Ifc "susT** UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS LIBRARY SPECIAL COLLECTIONS S 683 Ak22 t-;'-" MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE souRCE.-CoJleae. I^u_ti.c1.c>.. (930.(o2l r ) s ^ !"< TO ALLEN'S DIGEST OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, PATENTED IN THE UNITED STATES (Feom 1789 TO July 1881.) BEGINNING WITH JULY 1881 TO AND INCLUDING JUNE 1884. v-3 COMPILED AND ARRANGED BY JAMES T. ALLEN, ASSISTANT EXAMINER WASHINGTON, D. C. (^ 3> b ■ Co IS] INDEX. Phtes, Claims. CULTIVATORS, 1229 1501 Disks, 1257 1509 " Parallel, 1275 1517 Rotary. 12,S7 1521 Straddle Row, 1303 1529 Teeth, 1305 1525 Pht6i Chims. CULTIVATORS, Wheelor Sulky, 1317 1531 Couplings, 1375 1549 PLOWS, WheelokSulky,1377 1551 Elevating and Depressing Springs, 1441 1571 riiite Claim Pliilc Claim Ailams, .7. Q. Adams, .). Q. Allen;.!. II. Allen, .S. L. Allen, F. M. Allen, .7. n. Allismi, A. H. (R.) Alvoril, •'. .Vpplegale, G. Arclier, I). Aslier, D. V,. Austin, ,1. Austin, .7. Austin, .1. Avery, G. 0. Avery, R. II. AUinson, J. W, anJ Phelps, 15 Ilaclielder, .7. . I!iur.l, T. H. . Baker, 0. A. . Baker, J. C. . Haker, J. C. . Baker, J. C. . BaMwin, U. SliumarJ, I. T. an liiill, A. Barg7i; 1500 1 M 7 1 z/ It 1404 1575 1244 1504 1 145 1571 1147 1572 INDEX. Plate Claim Hayes, E. K. Heck, J. C lleiulerson, \V. (\ IliiUt, L. 1'. . Jlieu. I', Jinil Grimi Iliu'gins, U. S. mil, C. II, and Wy. Hill, F. A. Hill, J. L. Ililsabeok. F. L. Hinds, C. W. . Hinds, ('. W. Ilin.iin, A. C. Hciliedit/., .1. C. Hoke, J. I. . llcike, .1. I. . Hnke, .1. 1. . H.ike, J. I. . HiM)tier, J. H. 1 1 owe, Z, and Oall Hudson. .1. W. Hudson, .1. W. Hudson, .1. W. Iluelin, ('. Huffer, I. Hum, F. B. . Hunt, F. B. . Hunt, G. W. . Hunt, F. B. . Hurri, .1. B. . Ilussey, J. J. Imler, .). Ives, H. .lacotot, 1'. P. Jay, J. C, I. and CI Jefferson, T. E. Jefferson, T. E. Jefferson, T. E. Jensen, J. L. Jewell, T. B. Jewett, T. B. Jewelt, T. B. Johnson, F. H. Johnston, C. Jones, J. W. Jones, J. II. Jordan, J. C!. .loy, E. W. (H.) Kay. J. A. Keith, H. M. Kellogg, (". A. Kenner, C. Kester, J. Kimmel W. King, J. F. . Kise, S. D. B. Kite, M. Kite, JI. Kneberg, C. E. Kneedler, J. A. Knight. B. A. Knowlton, \V. A. Knowlton, \V, A. Knowlton, W. A. Knowlton. W. A. Knowlton, \V. A. Koenig. J, Kremser, W. H. Kyle, I. N. Ladd, J, B. La Dow, C. Lamm, J, N. La..e, J. Lane, J. Lane, J. Lane, J. Lane, J. Lane, J. Lanoizelet, B. Laeghnin, J- L. ndn' s, B 1451 1572 i:i07 1525 1425 1504 r.vii 15:)3 I-J81 1518 l-llM 15(14 Li 70 1.540 1421 1-.04 1454 1573 1282 l.il8 l:«4 1 530 I?.85 1530 i:W5 1553 1445 1571 1 .-i!!:! 15.5.i L'.'.h; 1550 142(; 1505 1477 1579 l:!5l) 1540 Lilt) 152ii 1 .S22 1532 145'.i 1574 14i;!i 1577 128:j 1519 1288 1521 1388 1553 18!)2 1555 1423 1564 I4?,3 1 567 12'. 12 1522 1355 1542 12G- 1512 13(i(l 1543 141!» 1503 1352 1541 1257 1509 12511 1510 1399 1550 1230 1502 1278 1517 1283 1519 1284 1.519 1243 l.'>04 1293 1522 1311 1527 1325 1.533 Vim 1502 1277 1517 1295 1522 1258 1509 1427 1500 1242 1504 1343 1538 1418 1503 130f! 1525 1345 1539 1384 1553 1411 1500 13K9 1554 1430 1500 1337 1530 1320 1533 132f) 1533 1339 1537 137(i 1549 1472 1578 1383 1552 1410 1502 1287 1521 1371 1547 1270 1513 1302 1544 1205 1512 1295 1523 1313 1527 1340 1539 1410 1502 1487 1583 1240 1505 1311 1527 Plate Claim Lewis, T, A. and Call, (1. W, Lillic, 1!. B. Lilly, ('. W, and Norman, .J, Lincoln, 1'. . Lindgren, A. Lindgren, A. Lissenden, G. Litton, E. L. and Brown, .1. Livingston, A, \V. Lodge. I. . , , Long. J. M, and McBetli, C. Long, .L M. . . Long, J. M. Luce, W.. II. Luce, T. I. . . Lnppen. L. Luppcn, L. Luppen, L. Luppen, L. Luppen, L. Luppen, L. Luse, 1). N, and Bell, J. W. Luse, U. N. . . Lynch. E. P. . . Lynch, E. P. Lynch, E. P. Lynch, E. P. Lynch. E. P. Lynch, E. P. . . Lynch, E. P. Lvnch, E. P. . . McBride, J. H. Mcf'ana, M. W. McCann, >1. W. McCray, B. F. McGhee, W. T. McGinnis, R. C. McKinnon, J. D. McNary. W. McSherry, D. E, and Myers, A. G Manly, F. B. ... Manly, F. B. Manley, F. B. Marberry, A. J. Markley, W. and Ingraham, E Martin, 0. Martin, W. Martin, G. Mason, S. 0. Matheny, D. R. Me.ad. E. D. Meador, C. W. Meigs, M. C. Meikle. T. Meikle, T. Mercer, W. H. Mercer, W. H. Messersmith, A. Miles, E. M. Miles, 0. E. Miller, H. L, . . Miller, II. Mills, R. Millspaugh, R. L. . Mitchell, J. E. Mize, J. J. Monaghan, P. Moore, H. L. Moore, G. Moore, G. Moore, G. Moore. P. Moore, H. Moore, G. . . Morpher, E. A. and Witherow, Morris, R. C. Morter, J. Motley. J. J. Moulton, F. M. Muninia, .1. 1275 1517 1290 1523 1301 1544 1420 1505 1309 1540 1389 1554 1412 1501 1241 1503 1247 1505 1394 1555 1315 1528 1328 1578 1474 1534 r340 1537 1420 1563 1275 1577 1335 1536 1345 1539 1403 1558 1473 1578 1479 1580 1314 1528 1310 1528 1331 1579 1331 1579 1332 1579 1330 1530 1475 1534 1475 1534 1470 1535 1480 1580 1423 1564 1285 1520 1354 1541 1420 1563 1209 1513 1229 1501 1299 1524 1434 1567 1490 1584 1305 1525 1300 1525 1405 1575 1285 1520 1302 , 1544 1327 1533 1413 1561 1473 1578 1247 1505 1235 1502 1497 1590 1254 1507 1233 1502 1284 1519 1303 1529 1260 1512 1200 1512 1332 1535 1289 1521 1289 1521 1256 1507 1385 1653 1382 1552 1425 1564 1311 1527 1237 1503 1442 1571 1253 1507 1328 1554 1370 1534 1390 1547 1418 1563 1444 1571 145C 1573 1483 1581 1471 1577 1308 1526 1237 1503 1207 1512 1441 1571 INDEX. Murray, E. L. Neff, J. B. Neff, J. B. Neff, J. B. Nelson, J. W. Nicewood, J. Nichols, R. K. Niece, R. K. Nishwitz, F. Nishwitz, F. Nixon, J. Norris, A. N. Norton, A. C. Nutting, J. H. Nutting, T. B. 0' Haver, E. F. Ord, \V. Overshiner, (i. J. Orvis, T. K. Orvis, T. K. Osborn. A. P. Packard, W. B. Palm, T. A. Palmer, H. S. Parlin, W. H. Parlin, W. H. Parrish, H. Pate, Mc. D., Mason, S. 0. and Dail W. H. Pates, W. S. Patterson, W. B. Patterson, J. D. Patton, C. W. Payne, J. M. Peak, E. Pennock, W. H. Petersen, P. Phillips, J. M. Piatt, J. J. and E. R Piatt, J. J. and E. R Pinckney, C. M. Pirrung, G. Pittman, M. S. E. Platten, J. Sr. Plice, T. V. Pollock, J. R. Pool, H. L. P. Post, C. W. Post, C. W. Post, C. W. Post, C. W. Post, C. W. Post, C. W. Powell, E. Powell, E. Pratt, H. C. Prior, J. T. Puckct, T. A. Pursly, G. A. Radford, R. A. Rainwater, (". A., J. H. and A Randall, S. G. Rankin, J. I), and Knox, W. C Rea, H. Reed, C. V. Reed, C. T. Reeves, W. F. and H. C. Hcmington, C. H. Reynolds, E. D. and 0. B Rice, F. Apple, A. and M Richardson, G. and Enderson, G Richardson, T. L. Rickey, J. Riddle, W. N. Riknrd, H. C. Ring. J. Risley, C. M. Bitch, M. Mc. K. Roalh, 0. H. RiiberlRon, H. A. riale 1342 1357 1371 1495 1394 139n 1359 1229 1262 1262 1396 1243 1304 1312 1427 1432 1250 1451 1279 1279 1395 1404 1324 1428 1279 1282 1256 1233 1285 1313 1407 1445 1452 1409 1244 138C 1330 1360 1495 1309 1290 1318 1250 1325 1389 1240 1284 1328 1351 1410 1474 1489 1405 1430 1360 1249 1327 1450 1440 1248 1492 1300 1252 1360 1405 1250 1382 1379 1287 1245 1408 1415 1452 1248 1245 1232 1242 1239 1329 Cloim 1538 1542 1547 1586 1555 1555 1543 1501 1511 1511 1556 1504 1544 1527 1565 1567 1500 1572 1517 1518 1555 1558 1533 1500 1518 1518 1507 1502 1520 1527 1559 1571 1573 1560 1504 1553 1534 1542 1586 1546 1521 1531 1500 1.533 1556 1505 1519 1534 1540 1 560 1 578 1583 1558 1 506 1543 1506 1533 1572 1569 1505 1584 1524 1507 1543 1558 1506 1552 1551 1521 1505 1559 1501 1573 1505 1505 1501 1504 1503 1 534 Plate. Claim Robinson, M. Roberts, A. A. Bockafellow, J. W Rooney, P. Rose, H. M. Rowell, J. S. (R) Rowell, J. S. Rowell, J. S. Rowell, J. S. Runk, J. L. Runstetler, .'\. and M. Runstetler, A, and M. Ryer, W. II. Sackett, C. E. Sackett, C. E. Sackett, 0. E. St. John, G. B. St. John, G. B. St. John, G. B. St. John, G. B. St. John, G. B. St. John, G. B. St. John, G. B. Sanborn, A. Santrock, H. Sa'er, H. H. Sater, H. H. Sater, H. li. . Sater, H. H. . Schmidt, P. J. Schoenshtedt, C. L. Schoonover, A. Jr. Schweer, C. Scott, W. Sylee. S. K. . Shatter, A. ShatTstall, N. . Shannon, E. and A. Sharp, D. P. . Sharp, D. P. . Shaver, 0. Shaver, G. Sebring, J. C Shaetler, F. . Sherman, J. Sherman, J. Slierman, J. G. Slierwood, A. T. Sherwooii, II. B. Sickler, J, and E. E Simmons, C. Mc. C Simons, A. U. Sinnhold, P. . Sinnhold, P. Skank, G. F. . Skil1ing.s, H. . SkiMing.'i, H. . Smiley, 11. S. . Smilh, II. L. Smith, I. A. . Smith, (!. W. . Smith, B. Smilh, T. M. . Smilli, J, and Stein Smith, J. II. . Smith, F. F. and LockwO(td, J Smith, F. F. ami Lockwood, J. Smith, A. Smith, J. D. . Smilli, J. M. and Thomas, II. W. C Smith, F. F. . Snyder, S. P., Slough, S, and Ul T. D. Snyder, S. P., Slough, S, and Ul T. U. SpangUr, D. F. Spanglei". .1. W. Spanglor, J. \V. Spencer. T. Slacy, (1, W, . W, W. rick rick 1 395 1550 1251 1500 1331 1534 1341 1538 1261 1510 1308 1520 1308 1526 1314 1528 1815 1528 1420 1563 1494 1585 1490 1586 1400 1574 12li2 1511 1297 1523 1297 1 523 1 258 1509 12(;5 1512 1209 1513 1270 1513 1390 1554 1427 1505 1435 1 507 1403 ■ 1558 1400 1574 1349 1540 1370 1580 1375 1549 1498 1546 1440 1572 1373 1547 1367 1545 1435 1 568 1335 1536 1428 1566 1430 1568 1387 1553 1479 1580 1377 1551 U09 1560 1317 1531 1406 1570 1470 1577 1246 1505 1256 1507 1372 1547 1410 1560 1450 1572 1403 1575 1439 1568 1237 1503 145V 1572 1317 1531 1409 1560 1 343 1538 1203 1511 1294 1522 1340 1538 1245 1505 1254 1507 1297 1523 1299 1524 13113 1529 1307 1525 1309 1526 1404 1558 1412 1560 1443 1571 1444 1571 1453 1573 1461 1574 1301 1543 1498 1586 1301 1524 1449 1572 1449 1572 1241 1503 1249 1505 INDEX. Plate Claim Stafford, M. J. Stahl, 11. C. . Stahl, H. C. . Stebbins, L. . Steven.s, C. M. (R.) Stewart, U. T. Stockton, P. K. Stoddard, E. F. Stoddard, E. F, and Nan Stoneman, O. A. Stroud, W. D. Sursa, .1. W. and Dowda Swallow, .1. E. Swickard, N. Taber, «. A. Taylor, G. W. and S Taylor, J. C. . Taylor, J. Tenant, H. P. Terrell, H. D. Thomas, J. W, and Ludlo Thomp.on, W. C. Thompson, H. V. Thompson, K. A. Timnis, II. N. Topham, E. Tower, A C. and J. D. Trowbridge, N. Trowbridge, N. Trump, .). G. Tschop, A. Turchin, .1. B. Turner, K. L. Turner, J. Unthank, D. . Unthank, U. . Utter, M. L. . Van IJrunt, W. A. Van Brunt, D. C. Van Brunt, D. C. Van Brunt, D. C. Van Sickle, G. W. Vtnable, W. E. w, A w. n .1. T Plate Claim 1439 1568 Verliaren, F. T. 1308 1525 Walker, E. L. 1810 1526 Wanee, C. H. 1293 1522 \Vard, J . and Washburn 1305 1525 Ward, .1. 1232 1501 Warmolh, M. M. 1414 1.561 Warner, .1. P. 1271 1514 Webber, A. P. 1483 1.581 Webber, A. P. 1397 1556 Weir, W. 8. . 1309 1526 Weir, .J. B. 1303 1529 Weliver, G. 1377 1551 Wells, P. F. . Hoa 1-559 West, W. H. 1235 1502 Weusthoff, W. 1254 1507 Weymouth, J. 1318 1531 Wiard, G. 1462 1576 Wiard, H, and Bullock 1475 1578 Wilcox, H. 1253 1506 Wilde, W. H. 1477 1579 Wilde, W. H. 1304 1529 Williams, P. W. . 1315 1528 Williams. J. 1432 1567 Williams, F. 0. 1312 1527 Williams, F. 0. 1403 1558 Williams, N. H. 1366 1545 Williams, S. 1366 1545 Williams, F. 0. 1370 1546 Wilson. J. R. 1356 1.542 Wise, D. 1323 1532 Witt, W. H. . 1301 1524 Wood, M. G, and Pratt, 1309 1526 Woolridge, .J. 1378 1551 Worthington, J. K. 1350 1540 Worthinglun, J. K. 1489 1583 Wright, E. A. 1348 1540 Wright, E. A. 1307 1525 Wright, E. A. 1307 1525 Wright, E. A. 1313 1.527 Yeiser, E. 1314 1528 Young, W. B. 1276 1517 Young, W. B. 1253 1507 Young, W. B. W. R W. C. 1283 1519 12.32 1501 1404 1558 1380 1.5.52 1393 1555 1361 1544 1375 1549 1331 1535 1476 1579 1-277 1517 1344 1538 1414 1561 1324 1533 1303 1529 1451 1572 1236 1502 1417 1562 1425 1565 1248 1505 1387 1553 1472 1578 1248 1505 1275 1517 1321 1532 1323 1532 1358 1543 1458 1574 1471 1577 1231 1501 13 6 1542 1409 1560 1392 1554 1368 1546 1386 1553 1471 1577 1333 1535 1457 1573 1465 1575 1478 1579 1377 1551 1375 1554 1391 1.549 1473 1578 CULTIVATORS 122'i (Is HodtU t IbieU— Shod 1. B. K. RIECE. O^LTITITOB. No. 243 961. PAtented July 6, ISB]. t ariMU— BbMt e (la Ba**!.] H K. NIECE. CDLTIVATOB. No. 243.961. Patented July 5. 1881. ^«te' E. BABBOWS. OnLTIYlToa. Fttented Jol; 19,1881. WITNESSES E. C. MdOINNIS. PLOW. Pfttentod July 19,1881. R^^- < tBDted Not, 16.1881. ir/r^nMitj iJfmjfTvit <:^'^c^. S. P, CAPEHA&T ^ W. H. STEWART. OITLTITJITOR. No. 260,782. FstmtBd Deo. 13, 18 ^^'Z^'€<./™^: j~as^~~^ HELlPTYPe FRlNTINil ;,3 BaSTON CULTIVATORS 1233 '"'"•'•" M,C, MEias. ODLTIVATOa. Ro. 260,631. fELtented Doo. I3.1GB\. A. CREECH. OULTrYATOB, Patented Duo. 27,1881. ^ WrtN ESSES ^-y?{ ATTDRMEYS W. H OlARC IMPLEMEST FOE ODTTUia WEEflfl AND BEAS8. Ho. 261,766. Pitontoii Jm, 3, 1882. ^M fJ.~* IHO llDd.l.J HoD. FATi:. a. HiSON h W. u. UAIL. OULTIViTOE. No. 262.603 Patented Jan. 17. 1882. HEl.OTVPF PKINTIIK CO BOSTON. 12;M CULTIVATORS M. T HANCOCK fULTIVATOK. Patented Jan. 31, IB j^.J. WIltfKSSKS tMTBJfTOR j^^-fiL~--''-^r<^ F. E, COOPEE «■ J. LEMHON. PLOW. Ko. 263.347. Patented Feb 7, 18 ^ InvtnUits y B COOPEE & J, LEMHON. PLOW. No. 10,411. ReiBfla«d Nov. 27, Sxi^ £ /^jLlSSiC^'a - •Hnaro* '^S 6 c/r.ii~^.^- «vw-«-T»"~*^'»"-' W. J. DAVIDSON. CULTIVATOR. Patented Mar. 14,1 7^.3. HL-i-KnVPf? PRINTIN'i CO. JWSTOri CULTIVATORS 123.1 W, B. CDLLBM OOLT1V4T0B, Patented Mar. 21.1882. IHo Mod*) ) n. E. MATHEBT, OUTTUH FLOW. N»- 266.348 Pat«nt«d Apr. 11, 18; (tsNBdd.) S. A. BAISOK OOLTIVATOH No. 266,456 Patfeuled Apr. 18. 1882. wtrjfssssB INg llBdal.l B, A, TABEE ODLTIVATOa. No. 269.943 Patontod Jane 20. 1882. ^IM^^^ay, 1236 CULTIVATORS 110.260,678. J. 0. JOBDAN. aULTITiTOll. Fatentad July 4. 1882. J. L. JENSEN OOLTIVATOB. Patentsd July 4. 1662 (MoHolvl.l J. WETMOUTH. OULTIVJTOa. No. 260.720. Patented July 4, 1882. JTsy,^ ^^.^^e6<^4j ^. IKTEITOB I. B B£iBD. OHLTIVATOR. Patented Sept. 12. 16B2. ~:f7.^-S. HELIOTYPE PRlNHNn CO. B03TON. CULTIVATORS 1237 J. J. UIZE. ODLTITATOB. ?Atented Sept. 12, 1862 No. 284,361. 0. Hoc. SIUMONS. Plow. Fatentod Sept. 12, 18 No. 264,967 J. J. MOTLEY. OtIETITATOB. Patented Sept. 26. 1882. r/f.z. \ M~.J.JM^ tXTEjrtOi iPO ll(>d*l ) J. S, & Q, N, OETCEELL. HOE OULTlTlTOB. No. 266.608 Patented Oot. 10. 1882. HELIOTYPE FRINTI IK CO. BOSTON 1238 CULTIVATORS No. 265,668. HOE ODLTIVATOa, Patented Oot. 10, 18 (HoMod*!.) 0. L. i J. BRDNTON. PLOW. Ho- 266,749. P.tentoil Oot. 10. |lloHo4«l) W. J. DATIDSOH. FLOW. No. 266,763, Patented Oot 10, 1882. Jyl. \,e. ' 7^^yCSc' '""''*"■* J. H, ALLEN, ODLTIVAToa. Ko. 271. 5B6. Patented Feb, 6, 1683, HcLl-^IYPif FRINTINii CO. ^^?^ CULTIVATORS 1243 W H CAEKUTK HABBOW A(fD OOITIVATOB. No. 271.699. Patented Feb. 6, 1863. (Ho ModO) A N, NORRIS. COLTIVATOR. So. 272,080. Patonloil Fob. 13. 1883. '■■tyJI ,.iy.j. .«,„ -^k! ' "f f "■iy-e & n/^^tU- (Id Il04«t.) P. H. JOHNSON. CDLTIVATOE, No. 272,701. Patented Feb. 20, 1883. (Na UodcU W, CARVER. ODLTIVATOa AND BEAK nASVE3TER, No. 273,224. Patentsd Feb. 27, 18B3. JiitcSi: Inwentor HtLir.iYPH rKl-ifi:. 1244 CULTIVATORS P. M. ALLEN. OULTITITOS. Ro. 273,420. Patented Mar. 9, ! wmnwat (Va Hole] ) W. C. HAWKINS. PLOW. Ho. 273,987. PstenteJ Mar. 13, 1883. .K.\v...[ 1.^. .1- n4- HELIOTYPE PRlimn'i CO. BOSTON 1246 CULTIVATORS (Ro Model I 1 Bbaatl— Bbect 3 a. EICHAEDSON & 0. ENDERSOH OaDHARD OOLTIVATOR. No. 279.277. PaHnted Jnna 12, 1883. H. L. P POOL. OOMBIHBD aORAPEB, PLOW. i«D UDLTIVATOR. No. 279,428. Patented June 12, 1883. F. SHEAFFEE. 3TBiDDLE ROW OnLTIVATOR. No, 279.823, Patented June 1ft, 1883. 9 ■« Iflo lf«d«l.) B LANOIZELET. AQEIOULTDR&L IMFLEUENT. No. 279.968. Patented Jnne 26, 1883. 1-it: I'^f-^Tt- i-KlNTlN'J CO. bO.iTOI'T CULTIVATORS 124] No. 281,426. S. L. ALLEH. CULTIVilOB, Patented Joly 17. 1883. ^ViT/^e^^f.-;;. MmmJitt\/A)cKu**tVt^ ) CULTITATOa. PtttenledJnly 17, 1683, % M^iu'^ 'wxOia,^ 8. 0, MiSON ODLTI7AT0E, Ho. 282,34!. Pstentedjuly 31. 1883. A W, LIVINGSTO^. OHLTIVATOE, No, 282,640 Patented Aug. 7, 1883. .Figr.J. 124S CULTIVATORS P W WILLIAMS ODLTIVATOB. PfttenUd Aag. 7. 18S3. iKvnrroE; No. 284,062. H, C. EISARD, OtFLTIVATOR. PaieQted Ang. 26, 1883. -Jatt^»m^m 0. A., i. E.. t A. P. EAISWiTEE. OULTIVATOE. No. 286.073. Patented Sept. 18. 1863. E. WILCOX. 0BLT1VAT08. Patented Sept. 18. 1983. ii lJ«K»ifc..,."^Hiifi ^ifiL^?^ MtrLIOTYPE PRlNTINt? CO, BOSTON. CULTIVATORS 1249 0. W. STACY, oOLTrVAToa. Futented Sept. 18. 1883. if ^ "^ (Jit* ^ sfzac^ J B. DAY 4 T, J, QREGORT. ODLTlViTOB, Patented Sept. 26, 1883. WITJi'SaSES '^y 0. a. AVEEY. DOUBLE SHOVEL PLOW. Patented 8«pt. 25, 1883. iriltieaae-3- ^^^-^xf-SLi-vi. "•"""" J.T. PEIOE. PLOW AHD OBLTIVITOI OOMBIHED. No. 286,485 Patented Oot. HELirtTYPE PKINTIN^,i B. W. BRANCH. CDLTIVATOR. Patented Apr. 1. 1384. I8VENT0R. y AnOBHBTB, HEL">1TY.='E PRINTIIK CO, BlISTOW. CULTIVATORS 1255 T. J. CRATT OULTIViTOE. Patented Apr. 16. 1 ^4. LN^^NTOB. ATTOBNIHa T. J. CRAFT, ODLTIVATOH, PateDtAd Apr. lb. 1 D. AECHEE. CnLTIVAl'OB. Patenled Apr. 29, 1884. JnJeulor : """"'"" T. H. BAIRD. OOTTOH AHD OORS OniTIVATOS. Ho. 298.334. Patented May 13. 1884. HELiHTrPe PRINTIMO-CO. 55oTr>'T 125h" CULTIVATORS (Is Midtl.l B. PASSISB. ODLTIVITOR PLOW. Ho. 999,160. Fatenttd Ma; 27. 1884. j-*y.3. JriMieni-atr*: • — 1 atHy H, I. MILLER. 8CKAPER CULTIVATOB. Patented Ma; 27. ji,..^.y...tf,M., (ao Haiti ) I abgtu-afiatt i. J SEEBMAN CDLTITtTOB ABD COTTOH OBOPPEB. Ko. 300,660. Patented Jam 17, 1884. *^ '^ Jtvarajf.- J SHERMAN. OULTIVAToa AND OOTTOil CHOPPER. No. 300,650. Patented June 17, 1884. T^If.jnTYPB I'KINTlNii CO BOSTON DISKS. I2jr IMolil I I Shaft*— Sbit*-8b«*t«— SlIMl i H. M. KEITH. aECD DRILL AND FBETILI^EB. No, 268,928. Patented Jane 6, J^i^.-3. I^Efe JiyK \ INVRMTOK. (HoHod*! .1 Bnacta— Sb«gi 3 H, M. KEITH SEED DRILL AND PEBTILIZER Ko. 268.928. Patented June 6. 18 (10 Hsdal ) t Sh«ta— Sbftal I T, E, JEFFEKSON GOUfilKED FLOtV, HAEROW. SEEDER, hn lo. 260,482. Patented Jul; 4. 18 COUBISED PLOn, BARROW, SEEDER, to. No. 260.482. PateatedJol; 4, 1882. HE-r.TYH? i K:;,'!ST CO. BOSTrtN. 12«0 DISKS. (Ho Hsl ^ SbiBli— Shtet ? T. 2, JEFFERSON. OOUBIRED PLOW, BABaOff, SEEDEH, Ac. No. 260.482. .^ Patented July 4, 1882. J/if-'e/z^pi- T, E. JEFFEESON. COMBINED PLOn. HARBon, SEF.DEB, 4o. No. 260.482. Patent6(yiil;r 4, 1882. GOUBIHED FLOff, BABSOW, BEEDEK. &o. No. 260,162. ?stenM Jul; 4. 1S82. ■ J-c^6 (He IC«d«l.| 9 Sbaiti— 8be«t a T. E, JEFFEKSON. OOMBIKED FLOff. HABROW, BEESEB. &c. No. 290.482. _ Puteoted July 4, 1882, 'Ay 8 ■^-^^- fe^jvee. J/ti/cTztirr-: DISKS. 1261 IVa Hud 9 3h(gti-8hoc T. E, JEFFERSON OOUBIHED Ft.OW, BIBROW. 3>JI:DER, ir.. No. 260,482. Patented Ju); 4. i882. -^-^•C^' (Ho Hodal ) « 3na (Ho Modal.) ? Slie'>t^— Sttoe T. M, BARNA. OOTTON PLANTER. No. 270.369. Patented Jan. 9, 1883. - ^■' ATTOENE T, M. BAENA COTTON FLANTEB, ! Sbestl— SbKL 1 Patented Jan, 9. 1883. WirHESSCS: cym^Mjf ftS/sfl^a- \ , ''^MTOkBEi H. SEILLINQS. SPADE WBEEL PLOR. No. 271.142. _ Patanted Jan. 23. 1883. E. SEILLINOS. 8PABE WHEEL PEOW, Patented Juu. 23, 1883. orSit*-.'— " \ eta- !» — Sn I WIIH' JHII '^\ VfiTNESSES Inventor f^E^PTYPE f- HINTING CO. eoSTON. 1264 DISKS. BABEOW. No. 274.367. Pitanted Mar. 20. 1 'y- ..i^. I BBofU— SbKt 1 J. OiMEEOK- HABBOW. Pattntsd Kar. 20. 1883. J^. J. v^m ^■jtl^m^ 4 SbaiU— SbBst I A. BEAIFORD. OOHSrHED IQBJODLTOBAL UAOEIBe. No. 277.982. I^ie- J?.'""'"' ^^1 ^^' ^''^ INVENTOR- ALLEN BBAOFO'^D. AT TVS. do VaA*!.) 4 3tesU— 8b*«t i A. B£AD?OED. OOHBIBBD ASBlODLTnOKL UAOBIHE. Mo. 277,982. Pateated May 22, 1883. F>ib.S. WITNESSES: K .) 1? inventor; " ALLEN 6RA0F0RD. ATTVB. HELIOTYPE PRINTrNG 00 BOSroff DISKS. 1265 OOHBINBD AOBIOULTUBAL UAOBIKE. So. 277,082. Jiumsi Hay 22, 1883. 1^. JPi fa. 5. It' inventor: ALLEN BRAOFORD, 4TTYS. Mo. 277,982. vi.il. ao. 4MBiti~abHtc A. BEADFOBD. OOUBINEO aOBlODLTVBAL UiOBlKE. FatM'.od Uu. 22, 1883. ^r^'ii' ^./'^-M. H ^ > if4VENT0fi: ^ALLEN BRADfQRO, ATTYS. 8 B- ST JOHN LANDBIDE TOR PLOWS Patented May 29, 1883. J. LANE. BOTABT PLOW. ) Shsftt— aa««t 1 Patented June 5. 1883. ~22aSi HELIOTYPE FRlNIlNli CO. bOST'ON, 1266 DISKS. (■• ■««■]) J. LANE aOTABT PLOW, No. 278.711. Patented June 5, 1B83 J. LANE. BOTAET PLOW. Patented June 5, 1883. """"•'■' W. H. MEBCER, COTTON CHOPPER No. 279,966. Patented June 26. 1883. -^^^\^eritai—. — W. B. HERCEK. OOTTON SOBAPEB. Patented Jnly 10. 1883. — iViir-ia^^ofs.— -JS^'L^ar-iiarz — ^ HELIOiyPE PR1NT1N5 CO BOSKIN DISKS. 1267 a Mtttl) 7III*«II— 8b«'EHTn«i -9- j<«t BOAD MAKIHO UA0B1NL. So. 281.715. P«t»nted Jaly 21. 1883. J IMLEE. COMBINED ROTARY DIBS BABBOW AND SEED SOWER. No. 282,626. PatBDled Ang. 7. 1683. 'S^mk 3fIv/q*TTR, 1:^8 DISKS. • tbt*U— Seaet I S. 8. QABDKEH. fiOTA2T ?LOW. Patented Oct. 2. 1883. S. S GARDNER. * '"'" '""' ' ROTASy PLOW, Patented Oot. 2. 1863. No. 265,806. S. S, GARDNER. iOTiat PLOW, Pstentod Oct 2. 1(183. i S. QARDN5E. «""'<-».«» B0T4Eir PtOW. FstoDted Oot 2, 1863. /' r :f^i-gM '""eft ^tnt/eri-Ccir • j^Uyt^jf!/iu HELIorypE PRINTINC CO B0STOW-, DISKS. 1269 8. B. ST JOHN, BOLLlHfl LAHDSIDI COLTEB. "« 287.338 Paljutod Oot, 23. 1863. Av/,..,., W T, MoGHEE, STTiCBHEKT FOB COBB PLANTBB3. No. 280.447. f alontod Dm. 18. 1863. I Sh««U— nVK I J ADETiN BOTlBt PLOW, Pateoted Jan 1, U J, AUSTIN HOTARV PLOW, Pnenled Jan. I. 1884. 1270 DISKS. J. AUSTIN B0TAE7 PLOW. Patented Jan 1. 18 w;,i: L A, BEINOIEE. OULTIVATOB. PstBitid Fib. 12, 1SS4. 1i ^—^ J a. a.. B. ST, JOHN PLOW. Fstented H&r. 4. 1684. ^./ '/% C, LA COW, WHEEL OOLTIVATOR OR HIHHOW No, 297,624, Patontod Apr. 22, 1884. Clm'^f r.7 J>*»' MELl.jTYPt hRINTINli CO BaSTDN DISKS, 1271 C. LA DOW, WHEEr r^LTIVilOB OR HARROW. No 297,524 , patented Apr. 22, ^•^■^ — •> ^y^ ^ Sliieti— BhcBl 3 C. LA DOW WHEEL CULTIVATOR OB HARROW. No. 297.524. Patonted Apr. 22, 1884. ^^J/. %«S^ CM:.^em 2.1 J3f^- "J^X., — -H^wH ?i^u;. I Ha Hsdal F. BKAMEE. DISK HARROW. No. 297,666. Patented Apr. 29, 1884. WITNESStS fr^tih Ara ""/sZZivipi^^i^, (ModaL) * Sbefii— Satet I E. F STODDARD. WHEEL HARROW. Ho. 298.911. Patented Maj 20. 1884. ^^-« HtLintrPE P.ilNTINd CC3 BOSTON 1272 DISKS. E, F. STOIBAKD. WUEBL BARROn. PaUntsd M«7 20, ^Z^J_. IK' E, r. STODBiBD. WREEi. HARROW. Ko. 298. 9U. , Patentiid M«J 20. 1 Attest jA^-tKSflJ- (MoicLI « StiBDt(..St.«et ^ E, r. aTODDARD. WHEEL HARROW. No. ?.9S,911. Fatgited Uaj 20. 1884. 0. 0. OKOWLET. DISK HARROW. Patented Hay 20. rteilOTYPE PRiNTlNO CO bOSTON DISKS. 1273 Q Q. OBOWLEY DISK HAS&OW. F&teot/idJaDe 17. 1684. IttVENIOII i 8ii««U— SBeec % 0. G. CEOWLET. DISK BARBOW. PUvDtedJnse 17, 1684, /^iAeA«l^3:u..a;c ■=--/ J, B, CHEI3TIAN BDLET ODLTIVATOR. PatDDtfld Jane 27, 1882. vefC jtf^. itt'iO--':-' HHimi.NO CO B03T0N. 1276 PARALLEL (Ho ]fod*l.] T. A. LEWI8 & 0. W, CALL. OtFI-TIVATOE. 9o. 261.736. Patnnted July 25. 1 882. A^tU.^a'^je^ Q. W. VAN SICKLE. TORB0ELESS ODLTITATOB. Ho. 271.164. Pat.»nt*>d Jan. 23. 1683. F,^ , Tnventtw. Ko. 273,071. 2 aiia.ti— Sb.at 1 J. 0. HART. CDLTI71T0E. Fstsnted feb.27. 1683. J. 0. EAEI. 0DLTI74T0E. Pateitod Feb. 37, 1883. >=^^a- yy IH7EHT0R. IffiLlOTYPE PRINriNO CO B05T0N. PARALLEL 127T W. S. WEIK, CULTIVATOR. Patented Uar. 13. do H«da1 -Bb«ft s. W. S. WEIR. oniTiVAToa. Wo. 274.070. Patented Mar. 13. 1883. E. W. JOT, AMgaor. br mcnir ualfruuuiiA U> Phttis rui" Conptiri CDLTIVATOB. No. 10,297. Keissned Mar. 20. .JA ^TTT e/i-^ S^.IZ^ M.d.1.) . Bbl.t.— IbMt I B, C. BEADLEY. T0NGDBLE8B OULTIViTOS. 0. 274,656. Fittnttd Hir. 27, 1883. HELIOTYPE PRINTINC CO BOSTON 1278 PARALLEL. B, C. BEADLEY. TOHdUELEGB ODLTITiTOB. No. 274.656. Patented M&r. 27. 1683. jsr^V» « ss^s ■ J5r^»t»»«*j*tr.' -^^ vfj^ t,t>jr (I« loleL} 4 9b««U'Sb*.t 3 B. C. BKADLET TONGQELEaS OVLTITATOB. Mo. 274,666. Piljntad M«r. 27. 1883. 1^ h a_ , 1883 .>|j^X -I^i "^ d 1. 1 (Vi4 UKJ^HTITM.^ '•M^ fWSCtOZjA. T, B. JEWETT. OULTIVATOR. Patented Mar. 27, 1883. HELIOTVPE PRINTING CO boston; PARALLEL. ma 2 siiaelB— abaat 1. P. K. ORVIS. ODLTIVATOfl. Patented Apr. 17,1883. (NoModiU) t Sb«oU— SDasl 3 P. K. OEVIS. ODLTITATOB. No 275.846, Patentjd Apr. 17, 1883. -^'j- Z P. K. OEVIS CULTIVATOB, No. 276,847. Patented Apr. 17, 1883. < ^ I-* ■1=4. -.yj y'^.-i 4. Nn Uodel.) W. H. PAELIN COLTIVATOH, No. 278,272. Patented Apr. 24, 1883, ;;L1.1TY.^- i-.HlNTlM; CO. BOSTON. 1280 PARALLEL. s Sbcel*— Sheet 2, W. H, PARLIN. ODLTIVATOR. Patented Apr. 24, 1883. ' ff. H PARLIN, COLTIVATOE, No. 276,272. ^Patented Apr. 24. 1883. W, E. BnTLEE, WHEEL OnLTIVATOB. Patented Us; 1, 1883. «^i. 2 (■elBll V sti««U-Bbael I J. B CHBISTUS. ODITIVATOB. No 284.380. Patented Sept. 4, 1883. HELIOTYPE PRINTING 00 BOSTON PARALLEL. 12S1 ^ Bhaati— aba J, B. CHKISTIiN. CDLTIVATOE. No 284.380. PiUnted Sept. (. 1883. '^^^ Hd Nodal I t Bhf P^ OLi/jA*. ■3 Sbeett— atictl 3. W, H. PARLIN. CD:,TIViTOE. Patented Jan. 16, 18 ht-;_10TYPT_- FRIMTIHG CO. &33TO'r PARALLEL 1283 J, B. CHEISTIAN & W, D. HANSON. TONODDLEBS OCLTTVATOB, No. 292.283. Patented Jao. 22, 1864. T B. JEWETT. TOHODELEaS WHEEL DDLTIVATOE. Ko. 293,030. Patented Fjb. 5, 1884. JkD?roN 1288 ROTARY. E, E, BOSTWICK. 0DLTIV4T0B. Patented Apr, 18, 18 I, HDFfjili-, eoil. PULTEBIZBB. Fttocted Apr. U, 1362. (Ki) ll(id»I.) ! Sbsels— Bh««t 1 S, 0. BADCDM. aOLIY PLOW AND OOTTOB BOBAPEa. No. 267,914. PBljuled May 16. 1882. [Vo Modai 2 Sbaeti-Bbttt 1 3. 0. BAUODM. 8ULET PLOW AHD OOTTOB SOBAPEB. No, 267.914. PatoLled May 16. 1882. 'Y.tl i-KlNTINu C..\ bOSTON ROTARY. 1289 0. E. MILES. PLOW. Pateuled Jane 20, 1682. -«»•-'. irj rjTF.fSKs 7y S^^i±.^^f^'^ il I i aboAti— Sbcat I E. U. MILES. COUBIHED REVOLTING PLOW OB BPADEB AHD BOLLEB. No^60,596. PalBDted Jnly 4. 1882. W1TNIS8IS: fM«4*l.t 3 8as*t«— GBsa E, M. HILE3. OOKBIHCD BGVOLTinO PLOW 0& 3PADEK AKD ROLLEE. Nn. 280.596. Patanted July 4. 1882. IHVENl'OR: ATTORHETB. (Iled«l.) J Bb««ii— Sbcct 3 £. M. MILES. OOUBINES RETOLTIHS PLOW OB HFADEB AUD BOLLEB. No. 260,696. Patented Jnly 4. 1882. 3 ':r- HELIOTVPE PRINTING CO BOSTON. 1290 ROTARY. 1V« Madel.l J. FEIEEABEUD PLOWINO *ND TILLING APPARATUS. No. 260 673 Palentad July 4, 1882 IT-*' ^„ -«, '. AnoaNET G. PIEEUNQ. ROTiBT PLOW. Patented July II, IHC Nod 1 abseti— Sba Madel.) 4 Stistli— SbBsl i W. E, CHOSSBY h A. CAREY UA081NC FOB DIOOINO LANS. No. 262,377. Patented Aug. 8. 1882. r,0.S. Mg.^. Jk^.6 c±=ri^ttfc,'« ■^-fji..,,.^^^^ UAOHINE FOR SIOOIHO I.&Nl). No. 262,377. Patented Aug. 8, 1882 w *<--<'— ,(fc= /ii.=*. f^^^^~ MAGHIRE FOB DlOdlSO LAHD. Ko. 262,377. Piteulsd Aug. 8. 1882, ''•'^-^.^J^ HELIOTYPE PRINTINC CO BOSTON 129a ROTARY. HiOSIHE FOR DIDOiDO LAHD. No. 362,377. Patented Ang. 8. 1882. o^f^^f^^ ^„ *^~~j^=*^J^^^ ^^*^^^-^^--(^Uy A. J. COCHHAN. SOIL P0LVEai2BB, No. 285,917. Patented Oot. 10, 1882, Fig.l. ♦ ^ • • ±^ ♦ ♦ ^ . '^^1 « ^ ♦ E. a. aODDARD. A0JD8T&BI.C BOTABT B0LET PLOW. No. 266,889. Pateated Oot, 31, 18Q2. J. B. HUED. REVOLVING PLOW. PatsDted Oct. 31, 1862. ^t^-a HELIOTYPE PRlN'nNG CO. BOSTON ROTARY. 1293 (HoH«4«ll 3 8bs>li-Sb«rL L, STEBBrNS. OULTlVATrNO UAOBIHE. Ho. 309,338. PatB&te^ Deo. 10. 1882. ^ "mwnWr kWa.ti— ShVtt - L. STEBBINS, OaLTIT&TlHO MACB1S8. , Patented Deo. IS, 1882. ^ <7t£^ -^jfe^. OULTIVATIIG UAOaiNE. Ho. 289,339. Pateated Deo. 19, 1882. KOTABT FLOV ABD PITLVEBIZEB. No. 2«fi,7g2. Patented Deo. 26, 1882. HELiOTiffe pR!^^■iNG co bOsicH 1294 ROTARY. iNn Hodsl.) .' Bbooli— Shsal 2 C JOHNSTON. ROTARY now AND PCLVEBIZEB, No, 269,792. Pstanted Deo. 26. 1882. e. sKauNQs. 3FADE WHBEL PLOff Patented Jaa.23, 883. Ho. 271,142. H SKILLIN03, SPADE WHEEL PLOW PstflQted Jan. 23, 1883 FIG.7. CIM]r3QE^D Wtnesses Inve.ntor G. i. BETAHOOnEI. R0T48I PLOW. No. 272,831. Fstented Fgl. 20, 1883. ^ . ir... ^ ^^^Bk^.^i^i^ — jp-.,, ^ — HELlorrPE PRINTINO CO BaSTON ROTARY. 1295 (BoHdddi >b(«l*— tbtat 1 J. A. KAY. ODLTIVATIHfl UiOHlHE. Ho. 273.101, Patented Feb. 27, 1883. J. A. KAY OOLTIVlTIHO MAOHIHE. No. 273.101. Patented Feb. 87, 18£|3. ZVt,tneaa99 4^^-^- ) SbBXi— ab*at S J. A. KAY. OOLnTAnHO MAOHIHE. Fateoted Feb. 27, 1883. UofZ-ifM 3 Sb«at(— Sbeet I (ITl llBdKl ) J, LANE, BOTAay PLOW. '*"■ 278.711. Patented June 5. 1883. HELlOTYFt PRINTINO CO BOSTON i29e ROTARY, (HsMgdal) J. L/LNE, '•"••-"•" = SOTABT PLOW, No. 27U11. Patenled June 6, 1833 ^^^ t^ E. B LILLIE SOIL FOLVERIZBH. No. 276,803. PateaUd Juno 6. 1883. ^•IV^'/^ Rf(y (Da Model.) J.LANE. ^*^--«'""t HOTABT PLOW No. 278,711. Patenled June 5, 1883 '-a^ SOIL PULVEEIZEB. Patented Juae 6. 1883, if-j^ M£_:^TYPE ?RlNTlN'i CO- BOSTON. ROTARY. 1297 lllv llad«l i 8b»rit— Sbact 1 C. E. SACKETT. OOUBINED FLOW AND F1FLTEBIZGR. No. 279.818, Patented June 19, 1883. J*y.J. -Kty.*. S^ » Model aBmeii— 8b«Bt t C. E, SACKETT, COMBINED PLOW AND FOLVERIZCB. No. 279.818, Patented June 19. 1883. IAVXJ.TOS J^JI^Ab^LC^ iS^ Ar*M,-.^-^t(S.J^ C. E. SACKETT. TILLING MAOBJHE. Patented June 19. 1683. C, W, SMITH SOIL PDLVEBIZINO MAOHINE. No. 281.140, Patented July 10. 1683 ^^^^^m"* HELIOTYPE PRINTING CO BOSTON 129S ROTARY. 4 afiitu— BBatt I ! S, QAEDNER, aOTiBY PLOW. Patented Oct. 2. 18B3. iVc Modvl 4 Sbtttl—iittl !- 8. S. GARDNEE, BOTA&T PLon. No 2(36,809 Patented Oct 2. 1B83. i. 3. GARDNER EOTARY PLOW. Patented Oct. 2, 18B3. ^^a» t^errioJT •ef^^v A r j/^Mwti,,, - 4 Sbcetl'Sbia S S, GARDNER botabt plow. Patented Oct. 2. 1983. •5- -*.^ /' J" ^'^ frJ HcLlOTYPE PRlN[INu :;o. BOSTON. ROTARY. 1299 E sh««ii— ab<4i 1 B SMITH. &OTABT BABBOn AND CLOD BBEAKEK 9 FatDDted Oct. 30, 1883. ^«-«i-»<, Xnifentor. (N«ll Siiaad— shaat 3 Patented Jan. 1, 1884. iia H«iii.) J. D. RANKIN & W, C. KNOX. SOIL PULVEBIZEB. No. 293.080. Patented Feb. 6, 1884. HFLiOTYPE PRINTING CO. BOSTON ROTARY. 1301 D. F. SPANGLEB. BFADINO HAOHINE. Patented Feb. 6, 1884 1 ShaBU^Sbast I J, B. TUBOHIN- HOBSE apADIHO HAOHIHE. Patented Jane 17, 1864. I 8h«Bti— Sheet 7 J. B IDECHIN. Bf>?8E BPiDlKO U40EIHE. No. 300.413, Patented Juno 17. 1884. Xig..i. rig. S. <-q/^ ?»^^ MbUOTYPE PRINTINO CO BO-'^TON STRADDLE ROW, 1303 (Mndf! ) T. M. SMITH, OOHBINGO SOB&PER AHS BAHROW. No 2(lb,97B. . PitmtedSept. 5, 18 d^^c^tii^ 4J,^ """"" W. H. WEST. ODLTIVATOB. So. 266,238. Patented Oct. 17. 1862 c^lijujC^Ki».^-< "°""" J. W. SOKSA * J. T. DO»DlLr„ OOTTOB OULTIVATOB. Ho. 266.731 Pitented Oct. 31, 18B2. r-if.it. rjg.a. J.i~^J>&UiU. f \Va Mndcl.) r MEIKLE. fOMBIBED t'lOff AND ODLTIVATOB. No. 299,871. Patented Jan. 2. 1683 MEl-l'-iTYPE hKlNTlNC CO. BOSTON 1304 STRADDLE ROW. (Bo Ttclal 3 Sho« W. C THOMPSON. OOTTOH aORAPER iND OHLTIVATOR. No. 290,814 Fstented Leo. 25. 1883. M'Jjyesses. (Ho Model I ■ SbeeU-Bhenl B W, G. THOMPSON. CflTTOH BCHAPES AHD CHLTIViTOB. No. 290,814 Patented Deo. 26, 1883. Fig-5. ^F--'- (Modal.) S. H. rODNTAIN. OOTTOK aOBAFES AND OULTIVATOS. No. 294.804. Patented Mar. 4, IJ84. J'i^.I. HfTEHTOB! BY .,W*»*W (^^ ATIUKBUIIL HELIOTYPE PRINTING CO BOSTOPJ TEETH. 1303 J. H. FALLI8. Shovel Plow. No. 243,231. Petenlod June 21, 1881. •J. *f.y ( eT^f ) TVtW C. H 3TEVEHS. UEANa FOR ATTAOEINO OHLTIVATOB TEETH. No. 9,786. ReiBoaedjQly 5, 188 VX^^ ':^.,3,J'!i:r->i%...'-!y,A .!;..''"''''''l1 : Dbs«li— auiiat ! 0. M. STEVENS. UBAH8 FOE ATTAOHIBO OOLTIVATOR TKETH, No. d,788. KeiBaued Jaly 6, 1681. y^ti^.if. 4 y^^/t«o jco iT ■ 't£^ Q/I^UtAi. (SuHodat.) r. B. MANLY, PLOW STANDABD. No. 346,169. Patented Aug. 23, 1881. WITH ESSES SS iTTORNSYS HKLiOTYPE PRlMTIRfJ CC- BOSTON. 1306 TEETH. (Ho Uodvl.) F. B, MANLY. ATTACBMENT FOE. CDLTIVATOB BLADES. No. 246,170. Patented Aug. 23. 18 ^etp-^ h (Z^U^^r*^ -r^rA T, GRISSINGES CULTIVATOB. Patented Oct. 4.18 j\ I?. v~\\~ • sl!^*v , J F KING. COLTIVATCB SHOVEL Patented Sent. 27.1881. Fiy 1 ia=-j^fgTiy WTTNIS8E8; (tif ]lad«l) W. L. BOOIET- ODLTUATOB, No. 2i».m. Pstented Ro". 22, IBBl. '•y- -P'lx-.Z Zftoff/tJ^/ ^^„iui^^ HELIOTYH: PRINTING CO BOfRiN TEETH. I30T 0. C, HECK, COLTIVATOR SHOVEL, No, 250.630 Palentoil D«o, 6, 1881, ryy. WTTWESta: HELIOTYPE PRINTING CO BOSTON TEETH. 1311 E. CHILDEDN. OULTIVATOE 8B0VEL. Patented Feb. 6. 1883. -r:-^- -r*r-' iiCi ^Gl£*»^». J. E. MITCEELl.. SHOVEL FOR 0DLTIVAT0B8. No. 272.301. Patonted Feb. 13. 1883. Ho. 273.660. J. W. JOKES. ODLTIVATOK OBOTEL. Patented Mar. 6, 1883. -^V"^ ^^ ve. (flo Mod»l 1 J. I, LAnaiLis ODLIlVAToa, Ho. 274.128. , Patented Mar. 20, 1883. A^ m Ou "^ '■iir^^;try-/Sin<.':^- :-:.-;liotic=e frintis.; cd. &:st" UVi TEETH. 1- &I11.I119— Slicrl J B. NDTTING CDLTIViToa. Patented Apr. 3. 1883. ^. it ^«uuu. COLTIVATOR. No. 274.662. Patealed Apr, 3, 1883, iriTJfBsaKs ij iMtji ton ' (L,,,™^ (HoNadtl.) A, B, CLARE. ePBlHO HQE roB ODLTIVATOBa. No. 276.U6. Patented Apr. 3, 1883. ■>'.'/ / H. N, TIHHS ODLTIViTOE SHOVEL, No 275,548 HEUOTYPE PRINTING CO BOSTON TEETH. i3ia 1. LANE. CORN COLTIVtTDB BLADE OB EBOVt^L. Ko. 277,907. Pulunled May 22, 1883. Witnesses - tuft ll«<»l.) D, C. VAN BBDNT, ODLTIVATOB. No. 280.263, PatenUd June 26. 1883. f^ J a ' 1 \ \ '^y ^ ■^ c ^^ <^ J ifi L* . V - ' ^ i^'CLSw, W B P4TTERS0N, 0DLTIV4T0E. No. 281.126. FutoDted July 10. 1883. l^fVEMTOB. ^ ATroatirf W J DAVIDSON COLTIViTOB. Patented Ang 7, 1883. 1314 TEETH. L. D. QAVITT, OULTIVATOB BLADE. Patented Aug. 7, D. C. VAN BRUNT CDLTlVATOfi BEAM Patented Aug 28, 1883. 'S ^ rJ-ar^L^. D N LnSE & J W. BELL, CHI-TIVATOR, No 284.666 Patented Sept, 4, 1883 J?y^.l J^x (lio4«l ) 0, D, ROWELL, 9E£D BAR TOOTB. No 287.171, Patented Oct, 23, 1883. JJ<0^a>~«^-£ ffCLjft "9 HELIOTVre PRINTING CO BOSTON TEETH. 1315 Q, D, ROWELL. REVERSIBLE CDLTIVATOB TOOTB, No 287.172 , PatflDled Oot. 23. 1883. B, V. THOMPSON CDITIVATOH, Patented Nov. 13. 1883, W F, DICKISON. ODLTIVATOS SBOVEL. No. 292.796. Patooted Feb. 5, 1884. m U— Sbral " C. B. DODOLAS. COLTIViTOB. Palenteil Dot, 4,1681. 4 ^ .^yf/^4-^ G W BROWH CULTIVATOR Pateuled Nov, 1.18 G W.BROWN, '"""""- "' CULTIVATOB. No, 246.991 Patented Nov, 1.1861. ^i^ + ) suet. "So.. No. 248.692. G W BROWN 0PLTI7AT0B, Patented Not. 1. 1861 :-:;'^:iTY.PE fHiNTiii'; cj. 5,i;. i:i->0 WHEEL OR SULKY G W BROWN 0ULTIV4T0R, 4 Slifct*-Blir't>~fhi>ft a G W BROWN & S G. HOLYOKE COLTIVATOK. Nu. 248,993. Patented Nov. 1, 1B81. G W BROWN 4 S. HOLYOKE CDLTIVATOR. No 248,993. Patented Nov. I 16S1. -ffty F, 0. WILLIAMS. WHEEL CTTLTIVATOB. No- 260.180. Patented Nov. 29,1681. -mTEHTOB! TYPE ?RINnN-"r CC, BJ^TON. li2Z WHEEL OR SULKY. J, W, HDD30N, ODLTITAIOB. , EVANS & J, DRAPER. CnLTIVATOB. Pateoted Deo. «, 1881. J, BRADY, flULTIVATOH. •t S,ii«I*- SUSP Patented Dec, 13,1881. (HoHad«I.J 3 8bB«tt-Sli««t 1. J BRADY rDLTtVATOH No 250.876, Patentetl Deo. 13,1881'. j'^ 2 j^ig 4. ^'*ir-^- » "^ -i 'ivutitcr- tVv* t»^o:*^* HELIOTYPE PRlimNC CO BOSTON. WHEEL OR SULKY. 1323 t sle«tt->Bb«» I A TSCHOP OPLTHATOR PatooWd Deo. 27.1881- J^^y 7<^o. *, A. TSCHOP. CDlTIViTOB. 9 8bt*tf— Ibatt : Patented Dee. 27, 1881. .^^■J ^Ig^y F 0. WILLIAMS. OULTIVITOB, No. 262,163. Patented Jan. 10.1882. WITVE88EI: 0. 0. BOOTH ODLTIViTOR. Patented Jan. 10.1882. ilEL..;.TY?c FKlwnHii CO. BOSrON 1321 WHEEL OR SULKY, P, F, WELLS. WHEtL ODLTIVATOK. No tS?.,194, Patented Jan. 24. 1882. J Bho»(..-lh(n T A. PALM. WHEEL OULTITATOR Patented J&n. 24. 1 2 8bf et>— ab< T, A. PALM, WHEEL 0ULTI74Toa Pateated Jan. 24,1883. F.g.r ^^^^ci^t-^ HELtOTYPE PRINTING CO BOSTON WHEEL OR SULKY. 1325 T Y. PLIOE. 8DLKT TIO^ Fiteited Feb. 14.1882. ^fV^J. iHo HodAl t a Sbttu— tDaet i J H, JOKES ODLTIVITOB. No. 253.B69 Patented Feb. 21. 1882. (Ho Modal.) 1 IhecU— Sti««t 3 J. H, JONES. CBLTIVilM. No. 253,869 Pateuled Feb, 21,1882, ■riE--;."Ty?E PRINTISO- CO. BOSTON-. 1326 WHEEL OR SULKY. IHd Hodcl.) W, A. KNOWLTON. CULTIVATOB. No. 264,566. Patented Mar, 7.18 rHa Hmltl.) 2 Bhaoti— Sh*6l I W, A. KNOWLTON. COLTIViTOa. No, 264.557 Patented Mar. 7.18 (HoHodsl ) % Bbeati— Bbost W. L. KNOWLTON. ODLTIVATOB. No. 264,667, Patented Mar. 7,1882 '" J,W, BDNCH OHLTITiTOR- No. 254.606 Patented Mar. 7.1882. ■^'^M yagtm^ft'' HEUOTVf= PRINTING CO BOSTOH WHEEL OR SULKY, 1327 G. MiBTIK. CDLTIVATOK. Patented Mar. 7, 1692. ^f>&d D Modol ) S MAETIN ^' »•".-".> CDLTIVATOR. 0, 264,776 Patentod Mar. 7,1882. (No Model. I T A PDEKBT. CULTIVATOR. Ko. 266,669 FstesMd Mar. 28, 1882 '^'^ r .»■'■'« ■■> ' DfrarroB; AirOHHIT'S. [Hallodtl ) L. P. HIATT. ODLTIVATOB, No. 256,063 Patented Apr. 4. 1882. e>l^tKf.e^ HELIOTYPE fRINTIHrr CO. BOSTON. 1328 WHEEL OR SULKY "•""•"> ISnetK-BDKl 1 J. M. LONG. OHLTIVATOE SPBIBG. No. ii6fl,012, Patented Apr. 4. 1882. ir/r.v£SS£s (Vo MoOl.) 3 BhSStt— Sbsct ! J. M. LONG. OULTITATO& SFBlNa. No. 260. Ui2. Patented Apr. 4. 1882. "••"•'■' a. MOOEE. OULTITATOB. No. 268.029 Patented Apr. 4,1882. . 35e.044 PatentB'i Apr, 4.1882. Uktn IKotaJ I t 8bi*ll— SftMt 1 H i, EOBEETSOB. OOLTIViTOR. No. 2ee,37i. Patented Apr. U.ise:. (>M«|.) I atixi— abait 3 I. A. BOBESTSON OULTlViTOR. No. 260.374 Petented Apr. 11.1882. No. 266.612. „ _ _ _ I Stfctt— 8b**t 1 E, H. AYEBT. ODLTIVATOR, Petented Apr 18,1682. J^ijf.-t. ufrufnit HELIOTYPE PRINriNi; &i BOoTOH, 1330 WHEEL OR SULKY, iHxjai I 2 9bBel«— Sliest 3 """■' K, H. AVEEY, OdLTIVATOB. Fo, 266,612, Pitmtrf Apr. IS, 1882. ■•^^^~^^ -^^/f^^fe/^-*^. J BbMt*— ahiat 1. J. M, PHILLIPS. 8DLEI PLOW. Pateoted A.pr. 26, 1662. 3 Jbcete— StiBBt 3 J, M, PHILLIPS. 8DLKY PLOW. FutaiiUd Apr. 26. 1882. \ aii*oii— Bbiat 3 J. M. PHILLIPS, SULKY PLOW. fitented Apr. 28. 1882. HELIOTYPE PRINTING CO BOSTON WHEEL OR SULKY. 1331 '""■"" J, W, EOOSiFELLOW. 80LKT CULTIVATOR, Ho. 267,074. Patented Apr. 26. iB82. (floHodDl.) E. p. LYKCH. CnLTIViTOR. He. 267,226. Patented Maj 2, 18 E, P. LYNCH COLTIffATOa. Patented May 2. 1882. Jnvc-n£or. 'JkLl^J^%(t^ ! 8ii«tla-Shet A, P. WEBBEE. OOLTIVATOK. . 257.267. Patented Mb-j 2, 1882. JFlg f.^^ mine 1332 WHEEL OR SULKY. IbBtli— Sbeet i i, P. WEBBER. OOillVATOB. FstenUd Ha; 2. 1682. rcfl J'ifi \J.f^ Jirt vender 1 SheeH-ShMl I E. P. LTNCH WBEEL ODLTIVATOB. Patented Hay 9. 1882. IhikmZor- y 9. 1882. 3y3 A-.^ &. _T7tveJttar. k MESSEB8MITE. ffEEITL ODLTlVATOa. Plttlted Hny 16. 1882. C^^^fL. HELinTYPh PRINTINS CO BOSTON, WHEEL OR SULKY, 1333 lI«llod(l ^ Sb««li— abast I T. 0. D0D8WOETH. COtTlVATOR. No. 268,724. I'dtgntod Ma; 30, 1382. WITNtSSeS: T, C roDSWORTH '■■"'-•"•" CfflTIVATOB. '■'24. Patenteil May30. 1882 : Sbceta— Sheet I E. A. WEIGHT, C.LTIVATOB, Patentbd June 13, 1682. fUs% (iB ■•«■!) 2 BDBSti — Bbe«t i E. 1. WEIGHT. 0ULTIV4T011 No, 269,628, Patenteii Jnne 13. 1882, -?%?•? -2*?< HELIOTYPE PRINTIKS CO, BOSTON. 1334 WHEEL OR SULKY, (Msjfl.) 3 lb*atf— Bb««t t D. BEBLEW k M. L. EISSELL. Pitented Jnlj 4. 1682 (Hadal.) 3 Sbflats— SbHt 3. D. BEELEW & M. L. II8SEIL. ODLTTVATOB. 110.260,447. Putentod July 4. 1882. (WoMji^ rLTtotr- (ML '"W L, COLTON tL H. A. SCHEEMESHOEN, OHLTIVATOa. No. 260.664. FitenUd Jnly 4, 1882 Wam-fVt^u.. IHVENT0B5. i&£^£^^^^ ^ Jjm ^ -^a^j^ y /^ ,.x«. -i* v^.6// (■9 Hgdsl.) C, W. HIKES OOLTIV4T0B. No, 261,002. Pat6nl-,d July 11, 1882, 2^ *rTO««EYS HELKnrPE FKiNTinci CO ■Bo:>roN, WHEEL OR SULKY. 1333 C. W. HINIS. ODLTIVAToB. Patented Jily U, 1882. ' -, »IIOBNUS L, LUPPEN. ODLTIVATOB Painted Aug. 1. 18 /" iii«a*i.i 3 Sb««l>— aha* W. 3C0TT CDLTIVATOR. No 262,467 Patented Aug. 8, 1882 WnVQSES: HVEHTOB: htLi'urPb FKiNriNii OO. bOoTON 1336. WHEEL OR SULKY. (I* Mittl.] 1 Sb«all— fhflt I D. L. BABNUM COHBIIIED WHEEI. CDUIViTOR AND QANO FLOV. No. 282,726 Patented Ang. 15, 1882 ptr -(^/^*A=;ra^ ?^nrn,jB. D. L. BAENCM OOMBIITED WHEEL OOLTIVATOS ASD OAHO PLOW- No. 262.726, Patented Aug. 16, 1882 J^^- 6 ^^TQ, ^-nvf^ . Bit ^ ^tloriwBB, E. P. LYNCH. CULTIVATOR. No. 263,187. Patented Aug. 22, 1882. TtvuenZor. ; Slis.l.-SIi'.i 1 No. 263.187. E. P. LTNCH. 0ULTI7ATOE Patenled Aug. 22, 1662 fiy.J ^. Tnue^Uor H^iii iturmui, f^.moft' HELrOTVPE PRINTING CO BOSTOTI WHEEL OR SULKY. 1337 t Shcpli— Sb««t 1 E. A, KNIOHT, anLTIVJTOR. Patented Oot. 10. 1882. BY c^Xm«— /T^ J A. KNIGHT. ' 0DLTIV4T0B. Patented Oct. 10. 1882 (RoHodel 9 8hg«l»— Sbtiit I J. Q. AD&HS. CHLTIVATOB. Ko. 266,068. Patented Oct. 17. 1882 J. Q. ADAMS. CDLTIVATOB. 1 ab««u-ih<«i J Patented Oot. 17, 1882. Ii;i: lOTYPE FKINTING CO- BOSTON 1338 WHEEL OR SULKY. W p. BROWK. WHEELED OOLTIVATOR. Patented Oot, 17, 1882. 2 Gh«Bti—3b««t 1 Patented Oct. 17. 1882. Jruuerr^U>r. (Re Hod i Bhacti— 8ba B C BRADLEY. OnLTlViTOR. No. 270,629. Patenlod Jan. 16, 1883. 3 Sbo«ti— Sbeet 2 B C. BEiDLET CCLTIVATOB. Patsnted Jan. 18,1883. , iiiii iiii I ^___ ii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnj ftt^- ,1M. C ftvwWL I. , Patented Jan. 16. 18B3. iai2 WHEEL OR SULKY E L. MURRAY COMBINED WaEEL CDLTIVATOR ASD PLOW No. 272.460. Patented Feb. 20, 1883. 1 W^tf(CLX*-p*Mn— . ' ■-- itietlB— Shset 'i E. L. MURRAY. COMBINED WHEEL COLTIVATOa iHD PLOW. No. 272.460. Patented Feb, 20, 1883. g5 (^ ..-^SD Nodil.) 2 Bb->b««l t C. W POST. ODLTIVATOR. No. 279,960. Patented June 26, 1883, ^■9-' -^•» -^^.(^i.:^^. J. B. EKNIS CULTIVATOR PuteDled Jjine 26. 1883. xr.u d^l,^ (Its Hsdal) J. BABMAN. ATTACHMEHT FOR PLOWS ASD O0LTIT4T0RB, l»o. 280,616. Patented Jnlj 3. 1883. ■Ill 1 1 1 1 1 mill a ^^ ..■u -*. V*«a; ATn)Rin:T8/^ ■1 YPE PRlNriN'i CO. bO.STOtr 1352 WHEEL OR SULKY, I >tie L.QEAY. BEAU FOB SHOVEL PLOWS, No. 283.390. Patented Aug. 21. 1883. L GKAT COITIVITOB Ptttented Aug. 28, i883. /ft.. Medi-I ) 4SI>t*U-Sbct1 t L GRiY CPLTIVATOR No. 283.775, Palealed Aug. 28, 1883. ■•TYPE PRINTIW; CO. liajTON 1354 WHEEL OR SULKY L, GRAY ODLTIVATOR Patented Aug. 26. 1663. J!f^%-in esses _:7'r?3 e'*3D t OJi 1 VUiLxOlyj- (No Hod*l ) ■4Sb BU-8h«»H L. GRAY. CULTIVATOR. No. 283.775. Patented Aug. 2S. 18B3. J'.rit'e^^ or : M W MoOANll CULTIVATOa. Pilented 4og. 28, 1883. WIT/fEHSKK IJfyjUfTOB J B. CHEISTIAW CULTIViTOK, Pacnted Sept. 4. 1383. HELiOTVPE PRINTINO CO BOSlON WHEEL OR SULKY. 1355 W. J. TLOWEES. OQLTIViTOR. No. 284,403. Fttentod Sept. 4. 1883. \,f^z^ — ■^'C J. J. HUSSET. SULK? PLOW, Patented Sept. 4. 1883. V ffi UJJ mYEHTOR: B. J HiLL li 1. £. MDSTAKI). CCLTIV4T0R, Ro. 284.734 PslontBii Sept. 11. 1883. pf-/r.*'.''.w« L. CHiPIN WHEEL CDLTIVATCJR Patented Oct. 2. 1883. /*« t/iior • \\\ 1-1 °F ^5.:^^-'^"; -■?. ».>.-ton 1356 WHEEL OR SULKY. J. J & E. R, PiATT PLOW. No 286.73^ Patentfld Oot. 16, 1883. 7fitit,eAs»a IRs Kotel I S Bhcii)--ai>ect Z. No 28e;983. PateDted Oct. 16. 1883. WimSSEB: , — ^ Mu44u,(fOy ! abceu— 'beet I J. 0, THOMP CDLTIVATOB, Patented Oct 23. 1883. HELIOTYFE PRINTIN T. L, OEIOSBT. OABO PLOW. FsteDted Oct. 30. 1883. (Moool ) Bo. 287.703. .r^ !. B. NEFF, ODLTlTlTOfi EFBIHO. Patented Oot. 30, 1883. J^^saa^ * 3bc«u— Bbirt 1. W P BEOWN. WBEEL CITLTIVAT&R. Patented Nov, S. IBbS. a/UfJlSrtii --if DTViamiS; ATTOBSETB. ticL-iOTYPE FRIN"; 1358 WHEEL OR SULKY, 4 3ll«eU-Bb«et S. W. p. BEOWN, WHEEL ODLTIVATOE. .Patented Not. 6, 1883. ^^^ IWDTCOB: No ^88.003 4 SBcrlii -SUrel S W, P. BROWN WHEEL CULTIVATOR pRt%r,l(id Not, 6, 1883. ■ — -^ — f- fflVEHTOR: W, P. BROWN, WHEEL ODLTIVATOB. Patented NoT..e, 1883. UTEHTOB: N. H. WILLIAMS. ODLTIVATOB. Patented Not, 13. 188o HELIOTVTE PRINTING 00 BOSTON WHEEL OR SULKY 13511 J. H. ALI^EN. OtfLTIViTOB. Patented Nov. 13, 1883. 'P^ ^ : Sh*«i-9h«ft 1 E. D. HALL. CULTIVATOR. Patented Nov 27. 1883. / i.L/ :j^?. > ATTOBHns E. D HALL COLTITATOB. Patented Nov. 27, 1883. niTBESaES; ^>' O. E, K NICHOLS CnLTlVATOa. Ko. 289,127. Patented Ho\. 27, 1883. r.; hl4 .tll^nv Md CO. B05T0N 13B0 WHEEL OR SULKY H, C. PRiTT. OniTIVATOE. No. 289,708. Patented Dec. 4. 1883. : iMtu—tivtt 1. H. IVES. OOLTITATOB. Psteulsd Deo. II, leeS. 'i BBonU— Bu«»t i H. IVES. CDITTVATOB. Patented Deo. U, 1363. jr o t ^Cf,./. C. D EEED, OnLTlVATOB. Patented Deo. 11. 1883. ^.■/ I'liot-'pf: printing CO. bcJston WHEEL OR SULKY. Util IRoNoddLj S. P. SNYDER. S. STODGH & T D. DLEICK. OOLTIVATOB. Vo. 290,366. , Patented Deo. 18. 1883. ^jy^ """•*"■' M. M. WARMOTH. OULTIVATOE, Ho. 290.376. Patented Deo. 18, IB83. Q. W LILLY Ji J. E. NOEMAS, ODLTIVATOB. Ro. 290.440. Patentsd Deo. 18, 1883. J^vl. J, T. COOK ODLTIVATOB. Pitented Deo. 18. 1883. Witnesses- I N VE NTQR HtLlOTY.'^E PKINHNG CO. BOSTON. 13b2 WHEEL OR SULKY, IHo Hod'l.) - Bn««ta— Sh«i>t I W. MAEKLEY & E. INORAHAM, ODLTIVATOH PLOW, No. 290,693. Patented Deo. 18. 1883. W MAEKLEY & E. INGEAHAM CDLTIVATOB PLOW. No. 290. 593, Patented Deo. 18, 1883. J N, L4MM. COLTIVATOR, FatoDtid Deo. 26, 1883. 4ioU. &,n^a=i E. B, BELLISOER. COLTlViTOB. j:„:/. Patented Deo, 26. HELIOTYPE FRINTINO CO BO.STON, WHEEL OR SULKY, 1363 N, COLEMAN CULTIVATOR No. 291.577. Patented Jan. 8, 1884. SS.i^jcu. fl^^^^U^^' ' W, FRDHUNO. Sr, OBAPE AND OaCHABD OHLTIVATOB, No. 292.297, Patented Jan. 22. 18 ir/i:VAJ.^,-/Tasj«- ;^^- AjL a. if.' ^.Vi -TftSK (Ko aMal.) R. TKOWBBIDOE. WHEEL OULTIVATOH. Ho, 296.082. P«teilt«d M«r 11. 18 HELioTYPE pr:itoui: CO Bosrc?' WHEEL OR SULKY. I3()( (lo MotiM 8 8b**Ci— Gbcol 1' A. SCHOONOYEB, Jr. ODLTIVATOB, Mo. 295,292. Palented Mar. 18, 1884. 7^ 2 8b*«ti— Shticl '1 k aCHOONOVEfi. Jr. OHLTIVATOB. PatentsiJ£ar. 18. 1684. 3 GIteeu— Sbcft B, C BEADLEY. OBLTITATOa, Patented Mar. 25. 16 s -^ (^\WA.\i ^ 'y o-dl-LM B C. BRIOLEY CULTIVATOR. Pstenled Bar. 25. 18 \ ^ \ A '^ tt= ^ "a ^ •i-^ i*t CSS cs ftJ J-rt V e. n to 3 i^Lvvm; Vj (^ Vu-dUU<.1 HeUOr-fPE TR-MTIKu C:-bo3T0N 1368 WHEEL OR SULKY. 1 9lic«U-)hi I Sli**»-3b*tt I J, WOOLEIDOE, CULTlViTOR. No. 295.607, Pa'.ented Mar, 25. 1884. J-m-e nicr- j^;,X^L HEUOTyPF PRINTINC CO BOSTON, WHEEL OR SULKY, 1369 INo Hod 3 Bb«eli— 8hia C. M. PINCKNEY, OOLTIViTOR. No, 296.616. ji Patontod Apr. 8, 1894. J^ JU^Ji^ (Ro UaitU 3 S!i>tl*— Sbod :' C M, PINCKNEY Cni.TIVATOR, No 296.ei5. Patented Apr. 8. 1884. WirXXSBMS A^* /a- /. /h. '6it««*^ vrur.vR .1 PneeU— Shvcl 3. 0. M, PIRCKNET 0DLTIV4TOB. No, 298,616, Palentod Apr. 8, 1684. , , TfTfKklOB (»< A LINDGREN. W9EEL CDLTlVflTOK. No. 296.760, PatenWd Apr. 15, 1894. r'<,tentedjDoo 17. 1664. .re^ 7. j^s ^ Rollaltn T J. BOWEN k J. F. BARNES, 0BLT1V4T0E. No. 300,688. Patented Jane 17. 1884, t INVEMOOS <:.6v VrOHNEYS OULTIViTOH, No. 301.011 PatentfldJuue 24. 1884. " ... . ^ (110 llfl«,|» a SJ]..u~Bh C. L. SCHOENSTEDT. 0DLTIV4TOB. No 301.011. P«UntsdJoL« 24, 18 he; "'-. rPE r-HlNTIK'? ' - B03T'^i COUPLINGS. 1375 W. B, TODNO OULTIVATOB. Patented Jan. 17.1882. F... I *tiA any , J. T. HAMILTON lODPLlNQ FOH OULTIVATUR BEAMS. No. 252.763. Patented Jan. 24. 1882. -^•y tnz] j^'s-'S jriinessei!: -T-nvenler J. P WAENEK. SWIVEL COUPLING. Patented Apr. 24, 1883. H H. SAIIR, onLTivAToa. Patented Ua; 1. 1883. 1376 COUPLINGS. (Nd MdiIvI W. A, KNOWLTON. OnLTlViTOB. No 2e/.i43 Patented Oot. 30, 1883. G W BROWN. CIILTIVATOB No- 298.823 P.tenttd May 20, WITMESSEH: > _ ^jit/Hl'l^'riil, H. BOISELI, Jr., & L, P, DOBRELL- OULTIViTOB. No. 300,663. Patentedjano 17, ] 2>ii-'entvf^£ ^/Z~ f^^if Fi.tOT-fPE PRlNTlNlj CO. Da^OII [ PLOWS.] WHEEL OR SULKY. 1377 I, E. SWALLOW. Adjustable Plow. Patented Aug, 9. 1870. E TEISEE SDLITT PLOW. ■J abeati— ajlaiil ; Patented Jul; 19, 1881. D. P. SHARP. SUMY PLOW Patented Jrly 26,1881. WlTNE55€5 = Inventor= : YPB ; K'.'iTiH'; r.o. iWTufr 137S WHEEL OR SULKY. [PLOWS.] '"""'■'"■' J, r, OiRNAOt. SDLKY OR WHEEL PLOW. No. 244,862. Patented Jaiy 28, 1881. '^^W: rrit„.^^.r '■- '»/-&< XSMM^ [IB Kol*!.) J. TTJENER. aULKT PLOW. No, 246.587. Patented A.ag WITN^IB; DTVEHTOE: ^TroPBinJIfi. (■odil.) 3 abaats-afteot I £. U. OARROLL. StUKT ATTAOBUENT FOB PLOWS i.lD SARBOWa, Ho. 246,080. Patented Aag. 23, 1881. OodflL) 2 Bheati— 8be«t t £. U. OAEROLL. 8QLET ATTAOHUEHT FOB FLOWS AHD HAEBOWS. Ho. 246,080. Patented Ang. 23, 1831. WITHESSES; HELIOTYPE PRINTIHCi CO BaSTON [PLOWS.] WHEEL OR SULKY. 13T9 (Id Hsl*!.] 2 SDantB-Sbeol i E. D. & 0. B. BEYNOLDS. WHEEt PLOW, No. 246,203. Patented Aug. 23,1881. ^^ -^ tye£/te-:y-3!C'T f -^c^.'^- T!"%^^- (^./C^ia**' (Ho Ui>d«l.i t sbm*— ihMi I E, D. k 0. B. EEYNOLDS, WHEEL PLOW. No. 246,203. Patented Aug. 23,1881. I. a. aiLBERT. SULKY PLOW. Patented Aug. 30,1881. j'-r'-^' W L. CASADAY SDLKY PLOW. Patented Sept. 6, 1881 " iTTORKET .Nlit..; CO. &J:3T0M. 1380 WHEEL OR SULKY, [ PLOWS. W. L. CASADAY. aOLKY PLOW. Patented Sept. 6.1881. V£|^0* y— ■ riiodBi.i 1 Stioeta— Sh*at 3 W. L, OASADAY. SULKY PLOW. No 246,698, Patented Sept. 6. IBBl. VV^SJ©cyla«!lan. W L OASADAY. SULKY PLOW. 4 Bhaste— 3h«Bt -t Patented Sept. 6,1881. J. WAED & R. WASHBURN 30LKY OAEBUGC FOB PLOWS. No. 247, 44e, Patented Sept. 20,1881. 'l^:l.IOTypE PRINTING CO BO.'^ror',' PLOWS.] WHEEL OR SULKY. 1381 I. L. OERNSET 8DLIY PLOW, Patented Sept. 27.1881. anin' E. B. DARIELS. SULKY PLOW. No. 249,020. Patented Hit. 1.1881. E M CARROLL, SU'.KY PLOW. ^at9Ti^<>i1 Tfiv 15.1891. fif 1. &ti4mjM^A^'^ tHo Mo««l.] G. T. DRAKE, WHEELED PLOW No 24^,509 Patented Nov, 15. 18 <\. f'v^ ! K!N( iN-i ..:, N.I,. i":iN 1382 WHEEL OR SULKY. [plows. 0. APPIEOATE. BOLKT PLOW. Patenled 1(07.23.1881. L. BEOWN. aOLE? ptow. Nc..a4S,80(l. FiitontedIIoT.32,1881. E. HILLS. OARO PLOW. No. 261.271. Putottod D«o, 20,1881. medal.) 'i 3bes[«— Obect I 0. H, EEMIKBTON. PLOW. No. 251,287. Pntonted Deo. 20,1881. 0(y/^/l^~~^ aE'-IOTyPE PRlNTINCi CO BaSTnW [PLOWS.] WHEEL OR SULKY 1383 iMsldj S Sll*«l(— Sti«*t t C. H, REMINGTON, PLOW. No. 251,287, Patented Deo, 20,1881. -^y -?. (Kg llod«l.j C. P, OODDiED. BOLLEB FLOW. No. 261,367. PatonUd Deo. 27,1B81. tnhtc^es: /nven/or. J. KOKIO. PLOW. Ko. 261,445. Patentod Dbo. 27,1881. W,IN£S3E9 T A CONLEE & J. H KENNETH, BULKT PLOW, No. 261.766. PateDted Jan 3.1862. ff'Jvtcs/ipa ht-IOfVPE rRiNliNj Co. K)6R'N. 1384 WHEEL OR SULKY, [PLOWS.] T. k CONLEE k J. H, KENNETH. BUtKT PLOW Patented Jan. 3,1882, (Ha Kodtl f ( Sbr^ti-aD«et 3 T A. CONLEE & J, H, KENNETH. PatBDted Jan. 3, 18 (VCr»^. (Ho Koiltl.l tSbB«U~3be- 1386 WHEEL OR SULKY. [PLOWS.] 3 Sb«lt*— IIiBtt 1 W. I. 0A3ADAT. JOtBTED PLOW TOBOCE. Fatsntsd Jan. 31, 1882. WITNESSES * iTTOMUY r. FETEBSEB. PLOW Fitonted Jan. 31. 1882. J^.i. JFlff ■"^ »TTORHEYS (Haiti.) ?abceU-Sb«at I J. K. WORTHINOTON, 8DLKT PLOW. No. 253.807. Patented Feb. 14, 1882. anLKT PLOW. No. 263,807. Patented Feb. U.1882. HfcVrOTYPE PRINTING CO B05T0W [PLOWS. WHEEL OR SULKY. 1387 N. SHiJ'FSTALL PLOW. Patentod Feb. 2S, 1S82. _ _ B eh«eLi— 8b«» e, N. SHAPFSTiLL. PLOW. Fattnted Feb. 28,188a. H, 3HAFF?TALL, FLOW. Pstenttd Fsb. 28.1882. ^r ..^ W H. WILDE, WHEEL PLOW. PalenteJ P«b. 88. 1 &>t.^^^cj(. /•- ;'/vj!'cr4;/fi. 13S8 WHEEL OR SULKY. [plows. F. B. HOWT. aniKT PLOW. Pateated Mar. 7. 18 F. B, HUNT SffLIT PLOW 1 abe«ts-stie«l 1 Patented Mar, 7.18 a^^— ijirygjirrok 4 tIJiflDtg— Stioat 3. wiTxgssss i^uimAM.'^ f8.^^U,u- tlfedll.l 4 3b>al*— SBaat 4. P. B. HUNT. SaLKT PLOW. No. 264,48i.\\ PaUnM M>r. 7,1883. 9WITffKSS',^ ^iji^^i: Ji,«^f,^^..a^t KELIOTyPE PRINTINO CO BOSTON. [PLOWS.] WHEEL OR SULKY 138ft C. E. KNEBERu 3DLIY PLOW, Patented Mar. 7.1882 (Ho Mfld«l ) „ _ A LIRDGEEN. SntHl PLOW. No. 254.568 Patented Mar. 7,18 F. CEEMES COMBINED PLOW AHD OOLTIVATOB. No. 264,620 Patented Mar, 7.1882. T-:iff.S. F. CBEHEB. OOMBINED PLOW AlTIl CDLTIVITOB. No, 254.620 Patented Mar. 7. 1882. FJff.JX. 1390 WHEEL OR SULKY. [PLOWS.] i SbsBte— Sbeal 1 0. B. ai, JOHN. PLOW TRUOS. Patented ^ai. 7, 1 S ebsqta— 8b««t t G. B. ST. JOHN. Flow TBCCK. FatentodUar. 7. 1882. -C^-f^ J^.S WlJKSbSES F. PEN3KE, PLOW. Patented Mar. 21,1882. tRoHodsLl E BbeeU— Bbaat I a. HOOBE. SOLKT PLOW. No. 265.391. Patented Mar. 21.1882. HbLIOTYTe PRINriNG CO BOSTON [PLOWS.] WHEEL OR SULKY. l^ill HoHodel) a t BbB.tl— Bb.et ; UOOBE. SULKY PLOW. No. 256.391 Fstent^ J W NELSON. WBECL PLOW. C 8be«U— Sbnet 1 (Ho Model. 2 Saotta— SbesL J. W. NELSON. WHEEL PLOW. No. 257.371. PatfliitedMay2,1882. iVltncaBea i.-u'crttar ^o^ — . I. LOBUE, BCLKT PLOW. Paleuted Hn; t, ISBH. IL-i.iuTYl't PRINTING CO BOSTON- [PLOWS.] WHEEL OR SULKY. 13*>5 J. HICEWOOD, 80LKT PLOW. Ko. 267.603. (Q Patinted M«j 9, 1882. 1!l ^ npRWfOB. i P 03B0EII 8CLKT FLOW. 1)0. 367.749. Patented Mo; 9, 1682. Sfi^i 2 Btasti'SLoet A. P. OSBOEN. 8DLKT PLOW. No. 257,749. Patented May 9. 1882 Sfyg.x ^1 •^""^T^^^. (Hodal.) M, EOBIWSON, OOUBIHEII SULKY PLOW AHD DBAS. No. 267,763. Patented May 9, 1882. FY". tAn.L**-t^ oG-— HF.-10TTPE PR:NTIN". Co. &5,5T0H 139(> WHEEL OR SULKY. [PLOWS. J. NIXON. SULST PLOW. ! 8b4et«— RboDi I Patented Uay 10, 1882. (Ko HdiIbP,) : ab«'-Bb««t % Patented May 16, 1882. HELIOTYPE PRINTING CO BO.^i\iN [plows. WHEEL OR SULKY. 1397 0. A. 8T0NEMAN. 8DLKy PLOW. No, 268,282 Patealod May 23. 188;. lHo Nalal.j 1 8h«eti— ahaai I W, L. CA3ADAY. 8DLEY PLOW. No. 268.987. Pateated Jouee. 1682 4 abxetg-Sbest 3 W. L. CASAUAT. EOLKT P'.,OW Patettod Jiyf, ? 1882 Ur*' So Cr«8hflfti-sac^ T. 2. JEPFEESON COUBINEE PLeff, BARaOW, SEEDER, 4c. 110,260,182, „ Patented Jnly 4, 1882. OOUBIHED FLOn BARKDW, SEEDEB, la. No. 260,482. Patented Jnlj 4, 1882, OOMBIHED FLOW, SABEOW, BEEDEfi, le. No. 260,482, Patented Jolj 4, 1882, _A 9r 6 -^. -^^r M,^<£j^.. HI'linTYPE PRINTIN-; CO. BOSTi'M [plows.] WHEEL OR SULKY. 14U1 QOUBIHED FLOW, HAHROW, SSEOEU, iia. No. 260,*8Z. Patented July 4. 1882. M>^;^^ OOMBINED PLOW, HARROW, SEEKER, 4s. No. 260,482. Paloutod Jal; 4 1382 OOUBIKEO FLOW, H&RROW, SEEDER, &c. No, 260.482, Petontod Jolj 4. 1882, (HoKodfl]) u abtnta-ano,.!. a T, E, JF.rPERSON, UOMBtNED PLOW, EASBOW, SEEDER, &b. No. 260,482, Patented Jaly 4, 1882. ii;' V ^ HEUorypE PRrwriNo co boston 1402 WHEEL OR SULKY. [PLOWS.] (llo4«l ) S Bbsets— Sbtat i W. L. CASADAT, 80Ln PLOW. No. 260.B34. Patented Jaly 4, 1882 iHolal.) 5 Sbe«t(— Sbeet z ff. L, CASADAT arLKi PLOW, No. 260.534. Patented July 4, 1882. S SBsota— 6li«et 3 W. L. CASADAT. eOLKY PLOW, Pateutgd Jaly 4. 1662. (H«d«l) S SDe.U— Sbeat 1. W, I. OASABAT SFLKT PLOW. Ho. 260.534. Patented Jnlj 4, 1882. Ur-ie, M [PLOWS] WHEEL OR SULKY. 1413 (Bo llodil.) a. H. GAR8T, SHLKT PLOW. Ho. 273,608. ,i, Patented Mm. 6. 1883. ov-T IHVKBTOB: ATltlBBZTIL lau nodal.) W.MAETIN. ■■"•■-"••" BDLKT PLOW. Ko. 273,098. Patented Uar. 6,1683. do Hold W, MAETIN. ""••■-=«"■' 8IILIT PLOW. Ho. 273,698. Patonted Mar. 6. 1883. ■2h.Ven.tsr .- C. B. DOUGLAS. "»''"'-•"" i. 8DLI7 PLOW FaUQted Mar. 13.1683. Jir>«We*P^. Z*rfZAi^^ i^e^^.f^ HUlCTYPE PKiNHNG CO.BOSluf*. 1414 WHEEL OR SULKY, [ PLOWS ] C. B. DOOBLAS. ' «>">-3b..i s. BULKI PLOW. Patented Mar. 13, 1883 (Ma Hodel.) U. WEUTES. 3ULKY PLOW ATTAOHMBHT. »o. 276,441;., ^ Patented Apr. 10. 1 „ WflXMSES, BULKY PLOW. Patented Apr. 17, 1883. (Ho Mqfl ; SbseU— Sbeet 3 t. t. STOCKTON. 80LST FLOW. No. 276.858. Pitenled Apr. 17, 1683. "T"? ■!■ D. E, DODUE, WDELL FLOW. Palenlud May 29,1883. BEidal ) i SDFcti— SBoet I G. WUE». BOLET FLOW. No. 278,643. Patented May 29, 1883. Jfi^ J. 1418. WHEEL OR SULKY. PLOWS.] (Ho Mettli 3 3ti«Bti-BEis<'t I. G. WIAED. 3DLKT now, No. 276,643. Patocte'J May 29. 1883. (Ho Hodsl.} J, BACHELDER. AaRIODLTOBAL MAOEINS. No. 273,675. Patented June 5, 1883. .zm 3^ JT- & wittft--**" (No Model.) P. MOORE. OANO AND 30LET PLOW. No. 278,725. Pateated Jane 5. 1883. ^^S ■ No. 279,768, J'V^.'^. W. KIMMEL. QAHQ FLOW. Patented Jane 19.1883. wmnsBEs HPl.in-iYPfc FRINUNC CO. BOSTON [PLOWS.] WHEEL OR SULKY. 1419 (MoHntFl.i t Sh*»ll— 8ll«*t I E, B. DANIELS & E, A. DE WITT. PLOW SOLKY. Nu. 280.015. Patented Jane 26, 1883. klf^EB5ES IfJ^EiJjaT^s. IBuUotcl. I t Bhtltl— Sbl«t V E. B. DANIELS h E. A, DE WITT. PLOW fltTLBY. No. 260.016. Fatmted Joiw 26. 1883. Fiai Fici klJfJESSES - -*-t&TuN', 1180 WHEEL OR SULKY. [PLOWS.] B, F .MoCRAY. SltLKY PLOW. Patented Jnly 31. 1883. -^Ma^^?^^,^ t illl^'^V*' '' IKVQITOB: J. L, RnUK. BDLKY PLOW. Patented Aug. 7, («' S sn««iB— SBet T. I. LUDWIG. PLOW, No. 283,999. Fateated Aug. 14. 1883. ^^.fc.;^ ,^. ♦. :Fiy.6. -F^ 6 :Fxff. : INVCNTOR ^frs O- JL^ ,;, V, _ ilcLi^'iTvpF! rp;Hi;i« ■'.c ivirroN, [ PLOWS j WHEEL OR SULKY. 1421 (Hs Haiti I 3 Bb»*U— Sti«*t t. T. I. LUDWIQ, PLOW. No. 262,996 Patented Aug. U, 1683. ^5^/^.6=^ ■ ■b<*W— Bb**t 1 C, A. HAODE. SDLKT PLOff. Patented Aug. 14, 1883. 1 (HaOUIiji . 0, A HAODE. ■"•..—....» BDIKT PLOW. Patented Aug. 14, 1883. jr^g^g F, 1. BILL. PLOW AND ODLTIVATOR FRAME. No. 283,394. Palentod Aug. 21. 1883. HELiOT'j'?E PB1NT1N5 CO BC5T0N 1422 WHEEL OR SULKY, [PLOWS.] 1 Stieeti— SBCct I Ho. 283,586. a 0, N, FELTS, OIHO PLOW. Pateated Aug. 21, 1663 c ■^uii'iKllKlLlM □ - 'T-. ^ a n P- ^ , ^ y- J , ^ in. ^.z yf \ sflj '^ ., . "fcrH^.^^ □ vl|t — '■^ _^'- "% 1 .^r '^ JC -tf .„ .^ I^ a ^ L£. n ■ -^ c- Ji^m-. (iiiiii.d E8b«*U— Sbf< 0. N, PELTS. OAFO PLOW, No. 283.686. PatenHd Aug. 21, 1883 I^Q.J- C/l,.g2i^ fCL™-^. ifrrxjfTOB A. FISHERBUCK StTLKY PLOW, Patented Aug. 28, 16B3. A. FISHERBUCK SHLICy PLOW, No, 283,87V. Patented Aug. 28, 1883. t-T6 a-'ir'-'-^i.- . ^_ He iO'iYPE iRINHNG CO. BOSTON [PLOWS. WHEEL OR SULKY, i42a J H McBRIDE ElDlNn ATTilOHUENT FOS PLOWS, No. 284.036 Patented Aug. 28. 1883. ~\'Vl\rvi.e?.36s', _ t SbB*U— >b«at I J. R, ERTI^. SDIIT PLOW- Patented Sept. 18. 1883. (Se HBdiI.) £ JliMtt— 8hggt 2 J. R. EEVIR, 8Tir,SY PLOW, No. 285.023. Patented Sept. 18, 1B83. 0. S.C^ikZi.'^J^;^*^ 8. W. EDNT. WHEEL PLOW. No. 286.412. Patented Sept. 26. 1863. ritLlOIYPE PRINTlN'j CO, BOSTON. 1424 WHEEL OR SULKY. [PLOWS.] rMMd.) : 9bi«t*— akMi I. R S. HIOOINS. SOLET PLOW. fo. 186,749. Patented Sept. 26. 1863. R S HIOOINS -—.-'« SULKY PLOW, Patented Sept. 2b, 16 No 286,7*6. i SbCBta— Slical ! R. S HIOOINS anLST PLOW. Patented Sept. 25, 1883. ■^ ^ J. M FII. QiNO PLOW. Patented Oat. 2, 1883. Unv^^^tot- [PLOWS.] WHEEL OR SULKY. 1425 '"""""" W, C, HEKDEESOK. 8DLKY PLOW. No 286.433. Patented Oot. 9, 1883. t^ttf Tt ATTOSBETl • Ho llad«l.i R, L. MILLSPAUGH, WHEEL FDfi SULET PLOWB. No. 286. 4eB Patented Oct, 9, 1883. 'Ne Haiti I i 8li«eig— Hbert 1. H VflARD J. W E BDILOCK. anLKY PLOW No. 286.617 Patented Oot. 9. 1883. hEl F,aE : WlTNCSS£S In^EHTORS: mt Hod -SbK H. WUEI !i W. K- BDLL008. BtTLKT PLOW. No. 286.617. Patented Oot, 9, 1883. FlB^mi mim 1 \ yVlTNCSSES. FiB]r Indent IRS lil;l.:lV.^j PKiNI.NC CO BosrnN 1426 WHEEL OR SULKY, PLOWS.] J. I. HOKE. SULKY FLOW. S Sbaoti— Bb-8b«.t 1. 1 BALL eCLKT PLOW No. 289.798 Fatsited Deo. 11. 1883. 7)&!{««.^|®^ HELIOTYPE PRII.TINC CO yiOSroN. 14;}0 WHEEL OR SULKY L PLOWS.] "•"•'•'•' E.POWELL KPt.KT PLOW. TTb 290.107. Patented Dec. U. ieS3. J. k. ENEEDLEB. PLOW, Patented Jan. 1. 1884. 2 aneeu -.locit 1 B. 3. BENSON. 93LIY PLOW. Patented Jan. 15, 16 nmjiTtiR! :' SheeU~3b«*t :' 6. S. BENSON. SDLKy PLOW, Patented Jan. 15, 1884. ^2 .^^ Cf5"''E!.-*^-- Kt'LtlTYPE I'KINIINO CO. B0.5TON. [plows.] WHEEL OR SULKY, 1431 T T. HAKRISON StlLKT PLOW, PaleDtei] Jaa. -IS. ; S^««ii— Sli«et I BT .lU<^.fi^ SUIKY PLOW. No 292, 3U4 Patented Jan. 22. 1884. 4^^^., IKVENTOB; i 3b*rtl -31;ei! J. L. FDBBY, aULKK PLOW. Patented Jan. 22. IBti^ SI ; 3h*»M— Sbecl 1 J, L. FDRBY. aDLKT PLOW. Palented Jan. 22, 1864. FTiA HE1.!0TYPE PRINTING CO BCSVON. 1432 WHEEL OR SULKY, [PLOWS.] No. 293.818. A THOMPSON. ffSEEL FLOW. Patented Feb. 19. 1884. Witnesses. FIG. 3^' Inventor tHo Hgd«J I B. BRADLEY. BED PLATE FOR SHLKI PLOW BEAMS. No. 293,939. ^_ PAtented Feh, 19. 1884. jmg E. F. O'HAVEE. WBBEL PLOW. Patented Feb. 26. 1884. F N. CLnTE, 3TJLKY PLOW. Pstentod Miir. 4, 1884. ili-L -''1 YPL- PRlNTlhii-- CvB'i, [PLOWS.] WHEEL OR SULKY. 1433 F N. CLUTE. aUI.XT PLOW, 1 Sba«tt-8ha*l t Palanted Mar i, 1884. zpy^-^. tUVEKTOR. (Kb Mftdftl.) J ahaiti— ib'-.'i J F. N. CLDTE SULET PLOW. No. 294.682. Patented Mnr. 4. 1884. IZ^JT^. F. B. HDNT. 3ULKT PLOW. Patented Har. 18. 1884. WITHEESES ITTEBTOB. 'Ro Hadoi 1 F.B.HDKT. <—-■...••• aiFLlT PLOW. No. 296.176 Patented Mar. 18, 1684. -eXi^.g. _«' ™"a£I^^-F.--^- , «s-~.4\ -B^^^- — ^LflSIHMl ^^ Jp'^JP-iil. ^,.. ^«^ ^1" Bi||B«-P ^^^ ir ^^..5. ^2&C t^E^^^^iVai'.o" ^^F\ |,,«f^^ ^\ ^1^ ^^^Sw= <5r -Sh'rl \ W, L CASADiT SULKY FLOW. F.iteiite(l Hi; 27. 1884. /I, HOl^-..™ Mfil mrf Pfi r KIN TIN.: C.\ fiO.- Ill [ PLOWS. ] WHEEL OR SULKY. 1437 s abe«i>~8hcti W, L. CASADAY SULKY PLOW, Fateuled May 27, 1664. wnncasis W, L. CASADAY, SULKT PLOW, Patentod May 37. 1884. l'<^ J S BhBiEi— Ihaat 4 '. L, CASADAY, SULKY PLOW. Patented Ha; 37. 1664. .^6<«f-,»0 S w«iiMwy W L, CASADAY. aOLKY PLOW. Patented May 27. I 8h«*l>— 8h«ct HEUOTYPE PRINTING CO. BOSTON. 113S WHEEL OR SULKY, [ PLOWS. Ho. 299,343. . _ _ _ • SbeaU — Shful I W, L. CiSADAY, SnLKT PLOW, Patented May 27. 1884. ■> Hodvl ll-8hr, W !, r^SADAY No, 299,343. Patentti) May 27, 1884. iHBModsIl 1 81i«m— Sbetl I W L. OASADAY, anLKY PLOW No. 299.343. Patented May 27. 1884. .Jgr « 1 Sbxli— Shett I N. 3 BARGEE 80LKY PLOW. PateoledHay 27, 1684. />jf/. />^5, t* : y /otf ^ ^ "T-1, "i HeUOTYPE FWNHNO CO 80.STOI) [ PLOWS. ] WHEEL OR SULKY. 1439 (Is Modclj g Bbs«ti— Bb>«t t. N. S. BABQER. 8DLKY PLOW. ffo. 299.462. Patented May 27. 1884. BDLKT PLOW. No. 29u,4b2. Patented Hay 27. M J. STAFFORD. ATTACHMENT FOB PLOWS. No. 299,866. Patented Jnob 3, 1884. (So M«<|| ) J h E. E. SIOELEB. SnLKT PLOW. No. 300,807. P&tented Jnne 24, 1684. IflvlEflTQRS HELIOTYPE PRINTmC CO BOSTON. 1440 WHEEL OR SULKY, [PLOWS.] "•"•'*" S. A. EAtPOET, BDLKT PLOW. No. 300.892. . Patented June 24, 1884. llfVEXJOR HELIOTYFL- t^KlNT;NG CO. B'JiVOH. ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1441 jr^s;^/^. .ilLii Invert^"- HELIOTYPE PRINTING CO, BOSTON. 1442 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. F. UOHAOHAN- Guiavator P»i«ni«) Dm 27, 18fiB J^f2y:r74. Jf-ii/v,.-*-'*- HELIOTYPE PRINTUK CO. BOSTON ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1443 J. B. DUANE. Grain Drill. SmmM/. JTUo, rit fbinbdJfxfi^r. '•«« jiU^K ^M.^e •^:^^z^j^ JUco/ei/. JTUfe FalmnaJfar y./sa. •* r r L * d HI =* t □ - ^-^ S-™ u MEUOTYPE PR1NTIN5 CO BOSTON 1444 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. KJiiure. J. D, SMITH. Grain Drill. No. 35,713. Patontad June 24, 1862. JFIg ; JMgfi!. -^^ -^Ut,»i'/. /iZfe/7fffa^^7^ %.o. //fs 'Jl I IIIIW > jTr^Tiw a»i.^ HELIOTYPE PRINTING CO POSrON ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1445 O. CARTER OraiQ Drill. J St'iilcmbcr 11. ink) tt^ri J C HOPFEDITZ. GultJr&tor. PaMM^ Jul. 1, IBflT, 73072, MARTIN HAYDF.N'S PATENTED FEB 4li C. W. PATTON. Grain Drill. .2Ty.i Patented SepL 8, 1868. ■*■■■ t^ ricLijl :PE FKINTlNf ' ^ ' 1446 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. C. ALVORO. Wheel CuHivalnr. J^Vy-J- J. iiiiiiir"ii!'™ " TKvfn.e'SSt'S.' J. H. BRINTON. Wheel Cultivalor. 2 Steels— Sheet I. Patented Dec. 15. J, H. BRINTON. Wheel Cultivator. 2 Sheets— Sheet 2. No. 84,935. "P^ /Et^anf .iir.yi>.ea9. nl^LIOIYPE PRINTING Co.. BOSTOP, ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1447 IJJ.Fran.i/m /iiven/br- J U J on i»_^ 1^ .^M '■r-^^ t ^ >»./i=^. M. HAYOEN. Gniln Drill fiUented Fell. 22, 1870. ^f9^ Vwvv (^&«2^ ^yiO 't, HELIOTYPB PRIHTING CO. B05T0D. 1448 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1. ESHIEMAN (VhMl Cullivjlor. Patented Aug. 2. 1870, JT^fl, JC/iis, ILZ^ 5?>««*«3^ ^^4a^. ^.///s/a L±A i itfeOi /ntvn/or ■ i.~,^ i.-i.^ /.S-A. i^M*.-^^ fig 2^ HELIOTVt^ PRINTING CO, BOSTON ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1449 J. If. Spff//^/c/; 117216 CuMvalot: *" 117746 p=a J, W, SPANGLER Improvement in Cultivators. No. 125,093, PjiBrt»<)MB.ih26.iB7J. / y Jrtveutor. W, p. BROWN, Improvement in Cullivators. No. 128,701. p.i....d lulyl. H7!. HEUOTYPE FKINTINO C3 BOSTON 1450 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. W. P, BROWN. Improvement in Cultivators. No. 128.701. P.l.nt.d Jul, 9, 1872. J^ff-^ J^^^ A. T. SHERWOOD. Improvement in Cuitivators- IllVflltOl* G. A. PURSLV. Grain Drillt. J^r^^ PtitAOd Iun< 3. 1873. J^lg.S p« - bivomri ). M. GUSTIN. Cultivators. ^fnt Htl-IOTYPE PRINTING CO BOSTOIf ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1451 I. M eUSTIN. Cultivator! PiltMcd Augutl 12. 1813 11,3 Jlf3 -^ ^'' tt J>f/ t- fKi^tejjej ^e*^ tC< -^ jfV^j" Imente/ E. K. HAYES. Doubla-ffow StalkCulteri. No 147,936 P.i.Ri.«f«b,?*.i8M. 0^, JC ■s^.j. 'X»arait»f ^■4- W WeUSTHOFF Gnln-Drllli. P4lenlrd Match 24, 18?' i^)*t^r^^^>/^. 2 Sh«sU--Sh««I 1 C J OVERSHIIIEtl. Gang Plow*. No.l5l.425. Pii.»i.d«i, 26.1174. l6V ^aSlEi. HELIOTVPB PRINTIW. Co BOSTON. 1452 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. G. J. OVEftSHIHER. fiang-Plowa. No, 151.425. p,„.,.<«.,!6.i.;.. J^i^i fisi J f IJ A D SIMOHS Combined ttorse-Hce and Plow. N„ 160.621 P.t.M.dM.fcM,il75 4ig.i W 1. SIISLI. ^BSSL CirLII7AT0E5. Ili.l80,!71. Pit.«i.« l.lj IS. ins. 1. H. FATHI. SOIST-FLOW. Pittntii Ads. te. ISTG. HEI.'-OTYPE PRINTING CO. BOSTOIJ ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 145a 3Sb«(ti-8bs«Il. J. U. SUITE & B. W. C. THOltAS. QBAIV-S RILLS, ea raitbtil Va?. 14. IBTC. J. U. SUITE t B. W. C. TBOUAS. OnilB-BftlLLS. »«. 184.268. FitdDttl Sot. W. 1676. J. C. EAKEK. otiAiir-Dii.:LL. ?tt*:t««»afc— y~:< HELIOTYPE PRINTING CO. BOSTON. ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1455 :Shi*tt-SbaitI. T. BRENSAS, J- TAYLOR i J. T. LTKAK. ORAIf-DBIlL 93 07S PiKiiita Jnlv 17,1677, T. BRINNJlK, J. TATLOR & :. T. LTHAX. ORAIS-DRILL I. B. COCDIBOTOH & W. W. FRENCH. HARROWS. ISbxU-Sbflell. W. a. BARNES. CORK-CULTIVATOBS, . 133.912 PittBttl Aug- 7, 1ST7. KcUOT-iPfc ^ft,../iNi> Ci^, Bi_'. 1456 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 3Gh««ti~-Sliget 3. W. 0. BARNES. COR»-CTILriViTOH£. Ho. 193.912. P»t«Ql*a Adg. T. 1977, ..^^ U. BALDWIir. I. T. & W. Z. SBDUARI). SSFDEE AKS PLABTEIt. isr^ ! Bbenta— Sheet 1. G, MOORE. Cultivator. No. 217,811. _ ;^;^. Patented July 22. 1879. riG. I. n Bbiati— 9tl«Bt 3. Witnesses Jnventqr MCLIOirPF PXIMIN13 CO, BClO'l ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 145T J. M ELDER. OultiTatnr. Patentad Dec. 9. 1379. ||JVEflTnf\. azsi*>M^ E. A, WEIGHT, Whfiel-QulliYator No. 222,767. Pjtented Dec. 16. 1879. TnntrntOr: c sm.tt— Stifrl i E. A. WEIOHT Wheal. Coltivjilor No. 222.767. Patented Dec 16. 1879. jrj^* A. H. ALLISON, toWM. to BioLt HAi^ismu*: ' Cultivator. I ahaal> — Sheet 1 Reisaucd Feb. 17. tB80. srtg.J. 4 HEIIOTYPP <^SINT1NG CO R0ST0T4 1458 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. I Stit«U— BBiatl A. E. ILLISOlt. iMiCMV t* BliU MinTlDIDlIM Co Caltivator. No. 9.085. Reissued Feb. 17. 18B0. S. WILLIAHS. Wbetl-Drill. No. 225,545 Patented Mar. 16 . 1880. I BkMtl— IttHt 1 C. BRADLEY, Oaltivalor- No. 226,833. Patented April 27. I8B0. B 0. BRADLEY Cnltivstor. Patented April 27. 1880. Jf lionesses HBLlOT-i'FE PHINTIMG CO , BOSTON. ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1459 (lBllod*L) I BbCBt*— 3h«at I J W, HUDSON. Whael Cnltivitor. No. 229,534 Patented iuly 6. 1880. Witnesses. fru'fnior (K» ll»l*1.1 i ShD(U-Sb»»l I J. W. HUDSON. Whsel CoUivitor No. 229.534. Patented luly 6. 1880. mfne^fsea: Jnventor. D. E ASBEB Qrain Drill t SBcec*— SbiBt 1 Patented Aug. 3t, 1880. > ^ AO-MUI^ ./ c/ ^.44^r-r^ D E. ASHEB. OrsiQ Drill Patented Aug. 31, 1880. ilP:-.-^'^YPE PRINTING CO.. BOSTON 1460 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. H. SANTEOOK. arain Drill. No. 233.439. Patented Oct. 19. 1880. fe^^. JOrhdtlfL^ Patented Nov. 16, 1880. BBtioGtt— GbBDt I J. U, UAKEIi. Oombinod Grain Drill and CuUivatoi No. 234.845 Palonted Nov. 30. 1880. 'Bu^:^enf4\:> u^. , „ „ _ „ I Bli««U-Sb«iit 2 J. G. BAESR. Combined Grain Drill aod Caltivitor No. 234.345. Patented Nov, 30. 1880. HELIOTYPE PRfNTim CO, B05T0N, ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1461 No. 235.175 F. P. SMITH. Sniky Plows. Patented Dec. 7. i880. Fitfl In v/'iitof: F. F. SMITH. Salky Plows. ISbtitt-Sbgatl No. 235,175. ful2. Pilented D«c. 7, (880. tzr B ;ii«aUi-'8Tif*tS. ^.^5!£^<^^ (ifod.ii g J 30WMAN. iBti«.t.-8bmi. Gang Plow, Plautbr and Oaltivator. No. 236.536. Patented Jan. II, 1881. B8H; -- — \ ai0^^e^' 1462 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. '"•••" S. J. BOWMAN. > !b..i.-.i,..i I. Sang Plow, Planter aad Caltivator. No. 236,536. Patanted Jan. It. 188>. ,/^,Ji -- J. TAYLOE. Rioe Drill, No. 236,734. Patented Jan. 18, I88t. nf,a. /i \ n ■ A ^ 1 J : >i T-a , > ^f l^ CL^ (3. -U.L (le Modal ) t IbMCs-Sli.rt 1 W, P. BLiM ti W. F. B0OO3, Grain Drill. No. 237.001. Patentod Jan. 25. 1881. (IB Ho.ei ) noBtu— aka.t t w, p ELAM 1 w. P. Boaas. QraiD Drill. No. 237,001 Patented Jan. 25. I8SI. Witnesses Inventors w ^ £JU««v. Jnf-enlonr. HHLIOIYPE FRINimii CO. BOSTON. ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1463 iflo Nodtl.) 1 8beot<-Sb««t ^ W, P. ELAM & ff. F, BOOOS. QraiQ Drill. No. 237.001. Patantfld Jan. 25. 1861. %^ Jfivenfo'ny H B, SHERWOOD. Hand Ooltivator No. 237.057. Patented Jan. 25. 1881. C 0. OABDINBB. Cullivator tib««U— Shvit t. Potented Feb. '5. ISSI. ^ffZ t Sbssii— Sftsat : 0. QAEDINEB Ooiltvator. No. 237.739. Patented Feb. 15, 1881. -.i^^' 6

*>f<^M*'^ W. P. BEOWN. Cultivator. No. 240.377. Patented April 19,tB8l. -^7^ IMVINTOR S(i» »TTOHt-rti No. 242.497. E. A WEIGHT. Callivator, Patented June 7. 1881. No. 242.497. „ _ _ : 3be«u-8Be»tl E. A. WRIGHT- Coltivdtor, Patented June 7. 1881. :r^'f. HE110TrP£ PRINTING CO BOSTON 1466 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. No. 243,123 3 Bbe«li— Slienl I C. A. HAGUE, Cultivator. PBtoDled June 2t. tSSI. fflintssea JiajuCTniicin C/a^ Q ^^^^'^ 1 atie*U— 5b*«t I. C. A. HAaUE. Caltivator. Patented luna 21,1881. i Bbseti— abont % 0. A. HAGUE. Oaltivator. No. 243,123. Patented June 21, IBSt. No. 246,224 Q. SHA7Efi. OULTIViTOB. Patented Aug. 23,1831. MPL'.OTYPt -KJNTING ^ U hcJlO'i ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1467 t Bhufltt— Rbiel 1 Patented Nov. 1,1881. riodii.i Z Sbaal>-8h»«t 7 G. W. BEOWN, □ULTIVATOB, So. 248,991. Patented No?. 1, 1 y^ey ^ Q W BROWN CULTIVATOR, i Bh»ii-atii*t 1 Potooted Not. 1.1861 G W BROWN 0aLTIV4T0R, No. 248, 8B2. Patented Nov. 1, IS 2'^ PRI.VTJNt 1468 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 4 SnsnU—Shnit 1. 0. ff BROWN CULTIVATOR. Patented Nov. 1,1881. 0, W. BSOWN. nULTIVATOH, \ ahoflt.— aA««c P«tentod Nov. 1.1881. -'"J- lltdal . 1 8he»H-3h».( i S. W BEOWN h S, 0, HOLTOKE. OULTIVATOB. Ns. 248,983. Patented Not. 1. 1881. P(JfUU~^ di/^ (Uad0i 1 4 A««ti~aacct 1 0, W, BROWM Ji S 0. HOLYOKE. CULTIVATOB. No. 248.993. Fstinted Nev. 1. 1881. HcLIOTVfE PKn^[NG CO. BOSTON. ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1469 illo4«U 4 Btioiili— Sheat 3 W BROWN 4 S. 0. HOLTOKB. CULTIVATOR. .248.493. Fatsnted Not. 1.1861. Jfitil ♦ ^ii6t^ .II«A(t1 I 8h>..|i-1lirat 1 Q W. BROWN Ji 8, HOLTOKE CDLTIVATOH. No. 248.993. Potenlid Noi. 1.18B1. rip. y. jn^f 7 -^f^ir G. T DRAKE. WHEELED PLOW. Patentod Not. 16,1881. Ito H«4*1.) J. W, HDDSON OULTITATOa. No. 260.361. Psteated Deo. 6.18 mtnesses. ''v3k4>3:«<, IrwerUor. 1470 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. (H» KndM.i 1 Bbaati— B:ie«l J. C SEBKINa. OOUBINED FLANTER AND OULTIVATOB No. 251.301, Patented Deo. 20.1881. ffjfueasf.s frtve/thr COMBINED PLANTER AND CDJ.TIVATOR. No. 261.301, Patanted Deo. 20. 1881. my. " \ . '^ iniTiesscs ' ' yfe^t-c^/^^^'Vi^py ^ COMBINED PLANTER AND (iULTIVATUR No. 261.301. Patented Deo. 20,1881. Invenlo,r .j^^f^^' ■*w/-i ' mtriesjes. Irwentor (Hodtl) ;8b«ati— eb( E. C. MOSEIS 9BAIN DBILL. No, 261,72*. . «■_ o PatenUd Jsn, 3. 18 nWicsses. 6n -6. F 0, WILLIAMS OTJLTIVATOB No. 262.163. Patented Jan, 10, 1682. J, K, WOETHINOTOR BULKYPLOW. So. 263.807. Patented Peb, 14, 1882. FJgJ). . „' jA._^ -y-i ^^v HHltOTYPE PR INTlNd CO BOSTON 1472 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. J K, WO&THINGTON 8DLKT PLOW, No. 253,807 Patented Feb, 14.1882. W. H WILDE, WHEEL PLOW. Patented Feb. 28. 1862. S^6^i^i=s^ /^ Oh /jM *^/^ No, 264.557 i BhBOtl— Bbee W. A. KNOWLTON. OULTIVATOE. Patented Mar. 7.18 a.o. -ritJvU. 1 Bheala-alNat : W. A, KNOWLTON. OULTITATOK. No, 264.567, Patented Mar. 7.16 >y*f. HEMi.i'. -._ |>h(NT{Ka CO. EOSTON ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1473 a. MABTIH. OBLTITATOI. V Ibgfta— Bbact I PatentBil Mar. 7,18 .)544>2' ; Bk«Btl— Bb«Bt 2 Pateated Mar. 7. 1BB2. •r^^^£^?^fe W B, TODNG BHLKT PLOW. Patented Mar. 28, 18 L LOPPEN. onLTIVATOS. Patented Apr. 4.1882, HELlorvpE PRINTING CO BOSTON 1474 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. S BUeilt— snati I J, M. LONG OOLTIV&TOB SPBIN8. F&tented Apr. 4, 1862. . H. P. TENANT. OBAII DULL. Pftt«nted Apr. 18.1882. 3^-€ a^7 E. P. LTNOH. OOLTIVATOE. Us. 267,228. Patenlod Bay 2. 1882. M^S< E. P. LYRCH ODLTIVITOR. No. 267,229. Patented Hi; 2, 18 4.tte^ c£j^ <}',4SaL .^^j-rMl_ ^ S^ ''& *-^¥# i4:^a.^ HEl-l'jJ YPfc -r-mil rii;ii • BCSTQIJ 1476 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. A P. WEBBEE. OOLTIVATOR. PalenWd Mij2, 1882. -^'5- J'^r Jnve-niri A. p. WEBBEE, ODLTltATOH. Pitented Us; 2. 1882, J'if 3 j'i^4 I^,Vfntor 3 ab«ett— Pb«et 1 E, p. LYNCH, WHERL OnLTIVATOB. Fttented May 9, 1B82. Qtl.u:Uu(jllaJtr^ jTWentor £iXufa/>rC or oC^yuiAj, i 9Ba*II— SD«Bt i E. P, LTROH, WHEEL OOLTIVATOR, Patented Ka; 9. 1882. ^3 ?.Wo HPl.IOTVrfc rKlHTtWG 'JO.. SCiKTON. ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1477 J. I. HOKE. 8ULKY PLOW. Pat9Dted Mayie. 1B82. JK^f^I^^f^ J, I, HOKE, SULKT PLOW. igbeeti— BQa«l i Patented May 16. 1882. ^ (Ve llr><«l ) S Hficili— Shi J. W. THOMAS fc A, R. LUDLOW. 8ERDTK1 MIOHIHE IBD OULTITirOB, No. 268.824. i^U'L.dd May 30. 181 2^ yi:|.^X/»-^#%^ IltMUal) 3 SBiBlt-Siiset a J. W, THOMAS & A, R LDDLOW SEEDING HAUBINE flUD ODLTtVATOB. No. 268,824. Patented Hay 30. 1882. VPE FS'.KTi::"- CO.. .■^OSTO>; 1478 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. lis Uoa*\ t 3 BtiFDi*— 8ha»tt— Biitat I E & A. SHANNON. COP-H fLANTEB, No. 293.064, Patented Ang. 22, 1382. ^^^S^^ iSftHsdtl ) K Sb*«(i— BRa^t 1 E, & A. SHANNON, OOBH PLAKTEE. No. 263.064. Patented Ang. 22. 1882 ,INVENTOR.-. ■ 3Ue*ti— Bfaset 1 E. P. LTKOH. nDLTlVirOE. Fat«nted Aug. 22, 18B2. fiif hi^> (ftij .>!c:..c*vp£ ^k:: ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1481 E P, LYNCH. OPIiTlVATOB. Patontod \ng. 22, 18tJ2 Zi^a AJXcst du^rUfJL w A. r. BEEagfisT. BDtKT PLOV. Ko. 284, elO, Piluntod Btpt. 19. 1882. DrVEKTOli: OUtTIViTOE. Ho. 260,066. Patented Oct. 17, 1.8B2. tntyfoaef I Sbvitf— Sheet ! Patented Oct. 17, 1682. .iorvpf- 5T?:: 1482 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. i Sbeou— 8b*et 1 W. P, BROWN. WHEELED OnLTIVATOS, Patented Oct. 17, 1882. ^^■•~-' .^^L-^iTjyU, . jEba«U— Hh«»t % W. p. BEOWi,'. WHEELED OQLTIVA«oa. i'atonted Oct. 17, 1B62 (Hd Mod*).} W. EVANS. 1 Slie*ii-8h«i onLTIYATOR. No .266,123. I atented Oot. 17, 1882 4U^sC. W. EVANS. ODLTIViTOS. lSb**li— Bh«at ? No. 266,123. Patented Oot. 17. 1882. TTwenttff- ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1483 "■""" E. A. MOEPHEW * H. WITHKOW OBAIS DRILL. Ko. 266.499. Patented Oct. 24. 1882, -a-S7 •? Iff ^ J- J* J' -U;i^iUA*^,ma r IBd Hods!.) S B^ ^^ '*'■ w ; o o; Hi (Hd nodal.) sanasu— SboBt 1 E. F. STOFDAED & W, H. NAOMAN. 8EEDIN0 UAOBIRE. No. 266,666. ^tented Oct. 31, 1882. ,^e^!^t (HeCil , H. H. BUTLEE. OffLTIVATOR. Ho. 267,670. Patented Nov. 21, 1882. f,jr^ ^ \ 1484 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. '"""""" W P. ELAM & W. F, BOGOS. OBAIK DBILL. No. 268.361, patented Nov. 2B. 1882. 3 bh4«li— 8h*t J. T. HAMILTON. LIFTIHI DBTICB FOB OOLTIVATQB BEAMS. I. 268,887, Pateaied Deo. 12. 1882 (la Kodaii 3 Gn«atii~3b«L B C, BRADLEY, DULTIVATOE. No. 270.629 Patented Jan. 16, 1883. (8d Model.) J Shnati-SBDFl I B. C. BRADLEY, OOLTIVATOR. No. 270.629, Patented Jan. 16. 1883. , HE1.IOTYFE rSlt.T;KC- CO.. &C3T0r; 1486 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. C. BEADLET. OnLTlVATOB. I'atoiitsd Jan. 10. 1383. lawai titi«i>t>— 3b< C. 0. GAHDIKER QBAIK DEILl.. No. 271,446. Patented Jan. 30, 1863. (Mod.I.) 3 Sb«.U-3 C. 0. OAEDISEB, ORAIN DRILL So, 271,446 Palentedjan. 30, 1863. "i i> CO (fantiM^^ C. GAEDIREE """" """ OBAtS DRILL. ■ Faleated J&ii, 30, 1883. HEUOTYPE PRrNTIN<3 CO BOSTON ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1487 W Mrtuoot. UmBMiUor Ho. 273,673. Patented Mar. 6, 18B3. _, IHVENTDR / ATTY. (flo M«d*l 1 1 Sbaati — Sb«al t. T. M FLENMEEN. Dec'd. W llcAuaoc UminMraUr ODLTIVATOE, No. 273,873. _ Patented Mar. 6. 1883. NVENTDH. / ATTY, (to Ilolal.1 J LANE. 0OI,TIV4TOB. No. 276,502. Patented Apr. 10, 1883. ^s ;f aueatt— Bh«*t 1. J. W. COLLINS. COLTIYATOB. Patented Apr. 24, 1BB3. ■^ HELIOTYPE PRINTING CO.BOSTOrj 1488 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. s Sh««t*— eheet 3, J. W. COLLINS. ODI.TIVATOR. Patinlid Apr. 24, 1663. '.. C, BDCELET, SULKY PLOW. PateDled 10 ay 22,1883. /m'en/ot: ■t^^' 3 Bbueli-SboB 8 W. BROWN. OOBN PLdSTEB. Patsnted Ma; 29,1883. 2SbeDli-Sb( 0. W. BEOWN. OOBH P'«.STEB. FatsDted Ma; 29,1683. HELIOI-'PE PRINTING CS. BOSIL'N ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1489 0. W, BEOWS. COBK FLANTEH. No. 278,498. Patented Maj 29, 1883. D, nNTKABK CUf.llVATOB Patenlt-ii Hay 29. 1883. F.ig.-i. 1 Shf«u-3hfn -• D DNTHANK OPLTIVATOR, Patented Ma? 29, 1883. W'-riJcs&ts. X[J\/tfJTO[^: (Ho ModtL) : sucttt— Sbeei I C. W. POST ODLTITITOR, No. 279.980. __ Patented June 26, 1683. Zrt^rftfetr . Hm.IOT\PE r-KtWTnJG CO.. B0S1X)N 1490 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. |l« ii«d«i.) ti-BbaaL i C. W. POST. ODLTIVATGR, No, 279,980, Patented June 26, 1883. ?1&te&-st "fyrfV.iBy^*'^:^^ Ids Hod4l.| I BriAel*— Bbeac i D. E, MoSHERET & A, Q. MYEHS, BEEDINO UAOHINC. No. 280.387. Patented Juiy 3. 1883. Wl-TNErSSElS" IfMVETj-raRS n. E MoSHERRY & A. Q. MYERS. :!cr.DlNa M&cBinr. No. 280.387, Patented July 3, 1883- Wi-rrsiEiSSCS. 1 Sbrata— Shre A C, CONKER GRAIN DRILL, Pateoted Aug, 7, 1883. K5U0TYPE PRWTING CO. BOSTON. ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS 1491 [Ha U»i«l\ 1 Sha...-...... CnLTIVATOR, Patented Aug. 28. 1683. (Ms HodsM 4 Sb.cti-Bliaf t 3 L. GEiY OniTIVATOB. No. 283.776. PaHnled Aog. 28. 1883. 'tt-nesses //:^.i f sn.gti-snc.t *■ L. GEAY. OnLTIVJTOE Patented Aug. 28. 1883. 1 Sb«>M— Sbc.l t. S, 0, EANBALL SEEDING UACHINE. Pateoted Allg. 28, 1383. Stlo^ C flttfttfnlt HanOTVPE PKIIJTIKG GO,. BOSTON. ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1493 (KsHottl) SahoBU-Sheet S. S. G, RANDALL, SEEDINO MACHINE. No, 284,060. Piiteuted Aug, 28, 1683. 8EED)IIQ HACHIHE. No. 284,060. Fateulid A>ig. 28. 1883. ,0 Situs (J Jiumiull (Bo M«4«l.l C C CARTER, WHEAT SOWIHO MAOHIKE. No. 284.378. litckLtJ Sopt. 4, J, C. CENTER. SEED DBILl, 2 ShacU-Sbeel 1 ^^^ Patented Sept. 4, 1883. ^.-.*$ ^a^ ' B EreiSr HELlOTYPt -klNTiNG CO. BC&'i viN. 1494 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. J. 0. CEKTEE. SEED DBILl. 1 Sbaatl— Bbe«t 3 378. „ Patented Sept. 4, 1883. fMtftl.) J. B. CHEISTI4N CtlLTiVATOB. Ne. 284,379, Panmeil Sept. 4, 1883, ~^^^' iNe Kolal.l 3 Sbaeti— Shaai 1. A, & M. RUNSTETLEB. OBAIN DRILL. No. 285,363. Patented Sept. 16. 1863. ^CZ/c2l4U>^, No. 285,363. , h M, RUNSTETLEB. O&AIN DRILL. Ee^teDted Sept. 18. 1683. r.-UO\ .-PE FRP nwy cc B^:;?:*' ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1495 UoAal.) S GbeoU-Bliatl 3. A. k M. RUfSTETLER SBMN DRILL. No. 266,363. Patented Sept. 16, 1863. jrsff-^ ^o/tM^ ^' -^*^< ^2:^^^^ L. C. CHAPIK. WHEEL ODLTIVATOB. Patented Oct. 2, 1883. I nidi 'Rd MDdtJ.j J. J t E. E. PIATT. PLOW. No 286,730 Patented Oct. 16. 1883. J. B. NSFF. OnLTIVATOE 8PBIBG. Patented Oct. 30. 1B83. ,*'<^^ /£iu«.-<.*.*U.'tT 1EU0TYPE PRINTINS CO BOSTON. 1496 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. (Ho ll«4*l.i I Sbceli-HAesl 1 4. i M, HDNSTBTlEE OEAIB DBILL. No. 287.779, P.HnUd Oct. 3(1. 1883. Mf <4^<-, } lffi( li'y'/k^^S^i!^ ■^^fe^e^.^ C£ •! iiJiVntMi'. .' (Bo Kodd ] J abaeu — Siied A, k M. RDNSTETLER. OSAIN !)EHL. No. 287.779 Patented Oot. 30. 1883. 4 Sacdi— Sbcct I W. P. BROWN. WHEEL OOLTIVATOB, Patented Nov, 6. lflB3. W, P BEOWN. WHEEL CULTIVATOR. No, 288.003 Patented Nov. 6. 1883. HEUOIYPE PRlTJTlNvi CO. BOSTON ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 149T 4 Sb««l(— SUoel I W, P, BROWN. WHKEL OPLTIVATOB. Patented Nov. 6. 1883. ^cU-^ TtA^^^M^^ , DrVCTTOB: iTIOBBEI& 4 EhctU— Sb<«t 1. W. P BROWN WHEEL OOLTlViTOS. Patented Nov. 6. 1883. J^t nfVEHTOB: E, D, MEAD, SEEDINO UACSIIfE, Ho. 289.296. Patenl.d Nov. 27. 1883. do. M F, CONNETT OKAIN DRILL. FaUQted Doo. U. 1 "-'SLIOTYPE PKIMIN5 CO, tOSTON 1498 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. M F. CONNETT. aBilH DBILL Patented Deo. 11, 1863. • >» Hold] 3 abf«l>~She«t 3 M F. CVKNETT. GRAIN DRILL. No. 28S.893, Patehted Deo. 11. 1883. IB. Hod.]., S. P SKYDER, 3, STODGH Si T D, OLRIOK. OULTIVATOB No. 290.3ee. Fiuutad Dec. 18. 1663. (Vo Hedel.) E. I. 3ATER. OOLTIVATOE. No. 297,637. Fatssted Apr. 29. 1684. ^^* j^^* HELIOTYPE PRINTING CO. BOSTON. ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1499 iXolfolBll S Bb««ts— Bbtlt 1 J, W. ATKISSOH & B. PHELPS, CUBNSTALE OUTTEQ. No 298,656. Patontad Maj 13. 1884. £i£- ■ £■ iiiiiiM -.^^ ,^ 7ff >u -^a-_-x-« (Ho Hole) I > 8t««i-: J. W. ATKINSON &B. PHELPS. C0BH3TtLl DDITEE. Pateutod Ha; 13, 1 mi ^"' No. 298,e6E -e* HELiOTYPE PRINTING CO.BOSTOP CULTIVATORS. 1501 243,951. REUBEN K. NIECE, French town, N. J. Cultivator. July 5, 1881 KilcU May 5, 1880. My invention relates to certain improve nuMits in tlio cnltivator lor wliieli Letters Fat eut of Ihn United States No. -'07,767 were grnntcd to mo on tlie 3(1 day of September. 1S78, the objects of my present improvement!, being to stronjithcn the frame of the maehine and decrease the weijjht of tho same, and to provide ibr the ready .Hill rting of the cultivator- bhulcs from one side ol' the machine to tlie other, so as to turn a furrow cither towaid or from theeentcr of Ihomaciiiiie. These objects 1. The combination of tho side beams, A A, and tninsxiiise beam D of the machine with the right-angled bars G G, of metal, the brac- ing rods./'/, connected thereto, and the plows J J, the stems of which are hnng to the veiti- cal portions of the bars G and fit between lugs thereon, said Ings carrying pins, as described, whereby the plows are retained in position, all substantially as set forth. 2. Tho corobiuation of a beam, A, and a plow having a vertical shank, s, with a supporting device, vi, adapted to lie bolted to the beam and having an upward projection, n, to*hich the ahiudc t is pivoted.and ears which embrace said sli^i'k and project rearwardly beyond the sriiiL' ;ind ar'i ]>n>vided with openings for the recer;tli>ii of ;i reiaioiogpiii, as set tbrth. 244,369. EUJAH BABROWS, Mai-seil- le^I!!. Cultivator. July 19, 1881. Filed May lO, 1881. 1. In a cidtivator, the combination of lite tongue A, having hounds It H, cross-bars C D, secured under the latter, diagonal handles K K, and the removable beams F F, suitably braced, and having blades I, provided with cut- ters J, as herein described, for tho purpose set forth. 2. In a cultivator, the combination, aa herein described, of the tongue A, having hounds B, the double-tiee N, having, downward project- ing brackets O, tho pivoted rod R, having roller T, and connected by rods Q with the brackets O, and the guide-plate U, all arranged and operating as and for the purpose set forth. 244,642. ROBT. C McQINNIS, Charlotte N. C. Plow. July 19, 1881. Filed Apr 16, 1881. Tho present invention relates to that class of cultivators whicii are composed Of a pair of parallel beams connecteil together by screw- rods or other devices for permitting said beams to be brought closer together or sepa- rated from each othei-, as may he desired. Tho invention consists in a cultivator com- prising a pair of i)arallel beunis of unequal length which are adjustably connected to each other hy means of screw-bolts and nuts, and arc each provided with an ordinary clevis, through which is passed a split or lap ring for connecting tho same. Shovel (u ploM- stiind- ards attached to the leav ends of the beams are connected at their npperends with handle- rounds or eonnectiug-bars which are provided with .slots for reeoiviug scr. issl. Filed Mar. 2, 1881. This invention relates to improvements in cultivators particularly adapted for the culti- vation of peanuts, cotton, corn, seed-millet, sorghum, &c., and for rebreaking or harrowing the ground; and it consists in certain details in the construction and arrangement of parts, snbstantiallyashercinaftermore fully sot forth. In a cultivator, the combination, wiin tDe beams A A' A, having ihe shovel-standards C C C arranged in advance of each other, ol the fender D, with its forward end connected to the front standard, ;ind having a downward extensioi;, rf, arranged alongside of the plow c, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 245,610. JOHN W- DAVIS, Elvaston, III Cultivator. Aug. ItJ. 1881. Filed Apr. 7 18.S1. This invention relates to the class of culti- vators operating on both sidea of a row ol pbnts at one passage ; aud it consists in im proved parts for connecting the [)low-beams to the wheel-frame and i[n|iroved parts borne by the plow-beams. 1. Tbocombination.iii acullivaLor-coupllng. of the axle-aectiou B, having the laterally-ad justing holes T>', break-pill U, beatn section F. having laterally -adjusting holes li to give straight or side draft to the plow-beam, and the clevis II, having holes for vertical adjust nicnt of the plows, substantially as set forth. 2. The combination, in a cnltivator-beani coupling, of the a.xlescctiou C and beam-clevis II witli a plate or part, F, pivoted to the axle- section and clevis, and adapted to give way under great strain to release the plow-beam and avoid breaking, substantially as set forth. 3. In a cultivator, the combination of plow- beam and standard M with a pivoted block, O, bearing a plow, P, aud a handle, S Y, whereby the plow may be turneti laterally and guided substantially as set forth. 4. In a cultivator, the combination of plow- beam and standard with a vertically-movable runner, V, connected to the standard, and a handle or means of moving and holding the runner at alternative points, sobstantially as set forth. 245,619. JOHN A. FORBES, Dovn I'd. CuiiibiTifd Hue and Cultivator Aug. li;, 1881. Kiled April 23, 1881. Ill a horse hoe and cultivator, the combina- tion, with vertically and laterally adjustable standards E E, of the opposite lateral Iioes, G', secured by their shanks .<■/ to the outer aides of said standards, and the cultivator attach- ments S S, secured by their vertical shanks k 8 to the rear edges of said standards, subslan- tiallvas and for the purposes set forth. 245,812. NATHANIEL J. GOVER, Oie- gon,Md. Cultivatuv. Aug. 10. 1881. Filer July 3IJ, ISSO. My invention relates to an nnprovenient in cultivators; and it consists in combining with a central plow-beam and parallel side beaqis an augular-8hai>ed cross-bar and adjustable braces, whereby the position of the plow-beams with relation to each other may be clianged, all as fully hereinafter described. Ttie combination, in a cultivator, of tho man. beam A, side beams, G H, connecting-brace I and the angular-shaped coupling-bar L, piv oted to the main beam and bolted to the side beams, as sec forth. 245,907. JOHN R. WILSON, Waynes- liurij;. Pa. I'oulile-Shovei IMow. Aug. 16. 18H'1. Filed Oct. 28, 18S'>. My invention relad's to certain new and ii.-e ful impiovemeiitsiu the class of double-sliovel plows especially ilesigned lor side-hill plow- ing; and the invention consists in a novel construction and combiuaiion of parts, where- by I ainenablol to adjust the left-hand shovel un the beam tosnit the inclination'oftlie ground, all as will be hereinafter fully described, and tipecitically ])ointed ont in tli& cl»ini. The hereiu-descrihed doublc-sliovel aide-hill plow, composed of the single beam K,baving plow-slaiidnrd H rigidly connected thereto, the haspB,secure, and the intermediate connecting ad justable draft-bars, C, all substantially as de- scribed. 250,782. NEWTON P. CAPEHART and WESLEY H. STEWART, Louina, Ala. Cultivator. Dec. 13, 1881. Filed Sep, K;. 1881. Our invention relates to an improvement in cultivators; and it consists in providing an at tachiuont consisting of a bar and a hooked rod provided with an eye, which can be secured toeither sideof the beam and standard, so that one of the bent iron rods or bars can be taken oft' of its side of the beam and standard and transferred to the rear end and secured to the attachment, aud thus made to run in the reai of the front bar or foot, whereby both shovels are adapted for plowing on one side only o* the row of growing i)lants; aud, also,. In a block whicIi is secured to an endwise moving rod which is screw- threaded at both of ita ends, one of the ends being passed through the beam and the other through the lower end of the standard, whereby the block can bead- justed back and. forth, carrying with it, the two feet, so as to cause them to run shallow oi deep, as may be desired. 1. The comtunacion of tho beam aud stand- ard with the two feet, the conncctiog-bar I, and a hooked rod, J, provided with an eye, whereby the two feet can be secured so as to run one in the rear of the other, but upon op- posite sides of the beam, substantially as de- scribed. \i. The combination of tho beam aud stand- ard with a block which is secured to au end- wise-moving rod, whereby the foot or feet, which are secured to the block, canbeadjusted 80 as to ran shallow or deep, sub-staiitiaMy as set forth. 1502 CULTIVATORS. 0. In ii ciiltiviilor, Itio coiiibiiuilioti (if tlie' bciiiu and 8trtnt]:inl willi ilie endwise moving rod, haviiiffSfcnrcd lo it a block, the two feet, and tin) pivoted ImiL by wliicli the feet are se- rnred in no-sition, snl>.stanti;il)y as specified. 250,831. MONTGOMEY O. MEIGS. Kom- nev. Ind. Ciiltivatur. I>.x'. la, 18ril. Kiled .Sf'p. 8, 1H81. TIio invention consists in tlie combination, witli ibo plow-beams, liin;.;cd to each other at theii Ibrward ends, ami tiie draw-bar, of the angidar bars, Ilie eio-ss-Iicad having frictioti- whoels, anrl Ihi* lin-tion-whcot pivoted to the clotted hintic-piiitle, ulii reby tlio n'sistaiicoof tlic ground and the dialt strain are OKUlc to keep the .said beams in phice; and also in the ecmibination, with Hie hinged plow-beani.s, of the inclined yiiide blocks, whereby the. stalks of the corn beiiiR cnltivated are made lo regu- late the width of theeiillivati)r,a.s \vil.l belieie- imiftei- fully de.scribed. 1. Jtt a euUivati>i , the r(iiiil.iii;ilit.ii, with the hinged Immiiis A , conibiiialioii, with the angular bars F and the cross-beatl draw-bar i tnntially as specified. ' 3. The combination, with the interehaiigc- ableand adjustable biancliedstanilardsD and the tie-bearings 10, of the parallel beams A aurl [ their transverse bars C, torming a frame verti- j cally adjustable with reference to saiil stand- | ards. subslantinlly as siiecified. i 251,765. WILLIAM H. CLARK, (iieeee, I N. Y. Iiiipleiuent fur Cut I in i; Weeds anil i Ueans. Jan. 3,1882. Filed Ani;. 22, 1881. ! The olijcet of my iii\eiitioii is to produce an | implement for fiirim rs' use \'uv enttiitg weeds, j beans, or olher vegetatnm by means of advan- ' tageously-airanged blades matle to mo\e liori- zonlillly JustbeneiitliHieMUlaeeof thegroiinil, the sail! iinpleineiit leing herewiili fully dc- ' scribed, and luoie pnitieulaily pointed ont in the claims. 1. In combination with the body A and fnr- row-iouth E, the diverging blades (i (J', piv- o!ed to tho tooth I',, und held to the tiody A by adjustable staiidarr purls h />'. 2. The coinbin;ilion nl' the body A, tooth F, divcr>;iiig lda'!esGti',bentadjiistable notched standards h &',iind fastening deviei', as and for the pur|)ose (-el. forth. 252,508. McDonald PATE, SAMUEL O. MASON and WILLIAM H. DAIL, Siiuw Hill. X. C. Cultivatnr. -Ian. 17, is,s2. Filed Aug. UK ISHl. Our inxention rehilos to imptovcnients in that class of enUivators whii-h arc adapted to be nsed in connection with the uiiliii;iiy pluw beam ; and it consists in the comliinaliDii, wilU the ordinary plowbenin, nf a ciotsbeam ear- ly ing a seiies ol cnttivatin- phiw.-* or shovels, ft clamping bult and nut, au<] a lockingaini con- nected to .said bolt and adapted to engage t lie plow-beam for adjustably securing said beams together, all ns will be Iiereinnfter more fully described, and pointed out in the cbiim. In a culiivnior, tiiu coml>ination, with the beam A, of the cross beatn H, currying a series of enltivator plows or shovels, a clamping bolt and nut, and a loekingarui, V) £, connected to i^aid bolt and adapted to engage the beam A, for adjustably securing said beams together, substnntially in the miinner herein shown and described. 253,164. MILTON T- HANCOCK, Thoniasville, Ga., assignor ti> .Tamer- 1'. Turner, same place. Cuitivutur. Jan. 31, 1882. Filed Jan. 3, 1882. A flat bar ol' iron is bent so as In form par- allel long and short beam sides, with tile front bend provideil with a horizontal slot for a draft link, which is seenred by a pin which straddles the curved beam end, giving a short and close whiftletree-conncction, lendering it ndich easier to manage tlio cnllivator, and forming a sitnple and dn-able draft attach- rnent. The ends of the beam sides arc con- nectcil by a diagonal brace and terminate in curved standards for the shovels. The brace extends from the curved standard of the short beam side to the curved stumiard of the long beam side, rendering tho side^ stiff at the standards, while biaciag them lengthwise. 1. The bent bar forming the fniine and the curved standards, and its curved front end having the horizontal middle .slot, f, in combi- nation with a link,/, secured to said bent bar within tho front middle slot, e, and the hook- pin (f, snbstantially as described. 2. The bent bar feiining the curved stand- ards, and the cuivcit fr. sol.^!:nilialI\ w^ shown and de- srribfd. 254,932. WILLIAM J. DAVIDSON, Wvj: Spriiio'. Va, Cultivator. Mar. 14, 1882. Filed Nov. 23.1881. The combination, with the single-bar beam A, of slol ted brackets, constructed as set; forth, and with their fiej eruis projecting to the rear, and standnrd.s councctcd to thn brackets and constructed fiu' attachment to either side there- of and adjustable thereon, substantially as set forth. 255,256. WALTER B. OULLUM, lieu- woorl, \V. Va. Cultivator. Mar. 21. 1882. Filed Dee. 23, 1881. The invention consists in the combination, wilh the draw. bar. of tbe loose collar, the plow- beams, the eonrieeting-bar, the ope ratinglever, and means for locking the same; and also irr tbe eonibioation, with tho cross bar attached to the plow-beams, and the braces connecting the handles and draw-bur, of the lever, the spring catch lever and Hie cateh-bar, whereby the plow-beams can be readily locked in place, nnlockcd, and ndjiisled, as will be hereinafter fullv described. 1. In a double-shovel plow, tUecombiiiation, with Ihe draw-b;ir A, of the loose collar G, tbe plow-beams U, t he connccting-bar J, the lever . K, and means for locking tho same, substau tially as and for the purpose set forth. 2. In a double-shovel plow, thccoinbinatiou, with the cross-bar J, attached to tbe plow- beams H, and, the braces E, connecting tbe handles C and draw bar A, of the lever K, tbe spring-catch lever L, and tbe cross-bar F, sub- sriintially as herein shown and described, whereby tbe plow beams can be readily locked in place, unlocked, and adjusted, as set forth. 256348. DANIEL R. MATHENY, lihtekville, S. C. Cotton-Plow. Apr II. 1882. Filed Jan. 10, 1882. The combination, fn a cottoii-[)low, of tbe handle-beams A A', the standards K, the one- sided wbifHetrce I), adjustable on the beams, the slotted cross-bars Ii B, and tho adjusting cross-bar and cutterG, substantially ns shown and described. 256,455. SMITH A. BATSON, Batson's Store. Tenn. Cultivator. Aj.r. 18,1882. I Filed Feb. 18. 1882. I In acnltivator, the combination of tbe outer i beams, A, the inner beams, B, constructed in ; two sections, hinged together and having their i front ends attached to said outer beams. A, and the handles G, having books I, all con- structed and arranged substantially as set ' forth. 