1857-58. PRINCE'S SELECT CATALOGUE OF THE UNRIVALED COLLECTION OP HOSES, CARNATIONS, CHRYSANTHEMUMS, PHLOX, IRIS, DOUBLE SWEET WILLIAMS, HOLLYHOCKS, I I AND 0TIIE1! HERBACEOUS FLOWERING PLANTS J Bnmi'Mt Dotaitic (SartUna and J&frsseries, FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND, N, Y. WILLIAM R. PRINCE & CO. N. B. — Orders should be addressed to us at Flushing, ami sent by mail. PiuiKi. Catalogues, which are sent to purchasers of Trees, and to applicants who inclose stamps —No. 1, Descriptive Catalogue of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs and Plants. No. 2, Roses, Carnations, Chrysanthemums, Phlox, and all other Herbaceous Flowering Plants, Ac. N<>. X, Extra large Fruit Trees, Evergreens, and other Ornamental Trees and Shrubs, suitable for immediate 'ruit- \ bearing and embellishment No. 4, Wholesale Catalogue for Nurseries and Dealers, comprising Trees, Shrubs, Plants, Bulbous Flower Roots, Stocks for Engrafting, and Tree and Shrub Seeds, Ac. No. 5, Wholesale Catalogue of Vegetable, Agricultural, and Flower Reeds. No. 6, Descriptive Cat- alogue of our Unrivaled Collection of 100 Select Varieties of Strawberries, with a Rejected List. No. 7. Rare American Trees, Plants, and Seeds, suitable for sending to Europe. No. 'J, Catalogue of Bulbous Flowers, of eveiy Class, including Tree and Herbaceous Piuonies, Dahlias, and other I rare Flowering Plants. No. 11, Treatise on Culture of the Chinese Potato, or Dioscorea Batatas, I on Licorice, Tanner's Sumach, Fig, Almond, Olive, Osier, Chinese Sugar Cane, Earth Almond, ami Bladder. No. 12.— Address of Win. R. Prince to the American Institute, on the character and merits ot the Chinese Potato, with the triumphant Reports by the Hon. Henry Meigs, Secretary of the American Institute, on the sunie subject. No. 13, Catalogue of Greenhouse Plants. FORTY-SECOND EDITION. NEW YORK: BAKER AND GODWIN. BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS ODrnbb op Nassau and spruce stbeetb. 1857. UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AT AMHERST UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Special Collections & Rare Books PRINCE'S SELECT CATALOGUE. Jlosrs, gcthtcous £Ictomfl# f lants, #t. ROSES. In the formation of the present Catalogue of Roses, we have greatly reduced the number of varieties, and have selected only the most desir- able of each class, and such as form a combination of all that is most interesting and beautiful in each family. Many of the varieties are so new and rare that they have never before been offered to the public. We still possess a stock of the kinds now omitted, if they should be de- sired, and at reduced prices. We make it a rule to sell as low or lower than others ; and, when the size of our plants is considered, we think we offer still more important advantages. N. B. — We wish it to be especially noted, that all our Roses are on their roots, and none budded except a few of the newest Hybrid Perpet- uals. Roses budded on the Manetti and other tender varieties, are sub- ject to die out during severe winters. P^° Extra large plants can be supplied of many varieties, at propor- tionate prices. CHINESE DAILY, OR BENGAL ROSES. Those not priced are 37 to 50 cts. each. $2 50 to 83 per dozen, for one class, and $4 50 per dozen for the more rare varieties, except those specially priced. NAME. DESCRIPTION. EACH. 1 Abbe Mioland Purple, sometimes striped 25 4 Archduke Charles Rose changing to crimson 25 5 Beau carmine Deep velvety purple 25 6 Blush China (old vari- ety)' Rosy blush, vigorous 25 7 Boisnard Large, yellowish, deeper center 50 8 Carmine d'Yebles Bright carmine 9 Chinese Anemone flow- ered (new) Small, white, narrow petals 75 12 Couronne des pourpres. .Red changing to purple. 13 Confucius Pale roseate 75 14 Cramoisie superieur (Ag- rippina) Bright crimson 25 15 Darius Large, violet red 35 ] 6 Don Carlos Creamy white 50 21 Eugene Beauharnais. . . .Bright amaranth 25 NAME. DESCRIPTION, EACH. 22 Eugene Hardy." Pale, incarnate white. 23 Fabvier Brilliant red. 24 Fenelon Large, rose changing to red. 25 Feu de Moscow Rose changing to bright red 1 00 25 i Fleur de Cypres Fine French variety. 26 Fortune's Five colored. . White, often with red stripe. 27 General Lawcestine Bright, deep red. 2H Green flowered (of Japan)Very double, color of foliage 1 00 28 Gros Charles Large, violet red 25 29 Hanneloup Light red, changing to bright 35 30 Henry V Bright crimson 35 33 Imperatrice Eugenie. . . .Large, rosy lilac, shaded 1 00 31 Isidore d' Angers Incarnate white 1 00 35 Joseph Deschiens Violet purple 25 36 Josephine Malton Yellowish white. 37 La Superba Rosy purple 25 38 La Reguliere Bright crimson. 89 La Victorieuse Large, pale incarnate white 75 40 Le Vesuve Bright red and rosy 75 41 Leonidas Velvety, violet crimson 75 42 Louis Philippe Crimson, cupped 25 43 Lucullus Black velvety-purple, full 1 00 44 Madame Breon Large, beautiful roseate 38 45 Madame Bureau Fine, white globose 75 46 Madame Fries Morel. . . .Rosy white, compact 50 47 Madame Couturier IS T ew French variety 1 00 48 Madame Despres .Fine, pure white. 49 Marjolin Large, bright deep red 25 52 Piince Charles Bright cherry. 53 Prince Eugene Purplish crimson 25 54 Reine de Lombardie. . . .Large, red changing purple 25 55 Rubens .Pale rose changing purple 25 56 Sanguinea Bright deep crimson, profuse .* 25 57 Theresia Stravius Incarnate, profuse flowered 1 00 58 Triomphe de Gand Large, red shaded. 59 Virginale Incarnate white 25 60 Virginie Lebon. Large, nearly pure white 1 00 61 White Daily Pure white, delicate growth 25 FAIRY, OR MINIATURE CHINESE DAILY ROSES, 30 to 50 cents each. 581 Alba Pure white 1 00 582 De Chartrcs Very small, roseate. 594 Gloire des Lawrencia. . .Purplish crimson, very diminutive. 585 La Miniature Crimson roseate, smallest. 587 Multiflora Deep roseate, very small. 588 Pompone bijou Delicate roseate. 589 Pompone Blush, an old variety, larger than others. NAME. DESOBIFAOK. EACH. 590 Pumila Very dwarf, pretty. 591 Retour du printcmps. . . .Bright rose. 592 Rosette Neat and pretty. 592| Petit Ninie Very diminutive. TEA SCENTED ROSES— (Perpetual flowering.) Those not Priced are 37 to 50 cts. each, and $4 per dozen. 62 Abricoto Large, rosy buff. 63 Adam Large, delicate roseate. 64 Aurore Fawn to rose. 65 Antherose, Large, white, yellowish center. 65| Auguste Oger Pale rose, fawn center, globose 1 50 66 Auguste Vacher Yellow, shaded buff, profuse 1 50 67 Archduchesse Therese . . .Large, creamy white. 68 Barbot Yellowish, rosy. •69 Belle Archinto Incarnate, rosy shaded. 70 Belle La tire Deep roseate 50 71 Belle de Traversi White, with rosy tinge. 72 Bougere Large, bronzed roseate. 78 Bourbon White, green center. 74 Buret Large, deep red. 74£ Canary Creamy white 75 75 Caroline Bright incarnate. 76 Charles Raybaud Large delicate, roseate 50 77 Clara Sylvain Large, pure white. 78 Cels multifiore Large, incarnate, profuse 50 79 Compte de Paris Large, pale rosy. 79£ David Pradel Rosy lilac 75 80 Devoniensis Large, yellowish, deeper center. 81 Due d'Orleans Red shaded, protuberant. 82 Duchesse de Mecklem- bourg Large, pale buff 50 83 Duchesse d'Orleans Incarnate white 75 84 Duchesse de la Valiere. .Pale roseate 75 85 Eliza Sauvage Large, yellowish. 86 Eugenie Desgaches Large, virginal roseate. 87 Eugenie Jouvain Incarnate, rosy center 50 88 Flavescens Yellow tea, straw color. •89 Fortune's Five-colored. ..See No. 26. •90 Floralie Incarnate, fine. 90^ General Tartas Large, deep roseate, very full 1 50 91 Georges de France Globose, salmon-yellow 1 00 •92 Gigantesque Very large, incarnate shaded 50 93 Gloire de Dijon Large, yellowish shaded, fine form. . . .1 50 95 Goubault Large, pale rosy. 97 Hymenee Yellow, protuberant. 98 Julia Grisi Yellowish white 1 00 99 Julie Mansais Large, white, yellow tinge. 100 Lactens Large, yellowish white 1 00 101 Lady Warender Blush white. NAME. DESCRIPTION. EACH. 102 L'lnfidele Bright rosy 75 104 Le Pactole Saffron yellow, profuse flowered. 105 Leveson Gower Very large, roseate. 105^ Louise de Savoie Large, sulphur yellow 1 00 106 Madame Bravay White, tinged rose. 10*7 Madame de St. Joseph. . .Rosy pink 75 108 Madame Ines Coudert . . .Light yellow 1 00 109 Madame Jacqueminot. . .Large, creamy white 1 00 109£ Madame La Charme. ...Same as No. 59. 110 Madame Anais Carrol. . .Vivid rose 75 111 Madame Sylvestre White, straw center 50 112 Mareehal Bugeaud Large, rosy shaded. 113 Melanie Oger Yellowish, deeper center 75 114 Melville Very large, deep rosy blush. 115 Moire" Aurora-yellow, deeper center, globose. 116 Narcisse Large, yellow, deeper center. 117 Nina Incarnate, profuse flowered 50 118 Niphetos Large, pure white. 119 Nlsida Aurora center, rosy border 50 120 Odorata — Old Tea Large, rosy blush, fragrant. 122 Pauline Plan tier Creamy white, globose 50 124 Pharaon Large, pale rose, robust 50 125 Prince d'Esterhazy Large, beautiful roseate 50 126 Princesse Marie Large, rosy incarnate, yellow center. 127 Princesse Adelaide Sulphur yellow 75 127^ Princesse Helene Large, white, yellow center 75 128 Peine de Beiges Large, creamy white 1 00 129 Reine de Golconde. Rosy incarnate 75 131 Safrano Bright fawn in clusters, robust. 132 Silene, or Bon Silene. . ..Large, rosy to bright red. 133 Smithii Sulphur-yellow. 134 Sombreuil Large, pale blush 75 134| Souvenir d'Eliza Large, white, creamy center 1 00 135 Souvenir d'une ami Large, beautiful rosy, globose 75 135 J Strombio Rosy incarnate. 136 Sylphide Large, rosy buff, beautiful 50 137 Taglioni Large, creamy white 50 138 Turgot Bright red to purple. 139 Triomphe de Luxem- bourg Large, aurora, shaded pink 60 140 Valentine Large, bright incarnate 1 00 141 Vandael Rosy lilac 75 142 Vicompte d'Imbert Large, pure white, globose 75 143 Vicomtesse Decazes Buff changing to pale yellow 75 144 Victoire modeste Blush pink, fine. 145 Walter Scott Large, vivid red. 146 White climbing White, can be trained 20 feet. HYBRID PERPETUAL ROSESMRemontantes.) All not priced are 37 to 50 cts. each, or $4 50 per dozen, and our choice at $4 per dozen. Extra large Plants, three and four years old, 75 cts. The following are the best pillar roses: — Nos. 155, 161, 189, 212, 236, 241, and 245. NAME. DESCRIPTION. EACH. 146i xVdam Paul Pale rose 1 00 146| Adele Mauze Fine roseate. 