WHOLESALE CATALOGUE FOR JSTURSERIES J&.NJD DEALERS, WM. R. PRINCE & CO., FLUSHING, NEAR NEW YORK, FORTY-FOURTH EDITION, FOR AUTUMN, 1859. Those who desire larger Assortments are referred to the General Cata- logues of the various departments, which comprise the most complete and select Assortment of every class of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, and Plants that has ever been concentrated in one establishment. The superior accuracy of all the Fruits, which have been carefully tested in our Experimental orchards, is of the most vital importance to those who are commencing new Nurseries, as well as to amateurs generally. Forwarding. — Purchasers should state explicitly how the packages are to be marked, and by what route to be forwarded. We fulfill instructions and forward receipt to the purchaser, and there is consequently the best security for their delivery, after which they are at the risk of the pur- chaser. Prices. — The prices stated apply only when the specified quantity is ordered. When smaller parcels are desired, we will charge the rates of our General Catalogue, allowing a discount therefrom to dealers. Selection of Varieties. — We reserve the right of selection, but will send such kinds as the purchaser may name, as far as practicable. Payments. — The terms are cash, or a satisfactory draft or not--. Packing. — We pack all articles so securely, that they go safely to Cali- fornia, Oregon, South America, and every part of Europe. Cost of Transportation. — The transportation from New York to Dun- kirk on Lake Erie requires but 18 hours, and the expense is trivial when compared with the quality and prices of the Trees. SELECT FRUIT TREES. APPLES, Comprising these and other finest Varieties. CLASS I.— SUMMER VARIETIES. Astrachan, Red. Keswick Codlin. Benoni. Pumpkin Sweet. Bough, Large Yellow. Summer Pearmain. Early Harvest. Summer Queen. Early Strawberry. Summer Rose. Golden Sweet. William's Favorite. 2 WM. R. CLASS II— AUTUMN VARIETIES. Autumn Bough. Lyman's Pumpkin Sweet. Autumn Strawberry. Maiden's blush. Fall Pippin. Pomme Royale — Dyer. Fall Wine. Porter. Graveustein. Pumpkin Russet, Sweet. Hawley. Rambo. Holland Pippin. St. Lawrence. Jersey Sweet. Sweeting, Tifft's. CLASS III.— WINTER VARIETIES. Baldwin. Pippin, American Golden. Bellefleur. Yellow. Pippin, Monmouth. Bellefleur, White (Ortley). Pippin, Green Newtown. Danvers Sweet. Raule's Jannet. Domine. Rhode Island Greening. Butch Miguonne. Russet, Boston or Roxbury. Fanceuse — De Neige. Russet, Golden. Hubbardston Nonsuch. Seeknofurther, Westfield. King (Tompkins County). Spitzemburgh, Esopus. Ladies' Sweet. Spitzemburgh, Flushing. Lady — Pomme d'Api. Spitzemburgh, Newtown. Melon. Swaar. Mother. Sweet, Talman. Northern Spy. Twenty-ounce. Ortley — White Bellefleur. VandeVveer. Pearmain, Herefordshire. Wagener. Pearmain, Winter. Winesap. Per 100. Standard Trees, for Orchards, 6 to 8 feet, assorted varieties $17 00 Do. do. 4 to 5 feet 12 00 Do. do. 3 to 4 feet 6 00 Dwarf Trees 11 00 PEARS, Comprising these and other finest varieties. Note. — There is never any Pear Blight or Sap Blight on Long Island, and no Trees are ever winter killed. CLASS I.— SUMMER VARIETIES. Beurre Giffard. Madeleine. Bloodgood. Osband's Summer. Dearborn's Seedling. Rostiezer. Jargonelle. Summer Francreal. Kingsessing. Tyson. CLASS II.— AUTUMN VARIETIES. Belle Lucrative. Doyenne Boussoek. Beurre d'Anjou. Doyenne Sieulle. Beurre d'Acaanlis. Doyenne, White — Virgalieu. Beurre Diel. Fulton. DeLcea de Hardenpont, Henry IV. Dix. Howell. WHOLESALE CATALOGUE. Kirtland. Duchesse d'Augoulerne. Louise bonne de Jersey. Flemish Beauty. Napoleon. Fondante d'Automne. Beurre Goubault. Seckel. Beurre, Golden Bilboa. Sheldon. Beurre, Oswego. Stevens' Genessee. Beurre St. Nicholas. , Swan's Orange — Onondaga. Bufium. Urbaniste. Doyenne, Gray. Van Mons Leon le Clerc. Duke de Brabant. CLASS III. Catillac (large cooking). Glout Morceau. Chaptal do. Lawrence. Columbia. Prince's St. Germain. Doyenne d'Alencon. Soldat Laboreur. Easter Beurre. Uvedale's St. Germain, or Pound. Figue d'Alencon. Vicar of Winkfield. Per 100. Standard Trees, on Seedling stocks, 5 to 7 feet, according to vigor of the varieties $40 00 Do. do. do. 3 to 4 feet 25 00 Dwarf Trees, on Quince stock, 2 to 3 years 25 to 30 00 Do., Extra selected 35 to 40 00 Do., Second class, 15 00 CHERRIES, Comprising these and other varieties. CLASS I.