^ /:^"" J. '1 A r^*?* .,.." >^ > ; i */ ■^**w' ^^ ' ^ UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS LIBRARY SPECIAL COLLECTIONS SB 97 H57 1608 MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE souRCE.Ho>rt..,5ie^avT, H55 -^'-f^^S^f- RO^ \ i y I- ^ THE Arte of Gardening, wherunto is added much neceflfarie matter, with a number of Secrets t and tiae Phificke helps belonging to each hearb, which are cafilj prepared, Heer-vnto is annexed two proper Treatifes, the fii'ft Intituled ThemeruailousgoHerment.fropertie^ & benefit e of 'Bees ^ mth the rarefecrets oftht Hofiieandwase : the othcrj Tbeyearlj Conieilures, verie neceffarjfor Husband-men. To chcfe is likcwifc ioyned a Treacifc of the Arte of GraiFing and planting of trees. Gathered byThomasHill.Cmx^m of London. LONDON, Imprinted by Edward whichcoacomnion wcahh brought any kindc ofprofftand comiDoduie. Andbccaufe this Ait olGard- ning is of u fclfc vcrry profitable, and oringech inoftc nc c?f- farie commodities, bOi.h co Cittics and Towncs, therefore in my Cmple iudgemcnr, it Jeiei uetfa no (m dl commenda- tion. The beginning cf it is very ancient Jo that ot no new iniicntion,but long ago found ouc,firft bv dame Naiurc, Sc after continued and augmrnrcd by the diUigcnt careand vi« gilant paines of the wile Sc skiltull Gardencis, by whole in^ duflrie 5i mean^ s, it is now growcn to ruch/perfcaion,as I thinkc i t therctorc mofte wonhie to be accounted amoagft othcrfuchgoodarrcs,ascuciycommon wcalrh hadmccd of. Andalrhougbicmayappcare fomcwhit infer our too- ther aites, yet notwithllandmgthelame is as profit ihlt,&: aUogithcr as necellary as the oiher^ are : toriomuch as this isfo linked and chained co the noble arces,bofhoi Ph licko and Surgcrie, as by no meanes pohible it ciay be (cpeiatcd from theoihcrjbur rather as a dayiy handmaiden, continu- ally ferueth them boih, the which cwo (at this day)art had Ax ^ • 30743 ThcEpiftlc in no fmal reputation Sc renown, Sc that not without good caufc , for To much as no common-weakh can bs without thvni,&: bccaufc tbefe two cannot wel be performed with - out this thirdjcherforc men haue cotinually fought to bring ittopcrfeaion. And firft the ancient Husbandmeu t03ke great paincstheiein-afi:erihcm the learned Philofophers &c other Wif:m:n,whicb from time to time haue obfcru-d ^ noted iuch notable Icirons c'^iniT:ru6lions,as(ai this day) are common amongthem in all countries. Thisartbeing onceknowne.and the vfefo necdTarieefteem:djhaehcau- fed wife men by a kind ^ ofcommon confent, to place G ar- dens nere vnio Cities^To wnes Sc Villages, as a florehoufe andplacc^whennmightbekeptjafwelaKuchhearbsasare fit for the helch ^^ prefer nation of mans body> as alfo al ma- u^rof plcafant fl jurcs Sddelcftable herbs as are duily fought for and required of the common people; and this Art now, whatlongexperience,& long contiiiuanceof painful men, intryingand fearchingthe condition and natureoJeuery groundj and their apaies in bearing fuch feeds as (hould be fowen thcrin^is growen to fuch a pafeftio.that now euery good Gardener can tell what ground is fit for fuch and fuch feedsjhowitoughtto be digged, dfiged^SC cafl orderly in- to beds ,and after thefeeds are fowen,how they ought to be watered 3c weeded, that therby the plants in commg vp might the better profpcrand come forward. Befidesthefe necedary points, in ordering the ground, in chnfing feedes apt for euery foile^and in obferuing the time fie for fowing^ tbey haue left bchinde chcm certainc meanes and wayes to auoid and driue away al fuch beafl:5,worm2Sjflics,with the like^as commonly annoy SC hurt the workmanfhip of Gar- deners : yea fuch cunning, wir and wifdom is conteined in jhis Art of Gardning, that the wife and mighty Emperour DmkJim,ihvo\xg\\ the delight andpleafiure he tooke theriii ^as wtitech Jdms S^mimui)^\a be had icigned iS.yeres* '"^' Icfc The Epiftlc. left for a feafbnthc. whole gouernmet SC rule of the cm* pirc:5<: forfaking thccoiuc, went vnto a nieati hou(e,hai» iiing a garden adioyningtherto, where he with his pro- per ,hands,both fowed/et , &c weeded the hcarbsof his garde; vvh.'ch kind of life fo pleiCcd him.thac hardlye hee was incieated to rake vpon him again the goucnmeniof ih.^Empirr/o much did this quietiife&: beaiuieoftbc Garden plcafe him. This examplcmaymoue all other meanermentohauethclike felicitie &:plea(iu*einGar- dening/eeingfo noble an Emperor chole rathertoj or- fakc his regal aiithoridc and power, and ftiil ta conti- nue in that flare of q .11 :t lifc> affirming ic farre better and happier eftate to line quieciy among the faire 3c pleafant flourcs of the Garden, then iarLiiej6^ be daily called on ^ troubled wich the ferious and weightic affaires ot the Empire. But heere I wiliffay my pen, leaft I feemoucc tedious vnto yonr worftiip m lofmal a Treatife,defiring your goodncs to pardon my bold atcempt,and ratlier to behold the eatncft zeale dc affedion of my willing mind born,towardsyoLi,then to confider the fimplenes of the ftyicj and want oFeloqiience. I fhouldhaue beeaafha- nied(right worfiiipfull {ir)co haue ventured fo far, as to dedicate this my thirdincrcafc vntoyour goodaes.werc it not that the argument of the matter is both profitable and pleafant to be read: wherin is taught a number of worthieXecrets, in the Towing and fettingof the mode plants, with the great commodities they feiuc for in the vfeofPhifick.'Sr were it not againe that I fully perfwade my fclfe, that your worihipwill rather accept the minde of the writer, then the manner of wri ring. Thus prayng almightie God to fend your worfhip loag healthy and she jercs of the worthy l^JIor, Your mod humble, Xhsmas iBlL The prcfaceto the Reader and dilligcnc trauailcr in the Art ofg^rJema^* ITfccmcth(loulngRcadcr)uot without rcafon which Af. rerentiHtVarrQ writeth, that the ancient Philofophcrs na- Bicd the Earth, the mother of all plants and crcf^cnt thing*, and the manuring and dreiTing of it,(0 be ao excercifc both vcrtuous and nroStable, which the antient \««r4« / & diii* gent Husbandmen AA well obferue, in that they from time to time did i<^ painfully labor,6c dilligently feek out the vn« derRaoding & knowledge* not only ofeuery kmd ofearth, fcuttodig,dung,orderlydre(Te,6ccaftintof^uareandeuca beds euery groundtand after the fame,thcy diihgcntiy lear- ned the apt times which were rood conuenicnt tofoweor pi ant m, according to the incrcafe 6c decreafc of the MooiiCp >vith the afpe£isoty MooacvntofuchplanctSjas moft apt- ly ferucvnto the firac. When the fccdes were the sot dctly fowcn,and fom what come vp, then they throughly learned that ihcofttn weeding and watring of the yong plantcs.did caufe them the fafter so come vp« And in fuch places where t|»c plants grow thick togethet^thcy by their painfull indu- Jtry learned to fet them thinner : to the end ihcy might the bettcrincreafe <&^vaxebigger:andbefideschcfc,they carc« ^ully lab-ured, -fcnciT.)do before i»ppcare, dfgcft'sdia- tothcformeofa r.bie.AndbciiJesthefe,Ihaueadioyned ftindncpleafantfecrtti^andtKcneccfrarie commoditictal- fc^which molt oJ the hcarbs Icruc vnto m the vfc of phifick: which wWch nowIhaucpcrformcJin fuchfort.as the like fiitfier- to hath not been publidied in the Englifh tung. And for rc^ compenceofmyindurtric, Icrau€noothero[th£:c(gcntic Reader) but frendly reporting of this Trcaiife* Which if [ finde,it Thai encouragt mc Co publiQi the other part,*pfly to this belonging: which onelytcachcth the ptrfeW^ be p;iofitablc fo.; t^z citie^feemg ttjat gacoens placeo fatftom t^e riti?>5o ca^ S5 ti)ec 2 The Art of Gardning, t^tt f)hx^tt t\)Z apte b^m^m^ or aU kims of ^twAc$ am why Gardens ^J3i^j,.g^„jg^j5^^^^l^gjj3l3gf0»5e, ^n^ foU[)i^ Dot[) Ca- nc^c h^d '^ cammeitD gceati^, tljat gcoanD o ? farms place Wth i^ id» tmtz^nkxt^ato a citie: ^nS:0^ii^ groimo , alfobe fet little t?ec5 anDplanti^s to beare tip tjhtes ,aiiDti)at Ci^liHotoesaitu S>im$ Uitt in UmI'Cj:^ ano iDct places ne^re to ciuer$, ana tl)at t^e gcouHD beSoesi ^atb mor^ aa^ kjatecp places oi f^m^eBiniU mttzaBly^^^c^ms alfo inmoa fcuitfuU m^ opn places 1:115 r^atare ^sjell aun^eo , in t^e ui<)ic?> all kirt^esof fcmtmaBba! feUn^ planted ♦ #Iace n^Ke tot^e €itk (faitlj Caco) man^ an^ Tun^zs ktoes of^Bacs^n? , fet anB oacfeeo 'C3it!) all feiiioes of pleafant ^rmts^ all cootea; tfjat betourtti ,t'0z (mzzt gpirtle tcee, aiamaii^ otijecnecedane tjjmsesof lifeero>t to befetan^ fobjett. aa^a^oroen (cf^ peciall^ fo^ pot^Ijearbes ) mu a be mi3^tt of it ftife^o; elfe eafite to be Ujateceo fo^ fectili tie fafee. Oftheftanding of Gardens, the water ncceffaric to them, r and of the properties ofthc ground j with the qualitic and tempcratencs ofthe Aire, and condicion belxdcs o£ thcwindes* Chap, z •viiercthcbcft \ i!^2DndUJ totlje fcitttation ano Handling of aCBacDen. &iawdabieii l\ 2Dt)0 tttoft commaoities aitV pioStablett placinj of a placing of a cPac^ea, i^ ( as Paladius tD^itet^ ) t^at t!)e fame be neece to a[ Gardcnis^ pj^i^j^^ g^lu. (ometnljat Idling adope, I if mm t^Joa^lj it fmall coacfe^orujatei: canmiiga^ btczttatm oiftances onefvom ttjeot^ect^joagl; tljeC^acDem. ^ut^etbetxiacetljattlierebe notouecgceatcourfe^, fo? t^jattljeeaKe aati fmall coucfes be mo;:ccommo:)ioui5» ^it3tl;isoilligentl^^ei?, tljat bztUiis alittle gcounD of fielu.being toell^^zeflTeD ano labouceo.t^n a lacpgcoimo Ijauing no paiaM laboui: bei^olueu on it at all. anofisct^ectnoecttano ,taattc&aue a UieUna^acoen, ^^^^°'J)J^°i0tig;)tneceSane,emp ot^zt'mik be^joateces Wa weUinloit^ rom^Con^utte jozfrnallllceamecumiin^b^ jOzeUebe a Garden, tzt^ neace Mto a cuanin^ toatecjfo; uj itec is a gceat noaci^ ft0Cto^eacbe£s::^utift^ei:ebenot»elno;riij0etU)ateti:an<^ mngb^,t[jenai«a son ^jig apit (altjiougf) t f*j«^ ^^l ^^ bec^ laboatous) TheArtofGardning. 3 laboutous) tQti^m toatectljeceout, iniijata ©acoenofrtc- tet[itic oug^t to be often UiatcceD , t^;Jongf) Uif)ic|) ( as Plinic lu^itcs) it caufctl; ttjc rce^0 fQliut, t|)c fajnei: to fprms tp.fp^eD ^ p^^^^^ ^^ ab;joa:i>anDtobetl)cnio;e plentiftill* ^nei t^erfeetf ronbecaufewatcito ininDeD to fjaue a tiulo,: pit t()at 0jouia continue laitfjiDa- continue long Uty tfjenfas Coilumella teadjet^) ^oa nmfctm^t tfjc fame to «therinpit cy beDtggeti.tDljentlic ^'jniBinti)cU%^ pactofVirgo^luljicJ^"* 15 in t^e monti) of ^eptembet, before t!)e Equinoaial ^arueft fi^entringoft^e ^imtnto Libra: ^o.^attljatfearon^omen cfpedalli? trie aitu finos out , liJljatfo.sreanti tjcrtue ti)e fe'cis tijen tjaue: at Ivijjat timt t\}z gcounD t^.jougfj lije long D?o«g!)t flfttjefommei;, wt[)en Dcp.nueD bottj ofmoi^llute anu ra^ne. 315uttfpii cannot k:eU Dig apit, t^cnniafee a little ^onooj CeHerne ( as Paladius teacfjctlj) in tl)e ground, liiijerebi? t[)c raine falling allt^elnintcr, uia\?cunt|)ereinto,anDb\? tljat meanes ^ou ma^ toell water ^ouc OauDen in tije Ijot fommec. an;)ifnoU)^ou lachealltl^ere meanes before taugljtj fo^tlje Catering oftour(©ur3en 5 tljen fl^all ^ou tiig ano ma'ae t^e be3s of tlje c^acoen in mot o^t! places , tij.zee 0.: foiice foite Dis^ par anu l04»ec 5 tljat tlje banhg about thereof bc^ng fjato ma^c together, ma^ fo uecp in t^e Itiatcr, tuijicl) o.:meD on t^i^ W(z tioet^ luell Defeno tljetj^ines t'rjeceof, fojtijat in time of tlje great D^oug^t, it is b^ t^at meanes ioatceD , ano t^z ^oung i final plants be tfjerb^t^e better p.:ocureD to fpnng fa(lei:t)p. i5ut iftlje €>acDen be ouecclo^eo mVg vuatei: , tljen oig( af- ter tft^Difcretion) fieejiguttecs^eceanotbecein tt)e<5ai:Den, ijDl)ecebT? t^e toatei: falling into t^cm , ma^ be fo leo into fomc ti^pe pit in t^e eno of tlie ^0; tbat purpofe, m^con^ii^tttJ^^tintl^z giounoanti j?atme places bo^ueiing neace bnto tl)e Citie, tl)e (Bacoens an^ j^^c^acos flt^oulD anD ougljttobe neacedtijeboafe, anDbotbUjelltiiggeD f tumtt^ mu)ttpun3 J tlj^zoug^ t))z luijic!) fatningftl^ei? ma^ aptlpec fpnngf p'^ntifuUiergi*o\xi» anubetoaie i?ou mal^enoti^ouc i^acoenneace toan^bacne, liable oz^a^ loftfonigfjasDOii can/ieaft tljecfjafFe t DuUbotb or ttje Co.:ne ano bav? bloliicn a# hmz bv, tJ^ toinoe>fal tpo t^^e berbs,t fo b^ cleuing on.peicce tJ;ougl) t^ teaues> tol;icb fo peicceD, 00 bn ano b^ aitec faume Ji5 a t^entj 8 Th: Art of GardnincT. tljem,aatD.:!tetr) Fiorentinu sin ^tsmSruitranofljufbauD^^. ;anBberiue$,tI)cl)arDcUustng anl3 gatl)ei:in(5 tagitfjec of fuc^ HiaUies ,anDDua oflja^biouien ab;o.ii3 bigtl^etonDemt^e gaiDcn.Dotliro caufc a great annoyance, bot!jtot|je^eatb0 $ plants atn\}sm^t\)tttinfMn fuit^ec tafee l)e^o,tf^at tljeaice u hat annoy- about tl)e gacDen be not euilU anD infcaeD lo^it^ t^c tjapo^s of ance the Va- tiitdjes ano HmcUiaij puDDlcs, ftansing ncere tinto iUfQ^ tljat C^^d^tcifcs ^^^'^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^'^^ "^^^^ ^"^ corrupt tjje plants, but onllmens doSi caufL" »1pi^^^^^ ^"^ lr.allnng tisercin. 0nts htconQDeration iieeceofci^oii ^all bnoecHanOjtljat euer^ aire, tiJijic!) ig foine colDe after tl&e ^unbe fet, ant) fconeljot after t^e &an be rtfen, is bot^ fub^ tile ant) iD^olfome : Wut t^at aire Uibic!) is contrary to t^is , iJDO^kct^ t^e contrary ♦ ^ni befi^e^ ? tlje aire moll to be cefi:arHeD,tstt?at,tobicii Uj;ingetl)anobinDeti> ^arutiieliart ant) tjott) make araigt)t t^e attraction of aire. ;^nu as concernmg ttie tempecatnes of tbe aire , antJ tobol^ incoid^coua- romenesoftl)eplace5 agarDcn incoloe countries anD places* tries ought to ous^jt to Imue t^t fxtz ffe^ 0^ ficmament open toUjaco tbe eaft lie, 0^ totoaros t^c foutl) part . c'peciaUr if tbc fame be in fuc^ a gacoen o;j o^rbacD, tl)at ^atb ^oung plants qx tcees fet m it; ta- king tjeeo, leaft t^at b^ anr great bigl) bill ftanoingbetlsD^ne it$tbofe parts of l^eauen, it be To evclubeDfromtl)ecom^o.:t anoaioeoftbefetujo parts, anofo citljcrttjiougbtb^ ji^o^i* tobere (to Ds } t!)3^an is farttieft off, o;^ tbe late ^nn d^inin^ eftbetoeft, Ipljeretljc fan oneli'iljinetb at t)ts going Dotnne, tl)eplants,reeDs ano fets,befo mppeo ano oettvOieo ujiti; t^e colDejfo long t-cicing tl}tin^ How in hot 3i5ut if t^ou cantt (faitb Cato) let tf)\? guoen be at tbe foote countries a ofantjUUnD tliat it b^ljOiDetb oMiet^ Open tottje foutl) part moft^'iy to *" ^°'^^ toholfome place, ano tbat tbe bill Qefenoetb tl)e (^arpe ftand* ^ol^^ of ^l)^ Jlio2t|)^(iDe ^ tpat mig^t otlierloife nip ano Ijarme tl)e plants ano fo.:t{) (fo^tljemoapact) euec^notifomeoHout gardens linking aice, tobtcb mtgl^t fo anno^ ^ou , 0; t^z feti? , ^eacbs, are tobe con- ano plantiSJ, fo.: fuc^ is ttje pjopect^ of m?.np little ttuecs? ano ^«ic i^d. tljecefo^je to^iece ani? fuclj like iie;,D;eire 0^ plant no gacoen neec Unto rije fame. ;analall,tf)etoiniiseat:etobe con(iDereD,fojt^att^efontl^ The quality l»tnoe0 be bot ano raoi?tt, t tbe nojtl lointjes coloe ano o^ie, ^^^ l^^^^^ ano tbe ead iDtnoei^ be betliieene l^otneUe ano colones temper ^^'' t:ate; ^et o^iec tben tbe toeft mn^zs : ano tbe (Baft ttitno$ ge^ necall^ be alkiai?e0 bottet tben tbe MtUt -, ano ret t^e MeH^ ^inoe5 be fomeui^at moiltet: tljen tt)$ Call. , Oftheconfidcrationsndchofingoutofgood & excellent grouncl,and the knovv ledge of cucry earth. Chap,3. A^o tbere tie; mucb to be conitoereo beRoeisi tbofe tbinges tobicb iJ^ebaaebitbectofpoi^en of in tbe nature ano gooo* nesofagcouaonflobe ro« ^cfti:etoknotnearcuttful,p^ofi;j table a^o battle g^-oano : jf 0; eacr i^ gcouno ootb not k inoelie b.:irtgbp (^acoendeaubes, ^mtl)Ztzfoiz aftectbemtnOcof tbe ancient Ji^afbano-men; t^oa O^aU conOiDer in tbis mannecj bl? taking acloo of tlje fame eactb uu'cacbano , ano marking Thenaturc fcobetbectbefamebelob tean^bace.o;tleaneU)itb ranutoitb^ anu gqodnc- oatanr militate of eactb: eitbccall cbalke, c: naag^eieano o^ «"«/ fiitb^ fano c; gc^^aell , 0; o:ie baccen gceat gcaaell , 0.3 Horn? fj^" Wne batcenano glitteringOua,o;ifitbcfaltie oj bitter, o;:onti*'^ nuaU\> tuct ano motft ♦ ifo: all tbofe be rigbt noi^oas ano gteat Oefaultsi ano inccmmooities , contrari: to a fcuittaU *0couno» anopouf^all alfo trie a rotten c!oo, iftbefamebcalmoS blacbe, ano able enougl; to coaec \t feife toitb ^is^oume g'jaSe, 515 3 anD 6 The Art of Gardning. The triali of atiD of futtUai^ co\mt$ t tDl)ic]^ if tt fee t^in o;^ moulD^ie , muff garden gioud [jg faftneu aiiD b.:oug!)t togttfjec b^ fat eartl) mif ei tljeretoit^* 5i5atnoli3 rouHjal! Hnclwe a fat ground ? ifputafeeafmall Kowyon mfiy clcB, auti fp^^tnulc t^c fame luit^ floeet Ujater, anti fo l^neao tt: know a good f^^^ici), if tlje fame be danuu? , um dtcfee to rour fingerg^tljeit grounds jj^^^ ^^ j^^ ^^^ ^ of Doubt, tljat it i$ fat gacti)*aifo Dig a fuu'otoe anoautljefamc againetott^ cattlj, lcljicl^iftl)e eact^uoot^ after ga^e o;j open^ tl)cn it is a flenuei: ano leane gc ounu , but The tiiaii of ^'^^ tcacljet^ out , t^H It is n fat ground . Sim tjjat alfo is a fweetcanhfirmeanegrounDjiDljicliBct^ gape but little, ant)tl)i0gcouno for gardens, alfo mtiil be fuiccte , tDl)ic|j ^ou fi^all eafiilr tcie out bt? tatte ^ ti^ercof, if t^at out of a pact of tl)c gcoun^ , to^icl^ moft i?ou luiflike, ^ou tafee a don, putting tlje fame into an eactljcn pan^ anunioiamngit iDitl) fcel^ am mtctz Ujatec, into lnl)ic^Dip pur finger, anrjfo tatle on^our twiguel)oUi it reliftetljanD fauourett), fo;t b)? ttjat Cl^aU rou fenotue tlje Oxieetnedeof tl^c fame. ant) tliat ground alfo is t^oug^t to be t^ebeS^ fo^ dPar^ens, What earthis ^^{^i^ i^ Hj^ (oitmtt its txtt^tt 0210, \wj. tluvity mi fauoie^ no J Grrden?"" ^^"^^ "°^^ tt)?ougl) t^e ^eat of ^ommec full of c^aps ♦ ^o;^ * tl)at tlje grouno UJ^icl) is fo nm in t^t foinmer,t)ot^ peri(| all fuel) feeos b? plants fo^joen o.: fet tljerem, o^ elfe maftet^ t^tm i^ootebp tec^fmallanDllenoer: ftljecla^ie ground binoet^ Afatandiofet©Saro tt)jcugt)tf)e|eat0ftl)e ^unne, anotfjefanop anD ground IS beftrougljgrouno tcoahecontrarieto tl)e0t^er^int^attbei?nei- commended t^etnoucia^ctije^oungplants , no^feeepe t^e toateran^ timz for Gaidens* fg|i(ng qu t fjem . ^uo to be (^o)t , ^ou muti euenno?0 c^oofe afatanolooregroano,Uil)ic§neetietl)but fmalllabour, ano i^^lut^ alfo plentifulfet anu greatell fruite • 3i5ut tfjat ^ . „ ground is mod to be iefufeD,lv5ic!) is o.:ie anD tl)icfe,anobot!^ fturfuU "^ le^sne ano coloe . Sno among ail kinise of grounds , t^ecljal- iround» feieantj reD grounD areaioHetobe refufeu* Sno of tijis, Varro totb commenti f:^.U grountj t lo^ic^ of it felfebein^ gentle anli pliable, b;ingetb fouf) mi3\)xitixt\)3 , ot&ertoire nameo S>a«- i^mtB . Sim tljat giounD alfoDot^ Collumella comment; ^^;c^ naturaUr b.::ngctf) fo.:tH of ^is otone acco;t) botb elmes anotoiloi pRngfp^uigC;^? anotfjofe tress to^etjjer tijevbe ^lotee The Art of Gardning/ 7 ^loteettee^o^ BuUa(rett:ee0> mr> ^tlotnso.: Ctab-ttee^^ b^fac^ t^mieflfio':)idj t^z(mnzb)m'H^ fojjtljbut^eoiteli? AnviJ^^405 ma^efaiitfall an^pled^i^ maybcVad How a Garden may diucrsivaies be fenced and incbfcd: the raanef and fecrct in making a liucly and ftrong hedge Ghap. 3 T rV 7i^ett ^ott JauctFjag d^ofgna^aptantjgvUaiotfe of V V gcomiotooiga <2S>^:t}zninyV0znm\xftyion in l&an^ (omcman0r,(caCtm$t^e tjttec coinp^OTsqc itaeeit^ecfoate fqua}:e ^ tounD > e; otljeriotre ) enclofe ti)C fame rouno about, ano beftt ari:> fence it ti):Dug!)3ut ^ before non goeaboatto o^efeit tjp^oifoiJD^ an? tljtrt^ m t(je famj-ifa? t^at dSacoens being not toell fenced atto cloteo abaut bm^z t^e foUiing anQ fetting of an^ tbing in t{ie fame , be mann lua^e^ inoamageu n& tuellbB bea(le5)a6 b^ t^tttiZB breaking into tljem. aino t^ere be mani? ano funs.:^ fo^t^j of fencing ano doling inofgacoeng^asactec D^all appeate. asfic^ Varro nainetft OKountetb tljata natural! inclofute tobicb is fet about toit^ ^ong tcees o; t^omcs^ l^aixin^ in it t^e coots of a quick fjeoge, iDljic^ IsecaU a quicafet besgcfo tbe fame li^all not be m Dan^ gecoftbetoantontoaifaidng mans fireb.5 ano paJTingbr, al^ tjougbbeftouio putfiectott^ano t^iatisnameD a Ujiloeano (uoe tnclofuce ^ u^bic^eitbec ismai^z oftuoe anon^.:ubbeo lnooo, o; of tpiUoUi90.}bul]bes ^auingno life » iDbicl) lue name a oeao beoge . ano in oloe time t^e Hiamans bfeo to inclofe ano fence tbeicgacoens iiuit'p fiiikesauo lat^^jfettjeci? tbicke ino.:oec,ano iDitb fmall coDstcatlco in togitbec, o.zelfeb^ boating large ^oles tb^ougb greatllocfes of trees , tl).:ougb U)!)icb ratles o^ great poles mtgb^ ^«« ^'^o togctber , o; t{)izz togetljer: ano To tben raife an?3 fallen a bpo^o alon^jO.j Heclies of trees , o,: fucb li^e tljinges .• \s^)it^ mmmt Mt notu nams ^^\in^ , toljen tljefame is Done fcuitt), tgoaroe* 4^ ThcArtofGardnmg. aiKO t^at fenfingjof t^e ancient 2int^o^$ ii5 nameD a toariifec mclofuce, intiicljis fcameoliUetot^attDtjictjtliefeoul^iecs niafee as a tjefcnce about t^eic Stents, ant> fuel) a one ougrjt to bee maise ne^ce common \iiqfy toaies ,.d^ bt! Uiuerg, ttjat tfje (25at:tjen mig!)t not be intianiage^ hv beafl0,tljeeuc8i . no: lanD toDs^^no fo; tSjt0 caufe t^c ancient men fcameo t^efe on tU$ Wut ' as fica a conuenient anD apt Ditclj o.: tcenc^ Uias call ^p anD niaDe about tije gacDen o;^ fielD itl)at it migl)t fo ttctiuz all t^c caine toatec faUing tt)ereabout : ano it fjao alfo a tioge o.: flopepalTasein it,t|iat t^e toater mig^t t\\z fcfelperpadeftom tbe bottome.anu t^ere bas beCtJcs^n ^ig^ Ijeape of eactlj on; t^e in-fioe nevt aoto^ningts t|)eoitc^ b,nnhe, foD.neano ^ato, tl)at a man coulo not eafili? cltmbe o^ paHe ouec it Mo t^ece mere cectain toljiclj maoe fuel) fteepe ftepj; toitfj- out ant? sitc^,iDt)ict) t^t^ nameo tDalle03nD tl)e\? of olu time alfo nameD tjat a builDeuinclofuce , U)&icl)toasrtiaoeofD.:ie ltones,oj flate laiue one t pon anotl^ec,! trjat in mztti fornix ^0^ either tl)e fame toas maoe toitfj clai? i ftone0,\Bo jfeman- lMn0 finely built (in t^ofe places efpeciall^) b^ tofjic^ quar** ties of Hone IneceneeceDnto, o^ of fuel) as toece of abilitie to get doje ot^ectoife^ an^ eittiec t^e^ maoe t^etc inclofures of bafeeDo,:t3nbatob:tcfee,ojluit^eactb f ftonesmo^teceOto- get^ec^anti fcameo Uke to ttje iuaiies of anl)oure. The profit 5c 3i5ut ti)e p^ofitablett ^ei3rge of all (efpcciall? in tl)e ftelDes) comoditie of gj^^ j^^ij of coft;is tl)at Ui^ic^ is maoe ioit^ Bpars, f t^o^tnest &wn-htikc mi):eDojfettogett)er:fo^tl|is^eDge anDinclofuce tDillinDucc *' an infinite timz* anu t^ecefo^e t!)is l^etige of tl)e ancient |)ar!» bantjmen toas moft c0mmenoeD,if o: t^at t^e fame tjoas \»tll fenotone to tbem,tf)at tlje ll5;tiac tooulD not ligljtl^ pecifl^ anD Decai? , Dnleffe t^e fame IjaD beene plucfeeD tp br t^e tootes: ^nt» after t^einiuriealfo of t^efire^tt botl) renuet^ ano fp^in- getfttl)e better ♦ The making %^^ P^ace ttjat !>ou tietermiue to enclofe^muff after t^e be- ©fa quickfet gtning of ^eptember.\»i)en tl)e grouno l)atl) beene loell fefeeo hcdg€» teitl)raine, be trencl^eo about U)it^ tl»o fucrotees, a paro Diltant one from § ot^er : tbe ^eaptb anD bjeaDtl) of euerie ineoftl;emmutitoe ttuofoate, U)^ic^ !!oa mufi^ fu^er to The Art of Gardning. ,1^ ItecmptfeaUlomtct* p^outDing mtfje meane fimetfjefeeDc^i Coiiumeiiti tfyat rou ineane to folr)0 in t^^tin^ toljir^ mutJ te t^e tcriU0 ci vviUeth ate (^acptljojiTCjai , b;iecs , fjoUre, tuiliJeCglanttne, ttJijiff) tljCp^^j^^^^^ . Greckcbcal Kunosbaron.Dogfa;tet SLljcbeide^of t^c^ercu *^ ^"^^^* muHgjUjcc Qfii rtpeas roti»^i'JT'> anDniiiigJetlcn: ]militl}t fio&ec o^mealeef tare^, tx^fcidj to^jen it is rp;inch!eD Untfj tudter , muS beput tjppon olsie copes of (l)ippcs , c; nn^ ct^rc tope^ : tl)c copes be ing, thus bantifeo ano tjrt?ci> mud Lc larco tp in rcmeboo.:oeo aoo;c» :ano in tlje place rountr about Uit)ere t^r tjcDge t^xill run, tlje^ toil, tl»o furlong to be eaixD anD ti^^ ge9> t^jeefootcafunoec, antJafcotanoaljalfeDfepe: tijis tfjrt?Mltob0Donem tbeeiio oftijt CriuinoctiaUcrtfjcljai:- ued, tol^en as tlje gtouno is toell msfftnea u^iti; (^olwcrs* ^ino t^e^ Unll alfo tljat tljofe farro toe^; fee l^e all tfje tuinttc openeo ano tjncouereo, in preparing tlje feezes in a reatiines to foU)eagaintlt[jetime. anDaftei:tl)at,intl)ecnDDfj?tb;ua^ . - ne, tJ)ci? toil! to lap t^e fatoeropes at lengtlj in tlje fuccotoes, ,nuie7encbg anDcouertf)eHi(foli?tng)it»it|)tt)inaHOligl)teait^, anotolija-^ of agardcn, U% tl^t feeittjs againe, if neene of tic feafon fiiallfo require : iPljicl) t\)tv l»iU foto be oiuereD, intljat tfjefc feeoes oftfje tlw;jnes,caKn0tot^rtotre l^ootctjp anDgroto, iftljeplnere ouermucf) couereo toittj eartl) : astJjis oaptJjep tniil not to Another way be DonetBl)entjjeU3inDebIoUjetl)outoftl)e^out^loe(I:. ^oofmaking a ipit^in %n oai?es after Doe tlje tt)o;nes fi)(Btt t3p,U)^ul) bp p;ie^ quickc-rw tie^elpes ano a)o;jtp^op8 cugl)t tobeDlreaeD, t^at C^ootingi ^ s^* Up further, tbep map fo fupplptijetjopofpaces. anotfjertoa^ i$ t^ts: if irft t^ep plant poung eloer trees,tb;ee fcote afunter, anD tl)ep taHc t^c brambles i uiilDc b.:iac , f ^ut tl}tm in long lumps of clapeozeaitj), i fet tl)eml)eicanD t^ece bettoeene tlje eloec trees, couering t^em o^Declp tuitl; eart| , anD in tfje (omminsbpoftlie poungplantes, tijep Dig about anD toatec t|>em»ifneeDe fo require :fluit^tn s^pearesafter^tlje IjeDgt JpiUbeepeoutbotf)tbeef0anobeaft.5i5utaftertl)et^;eepeareii srolDtl), t^eanctent busbanDmen \3^iil t^at tl)r£( lieDgeil^oulD be burnt euerp peace once, fo; tljat bp tbe bucning tfjep f^oote 0ut t tuare Qtf er,j^ar Dec anD Oiarper anD to conduDe) tbts 10 anUmuerfaUtDap? itiierurelt manectoenclofeallsarDen^. C oi lO TheArtofGardning. Ofiliefi-ftMaze* Chip. 5, HcSre b^ tlje tx^m ( pntle l^^atitt ) i dob place ti»o p^opet ^aj03,tl}0onebe^o?ett)i2djapter, ano t'^eot^ec after, m p^opei: aoo.2uements bppon picafure to a CDaruen , ttiat to!)o fo liitetl) . iiauing fuclj roome in tf)cii: ©acoen, uta^ place tijeonc oftfjcm, Uitjicl? likettj ti^^t^-ibtlt , intM tjoiu place ofttie (25ai:tJeiitl)atnB? beHbs i\ureDfo,i tijeoael^pucpafc tofpo;ittljem tnat titties : \x.i}ic^ i^a^tB being u;o:k0nian- lifee ^anDlea bi! t^e ©acDinec , (^aU tnucl; beatUiftc tt)em> m diuiftng foucefunQxii raiit£! tohzfiatf^iA eacii or t!jeio;nef3 oftJie^a^e, ant) in tljcniiD'Ue ofit, a proper liecbcc t?ecacD iDtt^ ItoCes , 0: elfe ^omr tree of J^ofeuiaric , d^ ot^c*; ftuite \ at tl)e Diftceticn of t ^c ©acoinei:. Ofthc dung and dunging of Gardens, with the digging, drefling, leucUinganddifpofing of the quarters and beds. Chap. 6 Tlicapttimc* "H^D: femtul&as lit tl)e l^auuellaito ^pnnatintc, bemani? dr?ffiE"!he'^ F:rirtgefiiQl»enmt^? hi'm ^oitl) tt)cir fiuitein t^c ^i\nmtt,V;)Qk{)att0 tipplp antJ tucnetjp lcU)acDt?)e jjioUI) . anotljisftaU i^oti fGtiiggeauD DaeCre.isjtjamai tljc c^rt^P^ml not Oe oner moi?!JiW?)rie^ to-omin V^z i$atuttt, mtiltbcturneo tipm tl)C mciict!)of ^a^i , lo'oerebi? t^c ijeatc of t[ie ^unnc auo all tfje S^ uiiinici: t\)i^i tf^c rootesf of ti?c ^utbt^ left in t^^e eai tlj . 0ntJ after: tfjat tije quactec^aniSbeDgoftlje^actienjbcWfiatought t!)tts fineli' oJOeceD ana turn^u in \x)it\) x^m^f an^ folDen aifc ^° ^^ ^^"^ ^^' m t^t mnttt , t^cntn tt)e co'3 lumtet feafou before tlje pong [ers ofthr* plants be coinetp , t^cv mix^ be Qefena^o anu nourii^eD toitiji g i den be Hang (asbpfpjinckUngitontliebcfis) tljat it ma^ t&ebet^ thus oidred tec oefenD t^e vortg plants fcom tfje ruperauons coloe ano co;^ ^^^^ fowenfor tuptingm t^e Deepe of toinfer ♦ iBut t^e gtounos inflict) \!cu thewmteu iotllfo\»eintt)efp;ras5. mutluciJtgseD abojittfjeCakntJBDf ^oaember,! yion Oiall fo let it Uc Diggeo \3p aftet tbe ^acueH, to be burnt ano confamgD b^ t^c coiD ano tl^atpe ^oarie ftalf s. Ifo? Ube a6 mtlie aummec t^e ^eat of t^ie ^un tJotti reett)c f fauH) t^z gconno, eoeu fo oott) t^e btttecne^ oi t^e coio ^nlofe It The AitofGardnmg. makethT^ ^"^ ^^^^^ ^5)^ U)inteci5 gnuei) , t^en mal! tl^at pact oftbe good ground gacocit beouiipD 1 ^ot^atteftant^etime offolDtngisnecc thebetter,and dtfjantJ, tfjeiittjat place of tlje tS^acDen Sue Dares before fl^aU greatly arae m [j^ teecDeD, SoiietJ , mx^ DungctJ agaii je , zm ntizt t^at Dtggei carthr ^5^^"' ^^^ ^^'?^ ^!^^ mligent ano often oigg^ ng, fo tucrteo tjp, How dang ttiat t&e cartli ana ssurtg be tsjcU mtpeo togif^ec, aao not to ought to be Ire altcget[)0c attljs cootea of t^jeplantcs , bat^aticfttfic ordred: eactljbet^mcaS, am afiec tl)e oung, att^ t'^eitt^e eart^ia^ The worthy- S^^s to couei: t^e fame, ^oibyt tl)at me^nes flj ill neit^ect&e nesofdungs; ^ourtg plants bc bumcD , Ho^tljetisate oft^e oung^aW^e b;eat^fo;t^, Afles beft 3,^0 (lij. I30(j g„^ U3o;t{itca fo.i tljis putpofe, is aires t)ung, commended, feecaufe it b;jmietb tjp leaH testies : auD tbcnerttottiisis Next Kme, ^""25 Of mine, ffl) feut i^o^fes.&I^cepe, anD €5oates , fa t\i^t it Oxen,fhcep, ^0 Hot aboue a r^ace oloe , baco, ano D:ie , tbe \x>^icl) alfo batb hoifc, goates; |is fuUftcengtb, ani5 b^ingetf) t3p leaU \uceDes:fo.: if t^e Dung ^5llbeol9er,itp;ofitetl| notbmg, fo; ttjat is of leCTeftccngtl): anD pet in OacDens tbe neto Dung being tijzee Dapes alD,(^all New dun^ris^^^^^"^^^^^^^^^^^"^^!'^^"'^"^* Butujatlujic^meawafee, vnprofitabFc altJjoujb it be tboagljt moft ercellent , ^et it is not fo neeDfull for Gardens, fo beDeOceD^bnlest^ateitOec t[)0 gcoun^ be barren, graasN lT> 0^ a moS loofe fanD.ljauing no ttcengtb o.: fo;:ce in iU to?)icf) fo b^mg,n0CDetb tbe gceatectielpeofnouni^ment in tbeDuniJ gmg. jauDt^e§^\sinesDangistbo«3btoerpill,iA:t?iat tbe 6"wines,Pige. fameisbot- :dlfotbep:gconsanD SDouesDungismot^bot. dun2l)arfor ^^^ F^^ a{^0S(to Dung txiitb)is tbougbt "b?f ? goost^ni^ efpeci- potlearbs.°^ alli? fo^pot-^earbes » being line!^ fiiteo: t\)z^\)it\) fo.: b*^^ na- turallbeatDotb notoneli? refretlitbe eattb, batfla\?et??ano ti;iuetb attoap allfir^s , an^ all hinoeof ^iio.:meS) fnailcs, anD facb like beafes tljat anno^ tlpc beacbes. Hno tbeliUe in a maner Dotb tbepigeons Dunn; ..fo tljat t^e fame be fcatteteD \ikt fceos on tlje gcouno , isobeccb^^ tofcafon gcounDtbe better: anii not on ?)eapes,liHe ttjelariitgofttje Oieo.jhojfeDung. :anD ti);s alio concciue , t?jat a toatr^ (SarDengrounD nee- Ut^ ino;e Dungings f a m gcouno t^e letter oungingtanD bc- UDes The Art of Gardning. 15 iffobe^oR can get no cattels oung, anBt^e ct)ato o;oucr|^orcmthc t!)icRe gcoun^, pou im^ Dung kJieJ) grauell , fo.: the lacke of 0* ^^"^^ of uung» t^econng ♦ Sn:) bp tijat meaner, (uc\} gatuen gcountis fee nut mtlt tttaue battle an^ gooD cf ?eelD , bat become alfo beauti- fnlUasUJiit'^t!) CoilamcUa* janbPlinicto;ttet^, ttiattu^en^ou Bung pour gartjenj!et vvhntobc (^ luirtDe tqen blo^joe out of tfje WLzHa^^ ttje ^cone oectea^ obfemcd in fing of lii^I) t, anD o^ie tfjac feafon fo nig^ m pou can ♦ if 0^ bp danging the t^at imams oot^ tb^ grouno pcslD tbe plentifuUei:* Ga/da.s. :3no note aftectSeneto Digging an^tumingtjpagaine^a' bout tbe miDDle of Bjanuarie, ti^c (PaiDen mud t^en be gac^ nil^eo mil) ^caibes 5 before t\}t qiiaiters anD beos be caft out an!J oeuifeD ♦ ano poa map ma^e tbe bcrbecs eitber ftcaigbt running bp . o^elfe baulte) 0; clofe oucr i\it l)eao > Ithe to tl^o tine l)0cbecs no a3 aDaies maDe. anoiftbep bemaDeU)itb3wnipertD0oD,pouneeDeto re^ xunfpcrpoies pa^!re nctbtng tijeueof fo; ttn peaces after : but irt})ep be maoe beft commen luitD ujiliojopole^.to^nmuUpouneUirepairetbemeuecp 3. ^♦^^^'^'^^^^ peace after: anDl)eu\I)ici)li3ilirct Hofesto runalcngabout ^"ftf.w^'*^ Ijjsljciber, obeDsrouno about ^isl)ecber, muafetttjem in ifsbiuarie. ^m tlje bci55ofKoresbe commonip fet in a moflfe ti^^^t ^^^YLokt fuctoais, o,:bepl^eeo bp ailcps roun9 about tbe gaiDen* tolje- ought to be tljc*: p8 fet tt)em in aips ,o.:rou)e t'nem in feeDe^f. anoPaiU- feu dius ijDutetb »t^at tuemap nott^inUe t^ofetob.^ t^c itct^ZB of ti)eKore>lo^ic^gcoU)ein t^emiDDleoit^cfloteecin colour Y'^^^^^^^^c ^^^ lifie to tfje 30i3e : but tbat tl)z fecDes hz intt^at \Dl}Xt\} is like ^^fj^o^". to a ^maUpearc in tl;e tapper enD of ttjeftallie. £n^ t!}e fecDcs be tt)en ripe to be gati3crcD,Uibcn tbe grapes beaiU ripe , ixi^icl) ripe?ieue of tbem bp tljea ifue^tl^anD b:0Uinc colour, anD bp tbetr fo^tnes mapbehnoluen.^nbin tl)eU'ae manner poumap ooe ,if pou ml fou^e t\)at imttt tree o.:floU\:enameo3acemin^.H0rettmrp , o^fb^pome^^ranufe f eei3es/on!es pou l;at> fatljer Decike pour berbecs comelier lintli t3me0. Sim Wiftn t!j0 l)crbers be 'et 1 maDg about t*ge Uiallfee uf tbe C 3 ©ssth 14 ThcArtofGardning v/aiices & ai- ^attiztiytlim tljegcouiiu neb) oigseu .muU beneufeeuhtfo lies Denecef-i)o^tiei:£fanDbe5s,leautngapattt^atroomeatttifpac0, l»|iic| faiieina gar. pmDtUbettoljDe tjpoH toalfecjEJ anD botoUngnl'ies.tfjcUi^ic^ ^'''* aUtejianU toalkcg ^ouC^allfift oucc toitlj t[)efineftfaiiD,leall b^ laine nm ll^ckvers , tlje eactljU^oulo dcaue ana dagge on t^oar fcete: antj tins Done , ^ouCi^aU Icueiivour bcD^i bo^* sees of a \im\)t alio b^eaot'o b-gaime la^Dout, icljeeebi? to UieeDctljeljcacbcs- anD fo,: tl^is caufe tljc fame ou^^t to he maue, leaS tliat m Why beddes ly^^^j^^ ^^^^ Ijearbgjt'D?!? tccao tr)cr;? f t()f ^ong fecD^ Doiune, reuluc'cTci'tn '2n^t^erefo;e (et t^t Iceeoc's gosbp tljc patfjs anoailers, ef abreith. toesDui^ tljc oite ^alfeSift) ano tije otpc after . ^nu ti?e beD5 vvhatiength fatt^ Palladius, itiuUbe mai3£ loag anB itaccolxic , t^jat t$ rtu ^bredthPai- fgof ijtjengt^, anufinnbiCDtl), aao fpace^betn^scrtetljelar^ IhTcdVtobe sec, li:i!)£rebi> tiie bzi>snm m bcttcc be U}eei3eo cieaneo^ Sntilect^e bo.JCersoje^igcsofbeUDes beraifcDtUJC foote l^igf) in moti o; toatt:^ places : but in ojie piacea; j it ft^all be fufftcient to tatfe t^tm one foote ijisl)- How t^ em- SCt)erg muflp bemaDeatfo cectaine little allies o^ gatterjj, ters lying in \y^ ^^(^t, t^0 moiHttce in toatt^ placesf ma? fo cun fo^t&. l!!fi ^aT ""^^ 3nD t^ofe allies befiocs mul! be oeepec tljen t\}z beos , f fjat S'acctoXc tbetoatetsentli^poaceDfoon^, b?a watcinspot, fcomt&g * tppec pact, ma? tbe lig^tliei: foafee into tlje gutters o; allies* ^D ^^txt tbe beDS be Inell InatereD, ano tbat tctat ei: ftm* isetti in t^e allies b?, tl^en ma? rou fcom thence leaoe t^e loa* tzt into fome t>t^tt neceOarie place; ip^ic^ neeoetj^ toatnng^ Of The Art of Gardning, OfthefeconJMazc* Chap. 7 15 A^S> beeccalfo 31 place t^e otljtr ^afe, tD^ttFj mar be li^0o;iDer0Dant)t>feo,a3 3 fpak0bero;je,ani>tt mai?ci- ffjecbefette tnitlj 3fope ano SCune, o^tJDit^ tDintcc ^auc- rr aiiD i^tme : fo: tlje'e ooe UjcU cntJucc all tfjc minttt tJ^o^ to'Degrecne.anvi t^eiebe fometo^tcl) fcttNtO^a^eslritd ilauen^er Cotten , Spfec; qBaiiozam am fuel; liUe . 5i5ut lettl)ciib0ozo$reoin[tfit^po''it asUaetli 'ae:5 t^.c d^aroner, anu To an cats . j?o: 3 do not Ijcece ^ct fo.:tl) tljis , o=r t^c otfeeu $^a50 nefo.ie0tp;^e!Ie3, fo.: ani? r5ccci!^:5rie ccmmomtie in a gac^ Ueit bui ritiietappoint eitbcc of t^ele (u-f}ic!} liijeti) i?ou bcS) as; abzvdtilyiim ^t\to t?oui: gartjen : fcj tijat r-iuK* '^^'^ ^"^tiJ aptt^ Hiaoe, Doe muc^ fct fo;tl) a gacDcn , tuHc^ nencctfjclciFe 3 renerce to ^our oifccetion ? (0^ t^at all pesfons: bz mt of lids abilitic. Ccrtakcprccepts5c ruUsofancifntmen,botlun thcchcifc and proper fowing of {eed€S..Cbap, §* T^e ©atDen^asPalladius tjDntetfj.feljtdj lT?ct]^ tnDtra gentle iloljoireme aire , ano t)at^ a ifountaiue , pf^imt I 6 The Art of Gardning. e; r^^f e ^nttt tunnms b^ it jiaina manner gcoti tmu^ of itrelfe,anDneeD0t!)leff0 inttcuctions fo; t^ie foUiing t^tttot The tempe- ^C^*^ ^^^^^ ^^^^" ^" ^^ ^^^^^" ^^^^ ^ ^^ coacecning tlje latenesof IweatbcanD tfje^oonejOoetfre foonec conic tjp: but fotoenm timenecefiv -tDacmcant) funni^cplacesi 5 ojUJcUlrinsmtlje^unnei tJotfj lietoCowmg, fp^otiicH b^zdkt fcD.Ul) anO O^ootetjp* , anobeluareoffolnuigan^ feeu^ieis tfieiutn^etfjenbloto- fonsfoweTot tngoatol' t^c no;t!),o>int)crH colcei>arcj , fo^jtfjatmtfjofc " Dai'CS tt^e fceD0 bs muc!) ijino.ieo tij^ougt) tlje colDe ^, an?3 ttjctc- fe^efo^ tljefctnm^ofijouc feetie^cljoore Uiarme ani3 temper! rate oa^cs , fo; t^e better comforting ano fpjeaoing forU)ai:D of i?auc fee^ejs Iring on tlje eactb ^.nc if after tl)e fecoes foiJDcn , ^ou Doubt eitljec tlie colones diefceTs^ c.:f)otnesi of tfjefeafon, tntfje fcf^wljingo; burning of^our fewne/ fceO0j5:» tijencouccpouc beODes u>icbtl)cct)a^eofco;ne, auD " toitl) tticiis a ccoUc ouet t!)e fame , anD fmaU reeoes oj tu^igs airo laioe aptl^ bppon t^em , fo,: t^e better Defence , as Colu- inclialD.:itetl|« When plants 0nD all {learbes in a manner ma^ teell be remooueD , toljen are to be tfje]? fl^allbe fometol^at grouien ano come tip , ano tbe eartb(at icmooucd, t^eremooutngfl^aUnotbeouerojse* ffibeneiDerfeeDeii t^at DO fboned fp^^ing tp be tliefe: t^ie Leelkei^tue, Cucumber auD tf)e dE^ourDe. -. dnD t^e olDe feeDes tijat Do fpeeoilier fprtnn bp be tfjefe t i commie t^eparcelr,^ecte«,€;reltes,&aueri?,$pano.:am,penn5^ ypofnewandrorall, auD ColiauDec : anD t\)t feeoes Totuen in^ot places eidreedes» DO fpeeDil^erH^ootetptnt^cfialkes, auD fooner ^eelDefo^t^ feeDe. 0nDtI)ereeDe£tt^atrooneS b;ea&ean^comebp,bell5atslU J^pinage^^auetDe^ljofricbi^fafeinDeofHapes, anDl^ocfeet: for all tbefe attbe tbtro Dai?es folding ^ appeate aboue t^t grounD^f ^ett^iefloto^ft ofallfeeDeicommetljtjp is^arceli?* jQlnD to put manr TeeDeii into one^ole in tbe grounD , C^all A fccTct ta all g^tber into one rubftance,anB bring fort^ t^e greater ttutet ^*^^>"^"ilibea0i!ou^^^^^ IjeaDs of fLeeke^; or ©nion^into tinXVad/ oneiiole togetljer, anD treaDing t^t blaDejEJ often Dotone in t{)e sroU; ing ano ll^ooting t)j?« !3nii The Art of Gardning. T 7 antj t??at tt)cLctt:ce,l^fUfeli? llockrt^ Bami, mar gtolu ^^'^^^^'^^^ altogitljetcutof cHeaemo;ealfee. take 2 0.2 3 fmaU bailee; f"^"^^^^^^^ Gft\)t C3aat 0? llj^pcs Dung, anD tljofc b^caUc, anD mingle tlje to grow out fccocs i'ogittierm ti)cm,^aftcit:clc altcaitljrr mtcaiotinDofonciUkc. balU u bid) aftec fcruitDncU^CoiD-Dimg, anncoumngtlje fuJiicbJitrjiucUD^circDanD finccacfl), t!)at gently U)atct:. unD fcmcDotahetirioo.: tf).2e0Dfti;clI)ecpc orgeats Bung, aiiD b^ralung tt/cm, og fo mmglc ttie fecoes a-.m Duag tcgitijei*, ^' j'^^^^'^^not Uilncf) tl)Ci' afteclap ma iinnea clot^ , ano omc t^efame in fomuT t'gccstonm as atoms tima\)t* inD tijat manp rauouu3 ^ tate0 mar be felt itx one bcaib, !ahe fiitl of tijrJLettice tUioo.z ilj^eefeeces, oftbeC^nDiuefo Amarueious manv^ ottoe g^mallagc tpliUc : oftljc HBafili, t^e LccUe ano Secret m cau- 0f t[)epaiflct (ofaUtberct^:eej fo mani^efeeBs asoftfjeotbci:: ^ng^i^^y^^- thzn pur all tl)e feedes into a i^olt to^tttjtt , auQ in fuel) Tone J'J^^)^ ""^^^ tbat t?)e fcf D3 mav toucl) one anott)ei; : but i\)is before rcmcm^ ilcarU, b:ei3itf)at y^ou put ti)em togetijei: in tfje Uung of a t)o:re 02 ^ re Untljout aniP eactl) mingleo \sjit}) tl)cm . ilh tS}ui5 foiDcii, tijece U)ill a^tec fpnng tip a plant , Ijauing fo mani^ faueuc0 cz tades^as tijere \jaeie foiDcn togctijcc* Ofjthe times in fo wing and proper ordering offeeds, with the wacrmg & weeding of the yong plants in the comining vprthediuers manersof remooiungandfetting againeof the hcarbes being fomewhatgrownevp, Ciiap* 9 Attljougl) tfie ancient [)usbaniDmen appoint cci:tatnep2e- Thcnatureof fccipt times.as b^ montljs anD Daies, vM t\)t fame ougl;t the ground & tobecontiDeceD acwomg to tbe nature of tfjeplace anacon- q^ai'tieof the mtion of t^e ar;e,fo tljat ^ou ujep tf)iB U)itl) ^^ouc felfe Ujfjicl; con JeVed it feeei^altafrei;teac^,ti)at tbeceb^ecectaine leeDes loIjicbDoe the fowmgof mo.2e fpeeDiliec fp^ing bp.ano cectaine otlitc feeoes to^ir^ nu reedes. mo;^e later ccmmingtjp. )3ni)as teucbing t\)t dPactJen ^earbes^ tljs^ (affe^rtljeic fouling) require no otl)ec Diligence anD cace,butonel^ra!tmcr, whatisreqm./ lt{eeDingaHDU)atring*ifo;t?)at brDuerahing^botljtfjeaones fo^t^pof are ^31020 au)ar from tijenelxi fp^ingingfeeDes; , ano all tbc garden [cU$ ^ KOI^OUSf iS The ArtofGardning nsi^ous ^tttitt^ t\fat fimtJ^r t'^e Ijearbs commino; ^jj, are tl^tn butler IjDo^ncatua?. whatkinde 0ntJi?ett&e cleaner inec^mgano plucIimgtjporaU tootts of wcedaig mut be Done l»it^ tlje Ijano : ta^icl) oifferctt) from ttie killing hcarbcsisbeft gf £^Jei>Des b\? tahmg* ^ntjoftfjefe alfc tu^tdj moE^tjarme conmend^d, ^j^j, ij^j,^^^ net^ c folisen , ts , to tualfee ttiiicljb^ t&em, o;j ta moDue tlje dDactp , lo^en t^c fame l^all be taeri? loofe; fc: tijeceb?? It ktUti) fail t^c groans , t\^.it it m'ketb toeeues t^cijaroectobepluc^cotjp, afcect^g falling ofgceatfltoae of caine» SnDt^e ^atcctng of ^ouc I5^^e be^tje^ ta^icl^ often fiap^ Thefcafona K^^^^o^^^^^^of rameauomoTillare, about tbe bot an^D^iio bietimeof " S^osgcoai^cSj Hiul! cbtefeii? be Doneteitt) luketoacme \s>a^ watehng,ana tec, auut^at euet^e moaning anDeuemu^ as Pliaic ti;w whatkijidcof tet() , if ns^etse To require, \s)it^ t^^t mtitu^&^itl) timd?m ^r'^r^^^" t^e mo.jntng 10 D^aiseK out of 110 Deepe a:i2l , anu referns) fo cv erf * ^^^ ^^^^ tnooDOen DeS^eU fjo;^ t'0 jee bol».:e5 before, 0; a$ foinc DO 'a3^ite, t\)at ii be fet ^noer t^e ^fe^e fo; ttuo 0.2 tij zee oa^es fo^itbectbat tfje Attune tm^ tbe better luo^Hc bppon it* Themanner ^"^ ^'^^^^ "^^ ^^"^ be':)0c5 to) uiucb, fo,2 t|iat tbef^me and forme ^cf ^amietb SHO teesfeenetb t';c rootes: an^ pUntes :^no to tbii^ watering of \^^tti alfo nun^le a little Bang , tbe \^!)ic[) ll^all gtue a bet- Hearbes. ^^j; Koattibment iDitb tftc it^atcc to t^e Sjearbes anorouns planter comrmiigbp, ifitbclearu.eli^ anisgcntlBe loatere^ fcj^tb* Snoffje poaii3 tender plaite3iueti»r^,:ongtp , lutultftz IjDatcins tben tlje ilronger gioujen, u^bicl) nthtc a great oeale tbe mo^c uutecing , rec tlj? fame to be leafurcli? ucuc, tfjat all ttie rootes ma^ ix.:iRkeaiiUe ofit, atitJ not beb^^^i't ^^0^^ itei3Ujttb';»atei:» li5atc3l^e>aisDialtetJDater u.iatsen out of tjaepe iS^itUcB , is molt ba^tfull tjnto all plantes an5 !)carbej, tmv^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^> certaiire IjOaJjesin tljepot^unne, ano be UiatersD ioarme on tbe plantes. :ant)ftid) fceocsa3oa3l)t onti^ tobefolsen uearet^eenD tf^araelr , asintbemonetbofg>eptembero:iIDctobec, tbat tb^p mar aU tlje \aiintei: co:ttinae.aii5 be ioa'teo in Vqz gcoaua , be tl)efe; ©aclAe , ® anions, ^calion^ , ^oung LeeUe* l^eabjst, The Artof Gardning. i^ f)?at)0, grent <15at:Ufe2 aix^ ^«aaio-r$0?jc. what h to be 31f ef nccefTttie i?ou mail plant o.j fofese am t^m in ^^oone in ^c^h falte scounD > t^en t!?at UJljatfocuer it be , im^ be p!antcD in S'°'^^*^' t^ccntJ of l!;)a rued >c;folueot^eUh0> tl^atttjeeuilhtes, an^ WcuptncCrcoft^egccunu^, nmU U^attjeDaujai^luttfj tfje ;^nD'ifi?ou fctsnp i?oiuig ULtees tntljat^rsunDe; Icttfiat tijecc-about, bz mm^ luitl) a quantitie 6f r^'cete C^att!) ariu iftiuei fans. anD v'Oiii: fe0it^5 (tljat ^cu minne to faluc ) mai? mtbt a^ bous a r^are olDc , am t'oat b;uife9,ibe \s>'nitct i^itl}in > anD be- off^J^g^'''^^^ aiei;> lead being co^uipt b|? oloeues, t^ep caitnot caccsaCe £o^.^QYvi^^"^ aiiDconieforajats. SD!)c tl)icD monetJ) fslt^^ng agceretl) ui coloe ani) fnotos places, iuljere tcje qualitie of ^onunec 10 mo|?il> b^it felDomc in ctj^i: places tl)c lifee fjap coircfponoet^* ^nDfeeDes tt^mmomt^B ol^t,kn\lbzttc\:aq}:tz, iftfjat in i}ot piaceg tl)c^ be foUJCitint^e l^atuef . jC^no^oa \m^ pla^t ano rou?e in wm grcuntr ( if poa Icill) t^e bed fenoe;^ of eaer^ fcaite , fee^e* , (ltppsi> o;i graffcs , bu D fet ano fotoe t^at ( U)l)ic!? poa kno\»e b^ erpecicncc ) toili beS p,:orpei:an«3come fozvuacoin pourgroanD. ^atani? netoe kmoe of fecaes, ano not tcreo berc;je m ^oorgcoano, poatnat>notpatvoacl2)l)olc|iopc tfjntbnocu- tetslvtt^e^ U)iUp;of^«, in tl)atttij5 tjoabtfail ^ijtt^ciV^c'2 t)iUp;io'pci:o;no* ano m rno^H placesf , t{)e feeDes Do fooner fp,:ing tp , tlm intljeDJie: anDt^is tjnDerdanD, acrozDing tot^efetnceani> pjopecnataceoitljem. anooftbt^^ tI)ec{)oice of groans in tjje 'olwin^ ol t^oat ^coes mac^ aaailctb* an3 all fac'afdtesan^ feezes Doe feloomcpzorper, to|)«'c?)(jjajovYpi3^s |jcfo\»cn 0: feti in i^^Dolnei? placei^ f ^m faclj tl)ingei5 alfo jmi-tfui to as^paaisjcc , in t|ie time of tljeic fiomtt bearing, are not to pUiue, hz ?)anole?) . ^m all tjinog of palfe^ ^ as peafon , jf itc?)e0, s;areif:fc. (as tfjf (Breeze aat!)o;5 teilletlj) mafltbefoijueii mtim gcoanO£{ , ercept tfie liSeane^j* tol;ic{j oaglit onl^ to befpiven inim^li groanD^. 20 The Art of Gardning. Sim fucM^coes , \3^Ut\) at toill ano p\ta(utc mapbefo- \Vh?-tfcedcs Itmi (asb8tbinl)aiU0ftanD fpnngtimc) tntoFoartjreantJ may be Town commoDitie. iim tl)at iH a toatme anti fomfo;tai3le reafon, ants at plcifureof fcuitfuU QtoumMt\)tk :tl)cllettice, tf)c ColcU)ao;tes,ti)e thegardenci-. parfiups , tijeCaicets, tl)e U^tjite^oppi? , tf^e^ctec^ofee^, anODiuersot^erfecDes* anB inccltse Ccuntties tl)el)atue2 fouling maftlje Dene . 0aiIpei:,ant)t^erp.:in(tlfitei:.)i5utml)otCountcic£i,tl)efeac^ onTth/fow' "^^ folrms mua be later, anSD tlje fp;iing tim$irer» ingoffeec'sin antJlsDtjatfceuer reuU)iilfoli5e, let t[)eramcfae Ooneaftcc hot and coide tj)0 fcurtl) tia^ of tt}e ncUi ^CDRcanD fo continue tnto tlje fa! ground, Dftt)e^Gone,but nolongei:: m t\)iitit oftentimes fo fjap^ net^,t[)att^ercU)ing offeeuesintfie Uecreafeo^ teaneoftfje ^oone,p.2orperctl)not,astuitneiretf)Auenezra. anDfucljtijinpalfoag^oa iptUcutDotDn o^jgatljecjef t^e fsmebe Done intfcetoaneofttje^oone i5utfucl)tf)ingsas rou niinDe to fell, let tljofe be gat|)ereD in t^iefull SSoone£{>be- caufe tlje sceatec tlje^ Do tl^^en ablDe, tl)e t^^nDibher , o; teaDi^ ert^epUJiUbetoberQiDe. glnoallfeeDcslJubtcl) be feinDlp foU)en>betat[)ei:foUTenm temperate Ujetljec, Uifjen as fome (l^otoers of tame motttning whatfeafon tlje gtouttD , fall a Dal? D.:ttDobefo;^e , tatljec tl)en m a r^;^ fea- d^df^T"^" fonanDc0loeaH:e:jFo;^tl)attl)c fceoes fo fotoen, Dofpceithec rowing of fp^iingtpt^^oaglj tlje Ujannenes anocomfon oftbefcafon, fecdes- t^en in a colDe aice , Intjiclj or paopertic Dotl) botl; incluDe t^eni tntlje eact^, anD hcepctij tljem long in comming* ^nn ^et it oftentimes fo t^appenet^ , ttjat altl^ougfj tlje feeDes be perfect gooD, ret tl)zy! fp;ring not after tljeic fotoing, tl).:ougl) feme malice oUift celeHtallboDtes^^nD fo.: tljatcaufe fctoe funD;t^ feeDes tcgitl)er,fo;tt)efurcrtriallanD p^oofeof tJ)em. whenpiants BttD after all !l)efe,tl)emoti o: greatetl number of plants, maybeftbe ma^ tncUbeccinQucD , liii)cnti)ei>befomelx)l)at fp.:ong tip, fo ofSe com '^ t^at tlje grounD be not oucc D^ie no: ouer mo!?ft» ditybyr^° ifo^bp cemoumg.fac!) pUuts ma? t^e better bs toeeDeD(be^ uingthcm. tng tljin fet) anDgroiut^ebettertjnto ttietr fullbtgnes, ano faealfofdj^ter, fot^jattijeu gentligioofeanDUjeeoeatoaval^ ttjares The Art of Gardning, 2.1 toai^es allf {)e tui\ tcecDes tljat fp^ing tp amongfi tfiem tijl^tcf) otijctvuife liioultrjuiDer anDtafee atoa^ t\)tit mmi^mmt. anu ffjofe i}^.tbcs alfoiDl^icl) oug{)tnottobetemouei3,af. ^^I^^^ffo tertljcicrongcommmgtp, niuftbctf)innerotD$n^ ^"^ ^^0^^ inXides.'^^" ljDl)Ul) oiig^t to be rettiOHeD.wuftbe tljicfeefoUtcntogettjen Certainc hclpes and fecret? for the garden feeds, as wel be- fore^ as after thcfowingofthem, that they may not be harmcdby any inward or outward meanes. Chap. lo. Ajjlt) noU) in t3aine Ijath tfje ^aitinec ( o;i ani' otFjec) be- koU^cD^ts pains, intl}e diligent labo;jmg of ^iggcotmo, artti cnnmitttng of feeDs to tlic eartl) : if in like manner |)e Ceefe not tl)ofe ineancs ti>][)ic^inaiP beil aiiotfie ttie'ljacme of t\)z toDs fccaping tjp tlje feeues jano tl)e otfjec beaftcs ant) \iiG;m0 creeping in t^t ear t^ « ^no to auoro tbefe ijarmeg ano Dama- ges, macfee tiihe^entli? tftefe tnftcuctions b^ereaftee taugbt. ano fir G if 1 our feeoeg a little before tl)e foluing, be tteepeo |^*" f^^^^^^^^^ 0^2 foateD in tlje iuice of tlje beacb nameo t^e l)oafe ileeke, 0^ the feeds fow- fo;> lacft of fufficient plentie of tbc fjeacbe, to la^ tlje feeoes all en m the earth a nayf anu nigbt m, t?ou ma^ in Heat) thereof, feetlj tbe tieaebe without harm infatreluatec, ano tettbtbattDatecrou ma\?fp.:incklepui: feezes fotoen in t\)t betis, tbat tljer mar To o^^aU) to tbem,anD tmkt in of tbat iuice , tvUt^ b^ t!;at meanes ootb oni^ oef- centJ,tl;atneitbei:tl)e)15irt)s, gnts 5 0.:j|Bifmtecs^ificlomice, no? anr otbee tjecmine , feull at ani? time after touclje tbofe fccDs oa ^cung plants after fp^^ung tpjbut caufe tljem encreafe tbe better, as toutetf) tbe tDo.UI;^ Collumella , lo^o of eicpe- rience is often uotcD true* 0no Afryc3nuslu;titet(), ttjatif^oufeetb aliftlelxtljeatoj Afecretthat barlr in U)ine,o?foabe it in t^etDine,tnitI) tbercote Hellebor, the feedesbe 0; otbertDifejpofetDOZt, ano after kattait intljepatbsi ab notdcftroyed leis about tljegaroen.tbattlje fame notonel^ tiefenotbtbe of^i^^^. (ms fro tbe rnturr of biros, but ma!tetb tfjem feeme as ueati, o;^ratberas D.:onHenbi? eatuigtijereof? toljicl? being on tbis tnife^b^ toilletbtoljang br tbe legs onafiticfee^ tjntotlje fea- ring of tfjeotljer biros. 12 T^ie Art of Gardning, A maruclous Sitl^ t^t f^De Africanii $ tD^ttCf?^ , tijat t])t UecOCtiotTOf tl»e matter of the ji^juet tttui(t» , fp^nchleD Oil tljC fceDOS, Ootf) botl^ DefenD t^0 R^^*^*^ mfL ^^^^^' ^^^^ ^^ ^°""^ ^^^^^ ^m^Q of t^e ra:tie5 , £^at Rcitler '^^''"^ tl)e^irt)6,no;anT!ot|cccceepinstl)mg,luiUftct ( amattec greatlrtobemarueiieDat) neu0i:toncf)tlj£m* anDtl}erelje fonie^ U5l)tcl) li^tli, aftct tlje i^oung plaiit5 be fornetiJljat rp;ung t}p5 rpaincfel0 ctte!T!oftl;e Ijuatcc &)f)£rem r^ecrcuifesbc fOvjj5cn,asa fucet-efCKoe, toi/k^ maniUmiss fjattjbenetneo ant> founotcuc b^ fanD^i^ if fobe tljefajne beocne atacer^ taint timt of f Ije ^oone. . . ., SnD tlje pstuoei: of tlje i^artf! l)o^ne , cither nitt o; n^aucit,' Gretke^na la ^^ ^^^ ^^-^^^'^ infufet) til iixittt luatcc , ano t'p0 feeus befo^ie t[)e tinhu(l)and. fcUung foa^eD therein, o.: fp.jinchleu Uiit^tljat toatecattec mcnfoi prefer ti)e fouling, Heti) toell nefeno tlje ^oung plaiUsi fcom being niag of ieedcs g^aHnic 6f au^crcepuigtljmg* Tcrynotab.e ^nD t^e fce^s aftct: tJje fcUJins , fp^inclileo ^itl^tljthiim iDat0t:raa9eot Nitre, Dctl)U»elloefenDfi)em from beetng ea- ten of tDojmes, ants, anu Mt^ Itfee , as Virgili in \^is^ ^ui ban^ 0;r^;it^^[J- ano t^z <3tt^ht a«tl)0.j Apuleus toattef^^tfie ond^ fp^^mh- Itng of Uiine on t!)e feeoes anti i^eung plants y to be a mcanciS ofti)t better llcengtf) anD encreafe of t^em. SuD cectatne (Dttthz ^nttts of fjuf banuai! alloliJcD of Pli- fiic, CollunDclla>anDPalladius, affirnie,tl)att^eroot0S of t^e^ilDcColncumbei:, fofeet^in fiseett^atecfojaea^anDa «isljt,ans tl)at Inater often fpjtncfeleu on tljt feeoes,! tlje nejct Dap f ollolDtng ( t^ofe feeues coueceo luitl; a blanket ) anti after foiucn in i'gz gceunc . tijat tl)m tlm ^ ^efentjeo from all ncr^ feme too^mea ano otJjer ciceeping Cl)inges» 5lnDtl>e ©reehe Mt^o; Apuleus toaitet^ ,asafafejg(aj;D tjnto i^otn: feezes , tljat if befo,je t^e sio^ng ano caHtng ^f ofi?oucbeDS5i?ouo^aUi about rfje ©acoen tIjefpccMeo tooc ano ^nttiiv^ \^im into an earthen pot , ^oa not aftec bncp ^im fecrettof th- *" ^^^ ^ni^Dle 0? ^ouc (iPamen,o; ouec-tojjelra Ijim U)it|) eattfr fpeckl«d toie i" aoeeps fuicouje, tDl)icl) let tljece cemaine tnto t^e fotoinjg timt , ano aftec otgge {)iin tppe , casing ^im a great U)a? of lead t^e plants gcou^ino; t^eceabout; mtg^t become bietic •&".**»a^ The Art of Gardiilno;, 2 3 antj %nfauo)ie . 3im t^t <^mtim ano dSredtc atifljoucg of ^ jfbano^S tju:itc , t^at tfje coring plants (\^x\l not be gnatJD - en 0; {jaciiie^of m^ axepingt^jin^, iftl;e fee^^be fQloena- ^n0 Dvmocrif.a> tDjiCct^, £!)at tf ^onptit ten ^ea 0; itiuer AphiAcke esc- CrsaifesmiOatieir^lifallo^Bjatei:, anocouerutgitj ^oixttt pcntr.entof tl)^ fame ab.:oaD to be Tunrteo fo^tmun^ , ffoke^oar fceD5 ^j^^"^^^''*"'? fo^otijeceigl^toa^e^fin efjaCto iecsr, uj^ic!) aftecti^emmDeofpi^^'j^i^'eco^^^ Dcnijcrirus fotDe in vonz bt:if$: aiti3 aftec tfje ^oung plants of rp,ihcy laaii tl^gfe feeoeiei be fp^ng op , tfj >i? uiiUnot onel^ ojtue cattle ano n^t (k harmed ot^ecfmallbeaiibsfn.^tl^ catucjof ttiem» ll3at fuctfiec of «*J^^^^°^ "^'^ t^ofe f;el je^ l^ illbe tau^^ijtta tfjdt C'japtec , tu?je:e u-e tante ^;,;\"h^i^';/^^ of t|)e omec0 cemeoie j a^amil fuao^p b^ifl$3Mv^tn^Ait$, " '" * anofa4}U^ej t^at commonly anrioggacocn^* Ccrtainc fpcciall times to be noted and obftrucd , either for their aide & fau our co be chofcn: or for their annoyance and inconiiBoditie to bcefchewed forfowing. planangt orgraffing. Chap. II. T^^emojeoftalure onr l^uffeaiiD labour t^wabout w, t^cinoiedrcumfpca iJDeeoug;l)ttc fece, anDtl)eiWJeatDe i^z reto luemi^ get>o; rlje gceatec oanpttljeuetn ixiee ma^ a' noiDe, tlje moje ni:e:u!! eucc^ ijoifc man UuU be. j^nD t!)c Day Ip ecpeiience is oiic kljoolcHtatf cc to mSrtict t3« IjolD mtJCi) it p^euaiieei) 02 l)irt^:cc[) fo^feeDasto bcfoUieit, plants to be fet ,o^ftennes to be gcaff eo in tl)i^ 0; r^^it trme,^- uin3rerpednotonelrtuti)et:me oHgz ^t:itz, ast^ie^un al- tecctint^butalfototlje eacceafeoiir.aneoftije ©oottiotfje figne H^^ 10 iUj an3 to tie piai'C^ of !)?au2n viboue, oi tnoe c t^e eastb aittJaifo to tijc afp^ct^ of otljer plants , tuljofebeaines of lig'^t anDinflacnce, berlj qiuckeri , comfoit, pieferue, t main- taine, oj els nip, oj^^jluit^ei;, csnftnn^janti BeHco^ b^ fun ti;iie U)aie3 tl)e tenDec feeos ,p!ant5 ^ and gcaftis^ acco^Oin#ii t^jcij: watuce, m^ twz naturall 0^ acciDentail . l^eerein 2,4 T he Alt of Gardnmg, ^ttttin] firtt pjefupp'cfitig tlje nuecticumfpectton of tf)e cljotce of grouuD , l ot^iei: tljinge^? genciallv rcquttcsj m tt)t» • ^nD tbcrfo^e acfoaDu-gfcot^to tVjcmt^^cntit ofttelrifcanO evTCit aarcnsitietfl, a£5 aUo ttjetuat^ anD p.mecnt ei:pEn^ uieritcc0 ,m tit\)tt fotuingo.: planting, o^ioti^thlcp^actire about ijearbes, plants, t; tuts.^mt Mt t)nto tjs fo; ouccomj' moDitie tijcle rules folloUnng> tljatacc to be tJUDerffcDOano feept in caufes of importance, anu ijo^ext occaConmar be tafeen* mutjtnS ztmne anD tfjc ggcDHeare eitfjec ti);ec^(cm^t^tk$ c!f tt!0 -ZODi ac^^e afuntjcr , ( Uji)tcl) Difference ig callcD a fertile afpect , ti)U6 conimcnlv^ matfeeo ^ ) 2.: iuf^cn t^er areafunDci:, 126. Degrees , tn^icl) is callen a triangle , Ti igon , 0,3 Sl^ricnt afpect 5 tl)en is It gooo to labour tljeeartl) , fo^uit^erfotuing, tilling, garoning:» t)ining, 0; builDing. 115utU)!)entl)eratea quarter of tl;e z:ooiach afunDci:? cal- ico a quartEle aipett , l»l)ic!j is 90. Degrees, t^m meoDle not in fuel) matters, jfo; toljen t^ei? are in places oppofiteoneto a- tiottier , as if tlie one be m Anes , ano tt^t otljec in lifee number of Degrees in Libra , ano fo of Tauru s anD Scorpio f c. %\)t full spoons are not gocD fo^ftjat purpofe,fpeabingge<» nerall!? as Hie noto Doe: t^e ep cone being neere t\)z S>.;agons taile,is not gooD,but neeretlje D;»agons ^eaD is gooD.^llot^ec things be p^efoppofeD equall : anD moft b^teflp fo? tt)is little tceatife tofenittjpot^er obferuatiosDepenDingoftljemooneje; places onlT? , confiDer tljefe follolDing. a^^e sp^nebeingbetteeen tl)e 28. Degree of Taurus, anD tfic tieuent^ of G cm'mt. , folue. lanD tlje mtnne being berte^eene tbe 28 of Gemini, anD t^t fivt of Cancer, foU)e not. j^nD from tfjc iirt of Cancer, tnto tfje i9» of tbefame, fo^eanoploto *anD fi:onitbe28.of Leojtinto 1 2i« ofVirgo,folneanDplant*anD fromtljence tinto t&e 24* of Virgo, buil9,rotoe anD plant: and fromt^e24 ofVirgo tntotlje i9.of Libra,foU)eiploii3,anD fromt|encetintotljei9»rol»eanD plant* ^nD fromtl)e5,of CapricornuSjtintOttje I9 ofCapricornusroUJC^nOfromtljC 24.ofPifccs,t3ntotl)e7»of Aries, fotoe. li5efiiDesallt{)cre, tmm^t b^ i?wic naturall reafon , eafiil^ finoe t^is rule of t^z olDe The Artof Gardning a- olDie \x>^itct$ fobe toll notcD to ts, tljat titlitt maberre wioi?ftic gcounD, o: elfe tl)c feetiefl rcu folue, be feeoesof gceat mojfture, ttjat tljen row fl^^H commoDioufli?e cljoofc t[)e eno of t^je ^ooncs toane, to^cn l^e ts tetrncace fjei* change, butifeit^ecT>oui: grounD becftfje D^ied, o;pcui: feeDes:t{)eijpoonc lomngano totDai:Dttjefull,i0frttea,n0 PljnieteitneHetr). 0titj tl)g mo^e of tfjefe r ou can finDe at roue time of cone uc- ring, tl)c httttt it 10 : as in gooD grouno Vcell o >effeD , in tue fearonoftf)er<^ai:e,m Due time of tijc g^oones age, in Due time of t)et' place, in tlje -^oDiafke,in Due afpecte ofSacurne, kiell placcD in tt)e figijt of i^eauen u* 0nD tmles roue ttuffe begooD, alltt)is p^euailetfjnot. ;9nDbefiDes5 tljat, t&e com- mon iaimanacto bppon pecticuler afpecrs inciDent fo; tlje time, Doe noU) anDtljen cractlr luame rou of times gcoD to plant in, as ccmmonlr iD^en t[)e ^goone is in Taurus ano Aquarius, o.:toCoU5e in, as Ixiljenl^e is in Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Libra anD Capricornuj , o^U^ljcnanroftljererignes ace afcenDing in tljeCaft angle, anoltiljen Marsneitljecce- gacDet^ tl)e afcenDant , 0^ tl)e ^oone, but t^at Ije be loeefeelf placeD in tlje Situation of tlje fjeauens fo^ tljat time. a gt'cat raanr of otfjec rules as concerning tl)e pertirus' lar fauouc o.j [)mDecance of tl^e b^auens , migbt ( and tbat ne- ceir3!:ilp)bauebeneb;0ugbt inti)is place, but ntitlfttifsitin mr purpole , fo.: t|)is p;e[entj titl^zt to be long in lD.:igi)ting 0^ Dacfee in fence. 2no peccbance, t^e moft pact of tlje common ro:t of people tuill t^inU tljofe tbinges fometo^at aboue t^tit capdcitiCy retmr confciencebounD mefomeiDbat to putlucti matttt intotljeicljeaDes occafioning t^tmtijtubv (ix)l;ete tljeDain*' tines anD tjaleUj oftbe feeDes o^fets fo require) to tfe tSje councellof fome fucljasbotbmar eppounDtfiem tfjefe rules, anD giue tbem ouer alike if nceo be» Ci;ucn becre roumullp;jefupporeaIl tbinges on r our part fullranDonelrficft p^pareD anD VoellappointeD , anD tben totoaite fo;j,o;take5eeDe tofucb times as ijeere are noten, fo;^ t^e ipo^Wng of tlje ]3!annets tljerein. (£ Cerriinc 2 6 7 he Art of Gardning, Certaine helps 3c fecrets again(lhailc;lightniBg,tsmpcfts^ miftes^ruftjfrofts and burning heat* Chap. i2. SC£eing t\)t feeDC3 , plautijano ^eatbe^ folDeit aito fee in tljz lloanieDj^atljet:, lis!)ic^ peatl^ Difcomfit^ tt)c©diOitci:,o; (at t{>e leaS ).facl) tuijiclj oopto i^auep^oSt ano commomttg b^tl)c^eai:bs5 folDnean^iretut tlje (5acO0ii:I^^ecefo^efo; tljeijettcc auoi^tjing of tljefe fiangccSjt^e aancipnt ^asban^^ men anD skillfull ©aroncc^ Ijaucfouni^out b/pMetice> fwn- 0;g cemeC'iejeJ an;atnll fuci; tacafc^ec. ainD ficd agalnH ijatie , tl)z andmt bufbantjm en cminfafle to compas t()caUi^03 m tlje gacoeii , about ttjitl) t\)c tDjtte „ T esandfc-^^"^'^"^ Philuftratus iBillctl) ^ t^at tDl)m toefsettjeljaUe CTGM, againft rt^ace at iiatt^^t^cn to cojnpas iaUies aboatlottl) tbe sfeinne haile neere ae Of t^C a^eacalfCjO^ Cli3 tl)0beaix Hiena 0^ t!j0 Cro^dilc,anU Jj^ana. to!)aitsani! oftpcfesikmncs air0attl)eentcaiKeo;cci;iinms irioftljegacocrt. ^iiotlje itet^,t§at if vou malfeeafmo^etoitljtlje Afdcreta. burning afCceuifeg I ^reo: goats Dung ojctjdtTe.tbc fame gamiu;oft|, tobeamo!!^ p^iefent remeDie againftti)ci:utx* BnDrcitaine (305:fes to^tte,tf3at a gatticn folune U)it() faeane^f , botip tDittjiit ano U)itl)out, t^e^ Do DcfcnD it icom bang ^acmeD b\> fiolls» BentiusanD Anotaliusto.itte ,tbati( poufoaktt^ercotts ^^^^^ ^ ^^^ o^leauesof eitljert^e twilDeCotocambero^ Colloquintida ^uft^Wat^a^Ua b;ufeD in t»atec,f rp.:infe?eT?oac fieaibcs taUen iint*^ riift. be? bcforetheiun fo;0 t^EriGng of t^e ^un, tbat ttjefamc rccouetetl) t^em. miiig. ^no tjje faioe Aaocalius U).:itet!)4&at it poti fti^p vouc feeD6 intije tuater oftfretootcs oftlje tuiloe CoU'Cumbec,bcfoj0 t?oa fotoe t^cm,t[iattt)0 •ameDe^cnDcto t^^^ra from all Ijacrii^s fif tlie too.:niC£i. flies anD all ottjec aeeping tljinge^. ^m Apuleus Ui^tfetfj , tljat if fDu plant tbe^ai? tree in manv places o^'pour garoen, tl)at tlje ^'auic putteli alpa-^ t^e Jacmes of ttie tuft, as batC) often bene evsecienceo* 0no tbat burning beate l)d!nicnQCV«utC5aii}ert.rijir^ A^e^rrtta- commonly commetl^ abnutt^c Camculer c? ^ogiie Dares^ H?i abur*, Phme tDiUett) to burne mn maUc a fmoatt of tt);ee Cccat'cs a nghtm about vdnt gcouno aao l^ncec ^om Cl.«e> ai? a gees tcrr.cDte a£4initt^^ramc« ©1 CcruittC. 2 8 The Art ofGardning. Certaine helpes and fecrcts againft the Garden vvormes, the greeneFlycs, the Canker woormesjthe great Mothsj the Snailes with fliellcs and without fliellcs that harmc and gnawc as well the leaucs of Trees & Fruits, as thchearbs and young Plants comming vpf Chap. 1 3 , ^^^^^? \ ^ E> fo.jafmac^ a% it i^ appacant titito aUmeits e^es^t^at med b diucr's ^^^^\^^-^^^ ^HD votxm plantes after tfiep bee come tap* be I^Uiriw/'^ ^ ^iuecdieinDaungecto cectaine fmall llSeaftcs auB cceeping tl)mges, liuirtg afssDell t)noect&eeart^ as aboue,t^atcaufe t^e plants oftentimes to become toeake, iftljep bee notfpee- Ahard expel. oilg loofeeo tjnto foj cemeuie ♦ ^no fuc^ alfo ts t^at gceat e« - LngfometimefcegfeartD abottnoance of tljem> t^at b^ all meanes polTible ofcreeping f^^tcanbee DeuifeD eitljecUiitljece > fuioafee o^Jcon, tlje^ cSr' "^3^ not af tec be Dttecl^ e^pelleo ano ^.ziuen out of t^e ©at*' Den , being t^ztz once loDgeD in t^e gcoimo : wm^ato^z t^at t^efeannoiancestot^e©ai:Den,mai> b? Diligent inouftcieof t^e ©acDnec be t^e better Deftco^eD,aniJ t^at ^ee ma^ ceceiue t^e mo.:e commooitie anD profit b^ \)i$ i^eacbes, aotoers ano cootes,tl)ecefo;e fl^all ^eecebee oeclaceD,rucb fpeciallcemeDiesf as t^e ancient ano late to^itecs ^aue inuenteo, ano b^ t\)zit Diligence p.Jactifeo,tnto ttje great comfo.:t of t^e (BacDnecano to Ijim t^at Jatb Delight in a CBacoen^ Remediesa- ^no fictt Africanus,in^ts leacneD tpo^tfeeof bu0banDjie, gamft the gar iputetlj, tbat it pourmoafeet()e!)oles of t^etoo^mestoitf) D,jie dea wormes, ^j.