146£ Alexandrine Backmeteff,Very large red-. 147 Alphonse de Lamartine.. Large, pale roseate 1 60 148 Amanda Patenotte. . . . ..Deep rosy, protuberant. 150 Aubernon Large, bright roseate. 151 Auguste Guinoisseau. . ..Large, beautiful red, fine form 1 50 152 Auguste Mie Large brilliant roseate 75 153 Augustine Mouchelet Rosy violet. 154 Baronne Hallez Large, bright red, fine form. 155 Baronne Prevost Large, fine roseate. 156 Beranger Large, rosy lilac 75 157 Blanche de Beaulieu White, rosy tinge. 158 Blanche Portimer "White, tinged incarnate 1 00 159 Blanche Vibert White, rosette form 75 160 Bouton de Flore Large roseate 75 161 Caroline de Sansal Large, pale incarnate, rosy center. 163 Charles Bossiere Large, flame-colored 75 164 Chateaubriand Transparent roseate. 166 Clementine Duval Rosy lilac tinge, protuberant. 169 Collardeau Large, rosy incarnate 1 50 170 Colonel Foissy Bright cherry red. 171 Colonel Rougemont Very large, pale rose shaded carmine. 1 50 172 Comte Bobrinsky Bright deep carmine. 173 Comte d'Eu Large very brilliant red. 174 Comte de Bourmont Deep rosy to pale rose 75 175 Comte de Derby Large beautiful roseate 75 176 Comte de Paris Large, violet red, often striped. 177 Comte d'Egmont Large, violet, pale border. 178 Comte de Montalivet Large, purplish crimson, globose. 181 Comtesse Duchatel Bright rosy carmine, cupped. 183 Crystal Palace Bright shaded incarnate 1 00 187 Docteur Arnal Bright red, Ranunculus form 75 188 Docteur Marjolin Red, purple border. 1S9 Docteur Marx, or Mar- quis d'Ailsa Medium size, violet red. 190 Docteur Reynaud L»rge, rose spotted with red 1 50 191 Due d'Aumale Purplish crimson. 191^ Duchesse de Nemours. . .Delicate rose. 192 Duchess of Norfolk Bright crimson shaded 2 00 193 Duchesse Montpensier. ..Large, delicate rosy, pale border. 194 Duchess of Sutherland. ..Large, incarnate. 195 DuplessisMornay Bright crimson, rosette form. 196 Edward Jesse Purple carmine. 1* 6 NAME. DESCRIPTION. EACH. 196* Enfant du Mont Carmel.Larg\ purplish red 1 00 197~Ernestine de Barante Small, bright rose, profuse. 198 Etendard de Marengo (Standard of Marengo).. Large, dazzling red 75 199 Eugene Sue Very large, bright roseate. 200 Giant of Battles Bright deep crimson, fine form. 201 Genie de Chateaubriand. Bright violet red 75 203 General Castellane Large, vermilion shaded 75 204 General Cavaignac Large, bright deep rosy, fine form. 2044, General Changarnier Large, violet crimson. 205 General Jacqueminot Large, bright red, globose. '. 1 50 206 General Scott Bright crimson 15 207 General Taylor See Bourbon Roses. 208 General Merlin Rosy shaded, globose 1 00 209 Gloire des Rosomanes. . .Large, scarlet, semi-double, profuse. 212 Jacques Lafitte Large, rosy carmine. 213 Joanne d'Arc Large, white, pale rosy center 1 00 214 Joasine Hanet Reddish crimson, in clusters. 215 Jules Margottin Scarlet crimson, brilliant 2 00 216 La Bedoyere Large, bright carmine, white stamens. 217 La Reine Very large, rosy lilac, superb form. 218 La Bouquetiere Pale rose 75 221 Lady Alice Peel Rosy carmine, fine form. 222 Leonie Verger Bright rosy, cupped, rosette form. 222^ Lilacee Pale rose, deeper center. 223 Lion des Combats Large, deep red, shaded flame 75 224 Louis Bonaparte Bright rosy, globose. 225 Louise Odier. See Bourbon Roses. 226 Louise Peyronny Very large, deep rose, shaded carmine.l 00 227 Ludovic Letaud Deep rose. 228 Madame Campbell d'Isley.Rosy lilac, sometimes striped. 229 Madame Fremion Large, cherry red, fine form. 230 Madame Dameme Bright violet crimson. 231 Madame Trudeaux Bright carmine 75 232 Madame Lamoriciere. . . .Bright rosy, reverse white. 233 Madame Laffay Rosy carmine. 234 Madame Oger Large, bright rosy, globose, beautiful . 1 25 235 Madame Pepin Fine pale rosy, reverse white. 236 Madame Rivers Glazed roseate, fine imbricated 1 25 237 Margarette d'Anjou Fine satin roseate, imbricated. 238 Marquise Bocella Incarnate, deeper center. 2384 Melanie cornu Large, bright violet red. 239 Mere de St. Louis Large, nearly white, slight rosy tinge. 1 00 240 Miss J. C. Meymoth Large, bright incarnate, imbricated. ..1 50 2404, Montaigne Deep rosy, pale border. 241 Mrs. Elliot Large, deep rosy lilac. 2414, Mrs. B. Stowe Bright roseate 2 00 242 Noemi Clear pale rosy, globose. 243 Pauline Bonaparte Small, pure white, dwarf. 244 Paul Dupuy Violet crimson 1 50 245 Pius IX Large, crimson, expanded, vigorous. NAME, DESCRIPTION. EACH. 246 Pompoue de St. Rade- gonde Small, deep rosy violet, fine form. 247 Ponctuee Red, faintly striped. 248 Prince Albert Deep rosy to crimson. 249 Queen Victoria Large, white, rosy tinge, superb 1 50 250 Reine des Fleurs Large, rosy lilac, pale border. 251 Reine de la, Guillotiere. .Bright red, often purple in autumn. 251-J- Reveil Lilac roseate. 252 Rivers Large, crimson shaded. 252£ Robert Burns Bright red. . , 75 253 Souvenir de Reine des Beiges Large, red, carmine border 1 25 255 Sydonie Large, light pink. 256 Sir John Franklin Bright crimson 1 50 257 William Griffith Large, lilac rosy, perfect form. 258 William Jesse Large, deep roseate. ADDITIONAL HYBRID PERPETUAL ROSES. The most of which are New and Rare. N. B. — Those not priced are $1 to $2 each. 700 Arthur de Sansal Blackish purple, shaded flame, extra. 701 Bacchus Shell-like petals, fine. 702 Baron Heckereen Bright pink, very large. 703 Baron Larray Fine carmine roseate. 704 Belle Jardiniere Pale rose, deeper center. 705 Clemence Ruffin Lilac roseate 1 00 706 Colonel de Rougement. .Large, roseate shaded. 707 Comtesse Jaubert '. .Lilac roseate 1 00 708 Comtesse Vaillant Violet carmine, often spotted. 709 Coquette de Bordeaux . .Fine form, beautiful 1 00. 710 Critheis Roseate, globose 1 00 711 Docteur d'Anguest Large, fine form 1 00 712 Doctor Henon Pure white, center yellowish. 713 Doeuil F. Willemoz Velvet crimson, black shade. 714 Duchesse de Cambaceres.Bright rose, beautiful. 715 Duchesse d'Orleans Very large, Hortensia rose 1 00 716 Due d'Elchingen Fine crimson. 717 Edmund Bernede Red, fine form. 718 Elize Masson Large and fine 1 00 719 Emperor Napoleon Brilliant crimson, brown shade. 720 Felicite Regeaux White incarnate 1 50 721 General Pelissier Very large, bright carmine rose. 722 Gloire de France Large, crimson shaded carmine 1 50 723 Imperatrice des Francois.Large, incarnate, white center 1 50 724 Josephine Ledechaux. ..Aurora, shaded roseate. 725 Lacour Jury Salmon blush, fine form. 726 L'Elegante Fine lilac . .1 00 727 Lord Raglan Brilliant scarlet crimson. 728 Louise Magnan Large, pure white, slightly shaded center. 729 Madame Desire Giraud. .Large, rose and carmine striped. NAME. DESCRIPTTOX. EACH. 730 Madame Domage Very large, bright roseate. 731 Madame Hector Jacquin. Large, lilac roseate, globose, 732 Madame Lannes Large, fine form 1 00 733 Madame Masson Large, rich crimson. 734 Madame Place "Neat pink, pretty form. 735 Madame Theod. Martell . Creamy white, tinged rose. 736 Madame Vidot Bright incarnate, pink shade. 737 Marie Leekzinska Large, fine form 1 00 738 Mathurin Regnier Large, pale rose, fine form. 739 Napoleon III .Deep crimson. 740 Panache d'Orleans Incarnate, striped rose and purple. 741 Pauline Lansezeur Crimson to violet, fine form. 743 Prince de Moskowa Deep velvety crimson, shaded bright scarlet. 744 Prince Leon Kotschouby.Brilliant red, shaded superb 1 50 745 Princesse de Joinville . . . Bright roseate, beautiful 1 00 747 Salvator Rosa. Large red 1 00 748 Souvenir de la Reine d'Angleterre Bright rose, beautiful. 749 Souvenir du Petit Cor- poral. Bright deep pink, fine form. 750 Triomphe de Paris Large, deep velvet purple 1 00 751 Victor Trouillard Very large, deep velvet purple. The following older varieties of this Class, can be supplied at reduced rates : Antigone, Collardeau, Commandant Fournier, Cyniedor, Cornet, Celine, Coquette de Montmorency, Clementine Seringe, Chereau, Due d'Alencon, Doctor Lindley, Duchess of Praslin, Eliza Balcomb, Fulgorie, Graziella, General Morangier, Guilbert Slater, Gigan- tesque,Grand Papa, Henry IV., Inerme, Joseph Decaisne, Josephine Robert, King of Rome, Lane, Leonide Leroy, Leonard d'Este, La Ranoncule, Lady Fordwick, l'lnflexible, Louise Bordillon, Madame Guillot, Madame Hilaire, Madame Andry, Marshal Soult, , Niobe, Prince of Wales, Purpurine, Prudence Rceser, Polybe, Poniatowski, Peine Ma- thilde, Robert Wace, Robin Hood, Souvenir dAnselme, Soleil d'Austerlitz, Triomphe des Valenciennes, Victoria, Yolande d'Aragon. DAMASK PERPETUAL ROSES. 50 cents, except those priced. 258 J Amandine Delicate roseate. 258| Antinous Purplish crimson. 259 Ccelina Dubos Medium size, white. 1 00 aeO^Damfskmoithiy^ed; I 01d ™™ tiea bloomin g *wic* ijl J ™ e 261 Damask monthly/white J and autumn l5 262 Delphine Gay Creamy white ■ 75 264 Du Roi, red. . Bright crimson, fragrant 50 265 Duchesse de Rohan. . . ) 265£ Estelle (Scotch) L Rose, small size. 266 Jeanne de Chisson. . . . ) 267 Julie de Kruduer. ...... .Pale incarnate 75 NAME. DESCRIPTION. K.UII. 268 Mogador, or Crimson du Roi Reddisli crimson, shaded 75 .269 Talmyre Fine blueb. 270 Portland Large, deep roseate '. 75 271 Portland blanc Medium size, white 1 00 272 Portlandica carnea Incarnate blush 1 00 273 Prudhomme Bright rosy 75 273i Sappho ) 274 Souvenir de Henry [ Pale roseate, small. Clay (Scotch) ) 27-U Stanwell (Scotch) Pale incarnate, small. BOURBON PERPETUAL ROSES. All not Priced are 37 to 50 cents each, and $4 50 per dozen. N. B. — This Collection is remarkably select, the older and inferior varieties being excluded. 275 Acidalie Pale, incarnate white, fragrant. 276 Adelaide Bougere Dark, velvety purple 1 00 27 6| Anne Beluze Delicate incarnate. 211 Appoline Light pink shaded. 278 Archeveque de Cambrai . Velvety, ruby red. 279 Asterodie Pale incarnate white. 280 Aurore du Guide Red changing to pale violet. 281 Blanche Lafitte Creamy white 1 00 282 Bouquet de Flore Fine, deep carmine. 283 Camille de Chateaubourg Vivid red, shaded violet, in clusters . .2 00 287 Cesarine Souchet Delicate rose, shaded carmine 15 288 Cornice Seine et Marne. .Violet red, cupped 75 289 Comte de Rambuteau. . .Pale, violet-red. 289} Comte d'Eu See Hybrid Perpetual?. 