UMASS/AMHERST # 315Dbt.D0SDbt.ElS H ARVE ST TRADE 677 15 CATALOGUES tm* m* M mimm w imm* : ■ ■».inii». iiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiitiHiitiiiiiiitiiitiiiiiiiiitiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiminMimim>ii»iniiuiiiii»iii""ii»iiiit"*i""*""»""" n1 "" ^ INTERN •HUll HimiUIIIIHIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIII'HIl'""'"""" 1 " on these or write AMERICA HAYES I.ITHO. CO BUFFALO, NY USA ■' I ft 4 > w: i 4* * \ h $ t A117E INTERNATIONAL FEED GRINDERS ^ Three Types of International Feed Grinders International feed grinders are built in three types, each type in different sizes, so they may meet all requirements. Type B is designed primarily for grinding corn on the cob; it is built in three sizes, with 6, 8 and 10-inch grinding plates. Type C grinds small grain only — wheat, barley, oats, shelled corn, etc.; it is an efficient, high-speed mill for rapid grinding of small grain. It is built in two sizes, with 6 and 8-inch grinding plates. Type D is designed primarily for grinding corn in the husk. It is built with a spiral cutter and 8 and 10-inch grinding plates. Approximate Capacity* and Horse Power of International Feed Grinders TYPE B 6" Plate 8" Plate 10" Plate Ear Corn Shelled Corn and Small Grains Ear Corn Shelled Corn and Small Grains Ear Corn Shelled Corn and Small Grains Bushels per Hour 5-10 5-20 -15 -30 15-30 15-50 Horse Power 2- 6 2- 8 3- 8 3-10 6-20 6-20 TYPE C 6" Plate Shelled Corn and Small Grains Shelled Corn and Small Grains 5-20 2- 8 8" Plate 8-30 3-10 TYPE D 8" Plate 10" Plate Corn in Husk 12 25 4-10 15-30 6-15 * It is next to impossible to make any definite statement regarding the capacity of a feed grinder. Four continually varying factors enter into the computation of the capacity of any feed grinder. The approximate capacities of International feed grind- ers range from 5 to 50 bushels per hour, depending entirely on the condition of the grain, the fineness to which it is ground, the power used, and the speed at which the machine is run. To secure the greatest capacity, these machines should be driven at a maximum speed. Minimum speed for 8 and 10-inch grinders is 300 revolutions per minute. Maximum speed when a flywheel is used is 600 revolutions per minute. At a speed above BOO revolutions per minute the flywheel should be removed. The following table indicates the speed of International feed grinders equipped with different size pulleys and operated with an International oil engine from 2 to 20-horse power. ENGINE INTERNATIONAL FEED GRINDER Speed of Grinders with Various Pulleys— R. P. M Horse Diameter of Regular Speed Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Power Plain Pulley R. P. M. S Inches 10 Inches 12 Inches 14 Inches 10 Inches 18 Inches 20 Inches 2 8 -inch 400 400 320 266 228 200 177 160 3 9 -inch 360 405 324 270 231 202 180 162 4 12-inch 400 600 480 400 342 300 266 240 6 16-inch 325 650 520 433 371 325 290 260 8 18 -inch 310 697 558 465 398 348 310 279 10 20 -inch 300 750 600 500 428 375 333 300 12 24 -inch 300 900 720 600 514 450 400 360 15 26 -inch 250 812 650 541 464 406 361 325 20 28 -inch 240 840 672 560 480 420 373 336 International Type B Feed Grinder 6-Inch Grinding Plates This grinder is specially designed for grinding corn on the cob. When the supple- mentary bottom, described on page 8, is used, small grain can be ground. The grinding plates are 6 inches in diameter. Fine and medium plates are regularly furnished, but when specially ordered, coarse and extra fine plates can be fur- nished at an additional cost. This grinder can be operated with from 2 to 5-horse power, at a speed of 125 revolutions per minute for each horse power. The best results will be obtained when the speed is not less than 300 revolutions per minute. At this speed, under favorable conditions, the capacity is about ten bushels per hour. At a slight addi- tional cost a heavy flywheel will be furnished with this grinder. The flywheel should be removed for any speed over 600 revolutions per minute. International Type B Feed Grinder, 6-lnch Specifications of the Type B 6-Inch Feed Grinder Power ----------2 to 8 -horse power. Speed ----------125 revolutions per minute per horse power. Hopper Opening ------- Top, 17 x 20"; bottom, 6 x 12^ ". Floor Space -------- 34 x 40". Main Shaft -------- 1ft'. Pulleys ---------- 12" pulley with 4^" face is regularly furnished; 6, 8, 10, 14 or 16" pulleys can be furnished if specified. Equipment --------- 12 " pulley, fine and medium grinding plates, lag screws, regular cob