^ q, coluDung, tljat luai? laljicl) tt)e \symz ttjen blolnetfi, tdat it Dot^eppelUftem from tljeeatmg anDgnatoing after of l?our Ijearbes^ i^no Plinie U)ntetl),tl)at tt)e pure mother oz fome oftDe oi?le(tDttf)outt[)emii:tai:eoffalt)fp^inckleDontl)e ljDO^mes,Dot|alfoD;iue t^ematjoai?* ano if t^e iso^mes ^ang to t^e rootes of t^e plants 0^ . l^earbes t!):oug|) tbe naag^tineUe of t^e Dung, t^zn toeeDe t^z 315eDsaiiD plants berte Diligently?* ainDFrontiusU);iitet^,t^attl)el)earbesfl^aUnotbe^armeD of t^e (CatDen ^li^eiif t^at b^ a natural meanes ^ou Doe plant 0.: foioe in man^ places amongft ^ouc j^earbes^t^e j^earbe na- nteDKocfeet* ainD The ArtofGardning. i^ ant) Anatolius m ^is IjusbanD^ic inftcucttoitd tt).:itetlj,tl)aC tljz sKOeitiFlies bekiUeuixntl) tijerp.uncklmgof ftatptmine^ Remedies*;- gacminglciJ ioitdjtljDiuiceof l|eabaiteonit^ein» ano tIjeliJte gamftthe '^ Doot^t^eroOtjenUqaojo;\Batcc0ftl)e l^^acb^aameojFlea- greene flics bone,a0to.ntetbPamphiliust!)e(25i:e0ke,inlDl)icl)tbe beacb of the garden, itameu Nigella Romana, i)st^ fo.ja ttmeberte foafce^ f fp^in- bleD,hilltbesaci3ert flies. an9 if ^ou tpill not Jaue i?our (ems aftec f ^0 fotoins, to be gnaU)en 0: eaten of ang creeping t^tngesi in t^e (Sacuen, tben before t[)eroUjitt5roakei?OHcreeDe3 in t^eiaice oft^e^^eacbe namcD ^engceene 0; ^3uflifee,as befo.ze teas taught . j^lnD Anatolius to^itetb,t|)at tbe feeoes fl^al not be gnatoen tf^oafoteeoKettjiemint^egcounD , in t^efl^ell of aSCo;* toife^ anD Palladiustojitetljitfjat^ottciaot^l^eacbes D^alnot en- genoec nogfome too.jmeis,o.j otber creeping tbinges>if tbat ?oa o.2ie tbe feAes before t^efoUiing in a 2no;toiresfeinne> o;^ tUz fettle beacbe ^ints in mmv places^ano efpeciall^ among tbe Coletoo.:t5 : as tbe like as tome to;ite,Dotl) a little quanti- tieoftljebittectitcbeso;taces(roU)ne among!!) p^jeuaile^ef^ peciallB if tbe fame be fo tone amongft tfje i$aoi(^es,anD capes* aifo, t^eanncientte^itecstoiU, tbattbeiFitcbes,tobic& bee a gcaine lifee to ^^eafon , be fomenin man^ places among t^z^ot^^utbzB , fo.J a fucec Defence againtt all creeping twinges* ano Frontius tD jitetb^ljat if t^e |^ot-ljeacbes be fp^mcfelet) toitb t()eb;inemaoe of 0oofe Dung , tbattbefame ocfenDetlj "^zatkts from being gnaben of tlje (Sacoen too,:mes , 0^ otljec creeping things. anonotoas tontl^m t^^ Caterpillars tobtcb tbegreeftcs nameo ^almcrtxio:mes.tbatgreatlreannot? anD fpoinetljaDiueis helps l)eacbesoftl)e(Pacoen: Piinie\»i!let!),t&at pou fp.:incMe tljeandfecrets plants o;t trees \x^it^ blouD^ tujigs,as afpeciallremeDB to ^l^'^f^''^, D^iaetbemfoatDa^. ^ anbotljerauncient lo.ziters teacbi tijatifroufjaue turner creuifes in man^ places of tljt ©aroen^tliat t^e fame ootlj liUe- toife D^iue atuai! tjie Caterpillers* e 3 and 30 ThcArtofGardning. %)im^t Betr-g of tijat Icatei: , m tol^tc!) t^t tiine a^cis feaue bene fcafeet.as apaefcnt rcmcDie. ^nu tl)ei:e be otl)t t U)|jtc^ toiU , f l^at abcu t t^e bD^ieief anD arniiC0 cf ttje tires? re rantile anD imU a fmoKe cf b^imffcne anijlinneaUeti lime tcgit^ei: ^ ts a fpeciall rtmeoie toD;iue 3n^ tijctc are ccrtaine ct^etilD^icIf ficfi to foften t^e firDs mt^atHrelvljic^ig ojalraie animate Dft|ie jf!gaC^85,be^ foie t^£i> fclue tljcni in Vt}t giounti^o? ratljsr in tlje b!©D of tlje CateiptI leig 5 D,zintl)eiuic0 of tf)c!jearbc nameUtfjcijoufe^ lafec . aiiO fomc luUI alfo , to fi^nakie ^tt^z fig al^es fcpon t&e CaterpiUer^ ano ceitaine rather t»tll, tljatiPoufoUjeljfeljearbemfa^ fl^ion to a big £)mon) aiiB naweo of t^e ^ipotljccadejs Squilla tn tl)c CDavtcn ^ o^ f^ang tije fcime beete anottjcEe about t^g Cacoen , fo; a p.;erent mnmt- againft t^t CattcrpiU 0nt> fome UnlI,to bucne ttjc SCoaoe tJooIes o; ® ui§^®mg, to^ic^ grolu out of tbe Maf nut tree , ano be JJifTc am baco, tt^atmtt} t^eHcons fauouc of ttiem, t^e^ mas robeoettcon^ ani> fome 1500 to^ite, t^atafaucuc ma?3e of tfjeonel^ Dung of 5IBacfeesi m mani? places or tl>cgarDen teiUOeftcoijtbem: 3no tf tlje CateiptUer? to i^et loU^gano tbefe fo^^niei; Ijelpg, tben tife tbis p.^actife beece tinoer taugbt J ^Wo ts, tbat vow tafee^repiue,anOt^emotl)ecof^Sle,anDniictbemequaN f^iogit^cCjaftei: fettle fame ouec tbe fiec tintill it betjot, ano tafting tue ^ame of, let it coole.tobifb being colOjCpzinfele on tbe potbeacbcs anD tcees, %m t\)t lame l^all Oi^Ilro^ t^em di; Aiiotabus mnUih of crpecience* anoPalladiusiDutetf) , tbatif^oobamefmaUbuttDlesof ©aclt&e blanes luitbout t)eaDs - mantng a fmoKe tDitj) tl^em, int^t alUcsano pat^e oftljecDai-oen about, tjiactlieCams SoiUfleatbem toitf) tbeonel^ fauouCi ^aao cectaine ©ceefee t^::tets mill . tl)^t ^ou tafee a fetn of i^eCavei:?(li^i;)5in t^znm^Mm r^i^^c^m^ m^^^^ti) The Alt of Gardning, 31 fele on r^z tjcatbes 0; tm&.um in far!) places Ui?jes:e mi be, ^'^f "en a" "* anotfje fame iljaU Deacon tijem. ait ta^c t^cr^ tJiiligcntgainftthecat Ijeerje , t^at none of tl;isJ luatev fall , eJtfjet: on i^out face 0^ cerpUki s. |anti0. aino fome toill, to bume of Galbanum, 0^ t&e lioouei of goatisf, O.:t|j0l^artsl)o,ju^,maltmgafmoafeemtb^ (Sar^asr, liiljiGf) loa^j tfie toinoe t^zn bloljuet^, a$ a fpcciall rcmeOi^ fa fleat^mi. . ano toercbe fome isjl;tc|) totll , tfjat tcu tteepe t^e taine a^ ^ fingu « {l)e0 at toatccfo^ tl)m Dare5,anJ3 aftec (?.:utk!c plenttfulli? of ^Tto di™ t^e fame on tjouc \)eathz^ an^ trees , as a p^efent remeoie to away the ca- t>;ma%}at€ditetpil\t}:$. tci^iiiers, ano Diophancstlje dPt'^fee^toritet^jtfiat tlje ^ct^si t)^iz^ U\t^z\ak$ ma? be mScQ^eD ontljtsU)ire,iftl)ati^o«taHe t^z malu of a iueat^jec l^eepe nelu UiUeD/iiot ls3a^eo,bat Ija^ um 3U t^e filtl) tjanr^n^ tijeceon, tBljicijUgl)tl^ coneco; poulaec Uiitb eartlj in tljat place.Uiyete t^e^ moft ftoacme in tfjegacOen,aa0aftei:tloo9ai?e^,roult)aUfinDcamatuelou£8 companieof ^otij:3 m\^ ot^ei: Sies jjeapeu t^eteupoii ixiijtc'^ eitljec caa? attia^ , 0; buri^ tie r^ oeepe in t^at pL^ce, t^at t^ei? rife mt again, iaiiit* vjsljen^ou baue t^us oone but tUjife 6.nij.nretogiif)ei:, X'ou H^all titterl^ oeCtcoi? t^iem fo? com- mingan!?mo;e. tj ? «^^ • * anij againU tnmk^. fcotfj tcitfj (lell anBlute^out (bzl tlje fnX^"'^ tte\jD mottjer oz fo-ne of o^le fpniit^leD on ti)tm, t^oi^ gccati^ p,:iuaiie,an5 tljcUkeDottj fcDtofCljiiumeisfjrcatieceoontije beDs, o;iiue tljem ali\ir* £nD luliys Froiiio U);:ttet!5j tfjatallpotfjcarbc^bcsreafi^ Afecrccfor f)o!pen auD uefenises from novfome Wza^zB ii bg tficm It? e pothearbs out Certaine ix T he Arte of Gardcnirig, Certaine helpcs and fccrets agamft the Garden xMoIes , Pif- mircsjGnatSjFlies with long hinderlegs, Breefis, Fjcld- Mice, Backcs, Scrpents^Frogs^andTodeSjwhich gnawe, harnic,anddcftroy5 asvutU the trees and fruits, as ocher hcarbes and flour e$, Chap. 14. , A #^ f°^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^" ^"^"^ P^^^^^ of gai:tjeni5,t^;o«g5 relaifqukt /^tljeicmsgmgantjcaamgtjppe, Doe leaue bare bottit^ie »nd grkfc to feeoesi, ano rong planteis comming tp, to t^e tttermotte 00^ Gardners^ ficuction of tlje gooo mtttak of t^em , tol^ic^ b^ t^at me^nas Dotl) not a little Difqiriet 0: gceeae t[)e ©aroenec , to fee !)t0 patnefuU laboursi foto be fubuecteo anD come tnto t:utrte> contcarieto Ijts eppediation tiopeoaftec ♦ anot^ecefojefuc^ lielpeg agamU tl)eir malltce , as ettijec t^e aunctent €^i:eebe0, 0;^ t^e ilatiniiles i)aue tp^ittett of ? ^all tjeece at large be tittece!)* aino ficft tlje ©reekej; to.ute 5 tljat t^z ^oles toill at no time apropcrfccrettjigo^ call t3p in t^egacoen.lxi^ere t^e bearbe nameo 2Eicli- co ^nucavvay^^j,|5^Q^^^j.^jf0 jj^jj^g(illPaljna Chrifti,Dotl)eitbeCgi:Otoaf Moiesin the ^^^ -^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^j^^^ gtouno , o; b^ougljt ot^ertoife be Ijap^anDtbcrefet. ^tiD botl) Paxamu J fSotion tl)e ©rcehe , tunte , tljat if rou tafee a Uialnut, ano bo.:e a l)oUotD t)ole , fiUmg t^e fame a(tec- tDacDtott^Cl)affe, Hofen, anoB^tmdone, anocaufeDts fmoafee 5 puttee fame into t^e bigger ano netoer ljo!e of^is comming fo.:tl)oft^eeart{), Hopping oiligcntli? alllji^ ot§er Ijoles , ant) t^at none of t^e fmoke paCTe fo;tl),ano in fuc^ fo^jt leaue tljat one ano bigger bole Ijoioe open , t^at ti)e aire ma^ tbe better Dnuetbe fmoke into tbe eaitb> tobicb after tbe apole feeletb ttje fauour thereof, Botb either fo^rtbtoitb runne fomeotber toar from tljence^o^ isfonnod^oaheo o^iOeaDin t^eeartb* Aneafiepnc- SnD fome lu^te, t!)at i?ou ma^ tafee all tlje^olcs in ^our aifeof the an- garoenb^ an ealier manner:3f t|iat pou get a quick ^ole^put ticnt huCband tije fame into a oeepe earthen potjfetting tbe eoge to tfje eartb : Tm'II^'""^^^'^^ ^ole>af^ec a toliile feeling |)imfelfe tljuu inclofeu>tDiU oi Motes. ^j.^g The Art of Gardening* j 5 cde out, ant) after tljeotfjer ^oie^mtfjatgrounti uoet!;u3 rjeareliim cc^,tl)e^ U)ill^aflili^ B^atoneere tontoJjim , anD nunDing to Ijelp bim fo:tt) , IniU fo f^all into ttje pot* ^nD nolo hv t\)is gafie mcan5,if jou tuil, ^ou mai^ take nno DcSrcu all tlje ^^olesiin^oar garocn. ^no fomeujaito tahetljecoteoft^etitliitc JlioreU)o;tt,ma^ Di^^^^ ^ . . femgt^e fame mtc fine pouDer, anoaftecmmngit toitpar^ remedies ci-^ l^ mealcto toozke it togttljcc toiti) milke ano triine,anD a;'tei: ther to k,u or nuUe It tjp into little balls, tol)ici) la^ Untf)iE5 tlje ^olcs of tlje *^^'^"« ^^ay Sgoles* anD Albertus iu.jitct!),tl)at if \?ou ftop tl)0 Ijoks of "'''^^^* ^oUs mti)tit^tt(5at\i^t.,^nionB, o;ltcekcs,t^atan^ of t^rre>Doceitl|0rfo.:cet)tin fo.:tl)tDitt) to run from tjiat place, 0^ to ti^di op a mVo in (oim otljer place. ano lometDill, tob^iagc tjp Cat0 tocunne onelT^m ^p^^ofyj^""* e^c^aroen, fo.J tf)c better D;tumg of t\)tm alear . ^no urn|Tway'of fomealfo uo b^ing \)pp ^XeerelljS tame, letting t'^tm af^ moUsoutof ter runne bppe an^ Dcume int\)t d^acoen, ano to lunn^ the gaiden* into tjje ^oa!?5 0i' t\)z ^oles, UiW tfjjoug^tl^eirftincfee ini)untiflg after tl)e^oles,tioeuenroij;iuet^emoutof t^g gCOUllD* jano fowe toilU to fill t^e moutfj of t^e fjoale luitf) tfje pou^ Dcr of t!)e rco macking ttone , 0.2 rei3 £Dher , nnres luit^ tljc iuiccof tlje UHloCotoumbec^no fonie Unlto talte Galba- num^auD B^imllone.filling a IlS^alnut ll^ell tljerc^ toitlj.ano touiahea fmoaheinto ttje^oale,toijicl)ro o;^ipetl)tf)ema^ tear* an0 Palladius tDUtetlj, t^jat if rou bettrifee t^e lotuer part of ?our ttcc tbitl) reDDe £)her>miveD UJitlj Carce-ano tjang a 3ai? tf?ec0bi?,t^at t^e fame act^ fo gatlj-cr pifmieris al in one place, t^at rou map after eaQl^ oellrop tljem. dnt) cectatneot^ecstuill, to annointt^eaal^^df plant's anDbotiie5oftiee0,tDittitl)e2)ilemati0ofLupincj,o;ratl)ec Untl)tl)epfluD0rofLupincs,mtreoi»it!)^ile» ^nofuno;^^ ^ntt.t^at t&ep mar be tettroieo Uiit^ t^eonelr motljer ano fome of ^ile fp;inch!ei5 on tliem. ano Palladius t»;itet^,tl)atroumai? o^jiueatoa^ t^e great l^eape ant} flioarmes of ti)e ^ifmier^ gat^ereo toget^ec^rf tn^ if ^0 34 The Art of Gardening. vr^a^r^'^'t ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^P ^^" ^'-^^ '^^ ^^^^ ^'^^ ^^^^' ^^^ ^^^'^^ piMtt$ ViimixsT ^"«*^^^ ^i*^ ^^'^^ ^^^"^^ tn r our gacDgn,t{)cn Uteto oa Sft ;a- 0jC3 in t^z allies, snl» patljen absut lx5|;ei'e tfjei' tun. ^no it test!) UUeluifeauatle againti t!;Stt(n;a^jng ab^oao, tft^at Vca betlrike tlje patljes about Uiljcce t^ef rumte, titijtt 0nDftsfe'D5 PilkdiustDjitellj, t(jatrouttiai?D.:uiea- poU)Dcraft?)0 ©i'^anieanuiSjimltoKemireB togetijer,e;if roei ai! antj du^e t|}e ||sUs of t^e pirmices \i)itl) t^e poVuOei; n^a5e of o.;t^ S't'ttcr-ajeUcs buvHeD> it oot^ lifeeUJife ccllco^ ^uD Paxamus t»:ttet!i, f^attf rou tafeeoftljcptrmtrcir, ano burnc of tficm in tpc mtDDle of t[)V' (Saroen, tijat t^z cell loiUfo.jralJCttj05counD. anotfjefat^e ^utljo^iDjitctlj.t^at if vou inaUe a Hinhc isit^ Kofgn befo:e t^tit l)ole5,t^er toill Kot after come ro.;tlj5 but fo^fake tlje place. 3ttQ Ije alCo ^s^nttt^y t^at it i?ou coinpas t^tm toitlj 1jD5it0 Other praai. li5©U, c'oalfee, o; resoalit!:, ozelfe CceUie countJ about t^ein /esagajnft the tlie^ei^bc natncD^^gan^jbutefpetiari? tfjofelDatcsiD^ens Pifaiires? tlje^ |?ai?c ccinmou caucfe : iro: t?jen nctttjec luUi ti)e pif- mires come neere tljat plant Uj^jereitis, uonunnebptljat tt^ iT'tjici) is bouna a'jgat tbe boD? toitp tljis '^earb : fe mixc^ t^e^ !5atc tl)e fauouc t'^erecf* ;aut5Pailaaiusl:;jritctr5. tfjatifroubcunlieantj snndnt tbe plants m^ treen Ivitl) itn c-ahcc, ta^ie, ano bHttei: mireD togetliei', tijat tl;e fanto Dnnetp tJjsm aoja^. anDccrtainc C^ceheUiriters U)ill, to anncint t:t)e plants anD tXiCft i^iV^ tlje gall ofa liSiilUtije motfjer of £D!?le,ani3 Ut tempe^eD to^ctljer, Uil^ieofo D;iaeti;t^^matDai?.aaDtlje? alfo to :ite> ttjatif I'cu ^^miz of t«0p;op?ec D;oppin3 GitvjC po'mcv^irx^\j^itti ^lin^serinto tijeicfjoles, tljefameDot^j kilitf)em« 2!ro (rm ts>:Jtte, f '^at ^on ma^ DsSco)? t^c pifmires luit^ tljeoneIi?faaoacoft^saiiTS$ oKmaaUe^ of t^e UJiSos CclP^ ;iamb^rb;ent. The Art of Gardening. 3 y antj cecf ain feil.tfiat if f fjc pitmitts crctp tpcn v^our Insd ^^'^i^ n^'oa to ii^al^c bjoati tount) tings about t|)0 boisic^ mm aimg of tbe youTuces.''* trits3ljDit'^lT)9itec&aife5:fo;e^cit fei' tU)iceo;tl).2tce,o;cfm2C ' fooom^jVflu %iUcaufet^enito fs^ftifee t|je creeping tpmi^ tljat^iOUtloptfjeir l}Qit^$jtiVott lisittjfeamuii.o^luttljai^eSj. pimrfor^tks jfti)0PbeuGtuict.?inDi'Ste!)e!)cai:bj?ncltotrcpiori(txj'jicij kiihngof fcnieruppoictobct^c:^adgoiO)b}?Scc^in(5t!5e leaner on Himii-ts. f be l^okB, toe t'git^v Uilto\! Vgztr,. ^m cttx^nc XDiiiz^^xt thz ujatcr , in la'yicl) t [)e t)iiba'a03 tilts ijatl^ beitc rokco .pou- red tjpon t^e ^olcs. ootl) i^cucoi? tljem: anti aous tljcfc iailca* doni:apmStIjeptrmia*5^'4!l^0ei:erritFice. ^ ^ntJ Diiiiocritus in l)is rulers Cf fjUSban^^t! tP)iteffl*tll5t Sundry v cn-.e t!5e0.ta'«itu'^ic^»jaisntaii3rec(5 m gardens ma?>b2 3ri?ieii ai-sbrthe Ijearbc Calamyntc. of bnats, SIn3t'^0fatO0Democri't«5tD;i*e*5,t5:ittl)eaecGitiOfiafr^s ^earbOrganycmtjinepcain fpjmmlctj on tljem^ sorij IcncUufe Dime tljem Rtr5ai?jas !)atl; bene crpertenceD. ^m ti)$ vl^iiaU alfo 05 c^afeD a\s5X^y if t^at ^oa ft^cpe tlis ^ jarb 3 U u e,o.J Ijearb 5 grace in li3.itei:,anD Iprinchle t\)^ (amt^ ont'i2bcasu3'jeret[)epliauiit:auoC1)e^bcalfa5$ai:3iei)an9 cjafcri aljua? toitlj tl}e fmoiic maue of G albanum, b^imUmt anD Comtamiyeuftgettjcr, aaDUijeUjifecljareo a\ua^ UJitlj t^c Decoction ott^t ^earbc narneD Ficbane, fg.zinCiJlcD on t|^s beO04 ant5 certatnc (©resides to.zite, tfj3tt&e flalto of© empe^ AfpHnckk fiouciag.Doe D.^iueatoa^ tljefjoarme, c^ljuge covnpanpcf m.-idcot the <5nattes; an^tljeli^e Dootlj tlje faijalic nuo^ortljc^^i^ lump flouring mm^ todr^utart^ ^nuPalIadliustD.nfcf9,tfjat(fjcpotit)C8:ort;)crc3tcorEle. camp;ine>mi)i;t iBoitl) t^z adjes 0: b.3,:ni5 ba :ne^, nito trjc fame fpnncMeo on Vgz belJ5,Dotl) D;iue tije gnats alsai^ auo Ph ayr l23;iteti)t&at arnio^cma5eonel^ortk)e gumuaJucoGaiba- jiuiH, Dot^D^iuealnati t^e (3naH. 3no Byricius t^$itl) t\)t \m% j^toet ^^^^ leases )ttjepou^ec of ji^Dfc-iDao^t, £D;ptment, anomil^^e ^[^jj^'i' 'fl;,5 nilrcD toget^ec,tl)at tt)e fam j Uiill zii^u i\i\\ mm , o^ D;iiue withtiK Ion- t&em quite aUrap.anD U;e fame Byritius U)ntet[),t^aC :afom hiaderlegs/ uiitl)fl)cf;eai*be Organie Vtzz^^ixi milfee, ant) t^g fame fprincklcD ontftebeos anDl)earb?3,lettetl) t^em from tout^^ ing tbofe ljeacbc£{ aftet'* ilnD tlje ifia^Icaues o.j ^eacbes bea^ tentopouDecUjitljtljccodteo'f tt)e blac^ejjiorc^'tDO.U, aiiO tempereD eittiecin milUeo;^ in yoatecoz jjon^mirco top- tijec.tlje fanie fp^inckleo on t!)e Ijeaiibes^ootl) eitijer: Qea i\)zm til t};iue tfjem quite aluar ♦ A fccretfor 3^0 cetatne '3 cee^es lu;ite, tijat iri?o« burne of tljofe ^''^^'"^J'' flies in tljmioolc of iPourdBacQen, tljattlje fauoucoft^eni way ot thole ^ .^ ^^ .^^ ^^^^ ^j^^ ^.^^ . ^^^ ^^^ ^ ■ j^^ ^^^j^ ^j^^ letting Of fome oft^em,anD after couenng tljemt^ece \si\t\) toet muD* anti B viitiu s tDiJttett) ,l5at tfje :^lte0 \i^it\^ t^e long Ijtn^ec legs iBtl jiot after toucl) ani? of t^ofe Ijcarbs ipbicft be fp;in^ * leD luit^ t^e U)atei:,tJDl)et:ein ttieHeeke o; vCento;ie l)at!) bene Oi^imus pra. fteepeD. ftife againit ^no agaittH t^e B^eefes (ta^icl) bee ^lies tbat eat^ tlje theBreefe. Co3neasitgi:o\»t^)anOOocbalioesmacl) bacme to Ijearbs, DiditiiusioiUet^ to folJD t^jeegcaines o; ce;jnes ofmuHacOi' feeoe^neere to tbecooteoffucb a tceetano among tl)e Ijeacbcs eaten k)it&t!)em,tuliicb foo^iuetbtljemaUja^. 0noagainft tljeSclDantjOaroenj^micc, Apuleus toiUetbtoftecpe^oac feeoes before t^e foiuingin an iaDre o^ CotoeiJ gall * ^Stt) cec^ taineU)ill,to ftoptljeic bcalestoitbtlie Icauesof RhoJo- daphnesjfo^t^at UJb^ntb^D feeufi to come fo;tl) auD gnatue t^oreleaue5,tl)ep after Die. Hcmcdies a- ^itt^ cettaine (S c^^eUcs ^ill ,to take t^e potoDer mane of gainft the gar- t{)e toilos Cotti'cumber .^^cnbane &«eues > bitter aimonus , den and Held- gj^^ ^lacfee ^ore^U)o;jt ( of caclj aliSe quantitte ) ano tbe ^^^* fame fo iwo^fee togctijec Ss^it^ o^le,U)^ic^ laioc o; put into tlje |)oales of tl)e (Saroen of iFielD-mice,o;i«eti; tljem fpeeoilie a^ luai?. ^n^ Plinie tontetl) tljat tfje 0: il^artis |[jo?nc, o.zoftf^e l^ooues of t!)e (Baate, tljep mai! fpeeDilpbe D^iuen atoar. ^nD Democricus to^itet^, c|)at if ^oucall tlje gceenejDhen leaueetjpon eitlject^eS^naUe 0; ^ooer, t^at Howrnakess? 5eDietf)fo^tJ)toitl); c;ifani^fpitetf)falltnjj intotJieicmoHt^ adders may be open. kiid. 0n Florentine U):itet J, tljat neither tjie^nafee no, an- ^er UjUI come neere tfjat place, tu^ece eiti)ec tlie fat of a ^act lizt^ bucieD 0.: t^e tcote of a Cento;ie}0^ tt^n Sone of Gagatcs ©? ti^ Bung of a Mtt l^etlj. 0nD|?oumapu;^iaeatDn^ani^l3eneniou5 cceepirtgtF)mg, howanypUtc if t^at T?OU tafee tt)e pourjer maOe of Nigdla.Pelitory ,Galba' may be free num,^^acts-^G;ne)J5;imftona,Pcccnclanum,aHDt^e{)a)f5^°"J^^^^"^^* of tlje goat, miring all tljefe togct^cc b^ equall portions, anD ^^^^^^'' iD?ougt)ttogetbectpit?)t)tnegai::mafeeUtlebal0Oftljerame, «no mitt\ f^c fame mafee a fmofee,ani5 it D j^uet^ al fo;jt^t)Dit^ to fo^fafee tfje gcouno tpon tlic fauouc tf)ereof . 2in^tl}t^ ^ateallflti'ong fonours, to^icbbeeitfjec matie vnderwhac iDft^ d^acUke oz iDnion blaDe0,ant) hxt\) like: anD tlje flame the addersani of fier alfo , lubtc^ gceatl^ Dimmett) t^tit fig^t. ^m t^c 2i^'< rnakes loy to J)eri5 Do liltelDifeloue t^c ^auine tcce, tlje 3 uie tcee, ano t^z ^^* ifenell,astbc ICDaoc0 Doetlje^age, anotlje&nafect^g liearbeHocUet. ^nu tbe ^nafeejs anti atJtiers (of all other tl)inge0)Do moU {jatc tt)e all) tcce, fo; ti)at tl)0r cannst abi^e tlje toucljing of ,'^^',"j^^^^^^^^ tlje long O^aDoki in tl;e mo?ning,no: tljat in tl)z cucningbut thTaVh asd the ' tunfaccefromit.anuPlmytu.iitetljamacuelou^imatteroffnakeoradder 1^ afl)tcee,foufarnattc(rMti)l)e)be compares abontiBitl)t^ie wo thy to be gcecnc aKj tcec leaues.ans a fizt mmt m tlje miD^cH/t'pit tjs ^o'^^'^' if I toiU \^% The Art of Gardening, lr.il tatljet tuit into tljc bacninj5gi:e,t^en tstoaco^: t^$ It^visi fo uiucl) tje tjatctl) tlje af^ tree. OFthe VMt ^.mttttmtmttymt a rmDhcma^esft^et^^ieiFeme againftfaikes jjnmeo , DoettjD^inealuai^ ^naUe;5 auDao^crigQatof tt)at ofadiers. g*;ounD» i^uQ Palbdius fe;ittct!),t^at t!)2 ^ jtake nn5 a^5cc^ aat) all fitter t2cnsnicu3 tcrminc l*c D^iuen aUiai' luit^ tueii) ftacp auD Ixiiutiing fauour fumct) ab^c-au* Howtosdes ^j^^ ^^g £D9a?3S Kiai? bc D^iuen atoap n«t> ml!^t)(as ta^itg may be dimen ^^^^ (i5,;0c^e^ aiit) Itattiies ) tDitlj tfjofe i)eli3e5 ani) remebiejj, fnake0ant}ay^er0,anntt)errfQ;etDrmteili3rca3^.une>lypCG teercfupetCiuoas. Suj} AfVicanus iB^it^t5>tant t!);j Backs tDil not a i^e fep anu ^iSthe '^ Bo\3)iie in t^at satucn/a}pei:e t^m& tlje isaHes ani) ?at^5 -driumgaway, I'&u ^ang of t^e^ougl)e5 01 b.:anc^cs a: tljc IBianc tree* Snu and killing of t^t ^^ ^i^o UiUco loit^ tl)z cncli) fjnsaltg nia^e of Jup b:an^ ;Ik Backes. ^^^g jj^ ^^^ alUes about. anD againtl the cljitpin?; of t(;S frcgs,ti>l)tc!j peif)apj5 tkmt tDi}t(qutettl)e©aronsi:infcl)efommecmgl)t0,t3retJ;)i3l)vIp0 antjfccrct to^ittmof tljev^reek Africans , Ss^^it}^ toillet^ to ret a br^g^t iig^t befo;e tijcm , o; to |).ina: a b.ngT)t ILan^. ttmz li^it on fomc tiee, ttjat tbe fame lig'^t ma^ (l^ine bpow tijem UHe tl)e Ug^t of tl^e ^unne, in'iiic^ cautet^ tl)tm bp tlje flg^t tljeccof, to ceafe t^cic chirping, as tJatl; bcene trrco bi fano?^oftentitnei5. |ioUj (gentle reader) 31 'oaue Jeere tttece 5 tjofe fpedal m^ commoDtties topics Ijappcn tn CDacuens, ^nto tofjiclj 5 Ijaa^ «5io^neD tbe moSt p;ou2D anB tcu: c jcpenences ,asaintl t^oxe emldi out of tbebsd ^utljour^^botl) of tl^eolo anD n$Ui to;itci:sin tl)i5 ^ct:leaft tbatan^ (baaing oeligljt in ^Daconirtg ) (b^alo be fcuftate of tijafe |^elipei?<0nd tbuiet an eno ot t^i^fica^ooto* The 3? The fecond Booke inftru(aetli di- uers manner of fowing/ctting,and ordc- ling ofthc mod Pat -hcarbcs^ Flowers,&c*with the care and rccretstau^htjafwcll for thchealch of the bodif , as to the pi eafurc and dc- light of the eye. as it igitj mino fj^ce to enter into t^e feccno, Jn kJljic^ d^all be catteateB of t^c fiiuers mannec, care, c.:Deniig> aiiD Sfilligeme tu be facSotoeD, bot^ in t^c rolling, fctting, antJ remoouingoftpcmoU pctijer»rbsTteeDl fmelling l|cacbC0, anD plea^dnC floloers, as toell foU^e tfeof pijidc^e , nsi fo: plea'nreta came in tl)Z ?jani>, ano Btl^erlt)irefD fiTiietljepot, Sin^ t^efe, bi? oilligeace cftlie aut^o.:, giitijereDoutoftlietrcafwre^oft^ebeil U)^iter$ of t|ie s^reekeg ano fL^tim^ in f !;(« art : ana ej:pertcnce9 bp t^^ tfttnp^AAikSQuunrjmsh:i\fvi\[0xc^ixcts in hiatts realms; anDcoiintcieg » bntooa5:gceatt)rean!3cormno^ttic» ilnO fuc^ tDQ^tijr recretg alfo t^n^'^t in t^.zic matters, as tfje Iik$ Ijatl) not htzm t)ttercD in t^e (i];ngli!^ loitgne* EnD fo; t[)at 3 uieancnot toree.ticlcngini'c'oea!;ral o: tijebcneutof tijefe tnto ttiansf Ij^aitl) anD Delight; : 3 mmoe t^ctjjfoje (a0Si Mamberofitviiers oo)toc*^tr'}atfirOcQf tptkseli ttiiotenc Jjeacbe, botl) t-nt t^c Ciltie auss Cciuiaie 5 nanieo tlje ^^tt^ tucet lefjofe nature, earej^^oper-vie^, ano benefits alfo to t^$ fcealt^, ftaU after appcai;^, OFthc ordering, care, and fecrsfs of the Lcttuco Chap. I A^t) Set! tfjiD ©arDcn Hcttnce (of Isjljiclj !»e min^ ^ere in mttcat)^zzt[) Deligijttoug (ctsncin afatt^ anDteli iJi>?ougijt$coun5, besing BungcB befo jc/anD uio^ll^ at tije fo^ feini; fo^ Co itaf^tsiizt^ b^ tp^ fourth Da^aSer fje foising. j^o The fowing & fetting of Hearbes. fo t|)at tlie fecDs be not otfjecUjifg burnt, am tljc gtcuntJ &«• tiuitfulK ^itD It m ai? aire be fotonc all tl)B vtatt tlj^oug^.if fo be tf)e -giounu be ^Dell Bunget) ani3 u^edeo, anD tl)e feetis often U)a* tereo,fo?rotl)ci^ccnie tf^efaftei; and plentifullei: bp . ^nD fet eis tuljicl) I'OU CoUi in tf;e fjatuelt. ma^ luell be remocueD an^ ret apine in t^emonctl) of a^ecembec, am in btmt^iif Ijou toill) teit^ 0tl)ec t)catbr$: fo; fo it toell abioetb tl^e coioe iDintci: time, am i^ alfo muclj coinfo^teo tticceb?, fo? tbat it nia^ luell agree aiiDcome bppe tuitlj otl}ei: beatbes>t5nto tlje ^a:o4tme* ^m to wiaUe it fp;eaD of b^eaoti) in tbe scotDing, ^outtiufttljenremooueeac^ ftoniotl)ec, Vo^mnBtixltam^ be fp^ung \3ppe , ano fet t^em a gocu fpace afuni3cc,lt)t)eceb^ tljer ma^ rp;jcat) t^e larpr: aniD tfje p.:cCring tovpne of tbem, mull efpeciall^ be Done tn Icarnie Bates , m ligbtir cutting ttieleanes about, antjaftcc lading tfjeH^acDesofSDiles^ej tuftn of eartii to pjelfe ttjem Dotone* anoleaft t^eLettuce C^oulD groto ^ara > it ougl^t to be of# ten fet,ai|0 plentifuUi? toatceD^fo; b^ tljat means? t^t leaneis; iuill gcoto bot^ tenoerec anb foftec, fotbat tbe r ootes before bee fteepea ano couereb \s)it^ fort Dung in t^e neto fetting a- satne* janDbot^PalladiusanDColunicllatD;tte,tl)atift^jougl^ t^ebeD0,anDrounD about tbem, becftenfirebseDtlienuei: o;fea^anD,ti)atIeaue6 boil fo become bPbite>tftbeIeaueiES ' before be gatfjewDanD t^eD bp^e togeatbec . ;anDtDmafee t^e ILetttce groboe lotoe bie tbe grounD, anD to be tbicke anii b;oaD in tf)e^eaD,ron mull tben temcoue anD fet tbcm \s>}^tn as tl)ep be gcob^ne bp an IjanDfuU big^ > anD often ciippe ttie top0 of tl^e leaueis touno about^ anD in t^e ne^ fetting again fctapefatre tberootesoftlje llettice> anD after Dipt^emin foft anD neio Cot9 Dungs anD fet tbem fo in tbe grouD,U)bic^ after tbe fetttng, often anD plentifully t^ater, anD tnt^e 0rotDingbppealtpaie£( beepebnDer, brcitppingtt)etoppe£S of tbe leaues;, anD lading ttle O^arbes on V^t ^eaoes of t^em^ fo; b^ tbat mcaneis; t^es increafe into a b^aDt|i' anD not to a letg^e. with their phifical! helps. ^x guD tfjei' be alfo m^u f ^0 fujeetec^t eating, if in tfje gro^ iuiiTg tl)t\! be often temougD ano fet apuie, ano tljat in t&e fettins,ai5t[)0^ begin togcoixi tpinfomc^eig^t, tl;att{)eif tfie leaueB tobetgetJtjpclofe together, ano being gtoitme alittierao^cinbeigbt, t&entop^e3:etIjem 5ofene,b^ lading tileOiacDs 0.: fomcot^ec t[)ings f6nr«s^at toaig^tte on t^tm* ^notomaketfjempleafantoffmelWafeeanD put tijefeetjes ix^it^m i\)t toeete €itm\z feeD ^anti fet tl;em fo in tfje gcouo 0^ elfe l^ecpe tfje f0eD(fo.; ttitmt MitB)m fuacete i^ofe U)a- tei::ano Ijeere note,tliat of t^ijs^tfje leaner become t!)e tentse- ler, if t^e tootes (before t&e fettrugagaine bee E^ippetiin nrUiColD Qung(asiiSabonermtie)ano ti^atresj often tpitl^ rnnning toater^o? foj ttoo j>ai?eiss before t^eplttc!^ing,t^e !ea=* neBclorebounDtogetljer. The Phifick^e helpes. And now as tiucliing the Phificke helpsof tliis hcrb,you flial fiifl vnderRand that the fameis cold and temperately moid in thefecond degree* And Ac(r'tti€ta writ.:th,that the Lettuce ciooth nianifciliy coolcandmoiften andprouokc fleep: and as it doth nouriiL like other pothcrbsjfo it doth cau^e^ood blood in man. And yet the often eacin:;rawc ofthishearb, doth harmc colde ftomakes,and caufeth dimnes of fight:therfore they ought oftnerro be eaten fod then rawe. But the cholerick, may as fafcly eat them raw as fodden, andfinde commoditietothebody by eating of them raw. And the eating ofihem while ihey be yono; is more profi* table to the f^omacks, and tncrcafeth miike in womens brefisrbut when the fame is growcntobc hard in eating, then it is both drie and bitter 5 oc throu oh his heat then the more op ening, and yet doth the earing then engender e« iiiil blood, and fo caufeth harmc oftento fuch as eat there- of^asby hindringthefighr and corrupiing the matter ot ' SperHie* And the eating of them whiles they be yong and •; tcdcr,dothhclpanague.3swel fodd€n,3s being eaten ra';r. Andfodwith vinegarandalitiefafron put wi the fame,. ^a The Towing & fetting of Iiearbs doth help both t^^Soppingof theLi'^cr and milt, Alfo tat€nraw,orroci,andbcingniixed with vinegar andfugar, doth open the Liuer andmiU, andcaufeth good bloodj and hdpeth the tertian ague* And the Lettuce fodden and mixed with oylc Oliuc doth heale the drop fie being eaten with meat. And a plaifter made of Lettuce, with oyle Oliue, doth mightily affWagc hot impofluraes. And the fccdes earen of milch women in meat, dothincrcafemilkcjandamendeth the fight* Alfo thefeeds dnmkin wine^do procurefleep. And the feeds brufed snd druaicjdo fray the often ijnaginations of theluftin the Oeep.andabatcththecourage thereof, And it prouokcthiiccpjif the feeds be bru(d and tempered with themiikeofa woman childeaodthc whitcof aneggcbi iaidc plaifttr wife on all the forhead and temples. And the pow cicr of the feeds mixt with the milkc of a woman child do prouokc and caufeflcep. And the like the feeds workc to him which hath an aguc,giuenhim to drink with warm water. And the feeds giucn in drinkc, do for the moft part fpcedily help the fhedding of nature. 6c he which drink- cth the iuce of Lcttuce?fafting|fiial net be drunk that day* And the Lettuce plucked vp by the rootcs,with the left hand,before the funne rifing & the fame laid viader the co- Kering$ofthebLd,the(ickbodynotknowiBgtii€rof,doth after caufethcperfontoflcepc, Andif fiue}eaues,threcor oneleafe,belaidpriuilyvndcr the bolflcr of the fick body- but in fuch fort that the leafe or Icaucs plucked oflPthe next ftalk,be laid beneath and vnder his fcet,afKi the leaus pi uc« kcd off from thctop of it be laid vnder his head:they caufc fleep as before faid:and the often eating of LcttucCjis both dagerous to fuch wome as be apt toconceiuc with child 8c fuch a$ be with child(as ancient men write) for they do "not ondy caufc barrencs,butthor€ which then be with child, ihall after be deliucrcd of children far vnhkc their Fathers ill that they fhalbc both raging in mindc3& foolifli ia wit: •Andtherforcthe much vfe of them, is to becfchewedof fuchwomjcn,cucn|$ihcy vvouldfroip a furious doggc or adder With tlieir phifical 1 helps." 43 addei-jwhofe biting they greatly fcr;cd. Alfotlievcryof- ten eating of Lettuce doth greatly harmcfuch asbcfhcrt ivindedjiieginatickperrons, ^cfuchasfpitblood. And al- though the verie often eating of the raw or fodden Lettuce be no Ics dangerous then the heai b Hemlock : yet wc JTiay often cat ofthcm in the foinmer. rather as a medicine then for any nour!flimcnr,as both to coolc and moil^en the flo- inack.Andthccacingoftheindotha3akemenfolublc, in that through the coldncs and moiflnesof them, theyfo coole 6c temper the exccffiue heat of the li«er. And fomc vvrite^that the eating of Lettuce at nigh t after other meals, doth the better procure ilecp that night follov«ing« And as the manner of the preparation oftheLcttuce (now in our time) is vvith vinegar, fait and oylc,whcrby to caufe abetter appetite to the mcat,then to be eatcn:,6c both to temper ths heat of the bloody and mittigate the heatc of the liuer and hart; and yet the often vfc of diis doth great- ly hinder the increafeoifpermc^as is aboue faids* Thefe hitherto of the Phiii eke helps and properties of theGiirdenLettucc. Of the ort^frmr^cdfe anlfecrct.fyboth of^ndme an^ ^nccorj* Chsp, z* ing,fa;un3 tljattfj^apn^ui^bpttarabtQer^ a;e colonel SnD of tS)i0 m cclr:e €uv:c%ttits it ir.n;^ ht fciuiu lurttt i^t t\)iUukZ^ti^'Mt'^^t^^itiy fauts. antJ often ij^nltcs^cino tijat tcit!; areat Reisers cfra^ne, ilitbt^xzt ccurrconnoU)«< an^ after tlydttwu of tl>c leases be fufaucntls? fprt:!:?? tjp, t^enmar tljz fanie fcu tcinoctieD,ar.^ fst ap;nc tii « IdcU Uunseis place. in frci^ CciDiJung be:a:c tlje retting agate ia ^ie eacf ?) ♦ G z Endiyc 44 The fowIn$5 & fetting of Hearbes Endiue coolcth ?.nd dricth in the fecond degree : and (he leaucs an d feeds bee vfed in medicines, but the rootc hath no propcrtie at al in phificke. And the greene lea ues be pro- fitable, butthedrie leaueshaue no vfe in medicines, for that they then woxke nothing atall* And Endiue coinforteth the heart,in thai it cooleth and dclaiethihebuiningtherofjagainftthedefcafesoftheliuer, without Imrme Jn thatby nature^ithath fuch a quahtie and properlieof it fdf» And againft that difeafc called thekings cuill, take the hrropoftheEndinelimplyjVvith the which mix the water of the deco^lion of Harts tongue, which giuc to the patient to drinke, for it is a (inguler remedies A nd th e iuice of the leaucs annointed on burning pujlies doth qualifie the heat ofthem* And the hearbe bruifed andiaide plaifterwife on hot im- poftumcs doth mightily helpe. And the hearbe laid without on the fide, doth delay and ceafetheheatofthe liuer. And ifthc ^reenherbccannct be had jthenaply the feeds la) ing ibem brufed on fuch hot griefes,which greatly help. And the bndiae may in like maner be eaten a» the Lettuce,, as cither any way beeatcn rawe30r fodd^ n with mec t And the Endiue fodden with vinegnr^dotii bind ihe belly* A nd brufed with vinegar^andthcit laid on the kit papjdoth help the Cardiak paflion without doubt. And it helpcth the ho- ly fire, hot iinpofturac$5andhocfwellings, if the fame be bruifcd and mixed with Ccrufeand vinegar, andfo hide plaiflcr-wife on fuch places^And the iuice ofit mixt with vi- negar and rofe watcr,doth eafe the paincs of the he^d com- mingofheatand the hcarb drunk with wine, doth amend both the default and griefe of the liuer and bladder* And in thefpittingOibloud and theexceflc of SpcrmCjit hclpeth by drinking of it two or three daies together. And all fuch partes which may be holpen by coolin g^tnay with theiuice of it, the Cerufc and vinegar mixed c ogcchcr,and fb annojQtcd on ihofe places, doc greatly auailc. . AndthediftilicdwaterofEndiucjdrunk vnto ihc quanti- ty with their phificali helps. 4^ ty of two ounces at a ccrtaine time, and that morning and cucning,cloth help the Rraig,htnes 6c liopping of che bred. Anciintheramemancf andcjuantity drunkejis proficable to women with childe, forihatit ftrcngthnechthcm anda- inci^dsth their knfes, andth^^ famewaier drunk morning and eticn:ng, Vntr^ the Quantity of fourc or fiueouncej; at a time^doihiielp the plague, pucteth away thekings cuill, ceafeth thirll, beingrncrc laigcly drunckof, andquJifi- cththe burningofthebii£r»Andiihelpeth.igain(hhepainc ofthcljde,andfhe pricking which jsfcltabout rhchart; if there be drunke three or foure ounces at a time, both mor- r.ing andeuening* Thefe hitherto ohhepopertiesofEn- diue* The 'Thifickj he/pef afS^eceyv^ Saccory is ob cold and dry quality, and ^omwhatmore then the Endme, But A e^wit a y/vntcih^ thatitcoolethand dricth fn the firfi: degree, &: halh the quahtie of binding* And now this hcarb foddcn with wine,& eaten with meat profitcth iheRomack and helpeth degi{l;on,and the fl jvv • crs hruifed with theRofcSjandlaidephiRer-wife vpon the C!out,doch forthwith cafe thcpaine thereof And this plai- i] er laide on the holy fire,doth delay the g^e^t heat thereof. And a potion made of the iuice of Succor y ,Endiue,and the harrstougue, mixed fogither with fogar, and after boyled with a little water and vinegar together, and ifany vfethe faTic oftencimes.itdoth help the flopping of thehucr, and milt fo that after the fame be taken: the purging pilh of Rubarb,(Sc (afrcr that) the Lmecoforter, which they name thethr^-eSandcrSjpreparedofthe Apothecaries, Andthc iuiccofthe Succory boyled, dothl >ofc thcbeily^andneU p£th!h.-ftomacK,thehuerandthekidneis. Anditpurteth away thepeftilent puflies^ifHnn.ncloathes dipped m the water of it.bc laide on thofe pufhes* And the hearb brufed with the rootf>6c of the fame made flat round cakes, v\ hich after beingniixedanddifloluedinRofewater.anfiOint any fcabbcdplaccthere-withiandit will both healc^andmakc the skinnefairc after. And the flowers of Succory^caft a- 4^ The Towing & retting of Hearbs mongahcap^ofpifmirescr Ant5, v^illfoone after become . fo red as bloud: And c he Ho .ver of Succory gathered in the morning and ai'csr diflilied in 'B.ilmd A4ai m, doth help di- iiers difcafesofthe cies; asthcpinncand wcb^dierrilf of theeics hincerinG: the {ight,the vlcersof the cics, and many other dircafesofchecJcs. Thcfc hitherto of the properties ofSuccorie* Off the ordcrirt^^ Caret andfccret of the h^rhe ^'Blete. Chap 5* Ajp,^ fti:^ oft'oc ^letc, ti/Dic be ekjo fenBjai,t|»e one rcD n a n:^ncr/u5ljicb after t^c Icagei* ^t'sbmg, becommeilj pucp^e t!}e fame of fome iscalltiJ tlj^bUdceiolete* ;?int)tl)0b^its groU?etf) lihc to tlje tu :5it$ bi^ts >botl; in tljc ll^l^js anB Ieaue.5 Lemi^tjitr^jsua^ $bitett3tJeii?Urtle. c.:orariKa!li^ari}ne0: ga^ bott? kins,^ co tuell fp;tns ^pm c5 garoen. §tl}at fpcc^ilt'. an^ tt mav be fosoen m an i' gronn*;): but cattjec in a ^ell SJi^iTeD crt:o«Mv3, antj after tijs fame be laeil r-j;i(irjg t3p^tt n^c^ i50t'^nota?ecrtflb0ts)ccQ2^o: toma. 0nt} P0t Jome tii^ttc, t^at t!jc iSIete ioi?0tl) \\\ a fat groun??, feciitg Uiell tnuxt^ luit^ Bung, fca fo t'^c? fsi? it luiil beft p;t«^ fpei:*an!5 ij&ljcn tfjcp be fpii^ng ^ppe t^nto tJjcit le^bino^, t[)c» t^ci? Dcc«!! itot after m ctjat gccmns.fo; ftj^u t Ij^g rcntic '^cac- ll^ t^^oii|Tf) tl)C failing of t^js fcass: fo tijat it a nun \^3alD-.t5£3 Hjall fcarcelrtaceotoem out oftljegrcuria but t^rtt t^e? l^il centiime itsanr scares aftec, Ir.itljcnt ani> MV^zt teuell. ^ri5 Palhdiu st^inket;) it bci^ to be fo'mns va nucco , sua af;^ tet it once pjafperet^ ( aftcc t^c ro'a)i«3 2; fgtinc^} it iicni^c Blete which commonly men eat^ is cold and raoift in the fcconddegrce* And now the fameisfonieiimcs eaten wicK jueat, fo that it firft be fodden in w^^tcr,^ frycd with Oy le aad burteriand after that feafon ed with fait or vinegar, or vlriucej& thtn the eacing of it in fuch fort dothlitlc harn), i with thei r phificall helps 47 it the fame be not often vfed ♦ For by this experience hath bin noted fudry timcs.that the often eating ofit(althoug?i jnHicn forrpteparcd)docaufc vomiting^paineoftlicbow- eh and ri;omaclc,Jnd the fucconng ofcholicr by fiu}€c,And a phii'ler made of it with Oilc.and that laid on the place o f thcn::ilr,dofhhcipe the grccfc thereof, and by eatingof thish.'urbr, as wthaueabouefaid^ it doth loofc tlicbdly of propsrticjw hen as the fame is become coftiue or bouad, by any clammy macfer* Thcfe hitherto of the properdes oFcheBlcrc. Of the &rdereng-) c0f, and farm of the hcarhe Spin Age, p}/^pf 4» Spillage 10 fol^^n ^er^ loell in tFje mon$t& of ^eptcmbec an9i5)^9bei: toieruebotfjintijcioaitetfime , anDHent folio »uing , in tuel! sangeD gcouna Snti tfje ^pmage alfo tiia^ be fetiine alone in betis : i^t gcoano becmg fat am UJtU turncD m h)it^ Dung ♦ 0no tpljen t^e fame i£s icell come lappe, t'o^n ma^ Fou cat aUjap ti)e one ^alfe of t^e tucfe «t one time and tljeoi^er^alfeat aaotljec time, ifo^zfot^e tieitueanu (cmmoottieoftt U)tll injure a longtime* The Pbificke helps; Spinagei^coldeandmoifiintheendofthefirft degree, and the fame foddcn and eaten with meat, doth foftenthe hardnefTcof the belly, and takcth away the paiiies and gricfes both of thcbrclland iungs. Alfo it nourirheth better then doch the Orach as writcth cVrf**^^/^;;, for that it dothqualifiechoUer, clcanfcthebo- dy,and ftrengthcn the ilomake.and the deco£lion of this hcarb dmnkjexpelleth the euill humors,andcauA*th cafie drawing of breath* Both the often and daily eating of it with meat, doth engender Melancholic, like asthcLct- tocedoth* And whofocuer fhall hauegreuous painesin thcbacke,and a coftiue belly, let them cat of this herb fod- den^anddrinke, orfuppeofrhebroth, and they fliaihauc wfe and remedy in (hort time by Gods help* And 48 The fo'wing & fttting of Hearbcs. AnJthehearbhelpethth'epaineatthethrote^commingof bloudandrcd cholUr^ Tbcfe hitherto of the propertiesof theSpinagc! ^ Ojths ordering , care^ andfecrets of the Orach or Avage* Ch'^V' S* T^eFjeatbe nameD i^m\) o^^frase maig be fo tone from t\)t beginmng of tlje fp^ing, Mto i^arneft : fl^at isi frsm ifefenacr, qgaicfj^p^ill, ano aUotfjeniionct^sfoUotoiKg tDutafjacuelt^ ]i5ut fome of tti^feu^ne in t^emonet^ of ©c^ cembcc, m eartl) todl tnmmeo ano tsungitj, anD tl;e better it tommtti) tjp; bemn: tl)in (olunc* ^!fo it nmtl) Deligl)t0t{) to be often f^DlBUlj plcntieof moiaure, aiiDiftlje feafon beD^ie, tljen in continuall imi^utt* Sno tb fceos of ttje iiD;acf) im^ tuell be hept fo: fcuue i^eares ^ )15ut tbe rce?3£5 fo fociie as iFie? be ftcetuDe o: folun ab;o4D,inuIl be couercD loitl) eartlj.;^nD tljetoeeDcs groUjite among tijeigoang plants i mud be ftill an entj pUicfeeo bp b\? tbe rootes : ^no it lequiretb net to be remoooeo, pet tbe fame CsroUjetlj tl)e better, if it be fst ti)in: ano Palladius toiiletl) it to be fo^Dnetn^pzill, ano to be tuatere^ all fjot mtnetb^ tfjo^oujc tjnto Ijacueil > to^ t^t it ioretj) in contiauaU moidttve. Thepht[icke he/pfs* The hcarbe named Orach or Aragc,as writeth A.^ginettt doth moiften in the fecond d€grec,and cooleth in the firft, of the which caufcit fofteneth the belly, and the fccdcs do cleanfe, through which they profit the flopping of the U- uer, and help the laundies. And the Arage bruifcd and mixed with hony, doth take away the paincof the gout,if the fame be laideplaifter- wife onthegreife. And CM.-icer affirmeth the like, that the hcarbc b riii k(^ and miKcd with fair Niter, honic,and vinegar^and tiicf^i-rne layd plaifter wife on a hotgout, doth eafe the raging painc thereof: and the fcedes of the Arage bruifed and drunke with water and honie mixed together^doth help the flica- ding of the galL Likcwife the inice laide on the holy fire, & on any other inflama£ion,doth ceafs & qualifie it. And this with their phificali helps. 4^ this hearb applied vntothcwomans priuy place, doth a- niend thecuils vvithin,and ccafeth forth-with the paine of themarrice; and fodd^nlike vnto another pot hcarband Co eatcn,doth loofc the coftiuencs of the beIly,proceeding of heacc,and afwageth diucrs fwellings* And the hearb laid plaiflerwifc on any member harmed either withthornc, fplentcr of \^ood, or nailc, xloth after drawc out the (arac without paine,and healeth the wound. And this hearb boylcd v^i th hoiiy,and layd on rough nailcs of the fingers, doth after loofe them without painc: and the feeds often drunkecoth expehvormes,&prouoketh vomiting* And tliehearbeatcndohcIpfuchashaueahotlyucr^Andifany cateth the hearb Mercury and Aragc,fcddcn together like pottageuhe often eating of this portage^dofh loofe the bcl- ly,&: take away the pinching paine of the bladder. And if a- nyoftenvfe toeatof Arage,herb Mercury,&the Bectcs fodden togcthcr^hc fhall be dcliuc?^ed of the ague in fhort time after* Thefe hitherto of the bcarb Aragc* off he ordmnjr^ cayc^ 4ndfccrets of B fetes ^ Chap. 6, B® ets Defice a fat txcV^y fo^ To i^tq bed m « ano tt)e fame U)i;)ic^ 15 eaten tDtt^ meat, ma^ be folutte m t^z mont^^; ofJdDccembei:, Januacp, iFeb;uai:i?anD a0accli,^0aanDaU t^e ^eaie tljaougl) (in a manner ) it ma? be fotone, ift^c gcounD before be toeUD;jeirci3, antJ tunieD in Ujit^ Dung and to|)Cutfee?becomBt3pt!)ick2togit()ei*, tl;en ma^tlje^bece^ mflueu ano fet tl)innec a funDec, but tatbec tbeig ougb^ ^?)^" to be i:cmeucD,lDt)en a0 four 02 fiue \tmu be fp^ung \3p; anu atttiefctttng againebeDipp^D tnnelpcotuDuiig, fo;bi?t&at meanestbei? giQ\»t\x:^itt. janDtbcrfieUg'gtairstobecften cemoueD an^ cig^cia about, fo: fo t^e? p.:orpec tbe bettec.-anD a man mar rolt» t^em in Vot%t gcounD )a>'^ziz\\\z\\m^ytittm$ 0; gourcs be, ans Uiljen t^ss be alittle come tp, t\^txi to la^3 fljem often.'tbat tbe? nui? appeace to gcols^ alone. ^InU tljofeB^etes \s3ijicbbe foum: foKeeoes, beaptcafotonetn tbcmonetbof4ugufl,anDC5moueo after ti)em3netlj of 3a- nuaue, intljc fuao'oje^ ozloiue places of t&cp^aen:rs^ To © tl}ei 50 The fowing & fetting of Hearbes, tjjci? biim foitl) tf)e b2ttct kt^ta* 3nu note tfjat t^e Beef 3 fomgfo<:tf)n9 rceO0ofan!? talueint^^ficlf tfeace, but bet- ter in t^.e fee ond i?^3re j^ns bet! in tfje t^icD ^eaKcMU^ t^m BUfjfjt tob2 refeinstJ tit^tt to eatc 0; otljertDife* flno t^cfe fceci^ enoure fo; fcuce reares in gooD effect* * ThePhific^hdfU Beetej are colde & moift in the third dcgrce^and engen- drcth good bloudjand (he white hath the propertie to puri- fie and clcanfe all the cnill humours ofthebody* And the head waihed with the water in which thcwhitc Bectesarc foddcn, dcth clcnfc the head of the Dandrie,or that like to branneon the head: and the often eating ofthis hearb is not good, for that it encreafetheuili humors afwcl in healthful as fickc perfons: and the hearb is betjcr commeded foddcn then rawe for the ftomaclce. And foddcn with muflardfecd doth hclpc the difcafe of the fplene: and the iucc of it doth qualifie the holy firc# And the root of the Beet fodden> if ofthefamcbc dropped 3. or4. drops hotintothe cares, doth help the paincof them. And tnciuce of the Bcctc ta- ken with the feeds of Commin or Dill,doth after put away the gripings ofthebelly, 6ctheiuicedrawn vpby thcnofc with the oylcof bitter Almondsj doth purgcthe head: and theiuice rubbed on the gummcs, doth ccafe the raging paine of the teeth. And this herb profitcth by racdicinc,for it nouriiLeth little, and by much eating of it, it doth gnaw and torment the (lomack. The Bcete groweth broad, ifbcforeitbc growne vp with a ftalke there be laideforuc broad flatc-flcne ortylc to make it grow into a breadth, through the waightlaydonit* Thcfc hitherto of the pro- perties of Beets. Oftheo'fdermg^care-anAfeCretsof^okwortt* C^ap, 7 Tl^eColcteo^tsccmetjpm euecp ai^^e,anDma^ be fotune D;cct!:e0uet)aU i\t reare tl)?oug^, in tefjicb ^^"^^ tjje groans i^all not be fcc^ene^Uomucfj D;^eD,tijat it cannot be ^iggcBo; o^clFet!. SnD V^tit fet^^es alfo continue ano ma? fcefecpt fo; feur Herejei,ano t^e^ alfo m m a mean fat gcounn. Vitli their PhificalJhelpes.^ ' 51 uangeti ant) tjiggcu : X5»t (f ab§o.jret^ tfje ftiffe cla^ anD grsr# uell? gcouD^anu refufctl) alfo ff^cfjslUte ano lam^ gronnfi: fiH9 it ioiietl) in cung lato about t^a root, anu cemmeff) tcsil fe^tuarD b? toecding, aao t^c ftsrmtgcc it tjDepeffjjifttta teell MueceD abou! ioiti; eartfj* ^no it MiQ^ttt^ l-ot J) coloe ano cai?meCounti:icj5, anoti)^en (tF!eayc£{ bccometjp, t^m mat it be rcmoue^, but roamat bcSafeetl^e ixote before Unt^feftCoti^^iiHsig: anorouraa^ ceinoueit tdjicc, ip{)Cii asicisintl^e gieatett leaner, tefjicl) fo caufetM^ to S^'^tDS t^obiggccan^tofeslo t\)ztm:.tkc^t$* anDifwtcan, let t^^ fame be Done in a toarme 5a^ if it be in t^e ^^atintet time, 5no tolsjaiB t^e cuemng if i[?on 130 t^e fame in t ^e ^ommer* aim t|)srealfctD|)ictjber0tDne tn5)ecembec, S'eb.zuatr. f^ai:c[)iap;^iU an5 ^a?, ma^ feme all tfje fouimet: au^ iein^ tec, tintiUt'ge^arcfetlleDb^ Ions fi'oai5 ana onecmae&colae, ^nonot onl^t^e^ong Cole5»e.Jt0fetin ®awl| 0: ^p^illAue filfo t!)ore tp^tc^ ace fet in June, Julv anb anguS, i^ali be iti lointccgcent.fot^attfje^befet alone toljece nothing els iu, unot^atint^e gcolsingtbe ^eaoea e^ tops of t^e leaner be sftenclippeB m^ cut olf . U)!)i(^ fo lettet^ tljeir gcol»tng into |eigl|)t,anomafeet^t^emgr:otr»einto a b^oaunes anDt[jicl;# nesin tl^e^eao* ^not^e t^innec t^e? fre fet, t^ebiggec t^es lutU be : ano t^ecefo^e t^e? maft be fet tij.iee foote afu n^ec* ^Ifo ta^e ^eed tljat ^ou couer tf)e ColetDo;^t£: U)eU aboaf teiti eact^int^e fetttngifo;b? lining bare of t^zz^tt^, t^a plant fooneaftecDi?et^. \ ano nolo all tfjefe before to;titten. botfj in f fje oJDccingt li^eiring,anDnaeuceofit,ma^ Ufeeiwifcte tjnoecttooooft^c Cabai)jge to bi 9;^^eD ano t^reo» TheThifickehtlpetl Cokworts be coldcand raoift in the fecond degree, al thou gh oiAHteeti thought to be cold and drict And no w againft the hardnc^ of making watcr^takc of Colcwortes, \vhich put into fcalding water, and boy ling them a little, fo that they be halferawc, and after powring the water al- moft clcan«from thejn, vnto which put & little oy le, fake. 52. The fowing & fettino; of hearbs and commln^ and after heat the fame together afittle more, and when this broth is fomwhatcold^thcnfupof the fame and eate likcwifc of the Cole-worts To fconc as it hath firfl foddeajand this dayly do vntill you be throughly holpcn. AndagainftJil fweliingsand all vlccrs^bruk Cole worts which haue but yong & tender Hal ks and leaues, thofe lay plaiftei-wifeon cankers, anditwilboth piirgeand healc them, which no other medicine ofpropertie doih, and yet before the fame be laid oa>the c^ker muft be wa /hed with warme water twice a day,6c the fame yong Coleworts bru- fed and laid on twice a day, And with the fame remedie alfo may be holpenloofe and brufed places,and both vlcers and cankers on thcpappe«,andiftbefaBiebeoftenapplied and vfed as is aboue faidc:and if the vlcer be fuch that it cannot abidethe fliarpnes therof, then may it be mingled with barly mealc and fo laid plaifterwife on« And the raw Colc-^ wort eaten with thehcarb .grace or Ruc,and the hearb Co- liander/hrcdtogetherjor a little fait and barly meale with Oxiraell mixed togither, and w ith all to annoint the gree- ned place^doth healethegowt^ andhelpe the acheofthe ioyntsinihorttimc. And for deafencsoftheeare$,brufe the fame hcarbs with v>inejand the iuiccpreflcd out,drop warme into the eare,& the patient fhal finde cafcftiortly after. And the Cole wore fodden inpleafantwine^ and thatdrunk^bringethdownc the tearmesinwomcB. And the iuceof the fameherb mixed with the pureft ho- nyjdothhelp certain cpaincs of the eie$,ifthe fame be drop pedin the corners of them* And ihciuce drunk for 40 daies with white winc,doth cureboth the iaundice 5c the difeafc of the milt, as hath bene experienced. And three partes of the iuce of this hearb,aiid two partes of alo m infufcd in vi- negcr and milled together, doth heale both the foulcfcur- uines and Icapry by annoint ing thereupon ♦ And the iuce of the Colcwortes piixed with the mealc ofFenigreeke and Vincgcr, and that laid plaifter-wifc er^aaojriucdonthcgowtcjaches ofthcioyntcsand filthy irlccr^ wirh their Phifica II heJpcs. yj vlcers, doth cafe, clcnfc, and hcalcthcra* And thciuicc alfo drawnc vp by the nofcjdoth purge the head. And the iuce ofthc Colcwort drunk with winc,doth helpc the bite of an Adder or Snake: and the iuicc drunkc with red w'inc,doth help thecough:3c the iuice taken with oyle,and holdcn a good while in the mouth,doth hcalc the bliRcring thereof* And r he leaiicscfthe Colewort catefl ravvjdoinakeaperfonflccp well without dre^ining; and the green ftalks and root ofthe Col wort roRcd vnderthc hot imbcrs^and tempered with olde barrowes greace ( the fame applied in plaifter forme ) dothhealc the continuali paines and flitches in the fides. And eaten raw with vinegar, it doth helpethe difeafed with the Splene, it the fame be oftc n vfcd* And %^tiicen writcth, that eatenalonc it doth engender troubled bloud, andmelanchollie,and his nourifhmcntis fmall,butthcraoreandtcndereritisrodden with fat flcQij or Hens flv:fh»the better and wholfonaer it is to be eaten* And the firft broih of this hearb eaten, doth fof ten the bclly,andprouok€th vrine,butthe eating of the fubftancc, dothbindethe belly. Andifyouwill inakedricamoyft bellie, then after the hearbe hath boylcd a while, and that the firrt water be poured forth, pourin quickly the other fecthing water,and fo boyle it new againe, vntill it become very foft and tender, and then cate of the fubftance there- of, fcafoned with pepper and fait, and fo it bindeththc belly. But in eating the broth and fubftance together, ic then workcth temperately , for the broth of the firft fee- thing Coleworts eaten alone, doth loofc the belly, and the fnbftance tenderly foddenand eaten,dothbinde the belly. And by this appeareth, that the broth of the firlUcething of this hearbjdothloofethe belly^and tiiebroth oftheiat* terfeethingduth bindc the belly. And T/fWfwriteth, that the leaucs of the Cole woites bruifcd, and laid plaifter-wife, dj marueilouily healethe woundcsof Dogges : and the Colewort tenderly foddca, andgiuen to young children to cate, d»th caufc them xhz H 3 foofler 54 Tnc fowmg & fettins of hearbs Qjonettogoc on footer and if you will drinkc much at a fcaftot banquet, and not to be dri:nlcc( and tofnppcwdl and freilily atdic ftipper after) then eate before your going tofLipper^raw Cole'A'ort kaueswiih vincgcr^fomuch as you wil ,and after you hane fuppedjtncn catc again four or fiue raw Icaues, and they wil after m ike y ou (o iacPn & hun- gri^^as though you had neither drunk nor eaten any thing at your Tapper before* By this meanesyou U)ay drinke fo much wine as you li{}, and no tbe ouercome or drunke with Wine: yea,^8.:i:eU anu pntulm, inl;icl) t)o fo Um^zt t Jje fieri? tjectaes.as Galen \»nttt\)*^n^ nob) tf)0LanD Crefejs; ma)^ befatoentott^ ileteuce, fo; it fa lo^et^anrj comnictljtpt^c better, t^no ostfjalfo uc!tg|tui t^e often isjatcing, anQmal^a^otoiepIacr, lo^ecet^e^iiii i3ot^(I)meUttlet)yon?ano^atet^ t^euan^. ^noPalladius tDtlletf) it to be foUjen in tljc monett) of ^^nuarie. TheThifick/hdp.'S, Land Cre(res,a$ writcth Plantcarmyhs hot and dric in t!ie fourth degree, and the feeds do efpccially feruc vntothc vfcofmcdicincandmaywellbekeptforfiueycarcs. And the greene hcarb alfo is of great cff-fift, beting dried fomc- *vhat before theminirtring of it : and now the (cedes hauc the properties ofheating and drying vp fupcrfluo ushu- mo urs, and workcth in a manner fo much as doth the Mu- Ibrd Tecdiand alfo the feedes bruifcd and drunken in wine dothcxpeli thedeadyongling: anddrui%ke with Vmegcr, icdcliuereththcfweliin^^oftUeSplcne, and eaten with the beft \vith their pliificall heJps. 5^5 fceftHonie,thcy do help the cough, and open the bred: and the feedcs chawed, and holdcnin the mouth, do h;lpe thcPalfieoFthetongue* And the CrefTes may not be eaten alone^as we hauc aboue- f^df for that it diminiOieth mans ftrength,and en^cndrcth cuill humours* Fuither,thc(cedesdo{taythediftill;ng or running ofihc head without harmcjif they be talccn whole, andthepouderof thefcedes drawne vpbythenofe^ do purge the braine, and help the paines of the head: and the feeds help the pal(ie,if they be foddeo in wineinalidc Im* Ecn bag,laj^ To hot to the palfic place as may beluffered.^^c in the litharge or fi^epingoutof mcaCure^ let a fncezebe made of the pouder of the feedcs, and blownevp: anda* gainlhhcpaincofthehippej&painesofthechollickeprO' C€cdingofcoldc,boyle the feeds in 3 bag of wine, and lay that hot vnto the grccued place : and the like difeafc and thc(lranguric,thc green hearbe foddeninwine andoylc logcthcr,and the fomelaid hot on thebelly* A nd the hearb drunk with mints in wine, doth driue forth both th^ long andflatwormesin beaRes. And againft the hardncfl? of fetching of brc* th, and the cotJgh,feeth the feeds of Organy in pleafant wine- And the iuicc of the heat b anncinted, doth (lay the /lieading ofthc haircs of theheadiand the iuceof the hcarbdropped in ths care, dothhclpethejche and painc in the teeth. And the often eating of this hearbe in Sallcts^doth giue a ibarpnes andrcadinefTeofwit^Thefehcchcrtoofthepropertieofthe Land Crcfles* Of the Qydering^CArcynHd fecrets oftht ^Arcdy* abouc t\)t eactlj^fo; tljat it; appeace t^ not in irM o^ fiftg feaic3aftect&croUJtn3,a,8U)ciit2t!) Pimie; Ii5ut)?ett&eal5e {tt^c& Dfic fooncc tm\z tjp» ^n^ nolu toljete tf)z feezes hzt tzS^m^ tbet>tJ02 t^!entifuU|?e come tip ,an9 t^tc^ctogetljec, ans aftcc t^rt once pi^offjct in tbat gi*oan^, i'ni ^iDoii^ Jit^ fa^-.batccntinuaUscenucan^ ijTci:e*ir^inmo;e plcntx^^^^n^ 5^ The fowiiig & fetting of Hearbcs, tljefcetJ^alfo pjofpct, being folv^nefoUisU intolt^^ns^otjfia- (CB: am inlcoUt cacti; ^ou li(£,as uj^ttctlj Paliadius^anD ret tt torctf) to be contaiualli? toatrei), fo;^ tl)at bp tlje teatenng, itu».nretl) tfje Ciicngec, ant) ccmniett)l3p tt)efaftc£,antt ts- garsetl) no aire no.: gicunU: ano tijcfeeos as isntetf) Cohi- '^d\a,\ua^httQ\xintmtxtto mtci?e5,oncnmngujatcc0,c^ toelstaiiD it^m ^i\ Ijaue it eroUj big ,antJ ^aue large leauss, tf)enasFlorentiusis^it0tl)tak0f0nian?fe^3 0ftlje parcel^ asJ^oucanUieU fj olO feetttJecntij^ee ofpoucfingtrs, antitis tliern tcgetljccina tljinlinneiulotlu to^icbafrecfetinoung anD earti; ntinglcD toget^cc,an9 tljat put into a 15i^lloi» fjoU, anD it toill after gcoUi tpbiganOb^oDeoneafe. ^Ht5itU)ill aUc gseU) of a maruc^ioas btgnes? if aftec it be come ti p,^oa uigtjptbe cactb coanD about t^ anBftceto t^zc^af^zotcomt about t\}z roote.aittJ ioatec t^e fameoft^n. ano if rou t33ill f)auc tbe leaues of tbe pacceli^ to grotu crif^ pai3>t^0n b$fo;e tfje fotjuing of tliem^ttuffe a 2Denice ball \3i^it^ ttiz feetics, anD beat tlje fame toellagamS tl)0 gcoaiio, to'^ec- b^tlje feezes ma\?fo be a little b^ofes, auDtben fottie t^m tnt^egrouuD: o;iljDl)entl)elBarccli?i0 Ujellc0met)p,goeo- uer tl^ebeb tuitlj aloatg^lrHollecUJb^i^cbi? it ma^ fo p^elTj tlje leaucfli tiolDU, o; elfe tceao t^e fame ooUme liutb tlji? lezU antj Palkdiiis tD^itetb, tl?attbe male of tfjis bcacbeljat^ t^ebiarfeetleaues, anBC^o:tcccocte, but tbe female bearbc i)atl)mo;eccifpeDanu ^aioecieaues^abig^ecKaike, anoi^ ftarpeanobotm tafie* ^itDPalladiusalio UJiUetl), tl^e(e^i}t eft[}i0i)0aibe to bee fotoneiutte ^onetljes of^eb:aane, ^arcbi%nU,tl^ar>anD t^at tljiclje togetljecanD to be often toatereo* The Phiftcki help. Parcelyofthe Garden, is hot in the rcconddcgrcc,and dry in tnc third,& this parccly hath the propcrtic of picr- fingjand prouoketh vrinc : and both the fccdcs and root preuaileagainfc the Ronc.Alfotake the root of the parcdf, which being dric, bruifc wcl,& after drinke the fame with pure wiae^andit wil caufe a good brainc^and good memo- ric, with tlieir phidccdl h^fp*^. 57 ric,3nd purge the blood. And tlie fame drinkc bringeth downe the tearmes of woraen:and the feed? eaten do take a;vay the fwellin^ of the ftomacke, helps the dropfie, dry aad pierce the cuilhumoursjandconfume thcm.AIfo they clenfe the Liuer,and put away the paines of the loynes and bladder, AndaralIetmadcofParccly,Sorrcll,andvinegerniixed togither, doth help the burning of the ag ue. And the herb giuen either raw or fodden to eate, doth help rhe flopping of the bladder, prouoketh vrine, cleanfeth the kidnies,and draweth downe the tearmes^lofethche wind- of the body, taketh away the gripings of the belly; Of the ordfringy carty andfecrets^ ofSfsYagt* Ch ap# i c* T%z &perage(aft0i:tfje mintjeof tlja learned ©ce^fecu) ougljt te be fotuen in fat mivstPsUDungetjgcounD^mttje fp^tng time, sno fo mani? Izt^tt foiBen teijit'oec, as rcu ma? taUe t)p Ipitf) t?):ce cf rour flnsecfi,ano t ^ateacl) be fet in lit^ tie l:*urro'ir.c3 Hcaigljt out ano ligljtl^ couece^ Ujit Ji eartlj^ ^HODidimusU);jifet{), tijattfje ^peragcsio^infat and mort^e grcunD, ant) itjell tacneD in toitl; oimg 5 ano to be lo^" loen in tf)g fp^ingtime tnfutietoe^ tl);ee fingers long, ano tliatttiece befolpentiDO oj tl).:eegcaines;£ogiti)er, an^t^at ^alfe a foote a funoec : ani> tljat t^ere neeu no otbec tjilligence anu care in V\)% ficH ^eace, but onclr to cake anD Dtgge tjp t^c tDeeue^cleanefcomtljem* ;ano after fo.zt^tiare0> t^e fmail rooteslDill be fo fol^eoano t^eo one to another, t^attlje^ l»ilfeemetobefallncoan^io^neixto3it^erinone,an5 t^is \% nameQ of t^e ancient CParoner, a ^punge. 3no if (Replaces ^allbe ^viZy intr!l)it!)i?ou purpofeto foiuetlje feeoes.tSjeniteepet^ereeQs infoftColDtiunglaiD \XK t^s bottome of furi;olJDe«, euen as tljouglj tlje^ lap in '^\i» djes, ^n^ in ber^ mopft places t^e feea oiigfjt to be fotoen, from tije top sftfje Ooeo^riDge of ttjebeo^tfjat t&erainema^ foUg^tlpflioeofifjanDnot iuater fomac'p int()e falling off* Sno to^en t^e fesos be V^\x% folDen>t^en X%z ^perages Uil)ic^ grolue tjpintl)8firarearc, oug!)ttobe b.:0toi c^o^uuta^ ii^a^ fomlwljat ^ig!j,leailb^ b.:eafeingoff to neece tljeeart^, (tfje t?oungi:ootcs being ^et tenDei;) voii piucfee t^p tfcc toljolc &paiige mitljall. ^n?J it muf! continue gco'comg xxi one place fo.:tiDO reares,ani3be nourilfteo "tssiV^ continnall ounging ano often loceoing*, i3nt! in ri)c cIjiiD , ano otlier ^eareiss after ,t^e ^perage ma^ fo open tyc cics of [jis b:anc||ing;fc; bnles it be tljus lu^og^t, t&e Gems b^ol^en off toUincreafc tl5eet>esoft^e^punge,i» fuel) fo;te,tl5att'0e fame toil! become as bluitneD, mX^viStz- ring ani? S>perage after to i^oote ani) fp;mg fojtf). Sino t^at H^allrcuHeepe^outofUJ&ic^ rou^auc gati^ereu i^ourfeeos, ano with their Phificail helpes. 59 ant^fettfje^panges m (fje winter, inaS^e^sntJ suns tern- Sno ti)ttt is mQti)(!t \mt\ntt of fetlins t\)t §)pcragcs b? ^^tmgcci, UJijic'o after riuo scares gtolt}!'