 Quatres Sasons. 200 Red Prolific. - - - 1 50 1 50 Unique. . . - . 2 00 2 00 Violet. .... 20@ 1 50 - strawberries. Thh splendid Collection of varieties enumerated in the 34th edition of ota* General Catalogue have been greatly reduced in prices, and we make it a rul« to charge always as low or lower than similar kinds can be obtained else- where, to say nothing of the superiority of our Collection in excellence and accuracy over every other. The most of the following varieties have been added to our assortment since our General Catalogue was pubhshed. Mor« than 50 other estimable varieties are now in our Collection, which we shall announce to the public hereafter when fully proven. P. denotes pistillate varieties ; S. staminate. Abyssinian Prince, P. Bishop's Seedhng, P. Black Prince, P. Boston Pine, S. - Brewer's Emperor. - British Queen, S. pow bearer. Buist's Prize, S. Clara Victoria, S. ©oiman'B Seedling. per doz. $2 00 50 50 1 50 1 00 60 1 Od 200 75 per lot. $2 00 2 00 5 OQ 2 50 S Od Deptford Pine, S. * - - - Corse's Seedling, S, - - . - Crimson Cone, P. one ofmo$t splendid and prolific varieties, the genuine kind. . . . . . Crimson Pine, wS. - Garnestone Scarlet, S.- French Queem --.-.. Globe Scarlet. .-----. Hovey's Seedling, P. - - - - - Hudson's Bay, S. and P.- Hudson, P. (from Cincinnati.) - . - - Iowa, or Prairie, S. - - - - - Jenny's Seedling. ------ Lady's Finger. ..---- Large Early Scarlet, S. - - - - - Lizzie Randolph, P. large, round, prolific. Monievideo Pme, S. . . _ , - Myatt's Eliza, S. poor bearer. - - - - Necked Pine, (from Cincinnati.) - - - - North's Victory. - - . - - Parisian Alpine, S. . . - - - Primate, S. large, splendid, deep scarlet, verxj productive, a sied'ing from Prince Albert. - - - - Primordian, P. the finest and most productive early variety. President, S. - - - - Prince Albert, S. genuine, large, splendid, deep scarlet. N. B. The plants sold under this name are almost invariably a spurious and inferior variety. Princess Alice Maude, S. - - - - Royal, S. - - - - - Ross' Phoenix, S. - - Stoddard's Washington Alpine, is the common English Red Wood. Swainstone, S. - Taylor's Seedling, (Ohio.) ... Unique, peculiar fo m, sweet, delicate flavor, prolific. Victoria, or Methven, P. . . . - Willey, S. is a synonim. - - - - The following, with about 25 other varieties, can be supplied at the openiDi- of Spring, or a few plants of each can be supplied the present Autumn at ^l for each variety: — Adriana, Caleb Cope, Cushing, Emily, Hancock, Marr, Virginia, William Henry, &;c. per doz. #'1 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 50 2 00 50 37 25 50 50 75 2 00 25 2 00 5 00 50 75 75 1 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 37 50 1 00 1 00 ! 25 1 ^ per IW ^5 00 3 oa 5 00 5 00 2 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 5 00 10 00 10 00 5 od 6 0) 1 50 2 «K) 4 m 5 00 1 01) RARE AND NEW TREES AND SHRUBS. Amorpha canesrcens, dwarf. - Ash, Silver stripedy s;:» enrficf. Blgnonia atroi-janguinea. Galycanthus heterophyllus. — prunifolius. Clematis napalensis, autumn flowering. • montana. - . - Qaragana haladendron. * —— altagana. - - - Colutea microphylla. Crataegus Douglussii. - - , Cvtisua austriaca. - - - Eleagnusi flava, or European Silver Trea fulva. - * - S!der, Silver dusted • . * , Parsley leaved Elm, Gold striped • < - SnonymuA penduia. - 1 00 1 m 50 50 75 7ff 7* 50 90 5« 60 76 s; f 1 o» Kuonymus atrovirens. coccineus, or Scarlet fruited. _ . . ilydraiigea Japoiiica, beautiful. ..... Hypericum calycinum, .