Managing Facts and Concepts National Design Arts Program Endowment A publication presenting information and ideas for the Arts related to federal design Managing Facts and Concepts Computer Graphics and Information Graphics from a Graphic Designer’s Perspective Aaron Marcus Staff Scientist, Computer Graphics Group Computer Science and Mathematics Department Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, 50B-3238 University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, California 94720 Based on a presentation in the first Federal Design Lecture Series, National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, 20 November 1979 Managing Facts and Concepts 2 Preface This monograph is the fourth publication in the Federal Design Library series. The Federal Design Improvement Program of the National Endowment for the Arts presents these monographs to enable managers and designers in federal service and in the private sector to access proven, useful tools and ideas important to the performance of their work. Managing Facts and Concepts includes two points crucial to understanding graphic design and communication. First is the clear idea that graphic design is visual communication, not just “beautification.” The language of visual communication used by graphic designers, from symbols and signs to type, color, spatial composition and sequencing, is a vocabulary for which no common dictionary exists, yet one which is constantly in the making. Aaron Marcus investigates this vocabulary and suggests the need for clarity and consistency. The second point is the idea of using existing technology and exploring the potential of new technology to communicate information effectively. The availability of electronic communication media is a known fact, but the full meaning of electronic communication of information is yet to be developed. Mr. Marcus shows us the route to distinguishing useful tools from distracting toys. This monograph is a departure from the earlier manuals in this series because it deals with underlying conceptual issues of communicating information graphically. To some degree it helps manage the use of the earlier manuals in this series. It continues the theme of the series, to provide practical information, by providing access to publications and organizations that can assist the reader in achieving effective solutions to com- municating complex information. Prof. Lance J. Brown, R.A. Coordinator, Design Excellence Project, 1979-82 Design Arts Program National Endowment for the Arts Managing Facts and Concepts 3 About the Author Aaron Marcus is a graphic designer with fifteen years of experience in information graphics and computer graphics. He taught at Princeton University for nine years, was the University’s graphic designer, and was a consultant in com- puter graphics at Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ, where he programmed a prototype interactive page design system for Picturephone use. As a Staff Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley Labora- tory, he is assisting the design of Seedis, a minicomputer-based geographic information management system funded by the US Depart- ments of Labor and Energy. His expertise lies in developing effective formats and graphic design specifications for computer-generated texts, tables, charts, maps, and diagrams; for the design of the user-machine interface; and for pro- gram visualization and documentation. Mr. Marcus has received awards and grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, Icograda, the Fulbright Scholarship, the East-West Center, the Art Directors Club of New York, and the Type Directors Club of New York. He has consulted with or lectured at international computer graph- ics research and development centers. He is a tutorial lecturer for the National Computer Graph- ics Association and the Special Interest Group on Graphics of the Association for Computing Machinery. His work has been shown in a special two-person exhibit at the American Institute of Graphic Arts, New York, and in galleries and museums in the USA, Europe, Israel, and Japan. He has published two monographs distributed by the West Coast Poetry Review Press, Soft Where, Inc., Volume 1 and 2, which document his concep- tual telecommunication artworks of the 1970’s. He is the co-author of The Computer Image pub- lished by Addison-Wesley, a book produced by Polaroid on computer graphics. His articles and work have appeared in major graphic design and computer graphics journals. He is the head of Aaron Marcus and Associates, a consulting firm for computer-based graphic design. 5 5 14 32 34 37 43 44 47 48 Managing Facts and Concepts 4 Contents Introduction Information Graphics and the New Technologies The Two Faces of Information Stumbling toward Utopia The Look of the Future Graphic Design in the Late '80s An Example The Problem Stages of Research Objectives and Procedures A Critique of Exemplary Images The Final Result Summary and Conclusions Notes and References Sources of Further Information Magazines and Journals Conferences Acknowledgments About these Publications Managing Facts and Concepts 5 Introduction This book emphasizes the importance of graphic design for an information-oriented society. In an environment in which many new graphic communi- cation technologies are emerging, it raises some issues which graphic designers and managers of graphic design production should consider in using the new technology effectively. In its final sections, it gives an example of the steps taken in designing a visual narrative as a prototype for responsible information-oriented graphic design. The management of complex facts and concepts, of complex systems of ideas and issues, presented in a visual as well as verbal narrative or dialogue and conveyed through new technol- ogy will challenge the graphic design community in the coming decades. This shift to visual-verbal communication has repercussions in the educa- tional system and the political/governance sys- tems that go beyond the scope of this book. If there is a single goal for this book, it is to stimu- late the reader and then to provide references that will help you learn more about graphic design in an era of communication when “know business” is “show business.” Information Graphics and the New Technologies People want to know “what’s happening.” They need to know what’s going on, and they want to understand why. Who are these people? In one group are policy makers, managers, researchers, and technical/professional people. In another group is the general public: families, relatives, friends, and most of the people of the earth. Technology permits an ever greater flow of infor- mation between and within these groups. Senders and receivers both face the problem of determining which messages are valid, which are useful, which are significant. Information is not necessarily valid, useful, or significant. Today a familiar problem has taken on new dimensions: How can we show what we know? Managing Facts and Concepts 6 How can we see patterns in a busy, fuzzy reality? The new technologies of computer graphics and visual telecommunications have perfected the means of giving us information quickly, providing it inexpensively, and most importantly, displaying it for us dynamically. New opportunities are emerging for making invisible things visible, for making more of the learning process visual not only verbal, and for extending our abilities to understand the phenomena of the world. Of special importance are diagrams, maps, charts, and tables that can convey essential information more quickly and effectively than lengthy texts. The means for portraying facts and concepts in this format reside in conventional, as well as in advanced computer graphics displays of information. The term “computer graphics” is used in a very general sense. It implies data pro- cessing as well as display and includes the tech- nologies of word processing, phototypesetting and the graphic arts, and video or cathode ray tube (crt) display. Techniques for displaying informational graphics in the research, marketing, and