289£ Comte de Montijo Purple, with ponceau shade 1 50 290 Crimson Globe (Dr. Ro- ques) Dwarf vermilion, globose. 291 Desgaches Pale rose, in clusters, cupped. 292 Doeuil Due d'Orleans. . . .Dark purple shaded. 292£ Doeuil Lord Raglan. . . .Deep velvety crimson 1 50 293 Docteur Roques See No. 290. 294 Duchesse de Thuringe. . .White, lilac tinge 75 296 Dupetit Thouars Brilliant violet-carmine. 297 Edouard Desfosses Beautiful clear red. 298 Emile Courtier Deep lilac roseate, robust. 299 Emile Miret Rosy lake 1 50 299£ Etoile du Nord Bright cherry, shaded purple 1 50. 300 Faustine Pale incarnate, in clusters 75 301 Ferdinand Deppe Amaranth red 1 50 302 Francois Henrincq Bright cherry, shaded crimson 1 50 303 George Cuvier Rosy carmine, fine form, distinct. 304 General Taylor Violet crimson 75 305 General Canrobert Brilliant ponceau 1 50 10 NAME. DESCRIPTION'. EACH. 305£ Crloire de France See Hybrid Perpetuals. 306 Henry Clay Large, brilliant carmine. 307 Henri Plan tier Fine roseate. 308 Herraosa Pale rose, profuse flowered. 309 Isabella II Bright roseate, fragrant. 309| Josephine Charnbert . . .Bright cherry 1 50 310 Julie de Fontenelle Violet red, fragrant. 311 Julie de Loynes Small white, in clusters. 313 Lady Stanley Fine, rosy shaded 75 314 La Gracieuse Bright roseate, beautiful. 314| La Pudeur "White, rosy center 1 50 315 La Quintinie Very deep velvet purple 1 50 315| Leveson Gower Very large, bright rose. 316 Lartay Bright, deep red, fine •. . . . .1 00 317 Le Florifere Hose shaded carmine, profuse. 318 Leon Oursel Bright flame color 75 319 Louise Odier Bright rose, beautiful 75 320 Madame Angelina White tinged fawn, expanded 75 321 Madame Aude Pale lilac. 322 Madame Fontaine Bright crimson, cherry shade 1 50 323 Madame Despr&s Lilac roseate. 324 Madame Lacharme Pale incarnate. 325 Madame Nerard Delicate incarnate. 326 Madame Newman (Monthly Cabbage). . .Bright roseate, robust. 327 Madame Tripet Pale rosy shaded. 328 Marie Brecy Large, white incarnate, green center. . 1 00 329 Mandarin Chinois Bright rosy shaded 75 330 Manteau de Jeanne d'ArcWhite incarnate, expanded 1 00 331 Marianne ...» Fine rosy to pale lilac 75 332 Marie Desfosses Large, delicate incarnate 1 00 333 Marquis de Moyria Carmine shaded, fine form. 334 Menoux Brilliant carmine, beautiful. 334^ Mirror of Perfection. . .Bright rosy violet, superb 1 00 335 Mrs. Bosanquet Delicate incarnate, profuse. 336 Nelly Large, incarnate, fine 1 00 337 Omar Pacha Cherry red 1 50 338 Oscar Leclerc Large, violet colored. 339 Paul and Virginia Bright rose 1 00 340 Paul Joseph Bright crimson, beautiful 75 341 Paxton Large, bright rose, shaded flame 1 50 341-J Pourpre de Tyr. See Noisette Roses. 341-^ Pigcron Bright rosy violet. 342 PremicesdesCharpennes.Rosy, with pale border. 343 Prince Albert (Paul) . . . .Bright carmine, in clusters 1 75 344 Princess Clementine Violet-carmine. 345 Queen of Bourbons Fawn color, profuse bloomer. 346 Raymond Bright rose shaded. 346£ Reine des Vierges Large, rosy incarnate. 347 Reveil .Cherry, shaded deep velvet-purple ... 1 25 348 Sepintarus Bright incarnate, protuberant. 11 NAME. DESCRIPTION. BACH. 34S4 Sir Joseph Paxton Bright rose 1 51) 349 Souvenir Malmaison . . . .Large, pale incarnate, beautiful. 350 Souvenir del'Exposition. Velvety bright scarlet 1 50 350-4, Souvenir d'Arquebuse. .Bright red 1 50 351 Vicomte Fritz de Cussy .Large, brilliant carmine. 3514, Vorace Brilliant crimson 1 50 The following older Varieties of this Class can be supplied at reduced rates : Beauty of Lyon?, Carrache, Camille Duclos, Comto do Colbert, De Tourvillo, Dubourg, Due de Chartres, Dubriel, Duchesse of Normandy, Enfant d'Ajaccio, Gen- eral Oudinot, Gloire des Koses, Gloire de Paris, Henri Lecocq, Hersilio, Joseph Gourdon, Jupiter, Lady Canning, Lavinie d'Osr, Le Grenadier, Madame Cousin, Madame Soucliet, Marquise d'lvry, Marshal du Palais, Mars-hal Villaro, Marie Duleau, Marquis of Ossory, Mon fils Cheri, Nadiska, Phcenix, Pierre de St. Cyr, Soucbef, Souvenir de Desir6, Souve- nir Dumont d'Urville, Souvenir d'Anselme, Souvenir de Maujet, Thereso Margat, Tri- omphe d'Orlean?, "William the Conqueror. NOISETTE PERPETUAL ROSES, Each 37 to 50 cents, except those priced, and $4 to §4 50 per dozen. 352 Aimee Vibert Small, pure white, in clusters. 353 Augusta Large, pale yellow, profuse, vigorous, very distinct 75 Do. Larger size 1 50 3534; Aurora Straw color. 354 Belle- d'Esquermes Bright roseate. 354 A, Beauty of Green Mount. New Baltimore variety 1 00 355 Belle forme Dwarf, pink. 356 Blush cluster Small, blush, large clusters. 356£ Bougainville Bright rosy lilac, small. 357 Caroline Marniesse Creamy white, protuberant. 3574 Champney iBlush. See 557. 358 Chromatella, or Cloth of Gold Large, yellow, splendid, vigorous. 359 Clara Wendell Orange colored 75 360 Conque de Venus White, rosy center. 360^ Cora L. Barton Large, rosy pink. 361 Despres (Jaune Despres), Large, bright rosy buff. 362 Eudoxie Creamy white, under yellow, globose, 1 00 363 Euphrosyne Fawn and rose, fragrant. 364 Fellemberg Very bright red, profuse. 365 Fortune's double yellow, Bright orange, vigorous climber. 366 Fleur de Jeune Age Creamy white, pink center. 3664/ Gloire de Dijon See Tea Roses. 366f Isabella Gray Yellow, fine 1 00 367 Jacques Amyot Rosy lilac, fine 1 00 368 Jeanne d'Arc White, tea-scented, vigorous. 368£ Jules Deschiens White incarnate, globose, profuse. 369 La Biche Large, pale, creamy white 12 ' NAME. DESCRIPTION. EACTT. 370 Lais Dwarf, pure white 75 371 Lady Byron Pale pink, very profuse. 372 La Victorieuse Large, white, incarnate shaded. 373 Lamarque Large, pale lemon. Le Pactole See Tea Roses. 374 Lee, or Monstrosa Large, blush incarnate. 375 Mad. Deslongchamps. . . .Large, incarnate white, fine form 75 376 Mad. Jouvain Pale red shaded, tea-scented. 377 Marie Charge. Yellow, shaded carmine 1 50 378 Miss Glegg White, with rosy tinge 1 00 Narcisse See Tea Roses. 379 Mrs. Siddons Yellow to straw 1 00 380 Octavie Reddish crimson, tea-scented. 381 Ophirie Bright salmon and fawn. 382 Pourpre de Tyr Violet-purple. 383 Prince's Pearly climber.. Pearly blush, vigorous climber. 384 Prince's superb white. . .Small, snow-white, vigorous climber. . 75 385 Polonie Bourdin Salmon, center aurora 1 50 386 Puniila alba Dwarf, very small, pure white 1 00 387 Solfatare Large, saffron-yellow. 387^ Stellata Rose with white tips, singular 1 00 387iTriomphe delaDuchere, Delicate roseate. 388 Vicomtesse d'Avesne. . . .Roseate, fine form. 3884- Vitellina White, center rosy tinge. 389 Washington Pure white, very vigorous. 389-J- Woodland Margaret. .. .New Baltimore variety 1 00 390 Yellow, or Smithii Sulphur yellow. The following Older Varieties at reduced rates : — Admiral Rigny, Charles X., Cherence, Comtesse de Grillon, Maria, Nemesis, Petite Annie, Phaloe, Pompone, Sir Walter Scott, Sultana, Superba, Triomph de Boll- wilier, Victoria, William Wallace. MOSS ROSES. Each 50 cents, except where priced. Extra-size Plants, 75 cents to $1. This class requires a cool half-shady position. Heat destroys them. 391 Alice Leroy Large, rosy lilac. 391^ Agathe leaved Pale incarnate, in clusters. 392 Angelique Quetier Delicate roseate 75 393 Belle Rosalie Very pretty French variety 1 00 394 Blush, or incarnate Large, pearly blush, globose 75 395 Brilliant Semi-double, bright pink. •396 Catharine Wurtemberg. .Roseate, globose, vigorous 1 00 397 Crelina, or G-racieuse. . . .Bright red to purple 75 898 Charlotte de Sor Roseate, superb, Agathe leaved 1 00 3981 Clifton white Pure white 1 00 399 Common Red Large, rose-color, globose .40 to 50 400 Comtesse de Murinais. . .Large, white, in clusters, vigorous, 50 to 1 00 13 NAME. DESCRIPTION. EACH. 401 Crested, or Cristata "Large, roseate, mossy sepals, elegant. 402 Crimson, or Damask. . . .Light crimson, very mossy. 402-J- De Meaux, or Pompone, Dwarf, small, roseate, early 1 00 405 Etna Crimson flame color. 40*7 Josephine Lake colored, beautiful 1 00 408 Laneii Large, bright red, fine form 75 409 L'Obscurite" Large, deep velvety crimson. 410 Luxembourg scarlet. . . .Crimson scarlet, robust. 41 1 Mademoiselle Alboni .... Rosy incarnate, beautiful 1 50 411-£ Marbled Rose and white, semi-double. 413 Minor, or Gracilis Dwarf, roseate, globose, distinct 75 41 3^ Mousseuse partout Rosy, mossy leaves and buds 75 414 Mrs. Wood Small, deep carmine to crimson 75 416 Nuits de Young: Large, deep crimson 1 00 418 Pearly Blush Small, nearly white, vigorous 1 00 420 Ponctuee, or Spotted. . . .Red, spotted white, semi-double. 421 Precoce Pale red, sometimes spotted, early. 422 Princess Adelaide (Climb- ing Moss), Incarnate, in clusters, very vigorous, grows 12 feet, 423 Princess Royal Rosy incarnate, vigorous. 426 Unique de Provence. . . .Pure white, globose, beautiful 75 427 Variegated, or Striped. .White, pink stripes, pretty 1 00 428 White Bath White, globose, delicate growth. NEW MOSS ROSES. One dollar each, except those noted. — The New Varieties are much more robust and vigorous than the old ones. 752 Afeuilles luisantes Pale rose, rosette center. 753 Barvilhet Beautiful. 754 Belle Hortense Crimson. 755 Beranger Delicate roseate, brown foliage. 756 De Colmar Medium size, fine. 757 Diana de Colmar. ..... .Roseate. 758 D'Arcet Scarlet, with rosette, fine form, vigor- ous, unique foliage 1 60 759 Duchesse D'Abrantes. . . .Rosy incarnate, with rosette, beautiful, vigorous, peculiar growth and foliage, very unique 1 50 760 Fontenelle Rosy red, spotted. 761 Helene Mauget Bright roseate. 762 Heloise Rosy red, protuberant, superb. 763 Hereilie Violet incarnate, with rosette and sta- mens, fine form. 764 Indiana Roseate, very full. 765 Jean Bodin Rosy, globose, fine form 1 00 766 Julie de Mersan Deep rosy, with white stripes 1 50 767 Le Jeune Age White incarnate, deeper center. 768 Leopoldine Incarnate red. 2 14 NAME. DESCRIPTION. EAC*. 769 Louise Collet Delicate roseate. 770 Madame Boutou. . . .t. . .Deep rosy shaded, with rosette, in clus- ters, peculiar foliage 1 50 771 Madame Rochelambert. .Amaranth red, fine form. 772 Madame Rose Cheri Delicate rosy, with rosette. 