UMASS/AMHERST >EQt. ^Ki- ■ i ■ 1 . ,;iu?Fri4iiS ^. 1 . R77 ■;^S^^^^' F ■ ' ,^;:c; 'jiixn"- T f' LIBRARY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL SOURCl Ao ;e Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries GEO C AVERY Pres't. J. W. GAULBERT Vice-Pres't. C. F. HUHL LOUISVILLE, KY. SEVENTY- FOURTH ANNUAL ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE-LIST B. F. AVERY & SONS' INCORPORATED. CAST, STEEL, AND CHILLED PLOWS, PLANTERS, CULTIVATORS, AND HARROWS. ^ SEASON 1899-1 900 | j^ /-% CO | SEASON 1899-1 900 FACTORY AND OFFICES: FIFTEENTH, MAIN, CROP, AND ROWAN STREETS, LOUISVILLE, KY. OUR BRANCH HOUSES. Please address our house nearest you. Our branches are equipped with goods and prices to supply you equally well as our factory. NASHVILLE, TENN., - 306-316 Broad St. NEW YORK CITY, - - 66-70 Beaver St. For Middle Tennessee Trade. Our Eastern States and Export Office. KANSAS CITY, MO - 1303 Union Ave. NEW ORLEANS, LA., - - 430 Canal St. Our Western Branch. „ , ^ \ c it c j _ - - - . « ^-^^ « .„r, , -,■,,.■■, ^ ^^ Carry a large stock of our general line of goods, DALLAS, TEX., Cor. Wood and Market Sts. and particularly a very complete stock of SUGAR, The largest Plow and Vehicle Warehouse in the RICE, COTTON, CORN, and TRUCKERS' TOOLS, country. Our branch for TEXAS, OKLAHOMA, INDIAN, and NEW MEXICO TERRITORIES. MEMPHIS, TENN., Union St. JOBBING AGENTS For genuine Avery goods are located in nearly every principal city in the United States and throughout the wrorld. WE DESIRE AN ACTIVE MERCHANT AGENT WHERE WE ARE NOT ALREADY REPRESENTED. JOHN P, MORTON ik COMPANY. LOUISVILLE, KY. Kt^ '^^ LOUISVILLE, KY. B. F. AVERY & SONS. »i^^-t LOUISVILLE, KY. RULES OF BUSINESS, All previous Catalogues and Price Lists are Superseded by this issue. FIRST— Warranty — We -warrant goods only against breakage caused by manifest defects in material or -workmanship. Reclamations must be made promptly, and defective parts must be retained to sho-w to our travelers, or credit can not be given for them. SECOND— Quotations— All prices and quotations are subject to change without notice. All prices quoted are for goods at factory. THIRD — Insurance — We do not insure river or ocean shipm.ents unless specially instructed in each order. Insurance, -when authorized, -will be charged in invoice at current rates. FOURTH— Shipper's Responsibility— A clear shipping receipt for goods relieves us of all responsibility and places it -with the carriers. In no instance is the payment subject to the arrival of goods at destination. Claims for lost and damaged goods should be made against the carriers. FIFTH— Terms— No goods furnished on commission. All bills payable -with exchange on Liouis-ville or Ne-w York. Express remittances must be prepaid. Notes required in settlement for all time sales. All past due notes and accounts subject to interest from maturity at legal rates. Sight drafts -will be dra-wn for all unpaid open accounts as they fall due. SIXTH— Right Hand plo-ws and repairs are al-ways shipped unless Left Hand are specified in each and every order. SEVENTH— Wood Beam plcws and repairs are al-ways shipped unless Steel Beam are specified in each and every order. ^^Kisk-^ We have frequent complaints from persons -who have been defrauded into the purchase of imi- tations of our plo-ws and other tools and parts thereof; therefore be careful to look on every plo-w or part you purchase for "Avery," "B. F. Avery," or "B. F. Avery & Sons," -which is plainly branded on all goods of our manufacture. Also look for above trade-mark on all castings, steel points and parts, and buy points and parts only from merchants -who handle the G-enuine Avery Plo-ws and Implements. Imitation points and repairs, besides not fitting -well, are invariably of INFERIOR MATERIAL and -workmanship. Demand the GENUINE AVERY. A picture of B. F. Avery, founder of this factory, is on the beam or handle of every Genuine Avery Plo-w. Order specifically, according to our marks cast or stamped in the metal parts, or stenciled on the -wood parts, and you -will then be sure to get true and exact-fitting duplicates and repairs. NOTICE. We make a specialty of Plows and Implements for export, as also for Sugar Cultivation. Write for these special catalogues. 3 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S STEEL PLOWS. "NEM/ CLIPPER "-GENERAL PURPOSE PLOW. (patented. ) Patent adjustable chilled heel. Beam and handles painted red, black tipped. Extra hardened soft center steel moldboard, point, and slide. "Wrought steel standard and cap, attached to beam by two bolts. Moldboard double shinned on face, which triples the lasting qualities. Handles strongly braced by two wood rounds, one iron rod, and one iron set brace. Frog and land bar is welded in one piece, the frog being extra wide, making a solid bearing for the moldboard and point. The point brace, bolted to the point, naold, and landside, prevents the point from springing, no matter how hard and sudden the jar. An extra high grade, strong, heavy plow, suited for general purpose work, particularly in clay, stiff, and stubble lands, and in heavy bottom lands. Its turning qualities are perfect. It will turn the sod entirely under in timothy, clover, and bluegrass, while in stubble or old ground will turn sufficient to cover all trash and weeds, and leave the land in excellent shape for pulverizing with a harrow. The long easy mold offers very little resistance to be overcome ; it is light draft, a useful style, and its construction particularly adapted for deep and heavy work. Chilled points made for all sizes. Fin cutters can be furnished for all sizes steel points. Cost extra. ^^liJiu, B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S STEEL PLOWS. " NEV^ CLIPPER "-GENERAL, PURPOSE PLOW. LANDSIDE VIEW. (PATENTED.) Double beaded steel beam, high curve. For general description see preceding page. Beam painted green, handles red, black tipped. PRICE LIST— WOOD BEAM. Rig-ht and Left Hand. Without Extra Point. Number and Name. Code Word. Cut. Weight. Price. Fin Cutter witli Bolts. Straight Knife Coulter. Gauge Wheel. Jointer. No. 10, New Clipper,"W. B. No. 12, New Clipper, W.B. No. 14, New Clipper, W. B . No. 16, New Clipper,"W. B. Jabber. Jacket. Jaconet. J agger. 10 in. 12 in. 14 in. 16 in. 84 lbs. 96 lbs. 110 lbs. 131 lbs. $13 50 15 75 18 25 20 50 $0 70 70 70 70 $1 50 1 75 1 75 1 75 $1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 $2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 PRICE LIST— STEEL BEAM. Right and Left Hand. Without Extra Point. Number and Name. Code Word. Cut. Weight. Price. Fin Cutter with Bolts. Straight Knife Coulter. Gauge Wheel. Jointer. No. 10, New Clipper, S. B. No. 12, New Clipper, S. B. No. 14, New Clipper, S. B. No. 16, New Clipper, S. B. Jambee. Janus. Jardes. Jaspoid. 10 in. 12 in. 14 in. 16 in. 91 lbs. 99 lbs. 122 lbs. 135 lbs. $14 75 17 25 20 00 22 50 $0 70 70 70 70 $1 50 1 75 1 75 1 75 $1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 $2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 REPAIR PRICE LIST— WOOD BEAM. No. Steel Point. Chilled Point. Mold- board. Steel Slide. Frog and Land Bar. Stand- ard. Heel. Clevis. Handle Braces, each. Finished Beam. Finished Handles, per pair. 10- 12-- 14-- 16 -- $2 00 2 50 3 00 3 60 $0 60 65 75 80 $4 50 5 00 5 60 6 00 $1 26 1 50 1 76 2 00 $1 50 1 60 1 76 1 76 $2 00 2 00 2 25 225 $0 26 25 26 25 $0 40 40 60 60 $0 40 40 40 40 $1 50 1 75 2 00 2 26 $1 00 1 25 1 50 1 75 REPAIR PRICE LIST-STEEL I When ordering repairs state "for Stee 3EAM. 1 Beam Plow." No. Steel Point. Chilled Point. Mold- board. Steel Slide. Frog and Land Bar. Heel. Clevis. Handle Braces, each. Finished Beam. Finished Handles, per pair. 10 12 14 16 $2 00 2 60 3 00 3 50 $0 60 66 75 80 $4 50 5 00 6 60 6 00 $1 25 1 60 1 76 2 00 $1 60 1 60 1 75 1 76 $0 26 25 25 25 $0 50 50 60 60 $0 40 40 40 40 $4 50 4 76 5 00 6 60 $1 00 1 25 1 50 1 76 In ordering repairs always state whether for "Clipper" or " New Clipper." Clipper Plows and repairs are different from New Clipper Plows and repairs. bpEH B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S STEEL PLOWS. "WESTERN" GENERAL PURPOSE PLOW. (patented.) Patent malleable frog. Patent adjustable chilled heel. Beam and handles painted red, black tipped. Extra hardened soft center steel moldboard, point, and slide. Wrought steel standard and cap, attached to beam by two bolts. An excellent light draft general purpose plow that will do splendid work in all clay, loam, and ordinary soils, and In wheat, corn, tobacco, and cotton stubble can not be excelled. Has ample moldboard and turning power, and works nicely in old ground, turning bluegrass, timothy, or clover admirably. Chilled points made for all sizes. Fin cutters can be furnished for all sizes steel points. Cost extra. PRICE LIST— WOOD BEAM. * Right and Left Hand; all others Right Hand only. With Extra Steel Point. Number and Name. Code Word. Cut. Weight. Price. Pin Cutter with Bolts. Straight Knife Coulter. Gauge Wheel. No. Pony.Western, W. B._ No. A.O., Western, W. B._ No. E.G., Western, W. B._ No. CO., Western, W.B.- No. D.O., Western.W.B.- No. E.O., "Western, W. B.» Jazel. Jegget. Jerbo. Jester. Jetty. Jiggish. 7 in. 8 in. 9 in. 10 in. 11 in. 12 in. 44 lbs. 52 lbs. 55 lbs. 80 lbs. 82 lbs. 97 lbs. $7 00 8 50 10 00 12 00 13 00 14 00 $0 60 60 70 70 70 70 $1 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 50 1 75 $1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 REPAIR PRICE LIST. Soft Number. center Point. Chilled Point. Soft Center Steel Mold- board. Soft Center Steel Slide. Frog. Heel. Clevis. Handle Braces. Standard Welded to Landbar with Steel Slide and Bolts. Finished Beam. Finished Handles, per pair. Pony A.O - --- $1 10 1 10 1 35 1 50 1 75 2 00 2 25 $0 25 30 35 40 50 65 85 $2 00 2 50 3 00 3 50 4 00 5 00 5 00 $0 75 75 90 1 00 1 10 1 25 1 25 $0 50 50 50 85 85 1 00 1 00 $0 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 $0 15 15 20 40 40 50 50 $0 35 35 35 40 40, 40 40 $2 25 2 50 2 75 3 50 3 75 4 00 4 50 $0 90 1 00 1 10 1 20 1 35 1 85 2 25 $0 75 75 B.O 80 CO 1 00 D.O 1 00 E.O 1 25 F.O 1 50 NOTE.— In ordering extra beams for Nos. CO., D.O., E.G., and F. C, state whether for top or side clevis. B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S STEEL PLOWS. "WESTERN"— GENERAL PURPOSE PLOW. (patented.) Wrought steel frog. Patent adjustable chilled heel. Double beaded steel beam, high curve. Beam and handles painted red, black tipped. Extra hardened soft center steel moldboard, point, and slide. Straight handles, interchangeable on all plows of same size and pattern. This series of plows is very strong, and is constantly growing in popularity on account of being adapted for a great variety of work, lightness of draft, and excellent pulverizers, leaving the ground with smooth, even surface. Chilled points made for all sizes. Fin cutters can be furnished for all sizes steel points. Cost extra. PRICE LIST— STEEL BEAM. = Right and Left Hand; all others Right Hand only. With Extra Steel Point. Number and Name. Code Word. Cut. Weight. Price. Fin Cutter with Bolts. Straight Knife Coulter. Gauge WheeL No. Pony, Western, S. B. No. A.O., Western, S. B. No. B. O., Western, S. B. No. C. C, "Western, S. B.« No. D. O., V;restern, S. B.« No. E. O., \^restern, S. B.» Jockey. Jogger. Joiner. Joker. Jorum. Jowter. 7 in. 8 in. 9 in. 10 in. 11 in. 12 in. 60 lbs. 71 lbs. 72 lbs. 90 lbs. 96 lbs. 103 lbs. $9 50 11 00 13 00 15 00 16 00 17 50 $0 60 60 70 70 70 70 $1 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 50 1 75 $1 10 1 10 1 20 1 20 I 20 1 20 Number. REPAIR PRICE LIST. When ordering repairs state "for Steel Beam Plow." Pony A.O. B.C. CO.. D.O. E.G. F.O. Soft Center Chilled Soft Center Steel Mold- board. Soft Center Steel Point. Steel .Point. Slide. $1 10 $0 25 $2 00 $0 75 1 10 30 2 50 75 1 35 35 3 00 90 1 60 40 3 50 1 00 1 75 50 4 00 1 10 2 GO 65 5 00 1 25 2 25 85 5 00 1 25 Frog and LandBar. Heel. $0 60 60 75 85 85 1 00 1 00 Clevis. Handle Braces. Finished Beam. $0 20 $0 35 $0 35 20 35 35 20 35 35 25 40 40 25 40 40 25 40 40 25 40 40 $3 00 3 00 3 50 4 00 4 00 5 00 5 00 Finished Handles, px.'r pair. $0 75 75 80 1 00 1 00 1 25 1 50 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S STEEL PLOWS. "OHIO VALLEY "-GENERAL PURPOSE PLOW. OUR "BLUE LINE." Extra heavy cast frog. Steel moldboard, point, and slide. Beam and handles painted blue, red tipped. Point fastened to frog by big bolts, easily removed for repairs. Wrought steel standard and cap, attached to beam by two bolts. Index beam rest between handles, permitting adjustment for land. Straight handles, interchangeable on all plows of same size and pattern. Handles strongly braced by two wood rounds, one iron rod, and index beam rest. This line of plows is especially adapted for the soils of the Ohio Valley and similar districts. A general purpose plow of light draft and perfect shape, and very desirable for clay and loam soils, clover, bluegrass, and timothy sod, and for wheat and corn lands, etc. The construction is simple and strong. Chilled points made for all sizes. PRICE LIST— WOOD BEAM. Right and Left Hand. With Plain or Fin Cutter Extra Steel Point. Number and Name. Code Word. Cut. Weight. Price. Straight Knife Coulter. Gauge Wheel. No. 8, Ohio Valley, W. B. No. 9, Ohio Valley, V7. B. No. 10, Ohio Valley, V^. B. No. 11, Ohio Valley, V7. B. No. 12, Ohio Valley, W. B. Judger. Julep. Juno. Jurist. Jutty. 8 in. 9 in. 10 in. 11 in. 12 in. 60 lbs. 78 lbs. 100 lbs. 105 lbs. 107 lbs. $8 25 9 00 11 00 12 00 13 50 $1 50 1 50 1 50 1 75 1 75 $1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 REPAIR PRICE LIST. No. Plain Steel Point. Fin Cut'r Steel Point. Chilled Point. Mold- board. Steel Slide. Prog with Land Bar. Stand- ard. Clevis. Beam Rest. Finished Beam. Finished Handles, per pair. 8--- 9.-- 10.-- 11-- 12--- $1 25 1 50 1 75 2 00 2 00 $1 50 1 75 2 00 2 25 2 25 $0 50 55 60 65 70 $3 25 3 75 4 00 4 50 5 00 $1 00 1 00 1 25 1 25 1 25 $1 60 1 60 2 00 2 00 2 00 $1 00 1 00 1 25 1 35 1 50 $0 25 25 30 30 30 $0 30 30 35 40 50 $1 10 1 10 1 20 1 26 1 75 $0 80 80 1 00 1 00 1 25 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. 'fmf> AVERY'S STEEL PLOWS. 'OHIO VALLEY"— GENERAL PURPOSE PLOW. "OUR BLUE LFNE. Extra heavy cast frog. Steel moldboard, point, and slide. Double beaded steel beam, high curve. Beam and handles painted blue, red tipped. Point fastened to frog by big bolts, easily removed for repairs. Straight handles, interchangeable on all plows of same size and pattern. Handles strongly braced by two wood rounds, one iron rod, and an iron set brace. In shape, finish, and general construction, except the beam, this plow is the same as the wood beam series described on preceding page, and will be found to possess all the excellent qualities which go to make up a first-class plow. Chilled points made for all sizes. PRICE LIST— STEEL BEAM. Right and Left Hand. With Plain or Fin Cutter Extra Point. Number and Name. Codeword. Cut. Weight. Price. Straight Knife Coulter. Gauge Wheel. No. 8, Ohio Valley, S. B No. 9, Ohio Valley, S. B No. 10, Ohio Valley, S. B _-_. No. 11, Ohio Valley, S. B No. 12, Ohio Valley, S. B Kaolin. Keeler. Keeve. Kerf. Kevel. 8 in. 9 in. 10 in. 11 in. 12 in. 85 lbs. 89 lbs. 104 lbs. 112 lbs. 116 lbs. $9 75 10 75 12 75 13 75 15 75 $1 50 1 50 1 50 1 75 1 75 $1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 REPAIR PRICE LIST. When ordering repairs state " for Steel Beam Plow." No. Plain Steel Point. Fin Cut'r Steel Point. Chilled Point. Mold- board. Steel Slide. Frog, with Laud Bar. Clevis. Handle Braces, each. Finished Beam. Fini.shed Handles, per pair. 8 9 10- - 11 12 $1 25 1 50 1 75 2 00 2 00 $1 60 1 75 2 00 2 25 2 25 $0 50 55 60 65 70 $3 25 3 75 4 00 4 50 5 00 $1 00 1 00 1 25 1 25 1 25 $1 60 1 60 2 00 2 00 2 00 $0 40 40 40 40 40 $0 35 35 40 40 40 $3 50 3 50 4 00 4 00 5 00 $0 80 80 1 00 1 00 1 25 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S STEEL PLOWS. GENUINE AVERY " PONY "-ONE-HORSE PLOW. AVERY'S WORLD- RENOWNED SERIES. (PATENTED.) Patent malleable iron frog. Patent adjustable chilled heel. Hardened steel mold, point, and slide. Beam and handles varnished, black tipped. Wrought steel standard and cap, attached to beam by two bolts. The banner one-horse plow, being the most perfect general purpose steel plow of its size ever designed. Beware of imitations. None genuine without our name and trade-mark on beam and parts. Chilled point can be furnished when desired. Fin cutters can be furnished for steel points. Cost extra. PRICE LIST— WOOD BEAM. Right Hand Only. With Extra Stee Point. Number and Name. Code Word. Cut. Weight. Price. Fin Cutter witti Bolts. Straight Knife Coulter. Gauge Wheel. No'. Pony, W. B Kicker. 7 in. 43 lbs. $5 00 $0 60 $1 00 $1 50 REPAIR PRICE LIST. No. Steel Point. Chilled Point. Mold- board. Steel Slide. Frog. Heel. Standard weld'd to Land Bar WithSt'l Slide and Bolts. Clevis. Finished Beam. Finished Handles, per pair. Pony. $0 60 $0 25 $1 75 $0 50 $0 50 $0 20 $2 00 $0 15 $0 90 $0 75 NOTE. — In ordering extra handles for Pony plows, be sure to state whether wide or narrow distance handles arc wanted. The distance between handles at the bottom has been widened, and the right hand handle is now bolted to steel handle lug. Old style handles were bolted to lugs on malleable frog. 10 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S STEEL PLOWS, No. CO. "GENUINE AVERY "-GENERAL PURPOSE PLOW. (PATENTED.) Patent malleable iron frog. Patent adjustable chilled heel. Hardened steel mold, point, and slide. Beam and handles varnished, black tipped. Wrought steel standard and cap, attached to beam by two bolts. This series of plows is of very light draft, and will do fine work in sandy, loam, and clay soils. They have great turning capacity, and will turn the weeds, trash, and stubble under perfectly, pulverizing the ground almost the same as if harrowed. Chilled points made for all sizes. Pin cutters can be furnished for all sizes steel points. Cost extra. PRICE LIST— WOOD BEAM. Right Hand Only. With Extra Steel Point. Number. Code Word. Cut. Weight. Price. Fin Cutter with Bolts. Straight Knife Coulter. Gauge Wheel. No. A.O., W.B No. B.O., W.B No. CO., V7.B No. D.O., W.B No. E.O., W.B Killas. Kindler. Kiosk. Kiver. Knawel. 8 in. 9 in. 10 in. 11 in. 12 in. 48 lbs. 53 lbs. 82 lbs. 84 lbs. 101 lbs. $6 25 7 50 10 40 11 40 13 00 $0 60 70 70 70 70 $1 00 1 00 1 50 1 50 1 75 $1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 REPAIR PRICE LIST. Standard Number. Steel Chilled Mold- Steel Frog. Welded to Land Bar Heel. Clevis Handle Finished Finished Point. Point. board. Slide. with Steel Slide and Braces. Beam. per pair. Bolts. A.O $0 70 $0 30 $2 00 $0 60 $0 50 $2 25 $0 20 $0 15 $0 35 $1 00 $0 75 B.O. ---- 90 35 2 75 60 50 2 50 20 20 35 1 10 80 CO. ---- 1 00 40 3 25 75 85 3 25 25 40 40 1 20 1 00 D.O 1 10 50 4 00 75 85 3 50 25 40 40 1 35 1 00 E.O 1 50 65 4 50 85 1 00 3 75 25 50 40 1 85 1 25 F.O. ---- 2 GO 85 5 00 85 1 00 4 25 25 60 40 2 25 1 50 NOTE.— In ordering repair handles for A.O., B.O., CO., D.O, E.G., and F.O. plows, be sure to state whether old or new style are wanted. The handles now used are wide apart at base and are bolted to steel handle lug. Old style handles were bolted to lugs on malleable frog. Also in ordering extra beams for No.s. CO., D.O., E.O., and F.O., state whether same are to be used with top or side clevis. 11 B. F. AVERY & SONS. r LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S STEEL PLOWS. No. CO. "GENUINE AVERY "-GENERAL PURPOSE PLOW. (PATENTED.) "Wrought steel frog. Patent adjustable chilled heel. Hardened steel mold, point, and slide. Double beaded steel beam, high curve. Beam painted green, handles red, black tipped. Straight handles, interchangeable on all plows of same size and pattern. This series of Steel Beam Plows is adapted for the same class of work as the Wood Beam Series described on preceding page. Chilled points made for all sizes. Pin cutters can be furnished for all sizes steel points. Cost extra. PRICE LIST— STEEL BEAM. Right Hand Only. With Extra Steel Point. Number. Code Word. Cut. Weight. Price. Fin Cutter with Bolts. Straight Knife Coulter. Gauge Wheel. No. Pony, S. B. No. A.O., S. B. No. B.C., S. B. No. CO., S. B. — _ No. D.O., S. B. No. E.O., S. B. Knight. Knobby. Knout. Kokob. Labefy. Laccine. 7 in. 8 in. 9 in. 10 in. 11 in. 12 in. 57 lbs. 68 lbs. 70 lbs. 88 lbs. 97 lbs. 105 lbs. $7 00 8 50 10 00 11 75 12 75 14 50 $0 60 60 70 70 70 70 $1 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 50 1 75 $1 10 1 10 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 REPAIR PRICE LIST. When ordering repairs state "for Steel Beam Plow." No. Steel Point. Chilled Point. Mold- board. Steel Slide. Frog and Land Bar. Heel. Clevis. Handle Braces, each. Finished Beam. Finished Handles, per pair. Pony -- $0 60 $0 25 $175 $0 50 $0 60 $0 20 $0 30 $0 35 $3 00 $0 75 A.O. --- 70 30 2 00 60 60 20 30 35 3 00 75 B.O. --- 90 35 2 75 60 75 20 30 35 3 50 80 CO. --- 1 00 40 325 75 85 25 40 40 4 00 1 00 D.O. .-- 1 10 50 4 00 75 85 25 40 40 4 00 1 00 E.O. --- 1 50 65 4 50 85 1 00 25 40 40 5 00 1 25 F.O. --- 2 00 85 5 00 86 1 00 25 40 40 5 00 1 50 The moldboards of new series CO. and D.O. steel beam plows (beginning November 1, 1890) are marked CO.X. or D.O.X. Specify clearly in ordering these moldboards whether CO. or C.O.X. is wanted, etc. 12 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. ^X AVERY'S STEEL PLOWS, "TINY TIM "-ONE HORSE. (COPYRIGHTED AND PATENTED.) Malleable iron frog. 8teel moldboard, point, and slide. Patent adjustable chilled heel. Beam and handles varnished, black tipped. Wrought steel standard and cap, attached to beam by two bolts. A popular plow for light breaking and for cultivating cotton, corn, tobacco, and gardens. Chilled points can be furnished. "CADET"-ONE HORSE. (PATENTED.) Chilled landside. Patent adjustable chilled heel. Cast standard and frog. Beam and handles painted red, black Steel moldboard and point. tipped. A good plow for bedding cotton or rounding corn, and for general light breaking and cultivating. PRICE LIST. Right Hand Only With Extra Steel Point. Number and Name. Code Word. Cut. Weight. Price. Fin Cutter with Bolts. Tiny Tim _ _ - Lackey. Lactic. Ladkin. 6 in. 6 in. 7 in. 35 lbs. 35 lbs. 37 lbs. $5 00 4 00 4 25 $0 60 No. 6, Cadet No. 7, Cadet REPAIR PRICE LIST. Number and Name. Steel Point. Chilled Point. Mold- board. Steel Slide. Frog. Heel. Stand- ard. Standard weld'd to Land Bar with St'l Slide and Bolts. Clevis. Finished Beam. Finished Handles, per pair. Tiny Tim. - - No. 6. Cadet No. 7, Cadet $0 50 50 60 $0 25 $1 70 1 25 1 35 $0 55 $0 50 $0 20 20 20 "$i"oo' 1 00 $2 00 $0 15 15 15 $0 75 80 $0 65 70 80 70 13 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S STEEL PLOWS. "DANDY," "STAR," AND "BIG BOLT" SERIES. Steel moldboard. Solid steel landside. Special extra hard crucible steel point. Beam and handles painted red, black tipped. Malleable iron standard, attached to beam by two bolts, and is of such shape that it readily clears itself of trash. The points of Nos. 6^, 7, and 8X are fastened by one bolt, and Nos. 9 and 10 by two bolts, and are all on the face, which makes it very easy to remove and replace points. A strong, simple, common-sense plow, with few parts. (Only four pieces compose the entire base of this plow.) We specially recommend this plow to corn, cotton, and sugar planters and truckers. They have the lightest possible draft, and will scour in almost any soil. Good breaking and cultivat- ing plows especially for the "bottoms," but good for the hills and general purposes also. PRICE LIST— WOOD BEAM. Right Hand Only. With Extra Steel Point. Number and Name. Code Word. Cut. Weight. Price. Straight Knife Coulter. No. 6>^, Dandy No. 7, Dandy No. 8X, Dandy No. 9, Dandy No. 10, Dandy Lagoon. Lamel. Lamin. Lamprey. Landau. 6>^in. 7 in. 8 in. 9 in. 10 in. 49 lbs. 50 lbs. 55 lbs. 82 lbs. 86 lbs. $5 75 6 50 7 00 10 50 11 50 $1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 REPAIR PRICE LIST. Number and Name. Steel Point. Steel Mold- board. Steel Landside. Standard. Clevis. Finished Beam. Finished Handles, per pair. 6J^, Dandy $0 70 80 90 1 00 1 26 $1 50 175 2 00 2 75 3 00 $0 75 80 90 1 00 110 $1 30 1 40 1 50 1 70 2 00 $0 20 20 20 25 25 $0 80 $0 70 7 Dandy 80 1 00 1 10 1 25 70 8X, Dandy 75 9, Dandy 90 10, Dandy 90 The points of the No. 8 Dandy are not interchangeable with the No. 8X Dandy. In ordering, be careful to state if points are wanted for No. 8 or No. 8X Dandy. 14 D B. F. AVERY & SONS. 0.^!^-^^ LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S STEEL PLOWS. "BIG BOLT"-Patented. Solid steel landside. . Patent adjustable chilled heel. Beam and handles painted red, black tipped. Wrought steel standard and cap, attached to beam by two bolts. Wrought steel frog. This plow in general outline of moldboard and in turning capacity is similar to our world- famous Pony Series. The point is attached with one large half-inch bolt, thus enabling the operator to very readily take off the old point; also all the other bolts used in the bottom of the plow are one-half inch. "BIG BOLT"-Patented. This plow answers the description given above in every particular excepting the steel beam. Right Hand Only. PRICE LIST. With Extra Steel Point. Number and Name. Code Word, Wood Beam. Code Word, Steel Beam. Cut. Weight, Wood Beam. Weight, Steel Beara. Wood Beam Plow. Steel Beam Plow. No. 107, BigBolt__ No. 108, Big Bolt_- No. 109, Big Bolt__ Landslip. Lanner. Lapel. Larch. Larker. Lasher. 7 in. 8 in. 9 in. 58 lbs. 62 lbs. 65 lbs. 77 lbs. 84 lbs. 85 lbs. $5 75 6 75 7 50 $7 50 9 00 10 00 REPAIR PRICE LIST. No. Steel Point. Mold- board. Solid Steel Landside. Frog. Standard Only. Heel. Clevis, Wood Beam. Clevis, Steel Beam. Finished Wood Beam. Finished Steel Beam. Finished Handles, per pair. 107--- 108-.- 109---- $0 70 80 90 $1 75 3 00 2 75 $0 75 85 95 $0 60 60 60 $1 25 150 1 75 $0 20 20 20 $0 15 15 15 $0 30 30 30 $0 90 1 00 1 10 $3 00 3 00 3 50 $0 75 75 80 15 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S STEEL PLOWS. " RAINBOW "-AN EXTRA HIGH GRADE PLOW. Wrought steel frog. Extra hardened soft center steel moldboard. Beam and handles painted red, green tipped. Solid steel landside, with extra hardened steel heel welded on. Wrought steel standard and cap, attached to beam by two bolts. Point brace, bolted to point and landside, prevents the point from springing, no matter how hard or sudden the jar. AH bolts used in the bottom are one-half incb diameter and are easily removed, facilitating the fitting on of duplicate parts. Avery's Kainbow plows have been made especially for use in the black, sticky lands of Mis- sissippi, Texas, and other waxy, stiiF soils. They will do perfect work in the bottoms of the Delta and elsewhere, and in buckshot anywhere, and will scour or shed satisfactorily in the most stub- born soils. These plows are so constructed as to have all necessary strength, and the draft is very light for the amount of work. "RAINBOW "-AN EXTRA HIGH GRADE PLOW. This plow answers the description given above in every particular excepting the steel beam. Right Hand Only. PRICE LIST. With Extra Steel Point. Number and Name. Code Word, Wood Beam. Code Word, Steel Beam. Cut. Weight, Wood Beam. Weight, Steel Beam. Wood Beam Plow. Steel Beam Plow. No.407, Rainbow No. 408, Rainbow No. 409, Rainbow No. 410, Rainbow Latch. Lathe. Latrant. Laud. Launch. Lautu. Lavolta. Laxity. 7 in. Sin. 9 in. 10 in. 66 lbs. 74 lbs. 89 lbs. 93 lbs. SLlbs. 87 lbs. 99 lbs. 100 lbs. $9 GO 10 GO 11 50 12 50 $1150 12 50 14 50 16 00 REPAIR PRICE LIST Number. Steel Point. Mold- board. Solid Steel Landside. Frog. Standard Only. Clevis, W. B. Clevis, S. B. Finished Wood Beam. Finished Steel Beam. Finished Handles, per pair. No.407..-- No.408..-- No.409— . No. 410.-.- $1 10 1 10 1 35 1 50 $2 50 3 00 3 50 4 00 $1 20 1 30 1 50 1 75 $1 50 1 50 1 75 1 75 $2 00 2 00 2 25 225 $0 20 40 40 40 $0 40 40 40 40 $1 25 1 50 175 200 $3 00 3 50 3 75 4 00 $1 00 1 25 1 25 1 25 16 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S STEEL PLOWS. "IMPROVED" BLACKLAND PLOW. Wrought steel frog. Double beaded steel beam, high curve. Beam and handles painted red, black tipped. Special extra hard crucible steel point and slide. Extra hardened soft center steel convex moldboard. Straight handles, interchangeable on all plows of same size and pattern. "Wrought steel point brace, preventing the point from springing, no matter how hard or sudden the jar. This series of Plows is designed for and work excellently in the sticky, waxy, hard-to-scour red clay, buckshot, and black or sticky, stiff soils of Texas, in bottom lands, etc. Come nearer scouring or shedding than any Blackland Plow made; widely used where other plows will not shed or take the ground. No clogging or loading up, nor balling up in the bottom. PRICE LIST— STEEL BEAM. Right Hand Only. With Extra Steel Point. Number and Name. Code Word. Cut. Weight. Price. Straight Knife Coulter. Gaage Wheel. No. 7, Improved Blackland. No. 8, Improved Blackland. No. 9, Improved Blackland. No. 10, Improved Blackland. No, 1 1, Improved Blackland. No. 12, Improved Blackland. Leach. Leaf. Leaper. Leather. Leaver. Ledger. 7 in. 8 in. 9 in. 10 in. 11 in. 12 in. 71 lbs. 72 lbs. 85 lbs. 89 lbs. 99 lbs. 102 lbs. $11 50 12 50 14 50 16 00 )7 00 19 00 $1 25 1 25 1 50 1 50 1 75 1 75 $1 10 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 REPAIR PRICE LIST. No. 7 8 9 10 11 12 Steel Point. $1 10 1 10 1 35 1 50 1 75 2 50 Steel Mold- Slide. board. $0 80 $2 50 85 3 00 1 00 3 50 1 15 4 00 1 25 4 15 1 25 4 25 Frog and Land Bar. $1 25 25 50 50 50 50 Handle Braces, each. $0 35 36 35 40 40 40 Point Brace. 20 25 25 30 30 Clevis. $0 40 40 40 40 40 40 Finished Beam. $3 00 3 50 3 75 4 00 4 25 4 50 Finished Handles, per pair. $1 00 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 26 17 B. F. AVERY & SONS. 'inmS" LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S STEEL PLOWS, "X" SERIES BLACKLAND PLOWS. ( PATENTED,) Malleable iron frog. Patent adjustable chilled heel. Hardened steel convex moldboard. Beam and handles painted red, black tipped. Special extra hard crucible steel point and slide. Wrought steel standard and cap, attached to beam bj' two bolts. Handles strongly braced by two wood rounds, one iron rod, and one iron set brace. These plows are made the lightest possible draft and strong; will reasonably turn and shed the black, waxy, and hog-wallow lands, or any class of sticky lands. Thousands in use on planta- fcions giving satisfaction. One of our old reliable series. "We make a Special Sugarland series of these Blackland plows, heavier throughout ; to be ordered " Special Sugarland." Chilled points made for all sizes. PRICE LIST— WOOD BEAM. Right Hand Only. With Extra Stee Point. Straight Gauge WheeL Number and Name. Code Word. Cut. Weight. Price. Knife Coulter. No. 61 X, Blackland, "W". B. Legato. 7 in. 55 lbs. $7 50 $1 00 $1 50 No. 62 X, Blackland, W. B. Legist. 8 in. 74 lbs. 9 00 1 25 1 50 No. 62>^ X, Blackland, W. B. Lemma. 9 in. 78 lbs. 10 50 1 50 1 50 No. 63 X, Blackland, W. B. Lenient. 10 in. 82 lbs. 12 00 1 50 1 50 No. 64 X, Blackland, W. B. Leonine. 11 in. 101 lbs. 13 50 1 75 1 50 No. 65 X, Blackland, W. B. Lessee. 12 in. 124 lbs. 16 00 1 75 1 50 No. 65 X, Blackland, W. B. Lettuce. 14 in. 127 lbs. 18 00 1 75 1 50 REPAIR PRICE LIST. Standard No. Steel Point. Chilled Point. Mold- board. Steel Slide. Frog. Welded to Laud Bar with Steel Slide and Bolts Heel. Clevis. Finished Beam. Finished Handles, per pair. 61 X--- $0 80 $0 25 $2 00 $0 65 $1 00 $2 00 $0 20 $0 20 $1 00 $0 90 62 X--- 90 35 2 50 65 1 05 2 50 25 40 1 30 90 62;^ X--- 1 15 40 2 75 75 1 05 2 75 25 40 1 80 1 00 63 X--- 1 25 50 3 00 75 1 10 3 50 25 40 1 80 1 00 64 X--- 1 50 70 3 50 1 00 1 50 4 00 25 50 2 00 1 25 65 X.- 2 00 80 4 00 1 00 2 20 4 00 25 50 3 00 1 50 65 X-- 225 90 4 00 1 00 2 20 4 00 25 50 3 00 1 60 In ordering repairs be careful to state whether for Nos. 62, 63, 64, or 65 plows, or for 62X, 63X, 64X, and 65X. 18 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S STEEL PLOWS. "X" SERIES BLACKLAND PLOWS. (patented.) "Wrought steel frog. Patent adjustable chilled heel. Hardened steel convex moldboard. Double beaded steel beam, high curve. Beam painted green, handles red, black tipped. Special extra hard crucible steel point and slide. Straight handles, interchangeable on all plows of same size and pattern. The X series of Steel Beam Blackland plows possesses all the excellent qualities of the wood beam series, with the additional advantage of the steel beam, and will be found to meet the requirements of the most difficult soil in a highly satisfactory manner. Chilled points made for all sizes. PRICE LIST— STEEL BEAM. Right Hand Only. With Extra Stee 1 Point. Number and Name. Code Word. Cut. Weight. Price. Straight Knife Coulter. Gauge Wheel. No. 61 X, Blackland, S. B. Levee. 7 in. 67 lbs. $9 50 $1 00 $1 10 2slo. 62 X, Blackland, S. B. Levite. 8 in. 77 lbs. 11 00 1 25 1 20 No. 62;^ X, Blackland, S. B. Lexical. 9 in. 87 lbs. 12 50 1 50 1 20 No. 63 X, Blackland, S. B. Libation. 10 in. 90 lbs. 18 50 1 50 1 20 No. 64 X, Blackland, S. B. Liberate. 11 in. 103 lbs. 15 00 1 75 1 20 No. 65 X, Blackland, S. B. Licit. 12 in. 122 lbs. 18 00 1 75 1 20 No. 65 X, Blackland, S. B. Liege. 14 in. 126 lbs. 20 00 1 75 1 20 REPAIR PRICE LIST. When ordering- repairs state "for Steel Beam Plow.' No. Steel Point. Chilled Point. Mold- board. Steel Slide. Land Bar. Heel. Prog. Clevis. Handlo Bracea, each. Finished Beam. Finished Handles, per pair. 61 X.— $0 80 $0 25 $2 00 $0 65 $0 75 $0 20 $0 50 $0 30 $0 35 $3 00 $0 90 62 X---- 90 35 2 50 65 80 25 60 40 35 3 50 90 62>^.-_. 1 15 40 2 75 75 1 00 25 60 40 35 3 50 1 00 63 X--.. 1 25 50 3 00 75 1 00 25 75 40 40 4 00 1 00 64 X---- 1 50 • 70 3 50 1 00 1 35 25 75 40 40 5 00 1 25 65 X— - 2 00 ■ 80 4 00 1 00 2 20 25 90 40 40 6 00 1 50 65 X--.. 2 25 90 4 00 1 00 2 20 25 1 00 40 40 6 00 1 50 In ordering repairs be careful to state whether for Nos. 62, 63, 64, or 65 plows, or for 62X, 63X, 64X, and 65X. 19 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S STEEL PLOWS. "O" OR " OUGHT^ SERIES BLACKLAND PLOWS. (patented.) Patent malleable iron frog. Patent adjustable chilled heel. Hardened steel convex moldboard. Beam and handles varnished, black tipped. Special extra hard crucible steel point and slide. Wrought steel standard and cap, attached to beam by two bolts. This old series of Blackland plows is very popular. A good general purpose plow for black land. Light, trim, and comparatively easy draft. Imitated by many, equaled by none. PRICE LIST— WOOD BEAM. Right Hand Only. With Extra Steel Point. Number aud Name. Code Word. Cut. Weight. Price. Straight Kuife Coulter. Gauge Wheel. No. 20-O, Blacklaud.AV.B. No. 30-O, Blackland, W.B. No. 40-O, Blackland, W.B. Lifter. Lighter. Lignify. Q'A in. 7>^in. 8% in. 50 lbs. 70 lbs. 72 lbs. $7 50 9 00 11 00 $1 00 1 25 1 60 $1 50 1 50 1 50 REPAIR PRICE LIST. No. Steel Point. Mold- board. Steel Slide. Frog. Standard Welded to Land Bar with Steel Slide and Bolts. Heel. Clevis. Handle Braces, each. Finished Beam. Finished Handles, per pair. 20-O — - 30-O - — 40-O — . $0 80 90 1 00 $2 00 2 50 2 75 $0 65 70 75 $0 65 80 80 $2 00 2 50 2 75 $0 20 20 25 $0 20 40 40 ■ $0 35 35 35 $1 00 1 30 1 80 $0 90 90 1 00 80 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S STEEL PLOWS. "O" OR "OUGHT" SERIES BLACKLAND PLOWS. (patented.) "Wrought steel frog. Patent adjustable chilled heel. Hardened steel convex moldboard. Double beaded steel beam, high curve. Beam painted green, handles red, black tipped. Special extra hard crucible steel point and slide. Straight handles, interchangeable on all plows of same size and pattern. After years of severe test, they stand as an old reliable series, and as good, easy workers in sticky land. PRICE LIST— STEEL BEAM. Right Hand Only. With Extra Steel Point. Number and Name. Code Word. Cut. Weight. Price. Straight Knife Coulter. Gauge Wheel. No, 20-0, Blackland, S. B No. 30-0, Blackland, S. B No. 40-0, Blackland, S. B Lingo. Linnet. Lisbon. 6>^in. 8;^ in. 66 lbs. 76 lbs. 87 lbs. $9 00 10 50 12 50 $1 00 1 25 1 50 $1 10 1 20 1 20 REPAIR PRICE LIST. When ordering repairs state "for Steel Beam Plow. No. Steel Point. Mold- board. Steel Slide. Land Bar. Frog. Heel. Clevis. Handle Braces, each. Finished Beams. Finished Handles, per pair. 20-O-.-- 30-O---. 40-O-.- $0 80 90 1 00 $2 00 2 50 2 75 $0 65 70 75 $0 75 80 90 $0 50 60 60 $0 20 20 25 $0 30 40 40 $0 35 35 35 $3 00 3 50 3 50 $0 90 90 1 00 21 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S STEEL PLOWS. "STEEL BEAM MIDDLE BURSTER." Very strongly built and braced. Double beaded steel beam, high curve. Extra hardened soft center steel moldboard. Beam and handles painted red, black tipped. Perfect steel rudder to guide and steady plow. Special extra hard crucible steel point, with an extra thick and deep penetrating nose. The easy-running and perfect-working qualities of these bursters have put them far in the lead of every other series de- signed for middle bursting, etc. Take the ground, hug it and run exceedingly steady, no matter how stiff the soil nor how frequent the obstructions. They are especially adapted for the bursting of corn or cotton ridges and plowing out quarter drains. Many of our friends using them write us they find these plows to keep steady to the work, running the entire length of long ridges, bursting them out perfectly, without requiring the plow handles to be touched after starting. For liiding Middle Bursters, see pages 45 and 47. Bottom View. PRICE LIST. With Extra Steel Point. Extreme Number and Name. Code Word. Cut. Width of Moldboards. Weight. Price, No. 9, Middle Burster, S. B Liver, 9 in. 16 in. 78 lbs. $16 00 No. 10, Middle Burster, S. B Loach. 