-.-,. ^- elitum. ...--•- Magnolia glauca semiplcna. ..... Pop^Lilus nioiiilifera, Gold striped. . . - . - , hudsonica, Gold striped. .... treniuloides. -.---'. Privet, Box leaved, handsome. . - - - . Prnuus padas-pendula. ...... llliamnus alnifoliu?. ...-,. Ribes sanguiueum atroruben?. - - - . . divaricaturn. - ' • - - . - . moiistrosum. .--.... hybridum gordouiaiium. . - - . - Robinia floribvinda. -..---. llubus spectabile. .--.-.- Spiraea acutifolia. .--.--. adiantoides. ...... grandiflora. ,..:•-.- . reevesii, elegant. .--.-- rotundifolia. ....... Syringa emodii. ....... sinensis. ...---- Taxodium sinensis, pendula. ..... Wistaria alba. -.------ , Pale blue, long spikes of flowers, vigorous growth. Xylosteum altaicum. ----.-. alpigenum. ...... iberlcum. .-.---- microphyllum. ..... orientale. .---.-. ___ „ preecox. ...... tartaricum roseum. ..... grandijlorum. ------ EVERGREEN TREES AND SHRUBS. Abies morinda. Douglassii. Clanbrassiliana. Ceplialonica. - Araucaria imbricata. Berberis heterophylla. Cupressus torulosa. - Cotoneaster'buxifolia. ■ — acuminata. - affinis. Juniperus torulosa. - ^1 5Cf 2 01 1 5; 1 5i 2 (){■ 15(: 1 Oi 75 7J. 7. 1 0( J Tvmiperus excelsa. .vlahonia heterophylla. .^icea cephalonica. pinsapo. - verticillata. pichta, Webbiana. l'iuus excelsa. - iuercus ballota. Thuya hybrida - napalensis. 90 50 75 1 00 50 50 2 00 1 00 1 00 37 50 75 37 50 50 50 50 1 00 50 50 50 50 5a 50 1 00 75 1 00 2 00 1 00 50 50 50 50 50 50 37 60 #150 2 W 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 5(» 2 0) J 1 00 1 00 1 00 I Of RHODODENDRONS Recently received in addition to those enumerated at pages 74 and 106 of" ©ur General Catalogue. We can supply R. ponticum and Catawbiense of different sizes, by the dozen or hundred, at reasonable rates. Catawbiense purpurea. hybrida. ros Dauricum atrovirena. Glomeratum. Maximum reseum. Master's Rose-colored, New Silver striped. • ^ivaticum. ^150 1 50 2 00 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 2 00 2 00 Odoratum. Ponticum angustifolium. crassifolium. hybridum. magnohct folium. Toseum. — salieifoHum Silver striped Poatic. 1 «• 1 50 1 59 1 m 7* 1 5* I H 8 NEW CHRYSANTHEMUMS. Those thus noted t are 37 cents— and those not noted are 50 cent*. fAdventure, dark rose! •fBathula, mottled rose. Belle du Rhin. Bicolor expansa, white, yellow centre, full double, expanded, beautiful. Comete. fComtesse Suchette, delicate lilac. t Lamballe. Delight. fDemosthenes, claret, very full and fine. fDavid, superb j^ellow, very extra. tDuchesse de Minthelle, silvery lilac, very neat, elegant. Duclos, mahogany colored. Frankee, deep red. fGrand Duke, fine white, full, cupped. Limon blanc, white, straw centre. tMarchioness, fine lilac jMarie Antoinette, delicate pink blush. Mecure. Minerva bicolor, large, very full, delicate lilac, centre sulphur. tQueen, mottled rose, full, fine. Rose blanchatre, superb rosy white. tSulphurea elegans, beautiful dark yellow, on» of the finest. t Sultan, white. PHLOX. — Additional Varieties. 