773 Marie de Blois Satin lilac rosy, globose, very vigorous, remarkable in all respects 1 50 774 Melanie Pantin Deep rosy, with a rosette and stamens. 775 Multiflore Beautiful roseate, in clusters, very unique 1 50 776 Nathalie Rosy red, with rosette. 777 Panaget, or Lanzezeur. . .Crimson striped with red 1 50 778 Parmentier Roseate, cupped. 779 PelissoD Deep rosy, rosette imbricated. 780 Pompon d'Angers Small, crimson. 781 Princesse Amelie Lilac incarnate, often dotted white, re- markable growth and foliage 1 50 782 Rotrou Lilac crimson, deeper center. 783 Servilie Rosy incarnate, protuberant. 784 Sceur Martha Roseate, deeper center. 785 Vanquelin Deep violet crimson, unique color. . . .1 50 786 Zerbine Deep rosy, often spotted. PERPETUAL MOSS ROSES. 787 Alfred de Dalmas Rosy white, center rose, cluster 2 00 788 Bicolor (semi-double). . . .Bright rose, dotted violet 2 00 789 General Drouot Violet red 1 00 790 Hermann Kegel Violet crimson, slightly striped 1 00 791 Imperatrice Eugenie. . . .Bright rose, fine form, extra 2 00 792 Madame Edward Ory . . . Carmine, fine form 2 00 793 Madame Emile Girardin. Beautiful pale rosy, fine form 1 50 794 Marie de Burgoyne Bright rosy, beautiful 2 00 795 Pompone perpetual Small roseate 1 00 796 Rene d'Anjou Vivid roseate 1 50 797 Salet Bright rosy, paler border 1 50 798 White Perpetual Large clusters, vigorous. . . .50 cts. to 1 00 VARIEGATED FRENCH AND PROVENCE ROSES. 50 Cents Each. FLOWERS STRIPED, VARIEGATED, MOTTLED, OR MARBLED. 435 A'belard Roseate, marbled, tall. 436 Agamede . .Deep rose, spotted white. 437 Aglse Adanson Very large rose, spotted white. 438 Agremont Carmine, white border, superb. 439 Aimable Ilenriette Rosy crimson, spotted. 440 Andre Thouin Brilliant crimson, spotted purple. 441 Antiope Purplish crimson, spotted. 442 Aramis White and deep rose, variegated. 15 NAME. DESCRrrrrON'. EACH. 442-J- Artemise Deep roseate, marbled. 443 Arlequin Light red, marbled. 444 Belle Clementine Roseate mottled. 445 Belle Herminie, No. 6. . .Large, crimson, mottled white. 446 Berangere Crimson mottled, blush border. 447 Camaieu Rosy lilac, striped. 447 i Cerulescens marmora. ..Bluish, tesselated and marbled white, $1 O't 448 Charmante Isidore Purple, veined with crimson. 448£ Charles Louis Bright cherry, rosy border (Hybrid). 449 Comte de.Murinais Large, slate color, marbled. 450 Comte de Nanteuil Large, crimson shaded, superb. 450! Cordon bleu Shaded bluish slate color 1 00 451 Cosimo Ridolphi Purplish crimson, spotted, large. 452 Cramoisie picotee Lilac, finely mottled purple. 453 Cuvier Rosy crimson, spotted w hite. 454 Donna Sol Crimson, spotted, rosette^ center. 455 Due de Nemours Violet-crimson, mottled fed. 456 Eulalie Le Brun Variegated rose and lilac. 457 Euphrasie Deep rose, finely spotted. 458 Fatime Roseate, spotted. 459 Fontenelle Large, rosy crimson, spotted. 460 Fornarina Roseate, spotted white. 461 General Foy Deep violet crimson, spotted. 462 Giselle Roseate spotted. 463 Gloire des Hellenes Rosy crimson, tesselated (Hybrid). 464 Grand Alexander Dark violet, red center, splendid. 465 Jeanne Hachette Large, reddish crimson, spotted. 465| Kean Bright crimson, shaded, splendid. 466 La Belle Violette Large, bluish violet, marbled, extra. 467 Lavoisier Deep rose, spotted, variegated leaves. 468 L'Hospital Cherry, spotted. 469 Lucille Duplessis Deep rose, spotted. 470 Ludovicus Bluish violet marbled, superb. 471 Madelon Friquet Roseate, spotted, expanded. 472 Malesherbes Purple spotted. 472£ Marc Aurele Cherry, spotted. 473 Marie de Bourgoyne. . . .Roseate, spotted. 474 Nero Violet crimson, spotted. 475 New Village Maid White, striped rosy purple. 476 Odette Champ divers Rose, marbled with white, extra 1 00 477 Oiellet rlamand White, striped with cherry. 478 Oiellet parfait Rose, striped bright red 1 00 479 Omphale Roseate, spotted. 47 9^ Perle des panaches White striped lilac, superb 1 00 480 Ranoncule.ponctu6e Red spotted, compact. 431 Rosa Mundi Old striped variety. • 482 Rouget de l'lsle Purple, spotted with violet. 483 Royale Marbree Lilac and purple, marbled. 484 Stella Pink, shaded white, pretty. 485 Saudeur panache Red and rose variegated (Hybrid). 486 Semiramis Large, roseate, fawn center; 16 NAME. DESCRIPTION. EACH. 4864- Sombreuil Deep rose, white spotted. 487 The Prince Crimson, spotted bright red. 488 Tibulle Rosy lilac, spotted. 489 Tricolor, Belle Alliance.. Variegated red, white, and purple. 490 Tricolor, No. 2 Crimson and purple, veined white. 491 Tricolor, No. 3 Brownish purple, marbled red. 492 Tullie Large, deep rosy, marbled. 492| Turenne Red, marbled white, protuberant. ... .1 00 493 "Unique panache White, pink stripes. 494 Victoire bizarre Bluish violet, marbled white!! 495 Village Maid Rose, lilac stripes. 496 Violet a cceur rouge Violet, red center, singular. 497 Violet fonce Violet mottled, splendid. 497^ William Tell Bright rose, blush border. 498 York and Lancaster Rose and white striped. BLACK ROSES, Very Dark Shades. 50 Cents Each, 499 Black Merice Velvety black, superb. 500 Cramoisie enflamme Dark, extra fine. 501 General Kutusoff Very dark, fine. 502 Gloriosa Superba noir. . .Very dark, superb, tall. 503 Grand Czar Very dark, extra superb. 504 Grand Pandour Very large, black, tall. 505 Imperial Very dark, velvety hue. 506 Infernal Dark, very fine. 507 Iris Noir Deep reddish purple. 508 La Belle Africaine Very dark, extra beautiful. 509 La Cherie Small very dark. 510 La Negresse (Damask). ..Small, deep crimson purple. 511 Le Seigneur d'Artzelane . Very dark, extra. 512 Lubec ." Dark velvet, very large. 513 Negro, or Negroland. . . .Dark shaded. 514 Negro Panache Dark violet, mottled. 515 Onispertus Very dark, splendid. . 516 Pluto Deepest purple, very dark. 516^ Premier noble Dark, handsome. 517 Rebecca Dark marbled. 518 Regina Nigrorum Large, bluish black, splendid. 519 Sable Very dark, velvety. 520 Sebille Noir Purple shaded, fine. 521 Tuscany Large, blackish crimson. 522 Ventoris Dark, superb. 523 Violacitus Very dark, splendid. WHITE ROSE AND HYBRIDS. 50 Cents Each. 523^ Blanche (Hybrid) White, full centre. 524 Blanche d'Avilliers Pure white 75 524 i Boule de neige Large, white, globose 1 00 525 Common, or Old White. .Pure white, old variety. 526 Coralie White, rosy center, beautiful 75 527 Donna Sol White, tinged lemon, compact. 17 NAME. DESCRIPTIOX. EACH. 528 Duchesse d'Orleans Large, incarnate. 529 Fanny Parissot Large, pale blush, globose. 529^ Globe Hip Fine, white, fragrant. 530 Le Gras St. Germain. . . .Large white, full 1 00 530-j Madame Hardy Large pure white. 531 Madame Zoutman Fine white. 532 Maiden's Blush Large, pure incarnate. 533 Petite cuisse de Nymphe. Small, incarnate. 534 Fompone carnee Small, incarnate, compact. 535 Koine des Beiges Pure white, fine form. 536 Semi-double White Large, expanded. 537 Sophie de Baviere Pale roseate. 539 Unique Pure white, bud tinged pink. 540 Venus Pure white. PERSIAN AND OTHER YELLOW ROSES. 50 Cents Each. 540-J- Austrian Yellow Lurid red above, yellow beneath, single. 541 Capucine ponctue Yellow beneath, mottled red above, single. 543 Harrison's Yellow Small, brilliant yellow 30 to 50 cts. 544 Harrisonii Pale yellow tinged with copper. 546 Italian Yellow Straw yellow center, very pretty. 548 Persian Yellow Deep orange, superb, distinct. 550 Superb Yellow, Williams. Pale yellow, tinged with red. 551 Double Yellow, Scotch . .Bright yellow. MICR0PHYLLA AND MACARTNEY ROSES. 552 Alba odorata White, fragrant, evergreen 30 553 Coccinea Bright red 35 554 Maria Leonida White, rosj" center, evergreen 50 555 White Incarnate Pale blush 50 556 Purpurea Violet 30 556£ Rosea Bright rosy 30 MUSK CLUSTER ROSES. 30 to 50 Cents Each. 557 Champney's Blush Pale pink, large clusters, vigorous. 557 i Cceur jaune White, yellow eye. 558 Double white Small, large clusters, very fragrant ; yields the Otto of roses. 559 Nivea White, shaded with rose. 560 Princess of Nassau Cream color, yellow center. 561 Ranunculus Pure white, compact, 562 Rivers Musk Pink, tinged with buff. DWARF PROVENCE ROSES. 50 Cents Each. 563 Belgic Minor Pale blush, profuse clusters. 564 Burgundy, or Button. . .Crimson, very dwarf, for borders. 564-i- Caroline Walner Small Pearly blush. 565 De Meaux Pale roseate. 2* • 18 NAME. DESCRIPTION. EACH. 560 Dwarf Huudred-leav'd . .Blush, pretty, very double. 567 Pompone Blush, neat and pretty. 568 Rose de Juno Blush, very neat and pretty. 569 Spong's Light rose, early, cupped. SCOTCH ROSES. 25 to 37 Cents Each. 570 Daphne Dark, vivid, pretty. 571 Erebus Dark red, beautiful. 572 Estelle (Perpetual) Roseate 50 573 Floribunda Blush, delicate foliage. 574 Ian the Neat and pretty. 575 Marbled Neatly mottled. 576 Princess Violet, curious. 577 Saturnia Very neat and pretty. 578 Stanwell (Perpetual) . . .Pale incarnate 50 579 Sulphurea Pale straw color. 580 Yellow Clear Yellow , 50 PRAIRIE CLIMBING ROSES (Rosa Rubifolia). 25 to 50 Cents Each. 593 Altonia Roseate, tolerably double, pretty. 593^ Amanda Rosy blush. 594 Anne Maria Pale blush, pink center, fine. 595 Baltimore Belle Large, pale incarnate to white. 696 Caradori Allen Pink, tolerably double, pretty 598 Elegans Bright pink, tolerably double. 599 Eva Corinne Large, light blush, beautiful 600 Jane Deep rosy lilac, beautiful. 601 King of the Prairies . . . .Deep rich rose, fragrant 1 00 602 Linnrean Hill Beauty... .Pale blush to white, fine. 603 Milledgeville Brilliant carmine, splendid. 604 Miss Gunnell Silvery blush, beautiful. 605 Mountjoy Blush border, pink center, superb. 606 Mrs. Henry Clay Creamy white, very beautiful. 607 Mrs. Hovey Large, white, incarnate, beautiful.' 607-^ Mrs. Pierce Fine pink. 608 Pallida Incarnate to white, very fine. 609 Pride of Washington . . .Rose to lilac, beautiful. 610 Priscilla Pale roseate, beautiful. 611 Purpurea Large, purplish violet. 612 Queen of the Prairies. . .Large, deep pink, fine form. 613 Ranunculifiora Small, light blush, pink center. 614 Sappho Full double, very pretty, late. 615 Seraphine Pink, deeper center, late. 616 Serena Verp pretty, full double. 618 Superba Pale blush, beautiful form. 619 Triumphant Deep rose, very fine. 619£ Unique Pink. 620 Virginia •giuia Lass Neat and pretty. 19 MULTIFLORA AND GREVILLE CLIMBING ROSES. 