National Endowment for the Arts NEA Research Note #104 July 2011 ART WORKS. Arts and the GDP: Value Added by Selected Cultural Industries Key Findings National => As a group, the performing arts, sports, and museum industries contributed S70.9 billion to the U.S. economy in 2009. => The motion-picture and sound-recording industries contributed S59.8 billion, while publishing (including software) added $147.7 billion. => Real value added by performing arts, sports, and museums contracted 5.5 percent in 2009, after having doubled over a 1 2-year period. States => New spending on the performing arts contributes more value to states with large and diverse economies. For each new dollar of “value added” by the performing arts industry in California, for example, the state’s economy gains $1.38. For Texas, the comparable figure is $1 .28. => The performing arts industry generates a greater number of new jobs in Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio, and Utah than in other states. In each case, more than 45 new jobs would result from an additional million dollars in performing-arts spending. Value-added refers to the amount an industry adds to Gross Domestic Product through labor and capital (plus taxes on production). Arts and the GDP: Value Added by Selected Cultural Industries 1 Overview This Research Note uses data from the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) to examine the value added by selected cultural industries to the U.S. economy. For 2009, the most recent year of data, estimates are shown for (1) performing arts, sports, and museums; (2) motion pictures and sound recording; and (3) publishing (including software). 1 Long-term trend analyses of value added by those industries are also provided. The term “value-added” has entered the popular lexicon, but has a specific meaning in macroeconomics. With reference to a nation's economy, value-added describes an industry's contributions through labor and capital. Value-added is estimated by using a method similar to that for computing the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP). To prevent double-counting, value-added excludes “intermediary costs” — or costs incurred by other industries to produce goods and services used by the industry in question. For example, outlays for toe shoes (worn by ballet dancers when dancing on the tips of their toes, or en pointe ) are excluded from the value added by dance companies because the shoes were produced with the labor and capital of shoe manufacturers. Energy costs are also excluded from value-added. When discussing national estimates of value- added, this Note fuses several cultural industries. The performing arts and museum industries are considered together, along with • sports, because annual BEA data do not permit disaggregation. Similarly, the motion-picture and sound-recording industries are combined for the purpose of analysis. Disaggregation of value-added trends for these industries is possible — but only every five years, when the BEA releases more detailed, “benchmark” statistics. The most recent of these estimates emerged in 2007, based on 2002 data. In 2002, value added by sports was $16.9 billion — over two times greater than for the performing arts ($7.2 billion). Value added by museums was $4.7 billion in 2002. Although the BEA's national value-added figures for 2009 do not separate the performing arts industry from museum or Arts and the GDP; Value Added by Selected Cultural Industries 2 sports industries, the BEA’s five-year, benchmark data do allow researchers to produce relatively recent estimates of value added by individual industries at the state level. For each state, the BEA has released “multipliers” of the value added by those individual industries to the state’s economy, as well as the number of jobs created. The BEA achieves this reporting by revising its 2002 “benchmark” figures to reflect 