management sec- tors of business and government are already available. From even the simplest alphanumeric computer terminals, it is now possible to get images of information. Advertisements for the most elaborate of the computer graphics devices promise a world of radiant color, of dazzling infor- mation, an “informational Las Vegas.” Computer graphics systems can display raw data, or facts. They can also display policy data, that is, actions or concepts related to decision making. They can even display political data, that is, the data for implementing decisions. Throughout business and government, computer graphics technology is developing decision support systems with graph- ics for professional people, for managers, for pol- icy makers, and, occasionally, for the general public. Computer-assisted charting and mapping will make the need for effective visual communi- cation stronger and clearer. Managing Facts and Concepts 1 Exhibit I Corporate data (as of February 28, 1970) wil 1 r;' j 1 III ..lI- 1 HI ll^~" Managing Facts and Concepts 8 This decade will bring into being the electronic or paperless office. That work place may be in a business, a government building, a research laboratory, a school, or even a home. The emerg- ing network systems such as videotex services^ in the work place of the future will enable us to send and receive information rapidly around the world via computer terminals. These systems will create an environment that theoretically permits mass distribution of information and the condi- tions for a marketplace of information.^ In this marketplace, vendors will compete to provide the information that we need and supply it in the for- mat that we prefer. The past two decades have been called the "Information Age." The new decade should be called the "Image of Information Age." The signs of the new era are clearly apparent. Figure 1 shows a page of conventionally produced graph- ics^ that reduces a 150-page executive report to a single sheet of 20 charts. These charts can be easily created, reproduced, distributed, comprehended, and updated. Figure 2 shows an example of an interactive page design system. The system allows the creation of complex typographic displays for conventional publications or electronic media. Imagine such a system combined with an innovation called Metafont^ that allows people to design their own symbol systems and to use them in typesetting. These new developments suggest an environment of increasingly complex and flexible visual com- munication of information. Two Approaches to Computer Graphics Informational computer-assisted graphics systems can be divided into two groups. Figure 3 shows one kind in which elaborate color, high quality typography, and extensive non-alphanumeric sym- bols are available.^ This represents the kind of computer-assisted informational graphics that might be called the "pretty but dumb" variety. If we wish to change automatically the organization of the chart by adding a new component, it might Managing Facts and Concepts 9 3 Center for Seismic Studies System Design 4a r California Standard Minority Metropolitan Statisticai Areas Population, 1980 ■ 4,000 Af9Bm of circle* are prt3partk>fiAHo imi BUtcK l" . — 2,000 tlw tc^ (i lOOO) U3 t / *.*>oo \ 1 ( /- 500 Sowc«: 1980 aS.Cemuie f I / I 4b Population Trends, 1980 Source: U,S. Census, 1 980 Federal Region New Eng NY/NJ Mid Atl SEast Gt Lakes S Central Central Mountain West N West Difference from 19 70 (Millions) Per Cent Change from 107 0 0 2 4 6 8 - 10 10 20 30 Managing Facts and Concepts 10 be impossible in such a system. There is no data information space “behind” this kind of image for semantics (what symbols mean), only a display information space for syntax (how symbols are arranged). The image is only a “pretty face.” Nevertheless, such images are an important kind of commercially available computer-assisted infor- mational graphics often used for audio-visual slide presentations. Figure 4 shows another kind of graphics. These are output images from an information management system like that of Seedis developed at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.^ Such a system can semi- automatically display charts and maps that are sometimes less sophisticated in color and typogra- phy. However, the system has the advantage that someone can retrieve, change, and display the data in a variety of ways. The image may be “plain but smart.” Eventually the capabilities of these two approaches to displaying information graphics will merge as is now occurring in Seedis. The average user of information display systems will be able to manage the appropriate form of display, mov- ing from coarse to refined data processing and display qualities as necessary. Most importantly, the user will be able to manage large amounts of information in a way that will express their con- tent and significance in forms that are intelligible and appealing. This may end an era of “dull data” and herald the beginning of an age of “beautiful information.” Both delights and dilem- mas lie ahead. Stumbling toward Utopia From much of the vendor literature and the mass media, it might seem that a computer graphics Utopia is just around the corner. However, there remain formidable challenges to developing effective means of presenting information graphi- cally. First of all, there is the task of collecting appropriate, valid data, of managing and massag- ing gigantic masses of data, of structuring them for easy access, and then of constructing and Managing Facts and Concepts 11 distributing this information through conventional media or electronic networks. As we enter an era of mass information distribution, some people are concerned that humanistic and aesthetic values may be overlooked, forgotten, or ignored when systems are created that are dependent on the imagination and expertise of computer science and technology alone. Assuming that all the technical/functional prob- lems of computer-assisted informational graphics have been solved, one nagging question remains: How should data, facts, and concepts be presented? For many situations, the information itself may be too technical for professional or general audiences. What format should one use? How should typography and color be employed? How should everything be arranged? In many of the informational graphics created through advanced computer-graphics systems, the typography is very primitive and ineffective; color is overused and lacking in control. There are often problems of visual indexing, of cross- referencing, of comparing one kind of information with another, of showing the reliability, precision, and age of information. In many advertisements for computer-graphics information display equip- ment, the very images that hardware and software vendors use reveal inadequate visual thinking, visual quality, and visual communication. One picture may be worth a thousand words, numbers, dollars, or seconds of our time, but images must convey concepts as well as facts. How do we get across concepts? How do we make a meaningful image of information? A quick inspection of commercial advertisements will remind us thai rapid transfer of concepts goes on in advertising all the time. How can this effectiveness be linked to databases and to com- puter graphics, not only persuasive graphics? Can it be done without introducing distortions and unnecessary appeals to the emotions? Answers to these questions will emerge in this decade. Managing Facts and Concepts 12 The Look of the Future What will the Image of Information Age be like? One set of images from informational graphics displays can give us an impression of this excit- ing and challenging new age. Figure 5 shows a scene from the Spatial Data Management System developed at the Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technology.