a k> 1 1 » WHOLESALE OP AMERICAN TREES, SHRUBS, CULTIVATED AND FOR SALE AT THE LINN^AN BOTANIC GARDEN AND NURSERIES, NEAR NEW-YORK. WILLIAM PRINCE, Proprietor, C. M of the Linnsean Society of Paris, of the Horticultural Society of London, and of the Imperial Society of the Ceorgofili at Florence, &c. &cc. f£j" The Botanic Names generally are according to Pursh's Flora of JYorth-Jlmerica, and others to Michaux, JVuttall, Torrey, Elliott, HortuS'Britannicus, &C. TWENTY-FOURTH EDITION* JVBW.YORKt PRINTED BY T. AND J. SWORDS, No. 127 Broadway, corner of Cedar-street, first doof north of the City Hotel. 1827- N. B. Distinct Catalogues and Publications relative to this Establishment may be obtained of the different Agents, or by application to the Proprietor, as follow. The four first mentioned being distributed gratis. £fo. 1. Fruit and Hardy Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, and Plants. No. 2. Bulbous and Tuberous rooted Plants. No. 3. Green-House Trees, Shrubs, and Plants. No. 4. American Indigenous Trees, Shrubs, and Plants. No. 5. A Short Treatise on the Culture of Trees and Plants generally. Price 50 cents. Nos. 1 , 3, and 4, ready for delivery. Nos. 2 and 5 in the #ress, and will be published speedily. Mr. Prince expects also to be shortly able to announce the publication of the first part of his work on American Horticulture, which will be issued in four parts. AGENTS IN EUROPE, Of wnom Catalogues may be obtained, and -who will forward orders to the Proprietor. Thomas Asplnwall, Esq., American Consul, London. James Maury, Esq., American (on sul, Liverpool. David Walker, Esq., American Con- sul, Glasgow Thomws Wilson, Esq., American Con- sul, Dublin. Isaac Cox Barnet, Esq-, American Consul, Paris. Professor Bosc, Jardin du Roi, Paris. Messrs. Eyries, freres, Havre Joshua Dodge, Esq., American Con- sul, Marseilles. Messrs. William Hesses & Goetze, Hamburg. John Cuthbert,Esq., American Con- sul, Hamburg. John W. Parker, Esq., American Consul, Amsterdam. Abraham P. Gibson, Esq., American Consul, St Petersburg. George Moore, Esq., American Con- sul, Trieste. Alexander Burton, Esq., American Consul, Cadiz. Israel P. Hutchinson, Esq., American Consul, Lisbon. At other places the Consuls of the United StaUs will forward any common nications for the Proprietor. ABBREVIATIONS AND REFERENCES, Ph. — Pursh's Flora America; Septentrionalis. JVut.— Nuttall's Genera of American Plants, &c. Tor. — Torrey's Flora of the Northern and Middle State.* JSig — Bigelow's Flora Bostoniensis, &c. £11. — Elliott's Flora of South-Carolina and Georgia. he Conte— In various publications. H B. — Sweet's Hortus Brkannictis, Geo.— Georgia. JMex. — Mexico. • denotes Annuals. g Dollars. Cts Cents. Do/.- Dollar. jOcIs.— Dollars. VALUE OF MONEY. gi'l, or dollar, contains 100 ceiits, and is equal to four shillings and six' pence (British) sterling; or to Jive f rimes and thirty centimes of France ; or to two and a half guilders of Holland. 22 cents make one shilling sterling. 19 cents are equal to one franc of France. 40 cents are equal to one Dutch guilder. g 1 is equal to one dollar and nine groschen Saxon currency, or to one and a half dollars Prussian currency. MEASURES AND WEIGHTS, A bushel of seeds contains 32 quarts, or 8 gallons. A quart is the quarter of a gallon. A lb. is nearly the same as the lb. of Europe. A Prussian scheffel is equal to lj- bushels. S*. B. Where no prices are stated in the Catalogue for seeds, packages tan be put up at 50 cents each, or upwards. NORTH AMERICAN INDIGENOUS 1 1 Veer rubrutn 2 saccharinum S negundo 4 v.famina 5 v. crispa 6 nigrum 7 striatum 8 coccineum 9 montanum 10 dasycarpum 11 barbatum, vera 12 iEsculus flava 13 pavia 14 macrostachya 15 pallida 16 discolor 17 glabra 18 A.lnus serrulata 19 glauca 20 glutinosa 21 canadense 22 autumnale 23 cordata 24 crispa 25 Amorpha fruticosa 26 v. angustifolia 27 e margin *ita 28 canescens 29 microphylla 30 pubescens 31 scabra 32. Amyrsine buxifolia 33 Andromeda acuminata 34 angustifolia L ( 130 ) 35 Andromeda arborea 36 axillaris 37 v. long-ifolia 38 calyculata 39 v. ventricosa 40 v. latifolia 41 v. nana 42 canescens 43 cassinifolia 44 catesbsei 45 ferruginea, vera 46 florihunda, vera 47 frondosa 48 glaucopbylla 49 hypnoides, -white mountain* 50 ligustrina 51 mariana 52 nitida, vel coriacea 53 paniculata 54 pilulifera 55 polifolia 56 v. angustifolia 57 pulverulenta 58 raccmosa 59 rigida CO speciosa 61 v. glauca 62 spinulosa 63 Anona cherimolia 64 guanabaucis 65 muricata 66 palustris 67 sp-? Rinyon 68 squamosa 69 Apios frutescens 70 Aralia spinosa 71 hispida 72 Arbutus uva ursi 73 alpina 74 Aristolo cliia sipho 75 arkansa 76 tomentnsa 77 sp. ? Brazil 78 sp. ? Mexico 79 Artemesia cbinensis 80 Asclepias matelea, JVut. 81 curassavica 82 v. alba 8S Ascyrum bypericifolum. 84 amplexicaule 85 crux andrese 86 pumilum 87 Atragene americana 88 Atriplex balimus 89 Azalea arboresceas i 131 ) 90 Azalea aurantia 91 v. humilis 92 v. major 93 Tricolor 94 calendulacea 95 v. crocea 96 v. chrysolectra 97 v. cuprcea 98 v. cuprina 99 v. flammea 100 v. grandiflora 101 v. ignescens 102 v. splendens 103 v. triumphant 104 canescens 105 coccinea 106 v. crispa 107 v. major 108 v. prcecox 109 glauca 110 v- glabra 111 v. pleno 112 hirta 113 hispida 114 laetda 115 nitida 116 nudiflora, rubra 117 v. alba 118 v. alba pieno 119 v. alba et rubra 120 v. blanda 121 v. carnea 122 v. caroliniana 123 v- colorata 124 v. crispa 125 v. cumulata 126 v. disco'or 127 v fastigiata 128 v. Jlorida 129 v. globosa 130 v. incana 131 v. incarnata 132 v. mirabilis 133 v. montana 134 v pallida 1S5 v. paludosa 136 v. papilionacea 137 v. puipurascen3 138 v. purpurea 139 v. purp.plcno 140 v. rosea 141 v. ruberrima 142 v. rubicunda 143 v. rubra 144 v, rufa ( 132 ) 145 AaaTea v. rutilans 146 v servtina 147 v. staminea 148 v. stelluta 149 v. tricolor 150 v. vantibiUs 151 t. variegata 152 procumbens, wAjfte mountain* 153 seabia 154 i> Jioribunda 155 t. humilis 156 tomentosa ?I57 _ verticillata 158 Tillosa 159 viscosa, alba 160 v. crispa 161 i>. deaibata 162 v. odora~viol. rubrescens 167 ■». varies? at a 168 v. vittata 169 versicolor 170 v. cobvrsrhii 171 v. grandiflora 172 v. magnifica 173 r. pupihonacea 174 Baccharis halimifolia 175 ivsefolia 176 angustifolia 177 glomeruiiflora 178 Befaria hirsuta 179 Berberis canadensis 180 aquifcliuiu, PA. 181 caroliniensis, «/>. not>cr, iTVfc*. 182 pinnata 183Betulalenta 184 populifolia 185 papyracea 186 excelsa 187 nigr ■ vel rubra 188 pumila 189 nana 190 glandulosa 191 Bignonia crucigera 192 capreolata 193 radicans coccinea 194 flammea 195 jasminifolia, Mexico, H. B, 196 Borya ligustrina 197 acuminata 198 porulosa 199 Bouvardia triphylla ( 133 ) 200 Bouvardia v. pubeacens, H. B, 201 Buridlea globosa 202 Bumelia lycioides 203 chrysophylloides 204 lanuginosa 205 reclinata 206 Buphthalmuin frutescens 207 angusti folium 208 Cactus fragile 209 Longi 210 missouriense 211 opuntia 212 pes Corvi 213 polvacanthos 214 pusillus 215 vivip^rus, Ph. 216 sp.? Jirkansa 217 sp. ? Georgia 218 Callicarpa americana 219 Calyoanthus floridus 220 glaucus 221 Isevigatus 222 pensylvanicus 223 Caprifolium sempervirens 224 v. minor 225 parviflorum, vel bracteosum 2i6 v. fulvum 227 Fraseri 228 pubescens 229 chamsecerasa 230 gratum 231 sp. ? nova 232 Carpi nus americana 233 Cassia occidentalis 234 sp. ? Mexico 235 Castanea americana 236 pumila 238 v. Princei, fructo major 239 Catalpa syrinsefolia 240 Ueanothus ainencanus 241 microphyilus 242 perennis 243 sp. ? Carolina 244 Celastrus sc=indens 245 bullous 246 Celtis occidentalis 247 X'. fol. var. 248 crassifolia 259 pumila 251' Cephalanthus cccidentalis 251 Ceratiola ericoides 252 Cercis canadensis 253 Charuserops palmetto 254 hystris 255 serrulata L2 C 134 ) 256 Chatmerops ? palma regalis, Cuba 257 Chimaphilacor)mbosa 258 nn.eulata 259 Chdrostemon platatioides 260 Clnonanthusmontanus 261 maritinius 262 Chrysobalanus < otina 355 Fraxinus acuminata 356 r>. latifolia, 357 Carolina 358 v. latifolia 359 cinerea 360 ellipiica 361 epiptera 362 juglandifoUa 363 lancea 364 evata ( 136 ) 365 Fraxinus pallida 306 pannosa 367 pubescens 368 platicarpa 369 quadrangulata 370 Kichardi 371 samlmcifolia 372 v. crispa 373 viridis 374 sp.? Brazil 375 Fuchsia arboiescens, Mexico 376 Gardenia mexicana 377 Gaultheria procumbens 378 serphyllifolia 379 Gelseminum niudura 380 Gleditschia triacanthos 381 v. inermis 382 monosperma 383 Gordonia pubescens, or Fra?iklinia 384 lasianthus 385 Gymnocladus canadensis 386 Halesia tetraptera 387 • v. parviflora 388 diptera 389 Hamamelis virginica 390 Hibiscus syriacus, /?