breaker International Type B Feed Grinder 8 -Inch Grinding Plates LARGE STEEL HOPPER WELL REINFORCED DIVIDED SPOUT TO WHICH TWO SACK CAN BE ATTACHED PULLEY FOR ELEVATOR BELT WIDE FACED BELT PULLEY FLY WHEEL THUMB NUT FOR REGULATING PRESSURE ON TENSION SPRING TENSION SPRING HOLDS PLATES IN POSITION AND PREVENTS BREAKAGE WELL BRACED STEEL STAND HOLDS MACHINE RIGID LAG SCREWS MAKE IT EASY TO LINE UP GRINDER WITH POWER USED Sacking Elevator Attached to a Type B, 8 or 10-lnch Feed Grinder Specifications of the Type B, 8 -Inch Feed Grinder Power 3 to 10-horse power. Speed - - - 75 revolutions per minute per horse power. Hopper Opening Top, 20 x 25"; bottom, 7 x 14". Floor Space -------- 34 x 43". Main Shaft -------- 1^". Pulleys ---------- 12" pulley with 5 V" face is regularly furnished; 6, 8, 10, 14, 16, 18 or 20" pulley can be furnished if specified. Equipment -------- 12" pulley, fine or medium grinding plates, lag screws, regular cob breaker. 4 International Type B Feed Grinder 10-Inch Grinding Plates This grinder differs from the 6 and 8-inch grinders in that the frame and hopper are longer and the main shaft is larger in diameter. It is de- signed to grind corn on the cob. Where a large size grinder is required, as with feed-store men, stockmen and dairymen, this is a popular machine. The grinding plate, supplementary bottom, and flywheel equip- ment is the same for this grinder as for the 6 and 8- inch grinders. The grinding plates are 10 inches in diameter. The supplementary bottom and fly- wheel will be furnished when specially ordered at an addi- tional cost. This grinder can be operated with from 8 to 15- horse power at a speed of 35 to 40 revolutions per minute for each horse power. The best results will be obtained at a speed of from 350 to 500 revolutions per minute. For a speed over 600 revolutions per minute, the flywheel should be removed. International Type B Feed Grinder, 10 -Inch Specifications for Type B, 10- Inch Feed Grinder Power -»---6 to 20 -horse power. Speed ----- 35 to 40 revolutions per minute per horse power. Hopper Opening - - Top, 25 x 29"; bottom, 7 x 22". Floor Space -------- 34 x 52". Main Shaft - l^g". Pulleys ----- 12" pulley with 6 V" face is regularly furnished; 8, 10, 14, 16, 18 or 20" pulley can be furnished if specified. Equipment 12" pulley, fine and medium grinding plates, lag screws, regular cob breaker. Description of Type B Grinders Steel shaft showing arrangement of regular cob breakers, 10-inch Type B grinder I ..129F.. I ....210F.... I — 211F I Steel shaft showing full spiral breaker, 10-inch Type B grinder I 20uF I ....205F I Full spiral breaker on 8-inch grinder 1 - --11111— '^'*^ L r ,L —-', b I 206F I UOFI ..5F.. I Half spiral breaker on 8-inch grinder — — 5 — — g^" ~ Hf« mfammmHl I .129F... I ...210F.. I ..114F.. | 68F I Half spiral breaker on 10-inch grinder I ....130F.... [ ..110F.. ! ..5F... Regular breaker with spiral points on 8-inch grinder ^gt^mrns I ...129F... I 1UF I 08F I Regular breaker with spiral points on 10-inch grinder 195F.... I ....194F.... ! Full spiral breaker on 6-inch grinder I..4F.. I IMF I .5F-. I Regular breaker, 8-inch grinder 1 ....195F-... I ...137F. 136F Half spiral breaker on 6-inch grinder I 13SF I 13TF I 136F I Regular breaker, 6-inch grinder The breakers on Type B feed grinders mash up the cobs and force the grain toward the grinding plates They are located on the steel shaft, and to insure lasting qualities their points are chilled. Above are shown the different styles of breakers for the three sizes of Type B grinders. Type B 6, 8 and 10-inch grinders can be supplied with any of the above combinations in place of the regular cob breaker. Grinding Plate Shield and Hopper Removed to Show the Working Parts of the Grinder Plate Shifter Lever A lever conveniently located at the end of the shaft makes it possible to separate the plates without readjusting the tension spring. This is a safe-guard against breakage, because if a stone or a nut should get into the mill, by one quick movement of the lever, damage can be avoided. Also, the plates may be cleaned without making the tension-spring adjustment, which is slow and difficult to get to the same fineness as before. Plate Shifter Lever and Tension Spring Spring Tension A heavy spring holds the grinding plates in position, and minimizes the danger of breakage, should any hard substance get into the grain by mistake. The pressure exerted by this spring can be made greater or less by turning the thumb nut which holds the spring in place. In this way the grinder may be