2008 regional economic conditions. Consequently, the second part of this Note examines patterns of value added to state economies, including job creation, and how certain states appear better-positioned to support cultural industry growth. How Much Do Cultural Industries Add to the U.S. Economy? In 2009, the performing arts, sports, and museums added $70.9 billion to the U.S. economy. That year, the motion-picture and sound-recording industries contributed $59.8 billion, while publishing (including software) added $147.7 billion. Combined, the three selected cultural industries contributed a total of $278.4 billion to the U.S. economy in 2009. Value Added by Selected Cultural Industries, 2009 (in billions) Total for selected cultural industries $278.4 Performing arts, sports, and museums $70.9 Motion picture and sound recording $59.8 Publishing (including software) $147.7 Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce Arts and the GDP: Value Added by Selected Cultural Industries 3 Travel and Tourism In addition to its main industry accounts, the BEA produces estimates of value-added for several “ satellite accounts, ” which combine estimates for selected industries in correspondence with the ac- count ’s subject, such as healthcare, research and development, and travel and tourism. Sponsored by the Office of Travel and Tourism Industries of the International Trade Administration, the travel and tourism satellite account provides estimates of value added by industries such as air and rail transportation, taxi services, and traveler accommodations. The travel and tourism account also includes estimates of value added by selected cultural industries. This account shows that in 2008, the most recent data available, the performing arts and movies (combined) added $ 38.9 billion to the U.S. economy. Spectator sports added a similar amount ($22.5 billion). Scenic and sightseeing transportation (such as sightseeing buses and trolleys and horse-drawn carriage rides) added $1.6 billion. For more information on the travel and tourism account, please see Zemanek, S. and Rzeznik, S. (November 2010). U.S. Travel and Tourism Satellite Accounts for 2004-2009, Survey of Current Busi- ness, are available at http://www.bea. gov/scb/pdf/2010/1 1 %20November/l 1 10_travel.pdf The 2007-2009 U.S. Economic Recession Overtime, cultural industries have contributed growing amounts to the U.S. economy. Between 1987 and 2009, for example, the inflation-adjusted value added by the performing arts, sports, and museums nearly doubled. contractions stemming from the U.S. economic recession that began in December 2007 and ended in June 2009. Real value added by the performing arts, sports, and museums fell by 1.4 percent in 2008; it dipped 5.5 percent the following year. Examining value-added over time also reveals that cultural production exhibits business-cycle fluctuations, including Contractions also occurred in the motion- picture and sound-recording industries and in publishing. Real value added by motion Arts and the GDP: Value Added by Selected Cultural Industries 4 pictures and sound recording fell by 3.5 percent and 2.4 percent in 2008 and 2009, respectively. After growing in 2007 and 2008, real value added by the publishing industry contracted 7 percent in 2009. Value Added by the Performing Arts, Sports, and Museums: 1987-2009 $70 uT $65 c .2 $60 2 $55 ~ $50 •§ $45 73 ro $40 0 ) I $35 1 $30 CT3 O o O CD O CD 3 cr CD NO O o 'xj c 3 CD ro o o CD K) K) M K) ro M ro ro IO ro — X — X Year o o o o o O o o o o CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD o o o o o O o o o o CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD OO 00 OO CD 00 ■vl cn cn 4- oo ro — *• o CD 00 ~vl 04 cn 4^ OO ro O CD OO ■xj CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 04 CO CO C^ CO CO CO CO CO CO cn IS) CO CO —4 Q. W C P (B ro ro M N4 ro ro ro IO ro IO ro ro — i — — ^ — 4 — 1 4 — X. 4. k — v + m — (D cn ^J cn cn oo oo o o 4^ o oo ~xj cn cn 4- oo ro oo oo — 4 ro F o CD 4- 4- cn 4- CD 4- oo oo 04 oo cn CD cn (34 00 ro r* CD CD + co (b ^ ro in 2L a. o oo Ko bo bo cn A A ro bo bo Aj bo cn A ^j o A A bn oo M O T) CD i ro n ° 3- ® cn o -J cn ro o ro ro ro ~xj o CD oo -o cn 4- CD (34 oo o o o a) 3 A Ko A CO irn cn o A A cn CD 04 bo b b cn —i. «4 iS) cn CO CO CO CO (B T3 3 CD cn cn 04 04 04 O) 04 cn cn cn cn cn -4. 