25 to 50 Cents Each. NAME. DESCRIPTION. EACH, 621 Alba, or White Blush white, very pretty. 622 Carniin veloute Large, deep roseate. 62-4 De la Grifferaie Large, carmine, vigorous • 75 626 Floribunda Rose, tinged with buff. 627 Fragrans Bright rose, superb. 628 Graulhie Snow white, beautiful. 629 Grevillii, or Seven Sisters. Many colors, white, red, and purple. 630 Grevillii grandifiora . . . .Large, deep roseate. 632 Laura Davoust Rose and white, beautiful. 632+ Menoux Rosy, paler border 1 00 633 Pink Rosea, or Garland. Deep roseate, compact. 634 Purpurea Vivid crimson and white mottled. 635 Russelliana Pale, purplish pink. HYBRID CLIMBING ROSES. 37 to 50 Cents Each. 635£ Astrolabe Bright pink, compact. 635£ Beaute Lyonnaise 1 CO 636 Belmont Same as 641. 637 Bengale formidable Pale roseate, very double. 638 Cherokee, or Sinica See Banksian Roses. 639 Elegans rosea Bright pink. 640 Fideline Beautiful roseate. 641 Indica major Blush and white, robust, globose. 642 Madame d'Arblay "White, large clusters, rapid climber. 643 Madame Plantier Pure white, perfect, extra. 644 Maheka Semi-double, purple, profuse clusters. 645 River's Queen Dark purplish crimson. 646 Sir John Sebright, F Vivid crimson, large clusters. 647 Sophie d'Houdetot, F. . . .Deep rose, large clusters. 648 The Garland, F Creamy to pink and lilac, immense clusters, elegant. 649 Triumph of Bol wilier. . .White, globose, beautiful. 650 Watt's Celestial Large, roseate, blooms profusely. EVERGREEN CLIMBING ROSES. 50 Cents Each. 651 Adelaide d'Orleans Pink incarnate, in clusters. 652 Banksiaflora White, yellow center. 653 Brunoni .Bright pink. 654 Felicite perpetuelle White incarnate, compact. 655 Jaunatre Fawn-colored. 656 Melanie de Montjoye. . . .Large, pure white, expanded. 65*7 Minor Pearly, autumn flowering. 658 Princess Marie Very pale roseate. 659 Rampant White, autumn flowering. 660 Reine des Francois Bright roseate. 20 BOURSATJLT CLIMBING ROSES. 37 to 50 Cents Each. NAME. DESCRIPTION". EACH. 661 Aniadis, or Hew Crimson.Large, brilliant purplish crimson. 662 Blush Large, pale flesh-color. 663 Calypso Rosy incarnate. 664 Drummond's Thornless. .Vivid roseate. 665 Elegans Purplish crimson, white stripes. 666 Gracilis Bright pink, vigorous. 667 Red Bright red, semi-double. 668 Thornless, or Inermis. . .Large, bright violet red, early. AYRSHIRE CLIMBING ROSES. 37 to 50 Cents Each. 669 Alice Grey Large, beautiful blush. 6*70 Ayrshire Queen Dark purplish crimson. 671 Blush, or Pearly Blush, pretty. 672 Countess of Lieven Shaded white. 673 Dundee Rambler "White, often edged with pink. 674 Feast's New White, F. . .Creamy white, beautiful. 675 Jessica Delicate pink. 676 Queen of the Belgians, F.Pure white, very double. 677 Rose Angle, F Blush roseate, very vigorous. 678 Splendens Creamy white. 67 8 -J- Williams' Evergreen.. . .Creamy white 1 00 67 8£ Crimson Purplish red, expanded. BANKSIAN EVERGREEN CLIMBING ROSES. 50 Cents Each. This evergreen family of Roses is the only class that is not hardy in this latitude. 679 Cherokee Evergreen. . . .Large, single white, spiny. 680 Fortuniana, Chinese Large white, very fragrant 75 681 Jaune Serin Bright yellow. 682 Grandiflora Yellow. . . . .Large, yellow, full double . . 75 682+ Odoratissima White, orange odor 1 00 684" White Small white. 685 Yellow Small, fine yellow. ANEM0NJEFL0RA. ■6-86 Chinese White Anemone.Small, double, narrow petals 1 00 DOUBLE SWEET BRIARS AND HYBRIDS. 50 Cents Each. 688 Double Dog, or Hip Red, fragrant. 689 Globe Hip Large, white, fragrant. €90 Margined Hip Single, white, pink edge. 693 Royal Pale rosy. 694 White European White 1 00 21 HYBRID CHINESE ROSES. 37 Cents each, $3 to $3+ per D6zen. The letter F is attached to most of those which are unusually fra- grant, and a P to those adapted for pillars or arbors. NAME. DESCRIPTION. EACH. 895 Anisette, F Deep rich pink, globose. 896 Assuerus Carmine, beautiful. 897 Blanche fieur Pure white. 898 Beauty Bouquet Pure white. 899 Beauty of Billiard Brilliant scarlet, large clusters. 900 Belle Marie, P. F Deep, pinkish blush. 901 Belle Parabere Violet shaded crimson. 902 Belle Therese Rich dark crimson, in clusters. 903 Beranger Light red, very full, protuberant. 904 Bon Ginneure Very bright red, edged violet. 905 Bossuet Pale violet rose. 906 Boullote, P Blackish purple, extra superb, reflexed. 907 Brennus, P Large, showy red. 908* Bon Genevieve Violet crimson, large, very full. 909 Camuzet, carne Bright rose, magnificent. 910 Catel Shaded red, crimson, and purple. 911 Charles Louis.- Rich lilac blush, beautiful, compact, 912 Chenodole, P. F Scarlet crimson. 913 Coupe d'Hebe Delicate pink. 914 Coutard Large, flesh colored, perfect form. 915 d'Andigne Violet shaded purple, very dark. 916 De Laage Purplish crimson, marbled, fine. 917 Descartes Splendid French variety. 918 Decandole, P. F Scarlet crimson. 919 Fabvier, F Large pink, changing to red. 920 Fimbriata . Cherry colored, fringed. 921 Fulgens, or Malton, P. . .Very brilliant carmine, globose. 922 George IV., P Very splendid crimson. 923 Georgia Rosy lilac. 924 Gloire des Helenes Variegated, beautiful. 925 Gen. Lamarque Mottled crimson. 926 La Grandeur Bright rose. 927 La Tourterelle Delicate dove eolor. 928 Le Meteore, P Brilliant red, beautiful. 929 Leopold de BeaufremontDelicate pink, large, splendid. 930 L'Ingenue Dark shaded crimson. 931 Louis Philippe Dark rose. 932 Madame Plantier Pure white. 933 Madame St. Hermine, . . .Deep cherry, rich, beautiful. 934 Parigot, P Vivid crimson, beautiful. 935 Paul Ricaut Bright crimson. 936 Paul Perras Silvery rose. 937 Petit Pierre Bright rosy violet. 938 Princess Rich pink, edged with blush. 939 Prolifere Dark rose, changing to violet. 22 NAMI-. DESCRIPTION'. < EACH. 940 Richelieu, P Bright rosy lilac, perfect, superb. 941 Sandeur panachee Variegated. §42 Stadtholder Clear pink. 943 Triomphe d' Angers Large shaded purple crimson. 944 Triomphe de la queue. . .Purplish red, shaded, large, very full. 945 Vandaels Large violet, purple shell. 946 Velours episcopal Deep purple, large. 947 Vibert Purple, very full. 948 Victor Hugo Cherry, changing to rosy violet. 949 Violet de Belgique Large violet, splendid. 950 Watt's Celestial '.Delicate rose. 951 Yolande Fontaine Deep bluish violet, protuberant, superb. HYBRID BOURBON ROSES, 30 to 50 Cents Each. Twenty -five of the most Splendid Varieties can be supplied. TREE, OR STANDARD ROSES. These can be supplied of many of the Hybrid Perpetual varieties — price 75 cents to $1 each. PILLAR AND CLIMBING ROSES. Double Prairie, Hybrid Chinese, Hybrid Climbing, Ayrshire, Bour- sault,Multifiora, Noisette, and the Climbing Varieties of other Classes, can be supplied of 3 and 4 years' growth, and of large size, for the immediate embellishment of pillars, arbors, walls, ale lilac, fine. Madame Adam white pink eye. fine. Madame de Prusses Madame Courcelles very pale lilac, fin*. Madame Doublat pale lilac, fine. Madame Ferrand large white, pink eye, extra. Madame Froebel white, crimson eye. Madame Henderson white, rosy tint, extra. . 31 NAME. DESCRIPTION. Madame Lebois crimson, fine. Madame Panderia Madame Nerard blush and white, crimson cue. Masterpiece .fine, M. Hugeuer .fine. Mons. Regel purplish lilac, crimson eye. Moss Pink red, creeping. Moss Pink white, creeping. Napoleon rosy lilac. IS T e plus ultra extra. Niobe pink. Nivalis creeping white. Norfolki bright roseate. (Eil de Lynx Omniflora alba .fine white. Patula purplish roseate. Pieta white, pink eye. Reine Louise white, striped purple. Roi des roses beautiful. Roi Leopold superb striped. Rose Cheri *. . . . .fine. Souvenir d'un ami Spencerii lilac, large head, peculiar. Stolonifera creeping red. Surpasse Helene Surprise shaded lilac, crimson eye. Speciossissima very beavtiful. Triomphe de St. Fronde Triomphe de Vaisse white, mottled lilac. Van Houttei beautiful striped. Variabilis white, marbled rose, changeable. White Romenia .fine. NEW FLEMISH, FRENCH, AND ENGLISH CARNATIONS AND PICOTEBS. This favorite Class of Flowers has now attained to the highest state of perfection, and we offer a Collection comprising 150 varieties, of un- rivaled beauty, and at the following reduced prices: EACH. DOZ. Carnations, finest named varieties 38 3 00 do fine varieties, not so rare , 25 2 50 Picotees, finest named varieties. . . 35 3 00 Carnations and Picotees, good varieties, our selection, §20 per hundred, do do do without names, 82 per dozen, and $15 per hundred. 32 BIZ ARRES.— Scarlet and Flame. Ajax. Carnot. Cinna. Codrus. Eloise. Jason. Jupiter. La Reine. L'Aigle. Oudinot. Phoebus. Regent. Roi de Rome. Tour d'Auvergne Triomphe. BIZ ARRES— Roseate. Agathe. Belle Indienne. Billet Doux. Boadicea. Cleopatra. Comtesse de Flandre. Favorite. La Gracieuse. Laura. Louis Napoleon. Margueritte. Theodora. Unique. BIZ ARRES,— Incarnate. Bijou. Minos. Miracle. Princeps. Souvenir. Tresor parfait. Turenne. Clara. Angeline. Appolonius. Ariel. Cherry, fringed. Antherosa. Lord Littleton. K"e Plus Ultra. Athalie. Berry er. Coquette. Admirable. Electra. Aulius. Fringed Maroon. General Kleber. Ariadne. Brutus. David d'Angers. Hector. BIZ ARRES— Isabelles. | Clemence Isaure. | Madame Malibran. Cherry Flakes and Picotees. Carolus. Caroline. Conqueror. Diana. Judith. Julie. Minerva. Crimson Flakes and Picotees. Paris. Regulus. Portia. Seraph. Priscilla. Ulysses. Flame Flakes and Picotees. Etoile du Matin. Evratina. General Foy. L'Eclair. Mad'ile Rachel. Mars. Potiphar. Grisdelin Flakes and Picotees. I Fenelon. I Mercury. 1 Florentine. | Princesse Mathilde. Maroon Flakes and Picotees. Le Negre. Pius IX. Pluto. Proserpine. Sable. Purple Flakes and Picotees. Imperatrice. I Purple Fringed. La Couronne. | Saturn. Paragon. | Vauban. President. 