^ ourujt tobe lemo' ueDatiD fetapine into fomc open anD iueliDangci place: aiiD tljat t^e furrotDcs be nwue a ticote tiiaant a fiinter, anis not aboue nine fingecs oeepcm U)t)ic!) fee t^e ^pungcs , foat t^e eacti) lig^tlp concurs on t5)cm, tijc? mat? eaSl^ r^Mng t)p. ^ntjm tljefp;tns timz ^isljent'^e^btsmtotl^ostebpanp ftolueabcuctljsgronno, t^jim tyit&an ^.:on4b j'^eis ^ibbtlU tljz eartf) rcunD abcat nmU be car fe^.. tljat t?)e lyootc^ appee^ nng, niai? ti^e gnfilici: conie t3p,ant} tlje root loofcs in t^c catti; tna^gcolPot^sbmgecanD aftcct^c gi:ot3Dtngt3p,tcbe m fttf ^ ro<:t U5SOC0 t'^at tfje ccotr^e not lueaieenct! o.j to mitcli Iflofetiintljeeart^. ^itD all ti)c ipintei: t^;tougl),tI:)e ^^ong plantes of tl)0 ^per^ rage muHbt coacre^ ouertDit^a tljicfeeana l^atme coacc offtcaUiejlDljerebrto tiefenc tficmfrom tc)^ Sjarpe frolics tl^atmig^t otljertDifeojSroi? t^tm. m^^tjzntljti^nmiB come, ant) t^at t^tt be further appeerei5, t^en to batten tf)em iDtt^Qung* Thephifckshelpet^ Speragc doth heat and moyllcn, and therefore helpcth the paHic^the Kings euill 6c the ftranguric* And the fruite and lecdsbcvfedin medicine, andindurcth four yeares in full ftrcngth* And the Speragc eaten with meatCjdothhelp thedop- pingeofthchuerand hardncsof themilt* And iheroote foddcn in wine , and drinking often thereof, doth help the fhedding of the gall without doubt. And if the mouth be wafhed with the dccoftion of thcSperage,it ccafeth all the paincsbothofthemoutli andteeth* And profitable is the Speragc tobccatcnfcr the ftomackrandloyned with ccni- minefccdeS; they put away the fvveliings oftheHomacke and pafllon of the CoUick. And theeatinj^f them do amend the fight/oftcn gent- ly the bclly,^ pu2:gc the brettjthc bo^vcljs and the rayncs. Is " and <^o The lowing and fetting of hearbes, awl makcch a very good fau-^ur in all the body, but the v- rjnc then (linketht and being fed in wine 5c chc fame drunk, doth belpthepaiacs, boihoftbe kiclncisandloynes. And thciootc urunkein white wine, doth cafe thcpaincofche Oone. - And certain others doe altirmc, the fame profitable for wotnen to dnnke with white wine , for the grcefe of their priuy phce And the root fodden in vineger,doth help the fweilingandfoiilefpocsofthsskin,hkevntotheleapLie* Thefihithei to ofthc properties of the Spcrragc. OfthsordriTJgyCnrCyAndjTcretsdfSautry^ (^hap. II. S^uer^ ma\?b£: fo^neiu rougljano leartegcotinD) mJFe^ b;u5ri?an:i JPecembetjeittjn: alone o^mtjct among ottjcc Ijeaibes* ^not^ts ^eatbe map be fee mbo^oecis, eit&trm flipped n in coits.ano is mucl) tifctJ alfo in meates ano b;ot^s ano tljccfo^e it ma-g ill be fpateD out of tlje sacoen* ThePhi^ckehelpes* Saucry in qualiiie is hot and drye in the fecond degree, and this hearbe eaten with creame,doth amend a coldcfto* mack by p'lrging ittand if any drinketh of this herb, it hcl- pe th and defendcth him from faUing into a found, 6c taken in wine, it helpeth the Hopping and other defaultes ofihc liucr,the milt,and the lungsjand cleanfeth all womens pri- uie places shut wofBcn withchilde muft refrain both drin- king and fmeliing vnto this hear'ci. And being fod in wine andlaidonthepalfiemembers,dothreniouethegricfcand pain of them:and the herb brufed and laid plaftcr-wife on the belly (as the fecond Pltn$c' wi iteth ) doth expcll or fend forth the dead y ongling^and prouokcth vrine : and facing drunk in winCjit duth mightily quicken fuch as be molefted with the flecping downc right, fo that their heads be often bathed with vincger : And the ilomacke mooucd often to voraittc, cither the povrdtr taken in an eggc,or the hearbe drunk e in wine doth flay the fame* And the hearbe drunk, doth prcuailc againft the fl:inv;es ot all venomous beaftcs* And \DiofcQndes tcllcth/that the vie otihc Saucry in neates with their phificall helpes. ^i fncatcSjdcth long prcferuc the bodic in health* And J/i>fd • tracer aifo writech5thar the propsrtic of this hearb is^to ex' pel and putaway windines,and both the fwcllings and gri" pings ot the bodyj&helpcthdigcliionXjke wife it expel - kththeruperfluitiesoftheftornackcprouoketh vrinc,and the monthly tcaraies, andiharpnes* befidcsthcwcakenes of (he fight proceeded cfeuilliBOifture. Theft hitherto of the properties of Sauery* Oftheordsrin^^ dure^ andCecrets of running Time* pyap* 12 Tl^ecunmrrgffime of tlje (Sautim, tidtg;!:)fetl) fobefet dt\)tt in tl)c liipp^s? c: fosuen in i^t kztB, ^nttc t\}t (^a^ toteoffomc Ijeoge, o;0is to be fct in koses.cat^ecDgcof fomepono o^mtc^,o;pitof toatec, tefo it p,:orpereti) ani> fpjingetf) t^sfaficr^antj runneth oatatlengtj, T/^t- Phifickt hslpes. The running Time is both hocand driein the fecond dc- o-ree,& dothfo much hcatc,thatic both prouoketh the mo« ncthly termes,and thevrine,andisairo veryfliaiptotafte* "Which running Time doth (lay the diflillmgs of the head proceeding of a cold llomackc by drinking therof in wine and alfo doth draw down the tcrmes of women, & prouo- keth vrinc5& helpcth alfo the biting of venemous beaftst and it ceafcth the head-ache, by boyh'ng the hearb in Rofe- water,&foapplyingit to the head,and efpecially the fren- zieferfons,andfucnwhichbemooucdtofleeprmuch,by the mixing of vineger to it,and applying the fame alfo vnto the head; and the drinking of two drams waight of the iuce in vineger, doc ftay the bloody voroittings. And the drin- king of the feeds in wine,doth mightilie prouok e the vrinc and'^xpcll the ftcnc: and who that daily drinkcth of the hearbemwinc, doth breakc the ftonc of the bladder and kidneis.AndthehcarbhealeththeftingofaBce,if the fame b e laid vpon it : and being fodden in wine, with the iuce of fweet Licoras, doth help both the cough, and purgelh the breaft rand fodden in wine with Anriisfccdes, dothheatc the ftoniacke , puttcth away the wind of the gut$,and hcl- 13 P^^^ 6 % The fowing; & fettino; ofhearbs pethtiie (liangurie. And this hearbefodden with vineget and honic:,and drinking therecfvnto the quantity of a cup fuilatatime, doothhclpe thelpitcingof bloud* And the iuccalfo mixed with vinegcr^and drinkin2;therofvntothc quantity of focre drams atatimc>doth the like aboue-faid: and the fame fodden with wineand honie, ifthc fame be applied to hoc,in plafter-formCjcloth helpe thedifeafecaU icdihcSquince: and fodden in ;vincand drunke, dotho- pcntheftoppingsoFthe Liuerand milt, andprouokcthv- rine: And the diftilling water of the runni ng Time,drunk: vntothe quantity of three ounces at a tiniCi both morning andeucning, doth ftrcngthenand amend the head ) the braine,3nd the ftoraack, and prouoketh the appetite vnto mcat,putteth away the noife & rumbling ofthc bell y,loof- neth the hardnc$oftheftomacke,and prouoketh vrinc:atid the water in the fame mancr drunk,doth comfort the figh t confumeth the humors 6c diflillations of the head,and hea- lethalfothc oncdaie ague (or other wife the Quoridian) mixed with wormwood water, and fo drunk* And the drinking of the fame water^vnto the quant itic ofchrecounces at a time, doth amend and helpeacoldeli- uer, milt.and the guts vlcerated. And the water doth open the ftopping,both of the Nofethrills and ears,reftoreth the hearing,helpcth the giddines of the head, (lay eth from vo- mitingjputtethaway the gripings of the beUy,and bowelst alfo it breaketh the ftone>and prouoketh vrine. by the drin- king ihercoftandco conclude, ithealethbrufcd members, by applying often linnen cloches dipped in water* Thefe hitherto of the properties of running Time. Oftbe ordering^ carfj andfeerets of the Lumbar dj Louags* Chap. I 3* T^ts l^earbe named tfje UnmbacBic ILouage, io^eef)fo bcrotoenmatoeUDiggco an^ojelTeQgrouniJjbut efpe^ rian\? neecetjiitoa t^ic^el)e!>gcojtoaU,fonijatitrogi:eatls tJ£!ig^tct(j,anD bcdp^ofpec^tljb? groteing in tljefi^aooUje, a^o nitre tinto fome running teatei;;ano in I'lulj fo;te inS^zn, ii U?ill come ^p in mi gconno* r with their phi/icailhelpSa 3<^ Thephijie\e helpes. Louage is hot and dric in the fecond degree, and the feeds may well be kept for three yeares. And now if any drinkc thcTeeds fading in the morning, they after purge that per- fon, both vpvvard and do^n-ward : and the feeds giuen in gliflerjdo eafe that perfon pained with the gout in his feet. And the feeds fteeped for a night in wine , and after drunk, doe fend downewomens tcarraes: and yet note, thatchefc feeds be ouerftrong in working(takeninwardly) in that they breakc vlc£r$,& open impoftumcsjbeinglaidplaiftcr wife vppon, and doth in a forcible maner cxpcll the dead yonghng. And therefore the force of thefe feeds in the mi- niftring ought to be tempered and mixed with the feeds of fencll& AnniSjinahkewaightofech to the Louage,for in fuch fort taken invvard,it neucrharracthany perfon, 6cin aplying of the feed$,without the body there ncedcth no o- ther thing to be added to ehcm: and the hcarb much profi- teih in a bath^if a body be rubbed with thcm,for fo it doth open the powers,6c draweth forth euil humors in bathing: & the feeds fodd^ either in wine or water>& diuk,do open the flopping of the liu er and miltjand the feeds mixed with comin fecds^Sc br ufcd cogither,& drunk in wine>doth pro- fit much jfor that they amed the ftomackj and put away the windines of the belly* And thefctdsbrufedandfoddenin wine, with Gah'ngale and Sia*moa,doth amcndand hclpe the paines and gncfes both of the {lomack^miltj&bowels* And the Tyzanmadeof the feeds, (inamon>R3pohtike,(Sc Galingale with {u^dr,and the fame taken in wine^do ceafc thcpaineofthcbcUyjputavvay thefwellingbotbofthefto mackc and bowcUsj hclpcth the biting of fnakes,3c adders andprouokech vrinc, 5c fending down of the tcrinss. And abach roadeofthishearbandSj2;e,Rofe(iiary5Magvvoort, CalamintiCanioiniljMellilote^fticados, & Fencgrcskr^nd thefe fodden in wine togither,do help thecrampe,procCi:- dingof thefulnjs ofthe body,thcpallie,thepaineofthe gout)& the kings euiil:<& the diftilled water drun:c,to the quantity 012, or3; ounces ata time? helpcththegripings of ^4 The fowing & fetting of Iiearbes. of thefides and ftomacke^ the griefe of the none,kic!neis Sc bladder tamendctn the horcencs of fpeech, & afwagcthche dano-erous fwellingof the throte^calUd the Squince. And to concludc>this*Aater maketh the face both faire <3c ckarc ific be daily waflicd (both morning 6c ciienin<^)thcr-vvich. Thefc hitherto of the properties ol:Lunibardy Lcuage. Oft he ordering^ and care oft he greater or Garden MaiioweSy Chap* 1 4 ecsfcom ^omnut tjnCoMmter, asUielioftljc loljite s$ reD J 15 like in beautie tinto t^e rofC) alttjouglj not io ftrong offauouc, auDflw^te of fmell, \»i)tcl) t^e ujomen in our time tifctc Dccfectiieii: ()oufc0 anD ujinootoes ixiitlj ♦ 0nD nolu t!)ere spallctoes, asCoUumella luaitet^, ioiietfj to beina fatgcouno, ant>l)auingmoi^ft Daitglinng about it, anDt^at it be cemoBnel),l3Dl)en as foucc leaues be luell fpiung tp anD f[)isl)eai:b t^ie Homan^ m ancient time l3''eD toeatemtljdc pallets atiD pottage, in Heat) of ot^ecf)0rtrbcs. ^n^t\)Q floure alfooftjiis t)eacbe(a£rlD.:ite(b Columella) uot^botd open at tbefull appearance of tlje &unite-,anu l^uttetlj again attlieftttingoftbc&unne. anotoconcUise.Palladiusiuil^ letl) tbe feeDes of t\iw tieacbe to be fotone in t^e montlj of ^e^ b;uane. The Phifcke helpes. Garden Mallowes are moift, like 10 the other kindes of Mallow'CSjandmay very wel be applicd,as well to the out* wardasinward giicfes* Andthehearb:,ro3te,or fecdesei- ther fodden in milke or wincj and drunk , doc ccafe a hot & dry cough,healethelungsbli(}ered,andisa lingular rernc* die againft iheTificke* And the Garden mallowes fodden cither in wineorwater,and mixed with honie and Allomc, and the fame holden andgargujedforalittlef afonin the mouth, doth bothbeale thcbliffcringsofthc mouth and throte, and other (linking (ores* And the mall owes fodden andeacen5dothloofcth€beIly2andthcfamcalfoprcuaileth in A gucsjvnio fuch as be then bound in body. And of the famcdecodlion, raaybemade a glider to loofethQbel lie. And wich their phidcaJl helpss. <$'y Andthcdiflilled water of the Rofcs or flowers of the greatmallowsjdoth (ofcxp;riece)hcaIc the breakings out of thcinouth, and prcuailcthagainft al outward 3c in ward heats>and Ucalcth alfo the holy fire 6c blifterjof chcthroce, andailothcr fuellings, ifiz begargalled inthenioMrhand throte,andotherwircapplyed without by fine linncnclo- thcs dipped in the fame. Thcfc hitherto ot the properties of the greater Garden njallowes. Oft he ordering^ care^ an^fecrets of Fennel I • Cba p ♦ i j , F(^mt\{{efdzu\^tmmz oflatcc \x>iitun) cugfjt tobefo^ mtwint^z beginning of ttio ^p.:ing , topics loitl) tj0 is tmntz^ in t\)z tm of jf cb;a5C^,ant) tljat in Tannp placej^ m"^ fomin^at ftoii^* %at after: ttje mixy^z of ancient SxiiitziBAt mat? be folsen in tfje montt) of iSDecenibec, BanuaciCianD jf c^ fe;uai:ie: anoatanH timct^e fame ma^ be cemoouea* ^m nolo in out iixnt, t^t great le^ues of jf ennell be UcelncD tin<« Der cake3 ano b :eaD fet in ttjz ouen,to ^inz a ftoeetec tail anD fauouc tjnto ti)t ctixVt* Mo tf)a green leanes be ttuft in &ca^ fifl^, to take at»a^ t^zit Tea fauout; an^ fmell in eating, loljic^ t^eDainttecanfcai:celi?abit)e^ ThePhifckehelpes^ Fennel is hot and drie in the fecond degrec;but I^ilnetA writethjthac Fcnnell doth heatinthethird dcgree,and dry- cth in the firft, \lfo the fceds>hcarb,rindc and rootc,be ap- plyedin medicines: The feeds ought to be gathered in the beginningr ofSeptemDcr,& may be kept three ycares* Alfo fccth thetenn€l,and when you cannot get the herb vfethe feeds, which boy le in fair e running or conduit water, after drink a good gUfle full ofthe famceuery day^ and it takcth away the vnnatural heat, & caufeth a cleere fight.And the whole root ofthe Fennel may be plucked vp in the begin- ning of May & kept for three yeares* furtherjf any would put away the red fpotsof the face, which do prcfent a kinds; oficapricjlet him take the Fenel finely brufcd, & mix the fam* with old barrowcs grcace, andbearc them a little to- gether, which fo done, annoint lightly the face with that K oyn;ment 6 6 The ibwing & retting of Iiaarbs oynCmentjV^'hich after deth make the face to be fecmely a- gainc,3nd taketh the fpots qui teawa)%And the female ea- ten of 7/ottien(doch ofpropertic)incrcarethcmilk in their breR?^ And the feeds caten;doprouokcvrine, fenddo'.vne the teariiiesjandhelpeth the flopping and hardnes of the li- uc-r andmilfjandcheineddingofvrine.Andthei'Uceofthc FcnnsI mixed with warmesnilkcS: thefatncgiuento drink vnroyong babes or fucking children, bdpeth thehardncs of fetciiing the breath. And both the linde and the roote of the Fennel fodden in wine And drunk at the going toWd,& in the morning faPcing, doth help luch as be pained with thcdilcafe oFthellone, ifchefameficknesproccedethofa hot caufe; and the Fennel caten,doth comfort the ftomack, and helpethdigellionrand the like doth the pouderof the feed either eaten or drunk* And the root fodden vntill the fame bcfoft, 3c laid hot on womcns paps beginning to ira- pofluraatc, doothhealcthcm. Andthciuccpreflcdintoa porrenger, and the fame fet for fifteene daies in the funne, which dropped into the eies, doth in fhort time after clcarc and aasend the dimncs of the (ight* And a litle ofthc Aloes Hepatickpulto t his iucc^and the fame fet in the funne for fifteene daies,which after drop into tlie eyesjd: it wil great- ly amend the fight* And aboue al otiicr vvaies with the iucc for the iighr,thjserpecially is beft comended^that theiuicc be boil id betwecne two dilhes on a chafing diih with coles, and that the water which flandethlikca dceratpamicaii:e50ttl)crtnq^acrt> o;mtb2tirD^le8tc|?e fpzin^ tl)e feei:j?i5 oag^tte be {9l»en# fliio tljCi? DO ^^^"^ p^ofpei being fotoett amcng stljec Ij^acbs. S^ome ancient ^uttjois b3.:itc, t^at feezes p^ofpec tf)c bet- ter ans gtoUitijepIentifuUicCjift^e^be fctuen ^itlicucfeD too^e^jbut a coitmienDnott^i£; niannec in fotoing* !r^5 Phi/tcke h/pes, Commincishotanddryin the third degree, zsJE^weta writeth,and the feeds alfomay be kept for fiue yearcs,and vfcd in meates,drinks,andfauces,for that chey comfort 5c help digeftion* And the wine of the decoftion of Coinmin fceds,drieFigs,and of Fennel feeds vfcd togicher,domitti- gate the paine and gripings of the greate guts.commingof ivindinci* And the fame wine alfo like ordred,doth preuail againf} the cough coinming or cold. And againft the fwel- Iing oftbc cheekcs,takc Cosninine Tecds and Figs well bru* fed togither,5c ai cer feeth them in wine, which lay plaifter wifcon the grecucd place, and jt doth help the fame. And againilrhecolderv'v^mecnhe head, take powder of Com- minc (czdt an-' Bay bsrrieSjwhich heate togithcr in an car- thenpotre, andputtingthe fame after into a littlelinnen bagge, appJy warmeonthehcad-, andthis without doubt h-^lpeth (hatgricfe. And againil ihe black and blcwcof a ft^-jpcjor 3r»y other fnancr^cione whiles the fame is yet freili andne^Vjyoum dicak? the fins powder oFthcComminc fccdcs, andwaK,and vvorktthc iaroe togichcr at thefier, and with their phificalJ hclpcf. ^^ and often apply that plaiftcr v^^rmc vnto the grecucd placcjwhich fo vfcd^is thought a furcand pcrfedlrcracdic* And thcCummine fccd$,foddcn in 'vine with FencgrcekC) dotakcawayfwclhngs,and thcii,ripuigpaine of the guts. AndthefecdsbrufcdiSc tempered vvuhthetr/hitcofanegg and that laid on the eye, doth take away the rcdncsof the fame.And the Cummin fccivsboyled in wine, and laid hot on thcNauelljdoth eafctheflrangurje^andal! other pafii^ ons ofthe biadder.And the Cummin fecdi fodden in water (if the face be waHied vvich the fame) do caufcth^ fice to be clc3rcrandfairer:,fothsr the fame be now wk thenv(cd:for th c often & much vii ^gofujdoth make the face pale. And the Cumminc feedcs brui fed and boy led with vineger jand applycd warractothcnofethrihjdoth flay the much blcc- dmgat thenofe,and womcns fucccfle ofthe RcddeStThefe hitherto ofthe properties of the Cummine tecde. Oftheordenng^ cafe^andfecyets of the Coliandcr* Chap. i§, C£)lwnisci;tor0tl&to befoUjen in a fatgtouuD, aU[joag§f it totlltoellmousl^ p^ofper in a leane guounD : anti t^e (ceU0s,t^eelfiect^e?ll^aUb0(fotl)at fljei^ be not titterliioe- cai?eOtoitl)age)t^efoonei:ano better ttjei^ totllp;jcrpc!; ano cemeljp, anDt&e^muf^beoft0n bjatcceo. i:intrPalladius \s^littX\^i tliatt lie feeder ma^ be foluen from t!)e mtODleoC ^arc^toflJttober* The Phijicke helves. Thehearbe Colianderis fufficient common, and hnth the vertue ofcoolingj as writcrh "Dt^fcoridcsy although o. therwritc(asc//,eo»;»j)tt-tattheColi::ncleriscoldf5nddry, andothers to be hot and dry* For by the cffe^ it isknowen tobchotjin that it doth rcfcruewindines and u'ens:andon the other fide ;igaine, she feeds ll;ew it to be cold and d-y^in that(aft€r mcatjearenjtliey Oat the vapours ryfing vp that they afcend not vnto the head. .*xnd tlic feeds in tt ceits may well be vftr/^5Writeth, that the ponder ofthefeeces mu niilrcdin fvveetwine>do caufe raentobethcproncrto the veneriallaif^,yct the fame too much vfed^is euilhfor thatit brin geth men vnto a frczines^and raging with themfelues: and themuch eating ofthehcarb andfteds togither, is ve- nemousto dogs,andkillcththem,andfurth^r:the co*nfe£ls made of the Coliander feeds Vv'ith fugar,do not only ftrcng- then the ftomack by vfing them, but reprcde the vapours afcending to the headland therfore,theraih£rtobcvfedia meats ofthofe which be moleiled with the failing ficknes: For the caufe of this (ickenes, doth proceed of the vapours •which rife from the ftoraacke vnto the head. And the f?eds may not be eaten raw, but rather flecped in vinegcr, or co» ucredouerwith fugenforthat being either ilecped invi- negerjor coiiered with fugcr, before theeitingj dothftay the humors riling from the ftomackvntothehead«Andhc Coliander feeds prepared with vineger^^c biufed,and after taken with tlieiuce of Piantine, flaieth the great bleeding of the nofe« And Xenocratm writeth a marueilous matter ( if the fame bctruejthatif a vvomaneat but one grain of the fcedsjthat then hercourfes,fhall riumefor one day: if two graines,thentvvodai€stogith€r,ifthreegrainesjthen three daies togither?and thuSjlooke how many graines.& To ma- ny daies following they fhail continue* Butthishcarbcis forbidden to be taken in tv'c rd, for that it harmeth the head and bloud* And the iuce ofColiander mixed with vineger, doth both cC'ole and help the holy fire! and the fcedcs a lit- tle brafed and eiuen in rsifons to car, doth flea the wormes inchildren* And the iuceofthe hearbe, wieh the iuccof Lcttuce.of Plan tin c,thc vA\\\t of an Egg,and oyle of Rofes, allthcfelabouied well togither; and'aiterlaidonhoc im- poilumes, and burning Iweilings, orbliQersj doe both adwage an d hsak ihem. Theic iiilherto of the Coliau- Of [with their Phificall heJpes. 71 Of the ordyi'njTy ^.nd care of^JMufturdjeed^-* ^ap* i p Routes grcun^.ariD tatljei* on t!)e ti£sge of fiicrolucg sb fine caitlj like tspou^ei ^kC5, ^ntJ tfie fec^s muH be vato 0^ tttr, iBljeiebi? I^j^ruiarbe cmcxt^m ttje grountjj fet^al ti>e?tc?mt5?riaturaUiop!!ui0cont!nuingmt60eactl5:aa!J tljefeeccsiDrjicH'cu p.:cpatelo^^c tatm (intraAirpofirtstrje gltinls)tl5e^ iuiilbe Irienger-^To ttjc rse??j5 foiDen ber0.:j0 auD aiiCilBiiiter, noDcfireafut gcouno, anotobs tljm (mtn^ fc fo ttje^Jfcme^pbettett^ca being tljtd^e fotscn : ans aftes t\}t plants bs ijeeUrp,zimgt)p,tl)e^ Jiia^ be cemoueD auo fet a^ game* Thephifick^^ helpes* Muftard feeds be hot and dry \n the fourth degree, & the feeds onely to be kept for fine ycrcs :and the feeds banc the vertueofdifIoluing,attra£ling5& extenuating* Ard aganft thcpalficofthe tougue>thc feeds only cht^wed and hoiden vrider the tongue.do help the fame. And againftthc palfie in other rnembers j kt the feeds be pvit into £ litlc bag, and foddeinwiaCjhidon tiicgrieued place, but tfpecialy in the beginning ofthefiknes^Ard the pouderoFths feeds drawn vp by the nofe^dotii prouok rne£zing^<& purgech the brain offupcrfliiities. And alfo /'/V.^/V writethjthat the feedcs doe extenuate and den.inilL the tlammy and grofe humours 6c doehealetheftingsofScpenes andScorpions,bcingtnini- flredwith vineger. And the feeds do marueyloufly purge, breaketheiloncjcaufean appctitc3& comfort the ftcmack. And chc feeds brufed with Enula Campana.and that laid on ripeimpoi^i^mes, do both breaks anddravv them without paine*Andthekeds g-rgulcd with vvater and honny, doth help the blillering of (hemouth and the Squincc. And the feeds eaten with figs and Cumminemixed togither, dodi litipe d^edropiie. And a like quantity cfMuilard fcedcS, Peiiitoryand Ginger, mixed togicher withrofcd honnie, and alfo wafliing themourh there-withj andholdingthe fame a goodvvliiie inthc niouch, dooth purge the bj:aine of 72. The fowing & (etting of hearbes. offuchcuil humours, which cfpcciallycaufcthgrccuous a* kiniU, neCcet^ tl)e common eare^ of t^e sacoen, anDtobg fo iDen in d^e monetft of jfcbzaac^o; ^acc^, an^ in t^e montfis alfo of ^eptembec, o; ^^^tx^y ano in a gentUand lD|)9ironie place: it uui? bs foljum in tbemoHtb of ^ecembet^eit^ei; bi> tt felfe^o.: ainono; otljer ^eacbeis.ano toel beacet^ o.: fufferctf) all conoittoniSoftDeat^et;: but it moS io^etb ivi t^e tuacmc toeat^ec,an^ to be i^v^ fotoen ana uia- tere^j, if t|i€^ be not ot^eclpife Bekieo ann moiftne^ toitfj ' ftoU)ei:0. anU fome coaec not tlje feeos lott^ e act!) aftcc Vi^z fol»in3,fappo(ins tljat t^ebicog iBiUnotcatetJpt^efeeOg^, Isingfobare* ThePh'^flcKehil^es, Dill is hot and dric in the fecond degree, and the fccdc? may bekeptfor three yeres,alchough they be the better, if yearly they be rcnued,&thefeeds 4jCo be chiefly occupi- ed. ' with their Phificallhelpes. 73 cd in the medicine. And now the dccoftion of the hcaib & feeds do prcuailc Sc help the ftraightncs of pi (Ting, and in- creaferh milk in the brelh* And againll the pain of the ma- . tricc,take a handful! of Dill.boylingthcfaniein winf,and after applying it in plainer forme vnfo the grieued place, it doth help t!ie fame* Dut A^^icen vvriteth^that the much and ofcen eating oiDiil,doth weaken & make dim thcfightrcSc yctifany vfeththe h-arb, it procureth fleep,& the rather rf the head be annointed with the oyle of DilJ«And the an^ cicntPhiiitianswrite, but efpccialiy ^^/^», that garlands inade of the ^^fccne hcirb & worneon the head^ procure fltepejand the iucc or oileofDiil dropped warmc into the cares jdoth help the pain of them. And the Dill foddcn with poppy fccdcSjand drunk:, doth ftay vomiting^and the gri . pings 5c wind of the belly. A nd the afLes of Dill doth help allthedifecifesofthcfundamentjandpaincof thepriuities: and it may profitably be annointed on moifl vlcers^and e- fpecially3thore(as (y^/^wwritech) wliich are often in the pri- uicie?. And the decoclion of the Dill in wine^being drunke, doth help fuchas are pained with theftrangury* And the Dil foddcn ivithfuger & mixed with oyleand v\ine,and af- ter drunkjdorh help the matricc, fend do wnc the after bur- d£n,and draw down the termes, takingtoche quantity of two dramnies at a ti3Ge* And take the feeds of Dill ^ Nettl e, a likcquatity,thofebcafeinto finepouder^which mix wim water and hony, and after lay that plaft er-wife on the piles ofthefundamentj&icwill heale them in &ort time, Thefe hithertoofthehearb Dili. OftheordrinT^^ care-, an d fecrsts of R:ie, Ch^i^ , 22* p clcojljeaibvsrafc, DcSmij tobe folucnina furmppkce t V.n3o:^e, mri}cmont^ of ^accl), ana tljattfje eat tl) be mirtU)itl)al9esi» ^InDtljisljeacbiorc^i to be folcen on l)ig^ i)eD3,tul)ecb^ tlje proper moi^HniS mar H^eo t[)eifi:o as P2I- hdius Uuitctl)«^rti3 t^cbare kt^& alio tuitljout lyas'mBAwn betietDeuonbe^s, anticoueceD oucctsitb ftae mz eatt^ ' ^itljaratiaiino t()er8ngplantc0 rpr^in^outortpe fceiss,. ^ bein$. 7 4- The Towing & fetting of Iiearbes. bemgint^eljnskesbettjelXoitgei:, alt^oug!) tfje^belongec in e^cappeaungaljoaet^ecait^* aintJt^e^onspIantejjfjatc botfjmoiUuceaitD Dun3>antirat[)ei;ioretl)mt[)eDung ofa^ K) esijaiiB it caitnot luell abiQe t^e colo of totntet:, ano t^ecfec Defirettjtobe couerc^ontljc beD3 kiit^ al^es, tupeceb^tlje famema^t^e bzttztmkm tijemfcom t^e lftacpene£ioft^e coloetb^oug^ tW^tntz t^ecof. i3nt) tf tljei? be fp,:incfeled Init^ U)atec, ti)cn DO I1)e^ fatter fp,:utgbp, aslD^itet^ Theophra- ftus:i^etma^n:ttfee planter bemoueD Inttljani? ^jon, fo^ fcareofbhwmg t^eicgrolDt^* ^no tel^ent^erong planters befcintu'oatcometjp, t^enlaefDe tliemDiUi3entli:,to^eceb^ f Ije uieeDs tjinoec not t^eii; guoUitl; .^ou mud not onelg folue t^efeeos,butrettl)eaippe5, being flippeo off fcom t^egcea- tccEalfeesneacetotlje rootesint^e fpnngtime, m\\}mt^t montl) of augua,an6 tljat tl)e Ciippes be to^itljeD at tlje cnus; fo;fo tjje^fpceDili? tafeeroote in t^e eact!). anD tfjs Ui|)oU plant remoueDanDfctagatne, Dot^feloeme pzofper^butD?^ ett) foone after t^eneto retting,tnl)ic{) t^t Gippes broken off from tlje Vtalht^ contract to* anu tf)e\? p^ofper manti peaces ii3itl)ou t toitbecing an^ tbing, fo ( bat a tooman (bauing ti^tn Jer teacmes) come not nigb no; b^nole tbe beai:be,fo; tbat b^ l)ant)ltng9 tbe f)eaib ^otb b^ little ano little U)ttl)et: a no o;i^e atoa^jas to^^itetb Collumella* Snofottie Id jite, tljat ^Uuefettoitljin tl)eB^anc, bcareu f|);oug^,anD conereo iuitb eactb^ootli in ttjc gcoUiing take a^ Ujai? ttjeflrongfrneU of tljeljeacbe. ^mkoti) PlinieanO PalladiusUjMteJb^ttbe Kaemo;e toretb antj plentifuUi^ei: gcotDctb> bi? being fet tintici: tbe (l^a^ nctoeflftbcagtcae. ^nD0ftbi3,Theophra0:asip0getbtbat tabetbebeUljeacbgra^e, tobicb bctngplantet) tfj^ougb t^o ^gtccebarke, iB fo couereUU)it'^eai:tb. ^n^tbeUJeeDingalfoofttiis b^acbtoitpace banias tobt^ lelltbeDeatDeb^ng^t^ on tlje leaner, ootljcattre Dangccou^s blillersantiro^es. anD t?)ccero;e if an^ b^ tgnozance Dotlj toeeoe about t^$ plmtcB \jDitb0ttt glones on tljeic banBes, ano tbat tbe baaoe^ beaftecinfecteobot^ljpitljan jtc^ anofiiueUmg o; blitlers. with their phificall hclpes. j^ i\tXK \ti {\t perfow mximX Ijis Jjan^^ tett^ fallet o^Ie, o; foj lijckeof oi?le,U)itl) tljeiuceof ^emlocl^e, ano \i U)cU f^ale 0nt)t()ci«ceoffI)e!)enrb3caferpnntk!ctionll^cn3,Coc!ti, fl)iffecas o;ani? o(^er poultrie fitting on t!jc tooiie,o.2fp.:mk^ iesiiitlje poultry tjoufe.DotljD.Kuc atuar CTeafcHesbpfiic Crongrmeil of tijeljcarb, fo; it is a fpectall Defence ngatnU fucijUintJeof tjermme^ ^noto D^iae a\ea^ eitljer gndts oj fires outcfpuucljambeCjtalieagcecneb^ancb cf tbe^Ciicb gime (as Dcmocricus U);itefb ) ano toitl) t^efame fp^incklc Inatei'coun^ about poui; c^ambecano tfjus mac!) fo;^ tfje o^^ tj;ingt!;e^0a*;bg$:ace* The VhiCicke helpes* Hearbgracc is hot and dry in the third degrec,& both the Icauesandfecdcsniay well bevfed inmedicine^ And the fecdesalfo ought to be gathered in haruell, which may wel be keptfor fi've ) eares jand the leaues dryedjfor al poyfons, & a peculiar Triadcfor the p 3orc,which not Only the King Methridatii witneiTeth, but very experience, doth daily teach the fame: yea,both curious painters!,and fine grauers do often eat of this hearb with their meateSjfor the electing and amending cf the fight* And Rue eaten doth put away windcandduilcththc dcfir^;totheVcneriallad. And the Icaues eaten with dry fig? and walnuts togither, isthefu- reftremedie that may be againft any deadly poyfon, if the fame be taken in time. And to make another prcfcruatiue of the famc/omwhat more coftly,is on this wife: Take an ounce of the leaues of Rue,halfeanouccoffigs,halfc an ounce of lunipcr berries, two ounces of walnuts^and four ounces of vincger jail thefe mix and labourtogither, of the which, fwallowc downca little fafting in the mornmg when you rifc,and you fhal be defended all that day from being poyfoned* Anditisal- fo a fingulcr & prccipus Triaclc againft a peflilet aire: and the bcrbgracc fodden in vinegcr and drunk puttcth away belching. And the herb fodden in wine with figs^vntil the halfe be confumed^ and after drunkej dooth mightily helpe h 2. the j6 Thefowing&fettingofHearbcs, ttcdropficthcpaincsalfoofthcbreftSificIiS, andloynes : yca,the fame drunkjdoth help the coucrh>theclifeafesof the liucr,the lungs and [hekidneis,fo that there hanj no aglie On thepaticnc; and the hearbfoddcn with oyle, andafrcr Cafr vp in glitier form)doth put away the paints of the wo- mans places^and the fvvellirigs of the great %\xtlQ, And the hearb brufed tvithoyle^^luid-plaiftcr-wifeonall thcpri- uieplacev'nto rhefand:iiiienr,dcoch help the Rranglingof theprinitie. And the hcatblbdden vvithl.'bpand Annisin winejdoth put away gripings,cyther drunk or fomented on thegreeuedpIaccAndaplaiftcrmadeofthehearb withoil sndiaidon the rsaucDjdooth kill the wormesoftlie bell)e» And the eating of the heaibgracc doth amend & put away the fmel of onyoiis <5cgarlick:and the hearb grace helpsth thofe difcafcd with the ague, if the fame be foddcnin oil Om liue^Sc before xht lit comet the body beanaointed with the fame,or els the fame pnt(bcfare the fit) in glifter wife , And the bcarb foddsn in cilc & dropped hot into the care.sdoth expell the vvormcs. And the hearbfodden with roirre, and drunkjdoth put away the water bctwecne the skin and the fieOi. Andtneiuceof Ruemijccdvviththe oilsofrofcsand vineger^andannoindng the head rhcrwith, doth pntaway the beating paine thciof, And the hearb fodden in Fumito- ry vvat€r;and drunk^d nh help children difcafed wi^h fmall pockes. If childrcnhauing the mearels>be not already blin- ded with them^then hang both the rooteof Rue and Scabi- ousaboutthe childrensneckes, arid they ilialbe defended thcrby by Godspermiirion. And an ointmenrmadeof the hcayb with oile of RofesjCerufc 6c vineger,doth heale any fcabbe^theholy fire>runningfote*jandhotbliilcrs. And the hearb with Garlike.falte and walni^ts mixed together, andlayedplainer-wifeonthebiteof amad Do^tgcor Ad- qer,icdoth heale the fame; Andagainlt the weakncs of fi^htjprccccded ofa choLerick hunolitic^drink thenof the wine vvherin this henib hach bene laid ro foake in the vefler, for a whijebeicre s Alfo the hearb mixed with Rcfe- water 6i laid on bkared cies»do jmarueiioufly clef? & hcale them^ - ^ ' And vvith their phificall helps. 77 And againfl the tooth-achjCakc the heatbc (oddcn in wi.K, and lay that plaRer-wifcon the gricucd place* Or this wif^^ talcc the ftalke ofthe fame hcarbc^ and burne the fame fom" whatin the lire, and with that burnethehollowneirc with- in the tooth. Andagainftrnccoldnesofthcflomackc, and palficof theochcrnKmbers?drinkthcdecothe Rue of pro- pertic doth driue away all venemous beads (Scwormes out ofchat ground which is fet about 'rvith that hearb : and this becing planted in Gardens necre to :he bcddesof Sage, the Toad will not come necre the fame, vnder which (as fome write ) they delight to be* Thefe hitherto ofthe proper- ties ofthe Hearbe Grace. Oft he ordering^ ^n^ care^ oft he hsi^rh ijofe^ Chap. 23, I&spefsfafcaitefulipiant, anu nctCLtade i«t!}e(5ac!5ejt, ii^!)tc^cog[|t to be fcujnco; fctindipps^ 0; to -loli; plants, neii^cc in fat no^ Dunged gLCun^, btit tn an open ano fannie place: ano after: i%z fjeacbc is ^asell i^v^w^ tsp? t^eri ma^ it in^ mae t^c fcoilesani5S)ncb3 in tlSintei:* ^iinPalladius usil- let^ tf)e Bifope to be \ti in liij'nole plants iu tlje mmzV^ of ^e* Ij.juaiie. ant in tlje &iunmer,li^t)i^n %z Ijeatfee beaietl^ %\% f.wxxX%%\\ cut o^tb r^mc,anl> D;le it in tpe t^aootu . The Kopeof qualiticishot and driein the fecond degrees yet GaUn affimuth, that Ifope is hot & dxis in the iliira dc- y8 The fo wing and fetting of hcarbes, grcc,but the fame is of the thin parts. And when the fame is tobc vfed in mcclicinc,thcn ought the Icaues to be flripped from the flalkcs, and the ftalkes caft away as vnprofitablc, but the Icaues may well be keptforayearc* And now the I(op: fodden in fpring water, with figs,ho- ,ny,aridRuc5 and after drunk, doth hclpc thofe difeafcdin the LuagS3f€Lching their breath /lior^an oldccough pro- ceeding through the diftillings from thehead, vntothc lower parts^and in the fetchmgof breach ( none other wife) then by reaching the neck vpright^ and llaycth all maner of wormss in the belly* And theiucc of the hcarbe drunke with Oximell^doth loofc a cofliue belly : iind the fame iuce taken with the feeds of Crefles^doth gently loofe the belly, and caufeth a cleareface,and good colour of the skin,if any drinketh thereof. And the hearb boyled with pure duckcs grcare,and figs, and tha t laid in plaifter forme on the milt, doth take avray thefwcUing therof* Andagainft the hardnes or fwelling of the milt,and the water betweene the skinne, boyletheheatb withfigsand Salt Niter, and lay that plaiftcr-wifcon the grieued places* And the hearb foddenin wine,and drunk, doth cleanfe the breaft:and fodden in water, doth fwage the fwelling of the gummes, by wafliing the mouth therewith. And the hearb fodden in wine with fencll feeds, being drunk, doth take away both paine of the ftomackc, and bowclles : and a fo- ment alfo made with the hearb fodden 5c applied vnto the ftomacke,doth the like cffefttand the fame foment applied beneath, dooth purge and clenfc womens places of the fu- perflluous humours* And for thcdifeafeofthcSquince,thc hearb fodden with figs, 6c that gargulcd in the throtc,doth greatly help 5 and the hearb fodden in vineger, with the which, walh the gummcs of the teeth, and it will ccafe the ach and paine of them* And of the Hope made a wine,named Ifope wincjdoth help by drinking thereof,the difeafes of thebreaft,th. t^ dc8,&thelung8,thefhortnesofwinde,and an old cough uj:;.^ thefanae prouokcthvrine,&hcIpcth the gripinjs with their phificaJl heipcs.^ , 7^ gripings 8c nippings of the body, and ccafcth the cold flia- kingofa daily Agucanddrawethdownc the tcrmes^Thcfc hitherto of the properties of Ifopc* Of the ordertng and c^re eft he Mintu C hap ♦ 24 MJntsma^ be planter mm tjntca toello^ot^eccttw- ntngUjatei:, fo^tljat tljc Seacbg Dclig[)tet|imaRio?ff place, ano to be fet ettljec in fitp0> o; in tl^e l»^oIe rooter, ano fiourifl^et^tnt^e ^ommer, buttDtt^eretbm tjeminter. ano t^is Ijeacb opgl)t to be fet in ai unni? place, but in no t3e^ rie fat gcouno, nn sangsD : ano t^ijSf l)eacbe mag not bg wooueDaftett^egrdcinglwit^ an^ Jcon,aj5 \^z Ijauiafsac* taug[)tanD t^isb^acb onctfotoenan^ phoning, Qcrficonti^ nu0manri?eaccsaftei:in t^ecEattien. 0nZ)Plinieiu.:itet^, t\)^t t\)z ^ints; oug^t to be fet in tlje beginning of tlie mont^ ofq^4rc9» ThePhifickehd^es. Mints in the Garden are hot and dry in the fccond degree, and all the fprtsof faints in the garden, do both comfort the ftomacke, and help digcftion. And now the mint5 brought to powder and eaten in milke,dooth flea the wormes of the belly; and the hearb caccn^doth loofe the belly :and the dai* ly vfingofthis hearb, dochgiuc a good colour : and at any time cate,is very healthful to thebody. And thciuccof the hearb mixed with a littlcBriffiftone and vineger, and that anointed on the holy fier with a fearher,doth ceafethe pain forth with. And mints fodden '/vidi wine & drunk^doth eafc the pain of the kidnies.and bowelsiand fodden ia wine and oile,& that laid plaifler- wife on impoftumes,doth diflbloe 6c cure them* And a^i^ainft the flinkjng fauour of the mouth and rotten ncs of the gums and teeth, let then the mouth <5c gums, be wailied witli vinegcr, of the decoclion of garden iT)ints,6c after rubed withchepouderofdrymintS3orwith diy mints. And againO: the breft hardned by the curding of the milk, take a gicat handful ohhe niints,6c the fame feeth in wine and oile,(Sc after lay that plafler- wife on the paps & it helpeth thera^And further note, that when any medicine isgiuca againftpoyfo/hcfanie ought to be miniftrcd with the 8o Tlie fowing Sc fetting of heaibs theiuccofMints,orwirlivvineoftliedeco£lionofitj if you cannot get (at that time) theiuce, or the onely iuiccof Mints, or wine of the deco£lion of it, or the iuicc of it with honie comroixcd together, doth helpc the fame. Aifo the fame helpcth the ftopping of the Liuer and Milt, and the waiesofthevrine proceeding of a cold humour, and of the hot without an Ague« And the iuccminiftred with honic, doth flea the worms in the bclly,& it doth alfo kil worm s, droppedinco the cares* And the mints put into millcc, will no: fuffer thcmilkc to curd,although the runnet be put in- to it; an Jin the like fort, it doth hinder generation. Thcfc hitherto of the properties of garden mintSf Of the ord:ringj anA care oft Jos Garden Time* Chap« 25. T^z ©aroen ffiime ts a plant cig'^t profitable, ^W^ tJe • ltgl)tct^cat[)grtoberettnt[)e iDtjoleplaats, tb^nretoen in tlje feeusjin a icane ano donp gcoant),anD t^at op^n in t\)Z &un,butnett^et in tilt eartf)^ ^no it alfo Delrg^tet^ in tfje fame omt of DaefTing ajSt)otl)tf)e parcel^. jSttD Palladia s iDiIletl) tljat £);jsanie be fet in ^eptembec about t^t time of tlje ^uns antring into Libra. SnD it oug^t tlien to be gat^eteo U3f)cn it bearetf) flouEeSi ano to bee D^peo in t^z ll^atJolx3e5fo,:fo ttje fraurs ano floutes tuillcontimje fo? a rere,tf tfjer be before ttiippiD ftom tl^e ilalh5,anu tlje llaliis caSatoa^. TheThifickhelps. Organie of the garden is hot and drie in the third dcgrc, andthekindes of Organyhaue the vertuc of cutting a fun- der,drv ing,dra wing,and alfo confuicing : but the root ofa- nyofthemhaueno vertucinmedicinc^ This Organie hel- peth any pcrfc n that is difc^icd in the liuer,by diinking the decodion of the flourcs , and the flourcs and Icaues put in- to a littlelinnen bag,andihcfameboylcdinv\ine, & sply- cd hot to the head(the pacient then coucrcd w ich clothes to fweate)dothdriucForth and put away many gricfes oi the head and bre(},and helpeth alfo the nreightnes of fetching breath. And the Organie fod in wine, &diiink, doth help the flomacke^ardeale the bowels. And the fame decct^lon M laids 8& The fbwing and fettiog oi hearbej, laidc on the belly, doth proiioke vrinc, and being drunkc warniejdoth cafe the gricuous paine in making of watcr,6c the dropping of (he Vrineandtohcipcthcdifcafe of going often to the uoole and dooing nothingi take the ponder of Organy,and ftrew or fprinckle that on the fundament, ajid it will (Loitly after loofs the belly & bring forrh the ordure* And the heaib ir felfc fodden in wine oliue , and the fame ftrikcd on a linnen clothi& applied after to the womas pri- uy place,doth take away the hard nesthcrof^andpurgcth it, and drawech downc the tcarmcsiand ro hcalc the rcdleapry take the iuicc or Organy-»the iuce of horhound,a lictle wine and the like of the oylcof Henbane, yet more of them then ofdie iucc,putting to them alfo alitrlc oyle 9ftarcarj which fodon5niixal together janointing the partie in an hot ho ufe before his coming forth: 6c if that after his comming forth he be greeued with pain^lec him take Goatcs greafe melted in afrying pan? with the which annointe thcplaccs againe, and afeer lye do w ne in a clcane paire of flicctes, lying there fo long vntili the fame be dryed in,and after take and brufc thcOrgany,mixingthe fame with wheatenbran^and heat that in a frying pan,and this being fo hot as may be fufFered lay vpon the bhfters and leapric,& binding* cloth vpon it, let it fo lye vati 11 the fame neede heating againe: andthis doe fo oficn^vntill the patient be healed jwhich the fame wil do withoutdoubt^and in the meane while let the patient cat fuch things as do ingender good blood, & be of an caiie di - gefl:ion,and dayly to drinkcthe firop of Fumitorie : and if thefamehappcninthe wintcr,thento drink:c the (irropeof Egrimony in fuch fort. And further, the iuce of Organycwith womanf railkc dropped warme into the eares,doth eafe the paine ofthem, and (he hcarb brufed withRofes, Calamus Aromanticus, and wormc woodland this appiycd hot, doth fend vp again the fundament into the proper place* Thcfchithcrto of the properties of the Organy* Of wich their Phiicall helps. * VjoIef3i(aftect{jemmiieofColuraclla)Gagf)t tobee plan* itxsitx ll5eD0afoote{)tg&,anut{)eea?t^ toelllaboulxfiano tumcumUjitf) tjung, ani3tiiatt{)e pants beenotaboue a ^areolDc, anotobecfet inl^oKfuccctueflfafeotebjeaD, iti tit bcginmng of t^e ^p;ing o; in ttjc entrance of tfje monet^ of^atc^^ ^iiDtpreeBsmapberotocninbeOie! ttoicsa^ece, fitU in t[)c&pnng time ano after in t^e ^acueU, but i^t later fouling p^ofpccett) t^c %mk tutt^ tjs, tb^ougl) tlje coloe lea- fcnroUoi3ping:tp!)icl) ;EiQlet0ous^tmlifte fo^ttobeUjeeDet!, anD tf^e oi?)E iwitljecto leaueje cut atca^ ann toatere^ ( b)6e»i neet e fo teqaii:et^)a)5 rou 5oe otfjei; ^ot^jjeaibes in tlje com^ ming tjp* ^nD to !)aiie one plant b.:ing foo;t!) funD;ie colouctf tcget&ci:,tafee tftc leaues of all tlje colours of ^liolets, antj put i}^im together into a t^in toojne linnen doatl) , antJ after fet t^cm in a tuell tungci) ant) laboured ground , as before Ijoais taag6t«anDtf)i£;note,tDl)icb b? erpeciencetjatlj bcnefounft true^t^at tnlelTc tlje fairett tEiolet be remooueis, it teill beare bot^armaUerfioUier.anDaletrerofrnicU , t^en it DiJJ in tf)^ reaie before. The Phifich^c helps* Violets be colde in the end of the fccond degree* The vi- olets ought efpccially to be gathered in March, and dryed in a fhadovvyeplaceofthcairc^& there bealfo three kindes ofthcmwhicharevrcdinraedicine,asthewhite>theblackc ?iid ycllowund the floiires drunkejcotake away the win- dines of thefiomacke : and the decodtion of the flourts gar- galed in the throat,dc.th help thedifeaie called thefqnincc. And thciiiiceofthishcarbedoth put away any fwelhng p joceeding of a hot caufe, and two drams ot th e powdc r of the fecdes drunken in wine, dooth draw dovvne the tcarmcs of w croenjand the rootc fodden in vvine^and laide vpon the fwollcn Milt,doth put away the fwclling^and dry eth vp the humour* And the rootc fod in wine^and laide plaifter- wife on the M 2 ^^^ 84 The fo wing and fettuig of hearbes, hot goutjdoth cafe the painc. And white Vyoletsboylcd, and laide in plaifter forme vnto the belly of a woman, doth fend forth the dead yongHng,and put away the fwelhngs of the priuie place : and if a foment of them be applyed Co the nether part vpwaid,itdochmundifie the priuy place, and draw downe the tcarraes : and the Vyolets applycd,dootb cafe the paine of the head (proceedmgof aavnteroperatc hotnes)caufeth flcep/often ,ceafethirft,and put away the iaundife rand the fame doth theconfcruc of Vialets*Thcfe hitherto of the ri* olets* Ofthe6r^eringicaire^Anif€cretsofaU%ol^et% Chap, 28 F£)^ tl^atltofesibeeplearanto^mtnentci tnagatDen.arrt) fo necefTarte (aUt^ekmDEs) mtneotcme^ lJDeemmogl)eet$ largely) f \BUit of t^e fototng am ktiitiQ of all t^e ttmoe$. iFo; all kimtB of Kofgs map not bee fet ctf ^ec in fat atiQ clawstouno, no^moifto^toet eactl), butinafineeact^ cungeUtoitfjfiojeofDjierubbil^, anDm(fto.:taip£i ofafGote long,anD tn %mz fl^c^t fucrotos. if 0^ to bee foujen in ti^e feeDes,tbei? come iloUtlr bp» Sin^ tjeece note, tjjat rou mar not tljinfee tljofe to bee tfjc feeneg with their phiiicall helpes. 8$ fecU0i5 of tl)0Kore,tof)tcl) gcoto in tpt mime of ((je flours, in colour like t)nto golo,feut t&at t^e feeojei be in t\fat pact Id jjic^ tefembletl) f &e fo.:me of a fniaU peare in t\\z tppec eno of t^e ttalke, OH tu^tcli t^e leaucje; of t&e floore tticU ♦ lano noUi tfjefeeliesacettien ripetobeegatfjeceo, tu&enastl^egcapeij iiutfjbs bee full ripe, tobif^riperteffeoft^emislDell bnoiort botbbi^tMtfurktll^anDb;olDm(]^colour9 attob)? tbetc foft^ Heffe in t|e feelmg. ano note factber^tbaC t()e beOiS of Hofe^j, mu^ be bigb cad bp, h)^it\j ^ou ougbt efpectallt? to Doe in tbe inonetb of ^accl), Jau ing ^ouc ^counU tben in a ceamnelle , anatbeoa^faico^ ant3o^;5cdng lout l^z^$a(tttt^i!smanf nerrearelp, tljeptoilUontinueman^Tjeres: an?> tu^ent^ci! &ap oItje,t^cn Dig tjptbeeattb about tbem, anu p^une tbem fel> cutting from tbem all tbe teitbeteo lialfees ano Deao b.:an^ cje0,ani5 tcpaicing tbe emptie placeis UJttl) neto flipper , aftec t^eminbeof Palladius. ^nofometoil.tbat tljeoloe plants toit^ tfje coofes being oiggeo t)p,ano cut a fpanne long, to be nelefetagmne. antotbectoiUt^at tt)e^9ungrp.:mgg Uiit^ t^eiccocltesljee fetafooteafttnt)ei:0acl)fcomtbcotber:, UjcU bungeOf often toatece^.ano if voubaue not Hiffictcnt plants^ to fet out pouc 115e^5t^en bettoeen tbe oloe plants fet ^oung fp;mg«(50ippcD off from tlje old, anDtbcoIDefetagatnsltieb tje i:oote0 anu al janb ttjat a foot a fmiDet; caci) fcom tlje otbcr , foe! tmnge^ano often U)atetetlJfo.^fot^ev gcoUi tbe plentu fuller ano fader. Sno at tlje eno ofeuene^earcjue'tt} fet il)tm againe,anDp^uneanocutaU?a^ tlje rnperfiucu5b;ancbc0at tbe retting ofeacb cootejanooiggealfofcci^eattb often abont %m , to; in ttjat t^e^ ioh ^notbeilofes fetllfnieUtlje ftoeeter, iftljei?beegat^ereoinfaircanODjieBaic0:ani) to jaue rcur H ofes toner t}^tn amj ot J)er ^anti pleafanter of fme! , make little gutters too bano b;teaotb from tbe wis taiio pouie tparmetxjatermDJningano eueningintotlje gutter0>tiibicbro tb;jougb tbcbeate sotb gceatlT? comfa.:t t[)cpiantes, ano im^ feetl) toem groio tbe faacc* aifo Didiaius to^itet^.tbatif poufet (Sarlil^eljeaDsljeere ano tbere among rour Kofcs,tber \s)i\\ fmell farre pleafanter tbo^obe tl)econtinuaUi)eate rent from t[)em. ^no tiece note, ^ 3 ttixt $6 The rowii^§[&TcttiDg of hearts, tljat ibt mmtt oU^e toateriKg aboucTaiD , euo;l)t not to bee ti&ne befeae t^e capg 0; t^ene r suns buus appcace j and fljen t>a^l^^aft£:r,toipateit3ntotljCgatl)ei;ing^ anotofjaueJ^ofeieJeueneiwonet^jroumuff tl)cn (as Di- dimiislii;iitet^)neUiplmti50unganDlPater t^0m often cueri? inonetl)«li5ut to (}auc liofes raQnetljlp cannot be pcHibie^nei ' tljer in our countne of €nglanD, noun anr otljecCountcie, Ir tug tjnoei t^e ^o;tt), (0 tuell as in tbe tcmpecate ano toacm CDunttics^ anotljtsnotejtbatt^oleKorea \xj\)it\) gcoto in a ti^At grounOjbee farce ftaeetec tljentijofegcoluinginawet gvounD. ^no to l^aiie timely? Hofes, Cifttl^cni?oureare^t?);iougi) a ^iue,anD tljat eartJ) mixc untl) Dungi ano put the fame intQ aneart^enpot, lii^ic()aftermoiIIena!tttleJettingtl)e fame ab.JoaDinfunmeanD luanneuaies, 0^ letting fmall ants fine ratne fall tppon it^ano at tljc fettmg of t[)e ^unne take in tfje pot altuaiestanQ t^ts fo long co (ano Uiatering it t^t to^iles) tjntiUtl^elcinteranDcoloetDeatljer bepall^ ^no after tt^is, iD^en a faire Oar commctt),tljen fet tfje pot in t^z eartf) , coue^ ring it oucr ano about f Ije plants toitlj fteO) eart^ anD Doe af;? tecli'iarD(a5 aboue is taugljtjantJ t^n ll^al fo tjaue timely UXo^ fes. ainotofeecpe ItofesalltljerearejOoeasDidimus ttat^^ ett) : taiie greene I5arlep,bcing vzt as graCTe, (and not eaceo) toitlj tlje rcetes^ano all tljofe put into an earthen pot -.not gla^ feo, o;ratl)crt3nnealet«itntoU)6i£b, put t?ourbuDs nothing openco,anD oiiigentl^rouer tijem about tcitfj tljis greene bar- feanoroul^alikeepe tbenifrcfe anu greene folongasrcu iill(ccuertngtl)emoutl)oft|)epotclofe) euenas tbougbtbes grelD Cillin btt^s on tfjeir ftatfees^^no otbers,tlieUi ttje gr^n ai5arlei? on pauemet o; jjaco fio,2e,anO in t^e blaoes t^e? bur^ 0.: i}m tt)e buDs^aifo olljer tafee ^ong Ii5ai3s,a little openeD at tbefettingoftfje^unne, ano in no Inifetoucljingt^eraVDit^ Janos.but p:jcperlp gat fjer tljem Uiitlj a i^arpe knife , 1 t^ofe la^ on a o^ie beo;o,letting tljem be ab;oao all tbe nig^t t&;og^ iftl)emglit be faire: after , ^aue in a reaoineHei^oureartjieri fot, Uiellglajeo bot^U)itl)in ano toitljottti but Come t^inSe with their phificali helpes. 87 it Wttut not neal^D at ali, bae U)l)et!)ei: ^at nn l&e htiH^, (tljaf ljfe)aiti) put tljerem ^ouc Jt efeg brfo;^ tlje ^unne be tjg int{)em0wn0,anDaopcloreroui:potVDitfj cla^, mircDluit^ rio^reDansanDaodkejE5,t5atnoaireb^eatl)0 out at tfe^moutl) cft^epot, tofjicliroconc: tljenfctt^epottntoabetJiJeofow fand,ant! coucctwg it toellouei: iuitlj t^e fame o?^ faiiD jlettins no moitt place b^ ncece to, 0; about t^e fame ♦ Sin^ on tfjis tjifc jSiiD b^ tijat otfjec mjmnes afo;^ ta«§l)t , toa J^^ 6^«5 ftel^ Kofes all tbe^eare t^^oug^. ant) 6erc note.^t^at Itofes ano ot^jcc floUjcrs, tJ^^efi either; mtl^e,^unn0oa£)aeH , ooelcngcranB better cctatnet ^eir Jli:engt&/auo;,ant5colou!:,tljcn being H^^eo mtlje l^aJJolue, fo tijat t ^e fame be 6on^ toitl; otfctetion^anB tlje like mx2 bee tJlOHgbt to be Done isit^ tljc ftueete anD fmelling Hofcs . ^noagtcuc^rngt^attoa? of malting t^c lijl)iteltefesto be ceD,ano t^e ceti Mofes to bee lD|?ite> anu fo partie colours, iDitl) otljer pjettr conclufions UfiUfi of tbecore,i?ou l^a! fnt^ t^tt rcao ant» tjnoerHat) in m\i little treatife,tntituleD ^atu^^ raUant>attificialUonclufionia;,tol)ei'e3larseI^to^iteoftfjefe ano mmyi otljei: cigl)t pleafant conclufscns to bee .ceao tn^ec^ ftooo of t^e cujumcn fo;t ♦ ThePhiftkehsl^es. TheRofeis coldeanddrieintbe fcccnd degree* Now, when the red Rofcs be not fully opcntd,they muH: be clip- pcdcffjanddrycdiniheSunne^Tlierofedhonycaicnjdoch profit mucli, for that the fame dcthbctb comfort ihc blond and ftomacke. and the iuce of theRofes fodden in wincjdoth takeaway the paine of theheadjand helpcth the eyes ? and the gummcswaflicd with the fame,doth put away the paine of ihcni:and ihclcaues of the rofes bruifcd, and iaidc on in- flamations.doih draw forth the hcat^Thc feeds ef rofes bea- ten to poudcr, dochcafcthepaineoftheteethj by rubbing theguirsand teeth with the fani£pouder,and the heads ( in which ihcfccdes be fodden and drunkejdoloofe the belly, 6c help the fpittingof blond. Rofes mixed with hony & fu - garj6c that eate.do dry vp ewU humors of die lloniack.' (k the K: a lies $ 8 The fowing & letting of hearbej, Icaucs of the Rofes IcdeR in wincjand giucn to drinks doth heipefuchgriefes,asconiinonly happen inwomenspriuic places: andthcfrcflioinevvRorelcaues, mixed together with bony, doe aptly purge mans body , and Co make an ef- peciall Laxatice, take two ounces ofthc iuycc of Rofes, 8c mixc the fame with Whay made of cowcs milk, doth greatly help dc qualifie the hot burning therim and the iuice of rofes,drunk with fweet conduit water , doth both lo fe the body,purgcth theblood,and efpecialjy chol- ler,and putteth away the Kings cuill : and the iuicecf rofes cncly takcn,doth put away a great burning without danger, and bringeth a man (after thcpurgingofhis body) vnto a quiet reftund the Rofe J doc comfort thehcart, and rcioycc the blood^and the ro fed hony doothboth comfort and cx- pell the raclancholly and Ocgmatike matter: and& the Cardiake pafTio. And the dew falne on Rofc leauf s» & gathered into a cleanc quil,whichdrop on the nether cyeiid!,and it wit aracnd the blcarcdnesofthecycs^ And the dryeRo/eleauciboykd in wine and druck^doth amend the paines ef the hcad^^the cies, the cares and thegummcs:6c the fame caft in ghftcr forrae, doth help the cojruptions both ofthcboweils and womens priuy places: And the red Rofc water druk in BaUro Mana halhmany good lycffcfts: for the fame water drank, doth flrcngthcn decode the braine,cheheaTt,theftomack,and al the inward raembersribengthneth alfo the rpirits& natural heate^andprcferueth from rotcennes Take one ounce of this red Ro'.e^vatcr,a lid c quantity of white wine, one dram ofTutia,to which ad ofAlocsHepatike and of fuger candy of each twenty grames, thcfemix allfogithcr, which after drop, (as need rcquireth) into the eares,it d )th clenfe, dryc and rtrcngthen thefighr and the eies: and thcC^me water dropped with aljttk ftiger into the eics, doth help the exiil- ceration and rednes of the eies,procecding of heatej which being drunk fafting^vnto the qnaatity of chveeounces>doth take away the giddines if the Picad^an i (Irengthcn the liuer. Thefc hitherto of the properties of Rok$. Of the drdrmi-y care andftcrets of the hedrbs %Afi\. Chip. 2p, BarillfoMjteej:ceIIe/it fmcllaa^rauotit*^.it?) beiiev^^eateli? princes (fo;itlj0gieatct!eiis&ta^!)icSt^2e? csnceiue^ in i\)\% firacbe )tJ40p!arittl)era*^^iu tlKicgaiitien^* 2lnB t^etimeo^ foUjing tljis^earb , after t'30 imr^ssof Coluruella, oitgljt to b$ ^onetn tlje beginmnj %\^t \\\mzi% of^par^ in M t:xzV^\ to \yz p.2eirsD w^'Ciz 1i?iil) a relict? arts oilltgentl^ icoU tolting , 1^ xmm po The fo wing & fetting of he arbs trcoen tjotonc, tljat t^tt do 1^0 l)oUot23e in t&e eact^, tfje^ feiH ptitnge anD corns to no p;oofe. Theophraftus xontttl) a mar* ueilousmcitteefif tl)e}i5afil t^jatiftljefesaes beroU^enbtt^ curiTt^s iDo^Deu (iiks as feme uo in tlje l^empfccD) tljattijcii t!;cp tuiUccnietjpt'oc better ano tfjefeni: batjiat^ecioa^ to tiii'nj tl)z longei: to t^eni. Clje loonei; tye fcctjcs bill b:eak anDcoim\3p ifaiTei:t^e foUsingtljei! beo^rll? ip^m&leouiit^ iDarnie Uutcr. ^no feme totC^ t^c fecos to be fp^inhieD Vjoit^ tmegecifil^si? befolDcn tooiacDs tijcljuintec, foU^dttottl^ fuel) rp;mklingtl)ei? fo^iiecrp^^ius tjp. ^113 Plmy ujilictij t^e 2i5aril to be lu^treD oacl? at neoiie time of t\)c d-jp, luljscasall cttjcr ijCvKbcsare to be Uiatces mosmn^ ano cucmng Uit^ colD toaiet«;^ni i^tjeit tlje BaSiis come op ait banOfall bigf?, tlj^nta becutoiSfrodgljt anoHcaiglit asia poJTtbie.alt^oug^ it be ro;bi9D$n in tiieuijefo^t to toacl) it ^,23it(3P^3.i» asttjs Ijescb^grace, j.|E)mts^iSan^ ^aacrt^» ^it^Gar^ihusMarri- alisiDntetfjamacuellous matter ano iuoni^r to be noteD, tfjatt^e WaUl lometimeis b^inget^ fo;tijpacp:£a^ace$,rom- f mies U3bite, anD fomtim^g ceo of coloai: li^e to tbe J^ofe* j^no Ccifippus ( as Unitet^ Pliny ) afiimntl) ttjeljevicb to be tnppiiitabie tjnto tljc Homacfe, tlj'e t);uie4 tlje cisarenes of tbe t\!c3 1 bcQoes, to caufe aenjrae^. tljz fo^QtUiiMzz^im^y m^Cttspp^n^y^Q^ toiM^tiom of ti)z E.tucr: ano fo.: t\)iB Ijee ti)0Ui3t)r itbeittobecicgc^o^obotf) ofmcnanogoates* ^nD t^e^ccm liuttecstljinfeAb^ ^afil to QiragrednganD contra^ ri?tou)cnt^n t(iatut^ebutvi^»and /fir :??c;.^wriCe,rhart^cBa(il is heating in tijc iecond Je^rec.(5c chat it hach a certain excre- ment iiiouturc,i:oi the vVijKhcaufc^icis thought dangerous to recdue with their phificafl helps. ^1 'to rcceiuc inward, but outward tobeanoyntcJ,itdothput aw.jy dnd di2;cft* And now the fmelling to the BaOl doth cofftiorre tuz buiiie, and yet the frrivli thereof doth greatly hara}£avv£«kebr.^ine» And the (cedes oiiglit to be gathe- red in the moneth ©fiiily, for thenihey be be!l. Aid the leaucs ioddcn and drunl:, doth cake away tiije fu'iniminz of the head .' And the like doth the hearb preuaiJc.ifu be lice- pcd foranightin wine, and afrcr drunk. Auhhic hearbfod- den IB wine, ^ioth caufeittobe pkarantofiin^H,^ heafcth a cold (lomacke, and htlpeth digeHion : and ihs pouder of the hearb drunk with the iuce of flowcSj for eight daics to- gether, doth helpc an outward rupture J and thedecoftion ofeiiis herb in watcr.and the fame applyed likea foraeat a- bout the priuie place, doth both clcanfe rhe rnsttice? and dravvcdownethetearmes; and the iuceof Baiildrunkeof vvomenin trauell vrith childc, doth not onl vc mouc fbrvvard the birth, bat clcanfeth the afterbirth :ard:hchearbc iod- den in v\ ineand oyle^and applyed to the fundairiCntjdooth ccafe the often dcfiiC to the itoolet and beeing boyledin raincvvAtcr, anddrunke wi:h a littlcpouderofthcjm'ccof Go A e?,dcth help the f]:jce of the belly, proceeding of cold. Tlic feeds drawen dy the nofthrils, prouoke fnccfing 2 and being mixed with (horaakers blacke doth take away warts, and maketh them rife vp by the rcotes* And chc feedes drank do foftcn the belly and put away vvindc : and bceing drusk in winejdo put away allmelancholly fidnes,itirrc vp the minde.caufcboldnesvnco the feirfull, and make merry the fad . And ri^e Bafil nelpeth the Tc imacke, for that it di^ gcRethhafdmcatsSj and profitable itis both totheLiuer andh:^rt:3ndtiie hearb brufedand mixed with barly meale and vineger, and that laid in plaiftcr formc^ doth help infla* mationsof the Lung5:and the fauour of Bafil doth help the flopping of the brame and no fc^purgeth the hcada& (f aieth the rewractand the iuce ofBafii dropped into the eie3>doch cleanfe the mutes of tbeeies, and running of tli^rn i and tho hearb earen worketb chc like, Th;fc hitUerto of the pro- perties of the Bafih ^, N X. Ohh9 ^2. The fowing & fetting of heai bs Of the order wj^yCare andfecretSi9fthefTfCete M0tto;^tttn fo.: t^e )ileafane rm$u>is an leatbe mac^ eSee- tttco of aUprri3«0^a»uma^ either \n fcbne in teses o>retmilt^pe04 and tttai^et^jtobefettiiolDednnsCt^eeact^ befo;^ iD^ll DigseQ tp)a^^ to be ftt in ei)i moitt aiuj ^ai»otoe^ pl4ces,foj fe it gcoUietlj t^e fulUt ano bt§ t bat firt tn an spin aau {wmt place.it 5r9*aiet§ t^e i!)o;^ef s arm ctif^e^ ♦ 3 1 maf txi^zi be folDHe oi fet in tlje Tp^ing ti ste,ants cenisoaeo ta beos feiell D;e^aD luit'^ D;ie sung, fo; fo it pjc^ccst^ t^^ better. Ths'Thifiekfhelps, Mariorum is hot and driein the fcconddcgrce,6c ought to be gattcred in the fommcr when it flourethjand after dry- edinair.adoweyplace.forroic willferucforaycarc. And now the Marioramfoddcn iQlic> and the head wafhed with ths fame,doth ccafc the grieuoiis pain thcrof A Ub the Mar- ioramcomForteththebrainc, opcncththe flopping of the members , and takcth away the difeafc called Apoplcxia. And the poudcr ofMarioran),giucti with meatc , or drunkc inwine>dothheace the coldcres of the fl:omack,&comfor- tethdigeftion. And the dryclcaues brought to Poudcr and annoynted with hony ,do take away black and blew fpott of the skin. And the oy le of Mariorum duth h eat afwel the inner members as theoutvvsrd.andtheioyntsandfine'^yes* And the oilc alio doth heal womes places: & applyed warm doth help all greefcs^comforreth the braine, 5c al the mcOT' bers of the body . Alfo this hcarb hath the propcrne of hca- tiog all the inner mcmbers.foftncth the milt, andalTwageth the fwelimg thereoEThe dccoiftion ofthe hcarb di-fik^doth help the water beginning between the skin, the ftreig;hmes of making of wa-tcr,& the griping of the body. And y Q,o\i\i dc hearb laid in a fine bsgj^c that aplied to the i^oraack,doth takeaway the painc&greefctherof* And tlKpoudetofthc Mariorum drawne vp into the ncfc^ doth both cknfe and likevvifeheatc the head, and may fcrue allpcrfonsfor the like cauie^ Andjthe vapour oftbc dcco^cn ofchis hearts rcctiucd W ith th cir Phificall hclpes. ^ rccciucdbencathjdoothcleaDfethematricerandthcIiearb® roadcinapHTariejind applied vp, dooth draw downe the tcarmcs. The hearb with waxe applied in plaiftcrfortncoii Joofc members, doth ftrcngthen i:hcm,afwagcth fwellings and other griefcs* Andihepoudcr ofchc JVlarioram, with a little ging«r, drawn vp in the nofcjdooth prouokc fnee- fingand ftayethrume* Thefchithcrto of the propertiesof thcMarioram. Of the $Tdrift£^ care^ Andfecrets if the LM^iri^oIde, Chap* 51, T^e^adgolDwafloBcetjeri:^ taiUknotDfn, awnfofcee ftHHO in md0 €^ac5ens at tfjw oa^, tp^icj) mxmt^ eaerg iNOiuti^, anil i$ to bs fonno ial!, fo^ tliattl&efamjfoaptl^oc/ claitt|t&£ ^^arrB of mt2miig ane eaenuig> bis tfje owning awa ft ottiRg of it» aifoit ui naimfitbe fumteisaonrejfo^t^at after t^e riSng of t|e S^unne tnto noonc, t[ji3 flsure opgiretlj UirgecaniJlargeCjeataftei: t^enoouetiuie, tjntotfjefettmg oft^efetmne^tt c (ofet^ antj l^uttet*) ma;e nnD mo;e: foaftac t^e fcttingof il)e ^annr, t^c flcuteis tljen Issljoli? i^tit tp fo^ getter, ^gsrrgolo fceoeis be csnimcni >? fo icite in s feull lafeoa - tc9 antJ D^cfTels grsanQ; a«D in t^e incccafe af t^e moarte fo.j fo tbti??t245f^ert!ie better. HnDtoijsue tlisiijgrgl^e btg,ant5to bsare ft)icfet aas bjOiJe flcurcs, rcH niuS rcmstsus ans fot ttje )?oangplar5tcso^en, ano t!)t3 aliraicsi in tljisuureafaof flje l^oc!ii^,anD tW' ?3« airo pet m^nr fceoe s inta oite [jole toge^ tber, antstDHtcc tlinr.mt!?e fp.:mgmg'tip. HnBifuufj^cg. mssntng ^ou fet ttjem t£)in t'M p^^efi^ec tfje better. T/^f 7-* hi Ticks h'Tipcs . The flo lire? being flxcpcd in viFi€gsr(Sc falt^maybekepr fortrsroyeares.Andnovv thefloures drunlciii wine^discth comfort the f}omacl<:,procut'c an ap petite taintaCconunni: thehumours of the flomack,and heat a cold fl-ofn :ickc. Aiid the rind cf f he root foddcn in wine and di unkc, doth both digctUheeuiilhumors^andh^lpethtlvcdireafes ofthcliusr. N 3 And 54 'T^^ fowing & fetting of Hearkes, And the ponder of the rind oFthe root, niixt with the iuice of Fendija htle wiiie,siid a litle oyle,and boylcd togcather ^ntoathicknes^andalitle wax< p-ucvnto the fa me, rnaking thcrof an oJn£fncnt,with the which annoint the milt or cold ftomack, and it doth mightily hdpe ;and the iaiccof the leaue^ dropped into the cares, doth flea the wormes rand the rindi broughi to pouder, and laid on euill pufli:s,dooth hcjlechcm; andrheiuicccfche hearbeaiid rootemadein glider forme and applied, dooth helperhepal(ienicaib:rs, Aridro ^o.nen hauing their breades Hvollen through the flay ofmonthly courfes, let the flourcs of the MarigoJd,thc Spikcnard,and wi:ie be miniftrcd,whichboth dothafwagc the fwelling, and prouokc the Tcrmes (as writeth Mathetst Saluaticus ) And againfl the pifTing of bloud, take floures of the Marigold,andboilcthe fame, and then drinkc thereof, and it will ftay in ihort time rand the water diflillcd of the flourcs, doth hcalcal the gricfes of the cies, whcthcrthc famebecaufedofhcat orofcoldj andcleareththeeics:alfo it putteth away all griefcs of the head* Thefe hitherto of the properties ofthcMarigold* OfthecrdriKgandeareoftheLaHender* C^ap, ^z LSuentJeci^an fjeacbefujcetetri fmeUmg,artDatt^isBa? groU>mgmniofieptejens:oreJjelo!)ic^betUJOfemD5,t&e onegcQlDmgljigl), anDfeaoincj foonl; a greatfatJoac,fe3&tc^ fo?ttjatiegiu0tl; noieirerauo;fi;ant5cfepifee, i^oft^efame Kair.ED ^pifeciutD : ano t^e ot^tr , bot^ in t^e laigenes of t^e !eafeant>fauo.:,i£ileflre. ^anDfo; t^^tt^^z tmxti^ occupieDm batijs, ant) in t\)z iieafQing of ^anDs, fo^ t^e imtinzQ of fmel!, t[)£rcfo;eofmoacnt0n names ttieilauentjec. :airot[)e0rl!t$ name;? t^z ^alcjanti t^e ot^ee tfje iFenu!e?as runo.:r autl)s;t5 i£s;ue. ^nt ne iU tfje ilauenBcc ioi;cti) tc be fet in an open ano ^annr pUcs, a«D in flsng cart^ , fo.; fo it p^ofperctij tlji bctr tcr* The Phffiche help-fs, Lauender hath the vcrtucof heating ScdryingsbiitproH- teth not vnto the digcflion of meat : and row if any aplicth thcLauendcr often to thcDofe in fmdling thereto J it ciooth ■ " boh with their PhificalJ hefpesJ ^ 5 both comfortandclearethcfight: and who Co boylethLa- ucndcrin water, and that a fiiirt wet in the fame, and after dried agsiR be wcrne,no Lou fe after wi! abide in th^t iliirt, folongasxhcfhiri kccpcththe fmell ; andtheflourcshane finojular vcr(ucs,e[pecially to the helping of the Apoplexy. Alfo thcfloui cs deeped in wine, and after d2ftill€d> and of the iiimc holdcn in the mouth, doth r ccoucr rhc fpecch lofi-j proceed in 2 of I he Apopkxie: andLauender hath many o- thervercues befidesifoi the fame hclpcth al the cold gncfes of the brainc,crampc,and gripings of che body, proceeding ofcold.