10 in. 16)4 in. 88 lbs. 16 50 No. 12, Middle Burster, S. B Loaves. 12 in. 18>^ in. 91 lbs. 17 50 No. 14, Middle Burster, S. B Loch, 14 in. 22 >^ in. 99 lbs. 22 50 No. 16, Middle Burster, S. B Lockey. 16 in. 23 in. 102 lbs. 27 50 No. 18, Middle Burster, S. B Lodger. 18 in. 25 in. 118 lbs. 32 50 No. 20, Middle Burster, S. B Logic. 20 in. 26^ in. 120 lbs. 37 50 REPAIR PRICE LIST. Steel Moldboard, Steel Handle Finished Finished No. Point. Right or Left. Rudder. Frog. Heel. Clevis. Braces, each. Beam. Handles, per pair. 9-- $2 50 $2 00 $1 50 $1 50 $0 40 $0 40 $0 40 $3 50 $0 90 10 -. 3 00 2 00 1 50 1 50 40 40 40 3 50 90 12-. 3 50 2 25 1 60 1 60 40 40 40 3 50 90 14.. 4 00 2 50 1 75 1 75 50 40 40 4 00 1 00 16.. 4 50 3 25 2 00 2 00 50 40 40 4 50 1 00 18.. 5 00 4 00 225 2 00 60 40 40 4 75 1 25 20,. 5 60 4 50 2 25 2 25 60 40 40 5 00 150 22 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S STEEL PLOWS. "ADVANCE"-DOUBLE MOLDBOARD PLOW. Malleable iron frog. Solid steel nioldboards. Removable cast iron runner. Special extra bard crucible steel point. Beam and bandies painted red, black tipped. Is specially adapted for bursting corn, garden, and cotton ridges, for hilling potatoes and making trenches for irrigation, also used for opening up a furrow for planting as well as for plow- ing out quarter drains, etc. In bursting ridges they save half the labor and leave the bed often in better shape than many a turning plow. In opening the cane row, etc., for planting, its work is perfect. It is also used in opening or splitting the middle of the row during the cultivating; season, turning the furrow evenly to each side of the bed and giving perfect drainage. We make a straight knife coulter which is quite extensively used, (See No. 52x, page 107.)' We also make three, four, six, and eight mule sizes of " Advance " Double Moldboard Plows^ Ask specially for these. PRICE LIST— WOOD BEAM. With Plain or Fin Cutter Extra Point as ordered. Number and Name. Size. Code Word. Cut. Extreme Width of Moldboards. Weight. Price. Straight Knife Coulter. No. r^, Advance No. 1, Advance 1 Horse. 2 Horse. Loiter. Longeval. 10 In. 12 in. 15 in. 16>^ in. 60 lbs. 65 lbs. $9 00 11 00 $1 00' 1 oa REPAIR PRICE LIST. No. Plain Steel Point. Fin Cutter Steel Point. Moldboard, Right or Left Hand. Standard. Frog. Clevis. Finished Beam. Finished Handles, per pair. r- ■ $1 50 1 75 $2 25 9 .-SO $2 00 9. 9f, $1 50 1 F,Ct $1 00 1 nn $0 15 IF, $0 90 1 nn $0 75 75 1 23 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S STEEL PLOWS. " EL MATADOR"— Patented. Wrought steel frog. Double beaded steel beam, high curve. Patent adjustable chilled heel. Hardened steel moldboard, point, and slide. Beam and handles painted red, black tipped. Fin cutters can be furnished if desired. Cost extra. Wrought steel handles, strongly braced, with wood-lined handholds. FSight Hand Only. PRICE LIST. With Extra Ste el Point. Name. Code Word. Cut. Weight. Price. Fin Cutter with Bolts. Straight Knife Coulter. Gauge Wheel. El Matador Lonish. | 7 inch. 62 lbs. $7 50 $0 60 $1 00 $1 10 REPAIR PRICE LIST. Steel Point. Chilled Mold- Point, board. Steel Slide. Frog and Land Bar. Heel. Clevis. Handle Braces, each. Finished Beam. Iron Handles, per pair. $0 60 $0 25 $1 75 $0 50 1 $0 60 $0 20 1 $0 30 1 $0 35 $3 00 $1 00 "ORANGE" PLOW— Patented. Malleable iron frog Steel moldboard, point, and slide. Patent adjustable chilled heel. Beam and handles painted red, black tipped. Wrought steel standard and cap attached to beam by two bolts. . ,. , , ■■ ■^ ■ ^^„ A light but strong general purpose plow that works well wherever there is a hght or sandy soil ; especially built and adjusted for shallow plowing, to meet the wants of orange growers and horticulturists generally; tor general orchard and vineyard work, and for thoroughly turning over and wrapping under orchard grass, trasn, etc. Right Hand Only. PRICE LIST. With Extra Steel Point. Number and Name. Code Word. Cut. Weight. Price. No. 11, Orange Loom. 11 inch. 57 lbs. $7 50 REPAIR PRICE LIST. Steel Point. Mold- board. Land- side. Frog. Heel. Standard. Clevis. Handle Braces, each. Finished Beam. Fin. Handles, per pair. $150 $3 00 $0 70 1 $0 85 1 $0 20 $1 50 $0 20 $0 40 $1 00 $0 80 24 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S STEEL PLOWS. RAILROAD OR GRADING PLOW. Beam and handles painted red, black tipped. Solid steel moldboard, point, and landside, extra thick. Beam extra heavy, of choice, tough, seasoned white oak. HeaA'y wrought steel handles, strongly braced by two heavy set rods. A very strong and heavy cutter is attached to each plow, giving it additional strength. Extra heavy wrought steel standard welded to cap, and attached to beam by two super-strong bolts. Underneath the beam runs a heavy iron strap, attached to the standard and running to the end of beam, forming draft rod for clevis. A monster for plowing up macadam streets, city and county roads, and the like. The strong- est plow on the market. Made especially for hard, rough work. Used by railroad and other heavy contractors throughout the country. PRICE LIST— WOOD BEAM. Gauge Slide or Gauge \A'heel supplied, as preferred, -without extra charge. Right Hand Only. With Extra Steel Point. Kumber and Name. Code Word. Cut. Weight. Price. No. 1, Railroad Lopper. 10 in. 235 lbs. $30 00 REPAIR PRICE LIST. Steel Point. Draft Rod. Landside. Mold- board. Coulter. Gauge Wheel. Standard with Frog. FinLshed Beam. Iron Handles, per pair. $2 50 $5 GO $1 75 $4 00 $1 75 $4 GO $5 GO $6 GO $6 00 26 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. 'm&> AVERY'S STEEL PLOWS. "HARD PAN" BEET DIGGER AND sUbsDIL PLOW. Dial clevis. Strongly braced. Heavy draft rod. Beam and handles painted red, black tipped. Wrought steel frog and land bar, welded together. Heavy steel standard, plated out in front to act as a cutter. Extra hardened soft center steel moldboard, point, and slide, extra heavy. "Wood beam made in two sections and bolted together, giving additional strength. SUBSOILER. — Designed to follow in the furrow of an ordinary turning plow and loosen up the hard subsoil without bringing up and turning over the subsoil, but allowing it to fall back in its own furrow, thoroughly pulverized, and leaving the soil in excellent condition, for free access of moisture and air to the roots of the growing crops, and to retain the moisture. After thorough trials and experiments in Nebraska and other sections, we are in position to offer our " Hard Pan " with the assurance that they will do this in the most complete and satisfactory manner, loosening- and breaking up the soil to the depth of sixteen to nineteen inches. They will scour in any soil and do deep plowing without clogging. BEET DIGGEB,. — To obtain best results, the ground for beets must be subsoiled, and after the crop is matured the beets must be dug. This plow serves both purposes, and has proven to be a better tool for getting the beets out of the ground than the beet puller or any other device that has been tried. The great advantage which this plow has is that it goes below the beets and raises them up without cutting or breaking them off, leaving the beets still standing loosely in their natural position in the ground unexposed, but handy to be taken out and laid in rows ready for topping. INSTRUCTIONS. — To dig beets, allow the standard to run close as possible to the beets without damaging them, and the share to run under them. Chilled points made for both sizes. PRICE LIST-WOOD BEAM. Right and Left Hand. With Extra Steel Point. Number and Name. Size. Code Word. Weight. Prine. No. 6, Hard Pan. --- 2 Horse. 3 or 4 Horse. Lotus. Lovage. 93 lbs. 103 lbs. $12 50 No. 8, Hard Pan 15 00 REPAIR PRICE LIST. No. Pteel Point. Chilled Point. Mold- board. Steel Slide. Land Bar. Standard Draft Rod with Pendulum. Dial Clevis Castings. Finished Beam. Finished Handles^ per pair. 6 $1 50 1 75 $0 75 75 $1 50 2 00 $1 25 1 50 $1 15 1 25 $2 75 3 00 $2 00 2 00 $1 00 1 00 $1 50 1 75 $0 85 8. 1 00 26 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S STEEL PLOWS. "POTATO DIGGER "-WITH VINE CUTTER. Beam and handles painted red, black tipped. Cast standard, attached to heana by two bolts. Adjustable steel heel or rudder, forcing plow to take any depth or hardness of ground. Steel point has a ribbed surface, which causes the ground to gather in and follow the grooves, separating from the potatoes. Fingers are of superior stiff spring steel, the upper side of which being rounding, the potatoes are lifted to the surface without being cut or bruised. The Vine Cutter shown is a solid wheel with knife in the center of same, preventing cutting too deep, steadies the plow and does not cut the potatoes, but cuts the vines and weeds, preventing them choking the plow. Chilled points can be furnished when desired. PRICE LIST. Extra Point not included in price of Digger. Name. Codeword. Cut. W^eight. Without Vine Cutter or Extra Point. Potato Digger Vine Cutter. _- . Lovely. Lowery. 17 in. 80 lbs. 20 lbs. $10 00 2 50 REPAIR PRICE LIST. Steel Point. $3 00 Chilled Point. $1 25 Standard with. Rudder. $2 50 Fingers, each. $0 35 Clevis. $0 30 Finished Beam. $1 50 Cast points for old style Avery Potato Digger supplied, when ordered, at $1.50 each. 27 Finished Handles, per pair. $0 90 c B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S STEEL PLOWS. "IDEAL" HILLSIDE PLOW. REVERSIBLE SIDE HILLER. Cast frog and shoe. Wide steel standard. Beam and handles painted red, black tipped. Special extra hard crucible cast steel moldboard. Chilled point on plow with cast cast-steel extra point. Eccentric hand lever device for "landing" beam of plow to take the "land" as desired. The spring trip for changing plow from right to left is simple and strong, and can be easily operated by a slight pressure of the foot. These are modern and popular hillside plows of very excellent construction. Are also widely used by gardeners and truckers on level lands as " reversible plows," and by farmers and horti- culturists generally in terracing. PRICE LIST— WOOD BEAM. With Extra Cast Cast-Steel Point. Number and Name. Code Word. Cut. Weight. Price. No. 26, Ideal Hillside (one or light two-horse )__ No. 28, Ideal Hillside (two-horse) Loyal. Lucre. 8 in. 10 in. 87 lbs. 125 lbs. $10 00 12 00 REPAIR PRICE LIST. No. Chilled Point. Cast Cast-Steel Point. Mold- board. Shoe. Frog. Clevis. Handle Braces, each. Finished Beam. Finished Handles, per pair. No.26--- No.28.-- $0 75 1 00 $2 GO 2 60 $2 50 3 00 $0 60 80 $0 60 75 $0 25 25 $0 20 20 $1 25 1 50 $0 80 1 00 REPAIRS FOR HILLSIDE PLOWS NOT NOW MADE. Number and Name. Chilled Point. Cast Cast-Steel Point. Steel Point. Mold- board. Finished Beam. Finished Handles, per pair. No. 22, Steel Hillside .-- - $0 75 1 00 $2 00 2 50 $2 50 3 00 $1 25 1 50 $0 80 No 24, Steel Hillside 1 00 No 1 Steel Hillside $1 50 2 00 No' 2' Steel Hillside - No 1 Cast Hillside 75 1 10 No! 2I Cast Hillside The points of Nos. 26 and 28 will interchange with old series of Nos. 22 and 24, respectively. The cast cast-steel point furnished as extra point for the above plows can be sharpened under the hammer, but great care should be taken that a slow heat is used and that they are only heated to a cherry red. If these instructions are carefully observed, no difficulty will be experienced. 28 B. F. AVERY & SONS. ^^h!^< LOUISVILLE, KY. %^--" AVERY'S CHILLED PLOWS. No. 7 CHILLED " HILLSIDE " PLOW. REVERSIBLE SIDE HILLER. Strong cast standard. Chilled moldboard and point. Beam and handles painted red, black tipped. A medium light one-horse plow of deservedly great popularity. Chilled shoe running full length of landside; renewable when worn. Has a very strong simple spring and wrought steel hook for reversing, and can be so set that plow will take land on the steepest hills. Are widely used also by gardeners and truckers on level lands as gardeners' reversible plows, and by farmers and horticulturists generally in terracing. PRICE LIST— WOOD BEAM. With Extra Chilled Point. Number and Name. Code Word. Cut. Weight. Price. No. 7, Hillside . Lugger. 7 in. 64 lbs. $6 50 REPAIR PRICE LIST. Point. Moldboard. Standard. Slioe. Clevis. Handle Braces, each. Finished Beam. Finished Handles, per pair. $0 40 $1 50 $2 00 $0 60 $0 15 $0 20 $1 10 $1 00 29 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. 'm&> AVERY'S CHILLED PLOWS. "AMERICAN." Beam and handles painted red, black tipped. Index beam rest between handles, permitting adjustment for land. Straight handles, strongly braced by two wood rounds, one index beam rest, and one iron set brace. All parts guaranteed to interchange with other makes of the same numbers. No pains are spared to make this the best and strongest Chilled Plow on the market. They are made from the best brands of car wheel iron and chilled by the latest and best methods, and are guaranteed to do equally as good work, under the same conditions, as any other plow of the same number now on the market. Jointers and gauge wheels can be supplied. Cost extra. PRICE LIST— WOOD BEAM. *Right and Left Hand; all others Right Hand only. With Extra Chilled Point. Number and Name. Codeword. Capacity. Weight. Price. Jointer, Complete. Gauge Wheel, Complete. No. AX, American, W. B. No. BX, American, W. B. No. lOX, American, W. B. No. 13X, American, W. B- No. 19X, American, W. B* No. SOX, American, W. B» No. 40X, American, "W. B® No. ZX, American, W.B.,) Middle Burster \ Lumbric. Lunar. Lupine. Luscious. Luster. Lyam. Lyric. Macaw. 4^ X 8 in. 5 X 10 in. 5Jx 11 in. 6 X 11 in. 6h X 12 in. 7 X 13 in. 9 X 16 in. 16 in. spread 47 lbs. 63 lbs. 72 lbs. 80 lbs. 102 lbs. 117 lbs. 134 lbs. 75 lbs. $4 50 6 00 7 00 8 00 8 50 9 00 9 50 8 00 $2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 $1 10 1 10 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 Nos, AX, BX, and ZX are furnished with plain points, all other sizes with cutter points. REPAIR PRICE LIST. Number and Name. No. AX, No. BX, No. lOX, No. 13X, No. 19X, No. SOX, No. 40X, No. ZX, American . American . American . American . Am.erican . American American American Plain Point. $0 25 25 40 Cutter Point. $0 35 35 40 40 40 Land- side. $0 40 60 60 65 75 75 75 40 Mold- board. $1 25 1 75 2 00 2 25 2 50 2 75 3 00 2 50 Stand- ard. $1 25 1 50 2 00 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 50 2 25 Clevis. $0 25 25 25 36 35 35 35 35 Beam Rest. $0 25 30 30 30 50 50 50 25 Finished Beam. $1 00 Finished Handles, per pair. $1 25 1 25 1 25 1 50 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 25 All repairs for Steel Beam American Plows interchange with Wood Beam, excepting the Landsides. 30 oPXit-l^ B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S CHILLED PLOWS. "AMERICAN." Double beaded steel beam, high curve. Beam and handles painted red, black tipped. No pains are spared to make this the best and strongest Chilled Plow on the market. They are made from the best brands of car wheel iron and chilled by the latest and best methods, and are guaranteed to do equally as good work as any other plow of the same number now on the market, under the same conditions. Jointers and gauge wheels can be supplied. Cost extra. PRICE LIST— STEEL BEAM. *Right and Left Hand 5 all others Right Hand only. With Extra Chilled Point. Number and Name. Code Word. Capacity. Weight. Price. Jointer Complete. Gauge Wheel Complete. No. BX, American, S. B . No. lOX, American, S. B. No. 13X, American, S.B. No. 19X, American, S. B* No. 20X, American, S. B* No. 40X, American, S. B« Macigno. Madefy. Maggot. Magma. Magnific. Maguey. 5 X 10 in. 5)4 X 11 in. 6 X 11 in. 6}^ X 12 in. 7 X 13 in. 9 X 16 in. 89 lbs. 93 lbs. 103 lbs. 120 lbs. 126 lbs. 154 lbs. $7 00 8 00 9 00 9 50 10 00 10 50 $2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 $1 10 1 20 1 20 I 20 1 20 1 20 No. BX is furnished with plain points, all other sizes with cutter points. REPAIR PRICE LIST. When ordering repairs state " for Steel Beam Plow." Number and Name. "No. BX, American - ISfo. lOX, American- ISTo. 13X, American - 'No. 19X, American- IvTo. SOX, American - mo. 40X, American - Plain Point. $0 25 Cutter Point. $0 35 35 40 40 40 Landside. $0 60 60 65 75 75 75 Mold- board. $1 75 2 00 2 25 2 50 2 75 3 00 Clevis. $0 40 40 40 40 40 40 Handle Braces. $0 35 35 40 40 40 40 --,. . , , Finished Finished Handles, ±Jeam. | per pair. $3 50 3 50 3 50 4 00 4 00 4 50 $1 25 25 50 75 75 75 All repairs for Steel Beam American Plows interchange with Wood Beam, excepting the Laudsides. 81 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S CHILLED PLOWS. "GRANITE"— SHOWING WITH JOINTER AND GAUGE WHEEL. (patented.) Beam and handles painted black. Have good moldboard capacity and wrap under weeds and trash thoroughly. We make a variety of points with degrees of penetration for any and every kind and condition of soil. Patent adjustable chilled heel, greatly reducing the wear on the landside and restoring the pitch or suck of the plow. Jointers and gauge wheels can be supplied. Cost extra. Our Vineyard Plow in this series is perfectly adapted for the work indicated. Right Hand Only. PRICE LIST. Plain, without Jointer or Gaugre Wheel. With Extra Chilled Point. Number and Name. No. 14, Granite No. 14'^, Granite No. 15, Granite No. 15, Granite Vineyard. Plow Code Word. Mainor. Maize. Maki. Malate. Cut. 6% in. 7 in. 8 in. 8 in. Turning Capacity. 7 in. 8 in. 9 in. 9 in. Weight. 53 lbs. 59 lbs. 68 lbs. 72 lbs. Price. $4 50 5 00 6 00 7 00 PRICE LIST, GAUGE WHEEL, JOINTER, AND KNIFE COULTER. Number and Name. Code Word. For Size Plow. Weight. Price. No. A, 6-in. ■w^heel No. 12, Jointer No. 50, Knife Coulter Progress. Profusion. Pretty. Nos. 14, 14;^, 15. Nos. 14, 14)4, 15. Nos. 14, 14>^, 15. 11 lbs. 8 lbs. 6 lbs. $1 10 1 75 75 REPAIR PRICE LIST. Number. Chilled Point. Slip Nose Point. Cast Cast- Steel Point. Shins. Mold- board. Stand- ard. Land- side with Heel. Heel. Beam Rest. Clevis. Fin- ished Beam. Finished Handles, per pair. No. 14 - $0 25 25 35 35 40 40 45 45 81 25 1 25 1 50 1 50 2 00 2 00 2 50 2 50 $1 25 1 35 1 50 2 00 2 00 2 25 2 25 2 50 80 40 40 55 55 75 75 75 75 80 20 20 20 20 -20 20 20 20 80 20 20 20 20 30 35 40 50 80 20 25 25 25 30 30 30 35 to 80 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 25 1 25 1 50 1 50 80 75 No. uy^ 85 No. 15..' 90 No. 15, Vineyard -.. 90 No. 16... . $0 60 60 70 75 $1 50 1 60 1 75 2 00 $0 20 20 20 20 1 10 No. 16K No.17 1 25 1 35 No. 18.- 1 85 82 >sl^<« B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S CHILLED PLOWS. No. 8 CHILLED-ONE-HORSE. (patented.) Patent adjustable chilled heel. Beam and handles painted red. The chilled iron is of superior quality and highly polished. Has the same shaped moldboard as our old No. 8 Oast Plow so long and favorably known. Cast cast-steel points can be furnished. Cost extra. No. 1 2 CHILLED-TWO-HORSE. (patented.) Beam and handles painted red. Above cut shows our patent landside construction with patent adjustable chilled heel. An excellent plow for corn, cotton, and general breaking, cultivating, and bedding. PRICE LIST. Right Hand Only. With Extra Chilled Point. Number and Name. Code Word. Cut. Weight, Price. No. 8, Chilled Plow Malet. Malison. 7 in. 9 in. 47 lbs. 67 lbs. $3 60 No. 12, Chilled Plow. 5 75 REPAIR PRICE LIST. Number and Name. Chilled Point. Cast Cast-Steel Point. Moldboard Standard. Heel. Clevis. Finished Beam. Finished Handles, per pair. 8, Chilled 12, Chilled $0 25 45 $0 85 $1 10 1 50 $1 50 2 00 $0 20 20 $0 15 20 $0 75 1 20 $0 70 95 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. 'm&> AVERY'S CAST PLOWS. No. 8. OLD SERIES. The Original B. F. Avery Model. Beam and handles varnished. Cast cast-steel points can be supplied when wanted, which will cost extra. The most popular cottoii bedder in the world, bluff of moldboard, strong and durable. The No. 12 of this series is a two-horse plow, having a very high and bold moldboard. No. NEW SERIES. Beam and handles varnished. The No. )4 has more gradual turning power than our No. 8, and is preferred in some sections. Cast cast-steel points can be supplied when wanted, which will cost extra. PRICE LIST. *Rig:ht and Left Hand; all others Right Hand only. With Extra Cast Point. Number and Name. Codeword. ; Cut. ■Weight. Price. No. 8, Old. Series No. 12, Old Series No. ^, New Series No. 1, New Series No. 2, New Series No. 3, New Series* Malodor. Mammal. Manatus. Mangaby. Manicon. Manikin. 7 in. 9 in. 7 in. 8 in. 8.V in. 9" in. , 39 lbs. 57 lbs. 38 lbs. 42 lbs. ,47 lbs. 58 lbs. $3 35 5 00 3 35 3 75 4 25 5 00 REPAIR PRICE LIST. Number and Name. Cast Point. Cast Cast-Steel Point. Mold- board. Landside. Clevis. Finished Beam. Finished Handles, per pair. No. 8, Old Series $0 20 40 20 20 30 35 $0 85 $1 40 2 50 1 40 1 50 2 00 2 75 $0 30 45 30 40 50 60 $0 15 20 15 15 20 20 $0 70 1 00 70 75 90 90 $0 65 90 65 No. 12, Old Series- No. !^.i, New Series. No. 1, New Series No. 2, New Series- No. 3 New Series -.. 85 85 70 75 80 84 B. F. AVERY & SONS. oi^lt^. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S CAST PLOWS. "VETERAN "-ONE-HORSE. (patented.) Chilled moldboard . Patent adjustable chilled heel. Beam and handles painted blue. Cast standard, point, and landside. A series of cast plows with bluif moldboard, and similar to the No. 8 Cast Plow. A good cotton bedder and general purpose light one-horse plow. "RED PONY"-ONE-HORSE. Chilled point. Cast moldboard and landside. Beam and handles painted red. Wrought steel standard, frog, and cap, attached to beam by two bolts. Constructed on the model of our world-renowned " Pony " Steel Plow. Steel points can be furnished when desired. Cost extra. PRICE LIST. Right Hand Only. Veteran witli Extra Cast Point. Red Pony with Extra Chilled Point. Number and Name. No. 6}4 "Veteran. No. 7 Veteran. Had Pony Code Word. Manna. Mansion. Mantle. Cut. 6)^ in. 7 in. 7 in. Weight. 44 lbs. 45 lbs. 41 lbs. Price. $3 50 4 00 4 00 REPAIR PRICE LIST. Number and Name. Cast Point Chilled Point. Steel Point. Cast Mold- board. Chilled Mold- board, Stand- ard. Standard with Frog. Cast Land- side. Heel. Clevis. Fin- ished Beam. Finished Handles, per pair. TiTo. 63^ Veteran $0 20 25 $1 00 1 15 $1 00 1 15 $0 20 20 $0 15 15 15 $0 75 75 90 $0 65 No. 7 Veteran 75 Red. Pony $0 25 $0 60 $1 00 $1 40 $0 30 75 35 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S NEW GROUND PLOWS. "OLD STYLE." WITH JUMPING COULTER. Standard is well braced. Blade fastened to standard by two bolts. Beam, handles, and standard varnished. Coulter is held firmly in place by a notched plate and band. Thick steel blade, reinforced by a steel bar welded to back of blade. " IMPROVED." WITH EITHER JUMPING OR STRAIGHT COULTER. "Wrought clevis and ring. Extra thick double shinned steel blade. Beam, handles, and standard varnished. Has a short steel landside to steady plow. Blade is fastened to standard by two bolts. Coulter is held firmly in place by a notched plate and band. In ordering, state whether jumping or straight knife coulter is wanted. Wrought strap under beam, the strap being securely bolted to the standard and taking much of the strain from the beam. PRICE LIST. Right Hand Only. Number and Name. No. 1, Old Style New Ground. No. 1, Improved New Ground. No. 2, Improved New Ground. Code Word. Cut. Manumit. Maracan. Maroasite. 5 in. 6 in. 8 in. Weight. 55 lbs. 52 lbs. 57 lbs. Price. $5 00 5 00 6 00 For Repair Price List, see next page. 36 8. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S NEW GROUND PLOWS. SAMSON"— WITH REVERSIBLE COULTER. "Wrought clevis and ring. Blade is fastened to standard by two bolts. Beam and standard extra heavy and well braced. Beam, handles, and standard painted red, black tipped. The mold is of the most approved shape, with a steel bar welded to the landside edge of same. Reversible or double-edged coulter, which can be used either as a jumping or straight coulter, is adjustable, and firmly held in place by a notched plate and band. "Will be found to meet the wants for a first class new ground plow, the general construction being of the very best and strongest. PRICE LIST. Right and Left Hand. Number and Name. Code Word. Cut Weight. Price. No, 8, Samson New Ground No. 9, Samson New Ground Margarin. Mariner. 6 in. 7 in. 59 lbs. 64 lbs. $7 00 8 00 REPAIR PRICE LIST. Old Style New Ground Plow. No. 1. Old Style New Ground Plow. No. 1. Blade 34 ii^ch with two bolts 11 75 2 00 50 25 Finished Beam 3%x23^x56 inches 81 00 Finished Standard, 33^x23^ inches 1 GO 80 €levis REPAIR PRICE LIST. Improved New Ground Plow. No. 1. Improved New Ground Plow. No. 2. Blade 5-16 inch, with two bolts $2 00 2 00 1 25 75 30 1 00 75 80 12 25 No. 64 Jumping Coulter No. 64 Jumping Coulter 2 00 No. 58 Straight Coulter No. 58 Straight Coulter 1 25 1 00 Wrought Clevis Wrought Clevis 30 Finished Beam, 4)^x23^x52K inches Finished Beam, 43^x23^x523^ inches 1 25 Finished Standard, 3%x2>^ inches Finished Standard, 45^x2iJ4 inches 1 00 Finished Handles, per pair 85 REPAIR PRICE LIST. Samson New Ground Plow. - No. 8. Samson New Ground Plow. No. 9. Blade J^ inch, with two bolts 12 00 2 00 50 25 1 50 1 25 1 00 92 50 No. 70 Reversible Coulter 2 00 Standard Brace 60 Clevis 25 Finished Beam, 43^^x2 11-16x57 inches Finished Beam 5x2 13-16x60 inches 1 75 Finished Standard, 4)^x2 11-16 inches Finished Standard, 4/^x2 11-16 inches 1 50 Finished Handles, per pair Finished Handles, per pair 1 00 87 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S NEW GROUND PLOWS. "GRUBBER "-WITH JUMPING COULTER. RIGHT HAND ONLY. Iron handles. Extra heavy steel beam. Beam and handles painted green, black tipped. The coulter is held firmly in place by brace and band. Mold has a steel bar welded to landside edge and extended so as to allow mold to be braced to it, giving additional strength to mold. Has a very successful record in the field, and is a most excellent breaker and turner in new ground. "JUMPING SHOVEL"-WITH JUMPING COULTER. "Wrought clevis and ring. Wrought strap under beam. Heavy beam and standard, thoroughly braced. Beam, handles, and standard painted red, black tipped. Extra thick blade attached to standard by one heavy bolt. Coulter is held firmly in place by passing through beam strap, beam, and wrought plate on top of beam and securely wedged. PRICE LIST. Number and Name. Code Word. Cut. Weight. Price Complete. Price Stock without Blade and Coulter. No 3 Grubber Marl. Marrer. Mars. 9 in. 85 lbs. 48 lbs. 57 lbs. $10 00 5 00 6 00 No. 15, Jumping Shovel No. 16, Jumping Shovel $3 00 3 50 REPAIR PRICE LIST-FOR JUMPING SHOVEL PLOWS. No. 15. Blade No. 133, 9 x 12 x 5-16, with 1 Bolt No. 15. No. 63 Coulter and Band _. No. 15. Finished Beam, 4%:s. 2>^ x 53 inches. _- No. 15. Finished Standard, 4 x 2>^ inches No. 15. Standard Brace No. 15. Clevis - - No. 15. Handles, per pair $1 00 1 25 1 25 1 00 50 30 80 No. 16. No. 16. No. 16. No. 16. No. 16. No. 16. No. 16. Blade No. 133, 12x 15 x 5-16, with 1 Bolt No. 63 Coulter and Band -.. Finished Beam, 4% x 2 13-16 x 56 Inches Finished Standard, 4>^ x 2 13-16 Inches Standard Brace - Clevis - Handles, per pair - - $1 25 1 25 1 50 1 25 50 30 90 88 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KV. "Louisville" Double-edge Stalk Cutter. WITH EITHER SPIRAL OR STRAIGHT KNIVES. Cuts the stalk into twelve-inch pieces. Axles are of the finest cold rolled steel. "Wheels and cylinder spider both have removable boxes. Has seven (7) double-edged and reversible spiral knives. High steel wheels 34 inches in diameter, with 2-inch tires. The most successful and satisfactory stalk cutter in the field. Is practically all steel and wrought iron; has no castings that break. The drag hooks are raised or lowered by pressure upon the foot treadle. With the spring seat and the easy motion of the spiral knives there is no jolting. Cylinder revolves on the axle, and the axle itself does not revolve, hence there is no danger of vines or trash winding about the axle; it is non-cloggable. A simple attachment on the axle brushes away any trash that might have a tendency to clog or gather between the knives. The steel cover is carried completely over the knives, protecting the driver both from the danger of falling on the knives and from flying dirt and stalks. Any degree of penetration can be given the knives by means of the lever, by which the entire weight of machine and driver can be forced on the knives, which, in case of damp or heavy stalks, can be increased by putting such weight in weight-box as may be found necessary. Straight Knife Stalk Cutter. — Those preferring a straight knife stalk cutter, we can furnish same mounted on the same carriage used for our spiral knife cutter. Directions for setting up on page 152. For prices on Repaii's, see pages 152 and 153. PRICE LIST. No. style. Code Word. "Weight. Price. 1 - 2 Qv^i^oi Tr,^=,^^c f "With Wood Doubletree, Steel Singletrees, 1. bpiral Knives , ^^^ g^^g^ Neckyoke-- - - — - 1 ciTiir-Qi TTvii-Troo ["Without "Wood Doubletree, Steel Single- 1 bpirai iLnives (^ ^j.ggg^ g^^^ g^ggj j^g^jjygjjg |- Marvel. Masker. Mastery. Matachin. 478 lbs. 455 lbs. 478 lbs. 455 lbs. $47 00 45 00 3 qtrnip-ht TTinVAc: f'With "Wood Doubletree, Steel Single- 1 oxraignt ji.nives ^ ^^.ggg ^^^^ Steel Neckyoke - - 1 47 00 4 c?+raip--ht -K-niTrpc. ' "Without Wood Doubletree, Steel Single- j btraignt Knives ^ ^^ees, and Steel Neckyoke 1 45 00 30 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S "INVINCIBLE" DISC PLOW No. 16. (Patented.) 3# AVERY'S "INVINCIBLE" DISC PLOW No. 10. (Patented.) 40 8. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S "INVINCIBLE" DISC PLOWS. (Patented.) In the two years that the Invincible Disc Plow 1ms been made it has been very largely sold in all parts of the world, and severely tried in all kinds of soil and under varying conditions. Reports received from both dealers and farmers are that they have given very general satisfaction. With the improvements made this season we are prepared to oflFer our Invincible Disc Plow to the dealer with every assurance of it being the best Disc Plow on the market, and that it will do good and satisfactory work. There having been a demand in some sections for a Disc Plow that will turn a square corner either to the Tight or left, we have constructed our No. 15, which will do so with the disc in or out of the ground, thereby en- abling the user to back-furrow perfectly, something which has never been accomplished before with a Disc Plow. The rear wheel is a perfect caster, and requires no attention whatever from the operator while turning. On both Disc Plows the seat has been slightly lowered and its position changed, making it more convenient ior the operator to get on or off, and to ride with perfect comfort and ease. A new scraper has also been attached, which is very much simpler than the former one, besides being more durable and stronger ; it can be easily adjusted to handle all kinds and conditions of soil. The following general description will apply to both Nos. 10 and 15 Disc Plows. THE FBAME is our celebrated Invincible Sulky frame, made of channel steel trussed together, form- ing a bracket on each side ; abundantly strong and rigid without excessive weight. THE WHEELS are car-wheel iron, with oil holes and removable boxes ; the rims of the wheels are V-shaped ; will not ball up even in sticky ground. THE DISC STANDARD has a removable chilled box, closed on the end, forming a reservoir to retain the oil, in which the disc hub, which is made of chilled iron, revolves. The oil is conveyed to this reservoir through a pipe (which is capped) extending close to the top of standard so as to facilitate oiling. The bearings are perfectly protected from dust, insuring long life in good condition. Being removable, they can, when worn from long use, be quickly and easily replaced. THE DISC. The wear on a disc is so slight that it is very durable. Being self-sharpening, it saves delay and expense incidental to repairing old style plows. Disc has perfect smooth surface, being fastened to flange by countersunk bolts. THE HITCH is easily adjusted to give any desired "land" or penetration. Our dial clevis can be moved upward or downward, right or left, by simply loosening one nut, giving any required adjustment. THE DRAFT is as light, if not lighter, than any other Disc Plow of the same capacity. A Disc Plow is practically harrowing as well as plowing the land, thus accomplishing more work than a Moldboard Sulky. THE IjEVEBS. The plow is operated and controlled perfectly and easily by the levers within easy Teach, and by which the plow may be leveled to suit any surface or depth. When the depth is once adjusted to soil it is never necessary to touch the adjusting lever. CONDITION OF SOIL. The Invincible Disc Plow will scour and turn perfectly in any soil ; the stick- iest black, waxy lands of Texas, and in foul, weedy land where the trash is abundant and hard to cover. We do not claim it to be a perfect sod plow, but will guarantee it to handle sod land as well as any disc can be anade to do. THE FURROW. The Invincible Disc Plow leaves a broad and clean furrow, unusual for a Disc Plow, ■enabling the lead horse to walk in the furrow without diflSiculty. THE CX7T. To adjust width of cut move front furrow wheel in or out on axle. When the front furrow ■wheel is set to cut any given width of furrow, adjust the clevis until the front furrow wheel tracks in the marks left by rear furrow wheel of furrow previously plowed ; thus the operator can tell at a glance when he is cutting more or less than intended, and whether the plow is doing proper work. INVINCIBLE MOLDSOARD SULKY. To those already having our Invincible Disc Plow we can furnish the necessary parts so same can readily be converted into a Moldboard Sulky. We also make a two-furrow Disc Gang Plow on the same general lines as the above. Directions for setting up and operating on page 141. PRICE LIST. Single Furrow furnished with Steel Tripletrees, Double Furrow with No. 1 Four-Horse Eveners, Monkey Wrench, Malleable Wrench, and Oil Can. Number and Name. No. 15, Invincible Disc Plow, -with 26 in. Disc No. 10, Invincible Disc Plow, with 26 in. Disc Two-Furrow Invincible Disc Gang Plow, with two 26 in. Discs No. 15, Back-Furrowing Attachment complete to attach on No. 10 Attachments complete to convert Disc Plow into a Mold- board Sulky \ Extra Disc, 26 in. Code Word. Mate. Materiate. Mathesis. Maudlin. Mawkish. Maying. Weight. 692 lbs. 777 lbs. 1006 lbs. 97 lbs. 300 lbs. 20 lbs. Price. $65 00 65 00 85 00 8 50 3100 600 41 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. '^o^**^ 'm^ AVERY'S "INVINCIBLE" SULKY PLOWS. (Patented.) No. 5 INVINCIBLE SULKY. "With lever attachment to the rear wheel so that the same can be lifted entirely out of the ground, thus enabling the plow to turn a perfectly square corner, either to the right or left, with the plow in the ground when back-furrowing. POLE ATTACHMENT. r Tiney&rd mad orcfaarl coldvatioa in GaJiftimia mad ^sevboe, as veil ^ f&QowiBg in all h^t soik, and are e^cciallT adapted Sar aQ kinds of plowing in Mexico. TbeT are su\>ngly baih, pracsicallj ratirelj of steel and wros^t iron, and in (q^oalitr of work, lieitui«ss of dT»&, and e&se of handling and ftdjoadng thej :&re £&7 sapeii»r to anj o^red to th« trade. The special advantage of iSte "Gosmnpolitan™ Gang over all o(her light gan^s is its IcTers: in all other makes it is neoessaiy to change the portion of the wheeis br ssoppisg and removing bolts to adjust the plow for its work, -s-*;!'.!? tbe Co?Tc=?T*:'-rr3T; can be adjusted for su^v and all work required of it with its lever- Hie righl hand lever serves T si .:.^t \zr i-rzt':! sri lir.f :z- r'.— .: f \:.r rr - ■. The left hand lever adjusts tb-^ —he*'. :_ :--r laiii. - s.^ : 't^t" :_- a— ..^r - :'-i~e when plowing ai different depths. The levers are so arrai:g-ei liiit *be openuor can handle tneni eAsilr ■wh.ue is-aisiiig a: the side of the plow. The Gang will torn a perfectly square comer to the left with plows in the groand withoak toQching any levers, and will mm square to the r^ht when plows are oat <^ the gioand by depressing rear lever or handle s^ffiriently to nnkidt rear wheel, thereby pfMmg the operasor to SDccessfnlly hack-&rrow (or plow from tbe center), an advantage no other ^ht Gang pooBeascs. For transpoitatioa the rear end of Gang can be dewbed dx indies, by depresdng rear lever or handle. Tbe plows being rigid in the frame and beiE^ carried on three wbeels prevencs any UiwWitio or bottom friction, which necessarily makes Gang of very light drafL Has no side friction. The fr«me is h%h op from the groond. giving am{^ dearanoe in ti«shy groand. lltey will "opai-up'' the land fix»m two to six inches deep with the plows perfectly leveL The wheel nnts are covered to protect the axles fi>?m dost and dirt, thus insaiing long service withoat wearing. PRICE LIST. Without Extra Points. Three -T Fc":-r . Ex-- - Ex Ex-: - Ex-- - Nibbler. 