® In this com- puter graphics display, it is possible to “fly” through information spaces, to penetrate many layers in which we can place or observe symbols that arise from representation of data. Imagine that we are in a 40-story building with a thousand elevators connecting various combinations of floors. In such an environment, we would need a signage system or a map to find our way through that complicated structure. To design graphics for an architecture of information is a significant task for graphic design in the last decades of the twentieth century. Figure 6 shows an image from a “Cybernetic Landscape” that I programmed a decade ago as an interactive, aesthetic environment.® We may now understand it as a three-dimensional “bar chart landscape” in which we can fly about within an information space to learn something from it because of our position, velocity, and orientation in that space. Special symbols above the viewing window guide our own movement through this information space. This image suggests the pos- sibility of electronic three-dimensional information graphics environments in which we can browse. We might even discover the presence of others “among the stacks” of an ephemeral library from whom we may inquire advice. Electronic media predominate in this discussion of the future, but the problems of and need for quality graphic design of complex, often technical information exist right now in conventional media. Solutions to current problems are available through conventional means. For example, there is a need for better informational graphics throughout the many departments of the Federal Managing Facts and Concepts 13 Managing Facts and Concepts 14 Government: in its internal and external publica- tions, in its business forms, and in its public- oriented literature. Improving the graphic design of information is a “bottom-up” approach to graphic design problems rather than the typical “top-down” corporate design program which cleans up and redesigns corporate logos and sta- tionery. Solving these conventional informational graphics problems may help us to design better electronics-based systems in the future. Graphic Design in the Late ’80s The preceding sections are brief sketches of some of the visual characteristics of graphic design relevant to a new information-oriented society. In doing so we have glossed over the problems and procedures of developing ways to image complex information and to tell a story about that information with these images. The next section reviews a project that raises issues which the designer of responsible, effective infor- mation graphics must address. More and more information-oriented graphic designers will be called on to design narratives or dialogues for which there may be few precedents. Responsible solutions will acknowledge the needs of clients or senders or information, the audience or receivers, the content of the message, and the media used to convey it. Responsible graphics will require research, interdisciplinary teamwork, and pati- ence over long periods of development and test- ing. These are characteristics of a new stage in the process of graphic design as a mature discip- line within an information society. An Example This section discusses, the structure and development of an information-oriented project in graphic design. The project as a whole demon- strates how graphic designers can be involved with emerging informational graphics systems. This project concerned the need to communicate visually information about global interdependen- cies. Managing Facts and Concepts 15 The Problem How would you explain a complex subject like glo- bal interdependence to someone? Policy makers spend considerable time examining tables of numbers, texts, and complicated charts trying to understand this subject. In its institutes of popu- lation, communication, natural resources, culture learning and environmental planning, the East- West Center in Honolulu, a federally funded research center set up by Congress, explores the themes of global interdependence. Global inter- dependence involves all means of exchanging physical commodities such as food and gold, as well as exchanges of culture, finance, and technology. The East-West Center decided to explore the possibility of new non-verbal means to discuss global interdependence. It invited five visual com- municators from around the world to become research fellows and to study the problem of visualizing global interdependencies. Their back- grounds were Japanese, Indian, Persian, Chinese and American. The primary graphic design syn- thesis of the project resulted from the efforts of the author who was also the project co-ordinator and the following people:''^ Mr. Yukio Ota, research fellow and graphic designer, the Advanced Social Planning Institute, Tokyo. Ms. Susan Marcus, graphic designer, formerly free-lance designer for the Publications Office, Princeton University and currently head of Meta- Graphics, an information-oriented graphic design studio, Berkeley, California. Mr. Jerry Kuyper, graphic designer, formerly Assistant Professor, University of Hawaii, and currently graphic designer in the studio of Saul Bass and Associates, Los Angeles, California. Stages of Research Our group had five months to consider and devise a way to visualize global interdependencies. In Managing Facts and Concepts 16 the first stage of our research, we studied the general topic of global interdependence. Although there were people at the Center with specialized knowledge about individual topics, we had to formulate our own synthesis of the sub- ject. One approach we formulated derived from computer-based global planning models."' We discovered that these are extremely quantitative and too complex. Parenthetically, we also real- ized that effectively visualizing these global models is itself an extremely interesting and chal- lenging graphic design task."'^ Global planning models tend to emphasize the so-called “hard” forms of global interdependence, ones that involve concrete, measurable exchanges in such fields as energy, food, population, trade, technol- ogy, labor, and financial aid. These models tend to overlook aspects of life that are less easy to measure and to define, for example, communica- tion, education, values, politics, religion, and language. In the second stage of research, our group con- sidered three primary areas for further study: population, communication and energy. We selected energy because the images and the experts from the East-West Center were available readily. The topic of energy seemed understand- able, relevant, and attractive. Our attention shifted to numerous reports such as that from the Workshop on Alternative Energy Strategies, other research studies, and literature from the oil companies about the coming world crisis in energy. The material we studied was fascinating, disturbing, and confusing. It was confusing because similar data were not always treated in the same way. Data were presented with varying degrees of certainty. Cru- cial data sometimes were missing. Conflicting implications sometimes were drawn from the same data on the shift from nonrenewable forms of energy to renewable forms such as solar and nuclear. We organized and clarified what informa- tion we could gather in the time available to us. Managing Facts and Concepts 17 Finally, we arrived at the third stage of our research, studying the means of visualizing facts and concepts. Our group studied diagrams, maps, charts, tables, photographs, and models. We examined books, films, slide shows, and com- puter graphics. Objectives and Procedures Many of the graphic presentations that we exam- ined displayed an ill-composed selection of visual images. Most of them appeared to have been created as verbal narratives with the visual material added later to assist the continuity of the narrative, to reinforce some points, and to keep the viewer alert. Our goal was to reverse the standard visual-verbal relationship, to make the images primarily responsible for conveying clearly determined concepts. We sought to create a signage system for the mind that would lead a viewer through a complex conceptual landscape. What we ultimately achieved was an experiment in visualization, not a new theory of global inter- dependence. The main goal was to achieve exem- plary coherence, clarity, and visual impact. As an example of what we wished to create, we often referred to a book and a film that have achieved much deserved fame in the informational graphics community. The book is Cosmic Views by Kees Boeke on which the Fames studio based its film Powers of Ten.