25 CENTS EACH, EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED. 12 varieties for ^4; 24 do. for ^7; 50 do. for ^12. Acuminata atrorubens minor. Charles, 37 cts. Hlacina bella. Coldryana. corymbosa. Elegantissima, 37 cts. major. Freimghuysen, 37 cts. minor. Grandiflora, vel Gigantea, 37 efcs. — maxima, 37 cts. Ilarnsonia, white. magnifica, 50. Henry Clay, majestic, vigorous habit, purpurea pallida. beautiful variegated flowers, §0 ctB. radiata rubra, 37 cts. Hortensoides, 37 cts. violacea, 37 cts. Lawrencea, pure white, 37 cts. rubra altissima. Lilacina grandiflora. fulgens, 37 cts. Murravana. fulgida, 37 cts. Mutabilis. major. Nymphaea alba, 50 cts. minor. Oeuil de Lynx, 37 cts. stellata, 50 cts. Paniculata nivea, 37 cts. Amabilis striatiflora, 37 cts. Princesse Mariame, 37 cti. Apollo 37 cts Reevesii, 37 cts. Blanc de Neuilly, 37 cts. Rubra striata, 50 cts. Brack's New Red. Sickmannii. BriUiante rubra, 37 cts. Speciosa, 37 cts. maxima, 37 cts. Van Houtei, 50 cti. Bruceu. Wilderi. Garter's "White. IRIS. — Additional Species. 25 cents EACH, EXCEPT WHERE NOTED. Adansoni, 50 cts Bengii, splendid yellow, 50 et». Bicolor, splendid yellow with black Coelestis, 50 cts. spots, ^1. Flava. Orammea. Gue den stHdiii. 1 iHiinatophylla, 37 cts. J^ilucina, 37 tts. Maritirna. Notha, 37 ct=<. Stenogyna, 37 ct?. Yantlerburg,. 50 ci^ CARNATIONS AND PIC TEES. Above 100 new varieties have b^en imported in addition to tlio t-plendul collection in our General Catalogue, pages 97 and 107 — and wall be .^applied in <:ss.ortments ct'one dozen or more varieties at the rate of .^3, |ii iGriiy's Inviiu'il li.nrissoni.t. alba. . Lady Hiune's Blu Landrethii. Lawrericeana. 2 50 2 50 2 5'J 2 2 2 50 8 2 50 9, 2 5( 2 5* y\ ignifica plena. -vla.chioness of Exeter. ?..iaria Luigia. iNlaLier's. Double .Red. . . Necbcracen: i . Nobili-sinn. "Ochrcdeuc;!. Oxonieusis. C\\iygl(Uiiana s*:peiba. Fercivalli. . Perfection, or Cavendishi, Poinpuiiia incarnata. Press's Fc'vp.e. I'resa ^. '. ._ Prince of Joinville. . PulchertiuiH. Queeu Victoria. Ranuncnhflo^M. . Keticniuta. iJosunvHidi. iiosea plena.' Sasaiiqua rosea plena. Serratula niajoi'. ■•"^herwoodii. SpctFortiaiia. Ferzii. ... Teutoiiiii. . Tiicolor. jTriphc.-a. . 50 ■2 o« 10 i^riumphrins. U^onii. ^^lndesii carnea. Varief;fated, or t'triped. 2 I 5 \^ictoria Antwerpiensi? Wi'llf^iana. Wijod^ii. Yoiiy^zi. CHINESE AZALEA, or AZALEA INDICA. Thefe varieties can be supplied in addition to those enumerated at page 78 of tlie (renerul Catitlogue, price 50 cts. to ,^'2, according to tiieir rarity and the size of the plants. Grandivlora . Xeiiiflora. liiaciiiaiiova. Pulchella. Aduin?onia. AmabiUt:. Aurantiaca. Candidissinia. Coerulea. Coccinea grandiflora. spc'ciosa. Crarnoisi e semipleua . Caniiinghami. Dahleni. J)ai5:i!'nwiia. Puj:' While. teaii-ii, §1 50. HendiTsonii. Igne.-ceJis, 5i) cts. luoarnata. Itidica, foL varieg. Jjidy Ang!iPta. L'-vt-ritia, 50 cts. to fl. Lilac. J.,ila'jina. Mieiantha, 50 ct.s. Mizepp;). Mizorati. Millueni Pulcherinia. pallida. Palchra speciosa. Punicea. Purpurea. Rosea maculata. Suiithii. Rubrida. Skrimakersi. Smith's Light Puik. Superb a. Thomasi. PELARGONIUMS, cr. GERANiUxMS. v.'