regulated for fine or coarse grinding. Self-Aligning Grinding Plates A heavy steel shaft, which runs in extra long, anti-friction babbitt bear- ings, drives the crushing and grinding parts of the machine. The stationary grinding plate is bolted to the frame of the mill; the running plate is attached to the shaft by means of a ball and socket connection shown in the illustration on this page. This connection permits the running plate to keep in perfect alignment with the plate on the frame at all times; the result is a mill that runs smoothly and grinds evenly. The end thrust of the shaft is taken up by a ball bearing. This con- struction reduces the friction produced by the end pressure to a minimum. Cross Section Showing Self-Aligning Running Plate with Ball and Socket Connection The chilled concave is located be- low the breakers, and is fastened to both sides of the frame with wooden pins on 8 and 10-inch grinders. On 6-inch grinders metal pins are used, because where small horse power is employed the driving belt will slip off the pulley as soon as the plates become clogged. The Chilled Concave Chilled Concave Under Grinding Plates Large Steel Hopper The hopper is made of sheet steel, the surface of which is perfectly smooth. To prevent its being battered or bent out of shape it is strongly reinforced around the top by turning the outer rim completely around an iron rod. INTERNATIONAL FEED GRINDERS Grinding Plates International Type B feed grinders are regu- larly equipped with one pair of fine grinding plates and one pair of medium grinding plates. Coarse and extra fine plates can be supplied at an addi- tional cost. These plates are made of steel and are not interchangeable, as is seen in the illustra- tion on this page, because the stationary plate and the running plate are of different design. Running Plate Stationary Plate Supplementary Shut-Off A shut-off regulates the flow of grain into the plates, and is controlled by a small lever just above these plates. When closed, the shut-oft prevents the entrance of any grain to the plates. This feature makes it possible to regulate the flow of grain to the amount of power used. Supplementary Bottom Small grain may be ground in all Type B feed grinders when the supplementary bottom attachment is used. This attachment is made of sheet steel and is perfectly smooth so it will not obstruct the grain. It is put into the hopper with the convexed surface fitting up close to the opening which leads to the grinding plates, forming a tube through which small grain will be forced. The flat surface is inclined toward the grinding plates and is fastened to the hopper by two bolts at the upper end of the incline. This attachment is made in three sizes to fit 6, 8 or 10-inch grinders. Steel Frame and Lag Screws A strong, rigid steel frame and two lag screws make it easy to keep the mill in proper relation to the power used to drive it. The lag screws fasten into the floor and clamp over the top of the wooden braces. The clamps may be loosened by turning a nut on the top of the lag screw. The mill may be moved, in order to tighten or loosen the belt, without moving the lag screws, by simply loosening the clamps, sliding the mill in the desired direction and then Supplementary Bottom Place i. Hopper tightening them Up again. I INTERNATIONAL FEED GRINDERS ^ Supplementary Hopper i Type B Feed Grinder with Supplementary Hopper for Grinding Small Grain I The best results are often obtained by feeding a mixture of different grains. The most satisfactory way to mix grains so that the mixture is thorough and even is by grinding them together. Small grain and ear corn will not mix thoroughly or grind evenly when placed in the same hopper. For this reason a supplementary hopper is made for 6, 8 and 10-inch Type B feed grinders for grinding oats or other small grain, together with ear corn. This device consists of a separate sheet steel hopper that sits above and in front of the regular hopper and is clamped to the regular hopper. It is well made, the separate pieces being riveted together, and the top reinforced by turning the outer rim around an iron rod. The bot- tom slopes toward a feed opening equipped with a shut-off. The small grain is put into the supplementary hopper and the ear corn into the regular hopper. The flow of small grain may be controlled by the shut-off lever. This attach- ment is furnished only on special order at an additional cost. Supplementary Hopper Advantages of Grinding Feed with an I H C Feed Grinder Grinding grain adds a great deal to its