/wr. var, 391 albo pleno 392 striato pleno 393 rubro pleno 394 purpurea plena 395 ceruleo pleno 39 6 arborescens, rosea, from Mexico 397 v. alba, do. do. 398 Hippophsea argentea 399 canadensis 400 Hopea tinctotia 401 Hudsonia ericoides "> : n 4 }0 t s 402 tomentosa y F 403 Hydrangea vulgaris 404 nivea 405 quercifolia 406 cordata 4or Hypericum Kalmianum 408 prol ficum 409 faseiculatam 410 gylioides 41 1 densiflorum 412 aspalalhoides 413 frondosum 414 glaucum felegansj 41& nudiflnrum 416 robmarinilblium 41 7 sp. ? Georgia 418 sp.? Carolina 419 Illicium parviilorum ( 137 ) 420 Illicium fioridanum 421 Ilex opaca 422 prinoides 423 cassine vera 424 Tomitovia vera 425 angustif< ilia 426 canadensis 427 dahoon vera 428 laxiilora 429 Indigofei a, sp. ? Florid^ 450 Itea virginica 431 Iva i fratestens 432 Juglans nigra 433 cmerea 434 tomentosa 435 aquatica vera 436 amara 437 alba 438 poi-cina obcordata 439 v. Jiciformis 440 olivseformis 441 h) 1'iida, nova 442 sulcata, vera 443 mvrist.cseformis 444 J uniperus virginica 445 v. hit mi lis 446 v. fol. var. 447 sabina 448 barbadensis 449 bermudiana 450 excelsa 451 prostrata 452 Jussieua grandiflora 453 Kaimia latifolia 454 angustifolia 455 fol. var. 456 v ovata 457 hirsuta 458 glauea 459 Lagerstrsemia indica, purpurea exotic 460 var. carnea 461 var. atrorubra 462 v. alba 463 Lauras sassafras 464 benzoin 465 geniculate 466 caroliniensts 467 diospyros 468 catesbyana 469 mexicana? 470 perse a 4711 Ledum latifolium 472 pjilusire 473 v "'ecvmbens 474 Linnasa borealis ( 138 ) 475 Ligustrura vulgare 476 v. fructo albo A77 v. sempervirens 478 v. fol. var- 479 Liquidamber styraciflua 480 Liriodendron tulipifera 481 t>. integrifolia 482 Lycium carolinianum 483 " boerhavianum 484 Ly thrum alatum 485 Madura aurantiaca,,/awK>2a 486 v. mascula 487 Magnolia tripetela 488 glauca, latifolia 489 semipleno 490 Jongifolia 491 acuminata, vera 492 auriculata 493 grandiflora 494 "j. ellijjtica 495 v. ianceolata 496 v. obovata 497 v. prcecox 498 v. crispa 499 v. exoniensis 500 v. semipleno 501 v. r/iompsoniana 502 cordata 503 macro phy 11a 504 pyramitiala 505 Malva arborea, rosea ? Mexico 506 v. alba, Mexico 507 Mammea amend* na 508 Ylangifera indica, exotic 509 VJelia azeder.ich, exotic 510 Menispermum canadense 511 Menziesia globularis 512 cserulea 513 f'emiginea 514 Mimosa juli'irissit., exotic 515 Mit> bella repens 516 Moiitanon? arV-orescens, Mexico 517 Morus rubra 518 pensylvania? 519 missouriensis, sp. nova 520 Mylocarium ligustrinum 521 Myrica ctrifera 522 caroliniensis 523 gale 524 v. fcemina 525 pennsylvanica 526 Myristica mexicana 527 Nyssa villosa 528 biflora 529 candicans C 139 ) 530 Nyssa tomentosa 531 denticulata 532 Olea americana 533 Ornus americana 534 Ostrya virginica 535 Oxycoccus niacrocarpus 536 v.fol. var. 537 vulgaris 538 erectus 539 Passiflora peltate, Ph. 540 Petiveria alliacia, Florida 541 Philadelphia grandiflorus 542 inodorus 543 hirsutus C S P- nova J Nut. 544 Physalis somnifera 545 Pinckneya puhescens 546 Pinus strobus 547 palustris 548 rigida 549 serotina 550 inops 551 balsf.mea 552 fr:iseri 553 canadensis 554 nigra 555 alba 556 rubra 557 variabilis 558 tffida 559 pendula 560 resinosa 561 banksiana 562 microcarpa 563 pungens 564 taxifolia 565 Planera aquatica 566 Platanus occidentalis 567 Populus balsumifera 568 trepida 569 grandidentata 570 angulata 571 candicans 572 laevigata 573 heterophylla 574 nionilit'era 575 betulifolia 576 hudsoniana 577 nana 578 ontariensis 57 9 Porcelia triloba 580 glabra 581 parviflora, vera 582 pygmsea 583 grandiflora 584 Potentilla fruticosa ( 140 ) 585 Potentilla floribunda 586 Prinos verticillatus 587 glaber 588 laevigatas 589 ambiguus 590 canadense 591 lanceolatus 592 prunifolius 593 Prunus chicasa, rtibra 594 v. fructo fiava 595 depressa 596 pubescens 597 cerasifera 598 serotina 599 borealis 600 pensylvanica 601 maritima 602 virginiana 603 earoliniana 604 hiemalis 605 americana, r«5ra 606 v. fructo fiava 607 floridana 608 nigra 609 depressa 610 persicifolia 611 pumila 612 pjgmsea 613 rubra 614 demperflorens 615 spbserica 616 spinosa 617 t>. plena 618 Susquehanna sp.P Georgia 619 620 sp. ? nana, Texas 621 Psychotria floridnna, sp. nova 622 sp.P S. America 623 Psidium pyiiferuru 624 Ptelea trifoliate 625 1 'unita granatum, albopl. nova var % exotic 626 Pyrola rotundifolia 627 asari folia 628 elliptica, JViit. 629 secunda 630 1 Pyrus melanocarpa 631 arbuti folia 632 ovalis 633 botryapium 634 coronaria 635 ameri'ana 636 angustifolia 637 sanguinea 638 c:urpurea 28 cernuum 8 53 lucida 25 29 mutabik; 50 54 ti-iquinata 25 ( 148 ) 55 Antirrhinum linaria 56 Apios tuberosa, 15 dols.7 per 100 5 57 Apocynum androssemifolium 58 cannabinum 59 hvpericifolium CO Aquilegia canadensis, 15 dels.") per 100 5 61 v. lutea 62 Arabis alpina 63 falcata 64 *lyrata 65 rhomboidea 66 Aralia nudicaulis 67 racemosa 68 Arenaria laricifolia 69 peploides 70 squarrosa 71 Arethusa bulbosa 72 divaricrita 73 medeoloides 74 opbioglossoides 75 penduta 76 verticillata 77 *Argemone mexicana 78 * albiflora 79 Aristolochia serpentaria 80 Artemesia canadensis 81 dracunculoides 82 santonica 83 Arum atrorubens 84 dracontium 85 sagittifolium 86 triphyllum, 12 dols.7, Each. gets 12 per 100 87 v. viridiflorum 88 virgin i cum 89 Arundo phragmites 90 Asarum arifolium 91 canalense 9'2 virginicum 93 Asclepias acuminata 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 amcena, 20 dols.7 per 100 5 amp'exicaulis 2 angiustifolia, Ell. 2 cinerea, Ell. 2 connivens, Ell. 2 debilis, Ph. 2 furcata incarnata, 15 dols.7 per 100 $ laurifolia 1 longifnlia, vel. } Jlcerates Ion- > 2 gifolia J 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 Each- gets. Asclepias nivca 35 obovata, Ell. 2 00 olitusifolia 25 parvi flora pauperiula 2 00 pulcbra, 15do!s i 20 per 100 phytolaccoides 25 purpurascens 25 quadrifolia 25 suaveolens 2 00 syriaca, 15 dols.7 per 100 v. nova 50 tomentosa, Ell 2 00 tuberosa. 15 dols 7 or . per 100 S ^° •v. decumbens 25 varu hi chait 120 121 122 123 124 125 UCL.UIHUCILS .«rJ lezatSfVeru ~) fi'rida, Mi- > 1 00 mux 3 verticil lata, 15 7 5 13 35 15126 25 127 28 1 29 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 1 41 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 dols. per 100* viridiflora, Ph. 2 00 sp. ? Florida 2 ^00 sp. ? Louisiana 2 00 sp.? Georgia 2 00 sp.? Carolina 2 00 sp. ? Mexico Aster acuminatum 35 sestivus 25 amplexicaulis 25 amygdalinus 25 blandns 25 caroiinianus 40 concolor 25 conyzoides 25 cordifolius 25 corymbosus 15 cyaneus 25 diffusus 15 dumosus 15 ericoides 2i» floribundus 25 foliosus 25 fragile 25 gracilis 40 grandiflorus graved ens, sp. novd, 50 hyssoptfblius 1 5 inulanles, Getrgia 1 00 junoeus 25 l,rvis 25 ledifolius 25 linariifoliuB 25 linifofius 25 C 149 ) Each- Es clh s cts. $ cts. 1 54 Aster inacrophyllus 15 205 Caladium v. auriculatum 1 00 155 miser 25 206 Calla palustris 50 156 multiflorus 15 207 Caltha ficaroides 35 157 mutabilis 25 208 flabel'.ifolia 50 158 novae anglise 20 209 palustris 25 159 nova belgica 25 210 v. plena 50 160 paludosus, elegans 1 50 211 Calypso borealis 1 00 161 paniculatus 25 •212 Calvstegia catesbyana 162 patens 25 213 sepium 25 163 patula 35 214 spitliamea 25 164 pblogifolius 25 '215 Campanula acuminata 25 165 puniceus 25 -216 americna 15 166 rat'ule 25 217 •perfoliate 167 rigidus 25 218 rotuniiifolia 25 168 salicifolius 25 219 v. alba 40 169 solidagonoides 25 220 sp. nova 50 170 spectribilis 25 •221 sp. nova,") t •white mountains 3 00 171 squarrnsus 172 suaveolens 35 -222 Canna angustifolia 50 173. tardiflorus 25 -23 flaccida 50 174 tenuitolius 15 224 clauca 50 175 tradtscantii 25 225 