— HEART AND BIGARREAU VARIETIES. American Amber. Great Bigarreau, Downing. Belle d'Orleans. Hovey. Bigarreau de Mezel. Kirtland's Mary. Biack Eagle. Knight's Early Black. Black Tartarian. Large Red Prool. Buttner's Yellow. Large Heart shaped. Cleveland. Napoleon. Coe's Transparent. Ohio Beauty. Doctor. Ox-heart. Downer's Late. Prince's Early Black Heart. Early Purple Guigne. Prince's Large Black H?art. Elton. Rockport. Favorite (Ohio). Tradescant Black. Golden Guigne (bright yellow). Werder's Early Black. Governor Wood. White French Guigne. Graffion— Bigarreau— Yellow Spanish. CLASS II.— DUKE AND MORELLO VARIETIES (these grow slow). Archduke. Duchesse de Palluau. Belle de Choisy. Early Kentish — Early Richmond. Belle Magnifique. Mayduke. Carnation. Morello, English. De Planchoury. Morello, Plumstone. Donna Maria. Reine Hortense. WJVI. R. PRINCE & CO. S Per 100. Standard Cherries, on Mazzard stock, 5 to 8 feet $18 50 Do., second claBs . . 12 00 Standards and Dwarfs on Mahaleb stock, 5 to 6 feet 20 00- PLUMS, Comprising these and other finest varieties. American Yellow Gage. Imperial Purple. Bingham. Italian Prune. Bleecker's Gage. Jefferson. Bradshaw. Long Scarlet (Gage). Brevoort's Purple. Lombard. Coe's Golden Drop. McLaughlin. Columbia. Magnum Bonum, Yellow. Cruger's Scarlet. Monroe Gage. Denniston's Superb. Mulberry. Drap d'or. Orange. Duane's Purple. Orange Egg. Early Favorite (Rivers). Prince of Wales. General Hand (largest of all). Red St. Martin. German Prune. Reine Claude de Bavay. Golden Cherry. Roy ale hative. Green Gage. Schenectady Catherine. Guthrie's Topaz. Sharpe's Emperor. Hawkes. Smith's Orleans. Hudson Gage. Surpasse Orleans, Imperial Ottoman. Washington. Imperial Gage. Yellow Gage (Prince's). Per 100, Standard Trees, on Plum stock, vigorous growth, 4 to 5 feet. . .. •$25 00 Do. do. 4 to 6 feet.... 30 00 Dwarf Trees 28 00 PEACHES, Comprising these and other fine varieties. Alberge, Yellow. Large White Cling. Bergen's Yellow. Late Admirable. Cole's Early Red. Lemon Cling. Cooledge's Favorite. Morris' Red Rareripe. Crawford's Early. Morris' White Rareripe. Crawford's Late. Nivette. Druidhill. Oldmixon Free. Early Admirable. Oldmixon Cling. Early Barnard. President. Early Red Rareripe. Prince's Paragon. Early York, Large, or George IV. Red Cheek Melacoton. Early York (serrate). Rodman's Red Cling. Golden Rareripe. Scott's Nonpareil. Gross Mignonne. Strawberry. Heath Free. Stamp the World. Heath Cling. Ward's Late Free. Incomparable Cling. Washington Cling. La Grange. Yellow Rareripe. Trees $10 per 100, $80 per 1,000. WHOLESALE CATALOG CiC. NECTARINES. Boston. Late Melting. Downton. New White. Early Violet. Pitmaston Orange. El rage. Prince's Golden. Hardwicke Seedling. Red Roman. Hunt's Tawny. Stanwick. Trees $15 to $20 per 100. APRICOTS. Black or Purple (very hardy). Moorpark. Breda. Peach. Early Golden. Roman. Early Peach. Schuyler. Kaisha. St. Ambroise. Large Early. Turkey. Large Red. White Imperial. Malcolm's Breda. Trees, according to size, $15 to $25 per 100. QUINCES. Per 100. Orange or Apple, 2 years $14 00 Do. do. 3 years 20 00 French Orange, 2 and 3 years 16 and 20 00 Rae's Mammoth, $9 per dozen. MULBERRIES. Per 100. American Red or Black $18 00 Black Circassian 30 00 Chinese L'hou 40 00 Alpine or Moretti, black fruit 15 00 White Italian 6 00 Downing Everbearing, $10 per dozen. Hick's Everbearing, $6 per dozen. NUTS. Per 100. Almond, sweet,'for orchards $12 to 15 00 Black Walnut and Butternut 17 00 English Walnut 20 00 Shellbark Hickory 20 00 Pecannut, $4 50 per dozen. French and Spanish Chestnuts, 2 feet 10 00 Do. do. 4 feet 20 00 Do. 5 to 6 feet, $8 per dozen. Filberts, French, $2 per dozen 12 00 Do., English and Spanish 15 00 WM. R. PHTNCE