259,943. BLUFORD A. TABER, Ilall's Ilill.Tcnn. Cultivator. June 20, 1882. Filed Jan 30, 1882. In a walkiDg-coltivator, the combination, with tbe ctdtivator-framecomposed of tbe beam or tongue A, slotted longitudinally at; c, fixed and shouldered shovel-beams C, and han- dles F F, braced by the yoke or stirrup H, straddling tbe rear end of tbe slotted beam A, and having perforations h h, of the vertically- adjustable middle beam, B, pivoted in theslot- ted tongue at d and adjustable by tbe bolt i, in tho manner and fortbepurpo.se herein sbowD and specified. 260,576. JOSIAH G. JORDAN, Thoiuas- vill,-, (4ii, Cultivator. Jnlv 4. lss2. Filed April 2L 1882. 1. Tho combination, with the plow-liandles B B, of the cross-bar O, having the main por- I tion f, tbo central curved pait, e', auxiliary ■ partc^and bent end parts, c'c^jhaviup thread- ed boles and set-screws r'',sabstantirtlly as de- scribed, and for tbe purpo-so set forth. 2. The combination, with the plow-handles B B, of tho cross-bar C, having the main por- tion fjthe central curved part, e', and bent end I I»arts, c^ (•*, having threaded openings tu take he set-screws c^ f\ and the beam-rods I) I>, all combined and arranged as and forthci)ur pose described. 3. Id combination with the plow-beam hav ing tbe inclined end and groove a. Hie clevi.s K,aud book or ring employed therewith, sub stantially as described. 260,686. JENS L. JENSEN, Copenhagen. I>eni)iark. Cultivator. Julv 4, 1883. Filed Feb. 1, 1882. iMy invention has relation to that class ot so-called'' walking-cultivators,'' forcultivatiug potatoes and other plants which are grown in "hills," ill which tbe mold-boards are made ad- justable upon a lixed vertical pintle and pro- vided with hinged wings or extensions on their inner sides; and it consists in the detailed coustrnction and arrangement of tbo said hinged wings, and also in the d6taile,Uaviiiii:U cross- bar, so as to stand in parallel relation to the beam, extending liori/itiitally fnnn the curved staiiibiids behind Ihe diagonal bar to a point in iidvnnce thereof, from whieh they aro bent inwiiixt ill the same plane, .so as to join the beam at opposite points on l»nth sides, nniking a strong, liiir.ibh', and eheaj) i-onstruclioii, in which the shovels stand in i\ parallel range witli tli« tlirtnonal Iwir, giving an easy draft in loosening tlie soil between the rows of corn and making it easy to handle tho eultivator. Sneti a eultivator is aliown in the aceompiiny- iug drawings, in which — 1. The beam cast with a diagomd eioss-bar, (f, at its handle end, with notches //, open at its uniier edge, as described, in eombinatitm with the standard-bars and the clips for clamp- ing them within the saiil open iiotclie.f, :ia .•^liecified. 2. The comiiination, in a cultivator, of the beam cast with a diaj;onal crosM-bar, (f, at it.s hamlle end, having notches /i, ojien at its nn- der edge, with the carved standard-bars bolt. 'd to ihe beam, anil nieans. snbslntitially as di- si-ribed. whereby (hi-y ate si-cinvd "ithiii siiid i>lflic'soi s.iid diagonal bar, as shown id dcsrrib.'d. 264,361. CAMERON McC SIMMONS, Calaibore. Ala. Plow. ^v\k 12. 1882 Filed .Inly 18, 1882. My iuvcution relates to an interchangeable ]»low, cultivator, and planting (Jevice; and the I novelty consists in the constinction and ai- I rangcmont of i)art8, aa willbemoro fully here- , iimfterset forth, and specilicatly pointed outiii \ the claim. Tho object of this itivcution is to produce a frame and interchangeable devices which will allow the implement to bo couvorted at will into an ordinary plow and colter, a double plow, a double-shoveled cultivator, or a seed- coverer, each construction allowing adjust- ments to accommodate difl'erent widths of rows or drills. Many devices looking to the .same end have been proposed. Tho combination, with the main beam A, having recess n, and tlie main standard (',■ 1 having recess c, of tho cross-bar II, having ' slots /(, the laterally-adjuBtabloarm 1>, having j perlorations rf, tho auxiliary standard K, and [ standards K, having perforatioms /.-, the whole constructed and adapted to rci\o withintef ! changeable devices substaiiLially as ami lor tho pur[M)Sc.s set forth. ' 264,957- JOHN J. MOTLEY, [5alisb.^r^ . | op, Cultivator Si eji. 2H, 1882. Filed Mar. 4. 1882. The double beam tl <-, forimd of the straight i npjier rod, shiiiliidly assliown and described, and loi (lie pin poses set lorlli. 265,668, JNO. S. GETOHELL and GEO. N. GETCHELL, !!uult..n, Me. Iluc-Cnl- tiv;dnr. Oct. 10.1882. Filed .Tune 13. 1NH2. 3. The combination, with the benm having the longitudinal groove in its nnder side, of the longitudinally slotted plate sfcured to the beam by a nut and bolt,nnd having a booked end working in said slot, as set forth. 2. The combination, with the central beam and rear transverse beam, of tho standards having a lug on the front edge and a top plate, real wardly-exteniled platforms or strips \in\- iiig a cbiniping device, chLm]>iiig-|ihLtes with bolts and nuts, the hoes pivoted tt) thestaml- aid.s and provided with rear upwardly (ex- tended rods, and forward convergent brace- rods, substantially as set forth. .'(. The combination, with the cross beam It, of Ihe stiindards having a top plate, ami the hoes pi\oied at their lower ends, the rearward ly <'\ U'lidiiig plat formssocurcdandclamped be- tween said top ]tlate and the nnder side of the beams, vertically-adjustable rods T"^ U, top clanipiug-idatcs, J J, and securing nuts and bolts, as set forth, ■4. The coinbiuation, with the central longi- tudinal beam having a groove in its under sur- face, and provide)! with a longitudinally-atl instable plate having a hooked enil moving therein, of the rear in'oss-be.im, the standards adjustable on the latter by means of elainp- iiig-phites. and proviilcd with headed lugs 011 their front edges, and tlie brace-rods secured thereon and extending up over the eixl of tho plate on the central beam, as set I'oilh. 265,749. GABRIEL L. BRUNTON and JULIUS BRUNTON.(\mtialia,IlI.I'tow Oot. 10, 1882. Filed July 22, 18.S2. Ill a vine-cutting eullivaior, the cfniibiiia- tion, with the beam, of tho plowstamlards H, braced rearwardly to the beam, the colters G, arrangodinfiontof the plows, the slot tod yokes F, and the slotted braces I, pivotatly seenred to the axle of tho colter and connected with the standanl by the bolt which secures tho handle- brace thereto, snlistantiallv asset forth. 265,763. WM. J. DAVIDSON, Big Springs, Va. Plow. Oct. 10, 1882. Filed Mar. 17, 1882. My inventitm relates to that class of )iIow8, ill which the standards are connected tobrack- etsailjnsiabh'on tlii^ beam; and myiuventton consists in constructing the beam, aa fully de- scrtlied hereimilter, so as to secure a greater variety of mljiistmenis anil secure greater sta- bility and a betier control of the implement, ami so as to f.u-dilale the connection of the liandles and sliorreii their length. 1. Tlicc(MMbiiialioiMif I Im divided tdow-beam ha\ iiig ihi- t.tiaigiit sei-li.nis oveilapping and st-ciiied, and •>nc or more adjiistahlo brackets and standuidssecnied toeaciistelioii,as s|)eei lied. 2. The beam an', having llio lurnod-upeiid / amt Ihe big or prnjcctioii «, in coinbimition with the handles and the adjustable luackets find standards, snbstantially as shown and de- scribed. 265,765. JAMES H. D'LAMATTER, EarKille. 111. (Cultivator. Oct. U), 18K2. Filed .Iniie 30. 1H82. 1. 'I'Jie emnbinalion of the fiiime A and in- clined cciiUal drafl-bi-am, li', pivoted together and relatively adjnsiablc with the cross-bar I> and suppoi ling standards or braces 0' /»', sub- stantially as deseribi'd and shown. 2. The movable ami adjustable cross-bar IC and braces t' /«', in eombinaiion ttith the con- nected and relatively-adin^tal>h'riamih.\ A and draft-beam IJ', subsUiniiallv as described. 265,801. JOHN I. HANCOCK, Tiiomas- viile. f4a. Cnltivatur. Del 10. 1H82. Filed July 20, 1882. My improvemi'nt consists of the eombina- tion, in a covering-plow and cnllivator, of a Crame eon.sishiig ot two hinged beam-plates with a reino\ able carved standaid and two per- (oiated an;;li-biai'es svcnieil respectively lo Ihe beam plates ii ml their adjusting devices, as hrieinariei s.-t loilh. Ill a covering plow and cultivator, the coin- binalimi, wiili a liamc emisislingnf iwohli'ged beain-idatr.s, (f <-,of a iemo\ able curved stiind- ard, *■ f/. and two |M'rloiat.-d ahgle-Inaces, A A, secured icspciMively Lo the bi-am-platcs « c and their ailjnsiiiig devices, substantially as de- scribed. 266,274. JESSIE 0. DENSON AND STEPHEN B. BELL.lan.onia. Fla. I'luw. (.1.1. 24. 1NN2. Filed July ;^1, 1882. Thf eomliinalioii. siilistantially as set forth, of the beam A :iml ihe bars I; I!', arranged on opposite sides of tin- licain A, and parallel to each other and at an angle to the .',tho beams b' i',aud rear coniicf^ting or slide bars, subatautinlly as described. 2. A cultivator-beam divided into two see tioiis, H and I, with their respentivc arms iM and N (asteneil together by Imltsy/', snbstan tially as and lor the purpose specified. 268,223. MITCHELL HANCOCK. linpt- well, (in. Cultiviitor-riow. Xov. 2s. ]n82. Filed Aui;. 23, 1882. A metal plate bent in a peculiar UKinner forms a brace and a frame for Ihe altaeioneni ot >ei)iir..Ie ton- and short, plow-beanis, Ihe long inie of \f hieh sui>p<>rls the hamlb'->, while the sixnt im.-isletoniakcasiiiglcoi ilonbic .t if 1882. ■ Filed July fj, 1882. A cultivator-tooth formed of a flat bar of metal to present a cutting-edge to tho sod, the lower point being twrsted so as to present a broadside lo the soil, as shown and described. 268,699. EDWARD L. LITTOJM and JOHN J. BROWN, (ialii.ev Citv, S. C. i'low-Atta.'linn-ot. I)hnv standard K',and bolts (/;s2. Fihd Oct. Hi. 1mh2, This iuvcution relates to certain new and useful improvements in plcnvs for breaking and working rough ground ; and the object of the present invention is to produce a plow that will yield or lelieve itself from any olistruc tioiis — such as stones, roots, or stumps — that may come in contact with the points in the line of (Irait, without lifting of the plow by the op- erator, or strain upon the team, thus decreas- ing and lightening the labor of both. A fur- ther oliject is to provide a means whereby the plow may be leadily drawn Irom one place to another without till II I ng it upon the side, there- by les.sening tlie drag, while at tho same time the said [ilow or plows may bo relieved of all dirt, brush, or other trasli that may-have accii- luulated theieun. These objects 1 attain by Ihe construction substantially asslnnvn in the accompanying diaw iiius, and hereinafter de- senbeil. 1. The rod /|. t uiiifcted lo ihe etevis A, in cond)inaii->ii wiln tin- spriiii: (I. bar or i)Iatey", and .set screw 1;, snbstiiniially a.-^ and for the imrpo^c desciioed. 2. The t-omiiination, with the ratchet-wliecl c and pivoted catch tJ, of the lover H and stiinipor trigger I, substantially as and for the jinrpose set forth. 3. The spiing (} anil pivoted bar or plate /' and Ihe rods t -i, in eombinaiion with the clevis /*, bolt )ii. sliall I>. carrying plow-points or hanow-tei-th, the wlifcl r, and catch rf, sub- slaiiiially :is :iitd I'.ir rhi- imrpose si>ecified. 1504 CULTIVATORS. 270,426. ISAIAH HANCOCK, Fayette- vilk-, 'IV'tm. A-saiiTixJi' tti S. M. Hancock juiil .1. K- Hanc'tck, pame place. Cultiva- tnr. Jjin. 9, 1883. Filed Auj; 22,1882. Ill my improved plow iliebeainaof the j)low ;irc uriiti'd by means, of cnivecl pivot-burs iiiid striiiglit boldiii}: and adjiisiiug; bars, so tbai the beania shrill b^ riy'dly held iit auy desired distance apart. The plow-handles are iiuiti'd 10 the plow-staudiirdsand to the beams to make thcni llim, and their u[iper ends are aitjustableon the round thatiinites them. The plowtihnies arc provided with aiixUiary winga that may be attached or detached wiihout re- iiioviiif: l\ni shaics fro>ii their standarUs. In ,1 cuUivatiritj-plow, Uie comldnation of the main bcatu A,' the short beam B, pivoted thereto^ the two handles OH on the same side of the main beam, with the short beam be tnecu them, auu [ue standards C U, respect- ively extended up to support the haiidio H and ronnd I. as slutwn and dcsr.rihcd. 270,812. CHARLES KENNEB, 8t. Mary's .Mu. Doulde-Sh.wel Thw. Jan. Id, 1883 Filed vSep. 20, 1882. In 11 sttovel-plow, the enmbniaiioii, with the plow-beam A, curred at its rear end, and pin- viitc^l with the hole a near its end, and siiovel II, haviii;; a hole nt-ar its u|i|ier end, of tlie shtie .), made of a siiij^le bar of metal, haviiis; its lower arm, »/, lioiiKi>ntal, and secured at its ti.iiii end to the ])oint of the shovel, and beiit aruund at its rear end to turm the upper iii- idiiied bar, c, provided with a hole, b, near its end, aiiil a single bolt, (, secnrinK together tlie shovel, curved plow-beam, and ii[)per bar ot the .shoe, substantially as descriliecl. 270 846. MILTON McKEE RITOH, Lt'tuinlmriT. N. t'. I'low. .I;in. HJ. 1883. Filed Au^': 24, 1S82. 1. In agang-plow, the cumbiuation, with tlif side beams, A C, having standards provided with plows, and nutted rods D F, of the re- movable short beam 13, having the slot c in its rear end, and the inverted- L-shaped slot 1. In ftcoinbineil ciiUivaLorand harrow, the beam 11, exteiiiliii^' through ann pivoted di- rectly to the linksliapcil cross frame A, the latter being pivoted to and extending about eijuidisiant Iroin tlie Ulmui I>, anil iiavinghar- niw-ieerhC,apertured pl.itc F. having a brace, G, at each end thereof, clip F, and a locking device, all in comhiiution as and for the pur- pose set foith. 'A. In a combined ciiliivaiorand harrow, the combinationof tli« beam li, provided at it> rear end with a culfiviitur shovel or plow, B , the link-shaped cross-tnime A, having harro>T teeth C, onu of which forms n jdvotal point for the beam 11, and udjiisting meehauisrn con.- aisting of the .serially-apei-tureil curved plate E, apertureti clip F, «pring-pawl I, lever H, and operating niedinui J, as and for the piir- po.->e set forth. 272,080- ALBERT N. NORRIS, Uusb- ville, Ind. Cultivator. Feb. 13. 1883 Filed Sept. 22, 1882. My invention relates to that class of culti valors in which tho frame consiMts of laterally movable wings currying cult! valor-hoes hinged thereto, said wings being jointed at one end to ii central diaft-beam and capable of lateral adjustment at thu other end, and in which an adjustable gago governs the depth to which the hoe.s may enter tho earth. Ill it cultivator, the combination, uuh platt V, provided with hinge-lugs x and break-pin lugs ^, adapted to litloosely over tho hoe-shank, of lugs w, located between said hinge-higs and break-inu lugs, and adapted to embrace and fit closely over tho hoe-shaub, in the mannet shown aTid descii'ieil.for the purpose set forth. 273,224. WILLIAM CARVER, tieutts- ville, N. Y. Cultivator and Bean Har- vester. Feb. 27, 1883. Filed Nov 10 1882. The object of my invention is to snpply tc the rear of the frame of a common cultivatoi •■.ro carrier wheels to take the load oft' the bauds of the operatoi, said wheels being sc attached to the frame that they may be raiserf or lowered or changed to nnmeroua positione relative to the same in doing different kindf of work, such as cultiviitiug wide or narro . spaces between rows of plants, harvesting beans, &<•-. 1. In a cultivator, the combination, with the rail A, of the bar C, adapted to bo swung around upon said rail and made laterally ad- juMtable thereon, ami the vertical wheel-post /.secured to said bar O, and adapted to be ro- tated and vertically udjustfd in its hearing, substantially as shown and described. 3. In combination with the r.dl A, the bat C and swivel clamp iI, wlin means lo secure said bar and ^wivel-clamp to the rail, and tlie adjustable post/ and wheel 1), with the clamp- ing-bolt ( for tho pn.st, substantially as aud tor the purpose set forth. 273.426. FRANCIS M. AT.T.KN, Kuox- ville. Tenn. Cultivator. March fj. 1883. Filed April.22, 1882. 1. The combination, in a cultivator, of plowt A, handles I), standards U, aud a fnimu con necting swid jduws in a gang, .taid frame hav ing two or more yokes, (i. for intermediate plows, connecled at the lop by a bar, r, sub- slauiialty as described. '_'. The combiuatiou,in a cultivator,of [dows A, handles I>, .standards I!, and bars 1", said bars I" projecting below theconnectiufe frame and forming pulverizing-points (/, substaii- liallv as described. a.The combination, in .'icultivatr>r,of plows A U and pulverizing points d, suspeuded from the beams of the plows in advance of the jdows, substaiTtially :is described. 4. The combination, in a cultivator,of plows A, handles U. standards H, Hud a connecting- frame consisting of angle-bars T, bar W, and connecting - blocks V, .substantially as de- scribed. 5. The combination, in a cultivator,of plows A, handles D, standards II, bars 1", and roll er-bars a, substantially as described. 0. Thecombinatiou,in acultivator, with two or more gang- plows having parallel beams coupled to the bar e by hooks, of the oblitiue slruts*/, pivoted to the re.'^pective plow-beams, so as to rise and fall independently of each other, substantially as described. 7. The combination, in a cultivator, oljdows A, handles 1>, standards 11, conneeting-fiame TW, roller-bars a, and yokes Q. for interme- diate plows, suspended from said roller, sab- atantially as desciibed. 8. Theeomhination,in HcaliiViitor,of plows A, handles I>. standiirds H. connecting frame T \V, ndler-bars a, and pulverizing-points d, snsiiuiHletl from said roller-bars, subsiantmll^ as described. \). Tho combination, in a ciiI:lvalor,o£ plows A, handles D, standards II, bars I", cunuect- ing-frauieT W, gibs M, and clips N, Kulistiiii- liftlly as described. 273,987. W. 0. HAWKINS, i.iu.a, .S. C. Plow. March 13. 18^3 Filed Nmv. U, 1882. My invention relates lo improveuionts in j double-shovel plows ; and it consists of a stir- I rer -f peculiar consirnctiifli for grass and i weeds, adapted to l)e attachfi to the front or I rear end of the plow licam, as hereinafter I more fully set forth, and pointed out in the I claim. j The adjustaido attachment fi, consisting ot ' a crooked arm or bar provided with a ruke or I stirrer, i, at its lower end, and con.^tructed j with an upper lateral portion, e, and side cheek, /', having oblong' slots g k; whereby the stirrer arm cm be secured to the front or rpai "■:d of a I'low-beam, substantially as aud foi the pnipost^ speciGed. 275,159. EBER P. DAVIS, WitdierviUe, Ark. Cultivator. April 3, 1883. Filed Dec, 9, 1382. My improvement embraces a coiislruction and combination in which the side shovel-bar is braced directly from the main idovv-stand- ard and iia hangei-brace iu such manner as to relieve the side piojeeting screw-holt, by which the side shovel-bar is adjuatably.'^ccured to the beam from the great force exerted upon the sido shovel-carryiug bar. This ol)ject i.s ■ eflected by a brace, which i.>; secured at its lower end to the main plow-standard and to j its hanger-brace l.elow the beam b,\ iho screw- ' bolt which lasLeiis the brave, the main plow- >'.aridafd, and it-s Iianger-brace together, aud j at its niijun' eud to the side projecting screw- bolt, so that the upward force exerted upon I the side shovel-carrying bar is borne by an up- , ttjrd piitl upou said brace, .^ud not by an up- ward force upou tlio side projecting acTew, which would otherwise fail to carry the side shovel in proper relation to tiio main shovel, lu shovel-plows of this kind the side shovel- j earrying bar has been adjustably connected I to the beam in various ways and .supported ; by a brace connected to a bracket on the side of the beam, iu which the foice upon the side shovel-bar tends to bomi the brace or break tlie coolining-serews of the side bracket in the same manner as it would tend to bend the side projectiug screw. In shovel-plows of this kind Hie iifi\!L plow-standard has been formed of a bent strap pivoted to the beam aud adjustably combined with a banger-brace, and it is with such coiistractioQ that I have combined the detachable side .''bo\''il-carrying bar by a brace adapted for adj^istmcnt with the main plow- -Standard and supiiorting tho side shovel-bar by tbf: hanger-brace firmly bolted to the un- der side of the plowbea'u, and by the main pjow-standard bolted to the sides of the beam. 1. The combination, in a shovel-plow, of the pivoted bcam-Btaiidard /> and its hanger-brace )( with the side shovel-carrying bar, r, the side projecting screw-bolt, fr, nuts v r, the brace ic, and the .screw-bolt /, the said brace being se- cured to the plow-standard b and to its hang- er-brace below the beam, and to the screw -bolt k, pa.ssing through the beam, sub.stantially as desciibed, for tho purpose specified. L'. In combination with the plow-beam pro- vided with tho side hook, ui, and the hanger- brace /', of the plow-standard i^ the side shovel- bar, i", the screw-bolt ft, nuts r i\ and the brace w, said brace being secured to the screw-bolt ft, to the plow-standard h, and to the hanger- brace, aud adapted for adjustment with plow- standard, substantially as desciibed, for the purpo.se snecifled. 275.260. WM. H. PENNOCE, Meriimid. Del (Cultivator. April 3, 1883. Filed Dec. 2, 1882. In combinatioii with a cultivator-beam, the loekiug-Iat^ch s. llaving the lateral pin /and the vertical clamp /', substantially as speci lied. 275,462. O. BURGHER, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Horse Scuffle-Hoe. April 10,1883. Filed Oct. 17,1882. The object of my invention is to furnish an agricultural implement that may be drawn by a horse, and which will scarify the surface of the ground like tho common scntlle-hoe, cut- ting ofl all weeds at any desired depth and gatheiing tho weeds in piles; and my implfi- mcnt ifi also well adapted to the removal of weeds from walks and smoothing the surface Addenda. Insert after Claim 27S,0S0. 272,701. FRANK H. JOHNSON, Biggs- ville, Ills. Caltivators. Feb. 20, 1883. Filed Sep. 1, 1882. The combination of the beam C, bolt /, wedge-shaped washer F, provided with the radial slot or opening ^, the beam A, and bar E, substantially as shown and described. CULTIVATORS. 1505 of wallis and rniidwa.ys, ivml imji.v also be used to reinore weeds fioni tlic spiure between rows (if voETotables. trees, or i>hiiils. 1. Tliecombinatioo, with tbeciiUi valor frame and wheels, of tbo Iiandles J, T-Hbnped arms P, adjnstable cutter I, pivoted arms M,rakeQ, and "lever O, siibstantiatly as sbnwn and de- scribed. 2, Tbe combination, witb tbe frame, and the pivoted bandies carrying tbe adju.stabbj cut- ter-bar and adjustable rake, of tbe rotating restR, adapted to receive tbe bandies and sup port tbo operative parts above tbo ground, substantiallv an wliown and describt^d. 277.786. J RING, Milwin.U.-e. Wis. Plow. May 13, 1^6. Filed Ke .. 13, 1^83. 1. In a pbiw nf tbe desrrilird nmsinirlioii, lliuRpmiii sbiipi'd slnireQ, having; a ri'.irwiinl- cxlfiiilin;,' ji.iiyiltiiliiral slot. 7. and pH-hnalnl projf.'tiDhs or lii;.'s I' and S, .sllb.•^tHnlially as and for tbo piir|»'sc sliown ;mmI si-t fortb. L'. In a plow of llty di-.set ilifd ronstnirtion, the coiiihiiiahoii of tlic slottrd spoon siiaped sli;ire (J, liavniK pi-rlorated lii^'s I' and S, witli tbe standards K and .l,liavjii^' imlt-bnU's () and II, and bolts U and T, snl.Htanti;illy as sliown iind di'iscribeil. 277 949. H. L, SMITH, Watkins. N. Y. Cultivator. May 22, 1883. Filed March 1. 1883. 1. A8aniniproveaieutiucuitivatora,tbeconi- biuation. with tlio adjustable side beams, A A, carrying tlie ciiltivatur-blades and coiuiectcd together at their front ends by a single crosa pin or bolt, of tbo intermeiliate central beam tulcrnmed on tbo said bolt down between the , side beams, so that it works between the same, j and provided with tlio eiiltivatorblado and | Inmt wheel or roller, as set forth. 2. As an improveineut in cultivators, tbe combmatioH of tbo adjustable side beams, A A, having tbe slots in their front ends, by which tliey are capable of lateral adjastmeot, tbo cross pin or bolt connecting the said beams A A and passing tbrongli tbe said slots, tbe cen^ tral intermediate beau<, J, fnlcrumed down be- tween the beams A A on the said cross-pin and carrying tbe tront wheel or roller, and moans for retaining the central beam in the position to which it has been adjusted, as set fortb. 279 277. G. RICHARDSON AND G- ENDERSON, Sun Joee, Cai. Orchard Cultivator. June 12, 1883. Filed Feb. 27, 1883. 1. An oiTliaid cultivator having tcetb ai langeii in opposite direetious upon oncll side * of Ibe eeider, and provided with a eenlial bearing adajited to lit and turn upon 1 be 1 runk of the tree, as described. •J. An orehard-enltivalui eonsisling of a frame. A, having a central bearing. C, adapt ed to tit one side of the truuk of u tree, the teeth B, arranged in opposite directions upon eneh side of Ihecenlcrof thcframe. and an ad- jnstabh' iM-aring attached to the frame and adapted to lit tbe other side of the trunk of Ibe tree, substantially as and for Ihe purpose herein desciibod. ;i. An orehar on eafli .^ide of the eeider of tbe li-.inn-, the opposih'ly extending pjiiallel dralV l.;u-sl) I), (lniisjsl iiig of Ihe rod K. secured losaid bar, iindeuiiagiiig Willi a suitable boHl- ing laek on tbe diaft bar 1 >. and tbe niiiners v. :dl iirranged ;ind operating .'lubslanlially as aii.l l..r llic purpose iM-rein described. 279,429. H- L. P POOL, Edinburg, Ark. Combined Scraper, Plow and Cultivator. June 12, 1883. Filed Jan. 24, 1883. The invention consists ill a eombine r-ombinat ion. with Ibe .sloek A, eioKS-bar It. and Laterals adjiislable side pieces, i). provided with slaiidards I-', ol tlu-slMivcis(i.ll.riiMilvillilli.-ieMisel\ eiuM-d nppi-r portion, (I li I /, :iiid ii|il nriinl [loint >vmi and .i< s< 1 ixd. 279,958. BARTHELEMY LANOIZE LET. Pombon-Lanov, Fran--... Agricul- tural Iniplenient. Ju:ie 2(i, J'>«3. Filcl March 8, 18H3. Patented in Ki'ancc June 2(), 1882; Belgium March 3, 18ft3; Lu:;em- burg March 3. 1883; Germany Mnr. 3, 1883;Austria Mar. 3. 1883; England Mar. 8, 1883; Italy Mar. 3, 1883; J'nitugal Mar. 3 1883; Sweden Mar. 3, 1883; Norway Mar. 3. 1883; Denmark Mar. 3, 1883; and Russia Mar. 3. 1883. 1. The plow-beam A, t-nrved to form the plow-standard, and provided at it.s front end with :i sockel, L. in eomhination with tbe de- tacbable socket C. siibslanlially a.s and for the purposes specified. 2. Tiic plow- Ill-am A, constructed :is de- scribed, a-nd Hie mold-boards J^ li and han- dli- .sockr-t (!, in combination with the adjust- ing-plates C C and Hie Ibuiiib nuts :iiid Iiolts J> If. snbstiMitially as and for tli>- piirp**e.s sjieeilied. 281,426. S. L. ALLEN, Cinruioiinson, N. J. Cultivator Julv 17. IHH3. Filed Mar. 9, 1883. 1. The within-described share-bliid.r for cul- ti\atoi>;, luc .same being indented al mie side, -sons to form a strisiigtheiiing rib e\iending from Ibc point to tbe body of tlie Ma-Ie, and nieigiiig into the same, substaidiallv as de- seribi'fl. 2. The combination of the arm I and its nolelie-l head will) the side bar. P. having a irliiiner adapted to Hh- uotclie.s. and with a iKttt or bolts for seenriiig tbe several parts to gelher, substantially as specilied. ."t. Tbe within -dcsei-ibed aim I. made of slinck up .steel, and having a liead bounded by a iiolelied tlange. in combination with a re- biiiier on the frame of tbe maebiue, siilmtan- lially jis specified. 4."Ti)e combination of Hie arm I and its nolcbed head, the stay 1>, and .side bar. ]{. hav ing a block, J, provided with :i projection adapted to the notches in the head of tie- arm. with the staple-like bolt K. one leg ot which passes Ihrough the bead of tlie arm. Hinmgli the stay, and through liie side bar. Hie iither leg paiising through Ihe .said block J. all sub- stantially as set Ib.-Hi 282,341. S- O. MASON, Smnv Ilill. X. C. Cultivator. July 31, 1883. Filed Mar. 12, 1883. My invention relates to cert:iin improve incuts upon the cultivator for which a ]»atcnt was granted tome, in connection with McDon- ald Pate and William H. Dail, January 17, 1S82, which impro\cnicnts are designeil to give gi-eatcr strei|f;tli to the cnlti\:dor, ]n-e- veiit splitting of tlie cross bi':i 111, prcveul turn ing of the shanks i)f Hit- shovels, ;ind make the blades of the shovels d< laeludile. as Inreinaf- ler describeil. 1. The combination of the beams A and B, the braces F and G. the U-shaped bi-aeket /. Hie bolt ;/. coniu'eting the two braces to the beam, and the tlirougli-bolt _/', connecting the lever (1 and tin- bi-aekef/lothecross-bciim B, subslantiaily as shown and described. '_'. The combinalion, with the beam B, of the cultivator-tooHi having a squaie shank wilii rounded and screw-Haejided cud, Hicde- laeliable square sleeve n, having flange /, and teeth or poinl.s upon its upper surface, and the nut Ir, all arranged substantially assbown and described. 282,540. A. W. LIVINGSTON, Dee Moines, Iowa. Cultivator. Aug. 7, 1883. Filed Feb. 15, 1883. 1. In a cnUivator, the frame consisting of the curved Ijeams /(, united rigidly at their front ends and cun'cd upward and backward to lirodnce a clevis and a brace for tlie stand- ard, substantially as shown and described. L'. The eoiubimilion of the beams h, curved at Hw-ir front ends to I uodncea clevis and brace. k, the standards «/, adapted to carry detacha ble .shovels, the haudb-s »i.and a brace. .1, snb- .stantially as and for Hm' purposes set Ibrtll. 282,824. P. W. WILLIAMS, Dardanelle, Ark., arfSlgnnr to hlin>elt, T M. Oibsitn. and Z. L. Wise, same pbuu. Cultivator. Atig. 7. 18H3. Filed April lU, 1883. 1. The eombinatiou. wilh the beams k, of plows having a single blade,/, and a sliank, h, inelined with respect to the edges i J, to bring Hie entting-edge on a lateral incline to the line of drafl, and thereby act upon the soil M ith a .shear-cut. as d'-seribed. 2. The wedge-shaped driU-opentr m, in com- bination with the Tear end of the t>eam of a plow adapted lo open ridges, as and for the purpose specified. 284,062. H. C. RIKARD, Monroeviiie, Ala Cultivator. Aug. 28, 1883, Filed Mh\ 2-2, 18S3. My invention relates to an improvement in cultivators; and it consists, in combination with Hie standard and a bolt which secnres thf standard to the beam, of a pivoted colter which is placed upon the bolt and which is provided with uprojection upon its innerside, so as to eat

  • pcr end of the lever is.adjnstabb- Inmi I right to left, and inny also be iimo cd \fiti j eally to throw the coltc-r out of ur iiilo ilie I groiiud, as Mil! be more fully esplainod by reference lo the accompanying drawing, in which the ligure is a perspective view of my cultivator. 1. In a euUivalor ha\ing rigid Iiandles and shafts in- pole, as shown, a rolling cutter or colter iournah'd al tb<- Iow.t end of a lever wbieh'has its fulcrum upon ilie frame, so that tbe lever and e-«ller- iiiav be moved troiu side to side, subslantiaily as liercin described. '>. InacuUiv.atnr.ihe eolter iouiualed at the lower end of a lever, said lever being ful- erumediu a swivel, which allows it a hori- zontal and vertical motion, substantially as herein described. 3. In a cultivator, the combination ot a rolling slmrp-edged colter jourualed upon a lever which is swiveled and fidcrumed uiion the frame, with a transverse notched or per forated bar, H, hook (t, and bolt or cal eh 1. substantially as herein described. 285,318. G. W. STACY, Marietta, Miss. Cultivator. Sept. 18, 1883. Filed .May 10. 1883. The combination, with the curved beams A and the single plows/'/.?, of the sharp-edged scrapers <^ each removably secured lo two shanks adapted to be held in the holes /(. as and for the pnr(>o.se specified. 286 469. J. B. DAY and T. J. GREG- ORY, Cornell, Ills. Cultivator. Sept. 25 1883. Filed July 5, 1883. This inveution pertains to an improvement in cnUivalor.s, particularly gang cull ivatoi-s. and is cliaraelcristie for ils n adx adaptation lo Hie gang-cilbivaloi- now iu use, ami for 1506 CULTIVATORS. L'iiltiv:itiiii;'o:i(s, jmhcri/iiit; Itio i^roiiiul, Di-id ]ilu\viii};. \r.. I Ik- inliiii- «»i s;iiil iiivi-iiliou con ^'isi'lUiC -»r :tii ;i\i-| or pluw staiul- .n.l (Mi.jilil.- <■( n-.i\i>\\ scntrhml with ivlalinn totlio |.l'.v\^I:(ml:inl> (•nMn(<-lnl I Iutcm itii. and of ri-i(;iir) d*'l;iils nf r >n.stin<-li, longitudinally ■ adJnstaVde metallic shoes or their ennivah-nt arranged on either side of the rear portions of the beam A. and jno^ided with st*p-like i»-oiectio:is 1, 2, :niolt K, hook F, the draft-rod (J, piv- oted thereto, and the clamp I, bolted to rods D. as and for thepuri)ose specified. 280,376. E. S. BENHAM, Attica, N. Y. Gang. How Frame. Dec. 4, 1883. Filed May n, 1883. By my invention a gang of plo>s may he as readily handled ns a single plow, and may be tipped to either , ■idai.tcd to eat ami loosen the soil at a uni- 'lornideplhn|'"iillieslopingsidesoftheridgc.s with the snapers F, arranged at a short dis- tance in the ii-ar 4if the s:iid kniv<;s. so as lo sweep falling elods or sods uj) the sidesof the said ridgesflud away from the plants, combined and arranged to openrte subslaiilially as and for the i)nrpnsr sri foilli. 290,032. J. L. GILBERT, Iloholjcn, Ala. IMow. Dec. 11, 1883. Filed Fob. 10, 1883. The combination, with a plow-beam, of the reversible strain-iron K, having its ujiper per- forated arm projecting over the side of the beam, the double- shouldered rcvereible stand- ard C, the tie-rod 1) and its tiistening-nid, and ■ rodF,sub,stantiallyasspt ROBERTS, tiuitnian I. 1, 1884. Filed Sept. theiiendcnlbi tied. 291.087- A. A. Ark. I'low. Ja 12, 1883. 1. The Combination of the beam, tin- cam- lever C, pi\o|.-d thereon and Ibrked at the end, and tlie claniping-boU. having the eross- head which iMigages with the forked end of Ihe catn-lever, substantially as speeilied. *J. Theeoinbinationof thebeam, theenlliug implement having the loopid shank cNl'-iision K'. the earn Ifver C, and Ihe clamping dr\ ice 11, adapted |<. secure the ■•xtcMMon to Ihe beam, jissrt forth. 291,772. HUGH REA, Village Green, i'a. Combined LMow and Cultivator. -Ian. H. 1884. Filed Sent. 5. 1883. 1. In a eultivator, the condiinal ion of fln' .saddle plale T, having parallel plate per and lower plate bolted together, and one ha\ing a depending flange and lio(.ked bolt, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 3. In a eultivator, the combination of the T-shaped plate-levev 11", having sleeve /i' and cross-piece If. handled nnl 11'. pivoled jdate H, having slots /r. screw bolts li'. liaving ad- justiugnnls h', and plows C, substantially as shown, ami for tin- jinrposr di-si-i ibed. 4. lu acullivator, the rombiualion, with its beam and plow -standard, of Ihe plate-lever, with an eye or sleeve about ils middle, a slot at one end and luiiied upward at ils opposite cud. the Tplate having an angular eye or ap- erture at one end, a udddle diagonal portion, and a hori/.onlal tiunsvei-sc slot at its other end. and adjusting or securing nuts, substan- tially as and for the puri>ose set forth. 292,070. H. D. TERRELL, Starraville, Ua. Cultivator. Jan. 15, 1884. Filed July 18,1883. The object of this invention is to provide single-beam cultivators constructed in such a manner that they can bo readily adjusted for n.se as t't>vering-]>lows,andw)»ich shall be sim- ple in constrnelion and strong, durable, and etrecti\c in use. In a cultivator, the combination, with the , bracket O, connected to the beam, of an ap proximately U-shaped clamp, H, with its- arms or wiiigs provided with upper and lowei inwardly-project ing flanges,r,and bolts 1, sub stardially as show u and ilcscribcd, and forthe pnr)»osp set forth. 292,091. P. BEELER, Jetlei'sou City. Ky. Cultivabu-. -lun. 15, 1884. Filed Sept. 21, 1883. This my invention relates to certain new and useful improvements iu cultivators for pulver- izing the soil, consisting,fii'st,ina central bar or beam with a clevis in front, and a set of handles screwed thereto iu front,with the rear ends supported by metal braces extending down from the handle to the bar and secured thereto by means of a bolt. This central bar is providJ'jl with a detachable enrved piece, or hook on the rear end, to wl.ichoneof theteeth is attached, and is further provided with a eross head iininediately in front of lliehaudles, to which asrtofcxpand'ingsid.-barsare hinged, and held in place, wlicn .set, by moans of tiat bars hinged to Ihc rear emls,\vitli the inner ends lapping over eaeh other and slightly curved laterally in the back, with a scries of holes in each, and a bolt through them and tlie bar in the center,to hold the side bai-s in place when set at any angle required. These side bars are each jtrovidert with thrcesieklcformed hooks,to which theteeth of the cultivator are secured, one iu the rear, one on (he onlsidc near the end, and one on the inside near the front end. These hooks which are secured to the side bars are made Hat, and hinged thereto bymeansof boltsiusertedaboni Ihrecand one half inches back of theends,wliieh are slightly widened, and corrugated on the inside to cor- respond with similareorriigalious on the side bars for llic imtpose of set ling llic teeth al any required aiigh-. 'I'he leeth on Ihe rear eiidof tlie side bai-s an- hiniicd or boiled on the top of Ihi' law Mange of tin- adjustable critss bare, wliieh ilan^rsexl.'nd oiil biyondllie boss, ami CULTIVATORS. 1507 ai'f cori'UKJitcd on the upper surfacc,« jth llie' t'liils of tilt; tccIJi su foniicd as to cntcit in the I'Oi-niyaiions and lioUl them when set. The ailjnsting cross-l>aiti (J- G, liinRCil tfl the side bars, F, by iiu-ans of Jlniipes above and bi'low, with tlic C()rnij;a1ed projection I and tooth-liook H,as abi)ve described, ineonibina lion with the siih; hai-s, K, tooth-hooks J J, and teeth K K, snbslanlially asdescribed.and for tlie piirpnsc *;et forth. 292,501. H. L. MOORE, near Dawson. Ha. I Mow. -Ian. lil*, 1884. Filed Oct. 1. A i)h>\\' having a stock, A, or beam, tlie ix'htr.d jiart cidaij^ed. the handle, biarej^, or secnriny:-plates//, IheadJnstableKlatHlai'dsand tlie plates or stiips a beinj; securrd 1o;^ether, :i1 said eentral ]>arl of tlio beain by a siiijjle hull, siibsiantially nsshuwn and described, and Itii' (he i>iirposc8et forth. L'. ill a plow, the condiinatioM, willi a beam beveled from lln- ei-iilei* I inward llici-nds there- of, of thea)ljnstablesi:iii"lar invention tlic heel-bolt is received by an integral liook formed by tiirninjj up the end. of thestandards, by which const ruc(iony;reater coavenienc*; in mljnstment, siiuplieily, and dnrabilily arc secured. The herein-described jilow-bcam, rompris- ing the main beam fm nied of a metallic rod having its rear i-iid liiiiitd down ;iiid fitrming a plow-slandurd, in corn bj nation w iih the cor- responding short beam secured ;iL;;iiii--if one side of the main beam, and h;M iiii,' ilx rear end id.so turncii down to form a plow -siand- ard, the lower ends of these standanls being bent nji al one side of their main ]»ortioiis io form integral hooks adapted to receive the heel-bolts of a plow-blade, wliich hooks [no- ject at opposite sitles of the slaiidards, so as to be in the same hmgij^nlinal jiiaiie, sabslan- tiallv as set torth. 293,920. G. W. and S. TAYLOR, Miiviia. I'ei. Cultivator. Feb. lit, bs84. FiU-d Dee. 14. 188:J. Our invention relates to un improvement in enlli\atoi-s; and it ccmsists, fust, in eombina- lion wilh the eultiviilor, of a pivoted pressev- plalc-. and a spring w hieh is applied Iherelo lor the imrjio-'ie of giving the neenss.nry press- nri' upoTi the ridge of earth that is thrown up bv lh«- covering-blades of the cultivator; si-e uini, in the construction and ariangenienl uf j.arts \\ Inch will Ik' more fully de-seribcd here- in:; Iter. 1. The eondnnalion of the beam of a culti- vator with a pi'es.sei>-)dat*' having a recess in its lop, so as to catch o\er the beam, a pivolal bolt, ami a spring for keeping the i)resser- plate jn-essed dowinvard, sulKslaiilially as de- scribed. '_*. The eombiiialion of the i>rcs.ser -plate having a leeess in ilsujiper pai'lion,and pro- vi»h'd Willi the iiu-lined snriaees at. the bot- tom of the recess, and the lug I, with the piv- otal bolt, tlie Imam of the cultivator, and the spring wliich is applied to the be;uu and the plate, substaulially as described. X The comiiinaiioii of the ju'csscr- plate having a recess in its upjier end, and pro\ ided with the lug I. w if li the pivotal boll, Hn-siuing which isapiiiieil to bolli the beam ami tin; plate, and the slai)h'S which are seniied t«» tlie plat'- lor holding the ends of the spring in position, siih.staiiliaiiy as speeilicd. 294,091. I. A. SMITH, Dexter Citv. Mo. Coltivator. Feb. 2tJ, 1884. Filed Aug. 16, 18S3. My iii\laee. 1. The catch or cam F, of the form shown and de-seribcd, centrally pivoted, and having the shoulder/ and beveled or knife edge ('. 2. The combination. with a euUivator-beam and a pivoted standard, of tlic; rot at ingeatch F, of tiie !orm shown ;iiid described, and the spring IT. li. The condtination, with a eultivator-l>eam and pivoted stamlard, of the c iiteh F, of tlie the form shown and described, sining II, and side storing. >/, siibslautialh- as (lescribcd. 295,189. p. W. MEADOK. San Jose, t'al. Cultivutor and llorse-lloe. Mar. 18. 1884. Filed Mar. 12, 1883. My invention relates to iinprovenients in cultivatois ami horsehoes having an iron frame, and in wliit-h a setof shares operate in cmijuiietioM willi suitable guide-wheels; and the object of my improvement is to provide for regulating tiie width and depth of the fur- row, to secure an esusy method of adjusting the several cuttoi-s or shares ami greater strength in the cultivaloi'^frame. The combination of the beam A, angular side pieces, li IS, transvei-se rod 1\ the adjust- able guide-rollcrd F E, connected toeiich end of t!ic beam, the adjustable share or cutter J, carried by said beam, the adjustable shares or cutters K K.Ciirried l\v the transvei-se portions of the side pieces, and the rods N X and links O O, for biaeiug the standards of the rear cut- ters, substantially iis shown and described. 296,121. D. W. BRANCH, Troy, Ala. Oultivati.r. Ai-ril 1, 1884. Filed Jan. 19, 18S4. The object of the invention is to provide a frame having parallel beams, said beams being ndiipled lo be adjastctl nearer together or fnr- tliir apart ;it will, according as certain holes in ero>s liars are employed by securing-bolts. ICiicli beam carries a series of packets, iu one of which is received a brace, which bears against a plow foot or standard, which is se- cured to the beam by bolts and capable of be- ing i-eadily adjusted to either of the series of pockets. The beams are arranged parallel when ready for service, and the cross-bars are held at right angles to the beams by suitable braces. Tho beams (ire three or moroin num- ber, are soenred to the cross-bars parallel with uacli oi her, and the pockets or bi-ace-blocks are preferably arranged in transvci-se rows of three. 1. In combination with the parallel adju.st- ablc beams A, having a series of pocket-blocks arranged in transverse and diagonal rows, the jdow-standaids having interchangeable iJ lows, and 1 he braces K,operating between the pocket blocks and standards, as and for the purposes set forth. 2. In combination with the pnrallel adjust- able beams A, as shown, the standards or feet D, having interchangeable plows H, the braces E, and the blocks F, having pockets /"^ and holding-nibs/, the said blocks being arranged in transvei-se and diagonal rows, and the whole adapted to serve sis and for the purposes set forth. 297,069. THOS. J. CRAFT, EUisvilie Depot, Miss. Cultivator. April 15,1884. Filed Dec. 6. 1883. 3. The combination of thtf central beam, the triangular hollow easting, and the doubled outer beams, hinged at their doubled ends to the rear corners of the triangular casling. and secured at tlieir inwardly bent rear ends to the rear end of Ihc eential beam, as and for the purpose shown and set forth. 'J. The bereiu-described combined cidtiva- tor and gang-plow, consisting of the central beam, the ti-i^ngular hollow casting; the outer doubled beams, hinged at their doubled ends to the rear cornei-s of the triangular c:isting, and having slotted inwardly-beut rear ends sliding with their slots upon the rear reduced end of the central beam, and connected ad- justably together by means of a nutled bolt passing through tho slots, handles secured movably nt their forward ends to the triangu- lar c;isUng, uprights pending from the rear portions of the handles and secured adjusta- bly to (lie slotted end pieces by means of nut- ted IjlUs. and the tiraccs hinged lo the tJ'ifln- galar easting, crossing caeli other, and hinged at their rear ends to the rear ends of the oiiier bars, as and for tho purpo.se shown and set forth. 297,657. DANIEL ARCHER. Madison, Cal. Cultivator. April 29, 1884. Filed Oct. 29. 1883. 1. In a cultivator, the combination of llic draw-beam A and cross-jMeces I) i>, mov;ibli. side bars, 11, anil means for adjustinglhem lo and from Ihe draw-beam, shnres i;. si-cnn-il lo the side bars, with a central share, ./, se- cured in Irorit of the slmres i; to the draw - beam, substantially as herein set Ibrth. ■ 2. Inn cultivator, thcetimbination, w ilhlln- draw-be;im and frame, of the upright stand- ards K, bearingthe shares, and tin- horizontal bars (i,lia\ ing the liantiw-tecth «/ .*/, said snp- liorls being secured to the standards E at one end, and supported by a niil, A, secured to the IVaiue at the other, substantially asset forth. 298,334. THOS. H. BAIRD, Wasln iigtou. Ark. Cotton and t'orn Cnltivator. May 1-:!, 1X84, Filed June 22. M^^Z. In a cotton and corn cultivator, as above de- scribed, tho combination of plates o — one be- ing rigiilly secured on tlie upper and the other on the lower eilge of tongue A — with pins h' 1 ]»ivotiug beams D at their front ends — one on either side of tongue A — with threaded rod E passing transversely through the front eiido of siiid beams D and the rear ond of tongue A, threaded i-od E' passing transvei-sely through the rear ends of said beams, and hand-nuts c working on said threaded rods and against either side of said tongue, and against chi ps e", secured on the innei' and outer sides of said beams I>, all substantially as shown and de- scribed, and for tlie puriioscs set forth. 299,160. HENRY PARRISH, Ilora-.v. t-^a. Cnltivator i'low, .\!;iv 27. 1884. Filer^ Vnv 14. bSSe. l.Tho combination, in a cultivator, with the handled beam A B C, of the plow or sweep , composed of plates g h l\ and bolts ;, said boxes being pro- vided with perforated shanks ««, and handles F, the bails j> p, springs c r, and the laterally- adjustable eultivatoi-s attached to said boxes, substantially as described. 2. In a cultivator, tJie eonibiilatiou of the beams B B, boxes E K, having perforated shanks m m, the bails p p, and plus for adjust- ably connecting said bails and shanks, auh- stantially as described. 3. In a cultivator, the combination of the frame A B, formed in detachable parls, the harrow-teeth D, the pivoted boxes V., having shanks in, and leveis F, the bails p, and the laterally-adjustable cultivators C. II, attached to said "boxes, suletantiaUy as des. ribed. DISKS. 1509 243.705. THOMAS E. JEFFERSON, Bd^tnii, .\l:ra^. ilHl'n.w. .Itilv ;., 1881. Fik-. 1881. Myiuvpiition rcliiti's to ii Imrrow or ciilLi- vator tV)r .i^^iiciiliiiral purposes Iirt\ itigievolv ill;; (li.slis or invuli-d Itetb Liirifrupoii a riilliig caniage or sulky, or opciatcil indoiipmlcntly of sncli ik'viiT, IJie srii'I tft-tli or ili.sks bt-iiiff hrlil it) i:i)iit:ict witli tin- siirfin'c f!l llic soil by III.' constant force of :i spring, or ii> vipiiva- leiii, ()!■ UyKHivily, ill gmi^sor iiMlopoiuWhtly, ;iml liciii;; sus(«*prihly of elevation iiidcpi-Tid- oiitly or in .^fclioiis or {j:ni<;s, llo' novelty con- .sisliii;; ill tin'cotislnictinii ainl .ui:in;>eiMent of p!uU, its will he more ra)J.\ Iioivinaftar sot foiDijHiid spi'cificuHypointLitiiiii in Iheclniiiis. The objo4:t of tlic iii\ cntiuii is ru [providea barrow or onUivatorcatialiio nl ertl'Ctivc sorv- ico Mitli orwilliont ritlin;;-\\licels, Imviiipif- Tolviiij lianowin-; disUs or tpctli arranged in j;.in^s or indepeiideiiUy, and adapted lo be sdjiisted lateialty at m ill and to be rL-gidated at any dc.-iircd inollno in relation to tlio line of (nivel to lido over obstrnctioiis and i-eturn to ellective .service upon tlie soil-snrface iridc- peiidenlly by spriiirr-aetion, or to bo elevated in gan;;s or separately by tlie driver or oper- ator, as sliown in tbc (Irawinpo, and liercin- aftej- to be desciiUei^ I. In a liaiTow or cnltivator, a series of re \oI\ in:,' disks baling independent aciioii.coin- f'liied with independent springs and arranged snlisl.iiiiijiliy as described, whereby each disk shall br held in constant eoniaet and service witli iIm' soil o.icept when one or more of the '•i^l^-- ' "* in contact Willi obstructions and ouJ> ilie overriding disks are disturbed, as siK'filicrl. -. Ill a huirow or cidtivator, the revolving disks or leetb huogr iudepcmlontly to give in- liejn inleor. action to c.tcli,an(l held in contact with the soil by a spring or springs, the sftid disks or teetli being adapted to be adjustedin tilt; liiiuies lo any desired incline, aa specified, for tlie purposes set forth. .t. In !i ImiTow or cull ivator, the teeth or re volving disks arranged in pairs or independ- ently, and ImM iu contact with (he soil by a spring or springs, and bung or journalcd in frames, said fnimes being ndapled to be read- ily adjusted in relation to the Hue of travel at «tll, as specified, ■J. Ina harrow 01 eiil(ivator,(lie U'elhor re- volving disks hchi in contact with the .soil by a spring or springs, bung in frames and eapa- ble of iidjnstinent therein, coinbiiicd withaneb frames and hpnngs and with means tor ad- jnsting the Iraiuis at miy desired incline in re- lation to the line of travel, as specified. Ti. In ii liarrow oi cnltivator, tlie teeth oiitj- volvtng disks arranged in gangs of two or In- deiHMidently, held in contact with the soil l>y springs, and bnng in frames held rigid in lat- eral position, combined with said frame-s the main frame, and with means for giving com- ])aialivcly pei'uiancnt or ready adjustment at will withont affecting the vertical ixisitioii ol the teeth or disks, as specified. a. Ill a harrow or cultivator, the 1 eel b .nie volving disks pivoted or jonrnaled in back- ward ly-inclincd carrjing-franics, mul capable of adjustment therein, the said frainps having vertical and backward imbpe ndent plsy and beingeapable of oscillatui y -itl jnstment, as and for I be pnr[)oses set forth. 7. In a barrow or enltiVatoi, the independ- ent gangs of revolving disks or teeth, the framose e' e", and sjirings, combined with the lever H h\ links A', and toothed segment A, and adjusting means e; as and for Ihe pur- poses specified. 11. Id asulky harrow or cnltivator, tLccom biuatiou of the revolving disks or teeth, the springs, and rneajis for adjusting the incline of the disks ov teeth, with means for throwing either the disks or riding-wheels in or out of opersition at will, the spring-action serving, when the disks are in operation, to cosbton Ihe concnSsions in overriding obRtrnctions, and insiniilar manner wlien coming in contact with protrudi.ng obstrneliruis when the riding- wheels are in opL-iaiion and the disks elevated, as specified. lli. In a sulky lion ow or cultivator, the com- bination of the frame and riding-wheels with the disks or teeth, the springs and proper cim uectioiis. ,ii'd with a lever or levers, by which tlie or their equivalents, and with lovaus for operat- ing the same, its set fortii, for ilie pnr)toses specilied. 15. The rompo 1 lever l\ A' W and ratch- eted segiueat A, eombincU with gangs of Imr- rowingdiaks or teeth, am! witli boliling tneaiis, as set fortli. Hi. The eombinution of (lie frame tfc'r' and rod e*, or its erjnivalent, with Ihe disks or teeth (^ and a main frame, as and for the pur[)oses set forth. 37. Tlie combiiiiUiou of Ihe springs//' and bolt/^ with tlie iints /' and disks or teeth, as and for the purposes set forth. IS. The combination of the rod <* and ail jnsting ineaiiR t^ with the disks or teeth c* and the frames r^, as and for the jmrposcs set fortli. 1!>. In a harrow or cultivator, the revolving disks or teeth hung independently, arranged in the same piano as and under the axle, and held in eonston t contact with tiic soil by springs, whereby the machine becomes more cfticient 111 serxice and is enabled to turn upon a com moil center without wicnching the disk or tooth bearings or supports when the disks or teeth arc in tlie soil, as set forth. UO. In a snlky harro.v or cultivator, the lo- dependeat disks or teeth arranged in a plane with the axle held in contact with the sod by springs, and hung oit inclined axles, whereby the side pressure due from turning oit a com- mon (icnier in one direction will elevate the disks, and in the opposite direction the con vex Or inclined sides of the disks or teeth will serve aKiniiliir purpose, to prevent wrenching the disks or bearings, as specified. -1. Ill a harrow or cnltivator, two or more iiidepcudeut gangs of incUiiod teeth, combined with ludcpendent springs, and with means, as f^y Figs. 5 aud 9, for adjusting eaid teeth in depeudeutly or in gangs of tMo, as si>ecified. 254,723. GARLAND B. ST. JOHN Oe» improved de- vice for raising and depressing the plow. The iDvention consists in so constructing a wbeel-idow as to have on one side a large wheel to rnu on the plowed grouml, and fur the bearing on the opposite side a convex-faced wbeel or di.sk, whose face cooies against the laod side of the furrow wlicn in ii.se as plow, and which serves as a carrying wh*el for the truck at all times. It further consists in snch an arrangement of the tongue, truck frame. :»nd seat that a re ciprocatiog motion of the latter raises or de presses the plow withont the nso of hand Ic vers for llmt purpose, all of which will more fully appear in the parlicnlar description fol lowing. 1. The seat O, mounted on parallel hinged supports ec, regulated by suitable stops, coui- biued witb the chain c, sheave a, segment I, and tongue 3, anbstantiallv as shown and de- scribed. 2. The combinntioQ of the landside wheel F, pivoted axle K, lever L, nod quadrant o, or tbeir equivalents, substantially as and foi the puEpoae set forth. 257,666. CHAS. C- DAVIS and WM. H. MERGER, Mciver, s. ('. t'utu.i Scrai-.T. M;tv !», IHH-l Filed Kob. -li 18H::. Oar invention relates to an improvement in cotton scrapers J and it consists iu the combi- Datioii of the frame, made in a single piece with the Rtaudarda, aud a shaft having two cut- ting wheels attached thereto, which run ju&t inside of the two scrapers, as will bo more fully described hereinafter. The object of our invention is to produce a scraper for cotton, corn^ and other plants, and which is BO coastructed that tbo two cutting- wheela run along upon opnosito sides of the plants and press the earth towanl them, so as to pack it.aronud their roots, while the scrap- ers cut away the weeds which may bo growing around their Bides. In a cot ton -sera per, the combination of the two beams A, each made in a single piece with the stJindards, and hiuing the handles D se- cured between their rear ends, the shaft li, hav- ing the two cutting wheels Hitl;i.-. .M.rli, Se.-l-D-ill :,,..! KvT- iiliz<-r. .hiMc (i. IHK2. Kil,.,| Keb. IN. INS J. 1. The combination, Hubstniitially hereinbe- fore .set forth, iu a seed-drill, of a hopper hav- ing interior verlical sced-e'Midnciing tubes or chute.", provided with topineliiied tiay.s, with feed-wheels having internal buckeis adapted to operate in relation to said trays, for tiie pnr pose specified. 2. The combination, sabstantially hereinbe- fore set forth, in a seod-dnll, of a hopi>er hav- ing interior vertical secil-conductiug tubes or chutes, provided with top inclined trays, with feed- wheels having internal buckets and means for laterally adjubiing said fecd-wlicels |n le- lution to the trnys, for the purpose specilied. 3. In combination, the h()pper, the fixed \v- tieal tubes or ehntes therein, the open fecl- whucls having internal buckets, the shiift upon which they are fixed, and means for effecting the endwise adjustment of .siiid shaft, and tbo feed-wheels Ibcrcou, consisting of thu screw- stems J, the coupling-plates /', the screw-imts j.and the spring/, arranged at (he end of the hoiiper, whereby to set the feed-wheels toward and from the fixed hopper-tubes, lor thvi pur- pose specified. 4. The I'cctt-wheel band li, mounted at one edgonimn spokes^', iuid having buckets f, ar- ranged upon tho interior wall of said baud, in coinbinatiou with a fixeil tubo or chute having a tray extending within and beneath the said band toward its spoked side and l>elow the path of tbo buckets, aud tbo hopper through tho bottom of wbich the said cbiito imsaes, snbstitulially aa described, for the purposo specified. ''• Tho combination, iu -a seed-drill, of tho h«pper for the fertilizer having longitudinal ,^de slots, A', ou a plane with its bottom, with feed-arms r, passing into aud through said slots and having a reoiprociiting movement across and u[)on tho bottom of tho hopitor, and iiienna for producing such mo\"enu'nt, whereby to ef- fect the feed of the fertilizer from both sides of the hopper, substautially as described, (J. The hopper for tho fertilizer adapted to haxean endwise movement, and provided witli longitudinal side slots, A-, on a plaue with its botttnn, in combination with feed -arms r, adapted to operate within and through said slols and across the hop(>er-lM>MuU), and means for oiK'iMliug both the bop|>er and the said feed arms, substautially as described, for the pur|»oae specified. 7. In combinatioDj tlie hopper for the fertil- izer adapted to have an endwise movement, aud having lougitudiual side slots, &, on a plane with its Iwl loin, feed-arms )-, adapted to operate witbiii said slots upon and across the hoi>pfr-biiHoni, bell-crank levers pivoted to the Inline, anil serpeulinc cams p, for operat- ing .said levers, the said feed-amis being car- ried by a bar pivoted (o salil levers aud o)) rrateil, in the manner and foithepuritosespeci lied, by suitable drill diivC'gear connections. 8. The hopper for the fertilizer adaptc4l to have an endwise movement, having longitudi nal side slots, k, and side strips, «, adapted Un vortical adjustment in n-Iation to saiil slots, tho scraper ii njion the rear .si*!^ of the hop- ppr, aud tho fccd-arnis r, adapted to operate witliin said slots npnn and across the bo|)per- bottoin and beneath the said rog44latirig strips 8, and tho scraper, all constructed and com- bined witb the sectl-drill tulies and with the chutes /*, substantially as described, for the purpose S[»ecified. 0. The combination, with the drill tubes of a seed-planter, of the hopper for the fertilizer, tho guides I for said hopper, the serpentine cam 111 for operatiiip said hooper, Ihe fi-ed- arms r, operating iniongb slots in Hio sides of the hopjier, tho bell-oi'ank levers pivotcil to the cariyiiig-barof said feed .irms, the .serpen- tine cams^>, aud tlio shaft », operated by the drive-fjrar of the drill, the said .serpentine cams being arranged in relation to eaidi other to operate siinultaneonsly Ibc bopjwr and the feed-arms to deliver the fertilizer fmm both sides of the hopper. 10. Tho comiiination, substanlially herein- before set forth, in a seed drill, of the drill- tubes thereof with a supplemental drill point or cutting-edge adapted forattathmenttosaid drill-tube, and oiierating in front thereof, for the purpose specilied. 11. Tbo supplemental drill device, consist- ing of an arm, r, having ^i yoke anil a dip, v'. whereby it is secnredtoadrill tube, aud a nar row point or cuttiuj^edge, v, carried by said 1510 DISKS. aroi in front of anU below said (Irill.tnbe, sub- stautially as described, for tLo niirnose sneci fled. 12. Tbe combiuatioii, substantially borein before set forth, of a seed conducting tube ^ ,hii tbin narrow cuttinfj blade or point, v, and a covering device, substantially as de- sci-ibed, and adapted to (ravel in tbe slit made by said narrow cutting blade, for the purposo specified. 33. Tlio conibinalion, sulistaiitially herein- before set forth, of n scedcouducting tube and an attachable thin or narrow cutting blade or point, 7(,with an attachable covering-blade, ir, constructed substantially as describedj aud .adapted to travel in tho slit or narrow open- ing made by said cntting-blade, for tbe pur- pose specified. 1-1. The combination of the seed-conductor with the arm c, extending in front thereof, the chp r', tbo narrow drill-forming point «, a clamp, r\ therefor, and a covering dish-shaped wheel, ic, substantially as described, for the purpose specified. 15. Tlie combination, in a soeddrill, of a seed-conductor, a thin or narrow cutting blade or point, t/, and a covering- blade, w, as de- scribed, with the seed-hoppev C, a feed device for feeding the seed continuously, and achate, p, substantially as and for tiie purpose speci- lied. 1(!. Ill fonibination in a seed-drill and fer- tilizer, llio hopper C, its feed device, tho hop- per B,its feed device, means, substantially as described, for connecting and operating "the feeding devices of said hoppers, means for ren- dering the feed devices of the hopper A nou- operativc, a drill-forming point or cutling- blade adapted for attachment to tho drill-tube, and a covering device adapted to travel in the cut made by tlie drill forming point, substan- tially as described. 260,482 THOS. E. JEFFERSON, Bos- tini. Mass. ('oiiii.iiK'd IMnw, ILiirow, Sevier, olc July 4, 1.SS2. Filed May G. ISSli 1. In a snlty-plow haviug a furrow-wheel, a furrow side wheel, and a colter serving as a hearing-wheel at the front, the hinged frame and plow beam or beams, combined with the plow situated between the fmrow-wheel and c'olter-whoel, and bearing upon said wheels whether said plow is in or out; of operation, as and for the purposes heroin set forth. 2. In a sulky- plow, the combination of u wheel-framo hinged or pivoted to the rear ernl of plo\^-beam, the latter supported on a swiv- ^led colter at its front end, aud haviug nieana for elevating the fr.ime and beam at the point of their hinged connection, and a balancinp driver's seat, arranged in the rear of the asi^ of tho rear bearing-wheels to aid the lever In lifting the plow, substantially as sot forth. 3. In u sulky-plow, the plow iiroper nud means for elevating tho same in a horizontal plane, combined Willi the furrow-wheel, where- by the said wheel, rilling up the incline formed by the partially elevated ])Iow, servos to fur- ther force the jilowontof the ground, as speci- Oed. 4. In a sulky-plow, the main franic pivoted on theases of the riding- wheels, tho i»Iowbcam or beams hinged thereto and snpportcil bv tlio colter and the hinged i)ole, all conslructed, arranged, and combined as and for Ihc pur- poses set forth. 5. The plowshare (J, having V-sliaped re- cesses cast vertically parallel with eacli other apon either side thereof, combined with a rp- versible piint, D, having V-shaped parallel j.iws fl, and securing mcansj suhatantially as shown and set forth. C. Tiio combination, with a sulky-plow or barrow, of a harrowing device consisting of the spring-arms M aud the double teeth O', adapted to be used in connection with single teeth or disks to pulverize and hvcl the soil, as shown nnt\ descxibed. 7. In a i)low, a mold-board the rear ]>ortion of which is separate or hiugcil and ailapled to be adjusted vorlically upon the fixed por- tion, as and for tho purposes set. forth. S. In a plow, a hinged portion of the mnhl- board, adapted to be adjusted voriieally upon the fixed mold-boaril, whereby the opcratoi- may jtlow at any desired depth within the ca- pacity of the device, as set forth. 9. In a plow, a hinged mold-board suscep- tible of vortical adjustment upon tho plow- body fin- the purpose described, combined with means, substantially as specilJcd. for impart ing to said mold board any desired angle with Tclution to the line of travel, .as .sot forth. 10. In a plow, a niuld-board having teeth or lingers secured or cast upon tho rear portion of it.s face iniiiicdiatcly forward of tho rear edge thereof, said teeth being inclined rear- wardly approxiinately in n lino traveled l>y the furrow-slice, as shown, and serving not only to relieve the rear end of tho mold-board of friction and assisting to turn tho furrow, but also serving to pulverize the soil as the furrow is being inverted, aud utilizing the side pressure arising from plowing for that pur- pose, substantially as set forth. 11. A hinged mold-board, C, haviug fingers (J* castor secured upon its face forward of the rear edge thereof, said fingers being inclined rcarwaidly more or less as tbo hinged section may be adjusted to i)nlverize tho soil as tho furrow is being turned, as and for the purposes herein sjiecified. 12. A hinged mold-board, C, having i-ear- wardly-ineliued teeth or knives C^ combined with means, subst an lially as described, for im- parting oscillatory adjustment to said mold- board C in lelation to the hinge c, as set ibrtli 13. Tbe hinged molilboard C, having rear wardly-inclined teeth or knives 0% combined with tlie threaded rod C^, perforated arm V- upon llio bracket C, and with tho adjusting- nut C^ as set forth and herein described. 14. The hinged mold-board C and bracket C upon tho plow-body C, combined witli the tiireaded rod C" and nut C", wherel>y the said mold-board may be raised or lowered at will to accommodate tho depth of (arrow, as and fur the purposes specified. 15. Tho frame A', made of channel-iron, w itU open bottom, and adapted to receive aud house working parts of tbe machine, in combination with rock-shaft K, arm K', and wheel L, sub- stantially as shown and described. 10. The Land lever F, rigid with tbe plow beam, and the frame A', hinged to said beam, combined with means, substantially as de- scribed, for adjusting the pitch of the frame and beam and the consequent elevation ot the plow by hand or foot lever at will, as specified. 17. The hand-lever F, rigid with the plow- boam. tbo segmental rac'r-bar F', pawl f\ rod /^ainl spring/'^, combined with frame A and tho baud and pedal trips y /*,as and for the purposes herein set fnrtb. IS. In a plow, and in combination with a jointed frame or beam, a loose link connecting tho rear of the plow proper to oho i)ortion ol the support in rear of the hinge or joint, and adapted to serve, with the plow-staudard se- cured to the support forward- oj' the said binge or joint, to preserve the horizontal position of tho plow whatever its vertical elevation, as set forth. 19. The eomhiniition of the hinged support. Ilic stane>ng ada])ted to be thrown into mesh what- ever the deflection of tho wheel (! and shaft.0', as ami for tho purposes specilied. 23. The perforated partitions/', the heade. The springs M, supporting tbe harrow- ing devices, secur/*d to the cro3s-I)ar A', and describing appn-xiniaiely a portion of an ogeo curve, each indepniduntly combined with ad- justable, remmabli', ;ind reversible harrowing devices, ami adapted toallowa universal play thereto, in a manlier as and for the purposes set forth. 2(;. The Hat springs M, as shown, having threaded apcrMires ih, combi?)cd with the bar- ro\viii;i-teetli nv disk frautca having curveil .slots It, and with set-scrcM' )»', alloM'ing such teoth or frames to bo adjusted at any desired angle in relation to tbo line of travel, or to V»e reversed at will, as and for the purposes sol forth. 27. Tho combination of the independent tlat springs M and adjustable removable reversi- ble tcelli or disks with the holding-bar I', threadc'l arms P', nut p, and frame A, as and for the purposes described and set forth. 2S. Tbe disk jonrnal-boxcs 15, having conical or rounded bearings ?■ and spaces r', com- bined with the disk-spindle O*, having annu- lar llange o', substantially as set forth. 29. Tliecorabiiiatioti of tho journal-boxes It, haviug annular recesses »■', internal chamber, »■', and healings >\ and tbe disk-spiudlo O*, having collars o, which rigidly entbrace the disk, and having annular Hanges o', combined with the disk-frame N, having jaws n', th» whole being adapted to serve as and for the purposes set forth. 3U. An interchangeable sulky plow and har- row having across-bar, A', of angle-irou, with harrowing devices, as shown, adapted to re- ceive a similar cioss-bar having similar har vowingdevices, combined with means aubstati- tially as described, for throwing either or both sides in or nut of operation at will, as set; forth. 31. In a Sulky barrow, the eombioation of cross bar A', adapted to slide upon aud be se- cured to a tluplicalo crossbar or section, S, with the box l^ having ears if', the seat X, and pole Z, as set foi-tb. 32. In a snlky-liarrow, a side section com- pitsed of the cross oar A', of channel iron, the springs carrving iinlepetident disks or teeth, the rockshaft K, with lever K', and pro^ ided with crank-arm K.' and wheel li. and adapted to receive a cross bar provided with duplicate devices, arranged to slide into and be secured to tbe bar A', as stt forth. 33. The combinarion of a revolving colter, a righl-augled st-nidard, or tbe equiv:denl thereof, swi\'eied ii; the plow beam or frame, and a tongue prcpiiiy soeured to said .-tand ard, whereby tbo ph:»w is enabled to turn in either d i rection, and describe the are of a smal I circle without taking tho plow out of the soil or injuring theco'ler-blade, as specified. 34. In a sulky plow, a revolving colter com- bined with and adapted to receive motion and direction from tho draft-tongue, as and for the purposes hereinbefore set forth and de- scribed. 35. In asnlky-i>low, a revolving colter which serves at all times as a bearing or riding wheel for tho forwaril end of the phn\ beam, com billed with a pivoted pole, to which it is con- nected aud from whicli it receives motion and direction, as and for the purposes set forth. 30. The colter Wand standard V.combinod wit;h the arm V, tho adjustaldo pole /, and tbe plow-beams B', substantially as set forth. 37. In combination with a. sulky plow or har- row, the tongue '/>, hinged to the frame thereof, and formed of band-iron cut diagonal, our piece being reversed to bring the narrow ends together, and both parts bout to form an ap- proximate arc of a circle in transverse section aud secured together, sabstantially as set forth. 261,875. HENRY M. ROSE, Waterman Staii.m. Ills. lHsk-II:in-..\v. Aug. 1 ISS2. Ilh-.| M..r Ti. iNS::. 1. In a dislc-hnrrow, a gang of diska com posed of two iiiit'^pendent sections, snbstaD- tially as described, a non-rotating axis - rod whereon said sectious revolve, aud a draft-con- nection attached to said rod at its middle, be- tween said sections. 2. In a disk-harrow, a draft-tongue, A, and a cross-piece, B, at tbe rear of the same, com- bined with brackets or arms B, attached to said cross-piece with joints which permitsaid arms to swing in a horizontiil plane and also to partly rotate on a horizontal axis, combinexl with gangs of diwks the axis-rods whereof are pivotally attached to the rear ends of said arms, and are thereby enabled to move in a horizontal antl vortical direction, as set forth. 3. lnadiak-harrow,a draltframeanicco of suitable pipe of proper leiiRtli, ppnced by tliimlilcs or sleeves of otber pieces of pipe of piopor size to slip over the flrst, hihI extending from one disk to nDothcr, ftud tho wliolo rigidly fastened ftnd bold tngotlier by serew-nnts on tbc cuds of Ibe pipe first mentioned. C. In ft disk-barrow, a disk gang set up in sections upon hollow sbafls, as sot fortli.com- biued with non-rotatinR rod, whiub extends tbrouRli tbogang and constidites a continuous axis, ns deserilM'd. 7. In a disk-liartoff, disk-KanRssetup upon tubular bubs, coustitnUng cninplete and inde- pendent sections, Rubstuntially as dt'scnbvd, combined with non-rotating a\i^ rods secured to tbo bangers attlieirends, and draft connec- iions nttaebed to the centers tbereof. 8. In u disk-barrow, a set of disks compris- ing llireo or otber number less tlian tbe whole iiumbcrof tliegangjconuccted rigidly togetber and fixed upon a sbftft, whereby said section may constiliito an indepoudcut member of tbe gang, as set forth. 9. In a disk-Imrrow, a series nf revolving disks combined with UsUaped scrapers, tbe two vertical portions of each being iii a plaue or planes substantially parallel with tho axis of said disks, one of said vortical parts consti- tullng the scraper contiguous to tbe face of tlio blade and extending to the odgo of tbe same, and tbe otber verticid portion constitntina Ibc shank attaclied (o that part of tbe tramc wborcby tho scraper is supported, whereby matters detached from tbe blade may freely pass over the point of tbc scraper without ar- rest by the shank, substantially asset forth. 262,820 FREDERICK NISHWITZ, I Millin-In,!, N. .1. jLuhm. Au^'. 1-^. 1SK2 Kik-I Kel>. :'>, Inm^, ' | 1. Tbo combination, substantially a:^ set j forth, of the tongue or draft tranio,llie vibrat- | ing crusher or gang bar, the vibrating cutter j or gang bar in rear of the cnisber, and tbo vi- i bratinp scat support or coupling, wiicrcby tbo | gangs may Hex to eonforni to iindulations of I tho ground. I 2. Tho combination, substantially ns set forth, of tbo vibrating tongue or draft frame, tbo vibrating crusher or gang bar, tbe vibrat- ing cutter or gang bar in rear of tbo cnishcr, the vibrating seat snppint or coupling, and tbe vibrating lever, for tbe purpose set fortb. ;{. Tbe combination, substantially as set forlli, of tbe vibrating tongue or di-aft frame, ihi> vibrating crusher or gang bar, the vibnit- ing cutter or gang liar in rear of tho crupher, Ihu vibrating sent support or coupling, tbe vi- brating lever, and a detent, for Ibc purpose deserU>cd. 4. TIto coii.bitialion, substantially as set forth, of the longuo or frame, tbc ernsber or gang bar, its bingo connection with the frame, tbc vibraling cutter-bar, the fulcrum or pivot on wbicb itvibrates, and the binge connection between the bars. 5. The combination, substantially as set forth, of tbe tongue or frame, the crusher or gang bar, its binge connection with the frame, the cutter-bar, the pivot or binge connection bet ween the bars, and tbe fulcrum or pivot of 1 he cutter-bar in rear of tho binge-connection. C. Tbe combination, substantially as set fortb, of the tongue or frjinie, tbo cnisher or gang bar, its hinge connection with tbc frame, ihe cultcr-bar, tbe binge conneclinn between tho bars, and a seat standard or coupling piv- oted on the frame and supported on the cut- ter-bar by pivotctl rods in rear of its hinge- connection. 7. Tho combination, substantially as set forth, of tbe tongue or frame, tho crusher or gang bar, its hiugo connection with Ibc frame, the cutter-bar, the hinge connectiop between tUo bars, a seat standard or coupling pivoted on the frame and supported on tlie cutter-bar by pivoted rods in rear of its hingc-CDniiCc- tion, and a lever for vibrating the gangs. 8. Tbo combination, substantially as set forth, of the tongue or frame, thiS crusher or gang bar, its binge connection with the frame, Itio cutter-bar, tho binge connection between the bars, a seat standard or coupliug pivoted on the frame and supnorted on ibe cutter-bar »)y pivoted rods in rear of its hingc-oonncc- tion, a lever for vibrating the bars, and a de- tout for locking '.ho lever. 0. Tho combination, substantially as set fortb, of the frame, tbe gang or crusher bar, its bingo connection with tlie frame, tbo cut- ter-bar in rear of tho crasher, the bingo con ncetion between the bars, bavrow-tectb car- DISKS. licil by tho bars, a scat-standard pivoted on the frame and supported on tbe rear bar by pivoted rods in rear of it,s binge connection with tho front bar, a lever on the frame, a link connection between the seat-standard and le- ver, and a dettut. 1511 It consists in the use of a forward skim- plow and weed-turning device, in connection with independent teeth or cutting ■ blades dragged iu tbe furrow made by a rear or sub- soil plow, which raises a further cut of earthy and toros it over upon the teeth, dragginn 10. Tbe combination, substantially as set in the furrow for the better polverizatiou of forth, of ft tongue or frame, a gang or crusher bar, a cutter-bar in rear of the crusher, har- rowing teetii or devices, and binge or pivot connections or Joints between tbo bars and tongue or frame, which permit a vertical rock- ing vibration or lloxnrc of the parts relatively to the ground and to each other. .11, The trailing or dragging harrow-tooth herein described, which is formed witb a flat einl for atlachment to tho gang-bar, and is then twisted and curved relatively tothcdraft- liuo to present a curved dragging cutling- cdgo to tho soil, the eiitting-blade of tbetootli the same; and it consists, further, iu combin- ing with tbc pnlveriziogdevie«8 a mold-board adapted to confine the ?arth in the furrow for the purpose of being pulverized. 1. In a plow, tbe combnialion of polveriz- ing devices operating in the forrow beside the plow with a forward plow or similar device to remove tbe sod or w^eda and turn ihem be- low or out of tlie way of the palverizing de- vices, substantially as set forth. 2. In a plow, the mold-board having a flat extremity, substantially parallel with the fur- row, for the purpose of confloing tho earth cxtendingrearwnrdlyinfiabstantially the.same | in tbe furrow, in combination with pulveriz general i>Iaiie with the Hat surface of attach meut. 12. Tho combination of a crusher bar with a series or gang of curved tiailiug harrow teeth having flat surfaces for attachmentaml secured on the under face of tlie bar, the Hat surfaces extending rcarwardly beyond tbe bar, substantially as set fortb. 13. Tbe combination, substantially as set forth, of a pole or tongue, a crusher-bar se- cureil thoretoand hni-ingan upffardly-iuclined crushing-face for operating upon tho soil, and ing devices, snbstantially as described and shown. 3. Tho combination, with a plow, of tbe piv- oted bar carrying upturned teeth and adapt- ed to drag in the furrow lasttoade, whereby thetecth operate below and up through thesoil turned upon them by the plow, as set forth. 4. In combination with a plow, upturned teeth or points attached to a dra" adapted to operate in tbe furrow last made, for the pur- pose of pulverizing the earth turned upon them by the plow, said teeth being adapted to aseriesof ;hcr hinged thereto, the vibrating cutter or gang bar iu rear of tho crusher and hinged thereto, an adjusting-le- ver on tho frame, aud a connection between tbe cutter-bar and lever. 263,565. FREDERICK NISHWITZ, Milliniiton. N .1. Harrow. Am:. 2^'- ]SS2. ^Fik'.l .Ian :.';J/l.sS-2. My invention relates to that class of l-;ir rows in which ono or more gangs or ser'-i of disks arranged transversely to the line o'draft are employed to cut, turn, and break up the earth; and the iuvciilioii consists in certain improved organizations in which a crusher- bar is used iu jjiicb machines to crush clods, break down minor irregularities, and level the Burfnco for tlio action of Iho cutting-disks, which improvements will hereiuafterbespecifi- callv described. 1. The combination, substantially as set forth, of a gang or gangs of dibUeulters, a clod-cruaber bar arranged iu front of the disks, and mechanism for at^justing tho crusher in- dci>endently of and relatively to tbo disks. 2. The combination, substantially as set fortb, of the disk-cutters, ineebanism for ad- justing them relatively to tho soil, and the clod crusher bar arranged in front of the disks. 3. Tho combination, substantially as set finth, of i\ tongue or frame, a gang or gangs of disk cutters, a crusher arranged in front of tbo cutters, and mechanism for adjusting the crusher aud cutters relatively to the soil. 266,689. EZRA G GODDARD, Ea^t Saginaw. Midi. Adjnstul>le Uiitaiy Sulky l*lo\v..i)i-{. ;n, 1SS2. File.! .Tune IU, 1882. 1. In a rotary plow, the conibinali-m, with the frame A, consisting of the base n, beam ?i, ami beam c, provided with extensions rf e, of the shaft C and tbesepmate U-shaped frames 1> I)', swinging upon said shaft C, substan- tially as specilied. 2. In a rotary plow, the combination, willi the frame A, cdiisi.-iting of tlie base o, beam b, and beam c, having tho extensions (/ c, of the shaft O and the swinging frames D W, tbe shaft being acljustsibly connected to the frame by bolts and holes, and the swinging frames constructed to sbde on tbe shaft, as specified. 268,830. CHARLES E. SACKETT, .\U.rri^timfl. N .1. Conil.in..-.l I'[„\v and I'niveri/.ei. ]K\-. 1-2, \HH'2. Filed April d. 1882. My invention relates to tbe combiuation of ft pnlverizing device with a plow for the bet- ter pulverization of the earth as turned by tho nlow, and in one and tbe same operation. to be dragged— not rotated— in the furrow, as set fortb. 270 369. THOS- M, BARNA, Atlanta, Ga. C:oti.n-rianter. .Jan. 9,1883 Filed .lulv 17, 1882. i. in a cotton-planter, the combination, with a rotary hopper, of the fnrrow-opener consist- ing of the downwardly-projecting triangular share F, having the flaring oblique sweeps G G, extending rearwardly besond the wheels of tbc hopper, and verlically-adjustatOe roller I, ad;.). ted to compress the sides of tiie furrow made by tbe opener, and of the covering de- vice consisting of the hinged frame J, cross- bar K, concave disks L L,jimrnaled obliquely upon said cross-bar,and roller M, all conslroct- ed and arranged sabstanlially as shown and described, for the purpose set forth. 2. !n a cotton-planter, the combination of a rotary hopper, D, having axle a, notched or grooved at a' aud a'.frame A,haviug.jonroal- boses A', removable hub consisting of the halves O and O', having tongues o and o' at their inner ends, and annular spring P, con- structed aud combined to operate substan- tially as and for the purpose shown aud de- scribed. 271,142. HIRAM SKTT.T.TNGS, Xew Bed- fojii. Ma>s. Spade-Wheel Plow. Jan. 23, 1883. Filed Oct. 3, 1882. Tho si>ecial advantages of the construction of the s]ia.Ie wheels aie that Ihe spades dig into the sod ami turn the dirt over very thor- oughly, and puUeiize when they turn out in the revobitions of the wheel; and also that jjartof the teeth in the ground will hold the plow from turning ^idewise during the en- trance of the other icnth, (bus making each wheel an indeneiident plow in eflVct. in a revolving piow, the combination, with tbe sill A and Journal-shaft 6, of the angular supports li H B', each piovided at its rear end witb tbe diajionally-arranged spade-wheel, the supporLs 11 H being ligidly secured to the sill, and the support B' hinged to tbe shaft ft, sub- stantially as described. 274,267. JOSEPH CAMERON, t^-ntbi- ana, Ohio. Ihnn.w Mar. 20, 1883. Filed Auic. i;>, iss-j. My invention relates to certain new and use- ful improvements in harrows and means for raising and lowering tbe same; and it consists more especially iu the construction of the har- row and elevating means, as will be bereiuaf- ler set forth, and pointed out iu tbe claims. 1. A hari'ow provided witb lateral series of rotary disks, tha disks of the firs^ series being set ou a line witb the draft and those of the following series set at angles therewith and adapted to rotate ftud intermesh between tbe disks of the adjacent series, substantially ns shown and described. 2. In a cultivator or harrow provided witb a frame supported ou wheels and means for raising and lowering a supplemental frame, the combination of scries of disks arranged upon the supplemental frame and adapted to intermej«b with each other, each aeries being 1512 DISKS. fixed upoQ parallel traR3\ers6 shafts and at different angles with each other, siihstaiitially as showQ, and for the purpose set forth. 3. In a harrow, the combination, witti a frame having a rear toothed section, of traus- verse shafts having secured thereto series of rotarv disks attached to their respective shafts atdiflerent angles with each other, substan- tially as shown and speciUed. 4. In corabiDBtioD with a harrow-frame, a series of tratisverse shafts jonrnaled to the sides of the frame and provided with series of disks arranged at different angles with each other, so that their disks will iuterraesh wth those of the adjacent series, substantially as shown. 277,982. ALLEN BRADFORD, Dalles, Orei^oti. roiiiliim-'l Atriii-nltural Machine. Miif 22, \i<><'-L Filed' .Time 2S, 1S82. 1. In combination with a rotary-disk nar- row, the independent seeding attachment -up- ported upon wheels and adjustably connci-ted to the con|)Iint;irou L, the latter having the hinge joint I' detachably secured to the totigae of the harrow, whereby the seeding attach- ment may be adjusted forward and back, as described, and may rise and fall vertically relatively to the harrow, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2.. In combination with the harrow, substan- tially as described, and mechanism, subyfau- tially as described, for feeding the seed, the mechanism i'oc lifting tlie harrow, and the chain c'-, lever c^\ and frame O for throwing the feeding raeclianism out of gear when the barrow is raised. 3. In combination with the lifting mechan- ism c' (^ c^ (?, the rod c", chain c"*, with fold- ing lever o'*, and frame O for changing the j gejirs, as described. i 4. In combination with the ci'auk-sha''C c?, chain , sub- stantially as and tor the jiurpose set forth. 278,711. JOSEPH LANE, Chicago, Ills. Kotarv I'low. June 5, 1883. Filed Xov. 27. 1882. This invention relates to that elas.s of rotary l)lows in whieh disks or vheeis are cniptoyed for doing the jdowiiig. and has loi' lis nbjects to simplify the eunsti'iietion and iunnmement nt thr sevend de\ icTs roiiiiiosiug the i-low; to ;;i\e till- roiar\ disks tn plows a fi-ee ai d inde- peiiilent sujiport, by wiiirh each can n.^i-orfaU indi-peuilfTit i)f the other, and a snpooitr by \vlii<'li li'Uli i-iittei-sor plowscanbe i-aiseil clear oj' the ground; to locate tlie plows in a better po.>*ition relative to each other and to the csir- ryiug or sup]ioitiiig frame; to insure tl'e hold- ing of the entters or jilows down to thi-ir work without interfering with the vertieal move- ment, and to improve generally the eonstrnc- tion and relative arrangement of the devie4.'s; and its nature eonsLsts in the several devices and oombinatioiLS of devices for inDdiuingthe results above named, which are heieinaffer de- scribed, and pointed out in the elaims as new. ]. The e\ itii a pluw beam pro- vided at ea<-li end with a rotai^ plow or cutter, of a suppoil eompased of ehains or similai- flexible devices conneeicd with the beam adja- cent to each end. whereby eithei' rml of the beam can iVei-l.^ rise and fall i-idependeiitly ot the othei-end, and tin* entire btaiti is jpertiiilted to move bodily in a vertical plain-, substan tially as described. S.The combination of a non-iolating plow beam having at each end a proiecl ing spindle, a cutter or i)low jonrnaled to re\olve on eaeli of the s;iid.s])indlc\, and a support for the beam," whicli pennits it In Ireely i isc and fall ateithei- end independently of the niher end, or move bodily in a Veiiical plane, substantially as de- scribed, whereby one cutter or plow can rise, and fall independenllyof tlieothci'. asset foilli. 3. The coniliinatiMii, with aslinnp or ilraw. i\ of aplo\\ iH-ani t-vtencUng through an open- ing in the .stinup or draw, and pioxided at each cud with a rotary cutler or plow, and a .•iuj>poi-t for Ihe pIow-lK'am. which jierniils either end of the hitter to rist; and fall inde- IKMuli.-nlly of the otlu*r end, Kubstantially as de- scribed. 4. The combination, with the stirrups or draws C, of aplow-lieam, B, extending thiongh openings in thcstiirupsordraw.s, and provided at each end with a rotary cutter or plow, side pressure-bars, f, aud a support for Ihe plow- beam, which permits either end of ihe lallerto rise and fall indeiieudently of the other end. 5. A plow-lK-am, B. cjuTyiug at eaeli end a rotary plow or cutter, in eombinalion with a lifting device for lilting the beam bodily, or al- lowing either end to "rise and fall independ- ently, sulistaniially as and for the imrpoNOs specified. (i. A i)lov-- beam, B, carrying at each end a rotary jdow or cutter, in combination with tlic chains H II' and lift^ing wlieel or drum I, for r.aisiug the plow-beam and plows bodily and allowing either plow torise and fall independ- ently w hen at w oik, substantially as specified. 7. The combination of a plow-beam. B. pro- videtl at each cninationon" each side of the growing jdants, the seiapei-s which are attached fo tin- fraiiie out- side of the wheels, and adjustable enltivulor- standards which will follow behind the .scnn>- ei^, ami which are made to dirt tho plants, as will be more fully described hereinallcr. The object of my invention is to ])rovide a <-otton scraper, a cultivator by means of which the growing jilants have a shoulder cut upon ■■ach of Iheir sides, the dirt se j held iu position, substantially asset forth. j 281,715. PORDYOE m" MOULTON as.>iguor tu S. \^. tvc^, Vvrgt-nucs, and H. Xorton, Addison, Vt. Hoad-makiug Machine. Jnlv 24, 1883. Filed" Oct. 2. 1882. 1. The draft- fi-ame provided with the two series of rotary disks or cutters and means, substantially a;; described, for adjusting the same, in combination with the rear fi-anie. pro- vided With the oblitiue scraper, and connected to the front frame by joints permitting a lim- ited independent motion, .sulxstantiallyas de- scribed and shown. 2. The combination of the fx'ont frame, i)ro- vided with the adjustable rotary cuttei-s. as described, the rear frame jointed thereto, the scraper, and the adjustable wheel for control- ling the elevation of .said fr.ime. 3. The combination of tlie front frame pro vided with the adjustable cnltei-s and the driv- er's seat, the rear frame jointed to the front frame, the scraper, the snst.aining-Mhcel.'/, and the hand-lever «', connected with siiid A\jicel. and extending forward to a i)oint adjacent to the drivers .seat, substantially ;us .shown and described. - 4. Incombination with the iVontframe. hav- ing the rotary entters mounted thereunder, the lear scraiier-fiaine connected to the front IVame on one side by the eyebolt or swivel- eonm'Ction r. ami on the opi)asite side by the vertically-sliding joint ?r, .'). In cimdumitiou with the drafffi-amc, the shaft c, provided with tiie rotary cuitei-s, the sleeve t\ luounletl upon said shaft, ami the forked head , pawl 1-, and lack /. bcU-crank level's r i-j clutches ;> p, and pulleys o o, all combined in the manner and for the purpose specified. li. In a combined rofary disk harrow and scetl-sower. brace-rod s, secured to the seed- sower, and means for detachably securing the j free end of said rod to the drafti»ole, sub ' stnntially as shown and described. ■ 285,809. SCHUYLER S. GARDNER, I Chicago, Ills. Rotary Plow. Oct. 2 ' 3883. Filed Sept. 18, 1882. ' j This iiiveulion relates to what are known or | termed "rotary disk plows," or plows using j a rotating cutting-disk to perform the plow ing, and hixa for its objecls to improve the construction, armngemeiit. and operation of tlie rotary disks and then- locatioTi and ar- ningemcntiu lelation tothe supporting frame anil wheels and the draft, lo enable the drall til be ivadily and qtiiekly changed to adapt it t>> the nnnii>er of disks used, nnd at the same time ovcivome the natural tendency of the dnill to niisc the plows in use, to enable the fi-.ime and plows to be i-eadily a.id .juickly raised or lowtMcd to travel from jilat* t'' place or eiiiei tlir ground, .is required, and to im- ]lru^ e u'cnerally the constructiun, arran?e- m'-ni. and opiTation of the devices forming the plow a'; a wliole; and its nature consists in the devices and combination of Ihe devices by which the atwvc ntirucd oi)|ecls arc attmued, which are hereinafter specifically described and pointed ont in the claims. 1. The combination, with fht- diskcarryiug frame A, having t vtensious li B', of tlir^bo.xes i»r brackets C C, the ta'T^ing wlieels andtne ixle I>, capable of longitudinal adjustment in tlie boxes or brackets for changing the loca- tion oT the carryin;.' whf'cls with i-ehition to the uuinbei' of plow disks employed, subsl ini- tially as described. 2. The combination, with the disk cai-rying frame A, provided witli the extensions B B' and the boxes C C'.with wliitih the extensions are connected, of the wheeled axle 1>, passing 111 rough the boxes anil cajiable of longilmli- iial adjustment therein, and means for rigidly siM'iiriiig the boxes and axle together when adjusted, as desired, whereby tho furrow- wheel of the axle can be brought into line with any one of the rlisks carried by the fiame, substantially as described. X The frame A, having extensions B B', forniiug bi-aecs. boxes, or brackets C C, and axle D, ill combination with seat-snpport I, the seat T, and diagontd brace K, for transfer- ring the ii\ eight of the driver to assist in hold- ing the machine down to its work, sabstan- tially as specified. 4. The fiarae A. disk L. backing plate '. and journal or pin j, in combination with a slotted plate l^, and liracket or sui>port M, sub- stantially as and for the purposes specified. 5, The frame A, disk L, backing-plate i, and journal orpin/, in combination withthe slotted plate k' and slotted hanger or bi-acket il, snb.stan(ially asandfor the purposes speci- fied. G. The combination, with the disk L, of rocking or swinging hangers oi bnickets M. bolts o\ to which the hangeis or brackets are swiveled, the connecting-bar M, and an ope- rating-lever for the bar ;N, for changing theset of the disks, substantiiilly as and for the pur- poses specified. 