^"^ Portions of the book appear in Figure 7. Both the book and the film illustrate what it means to jump orders of magnitude from the size of the electron to the size of the entire universe in approximately 40 steps of a “conceptual zoom.” Our objective was to achieve the same clarity and impact as the book/film. Another guide for our project was the late John McHale’s World Facts and Trends, a book that tries to visualize many diverse but significant facts and concepts about the world. We considered several graphic media for the pro- ject, such as a brochure, film, video program, and poster series. We eventually decided to create a Managing Facts and Concepts 18 slide show, because slide projection facilities are available in most places and are simpler than film or video. Through this medium, we intended the presentation to be available in developing as well as in developed countries. With a slide show we could achieve large images with strong visual impact that could be changed relatively easily, updated, and duplicated. One final advantage of a slide show over books and posters would be the fact that viewing a slide show naturally encourages people to gather together for further discussion about the content and form of the presentation. The complexity of the subject matter and the necessary discussions, planning, and review of concepts and facts during the first two stages of research meant that we had only six weeks to produce the slide show. Originally, we considered creating a 30-minute slide show with multiple screens, but the amount of work in understanding the subject matter and determining the right images required us to reduce the scale of our ori- ginal intentions to a single series of images for half the time. From our earlier research, we developed a concept list of about 200 entries. We reordered and reduced this list to about 100 entries, a workable sum for a single screen 15- minute slide show. Then came the verbal-visual leap: How could we move from this list of verbal items to images? What pictures, diagrams, and symbols could we use? A Critique of Exemplary Images It is appropriate to review some of the charts and maps that we examined. Many of these images raised interesting points; many were potentially valuable. A crucial question for us was not simply how good or bad each was by itself but how con- tinuity and clarity could arise in a sequence of many images. Managing Facts and Concepts 19 Managing Facts and Concepts 20 Consider the diagram in Figure 8 from Scientific American, a magazine that is generally an excel- lent source for informational graphics. The chart relates various energy units, but unfortunately for our use, it does not include two of the most-often used units of energy in political and planning cir- cles, i.e., metric tons of coal equivalent and mil- lions of barrels per day of oil equivalent. A diagram converting one discipline’s units into another seemed an interesting idea and poten- tially effective visual tool. For any kind of data, thousands of forms are pos- sible. Pie charts, for example, are often used to show gross differences, but it is sometimes difficult to make cross comparisons from pie chart to pie chart. The illustrative quantities of Figure 9 are perhaps suitable for secondary school audi- ences. Does this image “humanize” data or make information more friendly? Some people think so, but others caution against the use of “chart junk” and specifically warn against the use of pie charts. In any list, bar chart, or other diagram form, there is a general limit to giving more than five major things to consider at any one time. Many numbers presented at once cannot be easily remembered, and in an audio-visual presentation, there is very little time to understand a frame of information. Many diagrams that we examined had too many data or reference points for our use. They were better suited for use in publica- tions rather than audio-visual presentation. Unfor- tunately, many professional people lecture with slides made from copies of published charts and maps; these images are often very inappropriate for slide presentation. As an example, consider Figure 10, a line chart that is too complicated visually. The heaviness of the grid lines disturb the viewer’s ability to read Managing Facts and Concepts 21 Energy Uses 1"^ 1 1 1 1 -80 PERCENT (64 yrs) - 250x1 q 9 barrels 1 1 1 |-*80 1 1 PERCENT ( 1 1 58 yrs)*-| 1 T / ^0 1 } T 1 / / !/^ 2-. ^ N 5< ' 1 1 ! / \%\ SiO. I'l 184 X 10® bbis L. |38: ?xlO® )bls 78 N ; \ 4 X 10® bblsS^ 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050 2075 2100 YEAR Managing Facts and Concepts 22 the significant information. The evenness in the size, weight, and location of typography make it difficult to know which items are most important, and the scale of the typography make the chart unsuitable for reproduction at a reduoed scale in a journal. Figure 1 1 is much better: it is easy to read, invites examination, poses fewer distrac- tions. Two other qualities in this chart are worth noting. First, the data line “looks like” the sub- ject of the chart. It is “iconic”, to use the termi- nology from visual semiotics.^® Second, it is not easy to determine exactly where the line is being drawn. That may very well indicate the reliability of the data. Charts often mistakenly give an impression that the data are more certain than is the case. Figure 12 is an important flowohart that diagrams the total input/output flow of energy in the United States. The part at the top right reveals the fact that half the energy entering the energy sys- tem of the United States is eventually lost. This energy produces nothing useful; it is radiated as heat. Computer programs have been written to display this kind of chart but these computer- assisted diagrams are hard to read because of typesize, color area patterns, and line weights. Complex images like this one are not easy to display effectively for a professional audience. They are certainly difficult to create for a mass audience; yet, the educational or consciousness- raising potential of a diagram such as this one might be considerable if it were well designed, clear, and frequently encountered. The diagram in Figure 13 is typical of a “crisis diagram. Where is the crisis? This chart does not help the reader find out quickly. For example, “Surplus” appears in the small shaded black and white area, while “Demand” appears in black. These terms are opposites, but that relationship is not apparent from the visual coding of the chart. One problem with this chart is that every- thing is rather interesting and exotic in terms of color and pattern. There are too many changes in background and too many boxes for titles. The Managing Facts and Concepts 23 11 Ratio of 3 Pollutants Relative to 1970 2 1 0 Year i970 i960 1990 2000 2010 2020 Environmental Pollution Problems 12 13 2000 2050 120 - 100 Managing Facts and Concepts 24 fundamental visual “crisis” is the lack of a clear hierarchy of information. Maps are an important means of showing spatial data, facts, and concepts. Figure 14 shows a map of global oil flow encountered in discussions of energy interdependence. The map from Scientific American, seems legible and readable without distracting color and lines. Note the use of picto- graphic symbols to assist the reader. Figures 15 and 16 indicate other approaches to mapping. Figure 15 is an overly sophisticated image; the area of the land masses is proportional to the population, the height to the gross national pro- duct per capita, and the volume to the total GNP.^^ It is not easy to grasp the relative volumes of these solids. Note another curious and undesirable feature of this map/chart: the legend is almost as massive and visually important as the primary content of the image. Figure 16 comes from a commercial advertise- ment.