-lt helpcth alfo the topping of the mjlt, hcareth the belly 1 and fcndcth downe the tearmes^ And this hearbc ( with tie floures flircd ) ought to be djftilled in f une,which drunk: vnto the qaafitity oi c woounces y doth hclpc the ^i- dincs of the head: 3c the like if the water be rubbed al I oucr the head, andfo let driein of it felfe : and the fame water in like quantity vfed,dotb help the crarapc.the Apoplexie,thc afioniiliing and the treaibling cf the mtmbers, add handes, Alfo chis water helpcth thepalfic members, ifthcy be often annointed and rubbed with itUnd likcAife hclpeth the hea- uincs in the mouing of the tongue,by drinking thrceounces at a time ; alfo it helpeih vlcers and paincs of the teeth , ij the finie be often hoi den m th: mouth j and the fame water h€ipethwclltheblifl:€ringofthemouth,ifthemouthbevva- ilied with it* Thefe hichcrto ot the properties of Laucnder, Of the orderitiJ, andcdre, oftht Sptf^ti ird* Chap. T!l9e^pihriLii:DitOi3JCt^ Itotjuto ttjeLauenoec, i^min^ tfjatt^eleau^s l)etl)icfeef aii3 bigger, auDbearct^alfoa loitgccllaiticanD bfggec flanres> to^icljbce ofpiirpiC colour like to toa %mm'^zt . 2?rsti \)\t\) beSoes gitatcr tjcitucj* ^m mm t^z ^pikenai'D to\?et^ tobs hi in a. Uttaitl), li^rllLv bourcDano WeiTcDj sno man cpca mx^ ^xxmxt place of t!)c The P hijicke hdp:% TheSpikenardishatinfHrildsgreejaiil Jryiiithe fecod and caufeth vrine* And if of the decoction of it be a plader made & the fame laid to ihcpriay place; (laicihthefuper fluous ^^ The fowing & fetting of Hcarbtfs, fluous courfe of the tearmesjand taketh away the humors ©f womcnspUccs. And the Spikenard drunkc with coldc wa- ter ^putsaway the weaknesand trembling of the heart* And this Spikenard infufed in Lic^Sc the head waflicd thervvith, doth cayfe the hairc to grow,& hclpeth the Qieading of the haire* Andtheoylc of the Spike, well drawncbyglaflej is marueilous fweet, and hath many vertues, & cfpecially vn- tofhcpalficmcmbers^ifthey bcannointedtherwith. And the faid oilc dooth eafe the gout, and all other gricfes of the ioyntes. Alfo this oyle dooth help the fwellings otthefto- mackc, the difcafcs of the liucr, th$ kidnies and the kings e- ujlU The deco£^ion of the Spikenard, helpeth againftthc palfieof the tongue, comfortcth the (incws, and dryeth vp the raoifture occupying the inttrusacnt of the tongue. And thcflourcsoftheSpikenardinfufed in wine, andfct in the fun foraccrtainefpace, in a narrow mouth glaffe wci ftop- pcd,and after diftillcd by gU([cin'SaIne§ /ii^wwitha foft fire (3c if the freili flourcs may be had, then need you not to infufc them in winc)it is very precious ^and being difcreedy vrcdjhelpethallcoldcgtiefcsafwell within as without the bodie: alfo the gticfes of the head andbraiQe,ifalinneQ cloath dipped in thefame^be applied to the nofe; And the fame water bclpeth therurae,and diftiUingofthchcad: and this water drunk, vnto the quantity of two ounces at a time, doth helpetheCollickepafiion, proceeded ofcoldc : and it ccafeth the paines and giddines of the head, proceeding of a colde caufcjif the noule of the head, <5c for-head,be annoin- ted therewith. And this water helpeth the colde'and palfie members, heating them, and putteth away the fliakingof them* Thefe hitherto ofthc properties of Spikenard* Of the ordrtHg^ CAre^ andfccrets efths yvhite Liliie, Chap. 34 Tl^etiJl)iteiltUte,fo^t^ebeautt0anB fm^Il, igfiffirmeDof Piinie, tobcnerttotbel^of0,anD^jt3§«i:of giotiif ft t^en fl^emoi^aoHtfisoftftc garden ♦ ano t^e mcteafe fiftftij5t.iU Um marcieilJ3«S;in tl?at one rootr fen^etlj fo^tlj ansi reelsetj with tKeirphificall hefpes. ^y (fo.:t()cmolI:cpatt) fiftieljeaDis^ ^nDPalUdius iDinetfjfl)^ Jliiltc 1 fjc planteD in tljc montjj of ^ctobo:, ^ouembcc ^ an^ cparc!) ,ani5 tfjat in a fat ants ixiell o^cHet) cattlj, auD tlje ^cati^ fcta fpsn o.iafootearunDerjlifecastBtdiigljt^eceaftccuit^e fctttng of dPatUiic^ans) to make tijcm to beare piicpie flotpei's i gather (as Plmyteacljctl)) to tye number often o.:tU)eluc Ualfeesm tijcmont^oflul??, oilD^entljc^ fiourc , iu!)icli bhiDe togetijecanD^angmtljernioafee, anD aftectt5at;fiip offtf)eleaue0,nmkingt5gftalkei;na!jcD,lDl)iclj Heepsm rcD lume'leesjintfjemcntbof ^ar(l) (folong) ijntiUt^eljnot^ of ttje ftalkes fjaue faffictentli? Dnmke u^anD appearc tuell co^ Ipurco m a pu^lc,anD tf)in fet ti)0 ftalfeesi into t^e eattlj , fja ^^ uing tf)c OTine4e06 flanging bot^ on i\z Halhes anD rootcs;, ano t Jofe after fljall feno fco;r^ anB bcare purple flolssers . anb Florentiui U\:itet[) , t^at tlje jf loures of itillieg loill II)cix)eret)!ftf)atbetUjeenet!)ennbeanDtbc fjnaUbeatJ^ g^o^ iuingaboutt^croote,i?ou psure of tl)atfin0potuberof(Iller- wlition,o;^ elfe t^e pouDer of leD leao^regarbing ti)at I'ou fjacm not tlje fmcilll^eaDs giokiing about«anD U^etoife ainngttjeui ofanrotljercoiour.euenoftljeramecoIotrclEnU i\)z Source gi'DlDC : as if rou lift to Ijaue eir Ijer grcene o.: blelu !lillie0» ^no to [)aiie ilillics all tlje i?eace> take tlje buti^ not opcncD, lyitl;fomeoftJjellalfees, t^ofc put into a neU^c eaitljcnpol: not glaf^D onb after Hop clofetbcmoutl) of ti)cpat>a?tDti5'jcrt rcui^allneeotljem , tljen rett[j£montl}cri53eofaI5afonrn tljeg^unncant) after f [)e^ [)aue felt a iDljile tl)c tinume?), tljei? lx)il!openanbfp;^eaD ab?oab. Sno Anotoliusitjnterb, t.^at touma^ljaueiLilliesatbiuerjs tiines oftljereaiej ifm !l)e p.:opertimeoft^evearev'ouretronieoft!;e ^catis tiI;eluegi^ gcrsDeepe.ot^ereigbtSngersbccpe^an^ ot!jtrbutfrjUiC ftu^ gec0.anbtl)U0 in tl)e grouping bp Uniltl^cr' bcaie f.otirc^cit fiin^^ie timc0 one after another ♦ £Dn tljtg ^fife mar nura^ ctljer aoure0 be mabe gtolJue,anb to beare at others xixm^. The ThifiL\ helps The white Lillie is hot and dry orqua'iirie>l)iu the flours beofatsmperatcqualitic^andtheoylcofLilHcscioe great- ly profit^ by aiiiicincii)gcn the beiiy, for thvU it heateih O ' vvcrr.cns ^S The To wing & fating of lieaibs, mens places>andiofcneth the humours there harcincd* The root rodden and laid on hot impoiluracs^dooth ripen them, and the i cote roaOed in hot embers and brufed , and after irixed wich Rof€water,and the fame laidc on theholy fire, dothheakthcfanieifitbedayly vfcd, and in the like fort laide on wounds, doili increafc the flelh on them.Thc roote foddenand brufed and mixed withBarrowesgreare>oroiIc Oliue^aadafter laid on impoftumes, dooch ipightily foftea them J & cf the Lillie is m*de agood ointment on this wife. Take ofthe white Lilly roots, ofthe roots of Bramkcrfinc, and of marfh mallow root s of eac h a quarter of a pound, al thefc brufetogetherverieivc 1 in fouremcafuics of wine.and aiicrfeediallmhaifeapinteofoyle , vnto a thicknelTe, which ft raine through a linnen cloth, putting theno a litde \vaxc,8nd make thcreofanoyntmcnt^andannoyni icon the hard mil ton the left fidesand it will greatly helpcjfoi that it doth not ondy foftcn the fame, butputtcth away the pains thcreof*Item,therootofthe Lillie foddenjand after boylcd with oyle of Rofes.and annoyntedjdoth heale burnmg$# Alfojtheroot fodden in wine,and the fame drunk in the cuening at the going to bed^doth purge down-ward al noy- fonie humors ofthe body .And the Icaues fodden in vineger and laid plaifter-wife,dGth healc w oundcs* And the roorc roftcd and mixed with hony,&: that bid plaifter-wif e>Qoth hcale ioofc & cut finevves. Thcfe hither to ofthe properties ofthe Lillie. Of (he ordirifj^, md cure, ana fecret^ ofthe weed Ltliti* Chap. 35# . Tl^e ioosollillie o.: iiiUie of tfje tialley , ig a fioate wcrua^ loucft^eetcfioucif^ingefpeciall? ^ntijefpungtune, anfi grotr^uic; p;jopcclT? m t2J00D5>but cliicSie in'oaltm ajio on tl^e fiiseg of utiles* Wut noli) fo.:tf}0great commocitte ano ufe linotrne(of tt)e nourc)tlje fame of late vt^tts is b^ougljt ano plantet) in (SacDeng . knt t\)is Ijeatb fp;>mget|) tip lt»ttf) tl»o kaueslcgetljer, tiifa^loulihctl}eti3l>it0 Lillie, anrjintlje miuit ffMQtVx) tpa fmaUflcnsccEtilUe : lu tl}ctopof tobu?) gioU5efco;ttj iittlefnwUScuie£f;in amannecto|)iU;,an5cf a pleafant with their phificall helpes, ^9 plcafawtfmell. t[)is5ltlItctoTett)to bcefetma nior^H^cgrcunoaiiDfi^a^olucr place oflljedlpattien, fo^fott p;orpmfl;tt)e better* Eljecommooitlesoftljisfloutej s^al- luates t)au \n tljt fpaing time, ThePhiJlckfhdpes* The wood Ljllie is colde and iTiOift in the fecond degree, and the floures be of greater cffccc drams oftheroots^with water and hony,and the fame drunke.orouoketli fleepejftaitth thctearmej,&cea«» feth the grecfcsofthe body, and being drunkc with Vine- gar,dotb help the difcafcs of the milt^thc crampe,the colde iiakingywhich comci before the fit of an aeuc, and hcJpeth alfo the flieading of the Sperme: and drunk in wine prouo- kcth monthly courfes, andtliedccojflion thereof applycd to the womans priuie part, dcth foften the hardnes thereof, and hkewife open the flopping thcrof: &tiiixcd vvithtur- peEtine^byannointingjdotheafcthe gretfcsof the lo)nes and hips: andthcpoudeionely drawne vpifltothenofe, prouokethfncezing,anddeanfcth the head, and by chaw- ing the rooie in tlie mouth^dooth amend a (linking breath, and taketh away the ftrong fauour comming from the arm- hoales,and the grecne frefii rooteboylcd, and the fame laid plaiflerwifcjdoihfoftenwens, 6c other hard inipoflumc5* Andthepouder of the dry rooce^mixedwithhonnyjand the fame thicke laid on Vlcers,dooih cleanfc them : £nd the fame apliedplaif^er\?rifejdoth draw out the bones m wounds and doth couera^ain thebarcflefh^andthepouderof the root applied phftcr-wjfe to the forhead,c!oth gi eatly help the paine <5c griefe of the head : alfo, the pouder of the root, mixtwiththepouderofwhiteNofewort, and two parts of hony^the fame annointedjdooth takeaway thepircplcs of the faccj(Sc all fpots caufcd by the Sun,acd againft the drop- fitjtake anew laid Eg,pouring out the white and to the yolk put fo DDuch of the luice of the roote as was the white, after fet the fame eggeaahile in hot emberSjWhich being fuffia- ently warm^fupoff faftingin'" the moJning,andtheparicnt fhall after fend forth a merueiloijsaboundance of water be- twcenc the skinne and th^ liege ; an d this hath bene often ex- O 3 penenced* 1 02. The foY/ing and fettitig of Iiearb^, pzrknczd. Thefe hitherto of the properties oftheFlourc- deluce^ Of the ordermgycaceyau^fecrets ofVionit, Ckap*^ y P3onie te dXi\t^x\^z at t^te Oai! toeUfenoUine, of t()e iD^tc^ aft^c tljig manner. SLfje leaner tijeteof be [)ati3/i;om tl)c nea^ tfjei: pact,ano in colour Ufee tjnto ^o^eljounJj , an^ tlje rooter cleautng togetljci: lifee to the icotes of ti^^iolef 0, % be ceDDtl^ in colouc^beanng btgge antj pucple flouues^ans rcfembling tt)e fo;meoft^eHeoi^ofe,bamng tuitbmtl)e floucea pUototi^ fecocUfec to tbe Hcfe»of bbtcb come t^ec oOB,in fatl^ion like to aUnonD5>aiio groUi toget^ec , |?autng toit^in tcD leeiJes , to to i\)t bigneireljf t^e fmallei: ^cafe* ;anii tijc ffalke alfo , on tDljicl) tf)e fecoes gtoto^beacetli big ceDDil^ flaures, iDljicl) of fomc is nameo tbs blelfeD itofe : but t^e feecc of mofte, is na^ ' mcD tljeblclTeDHorc^antstijeteeDcsio^toberctDeninatDell ti^jeticD eart^jsnts to be tua^i3eD about at tlje comming tip of tl?c plantJSf. The ?hlfic\€ losses » The roote Pyony heatcth and drycth in the fecond dc- grcc^and indiireth for ten yeares in his efficacy,and hath al- fo the vertue of comforting «5c cherifhing the body } & cau^ fethbefidcsvrinejandpurgcth the liner and kidneis? which roote boyled in wine and drunk^doth purge theblood, and thcrooiofthepionyisnpllyniinillred to women in child- bcdjbcing not throughly purged after the birth of child>for that the fame caufcth tbecomming downeofthetearnies^ & purgcth them {o without harnie : and i\\z quantity of an Almond is to be miniftred at a time. ALifOjthe root boiled in • wine and drunke>dooth help the gripings ofthe belly, and {heading of the gall? andlikcwifeithtlpeththepainsof the kidneis&bladderjifthe fame bee with any flopping of the vrine^and a (moakeraadeof the little fine branches of the root, and rcceiued into ihcnofe.doth put away the Kings E- uilly&thePiony root doth takeaway the black fpotsof the bcdy^alfcyihe rcothanged about the l!ecke,dooth cutaway the falling fickncs: asbyalateprs^hfewas tried/^nat while aChildc With their Phficall helpsV r 03 a Childc had this root hanging about thcncckc/o long he uas not grieucd with this difcaTc,but when the fame was ta ken from hisneck^thcn was he vexed in Hkc fort as before : and this did the malcPiony rootc,but the feeds doc not the hkc,and this may the male be known fi om the famalc.Thc female Piony root boyled in wineand dranke,doth aptly purge women after the birth ©tchild, & the fame aifo doth the (cedes of it* And in other matters the roots of both hauc in a manner the like properties, and the field roote of the Piony, as Me»ardHs writtth, worne about thenecke,dooth putawaythevapoursflyingvpco thebraine,&lifength- iieth the brain : but the male only doth this,whjch be5:reth Icaucs like vnto the Walnutjhauing a white roote of a ting. crthicknes.andafpannelong, and certainc will, that the roote be digged vp in thewaineofthc moon,l]ie the being vndcr the earth, Thefe feedes of the Pyony doc help cfpe- cially the termes of women^which fend them down, 5c ihc dead yongling : which being drunkc in wine, doth help the hard deliuerie ofchilde: alfo the feedes ofPionybrufcd with Serwal,galingale,and fugar,of each a like weighCjthat fame pouder taken morning and eusning, dooth put away poifon,and gently loofeth the belly, & tenor tweluefecds ofthcpjony drunkeinoldewincjdothday the fupcrfluous couriVscfvvomen; and fiftccne {cedes drunk (of the black) ineither water and hony>or wine,do help the night Mare, the ftrangling if the fecrcts and paines of the matrice ♦ And thepoudcrofthcfeedsofpicnyminiftredin nieat&drmk to childrcn.doth fend foorth the ftone beeinning in theiUj and the \ o jderof the root of pion>' (miniftredin wme) m which the root it felfe,and Mugwort (hall be boycd,dooth hclpe the falling fickncflc, and the fame pouder|boyied in Callorie and dr unke,helpcth the paliic. Thcfe hitherto of the properties of the Pyony. T Of the order ix^ and care ofuvh ^te Poppy, Chap^ 3 8 * 104 "^^^^ ibwing & fetting of hearbes, Ijeacb Dott) t^e better come tjp tijere, to^ere as tUiigs o: icDs ano ll)jub^ of tuees be bucitt^ )l?ut t^e ^oppie anD SDill.baue t^eUfeeccnmttons ant) o^DecingoffoU)ing,Uibici) ti)eC[)av. uiUbatb* 0n5PallaHius tDilIetjjtbepoppte to bee foUjne in ^eptembec , tnljotano Daicplaccs among tlicpoe-heatbs, ans ret in tem?et:.^te nm colo plac0S,m ttjemontljes of 3ianu> mty$tb^mxk^mt^ ano if^euember ^ eitljer alone o^ Unt^ otfjer^eacbfs. The Phtfieh helpes^ Poppieis cold and dry in the firft degree : yet as touching the kindsjthc whitePoppy is cold Si moift , and the blackc colde and drie,w hich doth moremortifictand the feedes of the white gathered in the fummer when they be ripe, may well be kept for fine yeares,which haue the vertuc of pro- nokin^ or caufing fleepe,and of afwagingtand now to pro- uokeftccp^niakc a plainer ofthe white Poppy feeds brufed, and mixed with the white of an Eggc and womansmilkc, which apply hot to theforeheadj& on the temples, and the women of Salerne giue to their Children the poudcr of the white poppy with milkc, tocaufcthemtoflecpe, andthe feedes of the white Poppy, or thehcarbeit felfe brufed, & mixed with theoy le ofrofeSjand this laideplaifter-wifeon vlcers proceeded of a b rufe? doth draw out the great heate* i^nd the fame applyed to a hot iiuer^doth much helpe: and the poudcr of white Poppy feedesjinixcd with oyle Oliue, and annointing the ridge o f the backc with it,dooth take a- way theachecftheioynt$,andftrengthneth them, andthe iuiceofthe white poppy mixed with the oyle ofRo/es, and annointing the feetc therewith, doth ptit away the paine bars to a free anDb;insfoUl)aoure0t3nto 'ojiatei;. getsalfo fotienmrfje fectcsano rctrnflipu? but tlje flips alUiaiesore t^aougijt^a ftacp coloe of tljc iDinter ( i)DlDi^ocuci: Vi^z^ be tcntier j an5 i?ct t^crcefufenogccua^.But t?)e^profperb0l]^ iriafat ground anDrp;eai3tnion:.ini? b^jancijes, liljcamrgljtietreeo.zgcsate ttallje rercmblinsiiCiircU to tl;e flceet '3Mt txzt* Ofthi erdenn^^y and care^ofihs Uelnetfionre^ erfloftre Armour* Chap»40. Ti^iB floure (tn a mannei')neucr Deea^petfj, but {^cepetf? Ufll fjis colouriano tlje Sauce alfo is caceDjnuci) lifee to an car fifcs.me, becrpucplcofcoloucano beautiful! to be^iolo, ^ct tfjefamcljatfjucit^ec fmellno^taflfe^ ^uD it paopeci^groiu^ etlj tip in ti;e month of 0uguftj atiD tntiuret!) tjnto ^amzVt. ;anD\ul)cn ailot^ei: flouicigbe tDitftereo anDOcao, anD it al- fo in a mamiecluit^cceD, tfjcn after tljcmoiUmng u»iti)Uia^ teC;itt)oot!)cecouej:asaine, anoferuetl) to maiieloiiit ecsac* lanns* ;anDt!)isflourei5folunem mmo places in pgf^ ofeait^, t^at gcoloms fcom aupil, it map aourci^ bnto £)itobcc, in In&idj tunc bearing tfje floure,itist3 be gently auotenoet^ lpgatl;£Ceo# ^nDtijcfloiices fo gatfjcteo, tobe putuitoau jS)uen( after tijeDjatJoing orb.:eaD)anDt{)ei:e gently D2v?eO: af!er U^lifcf), tijc ^apDens of if ^aunce mx^ of ot!)ej: Coun* trt^S; ^oelaiU!}einct)-:3dii? Dpanoheep^ tfjcm tiitill tt^intec- fimetoma^c ijaclmriJS ot'tljein, anDt0 5)ang ttjem about tl;e joure. drunkcin white xvine, doth {lay the rucae diililling iroci the head : and the hearbc foddcn in wine, and the fundament foinentcd there* with, doth ftay and take away th*: fluxe,and the pilcs:and ia the fame mann.r applicd^docth helpe tie often d^^rt vnto ihelloole : And the root hoidcn in the mouth, dooth ceafe the paincofthe teeth: and thcrootes brufedandmixt^^ith May butter, and of that made an ointmenr^which aunointed on iiifiamationsjdothafvage them. And thch'arbedooch keepecloatlics and garincnti from being harmed bv worms and moathcs* Thele iutherto of rhe properties of the veluet floure* O/ the o^dcrinfi care andfecYets oft he gtlafourc. Ch :p# 4 f . tl)€iFi:cnt^menti}i; Utt^^ e re, :a:tCvtt)t,^ rnannci*|?3tJniai:ti;eCri^«naret oiUali::)oIcbc^ liiuij a-reteplantc?<5 iti^au iiijii. Sfjer^ he (erne Ix)!}:cd Uhe C!one$ an^ b;ufe t^em, lappmgtljem a* iDtit 11)? fiaittc^ ncie tc t!)0 xmttB ? ana feme nu^e t)D!e£i t^;cugtj liutlj a bcrjlim4!)at t!jcfiouics aftci: fpnlr; i3p mai^ r^.^ U0ui:oftijcm»uuDt^ercbceron]cotJ?crB *a3?)icJ) ixi^tt:;, tljatbi? t^0 often remoouua; aiiD fettuig of tfje plant, tl;^ fioiiix^^fp^ca li3ei3>:aO0Pipiearantereot(?0e?s. <^no Cardanustoitet^j, tfjat^oumap f?anc(^t!lvayures (mamanner) tntol^oUen- ti^e J If fcraping of t!;^ tjppei: rinoc of tije plants, i?ou fcr tlj^iii againe bit^i tlje rDotc;^ in Ijozfe oun^ , Uil;!clj fo caufetij tfjeiH to fe?sre faire Cloiitcs ai ti}e toiater , if ^m tep tl^em ffoiH t^^e co!i3 ake.^mi3cciiainn$iJD pjamttoner^lii^ite It^atroum.ii? maUe on^ talHe to feing fc^t?) ^m^B of maji^ colours > ifpou tahet(;2 (:x^3 otmzt^ colou:of ^J5iUi?3aiii:5 antjpaC Vgtin ai- togetfjer into a ti)in (mall reed, o) CcrDle cf a Hiecp o: go;jtj 0^ elstreDtjpiasitntn iiioi>ne itiitten cloilj, fcttmg ti^c fame m eartfjUJcilmJrc^ uit!)Oi;n,!,^jal)ic!) aftec t^e ujatring isiU caufetljeplanttoco nctip/vi:ai'r:igtt)e htteniiinbar o:colour£; m one U^Wxt as t'iiet av^^t; ri^i'esroii}an*4n5 tljecebe fonie te!)ici)lD;itet?)atifi?oirtii;et!)e)^13afiinjcD0S toitptij^ ©jU^- flotire rjxO0> aiio ore tljeui aa b3to:e r«JO> ttjat tfjei? toill fp^tng togetJjei: on one ilMke- euvatycleau^^ of tlje Souses put into aglaSTeor'tatnept:, aan fetiutlje^unnefa; mitam^:iiti^> 5otfj make aplcafant tinc^er* of (he cnh :ng and cArf-y of the SsraWberies* Ch^f, 42 ♦ T!pe S^trabibeme 10 accounted anions tljofc fjearbs t^at giofe5e in t[je gelocs cf ti)eir lun? acco;t3e» ;^^n3 tfje X3er^ ne0 bemucij ca^cn ataUmenc^ tMz^ in tijr^ouiiur; fo.: tbc io8 The fowing & fetting of Hsarbcs, Plcafantnis of tijem , to^jiclj fo^ a mo.:e Delight m eating, tl)e^ D^eHetDitjjtotneanBfugec* %\)t le^carfsU of tlje fojmeoC t^i5 fjcacb nceDctb not, feeing ttje fame is IxjeUhnotene tjnt9 aUpeifons * ^no it aptlt>gC0b}CtMnl^aoot0ei? places, ano ratl)cr:t3nDectfjel]^c45otjD0 of ot^ecl)ea'cbes,t&en alone an5 tJieplantcsfctin ^acDens, UJtUgro'ine tjnto t^e btgnegofa ^uiceccp, if tfje zati^ before in tl)£ bcos be toeU o;:eEeD, anO tiilligcntl^ tenoeD oft()e hearbc eaten with meate, doth help fuch as are difcafedin the milt: and With their phificall helps, lo^ and the like dooth the iuiceofthe hearbe drunkc J and the fame iiiicc giucn with white pepper, dooth hclpe the fhort winded: and the Berries alfo doc ftay thirfl profit thefto- inacke,efpeciallyoFthcchoIlericke.Andthedeco(5tionof the roots drunk, dcth qualiHe rheLiiicr,bcing taken mor- *ningandeuening: and the like doth the decoftionofthc heatbe and i ooc togithcr^both qualifie the hea t of theliuer, and clenfe therajnts and bladder : andthebcftdifl:ilIino;of theBerries,is whenthey berjpe,but notcuerfofcjandthofc which grow in thr hilly woods be the better: and now the diftillcd water drunk, or niixt with fomwhat ind fo drunk, doth q'lalitie the vnnaturall heat, and f Uycch third: and the fame water drunke morning and cuening, vntothc quan» title of foure ounces at a tnne, dooth helpethe Leapric, and purgeth the bloud, by drinking' ofit in wine, or other- vvi'e eaten with breid ^ and clcanf^tluhc foule icabbeof the bodic.and in the fame manner drunk,dooth helpc the liuer, thckingseuilljlooreth the bread, comfoftcth the heart,pui:* geth the bloud^and prcuailcthagainft the ftoe in the loyns, kidneissndbhdder, Alfoithelpeth vlccrsofthcthroate, thegrieu -nsrweliingcsof thefame, and th^^ftinckeofthe mouth, if any gargell the fame in the mouth or throateiand drunke of women, doth cleanfc ihcm,and fend downe their tearmes : alToit hcalethall nkhy corruptions of the legs, if thry be wafhed rnornin*:^, 8c euening with the fame,or with linrxnwctandappliedjandiccurtthfilchy wounds, ifthcy iliall bev^a'Led in the fame water, or vling to drinke of the water J alfo irpiitteh avvay the fwellingotthefac^'^, if^hc facebefandry times waPned thcrvvith:?ndniix-d with fait, and diftillcd oriCc ouer againe, u doth both code and clcarc theeics ♦ Thefchiihertoofthe properties cf the Sua w ber- ries. B Of I he ordrinf^ af7d carcy of the Boragey andaifo of'hs B.H^/op Chap» 43- S^ageisfoljDcnm tl)cmoneti) ofau3utt,anD Septem- ber, m^b^U (o^mh t^cmmzt^ of ^p.:ilb tiV^^^ a- ^ 3 loac i I o The fowing & fetting of Hearbcsi tone iwbe!)Oes,o^ about t^zbo'Mt^ of nclB beoae^ ofottjgt h^thtB. 0ndrt cannot apti^ be fotoeit inan^ oti)ectimeof tljereacej^etma^ ttjgfame ^lantaftectlje contming tjp bee t3eai?ii3eUi:e,iiouetj inan^jttme (mamannec) oftljcr^ave, anotfi^rgetics ou^'o^to be gatljercD butljalfe cipelcaStlje^ ctJ^eu-Uiifcfall outcf tlieljtjskes. ano t^cijeaibe teitbtlje fee^es^after ri)e pluikmi^ l^p, mud be iaiB togttbsc on a Ijcapc, fo.ztlje fpaccof tiijo 02 t'oicc dales, t'oate::)e fccDama^fofo-m t)nto tijettfull cipeneK^e. SnDliiljeii conuanient timerofec^ wet!;, tljeni^oumaurubt^e feeues foc.:t?)ona Unnencloatl), fo:ciI;ei:U.nreroti cannot aptl^ cQmebi[?ilj2r«i: Us'^ic'; fecBcis tl)us^aD,ni4^ VDell behsptfo.: ttoo I'earcg* Er»Dt|)e ISug- loae, tDliic^tljei^omtrinesnametlje^^etounge) an5U)ir^ t3S!l?.ngi3e»beere, l)atl) tljc ItUco^Bei; m fotoing, ano bfing of t^efeeBes^ tuljicl) tl}eSDO.:age b^^t) « ^nD ret fome U^nte, tttoi?etbtoberoUJen in an openano ^imn!?p!a:e, anotl;at f^eeactbbeUjeU labouceo ans o^c^eo befo^^e^foifo it pjofpe- ret[) f be better* 3\m\)z 55nglofe al'Ofo.: ^15 fingalacbec^ tueSjOefcruetbinall gacDcnsto befolDenisangbt necclTa- ThrPhifickheIpe;. Borage, which of Galen and Dto[cors:^es is naracd the Bug- lofTe is hotand moift in the firft degree. Which the felf farat Gahn witneilcth ( wnttng) that the Buglode is ofa moift <3c temperate hotnelTe/o that bceing put into wine in the drin- kingjcaufcth s^ladneflc and mirth ; and the Borage boiledin winejandrodrunk.'dooih engender good bloud.Andthofe which bii pained with the giddines of the head,l€C thcxn take iheiuiccot thishearbc, and mixing the fame with fuger, drinkctherof, which doth ihroughlyhelptherame. And theiuice ofche hearbc with Senee, it the lams fhalibe mix- ed with theSirope of Borage,and drunkc morning and eue- ningjdothincrcafethefenlesandputtetha.yaymclanchol- lie» And the raw floures eaten, doecaufe good bloud, and put avyay the trcmbhng of the heart: & they worke the like cffe^,ifthc floures be drunk in wine. And the firope of Bo- rage is vfed agaiuft the kings cuil. And the floures dried and kept with their Phificall hclpes* i"i i kept but a ycarc,do feme al 1 thofc difeafcs^which the hcar^ itrcIfchclpetbiandthefloiiresputtooyleOliuc, andfetin the Sun for a time, with the which annointing the ftoraack and rcgionof the heart ,it doth greatly comfort* And the di- fliUcd water (in Balf^co Mariajoftht hcatb and root drunke morning and cucning, to the ^cjuantitie of two or three oun- ces at a time,doih put away the gripings&fwellings of the belly,hclpc th t!ie bloudy flixcjand the hardnes otfetching W'inde:and the faiuc in like order drunk, dooth comfort the heart and brains,andincrcafeth memory and witte^ptifgech thebloud,andputtethaway frenzincsrandlinncncloathes wet in that place,and laid toany place, where either Spl dec or wafpe hath venomed^dcoth (]u: ckly take a way the paine thereof; and red Sarcenet wet m thewaier arsd laid lo the eies,dooth takeaway the paine thereof, srjdcleareththem. And (he diililled wacerof theflourcsdrunke,doth help all the abouc- faid difeafes which the hcarb dooth: yet the fame is themore precious,for that it dooth purge the bIoud,put- teth away m.lan.chollic,and marueiloufly purge the heart. And the fame water helpcih all diftillationsof rhc headjby drinking euery euening, vntothe quantity of two ounces at a time; and It alfo greatly preuailechagaind the burning Agues and the Iaundjze,and cooleth moreouer thehuer. ei- ther by drinking,orwettin g clothes in the fame, and fo apli- cd often on the region oFt he Liuer. AndrowtheBugioile hath rhc fame vertues which the Borage hathjand iij hoiand moid in the iiril degreesFor the B'gioireal To being drunke in vvincj doth helpluchdifeafed in the Lungs,troubkdwi:h a dry cough^aad boiled in water and honny mixed together(as CJah^i writeth) doth help the coughing through the roughnelTe of the throate^ And the Buglofle Iteepcd in wine ^ and retrspercd with ?vlellicrate, and after drunke, do^th Ciufi rf:ii:h: and often drunke in Wine, dooih purgetheredchoiier, proceeding ofouer- much heat, and m like manner helpeththe Cardiackpaf- fion, and dooth alfo put a.vay sIk hurtfuli humours of ths Lumgs. And il r The fowing & fetting of hearbs And the iuicc drunkc with warmc water,doth take a-vay the f Addling of the feet:airo the wine in which the Bugloflcilial be fteepcd, drunkc, doth maintaine a good memcrie, ccrn- fort thehcart, and ingcndrcth good blond: and die di.'iii- led water drunke morning and euening, vnto the quantity of I wo or three ounces at a time with fuger, doth I elpe thofc difcafed with the bloudyflixjthehardiics of fetching Wind and the beftraught of minde,or hauing a weakc braine : and the fjme water helpethagainftal hot fickn:fles:asy agues, the difeafeiofthe Lungs, the liuer and theinjlt5itpurgcth aifothe bloudjcc p.uteth away thepricking cf the hart and ftomucke : and thefaid water ofBiiglofTe, putreth away the laundizevclenfiihtheLeapry^andfcab, T^t Ijearb ® ermauog c,lj3l)iclj of t^z S.attne0 is calico t Ije UttlelolDc^feeof t^eearfl),isapiaiU tj^i;^ i^o;t:i\)bt£[) m Diofcoridcs Maibti^X^ xiSiX in tfje gtol^e!) mmz 9 fpaji fjig^jfecadng fmal \tmzs, rentes in like i^t ^Uluwt^, hiU tti lit tdXtty bracing purple flsuies dm t^ofe miv^ fmalU anD i£ aire gtobaet^ of it oUmeacw^ein rougljano llonp places: batnois3t!)i0^earb is plaitteDttt dJartjens* Sno t^efeeucs eugt^t to be gatijeveu toljen m Ijeatbe beacet!) floures, toljic^ 10 abQitt t]^z ans of ^a^,as Galcn ant> Maccr 00 \»;itg» The Phific\e helps* Tile hearb ha th the vertuc of heating 5c drying togithcr, 'Vnto the third dcgrc^Sc taketh aw ay the hardnes of the fplea oj: miitjcaufeth vrine^moueth the tcarms^helpcth the drop- fic(& chis)ifin the begining ofthe fickqcs, the patient drink of the with their phificafl helpes^ I f y f tjie^^ co^io of the heai b fhricc a day :anc! tlie heat b bc3 • ring the floi:rsck th grcatU^ Kelp brr fed n^caibers, if they be wafced with the fame, rr drur.k of the decc^ion of it : nnd theheaTbcbrnf^dandbidon Fiflulaesinthecoineisofthe jioih^tcne patient leof a colde com- plexion, but being a perfon cf hot and dry con^plexicn^thij h Ipcth not .' and the hcarb fodden in nine and drurk^doth put aw ay the Kings cuill: /\nd(hc Gern?a{,dcrrodd£nJn wine wi.h Fer.cU feeds and ^'ecnf, dooth greatly Uchc the Ocppi: gofthchuerandniilt.'andif Paraiyfecdcs leput the retoj then the fame helpeth the ilr^pgury andiheftcnc. And the hcarb boyled in wme Eclair' on ihep3lfi€n::ca.bcrs doth hclpthem. The hcarb allobrufcd with cileoHue, and laid vnio wounds doth healeit:and«hegreenehearb bo)^- led in conduit water and drunk>doth hcipeihc crampeand paInc:andthefamedecc & the water betvvcenethe skill 6c fltfli. And this he'atbfodc'cn in wine & diuk, doth preu^ile againd poy fons:& the fatr.c 1 id plaifler- wife doth help the bite ofveneniousbcoRs and Voriic.: and the hearbboylcd with wine and vinegcr, and drurk-dolh help th : hardnes c(:kc milt, an olcie c^ugh,and oide vlcciS; bting mxed with honny and Co drun k : and the p judcroftht herb miniRred with hony.doth flea it;ea'ornis mrhebcdy : and againltche rcwme^heare the ponder of thc^hearbe ina iinnenbag/andapply it on the head, whidi i^ a (peciall ieiiKdy«This hei b alio (iclpct h the bhOering of themou h^ifif be wanted wsrhtfe de(od>ion thereof thiicc a day i alfoiche!petrithermallfcab,ifroak»nganointrrcnC v/lth thchearSand barroA'cs grcnce^youannoint the skin* Thefchitheuoofth^pr pertie. of the Gerpnander, Of the or^inny,, ^: leaner, anO bearing a reUo^ie floure,anooeligljtet^ to be fotoeninafat eart^,tnt{?egar3cn# Ths^hi/ickehelfcs. TheBlcfTed Thii^lc hath the nature and qualitic of ope- ning the (lopping of members, of peircing 6c caufing vrinc. This hearb m the eating^doth help the paines in the head & lungs,&cauieth good h«!aricg,&fliarpneth the wit &mc- raoryj&puttechawaygiddinesialfoitcomforttththebrain and light,not only by eating, but alfo by anointing the eie$ therwith* And when the iuicccf the herb can notbehad, then may youyfe thepouder, or the hearb itfelfedried,and fticpcdinwarer^Scfowaflithecicsthcrwith* Andthciuice dropped in the eies, dooth helpc the blood /Lotten in them: and the hear be Qayeth the bleeding at the nofe and mouth, wit beapplicd to cither place : and the poudcrcf the hearbc mixed with honny and eaten,duth caufe thcpcrfon eafilicr to fpit forth fleamc & grofe humors, and it helpeth a weakc ftomackcandcanfethan appetite to meatc,andfottneththe hart:alfo if confumeth euill blood & ingendrcth good : and the hearb boyled in wine, anddrunk^doth caufe the perfon to fwea tjbuc being bo> led in vvatcr,& drunk, doth confumc the cuiU humours snd prcferue the good. Further this hearb eaten, dorbllrengthen the palfie members, and healeth the bliftredlungs* And the hearb boy ledordrunlcrawe with wine,doth breake thefion€;and the hcarbe boyled in ih^ v- fine ofahealthfull man Cbilde, and drunkc doih belpethe dropfic and plague, and brcakcth all impoftumes, and mai- ftrcth the canker^ and falling ficknes: and the pouder of tbis hcarbe drunk, vnto the quantity of a dram, before tweluc houre^ibepaftofthedifcafcfcltjdoth bothcxpell andhcalc the plague: and the do wnc conamingofthefloures, laid on cuts with their phificall helps. 1 17 ' cuts and new wound$,dorh healcthcm without painc* And thchcarbc chawed in the mouth.doih cure the ftinkc of the breath : and the hearbc boyled in wine, and drunke hot, a« bout a quarter of an houre before the comroing of an Aguc> and the patient afterward well coucred with cloathes in the bed, doth helpe all Agucs,both hot and eold ; and thepou- der ofthe hearb drunke with hot wine and the diftiUcd vira- terjrccouers the patient in (Lore time : and againft any poy- fon receiued by the mouth, when the fame hapneth, drink the pouder and hearbc, or the iuice ofthe hearbc, or the di- ftill ed waters and after couered with cloaches,fweat well for the fpaceof three houres: Laftlythe pouder of hethearbcj either eaten or drunk,dothhelp the ftirch ofche fidc^Thcfe hitherto of the properties ofthe hearbc named iheblefled Thiftlc* 0/tke ordrift£^and CAre ofthe hearh ^ormwQ^iU Chap. 47* V V outCnglanDjtljatit nktzt^t^z fmaller inttmau onoftfje fo.:meof it : ret be tl^tttt});cc fetnos of UJO^mcU?©^, UefcrifaetJbotijofPlinieanD Djofcorides* 0ni3tl)efitftist^e 3$(HnatneMo.:mtDCDD,tol)icl) alfo of t^c CoutitiiewnameD Ponticke,m Uil)ic^ ti)e hc^QtoWttl} : nmt^z leaues oftfje famef^0andentp?)iOfionsbfeDto mimtter m figs loCfjtl^ d;ch, to abate tlje bittetncB t^ctof* i^no tijc fcconD is tfje ^eaWo;mU)ooD,ljDl)tcl)airois namcDSiphinum,t!)erceD5 DfiDl)ic?) tt)0 |3i)i(itio:isappohUto tliz kiUins of tuo;mcs in tlytbomzimraofVoiB tf)ei? namctfjem (at t])i§\ia^)V^tiCem apmffiti;cU)o;mes,o.:tS!:;mc'rtt53c> i^mtljttW^iB tl)^t tobtcbtsnamcD Santonicum,gcoU)mg in ^tmnteyhzvom tbeaipes.anDttoaltijoug^jitbelcJretljeii tl)c cttjsrs, v'et itk facgcntlcc intljc bittctntBiumtljz fame kio^zmcUiooa alfo at t^is siai?^ ts fotocn in betss in man^ gacscns , ans tfie ^ongIeauisairomiveDinfaUcts,Uat9 t^e gceat commom^ t^oftfjettomacheanoiiuec? anDtbe^j30?mlDoaD&u3!jt to be gat^erc!) in tfjcmont?! of Julr at ttJljat time tl)t fee\30 appear, ant) to be d;i^cD in t^c i^a^oU)^ iiS The fawing & Tetting of hearbe^^ HhsThifick^' helps. Thcwormcvvood is hot in die firnde^rre, anddricin tl^c third, aRringcnC,and endued together with a bitter and fliarpcoyalitie,andthe iuiccofthe hcarbe is much hotter. Now the iuiccb^ing diunkefcv ten daics together vnto the qu5niiry of foure drams at a time, and isiTiprcd wjth Suger, doth helpe the laundize, the w ater bctweere the skin, and driueth forth many noy feme huniots of the Liucr and milr* Andthewormewooddothcomfortbt thr{ielli?macke»and mocucth anappctite vntoir-C3t,andhdpcth alfo rhorcdi* fcafcsprocesdingofa topping, like as the dropficj&rich likcdireafcs:anditkilleth the v\ormcs in the bell), and doth n^i^hrilyexpcllthcm, by wearing a plailler prepared after thisffianngr : Firll take foure ounces of wormewoodjhalFe an ounce ofEnphohi urn, one ounce of the Harts heme burnt, and tothefe mixe an ounce of a Hare gaule.and hony,which prepare in plailler-f^rmc, and apply vato the belly : and he \»'hichis{ickeof an Ague a long time, let him drinke the iiiiceofWorraevvood tempered withSuger, which dooth helpe the Ague in (hort time after: and if any be fo pained ^iihthe head-ache* that he cannot lleepcnor reii,leehim caufewornicwoodtobeefinely bruifedand boyledwellin water jsnd put after into a fine linncn cicathjapply the fame gently aboi;t the head, and it will both rcmouethe beating paines, and caufe the patient to flcep found!y:and boij-d iii wine, and drunkc each day vnto the quantity of four ounces at atimc, doth preferue the per fon, char the bloudpjtriacth notinthebodie : andtbeOylcofwormcwooddroppedin the cares, doth rcQore the hearing* And wormewood boi- led in vineger, doth amsndthceuiiUauourofthemoutbjif it be vvaHied tiicrcwirh • and the drinUin .; thereof dccth put awaythcfweilingsofthemdc: and w«:rrnc\\'oodboyledm oyle Oiiuc,and annointed about tnebrc'd, doth both helpc the weakenes of ihe (lomacke, and the mallics of the Liuer. Andiheiuice cfvvoiniewood,boylcd wjth the iuicecf Bo- ragCjandthefl urcsofCenturiejinGoarswhayanddrunkc doth help thof^difcalcdofthcAgiiejandgriefscf (he mile. Aad- Oi with tlicir phlficall helper i i_p And womicwood foddv:n inLicwith Sothcrnwood, docth heipethc iheadingof the haircs.Item fbrrawnes of thcflo- mackjtakc worm wood.&^hearbgrscc^iof each a likcwaighc: and to there mixal.cttcpcpper,bcating them together, and boiling them in 'Aincdrinkofthcfamcjvvhich doth greatly comfort the do rnacke. & purgcth it ♦ And worm- wood laid among clotheSydotii driue away moths: alfo the often fmel- ling vnto wor«i- wood prrcureth fleepe, or laynig the fame vn^er the bolder, the party not knowing thcrof* Thcfehi- thcrtoofche propcrjies of worraewood, Oftbeo)'deriti^^ cdre-.andfecrcts of Soth^nrfotui^ ^hap:^{^*. •i? t^tM)fzt\\\m<^^ \}z tlsokmO0,as pUnie ano Diofco- tfjemcnntmns : aaorotljeen^ifita^^^ntobet^efemale, an^ V^z otfjer t\)z male ; bot'9 '^^m\% a bitternes toe to t^e \xsQin\^ iDOOu. ano no\s tbe female(aftec Diorcorides)f)^09tet^ ijp iw CalkelCneafeuiDoftrecanofo^ t^atnameD ofmanr>t{je lit- tle Ctp^elTe tree, beacms little toljiteleaaesaUflut tijefmall bolDea 0.J b^anc^es, ano t^ofe finely pacte> lifec t^e fea l»o.:m* ii33oo,antJ Waning big i^ellolse berries in tf)$ top , torjofe fauo^ r^siactl) fomUjijut tjiipleafasit ano bitter in taCce^ 0ui) t^e mals beas:ett) ust To ]«)l|tte leauen jbcuig bjancl^eu toittj a fmal feeoa anoleafe fee is t^efenneU, C&o;tec ergcot|),bearmgm tlje top a^eUokiil^fioare,auD&at3iiigtf)elibsbeme0^l)angmgttjkbe togetlier on V^z top, ana fauouiuig fom^ljat ftrong, anis Uiitfj cnersot grousing: neere in i\yi earclj* Snzj ne-tiisi: of tlj^rjuani abiDe tl;e long col»3e of ti^e ^^iitec, but t^at tt luit^eretlj, ana u mnci; Oaraei) alfob^ t^e ioiig^cats of tfje ^unus tsj&en t§c fame rp:c3Detl) it felfe in tps top* ^nD Theopliraflusujjitet^ tljat it better p.:ofperet^, bein^Vet toitij tfje roote, 0^ in b^au^ c^es flipped oSf, t^en fotone in i^z fees* TheThifickJjc/pes, . The Sothernwood is hot in the firft degree, and dry in the fecond:butiE^i'?fMWriteth, that itheatcth&dricth in the third degree & hath the vertue ofdigefting,and cutting a- fundcr although it doth a little bini: and now the Sothcrn* wood burued and brought topoudcr, & tempicd with the "';"• Oylc 1 10 The fowing & fetting of Kearbs OylcofRaddiilic, and with the fame annointing the balde place of the head, do caufe the haire to gtovvrand the iuccof the hearb mixed with oy le of Dill >dooth the like , in cau - fing haire to grow in any placeof the body : and the fame hcarb doth ditrolueimpoft limes and flcgmaticke humours, being boiled in a pot with the kernels cfQn in ces,and fo ap- plied* andtheiuiceprelTed out of the Sothcrnwood , and •Irunke with wine dooth defend the perfon from the apo- plexieuheiuiceanointedonpalfie members, dooth hclpc them. And the Sothernwood boilcJ \^ithoyle01iue,an pla- ces, and the fame water drimke morning and euenin^^va- to the (jwaocirieorthree or foar ouncesat a timc^doji breaks any in »vard impo{luaijcomfortcththebraine,andtakerha- way the diOilling of the head, comfortcth a hoc liucr, and putteth away fienzincSjand the water of fage,wich pea- cock* dung.dooth Hay the ffelli bleeding wound, beeing boundaboiic wit'i moire or Cotren. Thefc hitherto of the properties ofthe hcarb Sage. P^cfclauie im{hz fe-aane in aRT! timz am feafon in a tna^ mt I ^et t{)c faaio fooiiec rp;mget^ tap, tD'^eii t!)e luarme feafonbcgimiGt'; astntljeC^ont'osof^pulU^v^^anD jUnnc. flno tijc kzXi^B mai! citfjei: be foto n alone in eat tlj Ujell mireo loitb potioei:t)uS,o.:amfingot^erl)cacbe2;ifi?ou \x>i\Mt^z\> toillpzofper ant) come Dpbi? gcotuing among ^nto«s t lee^ Silfo c^ei? DefJce tofee fotun in a fat gcounojfo.: b^^ tl).\t means tlie^ groto anD Ujarc t^e bigger,anD to^ece tlje feeBs l^aionce befo^nne, t^ece U)ilUt)^^Wi5ti^T?2areafteccomet3poft[)eic oluneacco.itJ^crpeclalii? bents fu^rieiJ to gcotoe to a big tnrflfg anDnpene0« E!)e l^arfelaine is meicl) l^acmeo b^alonoj C2ougl)t 'bnl^ltc it be oll)Ci:U)irc Ijolpe \x^\t}^ ttit often l»5tei:ing intljatfenron* ^no nofcjijat t^e ]Bm;fe[ainegcoU>iH3l3aBei: t[)c ll^aootD of tceea UjiU come to no turfifes ♦ The Phjtcke helper. Piirfclaine is cold in the third degre^and moid in the fc- condjand tiie ireili and greene more allowed then the dry which hath then little vercuc* And oow the eating ofthe greenePurfelaine doth helpe a hot (loajacke, and the fw el- ling ofthemouth of (he ftomack : and the Purrdainc boy- led <5cholden in the mouthjdothceafathcpaine ofthe teeth and a plailler made of Purfelain?& laid on hot vlcers where it is found that the matterin them putriSet'i,doth he) pe the famejaudtheliketirtheinspodumcfl-iallbchotjandthatic wandreihfiomd^ie member tj another, andtnePuvflaine takethaway tlreVlcers ofthchcad,if the fame bebrufcd<3c teiupe- with theirPhficall helps. 1 2 j tc;T pered with win cjand tiif head waflif d rherewith* Andxhc often eatirg of ic raw, doth fill thefloniack with chmmic htniors>biit eaten raw with vinegar, dooth puta- w.iy the burning ague, and brufed with Barlyniealc, and after applycd hot to the ftoiracke, dcoth quahfic the heate thcrot, andtheeatir.gof PurOaine dooih.icone Hay the monthly courfcs without harme, andihePuiflainebrtifed andn.ixed with barly Fiov\rc,(5cihefaU3elaidplaifterwirc doih ccafe the painei oi the head,quaUifieth the heat ofthe e)cs,naieth the flixcof the belly, andcfpcciaily thebU^udy Icourjngisnd flrengthncth bcfides the raincs and bladder, and the Jiice dnirke doth help the burning agiie,killeth the wcrmss in the belly 6v helpeth thefpJttingof bloodinthe body, and sgainft the coftintnes ofthe bell yj Teeth the hearb in water with prunes,and the fp.mcea re together ^and after diinke (he water : and ^//iVlljegicateicfrc(tlri0phnyiL\ntet[)) nnslca^ iTtfjapuipIc (?ccrt*C5Dutil}cnir.!caii>ljEtc acui'e, 'M^x^ noUi The Phfick^e kelpf* The Fenny royall it hot and driein thetliird de2:rcf,& loypli if thtniobcegathcrtd , whenitbeaied) theHi urcs> for (hat f he) may alter be kept for iwo yeares , and agamft the Jtch cf rhe body jbcylc [he Penny- royall in f aire water. R 2 ' and 12 4 The fowiiig & fettingof Iiearbej, ?.ncl waflnng the itching places tlierewith,it dothfpccdilyc healcthem, and foddenin vNineanddrunke, itdoochlend downethe monthl y courfes , and the like the after burden : alfo being bruifedwi^hhony and falt,and that laid plaiRcr- wife^doth helpe thepalfie and broken members. Ar.d the Penny-royallbru fed and eaten >/»ith honVidooth he pe the hardncs oiFfetching the breath, and againil the gripings of the bo vvellcs, take two partes of vvine and a third p;4rt oTthc hearbboyled togerher,aridrodiinkethe faine.and hee that is dayly mooijed to much fleept^let him cake the frefli Pen- ny royall,and hoide the fame vnder the tongue , and in the moiith^and thns often vfing thcfreHi hearb,rhai fo driuea- way defireofflcepe) andche pouderofche Pcnny-roydionofthe heai b and dry figgcs drunk, doth help the colcie cough,pro- ceedingofcalamiticand watry humors* Thefehithtrtoof the properties of Penny»roya]?# OfttocorderhiJ^c^re^andfecrets of the Artichock^s^Chap^'y 2, apptej Ui^tcl) ougl)tt0 UjefOii.eii c^ fct in t^t cartf)in With their phificall helpv'^s. 125 ^arc!)t Palladius tniUet^tfjecattfjbefozetofaelDeU tiuiig- eo ano labouteo,fo: t\)%t it beO; imo^etb m a fat grounti* ana tjje feencs fet 111 fatf grouiiD,t>oe greatly auatle agaiuft tfjc ca- (Tmgtjp ofttje ^o'ean5 otijer beaHes, m tijat tfjei? cannot fo ta^iV mabetjoles in tljegcotinD. SnD Palladius alfoU>illet!?, tfjat U3|jen ^ouc beos be tljU0 ozelTgD ano p;cpaces in a ceaDi- neffe, tljattljentofett&ercctieuintljceactlifjjiifea foote a funDer, anD t\}i$ tfycciallv ougfjt to bs none in tije cncceafe of tljea^cone: anaito^tljoloins tfjc feeD^stDitbtfj.ieeofpoHC fingei:0rottrettl)emfoO0epetntf)ecart^, ( vistjntotbe^ri]^ ioimt£5)ano couf c tl)emiig()Ci^ tuitl; eatt^,an8 tnater tfjem of- ten ifaljoti'eafcninfuejvo^br tbatm0jnst()c^fcnDfo;tljlot'^ tenoeiec ans Mkt fcust£«,as Varro it\:ttetb. ^no iofjen tlic roung plants be fomcUifjat fp.umgtjp^tfjencugljttljei^Dai^lu tobeeUiceBeD^fatrstljeicUiiti^ecenieaues plucheo aluai' ano to bee tell Dungeti about \x^it\^ lto,:e or al^eiai 1 aftec tfje mintje of CoIuhivUh : fo; tljat tl)t fame lunDe ofoung (as ^e U);itetf))is apteftantJ beHagcecctljtotjjis (jeavbe^^inDbe*^ U>argroa fet not tfje feenes tucneD t3? SID0 Doiion Ut tlje cactfi, fo: on fuel) mmt^zv iDilifeno foo:tl)feeb!ejCCCDto,anDt3et^ fnmUiictic^jocheiai.as Jii^itetl) Palladius^^iUDtlje ^cticfjockc^ iDtilgrjUi icitiioutpaufeieSjif tijat tf)e H^atpe enDes bee p,:jer- feE: Do \mt 02 ma^c bkmt b]? tubbing t^ini on a Hone 5 b^no^e tbe fcttsrtg m tfje eartfj* j^tUD cectame Ivnttts affinne^ttjat if tbe bppei I'^m of t^e roote of t*}^ ilettnce be p k eD off ,anD tlj^t tfje coot afteciDacD be fa^eo into acne fniaU pcutSy ant? tljat inie eacb pcece cut a ^eeOe be put,ani3 fo couereo in dje eai:tt) >of facf) a ncpth about fa 'o,Uy|):cb aftet mil groiD iuit^oat p.:!cli^ le«:ano Vgzv u}illgco\ufUieeteanoplearant:>ifii)atti?e a^9s (tl);eeDaiesbefo;c)(jefti£cpeD in an^rmeetrmeliinglicooi:, f a^er tfjg ti^^ing in t^t ap?e,ret fo Deep in tijc car ti) as a'ooue 13 faio«jro;b^t!jatmeane0tljs^nenrjfoQ?tfj ^ittkljot'^t^ oftl:e ffimetaile(tii^icb'ujeitcQai:biasjinto!)ic!j t^cfceoaUieie fo^' to : anD tpus ti)e? kuU (auouc ano tafte of tbe I15a!cs ^ if tljat ^ou Seepe tfje fesfies iDitlj )i5ar^!caues,o; put of tlje fccos m^ to^ai?bemc$ianDrettbmuntot|)e gi'ouno. ^atB ap^acti'e imi'bet)rc0 (,it ^ou tuili; in tljeo.iQedas on Cucljluife all 0^* H 3 tija 11 6 The Towing & fcttingofliearbs- tljCiC feetscis. &m to make aittdjochcs grctDefUicctem tad, tnfufe t!)e (nt^ts befo;e- in cittjci nulU^lottt* !;ok\? , c.nn toa^ tec Unt^ fugcr^o^ elfc in pieafant luine: ant nftec tt}e D^pjng, todl u^tlj eart^ in tljs beginning ofitintectocaufEtl^smto turne tD|)ae,ano U^t alrar tlie bitteuuCTc, ano ttje bcttr^ to ftt:fJCUHtt)mcafsinU)tntei:tinie.?in^Paliaduis atfirnetljof tfpttituct,i\)be oippe5in t-ung, ano fet agame in tattt}, U^elliabcuceD anDD^eCeDlnitijolsoung; at^;>er ootafunDcc fc;tl)c bdttt inacait of tije piant0 ^no :f rieeoe fo reqn te, fo;i t?;^i)^atGftl)c^ca^cn>t!jentoU3atelt^epIant6,tlntlU{)e? !}aue rtifxifiriUlp tatun rojt nunc grountjj-ano tlie act:c|)cche0 ace nottcbcgarriereDa;toaetfeei:,foHIjattl)e\?npenct ail at cnetiine.butdpcnaltjDaicslljtcneaitettljeDt^et, anotljei? alfoate t!}cntobegati)Ci:et>.Uilfent!;erljanea0t^tfiours in tfje neither patt;rcimoal-c«thi>etntD a (DatlantJ, ano not feijeu au tt)c Qftncs be falien cff fo; ttjen tficr bee iBc^ferjanD rueneverct|;£*^cn$p'a!UseugijtDa>;liUoi-ep|pfkeDtptiom t\)t clD.fe feare of luuo;ingtl)c ^ee'm Qitljc clo.nno tlje I'onng iieti3 ret m otlier places f tictljer a ruiiDcr : ans t|>ei e bee rcn:e ^tutiicvglt^ljtcljliiiilr tt-atiiic I'Cung. plants bee plnctteOljp, Uitrbfcmepaitoit^eroote* knothole pli^ntaUifetcl) vcnp.ae- frriie fo: feus.cuaijt acH: iobt cleanfet) frcm al tfje icna one^ gcDbMngabout.f ccuercD oueEtint^fome potfl^ato c.: 2i3aike, fo; ttjat tijc fceDrs tl)Ku§i) tl)e buintr.g of t!)e & tm f(^cure0 Dftlieramecorcqjting, Ocettteilve peniOjanDctui^tcno^ tl)mganotl}e^?ceant;-jKat!5?icegieat;vccuetto'.ceD cntbe rcors Df tije arncbcckcjj^ano if tl)e\? once t?.llc of tlje rcctcg^c; ct\)ct\x ifebeuiooueo toccn etnioi'^cni, tljfngatfjertljer af^ tevinguat ccir.panies tnto tl)c place, enolfjat ccrrming agreat Uiar of^fo nmcl; 50 tljer beiigpt in t^efauout ano taJte of with their phi/icall helpes. 117 of tfjofe roof egf* Wil^ttt'mB to aooio tl)e tcfe^t aK5 commm^ of tfjgm \)\\to tl)t ttottn , tljen tafte (as V^rro iBtUetlj^cit^c!: fUJincs Dunglappirirj! tJje fame about t[)e tooC)5,o^ els ^g afl^^ e3,fi^raT»mgtljeminlihef0^eabontt^ct:ootes, tojjic^fo ijniil D;ui0t^cnialrap. Theartichockisatcnrawjdoth amend the fauour of the mcuth,and the prickle partes hke to thePine apple kernels, fadden tender, and bcyled after with butter and vinegar & feafoned with faltjbe greatly commended : 5c foaie delight in caring of them ravve^and finde apleafantnes.in the eating ifthey beprcpared with pepper^faU, and the fine ponder of Coliirderfecdes(trawedvpon»And{liepedin winc^or ra- ther fodden in vvine,& eaten, dcth not cnelymcue or caufe vrine>but procure the veneriall a(n:5 and the lame fodden in water & caten^jdoth ftrcn^thcn the ftoniacke, & procure a more earned defire both of man & woman,b y eating both atone timeofthefamcAnd^V^jjaffirfncth, the artichscic to be then hard of difgeftionjand hiirtfull to the (Icmacke, when the fame is growne vnto the llieading quite of all the fiourcsof thehead, althcughfome write whenitcommeth to the bearing of PiDures,at wiiat time the riper ones (as they write) doenotonely wax dry of moiRuie-biuhardand rough of i kin , and alfo haue more ple.ntie of the cliollericic suicc rand of this they are rather to be foddentlien rawe^Sk: yetthcyongones being full of lucemay fafelv becacenraw being prepared in rhciikeorderasaboue IS taught, Thcfc hitherto of the propt rties of the Ai t.'chccks. Oft he ordi'rifi^jCar^'jaad/ecreri of L ctkcs^C^'?- 5 5 LCcUcsctigijt tobc fotune ma battle (jtDunB, sinD efpm- allr ina^lam0lolDpiace,asUv:itct!)Paiiadius, anotfjat tl)ebed0b0eicudl> ^tslicaS^p, lperilabcuc£D,ntioo;t3Ct:l^ fiangeis. ani)tl)ct3nretti.eehcs artectUJO nionctoPfQlXJtng, cagtjt to be ciit as tlje^groiBjfo: To (asCcliuaiellati.^iitj^t^) t^ll U3a?; c'^e biggec.anD conttnue the longer . Mno t^z bettec alfotfjcr ujiUp^orpcr,u after eugticrcmoQiitng.antJ fitting a^ gam^it^eUais^s bee cut :anD 5-^10 ortuitfje^bcc cut, fo of- liS The fo wing and fetting of hearbes^ biggec f Ije fjeat-s gcotoe To mucft 1)c fuct^c Dittant, as corn^ ujonl^ fouie finc^eis a funCJcs: tljei? Dugl)t to b0 fee, an9 aftcc ti)e ijcot»mg,t|)e blaoes t!)0R f o be cu t,airo,t()e often toatering umigingjulucfeing tp t^e Uiccucs groining neere to t^mh anD tfieoftenicmoouiug.eocgccatl^fuctfjer tlje mcrcafe* ^no iDljcn rcn miiiD to ^atie t&c IjcaDs of t^s lleekeisf gcoto btgge, tlj^n before tl)e retting againe, cutatDap aUt^efmallbecne cooti8i.f tjntect^e^eacs! la^ cither pot ^G^ac&ig^o.ze^^ftei: O^els betfe^eene tljcl^eaus ano t^e cartlj.aiiu after coucr eaclj beaH fo D;ecre9 Ipiib eartf)^aiiDbr tfjat meanes tl)c Ijeatjs toillgcoU^ tH biggecfo t^at pu ooe not tijen feater tl^iMtt tlje miiM (eftl)et^at t\izn ree fet t[je l)eaDei3 agame in netcr anu foftcolM^liungjfoure fingecis; a funDer eac() ftowx otfjer .0nD tuljeu tlje Leehes ^aue gotten fome ttcengt^ of coote in ttit eact()4[)en \s^itli rour fo.zkco Dibble, put tni^ei: tl}t (jeaD.loofe it fo in t[)e eartb> t^at t^e b^aD map fo feme to tjang in tljc tcitc\),nm in tl)z Ijeao b^ ttjat meaner gntJing fucfi large emptines bniDci: it.UiUl after gcoto out^antj fill t^at em^ ptmeOfe. ^no fttrtl)ci:,if i?ou tieficc onel^^ to fjaue tafet lleefees^tl^eni folDi'ouc feeDes tf)itUt tcgetl)ei: tbut ifbi^in tl)e|eaD, tj^en foU) ^our feese» U;e tfjinneisann Dai?I^ in a maneu tueei tijtm anij feeo tljem Ujitl) foft e o'a? Duiig anti tbe tlje feeos alfo ma^ be folune In t^emonetljs ef ^arclr, %:iii^^a^,ano all June: S5utcemouei3atil)retagaine(aftectl)c minoeof Palladiiis)in tljemont^ofBiuli?, ^ugu^, S^epf ember, anD£>ctober, totll t»eB femetljemonetljs of £0arcti ano iap;illtolloU3ing,being as aboue fattienetn oungeoin t'pc Mtin^m^ Uiateieo* StiD botlj tlje (3ttt}^t Sotion,CoIuiiiclla,fenOPaIladiusDo\D^ifC tljat if manv fceDes ot tlje ilec^es b$ cn^ tip togetljet, ano fet in p^epareo uttl),^ foon aftertoatereo, tljen toill al t^e f^oes in an beape together groto tip into one mecua tlou s big llaeke, rigljtUJonD;jo«stobel)olD. 0utit|iisp2ajtire mai?beetcpeDbi^ ti)e feezes of ans otljei: plant. 3ni3 lit^e Unto tjje aboue^faitie ma? The fccond Booke. t20 ma^ be caiiftD , if t^at into tlje l)ca:3 of a Uahc rcu pnf a rapr^j faO0(t^e(loIe bgrojcfccingboKtJVuitba U?mDcnp;ufec,fc: tfjat billet^ etje brarj) ano Hjcn fct o^nerli? , as is abcue fato, UoefS groty uUo a maracilciis btgncs , ag VD;jitctlj tljc afojc^ TaiD PalJadiiis. Columella U),2itctl),tlist tl)C fjcatJ of a Ilefec boaeD tDtt^ tljc pointc of a luooDcn p jlcbc o^ ftifire Mace , e; elfe b^ anp otber meancs , a Ijole openeD luitb iron, anc puU ting mfotbe fame bole a (3omn fecte, intbegcauofKapc ffieDe5taugbt^cfo;e,ar.oo.:Djmgoftbe!ebc(agi£;atcuekio) iuill after groiu into a maraciious bigne0« ^notbereiiS^etan otbertDai?taugl)tof ccrfatti0otl)er0, liDbicbiiii^tbatfoman^faeiiesbeputtntoattiin il^ectie, as a map ma^aptl^tahetpU)itbtb;ee of biiS fingers, nnD tbcra fct o;oerlp into t^egrounD, antJ of tbcfe fanes tcgctbcrtDtU p;oc0edetbelifecbigplaiit,astsabo«efaio, BnoColumelfa totUetbtbat after tbc foloingijonrreerjes, anbtbat rouercD t»it^ eartbjto treab tJ^c eartb clofc bpon tbem luitb tljt fcctCj ani3toroenoofbertDo^feet3ntotbem,t3ntilltb2e2 tms be pad , anb in ti)e fourtb ba? to fpjincble t?cur feezes liiitb U}n^ tcr, tjuleffetbcrbcintbe meanetimc luatercD Iritb rainc, foa bp tbat mcanes (fait^ be ) tbep toill (auonr mutb better : anb toben in fotDtng o^ planting pou mixt fano to tbe eartb* tben \Bi\l tbe ILeekes groloe anb i^eelo tbe plentifuUer* SitiJi^ to take aU)ai? tbe drcng b;(catb ano fmell of eating of E eefes, etiatoc tben Cumminc i« tlj? moutij , ano t\^t fame luill tabc aUiai? tbe (!rong fmell^ alt^ougb rou b^b eaten a large banb^ fuiloftbeLeefees atone time* ilnbPetnisCrefccnhus toji# tetb>tbat t\)t fdebcs of llceUes poiP>eb into tutne,bo not fu^er tbe tuine after to fotoer : bat ret tbep rcffoK titneger linto tbenatnraUtaflteanD fmcU of totne, taking atuap bp tbat meanes all tbe tartnes anti C^arpnrs tbcrcof* Sino Nero Cac- farCb greatli^commcnbetb t)nfctfi.©bcs,tbateatiHgtbcm tr uerp nap toitb opie, loill after caufc a cleare toice tc ling, tO tber p;jiuatelp o j pnbliquclp, ^nb lafilp,tbis bp erpcrtcnce is founMbattbeiLafee commctbtp after tbecigbteentb baie^ folDtng^anb grotoetbbnto tU30 peres enMnb after t^atfaU itt^ to fecbing^anb Co oietb* ^ The i 30 Secrets in fowing and plantings The Phyjtcke helps, ThcLeeke of the Garden diietliin the fecond degree, and beateth in the third , and the fecdes may well bee kept three yearcs. The Leeke bruifcd and mixed with fait , and thatlaidoncuilpurhcs,dothhealethcm:andbeingbroi]ght vnto pouder.and tempered withoyle of Rofes and vineger, & droppedinto the eares^doth put away the pains of them: and the fclfe fame taken, doth helpe the tooth-ach : but the Garden Leeke by often eating, doeth harmcboth thefto- mackeandeics : and much more the wilde Leeke. The of- ten eating of the Leeke dcth fill the body with winde,and thereforeit oughttwice tobe fodden in water , before the eating with meatjandfothcmaliceofitis qualified. And the Leeke alfo draweth downe the tcarmes, caufeth vrine,and pfocurethafuperfluousheat.TheiuceoftheLeekedrunkc with womans milke, docth helpe an old cough; and the bli- flers of the lungs :and the fame drunke doth helpe thcfpit- ting of blood. And for the cafting or vomiting vp of oldc bruifed blood, take two drammes of the iuice of the Leeke, with the like quantitie of fine pouder of the gaule.and O ly- banam,mixing them together, which after drink,& it doth greatly helpe : and thelfame mixture applied vnto the no- flrils, doeth flay the bleeding of the nofe. And eating the Leeke rav/,coeth caufe vomiting.and is contagious,yet the fame putteth away drunkennes. And a plaHer made of the Leek with hony,and that laid on broken and fpoiled mem- l^ers, doeth aflwage thefwelling, and confume the clotted blood. And agair^fi: the paines of the hips, drink the iuice of the Leeke,and it will eafe the fame. And the iuice doth e(pc- cially healefuch woundi which becold and putrified, if the faraebe powrcd into them, and eateth away rotted fieih of the wounds. And the iuice mixed with the rootes of white Lihes, and anointed on the hips, doth put away the pain of them. And the often eating of the Leek doth caufe the head ache,burdeneth the ftomacke, caufeth thiril:, and influmeth dicblood:andtheiuicemixt withfalt,andthatlaidonfrefh WOunds,doth vnclofe them. And the eating of the leek pro- . ctireth The fecond Bookc. lU ciircth a dcfire to the venerial a(fl. And the fuicc of the Lcck druiikinwine,dothboth help the old cough &thedropfie* Andagaindthcpainesof the head, take two partes ot the iLiice,with a tiiii d pai t of hony,that drop either into the no- Urils or eareSjand it will greatly help. And the vnfet Leekes fod3en in good white vvinc,with May butcer,nnd that laid plaRerwireonthebcilyjfo hotasthcpatientmaywcl abide it, anDtbebeaog alfo often huochtngo; beating together tt)?oug^ blotuingof tbetoinDCd , l^oaiD fo (^ahc fo^tb ant) leefe mucb fceoc* 6ratD : ants in fucbtoife tbe^ oug^t to be laid in tbe ErabDe , tbat tbe one toncb not tbe otber* ^inti foms baiigtbemin t}^c fmcbe anii Cbimne^ ,neare bnto tbebeate of tbe fire, ano Dog lifectuife continue a long time, 0nbto iiiah9^nton$grcluofamaraeilou£!btgncstntt)ebet}5,clofo tbereeDC£iof tbemtuttbtbe feeoeg of tbeCouro in tbe beS bung, anbmtretbccartb titligenti^ luttbtbem in tbe put^ ting into tbe eartb. 0nDrcu mapcaufetbcm alfo togroUJO of tbe fame bignelTe, if tbat railing bp tbe eartb about tbem, l?ou Doc Icofe tbe eartb bollotxj bnoer tbe beats , as before is taugbt of tt)e o^oering of Leefecs. aifo irou map caufe tbe like beaos^if boding certatne bole^j^ou put into tbem feme feeoes of tbe nion0betbcagljt fc feeepe t§e better ano longer time, U)t doe heale and make the skin fairs. ThcfecondBooke. 