sp. nova, erigan-i t 50 176 undulitus 25 tea, Georgia 3 177 versicolor 15 226 Cantua coronopifolia 178 sp. nova, Boston, Nat. 50 227 Cardamine virginica 15 179 sp. ? Niagara 50 '228 *Cardiospermum halica- i cabum, seed §3 per lb-S ISO sp ? Georgia 1 00 181 sp.? Georgia 1 50 229 *Cassia eharaseerota 182 sp.? S. Carolina 1 HO 230 marylandica, 12? dols. per 100 S 15 183 sp.? N. Carolina J 01) J 84 Astragalus canadensis 25 231 * nictitans 185 missouritnsis 50 232 sp. Florida 1 00 186 Baptisia aXba-vera, vel. } '233 Caulopbyllum tbalictroides 25 Podalyria > 50 234 *Centauria americana alba ) 235 Chseropyhyllum tlaytoni 20 187 cerulea, 15 dols." 25 236 *procumbens per 100 5 237 Chaptalia tomentosa 75 188 v. alba 35 238 Cbelidonium mfjus 15 189 v. rosea 50 239 v. plena 30 190 v. purpurea 50 240 Cbelone barbata 35 191 perfoliita 241 campanulata 30 192 tinctoria, 20dois I 25 242 glabra 25 per 100 243 lyoni 75 193 uniflora 1 00 244 obliqua 20 194 Bartsifl coeeinea 15 •245 speciosa 50 195 Betonica sp. ? Mexico 1 00 246*Chenopodiumanthelminticum 196 * Blitum capitatum 247* ambiosoides 197 Boltonia asteroides 50 248 Cbrysoplenium oppositifolum 25 198 Booiia, Genitsnova^Big. 1 (X) 249 Cichorium intybus 15 199 Brasenia peliata 60 250 Cicuta bulbitera 25 200 Buehnera americ-ana 30 251 maculata 25 201 Cacalia atripIieifoUa 25 252 Cimicifuga cordifolia 50 202 reniformis 25 253 fetid a 50 203 suaveolens 25 254 palmata 50 204 Caladium csculentum, 5 I ~ 5 '255 serpentaria, 15 £ 25 dols. per dozea J ' dols. per 100 $ ( 150 ) 256 Circsca lutetiana- 257 canadensis 258 Cla} tonia alsinoides 259 lanceohta 260 v. rubra 201 sp^thulsefolia 262 virginica, 147 dols. per 100 S 263 *Cleome dodetandra 264 C-linopodium vulgare 265 'Jlitoria mariana 266 virginica 267 Cnicus plur. sp. 268 Collinsonia anisata 269 canadensis, 15" do!s. per 100 270 tubeiosa 271 s p.? Mexico 272 Comarum palustre 273 ^ "v.fo!, var. 274 Commelina communis 275 erecta 276 virginica 277 sp. ?iovu,Geo. 278 Conium aracacha 279 Conostylis amerieana 280 Convailaria majalis, 1 dols. per 100 281 v pieno 282 t>. rubra 283 verticillata 284 Convolvulus arvensisame- ricani 285 batatus, alba 286 v. rubra 287 v.Jlava 288 panduratus 289 v. pleno 290 spithameus 291 sp.? Florida 292 Conyra biS-ons 293 *marylandica 294 pycnostachya 295 Ooptis trifolia 296 Coreopsis aurea Each. 2: 2: 3r 7. 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 auriculata crassifolia graut^iflora Junceolata pinnata procera tenui folia tinctoria trichospcrma triptcris Each. jg els. H)7 Coreopsis verticillata 25 508 sp.? Carolina 50 i<»9 sp.? Mexico '.i0 Cornus canadensis 25 11 Corydalis cucullaria 25 12 formosa 25 il'S v. alba 1 00 •14 fungosa 15 >15 glauea 25 .1.6 Crinum americanum 1 00 17 v. anther* alba 1 50 I I 8 v. antherte rubra 2 ©0 i9 "Crotalaria parviflora , 20 Cucubalus iiehen 15 21 stellatus 25 122 Cunila glabella 50 »23 glabra 50 124 mariana 15 125 "Cuscuta americana »26 Cyamus flacicomus, vel. ? Or 0( 25 40 25 JVelumbium luteum 25 327 Cymbidium hyemale 25 >28 odontorhizon 5©'329 puicbellum 00 330 Cynoglossum amplexicaule 50 331 ' ofii.inale l 2 332 s) lvaticum 333 Cypripedium avietinum 1 25 354 candidum 1 2S 335 humile 50 336 parviflorum or 337 pubescens '538 spectabile 25 339 Dahlia superflua, 90 varieties 25 340 Dalea sp. ? 25 341 Dalibarda fragaroides 50 342 repens 00 343 'Datura stramonium 25 344 * tatula 00 345 Delphinium azureum 30 346 exaltatum 347 tricorne 50 348 urceolatum 25 349 Dentaria diphylla 25 350 lasciniata 25 351 Diapensia cuneifolia,7i>/«'te ? 30 mountains $ 50 452 olttisifolia, idem 35 353 Dionsea mnscipula 35 354 Dioscorea sativa 35 355 villosa 35 356 Diphylleja cymosa 25 357 Dodecatheon meadia 25 358 v.alba,vera 1 25 359 Donia ciliata 2 1 00 25 25 25 15 15 25 1 00 1 00 25 50 50 50 25 50 30 50 35 25 2 00 2 00 50 75 25 50 35 00 00 ( 151 ) 360 Donia squarrosa 361 Uracocephiilumdenticulatum 362 variegMtum 1 363 virginicum 364 sp. nova 1 365 Drosera filiformis 366 longifolia 367 rotundifolia 368 Dryas octopetela 369 Erbium vulgare 370 Elepbantopus carolinianus 2 371 Eliiottia racempsa,Ge7i.noi>. 2 372 Elodea eampanulata 373 Elytraria virgata 1 374 Epilobium angustifolium 375 v. album 376 coloratura 377 latifolium 378 rosmarinifolium 379 spicatum 380 Epipactis convallaroides 381 Erigeron canadense 382 bellidi folium 383 graminifoliura 1 384 pbiladelphicum 385 platHgineum 386 purpureum 3S7 strigosum 388 Eriocaulon plnr. sp. 389 Eriogonum lonpifolium,? Arkansa 5 390 Eryngium aquaticum 391 fcetidum 392 gracile 393 virginianura 394 sp. nova, Geo. 395 Erythrina herbacea 396 Erythronium albidum 397 laneeolatum 398 Eupatorium ageraloides Each, gets 50 399 400 40i 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 album altissirnum americanum. amffinam aromaticum cselestinum h\ssopi folium Ian f.eola turn maculatum melissoides perforatum purpureum rotundifolium senifolium sessilifoliura 41 4 Eupatorium teucrifolium 415 trifoliatum 416 verticillatum 417 sp. ? Louisiana 418 Euphorbia corollata 419 *cvathophora 420 ipecHcuanba 421 *variegata 422 Ferula angustifolia,Jlitf.rico 1 423 villosa 424 sp. ? Mexico 1 425 Fragaria canadensis 426 hudsonica 427 virginica 4'28 v. maxima. Peru gets. 50 50 433 434 429 Frasera walteri 430 Fritillaria lanceolata 431 *Fumaria officinalis 432 Galactia glabella mollis Galardia bi color 435 Galax cordifolia 436 Galium bore^le 437 circsesrins 15|538 pilosum 25|439 tinctoritim 30440 trifidum 35 441 G aura biennis 35 442 Gentiana alba '443 amarellnides 444 angustifolia 50.445 catesbsei 25 446 crinita 50 25 50 50 00 15 50 25 1 50 ochroleuca pneumonanthe saponaria sp. ? Mexico 447 448 449 450 451 Geranium carolinianum 452 maculatum 453 robertianum 454 Gerardia flava 30J455 pedicularia 30 456 * purpurea 457 qut rcifolia 458 *tenuifolia 59 Geum agrimonoidcs 460 461 462 463 464 1465 album canadense lutifnlium, sp nova, Nut ■white moun taint "Pevkn ,?ohite mount. 1 riva>e v. / 491 "Hedeoma pulegioides 492 Hedysarum canadense 493 marylandicum 494 nudifiorum 495 panicuhtum 4y6 strictum 497 viridiflorum 498 sp.? Florida 1 499 Helenium autumnale 500 mexicanum,&cc. 1 501 Hebanthemum canadense 502 carolinianum 1 503 ramuliflorum 504 Helianthus akissimus Each. g cts. 2.i 505 angustifolius 506 atrombens 507 decapetalus 508 diffusus 509 divaricatus 510 frondosus 511 gtganteus 512 macrophyllus 513 rnissouriensis 514 mollis 515 multiflorus 516 v. plena 517 pubescens 1 0( Each- B CtS- 518 Helianthus scaber 30 VI9 strumosus 25 520 ti*acbelifolius 35 521 tuberosus 25 522 sp.? Florida 1 00 523 sp. ? Georgia 1 00 524 Heliopsis laevis 25 525 Helonias angustifolia 50 526 asphodeloides 25 527 dioica, mas. 25 528 v. famina 25 529 eryth^jpsperraa 50 530 ' latifoiia 25 531 Hemerocallis fulva 20 532 v.fol. var. 50 533 v. plena 50 534 Hepatica americana 15 535 v alba 25 536 v. cerulea pi. 537 v. rubra pi. 50 50 558 Heracfeum lanatum 25 539 Herpestris sp nova, Geo. 1 00 540 Heteranthera acuta 25 541 giaminea 25 542 Heuchera caulescens 40 543 hispida 30 544 lueida 30 545 niacrophylla 30 546 pubescens 25 547 villosa 40 548 viscida 25 549 * Hibiscus esculentus 550 grand iflor us, 3) dols perdoz. ) 40 551 manihot 50 552 militaris 25 553 moscheutos 25 554 v. rubra 50 555 v. alba 50 556 palustris 25 5 57 v. rosea pallida 50 558 BCftber, vera 1 00 <59 speciosus, 3 dols. ) per dozen ) 40 560 virginicus, vera 75 iCA Hieraceum gronovii 35 562 k;dmii 25 563 pnniculatum 40 564 venosura 15 .65 Houstonia alba, sp. no-** - va t J\Tut. S 00 566 cerulea 15 567 ciliolata, Tor. 1 00 568 purpurea 35 569 rotundifolia 1 00 C 153 ) Ea ch. :ts. 570 Humulus americanus 15 616 571 Hydrastis canadensis 25 617 572 Hydrocotyle americana 15 618 573 umbellata 15 519 574 vulgaris 25 620 575 Hydrolea corymbosa 1 00 621 576 quadrivalvis 1 00 622 577 Sydrophyllum canadense 25 623 578 virginicum 25 624 579 Hypericum angulosura 50 625 580 ascyroides 25 626 581 corymbosum 627 582 marylandicum 50 628 583 mutilum 15 629 584 parviflorum 15 630 585 pyramidatum 50 631 586 Hypoxis erecta 15 632 587 graramea 633 588 iuncea \* 00 634 589 Hyssopus nepetoides 15 635 590 scrophularoides 15 636 591 "Impatiens biflora 637 592 Indigofera caroliniana 2 00 638 593 Inula falcata 50 639 594 graminea 640 595 helenium 15 641 596 mariasa 15 642 59r *Ipomsea coccinea, seed 2) dols. per lb. $ 643 644 598 dissecta 645 599 jalapa 75 646 600 *lacunosa, seed 4) dols per lb. > 647 648 601 iaacrorhiza, vel i 649 Michanxii, 9 > I 00 050 dols. per doz. ) 651 602 •nil, seed 3 dols.