PRESIDENTIAL "I AM Pleased To Announce My Administrations Continued Support for the Goals of the Federal Design Improvement Program. To Further This effort, I am establishing a Quadrennial Presidential Design Awards Program. This Award Will Publicly Recognize Successful Achievements IN Federal Design and Inspire Standards of Excellence Throughout THE Government." — RONALD REAGAN Memorandum for Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies. December 21, 1983 .jyn f rom postage stamps to park- ia , lands, from stationery to space- craft, from bridges to buildings, the Federal government is the nation's single largest builder, printer, and user of design services. Excellence in design is integral to the Federal government's re- sponsible stewardship of public re- sources. To recognize Federal design ac- complishments and to honor individuals who have made outstanding contri- r ^ butions to Federal design, the White ^s^ House invites entries for the first gov- K*^ ernment-wide Presidential Design Awards Program. The President of the United States will present the Presidential Awards for Design Excellence in a ceremony at the White House. Recipients will be selected in a two-stage process by juries of distin- guished design experts. The first-stage juries will select individuals to receive Federal Design Achievement Awards for meritorious design. These awards will be presented under the auspices of the National Endowment for the Arts. A second-stage jury vdll select individuals from among Achievement Award win- ners to receive the Presidential Award for Design Excellence. The Awards will recognize Federal de- sign achievements in: • Architecture • Engineering Design . . • Graphic Design '*:^il«'*;,u'* '^^\ • Interior Design J* •,',.'. ^ • Landscape Architeaure " ' ' : - f,. . ,, • Product/Industrial Design f ': ' ^•' • Urban Design and Planning Mhf.h The Presidential Design Awards Pro- gram is administered by the Federal Design Improvement Projea, Design Arts Program of the National Endow- ment for the Arts, a Federal agency. The Presidential Design Awards Pro- gram does not replace any existing de- sign awards program in the Federal ! government. I r#^^V» The following principles will guide the Awards juries in judging the sub- missions. These principles should be carefully considered when seleaing en- tries and preparing application forms. PURPOSE The undertaking must make a contri- bution that improves the Federal gov- ernment's ability to fulfill its mission. LEADERSHIP The undertaking should establish exemplary design praaices, standards or guidelines that can serve as models for Federal design aaivities. COST The undertaking should be cost- efficient on a life-cycle cost basis, and should demonstrate careful design and planning without sacrificing perform- ance or quality. AESTHETICS The undertaking must demonstrate aesthetic sensibility and be appropriate in image, form, and context. PERFORMANCE The undertaking must demonstrate a high level of technical and functional proficiency in all aspeas of performance. Eligibility r.yoi=^: All branches of the Federal govern- ment-civilian and military, domestic and overseas-including all Federal de- partments, agencies, bureaus, and offices are eligible. (For the sake of brevity, every Federal organizational unit will be referred to as an office hereafter.) Any completed or implemented de- sign work for which the Federal gov- ernment is primarily responsible, as qualified below, is eligible. Applicants must demonstrate that the design work was a direa result of the purpose and mission of the Federal office responsi- ble for its creation. Works which have been supported, sponsored, authorized, commissioned, produced, or promul- gated by the Federal government are within the scope of the Presidential Design Awards Program. The awards will recognize the excel- lence not only of design produas, but also of administrative and management techniques used by the Federal gov- ernment to develop and sustain design excellence. Applicants may submit projeas, programs, processes, produas, and policies in the design disciplines which follow. Works must have been completed and in use between January 1, 1974 and January 1, 1984. Applicants are advised to enter works only when sufficient time has elapsed since completion to enable the Awards juries to evaluate the performance and user satisfaction of submitted works. For example, con- sider that a building will be evaluated not only on its aesthetic merit, but also on its performance. It is likely that on- site evaluations of submissions recom- mended for the Presidential Design Award will be conduaed. Who May Apply CURRENT FEDERAL EMPLOYEES Federal employees with professional responsibility for design works are eligible to enter submissions. FORMER FEDERAL EMPLOYEES Former Federal employees may enter design works for which they had pro- fessional responsibility, and which were completed during the time span stated above. Application forms must contain signed certification by the Fed- eral office which sponsored the work. NON-FEDERAL ENTRANTS Federal contractors, state and local gov- ernments, and non-profit organizations that have completed design works for the Federal government may enter submissions. Application forms must contain signed certification by the Fed- eral office which sponsored the work. For further clarification of eligibility questions, please call the Design Arts Program, National Endowment for the Arts,at (202) 682-5438. Presentation Applicants are strongly encouraged to carefully select submission materials which will clearly communicate in vis- ual and narrative forms the significance of their entries. All materials should be organized and presented in a manner to facilitate review. Careful preparation and presen- tation will better enable juries to un- derstand and evaluate submitted works. All supporting materials must be clearly identified with the title of the submission. All entry material must be contained in a single standard lOVi " x 1 1 Vz " note- book not to exceed 3 " in thickness, with transparent sleeves for displaying materials. The completed application form must appear first in the notebook. All materials must be of reproducible quality. All materials become the property of I the National Endowment for the Arts j and may be used in program develop- ! ment aaivities, including publications. Credits for photographs and permis- sion for reproduction of photographs I should be provided at the time of sub- mission. Materials will not be returned. Design Disciplines ^^^^B Submission Requirements The range