4- 4^ 4^ 4- oo oo OO oo oo C O 3 — *■ cn cn cn oo cn 4^ ro oo CD 04 oo ro CD 00 cn cn ro CD CD 4- ro M 3^5' b Ko A bo ro oo A — 1 cn OO oo CD bo ■xj — * A CD A A W - W (Q “0 CD — i l i 1 i n ° 3- ® cn — *■ o oo ro — *■ ro -o — *• cn 4^ 04 OO 4- — i (34 CD o IO (34 o 03 3 cn A. CD o —i. A _v cn ro bo CD bo o cn bo bo —X ro oo CD A CD 3 03 xO xO X° 0 s x° 0 s xP 0 s v° O' xP o'* x° O'* xP x° o' X© O' xP o'* s° o' c£ xP s° cr O' N° o' xP o' CD CD o § O OO CO CO CO CO CO IS) CO iS) CO CO CO to CO CO to o ^ = o in cn cn cn cn cn cn cn cn cn 4- cn 4^ 4- 44- oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo OO 3. 2 S 04 -4 CD oo 04 0° -*■ 4- ro ro -O -o — *• o CD cn CT4 ro ro 4- 0° oo 4- KO 3 3^ cn cn A bo A 04 b b Aj A bo CD b cn cn b oo o A CO CL CD "D CD - \ l\4 1 K) ro 1 o <"> 3- ® ro oo M oo oo oo cn cn IO (34 oo ro 4- CD ro K) o 04 00 cn 4^ £44 A A cn _k A — o CD o —4. ro Aj A ro b oo cn bo bo bo A bn CO 3 03 CO CO CD CD vP xP x° xP 0 s vO xP xP O' xP xP o' xP O' xP xP xP o' xP O' xO o' xP xP xO xP o' xP O' xP xP .. ^ u OO OO CO CO CO CO IS) CO U) C (/) 4- cn 4- oo cn 4- ro CD o 00 o CD OO ■o -o (34 04 cn cn cn cn cn 03 Q- zr M oo -*■ OO -vj ro to o ro o oo 04 oo oo oo 4. 2 CD 3 3 AD CO CO CO cn ro io ro CD bo oo 04 bn bo ro bo ro ro ro bn A bo bo bn CD T) CD V 1 V v v 1 NO ro V n ° 3- ® -J M oo oo ~x| 4^ cn CD oo OO 00 ro ro ro ro OO ro o CD oo Q) 3 —A. A k> ro — i. o 04 CD Aj bo CD Aj CD CD oo oo bn A o o 3 03 CO CO CD CD xP xO xP sP 0 s xP O'' X? o' xP O' xP xP O' xP o' xP c5^ xP O' x° O' xP o' xO O' >p o' xP O' xP O' xP >P nO Arts and the GDP: Value Added by Selected Cultural Industries 17 Real Value Added by Selected Cultural Industries (Billions of chained 2005 dollars) Performing Arts State Multipliers, 2002/2008 State Performing arts multipliers Gross state product in 2008 (millions) Value added 1 Employment 2 Alabama $1.06 40 $169,694 Alaska $0.96 21 $49,186 Arizona $1.14 42 $260,454 Arkansas $0.98 40 $99,497 California $1.38 25 $1,911,741 Colorado $1.30 49 $254,218 Connecticut $1.17 39 $225,958 Delaware $1.07 34 $58,674 District of Columbia $0.88 10 $97,361 Florida $1.24 28 $747,770 Georgia $1.32 46 $405,269 Hawaii $1.16 31 $66,119 Idaho $0.94 21 $55,212 Illinois $1.30 43 $637,037 Indiana $1.09 47 $263,616 Iowa $0.93 38 $134,959 Kansas $0.97 25 $125,333 Kentucky $1.06 32 $155,592 Louisiana $1.06 42 $213,441 Maine $1.10 33 $49,972 Maryland $1.16 41 $281,659 Massachusetts $1.19 30 $365,623 Michigan $1.17 45 $375,436 Minnesota $1.17 42 $262,758 Mississippi $0.95 36 $96,713 Missouri $1.16 33 $241,344 Montana $0.97 30 $35,838 Nebraska $0.94 42 $84,884 Nevada $1.15 23 $132,270 New Hampshire $1.16 34 $58,780 New Jersey $1.28 28 $483,560 New Mexico $1.04 39 $77,168 New York $1.22 20 $1,109,080 North Carolina $1.14 50 $403,927 North Dakota $0.87 42 $31,677 Ohio $1.18 47 $470,640 Oklahoma $1.08 45 $151,850 Oregon $1.13 30 $174,454 Pennsylvania $1.22 33 $545,198 Rhode Island $1.09 43 $47,378 South Carolina $1.13 36 $159,500 South Dakota $0.86 19 $38,293 Tennessee $1.29 25 $247,796 Texas $1.28 39 $1,202,104 Utah $1.26 54 $112,353 Vermont $1.06 30 $24,636 Virginia $1.18 40 $402,853 Washington $1.16 42 $334,477 West Virginia $0.93 25 $59,039 Wisconsin $1.09 30 $239,150 Wyoming $0.83 15 $38,917 1 Dollar increase in gross state product from each additional dollar of value added by the performing arts industry. 