> per lb. S 652 653 60S •purpurea, seed 2 ^ dols. per lb. § 654 655 604 *v. striata su- } 656 perbu, seed 4 > 657 dols. per lb. 3 658 «05 •quamoclit, seed 7 1 do 1 per oz S 659 606 sagittifolia, velspeciosa 3 00 660 607 sp.? Florida 608 Tresine elatior 50 661 6091 riscselestina 85 662 610 cristata 25 663 611 euprsB) 25 664 612 hexagona, vera 5< 665 613 lacustris, sp. nova,Tor. 2 0» 666 614 missouriensis 56 u67 615 v. alba 50 r)68 N Each. § cts. Iris v. rubra I 00 v. plena 1 00 prismatiea 25 tridentata, vera 50 verna 50 •versicolor 15 virginica 25 sp. nova, Big. 1 00 Ixia cselestina 2 00 Jatropa stimulosa 3 00 Jeffersonia dipbylla 50 Justicia humilis 2 00 Kuhnia eupatoroides 25 Lactuca elongata 15 Lathyrus raaritimus, Big. 1 00 myrtifolius 1 5 venosus 15 Lechea major 15 minor 15 Leontodon taraxacum 12 Leonurus cardiaca 12 Lepidium virginicum 15 Leptandra virginica 50 Lespedesa angustifolia 50 capitala 15 polystachya 50 procumbens 50 prostrata 75 repens 15 reticulata 75 sessiliflora 15 violacea 15 sp. ? New- Jersey 75 Liatris elegans 50 gracilis 75 intermedia 1 00 macrostachya 35 odoratissima 50 paniculata 1 00 pilosa 25 puraila 50 pycnostachya 75 secunda 1 00 scariosa, 15 dols.) per 100 S sphseioidea, 25 > dols. per 100 J squarrosa 25 tenuitoiia 1 00 sp. ? Tennessee 75 sp.? Carolina 1 00 sp. ? Georgia 1 00 Ligusticum ^•o\.\c\xm i JMaine 25 Lilium canadense 15 carolinianum 50 35 ( 154 ) Efte go 669 Lilium catcsl-iei, 8 dols. per > dozen ) 670 pensylvanicum G71 philadelphicum 672 superhum 673 urobellatnm 2 674 *Linderni,i pyxidaria 675 Linura lewisii 676 perenne 677 Lilhospermum officinale 678 lMtifolium 679 viiginianum 680 Lobelia amcena 1 681 cardinalis 682 claytoniana 683 dortmanna 684 fulgens 685 glandulosa 1 686 tnflata 687 kalmii 688 pallida 689 siphilitica 690 Lotus gracilis 691 Ludwigia hirsuta 692 macrocarpa 693 nilida 694 Lupinus nootkatensis 695 perennis 696 villosus 697 Lycopus exaltatns 698 virginicus 699 Lychnis alpina 700 Lysimachia angusti folia 701 capitata 702 ciliata 703 heterophylla 704 hy brida 705 quadrifolia 706 racemosa 707 thyrsiflora 708 Lythrum salicat-ia 709 verlicillatum 710 virgatum 711 Malaxis IHiifolia 712 longi folia 513 opbioglossoides 714 *Malva Carolinian a 715 rotundifolia 716 Marrubium vulgare 717 *Martynia diandra 718 * proboscidea 719 Maurandia semperflorens 720 Medeola virginica 721 Mcdicago lupuUna 722 Melampyrum americanum 723 Mehnanthera hastala h. ■is. / 1724 Meli«nthiura virginreum 50.725 Mmispeimum oanadenee 20|726 Mentha borealis 13 727 tennis 00 2.'; 25 15 15 25 0U 15 15 SO 00 15 15 Each gets. 50 40 15 15 15 15 25 50 00 50 25 50 728 viridis 729 Menyanthes americana 730 Micranthemum orbiculatum 7.31 Miegiamacrospermaytera 1 732 tecta 733 Mikr-nia scandens 7)4 Milleria sp.? Mexico 1 35 Mimosa pudiea, se< d 16 ) dols. per lb. $ 736 sp ? Florida 737 Mimulus alatus 15 738 glutinosus 40 739 luteus vel guttatus 25 740 ringens 15 41 Mitella ciliaris 25J742 cordifolia 15 743 diphvlia 744 Monarda altissima 745 clinopodia 746 tlidyma 747 fistulosa 748 v. alba 749 gracilis 750 hirsuta 15 751 kalmiana, vera 15 752 mollis 20 '753 oblongata 50J754 punctata 25 755 purpurascens 15 750 rugosa 25 757 Russeliana 15 758 Monotropa unifloraj&c. 15 759 Myosotis arvensis 15 760 p.'lustris 35 761 sec pioides 25 762 Narlherium americanum 25 763 Neottia ceinua 30 764 pubescens SO 765 repens 30 766 tortilis 30 767 *Nicandra physaloides 768 *Nicotiana paniculata 15 769 'ttbacum 15 770 *sp. nova 771 Nuphar advena 772 kalmiana 50 773 lutea 15 774 Nuttalia digitata 12 775 pedata 776 Nymphsea o'lorata 50 25 25 50 25 15 25 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 55 35 50 15 20 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 25 50 25 50 00 3P ( 155 ) fiacb. Each. gets. gets. 777 Nymphsea v. rosea 50 832 Pa nax trifolium 25 778 Obolaiia virginica 25 833 Pa ncratium angustura 779 Oenothera biennis 12 834 caribseum 1 00 780 csespitosa 50 835 carolinianum 1 00 781 cruciata 35 836 fluitana 1 00 782 fraseri 25 837 littorale 1 50 783 fruticosa 20 838 maritimum 50 784 v.foL var. 40 839 mexicanum 50 785 glauca 20 840 v. altissimum 1 50 786 grandiflora 20 841 rotatum 1 00 787 macrocarpa 842 v. altissimum 1 50 788 puraila 25 8*3 specinsum 789 rosea 844 sp. nova, Florida 2 00 790 serrulata 35 845 sp. fragrans ) Bvazil 3 00 791 speciosa 50 846 sp. nova, Georgia. 2 00 792 •triloba 847 Parnassia caroliniana 25 793 sp.? Florida 848 palustris 35 794 Onosmodium hispidum 40 849 Parthe nium integri folium 1 00 795 Ophiothecafloridana 1 00 850 Passifloraincarnata 35 796 Orchis bepharisdottis 40 851 lutea 35 797 bitblia 5( 352 Pedicularis canadensis • 40 798 bracteata SC 853 gladiata 25 799 ciliaris Sti 854 pallida 50 800 cristata 40 855 Penstemon digitalis 35 SOI dilatata 75 856 laevigata 50 802 discolor 40 857 pubescens 25 803 fi mbriata 4o So 8 Penthorum sedoidea 25 804 flava 1 oc 859 Phalangium quamash. 3 00 805 fuscescens 51 S60 Phaseolus helvolus 25 806 herbiola 75 801 perennis 25 807 hyperborea 75 362 *trilobus 808 incisa 50 863 Phlox acuminata,* el decussata 25 809 laceia 75 864 amoena 50 810 macrophylla 1 00 365 aristata 50 811 obsoleta 50 366 canadense 50 812 orbieulata 1 00 367 carnea 40 813 pys codes 50 868 Carolina 40 814 spectabilis 30 869 divaricata 25 815 tri'Ieniata 30 870 v. atrorubra 1 00 816 uni f"lia 50 871 v. alba 1 00 817 vhvscens 4o 872 fioridana 1 00 818 vii-idis 50 873 glaberrima 35 819 2 sp. Georgia 75 874 intermedia 40 820 riganum vulgare 15 875 latifolia 821 •obanehe ameiicana 50 876 macular a 25 8 32 uniflora 50 877 nitida, vel suffruticosa 35 823 O ontium aquaticura 30 878 nivalis 40 824 Oxalis acetosella 35 879 ovata, vel listoniana 25 825 corniculata 15 880 panitulata 25 8'26 dillenii 25 881 v. alba 50 827 striata 15 882 pilosa 50 828 tetraphylla 35 883 pyramid alis 25 829 - violacea 15 884 setacea 25 830 Pachyaandra procumbens 50 885 stolonifera 25 831 P >.nax quioqueiblium 35 886 suaveolens 25 ( 156 ) Each. gets. 50 35 25 n osa,/>/, \ )tic, 6 I s. per / I roots ) * 87 Phlox v. tar di flora 888 v.fol. var. 889 subulata 890 13. alba 891 triflora $92 undulata 893 virginica 894 sp. nova 895 Phrynia leptostachya 896 Physalis obscura 897 pensylvanica 898 viscosa, &c. 899 Phytolacca decandra 900 Pisum maritimum, Sec 901 Plantago cucullata 902 lanceolata 903 maritima 904 v. fol. var. 905 virginica, &e. 906 Podophyllum peltatum 907 Podostigma pubescens, Ell., Asclepias pe- > i dicellata, Ph. 908 viridis. Ell Asclepias viridis, JPtirsh. 909 Polemonium reptans 910 v. album, be. 911 Polyanthes tuberosa, pi. ' exotic dols. 100 912 v. fol- var. 3'dols. per S- dozen QMPoIygalalutca 25 914 rubella 2r 915 *sanguinea 2: 916 senega, &c. 25 917 Polygonum angustifolium 15 918 latifolium 50 919 multiflorum 15 920 vulgare, &cc. 25 921 Polygonum coccineum 25 922 scandens 15 923 virginianum 15 924 viviparumj&c. 25 925 Pontederia angustiiblia 50 926 cordata 30 927 lanceolata, &c. 1 00 928 Pofamogeton, plur. sp. 25 929 Potentilla argentea 30 930 canadensis 15 931 confertiflorn, Tor, 50 932 nivea 40 933 Potentilla norwegica 934 opaca 935 palustris 936 pensylvanica 937 simplex 938 tridentata, &c. 939 Pothos fcetidu 940 Prenanthes alba 941 altissima 942 cordata 943 rubicunda 944 serpentaria, &c. 945 Primula mistassinica 946 pusilla 947 Prunella pensylvanica 948 vulgaris 949 Psoralea lupmellus 5 950 melilotoides 5 951 sp.? Geor?ia,hc. 5 25J952 Pulmonaria virginica, &c. (953 Pycnanthemuni incanum 00 954 linifolium 955 verticillatum, &c. 956 Pyrola media 957 minor 958 uniflora, &c. 959 Ranunculus abortivus 960 961 962 963 964 965 Eat*. gets. 15 30 30 30 15 25 25 25 25 25 50 35 9G6 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 acris v. pleno auricomus bulbosus v. pleno filiformis fluvialis