of entries eligible for an award is illustrated by — but not lim- ited to — these examples: Architecture ~^ Buildings • Complexes of Buildings • Struaures • Public Works Projects • Adaptive Reuse Works • Renovation F*rojects • Historic Preservation Works Engineering Design Buildings • Structures • TVansportation Systems • Public Works Projects • Aerospace Projects • Nautical Works Graphic Design t . * : Publications • Printing • Posters • Sign Systems • Stationery • Logos • Public Information Programs • Information Management Systems • Design Standards Manuals • Exhibits • Packaging • Advertising Interior Design Design Standards • Furniture Procurement Programs • Offices • Cultural Facilities • Art Installations • Residences • Public Facilities Landscape Architecture Parks, Parkways, and Recreational Areas • Urban, Suburban, Rural Open Space Projects • Environmental Enhancement Projeas • Institutional, Industrial, Housing, Cemetery Projeas • Historic Landscape Preservation and Restoration • Land and Water Reclamation and Conservation Product/Industrial Design Industrial Use Products • Furniture • Vehicles • Office Equipment • Safety Equipment • Clothing • Machinery Urban Design and Planning Revitalization Plans • Waterfronts • Institutional, Recreational, Cultural Complexes • TVansportation Corridors • Preservation Planning • Large-Scale Mixed-Use Public and/or Public-Private Partnership Projects The entire application form must be completed, including required signa- tures. The following documentation will be necessary in order to clearly present entries for design produrts: REQUIRED • Color slides (maximum of twenty) in- serted in 8 Vi " X 11" transparent sleeves. • Minimum of two black and white photographs of different views of the entry, 5" x 7" or larger. • Plans, elevations, and drawings. (For large scale projeas) • Aaual produas for graphic and prod- ua categories to fit wathin the maxi- mum dimensions of the submission package. OPTIONAL • Before and after photographs and/or slides. • Published reports, press clips, and other supporting documentation. (Submit only concise material.) Winners of Federal Design Achieve- ment Awards will be requested to submit additional presentation materials. Deadline Submissions must be received by 6:00 p.m., E.S.T. July 16, 1984. Mail or Deliver to: Presidential Design Awards Program 1346 Conneaicut Ave., N.W. Suite 1009 Washington, D.C. 20036 Announcement of Winners Announcement of winners and presen- tation of awards will be in December, 1984. All Award winners will receive certifi- cates; no remunerative awards are offered. ENTRY DESCRIPTION I hotocopies of the entire application form will be accepted. Two copies of the form must accompany your submission package and appear first in the binder Typewritten applications are preferred, to ensure that all information is clearly communicated. Title of Submission Location Application Category: (Check appropriate discipline(s). A work may be submitted separately in more than one category, i.e.. Planning and Architecture) D Architecture D Graphic Design D Landscape Architecture D Urban Design and Planning D Engineering Design D Interior Design D Product/Industrial Design Federal Office Address Beginning and Completion Dates of Project to Final Cost (estimate if necessary) Describe the purpose, goals, design methodology, and results of the undertaking. This discussion should not exceed 500 words and must fit in the space below. SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS Answer concisely in the space provided. If necessary, an addenda of no more than three pages may follow. 1 How did the entry contribute toward improving the Federal function it serves? How did it successfully serve the American public? Has the entry been evaluated for user satisfaction? Is there any documentation on its safety, durability, life-cycle costs, accessibility to the handicapped, or energy efficiency? Describe any cost savings, new efficiency, or innovation produced by the entry? How did the final cost of the project relate to the original budget estimate? If different, please explain. Was the project completed on time? Was the entry developed under innovative design procedures, standards or guidelines? Did the entry cause such procedures, standards or guidelines to be created? Did the general public or potential users participate in the design process? EDITS Please read all instructions carefully. This information must be complete and accurate so that all appropriate individuals receive credit for winning entries. Additional sheets may be attached if necessary. Current Office Heads Enter the specified information for CURRENT Federal office head (Chairman, Secretary, etc.) and the CURRENT head of the division (Director, Administrator) which produced or managed the submitted work. Current Office Head Office Role Phone Current Division Head Office Role Phone Federal Entrants Enter the specified information for the Federal individual(s) to be credited with significant participation in the work. Identify the Federal employee responsible for design of the submitted work, or for management of the design work by a contractor. (Identities of former Federal employees should be entered here, if applicable). Entry Director (Federal) Office Role Phone Entry Designer(s) (Federal) Office Role Phone Entry Designer(s) (Federal) Office Role Phone Non-Federal Entrants Enter the specified information for any contractors, non-profit organizations, local officials, or other non-Federal employees who contributed significantly to the design process. Non-Federal Designer(s) Office Role Phone Non-Federal Designer(s) Office Role Phone Other Office Role Phone SIGNATURES Applications must be signed by the entrant; this individual will be considered as the originator and contact person for the submission. Any submission prepared by anyone other than a current Federal employee requires the signature of the current Federal manager in the office for which the submission work was carried out. This signature certifies that the work was completed as described on the application. Entrant: Name Certifying Federal Official: Name Title/Role Office Title/Role Office Address Address Telephone Signature/Date Telephone Signature/Date CHECKLIST D TWO COPIES of Application Form D Written and Graphic Documentation n Photographs/Slides D Fully Answered Questions D All Required Signatures D All Materials Clearly Identified D All Materials in One Binder No Larger Than 10V2"x \\V2" x 3" SUBMISSIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY 6:00 RM. E.S.T JULY 1 6, 1 984. •_'. 3" . — D