Art and science come together in an exhibit sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts Rockne Krebs' laser light sculpture, "Sun Dog," brings advanced technology to the creation of art. Generally recognized as a pioneering figure in the art of structuring space with lasers, Krebs was commis- sioned to do the work for this bicentennial exposition by the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency established in 1965. To present ever-changing patterns of color, the artist has projected green and red laser beams from the sides of the geodesic dome, criss-crossing these with shafts of sunlight filtered through baffles in the roof. The water on the floor, recycled to cool the lasers, reflects the sun like a mirror, and the 200 prisms on the ceiling add to the shifting light patterns in the dome's interior. Krebs even invites spectators to become part of the work by walking through it. Many of the varied artistic activities supported by the National Endowment for the Arts, are as inno- vative as Krebs' work, while others are in a more tradi- tional vein. By awarding grants to individual artists and to cultural institutions, the Endowment seeks to develop our nation's creative talent, preserve and strengthen our cultural heritage, and make the arts more widely available to Americans. Using artistic quality as the prime criterion, panels of experts advise which projects, from among thousands of applications, should be funded. During the current year grants have been made in the fields of architecture, environmental arts, crafts, dance, education, folk arts, literature, museums, music, public media, theatre and visual arts. Under a separate program block grants are made to state arts agencies to supplement the funds appropriated to the arts by state legislatures. The National Council on the Arts, a 26-member group appointed by the President, provides the Endow- ment with advice and direction. The Council is made of artists, business leaders, actors, musicians, writers, and arts administrators. Nancy Hanks serves as Chair- man of both the Arts Endowment and the Council. National Endowment for the Arts In recent years Arts Endowment funds have helped: • The Asolo Theatre (Sarasota, Florida) to produce five American plays on its mainstage this summer while the Asolo Touring Company visits more than 30 Florida cities with productions for children. • A small island community in the Chesapeake Bay to develop a plan to preserve its architectural, and human, character; • Leading dance companies to appear in living rooms across the country through the "Dance in America" television series; • Folk artists like Norwegian furniture painters to work with child- ren in Iowa elementary schools; • Steelworkers in Pueblo, Colorado, to have a community arts center; • The Phila- delphia Museum of Arts to install a climate control system and totally redesign the interior for an estimated 2 million bicentennial visitors this summer. • The Utah Symphony Orchestra to present concerts, symphony-ballet and sym- phony-opera performances throughout the Rocky Mountain states; • The experimental Organic Theatre Company to bring a dramatic version of "Huck Finn" to small towns in Illinois; • Three Kansas photographers to do a documen- tary photo-survey of their state. Last year the Arts Endowment awarded more than 700 grants to individual artists and more than $20 million in aid to such institutions as 105 orchestras, 42 opera companies, 500 museums, 150 theatre groups, 63 dance companies, 200 literary magazines, and 70 independent presses. Unlike most European countries, however, where the state heavily subsidizes cultural institutions, Ameri- can government support has served simply as a catalyst for a much wider, grass-roots arts explosion. Summing up government's role in the arts, President Lyndon Johnson perhaps put it best: "The role of government must be a small one. No act of Congress or Executive order can call a great musician or poet into existence. But we can stand on the sidelines and cheer. We can maintain and strengthen an atmosphere to permit the arts to flourish, and those who have talent to use it. And we can seek to enlarge the access of all our people to artistic creation." J