hirsutus lingua pensylvanicus repens v. pleno sceleratus sp. nova 4 Rhexia glabella 975 lutea 976 mariana 977 virginica 978 3 sp. ? Georgia 979 *Ricinus communis 980 Ruhia Brownei 981 Rubus arcticus 982 chamiemorus 983 saxatilis 984 Rudbeckia amplexifolia 985 columnaris 986. digitata 987 fulgida 15 12 00 00 00 40 25 23 50 25 25 25 20 15 20 30 20 SO 25 25 25 25 15 15 30 15 50 00 00 25 25 00 00 35 40 30 40 35 30 35 ( »r ) 988 Rudbeckia hirta 989 lasiantha 99') laciniata 991 moscbata 992 pinnata 993 purpurea 994 triloba 995 sp. nova, alba 996 Ruellia ciliosa 997 bybrida 998 otilongifolia 999 strepens 1000 Rumex aceto-ella 1001 obtusitblius 10U2 sanguineus 1003 verticillatus, &c. 1004 Sabbatia angularis 1005 paniculata 1006 stellaris 1007 'Sagina procumbens 1008 Sagtttaria acutifolia 1009 het ropbylla 1010 latiiblia 10 1 1 SMgittifolia 1012 v. pleno 1 1013 2sp.? Geo. 1 1014 *Sa!icornia herbacca 1015 *Salsola salsa 1016 Salvia angustifolia 1017 azurea 1018 coccinea 1019 lyrata 1020 macu lata, Florida 1 1021 sp. ? Florida 1 102i Sanguinaria canadensis 1023 Sanguisorba canadensis 1024 Sanicula marylandica 1025 Saponaria officinalis 1026 v.albo pleno 1027 f. rubro pleno 1028 Sarracenia flava J 029 purpurea, 25 \ dols.perl00$ 1030 v. hi tea I 1031 psittacina,t/e/> rubra 5 1032 variolaris 1033 Saururus cernuus 1034 Saxifraga aizoides 1035 aiznon 1036 androsacea 1037 csespitosa 1038 geum 1039 oppositifolia 1040 pensylvanica Each. | Each, gcrs.' gets. 25|104t Saxifraga sibiwca 25 35 1042 viiginiensis 15 25 lu43 Scb'ucbzeiia palustris 25 50 1044 Schrankia uv.cinata 1 50 50 1045 Sco!ot»endrum officinalis 30 25 1046 Scrophularia marylandica 15 25 1047 Scutellaria integritblia 15 1 00 1048 galericulata 15 1 00 1649 hyssopifolia 15 1 00 1050 lateriflora 15 1 00 1051 oxalifolia, &tc. 30 35 1052 Sedum pusillum 25 15 1053 telephioides 35 25 1054 ternatura, &C. 25 20 1055 Senecio aureus 15 15 1056 hieracifolius 15 15 1057 obovatus, Stc. 15 50 1058 Sibbaldia procum bens 40 15 1059 *Sida nbutilan lo6() dioica 25 1061 mexicana 1 00 1062 napsea, Sec. -25. 1063 Silene pensylvanica 25 1064 virginica, &c. 1065 Silphium asteriscus 1066 connatura 1067 conjugatum 1068 lacini.tum 75 1069 perforatum 30 1070 squarrosum 30 1071 ternatum 25 1072 teribinthinaceum 00 1073 trifolutura 00 1074 verticillatum 1^ 1075 2sp.? Geo.,hc. 1 25 1076 Sison aureus 15 lu77 Sisymbrium ampbibium 15 1078 nasturtium 25 1079 sopbia, Sec. 35 1080 Sisyrinchium anceps 50 1081 bermudianum 30 1082 iridifolium 1083 mucionatum 00 1084 Nultallii 5n 1085 striatum, &c. 1086 Sium lineare 75 1087 rigidius 25 1088 Smilacina borealis 25 1089 canadensis 25 1090 racemosa 25 1091 stellala 25 1092 trifolia 35 1093 umbellata 25 1094 Smyrnium atropurpureum 15 ;095 cordatum N2 ' 40 40 35 25 25 40 25 40 25 40 00 35 25 25 25 25 40 40 25 50 50 25 25 35 25 25 25 50 50 50 25 ( 158 ) 1099 Each. g Cts 1096 Smyrnium integerrimum 21 1097 tjolanum caroliniense 40 1098 sp.? hibero-i Q sp? toferoo 3 sa, Texas J HOOSolidagoaltissima 20 1101 angustitolia 5( 1102 arguta 25 1103 aspera 25 1104 axillaris 25 1105 bicolor 25 1106 cassia 25 1107 canadensis 25 1108 discolor 40 1109 elliptica 25 1110 erecta 55 1112 Bexicautte 25 1113 gigantea 25 1114 hispida 25 11 1 5 laevigata 25 1116 lanctohta 25 1117 lateriflora 25 1U8 latitblia 25 1119 mexicana 25 112G novaboracensis 25 1121 odorata 25 1122 patula 25 1123 petiolaris 25 1124 procera 25 1125 puberula, Nut. 50 1126 reflexa 25 1127 rugosa 50 1128 sea bra 25 1129 sempervirens 25 1130 strict* 25 1131 virga-aurea 25 1132 virgata 25 1133 ulmifolia 25 1134 sp. nayia, ■white')* 00 mountains S 1135 sp. Florida 1 00 1136 Sonchus, plur. sp. *0 1137 Spargonophorus verticillatus 50 1138 Spartina glabra 40 1139 Spigelia marylandica 30 1140 Spiraa aruncus 15 1141 lobata 25 1142 stipulacea 1 00 1143 trifoliata 25 1144 Stachys aspera 25 1145 bispida 25 .1146 Statice armeria 25 1147 caroliniana 15 1148 Stevia alba, Mexico \ 00 1 Each. . g cts. I U9 Streptopus distortus 1150 lani.ginosus 1151 :ost.us 2 00 1152 Stropbosty lis angulosa 75 1 153 Stylosanthes elatior 25 1 154 hispii'a 25 1155 verticillata 25 U56 Talinum teretifolium i 00 1 157 1'ephrosia virginica 35 1158 Teucrium canadense 15 1159 viiginicum 15 ■ 160 Thalia dealb:.ta 75 1161 Thalictrum cornutura 30 1 1 62 dioicum 25 1163 pubescens 30 « 164 purpurascens 37 H65 rugosum 25 1166 sibiricum 50 1167 Thesium umbellatum 25 U68Tiarella eordifolia 25 1169 Tigridia pavonia, 5 \ .,. dols. per 100 5 1170 Tillandsia Bartramii 1 00 1171 u^ntoides 1 00 1172 sp.? 2 00 1173 Tofieldia glaberrima 1 00 1174 pubescens 50 1175 Tradescantia ciliata 50 1176 rosea 35 1177 subaspera 50 1178 virginica 25 1179 pallida 50 1180 alba 35 1181 rubra 35 1182 rubra plena 35 1183 *Trichostema dichotoma 1184 Trientalis americana 25 1185 Trifolium pensyhanicum 20 1186 reflexum 20 1187 repens, See. 15 1188 Trillium cernuum ' 25 1189 erectum 25 190 album 50 1191 grandiflorum 50 1192 obovatum 50 1193 pendulum 50 1194 pictum 50 1195 sessile 25 1196 Triosteum angustifolium 1 00 1 197 pcrfoliatum 25 198 Trollius laxus 50 1199 Troximum glauium 35 1200 viiginicum 25 1201 Tussilago pal mat a 75 1202 1 yyha an^ustilblia 25 ( 159 ) Each. Eaeb, s CIS ' b CIS. 1203TyphaIatifolia 25 J 244 \ iola striata svperba y 7iova 75 1204 Uitica ca adensis 25 1245 debilis 20 1205 dioiea 25 1246 dentata 25 1-206 puroila 25 1247 digitata 50 1207 Utriculat ia, plur. sp. 25 1248 hastala 20 1208 Uvulariaflava 50 1249 httei ophylla, Le\ Conie 5 i 00 1209 granc'iflora 30 i 1210 perfoliate 15 1250 lanceolita 15 1211 puhevula 50 1251 o\nV<* 25 1212 sessilifolia 15 1252 palm:«ta 15 1213 Valerian.- p-.uciflora 25 1253 palusti \s,\vhite mount. 50 1214 Valisneria ame lcana 50 1254 papillinnacea 25 121a Veratrum viride 25 1255 pedata 15 121G Verbascum blaltaria 15 1256 primulifolia 20 12» 7 ljihnitis, &c. 25 1257 pubescens 20 1218 Verbena aubletia 20 1268 rostrata 50 1219 bipinnatifida 75 1259 rotuiidifolia 40 1220 hastata 15 1260 sagiti ata 25 1221 v. alba 25 1261 selkuki 75 1222 urticifolia 15 1262 sepl emloba, IseConte 1 00 1223 Veibesina coreopsis 25 1263 striata 20 1224 siegesbetkia 25 1264 villos-, Walter 1 00 1225 virginica 25 1265 sp. ? Georgia 1 00 1226 Vernonia noveboracetisis 25 •266 sp ? Carolina 1 00 1227 prsea'ta 25 0267 sp. ? Nova-Scotia.hc 50 1228 Veronica officinalis 16 1-68 Xyris brevi folia 25 1229 *peregiina 1269 caroliniana 25 1230 vhginiea 25 1270 fimbriata 40 1231 Vicia anv-ricana 25 1271 Zamia integrifolia, velf 8 00 1232 cracca OA pumila $ 1 233 sativa 25 1272 " Zea mays, pluribus } varietas, 2dols. per > 100 ears S 1234 5 sp.? Florida 1235 Villarsia lacunosa 25 1236 Viola asarit'olia 50 1 273 Zephyranthes carinata 2 00 1237 *bicolor •274" Zinnia multiflora 1238 blanda 20 275 ' pauciflora 1239 canadensis 20 1 276 ■ viola cea 1240 carina 25 1241 clMiidestina 25 1277 Genus ? volubilis tube- ""} 1242 co senior 20 rosus, new nonde- f 1 00 1243 tucuilata, 12 dols ) per 100 S 75 script vi?ie t tube- r rous root j N. B. Tbose species to which tbe word vera is attached, have been hitherto almost invariably sent to Europe with inaccuracy, for the Juglans sulcata, they htve been sent a variety of J. alba vel squamosa; for Fugus ferruginea, the sylvatica ; for Asclepias vuriegutu, a variety of syriaea; for Juglans aquaticu,* variety of Juglans amara; for Quercus laur(folia y a va- riety of virens ; for Vitis rotundifoha, Xylosteum solonis and ciliatum, and some species of Ilex, other species and varieties ; for Hibiscus virginicus a varietv of palustris ; for Baptisia alba, the cerulea v. alba; for JMietfia macrosperma, the Arundo don.-x; and, in the s; me manner, with many other species ; and some species which ^re now enumerated in the Euro- pean catalogues, will be found on examination not to have yet found their way to Europe, ( 160 ) GBAMIN^E 15 to 25 Ce/ite eacA. 1 Agrostis alba 2 compressa 3 stricta 4 vulgaris, &c. 5 Andropogon av< naceus 6 nutans 7 scoparium, &c. 8 Anthoxanthum ouoratum 9 Aira nielicoides 10 iruncata, &c. 11 Bromus ciliatus 12 puigans 13 sp ? 