7. Tlie hangers or brackets M aiid jdate A', either or both having slots, in combination with the disk L, backing-plate /, and journal or pin_/. for furnishing an adjustable suppoit for the disks when attached, snbstautially as and for the purposes specified. 8. The disk L, backing-plate i, and journal nr piny, in combinationwitblhcplate //.hav- ing a bearing, fr, for attaching the disk to an arm or support, substantially as described. 9. The tubular axle or standard K. having slots /, in combination with the rod S, having pins,* and a meaus for raising and lowering the roil, substantially as and f«r the purposes specified. 10. The axle or standard K, having slots t, rod S, having pias s and hand-wheel T. in combinatifm with the frame A,for raising and low Cling the forwani end of the frame, suVj- stantially as and for the purposes specified. 287,336. GARLAND B. ST. JOHN, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Hulling Laudside- Colter. Oct. 23, 1883. Filed Xov. 10, 1882. The uatnre of the invention consists in the veiticallj -adjustable revolving colter placed ^n the landward side of the plre&sions, water collects aioimd the young i)lant .and either materially damjiges or destroys it; en- tirely. Tiiis serious difficulty I overcome by my improved attachment, which cousLsta in the combiiKition, with a planter frame, of a pair of adjustable Ijlades or disks adapted to form a hill ili frunt of the dropping mechan- ism, and operated by a lever and suitable connections, as will be fully described here- inafter. 1. The combination, iiith the frame of a planting-machine, of bearings sfecured thereto, vertical shafts or spindles supported within said bearings, hill-forming devices secured to said spindles, and means for oscillating the spindles within their bearings, as and for the purpose .set forth. 2. The combination, with the frame of a planting-machine, of bearings seemed thereto, spindles supported within said bearings, hill- forming devices secured to said spindles, a rock-shaft supported upon the planter- frame, and devices for connecting said spindles ami shaft and for oscillating said spindles, sub- stantially as set forth. 3. The combination, with the Irame of a planting-machine, of bracket-bearings adjust- ably secured to the front of said frame, oscil- lating spindles supported iusaid bearings and carrying hill-formers, arms secured to the up- per ends of said spindles, and V-shaped links connecting said arms wiHi a rock-shaft, sub- stantially as set forth. 4. The combination, with the frame of a planting -machine, of a l>racket-beariog se- cured at each end of the Iront ol said frame, a pair of oscillating spindles supported in each of said, bearings, hill-formers secured to said spindles, a rock-shaft, links and arms connect- ing said spindles and .shaft, and an operating- lever for simultaneously operating both pairs of spindles, and a dog adapted to engage a seg- mental rack,*sulisLautialIv as set foi1b. 291,127. JOHN AUSTIN, Chici^o, Ills. Rutarv Plow. Jan. 1. 1884. Filed Mav 16, 1883. >ly invention relates to that class of plows' provided with rotary disks for laying the fur- rows, and in which the said disks are set at an angle to the line of draft. In the example shown 1 have represented a sulky gang plow oi the class referred to. 1. The combination, substantially as speci- fied, with the frame of a rotaiy plow having a diagonally -arranged plowing-disk. of the dmil-wheels T T, the vertically tilting sec- tiimal axles IV D', carrying the said wheels- and pivoted to tlie said frame, and an adjust- inii lever jointed to the said axles.for the pur- pose of thereby admitting of the said wheels bi iug both inclined laterally in the same direc- tion by means of the same lever. 2. The combination of the wheels T T, the vertically-tilting axles D' D', the barB', the T lever F'. the links H' H', and means lor temporarily locking the said lever, in con- nection with the plow-frame, carrying diag- onally arranged rotary plowing-disks, sub- stantially as and tor the purposes specified. 3. A. rotary plow -disk consisting of the combination of the hub G and flange G', all made in one and the same piece, and having therein the pockets or depressions ■• c, and the blade H, made in sections, fastened to the rim of the said flange, the radial edges of the said sections having between them spaces opening into the said pockets, substantially as and Ibi the nurposes speciliod. 293,221. LOUIS A. BRINGIER, Donald- sonville, La. Cultivator. Feb. 12, 1884. Filed Oct -20,1881. A cultivator composed of side pieces, C D, provided with yoke-standards ('and revolving disk.s K, the said side pieces adjustably se- cured by stirrups cto the arches A B, as de- scribed, and the machine pro\ ided with a beam. H, and having strengthening-rods (/ /, bi;ice.'s/. ;ind a guidc-haudle. O. substantially !■• and for the purpose pjiccified. I 294.699. GARLAND B. ST. JOHN, Jackson, .\licli. mow. Mar. 4, 1684. I Filed Dec. 1. 1883. I 1. Inadisk-landside plow, the combination I of the plow beam orsiaiidard with the bracket I B, axle «, hub b, and disk A, secured by bolt j c, substaniiall\ as described. 2. Tlie eombination.witha plow.of a frog, C, I made separate from the stamlard or beam and bolted to it. and also to the mold-board and share, said frog consisting of a vertical por- tion, a horizontal portion, and a curved or concave portion, siiljstantially as and for the purposes described. :i. The combination, with the mold-board and beam or standard, of the angular bracket B, secured at one end to the standard, at the other end to the axle-arm of a hub, bearing a convex turuing-landside disk, A, and al.so se- / cured to the mold-board, substantially as de- I scribed. ! 4. The combination, with the mold-board 1 and beam or standard, of the angular bracket I secured at one end to the standard and at or I near the other end to the mold-board, of a hub bearing a convex turning-landside disk, said disk being set with its front part leading in- ward, and sustained by the said biackct. sub- stantially as de.-^cribed. .'>. The combination, with the plow-stand- ard and mold-board, of theTotatiiig-landsidft disk A, the bracket B, the flanged and re- cessed hub h, the axle having a sand-band, and the bolt c. suljstantially as described. 297,524. CHARLES LA DOW, A'bany, X. Y. Wheei-Cultivator or Harrow. April -22. 1884. Filed Xov. 7, 1879. 1. The combination, substantially as here- inbeforeset forth, of a disk-gang shaft, a spool enveloping the shaft, a sleeve envelopingthe spool, and provided with a spherical bearing, and a correspondingly-shaped socket in the boxing connected with the main frame. 2. The combination, substantially as here- inbefore set forth, of the disk -gang shaft, the sectional ball loosely mounted thereon, and its socket. 3. The combination, substantially as here- inbefore set forth, of the disk -gang shaft, the sleeve thereon, its hemispherical head, and the hemispherical section loose on the sleeve, 4. The combiuation, substantially as here- inbefor; set forth, of the disk-gang shaft, the sectio" -1 ball thereon, the socket therefor, the reces (jhereiu, andthepin(onthesectioiiofthe ball next ilie socket-opening) working in said recess to prevent said section from turning, while permitting t!ie ball to rock. .■5. The combiuation, substantially as here- inbefore set forth, of a disk -gang shaft, disks mounted thereon, spacing-thimblesinterposed between the disks, a sleeve on the inner end of the disk -gang shaft having a hemispherical enlargement upon its end. a hemispherical 1514 DISKS. ciilliir lutisfly muimli'd dm tin- sl«'cvi\ siiid lu'iiiis])lHTic;ti iMiliiifieuniit :iiul t'«;!l;ir form- iiiK :i srclintml li;ilt,!i s.n-Un loi- liio said Imll. a |iiii <.)ii Iln- liniiisptifiical t-tillar Mtnkinii' in a irct'ss in iIh' .Mu'krI. ami a clanip-mil ujitui thi tiM- I'thI dltlii' a\U'. (>. TIh' OMiiUiii.iIioii. Mil>sl:inliallv as lii'i>' iiil.floii'si-1 r.n(li,ot*adisk-aiiy, as.-iait.T l.ar. M'ia|iL'fs iiii>niitc(l llitMcon, ami t^iiiipoilinj: l>ai>. luvoU-d nil ilio s]KU:iiiy lliiiiililfs ami sctaiKT-liai". 7. Tlic I'oriiliiualion, siilist:iii(ially us set loi'lli. mT a k' MiUi il. 10. The eond>inatiOii, subslaiitially as Iiore- iitbelorc sot forth, of a frame, disk -gangs composed of coneavo-cunvex disks moaiited on axles. Meipht-boxes inonnled above (he disk-gangs, and a lever thereby the angle of tlie gangs and weight boxes velalively (o Ihe line of draft may be varioil and a nniform depth iif cat of the disks seemed. 11. The coinbinaiion, substantially as lierc- inbefore set forth, of a'maiii frame, adtisk-gang, ■A scrnper-bar and weight-box mounted on pivoted supports above said disk -gang, so ns to Ue free to vibrate laterally, a stop td lii)ut said vibrations, and sci-apers moulded updu the seraper-bar, Mliercby the scrapers are eaused to appro.aeh and recede from the disks (to cleai' tbem of clogging matter) by the Josl ling of the inaeliine. ]i'. The combination tif tlu* main fr.mic. a disk-gang, moeluinism for adjusring tlie gang rclati\ety to the line of the drafi, a weight support or beam monuted over aud Kirriedhy the gang, dratt-eoiincctions exteuding from llio fi-aiiie to the gang, whicli permit- the ad- just ineut of the gang, and a brace exteudiug from Iho frame to the weight-support or beam. 13."Thc eombinatiou of the main frame, a disk-gang, a weight support or beam uiomited over and earried by (he ga)ig. and the bifur- cated connection J I' H", extending from said beam lo the fi-amc. • 14. The combiimtion. substantially as here- inbefore set forth, of a main Iranic, disk-gangs Hexibly connected at their inner ends, and also connected to the main frame, a lever, a bar connecting the lever and llie flexible connee- tion, and a gnidc-plale in which said bar works endwise. lit. The cond>inationof the mainfjamc, the eudwise-nioviTig draw-bar <(, liieslotledguide- platc, and tin- disk-gangs, fur the purpose set forlh. K;. Iu a harrow, the combination of a pole, a crossbar projecting hUeially therefrom, disk-gangs hinged to the cross-bar, a lever on the pole, a bar connecting the lever to the disk-gangs, and n guide, between the prongs of which tlie bar iS tiirust back and forlh by tin- aelion <»f the lever. 17. In a harrow, the c.oml>ination of a pole, a dratl-frame or cross-bar, disk-f,*ig8 con- nected to Ibn frame, a lever on the pole iu front of tlic cross-bav, a bar connecting the lever and the disk-gangs, and a guide located between the gangs and lever lo regulate the inoliMii (ilMhc bar. IS. 'Ihe (-..mbiimtiun, substantially as liore- iiiberslantially iis set forth, of the draft -iiole, the plat<- bolted there- on and having the lalcrally-pr'tjecting wings, the geared slotted adjiisting-jilates with which the gang-frames -.irc connected, id voted in said wings, stop-pin apiTlnres in the wings, and a pin or detent Un- limiting the movement of the gangs. 298,911 E. FOWLER STODDARD' Pavton, (Miin. Wlioel-IIanow. May 20 1SS4. Filed Sept. (i, 18,s;J. Wy invention relates to that class of harrows or cultivatoi-s having gangs of disks, prefer- ably concavo-convex disks, adjustably con- ucctc(l tothedraft-framo and arranged on each side (dthe tnii^'uefor the purpose of changing tlieani;lesof llu-aiigs relatively toeacliot her; and the novelty u! my invent iun consists, lirsl, in so connecting t)ic draU-fiame, disk -gangs, and tniigne. thai Ihe slidiugtjf Ihe luiigue for- ward or'back will cause tlic useillalion of the disk-gangs and enable them both to be brought in a straight line oi ani^^Iini: I o each other, and lo be locked in anyof tlicuadjnsted positions by the opcintor from his seat un the maehine without loss uf time and with no expenditure of labor; sceondly,iJi theconstruction and ap- plication to each'gang of disks of a series ol siniultaneonsly-opetided sell-adjusting scrap- ei« controlled by the di'lvcr in his seat while the machine is in operation, if desired, lor cleaning the disks or wheels; Ihirdly, in the construction, combination, and armngemcnt of Ihe parts, as will be herew ilh set forlh and specifically claimed. 1. In awheel or disk harrow, the combina- tion, wilh the main frame and the wheel gangs independently pivoted thereto, of the pole or tongue with coivuccting mechanism, whereby the sliding of said pole or tongue backward or forward carries the wheel-gangs and shifts their relative position from a straight-line to any angle desired, or vice vei-sa. 2. Iu a wheel or disk harrow, the combina- tion, with thomainframcand the wheel-gangs independently pivoted thereto, of the back- wardly and forwardly sliding pole or tongue extending back between the adjacent ends of the gaiig-beains, and united thereto by adjust- able connections, whereby the sliding of the pole in one direction will cuiiso the wheel- gangs to be .shifted from a straight line to a forward angle, or from a rearward angle to a straight line, and vice versa, as desired. 3. In a wheel or disk harrow having a main frame with independently - pivoted wheel gangs, the tongue or pole working through lixed guides secured to the main frame and adjustably connected to the adjacent ends o( the gang-beams, and provided with a series ol perforations, in combination with a slotted plate or coupling secured to the main frame, a superimposed jierforated plate, and a re- niovabloconpling pin atiapted to pass through said perforations andtheslot in the coupling- plate, whereby Ihe forward adjtuitment or play of the polo can be regulated at will to .shift the wheel-gangs by the driver from his seat on the machinr, as set forth. I. In a wheel or disk harrow havinga slid- ing jiole or tongue for adjusting the wheel- gangs simnllnneously from a sLraigliL to an angling posilitm, or vice versa, the combina- lion, with said pole, of ast^j) for limiting the backward play of saiil pole, substantially as il escribed. .5. In a disk-harrow having a sliding pole or longne for arljnsting the wheel-gangsimni laneously from a straight to an angling posi tion, or vice versa, the main fianie ofthe ma- chine consisting, es.sentially, of the draft- beam A. taoss Ill-am IJ, and brace-rods C, ex- teiuRng from Ihe forward end of the beam H to llie |ii\olal axes of the gang beams, sub- stantially as d<'Sei'ibed. (i. 1 n a M licel (n disk harrow, the eomhina tion, with one or more scries or g.angs of har- I rhery of said disk. whereby said blade can adjust itself lo the. surface of the disk at all points of its scraping surface from one cnil to the other. S. In a wheel or disk liarrow, the'condiina tion, with a sciies of rotating harrow-disks, of a scries of pivoted rocking arms carrying self-adjusting scraper.s, which said arms are connected to and operated by a bar or rod, so a.s to be vibrated simullaueonsly tliroughthe medium of a lever or ecpiivalcnt device. II. In a wheel or disk harrow, thecombjna- j tion. with a series of rotaling harrow disks. of a series of scrapei-s adjustably united to a reciprocating bar by spring-connections. 10. In a wheel or disk harrow, the combina- tion, with aseries of rotating harrow-disks, of a series of pivoted arms carrying pivoted self- adjusting scrapers, and united to a reciprowxt- ing bar by spring-connections. 11. In "a wheel or disk harrow, the combina {ion, with a series of rotating harrow-disks, of a series of pivoted arms carrying pivoted self-adjusting scnipcrs. and united to a recip locating bar by an adjustable spring-conncc tion. 299,057. GEORGE G- CROWLEY, Lit- tle b';i\U, N. Y. Disk-Harrow. May 20. 1SS4. l-'iled Jan. 14, 1S84. 1. In a disk-harrow, the combination, with a gangplank or frame,of scrapers pivoted there- to, a roek-sliaft mounted on said plank or frame, and pivoted arms or carrici-s, whereby the motion of the rock -shaft is tmusniitted to the scrapers, suhstantialiy as set forth. 2. [n a disk -harrow, the combiuation, with a gangplank or fi-amc,. ofscrapci-s pivoted thereto, a rock-shaft monuted on said plank or frame, pivoted arms or carrici-s connected with said rock-shaft, and springs interposed between said arni,s or carriers and the scrap- cr.s, substantially as set foith. 3. In a disk-harrow, the combination, with agaug-plank, IJ, of a scraper,(.\ pivot rf, hous- ing D, spring/, and rock-shaft h; substantially as set forth. i. In a disk harrow, the combiuatioti, with a gang-plank, B, ofascniper, 0, pivot d, hous- ing 1>, provided with an arm, I, rock-shaft k, and aVm f, substantially as set forth. 5. In a disk-lianow. the coinbiuatioit, with the scraper C, of the housingD.providedwitU a shoulder, g, and socket F, a spring, /, seated in said suckel, and a rock-shaft, Jc, substan- tially asset foiih. 0. In a disk-harrow, the combination, with the scraper C, of tho housings D, provided with arms I, pivots tf, provided with eyes Ar*, shaft 7,, snppoiled in said eyes, and arms I, seeurciltniliishan h, snbstantially ;i.s set forth. 300,697. GEO. G. CROWLEY, Little Falls, N Y. Disk-Harrow. June 17. 1884. Filed Dee. 12. 1883. 1. The combination, with the main frame, of a gang plank or frame, aball-aud-socketjoiut, whereby the gang plank or frame is attached to tho nmin frame, shaft-bearihgs secured tc the gang jdank or frame, and adisk-gaiigliav iiig its shaft, jonrnaled in said bearings, sub stantially as set forth. 2. The coinbinaiion, with tho disk-gang, of a sxjhcrJGxl socket rigidly sccnred to tlio gang- DISKS. 1515 plaLk, and a iiin-socket iiiovably altaclicd to the gang-plank, and iiroviileil with a spherical knuckle seated m said sphi-rical socket, sub- stantially as set forth. 3. The combination, with the nnvin frame and the disk-gang, of a pin scoured to the main frame, a spherical socket secured to the dis);- gaug, and a pi n-soeket adapted to receive the pin of the main frame, and provided with a spherical knuckle seated in said spherical socket, substantially as set forth. 4. The combination, with thcgang-plank.ol the spherical socket 1), pin-socket IV, having a spherical knuckle, il, hooks r, and link 10, substantially as set fortli. 5. The combination, with the main frame, of disk-gangs, ball-and-socket joints, whereby the disk-gangs areattached to thcniaiu frame, and hooks /,-, whereby the inner ends of the disk -planks can be rigidly secured to the main frame, substantially ius set forth- 0. Thecouibinatiou,witli Ihemaiuframeand disk-gangs, of an arm, F, having a gear-seg mentiff, conneeting-rodsy , ana a worm-wheel, O, substantially -.is set forth. 7. The combination, with the main frame and disk-gangs, of an arm, F, having a gcar-scg- nient,/7,connocting-rods/',worm-wheclG, pro- vided with arm 1, and catch i, substantially a.'- set forth. 8. The combination, with the main frame, of disk-gangs attached to the main frame by swivcling connections, whereby each gang is adapted to adjust itself independently to the inequalities of the ground, and a drag or lev- eler arranged in rear of the disk-gangs and at- tached looselytothe mainframe, substantially a-s set forth. 9. The combination, with the disk-gang and disk-plank, of bearings B', oil-cni>s K, having bai-s .s', cover S, rod s, and spring T, substan- ti.ally as set forth. PARALLEL 1517 263,458. JACOB WILLIAMS, Dublin, Ind. Cultivator. Feb. 7, 1882. Piled Oct. 13, 1881. Tbi3 inveiitiou relates to straddle-row cnlti- vators, and Jias for its object to I'uiiiisb ft sulky which cau be used without the use of a tongue or other similar pole extended from Iho aslea to the breasts of the horses. It consists in a substantial frame which passes under and to the rear of the asle, and is made fast to tlie latter and to the arch, and is provided with a crossbar, which passes under theforwardendofthecaltirator beam, and has its forward end extended and provided with means for boldinp the whiffletree. 1. Thecombinationofthe axle, provi lied with pin /', the coupling /jjournoled on said axle, and provided with slot/*, the beam c, pivoted to the coupling /, and the cross-bar d^ of the frame iudle, b, and bar b' at its rear end, the plow-gangs having plates ^ 9', hinged to the spiudle t, antl the lower one projected forward beneath the bar b' for the purpose of sustaining the arches, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 0. In corahinaiion with tho wheeled side frames having each a spindle, b, and bar h' At its rear end, and arches D, journaled to sai4l side frames, the plow-gangs having plates gg', hinged to the spindle b and the lower one, g', projected forward beneath the bar 6' for the pnrposeof sustaining the arches, substantially as and for the jiurpose s[)ecilieti. 10,297. EDWIN W. JOY, Iowa City, [owa, nssiifiior, by mesne jiasigiinients, to TattLH^ rUnv C().,'M()i)niMUth, Ills. Culti- vator. Oiiicinai 182,44i>. Sept. 19, 1876. Ueissuod .Mur. 20, 1883. Filed Jan. 5, 1883. This invention relatcstoeultivatorsin which short independent axles are hinged to a yoke connecting tho two axles to allow horizontal oscillation of wheels relatively to the beams, and which are used without a tongue ; and it consists of the application of another yoke in a manner to regulate the oscillation of the wheels and prevent them from cramping too much aud binding against the beams, as they do iu common arrangement. The combination of yoke H with the dratt bars D' and with the wheels A, working on in dependent axles B, hinged to yoke E, substan- tially as specified. 274,555. BYRON 0. BRADLEY, Chi- caa;o. Ills, a.'wignor to Fnrst and Bradley Mnnufactnrihg Co. Tongueless Cultiva- tor. Mar. 27, 1883. Filed Nov. 27. 1882. The object of this invention is to provide novel and cllicient means whereby I secure a forward and hack movement of the wheel- spindies and wheels iudeijcndeut of the arch or frame, and also a forward or back move- ment of either wl^el-spiadle and wheel inde- pendent of the ntner wheel spindle and wheel and of the frame, and at tlie same time havo the arch or frame supported in its vertical po- sition irrespective of such independent move- ments of either the axle or the wheel-spindle and wheels, allowing one wheel to travel in advance of the other and of the frame, as rc- qnired bv the dnift. 1. The combination, with a stationary &rch or frame, A A', of locpa or heads B, arranged at the lower ends of the vertical or side por- tions of the arch or frame, and provided with passages or slots a and independent axles C D, each having its vertical portion pivoted by a bolt orpin at its upper end, f,aid axles passing through the passages or slots at or adjacent to the inner ends of their horizontal portions D, which carry the wheels, substantially as de- scribed. 2. A h;ad or loop, B, havrcg a longitudinal pai'sage orelot, «, iu combination with an asle- BpindleODandanarchor frame, A A', to the vertical portion A of which the axle C is piv- oted, substantially as and for the purposes specified. 3. A head or loop, B, having a lougitadiuat passage or slot, a, axie-spiuuie n . Ills. Cultivator. April 17, 18SS. Filed Oct. 9,1882. 1. The combination of tho arch K and the side frames, I), pivoted or hingeil to the ver- tical portions of the arch, and having at their 1518 PARALLEL. iippiT t'liils till) iiiiijcctlli;; iiiuis /■, with Ilm tninsverse loil or bur j; co'iiiccliii;! tlieciKis of tlie said arms, snl>st:Uil hilly as atii] lor I lie Iiiir|)0.se iIi'sriilK'ii. ■J. The roiiihiiiaiitm »)r tlif.ncli I'., llio tiiik- fr.inu's, !>, r-anviity^ altarhnl sjiiiulli' jihUCK />, and |ii\itti'tl or hinj^i'd al ihfir i-Mri'iiiihrs 1u iht' M-Uit-al )M>rtioii^ ot \Uv arch, and havui;:' at lln'ir iippi'i poilioiis ihf pi»>i*'ctiii'.' arms /' ./■, with the tiaiisviTSi' loil or bar ;/ coiiiu'iiU'ii'; said amis, and Uu* plaus oi' liais C, havin;; SwiVi'li'il rniiiu-eiioiis :i[ Mn-ii cmlb ffl'tli tUv sidi- Iraiiii's. whiMvb\ siu-h phiti't^ or bars can rock i'ldi'ju'ndcnt ol Uio Iraiims, siiUsIuritiall.v as ilrscrilii'd. ti. The coirdiiiiiUion ol' the art-li K, thn aidi- iViiuu's, 1). pivoti'd or hinged at thi-irfxtn-nri- ties (.0 llie vi-rlieal portions ot" Iheareh, ami provided witli projeeliti^j aims /' /', witli the. iiaiisveise rodi/connei-tin;: the said arms, the eoii|»H[i':s A. semued lo the upper and U>\ver porf.ions of the siile Iraines and capaliK' of ad justuient thcreoti, and tlie plaies or bars C, baviiiif their ends swiveled to the coiiphnKf*, $i>bstaiitin)l,v as desciibej). 4. The eornbination of the swiiiy;in;j side fraiuoy, )),ura lieijiht nearly etpial to iheeeii- ti'iil elevation, witti iho arcli JO, supported tty said frs-iiies, wliereby the, si raining of theaieh is avoided, substantially as speciliei. 275,847. FRANKLIN K. ORVIS, lUxmi. Ills. Cultivatnr. April 17. 1883. Filed O.t in, US2. l\Iy improvement lelutes lo two whctded toiii;iieless straddle- row eultivatois of the class Commonly known as "parallel" etiltivn. tovs ; and it cousistsin an arched a\le math- iti three parts, hinged together, and eombmed with a eounecting-rod, nud in the combination of parts, al Us heieiiiaftcrsft forth and elai inert as new, 1. In a ciiUivalor, an arched axle consist- ing of a eentral arch and two side pieues.each side piece composed of a horizontal portion, B.and a vertical portion, 0, and bearnig-platen connecting the three parts of the asle,in com- bination with u rod, D, connecting the upper bt^^ring■plates. the hoi'izonlal portion of the central arch, and theconuecting-rod, folrming, in connection with the upper bearing-plates, in effect, a parallel rule, sub.stantially as and for the purpose specitied. 3. In a cultivator, an arebed axle consist- ing of a central arch and two side pieces, each side piece composed of a horizontal portion, B, and a vertical portion, C, bearing plates counecting three parts of the axle, and rort D, couuectiiig: the upper bearing-plates, in combiuatiou with draft bars K, attached di- rectly to tho horizontal paits E of tbu axle, snbstautiallv as and for tho purposes spccifled. 276,272. WM. H. PARLIN, Canton, Ills. Cultivator. April 24, 1883. Filed Sept. ■i, 1SS2. 1, In a cultivator, the cooibinuliou, with an arch or frame, A, having a horizontal portion, «, and vertical portion /», ami a plow-beam, (1, pivotallv connected with the portion it to move laterally, of the wheel-cartying braeltct B, piv- oted to the .said vertical portion A, and provided at its upper end with a forward extension, c, aud a conoeetiaii between tho forward exten- sion and the plow-beam, whereby lateral move- Lients of the latter will swing the bracket on tlie vertical portion of the are.li or fr.'ime, sub- stantially a.s described. 2, Inaeultivator, thecombiualiouolanaich or frame having the vertical portion /», and a plow-beam pivotally connected with the arch or frame to move laterally, witli the wheel-car- ryiog bracket B, haviog top and bottom oars, (■,pi voted on the said vertical portion &, the up- per ear having a forward extension.*", aud the oonnectiog devices between the forward e.\ ten- sion and the plow-beam, whereby lateral mitvc- mentsof the latter will swing the wheel-car- lying bracket on the vertical portion of tho arch or frame, substantially as and for the pur- poses described. 3, In a cultivatt)r, tiie combination, with tho arch or frame A, the plow-beam 0, pivotally connected thorewithto pcrraititslateral move- ment, and the pivoted wheel carrying bracket B, provided with the forward extension, r, of the bar R, pivoted at it.n forward portion, and connected at or near the center of its length with the forward o.ttcnsion.and the rod K, con- uocliiig the rear end of the said bar with the plow-beam, substantially as aud for the pur- pose ileseribed. ■1. In a cultivator, the combination of an arched bar, A, bracket I!, hinged to tho end /* of the artlied bar and provided with a wheel- spiodh'. an rMi-nsion or aim. r, coiiiMcted with the biaeUel I'., the |>i voted bar K, ha\ iiig a sh.t. .sof enllixa torsthal arecoti-vtruelod and operated withont tongues in siuh ;i mariner that there wdl be I llcxion in the axle and r.uriage to allow each I horse lo mo\e its own plow independently of the , tho end plates, /, of which are juvotcd to Iiubs i oil Kiid blocks //, a.s set forth. 5. The combination of tlie liameHl'., tlicidv- nto*i blocks*;, having slot.sw'. andthi^ l)ejiinHD, having end plates,/, pivot^'d to tho blocks //, and having bolts n, adapted to the slot.s «', as Bet forth. 0. The eombitratiou of the fraino« 11. the I bolts m, llie blocks /}, nuule in lialveH, and the beuiiis l),witii platen/, e*>nfining said halves, as set foj-th. 7. Theeombinalion 4»f Ihe arms M, IhejMv olod ninuVrs 7»J, and (be locking dogH w, aswf forth. 288.764. JOHN M. BLADE, Alpha. Ills. Cultivator. Nov. 20, ISHjt. Filed .Ian. 22. 18f^i{. Tiiis inveiili(m relates (o thai i-I;lss of cull i- Valoi-N known a*; "iiaialhl" or "Ituigneless'' '■lillivalois; an\m\ I beams In ihea\leor beiini yoke, and to the [ eoiineeliim of Ihe tiiiitu'i> to saiil yoke, all as ! heieinal'Ier full> deseribcd. j I. Ill a cuKi^afor. in eoinbitial ion with the plow-gangs, and the beam \oke A. and frame I r.eoii.strueteiltisdeserib.'.l, and secured to the ; fraim- B by a tjivot bolt, b, the rnnnei-s 1), se- j enr-etltotheframeC, as described, aud braced, ' sub.^tantially asaud for the pnrp.wc specified. I 2. In a cii!ti\ator, iu eombiualiou with the ' iH-am-yokc A and i)tow guiigs, a coupling. lormed of Mockv <; <;', journal */, block li, h.tving stud //', washer 1, ami stirrup J, sub- slaiitiaily as and for the purpose speeilied. X Incombiuation with the beam-yoke, plow- ' gangs, blocks G <;', Journal <;, wa-sher I, aud .*ilirrup J, with uuls /, the plate K, .secured by staple k aud cat eh A', siibslanlially as and \ for Ihe purpose sjiecilied. ', 291.730. FREDERICK L. HILSABECK, Slielliv ville. Ills., assignor to hinisulf and ] .I.Ward. Cultivator. Jini. 8, 1884. Filed Oct. (i, lSH;r \ ilh the beam n, of the er pas.-^ing through a I' latter, as shown and ' 1. The eomlMnation.M [ two bars ' y., (lie for:i 1 hole ni-ar Ih<- emi .-of tin ! described. 2. 'Ihe snppoiiiug device having its bars ? j p hinged at III If to Ihe beam, t»:ie passing j tliiougli a slot al ihe angle eiul w of the other, I to enable ,>;aid baislo be swung up or down ; troviiled w ith sockets h, in i combination with the main arch A and .secoud- aryarchaud brace-rod <', subslautially asand for the purpose specitied. j : 'X In a cuKivator, a drag-bar, M, in combi- I nation with the j)late J\, provided with tho* projections and stops i- »', the jdate B, and a plow-beam, substanlially as and for tlu' jniy- ; po.-;e spieilieil. : 292.28a JOHN B. CHRISTIAN and WM. D- HANSON, llam mrg. Iowa. Tniigiicle.-^^^ Cultivator, .ian. 22, 1h84. Filed Aug. Iti, 1883. Thfs invcniron relates to certain imiMove- I liieiils in toni^iteless cult iyatoi-s and l1Ue ma- ehiiKs; and il has for its object to improve Ihe ellicicm\ of the transporlation of these machiiies either in Ihe lield or on the io;wl. Oiir impiovenieiit consists in novel means for eonoeiliiig Ihe stioe or ruuiier diieclly to the liileh snjipoits of the (Viime-\MjrU of the eiillivafor. Our iniiiiovemeiit furl her consists, in the condii nation with each gang ivoled In said conphugs, and liie sleeves it, ficstcned to thesjiindlesof the axle, and ser\inglo hold Ihe coii]diiigs in place and as attachments lor Ihe shoes 10. substantially as spetafied. 2. The ciMiibinalion, with the [dow-beams and jdows, of the fulcrum plate li, il.s stop 111, the pivoted shoo F, ami (he calch /.-. (ho whole arranged to operate Mibslanliallyasspreined. PARALLEL 1519 292,877. FRANKTVBRHAREN, Spen- cer, lowii. Cultivatt)r. Feb. 5, 1884. Filed Mny 28, 18«3. I. A (1i-.i^-b;ir oi' niiiner and a connocliou llu'n-t'oi' M iili a }ilo« -luMin, by whu'h move- mollis of llio i)low bcniii vi'itieally will pro- duce a rtMoi'Se iiio\ eiiu-iit (otlHMlnij^-bar, sub stantiiilly as niul for tlio jmiposes spet'itied. 'J. Adrngb:ir,K,pivotedat itaiippci omlniid pio\uled witli an arm, e. iiicoiid)iiialioinvit!i a link, c". and arm b, actn:ileil by the move- luents oftlie ploM -iH'am I'ln raisin-: and lowci- injr I lie dr:ig-bai-, snbs1iiMti:dly as specified. .i. A dr;ij;:b:ir, I'. pi\tited:it ils n]iper end and provided ■with an iirni, c'. in eombination with the link v", arm li, pipe btix ]J, and it jdow-beam attached to the pipe bo\. for anto- niatieaily i-iiisinjj and l^l^^^■l■i^Ji the di-ag bar. snhstantially as specified. 4. Xn arm or snpi)oil. I-", ami ;t eoiuieelion with a i>lo\v-beain innl de\ iei'S conneetiii;; the be;im M itli the arm or supji^rt, rt>r anlmnati- cally ojifratiiiL!: thenrmor8np])ort:is the beam is raised or lowered, substanlially as and t'ni the pnrpdse .'ijieeitied. "i. An ;irm or snjjport, R link /", and arm b\ opfiatcd from tlie i)hnv-beam, for :inlo matieally raisin^; aiul htwering; the arm or snp]mrt K, snbstaiitially as and for the pnr- poses spi<<'i(iod. (i. An arm or sii)ipor(, V, and link ,/", in eoudiimdioii with the arm b' and jtipe-bov It, havinj,'a plow-beam attaeheiithei-elo, for aiito- inatiLiilly operating; the arm orsnpport by the ,iiu\.-Tiientsof the plow-beam, sub.';tantiafly as and loi- the purposes specified. . 7. An arm or support, F, link _/", arm //, pine-box li, arm h, link c". ann c', and drji<;- bar K. in combination with a plow-beam at- tached to the pipe-box, 'for automat ically oper- atlnj^lheurm orsnpport and the dragj>arby t he mnvemrnlsuft ho ploH- beam, substantially ns itiid lor ihe |>nr|iiises siiocili'-d. 293,030. THOMAS B. JEWETT, Steu- beuvilie, Ohio. Ton^ueless Wheel Culti- ; vator. Feb. 5, 1884.^ Filed Oct. 29, 1883. ! My invention relates to an improvenicnl in I tongnclcs.swheel-euUiv:iUns; and it consists— Fiist, in an axle Inniii;;' its <-nds tnrnwl backwai'd at an angle, so that tho m heels will behftachcd thereto at a point to the rear of the front end of the bean).s. The object of this part of luy invention is to so construct tlie axle that its ends arc turned backward, so as to throw the wheels and the jioints of dnill to the rear of the front ends of the beams, and thus make the draft easier upon the animals. Second, in an axle having its rear ends turned backward and upward, in cond>inalion with Ihe dralt-bai-s, Mhieh are a])plicd to the upturned ends, and which draft-bare have the spindles for the wheels formeught together so as toformafhuige, litted in the bi- furcated rear end of the beam, and shoulders abutting against the nnder sido of the latter, sahsfantially as s<*t forth. 2. The combination of the beams A A, hav- ing bifurcated rear ends, vertically adjustable wheels or castei-s at the front ends of said beams, nprights U at the rear ends of said beams, handles V, soeun-d to said beams and ti|iriglits, whicli laller are (hereby braced, brai-escoimecting Ihe said upright s,iidius(al>le iieai their ii|iperand lower emls, and adapted to iionnit tin- beams In move vertically iiide- peiMh-ntl.\ of each other, and the standards secured in the forked rear ends of the beams, lis set forth. 293,266. THOMAS MEKLE. iissignor to T. Meikle & Co., Louisville, Ky. Cul- tivator. Feb. 12. 1884. Filed Aug. 7, 1883. I. Ill combiiiatlon with the beam Jt and drag-bill- A ol' a (■ulti\ali)r, a coupling coii- sislinguf tlie cenli-al |)icco, (', ]iivtiteil In tin- rear cud of the beam, and (he siilc pieces I'" l\ allached to the froiil end of the drag-bar and |U\oled In Ihe iiiece < ', said i>arts being coiislriu'ted, respectively, and arranged to form a compouml joint substantially as set forth. ■2. lu condiiinUion with Ihe drag bars and heaiiis of a slrathllc-row cultivalor, the arch- ynUc !►, having stems I)', i:onncctingtlieboiinis and tuiuinginthe beams (o permit the fore and alt independent i>lay <»f the iih/ws, and said stems IV also forming pivots on which tln^ ditig-bars swing from side lo side, snbslan- tially as set loilh. ;t. lucombinatioii witlillie verlically-swing- ing drag-bars of a enlti^'ator, (he swinging bifurciited spring-foot H H', the elastic arm H' of which is curved, substantially as shown, sons to perform the double function of sup- porting the spring-foot itself on the ero.^-bar K of thedi-ag-bars, or of supporting the drag- bars on the spring-foot when the former are raised, so as t o ii IT the shovels abovt' thcgmund, sub.stanlially asset forth. 293,331. THOMAS B. JEWETT, Steu- beuville, Ohi... Tongueiess Wheel Culti- vator. l\h. 12, 1884. Filed Oct. 29,1883. ^[5' invention relates to an improvcincnt in longueless m hcei-iaillivatoi's; and il coiisists, first, in anii\le or arch which has its two ends bent foiwaVil and then turnc'd hori/oiilally 'ri- ward 1m icicive tin- sleeves tuMliich Ihc front ends of Die beams are attachcil; second, in the combination, with Ihe arch nr axle, of the draft -bai-s, having formed therewith or se- cun'd to them suitable arms or level's, which project backward and form supports for the beams, in order lo hold the machine slilV for Jnviiiiig around and in transporting il from place to place; third, in thecOTubinalKui oi liie axle with the slee-vis, to which the iVmh! , -11118 of the l)eanisaro loosely connected, Ihc bea.ns being provideil wilhsiiitablc necsMS in thei'' encndenl la'eral movement while the machine is being diawn over the ground, and in which Ihc beams 4-arrving the shoxi'U are siiseeiili ble ol'laleral ailja.shucnt and a vertical lilt <>r play. The objeels of m\ invenlieu are to ])i.)viarl of each axle, shall, when the (ngs are shukciied up. aidunial ically rigid ati'd hold in jiroper posiliou Ihe axles and wheels, and preveni Ihchiifer bom swinging round lo the lionl or back; also, to ]ijovide im- intued means for supporting the arch npou the axle and for allowing a vertieal adjust- mcnl of Ihe arch and a hileral swing or play id'iho axles. A further object is to proviile novel nutans for a!!i>wiug Ihc beams carrying the shovels lo have both a lati-ial adiiKStnieiil and averli- eal till able of a vertical till or play, subslantially as tie- scribeil. 7. Tlie combination of the arch and an axlo pivotally jvinted Ihcrcio, with a llexiblo con- neetion tor exerting a force tending to main- tain sivotcomicclingSiiidelements wilh vM-h oilier on a eoiicoitrie. axis, mid n llexibleeMiiiioctiuii belwecu Iheareli and n\'lR, all subsliinlially as ilescribed. 13. Thu ooiiibiiiatioii.with lliearch and the beams, of a bent baiiK-up arm, pivoted to the :ireh and proviiled Mitb a rigM-angnlnr bend, suli'-iaiiliiilh as; dosci-ilx'd- 295,937. WM. S. PATES, asuignoi- to Hap"-ood i'low Co,, Alton, Ills. Cultiva- tor. ' April 1, 1884. Filed Jan. 11, 1884, I, 111 a lonj;in;less ciillivatur, the fniiuc (Miwistiii;; of the arched axle provided willi horizMiitat anus, llic spindles pi'ovidod wifli the pcrforatwl head aiul the bi;^, the swivel E, the dtallbar, constructed U shaped, one leg thereof attached to the outer md of the spin- dle.an, provided with the per- fni;ilrd bead and the lug, in eonibinatiou with the aithed a\lc provided with horizontal arms, lliesiiil spiadle couiiccted to the said axle by a sm ivel, itcriuiltiug the said spindle to .swing, as .>>hu\vii, and with the draft bar, the said In-altiiehedtothesaid draft bar with a bolt, all substantially :is and for the pur- pose set foilh. 3. Theswivel K. couslrnctrd with theopen- mouUied eye or collar, with perforated lips adapted to be drawn together by means of a bolt ainlnnt,the.shoiilderand the rounded ex- tension screw- threaded, as shown, in combi- nation wilh the arched axle provided -with horizontal arms, and spindles provided with the perforated bead, snbstanlially as and lor the purpose set forth. 4. The draft-bar, couslrnctrd U-shaped, its legs straddling the wheel, in eombinatiou with the spindle i)rovidcd with the perforated head and the big, one Ic^r „f the said draft- bar attached to the outer end of the said spiu- Ule, the other leg attached to Ihe said lug, as .shown, and for the purpose speeilied. 5. Thestoploekl, conslriicted wilhan eyf, m, and provided with the arm f/', in combina- tion with the sleeve J and the axle A, the said eye clasped to the .sleeve with the bolt .9, and tiie said arm adapted to stop and abut against the said axle, as speeilied, and for the purpose set forth. G. In a longueless cultivator, the conibina- ti'.n of the axle A, wheels H, spindle D, swivel ]■:, draft bar F. axle-bar (i, slee\e J. slop loik T, and jdow C. substantially as ;nid ibrllie |.nip.)M-s.-| f„rlli. 296,025. ANDREW J. MARBBRRY, Cabot, Ark. Cultivator. April 1. 1884. Filed Jan. 27, 1883. ]. In a cultivator, the device for securing the shovel tn the shank and holding it iu any desired position by means of a yoke, t, bent around the shank from the rear, the forward ends r»rovided withwiucs or flangcsto receive the concave side of the sliovel, and seemed by means of bolts, and arranged for throw ing the soil either to the right or left. sHltstautially as herein set forth. 2. The combination, iu a cnllivator, of the yoke, the adjOsting Imles and bollfi, and the shovel arranged on the shank so :».s lo rock thereon laterally and adjastrcrtically, asand for the purpose substantially as herein set forth. .3. The combination of the gage-rods J J, bowed centrally to be used a.s cranks in mov- ing the idows inwardly or outwardly, as de- sired, with the ring and hook to secure said rods in position, substantially as herein set forth. 4. The combination of the cyebolts pro- vided with stems, as showu, and the plates G H, with the gage-rods having right and left; hand screw-threads, substantially as herein set forth. 5. The combination, iu a cultivator, of a doubletree, A, provided at each end with a series of oblong slots, the central part bowed as described, and the clevis formed of two plates connected by means of bolts to tlje beam, with .the plates CiH, theeyebolts I, and the gage-rods J, the whole arrauged and com- bined substantially us herein set forth. 296,860. MARIOl^W. McOANN, Poaey, lud. Cultivator. April 16, 1884. Filed Nov. 5, 1883. 1. Iu a wheelcultivator, the combination, with the wheel spindle having a bracket, B', at its inner end pivoted on the axle, of a draft- rod journaled on said spindle and secured to said bracket, substantially as described, and for the purposes specified. 2. In a wheel- cultivator, the coinbiualion, with the wheel spindle E, provided with a bracket, B', and adapted to be hinged to the end of the axle, of the draft-rod C, jourualed on said spindle and adjustably secured to said biackct, whereby the iliatl-rod may have ver- tical adjustment on said spindle and bracket, substantially as set forth. 3. The eombinatiou of the bracket R', hav- ing in its front end the slot h and on its rear end the lip &', the whcelspindle li, the draft- rod C, adjustable on ?aid spiniUeaud bracket, and the hinged axle A, substantially as shown and described. 4. The combination, iu a wheel cultivator, of the axle A, the horizontal portions of which are in two parts, the link-shaped extension- pieces r>, adapted bo be adjustably .secured to eitherofsaidpart.s.thewdieel spindle B, hinged thereto, and thedraft-rodC, adjustably mount- ed on said spindle, substautially as described, and for the purposes speeilied. 5. In a wheel-cultivator, the eombination, with the plow-beam 1% of the runner K', piv- i Dtcd thereto at its front enci, and provided with a notch, e, and the spring K', secured to said plow-beam and running back over the cud of said runner when it is in a raised po- sition, and engaging with the notch c when it is in a lowered position, substantially as de- scribed, and for the purposes speeilied. 297,914. BYRON 0. BRADLEY, iwsi-n- or to Kiirst A Bradley Manulaeturiiig Co., Chicago, IIIh, Drag Bar tor Cultivator Beams.. April 29, 1884. Filed Nov. 26, 1883. The object cf 1lii> iuviidioii is U» npply a drag-bar to beams (d' llial class of eurti\ators ten'ncil ''(oiignelcss,''aud have such drag-bar lirmly locked in both its elevated and de- pressed \)(isiiious, thereby iirevwnling acei' dental displaccnuait of such dmg-bar iu ime, no huUt«r whcth*,'r it is elevated or depres.scd; audits nature, consists in pivoting the drag- bar in a mortise or recess fbrincd in the for- ward end of the beam, and having its upper end, when the drag-bar is dcpressc^i, project above the top of tlie beam and engage m ith the hole or opening in a spring-plate attached to the upper face of the beam, and thereby lock and hold firmly the drag-bar in its de- pressed position, and having this end, ^^ lien the drag-bar is raised, engage with the spring plate and lock and hold the drag bar in its ele- vated position, all as hereinafter more speclii- -cally described, and pointed oat in the claim. The combination, with a beam, A. of the dr;ig-bar B, having a projecting end, /», and a spring or spring-plate, C, having an opening, c, sul^tantially as and for the purposes speci- fied.^ 299,626. RICHARD CRACRAFT, as- signor to the Berwick Agricultural Co,, Ber\viek> Ills, t^ultiviitor.' June :J, 1884. Filed Pec. 14, ISH3. 1. Iu atouguelessenltivator, in combination with the arched axle and wheels, and plow- gangs connected to the axle by a joint which permits free movement of the gan^ upwardly, but limits their downv-ard movement, a draft- plate constructed in two parts, an angular part, D', rigidly couuected with the whcelspindle plate, and the part D", hinged to the angular part D'at its rear cud and its forward cml ad- justable vertically with refcience to the parts D', substantially as and for tlie purpose speci- fied. 2. In eombiuation with the arched axle and wheels, vertically-adjustable draft-plate, and plow -gangs hinged to the axle, the blocks I, constjueted as aCscribed, and adapted toco- act with the beam-plate J, havingshoulderaj, substantially as and for tbopurposespcciiied. 3. luatonguclesscoltivator, in combination with an arched axle and plow gangs hiugcd thereto, and provided with devices for sus- pending the gangb to the axle, a shoo con- structed as described and leversibly attached to the axle, subst.anlially asand for the pur- pose specified. 4. Iu a cultivator, in combination with the plow-beams and plow carrying standards, the plate /, having hole I' and stud T, and the plate )«. having lobular stud m' and bent brace m', substantially as and for the purpose specified. ROTARY. 1521 244,367. JOHN AUSTIN, Chica-jo, [11. i'low. July 11), 18^1 KiN'-l -fiiti. 3, i481. 1. The combiimtiuii, in a ruliuy plinv.ot une or more (liagoually-arraiiKed rotary pIoM'iiiK- disks, B B', and the laiulside C,tbo latter con- sisting of a tliiu vertical blade iu tlio forui of a .stioe, constructed, adapted, ai)d arranged, substantially as shown and described, to fol- low oDOof the said disks and to enter the soil vertically near the land side of the furrow, for preventing the tendency of lateral move- ment of the plow, owiog to the diagonal or- rangomeut of the plowing disks, as set forth. 3. The combinatioD, with each other and the beam or frame of a rotary wheeled plow, of the pivoted and laterally -adjustable box H^ the wheel D, the banger or stock E, entering the said bos and being rotary therein, and carrying the said wheel, the lever I, applied rigidly to the said box, and the adjustable seg- ment J, sabstautlally as and for the purposes specified. 3. The combination, with each other and the beam or frame of a rotary wheeled plow, of the pivoted, and laterally-ai^ustable box H, hav- ing elongated trunnions b b, the bearings F F, the atljustable collars cc, mounted on the said trunnions, the wheel D, the rotary hanger or stock E, and a lever and locking device for f eoutrolling the inclination of the said bos, for the purposes set t^rtli. 4. The combination of the frame A, having on its rear end the arms O G, the boxes F F, the laterally -adjustable box H, having trun- nions b b, the wheel D, the banger or stock E, the lever I and its bolt, and the laterally-ad- justable cogged segment J, substantially as and for the purposes specified. 245,053. JAMES W. BODLEY, Xew OHraiis. La. Iv.tai-v CiiIti\;aor. Awg. 2, 18S1. KiUd April Ift, 1>^8I. My invention is an improvement on the de- vices shown iu Letters Patent No. 239,219, granti'd March 22, 18SI, Ibr.snpporting the ro- tary plows and traction-wheels. Li that pat- ent the rotary disks were journaled on swiv- eJed standards with adjustable bearings and braces, for adjustment toward each other and to diflerent angles to the line of draft. The awiveled axle-standard was held in position from moving sidewise by a side brace attached to the crossbeam of the machine and to the standard uear the axle by means of a strap or band connection. To this strap or band was secured a spindle uroieciin^ outward from the machine, upon which the da^nd-lever uavmg a traction-wheel attached was pivoted. There was also a brace attached to a plate or wfisher on the axle between the disk and upright stand- ard, extending to the forward cross-beam of the machine. The draft-bar was also connected to this plate or washer ou the axle, the forward end supported by a chain secured to the cross- beam above. This raodeofattachiug the braces to hold the axle-standard and support the swinging traction-wheels, and also the manner of connecting tlje draft-bar, is not considered sufficiently strong and rigid for the work the machine has to perform ; so I have devised a form of axle-support to which the brace-rods and draft bar c;ui bo attached, possessing the requisite amount of strength and durability, that will overcome the objections found in the • other machine. 1. In a rotarj-disk cultivator, the combina- tion, with the standard F, bent to form the axle of the rotary disk, of the sectional sup- port A, hanng the angular bearing for the axle- standard and provided wiili higs for attach- ing draft and brace rods. '2. In a rotary -disk cultivator, the combina- tion of the axle-standard, the lever K, adapted to adjust a traction-wheel, and the sectional support A, having an angular bearing for the axle-standard and a phiin bearing for tho pivot D of^aid lever K. 250,739. ISAAC N. KYLE, Trov, Ohio-. UotJtrv Gnny; IMow. Doc. 13, 188L Filed Feb. 17, 1881. The novelty of my invention consists in the combination and arrangement, iu'a rotary gang- plow, of two series of disks, the rear one of which is set diagonal to the liuc of draft of the machine, and is composed of concavo-convex disks, and the forward one of which, composed of flat disks, is set in line with the draft of the machine, with each disk at a point midway be- tween the cutting-edges of the followingdiaks; also, in other details of construction, as will be herewith specifically set forth. 1. In a gang-plow, the combination, with a diagonal series of cojicavo-convex disks hfivincr continuous cutting-edges, of a front series of flat cutting-disks arranged to operate in the line of draft, but cerate as specified. 256,801- ISAAC HUFFIiiB, 'la\lorviHe. assignor of two thirds to John W. Moore and James C. McBride, Christian County, Ills. Soil Pulverizer. April 18, 1882. Filed Autr. 25, 18S1. The nature of my invention consists in tho combination, with udrum which is armed witli knives of suitable form and mounted on a trausporting-tranie, ofgeariog forgiving rapid rotation to the drum, and novel means for ele- vating and depressing the drum and for stop- ping and starting the rotation tliert*of,as will be herciiial'ler rspJained. inasoil-iiulvenzeroftliccharacterdescribed, the combination oTthe tntmUrslidcscon frame B, the shaft of drum E' btariog iu faid slides, the levers ft /i', and tlie loils 17 f/, connecting the levers with slides c c, all arranged lor tlieimr- pose of engaging piniiins e with spur-wheels/ or disengaging s;iid wlu-els. substantially as described. 267.914. SAMUEL 0. BAUOUM, Waco. Texas. Sulky-Plow and Cotton-Scraper. May 16, 1882.. Filed Jan. 16, 1882. This invention relates to an improvement in sulky-plows, its object Ijeing to render the plow right or left hand for operation, to ad- just the angle of presentation of the plow with relation to the line of draft, and to adapt the plow as a cotton-serapei ; and it consists of the combination and arrangement of paits, substantially as hereinafter more fully set lortli. 1. The combination, with the beam F, having eye b, the bracket/', and disk H, of the rod c, adjiistingcollars^', rod O, support d d', levers K, and slotted arms k', all constructed nnil adapted to operate as described. 2. Tho combination, with tho beam F, ear I'i ingdisk H,of the rode, collars^", rod G,snp port fl rf', sk)ttcd nrms h', and independent le vers K', snlistantiaily as described. 259,894. OREN E. MILES. Cedar Kap- ids, Iowa, QHsi^nor to Uaniel H. Richards, same place. Mow. June 20, 1882. Filed April 7, 1882. 1. The improved method of ploving herein shown and described, the same consisting in cutting a triangular slice from the soil along the furrow to be made by a vertical cut and excavating underneath said slice, causing it to drop, right side up, into the trench or furrow beingmade, and spreailing the excavated earth over the slices of soil deposited in the trenches last made, substantially as shown and set fortti. 2. A pJ/)w adapted to cut off a slice of earth triang'u!ar in cross-section from the surface of the soil by a vertical cut and excavating un- derneath the same, causing the slice of earth to drop into tho bottom of the (rench or fur- row right side up, substantially as set forth. 3. In a plow, the combination, with a rotary cutter or colter cutting in a vertical, or approxi- mately vertical, plane, of an oblique cutter or cutter-head adapted to excavate earth in an oblique direction from the surface of the soil to ita point of intersection with tho cut made by the rotary cutter or colter, substantially as and for the purpose herein shown and set forth. 4. The combination, in a rotary plow, oi the master-wheel C, shaft V, pinion E, bevel-wheel G, frame I, hung upon shaft F, and having the handle or ■ever I', shaft K, mounted in ^id fume and prov'ded with the bevel-pinion N and rotary cutter lead L, and the rotary colter or cntting-disk O, all constructed and com- i bined to operate substantially i.i the manner and for the purpose herein shown and specihed. 260.596. ENOS M. MILES, Lawrence. Kan. Combined Revolving Plow or Spa- der and Roller. July 4, 1882. Filed Sept. 24, 1881. My invention is an improvement in the cbsa of cultivating-machines in which a series of cutters or spades aro successively forced out of a revolving cylinder through slots iu thepe- riphery of the same and cansed tocnt or slice and dig up the soil. In connection with such machine, and virtually as part thereof, I em- ploy rollers which are aligned with the slot- ted cylinder and mounted on the same axis or exteosions thereof. J. The combination, with the framo work A shaft E, disks D, spades E, and slats F, of the collars c, provided with flanges c', springs e^, disks G, having arms {/■', and lever J, substan- tially as and for the purposes specified. 2. In a spader, the couibiaatioo, with the disks G, lever J, :ind cover K, of the lever J^, snpport t, chain t\ support P, pnlley /*, and rack F, substantially as described, whereby tho spades m.ay be adjusted to any nesircd depth of thrust, as set torth. 3. In combiiiation nitli ttiecylindrical body of the spader and its shaft B, the rollers V V, supplementary roller-shafts XjScrewedou shaft U, and having flanges .r and nuts y, all ar- ranged as shown and described. 4. The combination, with the shaft B, disks G G, and lever I, of the arms g\ having slots* ^', and the dost -boxes II, baviug side open- jugs, h A', all as shown and described, 260.673.- JACOB FEIERABEND, Xew York, N. T. Plowing and Tilling Apparatus. July 4, 1882. Filed July 13, 1881 , , My inventiOH consists of a rotary helioa! plow constructed and arranged for operation in certain novel respects, and also the combi- nation, with the plow,of attachments and con- trivances for US9 iu connection with it for fa- cilitating its work and adapting it to various conditions of soils, service, &c., all as herein- after more fully described, and illustrated in the accompanying drawings, in which— 1. A rotary plow consistiugof a helix of thin metal coiled edgewi.so around and along a cen- tral shaft that is arranged in the line of the advance of the plow when at work, said helix being concave on the forward side and con- vex on the rear side, and being constructed and operated by means of driving-gear, so that it enters the ground at the hind point, C, and turns in the direction whereby the screw advances, with respect to the ground, in th( direction of the movement of the screw along the ground, substantially as described. 2. The combination ot the sheer I with the rotary helical plow A, having concave front and cou vex rear sides, aud arranged on a shaft whose axJa js in the line of the movement of the plow along the ground, substaulially as described. 3. The combination of Iheclearer J withthe rotary helical plow A, having concave front and convex rear sides, and arranged on a shaft whose axis is in the line of the movement of tiie plow along the ground, substantially as described. 4. The combination, with the rotary plow A, of the reciprocating saw-colter O, havinga liorn, X, substantially as described. 260,782. GEORGE PIRRUNG. Uavens- wood. Ills. Rotary IMnw. Julvll, 1882. Filed April 22, 1882. I. In R rotary plow, the combination, with a band-levertOfaverticaHy-reciprocatiug piston located between the points of termination of the two hair.axle^,and the two rodsconnected therelo bv swivel-joints extending respective- 1522 ROTARY ly l)at:kn"anl ami forward to operate tiio thitcbes on tlio said balfaxles, substaiitially as hereinbefore sot fortb. 2. la a rotary plow, tlio combination, with the aslos, of tbe loose gear wlieol* y, clutches *7, rods i, piston J, plowsbaft B, i)ivoted le- vers C, rock-sbaft I, with arm H and linitA', and lever G, substantially ns imd for tbe pur poso specificu. .3. In .1 rotary plow, tbe combination, willi lover C, fulcrumed on ibc carriagcaxte, hav- ing a reclangttlar opeuin'j at ouo end and a recess at tbe other, of tbe movable bead-block D*, set-screw (P, adjustable bearing C, bolt &', and oblique plow-sb^tt B, substanliallif as de- sc^ribcd. 4. Arotaryploffconsistiu;jof a hand-lever, G, arms H, connecting-rods A', levers C, shaft B, and piston J, rods/,elutclies(;, Rear-wbeels F, and pinions e, connected and arranged by the means and in tbe matiner bercinbeforo de- scribed and set forth. 5. In a rotary plow, tbe combination of the oblique plow-shaft, havinf? pinions on or near its ends, with two half-axles terminating in a central longitadinal beam having loose gear- wheel meshing with said pinions, the whok arranged to drive said jdow- shaft, by the mechanism beroiribcroro described anil set forth. 6. In a rotary plow, a bab, L, having a flange in tbe face of which are recesses in', formed to receive the shanks or standards of the plows, secured therein by nuts and boUs, aa hereinbefore described and set. forth. 262,377. WM. E. OROSSBY, Ohehns- ford, and ARTHUR OAREY, Rociiford. County of Essex, bin^lund. Machine for Digging Land. Ang. 8, 1882. P'iled Mar. U, 1882. Patented in England May 24, 1881, 2.279, and in Fninee Xov. 29, 1881. 134.092. This invention consists essentially in tbe combination, with a series or number of spades, forks, tines, or digging instruments, of a bar or fra?oe carrying the same, stationary guides -for said' bar or frame, and mechanism, which may consist of a crank-shaft and suitable con- 'uectiojis, for reciprocating said bar or frame and its spades, forks, or tines upward and downward to force the latter into the earth, and for oscillating or racking the barer frame or the spades, forks, or tines, at or near the termination, of their descent only, to throw up the earth by the said spades, forks, or tines with a quick movement, as more fully herein- after described. 1. The combination, with the bar or frame and its attached spades, tines, or digging im- plements, of mechanism for reciprocating said bar or frame upward and downward, sta- tionary guides wherein said bar or frame is goided doring its ascent and descent, thereby causing the spades, tines, or implements to en- ter the gronnd in straight linea, and meansfor turning or swinging said spades, tines, or im- plements upward and outward quickly as said bar or fiamo approaches the end of its downward movement, substantially as and for the purpose specified- 2. The combination, with the bar or^rame and its attached spades, tines, or implements, of mechanism for reciprocating said bar up ward and downward, and guides for said Itai atljustablc to dtlVcrent inclinations, substan- tially as and for the pnrposo specified. .1. Tbe combination, with the bar or frame and its attached spades, tines, or implements, of the crank -.shaft and rod for reciprocating said bar, and guides for said barer frame, pro- vided at their upper ends with eyes, whereby they aresuspcndcd concentrically toaaid crank- shaft, substantially as specified. 4, The combination, with the bar or frame provided with journals, and its rigidly-attached spades, tines, or implements, of f uiiios for said journals, wherein tbe bar or frair.c may tnrn. andacrank-shaftandcoiinecting I o(' connected with said bar or frame for reciprocating it up- ward and downward and for turning it, sub Stantially as and for tbo pur|)08e specified. 5. The combination of tbe spades or tinesa, the bacfi', providcil with jonrnalsci^ tbe sloUed guides/, provided with caps/', and the crank- shaft c and eonnectingroil b, substantially as specified. 265,917^ ANDREW J. OOOHRAN, In- dianapolis, Ind. Soil Pulverizer. Oct 10, IH82. Filed .hino 20, IS82. Tbe eombiiialiiiii, in a soilpniverizer, of lh( frame, Ibo roller, Uie iun'\ed torili F, tlie com- bined cutters and cleaners O, rnonnted oti the rocksbaft U. waid rock liliaft. the lever 1. nnd the ratcb J, all constructed, an anged, and op-~ crating substantially as shown inut described, mid for the purposes spccifieii. 266,689. EZRA G. GODDARD, Ea.^t Saginaw. Mich. Adjuntablc Rotary Sulkj Plow. Oct. 31. 1882. Filed .Inne 10, 1882, T. In a rotary plow, the combinatirjn, tti'th the frame A, consisting of tbe ba.so a, beam b, and beam c, provided with extensions de, ot tbo shaft O and the separate U-shaped frames D D', swinging npon said sbaft C, substnu- lially as specified. '.i. In a rotary plow, tbe combination, willi the frame A, consi^tting of tbo base «, beam &, and beam c, having tbe extensions d e, of tbe shaft C and tbe swinging frames D D', the shaft being adjustably connected to the frame by bulls and boles, and tho swinging frames corstructed to slide on the shaft, as specified. 266,824. JUDSON B. HURD, Sour Lake, Texas. Revolving Plow. Oct. 31, 1882. Filed June 27. 1882. 1. A. revolving plow constrncted, substan- tially as herein rIiowh and described, with a series of radial blailcs attached to a roller or cylinder and a series of radially- movable scraper-blades between tbe'cutting-btadcs, Ss set forth. 3. In a revolving plow, the combination, with a cylinder and a series of radial blades attached to the same, of movable scraper- I.'lades between the cntting-bladep, and devices for moving tbe sera per- blades to and from the outoier the purpose set forth. 3. In a revolving plow, tbo combination, with a cylinder and a series of ladiai blades attached to tbe same, of .scraper- blades be- tween tho cutting-blado.s, and of circular blades at the ends of the cvlinder, substantially as herein sliown and described, and for the pur- pose sel forth. 4. In a revolving plow, the combination, with a cylinder and radial blades attached to the same, of movable scraper-blades between tbe some, and of scraper-plates resting against the outer edges of the, cntling-plates- and at- tached to the frame of the plow or tho end plates of tbe roller, .substantially as herein shown and described, and for I he purposes set forth. 5. In a revolving plow, tbo combination, with the cylinder B and the radial blades A, attached to the same, of the scraper-blades D E between the blades A, the pivots F, at- tached to the arms of tho blades D E, and the end plates, K, each provided with a groove, M. in tbe shape of a semicircle united at tbeend? by a chord, aiibMtantially as herein shown an i-iii|doved for doiii}^' Ihe ptowin;.', :iiid li:is lor ils objeels losiniplil'y the eelte|- position relati\'e to e;ie)i other und to tlie ear- ryin^ or siippoiliii;,^ liaiiie; to iitNiiie the hold- ing; of t lie etiltei-s ttv i)lo\isdowii In their work withuni inlert'erinji «ith the \ejtiejil in]oM beam pro- \ ided al e;ich end wilh a lotary plow orcntter. of a sn])port composed of cliains or similar lle\il>le dc\ icescomieeled witli the Iwmhi adja- cent (o cai-ii end, wheieby either -nd ot the beam can lreel_\ rise ami fall independently of thfolJierend, and theentiix* beam isiierniiiled In move bocrniils either end of the hitler to risi- and fall inde- pcndeni ly of i he oilier imd, snbslani iaily iu* de M-rilicti. 4. The combination, with the .stirrups or drawst', of a jiNnv-heaiii, It. e\lcndin;X Ihroufrh oj.enin-N in IhesI irnipsor draws, and jtrovided at each end wit h a rotary eutlcr or ]iIow, side pressure bars, c. a)id a siii>port for the plow- iM-am, which jM-rmilseither end of the latter lo ris4' and fall independently o( (be other end. , r>. A ])low-lK*am, 11, cavryin;; at each end a rotary i»biw or entter. in einnbinalion with a Itltin{.'devicc lor tin iuK the U-ambodilv, oral- lowing cither end to rise and falP indoiiend- enlly. sidwlantially as and for the imrposes specified. (i^. A plow-lM-am, II. eai,rying at each cud ii rotary )do» or enlter. in combination with the chains 11 iV nnd liftiuK whwl or drum I, for raising the plow-boani and ])!ows bodily and flllowiiij,' cither ]dow toi iseand lall imtepend- ently when at work, snivMantiaily as spci-ificd. r. The eonibiniUion of a plow U-ani, It. pro- \ ided al each end with a r'o1ar\ cutter or plow, and a snppoil for the beam, Mliieh iiermits either end Ihereot In rise ami Jail independ eiitly of ils olhcr end, with the draw-bar J), stirrups or dr;f«s(', ami earr> iti.i;- wheels, snh- slantiatty as described. S.'The eombinalntn of a idow-lH-Hui. It. ]mo- vided al iinOi end with a rotary leain, B, pro- vidcii at each end with a rotniy cutter or plow, and u support for the beam wliich permits either tad thereof to iise«nd [nil indcpend- i-utlyof its other end, Milh a eoiidtination of the nu-ehanism for snpporliii}; and elc\atin;,' or depri-ssing the slial'lK of the two. sets of pill verizinn' stars Tsucli (•onsistin;; of the slialls I and ]y, arms » and r. knee-levers M and X, links O <>, and hand- lexer I*)with the mechanism fur revolviiiKlhi- sbat>s uf the l«o sets of stars h> means of the wheels I' I*", sneh mechanism consistinfjof the ratchets /», the two gear-lraiiis li m n o u, anil the pawls of the j;eais U, sucli pawls lH.-;ng )>rovided with meclianism.l'or opcr.itin;; them or forcing and holding them out of en^o'premcnt with the nilchets. as set forth. 279,818 CHARLES E. S AOKETT, Mor- ri^tnwii. X. J. (Joinbinc'l i'lfnv and I'ul- veiizev. June VJ, 1S83. Filed Julv 10, 18H2. ]. The condiination, substantiaHya.slierein- beforc set forth, with a plow, of a pidveri/ing- wheci for rccci\ ing Ihe earth displaced bys;iid plow, and consisting of a hub. spokes radfaling ol>ii(|ne|y IVomsaid hub in thcdireclion of said plow, a lelly nniling the oiili-r ends . o!' revoliilioii inelined from a horizontal line, and eniisisijngnl t hub. spokes radial ing tibli(piel\ llmefroiu in the diceclioii of s;iid plow, a Icily unit Higlhe ends of s:iid spokes, and ii scries id" (ingeis radial ing from s:nd felly. X The combinal ion. substantially as herein bcfoi-e.sel forth, with the phn\ and p'ulvei i/ing wheel, of the retaining jdutc tigid|\ allived to Ihe plow frame work, c^nifionliiig I lie open side of llie wheel and seiviag lo lelain thr i-arlh therein during the pioeess o! pulverization. I. The condnnal ion, siibsl;iiilially as herein before set tort h. of a plow, a inilveri/.ing-w heel, and an upturned lip upon the furrow side of fhe ph)wsUaie of sjiid plow, tor guiding th. earth displaced by s;tid.pIow within .said pnl \eri/ijig-whcel. 279,819. CHARLES E. SACKETT, Mor- ristown, N. J, Tilling Machine. June 19j 1883. Filed Feb. 5, 1883. I'irsi, lo etlect a complete reversal of the top la^er ofsod-s, weeds, &c., reniove as to leaxc a narrow niient strip upon Ihe edge of the bnrow, which strip aelsasa liingc upon w hicli the layer turns under Ihe aetioti of a mold-board of approin-iate shape, the si rip re- taining its hold long enough lo produce the com]dcte ro'civiil. Wi'cond, I have niodined fhe eoiLslruelion of Ihe pulvcrizing-whccl or skeleton driuii by gixinglolhc I t-.msvo'Se bra<'es upon its eir- cunifeirnce an inward curvature, so Ih.it in riding the im cried layer turned by the for ward plow the j)nlveri/.er may sink as deep as possible into the furrow im wiiicli it lra\eis. Third, i atstt sharpen both Ihe rims ami Iransversc bai-s for the inirpose of catling up the inverted layer, and I improve Ihe details of <*oiis(iuction in various oihci ways. 1. In u pnh i-ri/ing-w heel, the eomhination, .substanlially :ls hi'reinbel'ore set forth, of the wheel-rims ie\-oI\ ing in the I'm row. and thi* curved tr.insversc bnu-es connect iiig s;iid rims and (brining a gniovcd tread, whereby said wheel, ill riding the deposifs within siii'd fur row, is not maleriall\ dexahd. 2. Asanimprovemenl m }ml\erizing wheels designed to riile tin- deposits within a furrow, the sharp cutting edges upon llie rims and tninsxci'se briwes of saiil wheel tor the pm - po.ie ofcuttingthc siiid deposits. substantially in the manner as hereiulR'lbiv set forth, of the long hub.'the end bo\es Ihereof, the series of spokes r.ulialing from eiwh 1m>x, the circular rims mid the curved ti-ansvei-Ke ln-,ici>s. 281,149. CHARLES W. SMITH. Spring. 1 fiehl, Ohio. Soil I'ulverizing Machine. July 10, 1883. Filed Oct. 12, 1882. My invention relates to uiaehines used for tbe purpose of manipulating iJic surface of Ihe ground to render it snnjolh and in good con- dition for thesnbseiinent oiieralioii of.sieding. My improvement consi'-ts in the combina lion and arrangement cd' the <;rushing roller, gang-]dow.s, and rotary cutters, as hereinaf- ter de.scrilK-d, and iiarticnlariy p()iiitei' oui in llic claims. 1. The ctunbinalion. with the crushing roll er, of a set of gang plows. f\ located in rear of said roller, and the sirapsVi /»', pivotally .snp' ported at one end. and al their oppcsile ends eoiineete*! w ith a cross pie.-e. /, I in' gang plows being hinged tothes.iid eross jiieee, and being connected wiMi each oilier b\ Ihe cross piece //, snbstantiallv as described, '2. The combination, with tlic main frame (( a', Hupported by the cin-shing-roller nnd by a vertically-adjustable caster ■wheel, of a set iOf gang-plows, /, rigidly eonnerted together and hinged toacros.s bar, \rhich is inturn con- iiect«d with the main frame by supports piv- oted to the latter, and a set of rotary cutters, i(, located "in rear of the gang ■ plows, said members being const met ed and organized sub- stantially as described. 285,809- SCHUYLER S. GARDNER, Chicago, lils. Rotary Plow. Oct. 2 1883. Filed Sept. i8,'l882. This invention rehites to w hat arc kliown or termed " rotary disk idows," or plows using a rotating cutting-disk to ])erform the [ilow- ing, and has for its obji^ets to improve the construction, armng<^mcnt, and opei-ation of the rotary disks and their location and ar- rangement iu relation tolhc supporting iVaiae and wheels and the draft, to enable the dniH to be readily and quickly changed to adapt il to the unmber of disks used, and at Hie same time o\ercome the natural tendency of the ilraft to raise the plows in use, to enable tlio frame and plows to be readily and (piickly i-aiwKl or lowered to travel from place to place or enter the ground, as i-eqnircd, and to im- l)rove generally the constrnelion, arnwejc- ment, andopcration of the devices foniiingtlie plow as uwhole; aod its nature consist^ in the devices and combination of the de\ire-; by which the above named objects are altaioeil, which arc hereinafter specifittilly described and pointed out in the claims. 1. The combination, with the di,sk-carrying frame A, having extensions Ii B', of the boxes or brackets C C, the cari'^^ing-wlieels nod the axle D, capable of longitudinal adjostim-nt iu the bo.ves or brackets for changing the loca- tion of the carrying- wheels with relation to the number of plow-disks employed, substan- tially as di«eribed. 2. The combination, with the disk-carrytiig fiume A, provided witli the cxt*-nsioiis 11 B' and tlie b'dxes C C.Tvith which the e\tcu-ious are conneetrcd, of the wheeled axh- l>. parsing through the boxe.** anil capable of loiiL'iludi- ual adjustment therein, and means for rigidly securing the boxes and axle together when adjusted, as desired, whereby the ftmow- M'Jn^el of the axle can be brought into line with any one of tliedisks carried by the Iniuic. siilwtintially as descril>ed. 3. The frame A, having exteiLsioiis l> I'., forming braces, boxes, or brackets V i'\ and axle 1», in eonibiuaiioii with seat-support- J. the seat J, and diagonal brace IC, forlran>jfer ring the w eight of the driver to assist in bold ing the machine down to its work, substini tially as specilied. 4."The frame A, disk L, backing jit.ite i, and Journal or pin j, in coBd)inatioD with a slotted platef, and bracketoi supportM. sub- ' stantially i\s and for the pnrpftscs specitieJ. 5. The frame A, disk L, backing-plate /, and journal or pin 7, in combination Ail'ithe slotted plate k' and slotted hanger or bracket M, substantiailyasandforthepnrpos.es speci- fied. 6. The combination, with the disk L, of rocking or swinging hangers or bnickeis M, bolt;; o', to which the hangers or brackets are swivelcil, tho conneeting-bar M. and aa opc- ruting-lever for the bar N, for changing tie-' set of tbe disks, snl>stantially as and for the pur- poses specified. 7. The hangers or brackets M and plate A', cirhcr or both having slots, in combination witli the disk L, backing plate i, and journal orpin./, tor furnishing au adjustable support for tlm ilisks when attached, substantially as ami for the purposes specified. S,' The disk L, backing-plate i„iUid joiinul or pin /■- in combination wilhtht iilalu A', hav- 1524 ROTARY. ill}-' ii Iie:iHu^. k, lor alliulnni; llir disk In an :iriii or siiiiporl. siilisliuiliiilly lu^ (Icscrilwil. !>. Till- liibular :i\ltMu-stiiii(lanl U, Iiaviii-; slots t. ill nmihinalion wilU the rod S, Ii:niii.i,' ]>iiis .t ami :i moans I'oi' ntisiii^ ;tii(t lowering;' Ilio roil. Mihslaiilially :vs and IVu' tlio [muikwcs siH'oilii'd. 10. 'I'lio a\li' Of slauilai-d K, Iiiwinjr .slnls /. loil S, Ii:u infr in'ti!* n and Iiaud-wlierl 'I', in ftunhiiialion w illi llic iVamo A.for raisinjr :iiul hiWTriiijx IIm- loiwaiil en', carrying the said wheels and pivoted to the said frame, and an adjust- ing-lever jointed to the said axles, for the pur- pose of thereby admitting of the said wheels being both imlim-dlntt rally in the same direc- tion ■liy means of flie same lever. 2. The comUinalioii of the wheels T T, the vertically-tilting axles IV 0'. the barB', the the blade H, made in sections, f:istoned to the riin of the said llango, the radial edges of the said sections having between them spaces opening into the said pockets, substantially as and for the purposes specified. T-levcr F", the links 11' II', and means for temporarily locking tho said lever, in con- nection with the plow-frame, carrying diag- onally arranged rotary plowing-disks, sub- stantially as and for the purposes specified. 3. A rotary plow -disk consisting of the combination of the hub G and flange G', all made in one and the same piece, and having therein the poi-kets or depressions c c, and 293,080. JOHN D. RANKIN and WM- O.KNOX, Groesheck, Texiw. 8oil Pul- verizer. Keb. 5, 1884. Filed July 20, 1883. 1. In soilpulveri/ci's. the tondiinalion of rotating blades on a shaft adjuslalile forward and backward, the driving « heel shall H, tjie intermediate operating mechanism, and the two transverse shalts .1 J. snbsLaiilially as de- scribed. 2. The conihinalion of llic driving-wheels, Wiv nudtiiilying gear-wheels, the two sliaft-s' J J, blades W, shall M, adjn.slable forward and hackwartl by nn'ans of ji k-ver, H, fi-arne (', having recesses for journal-boxes ]', the lugs Q on the latter, and the connecting-rod U, all constrneled and adapted to operate sub* slautially as desci ilied. 293,104. DAVID F. SP ANGLER, Santa Ana, Cal. Spading Machine. Feb. 6, 1884. Filo.l Sept. 30, lb83. 1. The spatling-framc 11, comi>oscil of the shaft 1'', the bearing-block /j\ secured on the shall F, tho side bai-s, A A, the spade-carrying rods /f', jonrnaled in the ends of bars 7f, anil the arms /(', extended at right angles from the ends of rods /(', and liaving one end arranged to bear on the block Ii*, the said frame being suitablyjournaied and adapted to be revolved, as set forth. 2. In a spadinginachinc. the combination, substantially as Iiercinbcforc set forth, of (he wheels i» h', the pallets I I, and spading-frame U, arranged and operating substantially as described, and means for levolviug the frame H, as speeilieil. 3. Inasiiading-maehine, the combination of the wheels /urpose set forth. 3. A rotating spading drnm or cylinder pro- vided with tho i>ivoted wings or buckets N, arranged to operate as described, aurl mounted in the pivoted frame or bars F, in combina- tion with the main fi-amo A, mounted on wheels B B, with clutches n, and driving- wheels 1) L, connected by chains M, all con- structed and arrangetl for joint operation sub- stantially as shown and described. 4. Acylihderordrumforspadiog-machines, consisting of a series of curved arms, <7, hav- ing cuttei-s c secured to their out«r ends, with buckets or wings N, pivoted to said arms in rear of the cutters, and arranged to operate sub- stantially as shown and described. TEETH. 1525 243,231. JNO- M. FALL, Inrii:ilft» J. T. 1 [uH'lllilll. Sliuvcl I*lu\v. JiiiiL- 21, 1881. Kilcil April 21, ISKI. My invention is intendcil to- apiily well known methods to the speeilic production, in ii rapid iind chc:ip nuinni>r, ol a hIiovcI bliidc ol" improved and superior ipiiilily; and my ob- ject Ih to provide an iniproved, li;:ht, sironj;, and duiablo Avron;^lit-niotat .shovel plow, Uy rc-ent'orcinfj blanks of conitnon Conn cut Ironi tint plate metal of unilorui Ih'clcinss, in sueh a manner that the cutlin;; ed;;es, point, mid entire front face ran bo more readily tempered and made har4l enough to scour well, whih- the part of the complete shovrl-pbnv that is subjected to the greatest strain remains com- parutivcly soft and retains its tcnaeity. Heretofore blaidis for cultivator -shovels lia\e usually been cutlloni a stool bar havinjj a longitudinal swell in its center, that formed an inti-gral rib along the entire lungitudinal eenter of each shovel-blank cut thoi-cfront, to slrongtheii it and to aid in protecting and re- tilting iis iKjiiit; but such a fiurplusngo of metal nhnig tlio eiiliro leiigtii of the sliovel is a necdle!w beam and standard pivoted together, the nick and pin- ion devices for adjustmenf, substantially as specilied. 2, Thernck branchorbranchesofOie stand- ard, in combination with aelanipbolt iind nut, and the pinions respectively connected witii the head and threaded end of said clampbolt, substantially as specifieil. 246,170. PRANK B. MANLY. Malta, Ohio. Attacliinent for Cultivator Blades. Aug. 2.3, 1881. Filed May 14, 1881. This invention has relation to devices for attaching a narrow or bull tongue blade to the end of the standard or beam ; and it consists in the conibitiatiou, with the blad-c having a centering-recess, of the tubular attachment- plate, having a pivot-stopin its front and trans versely slotted upper an'd lower ends for en- gagement with the threaded .studs or bolts of the blade, as hereinafter shown and described. J. Thecombination, with the beam and buU- loiigue blade IJ, recessed at a, of the attach- ment D, its bearing (/ for the beam, front pro- jection, )i, serving as a stop and center of ad- justment, transversely slotted end bearings, A-, and the fastening bolts and nuts of the blade, substaritially as specified. 2. The attachment for bull tongue blades having the rear bearing, d, oSsets g, center stop, »i, servingas a stop and center of adjust- ment, and trausversely-slntted end bearings, /:, cxtendiug beyond said offsets, substantially as specified. 247,658. JAMESP. KING. Aubrey, Kan. Cuilivator-Shovel. Sept. 27, 1881. Filed July 2, 1881. By this construction, it will be seen that the point is securely held in position by means of its beveled or lap joint connection with the up- per idate and the single bolt passing through boles in the plow-point and supporting-plate, and that wheu a plow-point is worn or broken it can readily be removed and a new plow-point substituted for it. It will also be seen that in the operation of the shovel the princip.il strain is borne by the supporting -plate A, which in my construction issecured to the upper plate, a, to the plow-point, and to ibe standard, and if the supporting-plate is broken it can readily be removed and another substituted for it. Xiio combiuation, with me upper plate, «, havingitslowerstraightedge.fc, beveled down- wardly and provided with the holes c c' d d, of the supporting- pi ate A, riveted to the upper plate and projecting below it, and provided with the hole o and bole ff, registering wilh the lower hole, c', of the plate a. ptow-point fr, provided wilh a straight edge, I, beveled up- wardly, and hole wi, screw-bolt w, and nut p, substantially as described, and for the purpose set fori h. 247,756. THEODORE GRISSINGER, Merhanicsburg, Pa. Cultivator. Oct. 4, 1881. Filed June 18. 1881. 1. Thecombination of a vertical toggle-lever, having a suitable springconnected therewith, with a pi\oted shovel shoe or support and the upright portion of a curved eultivator-beam, all constructed and arranged substantially as herein set forth. 2. The eonibrnatiouof a vertically aixanged toggle-lever ami a vertical guide stem or rod, having encircling spring, with a curved calti- vatorbeam, havitig the upper end of the tog- gle-lever pivoted to its upright portion, anil a shovel shoe or support connecteil with tholower end of said toggle h^ver, as and for the pur- l»oso specified. 249,879. WM. L. BOGART, Nebo, Ills. Cultivator. Nov. 22, 1881. Filed July 18, 1881. This invention relates to a novel mode of attaching cnltivutor-teeth or shovels to thfir standards, whereby they can be set square to the land or adjusted .>o as to present their faces either outward or inv.-aid, as may be re- quired in cultivating crop.-', and also whereby the teeth or shovels are rigidly and strongly secured to their standards and sustained against backward strain byacutved bracing- plate, to which each shovel is pivnieU and stayed, as will be hereimvlter e.^i'laiued. ihe combmation, with the shovel A and its eyes B B, of the eyes (J C, bolts i i, pintle D, plate F, its ndjusting-.^crews E,aud itscurved bracing-extension C for the shovel, all sub- ptautially as described . 250.530. JOHN 0. EEOK, Monroe, Mich. Cultivator Shovel. JDec. tj, 1881. Filed Aug. 15. 1881, The object of uiy invention is to protect plants from injury by reason of hirge clods of soil or stones being turned or thrown upon them by the shovel when working c'os'' lothe plants, and to accomplish this rcsidt without the n.se of separate or »speciHl fenders, such as are now commordv eninloved. I. As an improved artiideot manufacture, a j cultivator-shovel provided at otio side with a forwardly extending wing or fender integral with the shovel or blade, sulistantially as shown and desciibed. I 2. The herein-described shovel for cultiva- tors, consisting of the body A, and the wing or lender fl, oxtentling forwaril and sidewise therefrom and funned in one jiiece therewith, substantially a^ shown ami (lescril)ed. 251,961. JOHN SMITH and FERDI- NAND STEINKE, llcrioon, Wis. Culti- vator. Jan. 3, 1882. Filed Oct. 24,1881. 1. Tbo combination,inacuUivatcr,of abeam or drag-bar, a shovel standard, a hub or boss, and an encircling annulns or band adapted to be contracted upon the boss, the boss and an- nulus being attached, one to the beam and the other to the stattdard, substantially as and foi the purpose set forth. 2. In a friction device for cuUivator-staad- ards, the combination of a bub or boss and an encircling anuulus or band provided with a clamping device, substantially as shown, one of said parts betTig s'tationary relatively to the other. 3. The standiird A, having at its upper end the annnlus or band D, open at one side, and provided with a bolt, whereby it may be con- tracted, substantially as set forth. 4. The shovel ■ standard A, provided with lips q and openings or holes ;>, substantially as and for the purpose set forth, 0. In a cultivator, the combination of a shov- el-standard, A, provided with slots or openingg p and lips q, a sliovel point oi- tooth, F, a strap or band, G, pasaing around the shank of the tooth and through the slots, and moans, sub- stantially as described, for lightening the strap or band. 6. In combination with the standard A, pro- vided With opeuings/), a shovel point or tooth, and a strap or band, G, adapt4'd to straddle the tooth-shank and to pass through said open: ii:gs, and notched as described, a pin or bolt, (, and wedge u, all combined and operating as set forth. 251,976- DANIEL 0. VAN BRUNT, Horicon, Wis. Cultivator. Jan 3,1882. Filed Sept, 27, 1881, 1. A clamp for cultivator teeth having hut B' and ears b, in combination with a tooth, D, staple rf, and securing-nuis. 2. A cnUivator-beam bavingcoucavity n, in combination with clamp having bub B', the staple C, and nuts, as set forth. 252,279. WILLIARD A. VAN BRUNT. Horicon, Wis. Cultivator Tooth Jan' 10, 1882. Filed Sept. 3, 1881. 1. The combination, wilh the slotted bar, of a slipping plate pivoted thereto and having the perforated shank, a spring-tooth secureil to the latter, a clip-plate adapted to brace the tooth, and a dtp for holding the looth and clip- plate in position, substantially as set forth. 2. The combiuation, wilh the bar having an open slot at one end, and a slipping plate con- sisting of a body and sbank, the body of the said plate adapted to be secured in the slot, while Ihe shank extends outward in a rear- wardly-inolined direction, and a pivotal bolt for retaining tl:o plate in any desired adjust- ment, of a double-pointed reversible spring- tooth secured to the said shank, substantially as set forth. 3. The combination, with the bar, of the slip- ping plate pivoted thereto, a double-pointed reversible spring-tooth having a longitadiual rib, a clip-plate having a longitudinal groove corresponding to said rib, and devices for se- curing the slipping plate, clip-plate, and looth together, substantially as set forth. 4. The coiubiDation, with the" pivote, also having aperture to lit tlio sland- ard A aiuHiavingcross-sIots II li, the bolts G O, and the 4}earn B, as tthowii :itnl described. M. The couibiiiatioii of the [ilatrs ami I), slotted and perforated as denoribed, tlio hol- low standard A, the Ket-scrcw K, the beam B, and t\i(- bulls tt Ct, as and for the purposes set forth. 10,076. JOHN S. ROWELL, Beaver Diiin, Wis. Cu'itivatur Tooth. Original 232,8o0. Oct. 5. 1880. Reissued April 4, 1881 Filed Oct. 27, 1881. 1. Tlie double pointed reversiblu tooth dc- .scribed, con.sisting of tlie uielal slmnli S,liav- irig fixed similarly-curved shovel iioinls T at Ua opposite ends, tlie wlioloeonstituliiiffa uni tary structure of substantially the u.sual Icugtli of scedcr-tecth, combined with a. slipping phitc adajited to Indd the tooth by clamping near its nj)per point, substantially as described. 2. In combination with a beam aud with a pliiie having a slipping coiiniction nith the beam, a double bladed tootii, S T, detacliably and ieviTsilil.\ secured to the .*ilipping plate by u fastening iiidrpcndent of I ho fasteuing which sieares the plate to tlic bcuni, whereby tbo tootli uiny be reversed without disturbing ilio plate, substantially as described. X Tliocombinatiouof theclefl beam A, slip- ping plate E, clamped witliin and extciidiug ont of the beam cleft, the ping plato, aud mechanism for detacliablj seouiing tho tooth to the e.\posed part of the plate, Kiib.stantinlly ;is nud fur the purposes specified. •1. In combiimtioii wiih a rultivator-bcam and with a double shovel jiointcd reveraiblo tooth, ST, an in torinediato plate having a slip- ping connect ion with the beam, a fastening for rigidly but detachably .securing the tooth to Iho phite, and means for guarding tlw upper tooth poiut, substantially as set forth. .~>. Ill coinbididion with tho beam and with a iloiiMr pointed reversible tooth, S T, having siui;l H- cursed shovel-points, a plato havinga .slippiiig nttaclirocnt with tho beam, aud a fast- ening lor holding the tooth by its upper end to Ihc pl:ite, sjiid slipping plato being extended to adbrd a guard to tho uoiised tooth-point. (i. In conibinatioii with a beam and witli a double sliovel-pointed reversible tooth, S T, a pliile liaving h .iJippiug connection with tho beam and rigid detachableconuection with tbo tooth, s;iid plate beingextended and nn.inged to liolii the tooth at the rear of the beam, sub- stantially as ile.scribed, 7. Thcslotled beam A, tho pivoted slipping p'ate II, slotted to receive the binding-bolt fc and provided with the clamping-bolt C, and shoulders outside of the beam, combined with the adjustable or rever.siblo tooth S T, riyidly hot removably secured thereto, sub.stnntially as described S. The slipping plato li, adapted to be piv- oted at. its front end by bolt ;» and provided with slot t, whereby the clamping bolt h may (tassthroiighsiiid plate, combined with a hook- 'ng-shoiildci. 1', and hook-headed clamp bolt, <_', whereby the shank S may be fitroly Intde- taeliably held, substantially as dobcribed. '.». (Ui'mbined witii the reversible tooth S T, a ^Iipping plate, B, adapted to be located in a elefL ill the beam A and provided with a hook ing-shoulder, I*, offset laterally from i^aid plate, and the clamp-bolt G, whereby the. shank S will be held in line with said plate, but capa- ble of :idjustment up and down thereon, as shown. lU. Combined witli tlio reversible tootli S T, the slipping plate B, cottsiructed with later- ally-projecting fl.tngcR along its rear edge, whereby tho unused tooth is gnardcil while tho machine is In operation. 11. Aslipping plate, B, pivoted and cl4imi)eil within a cteft in ihobenm A by separate bolts aud provided with a holding-shoulder, P, and clamp-bolt C, in combination with the re\otsi- bleloulh aT, .IS set forth. 250.356. JOHN MORTER, liloomiug- hurg, Ohio. Ciiitividnr Tootli. April 11, Ibs'ii. Filed l>ec. li), 1881. My invention relates to an improvement in' cnliivatorteeth; and it consists in tho com- binatino .'serve tho desirable vi.-snlt ot causing the upper portion of the blade to en- ter the ground like a colter blade and with a shear cut, while the oflsetting curved portion scrapes, breaks, and pulverizes the sod more and more Iroui lh« point «hcro the bl.ade Ihst strikes tho eartli, and leaves the earth with a surface behind, which is not broken np by fur rows, its hereinafter more fully described. A cultivator-tooth consistingof atwo-edged blade curved at its lower end, as shown, com- bined with a frume-WGrk and arranged in- clinedly thereto, with the piano of its unbent portion in the line of dralt, sub.stanlially as and for tho purpose described. 261,636. JAMES H. SMITH, F..nd dtf Tia<:,Wis,.uBsigiior to the Wln^'ciand yeedi.T Co.' Cultivator Tooth. July 26, 1882. Filed May 9, 1882. This inveotmu relates to certain new and useful improvcinouts in devices for bracing a onitivator-tooLh, more especially designetl lor use ill connection with the class of cultivator- teeth that havo a shank aud a shovel at each end } and to this end the invention consists in novel teatures of construction, ami combina- tion and arrangement of [larts, all as will bo hereinafter fullydescribed,andset fortli in thO claims hereto ynncxed. 1. The combination, with the beam A, rever- sible ciiltivator-Looth D, and pivoted standard B. of the double brace 0, connected at its up- |)er end to the rear end of said beam, and its lower eud embracing and connected to said standard and the shank of said tooth, sub- 'stantiallyas and foi- the purpose herein shown and described. 2. Tho combination, with tho beam A, re- versible cultivator-tooth D, and pivoted stand- ard B, of the double brace C, connecting said standard and tooth with the beam, aud the clips 11 ri for centrally connecting the shank of the tooth to the standard, subsfautially aa and for the purpose S[)ecified. 3. The combination, with the beam A, com- pose*>ies of earth and we< iH as they are pressed upward and ontwurd by the advance of the tooth, the tooth in its operation actuig as a piilveri/ter of the soil. A cultivator-tooth formed with a point,'/, audlati'ralb'adesc,exteiidingoliliqnelyateacb side and imck of acfittral ridge, ^, of the tooth, the lower or cutting edges of wjiid bludes be- ing inclined obli(juel,s outw.'ird and upward for thb purpose of giviug a shearing cut to the same, and the ])lane of either blade passing in rear of the next, blaile abo\e, siubstantiHliy as shown aud desciihed. 268,234 ZADOCK HOWE, Lowell. and ELLIOTT OATLEY, GrcenviUe, iMich. Cnltiviitur. Nov. 28, 1882. Filed Julv 22, 1882. The eombiuatioii,withacultivator-stanilard having a broail bearing or foot, c, having per- foraiions I and lateral recesses g, of tlm trian- gular pUte or blado a, and lliH bolts A ft and mils H, whereby said blado is secured to sard twt. .substantially as specified. 268,358. JOSIAH J. DEAL, a^.'^ignor of twi-thirds to Win. M. JolinPtnn.W ilniot, Ohio. Cultivator. Xov. 28. 