UMASS/AMHERST lilllllllllllllliill 315Dbt.D05Dt.bElS G AT A LOG U 5 "'""""""""'"'"""""'""""""'IM iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyiiiiianiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininii INTERN AMERICA c p MANUIS: S]^/i^£^$ ■ 3' iLi^ •'*■■• - ' "^ *"' 1 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF AMERICA (I NCORPOR ATED) CHICAGO USA AllOE omo Emrac^ csna® ^« The Low Corn King spreads a wide strip of manure from a narrow box The Low Corn King is an Advance Step in Spreader Building The manure spreader is necessary to a farmer from two standpoints. First, it is a time and labor saver, reducing the work of two men to one, and thereby decreasing w^orking time 50 per cent. Second, the spreader puts the manure on to the ground in such condition that the soil is able to quickly assimilate the plant food constituents and thereby render the greatest good to the soil. The Low Corn King carries these advantages one step farther. This spreader has the excep- tional feature of a wide spread from a narrow box, eliminating inconvenience in the field and further reducing the time of operation. Narrow box wide spread This spreader is narrow. The box is only 45 inches vk'ide — the main axle only 73/4 inches long. It is built this way for a pur- pose. Farmers are finding it very convenient and profitable to haul the manure directly from the stables to the field. The majority of the modern barns are constructed so that the stock faces either wall, bringing the gutters into the center of the barn. A driveway is left between the gutters, and the stable doors open wide. The Low Corn King is built narrow so that it can be driven directly into the stable and the manure cleaned from the gutters directly into the spreader. Economy in When the stable is cleaned handling manure the labor with the manure is practically ended. It takes but a few minutes to drive to the field and spread the load on the ground. This method is a most economical one. One handling of the manure disposes of it for good — a 50 per cent economy in labor and time, it is put on to the soil without a particle of waste of the three chief plant food constituents — nitro- gen, phosphorus and potassium. The soil gets all the benefit. The Low Corn King is worth double its cost for this one feature alone. [2] H >:: oi CD ^ i^J . = -2 vj to 'c "-S— 1 ir a u^^ E o i; ?? oj bfi O :3 03 OJ ^ s ^ o — < - FERTILIZER SOWERS SVS/ECP RAKES« |, | J,^AUJA l ,^^v,UlMl^^v,^ | Jl', | , | ,^ | | | |V A ^ ||'l ^V l^ M ; ^ lAW ^^VJl^^^V| | | | | | , | , | |lAWAY|^ stackers BRANCH HOUSES INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF AMERICA ABERDEEN, S D ALBANY N V. ATLANTA. GA AUBURN N Y AURORA ILL BALTIMORE. MD BIRMINGHAM ALA BISMARCK N D BOSTON MASS BUFFALO. N Y CEDAR FALLS lA CHARLOTTE N C CINCINNATI OHIO CLEVELAND OHIO COLUMBIA S C COLUMBUS OHIO CONCORDIA. KAN COUNCIL BLUFFS lA CRAWFORD. NEB DAVENPORT lA DENVER. COLO DES MOINES. lA DETROIT MICH DUBUOUE. lA EAST ST LOUIS ILL EAU CLAIRE WIS ELMIRA N Y EVANSVILLE. IND FARGO. N D. FT DODGE lA IT WAYNE IND GRAND FORKS. N D. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH GREEN BAY WIS HARRISBURG PA HELENA MONT HUTCHINSON KAN INDIANAPOLIS. IND JACKSON. MICH JACKSONVILLE. FLA KANKAKEE ILL KANSAS CITY. MO KNOXVILLE. TENN LANSING MICH LINCOLN NEB LITTLE ROCK. ARK MADISON WIS MANKATO. MINN MASON CITY lA MEMPHIS TENN MILWAUKEE. WIS MINNEAPOLIS. MINN MINOT N D NASHVILLE TENN NEW ALBANY IND NEW ORLEANS. LA OGDENSBURG N Y PARKERSBURG. W VA ■ PARSONS. KAN PEORIA. ILL PHILADELPHIA. PA PITTSBURGH PA PORTLAND. ORE QUINCY ILL RICHMOND. IND RICHMOND VA ROCKFORD. ILL ST CLOUD. MINN ST JOSEPH. MO ST LOUIS. MO SAGINAW MICH SALINA. KAN SALT LAKE CITY UTAH SAN FRANCISCO. CAL SIOUX CITY lA SIOUX FALLS S D SOUTH BEND IND SPOKANE. WASH SPRINGFIELD ILL SPRINGFIELD MO TERRE HAUTE. IND TOLEDO OHIO TOPEKA, KAN WATERTOWN. S D OKLAHOMA CITY OKLA WICHITA KAN OMAHA. NEB WINONA. MINN THRESHERS OIL TRACTORS MANURE SPREADERS For catalogues or special information see I H C dealer or write nearest branch house |l|l|l| V i'| l | ' |l | l|'|i|'|l|l|l|l| V| l |l |l| '| l| V |lfrrr STALK CUTTERS ENSILAGE CUTTERS CORN SHREDDERS CORN PICKERS BINDER Nirt GRINDERS SHELLERS ' ' iV i V i V i V i V i V i V ii imv i V i ViV i V i V i V iW^TVrWMwwrVw^M^wm^'i' :V iii V i V ii AV ii iViVi 'i^^ IT HAMMOND PRESS, W. B. CONKEY COMPANY. Sold by INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF AMERICA ( Incoipoi ated) CHICAGO USA For further information write International Harvester Company of America Chicago, III., or write our nearest branch house. aiHiMitiUHH»iiiHiiiiini»iiuiiHn nniiiMiiMiuin»iniiHnHiMiiniiiiKiiii«iiiiiiHniii»nirin»»»iiiiHinniMiHiiiiiiiii»ii»uiHiiiHiiiM«iHniiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHniiiiiiiiiiinuii^ BRANCH HOUSES INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF AMERICA tlNCORPORATEO) ^iiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiMiniiiiiMiiniiinnunnMiiirMiiniunrMiHiiiiiiiiiiiMiiuniniiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiMniMiMiiiiMMiiiiMiminMiiriiiniiiiiMNiMinMinin illllllllllllllllllillllilliilllillllHIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH eOANCn nouses 1 iiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHijiijiiilif'ii'i ailHHinininiMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHUIIIIIIIWIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIII Illll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllilNllllfc ABERDEEN. S. D. LBANY. N Y. rLANTA. GA AUBURN. N. Y AURORA. ILL. BALTIMORE. MD. BIRMINGHAM. ALA. BISMARCK. N. D. BOSTON. MASS BUFFALO. N Y. CEDAR FALLS. lA. CHARLOTTE. N. C. CINCINNATI. OHIO CLEVELAND. OHIO COLUMBIA. S C. COLUMBUS OHIO CONCORDIA. KAN COUNCIL BLUFFS. lA CRAWFORD. NEB. DAVENPORT, lA. DENVER. COLO DES MOINES, lA. DETROIT. MICH. DUBUQUE. lA. EAST ST. LOUIS. ILL. EAU CLAIRE. WIS. ELMIRA. N. Y EVANSVILLE. IND. FARGO. N D. FT DODGE. lA. FT WAYNE. INO. GRAND FORKS. N D. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH GREEN BAY WIS. HARRISBURG. PA. HELENA. MONT HUTCHINSON. KAN INDIANAPOLIS. IND. JACKSON. MICH. JACKSONVILLE. FLA. KANKAKEE. ILL. KANSAS CITY. MO KNOXVILLE. TENN. LANSiNG. I."C» LINCOLN. NEB. LITTLE ROCK, ARK, MADISON. WIS. MANKATO. MINN. MASON CITY. lA. MEMPHIS. TENN. MILWAUKEE. WIS MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. MINOT. N D. NASHVILLE. TENN. NEW ALBANY. INO. NEW ORLEANS. LA. OODENSBURG. N. Y. OKLAHOMA CITY.OKLA. OMAHA. NEB. PARKERSBURG. W VA. PARSONS. KAN. FEORIA. ILL. PHILADELPHIA. PA. PITTSBURGH. PA PORTLAND. ORE QUINCY, ILL. RICHMOND, IND. RICHMOND, VA. ROCKFORD. ILL. ST. CLOUD. MINN. ST JOSEPH. MO. ST. LOUIS. MO. SAGINAW. MICH. SALINA. KAN. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. SIOUX CITY. lA. SIOUX FALLS. S. D. SOUTH BEND. IND. SPOKANE. WASH. SPRINGFIELD. ILL. SPRINGFIELD. MO. TERRE HAUTE. IND. TOLEDO. OHIO TOPEKA. KAN. WATERTOWN. S. D. WICHITA. KAN. WINONA, MINN. I lijiiiE ■ laiHiMiiiHiiiiHHiiHiiiimHiiiUHiiiiuiittiiiiiimiiiMiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiHniiwHiiiiiininiiniiii luiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiBM HARVFSTE« PRESS