14 Carex acuta 15 ampul lacea 16 aneeps 17 buliata 18 cespitosa 19 curta 20 Oeweyana 21 disperma 22 flava 23 flexuosa 24 t'olliculata 25 fraseri. 50 cewta 26 lacustris 27 luti folia 28 limosa 29 marginata 30 miliacea 31 multiflora 32 oligocarpa. 33 palkscens 34 pseudocyperus 35 rttrorsa, 50 cents 36 rosea 37 scahrata 38 scoparia 39 stellulata 40 siipata 41 stmminea 42 svlvatica 43 tentaculata 44 teretiuscula 45 varia 46 vestita 47 Carex virescens 48 xanthopbysa 49 sp ? white mountains } 50 cts. 50 Cy per us odoraius 51 parviflorus 52 repens 53 strigosus 54 tubeiosus, Etc. 55 Dactylis giomerata 56 Digilaria sanguinalis 57 Duliehium spathaceura 58 El) mus glaucifoUus 59 nystrix 60 virginicus, See. 61 iitiopborum angustiMium 62 poiyst.>chyon 63 vii ginicum, 8tc. 64 Holcus fragrans 65 lanatus 66 Juncus aeuminatus 67 bjcornis 68 effusus 69 nodosus 70 polycepbalus 71 spicaius, tvhife mou7itairis i 50 cents 72 tenuis, &c. 7.3 Leersia virginica 74 oryzoides, &c» 75 Milium ampbicarpon, 1 dollar 76 Muhlenburgbia diffusa 77 erecta, &e, ' 78 Panic um crus galli 79 glaucum 80 " bispidum 81 latit'olium 82 nitiilum, &c. 83 Paspalum ciliatifolium, &c. 84 Phalaris arundinacea, &cc. 85 Poa canadensis 86 compressa 87 dintata 88 elongata, 50 cents 89 Rhynchospora alba, &c. 90 Saccbarum giganleum, &<£. 'Jl bcii'pus aticularis ( 161 ) 92 Scirpus amencanua 93 atrovirens 94 capitatus 95 debilis 96 eriophorum 97 lineatus, &c. 98 Sorghum saccharatuin 99 Sparganum americanum N. B. A collection of Grasses^ of more than double the number of spe- cies above enumerated, can be supplied by timely notice. 100 Sparganum ramosum, ice, 101 Stipa hicolor, &<•. 02 Trichodium laxiflorum 03 Tripsacum d.tctaloides, &c. 04 Uniola gracilis 105 spicata, &c. !06 Zizania aquatica, &c. CRYPTOGAMIA FILICES. 25 to 50 Cents each. The Proprietor is determined to extend the collection of Ferns so as to comprise every American species y as no person has yet paid much atten- tion to forming an extensive living collection of this highly interest" ing class. i27 Asplenium ruta muraria 28 tiichomaneSj &c, 29 Blechnum boreale 30 Botrychium dissectum 31 fumarioides 32 gtacile S3 simplex 34 virginicura 55 Cheilanthes vestita 36 Drksonia pilosiuscula 37 Equisetum arvense 38 hyemale 39 pnlustre 4() scirpnides 41 uliginosum 42 variegatum, Tor, 43 TorreyanUm, &c. 44 Hydroglossum palraatum 45 lsoetis lscustris 46 Lycopodium clavatum 47 coraplanatum 48 dendmideum 49 lucidu!um, &c, 50 Onoclea obtusiiobata 51 sensib lis 52 Ophioglossum bulbosujn 1 Agrostic hum aureum 2 Adiantu m pedatum S Aspidium acrostichoides 4 aculeatum 5 angustum 6 asplenoides 7 aoriculatum 8 bul bite rum 9 cristatum 10 dentatum 11 exaltatum 12 filix, fcemina 13 filix, mascula 14 intermedium 15 marginale 16 novaboracense 17 obtusum 18 spinulosum 19 tenue 20 thelypteris 21 sp. ? JYuvth-Carolina 22 Asplenium augustifolium 23 eneneum 24 elatum 25 montanum m rhizophyljum ( 162 ) 53 Ophioglossum vulgatum. 54 Osmund a i-inamomea 55 intei-rupta 56 regalia 57 speclabilis 58 Poly podium aureum 59 oaleareum 60 conneclile 61 liexagnnopterum 6'2 hyperboreum 63 vulgare, &cc. 64 sp.? I Vest Indies 05 Pteris aquilina Musci, Algse, and 66 Pteris atropurpurea 67 caudata 68 eJegans 69 gracilis 70 hastata 71 pt-data 72 pluniieri, &c. 73 Schizxa pusilla 74 Scolopendrium officinaruna 75 Woodsia hypei borea 76 ilveusis 77 Woodwardia onocleoides 78 virginica, &o.. Fungi, of many species. SOUTH AMERICAN AND WEST INDIA TREES, SHRUBS, AND PLANTS. 1 Acacia aeanthocarpa 2 farnesiana 3 glauca 4 lutisiliqua 5 pelegrina, &c. 6 Acbania mollis 7 pilose 8 Alonsoa acutifolia 9 Amaryllis ad vena 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 aulica belladona calyptrata Candida crocata e que stria v. plena, 18 dols. per dozen formossissimn, 14 dols. per 100 longitolia, rosca< 4 dols. per doz. i). alba miniata purpu. vkJtybHd, 5 Uola. per doz. Each. Each. g cts. s cts. 50 22 Amaryllis psittacina 5 09 50 23 regina? 1 00 50 24 reticulata 2 00 75 -25 rutila 1 00 75 26 solandrifolia 50 ■27 striatifo'ia 2 00 50 28 tubispatha 50 •29 vit:ita, 6 dols pe;- dozen } 50 30 Anacardium occidentale ' 1 50 50 31 Aristotelia macqui 75 3 00 .52 A' tocarpus nucit'er;), &c. 5 00 33 \ngrtecum maculatum 1 00 i4 Begonia ar^yrostigoaa 40 1 00 .,5 hirsuta 30 }'" >6 odorata, he. 30 37 Bignonia aquinoctialia 1 00 1 '* 38 purpurea 39 stans, &c. 1 50 50 } 40 t0 Bixa orellana 1 00 + 1 Bletia florbia 75 42 verecundn, &c. 75 1 00 45 Cromelia ;*n:inas 1 00 } 50 44 k 1 1 tas, 1 00 45 pingum, &c. 1 5Q C 163 ) Each. $6 £ 46 Brunsfelsia amevicana i 00 47 Bul>ronia gauzurna 76 48 Cactus braziliensis 50 49 cochenillifer 50 50 cv lindricus 50 51 ficus indka 5(i 52 fogettaris 50 53 grandifloi us 6(. 54 hexagon us 7? 55 mammillaris 50 56 nielocacius 3 00 57 p ere ski a 5fi 58 ph> 11 nthus 75 59 repandus 60 60 spec'msus 50 61 s[>eciossissimus 75 62 spinossissimus 76 63 tetragonus 75 64 triangularis 50 65 truncatus 6" 66 tuna, &c. 60 67 Caladium bicolor 6o 68 maculatum 60 69 violaceum 75 70 sp? Brazil 1 50 71 Calophylium calaba 4 00 72 Camerari* latifolia 1 00 73 Canna coc«inea 40 74 esculenta 50 75 iridifloia, &c- 2 00 76 Caryophyllus aromaticus 77 Cassia bicapsularis 75 78 corymbosa 50 79 sp. ? St. Vincent's 1 00 80 Catesbas'i latifolia 1 UO 81 spinosa 1 00 82 Cestrum diurnum 40 83 fcetidissimum 40 84 laurifolinm 75 85 parqui, &c. 50 86 Cinch ina peruviana 87 Cocoloba pub;scens 3 00 88 uvifera 1 00 89 Cordia sehestena 1 50 90 Crinum erubescens 1 50 91 Dorstenia contrayerva 50 92 Durantfrpiumieri 1 00 93 Ecbites, sp. ? Brazil 1 50 94 Erythrina crista galli 2 00 95 corallodendron I 50 96 sp ? S\ America 2 00 97 Eugenia uniflora 1 50 98 sp ? Brazil 2 00 99 Ficus braziliensis 1 00 not crassinervis, &c. 1 00 Fuclisi &c. cocci nea 102 gracilis 103 macostema 104 Gardenia raudia 0>5 rotundi folia 1 '6 tetracantha ">7 Cenipa americana l-i8 Genus? poma aurea,of\ Biirbadoes 3 i)9 Gesneria bull.osa I !0 Gloxinia m-ddata 1 1 1 speciosa, &c. II I GonolobuB suberosns? 113 Gossypium hirsutum? 114 Gouainia tomentosa 115 Guai.teria virgata !l6 Guiacum officinale 1.7 Hsematoxyloncampechio anuni 5 118 Hippomanemancinella 119 Homalium racemosum 1 20 Hura crepitans 021 Kynieneea couibaril 122Indigofera,s// ? S.America 123 Ipomsea digitata 124 mulliflora 125 sanguinea 126 tuberosa 127 umbtllata 128 Jatropa curcas 129 rnultifida 130 pandura? folia, &c. lil Justicia cocci nea 1)2 lucida 133 peruviana 154 picta 135 v. viridifolia 136 Lantana aculeata 137 camara 138 involucrata 139 melisssefolia 140 nivea 141 trifolia, &c. 142 Lettsomia, sp? 5. Amer. 1 43 Littsea genjiniflora 144 Mammea .imericana 145 Maranta arundmacea 146 zehrina, &c. 147 Marica cserulea 148 martini cent's 149 northiana, &c. 150 Maurmdia seniperflorens 151 Mimosa pigra 152 Morus tine tori a 153 Musa sapientum Each 25 50 75 00 00 00 00 2 00 75 50 50 1 50 1 50 1 00 1 00 2 00 3 00 00 00 00 50 50 00 00 00 50 00 75 75 00 40 50 75 75 75 30 30 30 30 40 30 50 00 50 00 50 75 00 40 75 00 00 ( 164 ) Each. Each- s CIS. 8 cts. 154 Myrtus dumosa i 00 193 Passifiora picta i 00 155 pimenta 5 c 194 picturata i 00 156 )ncidium uncinatum 1 00 S95 punctata 75 157 Dxyiis fruticflsa ? 1 (J<< 196 quadrangularis 50 158 rosea, &c. 50 197 racemosa 60 159 Pancratium caribceum 1 00 1^8 rubra 75 160 fra^rans s 0(! 199 serrata 75 161 littora!e 1 CO iOO serrati folia 50 162 s|>eciosum,& c.2 00 201 subernsa 50 163 3 irVinsonia aeateata 75 202 tuberosa 75 164 Pass iflora adiautifolia 75 203 vespertilio l 00 165 a lata 75 ■204 Physalis eduiis 75 106 alba 1 00 '205 Pitcairnia, ap.? Brazil 2 00 167 albida 7:1 206 Plumeria alba 2 00 168 angulata 1 00 '207 rubra 3 00 169 angustifolia 75 208 Poinciana pulrherrima 75 170 cserulea 40 209 v. luteu 75 171 ciliata 75 210 Portlandia grandiflora 172 cupraea 75 211 Primus harhadensis? 