318 lbs. «a9 00 Nickel. 330Ib& 39 00 Xiello. 21 lbs. 500 Nightcao. • 14Ibs. 3 50 Xiiotic- 60 Niobium. 80 53 B. F. AVERY & SONS. ^l!:i^^ LOUISVILLE, KY^ Avery's "Perfection" "Center-Disc" Harrow. WITH SOLID DISCS. No side draft. Perfect working cleaners. Simple and strong in construction. Is made of iron and steel throughout. Hitch always remains central, which prevents side draft. Leaves the surface perfectly level, cutting the center all away. Having two levers, each gang can be worked independently of the other. The pole is readily adjusted for three-horse hitch, and can be used either rigid or flexible, which assures no neck weight. Can be furnished with sectional disc blades in place of the solid discs when specially ordered^ PRICE LIST. With Two, Three, or Four-Horse Hitch as ordered, excepting No. which has Two-Horse Hitch only. lOO, Number and Name. Code Word. Width of Cut. No. of Discs. Size of Disc. Weight. Price. No. 100, Perfection Disc Harrow. Nitric. 4 feet 9 16 in. 417 lbs. $46 00 No. 110, Perfection Disc Harrow. Noachian. 5 feet 11 16 in. 440 lbs. 48 00 No. 120, Perfection Disc Harrow. Noctiluca. 6 feet 13 16 in. 480 lbs. 50 00 No. 130, Perfection Disc Harrow. Noddy. 7 feet 15 16 in. 505 lbs. 56 00 No. 210, Perfection Disc Harrow. Nolition. 5 feet 11 20 in. 530 lbs. 54 00 No. 220, Perfection Disc Harrow. Nominate. 6 feet 13 20 in. 565 lbs. 56 00 No. 230, Perfection Disc Harrow. Nonagon. 7 feet 15 20 in. 600 lbs. 62 00 HALF SEEDERS. Eight Hand. Code Word. Price. Left Hand. Code Word. Price. No. 120 No. 130 No. 220 No. 230 Nonjuror. Nonsense. Nooning. Northing. $11 00 12 00 11 00 12 00 No. 120 No. 130 No. 220 No. 230 Noseless. Notary. Noter. Notional, $11 00 12 00 11 00 12 00 54 B. F. AVERY & SONS. ^^liif^ LOUISVILLE, KY. Avery's Improved *' Tornado" Disc Harrow. WITH SOLID DISC AND ANTI-FRICTION END WASHERS. Has two levers. No side draft whatever. Perfect working cleaners. Perfect two or three-horse center hitch. No neck weight. Both gangs can be set at any angle while the team is in motion. Tongue rigid or flexible ; easily changed for either two or three horses. Is flexible, with improved couplings, permitting each gang to vibrate and revolve independently. Has anti-friction end washers that revolve independent of gangs, receiving the end pressure and preventing riding or locking of gangs and removing all strain from bearings and reducing the draft. Is made of iron and steel throughout, and is strong and durable, simple of construction, and easy of operation. Spring trip center tooth attachment can be furnished when desired. Seeders can be furnished to be attached to all sizes excepting for the Nos. J, 0, 5J, and 6. PRICE LIST. With Two, Three or Foui — Horse Hitch as ordered, excepting on Nos. ^ and 5>^, which Have Two-Horse Hitch only. Number and Name. No. yi, No. 0, No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 7X, No. 5}i, No. 6, No. 7, No. 8, No. 9, Imp. Imp. Imp. Imp. Imp. Imp. Imp. Imp. Imp. Imp. Imp. Tornado Tornado Tornado Tornado Tornado Tornado Tornado Tornado Tornado Tornado Tornado Disc Disc Disc Diso Disc Disc Diso Disc Disc Disc Disc Harrow- Harrow Harrow Harrow Harrow Harrow Harrow Harrow Harrow Harrow Harrow- Code Word. Nourice. Novelist, No-w-el. Numerator Nunchion. Nurser. Nutmeg. Nuzzle. Oakling. Obconic. Obelisk, Width No. of of Cut. Discs. 4 feet. 8 5 feet. 10 6 feet. 12 7 feet. 14 8 feet. 16 6 feet. 12 4 feet. 8 5 feet. 10 6 feet. 12 7 feet. 14 8 feet. 16 Size of Disc. inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch. Weight. 351 lbs, 402 lbs. 443 lbs. 500 lbs. 575 lbs. 455 lbs. 400 lbs. 450 lbs. 511 lbs. 550 lbs. 600 lbs. Price. $42 00 44 00 46 00 50 00 54 00 49 00 48 00 50 00 52 00 56 00 60 00 Spring Trip Center Tooth Attachment Code Word— Obiter Each, $4 00. HALF SEEDERS. Right Hand. Code Word. Price. Left Hand. Code Word. Price. Nos. 1 or 7 Nos, 2 or 8 Nos. 3or9 Objector. Obliger. Oblocutor. $11 00 12 00 13 25 Nos. 1 or 7 Nos. 2 or8 Nos. 3 or 9 Obrogate, Obscurer, Observer, $11 00 12 00 13 25 55 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. Avery's Improved "Tornado" Sectional Disc Harrow. WITH SECTIONAL DISCS AND ANTI-FRICTION END WASHERS. Has two levers. , No side draft whatever. Perfect working cleaners. Perfect two or three-horse center hitch. No neck weight. Both gangs can be set at any angle while the team is in motion. Tongue rigid or flexible; easily changed for either two or three horses. It is flexible, with improved couplings, permitting each gang to vibrate and revolve inde- pendently. Anti-friction end washers that revolve independent of gangs receiving the end pressure and preventing riding or locking of gangs and removing all strain from bearings and reducing the draft. Seeders can be furnished to be attached to all Nos. 1 and 2. Spring trip center tooth attachment can be furnished when desired. Can furnish the 6 and 7 feet Improved Tornado Sectional Disc Harrow with 20-inch disc blades when specially ordered. PRICE LIST. With Two, Three, or Four-Horse Hitch as ordered, excepting on No. 3^, which has Tw^o-Horse Hitch only. Number and Name. Code Word. Width of Cut. No. of Disc. Size of Disc. 4 feet. 5 feet. 6 feet. 7 feet. 8 10 12 14 16 in. 16 in. 16 in. 16 in. Weight. Price. No. }4, Improved. Tornado Sectional Disc No. 0, Improved Tornado Sectional Disc No. 1, Improved Tornado Sectional Disc No. 2, Improved Tornado Sectional Disc Obstructer. Obstrude. Obversant. Occasive. 330 lbs. 378 lbs. 415 lbs. 500 lbs. $44 00 46 50 49 00 53 50 Spring Trip Center Tooth Attachment. .Code Word — Occursion HALF SEEDERS. Each, $4 00 Right Hand. Code Word. Price. Left Hand. Code Word. Price. No. 1 No. 2 Octave. Octuple. $11 00 12 00 No. 1 No. 2 Odorous. Offender. $11 00 12 00 56 B. F. AVERY & SONS. bS^H LOUISVILLE, KY. 'ymf> Avery's "Eureka" Reversible Disc Harrow. WITH SOLID DISCS. Iron and steel throughout. Has perfect working cleaners. ' Adjustable in width and range. Both gangs can be set at any angle while the team is in motion. Both levers are under perfect control of the operator while in the seat, and each gang can be worked independently of the other. Can be changed from "out-throw," as shown in above cut, to "in-throw" in two minutes; change can be made while in the field without taking the harrow apart to do so. To reverse, loosen the nuts on top of pivot stems and reverse the section. Scrapers should always be in the rear, so, when reversing, be sure and shift the scrapers by placing the right scraper on the left side and the left scraper on the right side, which is done by simply removing two bolts on each section. PRICE LIST. Furnished with Two-Horse Hitch only. Number and Name. Code Word. • Width of Cut. No. of Discs. Size of Disc. Weight. Price. No. 25, Eureka Disc Harrow No. 26, Eureka Disc Harrow Officinal. Ogee. Oiler. Oleander. 4 feet 5 feet 4 feet 5 feet 8 10 8 10 16 in. 16 in. 20 in. 20 in. 345 lbs. 380 lbs. 400 lbs. 450 lbs. $45 00 47 00 No. 27, Eureka Disc Harrow . 53 00 No. 28, Eureka Disc Harrow 55 00 57 B. F. AVERY & SONS. ^^^Wlf- LOUISVILLE, KY. va<5> Avery's "Eureka" Reversible Disc Harrow. WITH SECTIONAL DISCS. The Eureka is by far the best Reversible and Adjustable Disc Harrow on the Market. For general description see preceding page. When to be used for cultivating, the gangs can be closed up in the center. When -wanted to straddle a row, a clearance of twenty inches between the sets of Discs can "be given ; the adjusting is done by removing one bolt on each section, sliding the section in or out on the frame as desired. PRICE LIST. Furnished \vith Two-Horse Hitch only. Number and Name. Code Word. Width of Cut. No. of Discs. Size of Disc. Weight. Price. No. 35, Eureka Disc Harrow Olidous. 4 feet 8 16 in. 343 lbs. $47 00 No. 36, Eureka Disc Harro-w Olivin. 5 feet 10 16 in. 381 lbs. 49 50 No. 37, Eureka Disc Harrow ' Omar. 4 feet 8 20 in. 379 lbs. 55 00 No. 38, Eureka Disc Harrow Omnibus. 5 feet 10 20 in. 419 lbs. 57 50 58 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. Avery's "U" Bar Steel Frame Lever Harrow. Paiuted black. Distance between teeth is 10 inches. All harrows have extra front or A braces. The bars are made of U-shape wrought steel, and the main cross or connecting bars are 2-inch steel channels. Malleable runners are attached to each corner of each section, turned down when teeth are thrown out of the ground for transportation over unplowed ground. Headed steel teeth which are held firmly in place by a simple, strong malleable clamp, easily releasing tooth for adjustment of depth, or to be taken out to be sharpened. A lever is attached to each section by which the teeth can be given any desired slant, either for the purpose of releasing trash, for pulverizing the soil, or for smoothing. For repairs see page 141. PRICE LIST. Square Steel Teeth, 1 -2 x 1 -2 or 5-8 x 5-8 x 9 inches. In Ordering State Size of Teeth Wanted. Furnished Avith Draw Bar. Order Number of Cut With J^ x 9 Inch Teeth. With % x 9 Inch Teeth. Number. Teeth. Code Word. Weight. Price. Codeword. Weight. Price. No. 1 30-Tootli. 5 feet. Omoplate. 122 lbs. $9 75 Oppone. 134 lbs. $10 00 No.2 60-Tooth. 10 feet. Onerate. 249 lbs. 19 50 Opposer. 269 lbs. 20 00 No. 3 90-Tooth. 15 feet. Ontology. 372 lbs. 29 25 Oppressor. 407 lbs. 30 00 No. 4 120-Tooth. 20 feet. Opacous. 501 lbs. 39 00 Optic. 541 lbs. 40 00 No. 5 25-Tooth. 4 feet. Opera. 109 lbs. 9 25 Opulent. 119 lbs. 9 50 No. 6 50-Tooth. 8 feet. Operculum. 226 lbs. 18 50 Oraison. 242 lbs. 19 00 No. 7 75-Tooth. 12 feet. Ophite. 332 lbs. 28 00 Oratoris. 362 lbs. 28 50 No. 8 100-Tooth. 16 feet. Opium. 441 lbs. 37 25 Orbital. 481 lbs. 38 00 AVERY'S "COMMON SENSE" HARROW. WOOD FRAME, TWENTY-FIVE TOOTH. Painted red. Distance between teeth llj^ inches. Headed steel teeth % x 12 inch. The five parallel oak bars are held rigid by two strong iron bars running through oak braces. By changing the hitch from one corner to the other you always have sharp teeth on line of draft. Hitch to the ring on either corner, which draws the harrow so that no tooth follows the track of the other, thoroughly harrowing the ground passed over. For repairs see page 141. PRICE LIST. Size and Name. Cut. Code Word. Weight. Price. 25-Tooth Common Sense Harrow 5 feet 9 inches. Ordainer. 97 lbs. $9 00 59 B. F. AVERY & SONS. o.^^^. LOUISVILLE, KY. ** Cherokee Corn Planter and Check Rower. (Patented.) Force drop feed. Perfect self drill planter. Perfect hand drop planter. Perfect check rower planter. Metal frame. Adjustable in width. "Wheels run on or off rows. High concave or open wheels. THE DROP. The principle of the combined drop is well known, aild has become very popular. It is a planter that has a revolving feed shaft which operates the rotary plates, and is driven by a sprocket chain from the center of main axle, and drops one kernel at a time into the heel, until a full hill is dropped, at which time the hill is deposited from the heel to the ground by the operation of the check rower, or by hand. The corn being carried low in the heel, and having only a short distance to drop, insures accurate checking. It is a very simple device and will give the best results. THE DRILL. The machine can be quickly converted into a self drill planter by simply hooking the valve back, allowing the corn to drop from the hopper to the ground, any distance apart you may like. Pull directions in top of seed box. THE PLATES. Each planter is supplied with six sets of plates suitable for average size corn, which is a sufficient number to plant any distance apart you are likely to require. Plates for sorghum, broom-corn, peas, etc., may be had at slight extra cost. THE CHECK ROWER. Our check rower is known as the low-down style, and allows the wire to run close to the ground and near a straight line. This relieves the friction on both wire and machine, insures light draft, and less wear and breakage. CENTER LEVER. Our combination center lever may be used to force the planter into hard ground, or may, by a slight movement of the foot, be thrown out of use, leaving the planter to be controlled by the foot treadles, thus allowing the runner-frame to run independent in rough ground — a valuable feature. POINTS. Automatically thrown out of gear when runners are raised. Spring pressure to hold in or out of ground. Furnished with or without covering blades. Adjustable in width 42, 44, 46, and 48 inches between runners. When leaving the factory all planters are set at 44 inches- Has simple foot-brake to control reel in laying out wire. High, strong wheels — light draft. FERTILIZER ATTACHMENT, which will fit any width planter, can be furnished if desired. CLOD FENDERS can be supplied if wanted. PRICE LIST. Number, Name, and Style. Codeword. Weight. Price. No. 1, Cherokee Planter with Check Rower, six sets of plates and 80 rods of wire. Ordinate. No. 2, Cherokee Planter without Check Rower aud with six sets of plates Organ. Fertilizer Attachment Organon. Covering Shovels, witli Clod Fenders, per set Origan. Covering Shovels, without Clod Fenders, per set ■ Orilton. Extra Wire (in lO-rod lengths), per rod Ornithon. Steel Doubletrees, per set _ _. _. Orrery. Steel Neckyoke, each | Orthogon. _ 534 lbs. 424 lbs. 140 lbs. 60 lbs. 40 lbs. 5 lbs. |68 00 b& 00 21 00 5 50 3 50 12 2 00 1 00 B. F. AVERY & SONS. Avery's Union Corn D LOUISVILLE, KY. No. 14-. WITH HOE AND COVERING SHARES. Steel frame. Furnished with or without Fertilizer attachment, which is easily attached or taken oif without interfering with the balance of the drill. It will distribute regularly any and all kinds of commercial fertilizer. Corn can be dropped several different distances apart without changing the feed plates. This change can be made while the drill is in motion, with the lever used for throwing drill in and out of gear. Furnished with one ten-hole plate, which can be adjusted to drop 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 25 inches apart. "We can furnish, at a small additional cost, plates for planting beans, sorghum broom corn, garden seed, and other special purposes. No. 16. WITH SHOE AND CONCAVE WHEEL FOR COVERING. Furnished with one ten-hole plate, which can be adjusted to drop 8, 11, 13, 15, 19, and 24 inches apart. The general description given above will also apply to this drill. Number and Name. Code Word. Weight. Price. No. 14, UrLion Corn Drill __ Orval. Oscule. Ossuary. Osteooope. 104 lbs. 133 lbs. 103 lbs. 129 lbs. $19 00 No. 14, Union Corn Drill and Fertilizer 26 00 No. 16, Union Corn Drill .._ _.. .._ _ __ ft 00 No. 16, Union Corn Drill and Fertilizer . . 26 00 61 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. Avery's " Modern " Cotton and Corn Planter. The cut-ofF is metal, no brush being used. Covering standards are friction break-back. The flow of seed is regulated by a cut-off slide. Plants delinted cotton seed out of the corn plate any distance or quantity. As a cotton planter it will plant a continuous drill in any quantity wanted. The opener standard can be made rigid with a bolt or to break-back with a wooden pin. Plants corn three different distances apart, viz: 7, 15, and 23 inches, one grain in each hill. Peed is driven by cog wheels, which are incased so that trash can not be wound into them or clog them. Blades have reversible ends, and are also adjustable up or down to regulate the depth of planting and covering. Regularly furnished with shovel blade coverers (unless otherwise ordered), which can be set to any side angle desired. Distributes cottonseed meal and all commercial fertilizers perfectly, from the smallest to the largest flow desired. A new feature of the covering blades is that they can be set upward or downward, and inward or outward, to throw more or less dirt on the seed. The Modern Planter is designed especially to plant cotton and corn, but will also plant per- fectly sorghum, beans, peas, or any seed, for which special plates will be supplied. The planter is constructed entirely of iron and steel; is light, durable, well-balanced, well- proportioned, simple and easy to operate, and the strongest combined planter in the field. Fertilizer attachment which requires no changes to attach can be furnished. Costs extra. Wood dragboard coverer, or a concave roller, can be furnished. Costs extra. Special plates, to plant more and other distances apart than those regularly sent, can be fur- nished on application. Directions for setting up and operating on page 156. For prices on repairs, see page 156. PRICE LIST. Each Planter is regularly furnished with one Cotton and three Corn Plates. Number, Name, and Style. Code Vl^ord. "Weight. Price. No. 1, Modern. Cotton and Corn Planter, -with "> Diamond Point Blade Coverers , j No. 2, Modern Cotton and Corn Planter, with ) Spoon Blade Coverers f Fertilizer Attachment Wood ©ragboard Coverer, with Steel Springs. . Concave Roller Ottar. Ousel. Outcast. . Ovarious. Ovicular. 103 lbs. 103 lbs. 14 lbs. 7 lbs. 18 lbs. $18 50 18 50 7 50 1 50 2 25 62 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. Avery's "Louisville" Planter. Perfect combined planter and drill. Has a cut-off lever by which, operator regulates flow of seed. Constructed of iron and steel ; is light, yet strong and durable. The reversible opener blade is adjustable to regulate the depth of planting. Plants cotton, corn, beans, peas, or any seed perfectly, either in hills or drills. Will plant corn, from one to three grains, 4>^, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, and 72 inches apart. Patent break-backs on opener blade standard, and also on covering blade standards. As a cotton planter it will plant a continuous drill in any quantity that may be desired. We supply five (5) planting plates for dropping corn, and can supply special plates for special distances or partic- ular seeds, from the smallest to the largest. Planter has the rotary movement, driven by a sprocket wheel and chain, the chain being attached outside of frame, thus avoiding all liability to clog or load with trash from the driver wheel. Directions for setting up and operating on page 154. For prices on repairs, see pages 154 and 155. PRICE LIST. Number, Name, and Style. Code Word. Weight. Price. Orulum. O-wser. Oxygon. 110 lbs. 121 lbs. 9 lbs. $19 00 19 00 No. 2, Louisville Planter, "with Spoon Blade Coverers. - - Spring Board Coverer, for either Nos. 1 or 2 1 25 Avery's Dow-Law" Cotton Planter. With wood or iron furrow wheel. The springboard coverer has the best of spring-steel springs. Made of seasoned wood, first-class material, and well finished. Corn planting attachment (as shown at right of planter) is only sent when specially ordered, and will cost extra. Nos. 3 and 4 have our new cut-off feed lever (see it between the handles), by which operator can regulate easily and certainly the flow of seed, or stop the flow entirely while in motion, thus preventing wasting of seed while turning around. For prices on repairs, see page 149. PRICE LIST. Number and Name. Style. Code Word. Weight. Price. Corn Attachment. No. 1, Dow-La-w Cotton Planter No. 2, Dow-La-w Cotton Planter No. 3, Do-w-La-w Cotton Planter No. 4 Dow-Law Cotton Planter Old, with Wood Wheel-.. Old, with Iron Wheel New, with Wood Wheel . . New with Iron Wheel Pacifier. Pacos. Paddock. Pageant. 64 lbs. 72 lbs. 63 lbs. 72 lbs. $6 00 6 50 6 00 6 50 $2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 63 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. ''^m^ AVERY'S *' REVOLUTION" DISC CULTIVATOR. (Patented.) Avery's "Revolution" Disc Cultivator has scored unqualified, sweeping success in all parts of the country, and is admittedly far in the lead of all other machines. Reports received from all dealers and farmers who handled them during the past several seasons are that they have given universal satisfaction. The simplicity of the various adjustments is not embodied or equaled in any other, and is sure to be appreciated by those who are aware that it takes from twenty to forty-five minutes to accomplish the same changes on all other disc cultivators that are made in ours in a very few moments. Avery's "Revolution" Disc Cultivator will do perfect work and be under perfect control while the operator walks. No other will. CONSTRUCTION : The wheels are of steel, with removable boxes. The wheel spindles are made of cold-rolled steel. The fenders are adjustable for either large or small corn. The seat can be raised or lowered as desired, to suit either man or boy. Covered oil holes are at the top of the disc yoke, convenient to get at and preventing dirt from getting into the boxes. The " Revolution " is constructed almost entirely of steel, and is perfect in point of strength and durability. Ball Bearings. The discs revolve on hardened steel balls of the very finest kind, which lightens the draft materially and adds years to the life of the machine. The arch is from four to eight inches higher than that of any other disc cultivator, and, as will be seen from the cut, is entirely free from obstructions, having no connecting yoke to interfere with the crop being cultivated; thus any crop may be "laid by" with the "Revolution." Swivel Frame. By means of a swivel frame the operator guides the machine perfectly with the hand lever. The "Revolution" is more readily guided by means of either the hand lever or the team than any other disc cultivator, because the discs are connected directly with the frame and the action is therefore instantaneous, and with the Crescent Ratchet attachment the guiding lever can be set at any angle desired, which will be of special advantage when working in circular rows or on hillsides. 64 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. Avery's "Revolution" Disc Cultivator — Continued. (Patented.) The Discs can be set to different angles by a hand lever. This is a very important feature, especially on hillsides. To adjust the discs to the angle or slant of the corn or cotton rows it is only necessary to loosen two nuts, which can be done in a moment. The penetration of the discs is regulated by the levers, and the bottom edge of the discs can be lowered seven inches below the wheels or raised six inches above them or the ground. The soil can be thrown to or from the plants by removing one bolt from the adjusting lever, when the discs can be completely reversed without being removed from the spindle. Each set of discs is entirely independent of the other, and is governed by its own lifting lever. In cultivating in rough or uneven ground, any movement or position given one gang does not in any way affect the other. To widen or narrow the distance between the two sets of discs it is only necessary to loosen two set-screws, when the entire gang, lever, spindle, and all slide on the frame, and can be placed at any point desired. When straight the two inner discs can be narrowed to a four-inch space, or widened to twenty-six inches. We can furnish two extra discs to be bolted on by hubs, which convert the cultivator into a first class Disc Harrow. When using as a harrow, the discs can be arranged to throw in one direc- tion only, doing much better work than can be done with a regular disc harrow. (Always use bedding bar when bedding or harrowing.) A disc cultivator pulverizes the soil around drill or row crops better than any other implement. The Hitch. The eveners are so arranged that the horses always walk exactly in the middle of the furrows. The distance between the hitches of our eveners can be adjusted from three feet eight inches to four feet two inches. The Draft is direct from the steel eveners to the discs, not on the pole, thus relieving the frame and pole of all strain, and necessarily making the life of the cultivator triple that of any other made. The "gather" of the wheels is as accurate as that of any buggy, which makes the cultivator run very light. The Tread. While we have a wider range between the discs than any other disc culti- vator, the "tread" or distance between the wheels is less than any other; the narrowest tread being 52J inches, and the widest 57-| inches. This advantage prevents the wheels from running on sides of the adjoining rows, for which other disc cultivators are now being condemned. This change may be made by loosening one nut. Attachments. We make the following implements complete, or as attachments to the Revolution frame or carriage. Many combination tools are failures because attempting too much. Each and every one of the following "Kevolution" line, however, is absolutely perfect as a single, separate tool, or as an attachment, and in combinations : Six Shovel Cultivator, see cut and description on page 66. Spring Tooth Cultivator, see cut and description on page 67. Stalk Cutter with Spiral Knives, see cut and description on page 68. Stalk Cutter with Straight Knives, see cut and description on page 68. Disc Harrow. We can furnish two extra discs to be bolted on by hubs, which convert the cultivator into a first class disc harrow. For sugar land and other special work we build extra big machines, known as Revolution No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, and No. 5, on special orders. No. 1 has been found strong and big enough for heaviest work in corn, cotton, etc. Directions for setting up and operating on page 157. For prices on repairs, see pages 158 and 159. PRICE LIST. With Steel Singletrees and Neckyoke, Adjustable Fenders, Bedding' Bar, and Six 16-inch Discs. Number and Name. Code ■Word. Weight. Price. No. 1. Revolution Disc Cultivator Pair 16-inch Discs, with Attachments to make ) an 8 Disc Cultivator or Harrow \ Palace. Palatine. 650 lbs. 38 lbs. $57 50 6 00 65 B. F, AVERY & SONS. »ss>|i!*< LOUISVILLE, KY. Avery's "Revolution" Six-Shovel Cultivator. WITH BOLTED OR BREAK PIN FOOT. EXTRA STRONG. The above shows our Eevolution Disc Cultivator Frame with Six-shovel Cultivator Attach- ment. It is built extra strong; ignorant labor can not hurt it, and it will "stall" any two-horse or two-mule team before breaking or bending. Adapted to the cultivation of all drill or row crops, at all stages of growth. A small boy can work it. The gangs used are those of our celebrated No. 104 X Comet Cultivator, which cultivator is so popular in the cotton districts. The gangs may be moved or operated independently, and steadilj^ held to the work, and main- tain any depth from two inches to eight inches deep without varying or shying, no matter what the condition of soil. The standards are made of such strength that the wood break pins are unnecessary, but the cultivator can be used as a break pin by removing lower bolt in malleable foot and inserting wood pin; they are adjustable in every way, up or down, and are held steadily to the work, maintaining any depth uniformly, from two to eight inches, no matter what the condition of the soil, and without any extra exertion on part of the driver. One, two, or three shovels may be used on each side or gang, and any of the different style "blades as shown on pages 135 to 139, or any other styles of blades using |-inch bolt up to ■|-inch heel bolt may be vised. The pitch of the shovels may be varied by adjustment of beams at eveners. The Eevolution Disc Cultivator is fully described on pages 64 and 65. Directions for setting up and operating on page 157. For special blades, see pages 135 to 139. For prices on repairs, see page 160. PRICE LIST. With Steel Singletrees and Neckyoke. Furnished with the following blades unless otherwise ordered : One No. 47 Wallis Combination Shovel 2 -3 x 10 x }(. One No. 47 Wallis Combination Shovel 2>^-4 x 10 x J^:. One No. 47 "Wallis Combination Shovel 3 -5 x 10 x %. One No. 48 Wallis Combination Shovel 2 -3 x lOx }(. One No. 48 Wallis Combination Shovel 2i^-4x 10 x %. One No. 48 Wallis Combination Shovel 3 - 5xl0x X- Number and Name. Code Word. Weight. Price. No. 1, Revolution Six-Shovel Cultivator Complete No. 1, Revolution Six-Shovel Attachment only Palendar. Palilogy. 697 lbs. 165 lbs. $57 50 23 00 66 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. 'ymf> Avery's ** Revolution " Spring Tooth Cultivator. Above cut shows our Revolution Disc Cultivator Erame with Spring Tooth Cultivator Attachment, which is especially adapted for use in rough or stony ground and for shallow cultiva- tion. A perfect cultivator for all drill or row crops, at all stages of growth. The springs are flexible, and allow the teeth to pass around or over any ordinary obstruction. The diamond point blades are reversible, and, being small, they do not penetrate far enough to injure the crop roots, while at the same time they destroy all weeds and surface growth between the rows and permit proper absorption of moisture by the growing plant. Each set of gangs is entirely independent of the other; is governed by its own lifting lever. In culti seating in rough or uneven ground, any movement or position given one gang does not in any way affect the other. To widen or narrow the distance between the two sets of shovels it is only necessary to loosen two set-screws, when the entire gang, lever, spindle, and all slide on the frame, and can be placed at any point desired. Each set of blades can be adjusted in any way desired, to fit the sides of beds. The blades can be set at different angles by means of a hand lever in easy reach of the operator. This is a very important feature, especially on hillsides. The penetration of the blades is regulated by the lifting levers. Reversible for in or out-throw. The soil can be thrown to or from the plants hy simply loosening two nuts on yoke swivel J X 97 and shifting the gangs to position desired. The Revolution Disc Cultivator is fully described on pages 64 and 65. Directions for setting up and operating on page 157. For prices on repairs, see page 160. PRICE LIST. With Steel Singletrees and Neckyoke. Number and Name. No. 1, Revolution Spring Tooth Cultivator Complete No. 1, Revolution Spring Tooth Attachment only Code Word. Pallial. Palmar. Weight. 612 lbs. 80 lbs. Price. $50 00 14 00 67 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY, 'im^ AVERY'S "REVOLUTION" STALK CUTTER. WITH EITHER SPIRAL OR STRAIGHT KNIVES. Above cut represents our " Eevolution " Disc Cultivator Carriage with Stalk Cutter Attachment. An extra high grade machine in principle, construction, and execution. Without question the strongest and best stalk cutter made. Has all the pressure and cutting capacity you wish to get. Cuts the heaviest cotton or cornstalks, no matter what their condition, green or wet, and it will cut stalks where no other rnachine will. The only stalk cutter that satisfactorily and easily cuts the big, heavy stalks of the Brazos bottoms in Texas, and of the Delta and other bottoms. Cuts the stalks into twelve-inch pieces. Has seven (7) double-edged and reversible spiral knives. Wheels and cylinder spider; both have removable boxes. With the easy motion of the spiral knives there is no jolting. The drag hooks are raised or lowered by means of a lever within easy reach of the operator. Cylinder revolves on the axle, and the axle itself does not revolve, hence there is no danger of vines or trash winding about the axle; it is non-cloggable. Any degree of penetration can be given the knives by means of the levers, by which the entire weight of machine and driver can be forced on the knives. STRAIGHT KNIFE STALK CUTTER. We can furnish same to any one preferring them. The Revolution Disc Cultivator is fully described on pages 64 and 65. Directions for attaching stalk cutter attachment on page 161. For prices on repairs, see pages 160 and 161. PRICE LIST. Number and Name. No. 1, Revolution Stalk Cutter, complete, I ■with Steel Singletrees and Neckyoke.- J' No. 2, Revolution Stalk Cutter, complete, \ with Steel Singletrees and Neckyoke-- J No. 1, Revolution Stalk Cutter Attachment \ only J No. 2, Revolution Stalk Cutter Attachment (^ only--- - ) Style. Weight. Code Word. Price. Spiral Knives 713 lbs. Palsical. $63 00 Straight Knives — 713 lbs. Pampre. 63 00 Spiral Knives 211 lbs. Pandora. 27 00 Straight Knives — 211 lbs. Panicle. 27 00 68 e. F. AVERY & SONS. »jS>|* AVERY'S IMPROVED COOK'S EVAPORATOR. Our pans are made of the very best quality of galvanized steel or hard rolled copper. In our Improved Cook's Pans the bottoms are absolutely tight. By a recent invention ■we do away with all punching of holes and riveting of bolts to the bottom. These bolt-holes (and there are from twenty to forty in all other makes of pans) cause leaks and no end of trouble. By our device our pans are much stronger, can not leak or pull apart. Our furnaces are made of strong and heavy sheet iron of best quality (we consider selected wrought iron for this purpose better than steel), and are well braced. There is no question about the superiority of the Rocker Furnace for the Cook's Pan. An Evaporator means Pan, Furnace, Chimney, and Grate Complete. In ordering Evaporators to go with Avery Mills always order one or two numbers higher than the Mills. COOK'S IMPROVED EVAPORATORS— Complete, Pan and Furnace. No. Size. Capacity per day in galls. syrup. Galvanized Steel. Copper. Furnace Only. Code Word. Weight Price. Code Word. Weight Price. Codeword. 1 Price. 2 3 4 5 44x 72 in. 44x 90 in. 44x108 in. 44x126 in. 35 to 50 50 to 70 65 to 100 75 to 125 Pedireme. Peeress. Pekoe. Pellocid. 250 lbs. 275 lbs. 300 lbs. 350 lbs. $45 00 55 00 65 00 75 00 Pemmican. Pendant. Penguin. Pennate. 270 lbs. 285 lbs. 315 lbs. 365 lbs. 875 00 90 00 105 00 125 00 Pension. Pentecost. Pepastic. Perceiver. 125 00 30 00 35 00 40 00 COOK'S IMPROVED PANS.-W^lthout Furnaces. Same pan used for either portable or stationary furnaces. Capacity per Galvanized Steel. Copper. No. Size. day in gallons syrup. Code Word. Weight. Price. Code Word. Weight. Price. 2 44x 72 in. 35 to 50 Percolate. 80 lbs. $20 00 Periwig. 100 lbs. 850 00 3 44x 90 in. 50 to 70 Perennial. 100 lbs. 25 00 Permitter. 110 lbs. 60 00 4 44x108 in. 65 to 100 Perfidy. 120 lbs. 30 00 Perroquet. 135 lbs. 70 00 6 44X126 in. 75 to 125 Perianth. 135 lbs. 40 00 Personal. 150 lbs. 85 00 6 44x144 in. 125 to 175 Perilous. 150 lbs. 50 00 Perspire. 175 lbs. 100 00 7 44x180 in. 150 to 200 Periplus. 175 lbs. 60 00 Perturber. 200 lbs. 125 00 FURNACE FRONTS AND DOOR, GRATES, ETC., FOR BRICK ARCHES. No. Name. Extreme Size, Size of Door. Code Word. Price. 1 Light Furnace Front and Door 31 xl3V^ in. 30 xl8 in. 283^x14)^ in. 32 xl8 in. S\%x 7 in. 12%x 9 in. Perverter. Pestle. Petiole. Petrific. Pettycoy. It 00 9. Grate for same -.. 3 00 ^ Heavy Furnace Front and Door 18 xlOin. (i 00 4 Grates, per set (6), with Bearing Bar Cast Plate for Chimney 8 00 5 1 25 For the convenience of our customers we have gotten up the above castings for brick or stone arches. They will be found very essential and convenient in erecting stationary furnaces. 81 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. Avery's ''Luckey" Pea and Bean Thresher. This is a moderate-priced hand- power niachine that separates peas and beans from the pods, and cleans them perfectly with- out breaking same. Is substan- tially made, has an attractive appearance, and is simple in con- struction and operation. Threshes from five to seven bushels per hour. Is easy running, strong, and durable, and has gone through its campaign for the public favor with an untarnished record. Does away with the old tiresome way of hulling peas and beans by hand, and will in a short time save its cost many times over. PRICE LIST. Name. Code Word. Weight. Price. Luckey Pea and Bean Thresher _ Phalanx. 200 lbs. $40 00 Dixie" Pea Huller and Bean Separator. It pays for itself in a short while. Cleans eight to ten bushels per hour, and does not break or injure the peas — runs light. It is cheap, and the peas which are now flayed out by hand at a great expense can, with the Dixie, be separated at very small cost. PRICE LIST. Name. Code Word. Weight. Price. Dixie Pea Huller and) Bean Separator..- j Pharmacy. 300 lbs. $40 00 82 B. F AVERY & SONS LOUISVILLE, KY. "DEWEY" LAWN MOWER. Five Sizes— lO, 12, 14, 1 6, and 18 inch. 8J-inch wheels. 5J-inch cutting reel. Three cutting hlades. Continuous shear. Solid steel tree guard. Brass hearings. "Well made and accurately adjusted. "PRINCESS" HIGH WHEEL LAWN MOWER. Four Sizes— 14, 16, 18, and 20 inch. The best high wheel lawn mower on the market. 10^-inch wheels made with an extra rim, raising the gearing away from the ground, thus preventing dirt from collecting therein. 6-inch cutting reel mounted on |-inch steel shaft, which runs in self-aligning high hrass bearings. Four cutting blades. "Wheel axles are solid steel. Continuous shear. Accurate adjustments. PRICE LIST. Size and Name. Codeword. Weight. Price. 10-inch Dewey Lawn Mo war-- - Pheon. Philomot. Philter. Phoca. Phosphor. Phrenic. Phylarch. Phytozoa. Picage. 