1882. Filed July 6, 1882. In cultivators, the boot or standard V, hav- ing it# lower section,/, cyliudrical aud (»t an angle to tho upper section, aud which is made j lo be reversible upon the beam, so that when ' reversed tho angleof the blade will be changed, I substantially as and for tho purpose described. 270.855. HARLOW C. STAHL, iWo- .ir to the Fr.'i.emt Cult v;. tor Co., hre- iijoiii. i liiii. 8iaiulard-( 'laiiip. Jan. W, 188;j. Filed t-ept. ti, 1882. TEETH, 1527 M\ iiiM'iiiionhasrflalioii tofusieui-iujilevices oruliiinpnfor securing. istitnOard Or cultivator- tooth In II |iIow-lMVimni (liaff-bar; and it con- sistti in an iinprovt'nient upon the laiUivator- Biiimlunl damp lor which Lettei^ Patent of the L/itited States Xo. 2n2,ri3(i were firaiiled to ine im tlie 17th day <>f" January, 1S.S2. The euuplhiij or frtsteniiig det ico described in the said Letters Patent is composed of two jdatea «rf substantially the same Miiape as the plates (' and D, (shown in the accompanying draw- ings,) whicli are made, by preference, (tf mal- Iciible cast iron, but which aiay, if desired, be cut or stamped iVom metal plates. The cultivator-standard clatup or eoupliug com|M)sed of the sliding plate C, encircling the stanilnrd A, and provided with the longitndi- ifal slots F F, the plate D, having croSs-slols H H, and provided with the log L and bind- ing-screw E, bolts U G, and beam or drag-bar B, constructed and combined substantially as and for the purpose herciti shown and de- scribed. 271,432. AMENZO W. DIEFENDORF and PETER H. MERRILL, Wyocena, Wi.-. Cultivator. Jan. 30, 1S83. Filed Sei.t. 22,1H«2. 1. The stock a, provided with the groove d on its front side, the ^lot r, the recesses /i^fe on its rear sidi-.and the yoke i at its upper end, arid mlaptcti lo be pivoted to a plow or culti- vato:* beam, and acted upon by a s|iring ar- taehed to said beam, substantially as heroin shown anrth. 272,301 JOHN E. MTTOHELL, Fowler, a;,sixnor of one-half to A. i>. Raub, Earl I'ark, Itnl. Shovel tor Cultivators. Feb. 13, 18y8. Filed -Nov. 13, 1882. My invention con>istsof an improved gopher .ittachmeut to cultivator-shovels for cultivat- iitg coro, the said attachment being contrived fnr ridfjing the earth up around the plants in the lait-r dressing, when they are well grown, without injury to the roots, all as hereinafter fully described. A shovel or cultivator Made made with a lateral extensioti, b, at about the middlo of its shank, and inclined upwardly at an oblique angle to the latter, as shown in Fig. 2 of the drawings, whereby it may be adapted to bo used as described. 273,550 JOHN W- JONES, Centropo- lit.. Kan. Cultivator Shovel. Mar. 6, l.Ss;t VU^ii X,>v. 22, 1882. My invention consists ofa detachahio point seelion for cultivator- plows to enable new points to be applied when required; and ft also eonsistsofanadjuMtiibleandfletachableshovel- conuectiou with the plow-stock, the said de- vice being contrived, as hereinafter fully de- scribed, to provide sitnple and efilcieDt means of removing the points and of setting the plows lo any reipiirod pitch. In a cultivator-shovel, thecombiuatlon, with the oval faced stock e. of the correspondingly recessed shank (?, provided with a wideio'd lower section, g, an upper forwardlj-projecting portion, and the npper plate-section, b, the point-section a, bolted to the wings or sections g of the shitDlt, the apertured yoke or strap A, enibraeing the shank d between its widened section (/and forwaidly-projeetiug portion, and the fastening cumposed of the recessed keyj and gib t, essentially as shown and described. 274,126. JOHN L- LAUGHLIN, Racine. Wis. Cultivate*. Mar. 20, 1883. Filed Aug. 1, 1882. This invention relates to improvements iu cultivators, and has for its object to provide:! novel consIruetiOn of parts for altiichiug the shovels to their supports, wht-reby they can be so adjusted as to stand in a plau« at right angles to the line of draft, or in a plane oh- hquely thereto. The manner of accomplishing this will bo hereinafter explained in detail, and puinted out in the claims. 1 attain these ob jects by the mechanism illustrated in the ae- compan>ing drawings, in which — 1. The combination, with the forked shevt- C, of the shovelblouk U, having it-* frontsiilti constructeil to form a sciit fur the shovel, and provided on its hack with the rib B', having one of its faces arraugi-d obliquely and the other face at right angles to the face of the shovel, said rib being detuchiibly secured to the lower end of the forked sleeve, whereby either lace of the rib can be secured against the said sleeve, substautinlly as aninlnii:ilit Ini'lli i)i llir ilniliis Inirlo ;iti \H-\vt\. I. 'riu'coinbi nation, with Hit- pixottslslimcl Ciioi in sl)'t'vi< 1!. iiiid till- t-ni-\i'il ptnlion or ti|.iiulit ol" II .■ultiv;ilor ln'nni. nf ;i hickiii,',' l.'\ri- iiivotallv *-fd. ',': 'I'lii- coniliiiuilioii. willi tin- nirv nl or iip- lijilit jMnlion .Ha .-nil i\ aim- l.i-ain. ol' llir piv olcd ''.-ml oi?*l(V\.- I!, j.ivolrd Irvi-r coiniCi'U'd lo aiitl onihrafitii; .<;iid licani. and ha\ iiiir tlu' Ion;,'. T arm. \\ ol saiti l.vi-r nolrliod and Ih'v clod. :i^ ilrsrillK'd. and lliospiiii- JO, Ikh in<,' an niilHardl\ <-nrvi-iI i-iid. .. all roiislnicl.-d and anaiiLjt-a lo opniil.- .sidtslant lally in llic maime!-, us and lor tin- pnrposr lu-u-in slio« n and dcsrrilic.i. 282,852 WM. J. DAVIDSON, liiu r^[.i;n-. \ a rnltivatoi". An-. 7, 1883. Kil..-tl'J:iM. 4. 1SS;1. The objoft ot my invention is to i-pducethe strain npon (lie IhiU.s connecting plow stand-, ard.s lo Inufkcts or to the hcnui — siniilai", for inslancf. to tlio.se standards shown in my I'nl- enl No. 2Ur>.7G.'{ — and al&o to avoid injury to any piu-t of the plow from an nnyiolding ton- noetion of the standard thereto; iind Jo these ends my invention consi.sta in the improved eonsti-netioir, fully described hereinarter. The cnired stundavtt (', formed with an m- clineil elongated sermted slot, c, atouecnd,aTid an upwardly extcndinj!; noteii,/, in its inside face, in combination with the j)lo\vbcam, slot- ted bracket H, and Imlt //, as shown, for the ])ur|tose.s ipecilied. 282,880, LORENZO D. GAVITT, L--^ An-r.-k-s, Cal. Cultivat.ir lilude. Aug. 7- fsy-i. Kiled I'Vb. Ifl. 1SH3. The objeet of my invention is (u make the blade adjustable, revei-sibic, and self sharpen- ing. 1. In a cultivator, the sliaight flat blade A, with its .shank IJ, pivoted and .secured to the sh)tted support (', substantially as and for the purpose simwn au'l de.scrihed. 2. The eonib nation, snbslautially its shown, of the siraiglit flat idade A, slotted shank B, • slotted standard < '. pivol liolt ]>. and clutch- bolt K. f. Cultivator Beam. Aug 28, 1883. Kiled Mar. 29, 1883. My invention relates to an iinpio\enieut in cultivator-beams or dnig baiN. Ilie objeet of the same lieing to pro\ ideslioog and durable means for detachably si-euiinga toolh toacul- tivaloi-beaiu lo with.stand a certain or prede- termined amount of pressure, \\liieh if cx- ci'cded will cau.se the tooth lo slip and allow it to lide over obstrnetions without damaging the ]iaits; and with these end.s in view my in veiitioii consists in certain details in cou.struc- tionand eorabiuationsof parts, aswill beuiore fnllye\plaiued,aud pointed outin the claims. As an improvement in cultivators, the com- bination ol the slotted beam A, having aper- ture G, and rounded at il.s lower end, shovel- holder composed of the flat piece 11, inserted into tlie slotted beam, and tongue C, recessed at I) to conform to the curvature of the lower end of the beam, pivot bolt E, inserted throngh the center of the are formed by the recesses D, removable and adjustable shovel /. having on its under side the saddle J, yoke L, and set-, nerow M, th^ whole constructed and combined to operate substantially in the manner and for the purpose herein shown and described. 284,565. DAVID N. LUSE and JOHN W. BELL, Aiululjon, luwa. (Jultivatur. Sept. 4, 1883. Filed June 15, 1883. Our invcnlion liHs relation I o cull ivaloi-b, " and is espeeially-ndaptiMl for corn (ai!livatoi-s. II consists ill an improved fon.sl ruction of the shovel-beams nod of llie shovels, whereby notonly Ihepilrhofllu-slioM-lsniay be readily adjusted, but the position uft lie shovels upon (he beams ma> be adju.sted sidew ise, so a-s lo rt'gnlale Ihe angle at wliieli llicy an' to peue- Irale the soil. 287,171. GUILFORD D. ROWELL, Ap- pletoii. Wis. Seed-liar 'rnoil,. O.-t. 23.. 1883. Filed July 23, 18S;1 My imeul ion relates to an improvement in seed bar leclh; and il consists, Ib-.st, in the eombinalionotasnilabh^ iViel ion-block, which is lobe appbed b> Ihecnilof the dr.ig bar, with a.-itandaiil or bar wineh is damped there to. and a braec w iiieh Inus its upper end to bear agaitisl Ihe block and its lower end se- cured to I he bar or standanl, so as to form a cont unions br.iee; .second, in the combination; uftlie iiiolion hlork, the bar or rod which is seinred iheiet.o, the brace which is placed be- tttiH'ii Ihe lower end of the bar and the lower end of the block, and rev c;-siblc shovels, which are a|ii)lieil lo the bar, as will be more fully desei ilicd lieieiuafler. 1. The eombinalion of the block v ilh the bar and tlie brace which extends between the lower end of the block and the lower end of the bar, substantially as described. 2. The combination of the block, the rc- vei-sible bars secured thereto, and provided with revereiblo teeth at each cud, and the bi-ace placed betweeu the lower cod of tli'c block aud tlio lower end of the bar, substantially as set forth. 3. The combiuatiou of the Mock having a recess in ils lower end, the standard bolted thereto, and the brace uotehcd at its upi>or end, the br,ace and block being brought loosely in eoutaet with each other, so as lo allow tlio standard a slight vibration, substantially as specified. 287,172. GUILFORD D. ROWELL. Ap- pi.i \Vi-. Uvvor>ildi.' Cultivator To-.tli. D.l. 23. is.s:;. Kilr.l N'ov 27. 1882. 1. The combination, with a <-nltlTator-beain or drag bai- the rear eud of which is curved, substantially asshown, aud a depending holder secured to the said be;im, of a tooth the shauk of which is adjustably secured to the cu^^•ed end of the Iteam, while the ii)(perend oriioinl thereof is held iu position by the holder. '2. The condiination. with a culli^'ator-bcam the icar end of wli'ch is curvi-il, snl»stantialiy :w shown, aud a tooth adjn.st ably s<'eii red to the Siiid curved end, uf adepcnding holder se- oureil lo the beam for the puiiJo.se of support- ing the tooth when the maJthinc is inovetl for- wardty.and for iircveutiugtlie tooth from Inrn- ing wlien the machine is backed. 3. The combination, with a cuUivator l)eam the real- eud of whiehiscurveil iuid slotted, as described, and the holder H, secured to the Ijeani in front of the curved portion tbei^pfjf, of the tooth M, seemed to the beam, witli its upper et}d renting iutho holder,all of tite above par(.s coDibiued :vnd adapted to operate sub- stautially a8 set forth. My iuvenlion relates to an improvement iu reve'i-sible eullivator-tceth; aud it consists in the combination of the beam having its rear cn. (nlii^ai.M-. N..V. 13. I.S83. Kilcl .Inly 23, lss.3. The combination of the cnllivator-stund- .irds, the blocks having slopped reecssc;8 iu their outer faces, the bolts having flaring heads, and iuscrleil through the bhicks anil sUindards, the sockets or slides having in Mardly piojeetiug flanges, and the semper or shovel blade having the s:iid sockets or slides fastened upon its inner side, as and for Ihe l>urp- o, 18.S4. ■ Kiled July 23. 1S,S3. Tho objcel ol litis iineulion is tin- const ruc- tion of a sho\ .1 blaite lor i-ult tvalors, m hereby liic soil c.ui be thoroughly loosened to the very roofs of iUv eorii, pol aloes, or other jdant to be tended, ami thai shall be cai)ablo of an- gular ailjnslmenl in any desired dirtiction. , Tlie shovel-blade A, m ith a point formed with unequal si. ivN-l. r'llr.i .Ian. 4. I^S4. This invention iieilains to that class of cnl- tivatoi-s having one or iimrc culln alorterlh attacheil to thednitt beam; and il u-lates par lit-ularly (o the couslrnclion of tin- device tor securing the teeth to the beam and ellceiing their Hide adjustment with relerein-c 1 hereto. 1. The combination of a tooth-shank pro- \ ided with a stud of parallel form projecting at right angles from Itio side Iheivuf, a beam pro\ ided wilh a receiving feature sniletl t.o' iei!eivc said stud aud permit its endwise ad- just i::i-nt without permitting rotation, aud a elainp for drawing said stud lirmly into en- gagement wiLlisaid receiving feature, snbstan-. liaily as and for the purpose set Ibrtli. 2. Tho combination of shank li, the cylin- drical ribbed sliding stnd secured thereto, the saddle F, fitting said ribbed stml, the bc;tm A, and the stirrui* I, engagfng the stnd, the saitdle, aud the be^im, snbstaittially as and for the purpose set forth. 296,983. DAVID N. LUSE, Ross, Iowa. <'ntti\,ii..r. Apni lo. 1884. Kiled Feb. ;-.,lSS4. Aty invention has Velation to that class ot cullivaloi-s, esjiecially eorn-cultivatoi*s, which are so eonstrucled as to a til on eixiier side of the lowrr rounded end of the liram A, pivot-bolt 1>, removable anil adjustable shovel, comprising the blade J and s:iddle I, secured to the rear a^de of the shovel-blade, and provided with tho recess K and longitudinal grooves JI, and yoke L, hav- ing cross-piece M and nuts X, all constructed and arranged to operate substantially in the inanuer and for llic purpose shown and de- scribed. STRADDLE-ROW. 152E) 263,978. THOMAS M. SMITH, i^;^ws~ villi', Ark. ('.iriiliinud Sciii|mr ami Ilur- ruw. S.-i-l. r^. 1KK2. Filed Wiiy 10, 1882. Tlu- (il»|iM',t (if tills iiiveiitifm i.s to )»roiliifir 7\, iiiauliiiii) coiislt'iu'lt'il ill .siicli ii in:iiitKT us tu jiCi'iiim ami ciiltiv:ilc a low dI' itoltnit »tr ollu-r pliiiits at tmo jiassa^iii aloit^ tlie siiltl row. 1. A coiiilHtii'il Kcrapor mid harrow con- structed sidi.staiitially as IktcIii sliowii anil di;- fcrilicd, nir.I coiisistin;; nC llic frame A, llie ndJiiHtalilc lirarin;^ Itars , lliosloltod adjn.-^tabloacrapt'r- carr.vhip bars I', the slotted adjnslablo .stand- ! ni'd (i, and the slotted crossbar M, substan- i tiallyas hcn-in shown luid ilc-scriticd, whereby j the sorapcrs can be rradily adjusted as tlif work to ill- dnitc may rcijnire, as si-t fnilh. 266.238. Wn.T.fAM H. WEST. Grand Island. Xob. (Cultivator. Oct. 17, 1882 ' Kil.-d Mar. l;{, 1H82. This iiivrniioii has fui' itaobjecl tlic produc- tion of a cidiivaiin^' implement which t^hall bu atiapli'd fur. seveiul distinct puriioses—thab is, till- pnpariiig oFhuid for grain and the cul- tivation of corn in alt its rariotis stages; and it eonsisis mainly, first, in the special con- .stniclion of pails by means of which tho im- idomcnt isadaiited to cultivate corn two rows atoncp; and, second, in the combpiatioii, with tho double cnlrivjitur, of a lioad-block of spe- cial conetrnetion, by means of which tho iin- plemont is adapted for prepari.ighunl for grain, as will bo fully des'^ribeil hereinafter. I. Tliceombiiiation, with the inner beanie, A, niiiled by rods n, of IIic shitted outer licams, }K Uui-n-iX to the beams A, the tiansxerse bcain.s I'' 1' (i, 5penrod to the inner beainsaiid working in the slots of the hinged beams, and means for securing the Idnged beams to tho tr.iiisi else beams, suli.stanhally as and for the piirpovcset foi'th, 'J. lii I'limbinaiion with a ilunble cultivator, eid)stanlially .ts deseribed, a removable head- blo<'k, I. OS anil for the purpose nCL forth. .■(. In (•(imbiiiation with thecultivator-beams | A A, Inning the reccs.scs /' /', the head-block j 1, with |)ins i i, as describeil. 4. 'riieeombination, with the hinged beams!) anil ttie Ir.iMsv.'rM' beams F of the two fr.imes, of thedflarhabliMlrafr bars.l, substantiaMy att tiiid for the puiposo si-t forth. .■). The lailtivutor drscribt'ii, having the in- ner be.iiiis, A A, nniteil by Ihc aiched rods a a, the oilier beams, 1> I), with eaiMrily hn- lat- eral adinstinent. the beams K IMi, and Ihr heait-bhKk I, snhstaiitiallv asset fi.tlli. 266,734. JAMES W. SUBSA and JOHN T. DOWDALL, St. Louis. Mo. Cotton <'nltivaior. 0iti«-d riow and Cultivator. Jan. 2. 1883. Filed Aug. 5. 1881. Tlii,s .iuveiition has for its object the con- Mtruclion of a ))low which may bo iiseii either as a hilling or a breaking plow. 1. In combination with Ihe benm.s, Dows, and tiaiiged and rece.sseil plates O, the T- furmcd brackets 10, whereby tlio bow and one end of tlie liraeket can be .secured to the beam by a single bolt. j;id)>Iantially as set forth. 2. In combination with the plow beams and standards carrying tho plows, the wheels at- tached to vcrtically-adjiistablo standards. and flanged and rece.ssed plates G, whereby the vcrtieally-a, the adjiisialjh- handles j-., braces B C C','aud knives A, suh- .stantially a.s shown and deseribed. 294,604 SETH H. FOUNTAIN, Amite Citv, Lu. Cotton Scraper and Cultiva- tor; Ma.'. 4. IS8-I. Filed Julv 17, 1883. 1. The condrinatioii, in a cotton culti\a(or, of the Iwo front scrapci's, beveled at ^-7, and having an open space between thenl, and two .shovels, /i,arraugcdln the rear of each seiajter. the scrajiers being made vertically adjustable and the plows laterally adjustable, as and for the purpose spccihed. 2. The bar h, bolt j, screw -bolt .?, and mit.s r )■' t f, in eonibination with the beam a, han- dles », and frame 7J q, jointed together to allow the scrapoi-s to be graduated iu depth, as de- scribed. WHEEL OR SULKY, 1531 244,773. PAUL SENNHOLD. St. Louia,' Mo. CultiviMor. July -**-', lSt>l- Filed Juu. ir^. 1S81. 1. The coiiibhrntioii of the bpniu a, wlicol B, «beoI C, arm c, rotJs IC K, iitul cross beam T>, substrtuliiilly as lU'scvibed. 2. The (■nnibiimlioii of {Iio cross- beam 0, sliafts F F, ami plow bcnnis (! O, sai' aud D-, earryitig cultivator-shovels C, in combination with beams D and J)^ extending to the rear of sixiiX beams D' and J>% and car- rying barrows 7, aud arranged iu relation to said cultivator shovels, as shown iiud described, 24e,ii:^4. OBORGE SHAVER, Florence Towufbip. Ills, Cultivator. Aug. 23, 188T. Filed Feb. 13. 1880. My invention has relation to that class of ileviees or attachments which are adapted to e.-iercise a gradually -increasing pull upon a ebaiii secured at one end tlioreof, and is there- fore particularly adapted as an altacbrnciit to walking and riding culIi\atoi's, sidky- rakes, aud similar agricultural implements which arc Iirovided with shovel or teeth carrying beUms hinged upon alFamc aud adapted to be raised or lowered to bting tlie sliovels or teeth, as ihe case may be, out of or into operation oi contact with the sod. To raise the hinged beams of implements cf this nature u|) from the grouml requires the exertion of consider- ablo power, the foi'ce or power required for this purpose increasing in the same ratio as the distance from the ground. Hence the ob- ject of my iuventiou is to construct a simple and eflicient device or attachment cousisliug, esseutially, of a cam-shea\e which is turned' by the force of a spriug and connected to one cnil of the chain, which, on being wound np by the sheave, raises the beams, so that very little power is required for this operation of raising the beam or beams, as the force of the spriug is increased in exactly tlio same ratio as that of the resistauce to be ovcr^omc, us will inoTO fullj appear by reference to the fol- lowing description of my impvovcnicut aa ap- plied to and forunog a part of a cultivntor. 1. The combination of tliewtatiimary bub oi spindlo F, sleeve H, provided with the grooved or channeled eccentric camsbeavu I, chain M, aud spring K, aubstaidially as set forth. 2. V\\ coiuoination, tho stationary hub or spindlo K, having perforated shoulder F, aud arui G, sleeve H, provided with the eccentric grooved and perforated carn-shoave I, spring IC, and chain M, substantially as aud for the purpose herein shown and described. 246,551. MOSES S. B. PITTMAN, Uar- lem, Mo. Cultivator. Au:;. 30, 1881. FlKd M;u-. 1!', 1881, In a cultivator, the combination, with the draft-bar or aslc B, of tlie tlanged sleeve C, having a series of holes, tlie plates K, pivoted ou vertical bolts D, the beams F F', pivoted on plates E by vertical boUsG, the handles K, and the connecting-bars IT J, slotted to wort on bolts I Tj. as siiown nud de8Cril)ed. 247,866. JONATHAN 0. TAYLOR, Wc-tnort, C-mn. Weeding Carriage. ()i'l.4, 1881- Filed May !-*• l^^l- I. The rigid crossfranies A' A* and suit- able end connections, A' A% provided with wheels C, adapted to support tho body of the oiierator near the earth, with his hands free to work iu the carib below, as herein specified. 2 Tho carriage described, ada|)tcd to sup port the upper portion of the body of the op- erator either at or near the forwurd portinti,or at the rear, as hciviu specified. .'!. In a weedingcarriiige, the spring-arms K and straps G, adapted to support additional operatoi'8, in couibinaliou with the framing A, wheels C,aud suitable connecting arms, IJ, as herein specified. 4. Tlic adjusting SCI ews M, ni combination with the springs 10, straps G, aud carriage A B G, adapted in allow the raising and lower- trig of either or both springs relnlively to the caniage, as herein succificd. 247,990. CHAS- B. DOUGLAS, Troy, Ala. Cultivator. Oct. 4. ISSl. Filed July 14, 1881. 1. In combini».tioii with tin- main Irame, pro- vided with slotted guides :ind with a slotted spring, the plow-beams having a segment in front adapted to bo secured to a slotted pro- jection ou a tlar,s^■erse bar .secured to said "frame and veilical tlat bars adapted to pas.s through the slotted guides and slotteil spring, the bar passing through, tlic spring being se- cnreil t'> Ihi" same, sulistantialiy as and for the pnrpo'^os specified. 2. In tHunbinaliou «ilh the side beams, hinged to the ccntr.d beam and provldeil with set screws passing through slots in a <'urved bar ^ct:ared to tlie ceniial beam, the chains connecting said side beams with a tronsverse. bar secnreil to tiie main frame to relieve the set-screws, sidistaiitially ;is specified. 248,091. GEORGE W. BROWN, Giiles- huri£. Ills. e;ultivator. Nov. 1, 1M»1. Filed dune 15, 1880. 1. Iu combination with the vertically-swing- ing plow beams or gangs, and with the verti- cally-swinging siiring L, the vertically-swing- iag liuks connected at their distal cuds with the spiing, .so as to exert an upwardly-acting force thereon, aud connected to the plow-beams by a sliding connection, so as to permit of os- cillating thorn in a vertical plane. 2. In combination with tho vertically-swing- ing plow-beams, vertically-swinging links J, and spriug L, adapted to exert an ui)ward force on the links J aud plow -beams, a standard to which tho front end of the spring isex)iinccted, and which tsadjustablcverti'iidly, substantially as atnl for the purjioso spccUioil. '.». lucombination with the vciticaljy aud lat- erally swinging plow - beams and vertically- swinging links Jain] spring L, the barir, hinged so as to swing laterally and permit tho spring aud links J to swing laterally also, substan- tially as aud for tho purpose specified. 4. Iu combiuatiou with the bingo or coup- Hug plates D E, bolt C, plow-beams, and slot- ted plate G, the bolt A, the head of which is adapted to act xs a keeper, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 6. In combination with the lUerally-adjust- able i>Iow-bcams, tho slotted pinto (-1, bolt /i, and laterally-adjustable bar IJ, substantially as and for the puriwso apecilied. G. In coinbuiation with the verticallv swing ing plow bcaiDS and vertically swinging links J and spring L, the grooved plates K, adapted to receive tho stuils or projections j' of the links -T, substantially as and for tho purpose specified. 7. in combination with tho vertically-swing- ing plow-beams, vertically-swinging liuka J, and springs Iv, the plates K, having Kroovoafc, curved upwardly at their forward cuds, whore- by they will resist to a limited extent the do- scent of tho plow-beams and sustain thoin id an elevated position, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 8. Iu combination with tho vortically-swing- iug plow-beams, vertiadly-swlnging liuks J, aud spring L, the plates K, having grooves tr, ia which the studs j' slide, and agaiost the emls of which grooves said studs strike to limit the extent to which tho plows may bo raiaed aud lowered, substantially as ami for the pur- pose specified. 0. Id combiuatiou with a socket-plate, N, at- tached to the plow - beams, a hemispherical plate, P, attached to tho plow - haudle, and adflpted to be adjusted in the socket i;, for the purpose of adjusting the iilow-haudle laterally and vertically, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 10. In combiuatiou with the plate N, secured to theplow-beama, and having a socket, n, and slot n', nud hemispherical shell P, secured to the plow-handle, and having a hole, jj, tho bolt a", adapted to pass through the hole j> and slot n', anil secure the parts after adjustment, aubstautially as and for tho ptirnoso specified. 248.992. GEORGE W.BROWN. Gales- burg, IIU. Cultivator. Nov. 1. 1881. Filed June 19, 1S80. This invention relates to cultivators of thflt class in which a gang of plows is hinged to each end of an a.vle or sido of a frame and a(1apted to operate a gang on each side of r row of plants, so as to cultivatB both aides of a row of plauts at each passage of tho ma- chine; and the invention consists, first, in the combination, with an axle or frame aud plow-gang, of a spring arranged on substan- tially the same longitudinal plane as thoplow- beam, and connected at one end to the plow- gang, and adapted to move therewith, its other eud fulcrumcd or connected at or near the pivotal conueclion of the plow -gang; second, in improvements in the coupling of the plow-beams to the axle, relating to means for adinsting the distauco between the plow. gangs, the hcightof thefront emlsof the plow- beams holding the plow.-* iu the direct line of draft and connection of parts to the axle, aa hereinafter set forth, and described in claims hereto annexed ; third, in improvements in the connection of the handles to the plow- beams, and of the shovels to tho staudartls, as hereinafter described, aud set forth in thoclaima hereto annexed. 1. The combination, with an a.\le or fram.e and plow-gang, of a spring arranged ou sub stantially the same longitudinal plane aa the plow beam, and connected at one cud to the plow-gang nud adapted to move therewith, aud its other eud fulcrumed or connected at or near tho pivotal conuQcliou of the plow- gang, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 2. In combination with an axle aud plow- gang, a spring adapted to e\ert an upwardly- lifting force ou the gang when its rear end is elevated abovca working position, and tostrike a stop when lowered to a working position or below it. which stop will retain plow-beams and spriug iu same planes and prevent the spriug froui exerting either lifting or depress- ing force ou the pang. 3. The combination, with the plow-gang, of theadjustivble socket-plate It aud sliding han- dle adjustably serntcd in said plate, whereby said handle i« adapted to be adjusted later- ally and higher or lower, substantially as and for the purpose spccifieil. 4. The combination of the separate plates T T, connoctod to tho lower end and opposite sides of the beam or standard, and extending below the .same, tho plate U, provided wifh longitudinal {•moves n «, and tho washer w", with similar gruovcs, w'" ir'", in which Ihe lower side edges of said plates TT fit, sub- stantially as aud for the purpose herein shown and de-scril>ed. r». In combination with the shovel, plates T, plate U, aud bolt w\ the shovel-block V, slot- ted substantially as described aad for tho pur- pose speijilied. X't. Tho combination, with the shovel and stambird, to which it is secured by a bolt, tc^ of a .shovel-block, V, slotted as. described, aud 1532 WHEEL OR SULKY. the sl.a W, closnt l»y ii ivmoviililo \i\i\U\ W",' siiliMlaii:ri)ll,v ]is iiiiil lot* llio |iin'|i(i.su Rpruirmd. 7. Ill :i cnltiv^itor r<)ii|iLiii^, tliti pluU^ 1, for- w;inl nf ;ui.I liin;,'.-.! to tlii^ iixic, !lli>l piovjdci! wiiii iii.tilii'.s ( in Its liitiitsidf, ill coiiiliiiiatioii Willi the plato K, ;iiljiis(iiiily attiiulicd tliendo, siil»>t;uitiall\ iisaml U>v the inir|tos(* spccilieil. M. Ill cuiiihiiiiilioii wjtii till' phito I, lurvviint ol and )iiM<;ed to tlio axle, and uitli tlie plato K, aUarliiul ttiereto, and iirovidcd wiili pro- jcctiiiji Uolts Ji, ilir brat'ki-ta II, having; sofj- nirntal slots It" in llioir lorwaid onds, sub- Nhinliall.v as and tbi* tlio purposu Fipecilicd. 'J. Tliu plates .1, constriictM asilescribcd, in uonibination with ihn journal a", plato I, hav- ing extensions t', with holes tur journal ii",aiid tho KCt screw j, siihstantially iis anil for the pinpoae specilicd. 248,993. GEORGE W. BROWN and SAMUEL G. HOLYOKE, Gul.--^biii-, Ills. Cnlliv:itnr. N'mv. 1, 1S81. Fik-d Mar. 'J, 18H0. Our invention relates to iinpitneinenla in wheel-cul(ivutorRortliostnidd]c-rowclasK;nnd the nbjecls of our improvcinenls are, lirst, to proviiic rt two way joint for connecting the plow-beams to the axle, which shall relieve tlio boltwhichretainslhepartsol the joiittlnnii thn Rtraiiiof I he draft of the plows, and vvliieh shall have its surfaces of ronlact mi which lateral movemont of Iho plows is olitained so con- stnicted that tlieywiH retain a hilirieanr, and which are conneeted to ilu^ plowlieains in a ninniier to proteet the beam.s; second, to pro- vitlo rt spriuK whicli tjhall exert a downward prrBSure on the plows when in ojieraiion, anil an upward or lifiinfr foi-co when the plows are raised above a worUiiij; position, and wlgcli springs arc conneeted with the iiarts of the joint, and ot tlic axle in close proximity to the joint, and not with the plow beam, and hence do not interfere with ihe niovcniciits of the plow-beams; thiid, to |mo\ ide braces which do iiotrcquiie adjnsiiii;,'v, hen the axle is adjust ed to Bx tlie distanro between tlio plows; fourth, to provide praclieal and comparatively cheap means of securing: ;; pivoted tonp;i'R to an axle; lifth, ti> provide means of preventing? tfuck- draft of tliM toiiKiic; sixth, to provide i>low- handles which may tte adjusted at did'erent an- gles to the plow-beams, for the luiri'qse of ad- juHtitifr' the rear ends of (ho liandles trans- versely tothe machine; seventh, to ])rovide an- altachnient of the shovels lo the siaiidards, which provides moans of reinovingthe bolt by which the parts arc attached to tlie standard without reinovin;; the shovel-block from tho shovel, and which also pro\itles for the use of a wooden "break-pin.'' We attain these oh- 1. In acnltivator-coupliiiK, tho [date J', pro- vided with Ings which rest on tlie sleeve or journal, and with an upper bearing-surface, in combination with the bolt -T and nlatc K. se- cured to the plow beam and provided with an annular llaOge which extends downward around the plato .1', so as to bear tlio dmft of the plow, substantially as and for tho purpose specitied. 3. In a cultivator, the combination, with an axle or frame and plows hinged thereto, so as to have both vertical and lateral movement, of a spring, N, and arm M, adapted to move with tlie plow-beams when moved vertically aud to exert a lifting force on tho plow, sub- stantially as and for the iMuposc specified. 3. The spring N> attiiched to the joornal, ■on which the plows have vertical motion at one end, and to an oscillating arm, M, at the other end, in combination with the plow-boam and the axle of a cultivator, substantially as and for the pur|iosc specilicd. 4. The spring N and oscillating arm M, ar- ranged ^listantially as described, in combi- nation with the arm j", extending rearward from the plate J', and with the plow uud axle, snbstantially as and for tho purpose speci- fled. 5. In combination with the coupling of a cultivator, a spring, N, attached to au oscil- lating arm, M, wiiich has a sliie. ti, 1881. Filed June 14. 1881. A eullivator comprising two series of di- verging inilepetideiit arms, E, having their for- waril ends each pivoted at or about the ceiiter o( the next precedingone, thcfrontcentra! arm K having a shank extending forward and se- cured to the shaft b, upon which it has ver- liciil play, the rigid arm D, cunuectirig the two series of arms, the guides T, the diverging bars K, the crankanns J and H, the lever N, and the series of independent chains L, one for each aim E. Ihe whole constructed so as to act in combination iu the manner aud for the purpose .set forth. 250,876. JAMES BRADT, Dixou, His., assignor to the OrvisPlow Co., same place. Cultiviitor. Dec. 13, 1881. Filed June 24, 1881. 1. The combiuation, with the arch or frame A, having inwardly-projecting portions A', of tho adjustable blocks , tongue C, pivoted plates I, and later- ally-adjustable blocks a, provided with bear- ings c, in which the upper ends of the plates are arranged, sub.stantially as set forth. 261,656. ALBERT TSOHOP, Harrisburg, Pa. Cultivator. Dec. 27, 1881. Filed Sept. 30, 1881. 1 . Id a corn -cultivator, the combination, with j the cultivator-frame A B, of the hounds M, se- cured thereoD, the tongue M', boiled loosely betweeu their forward ends, aud'the slotted , bracket M', provided with the studs d rf, se- ' cured to the hounds and tongue by the set- 1 .screws//, anil the screw e, substantially as , specified. I 2. In acoru-cultivator, thccombination,wiih I the plow-beams 1 and the pivoted standards i A', recessed at A' auil bored through for the rod &, of the loii &, link c*, elastic spring ir", nut b*, washer cP, and the lever d', pivoted at its lower end to the link c^ aud rod & and at ' its upper end to the shorter lever (i*, the latter I being pivoted to the plow-beam I in the rear of the stop ose described. 2. The combination, with the shalt O, hav- ing armsQ V, the lever X, and the connecting- rod W, of the coil-spring P on said shaft, tbn standards S, connecied with the frame by ad- justable chains V, and the rods R, as and for the purpose specified. 252.174. OSSIAN O. BOOTH, Brimfield Township, Ills. Cultivator. Jan. 10, 1882. Filed April 14, 1881. 1. In a cultivator, iu combination with an axle or frame, and plow-gangs hiuged thereto, a cord or wire, with its median portion passed over a pulley jourualed lo the upper part of the axle or frame, and its ends piissed beneath pulleys secured to the plow beams or gangs in roar of the axis on which they swing verti- cally, whereby the force uf Ihe draft-animals, which are counecled to t he ends of Ihe cord or wire, may be partly utilized iu exerting au up- ward force on the plow beams or gangs, for the purpose specified. 2. In a eullivator, in combination with the axle and plow beams or gangs, and a projec- tion, C, in rear of the axle, a cord or wire, I, passetl over a pulley, G, joornaled on the part C', aud under pulleys U, journaled to the plow beams or gangs, iu rear of the axis on which they are oscillated vertically, and its ends ex- tending theuce forward for the attachment ol the draftauimals, snbstantially as and for the purpose specified. 3. In combiuation with the axle, plow beams or gangs, wheels, aud tongue having its rear end extended in roar of the axle, pulley G, jour- naled on the rear-estended end of the tongue, and pulleys II, jourualed to the plow beams or gangs, in rear of the axis on which they turn to oscillate vertically, the cord I, passed over the pulley G and under the pulleys II, substan- tially fts and for the purppse specified. 4."lncombiuntion with the axle, wheels, plow gangs or beams, projection C in rear of tho axle, pulleys IT, and cord I, the pulley G,ad justably secured to the extension C, substau WHEEL OR SULKY. 1533 tially as ami for tlio purpose specified. 5. lucombiiiutioii with tlie axle.wlieelsjplow gangs or bcauis, projection C in rear of tbc axle, pulley O, and cord I, tlie pulleys H,ftd- jaetably aecurctl to tlie plow beuuis or gangs, substaiitially as aritl for tbe purpose specified. 0. lu combination wirb tbe axle, wliecla, plow panga or beams, pulley G, anil cord I, tbe pul- leys H, adjustably secured to tbe plow beams or gang.'*, substantially as and for the purpose sped lied. 7. In combination with the axle,wlieel8, plow gangs or beams, pulley O, and cord I, tbe pul- leys H, binged to the plow beams or gangs, so Ibat tbey may align ihomselvea to tbe cord I when tbe plow-beams are oscillated vertically or laterally, or adjusted at different distaocea fi'om each otber, substantially as and for tbe pnrpose apociSed. 262,637. PHILIP P. WELLS, Milford, Mich Wheel-Cultivator. Jan, 24, 1882. Filed Nov. 10. 1879. The nature or my inveulion consists iii tlie peculiar cotisltuction of a wrougbt-iion frame for wbeel'Cultjvators, anil in tlie combination, witb this frame; of tbe dtaft or draw rods and lateral bnices, as will be lnTeinaftoo tbe 8upi>orting-frame of a culti- vator and a supporting link -connection with the shovel-beams, of the nprisiog oat's or other equivalent, toreceive the 8up|K>rtiog-liok when the shovel-beams are elevated, substantially as and for tbe pnrpose hereinbefore set forth. 3. The combination, substantially as herein described, of the axle, tbe tongne-beams, and tbe hereln-describedsprtngsopport witb spring monnted therein, a radial arm, and link connec tion witb the shovel- beams, substantially ae and for tbe purpose hereinbefore set forth. 4. The combination, substandally as herein- before set forth, with the caltivator- frame, drag-bar, and connecting-rod, of the drum-like portion of the spring -case, a removable cap with radial arms attached, and a volute spring, tbe said parts beingconstructed and arranged substantially as described. 5. The herein-described spring-case, consist- ing of tbe dmm-like portion fitted to engage the outer end portion of the spring, and pro- vided with an axial shaft, a cap provided with an axial tubalarshafttoreceivetho axial shaft of the drum-like portion of the case, and fitted to engage tbe inner end of the spring, sub- stantially as and for the purpose hereinbefore set forth. 254,606. JOHN W- BUNOH, Commer- cial I'oint, Ohio. Cultivator. .Mar. 7, 1882. Filed Jan. J, 1882. The object of this invention is to enable the plowman to so adjust his cnltivator in culti- vating small plants that the shovels, when broughtcloae together, will not be turned away from the plants. The invention consists in the combination, with the arched axle of a cultivator, of coup- lings and a cross-bar to receive the plow-beam couplings and allow the plow-beams to be ad- justed close together for cultivating small plants, as nill be berciuafif^r fully described. In a cultivator, ttic comijination, with the arched asleB, of tbe couplings Fand the cross- bar I, substantially as herein shown and de scribed, whereby the plow-beams can be ad jualed close together for cultivating small pittnts, as set forth. 254,776. GABRIEIL MARTIN, Monroe Towiit^hiu, Logan County, Ohio. Cnlti- vator, Mar. 7, 1882. Filed July It), 1881. My invention particularly relates to those Cnltivatots ada[>ted for straddling a row of corn; and it consists in providing suuh a cul- tivator with supplemental and independent shovels for stirring the ground between the rows, saiiJ supidemental shovels working out- side of the central straddlingshovels, and be- ing held dowu by a spring mechanism, whi^b adapts them to yield to immovable obstruc- lious, tbe jtressure of the springs being varied b\ &iljusting levers so as to r**gul;iie the depth of penetration ol the supidementaJ abovels. In a cultivator adapted for straddling the row of corn, the con-bination of supplemental cultivators O 3, binged near their centers to the asle, springs P at the forward end of the beams of said cultivafors, handles or levers Q, extending from said springs to the rear of the cultivator, and racks K, all arranged substan- tially as and for the purposes set forth. 255,669. THOS. A. PURKET. Charles- ton, Kan. Cultivator. Mar. 28, 1882, Filed Mar. 24, 1881. The combination, with axles F, swiveled in parts AUG, substantially as described, of the gears r, rigidly attached to said axles, and tbe gears O, connected with a pivoted beam- coupling, as shown aud describMl. 255,983. LESLJEP. HIATT, Peru, Iowa. Cnltivator. April 4, 1882. Filed Dec. 20. 1881. This invention consists of a divideil beam pivoted to a coupling secured to tlie axle aud (o !i coupling provided with arms, between which arms the shovel shanks are secured, the 1534 WHEEL OR SULKY. said sliiuiks being Ibrincd of a single piece, a? ~ lit'i-eiimfter tlcscribcil. It nlso consists in .i novel *liitclijng device, M'lioreby tlici:iiIHvator is rtftioved IVoni stiddeii stiain oi" injury and tlie resistance to tlio draft is thrown npuii the points of tlic shovels. 1. in a cultivator, the conibinatioo, with tbe axle \i and tLo coupling G, of the coupliug J, provided with the arms a, the shovel-shanks £, formed of a single piece and secured be- tn'ecn the said arms, and tlie divided beam D, pivoted at encbeud to the said couplings, sub- stantially as and for tbe purpose set forth. '-*. The hitching device composed of a pul- ley, O, carried bya spring-support, N, mounted on the tongue of tbo cnltivator, side pulleys, M M, connected with the axle, and the rope or cliaiu H, substautially as shown and do- acribed. 256,012. JOHN M. LONG, Ilumiiton. Ohio. Cultivator Spring. April 4, 1882. Filed Jan. 27, 1882. This invetition relates to springs for render- ing the plow-bearaa of cultivators easy to bun- dle by balancing the weight of the beam and its attacbnients. Such springaaro well known and in general use; but many of thorn arc iu- efflciciit on account of tbo changing strength of the springes it becomes more Of le.s8 strained. Ill ray device a toggle system compensates for tbe varying stiffness of the spring, and tliua gives a practicidly constant effect. In a cultivator, tbo combination, \vitb tbe axle and frame, of pivoted beam B, arm or bousing E, toggle system H, fiseil pivot N, moving pivot F, and spring O, substantially as and t'nr the purpose set forth. 256,029. GILPIN MOORE, Moline, ills., assignor to Deere and Conipanv, same place. Cultivator. April 4, 1882. Filed Nov, 8. 1881. Tbe present invention is an improvement in cultivators such as nsed in tilling cotton, hav- ing the shovel-beams arranged in pairs and each pair nianipnlated by a single baudle. It consists in tbe improved means, herein- after especially de.-^ciibed, for enabling tbo two beams to be set at tbe sameordiffereiit levels, and the plowing of the shovels resi»ecliveiy of the two beams lo be done accordingly at the same or different levels. 1. In u cultivator, and in combination witu the pivoted sbovcl-heams, the biackets H H', having slotted face-plates h k' attached re- spectively to said, beams and ndjuslable on each other by means of slot, bolt, and nut, sub- stantially as set forth. 2. In a cultivator, the biaekct 11 H', con- sisting of two parts having respectively faces A A', slotted at h', and adjustable by bolt h" and nut A*, and ada[>ted to be secured on the shovel beams, all substantially as set forth. 266,044. OHAKLES W. POST, Spriug- fieia, Ills. Cultivator. Ajjril 4, 1882 Filed Nov. 16, 1881. My invention relates to wheel cultivators in which the two parallel beams carr.viug the ahovelH may be swung vertically to adjust tbe depth of the shovels in the soil or raise tbem out of their operative position when not in use, and laterally, so as to increase or dimin- ish the distance between the beams, to culti- vate as near to or far from the row as desired or necessary. The object of my invention is to cause culti- vator-beams, not atTectod by the hitch, to aa- lomatically adjust tbomselves with reference to tbe shovels when plowing mixed soil — i. e., hard and^soft soil— so that the shovels will re- sist the tendency of the hard soil to throw them out, and theieby an even depth of furrow be maintained. I attain these objects by devices illustrated in the accompauyuig drawings, in which — 1. In a cultivator, tbo combinaiion of tbe drag-bar with the axle or frame by mean's of a i iclding or movable coupling adapted to per- mit tbe front end of the drag-bar to fall or rise as the shovels or teeth encounter a greater oi less resistance from the soil, tiiereby causing the shovels to stand more or less vortical to the ground, aubstanlijilly as described. 2. In acuUivator, the combination, with tbe drag-bars, of yielding or movable couplings connecting tbe drag-bur.s with tbo axle, and adapted lo jiermit tbe forward ends of said drag-b^rs to fall and tbo shovels to automati- cally adjust themselves toward a vertical po- sition as tberesistanceof the soil increases in- dependently of tbe hitch of the team, aubstun- tially as described. 3. Tbecumbiiiation, in a wheel-cultivator, ot the beam or drag-bar and a movable coupling" at its front end, the bearing of which recipro- cates at an angle of approximately forty-five degrees, substMUtially as described. 4, The combination, with tbe axlo of a cul- tivator and the obliqno guide-bracket, of tbe shovel-boani and tbe shaft to sustain tbe same in said bracket, substantially as described. 5. The combination, with the shaft support- ing tbobeHmand with tbeoblirjueguide-bracket, of a spring-seated reciprocating block fiprming ■A bearing for said shaft, substantially as de- scribed. C, The shaft supporting tbe beam and tbt slotted oblique guido-ltracket, in combination wi til the recii>roi'ating bearing- block, the guide- rod, anil tliocoileil expansion-spring, subatan- tially aa described. 256,374. HENRY A. ROBERTSON, Hav^kins. Oliio. Cultivator. April 11, 1882. Filed Aug. 31, 18S1. 1. The combination of the perforated and grooved bearing-plates T V, provided with forwardly-projecting ends, the standard W, the eyobolt X, and tbo ribbed recessed block> Y, whereby the standard W may be readily adjusted, as specified. 2. In a cnltivator, the combiualion, with the inclined draw-bars II and the plow-beams O, of the arched bar L, tbo bangers M, the slot ted keepers N, and the clamping eyebolts and blocks V Q,8ubstontiallyaa herein shown and described, whereby the plow-beams ai'e ad- justably connected with tbe inclined draw- bars, as set forth. 3. In a cultivator, the combination, with the beams O and the plow-standards W, of the cranks A and tbe counectitig-bars k, substan- tially as herein shown and described, whereby the plow-standards and i)lows of each beam will be held in corresponding positions, and can be adjusted at the same time, as set forth. 4. In aeuUivator, thecombiuatiOD, with tbe inclined bars II and tbe plow beams O, of the bearing-plates m, tbe cranks j), the keepers n, and the clamping eyebolts and blocks «f, sub- stantially as herein shown and described, whereby the i»low-beams can be readily leveled, as set forth. 5. In acuUivator, the combination, with the axle 6, tbe tongue C, and the inclined draw- bars II, of tbe bearing-brackets V, having arms 1, tbe rod r, having arms ?p )p G, the levers 2 2, tbe connecting-rod 7and lever 8,and the cords .r,sub8tantiallyas herein shown and described, whereby the inclined draw-bars and their plow- beams and plows can be raised together oi separately, as set fnith. 266,612. ROBERT H. AVERY, Gales- burg, Ills., assignor of one-half to Cyrus M. Averv, same place. Cultivator. April 18, 18a2.' Filed Se^.t. 9,1881. 1. In combination with tbe axle and wheels hinged thereto and arms projecting from the wbeel-si)indles, the transverse pivoted bar I and links i', connecting the arms J, a bar, I', extending reat wardly from ihe bar I, by means of which the bar I may be oscillated and tbe wheels detiected, substantially aa and tor the purpose specified. 2. In lorabination with the axle or frame having swinging whe. Is wit b arms J, the bars I 1', sliding ImrK, and plow-ltenm I), tbe rode or arms L. adaided t» mw-beam D, the rods or arms L, adapted to move tbe wheels by tbe lateral movement ot tbe plow-beam, substan- tially as and lor the p'ir|iose specilied. 257 063. JOHN M. PHILLIPS, Gilla- v'lle,Ga, Sulkv-Flow. April 25, 1882 Filed Feb. 21. 1882. . , . , , . . This invention has for Us objects to provide asulUy-plow the parts of which will bo adjust- able with lespect to each other, to adapt the plow to various descriptions of work, as more fully hereinafter specilied. These objects I at- tain by tUo ap[>nratus and niecbauism illus- trated in the accompanjing drawings, in which — 1. The combination, with the frame A and axlo B,of the adjustable .segments n and slid- ing boxes I, tbo stirrups 1* L, the plow-beams N, pivoted thereto, and the compound elbow- levcrsTand operating-lover S, all constructed and arranged to operate in tbe manner speci- fied. 2. In conibinaliou with the segments A', the levers B' and C, tbo sliding boxes T, mounted upon the stirrups Ij, and the plow-beams N, piv- oted to said boxes, all constructed and adapted tooperatesubstantially in the manner specified. 257,074. JOHN W. ROOEAPELLOW Stockton, N. J. Sulky-Cultivator. April 25, 1882. Filed Dee. 22, 1881. 1. The combinatiou, with tbe carriage A B C D and the plow-beams L O P, of tbe inclined barsK, tbe uprights G, tbe cross bars F H,and the longitudinal bar I, substantially as herein shown and described. 2. In a snlky-cultivator, the combination, with tbe inclioed gage-bars E and tbe tongue O, of the draw-rods X and their supporting- chain Y, substantially as herein shown and described, whereby the draft is applied to tbe said inclined bars and the double-tree and whiffletrees are supported above the plants, as set forth. 3. In a sulky-cultivator, tbe combination, with tbe inclined bars E and the upright bars G, of tbo plow-beams L, substantially as here in shown and described. 4. In a sulky-cultivator, tbe combination, with tbe totigue G and the cross-bar H of the gage-frame, of (he hook-rod a and tbe eye- bolts or staples (*, substantia *Iy as herein shown and described, whereby the plows can be sus- pended above tbe ground, as set forth. 5. In a snlkj-cultivator, the combination, with tbe axle B and tbe uprights G of tbe gage-frame, of the hook-rods c and the oye bolts or staples d e, substantially as herein shown and described, whereby tbe gage-frame and tbe carriage can be rigidly connected, as set forth. 257,228. EDWARD P. LYNOH, Daven- port, Iowa. Cultivator. May 2, 1882. Filed Fe .. 24. 1882. 1. In a wiieelcd cultivator, the combination of tiie axle, the vertically and laterally swing- ing beam journaled to tbe axle, tbe lifting-arm journaled npon the axle independently of the beam -coupling, tbe vertically- sliding rod jointed to the lifting-arm, tbe spring depress- ing said rod, and the connection extending from tbelifting-arm to the beam, substantially as shown and described. 2. The combinatiou of tbe axle, the coup- ling-bos monntcd upon the axle, the beam jointed to the coupling-box, the lifting-arm mounted upon the axie iodependently of the coupling-bos, tbe vertical rod jointed at one end to tbelifting-arm, the spring, and tbe con- nection from the beam to the lifting devices, substautially as shown. 3. In combination with tbelaterally and ver- tically swinging beam, the Ulting-ai'm ar- ranged to swing about a horizontal axis, and a jointed connection between the lifting arm and the beam, and a spring, applied substan- tially as described, to urge the upper end of tbe iifting-arni downward. 4. In combination with tbo beam, tbe axie, and the coupling-box connected to said parts, tbe lifting-arm arranged to straddle the coup- ling-box and connected by intermediate de- vices, substantially a? shown, with the beams. 5. Tbe combination of tbe axle, the conp- ling-box, the beam, the lifting arm independ- ent of tbo coupling-box, tbo connection be- tween the lifting device and tbe beam, tbe vertical rod with forward ext+'usioti at its foot, and the two springs, applied substantially as described and shown. 257*229. EDWARD P. LYNOH. Daven- port, Iowa. Cultivator. May 2, 1882 Filed Feb. 8, 1882. Tbe primary objects of tbe invention are to suspend tbe "shovels witli a spring action at the exact depth desired in practice, and to re- lieve the axle mid coupling-bos frotn tbo fric- tion upon the axle incident to the downward pressure of the sj>ring under the ordinnrj nrrangemeut. With these ends in view the, invention con- sists in introdncing between Ihe arm of the beam and tbo spring-actuated rod an interme diate arm sustained npon theaxU-,and in con- necting the two arms by a spring, as well as ip various minor details. WHEEL OR SULKY. 1535 1. Tlie coinbiuatioij of the beam and tboarm coiinoetetl IhcrewJUi, tlio accoiidary arm hav- ing a limited play iit relation to Uio first arm, the rod, pivoted to tlio s(;coii(l arm, and the two springs, appli'.d Bnbstaiitially as described and sho\rM. 'J. The combination of t)io beam and Ihcarm connected Lherowitii, the second arm monnted loosely on the axle, and the liTting spriiiK and tbe suspeiiding-spriiig, substantially an de- scribed and shown. 3. In combination wiili a beam and a rigid arm connected tUerewitb, a secou:l arm, actu- ated by a beain-lifting spring, and a suspcii- sion-sprlnR beiwoen the two arms, snbstan- tially as sliown. 4. Thoeumbinatton of the beam and its arm, tbe in(]c|)eniloot arm, the suspension-spring, and the bpiing-adjusting device. 5. The combination of the beam, the upright arm connected liierewith, the independent arm, tbe iutermedialo gpriog, the rod united to the independent arm, thu knucUIc-joiat, and the spring mounted npoti the rod, as shown. C. In combination witii the vertieally-swing ing cnUivator-beam, a spring toatiing to ele- vate the same, and a second arid stronger spring located iulcrmodlatc between the arm and the Grst spring, in tbe manner and for the pnri)Ose substantially as described and shown. 257.257. AliANSON P. WEBBER, Sai-- atoga, lilfi. Cultivator. May 2, 1882. Filed Mar. 19. 1880. It has become cooiaion to iiso springs in cuUivators for (he pnipose of partially sup- porting the plow-beams when io use, tbe tend- deucy of such springs being to elevate tbe beams ; hence, if tbe operator wishes to press tbe beams downward to plow deeper, ho has to overcome the tension of the springs. iTie object of my invention is to provide col- tivatorswiihspriugsconnected with the beams, wbicb springs will lie free to act at all times, but which, wheiv tbe shovels are in tbe ground, will not operate so as to have a tendency to elevate tbe rear ends of tbe beams, but when ibe -car ends of the beams are raised a little nill come into action and will raise aixl bold or assist in raising and holding tbe shovels oat of the ground. A further object is to so arrange tbe springs that if desired tiicy can also be used for the purpose of aiding in hold- ing the shovels in the ground. These objects I accomplish by means of coil-spriuga— one for each beam — tbe npper end of each spring being secured to the main frame, and the lower end being provided with a pulley which trav- els longitudinally under and along a rod or track connected at the ends to the beam, as hereinafter more fully set forth. The combination, in acnltivator, of tbeasle with tlieswinging shovel-beams B, the springs secured at their upper ends to the asle and at their lower ends provided with pulleys or rollers, and the rods c, secured to the hhovel- boams and passibg over the said rollers, said members being constructed aud adapted for operation substantially as described. 257,730. EDWABD P. LTNOH, Daven port, Iowa. Whoel-Coltivator. Mav 9 1882. Filed Keb. 8, 1882. 1. Id combination with a vertically-swiug- ing plow-beam, a Hfting-springaud a auspend- ing-spri;ig,^rranged to operate substantially as described and shown. 2. In combination witli a vertically-swing- ing beam, a spring to raise the saiuo out of ac- tion aud a spring to snspend the same in an operative position, the two arranged to operate alternately. 3. In combination with the plow-beam and the upright arm connected thereto, tbe roil pivoted to said arm and provided with the fin- ger, tbe guide for the rod, and the two springs applied substantially as shown. 4. The combination of the beam and its rigid arm, the movable rod pivoted to the arm, aud the compression-spring located between the rod and arm forward of their connecting-pivot, to suspend tbe beam in an operative position, snbstantialty as described. 5. In combination with the vorlically-swing- ing beam and the arm D, connected therewith, tbe rod J, jointed to said arm, the spring I*", to limit the descent of the beam, located directly between the arm and rod, forward of their oonnecting-joint, and the adjustable spriug- sustaining spindle L, as described aud shown. C. The combination of the beam, the npright arm connected rigidly therewith, thcuiovable rod pivoted to said arm, the snspcnding-spring F, located between the arm and rod, to sustain the beam in an o]>erative position, aud the ad- justable spindle L, mounted and arranged to" support Ihe spring. 7. The coupling-bo-t for a cultivator, pro vided with thu upright arm D,and a spindle, L, adapted tosupportaspiral spring,asdescribed and sliown. 8. In combiiiiilion with a vertically-moving beam, two springs, substautially as described, one tending to raise and the other to depress whereby the beam is held by spring- pressure from either rising or falling, as set forth. the beam when tbe latter is in an operative position. 9. In combination with the vertically-swing- ing beam, the spriiig attachment constructed, substantially as shown, with two8prings,wbich tend one to raise and the other to depress the beam when it is in an operative po.sition, 258.097. AliFBED MESSEESMTTH, Muustcr, Ills. Wheel-Cultivator. May 16, 1882. K-led Oct, 21, 1881. The combination, with the arms h c ij, se- cured to the opposite sides of the rear cjid of the plow-beam and bent outwardly, substan- tially as set forth, and provided with adjust- ing-holes in their downwardly-projcctingeuds, uf the. arms k I in », .secured to the arms /' i, and bent as shown, and threaded bolts o r, serving the double purpose of braces for the arms and a means of laterally adjusting tlie teeth, substantially as described. 258,724. THOMAS 0. DODSWOBTH, Ottawa, Kau. Cultivutor. May 30, 1882. Filed Oct. 26. 1881. My invention relates to wheeled cultivators in which divided plow beams are pivoted to the arms of an arched or bent axle and adapted to carry cultivator-plows, one in advance of the other, upon a divided lnjam, the said beams being hung up iu going to and from the field. With such a divided plow-beam I nse inter- changeably with the plowshares a curved or bent toothed bar adapted to be connected with and toextend between and in the space across the line of the standards, which are of long and short branches, of said divided beams, whereby the usual double cultivator - plow beamsare formed intoharrow-beamsof toothed bars, which take the place of the cultivator- plows and are firmly supported aud braced by and between the standards of the divided beam The toothed bars stand at right angles (o tbe lice of tbe beams, and are attached to the lower ends of the curved standards by clips, whereby they are made interchangeable with the usual plow-beam shares in convert- ing the wheeled cultivator into a wheeled har- row, Qsing the curved standards of the piv- oted beams for both tbe share and toothed bar attachments,; and the particular improvements which I have made in such atraddle-coUivator attachment will be tbe subjectof specific claim. In combination, the beams of a straddle- row cultivator, Ihe single-tooth carrying-bar crossing between the beam-standards, having opposite return ends, the braces 1 1, secured to said bar between its return ends and its middle part, and tlie clips « for securmg the ends to said beam-staudards, substautiallvassetforth. 259,626. EDGAR A. WRIGHT, Moline. Ills. Cultivator. June 13, 1882. Filed April 6, 1882. My invention relates to what are commonly known in tbe art as "walking straddle-row cultivators, "wherein a wheeled frame or axle, arched at the midille to pass over the stand- ing corn, is provided at its two ends with sus- taiuing-wheels and with rearwardly-estending beams, the latter being provided with shovels to enter the ground, and being join ted at their forward euds to the frame in such manner that they may swing both laterally aud verti- cally. The inventiiin relates to an improved man- ner of constructing the frame and applying the springs for the r-nrpose of raising or assist- ing theoperator to raise the beams or drag-bars, the springs having in some cases the addi- tional function of holding the shovels to their proper places iu the ground. The improvement consists maiuly in provid- ing the frame with axles capable of rotating independently of the wheels, coupling the wheels directly to sa'd axles, aid providing the axles with 'irma arranged to eo-operate with a spring, a weight, or with draft devices to which tbe team is attached, as hereinafter more fully explained. As regards the combination of the loosely revolving axles with the beams and lifting springs or other equivalents, the invention is designed more particuhirly as an improvement upon those machines iu which tlic axle is sta tionary and the beams and springs combined with sleeves or coupling-boxes arranged to ro tate upon the axles. One of the primary objects of llic invention is to avoid the use of tiic rotating sleeves oi tests mounted upon the axle, which, for va- rious re;t80ns unnecessary to detail, are open to serious objection. 1. In a cultivator, the couibnmtion of the frame, the wheels, the two axles rotating in- dependently of the frame and wheels, the j)low- beauis coupled to the asles, substantially as described, and tlie nnna applied to the axle 1 aud adapted toco-operate with springs, weights, I or draft devices, substantially as described. i 2. The combination of the arched frame, tbe wheels, the independently -rotating axles, each provided with an arm, the spring attachments co-operating with tbe arms, substantially as described, and the beams connected with the axles, substantially as shown, to swing verti- cally therewith. 3. In acnltivator, the combination of a draft- frame, an axle revolving freely in said frame, a ground-wheel revolving freely on the axle, a plow-beam vertically pivoted to the ax'Cj and an arm or projection, substantially asdescri bed, secured tu the axle, and a spring connection interposed between the frame aud arm, sub- stantiallv as described, for the purpose of act- ing through the arm and axle upon the beam. 4. The combination of the arched frame « and standards f, provided with Ihe axle-bear ings, the two independent loose axles, the two loose wheels, the two beams connected with the axles by vertical axes, the arms rigidly se- cured to the beams, the rods pivoted at o.ie eud to the arms and sliding at the opposite ends in guides, and the springs mouuted on the rods, as shown. 5. In combination with the rotating axle and tbe beam havinga forked head, the coup- ling consisting of tbe tube, the bearing-block between the tube and axle, the clamping de vices, and the vertical pivot. G. The combination of the draft-frame, the ground-wheels, the rotatiug axle, the beam connected with the axle by a vertical axis, and the arm secured rigidly to the axle and ex- tending downward therefrom. , 260,447. DANIEL BERLEW and MAR TIN L. KISSELL, Spnngfieid, Ohio, iiBsignoi-a to P. P. Mast k Co., same place. Cultivator. July 4, 1882 Filed April 14. 1882. 3. The c«ml>ination of the plow-beam, the rotary draft device to which it is connected, the arm attached to said device, the pitman jointed to the arm, the sliding rod mounted in a guide and jointed at one eud to the pit- man, and the spring upon said rod tending to depress tbe same, as described and shown. li. In a cultivator, the combination of the axle, the coupling head or sleeve, journaled loosely upon the axie and provided with art upright arm, a vertically-sliding rod mounted in a guide upon the main frame and connected by a pitman with the upright arm, ami the spiral spring applied to urge the sliding rod downward, substautially as described and shown. 3. In ft cnltivator, the combination of the /otary coupling oi draft head, having the up- right arm Q adjustably attached thereto, the pitman K, the vertically-sliding rod 9, the cylindrical case surronudiug the rod and se- cured rigidly to the frame, aud the spiral sp.'ing mounted within the case and acting to de- press the rod, as described and shown, 4. In a spring attachment for cultivators, the combination of the axle, the draft-bar X, and the spring-sustaining guide T with the stirrup U, applied, as shown, to unite both the guide and the axle with the draft-bar. 5. In a cultivator, the combination, with the rotary coupling-head C aud the plow-beam, of the draft-link pivoted vertically to the ccup- liug-sleeve and to the beam, and means, sub- stantially as shown, for securing the link against lateral play upon the sleeve. G. The coupling-sleeve provided nifch the curved fiange o, in eombiuation with the draft-link, pivoted vertically at one end of the sleeve ami arranged to swing laterally in re- lation thereto, the plow-beam pivoted verti- cally to the rear end of the link, and the fast- cningpin P, connecting the link and coup- ling, as shown, whereby the beam may be ad justed laterally and fixed in position without being disconnected firom the coupling. 7. In a cultivator, the laterally-adjustable draft-link, pivoted vertically at its forward end 1536 WHEEL OR SULKY. to tliL' (Itaa device ami mljnstalile Intcrally by" n swiii;;inp motion, as dcambciJ, in (rombina- tiun witli tlii; verlical rod K, inoiuitcd in the VL'urond of the link, anil tbc plow beam ad- justable vcrticiilly on siiid rod, ns described. S. In comUiJiation with tlic beam, H% arm, and the connecting-rod, the spring, and the spring-snstainitig case, adjustablo vertically, substantially in tlio manner described and shown. )). Ill a wlii'oled culLivjitor, the beam-iifting spriMK, arranged to operate substantially as described, in combination with tlie support- ing-case T, provided with notches, and a stir: rup, ir, serving to secure the oaso in position and admit of its being adjusted vertically to vary the d^rw of the spring. 260 664. WM. L. OOLTON and HER SCHEL A. SOHERMERHORN, VVater- niiin, V\\s. I'nliivator. .Inly 4, l88:i. Filed April 25, 1882. Our invention has relation to^ocnlled*' rid- ing'' or "suIUy" cnltivatois; and it consists in Ibc means or mechanisui for adjusting the ])OSition of the shovel'beamsin relation to the jliie of draft, substantially as htroiuaftci- inort fully described and clairneil. In a cultivator, the combination of the tongue A, having cross-bar D', provided with the swiveied bangers D D, axle B, baring swiv- eleil or pivoteil boxes 1 1, jointed parallel drag- bars E V and K F, connected re.'^pectively by the boxes f, and having couplings H II, pro- vided with the set -screw i, and transverse conucctingarcb G, substantially as shown and described, for the purpose set forth. 261.092. CARLOS W. HINDS, Water- man, 111?'., ussinnur of one-third to J. J. A, Zell.r. L. E. Phelpa and R. K. Swift, all of Villi, e pUu-e. Cultivator. Julv 11, 1882 Fik'd Aj.i-il 20. 1882. In a cultivator having joiuted plow-beams, thecorabination, with the parallel rearsectioDs, c, provided with the handles x and connected by the transverse biace /(, of the parallel-uiov- iug front sections, rf, counected to the draft- beam, and the vertical pivotf inthe jciutscou- nectiug the front and rear sections, d and e, substantially as specilied. 261.093. CARLOS W. HINDS, Water- man, IIU.. as.sii;iiur i.f one-tliitd to.) J. A. Zellcr. L. E. I'liclps and U. K. Swift, all of .'iauie place. Cultivator. July 11,1882, Filed M;ir. !«, 1882. 1. In a cultivator, the standards having the pivotal bearings a, the swinging beams pro- vided with boxes D, engaging said pivotal bearings, and the trans^■erse bar E, connect- ing said standards, substantially as spcciSed. 2. In a cultivator, the combination, with the swinging beams G, of the standards A, swiveied thereto, and the connecting trans- verse bar or aieh E, rigidly secured to said standards, snbstautially as specilied. 261,863 LUPPE LUPPEN, iVkin. Ills Ciillivator. Au!<. 1. 1S82. Fik-d Mar, 29, 1882. My invcntio!] relates to iniiuovemeuts in cultivators of tliat class in which plow-lieams are hinged to an axle, so as to permit swing- ing the plow-beams both laterally and verti- cally, whereby said plows or gangs may be used to cultivate both sides of a row of plants at the same time; and the Invention consists in construtitions and comliiuaiious liereinaftfei described, and set forth in the claims hereto annexed, 1. In a cultivator coupling joint, in combi- iialion with the axle, plow-beam, and sleeve C, a joint-]>i''ce, I), having rearwardly-projectiug arms, by which it is secureil to the plow-beam, and forwardly-projecting arms rf, by which it is secured to a clevis, E, having means of secur- ing the draft-hoolis thereto in higher aud lower ptaues, substantially as and Tr the purpose specified. 2. In a cultivator coupliug-juiut, in eombi- nation with the axle, plow-hoiims, clevis E, and sleeve C, mounted on the axle, substantially as Ues'iribed, a joint-piece, D, which pariialiv sur- rounds the sleeve C and is intermediate be- tween the plow-beam and clevis, and connected to both by joints, which, while they permit lat- eral flexure, hold the jtarts rigid as regards ver- tical flexure, subs-tanlially sw and fur the pur- po.se specilied. X Incombiuation wit lithoaxle, plow beams, sleeve C, and joint-pieces I), having rearward- lv-projectingarms,by which it is secured to the lilow-beam, and torwardly-prqjecting arms d, by wliich it is srcured to. i clevis, E, construct- vd snbslaniially as desi^ribtid, a spring connect- " cd at onuemMo the axle and al its other end to tin' (dow-beain, and adapted tocoacl with the ;dr;i(t clevis, snbstautially as and for the pur- |iosi' specilied. 262,487. WM. SCOTT, liutKalo, W. Va. Cultivator. Aug. 8, 1882. Filed .Ian. 23, 1882. 1. In a cultivator, the earriago eimstriiclod substantially as herein stn>wu and described, ami coiKsisting of the wheels A, axles li, arched bars C, slotted seat board 1', and king bolt Q, as set forth. 2. In a cultivator,thccoinbination, with the forward axles U and jilow-beams 10, of the rigid slotted clevises J, the angle-bars K, and the pins L, substantially as herein shown and described, whereby the plow -beams will be drawn and the forward axles will bo free to play in turning the cultivator, as set forth. 3. In a cultivator, the combination, with the plow-beams E and the rear axles li, of the fac- ing-plates M, having their projecting rear ends perforated, and the upright rods N, sul)staii- tially as herein shown and described, whereby the rear ends of the plow-beams arc supported and are allowed to have a free vertical play, as set forth. 4. In a cultivator, the combiiiiition,witinlio seat-board 1', of the U-shaped rod r, hinged to the said scat-board andprovideil with I he foot- rests d at its ends, substantially as and for the pnri)oso set forth. 262,726. DAVID L. BARNUM, V/ilson, N. Y. Combined Wheel-Cultivator and Gang Plow. Aug. 15,1882. Filed April 2li, 1882. 1. in a combined wheel cultivator and gang- plow, the combination of the short axle E, hav- ing arm Faud stnd G,the perforated plate L, rigidly secured to the inuGi side of the axle- arm, and the lever M, having its lower end in^ sorted in and secured to the grooved portion of the plate L, substantially as shown and de- scribed. 2. In acombioed wheel cultivatorauo gaug- plow, the combination, with the frame having segmental racks K, of the short axles E, sup- ported in beariiigsrt ft, and having arms F,i>rO' vidcd with studs G, the wheels II, mounted on said studs and having hub-caps I, the perfo- rated bearings L, secured to the inner sides of the axle-arms and provided with grooves lor the reception of the lovers M, which are se- curely bolted to said plates and are provided with spring-pawls ]N, substantially as shown and described. _ . „ ,^ 263,187. EDWARD P. LYNCH, Daven- port, Inwa. Cultivator. Aug, 22, 1882. Filed -lune 13. 1H82. This invention relates to that class of cnlti- vators in which the shovels are attached to beanisjointedatllieirforwardendstoa wheeled draft -frame in such manner that they may be moved horizontally to follow the rows of corn and vertically to throw tliom into and out of action, and particularly to an improved spring attachment designed to raise or assist the operator in raising the beams above an op- erative position without interforiiig with their lateral moticm when in action. The arrange- ment is designe, 1882. 1. The coud)in;ilion, witli the beam G and bar M, hung to the beam K by the universal' joint 11 (>, of (he )dow consisting of the p»r- allel bars I for supporting tho plows, the cross- bar .1. pivoted to the di-ag-barM,aiHl the cross- bar K, liorizontnlly journaled in boxes which are vertu-ally journaied at L in ears \)rojecIing from the beam <'■, as shown and described. 2. The plows S, cted tosaid beams, and hav- ing plow-rods T and plows S connected tosaid stocks, aul)stautially as specified. 5. The combinaliou of llic shiehls K, Ihe bars / mid /', and chain m with tlte phiws t^ and plow-stocks, as shown and described. I (i. Tim cnmhinalion of the swivel jointed rod 9, eyes A, and pins i with the later»)ly-idjnst- ' iibleplow-beamsO and slotted phitesj, attached ! to said beam, as shown and descrilied. 7. The cnmbinalion of fixeil catches d with : I he ratrhetsftof the Icver-pnlleys V /, said le- ; ver piiMrjs being arranged lor lateral motion i oil Hirir pivots/, sulistantially as si>ecified. j S. The phiw-iods T, connected to the plow- I stiuidards by upper and lower hook-bolts, X, 1 and Ihe lower lionU-bolis fitted adjustably in ! slot.-iX'of til'- plo It SI aii'taids to alter the pitch I nf the phnvs, siib^lanliiilly as specified. j 266,066. JOHNQ. ADAMS, Marseilles, Ills. Cultivator. Oct. 17, 1882. Filed Nov. to, 1881. 1. In a cultivator, the axle provided with a longitudinal groove, a forked beam -coupler mounted loosely on tho axle, a bracket also mounted loosely on the axle between tho forks of the couiiler, ami i)rovided with an interior chamber, a spline-block set loosely in the cham- ber over the axle-groove, aud a setting device for forcing the spline down into tho groove aud firmly holding it iu place, substantially as aud for the purposes set forth. 2. In acultivator,theshovel-beamcounected to the axle by a double-joiiitcd coupling, per- mitting both vortical aud lateral movement of the beam, ill combination with a vertical pivot secured to the axle at or near the i)ivotal coup- ling of the shovel-beam, and a spring secured at one end to said vertical pivot extending upward and backward and connected at its other end to the shovel-beam, substautially as and for the ptirpttses set forth. 3. Tho shovel-beam connected to the axle by a double-jointed coupling, iu combination with tho bracket attached to tho axle substan- tially in Hue with the vertical pivot of tho beam coupling, a voiLical i>ivot-bolt mounted on the bracket, and the sprmg attached atone end to the pivot-bolt so as to turn with it and at tho other end connected to the honm back of its coupling, " bstantially as aud for the pur- poses set I'oMli. 4. The bracket 15, provided with projections h\ tbo pivot-bolt c, mounted on the bracket, with its bearings iu the projectio.is, and the beam-lifting spring C, having the bend r at its exti-emity, which receives the projecting lower end of the pivot-bolt, and fastened rig- idly to said bolt at a point above the lowei bearing thereof, substantially as and for the purpose.uset forlh. 5. Tho axle A, iu combination with the beam rf, counected to tho axle by a double-jointed coupling, the bracket U, tho spring C, pivoted te the bracket substantially in lino with the vertical beam-pivot and extended back over the beam, and the rod I>, connecting the rear end of tho spring to the beam, substautially as and for the purposes set forth. a. The vertical pivot-pin /of the beam-coup- ling, in combination with the spindle F,sleevcd thereon aud provided with a wedg«-8li«ped enlargement or rib on one side, and the sleevo (■' of the coupling link, the opening im which conforms Ui the weuging shape of the spindle that is received Iheiein, substantially as aud WHEEL OR SULKY. 1537 lor tlio purjioses set forlU. , 7. TUo cDUiiling ■ sleuvu c', tlio opcniiij; ol wliicli is V sli'ilicil oil one side, in cumbiiiiil ion wiUi llie spinillc l'',liiivingn\vc(lgc-sli;ipca rib .111 one aiilo lormed to lit tlic V-sliapeil open- ing of tlio alcove, the pivot-pin /, the set-seicw f, and the beam-clevis G, siibstantiall.v ns de- scribed. , . - -., .1 S. Tlio axle A, in conibiiintmii witU the shciives I, mounted and toniini! on the nxle, the block n, inclosing the slieave-i, und pro- vided with opeli'ings in front and rear lor llie draft-chaina, and the draft chains K, substari tinlly as described. 266.086. WM. P. BEOWN, Zanesville. Ohio Wheeled Cultivator. Oct. 17, 1882. Filed May 12, 1882. My invention relates to certaiu improve- ments in wheeled onltivators of that class of which my Patent >'o. 100,810, granted May 15, 1877, is a type — that is to say, in which an ele- vated tongue is connected to the upper part of a crank-axle whose lower ends are loounted up- on wheels, between which wheels and the ver- tical section of the crank -axle is located a coupling attachment for the plows or cultiva- tors, which coupling attachment is provided with a spring which co-operates with the lift of the plowman in hanging up the cultivator on the rear books of the tongue, while a draft attachinent is provided for straining the coup- ling oue way or the other to make the jilows run deeper or shallower, as may be desired. The object of my preseut invention is prin- cipally to so construct the conpliug for the cul- tivator-plows as not only to lift or depress the plowa, but also to control the plows against any tendency to sway sidewise, and make them travel more directly in lino with the point of attachment with the axle or truck, and also to prevent the springs (when applied to the plow coupling or head) from polling the plowsarouud to one_side whenever they are thrown out of 1. The plow-head G, having a lorwara pro- jection, incombination with a spring connected to the said proji-ction of the jilow-head at a point over or in front of the vertical pivot-boll to assii.t in lifting the plows in the rear and prevent side swing, as described. 2. The combination, with the pipe-box and its bracket U, the pivot-bult, the plows, anil the spring V, of the heart G, having a piojpc- 11011 extending over and to the front of the pivot-bolt and there connected to the spring, as and for the purpose described. 3. The combiiialion, with the pivot-bolt 1, of the bracket II. having Uaiiges with a series of line of draft in llie rear, as will bo more fully described hereinafter. vertical bolt-holes, and the head G, having flanges with a series of vertical bolt-holes, and a neck or arm, b, extending over and to the front of the pivot for connection with the spring, whereby the tension of the latter is made to hold the plows straight or give them a lateral drift, as described. 4. The combination, with the pipe-coupling and the spring F, of the plow-head having pro- jection I, with vertical sockets/atitsend, and a pin,!/, and aJoo.sc slidiug connection with the spring, as and for the purpose described. D. The draft ring l" and perforated loop Q, the latter surrounding the pivot-bolt below the pipc-conpling and combined with the same, the plow-head G aud bracket U, as shown and de- scribed. C. The clamp omposed of the three parts K S H, fastened together by bolts o, the parts S and 11 liaviiig clutch-faces and aslotted con- iiccliou that pcrinitof the adjustmentof Hover a to aecuie a rotary adjustment of the plows about tluir lontiiludiiial axis. 26tfl23. WM. EVANS, Moline, Dls., a» siinor to the Moline Plow Co., same place. Cultivator. Oct. 17, 1882. Filed June 29, 1882. ThlBiuvenfioiiielateatothatclassof wheeled cnliivators and siinilnr macliiiies wherein a sliovel or plow beam is joiiilcd at its forward cud to a draft-frame in aneli manner as to be capable of swinging both holizoiitaliy and ver- tieallv, and particnlarly to those macliiiiea wherein springs are employed, in connection with the shovel-beams, for the purpose of as- sisting the operator iii controlling their verti- cal adjustments. I. Tbccomuiuaf ion of the axle A, rock-shaft li, the drafVhead or couplingD.aiid the lifting- spring, arranged snbstanlially as described, to rotate the rock-shaft. 'J. Ill eombination with the axle A, bearing.-* a and h, the horizontal rock ahaft B, bavin; the anil K tliereoii. the rod F. guide ('- "" , and spring II. . , 1 .i. In combination with the main axle and the rock-shaft It, having Iho spring applied, as shown, to give fliesamea forward rotation, the ilraft-hcad 11, councoted lo the rock-shaft by nieaiia of the tube/, pivot j, plates e and j, and bolt i. 4. In a cultivator, the horizontal niniu axle, in combination with the horizontal rock-shalt l!,8USlainrd'tlicrefroin, substantially as speci- lied, the forked draft-head D, and the vertical axis j, connecting the draft-head and rock- siiafl, and adjustable both vertically and lat- erally upon the latter by means of the clamp- ing device, substantially as shown. 5. In a cultivator, the combiuation of the main axle, the independent rock shaft mount- edupon and in advance of said axle, the draft- head passing loosely around the axle and jointed to the rock shaft, and the spring at- lachment, snbslaiilially as shown, connected with the rock-shaft for the purpose of turning the same forward. ft. In eoinbinatiou with tlie main axle and the aupplemelital lock shaft IS, the drafl-head jointed to said lock-shaft, substantially as shown, and the depending arm J, connected rigidly to said rock-shaft. 7. Ill combination with the angular hori- zontal roek-slmft B, tlie beam connection or coupling eoiisialiiig of the forked draft-head D, flanged plates <■ and ;;, tube/, bolt t, and pivot /. 8. Ill acultivator, tlie combination, with the axle or arch A, of the supplemental rock-siiaft B, sustained substantially as described, and provided,. .'itli one or more projections adapted to oper..te, as described, with a spriug, weight, or draft device. 266 482. WM. A. KNOWLTON, Kook- ford. Ills. Cultivator. Oct. 24, 1882. Filed May 26, 1882. 1. A sleeve c.ipableof an oscillating motion and lateral iidjuatnient on the, axle-tree of a cu'tivaloi, provided with a transverse socket- piece on ils inner edge lo receive the verlical- ly-atljiiatablo eoiip'j.g, ill combination with a vokcadaplcd to be connected hee^ith and '»illi the shovel -beams, snbstanUauy as de- sciil.ed. 1^. 'nieeoiiibinati witlia shield,ofacurvOii wire or ind extending from flic forward lower porlion tlieieof to the upiHT rear portion, 8nb- staiifialhasaud for the purpose described. :i. The heivin- described shield, having a (•nivcd wire or rod fixed to its inner face and extending diagonally across the same, in com- bination with the shovel-beams, substantially as and for tlie purpose described. 267,670. HOWARD H. BUTLER, Zanes- ville, Ohio, assignor of one-half to Thos. Jenkins, .Moline, Ills. Cultivator. Nov 21, 1882. Filed May 27, 1882. In my improvements I aim to overcome some objectionable results from springs now used in wheeled cultivators. That I may be more readily understood I will refer lo the springs in general use and the results. First, a spriug so constructed and adjusted as to exert an up- ward or raising force upon the plow-beam, also to exert a downward or depressing force upon the plow-beam, depends for this result upon the plow-beam passing above or belowa given point It is apparent, therefore, if the ground be uneven the spring will exert a force when least needed, or a force in the opposite direc- tionofthatreqoired. Ifaportionoftbegrouud be hard, as compared with other (wrtions, or very eoft, it will be seen that springs of this class may work improperly. Another class of springs in general use are those which exert acontinuoos upward. or rais- ing lorceqpon thei)low-beam,andin this class, uuless the plows are firmly held in the ground by the operator, the teiideucy is for the plows to rise out of the ground, or partially so, in striking hard soil. The springs now in com- mon use are constructed with other parts so as to freqneutlv get out of repair, and they also take up much of the space between the wheel and arch. Another objeotion existing in wheeled cul- tivators now in use is the inability to use an areh of sufflciont width to avoid injuring the stalks of corn whtii at an advanced stage of growth, and yet permit the cultivation of the corn in an early stageof itsgrowthsufflciently near to the plants without the operator using cousiderablo power to hold the plow-beams so as to bring the plows near to the plants. It can bo readily seen that whenever the plows follow in a direct line from where the beam is atuched to the axle it is easier furthe operator : but if the operator is required to hold the beam iu sueU position that the plows will be in the ground at the right or left of snch direotliueit requires Ihe exertion of more or less strength by the operator, aud is neces- sarily very fatiguiug. 1 obviate tlus objec- tion 'by a device which I shall more fully ex- plain hereinafter, whereby I can so regulate the connection of the front end of the plow- beam to the axle as to have such point of con- nection ins'do of tlic arch or outside thereof, atpleasi'ie. 1. Toe combination, wilh the arched axle and the plow-beams, of the coiled spring E, placed around the axle and secured one end to the axle, the other end forming a projecting arm, (i, secured bv links to the plow-beam coupling, substantiallyasshownand described. 2. The yoke or frame J, having perforated arras or brackets I I and lever-arm k, in com- bination witli the yoke-head M, having perfo- rated extension and set-screw, the plow-beam C, bolt 0, and staple n, substantially as shown and described. 3. The combination of the draft lever P, hav- ing projection r anil perforations above and below the axle, wilh the spring E, the yoke J, yoke-head M, plow-beam 0, aud dralt attach- ment «, subafanlially as shown and described. 268,887. JAMES T.HAMILTON, Coun- cil Bluffs. Iowa, assignor to himself and Wm. K. Hoagland, Peru, Ills. Lifting device for Cultivator Beams. Dec. 12, 1882. Filed Feb. 20, 1882. The lifting or raising of the beams and shov- els of a cultivator as ordinarily constructed is attained in some instances with considerable trouble and labor, and to obviate this objec- tion various devices have been apnii'.-vl to col- tivators for the purpose of assisting the oper- ator in raising or lifting the beams aud shovels aud reuderingihe operation mnreeasyand less laborious. Such devices have been made in various forms and have been applied in vari- ous ways; and the object of this invention is to cons'truet a raising or lifting device for the plow beams and shovels which can be easily a|iplied, and which will do the required work in a reliable and eft'ectnal manner without in terfering with the operation of the plows when in the ground. Itsnatureconsistsin providing a curved b.ar, forming a spring, adjustably at- tached atone end to the frame or arch of the cul- tivator and at the other end Connected with the collar located on the wheel-spiudle, and carry- ing the beams and shovels; iu providing the collar carrying the beams and shovels with an arm or extension to receive the end of the curved bar or spring, and furnish a means for rocking or turning the sleeve to raise or lift the beams and shovels; in providing a support for the upper end of the curved or spring bar, by means of which such end can be adjusted to produce a greater or less resistance in the action of the bar or spring, and in the several parts and combinations of parts hereinaftei set forth as new. 1. In acuttivator, the curved barsorspringf O, connected at their lower ends with an arm or extension located ou the sleeve or collar which carries the plow beams and shovels, and having their upper ends adjustably connected with the frame or arch of the cultivator for adapting the bais or springs to resist the varying strains incident to working light and heavy soil, substantially as described. L'. The combination, with a cultivator-frame and plow.beams or drag bars, of a spring or curved bar, O, and adjusting bar N, pipe box or sleeve C, having an arm, P, and the coup- ling E F, substantially as described. 3. In a cultivator, the curved bar or spring O, in-combination with the adjusting or ten- sion bar N and arm or extension P, having a fulcrum, r, and allached to the beam sleeve or collar, substantially as and for the purposes specified. 269 639. WM. H LUOE, Prairie Centre, Ills. Cultivator. Dec. 26, 1882. Filed Sept. 4, 1882. 1. The combination ot tongue (*, bar m, slot- ted post 0. spring-pill q, and lever i with the cultivator frame mounted on caster - wheels, substantially as described. 3. The plows b', attached lo the shanks & of T-hearIa d' of crank-arms e* in tubular shaft /', said T-heads being arranged obliquely to the machine and in th"e line of the plows, sub- siantiallv as described. 3. The draft- rods j', in combioaticu with plow-shaiikac', the crank-arms e', and the tu- balnr^uatt/', whereby the plows areadapud to be 8liift«d forward and backward, said rods being adjustably contiected to the front beam 1538 WHEEL OR SULKY. by sockets A' ami pins i, siibstautiully as , 1882 Filwl An^. 5, 1882. The conibiiiatiiiii, with tbebeara, oftbeslnnd- ard -phtte pivoted thereto and bavin;; the in tegral lateral shank formed with a burizoatal slot in it» outer erul, in which is adjustably se- cured tbe sprinf? cnived cultivator-blade, as tiet lorlb. 270,251. PATRICK ROONEY, Cliaritoii, Iowa Stniddle-Kow Cultiviitor. Jan. 9. 1883. Filed Ju!yG, 1882. My invention consists iu lorinioK and cooi- biniu? cultivator Irames dircctwitbacarriage in sin-li a manner that they will ba^'e vertical lind also lateral play, and readily adjusted and directed relative to plants iu rows by means of the driver's feetin stirrups, and also readily raised and lowered by means of a band-lever within reach of tbe driver when seated on the rear end of a carriage body and 'jiolo forn>ed integral with each' other, all as bereiiialter fully set forth. T. In a cultivator-framo, adrag barorbeam having an upward bend or loop, iu combina- tion with one or more beams having straight front ends, substantially as shown and a of the aieUes A A', snbstaniially as and lor tbo purpose specified. 2. The arches A A', having huii/.ontal ends hinged to plates 15, to whieb the supporting- wheels are attached, in eombiuiition wiih gangs of plows hinged to tlie horizontal ends of one of the arohe.s, substantially as and for Lbo purpose specified. 3. Twin arches A A', having horizontal ends hinged iu slotted plates H, iu com binatinn with plnw-gflngshiiiged upon the horizontal pnd of the arch A', substantially as and for the par- pose specified. 4. Incoiubination with the arches A A', hav- lug elevated central parts and horizontal enda or arms a, i)lates B, provided with stnb axles for the wheels, and hinged to the horizontal einis a of the arches, and tlie plate D, hinged to tbe upper central part uf tbe arches A A', sub- stantially as described. 5. In combination witli the arches A A' and wbeel-plates B,*hinged to the horizontal ends of said arches, the plate D, hinged to the up- per central parts of tbe arches, and thetougue E, hinged to tbe plate ]>, substantially as and for tlie purpose specitied. 0. In combination with arches A A', hinged tothe side plates, B, plow-gangs hinged to tbe horizontal etnls ot tlie rear aruh, and provided with plates which extend forward, oue above and one below the horizontal end of the for- ward arcli, substantially as and tor the pur- pose specified. 7. The aicbea A A', having horizontal ends a, hinged to side plati-s, B,iii comhination with plow-gangs having beam-plates It A', hinged to the horizontal end of tbe rear arcli, and es- leiided forward, one above and onejhelow the endii of tbe forwanl arch, substantially as and for tbe purpose stiecitied. 274,616. SAMUEL D. B- EISE, King- wood, N". J. Oultivi.tor. Mar. :i7. 1883. Filed Xuv. 15, 1882. The object of this invention is to provide cultivators constructed in such a manner that the plows can be readilj- adjusted to work at any desired depth in the soil and to throw the soil toward or from the plants. To the arched axle are attached the forward ends of inclined connecting-bars and curved supporting-bars, therearends of which are attached to the ends of an arched bar connected with the arched axle by tbe handie,sof the cultivator, whereby all the plows can be raised from the gronnd at a time and tbe depth to which the plows enter tbe ground will be limited. To the rear ends of the inner beams are attached curved and slotted bars, which are secured by bolts to the inclined supporting.bars,so that the said inner beams can be adjusted toward or from each other, as will be hereiualtcr fully described. 1. A cultivator con.slructed substantially as' herein shown and described, and consisting of the arched asle B, with the end parts of which the forward ends of the beams and braces H I, that cairy the ]iIow standards K, are con- nected, and the arched bar P, connected with tbe axle B by the inclined bars O, the curved bars or runners S, and the handles 1?, as sot forth. 