value as a feed for all kinds of stock. When whole grain is fed, a large part of it is wasted, because it is not thoroughly masticated or digested. At the pre- vailing high market prices of corn and other grains, no one can afford to waste any, however small the amount may be. When ground grain is fed it will be found that as much as 35 per cent can be saved. For animals out of condition or old animals, ground grain is essential if the best results would be attained. It has been thoroughly demonstrated in one of the leading experiment stations of the country that one pound of corn and cob meal has the same feed- ing value as one pound of corn meal. This proves conclusively that it pays to grind corn A Money-Making Grinding Outfit * International Type C Small Grain Grinders 6 and 8-Inch Grinding Plates These grinders are specially designed to grind small grain, such as wheat, oats, barley and shelled corn. The bottoms of the hoppers with which they are equipped are inclined toward the grinding plates and chute the grain into a worm, which in turn forces it to the grinding plates. The grinding plates are 6 and 8 inches in diameter for the respective grinders. The 6-inch grinder is equipped with fine and me- dium grinding plates; the 8-inch grinder is also equipped with fine, and medium grinding plates. The 6-inch grinder may be operated with from 2 to 6-horse power, at a speed of 125 revolutions per minute for each horse power. The capacity of this grinder is from 5 to 20 bushels per hour. The 8-inch grinder may be operated with from 6 to 12-horse power, at a speed of 175 revolutions per minute for each horse power. The capacity of this grinder is from 8 tO 35 bUShelS per hour. International Type C Small Grain Grinder. 6 and 8-lnch i Specifications for Type C, 6-Inch Feed Grinder Power ... 2 to 8 -horse power. Speed 125 revolutions per minute per horse power. Hopper Opening Top, 17 x 20". Floor Space 34 x 40". Main Shaft \? e ". Pulleys 6" pulley with 4' 4 " face is regularly furnished ; 8, 10 or 12" pulley can be furnished if specified. Equipment 6" pulley, fine and medium grinding plates and lag screws. 10 c INTERNATIONAL FEED GRINDERS Specifications for Type C, 8-Inch Feed Grinder Power - - - - 3 to 10 -horse power. Speed ---------- 100 revolutions per minute per horse power. Hopper Opening ------ fop, 19 x 25". Floor Space --- 34 x 43". Main Shaft -------- l/ 4 ". Pulleys - ----6" pulley with 5%" face is regularly furnished; 5, 8, 10. 12, 14, 16, 18 or 20 pulley can be furnished if specified. Equipment -------- 6" pulley, fine and medium grinding plates and lag screws. Description of Type C Feed Grinders Grinding Plates All running or stationary grinding plates on the Type C feed grinders are alike. All Type C grinders are regularly furnished with fine and medium grinding plates. Fine Stationary Plate Worm Feed Fine Running Plate Type C feed grinders are made with a worm feed just below the shut-off. This worm feed forces the grain into the grinding plates. This feature is responsible for the steady flow of grain to the grinding plates, which is so necessary to insure even grinding. Hopper and Grinding Plates Removed to Show Construction of Shaft, Steel Frame and Worm Feed 11 INTERNATIONAL FEED GRINDERS View Showing the Inside of Hopper with the Adjustable Shut-Off Open Hopper and Shut-Off The hopper is made of sheet steel and is thoroughly reinforced around the top ; the outer rim is turned completely around an iron rod. It cannot become bent or knocked out of shape. The inside of the hopper is perfectly smooth with no projections to obstruct the flow of grain. The bottom inclines toward the opening just above the worm feed. One excellent point in the construction of this mill is the shut-off shown in the two illustrations on this page. By means of it the flow of grain fed to the grinding plates may be shut down or regu- lated so that an 8- inch grinder may be operated with an engine as low as 4-horse power. The 6-inch grinder may be regu- lated to run on as low as 2-horse power. When the shut-off is closed, no grain can get into the grinding plates. Steel Frame and Lag Screws A strong, rigid steel frame and two lag screws keep the machines from wobbling, and hold them firmly in position on the floor. The lag screws fasten into the floor and clamp over the tops of the wooden braces. The clamps may be loosened with- out loosening the lag screws, and permit a movement of eight inches, making it easy to line up the grinder with the power used to drive it. Lag Screw and Clamp View Showing the