2 00 173 discolor 75 '212 Punica nana 75 174 eduiis 60 2!3Rhexia, sp.? Brazil 75 175 fcetida 75 214 Richardsonia laurifolia 5 00 176 filameniosa 75 215 Rivina lsevis 50 177 glauca 75 !16 Ront< deletia Americana 1 00 178 heterophylla 7; 217 Ruellia formosa 40 179 hirsuta 75 -218 Sapindus saponaria 1 00 180 holosericea 75 219 Schinus terebintbinus 1 00 181 laurifnha 6<> 2-20 Solanum, sp ? S. America 2 00 182 ligularis 1 00 221 Swietenia mahagoni 5 00 183 lunata 60 222 Tamarindus occidentao lis, H. B. 5 75 184 maculata 1 00 185 maliforniis 75 223 Tillandsia, sp.? Brazil 2 00 186 mucronata 75 224 Tradescantia discolor 75 187 muUiflora 75 225 Trevirania coccinea 50 188 muructiya 60 226 Triuinphetta grandiflora 1 00 189 normalis 75 227 Xylophylla latifolia 1 00 190 pallida 75 191 pedata 75 228 Genus? air plant, Ca-\ raccas $ 2 00 192 peltala 7S ( 165 ) ii^^mi^Aif w&wro ^mmm APPLES. Pommiers. Pyrus mains. 37 Cents each. TABLE FRUIT. C denotes those which have proved good for Cider also. P those which are also proper for preserving or cookin' 1 Yellow harvest ripe in July. 2 Sine qua non, very fine do 4 Red juneating do 7 American summer queen Aug. 11 Marygold do 12 Red and green sweeting, weight. a lb. Aug. & Sept 20 Maiden's blush P Sept 22 Rantbo,or Romanite>V Sept.&Oc 27 Fall pippin, -weighs a lb. Nov 28 Corlies' sweeting, C Sept. to Dec 29 Large white sweeting do S3 American nonpareil, doctor apple Oct. & Nov. 34 Monstrous bellflower do 36 Catline, of MavylandJZ Oc.toJan 37 Michael Henry pippin D. to Feb 38 Newtown Spitzenburgh O. to Jan. 40 Monstrous pippin,«.r apple,or New-York gloria mundi, has weighed 27 to 35 oz. P do 41 Newark king do 42 Morgan Oct. to Feb. 43 American wine, C P do 44 Cumberland spice Nov. to Feb. 45 Bullock's pippin, or sheep nose, C P do 45 Pennock's winter do 49 Long-Island russet Nov. to Mar 51 Federal pear main do 54 Winter sweet pearmain do 56 Belden, or red cheek do 57 Fameuse, or de niege d< 58 Red Baldwin pippin d;> 59 Red jellyflower d 61 Bourassa do 62 Surprise, yellow outside, and red to the core within d 64 Se^k-no- farther do 67 iEsopusSpitzenhurgh.fAotf^Af by many inferior to none d 68 Flushing Spitzenburgh d< 70 Red winter sweeting r.Nov.toMar, 71 Yellow bellflower 73 Vandervere, P 74 Dickskill 75 Swaar 76 Craam 77 Pom me %r\s, grey apple of Canada do 78 Wood's greening do 81 Winter queening, of Ohio do 82 Lady's finger Nov. to April. 84 Rhode-Island greening, weighs do do do do do do Nov. to June. Dec. to April. Dec. to June. do a lb 85 Jersey greening 87 Priestley, P 88 Moore's sweetin 89 Green everlastin; 90 Red everlasting 91 Bostorn-usseting, russeting N. B. These four last apples have been preserved sound above a year Poxbu f» do do 92 Green Newtown pippin, C do 93 Yellow Newtown pippin,C P do 94 Cart house, or Gil- \ , pin,C pan. to May 95 Red ling do 96 IVwksnury blush Jan. to July. 97 Newark y ellow, or French ' n o £ ippi 1 Nov. to Jan. 98 Shippei. s russeting do 99 Roman st«*m Dec. to Feb. 100 Buck's county, or Salisbury cider,C do 101 American pippin, C Jan. to An 102 Chandler do 147 Canada reinette do 1 52 Amer ic.'n violet do f 57 Grand sachem do • 75 Early sweet redstreak Aug. ( 166 ) in Am 176 Scales large summer "> redstreak $ 178 Tremon early redstreak Sept 179 Large spieed crab, P d< 180 Cathead Oct. & Nov 181 Pumpkin sweeting d( 182 Taylor's, or Freehold red- streak d 183 Carroll's striped do 184 Barnes' fancy du 185 Sweet and sour d< ,MN ^J&S? "*}*•***-• 187 Brownite do 188 White doctor do 189 Red sweet pippin do 190 American quince r. Nov. to Jan 191 Golden lady Dec. to Feb 192 Wool man's long pippin do 193 Dumpling do 194 Monmouth large green do 195 American black r. Dec. to Feb l'j6 Coate's red winter _ do 197 Aunt's large red do 198 Orange do 199 Mansfield large red Jan. to Ap. 200 Long green pippin do '201 Warren do 202 Lob do 203 Vout do 4)4 Ninepartner's little russet, wili keep above a year 205 Poughkeepsie russeting 2U6 Porter's favourite 209 East-Jersey redstreak 210 Maryland grey redstreak 211 Dutchess county redstreak 212 Virginia redstreak 213 Belt's Berton crab 214 Williams' favourite 215 Fall sopswine CIDER APPLES. T denotes those that are good table fruit also. P — — — those that are best for preserving. 107 Hughes' Virgi- > . n „, ^^^ 114 Campfield, or Newark sweeting, nia crab $ r ' UcL & ** ov ' ripe from Oct. to Jan. 108 Gloucester white, of Virgi- 116 Cooper's jnisset- J nia, T do 111 Roane's white crab Oct. to Jan. > Nov. to Mar. nig, • * J 117 Harrison's Newark do APPLES for Preserves or Ornament, 169 Prince's new double flowering Jl67 Prince's new double flowering, •with small green fruity 1 doll with yellow fruit, 1 dol. 163 American green crab jl68 Prince's" new double flowering, 164 Fort Magee do. 1 dol. 1 with large green fruit, 1 dol, PEARS. Peiriers. Pyrus communis. 2>7 Cents each. 7 Sugartop, or harvest r» July. 27 Peach pear Sept. 40 Prince's sugar do 41 early virgalieu do 46 Rockland Oct. to Dec. 47 Buffum's d< 48 Washington Sept. & Oct 50 Pope's scarlet major d 51 Pqne's Quaker do 59 Prince's late virgalieu r. Oct. 61 Rushniore's bon chretien do 63 Bostnn epargne do 68 Newtown virgalieu Nov. to Jan. 72 Prince's St. Germain Nov. to Feb 88 Flushing gre) russet Dec. to Jan. 194 Bart let 204 Soraerindvke ( ler ) SHERRIES. Cericee. Primus cerasus. 50 Cents each, 9 A m erican heart, or large white heart June 32 China heart do 23 American amber do 38 Prince's duke 32 Yellow honey ripe in May & June. 38 Elkhorn do 39 Remington white heart JuIy&Aug. 40 Foe man's late July 44 Plumstone morello do 54 Norton's encysted, curious do dol77 Downer's favourite do PLUMS. Pruniers. Prunus domestica. 50 Cents each. f denotes those of large size. + — those of superior flavour. P those for preserves. 2 ft American cherry, myroba- '29 Ian, or cerise ripe in July ,31 3 Red chicasaw do, 32 4 Yellow do. doi 5 Early purple Aug.!34 6 A merican red, P do 36 7 Ditto yellow, P do 38 9 Wetherill's sweet do|39 12 t Burlington red do'40 16 fiCooper's large do4l 23 f* Washington, or Bolmer, j45 weighs near 4 oz. 1 do.!. do'52 24 f t Prince's gage, new, very |53 large, 1 doi. do! 27 $Red gage do| t White gage ripe in Aug. f^Smith's Orleans do fjhluliiig's superb, weighs near 4 oz, I doi. Sept. tAmerican yellow gage do Peter's large yellow Aug. & Sept. Lewistown egg Sept;. tHuling's fine blue Aug. Elfrey do I'oralinson's Charlotte do Milter's Spanish Sept. t Yellow honey, new, 1 doi. Aug. Prince's blue prim ordian,ear- liest of all, 1 doi. July, PEACHES. Pichers. Amygdalus persica. 37 Cents each $ denotes those of superior flavour. f those of remarkable size. M — — — those which are melting. C — ■ clingstones or pavies. 2 $ Yellow nutmeg ripe in July. 3 t Red nutmeg do 4 % White nutmeg do 6 jSweet water, or large Ameri- can nutmeg, M Aug. 7 $Red rareripe do 8 i White rareripe do 9 Yellow rareripe, M do U Early red, C do 1 2 Early white, C ripe in Aug. 1 3 J acques' new yellow rare- ripe, M do 14 New white rareripe, M do 15 Lemon freestone do 17 Freestone heath, M do 18 Gold and purple, C do 25 Morris red rareripe Sept. 26 Ditto white ditto do ( 168 ) • ripe in Sept 71 Freestone winter r. Sept. h Oct. 27 Oldmixon freestone 28 Oldmixon, C do 33 Cut-leaved, or serrated do 34 $f Jolumbia do 35 Washington, C do 36 tfRed pine apple, C do 37 ^f Kennedy's Carolina, early lemon, C do 39 ifRed cheek melecoton, M do 42 ^Orange peach, M do 44 fPresident do 45 fCongress, C do 48 White blossom do 52 Western Newington, C do 53 White pine apple do 5* Hyslops, C do 59 f Large red October, C Oct- 60 Long red, C do 66 Sargent's rareripe, M Aug 67 Late red ditto, M Sept 68 Kenrick's heath do 70 Heath, C very ™-} ct.