33 Rose Flakes and Bizarres. Calypso. Cupid. Desdemona. Helene. Isis. Lady Hamilton. Perfection. Reine Victoria. Rose Martin. Sylpliide. Telemachus. Triumphant. Violet Flakes and Picotees. Apollo. Le Jeune Henri. Narcissus. Chryseis. Minerva. Roi des Violettee. Clarisse. Monseigneur Regnier. Souvenir d'un Ami Achilles. Atala. Amaranths. Aurore. Maitreese Partout. Mon Caprice. Rachel. Couronne d'Or. Cynthia. Pure White and White Spotted. Diana. I La Vierge. I "White Fringed. La Dame Blanche. | L'Eclair. Yellow Picotees. Joan of Arc. Seraphique. Juno. Venus. Prince of Orange. Also, 25 other New Imported Varieties that we cannot yet assign to their respective Classes and Colors. OTHER VARIETIES OF CARNATIONS. NAME. DESCRIPTION. Amandine crimson. Antiope large scarlet. Apollo crimson, purple stripes, singular. Aramis - dark scarlet, veined crimson, fine. Assuerus scarlet, purple stripes. Autumna .roseate variegated. Belle Therese yellow. Blanchette white. Canary .fine yellow. Croesus buff variegated. Castellane scarlet. Coralie white, fringed border. Clementine yellow. Fontenelle lilac variegated. Fringed xohite. La Neige white. Ludovicus scarlet flake. Maheka .flame colored. Marmorata purple mottled, singular. Pallida pale roseate. Phvlisse xohite, deep red stripes. Semiramis .fine scarlet, purple stripis. Susette pale buff. Timocles crimson and purple, peculiar. Violacea ; violet purple. 34 PICOTEES. NAME. DESCRIPTION. Adelaide white, pink penciled margin. Almonte rosy, crimson border. Altona incarnate, crimson border. Belle Cecile crimson border. Beatrice white, touched purple. Berangere white, pink stripes, fine. Brennus scarlet border, small. Cesalpine .fine, crimson. Clara yellow, scarlet border. Countess. ." yellow. Cecilia white, purple border. Cynthiana small luhite, touched purple. Duke of Rutland Dutchess of Brabant Esther white, crimson margin, fine. Fatinia scarlet border. Fringed Maroon lilac maroon. Ganymede yellow. Hermine white, pink border, fine. Isidore scarlet border. Lilacea dark lilac, peculiar. L'Interessante white, crimson border. Melanie , lilac border. Ophelia Prunella .fine scarlet on white. Princess Royal Prince Albert straio, scarlet border. Se hine j bright scarlet, marbled and striped *■ ( with fiame, superb, $1. Serena crimson border. Sophie crimson border, small. Solfatarre scarlet border. Sapphinette white, touched crimson. Terence lilac, crimson border, large. Tricolor * crimson, purple, and white. Tyrone white, crimson border, large. Tiberius lilac border. Venus white, crimson border. Versailles rosy, crimson border. PERPETUAL OR MONTHLY CARNATIONS. 50 to 75 cents each ; $6 per dozen. Arlequin. Eleonore. Boule de Feu. Le Furet. Bunker Hill. Le Grenadier. Ceres, blu*h f pink stripes. Hector. Coquette. Henrietta. Diomede, scarlet fiake. Marius. 35 Mirabeau. I Tritocia, scarlet. Perry's Seedling. Washington, and twelve other vari- Rosina, rose-colored. eties. MIGNARDISES-PINKS. Twenty Superb Named Varieties, 38 cents each. IRIS, or FLEUR DE LIS. 12 varieties for $2 50; 25 for $4 50; and 50 for $8. NAME. DESCRIPTION. Acuta t '. Cerulean and white, variegated. Albida White, shaded yellow. Bengii, 50 cents Yellow and purplish crimson, splendid. Chinensis fimbriata Chinese fringed. Cristata Crested. Cuprea Red flowering. Dichotoma, vel Xotha Dauric pale blue and yellow. Flavescens Large straw-colored. Florentina White Florentine, or Orris. -Germanica cerulea Lai»ge blue German. Germanica purpurea. . . .- Large purple German. Hamiatophylla Deepest blue, purplish leaves. Ochroleuca, or Gueldenstadtii. . . .Large sulphur yellow. Pallida. Large pale violet. Pavonia Peacock-spotted. Persica, 50 cents per dozen Persian. Prismatica " Prismatic. Pseudacorus. English yellow, blooms twice. Pseudacorus tardifiora Late do do Pseudacorus fol. varieg Striped-leaved yellow. Pumila cerulea Dwarf blue Austrian. Pumila fiava Dwarf yellow do Sambucina Bicolor, elder-scented. Sibirica cerulea Siberian pale blue. Sibirica atrocerulea Siberian deep blue. Sibirica alba Siberian white. Sibirica plena Siberian double flowering. Squalens Brown and blue flowered. Stenogyna Tall, very pale blue, peculiar. Stylosa Bright blue and white. Sulphurea Sulphur colored. Susiana Chalcedonian, dark mottled, splendid. Swertii Swert's Iberian, striped, beauti V. Tridentata Carolina three, petalled. Verna Dwarf Vernal. Versicolor Various colored. Versicolor alba, $1 White, new. Virginica Virginian blue. Xiphoides, 25 varieties, 18 cents. .English. Xiphium, 30 varieties, 12 cents. . .Spanish. Xiphiumpleno, 50 cents Spanish double. 36 The following are beautiful new varieties of the Iris Gerinanica, Varie- gata, Pallida, and other specie?, recently originated in France and Bel- gium. Prices same as the preceding : NAME. DESCRIPTION. Adonis Yellow and purple, variegated. Albion Buff and purple. Alice White, marbled purple. Alzire Pale purple and maroon. Antinous Bright yellow and crimson, tall. Augustus Buff and maroon. Augustissima Apollo Archinta Deep golden and maroon. Assuerus Reddish purple, shaded. Bougere Pale and deep purple. Calypso White and purple, variegated. Cameleon Blue and purple. Chloris Cicero Yellow and purple. Coelestis Clara Dwarf, yellow and purple. Duke of York Blue and purple, tall. Due de Cazes Azure and maroon, very tall. Duchesse de Nemours Elegantior, 50 cents Yellow and violet, superb variegated. Faustine Purple and pale blue. -p, , . _ A „ , \ Brownish yellow and pale purple. Fulgorie, 50 cents i • „ ,•*■, l r r 6 ' ( variegated. Gysels. White and purple, marbled. Ilion Bright golden variegated. Ignacite Pale and deep purple. Incomparable White and purple. Irma Pale and dark purple, very tall. Juliette Purple, blue, and white, tall. t T3 <- i m „ >- S G°ld crested, pale and violet purple, Le Pactole, 50 cents J splendid, distinct. Le Vesuve, 50 cents Gold crested, violet and purple, distinct. Lelieur Pale and deep purple, tall. Louis Van Houtte Dingy purple and brown. Lurida maxima Blue and white. Lutea maxima, 50 cents Large, pure yellow, tall, distinct. Mainsart Deep and pale purple. Morpheus Dingy brown and blue. Multicolor Dwarf, deep golden, and maroon. Munico Bright yellow and reddish purple. Nationale Purple and maroon, very tall. Odoratissima Pale violet. Pajol- Pale and deep violet, very tall. Pallida Speciosa, 50 cents \ Vi ?? e '. a ° d reddish 1Wple ' Very tft11 ' distinct. Phcenix Blue and purple. av NAME. DESCRIPTION. Psyche White and purple, variegated, tall. Raphael White, marbled purple. Heine des Beiges Cerulean, marbled purple. Reticulata alba White and deep blue, tall. Reticulata flava Yellow, variegated. Reticulata superba Beautiful netted. Rigolette Golden and brown, variegated. Salemon, 50 cents Golden and red, variegated, tall. Simile Golden and maroon, very tall. Spectabilis Golden and blackish purple. Tacquesiana Fine yellow, variegated. Telemachus Blue and purple. Thyspee Orange variegated, tall. Titus White and purple, variegated. Ulysses Palest blue, purple and white veins. Vanderburghi Fine yellow, orange tongue, tall. Van Geertii Dingy brown and maroon, very tall. Walnerii Blue and pale purple, very tall. FUNKIA AND HEMEROCALLIS-DAILY LILY. 25 cents each, and $2 50 per dozen, except those noted. It is surprising that this hardy, vigorous, and unique family of plants mostly natives of China and Japan, should be so seldom met with in our gardens. Several species bloom throughout the autumnal months. FUNKIA. Alba vel Subcordata Large white Autumnal. Angustifolia Narrow-leaved. Cerulea vel Ovata Blue striped flowered. Cucullata alba Dwarf, white. Cucullata cerulea, 38 cents Pale blue cucullate. Cucullata Albo marginata White margin leaved. Grandiflora, 38 cents Largest flowered. Lanceolata, 38 cents Lance-leaved. Lanceolata fol. margin, 38 cents. .Margined lanceolate. Liliastrum Lily flowered. Sieboldiana Siebold's yellow. Speciosa, 50 cents .. Showy flowered. Undulata vel Cordata Autumnal blue. Undulata Variegata Painted-leaved. - HEMEROCALLIS. Distcha Autumnal red. Dumortierii, 50 cents Dumortier's new. Flava Golden flowered. Fulva Copper colored. Fulva plena, 38 cents Double copper colored. Graminea, 38 cents Grass-leaved 4 38 DOUBLE HOLLYHOCK. 30 Splendid Named Varieties, $2 50 to $3 00 per dozen. Fine Varieties, mixed colors, $1 50 to $2 00 per dozen. Atrorubens, deep crimson. Belladona, pure white. Charles Turner, bright crimson. Crimson King, deep crimson. Cynthia, fine purple. Defiance, purple spotted. Duke of Sutherland, dark purple. Duke of Wellington, white, spotted purple. Emily, fie sh colored. Grace Darling, brown. Grandifiora, large roseate. Illuminator, scarlet crimson. Lizzy, peach. Magnum Bonum. Mr. Dundas, deep rosy. Mrs. Russell, bright rose. Model of Perfection, white. Optimus, yellow. Othello, dark purple. Rosalind, roseate. Saffrano, saffron. Spartacus, maroon. Sulphurea perfecta, yellow. Theocritus, variegated. Theresa, fine yellow. Venosa, crimson center, white edge. Double Flowering Sweet William.— Dianthus Barbatus Pleno. There is no class of flowers which presents a more brilliant display o^ varied colors and tints than this. Our collection has commanded uni- versal admiration. Prices, 30 to 38 cents each; and $3 per dozen. Arethnsa, lilac. Ariadne, red, white border. Ariel, fine variegated. Boadicea, superb variegated. Cynthia, crimson variegated, white border. Diamede, crimson. Diana, pure white. Electa, pink and crimson varie- gated. Flenrette, purple, crimson border. Flora, brilliant crimson, extra. Fraricesca, scarlet, white border, very large. Fredcrica, pale lilac, white border, fine. Ganymede, lilac, white border, ex- tra. Hippolyte, white, maroon center. Heroine, deep carmine, white bor- der. Hermine, crimson, purple border. Jenny Lind, carmine, deep pink border, distinct. Kate, carmine, white border, extra full. Lanra, lilac variegated, white bor- der. Laviuia, white, lilac center. Lanrencia, white, crimson circle. Marion, crimson, stellate. Mars, crimson, deep pink border. Marvel, pink, crimson center, mot- tled white. Meteor, crimson, piDk margin. JVapoleon, very full crimson, lilac border. Ophelia, white, delicate blush cen- ter. Also, 28 additional named double varieties now in course of propa- gation. 