32 lbs. 35 lbs. 37 lbs. 38 lbs. 41 lbs. 52 lbs. 55 lbs. 59 lbs. 61 lbs. $3 90 4 00 14-inoh Dewey Law-n Mower — 4 10 4 20 4 40 6 50 7 00 7 75 20-inch Princess Lawn Mower 8 25 83 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S "TRUCKER'S" CULTIVATORS. No. A-FIVE TOOTH-WITH WHEEL SET-SCREW. No. C-FIVE TOOTH-WITH EXPANDING LEVER. Frame painted green, striped red, and handles varnished. Standards are adjustable, so as to give the blades different degrees of pitch or slant. Have two sets of handle braces, which hold the handles rigid and stilfen the entire cultivator. All five-tooth cultivators have extra holes in frame, to admit attaching additional standards, con- verting it into a seven-tooth cultivator. Frames are made extra long to avoid clogging in narrow rows, and the standards are of extra height. This makes the cultivators of very light draft. Permit of very numerous adjustments, hence are particularly well adapted to use where variation in the width or distance between the rows being cultivated exists. Especially valuable- for work in gardens, orchards, truck patches, as well as in general field work. Each cultivator is furnished with the blades mentioned in price list unless otherwise specified. Gauge wheel and hilling blades, as described on following page, can be attached to either style^ 341: B. F. AVERY & SONS. .<^^l^\ LOUISVILLE, KY. V^..^^ AVERY'S ''TRUCKER'S" CULTIVATORS. Showing with'! Expanding Lever, Gauge Wheel, and Rear and Side Hilling Blades. The Gauge Wheel is a great convenience for transporting the cultivator to and from the field, steadies the running, regulates depth of blades, and assists greatly to turn easily at the end of each row. The wheel arm has four holes hy which the depth of cut can he varied by shifting the position of wheel arm. Hillers or horse hoe blades are valuable -to make the cultivator serviceable for a wider range of work. The side hilling blades attachrrient can be adjusted to give blades any angle desired, includ- ing in-throw or out-throw. - For regular and special blades, see page 140. For prices on repairs, see page 141. PRICE LIST-WITH WHEEL SET- SCREW. Number and Name. Blades. Code Word. Weight. Price. No. A, Trucker's Cultivator __. No. B, Trucker's Cultivator .-.. With 5 No. 3A, 3x8 in. ^VithL7No. 2A, 2x8 in. Picnic. Picul. 52 lbs. 58 lbs. $4 50 5 50 PRICE LIST-WITH EXPANDING LEVER. ■Number and Name. ■ Blades. Code Word. Weight. Price. No. C, Trucker's Cultivator No. D, Trucker's Cultivator With 5 No. 3A, 3x8 in. With 7 No. 2A, 2x8 in. Pierage. Piggin. 60 lbs. 65 lbs. $6 00 7 00 PRICE LIST OF ATTACHMENTS. Can be attached to any of the above styles or sizes. Name. Code Word. Weight. Price. Gauge W^heel "with Arm and Bolt Pilcher. Pilgrim. 7 lbs. 10 lbs. $0 70 Rear and Side Hilling Blades, consisting of one Nos. lOA, llA, and 12A Blades each ) 1 20 85 B. F. AVERY & SONS. ^^^f^ LOUISVILLE, KY. Avery's Steel Frame "Orchard" Harrows. No. F. FOURTEEN TEETH. WITH WHEEL SET-SCREW. No. G. FOURTEEN TEETH. WITH EXPANDING LEVER. Frame painted green, handles varnished. Have two sets of handle braces, which hold the handles rigid and stiffen the entire harro '^■ The clamp attachment for each tooth permits setting teeth at any angle or vertical position desired. Have reversible Bteel diamond-shaped teeth | x| x 9i inches, dra,wn to a cutting edge on- one end and beveled on the other. The above tools are especially adapted for truckers, gardeners, and general field harr No. 4X. Double Wheel Hoe, Cultivator, Plow, and Rake. Specially designed for working both. sides of the row at one passing. The special recommendation is the adjust- able arch, by which not only the depth of work can be gauged, but which, by an ingeni- ous device, enables the teeth to be pitched at any angle desired. It can be pushed straight ahead, but better results are obtained by using it same as a scuffle hoe with successive strokes of length to suit the nature of soil and crop. It can be used either astride of or between rows. It is so symmetrically constructed that in passing astride rows of large plants the foli- age once raised by the vine guards meets no obstruction between the wheel arms and the arch, and is, therefore, dropped by the implement without unnecessary damage and without delaying the operator. There are nine adjustments of depth. The. attachments are: 1 pair hoes, 1 pair plows, 1 pair rakes, 4 cultivator teeth, and 1 pair vine or leaf guards. For prices, see page 92. No. IX. Single Wheel Hoe, Cultivator, Plow, and Rake. For prices, see page 92. This form of wheel hoe is preferred by many, and, as with the double wheel hoe just described, may be used either between or astride the roAVS. For straddle cultivation the wheel may be set on one side so as to bring the rows of young plants under center of frame. Later cultivation must be done between rows. The adjustments, five in number, for graduat- ing the depth of cultivation, are unique and readily accomplished. The attachments are: 1 pair narroAV cultiva- tors. 1 pair wide cultivators 1 center cultivator. 1 pair hoes. 1 pair plows. 1 pair rakes. 1 vine ffuard. 91 B. F. AVERY & SONS. »ss>^-*- "^^f LOUISVILLE, KY. No. 2X. — Single Wheel Hoe, Cultivator, and Plow. This implement is same as our regu lar Single Wheel Hoe, except in the variety of attachments, which are: 1 pair hoes. 1 large plow. 1 pair cultivators. 1 center cultivator. No. 7X.— Garden Seed Drill. Has been perfected to meet the demand for a low-priced seeder. We have not only accomplished this, but here oflPer a drill with all the essential qualities even to embodying Seed Drill, Indicator, and Regulator from exactly same patterns as those used in our larger and more expensive drills. We do not recommend this drill for use instead of the larger size, but we are sure that all in want of such a drill as we represent this to be, will find it to their advantage to buy the No. 7X. No. 6X.-Hand Wheel Plow. This little labor-saving implement is one that commends itself to all gardeners. It can be used to prepare the ground, to furrow out, to cover, and to cultivate. The moldboard is of steel, polished and tempered. No. IX, No. 2X, No. 3X, No. 4X, No. 5X, No. 6X, No. 7X, No. 8X, No. 9X, No. lOX, PRICE LIST. (Boxed.) Number and Name. Single Wheel Hoe, Cultivator, Plow, and Rake Single Wheel Hoe, Cultivator and Plow Single Wheel Hoe (not illustrated) Double Wheel Hoe, Cultivator, Plow, and Rake Double Wheel Hoe Hand Wheel Plow Garden Seed Drill Garden Drill Hill and Drill Seeder Combination Drill Code Word. Piquet. Pisophalt. Pitahaya. Pitchy, Pittacal. Placard. Plagal. Plaintiff. Planet. Planorbis. Weight. 24 lbs. 26 lbs. 18 lbs. 38 lbs. 30 lbs. 19 lbs. 38 lbs. 50 lbs. 55 -lbs. 67 lbs. Price. $6 50 5 50 50 50 50 50 00 9 00 10 00 12 50 92 B. F. AVERY & SONS. o.^!^t. LOUISVILLE, KY. "'^^ AVERY'S NEW GARDEN PLOW. Painted red. The attachments are: Steel turning shovel. Malleable iron rake. Malleable iron wrench. Steel sweep or weeding blade. Steel reversible furrow opener. Has steel wheel 24 inches in diameter. Handles are adjustable to suit the height of a small child or a man. It is the perfection of labor-saving imple- ments for working all kinds of garden beds. Eor pleasure or profit in gardening, this tool is unrivaled. The high wheel causes easy work, and every user is delighted. PRICE LIST. Name. Code Word. Weight. Price. Avery's Ne^v Garden Plow Plasma. 18 lbs. $3 00 Turning Plow -$0 25 Bull and Calf Tongue 25 Sweep - 25 Rake - 25 Wheel ---$1 25 "Wrench 15 Standard 60 Finished Handles, per pair --- - 80 AVERY'S WOOD BEAM SINGLE SHOVEL. Beam, standard, and handles varnished, black tipped. Extra thick shovel attached to standard by one large bolt. Regularly supplied with a 7x14 shovel, but if specially ordered we will furnish with an 8x14 shovel without extra charge. Jumping or straight knife coulter can be furnished (cost extra); if either is desired, mention in ordering which is wanted. PRICE LIST. Number and Name. Code Word. Weight. Price. No. 59, Straight Knife Coulter. No. 60, Jumping Coulter. Stock without Blade. No. 1, Single Shovel Platinum. 31 lbs. $3 50 $1 00 $1 25 $3 00 REPAIR PRICE LIST. No. 1. Price. No. 1. Price. Blade No. 130 7 x 14 x 5-16 with one Bolt $0 60 1 00 75 $0 75 25 Finished Beam, 3% x 23^ x 52>^ inches Finished Standard, 3 J^ x 3 inches - - Standard Brace - - Clevis - 15 93 bPEM, B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S "WING" SHOVEL PLOW. Full width of spread 30 inches. A splendid tool for hilling potatoes. Beam, standard, and handles varnished. Adjustable wings, which can be used together or separately, and can be set at different angles by means of spreader rods. The wings are hinged to blade, and can be removed entirely when not wanted. AVERY'S DOUBLE SHOVELS. No. 2. "UNIVERSAL." WOOD BEAM, WITH WOOD STANDARDS. ^ell made in every respect, and strongly braced. Beam, standards, and handles painted blue, black tipped. Blades No. 122, Q x 11 x }^ inches, attached by two bolts. PRICE LIST. Number and Name. Code Word. Weight. Price. Stock without Blade. "Wing Shovel No. 2, Universal, Double Shovel Plausive. Pleach. 36 lbs. 32 lbs. $4 25 4 00 $2 25 REPAIR PRICE LIST. No. 2, Universal, Double Shovel. Price. Wing Shovel. Price. Blades No. 122,6xllxj4, with two Bolts, each. Finished Wood Beam, 2% x 23^ x 4 ft. 4 in. long. $0 35 75 60 40 75 20 15 Blade No. 1.32, with Wings and Spreader Rods. Finished Beam SI 75 1 GO Finished Wood Long Standard, 3 x 2J^ Finished Standard 75 Finished Wood Short Standard, 3x2^ Finished Handles, per pair 75 Finished Handles, per pair . . 25 Standard Braces, each Clevis 15 Clevis 94 B. F. AVERY &. SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S DOUBLE SHOVELS. No. 3. WOOD BEAM, STEEL STANDARDS. Heavy steel standards If x J J inches. Blades No. 120, 5x 11 X;^ inches, fastened with two bolts. Beam and handles painted red, black tipped, and standards painted black. The standards are bolted to the beam with two bolts passing through iron wedges, which permit of adjustment for widening or narrowing the plow. No. 3X. WITH REGULATING RUNNER. The regulating runner attached only to our No. 3 Wood Beam, Iron Standard, Double Shovel Plow regulates the depth of the shovels, causes it to run steadily, and prevents the unpleasant jumping and twisting motions found more or less in double shovel plows. PRICE LIST. Number and Name. Code Word. Weight. Price. HeelSlides, per pair. No. 3, Double Shovel No. 3X, Double Shovel, with Regulating Runner, Regulating Runner only Plebeian. Plenist. Plethora. 40 lbs. 50 lbs. $3 50 5 00 1 50 $0 60 60 REPAIR PRICE LIST. No. 3, Double Shovel. Price. No. 3, Double Shovel. Price. Blades No. 120, 5 x 11 x 34, with two Bolts, each. 80 35 1 00 75 50 75 Handle Braces, each $0 20 Finished Long Standard, 1% x 11-16. Spreader Rod 20 Finished Short Standard, lf^xll-16 Wedges, each 10 Finished Wood Beam Clevis ... 15 Finished Handles, per pair 95 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S DOUBLE SHOVELS. No. 5-LOUISVILLE. Steel beams painted black, handles varnished. The old reliable, famous for correct set, ample strength, and uniform quality. The No. 10 has extra heavy strong beams and blades, and is esi)ecially adapted for rocky ground. No. 5, Louisville — Steel beams 1% x ^ inches ; blades No. 120, 5 x 11 x 34 inches, attached with two Bolts. No. 10, Hoosier — Steel beams 1% x % inches ; blades 6 x 11 x 5-16 inches, attached with two bolts. No. 6-" SUPERIOR." Beams painted red, handles varnished, red tipped. Has malleable spreader wedges and malleable handle braces. Steel beams 1% x 11-16 inches, blades No. 120, 5 x 11 x M inches, attached with one Bolt. Standard feet have two holes in each, and a teat at end; one-hole blades fitted on are slotted in back and can be lowered to bottom hole as they wear down. In every way a superior cultivator and of beautiful finish. PRICE LIST Number and Name. Code Word. Weight. Price. Heel Slides, per pair. Fenders, each. No. 5, Louisville Double Shovel No. 10, Hoosier Double Shovel No. 6, Superior Double Shovel Plinth. Plucker. Plumelet. 39 lbs. 46 lbs. 41 lbs. $3 25 4 25 3 75 $0 60 60 60 $0 60 60 60 REPAIR PRICE LIST. No. 5. Price. No. 10. Price. No. 6. Price. Blades, with two Bolts, each. «0 35 Blades, with two Bolts, each. $0 40 Blades, with one Bolt, each. 80 35 Finished Long Beam 1 00 Finished Long Beam 1 25 Finished Long Beam 1 00 Finished Short Beam 75 Finished Short Beam 1 00 Finished Short Beam 75 Finished Handles, per pair- 60 Finished Handles, per pair. Handle Braces, each... 75 Finished Handles, per pair. 75 Handle Braces, each -- 20 20 Handle Braces, each 20 Spreader Rod 20 Spreader Rod 20 Spreader Wedge 20 96 B. F. AVERY & SONS. «.^^-t LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S DOUBLE SHOVELS. No. 4— "BLACKLAND." WOOD BEAM. STEEL STANDARDS. Beam and handles varnished, standards painted black. Malleable iron handle braces, by which the handles can be raised or lowered. Hardened soft center steel blades, No. 121, 5^x11 x^ inches, attached with two bolts. Heavy steel standards If x | inches, adjustable so as to narrow or widen the distance between blades. Break pin foot (which dan be bolted to standard or fastened by a wood pin) is adjustable so as to give different degrees of pitch or slant to blades. This double shovel plow has met fully the demands of the black, waxy lands of Texas and other Southern States. No. 7-" BREAK PIN." Extra heavy steel beams Ifxf inches. Beams painted black, handles varnished. A five-hole clevis is used instead of style shown in cut. Blades, No. 47, one 2-3x10x1 and one 2^-4xlOx|- or two No. 120, 5xllx} inches, attached with two bolts. In ordering state which blades are wanted. Break pin foot (which can be bolted to standard or fastened by a wood pin) has an open or loop foot so that any style of blade can be attached by means of a heel bolt; is also adjustable so as to give dififerent degrees of pitch or slant to blades. Is unsurpassed for stumpy or rocky country. PRICE LIST. Number and Name. Code Word. Weight. Price. Fenders, each. No. 4, Blackland Double Shovel . Plunger. Pocoson. 52 lbs. 42 lbs. $5 25 4 25 No. 7, Break Pin Double Shovel . . $0 60 97 5. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S DOUBLE SHOVEL CULTIVATOR. No. 83. No. 34. No. 44. No. 46. The prominent features of this splendid tool are strength, simplicity, and great variety of work to which it can be adapted. Cut shows No. S3 right-hand turning shovel, and No. 44 right-hand shovel sweep on Cultivator. Aside from blades shown in above cut, viz., Nos. 47, 33, and 44, also right or left scraper blades Nos. 31 or 32 can be used to great advantage in combination with Nos. 33 or 44. By adding left turning Shovel No. 34 you have a first class middle splitter at small cost. Unless otherwise ordered, the No. 7 is shipped with one No. 47 blade, 2-3x10x14, and one No. 47, 2i^-4xl0xJ<: all other blades shown in cut are extras, and must be specially ordered if wanted. These blades are made in various sizes. Universal open loop foot, to which any style sweep, shovel, or scooter blade can be attached with two small bolts or heel bolt, and allowing any pitch to shovels. The heel-slide, when attached to either foot, makes the tool run steady and prevents drifting. For a general description of the construction, see Avery's Break Pin Double Shovel No. 7, on preceding page. For Regular and Special Blades, see pages 135 to 139. PRICE LIST. Number and Name. Code Word. 1 Weight. Price. No. 7, Double Shovel Cultivator, -with one blade No. 47, I 2-3xl0xM, and one No. 47, 2^-4x10 xM -J Poetics. 45 lbs. $4 25 98 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUIvSVILLE, KY, AVERY'S SINGLE PLOW STOCKS. No. 5. "UNIVERSAL." Beam and handles varnished. With extra strong adjustable standard, bent or loop foot, made in one piece. Handle clips, heel bolt, and "T" washer are furnished with each stock. No. 17. "LONE STAR." Beam and handles painted red. Heel bolt and " T" washer are furnished with each stock. The landslide or center bars at the bottom follow in the wake of any blade used on the standard. A steel rudder is attached to the rear end of the landside, which may be adjusted up or down, giving the blade such pitch or suck as desired, and making the sweep run steady. Our double-wing or middle burster blade for bursting out "middles," old stalk rows, ditching, etc., may be attached by means of heel bolt. PRICE LIST. Number and Name. Code Word. Weight. Stock Complete, no Blade. Knife Coulter. No. 5, Universal Single Stock Pointel. Polacca. Polemic. 22 lbs. 36 lbs. 45 lbs. $2 00 4 60 5 10 $1 00 No. 17, Lone Star Single Stock 1 00 No. 18, Lone Star Single Stock., .. 1 00 REPAIR PRICE LIST. No. 5, Universal Plow Stock. Price. Lone Star Plow Stock. Price No. 17. Price No. 18. $0 75 50 50 15 Standard, No. 17, ]%x%inehes. No. 18,1 1% X 7-16 inches J Finished Beam, No. 17, 2%xi%x56}4 inches. \ No. 18, 23^ X 4% X 58 inches J $1 50 1 25 75 15 $1 75 1 40 75 Finished Beam, 1% x 3% x 46 inches Finished Handles, per pair Clevis - - Clevis, each - - 25 99 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S SINGLE PLOW STOCKS. GEORGIA" SINGLE PLOW STOCK. Beam and handles varnished. A simple stock with ratchet, heel bolt, T washer, and patented malleable handle clips. These clips are of value to the planter, avoiding trouble with split handles, and will be sent with all of our single stocks (excepting Carolina and Lone Star Stocks) unless ordered otherwise. The standard moves on a pivot which passes through it and the brace, and can be set at any angle by loosening the two bolts by which standard is fastened to beam, and moving standard for- ward or backward as desired. Any kind or style of blade that takes a heel bolt can be used on these stocks. All our plow stocks are made of good material, oak beams and handles, and justly command the top of the market. Special knife coulter, which is fastened to beam with a clamp, and is a splendid attachment to use in trashy land, can be furnished if desired. Costs extra. No. 1 (Georgia stock), beam I|x3|x46 inches, standard wrought iron l|x/g inches. No. 2 (Georgia stock), beam I|x3|x46 inches, standard wrought iron Ifx^- inches. "TEXAS" SINGLE PLOW STOCK. Beam and handles varnished. "We make two sizes of this series, heavy and medium. The beams of both sizes are heavier and longer than the No. 1 and No. 2 stocks, and the standard of the No. 7 is heavier than any other offered to the trade, making this series considerably stronger and more durable. In every other respect they are the same as the Georgia stocks described above. No. 6 (Texas stock), beam I|x3jx54 inches, standard wrought iron Ifx^^g inches. No. 7 (Texas stock), beam 2|x4|xo5 inches, standard wrought iron lfx| inches. "CAROLINA" SINGLE PLOW STOCK. Beam and handles painted red. Has straight handles extending out on the beam in front of standard, supported by two wrought iron braces by which handles can be adjusted up or down to suit the operator. In every other respect it is the same as the regular Georgia stock. No. 10 (Carolina stock), beam I|x3|x46 inches, standard wrought iron IfXjSg inches. PRICE LIST. Number and Name. Code Word. Weight. Price. Straight Knife Coulter. No. 1, Georgia Single Stock No. 2, Georgia Single Stock No. 6, Texas Single Stock - - . Polisher. Polity. Polli'wig. Poltroon. Polygar. 20 lbs. 19 lbs. 21 lbs. 26 lbs. 24 lbs. $1 60 1 60 2 00 2 30 2 10 $1 00 1 00 1 00 No. 7, Texas Single Stock No. 10, Carolina Single Stock 1 00 1 00 REPAIR PRICE LIST. Standard-- Finished Beam Finished Handles, per pair . Handle Clips, per set- - Handle Braces, each Clevis Stock, without Standard - . . No. 1. No. 2. No. 6. No. 7. No. 10. $0 60 50 40 10 15 75 $0 50 50 40 10 15 75 $0 60 75 50 10 15 $0 85 90 50 10 15 $0 60 50 60 20 15 100 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S DOUBLE PLOW STOCKS. No STOCK. Beams and handles varnished. Standards with ratchets. Heel holts and T washers with each stock. Beams I|x2|x41 inches long. Has same adjustability and utility of single stocks previously described, but with double the capacity. "I^MPKr/^JilUFN^i t No. 9-" PLANTER'S FRIEND." Beams and handles varnished. Above known also as the "parallel" beam double stock. Heel bolts and T washers with each stock. Beams ]^x2-|x33 inches long. Standards, with ratchets, are adjustable, and distance between them may be widened or narrowed as desired. PRICE LIST. Number and Name. Code Word. Weight. Stock Complete, No Blades. No. 8, "V" Stock No. 9, Planter's Friend Polymorph. Polypus. 32 lbs. 35 lbs. $3 30 3 60 REPAIR PRICE LIST. No. 8. No. 9. j No. 8. No. 9. Standards, 1% x 5-16 inches, each Finished Beams, per set $0 60 1 00 50 $0 60 1 50 50 Handle ncr nair $0 25 15 $0 25 Clevis . Wrough Finished Handles, per pair t Hitch with sh ankle complete 75 101 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S COMBINATION SCRAPER AND SWEEP WITH ATTACHMENTS Beam and handles varnished. Beam '1% x "''^ x fiS inches long. The gauge wheel on the rear end of standard guides llie plow so that it is easily handled. Unless otherwise specified, the following blades are regularly sent, viz : 18-inch Magnolia Sweep, 8-inch Narrow Point Shovel, 3)^-inch Bull Tongue, and No. 19A Scraper Blade. With one stock and standard you can change the blade in a moment for any sort of work. Besides being a useful plow on a farm, it is superior for gardening and truck farming. PRICE LIST. Number and Name. Code Word. Weight. Price. No. 1, Combination Scraper and Sweep, complete, with extras, as 1 shown in cut- - --- J No. 2, Combination Scraper, complete, with Blade - Pomeroy. Pomposo. Pongo. Pontoon. Poplar. Populin. Porgee. Porret . 74 lbs. 42 lbs. 36 lbs. 40 lbs. 33 lbs. 13 lbs. 17 lbs. 44 lbs. $6 50 4 60 4 00 4 50 4 00 2 80 1 70 No! 5', Combination Steel Turning Plow Bottom, with extra Point- 2 25 AVERY'S COTTON SWEEP. PLAIN STANDARD. Sent with Magnolia Sweep No. 1, 18x12x3-16 inches. Beam and handles varnished. Beam 2>gx 35^ x. 53 inches long. ... ■-, ^ We make all sizes and kinds of Sweeps, but invariably send above when size is not specihed. PRICE LIST. Number and Name. No. 8, Plain Sweep, complete, -'Adth Blade - No. 9, Plain Sweep, without Blade- --- No. 10, Plain Sweep, Stock and Clevis only- Code Word. Portend. Portoise. Poser. Weight. 36 lbs. 30 lbs. 13 lbs. REPAIR PRICE LIST. Price. $4 30 3 80 2 80 Number and Name. No. 8, Avery Cotton Sweep -- Blade. I Cast Standard with (2) Bolts. $0 75 $1 25 102 Clevis. $0 15 Finished Beam. Fin. Handles, per pair. $0 60 $0 50 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S COTTON SCRAPERS. No. 5-" MITCHELL." Beam and handles varnished. Sent with Mitchell Scraper Blade No. 119, 11 x 10 x 3-16 inches. A cotton scraper having strong advocates in some sections of the country, and holding its sway in favor with the planter. PRICE LIST. Number and Name. Co(ie Word. Weight. Price. No. 5, Mitchell Cotton Scraper, complete No. 5^/4, Mitchell Cotton Scraper, less Blade .. Posset. Postea. 46 lbs. 39 lbs. $4 90 4 20 No. 6— AVERY, WITH PLAIN STANDARD. Beam and handles varnished. Sent with Avery Scraper Blade No. 19A, 14 x 10 x 3-16 inches. Improved Scraper Blade No. 19 can be used and is sent when specially ordered. The above scraper has given perfect satisfaction for many years. PRICE LIST. Number and Name. No. 6, Avery's Cotton Scraper, complete No. 7, Avery's Cotton Scraper, less Blade No. 71^, Avery's Cotton Scraper, Stock and Clevis only. Codeword. Postil. Postulant. Potagro. Weight. 39 lbs, 82 lbs. 13 lbs. Price. $4 40 3 70 2 80 REPAIR PRICE LIST. No. 5, Mitchell Cotton Scraper. Price. No. 6, Avery Cotton Scraper. Price. Blade No. 119, 14x10x3-16 inches Si 00 1 50 60 50 15 Blade No. 19A, 14 x 10 x 3-16 inches Standard (east) with two Bolts -- $1 00 Standard (cast) with two BoHs 1 25 Finished Beam, 2% x 3% x 53 inches long Finished Handles, per pair Finished Beam, 2% x 3% x 53 inches long Finished Handles, per pair 60 50 Clevis _ Clevis 15 103 B. F. AVERY & SONS. ^m^^ LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S ''MOON" ROLLING COULTER. (Patented.) This coulter enables an ordinary walking plow to turn easily perfectly any growth of mam- moth clover, pea, strawberry, or other vines, stalks, weeds, or Johnson grass, or matted and tangled growths of any kind, no matter how high or dense, without clogging or choking the plow or coulter, because of the patented shoe or gauge in the center of which the coulter revolves. This shoe presses down all weeds and trash, and holds same firmly while being cut by the coulter, and prevents tough grass from doubling over its edge and clogging it in soft soil. The center of disc runs within one inch of the surface of the ground, consequently the cutting point is on a horizontal line with its center, or nearly so, thus overcoming the tendency to roll over trash and throw the plow out of the ground as is the case with other coulters. It is a perfect gauge as to depth (adjustable up or down), and no wheel or jointej" is needed with coulter in use. They are now in successful and general use in every State in the Union. 1st. Their use will save 20 per cent in draft in stiff land where there is no grass, and from 30 to 40 per cent in Bermuda or crab grass sod, and fully as much in labor for the plowman. 2d. Attached to any turn plow, from 6 inch cut up, a perfect furrow can be turned without clogging in any growth of pea-vines, crab or Bermuda grass, clover, cornstalks, etc. 3d. "We have the only sand proof boxing and journal ever made, requiring oil but once a year. 4th. "With the adjustable clamp used the coulter can be adjusted up or down, or placed in any position desired, without being unfastened from the beam, and is guaranteed not to work loose. As the bolts in clamp for wood beam are longer than those for steel beam, in ordering state whether coulters are wanted for wood or steel beam plows. 5th. By the use of small discs, such as we use in combination with our shoe for riding down and holding the rubbish, a greater depth will be cut, and the tendency to roll over rubbish with- out cutting is almost entirely overcome. 6th. As the shoe slides on the ground and regulates the depth of plowing, all weight should be removed from the animal's back by lengthening backhands of harness, which will prevent back galls. 7th. Our coulter is a grand success in plowing soft marsh lands. CAUTION IN ORDERING. Remember this : Do not order these coulters according to size of other rolling coulters you may have used. Order them by the numbers below, namely. No. 1, No. 2, No. 3. Because, while the ordinary rolling coulter cuts only within two or three inches of the center, the " Moon " coulter cuts within one inch of the center of the disc, cutting into and through the weeds and trash, where the ordinary coulter rides on top of it. The No. 1 " Moon " Coulter (8 inches) is equal and superior in capacity to the ordinary 10-inch coulter (use it on plows 6 to 8 inch cut, inclusive). The No. 2 "Moon " (10 inches) does the work of an ordinary 13-inch coulter (use it on plows 9 to 12 inch cut, inclusive). The No. 3 "Moon" (12 inches) equals an ordinary 15-inch coulter in capacity (use it on plows 13 to 16 inch cut, inclusive). 104 B. F. AVERY & SONS. ^^lil-f. LOUISVILLE, KY. Vftiavc-- ROLLING COULTERS. Moon Coulter. Caster Rolling Coulter. Stiff Shank Rolling Coulter. We furnish with our Moon and Caster Eolling Coulters an adjustable beam clamp, by which the coulters can be adjusted up or down, or placed in any position desired without being unfastened from beam. Order Moon Coulter by number, and state whether for wood or steel beam, as the bolts in clamp for wood beam are longer than those for steel beam. See preceding page for general description of our Moon Coulter. For prices on repairs, see page 141. MOON ROLLING COULTER. •^ T||^ II Number and Size. Diameter of Blade. Code Word. Weight. Price. No. 1, for Plo'ws of 6 to 8 in. cut, inclusive No. 2, for Plows of 9 to 12 in. cut, inclusive - . . No. 8, for Plows of 13 to 16 in. cut, inclusive .__ 8 in. 10 in. 12 in. Pothecary. Pouch. Pounder. 17 lbs. 20 lbs. 23 lbs. $2 50 3 00 3 50 CASTER ROLLING COULTER, WITH ROUND SHANK. 10-inch _ - 10 in. Poverty. Powldron. Practisant 18 lbs. 20 lbs. 23 lbs. $3 00 12-inch - .- . 12 in. 14 in. 3 50 14-inch 4 25 STIFF SHANK ROLLING COULTER. ©-inch - . . 9 in. 1 Prance. 8 lbs. $1 75 FIN CUTTERS, WITH BOLTS. i Number, - Codeword Price, each ( Number. Pony Series ^ Code Word ( Price, each Tiny Tim... {g°f/Wo.. i Number. Western -| Code Word ( Price, each 10 Predacean. $0 70 Pony. Prejudice. $0 60 Prescious. $0 60 Pony. Presenter. $0 60 12 Predial. $0 70 A.O. Prelude. $0 60 A.O. President $0 60 14 Preen. $0 70 B.O. Premise. $0 70 B.O. Presser. $0 70 16 Prefix $0 70 CO. Premorse $0 70 CO. Prestige. $0 70 D.O. Preparer. $0 70 D.O. Pretence $0 70 E.O. Presage. $0 70 E.O. Preterit. $0 70 105 B. F. AVERY & SONS. ^-'w\ LOUISVILLE, KY. S^.--" Knife Coulters, Jointers, and Gauge Wheels. 50 51 52 53 54 55 3 I '■Mimiriiimiiil ^^ Straight. Jumping. Reversible. Clamp and Cast Wedge. No. A. "See price list next, page. No. B. No. C. No. D. 106 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. PRICE LIST. Order by number and state whether for Wood or Steel Beam Plow. STRAIGHT KMIFE COULTERS (Steel). Plows Used On. Code Word. Approxi- mate Wt. No. 50. 1)^x5^x14 in., with malleable bracket, same as shown in Cut No. 12 , No. 51. 1% X J^ X 17 in., with malleable bracket, same as shown in Cut No. 12 No. 52 (old style). 1^ x % x 15 in., with bracket and clamp No. 52X. 1% X J^ X 25 in., with clamp and cast wedge 1 14-143^-15— Granite. } No. 53. 1% X 3^ X 25 in., with clamp and cast wed^e No. 54. 2 X 3^ X 26 in., with clamp and cast wedge , No. 55. 2J^ X ^ X 28 in. , with clamp and cast wedge No. 56, 23^ X % X 30 in., with clamp and cast wedge ; No. 57. 2 X % x26 in., with clamp and cast wedge No. 58. 2 X 5^ X 24 in., with clamp and plate No. 59. With oflF set 1% x J^ x 26 in., with baud and key wedge ^-1 — Advance; Single plow stocks. j- J^-1— Advance; Single plowstocks. fPony-A. O. — Pony Series; Pony-" < A. O.— Western (.63^-7— Dandy ( B. O— Pony Series J B. O.— Western ; 8-9— Dandy (,61X-20-O.— Blackland ( C. O.-D. 0.— Pony Series C. O.-D. O.— Western I 62>^X-63X-40-0— Blackland i 409-410— Rainbow I 10 — New Clipper I 9-10— Imp. Blacklaud [8-9-10— Ohio Valley; 10— Dandy... i E. O.— Pony Series "> E.O.— Western 64X-65X— Blackland 11-12 — Improved Blackland 12-14-16— New Clipper tU-12— Ohio Valley \ 62X-30-O— Blackland 7-8 — Improved Blackland 1-2 — Improved New Ground } 1 1— Single Shovel . JUMPING COULTERS (Steel). No. 60. 1% X }ix 25 in., with band and key wedge No. 61. 2 X % X 24 in., with band, plate, and bolts No. 62. 2 X % X 24 in., with band and plate No. 63. 2 X % X 26 in., with two wedge keys No. 64. 2 X % X 24 in., with band, plate, and bolts ll-i 1 — Single Shovel 1— Old Style New Ground.. > 15-16 — Jumping Shovel V 1-2— Improved New Ground. REVERSIBLE COULTERS (Steel). No. 70. 2^^ x%x 28 in., with baud, plate, and bolts No. 71. 2>^ X %x 80 in., with band, plate, and bolts 8 — Samson New Ground.. 9 — Samson New Ground . QUINCY COULTERS (Steel). No. 80. 4%x%x 223^ in ., with bolts . KNEE CUTTERS (Steel). No. 90. For one-horse plows No. 91. For two-horse plows 1 — Railroad.. JOINTERS. No. 12. With malleable bracket and standard ■ For all sizes Granite Plows.. Pretty. Preventer. Preying. Pricket. Prier. Primary. Prime ro. Primo. Principate. Priorate. Privacy. Prizer. Probator. Prochein. Procreant. Procurer. Produce. Pro face. Profert. Profile. Profligate. Profusion. 6.00 lbs. 7.05 lbs. 5.12 lbs. 7.06 lbs. 7.06 lbs. 8.07 lbs. 14.05 lbs. 16.05 lbs. 12.03 lbs. 12.03 lbs. 7.06 lbs. 8.00 lbs. 12.07 lbs. 13.00 lbs. 8.08 lbs. 12.07 lbs. 12.05 lbs. 13.05 lbs. 6.07 lbs. 4.12 lbs. 5.00 lbs. 8.00 lbs. No. A6 Gauge Wheels, with cast shank, plate, and 6-inch wheel, used on"] 14-143^-15— Granite. Pony-A.O— Pony Series, steel beam. Pony-A . O— West- ern, steel beam. 7— Improved Blackland. 61X— Blackland, steel beam. 20-O— Blackland, Bteel beam No. A7 Gauge Wheels, with cast shank, plate, and 7-inch wheel, used on .B. O.- C. O.-D.O.-E. O.— Pony Series, steel beam. B. O.-C. O.-D. O.-E. C— Western, steel beam. 8-9-10-11-12- Ohio Valley, steel beam. 10-12-14-16- New Clip- per, steel beam. 8-9-10-11-12— Improved Blackland, 62X-623^X-63X-64X-65X -Blackland, steel beam. HO O-40 O— Blackland, steel beam ^ No. B6 Gauge Wheels, with wrought quadrant, plate, and 6-inch wheel, used! on Pony A. O.-B. C— Pony Series, wood beam. Pony A. O.-B. O.— Western, [ wood beam. Tiny Tim. 8-9— Ohio Valley, wood beam. 61X— Blackland, ( wood beam. 20 O-30O— Blackland, wood beam J No. B8 Gauge Wheels, wiih wrought quadrant, plate, and 8-ineh wheel, usedl on C. O.-D. O.-E O.— Pony Series, wood beam. C. O.-D. O. E. O.— Western, [ wood beam. 10-11-12— Ohio Valley, wood beam. 6iX-623^X-63X-64X— Black- | land, wood beam. 40 O-50 O— Blackland, wood beam J No. C9 Gauge Wheels, with wrought stiff shank, band, and 9-inch wheel, usedi on 10-12-14-16- New Clipper, wood beam. 65X— Blackland, wood beam. V 409-410— Rainbow ! ) No. D12 Gauge Wheels, with wrought stiff shank, adjustable spindle, and 12- \ inch wheel, used on No. 1 Railroad or Grading plow I Progress. Proin. Proleptic. Prolong. Promiser. Prompter. 11.00 lbs. 12.00 lbs. 10.00 lbs. 10.08 lbs. 15.00 lbs. 18.08 lbs. Right or left hand. 107 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S PATENT "U" STEEL TREES. Avery's Patent Steel Trees are \J "-shaped wrought steel, iind have our famous patent self- locking end hooks, which prevent the traces from becoming loose accidentally. They are the best ever invented for general or special work; have great strength, are practicably indestructible, and have malleable hooks and center eye; all metal, not a particle of wood. There is no wearing out, except the hooks after long service, and which can be replaced at a mere nominal expense by any blacksmith. Clips or hooks are riveted and do not get loose from shrinkage, as on all kinds of wood trees. Especial favorites in dry climates. SINGLETREES. FOR UNIVERSAL USE. Size. 22-incli Singletrees 24-incli Singletrees 26-inch Singletrees 28-inch Singletrees 30-inch Singletrees 32-inch Singletrees Code Word. Pronoun. Prop. Propel. Prophesy. Propolis. Proposer. Weight per doz. 47 lbs. 51 lbs. 54 lbs. 59 lbs. 61 lbs. 77 lbs. Price per doz. $5 50 5 75 6 00 6 75 8 25 9 00 DOUBLETREES. FOR PLOWS AND WAGONS. Size. Code Word. Weight per doz. Price per doz. 32-inch Doubletrees 36-inch Doubletrees . Prosaic. Proselyte. Prosper. Prostrate. Protector. 77 lbs. 86 lbs. 154 lbs. 160 lbs. 175 lbs. $9 00 10 50 41-inch Doubletrees . . - 14 50 44-inch Doubletrees _ - 16 50 48-inch Doubletrees 18 00 When not specified otherwise, Doubletrees for Plows will always be sent. DOUBLETREES. IN SETS. FOR PLOWS. Number and Size. Code Word. Weight per set. Price per set. No. 1, Two 24-inch and one 36-inch. . . _ _ Protocol. Protractor, Prevent. Provider. 16 lbs. 17 lbs. 18 lbs. 18 lbs. $1 83 No. 2, Two 26-inch and one 36-inch 1 87 No. 3, Two 28-inch and one 36-inch No. 4, T'wo 30-inch and one 36-inoh_ 2 00 2 25 DOUBLETREES. IN SETS. FOR WAGONS, WITH HOOKS FOR STAY-CHAINS. IN DOUBLETREES Number and Size. Code Word. Weight per set. Price per set. No. 5, Two 30-inch and one 41-inch _ - Provision. Provoker. Proximate. Prudish. Prussic. 23 lbs. 26 lbs. 27 lbs. 29 lbs. 30 lbs. $2 58 No. 6, Two 32-inch and one 41-inch No. 7, Two 32-inch and one 44-inch _. _ 2 70 2 87 No. 8, Two 36- inch and one 44-inch _ 3 12 No. 9, Two 36-inch and one 48-inch ._ .. -. 3 25 108 B. F. AVERY & SONS. 5S>|il**< LOUISVILLE, KY. AVERY'S PATENT "U" STEEL TREES. TRIPLETREES. REGULAR. FOR WALKING AND SULKY PLOWS. Number and Size. Code Word. Weight per set. Price per set. No. 1, One 42-inoh, two 28^-inch, and three 26-inch- __ No. 2, One 42-inch, two 28 1^ -inch, and three 28-inch_-_ No. 3, One 48-inch, two 33"^ -inch, and three 30-inch- ._ No. 4, One 48-inch, two 33«^-inch, and three 32-inch- _ _ Puberal. Publicist. Puceron. Puddler. 37 lbs. 39 lbs. 43 lbs. 48 lbs. $4 40 4 60 5 00 5 20 FOUR-HORSE EVENERS. FOR SULKY OR GANG PLOWS. Number and Size. No. 1, One 62-inch wood, and two 28-inoh steel, and four 26-inch steel No. 2, One 6S-inch wood, and two 30-inch steel, and four 28- inch steel Code Word. Puffer. Puissant. Weight per set. 55 lbs. 57 lbs. Price per set. $6 00 6 50 Size and Style. Code Word. Weight per dozen. Price per doz. 36 inches Light - - - Pullet. Pulsator. 91 lbs. 103 lbs. $12 00 36 inches, Heavy 14 00 REPAIRS FOR AVERY'S PATENT " U " STEEL TREES. Rivets included in prices. No. 228. End Hook for 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, and 32-incli Singletrees - . - .per dozen. No. 225. End Hook for 32 and 36-inch Doubletrees v.---;-,- " P®^ dozen. No. 224. End Hook for 40, 44, and 48-inch street-car and wagon Doubletrees - -per dozen, No. 229. Center Eye for 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, and 32-inch Singletrees per dozen. No. 226. Center Eye for 32 and 36-inch Doubletrees---- peraozeu, No. 227. Center Eye for 40, 44, and 48-inch wagon Doubletrees per aozen, No. 222. Center Eye for 40, 44, and 48-inch street-car Doubletrees - peraozeu, NO.K48. Center Eye for Tripletrees Sfi"^S^f^^ No. 228. Stay Chain Hooks for 40, 44, and 48-inch wagon Doubletrees per aozen. No. 221. Bub Plate for 40, 44, and 48-inch street-car and wagon Doubletrees per dozen. No. 223. Lifting Hook for 40, 44. and 48-inch street-car Doubletrees per aozen, Wrought Connecting Loop for Tripletrees per aozen, 109 $1 00 1 GO 1 50 1 50 2 00 3 00 5 00 3 00 1 00 4 50 1 00 1 10 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. PLOW SINGLETREES. Length 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, and 30 inches. Number and Style. Center Clip. End Clip. Hook. Code Word. Average Weight. Price per doz. 20-26-inch Price per doz. 28, 30-in. No. 1, Light- --Varnished No. 2, Medium. Painted Red--_ No. 3, Extra... Painted Red--- 1 1 6 1 9 1 6 7 1 6 1 5 16 5 1 6 3 8 Pummel, Puncheon. Punctuist. 