&Nov. perior, 5 In enumerating the foregoing fruits I have only included those of ac- knowledged merit, and in addition thereto, there are various American va- rieties of Apricots, Nectarines, Raspberries, Strawberries, Persimmons, Papaws, Blackberries, Cranberries, Whortleberries, Walnuts, Chesnuts, Hazlenuts, Grapes, &c. &c &c. 85 Haines' early red 86 Coate's early yellow 87 Diana, C 88 Taylor's large yellow freestone 89 Late freestone heath 90 Large yellow freestone 91 Latest yellow freestone 92 Nagle's favourite 93 Elizai'ethtownfine 94 Mammoth 95 Yellow pine apple 96 New natural 97 Nonpareil, very large 98 Late red freestone 99 Rodman's late yellow 100 Rodman's red, C 101 Favourite red freestone 102 Binney'sred, C 103 Cole's red 104 Red Catharine A D D E N D E. 1 Aspidium dilatatum, (Cryptoga mice) 2 Carex sylvatica, ( Gramina) 3 * Cassia tora 4 Elephantopus tomentosus 5 Gerardia setacea 6 Gramina, 3 species ? from Illinois 7 Osmunda interrupts, (Crypto gatnia) 8 Poa elongata, Tor. 9 'Rhexia purpurea 10 Viola crenata 11 Ziaadenus glaberrimus CIRCULAR. J. HE Proprietor, in offering to the public this Catalogue of the Ameri* can Trees, Shrubs, Plants, and Seeds contained in his establishment— and which are annually exported to the different quarters of the world- avails himself also of the present opportunity to tender his acknowledge, roents to those gentlemen who have politely contributed to his establish- ment, from various countries, and to express his desire to continue, with renewed ardour, his intercourse with all those who have hitherto honoured him with their correspondence; and to receive also the corainunicatiotis of others who may wish to cultivate an intercourse with America in any way connected with Botany or Horticulture. He particularly wishes to extend his intercourse with all the principal Nurseries of Europe, and else- where, on the most liberal principles, and in a manner mutually beneficial and advantageous. Comprising, as this Garden does, an extent of more than thirty acres compactly .filled, and being the source whence large sup- plies are distributed through its Agents, &c to every part of the United States, and to foreign countries; and its collection being surpassed, or even equalled, but by few of those which have received in other countries the patronage of royalty, this establishment may be justly considered as a JVa- tional Institution. Those persons who may desire American Trees, Plants, or Seeds, will find the annexed Catalogue by far the most complete, and extensive of its kind, that has ever been offered to the world Several hnndred species which it cont ins are of great rarity, and are found in no other collection in America, nor are yet in those of Europe. Orders for any of the articles enumerated will be executed at the prices annexed to them— where no prices are stated for Seeds, they will be regulated by the plenty or scarcity of the season ; but many species of Seeds are so rare that they can sel- dom be obtained. In such cases it is recommended (hat the Proprietor be authorized to send Plants, when their Seeds cannot be procured, as this course will prevent disappointments. The Trees, Plants, and Seeds will be arranged and packed with the greatest care and attention — the long course of years in which the Proprie- tor has pursued this business having furnished him w ilh ample knowledge on this point, so necessary to insure success— and the Seeds will all be fresh and the growth of the year they are sent. The magnitude of this establish- ment (it being so much greater than any other in America, together with its extensive connections in every part of North and South America, and the West Indies) gives it decided advantages in the execution of any de- mands for American Seeds and Plants. In the United States alone, the Proprietor has more than seventy Agencies established in the various Cities and Towns in every section of the country, which serve as well for the ( 170 ) sale of the various productions of this Garden, as for the acquisition of such Seeds and Plants as are natural to their respective localities. In addition to these advantages, New-York is the principal seaport from which ships are despatched to all parts of the world, and its vessels are also celebrated for their safety and speedy passages. Its harbour being also contiguous to the Ocean, is open at all seasons of the year, while the neighbouring ports are frequently closed for several months by ice. The freight from New-York to foreign countries is also much cheaper than from other ports in the United States, and arrangements have been made to send all packages at the lowest freight. The Proprietor has been iu the habit of annually supplying large quanti- ties of Seeds for the different Governments of Europe to plant the Na- tional Forests, and for different Botanic Gardens, he. ; and he is prepared to supply similar orders to any extent. In addition to those enumerated in the Catalogue, the Proprietor has received a great number of new species of Seeds, from some of which he will be enabled to supply Plants m the fall of 1827— and, in fact, the extension of the interests of the establishment, through its numerous Agents in those sections of country hitherto least ex- plored, promise a more auspicious result, from the rich field of science ■which America presents, than has been displayed from the same quarter for a lapse of years ; and in the attainment of objects so desirable, neither exertion nor expense are spared. It will be perceived that the prices are in many cases much reduced-— in fact, they are now as low as can be afforded, to do justice to the pur- chasers in their quality, for in Seeds there is an immense difference be- tween those that are preserved with a particular regard to their vegetative powers, and the large quantities which are sent without any regard to that point. It should, however, be understood, that some Seeds never vegetate till the second year, and that some others with difficulty preserve their vegetative powers. The best period for the shipment of Plants is the months of October, November, December, and March— and for Seeds, November, December, and January. It is preferable, however, that the orders be received at a much earlier date, which will insure more complete execution. The Catalogue annexed is extracted from the large Catalogue, which is too bulky for general distribution, and forms a pamphlet of above 170 pages, but those who desire it can have the other parts forwarded to them, con- sisting of those enumerated at the commencement of this Catalogue. The whole can be sent put up as printed sheets, which will make the postage but trifling. The collection of Fruits of all the various kinds is very extensive and select, and will be found particularly noticed in Loudon's Gardeners' Magazine, in No. v. p. 90, in No. vii. pp. 345 and 350, and elsewhere; and a large number of which are also enumerated in the I Catalogue recently published by the Horticultural Society of London. The Proprietor prefers that all orders should be sent direct to him, instead of their being sent, as is sometimes the case, through other establish- ments of this country, who apply to him to execute them, and such a course will be found more economical and advantageous to those who send orders. It will be gratifying to the Proprietor if those persons who are strangers to him will, when sending their orders, authorize the payments to be made by some house in London, Liverpool, Paris, or Havre, or in some city of the United States, or tender him a suitable reference— but with respectable Nurseries, Botanists, &c. he is not disposed to create difficulties on this point, but will endeavour to meet their convenience by flawing on them iir«ct, where the above arrangements cannot well be made. ( m ) Insurance will be made on shipments when desired; and where not done, the packages are of course, after shipment, at the risk of the persons or° tiering them. Such persons as may please to present to the establishment collections of rare Seeds and Plants, will receive a prompt reciprocity of favours; and Seeds of the Cape of Good-Hope, Botany-Bay, and New-Holland, will be particularly acceptable. With ail his Botanic correspondents, and with ama- teurs of the science throughout the world, the Proprietor solicits a frequent correspondence, and requests from them every information respecting new discoveries, and the diversified interests of Botany and Horticulture Every such favour will be cheerfully reciprocated; and as activity is the very essence of improvement, such intercourse will be conducted with that promptitude and despatch which characterize the general transactions of the establishment. It is also particularly requested, that all orders for Trees, Plants, and Seeds, should be forwarded as early in the season as possible, WILLIAM PRINCE.