^^ Because the message is relatively simple the image can easily be clear and forceful. Infor- mational graphics need to strive more assertively toward this exemplary clarity. The figure is a kind of cartogram, a map with very strong visual impact usually created through computer graph- ics assistance. Maps such as this have helped to create new images of the world, just as the first photos of the earth from space helped to change our global perspective. Although the cartogram is a powerful, distinctive image, it presented a problem for our project. How could we combine this kind of image with other kinds of images in a sequence? To achieve visual continuity, we even- tually chose more conventional maps to portray geographic information. In Figures 17-19 are typical examples of present- ing information through computer graphics. Such displays are most valuable for the analysis of very complex and elaborate technical data, but it takes time to learn how to read this kind of imagery. In fact, at least one representative of a Managing Facts and Concepts 25 14 16 Managing Facts and Concepts 26 computer graphics research group has said that he could not be certain how successful such images are as communication even for teohnical audiences looking at them in an audio-visual or lecture presentation. The form of these diagrams needs to be considered carefully in presentations to technical audiences. They must also be planned and designed carefully for professionals from another discipline or for the public. Unfor- tunately, typography, color, and composition are often not as effective as they should be in these diagrams. One other factor to note is that it takes considerably more time than usual to pro- gram these displays properly if one is demanding about the quality of visual images. Our research/design group also examined photog- raphy as a natural means of visualizing global interdependencies. We discovered that photogra- phy can readily picture the objects being dis- cussed, that is, the nouns of a visual presenta- tion. The problem for us was to show the verbs and to assemble nouns and verbs into integrated chains of concepts in a visual narrative. It would have required an impossibly large budget to travel around the world to create or acquire sufficient images. Instead, as a supplementary task of our project, we collected a few hundred excellent slides from several thousand examples and categorized these according to the concepts we developed. In this way we created for the East-West Center’s lecturers and publications an image bank of high quality slides on specific topics of global energy interdependence. Compiling a photographic image bank would have been a very fine visual editing task, but we also wanted to create new images. We still considered it possible to combine our photographic thematic catalog with our final project at a later time. The Final Result For the final form of our project, selections of which are shown in Figures 20-27,^^ we decided to experiment with an approach radically different from most of the material we examined. We -!/ ' \ V ^(W Vx // / Managing Facts and Concepts 28 created a nonverbal symbol/chart/diagram/map system. We developed a new pictographic/ideo- graphic “language” to simplify and clarify reality. Our approach was not new; it was based on sys- tems of international signage^® and Isotype sym- bols^^ as well as proposals for universal visible languages. In the latter group are, Bliss symbols^® and LoCos.^^ Universal visible languages may have no standard spoken form, but it is possible to write and read them easily and to communi- cate almost anything that might otherwise be spoken. We studied thousands of symbols from glossaries and books. Eventually, we sketched about 500 pictograms or ideograms and created approxi- mately 200 composite images. We reduced this collection by careful selection to about 70 signs and combined these into approximately 80 images. Because we were developing the presentation for a multicultural audience, we were hesitant about the use of color. If we wished to say that some- thing is holy or sacred, what color should we use? Should it be white, black, saffron yellow, red, or green? Specific color connotations are a very complex matter. Designers of clothing as well as designers of signage systems for international airports know this quite well. We decided to create our show in black and white; black itself would be a color. In addition, a white on black show would stand out in a milieu of audio-visual presentations that is often characterized by an overabundance of ill-designed color. We wanted to restrict the use of any verbal material because we did not want to stress left- to-right English language-oriented images. For the same reason we tried to compose centered figure-field relationships wherever possible. These would not emphasize a particular left/right reading direction. We also studied symbol size variations. We determined that we needed symbols with three primary sizes, in effect title, text, and footnote sizes, because we were Managing Facts and Concepts 29 22 t t t t t t t t ♦ t t t t t t t t t tttttttttttttMtttttt ttTtttttitttttttttttttftttttttttttttttttt 1 978 i I ^ ^ ' n 1 1 I II 1 1 n f = 100 . 000.000 23 ■ 200-900 of Coal ^ < 200 Equivalent Managing Facts and Concepts 30 defining a “typography” of pictographic/ ideographic symbols. We revised our symbols and compositions con- tinually, always seeking an ideal resolution to the needs of form and content. At the very last moment, we added a sound track. We designed a musical score that seeks to balance Eastern and Western themes. As a fail-safe feature, we wrote a brief verbal (English) narration. This develop- ment sequence reverses the traditional flow in which the verbal narrative comes first. In some audio-visual presentations, it is possible to turn off the slide projector and to understand most of the information content from the sound track. Our presentation was the opposite. What we finally achieved is a visual symbol/chart/map narrative similar to primitive symbol stories or the pictographic/ideographic writing of some civiliza- tions. This visual narrative is composed of three seg- ments. The first discusses global interdepen- dence generally. The second focuses on energy interdependence as an example. The third returns the viewer to the perspective of general global interdependence. Because of this structure, it would be possible to discuss other specific topics in the same symbol system by designing a new second section. The symbol system itself is modular. We designed the symbols for use in this slide presen- tation format, but also for charts, exhibits, publi- cations, lectures, and reports. Since the symbol system has evolved, it has already been used in a variety of ways at the East-West Center. The presentation was shown several dozen times in semi-final format to audiences in the United States, India, and Japan. Written evaluations and informal comments were used as a basis for adjustments in its final form before the slide show was prepared for distribution by the East-West Center as a filmstrip for educational use.