2. In a cultivator, the combination, with the arched axle B, the plow-beams H, and the plow-standards K, of the braces I, the clarap- bars J, the keepers L, and the break-pins M, substantially as herein shown and described. 3. In a cultivator, the combination, with the arched asle B and the plow-beams H, of the inclined bars O, the archetl bar P, the baudlea R, and !he curved bars or runners S, substan- tially as herein shown and described. 4." Thecombination, with tbe asle and beams, of the bars or braces I, the clamps J, and the keepers L on the beams, whereby the standard K may be held adjustably, as described. 274.720. CHAS. D- CARTER, Spring Arbor. Mich. Wheel-Cultivator. Mar, ■27. 1883. Filed Dec. 8, 1882. My invention relates to an improvement iu wheeled cultivators ; and it consists in a suit- able standard, within the lower forked end of whiili tbe beariug-wlieol is Journaled, and which is provided with a projection upon its front side terminating in n Ijook. so as to be used, when disconnected from the asle and frame, in connection with a single-horse culti- vator. It furtiktr consists in thecombiuatiou of tbe standard, having th'e bearing-wheel journaled in its lower end. having a sot^ket formed in its upper end to receive the end of the beam, and provided with a hook upon it i front side, with the two part coupling by which the cultivator is connected to the standard, as wid be more fully described hereinafter. The object of my iuvention is to so con- struct thu beams to which the cultivators are attached that they can be fastened to the axle and the frame, so as to be used ;>s a two-horse cultivator, or so that the standards' can be de- tached from the frame and used in connection with a single cultivator ouly. 1. Thecombinatioti of tiie standards adapt- ed to be connected to the axle, and provided with the extensions upon tlieir front sides, so ' as to be used in connection with a single beam, substantially as described. 2. The combination of tbe standards, pro- ! vided with the extensions npon their front i sides, with the couplings K, clamping-bolt, and | connections for the cultivator, the clamping- i bolt serving as a pivot for the frontendof the | cultivator beam, substantially as set forth. j 3. Thocombinationof the standards having j the wheels pivoted in their lower ends, and ! provided with the extensions tenniuating iu tiooks upon their front sides, with the coop- lings F, having perforated extensions, the clainpiug-bolts, and the cultivators, substau- tiallv as sitocilied. 274,798. LUPPELUPPEN, Pekin, Ills. Cultivator. Mar. 27. 1883. Filed Oct. 28, 1882 My invention relates to improvements in combined riding and walking cultivators, in which the plows, cultivators, drills, and har- rows connected to the frame are operated by leversnnder the immediate control of the oper- ator; and tbe objects of our improvements are, first, to provide suitable means for ad- justing the plows, cultivators, &c., iu a verti- cal plane; second, to so adjustably attach the handles to said cultivators, plpws, &c., that the operator can remain iu his seat and oper- ate the same, or can dismount and operate tbe same while on the gronud, when walking. 1 attain these objects by the mechanism illus irated in the accomnanying drft,wings, in which — ,, , . 1. In a combined walking and nniug culti- vator, the combination, with the plow-beams and handles, formed as described, of the le- vers Sleeved upon ine arch of lue asle and connected by hooks and chains to both the j.low beams' and handles, substantially as shown. 2. Iu combination with the arched asle A, the levers H 11, connecting-chains j «, pivoted lever-handles o o, and plow-beams /, substan tially as shown and specified. 274,920. SAMUEL and REASON DAT, Delavan, Ills. Cultivator. April 3, 1883 Filed Aug. 14, 1882. This invention is an improvement upon a cultivator patented by Samuel Day, Novem- ber 10, 186S, No. 83,S3S, and relates to a means of changing the direction of the line of draft of the cultivator relative to the tongnp,for the purpose of guiding tlje machine. The object of this invention is to produce the maximum variation between the cultivatoi and its tongue with the minimum movement of the baud applying the force consistent with tbe amount of strength convenient to he used. 1. Tbe tongue A,coltivator-franieB B', and bridge C, iu combination with the link D, hav- ing slot M, rods U R, and handle S, and tbe link E, having slot G and bolt F. sobstantially as and for tbe purpose set forth. 2, A cnltivatorframe, B B', tongue A, piv- oted thereto, and bridge C, having bosses J and K, in combination with the slotted link E, having bolt F, and slotted link D, having a moving-lever. 275,502. JOHN LANE, Hyde Park, as- signor to the Peru City Plow Co., Fern City, Ills. Cultivator. April 10. 1883. Filed Nov. 2, 1882. Tbe invention consists in mounting ou the frame of tbe cultivator, above the horizontal ends of the asle.aspring having a connection with an arm depending from the sleeve, and iu certain combinations of parts, which will fir.st be describecndeiit slotted bearings li IJ', tbe carrying-wheels A A', tbo latter provided with a sfjuaro joaMial, ft', and the crtisbing-roljer A%all arranged find oper- ating snbslniitially a8 and for llie pnrposes Bpecifled. ;s. Tbe coiubinalion, with the bearings li It', having slots h^ and the bolts t\of the recessed side pieces, l'\ and the standards 1'', pivoted withiu the recesses uf said side pieces, sub- Btaotially as and for the pnr|ioses specified. 4. Tbe combination of I lie bearings li B' and tbe side pieces, I'', of tin; main trame with tbe standaidsF'and tlie piirtsconuccled there- to, tlie sector / ami hand lev t-r L, all ar ranged for oiifration rehitively to eacli other, substantially asand for the purposes specitieiV. 5. Tbeconibinalion, Willi tbeeariying^wheels A A', tbeir bearings li li', iiaving slots h', and tbe locking-bolts b^, of the side pieces, F, tbe standards F', the transverse girts/'/', tbe braces /^ the rocU-shaft U, sector K.antl lever .M.all arranged and operating snbsinntially as and for the purpose specified. 0. hi a convertible plow, the combination, witb the adjustable main frnnie, constructed as described, its-tongue T, and a pair of cultiva- tor-plow beams' of (ho clexises D D, tbe draft- bars h, carrying the single trees, and tb« cross- bar A',all arranged substantially as and for the pnrpose specified. 7. Id a convertible plow, the combination, witb the iidjustable mam frame, couslriicted as described, and apairof cultivalor-plow beams, of tbe clevis D, and tbe adjustable bangers G, and the supporting-arms I, all arranged and operating substantially as and for the purpose specified. . S. Tbccoinbioation,witblheadjustablemain frame, constructed as" set forth, and a pair of plow-beams, of the clevis I>,arms I, hangers ti, and braces r,all arranged aud operating sub- stantially as and for the purposes speciUed. !). In a convertible ])low, the combination, with two pairs of plow-bectius aud a support- ing! lainet herefor,of the slotted dividiiig-j-okes E and Uio adjustable conucctrog brace or bar !£', airauged for operation relatively to each other, substantially asand forthcpurposesiiec- illcd. 10. The combination, in a con\Tiliblo plow, of tbe adjustable main frame, its longui*, ami a pair of plow.-beanis, of the clevises D II, the astantiali>' ;\.s de.scrilM'd. 4. TIh' conibinali'in. with the sleeve, of n coupling pivoted to llie beams and partially surrounding and(lo.selyenibra<'iiigthe sleeve, and meehanisin, substantially as deserilted, adapling said emipling to bebul h latemlly am) porpondirularly ivdjustod, as set I'oith. R. The coinbination, with the sleeve, the yoke, and the coupling having its inner fare cnibnu'ing the sleeve and its ontoi- faee ser- rated, ofaeorrefiiion. In ai-iiUiviitor. the eondii nation, with the sleeve, of a iH-nt arm rigidly srenred tJiei-cto and ext<'iiding toward the beam, and a litl- ing-si)ring arranged forward of theslee\c ami connected willi tho bent arm. substantially as described. WHEEL OR SULKY. 1541 7. hi ii ciiUiNal'-i, llu- i:-imil^iii;iii"ii, with :r lilliii};' spring', tin* n\K' slofvo, iuiil lln- Iicaiu, rii<;<'iir (lie iinii tt ill i.:i'i'c:iso, siihstniilially us iinil l"n- Jtio pmiiivse (U'SfvilitMl. S. 'I'll' )^oiiihiii:itiuii, with the bciiiii, llic sh'«\t', and the bcnl ni'mrnst Hirrrwitli unit piojrclni;; lowartl ami Mibstanl lally itaniHel Willi the bpani, ol' Mir lifliii^ Siuiu-r and the birinrnli'it Iicmk ami pixolallx loiinrrtinp llio brill nnn atul sm inir. subklani iallv ns ilr sfnU>il. 280,021. JOHN B. ENNIS, Ottumwa, Iow;i. Ciiltivutor Jutic 26, 18a3. Filed Feb. 16. 1.SS3. This invontiini i'rlat*'.s to t'citaiii new »iul useful improAciiKMits in ucljnslublc cnltivatoi-s, tho object thereof being to pioiiure sueh an implement as will )ie simple in its eonstnic- tioii, eftV-etive in its ope rati oil, and At Hie same time admit of the ready aajuslmeut of the plows or shovels to or from the line of plants, said plows or shovels l>eing also readily ad- justed npoii their standards to throw the dirt eitlier t oward or away from said plants, as the operator may find necessary, woordiug to the nature of the ground or thepreyalenceoiwoedB. 1. Tlie shovel or plow fi. having coiineeteil thereto thoeonieal liollow cstslingK/i, provided upon its interior with suitable teeth, in com- bination with t!ie ronieal csistin"; /, eomieetpd to the slandard H, and havinf;tlie cflp / toex- chide the dirt or grit IVom tlie hollow eouiciil casting, and teeth npon the under side of the «%j), and the serewrod Ji/.«ubstnn1ially as and for the purpose scl tbrlh. '2. The combination, with the beaiu-frames (1, atlapled toreeei^■ethellxlesP, of th^wheels E, and adjustably connected txi the arcbcxl tongue -suppoit A, said beam-frames having suitable bi-acc-plates (1 c, and perlbi-atcd latcli- plates/, substantially :us and for the purpose di-sci-ibed. .3. The eonibiuation, with the sliding boxes fi upon the axle 1>, operated by the le^■el■s e, having their bearings inthepeifoi-ated brace- plates <( f, and working iu the slotted latch- plat<; /*, of tlie beam fnimes C, Sidd sliding boxes'having pivotally connected thereto the plow* or shovel beams V, siugle-ti-ee hooks b Iwing also connected to thcsosliding boxes and axles, snlwtantiallv as and for the purpose set forth. I The conibinatiou, with the beam-frames C, suppoiting the axles 1>, and provided wilh bmce-platcs (/ r, and laldi-plates/, construct cd substantially as described, of the sliding boxes a, operated by Icvei-s c, imd the pivot- ally-seeni-ed plow or sUovel beams, snl)Rtaii tially :us shown and dr.s*;ribed 280,615. JONATHAN HARMAN, Solo mon Citv, Kan. Attachment for Plow and Cuftivator. July 3, 1883. Filed Miir. 27, 1883. The invention consists in an attachment for corn plows and cultivators 'constructed with tlanged and slotted bars attached to the plow- l>eanr8, and having secured to them cross-bars havingoneai'nihorizontalandtheof her curved, anil provided at their ends with upwardly- projecting rearwardly-inclined lugs, to which the plow-shanks are secured by bands and set- screws, as will be hereinafter fully described. 1. In an attachment tor plows and cultiva- tors, the bar F, having side flange-s and a slot, said bar embiutang the lower end of the plow- beam, and pivoted at about it,s middle to tht^ latter, iu combination withthebolt J, grooved washer L, an'.l cross-bar K, having at the ends upwardly-projecting lugs N, and the bands and set-screws Q R, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2. In an attaehnient for plows and cuUiva- tore, the combination, with the bars F, eon- nect^id to the plow-bciims, and having vertical slots and waahere L and lK>!ts J, of the cross bars K, havjug mideams, secured togeth- er at (hrir forwaid ends, the divided (moss- bai-s, having iiiraiiH for eu^niiiingihem (o (he beams, andllir ital cuivc*! tipi-ing l<'elh, inter posrd :ind Srriired belwecn the partis of Ihe (•ro.ss bills, subsliiiilinlly as slmwii and de- seribrd. 282,198 JAMES 0. JAY, ISAAC JAY and B. L. CHAMBERS, Arapahoe. Neb. Cultivator. July 31, 1883. Filed Oct. 11, 1882. This invention consists of a contrivance whereby the wheels of the cultivator nmy be guided by lateral movcnieuts of the plows, » r one of tliem, to enable the ])lowman to so con- trol the machine tbat he can protect the corn from injury by tho wheels when the liorw-s fail to properly geitle the machine, ashci\'in- after described and claimed. 3. Tiie conibinat-ion, with the wheelK n and their axles, Inning vertical extcnsioiks pi^ ■ otod in the frame, and provided with cross- hai-s connected together, of the iilow-bi'amsj/, tho pivoted rotls A, '.rosstur' *, and rods,/. substJUdinlly as shown and described. 2. The combination, with the wheels a and their axles, h.iving vertical extrn-^ions h, pi\ ot<*din tL.fnime, and provided with tin- cross- bars c, of the pai-allel i-ods/', tho pivoted braii:s ff, the cross-bar i on the cud of cue of the pivots A, and the rods j, sultslantially as and for the pur])Ose set forth. 3. The eombiuation, with the wheels n, mounted on axles pivoted vertically in the frame, and provided with cross-bars c on theii upper ends, connected together by rods//', of the pivoted plow-beams *;, the crossbar /. the rods,;, the hook I; and the sector /, sub- stantially as and for the purpose set forth. 282,885- ASA HALL, assignor to N. C Tliompsoii, Roekford. Ills. Cultivator. Aug. 7, 1883. Filed April 23, 1883. 1. Tlie combination of a sleeve liaving its opposit* sides provided with c> Imdiical brar ings, joint-plates piovided *ith the shid-iinn- nals to enter tlie eyliudrieal beariu- ..i the sleeve, a tubular bar placed between the rear end portioiu* of the joint-i>lates, and an axial bolt to fix the joint-plates lo the tubular bar, suljstantdally as and foi' tho purpose set fortJi. 2. Tho combiuatiou,withthe bar connecting the rear ends of the joint-plates, of shovel- beams having their forward end -^jortionshent or kinked to engage the I ;t connecting the joint-plates, substantially :■ and for the pur- pose set forth. .1. The conibiinitioii, lith the tubular bar connecting the rear ends of thejoint-plales, said bar having a reetair^mlar outline in section, oi ghovel-beams having their forward end por- tions Ijent or kinked to engage (he opposite anglesoftheconnecting-bar,. said. shovel-beams held in position and made vertically adjiuit-a- ble on the couuecting-bar by means of damp- iug-bolts, substantially as and for tlie purpose set forth. 4. The coiAbi nation, with an arm having a pivotal connection with the vcrticjil arm of the axle-tree, and with the angle-arm arising from the inner end of the joint sleeve, of a spring supporting bar having a pivotal connection with the angle-arm, and a free connection with the pivoted arm, to permit of an endwise slid- ing movement of the bar in its connection with the pivoted arm, substantially in the manner set forth. 5. ThecombinatioUjWiththespring support- ing bar having a pivotal connection with llw uprisiDg angle-arm, and a free connection with the pivoted arm, of a spring surroiinding the supporting-bar between its connections with the uprising angle arm aiistantiallv as and for the purjiase set forth. 283.390. LEE.OY GRAY, Sycamore, Ills Beam for Shovel-Plow. Aug. 21, 1883. Filed Nov. 6,1882. Tho object of this invention is to make an iron enltivator or shovel-plow beam lighter and cheaper in its construction than ha« been heretofore made; and its nature consists in bonding and bracing the beam, as hereinafler more fullv described. Themctalliccnltivator-ljcam orshovel frame herein describe^, consisting of the ban/, hav- ing the oppositely bent or oblique portions a' and a*, the straight portion a\ couuecting (he same, the sli-aight rear portion, a', forming a continuation of the obliquo portion («', the stniight obli(iue bnicc ft, se<;urestauliallyas described. 2. Tho combinalitni of the chain N, or chain and rods, coupling plalec, evenerbar E, and sheave I' i) with the adjusting bmcket or hanger K, sulwtantially asset forth. ;t. The combination of Ihe chain N, or chain and rods, cveuer K, and she.ive P O with tho ad,i listing- hanger U and the atljusting-plato v of the coupling, Bnbstantially as specified. 4. The combination of Ihe liub g with the swinging arm K; spring ui, and adjusting-cap h, sulwlantially .asset forth. 5. The I'onibiuittiou of the- cup h, spring )«, aud arm k, supported on the hub stau- lially as speciHed. O.TliecouplingplaIco, in combimdiou wilh the half-box q and the mljnslable half-lKtx r, KuMtanlially as descril)cd. 7. Thecoiipling-plrttef), in combination with the half box ally consists in an improved means of attaching the plows of that class of cultivatoi-s having arche"nl lt'\ i-r, ami Mic Ki)iral sprinj,' conmrliuic tin' link and arm, substuiitially ns spccilieU. 2. ]n coiiibinatioii witb tlic splil, wleeve niountod on the spitMUo of llie Ik-iiI I'l-anic, tlie movable clamp, its pins and clainpinjr-scicw, aniltlicdn^^-beain and it.s f\t«'ns,inali"ii a\ it lit he lower bifnrcated extension of the diai, the two fiunies C T> and F G, and the liiiiging-rod K, of the plow-beams K, slotted hangcre H, coupling- plate K, provided with holes M, set-screws L, and lap-ring Q, substantially as described, and for the purpt'Sf set fuith. 2. Inaculli\aiiii, tln-eombination, with the axle B, the rigid Imigue d, the two frames (' D and F G, and (he hinging rod !C, of tlie plow-beams R, slotteil hangeis I!, coupling plate IC, providetl with holes M, set screws L, slatioiMiry right and left btiUs W, inlmlai- con- necting-bar X, and foot levem Z, provistantiallyasbereinsho\vn and dcsiaiiicd, whereby the idow-bwuns nntl plows can be raised and lowered, as set forth. 287,196. JOHN G. TRUMP, Ricbville, Midi. Ctilfivator; Oct. 23.1883. Filed July 12. 1883. The lever D, in combination with the wood- en bars 1 and metal rod (, drag-bars F, stand- ards G, braces II, and teeth 5, all constructed to operatesulistautiallyasand for the purpose herein described. 287,536. TYRRELL L. GRIGSBY, Yomitville.Cal. Gang^'luw Oct. 30, 1883. KilciJ May 17, 1883. My invention relates to certain new and use- ful iniproveinents iu that class of gang-plows I which are specially adaptod for work in vine- yards, cottou-iields, and iu aU places iu which rows are planted. My invention consists in the means for con- necting the plows with the fmme, whereby they may be adju.stecl, and in a center plow I and the means for connecting it, all of which i will be hereinafter fnliy explained, reference l>eing made to the accompanying drawings. 1. In a gang-plow, the frame C, in combi- nation with the central plow, F, and the means for securing it to the frame, oousistiug of the standard / and oscillating shaft G, and the means for bracing it, consisting of the rods g. strap A, and wooden pin t, all arranged and operating substantially as and for the purpose herein dei^cribed. 2. In a gang-plow, the a/ljustable frame C, and the right and left hand plows, EE, secured to opposite sides of said frame, in combination with the central shovel-plow, F, having stand- ard /, the oscillating shaft G, brao€-rods t/, strap h, and wooden pin i, all arranged and operating substantially as and for the pui-pose herein described. 287,703. JOSEPH B. NEFP, assignor to the Burlington Flow Co., Burlington. Iowa. Cnltivator Spring. Oct. 30, 1883. Filed June 26, 1883. The object of my inventioa is to provide a cultivator-spring so attached and controlled that it will not only effectually aid the oper- ator to elevate the gang, but that will also prevent the passing of adead-center by a coun- ter-spring sustaining the gang when the lift- iug-spriug arrives at the dead-center, the ear- rylng-spriug being independent of the lifting- spring, and providing a lifting-spring with accessory aids or peculiar adjustments that give it gVeater effectiveness, and providing a counter or carrj'ing spring with adjustable tension to check'the gang at a higher or lower point and affect the depth of plowing, and providing a double spring that suspends the gang at auy desired workiug-point and main tains an even depth of plowing. 1. In a. cultivator-coupling, the spring-bar J, made L shape, with a long and short arm. and pivoted in the long arm above the angle, and adapted to receive springs upon both arms, substantially a.s shown and described. 2. The angular spring-bar J, pivoted above and distant from the angle, in combination with the springs L M, clamp-socket K, and sleeve F, Iiaviug rigid arms T, substantially as ahowa and described. 3. The combination of the angular spring- bar J, pivoted abovetheangleiuthelongarm, tlie s'eeve F, having arms I, the springs LM, and the clevis H, substantially as shown and described. 4. The combination, with the arched axle of a cultivator, of the right-angled spring-bar J, with a long aud short arm, and pivoted in the longarmabovetheangle,theadjust4ihlesi)rin';s L M, clamp-sockct K, sleeve F, with arms I and clevis il, and the beam-coupling E G, all 8ul»st an tially as shown and described. 288,003. WM. P. BROWN, Zancsville, Ohin. Wheel-Cultivator. Nov. (J, 1883. Filed JuiiL' 13, 1883. My invention relates to wheeled cultivatoi-s of that class in which the two wheels run upon opposite sides of the row of plants aud sus- tain above the same a truck or frame work having a draft attachiuent for the team. in fi-ont and plows behind, which are attached to and drawn by the truck, whieh may or may not have a tongue. My improvements consist, princip.illy, in tlie construction, arrangement, and adjust- ment of the plow-be;uns uuQ their couplings. WHEEL OR SULKY. 1543 wlit'ichy llio pluws iiovt latlio row of plitiWs iii:iy lie scl in ;i lii^^lior liovizoiitill plaiio, to niliipt tliriii it> Mir i-!r\ 111 ion ol" tlio vow or ridgo 111)011 M liicli tlir itl:nit« iiiv, atul wlicicby tJie plows ]ii;iy be :ul:ii)tc»l to :i iiiininmni wiiUh ol' truck and still preserve llio proper, Jntcral niovcitiCJit of tlic inner ploMs witliont tlirow- ing tlie outer ones iigiiinst tlio wheels, ami whereby, »lso, the hitonil movement of the in- ner plows is made to Iiavc the least effect upon the outer jdows eoiisistciit with their connec- tion thereto, all as moi'c Inlly described hci'C- iuiifter. 1. Plow-beams coinbinod with ami attached to a wheeled cultivator, and adapted to oper- ate ill i»airs, which approach whcn.ino\eil outwardly from the plants and separate or move apart when moved inwardly tt) tlie plants, !is and lor the purpose described. . li. IMow beams coinhined with a wlieeled cultivator alid attached to the same -and to each other, substantially asdcscribed, thereby tlie inner beams arc adaptwl to have ulatocal Ihrow Kroatcr than the outer oues,aH8et forth. 3. Plow-beams coinhined wilJi a wheeled cultivator by a swi\cJcd or hinged connection in front, and hinged or coupled together in the real- of this by a connection which causes the beams to approach wlien moved away from the plants and to separate when movecl towaid tlic plants, as dcscribeil. 4. A wheeled cultivator having on each side of the j'ow of plants two or more beauifi, one of which is set to work in a higher plane at its draft-conuectioii than the other, the said beams being coupled by oblique connec- tions for a variable lateiul throw, as described. 5. The combination, with the axle of a wheeled cultivator and two or more plow- beiims disposetl to run upon each side of the row of plants, of twoor more brackets attached to the axle on each side of the space for the row of plants, and connections for fastening the plow-beams independently at different vertical heights to said axle on the same side of the roM' of plants, as set forth. C. The bracket P, having a perforation in one arm and a slot in the other, in combina- tion w'^ith the bolt i, inclosing tube c, and plow-beam coupliup; 0\ substantially as shown and described. 7. The combination, i\ ith two i>low-beams hung about vertical centers at tlieir di-aft ends, of a cross-coupling bar jointed to both beams, and having one end closer to the center of oscillation of the beam to which it is at- tached than the other end is to the center of oscillation of the otlier beam, as and for the purpose described. 8. The bracket S, having a bolt, g, sur- rounded by a tnbe, /i, in combination with the inner plow-beam and the diagonal cross- hnv T, having clevis-coupling^i, asaiut for the purpose ileseiibcd. 9. The combination, with the two plow- beams, of the diagonal ci-oss-bar T and coup- ling at the cud thereof, liavinga longitudinal adjustment on the plow-beams, as shown and described. 288,289. NICHOLAS H- WILLIAMS, Joliet, Ills. Cultivator. Nov. 13, 1883. Filed July 3, 1883. My invention relates to the peculiar mech- anism by means of which the shovel or plow of a cultivator is made to assume a position suitable for throwing a furrow in cither direc- tion at the will of the operator. The object of my invention is to furnish suit- able mechanism to deflect or turn the shovel or plow of a cultivator from a direct course and to raise the same or lower it at will, and thns conform to the various wants of agricul- ture. 1. In a cultivator, the combinatiou, with the beam a, of the shovcl-atandardm, slotted arm D, rigidly attached thereto, and bolt D', where- by a pivotal and a sliding movement is per- mitted upon the bolt D', as and for the pur- pose described. 2. In a cultivator, the combination of the rocking head a', the guideways g, the slotted arm D, the shovel-fitandard m, and the beam a, a.s and for the purpose described. 288 292. JAMES H. ALLEN, Wenoua, Ills. Cultivator. Xov. 18. 1883. Filed May 11, 1883. This invention relates (o cultivators, and especially to that class of the same known as "wheel-cultivatoi's;"' and it has for its object to thoroughly pulverize tlio ground and kill the w<-e, provided with a beveled lower end, o , of a tooth, N, provided with abearing, », and a ](ivot;-bolt, j/, whereby the tooth isattuohed to the arm o, substantially as set forth. .^i. Thecombination, with atooth-snpporting arm, o, of a tooth, N, provided with abearing, V, having two rows of openings, 2> o.»d e moved laterally. Ill a cultivator, thecombination, with a piv- oted beam, K, a coupling, C, and standards I I, of the bo-c-conpliiig 11, receiving within it the rear end of the beam on a median pivot, ( i , receivi ng on the outside the plow -standards 1, and having an arm at one side of the top, in which is i>ivot«d the rod K, parallel to the beam ]■;, as shown, whijreby the line of dmfl will always pass through the center of the be:ini, whether the rod is on or ofiT the coup- li"g«- 290,366. SIMON P. SNYDER, SAMUEL STOUGH and TOMEY D. ULRIOK, Walton, Ind. Cultivator. Uoc. 18,1888. Filed July PJ, 1883. In a cultivator, the standard S, bifarcateen the stand- ards, and carrying the pivots P, on which the beams tniu, as shown and described. 290,539. JAMES W. COOK, assignor ofone-haU'to W ra. S. Parker, Moravm, N. Y. Cultivator. Dec. 18, 1883. Filed Aprils, 1883. The invention also consists iu novel mcanfi of adjustably connecting the aforesaid frauies with the axles of the sulky. It also consists of a duplex tongue separa- bly united at its free end, and adapted to be used in the form of thills to receive a horse be- tween them, and one at each side thereof, so that the maehiue may be operated either by two or three horees, all as hereiuailer more fully described, and specifically set forth in the claims. 1. In combination with the sulky, two cul- tivatorframes, each formed of two bars joined at one end back of the wheel and eitcnded di- vergently along opposite sides of the wheel, and terminating with supports on the axle, snbstautially as set forth. 2. Incombinationwithasulky, two V-shaped onltivator frames, ea<* extended around the rear portion of oue uf the wheels and along op- posite sides thereof, and terminating parallel with the lino of draft at the axle, and sup- ported by the axle, substantially as set forth and shown. 3. In combination with asulky, two V shaped cultivator- frames, each extended around the rear and along opposite sides of one of the wheels, and t«rmiuatiug with yokes extended over the axleaud supported thereon, sabstan- tially as described and shown. 4. In combination with the sulky, the frame A, composed of two bars eonni-cted at one end and dispow-d divergently at opposite sides of the wheel VV, the standard «, clamped iietween the connected ends of said bars, standards a and a',connected tothebai-satdifl'ereut points of their length, and yokes supporting the for- ward ends of the said bars from the axle of the sulky, substantially as shown and de- scribed, 5. In combination withthesulky, the frames A, provided at their free end with tlie yokes B, extended over the axle, and the arm (J, tixed to the axle and having its free end eonnected with th( yoke B, substantially as.set forth and shown. 290,593. WATSON MARKLET and ElJAS INQRAHAM, Minucapilis, Kan. Cultivator-Plow. Dec. 18, 1883. Filed Sept. 13, 1882. Our cultivator is adapted for a variety of w ork in which the plows may be .shifted from one beam to another and revei-sedin positions iu such manner fis to be used for stirring the ground for sowing small grain, for cultivating corn before and afterit ecniesup, and for plow- ing up potatoes. F'u- such variety of work we combine with a straddle-axle three pivoted plow-carrying beams, the middle one of which is' removably pivoted in such inannerastohave only a vertical movement at its free end, while the side beams are adapted for both vertical and lateral movements at Iheirfree ends. 1. Thcstraddleoryokeaxlehavingtheloose sleeves b b and the fixed eyes g g, the plow- beam A A, pivoted to said sleeves, and the re- movable intermediate plow-beam, B, having hooked ends//, adapted to hook into and be laterally braced by the axle-eyes g j;, ^-hereby the side plow-beams are free to have both ver- tical and Lateral movements at their plow-car- rying ends, and the middle plow beam is free for vertical movement only at its rear end in- dependent of the side beauLs, substantially as described, for the purpose specified. 2. The straddle or yoke axle having the fixed eyes g g and loose lapping sleeves h 6, having perforations c in their lapped ends, and the laterally-atynstable plow-beams A A, pivoted to said perforated slceves,with the removable intermediate plow-beam, B, having hooked ends//", adapted to be hooked with and un- hooked from the said fixed axle-eyes, substan tially as describetl, for the purpose specified. 290 778. JOHN N. LAMM, Paoln, Kan Cultivator. Dec. 26, 1883. Filed Sept. 5, 1883. This invention relates to improvements in cultivators, and has for its object to straddle the rows of corn and to enable the cultivator to go nearer to the fence as well as to lighten the draft on the horses. In a corn-cultivator, the combination of the arched axle B, the metal plates A A', the piv- oted pole r, .and the wheels E, substantially as slio\yn and described, and for the purposes set forth. 290,960. EARLLB. BELLINGER K.ala- raazno, nssigiKir to self antl H. F. Bellin- ger, Barrv, Mich. Culivator. Dec. 26 1883. Filed May 22, 1883. The invention relates to a cultivator eon- strnetcd with a frame provided with pivoted standards made with curved lower part.s and vertical upper jiarls, and eonnected at their upper cuds in pairs by rods or chains and pivoted bars. The frame is supported ad- justably upon wheels which are journaled to levers pivoted to the said frame, and held in place by lever-pawls and catch-plates, as will be hereinafter fully described 1. The combination, with the right-angled standards D, of the chains F, and the middle pivoted bars or drafi-equalizcrs, G, as shown and described. 2. Theeonibination of the removable and adjustable center bars. A', the pivoted angu- lar standards D, cliains F, pulley I, and ad- justing-bar II, with the frame, as and for the purpose described. 3. Iu a cultivator, the combination, with the frame A B. of the wheels .J, the levers L, and pawls M, and eateh.i>lateN, substantially ns herein shown and described, whereby the said frame can be raised to and supported at any dcsin-d distance from llio ground, as set forth. 291 577. NATHAN COLEMAN, Oneida, Kan. Cullivutor. .Ian. 8, 1884. Filed Oct. 13. 1883. 1. In a cultivator, the combination, with the slotted beam IJ, provided with yokes or bails F, secured to the same in the manner shown, of the plow beams J, provided with plates I at their front ends, said plates con- necting a pair of blocks. K, between thesame, the blocks being formed witli grooves i, to re- ceive the yok"S or bails, s;iiil parts being ar. ranged to permit the vertical and lateral movement of the plow. beams, as set forth. 2. In a cultivator, the plow-beams having standards M iirojcctiug downwardly there- from, in combination with the rods (i. at- tached to the standards and prov idcd with notches or recesses, a locking bar or bolt jour- ualcd in the beams and arranged to engage the recess to lock the rods Q. cross pieces N, connecting the standards and slotted at the ends, and plow-feet adjnstablc in the slots of said cross-pieces, as aud for the purposes set forth. 292 297 WM. FEUHLING, Sr., San Jose, Cal. Grape and Orchard CaK''*" tor. Jan. 22, 1««4. Filed Sept. 22, 1883. This invention pertains to improvements in cnltivators, having for its object to eflcct the thorough and proper cultivation of the plants, and to permit the machine to be drawn closely to the vines or trees during such operation, to enable the working of all the plants; and the iuventiou consists ofthe combination and construction of parts, substantially as herein- after fully set forth and claimed. 1 In a grape and orchard cultivator, tlic beams D, brackets E', cross bar C, and rod or cylindrical bar d, iu combination with the shovelbcams D', jointed to hub sleeves 6", and frame E', substantially as shown, and for the purpose described. 2 The combination of the shovel-beams D, jointed to the hub sleeves V, with the shovel beams D, secured to frame E' by bracketf £>, connecting-bars C, and rod d, subslau tially as shown, and for the purpose doscnbed. 292,639. HARVEY W. FERGUSON North's Mills, assignor of one-half to Wm, M Dieht, Mercer, Pa. Cultivator. Jan. 29, 1884. Filed Mar. 15, 1883. The combination, with the main Irauie and axle, of cnltivaUirframe E E' E", the suspend- ing rods S, the lever H,and the inclined braces F F rigidly screwed to the front end of the cultivator-frame, and arranged to bear against the rear cross-bar and take the strain off the shovels when at work, substantially as shown and described. 292,674. REOBEN 0. NORTON, as. eignor to Union Foundry and Machine Co , Roekfoid, Ilia. Cultivator. J.an. 29, 18'(4. Filed July 14, 1883. This invention relates to that class of culti- vators known as "straddlerow ndingeulti- vators;-' and its object is to produce a ma- chine capable of adjustment to tit the machine to be successfully used by operatore varying iu height or weight, or both; and it consists iu a seat mounted upon a seat frame made tui- jnst.able both vertical and lengthwise of the ■iiiachiue, all of which I accomplish by the de- vices represented in the arconipanying draw ings. in which — The combination of the tongnejjeauis jiro vidcd with the slotted adjustable flanged bed- plates, the seat frame beams provided witl Sle brackets V, having a scries of adjusting holes, and stud journals coniiceling said parts together, substantially ns aud for the purpose set forth. 292,996. JOSEPH DIVORA, Peru, Ilia. Cultivator. Feb. 4, 1884. Filed July 28, 1883. 1. The combination, with the arched axle and braces connecting the sides of the end arches of the axle, of standards swiveled to the braces and axle, drag-bars pivotally se- cured to the standards, and clod-crnBliers or other suitable implements secured to the drag- bai-s iu such a niauner whereby they are al- lowed to tilt or change their relative positions to the drag bar, substantially as set forth. 2 The combination, with an arched axle and wheels monnted thereon, of braces con- necting the sides of the end arches of the axle, standards conucctingthebracpsandaxlcdi'ag- bars secured to the standards, and a sectional adjustable yoke connecting the rear cuds of the lattsr, substanlially as described. .-) The combination, with an arched axle and wheels mminted thereon, of braces con lu-i'tiii'' the sides of the end arches of the axle, staiuhrrds ennnci-t i iig the braces aud axle, drag- bars a yoke, a bcll-crouk, and a dog adapteil to raise" and sustain iu place the drag-bars, subsUint tally as described. WHEEL OR SULKY. 1545 293,017. WILLAKD M. HARRIS, Wy- oiniriic. I>f!- Cultivator. Kt-I-. o, IHS-l Kilc.i Xuv. 17. 1H83. I. h) a cnltiviitorot'tlio class dcsoribeii, llic llinij pnirs of shovels, cacb pair coiisttucled as sli'nvii.aiul pivoted to tiie JVniue iiulepend- cull;, of I lie uIIk-1'S. siibslaiitially :is specilieil. -. Ill acnlli\:iti-.ikr rniiipri'iiii^ \\\o \n-nn\s aiitl ;( iiniliiig; band or slrajt, a brack t't m ilh a sliding cli-vis, pio\ ided uitU a link Iiori/ontally pivuled thtrcto and vcrlu-all.\ piMilrd tosaid boanis, snixstaiuially as si«'cilifd. 5. TliL' ( t>mbiiiali'm of the bcmns II II, link I(,Iia\iit.n \t'itif;d pi\ (ils/f and hori/.uutnIi>iv (Its /. and tbf tle\ is K. snlislariliallv tXH shown andd.si-ribfd. i: Tin- .•.nid.iiiatinii of tho brakes V V. i\\v ccudal biaUo, K. links L, devists K, brackets ,1, .Iiaiii'i \, shaft (.», pulii-y ()'. and h-vcr I*, sabslaiitialh as sln.wn and dcsi-ribi'd. :. rill- rond.inalinn nf th.- side brakns, V. straps !;, links S, :ind brarkcl T. hnhslaiiliallv asslnmn and dcsiribi-d. s. 'IIm- (ton I filial inn of Die conlial pivot ally (Mtiinetrd biakc. I'.. pro\ idi'd witli .stirrups tl', M ilh IIm- indtpi'iident side b!-ake.s, V, on eaeli side lln irof, provided with tlie rhain X, strap l;. and M ilh Ihe link S ami means for ndjust in^' Ihe same as to ils length, subslanlially as show 11 and desriibed. 293 616. CHARLES A. BAKER, Moline. Ill>. WIutI OuUivator. Feb. 19, 18S4, Kik'd Au^', 4, 13S3. 1. l»a vidiiis and walking cultivator, the combination of Ihu following; elenicuts : a wheeled fiamc, shovcl-can->ing beams free to swin-; in a lateral direction, jointed at the for ward ends lo said frame and provided Tfitli (iperatitit; linndles at (he rear, H driver's seat nmnnted II iii.n till' frame, hniMl levers mounted iipi.ii the Ir.uiie, deviees for lueking said le- vels in difl'.-renl positions, rods ennnectiug the hand level's to the respectivt; beams, and means, substantially as described, wlnereby said ritds may be pivcn a rigid or » sliding f.inin'ctioii at one end, :is occasion may rcqiiii-e. li. Ill a wheeled cultivator, laterally and vertiealh swinging' .shovel beams, jointed at Ihi'ir I'urwiud ends to the frame, emulpined Mith iiand leM-i;^niounled uponlli'' frame and pio\ idid with d.-\ ires wli'ieby the levers may be locked in dtlierent posiiioiis, rods connect- ing the lower endi of t lie hand-Icvers with the lespeitivc beams, «aid rods being arranged to slide through their connections at one cud, as desnibed, and the removable keys or pins in- serted thn-ngh the sliding end of the rod for llji- pnri.ose of preventing the sliding move- ment, whereby the levers may be caused to acl simply for lifting the beams, for snspend- ing the same at a given elevation, or for the additional purpose of locking the lioani down positively in an o[icrative position. ;{. The" \\lieeled frame having the laterally and vertically swinging shovel-beams jointed theicio at tlieir forward ends, thehand-levere ha\iag their lower ends .substantially over Mu- fuiwnril ends of the beam.s, the locking devices for said levers, the rods N, having their upper ends joiutetltotlie levers substan- tially over llif forward ends rovided with nuts or heads at the lower end, and a key or lock- ing device eombiued with said rod above the eye plates. 4. In combination with the shovel -beams and suspending or lifting rods, the combined eye and foot iilates, as descril>ed. r». In eordiination with the shovel -beam and the lifting rod, the plate attached to the beam and jirovided with a series of openings. :is described, whereby a lateral adjustment ot the lilting rod with respect to the beam is pcr- niitt.-d. 293 717. READING L. OARVER, Pre- Em|.tion, lil^^. Sulky-Cultivator. Feb. 19, 1884. Filed Sept. 7. 18«3. 1. In a cullivator. the L, bolted to the tongue and to the vertical hmccs k', and ending in hooks 1 1, for engagement with the said cyebolts V l\ evenor K', having metal straps 51, 8nsi>euded therefrom, aud rods M*, connecting tlie lower endsof the said straps with the diagonal braces Ij, substantially as set forth. 8. In combination with the diagonal braces L, the clamping-plates N, adjustably secnreil thereto, aud Iiaving hooks n, integral with siiid plates, whereby the closed links at the ends of the chains may be re^idily attaclied thereto or detached therefrom, substantially as set forth. 295,082. NEWTON TROWBRIDGE, Council Grove, Kun. Whecl-t^iiltivator. Mar. 11, 1884. Filed Oct. 11, 1883. This invention relates to improvements ju what are commonly known in theart as" St nid- dle-row enltivatoi-a," iu which a main fi-ame sustained by two wheels is provided, withdrag bars or beams jointelali- r., fniliicil Willi llmsoc-kcls/^ »li\'i)lrlo\v-lii'aiiis, wlicii- liy the m'Ihh'Is aiitl Ikmiiis ran he adju-sh-d to suit tin* widlli Jit" low of tilt: plants, siibslaii- lially as (It'scril)L'il. ^(. 'J'licdmiblc tree 1) anil jdalu K, Iiaviiijj n Cfiilhil tiilmlar «(uil, c', and irci-ss <■ in Ha \»:- riplicry, in cond>inalion willi tlui toii{jiic <), ]iIalo K, and (liu hatnnni- sliap c, connected with tree 1) and litling in recess c, substan- tiallv as described. 295,607. JOHN WOOLRIDGE, Lil^riv- viHe, Ills. C.illival.M-. Mar. i-\ 1NS4. Fileil Dec. V2, 1S,S;J. This ifiveulitin rclnles to i-idin;; straddle- rov^ t-nl(tvaUii>t, and lias for its ol>jeet.*4to iin- |>vo\e the devices by which the plows ttr. shov- els i. re s.uiiii;; oul ol liae Iin' tliidjiiii'; inicvoii plants, to iniiH'ovf tin- laians fur isiisiiiy the iH'anis and rejiulailii-; *lhe deplh uf cnUiva- tioii, and In iinprnve ;iener:illy the eonstriie- tioii and operitlion f>i' the niacliiiie; mid its iialtire eunsisls in jiroviding Jointed or jdvot- cil burs swiiijinj,' laterally al the center for cariyinfj; the heiuns in or out, as reipiircd for tlio condition of the plants; in pro\ idJiig a bi-aein-^ and NHpi>ort lor the i)i\oted bars, formed of a hori/onlal bar at the, top, witli vertical stamlards and diaj^uniil bracing, as hereinafter inorespeeilii'allydescrilied; iriprol vidiiij; a slidiiij; slainlaril, It» the lower end of which the forward ends of the beams arc c(m- jicctcd, and liavinj^ devices by wliicli thestand- ard eao. bo raised or io\vered to rej^idate the plowing depth; in jnovidlng a treatlle oper- ated by the foot lor throwing the beams out of operation, and in the several pui-ts and coin- binations of parls liorciuafter described, and pointed out in the. claims as new. 1. The Vtai-s 1) K, pivotally conncttcd -A their iinier ends to perniit of side niovnment, for changing the travel of the iilow-beams, substantially as and for tin! purpose .spceitied. 2. The bai*s 1> and bars 10, having slots d J (heir rear ends, hi combinaliou with a post o .standard carrying the plow-bcanis and form ing ajiivot for the inner end of the bars I> }■], substantially as and for the pnri)0ses speeilicd.' 3. Tiic iMii-s ]) and 10, in cond)ination with the braces (! and 11, cross-bar F. and posts or standards J, snhstuntially us and for the jiur- pbscs speciiicd. 4. The bars ]>and]0, in eombiiuiliou with t4ic ci'oss-bar i'\ posts or standards J, and bi-nees (», U, and 1, for forming a fninic-work and support ^yhicll permits of tree side move- mont, snb.slanlially as and for the purpose specUied. 5. The bars U and JO, cross-bar F, posts J, and suitable bracing, in combination with the sliding shanks K and the plow -beams, for ad- ju.'^ting the limning ination with sliding shanks K, for attaching the plow beams and locating both niovciuentK at a common jioint, subslan- tiftUy as speciricd. 7. The bill's ]> and K, eross-bar F, jiost J, and suitftbto bracing, in combination with the sliding shanks K, ploM'-beam.'*, and foot- trea*llc, substantially as and for the purposes Biiectfied. 296,615. CHAUNCEY M. PINCKNEY, a^^'ignor of one-half to A. W. nii.l M. A. Cole, Aledo. Hit*. Cultivator. Ajnil ti. 1K84. Kilev. IS. 1S82. 1. In a draft and weight c«iualizer tor cul- tivntoi'8, the combination of the suspended draft-bais II H, aitiiateii forward of the axle of the machine, vcrtically-s\vinging cross-le- ver I, situated back of the axle, bell-crank lovc)-8 J J, horizontal robiii!vtioii with a later- ally s» iii^Jii,L;Mis)niisiunde', Jce for Said beam," a loot lc\er jiivoteil to lln^ beam, an inde- prndenl Mi'^peiidin;; df-\ ice fuisn'd hn cr, and a hand U-\ n and lurking devices nM)niited on llicfriinie.andeuniH'cled to the beam suspend- ing ;;nd also In the Icver-suspeuding devices, siibslaiitially as deseribed, wliercl)y the *wo snsjiension de\ ices may be adjusted simuita- ueuM.'ily. '2. in a cultivator, the combiuutioii of the following nu'mlters: the wheeled frame, a ver- tically -swinging shoveI-bc;im, a hand -lever mouiiledon the frame and provided with lock- ing the two positions described. 4. Tlio combination, with the main frame aud the drag-bar, of the beam, the pivoted revei-sible lu'acketC, provided with the slot (/, and witli the brace-arm c, having the slotted end, as shown, whereby the bnxcket is adapted to be rcveiticd end for end and also to be ad- justed laterally. 5. In combination with a cultivator-shovel having a Hat curved surface, substantially as shown, two cutting-blades, o, located in rear of said shovei, and extending horizontally be- yond its opposite sides, said blades being ad- justed above tho point of the shovel and adapted to travi-l beneath the surface of the ground. 0. In combination with a eultix-ator shovel, the rear plate provided with the two laterally- extending knives, and the intermediate l)evel- block or washer, n, snbstantially as and for tlie imrpaso set iVulh. 7. In a cultivator, the combination of the following elements: a wheeled main frame, two laieially-swiiigiiig beams or. drug-bais, a lle.Niblr clniin or suspending deyiee attached lo each beani,ade\ ii-c, substantially as. shfffln, adjnslalile in hnglii, connecting the suspen- sion devices one with another, whereby the suspending devices )na;v be sid)iected to lat- eral sti'ain and caused to maintain the Iteanis normally at a given distance apart, wliilc per- mittiiigsaid distance to be moinciitarily varied at the will of the operator. 8. In combination with the lalerally-s-wing- ing beams or drag-bars V F aud tiio chains J J, the adjustable connecting strap L, substan- tially as shown. 9. In combination with the seat support- ing arms, the pivoted .seat provided with the notched plate k, and the sliding bolt r, mount- ed upon the arm and arranged to engage with the edge of said plate, as described aud shown. 297,63*7- HANS H. SATBR, Ibibn.jue, Iowa. Cuitivator. April 29, 18S4. Filed Aug. 31, 18'':-'J. Jfy irivention relates to attachments for cul- tivators, the object of wliich is to hold the shovel-bar either in or out of working posi- tion, as desired, aud when iu working position to hold it in contact with the ground, so that it may cut constantly at ♦^'le proper depth. Theinvouiiouconsistsiu combiningwiththe axles aiid coupling of the cultivator a joining connection-rod aud a spring secured to the arch of the axle; farther^ in combination with such connecting-rod, spring, and rod, a roller working on the ti-ack secured to the arch of the axle; and,further, in various details of con- struction, all fully hereinafter explaineil, aud iilusti-ated iu the accompanying drawings, in which — 1. The combination, with the shovel-bare, of the pivoted standards K, the lever G', the spring secured to the said leveraud connected to the frame of the cnltivntor, and the roller J aud its curved track. 2. Combined with tiie arch of the cultiva- tor, axles,semi-lubularsleeve A, curved track ir, in combination with the spring B,secured to said sleeve, the barG, having a roller, aiwl a pivoted standard, K, connected to the shov- el-bare. 3. Thecombination,withthecoupliugTand the bars attached thereto, of the standard K, locked to such coupling, the bar C, having forked ends, and the spring Ti. coiiuecled to the semi tubular sleexe A. 297,933. CHAR. H. BILL, Loiubardvillc, Ills., and J. T. RYAN, Manning, Iowa. Adjustaiile Seat-Lift Cultivator. April •2ii, 1884. Filed Deo. 31, 1883. This inventiou is in that line of cultivatore in which the driver is enabled to ride thereon, and, by means of various mechauisius, con- trol the patlis of the cultivator-blades. Our iinentionconsisls,cssentially,ofa frame pivoted near its center to the axle-tree of the cultivator, a seat fixed upon the rear end of said frame, aud ccnnectious joining the oppo- site end of said frame to tiic plow-blade frames uivbtetl as iu other iriachines of the class. 1. In a cultivator, a frame centnillj'^ pivoted to the axle or fraineof the cultivator, aud hav- ing a seat upon its rear end, in combination with a pulley secured to the forward end of said pivoted frame, and a chain or otherfiexi- bie bond passing over said pulley aud fastened at its ends to the plow-beams of the cultivator, whereby the weight of the driver in said seat shall support said plow -beams and permit them unequal aud opposite vertical motion, as set forth. 2. The frame A, se^it D, and be;irings B, in combination with the pidley P, chain S, aud the bcanLs E of a cultivator.' for the purpose described. 3. The frame A, scat D, bearings IJ, anil pulley P, in combination with the chain S, hooks S', beams K of a cultiviitor, the yoeru k Cii., Km-k IsliuulJIU. Ciiitiviifnr. M:iy l:{, 18H4. Filed Nov. 0, 188-^, 1. In a cultivator, in combination, a. ccnti^.! pallor yoke,A,uwliccl and draft-plate hiugcj to each end of said yoke, and adapted t a laterally-adjustable plate or snpport, a segment secured to said plate or support, and a holding-lever pivotedto the lifting-lever and adapted to engage s.'wd segment, substantially as set forth. 4. Tho combination, with the drag-bars E, lining lever K, rod G, and spring e, of the pivoted plat-e I, having a segment, M, secured thereto, and lever L, pivoted to lever K, and adapted to engage tlic segment M, substan- tially as set forth. 299,157. JOSEPH B. IJEFF, nesignor to the Burlington Tiow Co.. Burlington, Iowa Foot-Lift for Riding Oultivatorf;, May 27, 1884. Filed Nov. 23, 1883. My invention relates to improvements in ridingcultivators, in which foot-levei-s, foi the purpose of raising the plow gaugs, are at- tached to an arm on the coupling parts by a link iu such a manner as to allow the gangs to be adjusted laterally. iu a riding-cu.tivator, the foot-lever D, the arm C, and the Jink E. pivoted at both.eads and connecting the lever D and arm C, said arm C being rigidly attached to a coupling device, preferal>Iy a pipe - bo.-;, whereby it remains stationary while the bc-am can be adjusted laterally, in combination with said coupling device to which said beam is attached, as and for the purpose specified. 299,6S7. BURWELL J. CURRY, Hnuts- vilie, Ala. Cultivator. June 3, 1884. File\>s i'i-,'iill,v in :in Kprit^lit |>osition. vvliili' |>iTitiittin(;bolli liitoinl liittl iiurpoiidictl- l:ii pla.v In Ilu" rear i-iul of ilu- plows. My iiivi-iiliori consists, first, in a dotibtc- iiciuiril ronpI«;r having two operi-rinR clasps in a cross direction (o ojicIi oilier, nmdo solid iti onopiccc,\vit!i iiiontlicd ends and perforated lips; and, second, in tlie couitiiiiatioii of tlie parts of ilic coupling device, as liercuiafter specilieiJ. I. In a cidtivutor, the double lieaiied cmtp- Icr A, having two open-ring clasps in across dii'cction to cacb other, uia>]o soliil in one piece, with niou'lieil ends atitl perriH'atcd li])s, snbstaiiliali.v as iuid for the purpose set forth. li. In it cidtivator, the double headed coup- Icr A_, having,' two open-ring clasps in a cross diieclion to each other, made solid in one piece, with niouthetl eudsand perforated iips, anen ring clasps in a cioss direction to each other, made solid in one piei^e, witli mouthed ends and pciforatcd lips, niih compression bolts anti with thiniblu n, Ihinddo b, axle-arm B, .^^^kl• (5. having the arms y if, and with bolt r, •snbslaiHially as and (or the purpose set forth. 262,763. JAMES T. HAMILTON, Mo- iiri.'. Ills., aesigtior I., hitnt^elf and Wni.K. II"ii^'land. CuiHicil iJiufls, Iowa. Coup- ling; lorCuitivati>r lieanis. Jan. 24, 1882 Filed Nov. 10. 1880. 1. In a cidiivator, a coupling for the plow- beatus, having a section, A A', provided with the .slot U and aduptod to receive the forward end of the plow-beam, in coinbinatiou with an eycbolt or connection with tiie sleeve or axle, fur allowing vertical play of the section (o raise and lower the forward cud of the plow-beam, suhsintitially as and for the purpose specified. L'. In a cultivator, a coupling for the plow- heain.s, having a section, A A', jtrovided with the slot Band adapted to receive the forward end of the plow-bciun, in combination witliau eycbolt having a body, C, to receive the axle- sleeve, a Kcrew-threacieil stem, E, to receive a nut, and shoulder or flangcU, to enter the slot IJ and susUiiu the section in a vertical posi- tion when the parts are together, substantially as and for the purjioses specifte, the eyebolt 1) E, tho sleeve O, having the longitudinal opening H, the plale I J, and the bolt K, nU constructed and arranged substantially as and for the pnr* po.ses specilieil. 276,203. JASPEE P. WARNER, Dow- agiar, Mieh. Swivel Cou|.Uiig. April 24, 1888. Filed Sept. 21, 1882. The object of my invention is to famish a coupling for attaching harrows or cultivators to the framework of wheelniachines, known as "sulky'' or "riding" Maciiinos, to make a chfap, dni-:itdc, and simple con|iling, and one thai may be rcailily attached and (cheaply re- paired. 1. The conibirialion >d tho bcatu (', having slot h, and containuig box Y, having a Uange with concavity fl' engaging witli tho boItfc"',as and lor the purposes .-^peeiljcd. 2. In a swi\cl con|ding, the combination of tho beam C,containingbox Y,havingan ellip- tical hole containing thimble (^ and bolt r, with braces a n, and beam D, when ariangcil and combined as and for the purposes specified. 276,718. HANS H. SATER, Dubuque, Iowa. Cultivator. May 1, 1883. Filed Jan. 8, 1883. my invention reiaies to an nnprovenicnt in cultivators f but it relates more particularly to improved coupling devices for connecting the plow-beams to the a\Ie and frame- work, the object being a Riinple and iue\])ensive con- struction, easy in adjustment anil operation, and durable and eirective in use. The invention consists, first, in the peculiar novel construction and arrangement of the coupling proper; further, in pccntiar stops or sleeveson the axle for linii ting the movement of the axle-sleeve; further, in i>eculiar draftat- taching devices; and, finally, in the general oonstruclion of the cultivator, and in novel de- tails and coinbinatioiis, nil fally hereinafter ex- tilained. 1. The combiiialion, with tho axle and its toothed Kleovc,of the vertical toothed sleeve O. engaging with the saiil sleeve on the axle, and having bearings formed directly upon its ends, and a bolt passing through .'^aid sleeve and bearings, a drag-bar, and the fork I, ci>u- ni?cted to the drag-bars and mounted njion the bearings on the ends of the said sleeve C,sab. slantially as descrit)ed. -'. The combination of tlic axle and its toothed sleeve, the vertically loidhcd sleevefJ. having bearings at its ends, llie drag-bar, the forked connection I, connected to the drag-bav and mounted on the bearings of the sleeve G, and tlie loop eaibrnciiig the said axle untl sleeve G, and having the set - .screw, substan- tially as described. .1. (.'mnbined with the arched a.\Ii' A, the clipIC.havingearsi 1 for attaching the tongue- braces, and the prongs 5 5,adapted to be bent down to bear directly upon the axle at tho base of the arch, for the purpose set fo'th. 1. The combination, with the vertical sloeve connected to the axleslecvc, of tho fork hav ing one arm connectcil directly to the bearing orJ(nu'nal foruied on such vorticid sleeve, and the eyo J, which forms tlie connection bo- tweentheotherarmofthcfork and tlie sleeve (i. u. Conibincd with the tlrag- bars M S, the cross -block O, having brace - connection 24, beveled ami Hanged ends 23, and tho adjust- ing slots LTi in such ends, sut>stanliftlly as de- scribed. 287,443. WM. A. ENOWLTON, Kock- pord, Ills. Cultivator. Oct. 30, 1883. Filed Dee. 21, 1882. This invention relates to that class of culti- vatoi-s known as "straddle-row wheeled walk- ing-cnUivatoi-s,'' in which the shovel-beams are hinge-jointed to the horizontal portion of the crank-formed axle; and it consists in the hinge -joint conuection of the shovel-beams witli the axle-tree made laterally and vertically adjustable, and in the draft-connection there- with. 1. The combination, with the wheeled sup- porting-fi'ame, of a Blotted sleeve, a grooved l)illow-block, and a clamping eye-block, these several parts combined for joint action, sub- stantially as and for the; purpose set forth. '2. The coinbinntion.withthe slotted sleeve, the grooved pillow-block, and the eye clamp ing-block, of a yoke and coupling-jtin pro ducing a liinge-joint connection of the shovel- beams withthesioeve, capable of a latei-aland vertical adjustment thereon, snbstaidially as and for the purpose set forth. 3. The combination, witli thcyoke-couiding of the shovel -beam, made vertically adjustable relatively with its connection with the wheeled carrying -frame, of a draft attachnu-nt con- necled to the coupling-pin so as to be adjust- able therewith. Kubslantially a.s and for the purpo.so set fortli. 298,823. GEO. W. BROWN, t^alcslnng. Ilk. Cultivator. \I:iv 20, iss4. Filed Kcb:-4 IHSH. This invention rclales lo that class of cnlti- vatov-euiiplings in which t he plow gangsswing laLcrally un journals nr .^landall^s. arrangotl above the hori/onlai emls of I he axIe^s, which ends of the a\h's conslilnle jourmd-beirrings fur siiiil standards in sh inging I he plow -gangs vcrticalljf. The prinrijial feature of the iiivcnlion con- sists in a thall jdatc or clevis coina-ctcd with the upper cud of a lubnlar slandard on the beam -plate, which standard luiiis on a suit able bearing, to permit hdcral swing of the plow-gang^, and which drall- plate extends downw.ard forward of the coupling, and ispro- vided with a series of holes, by jucans of wliicb the draft may be utilized to exert either down- ward or ui>ward force on 1 he plows or shovels, or no force at all, as desired, and the draft on which, when the ploMS arc in oi)cratioii, will resist the tendency of the plow -gangs to turn the couplings on the horizontal cuds of the axle. 1. In a cultivator-coupling, in combination with the bolt D, having eyes d, through which the arm A' passes, and long tubular standard E, se;Ued on tJie bolt 1>, and held by projec- tions c, which rest on the arm A', the bcani- platc provided with n tubular standard, G', juuriml(', standard E, and beam-plate (;,ofliic draft-plate II, e\tendcd forwantand tiowuMaid, and provided with a series of holes for the draft attachinrnl to adjvist tho di-aft to exert a downward or an npw.ard force, or not to exert any vertical force upon the beams, substantially as and for the purpose set fortli. ;j. In combination with the bolt ]», jour- naled on a horizonlal part of a cultivator, long Iniinlar st;\ndard E, having lugs c, beam plated, haviuglulmlarsliiudardd', journaled onthestandardKthedralt platcJI, journaled on the standard <;;',aud i>rovidcd witli holes 7i", substantially as and forihc jmipose sitecilieil. 300,563 HENRY BORGELT, Jr., and LUCIAN P. DORRELL, Havana, 11!.'^. Cultivator June 17, 1SS4 Filed Mav HI. Isn;^. The present iuventiun h:is relation to cer t:iin new and useful improvements in mcaus for attaching tho plow-beam to llio axle of a cultivator-frame; and the object thereof is to provide a couplijig device simple in construc- tion, whereby the teeth of the cultivator or shovels of the plow may be raised or lowered to plo\V as deep as may be desiied, while the pecaliar construction of the coupling reudcis jtbothstrongand durable and capable ofbeing in anu facta nnl at a comparatively small cosV. Theseseveialobjectswcattaiu by the construe tion substantially :^s shown in the drawings, and hereinafter described and claimed. A clevis of a plow or cultivator beam, hav- ing suitable arms, one of .said arms lia\ ing upon its inner side a mortise, and tho oppo- site arm a hole of C([ual diameter, in comlii nation with a sleeve through which the axle passes, provided with arms having a hole and a mortise similar to those on the arms of the clevis, and thimbles fitting therein, and a bolt psissing thnmgh the 'anus to bold them to- gether, the mortisi'S l>eing arranged with re- lation to each other, and also the thimbles, as shown ami described [PLOWS.] WHEEL OR SULKY. 1561 106 294. JOHN E. SWALLOW, llii,ir*'is- tnwu, M.]. \Viir-l-I'l..w. Awj; n, 1870 'riiis iriveuiioii isiiesigiicil to remedy tUo ob- jection above ri.'feiTetl to; and to this end it cousists 111 coTiibining with tbe axle of the car- rijiftc a slide for tho purpose of elevating one end of sucb axle above Ibo otber, or, in other words, for dropping one wbeel below the ottier; and it further ronsists in providing a vertical slot or guide in tbe axle, in which the beam of lhepIo\Tiuoves,aud by which it is guided; and it further consists in the arrangement of the ,>olcofthecAriiage,and ii>thecombiiiation and arrangement of the parts connected therewith, as will be more fully described hereinafter. 1. The axle lofa sulky-plow, having a guide bo\orfeiot,2,SQbstantially asaud for the pnr- posc set forth. 2. The arrangement, in a sulky-plow, of the axle 1. gnidobox 2, socket 3, having a qu;id- rautiipou its upper portion, leverSjKliding arm 3', segmental gear 4, draft-rod 0,aud segment- ally kIoI ted guide C, substanli'illy as herein shown iiiid described. 244 708. EDMUND YEISER, Newmans- tnwii,l'u.. Sulkv-l'low. Ir.ly 19, 1881. V\Ui\ ,VIa,v :i5, 1881. This invention relates to certaiD improve- ments in sulky-plows, and it has for its ob- jects to provide for conveniently depressing the plow so that it will properly enter the ground, for elevating it so as to pass over stones, stumps, or other obstructions, or to permit the apparatus to be transported from place to place, and to provide for readily ad- justing the parts relatively so that the plow may be worked close up to a fence, wall, or hedge, as more fnliy hereinafter specified. These objects I attain by the apparatus illus- trated in the accompanying drawings, in which — 1. In comtuuation with the bent axle A, the knuckle or jointed lever R, secured thereto and to the pluw-tongue U, the saui lever being provided with au extension, W, on one mem ber, which is adapted to engage the other member, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 2. In combination with the jointed lever R, bent axle A, and tongue U, the set-screw B', adapte, 1881. Filed June 1, 1881. My improvement relates to a novel construc- tion adapting the power of the team to be ap- plied directly to the freeing the plow from ob- structions in its path— such as stumps, heavy stones, &c.; and it consists in providing the wheel -carriage with a telescopic or sliding tougue, to the sliding part of which the plow is connected by a chain or other suitable tlexi bio connection, in such manner that when the team is backed to free the plow from au-ob strnction thcslitbng tongue acts directly upon tho plow to swing it clear of tho obstruction, instead of indirectly through the carriage, as hereinafter explained. 1. In a wheel-plow, tho combination, with the plow, of tbe sliding pole or tongue, and means adapting the backward sliding move- ment of said tongue to lift the plow free from obstrnctions or out of the ground. 2. The combination, in a wheei-plow or its equivalent, of the sliding pole or tongue, the plow having a hinged connection with the frame, and the cord or chain connecting said plow and tongue, arranged to lift the plow when the tougu© is backed, substantially as described. 3. The combination, with the frame of a wheel-plow or its equivalent, of the fixed pole- beam E, sliding pole F, and cord or chain G, arranged and operating substantially as de- scribed, whereby the backward movement of the tongue is made to lift the plow free from an obstruction. 246,587. JOHN TURNER, Springlield. Ills., assiiinov to C. R. k C.VV. Pnst, Kunie placr. Siilky-l'Iow. Aug. 0. 18K1. Filed June 9, 1881. Tbe iuvention consists in the couibination, with the forward part of the plow-beam, of a hook or catch to engage with the foot-rest or a catch attached thereto, whereby the said for- ward end of the plow-beam wilt be locked in place as the plow is raised and utdocked as the plow is lowered, as will bo hereinafler fidly described. The combination, with the torward part of the plow-beam D of a sulky-plow, of a hook or catch, N, to engage with the foot-iest M or a catch attached thereto, substantially as herein shown and described, whei-eby the said for- ward end of the plow-beam will be locked in place as the plow is raise^l and unlocked as the plow is lowered, as set forth. 246,080. EDWIN M. CARROLL, Pitts- tonl, Mieh. Sulky Attachment for \'Un\^ and lliUTows. Aug. 23, IHHl. Filud July 11, 1881. 1. The combination, with the sulky-frame c, provided with the vertical rods rf, of the rever- sible blocks /and carriage A, pivoted in said blocks, whereby plows having beams of diflFer- ent leuglhscan be attached to the pnlky-frame, substantially as described. 2. The combination, with the carriage A, of tho reversible slides i, provided with eyes j and rock-shaft fc, whereby plows of different heights of standard can be attached to the car- riage, substantially as described, and for tho purpose set forth. eain 1, in combina- tion with the standard P and pivoted sup- portuig-bar S, passing through tho upper end of the said standard, as and for the purpose set forth. 5. The open-end standard P, provided with a latch, li, in combination with the support- ing-bar S, provided with offsets t i, aubstan- tially as described. 0. ThoboxWtoreceivetheadjustablewheel- standardC, arranged in a plane diagonal to the vertical plane of the axle and raking forward toward the bottom, as shown and described. 246,495. ISAAC R. GILBERT, CUnvie^- tnn, lu.i, yulky-Pluw AiVu'. 30. 1881. Fiie.l April IH, 1881. 1. The combination, in a sulky-plow, of an adjustable incline arranged upon the arch, with pawl M, having pin or stnd «, ratchet- wheel C, and lever G, all substantially aa and for tbe purpose set forth. 2. The combination, in a sulky-plow, of arcb E, bail F, and incline or lifting device R witl ratchet C, lever G, pawl M, and connecting rods L N, all arranged to operate substantially as herein set forth. 3. The combination, in a solky-plow, of the rack-segment H, spring-latch I,leverG, latch lever K, roil L, which rod is connected witL latch-lever at a point above its pivot, slotted connecting-rod N, pawl M, aud ratchet C, all arranged to operate as herein set forth. 246,598. WM. L. CASADAY. Xfw Car li^le. Ind. Sulkv-l'low. Sept. ii, 1881. Filed May 18, 1881. 1. Ill a sulky-plow, the combination, with an axle bearing or frame provided with two elon- gated slots located one above the other, of an axle and bolts extending through ihe axles and said elongated slots, thereby securing the asle to its bearing or frame at an angle of in- clination thereto, substantially as set forth. 2. In a sulky-plow, the combination, with an axle bearing or frame provided with two elon- gated slots located one above the other, of an axle, a perforated plate, and bolts extending through the axle, elongated slots, and perfo rated plate, substantially as set forth. 3. In a sulky-plow, the combination, with an axle bearing or frame provided with two elon- gated slots located one above the other, of an axle provided with an elongated slot in its in- ner end and bolts'extendlng through the axle aud elongated slots in the bearing or frame, the parts l>eing constructed and arranged to allow the axle to be adjusted both laterally and ver- tically, substantially as set forth. 4. In a sulky-plow, the combination, witn an axle bearing or frame provided with two elon- gated slots located one above the other, of an axle provided with an elongated slot and ser- rated face at its inner end, a plate interposed between the axle and its bearing or frame, said plate provided with a boss that fits in one of the elongated slots in the axle-frame, and con- structed with a serrated face that engages the serrated face on Ihe axle, aud bolts extending through Ihe axle and the two elongated slots, substantially as set forth. 5. In a sulky-plow, the combination, with a roller jonrnaled on a plate attached to the plow- beam, of a toothed sector formed integral with a post on the axle-frame,a sleeve jonrnaled be- tween said sector and a vertically adjustable guide-bar, Diid a lifting-lever and crow-billcon- tifcted to said sleeve, substantially as set forth. (!. In a sntky-plow, the combination, with a roller jonrnaled on a plate attached lolheplow- bP4im,of a vertically-adjustable guide-bar, and a crowbill consisting of two curved arm*, one rigidlysecured to a sleeve aud theotherrerrov- ably secured thereto, substantially as set fot'h. 7. ill a sulky-plow, the combination, with a vertically-adjustable guide bar, having a plain flat face on one edge and a rib located on its opposite edge, of a plate attached to the plow- Iwara, said plate provided with two vertical guides or jaws, one of said jaii-s havings plain flat face and the other provided with a groove in which is received the rib on tbe guide-bar. substantially as set forth. 8. In a sulky-plow, the combination, with a plnte attached' to the plow-beam, said plate be- ing provided with vertical jaws or guides, of a verticallvadjustable guide-bar, having an in- i (lined axle connected with its lowestend, and a bar supporting the driver's scat with its op|>er end, substantially a.s set forth. 'J. In a sulky-plow, the combination, with a plate attached to tbe plow-beam, said plate be- 15E WHEEL OR SULKY. [PLOWS.] in;; provided with X\ui vi'rLicnl.|:in-«orKiiidfc8, and it s;nido-t»ti' provided with n rih adapted to ■l)p rt'ctivfd within si fintovo in oim of the ver ticnl jaws or guiih-^, of a roller journnled on a stud attached to oticot thy Jaws or giiidos,niid aciow-bill adapted locnjiago with said roilei and lo be inoveil to Ihu n;iht or left and niise an<1 lower llie plow-beaiii, substantially as set forth. 10. The combination, with a guide and a spin- (lle-Iranie provided with a gaideway and a rack, of a recessed cor wheel adapted toengaKO with the raeli, and a coiled spring located in the re- resM of the cog-wlieel and having its itmoreud lixedand its outer eml engaged with a lifting- lever the inovetnenlsof which conirol those of (he coj,'-wlic<'l. 11. In a snlky-plow, thoeonibination, with a guide having a spindle connected therewltk and a guide-bar, of a cog-wheel niesliitig with H rack on Ihi' guide, and a sprnig one end of which isfiM'd and its outer end connected with the lifiin;: Ii-vci, sniistatilially as set forth. \\i. Tile finn lima tiiHi, with aguidc and a spill - dlc-fnuneprovid*'dwilhaguidewayandaraek, arts being connected to the lever k,in com- bination with the segment-plate e, having heel /; braces g and A, and bearing-blocks erf, the heel/, braces ,connectingpitmen, sliding blocks p, and frame c d, substantially as described. 3. The combination of the ciMuk-shafti', pit- mau rf', clamping device t* I' in', articnlatiug guide-rods /(, bar k, and longitudinally-sliding blocks^, substantially as and for the purpose described. 4. In combination with the beam i, the clamp- ing device consisting of the bar c', provided with perforated ears e^, tbe screw - threaded hooked eyebolts /', link w', and nuts jt', sub- stantially a«.deB(!ribed. 5. The clam[i / m and plow-beam i, in com- bination with thelateralfy-rockingbarA.-, blocks )', and guide-rods. /(, substantially a-i and for the purpo.se described. G. Thccombiuatiou of thcbar A',havingboth a rolling and rocking motion, beam i, articu- lating guide-rods li, longitudinally - sliding blocks ,;, vertically-sliding blocks «■, frame c rf, audcraiik-sliafto, having iippr)singeraid\s, sub- stantially as described. 7. The two loosely-fitted sliding blocks e, connected to the plow-beam ami frame c rf, and to the double-crank sliaftby suitable interme- diate means, and operated by a lever from (he driver*sseat, whereby onesli4ing block is raised and the other lowered simultaneously, and the plow thereby winged or leveled, substantially as described. 249,509. GEORGE T. DRAKE, Indian np(»lis, Ind. Wheeled Plow. Xo?. 15, 1881. Filed Ai.ril 13, 1881. 1. In a snlky-[)low, tho combination of an asle having a central crank, a plow monnted loosely upon said crank, and a spring acting upon tho shaft to rotate its crank. 2. In a sulky -plow, tho combination of a main axle provided with a central crank, and end cranks with' ground- wheels attached, a plow sustained directly and loosely upon the central crank, and a spring connected with and tending to rotate said shaft. 6. Id a sulky- plow, the combination of a draft-frame, a supporting-axle provided with a central crank, and with end cranks having wheels thereon, a spring tending to rotate the asle, and a hand-lever and locking device, sub- stantially as shown, for rotating andaecuriug the axle. 4. In a sulky plow, a rolling axle provided with a crank, a plow mounted directly and loosely upon said crank, and a sqiring con- nected directly with the crank and tondrng to raise tho plow, substantially as shown. 5. The combination of tho frame, the axle provided with cranks at the middle and the end, the ground-wheels, the t)low attached to the crank of the axle, and the extension-spring extending from the plow-supporting crank to the frame. G. In a sulky-plow, a rolling asle provided at oueend with a fixed crank with ground-wheel, atthemiddle with a plow-supportingcrank, and at the ni)posite end with an adjustable wheel- carrying crank, in combination with a spring tending to rotate the axle, and two independ- ent levers and locking devices, one attached to the main asle and the other to the adjust- able crank. 249,869. GEORGE APPLEGATE,Yon- callu. Oregon. Salky-Plnw. Nov. 22, 1881. Filed Juno 1,1881. 1. Tho plow A, formed with the auxiliary beam O, in condnnation with the hinged beam B, and the lever D, substantially as and for the purpose.^ specified. 2." In a sulky - plow, the combination, with the upright G, hinged at the lower end to the Lindsideof the plow, of the plate F, hinged to the side of the plow-beam, and the axle-plate H, secured to the upper end of said upright, as shown and described. 3. .The beam <' and the hinged beam B, unit- ed and operated by the lever I», in combina- tion with the hinged upright (i, plate F, and tho sulky-axle H, substantially as and for tho purposes specifle*!. 4. The hinged beam B and tho asle U, in combination with the tongue K, counectiug- bar L, and chain or similar *;oiinectitig device j, substantially as and for the pnri»o.se specified. .">. The npiiglit fr, adapted to be hinged to the plow, ill combination with the axle H and the sulky, and the plate F, substantially as an*! for tlie iini|Hises specified. 249,890. LEROY BROWN, Waitsbui-ir. W.u-li. !Sulkv-IMow. Xov. 22. 1H81. Filed April 1(J, 1881. 1. Ill A sul!cy-i)low, the combination, with the benf bar I>. the tongue U, and the lever O, of the keeper N, the 8|)ring-cateh Q K, and the ratchet and pawl U V, substantially as herein shown and described, whereby the tongue can be readily adjusted, securely held, and conveniently released, as set forth. 2. In a sulky-plow, the combination, with the rotary colter ( and the plow-beam g, of the standard" formed of two bars, ir, secured to each other by a bolt, j, passing through a hole in the one bar and a slot in the other, substan- tially as hetein shown and described, where- by tbe said colter can be readily adjusted into line with the draft, as spt forth. 251,271. RICHARD MILLS, Bnflulo, Ills. (Jatiu^-l'lnw, \K-i:. 20. 1881. Filed July 22. ISHl. 1. In a gang-piow, the combination, with the plows D, of the guards F, secured upon the furrow edges of the said plows, substautially as shown and described, whereby thefurrow- I slices are prevented from slipping off the raold- I boards before reaching the proper point. \ 2. lu a gang plow, the plows D, constructed I withforwardly-projecting prongs B upon their shears and guards F upon their mold-boards, I substantially as herein shown and described, j whereby the furrow-slices will be raisepIefuentary beam c', au.. Dixfii. III--. Sii!kv-l'l..vv. .li.h. a, 1882.' Fik-a Miiv. ■2\. i^.M. The object ot tbia invention is to atilizo tue draft of the team in niisinntlioplowoutof the groiiml, and have tlie (eaiu lifting devices com- bined and arrnnged with and having soch re- lation to tlio hand lifting devices that either form of Iifl can be used, os desired, without any chHn^e of llie parls, and without in any manner impairing the effectiveness of either arrangement in nse or interfering with the suc- cessful operation of each as separate ami dis- tinct operating devices, so far as the method of lifting in each case is concerned, and have the same locking nrrangeiueut, by which the plow is held either in the ground or out of the ground, as required, common to both formsof lift, and opei-ative with either in precisely the same manner so far as the lock is concerned, and so arranged with refrrence to the team- lift that it will bo automatically thrown into lock at the completion of the lift and hold the plow suspended, while the levers by which the lock is released and the sliiling catch or wheel-lock thrown iiitoengagi'mcnt have such relation to each other that the movenicnt of either lever operates Mii' other. 1. Thecombin:>tion, with the crank C, of the notched plate o, located on the furrow -wheel hub, the sliding arm or catch c, loeatetl on the lifting-arm R, the strap or bar (/,tlic link c, pro- vided with an exteiiKion, «, the cnnueetingrod /, the bell cinnk levers g A upon the arm N,and the strap o, for automatically raitiing the arm or catch when the plow is raised, snbi>tantia)ly as described. 2. The combination, with thelifliriglevcrN, of the segmental rack O. (heeonnecting-Iink P, arranged between the llfting-Iever and lifting- arm, and the lifliugarui H, the bail or crank connected with said lifiing-arm, the notched plate (T, located on the fnnow-wbeel hub, the sliding arm or catch c, the strap d, link e, con- necting-rnd/. anil bell-crank levers upon the lifting-lever N, said niembere being organized lor operation substantially as described. 251,895. MICHAEL KITE. Praiiir. Mo. (".tiiMlin ■■ tor Snikv-riiiws. Jan. 8, 1882. Kilctl I) -t. 24. 1881. The object of this invention is to allow a sulky-iilow to be turned at the corner of a "laiid" without raising the plow from the ground, and also to prevent si«le draft upnii the sulky-tongue. The invention consists in a ilouble hinge coupling for sulky-plows, eonslrueted with a U-shapcd bar and a bolt forelam|iing tiie plow- beam, and the three bent bars hinged to the clampbolt and to the draw-bail of the sulky, whereby the plow-beam will have a free lateral and vertical i)lay, a^wJll be hereinafter fully described. The combination, with a draw-bail, D, of a \ plow-beam clamp, I, bolt J, and brackctLOP, the damn turning liorizontaDy on the bolt and the braciict veitfeally on the b;iil, as and for the pnriiose spc^itieil. 252,213. ASA CHANDLER HINSON, i'iil.'v"; Kancii, 'l\-Ki:>. Stork i'nr I'low Tni.-k^. Jan. 10. 1882. Filed \h\\ 24, 1881. The object of my invention is to provide an improved sti.ck and suitable devices for con- necting a plow to any pair ol wheels and axle forming a part of a wagon, by which simple additional eonnectinns a farmer may construct a sulky-plow in a cheap and simple manner; and the imiirovements consist in devices here- inafter more fully described. The combination, with the stock O G',plow- beani L, and axle A, of the plates having ejes /(, the fiir-phites I, having a series of perfora- tions, Iho ulips I', connected at their ends by bolts (', and tho bo't k, as and for the purpose spcciHed. 252,615. HERMAN MILLER, Xi w L'ln. Minr,.. i.-,u'i,ni of uir-ti.tlf h< M. Mullen, >:iUK- [jl: •«.'. SnUv-l'l.>w. J:mi. 1^4, 1882 Kilu.i Oer. 15. 18h'1. ]. As an improvement in sutlcy-plows, the cumbiuntioii, »itli the axle and plow beam, of the tii\ ii'i- I'm .securing them together, consist- ing siib:^t.uitially of the two-jiart hub G, encir- cling the axle, the upper half of which is formed with la tcnilly-nrojfcling lugs y//,and is grooved transversely to r(Cei\c lln- [)low-beani, and tho lower half with similar Inji;', .*?'» 'i" being held secnrely together by tliis //', which embrace the lugs, snbstanlially as aiul for the pur| oso herein shown and speeitled. 2. The coinbiuaiion of the lever I WTth the sliding toothed hub N upon the axle, the bent rod O, pivoted and engaging said hub, the axle- skein l*,nanged at its innei- imiiI, ami llic wheel with the tool bed hub rim, said members being const ructnguo. Jan. 31, issii. Filed N'-.v. 1.^. ISSl. My invention rel-itea to an improvement in jointed plow-tougue.s-, the object being lo en- able tho plow to bo turned in its furrow by the draft of the team, instead of being crowded around, as it must be when it is iti attachment with an inile?iible tongue. | A further object of my invention is lo pro- \ ducc a jointed plow-tongue which shall com- ' bine simplicitv and cheaimess of construction with durability in use, ami which shall be ' inlai)ted to be easily operated by the plowman and to be turned to a full rigbtangle with the ■ plow without interfering with or straining it. ' 1. The coml)ination, with Iho two sections A B of a i'low - tongue, of the metal plates (J P, for secui ing saitl seditions together, the plate [ E, provided with the beveled portions Q and slot J, ancetiou, substantially as set foi'th. ;t. The combination, with the p!ow-tongne sections A II, jdaced end to end, and plates C P, for securing said sections together, of tho plate B, provided with slot J, the dog II, and the gniiie flanges LL, formed «mi plate <', and adapted to relieve the dog of lateral strain, substantially as set forth. 253,094. PETER PETERSEN, Lapoite City. J(.v\a Plow. Jiui. ;il. 18X2. liled Nov ;t, I- B', the grooved collar G', the chain K, the beam C, beariugst/.-, lever J', link J, beamB', and plow li, substantially as described. . 4. The combination, in a plow, of the chain K and the pulley G', said chain at its forwarrt end being connected directly or indirectly with the plow B, and to enable it, when tightened upon thepulleyG',todrawiVnd liftthe plow B. 5. The combination, in 'a sulky-plow, of the axle E, the bearing G', the chain K, the bear- ings it h, ami the beam C, substantially as de- scribed. G. The combination, in a sulky-plow, of the axle K, bearing G', chain K, beam C, lever J', link J, and plow-beam B', substantially as de scribolow, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 254,481. FRANKLIN B. HUNT, Ki. li moiid. In l.,us.sit,ninv «\ one half to \K V>. Kobhins. Snlky-lMow. Mar. 7, 18H2. Filed Jul/ 8. 1881. 1. The fjuadrant A*, east in a single piece and provided with notclies in its periphery, holes I", and integral bearing U' lor the h-ver, in combination with said lever and the adjust- able pin S', for the purpose specilieil. 2. The qinidrant A*, cast in a single piece and provided with notebes in its periphery, holes P', and integral stud or beanng U' for the lover M. 3. The cpnidraTit A\ cast in a single piece and provided with notches in its peri|)hery, boles 1*' for the piu S', stud U', cleats V V, and held onto the timber A" by means of bolt \V',in combiiiationwith levers M N, clamp X', and pawl Y', substantiallv as .set forth. 1554 WHEEL OR SULKY. [PLOWS.] i. Tbe quadrant A*, cast in one piece and provided with iiotclies in its peripliery, boles P', And integral stud U', in cuinbiualinn witb IcveriS M N, clamp X', prtwl Y', and pin S', substantially asset furtb. 5. The step K', attaulied to tlie plovrbcam D, and made adjustable by nieansot'clatnpl/, incline N', lip O', and bolt M', fiubstftotially assetforMi. 6. In a wbeel-pluw, tbe combination, witb the plow-beam, of tbe oKcillnting or vibrating Ieveliugdevifi-.I,MirougIi wbii-li tUe ptow-beani passes, saiii device being pioviilcd with a wtdfje-sbaped boI»i and si-t-srrt'ws for tbe ob- lique adjust incnt (iTtbe bean),subH(antial]y as set forth. 7. In a wheel plow, the conibinanoii of the seat-iii-cii, Ibe stationary fiirrow-wlicel axle, fliid tbe land-wheel axle, attached to the slide V^, and both connected to and liy said seat- arch, and eiicb ofierating independent of the other, the slide carrying the land-wheel being locked to the Kent arch by loeauH of cam-lever C^ anil block 1>-'. H. In eomhina'ioii with tbe axle of a wheel- plow, the pendant G^, sn^pended from said aslo and ciirrying a conic;il roller tbe axis of which is turned outward, substantially as set forth. t). The pendant (P, attached to (be axloand provided ^^illl the shield P, in combination with a conical roller arranged witb the side next the land perpendicular, substiintially as set lorth. 10. In combination with lever M, clamp X', and pawl Y', the set -screw Z', for the par- pose specified. 11. Tbe scat-arch H, provided with integral double socketed bearings Z Z, in combinatiou witb Ihe tongue-timbers A' A", permanently fixed therein, for tbe purpose specified. 13. In combination witb the seat-arcb, pro- vided witb bearing Z, and tongue-timber A', tbe foot-rest 1/ and seat-spring, thewhole be- ing held together by means of the bolts M'. 13. In a wbeel-plow, tbe combination, with the plow beam I> and bail 0, of tbe pivoted hanger I and oscillator J, forming a direct conned ion between Siiid plow-beam and bail, the beam passing through the hanger and os- cillator, the said hanger and oscillator being provided with corrngalions X,and being held together by means of the bolts Waud U, sub- stantially asset forth. 254,555. CHARLES E. KNEBERG, Mo- line, Ills., assignor of two-thirtis to the Moline Plow Co., same place. Sulky- Plow. Mar. 7. 1882. Filed Jan. 3. 1882. 1. In a plow, the combination, with tbe hand- lever, of a pawl, a locking device for the lever, and a finger-lerer attached to tbe band-lever and connected witb tbe pawl and locking de- vices, Sttbst-ftntially as described, so that upon beiug moved in one direction the finger-lcrer operates the locking device only, and upon be- ing moved in the opposite direction it operates both Ibe locking device and the pawl. 2. In combination with the hand-lover, its locking device and pawl, the pivoted finger- lever connected at oue end with the pawl and at both ends with the locking device, substan tially as described, whereby tbe flnger-lerer ie adapted to operate the pawl alone or both the pawl and the locking device, accordingas it is moved in one direction or the other. 3. In combination witb the band lever, a fin- ger lever adapted to swing in opposite direc- tions from its normal position, a locking de- \ icb for the lever, a lifting-pawl attached to the lever, a connection, substantially such as described, exteruling from the finger lever to the pawl, and double connection from the fin- ger-lever to the locking ilevice. 4. In combination with the stationary rack- 'biir, the hand lever, it.s pawl, Ihe locking de- vice mounted upon tbe lever and engaging with tho rack-bar, Ibe central i)ivoted finger, the lever, the rCil 6, and tbe slotted rods cd. 264,558. AUGUST LINDGREN, Moline Ills., assij^iiur of two-lhirds to the Molint Plow Ci'., Ranie place. Sulkv-Plow. Mar. 7, 18S2. Kiled Jan. 12. 1882. 1. In combinatiou witb the hand lever, the arm h, pivoted thereto, and tho finger-lever d, pivoted to said arm, suGstanliully as described and shown. 2. In combiniitioa with the hand-lover, the arm pivoted thereto, and the linger lever piv- oted to tho arm, connecting devices, substan- tially such as shown, extending to the pawl, and I ho locking device. 3. Inasnlky-plow.lhc combination, with the rack-bar and tbe ratchet-wheel or equivalent" lilting device, of a band-lever, tho arm pivoted to said lever, the finger-lever pivoted to tbe arm, and tbe two rods extending from tliefln- ger-iever to the pawl, and tbe locking device, sabstantially as shown. 4. In a sulky-plow, the combination of tbe hond-lever, its locking device,a pawl, a finger- lever mounted upon the band-lever, Hod ar- ranged, sabstantially as described, to swing apondiflcrent centers, according as it is moved to oue side or the otiirr of its normal position. 5. The combination of the band-lever, its pawl, and a locking device, the pivoted arm, the flnger-lever pivoted to said arm, tbe con- necting-rods, and a spring, substantially as de- scribed and shown. G. In combination with a hand -lever and two co-operating rods, a finger lever pivoted to the baud-lever, andarrangetl toswiogfrom different centers, according as it is moved to one side or the other of its normal position, substantially as described and shown. 264,620. FRANCIS CREMER. St. Louis, Mo. Combined Flow and Cultivator. Mar. 7, 1882. Kiled Sept. 12, 1H81. 1. An arch • axle in which are combined wooden vertical side pieces, c c, wedge-shaped or key piece c', metal plate c*, angle-iron c^, and short axles B B, as set forth. 2. Tbe combination, with the carriage and plow, made substantially as set forth, of the uprights P P, connected by their upper and lower ends to tbe carriage and jilow, respect- ively, and furthermore connected to the former by a coupling, Q Q' Q', as and for the purpose set forth. 3. Tbe rocking beam F, connected to the cross-beam E, substantially as set fortb, and forming support to the forward and rear euds of the plow-beam. 4. Tbe adjustable connections U l, in com- bination witb tbe plow-beam H, rocking beam F, and cross-beam E, subslantinlly as shown and described. 5. The wheel J, connected to the^rear end of the beam F, and made, substantially as set forth, witb grooves on each side lor receiving tbe adjnsting-rope R, and a central groove having cogs engaging with the rack I to raise the plow. G. The combination of the rope K, wheel J, beam F, having pulleys A-', and pulley L, as set forth. 7. Tbe combination of pulley L, sliding le- ver M, locking-lever N, rope K, wheel J, rack bar I, and plow-beam H, as set forth. 8. The combination, with tbe carriage and plow, made substantially as set fortb, of the uprights P P, connected by their upper and lower ends to the carriage and plow, respect- ively. 9. Tbe combination of angle-iron c\ yoke C, tongue L', and nprigbts P P, adjustable in said angle-iron, as set forth. 254,723 GARLAND B. ST. JOHN, Cedar Kapidw, Inwu. I'lnw Truck. Mar. 7, 1882, Fili'd .Sept. 27, 1^81. 1. Tbe seat O, moauted on parallel hinged sapports e e, regulated by suitable stops, com- bined witb the chain c, sheave a, segment I, and tongue J, snbstantially as shown and de- scribed. 2. The combination of the landside- wheel F, pivoted axle K, lever L, and quadrant o, or tbeir equivalents, aubstaotially as aud for the purpose set forth. 256,155. FERDENAND FENSKE, Mil- waukee, \V\s. Plow. Mar. 21, 1882. Filed Nov. 22. 1881. 1. The yoke F and sleeve I. in combination with tbe draft-chains H H, and the axle X, provided with the perforations n, the said chains being rigidly attached at one end in l)erforations in tho outer ends of tbe yoke F, and adjustably attached at their other ends in any two of the perforations ?i, as desired. 2. The beam A, having open beadL,incom- bination with cross-piece N, having yoke K, the standard B, having perforations e e, and a supporting device adapted to enter the perfo- rations. 3. Tbe head L, having an opcin horizontal extension in which is a threaded opening, in combination witb cross-piece N, screw-bolt (7, and standard B. as set forth. -1. The axlo X, having uprights g g, perfo- rated to receive the rock-bar T, in combination with standanl It, adjustably secured thereon by menus of stinare slot in lower end of said 'standard, and tbe wedge n and set screw, as described. 255.391. GILPIN MOORE, Moline, Ills.. BHuignor to Deere & Co., same place. Suikv-PIow. Mar. 21, 1882. Filed Xnv. 4. 1881. This invention relates to that class of plows wherein by tbe locking of the wbeeU the plow may be raised by tho team ; and the novelty consists in tho construction and coiubination of several p;iits, all as will now be set out and explained. 1. The combinatiou of the wheels B B', the axle D D', the plow-beam t~, and ratchet F with the lever G, pawl D, lever I, rod J, part K, rod L, and spring O, snbstantiallv as set forth. 2. The ooinbinalion of the wheels B B', axlo D D', and ratchet F with the lever G, the part K, tooth A:*, the segment M,aiid spring O, sub- stantially as set forth. 3. lu a wheel-plow, as described, tbe combi- nation of tho axle D D', levers (1 and I, and rod J with part K. tooth fc*, rod L, spring O, and segment M, substantially as described. 