13J faire. And the eating of them raw, doth caiifeloathfomnes vnto the (lomackcand yeeldetha flrongfauoiiroutof the mouth. And theiuiccofitdrawne vp into the nofirils, dothpurgethehead. Andagainftthebitingofa maddog, take the iuice of the Onion , with the iuice of Revv,or herbe Grace^andhony, and with the faireanoint the place. And the often eating of Onions, doth hanne thecholericke, for . that they caufe them to be both hotter anddrier: butthc flegraatickpcrfons the Onions feldomeharmCjfor that they cut afimder-andconfumc the fupcrfluous humours in them. And the iuice of the Onion mixed with Capons greafe, and anointed on raw heelcs, orfIeepiegaules,dothfooneheale them. And the iuice dropped into mattery and running cares, and after feething them in fait broth with other good fpiceSjis then profitable to the ftomacke, and caufe a belter nourilLment. And theOnicn bruifcd withhonie, and thatlaidplartervvifecnany vvounds, doth heale them. And the yongtcnderOnions eaten with bony do maintain health. And the Onion rofted m the hot ember s and eaten with 0}'le,dothhelpe the cough. And theiuicemixed with womans milkc,and dropped in to the eares, docth helpc tlie paine and noifeofthcm. And tlie iuice of the Onion drunk with the iuice of Fenell , dothhelpe the dropfie , and being drunkc with Rew and honie, doth greatly helpc the heauy fleepines and forgetfulnes. And the iuice alfo mixt with rai- fonsandfigs^and that laid piafter wife on impoRumes, doth both breake and draw them. And the eating of the Onion doth caufe fearful! drcaracs,efpecially to fuch lately cropcn out ofafickncs. And la{lly,the Onion atcufl-omed robeea- ten morningly,and that yong and tender.both of labouring and husbandmen, dothgreaily maintaine their health , and Drcuaileth the like to them againd the infedion of the aire, jy eating them with fa! t and brcad,fc r fo they lelle harm the lead, Thefe hitherto of the properties of Onions. Of the ordcrm^yCArc.dLridfecrai ofth^ Garhl:^, Ghap. 55 . TE)0 \tUix (HJarUfee t^;ua be fa'cocn oj fet m i\z ricgcfli of 156 Secrets ill fowing and planting. anD raifeD fomcUj^at^ig^ , iW tt tna^ t^ie fclTe bee ^armcD tDit^esUmtcrtoaterg. anc t^erefoaerou ftallmafee fun^ D^^ little farrotucs in tcurbecs , libc to rucb\Dfetcl) become monlte maoe in t^e fielOiS , to auoiue tljc moid urc ant raine. flnD fct tbc Cl^ues ( plucfeeD off from t^c beats ) fcure 6n^ gersafunter, antnoto^cr tben tbennotleioint^tljatttjes ma^flje better come tjp* ^nttoljen tb^eleauesarerpjung tjp, t\)m toeetj aboat tl)cm : fo: tbc oftncr rou tjo tueeo t^em, tbe bigger t^cq U)iU Inare in tl)c btatis. ans if ^ou \»ill bauc tim big in tge i)eat30,tben treat t^iem flat toUon. after f faS^ ntngf tpingtogetl)croft^egreenebIaDe0, U)t)ic^igou muS Do,lt)^cn as tbe blatc^ be fomlDbat come \3p,anD not greUiii bnto a Halfee^tbat fo tbe iaice map returne to tbe fteatg.ano PaliadiiistDiUctl), tl)at<15arlihebeefo\JDen either in Janua^ rie,o) il^onember , in a ts^tte grount , Uiell Diggeo ano labo * reOjbutnot Dungeo,anD in a toarmeoap ,ant tbat tbe eart& be tben inoiffcrent D.2ie:foi bp tbat meancs toil tbe fatii pao^ fper tbc better, ant come fo:U)art* ant pet Pliny tD;titct&, ttjattbefectesfolucn toe aentcrlpcomebp : fo;» tbatin tbe firttpearesgrolDtb, tbepbeeno bigger tbcn t|ielLecbcs in t^e ^eat£( : ant in tt)e fecont pcare tt)ep come tiaiteb : but in t^e tbirt peare,t^c ^eats be grolBcn to perfect bigneCTc^nt furttjrr,tt)ere be certainc others tobicb U3ill,t^at tbe feeoes of tbe^arliUebefoUienintljemonetbs of September , idDcto^ fcer,iFcbja3rie,antsparcb: ant in l)ot countries in t|>ema# ttet^ofE>ccember. antPiUadius Vp;itetb,ttiatifant'l)apt» pen to be left in tbe eartb toben tbep bee ripe , tbcn tiiofe rc^ mainingtoe after renuebotb in tbe rootcs ant Icaaes , an^ rent fojtb tbeir fceteg in tbe peare fcrtlotoing,U)bic|) map bee folDen ant b jmgfo;ttb ©arlilje. 3nt befitcg, Palladius loil- letb,tbatijDbcnt^c Clones bee tljusfet on tljeritgcs of tbe bettcs in Ijobitceartl) , lueil labcuret ant tjelTet tuitbout SDung, ano tbat tb cp be fl^ot \)^in denis, to treat tl^t blatciJ fiat to tbe eartb , ant beeping tbem totonc , tbat ti)t blatcs (^(0t not info an &cigbt , toljicb fap tbe often treating of t^tm iJolDne/ir-ill caufe tbe inice to returne bnic t^t Clones , anD twafee a mig^tietjeac. ^o;ccuer,Pliny,Scti3n t^c <3ittj3i^^ Palladius, The fecoiid Bookc. i^y dome of t^e ©arlifee be fit in t^e taxil) ii}l;cn fl}C ^©ne is ^nocr tt)0 f art^, ano t^e &cats pluckeo tp lul)en (i^c liklwife iBiet tjnDcr tlje eartf) , (^at f t^ew tlje ftrnigt jj of ttje faucwr of tljcmlDia be rQimall, tfjaffijc intai^ of tt)ccatn£; ofCJjcm f!ja!l fcarceip be fdt, ano not tjnlihe to tijts Do(f) Columella &;ite^tgat if t^e doacji be fct in ibt bcD0, t >^^®ne being t^cn fenocr tljc cart^,anD tl^c ljcaH£5 plucheD Dp at tljc cliange of tljc 5na>ne,tS?at tfje fauo^ of tlicm lyilbe greatly abatcD* ^m tit €>;iT& Sodon ii?;ttct^5 tljat pou ma^ mahc tfjc (Darlili ^eaos rapojftuaeter , if t&at ^ou nwxe t^t hernels ofiDltucg b^aifco is)it^ t^c cicuf anB aftcrUjaru fet tijcm togctbcr in t^c tart^, o; gently b^cdfeing flat (^ci:^arpecntJsoftl)ecloKC£i,tou fet t^em fo into t^e cartb : o; eig in t^t fetting, toti mire tJ^t Eeee of t|)e ^t^le ^liue iDttb t|>e cloucs of tbe €arU^c« ^nD Didjmus U)aitet^, t^at t\)t drcng fauour gotten b^ eating of ^arlifee, is put aUjai) b^ t\)t onel^ eating of a greeMc JlBcane o^t&jo. 0nDott)crs tpjitc , tt)att^e roteof tlje lBoetej5 ro^ neul3nDcrl)oteniiers,anD eaten :C;otl) pat aU?apt|;catot!g ti^ratlj auD (mell of tjjc C^arlifer* 2nD lif^etoife ccriaini late practitioners i3GcU)ritc,t&atift^e eaters of (DarUfee DO afUr. cate greenc parcel^ , ttjat t^e fame ^otlj C^oatl^ after tahc a^ itai? ibe iDtttcniefnelllbcrfof* Sr^D man^ of tlje anticri U^^jitfrs^rfiimc, tfjaette(lparlifep|)eatsU)iUfcntir.uetl;e longrr, £nijfcriiett)e better fo tfe, iftljatttjt)? be afters tooics eidjer bunco c? cotercDinCla^e, c^targtotp in tl)e rnrc'lic. £ ibc toife t^ere ke feme U^feicl) luiU, tl;at tlje Jjf aDs of CS'arlilte be a little iriiile fieepco in tuarmc faft toa# ter^ano aftcttobeD;ict)ar,o |jangiO t?p o; ecuereD , U)tjit|) fo Cioti) caufe t|icm to lad tl)e longer. }lBut in t^is o; ti)at manner tifeo, tl)ci? become (after ttje (cttirg) barr^ine of Yalofo;t^emoff part. <^M fu^eient it is , tljat t[)c Car^ lif?e l)cat5s be o^iel> oner tiie fire , i^at ttjci? mar not fp;i«g o^ grotoe after \r art). £no Pliny u?;itett), tftat tfeofe tl^atss of ©arlifee be of afoU)ertatfe,tobictj^aactl;emoftcloaes : aiiobealfoeffir^ m^% t^attt^eCDarliltee jieaos U)tU!;an$ no firongcr fauour 15S Secrets in fowing and planting. 0^ fmdl after V^t feetjbtng , t^ett t^e Anions ^aue after tlieir fatt)ing.^nt)PallacliusiD^ttet^,f6attl^e©arUfe^eai)£;ons6t t(ien to be ptuckcD tp.to^cntye fta\lsits\x)m Wt atiD feeble: anti t^t0 cfpectallp 00 in tbe tpane of t^e titmne , 1 in a cUare D a? ano D?ie feafon^^no Democritus in bis buf bann?^ to^i^ t£tb4bat ifv^ou niino to tiatus t^c fmalbirD^ from t^e eating ano fpoiling of ^cur frutt£;,ant; not to come neere tbem , t|)en f afee dParUfee ^caDs^ano tiang fano^tj on Diners b;anc|)e s of t|)etrec£i« The Phyjicke helps. Garlike is hot and dric in the fourth degree^ and hath the vertue of confuming,dilIoluing,and expelling poyfon. And againftthe biting of any venemous beads and worms,takc Garhkjbruifing the fame, and after apply the fame plafter* wife on thebite:and this is named the husbandmans triaclc. And againfl: worms in the belly,take Garlike, with the iuice of Parcely and Mi ntes, which rcixe with a little vineger and pepper, 6c making therof a fauce,vfe to eat of die fame with bread or meat And for the cholicke and paines of the rains, feeth Garlike in wine and oile,which applying plaftcr- wife on the belly, 6c round about the root of the yard,doth great" ly helpe the fame. And by eating of Garlike, a man may the fafclicr go into a fufpefted aire,and by ftinking places ,bc- caufe the ftrong fauor of it(fcr the feafon) doth putaway all other noifome fiuorsandfrincks. And a Garlike clouehol- den in the mouth^doth ceafe the paine and ach of a tooth, if the fame proceed of a coldecaufe. And i^r^/Jwwritethamarueilousmatter^that although the eating of Garhke doth harm the whole and perfeiH: fight of the eics, yet he affirmeth, that the moifture of it doeth com- fort a dull fight. And here learne, that the Garlike hath cer- taine euill properties,which be thcfe :it maketh inflammati- on.drieth and harmeth the ftomackCjand caufeth thirfl,and laide to the skin (in any placc)it raifeth vp blifters, if it lieth tweluchoures fpace, and therforc the often eating of it doth harme the cholerickjn that the Garlike doth inflame them, and dricth the whole body,efpcciai]y in a hot fcafon,and en gendrcth The fecond Bookc. Ijp gcndrethbefidc the Icpriein them,caureth alfofrenzlneflc, hurrcth the fight,andmoueth the head- ache. And in con fi- deration hcreof^thecholcrick ought to take heed of the of- ten eating of Gnrlike, and chiefly in the latter end of the Spring, the Summer, & hot feafon of the Harncfl: , becaufe it doth then fooner cngenderred choler,and incrcnfeth ad- lift matter : alfo it doth more harme being eaten raw, then foddcnorrofledr And yeuhc eating of Garlike mo Jeratly in the winter time, is right profitable to the flegmatick per- fons.AndfnrtherjGarhkeron'^d vr.der the hot embers, and bruifed with figs -ind barrou es greace.and that applied pla- ftcr- wife,doth breake a cold impo flume which is long ere it be ripe. And the garlik enten pntteth away the inward fwcl- ling of the body, and foftncth and openeth impoftumes ( as abouefaid ) and draweth forth the matter, and the head an- nointed with the iuice of Garlik, doth kill both the nits and lice. And the Garlik drunk with the decoction of the Orga- ny doth alfo kill the nits and lice of the head. And the afl^cs of the Garlikc mixed with hony, and that anointed on thin places of the headjdoth helpe the fhedding of the hairc: and the fame anointment amendeththcfoulenesorfilthincsof the skin. And the allies of Garlik doth help the v leers open, by fprinklingtheravpo: 5c the afhes of the Garlik wrought togetherwitli hony and Maybutter, and anointed on the gneued place5.,dothmake the skinfmooth,ifthe famebcei* therintcftedwiththefcab, orlcprie , fo that the anointing be done after bathing in an hot hoiife. And as the moft Au- thors do write, the often eating of Garlik,doth greatly harm and dull the fight ofthecics. And Garlik foddenand eaten, doth caufe a cleare voice,helpetii an old cough,purgeth the coldbreft:,and drieth vp themoiftureofthe ftomacke.And the Garlike(with the leaues & all)fodden in wine & drunk, doth notonly procure vrine, but moueth down the tearms, and drawethdown alfo the after burthen, if the belly bea- nointed with the fame. And a fmoke alfo made of Garlikc, may doc the like , if the woman fi t ouer it , on a clofe chaire for the purpofc.Andthe fauourof the Garlike, doeth driuc T 2 away l4o Secrets in fowing md planting, away all vcncmous wormes. And if any being ftingcd of^fj acldcr,doccatc of the Garlike, he fliall not after be harmed of the flinging , and is alfo a good remedy againft poyfo"» And Garlikc fodden with vineger,and drunkc with that dc hony mixed together named Mulfe : doeth after fend forth theflatteand broad wormes, and many other venemous vvormes crept into the belly. And Garhke fodden with oilc Ohue,and annointed,doth ailwagc thcfwellings and other griefes of the bladder : and fodden with Centorieinwine, and drunke,doth hclpe the dropfie gathered of a cold caufc- And the Gadike bruifed with the Coliander fecdes, and fd taken in vvine,doth ailwage the paines of the ioynts, and o- peneth the ftraitnefl'e of making water. And Garhke fod- den with Beanes,being bruifed & tempered with oile Oliue, or oyle of Poppy, and an ointment made of the fame, with the which annointing the templcs,do greatly help the head- ache. And the Garlike fodden, and after rofted drie, with Pellitory andMaftick, and brought to pouder,with which wafhing the mouth^doth greatly help the tooth-ache. And ifa woman doubt of her being with childe,andfm.ellethnot the fauour c f the Garlikc fet by her bed fide in thenight , it doth then vndoubtedly declare that flieis conceiued with child. And the eating of Gariike is good dc profitable both to husbandmen and labourers which often eate cold meats, and meats of hard digeflion. Thefchithertoof the proper- ties of Garlike. Of (hi order'ing.care^ancifecrets of the great Garltk^, Chap. 5^7. Ti^e great ©arltfte, to^ictifonie autf)o;j£rnamc tfte A-' fiica ©arlifec,anu tl)e AS^eeheg Aphrofcorodon , 10 far bigger of tncreafe t^eii our common dSarlt^e. 2nD notii i\)X$ dDarlt^e 6ot^ Columella U)iU to bee fet en t^e rtDge^ of bEDgjiilie t nf V^z former ^l^arlihe , ano t^at out of on? lieaD mans (Ioue«i bee bM^n oaf, \x)l)ic^ ougl}t U bee tone m a fatre ano calme oa^^m a iDljiteeart^ inel ti(ggct) tp f o^effeD^ Js)iti)out an^ oung^about t^e Calenoi? of iDctober 1 jpouemi» ier^^n^ to maSe t^? ^^^u of t^fe <5arU&«? to groU) big, i^zn o;oer The fccond Booktf. 14 1 fia^er t^t ©arlifte blasts t^at come tp , Itfte fl« teas tmQ^t off^eotfjer^cirliUe, Sno int^cfettingalfo oft'occloucsjre^ member to plant tijem, not onlg foure fingers afunDerjbut a finger ueepe^ 1 to rafee t^e eart^ often otier t|icm in i^z groUj^ ing i3:a,tD^ereb^ tijc tuicc map run to t^e root,anD caiife t^tm toltjaVc tl)e bigger in t^et)eaos* anDto condiiOc,aUotl)cr tnKructions ncceffarilp to be t^n^crffanoeD about tl)e fur* tl)cr o^oering of tjijf great ©arlike, map be learnco in otljcr afo?e taugl)t, Oftheordering,cAri, moid egrl^^liiitljouf cunging^ 2nD Palla- dins luaitetli, t^at tlje Hanin^ ivi no Ipife agteetl) to be foU)ea cither in a fanup oa grauellco grouno : but {)c a^irmetti it f o iop tjntjer a temperate aire, ano to be folucn \x\ beDSjlarse a=< f«nDer,anD D^p niggeo after a neto raiiie^tnlclTe ttje ground be fufficicntip moid and iDatrp of it felfe.anD tol)en ti;e faos be foU)en,tl|£n ougfjt iW ^"2 snD bp after tobe conereD U^itfj fine eart^,anonoDungmingUo no; call tjpoHjtutonclp toe tlja^eofcoane, altliouglj Columella contrarptoitcti?* ^no Anftomachus i2}iUet{) tfje leaurs to be tiwii^ b^ofeen off, and pulled aU3ap \xi tt)c tuintcr, lo'oereb^ tljc root ma^ be t!}e btg^ ger in Rummer, ^ndt^ercstealfo ioUlbetljepleafanterm cating,if i?c« b;eafee sff r«e leaucs before it groto to a Salhe, , as,PiinKU))itetl?,anoti)cfmaUcrtl;eUafca)ailbe,fomue^ I4i Secrets m fowing and planting. tt)erta0St0ranD pleafanfertoilltfteroote be. aK?jfofeealfo ioatercUtPttl) falttoater , ttpaofpcrctl)t^e better, asPlmy tXJ^itctl) : fo.: tljat b^ t^e U)atcrins on ttitg toife, e^e rootfcn<» iiett)fuc6bitferncirc astbenrcmatnetjint^cfame* anDfo ttiafee roar Haoift tattc fteeeijtljcn after tjic mrnn of Flcren- tine,t!eeperoar feetjcs facfoje, eitt)er in tcater anD boni? t^t^^ CD together, o?tnt!)0ltqao^of3l^aifon5, oKireintoateranO fugcrfo;ttU!otJat€Btogett)cr5 anD after tjieoaptngagatne, folB tbem fo in t^c cart^. anu to mafec ipcar Hautl^ grota big,piacfe0 alDa^ all t^je leaues , ftjuing a fmaU llalfec remain ning,ano after coaer t^t fame t)er^ tljicfee ouer tott^ eartft, aaPalladiiistDillctli, ^nD t^e lifee aflFirmetlj Pliny ,tft^ata |^^olebcmat)ctoit&atocoSienDibbl0, anti t^c fame filleo fire fingers btg^ U)ttti t^e c^affe of co^nc, anij after t^e faoie; mip CD Uiitl) sung ano fine eartb^it UjHI after caufe fo great a rate sroU},ais lD«s tt)e btgnes of t^e bole mace* ant) tfee tfjin fotD# tng of t'cje feecs in tbc eno of Jul^jano tnto tjjc miODle of aui' gufijCj elfe a little after , ano ujeening V^tm often after t^eir commmgtap, t5otlj fo eaufctbemto orolntbe bigger in t^e rcDte.^not^e^alfo ioi? in open aire, but bcmucbbarmeob^ SroU3ing in l^atiotoie places^anD ir facb a saougbt Botb liap^ pen,tbat t!cu cannot aptly foto your teos f ben foSo tj)em t^e ttjicher togttbcr jn feme moid ani3 UiaterT? place. anoiDijentbei?ongplantsbetDelIfpaangt3p,anD(!rong tn tljeeartl; , t tbat ttjcgrcutiobe InellmotfincDUntb ll3eU3«> erfijtbcn maiP von rcmcue tlje v'ong plants, efpccially about tbeenDofaugud, ant)tntotbemiDDlcof^^ptember. ana fct tlicm aftcnn tbe eartb^tocll labourer) ano trimmen ,fc^ fo tbc^ grotu tbe pleaiantrr m eating. ^nD Petrus Crefcentius lxi2itctMbattbera3tsoftbeHaDiaD>i£O,ant)tbcfeU3;?0asbt tnto pouDer.anD after polpjeD into a bigger glalTcjO? ncinol;^ itieucijcti pot alajcOjfol of iDtne,anii f etting tbc fa?re fo ftano foucrcti fo2 a feh> riatrs, Icil after be turner into l]^arpet3ine<» gi;r,ii?iiic|) D;un^e sailp^tjot!) marucilcuGr' Intare aU)at ^anD rcju'umetl) t^e aomr of tiie toneis^auD l;e«pct^ befioes ma^ m st^cr griercs of tljs l'CDi>, '• The ThefccondBookc, 14.3 The Phylickf helps, TIic Radidi is hot and drie in the third degree, but fomc write in the fecond degree. And now the Radifh eaten at fupper,docth digefl: the meatc eaten, and heateth the fto- inaclc,and caufeth alfo a (linking breath,if any flcep by and by after the eating. And this roote is hurtfull vnto women with child, and therefore to be refrained in that feafon. And the iuicc of the roote anointed on oldcvlcers, doeth both cleanfe and eat away the canker in them : and the fame like worketh the pouder of the root. And the iucc of the Radifli boiled with hony, and mixed with alitle vineger,and after drained and drunk, doth help the quartaine ague,and ftopr pingofthe milt. And the root of the radifli laid plafter-wifc doeth helpe the water bet wecne the skin, and fuchdifeafed with the hardnes and fwelling of the milt. And the iuice of the roote drunke with the liquor ofRaifons, doth helpe the kings cuilrand drunk with hony,doth put away the cough: and this being alfo drunk,helpeth fuch which be flopped in the bre(},and draw the wind fhort. And of this root is made an Oximel on this wife : firft bruife the root fomewhat^and infufe them for two or three daies in vineger, and after put to the fame a third part of hony,which ri:rained,drink ther- of,for this helpeth the quartaine and one day ague, vnles the fame proceed of fait fumes. And if tbere be colde and vndi- gefted humours in theftomackcr thcnfteepe theoindes of therootesoftheRadiili with hony and vinegermixt toge- ther, &ofthe fame let the patient daily eat a good quantity, and after the fame fo eaten, drinke a draught of warmewa* tcr,pu tting then your finger,or a feather dipped in fallet oilc into the tiirote, and this forthwith will procure you to cad forth at any time , but the apteft time is in the mornings And againftihe hardncd'eof theMiltandLiuer,feeththc hearbe alone in Oile and Wine, and apply the faiiepla- flcr- wifc.and the fame plader laide hot on the bottome of thebellicjnearetotherootofthe priuitie, doeth helpe the ftrangury. And the water of the Radifh diftiUed in Septem- ber^drunkmorningandeueningjvnto the quantity of three l44 Secrets in fowing and planting. or fourc ounces at a time,cloth help the ftone;Caurech vriitc, and clcnfetb alfo the raiiics,and the bladder : It doth clcnfe the places alfo where the (lones containc. And the fame wa- ter drunke,doth helpe the kings euill,killeth the wormes of thcbeU3%andhelpcththedige{lionofthefl:omack^andpur- geth it of all clammy humors, and other matters which hin- der digeftion, and it openeth nifo euery flopping of the in* ner members and vcins.Anddrunkc in the quantity aboue- fiid,doth extenuate the rough humours,and caufcth a cleare voice,and this water ^argelled in the throte,andholden in the mouth,doth helpe the fwelling of the throte, and vlcers of the gum$,tor it both refoluethjbreaketh, and confumeth. And tfiis water drunk morning 6c cuening. vnto the quan- tity of foure ounces at a time , for three or foure weekes to- gether^doeth helpe the water bet weene the skin , if that the patient refraineth much and often drinking:for the Icfle the patient then drinketh, the more he fcndcth forth of the wa- ter in the vrine, and by that racvines is the fooner holpcn. Thefe hitherto of the properties of the Radi'lies. Oftheorderin^^care^andfecretsoftheNauew. Chap. 58. T^e ^aueU) toell bearet^ any atre in a manner, ano oe^ itgfttett) in a fat lafc grouno, but it better p jofperetft in aleane anoojie graucU^ gtouno* ^n^ tljc proper tic ott^e place Dotl) change tlje jjiaiieUj into a Hape,anl> t^e rap: con* (rariU)irc into a j]^aneU)« ;^nD tijat f our j^ausU^c^ map U}ell });ofpcr,fctJ02t^em in avoc'l laboureo aao DunseD grouno* Sno V^z^ alfo toll come tp bciag fo\»n in t&ofc places toijerc t\^t CO jne ^)atfj been? reapco of t^at fame . care. ^nD if ^m foe t^at V^t^ gro'iu ten i^k^c tijen rcmoue t^cm, ano fct tlicm t^fnncr,U)^crebp t^e otljcr tnrcmocucomap grotp t^c big* 0cr in tlic rot : t^e^ oug^t to be fol^cn about tbe enD of 3ulp, aim m all tbc monct^ ttjo^olD of ^ngnU : ano if t^cp bappen tolacherainc, tj5cntoljD3tcrtt)cmTo often ag neeisfijallrc* quircans in \\^t toce^irg about tfjcm,l ott) t&e j/^auf'lD anD iCapcbcrn'Rcbftr^ngriicncC,aiiDgiolDtbcfe£tfcr. £.n?)t!jofe ^aaclu0ic ibebrttir.lrMctjtc long^antj Inemancrlrnn* IkD, not bigge, snp not IjmXu^ xxuW"^ toctes ^ but om oncl^ rcotf^ The (ctond Bookc. 145* maDeatoboiromecompoduontPtt^t^s HaDtd^ , altttlefaU, t»negcr,{)ont), mnaarD, ano Ctoecte fpicc^ , ano tuittiout (pt^ a5 alfo t^e fame nia\) be maDc plcafant to catc* The Phyftcke helps. Nauew is hot of quality in thefecond degrec,& doth much nouri(L,buthardlydigcftcth,&makcththcflcrhroft,&:puf. - fcthvp, 3'et IcfTc then the Rape, for the which caufc, if the Nauewcs be boiled in water,and that the firft water be caft aw ay,and in the boiling of the fecond water,the hardnes of the fubdance tempered, and fo tbey ingcnderameanenou- rfrhment between good & euill. And of this/uch as are not wel boiled do hardly digeft,& caufe windinc$,6c a (lopping both of the veines & pores. TherforetheNauev;esarebeft to be eaten when as they haue bin fod in two waters,and ia the third feething to be boiled with the fat of Beefc or Mut- ton. Thefe hitherto of the properties of the Nauew. Of the order iftg^careyandfecretsfioth oftheVarfenep ardyeUovp (garret. Chap. 55?. Tl^esatDett laarfncp tislDell l^nolDne fo nioCpcrfon0, anot0trcDtnni6EpIac0$9U)l)K^ (as Rutiliusi^attctl)) {)eiRs teHDerl)? fot),nourttl^ett) tpell t^e boDi?« i9nD nolo PaU ladius tutUet^ ^arfneps to be foljDcn in tbe (aet)5,o^ fet tn i^z rQ)t£0,i« t|)0 moJict^s of SOecembcr, 3!anuarie, ann iiparcb, tn fat gronnD,Deipc dtggeo, Icofe, ano li^ell turncD tp^ anti 0;^ Derlp B;circi)«Hnt) ttie fee^g alfo muH be tl)tn folDcn, snti Ithc/^ tDife tlje rfflteg V^in fet , to^erebp t^e^ ma^ sroU) t^e btggen anDaftcrt^ecommtngtp, tlje^mullbeetneeoeti about foj t^c better iiureafc alfcoft&etoote* ^nt Pliny iDritct^,t|)at t^ere be man^ fernDs of Carrets, anD tljts not of tticmfclaes, but of t^e proper places toljere tljep groto fo altered. )3nD r:o to tbepellotoC arrets (moftfotDenm garoens) oucbtto l)co;jDereD tntr^efolDing, litxe as toeljaue abouetau^bt in tlietsfageflftbeparfneps, ano tbc^ ougbtalfo tobefotucn as luell tn igaruea as in tbe Spaing time , anO after f be^ be xometjp, tbentoberemoueo ano fet tbtnncr , tn fo tljeg r;ofper mactj t^ebcttcr,anD toaj:e longer in tije r^tes. m Th0 I4tf Secrets in fowing and planting. The Phypcke helps, ThcrooteofthcParfncpishot in the middle of thefe^ cond degree, and moift in the firfl degree, fb thatthefams eaten doth greatly profile the body. And now the root ten- derly fodden & eaten,caufeth vrine,6c doth cfpecially pro- fire the melancholy. And the garde Parfneps alfo eaten with meate be profitable to thcbody,in that they in gender good blood, & the wilde Parfnep roots eaten of women,do mouc the tcarmes. And the Parfnep rootc hanged on the necke, doth help the fweliing ofthe throte,and no venemousbeaft fhall harme the pcrfon which beareth the roote about him. And the (tcdt^ ofthe Parfnep drunke with wine,and appli* edinplaftcr forme to the priuie place (as Diofcorides wri- telh) docthdrawe downc the tearmef, helpeththeftrait- nes of making vvatei%and thepaine ofthe ^\^t^ which other- wife is called the plurifie. And the roote applied plafter wife dothhelpethebiteorftingofvenemous wormes. Al- fo the roote fodden and calen,doth caufe vrine , and prouo- keth the vcneriall ad. And theleauesbruifed and laidepla- fterwifc with hony, doth cleanfeandhealethegreateating in the vlcers. And the hearbc with the roote fhred together, & diftilled about the tv^i^ of March, which drunk morning andeucning, vnto the quantity of three ounces at a time, and the paliie members bathed with the water , docth helpc the Hiaking of them. And drinking euery night to the quan- tity of fixe ounces at a time,doth prouoke the vcneriall a£t, and increafeth the fperm of man rand this water alfo drunke dothhelpe the ftraitnes of making water. And now the garden Garret (as writeth Con/^antifte) is hot 6c driein thefecond degrec.But the Garret which growcth ofthe owne accord (named the wilde Garret) isbothlefle then the garden or fowen Garret, andis alfo drie and hot in the third degree. Alfo the garden Garrets tenderly fodden with mcate3are pleafant and holefome. But now the wilde Garret boiled in wincwith as many figs as you think necd- £ull,and drinke,doth putawaythedriecoughiand thefelfc fame wine drunke, docth hclpe the hard fetching of winde. And The fcconJBooke, i47 And llic Ijcarbe or rootc boiled in lie or water, snd wafning the bead therwith, doth help the/hcdditig oFthe haire,pro. ceedincTofa coldecaufe : and ihree handfulsofthis hearbe boiled m wine & oyle, and applied phder wife on the belly doth put away wind & heatcth the ftornack. And the herbc boiled with mallowes and herbe mercury in wine and oyle, and applied in plafter forme on the nauiil, doeth hclpe gri- pings ot the bowels; Thefe hitherto ofthe properties both of the Parfncp and Garret. 0/ths crdmfj£yCare, andfecreis ofthe Melons and aU kind ofPomplom\ Chap. 60. Mmor^^mn all feiacs of i^t poinpioKjj, ncfirc (in a manner )tfee{ameeart^anD aire mit\^ i^t€iUOM ann Cucumbers DO0, ano^ct t^e cart& not fo fatts no; fa muc|)Dan5£tJ,toljereb^tl)c^ nup grotoe tljepleafanterm tatte anu be t^e imtt ripe, ano all fetnU5 oug^t to be fotuen fbtn , ast^efaoes put tixio fote afunuorintiiccart^ , toell laboured ann caft Diiigentl^infobc&d, fo.: iW tljerio^in largenes of romebo'^erctbepniav fp^ca^ bitbcr anu tbitben aiiOtbe^5)e aUo greatly comfojtc?^ loitbbearbfsgrotoing nearc tetbcm, fot^attb^^ n^De little toaoing : anof^es fiugbt tfl be often toatcrcb^tintiU tbcf be tDell fp^ung t)p,bHt after ^oa ma^ not : ano iW 'oc t&en ripe to be eatei? , tobeti tl)eT?fauourfu3eete ano appeare relloUo tuitbin. aifotbofc Sgelong.oj pompions be fbe plcalantcr tneatiiig,lwbw5 bauefarrefmallerfeeoes tbentljeot^er* ano tbere be otber hmts of tbem tubicli be fmaU,grcene, ano \3cr^ long,ano aU {in a manner ) are croi^co , lubicb be ttameD£l5don5,GnDi5ocalfocatefoVscr , lifeetbe Cttron0, bauingtbehfeetafieinfbeeatingjfeuUbepbenotrocoloea^ Citrons , ano tbcrfozetlje better oigegco, ano if ?ou lnonlo make tbcm ftoeete in tbe eating , tbcn let tlje feeoes be fi^peu fo;tl):i^Daicstcsctber , intbefiueeteliquoj maoe of boater ano Ijonr, caUeootbertoifeSfuife, o.nnftostcCo\»mtlfec, ano after tbe oj^ing,Cet ojoerl^ in Ibe eartb : fo? fo tlie ^cnu pionscomminjstJPoftliofefeostDiUbefarfto^teranoplfa^ m 2 f^k 148 Secrets in fovving and planting. fantoftalf* 0ntJ tl^z ^ompionsfoiUfauouranDfmcllterfe ftoeete, iU\)tktnts ht laiDfoj agooDlc^ilcs among Kofe kamB,m^ t^at t^ofc leaacs mxcr> Ujitl) ttje feeDeg, be fo put intotl)ceart^, 0^ ot^crtoifet&creeDcf; bee cither Seeped m laofctoater, o^infcmectljcr pleafantftueetetoatcr, anu f{)enfet( after t&cci.:\?mg in t[)e l^a'oolDe} into t^t grouno, 0nt) t)cre learne, iW Cats oag'ot carefulli^te beDefcnueo fromttjcpompions , f0;ttiattt)eiP greeoilg fiefiretocometo fijem* 0nD as f oucljing f Ije otijcr fecrcf g, as to mafee tl^m grcfe timcl\!,t3£ri? big,anD toitljout (eeDcs : Ucau hereafter, lo^cre lue intrcat of tl)e o^oedng of (E^euros ahD Curumbers* ThePhjfickehe/pj. The Melons be cold and moid: in thefccond degree:but diofe which be fwect in caftare temperatly cold, 6c the feeds hauethelikeproperty in mcdicineto be vied. And plea- fantly doeth the Pompion eate , yet A^ery hardly digedeth, through the coldncs tnixed to themoiOureofit^ And the Pompion is then to be eaten , uhcn the ftomackc before h thorovvly cleanfcdjn that thcfamedocth lightly alter into thofe huinours^and doth fo flacke djgeftion,by hauing pre- heminencein the (losnackc. And of this wc learne by the mind of the ancient mcn,that we eat thePompions f afting, and to eat no other mtat after them, vntill they be halfe di- gefted in the body. And thz earing of them do greatly help vnnatural heats and wicked Agues. And the feeds do purge the skin, if theskinbe wa£hed with the decodion of them. And the Melons haue the vertue of clcniing,as writcth ^4- ien in his booke BedmsmoruwifacHltatibus .- and of this they may aptly clenfe the fpots of the face,or Sun-burning , red pimplcs,and thefoulneffeofthebody, through the fpots of fundry colours. And the perfon which is ill coloured in the faceJethimorhertakethefeedesofthsMelon, pilling off the vpper skin of them, vnto which put a litle bcane meale, and working the feedes into finepouder,mixe them weLto- gcther,6c after make fmal cakes of the fame with Rofe wa- ter^ which dhciii the Sunnc, aad when they be thus dried, thca ThcfecondBookc. I45 then wadi thcface with thofe cakes orderly,and they ml af- ter caufe the face become very decrc and fairc , and cleanfe thefilthicfpotsoftheskin. And the feeds eaten or drunkc, doe caufe vrine,and purge the lungs and kidneis. And more do the feeds worke in the lungs then in the bladder,for that a more ftronger and mightier remedy ought to be miniftred in the (lone of the bladder, thenin'theftoncof Kidneis or Loynes. And the vpper rindc of the Melon laid to the for- headjdoth ftay the runnins; of the eies. And the root of the Melon doth healefuchvlcers that (land full ofmatter,ifthc fame be apphed plader wife with V ony on the places. And many do eat the Melons with vinegcr, mixing with it the Pcny-roya!l and Onions together, for fo they temper the harmingfovceofthecoldofit : and the Melons diftilled. which ought to be done when they be ripe, and Ihrcd into fmal pieces.the water drunkeoncceuery morning,vnto the quantitie of threeor foure ounces/or thcfpace ot a moneth, doth greatly helpe the flone^caufcth vrme, and purgtth the Kidneis:alfo thefame water cooleth and delaieth al inward heats not vnnatural,cooleth{heliuer,andceafcth the third tempered with fuger. And this water doeth helpe a hoc 'cough,ifhnnen clothes dippedmitbcapp]iedwithout,and it both puiteth away heats 6c fwellings of the body,wher. foeueithey fhall be. Thefe hitherto of the properties of the Melons and all the kinds of Pompions. Ofihe ordering eare.andfecrets of the Cficambey. Chap. 61, Czmcuniibcrs be eitl)er foUjca o.i fet in ^tu c; in furrolci?. afooecaiiDatJalfe&iSti,miDtl)5eefootc b.:oaD , aa& t^^ fpaccs bctUjeene t!}e furrotocs ougtit to bee cigi)t fotc b^oao, lD^crcbiit{)e^martl)c fre^lier fp^icaD out anDrtinne abroad. a«D Palladius tojilktl) x\)t {ax^iB after m folDtag, to b€ often loatcret), tntiiltt^e^ be (omeUi|iatfp;uaatp, fo^tljat V^t^ io^muctiinmoitfurc. ano afCer tbc^ be tJjus fpaunst3p,tDW commonly? uo ap^ pcareaftert&eOictoj feucntl) oai? fo\Dtng , tljenma^^ou toatert^em no longer, fo^ fbattljetoatringafeerUjatDDoctl) foneoettrosattDfeillt^iem.anDtjecrelearne, tljat U)|)CHtije m 3, ♦ ^^^^^ I5^o Secrets in fowing and planting* tng,tofeeift^2f8eBcsbgt6en^aro o; operteD, afurcnoteoj token ti)at t^e^ ma^ be goDjfeut if t^e C©oe0 be foft,tticn Doe t|)e^ tb^ous^lt) Declare to be naught. jgnD in tjiig cafe fouiiD, ^ou oagljC to fst ot^cr in t^cir pla^ te0,p?omng againe t|ic fiictfe Da^ after , tufetc^ gnDing in lifec conDition co.:rupeeD,tticn fet etbcr in Unit placc»,anD t\)iB (q often DOjtjntid t\)t^ appeare abouc t^,c cartb. SnD tbet! alfo liefirc f be fotocn g; fet in a fatte eart'^, toell D?cireD,DuKgeD, anD moidjanD fet in t^e enD of tbe monetb of ^p;ill, anD alfo in tbe beginning of (ij^a^ : anD after t^eir commtng bp , fbc^ nettber neeD ralitug o^ Ujeeoing tuitb tbetiansg: foj tbat tbcg feetnucb bfl^pcntotbtbeotber^earbeBgrolDir.g nearetnto t^tm* anD to make tbem t^e tcnDcrrr ano pleafantcr in t^t eating , Seepe t\it fecDes fo^ tU}0 Daieg before tbe fototng , tti ftaps milke mireD toitb bon^, 0.2 as Pliny iDjitctb, in boater mim ^it^ ^0np,o; in tuater mirt wii^ fuger . fo: fo do tbe^ taufe tbe tenbcrerjbDbtter, anD pleafantcr encumbers, betft in tbe fmel anD taa,anD fairer alfo to i^^t figbt* anD t^e fame CJ^pcrience Doe Columella jFlorentinelbe 05eeke,Pliny anD PaliadiusiDaitc. i^nD tbeCucumbers alfoboillgrotDlongi totiitc, anD ttnber, if tljat bnDer tbe b^anc^es of tbe €mmn^ fcers gro'ojing, ^ou fet eitber a boule e; pan of li3ater anD ^0^ n^jttoobanb baeabtb bcneatb tbem,fo;jbp tbat meanestbeg becaufeD f like,as toaitetb Garg;lius Mamalis. anD as tbeg fp;>eaD anD runne cut into lengtb , fo cugljt tlief tben to bee bo^ne bp loitb p;top£! anD otber meaner from t[}e cartb 9 f^^ t|ie teeakneg of tbcir b^ancbes, anD bnto tbe better grotoing atiD p^ofpcnng oftbe Cucumbers anD if ^ou Usill baue Hn^ cumbers ti3itbout feets, tbcn bctozc tbe fctting Dip ^our foo in tbe OT^le of &auiKe,mi]ctUnt| i|e berbe Culixbauif£D,ano tbe Cucumbers ttnl after groU) tbe likc.anD to banc Cucum^ bcrs tmieli? ripe^anD in a manner all t^e ^r are, tben bfe tbe fceDS in tbe ItUe o^Der,as l^all after be taught oftbe gourDs, anD tbat t|e^ alfo be fet in fucb bcHcls 0^ bafueCs , tbat tf)cg ma^ afi'crtoarD in tbe colDe fcafen, be DjaUjne bnD? r t\}t iuc^ r}MOffomeU?armeplac5int^e^cuie, anD iniD«rm£ ans ^unng The fccond Booke, ifi Dert()ccl3recoucrmgoUt)elualke in agarccn,fromt|)ccolD ijDtnOiS ano frod^^anD from t^e great i)eat ot ttie ^nn , anD fa continue all tl^e i>eare t^o^olo , a0 liaite bot^ Pliny ano Co- luimlla,tbat ribcriiir;C3e(arb30 tljeUke. ^nD bctoarctbat tl)cg iD^icl) tjaue tljsir monet^li^ courfc s , ooe not t^icn tit^tt come nearc^noa t)anDie tt)cm tn no U)lfe,fo;{ feare of bmD;mcp fbeir groU)tb aff erluarDs , ano as fome tbinfee , tljep ooe ftill tbe pong Cucumberis b^ t^eir looking tbcn fepon tbem. ano to banc bcOoc5 pour Cucumbers toitb lit! e moiCure in tbem, let t\)ei\ tbc bole in toe furro\u,tn U)btcb pou (^al (et tl)e fee^s te^Ueob^it'ebp U)itb cbaffe , anb tbe otberbalfe coucreo a;* gaine Voitb eartb^anb luater t^tm not^iingat all after tt)e bo^ ingontt)isU)ire* ThePhyfickehelpf, Cucnmbcrsbecoldeanclmoiftin the fecond degree, as writeth iiy£gineta^ and doc hardly digeft , but the outward part of them doth caufe apcrfitermoifture tofuch, hauing hotand {lrongftomackes,andcxtinguii}ieth third. And the whole fubftancealfoofthe Cue limber eaten in thefummcr, doeth greatly profite fuch , which then cxercife thenrifelues with any labour.But the eating of them do m uch harme the flegmatick and dcHcate perfons,which do no labour of bo- dy,and that to tlieir flomacks efpecially. And yet the water oriuice of them doth heJp fuch difeafed with the Ague, and in fucb loatjas t^aC t^o of tl^e faebee; be i^i\xVt into i)^t eartb togetber, \xiix% tbaee of tbe finger£i,anb tliat tbe blunt enbs alfo be turneo botonc^ tuarbjanbti&et^arp enbsffanbingbptDarri.^nb tbatanigbt before tbep be tbus planteb in t^e eart^, tbe feebs be put into a pan of boater, calling tben foatlj fucj feebes; toljicl) fU)im aboue,anb tt)e ot^cr not tbe like ftnimnnng , o; ratber l^ing in tbe bottome, fet in tbe eartb toell mireD \sii\}^ bung* 2,m tbe^ map not be fet in lolufurroUJCCf, led tbe raine falling, ano filling tbofe furroto0,bo fo cbokc aub M tbe pong plants fpaung bp«0no toben t^jep be toell fp^ung bp, anb appeare a^ bone tlje eartfi , t^zn rahe ttje eartlj i putting it tuell aboat tliem The fecond Booker. 161 tbem,ant) 30 neeDeCl^all require, totfetotoatcrtlje plants* anoiftljes happen to be fcttn ancart^fomclDtjatlcfe, i^m afeer tjie^ be fp^ng tip into (ome bignes , tt^e eartlj rounD a^ ijonC ons^f to be ueepe Biggeo tp t^at t^e rents ma^ fo aretcfj ano run out oiuers luaies.anD as tbet! groto t5p ttil,^ou ma^ ntafee a coucr oner tl)em like to an Ijarbour , tnto tje ^eiglit ofaman,tbatttie leaueu b^anc^ies ma^be iaio ouertogiue fl^aootoe , antj t^e leaues affo laiu on t^e €^ourocg to uefenti ttje ^eat of tlje ^unne,maB fo caufe t^em to groto tl&e better* ano if not on tljis Ujife,tt)cn ma^ r c« let tljeir tine runne a^ longont&eeart^ ifpalia.aaoto ttjisalfo in toingttjelifec flialinuc|aaaile,tu5erbi^t|e^ma^ tjefainer feno fo^t& tbeir fruits, ano t^e mo;e ao;e, if t^at t^c paincipaller ano bigger leass be a little b;ofeen off in t^e tops,tl)at t^e^ mar fo caufe ot&erbjancl)estofp^ingfo?tl) oft^cCSourus* anD ColumclIa,Pliny, antJ Palladius Doe lu^ite , ttjat tljc feoes tafeen fo^tt) of t^e nccfe of tlje C^ourD,ano tljofe fet \s)ii^ t|efl^arpeenosbp^igbt,anD faottioungeo ano iDaterto^totlj after baing to^ii^ long ano fmall (Douros.ano t^£ feeos iDt)ic^ lie in tljc mioole of ttje bell^ of tbe dDouro, fet toitb t^e blunt tnn& tpiigbt in t^ie mt^.mt botU oungeo ano featereo, oo after feno fo jt^ big ano large ©ouros* ianB of t'^ofe ooe men after tbe^ be o^ieo,niafec bottles to car^ «[ine,aie,o^ IBeerc tn,to refreO) tlje boo^ toittiall, in tbe trauell of ani? long io;^ ne^ ano tftofe fojues tobicl) lie in tl)c bottome of t^ie ^ouro, fet tuit^ tbe great ano blunt enus tp^igbt i" ^be eart^i , ooe after caufe bot^ toioe ano large dl^onrtjs* ano foUiing all tbc feoes together in one bole,^ou mutt after t^c^ be toel grobjn aboue tb2 eartb,ttag tbem tap U)itb p.:ops maoc fo; tbe nonce* antjiftberong plants be moledeO toitb greene flies of tgc garosn, tben fet b^ tbem t\)t b^anc^es of tljc ^erbe S)?ganr, ano it U3ill eitljer feill tbemb? lighting tbcre- tpon, o; at tbe Icatt caufe ttjemtbat tlje^ tncreafe no mc^e. ^RJ/opauf Courii0togrDU)l3)itl)outfeeos (Itfee as teas taug!)t before) i^f the Cucumber, t|>en la? pour feeocs fo j tlj^ee oates before, cither in &auainc o?le(as Palhdius tontetb ) oatntbeiuue of t^e^cai be nameD Culex. gnD m li^^ ^m i^e caufeij . if ^4 Secrets-Jn fowing and planting. tlfatt^cfirftfiaiherp^unstp, bee fo oiggeD about, tt)nft5« ijeaDoftiicfamemap appeare, and as itallDates groUJtt^ tjp.fotobedtggeoi^areof tljeeartf) :and ti^tg oo3 tgetbird time,tf neeoe diail fo require* ano t^tt; alfo Doe , t^at a0 t^e baanc^cs fpring fajtlj, anD ranne along on t^c eart&, t^ : lifes fu(:aloa^oftl)cm,p5efermnga'U)aie5t[)2p;umpai,anDtfeii5 loill fo caufe t^em to b^ingfo;ttj 0ourD0 iDit^ouC fecDc£i,&a^ uing ondi; but a foft pulpe iDit&tn* 0no iiotu to ^aos cither timely (PourDso; encumbers •, Cl)enattt)ebcgtnmngoft^c fp;mg uixt Sine fifteo cart^, either into an olo bafkct, o; oeepe rartl)cn pan,ano tlje fame fcaei mim U3it J oung,fp;incft!e o; motSen a little tDit^toatcr, ane after fettle fame ab^oao in luarme ant) funni? i!ateis>ani3 in a fmal ratn>but at t^e fettms 0f tlje ^un , fet tbc fame againc ^noer fome c ouert , ano t^te often ijoe 9 in ixiatcrtng it m t^emcane U)||tle$ t)ntiU alUtie froS0 ano coto feafon be pa(!AinD after tbat U)^cn a fatre Da^ commct|),tt)en fet tbelu^ole pan o; ballet tat^e b;imtnt(ie $art^ iDeUoaelleo f trtmmet),coaertnganDraMin^ t^tM^ tmt ano about it , and after c^Dering t^e fame ( asafe^e is taug^Upou t^aUo Ijauc t^e timely fruits, eitbcc oft ^ourD, o; cucumber. ^nD tt)e fame alfo rou mai^ t^e fcDuer p^ofure,^ luttb leHertrauell and pamc£;,ift|)at^ou cut ofif t^eranfaand (upcr6uou5 f^(Bt£,cit^er o? tl)e gourds o; cucumbers, fo; b^ tbat meanes l»tl! t^^^ fpeeDilier fead foojtb tbcir frmts.ann to mafec oiuers formes iiUt to birds o>beaffs,i funD;\? perfect letters oftbe^omanefaf^ton) on^onr(I&ourdso;CucQm# bers>tbeiTtafee t&e ^ongfruttofeitber , as tbefame grotoetti sn ttieb;antbes,inc!oangtnto a mould of tbe li^ bigncs to tbe lTutt,tn tbe U)bicb let be imprinted deep o; bolloU3 in tbe fo;metbat )Pouoc6re toijaue after on 9our C^ourds o^Cu^^ £umber> and t^e liUe (ball t|en appeare li^ben as tbe fruit is come tobid fnl grotutb and bignes« 'But furtber of t^is mai? Ipoulearneiamp litlc trcatifeof^^atural andartificiallton^ cluO[ons,tDbere 3 ii3jite mo;e at large, botb of tbe fame ^ tbe compoCttions of fund^ie Itrangefoamcs of apples, and otber fruitSjlDitb otber pleafant ( and tbat rigbt marueilous) mat# las taread and ^^mt ^nd m\» (oxome te^w fs^mw mat^ ^^^<- . ter. ThcfccondBooke- t^f ttx in t^efe t if t^af r on tiefirc to ^auc leng ant) final souiD5, t^cn take a long Cane be^cD t^oioU) , o^ a tiolIoU) pipe , into iD^ic^ put t\}z ter^ ^ong goaro,$ let tge fame fo ^ang,lutjklj after \oi\ Sretct) out all i^z length of tt)e (joUoId pt'pc, fo? t(iat f matter iDl)tc^ d^oulD run into afi);ea2>ty is bi; tliat meanest fent into a l^nstg^ano Pliny tu;itetl),t^attjc fate a ©ours of P«tiQ9t long« i^nD a like concluOoit of mal^tng tge CcurDiS of fuc^ a length mag be i(one,(f t{)at ^ou fet tnoer t^e ©ourDg a pan 0^ bottle of boater, a f)anD b^eaot^ oa fomelobat nio;e be^ neatt) t|)e eno^ Ranging Bols^n^ts^bicb tn tbetiert oar follotD^ ing )?ou Cl^aU 6nD If retcbeo cut to tbc Umter,ano t^m fettmg t^e HzMl d^per,t^e)p U)iU i^cBt out longer«anD on t^is boifo settmar mabetliem^cstout of a maruciloud lengtt),tDttl)^ outan^ ot^er craft o^p^actife of t^e libe* )i5nttf ^on tabea^ loa]^ t^e tcffell ef ti^ater , tben Doe t^t^ after beno ano tnrno bpUiarD/o muc( Dotge d^ouin^^io^int^emoiaure,! ot^er^ iDife re^fe t^e o^tet^* ;3n9 Pliny tDaitet^i^tbattbegouro^ Do faniig^ttlr!)ateorle, t^at retting a bonic oaot|iert)e(rellof tbefamebnoert^cm, int^eUhefoat as ^ouoto tbe Ivater^ tutll tn tt)e nc):t ntoarotD be turneo oa benoeo another toa^* 0nD if not turneoon tbtj^totre, tben tutll tfje^ bebenDeo (in t^iCbaining tbeotle)tnto tbe faQ^ton of a bcD&e^lubtcb i?ou O^al mamfeSlf triein tbefpaceofonentgbt*^nt)^(a&r0learii,tbat botb Columella ano FlorcntiusgiaefpectalltDarmng, tbat no fucb perfon bluing t^tn tbe monet^l^? conrre.oo banble o^ come ncere^ettber to tbe gouro o; cucumber ob tbey groUi,fo$ b^ t(je b^noimg^a appaocbtng neere to tgem^tlies f^^^ ^^^^^ toitberatoa^* ano iffucbalfo being intbeltbe cafe bott- tbcnbntfoihoti tbcm^tbci? eitber fetll tbe \?ong ones toitb tljcir lokc, o j caufe tbcmtogrotot^npleafant, o; elfe coaruptco ano tDitbereo* atxti tbofs (8ourO0 tabicb i^ou minoe to topefo; feeocis?, let tr)embeb^angeBt)p tD2tbtbetrGem£ioal!al&csi>nto istnter ttniejanooaicoastbe^bang, eitber!ntbei)eatottbefiin,oj in tbe fmo]^e(as Palladms tojitetb) foji? otbertoife tbe feof s l9tl putriSeano ferue after to no t)(e« ^no if i^ou mttio Id &eep i^efred^ano greene Cucumbers anO C&ouni^ a longtime. % 2 154- Secrets in fowing and planting. t^tn tjang tJ^tm toittjin a l^og(]&cati,o j otfjer tcffell of to^ife limine LeeSpHot ^et tuineo anD foUjeMn fuc|j fo^t^tfjat t^e^ be Ji)l)oll^CQucrcDlx>tt|) ^as. ano in it)c ithe conDtf ion f maner ^ou ma^ p^ererue t^n along timciftljat \>ou la^ t|jem into a b;tinc pjeparcti fo^tCjC onl^purpcfc. ^Ifot^jeCourors anD Cucumbers be t^e like p^cfcrueti fo.2 a long time , if t^at ijje^ be Ijangeo ^igb in a pipe bamng tincger in xtM at ^ lead fo btgl)5tbat tbe^ toucU nott^st3tncger in no iotfe. iano tbe bedell befioesfemingto tbisl3fe5ougbt^o b^ iDcllpitcbeo about, t^at t^c ttnegcr b;jeatti notfo;t|j,intbat t^etjinegertsfopenitrable^t^jougj tl&e t^inneSIeoftbepartj5.)aHDtt)e(!?ourDesanoCacumber0 nia^ beft bekept tref^anofaire all tlje T?eare tlojobo toitb^ outputrif^ing, iftbat^on put tt)emintot^et)t(!iUeotDatcr ofX)ineger,lubtcl)lDiU not after fuffcrtbem to pntrifie, but maintame ttjeir frcO& ettate , as tjatb often becne trieo of tbe f^iifuUp^actirioncrs. ;anDb£fii3es t^cfe, tftbat^oucutofiP pong ones U)tJiles tje^ baijct tenter, anDfcaulo t|iem in bot li)atcr,anB after lar tbem fo.atb to coole all a nigl)t t|o;otiJ9 being cleare ano calmc, ano on tbe mo^retu putinto a ll^arpc b^mejtDfeicl) mil fo feeepe rgem frel^ a long time, ^no noto b^ all mrancs aboue taugbt^rou ma^' feeepe Cucumbers anD d^rurss frelft all tbe luuiter tljojclu. Sno pou mai? befiues all tbefcmakei^ourcDourts iai^attue , anb to purge tl)ebeb l^>if tbat y^Qu infnk tbe feeccs fo.: a nap antj nigbt , in tbe li^ quo^matieofi^ubarfaej&camaniejColoquintidajAgaricke,- ano {ut^ liht purgeig; : ano after tbts > foljue tbe feeeoes in tbe ^artb}in li^e o^oer as before U)as taugbt. ^no to make t^tm pleafant of talle ano fmells oabertbefeebes tit li^efo^t before tbe fetting of t^em^as lou toere taugl)t in tt)e ol^tr cljapter^^ ping before* The Phjficke helps. The Gourd is cold c and moift in the fecond degree , and the feedes doe ferue to the vfe of medicine : and the Gourd alfoisnotto be eaten raw,fbrthat therameisfovnfauourie meat,anfd therefore it ought the rather to be foddcn , rofted, or fried before the eating,aiwriteth ga/en. Now the feed^s cleane The fecond Booke. I^y cicanc picked from the vppcr skin , & fodden in barley wa- cer,and after fh-a'ined and drunke, doth helpc the difeafes in theliuer,the kidncis, and th^ bladder, and the inipoftumej ofthc breafl:,and prouoWcth vrinerand if a ficke perfon fhal abhor to drink ofthiswat€r,then may you makea firopcof it with fuger ,* for that the fame fo greatly profiteth vntoall agues. And for the heat of thcliucr,take the iuiceof the pic- ces,and meat of the Gourds,and temper the fame with milk and vincger,and after dipping alinnen cloth in the famc,ap- ply the liuer without^and it much helpeth. And the gourds alfo ought to be hanged vp & dricd,as afore was fpecified; and the winter approching,the feeds ought then to betaken forth and rubbed with falt,that fo the clammy humors may be auoided. Arwi the kernels alfo ought to be laid in a dric placCjlcQ the moiilurc corrupt the feedes. Andthcfeedcs ma}- well be kept for three yeares in good efficacie. And the meatc and piece of the Gourd laid plaflcr-wife tothcforc partof the head of yongchildren,doth fo takeaway thein- flamation and great heate of the braine and head. And the juice ofthc fame anointed on hotburning gouts , doeth af^ fwage the burning heat of the fame , and alfo qualifieth the jnflamations of the cies. Alfo the iuice preffcd out of the meat 6£ the Gourd,& the fame dropped into the earesjdoth aflWage the burning heat of the. And to the fame vfe it may cither be applied alone,or els mixed with oile of Rofe$,and fo dropped hot into theeares. And the fame iuice mixed with the oJicofRofes, 5c anointing the ridgcbone&loynes with the fame, doth aflwage the burning heat of the Ague. And the fame doth alfo help the burning heat ofthat griefe called the holy fire. Alfo the allies made of the rinds ofthc Gourds,and ftrawed on the vlcers of fhamefaft places,now growcnintoarottenneircjdoth notonefy clenfc,butbring* ethtbemintoafcarre: which aOiesftrawedon a burning, dothmarueilouflyhealethefame.Andthedeco^lionof the meat of the Gourd , with a little honie and Niter, and that drunkjdoth loofe gently thebelly.Andif any making hol- low the raw Gourd , and doth after fill the fame with wine, X 3 and 158 Secrets in fowing and planting* & fctteth it abroad for afpacc, & that on the morrow drin* kcth modcratly of it fafl:ing,it doth alfo gently loofe the bel* ly. And the raw meat of the Gourd ihred, and laid plafler- wifc on fwellings and hard rifings ofthcflcdijdoth greatly affwagc them. And the Gourd full ripc»ought to be diftilled together with the fcedcs, and finely Hired. And now the di- fiillcd water mixed with fuger,doth ceafc the thirft,helpeth thecough proceeding of a cold caufe, and loofeth the belly* And the fame water drunk twice a day, for tvwenty or forty daies togcthcr,to the quantity ofthreeounccsacatime,doth hclpe the ftoneof the kidncis. And in like manner drunkc for ten daies togcther,prouokethvrine, and cleanfeth the reincs and bladder. Morcouer,the fame water alfo drunkc, doth qualifie the burning of the ague. Thcfe hitherto of the properties of the Gourd. Oftheerdering and care of the Bettne ^flgjyu Chap. 53. Ti^e %zmz et C^si^pf ^yx^'^ (0 %i fottien 9^ fet in i\t mo^ iutl)of^cl)iuaiT, anD to)[!et^al(btogroi})em a moiC place fat ano lDafrtfl^>f to comet?p am^ng ranningrp^iRi^, \i\\X fej t'95 QuaUtp ot ttie grownD , \i greatly foacet?^ not , I0 tgat t^e fame be altoate^ u^atereD, as nesti oot^ roqairr* ana Itmaijinamannerbearc conttnHalluleaHCS, ifttjefemcbe Befcnceo from tbe colo, b^ fome little couer^a C^eOyfianotng %nt>0raUtbelDinter ttme« j^nDnolo t|)0 place friim iJDbcnce t^e nip5 of tbe mod plants beoatli? ffippet) o^fromtbe fiatfe^, fo^t^e intent to be fetagaine) Ixnll fnfftcuntlp inarnct anis mcaue Dpttteo perfon, tioU) at ttmc0 conucntent ^e QoulD (et tbofe agatnc tn t^e eartb^^nb U)t)ere at tbin imz , toe boe o# tnit,ano ouerpaffcfanti^liPoOeanb <£^arlano floljD;e03U)i(l^ bcarb(5p^ofitable to be eaten , tttK, fo^tbattbe^ require no ot^er manner 0; Diligence of b;eirtnganti o^bertng , tben tbe former taugbt«0no man^ alfo oftbefe comebp of tbeir otone arco^t); anbrunb;][) otl)er0,H)^tcl) oeltgbt in tbe lifeeo^ber of Plantinganb(blj0ingaj9ti)e former. ;^no t|)erefo;e let tbt0 a;reati(e I The fecond Bookc ♦ 15^9 JCrcatift fattourabli?pa(re,tDl^icfj ameatic^eflreftcrtoin^ creafc &)5t& fonB j^ pleafant flotD;c0, ano profitable l^tathta% m^fM to be CoUien ano fet tn t^e malt <2^arDe»0,;ano in f^c mcanc time Imkz fo; a p;oper l^reattfe ( ant t^at xiqfyt p;ofl<' table) oft|emollmametloH0sonernment,t3re,anD common / Dit^oft{)cl^omeBee0, to|ic|i 3l«btosnctctbte'treattfeof ij_i botb of tbe f ong ano dOa^e, bgtcb t|e ^aeis cunnings Ir gatber of tbe flueet aoU3^e0 of tbe garoen. Sno fo; tW (anfe !^eei9 ougbt Diligently to be placeo^anb carefullig cberi(|eti in l^emoaCE^arDenii* ^^- a 16% A proper knot for a Garden ,w here is fparc roome enough, the which may be fet cither with Time or Ilbpe^at the difcrction of the Gardener. i6l CERTAINE NECESSARYPRE' ceptsin the cutting vp .plucking a- way^gathering and preleruing,of the moft hcarbeSjflowres, fcedes,and rootcs, fcruing efpecially to Medicine. Chap. 64. l^fj ^ofe^crbcstotiicl) kxntmoft foj tfeepof to be bo^lcD kiUl) meat, cugbt to be cut fep auD gatb0reD,tel)snast^t^bc \})t^i{ gcoto\?nm ijcig^t , ano t^at Xuitl) a (^arpe fetiife > fome^ U)&at aboac t^e caxtiu 515ut of fmiDH^ bcrbes bctbeleauesonelpgatfecrerj , anot^atluitfj fbci)ant> pfacfeeti tp,anD b;»o&en off.luijen tljc^ be comc(as it iD0rc)bntot[)cirfu!groU3tb;tul)tc|)bc,t^ellcttucc , tljeCIDm OiuCjtbe &acco^p,t|)E HBeetcs, ttje arac^> tbe Clari?, t&e Bo^ ragc,$parigolD leaues, parcelp,CoIeli}05tlcaue£i,anD fuc[j lifee. 115ut in t^e tointcr time , tbe Kalfecs be lDl)olli? cnt bp, leaning f Ijcn no flems bebinoc. j^no bcfioes, in alt tbefe a^* boue rebearfeo . except tbe ^parcels , tbe if ennell , tbe &age, anD certatne others : if tbat tlje Hems o;j Calkes after tbcp be iDell come>be tben b^o^en off 0: cut aljpa^, tbet? toil contmue tbe longer grecnc ano toittjout feoing^anD toben an^ UjouId t3fe anp bearbes t)8t of qualttie, tbcn let bimrattjer gather tbebearbcsfrcl^an!) grscne, tljcntfetbofe bcinoj D;ic, (ox tbaCttjcgrecncDo^leire^eate, intbattrjs moiHuie of t^iofe greene ootb grcatip mitttgate tbe beat in tbem. i3nD fo2 tl)2 onelp ^fc of S^allcts^gatber tjour bcarbes , be^ ingtbenbcrp^onganotcntjerbntJS, cmpt of tbe Uttinct ano CDnuiuejtobicb after tbe mince of tbe (bartmerSjOo rate pleafanttrbernggrotoen tntoatDbitenctTCj ano tbcn eaten l?ong ano greene* ^m noU) tbofe bearbes(fe; tbe tfe ofmc- ^icine)oagt)t rattier to be gatberctJ ano cut tp, toben as tbct? P be 161 Secrets in fowing and planting. fee in a inattiter come t3nto t^t gr&tot^ , anD t\\at b^feac the colour of t^c floiD^cs begin to c^jangc^ant} t^e feus fomtoljat appearc :^urj tbiis alfo ouglit ts be oene in a clears i toarme tis?,auu t^at C^c^ tiaucbeene moittneolDit^ fome G^Q^mvB Ming fo;>fa3oo)t^?0e Dates before, fo tl)at t^e^? cwx^tnot to bcegat[)crci5 \)J^m an^ raine , tnoigure, o; U'^etDelD/^i^ en ti)tm , no; being tpza x>m parctjeo U3it'9 t^ie ^eate of tlje ^unnc 5 no^ m a ramie anD cloUjtJie oa^ , fo) an^ of tijefc Doe nmcij Uinoer tlje [keeping an^ tiaietn t^cir tjertue. aifotbs^ ougbtto becgatljcrcD , tofecn tbep bee fall of imtt atiD frea) , ano tljat not foe fmaller c.: bigger are to be cliofen , but t^e meaner, anofacljbefmes tu^icli fallnot to luittjering* ^M oneiD tfie tentjcr toppes , tbe lcauc0 , anD fioiD^csare to be gat Jcreo anD D:ieo in t^c^aooolue, in a place open toloarD tt)e ^oittl) , not being mcitt ant) DefsnscD icomtijcmiSanofmofee, anD fcj i\)t better ocfentimg and p)efermngoftljem,tobc pnttpinbaggcsdofebouno attlje niout&,ano in bojces fo; tbat t)fe* ^no t\)t^ alfo beepe t!)cir fircngt^ am ijcrtue fo; one iDljolc \7carc , fo tb^^.t tijct! are tobee renueo euer^ ^eare^tin^ lede t^z b^arbes bee gatljereo in fuel) airfare, t'^at tte feafen t^^zn l^al be long U)itt?out rainc,ani5 tljat t^e Summer follow tumg bee terie inoiU : fe; tbcn mag ^qu ratber tifetljofe !)earbes gatbereiJ in tbe oaic Rummer before, then tl)oie in tijerainie ^earc folloloing. Sno tfie flolcjcs fo^tbetjfsof medicine ougbt tl^mto be gatberei), tot'^n as tije^ be in grc^ teS fo;ce,aHO full open ab^siao^tnleils tbe llilli>,tbe ^lotu^et? Deluce,an^ Hofc, usbttl) ougtit rather to bee gat^ereo, toijctt as tl^eg be not IdIjoII^ openeo : fino tlje^ cug^t alfo in tlje like c;oer to be D;i£D ano laiti t3p,as aboue vuas taugbt of tbe beatbcsj ano fo t^^u latl alfo fo; a i^eare in t&eir Crengtb ano tjertae^ ^nsjt^epougljtbefioes to be renaeo euer]? i^eare, lifee m luas taug'rjt bzfm of tbe b^arbes^ ^uD f^Des ougbt to begatbereo lDt)cn tbet) be tbo;oU3lT?ripe, ano befo;e tbe^ %&&e 0^ fall off , ano t&is alfo mu^ be in a cleare ano faire sab. TIic fecond Booke* 15^ beepetgc perfect fauoar anDtadeof tl;chtnde of tpt Ijcaibt, arc rather to bee gaf&creD ano fecpf, ano u^icD in iSje ii^c cottDitton ai$ t^cl^earb0i$> anD afCcrU)aro put into glaO'cd , o$ |iang09 i)p in bagge5,am) t^is in a ^;i0 placcjbeiRg tm from tnotSttre. anD tlje frmf£i of t^c plants arc febee gat^creD, iDljcn SIS t^c? be in tl^eit fall ripenrfiTe, anD not before tlje^ beginne f9faUoff« iSndbotgt^cfaUcr ano maigbticr ar£eobcc|)o<> fen,l»^icl50ug^taftcrU3arDtobeD;!ei» intlje^unne, o^ in an fi)aen,bgrearonoft^Emoinrure container in tbcm. ^n^tl)t rffitcsare to bee gatljcrtD in tbeirapt plaas, unD t^ebeSQf0ucr^ feinoe, ano (battle frdtsbe Satcl^ fal^ ien off) ano tlje leaner; of tb^ l^^nis begin to fb^o al^a^ ^ and tbis^oumuHDoeinaclearroa^, fo^tbe great raine ooct^ Uieaben tbem,ano mttl^ t\)tm aili of moiUnre. ano tbe greater rotc^ ma)? be^ept foa ttoo^ear^iS, but t^Eledcr onel^foaa^care, if t^t^ hz^mQtti\sp to D;icin u i^aDoluie place ^ ano t^iat from oud ano (moke* anDa^ tcucbing f &c Ujijole b^srbe togctbcr,t|ic fame ougbt to be ga<» t^ereo iDben it ^all come Dp isnto tb : full grotDt^« 9nD iK^batfoeuer aregatbereD in tbe oecreafe of tbe nitone, bebettertotfc^anDlDilUongerbe^ept tbcn tbofetobtcb be gatberediatbeintreafeofttemcDnc^antitbeUsoi^tbecrb^rbiE be tbofe, antJ to greater e^cct^tobtcb M}^£ t^m liuelp colour, ilronger in fauour^ano mo^e apparant in f a(!e. anotbeHofeisanootbcr 6olD^e£t gat bereo in afaire ano iwarmeoai?, ooe retire a fuiectcr iJilliUeoU3afer,t[jcntbofc fiQ\x)m lobicbbe gatbereb in atoetanD cloUiDieoa^ : ano tbis uiSillcD iDater bcfiocs lafi^ctb longer aiio to better tfica tbcn tbat otber of tbe contrary manner. anD furtber learnc, tbat from tbe foure ano ttoenti) ta^ of i^t monetb of ^arcb Isnto t}^t fourc ano ttocntt oa^ of Imc , ai;e tbe leaue^ of all manner of bearbs moil ofCrengCb anb tcreaCjanti to cfpeci^ alip feruc in tbat time to tl^t Uz of mei^tcine* 0no from t}^t miiM\! of 3tine,t)nto tbcrKuii<9f^eptember;are t{)e Urns P 2 anil I5cprcmber,tinf o t^e xx^* of sparcl) agauie, arctic rotes of ttje moll Ijearbes in t^cir fall flrengtl) ano tjcrtue to fcc miniftreo in meuicines. 0rii) lieere alfo learnM&st tl)e loiloe tjerbes arc llrongrr in terf uc tl)cw t'oe garrjcn fierbes^alttiongb t^c u:i:?Je be Icff.r in bignes 5 as Pliny U);ttei^»Sno tlje loilDe Ijcarba^ alfo grolutns tipon t^z litis anD niountaincs , bee farre Cronger in effect t^entliere ii3ilsc5greU)mg m plainer f Ictuf r groanD* ^m to concluDe, all l)carbcs atiDfterjes tubici) mo>e aptlp ferae to tljetjfeof msaic:ne,oiigl)tratbcrtobefeept ar,ts5angci3t3pinbagg>but tbe SotD;es clofeHoppeo in narroVo moutbeo glalFes^tbat t^e fanour ann 6rengCtj of tl;e floU).:es b jeatb not fo;tb , ano ttjaC t\^d2 alfo be fet ano bangeo tp in f^aDDotoie places free from moitture^ano from t^e Bud anD fmobe. ^m t&e rents tDi;ic^ yf2u mino to heepe green, are belter referueD ano feept in ligbt (anD , eycept tlje^ be fuel) rcjtcs \XiW^ be ratfjer bept Daieo, ano are alfo better pjeferueo in a o;!c and fl^adootoie place, asabouetoastaugbt* 5i5«ttbefeeiiesof tljelleebesanotbe ^nion«,anD of certatne ot^er ^earbs, be better hept in tbeir t)unies,tl)cn tbe m od feezes of tbe ott^er t)earbes. Sno t^eere learnettje opinion oft^e!carnet)pQpfition Montagnana,in t^e gathering of t|)e rootes, floto.:es , ano fruits , feruing to t^e t)fe of mcoicine, loticb affirmetl) t|at t^e rots ongtit noC to be gat^creb t)ntiil tbe fall of tbe leanes, ano tpis efpecial^ I^ from tbe miUDle et^eptcmbcr^tnto t^e beginning of ^ouember,ant) tbe fiolD^es are to be gattiercd fromtl)em!Di3leof^ai?,to tbe begins' ning of Jul^jano cug^t to be ga# tliereD acco^btng to t^zi^i^ nerfit^cftimesof ti)e6earbs« an^us fn^et^ t^e feconD HBojfee of tl)e rare, op oeringjano ferrets of tbe mott ^earbs oftl)e<§artien. PROFITABLE IN- STR.VCT10N OF THE PERFHCTORDERING OFBEES, WITHTHEMARVEILOVSNATVRE, property,and gouernement of them ; and the nc- ceftary vfes,both oftheirHony and Waxe, feruing diucrflyjas well in inward as outward caufes: gathered out of the beft writers. TO WHICHISANNEXEDA Treatife intituled : Certaine Husbandly Coniedlurcs of dearth and plenty for euer , and other matters alfo meet j or HmBAndmen to k»ow,^c. ByTnoMAsHiLL Londoner. Sy Imprinted at London by H.B, I6o8* The zAutbors out of 'which this Trcatifcisgathercd^ C.PIinius. Ariftotlc. Albertus. M.Cato. Junius Columella. M.Varro. PalladiusRutililis. Theophraftus. Guilhelmus de Conchis. Galen. PauleAegineta. Cornelius Agrippa. Hieronimus Cardanus. Andfuvdry others. e^ To the worfliipfull MaQer zSM. GeatIcman,Thomas Hill vviflieth all health and felicitye S it hath becnc,and is yet(worfiiipfuII Sir) a trade commonly \Ccd among moft men, tochufeoiit from a great number, fome one vnder whofe name and title they may publifii their workes: Encn fol (following the fleps of the learned, though in all other pointsmoft inferiour) hauing fin ifhed this little Treatifc ofBees,and.ca(ling withmy fclfevntowhomi might prc- fentitjfound my felfe much boiindcnvnto your worihip, both for your gentlencs which Ihaucof late tailed, and al- fo for your fricndfhip whichlfindealwaies readie towards mec. And therefore hauing none other waies to recora- pcncethc v^ery lead part of yourcourtefie and gentleneile, thought it befl to gratific your worihip with (ucha fimpic gift as mine abilitie will fuffer mee to beftowe vpcn fuch a friend. And although Sir , this Treatife is farre dilTonanC from your fludles , yet confideringyour carncfl: defireto knowledge and learning : and againe pondering theplea- fantnefle of the matter, thought this might bee made a recreation for your graucr fludies. For when your minde ihalbefearching for profound reafons, and opprefTed with deepc cogitations, then taking and reading this httle Pamphlet, it will bring a forgetfulnefle vnto your former yvearinefle., and caufe a new delight vnto your niinde : For The Epiftle Dcdicatorie. Forh^crein may you fee, firft the marueilous goucrncmcnt of the Becs,throug;h the onely inftinft of Nature, as in their obedience to their King,and other officcrs,in punilLing the idle loytercrs,incheri(liing the true labourers,in their man- ner of fightingjwithfuch like a great many.as it is wonder- full to read,and almoft vncredible to belecue:Secondly,thc liuely effeiSls and commodities tliat arifc of their Hony and Waxe: and la{lly,how profitable they arc for the common- wealth , and how neceflary for mans vfe. I might heerc fpeake much in the praife of the Bee , which all I will omit, feeing onely mine intent is to fhew my felfc mindfull of your good turnes and benefifts , defiring you to take this in good part.which proceedeth from a wel willing mind. And I am forie,that at this prefentl had none other matter more worthy to haue gratified your worfhippe withail : but that wanteth in power , aboundeth in good will. Thus troubling your worfLip no longer,! commit you to the keeping ofthe Almighty ,praying him to increafc in you al vertue and godhnes, and to grant you the long ycarcs of Nc- ftor. Tours mojl bounden^ Thomas Hill. The Preface into the inflru(5lion of Bees. Lthough (gentle Reader) Ihaue not giuerithee aioyUbour of mine owne ^ but rather haue coUe^ Eledthe fnyings and vpritings ofmAnyanttem Au^ thors^ytt itruft theypjdlbe yvell accepted of thee without offence. For 04 ke that fetteth forth vnto the view And reading of all men , fuch hnovoUd^e «« hy his longfindie and experience he hath gotten, is yvorthyto bane his due rervard and commendation : cuenfo hee is not to be aifcom^ mended , who paine fully rettolning the bookes andvolumes of many and differs antient writers, re(^ftceth them tnto oneltttU treat if e for the commodity and pre fit e ofthefimple & vnlearnedfirt , for wlofe cne/y fakes I bane trauelledtn the trarJlMen of this worthy matter ^ touching the right vfage and handling ofBees : a thing verierarey Andfeldome feene in the Englifh tongue ^and yet verie ^rcfit able for a Common- wealth , and commonly vfed among the poor e hui band^ men , though not in euery point as they ought to be ,yet according to their knowledge and experience . But /, to the intent that a further learning mi^ht be added to their sklUy hauefo trauefled therein, that Itrufltheir knowledge fljall be increafed^ andfuch a^ haue no kpow^- ledge at all , may be infu^ted without any oth er teaching . / hatte ioynedthis little Treatife vnto my books of Gardening . for that moft men doe ioynethem both together , as when they place their Bees in their Gardens, whereauheymai withlejfe patne and eaf Her gather ofthefweetfmelltngfloures , their Hony^andfVaxe» tyfndfor aS thefe mypaines (gentle l{eader ) I craue nought elfe of thee , but ts gineme that which ofdutieina manner I ought to haue : for if thou doefi receiue any contmoditie or frutt, either hy this , or by any other Treatife hereto annexed , which hath to name the Hu^banaly con» ieciureSy withfundry rules ofThyficke , then giue me therewardt of thy good report^ andfiienaly accepting of thefe two Treatife s\ andf not yet accept mine endeuours in good part ^ which be meant to do thee good. And thus leauingigentle reader) to trouble the farther,! commit thee to God^who ,giue thee the furtherance of knowledge^ both in thefe andaU other needfull Arts, ^ i^necefsarjT Ahlt Jetting forth the Contents of thele two Treatifes, Thefif are treated of in the fir ji Treatife. ^ i\ 7Hy Bees arc named to bccrcafted or parted bes V V twecne jor as it were ringed or rather pleightcd : what workc the fwarmc new gathered in the Hiiiedoc firft take in hand, and whether they may liueaffcr their flings be gone. Chap. I . Who firft taught the preparation and incrcafing of Bees, and found out the vfe of hony. chap.2. How Bees do naturally engender. ehap.j.