^° Managing Facts and Concepts 31 Managing Facts and Concepts 32 “Visualizing Global Interdependencies” is an attempt to communicate both facts and con- cepts, to go beyond numbers to link ideas, to create a balance between specific data and abstract information. The sequencing of symbols must introduce the symbol language and, at the same time, assist the viewer in learning to think with that system. These white symbols against a deep, black field show the stark reality of global interdependence without distracting decoration. In a dark room, facts, concepts, and the significance of global interdependencies leap forward to confront a viewer’s consciousness and conscience. Summary and Conclusions I began this monograph by describing the changes taking place in graphic communication and its relation to an information-oriented society. I then explained the “Visualizing Global Interdependencies” project, a visual communica- tion project typical of the challenges facing the graphic design community in the coming decades. As we all attempt to make our way through an increasingly complex information environment, information-oriented graphic designers must help to define and clarify complex systems, to help give a coherent, comprehensible, and appealing “face” to important information that may other- wise not be appreciated, understood, or used. In this short monograph, I can only highlight the subject matter of information-oriented graphic design and computer graphics. I have also indicated broadly a new role for graphic designers in the Image of Information Age. Information-oriented graphic design spans a wide body of expertise in visual design and com- munication, the visual arts, and science/ technology. Graphic design can help manage the visual communication of facts and concepts so Managing Facts and Concepts 33 vital to an information society. Responsible infor- mation graphics will require from everyone involved a delicate balance of professional experience (the hand and the eye), professional method (the intellect or mind), and professional principles (the heart). Managing Facts and Concepts 34 Notes and References 1 Special Issue on Consumer Text Display Systems, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, CE- 25:3, July 1979. 2 The marketplace concept is referred to in Neehan, Michael, et al., Newsletter, Institute for the Future, Palo Alto, CA, No. 1, Summer 1979. 3 Blake, George B., “Ideas for Action,” Harvard Business Review, March-April 1978, pp. 6-8ff. Fig- ure reproduced with the permission of Harvard University. 4 Figure reproduced with the permission of Informa- tion International, Inc., Culver City, CA. 5 Knuth, Donald E., Tex and Metafont, Digital Press, Digital Equipment Corporation, Bedford, MA, 1979. 6 Figure adapted from a slide made at Genigraph- ics Center, General Electric Company, San Fran- cisco, CA, 1979. Figure reproduced with the per- mission of Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. 7 See for example, J. McCarthy et al., “Seedis: A Summary Overview,” Pub. No. PUB-424, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, 1982. 1980 Census reports from Seedis and Seedis itself are now available from the National Technical Infor- mation Service, Washington, DC. 8 Bolt, Richard A., Spatial Data Management, Office of Cybernetics Technology, DARPA, Washington, DC, 1979. Figure reproduced with the permission of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 9 Marcus, Aaron, Soft Where, Inc., West Coast Poe- try Review Press, Reno, NV, 1975, p. 12ff. Figure reproduced with the permission of the West Coast Poetry Review. Managing Facts and Concepts 35 The other Research Fellows were Dr. Shyam S. Agrawal, Central Electronics Research Institute, Pilani, India; Dr. Mei-Ling Hsu, Professor of Geog- raphy, University of Minnesota; and Dr. Ebrahim Rashidpour, Head, Educational Technology Center, University of Tehran, Iran. See, for example, the images and explanation on pp. 44-47 of Mihajlo Mesarovic and Edward Pestel, Mankind at the Turning Point, Signet Books, New American Library, New York, 1974. This task has been taken on in a subsequent East-West Center project, “Development Pros- pects for the Pacific Basin to the Year 2000,” cofunded by the Design Arts Program of the National Endowment for the Arts. In it a graphic designer has worked with a research team as a peer during 1979-82 to develop diagrams of glo- bal models. These diagrams are an effective visual interface between computer scientists and mathematicians on the one hand and policy mak- ers on the other. The diagrams of several global models are so constructed that each model can be easily compared with other models. See Susan Marcus, “Diagramming Complex Systems,” Infor- mation Design Journal, 1:3, 1980, pp. 167-173. Workshop on Alternative Energy Strategies, Energy: Global Prospects, 1985-2000, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1977. Boeke, Kees, Cosmic View: The Universe in 40 Jumps, The John Day Company, New York, 1957. Figure reproduced with the permission of Harper and Row Publishers, Inc. The film Powers of Ten is distributed by Pyramid Films, Inc., Santa Monica, CA. Another film derived from the book is the animation short entitled Cosmic Zoom, which is distributed by the National Film Board of Canada. McHale, John, World Facts and Trends, Collier Books, New York, 1972. The Figure comes from Chauncey Starr, “Energy and Power,” Scientific American, 225:3, 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 26 Managing Facts and Concepts 36 September 1971, p. 48. Figure reproduced with the permission of Scientific American. Tufte, Edward, “Data Graphics,” lecture presen- tation at the First General Conference on Social Graphics, Council on Social Graphics, Washing- ton, DC, 22 October 1978. For a through discussion of terminology and con- cepts, see Umberto Eco, A Theory of Semiotics, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1979. The Figure comes from F.X. Murray, “Energy, A National Issue,” Center for Strategic and Interna- tional Studies, Georgetown University, Washing- ton, DC, 1977. Daniel Leuten, “The Economic Geography of Energy,” Scientific American, 225:3, September 1971, pp. 166-167. Figure reproduced with the permission of Scientific American. The Figure is an adaptation from a chart whose source is not known. The Figure is adapted from a chart appearing in “The Annual Report” of the World Bank, 1978. The Figure is adapted from an advertisement of Exxon Corporation. The source for these Figures is the Computer Sci- ence and Mathematics Department, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Figures reproduced with the permission of Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. The images appeared in Perspectives, Journal of the East-West Center, Summer 1979, pp. 15-22. Figures reproduced with the permission of East- West Perspectives Magazine, East-West Center, Honolulu, HI. American Institute of Graphic Arts, Symbol Signs, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, DC, DCT-CS-40192, November 1974. Managing Facts and Concepts 37 27 Edwards, J.A. and Michael Twyman, “Graphic Communication through Isotype,” exhibition cata- log published by the Department of Typography and Graphic Communication, University of Read- ing, England, 1975. 28 Bliss, C.K., Semantography {BWssyroboUcs), Semantography Publications, Sydney, Australia, 1965. 29 Ota, Yukio, “LoCoS: An Experimental Pictorial Language,” Icographic, No. 6, 1973, pp. 15-19. 30 “Visualizing Global Interdependencies” is available as a slide set or as a film strip from Department of Open Grants, East-West Center, 1777 East- West Road, Honolulu, HI 96848. Sources of Further Information Bertin, Jacques The following is a bibliography of literature and other sources of information about information- oriented graphic design and computer graphics. Wherever possible, 1 have tried to refer to readily available sources. Semiologie Graphique, Gauthier- Villars/Mouton, Paris, 1973. Blackburn, Bruce Design Standards Manuals, Federal Design Library, National Endowment for the Arts, Wash- ington, DC, 1977. Bonsieppe, Gui “A Method of Quantifying Order in Typographic Design,” The Journal of Typographic Research (now called Visible Language), 2:3, July 1968, pp. 203-220. Booth, V. “Scientific Writing in English,” Journal of Research Connmunication Studies, 2:2, 1980, pp. 107-112. Bowman, William Graphic Communication, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1968. Managing Facts and Concepts 38 Chapanis, Alphonse "Interactive Communication," Scientific American, 232:3, 1975, pp. 36-42. Chaparos, Ann "Notes for a Federal Graphic Design Manual," Chaparos Productions, Ltd., Washington, DC, 1979. Craig, James Production for the Graphic Designer, Watson- Guptill, New York, 1974. Eco, Umberto A Theory of Semiotics, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1976. Engles, S.E. and R. E. Granda "Guidelines for Man/Display Interfaces," Technical Report TR 00.2720, IBM, Poughkeepsie, NY, December 1975. Ennis, M., "The Design and Presentation of Informational Material: A Review of UK Research Trends," Jour- nal of Research