2 Total increase in number of jobs that occurs in all industries within the state for each additional million dollars of production by the performing arts industry. Source. RIMS II, Type II Multipliers, 2002/2008, Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce While the BEA provided the multipliers presented in this Note, all analysis was conducted by the NEA's Office of Research & Analysis. Arts and the GDP: Value Added by Selected Cultural Industries 18 State Multipliers for Museums, Historical Sites, Zoos, and Parks and for Spectator Sports, 2002/2008 State Museums, historical sites, zoos, and parks Spectator sports Value added 1 Employment 2 Value added 1 Employment 2 Alabama $1.22 32 $1.16 20 Alaska $1.12 21 $1.07 23 Arizona $1.33 27 $1.28 17 Arkansas $1.11 24 $1.08 32 California $1.44 24 $1.49 23 Colorado $1.44 28 $1.48 19 Connecticut $1.26 23 $1.23 23 Delaware $1.19 21 $1.16 17 District of Columbia $0.91 5 $0.93 4 Florida $1.38 28 $1.37 20 Georgia $1.44 27 $1.44 22 Hawaii $1.27 27 $1.19 31 Idaho $1.07 28 $1.02 30 Illinois $1.46 25 $1.47 21 Indiana $1.24 27 $1.30 26 Iowa $1.05 29 $1.03 32 Kansas $1.12 28 $1.04 15 Kentucky $1.21 29 $1.23 33 Louisiana $1.18 26 $1.25 20 Maine $1.23 27 $1.19 35 Maryland $1.33 25 $1.32 21 Massachusetts $1.35 22 $1.35 14 Michigan $1.29 31 $1.37 23 Minnesota $1.32 26 $1.38 17 Mississippi $1.10 30 $1.03 17 Missouri $1.28 24 $1.36 16 Montana $1.10 30 $1.05 19 Nebraska $1.04 28 $1.04 32 Nevada $1.22 25 $1.17 26 New Hampshire $1.27 28 $1.21 31 New Jersey $1.37 24 $1.42 19 New Mexico $1.14 25 $1.10 19 New York $1.28 20 $1.29 16 North Carolina $1.26 30 $1.31 25 North Dakota $0.98 26 $0.97 16 Ohio $1.33 28 $1.39 23 Oklahoma $1.21 30 $1.21 37 Oregon $1.29 28 $1.28 24 Pennsylvania $1.37 26 $1.41 19 Rhode Island $1.22 25 $1.20 32 South Carolina $1.30 31 $1.19 33 South Dakota $0.98 28 $0.96 24 Tennessee $1.37 29 $1.43 18 Texas $1.46 29 $1.43 21 Utah $1.39 35 $1.43 27 Vermont $1.15 26 $1.10 19 Virginia $1.34 26 $1.29 24 Washington $1.33 26 $1.35 20 West Virginia $1.03 20 $1.02 23 Wisconsin $1.23 31 $1.30 21 Wyoming $0.97 20 $0.90 12 1 Dollar increase in gross state product from each additional dollar of value added by the selected industry. 2 Total increase in number of jobs that occurs in all industries within the state for each additional million dollars of production by the selected industry. Source: RIMS II, Type II Multipliers, 2002/2008, Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S Department of Commerce While the BEA provided the multipliers presented in this Note, all analysis was conducted by the NEA's Office of Research & Analysis Arts and the GDP: Value Added by Selected Cultural Industries 19 State Multipliers for Motion Pictures and Sound Recording and for Publishing, 2002/2008 State Motion pictures and sound recording Publishing Value added 1 Employment 2 Value added 1 Employment 2 Alabama $0 94 22 $0.95 15 Alaska $0 86 21 $0.83 15 Arizona $1.03 19 $1.07 14 Arkansas $0 88 18 $0.86 14 California $1.22 12 $1.25 12 Colorado $1.13 19 $122 13 Connecticut $0.98 13 $1.06 10 Delaware $0.92 15 $0.91 11 District of Columbia $0.83 3 $0.73 2 Florida $1.13 14 $1.12 15 Georgia $1.16 16 $1.23 15 Hawaii $0.96 15 $0.92 13 Idaho $0.85 8 $0.83 13 Illinois $1.17 14 $1.20 13 Indiana $0.97 22 $0.96 14 Iowa $0.84 21 $0.81 12 Kansas $0.86 22 $0.89 11 Kentucky $0.94 22 $0.98 16 Louisiana $0.95 15 $0.96 15 Maine $0.97 14 $0.96 17 Maryland $1.10 15 $1.09 12 Massachusetts $1.05 13 $1.16 10 Michigan $1.04 17 $1.08 14 Minnesota $1.06 18 $1.07 12 Mississippi $0.90 8 $0.85 16 Missouri $1.01 17 $1.04 11 Montana $0.87 24 $0.84 18 Nebraska $0.86 8 $0.82 13 Nevada $1.06 14 $0.93 12 New Hampshire $0.90 11 $1.05 10 New Jersey $1.09 12 $1.15 11 New Mexico $0.99 14 $0.87 14 New York $1.16 9 $1.02 9 North Carolina $1.00 18 $1.03 13 North Dakota $0.78 6 $0.76 9 Ohio $1.04 20 $1.10 14 Oklahoma $0.96 20 $0.99 16 Oregon $1.00 15 $1.07 13 Pennsylvania $1.09 15 $1.16 14 Rhode Island $0.94 14 $1.01 12 South Carolina $1.00 22 $1.01 15 South Dakota $0.77 19 $0.74 15 