35 lbs. 40 lbs. 57 lbs. $2 40 3 00 4 20 $2 70 3 30 4 50 PLOW SINGLE AND DOUBLETREES-MALLEABLE IRONS. Number and Style. Length. Code Word. Average Weight. Price per doz. 22-26- in. Price per doz. 28, 30-in. No. 200, Singletrees . -Varnished. _ 22, 24, 26, 28, and 30 in. No. 202, Doubletrees.. Varnished.. 36 inches. Pimisher. Pupil. 38 lbs. 87 lbs. $3 00 $3 30 6 00 PLOW SINGLETREES. Malleable End Perrules with |-incli Hooks, j^g-inch Center Clip with |-inch King. Number and Style. Length. Code Word. Average Weight. Price per doz. 26-in. Price per doz. 28, 30-in. No. 4, Varnished No. 4, Painted Red 26, 28, and 30 inches. 26, 28, and 30 inches. Purchaser. Purifier. 60 lbs. 60 lbs. $4 00 4 25 $4 30 4 55 PLOW DOUBLETREES. Length 36 inches. Number and Style. Center Clip. End Clip. Hook. Code Word. Average Weight. J'rice per doz. No. 13, Light Varnished No. 14, Medium Painted Red No. 15, Extra Heavy. Painted Red 9 1 6 5 8 1 16 1 1 1 6 5 8 Purlin. Purprise. Pursue. 77 lbs. 84 lbs. 110 lbs. $,4 80 6 00 9 60 110 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. PLOW DOUBLETREES. Length 36 inches. Number and Style. Center Clip. End Clip. Code Word. Average Weight. Price per doz. No. 18, Light Varnished No. 19, Medium Painted Red.__ No. 20, Extra Heavy. Painted Red-.. 9 16 f I'e 1 Puseyite. Puttock. Pyramid. 60 lbs. 70 lbs. 100 lbs. $4 40 5 50 9 00 WAGON SINGLETREES. i inch Strap End, f inch Hook, | inch Center Clip, ^ inch Eing, 2 Eivets in Wear Irons. Number and Style. Length. Code Word. Average Weight. Price per doz. No. 9, Painted Red 36 in. Pyro. 86 lbs. $7 20 WAGON SINGLETREES. Malleable Strap Ends, | inch Wrought Hooks, | inch Center Clip, J inch King. Number and Style. Lengtn. Code Word. Average Weight. Price per doz. No. 9i, Painted Red and Striped 34 and 36 in. Pyrosis. 90 lbs. $7 80 WAGON SINGLETREES. Malleable End Ferrules, | inch Wrought Hook, |- inch Center Clip, ^ inch Ring. Number and Style. Length. Code Word. Average Weight. Price per doz. No. 10, Varnished 36 in. Python. 74 lbs. $5 40 111 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. WAGON DC JBLETREES. Size of Wood 4-x2x4-8 inches. Number and Style. Code Word. Average Weight. Price per doz. No. 12 Self-Colored . - - - - - Quadra. 166 lbs. $9 60 WAGON NECKYOKES. Number and Style. No. 45, Varnished- __ No. 45, Painted Red, Length. 40 and 48 in. 40 and 48 in. Code Word. Quadrel. Quadroon. Average Weight. 98 lbs. 98 lbs. Price per doz. 40 inch. $7 50 8 25 Price per doz. 48 inch. $12 00 12 75 SINGLETREE IRONS-WELDED. Number and Style. Center Clip. End Clip, Hook. Codeword. Average Weight. Price per doz. No. 48 Light 7 16 9 16 3 8 7 1 6 1 5 16 5 1 6 Quaffer. Quaker. Quamoclit. 15 lbs. 20 lbs. 25 lbs. $1 90 No 49 Medium - - 2 10 No. 50, Extra 2 80 DOUBLETREE IRONS— WELDED. Number and Style. Center Clip. End Clip. Hook. Code Word. Average Weight. Price per doz. No 51 Light A 7 16 1 7 1 6 1 Quarreler. Quartern. Quassia. 25 lbs. 30 lbs. 35 lbs. $2 90 No 52 Medium 3 40 No. 53, Extra 4 90 112 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. PLOW HANDLES, Extra First-Class, Thorough Seasoned Handles oi "White Clear Oak. IN ROUGH WITH VARNISHED HAND HOLDS. Size. Used For Code Word. Weight per doz. Price per doz. 1^ X 2^ X 3 feet 6 inches- 1^ X 2^ X 3 feet 9 inches] 1^ X 2^ X 4 feet 6 inches] 1^ X 23^ X 5 feet inches _ 1^ X 2^ X 5 feet 2 inches] Georgia Stocks.- _. Queach. 3fi lbs. $1 50 Scrapers,Sweeps,and Do"w-) Law Cotton Planters j One-Horse Cast Plows andj Double Shovels \ One-Horse Steel Plows Two-Horse Cast and Steel) Plows 1 Queller. Querpo. Questor. Quickener. 37 lbs. 45 lbs. 50 lbs. 52 lbs. 1 85 2 10 2 30 2 60 Note— The 3-foot 6-inch Handles are only used on Georgia Stocks, and are shipped side bent. When not specified, -vve ship one half right hand and one half left hand bent. Extra for side Bending All edge-bent handles are machine dressed. Extra for same .per dozen, $0 40 .per dozen, 75 POLISHED LAP RINGS AND LINKS. Round. End Open. LAP LINKS-END OPEN. Side Open. Number and Size. Code Word. Weight per doz. Price per doz. No. 21, 3/^ X Ij^ inches inside No. 22, j7^ X 2 inches inside No. 23, ^ X 2 inches inside No. 24, j9g X 2}i inches inside No. 25, ^ X 2}^ inches inside Quiddle. Quilt. Quintain. Quippa. Quittal. 2.6 lbs. 3.6 lbs. 5.0 lbs. 6.3 lbs. 7.5 lbs. $0 25 30 45 60 70 LAP LINKS-SIDE OPEN. No. 26, j^g X 2 inches inside No. 27, i| X 2i^ inches inside No. 28, j9g X 2^ inches inside No. 29, ^ X 21? inches inside Quizzer. Quoter. Rabbit. Racer. 3.4 lbs. 5.0 lbs. 6.3 lbs. 7.5 lbs. $0 30 45 60 70 ROUND LAP RINGS. No. 30, ^ X 1^ inches inside __ Racker. Raddock. Radiator. Radius. Rafty. 2.5 lbs. 3.5 lbs. 5.0 lbs. 6.3 lbs. 8.0 lbs. $0 25 No. 31, j'^g X 1^ inches inside . 30 No. 32, ^ X l3^ inches inside No. 33, 1^6 ^ 2 inches inside _ . __ _ . 45 60 No. 34, || X 2^ inches inside . -. 70 113 B. F. AVERY & SONS. i^^-*^ LOUISVILLE, KY. PLAIN FENDER. WITH CLAMP. For Steel Beam Double Shovel Plows. Code Word. Ragout. Weight, each. Price, each. 514 lbs. So 60 HEEL SLIDE. WITH BOLTS. For regulating the depth of cultivating and mail- ing the plow run steadyl Can be attached to any of our Steel Beam or Steel Standard Double Shovels. Code Word. Weight, per pair. Price, per pair. Raker. 3 lbs. SO 60 MISSISSIPPI SCRAPER. The best Scraper made for cotton ; saves labor and largely increases the yield; fits all our one-horse plows. Code Word. Weight. Price, each. Raiment. 10 lbs. Si 50 T WASHER. Malleable, for Single and Double Plow Stocks. GRASS RODS. Size. Codeword. Approximate Weight per dozen. Price per doz. 16x3^ square. 17x9-16 square. 17x9-16 round. 19x9-16 round. Ramage. Rammer. Rampier. Rancor. 20.05 lbs. 22.00 lbs. 21.00 lbs. 22.05 lbs. SlOO 1 25 1 00 1 25 Number. Codeword. Price, each. No. 266. For Single Stocks) Nos.1,2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 17, 18.../ No. 267. For Double Stocks \ Nos. Sand 9. | Ranger. Ransom. SO 06 06 STEEL HARROW TEETH— HEADED. Size. Code Word.. Weight per 100. Price per pound. i^ inch square X 10 inches long ^ inch square X 10 inches long 3^ inch square X 10 inches long ^ inch square X 12 inches long 3^ inch square x 12 inches long Z^ inch square x 12 inches long Rapacious. Rapier. Rarefy. Rasher. Ratany. Ratifier. Ratliu. , Rattoon. 70 lbs. 110 lbs. 160 lbs. 120 lbs. 175 lbs. 260 lbs. 340 lbs. 395 lbs. > 5 cents. 1 inch square x 12 inches long . . 1 inch square X 14 inches long ^ 114 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. ''>^*^ SQUARE HEAD PLOW BOLTS. No. Size. Code Word. Weight per 100. Price per 100. 1 2 3 4 5 6 ys^lVs in. k X 13^ in. % X 2 in. 7-16 X IM in. 7-16 X 1>^ in. Kxl^in. Raven. Rawish. Razure. Reader. Reagent. Realty. 7X lbs. 9i| lbs. 10}i lbs. 12 lbs. 12% lbs. 17 lbs. $2 00 2 10 2 30 2 60 2 75 3 70 ROUND HEAD PLOW BOLTS. No. Size. Code Word. Weight per 100. Price per 100. 7 % X 1 in. Reasoner. 73^ lbs. $2 00 8 ^xlMin. Rebec. 8 lbs. 2 00 9 fgxl%in. Rebuff. 83^ lbs. 2 10 10 ^ X 1% in. Ig.sq. Rebutter. 834 lbs. 2 10 11 5^x 134 in. Ig.sq. Recast. 9 lbs. 2 10 12 7-16 X lYs in. Recense. 1134 lbs. 2 60 18 7-16 X lU in. Recheat. 12% lbs. 2 75 14 7-16 X 1% in. Ig.sq. Recite. 13 lbs. 2 75 15 7-16 X 2y2 in. Recline. 16% lbs. 3 35 16 % X 1 m. Recoil. 14 lbs. 3 50 17 >^ X 1>^ in. Reeompact. 15 lbs. 3 50 18 H s IS^ in. Reconciler. 16% lbs. 3 70 19 3^ X 134 in. Recorder. 173^ lbs. 3 70 20 %xl34in. sp'l. Recreant. ....lbs. 2 10 BOLTS USED FOR PLOW POINTS. Name and Number of Plow. Advance, Nos. 34- 1 American, Nos. "^.,3 American, Nos. 10, 13, 19, 20,40 Big Bolt, Nos. 107, 108, 109.... Cadet, Nos. 6, 7._ Cast Plows, Nos. 8, 12 Cast Plows, Nos. 8, 12 Cast Plows, Nos. X, 1 Cast Plows, Nos. k, 1 Cast Plows, Nos. 34, 1 Cast Plows, No.2._ _ CastPlows, No. 3 Chilled Plows, Nos. 8, 12 Dandy, Nos. 63^, 7, 8X Dandy, Nos. 9, 10 Granite, Nos. 14, 1434 15 Granite, Vineyard, No. 15 Hard Pan, Nos. 6, 8 Take Bolt No. 4 6 17 8 5 3 4 2 3 4 4 5 17 17 and 18 4 4 16 face 19 side For Point Point Point Point Point Point Han'les Point Lan'sid Han'les Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point BOLTS USED FOR PLOW POINTS- CONTINUED. Name and Number of Plow. Hillside Plow, No. 7 Ideal, No. 26 Ideal, No. 28 Imp' ved Black Land, Nos. 7, 8 Imp'ved Black Land, Nos. 9,10 Imp'ved Black Land, Nos. 11, 12 Middle Burster, Nos. 9, 10, 12 Middle Burster, Nos, 14, 16, 18, 20 New Clipper, Nos. 10, 12, 14, 16, Ohio Valley, No. 8__ Ohio Valley, Nos. 9, 10, 11, 12 Orange Plow, No. 11 "O " Series, Black Land, No. 20O.__ " O " Series, Black Land, Nos 300,400 Pony Series Plows, Nos. Pony, A.O., B.O _ Pony Series Plows, Nos. CO. D.O., E.O Railroad Plow, No. 1 Rainbow, Nos. 407, 408, 409, 410 Red Pony. Tiny Tim Veteran, Nos. 6>^, 7 Western, No. B.0._ Western, Nos. CO., D.O., E.O. X Series, Black Land, No. 61X X Series, Black Land, No. 62X X Series, Black Land, Nos. 623^X, 63X, 64X X Series, Black Land, No. 65X Take Bolt No. 4 6 7 face 7 side 7 face 8 side 7 face 8 side 7 and 12 12 7 face 11 side 7 and 18 7 and 19 7 7 face 10 side 12 face 14 side 7 face 10 side 12 face 14 side 12 face 15 side 17 face 18 side 7 face 9 side 7 face 10 side 4 7 face 9 side 12 face 13 side 7 face 20 side 7 face 11 side 7 face 14 side 12 face 14 side For Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point HEEL BOLTS. Size. Code Word. Approximate Weightperdoz. Price per doz. 33^x5^ 33^x54 4>2X% Recruit. Rector. Recurrent. 8.03 lbs. 8.08 lbs. 9.06 lbs. «0 70 75 80 SPREADER RODS. (With four Nuts and four Washers.) Size. KxU J|xl4 7-16x133^ 9-16x12 " ^xl034 3^x14 9-16x15 Used For Nos.5&6D'bleSh'ls No. 3 Double Shovels No. 4 Double Shovels No. 10 Double Sh'ls-. No. 7 Double Shovels No.8 Double Stock.. No. 9 Planter'sFriend Code Word. Redden. Redemise. Redolent. Redress. Reductive Reedy. Reeming. Wt. per Doz. 9 lbs. 11 lbs. 9 lbs. 16 lbs. 13 lbs. 11 lbs. 17 lbs. Pr. per Doz. 2 20 ISO 2 00 2 20 2 20 2 40 115 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. PLOW HAMES. THE "MOCK" STEEL HAME. Made entirely of steel. Hooks are forged steel. No. 1 PLOW HAME. We carry in stock a general line of different styles and sizes of Plow Hames, the quality and finish of which are first-class in every respect. • PRICE LIST. No. Style. Finish. Sizes. Codeword. Weight per doz. Pairs. Price per doz. Pairs. 46 40J^ 30 1 2 155 100 12 166 10 75 85 120 750 755 850 Single Cut Hooks - Single Cut Hooks Single Cut Hooks, Full Iron Bound.. Single Cut Hooks .- Single Cut Hooks Double Cut Hooks Double Cut Hooks, Half -Strapped... Double Cut Hooks, Brass over Top . . Double Cut Hooks, Ball Top Solid Malleable Hooks,Brass overTop Double Cut Hooks Double Cut Hooks Solid Malleable Hooks Double Cut Hooks, Brass Globe Ball. Staple and Ring Tug, Brass Globe Ball Solid Malleable Hooks _ Mock Steel Hames Varnished, Red Top Varnished, Red Top Varnished Varnished Varnished Varnished Red, Bronzed Top.. Red, Bronzed Top.. Red, Bronzed Top.. Red, Bronzed Top.. Varnished Red _. _-._ Red, Bronzed Top.. Red, Bronzed Top.. Red, Bronzed Top.. Varnished, Red Top Red, Black Tipped.. All sizes Horse & Mule Horse & Mule Horse & Mule Horse & Mule One size All sizes One size .. One size One size All sizes All sizes All sizes One size One size All sizes 18 to 23 inches. Reeve. Refiner. Reflex. Reformer. Refresher. Refunder. Refuter. Regally. Regatta. Regicide. Registry. Regress. Regulator. Rehearser. Rein. Reiter. Rejoindure. 35 lbs. 39 lbs. 45 lbs. 45 lbs. 45 lbs. 50 lbs. 45 lbs. 45 lbs. 60 lbs. 50 lbs. 40 lbs. 45 lbs 65 lbs. 50 lbs. .50 lbs. 75 lbs. 80 lbs. Extra per dozen pairs for painted instead of varnished Hames : Relapser $4 50 5 10 5 50 5 20 5 50 6 20 7 80 11 00 9 50 12 00 11 20 12 20 13 00 12 20 14 50 20 00 16 20 1 00 116 B. F. AVERY & SONS. ».*5^-t LOUISVILLE, KY. MALLEABLE WRENCHES. No Style. Length. Weight. For Squake Nuts. For Hexa- gon Nuts. Code Word. Price each. Used on Openings. Openings. 64 65 66 J97 38 Straight. Straight. Straight. Straight. Straight. Straight. S S s s Socket. Socket. Socket. 7 in. 93^ in. 914 in. 10 in. 63^ in. 123^ in. 6i4in. 7% in. 73^ in. 83^ in. 4J4in. lljlin. llJiin. 7 oz. 12 oz. 123^ oz. lib. 9oz. IJ^lb. 7 oz. 80Z. 7 oz. 12 oz. 5 oz. llb.2oz. IK lb. 1, % in. 1 1-16, 15-16, % in. 1%, 14-16 in. 13-16, 15-16,%,%, 5^ in. l>4,%%,%in. 1%, 1^, 1 1-16 in. %, 9-16 in. IM, 1, % in. 7-16 in. Releaser. Relic. Reliquary. Relume. Remanence Remedy. Remiges. Remitter. Remorse. Remover. Renderer. Renewer. Renowned. $0 15 20 20 25 20 50 10 25 10 20 20 40 30 f Nos. A, B, Z, 10 Ameri- t can Plows. ( Nos. 14, 1434, 15 Granite t Plows. ( Invincible Sulkies, In- ( vincible Disc Plows. ("New South and West- < ern Cultivators, Lou- (, isville Stalk Cutters. (Perfection Harrows, J. Tornado Harrows, 1 3-16-in. 15-16 in. E54 K189 60 (_ Eureka Harrows. [Simple Sulky, Sugar- J land Cultivators, i Stubble Shaver, Stub- t ble Digger, f Truckers' Cultivators, \ Orchard Harrows. General purposes. 93 67 T52 jLouisville Planter, ( Modern Planter, j Nos. 13, 19, 20, 40 Amer- t lean Plows. Fertilizer Distributor. AA34 13-16 in. 17-16 in. Fertilizer Distributor. JX62 /Revolution Disc Culti- \ vator. TRACE CHAINS. 1 2 3 5-16 9-32 M 7-32 STRAIGHT LINK WITH RING. Length Links Wire Feet. to Foot. No. 63^ 6 3 6K 63l 6 8 2 9 634 10 i 6K 10 7 8 3 7 6 2 7 8 2 Code Word. Repacify. Repartee. Repeater. Repenter. Replait. Replier. Repour. Repress. Weight per pair. 4>^lbs. 5>41bs. 6 lbs. 8J41bs 9 lbs. 53^ lbs. 6 lbs. 6J41bs. Price per pair. Length Feet. Links to Foot. Wire No. Twisted Links extra over Straight Links. Straight Links with T Bar Hook extra Twisted Links with T Bar Hook extra Repair Links, }i inch, packed in 34 gross boxes... Repair Links, 5-16 inch, packed in 34 gross boxes. ..per pair -.per pair ..per pair .per gross .per gross Code Word. Reprobate. Reprover. Repudiator. Repute. Reqiiirer. Rescript. Reseizer. Reserver. Resident. Resin. Resolute. Resonant. Respire. Weight per pair. 6% lbs. 83| lbs. 914 lbs. 9 lbs. 9>$ lbs. 1134 lbs. lOjIlbs. 12 lbs. Price per pair. 117 B. F. AVERY & SONS. o!^^^. LOUISVILLE, KY. MALLEABLE CLEVISES, ONE HORSE. Used on Wood Beam. Number. Thickness of Beam. Center of Wrench to End of Beam Approximate Weight. Code Word. Price per pound. 101 2 inch. 4 inch. 0.9 lbs. Restant. 10 cents. Used on Used I Advance -Nos. %< 1- Big Bolt - No. 107. Cadet-- ...Nos. 6, 7. Carolina Stock No. 10. Chilled Plow.... .-.No. 8. Chilled Hillside -- No. 7. Combination Scraper and Sweep Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7. Cotton Scraners Nos, 5, 534,6,7,73^. Cotton Sweep Nos. 8, 9, 10. Delta Cultivator Double Shovels Nos. 2,3, 4, 7. Double or V Plow Stock No. 8. Georgia Stocks- Nos. 1, 2. Lone Star Stock No. 17. New Series Cast Plows Nos. 14,1. Old Series Cast Plows No. 8. Pony Series Nos. Pony, A.O. Red Pony Single Shovel No. 1. Texas Stock... Nos. 6, 7. Tiny Tim Universal Stock No. 5. Veteran Nos. 63^,7. Wing Shovel TWO HORSE. Used on Wood Beam. Number. Thickness of Beam. Center of Wrench to Center of Pin. Approximate Weight. Code Word. Price per pound. 102 2 inch. 234 inch. 234 inch. S% inch. 33^ inch. B% inch. 1.0 lb. 1.5 lbs. 1.6 lbs. Restless. Restraint. Resume. 10 cents. 103 104 10 cents. 10 cents. No. 102 Used on No. 103 Used on No. 104 Used on Big Bolt .r^s. 108, 109. Blackland nos. 61X, 20-O. New Series Cast Plow.. No. 2. Orange Plow No. 11. Ponv Series ...No. B.O. Rainbow ...No. 407. Western .No. B.O. American Nos. A, B, 10. Chilled Plow .-No. 12. Dandy ...Nos. 63^, 7. New Series Cast Plow. .No. 3. Old Series Cast Plow ..No. 12. Dandy No. 8X. TWO HORSE. WITH SHACKLE. Used on Wood Beam. No. Thickness of Beam. Center of Wrench to Center of Pin. Holes Approximate Weight. Codeword. Price per pound. 110... 120... 130... 132... 234 inch. 23| inch. 2% inch. 2% inch. 334 inch. Z% inch. 434 inch. 4J4 inch. 7 7 8 7 1.6 lbs. 2.4 lbs. 3,2 lbs. 3.0 lbs. Retainer. Retarder. Retiform. Retorter. 10 cents. 10 cents. 10 cents. 10 cents. No. 110 Used on No. 120 Used on No. 130 Used on No. 132 Used on Granite.. No. 14. Granite Nos. 143^, 15. Granite Vineyard No. 15. Ideal No. 26. Lone Star Stock No. 18. Ohio Valley Nos. 8, 9. Old Style New Ground, No. 1. Ohio Valley, Nos. 10, 11, 12 Potato Digger American, Nos. 13,19,20,4» Dandy.... Nos. 9,10. Ideal No. 28. * 118 B. F. AVERY & SONS. fli^.^-*. LOUISVILLE, KY. MALLEABLE CLEVISES. JAW CLEVIS. USED ON WOOD BEAM. Number. 370 380 310 Thickness of Beam. 23^^ inch. 3 inch. 3 inch. Center to Center of Beam Holes. 3% inch. 4% inch. 5>^ inch. Holes in Jaw. Holes in Cross Clevis. 10 Approximate Weight. 4 lbs. 4.7 lbs. 6.2 lbs. Code Word. Retribute. Retrofiex. Retrovert. Price per pound. 10 cents. 10 cents. 10 cents. No. 370 Used On No. 380 Used On Blackland ....Nos. 62X, 623^X, 63X, 30-0, 40-0. New Clipper ....Nos. 10, 12. Pony Series Nos. C. O., D. 0. Rainbow .-- Nos. 408, 409, 410. Western ..Nos. C. O., D. O. Blackland Nos. 64X,65X. New Clipper Nos. 14, 16. Pony Series No. E. O. Western No. E.O. JAW CLEVIS. USED ON STEEL BEAM. Number. Thickness of Beam. Center to Center of Beam Holes. Holes in Jaw. Holes in Cross Clevis. Approximate Weight. Code Word. Price per pound. R. B. S. B. }ioT% inch. 220 3>^or%inch. 3% inch. 3% inch. 3.6 lbs. 4.5 lbs. Revealer. Revenger. 10 cents. 10 cents. No. R. B. S. B. Used On No. 220 Used On Big Bolt Nos. 107,108, 109. Blackland Nos. 61X, 20-0. Middle Burster Nos. 9, 10, 12. Ohio Valley .No. 8. Pony Series Nos. Pony A. O., B. O. Western _ _ Nos. Pony A. O., B. O. American... Nos. B, 10, 13, 19, 20, 40. Blackland Nos. 62X, 62>^X, 63X, 64X, 65X, 65X, Blackland Nos. 30-O, 40-O. Imprvd Blackland- -Nos 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Middle Burster Nos. 14, 16. New Clipper - .Nos. 10, 12. Ohio Valley Nos. 9, 10, 11,12. Pony Series Nos. C. O., D. O., E. O. Rainbow Nos. 407, 408, 409, 410. Western-.- ----Nos. C. O., D. O., E. O. JAW CLEVIS-THREE HORSE. USED ON STEEL BEAM. Number. Thickness of Beam. Center to Center of Beam Holes. Holes in Jaw. Holes in Cross Clevis. Approximate Weight. Codeword, per'^ponnd. 321 5^inch. 3% inch. 6 11 6.5 lbs. Reverer. 10 cents. Used on New Clipper Steel Beam Plows Nos. 14, 16. CROSS HEADS AND PINS. Number. For Clevis Number. Holes in Cross Clevis. Distance Between Jaws Inside. Diameter of Pin. Approximate Weight. Code Word. Price per pouud. 370 380 310 R. B. S. B. 220 370 380 310 R. B. S. B. 220 8 9 10 6 8 3}4 inch. 3 13-16 inch. 4 15-16 inch. 2 3-16 inch. 3 inch. J^ inch. 9-16 inch. 9-16 inch. % inch. }i inch. 1.5 lbs. 1.6 lbs. 1.8 lbs. 1 lb. 1.4 lbs. Revert. Revest. Review. Revile. Reviser. 10 cents. 10 cents. 10 cents. 10 cents. 10 cents. 119 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. >RI&*^ MALLEABLE AND WROUGHT CLEVISES. DOUBLE SHOVEL CLEVISES. Used on Steel Beam. Number. Center to Center of Beam Holes. Approxi- mate Wt. Code "Word. Price per lb. I.B.D.S., 5 Hole, with Straight Shackle I.B.D.S.. 5 Hole, with Hook Shackle. __ K. 49, with Hook. 1% inch. 15I inch. 1% inch. 1.2 lbs. 1.4 lbs. 0.81b. Revival. Revivor. Revolt. 10 cents 10 cents 10 cents I.B.D.S., 5 Hole, with Straight Shackle, used on Double Shovels Nos. 5, 6, and 7. I.B.D.S., 5 Hole, with Hook Shackle, used on Double Shovel No. 10. K. 49, with Hook, used on Wallis Steel Frame Side Harrow. SHACKLE CLEVISES. Number. Size Inside. Approximate Weight. Code Word. Price per lb. 94. Straight %x 15^ inch. %x2 inch. 1x2 inch. 1x23^ inch. %x 234 inch. %x 23^ inch. 0.5 lb. 0.6 lb. 0.7 lb. 1.0 lb. 0.8 lb. 1.0 lb. Revolve. Reward. Reynard. Rhetian. Rhino. Rhodium. Rhombic. Rhus. 10 cents. 95. Straight 130. Straight 10 cents. 10 cents. 180. Straight 99. Twisted E. 216. Twisted... K. 68. Hook 10 cents. 10 cents. 10 cents. 10 cents. K. 149. Hook 10 cents. No. 94. Used on Clevises Nos. I.B.D.S. and 110, Planter's Friend No. 9, and Louis- vill© PlRiitsrs. No. 95. Used on Clevises Nos. 120, 130, and 132. No. 180. Used on Clevis No. 180. No. 99. Used on Clevises Nos. R. B. S. B., and 220. No. E. 216. Used on Clevises Nos, 370, 380, and 321. No. K. 68. Used on Truckers' Cultivators. No. K. 149. Used on I.B.D.S. Clevis, 5 Hole, with Hook Shackle. DOUBLETREE CLEVISES. Number. Size Inside. Approximate • weight. Code Word. Price per lb. K.108, with Screw Pin K.104, with Screw Pin K.llO, with Plain Pin K.106, with Plain Pin I%x3inch. 2 X 5 inch. I%x3inch. 2 X 5 inch. 0.7 lb. 121b. 0.7 lbs. 1.2 lbs. Rial. Riban. Ribwort. Riches, 10 cents. 10 cents. 10 cents. 10 cents. WROUGHT CLEVIS. ONE HORSE. Number. Thickness of Beam. Center of Wrench to End of Beam. Approximate Weight. Code Word. Price per lb. 1 2 inch. 4 inch. 1.2 lbs. Ricochet. 12 cents. WROUGHT CLEVIS. TWO HORSE. Number. Thickness of Beam. Center of Wrench to Center of Pin. Approximate Weight. Code Word. Price per lb. 2 3.. 23^ inch. 2% inch. 434 inch. 434 inch. 2.0 lbs. 2.8 lbs. Riddler. Ridicule. 12 cents. 12 cents. No. 2. Used on Improved New Ground Plows Nos. 1 and 2. No. 2. Used on Samson New Ground Plows Nos. 8 and 9. No. 2. Used on Jumping Shovel Plows Nos. 15 and 16. KENTUCKY WROUGHT BULL-TONGUE CLEVIS. Number. Thickness of Beam. Center of Pin to End of Beam. Approximate Weight. Code Word. Price per lb. 1--.. -1 2>4inch. 434 inch. 1.3 lbs. Ridotto. 12 cents. Used on Side Harrow. 120 B. F. AVERY & SONS. M^^. LOUISVILLE, KY„ STEEL PLOW SHAPES. On the following pages we give a complete list of sizes, styles, and shapes of our stock blades. Outlines showing the curves of each blade are given, so that every dealer will have the means of accurately selecting just what is wanted, avoiding the annoyance and delay occasioned by getting unsuitable shapes through errors in ordering. The approximate weight of each size of blade is given as a guide to dealers, both in ordering and in fixing their selling price per piece, but we invariably sell and invoice all blades sold by , the pound at their actual weight. « All small and medium-weight blades are wired twelve (12) to a bundle; large, heavy blades six (6) to a bundle. SPECIAL NOTE— Specify in each and every order wliether BLACK (unpolished) or POLISHED blades are wanted. All orders for stock blades as herein enumerated can be promptly filled. We are in position to make any special blades required by the trade, if quantity is sufficient and ample time is given us to make them. LIST OF EXTRAS. BLACK FINISHED STEEL PLOW SHAPES. SCOOTERS. Advance. Over 23^ in. wide, 10 in. or longer, Base Price. Over23^in. wide, under lOin. long.. 34c 23^ in. wide, 10 in. or longer J^c. 23^ in. wide, under 10 in. long j^c. Under 23<^ in. wide, 10 in. or longer Ic. Under 23^in. wide, under 10 in. long 134c. SOLID SWEEPS. Magnolia 1 Mississippi Alabama i 1/ Tarver f ^ Star Texas WING SWEEPS. 124. No. 4, Dixon 23^0. 123. No. 5, Farquhar.. Ic. HEEL SWEEPS. 124. No. 6, Curved 124. No. 112, Georgia 122. No. 1, 122. No. 2, 122. No. 3, 123. No. 101, 123. No. 104, 123. No. Ill, :} l>^c. STRAIGHT SHOVELS. 125. No. 7, Avery, ) ^^^^^ ^ j^ ^^^^ y 125. No. 7, Memphis, ra\„ r^,.^^„r,^^' 125. No. s; Mississippi, pi°- "^ ^ongev.. CORN SHOVELS. y^c. I under 9 in. long.... 134c. Ic. 125. No. 113, Texas, 11: ll: ij gISf{^Point,f^--io-ser:".... i^- 126. No. 11, Round Point 1 126. No. 114, Stapler 127. No. 115, Barney 127. No. 103, Mountain BULL TONGUES. 127. No. 102, Mountain %c. \ See below. 127. No. 107, Star, 128. No. 12, Regular, Over23^in. wide, 10 in. or longer J^c. Over 234 in. wide, under 10 in. long Ic. 23^ in. wide, 10 in. or longer IJic. 234 in. wide, under 10 in. long... l)|c. Under 2% in. wide, 10 in. or longer l%c. Under 2>^ in. wide, under 10 in. long 2c. TURNING SHOVELS. 129. No. 106, Star 13^0. 129. No. 14, No Wing 1 ,., 129. No. 17, Taper ] ^•^• 130. No. 15, Brown \ 130. No. 16, Southwestern 130. No. 117, Barber I IJ^c. 131. No. 118, Texas | 131. No. 136, Perfect J SCRAPER BLADES— POLISHED. Advance. 131. No. 19A, Avery 2c. 131. No. 19, Improved 2Mc. 131. No. 119, Mitchell 2c. DOUBLE SHOVEL BLADES— POLISHED. 132. No. 120, Malta, 1 132. No. 108, DiamondPoint, I With bolts 2c. 132. No. 121, Blackland, | No bolts l>^c. 132. No. 122, Universal, J DOUBLE SHOVEL CALF TONGUES— POLISHED. 133. No. 41, Oval Point, 1 w^+t. i.„i*.c my 133. No. 124, Diamond Point, l^ *k u°"^ o^^" 133. No. 125, Universal, j ^° "^°"^ ^°- CULTIVATOR WING SWEEPS— POLISHED. 137. No. 46, I>rane-Dixon{Withb^ts„............... ||c. SINGLE SHOVEL BLADES— POLISHED. 134. No. 130, W.B., Single Shovel Blades 1 134. No. 131, W. B. , Single Shovel Bull Tongues I ^ . , 134. No. 1.32, Wing Shovel Blades, Hinged h^'Pecial. 134. No. 133, Jumping Shovel Blades J |- Special. DOUBLE MOLDBOARD BLADES POLISHED 135. No. 134, Lone Star Burster 135. No. 135, Holz Lone Star Burster CULTIVATOR BLANKS-POLISHED. 135. Nos. 137, 138, Diamond Point Special. WHEELED CULTIVATOR BLADES-POLISHED. 135. No. 25, Plain Diamond Point Blades 135. No. 36, Plain Diamond Point Blades. 136. Nos. 26, 27, Twisted Dia. Pt. Blades 136. No. 35, Corn Shovel 136. No. 28, Oval Blades 136. Nos. 47, 48, Wallis Combination Shovel... 137. No. 37, Dia. Point Calf Tongues 137. No. 29, Oval Calf Tongues 137. No. 38, Dia. Point Calf Tongues 138. No. 39, Solid Cultivator Sweeps 138. Nos. 42, 43, Wallis, jr., Combinat'n Sweeps 138. Nos. 44, 45, Wallis, jr., Shovel Sweeps...... 138. Nos. 33, 34, Wallis, jr.. Turn. Shovels 139. Nos. 40, 41, AVallis, jr.. Turning Shovels (Diamond Point) 139. Nos. 31,32, Wallis, jr.. Scraper Blades 139. Nos. 23, 24, Improved Scraper Blades TRUCKERS' CULTIVATOR BLADES— POLISHED. 140. Nos. 1, 2, 3A, Diamond Point Shovels "I 140. Nos. 4, 5A, Half Dixon Sweeps (small).... j 140. Nos. 6, 7A, Half Dixon Sweeps (large) I . ■ i 140. No. 8A, Dixon Sweeps )-=>peoial- 140. No. lOA, Rear Hilling Blades I 140. No. 11, 12.\, Side Hilling Blades J Extra for Bluing Black Shapes , Extra for Polishing and Bluing Black Shapes . Extra for Painting Backs Red 121 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. SOLID SWEEPS. MAGNOLIA SWEEP. (One i^ in. square hole.) .8.1 _3.5 -3.5 SIZE. lOx 9x /g._ 12 X 9x^3^.. 12x lOx j3g.. 14 X 9x ^3g__ 14x lOx /g 4 16 X 9x ^Sg.: 4.2 16x lOx ^^ 4.7 16x 12x j3g 6.1 18 X 9x ^^ 5 18x lOx j3^ 6.2 18x 12x j3g 7 20x lOx /g 6.7 20 X 12 X /g 7.6 22x 12x ^^ 8.1 24x 12x /g 8.6 APPROXIMATE „ ^„ „ WEIGHT. ^°°^ WORD. -^2.5 lbs Sabian. -Saccule. -Sackage. -Sacrat. -Sacrist. .Saddler. -Safelier. -Sagamore. -Sago. .Sailor. -Saker. .Saleratus. -Salinous. -Sally. -Salsilla. MISSISSIPPI SWEEP. (One ^ in. square hole.) SIZE. 12 X 10 X /g 14x lOx ^3^ 4.1 16x lOx /s 4.5 16 X 11 X jSg 5 18 X 11 X ^3g 5.8 20x 12x j^3g 7.2 CODE WORD. APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. -_3.5 lbs Saltern. -Salty. -Salvage. -Sambo. -Sampler. -Sanctiorip ALABAMA SWEEP. (One ^ in. square hole.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. CODE WORD. 2.8 lbs Sanded. 2.7 " -- Saneness. 3.3 " - Sanicle. 3.7 " -- Sapajo. 4.2 " - Sapphire 4.3 " -- Sarcenet. 4.9 " - Sardonic. 5.2 " -- Sashoon. 5.4 " _- -Satellite. 6.2 " -- Satirist. 6.7 " -- Sative. 7 " -- --- Saturnist. 7.4 " -- Saunter. 8 " -_ Savant. 8.6 •• ._ Savor. 122 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. SOLID SWEEPS. TARVER SWEEP. (One 3^ in. square hole.) SIZE. WEIGHT. CODEWORD. 10x9x3^3^ 2.4 lbs Sawdust. 12x9x^3^ 2.8 " Saxon. 14x9xj3g 3.4 " Scabbard. 16x9x^3^ 3.8 " Scaglia. 18x9x 3 4.4 " Scalene. STAR SWEEP. (One ^ in. square hole.) SIZE. ^™GH™ CODEWORD. lOx 7}^x}( 2.7 lbs Scalper. 12x 7}^:z}( 3.4 " Scandal. 14x 8;^xX 4.3 " Scantle. 16x Qi^xX 5.5 " Scaphite. 18x101^ xX 6.8 " Scared. TEXAS (Coleman) SWEEP. (One X in. square hole.) APPROXIMATE SIZE. WEIGHT. 12x 9x,3g 3.3 Ibs--- 14x 9x^3^ 3.8 " _.. 16x QXjSg 4.3 " _^. 18x 9x^3^ 4.8 " --- 20x10x^3^ 5.5 " ._. CODE WORD. . Scarlet. .Scatter. -Scenery. -Sceptred. -Schene. No. 111. WING SWEEPS. FARQUHAR SWEEP. (One ^ in. square hole.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. CODE WORD. lOx 9Xj3g 2.6 lbs Scholar. 12x 9x,3g 3 14x 9x,3g 3.5 " UxlOXjS^ 4 " 16xl0x/g 4.5 " 16xllXj3g 5.1 " ..-. ISxllx^Sj 5.5 " 18xl2Xi3g 6.2 " ..-- 20x12x^3^ 6.9 " ---- .Scholium. -Schooner. .Scincoid. .Scissile. .Scoffer. . Sconce. _ Scorch. -Scorner. 12S B. F. AVERY & SONS. oP^-^- LOUISVILLE, KY. •fmf> WING SWEEPS. DIXON SWEEP. (One 3^ in. square hole.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. CODE WORD. 10 X 9 X /g 2.7 lbs Scorza. No. 4. 12 X 9 X j3g 3.1 12 X 10 X j3g 3.6 14x lOx /g 4.2 14x 12x ^% 5 16 X 10 X j3g 4.8 16 X 12 X ^% 5.6 18x 12x /g 6.1 18x 14x ^\ 6.8 20x 14x /g 7.5 22 X 15 X j3g 8.4 24xl5x ^% 9.2 -Scotist. -Scourer. -Scrabble. .Scrannet. -Scratcher. -Screen. -Scribbler. -Scrivener. -Scruple. -Scrutiny. -Sculler. No. 6. CURVED HEEL SWEEP. (One j{ in. square hole.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. COBE WORD. X 2)4 X ^ 1.2 lbs Scurrile. 10 X 2>^ X X 1-7 12 X 2>^xX 2.4 14 X 2;^ X 14: 2.8 .-3.2 16 X 2j^ xX- 18 X 2)4 X X 3.6 20 X 2>^ X X 4 --4.4 22 X 2^ xX- 24 X 2>^ X X 5 26x 2i^ X X 5.5 .Scuttle. -Seafaring. .Seame^w. -Searuflf. -Seaward. -Seance. -Season. -Sebacic. -Seconder. GEORGIA HEEL SWEEP. (One X ii^- square hole.) APPROXIMATE SIZE. WEIGHT. 8x3x ^\ 1.1 lbs -- lOxSx ^% 1.6 12x3x ^% 2.3 14x3x ^3g 2.7 16x3x jSg ^--3 18x3x jSg _'__3.4 20x3x ^\ 3.8 22x3x jSg ,----4.2 24x3x /g 4.8 26x3x ^3g 5.3 124 CODE WORD. -Secretary. -Sectator. .Securer. -Sedulous. -Seedling. -.Seemer. -Segment. .Seine. -Selector. -Selfish. aPlil< B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. STRAIGHT SHOVELS. AVERY OR MEMPHIS SHOVEL. (One ^ in. square hole.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. xX 1.7 lbs __- 2 " .2.1 -2.4 .2.4 -2.7 _3 _3 -3.4 -3.7 -4.5 CODE WORD. .Semblance. -Semilunar. . Semiotic. -Semoule, .Senior. . Sensorial. -Sentient. .Sepiment. .Septical. .Septum. - Sequester. MISSISSIPPI SHOVEL. (One i^ in. square hole.) APPEOXIMATE ^.Q-Q^ WOBD. WEIGHT. 6x 8x X l.Slbs Seraphim. 8x 9xX 2.7 " Serfdom. SxlOxX 3 " Serin. lOxlOxX 3,6 " Serpent. 12x10x14: 4.4 " Serried. CORN SHOVELS. SIZE. 5x 8xX 6x 8x X 2.1 6x 9xX 2.3 7x 9xX 2.6 7x lOx X 2.9 8x 9xX 3 8x lOx X 3.2 8x 11 X X 3.5 9x 11 X X 3.9 lOx lOx X 3.7 lOx 11 X X ^ lOx 12x X "^-^ CODE WOBD. GEORGIA SHOVEL. (One X i^' square hole.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. 1,7 lbs Servitor. Session. Settee. Severance. Sexangle. Shabrack. Shaffle. Shaker. Shaly. Shamer. Shapely. Sharer. SIZE. 5 X 8x X- 5x 9xX 2 6x 9xX 2.4 7x 9xX 3 8x 9xX 3.8 125 TEXAS SHOVEL. (One X i^- square hole.) APPBOXIMATE ^jqjjj, -^oBD. WEIGHT. 1.6 lbs Shatter. Shawn. Shearer. Sheen. Shekel. B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. CORN SHOVELS. NARROW POINT SHOVEL. (One ^ in. square hole.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. CODE WORD. 5x 8x )( 1.9 lbs Shellac. 5x 9xX 2.1 6 X 8x1/ A 6x 9x ){ 6x lOx X 2.S 7 X 8 X X 7x 9x X 7x lOx X 7x 11 X }4 8x 9x )^ 8x lOx X 8x llx ){ 4 9x 11 x X 4.5 10 X llx X 5 11 X 12 X X 6.2 12x 12x X 6.8 Shemite . -2.2 " Sherry. .2.5 " Shilling. Shipless. -Shirley. Shivery. Shoer. Shore. Shortner. Shotted. Shoveler. Shred. ' Shrieker. Shrivel. Shrubby. -2.4 .2.8 -3.2 .3.7 .3.2 .3.6 ROUND POINT SHOVEL. (One X ii^' square hole.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. CODE WORD. 5x 5x 6x X 1/ 2.2 lbs Shuffle. 9x X 2.4 9xX. 7 X 9x X- 7 X lOx X 8 X 9x X 8x lOx X. 9x lOx X- -2.8 -3.2 -3.6 -3.7 -4.1 -4.7 lOx 11 X X 5.7 .Shutter. -Siccative. -Sideling. -Siege. -Sigma. -Signally. -Silence. -Silicify. STAPLER SHOVEL. (One X ^^- square hole.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. 6xllxX 3.8 " 6xl2xX 4.2 " 7xl2xX 4.7 " 8 X 12 X X -5 " 9xl2xX 5.5 " .Sinew. 10xl3xX 6.5 " Singling. CODE WORD. Sillabub, -Silvered. -Simious. .Simpleton. .Sinaitic. 126 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. 6x 12 X 7x 12x 7x 13x 7 X 14 X 8 X 12x 8x 13x 8x 14x 9x 13x 9x 14x 9x 15 X CORN SHOVELS. MOUNTAIN SHOVEL. (One 3^ in. square hole.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. CODE WORD. .3.9 lbs Sinistrous, -4.5 ]5.7 .5.2 .5.7 .6.2 .6.3 -7 Sinter. Sirdar. Siskiu. Siva. Sizel. Skelly. Ske-wer. Skimmer. .7.8 " Skipper. BARNEY SHOVEL. (One ^ in. square hole.) „,2E APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. 5x 9xX- — S.6 lbs 6x 9xX 3 " 6xl0xX 3.4 " 7x 9x^ 3.5 " ._. 7xl0x;^ 3.9 " 8x 9x;^ 4 " 8xl0x^ 4.4 " 9xl0x^ 4.8 " CODE WORD. .Skirting. .Skyey. -Slaggy. _ Slank. - Slater. -Slavonic. -Sleeky. -Sleid. No. 1 15. BULL TONGUES. STAR BULL TONGUE. (One ^ in. square hole.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. 2}^x Sxs/s --.- 1.5 lbs. 3 X 8x )i 2 " _ 3 X 9x^ 2.4 " _ 3 xlOx^ 2.8 "_ 3i^ X 9x^ 2.9 "- 4 X 9x^ 3.2 " . 4 xlOx^.... 3.4 " . CODE WORD. .Slice. -Slighter. -Slipper. . Slogan. .Slough. -Sluggard. -Slush. No. 107. MOUNTAIN BULL TONGUE. (One ^{ in. square hole.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. CODE WORD. No. 102. 3i^xl2x;5^ 4.5 3;^ X 13x )4.--i 5 4 xl2x;^ 5.4 4 xl3x^ 5.9 4 xl4x>i 6.5 4i^ X 13x ^ 6.5 4^ X 14 x^ 7 127 lbs Smallish. " Smarter. " Smelter. " ..Smite. " Smoker. " Smoother. " Smuggler. B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. 'fm^ BULL TONGUES. REGULAR. (One ^ in. square hole.) „,„_ APPROXIMATE ^^^^- WEIGHT. X 8x ^ 1.41bs... X 9x^.-.. 1.9 " ... X 8x^8 2.2 " ... X 9x^5^ 2 " ... X 9x^ 2.4 " _._ X 10 X /g 2.2 " ... xlOx^ 2.6 " .__ X 11 X ^5 X 9 X ^ X 10 X jS X 10 X ^ X 11 X ^5 X 11 X ^ 12 X ^ 9 X ^ 10 X ^ 11 X I 11 X ^ 12 X I 12 X ^ 10 X iA .2.3 .2.6 .3.7 .3 .3.3 .3.1 .3.7 .3.5 .4.2 .3.9 4>^ X 12x /g 4 4;^x 12x ^ 4. CODE WORD. -Snail. -Snarer. -Sneaker. -Snicker. -Sniveler, -Snorer. -Snuffler. -Soapsuds. -Socager. -Socle. .Sodium. -Softish. -Soiree. .Solano. .Solecist. -Solfa. .Solidify. -Solo. -Solver. . Somnific. -Sonorous. .Soother. . Sophister. SCOOTERS. (One ^ in. square hole.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. SIZE. 9x^ 11X5 llX ^ 9x ^ lOx ^ llx/g 11 X 3^ 12x Yi 9x ^ X lOx ^ 3.6 X 11 X ^Sg 3.3 X 11 X ^ 3.9 X 12x 34 4.2 X 11 X ^ 4.3 X 12x i/z 4.6 X 12 X ^ 5 128 CODE WORD. .2.4 lbs Soprano. .2.5 .3 .2.8 -3.2 .2.9 .3.5 -3.8 .3.2 -Sorgo. .Sortable. -Sough. -Sonnded. -Souse. .Sovereign. .Spacious. .Spandrel. .Spanker. .Sparing. -Sparoid. -Spathic. -Spavin. -Speaker. -Specie. B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. fm^ TURNING SHOVELS. STAR TURNING SHOVEL. (One 3^ in. square hole.) (Two j^g in. holes, 2j4^ in. from center to center.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. CODE WORD. 3ii( x9Xj5gR 3.5 lbs Specimen. 3i4:x9Xj5g L 3.5 " Spectator. NO WING TURNING SHOVEL. (One ^ in. square hole.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. 3;^xl2x j5g 3.6 4 xllxX 3.7 4 xl2x/g 4.8 4>.^xllxX 3.2 4>^xl2x /g 4.4 5 xlOx/g 4.3 5 xllxX 3.8 5 xllx^Sg 4.7 5 xlSXjSg 5.1 5^xllx j5g 5.5 5i^xl2x j5g 6 6 xl2x 5 6.5 CODE WORD. xllx^ 2.7 lbs Speculum. Speiss. Spelter. Spe^ver. Spherical. Spiccato. Spider. Spiky. Spine. Spinster. Spire. Spirtle . Spitted. TAPER TURNING SHOVEL. (One ^ in. square hole.) No. 17. APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. 3 xllxX 3.3 8)^xl0xJg 4.2 3>^xllx /g 4.6 3>/xl2xX 4.2 4 xlOx^Sg 4.8 4 xllxX 4.2 4 xl2x/g 5.7 4>^xl0x/g 5.1 4;^xllxX . 4.4 4j4xl2x j5g 6 5 xlOx^s^ 5.5 5 xllx^ 4.8 5 xl2x/g 6.5 5>^xl0x,5g 6 5;^xllxX 5.1 5;^xl2x jSg 7 6 xlOx.Sg 6.4 6 xl2xj5g 7.5 7 xl2x5 8.5 CODE WORD. lbs Spleen. " Splice. " Splitter. " Sponge. " Sponsor. " Sporadic. " Spotless. " Spouted. " Sprig. " Springer. " Sprite. " Spume. " Spurious. " Sputter. " Squabbler. " Squander. " Squash. " Squeeze. " Squint. 129 B. F. AVERY &. SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. 'm^ TURNING SHOVELS. BROWN TURNING SHOVEL. (One ^ in. square hole.) SIZE. 4 X 9x -5 4 X 10 X j5 4>^ X 9x j5 ^V^ X 10 X ^s 5 X 9x jS 5 X 10 X / ^y^ X 9x / b% X 10 X jS 6 X 9 X / 6 X 10 X j5 6 X 11 X 1= QVz X 10 X / ^Vz X 11 Xf 7 X 10 X 1^ 7 X 11 X ,J 8 X 11 X jS APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. CODE WORD. ;\ 3.9 lbs Squirter. .4.2 .4.2 .4.5 .5.2 -5.4 .5.9 -6.1 _6.5 -6.8 -7 -7.2 -7.5 -7.5 -7.8 .Stable. . Stack. -Staffier. - Stagirite. .Staith. -Stale. Stall. . Stammer. - Stanch. . Stang. -Starfish. -Starch. . Stark. -Starter. -Starve. SOUTHWESTERN TURNING SHOVEL. (One 3^ in. square hole.) CODE WOED. 4 4K 5 5 ^% 6 6 7 7 X 9 X jSg X lOx ^\ 4.3 X lOx 5 4.6 APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. -_3.6 lbs Stately. Statics. X lOx X 11 X X lOx X 12x X lOx X 12x X lOx X 12x X 12x -5.2 -5.6 .5.8 -6.2 .6.3 .7 .7.4 .8.2 -9 .Statuary. .Stave. -Steadily. -Steam. .Steatite. -Steening. . Steepy . .Stela. -Stellite. .Stentor. BARBER TURNING SHOVEL. (One ^ in. square hole.) CODE WORD. 4:% X 9x jSg 5 X 9Xi5g 5 5 X 11 X ^5g 5.8 53^ X lOx j5g 5.8 6 X 10x^5^ 6.4 X 11 X /s 7 6)^^xllx/6 7.6 7 X 11 X jBg 8.2 130 APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. -_4.6 lbs Sterile. Sternly. Steward. . Stickle. .Stifle. . Stilar. . Stilling. .Stimulus. B. F. AVERY & SONS. «.t5^-t LOUISVILLE, KY. TURNING SHOVELS. TEXAS TURNING SHOVEL. (One 3^ in. square hole.) CODE WORD. Stinter. Stipuled. Stitch. Stockade. Stoicism. Stomachic. CODE WORD. Stoned. Stooper. Storax. Storming. Stoutness. Straggler. SCRAPERS. AVERY SCRAPER BLADE. No. 1 9 A. (Holes 2^ inches from center to center. y^ inch, square countersunk.) SIZE. APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. 