.' ( iT-r the,?e in addition to tho.-^e enumt Geiieral Ca'alogue.— 50 cents, exce,U Vv'here S*6 per dozen, and 'lff'25 to i^37 50 per luO. Fireflv. Alex Arab ;ndriiia. c'lln iry r^uprmif^. :-^rooni. iKidge Belle, ^'L .-;ine, i^l. ilal. . .iiiiiiodoro. C'omte de Paris. Cnnfla2:ratiou. ((;, ,^^ ri,b,.. Lido. ■ Dowa.ger Q leen. Kc!yp--e. J'>ni|)/ror, (Ilodi:^) I'Jach uiire.'d. Fiiiuiy Garth i'^o.^^teni rose it. Hebe. J lercules. I'jgiams Dwarf. .Tenny Lind, ^l. Joan (.f Arc. King. King John. liady Douro. Miyores^!. Sale Villicrs. L )rd Byrmi. MihA. '. ! id ni ^ TaglioM 1 ud ui" iioiior. -viallason's N* Matilda Medoru-f?!. Mirf. Leno.\. l\''st()r. Ober.-ni. ( 'iiv>-r Twist. » /rariyfc l^ovci ■ra'cd at pages 105 and 106 of our noted. Assortments at i$'4 50 to Ovid. Paragon. ■ Perfection, Garth. Calleiigh. Pilot. Pieeininent. Pink Perfection. Prima Donna. Princess So|)hia Matilda. Queen Phillippi. • of Sariaii. Queen's Superba. Kachel. Rienzi. Rival Queen. Rosetta. Rosinariie. Sapiihire. 1 ■' No. 2. Siddcnia. Sir Robert Pee!. Svlph. Unit A'ictory. Wildfire. Wilson's I'hieh.nilress, $j . AVonder. FUCHSL\S. — 50 CENTS, except those noted. Audot, 37 cts. jialloonia superb.; Baverstonii. m , :;7 cth Bridegr: Bruauui C'apfivaliv;ii. Chauvieiii, 37 cts C'occiueii, 2o cts. Conica, :>7 cts. GorvmbiHora. Decora, or Transparens, Globosa, 37 cts. 37 cts. Hector. Defiance, 37 cts. Ivoiy Gem, or Iveryana, Duke of Wellington, 37 cts, 37 cts. Elata. Kentish Hero, 37 cts. Kneas. La Chinoise. P^nchantress. Lmdleyana. Eppes Queen of Virgins, $lMagninca. Eppesu. Majestica. Erecta elegans. Maria, 37 cts. Exoniensis. iMarginata, 37 eta. Florence, 37 cts. Multiflora, 37 cts Fulgens, 37 cts. Xew Globe, 37 cts. Gigantea. Paragon, 37 cts. Pride of Peckham. Queen Adelaide, 37 cts Victoria. Racemiflora elegans. R eflexa, 37 cts. ^ Rosea albd, 37 cts. Salters, 87 cts. Stanwelliana. Splendens. Splendist^iraa. Stylosa elegans. Toddiana. Venus victrix. Victory superb, 37 cts. CRANBERRIES. We can supply these by 100 or lODO plants. RHUBARB. The finest varieties can be supplied at reduced rates by 100 or 1000, form plantations for market. GREEN-HOUSE PLANTS. In addition to the general collection of all the ppecies and variecies that hav<» been announced in various Catalogue?;, the following can be supplied singly at the rates' named, and with a discount where a large number are ordered. Abutilon striatum. ^0 50 Achimenes coccinea. 25 grandiflora. nirbuta. 50 25 longiflora. pedunculata. 25 25 picta. 75 rosea. 25 A.cacia armata. . 50 affinis. . '. 75 dealbata. 75 farnesiana. 50 glauce^•cens. . Icphantha. 50 50 prostrata. 50 pube.'^cenp. 1 Alof, numerous epecies, 60 to 75 Araucaria imbricata. 2 Aster argophyllus. 50 Astrapea Wallichi, ^2 to . 3 Azalea gledstanesii. . 1 50 , 25 other new Chinese varieties. 50 cts. to 1 50 Bignonia picta. . 1 pandora. 60 venusta. 1 Banisteria fulgens. 1 50 Bankgia formosa, and other species .... 3 Bletia lankervillaei. 75 Brugmansia Knightii. Brunsfeltiia undulata. 1 1 6C Buonapartia iuncea. . 1 Buddlea Lindleyana. 