39 Sweet William— Splendid Single Flowering. Abydos, rich crimson. Astrea, deep purplish maroon. Beatrice, white, carmine center. Blanche, white. Bride, white, lilac stamens. Celia, cherry shaded. Chieftain, deep purple, white mar- gin. Cleome, purple variegated, fine. Christine, crimson variegated, white border. Couspicna, superb starry scarlet, white border. Cora, purple and roseate shaded. Elize, purple, white border. Euiilie, scarlet variegated. Enchantress, brilliant scarlet. Gertrude, white, purple eye. Hebe, white, lilac center. Horace, light crimson, white border. Julien, deep purple. Leonora, lilac, white border. Proserpine, darkest maroon; Rival, lilac variegated. Rinaldo, dark crimson, white center. Rosa, blush, incarnate shade. Rosinante, scarlet and crimson, large. Rnbens, purple, white border. Sappho, scarlet variegated, white center. Semiramis, purple, white border. Sultana, starry purple center, white border. Surprise, pink, carmine, and white. Tamerlane, starry scarlet, white border. Talisman, purple, clear white bor- der. Virgil, crimson, carmine circle. Fifty beautiful varieties, all colors mixed, $1 per dozen, and $6 per hundred. HARDY HERBACEOUS FLOWERING PLANTS. 25 cents each, except those priced. 12 species and varieties (selected by us) $1 75 25 do do do 3 00 50 do do do 6 00 100 do do do 12 00 100 do do (your selection) 20 per cent, discount. EACH. Acerates longifolia $0 25 viridiflora 50 Achillea millefolium rosea.. . . 15 ptarmica plena 20 Aconitum acuminatum 25 exaltatum 15 grandiflorum 15 napellus 15 ochroleucum 38 pyramidale 38 sinensis vel Japonicum 18 speciosum 50 versicolor, and others, 35 Actsea Japonica 50 Adonis vernalis 50 EACH. Agapanthus umbellatus 50 albidus 75 variegatus 1 GO Agrostemma coronaria. Aletris farinosa 50 Althea, Hollyhock (see page 38). Amaryllis (see Bulb Cata- logue). Amorpha illinoensis 50 Amsonia salicifolia. Anchusa Italica 18 Anemone appenina, 2 var. . . . 50 dichotoma. japonica, pale pink. do bright rosy.. 35 40 Anemone. each. narcissidora 50 nemorosa plena 50 Pulsatilla 50 thalictroides 18 For others, see Bulb Cata'lg. Anthemis nobilis (Chamomile) Anthericum liliastrum — Saint Bruno's lily 20 Antirrhinum — Snapdragon, 20 . cts. each, $1 50 to $2 per doz. Adela, rosy purple. Alba, white. Alba sanguinea, white and crimson. Carnation, beautiful striped. * Delicatissitna,pink and orange. Duke of Wellington, maroon. Espartero,. large crim- son. Golden fleece, bright yellow. Hendersonii, white and carmine. John Edwards, red, white tip. Lord Raglan, lilac and white. Orlando, white, crim- son, and salmon. Picta, painted. Rosea superba,fine rosy. Rubescens, ruby. Sulphurea elegans, fine yellow. Tricolor, and 20 other varieties. Apoeynum cannabinum 20 Aquilegia canadensis 15 glandulosa. Skinneri. Witmanniana 50 vulgaris (20 fine vari- eties) 15 purpurascens 15 stellaris alba 38 stellaris rubra 38 variegata. Vulcan, crimson 20 Aralia racemosa. Artemesia dracunculus (Tar- r ragon) 38 absinthium. Arundo donax. Reed 50 striata. Striped Reed. 1 00 Asclepias aniaena. acuminata. coronata (California). . 1 00 cornuti. fascicularis (California), 1 00 incarnata. obtusifolia. phytolaccoides. pulchra nivea 1 00 purpurascens. quadrifolia. tuberosa, Orange and Yellow, verticillata, /.. Hydrangea, Shrubby — Pink, Purple, Blue, and White. . . 3 00 Iris (see page 35). Larkspur, several perennial va- rieties 2 00 Lathj^rus, Perennial pea 1 50 Liatris, many species 2 50 Lobelia, several varieties, $2 to 2 50 Lupinus, several species 2 00 Lychnis, many varieties 3 00 Monarda, many species 2 00 Myosotis, or Forget-me-not, . . 1 00 Oenothera, Evening Primrose, several species 2 00 Pa?onies (see Bulb Catalogue), $3 to . . 4 00 Pansies, finest varieties (see page 45). Penstemon, many varieties. . . 2 50 Perennial Sunflower 1 50 Phlox ($ee page 27), $1 50 to 3 00 PBB I>OZ. Poleanthus, GO varieties 2 00 Potentilla, many species 1 50 Primrose, Poetic, several vari- eties, $1 50 cts. to 3 00 Ranunculus, several species. .. 2 00 Saxifraga assorted 2 00 Sedum, many varieties 2 00 Spirrca, many species 2 T)0 Sweet William, 20 line varie- ties 1 00 Tradescantia, many varieties, 2 00 Veronida, many species 2 00 Viuca, many fine varieties, $ 1 per hundred 2 00 Violet, Neapolitan Double, White, Blue, and Purple.. 2 00 Double Purple Tree. . . 2 00 Different species, as- sorted 1 75 Zauchneria Californica 2 00 HARDY CLIMBING PLANTS. EACH. Apios (Glycine) tuberosa $0 25 Aristolochia serpentaria 25 Asclepias nigra. . ._ 37 Calystegia incarnata pleno. . . 15 Double Pink Convolvulus, do per doz., 50 cents; per hundred, $2. Calystegia pubescens, striped, rose and white 50 Convolvulus sepium, pink col- ored, 75 cts. per dozen. American large white, rapid climber 38 Convolvulus. EACH. Double white 75 European large white, 50 Repens, 75 cts. per doz. Dioscorea villosa 50 batatas 38 Do. per doz. $2 to . . . 3 00 Gonolobium keve 38 Passiflora incarnata, Hardy Passion Flower 38 incarnata alba 75 lutea 38 SUMMER FLOWERING PLANTS FOR BORDERS AND BEDS, that require to be replanted each Spring, and to be housed during Winter. PER DOZ. Bouvardia, several species. ... 3 00 Buddlea, several species. . . . . 4 00 Calceolaria, many varieties, $1 50 to 2 50 Cineraria, many varieties 2 00 Commelina, Blue and White. . 1 25 Cuphea platycentra 2 00 PER DOZ. Achimenes, many species $2 00 Alstrremeria, many species. . . 3 00 Amaryllis (see Bulb Cata- logue). Anomatheca cruenta 2 00 Ageratum oelestinum, and oth- ers 2 00 48 PER DOZ. Erythrina, 3 species 6 00 Eupatorium Mexicanum, blue, 3 00 Fabiana imbricata 3 50 Fuchsia, many varieties, $2 to 4 00 Gardoquia floribimda, 38 cts.' 3 00 Geranium, Scarlet varieties, $2 T to $2 50, Fancy colors $2 50 to 4 50 Gesneria, many species, $2 to 3 00 Gladiolus (see Bulb Cata- logue). Gloxinia, many species. .$2 to Habrothamnus, 2 fine species, Heliotrope, many varieties. . . Ixia, many species 1 50 Lantana, many varieties 2 00 Lemon Verbena 3 00 Mahernia, many varieties. ... 2 00 Mimulus, several species 2 00 Mirabis Jalapa, many varieties, 1 50 PER DOZ. ISTierembergia gracilis, and others. 2 00 Oxalis (see Bulb Catalogue). Petunia, many varieties 2 00 Plumbago, several species. ... 4 50 Portulacca, many varieties. . . 1 00 Ruellia aurantiaca and for- mosa 2 50 Salvia, many species 1 50 Sparaxis, several varieties. .. . 150 Stock Gilly, many varieties. . . 2 00 Tritonia, many varieties 1 50 Tuberose, Double 1 25 Tygridia (see Bulb Catalogue). Verbena, 60 select prize varie- ties, $1 50 to 2 00 Old varieties 1 25 Vinca, rosea and alba 2 50 Wallflower, several varieties, 2 00 jSTote. — Small Bulbs, such as Achimenes, Alstrsemeria, Gloxinia, Gla- diolus, Anomatheca, Ixia, Oxalis, Tropeolum, &c, can be sent per mail. SUMMER CLIMBERS. 25 cts. each, and $2 per dozen, except where priced. 3 00 4 50 2 00 Passiflora, numerous species, 3V to 50 cts. Physianthus albicans, 35 cts. undulatus, 50 cts. Thunbergia, several species. Tropceolum tricolorum, and 5 other species. Bersilla tuberosa, 50 cts. per dozen. Madeira Vine. Cobcea scandens. Eccremocarpus scabra. Ipomcea Learii, and others. Lophospermum scandens. Mandevillea suaveolens, 38 cts. Maurandya, several species. TREES AND SHRUBBERY SUITABLE FOR CEMETERIES. Berberry, Purple leaved. Box, Dwarf, for edging. Tree, Green, and Variegated. Cedar of Lebanon. Cedrus Deodora. green Cherry Weeping. Cryptomeria Japonica (Weeping). Cupressus Funebris (Funebral Cy- press). Eglantine, several varieties. Euonymus, Japan green. Japan Variegated. Japan Gold striped. European white berried. European pink do European scarlet do European crimson berried. Ash, Mountain. European Weeping. Asiatic Weeping. Golden Weeping. White fringed. Curled leaved, dark foliage. Arbor Vita*, American. Californian. Chinese. Nepaiil. Siberian. Aucuba Japonica. Beech, Purple -Weeping. Green Weeping. Purple leaved. 49 Evergreen Bignonia Crucigera, climber. Holly, European Green, several va- rieties. European Variegated, s va- rieties. Scotch. Irish. Ilex Balearica, beautiful foliage. Japonica, large, fine foliage. Tarago of Japan, elegant fo- liage. Perado, Madeira Holly. Ivy, Irish large-leaved, ) English small do j- Climbers. Poetic. ) Jasmine, several species. Juniper, Irish dark green. Argentea, Silvery. Swedish light green. Oblonga pendula (Weeping). Kalmia latifolia. Laurel, English, or Apollo's. Portugal. Alexandrian or Classic, an Evergreen Climber. Linden, Scarlet Twig. "Weeping. Magnolia, various species. . Mahonia, several beautiful species. Photinia Serrulata, of California. Purple Fringe-tree. Rhododendron, numerous splendid varieties. Vinca, or Running Myrtle, 9] varieties. Virginia Creeper. Virgin's Bower, or Clematis, 10 species. "Wistaria, Chinese Blue. White or Snowy. Willow, Weeping Ring-leaved. Woodbine, several species, Climbers Yew, English spreading. English upright. Irish. Flowering Plants and Creepers for Cemeteries and Embank- ments. Red Moss Pink. "White Moss Pink. Heart's Ease, or Pansy. Violets, 12 varieties. Forget-me-not. Phlox Stolonifera, creeping red. Phlox Divarioata, dwarf blue. Vinca, or Running Myrtle, 9 varie- ties. Variegated Ivy. Double Yellow Potentilla. Double Yellow Ranunculus, 2 vari eties. Sedum Aizoon, Stonecrop. Sedum, various species. Thrift, or Sea Pink. Double Lotus Corniculatus: Cowslip, Primrose, and Poleanthus. Double White Achillea. Rosy Milfoil. PJEONIES-OUR SELECTION. 12 Chinese fine Double Varieties, $4; and 25 do for $8. N. B. — For our splendid collection of 300 varieties, see Bulb Cata- logue. VERBENA. 00 Finest New Select Named Varieties, $1 50 to $2 per dozen ; and |8 to $10 per hundred, as per Special List. Old Varieties, $1 25 per dozen. PETUNIA. 25 New Select Named Varieties, $2 per dozen, 5 50 SALVIA. 10 Fine Named Varieties, $2 per dozen. FUCHSIA. 50 Select Beautiful Varieties, $3 to $4 per dozen. PELARGONIUMS-GERANIUMS. 60 Fancy Named Varieties, very showy, $2 50 to $4 50 per dozen. 30 Scarlet Varieties, assorted, $2 to $2 50 per dozen. LANTANA. 15 Beautiful Varieties, $2 per dozen. HELIOTROPE. 14 Fine Varieties, $2 per dozen. CINERARIA. 20 Beautiful Varieties, $2 per dozen. PANSY. 35 Fine Named Varieties, $1 50 to $2 per dozen. A collection of 25 Beautiful Varieties for $3 50. Fine Varieties, mixed, $1 to $1 60 per dozen. DOUBLE DAISIES. 