14x lOx 3 6.5 lbs... 1 6- CODE WORD. . - Strainer. IMPROVED SCRAPER BLADE. No. 1 9. (Holes 2^ inches from center to center. y^, inch, square countersunk.) SIZE. ^Tei™''"' C0°^ ^0«°- 17 X 11 X jSg 8.5 lbs Stranded. MITCHELL SCRAPER BLADE. No. 1 1 9. (Holes 2^ inches from center to center. ^ inch, square countersunk.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. SIZE. "'\::z"^:7^ — codeword. 14 X 10 X /g 8.1 lbs Strass. 131 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. No. 120. Polished only. No. 108. Polished only. DOUBLE SHOVEL BLADES. MALTA DOUBLE SHOVEL BLADE. \A'ith either one or two holes. (Two bolts 2}( X y^, 2^ in. from center to center. Polished and bolts ground in.). SIZE. APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. 5 xllxJ,. 2.2 lbs... 5 xllx;^: 3.1 5>^ X 11x^3^ 2.4 5yixnx){ 3.2 6 xllx 3 T6- 2.6 6 xUx'14 3.4 6}4xUXj% 2.8 6>ixllxX 3.7 7 xl2xX 4.2 CODE WORD. Stratus. . Stra-wy. . Streamer. Strennous. Striate. . Strife. Stringy. . Stroam. Strombus. DIAMOND POINT DOUBLE SHOVEL BLADE. With either one or two holes. (Two bolts 2^ X ^, 2}( in. from center to center. Polished and bolts ground in.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. CODE WORD. 5 xllxJg 2.4 lbs Strophe. 5 xllxX 3.2 " Struma. 5)4xUx-^\ 2.7 " Stubborn. 5^xllxX 3.6 " Stiidio. 6 xllx^ 3.7 " Stumble. No. 121. Polished only. BLACKLAND DOUBLE SHOVEL BLADE. (Two bolts 2^ X 3/^, 2){ in. from center to center. Polished and bolts- ground in.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. 5^^x11x14: 3.6 lbs. CODE WORD. Stupe. UNIVERSAL DOUBLE SHOVEL BLADE. (Two bolts 23/ X 3/^, 2/ in. from center to center. Polished and bolts ground in.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. SIZE. — V.".r,~7™ CODEWORD. Bxllx 1/ 3.2 lbs sturdy. No. 122. Polished only. NOTE.— In ordering, specify whether with one or two holes ; and whether with or without bolts. Whert not specified, we ship blades with two holes and bolts. Bolts for One Hole Blades are 3 x 7-16, round countersunk. 182 B. F. AVERY & SONS. ».^^-t LOUISVILLE, KY. 'mo^ DOUBLE SHOVEL CALF TONGUES. OVAL POINT DOUBLE SHOVEL CALF TONGUE. With either one or two holes. (Two bolts 2X X y&> 2^ in. from center to center. Polished and bolts ground in.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. CODE "WORD. xllx 1/ 1.41bs Stylite. only. 2 xllx^ 2.2 2>^xllxX 1-7 2>^xllx^5_ 2 2>^xllx3^ 2.6 3 xllxX 2 3 xllXj^ 2.8 3 xllx^ 3.2 3 xl2xX 2.3 3>^xllxX 2.2 Sl4xnxj% 3.2 3;^xl2xX 2.5 4 xllxX 2.5 4 xllXj\ 3.6 4 xl2xi/ 2.8 .Suasory. . SubcatidaL .Subdolous. .Suberic. -Subjugate. .Sublime. . Submitter. .Suborn. -Subrogate. -Subserve. -Subsist. .Substrate. . Subster. -Subtly. No. 124. Polished only. No. 125. Polished only. DIAMOND POINT DOUBLE SHOVEL CALF TONGUE. With either one or two holes. (Two bolts 2^ X }i, 2){ in. from center to center. Polished and bolts ground in.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. 2)^xnxx. 3 xllx^. CODE WORD. 2 lbs Subvert. 2.2 " Succentor. UNIVERSAL DOUBLE SHOVEL CALF TONGUE. (Two bolts 2^ X y^, 2^ in. from center to center. Polished and bolts ground in.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. SIZE. ""^v.;;^;;,™ codeword. 3x11x14^ 2.9 lbs -Succinate. NOTE.— In ordering, specify whether with one or two holes; and whether with or without bolts. AVhen not specified, we ship blades with two holes and bolts. Bolts for One Hole Blades are 3 x 7-16, round countersimk. 183 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. SIZE. 4xl4x V'. SINGLE SHOVEL BLADES. WOOD BEAM SINGLE SHOVEL BLADE. No. 1 30, Polished only. One 4^ X ^ in. bolt, round countersunk. Polished and bolt ground in.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. 7xl4Xj5g 5.8 lbs 8x14x5 6.5 " CODE WORD. . Succory. .Sucket. W. B. SINGLE SHOVEL BULL TONGUE. No. 131, Polished only. (One 4^ X ^ in. bolt, round countersunk. Polished and bolt ground in.) APPROXIMATE WEIGi.T. CODE WORD. 7 lbs Sudatory. JUMPING SHOVEL BLADE. No. 1 33, Polished only. One 5 X ^ in. bolt, round countersunk. Polished and bolt ground in. APPEOXIMATE WEIGHT. 9xl2Xj5g 6 lbs 12xl5x 5 9 >c CODE WORD. . Suflferer. .SuflFocate. WING SHOVEL BLADE. HINGED. No. 1 32, Polished only. Ts\ o 4 X ^ in. bolts, 2 j^!' in. from center to center. Pol- ished and bolts ground in.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. CODE WORD. 30 in. spread ^.12 lbs Sugared. 184 B. F. AVERY & SONS. 0^%ill4> LOUISVILLE, KY. DOUBLE MOLDBOARD BLADES. LONE STAR BURSTER BLADE. No. 134. Polished only. (One ^ inch square hole.) SIZE. '"',:::::":::.:: — codeword. 12-inoh cut APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. _.lli4 lbs SuicidaL "HOLZ" LONE STAR BURSTER BLADE. No. 135. Polished only. (One ^ inch square hole.) CODE WOED. SIZE. 10xl6XjSg ISxieXjSg 13.6 APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. _10 lbs Suitor. Sully. CULTIVATOR BLANKS. DIAMOND POINT. APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. CODE WOED. No. 137, 2>^x 7xX 1.2 lbs Sulphuric. No. 137. 2^^x11x14: 2 " Sumless. No. 137. 3 X 7xX 1-4 " Summoner. No. 137. 8 xllxi^: 2.2 " Sunbeam. No. 138. 5 XIIX14: 3.2 " Sunder. No. 1 38. No. 1 37. Polished only. CULTIVATOR BLADES. PLAIN DIAMOND POINT BLADE. With Block. (Used on Avery Comet and Western Cultivator.) „I7E APPROXIMATE ^ ^^^^ SIZE. WEIGHT. 5x101^ xX 3. 8 lbs Sunlight. No. 25. Polished only. PLAIN DIAMOND POINT BLADE. (Two 2>^ X 3^ bolts, 2}( inches from center to center. Fsed on Avery New South Cultivator.) Syz'xlOi^x APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. 1/ 3. 3 lbs ... CODE WOED. -Sunset. No. 36. Polished only. 135 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. CULTIVATOR BLADES. TWISTED DIAMOND POINT BLADE. With Block. (Used on Avery Comet and Western Cultivators.) oT-,c APPROXIMATE „ ^„ „, „^ SIZE. WEIGHT. *^°°^ WORD. 5 X lOj^ X % Right 41bs Subperb. 5 X 10;^ X ^ Left 4 lbs Supernal. No. 26— R. H. No. 27— L. H. Polished only. OVAL BLADE. (Holes 214!' inches from center to center. Bolts 2^ x ^, round counter- sunk. Used on all Avery Cultivators.) No. 28. Polished only. APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. SIZE. "*::,:;:;""*' — codeword. 6x 11 X 1/ 4 lbs Supervene. CORN SHOVEL. (Two 2^ X ^ bolts, 2)^ inches from center to center. Used on Avery New South Cultivator.) SIZE. X 9 X 1 1 X U APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. CODE WORD. 4 lbs Supple. No. 35. Polished only. No. 47— R. H. No, 48— L, H, Polished only. WALLIS COMBINATION SHOVEL. (Holes 2 J4^ inches from center to center. Bolts 2^ X j'^g, round countersunk.) Used on Avery's Comet Cultivator Nos. 104 and 104X, and on Avery's Kevolution Six- Shovel Cultivator. (No. 47 is also used on No. 7 Double Shovel Cultivator.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. CODE WORD. No. 47, 2 -3x 10 xX -3.2 lbs_-. Suppliant. N0.47, 2i^-4xl0xX'-4 lbs... Support. No. 47, 3 -5x 10 X 1^.4.4 lbs..-Supposer. No. 48, 2 -SxlOxX -3.2 lbs.. -Supra. No.48, 21^-4x10x1^-4 lbs_. .Supreme. No. 48, 3 -5x 10x^.4.4 lbs... Surole. 136 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. CULTIVATOR BLADES. '^■il OVAL CALF TONGUE. '"^ * (Holes 2X in. from center to center. Bolts 2}i x ^, round countersunk. Used on all Avery Cultivators.) ^„^ APPROXIMATE CODE WORD. blit.. WEIGHT. 3x 10>^ X X 2.21bs Surgeon. Wo. 29. Polished only. DIAMOND POINT CALF TONGUE. With Block. (Used on Avery Comet and Western Cultivators. APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. 3x 10;-^ X X 3. 2 lbs CODE WORD. . Surmiser. No. 37. Polished only. DIAMOND POINT CALF TONGUE. (Two 2j4 X ^ bolts, 2){ in. from center to center. Used on Avery New South Cultivator.) SIZE. 3xl0>/x X No. 38. Polished only. 'No. 46. Polished only. C:ODE WORD. APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. ._ 2.2 lbs Surplice. DRANE-DIXON CULTIVATOR SWEEP. (Holes 2X in- fi'om center to center. Bolts 2^ x ^ round countersunk.) (Used on all Avery Cultivators.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. CODE WORD. 8x 12x 3 2.51bs Surrendry. 9x 12x lOx 12 X 12x 12x 14 X 12 X 16 X 12 X 187 .3 .3.5 -4.1 -4.8 .5.6 .Surveyor. .Survivor. .Suspecter. .Suspiral. .Suttle. B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. CULTIVATOR BLADES SOLID CULTIVATOR SWEEP. (Holes 2^ in. from center to center. Bolts 2^ x ^, round countersunk.) (Used on Avery Comet and Western Cultivators.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. CODE WORD. 10xlOXi\ 3 lbs Swaddle. ISxlOXjSg 3.5 14x10x^3^ 4.2 16x10x^3^ 5 18xl2x j3g 6.8 20xl2x 3 7.5 .Swallet. .S"wamp. -Swarm. . S-wash. -Sweater. No. 39, Polished only. WALLIS, Jr., COMBINATION SWEEP. No. 42— R.H. No. 43— L.H. Polished only. (Two 2}^x^\ bolts,2 14^ in. from center to center.) (Used on Avery Comet and Western Cultivators.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. CODE WORD. SIZE. 6-8x10x^3^ R 5 lbs Sweeper. 6-8x10x^3^ L 5 " Sweetener. 7-9xlOXj3gR 5.6 " Swelter. 7-9xl0x/g L 5.6 " Swifter. WALLIS, Jr., SHOVEL SWEEP. No. 44— R.H. No. 45— L.H. Polished only. (Two 2}{ X j'^g bolts, 2}( in. from center to center.) ^Used on Avery Comet and Western Cultivators.) SIZE. APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. CODE WORD 2 -6xlOXj3gR 3.5 lbs Swimmer 2 -6xlOXj3g L .... 3.5 " Swingel. 2i4-7xlOXj3g R .... 2i^-7xlOXj3g L 3.8 " 3.8 " Swinlier. S-wosber. 3 -8xl0x j3g R 3 -8xlOXj3g L 4.2 " 4.2 " Sybarite. Syenite. WALLIS, Jr., CULTIVATOR TURNING SHOVELS. (For Double Shovel also.) N/ 1^ No. 33— R.H. No. 34— L.H. Polished only. (Holes 2^ in. from center to center. Bolts2j4;'xj''g in., round countersunk.) (Used on Avery Comet and Western Cultivators.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. CODE WORD. 5x11x14: R 6 lbs Sylph. 5xllxX L 6 6x11x14: R 7 6xllxX L 7 7xl2x X R .8 7x12x14: L 8 138 Symbolics. . Symmetry. -Symposiac -Synaxis. - Synclinal. B. F. AVERY & SONS. Plil'^^ LOUISVILLE, KY. CULTIVATOR BLADES. WALLIS, Jr., DIAMOND POINT CULTIVATOR TURNING SHOVELS. No. 40— R.H. No.41— L.H. Polished only. (Used on Avery Comet and "Western Cultivators.) (For Doutole Shovel also.) (Holes 2 i^f in. from center to center. Bolts 2Xx i^'gin., round countersunk.) SIZE. APPEOXIJIATE WEIGHT. ^°°^ WORD. 5xllx j4: R 6 lbs." Syncope. 5xllx 1/ L e exiix;^: R 7 6xllx^ L 7 7x12x1^' R 8 7xl2x y. L 8 .Syncopize. . Syncretist. . Syndactyl. -Syndic. -Synechia. Mo. 31. No. 32. Polished only. WALLIS, Jr., CULTIVATOR SCRAPER BLADES. With Blocks. (Used on Avery Comet and Western Cultivators.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. CODE WOED. 9x8 x ^3g__181bs. pr pair- Synergist. 11x9x^3^.-21 " ^' -Syngraph. No. 23— R.H. No. 24— L.H. Polished only. IMPROVED SCRAPER BLADES. With Block. (Used on Avery Comet and Western Culti- vators.) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT. CODE WORD. lOxlOx j3g R_ 10xlOx,s L_ .7 lbs Synochus. 7 " Synodal. CULTIVATOR BLADE BLOCKS. NO. J90 J91 J92 J95 J96 J91. J92. J95. J96. USED ON CODE WORD. Straight Shovel No. 25 Synonym. Twisted Shovel No. 26, R.H Synonymist. Twisted Shovel No. 27, L.H Sjaionymous. Improved Scraper Blade No. 23, R.H Synonymy. Improved Scraper Blade No. 24, L.H Synopsis. 189 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. TRUCKER CULTIVATOR BLADES. No. 1 A. No. 2 A. No. 3 A. No. 4A— R.H. No,5A— L.H. No. 6 A— R.H. No. 7 A— L.H, 12 A— L.H. Polished Only. (With 13^ x% Bolt, Round Countersunk.) No. lA. 2 A. 3 A. 4 A. 5 A. 6 A. 7 A. 8 A. 8 A. 8 A. 10 A. 11 A. 12 A. Name. Diamond Point Shovel, Reversible . . Diamond Point Shovel, Reversible _. Diamond Point Shovel, Reversible . . Half Dixon Sweep, small, right hand Half Dixon Sweep, small, left hand. _ Half Dixon S^w^eep, large, right hand Half Dixon Sweep, large, left hand. _ Dixon Sweep, small Dixon Sweep, medium Dixon Sweep, large Rear Hilling Blade Side Hilling Blade, right hand Side Hilling Blade, left hand Size. 11- X 8 2 x8 3 x8 9 x6 9 x6 12 X 6 12 X 6 8 x6 10 X 6 12 X 6 6ix6 8|x6 Six 6 X 3 X -5_ X -5 X 5 •^ 3 3 ^3 3 X 5 -^ 3 3 X 5 X 5 Approximate Weiglit. 1 lb, 1.1 lbs. 1.2 lbs. 1.6 lbs. 1.6 lbs. 2 lbs. 2 lbs. 1.8 lbs. 2 lbs. 2.2 lbs. 2 lbs. 4 lbs. 4 lbs. Code Word. Synovia. Syntax. Syntaxis. Syntetic. Syntomy. Syntonic. Syphon. Syriac. Syringa, Syrma. Systasis. Systole. Systyl. 140 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. 'm&> REPAIR PRICE LIST FOR MOON COULTERS. Cut of Coulter on pages 1 04- and 1 05. No. 1. Price. Blade, 8-inch 81 00 Standard or Rod 50 No. 1 Shoe 1 00 No. 1 Journal 60 Journal Box, R. H 20 Journal Box, L. H 20 No. C. Journal Clamp, R.H 15 No. D. Journal Clamp, L.H 15 Hub (countersunk), K. H 20 Huh (threaded), L. H 20 No. K 101. Be^m Clamp Bottom 40 No. K 102. Beam Clamp Center 40 No. K103. Beam Clamp Wedge 15 No. 2. Blade, 10-inch 1 25 Standard or Rod 50 No. 2 Shoe 1 25 No. 2 Journal 60 Journal Box, R. H 20 Journal Box, L.H 20 No. G. Journal Clamp, R. H 15 No. 2. Price. No. H. Journal Clamp, L. H.. $0 15 Hub (countersunk), R. H 20 Hub (threaded). L. H 20 No. K 101. Beam Clamp Bottom 40 No. K 102. Beam Clamp Center 40 No. K 103. Beam Clamp Wedge 15 No. 3. Blade, 12-inch i 50 Standard or Rod 50 No. 3Shoe 1 50 No. 3 Journal 60 Journal Box, R. H 20 Journal Box, L. H 20 No. K. Journal Clamp, R. H 15 No. L. Journal Clamp, L. H 15 Hub (countersunk), R. H 20 Huh (threaded), L. H 20 No. K 101. Beam Clamp Bottom 40 No. K 102. Beam Clamp Center 40 No. K103. Beam Clamp Wedge 15 Repair Price List for Truckers' Cultivators and Attachments Cut of Implements on pages 84 and 85. No. Price. K 68. Clevis Hook and Link for Nos. A, B, C, D..$0 30 K 69. Cross Pieces for Nos. A, B, C, D, per set... 30 K 70. Expanding Clip, less hand screw, for Nos. A, B 25 K 116. Quadrant for Nos. C, D 25 K 117. Expanding Slide for Nos. C, 1) 25 K 120. Expanding Hand Screw for Nos. A, B 20 K 189. Wrench for Nos. A, B, C, D 10 J 118. Pawl, steel, for Nos. C, D 80 324. Trigger for Nos. C, D 15 Lever, complete, for Nos. C, D 80 Standard, with Bolts, for Nos. A, B, C, D.. 40 Price. Handle Braces, long, per pair $0 50 Handle Braces, short, per pair 30 Finished Handles, per pair 75 No. For Horse Hoe Attachment. K 13.3. Blade Dial 25 K 134. Standard 25 For Gauge Wheel Attachment. K 71. Gauge Wheel Arm, R. H 35 K 72. Gauge Wheel Arm, L. H 35 Gauge Wheel 40 Repair Price List for Orchard Harrows and Attachments. Cut of Implements on page 86. No. Price. K 68. Clevis Hook and Link for Nos. F, G $0 30 K 69. Cross Pieces for Nos. F, G, per pair 30 K 70. Expansion Clip for No. F 25 K 95. Tooth Clamp for Nos. F, G 15 K 96. Expansion Hinge for No. G 15 K 116. Quadrant for No. G 25 K 117. Expansion Slide for No. G 25 K120. Hand Screw for No. F 20 K189. Wrench for Nos. F, G 10 K 213. Expansion Hinge for No. F 15 J 118. Pawl, steel, for No. G 30 No. Price. 324. Trigger for No. G 80 15 Lever, complete, for No. G 80 Handle Braces, long, per pair 50 Handle Braces, short, per pair 30 Finished Handles, per pair.. 75 For Gauge Wheel Attachment. 71. Gauge Wheel Arm, R. H., 72. Gauge Wheel Arm, L. H.. Price. Hook and Link, each $0 50 " ' ----- gjj K 87. Quadrant, old style, each.. K ' " " • K K Pawl Case, old style, each 10 Pawl for K88, old style, each 10 90. Lever Socket, old style, each 35 K 91. Lever Bar Clamp, with arm, each. Gauge Wheel 40 REPAIR PRICE LIST FOR U BAR STEEL FRAME LEVER HARROWS. Cut of Implement on page 59. No. Price. Price. End Cross Bars, each $1 00 Center Cross Bars, each 75 Cross Bar that lever fastens to, each 50 Levers, complete, each 1 00 Front or A Braces, per set 70 25 Teeth 3^x^2x9 inches, each 10 Teeth %xs|x9 inches, each 15 Bolts for Tooth Clamps, each 05 Bolts for Runners, each 05 Spreader Irons for (2) section draw bar, old style 50 Spreader Irons for (3) section draw bar, old style 85 Spreader Irons for (4) section draw bar, old style 1 25 Chain Spreader with adjustable hitch for (2) sec- tion draw bar 1 GO Chain Spreader with adjustable hitch for (3) sec- tion draw bar 1 25 Chain Spreader with adjustable hitch for (4) sec- tion draw bar 1 50 92. Tooth Clamp, without Bolts, for >^xK teeth, each 10 K 93. Runners without Bolts, each 25 K 94. Clamp Collar for Cross Bars, each 10 K112. Tooth Clamp, without Bolts, for J^x% and %x% teeth, each 10 K 220. Drawhead, each 25 K221. Quadrant, each 50 K222. Lever Socket, each 35 E 209. Trigger for Lever, each 15 J 118. Pawl, each 80 324. Trigger for Lever, old style, each 10 U Bars, each 1 00 Drawbar for 1 Section, ironed, complete. In one piece, 2x3>^ in. by 3 feet 5 in., with %-m. irons, old style SI 70 Drawbar for 2 Sections, ironed, complete, in one piece, 2x33^ in. by 8 feet 6 in., with >i-in. irons, old style 2 50 Drawbar for 8 Sections, ironed, complete, in one piece, 2x5 in. by 13 feet 6 in., with 9-16-in. irons, old style 3 00 Drawbar for 4 Sections, Ironed, complete, in one piece, 2x6 in. by 13 feet 4 in., with 9-16-in. irons, old style ... 4 50 Drawbar for 1 30 tooth Section, complete, with spreader chains, etc., 3 feet 7 inches long 1 70 Drawbarforl 60 tooth Section, complete, with spreader chains, etc., 8 feet 7 inches long 2 5') Drawbar for 1 90 tooth Section, complete, with spreader chains, etc 3 00 Drawbarforl 120 tooth Section, complete, with spreader chains, etc 4 50 Drawbarforl 25 tooth Section, complete, with spreader chains, etc , 3 feet 2 inches long 1 70 Drawbar for 1 50 tooth Section, complete, with spreader chains, etc., 6 feet lOJ^ inches long 2 50 Drawbarforl 75 tooth Section, complete, with spreader chains, etc 3 00 Drawbar for 1 100 tooth Section, complete, with spreader chains, etc 4 50 REPAIR PRICE LIST FOR COMMON SENSE HARROW. Cut of Implement on page 59. Wood Cross Bars, 23^x23^ inches, each $0 20 Iron Rod, with nut and washer, each $1 00 Wood Bars, ly^^iy^ inches, each 70 Teeth, 5^x12 inches, per dozen 1 00 141 B. F. AVERY & SON 3. LOUISVILLE, KY. REPAIR PRICE LIST FOR "INVINCIBLE" SULKY PLOWS. Cut of Implements on page 42. Cut of Repairs on page 143. When ordering right or left-hand repairs, do so from operator's position or rear of Sulky. Order repairs by letter and number given. Part' Articles. Price. ^-f/ E209. Trigger for lifting pawl $0 15 E 807. E226. Coulter hub (half) 30 E270. Coulter yoke head 20 E 808. E271. Coulter sand (-hield 15 E 809. E288. Pawl (old style) 15 E 810. E294. Pawl case (old style) 25 E 811. E297. Dial clevis follower 25 E 812. E821. Wood bushing for E 226 10 E 813. E343. Coulter blade, lo-inch 2 00 E814. E346. Coulter stem 60 E 815. E349. Coulter arm, R. H 35 E350. Coulter arm, L. H .: 35 E 816. E357. Draft rod slide 60 E 817. E410. Pawl (no cut shown) 50 E 820. E500. Dial clevis head 50 E 821. E501. Draft rod casting 35 E823. E503. Furrow wheel axle bearing, L H 50 E 824. E 504. Furrow wheel axle bearing, R. H. (old K 825. style) 50 E 826. E 505. Connecting rod arm with rivet on fur- E 826. row axle, R. H 60 E 826. E 506. Land wheel axle bearing, R. H 50 E 826. E508. Land axle lever socket with rivet 50 E 827. E510. Rear axle swivel socket, R.H 80 . E 828. E511. Rear axle clutch collar with rivet, E829. R. H 30 E831. E 515. Rear axle land shield collar (old style).. 25 E516. Rear axle land shield collar cap 15 E831. E517. Weed hook washer la E518. Furrow wheel sand shield collar 20 E832. E519. Furrowwheel sand shield collar cap 20 E 833. E520. Swivel pole casting on pole 35 E834. E521. Swivel pole casting on frame 25 E835. E522. Rear axle swivel socket, L. H 80 E523. Rear axle clutch collar with rivet, L. H.. 30 E 836. E524. Connecting rod arm ou furrow axle, L.H. 60 E 837. E525. Quadrant washer 10 E 839. E527. Coulter clamp wiih bolts 70 E 840. E 528. Land wheel axle bearing and seat rest... 75 E841. E529. Trash shield complete with bolts and E842. washer for rear wheel (old style) 75 ES43. E530. Trash shield washer for rear wheel 05 E 844. E 531. Rear axleswivel socketwilh lever, R. H., E 845. for No. 5 (no cut shown) 1 75 E 846. E532. Rearaxleswivel socket with lever, L.H., E 847. for No. 5 (no out shown) 1 75 E 848. E 533. Rear lever quadrant bracket, R. H., for E 849. Ko. 5 (no cut shown) 35 E 850. E534. Rear lever quadrant bracket, L. H., for E 851. No. 5 (no cut shown) 35 E 852. E 535. Rear wheel sandshield collar, R. H., for E 853. No. 5 (no cut shown) 25 J 108. E 536. Rear wheel sand shield collar, L. H., for J 118. No. 5 (no cut shown)..... 25 E537. Furrow wheel axle bearing (no cut J 812. shown) 50 T 69. E 577. Quadrant for compound lever, K. H., for T 74. No. 5 (no cut shown) 50 T 100. E 582. Quadrant for compound lever, L. H. , for S. No. 5 (no cut shown) 50 E 800. Beam for furrow side, for either R, or T. L.H. plow 4 00 E 801. Beam for landside, for either R. or L. H. R. plow 4 00 E802. Land wheel axle 2 75 OB508. E803. Farrow wheel axle for 10 and 12 inch bottoms 2 50 OB507. E804. Furrow wheel axle for 12 and 14 Inch N 54. bottoms 2 50 E 805. Furrow wheel axle for 14 and 16 inch. N 14. bottoms 2 50 E806. Rear furrow wheel axle 2 00 66. Articles. Price. Plow standard (state name and size of plow) 13 00 Furrow lever complete 1 75 Land lever complete 1 60 Seat spring 2 00 Seat spring leaf 75 Quadrant for land lever 80 Quadrant for furrow lever 80 Draft rod 80 Knuckle brace (state name and size of plow) 1 ,"^0 Furrowwheel scraper 50 Rear wheel scraper 40 Chain to lock rear wheel 60 Lifting spring hook 25 Spiral lifting spring 1 00 Land lever trigger rod 20 Furrow lever trigger rod 20 Steel landside for 10 in. bottom f State if ) 1 25 Steel landside for 12 in. bottom J for New I 1 50 Steel landside for 14 in. bottom] Clipper 1" 1 75 Steel landside for 16 in. bottom [ or Texas J 2 00 Seat 85 Foot rest 75 Connecting rod, furrow lever to axle 40 Frog for 10, 12, 14 inch bottom (state if for New Clipper or Texas), each 2 00 Frog for 16 inch bottom (state if for New Clipper or Texas), each 2 50 Weed hook 60 Furrow wheel sand shield stirrup 20 Toolbox clamp washer 05 Point and mold clip (state name and size ot plow) 10 Land quadrant washer 10 Swivel arm for pole 1 00 Stirrup for foot rest 20 Bolt for coulter clamp 15 Spring for pawl E 288 and E 410 Li Monkey wrench 75 Land lever, without attachment 70 Furrow lever, without attachment 1 00 Pole, painted (no cut shown) 2 50 Pawl cover for E 410 (no cut shown) 20 Pawl cover for J 118 (no cut shown) 20 Compoundlevercomplete(nocut shown) 75 Rear lever complete (no cut shown) 75 Rear quadrant, R. H. (no cut shown) 50 Rearquadrant, L. H. (nocutshown) 50 Rear quadrant brace (no cut shown) 25 Steel neckyoke, 36 inch (no cut shown).. 1 00 Toolbox 60 Steel pawl for rear lever for No. 5 (no cut shown) 30 Spring for J 118 (no cut shown) 15 Land wheel sand shield 20 Axle washer for land an d furrow wheels 10 Axle washer, rear wheel 10 Land \vheel, with box and nut, painted (nocutshown) 3 75 Furrow wheel,withboxandnut, painted (nocutshown) 3 50 Rear furrow wheel, with box and nut, painted (no cut shown) 2 50 Wheel box for S and T wheels (no cut shown) 1 00 Wheel box for R wheel (no cut shown)... 75 Wheel box nut for S and T wheels (no cut shown) 40 Wheel box nut for R wheel (no cut shown) 35 Wrench (no cut) 20 142 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. Repairs for 'Mnvincible" Sulky Plow. £8^«f tSOl Cut of Implement on Page 43. 143 Prices of Kepairs on Fag'e 142. B, F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY.. DIRECTIONS FOR SETTING XJP AND OPERATING AVERY'S INVINCIBLE SULKY PLOW. Cut of Implements on Page 42. Before setting up Sulky see that all bearings are free from dirt or grit and are thoroughly oiled. Put the land axle (which is the longest one) from left side through land wheel axle bearing, E 506 (reverse if L. H. Sulky). Bolt land wheel axle bearing and seat rest, E 528, to frame, but do not tighten. Place pawl of land lever (the medium length lever) in third notch from rear in land lever quadrant, then hold bolt head of bolt to be used to fasten lever against nut, fastening land wheel axle bearing, E 506, to frame, and push land axle through to the right until land wheel lever socket, E 508, is in its place, then bolt securely to lever. Put bottom end of furrow lever (longest one) over end of land axle on- right hand side of frame and secure with cotter. Tighten bolt in land wheel axle bearing and seat rest, E 528. Insert end of furrow axle in furrow wheel axle bearing, E 503, then, bolt furrow wheel axle bearing, E 537 (old No. E 504), to frame. Bolt connecting rod, E 829, to furrow lever. Place on land axle the 28-inch wheel, on front furrow axle the 24-inch wheel, and the 18-inch wheel on rear axle with small side of hubs inward. On Invincible Sulky No. 6, which has the back furrowing attachment, remove bolts in rear wheel swivel socket E 531 on right hand ploAV and E 532 on left hand plow and fit lever in groove of swivel socket, and bolt back to frame; be careful not to tighten the bolt too tight, as the casting- must swivel in frame when back-furrowing. Kemove weed hook washer, E 517, fit the weed hook in washer, and rebolt to frame. Attach spiral lifting spring to hook in weed hook washer, E 617, and to small hook near top end of furrow lever. Loosen key bolts in coulter clamp E 527 and push coulter stem up through clamp until coulter plays clear of point of plow and about I inch to land, then tighten key bolts. Bolt seat spring to land wheel axle bearing and seat rest, E 528. Place the foot rest just above angle in seat spring, driving the stirrup that holds foot rest from under side of seat spring through foot rest. Bolt tool box on top of frame, just forward of standard. The Invincible Sulky will open a furrow from one to seven inches deep, by throwing both levers forward to the proper notch to obtain the desired depth (if the ground is extremely hard, the land or leveling lever should be pushed forward sufficient to let the plow lean to the land). After the first furrow has been opened and the required depth obtained,, pull the lifting lever back to the sixth or central notch in quadrant, then level the plow by shifting the land or leveling lever. "When the team is walking right, then adjust the clevis to or from the land until the front furrow wheel tracks against the wall of the furrow previously plowed. There are absolutely no adjustments to make on this plow except the clevis. The width of cut is varied by moving the front furrow wheel in or out on axle. Have the clevis adjusted as high as it can be used without having a tendency to pull the rear wheel off the ground. To back-furrow and turn a square corner with the plow in the ground, tighten the set screw in swivel socket E 531 R on right hand plow or E 532 L on left hand plow. When the plow gets to the end of fiirrow and as the front furrow wheel starts to climb on the land, move the lifting lever forward; this elevates the wheel, and the plow maintains a uniform depth. Before turning raise the rear wheel by means of lever back of seat, then turn the team square around until the lead horse is in the furrow ; do not let the team move the plow until they, are in that position, when the plow will turn a perfect corner with the plow in the ground ; when the team starts up, pull both levers back into position. If plowing very deep and lever has to be pushed very far forward, it is advisable to remove the coil lifting spring on furrow lever. In turning "haw" with the right hand plow or " gee " with the left hand plow, loosen the set screw on swivel socket E 531 R or E 532 L, when the plow will turn a perfect square corner with the plow in the ground without touching any of the levers. NOTE.— Reference herein to set screw E 531 E and E 582 L applies only to the No. 5 Invincible Sulky, which is made to turn in the grround either to the rig-ht or left, whereas the No. 1 will only turn m tlia ground one way. 144 B. F. AVERY & SONS. "m^^ LOUISVILLE, KY. DIRECTIONS FOR SETTING UP AND OPERATING AVERY'S INVINCIBLE DISC PLOW. Cut of Implement on Page 40. (^ E. 506. E. 528. E. 508. E. 504. E. 829. J. 108. Eemember that it is important that all bearings should be free from grit and dirt, and oiled thoroughly. Put the land axle (which is the longest one) from left side through land wheel axle bearing E. 506. Bolt land wheel axle bearing and seat rest E. 528 to frame, but do not tighten. Place pawl of land lever (shortest lever) in third notch from rear in land lever quadrant, then hold bolt head of bolt to be used to fasten lever against nut fastening land wheel axle bearing E. 506 to frame, and push land axle through to the right until land wheel lever socket E. 508 is in place, then bolt securely to lever. Put bottom end of furrow lever over end of land axle on right hand side of frame and insert cotter. Tighten bolt in land wheel axle bearing and seat rest E. 528. Insert end of furrow axle in furrow wheel axle bearing E. 503, then bolt furrow wheel axle bearing E. 537 (old No. E. 504) to frame. Bolt connecting rod E. 829 to furrow lever. « Place wheel E. 559 on land axle and wheel E. 550 on front furrow axle. Haise rear end of machine and insert from bottom through casting E. 552 the rear axle, after securing this axle with cotter put on wheel. Bolt front end of seat rail with two bolts on land wheel axle bearing and seat rest E. 528, and rear end on top of frame to bolt between frame directly over standard. Attach spiral lifting spring to hook in washer, E. 517, and to small hook near top end of furrow lever. Bolt seat spring at second and third hole from front end of seat rail. If additional weight is required on disc, bolt further back. Place the foot rest just above angle in seat spring, driving the stirrup that holds foot rest from under side of seat spring through foot rest. Bolt tool box on top of frame, just forward of standard. Bolt disc securely to flange. - Eor ordinary work adjust scraper so that the cutting edge of same is parallel with center of the disc, and one Inch inside of outer rim of disc. The Invincible Disc Plow will open a furrow from (3) three to (8) eight inches deep by throwing both levers forward to the proper notch to obtain the desired depth. After the first furrow has been opened and the required depth obtained, pull the lifting lever back to the sixth or central notch in quadrant, then level the plow by shifting land or leveling lever. When the team is walking right, then adjust the clevis to or from the land until the front furrow wheel tracks in the mark made by the rear wheel in pre- vious furrow. When hitch is properly adjusted and plow is cutting proper width the front furrow wheel will always track as above. The width of cut can be changed by moving the front furrow Avheel in or out on axle. Be sure and keep the disc hub well oiled by means of the oil pipe on inside of standard. Wheel axles should be greased with axle grease. 145 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. 'ym^ REPAIR PRICE LIST FOR SIMPLE SULKY PLOWS. Cut of Implement on page 46. Cut of Repairs on page 147. Order repairs by lettej and number given. When ordering right or left hand repairs, do so from operator's position or rear of Implement. No. of No. of Part. Articles. Price. Part. E 15. Quadrant, for land lever $0 50 E 344. E 41. Pawl case, for land lever 20 E 345. E 43. Pawl, for E 41 and E 200 15 E 200. Pawl case (old style) 25 E 346. E 204. Coulter yoke— L. H. (old style) 50 E 347. E 205. Coulter yoke— R. H. (old style) 50 E 348. E 208. Collar with set screw for saddle (no cut) 40 E 209. Trigger, for levers 15 E 349. E 213. Clevis jaw— R. H. (old style) 20 E 350. E 214. Clevis jaw— L. H. (old style) 20 E 351. E 215. Cross clevis, with screw pin and brace (old style) 20 E 353. E 216. Three-horse twisted shackle and pin (old style) 10 E 354. E 217. Clevis pin (old stvle) 05 E 223. Wheel washer 10 E 355. E 226. Coulter hub (half) 30 E 357. E 228' }^P^^* coUar, bolted (old style) 15 | ^^^; E 23l'. Tool bos (old style) 60 E 402.' E 232. Beam saddle washer 10 E 234. Wheel box with bolt (old style) 30 E 403. E 2S7. Beam link casting (old style) 30 E 250. Quadrant, for lifting lever 80 E 404. E 251. Quadrant, for lifting lever, left hand plow 80 E 405. E 252. Cant washer (inside) (old style) 20 E 253. Pole casting, with hook bolt 40 E 407. E 254. Cant washer (outside) (old style) 25 E 258. Saddle clamp 10 E 408. E 264. Beam saddle 120 E 265. Socket crank, with spindle (no cut) 175 E 409. E 266. Wrench (old style) 25 E 267. Socket crank, with spindle for left E 410. hand plow 175 E 827. E 268. Coulter clamp, bottom— R. H 25 E 841. E 269. Coulter clamp, top— R. H 25 E 842. E 270. Coulter head (half) (no cut) 15 E 846. E 271. Sand shield, for coulter (no cut) 15 E 856. E 280. Coulter clamp, bottom, for left hand E 900. plow (no cut) 25 E 901. E 281. Coulter clamp, top, for left hand plow E 902. (no cut) 25 E 903. E 282. Grass rod washer (no cut) 20 E 904. E 288. Pawl, for lifting lever (no cut) 15 E 292. Arch clip, for parallel lift, complete E 905. with bolt (old style) (no cut) 35 E 906. E 293. Turning buckle on parallel lift (no cut) 30 E 294. Pawl case, for lifting lever (no cut) 25 E 907. E 295. Arch clip, for parallel lift, complete with bolt (no cut) 40 E 908. E 296. Dial clevis head (no cut) 50 E 909. E 297. Dial clevis follower (no cut) 25 E 910. E 298. Draft rod shackle (no cut) 15 E 911. E 303. Moldboard brace (old style) 60 E 912. E 305. Steel beam (old style) 7 00 E306. Frog (old style) 2 75 E 913. E 307. Moldboard brace (old style) 80 E 914. E 308. Landside, with bolts (old style) 1 25 to 2 00 E 921. E 309. Point and mold clip 10 E 317. Seat spring (old style) 2 00 E 922. E 318. Coulter stem (old style) 50 E 319. Coulter stem plate (old style) 50 E 923. E 321. Wood bushing for coulter 10 E 330. Springcotter 05 E 924. E331. Arch for frame 3 50 E 925. E 332. Main axle 4 50 K 172. E 333. Short axle, with nut 150 E334. Hound 2 00 EXll. E 335. Foot rest on hound, with stirrup 75 E 336. Plow lever, complete 175 EX12. E 337. Land lever, complete 150 E 338. Grassrod 50 A. E 339. Grass rod washer (old style) 10 K 340. Bamlink, with bolts, etc. (old style)... 40 B 510. E 341. Bell crank 100 N 51. E 342. Lever link, with bolts, etc 25 A 25. E343. Coulter blade, 15 Inch 2 00 J 108. 146 Articles. Price. Stirrup for beam saddle $0 20 Stirrup to hold steel beam walking plow to saddle 25 Coulter stem 60 Coulter band, with nuts 25 Bell crank, for left hand sulky (no cut^ 1 00 Coulter arm — R. H. (no cut) 35 Coulter arm — L. H. (no cut).. 35 Pea vine cutter blade, 18 inch, with hubs K 172 (no cut) 4 00 Pea vine cutter blade arm — R. H., front, for E 351 (no cut) 75 Pea vine cutter blade arm, rear, for E 351 (no cut) 50 Bushing, for K 172 (no cut) 15 Draft rod slide (no cut) 60 Draft rod, with shackle E 298 (no cut)... 1 00 Pole casting (no cut) 25 Cant washer (outside), for furrow wheel, extension arm (no cut) 25 Cant washer (inside), for furrow wheel, extension arm (no cut) 20 Cant washer (outside), for furrow wheel, extension arm (no cut) 25 Cant washer (inside), for furrow wheel, extension arm (no cut) 20 Cant washer (outside), for furrow wheel (no cut) 25 Cant washer (inside), for furrow wheel (no cut) 20 Cant washer (outside), for furrow wheel (no cut) 25 Pawl (no cut) 50 Seat (no cut) 85 Spring, for pawl E 288 (no cut) 15 Monkey wrench (no cut) 75 Pawl cover, for E 410 (no cut) 20 Steel neck yoke, 36 inch 1 00 Hound brace — R. H. (no cut) 25 Hound brace— L. H. (no cut) 25 Top arm, for parallel lift (no cut) 20 Rear arm, for parallel lift (no cut) 20 Front arm, with turnbuckle for parallel lift (no cut) 50 Seat spring (no cut) 2 00 Extension arm for furrow wheel (no cut) 2 00 Wrought piece to reinforce frame (no cut 30 Knuckle brace (no cut) 30 Stirrup for pole casting E 253 (no cut) ... 20 Moldboard brace (no cut) 50 Steel plow beam (no cut) 7 00 Frog, for 8, 10, 12, 14-inch bottom (no cut) 2 00 Frog, for 16-inch bottom (no cut) 2 50 Pole, painted (no cut) 2 50 Pea vine cutter blade arm— L. H., front, for E 351 (no cut) , 75 Pea vine cutter blade arm, rear, for E 351 (no cut) 50 Gauge shoe, with band and strap (no cut) 1 50 Dial clevis, complete (no cut) 2 00 Parallel lift, complete (no cut) 1 50 Pea vine cutter hub (half), for E 351 (no cut) 50 Cant washer (outside), for furrow wheel (old style) (no cut) 25 Cant washer (inside), for furrow wheel (old style) (nocut) 20 Steel wheels, with boxing and nuts, painted, per pair (no cut) 10 00 Wheel box (no cut) 1 00 Wheel box nut (no cut) 40 Seat (old style) 1 20 Tool box (no cut) 60 B. F. AVERY & SONS. ^'^I-'tV. LOUISVILLE, KY. St>" REPAIRS FOR SIMPLE SULKY PLOW. Cut of Ixapleiuent on Pae-e 46. Prices of Repairs on Pag-e 146. 147 B. F. AVERY & SONS. ^^X^^. LOUISVILLE, KV. Repair Price List for IVIiddie Burster Attachment Simple Sulky. Cut of Implement on page 47. ^ Repairs for Carriage Frame on pages 146 and 147. When ordering right or left hand repairs, do so from operator's position or rear of Implement. Order repairs by letter and number given. to No. of No. of Part. Articles. Price. Part. E 226. Coulter Hub (half) for E 343 .SO 30 E 355. E 258. SaddleClamp 15 E 356. E 264. Saddle -- 120 E 357. E 268. ClampforCoulterStem.bottom, forE343 50 E 358. E 269. Clamp for Coulter Stem, top, for E 343 . . 