4. The combination of tbe axte D, tlie lever G, having the boss y'', the cam N, and the pawl H, snbstuntially as ilescribed. 5. The combination of the axle D, tbe lever G, the wheel B,tb6 ratchet F, the pawl H, the cam N. the segment M, the part K, and tootl k*, substantially as described. G. The combination of the axle D, tbe wheel B, tbe ratchet F, the lever, G the boss g^, the cam N, and means for keeping the cam from turning on the boss. 7. The combination of tbe loose cam N and the rod P, substantially as aud for tbe purpose described. 255,657. WM. B. YOUNG, Alton, Ills., assignor t(^ the Hapgnod Plow Co., same place. Sulky-Plow. Mar. 28, 1882. Filed Dec. 28, 1880. 1. in a sulky-plow, a central bail having pivotal connection with tbe axle, and an arm extending connecting by a link witb tbe op erating-lever, a plow mounted loosely upon said bail, and a spring acting upon the said bail in rear of the axte to elevate the plow, snb stantially as shown. 2. In a sulky-plow, tbe combination of an axle elevated in tbe center, with perpeiulicu- lar sides and borizoutal arras, one arm extend ing and having the wheel rotating thereon, a central bail having pivotal connection with the axle, and an arm extending connecting by s link with tbe operaiing-lever, a plow mounteil loosely upon said bail, a spring having onoend connected to the bail in rear of the axle aud the other end connected above to tbe frame or tongue, and tbe spring acting upon the bail to elevate the plow, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 265,977. THOS. T. HARRISON, Au- liiey, Kan. Sulkv-Plnw. April 4, 1882. Filed Oet. 27, 1881. In a sulky-plow, tbe combinatiou, witb the cross-bar M, having curved exten.sion I upon its land-side end, and the bar L, attached to tbe upper end of tbeland-sideaxleD, of the keeper 2 and tbe stops3,substaotially as herein shown and described, whereby tbe machine can be turned at a right angle without riiising the plow from the gronnd,as set forth. 256,422. MYRON G. WOOD, ('hiiivli's CnriRT.s, and WALTER C PRATT, Hud- son, Mich. Sulky-Pluw. April 11, 1882. Filed Mar. 9, 1882. 1. In combination witb the bent axle and tbe tongue or pole of a sulky-plow having a ratch- eted segment, tho angle-lever fulcrumed to tho segment and loosely connected to tho forward part of tbe plow-beam, the curved lever ful- crumed to snid segment aud provided with a slotted head adapted to play upon a bolt upon Ihe angle-lever, and the pivoted frame D, pro- vided with a Iriction-roUer and pin between which thecnrved lever plays, substantially as aud for the purpose specified. 2. In combination witb tho frame D. pivoted to the bent axle, and tbe segment T at tbe rear thereof, the plow-beam provided'with tho yoke U V Y, tho bell crank, connecting-rods, and tbe lover D' for operating the plow to wing the same, substantinlly as and for the purposes set forth. 3. In combinatiou with tbe bent axlo and plow-boam, the angle-lever I', ftilcrumod to tbe [PLOWS.] WHEEL OR SULKY. 1555 axle, tliocoiiuecting-rods L' N', and tbo beam ~ clamp M', whereby tbe width of the furrow may be rt'i^iilaled, substantialty as si)eciQed. 256,695. FRANKLIN B. HUNT, Kich- iiMMi'l, Itp(i., ;i^>iijtnir to L. L. Linvii'iice itrid II. K MiM.n, Slime pliic'o. Sulky-Pi<.\v Apiil IH, 1S.S2. Kil.-d Mur. 13, 1882. 1. The oscillator J, provided with a wedge- shaped hole for tbo obliriue adjasttneut of the plow beam, in combination with the set-8crew8 Kit, by which the beam is ndjuste4l obliquely and held in place wIicti adjusted, sobstantiftlly ns set forth. 2. The oscillator J, provided with a wedge- Rhiipcd hole and set-scxews for the obliqne ad- juRtmeutof the beam, and tbo boIoTand glot V for the lateral adjuslinent of the plow,8nb- staiitinlly ns set forth. 3. The hanger I, pivoted to the crank or bail C, and providc 2, 1882 i-ilcd Jan. 27, 1882. My invention relates to an improvement in wheel-plows; and itconsistsin makingtheaxle out of two separate aud independent parts. one of which has the adjustable wheel secured to it, while tbe other forms a support for tbo driver's seat and the tongue. It further consists in attaching to one end of one part of the axle a rod or bar, which forms a support for the ratchet -frame, and to which the tongue is pivoted in any suitable manner, as will be more fully described here- inafter. The object of my invention is to construct a wheel-cultivator ii| which tbe plow can be lowered Into aud raised above the ground with a single lover, aud wbicb will admit of the wheel which is to run in the furrow being raised and lowered at the will of the operator. 1. The combination of tbe axle A, arched at itK in nor end, tbe casting P, sectireil to oufsido of tUf arch and clamped against tbe inner Hid' of the beam O, tbe rack-bar N, having its front end bent over tbe top of tbe tongue, so as to form a bearing or pivot for it, and tbe bar S, the rear end of tbe tongue being made to bear against the casting, substantially as shown. 2. The combination of the casting P, pro- vided with the flange T, the clamping device P', the fbngoe R, having a fasteningdevico to catch under the flange, and suitable bearings for the tongno, substantially as described. 3. Tbe combination, in a wheel-plow, of the part A of tbe axle, the grooved casting P, se- cured thereto, a suitable clamping device, P', and the beam O, to which the ratchet-bar and tbe tongue are secured, substantially as net forth. 4. The combination of tbo arched axle A, tbe crank axle D, tlie grooved cisring F, tho spindle II, liavinganadjustableshank adapted tu F«lid«^ in tbe grooved casting, and tho rigid lever G, substantially as sjiecitied. 257.602. IVEN LODGE, RiiH^ell, Iowa. Sulkv-I'h'w. May 9. 1882. Filed iJe^-. 13, 1H81. My invention relates to that class of calli vators or sulky-plows in which means are pro- vided for varying the width cnllivated by the machine, for regulating its draft, and for rais iugaud lowering the frame carrying tbe plowf^ when turning or gniding; and itconsistsin the details of conslraction and general ar- rangemcnt of parts, all as will be hereinafter tnlly described, and t>ointcd out in tbe claim. inc cuinbination, with tbe Irame A A' U, of the settor-plato K, elbow lever J, booked and forked connecting rod I, bram-clarapor saddle O, having eyes f, and idowbail F,8ubstaiitially as shown and described, 257.603. JACOB NICEWOOD, Will saw. Iiid. Eiiilky-I'low. May 9, 1882. Filed Mar. 9. 1882. This inveDtioQ relates to sulky-plows ; and it consists in certain improvements in tbe mechanism for adjusting the farrow-wheel or raising or lowering it, so as to cause the plow to run at an even depth iu hilly or undulat- ing land, as will be hereinaftor more fully de- scribed, and particularly pointed out in tbe claim. The combination of the axle A, tbe pivoted stub-axle 0, provided near its inuer end, which is flattened at E, with teeth or cogs F, tbe bracket G, having recess H and segmental se ries of teeth I, and the lever J, having seg mental head provided with teeth L, and spring catch K, all arranged and operating substau tially as set forth. 257,749. ALVAH P. OSBORN, im lUiiiisliui^t;, N. Y., assignor to Oman Os born, same placf. Sulkv-IMow. May 9, 1882 Filed Dec. 9. 1881. Tbis invention has relation to sulky-plows; and the novelty consists in pivoting the plow- beam to tho frame so that it may have a free lateral inovement on each side of a locked po sitioii which corresponds to tbe line of draft. It further consists in pivoting the beam to the axis to admit of a vertical motion, com bined with mechanism whereby the plow may be raised or lowered at will, and so arranged that tho plow and its beam will ride over an obstruction without operating oraffecting tbe raising and lowering mechanism, as will be herpinnfter set forth. 1. Tbe combination, in a sulky plow, cf a plow-beam vertically pivoted to tbe frame, and mechanism for automatically locking it in a position corresponding to thelincofilraft, sub s'antially as and for tho purpose set forth. 2. The combination, ii> ,. sulky-plow, of f plow-beam pivoted to tbe frame forward of tlit point ot tbe plow, and mecbanisin for atito matically locking it in a position correspond- ing to tbe line of draft and releasing it there- from at the will of the operator, as set forth. 3. In asulky-plow,avertically-pivoledplow- boara provided with a locking-lever, combined with a frame ha\iDg a catch to receive tho locking-lever, whereby tbe beam may be auto- matically locked in position, substautially as and for tbe purpose set forth. 4. In a sulky-plow, tbo beam A, having the 1556 WHEEL OR SULKY. [PLOWS.] locking foot-lever (>, in combiniition with tlie slmft L, ixrclinxlo 1>, ehitch K, IinvinK detont k, ntidiokeN, substantially as and forthcpnr- pose set. fortli. 5. In a Bulky-i)low, tins beam A, securfd to tlieclntcU K, bavin;,' tlie arm M, in combiua lion Willi Ilio crank R and band-lever P, sub stantially iisand for tbo pnrposo set fortli. 257,763. MILES ROBINaON, Wichita, Kan. Com )ineoses set forth. 2. Tho bent frame A, provided with the op- posite holes, t and i', in combination with the chain j and drag IJ,hingc, cross-bar K, having the attachuicnt /, and bent arm C, of the drag B, hinged at {/ to the frame A, nixl chains j li, snbstitiitially as described, and for tho pnrposo set forth. 257,971. JACOB NIXON, Winfield, Kan. Sulkv-riow. Mav 16, 1882. Filed Mar. 2. 18*S2. 1. In a sulky-plow, the combination, with the toDgno provided on one side with a hook or stop, of tbo plow provided with an exteud- cd standard, having on ouo side a loop-guide, through which the tongue passes, and on its opposite side a slnd or projection adapted to engage wiih the sto|> on the tongue, substan- tially as sot forth. 1.'. Tbc couibination, with the jixle, plow- tongnc, and extended standard, of the lever I, pivoted at one end to I Im uxle, and at its op- posite end to the upper end of the standard, a lifting lever, and suitable connections for rais- ing and retrncling ihc plow, .substantially as set forth. 3. The couibination, with the nxic, plow- tongue, and plow, the latter being provided withan extended standard, of the lever I,piv oted at one end to the upper extremity of the standard and at its oiiposito end to tho axle, tlie lirtiuE-U'Vcr, and a loyglecoDnecIion pro vided with asto|», and pivoted at it.s rear end to the axle and at its foL ward end to the stand- ard at a point above Ilic mold-board of the plow, substantially as set forth. 4. In asulky-plo\v,tbecutnbination, wiihtliu standard and its toggle connection J, of the dralt-rrame, substanlially as slion n, pivoted to the Rtanchud at its rear end, while its forward end is suspended loosely from tho tongue and adapted to receive tlui coupling for the team, substantially as -set forth. 1). In a sulky plow, the eombi nation, with tlie plow-tongue and verticall.v-inoving standard, of the draft-frame pivoted at its rear end to tho standard above the mold-board, while its op- posite end issupported between swinging arms d(>pending horn the tongue, and provided with means fur lateral dndi aitjuslments, substan- tially as set forth. fi. Tlie cond)inaiioii, with the plow-tongue, of a bracket adapted to be secured Ihereto.anti provided with upwardly projectingsides to re- ceive the lining lever, the inner one of said sides being notrln^tl to form ilieholding-sector of tlio plow, sulistantially as set forth. 258,202. JOHN I. HOKE, South Bend Ind. Sulky-i'luw. May 16, 1882. P^iled Feb. 21;, IHHl. 1. Tbecombinalion of the clevis B', fixed to the plow-beam, tho draft-clevis E and ita ox tension IC, pivoted to clevis Ii% tho latch-arm I, tho guide O, fixed to pivoted bracket G', and the open heart shaped catch C, llxed to the pivoted tongue, substantially ns and for the pur|)Oses described. 2. Tlie combination of tho pivoted heart- shaped catch C, having tbc draft-tongue rigidly secured to it, the guide G, the vibrating catch arm I, and the pivoted clevis to which tliis arm is attached, suhstantiiilly aa described. 258,262. ORVILLE A. STONEMAN, Miiineap[inli>;, Minn. Sulky -I 'low. May 2^, 1882. Fih-d AnU If!. 1881. 1. The combination, with beam II and axlo W, having bend D',of the carved plates V F', secorod at thnir lower ends to axle D' and at their upper ends within thebendD'byatraus- verse adjastiug-acrcw, g', snbstantially as set forth. 2. Xne comt>ioatioD, nitb beam B and axle D', of the curved plates F' F*, having carved lower ends, h' ft", and admitting of lateral ad- joBtmentat their upper ends by means of a screw, substantially as s|)ecified. 3. The combination of axle D' D", beam B. plates F' K', having curved lower ends, lateral adjusting-bolts t' t*, screw fif', and outSf/*jr', eubstaotially as specified. 4. The beam It, suspended in the crank por- tion D' of the axle O' betweeu the plates F' F', in combination with the aulky-tougno U', pivoted in tho sleeve 11', having double in- clined walls, and sccnred to the crank portion D* of tbc a'de, by means whereof both beaai and tongue may have a vibratory motion with- out comoiunicaliog it to tho axle, substan- tially as set forth. 5. Tbe combination of axle D', beam B, and rods m' »i*, connecting the axlo and beam, one of the rods being secured to the axlo by a bolt passing through an elongated slot in tho axle, by means whereof the axlo and beam may be adjusted at right angle to each otber, sub- stantiallv as set forth. 258,987. WM. L. CASADAT, New Car- lisle, Ind. Sulky-Plow. June 6, 1882. Filed M-ar. 14, 1882. 1. Id a sulky-plow, tho combination, with a crank-axle, of a j)low-beara consisting of two iodepeudcnt sections pivotafiy connected to 'the crauk-ofthe axle, sobs tantlally as set forth. 2. In a sulky-plow, tho combination, with a crank-axle, of a plow-beam made in sections, one section being pivoted to the craak and the other section pivoted on a bolt extending through the crank, substantially as eet fortb. 3. Id a sulky-plow, tbe combination, with a crank-axle, of a plow-beam having a rear sec- tion provided with arms which embrace tbo cran k of the axle and are pivoted thereto, and a forward section adapted to be centrally piv- oted to said crank, substantially as set fortb. 4. In a sulky-plow, the combination, with a crank-axle, of a plow-beam consistingofafront and arearsection, said scctionsbeingpivotally connected witb thecrankof tbeaxj^, and auit- .ablo means for connecting and disconnecting tbo sections of tbe beam, substantiallr as set forth. 6. In a sotky-plow, the combination, w ith a crauk-axle and a fratne, of a plow-beam con- sisting of a rear section and a front section pivotally connected to the crank of the axle, and a depending notched bar or latch pivoted upon said frame and adapted to engage a catch on the rear section of the beam, substan- tially aj set forth. 6. In a sulky-plow, the combination, witb a crank-axle and a seat-supporting frame, of a plow-beam consisting of a rear section and a front section pivotally connected to the crank of thensle,alocking-bracei)ivoted to said rear section and adapted to engage a catch on tbo Ibrward section, a depending notched bar or latch pivoted upon said frame and adapted to engage a catch i)rqjccting laterally from the adjacent side of said rear section, and a plunger pivoted to tbo rear end of said forward sec- tion, and having a stud arranged to project laterally through a slot in said rear section to antomatically disengage the latch from its calcli, substantially as set forth. 7. In a sulky.plow, the conibinatiou, with a craokaxlc and a sectional plow-beam having tbo adjacent ends of the forward and rear sec- tions pivoted to tbe crank of tho axle, of a guide adapted to receive the forward end of the front section of the plow-beam and allow ofalimite driver, substantially aa set forth. 12. In a Hulky-plow, the combination, with the axle, of a seat-supporting frape secorcd thereto at ouo end, while its opposite end is eecured upon a sleeve mounted on said axle, a plate or bracket secured to Ihe under side ol said sleeve and to the tongue, a furrow-wheel axle-frame pivotally connected to the outer ondof said plate, while ita inner end ia adapted to a guide formed on tbe inner side of said p!atc,audisslotledtoreceivoan operating-cam, the latter being connected to a rotating verti- cal shaft which exlegds through a perforated and iudented plate secured to tho adjacent side of the seat-frame, and is provided with a hand-lever or dog wbcroby tbe furrow-wheel may be adjusted, substantially as set forth. 259,715. JAMES R. POLLOCK, Mans- tiehi, ' 'hi... Snlky-l'low. June 20, 1882. Filed Mar. 25. 1882. I. lu a sulky-plow, the combination, with the frame, of a plow-beam supported between vertical guides projecting above the frame, the forward end of said beam being connected to one arm of a bell-crank lever, while ita rear end is secured to a chain wbich passes over a pnllcy mounted in one of said vertical guides, and is connected to a lifting-lever, substan- tially asset forth. "2. In a sulky -plow, the combination, with tho plow-beam working in guides above the frame, of a swinging draft-bail deuendini: from tho turward end ut' i!ie tranie, and inclined draft-rods secured at their forward ends fo said bail and at their rear ends to the plow- beam, substantially as set forth. 3. In a sulky-plow, tho combination, with the plow-beam and fianioguides, of a swing- ing draft-bail depending from the forward end of the Iramo, and two or more draft-rods, hav- ing their forward ends secured on each sideof said bail and tbeir rear ends secured on either side of tbe plow-beam, substantially as set forth. 260,286. FREDERICK S.DAVENPORT, Jerscvville, Ills. \Vliee>-Plow. June 27. 1882."^ Filed Mar. 11, 1882. 1. In a wheel plow, the combination, with an axle and wheels loosely mounted thereon, of lovers secured rigidly to said axle and sup- porting at their rear ends an oscillating table upon which tho plow beam rests, and secured at their forward ends to tbe seat-arch, a tongue arranged on one sideof said arch, and a braco arranged at tbe opposite side of tho arch, a foot-rest secured upon said tongue and brace, and an anli-friction roller mounted in bearinpe on the undor side of tbe foot-rest,snbstantiMly as set fortb. 2. Inawbeel plow, thecombinalion, with the axle A, wheels U, levers C, arm N, table 1>, and beam K, of the arch F, seatQ, tongue O, lever L, catch g, rack M, and link U, .ill of tbc above parts construct4?d and adapted to oper- ate substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 3. In a wheel plow, the combination, with axle A, wheels B, levers C, arm K, table 1), and beam E, of the arch F, seat Q, tongue (I, lever L, foot-rest I, and roller J, all of the above parts being co; strocted and adapted to operate substantially as and for the purpose set forth. _ _„ „ 260,482 THOS. E. JEFFERSON, Bos- ton Miis^i. Couibinod I'luw, Harrow, ^x:,'>h-r etc July 4, 1882. Filed May C 1882. 1. In a aulkyplow having a furrow-wbcel, a furrow aide wheel, and a colter serving as a [PLOWS.] WHEEL OR SULKY, 1557 bcRriiig-whcel at the front, tbc hingeil fraino find plow beam or beuois, combined with the plow situated between the furrow-wheel and colter-wheel, and bearing npon aaid wheels whether said plow is in or out of operation, as and for the purposes herein set forth. '_*. In ii sulky- plow, the combiimtion of a wlirel-framo hinged or pivoted to the rear end of plow-beam, the latter supported on a swiv- oUmI colti't- at its front end, and having means for elevating the frame and beam at the point of their hinccd connection, and a Ualancing driver's scat, arranged in the rear ol the axis of the i-ear bearing-wheels to aid the lever in lifting the plow, substantially as set forth. 3. In a sulky-plow, the plow proper and means for elevating the same in a hori/.onlal plane, combined with the furrow- wheel, where bvthe said wheel, riding up the incline formed by the iiartially-elevated plow, serves to fur- ther force the plow ont of the ground, as speci- fied. 4. In a Bulky-plow, tlio maio frame pirotetl on the axes oftbe riding-wheels, the plow beam or beams hinged thereto and snpported by the colter and the hinged pole, all constnicted, arrangetl, and comltined as and for the pur- poses set forth. 5. The plowshare C, having V -shaped re- oesses cast vertically parallel iiVith each other npon either side thereof, combined with a re- versible point, J), having V-shaped parallel jaws il, and securing rneaus, substantially as shown and set. forth. U.-The combination, with a sniuy-plow or harrow, of a harrowing device consisting of the spring-arms M and the double teeth O', adapted to bo used in connection with single teeth or disks to pulverize and level the soil, as shown and described. i 7. In a plow, a mold-board the rear portion I of which is separate or hinged and adapted I to be adjusted vertically njion the fixed por- [ tion, as and for the purposes set forth. S. In a plow, a hinged portion of the mold- board, adapted to be adjusted vertically upon the fixed mold-board, whereby the operator may plow at any desired depth within the ca pacity of the device, as set forth. 9. in a plow, a hinged mold-board suscep- tible of vertical adjustment npon the jdow- bodyfor tlio purpose described, combined with means, substantially as specitled, for impart- ing to said mold-board any desired angle with relation to the line of travel, as set forth. 10. In a plow, a mold-board having teeth or llngoi-s secured or cast npon tlio rear portion of its face imniediatcly forward of the rear edge thereof, said teeth being inclitied rear- wardly approximately in a liiicr traveled by the forrow-slice, as shown, and serving not only to relievo the rear end of the mold-board of friction and assisting to turn tlio furrow, but also serving to pulverize the soil as the furrow is being inverted, and utilizing the side jtressurc arising from plowing for that pnr- iwse, substantially as set forth. 11. A hioged mold-board, C, having fingers <_'* cflst or secured npon its face forward of the rear edge thereof, said fingers being inclined rearwardly more or less as the hinged -section may be adjusted to pulverize the soil as the furrow Is being turned, as and fortlie purposes herein si>ecified. 12. A hinged mold-board, C, having rear wardly-inclined teeth or knives C^ combined with means, substantially as described, for im- parting oscillatory adjustment to said mold- board C in relation to the hinge c, as set forth. 33. The hinged mold-board C, having rear- wardlv-inclined teeth or knives (7, combined with the threaded rod C^ perforated arm (J* upon the bracket C; and with the adjusting- nut C^ as set forth and herein descriljed. 14. The hinged mold-board C and bracket C npon the plow-body C, combined with the threaded rod C and nut C", whereby the said mold-board may be rai.'^cd or lowered at will tD accommodate the depth of furrow, as and for the porposes specilied. 15. The frame A', made of chauncl-iron, with open bottom, and adapted to receive and house working parts of the machine, in combination witli rock-shaft K, arm K^ and wheel 1j, sub- stantially as shown ami described. IG. The hand-lever F, rigid with the plow- beam, and the frame A', hinged to said beam, combined with means, substantially as de- scribed, for adjusting the pitch of the frame iand beam and the consequent elevation of the plow by hand or foot lever at will, as specified. 17. 'ilic hand-lever F, rigid witii llio plow- Itcam, the segmental rnc' b;ir F', pawl f\ rod /\ and spring /'.combined with fiame A and the baud and pedal trips /~ /*,as and for the pnrposes herein set forth. 18. Ill a plow, and in combination with a jointed fraiue or beam, a loo.so link connecting the rear of the plow proper to the portion of the support iri rear of the hingo or joint, and udaiitcd to serve, with the plow-standard se- cured to the support Ibrward of the said hinge or joint, to preserve the horizontal position of the plow whatever its vertical elevation, as set forth. 10. Tiic combination of the hinged support, the standard IV, hung from said support for- ward of the hinge, and the plow (J with the link Vj'y connecting the lear of said plow to the support iu rearof the hinge, as and for the puriroses specified. 20. The link K' and standard Ii', combined with the plow, the main frame, the plow-beani, the hand-lever F, the segmental rack F', the spring ,/^, ami the double trips, as and for the purpo.ses hcri'inbt'fore set forth. '21. The tlanneil furrow-wheel <; ami axleC, combiru'd with the lugs fi, piveing automatically raised and the other lowered, and vice versa, substantially as described, and fur the purpose specified. 3. The combination of the right and left hand plows with tho primary haudlcver H, by means of which either plow can be raised from the furrow and the other plow inserted into the ground, anil by means of which both right and left hand plows cm bo raised slightly from thogroauil,Hud tho secondary hand-lever, (j, with itsconnectiu^ arms, by means of which Iwth plows c.in be raised together still farther from tho ground for transportation from place to place, siibsiantinlly as and for the purpose described. 4. The combinatiou of the \e\Tr II, segment G, chains »i »i', vertically-adjustable axlesup- I>ort 11. and axle^,for raising and lowering the wheel W upon the main frame A, substantially as doscrilHtd. 5. Tho pivole.l cutter T, hinged upon pivot b, in combinatiou with connecting link rand levers M and V, for rnistng the cutter when both plows are raise. July 18, 1882. Filed Fcl.. 27. 1882, Myinventionrelatesto sulky-plows; and the objects of my improvements are, first, to pro vide a foot-lever lor raising and lowering the plow; and, second, to provide such devices and combinations thereof as will enable the operator to cause the plow to be carried for- ward as it is raised up, by whiuh means it is raised with the expenditure of a less amount offeree than is ordinarily required. 1 attain these objects by means of the devices andcom- biDatioDSillustratediotheaccoinpanyingdraw- iDgs. in which — In a snlky-plow, the combination, with the plow beam and the yoke having an upwardly- curved arm, of the hand-lever E and sector F, the foot-lever B, having curved slot B*, the guide-pin 6, and the flexible connection 0, sub- stantially as shown and described. 261,793. CHAS. H. WANEK, Lewirtviiie. Ind. Kidiiiir Attachment for IMows. .Inly 2.^, 1882. FiU'.l Nov. 28, 1881. The invention relates to that class of i iding attachments for plows that are provided with only oue wheel, which runs upon the unplowed land, and has for its object to allow the driver's weight to be used for controlling the plow. The invention consists in a riding attach- ment for plows, constructed with a frame and its brace, h vertically-adjustable wheel, and a sliding bar having pivoting-barsand carrying a driver's seat ; and, also, in the combination, with the frame, of pivoting bars, a sliding bar carrying a driver's seat, and a connecting rod and lever, whereby the plow can be controlled and the macbtoe balanced by adjusting the said slidingbar, as will be hereinafter fully de- scribed. l.Arrding attachment for plows, constructed sobstantially as herein shown and described, and consisting of the frame and its brace, the vertically -adjustable wheel, and the sliding bar haviug pivoting-bars and carrying adriv- er's sear, and the adjusting rod and lever, as set forth. 2. In a riding attachmentforplows, thecom- bination,with the frtfme H I .T, ofthepivoting- bars P, the sliding barQ, carrying the driver's seat, and the connecting-rod U, and lever Y, substantially as herein shown and described, whereby tb« plow can be controlled and the machine balanced by adjusting the said slid- ing bar, as set forth. 262,465. WM. B PACKARD, LSIoum inirtoii, 111- trulky-l'luw, Ac. Aus<. >*. 1882. Filed April 24.1882. 1. In a sulky plow or cultivator, the combi- nation, with the )ilow-beam F and its eye O, haviug a clamp, I J, and set-screws If, of the bail K, connected to an adjustable bolt, D, con- tvollc*! by a hand-wheel screw, K, anil the slotted upright bow or frame B, which re- ceives tho bolt D, substantially as shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. 2. In a sulky plow and cultivator, the com- bination, with the plow beam Fand itseye O. having the clamp 1 J and screws U, and tho I>ivoted bail li!, of the bars U and T and levers Sand IT, substantially asshown and described, and for the iiorpose set forth. 262,547. FRANOISF. SMITH, tla.iJuHkv, an. I JOHN W. LOOKWOOD, (iypsiun. Oluu. I'owLM-Litt I'l.r I'lows. Aui(. H, 1882. Filed April 2(;. 1882. 1. The combiuation, wuu a cogged gear, A, applied to the axle -supporting wheel, of a cogged rack. A', applied directly to the rigiil crauk-arm D' of the lifting bail or bar of a plow or other implement, and a stirrup for the rack, said gear and rack being normally out of gear, and combined and brought into gear with each other by the actuating- lever and rocking stimip, whereby tho revolution of the wheel causes the rigid crank-arm to bo turned and the bail or bar and plow beam to be raised to any desired height, substantially as de- scribed. 2. The combiuation of the treadto-lever G and rocking stirrup H, having a slotted con- nection, d, the swinging cogged rack A', cogged surface A, and the lifting bail or bar D, having a crank-arm, D', substantially ns and for the purpose described. 3. The combination of the self-latching hook F with the plow • lifting bar D D' aud the cogged gearing A A', substantially as and for the purpose described. 4. The lifting bar D, to which the plow is attached, provided with a rigid crank-arm, !>', aud a toothed rack. A', pivoted directly to said arm, substantially as and for the purpose I described. I 5. The bracket J, provided with the sleeve I or eye-beuring I for the axial portion of the I rocking stirrup H to rest and roll in, sobstan- ] tially as described. 6. The combination, with the rack - bar A' I and toothed surface A, of the rocking stirrnp I H for supporting the rack -bar out of gear and for lifting it in gear, sobstaatially as de- I scribed. I 7. The rockiug stirrup H, provided with a I slotted crauk-arm, b, substantially as and for I the purpose described. i 8. The combinatiou, with the stirrup U, gear- ing A A',andthelifting-barDI>', of the treadle- lever G, provided with a fulcrum-support, L, forward of the arched bar K, substantially as and for the purpose descril>ed. 262,729. GEORGE S. BRIGGS, K-.ck- fnnl. Ills. Siilkv-t'iou. Ant^r 15, IHS2. File.l Dec. 12, 1881. 1. In a RoIky-plow,the angle-lever m, formed with segmental end pieces, the clutch-pin n, en- gaging therewith and with the bub of tho car- rying-wheel, and the collar /, in combination with the plow-supporting bail, whereby the motion of the carrying- wheel is imparted to said bail to raise the plow, sabstautialty as shown and described. 2. in asn1ky-plow,tbe anglelcverin, formed with ends m" and provided with suitable u|t- wardactingsprtiig, the pion, collar/, recessed hub H, and axlea, in coml>iaatiou with the bail F, provided with the adjustable cam o, wherebv the dutch mechanisia may be disen- gaged automatically at any predetermined point, substantially aa shown and described. 3. The combination of a pivoted foot-lever, a supplemental lever pivoted thereto and iu dependeutly fulcrumed.an upward-acting seg ment connected with said supplemental levei aud workingin arecessof a segmental ratchet, and a hand-lever provided with a detent en- gaging the teeth of the ratehet and connected to the plow-supporting bail, substantially as shown and descrioed. 263,217, OAT .IN T. REED, Hlooniington Illti. Sulky Attachnii'iit for I'lowa. Am; 22. 1882. ■ h ilu.l ,V:i^v 29, 1882. Ju a sulky attachment for plows, the combi- natiou, with the wheel-supported frame O E, having tougue F aud parallel bars c e, of lover H, haviug the grooved pulley k and hook/, le- ver I, having the grooved pulley^, cord or chain /', aud hinged bail D, snpportiug the plow beam, sabstautialty as shown aud specified. 263,677. EUGENE POWELL, Deli. ware, Ohio. Sulkv-Plow. Aug. 29. 1882. Filed April 6. 1882. 1. An axle-supporting frame foraulky-plows, consisting of the curved bar G, the cross bar I, the curved bar H, having its ends secured to the said cross bar, and the depending bar F,substautiallyas herein shown and describeil. 2. In a sulky-plow, the combination, with [PLOWS.] WHEEL OR SULKY. 1559 tliu side bar, K, auii the nxlo A, baving booketl lieail M, of llie curved bara O n, the cross-b.ir I, Uie (IcppTidiiig biir F, tlio pivoted bar K, and lever N,sttbst;iufiiilly as nud for tlio pur- pose set foitli. 263.669- NOAH SWIOKARD. Clurindn, !isf3ral thrust, as set forth. 5. In combination witti Ihe plow, the sup- porting-wbeel D, .susct>ptible of vertical ad- justmeiit and of nngid^ir movement with ref- erence to the liaeof tiraft,ni combination with the bar/, curved acros.s the traun'. and carry- ing a gage-plate or Iatulsule,and uieaus lur lifting ihe sanie and adjusting it Uteratly, as set forth. ti. Ill combination with the plow and frame, a series of vertically ndjustaldo supporting wheels, one or more of «liieh are susceptible of angular mo/ement with relerence tv tlielinc .of draft, ai^ineiins,8ubstautittby Hsdescribetl. for determining such movemeni autouiaticdlly with reference to the contour of tbe previous farrow. 7. Iu combination wu,i the plow and frame, having suppoiting-wheels D J, one of which is susce|)tible of au augnlar inoveuieut with refcreuco to Ibe line of draft, the gage-plate G andswivelingwlieel K, Vertically and lat^raltj adjustable with reference to the frame, as set forth. 264.562. JAS. D. PATTERSON. Com- petition, Mo. Wheel-Plow. Sept. 19. 1832. Filfid Atiril 1, 18«'^ My iiivcntioii relates to improvements in that class of wheel-plows ''n which Ihe plows are alternately drawn forward by the track: and it consists ill the peculiar construct ion and arrangement of parts, as bereinarter fully set forth. 1. The cumblnaliuii, wiih plows litteU tt> slide ill ways of the truck-frame, of the muti- lated gear-wheels F, baving their toothed faces set oppOHiie to each other, the |»iiiioti (i, the drums II, and the chains I, substantially as and for the purpo.se sot forth. 2. The comhiuatioii, with the slotted loagi- tudiiiat bars J, thu plowa E, and plow-stand- ards M, of thu inulllated gear-wheels F, the pinions G, the drums II, and chains I, sub- slaiilially as and for the purpose set forth. li. The combination, with the slottett bars.!, the plowstaudards M, ami means fur moving the said standards forward, of the sliding guide-plates N, the bent lever P,aii(i the rack T, located on said guiile-platcs, subslanllally as and for the purpose set forth. 4. The eombination, with tbo plows E, the axle D, and the mutilated gear-wheels T, of the pinions G, the drums II. the chains I, thu clutches J, anil levers K, substantially asaiid for the purpoije set forth. 264,610. AXEL P. BERGQVIST, Fair- field, Ohio. Sulky-Plow. Sept. 19, 1882. Filed Feb. 27, 1882. This invention relates to certain improve- nienls upon the plow covered bv my I.rfitters Patent No. 234,743, November 23, ISSO; and it consists, Orst, in certain novel features in the construction of the axle; second, in the combination, with the lever fur raising tbe plow out of the ground, of a spring ailapteil to assist the plowman when using the lever for Ibis purpose; ami, third, in the cunibina- lioii, with (bo Irame and |dow-beam, of a sup- porting-rod and spring, by incan^of which tbe beam is given a capacity to yield underpress- ure, as will be fully describetl hereinafter. 1. The combination, with tlic axle A and U shaped block a\ of the crank spindle P.. le ver /», arm //, spring C, and frame I), substan- tially as described, and for the purpose .set forth. 2. In combination with the plow-beam and bail, the swinging idate/. the connecting roil g^ and spring bolt g', as described. 264,692. THOS. T. HARRISON, Aut^rev, Kan. 8ulkv-PK)w. Sept. 19, 1882. Filed May 4. 1882. Tins improvement Id Biilky-plows consists of ajoint in the tongae a little in advance of the a^He on which tbe wheels are mounted, and abont.n'here tbe evener is attached, for allowing the tongue toswing,sotliat the horses may getnbouthalf-way around square corners before tbe plow turiis, together with stops by which the movement of the tongue oo said pivot is limited to the required amount, said stops being ch^^ngeable for allowing the tongue to be shifted iu like maimer on said pivot, either to tbe right or left band. By thus al- lowing thett^m to turn about half around the coruer before starting the plow and then ]>Qn- ing directly ahead iu the directiou of the fur- row the plow comes into position better than when the joint is behind the wheels, where it has commonly been located heretofore. The jointis also osofal for wbeel-cutttvators; batin that case the stops are shifted so as to allow the tongue to vibrate both ways alike. In a 8ulky-plo>w, a tongue composed of the two parts B 0, pivoted together, and provided with the stops G H IJ, adjustably secnre^l to the stationary pa.t B, substautially asand for the purpose set forth. 264,763. THOMAS L. RICHARDSON, Indianapolis, Ind. S'liky-Plow. Sept. 19, 1882. Filed May 29, 1882. My invention relates to that class of plows in which Che frame is mounted upon three wheels, one wheel having bearing on a hori- zontal spindle, and tbe other two wheel-s|>itt- .dles, in their normal position, being inclined at an angle to the horizontal.. Of these two wheels, one in the rear of the plowshare runs in the "live" furrow and Ihe one forward of the share runs in the furrow last plowed. My invention particularly consists iu the means of adjustment provided for tbe spindles of tbe inclined wheels and the plow upon Ihe iVame, and in tbo method of connecting the rear wbeel-spindle to the fra'ine, soas to allow the rnar-hinpi to turn more readily. 1. Id a sulky-plow, the trausvcrse bar 1, hav- ing atone end the casting 4, with guide-piece 5, carrying the vertical wheel 6, and suitable mechanism for the vertical adjustment of the frame, and at its other end tbe casting 12,.with its two webs 12" 12", the frame 10, attached to tbcplowbeiini 17, and provided with tbe two flanges 10' !(>'*. and suitable mechanism for rais- ing and lowering the plow, the forward longi- tudinal bar, 2, supported by inclined wheel 27, and tbe rear longitudinal bar, 3, supported by the inclined wheel 28, iu combination with tbo transverse piece 13, uniting tho castings 4 and 12, tho rear oblique brace-bar, 14, con- nected at its front end to the transverse piece 13 nud at its rear end to tho bar 3, and tho front obliqoo brace-bar, 14", connected at its rear end to tho transverse piece 13 and at ita front end to tho bar 2, substautially as and for the purpose set forth. 2. In a sulky-plow, the transverse bar 1, bav- ing at one end tbe casting 4, with accessories for carrying tbe wheel and for tho verti- cal adjustment of the frame, and at the other end the casting 12, provided with two flanges, 12" 12", the frame Ki, provided with two webfl, IC" IC", and attached to the plow-beam 17, in combination with longitndioat bars 2 3, trans- vei>e bar 13, oblique brace bars 14 14*, aod Itar 42, swiveled at ils rear end to tbe casting 4 and attached at its forward end to the plow- beam 17, substantially as and for the purposes specified. 3. In a sulky plow, the bar 3 and foot-bar 39, withdownturned end 39% in combination with casting 32, formed with semicircular portion 36, baving tho shoulder 41 and perforations 38 40 and slots 33 34, the spindle 29, provided with slots 31 31, and bolt835 35, substantially asand for the purjiose herein set forth. 264,846. NATHANIEL S- BARGER, Hampton, Iowa, assiijiHM- of one-half to N. V. Taylor and VV." 1). Evans, both ol same place. Sulky-lMnw. Sept. 26, 1882. Filed Jan. 30, 1882. This invention relates, first, to a pIow-bcatD which is flexible between its ends io an up Wiird direction and rigid iu a downward direc tion ; second, to a cotnbiiiatioii of a lilting and lowering frauie in connection with the jointed beam; third, to tho combination, with the plow, of tho oblique wheel-landsid0| the plow beam having a vortical joint and a rear exteii siou, and an arm bolted to the mold-board, ibrming, with the plow-beam, estensioii-lroar- ings for tho wheel-laiidsidc; fourth, to a pe- culiar hub and axle fur tho whccl-Iandside; fifth, to a grooved block provided with a ver- tical iiivot on which tho plow-beam is pivoted, in coniicctioii nilli tbc bail u|mn which the block rocks, and may also be adjusted side- wise; sixth, to acombiiiation, with the truck- frame of the sulky-plow provided with wheels, ofa plow-beam having a joint between itscuds, a whcel-Iandsidc,and a lirtingframc; ami, sev- enth, to a coinbiiialion of the bail coiinert<>d with tho pole, a foot-plate, air upright guide, tbe arched axle having a vertical leg attached to the plate, the sliding wheel-spindle, the con- necting-bars, and a lever, as hereinafter de scribed and sneciflcatly claimed. 1. A plow -beam, H, provided with a joint between its ends, which is flexible in an up- ward direction and rigid in a downward direc- tion, substantially as and for the purpose de- scribed. 2. The combination of the jointed beam and tho lifting and lowering frame, substantially as and for the purpose described. .1. The combination, with the plow E, of the oblique wheel-landside A% the plow-beam H, having a vertical joint and a rear oxtensioo, , fooi-plr.lo 6, ii[iri;;lit piinle Vy arched axle C, huvinjj a V4'rtic:»l Itg attiic)ieil to the platti h, slidiiiff wl l-H]iiiMlle o', cnii- neutiiig lisirs c c, ami k-vi-i- (I, Hubsttintialty as (lescrilinl. 265.708. PAUL SINNHOLD, St. Louis. Mu. Sco.innll. Oct. 10, 1882. Filed F.-I). :iO, l«82. 1 have heiotofore (August 29, ISiJS, and July L'0, 1881) patiiiited iinproveiiietils in cultivators uiid scoddrills. The present coufitruction is partly an attach- nicut to and partly au improvement u|K)u the coDstnictions referred to. It has relation to the means used in jointing the ph>w-bouui to its bearing, to the device ased in adjusting the plow.-bcani lateially,to the i)ccQliarlorm of nut employed intheadjnstingdovicc3,tothcmcans used iu discbarguig the seed from the sued- boxes, and to the draft device. 1. The combination of the beam G, the bar £, and the boM^ /t, substuntiatly as described. 3. Tliccombiiiatiouuf the beam G, the plate I, the screw J, the bar E, and the boss A, sub- stantially as desciibcd. 3. Thecombinalionof the IkiI I Jf, the grooved nut k'y and the hohlcr A~\ Rubstantially as de- scribed. 4. Tbecoinl)iuationof the pulley M, the crank N, the pin it, ha^ ing the bossn', the piiinnu <_>, the upright P, having the boKs j>, and the slide- bar Q, substantially as desurrbt-d. r>. TbecombiuatioQof the slotted bar Q, the sefd-box U, and the pin >', substantially us de- scribed. (i. The combination of the beams G G^ and the tie G', substantially as described, 7. The eombiiii^tioti ot iho chains D U, the guides V V, the thills V, the bulls W W, and the beams G G, substantially ns described. fe67,581. EZRA PEAK, Westfield^ Ohio. Wheel-Plow. Nov. 14, 1882. Filed April 16, 1882. Tbe combination, in a sulkj plow, of au axle l having a crank exteiidiug reurwardly, a yoke extending vertically over tbe axle, a plow- frame adjustably suspended from the axle, and tbe yoke aud plow adjustably suspended from the frame, substautially as described, and for the purpose set forth. 267,602. DENNIS P. SHARP, Ithaca, N. y., assignor to Charles M. Sharo and Clarence C. Poet, same place. Plow- Sulky. Nov. 14, 1882. Filed Aug. 23, 1882 This invention relates to the adjustment of tbe tongue of a snlkiplow for the purpose of guiding the plow so as to take more or less land, as may be desired, the invention consist- ing in an improvedconstruelionof thecoiuiec- tion of the tongue with the sidky-frame, said improvement aflording greater range of ad- justment, an^l also admitting of a ready at- tachment anil tletachment of the tongue, all as hereinafter more fully described, and specifi- vall.v set forth in ihe elaim. Tbe combination of the sulky-frame A, pro- vided at its central portion with two or more holes, 6, aud at its forward cud with the recess r, the plate c over said recess, provided with the slot «, terminating with enlarged opening d, tbe polo P, pi voted in one of the boles b, the IkjU n, connected lo the pole and passing through the slot 8, and having its head under neath the plate <;, aud the shifting-lever ^, con- nected with the pole by adjusting-nuts n n, and provided with a suitable clutch for adjust- ably holding it iu position, subslantialty as shown and described. 267,630. WM. H.WTTT, Richland Town- ship, Fountain Countv, Ind. Plow At- tachment. Nov. 14, 1882. Filed July 12. 1882. This invention relates to certuin impiover meiits in sulky-plows, and it has for its ob- jects to provide for the automatic atljustment of the plow-beam with resi»ect to tbe frame of the sulky, eitlier vertically or laterally, as more fully hereinafter RiH>ciUcil. Thocomliiuaiion,iuiiplow-bisitiiaitiichuieur, of a lower plate, A, liiu ing apeitiiies I'i, seg- mental slot N, a sleeve, I', :nid lutural trun- nions It, which lie in a lii\u-r ptatie ihau the plate proper, and an upp'-i pLite, G, provided wiih :i boss, K, and nn npi'riurc, L, the said slot, aperture h, and a IhiU, iM, permitting of lateral adjilHtmenl '>!' ihe upper plate, wheieliy the course nf the plow is direct aud maintained, and the lomr plane of ihu trnnnions permit- ting of the v.rtiial nioveineut nf Ihe phiw- beamialUubsiaritiallvii.sslionnaitdilf.^i.-rilit'd. 267,648. PEDRO A FOMINAYA, Ha- vana, Cnbi', a.s3ignor to Carlos Mares, Baltinio-e, Md. Plow. Nov. 14, 1882. Filed iug. 31, 1882. 1. In a plow, the combination of the beam B, the front wheels aud their axle, an upright bolt, II, ntfachcd to the axle puasiog loosely through tbe beam and having on top a hori- zontal guide-bar, T, a pivot-pulley, K, at the rear end of tbe plow, and a chain, S, pa8t;ed around the pulley and havingitsends at tached at opposite ends of the gnidebar, as set forth. 2. In a plow, the combination of the front wheels, a I»ar, T, to guide the front wheels, a rear steering-wheel, B, having a tiller-post, a pivot pulley on the tiller-post, aud a chain passed around the pulley and having its ends attached at opposite ends of the guide-bar, as set fortli. 3. In a plow, the couibinaliou, with the mold- board aud laudside, of a steering-wheel at the rear, a tiller-post directly connected to the steering-wheel, and guide-levers attached to the tiller-post, as set forth. 4. In a i)low, the combination of the beam A, an upright post, I, secured to the rear end of the beam, horizontal arms N, rigidly at- tached to the upright post, a tiller jiost hav- ing its bearings in the arms, and a steering- wheel adaptetl to be guided by the tiller-post, as set forth. 268,280. CHARLES W. POST, Spring- field, Ills. Sulky-Plow. Nov. 28. 1882. Filed May 31. 1882. My invention consists ill a lockiug attHch- inent for the beams of sulky and can^ plows, having the object to prevent oscillation of the torwani end of the beam, as hereinafter de- si.Tilieitioii by the pressure thereof either against the seat- support or Ihe jilow-heam, as described, and for the purjiose set forth. 2. Tho plate or arm II, iu combinniion with the plow beam iJ and seat sjiring or 8ui)port G, siibstatitially as and for the i>urpose set forth. 268,737. JEREMIAH G- SHERMAN. McHenry, Ills., assignor of one-half to Samuel S. Sherman, same place. Sulky- Plow. Dec. -S 1882. Filed June 19, 1882. This iiiveiition relates to certain improve- mentsiu sulky-plows; and ithas foritsolijeeta u» provide fur hanging the plow iu tho sidky- fraine in such manner that it uiny move as fieelynswheiMlireciIyeinployeil — that is, when the horses or aniiuiils are hitcheil directly to ihoelevis — and al.'ioloi)rovitloimproved means for ngularing the [msition of the plow, as more hilly heieinafterspeeified. 1. In coinliination with tho rranie and the plow, the forward winillass and the oblique bar, eoaiiccted directly to tho forward end of the plow - beam ami having a rope passing around the windlass, and tlTe stop for holding the wiurflass, substanti.illy ivs aud lor the pur [loses spfcilie.it. U. In comliinalioii with the frame and the plow, the forward windlass and oiiltquo bar, coimei-ted to the plow-beain and the rope and forward windlass, aud the rear windlass and ro|)e and stops for holding said windlasses, all arranged substantially as sjiecitied. 269,008. OHAS. D. GARTER, Grand Rapidri, Mich., assignor of one-half to Milo B. Stovvrart, same place Gang-Plow Dee. 12. 1H82. Filed June 10. 1882. My invi;utiou relates to an improvement iu gang plyws; and it consists, first, in the com- biuatmn of a rack-bar or standard, which is secured to the top of the axle, suitiiblo straps, which extend from the plow-frame up over tho top of the rack-back, aud a toothed quad rant, which meshes with tbe staudanl, and an operating lever or spring, whereby the plow- fruuio can be raised and lowered and held in any desired position; second, in the combioa- lK>n,with the plow-frame, of suitable guiding- rods which pass up through the axle, and suit- able means for raising and lowering the plow- frame, all of which will be more fully described he re iu after. 1. In a gang-plow, the oombiuatiou of the axle It, hiiviiig tbe plotted c;istings C, secured to encii end, the eastings K, having tiauges or projeutions lo catuii in tho slot, and adust- band, F'. upon its outer side, the castings E having the xpiirdle p formed as a i)art of it. and bcint: held in any desired position by means ut the .--et-siiew l», substantially as shown. 2. The combination of the plow-beam, pro- ^ ided with a guiding-rorl, L, upon each side, the axle, and suitable guiding-castings, M, se- cured upon the axle, substantially a.s described. 3. The combination of the plow-frame, the metallic frame secured thereto, the toothed : standard, the quailrant having a lever sc- I cured to it, a spring (or closing the frame, and I a catch to snap into the holes in the side cf ] tlie s'andard, substantially as set forth. 4. The combination of the plow-frame, the I frame Q, made iu two parts, the spring for I ttircingthe parts togelhor.the perforated staiid- ■ ard, and elevating lever, subslant ially as speci- I tied. ! 269,427. MIOHAEL KITE, Prairie, Mo. I Siilkv-I'low. Dec. 19, 1882. Filed July I 17, 1'mh2. I The inveniioii consists in a double-hinge , coupling for sulky-|)lows, constructed with a ! clamp to hold the plow-beam, and connected by a bolt with a bracket and bent brace-bar hinged I to the ilraw-bail, whereby the plow-beam will firmly (control thesuIUy and [irevcntside draft, wliilc having a free lateral and vertical move- ! luciit. aa will be hereinafter fully described. ' 1. A donble-hingeeouplingfor sulUy-plows, I constructed sabstantially as herein showu and described, and consisting of the plow-beam ■ clamp 1, Ihe bracket O L P, the bent braco- j bar II, and the bolt J, as set forth. 2. InadoDble-hingecoupliogforsulky-plows, tbe combination, with a draw-bail, D, tbe plow- beam clamp I, the bars O L, and the bolt J, of the beilt base-bar It, substantially as herein shown and described^ whereby the coupling is strengthened against lateral strain, as set forth. 3. luadouble-hii'gecoopliogforsulky-plows, tbe combination, with the draw-bail !>, of tbe plow-beam clamp I, the brackets O L P, tbe bent brace-CarR, and tbebolt J, theclamp turn- ing horizontally on the bolt aud the bracket and brace-bar turning vertically on the bail, whereby the plow-beam will firmly control the sulky and prevent side draft, while having a free lateral and vertical movement, aa set forth. 270,033. ENOCH 0. EATON, l incunej- ville. Ills. Sulky-Plow. Jany 2, 18H3. Filed Sept. 30, 1882. 1. The combination, with the curved barM, pivoted to tbe front bar of Irame I> and con- nected with the plow-beam iu frontof tbeaile and extended back over tbe axle, ot the link Q, the elbow-lever R, and tbe slotted standard S, whereby said bar may be guided and raised, as described. 2. In ^sulky-plow, the combination, with the frame I) and tbe plow-beam J, of the hinged stirrup Z and the adjustable foot lever W.sub- stantially as herein shown and described. 272,092. FRANCIS F. SMITH, Sandusky, and JOHN W. LOCKWOOD, Gypsum, assignors to the Sandusky Plow Co., San- duakv, Ohio. Plow-Sulkv. Feb. 13, 1883. Fileci April 27, 1882. Thisinvention relates especially to the plow- sulky wiih jdow and power lift attached for which we apjilied for a patent on the 2iJthday of April, ISHIJ; and the nature of our present improvements will be clearly,understood from the following <]escription, claims, and necom- l)an.^■i^g drawings. 1. Tho combination oi tho hand -lever L, locking device^, toothed devices N and O, bar J, upon which the plow is hung, axle a, pro- pelliog-wheel B, and treadle-lever P,provided with means for simultaneously unlocking the device g and throwing the toothed device N into gear with the toothed device O, substan- tially as and for the purpose described. 2. The treadle-lever P, provided with means whereby it is enabled to release the locking device g, and simultaneously operate the rack of the power-lift, substantially ns aud for the purpose described. 3. The locking-bolt <7, provided with a lug, fj', in combination with tho treadle-lever P, pro- vided with an unlocking portion, p, and a rock- ing stirrup, M, for throwing the toothed device iN into gear with the toothed gear O, substan tially us and for the purpose described. 4. The locking-bolt jirovided with a lug, ^ and the hanil-levcr L, provided with a slotted clasping-gnide, L', and a suitable closed guide, 1?, substaittially aa and for the purjiose de- scribed. [PLOWS.] WHEEL OR SULKY. 1561 .'». The Inckiiift-bolt (;,appiio(l upou an upper I'iKidly-coiinpctcd arm of tbe vibrating-bar J ami the i-ucki rig stirrup M.iu uooibinatioD with the Ireaillv I*ai)d the toothed bar N, the latter upplierl upon a lower ri^idly-CDnneoted arm of the said bar JjSubstantinllyasaod for the pur- pose described. a. ThocoiDbinationof a'sectorprovided with tho notches ij, and having a plain surface be- tween the notche8thereon,and the locking de- vice ff, liaiid-iever, treadle, and power-lift uiech anisni, substantially as and for the purpose described, 273,292. GEORGE USSENDBN, Stock- ton, Ca). Gang-Plow. Mar. 6, 1883. Filed Xov. 6, 1882 -My invention relates tocertainitiiproroineuts In sulky or gaug plows; and it cousista of a novel uiecliiuiisui by which the plow-frame i6 connected with and supported upon the wheel- axles, of a draft-pole hiuI its coiineclioii with the plow-frame, atid ol" a lever, connocting- anus, and standards, whereby the plows may be raised out of the gixrvind or letdown to the l>roper depth. It also consists in means for connecting the pole with the frame of tho plowG, nnd au ailjiisting mechanism for its rear end, which is so connected as to travel forward and back vitli the pole with relation to the frame, to- gether withtheme-ans for snppoitingthe whole ni)ou the wheels, by which tho plows will hold their position iu the land and make an e(]ual cut iu land of variable rpiahty and hardness. 1. The plow-beams A aod the wheel-asle C, with the arras I, exteudiug backward, and tho shaft J, connecting these arms with thebeama, in combination with the standards K, shaft M arms N, links Q, and leverO, substantially as herein described. 2. The plow-beams A, the axle V-, with the arms I and shaft J, and the standards K, arms N,and lever O, in combination with the sliding pole B, having its rear end connected with the shaft J, and a lueubaDism by which it may be united to or detached from the beams, sub- stantially as herein described. 3. The plow-l>eaa»s A, connerted with the nxle C by the arms I, standards K, levers N, and links, as sboj^n, and the iude)>endeiit slid- ing pole B, united at the rear end with the shaft J, iu couibtnation with the perforated plate U, connected with the frout of the plow- Irame A, and the pin X, lever Y, and spring " upon the pole, substantially as bereio de- scribed. 4. The beams A, connected with tbe axle C by the arms F, standards K, and levers N, as shown, and the longitudinally-sliding polo B, having iis rear end couneeted with the shaft .1 by ilie open bos K, in oouibiuattoii with the plates S and T, uniting the front eods'of the beams, the plate U, and the vertical plus V u itb their ant i-friotional sleeves upou each side of the p»ile, snbstantiuHy as herein described. i'l. The beams A and the longitudinally-slid- ing pole B, the rear end of which has a verti- (;hI movement independent of tbe beams by means of the open box or arch K, through which tbe shaft J passes, io combination with the transverse rocking plates S T and tbe longitudinal supporting- plaio U, fixed to the plate T so as to support tbe pole and conform to its movements, snbataulially as herein de- Bcribed. C. Tbe plow. frame A A, supported from the axle C by the arms I, levers X,aod standards K, tbe sliding polo 6, and coonecting mechan- ism whereby the plow-frame and plows may be elevated or depressed by tbe movement of tbe pole.iu combination with thetransver.se ad jost- iog-leverfc and arc or rack rf, attached to and moving forward and back with the rear end of (be pole, and the shaft J, and arms I, substan- tially as herein described. 7. Tbe plow-beams A. connected with tbe axle by tbebackwardly-inclined arras I, and the standards K, ^rms jy,aQd links Q, and tbe sliding pole B, having tbe open arch or boxB, inclosing tbe shaft J at tbe rear, and the lever Y, with its connecting and dixscounecting mech- anism, in combination with the crank-arm P, carrying tbe wheel E, and projecting to tbe rear of the axle C, the lever Gj and tbe rack II, substantially as herein described. 5. Id a sulky-plow having the beams A, sup- jwrted from the axle, the sliding pole B, with tbe lever b, attached to and moving witU tbe pole, and the operating-levers O, G, and Y, as shown, the seat m, 8Ui(|Jorted upon the rear ends of the plow-beams and above the plows, subslaotially as and for tiife purpose herein de- scribed. 0. In a sulky. plow, tbe piow-beams A, sup- ported from tbe axle by the inclined arms I and the arms >' from tho standanls K, iu com- bination with the sliding pole B, connected with tbe arms 1 so as to raise or lower tho plows, and the adjustable stops m upon tho star)dards K to support the beams, substan- lially as herein described. 273,608. STEPHEN H. GARST, Green- ville. Ohio. Sulky-Plow. Mar. 6,^883- Kiled Sei.t. 14. 1882. Tbe object of my invention is to dispcuKe with tbe use of a tongue on snlky-plows; and to this end my inverition consists principally in guidingand steadying the jdow from tbe rear by means of a wheel attached in such manner that a tongue will not be ncodetl, the wheel be- ing at the same time adapted to carry a part of the weight of tbe plow. My invetitioh also consists of cortutu moans whereby the wheel may be attached to plows now in nse and the tpngues thereof dispensed with, and also of monns for regnlaling and means for adjustiug the wheel, and (iually of tho special construction, arrangement, and combination of tbe jmrts of the wheel and its attachments, all as hertfinafter described. 1. Iu a sulky-plow, the veitical shaft C, in combination with the axle F, wheel D, and tbe lever J, and rod K, substantially as and for the purjKPse set forth. 2, The attachment for solky-plows, consist- ing of the plate A, casting B, vertical sbaftC, ax.le F, and wheel D, combined and operatetj, and annular boss c', the lat- ter being adapted to enter the countersink c, tbe plate G' and axle F being formetl with or without serrations, substantially as and for the purposes described. C. Tbe shaft C, having tbe axle F att:icbed to It. in combination with the casting B and spring O, for preventing sudden upward move- ment of the shaft and axle, substantially as and for tbe purposes described. 7. Tbe vertical shaft C. having the axle V and wheel D attached to it, in combination with the cellar Q, for raising or lowering the beam B, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 8. The combination, with tbe casting B and shaft O, of the spring O and movable collar P, substantially as aud for tbo pnrpo.ses de scribed. 9. Tbe vertical shaft C, in combination with the arm K, axle F, wheel I), and brace or tie rwl K, substantially as and forthe purposes set forth. 10. The combination, with tho bar A, cast- ing B, shaft C, arm K, plates G G', axle F, and wheel D, of the lever .1, rod K. sector L, and lever and pawl M, substantially as and fot- the purposes set forth. 273,696. V/M. MARTIN, assignor to F. Dickson, Havana, N. Y. Snlky-Piow. Mar. 6, 1883. Filed Autc. 29, 1882. Thij invention relates to certain improve- ments in sulky-plowf*, and has for its objei-.t to enable tbe plow to rea plate a, brace-rod E, and plow. beam G, sub- str.!'.iiall>' us shown aud spec-itied. 2. The combination, with the axle C, of the sleeve B, having pin or projection c, enierir g a slot, (ft ill the guide-liar A, said guiile-bai' embracing the said stueve B, and pivotcil to a block, Ti) baviiig a groove, d', wliiuli receives a tongue, d, on the sleeve, substantially as abowu aud si>euified. 273,971. CHAS- B. DOUGLAS, Troy, Ala. Sulky-Plow. Mar. 13, 1883. KHed Oct. 24, 1882. J. In a wheel plow, the combination of the plow-boiim^, Ilie latprally-a'ljnatable clevises, the bar G, rigidly counectf'd to tbe frame A, .tbo pivotal connections of the said beams to the clevises, tbo slotted connecting bars, the snspcn.sion-bar IV, tbe sustaining-pin there- for, aiirl means for raising ami depressing the plow beams, all constructed and adajded to operate substantially iu the manner aud for the purposes described. 2, A plow-staiulard consisting of a lube or socket, m, having ratcbet-teelh on its lower end, tb«; shoe vr, the tenon n', having ratchet- teeth formetl on it, and the screw-throaded rod 7,eonstracted sul>stan tially as and for tbe pur poses set forth. 274,444. GEORGE WEUVER, Cast Count v. Mo. Sulkv-I'low Attachment. April io, 1883. Kile.l Ont. 13, 1882. My invention relates to sulky or wheel plows; and it consists iu a!i improved con- struriion and arraiigement of the lifting and adjusting devices, whereby tbe plow aud land- wheel are raised, lowered, adjusted, and car rietl while at work iu belter manner than hitb erl(t done, as will be beroinaflcr more clearl\ slwiwu, dcscribeil, and claimed. Ill a sulky or wheel plow, the coiiibiuatiou, with the frame O, of the bail C', sopplcmcntal bail J, llfth-wbecl N, provided with clips P, compound lever I, and ratchet K, arranged and operating as herein described, and for. tbo purpose set forth. 276,193. JOSEPH RICKET, Kankakee, Ills. Snlkv-Plow. April 24, 1883. Filed April 13, 1881. 1. In a sulUy-pIow, iu combination with tbo rollerwbeel A and plow, arranged and operat- ing ;is described, a supplemental roIlor-wbeeK L,Iuierallyadjacenttothe first, and a cotter ar ranged to cut reitically in a line between the iidler- wheels, sub.stanliall,v as set forth. -. The combiualion, iu a «ulky, of the lever I'j, connecting-rod fi, tho lockiug-oatcb O, piv- oted on the gu'ideQ, and Iho band lovor Il.for KwingiTig tbelocking-catcb between the guides ID fugnge and disengage the plow-beam, sub- stantially as described. 275.956. PHILIP E. STOCKTON, St Helena, Oal. Sulky-lMow. April 17 1883. Filed Aug. 5, 1282. My invention relates to a new and useful sulky-|)low siiccially adapted for nse iu vine- yards or for (ho plowing of all kinds of plants which are in rows, such as corn, bops, &c. My invention consists in combining a right- hand and a left-hand turning-plow, or two or more of tbeni, on a frame, so as to face to- ward each other or away from each other, tbe plows being movable on said frame, so that tbe furrows can bo thrown, two or more at n time, toward tbe center or away from the cen- ter. 1. In a vineyard sulky-plow, the axle A ami wheels B aud the frame <\ in combination with a right-hand plow, E, adapted to be se- cured or shifted to any of tbe longitudinal strips upon one side of tbe center of tbe frame, and a left-band plow, E', adapted to be secured or shifted to any of the longitudinal strips upou the other side of tho center of 1 be frame, substantially as herein described. 2. In a vineyard sulky-plow, the axle A, wheels B, and frame C, consisting of stripsa, converging to tho front and, parallel behind the axle, strips c, diverging behind and be- yond tbo wheels, and parallel at tbeir ends, cross-strip &, short strips d, and zigzag in- clined strip Cf all arranged as shown, in eom- bination with the right and left band plows E E', and standards connecting tbem with the frame, sobstautially as herein described. 276,674. WM. H. DETTER, Kenton, Ohio. Convertible How. May 1, 1883. Filed Aug. 15, 1H82. 1562 WHEEL OR SULKY. [PLOWS.] Wy invention rcIati'S to certain improve- nieiita in corivertiblo plows; iind it consists in tlic combination, Willi tlje caiiying-franie,of an auxiliary removable franip, wbcreby tlio main carrving-franio may Ihj cin[il(iye(l for nse as a cultivator or a^ asubsoil-plow and as a sulky 01' walking plow, as hereinafter fully described, and eliowTi iti (ho iLcconipanying drawings, in which— 1. The a'smbiiiatrou, with the maiit (ramc, ad- justable v«rfitrally ami horizontally ieces, F, of the main fraraeand the auxiliary frame K,of the detachable girtO, all constructed substan- tisdly as and for the purposes specified. 7. Thecombiuatioir, with the recessed side pieces, F, aud tlie removable lover L, of the standards F', pivoted within tiio recess of the said side pieces, and the toothed sector /, all constructed and arranged for co operation sub- stantially as aud for the purposes specified. 276,976. WM. H. KREMSER, Omaha Xcb. Plow AttaehuK-nt to Wanon Gear- ing. .May 1, 1b83. Fik-d July' 24, 1882. The ioveutioD consists in a uiecbanism for attaohing plows to wagon-gearings, construct- ed with two pairs of upright tongued bars se- cured to the axle and Ijolster of a wagon- gearing by a plate placed upon the forward side of the said axle aud bolster, clamping- blocks placed upon the outer sides of the lower cuds of the upright bars, and clamping-bolts placed above and below the said axle apd bolster. Upon the nprigbt bars slide blocks, to which is hinged the bail, connected with tbe plow-beam by clamping plates aud bolts. The sliding blocks are connected by hinged bars with bent levers, which are provided with pawls and catqh-bars, so that the plows can be readily adjusted and controlled, as will bo hereinafter fully described. 1. A mechanism for attaching plows td wag- on-geariugs, constructed uubstautiaHy as here- in shown and described, and consisting of the two pairs of tongued bars E and their fasten- ing-plate aud clampiug-blocks apd bolts G H F I, the sliding blocks L, conueotiog-bars M X, bent levers N, and the bail Q, as set forth. 3. In a mechanism for attaching plows to w a go D- gearings, the bombination with the axle and bars E and tbe sliding block L, of tbe ball Q, the hinged bars M X, the bent levers N, and rack -plates oke oi the sulky- frame, and Iheslottcd segment J, secured there- to, with the plow-beam having a transver.se bar, G, tbe einls of which are adapteil to said slotted segment, and with slops for limiting the movement of tlio bar G ihereiu, as set forth. 2. The combiuation of tlie plow-beam and its transverse bar G with the yoke F and the slotted segment S, having eyes a, adapted to said yoke, asset forth. 3. The combination of tbe yoke F and its slotted segment J with the plow-beam A, hav- ing- a transverse bar, G, with pins 6, as set forth. 4. The combination of the plow-beam A and its bar G, the yoke F and its slotteil segment .1, and the retaining-bar (/, as set forth. in testimouy whereof I have signed my name to this specification in tbe presence of two sub- scribing witnesses. 277,749. JOHN LANE, Hyde Park, Ills. Sulky-Plow. May 15, 1883. Filed Dec. 4, 1882. This invention relates to that class of sulky- plows having mechanism for locking to the wheel, wherein the plow may be raised by the team ; and the novelty consists iu the construc- tion aud combinatiou of several parts, all as ATill now be set out and explained. 1. Id a sniky-plow, tbe combination of the bail E, provided with n clbsexl end, constructed arched over the beam, rod or bolt A', seated in tbe arms or sides of the said bail, saddle K, sus- pended pivotally on said rod or bolt, and thim- ble k", seated at the end of tbe said saddle, all substantially as aud for the purpose shown. 2. In a BuII-'y-ploWjtbearched axle construct- ed with perpendicular sides and horizontal arms, the liftiug-lever provided with tbe short arm and pivoted on the horizontal arm of the axle, the bait pi\'oted totbeperpendicularsidea of the axle, aud the link conuecting the said short arm aud bail, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 3. Iu a8ulkyplovr,tliearchedaxIeconBtruct- ed with perpendicntar ^Ides and horizontal arms, the lifting-lever provided with a short arm and pivoted on tbe horizontal arm of the axle, tbe bail pivoted on tbe perpendicular sides of the axle, and tbe link connecting the said short arm and bail, iu combination witli a pawl attached to the Iiftiug-lever,'aud with the ratchet seated on the wheel, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 4. In a snlky-plow, the wheel B, provided with the ratchet, the lifting-lover provided with the pawl, with suitable mechanism, substan- tially such as shown, for locking the pawl into tbe ratchet and elevating the plow, iu combi- nation with the disengaging-rod provided with the nnt, pin, or stop, ouo end of the said rod attached to the said pawl, and the other end connected to the frame, substautially as and for the purpose set forth. 5. In a sulky-plow, tbeliftiuglever provided with the pawl attached thereto, with the dis- engaging-rod attached tothesaid pawl, iucom- binalion with thotriplevcrp',rodj^,andspriug T, and with tbe liiumb-lever t and stop-latch p'", all substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 277,987. JAMES BUCHANAN, Indiau- apolia, Ind. Plow. May 22, 1883. Filed Feb. 9, 1883. My luvoution relates to improvements in plows; and the objects of my improvements are, first, to lighten the draft by iucirWiHing the size of cutting-disk anil operating it on the axle to which the ptow is attached; second, to break thosoiltoagreaterdepth than usual, and to enrich the land by exposing more of it to atmospheric action; third, to facilitate drainage by tbe attachment of an adjustable drain-cutter that will form a contiuoous chan- nel below the plowed surface under each fur- row; foorlli, to produce a plow that will work equally well either single or iu gangs of two or more. 1. The combination, in a plow, of wheels W VV, spindles F F, lyith bolts/'/', flanges/ /, with ratchet-surface, ratchet-plates D and D', with slots Fj E, axle uii the ^idt-s, KiiltRtantiallx jm and for Hit- pnrptisi- spt'cififd. 2. In an a<;i-ic)iltui:il mactiinf, a I'lunie 1ia\ - in*; i'eiiK>\ably cwnioctod tlit'ieto a series o( transverse paide-rods, in combination with one or more biucket*; provided witli means for at- tacliiiig lliereto tlie stem of the implenient, either Ix-tweeu or to the sides of tlie bi-aeket, the gniderods passing throngh sieeAew at eiwh end of the bracketa, snl>stantially as and foi the purpose 8p<'cified. ;t. In an agricultural ma^sliiiu', an atlinstablc frame having removal)le transvei-seguide-rwls counect«l thereto, in eoiubinatioii with oiieoi more brackets for holding the stem of the locam. as and for tlu jHirpase specilied. whereby the di.ngonal plow- attaching iK-ain is i'ndependently mountetl to run upon its own wheels, anil is provided with iif\ible connections to attach it to a traveling nirclianical motor, su'tstantially as specified. '2. The coudiinafion. M'ith the intermediate fiamedcscrilx*d, of the brace-beams Dscenred tlieieon, the windla.ss IC, journaled in said bijiccs at right angles to the line of di-aft, the diagonal g;ingof plows C, and the ropes c, con- necting each i)ltiwwith the windlass, iisshown and descri'MJd, whereby the plows will be lifted from the ground in the order of their lack, and the gang of plows and its atta<'h- ments are a complete implement dependent on an engine or other mechanic-al motor foi' pro- pulsion only. :i. The caster-posts F, each slotted toreceivc the clevis of a plow, and provided with twooi more eross-pin holes and a pin for holding said clevis loosely, and the bailconnections*?, substanlially as ami for the pmiKtse specified. 4. The ciistcr-posts F. provided with verti- cal slots and iross-itiii liitlcs ti>r jcrciving the plow-beams and lia'iliug-pins, in r'lnid'inatiou with the two bail-hitches (/, secured to eiich post, as shown and descrilK-d. r». The diagonal lK*am B and me;uis for se- curing the s:uiu' to a motor, in combination with the raster-posts F, bails iiiation wilh the plows f, eachi)rovidesely encompassing saioso specified. 282,207. BENJAMIN F McORAY, as- signor to self and Alex. Nitsche, Hamlin, Kan. Sulky.Plow. July 31, 1883. Filed Deo. 16, 18S2 The combination of levem » and k with the cranked bai-/, having the plow atlnched to it, and said bar/I)eing mounteole to the plow-beam, for connecting a riding attachment to the plow and providing for its adjustment, and for placing the plow thoroughly under the control of the attendant. 1. The cutter C, formed with the landside C at its lower end and curved outwardly at its upper end, ;is aud for the purpose hcreiol>c- fore .set forth. 2. The cond>ination of the plow, the cutter fixed thereto at its lower end, curved out wardly at its upper end, itnd terminating be- neath the level of the beam, the detachable clcart^^r D, and the detachable jointer, sul>stan- tially as and for the purpose hereinbefore set forth. 3. The combination of the cutter, formed with the landside, the jointer, and the bolts by which the jointer is fastened to the cutter and rciKlere^l vertically adjnstable, as and for the purpose hereinl>efore set forth. 4. The (combination of the beam, the jointed axle, the hingefl tongue, the jointed leveling- lever, p.nd theclip-fastening by which the axle, the tongue, and the lever have connection with the beam, substantially as and for the pur- l>osc hereinbefore set forth. 5. The combination of the beam, the clip- fastening, the tongue, having hinged connec- tion with the beam by way of the clip-fasten- ing, the guideway in the clip plate, thesocket- ulidc adjustable in the guideway, the axle jointed to the slide, the leveling-lever, and the a(\justing-l>ar having jointed connection with the standard of the axle and actuated by the leveling-lcver, substantially as and for the purjtose hereinbefore set fortli. 0. The combination of the beam, the clip- fastening, the leveling lever jointed to theclip- fastening, the tongue, its heel-strap jointed to the clip-fastening, and the second heel-.strap ofthe tongue connected with the leveling-lever, substantially as and fur the pui-pose herein- before set forth. T. Tlie combination of the beam, the level- ing-lever, the axle, having jointed connection with the beam, the carrying-wheel, the adjust- ing-bar, having joiided joiiiled to llicstiind- arC, ana the tonjjiie-eoiineetrd liuk-rod, snb- stantjally as and for the purpose hercinbol'orc set forth. 12. TheronibiiiUliuii.>rth.lie;im, thrjoint. ■! axle, the axlestandaid, Ihr adinstiii;,' li;ii-. the driver's Wat, the lonjino liiiiH'''! to t)u- ln-;nii, the link-rod. Iiavin;; juint<*d connection with the toiifjiu'.aiHl axil', and tlicr brace link-rod. substautially as ami for the p.irpasi her,'in before set forth. 283,102. CHARLES A. HAUGUE, as signer to I'^urst &. lii-adlt-y Munnfaotnriiiij Co., Chicago, Ills. 8ulky-I*low. Auk, 14, 1883. Filed Oct. U), 1882. 1. The si>indle A and spindle-bar E, bracket or head (' C, atlaehcd to the spindJcbar, bracket or liead I), attached to (he frame, ami the side or vertical piece, K. of llie frame, in combination with the r:ick G, lever 11 H', holt j, link 1, and bar J, snkstanliatly as and for the piirposi-s specified. 2. The spindle bar II and bracket or head C C, in combiniUion with Ihc bracket urhead D, strap or staple K, anti-niclion rollers F, and side or vertical piece, Kjol'thc frame, .snb- stanliatly as aud for llu' pnrpo.icK spccilied. 3. The anti-friclion rollei-s F, in condiiiia tiou with a spindle-bar ami a suppurt for the rollci-s, for rcmovinj; friclion and i>revcntin}; binding;: between the pai't.s, snl>slan(ially a.s and for the parj)oses si)ccitied. 283,394. PRANK A. HILL, Beuicia, Cal Plow and Cultivator Frame. Aug. 21 1883. Filed Mar. 30, 1H83. My inveDtioa relates to an improved man-. ner of aud means for adjusting the fnime of a gang plow or cultivator verti^iily; and the object of the invention is to connect thcfnnnc work by adjustable arms toasingle operating lever, fio that the front and rear ends of the frame may be simultaneously adjusted l>y oiu man at one operation. The invention consists in coinblniijg \vi(h the iframe-work and earryingwliecls an ci)cr- ating-lever and adjust^Me connections, in tlie manner now to be more fully described. 1. The combiiiation, with the fi-arae and the carrying-wheel 15, of the axle having double cranks, the arm connected lo such axle, and the lever 6. 2. The combination of the frame, the lever 6, the ei-anked axle having ific wheel !.'> jour- nalcd thereon, the caster-wheell7aod its slid- ing standard, aud the wIhvI 16, connected to the lever 6 by the arm 7. 283,586. OSCAR N. FELTZ. Caning- ton. Mo. Gang-I'low. Aug. 21. 1883. Filed May 18. 1883. 1. The combination of the plows, construct- ed substantially as y vertical bolts and clami«, snbslantialiy as set forth. 2. As an improvement iu gang-plows, the combination of the fninie, the axle, a block <»r casting secured upon the same and having gradually-ascending steps, a lever pivoted up- on the front end of the frame, and adaj)tcd lo rest upon the said sle]>s, a longitudinal slotted bar or bi-ace, a diagonal juvotcd bar having a ptud working in the slot in said bm-, a lever •pivoted to the lougitudinal brare, chains, or rods connecting said lever and tliat pivoted to the front bar of the frame with the diagonal pivoted bar, and the spring-beam plows se- cured to tbc nnder side of the Ifdtcr, substan- tially JUS and for the pni pose herein shown and specified. 283,877. AUGUSTUS FISHERBUOK, .Vliirioii, [ud. Sulky-nnw. Aug. 28, 1883. Piled April 20, 1883. 1. The combination of the cranK-axle carry- ing the arm B', the rod Z, pivoted to the said arm ahd working through an eye in f3ie bottom of an operating-lever, and formed with the screw -threaded portion, the nut D', working on this screw-threaded port ion,tbespriugC,ar- rangcil aronnd the bar Z, between the end of the lever and the nut, andtheoperatiug-lever ar- ranged to support the free end of the rod Z and working against the snilng, as and for the purpose set forth. 2. The combination of the cranlcaxlo ar- ranged to carry the plow, thegoverniug-lcvcr li, ailapt«d. to be fixed in position, and a con- necting rod pivoted to the said lever and to the axle, this rod being aimnged to pass thfough the lever at its bottom with<>ut altering iU po- sition when the i)low strikes an obstruction, and a spring arranged on the rod to return it to its ijormal position. assi>t forth. 3. The combination of the lever L, Ci^rrying thejournaled cros.s piece X at its lower end, said crass-piece iK-ing provided with the per- foration y, the rod Z, pxssiiig through tbeper- fomtion and pivoted at its other end on the crank -arm B', the spring C, ari-anged on the rod, the nut D' to regnhite the tension of the spring, the cmuk or arm !>', lixed on the axle, and the crank-axle adapted to carry the plow beam, as .set forth. 4. The combination of the axle, the block P, provided with the eye G', by which it is arranged on the axle, and having the top pro- jecting flangc-s, II' IP, formed with the recesses I* iu their top edges, the \m\is L', projecting up from the block and «iri-ying the nuts RP, and the phiw-lx-ani hax'ing the wings or e.x- tensions K', through which the holts L* \insn, as set forth. 284,036. JOHN H. McBRIDB, Des Moines, Iowa. Uidiiig Attachment for I'lows. AuiT. 28, 1883. Filed June 23, 1883. 1. The clevis a. liaving perforated eara a' n", the r.ick Jt, and tlie frame r, formed Integral with each other, snbsl-jintiaHy as shown aud descrilKMl, for the 7>nrpoHes specified. 2. The clevis a, tlu^ rack h, the frame c, the cjister-wheel hearer i1 tV, the lever g, aud tlic link g', arranged nnd combined relative U> e4ieh other and a plow-bcaTu, substantially as shown anddescril>cd, to operate in the manner set forth, for the purposes specified. 3. The wheel -beui-er A, having a shouldei', A', and vertical projection //', and the lever «, in condtination witii a plow-beam, subslan tialiy as and for the iturposesset forth. 4. The axle-frame r r' »■", having a rack, r'", perforated ears s «, aiul Hange a", formed in- tegral therewith, substantially as shown and described, for the purposes specified. 5. The axle-frame r r' r" « s, carrying a driver's seat, the rack /", tlie wheel "ic, the wheel-bearer h h' k", carryinga wheel, vt, and the lever «, ari-anged and combined relative to each other and a plo\v-be;uu and plow, .substantially as sliown and dcsc^rilH-d, to oit- ei"ate in the manner set forth, for the pnrpo.ses specified. 285,022. JAMBS R. ERVIN, Marehall. Mo. Sulky-Flow. Sept. 18, 1883. Filed Jan. 26. 1833. 1. The combination, .vith thecrank-axleM', SQpi)orting-wheel M, rattk Q, and lever I, se- cured to the end of a\le M', of the furrow- wheel G, 8liding.staudard II, sliding bar V, and connecling-l»arK, sul>stiuiti:Uly asset forth. 2. The combination, with -the plow-beam, plow, skeleton frame, axle, large wheel, and farrow -wheel, the latter journaled on a verti- cally-movable .slide, of the hand-lcT(!r rigidly seciu-ed to one end of the axle, the sliding bar J, and the bar K, all of the above pai'ts com- bined aud aiiialion with the spring-levers F, having bifnrciiteds|niiig ends e e, and the guards (i for limiting the move mentof said levei-s in diseng:iging tlicm.selves from the rack, and the means for lockin;; sjiid levei-s in the i-acks, consi.sliug of (In- sitring- leversP, engaging wfth racks ;>, the lower end,s of said lovei-s being adapU-d lo enter l»elwcen the guards tl and lacks ti, or to \vi)hfli-aw therefrom, sultstantialfy as and foi' the pnriwMje lieivin described. 3. In u gang-plow, the jiivoted n\iv <', hav- ing the cranlis f) for the whwd.s, and a means for turning .s;iid axle obliipioly with the linf of travel, in combination with the le\'en^ Ffor oijcmting cranks I>, antl their eoirespondiny nu'ks f) bolteo.se herein dcscrilwd. 4. Iu a g-ang jdow, Ihe jii\olcd axleC nm\ thernckstJ, bolted down directly thereon, said axle being nnule w ide to form a secure any a sliding spring-pres.sed bolt and withdi-awn by means of an ellKvw-k'ver. The sliding wheel -carry- ing block is provided with nvek-teeth engag- ing witli the teeth of a double-gear wheel placed loosely upon the journal of the plow- ci-auk. and connected with tlie plow-ei"ank le- ver by a pa>vl, whereby the* machine can l>e leveled and the plow adjusted by means of the .same lover, as will be hereiuaiier fully de- sci'ibcd. 1. A sulky-jdow consti'uctcd, substantially as herein shown and described, with the slid- ing* block carrying the adjustable wheel locked iu place by a sliding bolt and operated by a h»ose gear-wheel connected l>y apawl with tlie adju.sting lever attached to the plow crank, as set forth. 2. In a .lulky-plow, the combination, with the frame A and the slid ing block N, carrying the wheel ij, of the sliding bolt I*, the spriug ,R, anil the elboM'-lever S, substantially as herein shown and described, whereby the said block cau be i-eadily released, as set forth. 3. In a sulky-plow, the combination, witli the sliding block N, carrying the wheelljand provided with rack (leth T, the plow-crank F, and llio rigid lever V, provided with the ])awl W, of the double gear wheel U, substan- ti;illy as herein shown aud described, where- by tlie maclnnc can Ix' leveled and the plow adiosted by means of the same lever, as set foftli. 286,468. ROLLA L. MXLLSPAUGH, Wiiikfield, Kan. Wheel for Sulky Plow, Oct. ft. 1883. Piled April 14,1883. My invention rclalcs to wheels for sulky- plows, the object being to provide such wheels with a removable circular cutter adapt ed to serve as n stalk-cutter. [PLOWS.] WHEEL OR SULKY. 15G5 IkTCtofou' v:iiioiis lonns of ctKting-flanges' Ii!i\o bci'ii ronm-il iiilognrl with cflUera ami wlieuls of i>Io\vs to cut sofls ami assiRl in p;iiidiiig tlic plow. Tlie priTifipal ohicctioiis to tlit'Si' coiisliiK-tioris :uv Iliat thi'.\ h-ihUt necessary tin- ivmoviil of tlie entire « Iioel in case nf bivaUniiL^ or otlier tlaiiiii;;*- to the eiil- tiug-1Iaii;;e, ami tliey iieccssitate rJie eonslant use or tlie tiaiige in plowing. My inipiovemout is desij^ned to rei-'edy these (Iffects.flud to provide a eifeular eatter adapted to be applied to any Ibfln of wheel, and removed mIich Ibe work to be done does not refiuin- the enlli'i'. 1. Till' combination, with a wheel, of a re- movalilo entter eortsisting of a riug adai)ted to be si'Ctired thereto by clamping devices bent to engage the fcUy of the wheel and bolted tos;udentter, substantially asset foitli. 2. The coinl)inatioft. with a Mheel, of a re- movable cutter consisting of a ring adapted to be secure IVame, of a crank-axle Jiaving its two anus pixoted on said frame at points di- ler'tly opposiif and in lim- wilh each *»llicr, oneof s;iifl arms being e\leiHli-d rrai-waid and Ik'Iow its pivot and tbriued witU llie f'lrroM' wheel axle, and the hind wluci a\tc"afiiMhed to the sidky-fi-anie sfiianitc :tud independent of the crank axle, snbsiautially as shown. 2. In eond>inali(iii villi a plew, a main frame snj>porting the driver's scat, and pro- vided with a stationary axle for the laad- wliccl, a ci-auk-axlepivotedonsaid fnuno, and having tixod to it tho fnrrow-wheel axle ec- centrically in relation to the land-whcol axic, and a lever tixed to the ei-ank-axlc and fnl- criimed on the main fiaine in such relative position as to swing the fnrrow-wlieel axle for- ward and backward underneath the fulcrum of the lever, substantially as set forth. S. In combination with a plow, an arched main frame provided with a stationary land- wheel axle, the driver's seat supported on said fi-ame, a crank-axle x»ivoted at its arms on the mainfmmei and having one of said arms ex tended below its pivotal support and termi- Dating with an axle for the furrow- wheel, and •d lever fixed to the ftirrow-wheel axle nndiiil- ernmed on the main fi-ame above said axle, substantially as set forth. 4. In combination with thcstdky-frame, the crank axleterminatingattheendof one of the i-iank-ai'ms with a ])ivotal connection on the IVanic, and having the other crank-arm ol i;n-;iii'i' lenjrlhand inclined rearward, and ter- niinaliiig with the furrow-wheel axle, and snp- porli-d by an arm pivoted on the main frame, and Ihe land-wheel axle attached tosaid frame separate and independent of the crank-axic, substantially as shown and sot foilh. 5. In combination with the main frame A, }novidcd with the stationary axleff, the crank - axle B, pivoted at the end of the arm 6, and liaving the longer arm, 6', extended -rearward and formed with the furrow -Mheel axle a', the arm c, connected to the arm b' and pivoted an the frame above the axle a', tlic lever L, fixed fn the fniTow-whecl axle, and having the arm il hingol to the pivotal pin of the arm r, and j)rovided with the dog r, and the ratchet /, iixedtothewhecMinh(7, substiintiallyasshown and set forth. lcxdog, having ils lower end :Mla|>led lo engage the ralchct, and in-o\ ided \uili lugs h and /, re- spect i\cly, below aiidabo\c llieiece with the seriated collar jj', clamped im the collar j>, and provid- ed at the opposite end with the sleeve ^ and the axle a. jiassing through s:iid sleeve and secured thereto, subslnntialiy as described and shown. 12. The collar M, compased of two parts, ic and w\ one of ssiid parts 4>cing provided with a lowei' extension, an upper i>rojeetion, 5. aud an eye, 0. in the lader. aud the other part be ing formed with a lower extension and with an upward - projecting hook, 7, in combination with a bolt or clamp applied fo the lower enil of said parts, substantially i\^ described and SllOM'h. 286,540. JOHN I. HOKE, Sonth Bend, Ind. Sulkv-rtow. KK-t. 9, 1883. Filed April l-l. 1883. 1. The combination of the plow, tlie sna- pension-loop, and the adjnstalie connecting- loop, Mith the vertically - adjustable biiil, a hand-levei", and a leaf-spring, all eonstnicted and adapted to operate snbstantialiy in the manner and for the purpases described. 2. The con'ibi nation, in a sulky - plow, of the long loopvi', fixed to the plow-beam, the adjustable loop, through which loop «' passes freely, a plow-beam, a verlieally-adjustable bail, and a lever fixelowBout of the ground or regulate tlnnr depth. It is the object of my invention to render this op- eration easy, as I shall show. The combination, in a gang-plow, of the axle B. formed at one end with the fi.xed crank E and i)inion K, and having asegment-Ievei:, N, and nick L, with the loose sleeve c, having the crank E' and pinion G, the rack-standard H, and the si^gmeut-lever j, these parts being adjustably secured to the axle, siibstantiallj as and for the purpose set forth. 288,873. SEYMOUR K SEELYE, Hud- son, Mich. SuIky-lMow. Nov. 20. 1883. Filed July 20, 1883. The object of this invention is to prevent the tongues of sulky -plows from siiringing down, and thus lo promote uniformity of depth in plowing, and increase the dni-abilily of the Hhares ami other parts of the plows. The combination of a jointed tongue and a jointed trus^rod, J, the rod-joint being di- rectly under the tongnejoint, as and for the purpose spei^ified. 288,993. JOHN P. QEHRKE, Platte- viUe. ills. Sulky-Plow. Nov. 27, 1883. Filed April 19, 1883. 1. In the sulky-plow described, the combi- nation of the frame P, shall c, ha^ iug the ciank eudsc'and sliding socket-joint U'.plow beam JJ. levers u and .cratiug the jointed fratue independently «>f the beam, to elevate and depress the jdow, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2. In a wheel-plow, a jointed push frame, the plow, a friction -roller for supporting the plow, and a supporting-link connecting the push-frame and beam, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 3. In a wheel-plow, the combination of the plow, the jointed jnish- frame having a ful- crum between itsemls, and connecting the plow and main frame, a lever for operating tite push-frame CO elevate and depress the plow- point, and a roller behind tlie plow, substan- tially ns and for the purpose set forth. 4. The combination of a plow, side support carrj-ing a revolving cntter, and ai^nsting de- vices, whereby the lateral and vertical j>osi- tions of the cutler may be varied, substan- tially as set forth. 289,798. ALBERT BALL, Canton . Ohio. Sulkj-Plow. Dec. 11, 1883. Filed Dec. 26, 1882. 1. The yoke P. having rigidly connected thereto the fmmeC, for supporting the axle D, and the axlo^, in combination with the re- ceased bed-plato G, pivoted to the yoke, and the turn-table H, eonn''cted to the bed-plate by a central boltori)ivot, and ha\ ingattjiched the plow-beam, substantially as and for the purpose Bet forth. 2. The frarao C and axle P, having ratchet- wheel E and the yoke P, rigidly connected to said frame, in cx)ihbination with the pawl d, spring e, and lover K, pivotetl thereto, anil the lever J, rigidly secured to the frame, sub- stantially as and for the imrpose specified. 3 Thceombinalion, with leviu- J, rigidly con- nected to frame C', of the notched segment L and arm /•■, secured to the tongu<^ O, the le- ver K, dog /, and pivoted trip li\fr 6, con- structed andariangcdt(rtiperate Mili.stantially as and for the purpose dcseribeil. 4. The fraiiu- ('.supporting the axle I>, and the ratchet-Mlieel II, cnnueitcd thereto, and the lever .1. rigidly (Connected to the fraun-. in combination with the pawl d, spring r. lever K, having dog/, the trip-lever h, noi<>liid seg- ment L, and arm I; substantially as and for the purpose sijccilicd. n. The pivoted bcd-platc % pivoted detent ft. lock- ing prnjecliou ft', the hand hold ft", and spring ft\ as and fur the purpose described. 4. The ciunbination, with the rear crank- axles and the plow beam, of the drag barsL L, having a downwardly projecting arm, M, bearing a horizoidal rotating wheel adapted to bear against the wall of the preceding fur- row, and made vertically adjustable, substan- tially lus shown and dcscril>ed. 5. The combination of the platform, thead- jnslingbar O, the lever N, the d nig bars LL, and the arm ami wheel M M', substantially as shown and describetl. fi. The combination, with the eolter-wheel axle, of the lever Q, bearing wheel K, and the push bar S, adapted to be projected into the earth, to cause the draft of the team to throw tlic plow anil colter out of the ground, sub- stantiailv as described. 292,304. THOS. T. HARRISON, Au- brey, Kan. Sulky-Plow. Jan. 22, 1884. Filed Oct. 22, 1883. I. A sulky-plow const ructcit with the niov able part S of the tongue eonneeted with the furrow-wheel by a Icvcr, Z. adjust;ibty -sc- [PLOWS.] WHEEL OR SULKY. 