50 C'Siciua, all the species, 50 ct8. to 1 Calceolaria, Beauty of Fair Isle purpurea. Rugosa. Troubadour. . Widnall's Meteor, Cattley's Chinese Guava. Campanula grandis. . Ceratonia siliqua. Cereus, many varieties, 50 cts. to Cestrum diurnum. Cineraria, many varieties, each Clivea nobilis. . Coffea arabica. . Corrtea Cavendishii. . Goodii. . Harritii. alba. Crowea saligna. Cycas revoluta. . Dracaena ferrea. bicolor. Erica, numerous species, 50 cts. Erythritja cristagalli, 50 cts. to Escallonia rubra. speciosa. . Eschynanthusmaculatus. . Euonymus japonicus, variegatus Euphorbia elegans. . Fabiana imbricata. . < Ficus elastica, 50 cte. to . nitida and others. Gardenia florida, pleno. latifolia, pleno, 60 cts to Geaneria Douglassii. zebnna. ^0 37 37 25 37 37 1 50 59 1 5« 50 2 5<} 1 1 50 1 tol 75 75 75 i 75 59 69 75 12 Gladiolus trimaculata. For other splendid va rietie?, see Bulb Catalogue. Gloxinia bicolor. blanda. Cartoni. caulescens. ■ Colvillii. gandaven-i?. maerophyila variegata pudibuimus. rubra, superba. tubidora. Haemanthup, various .'species Heliotropium grandiflorum. Hibiscus roea!3iaen.-,iH, d'ble red double buff and others, 50 cts. to Hoya carnosa. . Hydrangea J;iponica, beautiful Illicium fioridanum. . parvitlofuni. . IponicEaLearii. . Jar.minum azoricuni, fol. var. pubigerum. other c pecies, 50 cts to Kennedia monophylia. rubicunda Lagerstracmia Barclayana. Lily, new Japan varieties, see Bulb Catalogue. Lisianthus russelianus. Lobelia ignea. . Lophospermum grandiflorum. ATanettia bicolor. Alarica bicolor, yellow with black spots, splendid. Melaleuca, numerous species, 50 cts. to ... Melastoma malabathrica. . Metrosideros, numerous spe- cies, 50 cts. to Mimosa marginata. . Musa, several species, ^1 to Myrtus tomentosa. Belgian. Double flowering. Italian upright. Silver striped. Orange leaved. Roman. . Bird nest. Three leaved, or Jew's, various others. Nematanthes longipes. Nepenthes distillatoria. Nenum album pleno. angustifolium striatum, atropurpureum speciosum candididissimum. . ^0 50 1 50 1 50 60 1 5() 50 50 1 1 1 i 37 60 50 75 60 Xerium cudi)ialis. pleno. coccinea. elegans. . grandiflorum. . pleno. Jeanne d'Arc. . purpureo coccinenm pleno rich:irdianum. spicadens. variegatum. pleno. Niphea oblonga. Olea fragrans, 50 cts. to Oxalis Bowei. Passifiora alato — cerulea» . ceruleo — racemosa — pallida, fragrans. . incarnata alba. . Pcnstemon gentianoides, coc- cinea. ..... Murrayanum. Pittosporum tobira, fol. vur, undulutum. revoluium. Plumbago capensis. . Polygala cordifoha. . Pomegranate, Chinese doublt variegated. . . Desfontaines. Balaustia major plenc Primelea spectabilc. . Protea argentea. Primrose, Chinese double whi Richardia Ethiopica. Rondeletia specioea. Russelia juncea. Sedum Edwartii, and other species, 37 cts. to . Siphocamijylos lantanaefolius. Solandra grandifl'^ra. Sparaxis grandiflora. Stt'phonanthus floribundus. Sirelitzia regina^. ovata. . Swieteiiia Mahagoni. Tacsonia moUissima. pinnatistipula. Tecoma oapensis. Jasmiuoides rosea. TheaBchea. viridis. Thunbergia Chrysopa. elata. alba. aurantiaca. Veronica speciosa. Viburnum tinus, 37 cts. to Violet, Perpetual Tree ORANGES, LEMONS, CITRONS AND LIMES. iSeaides the large Trees in bearing at ^3 to ^8, we can supply small Tree« ^viftod the present season, at $1 50 to $2 each.