Inside of Hopper with the Adjustable Shut-Off Closed 12 INTERNATIONAL FEED GRINDERS =^ International Type D Feed Grinder 8 and 10-Inch Grinding Plates, Spiral Cutter I International Type D Feed Grinder, 8 and 10-Inch This grinder is primarily designed for grinding corn in the husk. The capacities of Type D grinders vary widely with the amount of power used, the condi- tion of the grain, and the fineness to which the grain is ground. The 8 -inch grinder can be operated with from 6 to 10-horse power, at a speed of 100 revolu- tions per minute for each horsepower. The 10-inch grinder can be operated with from 8 to 15-horse power at a speed of 75 revolutions per minute for each horse power. All Type D feed grinders are equipped with fine and coarse grinding plates. Specifications of the Type D 8-Inch Feed Grinder Power ----- 4 to 10-horse power. Speed -- 100 revolutions per minute per horse power. Hopper Opening - - Top, 17 x 19' ; bottom, 6^ x 13%"- Floor Space ---21s 48". Main Shaft -------- 1 /,. . Pulleys - - 10" pulley with 5'4" face is regularly furnished; 6, 8 or 12" pulley can be furnished if specified. Equipment -------- 10" pulley, fine and coarse grinding plates, lag screws. Specifications of the Type D 10-Inch Feed Grinder Power -----6 to 15-horse power. Speed ----------75 revolutions per minute per horse power. Hopper Opening ------- Top, 17 x 19"; bottom, 6^ x 13%". Floor Space -- 21 x 48". Main Shaft -------- l,y. Pulleys ---------- 14" pulley with 6 '4" face is regularly furnished; 8, 10 or 12" pulley can be furnished if specified. Equipment -------- 14" pulley, fine and coarse grinding plates, lag screws. 13 Gears The cut below shows the arrangement of the gears on the Type D feed grinder. The nature of the work done by this machine requires a slow, powerful cutting and grinding mechanism. By nesting three gears and three pinions in the proper manner, the power required to cut the husks and break the cobs is reduced to a minimum. The inside gear which drives the shaft revolves but once to every seven revolutions of the pulley; this increases the efficiency of the cutters about 33 1 1 per cent, and permits them, on a slow-running shaft, to cut up the corn with less engine power than would be possible on a fast one. The machine is so geared that one cutter knife revolves faster than the other, and consequently it is impossible for a big ear of corn to wedge and stop the machine. The gearing is completely covered to prevent injury to the operator, or cutting of the gears through the entrance of dust and grit. Strong Stand Construction The machine is constructed with a steel stand which stays where it is put and holds the grinder firm and rigid. The angle irons lag to the floor and are firmly cross-braced at both ends of the machine so there is no way for the belt to get out of line or the machine to become shaky. Outer Shaft Support The shaft on the Type D grinder runs out several inches beyond the pulley into a long, anti- friction bearing. The shaft is prevented from bending or springing, and friction is reduced by an outer shaft support shown in the illustration below. Because of this support, none of the working parts of this machine can be thrown out of alignment. Type D Grinder with Hopper and Gear Shield Removed. Note the Spiral Cutter, Arrangement of Gears and Outer Shaft Support 14 Cutter Bar A noteworthy feature of this machine is the cutter bar. This is a rectangular bar running parallel to the cutter knives and located just below and midway between the two. As the knives revolve they come in contact with the edges of the bar; and in this way form a cutting surface. The bar can be adjusted by set screws, either up or down, or in either direction sideways. The value of this arrangement is readily seen. Suppose that a knife, after the machine had been in use some time, became dull, was removed and ground. When replaced, it might not be in proper relation to the cutter bar. To get the correct cutting surface, the bar has only to be adjusted sideways, up or down, as the need may require. If the corners become worn, a new cutting surface is supplied by simply turning the bar over. Safety Device To prevent the knives from breaking, a wooden break pin is used to fasten the first pinion to the drive shaft. Before any damage can be done by obstructions getting into the cutter, this pin will give way. Complete Shut -Off The feed opening is around the end of the Pair of Fine G " ndi -s PIates worm. A double slide shut-off regulates the amount of material fed into the grinding plates. When