^ Ofthevnperfe^Btes, which men properly name Drone Bees. chap 4. Whether the Bees draw breath, or haue any blood within them. chap. 5.- Of the great vtllity and profit of Bees to mans vfe. chap.^. Of the care and diligence of Bees. chap.j^ Ofthemarueilousgouernmcnt ofthekingof Bees, and of the obedience which they vfc to him. chap. 8. What kind of Bees the bed, fwaxc,for fun* drievfes, chap.40* A a 3^ Another The Tabic. Another way of drawing the oyle of waxc moft noble, and doth marueiloufly hclpc the cold Gout, the Sciatick, the fwcUing of the legs , and all other griefs of a cold caufe. chap4l. Thefe ciefcribedin the other Treatife. CErtainc Husbandly conie£lure$ of dearth and plenty forcuer. chap.i. An cucrlaftingPrognoftication of the Rate and condition of cucry yearc,by the oncly Kalends of January , written by the ancient and learned Leofol, tAufi, andotherfor the commodity of the wife husbandmen. chap.2 . How to foreknow theftate oftheyeare b\ theonelyrifing of theDoggeftarre, outofthehusbandric ofDiophanes, chap.j. Other profitable inftruftions,right neceflaric for husband- men to know. chap.4. A mofl: profitable rule for the preferuation of mans health, thorow-out the twcluc monethsof the yeare , after the mind of diuers learned men of the Vniuerfity of Padua. chap. 5. Of the falling fick on any of the weeke daies, outof that an- cient Phy fition Hippocrates. chap.^c Of thofemanifeft fignes, which declare raine to follow. chap. 7* Of thofc mamfeft fignes which declare faire weather to fol- low, chap. 8. The / ^The firft Treatifefetteth forth the range gouernment ^proper ty^ and bene^ fite of ^ccs-i with rhe comnioditie of their Hony and Waxc> which ferue vnto many good vfes, afwe II in outward as inward caufes applicd:gathcrcd out of Plif^, 41^ Bertfit, Varroy ColumeUa^ Vailadius^ Arisiotlcy Theothra^ y?«/j Cardanuf fitiilhclmtis de Cortchis^v^* £rippa,znd diuers other fingu* lar Authors. Why Bees are named to be created or parted betwecne , or as it were ringed, or rather pleighted. What worke the fwarm new gathered in the hiucfirft taketh in hand, and whethertheyniayliue after their ftingsbegone.Chap.i. Linic nametj Be^ti cleft hcafts , bccaufe eC tt)c Dtuifionoj parttngjbetiuccne of tl)efteaD anc C^culocrs :ano AriOotlenamet^ ttjem pldgbffOojringeD, tnt^attftdr botiieffare DcuiocD Ujitlj pleig&rs ano rmgs. anDmol! menbnotDe,tt)att&e llBces Ijauc ncitljerQ* nclus,bonc0,flel^,sr{aie, ba£bc-bonr,no> far, but are onelg createD of certatne mt)cturc , being anieancbcftoecnetbcre, ann l)uuing a tjcri? f^to inf ra!0. an^ againe no man neeDeti) to Doubt , but t^at t^t 513ec5 be a binD of beaC^i greatly to be (et bi? fo^ mans tife^ aao fo; mans pjouiOon, are nouriC^eti of theatre: paCLingtl)o:olu tfjeDcmccD places, ijDfticijfbe^b^ great biligcncc ano rare pKrerucftom being aoppeo^fo; as fonc as t^eg beaopp^D^ti^ci: ^^oi^lr pJ.tx oie^li^e as t&e fame i^ Z The right or dering of Bees* m nm leartte,fel)en an^ ^apnctb to fall e^ Itg^tinfo ^^Its tD^ict)aratg^ttoa^afteroie t^^ougjt^eo^le (lopping t&m t^eir potners.TOc?l)aaeant)fliel]Dit&fourctoings,tt)attl)e^ map tlje belter car^ in tjcir bellies! aingg of reuengmcnf* ;f o;^ lu()en tlDo of t^cm Urtne together in fi(gHtt)^ti to t^e^ loloe ano l^^pe tljeir Pings in t^etr meut^es b^ a graeo^ oe^ li[re,0> fo;^ eagcrnes fafee^ i^oto after ttje feuen Cars nameD vir<;ilix,be once rifen in Gg|f aboue cur bo^tf on^tl)^ to tljeig jiBel&em in t^eir paopcr lioies, fo tljat t^ep go felcicmeafter ab^oaDJbntil t|e beans Do buoyant) iU^t^ chance to begin at ati^ time to fiie abaoa^^lsotien as afaireDa^ mouet^ t!)emfo;# UjarD, tl)cn flacfeetbei) no fuc^ oaies afterlrarn,butcfrupi0 tbnnfeluestanD firft lb ^r P were i nrabe tticir ccir.fcs^tDtitft t^ty^ faa)ton into apt feoufes, o; ratbc r eels of ir aj:r,aft£r i%i$ t|e^ tiauc ^ong, anb tbcn begin ttjei? to gather tionr* %it^ line alffl t^e longer b^ Ijauing t^feir llings/o; t|a! once gen, 0) tafecn atoaisllje^ tie foatl) Itnilj t^ijcngb ti)e laifee of t|ieir intrals.iD^iilj tb^p finre togetljcr \xnt\j t^eir Uings* Whofirft taught the preparation and increafing ofBccsi and found out the vfe cfHony. Chap. 2. Tl^e report goetl),tl)at one Arifloroachusflrftfoan^ out ano taught iVjt inaeaCngof bees, toljont Pliny ipjitetlj to be fo ernea in tbe fame, t|iatattiiig apart al oiber affairs, 6e ont^fiuDieo nigtit ano ta^ ^ciu It migit bcfi tntreatf We bees ace ojoing to tbetr feinb. 'iLut otliers afcribe ijts inucn^ ticn to cne Thsfliusjtobo (ss^ tfec^ fap) oeferuet) no IclTe ttmtf »ienDat(on,bo(^ foattsbiligenee and fbiil among tees : tut l|)ls l)e efpeciallp foliclvct) in t|)e Mt , ano tbat far from tte folone.^no of t^is tbe rcmmon peop(e(as b^ anicknam0)no mo;e nameo tiim Thafliusbut Agrius,fo; t}is toilo o? ratbcr llrange lifeyboljicl) be tfjenleo in tl)efieHj ^iDbomPhnie alftj afftrmetbtobaueU)5ittennboofeeofti}eincreafinganOm«l^ fipltiiig of ilBeeSrgni) Columella afcribetl; tbisinuentionlt) tl^cinbabitants oftije ^iU(nameD Hymetus) being t^iecoun^ trrof Attica5foati5ere(raitbbe)bansonc Ariahonu$,ijD|o taug!)t ( as men Irgite )t|)e true anD perfect ojDering of tbem* Pliny again arcriba&t|)ein«ention of^on^t^one Arifteus.a man ThcfirftTreatife* ^ rttait of Athens. DiodorusSicuIus hi ffjC Brt haikt of |)IS XDo;ib<5 Uj^fiCtl) t^at Curetes, a people of Creta,t)iDfir(lSnO dut i\}c Ijonv* Macrobius afcribet^ t'oc fame to one Saturnus, ot&crs to t^z Theffalians : anD mani? to Melidus an mtitnt bing of Crcta,ot^er0 to Nail'us liber patcr,tt)ns tojititig tJaC Liber liat^ obtaincD tf)e retjaaro foa ftnoing mit of Ijon^ How Bees do naturall)^ engender. Chap. 5, Fgrllt^c515ce0p;ocee^ of Beei^bp tijcamiall ooing togc^ tt)cr,after U)t)icb t^ie^i la\? eggcg/ttaing tjpon t^tm a^ t&c ^ens Do on t^etr egs.ann tofjen t|je^ Ijaue fit on (l)em fo; i^z ^ong ( at ttje firtt )€omc fo;tl) niuclj Ithc to lt»f)ite lco?me5,c f^ tt^i t|)e lungyUjt)o oncli? as l)c ts ^atc'^ct? Ijatti Uiinp^s.at t!)e 0rtttmiecnf Dft!)cm Ijatc^et^fiucvongtogettEr, tljc mxt timefctocr^an^rofeUicranD feloer , tntillC&e commet!) to one at a time,becaufc ttje abunoancc lDl)Ub is in tij tm , ootS in tl)e contmunncc of time tocfeen, Jn ttje time of tbcir fitting, t'oey> mage mnclj noiTe to Qxt tf)em beat tDitljalL ant) about t^e Does of tbe combs.be fometimcs greater bc^ b^cD^tDbicl) tncnfo^tljeir fonno ano ncifc Doe paoperlp namcS^rumpe^ tcr£{;anu tbei' alfo Ijaue to^ole !;o;nes, of U)l)icb come tjc ba** Hatobits* s:bcrc be alfo Gt^er bees bigger in boois, miuf) lihe to tlje fetng0,but t^t\> be iole ano baue no Sing > becaufc of tbe tjeauines of tbeir boOp«aU iDbicb liinoi? , Guihhelmus deConchisDi^cbferueintbelpiucxiofaccrtameConfulIcf * 3^ome, lD|)icl) paopr rli? lucre maoe ofter^ tljtJn'.c anu cicare lioane, Some U);itc tbat bks are alfo e ngeno^co anu b^^Doc jtionl!rou0i>5anDtbatccntrari>tonature, toitbout t\}cmu^ tnalconioncttonjtftbata ujijolsealfe be bnneo tn tl)e eartf;, ^ t&ere lie rotting lubilf s tlje Mnt) blottt out oU^t wmttt, fa j l)^ t^at meanes as lD.2itct[j Maro,totb tbe fame b>eet) JSeesi, . 3nDnot^nUI>etotbis2ictl; ConieliusA^rippa, tn.l)i6Srtl bofeede Occulta PhilofophiajanOHiero. Cardanus in blS p. bojt^e of fubtiities U);ite;tbat of a rotten pc^fe Doe toafipeiS p^oceeD : of an aHejl^umble b(^0 : of a 05Kle,|^o;netSjOf tbe ^atrofalDoman(b4mngt[jenb^fmont5l??courres)ferpent0: an09f.Cr^mffei;(ti)cfl^eij5 plttcfeeo ot>^co^pton0. . 0£^ ^ Secrets in (owing and planting. Of the vnpcrfe^l Bees, which men properly name Drone Bees. Chap. 4. T^z ^;om usees (as lu^itct^ Pliny)are tnpcrfed; Bw, XDttt)out amg , ano tt)e leatt tueane , i^et be ti)e^ terte t^eau^ of boDi^^anD doU) in botng ttjetr bufincs : ttic)? alfo toe t^z ferutccs ana trauclsof l|)e true )15ees , alt^ong^ tbe rtg^C and perfect HBzts toe rule ant goucrne t^cm, ^ea t put t^cm fo^tnolE ui t^ctr labours , fo tl)at if tt)ci> tjappen to be (loU)0 iti tl^etr Doings,tt}en toe t^e rig^t bees punid^ ttjem lDtt()out pi# tp.airot^£feooi)elpel|)eng(itll5ees,fotueuintt)cirljuo;>&cs as in tlmt b;ceDing,fo.j tjjat tlje multitude of Cl)€m, caofe t|)c uio^e ^cat 3nD toarmt^ toget^cr,ianD &oU) niuc& tbc greater t^e mnltttuDe of tl)em (^albe , fo muct) moae t^il t^e increads come of tl)e l\s)atm*W\jtn tlje tion^ loaicetb ripe,tl)en are tyz 13D;ont )l5ees D^iuen fo^t^,ano tt)e kino alfo of t^efe are onel^ tone ab;joat in tJ&e^p^ing tm£. Whether the Bees draw breath,or haue blood any in them. Chap. 5. N^tD fome afftrm.f bat t^c clonen beal!s B^ato no b^catf), int^att^e^ ljauenottl)efanoft|)e ^eart, totiicy is ttje lights o;t lungs',foa as t!)£^ ljD^tte,not^ing tuit^out tticm can b^eatji, ^ut Ari(lotlciD^itct&, tljattlje fame is poffible a* tnong ^ees^tiauing t^c fifing (alt^oi^gb t^er ^auc no blater) to b;eatt) b^ tt)cir (ting. 0no tl)e Wm bane no blcoMccaufe t^cptiaue neither ^taxtno; lungs : \?ctPliny affirmetft, r^at nothing tone b^ nature ma)? be tt)oug|)t 0; iuDgeo iiureoi^ ble^fo^tgerameisfuUi) pcrfljuaoeo in iDtfe men, t^at ^ees ^aue a ccrtaine liuetp moi(!ure, tike as tbc Cuttle in t^t fea, tDl^ic^ ^at^ a kino of inche^in tt^ano is as tije iuitt of it, ix^it^ t[)e U3t)ic& t5)e S>iers(at tt)is tap) to mafee tbeir purple eolo^ Of the great vtilitie and profite of Bees vnto 'r mansvfe. Chap. 6. Aer^ ftudef^ ano begoca t'tie^ fram^ (b)? a maxntilouB Vxiil ano canning) t\)nv cottciac ortuai; tinto man$ \3fe, tbat no lco;>ke-man ( be t)ec ticucv fo ingcniouiS ; cm Doe tbc lifee, l^^e profit alfocommmsb^t^cmmfl^o^t time, tr^ n^e Uica^ tfter ^tnocretl) not , ig fo great , tljat t^t^ tnrreafc m a fl&ojt ttmetnto man^ fioarmeit , lui)ic^rU;armc5agatnetncrearo others, fot^attbefirfi^ftDarmegmcrcafco, tbci» cfpcciall^ tbaullfo^tb from t^em int^cmonet^of ^a^ 0^ 3l»n^^ bs toijicli mcanestljescaureagreat incrcaCe of t^em* 00 Var- ro a^irmeti) t^e fame of ttoo lieaD (Gentlemen tn ^patne, iss^ici onel^ b^ t|)e meaner of t^etr W^s, gatneD ijcarl^ teti tgoufatiD pound ( bnt3Iratl)erti)tnhe6ue tboufanopoanD, ijD^it^ alfo i& t)cr]^ muc^O :anD ^ere ib to be notf d . tljat t^e fisarmc^ office ^earesoloe, ooefcleomcmcreafe after otl^er ri;oarme0oftl)0mfeine£i, aUi)oug^mU3a);0tt)e^ gineagreat ^deldeant} gainctot|)e oVoner^* Ofthe great care and diligence of tbeBccs. Chap. 7. CCDrtatne Bee^, a^ t^e fhtlfull paadtferxi Doe lu;ite, ttann in t{)e Daytime att^emout^e^of ttieljtaeg, Dtitgentin Iffibtng to t^etr bufines, U&e loaroer^ placet) at t^t gateg of a Cattle 3 tliat t^e^ mai? fo DefenD in fafegart tutiom t^e^ lutll tuttjjtm an t^enigbt time tljep fettle t|)cmfclaes to rcfltjnto t^e moaning, tjntiU oneof t^em bv't)umming tunce o^ tb^tce about, Dotf) fo dirre tiiem foatjparo to flie out after t^t otber« ^0^ if t^e^ tiappen to heepe t^emfelne^ in t^t moaning tottli^ intbel^tu^M^enDoetbf^e fame Declare a tempeS toenfue t^at uap*115ut being a cleare anti fmre moaning, i^m bo t|)e^ lie fi3;^tb9anDreturneagatnetott)etr^iue0, laDen tDttb tbe fubaanceoftJefloto;e0on tl^eirleggfojtljeirbofineire, ana tSiisefpgcialt^Doe t^ei^ongerb^^, fot^at tlieot^erbeesbe^ fioeg Do ettber carp t^e luater in tljeir fails, oa on tbe foft mof^ Ones of tbe tutiole botjpX^e elDer bees remaining flfill ioitij^ in bo alfofolloU»tbeirbufine£J,inbiligentlp lading tp, t apt# Ip D;jeffing tbe fame , as t^ep tooulD Difpofe t Jeir binolp fob, ^ncb as be naggiO^ anb not labouring,t^ep biligentlp note, l»i|ic|) foj tljeir flttggiCftnes tljep bitterly puntft to ueatfj.anD flging ab;oao in a migiitie iDtno, t^cp maruciloufli? Gap anD ^b £m$ 6 The rigk ordering o(Bccsl gttiDe t^mklatByh^ lucigljing tfteir bodies toisati tutt^ W^ tie aonc£5,carieo in t^eir legged. 2:&et at ttjs eaeniiig com* tning to reK.ooe make klTe ano leffe noife m tfee ^iac , t)ntill oac of t^cm flietlj about , twjiicft b^i a lifee ejocr as tie mooned tfeem fo >toaro in tlje niojning,etten Co b^ t^ie fame noife ano ^umnung,toti) 1)0 procure t^em to tafeetlicir red, an^to bo allfilcntiDitbint^eSiue^ 3f ttie Bees Ijappcntofcatterin i^zit aping ab;ca!).ttrcn isoe tfjei? call ano gather t^em into a fvuarme b? tlje ^elpe of making a (^;il fGuriD,eitl)er \})it}^ pan, feafon,oj fome touo cimbalXtie^ alfo foUoU) t^eir bing to^i^ fbcr focucr be tabetb bis fligbt , twtio being toearte , anb not furtb rr able to ale , tbc^ carr\? iim among tbem. Mberfo;»e t^at tbe bmg ma^ not often attempt foat^ Ijoilft f^eftuarmefojfeareofloangtbemJbefhilfulpjactiferstoil, tbe kungs of t^e Uings bebjofeen ot; tobtcb feeling bim-felfe tljus tiep^iuet) of bis \jjings,U)il not after attempt to flie fojt^ of bis bounDs,but remaining ail U)itbin,toill caufc tbe ot^er 515 ees to abioe continually tuitb tjtm, not leaning tbe l)iue at anp time after* SEbcr alfo baue counfcls pjinilr , anb rulers among tbem. 0nD as Ariftoile oeclaretb t&e lloees to be tbe cleanlteft among all otber beans, becaufe in Giving ab^oabe fbcglbeotbeir Dung from tbem, left an^ fauo^o^ ttinfeeofi tbcir bung be felt in tbeir cottages o^ boles. Jf tbefe l»anf |)on^ at m^ time>t^en bo t^t^ eitl;er bill o; o^ine quite atuai; tbe b;jone 515 ees. Ofthem.irucllousgoucrnmcntofihcKing of Bees , and of the obedience which they vfe to hina. Chap. 8^. Nature ^att) not onelp committee ber latx^es to bcDbs,t|)0 iD^icb men ma^ learne bp , but batl) erpecialli? fet fo^tij conditions $ properties , as fo^ an eirample of tbe libe bf tbe ^^Sjtiibofe bings foi ooubt of reuenging » baue bp tbe paoui* Dence of nature noaings : io^erebp is tcbebnberftooMbat liingsruling in pDloer,tb;ougb tbe lacbe of tbeir Sings.ma^ be b^ tbat meanes t^e Rob>tt to burt ano offer reuengement» ^ct fomeaffirmetbebrngsto bane f!ing0,butt^epruppofe tbem not to bfe ttietr llings.^nb of tbis Phny mabetb a oaut &]).$t^ir t|)e bins be armeo as oJtlier Tl§^$, o; lacbet!) a aing^ The firft Treatife. y afflbic!) Columella paf tet^ oat of ooubtjlbaitmg of ([je king, t&at l?e tiat^ no Cing, t)nU£{ anp pci!)aps tbmb: tl)at big Ijcaij (a0 it lBere)tol)ic!? t^c king carictl) In I;i0 bcll^,(o be Ijis fiing Ijpitft tbe U)|)tc& tljei? ^^^ at no ixxaz to aing oj btart ant? boD^ 2Cb«£p feing oncli? uoc Bees rcucrencc ano honour ,tnfi?cl) fo2t,t{)atan^ of tbem t5 obeDicnt an?) tjcr^ rcaorc to Doe UJbatfocacrbsaHignerfjt^em tnto* ^IfotbtsobcDienceanD fermce tnljic^ tbc^ t3fe to tbcir feing,tf?e\? doc not t^ie fame fo| fears of puni^n?.ent, but onelp of a !oue Ui|)(cb tljep olueijiif tobjnr* flEJse^pttniit^ oneanotber in fuct) fo;t, tl)at after t^eirllingsbe loU , tbcp Die fo.:t^tDtt^* AriflotlctDaitcH^of eujo tnaner of feingsabc oncfas be aafirmettjitc be reo,UJt)fr& lie mogctb tljc better : tfje otber feing tiacfee cf colour , li bicii l^e confef etb to be leHcr of boD^: xet bolDfocucr tbe tiiirge be, fftepare notUjitblfanomg farre bigger of boo^ tbcntbel)o^ It)? ^ee£f,anD bane a bngbter f goolur bcao t^en tl^e otbcr 3l50B£f,^et l^oatsJr U)ing0, &>otbattbcirUing createo among t^em,goetS not an^ time fo;tb of tfje Ijiue^toitbcuf t^e tobole fujurme follots !)»n. fTbe hing flping fo^tlj of tbe btuc at an^ timcjtbe otber folio to bim , in fucb foUtbat eacb couct to flte iiert^im,anO!op£tl) to be fe^n of tfjefe^ng stt ofHcetano iM^er^ fc euer tbehing fctletb 0.2 rcSetb bi««>tbere be otljcr bcespla.^ ceo li^e arong tjo'on 0^ caaieis about ^fm. about tbe ^tng aU (0 be placeD rertam ruter^^tubic^ ioatt tpon bim b^ oailp au^ tbo:itte,3f an^ bapnetb ( as \»;jitctb Plmy ) to baeafte off tbc l5ings rtsbt UJing^tbenfi om tbc feinc^ tjuil not tbe ficarm after Depart,<^st!)eUfeeU)a5 retjcarfeu before* ^cfioes tbere,tbe beefli bans a ntarueilons o^oer among tljcmnf tbeir king bsp^ pen to Dte,tf)e)? U)til bttterip mcurne fo^ bi£( t)eatb,ano ro;^ t^c lacfeeofan otber, 30 fucb li3t)ub cannot be guioco anoruleJ iuitbout a fjing among tbem: ano tbus tbe^ be vx contuiuall mournmg : &otbat (fo^tbetime) tbe^carrigno ftoDemto tbeirbtues,no;3tefo^tb) butiutt^afaDoebevna^ttng ano liummtng after t^ietr Hing , tbe^ {)eape tbttke togetber aboaC !l)eoeat) bots^, anD Ijnleffe another femg encrealctlj bi> \iU tie ano little among tt)em , tbe^ ote toitb banger^ SLbetr Sing iatourct^ not^ but as tbe ottier flte fco^t^ ; %it in t^e S3 b 2 meane 8 The right ordering of Bees* tnean&time(asanertMer) mouet^anD eHcouragefKor toarD Ctters one to W tooafec, b^ ^is flying about intjc What kind of Bees arebeft^^c rather tobe chofen. Chap p. 1^ tbiis potRtjf fo^ true fenotoleoge of t Jefc,tjoti) M. Varro Defcribe tbofe bees to be bed )a)W^ be of Cmall booie , m^ timers anu rounD,becaufe tje^ be cacncft in labo;j, anD mabe a t^inl)cni?,ano better inoure labour, anbgattjertljeirbon^ onbils:buttl)etoojfer bas gather tbcirfjoRnoftbegaroen flotoacs onl^,U)bicl) be fomU^liat long of boo^, Ufee to toafpg^ Virgil ooetl) efpeeialli! comment) tbe Tmall bees5bctng fome^ ijDbat long,ligt)t,ani) cleanly in tbeir bnfinelTejano gltttermg likegolo: anotlje greater anorounuer bee is DifcommenDcD cf al Uj^iters.Qltbougb tbe fierce bees are ber^ ill,ret ts t jieir trefulneffe a note of tbe better bees , tobicti raais eafil? be ap# peafetib^tlieDatl^ banting among tbem : fo^ift^e feeepers t!oe often ^anoletbe^iues, t^enooet^e^ become gentle in (boat time* ^^t bees alfo inoure, if tbet> be tiiligently lodbeo tnto/o J tbe fpace of ten ^eares^f be^onu tbis age no ftjoarm can patTe^alt^ongbt^e heepersfuppl^ tbe tiiues ^earl^lDttlj ^ongbeesintbetteauoftbeolooeaD : foaint^etentb^eare, in a maner,b\? tbe gcnerall ceatb of tl)em,tbe bniucrfall btno of tbe tobole tiiue is tben confumeo. ^nb tbcrefo;e tbat (bis ma^ not bappen tttoaotp ail tbe btucs in tbat place, ^on mud alioaicsincreafe^onr t)tues tottbrongbees, tobicl) Diligent^ !^l)iue in tbe fpaing time, oabeginningof^nmmer, tulien astbeCtoarmesbefiraano neU) tbauHfoatb of tbe i^imsx I to ma^ tl)e number of ^our biues be increafeo* ^gain^fome tojif e tbac in ttft countre^ of Pontus , tbe bell b^B be to^ite, bccaufe tl)e^ giue tbcirreeloof bon)? tlnice in a monetb* 3nO Guihelmus de Conchis affirmetb , t^t bed bees to be about Thermedoone in Capadocia, abtoing altoaies in t^e eartby foitbattbofeooebutio anbmabea triple ^eelD of Ijoape, and giuealfo moll abunoance of tion^. %^t afoaefaiD Varro aifirmetb>t|)ofe bees to be in t^ealtt) > U)]^icb often bespe and be in ftoarmc togetber,tbat be cleandp,an0 can do tbeir bufii nes ano U)o;be alibe^ and tS)at quicke anb ligtit in t^e fame, being ThefirftTrcatifc* S being neitljcr|iairi!,no;foalc ofboO]?, o; appearing imOie; fucljairoasbcnotoucr-cleaneofbeDp, no^tt)at outofan^ of tbeir cottages; no Dcao bees be carrieo : but tl)e contrari^ to be bot^ cuill antj Unprofitable* Palladius oeclarett), t^iat t^e beft bas mai> be fenoton b^ tt)e fulncs ans cmptinefi of t)^zit t)eirel0, fo^ if tbebiues be full, ttien tbofebas ooett)^abea comment) : if t^el)ioes be nottjingfo full fiaffeD, t^ofebas Oot^ ^e greatli? tiifallotDiano be aUo paaifet^ t^ofe bees totiicft well 0.: palTc otber in tbe louOnelTe of bumming, ojooe abouno in tbe great fjant of tiieCtoarme , not b;oug6t to tbe Siues from far places , fo tbat t^ere ma^ be fuc^ agreement, tbattbeg be not after feareu atoag \x^it\^ C^enetones of tlje aire ano place* where the hiues of Bees ought efpccially to be placed. Chap. lO. ARi ftotle toillet^ tlje Ijiues of bees in f ^e winter time to be placcD in a loarme place, f in tt)e tiot feafon of fum^ mer in a colo place.Palladius Rutihus in bis firft bcofee of |)uG» baiib^I? teacbetb, tjiattbefitteft place fo;j bees, is tfjat U)t)iclj ts in a (SarDcn, not far, o; ratber neare to tbe oujncrs boufe, l0i)ic|ib^tbat meancsftttfcretlinottbe toinoes ,no;ittieac# telle of tbiefeso;bealIs : tubicb alfo nourifltiet^ trees groto«» tng of ttie j^o^tbfioe of ti^e place, frjet etter to t)efenD tbe colD aire from t^em, anb cUare fp^ings oa fatre riuer loater run^ ningbr* Columella tDiUcfb (Ije btues to be fctopentotoaros tJ^z fecut^, far from noifeanb bant of people o.j beads, neither in a bot no; colo place,foj eitbcr of tbefe do moled ano barme t&ebees. Mo tbat tbe Jiuesaano in tbefaottomeofataU le^.o; if not fo polTible , tben placeo neare to tbe talleg , tbe better ancealierfo; tljebecs tob^tngttieir fooo gat^ereoto tbeirbiues*,anoinan^ cafe far from arncfeingpuDOles,biti? c^es,bung-b«apes,an0 fucb lifee filtb^ ftincfecs,U)bic^ greats l^annopano endamage tbe bjss being neare banD to t^eir Ijiues* M. Varrotoaitinginbisffecono bmUetjntoatiuftDife of tbe Countr^,tDilletl) alfo to fettt)et)iues clofeto tier Joufe ano i^noer fome fteb,ano tbat farre from t^c noiCe of fo;mcs, S5b 3 to!)«!j I o The right ordering of Bees* tD^ic^ 10 meant from a $rone oatuoo^^lcH tl}6?dU) t^c iuooo 0^ grctte nere ^anOjtl)e fame ma^ %mz a foancing noife, !t[^c f t^at lDl)tcl) men commonl)? name c^c (Sccr o, \X)6icl) founo in l3er^ oeeo t^e Bees bo greatly ljate» Virgil is? tiict^ buf^i? trees to be planted ano ttand rtg^t before t^m bmes, (i^e as tl&c pear free ts, ttje ^eacft- tra, t^c £Dafe-tree , man^? ^iwts ofappie treesjt^c 3Strc& tree, i^oll}? tree, tlje Jap-treealfo, wot allotottj fo;r t^eir goooncs , but becaufe ttie fame QWtt^ oat niucb bon-pjanD al ot^er trees tobicb beare no bitter fioiu^ crs. ano ^e\uiUct^t^efe plants ano bearbcs logroVoneare ^simyHs ttje Kofemarr,t^e r£B ano Damaffee Mo(c,tbe tu^ite Htll^jtbetaioletSjtbe jFloto;^ oeinccjtbe ^>gar.p,tbe2Lmie, t\)t running 2n^me,tljc &aueri>i fteeet ^ario:amg , t|):e ^aU fron tlotoae,tD&ub colour etb t^e bon^f mabet^ itfmdftueet, t^e beane flotojes, tbe pmt\$ beane floluKS , tt)e i:p dltloe eotu|cs,t5e b^rbe jlBalme tbe lDl)ite ^oppp fioU)jes,tbe ^ e^ toni? fioU?.:cs, tbe ^o;age ana ^ ugloUc fl : U};cs, ano man^ otberflueet anDU)bo(fome^ou^?tsnott)^re namco. Tduii^z 5i5ore- tree,tbe ^aflrufec tree, tbe 2Dcg oj Catte.i-tree , o; at; feme fuppofe.t^e long ano titeCberrp tree,t^epgreaUrb^t0, foatljattaSmgofttjc flotUKSOtanpof tbcfc, t^jc^ Die fo;t^# iuitf!. Varro Ujillctb ftanomg U)a crs to be ricre tbctr Ijiur s, anofo(^aUoU),tljatfui^Uftoncs tb.:otJDne mto tbem, ma^ appeare abouetbe toater^tof^rue m 0eaD of bnb^es toa tbetr 5ft£nrecourfetintotbem, anotbattbcv map aptlplfretc^ tbeir toings ab^cao on tbe Hones at tbc beat of tbe fun. E|)0 fianOtngfo^ i^tucs ougbt tobrctbaee fcote oidant from tbe grouno, ano mttil^ doppro about uutb reoD^ clap, left ticr^ mmsano mtce creeps mto tbebiucs, ano fpoUe tbe ^cnf C3mbs*Ebebmcs alfo ougbtto befetattttlc afunocrtbe one from tbeotbcr, Irft bi> loobmg into tbem, vc*u (^abe one anOi» t|)erbp flcaumgtcgetber , anolo bifqotet tbe lI5eesnertto, Ijuljicb feare .ill manner of Ojabing, left tbe fame tb;GU)e tiovxviie tbetr torafec \r cjfces ot U^are. ano tbe moutbesof^bl l&iucs ougbt :o ftano fomctrljat Ueepcr tben t^t bacfe partleffi rainebeat ngtn , migbtnotltgl^tlprun out agamcbp tbetr cntrso^|icle;f6^rcmcb^ofi{)eU;i}ut)^ tcmemake acouero^ ner ThcfirftTreatife. Ii uer ttidr WcMz hcttct to beep o^cbe foule toeaf ^er. 0nO no tnancr of ^eat fo mucl) |)urUt|) t^em a£s Doet^ bitter colo^ito fo^t^idt^e facets of t)tae0 ougtitto beui t^e winter totoacD tt^e nltngoftt)efun, t^atttiebeesma^dfo rccetuet^eUiarme comfort tn t^c moaning commmgfoatl) , $ be t^e Uuelienfo; colD Dotb caufet^emto beflaggt^ v ano fo^ ttjat caufe tiieir ^ole5 oust)t to be t)err narrolu , t^at as little coio an t6 polR^ ble ma^ enter intotbem) and fo ttarrol]3 maoe tliat t^e llBees U>itl)(iimaprecciue t!ie entrg but of one Bee at once: foa bg t^at meaner can neither tfje 5i5atle,Butterflie, noa great tnot^ enter to annost^em> Ii5enoe0,foat^dr often recourfe l^ome , Varro iDtllct^ to mahe t^o o; t^;ii commtngs tnt0 tbel}iae,romeU)t)atDil!antafunDer, What things bees do chiefly abhor,or greatly hatc.Cap. 1 1. T3 bmM t!)at( nameo i^t (£cc^o )bngratefuU oa mac^ t)irpleafing,lD&(ci3 as Pliny \oiittt^ , ootlj greatly feare tl)em,t^^ougb ti)e Grange founo rebonnotng againe, ano t^e miH aifo ooti) mucl) moled ano trouble t^emtb^nos^tfj e fpm;^ nert|.:ong^ ^er l)i3ebt)angingooU)nebefo^etl)et)tue,and t!)e. fluggifl) )15utterflte(tDbic& Plmy namctlj oit^on0;able)are 2. loaien peQtferou0,a0 tlie one iDl^en t)e fpoilct^ t^e loa^e^ana Dungetl) \xiitW tt)t l)iue : ano ttje ctt^er baeeotng magotg 0^ little luo jmes Vuttbin tlje comb£i,2Cl)cp greatly Ijatc oplejlibe d0 al t^e ktnt}0 of ot^er bees; oo,ano a amhing faaocir) Uigtct) euioentl^ appsaretf) b^ tt^at hino of bcrb^ nameo muglpo^t^^ lo&tcb tlie^ efpectaU^ Ijate , becaufe ti e fame is of a fitrange 0incketotl;em« i^^e$}o;netsairooft!)elikero;tcrea(l, but bafer of biabe, tbsg greatly? feare , fo) t^at to tl)0 |io;ncts ti\z i)oni2 Bees are afpectali foo:alfo ttie^ be meat toflualiot&es^ to rparro\JDS,and to aUottjcrfmall biros* SCDe frogs alfo t^c^ do greatly feare,tDt)tc^ onlp lie in tnait fo;t^em,botl)in^ari(]^cs9 running fpaings, C^allolju toa^ ters,ano little Ditches : ano lifetctoife tlje toDes ooe lie in Ixiait foa tije bees,to6ic|i oeftro^ mawi of ttienu ano tl)e l^eepc Doe greatli? trouble tliel^onij Bees, iffobet^e^ljappen to fall 0^ IJgljtinto t^e Uiooll oftljdr backcsjoutof uj{ii{|^ t^eg can^ not eaS!^ uiino 0^ get t^emfelu^s agaiHCf. il The right ordering of Bees. 0HDtfan^|)appen to hoiUo^Utt^ Htuer CreuilTeiEt (o; $&ea Crab0) neare to t^z timet;, atiD t^at t|e bee^ feele t|e ra# aoj t^ereof,t&e^oiefo?ti)U3it&* By what fignes men may know when the hony bees are dif- cafedjand how men may cure them. Chap. 12. T9t6 t£i a rpeciall argument ano note t^at bag are otfea^ reD,tf tbat t^e^ flte fcattertnis int})t (tuarme, if t^e^ bap not ttietr proper coloar^bnt be ( a0ttU)ere) ofa grange and contrary colour, If tbe^ alfo are oner leane, if t^e? appears Dufl^^anD^air?, ano t^at out of t^eir cottager beoeaobeeis carter t})mtt. Wi^m all tfjefe noted anD fignes are efpieo in tbeba£i,ttt£ft^en tiiQp time to fecbe remeiip fo; t^tm,Utt tielpe( b? longer running) be fougtjt too late» C^erefoae Pal- ladius tDillet^ to minider tbe bernels of ^omegranet$,b;ut^ feo ano mtreo tuitb ftoeete ano pleafant tptne , ant) tbe famt potD;eo into c^annel0 0^ gutters of balfe canes , fet neere to tbe mouC^eti of biues: 0; bon^ Ipitb Hofe leanes toell braten togetl^er^aniJ fo miniftreo to tljem : 0; tbe berries of tbe ^ar# nicetreebauifeo,anDmireoiuttbbo"r: anofoalac&e oftjefe Ijelpes, a man ma^ mabe a fmobe of D;ie ^©re oi Coto oung, t0bicbfntobemucbtJeligbfetb anocomfoatefb tbcm, fo tftat tbe fame be often tjfeo tnto f arucil* llBut if tbaougb tiie ^aggDtiBi 0^ little too^meiE; of buttcrfiics; tbe ba5 be olfeafcd, Rutihus tben iuOgetb it bed ,to fet a bjajen CanDleCicbe , 0; fucb lifee taelTell , ioitf) ligbt burning in it at (Euening toitbiii t^t^iut, tbattotljefameligbt ( tbe buttereies gathering, anb flying about ) ma^ fo fall ootone tnto iU ano be bearo^^ Ariftomachus to;itet|,tbat t^e bifeafeb b&s mai? be reco^ uereb in t^is maner: iftbatalltbe corrupt combe li^itbintbe |)iuebetabenfe;itb,an5freftf(DD anetopntinfoa tb^^Ne, ano tbe biue after fmobeo \s)itl^in, aifo be afFirmetb , tbaf i^ofemar^ fonoen loitb toater ano bon^ tegelber^ ano being colDpotJo;ei3 into balfe canes oaeloeratcbsmabebolloto libs gutters^anrj tbe fame fet bp tbe mcuttics of tbe biuef , fo; tt}z bastoD3infeeDn,i)0t6recoucrtbebcKy againe, Hyginiusaf^ firmetbitbat either o?e 0; mans b;tne fet in libe manner (atf aboue • Tlie iiid TrcMt! fc. I j ^bciic faiD ) It? tticmouti)?s ctt^tl)mtB , tcct!} nlfc racucr tl?e DtfcafcD bees* jjioU) al ttjcfc imiR tl)c tmpcr cf tbc tec do, ijeljtc^ i£i fcotlj fobtr anD c^attc , nn^ fccDct!} not tpcn iclji;e nicat5,Ho;» filtjj^ o; tlrongoffauoar,noj anp fait njcat^* WhatmancrofperfonthekeeperofBeesunghttobe.C 15. Tl^c hmM tiiat tJjev? niuclj r.bl)05rc all kt^v l^infec ariD fKid^SjP.iliadius l»ii(etlj tljc tepcr of tijnii (0 cfcljcU) Dl;j ligcntl^ all (Irong antj ill fmclitng faucuris , cne alfo tljat tjc^ lig^tet^ to be c^atte of botjp^anD free from filtljtnc^jamcnga tljclc not b;:cat|jtng folp;tlr50? of a 0infeiKg b^catijjtiot fujra^ ting,no^ fauoatng ef fii)cat,not one bcUms of iDUhc!^ ccnotti* ctiByO^ furl) a pcrfon as HanDing among tljc figljt of tl)c hcts^ Dot?) not carmilli? nicne m'O paocmc them to 612 to f im^o^ ag one aingso entJiauoureif) to ticfcnD tjimfelre from tt)cm : but rat&cr as a flatterer among t)is arquamtanceano iljilD^en, ijat^learnetJtointrcatanD pleafetyebceBbp a mo;ie gentle manner* il)ealfol3)5}icljnunt)eti)to IjaucinareaDines, t[)e Ijiuefiitol)f0l3fe, mtoi^ict) i)e mavrecetucfo^t^tuitl) t^crnDe i^out^ of t^e fluarmes, foa fo^it^toitl) iU\)2'2 be not Dtltgcntl^ p^eferueo tl^c^Sie quite alua^ attijefuUl^eatof tbefun.lSut loiD ttiefe \)mcB ougtjt aptli? to be pjeparetJ,C^all Ijcreafter be tangt)tintt)e foteni^ Chapter. 3if tlje S>oare bees be oner man^ in t^ie liiue^anD tljat ^eu IpouIo glatil^ rio tt)em fo^tl), tljen 00 on t^is maner: firft tafee ants plucke off t^e iuings of one cft!)ofcSDo?rebee^,antJ put into t^e t)iue, auD inconti^ ncnt tlje ijonii bees cfpping t^e ramejU)ill fall tjpon t^e ofljer H)o; i!50es,anODot^ hill ano D^iue tl)cm quit aloa^* By whatfubtilcaieanes, thefwarmes being comefoorth, maybeprcferuedfrom flying^quiteavvay. Chap. 1 4. PAJiadius in W fercnO boke U);jitet[), tljat ttjt ftnarmes of t^c ^onp b0:0 flte aU3a^ efpedaUp in t|)e monctlj of June: buttuit^bs tl)efiim0 oftnerljapnetljintljemonetljof^ap, as l)at^ beene noteD b^ funD;i? Diuers times, cfpedaii^ if ti)c ^ong bees befounD ano l)cart? toitliin tl)el)iues. Eljerefo^e t|)0 fecBpcr muG, Diligently iwU to tbe tjiues , anO at no time be ablcnt,efpeciallp U)^en tl)c ^cngbeesincreafeanQ abeunD in t&c {?iucs,fo^ if t^cp be not t}^tn tmM\^ IcdUco tnto , anD i4 The right ordering of Bees* 1 (faicu bt t^^ tJtligence ef t^t fe^eper , i^t^ all flie quite atoa^* 5Fo; fucl^ tsttje nature ano p^opcra'coftScbfies, f&at a^Qone as t^c toarme or t^^t potig bef s are b;cD U)itl) tbe feingsi, and t^at tl)c^ be arong f able to flic atoar,tt)cn as DifBaining tfce fu)artr»s of tb^ o'^ ^^^^sb, t\}t^ fcefee tbe moje goucrnmcnt«f oj tbs^ be fctcl) Itudig tbings as ueligbt to rule alon0,nof feUiiig aiDe oit ccunfel of tfje clucr bees : i tbcrcfo^c Do tbe neU) lyings file fo^t^ luitt) tlic ^ong ftoaniis fslloloing t^emj W^tl) to; a Da^ o; tUjo befo.:c tljeir S^ing, rcmaineijeaping tcg^tber be^ fo5 e tbe nioutJ)S of tbe l)iucs,f rtgbt ^noer t^e t)iucs , fo f bat bp tbcir coming fo^tb,! ticaptngtii fuel) o^Der^tbet! p^opcrSs HfeciB tljc 0£lire of a netx) place, anD b2 as ^ct tontenteb to re«j main tbcrabcut,tf t^ie fe^pcr paouitie fo^ tbem a fit place,215ut tf tl)c^ bg not Diligently rcgaroctj, tljen ( as it bocre bi' an m^ turi? rec£iucD)tbcu fccke a uelu placc^Co pacuent tbisjet tl)e l^eepcrloDkc ctrcumfpcd:lv totbel)iucstntt)cfpjing time^a^ boat ibe eigbt boare of tbc Bag^toben tbc fiuarms arc not ^ct flolucn a\juav) tljat be mai? tbe biligentlier niarhc anb fee tl)6 filling out ano commirig in of tlje ^ong bees* ^oU3 tbc rcatJtncs of bees in flping aty ap, in fenofenc tluo ioaif s: jf irtt,tut)cn fo; certain nates befoje^in a maner at tlje fetting of tbe feun, tbe\^ abunbantl^ gatbcr on a beape vigfjt before tbc moutb of tbc i)iuc,Ulje great clui!ersofgraps,anD Vang togetber one tpon anotber:tbc other noteis,tbat lubcti fbc^ be niinticb lyitijin tb;(sbaies after toflieatua^' , t^i^ nmljeasniarucilous aiioifc anD fiirring to % fro U)ttbtn tl)C biucs at euening.as foulcifrs at an alarmc tuitbin a Calllc, lubicb^cumaucani|!fenoU3 (t!}isreatJincs of tbem) tftbat foulat?teurcarctocacl;^iur. 2ntJ tubenfomcof t^eiSeeiS arc floloen a^a^ , tbcn uoc t^otc toatlc fo;^ tl^t others , fentill tvit lijbole fiwaruie be come togetlien Co fecep if as from fis# ing ati3a\?,Plniy tf acbctlj in iht 1 1 .b®hc of bis jpatural i^U 0o;^,tbat tbe biucs ougt^t to be nointeo about buttb ttjc iuicc 0f tbe I;erb0)i5almc.3lfo otber affirraCjtbattbcfluarmcDot^ fettle ano Cai! againe , tb^ougb tl)e onel^ tlj^oboingoffine Dua on tljem^if fo be t^e fame be tb.aotocn on ligbt , ano tijat mix tt)$ 5i5*s, ^ome otljcrs affinne, tjat t^e )St^atmranes(li3it&cut Doubt jl^lUtbeUiSoIc ftoarm flie t)p to t^e top ano ^cao of tfje ftfue,^ct it ottm 6ap^ netl),t^at tbe^ 00 not Id'^oIi? cleauc on a Ijeap to tljt b;jatu5 of a tree , but to tlje flocfee 0^ bou? of tl)e tree , iDljit^ to be cutj mud be bp great fo^ce,anO fo not able to be rcconcreo bi? tl)i0 meanji.Sln fuc^ a cafe ttje ftuarmc mud be quicfeli? ftoept or, either toit^ t^e ftauD^o; tott^ a (^©fe fcing, t^at t^e^ mar fo fait togetbcr into f tie t)tue* Ulft&eftoarme happen to be tlu^ CreD togatljer on tlje top of a tree, fo Ijigti tljat t^ei? cannot be cltmeo tinto , to tafeetliemoolsjnetben, after tl;c iftaWng of tljem into tlie Unz ( f urneo ijp ) either luttb a pole , oj big^ fo^fee,tt)e^iaemua fpeebil)? beturneo ootoncto t^eeartli* auoiftljei?bebuttbastabcn o^ reconcreD , get if tlje feing ll^aU be cm in tbe l)iue, t&en Dotb tljc fltjarme fiie in againe : UJliere it^z remaine not, tben ^ill none of t|)c f uiarme abtoo in tlje Ijiae but flie f o^tljtoitl) into tbe former place* Mljere^ f o.2e tbat tbeg mag be moueD to abio c, gon mud tben fp;infel0 tbebiueU)itt)liiatcranD^ongt0gct'c)er> anbccuer tbe fame lT3itSinbaitt)greenejiiettle«, onatljcrgrreneifennell, c^ fome fuc^ fUjeete berbe, annointeD a little ivit^ Ijong, ano af:* ter fet at t^e dSucning in tl)eir proper place, iFoa tlje l)ius in t^e Dag time, afterttierecouerin6;t&uj5oftt)e)15ee0, mai> notbeftircebt3ntiUtl)e(iI;ucning, t^at t^tHBm foquietlto reSing ail ttjat nicfyt , ma^ in t^e ^o^uing cafil^ m fo?f ^» Cc 2 wur IS The rigk ordering of Bees. iiut fojt^^ce Dates together (in a mancr) mull t^efe&pcrUaiV l\) loofectob^ttier tt)c rtoarme becpcttj beloto in t^c ^iuz , foj if it oottijt^en arc tl)e bees piirpofcD to flic ali3a^«0nD if none oralltftercrcmcmesmatj^ctmotfctbebcestoIla^anDtarie in tl)c t)iue,tt)cn befmoUc tl)c tiine tuit!) flayc, annt^e^ iDill after enter in anu abiue in t^e }§mt : tofeictj fo (Jawing in tije Igiuesjet atttiedguemngin ljisp;:opcr place, i^erslearnc a further inllrurtion , t^at if t\)z fujarme of ^ecs cannot be gat^crcD am recoucreD foget^er all at one timt^ t^en mai? \>Qti gat!)er ttjcfujarme at tvoo q^ mo;e times rogetbcr , anD alluaies put eaci) part gatbereDt)nDcrtl)et)iae.31f it tiapnet!) tl)at^onl)aue gotten tljc feing Iwitl) a part of t^e fUsarme, fScnlniUall f&eotl)ersfoonecometot^e^iae (toit6ou(fur«» fftcr traucll)of t^cir ob3neaccoio. Jftbc Bees bealfo entren tritolbe^olloUjeofatrec, t^entotljc^oleU3l)tcl) tljegtfeto go in ano out at ( 33 tlieir proper tjoo^e) feta prepares t)iae, anDbeneattitlieir^oIe, nearctott)crooteanDbottome oftljc fjollolu ( as ^ou can geOTc) bo;ie another big i)ole,tljat pe map tuell put in a fmofee of b >tmftonc to tl)cm,lui)ic{i mai? fo caufe all tljc bees to flie out at tt)eir l)ole into t^e l)tue , fct ouer t^e W0utl)ofit:fojnobetterl3euicc o; inuentioncan beemaoc in tljis matter, t!)enb^fac^afmofeemaDe, a'ft[)efameljGb lo-ju tree bg fo f ^iUjt&at it mai? eafil^ be falueo afunocr, t^en tDitl)a(l&arpcfatjDlctt^eljollo\japartbccutaruni3er,bot^a^ bcuc anD beneatl), ann after couering it ioit^ a cleane O^eetCj far^t^c ftoarmc borne, toJicbateueningcouerUjittjaneU) Jiae,fp;tinUleO toitt) toateranuljonie miyttoget^en iTo;fo ti}c^U3iUtarr^tl)8tDillinglier, being aU{^afeenfo;t|jofttje faoMeoftt)etree,anocouereD luit^t^etiiac. llScCiDes, t^e |)earbe^ugli3o^t(iJDt)ic^ t^ebiesb^ anatmraliyatreDtio ab^ H^re)t)oeti^ cljafetf^em tuit^ tlie onel^fmell from place ta jilace. Which are the beft and fitteft Hlues for the Ho- rieBees. Chap. I5. PAlladiiis lD;jitetb, tliaf ttje bed l&iues be t^ofe , tojicl) bee maoc of tlje barfees ano ligfit coffees of trees,becanfe ttjeg jbe neither tm colo in t^e winter time^no^ tco ^of in t^e S^um^ mtu The firft Trcatife. ly ntcr* 9nti of tl)is,t^ofe l)tucs toljicl) be loaongi&C ant) mauc of t^G fmall £D(icr o^ UuiloU) (rcc , 05 of t&e tine QUhtB bnit to* gerj)Er,oj cams cleft In tfje nuDlI ( Ijo&icl) be of liUe conoitioa to tbe bart^e)li)^oug^t clofe together , nni3 KoppcD clofe about toitl} fiocbs anD da^ tempered togctrier luitb toatcr ano fait, nia\? aptli? (erne if t'cu XvilU llHut if neitljertif a;cfe fafl^ioncD Ijiues lifee ^su , f ben map pcu mafee tbe bines of tbe toocD of abollob3tree, o^ofligbtboacsmauefquare, antDftoopins fomcbljat afo;je* %^t tuo^a biocs be tbofs tobicb be maoe 0^ turfcs 0: eartbjbecaufe tbei^ bcoucr bot in ttje^nnrnicr^anD DuercolD in tbe tointen SCbcrebcctber (luo fetuDs of biue^f, ait fbe one mabeof D^ic baro colw Dung,ano tbe otbcr of tilc0» £Df l3)bic^ t\t^t one botlj Celfus rigbtlr f onoemne , becanfe t^c fame is fo ligbtli? burncb:anD t^t otber be allotoetb^altbcugb Ije Bifi'embletb t^^ fpcciali commobtti? of it, bccaufe t\\t fanf*, if noeo requtret^^cannet eaOlp be remoucu ano caiico into a* ^otber place* ^noamangtljefe, 3|fupporeourfo;jmeof ^iufSijcere in (a;nglanti5arc not altogctbcr to be bifaliobaeD , altbougb tbe^ beinlifeetinngcrtobce eaSl^bnrnco, a£;t5cotl)£ii)iac!6a^ bone taugbt , in tbat tl^t^ be mane \))it\^ llraU), ^ ut to be b;iefe , foa a great ftuarme i^ou ougbt to fjane in a reabines a great biuc^anti foj a fmall flu^nne a little }^ivi^* £nD tbe l^iuz alfo ougbt to be a foote anb a Ijalfe , o^ itoo foot bigb? nnfi in b^eabtb abouc tfeuo foot ano n ^dfe^o; fonulc^at larger: ^a^ King beaoes tliio tserp fma!l ano narrcU} bot^^^jfcmclubat a^ funber,anD fo little ougbt tbe moatb^ to be, tbat neitber boe^ tlg,butterflie,great motb,b«mbIebeeg,C'aet, m^ moufe niai? enter in to fpctlc tbe Ijonp c ombe0, &ome fuppofe^o^ ratber affirme of experience, tbat tbe ^ees are Ddigbteb liiit^t^tg c!orene0,in tbat ttie^ mo;e top to so t|;eir \x)q;^$ ano buOnc^ mtbeuarfee t^jenotberUJife* Of the cleanlineile and fweetnefle of the keeper of Becs,and how Bees ought to be fenced about,and prepa- red within. Chap. 17. Ti^e keeper ofb40,k)l)ub minuet?) to !janbleanb!a}b info iiineSjOug|){ t^z bap before to refraine tlje ^eneriall ^ct, €t 3 not iS T3ie right ordering of Bees. tiotaperfenfcarcfull, nejcommingto t^e ^tnetDit!) t)nfeaif 0)00 Ijantijy anD face : ariD one Ibat o«st)t to refratne in a ma/ Rer frcim all fmellmg meat 6, pouDcrefi meates^fmo msatt? 5, ant) all ot^er mcarg tt)at isoe ainc^c, like a^; t^e Leehe£( > tije ;^nion0, t^0 (^arli^e, a»D fuc^ UIKe^ U)^tcl) t^e llB^rs grcatlie ali|)o^r0:bc(:De0;to be tbcn Ctuat of boD^jCleanUe tn apparcU, nitni)ingto(CHie1}ntot^0tr|)ttte£(, fo^tnsil cUanltnelTeanD toestncsttjclo^saremuctJOeligbtcD. ^oUj tl)Ufiip;cparcD5 anD tn a reaDiniCTe , t^pon t^e i)tueis drd of tljc lIBeeis , about the 8.0.J lo^oatorapatU bcmgtljtnadeareaRD fcuarmia^, ans purge (fje 6mci5 of al fad; Slt^ U)^ict) is gat^ercei tn t^em alU^eteint£rbefo;je,ltoa$^piUeri8tu£bs, ii^^ulj ou^^f e^ fpcnallig to be U)ipe?i atua^, feccaufe tljc)^ corrupt t^e combg t not bjitt) ^anus.but U)it^ a Cafe totng, tlje fame cugl?t to bo Done* 0ftcrtl)at, t^el)meoug^ttobefmo&eDlutt;)£)]C0o; ColD t)nug,foa in tl)at (a0 it tocre bp an atinit^ of ttie fetnD) teethe bees grcatli?tcl!gl;f. SL^e little toD^mcsalfo^vo^tc^ fomc name Cgaggots , tljat b jeeo tn tbe combes tlj jougt) t^e llotoingoftljebuttcrfiics, ant) alfot^e butterflies cug^t to be feilleu anD purgeo cut of t&e ^iue. gf ttje combes happen to fail tbjougl) infection oa corruption in t^im, tljen mafee a fmoke lstt|5 tbe D;^ tung ano marroliu of an ore o;j coUi, mixt tGset|)er>t|)att^efaucprmsi?gotptofl3em, iD^icyfo? tljaC time VutU cure t\}t toeafei combes, drengtf^en t^t HBees, ant) raufetljemtoteojfeet&eluKurafterluart^* anftfrcmt|)ebei> ginning of $©a^, tnto t&e lat of June , tl;e l^iues ougl^t tii\u gently to be Icd^cd tjnto^tbat tfee rong ftoarms flie net atoe^* ^ilfofrom tlje tent^ofjune , tmto tbe tgntl) ofaugull , t^e {)tues ougl)t to be opetieo noto ano tben , ano to bee fmo^eD tDitlj fuel) li^eas afoae istaugbf*Mlju6 altljcugtitbe grte** nous foj ttje time to bees,pet tbe fame iB tjerv Pi^ofitafclejanD Hrengtljningtljem. ^ntjfromt^e beginning of t^e SDogge Uates,t)ntot5eeig&feent|) of September, cugl)tf^cbe£S to becarefulbtookcDtnto, ano oefenoet from tbe tioienceof f tie Ijo^net bees , luljicl) often toait befoae ttie moutlies of t^e IjiutB^to fct tjpon ant) eate tfje ^qii^ bees, iJolu t^e feeeper in a faire ^unns ^i^^ ? oug^t to cleanfe tl;e ijiwes of all man^ ner ThefirftTrcatiTe* W Iter anno^anccSj as befoae (s taugftt,ano ^iligcnt!^ f o Coppe f|)c cliincUc0 ano clcftis about , Cautng tl)c moutljesof t&e l^iucs, lcitt)^);c lung aim cldT^mipeD together. anD tbiis DugbttofaeDoncfo; ttooo? t^^ee Dates b£fo.:e t&c change of tlje ^£Dnc,t{)e better to ocfcno ttjc butterflie ann otl)cr« from me^tng inXije ^iues bcSoes oug^t to t)au0 ttoo big aicfecs cleancfcrapeo, ano running a erode from Coetofioc, ano fp^tnchlcD rounD about luitbiit lx)itl) ftucete ano plcafant iDine, oj clfe ttjeHicfes to be &arD rubbco oucr Untb t\)t green b^ancljes ofifeneU,o;ot[)er tocetefmeliingbcarbg^o; \x)it^ altttlebon^anoleautsof t&epear-trcetogetber , o^ U)it^ m bjancfecg of tlje berb SC^me fioU)^ing,o; &aucri?,o;^ mar^ io^zame^oj tbe Ijsarbe lI5aime auo ^on? togetber. ^ome mv Couj mUU,oj iDitb toatcr anD bonu foooen togct&er^ano tbat fonnchtcD about tuitbin tbe bine , tfjat tbe Bees mai^ be tlje rafljeraaorooncrmooneo tatarrie ano oUjell aai in t^nt How Bees lacking hony, may be fed m that prefentneed. Chap. 1 8. Becaufe t^0 boiacroufnes of tbe aire ootf) fomettme fon^ Srain tbe bees to abioc in tbeir Ijiucs^ano tljat tbc^ ma^ not onel^ f ccDe of bon^ > but at tbe rcfing of tbe cotiSeilation, (nameDVcrgih.T)t^e^ma^befeDt)canDd;erit]^£0, ano tlje fame Dene in i^is manner ujitbout great cod. ^s 6rll, if ton take tbe number often figs , f^tbtngtbcm in mt pintes of fatre ConDuit o; fp^ing tuater.t^nto a pint toafteD^l^bicb af^ fcr fet Oil ons ODcef tbe \\m luitbin ? lading manrfmall 0icUesacreireouertbel{quo;, tbattbofema^fmic intteao of b^ioges, tbe apterfo^ tbcmtoD;inke of tbe liquor iDitb^ out DjolDningintbefame. ^tbcrs leiU to feet!) bon^ anD loatsr togetbcr, anti ibc fame to be poU);ieD into Din)es fct at tb^ one fioe of tbe Wt.in tbe tobicb t^eg toill to r^ut fine car<» tJ^D iDOjl^tbat tbe bets mai! tbe belter DainfeenoU) anotbcn, anb be not clo^eD \3)ii^ tco muclj Dain^tng of tbe lico^,b^ l^b^ tinQ into iU £Dtbcrs take figs anD raifons, beating tbem to^ getber,e after boiiingtljemtn tije to^t iiq.uo; namcb €ii\^tey * t|)et 2o The right ordering of Bees. tjjct? potoa^mto oiO^egjCouenngtt.c fam^fett!) oaten OraU^is acrofife. C^tbcrsalfotuiUtctahe a little l}onr5 puttins»»to tljcramc afclDoatecoanciJ, tl)attbebcesligt)tingcntl)cm, inai>fofeccpetl)etrtoins0 fromU}ettingmtt)clcquo^ i^oVo all (Ijefe mcanes map toell fufficc to cticnC^ anu feo tljs b^0 in t\)t tointer timc,!acl^tng tfeen fotj^fecing kt ncare Inito tlje moutbes ofttje t/tueg.^otbatif alonger tungeroppacffcttj f t)cm,tt)en toitt) tl;c VjiixtB fall bp tije cntrtng in, fet little gut^ UxB niaDe of Ijalfc c anei5,o^ great clDcr QiiktB cleft, into tl)c Sj}l)iclj polD^coftljcftjDCCte liquors abouetaugi)t,fo;bptfe4C tticanesniai?i^0pbetDeU rccouerctianDftrcngt^eneO inline Dccpc of iDintcr . luljcn tl)eir foot) failetl) ibcm. feome tuill to pnt frcC^ birt?5 clcane t^mt\, o^ tt)s ficft of a ^cn finclr l^jeo into l^iucSjfoa t\)t bees to feet) ano fncfee Ijpon in tl)e betpe of tnintcr : ant) gnc feattjers alfo tljc^ )xi\\ tomtit into t^e ^ine, tl)at tl)ci? ^^V Siuc tl)rn a Iparmtl) bnto tlje 5i5ecs i^ing in i^cm* 2]nD otljcrg alfo toill to put t^e meat of rottetJ c^iikens into tl)cir&i«e5 to feeoe ant) fuefes tpon , anD not t|je bones Initljal, left t|)c faucur of tlje bonees after t^c meate eate^n off, migl)tannci^tl}cbecsb^!^ing l!iUuitl)cl)iues, intljattljep fo grcall? ab!)o;'re all fctoac ano ttineUing fauo50» ^Ifo ttjefe hii'ils of tlel^ o^oereD ( as abouefaiD) may? luell fcruc b^es in a \im Summer, tD^cn as t^t moft fiolu;cs are t^en facieu o; quite gone atoap* Ipere note^iljat in tt)e fp^iiig ano &imimer tmt , tljc Bee biucs cug^t to be lofeeo tntc t^jicc in ttje nio^ netb.gcKtlp fmDUing t^e I15ecs to elcnfc tlje bine of all nianer offiUl),antitotoeepc fo^tl) t^etoo^mes. Sno Menecrates tDillet^ t &e deeper of bees to liil tlje feing blaife oft olo>, lul[)ict) bp tJiiSinialicetJifqnietet&tljeotljcrfeing, anu co5riiptctl;tt)e ljiiic,in t^at }^t ^itt^ cut alane505 tuit^ a ecnipani? of tgc bees foUoU)ing:robi?t|)atmeans(as Virgil U)^iteiii)ftaUt{iebat^ tellofbcesbeeaietf, PalladiusiD^itet^, tljattfecftoarmesbctncrcaret) intljt nicnet^ of Sgap , anD tliat in il^t outmoll fiues of ll)e combes be tl)e D^onc beeii b;jco,U)l)icl) ongtit to be feillcD, in that t^ofe Doemuel; oifquiettlie reft of tlje (luarme, SEt^e butterflies alfotioeabouno, tu^ic^^ee toilletl) mligcKtlp^ofeill, to; tlieir The fii rt Treatife. 21 fl|£ir grcaf annoyance tjnfo t|ja l^ou^ Wks* ^bout tl)c beginning cfjpoacmbcr ougljt ttjc IjutCig ffjcn to bee cleared of tljetrfiitt), fotljatalltljelDiiUcrfoUoujmg ttje^map ncitlicrbec rcmouctj o; openeo : ^m Vviis mn\> not bee Done but in a luarme |2>unmc oai?. £Dt}c rcmbes nia^notfaetonc^cotDitl; ^anDs ,but VdUi) tl)e fcatljers of a Hiffc (Ircofe U)ing,o; Tucb biggc folDlc, 0ff cr tbat to fioppe f&ec&mct?csrounb about iDittjiiDtc tiling ana daptinciiila^ boureo togetber, ann to la^ Cr aU3 tt)tcU2 ouci t^e tops ot ttje 6iocg,t[)c better to oefcnDtije )i5ee0fromtl)c coioe anDtemi> How the dead Bees may be reftcred to lifeagaine. Chap. ip. Tl^c l^eepev of usees ougl)^ to fo^e-fee ann tafee bdeDe , tftat t^OiBeeg pedfli not tli.jougb ousr ^xeat ?)eatc, 0.3 oner mtgbtT! coloe. ^fatanrttme b^afuODatnel^otDjcintljereei ^tng fo^ fcDd.beea b^pp^n to be beaten Dotun, o;> ntppcD unttb a fuODame colo(U)btcb ieloonie fo commetlj to paCTc ,' tljat tlje Ijon^ bees are foocceinetjjtbatljanneD iDitbt'oeo^ops, tbc^ liegrcueltnganQfiattpontljeeartl), as DeaD in a manner, tljen gather fuel) bees tcgctbcr, putting tl)eni into Tome tj£f» fell fo; tbe nonce , tobtdj after fct in a tuarme Chamber o| parlour, ano coucr Uiaruie embers ( being fomelDbat moje tfcen bot)on tlie Bees , Uiljtcb gently? C^afee tuitb tt)c at^es , feutinfuc!)fo2t tbat ^ou toucb them not Untb rowf banc: ann fetting tbc^lBeesin tbe feunnc, anD neare tnto tbeir t'rtnes, ttjt^ U)iil after rcrouer ant) die againe into tbeir cqU tages. Ofthebattcll thntBeeshauefometimeamongft themfeUies. Chap. 20. i^J Irgil U>)itctb,tbat li5ees fometimes mintjing to figbf,?io V baftil^buracutof tbebiues, ano (as U)ere in ciuill Ijatels among tbcmfelnes)i!o flgbt libe Grangers one agama tbe otbcr,! fmitc eagerli? m tbeir ftgbt one at anotbcr,tf fo be one bine batb efpeciallv 2. feings bjetitjp intbe fame,tobicb t$er^ l))eil ma^ be linolun,Uiben as tbe bicii cluHreD anD bea^ geD togetber^oo e):p;efento^rep;e(re(as ittoere}tbefoame of 3>o etoa IZ The right ordering oCBccs^ fenotone,tD^tn in t^e atre is |)earD a great founu anD noifc a^ mong t^c bas , libc to tl)€ manner of trnmpctg U)biles8 tftci! fiercely aixu crucllr fial)t together among ttjemfelucs, ana h\ t^iB bactcll ttjc^ glitter Iwitlj t^eir toings, O^arpentbe fiings iDitl)tbcirbeafeC3, beareforfbtt)eirb;teaai5, ant) abontt^c feingtbe^ gather anoftoarme ; fo tbat tbesl3ioatl;9itb great noifc,flrtng ano oatl^tng togetbcr,anD tbat in beaps ^ ronno compantc6 mireo o; iotjneo together , ano great is tbe noife aiat)e among tbcm, iano to be (bo;t,in tlji£? Crong ano eager battelUmani^ oftbem fall beaolongOotDne, ano tbat tbic^ tben balUdonct; to tbe grouno*^ Sije bings tbemfelucs in tbe meane thne fl^ingin tbe mi^ Die fronts,boe figbt Voitb a fierce courage toitbin tbemfelueff, ano tbc^ are alfo fecne toaiebitber ano tbitb^r among tbick ^eap£t ano floarmes of tbe bm (libe u& baliant Captains are iDont to 00 in tbe time of a battel) U)itb tbeir gliSring Icings ano beahe£i>bcattngooU)neof tbefu.'armc0 ,bcre ano tbere, ano on eacb W^t oftbem of botb parts : fo tbat of tbemfeiues not giuing euertbi^ eager battell, bntiil tbe one part fo;ceo to Curne ^t bacbe to tbe ottier , ooe flie aloar toitb nft^itU on* Xbcrefo^e tbat t^is boultfuU battell in tbe meane timt ma^ be teafeo ano quieteb bettoeen tbcm, tbe toife p^adtfers ijDtl tbat tbe keeper of bo^s ooetla? ano appeafe tbis baoileof tbcm,b^ V^t catting offine eartb ouer tbebees , labile tbe^ be tbus figbttng,tubitb ( as tbe loife a^irme) of ei;perience ootb fo;ttb-U)ttb pacifie tbe great Qomac^cs ano courages of botb part£r« ^utiftbisauailetb notrtbenl;oitbbonie an0U)ater loooen togetber, o; raifens in like o^oer , o; toitb ani! fwtttt liquor fp;inkleo on tbem, ts tbeir furs appeafeo> tobi^b t^oetb (as it toere) U?itb tbe pleafant (iDeetnes , quiet tbe irifulnelTe of tbeioarrionrs,ano teitb tbe fame in tbis controuerOe tbei? aremarueilouap appeafeo. Ilf neitber of tbefe remeoies ooe fetpjeuaile, tben let t§e keeper marke oiltgentle tbofe bttB ixibicb figbt in t^t front,ano bemotip eager Captaines ;» tbat !^ema^biUtbemU^itbt);p.eoitimta fo;bstl)atmeanes> ano ThcfirftTreatifc. 2j toit^ tbt oiitt remeD»5 akouz f aus^t , tita^ t^tWttls m^ tiQi)t of t^e ioarrioars be tl^aoag^I^ ccafco. j^oto after i^zh^s arr t|)u0quteiet)jaiiotficfti)arme fc^ (ed round on feme green &o\u ncrt |)ani),t^en matimiliQcttu Ij^lD^ct^ert^e lsui)olerix)arme^aHgeti)OoU)ne It^^ a clutter ofgrapedjle^icbfo feeing, tredareti^t^crc to iiice titbtt one (sing o; ttpo^b^ goD agreement rc(onctIe{>>U)^kl) let alone on ru£^U)irc,^nUiitl)erfi^^barbet)»to!f)eir proper ^ome. )i5ut ift^efVparmet^aUbeoittti^ci^ mtotlooo^ man^ rounD ctu^ ller0,t^entaDge tliatt^ercbeiieCmaai? Captains lcft,i f^at tiietr tre is not reafeo^ and in tWt par t£! to^cre ^ou efpectal# Ig lee t^e b(3e5 to ciciler moil tpUUt ano roiino toget^cr^t^ere dtUgantlg Hkz out t^t Ccipfatntt , i^ct annotnt ^ocr f^and be^ foici^it^ ttftimtot tbe |fearb$ Valine, tbat fouc^tng c; fjaniaingt^e beed> tbc^^i^ not t)it^eriti^uber, alter iD^tc^ jpnttnrour fingers gently, ano fcucring tbe X5a0 afanoer, feciie Diligently among t^em , tnttll i^ou finn out tlfc aut^oi ano procurer of C(iebaetell,lD^tct)touougl)tliheU)ife fa btiL Virgil U);itct^, t^at tbe feings fometimes flte f o;tt) fo; a tarn dettgbtjto fpo^t tbem fiptng in tbe aire , lu^icb ron mai? ea6^ t^ aa^) ano lct,tf tbat ih}u piucne o^t^c kings U)ing0, tl^at ^e cannot aftertDart) fl(c« How Bees may tc rccoiicrcd and found again c. Chap 2 !• Ijrfo it ^apnkbftijat rour bdes are tlotoen aloav? 9 anb ttjat ^oube in Doubt \»l)etber tbep be toogetr nearebano, 0; faroff,PaliadiusDott) i iffrnctanD teacb tnsnp gcoDl^toaiea to fino t\)tm againe, jf ira ^e tcacl>etb to tahe reD leao, oz re& o^er tnfafeD in U)atcr,o^ anp ot^cr colour aatntng,anD to ca^ tie t^e fame Isitf) i^ou in a little ^aliolu Dt(^ , to im^ a fp^ing oa running ioaterastbe b&nie beestiant, erpcnall|> in (be monetbof0p^tn>anbtbereattingDotune, aloait t^e conu mingoftbe bees todain&e,U)t)icb after t^e^be come, $ tbcre D;ttabing , ttatne in t^e meane timt fur^ bees U)itf) a ru(^ co^ ieareo reD at t^z eno, as von ma^ toell reacb Uutb t^e fame, fitting T?etaiU, anoU)atcl)ingtbecomming againeof ttofe bt^^ mar^cDtobatnbe, lDtjicl)if t|iei?(|o^tl^ returne, t^m is tt an euioent note an^ toisen, t^at t^eir loDging ano ^0 a cottages^ 24 The right ordering ofBces*^ cotf agcfi be neare lianDtbut if tijofc X5ee0 are loHg before tl)eg retumcanD come againe to ttic place, t^en ni6ppcufuppofe anouiDgeti^emtobefarcff, ano tbcmaancereuma^ gelTc acco>t)ins to tfjcir long tarrying ano foone comming agatne*^ SbHtiioumai?eafilt>fini3e tt)cp!acclDt)cretb8 5S5ccislotJge," iwbetljcrtbefamebefarre o;jneare pno, Palladiusteacl^et^ itiefawcbatttl^ in tbts manner: fitt!t\)t batUetbtotafeeoncfeJbo^.eiotjnt ofabig cane oj ClDer fticlie,lIoppcD at tl)e one enfi , ar.t) t|)c otl)cr eno left &^' pen toannointlj^itbin Ujitb a little bonv,U)l)icb ia^nearetd^ tt)at fpaing 0? runningluater^tbat tt)c 5Bees Dail^ ba«t tnto* j^oVu iDben tbelBees refo^t to flje fame, anu tbat certafnc bcehtreDlDttbintbcqaill , tb^owgbtbe fauoj thereof, tben Hop tl)c liole tuitlj ^our tbumbe , letting one of tbe Wtt$ af^* tertoarD to ^it fQ;t8,tX3btc& tiiligcntl^ marfee;anti folloto tl^^t Ijuat; it fikt^, fo; it ioill fijeb) t?ou part bf tbe t^ai? tinto t^cit' Ijomc : ano after rou can fee t^e fame no furtljer, tben quiche Ip fct fo.jtt) another ^ee , tDl)cfe fligljt in lifee manner niarfee anD iblloU) after,fo;» tljat it mai? alfo (^cU) part of tbc toap to t&cir t'Ome ranDfo let fiie tt)c Becg bi? cite anD one tntill tbei? b;jingtjout)ntotbc place of tl)e ftuarme. jpdlp if tbe fame place be Deeps in flje eartlj, tfjcn Unt^ a fmokematie eitl)cr of Date iflave o; 515;imaone, ^aiuc tbe i5ees out , anD i»ljentl)crtoarmeiscomc fo;^tl) , tljcn ring on a Ti^afon o^ (l^aiU pan jfo^ being bpantJbpfeareD luitbtbe l^jill fonnoof t^e famejtbe flsarm either ligbtctt) on a \:ong tree , o;t on tbe opener bougbofa big iree,U)bicl) fo founis out,couer ouertoit^ a ^iut pjepareti fo^ tbe nor.ce* But if cbc ftoarme be placeo in f be bolIotD of a tree,arct) bauing bougbes, o j in tbe ftccfe of tbe fame tree,tben uiitb a t)cr^ Cbarpc fato ( if tbe meancs of tbe fame toill glue leaue) cut it afuncer: antj in fucb fojt,tbat tbe part empt^aboue tbe ^ec£J be firtt cut, an^tbe partbe^ neatb, tnlDbicb it fecmetb tbeli5ce5tobelot3gcD , tobelifee^ ioifc cut afim5er,ant3 tlje lloefee t\)ViB cut afunDcrat botb tbo eRDj5,coaerlJDicbafaireCbt^tc, Icfian^laggecUfts appeare after tbe cutting,Ujbicb alfo annoint U)it!) bon^ , foj tbe bet^ ter Sarins in pf tj)e yE>.m. y m^ after carrg tiie fame bomc i]D|ltC& lubtclb place b? \!Our ot^cr t)tu^!5, mahing (maUi)ble!5i in ttje fame, fo J tticir firing in anD out (asafo;eU)a« taagt)t) in m ointxm of ^&2 otljer bittcg. XBut it bc^ajuctft tl;c Oiltgent rearcWr , to cliufctticmojning times fe^tti^ finotng oat of- mt^, tDb^rcbppou mai? b^-we^tlic fpadcant) liberty of tbc Dap before ^ou to fin9 out ttjeirrcfo^^t : ifoi bsioofetnglatc after tbem, it falletb out, alt^ugb tbe HBces areneare ftant), petbecaufc t^ev^Hauctften Done tfteir bu6e ano carefuUla^ bonr,tbepfiieno longer abjoao to feekefajis ,no;igetrero?tto ij^mfec;tl>2ougi) to1)tc^ it fo commetb to paffe , t^iat t\^ fear* iber after HB^s HwoVoet^ not i^zn boU) neare, oj farre ofif tlje ftoarmeisfromttje fp;ting c^ running loater. &ometake f tje iuicc of tt)c bearbe Balme in tb e fpaing time,anD annomt tbefamerouns about tbJ^^iue, toberebp m Tauo; of m tmcema^cleaucanu abtoe on tbebeCTcU , tob^tb afterl»arD being fmrcU3itbin,fp3tnUlc about Ijoitb a little boni? ,iettmg tbe fame bine ootune neare to tbe Ujooo o^ groue of trees faS bptbatfpnng of luater running bg it , anoafter tbe fame be flUeo tuitt) a floarme.carrg it gcntl? bome.l^ct Dotb not tbis U^e.butinfucb places U?beret|)£fmarmc£! of mcB Doe a# bouHD, fo^tb at oftentimes it foba^penetb ,tbatt)nlcffe tbe biucs bebailt?U)3tcbi^D , fucb asgob^Doetahef^^m atoa^ 3i5uf fo lore fome bines greatli? binberetb not, fo tt)at rou matj in tlje meane m^kB eniog one oj tU)o of t\)C full* ioUjbitbsrfo batb binfufficientl?! faugbf fuc^remrtiies auDbeipes, as neceCTaril^ feme tc tt^t tafeing ano recoue^ ring of ll5ecs loft, anDotbcrtaifetoanbe outmoaarange ftoarmes. ^ That Bees (ling no pcrfon comming ncarc theirHiucs. Chap. 21. PLinieinbts 20. bajUelojitctft, fbattbetiearbe^perage b2mfcDanDmircDts>it!) oi?le,anD onebeeingannomtt-a loi'tb tbi? fame,Dotb ocrenis Im from being aingcu bp com^ tningnigtJtotbeirl^iues* 2lnD in bis iS-boofecbcalfotoji^ tetb.ttiatifanpmanbappentobeaingeDbi^afwpion^tbat be ft all muer after be ftingeD of anp bee; but )ect being Smg* XS The right ordenngofBcei* ci>,t)(feac^tt^te^;inhct^emiceof ^catte grace ant) J^etOr mtreD tott^ tdtne , ano to la^ t^t leanco alfo in pUficr fo^me orit^elltnseD place* 3|» tt)e rri^bsol^e l^e lo^ttetl), t|iat}lBecii fimg^arebp nature tenement, againflttt^elBliic^lieCeac^^ et^ to tabe an5 Die t^e tDtce of ^allottics, o^ tge tmce of 3I&S leatiei?,and(oannointeitt)er8ft^e ttooon t^e Otngeo p!a# c«0,a0a(oacra^neremeD^ 0nDmt|e23« boo&el^eteac^^ et^^t^Uitnebotlel^ toit^li^ai? leaned >ann after o^nnbe , 10 a t)er? gooo remedy* 3n tt»e 24. boohc ^e teac^er^ > to tabe a o;op of t^at molten > tst^tc^ tl^e !)on^ ^ees make at tt^e en# tri^oft^eltue^t tobealibcremeotiastlje toater Bczoar to bcetfeoagainfitsemmcuBbtte?* Auicb}^u^ in a manner (as l;e tead^etl) ) conimetl) (0 tfe in i t^emonct;) of|une,o^ as others afftrme^ mtS^ecnoeof ;au# gi]ll,t)nte t^e mtDDle of September* /^oVd ttiere be certatnenotes ano tokens bt tuljtcb t»e tn? anD fino out ttie i ipenrs of t^tm, tsfitcl) be t^efe: Jrtrd,if tf|0 lines be ful,t^cn Do tf)e ^onp )i5ecs i;;t!uc fo;tf; t^e iDle Daone m^HS out of t^e fjtiics^ anD t^ere t0 alfo t)earD iDttl^tn a fmall oi(ft;iiUi}«mmingoftl)e ^ees, fo^tbatt^ie cmpt^ cottager oft^e combes (asttlDere^oUolpbuiloings ) toe rrceiue a fonnD anD noife p;ocurcD t^en bigger , (0 i^nt \i3\^m t^crc is^ |}arDabiganDt)oarrerounoefttiet)ummtr.goft|em,ti)cni0 ttnot^et meet to gels ttje combes. Varro Iw^iletti, t&at it 10 t^en time to gelot)iues9tu!)en as lou fee tDit|;in; tliatttie S5ce0 ThcfirftTreatlfc xy %ttt ^ans cladring ro»nD , anD tl)at tl)e l^olCiS of tl)e ^ons combc5 be coucieo otter ( a0 \i luerc ) tuit^ tl^m cauUs , fo; t|en be tbe^ full of ^onp* ji^oU) t|)e Da)? of geleing t^eb[me0i ougtjt to be Done ttmel^ in i\^z moinins.lo^cn as tbe bees are alloatcDtt);ougtitt)6Coloeair0)ano not Done in t^etieateof tlje Dat?,U)l;en t^ep be p;:ocureD to fUe fb;t^ of t^e l)iue0 , ano beinstben^er^angrptoaing tbofc per(onis iD^icgeometo tbe Ij^iqeff* W^z manner of geloing of t^e l^iucs is after t^i£Jti3ife:ifirft,ftoppett)elioIe£;of ttiebiueg , t&at tbeioee^ paf e not fb;tb > ^itt) gralTe o; fome otljer Ijcarbe i atter t|)at patbnoerfinelinnenragso^araU), making a little fmohe ttittg tbe rame>tobict)fmo&efoa]?