25 Beautiful Named Varieties, $2 per dozen. Fine Varieties, mixed, $1 25 per dozen. Articles not enumerated in the preceding part of this Cata- logue, which we can supply to any extent. See Catalogue No. 1, and others. Fruit Trees of every description and of all sizes : Quinces, Filberts, Walnuts, Chestnuts, Papaw, Persimmon, Figs, Pomegranates, Olives, Japan Date, European and American Grape Vines, Raspberries, Gooseberries, Currants, Blackberries, Cranberries, and Strawberries. Ornamental Deciduous Trees and Shrubbery, Honeysuckles, and other Climbers. Evergreen Trees and Shrubs of all the most beautiful and rare spe- cies. Apple, Pear, Plum, Cherry, Angers' Quince, Mahaleb, Doucin, and Paradise stocks, in any quantity. A great assortment of Rhododendrons, Splendid Mahonias of 10 spe cies, and Hardy Belgian Azaleas. Tree Pscouy— 100 Splendid Varieties. Chinese and other Herbaceous Polonies — 200 species and varieties. 51 Bullions Flowers — a Collection of Every Class, far surpassing any other in our Country. See Bulb Catalogue. — Dahlias, a Collection of all the most beautiful, comprising 250 varieties. Pears — above 100,000 on both Pear and Quince stocks, 2 to 8 years old, comprising every estimable variety, and for sale low in quantity, and will- be contracted for, deliverable the present Fall or in the ensuing Spring, Cherries — 80,000 Standards on Mazzard, and Pyramids or Dwarfs on Mahaleb, for sale low, and will be contracted for as above. Apples— 80,000 Standards and 25,000 of Dwarf growth, on the Doucin and Paradise stock, for sale at low rates. Plnms — 40,000, 2 to 6 years old, the latter extra large and in a bear ing state. N. B. — Extra large-sized Fruit Trees, in a bearing state, can be sup- plied, of all the Choicest Varieties. Extra large size Ornamental Trees and Shrubs, including Evergreen Trees, suitable for imparting immediate embellishment. Among the Extra Large Evergreens are Norway Spruce, Cedar of Lebanon, Cedrus Deodora, European Silver Spruce and Silver Fir, Himalaya Pines and Spruces, Californian, Calabrian, and Austrian Pines, and other rare species. Osiers (for basket-makers) — finest European and American species, of which scions will be supplied at $2 to $5 per thousand, according to the quantity required. Foreign Grapes — 96 varieties, comprising every choice variety, 1 year old, $25 per hundred; and 2 years, $35 per hundred. Grapes — Isabella, Catawba, and Clinton, at low rates, by 100 or 1,000; and, also, all the New Native Varieties. See Catalogue. Gooseberries — 65 Large Lancashire Varieties, and Houghton Green and Red, by 100 and 1,000, at low rates. Raspberries — Orange, Yellow Prolific, Red and White Antwerp, Brentford Hardy Red Antwerp (the surest for fine market crop), Fastolf, Catawissa," and all other estimable varieties, in quantities, at the lowest rates. Blackberries— 50,000 New Rochelle or Lawton, at very reduced rates, and 30,000 Imperial (large, and best for market), and Dorchester, at lower rates than they can be elsewhere obtained; also, Newmans, Pars- ley-leaved, Hartshorn, and all others. Currants — Cherry (largest red), White Provence (largest white), White Grape, Victoria, Prince Albert, and all others. Strawberries — an Unrivaled Collection of 105 Splendid Varieties, and at very low rates. See Descriptive Catalogue. Rhubarb — Linnaeus, Victoria, Mammoth, Champagne, and all the Fine New Varieties, by the 100 or 1,000, at low rates. Arbor Vitse — 50,000 Splendid Conical-formed Trees, 8 to 9 feet high ; calculated to impart immediate beauty to Avenues and Pleasure Grounds. These will be supplied, in quantity, at very low rates. Also all smaller sizes. Irish, Swedish, and Silvery Junipers, 6 to 8 feet ; exceedingly beau- tiful. Magnolia Consplcna — Soulangiana, Norbertii, Purpurea, and other Chi nese rare species, 6 to 10 feet. magnolia Macrophylla — Auriculata, Tripetela, Acuminata, Glauca, and Cordata ; Splendid Trees, 8 to 10 feet. 52 Salisburia Adiantifolia— a New Japan Tree of extraordinary beauty and singularity, very hardy, 6 to 12 feet. Evergreen Hedges — Arbor Vita?, Red Cedar, and Hemlock Spruce. Deciduous Hedges — Osage Orange, Privet, Honey Locust, Yellow Locust, American Thorn, and Buckthorn. Evergreen Trees, such as Norway and other Spruces, Pines, Junipers, Cedars, Arbor Vitas, and other species, when wanted of small size by the thousand, will be -supplied at very moderate prices. STOCKS AND SEEDLING TREES FOR NURSERIES. A great supply of Stocks of all kinds, suitable for budding Fruit Trees. Also, 300,000 Young Trees and Shrubs, anfl 250,000 Young Ever- greens, comprising Norway Spruce, 4 to 6 years old, and all other spe- cies. Of these, distinct Catalogues are furnished to Nurseries, comprising also Fruit Seeds, and Seeds of Evergreens, and of other Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. GREENHOUSE STOCK PLANTS-CHEAP. As our Greenhouses located near the Railroad will have to be re- moved, we now offer for sale the entire assortment of large Stock Plants, with all the Young Plants, at very moderate prices, for cash or sure notes. They are invaluable to any persons forming new establishments for their pleasure, or for extensive propagation. They comprise the fol- lowing : Large specimen Orange, Lemon, Citron, and Shaddock trees. A general assortment of large Camellias, Chineae Azaleas, Metrosid- eros, Ficus, Gardenias, Acacias, Fuchsias, Geraniums, and other Green- house Plants. A very extensive, rare, and valuable assortment of the Cactus, Aloe, and Stapelias, &g. A large assortment of Greenhouse Bulbs. SELECTION OF ASSORTMENTS BY US. Wherever it is stated in the Catalogue that the assortments are to be made by us, we will omit any species or varieties that the purchaser already possesses, on his apprising us thereof. PACKING AND FORWARDING. 411 Trees, r Miniature Chinese Daily 2 Tea Scented Daily - - -.3 Hybrid Perpetual - - 5 Damask Perpetual - - - 8 Bourbon Perpetual - - 9 Noisette Perpetual - - - 11 Moss 12 Perpetual Moss - - - - 14 Variegated French and Provence 14 Black Roses - - - - 16 White Rose and Hybrids - 16 Persian and other Yellow - - 17 Microphylla and Macartney - 1*7 Musk Cluster - - - -17 Dwarf Provence 17 Scotch - - - - - 18 Prairie Climbing 18 Multiflora and Greville Climbing 19 Hybrid Climbing 19 Evergreen Climbing - - - 19 Boursault Climbing - - 20 Ayrshire Climbing - - 20 Banksian Evergreen Climbing 20 Anemonse Flora, Chinese - 20 Double Sweet Briar, and Hybrids 20 Hybrid China - - * - 21 Hybrid Bourbon - - - 22 Tree or Standard 22 Pillar and Climbing - - - 22 Assortments of Roses - - 22 Chrysanthemums, Chinese - - 23 Select Large Flowering 23 Select Pompone, Lillipu- tian, &c. - - - 24 Select Splendid, - 26 Aveoliform, or Anemone 26 Pompone and Lilliputian 26 Phlox, Splendid Select Varieties 28 Medium and Dwarf Va- rieties - - 3Q PAUE Carnations, Flemish, French, and English - - - 31 Perpetual or Monthly - 34 Pieotees, Flemish, French, and English- - - - 31 Pinks, Mignardise - - - 35 Iris, or Fleur de Lis - - 35 Punkia 37 Hemerocallis, or Daily Lily 37 Hollyhock, Double - - - 38 Sweet William, Double, Named Varieties - 38 Single, Named Varieties - 39 Hardy Herbaceous Flowering Plants - - - 39 to 45 Medicinal and Sweet Herb Plants - - - - 45 Hardy Flowering Plants for Bor- ders and Bedding - - 46 Hardy Climbing Plants - - 47 Summer Flowering Plants for Borders and Beds - - 47 Summer Climbers - - 48 Trees and Shrubbery for Ceme- teries - - - - 48 Flowering Plants and Creepers for Cemeteries and Embank- ments - - - - 49 Selections of Peonies, Verbena, Petunia, Salvia, Fuchsia, Pelar- goniums or Geraniums, Lantana, Heliotrope, Cineraria, Pansy, and Double Daisies - 49 and 50 Selections of Trees and Shrubs 50 and 51 Stocks and Seedling Trees for Nurseries - - - - ' 52 Green House Plants - - 52 Selections of Assortments - 52 Packing and Forwarding - 52 directions far tljc Culture of IJulbus ^oots,£r. The most simple species of culture, is all that is required for this class of flowers. The situation should be dry and airy ; the soil a light sandy loam, and if not sufficiently light, add a portion of sand, to make it i so, and enrich it by digging in a liberal quantity of old decomposed \ manure. The best periods for planting the hardy species of Bulbs, are August to November inclusive, but it may be performed later, in | climates where the ground remains open. In planting, it is benefi- ' cial to strew fresh or sea sand in the trenches or openings, before and after placing the roots, so that they may be completely sur- rounded by sand. Hyacinths, Persian Fritillary, Martagon, and other Lilies, should be planted at a depth of four inches ; Crown Imperials and i Polyanthus Narcissus, five inches ; Tulips, Double and Single Nar- i cissus, Jonquils, Arum, Colchicum, Snowflake, Bulbous Iris, Pseonies and Gladiolus, three inches ; Crocus, Small Fritillaries, Snowdrops, Ornithogalums and Dens Canis, two inches ; Anemone and Ranunculus, one and a half inches, always measuring from the j top of the bulb. The roots can be placed from two to six inches i apart, according to their size. When planted it will not be neces- sary to remove them oftener than every second or third year, and then it is only rendered necessary by their increase, and the neces- sity of separating them, and of enriching the -soil. Bulbs for Winter blooming, in pots and glasses. Hyacinths, Polyanthus Narcissus, Roman and other Double Narcissus, Jonquils, Persian Iris, Persian Cyclamen, Crocus, and Double Van Thol Tulips, are the preferable species for this purpose. ; Those intended for glasses, should be placed in them the middle of November, the glasses being previously so filled with pure water, that the bottom of the bulb will just touch the water : then place them for the first ten days in a dark room to promote the shooting <>f the roots, after which, expose them to the sun and light, in an airy position, as much as possible. Rain water is preferable, and it should be changed as often as it becomes impure, at which periods the roots should be drawn entirely out, and be rinsed in clean water. Bulbs intended for pots, should be planted therein during the months of October or November, and be left exposed to the open air I until the ground commences freezing, when they should be removed to the greenhouse, or to a warm room. They will, of course, require occasional waterings, and plentifully, as the growth advances.