50 E 359. E 270. Coulter Head (half) for E 343 15 E 36a. E 271. Sand Shield Collar for E 321 15 E 361. E 296. Dial Clevis Head.... .... 50 E 362. E 297. Dial Clevis Follower... 25 E 362. E 298. Draft Rod Shackle 15 E 362. E 321. Wood Bushing for Coulter Hub E 226 . . . 10 E 362. E 343. Coulter Blade, 15-inch 2 00 E 363. E 346. Coulter Stem for E 343... 60 E 363. E 347. Coulter Band, with Nuts, for E 343 25 E 363. E 349. CoulterArm, R. H.,forE343 35 B 363. E 350. Coulter Arm, L. H., for E 843.... 35 E 364. E 351. Pea Vine Cutter Blade, 18-inch, with E 364. Hub K 172 4 00 E 364. E352. Pea Vine Cutter Blade Arm, R.H., front, E 364. forE351 75 E 365. E 353. Pea Vine Cutter Blade Arm, L. H., front, K 172 for E351 75 E 854. Pea Vine Cutter Blade Arm, rear, for K 177. E351 50 K 178. Articles. Price. Bushing for K 172 |0 15 Moldboard Brace 35 Draft Rod Slide 60 Draft Rod, with shackle, E 298 1 00 Saddle Washer 10 Beam Saddle Stirrup for E 264 and E 258 20 Steel Beam (state size of plow) 7 00 Moldboard, R.H., for 14-iuch 2 50 Moldboard, R.H., for 16-inch 3 25 Moldboard, R.H., for 18-inch 4 oa Moldboard, R.H., for 20-inch 4 50 Moldboard, L.H., for 14-inch 2 50 Moldboard, L.H., for 16-inch 3 25 Moldboard, L.H., for 18-inch 4 00 Moldboard, L.H., for 20-inch 4 50 Steel Point, with Bolts, for 14-inch 4 00 Steel Point, with Bolts, for 16-inch 4 50 Steel Point, with Bolts, for 18-inch 5 00 Steel Point, with Bolts, for 20-inch 5 50 Frog (state size of plow) 3 50 Pea Vine Cutter Hub (half) for E 351 (cut marked E172) 50 Knuckle Brace, R. H 40 Knuckle Brace, L. H 40 I E26a £269 £296 148 8. F. AVERY & SONS. S'la^^ LOUISVILLE, KY. REPAIR PRICE LIST FOR Stalk Cutter Attachment to Simple Sulky. Cut of Implement on page 48. Kepairs for Carriage Frame on page 147. When ordering right or left hand repairs, do so from operator's position or rear of Implement. Order repairs by letter and number given. No. of A *■ 1 Part. Articles. Price. E 209 Trigger for Lifting Lever $0 15 E 272 Quadrant ..___ 2 00 E 273 Hitch and Drag Hook Bearing , 60 E 274 Socket Crank 1 25 E 275 Half Spider, 4 arms 1 50 E 276 Half Spider, 3 arms _ _ 150 E285 Pawl . _ 20 E 286 Pawl Guide 5 E 915 Lifting Lever, complete 1 50 E 916 Strap for E 272, 1 hole _ _ 10 E917 Strap for E 272, 2 holes 10 E 918 Chain Lever 15 E 919 Chain Lever Rest 35 E920 Spring for E 285 15 Y504 Drag Hook, R. H 1 OO Y505 Drag Hook, L. H _ _ _ _ 1 00 95 Shackle for E 273 . . . __ 10 REPAIR PRICE LIST FOR DOW-LAW COTTON PLANTERS. Cut of Implement on page 63. Order repairs by letter and number given. When ordering right or left hand repairs, do so from operator's position or rear of Planter. No. of Nos. 1 and 8 (Old Style). -p ■„„ Part. Articles. irice. Gl Wood Wheel, Asle, and Crank $0 25 G2 Agitator Asle 20 G3 Agitator 25 G4 Draw Head 40 G5 Hopper Bottom _. 40 G6 FeedSlide -. 20 G7 Agitator, whole box 25 G8 Agitator, half box 25 G9 Thumb-screw Flange _ __ 25 Thumb Screw.- 10 Furrow Opener 40 Agitator Fingers (2) 7 Hopper, Right-hand Side 40 Hopper, Left-hand Side 40 Hopper, FrontEnd 20 Hopper, Rear End 20 Hounds, Right 15 Hounds, Left 15 Pitman 8 Handles, Finished, per pair 60 Handle Rods, with Spool 10 Wood Wheel 1 00 Coverer, with Springs 1 00 Wheel Axle Boxing 5 Sheet-iron Spout ; 30 Corn Planting Attachment. LI Bottom Plate _ 35 L2 Cut-off Coverer 20 L3 Drop Slide... 20 L4 Cut-off 20 L5 Agitator _ 40 L6 Agitator Axle. _ __ 40 L7 Agitator Clamp 25 No. of Nos. 2 and 4 (New Style). -d • Part. Articles. ^"^^• G 2 Agitator Axle SO 20 G 3 Agitator ..__ 25 G 4 Draw Head 40 G 7 Agitator, whole box 25 G 8 Agitator, half box __ 25 G25 Eccentric Washer 20 626 Iron Wheel, Axle, and Crank 25 G27 Iron Wheel 100 G29 Hopper Bottom.. 40 Agitator Fingers (2) 7 Coverer, with Springs... 1 00 FeedSlide _ 20 Furrow Opener.. 40 Handles, Finished, per pair 60 Eopper, Right-hanaSide 40 Hopper, Left-hand Side . 40 Hopper, Front End 20 Hopper, Rear End 20 Hounds, Right 15 Hounds, Left 16 Handle Rods, with Spool 10 Pitman. 8 Sheet-iron Spout 30 Wheel Axle Boxing 5 Corn Planting Attachment. H BottomPlatC-- 35 L2 Cut-off Coverer __ 20 L3 DropSlide _ 20 L4 Cut-off-.- 20 L5 Agitator 40 L6 Agitator Axle 40 L7 Agitator Clamp 25 149 B. F. AVERY & SONS. ^h^Jt LOUISVILLE, KY. fe.A^ — DIRECTIONS FOR SETTING UP AND OPERATING AVERY'S SIMPLE SULKY. Cut of Implements on pages 4-6, 4-7, and 4-8. All Simple Sulky Plows leave the factory as Cant Wlieel Sulky. To Use Cant Wheel Sulky With Two Horses. — Bolt the seat at the fifth hole in arch from the right hand or furrow side; place the tongue over the hound and bolt to the under side of arch in the fourth hole from the right hand or furrow side. Then adjust the front of tongue until it plays freely between the horses. Then clamp tight to the hound by means of the stirrup in the tongue. To Use Cant Wheel Sulky With Three Horses. — Bolt the tongue in the third hole from the furrow side and adjust as above. To Fasten Plow To Carriage. — Place the beam over the bale and on top of saddle; then place the lower end of leveling device on the left hand side of saddle (with the turnbuckle toward the front) ; put the saddle bolts through the end of leveling device and saddle and beam, E345 then tighten. Place the two stirrups (E-345) over beam through holes provided in sad- die and tighten. Then clamp the double casting (E-295) around on top of arch. Move the saddle on the bale until it measures from landside or point bar to the inside of rim at bottom of wheel about one-half inch less than the plow cuts; then fasten the collars firmly on the bale on each side of the saddle, which will hold the plow in position. To Change From Cant Wheel To Straight Wheel. — Remove the nut on the right hand or furrow wheel axle, then reverse the two beveled washers on the same, replace the nut and tighten. To Use Straight Wheel Sulky With Two Horses. —Place the tongue over the hound and bolt to the inside of arch, in the third hole from the right hand or furrow side, then adjust front of tongue until it plays freely between the horses. For Three Horses. — Bolt the tongue in the first hole from furrow side and tighten the tongue, as above. To Fasten Plow To Straight Wheel Carriage. — Use same instructions as for Cant Wheel. To plow in hog-wallow land and across corn ridges, have the leveling device properly attached and adjust the line of draft at the clevis, as you would a walking plow, then tie the latch- on the main (or right-hand) lever, and it will act the same as a walking plow. FOR ATTACHING STALK CUTTER ATTACHMENT TO SIMPLE SULKY. Remove right hand lever and quadrant, and bolt bell crank in hole at side of arch. Bolt malleable quadrant E-272 to lower right hand side of arch, then slip socket crank E-274 with lever over the spindle part of quadrant E-272 and Insert cotter. Oil the axles and put on the wheels, with the small side of the hubs inward. E 264 Remove beam saddle E-264 and slip collars E-208 to bend in axle. Attach spiders E-275 and E-276 to main axle. Bolt the knives to smooth surface on spider arms, and see that knives are back of arms when they touch the ground; then slip collars back against hubs of spiders and tighten set screws. Bolt drag hook lever casting G-79to top of pole, with front bolt fastening drag hook casting E-273. Fasten drag hook lever rest with wood screws to pole; see that slot in top of rest is back of rear bolt in drag hook lever. Attach drag hook casting E-273 with shackle in front, to pole forward of hound. Insert end of longest drag hook from right hand side through front hole of drag hook casting E-273, and the shorter one from left hand side through rear hole, fastening them with cotters. Slip the rings of chains over drag hooks and attach the links to end of drag hook lever. FOR ATTACHING MIDDLE BURSTER ATTACHMENT TO SIMPLE SULKY. Remove arch clip E-29.5 from around arch, unbolt leveling device at beam and remove plow. Place beam of middle burster on saddle, place lower ends of leveling device on left side of beam at saddle with turnbuckle toward the front, put saddle bolts through saddle beam and ends of E345 leveling device and tighten bolts. Place two stirrups E-845 over beam through holes provided in saddle and tighten. Then rebolt arch clip E-295 to arch. Move the saddle on main axle until within about three inches of left bend in axle, then bolt the tongue underneath and seat on top the arch in fourth hole from the right; move the tongue on hound to a position pointing slightly to the right, then secure to hound with stirrup. When using middle burster always turn to the left when the plow is in the ground, as a turn. to the right with plow in ground is apt to strain the cant wheel. 150 B. F. AVERY & SONS. c.^lil^> LOUISVILLE, KY. DIRECTIONS FOR SETTING UP AND OPERATING AVERY'S "INVINCIBLE" GANG PLOW. Bolt land lever between flanges of casting EX-206 between frames, and slip casting EX-206 (with lifting lever attached) over end of land axle and insert cotters. Attach connecting rod to hole in point of furrow lever, and to casting EX-203 on furrow axle, and insert cotters. Attach coil spring to hook at angle of frame and to end of connecting rod. Oil axles well, and put on wheels, with small side of hubs inside. Adjust draft rod slide and draft rods to suit team and work. Bolt coulter stems to coulter clamps EX-214. Adjust coulters clear of poiLt. of plows and about ^ inch to land. ^ Fit weed hooks in grooves of weed hook clamps E-517, and bolt to frame. Bolt seat spring to seat spring casting EX-217. Place foot rest just above angle in seat spring, driving the stirrups that hold foot :«'est from under side of seat spring through foot rest, then clamp securely. Bolt tool box on top of frame just forward of rear standard brace. Most gangs will only work when horses are hitched two abreast. In the Invincible, four horses can be hitched abreast, and have the lead horse walk in the furrow and the others on the land by adjusting clevis far enough to the left on a right hand plow, and to the right on a left hand plow. It will open a furrow from, two to six inches deep, which is done by moving the two levers forward to the proper notch to obtain the required depth (if the ground is extremely hard the land or leveling lever should be pushed forward sufficient to let the plow lean to the land). After the furrow has been opened to the depth desired, pull the lifting lever back to the third notch from front of quadrant, and level plow with land or leveling lever. 161 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. \ sie DIRECTIONS FOR SETTING UP THE "LOUISVILLE" DOUBLE-EDGE STALK CUTTER. Bolt arch T529 to end casting T18 on bale or axle. Bolt lifting lever Y508 to lever socket Y17. Bolt hood arches Tol7 and T518 to naain arch with clips Y524. Bolt the braces Y519 at end holes in main arch Y529, and to hood arches Y517 and Y518. Bolt pole to pole and arch casting Y4. Bolt spring hook for foot lever Y522 at front hole of pole and arch casting Y4. Place foot lever with end that contains bolt in front over hammer strap XIO. Insert end of longest drag hook from right hand side through front hole of drag hook casting Y5, and the shorter one from left hand side through rear hole and fasten with cotters. Slip the rings of chains over drag hooks and attach the links to bolt in foot lever. Bolt tool box under seat, to front side of weight box. NOTE.— Be sure and keep the bolt that bolts lever to lever socket Y17 tight. REPAIR PRICE LIST FOR "LOUISVILLE" DOUBLE-EDGE STALK CUTTER, Cut of Implement on page 39. Cut of Eepairs on page 153. Order repairs by letter and number given. When ordering right or left hand repairs, do so from operator's position or rear of Stalk Cutter. No. of Part. T 1 Y 2 Y 4 Y 5 Y 6 Y 8 Y 9 Y 10 Y 11. Y 12. Y 13. Y 14 Y 15. Y 16 Y 17 Y 18 Y 19. Y501. Y502. Y503. Y504. Y505 Y506. Y507. Y 308 Y609 Y510. Y511. Y512 Y513 Y514 Y515. Articles. Price. Spider for spiral knives $2 50 Box (half) for spiders Yl and Y19 25 Tongue and arch casting 1 00 Drag hook casting 1 00 Lever socket with rivet (old style) 80 Axlecollar 30 Cleaning arm casting 30 Hammer strap 50 Pivot washer for drag hook lift- 10 Sand shield collar or axle 20 End piece for weight box — K. H. 50 End piece for weight box — L. H. 50 ISTeckyoke casting^top 10 Neckyoke casting — bottom 10 Lever socket with rivet 80 End casting for arch 60 Spider for straight knivea 2 50 Steel axle 4 GO Foot rest 70 Quadrant 1 00 Draghook— R. H 80 Drag hook— L.H 80 Pole and arch brace — R. H 40 Pole and arch brace — L. H 40 Lifting lever, complete 1 50 Lifting lever, without attach- ment 75 Spiral knife blade 1 50 Straight knife blade 1 50 Trigger rods 30 Seat spring 1 50 Seat spring leaf 75 Arms for trash cleaner, each-_ 20 No. of Part. Y516 Y517. Y518 Y519 Y520 Y521. Y522. Y523. Y524. Y 525. Y526. Y527. Y528. Y529. Y530. Y 531. D B 512. E 209. E 288. E 294. E 410. E 827. E 846. J 97. J 108. J 872. N 51. T 74. Articles. Price. Trash cleaner stirrups, each $0 20 Hood arch— R. H 50 Hood arch — L.H 50 Hood arch braces, each 30 Foot lever with plate for drag hooks 30 Chains — from foot lever to drag hooks, each 20 Spring hook, for foot lever 20 Eub iron, for foot lever 10 Clips for hood arch, each 10 Rub iron, for pole 10 Rub iron, for doubletree 10 Ferrule, for doubletree 10 Coil spring, for pawl E 288 and E410 15 Arch 3 00 Tongue, painted (not illustrated) 2 50 Doubletree (wood), finished (not illustrated) 1 20 Steel wheel, with box and nut, painted (not illustrated), each 4 50 Wheel box 1 00 Lever trigger 25 Pawl (old style) 15 Pawl case (old style) 25 Pawl 50 Seat 85 Pawl cover for E 410 20 Wrench 20 Toolbox_ . 60 Steel neckyoke, 43 inch 1 25 Wheel box nut 40 Axle washer . 15 152 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. REPAIRS FOR LOUISVILLE DOUBLE EDGE STALK CUTTER. V501 Cut of Implement on Page 39. Prices of Repairs ou Page 152. 153 B. F. AVERY & SONS. 0.^%!^^^ LOUISVILLE, KY. 'fM^ DIRECTIONS FOR SETTING UP AND OPERATING AVERY'S "LOUISVILLE" PLANTER. Attach tin spout and opener standard to lugs on hopper bottom G 90. Place front end of cut-off lever over boss on clutch sleeve G 119 under hopper and bolt to angle brace, being careful to have lever spring on top of angle brace. PlMce sheet iron hopper so that tlie large hole in same will be in the rear, then bolt to cast iron hopper bottom. Bolt handles to frame and the handle braces from frame spreader rod to inside of handles. To Plant Corn. — Place the twelve (12) tooth chain wheel on hopper axle and the eight (8) tooth chain wheel on drive wheel axle, then oil planter well and put in corn plate, then bolt brush cut-off inside of hopper, then press the brush casting lightly against corn plate and tighten wing nut. To Plant Cotton. — Place the twelve (12) tooth chain wheel on main wheel axle and the eight (8) tooth chain wheel on hopper axle. Kemove the corn plate and brush cut-off castings from hopper and substitute the cotton plate and thin steel cotton cut-off. Adjust the steel cut-off or gate up ov down until the planter distributes the desired amount of cotton seed. NOTE.— The corn cut-off should never be used when planting- cotton. Will plant corn from one to three grains at various distances apart as per table given below. We supply five (5) planting plates for dropping corn. The following table shows the number of grains of corn and the distance apart they will drop. When Using Small Chain Wheel on Drive Wheel Axle and Large Chain Wheel on Hopper Axle. When Using Large Chain Wheel on Drive Wheel Axle and Small Chain Wheel on Hopper Axle. When Using Corn Will Drop Distance Apart. When Using Corn Will Drop Distance Apart. 8 hole plate — 6 hole plate --.- 4 hole plate — 3 hole plate — 2 hole plate — 1 hole plate — 1 to 2 grains 1 to 2 grains 2 to 3 grains 2 to 3 grains 2 to 3 grains 2 to 3 grains 9 inches. 12 inches. 18 inches. 24 inches. 36 inches. 72 inches. 8 hole plate... 6 hole plate... 4 hole plate... 3 hole plate. -- 2 hole plate. -- 1 hole plate. . . 1 to 2 grains 1 to 2 grains 2 to 3 grains 2 to 3 grains 2 to 3 grains 2 to 3 grains 4>^ inches. 6 inches. 9 inches. 12 Inches. 18 inches. 36 inches. REPAIR PRICE LIST FOR "LOUISVILLE" PLANTERS. Cut of Implement on page 63. Cut of Repairs on page 1 55. 32. Chain, per link ..SO 03 G 203. G 45. MaUeableFoot '. - .- 30 G204. G 46. Corrugated Washer. 05 G 205. G 47. Blade Washer - 02 G 206. G 71. Cotton Cone 40 G 207. G 72. Cotton Cone, Cap or Cover --- 08 G 208. G 77. ConeWasher - 05 G 209. G 79. Inside Beveled Wheel - 20 G 210. G 80. Outside Beveled Wheel, old style 20 G 211. G 82. Driving Wheel, old style 100 G 212. G 83 r2-tooth Chain Wheel, old style 25 G 213. G 84. 8-tooth Chain Wheel, old style 20 G 215. G 86. Brush Back, old stvle -- 20 G 216. G 88. Hopper Bracket, right, old style -- 20 G 218. G 89. Hopper Bracket, left, old style 20 G 219. G 90. Cast Hopper 150 G 91. Axle Bracket, right, old style 40 G 220. G 92. Axle Bracket, left, old style 40 G 222. 93. Wrench 10 G 223. 94. Shackle and Pin 15 G 224. G200. Beam. - 100 G 235. G201. Beam 100 G 236. G202. Opener Standard, right -.- 20 Opener Standard, left $0 20 Wheel Scraper 25 Opener Brace 15 Handle Brace 15 HitchStrap 20 Hopper Axle, 9-16 round, old style 25 Wheel Axle, 9-16 round, old style 25 Axle Pin, old style 05 Wheel Axle Sleeve, old style 05 Spreader Rod, with 4 Nuts 20 Brush 30 Seed Spout 60 Sheet Iron Hopper, with Lid - 1 20 Spring Heel Hopper Gate 08 Opener Standard and Brace, with Mallea- ble Foot, .. - 1 00 Agitator 07 Cotton Cone Fingers 01 Cotter — - 08 Cotton Cone, complete 1 00 Covering Blade, with Bolt 25 Wing Nut Bolt 05 The following repairs do not appear on page 155, and are for new style Planters exclusively. G 94. Three-hole Corn Cone 80 75 G 123. G 95. Four-hole Corn Cone - 75 G 124. G 96. Six-hole Corn Cone - - 75 G 150. G 97. Eight-hole Corn Cone - 75 G 237. G 98. Brush Back... - - 30 G 238. G 99. Hole Cleaner in Brush Back, G 98- - 10 G 239. GllS. Hood for Hole Cleaner, G 99 15 G 240. G114. Two-hole Corn Cone 75 G 211. G115. AxleBraoket, riffht - 50 G 242. G116. Axle Bracket, left 50 G 243. G117. Hopper Bracket, right - - 30 G 244. G118. Hopper Bracket, left - - 30 G 245. G119. Cut-oflf Clutch Sleeve.... 20 G 246. Gr20. Outside Bevel Wheel -- .- 30 G 247. G121. Twelve-tooth Chain Wheel - --- 40 G 248. G122. Eight-tooth Chain Wheel 30 G 249. Driving Wheel II 25 Spring Sleeve and Spring 30 Spring Cover Bracket . 20 Steel Hopper Axle ,11-16 round 40 Steel Wheel Axle, ll-16round_ 40 Steel Axle Pins 10 Wheel Axle Sleeve 15 Reversible Opener, Blade and'Bolt 40 Handles, finished, perpair.. 80 Round Head Hopper Bolt 05 Cut-off Lever, complete 75 Spoon Covering Blade and Bolt 50 Spoon Blade Standard, right 40 Spoon Blade Standard, left 40 Covering Springs, each 40 Covering Board - 15 154 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. ''^o^**^ '^m^ REPAIRS FOR LOUISVILLE PLANTER. G 200 Out of Implement on Pag-e 63. Prices of Repairs on Page 154. 155 B, F. AVEHY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. DIRECTIONS FOR SETTING UP AND OPERATING AVERY'S "MODERN" PLANTER. Bolt handles to frame just back of hopper, using bolts extending through frame from lugs on spout. Fasten handle braces to castings G 300R and G SOIL to inside of handles. To attach roller, move standard castings G300E and G301L one hole forward on frame, then bolt castings G312 with roller braces to last hole in frames. To attach spoon blade coverers, remove standards of shovel blade coverers from castings G300R and G301L and bolt standards of spoon blade coverers to the same castings. TO SET FOR CORN. Place cog wheel G350 over center bolt in hopper and on cog wheel G314 on end of main shaft; place c'orn plate next, then stud casting G307, then casting G310 on stud, then spool G346 on top of G868, and tighten wing nut. We supply three planting plates, viz: 3-hole plate, which drills corn 30 inches apart. 6-hole plate, which drills corn 15 inches apart. 12-hole plate, which drills corn 7 inches apart. TO CHANGE FOR COTTON. Kemove spool G346, casting G368, stud G307, and corn plate. Place stud G307 (with large end down) over center bolt in hopper, then cog wheel G350, then stud G307; then place cotton cone on top of stud and spool G346 in opening on top of cone, then cap G347, after which tighten wing bolt. To regulate quantity of cotton seed, loosen slide outside of hopper, then adjust to suit. Do not fail to retighten slide bolt. REPAIR PRICE LIST FOR "Modern" Cotton and Corn Planters. Cut of Implement on page 62. Order repairs by letter and number given. . , -4.- „„ „f t>i„„4-„.. When ordering right or left hand repairs, do so from operator's position or rear of Planter. No. of Part. G300. G301. G302. G303. G305. G306. G307. G311. G312. G313. G314. G316. G317. G318. G319. G320. G321. G322. G323. G325. G327. G345. G346. G347. G350. G351. G 352. G353. G354. G 355. G356. G327. G358. G359. G360. G361. ' G 362. G363. G364. Articles. Price Covering blade standard bracket, R. H...$0 Covering blade standard bracket, L. H... Covering blade standard clip Bevel washer for G 345 Hopper bottom Hopper bottom ring Center stud in hopper Hopper washer Roller standard clip Cotton cone bevel wheel, 30 tooth Corn cone bevel wheel, 12 tooth Drive rod bearing under hopper Bevel clutch wheel on main axle Mitre wheel on G 320 Mitre wheel housing Drive wheel Front axle bracket, R. H Front axle bracket, L. H Draw head Cotton cone cap Clutch sleeve on main axle Opener standard and spout Spool Cover for G 325 Mitre wheelinside hopper Cotton cone 1 Two-hole corn plate Three-hole corn plate Four-hole corn plate Five-hole corn plate Six-hole corn plate One-hole corn plate Eight-hole corn plate Six-hole peanut plate Ten-hole corn plate Eleven-hole corn plate Ten-hole sorghum plate Eleven-hole corn plate Twelve-hole corn plate No. of Part. 35 G365. 35 G366. 10 G367. 05 G368. 90 G369. 50 G370. 20 G800. 10 G801. 15 G802. 60 G803. 40 G804. 15 G805. 50 GS06. 50 G807. 60 G808. 90 G809. 45 G810. 35 G811. 35 G812. 15 G813. 20 G814. 90 G815. 10 G816. 15 G817. 50 G818. 00 G819. 35 G820. 35 G821. 35 G822. 35 G823. 35 G824. 35 G825. 35 G826. 35 G827. 35 G828. 35 G829. 35 G830. 35 G831. 35 G832. Articles. Price. Knocker for corn plates $0 05 Cut-off for corn plates 10 Housing 20 Housing brace 15 Fertilizer hopper bottom 90 Fertilizer hopper stud 20 Beam, R. or L 1 00 Opener brace, R. or L 20 Handle brace, R. or L 15 Covering standard, R. or L 45 Spoon coverer standard, R. H 30 Spoon coverer standard, L. H 30 Beam spreader 30 Opener back 15 Glutchlever 20 Lower end for clutch lever 20 Clutch lever slide 10 Bevel wheel shaft 40 Wheel axle 25 Sheet iron hopper 80 Sleeve for main axle 15 Spring for main axle 15 Spring for cut-oflF. 10 Sleeve for cut-off. 10 Stirrup with nuts for cut-ofi 10 Feed gate 10 Bolt with wing nut for feed gate 10 Bolt with wing nut for G 305 10 Wood roller 60 Sleeve for wood roller .- 25 Standard for wood roller, R. or L... 30 Bolt for wood roller 15 Wheel scraper with washer 15 Bolt with wing nut for fertilizer attach. 10 Fertilizer hopper (sheet iron) 80 Fertilizer feed gate complete 25 Fertilizer axle 25 Lug for fertilizer bottom 10 Corn cut-off complete 50 156 B. F. AVERY & SONS. ^^l^^. LOUISVILLE, KY. DIRECTIONS IjOR setting up and operating AVERY'S DISC CULTIVATOR. REVOLUTION ' Cut of Implement on Fag's 64. Place rear end of pole between pole straps and in hound guide JX8 and bolt securely. Oil tbe axles and put on wheels. Attach disc standard bracket JX47 to disc standard slide JX56 on right hand side of main axle arch bar and disc, standard bracket JX48L to disc standard slide JX56 on left hand side, fastening tliem with steel pins with cotters at each end of pins. Bolt spring rods between inside lugs of yoke quadrants JX53. Bolt right hand lever on outside of right quadrant, left hand lever on outside of left quadrant. Bolt rear ends of draw bars in draft rod clips JX98 (old No. JX51) and front ends in shackles JX56. Bolt ends of seat bars to pivot casting JX35. Bolt guiding lever over ferrule at end of pole irons. Drop end of wrought pole lock JX853 in JX57 to guiding lever. Bolt disc adjusting levers JX12 to lever arm JX96 (old No. JX52); have vacant lugs pointing outward towards wheels. Place coil springs on spring rods, then throw levers down in front until spring rods have passed through trunnions JX15 far enough to admit adjusting spring sleeve JX45 above levers, then insert cotters. The disc gangs can be dropped two inches lower by putting spring sleeve underneath trunnions. Disc gangs are branded right and left; place as branded and bolt to yoke swivel JX97 (old No. JX49) with the oil tubes in the rear. Bolt tool box on side of left hand hound. To change from, inthrow to outthrow, remove adjusting lever JX12 and turn gangs half way around, then bolt levers to vacant lug on JX96 (old No. JX52). When these disc gangs are once bolted in position as above, they need never to be taken off for any work cultivator is supposed to do. In using this cultivator as an eight disc harrow or for bedding lands, the bedding bar should always be used. The bedding bar should be clamped to disc standards just above yoke quadrant JX53. The width is adjusted by means of set screw clamp in center of bars. Oil the ball bearings at least four times a day by removing cap over oil pipe and pouring oil in pipe. To prevent gumming coal oil should be poured in them each morning and the cultivator operated fifteen or twenty minutes, and then pour in the lubricating oil. The disc gangs are adjusted to angle of bed by loosening the two bolts in yoke swivel JX97 (old No. JX49) and adjusting yoke to desired angle, then tighten bolts firmly. The throwing angle of the discs is obtained by means of adjusting levers JX12. To guide the cultivator it is only necessary to keep the front end of pole over the center of row. 157 sPcH B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. REPAIR PRICE LIST FOR REVOLUTION DISC CULTIVATOR No. I Cut of Implemeut on page 64. Cut of Repairs ou page 159. ordering right or left hand repairs, do so from operator's position or rear of Cultivator. TOT^Qii'c VixT Ipt.tpT nnd nnm'hAr 0"iven. Cut of Implement on page 64. Cut of Repaii When ordering right or left hand repairs, do i Order repairs by letter and number given. No. of Part JX 1. .TX 1. JX 5. JX 6. JX 7. JX 8. JX 12. JX 13. JX 15. .1 X 16. JX 17. JX 19. .1 \ 20. JX 21. JX 22. J X 24. JX 25. JX 26. JX 27. JX 28. .1 X HI. JX 32. .1 X 33. .1 X 34. J X 35. .1 X 36. .7 X .37. .1 X 38. .1 X .39. .1 X 44. .1 X 45. .1 X 47. .1 X. 48. ,1 X 49. .1 X 50. J X 51. JX 52. J X 53. JX 56. JX 57. JX .59. .1 X 60. .1 X 61. .1 X. 62. .1 X 96. .1 X 97. J X 98. J X 300. J X 301. J X 302. J X 303. J X 304. J X 305. J X 306. J X 307. J X 308. J X 309. J X 310. No. of Articles. Price. Part. Axle bracket $1 00 J X 311. Axle bracket, with spindle J X 345.... 2 00 J X 312. Lifting quadrant, with spindle— J X 318. R. H . old style 25 J X 319. Lifting quadrant, with spindle— J X 320. L. H , ofd style..... 25 J X 321. Pivot casting for pole..... 30 JX322. Hound guide on pole 60 Disc adjusting lever — without at- J X 323. tachments. .. 30 J X 324. Disc adjusting lever— trigger 15 J X 325. Spring rod trunnion 15 J X 326. Fender clip ou nounds—L. H 20 J X 327. Yoke bearing 45 J X 328. Yoke bearing sleeve ...•• 45 J X 329. Ball bearing washer 25 J X 330. End washer on yoke— convex 20 J X 331. End washer on yoke — concave 20 J X 332. Draft rod shackle on evener — R. H.... 30 J X 333. Draft rod shackle on evener— L. H.... 30 J X 334. Spring rod trunnion jaw for lifting J X 335. lever— R.H 15 J X 336. Spring rod trunnion jaw for lifting J X 337. lever— L.H 15 J X 338. Scraper arm with set screw 40 J X 339. Discyoke-R. H 2 00 J X 340. Disc yoke— L. H 2 00 Disc yoke — cap 25 J X 341. Adjusting seat casting 25 J X 342. Pivot casting for seat 30 J X 343. Shackle jaw for draft rod 30 J X 344. Hub for harrow attachment 60 J X 345. Bedding bar clamp with set screw 45 Scraper for R. H. disc blades, each.... 20 J X 346. Hound stop, on bottom pole strap 25 J X 347. Adjusting spring sleeve 20 J X 348. Discstandardbracket- R. H 100 J X 349. Disc standard bracket— L. H 1 00 J X 350. Yoke swivel, old style 7o J X 351. Swivel socket on spindle 40 J X 352. Draft rod clip on yoke swivel, old J X 353. style 35 J X 354. Lever arm for J X 12, old style 25 J X 355. Yoke quadrant , 75 J X 356. Disc standard slide on arch, with set screws 100 JX357. Fender clip on hound with pole J X 358. lock J X 353 (new)— R. H..... 75 J X 359. Quadrant for guide lever 75 B 64. Seat washer for straight seat bar 10 B 71. Spreader between pole straps 25 B 72. Socket wrench for disc standard 30 E 209. Lever arm for J X 12 (no cut) 25 E 288. Yoke swivel (no cut) 75 E 294. Draft rod clip on yoke swivel (no cut) 35 J 79. Steel hounds 3 50 J 105. Main axle arch bar 2 50 J 108. Evener, top arch 100 J 118. Evener, bottom arch 100 J 872. Eveners, each .' 150 K 89. Evener toggle 25 T 74. Toggle link— R. H 20 V Toggle link— L. H 20 Rear pole strap— top 75 OB 508. Rear pole strap — bottom 85 N 54. Lifting lever, complete — R. H 1 50 Articles. Price. Lifting lever, complete — LH S^l 50 Lifting lever, without attachments.. 1 00 Disc axle bolt 40 Foot rest 30 Hammer strap 10 Disc blade, 16 inch ; 2 00 Disc blade, 16 inch, for harrow at- tachment 2 00 Trigger rod 20 Ferrule for J X 24 and J X 25 10 Ferrule for J X 304..... 10 Ferrule for lifting lever 10 Ferrule for guiding lever 10 Ferrule for J X 7 10 Compression spiral springs 75 Spring for pawl E 288 15 Spring for pawl J 105 10 Spring for J X 12 and J X 13 10 Spring rod for J X 329 ,50 Gas pipe disc oiler, with cap 20 Sheet iron fender— R. H 85 Sheet iron fender — L. H 85 Sheet iron fender, chain hook 10 Sheet iron fender, chain 25 Disc standards (steel) 2 00 Hinge pin with cotters, for J X 47, J X 48, and J X 56 50 Scraper bar 20 Scraper bar, for harrow attachment.. 25 Pole and arch brace — R. H 35 Pole and arch brace — L. H 35 Polished steel wheel spindle, for J X 1 1 00 Guiding lever, front pc 30 Guiding lever, rear pc 30 Slide for J X59 15 Draft rods 35 Bedding bar, straight pc 30 Bedding bar, bent pc 30 Seat rails, complete 1 50 Pole lock with J X 57 75 Monkey wrench 75 Foot rest bracket 15 Steel balls for ball bearings (no cut), each 08 Pole, painted (no cut) 2 50 Disc adjusting lever, complete 70 Pawl cover (no cut) 15 Toggle iron seat 10 Shackle— R. H 25 Shackle— L. H 25 Trigger for J 105 (no cut) 15 Pawl for E 294 (old style) 15 Pawl case (old style) 25 Seat 85 Pawl ease (old style) 15 Tool box 60 Steel pawl (no cut) 30 Steel neckyoke, 43 inch 1 25 Pawl for J 105 (old style) 10 Axle washer 10 Steel wheels, painted, with boxing and nuts (no cut), per pair 10 00 Wheel box (no cut) 1 00 Wheel box nut (no cut) 40 168 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. Repairs for Avery's Revolution Disc Cultivator. Cut of Implement on Page 64. 159 Prices of Repairs en Page 158. B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. '''*)m^^' REPAIR PRICE LIST FOR *' Revolution " Stalk Cutter Attachment. Cut of reptiirs on page 161. Cut of Iinpleraeut on page 68. Cut and prices on repairs for Carriage Frame, see pages 158 and 159. Order repairs by letter and number given. When ordering right or left hand repairs, do so from operator's position or rear of implement. ARTICLES. PRICE, Spider for Spiral Knives 1 $2 50 Box (half) for Spiders Y 1 and Y 19 25 Drag Hook Casting 1 00 Axle Collar . . 30 Cleaver Arm Casting 30 Spider for Straight Knives 2 60 Drag Hook, K. H 80 Drag Hook, L. H 80 Spiral Knife Blade 1 50 Straight Knife Blade 1 50 Arm for Trash Cleaner 20 Trash Cleaner Stirrup 20 Axle Bearing 50 Axle 3 00 Pole Bracket for Drag Hook Casting Y5 90 Arm for Lifting Drag Hook 70 Drag Hook Lifting Lever, Plain 50 Lever Catch 15 Chain for Lifting Drag Hooks . 30 Draft-bar Link vpith round hole 30 Draft-bar Link with square hole 30 Washer for Draft-rod Link 10 Ferrule for J X 602 10 Ferrule for J X 603 . 10 REPAIR PRICE LIST FOR "Revolution" Six-Shovel Cultivator Attachment. Cut of Implement on page 66. Cut and prices of repairs for Carriage Frame on pages 158 and 159. Order repairs by letter and number given. When ordering right or left '\»^^d repairs, do so from operator's position or rear of implement. NO OF PART Y 1. Y 2. Y 5. Y 8. Y 9. Y 19. Y 504. Y 505. Y 510. Y 511. Y 515. Y 516. J X 46. J X 600. J X 601. J X 602. J X 603. J X 604. J X 605. J X 606. J X 607. J X 608. J X 609. J X 610.' HO. OF PART. JX 58. J X 360. J X 361. J X 362. J X 363. B 83. " B 91. B 92. B 93. B 840. . ARTICLES. PRICE. Beam Coupling (No Cut) $0 40 Connecting Arm " 15 Gang Bar " 25 Coupling " 30 Clamping Bolt for B 92 " 10 Eachet Washer for B 91 " 05 Adjustable Break Pin Foot " 50 Shovel Standard Bracket " 80 Half Clip for Third Shovel Standard " 20 Shovel Standard '< 70 REPAIR PRICE LIST FOR Spring Tooth Cultivator Attachment. "Revolution Cut of Implement on page 67. Cut and prices of repairs for Carriage Frame on pages 158 and 159. Order repairs by letter and number given. When ordering right or left hand repairs, do so from operator's position or rear of implement. NO. OF PART. ARTICLES. PRICE. JX 99. Side Bar Coupling (No Cut) $0 40 JXIOO. Center Tooth Bracket " 20 JXIOI. Outside Tooth Bracket, R. H " 20 J X 102. Outside Tooth Bracket, L. H ." 20 JX103. Washer for J X 101 and 102 " 15 J X 364. Blade with K 193 and Bolt, each " 25 JX365. OutsideTooth " 60 JX366. CenterTooth " 60 J X 367. Front Cross Bar, two holes " 30 JX368. Rear Cross Bar, five holes " 30 K 193. Blade Washer " 05 160 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. Repairs for "Revolution" Stalk Cutter Attachment. For Prices on Repairs, see page 1 60. YS05 atMH?(a9li»iMitW»«**ia-'» ^^ jxeoo DIRECTIONS For Attaching Stalk Cutter Attachment to Revolution Disc Cultivator. Cut of Implement on page 68. After detaching discs from yoke swivel, loosen bolt that fastens arch bar to axle bracket, and spread machine to its fullest width. Bolt axle bearing JX46 to yoke swivel, seeing that spider arms are in front of knives when they touch the ground. Detach draft bars entirely from machine, then rebolt rear ends of bars between draft bar links JX 606 and JX 607, and bolt front ends to shackle jaws JX 86. Eemove short foot rests and substitute the longer ones sent with the stalk cutter attachment. Place the arm for lifting drag hooks down over the pole with the j curved ends toward rear of machine, and bolt same to fender clips JX 16 and JX 57. The drag hook lifting lever bolt to left side of arm. Remove bolts from evener arch and hammer strap, then bolt pole bracket JX 601 for drag hook casting underneath the pole, placing the end with the largest bolt hole under arch, using bolt sent with attach- ment. Insert the end of longest drag hook from right hand side through front hole of drag hook casting T 5, and the shorter one from left hand side through rear hole and fasten with cotters. Slip the rings of chains over drag hooks, and attach the links to hooks on arm. 161 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. REPAIR PRICE LIST FOR WESTERN AND NEW SOUTH CULTIVATORS. Cut of Implements on pages 69, 70, and 71. Cut of repairs on page 164. When ordering right or left hand repair.^, do so from operator's position or rear of Cultivator. Order repairs by letter and number given. No. Price, of Part. 3 51 52 55 56 61 62 63 65 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 79 84 85 86 87 88 89 97 98 J 100 J 101 J 102 J 103 J 104 J 105 J 106 J 107 J 108 J 109 J 110 Jill J 112 J 113 J 114 J 115 J 116 J 117 J 118 J 119 J 120 J 121 J 200 J 201 J 202 J 203 J2C4 J 205 J 206 J 207 J 208 J 209 J 210 J 211 J 212 J 213 J 214 J 215 J 217 J 218 J 219 J 220 J 221 J 222 J 223 J 224 J 225 J 226 J 227 J 800 J 801 J 802 J 803 J 804 J 805 $0 10 1 50 1 50 1 00 1 00 40 15 05 50 50 50 60 60 30 70 35 35 40 85 15 30 35 05 05 25 25 10 1 00 1 00 30 50 50 15 10 10 60 60 60 50 35 25 15 10 1 00 1 00 30 30 50 15 30 30 75 35 1 00 1 00 1 00 35 20 20 30 30 10 85 25 35 1 00 1 00 10 10 20 40 50 50 1 50 30 15 10 25 10 15 1 00 35 Articles. Wheel washer Axle bracket, comp'e,with spindle — E.H. (old style) Axle bracket, comp'e.vrith spindle — L.H.