^0bp,caQfei^l|)ebeejt af# ^r to b;eabe,anD leaue t^eir duOrtns togetlier* after t^efe,Untb tlso inSruments o; tcalei^of iron ( maoe f^l t^e onlp purpofe)of a foot ano a balf long, o;^ rattier (bmei U)^at longer, of u^bicf) t^e one onglit to be a long ^nife , anD b>oao of either fioettje eDge,anoi)auing^atroobcD6leon ttje oneeno,t^e otber at ttiebcginningplainc , ano terp fljiarpe, liD^erebt? tDtt^ t^ts V^i combes ma^ t^ reaoier ano quicblicr be cat ooUinc,ano iDitb tbe ot^er ferapeo cleanc : ano U)|iaCi foeuer au^ falletti e£f ,dmU) aU)ai? , ano t^;oU)e aftoe. %}x% U)t)ere tl;e ^ine of ttie ^inoer part,o^ part beiitnoe, d^all \mt no boi!Oe place emptg, tljenmakca fmoke (as Varro conv manoetl)) loit^ Galbanum^ano oaic £i)rc tiung,U)l)tclj oug^t to be maoe in an eart^enfmniNgpan,6iIeoiJuitbquiclscoles^ oa a pan of eartt) toit^ a n^rroto montt), ano a ^anole like to it,fot|iattt)e one part ong^t tobet^arperano narrotorttp^ luarD,b2 \X!i^it^ tbe fmoke ma? paffeb? tl)eiittle ^oles , ano li^e otber part tuyere t^e coles are b;oaoer , ano iBttb a large ttiOQtb of t^e one 6oe of it, b? tu|)tcl)tl)e perfonmat? bloiue t^e coles. ^ol0 fuc^ a pottetDben it is fetU)tt(iin t^e l)tuc^ snotbefmoketlirreotH^tntot^e^ees, t^i?bp anob^bn^ qatefco luitbt^etauoar, flietJiitotbefoae-partoftfjcfjtae, ano (ometimes file quite outoH^e^iu:, lol^erebs ant? mai? ioobeinto tbe ^tue ( iKk a manner) toitbout t}arme« 3gf t^ere happen to be tijoo (U)armes in one ^iuc, t^en are l^cre alfo tl9o ^xxi^tt q; ro;mes of i)ome combes ; jfo} euer)^ compans- 28 The rigllt ordering of Bees. Con^patti? of 25025 (n a gr^ment foptljer , tiot() fatljfon nm frame tljeujaipcas libcttj ttjeni bcl!. ©ut all tijeljoni? combs? bem^^oliotD lu;ou3^t,anD altttie cleattuis t)nta tt)£ fice^ 6f ttie^tae,uoc Sjang ;iu!)ereb^t&e^ma^ncttoutl)afloo^20| boaro,fo;irottcauf?tH|cftoarni£5toflic quite atyat? tana t&0fo.jme oftoetrtoape isTucli^as t^cconQitioiiottUeircot^ tagcist£!.fo^romebeggoomakebotl)rqaare anD rouno tpa^ ccs,ano Come lortg fo t^at 0acb frametl) (as tt iDi re ) ccrfaine &;jme£( m tl)ecombeuacco^XJtng to ^is feinb, ijuticceb^ tfee l^o» n? combes are not fonnoaltoaiei^ alifee in faft ion : b«ttbcfe combes of luljat foi:n.ie focticr tbe^ be , are not to be faben all out of tbe It^ities. jro> in t^e beginning of l^aruett , \x)MtB tbef[ci05^e£floari(^) tatiea gftpartoff^e combes, but af^ t£r,tDbenMlttiter iis at^ani>, t^et^ Uaae a llitFO part be^ Palladhis tt>iiletb fbs tiucs fobc gelDebin tbc tnonetb of j^ctober, ant) tbat a t^iro part be left bebino, ^et conQ^er tbat if tbere be l!o3e,fo make tbe mo^re , if but a meane , tben tbebalfeparCof tbat leauefoj tbe Wintertime : if tbe cottar ges appeare but balfe full, Ibental^enotbingalDar/ Varro teacbctbjtbat a tbirb part of ibe combes mav> be tafeen aU)a)? anU tbe otber part left To; tbe \mnter, alcbougb tb^ combs be full of bon^ : if pu feare (faitb be) a C^arpe lumtcr to foUato, tben take notbing at alL ^f tbe fame minoc is t\)t learneD . Virgil: but tbe erpert p^actifcrsofeurtime in fucb matters tioa^irme, tbattbcbon^oug^t to be tat^enatoaf ^t^t onee in tbe^eare,ano tbts in tbe eno of tb? ntonetbHofiiuguft,bn# totbemiooleof &eptem.bfr» ^nt tbetoare being coarupf, tben botb before, anbatani?timema^bc tafeehfo;tb oftbe aifoas foucbins fte^onie Iwl^lttj ffee%i?#gft^, i»§e^ tber^ou maf fafeeatoapeitberUttteci^ mucbjinuft be confix beret) acco^oing fo V^t fmalneffe 6; plentifulneffe of tbat bo* n^ being in tlie bine. Quo acco.joingto tbeimalnelTe o) greati» nes alio of tbe fi»arme to be nourtlbeo , fo tbat iibouttl)^ fourtb part of tbe combes ma^ not be taken from ani? Ijiue , 8^t tj)i5 joer ma^ not bebfeb alike in all countries , becaufc -mr- a The firft Tr^acifcfc:. -n^ 29 aman muff confi^cr t^c uealiug tDi^j^ fl^e biaes , acco^tJing f t^c muUituoc of floa^eiJ^I plentifulnes of fcoD fo> tljc fco^s, 3f tlje lijane combes Ranging DoUsnc, tios rua into a icngtlj, t^en icttl) t^t fame iron tcolc , M)icl) is matJ£ lilic to a linifc, Ijeing oftentimes DippeDinlDater, ttjattiisti^aye cSeaueKot tntoitjO^ttjat tlje combes rcmammgmai?bg ^armeo, ana tbetjtue^olocnont^acncriDejCuttijecombesatDai?* 0ftcr tjte^pttt botlj ^oar ai'mcs into the l^im , gattjcrmg tcgctfjer, ano taking fo^tJj Vgz comhca. 'mm itt^t combts Ijang ousr^ e&lDartintl;cSjiu0, tljcn mafi^oubfe^^onr fcraping ^^on, t&att^c combes oTitle fartbcr fioct^^ufi toget^cr,may fo be cotalea^ gIfctl)colt>caaDco.2ruptcombcsaret0be tafeem fo^t^jt&ciDpleantjfuUofljDn^tobeefpsdaUijIerf. 2im if t^ere be anij ^ongbees in tt)cmjt^orc feeepe oa p^efcruc tc in^ cr2afetl)£fUjarmenit[jatyiue : after tbatcarrfalU^eEo^e oft^e^on^combestnt0oneplace> iDlicreaspu mtndeto make ^om |)onie,anD ttoppe Btltgcntl)? t\^t fioes ano eogcs of t[)8lji«csroanDabottt, t^atnoneoftb£5lD©s mag enter in, tDbicS) fo? tbe &enp,anD Uoapc tafeen aluar, ^oz cagerli? fefee after, ano finoittgt^e fame, noe tatterlijconlumetljefame if tl)esma^* 2Dbcrefo;e of t^e former matters muff a fmofee bcmaDe.snDtbaCattt)^ entrie o^mout^of t&c lines, tljat tl)e ^as scraping to flie in , mav tli^eug^ tbc fmofeebee h^u nm to flic bache againe^ j^otu after tljeir ^inc s be gelDCD, and t^at an^i^all baue onert^ioart ano croHeo combes at ti)e entrance of tbe ^iae,t^ofe tben (l^all be fo connerteD, tbae tbe parts bel)inD map be emptico anB left toio fo^anotlier time, feo t^at isljen tJjep i^all be ncyt gelscs, i^i olo combes ratber tijen tbe neto to be taken fo;tb , ano t^e toajic renueo, fo;tt^att|(eoloertt)eljDa);ie combes are, fo mucl) t^eloo^fe tljepbe. jf it b3ppenet|j,!^atf|jel)ine bee fomaoe fl)at tbe fame map not be remoucD out of tlje place , Iben oug^t poti fo gcio f£r(! t&e tjin^Jer part,anD after t^e forepart : ano tl)is cfpeciai^ Ip ong^t to beDone afo^e fine a clocke in t^e mo;ning,anD af** f er niiK of t^e clocke at nigbtjo;^ in t\}t t\t%t mojroto* ifiofe l^e be^s lu!}en t|)ep knots t|)is,al come to fil tl)e emi^tp place, Ce fil Jo The right ordering of Bees. fo t^at after t^ef ^atie repatrcD and tlleo t^e fdme , and ful^ fiUeD all t^t xtft atont tt,tt)cn flie t^e^ to t|i€ forepart, an^ Ba tso^ke in U^e o^Qcr* )i5^ lut)tc^ Vue ma^ eutoentl)? iearne, t^at t^ep ^ane glteD tl)e fame emptte place aifo , b^t^etr abi^ titng Gtil ttiere. Redoes tt^efe , a^ t^e great plcnttc of ^ont^ Dotb caufe (luggi(^ne0 in tbe 'iBtts^ tmn fo Dot^ ti)e ikuc^ a^ batementjanocrceeoingtafeins atoai? oft^ctrbonp,bot|) Dull t^2 qnitUntB ano otiigcncc of t^ern^ auo caufe t^em alfo to bz flU2St(l^« What the Hony island how from the hiucs the fame may be prepared to vfe. Chap. 24. A^ iDee Srdsat^cr i^t ^onte from t^jecombesi foooe U)e tbe iBare fo; t^e comfort of Its^t, ano etl)er commoii oitied be(toe0« ^otDU3^attf)el^oni?tsi,anOt)o\8 t^^efamo taken front ^iutB ma^ bee paepareD td ^fe^ (^ail hereafter be taugbt^ ^irft , t^e learned Ifidorc tD;ttct& , t^e ^onie to be of tje DeU) of fomeltqmo mattter,anoaffirmett)alfott)eranietobg found fomcttmc0 tn tlie lcaue0 of great Canes. SDo U^^tct; its a manner Doetb Publius Maro agree , in t^tg tcrfetoaiting, t^at ^itfterto t^c ^eauenli? giftsi arc of tlje aercall 15 on^. Q* t^er0 teaci),tl)e {pome in India ano Arabia to bee lihe to falt^ gatbcreo tt)ere on t^e leaned of treciK : others bo beubt, \x)^u tber })Gn^ be a fU)eat from beauen, 0; a certaine fpittle of t^e $arreM;ti)e tniceoft^eatre purging it felfe. iDUt U)|atfoe# tier fubSance t^e fame td.iiet is it a moG fUieetc, fubttle, ano ^ealtbfnll iuice , as Pliny taitneGTetb 9 &^ic|) at t^z firS ga^ tiering of it is as cleare toater , but after t|)e boiling a lD|)tle ano purging of tt felfe^as netoluine ( after tlje p;te(ring fo;jtb> ano ootb from tbetU3entiett)Oa^afeer,ccmetoa perfectne^e of t)on^, tbjoug^ tbe often tempering of it in Jot oaies, from tl^ebeginningof ^ar,t3nto t^ mibole of June* ^olJD tjebon^ is gathered int^is maner : jrir&befo;eQ)t ijon^bepjeCfeo outoftlje combs, mutt tbofe corrupt combs, ^autngrcDfiltl),f l)amngpon8int^em(ifan^rucb betbcre) bee p;e&0 out , becaufet^e^ bot^ p;ocure an euill taKe , ani^ TIicfirftTreatrfe. / 31 fsttl^t^at iatce co;rupt tlie ^on^* %\^tk tombs b^utTeti toQt^ t^er^oag^t fo be pot into a clean p;cire,beuis ^et VDarm^ano neto gathered out of tJ^c ^ms tbe fame da^ , tc^ul) let Ite t|iere,tjnttll t^e bonp bg Utfle ano little be run fo^tb,o; rat|;er fo; tbemo;je erpeDirionp;cffeD fo^tl) \3oit\^ a bean^ batgbt, anu t|)e Tame to^ub m tben come,i£f bcr^ fatre rahj bon^^af^ ter t^at, tbe bon^ iBttb tl^c iDape mutt be botleo togetber , as hereafter %al! be tangbt* ^olD tDben tilt comber be tbujs b^uiCed togctber, ant) t^t i:ortg bees&tUeD ano ealt fo.:tb 9 tbcn muS f ou tna&e ^our bc^ ns in tbt5 mantviSiBUrftym t^c montb of September 0; ^o toberjtalsetbebeameranD olDebtne£(, tDbtcb areoftiuo 0; tb;eei^eare5oleie,atit) notbamngb^eDftDarmcs tntbefum^ mer before : ano tbat ouer (mo^e ijoit^ a 6ame of aratu , ti^te flai:e 0; ^e!ioU)b;unttone > tbe btnebetng a UttletDbtlcg boU (en tbat t^e lIBtts ma^ fo nk tip to t^e top of tbe f^iut , 0; elfe fucb a0rematncbeIoluburnet[)ctrlDtng0« ^ftertbat tnrne iiotonc tbc beao of tbe biue on tbe grouno,an2) iDttb a (^arpe bnifecuttbecrotTed Uteres afunoer tnt^e ^iue, c;piuc&e tbem fo^tb l;pitb pour b^nb fo; bp tbat mcanes are tbe tombis iDell b^uifeo togetber,anD tbe mm ettber ^tlleo loitb t^t fall oftbem^o^eifefliealuar* iSftertbt^t^putaUtbecombeison a beape, being gatbereo out of tbe btue£(bcre anDtbere,tntoa p^ede^leantngrome^b^ton tbe one ace: but fome put tbe combs into a tnine baf^et made of fmal totiloUi oa oCer Uteris finely &nttanblo;ougbttogetber, tbat being bangeis tp in a oar&c place^tbe bonp map runnc tbo^wto bp little ano little from it^after tbat lift bonr batb t^us run fo;tb info a cleane sartben pan o;boaf(?(^anDtngbnccr it, tben tbe fame after ponrcintoaneartbenpot, o;pot£( being a^ pet raU) ^onit, iiat dearer ann better tb^n ti^t otber Irquo; of t^t ^ente: iJUbicbfo^^ccrtatneDaie^; let aano open, tbat tbe flDxeteli^ quo; mav> bcetbo;oU)lp cooleo , ano tt^z fame in tbe mesne isbileis often (kimme 0; purge luitb a Cpoone* ^oU3 after tbt5 ) tbe Uaz pieces 0; crnmmes of tt^t combes , U)bitb r et rcmaine in tbe bagge of ^irber,tr; toine ba(ket5o;p;effe,put into an earthen pot,pan,c;feettU>ouer alJerg fofi fire,t|iat t^t €t t fame ^Z The right ordering of Bees. famema^ ^cat tstt^out tolling, nWx^ms ^cepe^ourgant) intletJelTelljto dirrettill about Ijtt^eranrjtljtt^crtbe bon^ ano tuajce^ano f o open aifo t^e luape b^ peece-inealc tntil tl)c ]feon5,anD not ti)c ljDar0,15a! be t&o^otols mplten.^ben t^g fjon^ t^^pug J f tie ticat faeginnct!) a Ittcic to patcfee tb e banb, t^enpoureall t|je tobolc maHeo; fabttancetntsalirainer, an!) putting t{)e famcm ap;^clTe niabe fo^tbeonel^ purpofe, luriiig it f);^i'D about: ^ctttniaketljno grcatmatter,tf t^e fame be not fo earncfJlg Ib^ingeD o^ p;^eiret> out^t^atnoneof tljc t?ont0 r^^ame -get tottlj tie toape , feetngt^attjt 5o? np ano Itiare baue ejects tn foms c aafe^ aii^e* jl^olD tftt^^fl^ nj?/j3t)icb ijstl;usrttnfoitl);t£; nameDtbefo&5enl)on^,lDijk& ougbt in lifeemanner to be poureo into earthen pot£{, ano fo iJano optn foj certain Baies,ffeimming itoaili? \x)it^ afpcone, 1^titillttbett)c;oU)ColD. SC^enoblieroatDo^tliiertonv, iu i§at tbbicl) rnnnctljout itt a mantr of tt olune acco;o,befoae t^er:conDp^elIin0outoftbecomb£0. antj iwixc not of ttjts fecono Ijonr Iwitb t^jcfird , but feeepet^em Diligently apart, left b\i mixing tbe firS t nto ttie fecono , ^ou mahe ttre bed ( being t;^ ftra ) tjje too^fcr^aftcr all tl)ig t^usbanoleo , t§e funietbatremainctl) in tb?ttraincr,taai^ ijtligentl^ loitb conouit o^faJre fpnng U3nter,tl)at ydu U3fl^ fo Ijaue t^e mnlfe m bouslwater, of tDi:tc^ being foisocn, anotitugcntlplfeim^ nieo (aij of lijisj tjereafter fijali be furt^ier ta«5!)t)i£f t^iemulf^ maoe^tfeat fcruetb to martv goob tjfcfi?. *^ WbichHonyisaccountcciben:. Ghap. 25. CCSrtatne Countrieu no trcell in t^t perfect gm^ncif of lio^ n^,ltKc nBtt)z famous Attica of slE^;oece,tet)icb fo^ tbe tx^ cellencieof tt)ebon^, iisbao in great reputation fi^o^o^ont t!5eU5o;lD.Hyb!aalfoant) Hymetus, beingtjiisofttjefame €Qmtv^2y li)l}icl)t|)coeceiuersappI^tcl)8n^,t^attlje fame mav botl) beiiameD Hymetus auo Hyblcus{jon^.Creta,Gy- prus,anb AfFrica, as in gootmcfiTe ttjei? are notable ano buo^^ t^^, fotf)eabmitiant 03 marueilouB plenty of tbe j^onie te fijcrecommenoeo.aifffti^e nctones of Ijon^is lifeetoifecom^ mtnun as tlje anctentnelTe of loines , but tl^kn^ t^c fp^indj snD|&ummer Donr^efgccialiB if tfte tjeSell oa Jiue fiano in a ' ThefirftTreatifc; ^ Dallc^ oj botf ome,anD rjotlj creel in t^z tuaigljt of &ant). liBut tf)e jjon^ gat^ereu cf bitter ftearbcs is count co Dnp^ofiCabkj asHjat famci)on^lr>t)ic!)t^ebcesgatberin tije Countrc^o? Pontus,tul)tr£ tlitbezs oml^ gather t^efr S^ony of tijt luo^m# U}(D'^.£i:;)c iD^tte in atl countrtcie; t£i better t^mzti t^m t^z blar^e^but t\)t bzQ ^on^ in tt^at lugtd; 10 tcr^ cleare^of a goU oeti colonr^of a modpieafant ano flDcettadc^cleautng fomc^ Dubat to tbe fingers in tf)C banoling,anD but iittle fiifning oj iDaringbarotogctber^ano tbat in tbc pouring fo;tl), Doetf) llrait-toai) b^eakebctreanctbcrc, ano fquirtetb Qi fpatn^^ Ictb(ruODenl^asitU)£re)run5^p D;oppe3ab;oao, tobJc^ be^ Ing on tfets iijifc, Plin y teacljetb to bt^ tf)e triall anO fure note of gooD am profitable bonp^ Of the vencmous HoriTjand of the wonderful! HonyofCrcta. Chap. 25. T % fff muff) fo;cet| to tintierflfano ano fenoU), tofjat maner ioffa3t)tberamet5,U)ittjtbetel)tc^ tl}c bees Doe line, astbe po^foncDbon^ alfo tljatnia^begatbcreo b^tljem, tofjctljcr ft be cuiU 0^ Ijenemcus, ^0; tbe bont? of Heradea in tbat countre^ of Pontus^^atb beenc fo; certatne genres \3ers oart:* gerouSjCfpenalli? tb^ougt) a ccrtainc b^arbc groUjing toljtte, tD^tc^ alfs 'omtb tbcir catteil b^ eating tbereof,nameD ott^c tJlDellcrs tbere, Aigellothron. Wut bp tljefe notes is (t^at bo^ n\f founo DutjanD trieo to be t)enemons:as firCtbat tbe fame is not tbic^e at all, tbe colour b^igbter 0; mo^eglificring, ariD batb a Crong fauour , mouing fo^tb \^it\} often TnetOng, ano is aifo to^igljtirr, Jglfo fucb pcrfons as tafl^c fometubat tbcreofjOoecoueito lie c^ fall baCii^ on tbe rartb,fefeing foj colones,anQ be all on a ftueate, (0 tbat in fucb fuiidaine tm* fiers,mnllfomefpcct5^bclpcs oKcmem'esbeminillreO: Itfee astbeoloe^ulfc oftbebeHbon*^, anobcarbe0;ace, 0^0^ tbcr li!?e confections , be often miniH rco bnto fuclj pcrfcns^ SEbere is alfoanotber fe»nsi of tisnemcus bonp, in tbc boaoer of tbs Countrr of Pontus, tbat fo2 tbc inaoneEe Ijobicb it tn^ gcno^ctb^isnametscftbcpcoi^leN^onomenonrtbcfamebCM ni?isfuppofcDtobe gatbcrco cf tbc fioluje Rhododendios, Iplricb groUJCti) plent]^ tb^re in tlje liuoo^s* PJiny iD^itctb of 34 The right ordering of Bees. a maruciloa^; ^on^ to bee m Creta , fo^ t^at in Carina, betns a^tllofti)atCoanfrep, bee afi^irmctba )^ome to bee ga^ ftjerco tubub tbe fites t;tll not toncbt ant) fuppofeb alfo to bee a Qngnlar ^onte fo^ tb^ composition of eueris mt^U cine* Of the miraculous worthincfle of Hony. Chap. 27. MS>ttmmm Bjtali? prepare anbma^e tbetr mebicmes Ijubub tbei! purpofe to Uespe long toitb bon)?,fo tbat bo# n^ p^eferuetb euecp tbtng from putrtfi?tng,tDbtcb i^oa tooalo baue tn fafet^,and to contmne fo; a feafon tb;ougb bt^ clam^ mtnelTe* Siur> of tbt0, anctent men diD enbaime t}^t booies of t^t 0edD,h)btcb t^c^ tDoalD baue p^eferueo , ano to continae found iDttbout corrupting man^ i?ere0,tuttb ^o'(\^ onel)?,ano tbe fame tbe^ alfo fmeareo Iritbtn tbe xtBmhB o^fepuUbacs of t\)t oeao^fo:^ tbe longer keeping of tbe bobie0. SLbe (clfe fame to^ttetb tbe learnedPapinus,of tbe botii? of AIcxandcr,tDbtcb \^a$ Ukz\3)i(t embalmeo tottb ton^. ^no not ^nlibe to tbttf iJD^ttetb Pliny,in tbe 22.1i5a3fee,aR024*cbapterofbrsl^ifio^ rieg of func^p Dean bootcg alfo embaimed tottb bonie« 2nD tnanotber place of bis ^iao;tcs tojitetb Claudius Caefar, tbat b;ougbt a monttcr out of Cg^pt into bis countri?,UJbicb Ujaisalfoembahneo U)itbbon^» AhanaeusalfolDnUtbjtbat booieg (ubicct to fickntiTcs j ma\i both be feept free from ficfe^ nelles, anD from co;jrupf ing a long time , tbaougb tbe often fmearing ano anointing of bont> of all tbe bot^.ano t^t lifee 5D;iter0 repo:t, tbat tbofeoftbeafleofCorfica^o^Corfc toe, - U)bicbltuealongtime« Cbe Macrobians being a people in AfFricke,nameD alfo M(xrcin,to liue a long time (a0 certaine iautbo^s to^itt) be^ caufe iBitb tljt meate of bpni? , U)bicb i0 plcntifull toitb tbcm, tbe^ oailp be feD^i bfe continually, fe^ome affirme^tbat Dc- mocritus being rccreateo br bonp,(juitb tbe onel^ b;^eatb ano fauour of tbe boni? mate bot,liueO (ag tbe^ tD;ite)bnto i . an« of an bntempcrate botnedc , 0^ otbers \}ot of qaalitie, tbe bong tc teem i£5 burtfail becaufe it is foone conuertcD in^ tocbolcr m tbem» DcinocritustDagtjpoH a timcaffeeD,bu iDbat means men mtgbtbotlj continue in perfect ^ealtb, anD Urn bnto ter^ oloe ijeare^ i %q b3btcb ^e t^m anftocreu : if fo be men anoint tbfiJ^ bobiesonttoarD tuitb ^I?l2> anD np«« pir tbeir bot^teg inUjarD U)if b bonr* ^artber, bcn^ pjofitetb iucahc peifons^being applieo ; as tbe ^uifc Ipatcrjof tubicft a)al aftsr be taugbt in t^e ne]i;t Cbapter. ffio perfons of eolD nature , tbe ^on^ ma^ aptl^be minidreb in bot b;otb ; but to^otperfons. minidrebtn loarmebaotl), tbe l)on^tonot rtgbtli? siucn, ffibe bonip mi?:eb ujitb ^ ampbs^a , ano lt?uig to fettle tb;^ee Dates before, yx}it\^ tfec tobieb anointing t^z face,Doetb fpeeDilp cleanfe tbe fpots in tljt fa£e,ti)e like Doety tbe bon^ mt):eD loitb fbe gale of an ^re. %f}t pure tobite ^o* n^ cleanfetb tbe b^eatt, fottnetji impoUumes , being as U)ell ijDttbcut as \s)iVt^in t^z boD^« €be b^np alto munDigetb>0' pcnetb tb? iicppings of tbe liuer anb milt,bcipetb D;opfie bo^ DiesjanD OrengtbenefbUjcafee members. Sibearomatube boni? mucb auailctb in f«nD;ip DtfeafeSjbeing tbus pjepareB ; as tbe pure reo rofe leaucs.tlnel^ clippeo, anD after bsi!eD in pure)a?5)itel}ony, bringoftenanDDiltgcntl^lfeimmeD : foa fucft TIicfirftTreatifc; 57 rucb ll^onie tott^ comfort mn mmtifie , ttlToIuetl^ mclett' 0n5t}j0 clammieftel!ing0, Dtjjcactlj tfte flcgmatiche anD groflfe tumours : anon^imlccalfo^mttjcolDctuatcr , itbitu tietMti^beUv>butmtmare0U)tt^ tuarme tpatcr^ it loofetlj OfthedrinkeofHonvAvliich is called Mulfe water, i or fwectevvatei* of the Romanes. Chap. 2 p. BP tl)t an toere of Pollio tf)e Komane, to Auguilus (tm^ perour, toe ma^ euitjentl\) Icamc , tt|at t\\c ^wlfe maDe oft)on\?,i£i^calti)fullt)5in!jein llrengtt)ntngt6e boo?* jfoa Aiiguftiis on a time oemanoeD of tjim fa? ioftat means a man mtgl)t line to great ?earcs , ano all tbat fcafon free from 6ck^ nelTes^Co toftom ^e t^us anftoereD: t^at applying tt)e mulfe toater Ijoittiin ^ anD annotnting o^U toit^out t^e boD@ , tioet^ iDo^fee t\\z lil^e. SC^e ^ulfe truet? is a D^tnbe maoe of toater ano ^on? miiceo together, iPt)tc|) t^e (!5;ee!^es p^operl? name Mclicratc, anofome Hidromd, astbco^inkemaoeU)!t$ iDine t3n!mco,o^ tottfjout toaCer ano Ijon? t^e? aptl^? name Oenomel. ^otD tlje ^Hlfe toater o^unhe, ootlj cafe t^e paf# fageoftoino o^b^eatt),roftnett)t^ebeU? : ano tlie long time ofolone(re,cl)ange it into tbebinooftpine, is mod agreeable ano profiting to i\\z Homache, but tl)e fame is contrary to t|ie ltnetDs:?et it recoueret^ t^e appetite lod, ano is a oefenee a^ gainatlje oangerouso^infeeof l^enbane, if it bee minittreo toitl) affes milfee,2C6is ojinfee tru!? (i^gineta Uj^iting t Jer^ of)ts t^us maoe;lct eigbt times fo muct) loafer be mixtt> t)n# eo ?our t)on? prepared, U)t)ic^ boite o^ feet^ fo long, tntill no woacfomearifettjto beffeimmco ofifjttien taking it from tfje fire, p^eferue it to ?our tfe. 315at Paul y^gineta affirmetlj, tljaf t^c ^ulfe p^ofitetl) notljing (in a manner) tjje c|iole«» ricke, becaafett)e fame in cljcm is Itgljtl? conuerteo into c^q* Of thedrinke Oenoracl , which is made of pure wine and hony. Chap. 30. Tl^e GenomeljiBlitcti ts a (toeete toine maoe ^it\} |)on?, i^gineta teac^etl) to begooo , not onel? fo^tfjepjefer^ nation oi^ealtl), but alb to evpeU t^e torment of acfen^^es, iff auB ^S The right ordering o£Bces1 anDt^attolbiclbStuet^noC onel^ Qrengtii of boDf and ton^ rage,but t^t long race of ^earedtalfo if ei;peUetti an o!0 grtefe of tbe rctne0,bemg often D^unbe tpttl) paftelp feeDis. ^nt tl^e beHOenomell is tljat Ui^tcl) tis maoe ef oloeano fart tome, auD file bctf purtfilcD t|on)?,fo^tt)e fame Dot^ ledeftuelU %\)z fame alfo Ijarmet^^bcing o^unfie after meales, but before ta# feen,cot^ procure an appetite* Diofcoridcsteac^et^t^e ma# uer of maUing t^e Oenomell in i^is oat)er : firtt ^e loiUef b to take one galon ano aquartof tDtne, anomirmg ttlDit^ ^atfe a galon f a pint of t^z bett ^oni?, to prepare tpt fameio;oerlp«. ^ut fomep;epare o;ma^efl)et)^tnke fpe^DtUerto tfe after t'm manner : as boiling t^e l^onp ^it^ toine^ano after potu ring fo;t^ tl)c fame mto ot^er \)tMs* Of the lingular water of Hony, gotten by order ofdiftilUtion. Chap. 51. TI90 i^on^ of mm meet to Didillatton^oug^t efpeciall^ fo be ta^ttc of colour, U3t}tc^befo;etteDtatlltngmu(( bee mixt^ tuitti pure,U)^tte,ano toll b^a^e^^fanDjbtft not ojt'e mani^cafc, after tliat puttfae famecittjcr into a ccnimcn jKofc Jlimbecke of Cinnc, fetting a ^aire ^iuz clofe ijpon it,, t^atttma^ tcuc^tge^on^mt^e Diddling, o;eireinCoabo^ Dp of 6Iaire,fet into a pot of fine Cff eD a^cg 0.: fanD , making at tljefirttafoftfiret-nDcrity t5nttlltljcfir2l35atcr be come, VoW^ is iuljitc : anD after tijc i^eIIoU) tuatcrappearet^, t^tn put tinDer another rcccmcr, fetcinga^e t^e lobite : anDfo long \iiM bntiltgertDbegtnnetl) to ^c\x>, attire appearance oftofticb, put tnocr another rcceiucr 3 letting tfeatremaine tntillnomo.:eljDtUcome« ^tiicb reD U)ater being t^e lad, f^ruet^ fo.: fun^^ip brcis , a^roDielDomens ^airepelloto, bg ofcen letting t^eljttirc toitri a fpunge , antit);i^ingtt>efame in tlis^ot^nn.'aifoit caufct^faireanrtIong[)airc, anD(liai?(» ctl) tljeH&eDingof&atrc : bcfioes ( tljis t^iro toater) coet^ clcnfetijc foul ce^ruptioa an^nsattcr being in filt^p toounos anu olD takers 5 if flje^ be IsnC^cD ttuicca oa^ \j}it^ tl;e fame, cottfmg alfo nelu flcil^ to grotoc iix ttjoCe places , if i?oa Dailg tDaa)tljnn toitl) t&efaiD luatcr, 0; otijerUiife Dippe linnen clouts jnit; la^nngtliemaptlgou tljefo^,e5. S^efelfefema fiealct^ ThefirftTrcatife* $9 n^fcarrcafterU)arD,bp often applying lijincnrlcuts cippiO in it* nmt\^2 fi:conDU)aCcr(bemgofaolDenrolcur)i?5oppcD in tlje cics,5ott) notonl^ Ijcipe imnlnt and blearcD cits , lut tljz pin ano uscb m ttjcm , b^ tVjC taii^ ano oft^n ti;oppai5 of tjoatrr, tbsretdtio iuo;t[}|3 rr.atCcrmaitioncD (11 tt)!s t*lare b^ iimj of t^e olD p;actifcr0. Another manner of tliililL'ng the hony^morc at largctaught. Chap. g2. ' T-ilft? a pmt;0; as mncb as t?Du ta:l! of tijc pure rcf t) Ijo^ ni?,\s;)tc^pptitint3a boop of glade, cicfc ccucrcc 1 la^ teo aboat,rimng tj^e fame after into 6otljo^(eCuBg, luulja fquaregoncont&el)cao,ant)coufrifgit\j3rrf)tl]c!)o;fe Dnrg fo; i4.tJai:g:af>cr lu^icb time^tatjc tijc botip fo;it^3 fceting tt mtoafarnaceoffincfifteDaf^ 5,ludlafingtrb;cOt!jc;n:o;e abcuc t^c Ijonp, p^cfappsQng onvourirart^tljatlictl pa^ (00 of aint doncg be put into t\)t [)onr,anD ti^cn tiiMkr^ toitf) a foff fire into a receiuer^toei luteo at tijc moutl) , fo; uoubt of tfjc aire bjcatljmg fo^tfj. Mbcn ttje fame bcginnct^ to tJilf if, f ften D^aU) fb:ttj part of tl)e Sr?(t3n!cnre vou can otbertutfe goi» uerne ^our fire bp t?)c f)c?pc of the furnace ) Uiftic^ comming foatt) lDf)2te^Ut fo long biQiW, till tijcrc appcare tclictD D;opd like to goIO0. tlHpon ttje fig^t of tl)t£i,fet tjnDer another recci^ uerjteptng Diligently tF)!s firfflDatc r b^ it felfe, anD increa* IKrtg t^e fire, U t tbat fo (cng oiiriil, till certaine t^bite fmofee£f appeareruaninginto tfeereceiuer, anBtljrt fpeenilvitafee a* toap 5 putting to anotljcr recciuer , tr &ict) let fo long oiHill , tjntill no uiojc twill D2opfo.?tlj : anot^tsUdisofarnb^co^ lour in reDnelTe, fott^atifavuoman often U)etting tl)el^atre of ^crticao\jDit^;t^istl)iroiDater, fitting tfeen in t^e ^otte &un,bot6 to sj^p anO Vuc t t^em agatn^u^earing in t\)t me ane iD^iles a large Urainn ^at toitt) an open crof^n^to fp^eao t^je iairgt5ponfojt^efpfieoicrii5pingoftt?cm.tol?tc^foo;Dcring Uott) not onl^ eaufe tl)e feairs to groto long f tjerj faircbut nu f t'o t^em in time fo \>eUoU) as goto, aifis to fiiucrs otl)er tife£{ IdisreDUiaterferai^B; a$a^o:ei0taug|)tint ot|}cr chapter* iff 2 mi% 4o The right ordering of Bees, 2C|)efol)UeU)ater (U)t)icl)commetl)fira) bptoaO^mgflie face o^t)crl^ iDttb it ^ Dot^ caufe ii to become deare ano taire, ano keepet^ tiie fUm from loohtng oloe fo: a long time, as t^e fame|)atl)bceneej*perienceD oft^nb^tbetoo.:tbg SDamesof Rome.Naples,ano A^enice.^nt) tl)e i?£11o1ju lifee golo , being file feconD toater,noH) efpectall^ (eruc to i^i^ tjfe, t^at if an^ petfonbapnctb to bee tnfecteo Ijuitbtbc plague o> pefiilcnce, tbentotafeetlDo ounces of tt)is ^cllotoe U^ater of Aloes cEi^ paticfe,ofreti cp^ltit)^ 5 $ o^^'^c^iiftfa^ron.ofecb ten grains, anD a leafe of t^e bell goloeiall U){)icb grinD into fine pouter, miring t^c fame loitb tljts toater , anD after tbat giae it bnto tbeficheto e^inhe^to^icl) no Doubt luiUbotl)^elp0 tl}ts ano man^ot|ieroifeafes» The manner of diftil ling a water of liony,nanied theQuinteffence. Cliap. 33. T£D maHc tt)ts Angular % p^cttous luatcr , ]^ou muC tahe tlvo pouniis of tbe purcH tubite bon^; being botl) cleare ano pleafnf in tatt, ijubicl) put into abot^ of glaffe, being fo biggr,tl)atfoureo; Sue parts of it ma^remaineempt^ , tbe fame lutcD (Irongl^ about , fcttingt|ie bean after onitanu a receiueraptiptotbenofeoftbe&tilL M^en ipout^auetbnis Done^tben make a gentle fire at tbe firtttmoer it, but after increafe i^t fire oa beat mo;e ant) mo;je,bntiU certaine febite fmoUcsappcare in tbe beat) of tbe glaCTe boDi? , tobtcb roti muSU3o.2femanlD ccole anD turne into toater, b^ttjel^etting 0f Imncn clotbes in colo luaterjanD laio on tbe beao anD nofc tolDarb tbe recciuer, fojtbatturnctbintoatoater forcD as blotD ; ano being all come,put it into anotbcr giatfe^Hopping f be moutb c!ofc;tDbtcb let ttanD fo long, tnttll tbe Ijuatei bee come berg clearejanD in colour to tbe i^ubie* jfio to being eti tbis iDife, Diaill tbe fame againe in Balneo Mana?,anD fe of* ten repeat tbis, bntill \]oubaue tiHillcD ii fire 0^ feuen \\mt» Duer,(bat tbe colour be cbangeD in tbe cnoto tbe colour of golDe : lubicb tben is moflt plcafant of fauo? , ant To fUiecte, tbat notijing maip be compareD Ufee tnto it in fragrantnes of rmcli* Ciie Sluinteffcnce i^V^ Difltolue golo , p^eparet J it apt to be The firft Treatifc- 4l It tJ^tinfec , ant> am Jclocll put into tljc Ijoaf cr , if tioetl^ alfo miToJuetbefanir* ^(fo t^is i£; nameo t^e blcdcDiuater, m t|iat giuing to ann ttoo o; tlj jee D;ams to D^inke,ljein^ at l Je point of Deat^, ooet^rorut)t)atnl^recouertbcperron agatnc, a£iDoct^tlje€luintcirenceofU)inc. ^no toadying an^ gria^ uoug iuounD 0^ ff ripe luitl) tlje U:)ater,ootl) in (^o;t time bealc t^c fame. ^Ifottiiap^etiousiuater oot^ marueilouH^ t^ipc t^e couglj^t^e rl)emn0,e^e Difeafc of t\\t ^plencjantj ntanp o^ t^ertii(cafe£(,ly!)ictjU3oulD feared^ be beleeuetj* EDbc luater alfo mim(!re9 Dail)? 1)nto a pcrfonCcheofttiepalfep , fGjtije fpacc ofCj;e anu fo^tt? t5aiej5,U)iU b? tbe migtjt^ Ijelpe of (^oo, antj tbiis miraculous iDater^f IjojoliJli? beale t^e Difeatc* aifo tl)is ©utnf eCTcnce oottj ^elpe ttie falling GchnelTe^anD p;efer«s uet^tbeboDpfrompatrifptng, fo t&atbpaUtiicfcU3e mag I0arne,tl)aftt)isisratbcramuineljuaterfrom ^caacn (ano fent from(2/OD)to feme tjnto all ages. The manner of drawing and making waxe of the honie combes. Chap, 34. T 1^0 Ijoni? being t;>aU)ne from tijetombj5,aU^oiigl)fontc bees iiang on i\)cm ocau :, i?et put altogether into a faire p^n o;^ caulo^on .into toljicb polu^te fo mucl^ luater o;^mo;e>as tt)e quantitie of tbe combs be, !!^ljis fet ouer a foft fire , tntiU t6efamebctbo;oU)l? ^eateoann molten in tl5epan,ansiii tbe melting corifinuallp llir tbe fame about luit^ a big fplat^ ter, ojfomeaatre, lefl&tl)0U)a]pe cleaue to flje pannes lities fb;jougbtl)eflameo;tb^3toftbefirejanoappcarebUineo:afi' ter,potu^e t^c lobole (ubaance into a courfe bairen bag,p;jef^ fing it fo;jtb into a frougl), o> otbcrlifeetctfeUmabe fo^tbc ottdppurp3fe,onlD|)icbg?DU3^ettoo o^tb^ce Settles ful of bot U)ater,tbat no b;jegges bang after on tbeU^ape, ano bi?tbat meanesll^al^oubaue tbeinape botb pure anDclcane. llBut if ^ou iBill bauc it can mt(^ fafre rountJ caUes,anD to be dcancr ano purer , fbcn mdt t\^t luare againe , anti being mslten , poto;eitintoadeane\3drc!)\D\}icbU3aC^coli[%cU)ircU)itbbof iDater, (asabouctoastaugbt) fet after in tbc ^unne, b^ fcbicbmeanestlje cafee iDiU continue tensions faire of cc^ tour* , iff S What ^Z The rigk ordering of Beci.^ Whatwaxcis bell: allowed and commended. Chap. 55. WSr^fcctng flje fcoB of ltg^t,ani5 rcrning bnto tnnume# rablc \3fes of men, of al tljc hioDs tbe fame is bed a!^ loloeD ano ctnimcnDcD, iobicf) is toit) ncto mat)e,mcanclg rcD of cflJour^fomeljDtjat fattic,fmel!tnaffcDcet, tjauing foms (4U8; in it of t^e &on^ , ano clears. S)f tbe mc^xe aife of rano^ie Countries , ttjattn tfte Country of Puntus i5\De4l commcnoeo>anDt{)ef5meintt)C JfleoiCreta: ncjct totjicfc is t\)t iBarc in ttje gfle of Corfica^tjoticli ^s watie of t^e Bore tree, aaofuppofeB to{)aucfome gooo ctfeas in it fo; ^thu cine* Of the great commoditie and bencfite of waxc in M'dicines. Chap. ^6- W0re|)at^ ameaneaniong tieating things, bot^ in Vt^t ccDling,0;ping,ano moil!ning>as vo^iitetlj Galen in t^e fcuentt) bofee of fimplcs, ano 2 2 . Chapter, tu^icft jpao* pcrl^ t)elpct^ tl)0 rougbnelTc of t^c b^eaH > U)ben it is iotncu t; mixt Ijoitt) t^c oilc of SJiotcts , fo^ ttjat it botl) molifiettj oa foftnet^ tt)e f(neU)e^,ano ripenetti and oidoluctb tlcrrsX^e qnantitie of apcafe in U)are fLnalloUicD Dotone of nurfcs , o; fuel) toomcn as g u? fml^e, Ootl) ciffoluc t^e mi'fee c curDeo ia tbcpaps. EnDUn little pieces of pure nclJDUjaicc, tntot^e bigncsof aljemp rao,t;iur.he ooamatone tune^tjocttifaure ttemti^enotto courdinttielDomansU&mac^eani} bacMs* af tfte p.nu? pkce , 0; tticrcabout , of eittier man 03 tooman, l^appcnetb to ftL»eli , tt)cn b^ applying an otntmer t maOe of ls)biteloar^tta)o.itl^affU)agetbanDljea!ctl)tl;e fame* Sfa^ «V alfe Ijapnetb to be tJifcafeif loitfr t^cblooo>? flire , br duf;? ftng a rong pigeon U ul) ncUi Uiare , af e r rtfinig tbe fume, ano eating tljcfleOj thereof, Dotlj in I^o;it time after dai? V^c fame.^il o.if a qu: nee maoe botloio ano tillcD iDitb pure neUi luare,be after roUcDlDnDcrbot embers bntiU ttjc iame bee tcnOcr,! eaten fading toittjoat D;jinfeing after it, Cotl) ix\ Lfee fo:tdapanDt)elpetbepertUouddtre, anofcourmgofblooo« SLbe to ir bcliDi:s,r:ruct& Coalmancrofpladas^omtments, (upfiofiU^ie^^ano Inct; U^e* 0f ThcfirftTrcatifc. 43 Of that wliicb is a (lay of the combcSjand made for a defence of Bees from cold. Chap. 3 7. Tf§c fame mane of beeg at t^t entr^ of t^ie moutg t^tJ^ms, ongtit to be nellolD of coloncano f\Deet fmellmg like to Storax,anu D^aton info a lengtt) lihe fo Mafticic, ^ea, t^iaf in ratl)erctofen,becaufc in\)zatm anOD^atoing it xb p;it\cu pallcft. iFoa of it fclfet^isD^atoctb fojtl) t^o^ncs o^fplents of tofljo ruu Deep into t^e fleC^, b? applpingit platter ioife on t^e gricfe:it belpcfb an olo cougl&jbT^ making a fmoke t&erof, antJijolDingt^cmontli oacrie,anti appUeo in tljcfo^me of an ointment on ring too jmes, Ciotf) fpeeoil^ b^ale tljem* jlipto tljis matter (as aboKCluastaugljt) is tlje llais of t^e l^on^ f ombs,b^ tu^tcl) bees (fop anti tope fo^t^ all mancr of cola, sno ot^cr annoyances tobicl) mig^t cnoamage t^em , t^t fame alfo being of To ttrong a fauo j , tbat fome t)fe it in tb$ a^tie of Galbamim. M. Varro nametf) it a r£fuge of IBees toitftout tl)eir cotageSjbecaufe 315«i5 make t&c fame at tl)e m^ trroft^e^mc* Ho vv' to make Waxc white. Chap. gg. Wa)cismai5eU)ljiteinti)ismaner:5firtttl)atkint>of toaici fit fej tt)is purpofe)oagl)t to be lii'ottcr f purer, ano broken into little pieces , put after into a netoe eart&cn pan,poU);ingt3pon it fufficient fait oa fea toater, and a tittle ^iter b:^ufeD,tot)iclj feBtb ^l f oget'ncr,® |)en f fame ^atb boi^ leo tiotcc 0^ tljjtce tpjremoue t^c pan from t|)e fir e,i tijc Ujav hdnq, tljo:io\x)l^coloe,takcfo;tljoftl)epan, auDfcrapingcff tbe Sltljjif anp fuc^ tjang on , put again into ncto fait iuatcr, feet&ing it againe, anato^en tbe luaye tiatl) fo often boim (as abouc U)as taught )t^zti take off t^e panne from tlje fire, ann in t^ebottome of a netoeartl)2npannc,mcit itluttl) celti toater,luljtc!) oippe b? little ano little inta tbe toaye , d;»oUj^ ningit altttle,fo t&at t^c toater be aboue t^tMiim to^ere^ b^Vi)cmu%tm^^ become Ucr^ tljinnc, mio be tliefooner cooleD it fclfe rt'jen taking b^anobr out tljemoulooj bot^ t^mcy Ditato'^firatHrounoCaUcoff , aiiDtoctting agains f ^e bottoms in coloe loiter, Qippe it into t^e caav'e , anu tbe km fo longto, tjntiU i;ou |)aue ojaUme or all tfeat Ivar mto. cakcgt. 44 The right ordering of Bees. caUc^ of Ittie ro^^lDl)ici) after diCcl) tbo^oU) tpitlj ti)^eD , f)ati^ gingtl)ecakg£SonaropeonefronianoUjcr, ant) tt)atmtl)e Da^ time^often toetttng tt^sm in tt)c feunne , but tn tlje nig^t time in t^e ^cone lig^t:ant) fo long Doe t|)i0,tinttl ti)c U^ap be luftite^ 0HD if an^ Defiretl) to tiatie Iwaicc U)t)itcr t^tn t^ig, f ^cn let btm ooe tl)e lifee as abouefaio , but boile ttie toar oft^ tier* ^ome in Heao of t^e fait ^ea-ljuater^ta^e firong B;ine Ijoater^in U)t)ict} tiie^ boile t^e ^nxt in tt)e fame maner ttoice o^tb?ice,a3aboaeU»a£;taug"ot» 0nD PaulusEuerdus inW feoohe of Confections, teac|)et^ tt)e making of lua):e Uiljite tU)o manner of U)aie0« How you may make red Waxc. Chap. gp. TCpat ^oti mat! colour ano make mavz rcu,tafee Dnf o one pouno of ljDa);e)tb;tee ounces of ter^ cleare Curpentine, if if be in fummer^but if it be in U)inf er, t Jen tafee foure om^ cesmotD ttiefe oilTolue ano melt togetl^er ouer a foft £lrc, and taking it from ttie 3re , let it coole a little, after U) Jic^ put in tmermillton finely grouno on a garble l!one>ani) fl^eet ^a!^ let o^le,of eacli one ounce^mtring tbefe luell, Sir all togettier iiiligentl^.li5at fome in lleao of (mermillion, oo tafee reo leaD, iD^tclj is title commenoeo.eicccpt t Jere be tlj^ee times fo mucj oftJeretileaDasoftbe tmermtlion put in. ano in tlje lifee fo^t mat? ^oumafee greenelDaye^ifinHeat) oftlje Vermillion T?ou tafec (o mucj of green Copo^as finely grouno,as ^ou oio of t^e ti^ermillion. How to draw a profitable oyle out of Waxe, forfundry vfes. Chap. 40. Tl^e £D)?le of toare^is miraculous ano oiutne tn iDoal^tng, becaufe it feruet J in a maner tnto all griefes,Reymond Lullo greatly commencettjtiiisotle, app^ouing it rattier as a celetttall ano oiuine remeop, ano tbat t Jis in iDounos DotJ too^ke mod miratulou(l?(tDl)icg fo^ hi^ maruellous common W\i^ is not fo toell allotoeo of tlje common Ct)irurgions} be^ caurett)tsp^etiouso^le!)ealett) aVjuouno , betjefameneuer fo Ixiioe ano big, (being before ioioefiitc^eo tp) in tbefpace often o;stU3eluetiaies at tbe mod : buttbofeUj^icJarefmalt t^ts c^le t)eaUt J it^ tf)^e$ oaies , b^ annointing onel? on t Je cuts TIicfirftTreatife. 4$ caf5o;jtDOKatJ£i,anD lading after Unnen clouf^, ( beatgfe^C tnt!)eraio oi!le)t)pon tt)el)uounO£i. ifo^ inUinrt) Difeafcs tijc faiDoi?Iclt5o^fect^m!raculoufli? (ifttiatnou unniacre^giue aD^amatafimeiniDtiitetotnctoD^uiUe) anoaa^ct^ alfa tpt l^eocwg of IjaircEtt^cr on tl)c tjcaD oj bearD, bt? annom^ tmg tgc places U)tt^ t^is ov'le* ^clioes tl^efp, tt is mixam^ ItmB in tge p^ocnrmg of t)^in0 , being mig^ta^ aoppec^ , anD ^elpct^ aifo Qitt^ts anD paine in tlje !o^nc£i> b^ Damping tfje lifee qaantitie of tbe o^lc aboue taught in \s)})itt \3ym. ^oto t^z mafeingano D^atoing of t^is oi^lc is on tl)t£5 teifc: ifira(akeafaoDsof(©laCre nameo aKetoat ,lj3bicii ttrongl^ lute about toitb cla^ $ fiotkzB j Diligently tempereo togetber Uiitji fait ioater : after tl^t bou^ is tbug fcnceD, anD tljo^ouglj D;ie , put in a pounD 0^ moje of pure neljD ujarc , fo t^at ttiz faiotoaicfilletb not aboue lialf tour boti^^anoto euer^pounD of toap^poure in foure ounces of tfje pouDer of reDb^ieb.finc^ Is b^ufeo.lDbicb after fet into an earthen pot , filling it rouno about iuitt) fine fiftcD aO^es 0? fanD« after tbis,fet tijepottc \s)it^ tbe boD^ in it on a foanace , making a foft fire at t^e fir(£ tbuDer it, ano after encreafing a little moae^our fire, tiMl tl^tm fo Iong,t3n till all i^ur o^le be come.tuliic^ after a U)tiile iDilUongeale in t^erecetuer, but it maket^ no great matter alt^ougl) tbeo^lefo Ooe, fo2 it tsneuert^ekO^einbi^perfec fiion : becaufe tbat if^ou f^oulo ciittiU it fo often ouer , Dn^ til it iDtll congeale oa Hiffen no mo^e in tbe receiuer^tben fl^al ^onmabeit ouer l)oC,anbfoqmcUe in tbe moutl) tbat it is notpotribleb^ani^meanesto o^infeeitnolune* 315ut being onc0OiailleD,pumapcitber giueitin ^inetoD^inke, 0^ annoint ioit^ t^e ople tpon ani? place of tl^e boD^ tobere ^ou &Dill,U3^ic^ ii^ill al^ates nocgooD, ant) i)urt in no man^ ner« ant) in confioeratton of t^efe aboue taugl)t) ^ou ma^ euioentl^ learne and pcrceiue , tjaf tl^is miraculous ^^^leougljttobeg &aD in great eSiirmtion of ti)o common ,®g Another 45 The right ordering of Bees* Another excellent way to draweo) le ofw axe, tliat greatly helpeth the coldcGnutjthe Sciatica, thefwellingof the le2;s,anrl ail other griefes proceeding of coldc. Chap. 4 1 . TafeeofpurenetoU)are,fomac|iagt?ouUll, Uj^icI) pat into a pan oacr t^c fire to mcU,anu being molten, ^aac |}p |Jou in a rcacmedc another pan lyd glafto.f cleane v»itlj# in,filleD luitt) g©^ anD perfect toine , into lo^uti poore \iQut jiioUen li)aj;e , letting it fcfee anO u^tnlie in toeU, ano toaC^ it often m t^e fait) tometafter t{)is,tafec t^ic U)aj;e fo;jt&,meiting it agame on tlie fire,ano being moltcn,\i^a(l^ t^e fame againc tn pure U^inc , fo t^at euer? time melting tfee toare, poure it into frcrt) U)iac,lD5(bing ann fohing it in tbe fame fiilig^ntl^, ^no after to;tng it tocll toit^ pour ftanu^ : being t)re9 tljus, melt anD toalb againe in t\)2 aboae faiD manner eigbt timed togetljer:t'0en fet tS)e fame fojtl) (being a cleare feafon t aire) ^11 tbe nisbt , after teliul) put i^t loare into a i^ef o^te, ujitft a little Mumia anD Ol^e of Yperidon, oi &aint lohns tuojf , anD a tittle olD &ple : altt^oug^ U)it^out tl)efe it map Do gooD, pet mtr.DADit^tbcfe, it \iojfeetl) far better tbenbfeD alone, ^om to rctprnc to tbe fo:mcr matter : SLfeie crcobeD boD)> o.:li:to;tc,fetinfineCfteDa[^e£f , 1 agentlefiremaoetjnDer it tntili all ttjc ople Do rnn fo jt|i , anD m tl^is commitig fo>t& of tl)2 cple (l^all appeare all tbe foure Clem0nts,t6e aire tbe Jj}ater,eart'b anD fire^Vobicb toil o^Derlp appeare in t|ie recei^ uer,rigbt marurlonsto fee* ^tno rlje ople being t^us full^ D;a\une,\Do;keto nuraculouflD tn all Difeafcs U}t)u|) p;oceeD6 ofacolDcauie« The concl ufion to the Reader^ THusgentie P.ender I haae ( Itrufl ) fu)ij (attsfit^thj depre in as manj things as are me^fuff to heknowm: tvhtrcfore I com* vtit this Mjf little Booke tQ thj gentle iud^emeMt, If thoH matfi re* csineany profit $rcommoditie thereby I fhdbe q^kdeftt : andtftsot, ^et fauourAlfly let it pajffffrom thee to others , whofe knowledge and ^^xfertencei^le^tthenthtne herein^that they may gather ftich thivgs 4S to them are Jtrange , though to ihee peeh k^iovpne before. And thus bnefy 1 commit yon t9 Almtghtie Q D^ ^ Ccrtainc 47 ^ Certaine Husbandly ConieUures of dearth and picntiefor eucr. C H A p. I. Jrl! connotr ant) marfeMl^af ^otu flje focaf Ijer 15 a D3^ bCiO^Cjtljc Dap p^cfi nt, atiD tljc taj' af^ ter t()e &an£s entrance into tlje Ogne ^rtrs.anis ^^ fuc^ Ufe€ C^aK Cjjc Iccat^er bc(fo2 ttje mcil part) — ^ intljefet^^ee mcneti;iP, September, ;©ctober, antij^oucmbcr* jano loihe ^0^.13 t^c Uieat^er fl^aU be at tbc ^tms entrance into tt)e Cgne of ileo,a6 V^z Dap beto2e,anD ttie Dap after , ano fuel) commonly ftalbein 2Dcc mbcr-Janiiarp,! ^eb^uarp, fo; if t^e UjinDc ftal i\^m biolu out of tfje /|5o:t^ o^ (l&a{lt,anD tfiofeDak^D^ie, t^cnf^alifolIolDatcrpcolD rearontnt{)oris t^;ce monet^0 : tuttf ttjetomoebtoUieout cf tbe ^ont^ o^ tI2Itcffi,anD t^at it ratnct^ in tbofc X\iitz Dapes, t&en ice to fol^ loU) in tbofe c^ >^ mone t^0. ^nD if t^e iDeat^cr tn tbofe tt)^as Dates n^a'l be neither U)!)oIIp D^ie no; U?t;olIU tnotll,tt)en tyol folloU} an tndeDtaG; lutnter. 0n3 lifec as t^c tueattjcr C^all tie at t^c ^nns entrance f n^ to tl}eri,me!lib;a, as at ttie Dap of tl)c entrance, tbc rapbe^ fo^e anDtbe Dap after, fuc^ (fo^t&c molt part) C^allbeetljc Cp^ing in ^arcl],apjiUjanD cpap* lanD ItDke boil) t^e lueat^er n)ali be at t^e &uns entrance into ^»q!iariu0,at t^e Dap of tftc entrance , tbe Dap before ano ibeDapaft€r,fuc^ (fo;jtlje mod partisan tljelweat&crbem 3une,3lulp,snD aujjuff* anDmanp ancient men affirmc, tfeaf {ilteastt^eUjeatfter C' af be U)l)aes tlje ^^ unne is running bp t^c ligne Lib:a, anu tnto tlj? 2 o. Degree ct ^co jpio , tofeicb time is from tbat Dap (uameD tbc exaltation of (t)e croSre)t)nto tt)e Dap of al faints, fuc^ in tbc moC p3rt (^all ttje pcare follolxjing be, a<5 in Diui^ tiingt^at fo^eCaiD time into tloeiue monettis, ano t^iat foure Daiesoo anfiiereto eac^monet^, of t^eu^tiu^foure Dates ^ 48 Husbandly Conieflures tgateacl) one oft^e foure Dotf) Declare t^e con^tftott of tire ^aarti-rfollotDing : ano fecginningalfotorechon jl^ouembcr ua t|je firS montt^ ef t^e peare. ^nt} t^e getierali 6gnc£i of Dearth f plenty after t|)e mttiD£B of tl)e ancient ^uf bano men be tljefc : as tl;e ouer-mucl) colOi* lies ^^m^y tije oucrmuc^ moiOiure (oftning , tjie ouermucj l)0at greatly burning, anotlic ouermuc^ ojineffe putrtf^ing ano tDo^^bmg into ciufi : ^o^ lol^en an^ of tfjefe qualttieis; O^all txm^ in t^t proper ttme»but efpeciall^ in t^at time to^tc^ to ti|e coane ano fruits Doe not agrae, tl^en fl^all Dearth ano (cax^ m^ botbof fruits anDcoaneenfue* 0sfo^£]t:ampIe, fe^ent^emont^ of ^arc^fl&allbeoner ntoiaanDtoet, iu^icf) rather oug^t to be D^ieVanD tl^at t^e tnont^ of ap?iU C^all be oaie , fe^ic^ ttjen ougbt to be mmU, tjotl) aftcrp^onouncetbepenur^oft^efruitsofttie eart^. anDift^atpartalfoof&ummerl^albetpetjtntD^ic^t^e co;ne Dotb tben fal tnto ripeneg^t^at rattier oagl&t to be D;jp, Doti) after (ignifietljefcarfit^ bot^ ofco;ne auD ot^er fruits oft^eeart^* ianD i\$t like ma^ be fat'D of tje otl^er contfitattonsto? Wt^ Ssjften tbe CDlemcntall qualities fbalbe in fucti a conDition as Doe bea agree, t^en Doe t^ei? p^omife bot^ fruitfulneffe ant plentifulneffe* ano ifintbefpzingbefignesof colDanDDaougl|t,anDtjjae in tbe CUD of tbe fp;tng neere t^e ful mcne be frotts,tben l|al follolD taerp fmall ^eelDe of t^ie fruits of tje eartlj , anD little iDiiie tbat ^earc follolotng. anDif tbefpaingbe Diie ,tljenfei9 C&all tlje fruits of t|e Iras bc,^et gmD : anD fcarfiti? of co^ne fl^all be ttiat reare* anD if tbe fp jing fl^albe colD.t^c fruits of t|)c mt^ ftalbe Iati> ripe. )anD if t^e rp;jing anD Summer l^albe oucr toet o^ miftii o^ colDjlDitl) clouDt? VDcat^er fo^ man]? Da^es together , tot^iles all tbe tr^sftauebo^^ne t^cirblolTomcs, anD ttie fielDcs tbetr floU3:es,anD begin to fteD tl)eirfloU);e, tt)f n d^allfolloU) m fcarfitp of fruits of tbe cartb in t^at ^care, o^ clfe a teris great rotof t^em^anD mans ficfencffes in tjiat ^larc* am oftheweatlicr* 49 ants tf tlje dammar h^ D^icr t^en cugomabl^ifjcn tfta! foU loU)tl)efcarCit)?ofco;jne5 pgt f^e Summer frmts fi^all ffjae ^earc be founD^t^efiH^.s t^en Die, ano mcU i^arpe licfene(re0 Qallratgnef^at^eare* j^nD tf tb^&ummer O^albe^offer t^m cuttomablp , ttjen l^aHfol(olDnian;gfickne(re£(oa tikaitB, ^et great plenty of t^e jammer frmt£i t^at^eare* 2im itV^t Rummer O^albecolDer tben cuSoitiabl^? , tben ^(l^allfoilolDab^altbfttU)?eare, bat t^ztxuit$oU^zew[t^ evaluate ripe tbafi?eare, 0nD l)ere further ijote of tlje fp^itig, t&at if in tbe fame fea^ (on of tbe fp^ing, t^jere C^all bee a moje plenty of all floto^es anofruitestolDaro t^en cuCtomabl^ , ooetb after figniffea fcarGti! of co^ne t^at ^eare,t)nle(le t^e ^eat of ^nmmer oot^ ot^ertpife rcfo;{me tt)e fame. ant t&eluifeaHD ancient bufbani)raenl)aa0obferHeM6at iob^n tbeuiinter (l^al fcnD Dotonelto^eofraineon tbe eart^, fo tbat tt)e fame erceeoe not 0; bee too mnc^ , anD ttiatt^e ^arcl) follolDtng be Daie, ano tbe apaill iuette b^ often ^oU)?e£(^ ano tijat tbe fame parte alfo of Summer bee o^ne in iD^icb tge co^ne fallet^ to rtpcneUe, t^en ooet^ tlje fame p^o^ mtfeaplentifutl^eare« ano UJben tbat partof tbeliarnea fl&albe faire anu taie in to Jiclj t^e tebeate tie; fotoen,ano tbe part of fummer in toliicft cojne falletlj to ripenelTe ftalbe faire aniiii;jie, tl)efp;jing aU fo meanlp iuarme, ootlj t^en not onel^ p^omife fruiti'ulnclTe^ bnt a plentiful! ^eare of co^ne« ano nolo t^el^aruefi moilfer tbencutfomab!t?,oot6pa^ trifie tbc grapeiJ^anD caufct^ a fmal ^eelD of lotnes ti)at i^eare toitb tljefcarfiti? ofctt)erfrmti5. 0no alfo If in tbe latter part of Jaruea it be moider, t^m in tlje peare follotoing (ftall enfue fearfit? of co^ne^ . anoif tbcl^arueabe D^ierintiie firftpart, tijen in f&o peare fc!loUnng,(ftal Hie^ano t^iat fmall graine namcD ^il, aniifucbli^e,beoeare« ant) if tl)e l| arnee be potter f fjen c uaomablr, tjen fl^al foU loU) a Oifeafco i]cari,anii tt;at oangeroiwi* (15 g 3 3u^ ^o Husbandly Conic(Sturcs atttiftje^arueft be coloert^siuoftomabl^, tjett Q^M foUoU)fbcioSreoftt)Q)#arneafrnitj9 , bott) xntl^z &o;e anD taSoftbem* anD tt;e totnter colo atiD D^te , id of all buf bantimcn rom^ wenoedjbut eiJtrearHecolobot^t^cn flea ttje tree, ElpedaU^ t&ofetobicbtoi^tn aUiarnicairc, agtbclDomcgranatctree, l^e^ltuetf€0,t^ellemmontreejt|)e^tgs^ trce> t^e^eac^ tf^,anorucblt&e« anoif tfteluinter mat int^e crtremtt^ofcolDnw , t|)crt DotOttegnifie^armcbotbtotbtta ne ano S>\m tree, tjjc C&frri?-tree,anD tbe pellotu Quince tree. ^m if t^e t^tiiter be bot ano moift , tben tbe fame toet^ p;onottnceant)n|{eaUt)faUseare> anb Danger tofeeoes ano frmtgoft^eeartb# ianD tbe ejcceffe quality, anb beHcmperature of anp of tbe foure quarter0;t£ieutllanD bangcrous to t|)c fruUc0 tti^z cartb* anb t()e plenty of GtoU) falling m bue fcafon of tbe T^care, boctb fatten tbe eartb , (anbif tbe otbers tcebelpc) rbm botbit itgnt^e t^t plenty of (o;ne ano otbcr fruites oi tbe careb. 0nD tf anp toat^et^ tbetr ljanb£; tottl) fnoto , tt ooetb tben nta^e tt)em auo^, m tbat tbefnoto \b tngenb^co of abapcur (omelubat b;ie anb eartyi^^ j^nb t\i£ fnoU) nourtibetb fl^eep anbot^cr beal!iS)!n tbat t^e fnolD IB tnget.b^cb of wottt atre^tntobt^) iife confiftetb* ^no i^z fncu^e mcreafetb tbe co?ne ano otbcr 6roU)tng tbings en eartb , m tbat h^ b^s coloneffe it fo ooetb ft ut tbe fiojtsoftbccartb.ibattbe beat Ijuitb tbe Ububt^ielecbegof t^e eartb be cbenft eo^Ccamtt tbcn bitthe fo^tb. ii^otbe &\\o\^ ^tattil) anb cbcriftctbtbe eart^ bp tbe tbtcbeccueruigont , ano befenoetb ib^greene tube t anbo;* tberfeeos fcUJii, from tbe fljarpef bebenuntrolooftbe aire* an!>tbefaoto map be feiptalMbc^eare \)mtr tbe eartb, ecnereo toitb UtaU^, ano pjofitaLle it is to mire toitb toine in anbot&iiminer;aubntceU'Ari?alfoto ;co:cti;eaiie about Hcbc f erlons. offairewcatlicr. fi antj tin tJHp;JofitabIe falling of tljetjcto, miff«,o^ fog£f ( c<» fpenaI!tJU)^cnallcrrrccrit tljiags tiocbuDfojtti,anDl^eU)C tDcir flaU3;e)aB in tl)e uiontl) of a^jitl ano ^af , as U)eU oti t&etr^s,coj«c,anD gralTe, to^ic^ beaCs tijcn feeomg on bte grcatlp ^aimeD tb;o«g^ t^e oeto fallen- ano all otl)cr tljtngs aifo mail) ^anneti byi tlje fame, as tjatb bin oftcD obff rueo b^ t\^z ancient ano toifc buf banomcn^ ann int^e ouermucb falling of raine,frot!0, o;ibaile,cfpe# cial'^ in tbe fp;ing Urn e, ano tn tbe tointer time, tbbilea tljc co?ne 15 T?et as graCTctbe crcclTe of ratne alfo ootl) iljen tl)^8a# ten tbe icarOt^ of t)ictual0 to cniae tbat ^eare, ano tl^e great plenty ofbeanes , after tl;e opinion of t[)C common bufbanomen tb^ougb w«cb raine fallen , uotb foae^ ftctotDe fcarfit^ of Sojne, ano cfpcciallg of m^m t^iat ^earCf ^no a Itfec inogemenf ma^ be giuen of tbe ^afee ano ]$q\1^ f rffi,tobicb U tbei? beare plcnttfull^,tben a fruitfuU ^ear e foU loU)eib,anocontraribaife bearing butfeto^tjien a bmc^ears ofcojncoofbcnrue^ anotbcgrea{plcnt?of(l?rai^opper5,lro;in:e3, anbCae^ ferpiUers , appearing m tbeirp;jopertimtmo;e t^encnao^ mablp, 00 not onli? oeclarc ^armc to UasB ano feoes foujen^ but to all fruits tbat^earc. . . , ^ .. ^nD tbe greater ao:e of toint0,nof cml^ caufe Iitle fruu5, but fcarfttt' of co^nc to enfuc tbat reare, ano a ailncs in a manner tb jougbaut tb^ veare , botb oe^ tlare a lifeehbooo of tbe plague to enfue Ojo^tlr after. ano t^z ancient Hippocra tcs tojitetb ^ tbat toben in tbt fammer tbe j^o;tb toino long tonti luctt), ano in tbe barneH t^ ^outb U)ino, U)itb If je tben ot ramcU ootb ^fter tb;ta^ (cnintUe^iSiainter tbe bcao acbe , boarfeniff^ ot ^o!ce, t|j8 co«gb,confumptions 02 impottumcs to enfae. ano if after a e^ie Summer ( as to^te tbe ancient pbr«^ tionj?)tbe i^oUb tomoc ooetb long continue in tbe \^arucfi, ibcntbebooifsofi^ omen, anofucbbifrateoiaitb amor ft ficfen ;(yc,ootbcnintbatfe«lontberatbcrrecoucrbeaUb>t« ttjat tije wsffe of tjie learon^ ano toiubjj U5 contrari? to m 52 Husbandly Coniecfiurcs epcefte ano V^t rottetineGTe of tl)c (lumonr^ b^ to^icl) tl)eficb^ ttelTed lucre canfcD* iano iff tie mint er fl^all be ^ot ann moid , ant) tbe fp^ttis colD atto D^te^tbcn ootb tbe fame tl}^eaten fic^ncffe fo men tti tbe fummer> ano tbat iDomeit la)tt^ c^itlo O^all baue bntime^ Ig birt^eis of a ligbt cccallon* aino Hippocrates tD^itet^^tlaf toben in fbc tointer be lon^ ger^o^tb^rln iDtnties;; atiDintbe fp^ing longer ^outberl)? iDinoeiS, anb ttiat rainte ant) Ijoet in tbe Summer foUotuing, t^en Dotb folIolD ague^^anb tbe bifeafeg of f ^e tm* 2int> tuben after a colD Olinter , tbere be ^out^ toinbei; ano rainte in tbe fp^tng^anD tbat t^t Summer be o^te^ftjen in t^e learned foUotoing bo aguesienfue, pained alfoaf t^ie bobe!£;9tb^ougb tbe great fconringoftbebob^, anoGcbnef^ reis,U3ttb tbe iJDbicb olo men^bifeafeb perfonjei^anD c^ilb^en bo t^enmo^epaineo* ano ^b^n tbe &out|^-tee(tt9inbe botblong blofD about tbeenbofbarned > tbentbofe perfont; btfeafeo tott^ a long licljne(rc,boel]^o;ttliP after Die. SnD a furtber ^notolebge of beart^ anb pient]^ of bi(tual£P, anb of (tchnes^ma^ be bab on tViis iDtfe: ilira in tbe tn\} of Harnett , cat open ttoo o; tb^ee ^akz- appIe0;l(D^ing tob^f (icr tbere be in tbem eitber ^m^ lDoam0) 0^ fpibcrt; :anD if in tbe £Dahe-apple be founo \x)o;nits o^ ma^ gotg^tben tbeD Cgnifie (after tbe opinion of ancient ^ulbanb^ men)bofb beartb ano fcarCts in tljat ^eare» janDifin tbe £)a&e- apple cntopen,befounb (ike to Sie^^tt totb after tb;^eaten battell to enfne tbat ^eare. ^no if in t^t £Daheapple be founo like to fpiber^, tben bo tbe^ fo^eO^etD tt^t plague o^ pettilence to enfne in tbat ^eare« i^nbto concluDe,tbeonl]?p;Q)feoft^efo;mertans^t, fl^all mone tlie l^eaber better to creoite t^iefe. ^\t\^ mani^ of ttie Cmple foat Iftali tben tizA Dinars alfo ftall oie t^joag^ fuoiaine plague tjen ljap# Jif Husbandly Conie t^s ancient toomcn to mournc , icings to Die, anoa greaC fliUis^ter to be fcarcD b^ eij2 fluop: :aifo fmall doje of toine^, t&c oeat^ of 15ce3,anu littU ^on^ tjat i?eare» anu if tbe 0ra bcsinnins of January fi^;ill be on tntba^s li^entljctBtntcr (Sail bee long, anumuc^ fnoto in tljatfca^ fon.ano t^e lifeclitioD of lano fiCDtJSjt&jouglj muclj raine tl)en[ faUing: tt)e Spring tDinot?it^e'&uatmert3erp t»ette,ano tije l^arucU abounding in groSe ano rotten Jumourit ( fo (l)atamo(lsricuousp?aguct0 to be fcares, ano cfpeciall^ cf loomen) ano tbc lihclil}ooo of man^ (l^tplx^^ac^s^ano ber^ great care^ ano troubles to happen Dnto ^mtes , loitb X^z fcaret^ofttjefraifg of trees : anocojnefl&aUfacoeare,ant^a fuODatne o^at^ of cattell to befeareo tljat ?care» QUo U^cDO tl)at i^ieare (gall be oeare , ano ttieltkeU^a)^e of feaxefull fire^f^ano t^at tl)e plague to be grtenoui^ ti^at reare. ^no ?£t t^cre H^all be plenty of {Bcafon , ^eanets , tHetclie^, anoao;coft)erbei8anotlotuac£p. 3no ti)ere(^all be plenty of 5cnt?,ople,anD VuUies tljat xitaxt, 0no\ul)2nti)e firS of January bcginnetU on ttjc toeonef^ da^) tbmf^ailtf^e tointerbeloarme anDcaime,tl)erp;ing Uiette,anooifporeotofickn^ffci3S, t^ic jammer ^otte, anD t^e^arueCttinp^ofitable, fo t^at long Gc^nefTed are to be fcareo, anot^cquarten j^guc toitb ttjem, aiCo i?sngmcw O^all tgen be OcUe ano in icoparote of oeatb , ano toomcn tbe like,ano in fitno;^ places (^all happen a famine,tDtt^ a great ij^uteofdrangc netoe^. ano tbere is alfotflbecfeareotlie igneaoa:gpail!on0oftbelreart,tbeio!enc£( of mtnDe^o;^ rather BiSraug^t,ani> tbe oircafcd of tbe matriee in toomen;ano i^tt t|)e plenty ofo?lcanoiutne5, bat t|iefcarat^ofco;ne to be soabteo C^at gcare* :ano if tlje beginningof Janaari? be on tl^nrrDa^,tften fl^ai tljc totatcr be calme ano temperate, tbe &p;ing tmnoie, t!)e Rummer tjnfsafonablc, ano ttje^arueab^ie, fotjiat co;ne ano t^ictuals (^a!l tben be oeare j ^et ao;e of o^ie ano \^int0 t&at^earc* ano tbereiBahfecliljroo ofligbtfichneffcstobapi Ipe^it^ntatgexammonpeoplej bntmo^e oangcron^ ficbneO of faire weather. f^ fcgbnfofterici^erfojf. anu tbe blearctjnclTc of ttje t^tBiB filfotofaefear£fi,ant>t|jatrcngcl)ilD;cn ^alltbcntte, baU t:iB p;ocurco , artD tbe feottton oC roulDieri; > ano ati eartti^ quake to beDoubteO t^at^carr. aifo great talhe of netacs l^all be m Efngs ant) |^<:fnccs |oufefli,anD great pcrti5 alfotobe DcuHcO^o t?appent)nto g^;inccsmtbatT?eare. anD tftbefira oar of JaHuari? ^api^cn on f rioa^ , t?jen ftaiUl)ctoiwtcrbet5cr^ coloeanoo^ic, tlie «^p;mg bciaci^ rou0 anu toetle, tbc Rummer temperate , (^e l^arucff mo^e Ujef f e tfjcn Date : fo t^at blearcDnes ano otber tifeafcs, yoit^ tbeSUIjineire of matter running mtljeeve^ , i£!tobefearrD, ano ttje pin ano tueb is U^c^ife to be boubteo to Ijappen t^a: ^eare^ano ^ong c^iij^cn fijali tlien Die: anb a lifeeUtoo tljae ^ong tuomen l^ail be allureo t)nto iDanton !oue)tt;oag^ tjje flatteri? ano great perftuafions of men, aifo a Mpition of battels to enm in tbat ^eare , ano tbe plague ano robberies tiienfobappen* Elfo plenty of fruits ts t&enp;omifeo,aN t^ougt) muc^ baile fatl tl)at ^eare« janoiftbe beginning of January happen on &atterOap, t^tn tbe bointer Qail be tDtntte ano l3nftabie,t()e fp^ing luin^ Oieanotjnconttantoftoeatber, tbe&ummer tnaabfctoit^ mani^tempcau, ano tbel?arueaD;ie : rotljatbittualsftall beoeare,fmall fto;ie of eoane,anD littlcfrait tljat peare. Mo t^kpt ftall not toell pjcfper in tbac ^eare , ano a lifeelil)cooe t^tn of tbe Deatb of ftoine^ano tbat U)ooo fl^ail be orare« iSiro tbere 0)albe man^^ tevtiati agues, ano Oiucrs otber Ot^ feafes reigning among men, fotbatoloemen tbaHtfjenoie, anoatibetiboioofttjeoeatbofman^menb? tbeptague^ ^u foman^ fires i^aU bebearDof,litr.!eao;eof tuines, o^leano ^on^j^et plenty of tia^ tbat ^eare* ano ifnetoi^eares nigbt (being t^efird nigljt of January) (^albe cafme ano clcare,U)itbont U)inoe ano raine^tben Ootd C^e (ame paomife a p^oCpercus ^eare foiioU)ing« ano if in tt)e Came nig'^t tbe iDtnoe happen to bloloecut oftbeCaa, tbenoot^ ttiefame figmfietiieoeat^ofeattcU loenfust^ati^eac^f 2 ano ^S Husbandly Conie<3ures 2nlx if t^e fame nigWht toino liappcn to bloUj duf of tfje M(ca,tben a liUcUti©ocortl)eO€M^ Oi Kings anu p^mtee tg gn&irtljatpearc* ant) if mtt)cfamentg{jtt6e toinocfjappentaWoto OBtof tt)e ^9att).ti)cn Dotti t|)c fame 6g uge tt^e Oeat^ of mani) pep tons to enfuB tt)at pcare* anDiftntt)eramentgf)( tt^etoinde happen foblolD out of tt)e^o:tb,tt)enDot^ tl)erame66mfiett)e (tnaU)p»iOe of all fruits oi tiie cart^ tljat pare. How to foreknow (he Pate of the yearc,by tliconcly rifing ot the dogge ftarrc, out of the husbandry ofDiophancs. Chap. 3. A^D about tl)e bnolDlettgc of tliis tijcrc ts to be con6DCJ» rco auD noteo^in lubat (igne tbe ^cone (^all tbf n be,at firtt appearance ottl)eoogge llarre abouetbeeartb in our l^ealmeof CDnglanD, U)t)Ut) generally be rcchoneo ts about tJefeue«tl)Oai?of3uIp» ^nonoluiitbe^cpnerunnetljentntbefigne of i^rfesat tbe Ura appearance of tfteoog Car , it Dot!) atter Declare tbe Deatt) of cattell ano mucb rame. &o tljat fmall ^peelD of co;ne, ^tt plentp of ople ft all be tbat pearr* anD if tbe ^©ne run tt)cn m tbe flgne Eauras at tbe firS appearance of tlje Dog (f ar , tben it ootb QgmSc mucb raine , fogs ,anD miSSjtbat fljall barme mucS t^^^t ^eare. anoiftlje^conerun tbenintbefignecDenitniattbefirtt appearance ottljc Dog llarre, it Dotb after p^omife plenty of co,jne anD Ujine^ano all oCber frui s of tfee cartb , T^t a Difca< • feD.^eare,anato bt DoubteD tl)at a Uiing tball t^en Die , ano tl)at rcbelhon alfo ftall be inoueD t^^at ^eare» anoiftbeSpcone runne fben tnttie Ogne Cancer at tbo firft appearance of ibe Dog ftar aijoue tbe ea* t J, it Doetb after tb;caten D;ougl)t,U)it^ great (carfiti? of ca;ne to enfu^ in ttiat ^care. anDift^e^ooncrunnctJmtntbe ligne Heonttbefirtt ' 'figtltofttje oogge llarre, it after paomifetj plenti^ bDtb of ^ ijumea of tlic weatBcn • r'M ^ tDtn^^Attti 0)^10) aRO$ooccf)0ape ofco^ttc and oti)ertiau^ al0ttiar^eare : ano pcttobefearco tt)e commotions of ttje common people. ann(!aug;t)tir X\^z fame to cnfue , lott^ an fartbquatie imo (ano toDs to^appen mt(!at ^eare* ano if tbe ^cD«c tunnc tt)f n ixit\sz (iigne ffilirgo at t^e filrtt appearance or the Oog ftar . i^ after figniStt^ plentp of ftoiu^ erfi and tt)c great fto^e of fruits of ttje cartt), ano t^e cjieape^ nrifc a To of cattcil: ane vet to be fear^D tljat fjoomen d^all be tieluurco befo;jetl)eirtittiemtl>atpeare/ : : . ano !ft!?e epfflnerannetftcriint^efignetiairgoaf tbefirtt appearance otbe dogftarre, xi alter oeclant^ tt)eftirrmg t)p of a ^tng,ano a commotion of tbe common people:ani) pet tt)e plenty of fruits of tl)e trees , aitljougb tberc be aii^elitjoiD ioftbercarfi^gofco;jn0antioiiIeintt)atveare»- < '\ anti if tbe ^ojnc runife tftenm t^eflsm&co^pioaf \\^z firS appearance oftbeDog (farre^ it atterDe«?taretl]f ttieccm^ mo tion of p^tcOes , t^e dearuction of )i5€SSi anoan tnftct^ue airetoenfuetbatfeare* -^^^^^ - ''-^"' /!::; " .?i^ anoif tbc ^ojne runnetl)ctt tn fbe (Igne ©agi^arius at %r firli figbt of tbedogge ftat^i-e aboue tb^earttj, it after Og^ nifi-tba rainie peare, petfruitfuUUnDtbepicntpofct3;ne, aho log amoiig m^ti : ano pet is to be feareD tljc oeatt) df cat* tetUanD tbemultituoe of folDles in tbat pcare. ano if tljc !&pmnerunHetb5:nin tbe6gneCap;jtco2nas at l|)e firft appearance of tb^ ooggetarrt aboue ib^eartb, it d.u ter ceclarett) tbe commotion of loaloicrsyanb great ao^e of ranie, and ^et plentp of co2ne, tomes, ano ty^t, uno all clt)er tilings gfflOctieape in tbatpcare. ano if the rf a)ne runne then in tbc figne aquatius at tbe ftrft appearance ortbeDogge ft Jrre aboue tbcearfb , it after lignifietl)ttjeDcatb of lometMngorp^tnce ^t^z (caifitie of co,2.ie,anb ttjeplentp offuc^fltesUjiti) long binder tegs tbat burnc co^nc bp tbe toucbing of it t aiid i^et Uttle ramc and tbe plague i^ enfue m tjjat pearc. and ir tbe ' copie runne tben in tbe figne IBifcf s at tbe firft appearance of the oogft arre afeoue tbc eartb ,it after De:» ciarct^mucljiaine , andtU^s^'«»^NrbirDs ; andnctooet it ij)|) 3 p;oi;-u^6 5S: Husbandly CoAicdurcs p^emtfe a ftttficicnt do^e^ant) lautiabk plenttfafne(re> batf) of rame0,^ ^le^ano Coane,b»e mm^ pcrfonis l^all be Difeafco Other profitable in ftrudiou5, light nccelTary for Zi^.' husbandmen to know. Chap. 4. Ai^D firfl^jif t|ic l)o^nc of t^c jKammc (nearc ^10 care ) bg bo;eD,(be fame oot^ tame \^is 6ercenrs«^nti tf bts rigt^t gcmtourbetrttiTeD tsp before ^c$octo couer tbe CDtDC > tbcn Dotbbebegetan €^e lambe« janotftbeleft betgugarait frttlTto ^p,ant} t^e ng^t ^anijins i^olene? t^m oot^ bs beget a&eelambe. ^HD if m t^c timt of tbe &outb l^intic blolDtng, tbr Kant Holtl tben coQ^r t^e Ctue^beDotb after beget a l^cs lambe* ;i[nD if U3^eti t^e^oztb lotno bloljoet^.tbe Ham Dotb ttitn coeicr tbe (iBU)t,t)otb after bege^t a bee lambe.