1567 wucil to :i ciniik ;ii ni. ^', wIiilIi is ullaolioil ti J or loiiiis |.;itl of IliL- swivi-l'-il rod \, in com biiialidu willi the funow-wlurl \', diicctiy oj)i!i;it('tl hv said rod X. siibsiaiitiiilly as srl 2. Ill a sulUy plow, the coinltiuatiuii, with Um' iiiovabli! pai'L S of Uir toiij^uc, and th( cuinkiiitii V of the rod cairyiiij; the* cnuik axfe of tlu' fnrrow-wlicci, u( tlic lever Z ami tlic pyeholt d, substantially as borciii shown and described, whereby the lateral uiovonient t)f Uu'said movable partof thetonguo isiimde to turn the said furrow wheel laterally, as set forth. 3. Tlie movable portiuu S of Ihe tongue, in combination with tlie stop-bai'S U, attached lo the slalionary part Q of the tongue, whereby lateral movement of the part S is prevented in one direction and lin»iled in the opposite direction, snl»stnntially as sot forth. 292,426. JESSE L. FURBY, assignor of one-half to John Y. Nelson, Naahville, Ills. Sulky-Plow. Jan. 22, 1884. Filed Nov. 2, 1883. 1. Ill combination with the idow-beain of a sulky-plow, frame 4, catch -bar A. scat- standard B, lever-bar 5, link-levers 7 11 10 12 11, and craidc-axlo arm 13, substantially as set fortli. 2. In a sulky-plow, in combijiation with a lever fulcruniod to a catcli-bar frame, link le- vel's 7 11 10 12 14, crank-axle arm 13, plo'w- beam f), and polosliank 16, whereby the cmnk- axle is shirted and the i)low raised or lowered, suhsfantially as set forth and described. 3. In a sulky -plow, the combination of frame 4, consisting of catch-bar A and scat- standard B, lever-bar 5, link-levers 7 11 1012 14, citiTik axle arm 13, braces 15 18, tongue- socket 3, and pole-shauk 16, arranged and com- bined substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 293,818. ROBERT A. THOMPSON, Montrose, Mo. Wheel-Plow. Feb. 19, 1884. Filed Dec. 14, 1882. 1. In a plow, the combination of the wheels, the arch Jiaving its top bar extended overthe furrow- wlieel in position to scrape th€ periph- ery thereof, and the scraper a*, pivoted on the extei\sion n', and working iu a line at right angles to the ]ilane of the wheel, and adapted to be turned aown against the edge thereof, and provided with a handle above its pivotal center, whereby it may be operated by the driver, substantially as set forth. 2. The improved sulky for plows, consist ing of the arch iiaving the depending arm a*, constructed with a vertical mortise, fc', open at its lower end and outer side, and having itf inner portion made larger than its open side, the arm a\ having lateral opcuing a\ (he wheel f', liaving its axle b' fitted to and sliding ver- tically in the mortises h\ and the furrow- wheel r, spindled on the axle b, the shank 6' of which is placed and adjustable laterally in the opening fl*,andthelevei-s/andrf, connected witli and operating, resiiectively, the wheel c* and the \vhcel c, as set forth. 3. In a wheel-plow, the combination, sub- stantially as described, of the frame G, having its rear end pivoted to the wheel-frame and extended forward therefrom, the plow-stand- ard having its forward end pivoted to the for- ward end of the frame G, the rack i, mounted on the plow-standard, the bar ^, secured to the frame G, and adapted to engage the rack u, and the lever j, pivoted to the frame G, and connected with the plow -standard, as and for the purposes specified. 293.939. BYRON 0. BRADLEY, Chi- cago, Ills. Bed-plate for Sulky-Plow Beanie. Feb. 19, 1884. Filed Nov. 26, 1883. The object of this invention is to construel a bedplate oi support for the attachment of a sulky-plow to its bail, either to leave the plow free to swing or turn laterally or be held finnlyandin alocked position; audits nature consists in providing a bed-plate to l>e at- tached to the plow-beam, and a box or socket to be attached to the bail, combined with a fasteniug-bolt and a washer, having on one face projecting lugs to enter recesses iu the box or socket, all as hereinafter more specifi eally described, and pointed out in the claim. In a coupling for sulky-plow beams, the jilatc A and socket or box B B', having an ex- tension, B\ in combiimtion with the reversible plate . and the bolts H H, sub- staiiiially us sot forth. 7. Tlie vertic:d nrch-scction F', having hol- low stud /" on ouc side and the hollow stud H' on its oilier side, the seel or iV, having a cir- "cular half-rca'ss. tli'i spindle slide L'. loop K', aud lever I', substantially asset forth. S. Ill conibii.;ilioii with axle A', having the cxteiiMon IM, hand lev'er L. and bail N, the loot lever K, eciitially pivoted to the axle, and its rcnr end lesling Ifcneath the bail N, substantially asset forUi. 295,613. SAMUEL W. BARR, Man.i field, Ohio. Sulky-Plow. Mar. 25, 1884, Filed Aug. 11-lSS.^- My invention consists, mainly, in a combina- tion of levers for raising the point of the plow by means of a ^'artical hinge at the front end of the xijow beam, and in a horizontal hinge at the end of tbt; beam to allow the team to tnrneaailyatcoruersaud pull the plow around; also, iu a combiuation draft-rod for gaging th^ depth of a plow. 1. The combination, in a sulky-plow, with the pivoted bar B, of the tongue D, the hinge- plate c, the hinged bars M N, staple O, and spring T, substantially as shown and described. 2. The plow beam A, pivoted to the bar B, and the curved projection B, in combination with the spring draft-rod H, rollel-A, and draft- clevis, substantially as set forth. 3. Theeouibination, with thepivoted bar B, having pin i, of the lever F, having the curved slotted arm J, the rack E, plow-beam A, and wheel K.siibsfaulially as shown and described. 295,788. WM McNARY. Bryan Ohio. Sulky-Plow. Mar. 25, 1884 Filed July 6. 1883. My invention relates to certain improve- ments in sulky-plows, and has for its object the provision of asimple, durable, and easily - operated sulky -plow provided with means whereby the i>low projier may be kept in a vertical plane and at a point equidist;int from the sulky-wheels and adapted to be used upon either hill-sider. or l<>vel pround. 1. In a sviIVvplow the two-part JVanie A, consisting 0'' '..•■ upper arched or U-shaped portion. A',. uJ I iwerparts, A the latter slot- ted or recess"d to receive the t ads of the for- mer, in combination with the rods C, secured in bosses at their upper ends, and having their lower ends threaded to engage with threaded nuts or projections on the parts A', and means for operating said rorls, as and for the purpose set f3rtb- 2. In a sulky-plow, the combination i a two-part frame, A, constructed substantially as described, and provided with adjusting- rods C, with spur-wheels D, mounted upon the shaft D', and Jiaving handlevere D', pin ions E, mounted upon the crank -shall E', hav- ing its bearings in tlio adjustable part of Ihe frame, and plow-beam E', substantially as de- scribed. 296,246. GARLAND B. ST. JOHN Cedar Rapids. lowu. i'low. April 1, 1884 Filed Oct. 23. 1883. 1. In a plow, the arcU b and tongue-iron G, pivoted at c, in combination with lever F, bailC.and connections ft and c, ortheirequiva ients, substantially in the manner and for the purposes set forth. 2. In a wheel-plow, the elamp-iron P, pro vided with an arm, D', and a groove, D*, aud adapted to the two uses of securing the plow- beam to the bail and furnishing a support for a colter, substantially as described- 3. The combination, with a plow, E, and bail C, of a clamp-iron, D. having a laterally extended arm, with a colter-blade, which is rigidly but adjustably secured to the outer end of said arm, and adapted to operate substan- tially as described. -4. The combination, with a wheel-plow, of a clainp-iron. D, prov'ded with an arm, D',aud a groove, of a colter rigidlysecured tosaidarm D', and means for securing the clampirou to the plow-beam, substantially as described. 5. ThecombinationoftheplowE, theclamp- iron, and its extension D', pivotally secured to said bail and to tlie plow-beam, and a col- ter rigidly secured to the said extension and inclining downward and forward, substan- tially as described. 6. In a plow without a landside, the com bination, with mold-board aud share, of a strengthening - plat«, ?', secured under and along the front edge of the share aud project- ing upward under the mold- t>oard, andadapt ed to form a seat and be bolted to saict. 20, 1883. 15G8 WHEEL OR SULKY [PLOWS.] J. A li-aiiH- i-iiirviii;; ;i in')l(l hojuil plow unci ]>ii»vi(U*« *lc suriiu'il, AvhiTohy tln' dialt ilc\ ice and whec! may I>t' niaiiitaiiied in lixt-d idaiions to caeli otli'cr while ill aelioii. Imi an ani^iilar adjust- ment of onr with lespocl lo llio olhrr i»erniit- Icd nt M-iii, rthcH'-by UK''Ioii, llie drall dcviceseoniiO(;led to the kin;;- bolt, and the connection belween the dvall clevices and axh', said iiarts beinjj com- bined siibstanlially as th'st-ribed. J. In combination willi tlw^ draU iVaine, and the axle cnmiccted therewilh by llieking-lmlt. the draft-arm monntcd on the lower end of the kingbolt, and the adjiislablc I>ar or bnice connecting the draft arm with tlie onter end nf ihe a\le. 4. In a dratl mcelianism tbua wlieeled plow, 1 swlvoliii;; lixle, ;i (online,* connecting de- vices whereby the tongne is canseil to turn the axle, drail devices adjnslable lateniTly around the ]»ivot of the avle, an. In a wlieeted jdnw, Jlie axle movable around a \-ertieal pi\ ot, eonil lined \\ itha diafl- arm movable independently around the same l>!\ot, and intermediate devices for securing the laleial adjustment of the draft-arm with respect (othc axle, snbslaulially us shoMU. (i. In eombiiiatlon Mitli a plow- carrying; frame ha\iiig sustaining-wheels al the rear, a Icadiug-whccl mounlcd on a swivcliug axle and adapted to travel in the preceding furrow, a hori/.outally-swiveling draft device, an ad- justable couuection wliercby the wheel and dnift device may be ad}nste('. and (ixed in po- sition with respect to each other, as described, and a pole or tongue lixed totheswivelcd axle by devices substantially as dcscribfd, and adapted to i>ermit a horizontal angular adjust - ment of the toirgne with respect to the wheel atul draft devices, whereby the angnhu' posi^ tions of the tongue, wheel, and draft devices may lie \'aried inde])eudeni.|y of each other, or fixed while in aclioii 298,337. SAMUEL W- BARE, Man. Held, (Ibio, 8nlkv-l*low. May 13, 18M. Filed .Tan. V.\, 1SS4. My invention relates to sulky-plows; and it consists in the improved construction fully described hereinafter, whereby the elevatiou and lowering of the plow proper is readily effected by the driver from the seat, the ver- tical adjustmeiitofthc plow-supporting frame with respect to the earrying-frame easily so- cared, aud the manipulation of the guide wheel from-the seat secured. 1. The combination, in a plow, of a rear wheel having a hollow axle or journal, and a spindle or bolt passing through the axle and secured at one cud to the landsidc, and at the other end to a vertic,al arm depending from the standard, said spindle serving asa journal for the wheel, and a brace or spreader between the landsidc and standard, substantially as shown and described. 2. The combination, with the beam A aud tongue II, of the curved bar < ', forming onasidc of the vorticjd hinge between the beam and tongue, block Y, pivot-bolt W, antl lever con nection J 51, substantially as shown and de scribed. 3. The combination, with the tongne and plow-beam, of the block Y, socketQ^ springS, bolt R. and hinge plates, substantially as de- scribed, and for the purpose set forth. 299,020. CHARLES SOHWEER.Kldon, Iowa. Wulky-Plow. May 20, 1884. Filed Nov. 1, 1888. 1. The combination, in a .sulky-plow, of the wirriage having a nmin axle and ciirrjing- whcels mounled on the ends thereof, a frame pivoted totlu! carrying-frame and supporting the jtlow propel-, a pivoted pawl located at the lower portion of the idow-gupporting franit, dcvice.s located on Ihe main frame for raisin;; the \dow supporting fiume, s<» as to iH-riiiil said pivot^'il i)awl to engagi- (he main axh-:iiid suspend the jiUnv supporting frame, ami a bell crank le\er pivoted on the main frame and having one portion located on the point of the main axle which the pivoted pawl en- gages, and connections on the main carriage connected tstantially as and for the purpose set forth. ' 2. The combination, in a sulky-plow, of a carriage, of bai-s located at each side, keyed on the main axle, and extending forwardly, a jdow-supporting frame i»ivotally secured to the forwarrl ends of said bare, and provided witii bars »', spring-dogs locjitcd on the said bars of the main carriage, and devices forde- pressir^the plow-supporting frame to cause the bai-s thereof to engage the said spring- dogs, subjtantially as set fortli. .'{. The combination, in a sulky-plow, of a carriage, a plow-fitime pivoted thereto, pro- \-ided witli arms »' and braces i) 1*, as de- scribed, and cari-ying the plow, a lever fiil- cruiacd on the airriagc-fraine foreirecting by ils movement the elevation or dei)ressioa o) the i>low-frame,andspring dogs located on the carriage, and adapted to engage the arms "' for locking said plow-frame in its elevated po- sition, substantially as set forth. 4. The combination, in a sulky-plow, of a carriage, a plow-supi»orting frame i)ivoted thei-eto, aud pro\ ided with brace-rods O P, having curved or hooked ends I, adapted to be adjustably clamped in yoke-brackets n, se- cured to the side of bars ii', secured to the plow-frame, spring-dogs located on the car- riage, connections and devices for effecting the elevation of the carriage and the engage- ment of the s])ring-dogs with the rods »', and devices for ell'ectiug a disengagement of the same, substantially as specified. r». The combination, in a sulky-plow, of a main carriage, a plow-supi)ortiug frame piv- oted to said umiii carriage, levers and counec- lious mounted on said main carriage to effect the elevation and depression of the plow-sup- porting frame, a guide-wheel supported in a yoke turning in bearings at the front of the machine, and having connected therewith a horizontal bar, each end of which is connect- ed by a cable with a centrally-pivoted vertical bar provided with a stirrup at its lower end, each to receiveoue of the feet of the operator, substantially as set forth. 299,022. ABRAHAM SHAFFER, Cass- ouoli^, Mieh. Gang-Plow. May. 20,1884. Filed Aug. 1,1N83. 1. A gang-plow having a frame, asA, ar- ranged obliquely to the line of travel, an ad- justable land-wheel, E', and a scries of plow- bcauis carrying plows arranged to correspond with the angle of said fi-ame, in combination with lever-frame P, tongue-socket «, guide-bar G. and spring-latch II, as and for the pur- poses set forth. 2. In a gang-plow, and in combluatinn with the fnime A, stub-axles, and wheels, as de scribed, the vertical rods B, the frame O, the beams K, having staples which embrace rods B, aud having draft attaehments M, and the fr.ame F, having pole-socket a, as set Ibrth. 3. In combination with the obllqne frame A of a g-ang-plow, the plow-beams 1 1 K K and plows J L, said plow-beams havi ng staples aud attached to an eijualizing draft-clevis, M, com- mon to all, said clevis being adapted to engage with a hanger, P, for determining the eleva- tion of the outer ends of the plow-beams and thelpitch of the plows aud the sliding brack- ets embracing said beams, substant;iallyasand for the purposes described. 4. In combination with a gang-plow con- structed substantially as herein described, the shaft R, lever S, bail V, and bar XT and cam T, adapted to raise and lower the plows, substan- tially as set forth. 5. In combination with the frame A of a sulky-plow, constructed substantially as de- scribed, the bracket C, stub-shaft I>, wheel E, and lever-frame F, carrying pole-socket n, for adjusting the line of travel of such wheel, the bar G, and spring foot-catch II, fjubstantially as and for the purposes described. 299,452. NATHANIEL S. BARGBR, assign or of one-iiall" to T. M. Ta\lor .ui.l "W. 1). Evams. Hainplmi, Iowa.' Snllcv- r-Iow. May -27. 1n84. Filed Dee. :■.!. 1«>';;. 1. A plow-sulky having an arched support or axle-tree with a horizontal axle, a', cjirry- ing vertical lantl-whecl A', an oblique axle, a, eairying an obli( said wheels at all limes serving :istliesidkv wlKTlsaiid being in llie rear of Uie i»iow proper, siibstanlially as ;ind lor tiie purpose described. 2. The combination, with a plcv, of an ob- lique whecl-landsidehaviiigaperipho-y which is in cross section curved, and is formed of a tube, substantially as and for the pui-pose de- sert ix-d. 3. The bail 1!-, with its pi\ot B'. and hingo and pivot connection D e, in combination with the jointed beam and the arched support or frame, substantially as and for the purpose described. 4. The bail, in combination with the pivot c aud hi nge D, rods or bai"s h .t', and lever L, sub- stantially as and for the purpose described. 5. A plow-beam, II, provided with a joint between its ends, which is flexible in an up ward direction and rigid in a downward direc- ti6u, in combination with the arched support, wheels A A', and the bail B' ami its lifting de- vices, substantially as and for the purpose de- scribed. 6. The combination, with the plow proper, M. of the oblique wheel landside A, the twu- part plow-beam H H', having a vertical joint at B^, and the arm K, with braces K', bolted to the mold-board and forming, with the rear part of plow-beam, bearing for the wheel-land- side, substantially as and for tlie purpose de- scribed. 7. The three rollers/'/' A "11 attached to the movable axle or spindle a', one being in- side on the inner vertical leg, C, and two out- side on the outerjeg, C, of the arch-support, and the inside one being on a plane betv.een the outer rollers, in combination with the arched support, its vertical legs C C", platej?, movable axle arm or spindle «', the connecting rods or bars/*, and lever L', whereby cither the upward or downward strains are caused to fall upon the rollers aud binding avoided, substantially as described. S. The combination, with a frame of a snlky- plow provided with wheels A A' in the rear of the plow proper, ofaplow-lteam having a joint, B^ between its ends, and the bail.B", provided with pivot eaud hinge D. the rods or bars* »', and lever L, substantially as and for the pur- pose described. U. The tongne-extension E', in combination with its'sti-ap X, brace «, and beam-strap O, latch r, and tongue-supports q <{, substantially as and for the purpose described. 10. The combination of the arched support, the two wheels, one having a bail -and -socket- joint counectiou, the plow proper, the jointed beam, the bail having a pivot and hinge, aud means for raising and lowering the plow prop- er, aswell as adjusting the wheel -landsidc, sub- stantially as and for the purpose describetl. 299.868. MAHLON J. STAFFORD. Wiieniliind, Ind. Attacliuieiit for 1'! •■ -. Jniie Z. 18S4. Filed Mar. 15, ISs4. As an improvement in attachments for plows, the combination of an auxiliary axle pro- vided with a vertical bearing and haviug ils outer extremity connected to the front por- tion of the attachmegt-frarae by means of a suitable coiineetingbmce or rod, amain hinged axle, upon the outer end of whicli the main wheel of the attachment is secured and adapt- ed to be adjusted vertically in the v\\ (and the consequent heavy draft upon the lea lilt caused by the sulky running over nne\«'ii gronnd; second, to so pivot the wlieeN nf i he sulky and guide them in turning thai tlMbam and plow may 1)0 turned at a eoiiiei ul Ih.- lield w ithnnt taking the plow Old of thV gi ound and without tid-mpin*- plow, jjiilky, or ttarn 1. The combination, with flame 4. of piv oled tongue /,sppinglateh r Mack <.. eumirrl ing-bar r, caster-wheel w, erank slamlard / n, and connecting devices whereby tin- tongue i? [PLOWS.] WHEEL OR SULKY. 1569 allowed to turn and give positive motion to ' l.ho turning of Hie rear wherl, snbstautiatly :is shown and desei-ibcil. •J. 'I'lii' ('oiiiliiiialion, willi llic ijlow-I'ramo rt, or llio iVoiit castrr-whci;]. /', und tlie rear cas t«M wlici'l, in, upon the swivcled standard /, aihijited to be free or lockctl, and to carry tlu I)h)\v-(Vanio Avithont other support, snbstan tinlly as shown and described. 3. Tlic combination of frame «, adjustabU caster- wheel 7i, castcr-whcebH, swivcled stand ard / 11, currying rack i{^lctl on the axle, of a spring actuated sliding tongvie for locking the two parts of the beam, and intermediate devices connecting the iiiation, with a cranked axle andsupportingpMhcels,ofa jointed plow-beam made up in sections and embracing the axle at the joint, the said sections being provided with lips or projections for holding the two portions of the beam in the same plane. IJ. The cond)ination, with a cranked axle and suppovting-whccls, of a jointed plow beam consisting, essentially, of two rear sec- tions seen red together and embracing the axle, and two front sections secured together and embracing the rear section, one ormoro of the said sections being provided with projections for holding the parts of the beam in the same plane, substantially as set forth. 14. The combination, with a cranked axle and supporting-wheels.of a jointed plow-beam consisting, essentially, of two rear scctions,se- cured together, each of which isprovided with a semicircular bearing for embracing the axle, and a rearward extension and two front sec- tions secured together and provided with bear- ings for embracing the bearings of the rear sections, ouc or more of the said sections be- ing provided with lips for holding the two parts of the beam iu the same plane, and a plow -standard secured between the rearward extensions of the rear sections, substantially a* set forth. 15. The combination, with a crank-axle hav- ing spindles on opposite ends, a spring-actu- ated dog seated in one of the said spindles, devices for ojierating the dog, and a spinelle- sleeve having a wheel-spindle formed integral therewith, of a sector secured totbeasle spiii- dle, a hand-lever secured to the sleeve and provided with a spring-actuated dog, and a land-wheel provided with a recessed ring, with which tliC spring actuated dog engages. 16. The combination, with an axle having spindles formed on opposite ends thereof, of a sleeve rigidly secured to the draft-tongue, a wheel-spindle pivotally secured to the sleeve, and a lever for moving the spindle horizon- tally. 17. The condiination, with an axle having a spindle on ouc cud tliereof, of a sleeve, L\ rigidly secured to the drafl-tongue and pro- vided with a sector, a lever, R'. loosely secured to the spindle, and pro\ iilcd wun ji uug Cor engaging the sector, and a plate, It', rigidly secured to the spindle and connected to tlie lever W. IS. The rombiiiatiou, with an axle having a spindle on one end thereof, of the sleeve C, rigidly sccnrcd to tlic -d rail-tongue and sup- porting said spindle, the leveis B' and B', and the sector for engaging the dog on the lever ]!', all of the above parts constructed as do- scribed. 19. The combination, with tbe axle having spindles on opposite ends, of the sleeve C, rig- idly secured to the diuft-tongue and support iug one end' of the axle, the pivoted block se- cured to the under side of the sleeve, devices for turning the block, and a whccl-spindle se cured to the block, substantially as set forth. 20. Tbe combination, with the sleeve C, sup- porting one end of theaxle,and provided with a two-part sector, one part of which is adjust able on the other, of a hand-lever rigidly sc- cnrcd the axle, and provided witli. a dog foi engaging the two-part sector. 21. The combination, with thesleeveC, sup- porting one end of the axle, and provided with a two-part sector, one part of which is provided with ordinary pinion-teeth and ad- justably secured to the other, which is pro- vided with ratchet -teeth, of the hand-iever rigidly secured to the axle, and provided witli a dog for engaging the sector, substantially as get forth. 22. The cond.ination, wilii a sulky-frame having atongue,alaterally-projecting bracket secured to the tongue, and a plow-beam sit situated under the bracket, of a sleeve loosely journaled to the bracket, and provided with an extensible arm, the lower end of which is loosely secured to the front end of the beam, substantially as set forth. 2;i. The combination, with a plow-standard provided at its lower end with a transversp slot, of a plow provided on its roar face with a block, K', the arm K", bolt i', for clamping the stJindard between the arm and block, and a bolt for secoriug the lowerend of the stand ard to the plow, substantially as set forth. 24. In a sulky-plow, the combination, with the supporting-wheels, of a crank-axle jour- naled at its opposite ends in sleeves connected with short axles, on which the snpporting- whcc's are mounted, a jointed plow - beam journaled on said ciunk-axlc,said jointed beam being adapted to be locked together and form a rigid beam, and devices for detachably lock- ing the crank-axle to one of the snpoorUng- whecls,. substantially as set forHi, 300,892. ROBT. A. RADFORD, Cen- trnlia, Alo. Sulkv-FImv. June 24, 1S84 Filed A|.iil 1::, 1884. 1. In a sulky-plow, the combination, with the arched axle provided with the spindle D and the arc-rack K, of the crank-journal B, the lever E, connected thereto by the angle- arms G H, and fnlcrumed on the spindle D between the sleeve C and the shoulder h, and the spring-pawl I, substantially as specihed. 2. The combination, with the bail Maud its operating-levers, of the pivoted perforated clevis-plate, the clevis, and plow-beam, snb- stantially as specified. ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1571 6,516. DAVm DIEML, il;in'rar. r-.x. SL'ed-riaiiter. Juno 1*2, lS4:i. 1. Tbo combinatiou of tbe roller Ij, spriiifrs K, and lever U with tiie rack N, to wliiirh tlio cultivator-teeth G are atiixed, for regulatiiif: tho doptli of furrowinpT in various liinda ot liard or mellow soil without the necessity of altering the position of the transverse beams, to which the rear ends of tbe parallel longi- tndiual beaais II are connected. 2. The manner of preventing the seed pass- ing from the hopper through tbe channels of the phintingcyliiiders when tbe cultivalor- teeth arc raised from the ground, or whenever it is desired to stop tbe planting operation, by means of tbe combination of the transverst rising-and-falling bar J, cams 8, bent rods U, sliding bar Q, valve-rods P.aud springs T with the friime A, as described. ;t. I'Inciug the radial pins in the channels of the planting-cylinders, in the manner and fjr the purpose above set forth. 9,940. JACOB MOMMA, Mount Joy. r-.u Grain Drill. Aii.ir.1'5, 1853. Tlie corobination of a tongue haviug motion vfrticall and laterally with the directing and siipportinc wheel, snbstaiitinllv as set forth. 12,895. LEWIS W. COLVER. Loui^ ville, Ky. Coru-rianter. May 22, 1855. The nature of my invention relates, brst, to the manner of hinging the supporting-pieces and interposing Pi)rings between them, so that said jiieees may work from the same centers and the .springs tend to hold the wheels to tbe ground in such manner that any of the series may yirld to any inequalities in the ground without atVeulmg the others; also, in the ar rangenient of the sword or divider upon the tube, an*l projet-ting forward in close contact with the tlange on the wheel, so that it: may enter tbe ground with the dauge and spreail and hold open the farrow for the reception of the grain. 1. Hinging the pieces A, which support the wheels A', at the point B, this being also tbe point of attachment of tbe arm D, and inter- posing between A and D a spring, I", so tbut sail! two pieces may radiate from nearly tin' same centers, sai, eovpi-s E. springs F and n, and fhe \ii-Ming-l>eam c, in thi- manner describe"!. II. The arrangement of tl»6 valve/ in the liopper P, ill the manner described, for the purpose specified. 26,606. PETER MONAGHAN, Caniak, Oa. Cultivator. I »..■<;. 27. 18^9. In combination with the hinged frame of a cotton-euUivWr, the spring U, which is se- cured to the tongue of said cultivator for tbe purpose of automatically raising the rear eud of the njachiue when the same is released bj the operator, substantially in the manner here in described. 27 445- JOHNGtJYER, Westport. Conn, iland flow. M-^v. 13,1860. Tbo arrangement of tbe hoes A, springs F. gni, provide«l with seed-spouts, and with n hinged eov*er, F, for digllingor seeding broadcast, substantially as heroin specified. 30,212. J. B. DUANE, Schenoctndy, X.Y. iU-Aiu Drill, Oft. 'J. lyijo. 1. The arrangement of the toothed bars 1 1 and perforated plates h i outside or in front of the hopper G. substantially as and for the puipo»c hpeeitU'd, 2. Tlie atljustable board N, placed relatively with the shake-board M, barroT O, and drags (J, to operate as and for tbe purpose set forth. S. The nirangement of the lovor-franio 1). roller E, bars b b, shaft H, and caster-wheels (J (', substantially. as shown and described, lor the puipose set forth. : 4. The cond)iiiation of the vibrating board 1 M, lio[)per <}, with the-reciprocating agitators I / /, the seed-box S, harrow O, drags Q, frame I), with roller 13, attached and connected to the shaft li by the rods fi,all arninged for joint operation as set forth. 30,768. ARNTON SMITH, Ginnd. Ilk (Jrain I'rtll, Xov. 27, 1H(J0. In combination with seed lubes J J J and [dows K K Iv, the arrangement of the rolling cullers 1* 1' I' and springs OOO, when used ill connection with the sliding bar M, bolt-rods U,and elevator U, in the manner substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 31,381. CHARLES C. GARRETT. Spring Hill, Ala. Soed I'la-.ter. Feb. 12,1861. The arrangement of the shatt J, wheel K, cylinder S, gearing H I, hoppers K U, concave N, bottom £, spring M, slides », lever-frames P, screws Q, springs T, harrows U, and frame A, all in the manner and for the purposes here iu shown and described. 31700. JOHN COOLET, Tat'ton, Wis. Grain Drill. Mar. 10, isi.ll. The cam-projections M and recesses O of tbe BCcd-distributing cylinder II, in ^combination with the crank-shaft Z U F 6f the soc^l-valvee E, the rock shaft G, the hinged pressure-roll- ers U', and the levers TS, operating the hinged shoes K, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 31,819. HIRAM MOORE, Draiidon. Wis Soeding Machine. Mar. 2<:, ISCl. 1. The combination of a hinged drill-bar, a series of rigid shank trailing dtills, and a cor- responding scries of springs to connect the shanks and bar, so that by turning the latter tbe drills maybe presseil with more or leas force into the surface of the ground, (as thd ground is harder orsofter or a deejjcr or shal- lower furrow is required.)- or may be lifteil above the surface, substaiitiallyas described. 2. A series of ti-ailing drills h.'%ving rigid shanks connected to'^a bii>ged drill • bar by springs thnt will resist lateral flexure to main- tain the relative distances of the drills apart, while free to dex upward and.doVnward to enable the 'Irills severally to conform to pd- I even riurfaces, substantially as described. i 3. Curves at the upper ends of the drill- I shanks, as shown at U, in coinbinatioh ^ith the springs, substantially as and for tbe pur- poses set forth. 4. A lever, in combinatiou with the hinged drill-bar and a series of trailing drills connect- eHcribed. 7. A Kcrics of hoUenl gear havinfj teeth of varying nnndicr and jntcb, in combination with a snifting pinion', for purposes substan- tially as ilcsciibcd. 35,713. J. D- SMITH, IVoria, Ills, (^niin Di'ill. -luiu- 24. ls(i2. The invenltoit alsoconsists in attaching the furrowsharo bar to the shaft by which it is raised and hiwcred, by ineanSof a spring, sub- stantially aa hereinafter fully shown and de- cribed, whereby tbe furrow - share, when ad' justed to its work, is kept ii^to the ground, and at the same time allowed to yield or rise in order that it m.iy puss freely over obstructions that may lie in its path, the 8|iring iiermitting tbe furrow-share to bo raised when the neces- sary parts are operated lor that purpose, 1. The gage-phite O and lever ii, arranged with the shaft I, provideil with tho pin h and lever M, substantially as shown, to operate a^ and for the purpose mt forth. 2. Tbe set-screw K, in connection with lever lit gage-plate (J, and spring J, for the purpose ofregulatingthedischargeof tlieseed,as8pcci fied. 3. Attacliing the fiirrow-sharn bar P to the shaft I by means of the spring O, aa-and for the purpose set forth. 41,769- JACOB HAEGE, Slulo, Ills. Wheel Cultivator, Mar. 1, 1SU4. I Tho plow-beams I I, titled in the slays K and upon the roils J, in conibiniktion with Iho springs IV and curved plates M, all arrangeil as and for the purpose specified. 48,271. EDWARD S. GILLIES, AH'any. Wis. Wheel Cultivator. .Iniie 20,.lS(;r). The attaching ot liarrows ;tiid plow.-*, cither or both, to the frame of a cultivator by means of pendent rods K, provided with siiringa F, and connecting the heads of the harrows and l>low8 to springs I, attached to shafts .1 at tbe front part of frame A. in the manner substan tially as and tor the purpose set l^oith. 57,862. CYRUS 0. CARTER, Kxetei, liU. Grain Drill. Sept. 11, ISHO. 1. The shaft tj, witli the lever K attached, in combinfttion with tbo springs P and run- ners or furrow-op^neis O, all arranged to op- erate substantially as and for tho purpose set forth. 2. The sliding or adjustable inebned boar.l IC, with tho seed-ebuveying tubes M attaelaMl, and arranged in relation with the seed-box 10, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 3. The ipciulants or agitators J, attached to tbo rock -shaft I, operated from one of the wheels U, us shown, in ccinbiuation with tho perforated bottom a of tbo scetl-box E and tlli^ perforated slides , substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 60 892. J. C. HOFFEDIT2, .\lercei-slung, i''a. Cultivalor. Jan. r 1^07. Tlie arran>5enient shown and described, consisting of the adjustable and pivoted spring standards 0, removable shares 1 J, and atljustablo handles K. 73,972. MARTIN HAYDENi Detroit. Mich. Seedlng-Cultivator. Feb. 4, 1868. 1. The springs L* when arranged and operating substmitiaUy as and for the pur puses set fortli. 2. The arrangement of the treaule oi vibrating lever W. tlie arm V, aiid rod X. provided witli the adjustable screws and nuts,- the pins Y, and the ears Z, for the purpose described. a. The covering-shovels G, provided with a proper spring, when operating substan- tially a^ and for the purpose specified. 82,026. CHAS. W. PATTON, Exeter, Ills. Grain Drill. Sept. 8, 18(i8. 1. The combination of the lever II, shaft IP, arms IP. and the sliding plate E with projection E% snbstantirlly iis and for the purpose set forth. 2. The ccnibiuation of the sliding plate E, ^zey G, stop E', and springs I, arranged to loptfhi'te Bulistaiitially as described. 3. In combination with tlie cutters O and dnig-bars K, the springs on the rods M, segment's K', shaft N, and lever X*, and cord K^ for raising the cutters and forcing them into tbe gi<'Uiid, snbslniitially as wet forth. 84,931. CLARK ALVORD, Westford. Wis. Wheel Cidtivator. Dec. 15, 1808. 1572 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. T. (iliimjiiiit; tl.i- tcvtU tw tlio sldf of tlie dnig-hait l.y nuMiisof tliu Imk-imiiiU'iitiilAUjo, iiiid tlie two 8ore-.v- IniU.-., whun tlic wvewl [Kuts ai-e Lonalrnctcd ami ar- liiiificil to opcnito ill tlio iimiiiK'i- d»'j«iri'>enll. Feb. 12, 1870. The combination nnd arrangfrnciit of n grain-drill, coiiil)ining thei above-named parts with the franio A, tho wheels B, drive- wheels .'!. pinion M, hopper 1)', seed-box D', vibrating bare G and l.>, curved lever R, poat T, spout II, pipe r, lever F, pendent avina V and II II, bar W, tongue i/, suwpen- siOii-rods 11, springs 12 and 18, luul stand- ards C, the sharp curved guards, marked 20 all conatrncted and operated substantially OS apt forth. 106,039. JEFFERSON ESHLEMAN, assiguoi' to self and L. K. Miller. Cunann Centre, Ohio. Wlieel Cultiviitor. Aug 2, 1870. Tho spring ■inctal link F, constructod of a bow shapti and used in combination with tho pivoted tontliarni I],and bout lover N ^- on the cnltivator-axlo A,8aid link serving as a means both of raising tho tooth .1 from tho ground and of hohling it down to its work under a spriug- preasiiro, Rub.-ilantially as is herein set forth. 107,359. JOHN GIRE, Sipton, 11!.^. Grain Drill. Sept. 13, 1870. 1. Tho arrangement of the fnune A D C, axles U il, washers a a, bolts d d, and nuts e t, all sobstan- tially HB nitd for the purjioses herein set forth. 2. The aiTaogement of the -cd I, with wheel J, ring 6', spring rf, lever K, an , constnicted as described, with hinged lovers K K for carrying the rotary cutter, screw / and spring k, connect^'d by ntds I'' K wnU the said levers, the said frame being attiirii.-d to the axle of a wagon, substantially as set ioith. 125.093. JACOB W. SPANGLER, York.. Pa. Cultivator. Mar. 26, 1872. 1. The slotted sector-plates E' provided with right angled arms E^ in combination with wheels B, axle A. pivots e,holts c', foot-treadle G, rock-shaft F, and links F', substautially as described. 2. The clips A, provided with shonldera, as described, iir conibiuntion with the slotted rib n' and drag-bars H. substantially as set forth. 128,701. WM. P. BROWN, Malta, Uhio Cultivator. July 0, 1872. The object of this iuveutioo is to improve wheel-cultivators by suspending the rear ends of the shovel -carryin': beams from the car- riage by means of springs and chains in such mauuer that, while the plowman is relieved from the weight of said beams and their shovels, tUo horses are also relieved of the weight of tlie tongue and doubletree during the opcratiou of the machine, as will be here- inafter explained. Spriug-arms and chains for sustaining the weight of shovel-beams, substantially aa de- scribed. i3i,wu9. ANDREW T. SHERWOOD Amador, Cal. Cultivator. Oct. 1, 1872 My invention consist-s. first, in constructiug- the framework of a field cultivator or seed- so wer of hollow metal tubes, for the purpose of obtainhigdnrabiUty and strength comluned with the required degree of lightness; and secondly, in a uovel arrangement by which .the weight of the driver is employed for forc- ing the cidtivator- teeth or plows into the ground. The loosolv -hinged cultivators E E, in com- bination witii the seat I, timber 1, and springs wj, so arranged that the driver's weight can be applied to force the cidtivators into the ground, subs tun tiallv as described 139,610. GEO. A. PURSLY, Pittsfiekl, Ills. Grain Drill. June 8, 1873. Filed .Mar. 8,1873. My invention relates to a combination of gprings and adjusting devices for graduating the force with which the tinkes or seed tabes are pressed into theearth. The invention con- sista in tho couibiuntioii of the movable bar and its guide-rods and spriiigs with the frame, draft rods, and Hukes; and in t!ie combination of the pivoted dud slotted plates, the pivoted connecting-bar, and the lever, with the mova- bio bur. the auidei-rodH and springs, the draft- rods, the llukes, and the frame, as hereinafter fully described. 'Ihe combination of the pivot*d and slotted plates I, pivoted connecting- bar J, and levei K, withthebar E, guide-rods D^and F,sj»ring8 U and O, draft- rods C, fiukes B, and frames A, substantiallyas herein shown and described 141,786. JONATNAN M. GUSTIN. Wil- mington Uhio. Cultivator. Aug. 12. 1873. Filed Jan. 28, 1S73. 1. The yielding beaui-supportcrs, consisting of the bent plates M, swiveled to the beam E, and holding the adjustable screw rods N and 'springs O, substantially as aud for the pur pose 'specified. 2. The yielding beam-supporter, consisting of the beot plate M', hinged to a swiveled horizontal shank, aud holding the adjustable screw-rod N and spring O, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 3. The adjustable arched or bent brace H, .constructed and a ranged as shown and de- scribed, in combination with the axle A, axle arms 0, aud clutch-plates B B' substantially as and for the purpose specitiea. 4. The adjustable and removable seatGG', loop G*, and rack G^ combiuod, substatitially as and for the purpose set forth. 6. The axle A and axle-arms C, in corabi- uation with the clutch-plates B B', bolts b^, and the combined walking and riding cnlti vator herein described. 147,936. EUGENIO K. HAYES, Lh Fayette. Ills, Double-Row St:ak-Cutter, Feb. 24, 18V4. ]''de.l O. t. i, 1873. The vertical stalk straighteners I, at^usta- blo set -screw blocks r, links s, glides q, oye- supports b, and cords rf, in combination with the ratchet-levers L, crank-shafts K, connect ing with rods M, provided with adjuating set screw block, and sjiiral springs f, all con- structed and arranged in the manner and foi the purposes as herein set forth. 148,906. WM. WEUSTHOFF, assignor to Farmers' Friend Manufacturing Co , Davton, Ohio. Grain Drill. Mar 24. 1874. Filed Aug. 8, 1873. This invention is intended to remedy the difficulty frequently experienced in drilling in hanl gi-ouud, where the hoes fail to pass suffi- ciently into the ground when it is harder than usual. In such c:isc the common practice has been to load the hoes by hanging weights on tho drag bars. 3Iy improvement consists in attachuig springs to a roller or oscillating bar ojierated by a crank, or equivalent mechan- ism, tho springs pressing against the uppei face of the drag-bar, and pressing them dowL with a force' depending upon the tension of tlie springs. The sjjriugs beiiiiug against the upper side of the drag-bars do not interfere with the movement of the drag-bar forward and back necessary to arrange the hoes in one row or zigii\g,. 1. The combination, in a grain-drill, of the hoesaml drag-bars, with thescgniental springs E attached to tlie shaft B, and bearing against the drag-bars with a pressure regmated by turning said shaft on its axis, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2. In comhiuation with tho drag-bars, the segmental sprhigs E, shaft B, lever D, aud de tent for holding tho shaft when the pressure has been adiusted, substantially as set forth. 3. Ill combination with the hoes, a<\jnstable in one or two rows, segmental springs E bear- ing against the smooth surface of the drag baTsjlio as to permit the hitter to slide freely under the sminsrs, substantially as set forth. 151,425. GIDEON J. OVERSHINER, lioilister, Cal. Gang Plow. May 2(!. 1874. Filed April l(i. 1873. My invention relates to tho coiphination and applicatipn of spring and lever power to the gang-plow in such inanncr that llio idows may ho raised by the foot of the driver, and w it'll tho application of very little power. In a irang-plow, tho combhiatiou of the springs 1 1 and lever G, for lifting tlio frame A and plows B, constructed and operating sub. stantially as sot forth. 160,621. ALBERT D. SIMONS.Windsor. Conn. Combined IIoi-se-Hoe and Plow. Mar. 9. 1875. Kiied J-an. 26, 1875. . 1. Tlio arched beam 0, having horizontal arms B, in combination with the guide-elamps U, plows A, and hoe-blades D, substantially hereiti described. 'J. The arched beams C, witii tho plows and hoes attached as described, and the guide i'.l:imi>s (i, in combination with tho arclien siiti ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1573 port J, rods L brace.s M, and studs N, sub Btantially as shown iiiui doscritjed. 3. Tbe combiiiatiou of cultivators A D, arclied bt'ixm 0, lover O, anil spring-catch 1* with the truck-frame and tongue, substan tially ns set forth. 180,271. WM. N. RIDDLE, Caddo Grove Texn::. AVheel CLiliivator. July 25, 1876 Filc-d April -25, 1876. 1. Tlio combination with pin I, having loop V, of the spring IT, arriinged to hold thi? plows down to their work, but yiehling sutli cieutly to allow them to move, as shown and described, for the pnr|»ose specilicd. 2. The combination of the bows U. the pins I, tbe arms J I', and the lover L, with the plow-beams €, the tongue K, and the uprights M. attached to tbe axle B, substantially as herein shown anerforated link k, substantially as described, and for tltb pur jiose set forth. 184.268. J. M. SMITH and H. W. C. THOMAS, Spriiiijtieid, Ohio. ' Grain Drill. Kov. 14, 1S76. Filed Feb. 2b*, 187(i. 1. The series of pivoted valves/', arranged over the. discharge-outlets to the seed-runs ol the distributer shells or casings, and o[>erat- iiig substantially as described. 3. The series of pivoted valves/', arranged over the tlischarge-ontlets of the distributer wheel easing, hi eombiiiation with the rock- shaft (/, with its series of crank-arms, auil act- iiatiiig-lcver //', substantially as ami for the purpose set h>rth. 3. Tiio hollow stud-axlo a, in combination witlt the drive-wheel B, central shaft &, diS' tribnter wheel shaft c, and clutch b' t-', ar- rangi'd as described. 4. The shaft on which the ed. and a series of drag-bars, F, having their for- ward ends attached to said front bar. 2. In combination with the hoes of a grain- drill, a series of clearers, G, suspended on a transverse shaft, and arranged to operate in tbe manner described. 3. In combination with the arms I, tbe bar or shaft il, pendent arms O, lever-arm J, and eixentric K, constructed and operating as shown and described. 4. In combination with the arms K', con- nected Dy the slialt L, having the links M niouuted thereon, and connectetl to the drag- bars, the hand lever O, mounted on the main axle, and connected by the sleeve N to one of the arms R', as shown. 5. Ip combination with the arms K', con- nected with the drag-bare, and operated by the hand-lever O, the arm I, provided with the pin h, and having the ctearer-arm shaft at- tiiched thereto, as shown, so that the move- ment of the lever to raise the boca will also raise tbe clearor-urma. tt. In combination with the hand -lever O for raising the hoes, provided with the lock- ing-dog «, the pivoted rack-bar or arm P, car- rying one of tbe feed -operating pinions, and having one end passed through tbe lever, as shown, so that tbe lioes and feeding devices may be thrown into and out of action simul- taneously by the driver with one baud while on the machine. 7. In combination with the driving shaft Q, the feed roll bearing loosely at one end on the shaft, and supported at tbe opposite end by the surrounding case or cup, as shown. 8. Iu combination with tbe shaft and the journaled feed-roll mounted loosely thiTcou, the loose fast«ning-pin /(, secured in place by the cup or case enuircling tbe journal, ae shown and described. 9. In combination with the feed legulating slide t, having its end provided with the ob- lique slot I, the upright hantl-lever U, mounted on tbe end of the hopper, with its lower end in the slot I, as shown. 190,816. WM. P. BROWN. Zanesville, Oliin. Conplini; t'<>r Cultivator. May 16. 1877, Fih^d April U, 1R77. 1. Tbe pipe-bos provided with a projection adapted to cooperate with a spring, weight, or thedraft, to rock tbe said pipe-bos against or with the weieht of the roar cultivators or plows, substantially as and for the purpose described. 2. The combination, with tbe crank asle and the gangs or plows, of tbe pipe-box, hav- ing arm M, the spring N, attached to tlie main frame, the head I, and the stirrup G, or 'its equivalent, having brackets H and pivot-bolt 6, and fastened to .the piie-box, substantially as and for tbe purpose described. 3. The pipe-box E, having longiiudinal ribs, combined with tbe stirrup G, having corre sponding grooves and a clamping device, sub stiintially as described. 191.054. JOHN L. BJLL, Climax, Kans. Coin I'lantcr and Grain Drill. May 22, 1877. Filed Fel>. 26, 1877. 1. Tbe combination of the reoessed cylin- ders S, the gear-whe-els T D, the rod V, the ratchet-wheel W, tbe push and tbe |)ult pawls X Y, the bar Z, and the lever A', as horein shown and described. 2. The combination of the seed-boxes M, the slides Q R, tbe brushes O, and the springs F, with the recessed bubs of the concaved rotary cutters K, and with the beams I J, subatau tially 'M beiein shown aud descrii ud. 193,075. T. BRENNAN, J TAYLOR and J. T. LYNAM, LunisviUe, Ky. Grain Drill. July 17, 1877. Filed Jan 29, 1877. Oar invention consists in peculiarly con- structed furrow ■ openers, provided with straight flat springs, and having one adjust ment incident to the springs and another in dependent of the springs, the former for tbe purpose of avoiding rocks, inequalities, &c., in the ground, and the latter for raising all of tbe openers out of the ground in going to or leaving a field, the construction being sub Btantially as hereinafter specified. 1. The furrow-opciiera A, having tbe tubu- lar extensions A', the V-shaped ends, and the sharp-edged colters a, conatrncted as shown, in combination with flat straight lifting or op- erating and supporting springs B, and tongues 6, substantially ai ilescribed. 2. The combination of the furrow-openers A. straight flat springs B, hinged bar 0, rod E. link F, lever H, and toothed rack J, all con atructed and arranged aqbstantially as de- scribed. 193.692- LOUIS B. CODDINGTON and WM. W. FRENCH, Westfu-ld. N. J. narrows, Julv 31. 1877 Filed May 28. 1877. The bars A A' A', hinged upon the rwl B, the frame U, having the cross-Lar b and up- rights D, the springs d, rods u, springs /, hinged bar E, axle h\ ami wbeels F', in itom- binatioii. substan tiailv as siiowii and described. 193,912 WALTER G. BARNES, Free- pnrt, Ills. Corn-Cultivator. Aug. 7, 1877. Filed June 19. 1877. My invention relates to walUiug-cnltivators; anil it consists, first, in the construction of a spring loop or book for hanging the beams on t))0 ends of the tongue when tbe implement is not in use; and second, iu tbe construction and arrangement of adju.stable' coupling or clamping plates to be used in combiuatiori with the beams and with the c^upling-sleevo, sub.stantially as hereinafter more fully de scribeii. 1. As an improvement in cnltivatore, the combination of the hinged beams D, havibg spring-loops G, axle B, and tongue or frame A, having hooks t i. substantially as and for the purpose herein shown and described. a. In combination with the beams D and axle B, the adjustable coupling-jaw herein de- scribed, consisting of the plates p p'y having segmental slots g, projecting lips r r', and di- agonal front caps or braces « s', constructed ami combined to operate substantially as and for the purpose herein shown and described. 195,742. U. BALDWIN, I. T. and W. K. SHUMARD, Stewaitson.Ills. Seeder and Planter. Oct. 2, 1877. Filed June IM. 1877 I The roller 11, connected with ujiper front end of ]tlow C by springs G, in combinalion with roils E, pivoted Iwlow the springs to plowsj and having hook ends that pass through rigid eyes e*, as and for the purpose specified. 2. Tbe combination of the series of M-hcels T, made with V-shajK'd rims, and the wheels or rollers TJ, nitwlo with concave fiiws, . with the shaft y, the ti-arno A, and the plows C, itubstantially aa herein shown and described. 3. The whwd T>% having pins E'4)f uneipml length atfaeh^^d to it.-,* side, and tbe arm F', and the spring */, attathed to tlie dropping- slide (J', in eombinatioii with the shaft -of the swiveh-d feed-sci-ew H, the hopper K, and the dro])}iing-slidc O', substantially as herein shown and lift it whep it is thrown out of action. 3. Ill combination with a vertically -swing- ing beam or drag-bar, a spring, substantially as shown, adapted to exert an automatic spring action upward or downward upon the beam, according to th*: position of the lattor. 4. In a cultivator, tliecoiubination of a frame, avertically-swiiigingbeamordrag-barattached thereto, and an automatic spring, substantially as described, connected with one of said mem- bers, and arranged t>o urge the beam down ward while the latter is in au operative |)08i- tion, but not when it is raised above said po- sition. , . „ 5. In a curtivator, the combination of a frame, a vertically -moving Iniam or drag-bar connected thereto, the pulley or equivalent bearing connected to ono of said memlK^fs, and the spring-arm conncuted to the other member and provided with the portiou d, bent as shown, and adapted U^ act against the pulley and hoU'. the beam down in an oper- ative position. C. lu acultivator,tlicconibiuation of amain frame, a vertically-moving beam or dragbai connected therewith, and a spring, substan tially as ilescriUed, interposed between said parts and acting vertically upon the beam, said spring being constructed and arranged to pass a center or dead point a.s the beam moves vertically, and in passing said point ccjise or change the direction of its action ou the beam. 7. The cornbinatioD of the frame, the verti cally-moving beam, and the vibrating spriug having the portion as shown and described, ■adapted to nrge the beam upwanl after the latter has risen above its operative position, but uoc urge it upward when it is iu said op- erative position. 8. The combination of the frame, the verti- cally-moving beam or drag-bar, the roller or equivalent bearing connected to one of said members, and a vibrating spring, constructed eubstamially as described, adjustably secured to the other of said members, as shown, where- by the opeiative'po.sition of the beam ami the action of the spring may be varied. ». The cflinbinatioa of the frame, the \crti cally-moviiig beam, the vibrating spring, con- structed substantially as shown, atUochcd to oue of said members, and the roller or bear- ing adjustably connecteii with the other mem ber, as showu, whereby the action of the spring and position of the beam may bo modified. 10. The combination of the main frame, the vertically -movable beam, and the automatic \ibrating spriug provided with shoulder e, 8;iid spring being located bctwftfn tbo frame and beam in the manner shown and described, so that the shoulder tsorves to limit the de- scent of the beam, and thereby control the depth to which the plow or hoe enters the ground. 11. In a wheeled cultivator, the combination of an arched axle and an arm extendiug out- wardly therefrom, and adapted to cooperate with and permit the lateral adjustmeut of a spring operating upon the beam, substantially as described. 12. In a cultivator, the combination of a frame, a vertically-swinging beam, a vibrating iifting-s|ning or spring-arm, and a roller or equivalent bearing riding on the spring, said parts arranged, substantially as described, so that the distance between the roller and the fixed end of the spring decreases as the beam rises. 9,085. ASAH- ALLISON, MUlville, Ind., assignor to the Eagle Manut'actuviug Co., Davcni)oit, Iowa. Cultivatur. Ori^nal 61,649. Jan. 2f», 1867. Ke-issued Feb. 17. 1880. Filed ^or. 28. 1879. 1. The plow-beams iJl», suspended from the curved guide-rods// and conuected with the stirrups or levers g g, for obtaining lateral movenitnl, in combination with the vertically- sliding croHS'heade F F, levers H U, and springs ill m, subntantially as and for the pur- pose described. 2. The fombinatiun of a wheeled frame and vertically-ewinging drag-bars jointed at their forward ends to the frame at a fixed height, and springs interposed between and having connection with both the fri.nie and beams, and exerting au upward strain upon the lat- ter when the machine is iu action. 3. A cultivator wherein the attendant is mecbanically assisted iu raisinr; thf shovels from tliegrounrljthesaiiic embracingthe com binalion of a wheelcii frame, verfically-swiiig ing beams, and lifting- springs adapted and arranged to lift tlio free ends of the beams without assistance above their operative po- sition, bubstantially as described. 4. The combination, iu a straddle row culti- vator, of a wheeled frame, two iudepRiident vertically aud laterally swinging beams, and springs adapted and arranged to exert an up- ward strain on the beams and permit th«rn to move both vertically and laterally while sub- ject to the spring action, substantially as de- scribed. 5. In a wheeled cultivator, drag-bara capa- ble of a vertical movement at the rear ends only, in combination with springs exerting a liltingstraiii on said ends, wlit-r* I'y the .springs are caused to govern or assist in governing the position of the beams and uln veU, sub- i stantially as described. 1 6. lnawheeledcnltivatur,thecoinbinationor | vertically moving beams, spring-^ Mrtiiiy up ward thereon, and means. RubsUuiti;ill\ as de- scribed, for holding tho beams down, so that the springs will automatically lift tiie beams and shovels out of action when rclea.sed, as set forth. 7. In a cultivator, the combination ot a wheeled frame, vertically - swinging beams jointed thereto, aud springs arranged to re- ceive the weight of aud sustain the beams when the latter are elevated out of action, sub- stantially as described. 8. In a wheeled culti\alo!, the combination of brains adapted to swing vertically at the rear cuds, springs exerting an upward strain ou said beams, and handles under the direct control of the attendant, operating upon and enabling him t(p control the beams, substau- tiallv as descriljed. 225 545. SANDFORD WILLIAMS, Sedgwick, Kans. Wheat-Drill. Mar. lb. 1880. Filed Jan. 20, 1880. The present iuientton has relation to seed and wheat drills; aud it consists in a series of bifurcated cutters having distributers for the seed, said cutters being hinged to a pi\oted cross - beam provided with a series of Hat springs, in connection with a removable rod passing through the arms of the cutters, and having removable blocks supported by tho rod aud disposed between the arms of the cut- ters, upon which the springs bear, tl\e tension of the springs thereon being regulated by a lever connected to the pivoted cross-beam. lu a wheat or gram drill, the bifarcated cut ters E and distributers F, said cutters being hinged to a pivoted crossbeam, a, having a series of flat springs, H, iu combination with the removable rod d and removable blocks or rollers c, said springs bearing upon said roll- ers or blocks, and their tension being rtsgulated by the lever I, substantially as and for the pur- pose set forth. 226 833. BTBON C. BRADLEY, Chi- cago, lllo. Cultivator. April 27, 1880. Filed Aug. 4, 1H79, iMv improvein«nt*» consist in -.iC-spriQg, ae- coiert at one end to tlie iixle, and having a cbain iittactlied U, its upper end, which cbaui is coniiecle.l at oue cud with the rear end ol the iilow-beaiii, for the purpose of aiding lu sustaining the weight of thdplow-bouin ; in a sprin.'-equalizcr, coustructed substantiallj as described, and to whicli the whiffletrce is at- tached for tho purpose of relieving the strain in seartiiiji and when tho plows coiue in con. tactwitb obstructions. .The twoequalizers also take the plac* of an evencr, and permit either borse to advance a little, the .same as when an evener is u.sed. as heieinafter fully set forth. 1 Thecorabinationof the springO, attached to lite axle, as described, with tho i-oclung head if, chain i>, and beam B, whereby the alta«li- Dient and operation of the spriug is made in- dependent of tho frame or parts mounted on tlie elovateil portion of the axle, substantially as specilied. 2. Tho eoiiibrnatiou of the bent rod or bar k fc', brace t, arms ij'y and rocking head tj, with the booked rod n," plate wt, and sjuing o, con- strncted and operating substantially as de scribed. 229 534. JOHN W. HUDSON, Welling- ton Ills. Wlicel Ciiltivntor. July 6. 1880. Kiled .Vlar. J9. 1880. 1. 'I'lie sleeve IJ, cat away for the passage of spring O, the latter attached to bar il and loileil around and secured to axle A anil ami P, constructed and afraiiged as shown and de-scribed. 2. The combiualion ol tiie yoke .1, pronged and serrated plate L. adjustable plow-beams K, rod i, and collar M, substantially as and Cor the purposes herein set forth. 3. In combination with two set.< of plow- beams, the shares K and counectingspting S, as and foi llie iiiiriioses herein set forth. 231,749. liaNIEL E. ASHER, (josport, Iiid Grain L>nll. Aul;. 31. 1880. Filed April 24, 1880. 1. In a seeding-machine, the combination, with the sec'i spouts and furrow-plows, of fi.r- row-eleaiiers baving their heel end branched to form an opel space immediately in front ol said plows, Bubstautially as and for the pur- pose specihed. 2. The combination of tho seed-spouts G, plows li, r.nd the adjustable furrow cleaners 1 with the shaft J, slotted rail E, standanis E', aud set screws «* aud P, snbslantiall.v as describ'-fl. ami for the purpose specified. 233,439. HENBT SANTROOE, Harvey Towiishi Grain IJvill. Oct. 19, )880. Filed Aug. 1-2, 1S80. 1. The liop]>er<.', having arciiesE, and feedei D, with aerew-thieads/j, said hopper being suspended by the springs c, hinged at one end (o tho frame A,iu combination with the shoes M, hose t, sleeves It, and tubes ft, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 2. TlieshoesM,havingbraee-arrasN, springs R, chains «, and roller L, iu combination with the lever K, ratchet - plate r, and pin t, sub- stantially as and for the purpose se» forth. 234,615. WM. H. RYER, assiguur to sell and A. ilir■^hbeinle^, LaCrosse, Wis. Sulky-rlow. Sov. 16, 1880. Filed July 19, 1880. Tho combination, with the arched cross-bar A, having the trunnions ni, of the U-suaped cross-bar ?i, connecting with^lever r and ex- tending back w.ardtosupport the plow, the plate p, and half tube q, the rod S, having spiral spring «, and the frame having lug f, substan- tially as and for the purpose specified. 234,845. JOHN BAKER, Mcchanics- I bur" Ohio. Combined Grain DriM and CuUivator. Nov. 30, 1880. Filed Feb Iti, 1880. 1. The combination, in a seeding-machine, of a rectangular frame composed of a trom bar atld two side bars, a transverse hopper sus- tained by the side bars of said frame, and a tronsyer.se brace having its ends threaded it reverse directions to adjust-the aide bara tc and from each other as the length of the hop- per may require. 2. A tubular gram-drill frame consisting ol tubular front aud side bars, elbows screwed thereto and forming corners, T- thimbles mounted on the side bars, and a cross-brace having its two ends threaded in reverse di- rections and seated in the thimbles, as shown and described. 3. Iu combination with a frame having its front and side bars connected by elbows, a cross-bar extending between and connecting the elbows, substantially as shown. 4. Iu combination. with a hopper having feet i, tho blocks D, and caps G, recessed ^o receive the feet, aud provided with set-screws, as shown. - , , -.t 6. Theelbow herein described, provided with the flange in its angle, as and for the purpose sot forth. it. A reversible cultivatortooth, K, pointed at one end and furnished with a lip, p, at its opjwsite end, as shown. 7. The combination of the bead J, the lat- erally-swinging arms n ii, pivoted thereto, and two shovels attached to the pivoted arms. 235,175. ERANCIS F. SMITH, Anroi-a. Ills. Snlkv-l'low. Uec. 7, 1880, Filed Vlav i-2. 1.S80. 1. The combinatiou, with the anpporting- bar A and crankshaft IC, of sector If, having a bracket, f , which binds against the side and edge or edges of the supporting-bar A, sub stantially as and for the purpose described. 2. The combination of the lever M, toggle- lever m m', sector If, having a br.acket, If, aud the crank-shaft *', and supporting-bar A, sub- stantially as and for the purpose described. 3. The combination of the sectors i* If, hav- ing brackets If If, in comliination with the slide B, ha\ ing a bracket, ft", the axles A' A' of the sulky-carriage, set out of line with oue another, and the crank-shaft k', having Its arms iu line with each other, snbstautinliy as and JVir tho purpose described. 4. Thecombiuatioii,with tho supporting-bat \ and crank shaft k'. of sector If on tho land- ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1575 siile of tlic carriiigc, iirovided Mitli ft bradcct, fc*, wliicli servca both as a set-gagi) for tho sec- tor ami as an cxtcmlod support for niioemlof tlio ciank-sbaft, a luvcr, link, and a slide, B, the ])arls beinfj arranged to limit the e\trc'uie up and down niovciuentsof the slide, substan- tially as described. n. Tlicspringclieck roller J, suspended upon a supportinc-fraino provided with stops, in combination with the plow-beam K', whereby a spring-roller and a laterally-vibrating plow- beam arc adapted for operating together in a sulky-plow, substantially as an, flukes F, and the feed bar or mil. as snetalied. 237,057. HENRY B. SHERWOOD, West port, Conn. Ilaud-Cuitivator. Jan. 25, 1881. FIKmI Aug. lf>, 18N0. 1. In a hand-cidtivator, the combination ol^ the wheel A, the forked and sInMed beam B, the axle bolt O, the bent standard D, carrying boo (r, and having a seinit(^l forwanl eiul en- gaging tlie serrated holding block F. the ban dio-holdor I, the handle J, the arm M, and the spiral spring O F, as and for the purpose specified. 2. In a hand-cultivator, tho combination, with the beam B and the haiidle-hohler f , of tho curved and channeled arm M, tho fastening N, and tho spiral spring, made in two parts, OF, tho lower part, O, having its npper end bent inward to engage with tlie channeled arm M, and the upper part, P, having its upper end bent upward to engage with the cross-bar of the handle-bolder 1, whereby tho iiandio can be adjusted at any desired inclination, as set forth. 3. The combination, with the bars T, carry ing the fender-plates S and the beam B, of the connecting-rod W, having a U bend or loop in Its middle part to receive tho beam, sub stantiatly as herein shown and described, whereby a lateral movement of the fenders is l)rovented, as set forth. 237,739. 0. O. GARDINER, assignor to P. F. Mast & Co.. Spiingtield. Ohio. Cul- tivator. Feb. 15, I881T Filed July 7, 1880. 1. In combiimtiou with the wheeleil iramc and the vertically-swinging beam it diag-bar jointed thereto, the upright arm connected rigidly with the beam, tho lever jointed at its lower'cnd to the arm and Itearing at its npper end loosely against a fixed roll or bearing on the frame, and a spring connection, substan- tially such as shown, uniting the arm and the lever with each other and tending to throw tlie beam upward. 2. In combination with tho wheeled frame and the swinging beam jointed thcreto,arigid arm connected with the beam, a lever pivoted at ouQ end to said arm and resting at its free eud against a bearing on the frame, and a spring-connection, substantially such asshown, uniting the arm and the lover, and adjustable to aud from their point of connection, sub- stantially as dosciibed. 3. Tiie combination of the frame, tho beam having the arm connected rigidly therewith, the lever jointed to the arm ami having the shoulder or inclino near one end, tlio spring connecting the arm and lever, ami the roller or bearing on the frame. 4. In combination with the levei' G, as de- scribed and shown, the arm F, provided wirii tho series of notches, the spring, ami the ad- justable spring-bearing. 5. In combination with a wheeled fiame and 'a beam or drag-bar connected thereto, a lift- ing-spring, and an arm provided with an in- cline or shoulder, and adapted to l>e actuated by tho spring, and to sustain tho beam in an elevated position by means of said slmnlder, substantially as doscribud and shown. 237,740. 0. 0. GARDINER and WM. C DOWNEY, assignors to P. P. Must & Co. Springlield, Ohiu. Cultivator. Feb. 15. 1881. Filed June 28. 1880. 1. The cuUivat«r-coupIing having the rigid arm, with its upper end provided with the se- ries of holes disposed indifferent vertical and horizontal planes, as described and shown. 2. The combination of the frame, the beam- coupling having the upright arm formed rigid ly thereon, the spiral compression-spring, and tlie sliding and swinging rod, having one end seated loosely in the frame, and the other end pivoted to the upper end of the coupIiiig-;iru bj' an adjustable jjivot, which permits the roc! to be moved forward and backward in relation to the arm- 3. The combination of the frame, the coup ling having the rigid upright aim thereon,, tht rod, and the spring, tho spring being adjust- able in tension, aud the rod adjustable for- ward and backward atitspointof connection with the arm, substantially as described. 4. lu combination with the a^Ie, the dfaft frame, and thebeamoperalingrod, the flangetl plate F, constructed as described and shown, with the lip or flange, whereby it is adapted to serve the double purpose of uniting the frame and axle and of holding the rod aud its spring. 5. Theeoinbination of tho parts b c, the con- necting pivot, and the screw /, applied to hold the pivot, as shown, 23b,6«3. STAGY B. HART. Peoria, Ills. Gr.iin-Drill. Mar. 8, 1881. Filed Oct. 4, 1880. The inveiititui consists, ttiist, in a certain novel eombinatton and arr.ingeniunt, in relation to theilrag-liarsof a grain-drill and their rais- ing and lowcringdevlees, of a series of springs which are natomatieally caused to either bear upon saiil bars when lowered or decrease their pressure u[ion the same when niised by the action of saiil raising and lowcririgdovieos,as hereinafter mnro particularly described; 1. Tlio combination, with the rock -shaft II, slotted arms /;, aud the lover for operating said shaft, of the springs 1/, secured to the lugs ff, and arranged to bear upon tho tops of the bars when tho arms ff arc lowered, substantially as dcscribeil. 2. In a grain drill, theeoinbination, with the drill-tceth and devici's for raising and lower- ingthes:nne,and the, traveling-wheel axlehav ing the leeil-wlieels mounted thereon, of auto- matic inci!hantsms connected with said raising and lowering devices and traveling-wheel axle for ehitehiug or engaging said axle with one of tho traveling wheels simnltaneou.sly with the loweritig of the drill-tceth, and unclutch- ing or disengaging said axle and wheel as the drill-teeth aie laiseil, substantially as and for the purpose set t'oith. 3. The eondiination, with the rock-shaft II drill-leelh, and iutcrmediate connections, o) the cam \V, lever X, traveling wheel C, axle B, carry ing t bo fecd-wliecls, and a suitable clutch, operated by the saiil lever X, for connecting the traveling wheel to' aud disconnecting it from said axle, substantially as described. 4. The combination, with the two-part feed wheels mounted upon tlieaxleB, and composed of tho fixed portions 1* and adjustable steoves r,and the slilow-beam having its front portions flexibly jointed, and carryiuff an interacting spring' between projections on the portions of tlie jointed pluw-beam, substantially as epeci fiod. 3. Thecombiuation, with the coupling-sleeve anil its draft sheave or projection, of the resili- ent flexible-jointed plow-beam, substantiallj as npecified. 4. The combination, with a plow beam and its coupling sleeve, having a draft eheave or projection, aud a forward arm, C,of thebfting- apring, toggle, and tic, substantially as speci- fied. 6. The combination, with a flexible plow- beam, of a coupling-sleeve having a draft-pro- jection at one end and spring lifting devices at the other end operating in antagonism to the draft, substantially as specified. 242,497. EDGAR E. WRIGHT, Davcn pm-t. Iowa. Cultivator. June 7, 1881. Filed May 23, 187^. This invention relates to that class o I ma- chines, generally wheeled, which have verti- cally-swinging beams or drag-bars to carry the 'shovels or plow points; and tho object of the invention is to render the oiwrations ol the machine easier and less laborious to the attendants by applying springs thereto in such manner that they will assist the operator in raising the beams anil shovels attached thei-c- to from their operative to their inoperative positions, and (his without having the springs exert anv objectionable lifting strain upon the 1576 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. boiiins wlic'i Llio hitter ni'O in iictioti. To tin's end tlie liiTPtition conrists in ^ipptj- in^ lining spiiiif^.s HI nitcli innnni-r thnt they exert upon tlio beams a innxiniiiin power or strain when Hio latter Jiie above an opcrntive position. The spring, opei:itinginaccor«.lance\vith my improved plan, may bo inntio and applied in vari6u.s fonns, winch willreadilysnggeatlhem- selves to tho skilled inccliaiiie without depart inj; fioni tho limits of my invention; My springs may be arranged to siisliihi the rthulo or any desired iiorliou of the weight of tho beams w hon tho latter arc rrtised.and they may bo arranged to exerta'slight lifting strai,n v/hen tho bcams'aro'ln action, or, if preferred, arranged to cease (heir lil'tiug strain entirely at ench. timo. The essential feature of my invention con- sists ill appIyiiigNi lifting spring or springs in such luaniiDr that they ilo Tiot incrcaao their lifting strain as tho beam i.^de]irossed,tliecon- striictioM preferred being such that the springs exert an increased lifting action as the beams rise from an operative to an inoperative posi tion. I am aware that springs liavo been applied iji vftrious ways to assist in lifting the beams in this class of innehines; but in all eases their arringcment was such that they acted with an increased lifting strain as tlio beams were lowered, tiio eoiisefjiience of which airange- mentwas, that the springs eserte; tLe shovels fir teeth, as the case niay be, out of or into o))eratinn or contact with the soil. To rai.se the hinged beams of impIemcntB cf this nature up from tbo ground requires the e.vortion of consider able power, the force or power required for this pnrposo iucieasing in the same ratio as tho distance from the groiuul. Hence tho ob- ject of my invention is to cimstrnet a simple and efficient device or attachment consisting, essentially, of a cam -sheave «liich is turned by the force of a spring and connected to one end of the chain, which, on bein;; wound up by the sheave, raises the beams, so that very little power is required for this operation of raising the beam or beams, as the force^of the spring is increased in exactly the same ratio as that of the resistance to be overcome, as will more fully appear by reference to the fol- lowing description of my improvement as ap- plied to and forming a part of a cultivator. 1. The combination of the stationary liub or spindle E, sleeve II, provided with the grooved or channeled eccentric catn-sheave I, cliain M. and spring K, substantially as seJ foith. 2. In combination, the stationa^' hub ot spindlo E, having perforated shoulder F, and arm G, sleevo H, provided with the eccentric grooved and perforated cam-sheave I, spring K, and cliaiu M, substantially as and for the purpose herein shown an E, bolt 0, plow-beams, aud slot- ted plate O, tho bolt A, the head of which is adapted to act as a keeper, su bstan tially as and for the purpose specified. 6. In C/Ombinatiou with the latcrally-adjust- able plow-beams, the slotted plate G, bolt A, and laterally-adjustable bar U^ substantially as and for the purpose specified. C. lu combination with the vertically-swing- ing plow-beams and vertically-swinging links J and spring L, the grooved plates K, adapted to receive the studs or projections j' of the links J, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 7. In combination with the vertically-swing- ing plow-beams, vertically-swinging links J, and springs L, the plates K, having grooves fr, curved upwardly at their forward cuds, whore- by they will rewst to a limited extent; the de- scent of tho plow-beams and sustain them in an elevated position, substantially as aud foi tho purpose specified. 8. In combination with the vcrtically-swiug- ing plow. beams, vertically-swinging links J, nnd spring L, tho plates K, haviuggroovos Jc, in which the studs j' slide, and against tha ends 01 wuicU grooves sam studs strme to limit the extent to which tho plows may be raised and lowered; substantially as and for the pur- l>ose specified. 9. In combination with a socket-plate, N, at- tached to tho plow - beams, a hemispherical plate, P, attached to the plow - handle, and adapted to be adjusted in tho socket n, for the purpose of a(^iusting the plow-handle laterally and vertically, substantially as and for the purpose specified. to. In eombinaliou with the plate N, secured to the plow-beams, and having a socket, n, and slot n', and hemispherical shell i', secured to the plow-handle, and haviug a hole, }}, thoboK n", adapted to pass through the hole p and slot n', and secure the parts after adjustment, aubstantiallv nu and for the purpose sjiecifled. 248.992. GEORGE W. BROWN, Gai«s- b' t«. l\U. Cnhlv.dtu: .Vuv. 1, istji. Fil. d .liiiir 19, isHn. 1. Tlie combinntion, with an a.xle or frame and plow-gang, of a spring arranged on sub- stantially the same longitudinal plane as the plow beam, and connected at one end to the plow-gang and adapted to move therewith, and its other eild fidcrumed or connected at or near the pivotal connection of the plow- gang, substantially as and for tho purpose specified. 2. In conibitiation with an axle and plow- gang, a spring adapted to exert an upwardly- lifting force on the gang when its rear end is elevated aboveaworking position, and to strike a stop w hen lowered to a working position or below it. which stop will retain plow-beams and spriug in same planes and prevent the spring from e.xerting either lifting-or depress- ing force on the gang. 3. The combination, with tho plow-gang, of the adjustable .socket-plate R and sliding han- dle adjustably j^ecured iu said plate, whereby s-iid handle is adapted to be adjusted later ally and higher or lower, substantially as ami for the imrpose specifieil. 4. The comnmation of the separate plates T T, connected to the lower end and opposite sides i»f the beam or standard, and extending below the same, the plate U, provided witli longitudinal grooves v u, and the washer w", with similar grooves, ir'" tr'", in which the lower side edges of said plates TT fit, sub- stantially aaand Ibr the purpose herein shown and described. 5. In eombinaliou with the sligvel, plates T, plate IT, and bolt ir, the shovel-block V, slot- ted substantially as described and for tlio pur- pose specified. G. Tho combination, with the shovel and standanl, to which it is secured by a bolt, ic, of a sbovel-block, V, slotted as described, and the shit W', closed by a reniovable i)late, W". substantially as aud for the purpose specified. 7. In a cnltivator-coupliug, the plate I, for- ward of and hinged to the axle, aud provided with notches i in its front side, iucombiuatiot with the platelC, adjustably attached thereto, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 8. In combination with ilie plate I, forward ot and hinged to the axle, aud with tho plate K, attached thereto, and provided with pro- jecting bolts L, the brackets H, having seg- mental slots h" in their forward ends, sub- stantially as and for tho purpose specified. 9. Tbe^plates J, constructed as described, iu combination with the journal a", plate I, hav- ing extensions!', with holes for journal rt", and the set-screw j, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 248.993. GEORGE W. BROWN and SAMUEL. G. HOLYOKE. Ualeslmrg, Ills. Cultivator. Nov. 1, 1881. Filed .Mar. 2, 1880. Our invention rflafes to improvements in wheel-cuUivatorsof tlie straddle-row class J nbd the objects of our improvements are, first, to provhle a two-way joint for connecting the [tlow-beams to the axle, which shall relieve the bolt which retains thepartsof the joint from the strain of the draft of the plows, and which shall have its surfaces of contact on which lateral movement of the jilowsois obtained so con- fitructeil that they will retain a lnL>rieaut, and which are copnected to the plow-beauis in a manner to protect the beams; second, to pro- vide a spriug which shall exert a downward pressure on the plows when in oiieratiou, and an upward or lifting force when the plows are raised above a working position, and which si>riugs are connected with the parts of the joint, aud of tlie axle iu close proximity to the joint, and not with the plow-beam, and houce do not interfere with tho movements of the plow-beams; third, to provide braces wliich do not require adjusting whou tho axle is adjusted to fix the distance between the plows; 'fourth, to provide practical and comparatively cheap njeansof secarioga pivoted tongue loan axle; fifth, to provide means of preventing ueck- drrtft of the tongue; sixth, to provide plow- bundles which maybe adjusted at dilTcrent an- gles to the plow-beams, for tha purpo.so of ad- justing the rear ends of the handles trans versely to the machine; seventh, to provide an attachment of tbo shovels to tho standards, which lu-ovidcs means of removing the bolt by which the parts are attached to tho standard without removing tho shovel-block from the shovel, and which also provides for the nso of a wooden' "break-pin.'" ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1577 1. In acnltivator-r,oiipli"K,tl»e plate J', pro' vidcii vviLU lugs whicb rt'st on tlie sleeve or Journal, and with an upiicr bearing-surface, in "combination wKli tiio bolt .1 aod plate K, ae- cured to the plow -beam and provided witL an annwiar ri.inge whicb extends liowuward around tlie [dale .1', so as to bear the draft of the plow, substaiittidly as and fur tliu purpose specified. 3. In a cultivator, the coaiuiuation, witbari axle or frame and plows hinged thereto, so as to have both vertiu:ilatid lateral movement, of a spring. N, atid arm ISf, adapted to move with the plowbeama when movc,534, which eontem- liiato the univcisal adjustment of the plow- beams and tlie more efleciual working of the plants, and the dcsiied adjustment of the shov- els which iierform thelatteroperation ; audit consists in the employment of certain mechan- ism and the form of the corn or i)larit shovels and their manner of adjustment, substantially as horeiuafter more fully set forth. 1. lu a cultivator, thocombiuation, with the beams, of the universally jointed yoke A, hav- ing springs connecting it to the said joints, sub- stautially as and for the purpose set forth, 2. In acuUivator, the combination, with tbe betuis, of the yoke A, cimiposcd ut the tranie a, having the springs or strapscjsubstantially as and for the purpose set forth. 3. In a cultivator, tliecombiaalion, with the beams, of the yoke A, composed of the frame «, provided with the perforated lateral ex tended portions a', having the atljusling-piu &', and the straps or spritigst?, substantially air and for the purpose set forth. 4. In a cultivator, the combination, with the beams having the swiveled cli|)s d and fixed clips d', of the yoke A a, having the springs or straps c, substantially as and for the pur- pose Bet forth. 5. In a cultivator, the combination, with the foot - bar B', of the shovels B, of the shape shown and described, each turaed upward at its frouL end and curvetl rearwardly, with one side presented obliquely to the ground and pivoted at one corner to the bar,and provided at its other corner with a slot and adjustiog- screwjsnbstautiallyas aud for the purpose set foi-'h, 251,301. JOSEPH 0. SEBRING, Bis- inarck, Kiiiie. Cunibiued I'lauler and Cultivator. Dec. 20, 1881. Filed Jan. 8, 1881. 1. Tbe combination of the pendHnt V^ and brace-rods V*, extending from pendant tosta- ples on llio heelsof the spindles, and a marker, V, as set forth. 2. The combiuation of the rigiil frames V'. bifurcated pendants V* V", sheave blocks V' V, aiugle draft-chain V, sheaves f'r', frame- sheaves r" r^, whiffletrees V*, and supporting rod or chain V"*, as set forth. 3. The seed-hopper H' and seed-slide G G', having hole t', adapted to be adjusted for re plantiug, as set forth. 4. In combination with tbe replan Ling-bop per H', seed-slide G G', having hole i\ tbe spring I, tube K, boot L, shoe M, elevating- 8|>rlng «, and stirrup 7. 251,724. ROBERT 0- MORRIS, Olnev, Ills. Grain-Drill. Jan. 3, 188:1 Filed Apiil 13, 18H1. My invention relates to improvements lu graiu-dvills; and the objects of my imjjrove- ments are,first.to provitte a machine fonlrill- ing wheat andotherkirnls of grain, the weight of which shall rc?t mainly upon tbe shttvels which form tbe furrows iisto which the grain is deposited, or upon-an attachment thereto, whereby the operator isenabled tocnutrol the depth of tbe furrow, aud consequently tbe dis tance below tbe general surface of the ground at which the seeds shall be deposited, whether such giouiul bo soft or hard; second, to pro- vide a series of rollers which shall follow ihe shovels andcompnct the earth upon tbe grain after it has been de[K>tiitcd in tbe furrow, antructions pre 'sent themselves; aiHl,flfih, to provide the nec- essary construction and combination of parts to make tbe machine operative, and tuprovnle for stopping tbe How of grain from the seed- box at the euds of the route aud when the ma- chine is being moved from [ilace to place. 1. A grain-drill combining in its construe tion a frame for supporting theoperating pai'ts a series of hoes or funow-opeuors carried up on jointed rods anil having a vertii-ally- ad justablo movement, a series of rotating seed coverers arranged iu the rear of the furrow- openers, a seed - box, and a series of ft-eding- wheets and suitable mcch. nism for driving them, the construction aud sirrangemeiitof the parts being substantially such as are herein de- scribeil, whereby the carr\ing-wheels usually employed for carrying grain - drills are dis- I jteiised with and the weight of the machine is luade to rest maitdy upon the furrow-openers, as described. I a. In a graiu-dnll tbe werght of which rests j upon tbe shovels or furrow openers, a series I of tjointed verticallynioving drag-bars and a I series of corapactiug-rollera having their jour- 1 nals placed in bearings formed in the drag- bars, they beingarranged substantially asset forth, whereby tbey are made to follow in the path of the hoes or furrow openers and to leave a channel in the earth below its general level, a^ set forth, and for the purpose speci- fied. 3. In a grain-drill the weightof which rests mainly upon the shovels which form the fur- rows for the reception of the grain, a series of curved cutters the lower ends of which are secured to ^e points of the shovels, or to the standards which carry them, aud their upper ends to swinging beams, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 4. In a grain-drill the weightof which rests mainly upoft the shovels which form the fur- rows for the reception jf tbe grain, a series of springs arran;;ed substantially as shown and described, whereby tbey are made to com- municate or transfer the weight of the frame of the machine, sub.stantially as set forth. 5. In a grain-drill the weightof which rests mainly upon the shovels which form the fur- rows for the reception of the grain, the com- bination of tbe frame A A and A', the bars D, beams E, and rollers I'P, the parts being constructed and arranged for joint operation substautiallly as set forth. 6. The combinatioti of the frame A A A', the bars D, attached to the frame, (he beams E, rollers E', shovels E^, cutters E*, rods F, springs F', slotted beam F, lever C, tum- bling-beam C, and chain G, the parts being arranged for regulating the depth of the far- rows and for throwing tbe weight of tbe ma- chine npoQ the rollers, substantially as set forth. 262.163. FRANCIS O. WILLIAMS, North Cohocton, N. Y. Cultivator. Jan. 10. 1882. Filed Aug. 26, 1881. 1. The combinalioo, with tbe frame A aud tongue B, of the wheel-standards swiveled to said frame, and provided with rigid arms E, the connecting-rods F, tbe foot-lever G, tbe rod J, aud the hand-lever X, as and for tbe purpose dcscribedi 2. The combination, with the shaft O, hav- ing armsQ V, the lover X, and the connecting- rod VV, of the coil-spring P on said shaft, the standards S, connecied with the frame by ad- justable chains V, nnd the rods It, as and fur th^ purpose specified. 253,807. JAMES K. WORTHINGTON, Kivku..(.d. Mo. ^ulkv-rio«. Feb. 14. 1882 Filed June 7, 1881. J. A riding or sulky plow having all tbe wheels which support the sulky when upright in the rear of the plow, aud-arranged to travel in the fnrrow being turned. 2. The combination, in a snlky-plovv having a scat, of the plow B, aud sulky-wheels D D', used in supporting tbe sulky in an uprightpo sltion,andconstitutingtheon tire support when in that position, all of said wjeels being ar rauged lo travel in the furrow being turned. 3.' Tbe combination of the axle E, the wheel;: l) D', the grooved collar G', the chaio K, th< beam C, beariugs kk, le.ver J', link J, beam B' and plow B, substantially as described. 4. The combination, in a ulow. of tbe chain K aud the pulley G', said chain at its forward end being connected directly or indirectly with tbe plow B, and *o enable it, when tightened upon thepulleyG', todraw and lift the plow B, 5. The combination, in a satky-plow, of tb« .ixle E, the bearing G', the chain K, tbe bear ings k A:, nnd the beam C, substantially as de scribed. 1578 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. (i. Tlio eoiiibiii;«.lioii, in a siilkj -plow, of tlie nxlo K, hearing (!', cimiii K, beiimC, levcrJ', link J, and plowlipam II', stibstantiully as (le- scriljcd. 7. Tbo conibiriatioii, in a plowing' device, oi' tlio beam (', the plow it, the beam B', tlio spiiiij;; li, lIu-hainlleM, and the spiiiig L', sub- stautially ns described. 8. The coinbinalion, in a plowing; device, ol tlio plow JJ, haiidio M, beam *;, and spring L', substantially a-s described. 0. In a sulky plow, tlio combination of the plow U, the caniagc-beam C, the arm I, Iho link I', tbo lever I- in the form of a spring, and tlio bearing/', substantially as described. 10. A sulky-plow having the side wheel, O, anil the fender I*,noithersiiid wheel norfender touching the ground savingwiien the sulky is tilted, substantially us described. 11. The combination of the plow A, wheel O, braco o*, and step *»', substantially as de- scribed. 12. The combiiiatiou of the axle IJ, loop U, arm I, and plow B, serving to giiitle said arm as the plow is liftetl at the heel, atid also al- lowing the plow to be canted by means of the handlfl M, substantiallv as described, 254,418. WM.H. WILDE, Uuslm,-ll.IIIs Whwl-I'lnw. I-Vb. L',S. 1SS2. Fileil Sept L'li, issi. The natoro of my invention relates to im provements in wheel-plows; and the Invention consists in tbo use of a spring connected with tbo plow-gang iiud lifting-lever in such man- lier that tliO spring mny bo utilized to aid iu raising the plow from the ground j may be locked by the lifting-lever, so as to exert oo force on the plow wUcii iu operation, and (o permit the plow to rise and fall freely inde- pendently of the lifting-lever and spring; and which may bo locked so as to exert no force on the plow, while (he lifting-lever is locked tc hold tbc plow firmly in the ground. 1. In a wheel-plow, in combination with the aslc or ft-ame, bail, and plow, a spring connect ed with the axle or frame or a projection there from at one end, and with the bail at its other end by a slotted connection, whereby it may bo utilized in lifting the plow, anil may be placed in position to exert no ffirce on the plow when in operation, and permit it to rise and fall freely and independentlv of the spring, Htibstnntiailv as iind for the purpose specified. 2. In a wfieel-pIow,in combination with the axle, plow, swinging b.til,and liftlng-Iever con- nected with the |)lnw by a slotted connection, a spring counerted with the axle or a projec- tion therefrom at one end and at its other end with the lifting-lever, whereby the litting-Ie- ver may be locked in position and the entire force of the spring will be exerted thereon, and none of its force exerted on the plow, substan tially as and for the purpose speeifii-d. 3. In combination with the axle, swinging bail having a slotted standanI,G, and the lift iug-Iever having its arm c/ pivoted in said slotted standard, a spring, U, connected at one end wiili tin- axlf or a projection therefrom and at its other end with the distal end of the arm r', substantially as and for the purpose specified. 4. In combination with the axle, swinging bail, plow, and lifting lever loosely connected with the bail by a slotted connection, a spring adapteil to be locked from action on tho plow by the lifting-lever in one position, and permit- ted to act in raising tbo plow with tho lifting- lever in other positions, substantially as and for tho purpose specified. 5. In combination with tho axle, plow, swing ing ball, and lifting-lever having an arm, c', connected with the plow, a K))ring adapted to act on the arm c', and thereby on tbo plow, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 254,557. WM. A. KNOWLTON, Kuck- fMid.llls. Cultivator. Mar. 7, 1882. Filed Dec. 17,1881. My inVeution relates to that class of culti- vators known as " straddle-row walking-culti- vators," emi)loycd mainly In the cultivation of hilled or rowed crops; and tho object of my invention is to support a suitable portion of the weight of the shovel-beams and their at- tacbuient ou tbo uiaia frame mounted oo the carryiog-wlieela, to enable tho operator to ban die the i)lows with greater ease and more cor tainty, to 8ui>port the plows iu an elevated po sition iudupoudently in amanncrto be readily lowered by means of the handles, and to bq- curely fix the plows in ou elevated position foi the purpose of trauspjrtatiou, all of which and tho means to accomplish those results will be hereinafter moro fully dcsicribed. 1. Tbecombination, with tho mounted frame of a cultivator andtheahovel-be^ms having a suitable connection therewitli, of the volute spring provided with the cap I and radial arm k, aud liuk-connecliou o, substantially as and for the purpose described. 2. Tho combination, with the volute spring mounted upon *.ho supporting-frame of a culti vator and a s >portiug link -connection with the sbovel-bcums, of the uprising ears or other equivalent, to receive the supporting-link when the shovel-beams are elevated, substantially as aud for the purpose hereinbefore set forth. 