(old style) Beam coupling sleeve — R. H Beam coupling sleeve — L. H Spring sleeve on spring trip (old style) Spring rod on springtrip (old style) Link on spring trip (old style) Springtrip foot (old style) Inside bracket for front shovel standard Inside bracket for rear shovel standard Shovel standard bracket — outside R. H Shovel standard bracket — outside L. H Beam spreader clip Tongue and hound casting Quadrant (old style) — R. H Quadrant (old style) — L. H Lifting spring rod Seat Beam coupling arch clip Handle clamp (bottom) Handle clamp (top) Seat washer Blade washer Stop to spring trip (old style) Wrench , Fender dial (bottom) Beam coupling sleeve — R. H Beam couplingsleeve — L. H Gang coupling arch clip Quadrant (new Style) — R. H Quadrant (new style)— L. H Pawl case Pawl case for J 105— R. H Pawlcasefor J 105 — L. H Tool box (no cut) Gang coupling arch — R. H Gang coupling arch — L. H Adjustable foot for spring trip (old style) ] Link clip for spring trip Strap link for spring trip y No cut Trunnion for spring trip Washer for spring trip J Beam couplingsleeve — R. H. (no cut) (^ Beam coupling sleeve — L. H. (no cut) j Pawl for levers— R. or L (no cut) Clip for lifting chain and foot rest (no cut) Adjustable foot for spring trip Adjusting block (no cut) Beam coupling (front) \ Beam coupling arch clip j Parallel coupling (top) Rear beam coupling (bottom half) Standard bracket for beam (front)— R. H Standard bracket for beam (front) — L. H J Standard bracket for beam (rear) Cap for J 204 and J 205 Foot rest— R. H. (old style) 1 Foot rest— L. H. (old style) 1' Standard friction breakback — R. H ) Standard friction break back — L. H V Washer for J 210 and J 211 j Standard bracket for beam (front) Cap for /206 and J 213 \ Handle clamp (bottom) J Beam coupling sleeve — R. H ) Beam coupling sleeve — L. H j Fender dial (bottom) Fender dial (top) Parallel rod elbow Chain and foot rest clip R. H. standard friction break back (no cut) ) L. H. standard friction break back (no cut) j Axle bracket, complete, with spindle (no cut) Clip for lifting chain and foot rest (no cut) Foot rest (no cut) Evenor rub plateonpole 1 Hammer strap / Pivot sleeve for doubletree 1 Hook bolt ( Hound I Brace — hound to axle bar j Used on Cultivator Number 150 150 150 150 150 150 151 151 152 152 153 153 160 160 161 161 175 175 175 175 175 176 176 176 176 175 176 163 B. F. AVERY & SONS. MJtl^^ ■J-mS^ LOUISVILLE, KY. Repair Price List for Western and New South Cultivators- Continued. No. Price. of Part. J 806 «0 90 J 807 1 25 J 808 1 26 J 809 1 25 J 810 1 25 J 811 30 J 812 10 J 813 10 J 814 2 00 J 815 50 J 816 50 J 817 50 J 818 75 J 819 75 J 820 1 50 J 821 1 00 J 822 2 00 J 823 80 J 824 1 00 J 825 20 J 826 25 J 827 1 00 J 828 60 J 829 90 J 830 90 J 831 1 50 J 832 60 J 883 40 J 834 20 J 835 40 J 836 30 J 837 15 J 838 75 J 839 35 J 840 30 J 841 30 J 842 10 J 843 60 J 844 50 J 845 2 00 J 846 1 00 J 847 40 J 849 1 25 J 850 15 J 851 2 50 J 852 30 J 853 2 00 J 854 10 J 855 25 J 856 10 J 857 20 J 858 15 J 859 05 J 860 15 J 861 15 J 862 40 J 863 20 J 864 60 J 865 35 J 866 30 J 867 25 J 868 40 J 869 60 J 870 25 J 871 15 J 872 1 25 B 10 00 B 76 1 25 B 77 1 25 B 78 35 3 79 50 B 80 35 B 81 20 B 83 05 BlOl 40 B102 25 B103 15 B104 15 B105 1 25 B106 1 25 B107 15 B112 40 B113 40 B115 10 B116 40 B117 40 B118 20 B119 15 Articles. Axle arcli bar Lever (old style), complete, for J 75 — R. H 1 Lever (old style), complete, for J 76 — L. H j Lever (new style), complete, for J 103 — R. H \ Lever (new style), complete, for J 104 — L. H J Pawl and spring for 323 (old style) Spring for J 105 Trigger rod for J 105 Arch. Sheet iron fender ) qtqtp whether Sheet iron fender state whether '{: Sheet iron fender:::::: f right orleft Seat bar— R. H Seat bar — L. H Pipe beam (long) Pipe beam (short) Pipe beam Steel beam (short) Steel beam (long) Steel draft pendant Connecting rod for draft pendant J 825 Lever, without attachment Axle bracket brace Shovel standard — outside R. H Shovel standard — outside L. H f Pipe beam Wheel spindle Parallel rod Extension fender bar Parallel bar Foot rest 1 Clip for foot rest J 836 / Shovel standard Locli, complete (old style), for gang coupling arch... Eye bolt for shovel standard Lifting chain Clip for J 98 Shovel standard (inside) Coil lifting spring Shovel standard with old style spring trip, complete Shovel standard with break pin, complete Coil spring for old stylespring trip Adjustable break pin foot and standard Hook for coupling arch Tongue, painted (no cut) Coil spring for spring trip (no cut) .• Shovel standard with spring trip, complete (no cut).. Wheel guard (no cut) Wheel guard (no cut) ; Link for spring trip (no cut) Spring'rod with nut for spring trip (no cut) Cover for J 118 (no cut) ) Ferrule for J 118 (no cut) ( Extension for third standard — R. H (no cut) Extension for third standard — L. H (no cut). Outside standard extension bar (no cut) Parallel bar (no cut) J Shovel standard (no cut) Gang bar, long (no cut) 1 Gang bar, short (no cut) Gang bar brace (no cut) | Cross bar, steel (no cut) j- Spring tooth (no cut) Blade with K 193 and bolt (no cut) Lifting chain clip (no cut) Steel neck yoke, 43-inch Wheels (steel) , per pair , with boxes and nuts, painted Cross head — R. H , I Cross head — L. H ( Front beam coupling (one half ) ~) Rear beam coupling and handle clamp V Rear beam coupling (bottom).- J Parallel rod clip Ratchet washer for B 101 ^ Adjustable break pin foot (bottom) j- Break pin arm ) Half clip for third shovel standard— R. H. (no cut) ] Half clip for third shovel standard— L. H. (no cut) Cross head— R. H. (no cut) > Cross head— L. H. (no cut) , Parallel bar clip (no cut) J Shovel standard clip (no cut) ") Shovel standard clip (no cut) > Adjusting block washer (no cut) ) Coupling head (no cut) 1 Coupling head follower (no cut).. Spring tooth beam plate (no cut) Cross beam coupling (no cut) Used on Cultivator Number 150 150 150 150 151 151 151 151 152 153 153 160 160 160 153 160 160 161 161 161 161 161 175 175 175 175 175 175 176 176 177 177 177 177 177 177 177 20 20 20 163 B. F. AVERY cfe SONS. o.^i^-1^ LOUISVILLE, KY. Repair Price List for Western and New South Cultivators— Continued. No. Price. of Part. B120 $0 20 B511 1 00 BS13 30 B818 15 B819 10 E209 15 K193 05 N 51 40 94 10 323 15 Articles. Handle clip dial (no cut) Wheel box (no cut) \ Wood handle (no cut) j Gang coupling strap — top (no cut) } Gang coupling strap — bottom (no cut) j Trigger for J 807, 808, 809, 810 Blade washer (no cut) Wheel box nut (no cut) Shackle and pin Pawl case (old style) for J 807 and 808 , Used on Cultivator Number 150 150 151 151 152 153 153 160 160 161 161 175 175 176 176 177 177 20 4917 Cut of Implements on Pages 69, 70, and 71. Prices of Repairs on Pag'es 162 and 183* 164 B. F. AVERY & SONS. ^1^1- LOUISVILLE, KY. DIRECTIONS FOB SETTING UP THE "WESTERN" AND NEW SOUTH CULTIVATORS. Cut of Implements on Pages 69, 70, and 71. 1/217 ''218 After oiling the axles and putting wheels on cultivators, renaove the wood blocks from between the hounds and bolt the pole to hounds and to hound and tongue casting J74. Bolt the evener between the hammer strap J801 and pole (with the draft pendants in front), and connect the lower ends of pendants to draft hook on arch. Bolt quadrant J103E with lever attached to axle arch bar at second bolt from end on right of arch bar and secure J104L to corresponding bolt on left side. Bolt braces for quadrants to hound and axle bar braces, then fasten seat rails with the same bolts. Adjust the seat to suit the operator. When used as a walking cultivator the seat can be thrown forward. Fasten gangs and parallel bars of Western Cultivators to ' coupling sleeves J116R and J117L, with parallel bars toward inside of cultivator. In the New South fasten the gangs to coupling sleeves J217R and J218L. Each coupling sleeve is pro- vided with two sets of hubs to fasten gangs to, which allows the placing of the gangs at two different distances apart. NOTE.— When attaching- beams to the cultivators be sure and oil around the bolts, and tig-hten them firm, then run the nuts back about one half turn, so that the beams will move freely laterally. Withdraw the cotters from arch casting J74, then slip the coil springs over the spring rods and raise the rear ends of gangs, when the spring rods will enter the slots in arch casting J74, then slip the cotters back into place. The lifting tension of the springs can be adjusted at any time by holding up the rear ends of gangg and turning the nuts on spring rods up or down. Place the beam coupling arch J109 and JllO in a horizontal position (with the numbers down and the rounded ends to the front of the cultivator), and enter the two bent ends in the holes in J201 if on the New South, or J102 if on the Western, and as the ends enter, raise the arch to a vertical position, then adjust the beams to the width desired and lock in position with hook J850 to lug on tongue and hound casting J74. • Attach lifting chains to hooks on end of levers. The depth of plowing can be regulated by lengthening or shortening the chains. Bolt handles on right hand side of handle clamps J86, driving bolts through clamp first. Attach fenders to dials J219 and J220 at end of extension fender bars. Bolt tool box to center of axle arch bur. When any nuts are loosened to make any adjustment, be sure and tisrhten the same before usine;. 165 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KV, Repair Price List for Comet Cultivators. Cut of Implements on pages 72 to 77. Cut of repairs on page 168. When ordering right or left hand repairs, do so from operator's position or rear of Cultivator. Order repairs by letter and number given. No. Price. of Part. B 45 SO 35 B 61 1 00 B 62 1 00 B 64 05 B 65 10 B 66 20 B 67 15 B 68 15 B 69 25 B 70 20 B 71 15 B 72 15 B 73 75 B 74 1 00 B 75 1 00 B 76 1 25 B 77 1 25 B 78 35 B 79 50 B 80 35 B 81 20 B 83 05 B 86 75 B 87 15 B 88 50 B 89 1 00 B 90 1 00 B 91 50 B 92 80 B 93 20 B 94 25 B 95 10 B 96 10 B 97 10 BlOO 25 BlOl 40 B102 25 B103 15 B104 15 B105 1 25 B106 1 25 B107 15 BUO 1 00 Bill 1 00 B112 40 B113 40 B114 15 B115 10 B116 40 B117 40 B118 20 B119 15 B120 20 B800 10 B801 25 B802 20 B803 80 B804 15 B805 20 B806 30 B807 25 B808 10 B809 15 B810 15 B812 1 25 B813 30 B814 1 40 B815 1 40 B816 1 25 B817 1 25 B818 25 B819 20 B820 15 B821 20 B822 05 B823 50 B824 50 B826 05 B827 15 Articles. Gang coupling Coupling sleeve— R. H Coupling sleeve— L. H Seat for toggle Axle washer Spring stop Adjusting spreader block Spreader Hook-up arm Handle clamp (bottom) Shackle— R. H Shackle— L.H Pole and arch casting Coupling sleeve— R. H Coupling sleeve— L. H Cross head — R. H Cross head — L. H Gang coupling (front)— one half Rear coupling and bottom handle clip Rear gang coupling (bottom) Parallel rod clip Ratchet washer— for B 91 and B 101 Tongue and arch plate Lifting spring stop.... Gang coupling Gang coupling sleeve — R. H Gang coupling sleeve — L. H Adjustable break pin foot Shovel standard bracket Half clip for third shovel standard Bottom handle clip Washer forB96 Clip for B842 Fender bar clip Hook-up arm j Adjustable break pin foot 1 Adjustable break pin foot arm )' Half clip for third shovelstandard— R.H. ] Half clip for third shovel standard — L. H. Cross head— R. H | Cross head — L. H J- Parallel bar clip Coupling sleeve— R. H I Coupling sleeve, L. H J Shovel standard clamp \ Shovel standard clamp ) Adjusting block \ Adjusting block washer j Coupling head 1 Coupling head follower | Spring tooth plate— R. or L \ Cross beam coupling I Handle clip dial J Toggle strap > Evener toggle | Extension fender bar Evener Evener and pole brace Extension fender bar Evener arch (top) 1 Evener arch (bottom) J Rear washer plate for pole Arch stirrup Arch stirrup ) Axle arch J Wood handle (no cut) Steel beam (long)— R. H 1 Steel beam (long)— L. H | Steel beam (short) — R. H 1 Steel beam (short)- L. H | Gang coupling strap (top) J Gang coupling strap (bottom) Gang hook-up ) Spreader rod.. ) Handle clamp strap for B 70 Sheet iron fender... \ state whether f Sheet iron fender... J right or left. ( Fender dial strap for J 98.. Bent bolt for B 69 L'sed on Cultivator Number No Cut No Cut No Cut 101 102 102 101 103 103 104 104 104 104 105 104 104 104 103 104 106 107 107 108 107 105 I 106 105 106 108 112 108 113 113 113 10 10 112 113 112 jii's ■'"" 166 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. Repair Price List for Comet Cultivators— Continued. No. Price. of Part. B828 «0 15 B829 20 B830 25 B831 20 B832 20 B833 20 B840 70 B841 1 00 B842 40 B813 100 B844 35 B845 70 B846 70 B847 60 B848 60 B849 20 B850 20 B851 40 B852 35 B853 15 B854 1 50 B855 1 00 B856 1 00 B857 1 00 B858 1 00 B859 85 B860 85 B861 2 50 B862 30 B863 25 B864 40 B865 40 B866 40 B867 40 B868 1 50 J 60 40 J 61 40 J 62 15 J 63 05 J 65 50 J 67 50 J 69 50 J 70 50 J 71 60 J 72 60 J 73 30 J 77 40 J 85 30 J 86 35 J 88 05 J 89 25 J 97 20 J 98 10 J 108 60 Jill 50 J 112 35 J 113 25 J 114 15 J 115 10 J 120 50 J 219 10 J 220 10 J 829 90 J 830 90 J 843 60 J 844 50 J 845 2 00 J 846 1 00 J 847 40 J 819 1 25 J 852 30 J 853 2 00 J 856 10 J 857 20 J86C 15 J 861 15 J 862 40 J 868 40 J 869 60 J 870 25 J 872 1 25 K193 05 TlOO 10 OB 2 50 OB 99 75 N 4 25 N 14 35 C 4 50 Q 5 50 Articles. Bent bolt for B 100 Hook for B 100 Hook-uplink Hook-up Gang spreader strap (top) "I Gang spreader strap (bottom) j Shovel standard Pipe for beam Gang scraper gauge 1 Evener J Parallel rod Draft rod— R. H \ Draft rod— L. H J Draft rod— R. H \ Draft rod— L. H | Evener toggle link— R. H \ Evener toggle link- L. H j Evener arch (top) , \ Evener arch (bottom) j Clamping bolt for shovel standard Axle arch '] Outside gang bar (5 holes) > Inside gang bar (6 holes) J Steel gang (long)— R. H - ] Steel gang (long)— L. H i Steel gang (short)— R. H ( Steel gang (short) — L. H J Tongue, painted (no cut) Long beam \ Short beam j Coupling strap and hook-up — E. H \ Coupling strap and hook-up— L.H j Coupling strap and hook-up — R. H ) Coupling strap and hook-up— L. H J Steel neckyoke, 43 inches (no cut) Gang coupling Spring trip sleeve (old style) 1 Spring rod for spring trip (old style) [ Link for spring trip (old style) [ Open fool for spring trip (old style) J Break pin foot Inside standard bracket (front) ) Inside standard bracket (rear) I Outside standard bracket (front) J- Outside standard bracket (rear) Outside spreader clip J Lifting spring rod Handle clamp (bottom) Handle clamp (top) Blade washer (no cut) Stop to spring trip (old style) Wrench Fender dial (bottom).. Tool box (no cut) Adj ustable foot for spring trip (old style) 'i Link clip for spring trip Strap link for spring trip V Trunnion for spring trip | Washer for spring trip J Adjustable foot for spring trip (no cut) Fender dial (bottom) Fender dial (top) Shovel standard— R. H \ Shovel standard— L. H j Standard, without attachments Coil liftingspriug Standard, with O.S. springtrip foot, comp'e Standard, with break pin foot, complete... Coil spring for springtrip (old style) Standard.withadj'blebreakpinfoot.comp Coil spring for spring trip 1 Standard, with springtripfoot, complete Link for spring trip Spring rod with nut for spring trip Extension for third standard, R. H... Extension for third standard. L. H Outside standard extension bar Cross bar (steel) ■] Spring tooth v Blade with KJj93 and bolt j Steel neckyoke, 43 inches (no cut) Blade back or block (no cut) Wheel washer Wheel box Wheel box Wheel box nut(uo cut) Wheel box nut (no cut) Steel wheel, with boxandnut,p'nt'd, per pr Steel wheel with box and nut,p'nt'd,ppr pr 167 Used on Cultivator Number 100 No Cut No Cut No Cut 100 100 100 100 No Cut 100 No Cut No Cut No Cut 101 101 101 101 101 102 102 lOi 102 102 103 104 104 104 105 105 105 105 106 106 106 106 106 106 lo: 107 107 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 112 112 112 112 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. Repairs for "Comet" Walking Cultivators. 13 815 B ' Cut of Implements on Pages 72 to 77. Prices of Repairs on Pag-es 166 and 167. 168 B. F. AVERY & SONS. aJ^^-t LOUISVILLE, KY. DIRECTIONS FOB SETTING ITP AVERY'S COMET CULTIVATOR. Cut of Implements on Pag-es 72 to 77. B aA7 B-S-IS ^ftB^siBBin Take nuts oil' of long "bolts in pole and arch casting B73, then place the casting so that lugs on same will be in front, and fasten pole between flanges of casting. After removing cotters and washers from axle, slip j^gang coupling sleeves off of axle until slots in coupling sleeves are clear of axle, then insert the eye on end of round draft rods B847 and B848 in slots (with the bent end pointing outward), and slip coupling sleeves and rods back on axles. Loosen stirrups which pass through pole and arch casting B73, and insert ends of draft rods from bottom through evener arch B80S. Put evener toggle links B849 and B850 in evener tog- gle B801 and in ends of evener bar, and place center hole of evener bar over end of draft rod, then place round hole in flat brace on top of evener, and drive end of draft rod through and insert cotter, then bolt the other end to lugs on pole and arch casting B73. Pasten tool box, with wood screws, on pole, back of evener arch. To Attach Gangs.— If it is the Nos. 107 or 108, at- tach the gangs to center hubs of coupling sleeves B61 E and B62L. If it is the Nos. 101 or 102, attach the gangs to the two inside hubs of coupling sleeves B61 E and B62 L. If it is the ISTos. 112 or 113, attach the beams and parallel rods to coupling sleeves BllOE and Bill L. If it is the No. 104, attach the beams to coupling sleeves B89 E and B90L. Any desired distance between the gangs can be obtained by loosening the nuts of stirrup at rear end of tongue and adjusting the arch out or in, as may be desired. NOTE.— When attaching- any of these g-ang-s to the cultivator, be sure and oil around the bolts, and tighten them firm, then run the nuts back about one half turn, so that the gang-s -wrill move freely laterally. Slip coil springs on spring rods, raise rear of gangs until spring rods will enter spring stop B66 on the arch. The lifting tension of the springs can be adjusted by raising the rear ends of gangs until spring rods are clear of spring stops and turning the nuts on spring rods up or down. Bolt handles on right-hand side of handle clamps J86, driving bolt through clamp first. JEJ^^-When any nuts are loosened to make any adjust- ment, be sure and tighten the same before using. 169 B. F. AVERY & SONS. "V^C*^ LOUISVILLE, KY. TELEGRAPH CODE. The following Telegraph Code will be found very convenient and useful, and we recommend its use to customers and the trade. Great care should be taken to write each word plainly, as a change of a single letter may make a very great difference. All telegrams should be prepaid. CODE WORDS. STOCK QUESTIONS. Code Word. Signification. Embark How soon can you furnish? Emblem How soon and at what price can you furnish? Embers Have you in stock and can you furnish at once? Embroil Can you furnish within ? Empire If so, enter order. Empress If not, how soon can you furnish? STOCK ANSWERS. Emption We have in stock. Emulate We have in stock and can ship at once. Enact We have in stock and will ship at once. Enacting We have none in stock. Enamel We have not in stock. Encamp We are entirely out of Enchain If ordered immediately. Enchanter On receipt of order. Enchased After receipt of order. PRICE QUESTIONS. Encircle What is your list price on? Encompass What is your best discount on ? Encore What is your best cash discount from price of? Encourage Is price quoted net, or subject to usual discount? Encroach . — Quote us lowest net price on. Encumber Quote us lowest net price and best terms on. Endo^w Quote us lowest net spot cash price on. Endrudge Will you hold offer open? Endwise We are offered. Enemy Will you accept? Energy Will you allow me? PRICE ANSWERS. English We quote. Engraft We quote on your specifications. Engulf We quote on your specifications as contained in your letter. Enhance We quote on your specifications as contained in your telegram. Enigma Quotations for all cash shipment. Enjoy Prices quoted are for prompt acceptance only. Enkindle All previous quotations are hereby withdrawn. Enlight The regular price is. Enmity We will sell at. Ennoble We will not sell at. Enrolled We will accept order. Ensample We will accept order, shall we ship ? Enshroud We will not accept order. Enslave We can not accept price offered. Entail We can not accept contract, so please cancel. Enthrone Please specify quantity wanted. Entice Please specify size wanted. Entomb Please specify size and quantity wanted. Entrap We can not do better. Envelope proposition is the very best we will do. Envious We will hold offer open. Epicure We can not hold offer open. Epigram We will furnish goods mentioned in your letter at. Epilogue We will furnish goods mentioned in your telegram at. Epithet F. O. B. in. Equator F, O. B. cars Louisville. Erigible F. O. B. cars your city . 170 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KY. 'ym^ TELEGRAPH CODE— Continued. TERMS. Code Word. Signification. Escapade Terms are. _ I Terms are sixty days note or two (2) per cent cash discount ten (10) days iLscort I f^^^ shipment. „ . j Terms are three months note or three (3) per cent cash discount ten (10) il^ssayist ^ days from shipment. _ , , j Terms are four months note or two (2) per cent cash discount ten (10) days H^tcnea | from shipment. „ , . I Terms are four months note or five (5) per cent cash discount ten (10) days Etching -j ^^^^ shipment. Etiquette Terms are October first note or five (-5) per cent cash discount June first. European Terms are satisfactory. Eventide Terms are not satisfactory. T-, { Terms wanted are too long; if you can not shorten up will have to decline Evergreen j . &> .? r- Evermore Time payment too long. Exactor What terms are wanted? Excursion What terms may I offer? Exhale Net cash F. O. B. Exhort How much cash? Expand Will pay $ cash with order. Expansion Or for $ cash. Expiate And eight (8) per cent per annum interest. Exploit And ten (10) per cent per annum interest. Explore With lien on goods. NUM Codeword. Signification. Exponent 21 Exporting 22 Extensor 23 Extricate 24 Exude 25 Exultant 26 Exundate 27 Exvato 28 Eyeball 29 Eyebeam 31 Eyedrop 32 Eyeglass 33 Eyelet 34 Eyepiece 35 Eyeshot 36 Eyestring 37 Eyetooth 38 Eyew^ater 39 Eyewitness 41 Fable 42 Fabric 43 Faction 44 Factotum 45 Faculty 46 Fagend 47 Faint - 48 Faintness 49 Fairing 51 Fairnes s 52 Fairy 53 Fairyland 54 Faithless 55 Fakir 56 Falcom 57 Fallacy 58 Fallible 59 Falsehood 61 Falsify 62 Fame 68 Fameless 64 Famish 65 ERALS. Code Word. Signification. Famous 66 Fanatic 67 Fancier 68 Fanciful 69 Fanlight 71 Fanning 72 Fantastic 73 Farce 74 Farcial 75 Farm 76 Farrago 77 Fashion 78 Fatal 79 Fatalism 81 Fatten .* 82 Fattish 83 Faultless 84 Favorless 85 Fawn 86 Fa"wning 87 Feather 88 Featherbed 89 Feeder 91 Fellow 92 Femesole 93 Fencing 94 Ferry 95 Ferryboat 96 Ferryman 97 Fervent 98 Festive 99 Fickle 100 Fiction 200 Fiddling 300 Fierce 400 Fierceness 500 Fighting 600 Filtering - - 700 Finally 800 Financier 900 Flagrance 1000 171 B. F. AVERY & SONS. hM^ LOUISVILLE, KY, TELEGRAPH CODE— Continued. REFERRING TO ORDERS. Code Word. Signification. Flambeau Enter our order for. Flame Specifications to follow. Flamingo In addition to previous order. Flanking To complete car load add. Flannel You can substitute. Flapping To be delivered. Flashy We must have. Flasket With all fixtures complete.' Flatfish With all fixtures except following, namely. Flation Prepare for immediate shipment; full instructions by letter. REFERRING TO ORDERS-ANSWERS. Flatness We have entered order. Flatterer We have no order. Flatulent Shall we enter order? Flaunting Your order of the. Flavor Your order is not plain; be more explicit. Flawless Goods ordered will make car. Flaxseed - - We require pounds to complete car. Fleabite What shall we add to complete car? Fledgeling Shall we fill out car with ? Fleece We will complete. Fleeceless Eequire addition to order. Fleeting May we substitute? Fie shing We are now loading. Flickering We are making. Flight We will do our best. Flimsily We can not promise definitely. Flinching We have been disappointed in delivery of. Flinger We are waiting for the . Flippant We can not get the . Flirt Your order is not clear; we write you to-day for full information. REFERRING TO SHIPMENTS-QUESTIONS. Flitter Ship immediately. Flix Ship as soon as possible. Floater Ship what you have ready and let balance follow. Flogged Ship to our order at. Flooding Ship and draw with bill lading attached. Floor Ship to the care of. Florentine Ship by car load. Florist Can you ship? Flotation When will you ship order of the? Flounder Have you shipped order of the? Flouring If not, when will you ship? Flouting If you can not ship in time named advise us by wire. Flower Hasten shipment of the . Flunky Keep shipment traced by wire. Flurry Send tracer for shipment. Flushed Telegraph number and initials of car and route shipped. Flushness What is rate of freight to? REFERRING TO SHIPMENTS-ANSWERS. Flutter We will ship. Fluxation We can ship. Fluxible We could ship. Flyfish We could probably ship in. Flyleaf We can not ship. Flytrap We have shipped. Flywheel We have not shipped. Foaling We expect to ship. Foaming We will try to ship. Fodder We will ship on receipt of. Foldage Think we can ship. Foldless Yes. Shall we ship? 172 B. F. AVERY & SONS. hX^ LOUISVILLE, KY, TELEGRAPH CODE— Continued. REFERRING TO SHIPMENTS— ANSWERS— Continued. Codeword. Signification. Fomenter We have ready for shipment. Fondled Shall we ship ? Fondness If ordered by telegraph promptly we could ship in. Foodless Can not promise positively, but think we can ship in. Footband We could not make and ship. Foottoridge But we can ship promptly on receipt of order. Footfall Shall we ship what we have ready and let balance follow when completed? Footless Shall we ship or await further instructions before doing so? Footpad Send shipping instructions. Footstalk Telegraph shipping instructions. Forage Rate of freight is . Forbidden The best obtainable rate of freight is. Forcedly We can not obtain through rate of freight. Forefoot .Shall we insure at your expense shipment now ready? SHIPPING ROUTE. Foreground Cheapest route. Forehead Express. Forerank Freight. Foretaken Steamer. Forging Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R. Forgive B. & O. S. W. E. R. Forlorn C, B. & Q. R. E. Formation C, C, C. & St. L. (Big Four) R. R. Formic C, I. & L. (Monon) R. E. Forsake. C. & O. R. R. Fossil I. C. R. E. Founding L., E. & St. L. E. R. Fourfold L. & N. E. E. Fowling L., St. L. & T. E. E. Foxhound M., K, «& T. E. E. Fractious Mobile & Ohio E. R. Fragment Mo. Pacific R. E. Framed P., C, C. & St. L. E. E. (Pan Handle.) Franchise St. L. & S. P. E. E. Frankness Southern Eailway Co. Frantic St. Louis & Southwestern E. E. SHIPPING— DATES. Freedman As soon as. Freehold As soon as we can. Frequent As soon as possible. Friendless In about. Friendship Nosoonerthan. Frightful Not later than. Frisky After receipt of order. Frolic To-day or to-morrow. Frontage To-morrow or next day. Frontier - In a day or two. Frosted Middle of this week. Fuddled In about a week. Fulcrum Last of this week. Fulgent Last of this week or early next week. Fulsonae Last of next week. Fumbler Next Monday or Tuesday. Function Next Tuesday or Wednesday. Furious Next Wednesday or Thursday. Furlong Next Thursday or Friday. Furnace Next Friday or Saturday. Furrier Next Saturday or Monday. Fussy In three days. Fustian In five days. Gadding In ten days. Gaffer In two weeks. Gaggling In three weeks. Gainsay In four weeks. Galecto First week in. Galenic Second week in. Galilee Third week in. 178 B. F. AVERY & SONS. hJ^W" LOUISVILLE, KY. TELEGRAPH CODE-Continued. LETTERS AND TELEGRAMS. Code Word, Signification. Galiot Your letter was received in time. Gall Your letter was not received in time. Gallant See letter. Galley See our letter of the . G allipot Have you received our letter of ? Gallop Get our letter at . Gallows Where will letter reach you ? Galore When through go to and get our letter. Galvanic Have written you to-day; wait for letter. Gamboling Have you written, and, if so, where did you send it? Gamecock We wrote you fully at . Gamester Go to immediately and get mail. Gammon Go to as soon as convenient and get mail. Gangrene Have sent particulars by mail. Gangway Will send particulars by mail. Garbage Send particulars by mail. Garfish Answer by mail. p , / Do not leave place hereafter named until you get our letter dated g <^ or number. Garland Your telegram was received in time. Garlic Your telegram was not received in time. Garment See our telegram of the sent to . Garnish Have you received our telegram of ? Garret Answer by telegraph immediately. Garrison Telegraph to-morrow early. Gascon Will send particulars by telegraph. Gashing Telegraph to . Gaslight Telegraph in plain language. Gastric We have wired you at . Gasworks We do not understand your message. Gateway word of your cipher message is unintelligible. Gauging Please repeat order of ; the original must have been lost. Gauntlet Why don't you answer? Gavel We have not heard from you lately. Gawky Send all papers in the case. Gazette All the papers in the case have been sent you. Gearing Is there any thing for me to attend to before leaving the place? Gelatin i There is nothing else for you to attend to; go on your route, but let us ] know where we can catch you by wire or mail. Gelding Do not make contract with . PRINTED MATTER. Generic -Send me a few posters of all kinds. Generous Send a full supply of printed matter to me at . Genitor Send me a package of catalogues by express. Genius Send me a package of catalogues by mail. Gentile Send a supply of catalogues and folders to . Gesture Send a good supply of all kinds of printed matter and signboards. 174 B. F. AVERY & SONS. ^v5|*4t LOUISVILLE, KY. INDEX TO CATALOGUE. PAGE Bean Separator -- 82 Bean Threslier 82 Beat Digger and Subsoil Plows 26 Blades— Bull Tongue--- 127, 128 Cultivator 135, 136, 137, 138, 139 Cultivator Blanks - 135 Double Moldboard - 135 Double Shovel .--- 132, 133 . Jumping Shovel - --134 List of Extras .-- - 121 Scrapers -- 131 Scooters .-- -128 Shovels - 125, 126, 127 Single Shovel - 134 Solid Sweeps 122, 123 Trucker Cultivator 140 Turning Shovels 129, 130, 131 "Wing Shovel ----134 "Wing Sweep 123, 124 Blackland Double Shovels 97 Gang Plow Bottoms 49, 60, 51 Hand Plows 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 Sulky Plow Bottoms 42, 43, 44, 46 Bolts, Heel- - - .---115 Bolts, Plow - 115 Cane Mills - - 80 Cast Plows -- 34, 35 Chilled Gang Plow Bottoms 49 Hand Plows --. 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 Hillside Plows - 29 Sulky Plow Bottoms ----42, 43, 44 "Vineyard Plows 32 Clevises 118, 119, 120 Comet Cultivators--- 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 Corn Drills--- 61 Corn Planters 60, 61, 62, 63 Cosmopolitan Gang Plows 52, 53 Cotton Planters---- 62, 63 Cotton Scrapers 103 Cotton Scraper and Sweep Combination-- -102 Cotton Sweeps 102 Coulters, Caster .- -- --105 Knife- 106, 107 Moon -«- - - 104, 105 Stiff--- 105 Cultivators— , Blades, Comet, New South, "Western, 135 to 139 Blades, Trucker's Cultivator 140 Comet, Shovel, "Walking --72, 73, 74, 75, 77 Comet, Spring Tooth, "Walking 76 Delta -- 88 Directions for Setting up Comet 169 New South 165 Revolution 157 "Western - 165 Disc, Revolution 64, 65 Double Shovel - - 98 Garden 89, 90, 91, 92, 93 New South, Shovel, Riding ..- 69 Repairs, Comet-- 166, 167, 168 New South 162, 163, 164 Revolution --- ---158, 159, 160 "Western ----162, 163, 164 Revolution, Disc, Riding--- 64, 65 Six Shovel -,.. 66 Spring Tooth ._.. 67 Riding, New South, Revolution, "West- ern 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 76 Shovels, Comet, New South, "Western- - 66, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77 Spring Tooth Comet, Revolution, "West- ern 67, 76 Truckers' _- 84, 85 "Walking, Comet 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 "Western, Shovel, Riding 70, 71 "Western, Spring Tooth, Riding 76 Directions for Setting up— Comet Cultivators - - 169 Invincible Disc Sulky Plow 145 Invincible Moldboard Gang Plow 151 Invincible Moldboard Sulky Plow 144 Louisville Planter - . . 154 Louisville Stalk Cutter 152 Modern Planter.-- - 156 New South Cultivator 165 Revolution Disc Cultivator 157 PAGE Directions for Setting up— Revolution Stalk Cutter 161 Simple Sulky Middle Burster _ 150 Simple Sulky Plow 150 Simple Sulky Stalk Cutter 150 "Western Cultivators --165 Disc Cultivator, Revolution 64, 65 Harrows 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 Gang Plow 40, 41 Sulky Plows 40, 41 Double Plow Stocks 101 Spreader Rods -.115 T "Washers 114 Double Shovels 94, 95, 96, 97, 98 Blades--- 132 Calf Tongues 133 Fenders 114 Heel Slides H4 Regulating Runners - 95 Spreader Rods 115 Doubletree Irons 112 Doubletrees, Steel 108 "Wood HO, 111, 112 Evaporator Pans and Furnaces 81 Eveners, Four-Horse.- --- 109 Fenders, Double Shovel 114 Field Rollers 78 Fin Cutters .- 105 Furnaces and Evaporators -- 81 Gang- Plows, Cosmopolitan 52, 53 Invincible Disc 40, 41 Invincible Moldboard 49 Napoleon _. - 50, 51 Garden Tools, Cultivators 90, 91, 92, 93 Drills-- 89, 90, 92 Plows- -.- 91, 92, 93 Gauge Wheels 106, 107 Grading Plows 25 Grass Rods 114 Haines - - ---116 Handles, Plow ._ 113 Harrows, Disc 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 Orchard -- 86 Side, Steel Frame 87 Side, "Wood Frame - 88 Steel Frame, Lever 59 Teeth - .-. 114 "Wood Frame 59 Hay Rakes 79 Heel Bolts .-- 115 Heel Slides H4 Hillside Plows 28, 29 Invincible Disc Gang Plows ---40, 41 Disc Sulky Plows 40, 41 Middle Burster .- 45 Moldboard Gang Plow. 49 Moldboard Sulky Plows 42, 43, 44 Jointers -- 30, 31, 32, 106, 107 Jumping Coulters 106, 107 Jumping Shovel Blades 134 Jumping Shovel Plows-- 38 Knife Coulters 106, 107 Land Rollers --- 78 Lap Links 113 Lap Rings 113 Lawn Mowers 83 Louisville Stalk Cutters 39 Malleable Clevises 118, 119, 120 Middle Burster Plows 22 Sulky, Invincible 45 Sulky, Simple -. 47 Mississippi Scrapers 114 Napoleon Gang Plows.. 50, 51 Neckyokes, Steel 109 "Wood--- 112 New Ground Plows, Grubber -. 38 Improved 36 Jumping Shovel 38 Old Style 36 Samson 37 New South Cultivators 69 175 B. F. AVERY & SONS. LOUISVILLE, KV. 'ymf> INDEX TO CATALOGUE-Continued. Orchard Harro-ws . PAGE .- 86 Pans, Evaporator 81 Pea HuUers --- 82 Pea Threshers - 82 Planters, Cherokee - 60 Dow-Law 63 Garden-- 89, 00, 92 Louisville - - _ 63 Modern . 62 Union 61 Plows Cast, New Series 34 Old Series.-- 34 Red Pony- -.. 35 Veteran 35 Plows, Chilled American 30, 31 Buttoms, Invincible Gang 49 Bottoms, Invincible Sulky 42, 43, 44 Granite -- 32 Hillside -.- 29 Old Series--- --- - 33 Vineyard--- 32 Plows, Double Stocks- Planter's Friend 101 V Stocks -- -- -101 Plows, Single Stocks- Carolina --- 100 Georgia - 100 Lone Star 99 Texas — - 100 Universal -- - 99 Plows, Steel- Advance - - 23 Big Bolt - 15 Cadet ---- 13 Cosmopolitan Gang 52, 53 Dandy 14 Double Shovels- -.-94, 95, 96, 97, 98 ElMatador 24 Garden 91, 92, 93 Grubber, New Ground 38 Hard Pan Beet Digger and Subsoil 26 Ideal Hillside --- 28 Im.proved Blackland -.- 17 Improved New Ground 36 Invincible Disc Gang 40, 41 Invincible Disc Sulky 40, 41 Invincible Middle Burster --- 45 Invincible Moldboard Gang 49 Invincible Moldboard Sulky 42, 43, 44 Jumping Shovels 38 Middle Burster, Invincible Sulky 45 Middle Burster Plows 22 Middle Burster, Simple Sulky 47 Napoleon Gang 50, 51 New Clipper - 4, 5 Ohio Valley - 8, 9 Old Style New Ground 36 Orange --- - 24 Ought Series Blackland 20, 21 Pony Series- - 10, 11, 12 Potato Digger --- --- 27 Railroad and Grading --- 25 Rainbow 16 Samson New Ground 37 Simple Sulky Middle Burster --- 47 Simple Sulky Moldboard Plow---- 46 Single Shovel 93 Tiny Tim - 13 "Western 6, 7 Wing Shovel 94 X Series Blackland 18, 19 Kakes, Hay- 79 Railroad or Grading Plow -- 25 Repair Links, Trace Chains 117 Repairs — Comet Cultivator 166, 167, 168 Common Sense Harrows - 141 Dow-Law Planters 149 Invincible Moldboard Sulky Plow- -142, 143 Louisville Planter --154, 155 Louisville Stalk Cutter -- 152, 153 Modern Planter 156 Moon Coulters-- - - 141 New South Cultivator 162, 163, 164 Orchard Harrows 141 Revolution Disc Cultivator 158, 159 Revokition Six Shovel Attachment 160 Revolution Spring Tooth Attachment- -.160 Revolution Stalk Cutter Attachment- -- 160, 161 Simple Sulky ,- ---.146, 147 Simple Sulky Middle Burster Attach- ment 148 Simple Sulky Stalk Cutter Attachment 149 Steel Frame Lever Harrows 141 Trucker's Cultivators --- • 141 "Western Cultivators 162, 163, 164 Revolution Disc Cultivator 64, 65 Six-Shovel Cultivator 66 Spring Tooth Cultivator 67 Stalk Cutter 68 Rice Land Goods. See Special Catalogue. Rolling Coulters ----104, 105 Rules of Business - 3 Runners, Regulating - 95 Scrapers, Cotton-.-- --102, 103 Mississippi 114 Seed Drills ----61, 89, 90, 92 Side Harrows 87, 88 Simple Sulky-- 46 Simple Sulky Middle Burster 47 Simple Sulky Stalk Cutter 48 Single Plow Stocks 99, 100 Single Plow Stocks, T Washers 114 Single Shovel Blades 134 Single Shovel Plows 93 Singletree Irons 112 Singletrees, Steel 108 Wood : 110, 111 Sorghum Mills 80 Spreader Rods 115 Stalk Cutters, Louisville 39 Revolution - 68 Simple Sulky..: 48 Steel Shapes 121 to 140 Steel Trees---- - - 108, 109 Straight Knife Coulters - 106, 107 Subsoil Plows - - - 26 Sulky Plows — Invincible, Disc 40, 41 Invincible, Middle Burster 45 Invincible, Moldboard... 42, 43, 44 Simple, Middle Burster 47 Simple, Moldboard 46 T Washers 114 Teeth, Harrow 114 Telegraph Code 170, 171, 172, 173, 174 Trace Chains and Repair Links 117 Tripletrees, Steel 109 Trucker's Cultivators 84, 85 Trucker's Cultivator Blades 140 Vineyard Plows - 32 "Washers, T.. ....114 Wing Shovel Blades - .-134 Wing Shovel Plows. 94 Wood Trees 110, 111, 112 Wrenches 117 Wrought Clevises 120 Western Cultivators 70, 71, 76 E— 170 to 171 inclusive. F— 171 to 173 inclusive. Gr-173 to 174 inclusive. J — 5 to 8 inclusive. K— 9 to 12 inclusive. INDEX TO CODE WORDS. li— 12 to 30 inclusive. M— 30 to 51 inclusive. N — 51 to 65 inclusive. O — 55 to 62 inclusive. 176 P— 63 to 111 inclusive. €1—112 to 113 inclusive. R— 113 to 120 inclusive. S— 122 to 140 inclusive.