^nd of l^ubat ce^ lour atfo tbe bcinc£i Qiaibe tmaer tbe tongue of tge €iue,(ucb ^all tijt colour of tbe (ktn of ttje lambe be:fo^ if C^e batb biac^ t)eine0 bnber tbe tongne,t^en t|ie lambe C^albe of blacb t^iirif ano if U)bttet>eine0t}n6er tbe tongue ^ tbcn d^allfl^ebauea \i)\^itt tambc:ano tf ofoiucr^ colour£(,tb^n tbe lambe Cballbs of otuerd colours on tbe fhin^^no tbat ancient Ifaac U);itetb^ tbat ]$am0 in tbeir pong peares be of IcITer mottfdre f dam^ mtne(re,tbcn be t^e fueling lamb0>ant) tt)is istl^^ougb t^ir age ano quaiitie tben ruling. anbtbcr£fo;etbefleftofponglucafbcrst0 better, an> ingenbers better b!mD tben tbafuching lambe0« 9no tbiB is bcre fpoUen of fucb Kammc0 as be geloed, ill t^at tbeir moifi^nre ano botnede is tben temperate. 0no tbe Weatbers oueroloe arc to be refufeo in eating, t|}attbe)?betbencoIoeani)0;iie lDitt)outnio^l!ure, anbt^eB fmall? nouri^,anD barDli? 0ifgeti« aifo beefe anb otber 6efl^ of bealls being olbe^ bz euill (0 £ate,tb;{ougb t^^ colones a||ib o;ines, aab tb:oagb tbe lack of tbemotdure anb botneiTc* ^nn lub^n t^e olb Hams in tbeir time to couer ttje ^toc, be fconer mDU£D t^erto t^en tbe ijong l^ams, itbotbtbenfignifie a got) ano p^oitable feafon to f nftte in t^at seare^anb a gcoo feafon anb paofperons alfo fo; (%ecp?e of fairc wcatncn* jTs fl&apc.ffiuf if in tlie p;opcr time to coutr tlje CDtot > t?)0 pug Kamd be r(Dtterp;iouoheD tfjeretottient^eoldeHamd, tj^err 5ot& follotia tl)e great roto; murrainc of ll^a^pe ta ttjat peare* Sllfo (!BU)es b^ D;inlung of toater concctue t|ie faincr IJDit?) lambe, ano fo^ t'^wipt a)cpl)fart)0 gtttjB tycm fait locate, iD^erbt? in mo;c D;jinbi«g of i»a(er,t&epRiai! fo conceiue U3tt^ rongjf tf)ci? are alfo b^ t|iat mtaticB p^efcrueotfje 5jeaU{>fai# Ier« Eno tntt)e()arucliairoronie(l^ep^earD0 gtueti)em(o leate gourO0 reafoneo lottb Cait^to tttcreafe t^etr mtlke, fo; h^f t^at meaner dot^ tbe mil^ mo^c plemtfulli? tO'ae Mli of t|)cir teat^no t^e (SUied Do feoner conceiue* ^fo in Rummer iB t^Q colDe i^o^t^erli? toaCer goo fo; tljrtm, ano in t^e l^arneS t^eluarme ^out^erli»toater g©o fo; t»»enn 0iro f let (^eepe feeDe in t^e eno of tbe oav? iis greatlp com# ineKOeO : ano if tfte^ alfo ttirrefaat Utile ab;oao , t^e fame t0 t^ougbttser]? p;ofitabU,tnt^at t^e mucb iourneDing>ano la# boding of tbcm bitber ano tbitber, oot^ caufe t^cm to became leane* j^lfo tbe fHtlfull d^epbearog bnclu tobicU H^eepe tDtll toeli tnourc tljc ftarpe tointer , ano U)l)icb not, in tbat tjpoii fome of t^e C&eepes bachs (as t}^t^ afarmc) ice ma^ be founo, ano tpon otbcr fome none atall.^o tljat b^ tjjis nia^ be lear^* tieo.t^at furb ^o^pe Ui^icl) be iDeahe,a man can iiarcl^ pinrk off Cl)c ice from tljeir bacfecs* ano furtt)er learnc , tbat tljofe (l^eepe fetjtcb Ijaue long tailed, ma\> barolier abioe tbe t^^tpz coloi9ater,t&cnt^ofc bauingbaoao tailffli:anot|ie(^eepcal:» fo curleo of Ijaire ( ooe in libe foat ) barolier inopre tbe bitter J»inter:ano beSocs tbefe, tlje tbunocr greatlp barmxtb llj^pr tfpeciaUi? if anr CEtoe being toitij ^ong bapnet^ to be alene at f bat inaanf , fo; t^at fl^e tben being VDifb lambe,octb of t^e fearful noife of tbe tljunoer, oeUuer bcr lamb before (bedtime : ano fo; a fpeciall remeoi? to fauc tbat tntimcli» catting of lambesatfucljtimej?, t^et^ilfall e&epbearogbauefo«nO cat tijat tlje onel? o;iningof man^j (fitoeg togetber is a furr fafc*' garoto t\)ttn toauoDOttiisoccafion* li3eaoe«,ifT!Cul3DiUre^ moue tbe rot of (lieep,t^at tbei> oie no mo;£:tben ta^c (be bel^ I? of a Kam, ano feetb t\jt fame in loine ano luater togctb^r, fu|)icti ntUxmiv^ luit^ toater^f gioeti)e fame generals to ai tp £q Husbdftdly ConieanDtbelthe batre on tbe bell^« anb bot^ tbe bcalt^ anb QckneCTe of f^eepe ma^ be lutoU)en,tf fo be nm opcn tbetr eics,ano 6noe tbe tietnes iBttbtn to be xar^ anbfmall, it boctb tnboubtebli^Bedaretbemto befonnbanogcD:) : bnttftbofe tictnes (ball appeareU)^tte , o^reb anbbtg,tben tbofeCb^P^ are otfeafeb anb toeake« anb it tbe fl^eepe goe lufltil^ ano bolDl^ b^ tbe l])ai!,tt ts a fare token tbat tbei^ be fonnb ; but fabl^ anD banging botune tbe b^ab, tben be tlje^? tjifeafeb, s:bcie bitbijrco of tbe ^eare# 1)2 comcctures,anD otber rulc0,onel^ meete fo^ busbanbmen to t)n^ berttanb anbbnol]D» ^ ^A molt profitable rule for the prefer^ uation of mam health , thorovvout the twclue moncthsoftheyearc, after the mindcof diuers learned men of the Vniuerfltie of Padua. C H A P. lanuar}''. bloiD oat of an^ l^ctnc , tnlclTc a great mtt(* m^con(lrauiet|)ttierefo, t^at^oa cannot o^ t^crlDtfe tt)urc. 315ut if tioublcene \i^\^mtt bctuarc of taking anp colD in V^\b monctl) , fo nigbasi^oacan, ano loal&e not ab;oat)citt V^t ntg^C time : anD t fe to cate t^en t|)e bed confections , ano Co o^inbe often U3|)t(eU)ine intbis monetj^, fo;tbatflcgine t>ot^ tben increafe* ano to faflt long in i^i^ monet^ , xb burt# full to tbe boo^: bnt to eat falett; toell p;reparcti Ijoitb o^Ie ant) fpices,i0 iDeli commenoet)« 9no Inad^ not tbr beaD in tbi^ tnonetb , b\xi to batb rotir bobr, o; to tal^e a tomit, ^ou mat; (afel^ Doe in t^xB monetb* J^ifotalsecucr^ moaning once (fbo;otDoaf tbismonef^) fo^ tb;0^ boures before Dinner^a little quantity of rofco boni?, fo^tbattbefamc octbcomfo;ttbcaomac!?e, ano clcnfe tbe boD^ botb of (boln: ano acgme« 0no o^in^c alfo tbefc fpiceg citbcr in toine o;? ale,a0 (IPraines,€ingcr,j^uttticgs,Clcuc5 ano fact) li&e,fo; t^jofebe greatli? commcnoeo in t^t^ niont(). February. 3ntbe monetb ofiFeb;uart ? tfefoeate confections can** DcDtDit^t)on^>fo;t!)att^e^ purge tljeboo^. ^nD tocatcj^p^ CI ' Proltable rii!cs For die p\:&mt])i^\x\mtt\) is cemaniocD : butto cafe offcn frril^ 5i5t£uSo:ott)cr meatus t^Ubc^ iinitl', o: to cate an^ potter \ittb:s^ en:pt parccb o> ^mviUccb Js tt)oiigl)t l)iirtrulU ^p.OrdtljeriatoftncrroDtiefi nica!t^cn roaftc^m t^i£« nio* net!),fo.z t[jattv)cra>iieDot^feeEpctl)0bot)^ Mable. aifo to bat^c in t\)id ^oiicti) is no^ Ijisrtfu'l , no; to tahc a potion e^ to bl0^:)e in tljatt>:inebnv)crtl)c t()unib, ana ^ouma^fafe* I? ta^e pils itt tljis i^ouct^ , to purge tljc \):mt , ^o^ t^at a ntaafeclet[) !3imfelfemo;c gricucO toittra bcaDineCTe m ttje lieaaiu t&isi;10onctb,tl)cninau^ otlrer ^onetlj« ^ano to eatc i[l;on^ luitl) b^eaoe in t^is a^onet^fe ronu inenoeD/o; ttjat tt}e fame Dott^ parge tl)e b$c(t aao b!aooer» March. 3n t^c ^ oncf 1) of ^ arci) ^fe to cats pleafant ant) toel fpi^ ret) meats, but l^ar^emcatcs rcframetn tljis ^iponetl),ano fo D;tnl^e pleafant mt firong lyine ts no\u commcnoel^* SLi\\} cate often iLeeUe pottage : ano to bat^ often in t^iat ^o^ nett)3i0 greatly commenoco. iSuCbetoare oftaMnga^lgpo^ tion, topurgeo^blceDeb^bcincin tljig ^onett). ^no t3feto gate often of tlje tisrbc ^eniro^aU , fo; tbat tt)2 fameooet^ ^eatetljedomacfec, anocaufctl) tljen tljc better Digefiion* 2nO in rourraletsalfota?c of t^O- berbcliBetonie, fo; tljat ti)c fame coetl; cl^re atio ^elpc ttje fig!)t , ano muc^ amcn^ tjetbtbebeao. airo!s noto tbougt)f p50fitable,fi3; bn opening t{)e beine is DangevousMit to open at tire miculc tjdne is greatly rommeiitieo, anOliUclDirebatbing often tit t\)is iJ^oneti).:anD to purge t^jc Somache luitb a potion,o.: o^ t^ertDife,ts tjcr^ gcDti^lnit eat no ^tno of rcots in tbis monet&. 3n^ to eat al bino of fleO^j except pi30pi5 tijous^t 000 m t^ir mcnetl) t prercruat/onoflicaltl?. 6^ titoacffj : m^yon mc-jp noU) enter intQ ptj^ficlj rc.2 ant? cn^fc oftbeboop,(buCD;lnhcniODcfatcIp) anarciJmap aUolafcf^ blectic io; il)c fcab 5 m tl)t£( ^t onctb : an& tie to rate iigctonie ano qpints p^jcparso in l^ori^,anu oainH^ra in tlje moaning iDtt^out eating of ani?tl)ing, *inD tor^inftsaifo tt«cbcrbc (Il:raceinlDtnei0neiDp;jofitabic: but bcfijarcof eating an^ hm of lalt fiO) in tbtiS ^cuctlj , fD> tbat tlje fame Dcm; cn^* geuDcr bct|) t(ie itc^) ano t\}U fcab on t|)s bo&r« Male. 3fn fl)c mont^ of ^ar,lr at^ often tl)i? face toit?) fatrc run^ nfngtoatcr: 513ut tJfcnottocate of fuCi;nicat5acbc6?otcf Qualitp:ani3 bIccD in an^ part of t})e boDp iD^f re nectJ Gjall be, but J t IS mott profitable to bleeuc in tljc fecte.fc; tbat ttie btoU t^en t)att) tiiB comk tiotonc to tt)t feet: anu bctiiarc alfo of ea* ting an^ aalcfii^.o^taintcti flil^ t|jat ro.:c fmcUctfetanD catc pour mcales note in Due fcaiOn>anD t);infee but litt[£ l^jine in V^iB monett7«0nt to batt}c in anp conoitton in t\)iB moncti) is not Unprofitable : anD to Djinbe elarifieD totiap Cmpl^ , 0^ !5;jatonelDitl)colDtjerbc5, isnototerg ^calttifuUDntotJotts Oomachis.^nD pure tuine alio mtrcD b3itl; goats nnlt^e , ano Voitli t()at to annotnt bott) ti\t ^cao ano b> cS, 10 grcatli? rom^ meni^eD : an^too^inke niarpeoain^rt; in tbtstnonct^ , is tftougljt gajn^ans to taljc PbllCicb if neeo rcquirctlj.liBut cats Ko l)eao or fffltc of ani? bead in i\)is monet^ , becaufe of tljc inoiaureottl)c!)erbEi3 anDgraCeiDfticb t^ebcafis 5oe tate in tt)8 fame* Siio to D;inhe tuo;2nitoa5r) \3)im is tbcugbt tcrp profitable in t^igmonet^, ano toeatejr^iun rotstcnocrlg (ontf cn.anD to tafee gentle MxtB to purge tlyc bfoo ant) boog is nolD ttjougbt gcDDjauD to fleepe after Dinncr.^no alfo fome tbinUe,t^at to bleec en t^t (leaD Mzittic, 0; liixtx l)eine> is pro^ Stable in tiiis^manct^. .. Tunc. 3nthc anohbelDire tahetl^dbotMft^e eating ofcb^^c anD apples in t^ismty^ netlj* ano a man raa^ ballje btmfclfe in tbis moneit),fo tbat Ige tarr^ not long tbcrc in. ano to luad^ tge feet often in coloe ljoatcr,i£r liftslwife commenDei?* lulie* gn tlje monetb of Julv, iti^ not gort) faeate Ifrongmeatfj^ »or tbofe U)biet) so greatl\> notiriC^,o; pleafant fptceo meat^^ fb^tbebotnetFeottbefeafon, fo^ tbattbc SDogoaiesbeen^ treo in, ^m tberefo^e beloare of bteeoing bp teine, oa of ta# binganpmeDicine to purge tbe boo\? : ano ^et map a man bieeo a little bp tuppingintljebatb*^ janotntbismontb^anii intbeotbcrmontbfolIolDtng, a man map o^tnbe but little tDineJo^^tbat tbe fame notb o^ictbefiomacbeanoliucr, and tncreafetbcboler : anotbefmallcftanDUieafceSo^in^sare nolufo betfco ra(!(ng againflt cooler : anoin tbtK monett) r^fraine ^our felfe from tbe tenertall &itM nigb as tou can i anobfe to eat euerp moaning fading a litis &age ano berbe^ (Sraee^toitb a bit of b jeai5: ano be toare of eaf ing anp mnODg fitl^intbismonetb (tafeentoitbtbenet) left tlr^ougb tbe ea# ting of tbem pou catcb fome CcbncffCjano tie tberof : ano t)fc to eat HEcriuice in all pour meats, for tbat tbe fame ootb cole imorefrell)tbeboop,butrefratnetbe eating of fruits in tbt0 monetb lanotjerp bealt||fullif istjnto tbe bobp to annotnt tbe necke ano bred tuitb tbe iui^ce of berbc (Drace,3tfope,ani» ^mailecbemireo loitb i^onp , ano enter into a batbe fa^ fiing , pet batbc but moocratip all t^z tnomil) tbo;oUj , fo^ tbatotbertoife to batbe is tjcrp Dangerous in tb!S monetbs 3inDbeU)are of cttber eating Wiits^ orilettuce,intbismo;» tteti)^ for tijat l^ep ijaacnotoea bum of popfon in ft^tm , prefcmation of health. (j) fo!)tc^notD be rcg^t perilous : anD ^tt pMtahh it (b ttt* lo l^ulbanomen to tatz botti (E^arltl^e^ ^age, ano fatte }i5a^ com Aiiguft. 3(11 tl)e monctl) of 0ugua Doet!) cooler l»tf^ melanc^ol^ encreare,rotl)atnoU3 Do i)appcn agues , tott^ coloe anDburi' ntng,anD ott)er grieuotts fitknelTes barol^ cureo«Mli)erefo;e a man muS noU) refratne t()e tcnerial act^ano o^Dcr ttrnfeire in a mooerate conDttton, as deepmg but Uttle m (f)e oa^ time allt^tsmonctl;, anotobetuare of taking an^colde, o^to bl^o bi?t)eme)0^totomttc, o^otbertoifeto ta&e an^ meot^ rine to purge tbe boDp : ano refratne from eating m^ j^ottcf !)earbes ali tbts nionetb tbo;otD : ano refratne from eating anp Cabbages,fo; iW tbe^ engender melanc|iolr,ant) caufe tbe ague in mm : ano life to eate ^age in all ^our meate , fo; tbatttjefamets profitable iintotbeboo^, ano gpellons tbe ItbCj^et klTcr in quantttie at r our meales : ano D^in^ebot^ goD ano pleafant U3ine,ano eate botb pullets ano tae^le , fo<3 tbac fucb comfort tt)e boDp : ano Dfe to eate often Cinnamon in i^our meats, ^no an ointment tbus p^cpareD , ootb belpe man)? oifeafes of tt)e boo^ ; tabe^^enirot^all, bearbe- C^race, ifenel&mallecbjtbe feeos of IfopCjliSa^-bcrries^ano aiom, t^nto iDbicb dO ^r^^ ^Itue , tempering all together tuitb bo^ n^,ano after annointing tbe booi? tberelDttb: ano to eat alfo itettuce^ano all otbcr ttiings tbat be colo of qualtt]^ , is noUi (3mmenoeD« September. 3|n tbe monetb of September eate all manner of meafes ton lid, for t^.at in tbe fame monetb all tbings bee in tbeir paoper bcrtue*ano for fo mucb as tbe barueft is loell entreo, tb^refore it ts noli) goo to tahea gentle purgation , like as ii t\}t floUj je of CafTia neto bjatone, tbaf gently purge Jb tbe boljy,anbcomfo5tetb nature : tDbereforetbtstifectoifeoogbt tobecoone, totbeenoto pjeferue tbc boo^ in bcaltbtmto tl)z nert fp?tng,f alfo to tjfe r ojUiaU potobers in i^onr brotbs, tnto tbe fpring^aifo in tbis monelb ma^ (tmples be U)ell ap^ plteD in ang (tc&nes,foa t^at tbe r©ts, t^efruifs^ano feeos,oo gi 5 abouno,. 55 Proficab'c rules for the abotmu noti5,anD bt alfo tl)o;oiD ap^. ^riD feljaf r culo n^f sptl^ bcc minifiret) m tge sponctl) cf^ai? luitl) fimplc^, mag m tl)is ^onett) bo oone U)it|) t^sm. *^*nD to catc pomc# granatc£f anu (Soatcs imlke, is tDcll commcnbcu in t^iu ^3nctb,fo;t&att|ieBUottjinmafcbl0O, anc.capfca gooo colour, O^ober. 3n ttje ^onctfe of £Dctobcr Doe toHr bot)tc<5 toaye tjjie antt fte b^aine mottt :, anu greater bonciS , ano ttierefo^e it bebo* oetlj to eate rottco mcates often in tbts S^0nctl),anD to D;infe pleafant U3tnc« ^l(b &;^tnbe netoc U)inc£5,ano eatepleafant racat often, as (0o3t£f milUe fatting , fo^ tljat tbe fame uoetft IT0\)3 purine tt7C blcoo ano clenfc tt)e Inngis : ano eat often ap^ pie- tartjs, prepares U)itb comfo;^table fptces anD&ugar,{n tfjattbei? comfort greatly tbe Ilomaeke : hut U3alb not tbe JeaDiiiallt^ii5il3onetb» ^no rcumavletblmDintbJs^o^ tict^, o; gtue a potion to purge, Itl^e as tbe necclTttteof t^e ficknear^ 0) DireaCe C^ad fo require : anb beU3are of eating to tnuc^ of neU) fruits :bat tbe eatmg of tbe Habtlb rootc ts i?eC paofitable,aaD to cat muHaro alfo U)it& all meats is lifeetuifc commenDco: alto all U)itocfoU}Ies eaten nota, beet^ougbt goo9,anb Clsue^ tout) Ctnamoh, are profitable in tl^is ^o* mil)* Nouember. 3n tbe mtntt^ of /^ouember is melanc^ol)f>encreareb,anD bloDOccreafeo, anB fo.zt^isit is profitable topatebot^egd anb Jonp> ano to bomitc alfo fuuo^p times , anb IM ponoc^ rcb meats is nobo commenoeD: ano batb ncrt in tbis monetbf o;^ but little tfnisoeforequtretby fo^t^atittst^cugbttobce tb^ nioH perilous monctb of tbe \]ear£tobatbe in ; anb be^ iiDi'0 )t^0 blooD ts noU) rcCtraineb luitbm tbe arteries of tb^ £)ob^, tobicbbpfiDeating in tbe bot ball) (boulbfocaufe t\)$ fitrrtngbp of bumour^^anb a Hilling from tbe beao,\»itb bn^ curable patnes of ti^e |)eaD^ anb isariines of Qabt, anb pained otbetloife of i\)t tits* ^nb m tljis monett) i^ou maf (if neebe forequire)eitber purge tbe boni>, o^blecQebv beinc: alfo tbe catinjjnoto of ^ong, ©aificr , ^^\x\Hj anb ©oatcs mtifee, is profitable prcferuation of health. cy pjoiifcibfcfotljcbot)^, fo)fr}ittf)2i?iricrcarcbIa):) , aim raufe agoooccburtonuu: antJCiiTamoiianD (^ingcrOiunkecf* ten in tl)is nmnctl) ijf?0rcati\7commcnD£D , fo;t{iatttiiJ^Siue Jealtft. ano ui tljis monct^ goe not timely fo;it^ , bccaufc of tljeftiniJin^mtacs ano foggcisi iDhic^ ttien be tbat grcatl^i Ijarme ttjc !;cao,aaD tl)crcre;e IiJC tl)e ^an b£ of iomc ^eig^jt bslo^e ^our going fa;tlj of tl)0 oa))C0. December. 3(tt tljcmoneff) of 2>i:cember Ootb me!aKcl)ol^ano flegme cncrcale,lei)ictj bs boti) tjcauie ano colot anD tbcrefo^e a mam nralinol»topct(>e boDsa^tJ&^aotjeri? tDdlfromcolO, anfi (ocafefuc^tf)mgsasbcofljot quality: alfo tocate pottage matie of CoiciooUs ans Cabagcs, ano to catrolleD^Dniong P^epareotnfalcf^i an^i att)cr roller app!c5 ^i peares after mca(s,bc grcatit? comm :nDe'o : ano eat tfie flelJ) i5rujeatl)crs, 3^ammc0. ano dSoats, alfo CE apons , anO all manner of Lmo fo^lc0,but no U) Iter folDlesumD bieeo ^wK a little in ibiie^ mo^ netb,an9 tfjat ixi tlie !)cao tjeine, foj tljat in no monetb of tbe rcare man ^atb leffe l!o;c of blojD tl)cn in tb'S : ani? goc not ffl^tbof T!oart)oureint|)2nigbt time, wept ^ou bee ott)cr^ iuifefoneraineD, fo^tljat tbeiroiftaireoftSfe nigfjtODCt^ mucb barmc tbe bot)^ : ano eat nelDjaarcel^ rortes tencierl|5 fotJtien , fo; tbat tljep muci) eomfo;t tlje (lomacfee : anD eate Kaperootcsalfo reftct3DnDcrtf)e embers (all t!)ismonet!j t&o>oU3 ) txii tbe Ijealil) of tljc bour* -^t^^ fate not in i\yi9> rno^^ ivett) neither ofero^ojes no; ftoincs Clel!):fo^ tljat tljev' be noUs on2rmoilI,anD alfo \)np;ofitubIebnto tljc boDp : ano o^inhe often U)mc mt|)ifiLmont&:anD eat meats t)2c(r.o iDitb l^onp, anoCinanton,Q5ace,j(putmcgs,(i5inpr,(^ratnes>CIoues, (55alingal?,3nD fucb l^^eiano tfje fame \)\ D;tn[ie V^i^ mcnetl)^ fioe ct)eri{ftiijebIoD,tt)e IjearMno all ttj'c boD]p. Of thcfalling ficke in any of the wccke daics.oiit o£ that ancient Phyfition Hippocrates. Chapter 6, A^tj noti) if an\? Sra falletl) fiche on tljc f«n:jai?ii amen^ Detl)not of tbat Vi±xi^.^ at tlje fift Da\) after,!)e cctl) Die m fi)onintl)Oa^ro!lol\3injj:butifl)C recQWcrano come to better Jealt^ 6S Husbandly Conicdurcs leaitt) a1)oa! tt)6 m^t o^ ntntb Da^ after , tlieti tot!) !je rcco^ ucr perfect dealt^ about tbeflfteentti i)aT? foUotDing, 0nD If anp grd falletl) Ocbe on tbe ^unoa^, t^en be Q^bM recoaer tiealtf) at tfic nintct) Dap folIotutng:bnt tf t^at Ctchnen rontinueto t^ettoelft^ da]?, t^e patient (|iaUt|)en Die mtj^e fonrfeent&Dai? after. Sln^ ifan^ O^aK fall Hche on t^e Cucroap, ^efl^all fl)cn a# meno at ttie t^tro Dap after: but if t^e Uiktits pet cfrntmnett), t^enoeat^ to beloobeo fo;i»tt^outDOttbt>attl)e(t^to;ets^t Dapaften ^nD if anp nvtt fallctb Ccbe on t^e MetnefDap^anD tt^af at tl)e feuentliDaprallct^togajDrea, anDflapetb, ^ee fl^alla^ meuD of t^at Gchne£;:buttf tbe fiebneis monretb to tbe ttuelft^ 2iap,anD uicrea6ng^ntot!)e(t);to^reuent^Dap9beDiet^ t^cn luttt)Dut Doabf. iSnD tf anp firS fallet^ ttcb on t^e CorfDap^ttien de amen# 2)et^ at tbe ntn t^ Dap folIoU)iag:but if tbe fichnes longer eon^ finue,petamenonient t)nto t^ealtt^ at t|ie fitteent^Dap follow iDtng. j^nD if anp beginnef ^ to fall 6cl^e on tbe ^riDap,t)e O^al af^^ f er amenD at t^t feuentb o; tigf^t Dap follotutng : but tf tbat ficbnelTe longer inDuret^ , t^en Deatb to bee feareD at ttiefif^ teentt) Dap after* anD if t^at Dcbneis ^all fomelDtiat abate at tt)e etg|)t o; nintt Dap after , tl)en t^e patient l^all recouer to feealtl) at t^efirteent^ oap foHotoing. anD if anp fallctb Ockc on tbe &aturDap,anD f ^af t^e fame ficfeneffe Dotl) continue to tlje Qxt Dap , t\)m tfteperfon Dietf^ at t^e eigbt Dap folio toing : but if tbat perfon commetb Dnto l)calt^ at V^9 feuent^ Dap after,anD aeeperl) quietlp t^at nig^t iuitljout paine of t^eficfeneCTe , beed^all after recouer perfect Ijealtt) at t&e fourteenth Dap folloU)ing. 2«D further note, fMallmenintiealt^l)auet^eirt3^ineo; toatcr in ttjenw^ ring tot)itc,befo;c Dinner againe reDDe , after Dinner clearer ano U^iter,anD at t^e euening before fupper iiot. Of of faire weather. 6:5 Of thofe manifeft figncs which declare rainc to follow. Cap. 7. FJraa reoncOTc oftije aire about tt)c g»an being netod^ fcK, not^ Declare a token of raiue to ettfue* ^nt) a like redne^ of tge aire about t^t &mat t^e euen<' ilngoot^ fo^eO^eto faire toeatber tbe nertoat> foUoiufng^ ainoiMb^n about tbe S)un (after be iff rifen, o^beginnetbto fet) O^alt appeare b|acke 0; gre^ne douD£S,o^ blacke clouoe^ mipeD Ufitb greenenelTe, and a circle attbattimeliketDife appearing about tbe^un.o^ elfe^alafceno loicb blackeoa gr0^nec!oude£(,o^ appearing n^ere tntoagr(tnne£(,o^elfc tbat tbeS>un i^aUbaue large cloubs botb abouef beneatb ;)tm,dotbi3eclare raine ano foule leeatbertoenfue^fitber tbc fame oa^ 0; nig^t folloioing* ano t\^z Uke noteis in tH rifingoftbe S^un, Declare rainetberameoap,anDtbelihe at t^z enening, t^zn raine to enfne tbat nigbt foUolDtng. 0no t^t ^un appearing boilo^ 0; fpottie^ 0; elfe ariGng 0; fetting t^noer a clouD>ootb oedare raine to follolo* anD ^^m tbe dun arifetb 0; fettetb bigger i]^m cuao# ntabl^ it i^ feene,botb Declare raine to foUolu . iSno tbe S^un appearing lelTer in tbe arifingtbencuflfo^ tttabl|?)0; at £b^ fetting l^etoetb it felfe tiiuideointodblac# biCb tlonD,anb tbat neere to tbe eartb> Dotb Declare raine to &liolD(bo^tl)? after. ianDlDb^n ablacke,long,anD tbicbe ciouDfl^all appeare aboue tbe ^umty at tbe fetting in tbe \3dz% it Dotb Declare raine to enfne* 0nDaniill about tbe ^nn^tobcn tbe fame Dotb long tas ne,0^ not quichli? fpent^Dotb Dedare raine to folloU),in tbat tbe fame isi caufeo tb^ougb tbe Deatoie ano ratinie l)apour$> carieD betloeene tl^t $^nnne anD our Ogbt. ^nDtoben tbe dun after bt£^ riling, ^etoetbtbo^otoa tbtckedouD broken open, anD l]^0tingontbeame£( Darkly, 0; elfe tbe ^un appearing DiuiDeD, Dotb Declare raine to foU lohi« anD t^c ^m appearing tbe greater parte of tbe Dai^ tbo^ voto tbm douDi^; 0; amiltteairet^emo&partoft^eDa?, % ft lo ^o Husbandly Conic(51:ures f0t^attl^e Valine (l^etjoettit^o^otDttlikHo a roant) l^ole toti Declare raine to foilo\0. ano ijDtrcn t|^e &an attci the ait(ltigoU^erettmgyCrprctaI{p in tbcfpang and ^arupa^ gtttet^ fo^t^ mtg^f te (leate tn a intlti^ aire , oot^ ctttier Declare tDtno o; ratne to cnfur* Dot|i tj^endgntge tJ^otoerB in fierfirttljDeekedtanD tC fnc^ fpotd at tbe fall of t|e i^oine appeare in t^emtDDle, t^en Dot|) t^e fame Declare fairelueatber to enfue* janD if t^ t;iirD nig^t after t^e ^®ne change, t^e fontb loinDblolJuet^^ttjen in tt^ fourth Da^ following it Hj^aUei^ t|}errainenio^ee^le0re« 0nDtftbe(ip(Dnebenotf0enebefo;etbefonrt^nigbt,and tliat t^e fout^ tpinD t^enbiotuet^, it Dotb Declare raine to foIIoU) moS parte of tl^at ntont^« flnD t|ie ^tone in J^zt firH appearing, H^eljDing blacker ofboD^ tben cnftomablii anD baaing bladder l)o;ne£i, Dot^ Declare fooie anDra^nie iDeatlier before t§e enD of t^at montb* anD t^e^ones beamed att^eblolDtngt^enof t^efent^ toinD, ^eloingDarMer, bigger anD 9^o;Ux DountuarDto^^ ioarD t^e eartl), Dotb Declare raine to follato* anD tbid id a great token of raine to foHotD^tol^en ad t^e ^nn in tbe Da^ time, anD tbe ^ome in t|ie nigtiti Doe ap^ pearepale o^ blac&ifl^ of colons anD totien t^e nigbt is faire anD deare^anD tJ^t C'lemene appearing fnUer or&tarredt^enaccaOomabl^,Dot^tt»en i^eclare raine to folloto t^oatls after* of the weather* yi 3ndanot|^ernef0ofratneto enfue, (0 \x^^tnttfx)tx(imB appgare in tbc ntgl)t t^en cu(lomablr,fo^tt)at oar fig^e t^en is [imD^^eo t^;ongt) tliie tapourcs rnnntng in t^e aire. 0nDttie appearance of blacke cloaoe^ in t^eaire, ants afcenDtng ofamia o;fogset)ptDarO,tn iW t^etaponrd t^cn be tbickeo together, noz Declare ratne Co enfue* !3int^ U)bent|ie cloa^d in t^e aire be tn a manner ot all one colour round aboue> tso tben tieclare ratne (l^o^tl)? after, ^no CIOUO00 appearing in t^e a^^e It^e to flocked of \x^mU tot fometime llgnige ratne tottb colDe , but no great ratne> fo; t^at ttiofe fLockts appearing^Do Declare tlje groireneCTe of tliebapour^. j^noijDbiteclouDd appearing in t^e $^ommer time, Doe Declare baile to enfne: but iD^tteclouD^ appearing tntlie aire in t^^elDintertime^Doe Declare fnoU) tofoUolo. Sinn VD^en a mift 0; t^inne ClouD Dotb bappen in a D^te feafon^anotbattbefame aCcenoetb tipUiarD, anDi^tnrneD tntoatbickeclouDe,Dot|i tbcn Declare ratne to enfue,but tbefame falling DoU)nU)arD iD^iles t|)e ratne inDuret^,o; H^o^tlie bpon t^e raine^ Dot^ t|ien Declare faire loeat^er to tnfue* anoif man)^tD^iteclouD0appeereneeret^eeart^ in tlje cnening,fo^ttDOo;tb;eeDai00 togetbcrin tbeliDtntertime) tiie^ Doe t^en Declare bot^ colD anD fnotu to enfue, anD tbe clonD5 in t^ie tointer time appearing tubiter f lien cuHomable, Doe Declare ^notue to folloU), efpcciall^ iDbcn after futb appearance, tbe aire is f^m kit fomc^ iDbat toarme>tb^ou(5b tbcfteat to^iclj ijs t^en fent eat of tlje cIouD. anD tlje often cbangingof tbe toinD^tobicb t0 efpeciall^ fenotoneb^tbccourfe of tbe clouDs, Dotb Declare ratne to follcto,intbattbe clouDcs beD?iuentoitb tbeiDinOs, anD tbe bapours alfo gatbercD togetbcr,lDbtcb tb;ougij t^e t^icfeing togetbcr, Dotb canfe tbe ratne to fall, anDtbcblotoingoftl)cS)oatb-lDinDS Dot^ Declarebn^ DQubtcDli? ratnetofoUoU), in tljattbofe ljDinD£ibebctanD «ioilf,anD ti)ereof ooe fo ealilT! refclue t|e bapcurs from tbe l^b 2 boDic0 ^1 Husbandly Confc(flures bDDUi$aboae»tju^uticaura^tt^erainetofalL jSlfa a gentle fout^U)tnDOot^ euermo^e (cttDoolunerame^lD^en ast^e fame beginnct^ to ccafe ano toay l!i!L ^HD t^c DcalD not falnc in t^c accudomcD f0afon,anu be^ ginmng tlien to fall, 15 a Cure tol'en of ratnc to enfucjin tjiat tl^ c Datoe fallet^ not in tl)e accuaomeD fcafon^Uilitc^ perfects Is oeclaretb tbat t^e tapoarjUc^icb be in t^c matter of ceUj bet^encarieD^pU)tt|)ot^eri3)anD fot^tcbneD together tn# toaraintedonDe* ano toljen tlje l^^tn-boto appearetlj xxi tljc mojniugjbe^ fo^e tbe mioi)l6 of ttie isai? in tbe toed, and i\z It&e at afters none toljoaro tbe etsening in tbe(^aMotb tinDonbtebli? Xiz» dare long raine to foiloU?« SinotbelSain-botD appearing tn a faire Da)?, isotb Declare raine to foUoU),but appearing after foule U^eatber, Dotb ^^^ xiare faire Ijaeatber to enfue* and tbe Hatn-bolju appearing tn \^t fontb^^^claretb xmCi raine to folio tD,anb appearing in tbe liieQ, oeclaretb tbnn^ Der ant) a fmall raine to folIotD,anD appearing abont tbe t* uening in tbe eaa^botb paomife fatrc toeatber* ano tbe greener tbe Hatne^bolju a^all appeare^fo mucb tbe longer raine ootb foUoto.But tbe reooer i^% Kain-boU) Dotbappeare,eaen fo mucl) tbe bigger alfobotb tbe toino enfue. anbiftbe fame appearetb in faire tseatber^tbcnbot;) it Declare botb raine anD toino to enfue« anD \^z \i^z a Hain-bob) appearing about tbefpooneo^ about i^z ligbt of a canole, bedaretb raine to follotD* ® anbtl23oitatn-boljue£; apptrartngat one tini0,a£Stbeonc banging ootuniDaro fromtb^butb? % ^\t otber ii^ain-boUi from tbe ^o:tb,Doe Declare raine to foUoljo* anD iDbcn VcjZ clonOiS ano luinDs D^iue one lua^, oa info one quarter togetber, tedaretb rain to fololo toitbout Dcut. janD noti) tbefe felD CeleSiall toUens b^re rebearreD,arc botb manifedf trueilubicbanp pcrfcn of fmall ^nololeDge map ligbtl^ concciue anD truelp p^ognolftcate t}pon» ^no furt^er^t^e eart^l^ (igneis be t^iefeia;^ firS ^"^tn i^^i ^apoora offaire westlicr. y^ tapours bjcat!) out of t&e eartb,as tSjc lifee id manifefilp feie b^ cnCring info an^ oeepe tsault oj ceUour tnocr tbe eartfj, being 0fpedaU\» tuittjin a citie o^ great totone , anD t&at t&o p;ia? giaeit) foati) a mis&tiefiinfee, tfjat tfjenraine ooct^ l^o;tI^ after folloto* ano anotljcr note alfo of tlje eartfj is,fcDl)en timely in t^e inof U^ad^ing tbemfelues in tl;at ioater^Doe Declare raine to enfue^ jUnr) t\}z like Doe t|)e riuer foDules bg leaning y4 Husbandly Conicdures* ttietoaf errant) coaeCtngt|ie ^eDotoe , ggmfierattteto toU Sho tbe (E^cer^ mabtns a lout) notCg togeti^er, ant filing, toe 6gntf[e a tempetl to enfae. 0nt)t|)e^eeg teeing t^cir (on^ neerer^ome t^anca# 0omabl)e,ooe Declare a temped ^ ant rainie loeat^er to en^ (ae. ant tDjen t^e fl^ape totoart tje euentng, at tjetr oamins tnto fold,to feet) mo;e earneai^ m t^etr going, ant tahe no care of t^e il^ep^ert^xailtng ano crptngHnto t^em,ano tdat fcarceli? U)tt^ arobett to be o;iuen fo;iDarD, oo after figntfic rainetofoUotD« ^tio t^ebirD nameo tje pie5Cbattermg mo^e t^tn mttof inablp,Doetb after declare raine toenfne. antt^e flxitne taaU^tng fo;t^,tearing ant tiiotng ^anofnb of ^a^^ toe te^ darerainetofollolD^ 0not^eifrogd making a greater notfe t^encu&omabl^, to teclare raine to enfae : ant if tlje tetu appeare not in t|ie tno;ning,fo tbat tbe fame be not bint;et t|);oagb tbe Itint, after 6gni6et^ raine o^ txoft to enfne,ant t^iB accosting tn^ totbetimeoftbe^eare, # 2nt tbe ^pen licking tbebtofeis oftbebinter feet,ant a# gainti tbe l)aire,ant l^tng all alike on tlje rigbt fite, to te^ dare raine to follotp. ant beginning to raine^tf tbe ^icen feete greetilier^toe tiben tedare tbe longer continuance of ratne. 9nt t|)e £)re beating toitb tbe fojefcDt, totb cither Declare raine o;tcm^ pedtofollotp* 0nt tbe toucdcomming later bnte tbe tone-boufe tbcn cu]!omabl^,totb tedare ratne to fotloU). ^nt t^e fount of belis o; docket beart fnrtber off t^en cuaomablr , totb te^ dare ratne to follolu,ercept tbe fame be canfet cf toint. Of thofe manif eft fignes which declare faire and drie weather to follow. Chap. 8. Ai^t fira,U)ben eitber t^t g>un rifetb, n^ felt etlj dcare, fo t&at \)t be net ccueret of ani? ciou^s,tot|) t^en Cgnt^ fie faire Ujeatljer ttjat tag foI!o^ing:q[ if in tfje 2 um riling, anij of rlie weather. 7f mv circle ^ppcareft about tiim oftimtsi tclomsmt^itatf clinett) tinto a ficr^ rconcs.o;^ t|iat t^e ^m hzames pafiTmg t^ojotD (r)CClou^5,(lfealbc rcD anD long(fotljattl)efacamps feeme liUe(]^ct0)artD rcD frattcrcD toUijout tl)e circle, 5ot5> t^cR p;iomtre nug^tte lotaDis to foUoli?* andttie d)anrettttigreD , Dcclaret^irameto folIoU),anli if after tlje feuns fetting in t^c ^cff , rco ficr^ cIoqob (Ijall app0are,tt Dcc(arctl) aCTureolp tuma to fotfoljp« ^iiD itt^t &un d^eU) reD,o; t^nto an ^^enge colour before 810 letting,efpcciall^ fo j a great feafon before tiis fitting, 0^ tn a mancr tboaoiuont t^e lu^oie isa^ , ant> tbat m t^e f^zU, $e appeare of a great btgnet; , it ooetli t^ndoubteolie lignt6e luinDtofeUoU?« ane tl^e ^nnnenfinggot^ant) not fljDtnchling,Declaret(s lointie to foUoU) : 1 if t^o^nn in tbertfing appeare f^olloto, Dedaret^ either toinDo^raine to foUoU) : ano if t^e &un be feltbot mani? Dated toget|)0r, Doet^ after fignige o;oisgt)t ano tDinoeiG! longconttnuinp;. ianD if tbe ^ un in tbe lointer time totoart) W fetting O^al fl^eU) clearer ano reDOer t^en cultomabl^^anD tl)at tbe no^t|3 lDini3,o;(pme otber colD totno (^ali t^en bloto,tt oot^ Qgni^ £[e froft t^at ntgbt foUotuing. Sinn t^is oeclaret^ deertng of tbe tiieat^er in t^e time of ratne,\Di)en a$ a b^tg^tnelTe ano cleering appearetb in t^e ^o;t^-part>anot^atint|)e^outt)-part appearetb rijoelled doaO0 ^eapeo together* ano tDben after tbe ^un fetting, tbe element appearet^ bleU),ano feU) Harre^s appeare^ ano tbat tbe oeVo be fmaU^it W:^ Declare fatre loeat^er tbe oa^ foUotstng. anDifintbemo;ninga mill appeare , lobic^ after tge ^nnne is rifen, falleti) Doton^ljoarD, ano rifetb not tploarD an^ mo^e to be (eene of an?? tt Dedaret|) a fatre Da^ foUoto^ tng. HnD U)^en mani^ iB^ite douDt; appeare , efpecialli? in tbe Meft(neere tnto t Je eartl))anD in t|[e ettening,anD t^is fo j; ttoo 0^ t^aee Daie0 together tn t|ie tointer time, it Declaret^ tmt^ colo anD fnob) to^nfue^ lanD: 76 Husbandly Conieflures 0nu a troubling of tlje aire tnto ramc , i t^atfjedonts betijer.to^itcrttjencufiomabl^jtiEclarstb fnoto to enfue, cfpeciall^ tjalien after fucg an appearance of tlje t!outi£;,t|)a aire be felt fometot^af ^ot , t^iong\) tge j^eat iDt^tci) i& t^m (entfoatbonfoftliecloQrsiES. Sm toben tl^e cloni^i$ D;tne onetoar^ano tljetDtnt) ano^ t^cr , ano risi)t asainC tbe going of t^e cIouC0, octt) Declare faire lucatljer fo foIoto^jSnii t^e reabn of tl)t0 is^fo^ t^at t^z iDino blotoet^ conf ran? tnto t^e going of tbe clonD£(,tD|i([i D;ietJ t^em in fac^ fo^t f {lat t^t^ cannot raine ootone* anD tbe fiar£( ieznt to ran o; ll^ot , Declare tutnD to arifa ont of t^at qiiarter.anD if ti)e^ (Igoton euerr (ioe^tiien tde)? Declare iDino tofoUoto out ofalltlio quartern. anD if t^e Carres in t^e wintertime appc«re biigl^ter tl^en cullomabl^.Dcclaret^ a great coloe to enfue. SLnn t^e fiarreg tttitnc^Ung int^etDtnter>Dot^ Declares great coloe ^nDbigfrolltofolloU)^ anD if t^e lSar£( be tene greater, botb in ligbt anD bignei^ tl^en cQltomablr^Dotb t^en DecIareioinD to foUols. ;3nD if tlje I15at£; do flie about timelier in t^e euentng, anD tno;eoft^emt(;encuaomabli?, Dot^ tJienDeclar^aireanD i70t bDcatl^er t^e nept Da)? foUotoing* 0nD iftbe ^ome after tt)etl;irDDa^ of ^er cfjange, appca# retl^ in tbe MzUMt^ dcare anD faire t)o;neMnD ^atb no mia about l^er, Declaret|i faire tueat^er tofolloU^eali t^aC quarter* 0nD if tbe $9 one appeare fmal anD reo^ano t|a( adfo tbe fame part oftlje mone^tDl^ic^ t^tn l)atb no itg^t of tbe fun, appcareti) cleare^anD U^it^) a certaine D;iuing(a0 it feemetb tnto t\)t eie^Dot^ Declare U)inD to folloU) out of t|at quarter from U)|iic|) tj^e colours come, anD about t^e ^oone De# part* anD if tbere appeare one cleare circle about tl^e ^mnt^ tobicb fone taniC^et^ aU)as , Dot t) t^ien Declare raine to ro!# loUi. anD iDl^ere t|e Hain-boU) appearetb but of ttoo colours, as reODe anfr(UotP;anDornoot^ercolonrS;Dcciaret& faire toeatjier oftlie wcsthcr. 77 b^aflier fo foHoUi* Sim Itgljtnnig fecne in t\)c cucnmgrj iDitlpout tljuHDcr antj cloutis ^ ano toat often together > auD ngEfc t^e 0art&,occlai etl) a faire Da^ fcUolDtng. jano tlon^B imK Ithe tjnto fiseceis ot U)£d11 , fcatf creD m f ^je aire.ano tljesunnebe tljcn of agcoD ^eig^it, Dcdaict^ faire tDcatb^rtocnfue. :anD tbeipo.rtljiyfnt) (lrong!i?ljIotuuig5aIt!)£>tigl) it catjfct!) tManii^louos, Dot!) newcrtl}elcscaufe tail euicat^cr fojufuc fo;tftcnio;eparf. HnD tl)0 noifc oftocDDs , am mticfj mmmtiQ of t^e Ieauc0 , Hots Declare iDinoe ano a tca^peH to enfue* ;anD tfte iKitcs piaptng f loauering about in tijc aire, anB tfjat t^e one fciioVcctl) tlje 0ti)er in t^inr flDing , Declare a ^ot ano faire Da^ to foUoU). ano iflittIe£iic5,romeU>tat&efo;etl}e^unne£t retting,Do gather rounD on a Ijeape before t^e ^unne , anD p!a\? tp and OoVPne^Declare a faire anD l)ot (eafon tge ncict Dat? foUotDtng^ jano if a U)6ite fmoUc be rifen before tlje riling of tbe g)pn, ano after tl)e &an fcttmg, t3pon tlje toateris, martlhes , and meDoU7cs,itDot()rtgm6e^Qt anD fatrelaeat^ertbcncrtDa^ folloluifig : anD if tlje fame appearctl; in ttje mo;ining , tften: faire U)catl)crt5)at Dai? : anD ifatmgl)t , tljen fatrg loeatjcr ti^nertDapfcIIolDing* 0nD tbe ^^eDget)og , to^jere fjc lietlj makef b f too toIes,f l&c mt opening totoarD tbe no?tb, 1 tbe otber totoarD tlje foutb, anDtotficboftbembetloppetb/romtberamepartt^etDmDe arifetb : 1 if botb at once,t|ien great Coje of luinDe to folIoUj* anotbe^IroUittmelg calling in tbe moaning, Dcclaret^ faire toeatber to toHotD: but crolDingfcftls in ttjeenening, teclar^tb atempctttocnfue* anD tbe CrotDc calling baUilsttoice 0? tl;jice tog5tl)er, Declaretb ^ tempelt to follolu^ 9nD tbe Dogge toalloli^ing on t^t eartb , Dedaretb a great luinDe to foiloii) : anD I^tngon fyB rigt)t fiDe , Dotb figniae a fnnpetttoenfue* i^nD £Dj:cn aifo Iping on t^e rigbt fiDe,Declare a tenipel! fo M«e;but tf)e;©yelrmfiontbeleftriDe, Dcclarctl) faire iuea^ ill tjiejc y% Husbandly ConiccS ures ttierCo foUotD« atiDt^oHauen aanoing gaping agatnl!tl)e ^uniiCjUcclarit^ a l)ot tocatljer to cnfuc. ^nDtbeHamsfljipping oftner tljen cuComablv , tftbcij but togetticr iDttl) tt)ctr tf caD^t.nedarc a tcntpra to folio\D . « <3nDnianplongU)£b£; (iDljicljfome calltljefpittleof tljc ^nnne)t)atuing in tt)c aire > Declare Uiinoe o; Um)^ztt to fob IoUj* j^nti tl)0 Hamme not changing ^is boice in fairc toeatljcr, Declaretb tlje tsngcrconttnuanceoft^efame, asromeanci^ jnt men to;itc* 0nD a Darbneis of tbe aire after raine>Beclaret() faire toea^ t^er to enfae(as moft aatftoafs loaite*) ^no tDl)en man^ ^mtts of fire ( D;»atuing tl)e taile after tl)em)appesre in tl)e aire, Ufee tinto tl)e ftmting of t^e ttarfi, ijDbict) \y^ fim t^apo^ii) running i Opining It^e tnto t^e lig^t of tt)e aar5^ o^aU^ing after t()em a taile, t)ot^ Declare loino to folloU)^ 0nDif fuc!) tapours fi^mte out of man^ quartert: of t|)0 aire, tbe^ Declare runD;^^ tDinDgtoartfe, anDbot^t^unDer anD lightning out of tbofe part£;« SinD tt)eD;ine(reoftl)ing2:ibi?afuDDain mancrintljcloim fertime,anDnorainieU3eatbcr,libeasofpaper, ttje spar^ ble aone, anD fuc^ li^c, Declare froU anD colD ljueat!)£r to en^ fue. 0nDU)ben Crane£i^tein 0ratg^to;Der, anDnotbetiDing o> turning again,it Declaretb faire tueatber to enrue,fo;j tbat ttje^ flic not in fucb o^Det bijfo^e ttjep fee tbe toeatber cleere. ^nD tbe cIouD0 alfo in tbe cleere aire carieD bpU}arD,out of tPbat quarter oftbe Clement tbe fame be, Doetpgnifie tb^ U)inD to artfe out of tbat quartet. ^nDiftbeclouD£(b^apeD togetber, bpD^atuingneere tl^e ^unne be fcattereD^anD tt)i0 cauCeD from tbe no;tl^,Declaret^ U)tnDtocnfue* 0nDChotu falling in ttie beginning of froU, tfttie fame fall t)ei*^rmall> Declaretb t^t miQ^titt colDe tofollotoe : but if tbe fnoio) fall btgge;, t^en afuDoaine ttiabae of t|)e froQ to en^ (tte» Sn^ of tlie weatlicr* 7^ 0115 ffieljailc falling mtbc fp:tng anD!3arueff,ticclar£t() afatrcrcaion,anDromeu)^atljDarmett)e(anicDay : anDt^t0 acco^oiitgto tlje t!meoftl)et?care« lano iran^ Djcamctb to f^ biros, it ticdaretjj JiuinD to foV Io[jD tl)c next Dai?,as l)atl3 beerte ErpcnenccD. and toinocfli in tftc temtcr bloiu about t^e mo:jnmg, but in tftc Summer about tbc caentng, ano in tbe Winter out of t|)cC'aa, anoalfomtbc Rummer outoftbeMtft* 0nD If U)inD continue long iJ^o^tb , ano tbc baruea U)inDtc, t^eclare aQilliJDintcr : buttfttietiarucabeailU tt)enatDinoicijuin# The Booke of the Art or craft of Planting and Graffing. To graffc fruite that fhall haue no core. Take a gra^e ant bolB botti ends; combing, ant) cut botl^ enDfli graff-toifcano To fatten t^em into tbe ttocbe* ano ifttgrotDfotoit!) t^etree, cut atoa^t^ie great eud, anoUC i^z fmaller eno groU),ano t^i0 fruit O^all tiaue no t^iu To make Apples red. Jfroutotllmafee apples reo, tafee a graffeof an ^pple froe,anDgrafifeittn aaoc&eof Cimeo^Cloar, anu it ^all feearereo apples, aifo ijoumarbojeatjolcinanapplc-troe to tbe pitMnu temper it toit^toater of to'^at colour i^etuill, ano tbcn put it in tje tiole^ano ttop it toitf) apin, % t^e apple il^albe of tbe fame colour tbat i^ou put in tbe tree« 3tistobenoteD, tbateucr^tratbatigplanteb tpon^* a-ambcrtsoat)int^eeart^,ftalln0tpm(]&, but pjoueanii cometopjofite. To m ake the Pear-tree beare much fruit. 3f vou toill baue a pear-tree full of fruit,o j clfe afmucj adS it ^atj bin toont to beare, temper ^camon^ tuitft toater,anD ^\xt It into a bole tbat is piercco to tbe pitb of tlje tree,ant) If op f be bole toitb a pin of tbat fame trfie,o; of anctbcr^ano it ttjal ^eare m it U)as iJDont^and mucb mo;e plentituU* HI 2 a«& 8o The Art of Planting ^nt) if f ton tDiU l)aue f tjeat f o fmcl lifee fpiceg,05 as wufk, o> balme,o;i oti)erfpice£(: niafecan tjole in Ite fojt in tftc tr^, an^ Cop it agatnc, ano tljc frmt fl^all Cmel ano fauoa after tl)e rp!cc0« To rcuiue an old tree that is decayed. 3! an olB tree b^^ln to toapc oaic, Doe in ti^iB toife quicfeen !)im againe.fo tljnt t\^': cares t^at are about tl)e roteg be Done aloa^>anD£!c8uettoo o; tfe^ce of (be greatcd rmtea U)it^ an aj;e,3nD pat a toeDge into t^e cleaning, anB couer flje rente a^ gaine U)it|) tl)e fame eartb* Note alfo. fierce t^c tree t&o^otj) toit^ a piercer crolTe ttDite,oa tuitl^ a iDtmbie^anD tljc arengttj of t^e tree l^al begin to toaj; ]^ong» How to make a fourc fruit tree bring forth fweetefriiite. 3f ^ou tjDill ^mta frnifetr^ t^af isfoure, to bee mabe ftoeetefruitjbeluetfjetreercunbabonfjf bung tl)er03tgU3it^ piggc^i tung,anti fo (l^all f t|e fruit be mabe ftueete: alfo make an ijole in t^c foure tree tott^ a piercer to tt)e pitb^ f into t^e liole put luater tempered toitti t)OH^, anb aop t^e yole againo l;oit^ a pinne of tlje fame tree* The ordering of an Almond-tree, WaUnut- tree, Cherry- tree^and Peach' tree, ^uttl&efecrnels of lDl)ic^ of tljcfe pre Uull in toater foure bates, ano t^en put mani? I^erneis together into tbe eartt) o^ feueraU?:anb lu^en t^ep fp^g ano be grotoen out,anb ^auc fifflb fo a Uiljole peare, tben tafee tljem out of t^e grouno, ano rettt!errtt&enb>l)erepoutuiU.)anoiti5 tobenoteo, t^atofe* uerietrdet^eb^ancbcsmuabecutiit fetf (uptime, fanet|e |aeacl)-tree,ljDl^icl| mud f)aue W b;ie baancl^es cut cnelr« How tonouriHithePeach-trceiif Jtbeginto wither. 3f tbe 13eac^« f rd^ begin to luit^er, let fjim be toell mciff e^ webatttjcrmtetuitb b;eg£; of tone, ano tl)e fame moidning Hjall feeepe tiim from (fteboing of bis (raiterano fome fap^ttiat if tbe rctes bee mo^eencb toit^ u>at£r of t^t bkjcocticn of beanes, it (ball quicken tbe tree grcatip : anoifbeecaabiies^^ fruite er« t^s b^e ripe, ntafee ^olestoitj) aXdimblein tba team, and Graffing, 8l mfcS;! mafscpms ofU)illoU),anD fmitcfljem faSinpanttlie fruite iJi)di abm on fad cnougl;« How to water plants when they waxe dric. gt (ball i3C gtDD f ijoatcr tbem toljcn tl)c tinn is u?tc in tire firtt ^carc : r^icn U)ljcn t^e^ i^mt put fo;>tl) neUj cgons, leanc 120 moae grototng but t^e c^ion teljict) 15 t&c principal! f fai^ rca,t3poneuer^(!oc^eon0, all tlieot^cr cut o(f tjaiD b)? tl^ Oocfec: f Eucr as t^c? coc grotu fmall ttuigg about tlje (tccfec, l?e a^all(tn Vgt monet^ of spare!) ano ap^ill) rut tl)em all off 6arD bp tljc Uocfee^^nD if ^ou tljen ttity^ b^ eucrt? plant a p^t^ tit lyanD^ ano fo btnoe tljem Ijoit^i tuiK&U) barKe.bjiiTjO; eft- ^rs,ttl]^aUp,:ofitett)emmucl)mtbeir grotDli)* E!)en after fiue o;jfir scares groluf^jlD^cn tlje^ be fo big as \iour fin icr, 0^ ttiereabouts , i)e uia^ fljen rcmoue ani> of t^em , iuiicr^ag l^oulJDtU ^aue t^cui grolD ano remains The ordering of the Apple* tree. 31f an apple-tree begin to rotte ^ o^ m^ of t^c apples begirt to toaice ruSic,! ben t jjc bar^c of ^im is ficfee : tlicn tut it toitlj a knife,let it be openeo,ano tol)en i\)t l)umo; t^iereof is fome^ to!)at floU3en ouer, fee t^iat ^ou Dung Un^ tuel!,anD Uop Dili^ gentb^isU3ount) Ijoiti) clai?«. Tiie ordering oftheQaince> tree. snije Quince-tree all t&e timetljattjc is abletobetranf^ fat eD,^e UjouIo be remouctj cucr^ fourth '^ett-y ano t^af (l}aU tiialkeliimbeare great plentp of fruit afteriaars. The ordering of the Cherry, tree. snijc C&errf tree louetlrcolo aire ano moiS ground , hut fomeCtjerr^- trees like toelluifjillijplaccs* ffi^ebefifctfing ofCf)£rri?-treees is in tbemcnt^ of jJouemberjanD if neeoe be in t^e latter eno of January* ^m U t^t Ci)£rrv tree rot, in anp Uiife make a t)oie tottf) a piercer tncier tbe rtote , tbat tfjetoatertijat caufet^ttic rotting map IjaueiC^ue out, gtjs fuppofeo t^at tliis racDicme is gooofo^ all manner of trees t|)at begin to rot.aUo it js gooo fo; all manner of tree05to!)ini a bougl) is cut alaap , t^atttie place ibat is cut be couereu totbclapA^fomeotberDefenfitjleplafttr, fo;tl)e oefenceof t^c rame^t^attt make not t^e tree to rot* iLl 3 At 8i The Art of Planting At what time Prunes ought to be planted. SCl)e planting of Prunes in colocann nioiaie placw,f« beftin^ebauarTianD^arcli, anotfjc ttonesmutt befeta Jamjb^cDtbintbecartB, ^UJbcnt^e^baucaot) foa\»l)ole ^carcjtafee t3p t^c fpjuig0 otttjj:m, and fett^cmneepcr in tbe gronnD^ano t^c Hont^ rand lie in U;ater t^jee oaie^ ere tgc^ be ret How the Medler fhoiild be planted. C^e^eDlerlntUbeare tDClUf ^ebe pianteo, butgrafFi^ |)im in a UDliite tbo^ne callct) an l^alu • t^o;m, ano tj^e^ t^ill beare moje plenf eeufli^. The fowing of Rofes in a garden. Sf t^Du tJ3ill bane anp kofeg in t!our gariien,^ou mutt f afee ft)ct)arD pepins of t^eTame l^ofcs fbat be full ripe,ano lotoe t^em in t^eeartM^iFi^Maneo^tn^parcb , andiDt)entbeH fp^ingjtcmper tbem \3)it^ tuater, f after t^e fpace of a pcare, ^ou mutt tranttate tbem,anD Depart ttiem farther from ot^er tn tb)^at ot^er place ^on U)tlL How to plant whiteGrapcs. 3|f liontottlt^ata bine beare on one ttoe tD|)i(e (draped, auD on tbe otigcr ttoe reo , p^ouiBe t^at a iD^tte tmine anD a rcD be fet necrc togctljcr. 9no toben tbe^ be rmteo mca(ura# bl^botblthemuclj, ofeitlicr pareaU)ai?balfe endlong bpon tbepttb)anotU)inetbemtogett)er, ani}binDetl)cmro , tbat eitber fap meete toitbout oifioining, ano to^ap it bp togetliec ijDitb a fnpple linnen ctot^, and tmtv. tbirO Da^ moitt it toit^ luater till it grob), ano affer tbat tlje^ be grotone togetber, tbou mutt cut atoa\! tbe one rcDte.ano tbe otbcr ma^ beare tt : ano tbat tl^ine (ball beare botb reb(13rape0anD tobtte, not^ Uiitbttanbing tbe one rote be bone aU)a^ : ano fo t^ou maitt boe tntt^ tiuo pear- treee^oa tljpo ^pple< tr^ b^anc^e^* How to fet Vine plants two and two together. ^ouougbtfo plant ano fet pour tlSineis tljoo ano ttoa to^ get^cr^t^eoneto baueapartof tbeoloetree, anotbeotbcr mapbeallof tbelattcpon : but^uben \>tt plant toitb binia part of t^eolo tree, \)z t^allcommonl^tafeerajtefoncrtbeit tbe and Graffiiig* 8j f^cnetDC^on. ^oumuau}aeoet^em0uert?monctl), anDiet nottl)ccartt)bc tcDClofc about t^ctr rentes at ti)e firH.but novo anD tbcH IcDfc It tDiti) a fpaoe as ^c lljal fee a rains paft, fo; t^en ti)t^ (^all enlarGCianD put fetlj better* To make Grapes grow on a Plum-tree,or Cherry-tree, anortpou feillbauc (SrapesgrotDon apiom tra^o; a Cl)errp- tree,fet a tisine tnoer one of tbofe ttoo trees , iDticb \!on \x)\\{ : anD ijotien t^e tmine begmnett) to grotu^bo^e t^e o« tber tree ttjo^joto \3i}iti^ a piercer , acco^tiing to t^ie greatnes of t^e mmtt^m o jato ttje ^ine tbo^otu tbe tree^a"^ pare auja^ tbetpperenDoftbefame^llltntj as farre as it O^alibe in tbe i)oIe,ano fo futfcr it to groto : antj tob^n botl) be iojpneti togc^ ti)er,cut atiaa^ tfje rote enDe of tbe tmme bi? tl)e tree, ano co# uer toat place toei U)itb gcoD eart^ of ttiat cutting and D:aUi^ tngoftbe^inetbo^otDtbe tiole, anD tt^e cutting atoapof tbcrcDteoftbe^tne,anDtl)atmullbeDonein 5>aret) : anD (oinemeniDiIlfaritmBft be bone ere tbefenotsbcginneto burgen, tbat fo: tbe ftraitD;aUjingin,tiieburgensbeenot l^urt* 0 J ^ 5 oaiea olo,fo^ t^is quarter of ti)s ^gene !£5 niott temperate. Notealfo. Caere planting is to bt DifpofcD fo,tl)af t^e g>an beamed ina\: come to tfte rote, o;j to tljc eartn , froai t&e ^sure of tliaee ijnto na)ne,ano be plantiD in tlje befi niannen ano tlje trees t!)at be bearing ano of great ^eigljt , tlj^t part t}^^t aooDto^ iuaro tr)c i;> oztt),mull be fct agamOc tbe ipio^tt) ujinOjanti t^c j5io;tl)U3efi tuinoe : fo? ttje l)tg5 ji^otb toinD^anD tbe i^o;tii^ \s)eh iDtnoe , b^ kmoe ooct^ kill ano D^te too mucb tbe treeis tljatbeneto fet fo;tbeir t^nmeafurablegreatnes: tt)e eartlj alfo mutt be o^ueineo ro,tl)at it be neitljcr tm fat no^ grauellrj butp;opo;tionabl^« How to fct all manner of pcpins.kcrnels^and graines in the earth. M mancr ofpcpuis^bernclis, anb grameg , muOfae fef m f^e cartb,m ocepnes offoureo^ fine fingers b^oao, tbateac^ be from otfter balfe afoote : alujaics keeping tbis fpecial rule, tbat tbcenooagraineof tbepepintbat llanos nertttierootc beji^o^tbeattin tiiefetting, anotbatotbcrcno tpUiarbto^ U)avDl)caum. ano tbat rou mcitt tbcm ttuice 0^ t}^ntciti tbe oap, not rotting , but oeUjing 0; fpatnUltng* Cb w iB a p;iuit\! among cunning men , tljat in tlje fp^ing is mol! con«» ueniabiB time fo^ fceDcs, gcaincSj ano pepins ; ano Autumn fc^fpjingsanoplantsi* Of the manner and changing of the fruit of the Pepin-tree. Mb^roeueri^oa ooe replant; 0^ Change ^our pepin- tr^es from place to place, tn foremouing often tbel!ocke,t^efruite thereof O^all alfo cbange , but tbe fruite lu^icl) ooetb come of graffingjtjotl) altoaies k^gpefbefowc ano nature ottbe tree lob^reof be 16 tahen : fo^ as often j bauo faio , fo often as tbe pepin tr£e5 be remoueo to a better grouno, tfje fruite tljereof i^all be fo muci) amenoebf How and Graffing. 83? Howyouniay mak^ anOtchardin • few yeares. ^omc Doe talte vong ffrai'sljt Hips , toljicl) uce grols) from ff)erQ)tC£{,o; of t{jefiD0sortl)eSpp!c trees, about qpidjaeli* ni3£i,anD do fo plant ano fet tijsm iuit!) oatcs in goD grountj, lu^crcas t^e^ f^all not be remoucD, ano fo graife being tuell rrotcD tljercon. jIDtftcr foitic 00 tafee and fet t^sm in tlje rp;»nig time after nametp,in )^arnett,fo^it is na great oifficultie in tfje ^P5(ng«3gainfi tbe comming of toin? ter, fet o^dic^e about t^e fetting mani? bougbes , tbattbo ^o;tbern tuinoe,o;j greatneffe of otbertoinosbearo)? it not: aifo put oi:nge mingleo Isitf) draio about tbe doche tolparD tbe rcDte,of agoot) tbickaes^ tbat froS ano fnolju congeale net an tbe rotetano mahe a tieepe balle? about tbe roote,tbe fpace 8-f fire o; feuen fojte, ttjat tbe loater abioc no! ano freife about tbe rtDtc in barueajtbat is^betlucen fummer ano U)inter,tbat iDben tDinter commetb^tt ma^ be mieo iuitb Dung,anti fo let it (iantj all tbe totnter: ano in tbe fpjing, put t)noer t\^z tinng ne\jDeartb,anDcutaU)a^aIl t&e Unprofitable b^ancbes^ ano mafee it iUmc about tbe ftocfee ano tbe rotes^rom tooames, fcurfes, ano molTes ^ano from zixiW Ijoee^es going about tbe b^antbcfif • all tbe clofe of tbine^^cbarotyboH^befetuboue ipitb otber bigb trees tbat beare no. fruit, tbat tbe floures ungbt be feept fafe from iDinocs. lino beloare tbat no fruits bee gatbereo of an^ tree before tbe time , fo^ tbat i^ a rigb^ fireat,ano p^iute barming to tbe tree. How and Graffing, $y How you may kccpe Cherries good a ycarc. 3f rou teonlo beep dl^mm scot) a ^txt; \?c Qjal cut off t^e l!allic0 , ano then la^ tljiem m a UjeII IcaoeD pot , ano fill i^t Xaio pot \xyitl) Ciicrrics : t^cH put tsnto tljcm of gcDU tfjin feon^ nie^antj fill t^c pot alfo lljerlBitJj.Mljicl) oone,ttoppc it tuttl) cla^ t^/at no aire enter in, tljcn fct it in feme faire cellar, ano put fano t^noer ano ail about tt^ano couer tl;e pot lju(tt)al,aiid To let it !f ano ca rcmaine : ttius ^e nia^ fecepc tljem a \?ere, as frcO^a^tljoug^t&c^ came from t^etroe. 3nD after t&tgfo^t ^c mag feape peares o; otljer fruit. How you may fet Chefnut!^. CIjc Cbefnut tree men cotjfe to plant lifeebnto t|)Cfigge treeeXjrep ma^ be botl) planfeo anD graffeD toelljtbe^ toapc toel in fre^ an9 fat eartt),fo.: tn fano tl;e^ li^c not, Jf ^e VuiU kt tl)e &ernel0,ps 0^aU la^ t^em in toater tintil tt}ep Do fink, anDt^ofet^atoset^n^c tott)ebcrttome of tl)elJDatcr bebeS to fet,U)6icl) i?e l^al fet in tftc monet^s of ^oucmt er ano Dc^ cember/oure Ungert; Oe^pe^ano a fcite one from anottjer : fn^ ljD;)ent^e^beintt)ofettoomonetl)sfeto^pIanteD, tt)c^ \Dill enonre l0ng,and beare alfo gcoo fruit« ^et fome tljere be ti)at plant o; fet tt)em fird in Dung,li^e beane£(,tD^tcl) U)ilbe fbjec^ ter tljen tl)e ottjer fo^t , but tbofe VoW\) be fet in tlje ttoo mo^ n£t^5afo;^efait)(^aU fird beare tbeir fruit : menmai^paouc U)gict) id be(l,e):perience oot^ teac^. %\^i0 is another tuaij to p:oue ano knolD ln!)icf) C^efnuts be b^tl to plant o; fet, tt;at Wj^ee^all tafee a quantitie of ^uts , t^en la^ tliem in fano tbe fpace of t^irtg Dates, tticn tafee ano toal^ t^tm in toater faire ano cleanc,an0 t^^oto t^em into U>ater ag£in,anD tljofc tljat Doe finbe to tfte bottome,are g©o to plant o; fet, ano tlje otljert^atftDtmarenauglit : tfeusma^ r^Dotoit|i ailotber Mernelao;nutd« The order how to plant or fct trees at large . SCbts ougl)t to be conlioereo of all grafifers f planters, tljat pemuftgiue a competent fpacc from one tree tjnto anotljer, ^m a to^sft 88 TheArtofPlantiag isj^snai^cgmaftefije^olesta fetC^cmin, notf© tiig^ itoi t^at one tree toucti another* ^o j a gooD tr^c planted o: kttc iiieU at large, p;crfltetl) Qftenttme£; mo^e of fruit, t^cn t^.zee o^foare trees fet too nig^ together. SD^iemollgreateliantJ lar^eS trees cotnmonli? are Mal-nut0atti)CtJcf-nats*3f|JC plant t}^tm feuerallp in ranfee, as t^e^ Doe commonlp groloe "bpon Ijigt) luaies , beSoe ^cogcs in fielos , t^et? mnU be fctte due anot&irltefoote afuntier one from another, o^ t^jerea* boats : buttf^etoill plant manpranfees it: one place toge^ tfter, rei^utlfcct^Gmt^efpaceoficltj* footeone from ano^ t^er,o^ tl)sreaboat0:ant) fo tarre ve mutlfet ^our ranfecs one from anot^enf oj t^c|3ear- trees ann applc-trees,ani3 ot&er fo^tB of trees, \ja^ic^ ir.a^ be fet of t^iis largeneffe one from f^e ot^er : if ^e Doe plant oml^ m ranges bt» l)etJses , in t^e {!elDs,o: otl)erU)ire,tt l^albe fu^icient efvt* fcot one from an^ ot&er: batifvjoatDtiirettUiorankcsbpontliefiDes of pour allies in garoens,Uil)ict) be cf):«o.:nt*fc8teb;oat), it Ci^alUbeni bee bsft to gttie t^tm mo^e fpace ttie one from t^eotberirt caclj ranfec,as about fine anotttientiefoote: aUopemuftnot fet ^onr trees rigbt one againtt t[)e ot§er , but entcrmcDling ojbetlxjeenecuert^fpace, as t^e^ma^ beff grotoe at large, t^at ifneeoe be,^emag plant of ot^erfmall trees bettoeene, but fe^tljat^c fet tb^m not too tl)iche* 3|f t?ou UK to fetfe oj plant all roar trees of one btgnes, a2f of i?ong trees lifee rot)S, being Pear trees o^ a?ple- trees, tljct? mad be fet a goju fpace one froai another , as Qfx0^ c;j rrp* faote ii% fqaare,as to fa^, from one ranhc to an0t{)er. if o.j to plant o; fet fmnllcr trees, nsldlum-tr^s o;2pi3!e-treesDftbe lifee bignes , it Hyalite faff. cientfoa tljcmmti.cjTt^Jootc fpace m quarters, Wntif pu Uiiil plant o> fet tU)o ranUcs in pour allies in gart)cns, l?i>umua Dculfefoj to p^opoation it after tfee largenelTe of l^osir (iiiD allies*^ iFo;j to plant o,^ fet eager c^ foboer C|)err^- trecs,tl)i3 fpace l^all be fafficient cnoaglj tt)e one from tl)e 0* ll)cr,t^ati5,ofr.o;nt.fcote! anutljerefojeifiiouma^^e great 0.2 large allies in i^oargarsen^ as of j^.footetDioe, 0^ t'oerea^ bouts,tc)ei>(l^all comelueU to paSTe, an\3l^aUbe fumeientte plant i^ourtrcesofmnec^ ten ro5tefpace ; anofo.2 f^eotfjcr IclTer and Graffing, 89 Met (o^As of tm&, nsof^umt'ttec0,0ut-tmi^y anufacl) lifee , t6eD be not commonli? plantco , but m one ranfec to%v The bed way to clcnfc and proine,or df cflc K the rootes of trees. ani5 fo^t^e better clenfing antj p^ointng trees beneath, Doe t}^uB \ t?e l^all talje aU^ap all t|)e \j3ztm antj grafTe about tje rojtgjt^en (l^al i?e tjtg tljem fo rouno about, as rou IdouIo feme to pluckc tljem tp jano l^al mafee tfeem ^alfe bare, t\im ^all ^e enlarge tbe eartlj about tl}e rootes , anD to&ere m re (l&all fee t^em grob) faire ano long ^place 0^ ccucb i^tm in tbe faio bole an^ eartb againe : tljcn H^ial tie yiut t^e mt eno of (be tree,U)^erebe is graft , fomemljatmo^eloljDcr t!)cn bis roots li3ere,lD!jerebrt)iscpnsfo graft, l^all fp^ing fo muc!) t^c better* The manner ofGi af fir. g. Cbe great fiocfee mull becbofen m goou grouno,a«bit ntuQ be fmootb anD turn , ano cuttc it U)ttljout tbe eartb tbe lengtb of a footc 0^ moje , tf it be as great as tfre tbumb,tf it be greater , looUe tbat tbe cutting be euen ouertbluart tbe flocUcanoafiDe, ano it mud be douenaboue in tljemtDllof tbepitb tbe lengtb of ttoo fingers b?cotb,f in tbecliftfet tbe graffe,tDbieb niutl be cbcrfen of tbe bed tree. Ebe ftocfee is of tbecbtefe gratfc tbat ffanoetl) rigbt t^ptoaro, tbat batb a fenot cftb2fs)jmerreare. 0noanincbbencatbtbcfaiDlinot, tixt .!b\? graffc, anD tbtoite it 01 betbfises 5 cuen in a manner of a toeoge , as far as it tt)^\\ goc info t'oe clift of tbe Hoclie , it mutt be foeucn tb\3)itcti, tbat t^c airems^ not come be^ tU)eenc tbe clift ano tbe graft , ano tbenclofe it IcitbgcoD tempereo cart!) about tljegraffc, fo? Dcfcnce ef raing anD iucatbcr* How to graft diners fruits on one ftockc. 3f tljou toilt graft oiucrs fruits tjpon one ftocbe, tbat b^tfj as man\? b;»ancbcs as tbou toilt baue grafffS en , in tmvjs b;mt\) kt a graffe , in manner anD fo.:mc as it is h\n bcfo;r, mxi euermo^ec!)ufetbe graffeon tbe ^unnc Ooe of tbe tree f^atb?areti) it, anb mvt t^^ top if ^oumav > mn t^m maifi ^m 3 tl)oa 90 The Arr of Planting t|)ougra^edtmr£(frnitBtn onecltft, batnoneof t^cmmap be t^tchtr t^ett otiicr,a0 \)our reafon U)tU tell i^ou m t^e U}o^ The way to graffe all forts of trees. gitttofallitistobtmttt}, tliatallfo^ts of franfefrc00, a0 alfo lutlD Creeg of nature^ mai^ be graft luttt) gr^^cis , ano tn tl)e fc«tc^in,antibotl) Do Uiel tafee^faut efpcciallr t&ofctras iDbtc^ be of lihe nature,t^erefo;e it iB better To to gra^eiljoUi^ ietttljc^ma^tuclIgroU) anD tabe ofotljerfo^ts af SDreej^, but ccrtaine trees be not foaiDt), no5!»ill p;ofperfo UjcUiri t^ztnt). How to grafFc Applc-trees,Quincc- trees, Pcdr-treeSjand Mcdlar-trecs. Cbei! graffe tl)e peare graape on ot^er peare Hocks i apple ftoofesjcrab o^toilomg flocks: tljeSiumce anD cpeolartipon t|)0lD^tteti)o^ne« I15nt mofl commonly t^ept^fe to grafife one apple t}pon anot^r,anD bott) peares ano quinces t^ep graffe on t)alDtt)o;:ne ant) crab l!orke« dnotber ktnoe of fruit calleo in if renclj Saulfay , tljep t3feD to graffe on tl)e lutllolt) 0ocke, t^e manner tbereof is Ijara to D05lDl)ic^ j Ijaue not fanc,an8 t^erefo^e i totll let it paffe at tbis p^efent. How to chufe your trees forgrafFes. Wi^tn t^e trees tofeeras vou intcno to gather rour graffes be fmall i r ong,as of fine o^ fire \?eares grolotb. Doe not take ttie liigljefl graff tfjerorno;^ tte grjcateft,e wpt it be of a fmall free oftico oj t^^ee peres^tfie toftic^ commonly ^at^ t© muc^ of toppe c; Idood: otljertoifc not^fo^ ^u ftall but matre ronr graffing* How you raay keepe graffes a long time. ^e ma^ keep graffs a long time ga5D,as from ai^allotottDe ( fo tbat tbe leanes be fallen ) tnto t^e time of graffing , if t^at t^t^ b e ioel coucrcD in tbe eartb, balfe a foote Deep tliere^ in,anD fo t^at none of l|iem Doe appeare tuit^out tjje cartl;^ After what manner ye ought to begin to graffe. ^e mai? Ujci begin to graffe(in leaning t^e ff ock)at C^^iff* tnasjo: before, acco jDing to tbe colDnes of t^e time , f p;inci^ galls t^e Ijealme o; great c^erri? , pcarcs, IwarDens , o; fo^^ toarD and Graffing. 9j iuarD fruit of applcfftann fo; mc uiars, it is gotj to f arrp t nfo t^ecnD of3anuar?ano jFcb;narg,t)ntil^arct),ojl3ntUfttcf| time as; ijefl^allf^e tl|e trees begin ta buo o^fp^mg* To haue fruit without cores. Co ^auc frmt Ujtt&oat co jes , Itoke ^ee ftaac a fufficient graflfe-fiocfejano tl)eretott!)(as 3 fato befo?e)cl)ufe a graffe of gcDD^erletres^ant) cut It on t^is manner: ^ge cnocoftbe graffc t^af tst3p^jDart)nGt;C t^c firmament , mnftbetfjtDiteo Itfee t^e netrjcr enD of a'commtng grafiFe,i^ t^e nether enD tur^ neo tsp'^arDtant) ttits ts to be Done tuartlp. Ci)t8 rule is true tn all trees t})at ijauc ftoncs ano kernels, but a tjine it be^ cd^ mt^ to cut t^at IS DotoneUiaroneyt tlje eart^ , U)if|) great cunning anodcigtit* How to trim yourgraffes. J^ema^ graft iiour graces ful as long as 2 ,0.2 3 . trunclji^ ons 0: cut graffcs, toljicl) re ma\? lifeetutfe graffe Ujit&all tjc^" r^ tD€l,anD be as gcoo as tijofe iD^ic^ Do come of olD U)(sD,anD oftentimes better,as to graffe a boug^ t fo^ often it fo bap^ pcnetfja manfliallfinDofoi?letsoKies&arDb^ t^coloflcu:* Der l33CBt),^ct better it toere to cut tljcm oflf toit^ t[)c olD Idcdo, ano cljufe a better f a faire place^at fome ptber e^e afo^efaio, anocuti?ourgraffes in mabing t|)e tncifilon on t&eone fioc narroU),! ontbeot!)er(iDeb;oaD, as t^e inner fioetoin, ano tbeoutCDetfjitfee, becaufe tl)8 outfioe of^our graS'e mutt iopne U)itf)in tlje cleft , loitl) tl)e fappe oa barfee of tlje tomoe 6oc&etl)at it n)all be fet in : fesalfotljat^ecut it fmootl), as rour clifts are in ttie Hoc^ in ioining f:t cuerp place botl) men ano clofe^ano efpectallt? t^e totnts oa corners of tl^e gra^s on tt)e l)eaD of tt)e Cloche r U)|)ic^ muS be U^ell ano cleanc pareo befo^^anDtl)en fet tad thereon. How to graffe vines on Cherry-trees. ^ 3f tijou \syiit baue a bine groto on a Ctierr^- tree, ano &aus t!)e tadc of cljerries, fet at3me b? a (bcrr^- tree till it grot»,f tn tge beginning of jfcuerellU)|)at time ttbe, mahea t)cle t|)o;ot0 t^ieC^errs-trcein lDl)at place t^cu luilt, ano asofi< ten as t{iou iioilt , ano o;aU) i\^q;^W t{ie liole a bjanct) of t^z 92 Tlie Alt of Planting, S^c.' t)tne,fdt^atit!illtl)el)o!c, anonbauealaa^ t[)eolt) bathe of tliat t)ine,afmucti as C&all be in t^t bol^^anD put it m , fo t^ae tt)e n^auen place of ttje b^anc^ aop ful Vgt Wt of tl)e Cljerri^ f ree^ano t^zn cue aloa^ t^e roote enoe of ttie tsine, ano U);ap ittDdl about tuitl) gooDcartf;, ano btnoe it tuelltDitlj a (ittlc clot&,anD feeepe tt iDSl in all tl)iHg0,as4n ot^er gratfings:but fome men leaue t^e roof c enD \)ncut a ^eare , till it be fols^eD h)it\) t^e Cberr^ tree,anD t^en mt it aU)ap:ani) tl^is iB a got) manner ano a Cure , ano fo tt ma^ be Done U)tt|) Otucr0 treet; of otuer^ fruit0 , ano tbe grape anO t^t i)tne (I()aU baue faue^ of tbcm : ano fo m mst^ trssmas be graffcQ anotber3 anO it teamerueiloujEisratins^ To makea trcebcare diucrs fruits. 3EfT!ou totU^aueafreebcare Otuer^frmte^janoofotuer^ colour£i,anD otuer5 (auo^s : in t^e firH^eare graffe in outers b;anc§Cj$ of a €\itvt^4ti» timts j^ppleg to tbi? U^ing , ano leaue fome of t^e b;tanc|)e5 bngra^co : tbe fecono ^eare matte ^olea t^o;oti) tbc Cb^rr^f ree, ano Daain tl)o;oU) t^ofe boiei$» Dme b;ancbe0 > tbe titer eno Qanen otf^aei is before fato:ano in tbe fame manner t^;otD another bole reo i^ofe , ano ooe tberetottb as before tsfato of tbe tine ; anot^ts otuerlit^^ee ma^ tfe after ^ our oione Ufetng. F ijyjs. \ UMASS/AMHERST 312066 0333 2812 2 <> 'T^ *s>