Communication Studies, 2:2, 1980, pp. 67-82. Fleming M. and Howard Levie Instructional Message Design, Educational Technology Publications, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1978. Foley, J.D. and V.C. Wallace "The Art of Graphic Man-Machine Conversation," Proc. IEEE, 62:4, 1974, pp. 462-471. Gerstner, Karl Designing Programmes, Hastings House Publish- ers, New York, 1968. Hartley, J. Designing Instructional Text, Nichols Publishing, New York, 1978. "Spatial Cues in Text," Visible Language, 14:1, 1980, pp. 62-79. "Designing Journal Content Pages: The Role of Spatial and Typographic Cues," Journal of Research Communication Studies, 2:2, 1980, pp. 83-98. Managing Facts and Concepts 39 Herdeg, Walter, ed. Graphis: Diagrams, Graphis Press, Zurich, 1975. Hoffman, Armin Graphic Design Manual, Hastings House Publish- ers, New York, 1965. Hyder, Darrell “Swiss Typography Today,” Penrose Annual, 63, ed. Herbert Spencer, Hastings House Publishers, New York, 1968. Johansen, Robert, Michael J. Nyhan and Robert Plummer “Workshop on Teletext and Videotex in the U.S.: An Overview of Issues and Insights,” Newsletter, Institute for the Future, Palo Alto, 2:1, 1980. Jonassen, David “Information Maping: a description, rationale, and comparison with programmed instruction,” Visible Language, 15:1, 1981, pp. 55-66. Lockwood, Arthur Diagrams, Watson-Guptill, New York, 1969. Machover, Carl “A Guide to Sources of Information about Com- puter Graphics”, Computer Graphics and Applica- tions, 1:1, January 1981, pp. 73-85. Marcus, Aaron “Color: A Tool for Computer Graphics Communica- tion,” in Greenberg, Donald, et ai. The Computer Image, Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1982. “When Designing Computer Graphics, the Know Business is Show Business,” Industrial Design, 29:2, March/ April 1982, 24-30. “Designing the Face of an Interface,” Proceedings, Third National Conference of the National Com- puter Graphics Association, 1981, pp. 207-215, and Computer Graphics and Applications, 2:1, January 1982, pp. 23-30. “Visualizing Global Interdependencies,” Graphic Des/pn (Japan), No. 79, 1981, pp. 57-62 “Computer-Assisted Chart Making from the Graphic Designer’s Perspective,” Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Tech. Report LBL- 10239, April 1980, and Computer Graphics, Proc. Sig- graph 80, 14:3, July 1980, pp. 247-253. Managing Facts and Concepts 40 “Literature and Vision,” in Visual Lit Crit, R. Kos- telanetz, ed., West Coast Poetry Review, Reno, NV, 1979, pp. 15-22. “A Computer Graphics Course for the Two Cul- tures,” Computers and Graphics (England), 3:1 , 1978, pp. 17-22. “Routes, Loops, Transfers, and Dead-Ends,” Print, 32:2, 1978, pp. 49-54. “Hieroglyphs,” a portfolio of computer graphics and writings. Computer Graphics and Art, 3:2, May 1978, pp. 16-17. “At the Edge of Meaning,” and editing of entire special issue. Visible Language, 11:2, Winter 1977, pp. 4-20. “An Introduction to the Visual Syntax of Concrete Poetry,” Visible Language, 8:4, Autumn 1974, pp. 333-360. “Making Israel Visible,” Print, 21. b, Sept. -Oct. 1973, pp. 54-61. “Symbolic Constructions,” Typographische Monafsb/aeffer (Switzerland), 92:10, October 1973, pp. 671-683. “Computer-Aided Design: an Exploration,” Penrose Annual, No. 66, London, 1973, pp. 191-198. “New Signs Along the Highway,” Print, 26:3, June-July 1972, pp. 62-67. “A Prototypical Computerized Page Design Sys- tem,” Visible Language, 5:3, Summer 1971, pp. 196-220. “The Designer, the Computer, and Two-Way Com- munication,” Print, 25:4, July/ August 1971, pp. 34-39. Managing Facts and Concepts 41 Martin, James Design of Man-Computer Dialogues, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1973. McCarthy, J. et al. “The Seedis Project,” Pub. No. PUB-424, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, May 1982. MacDonald-Ross, M. “Graphics in Texts,” in L.S. Shulman, ed.. Review of Research in Education, Vol. 5, 1977. “How Numbers are Shown: A Review of Research of the Presentation of Quantitative Data in Texts,” A.V. Communications Review, Vol. 25, 1977, pp. 359-409. “Language in Texts,” in L.S. Shulman, ed.. Review of Research in Education, Vol. 6, 1978. Morse, Alan “Some Principles for the Effective Display of Data,” Computer Graphics, 13:2, 1979, pp. 94-101. Muller-Brockman, J. The Graphic Artist and His Design Problems, Hast- ings House Publishers, New York, 1968. A History of Visual Communication, Hastings House Publishers, New York, 1971. Myers, Ware “Computer Graphics: The Human Interface,” Com- puter, 13:6, 1980, pp. 49-58. (No Author) “New Ways to View World Problems,” Perspec- tives, East- West Center, Honolulu, HI, 1:1, 1979, pp. 15-22. Robinson, Arthur H., Randall Sale, and Joel Morrison Elements of Cartography, fourth edition, John Wiley, New York, 1978 Ramsey, H. R and Atwood, M.E. “Human Factors in Computer Systems: A Review of the Literature,” Tech. Report SAI-79-1 1 1-DEN, Science Applications, Inc., Englewood, CO, Sept. 1979 (NTIS No. ADA075679). Managing Facts and Concepts 42 Reynolds, Linda ‘‘Visual Presentation of Information in COM Library Catalogues: A Survey,” Report 5472, The British Library Research and Development Department, London, 1979. ‘‘Teletext and Viewdata: A New Challenge for the Designer,” Information Design Journal (England), 1:1, 1979, pp. 2-14. “The Presentation of Bibliographic Information on Prestel,” Report 14, Graphic Information Research Unit, Royal College of Art, London, 1980. Reynolds, Linda and Herbert Spencer “Two Experiments of the Layout of Information in Computer Output Microfilm,” Report 13, Graphic Information Research Unit, Royal College of Art, London, 1979. Rouse, William B. “Design of Man-Computer Interfaces for On-Line Interactive Systems,” Proo. IEEE, 63:6, 1975, pp. 847-857. Ruder, Emil Typographie, Hastings House Publishers, New York, 1967. Schmid, Calvin F. and Stanton E. Schmid Handbook of Graphic Presentation, second edition, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1979. Shneiderman, Ben “Human Factors Experiments in Designing Interac- tive Systems,” Computer, 12:2, 1979, pp. 9-19. Sowa, John F. “Conceptual Graphics for the Data Base Inter- face,” IBM Journal of Research Development, 1976, pp. 336-355. Spear, Mary E. Practical Charting Techniques, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1969. Spencer, Herbert The Visible Word, Lund Humphries, London, 1966. Spencer, Herbert Linda Reynolds, and Brian Coe “A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Selected Typographic Variations,” Report 3, Graphic, Information Research Unit, Royal College of Art, London, 1974. Managing Facts and Concepts 43 “The Relative Effectiveness of Spatial and Typo- graphic Coding Systems within Bibliographic Entries,” Report 5, Graphic Information Research Unit, Royal College of Art, London, 1974. Stevens, Carol “Swiss Design Is Alive Print 25:1, January- February 1971, pp. 37-49. Teitelman, Warren “A Display Oriented Programmer’s Assistant,” International Journal of Man-machine Studies, 11:12, 1979, pp. 157-187. The Diagram Group Comparisons, St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1980. Tinker, M.A. Legibility of Print, Iowa State University Press, Ames, 1963. Treu, Siegfrid, ed. “User-Oriented Design of Interactive Graphics Sys- tems,” Proc. of ACM/SIGGRAPH Workshop, Associ- ation for Computing Machinery, New York, 1977. Tschichold, Jan Asymmetric Typography, trans. Ruari MacLean, Rheinhold, New York, 1967. Vignelli, Massimo Grids: Their Meaning and Use for Federal Designers, Federal Design Library, National Endowment for the Arts, Washington, DC, 1977. Wertheimer, Max “Laws of Organization in Perceptual Forms,” in Willis D., Ellis, ed., A Source Book of Gestalt Psychology, Harcourt Brace, New York, 1939. Williamson, Hugh Methods of Book Design, Oxford University Press, London, 1966. Magazines and Journals The following publications contain articles on information-oriented graphic design and computer graphics. Byte: The Small Systems Journal, (covering home and small business computer systems). Post Office Box 590, Martinsville, NJ 08836. Managing Facts and Concepts 44 