Tennessee $1.33 13 $1.11 15 Texas $1.33 16 $1.23 14 Utah $1.12 21 $1.18 16 Vermont $0.97 22 $0 90 14 Virginia $1.02 14 $1.10 11 Washington $1.04 17 $1.11 11 West Virginia $0.87 9 $0.81 14 Wisconsin $1.03 17 $1.01 14 Wyoming $0.82 22 $0.75 17 1 Dollar increase in gross state product from each additional dollar of value added by the selected industry 2 Total increase in number of jobs that occurs in all industries within the state for each additional million dollars of production by the selected industry. Source: RIMS II, Type II Multipliers, 2002/2008, Bureau of Economic Analysis, U S. Department of Commerce While the BEA provided the multipliers presented in this Note, all analysis was conducted by the NEA's Office of Research & Analysis Arts and the GDP: Value Added by Selected Cultural Industries 20 Endnotes 1 Estimates of value added by performing arts, sports, and museums include the related industries of promoters, agents, and independent artists, writers, and performers. 2 Taxes on production consist largely of general sales and property taxes. Taxes on production exclude corporate income taxes, which tax profits rather than production. For more information on the three components of value- added, please see the BEA’s Gross Domestic Product by State Estimation Methodology (2006), available at regional/pdf/gsp/GDPState.pdf . 3 In 2010, 6.9 percent of the civilian labor force was self-employed. Among writers and authors alone, the proportion self-employed was 41.7 percent. Current Population Survey, Annual Averages for 2010, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 4 French, D. (201 1, Jan. 21). “What Mick Jagger Knows About Making Money in Music.” The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved from Economics-Blog/201 1/0121/What-Mick-Jagger-knows-about-making-money-in-music 5 The state-level BEA multipliers presented in this Note are not comparable to those used in several well-known studies of the economic impact of the arts — for example, Arts and Economic Prosperity III , a 2005 publication by Americans for the Arts. AFTA's figures are based on 1 56 participating communities, and capture the impact of additional spending by nonprofit arts and cultural organizations. In terms of job creation, AFTA focused on full-time equivalents, or FTEs. The BEA state multipliers, meanwhile, are based on nationally representative surveys, as well as the U.S. Economic Census. The multipliers discussed here reflect specific cultural industries, such as the performing arts or publishing. The BEA multipliers also make no distinction between nonprofit and for-profit establishments. Finally, the state-level employment multipliers capture all jobs, full-time and part-time alike. 6 In 2010, California's GSP was $1.9 trillion. Texas’ GSP was $1.2 trillion. For a list and ranking of GSP, please see BEA’s Gross State Product Interactive Map, available at http:// . “Output” is defined as change in final demand, or change in output delivered to final users. 8 t National Occupation Employment and Wage Estimates by Industry, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. Arts and the GDP: Value Added by Selected Cultural Industries 9 Not all states ranking highly in both performing arts value-added and employment multipliers exhibit average earnings. Colorado, a state with high value-added and employment multipliers, ranked 10 ,h in the nation in 2008 earnings. This ranking suggests that factors other than earnings influenced Colorado’s comparatively high performing arts employment multiplier. Colorado may import fewer inputs from other states, or it may have more part-time cultural workers, which would increase the employment-to-earnings ratio used to calculate its employment multiplier. 111 Please see the “Other Models, Other Measures” section ofNEA Research Note #102, available at . Arts and the GDP: Value Added by Selected Cultural Industries 22