3. The combination, substantially as herein described, of the axle, the tongue-beams, and thohereiiidcscribedspring-support with spring mounted therein, a radial arm, and link connec- tion with the shovel- beams, substantially as and for the purpose hereinbefore set forth. 4. Tho combination, substantially as herein- before set forth, with the cultivator -frame, drag-bar, -.ind counectiog-rod, of the drum-like portion of the spring -case, a removable cap with radial arms attached, aqd a volute spring. tbo said parts being couatrncted and arranged substantially as described. 5. The herein-described spring-case, consist- ipg of tbo drum-like portion fitted to engage tbe outer end portion of the spring, aud pro- vided with an axial shaft, a cap provided with an axial lubularshafttoreceivethe axial shaft of tbo drum-like portion of the case, and fitted to engage tbe inner end of the spring, sub- stantially as and for tho purpose hereinbefore sfit forth. 254,776. GABRIEL MARTIN, Monroe 'rownship. Logan County, Oiiio. Culti- vator. Mar. 7, 1882. Filed July Iti, 1881. My invention parttcnbirly relates to those eultivatois adapted foi strHiklling a row of corn; muX it consists in providing such a cul- tivator with supideiiiental and independent shovels for stirping the ground between the rows, said supplemental shovels working out- side of the central straddling. shovels, and be- ing held down by a spring niechauisra, which adapts them to yield to immovable obstruc- tions, the pressure of the springs being varied by adjusting levers so as lo regulate thedeptb of penetration ol the sui>pleniental shovels. In a cultivator adapted for straddling tbe row of corn, tbo combination of supplemental cultivators O S, hinged near tbeir centers to tbo axle, springs P at tbo forward end of the beams of said cultivators, handles or levers Q, extending from said springs to tho rear of tbe cultivator, aud racks K, all arranged substan- tially as and for the purposes set forth. 255,557. WM. B. YOUNG, Alton, His., i'^sicTiiur h' the llapi^nod Plow Co., same pnVx. Sulkv-lMow. \Mur. 28, 1S82. Filed Dec. 28, l.XSO. 1. In a sulky-plow, a central bail having pivotal connection with the axle, and an arm extending connecting by a link with the op cratiiig-lever, a plow mounted loosely upon said bail, and a spring acting upon the said bail in rear of the axle to elevate the plow, sub- stantially as shown. 2. In a sulky-plow, the combination of au axle elevated in the center, with perpeudicu lar sides and horizontal arras, oue arm extend- ing and having the wheel rotating thereon, a central bail having pivotal connection with the axle, and an arm extending connecting by a link with Uie operating lever, a plow mounted loosely upon said bail,a8priug having oocend connected to the bail In rear of the axle aud tbe other end connected above to tho frame or tongue, and the spring acting upon the bail to elevate tbe plow, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 255,877. LUPPE LUPPEN, Pekin. IHs Cultivator. April 4, 1882. Filed Oet. 18, 1881. 1. Ilia straddle row cultivator, the combi- nation of au arched axle, a sliding frame, to which the forwatd ends of the beams are cou- neote,044. CHARLES W. POST, .Spring I field. IIU. Cultivator. April 4, 1882 ! Filed Nov. 16, 18S1. ! The object of my Invention is to cause culti- vator beams, uot aflected by the bitch, to au- j tomatically adjust themselves with reference I to tbe shovels when plowing mixed soil — i c, hard and soft soil — so that the shovels will re ! sistthetendency of the hard soil to throw tbeni out, and theieby an even depth of furrow be I maintained. I attain these objects by tlevices ; illustrated in the accompanying drawings, in I which — I 1. In a cultivator, the combination of the i drag-bar with tbo axle or frame by means of I a yielding or movable coui)liug adapted to per- mit the front end oT tbe drag-bar to fall or rise as tho shovels or teeth encounter a greater or less resistance from the soil, tbeieby causing the ehovels to stand more or less vertical to the ground, substantially as described. 2. In a cultivator, the combination, with the drag-bars, of yielding or movable couplings couuecting the drag-burs with the axle, aud adapted to permit tbe forward ends of said drag-burs to full and the shovels to automati cally adjust tuemselves towanl a vertical po- sition as the resistance of the soil increases in- dcpeudcutly of the hitch of the team, substan- tially as described. 3. Tbc combination, iu a wheel-cultivator, ol the beam ordrag-bar and a movable coupling at Its front end, tbe bearing of which recipro- cates at an angle of approximately forty- five degrees, substantially as described. 4. The combination, with tbe axle of a cul- tivator aud the oblique gni<> tc t]>e side bars of tbo main ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1579 I'rjimc, tlioltftine-levers. -cured toa rock-sluift, P, ami provUleii witU a lockiiig-Iatcli, Iliespg- incut-rack, tliu rock-slinft provideil witli a reiirwanlly-projt'ctitiff arm, the stajile secured to lli« bar carrying tho teeth and receiving tlio arm oftljo rock'Sliaft,aiHltliespriiigHriatig«*d around said aupleiuidiiiterposeil between tlic arm of tlie roek-sUal't and the said bar 1, sub fitantially as described. 257,228. EDWARD P. LYNCH. Daveo- port, lowH. Cultivator. May 2, 1882. Filed Fe .. 24, 1882. 1. In a wheeled cultivator, the comliiiiation of the axle, the vertically and laterally swing- ing beam journalcd to the axle, tho lifiiiigarm journaled upon the axle indepeoiiently of the boani -coupliug, the vertically- sliding rod jointed to the lifiiogarm, the spring depress- ing said rod, and tho connection exteuding from the lifting-arm to the beam, substantially as showu and described. 2. The combination of the axle, the coup- iJDg-hox iDonutcd upon the axle, the beam jointed to the coupling-box, the liftiiig-arm mouutcd upon the nxle independeutly of the coupling-box, the vertical rod jointed at one end to the liftiug-arm, the spring, and the con- nection from the beam to tho lifting devices, substautially as shown. 3. In combiuatiou with tholaterally and ver- tically swinging beam, tho i'lting-anu ar ranged to swiug about u horizontal axis, and a jointed connection between the lifting arm aud tho beam, and a spring, applied snbstan tially as described, to urge the upper end of the liftiog-arm downward. 4. In combinatioD with the beam, the axle, and the coupling-box connected to said parts, the lifting-arm arranged to straddle the coup- ling-box aud connected by intermediate de- vices, substantially as shown, with tho beams. 5. The combination of the axle, tho couit- liog-box, tho beam, the lifting arm indepeml- eiit of tite coupling-box, tho connection be- tweeu the lifting device and the beam, the vertical rod with forward extension at its foot, and the two springs, applied substantially as described and shown. 267.229. EDWARD P. LYNCH, Uaven port, Iowa. Cultivator. May 2, 1882 Filed Feb. 8, 1882. The primary objects of tlio invention are to suspend the shovels with a spring aetioii at the exact depth desired in practice, and to re- lieve the a.ilo and coupling-box from the fric- tion upou the axlo incident to tho downward pressure of the spring .uder the ordinary arrangement. With these ends in view the invention con- sists in iutrodncing between the aim of the beam and the spring-actuated rodau Interuie diafe arm sustained upon theasle,and in con- necting the two arms by a spritig, as well as in various minor detnitn. 1. The combination of the beam and the arno connected theicwlLh, the secondary arm hav- ing a limited play in relation to the Orst arm, the rod, pivoted to the second arm, and the two8prings,applied substantially as described and shown. 2. The combination of the beam and tbc arm connected therewith, the second arm mounted loosely on the axle, and the lifting spring and the suspending -spring, snbstanlially as dc scribed and shown. 3. la combination with a beam aud a rigid arm connected therewith, a second arm, actu- ated by a beam-lifting spring, and a suspeii siou-spring betwppii tho two arms, substan- tially as shown. 4. The combination of the beam and its arm, the independent arm, the suspensioi; spring, and the spriug-adjusting device. 5. The combination of the beam, the upright arm connected therewith, the independent ann, the intermediate 8))riog, the rod united to the indepeudcnt arm, the knuckl'^Joinr, and the spring mounted upon tho rod, as bbown. C. In combination with the i erlicany-8\\ ing- ing cultivator-beam, a spring tending to ele- vate the siimc, and a second aud stronger spring located intermediate between the arm aud the Orst spring, in the manner and foi the purpose substantially as described andshofl n. 257,257. AT.AN RON p. WEBBER, Sar- atoga, l\lb. Cultivator. Muy 2. 1882. Filed Mar. 19, 188Q. It has become common to use springs in cultivators for the purpose of partially sup- porting the plow-beams when in use, the tend- dency of such springs being to elevate the beams : hence, if the operator wishes to press the beams aownwardtoplow deeper, ho has to overcome the tension of the springs. The objectof my invention is to provide cul- tivators with spiingsconnected with the beams, whioli springs will be free to act jit all limes, but which, when the shovels are in the ground, will not operate so as to have a tendency to elevate tho rear ends of the beams, but when the rear ends of the beams are raised a little will come into action and will raise and hold or assist iij raising and holding the shovels ont of the ground. A further object is to so arrange the sprin^^s that if desired they can also be used for the purpose of aidiog in hold- ing the shovels in the ground. These objects I accomplish by means of coil-springs — one for each beam — the npper end of each spring beiug secured to the mainframe, and the lower end being provided with a pulley which trav- els longitudinally under and along a rod or track connected at the ends to the beam, as hereinafter more fully set forth. Tho combination, in a cultivator, of the axle with the swinging shovel-beams B, the spring.*^ secured at their npper ends to the axle aud at their lower ends provided with pulleys or rollers, and the rods c, secured to the shovel- beams and passing over the said rollers, said members being constructed aud adapted for operation substantially as described. 267,730. EDWARD P. LYNCH, leaven port, Iowa. Wheel-Cultivutor. May 9, 1H82. Filed Feb. 8, 1SS2. 1. In couibination with a vertically-swing- ing plow-beam, a lifting-springand a saspend- ing-spring, arranged to operate substantially as described and shown. 2. In combination with a vertically-swing- ing beam, a spriug to raise tho same out of nc tion aud a spring to snspepd the same in an operative position, the two arranged to operate alternately. 3. Id combination with the plow-beam and the upright arm connected thereto, the rod pivoted to hiiid arm aud provided with the fin- ger, the guide for tho rod, aud the two springs applied substantially as shown. 4. Tbocombinationof the beaai and its rigid arm, the movable rod pivoted to the arm, and tho compression-gpriug located between the rod and arm forward of their connecting-pivot, to suspend the beam in an operative position, substantially as described. Q. In combination with tho vertically-swing- ing beam and the arm I), connected therewith, the rod J, jointed to said arm, the spring F, to limit the descent of the beam, located directly between the arm and rod, forward of thfir connecting-joint, and tho adjustable spriug sustaining spindle L, as described and shown. G. The combination of the beam, tho upright arm connected rigidly therewith, the movable rod pivoted to said arm, thesuspeilding-spring F, located between the arm and rod, to austain the beam in an operative position, and the ad justable spindle L, mounted and arranged tu support the spring. 7. -Tho coupling-box for a cultivator, pro vided with the upright arm D,and asiundle, L, adapted to support a spiral spring, asdescribed and shown. 8. In combination with a vertically-moving beam, two springs, substuutially as described, one tending to raise and the other to depress the beam when the latter is in an operative position. 0. In combination with the vertically-swing- ing beam, the spring attachment constrnctcd, substantially as shown, with twospringSjWhich tend one to raise and the other to depress the beam when it is in nn operative position, whereby the beam is Held by spring pressure from.filthor risiuK or falling, as set forth. 258,202. JOHN I. HOKE, South Ben.L Iiid. Sulbj-riow. May 16, 1882. Filt«i Feb. 2H, 1881. 1. The combination of the clevis B', fixed to tho plow-beam, the draft-clevis B and its ex- tension E', pivoted to clevis B^, the latch-arm I, the guide G, fixed to pivoted bracket G', and the open heart-shaped catch 0, fixed to the pivoted tongue, subslautially as and for the purposes described. 2. The combination of tho pivoted heart- shaped catch C, ha viiig the draft -tongue rigidly secured to it, the guide G, the vibrating catch arm I, and the pivoted clevis to which this arm is atlaclied. substantially as described. 258,y24. J. W. THOBIAS and A. R. LUDLOW, assignors lo Thomas, Ludlow k Rndgerp, Spi-iiijjfield, Ohio. Seedint? Machine aud ('riltivtttor. May 3U, 1882 Piled Jan. 9. 1H8" 1. The combination, with a hoe or tooth and a lifting roller or shaft for raising and lower- ing the stjme, of a jointed pressiire-iod hinged to said shaft and provided with a shohldered or locking joint, substantially as and for pur- pose described. 2. The combination of the hoe or tooth, the rock-shaft for raising and lowering tho same, a jointed pressore-rort interposeii between said tofitli and rnek-shaft.and havinir a shouMercd or locking joint, and a spring arranged to ex- ert its tension to straighten said jointed rod. 3. The combination of the hoes or teeth, the liftingroUerorshaftforraisingand lowering tho same, the jointed rodscoonectingaaid teeth and shaft hinged to the latter, and having shonl- dered or locking joints, and means for locking said shaft, whereby the hoes or teeth may be held locked in working position, while at; the same time any ono tooth is adapted to rise without disturbing the others or tho lifting roller or shaft. 4. The combination of the hoes or teeth, the lifting roller or shaft for raising and lowering the same, the jointed pressure rods connect- ing said teeth and shaft and having a hinged or pivotal connection with the latter, and a lever geared to said shaft for actuating it. 5. Tiie combination of the hoes or teeth, a lifting roller or shaft connected therewith by jointed pressure-rods and provided with a toothed wheel, a lever geared thereto for actu- ating it, and means for holding said lever at any desireil adjustment. 6. A jointed pressure rod forconnecting the hoes or teeth and the rock-shaft, adapted to bo hinged to iho latter, and provided with the shouldered or locking joints, in combiuation with the difteruling springs, substanlially as described. 7. The jointed pivssure-rods connectingthe hoes or teeth and the rock-shaft, hinged to the latter, and provided with shouldered or lock- ing joints, distending s]>rings, and slots per- mitting the hoes or teeth to fall and rise with- in certain limits each independently of the others, substantially as described. 8. The jointed andfoldingpressore-rodscon- necting the hoes or teeth and tho lifting rollet or shalt, and having a pivotal connection with the lattor, said joicled rods haviug slots'per- mitting the independent movement of the teeth, perforations and set-screws or bolts adapting them to hold the teeth atany desired adjastment, and self-locking or shouldered joints, in combiuatiou with springs applied and operating substantially as described. 9. The jointed and folding pressure-rodscon Dccling llie hoes or teeth with the lifting-roll- er, provided with shouldered or self-locking joints, in combiualionwith distendingspriugs, and means for holding said joints flexed, sub- stantially as described. 10. The combination, with the hoes or teeth aud adjustable drag-bars for changing said teeth from a straight line or siugle row to a zigzag position, and vice versa, of a lifting- roller hinged to the latter, and provided with shouldered or self-locking joints, snbslantially ,as and for the purpose described. 259,626. EDGAR A. WRIGHT, Moline. Ills. Cultivator. June 13, 1882. Filed April b', 1882. Tbe invention relates to an improved man- ner of constructing the frame and applying '.ho springs for the purpose of raising or assist- i ingtheoperatortoraisethe beams or drag bars, the springs having in some cases the addi- tional function of holding the shovels to their proper places in the ground. Tho improvement consists mainly in provid- ing the frame with axles capable of rotating Independently of the wheels, coupling the wheels directly to said axles, anil providing the axles with arms arraugeeudent loose axles, the two loose wheels, the two beams connected with tbe axles by vertical axes, tbe arms rigidly se- cured to the beamy, the rods pivoted at one end to tbe arms and sliding at the o[iposito euds in guides, and the spriugs mounted on tbe rods, as shown. 5. In combination with the rotating axte and the team having a forked bead, tbe conj) Hug consistiug of tbe tube, the beariug-blocU between the tube and axle, the clamping de- vices, and tbe vertical pivot. 0. Tbe conibiuatioQ of tbe draft-frame, tbe ground-wheels, the rotating axle, tbe beam connected with tbe axle by a vertical axis, and tbe arm secured rigidly to tbe axle and ex- tending downward tberefrom. 260,447. DANIEL BERLE W and MAR TIN L. KISSELL, Springfield, Ohio, iissiguurs Ut V. v. Miidt & Co., same place. Cultivator. July 4, 1882. Filed April 14, 1882. 1. The combination of the plow-beam, the rotary draft de^'ice to which it is connected, the arm attached to said device, tbe pitman jointed to tbe arm, the sliding rod mounted in a guide and jointed at one end to the pit- man, and tbe spring upon said rod tending to depress tbe same, as described and shown. IJ. In a cultivator, tbe combination of tlu axle, tbe coupling bead or sleeve, Jouroaled loosely upon tbe axle and provided with an upright arm, a vertically-sliding rod mounted in a guide upon tlie main frame and connected by a pitman with tbe upright arm, and the spiral spring applied to urge tbe sliding rod dowuward, substantially as described aurt shown. 3. In a cuUivator, the conibiuation of ibo rotary coupling or draft head, having tbe up- right arm Q adjustably attached thereto, the pitman, 11, the vertically sliding rod S, the cylindrical case sorronndiiig the rod and so- cured rigidly to the frame, and tbe spiral spring lUouDted within tbe case and acting to de- press tbe rod. as described and shown. 4. Id a spring atiacbmeut ior cultivators, the combination of the axle, the draft-bar X, aud the spriug-snstaiuing guide T with the stirrup U, applied, as shown, to unite both the guide and tbe axlo with the draft-bar. 5. Ina cultivator, tbe combination, with the rotary conpUng head G and the plowbearn, of the draft-link pivoted vertically to tbe coup- ling-sleeve aud to tho beam, and means, sub- Btantially as shown, for securing the link agaiust lateral play upon tbe sleeve. G. Tbe coupling-sleeve provided with the curved 6ange o, in combination with the draft-link, pivoted vertically at oug end of the sleeve aud arranged to swing laterally in re- lation thereto, tbe plow-beam pivoted verti- cally to the rear end of the link, and tbe fast- ening-pin P, connecting tbe link and coup- ling, as showD, whereby the beam may bo nd justed laterally and fixed in position without boing disconnected from tho coupling. 7. In ft cultivator, tbe laterally-adjustable draft-link, pivoted verticallv at its forward end to the draft device and adjustable laterally by a swinging motion, as described, in combiua- tjon with the vertical rod K, mounted in the rear end of the link, aud the plow beam ad- justable vertically on said rod, as described. 8. In combination with tlie beam, its arm, and the connecting-rod, the spring, aud the spring-sustaining case, adjustable vertically, substantially rri the manner described aud shown. 0. lu a wheeled cultivator, the beam-lifting spriug, arranged to operate substantially as descril>ed, in combination with the supjiort ing-oase T, provided with notches, and a stir rup, IT, serving to secure the case in position aud admit of its being adjusted vertically to vary tlie force of the spring. 261,863. LUPPE LDPPEN, Pekin, Ills Cultivator. Au^'. 1. 1882. Filed Mar ■29. 1882. My inveution relates to iin|>rovemout8 iu cultivators of tbat class iu whicb plow-bcaTiig are hjuged to an axle, so as to permit swing- ing the plow-beams bolb hiterally ami verti- cally, wbert'by said plows or gangs may be used to cultivate both sides of a row of plants at tbe same time; and tlie invention consistf in constructions aud combinations bereinal'tei itescribed, aud set foith iu the claims hereto annexed. J. In a cultivator coupling joiut, in combi- nation witb tbe axle, plow-beam, and sleeve C. a joint-piece, I), having rearwa;dly-projecting aims, by wbich it is secured to the plow-beam, and forwardlyprojectingarmsrf, by which it i^ secured to a clevis, K, having means of secnr ing the draft-hooks thereto in higher aud lowei planes, substantiiUly as and f . r tbe purpose specified. Sf. In a cultivator coupling-joint, In eombi- nation with tbe axle, plow-beams, clevis E,aud sleeve C, mounted on tbe axle, substantially as described, a joint-piece. D. whieh oarriallv .snr rounds the sleeve (J ami is intermediate be- tween the plow-beam and clevi3,aud connecied to both by joints, which, while they permit lat- eral flexure, hold the paits rigid as regards ver tical flexure, substaniially as and for the pur- pose specifie'd. 3. In combiuation witb theaxle, plow beams, sleeve C, and joint-pieces D, having rearward ly-projecting arms, by which it is secured to the plow-beam, and forwardly-projeeting arras rf, by which it is secured to a clevis, B, construct edsubstantiidly as described, aspriug connect- ed at one end to tho axle and at its other end to tbe plow-beam, aud adapted to coact with the draft-clevis, substantially as iuul for the pur- pose specified. 262,943. J. P. FtJLGHAM, assignor of on'e-half to the Wayne Agricultural Co., Richmond, lud. Grain DrilU Aus- 22, 1882. Filed April U, 1882. The invention consists, first, iu a novel cou- BtractioQ whereby I am enabled to use inflexi- ble couducting-tubes for conveying the grain from the discharge-orifices of the hopper to the ground without interferiog with tbe free back- ward deflection of the hoes or teeth upon strik- ing an immovable obstruction, thereby reu dering it feasible to dispense with the unrelia- ble, perishable, and expensive rubber tubes uow iu general use. It further consists in hinging tbe series ol drag-bars to a rocking drag-rail and applying a series of pressure-springs to said rail, so that the drag-bars may be left to play freely up and down, or held down by yielding pressure at pleasure. 1. The combination of tbe open-back drill hoe, the hopper of a graiu-drill, aud the con ductiog-tubo formed of iuflexible telescopic sections, the upper one of which is connected to the hopper and the lower one to the opou- Imck drill-boe, substantially as described. ± The combination, with the hopper of a grain-drill, of an opeuback drill hoe, the drag- bar to which said boe is attacboil, and an in- flexible telescopic conducting-tube, substan- tially as described. 3. The combination, in agrain-drill,6F an os- cillating drag rail and au inflexible longitudi- nally-adjustable drag-bar, substantially as de- BTitbed, for the purpose specified. 4. Tbe combination, with the drag-oar made in two parts, of tbe block fastened to the rear portion of ttie forward section of the bar and projecting down into a slot in the rear section, the friction-clampa, and the bolt whereby the clamps are adapted to clamp the roar section of the bar to the block by frictional conUct, so as to secure the sections at any pointof ad iustmont, sul«taul.ially as described. 5. Thecombination,withtheoscillatingdrag rail, of tho drag-bars connected thereto, the pressure -springs mounted on the drag-rail and projecting over tbo drag-bars, and means for oscillating the drag-rail, whereby the oscillat- ing of tbe drag-rail will lower tbe drag-bars and apply through the springs tho requisite pressure on the said drag-bars, substantially lus described, for tho purpose specified. 263,064. EDGAR and AT .BERT SHAls NON, Calawiss^a, Mo. Corn I'lantei Aug. 22, 1882. Filed Mar. 13, 1882. 1. The <;ombinauon of the hoppers O, the seed-slides N, having pins S, the cut-off plates r, having slots Q, aud tbe springs K, ar- ranged to force tbe said cut-oft' plates in a forward direction, as described, for tbe pur- pose set forth. 2. In a Qorn-planter, tbe combination, with the seed-boxes, ot cut-ofl's forced iu a forward direction by springs which, will gi\'© or yield when subjected to pressure by the seed-slides, substantially as set forth. 3. The combination of the hoppers, the curved delivery-lubes V, and the seed-wheels W, having flanged rims or gutters X, sub- stantially as set forth. 4. The seed-wheels W, having flanged rime or gutters X, radiating arms or seed-tubes Y. and curved connecting-tubes B', substantially as set forth. 5. The seed-wheels W, having flanged ritn^ ■ or goiters X, radiating flanged arms or seed tubes Y, provided witb hinged lids A' aiid springs C, and tbe curved connecting-tubes B', substantially as set forth. (I. The flanged arms or seeding-tubes Y, having hinged lids A', ]>rovided with t>iua G', springs C, slots D',aud pivote', in combiuation witb the supply-tubes IV and mechanism for operating the hinged lids, substantially asset forth. 7. The combination of the hoppers, the de livery-tubes V, the revolving seed-wheels W, having flanged riinsX, radirttingfiange- posite end pivoted to tbe arm of the sleeve and provided with tho finger r, co-operating with a corresponding finger oc the sleeve, substan- tially as and for the purpose described. ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS, 1581 264.610. AXEL P. BSHOQVIST, Fair- fieUl. Ohio, Sulky-riow. Hupt. 19, ISSS. Kiled Feb. 27, IHyS. This invoiitioii rolnto-s '.o ceitani improve iiipiiis upon tlie plow coverotl bv my Letters I'titeiit No. 334,743, Novpniljtr 23. 1880; uiid it consists, tii-st, ill wrlair. iiovtl feiUnres in the coiiBtruutioti of tlio n.xle; sccoml, in llie combination, with tlio lever. tor raising tlie plow out of tlio giound, ot ii spiiiiK adapleil to nssijst tbo plowman wliuii using tbo lever for tills purpose; aiitl, tliird, in tbu uumbinii- lioii, wiib ibo Ivamc ami plow-beam, of aaup- l(orliiiK-ro(l and spring, b,v means of wliioli tbe beam is given a capacity to yield underpress- lire, as will bo folly described Itureinaflcr. 1. The combination, witb tlie ;ixIo A and VJfiiapcd block a', of rbu crank spinillo 15. le vcri, nnii ft', spring U, and frame I>,sub!)tan- tially as described, and for Ibu pmpusc .set forth. 3. Ill combination with tho plow beam and bail, Ibe swinging plate/, the connecting-rod tf, and spring-bolt fl', as described. 266,066. JOHN Q.ADAMS, Marseilles. Ills. Cukivntor. Oct. 17, 1882. Filed Nov. 16, 1881. 1. lu a cultivator, tbe axle provided with a lougitodinal groove, a forked beam-couplei mouuted loosoly ou tho axle, a bracket alsr mounted loosely on tbo axle between tbo fork.' of tbo coupler, aud provided with an interioi chamber, a spliuc block set loosely iu the cham- ber over tho asle-groove, and a settiug device for forcing the spline dowu into tho groove and flrndy hoMiug it iu place, substantially as aud for the purposes sot forth. 2. In a cultivator, the shovel-beam connected to the ftxlo by a double-jointed coupling, per- mitting both vertical and lateral movemeutof the beam, in combination with a vertical pivot secared to tbe axle at or near the pivotal coup- ling of the shovel-beam, and a spring secured at one end to said vertical pivot extending upward and backward aud connected at its other end to the shovel beam, suljstautially as ao^ I'or tbe purposes set forth. 3. Tb« sbov^J-beam connected to the aslo by a double-jointed coupling, in combinatiou witl^ thobrackot attached to the axle 8ub.stan- tially id line with tho vertical pivot of the be*»m- coupling, a vortical pivot-bolt n.ounted ou toe biacket,uud the spring attached atone end to the pivot-bolt so as to turn with it and at the other eud connected to tho beam back of its coupling, substantially as aud for the par- poses set forth. 4. The bracket B, provided with projections 6', the pivot-bolt c, mounted on tho bracket, with its bearings in the projections, and tho beam-lifting spring O, having tho bond *<'.ribed. 266.086. WM. P. BROWi^, Zanesville, Ohio. Wheeled Ooltivalor. Oct. 17, 1882. Filed May 12, 1882. My invention relates to certain improve- menta in wheelod, cultivators of that class of which my Tatent No. 100,810, granted May 15, 1377 is a type — that is to say, in which au ele- vated tongue ia connected to the Hjipcr partoC a crank-axle whoso lower ends are mounted up- on wheels, between which wheels and the ver- tical section of the crank -axle is located a coupling attachment for the i»low8 or cultiva- tors, which coupling attachment is provided with a spring which co-operates with the lift of tbo plowmau in hanging up tho cultivator ou tho rear hooks of tbo tongue, while a draft attachment is provided for straining the coup- ling one way or the other to make tbe plows run deeper or shallower, as may be desired. Tbe object of my present invention is prin- cipally to BO construct tbe coupling for the cul- tivator-plows as not only to lift or depress the plows, but also to control the plows against any tendency to sway sidewise, and make them travel more directly iu Hue with the point of attachment with the axle or track, and also to prevent tho springs {when applied to the plow conplingorhead)from pulling iheplowsarouud to one side wlienever t^icy are thrown oat of Hue of draft in the rear, as will be more fully described hereinafter. 1. The plow-head G, having a forward pro- jection, in combination with a spring coHuected 10 the said projection of the jdow-head at a point over or in front of the vertical pivot-bolt to assiat ill lifting tbo plows in the rear aud prevent side swing, as described. 3. The combination, with tbe pipe-box and its bracket H, the pivot-holt, the i>low8, and tho spring F, of the head G, having a projec- tion exteiidmg over aud to the frout of the pivot-bolt and there connected to the spring, as and for tho purpose described. * 3. The combination, with tbe pivot-bolt I, of tho bracket II. having tlanges with a series of vertical bolt-holes, and the head G, having llauges witb a series of vertical bolt-holes, and a ueck or arm, ft, extending over and to the front of the pivot for connection with tho epriog, whereby tbe tension of the latter is made to hold the plows straight or give them a lateral drift, as described. 4. The combination, with the pipe-coupling aud tbo spring F, of the plow-head having pro- jection it, with vertical sockets/ at its end, and a pin, g, and a loose sliding connection with the spring, as and tor the purpose described. 5. The draft ring P and perforated loop Q, the latter surrounding thepivot-bolt below the pipe-coupling aud combined with the same, tbe plow-head G aud bracket IT, as sliown aud de- scribpV meaus ol tbo clamp- ing device, substantially as shown. 5. In a cultivator, tbe combination of the main axle, the independent rock-shaft mount ed upoiLand in advance of said axle, the draft- head passing loosely around the axle aud jointed to the rock-shaff, and the spring ut tachnient, substantially as shown, connectetl witb the roclt-shaft for the purpose of turning tbe same forward, fi. Iu combination with the main axle and the supplemental rock-shaft B, the dratVhead jointed to said rock-shaft, substantially as 'shown, and tho depending arm J, connected rigidly to said rock-shaft. 7. In combination with the angular hori- zontal rock-shaft B, the beam connection or coupling cousisti. •, of iho forked draft-head 1), Hanged plates c and , supported upon s'prings K, in combinatiun with a shaft, F, aud IeverG,adai>tcd to be secured adjusta- bly iu desired positions at will, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 3. Tho combination of tho shoes D and.tb-i spring-coverers .J, each adapted, substantially as shown and described, to be yieldingly de- pressed and adjustably held in said depressed condition, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 266,656. E. F. STODDARD and W. H. NAUMAN, Dayton, Ohio. Seeding Ma- chine, Oct. 31,1882. Filed Feb. 23,1882. 1. In a seediug-macbioe, tiie combinali'm, with the hopper, the hoes, and drag bars and connecting mechanism, of an oscillating axle, whereby upon oscillating the axle the hoes are raised or lowered simultaneously. 2. Id a seeding-machine, the combination, with the hopper, the hoes, aud drag-bars, ol au oscillating axle upon which tho support ing-wheels revolve, and connecting mechan- ism, whereby upon oscillating the axle tbe hoes are simultaneously Taised or lowered, and whereby any hoc can be raised iude|)endently of the others. 3. In a seeding-machine, tho combination, I with the hopper, the boes, and drag-bars, and on oscillating axle connected to the drag-bars by lifting-arms and links, of means whereby said axle may be oscillated to raise or lower the boes. 4. In a seeding-machine provided with tho hopper and au oscillating axle upon whicli the snpporting-wheels revolve, and by tbe oscilla- tion of which axle the hoes are raised aud low- ered, the combinatiou, with said axle, of a lever and connecting-links, whereby said axle is o»- oillatetl for the purpose described. 5. In a seeding machine provided with an oscillating lifting-axle, the lifting-arms 1 and links J, or their equivalents, substautially as described. C. Tho construction of the lifting -arm V with hinged and clamped sleeve, one portion of which is slottetl to receive tbe end of a pin projecting from the axle, substantially as do- scribed. 267,670. HOWARD H. BUTLER, Zanes- ville, Ohio, assignor of one-half to Thos, Jenkins, MoHne. Ills. Cultivator. Nov. 21, 1882. Filed May 27. 1882. My invention relates toau improvodforinof coupling for fastening aud adjusting the for- wani end of the beam or plows to the axle and a spring aud draft-lever. I do not claim the application of a spring Ic Rustain the weight of a plow-beam. lumyimprovemeuts I aimto overcome some olyectionabie resnlts from springs now used in wheeled cultivators. That I may be mure readily nnderstood 1 will refer to tbe springs in general ose and the results. First, a spring 80 constructed and adjusted as to exert au op- ward or raising force upon the plow-beam, also to exert; a downward or depressing force upon the plow-beam, depends for this result upon the plow-beam passing above or below a given point. It is apparent, therefore, if the ground be uneven the spring will exert a force when least needeti, or a force in tbe opposite direc- tion of thatrequirod. Ifa portion of thoground be hard, as compared with other portions, or very soft, it will be seen that springs of this class may work improperly. Another class of springs iu general use are those which exert a continnous upward orrais- ing forceupoutheplow-beam,andin this class, unless the plows are firmly held in the ground ■by tbe operator, the tendency is for tho plows to rise out of the ground, or partially so, in striking hard soil. The springs now in com- nioD use are constructed with otberp.irtssoas to frequently got out of repair, and they also take up much of the space between the whcfl and arch. Another objection existing in wheeled Gul tivators now in use is the inability to use au arch of sufficient width to avoid injuring the 1582 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. stalks of corn wlitu at aii advaiieed atago of i;i-Offtb, and yet \>ei-aHt tUecuttiTatioii of the rorii in ui) early siapeof itsgrowtlisudiciently iipar to the plunts wiil.otit tbe operator using considerable power to bold the plow-beaius sc as to briiij,' tbo plows near to the plants. It can b« readily seen that wbeuever tbt plows follow in a direct line from where tbt beam is attached to the axle it is easier for the operator; bnt if tbe operator is required ti hobUbebcam in siicb position tbattlio plowf will be iu the },'ronnd at, tbe right or lea ol sucb directlineitrefpiireathe exertion of more or less strength by the operator, and is neces- sarily very fatiguuij;. ; 1. Tbo combination, with tbe arched axlo ; and the i)biw-boan)s, of the coiled spring E, ' placed aronnd the axle and seenred one end to I the axle, the other end forming a projecting arm, g, secured by links to tbe iilo\v-bei»n eoiipiing.substantiallyassbowu and described. 2. The yoke or frame J, having perforated arms or brackets 1 1 and lever-arrfl k, iu com- bination with the yoke-bead M, having perfo- rated extension and sei-Screw, the plow-beam 0, bolt 0, and staple n, substantially as shown and described. 3. The combination of tbe draft-lever P, hav- ing projection r and perforations abovft and below the axfe, wiib the spring E, the yoke J, yoke head M, plow-beam C. t^ud draft attacli- uient «, siibstHiitially a? shown and ilescribed- 268,361. W. P. ELAM and W. F. BOGOS, assignoi's of one-third to E. L. Gait, Putersbuvg, Ills. Grain Drill. Nov. ■2S, 1882, Filed June 1, 1S81. J. Tbe drag-bars and shoes J>, thepivoted rod C, spring (J, and elevating uieans, com- biued with the overing-wbceis O, pivoted to tbe rear ends of tbe drayj-luvs, and means lor throwing tiiem in and out of operation at will, as speciQed. 2. The drag-bars C and shoes D, the pivoted rod C, spring C, and elevating means, com bined with the covering-wheels O, pivoted to the rear ends of tbe drag-bars, the pivoted rod and spring N Q. and meann for throwing thero iu aod out of opt-ration at will, as specified. 3. Tbe asle B, segment K. tover F', and in dependently - pivoied drilling and planting meciiaiiism, combined with means, H I x, for nntomaiiciiliy throwing the oi)erating-gearout of mesh as the planting devices are forced out of operation, as and for tbe purpose set forth, *. Ihe comtiinfition of the pedal lever li g, drag-bars (J, asle B, segment F, lever F', and drilling devices with tlic lug and bar H, shaft 1, tbe pivoted spring covering devices O P Q, link J, adjnsting-arm J, and feeding mechan- ism, as and (or tbe purposes set forth. ki68,887. JAMES T. HAMILTON, Couu- oil liluH's. lowH, iiflaignor to hiinselt'and Win. K. Uougland, Peru, Ilk Lifting device for Cultivator Beams. Dec. 1*2, 1882. Filed Feb. 20, 1882. - The lilting or raising of tbe beams and shov- els of a cuitiviilor as ordinarily constructed is attained in s'tine instances with cousidorablo troable and Inl-ji, and to obviate this objec- tion vaiiouB devices have been applied to col- tiviitors for tbo purpose of assisting tbe oper- ator in raising or lifting tbe iieams and shovels and rt-ndering I be operation moroeasyRnd less laborious. Sneb devices have been made iu vari<)OS fornis and have been applied in vari- ons ways; >ind tbe object of this invention i.' to ton-stnict a raising or lifting device for tbt plow beams and abovfls isliicb can be easily applied, and which will do tbe required work iu a reliable and cQ'ectnal manner without in- terfering with tbe operation of'tho plows when in the ground. Itsuiiturecunsistsin providing acurved bur,foiralng a spring, adjustably at- tached ntonecndtotbe frame or arch of tbe cul- tivator and at tbe utbcreud connected with tb( collar located on tbe wheelspiudle, and carry- iflglbe l)eams and shovelsj jn providing the rol'ar carrying tbe beams and shovels with an arm or ex'teuaion to receive the end of tbe curved bar or spring, and furnish a means for reeking or turning the sleeve to raise or lift the beams ami pliuvels; in providing a support for the upper end i>f the curved or spring bar by means of which sucb end can be adjustec to produce a greater or less resistance in the action of tbe bar or spring, and in the several ports and combinations of part."* bereinafler set forth as n^^w. J. In a cultivator, the curv«?d baisorspnnga O oonncfted at their lower ends with an arm (>r extension located on tbe sleeve or collar which eaniestheplow beams aiid-shoveiB, and having their upper eudaatljostably conneoteu ffitit the frama or arch of tbe cultivator ftn- adapting tbe bars nr springs to resist the varying Ktniius incident to working light au4l heavy soil, stihslantially as described. 'J. The eombiiiHtioo, ^ritb a euttivalor-fi-aniu and plovv-btiums or drag- bars, of a spring or curved bar, t>, and adjusting-bar N, pipe box or sleeve C, having an arm, P, aiid the coup- ling K F, substantially as described. .'3. In H cultivator, the curved bar or spring O, in combination with the adjusting or ten- sion bar N and arm or e&tonsion P, having a fulcrum,!-, and attached to the beam sleeve oc collar, substantially as and for tbe purposes specified. 270,414. CHARLES A. GEIGER, Spring- tii-'UI, Ohio. Seeding Maehini.', Cultivatur and Harrow. Jan. \ 1883. Filed Sept. 23, 1882. 1. in a seeding-macbineor cultivator, a hoe or tooth jiivoted to its draw-bar, nod provided with a forwardly-ptojocting arm connected by a rod, link, or chain with tbe lifting-roller. 2. In a seeding-machine or cultivator, a hoe or tontb pivoted to its draw-bar, and provided with a forwardlyprojecting arm connected by a rod, Hnk, or chain with the lifting roller, in combination with a spring the tension of whiul is exerted to hold said lioeor tooth lu working position. 3. In a secding-macbine or cuttivator,a hot or tootlt pivoted to its ^Jraw-bav and connected by a rod. link, or chain with tbo lifting-roller. in combination with a jointed prcssure-rdd foi holding SHtd lioo or tooth down to its work. 4. A hoe or tooth pivoted to a draw-bnr and connected i>y a rod, link, or chain with the lifting-roller, in combination with a jointed pressure- rod connecting the draw bar with the lifting-roller, said pressure-rod being provided with a locking-joint and a spring which e.^ertss its tension to bold said joint locked. 5. In a seeding • machine or cultivator, a spring arranged to exert it^s tension to hold the draw bar down to its work, and at tbe same time to hold the boe-or tooth in working rela- tion to said draw-bar. fi. In a seeding-machine or cultivator, the combinationof a draw-bar. a hoe or tooth piv- oted to ftiud draw-bar, a lifting-roller, a levet for controlling said roller, a jointed pressure- bar, and a rod, link, or chain interposed be- tween the lifiiug-roller and the draw-bar and boe, and a spring arranged to e.xert its ten- sion to hold tbe drawbar down to its work, and at the same time to hold tlm boe or tooili in worUiiieTclation to said drn^-iwr 270,629 BYRON 0. BRADLEY, assign- or \o the Fur^t & Urudiey Manufacturing Co., Chicago, Ilia. Cultivator. Jan. It), 1883. Filed Feb, 20, 1882. This invention relates to devices or means for assisting the operator in raising tiie plows, whereby such raising will bo more quickly and easily p'ei formed without necessitating tbe ex- ertion of any con>iiderable amount of lifting lorce on tbe part of tbe operator, and has /oi itsobjects to give tbo operator tbo required as- sistance by devices or means which are simple in (oustruction and easily ai>pllcd, and which will do the re(pured work in an effectual and reliable manner, and without interfering with tbo vertical and hoiizontai movements of the beams rcciuired by the plows to do their work; and its nalui*e consists in provitling a vibrat- ing or swingingarm orsuppoit aitiudiedtothe aicb or frame of tlie cultivator ubove the axle or spindle, and connected by a llexible connec- tion withnspringorspring-afm, ami also con necicd by a flexible councction with the coup- ling by which tbe beam is connected with the axle or spindle, and io tbo several parts anc combinations of parts bereinafler spcclflcilli est forth, and pointed out as new iu the claims 1. Tbecorabinatioi>,Tvith the coupling wbicli connects tbe beam with the axle, of the vi- brating lifting or laising arm d, having one end joined to thcondof (he spring a by atiexi- ble connection, i, and the tiexible conn(»i»tior attached atone end to tbo coupling which con uects the beam to the axle, and at its other end attached to tbo end of the vibrating or raising arm, siibstantiaUy as described. 2. The ciiUfiiing which connects tbo beam to tbe axle, provideil witii the hook /, in combi- nation with the tiexible connection ; aud k,»t- tacbeil at one end to tbe book on the coupling and at the other with a viiirating or raising arm, d, bung on the arch or frame, and wliieh connects by a flexible councction, 0, with the spring a, substantially as described. .1. The rombiimtion.with the arch or frame, of thcj horizontal bi acket or snppo:t/i,attacbwi to tbo aa^d arch or frrnne, tbe springs, tbe flexible connection h, and the interposed vi-, bratingarin d-bung on llie bracket or sujiport h. substantially as described. 271,446. CHARLES O. GARDINER, aasigiKir to P. P. Mast & Co., SpriiiglieifJ, Olno. Grain Drill. Jan. 30, 1883. Filed Mar. G, 1882. My invention relates to that eommon class of grain-drills or seeding-machines in which a wheeled frame is pro\'ided with drag-barscar- ryiiigat their rear ends tubnlar hoes, by which tbe furrowsare opened, and through which tbe seed is deposited fro'iufetding devici-a located on the under side of a hopper seated upon the frame. Tbe invenlioo consists in numerous details of conslructiotu which will be hereinafter ex- jdainedHt length, but relates more particularly to the peculiar construction and arrangement of tbe lilting devices, the wheelabeing mounted loosely upon the axle, anil the devices for op- erating tbe lifting mechanism secured firmly to the axlo. j The invention alsocotisiats iueonnectii.gtiia elastic drag-bars with the rock shaft, by which 1 they are coulrolled through the medium of a I joint.'Which allows a limited amount of play to I the bars or hoes indepeiidenily of the rock- I' shaft; nl80,intho pecutiarcoustructiou of the ^•oupling ilt'viees entployed, the construction icf the surveyor or indivutor, and in other d.6- tails. I 1. Thti cumbiifnlion of tbe mam frame, the rocking axle, theground- wheels mounted loose- ly on Ibe axle, the swinging bftingbar G, pro- vided with the drag-burs anil gear-wheels, the co-operating gears secured rigidly to the axle, and the band-lever, also secured to the axle. 2. Tbe rocking bur having liie drag-bars anil gear wheels attached, in combinaiion with tbe transversf shaft provided with th« gear-wheeln and liand-iever, whereby the drsg-bars may be ijiised and lowered with a positive action. 3, In a grain-diill or st-cdrr. t^e rombina- tion or a wbei-lcd frame, a rocking lifting bar and means for operating tin* Name, and the drag -bars connected with tlie lifting -bar through the medium of joints or conplings, constructed substantially as described, to al- low a limited rising-andfalling motion of the drag bars independently of the lifting bar. i. In a graindiill or seeder, a wln-ek-d inain frame, a rocking lifting-bar, and means forcon- trolliug the same attached thereto, in cotnbi- iiatioii with a series of drag bars or beams aod coupling -joints, substantially as shown, con- necting the forward ends of said drag bara to the lifting-bar and permitting a limited verti- cal play between tbe two. 5. In a grain-dnll or seeder, a wheeled main frame provided with the ro-jkiog or rolbog liftiog-bar and means for locking the sain*', a drag-bar provided with a hoc or shovel, a flar- ing socket conni'cling the end of the drag-bar to the rocking bar, and a bolt passed through thesocketaiiddragbar,SQb3t.intially as shown, wbereby a limitwl vertical playof (bo drag bar ia permitted. 0. In combination with the flexible and in flexible portions of tbo drag -bars, the roup lings consisting of the two side plates, Q, em bracing the two parts, and the transverse con- necting- bolts, whereby tbo plates are drawn toward each otlier. ^ 7. Thcoombinatiouof thcdrwg barsections, the plates Q, having the rear portion of the b.ir movablu veriically be^tween them, and the transversft bolt serving both as a means of holding the plates together and as a pivot for tbe rear section of tbe bar. 8. In combination with the feed-shaft X and the registering or surveying mfcbanism, the worm-wheel o'* provided with the tubnlar neck extended around the shaft aud through the shaft;- bearing, and the pin passing through both the neck and shalt, as shown. 9. Tbe surveying or indicating mechani-^m, attached rigidly to the machine a.nd provided with the readily -detachable plate having a por- tion of the gear-train raouiiied thereon. 10. In combination With tho feed-shaft and the hopper end, provided with the dial -faces, the worm on the shaft, the wheels A', ^', /', and p', and their shafts, as shown. 1 1. In a grain-dritl, a plate, substantially as shown, constructed to perve as the end of the seeiMiopper.and having formed upon its outer surfHeeagiiiihiaied dial indioaiing tiioa.oount of grain .distributed, wheroby said plate is itaused to lervo a twofold pnrfios"-. ^^ 273,673. THEODORE M. PLENKIEEN. liotkfoi.l. III.'^ ( Win. McGrcjior adimni.s- ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1583 iralor 'il' Haul Flenniken, deceased), eaid FU-.tii;iki;h assignor to N. C. Thompson. Ciilivutor. Mar. 6, 1H83. Filed Feb. 27, The object of tbis iovei>tion is to produce a cnitivatorcapableofbeiag bandied with greater ease and certi>inty, to enable the operator to produce better results; and itconsislein inecb- anisui capable of adjustment to cause the cul- tivator-teeth tocngagettie ground with greater or Ies3 force; in mecbanism to assist in elevat- ing tbe Bbovcl-beams; in inechanism to hold tho sbovel-beains elevated iu turning and get- ting iuto position to employ tbe cultjvator, and from which position they may be lowered to their working position by a downward pnllon tbe bandies, and in mechanism to suspend the shovelbfams for the i>urposes of trans()orta- tion. 1. The combination, with tbesleex'eto wbicb tbe sliovel-beaniB are pivoted, provided at its inner end with an nprJsing lateral arto, of a lever pivoted to tbe main frame or axle and adapted to engage the uprising lateral arm, but disconnected therefrom, substantially as and for tbe purpose set forth. 2. Tbe sleeve to wbicb the sbovfl-beams are pivoted, provided with an uprising arm and a depencling arm, and a pivoted lever, one end of which is adupt^fd toengage tbe lateral arm, but (iisconnected therefrom, in combioation with tbe 8p^i^lg connected to tbe free oud oi tbe pivoted lever and with tbe depending arm of the sleeve, substantially as and for tbe pur- pose set forth. 3. A Spring, BubstantJally as herein described, having an adjustable connection with the de- pending arm of tbe sleeve to which tbe shovel beams are pivoted, and a suitable connection with tbe free arm of tho lever which engages tbe lateral uprising arm of the sleeve, for the purpose of varying its action on tbe shovel- beams, substantially as hereinbefore set forth. 4. A spring, sabstantiallyas herein described, having a suitable connection with tbe depend- ing arm of the sleeve to which tbe sJuJvel beams are pivoted, and an adjustable connec- tion with the free arm of the lever which en- gages the lateral oprising arm of the sleeve for tbe imrpose of varying its spring force, sabstantially asand fur the purpose bereinbe fore set forth. 5. The combination, with the pivoted levei having a depending arm for engaging tbe up- rising lateral arm of the sleeve to which the shovel-beams are connected, of a gnideway. y, for engaging tbe free arm of said lever for directing tbe vibratory movement of the same, substantially as and for tbe purpose bereiobe- fore set forth. 0. Tbe pivoted lever having a depending arm for engagiug the uprising lateral arm oi tbe sleeve, in combination with a stop for lim- iting the throw of said lever, substantially as and for tbe pnn>ose set forth. 7. The combination, with the pivoted dever for automatically controlling tbe movements of tbe shovel-beams, of a guide bar or way to direct tbe mpvements of said lever, and a stop to limit its rearward movement, substantially as described. 8. The combination, with the sleeve to wbicb the shovel-beams are pivoted, provided with an uprising lateral arrn, of a pivoted lever, one end of which is adapted to engage tbe lat- eral arm of tbe sleeve, and having a free hooked end to engage tbe shovel-beams, sub- stantially as and for tbe purpose set forth. 275,502. JOHN LANE, Hyde Park, as- signor to the Peru City Plow Co., Peru City, Ills. Cultivator. April 10, 1883. Filed Nov. 2, 1882. The invention consists in mounting on the frame of the cultivator, above tbe borizont-al ;ends of the aste, a spring having a connection with an arm depending from tbe sleeve, and iu certain combinations of parts, which will fir^t be described, and afterward pointed out in the claims, as follows: 1. In a cultivator, tbe combination of tbe verticallv-swinging beam, the slee%-e provided with the depending arm, tbe spring having one of its ends connected to the outer end part of the said arm below the center of motion of the sleeve, the other end of tbe spnngattacbed to the axle above tho sleeve, and the spring arranged to urge upward on the depending arm, whereby when tbe beam is in a hori- zontal position the center of motion of tlie sleeve wdl We as in a dead-lock between the two ends of tlie spring, and tbe lifting force ot the spring spent against the axle, all con- structed and arranged to operate substantially ■Ay shown. 1!. In a cultivator, tbe arched asle, the benni connected to theasleby a coupling permitting both vortical and lateral mnvement of the bcnm, in combination with the sleeve rotary on the nxlo, tbe arm depending from tbesleevo extending downwardly at about right angle with the heiini, tiro spring S, the link g, and the bracket F, all constriR-ted and arranged to operate subatantiaily as shown. 276,160. JOHN W. OOLtlNS, St. Louis, Mo. Cultivator. April 24, 1883. Filed Oct. 18, 1882. 1. In combination with the carnage 0, tht yoke Cr, as described, beams F F F' F', con- nected therewith as set forth, and tbe arched yoke H, aobstantially as described. U. Tbe combination of tbe carriage C, tbe sets B B of plows or shovels, the handles B' B', and tho restp J .1, each provided with' springs K, substJntially as described. 3. Tho combination of tbe carriage C, the shovels B IZ W F/, tho beams F F F' F', tho yokes G and H, the bearings 1 1, and the han- dles IV B', substantially as described, and for the purpose set forth. 4. Tbe combination of the carriage C, hav- ing the tongues c* r', arranged as described, tbe sets U B of plows or shovels, the yokes G and il, the bearings t I, and tbe handles B' B', substantially as described. 278,089. ROBT. O. BUOKUEY, Peoria, Ills. Sulky-Plow. May 22, 1883. Filed Det-. 27. 1882. In a sulky-plow, tbe arched frame A, having axles a and wheels B, and the supplemental cranked arch or bail 0, hung in bearings h at the base of the arched frajne A, combined with the plow-beam J^, supported by the bail C, band-lever J7, and springs connecting the bail Ctothebart, held by tbebracUetrf, all arranged sobstautiallvasaod forlhe purposes set forth. 278,497. GEO. W. BROWN, Galesburg, Ills. Corn Planter. May 29, 1883. Filed Sept. 16. 1880. 1. In a corn-planter, the combination, with a forward frame mounted on runners, and a rear frame hinged thereto and mounted on wheels, and a lever hinged directly or indi- rectly to the wheel-frame and adapted to raise and lower the forward frame, of a spring con- nected at obe end to the wheel-frame and at the other end to said lever, and adapted to ex- ert a downward force on tbe forward end 6f the lever, and thereby a similar force on the ruouer-frame. 2. Id combination with tbe forward and rear frames of a planter, hinged to each other, and with the lever hinged to the rear frame and adapted to raise and lower the forward frame, a spring, L, connected at one end to the rear frame and at itis ether end to said lever, and adapted to exert a downward force on tbe Jever and forward frame, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 3. In combination with thp forward and rear frames of a planter, hinged to each other, and with the*lever hinged to the rear frame and adapted to raise and lower the forward frame, a epring,L, connected atits rearendto the rear frame or a projection therefrom ata point about in same horizontal plane as the forward end ol tho lever, to which the forward end of the spring is attached, is when elevated, whereby the spring may exert an increasing down- wardly-acting force on tbe forward frame as said frame is lowered, and vice versa, substan- tially as and for tbe purpose specified. 4. In combination with the swinging lever H and frames A B of a corn-planter, the spring L, connected with the rear frame and with tbe lover H, so as to swing vertically by the move- ment of tho lever, but on a different fulcrum from said lever, whereby the angle between tho spring and lever may be increased as the forward frame is lowered, and thereby an in-, creased force be exerted by tbe spring on the forward frame as it descends, and vicoTeraa, substantially as and for tbe purpose specified. 5. Iq acorn-planter, the combination, w:lth a vertically -a winging frame carrying the run- ners, a vertically-swinging lever by wjiich said frame is raised and lowered, and a frame to which the runner-frame is hinged, of a spring which oscillates with said lever and is adapted to exert an increased downward force on the runners as they are lowered, and vice v^rsa. G. In combination with the forward runner- frame and rear wheel-frame hinged to each other, and with the raising and lowering lever H, having cam-lugs h"\ the elbow-lever N, having one end provided with c:Uches n" and its olher end extended rp«rward to form a banuie, if, wiiich, by its gnivity, may engage the catches n" and lugs /i", and may bo used to release them, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 278,498. liiiiO. W. BROWN, Clalesbuvi; Ills. Coin Planter. May 2D, 1883. Filed' Sept. IfJ, 1880. This invention relates to corn-planters oi thatclass in which a frame provided with seed- ing devices and fnrrowopeners at its front end is journaled on wheels at or near its rear tind, wiiere it is also hinged to the tongue, so that ita front end may bo raised and lowered to raise aud lower tbe runners, and tte depth to which thcrnnuei'R enter the soil is adjusted by means of devices interposed between the forward end of the swinging frame and tbe tongue; and my invention consists in asprhig interposed between the tongue and swinging frame, and adapted to exert adowuward force on said frame to force tiie runners into the ground, and which will yield to allow the for- ward end of the frame to rise and tho ruuuers to pass over obstacles which they cannot cat tbrongh. The invention further consists in a spring connected with tbe tongue and forward ^art of the swinging frame in such manner that it will not olTer increased resistance as the for- ward end of said frame is elevated, and will, instead thereof, offer diminishing resistance as it is raised, and vice veraa- 1, in a corn-planter, the combination of tbt frame provided with seeding devices and fur row-openers at its front end, aud journaled on wheels at or near its rear end, where it is also hinged to the tongue, and a lever by wbicb tho swinging frame may be raised or lowered, with a spring adapted to force the rnnnc.ra iu the ground when said lever is free to permit it, substantially as aud for tho purpose specified, 2. Iu a corn-planter of the class herein de: scribed, id combination with the tongue and swinging frame, a spring connected with and arranged in an oblique position relatively to tbe swinging frame and tongue, whereby it may press downward on tbe swinging rnuner' frame and offier diminished resistance to the elevation of said rnouer-frnme, as it is more elevated. 278,672. DANIEL UNTHANK, assipior to the Untbank Plow Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Cultivator. May 29, 1883. Filed Dec. 4. 1882. 1. In a cultivator, an axle formed of two parts overluppiog to form the central portiou of tbe axle, and provided with cogs, as shown and described, combined with a cog-wheel em- braced between said overlapping parts, a slot- ted adjustable draft-pole, and a bolt serving as a shaft for said cog-wheel aud a fastening for said draft-pole, substantially as and for the purpose herein show.-^and described. 2. In a cultivator, the combiuation, with an extensible axle, of a draft-pole slotted aud cou- nected thereto, substantially as shown aud de- scribed, braces e e and//, pivoted in lugs ft h and I I, and cross-bar jy, for the purpose set torth. 3. The combination of frame F, provided with radially-projecting studs w. plow-stand- ards li and /, provided with corresponding in- terlocking recesses, and bolt o, for the pur- pose set forth. 4. In a cultivator, plate L, socket K, Jar N, arms y i/, friction-wheels O P, collar R,6pring S, and nut T, combined with each oilier and with the plow-beanf, .substantially as shown and , of the double yoke 1584 ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. U !iiiiin;i: lii\ ofeii tollie beams and paiiially sm-ronnding and elosel\ enibia as deserilwd, adiiptiuK saideouplin^' to be both laterally and ])erpendieulai'ly atljnsted, as set tbi-tli, 5. The eoniiiination, with IIh' sleev*:, Iho yoke, and the eonpliug having; its inner tiiee einbnii'inK tiio sleeve and i(N ontev face ser- rated, ofa eonesponed. 7. In a cultivatoi', the condiination, with a lifting- spring, the axle-sleeve, and tlio be^im, of an arm attaelu'il diieetI,Y to the sleeve and to the spring, the luiangenicntof .said arm be ing such that a.s tlie tension of the sjiring de creases when liftijig the beam, thele^ciageol the arm will iuerevise, snbslautially asatid foi the purpose described. 8. The comhiimtioii, with 'the iM'am. Ihi sleeve, and the bent aim east therewith and projeeting toward and substantially panillel with the beam, of the lifting-spring and tin bilineated hook - arm pivotally eonnecliiiy tiie bent atiii and spi-ing. sabstantiallv ns dc- seribe.l. 280,387. DANIEL E. McSHERRY and .A. G. MYERS, saidMveis assignor to E. Breneman, Dayton, O)iio. Seeding Ma- chine. July 3/1883. Filed Mar. 13, 1883 1. In eoaibinalion witii a seeder-mime, a drag-bar or ruinier, a vock-shaft pio\ ided with a spHog, and a link couneeting one end of the spring and the drag-bar or its seed-tube, slibstautially as shown am! deseribed. 2. In combination with runner or drag-bar 1), rock -shaft E, spring F, link »?, and means, .substantially such as described, forroekingor turning the shaft. 3. In aseeding-maeliine, the combination of driig-bar or rninar I), r»K-k-shaft E, provided witli arm rf, and sining F, link y, and haml- lever U, and interjm-diale pitman, L, connect- ing the haiul le^'e^ and arm . rock shaft Iv sjiiings F, attached to (iic n» k shaft and cninrrlid witli thedrag bai-s or their s.-ed tubes, ami liltiiig-arm f. all arrs-iiged and operating .substantially as ex pr.iiued. »». In a seeding-iuaehiue, (he combination, with a drag-bar or riinuer, of a rock-shaft, a spring eonneeted with the drag-bar or runnei-. and a eombiued clamp and lifting-arm, sub stantially a.s shown and descriljed, adai)ted to clamp the spring to the lock shaft ami tu the drag-bar or runner. 7. Id coinbinaiiuii with rock-shaft K and spring F, the clamp M, jHOvideil with arm f. having stud or pi'ojeetiou /, txs and for tin- purpose set forth. 5. In cond>ination with seed -tube a and spring F, intermediate link, (/, having tail or extension li, and servingto connect lliespring and tube, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 282,847. ALBERT O. CONNER, npsign- i>r to the Ilnosier Drill Co., Ricbmond, Ind. GDiiii Drill. Ausr. 7, 1883. Filed May il. 1883. 1. In a gnun-drill, tlie combination of tin' rock-bar E with the hinge-idate F, anus II. link 1, and drag bai-sD, for regulidingthc hoc-- ( -, substantially as hei'i'in set forth. :;. The combination of the i-ock-bar PI, th( anxilinry arms II, the springs K, arranged oi the arms. tlu> drag-burs D, connected with said arms, the plate S at one end of the rock - bar, having the concentrte and eccentric slots ]> and r, Ihc crank T, having a pin working in the slotted plate, tlic gear-wheels for driving the seeding de\ iees, connecting devices be- tween the said ciank and- one of the movable gear wheels, and a lever tor moving the rock- ing bar to simnltaneously lift the diag-bai-s and throw the gear-wheels out of niesb, sub- stantially as deseribed. 3. Theeonibinatiflu of the rock-bar E, the auxiltary anus II. the spnugs K, arranged on said arms, the drag-bai-s D, connected with the arm-s, tlu' slotted plate S, secured to one end of the rock bar, the eiank T, haring a pin work- ing in till- slotted plate, thelcvcr-arm S',jour- ualed OH a shaft, a, and cari-j'ing a power- transmitting gear-wheel, 2, a link, T, con- necting the lever-arm with the crank, and a lock-lever, O. furiiioving and holding the rock- bar, substantially an deseribed. 4. The eombinatiou of tho rock-bai" E, Uie aiLxiliary arms H, connected Uiorewitb, and having sleeves i, the spring K, coiled ou said sleeve, and having itscnds acting, respectively, ou the rock -bar and the arm, the drag-bai-s D, counettedwith the auxiliary arms, andalevci for rocking the bar for holding the hoes in the ground by a yielding pressure and simidtane- onsly liftjng them from the ground, substan- tially as described. 6. In a grain-drill liaving the rock-bar E, the hinge -plate F and lever-jirm H, in com- bination with the coiled spring K, for connect- ing said parts together, substantially as herein set forth. G. The condjination of the rock-bar E, the plate F, socnre4l thereto, and having a stop flaiigfe, />, the auxiliai-y arm H, hingetl at one end to said plate, and having a ^top, «t, Hie drag-bar D, conm'cted with the auxiliarj' arm, aud the spring K, ari'angcd on a sleeve of the arm and adapted to be coinjircsscd by the ris ing movement' of the said arm, substantiallj as described. 7. In combination M'itli the drag-bars of a grain-drill, the rock -bar E, having the auxil- iary arms H hinged thereto, and connected te the drag-bar by means of a liuk,witli a spring coimection of the arm to the rock -bar, for con trolling the operation of the hoes by the rock- bar, substantially as herein set forth. 282,885. ASA HAT J., assignor to N. C ThonipHt>D, Rockfoi-d, Ills. Cultivator Aug. 7, 1883. . Filed April 23, 1883. 1. The combination of a sleeve having its opposite sides provided with cylindrical bear iugs, joint -plates j.rovided with the stud-jour- nals to enter I be cylindrical bearing in the sleeve, a tubular bar placed bt-tM-een the rear end portions nf the joint-plates, and an axial bolt to fix the ,iipiiit-]ilut<-s to the tubular bar, snbstanti;dly as and foi the purjiose set fortJi. 2. The combiuation,with the bar connecting the rear ends of the joint -plates, ,of shovel- beams having their forward end portions bent or kinked to engage the bar connecting the joint-plates, substantially as and for the pur- pose set forth. 3. The condjination, with tho tubular bar conuectingthe roar ends of thejoint-plates, said bar having a rectangular outline in section, of shovel-beams having their foi-ward end por- tions bent or kinked to engage the opposite anglesofthecoaneeting-bai, said shovel-beams held in position and nuide vertically adjusta- ble on the conncetiug-bar.by means of clamp- ing-bolts, substanti;Uly as and for the purpose set forth. 4. The combination, with an arm having a pivotal connection with (he vertical arm of the axle-tree, and with the angle ax-m arising from the iiuier end of the joint-.sleeve, of a spring supporting bar having a pivotal connection with the angle-arm, and a free connection with the pivoted arm, to permit of an endwise slid- ing movement of the bar in its coimection with the pivoted arm, substantinlly in the mannei set forth. 5. Thecombination,withthespriug support ing bar having a pivotal connection with the nprisinganglc-arm, and a free connection with the pivoted arm, of a spring surrounding the supporting-bar between its conmwtlons with the uprising angle-arm and the pivoteil arm, substaidially as and for the pnrposination with the half box *•/, the adjustable half box r, and the draft- adjusting plate v, substantially as and for tlie jmrposes specified, 8. The combination of the plate o, half- boxes g and r^ plate w, and arm 2> with the swing- ing spring-arin k, all constructed and operat- ing substantially as specified. 9. The clip e, having the hub ff, serrated at its end, and bolt A', with the seri-ated cap h, having the pin i for adjusting the tension of the spring, substantiallv as described. 284,060. SILAS (J. RANDALL, assignor to A. A. Randall, Green, N. Y. Seeding Machine. Aug. 28, 1883. Filed July 14, 1883. 1. In a seeding-machine, the eonibiuatiou, substantially sis set forth, of a series of seed- wheels which press the seed into the earth, and first meet the earth or any obstructions in the traverse of the machine over the field, wifh seed distributing or discharging devicee which deliver the seed under the treiwl of the wheel. 2. The combination of a pivoted or verti- cally-vibrating grain-wheel -supporting arm, a grain-wheel mounted inlwarings therein, and a conductor or conveyer attaehed thereto to discharge the seed, for the tread of the wheel to press it into tho scil, sulBtantially as set forth. 3. The combination, with a flanged or groovedgrain-wheel, ofa seed-conveyer which discharges the seed withiu the grooved or flanged fae« of the wheel aud under the front lower quarter thereof. 4. The combination, substantially as set forth, ofa seed conduit or conveyer with a seed-wheel which forms a portion of the con veyer and presses the see*! into the earth. 5. The combination, substantially ns sei forth, of a seed-tube, a grain-wheel to pi-ess the seed int« the earth, and a guide or con- veyer, of which the seed-wheel forms aside or wftli, which conveyer delivere the seed under the tread of the wheel. 6. The combination, substantinliy as set forth, of the flanged or grooved grain-wheel, the gi-ain-tnbe, and the guideway which de livers the grain under the wheel. 7. The combination, substantially as set forth, of the flanged or grooved grain-wheel, the grain-tube, the guide wliich extends within the groove of Hie wheel, asdcscribed, and de- li vers thegrain under the wheel, and the scrap- er for keeping tho groove clear. 8. The combination, substantially us set forth, of the seed-box, tho series of tubes d, the series of frames or eastings carrying or having gniin -tubes and grain -wheels, the guides for ilii-ecting the grain nnder the wheels, and seed-feeding devices. 9. The combination, substantially as set forth, of forcing mechanism aud a yielding clieck device acting on the feed, for the pur- pose set forth. 10. The eombinatiou. substantially ns set ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1585 tbrEii, of the seod-box, Mie rockshall and plun- gers, thcsecd-dischargiiigtubes,and the clieok- springs which close the dischaige ends of th( tubes. 11. The combiimtiou, substantially as set forth, of the seed-box, the rock-sliaft therein, the plungei-s curried by the rock-shatl., the open-faced grain -discharging tubes in which' the plungers work, and means for vibrating the rock -shaft. 12. The couibinaliipii, substantially as set fortli, of the seed-box. the rock-shaft, the plun- gers carried by the rocksliaft, the gmin-dis- charging tubes in which the pliiugcre work, the upright rjd M on the rock -shaft, the pit- man 31', and t'u- adjustable coupling N, be tween the uin'ight roii and pitman, fortlie pur- pose set forth. 13. The iudcpeiidcjit gi-aiu - wheel fiunie herein described, having agi-aiu-tulwor seed- E, provided with the angnlar lugs 0,substaiitially as herein shown and described, whereby the forivard frame is allowed to ^lay within fixed limits, as set forth. 4. In asecd ilrill,the combination, with the angular lugs of the hinges I) E, of the set screws H, suUstautially as herein shown and described, whereby the movements of the said hinges can be regulated, as set forth. 5. The cutters I, inclined at an obtuse an- gle to form the mold-board L, fitting a cor- reapoudingly-shaped side of the standaixis K, as shown and described. 6. In a seed-drill, the combination, with the rauners UK and the frame A, of the pairs of straps M, having their forward ends bent outward and provided with pivot-holes, and the plates O, provided with pairs of lugs N, substantially as herein shown and described) whereby the said rnunei-s will have a free ver tical movement on pivots at the front, as set forth. 7. In a seed-drill, the combination, with the hinged runners UK and the frame A, of tl« keepera Q and the springs P, having their fret ends movable in said keepers, substantially as herein shown and described, whereby the said runnel's are held down to their work, as set forth. 8. Ina seed drill, the combination, with the sleeve 6 and the loose press-wheels 9, of the ratchet-wheels 11 and the pawls 10, substan- tially as herein shown and described, whereby the said wheels are made toactindependentlj upon the said sleeve, as set forth. 284,379. JOHJN B. UURISTIAW, Ham- burg, Iowa. Cultivator. $epL 4, 1883 Filed Aug. 1, 1882. 1. The combination, with the axle-lrame, bent fte described, of ilie split sleeve looselj mounted on the wheel spindle, and having a projecting ami connected with a bent lever fulcmmed to an arm attrxhed to the frame, the bifurcated iient link pivoted to the bent lever, and the spiral spring connecting the link and arm, substanti;dly as specified. 2. In combination with the split sleeve mounted ou the -spindle of the bent frame, the movable clamp, its pins and clamping-screw, and the drag-beam and its exUmslons, in which the pins have bearings, substantially as and for the purposes set fort.h. 3. In combination with the lower bifurcated extension of the drag-beam and the lower pin of the clamp, the loose collar mounted on the lower pin of the clami>, and the set-screw adapted to bind the collar to the piu, sabstan tially as specified. 286,363. A. and M. RUNSTETLER, as- signor to tlie Farmei-s' ^'riemJ Maiial'actur- ing Co., JJa\ton, Ohio. Grain Drill. Sept. 18, 1883 Filed May 2fj, 1883. 1. In a grain-drill, the combination, wiin the shifting bar or bars, of a rod coiinecting said Ivar or bars with a crank pin upon a pin- ion, said pinion being mounted upon a lever, by which it is held out? of engagement "Nvith the axle-gear, and having a peripheral flange provided with notches which engage with a locking-detent upon a rigid support for said pinion, snbstanually as descril>ed. 2. The Combination, with a gear rigid upon the axle, of a levc" carrying a pinion having a notched flange and a rigid support beneath said flange, provided with a locking-detent, upon which the notched flange rides when meshed with the axle-gear, and wifh which it automatically engages when thu notch reaches the detent, thereby unmeshing the pinion and gear, substantially as described. 3. The combinatiou, with a series of hoet attached to drag-bars, of a corresponding sc- ries of drop -links or their equivalents piv- oted to a rock-shaft, journaled in th*> frame, a rod connecting an arm upon said shaft witJi a crank-pin upon a pinion mounted npon a le- ver, by which it is held out of eugagement with the axle-gear, and a rigid support be- neath said pinion, having a locking-detent which engages with an oppositely- notched flange on said pinion, substantially as de- scribed. 4. The combination, with the pinion mounl I ed upon alever, and having a peripheial flangf ! with opposite uotehew formed therein, of a j rigid support mounted upon the drill-frame, ' said supportbeinsprovided with a detent, sub ! siantialiy as described. 5. The combination, with two independent axle-gears, of two pinions, each mounted upon a pivoted lever and pormally held out of ipesh with said axle-gears, one of sriid jduions actu- ating the bar or bars to shift the hoes, and the other a rock-shaft to raise and lower then\ said mechanisms being wholly separate and capable of- independent or of ^ simultaneous opcmtion, substantially as described. 6. The combination, with the rqck - bars geared together and journaled in the drlll- frame^ of drag-bars i)iyoted alternately to each of said hoes, a rod connecting an arm upon one of said bar.* with a pinion, and a lever carry- ing said pinion and holding it normally out of mesh with the axle-gear, substantially as described. 7. A locking-pinion foe shifting or raising the hoes of a grain-drill, said pinion being provided with a flange having notches at suit- able iTotervals adapted to engage with a lock- ing-detent mounted on the drill-frame, sab- stantially as described. S, The combination, in a grain-drill, with the drag-bars and the rock shaft or shafts by which they are carried, of mechanism, sub- stantially aa described, intermediate l)etween said rock-shailand the revolving axle, where- by the hoes are shifted bj' the power of the team, and automatic locking, mechanisjtn en- gaging at intervals with the shifting devices and holding the hoes in or out of rank, sub- stantially as described. 9. In a grain-drill, the combination, with the hoes and their drag-bars, of drop-links pivoted to a rock-shaft, mechanism, substau- j tially as described, com ecting the rock-shaft I with the revolving as!t, and automatic iock- I ing devices engaging at intervals with said mechanism, whereby the hoes are raised bj the power of the team and automatically locked in position, substantially as described. 10. The combination, iii a giain-driii, with the drag-bai-s and the ^fting bar or bars by which they are carried, of meciianism far shifting the hoes into double or single rank or for reciprocating them continuously by the po%ver of the team, and of mechanism for au- tomatically locking them in or out of rank, substantially as described. 11. In a grain-drill, the combination of the hoes and their drag-bars connected by chains or links to a rock-shaft, and mechan- ism connecting the rock-shaft with the revolv- ing axle, whereby the hoes are raised by the power of the team and automatically locked in position, substantially as descril)ed. 12. The combination, with the bar carrying the. seat, and having laterally -extending plates in rear and in front, which engage 'withthe parallel seat supports, of a central vertical bolt projecting between said supports, a per- forated plate engaging with said bolt, and a thumb-nut eng;iging with the threaded end ol the. latter, substantially as described. 13. A seat having adjustment between hori- zontal parallel ftnpp(trts, in c^nubination with a locking-plate providet'/ with lateral exten- sions adapt-ed to serve as foot-rests for the driver, substantially .xs described. 14. The combinatiou, with the drop-bear- ings for the pivoted levers, of angle-platea partlj" embiacing a cross-beam of the drill- frame, and a rigid support having an angular attaching portion occupying the angle between one of the drop-bearings and its attaching- plate, registering perforations being formed in each to receive the lever-pivot and attaching sciew, substanOially as described. 15. The combinatiou, with the parallel cen- tral supporting-beams, of a .seat carried by an inclined bar liaving supporting transverse plates attached to its lower end and resting upon the jjarallel beams, and adjost-ible there- on, with a clamping-bolt and nut carried by one of said transverse plates, substantially as described. 285,797. LEBEUS O- OHAPIN, Kala- nuiEoo, Mich. Wheel-Cultivator. Oct. 2, 1883. Filed Jun« 2, 1883. 1. Tne combination, with Independently hinged tootli-bai-s, a spring on each of said Irais, a cross-bar connecting said springs, and a chunecting lifting-lever, of a spring-metal pressu re ba r h.ayi ug the i-earwardly -extend ing free end pro. ided witli the sliding hook, sub- staJilially as set forth. 2. The eond>ination of vertically -playing hinged tootli-lteaii's the tootli-l>eaiu spiirgs, ;i lifting-lever and means connecting it with sjiid springs, the spring -metal pi-essnre-bar having thi' S-sha'ped slottetl end, a enrveu\vl jnoviocil with an opci-atiii[;-(hi;j; I'lilc! iiiiicd to said lever, iniil coiiiK'otei! Willi llic iiiiwl by .1 rod pivot^^l In Ihc dog: al :t piiiiil ladiitlly reinoveil from said ruh-riini. siiUslniiliiilly as specified and uhown. 4. Ill a Mlieol-enlfivat'or, theponilnnnfion nl' a.liftiiig-Iever and vcrti«ilIy-playinK loolh- beanm ^vith the S-sliapod si)ririi; picssine l»:ir having the free end provided with Iheslidinj; ]iook, Hnbstaul'ially asset Ibrtli. 5. The combination of vertieally-jilayinj; tootli-bars and springs, a lifling-lcvcr and eonneeting nie-ans, the spring pi-ossnre-bar. and an operating jinwl-dng adapted loi- lais- ing the pawl from the ratchet and holding it raised, sulislanlially as di-scribcd and shown. 6. The eondnnidion of Ihe lalchet-easliiij; liaving the rnrved seat, the liHiug Ir-\ri-, inul the spring pi-essnrehar liaving tlie slolii'd S- slmped end for adjusiiible local ion in saiil cnr\'etl sciil, and Iho rear free arm providfil with the hook, all snlK-^lantiaHv a-^ scl fot'lh, 286.730. JOSIAH J. and EDWARD R. PIATT, LulV.it, Inil. rlow. Oft. Vi. 1883. Filed July 28, 1881. 1. The (combination, ffith the plow-beams and Ihe vertical portion of the arched axle, perforated as shown, of the boxes D, composed cf two plates or half boxes, each having lira- "ling-slots fl and bolt-holes (!', with bosses or hnbs to protect the coiipling-boU, snb.sijin- tially as shown and described. 2. The combination, with the a.Kle and plow beams, of tlie Bos D. the vertical bai-s (I, the swiveling yoke or bars O', the spring E, and roller or fulcrum F, all arranged to swing lat- erally together, snbstantially as shown and describerl. 287,703. JOSEPH B. NEPP, assignor to the Burlinglon Piow Co., Burlington, Iowa. Cultivator Spring. Oct. 30. 1883. Filed Jnne 26, 1883. 1. In A cultivator -coopling, the spring-bar J, made L shape, with a long and short arm, and pivoted in the long ai-m above the angle, and adapted t* receivesprings upon both arms, snlwtantially as shown and described. 2. The angular spring-bar J, pivoted above and distant from the angle, in combination with the springs L M, clanip-socket K, and sleeve F, having rigid arms I. substantially as shown and desciibed. 3. The combination of the angidar spring- bar J, pivoted above thoangle in the longai-ni. the s'eevfe F, having arms I, the spriugsLM. and the clevis H, .substantially as shown and described. 4. The combination, w'ith the arched axle of a cultivator, of the right-angleil spring-bar J, with a long and short arm, and pivoted in the long arm above the anglo,theadjnstablespring8 L M, clnmp socket K, sleeve F, with arms I and clevis H, and the Ix-am-conpling E G, all substantially as shown and described. 287,779. A..and M. RUNSTETLER, a.- eignoi's to the Farniei-s' Friend .Manufac- turing Co., Dayton, Oliio. Gniiu Drill Oct. 30, 1883. Filed June 18. 1883. 1. In a grain drill, a lifting-lever oscillat- ing apon a driving-axle, in combination with link and crank dcpices connecting said lever to the oscillating bar journaled upon the main fi-ame, to which the drag-bars are connected in snch manner that the hoes may be raised or lowered by the oscillation of the lifting-lever, substantially as herein set forth. 2. In a grain-drill having a lifling-loveros cillating n]ton a driVing-axle, and adapted to raise and. lower the hoes by link and crank coni.eetion to the oscillating bar jourualed on the main frame, in combination with the ratchet -and -paw I devices for locking the lift- mg-Jevert« the axle, snbstantially as heitin set forth. 3. In combination with a lifting-lever, L, oscillating upon a driving-iixle, and the means for locking it thereto, an automatic trip ai'- ranged upon the main I'l'aine and adapted to automatically disengage the locking devices as the lever is moving forward with the axle, snbstantially as herein set forth. 4. In combination with the lifting-lever L, oscillating upon the main axle, and having locking devices forcxmnectingthc lever to the axle, a bolt-Ux'k attnehed to the free '-nd of the lifting-lever, whereby it may h{\ locked m any desired fixed })Osition forholdiiigtlie!i. In combinatinii with the liflingh'vcr Ij, "journaled npon the driving a\it, and los'k^le vices U Q, the secondary lock -lever N', adapt- ed to hold the lock-rod;) from engagement with the segment l\ substantially as herein set forth. a. Ill a gmin-diill, the combination of the automatic shifting d<>vicc.s operated by the power of tho team by u drivin^'-gear keyed to thedriving-axlc. ali III ng-Ic\vr Journaled upon said axle, with cluteli devices for locking said lover to said axle, whereby the (tower of the team may I>e employt-d to shift and rai'^e the hoes, snbstantially a.s herein set forth. 7. In agraiu drill, a lifting-lever oscillating npon tho driving axle, witii locking dcviws for connecting the movements of the lever with the niovemenlBof tho axle, ailachcd to said lover'and under control of the o|iL-i-ji(or, Mhereby the hoes may be raised, cither by dr:dt of tho team or by the operator hiniseif moving s;iidlevcr,disconncetcdfi-om the move- ments of the axle, snbslantiallv as herein set forth. 8. In combination wilhslundard/, thesook- ety, provided with the forkcdarm^", adapted to engage over the pin cof the di-ag-bar, so as (0 hold it i'l proper relative position thereon, substautiaily as herein set forth. 288,003. WM. P. BROWN, ZaucsviUe, Ohio. Wheel-Cnltivator. Nov. G, 1883. Filed June 13, 1883. My invention relates to wheeled cnltivatoi-s of that class in which the two wheels run ui>on opposite sides of tho row of plants and sus- tain above the same a truck or frame work having a draft attachment for the team in front and i»lows behind, M-hicharc attached to and drawn by the truck, which may or may not Jiave a tongue. My improvements coiibist, in-incipally, in the construction, arraugomeut, and adjust- ment of tlie plow-beams and their couplings, whereby tho plows next to the row of plants may be set in a higher horizontal plane, to adapt them to the elevation of the row or ridge npon which the plants are, and whereby the plows may be adapted to a niinimura width of truck and still preserve the proper lateral movement of the inner plows without throw- ing the ontcr ones agaii>st the wheels, and whereby, also, the lateral movement of tlie in- ner plows is made to have the least eRVct npon the outer plows consietenl with tlieir connec- tion thereto, all as more fully described licre- iuafter. 1. I'low-beams combined with and atf ached to a wheeled cultivator, and adaptcil to oper ate in pairs, which approach when moved outwardly Iroiu the plants and separate or move apart when moved inwardly to the jdants, as and for the purpose desci-ibed. 2. Plow-beams combined with a wheeled cultivator and attached to the same and to each other, suMtantially asdescri bed, whereby the inner beams lare adapted to have alateral throw greater than the enter oncs.as set forth. :i. Plow-beams combined with a wheeled cultivator by aswiveled or hinged connection in front, and hinged or coupled together in the rear of this by a connection which causes the beams to approach when moved away from the plants and to scp;jral«^ when moved towaM the plants, as dcsei ibcd. 4. A wheeled. cultivator J>a\iug on each side of the row of plants two or more beams, one of Ts hieh is set to work in a higher plane at its draft-connection than tho other, the said beams being coupled by oblique connec- tions for a variable lateral throw, as described. 5. The combination, with the axle of a wheeled cultivator aud two or mor& plow- beams disposed to run upon each side of the row of plants, of two ir more brack^tsattached to the axle on each side of the spac^ for the row of plants, and connections for fastening the plow-beams independently at diftcrent vertical heights to said axle on the same side of the row of plants, as set forth. 6. The bracket P, having a perforation in one arm and a slot in the other, in combina- tion with the bolt /), inclosing tube c, and plow-beam coupling Q', substantially as shown and described. 7. Tho combination, with two plow-beams hung about vertical centers at their draft ends, of a cross-coupling bar jointed to both beams, and haviug one eml closer to the center of oscillation of the beam to which it is at- taelu'd limn the other end is to the center ol (.scillaliim of the other beam, as and for the puiiiiiHi' described. S. The bracket .S, having n bolt, ff, Kur- rouuded by a tube, A, in combination with Mie inner ])Iow-bcam and the dinyonal cross bar T, having clevis-cnnpling j', as nnd for the purpose d^iscribed. !». The combination, with the two plow- beams, of the diagonal cross-bar T and coup ling at the eud thereof, having a longitudina adjiistmciit on the plow-beams, as shown and described. 289.296^ EDWIN D. MEAD. ShortsviUe, X. y. Seedini; Machine. Nuv. 27, 1883. Filed SL-pt. 5. 1883. 1. In an implement, substantially snch as herein described, the combination of 'awhcclc(T frame provided with a st^ationary beam and with a swinging beam, teeth or hoes alter- nately attached to tho respective beams, and a haml-lcver consisting of two parts jointed «tno to the other connected with tho swing- injj beam and provided with a locking device, substantially asshown and described, whereby Ihe teeth or hoes may be thrown into align ment or out of alignment to different degi-ces and held at any desired adjustment. 2. Incombinatioit withframeA, fixed beam D, and swinging beam F, toetli oi hocsE G, counccicil with the respective beam, handle ver H, consi.stiug of the parts h c, the former connected with the beam F, and tho lattei jiivotcd to the beam/, and tho locking-dog 1, applied to the lever, substantially in the man nor shown. 3. In combination with frame A, fixed beam D, and swinging beam F, hand-lever H, lock- ing-dog I, aud suspending block or casting e, provided with shoulder (, aubst-intially as and for the purpose set forth. 4. In combination with theswinging beam F, of a shifting rank implement, hand-lever II, pivoted to the main frame and connected with the swinging beam, dog I, provided with shoulders or notches A, pivoted to the hand lever, hand-piece k, and connecting-rod,/, ex tending from the hand-piece to the locking dog, substantially as shown. 5. Tho combination, substantially as herein described, of frame A, fixed beam D, swing- ing beam F, hoes or teeth attached to the re- spective beams, hand-lever H, consisting of the parts b and c, connected by bolt //, dog I, pivoted upon the bolt (/, and provided with shonldci-s A, hand-piece A-, and connecting-rod /, all combined and operating substantially as set f6rlh. (i. In eo'ubination with the adjustiug-lever ][, of a shifting-rank implement, substantially as shown, a locking-dog, I, applied to said le- ver and provided -wHU spring !, as and for tho purpose set forth. 289,893. MATTHEW F. CONNETT, Uetersburg, Ills. Gr,.in Drill. Dee. 11, I 1^8S. Filed Jan. 15.1883. 1. The combination of the runners H, spring IT', haviug eyes for staples Y Y, frame a', cov- ering-shoes K", spring K', frame a*, and spring L, clipped to frame-bar a' and drag-bar J', substantially as shown, and for the purpose described. 2. The combination of the runners Il,springs II', secured to frame a', covering-shoes K", spring K', si>ring L, clipped to frame-bar a", plate or bar m, loop or clip M, and drag-bar J', substantially as shown, and for the purpose dc.-^eribed. 290,366. SIMON P. SNYDER, SAMUEL STOUGH and TOMEY D. ULRIOK, Walton, Ind. Cultivator. Dec. 18,1883. Filed July VJ. 1883. In a cultivator, the standard S, bifurcated at ita lower end and provided with a bail, /, as shown, nnd at its upper end with a spring, t, in combination with the pivuted shovel-car rying standard s, provided wifh a loop, r, the parts being organized and constructed so that the standard .s may pass through the slot in the main standard S, substantially as shown and for the pnrno.se set forth. 297,637. HANS H. SATER, Dnbuciue, luw-a. Culiivati-r. April illl 1884. Filed Aug 31, 1N,S3. The in I'entionconsistsiu combining with tho .ixles and coupling of the eultivalor a joining conncction-iod and a spring secnved to the arch of tho axle; further, in combination with such connecting-rod, spj'ing, and rod. a roller working on the track secured to the arch of the axle; and,further, in various det^iils of cou- stiuction, all fully hereinafter explained, and illustrated in the accompanying drawings, iu which — J 1. Thecombiiiation,with Ihcsbovel-bai's, ot the pivoted standards K. the U-vcr C, the spring secured to the said leverandconnccled to the fiamcor Ihe cultivator, and the roller J ELEVATING AND DEPRESSING SPRINGS. 1587 mid Ug curvcil track. '2. i^oinbinod with tho niuli of tho ciiltivu lor, :i\lrK,scini-liibuhu-RU'OvcA,fiMVveiUniel; li', ill coiitljiiiatioii with Ihp spniiKll>f*<^c"i'(^'' to said sleeve, the barO, having a roller, and 11 pivoted stiindard, K, connected to the shov- el-bare. 3. TheeombinaLion,withtliccouplingTaud the bars attached thereto, of tho staiidurd K, l