Computer Decisions (aimed at managers), Post Office Box 13802, Philadelphia, PA 19101. Computer Graphics and Applications (covering the current state as well as the near term future of computer graphics technology), 10662 Los Vaqueros Circle, Los Alamitos, CA 90720. Datamation (a primary computer trade magazine), 666 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10019. lnfoworld(a weekly newspaper for computer tech- nology), 375 Cochituate Road, Box 880, Framing- ham, MA 01701 Information Design Journal (information-oriented graphic design). Post Office Box 185, Milton Keynes MK7 6BL, Great Britain. Output (for the new data processing layperson), 666 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10019. Visible Language (scholarly journal of the visual media of language expression), Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland OH 44106. Conferences Dozens of major national conferences in informa- tion science and in computer graphics take place each year. The graphic design student, profes- sional, and manager need to be aware of these meetings as a source of important new develop- ments relevant to information-oriented graphic communication. The following is a list of the more general conferences. The magazines and journals listed above will alert the reader to others in their calendars of events. The locations of these conferences circulate throughout the USA. The addresses of the conveners of the conferences are given, and inquiries should be directed to them. Managing Facts and Concepts 45 American Society for Information Science, 1010 16th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036, 202- 653-3644. This very large conference has many technical and application-oriented special interest groups. Human Factors Society, Post Office Box 1369, Santa Monica, CA 90406. This group represents ergonomics and applied psychology. Subject matter of interest includes symbol systems, infor- mation display, and computer graphics systems. National Computer Graphics Association, 8401 Arlington Boulevard, Suite 601, Fairfax, VA 22031, 703-698- 9600. Their large conference and tutori- als are a business- and government-oriented gatherings on computer graphics, graphic arts, and telecommunication. Special Interest Group on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), Association for Computing Machinery, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036. This large conference and tutorial is academically oriented but covers many important applications. West Coast Computer Faire, 333 Swett Road, Woodside, CA 94062. Their conference and equip- ment display is one of the largest. The Faire is oriented to personal and hobby computers and computer graphics. In addition to these national conferences, scores of tutorial and smaller conference organizations have sprung up to provide continuing professional education. Among many of immediate relevance to graphic design are the following: Institute for Continuing Studies in Design, Management and Communication, School of Design, College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221, 513-475-6828. The Institute’s week-long Managing Facts and Concepts 46 Studio seminars (including equipment demonstra- tions) for designers, writers, editors, and managers emphasize the role of the new technol- ogy. The Center for Design Arts Technology, an Institute project, participates in the seminar pro- grams. The Datamation Institute for Information Manage- ment and Technology Research, 850 Boylston Street, Chestnut Hill, MA 02167. Their courses cover most major computer graphics techniques, including business graphics, computer-aided design and manufacturing, and mapping. National Computer Graphics Association Tutori- als, 2033 M Street, N.W., Suite 330, Washington, DC 20036, 202-466-4102. Their tutorials are oriented toward the practical needs of a wide variety of computer graphics users or potential users. Institute for Graphic Communication, Inc., 375 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02115. Their small scale conferences (a few hundred people at a West Coast and East Coast retreat) feature business and government oriented sessions on state of the art technology in computer graphics, word processing, video, graphic arts, etc. Design and the Information Environment, c/o Min- neapolis College of Art and Design, 133 East 25 Street, Minneapolis, MN 55404. This annual conference for graphic designers concerns com- puter graphics and information graphics issues. Pratt Center for Computer Graphics in Design, c/o Perry E. Jeffe, Director, 505 White Plains Road, Tarrytown, NY 10591. The Center presents a variety of limited attendance, design-oriented seminars at several sites in the U.S. Managing Facts and Concepts 47 Acknowledgments Using facilities at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, the author was able to write, edit, code for typesetting, and design this book at a simple alphanumeric computer terminal. The Technical Information Division, Lawrence Berkeley Labora- tory, provided assistance with final typesetting and printing production. To prepare the text of the book for publication, the author used a Unix word processing system and the Unix troff typesetting facility. The typeset draft appeared on a Versatec V-80 electrostatic printer, and the final typesetting appeared on an APS micro-5 phototypesetter. This work was supported by the Applied Mathematical Sciences Research Program of the Office of Energy Research, Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC03-76SF00098 and by the National Endowment for the Arts under an arrange- ment with the Institute for Continuing Studies in Design, Management, and Communication, Univer- sity of Cincinnati. This text is adapted from the Institute’s first lec- ture of the Design Lecture Series sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts’ Design Arts Program given at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, 20 November 1979. This lecture was also adapted for presentation at the Ninth Federal Design Seminar, Seattle, WA, March 1980, the first annual conference of the National Computer Graphics Association, Arlington, VA, June 1980, and at the Seventh Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Tech- niques, Seattle, WA, July 1980, sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Graphics. Managing Facts and Concepts 48 About these Publications This book is one of a series that inoludes three others of special importance to professionals in communication: Design Standards Manuals: Their meaning and use for federal designers, by Bruce Blackburn, explains what a design standards manual is and how this tool can be used to develop efficient, economical publications. Grids: Their meaning and use for federal designers, by Massimo Vignelli, demonstrates the use of the grid in graphic design layout. Photography for Graphic Designers, by Norman Sanders, analyzes the characteristics of good photography and shows how to judge a photo- graph for reproduction. These books are publications of the National Endowm.ent for the Arts. To obtain a copy, write to The Design Arts Program, National Endowment for the Arts, Washington, DC 20506. Studio seminars are sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts as a part of the Design Arts Program’s Design Excellence Project (form- erly the Federal Design Improvement Program). The seminars give federal designers, and editors the opportunity to keep abreast of the latest techniques and methods in design and communi- cation, to solve problems and to exchange ideas. Participants include designers, their supervisors, photographers, illustrators, typographers, edi- tors, and printing officers. The seminars are con- ducted by the Institute for Continuing Studies in Design, Management and Communication, c/o Nicholas Chaparos, Director, School of Design, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45221, 513-475-6828 or 1112 6th Street, N.W., Washing- ton, D.C. 20001, 202- 289- 4838. riDO Design Arts Progranv National Endowment for the Arts 2401 E Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20506