closed, it prevents the admission of any grain to the plates. It can be adjusted to the amount of power used. Extra Equipment Wagon Elevator The elevator illustrated on this page is of great value where it is desirable to have the ground feed placed in a wagon or bin, as it delivers the feed direct without handling. This elevator can also be used as a sacker, when the sacking attach- ment is substituted for the wagon spout. The wagon spout works in a swivel and can be adjusted to deliver ground feed in any direction. These two attachments are inter- changeable, and either can be supplied with this elevator. The wagon spout is regularly shipped with the elevator. The sacking attachment is supplied at an additional cost and only when ordered. Wagon Box Elevator with Swivel Spout 15 Extra Equipment— Continued Flywheel A large, heavy flywheel is furnished with all size Type B feed grinders at an additional cost. When the grinders are driven at a speed above 800 revolutions per minute, the flywheel should be removed. Sacking Elevator When it is desired to sack ground feed, it is convenient to have a sacking elevator in con- nection with the grinder. An efficient and well-made elevator can be had with an I H C feed grinder at an additional cost. This elevator can be attached to either side of the machine in a moment. When attached as shown in the illustration on page 4, the belt should be crossed; when attached to the other side of the machine the belt should be straight. The Most Adaptable Power Oil and gas engines furnish by far the most adaptable and economical power for the modern farm. These engines can be operated on gas, gasoline, benzine, naphtha, kerosene, solar oil, or alcohol. The power they generate is practical, not only for work in the field, but also for the smaller jobs around the house, workshop and barn. They furnish the most convenient power for operating the feed grinder, and are especially adaptable for this purpose on account of the variation in the power required in proportion to the kind and condition of the grain being ground. No matter how much power a feed grinder needs to do its work properly, there is an I H C oil or gas engine that will supply it at such a low cost that grinding with an International feed grinder operated by one of these engines is most profitable. I H C engines are very easy to operate, and when once started require no attention except for an occasional oiling. The I H C Line Includes I H C vertical engines, made in 2, 3, 4, 6, 25 and 35-horse power. Horizontal (portable and stationary) engines, made in 1, 1%, 2#, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25 and 50-horse power. Pumping, spraying and sawing outfits; IHC oil tractors from 12 to 60-horse power. The illustration on this page shows an I H C feed grinder being operated by the engine of an I H C motor hay press. The power bed and bale chamber of the press have been disconnected. The extra axle and wheels have been attached to the rear end of the power bed and the feed grinder has been set up on the power bed just as it would be set up on a barn floor. This engine may be used for operating many other machines, such as corn shellers, wood saws, concrete mixers, etc. 16 A Feed Grinder can be Operated with the Engine of the International Motor Press Sold by INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF AMERICA ( Incorporated) CHICAGO USA For further information write International Harvester Company of America Chicago, III., or write our nearest branch house. ^jitltiiiiii. ii;>iuiiiti iiiii :i[iii;iii[)iHiuiiuitiiiti!i!::iiiiiiM)iiiiiii:i>it:ii:iii:iiii:i:iii>i]MiiiiiiiMi.iiiiii:iii::]iiitiiiiiiliii]iitts:iiii:iiui:iiii::iiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiin mi, 11 n in i it i iu n 1 11 1 iiiij^ BRANCH HOUSES INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF AMERICA 'INCORPORATED' RllllllIIIIHtlllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllltlllllllilllllllllltllllllllllllltlllllltllllllllllllllllMlllltllllllllllMllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllIllltlllllllllllllin? !lllllll!llllllillli:ii:illlillllHlllllillllllllllllllll!IIIIIIIM IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllM S£JllllllllllllilllIlll(ltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlUlllllllllllMIIIIIllllllllllllllfllllIlllllllllltlllllllIltilllllltlllllllllllllllllltlllMIIIIIHIIIItlllllllllllllltIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIt^ 1 ABERDEEN S D. DETROIT. MICH. LINCOLN. NEB. RICHMOND. IND. ■ ALBANY, N Y. DUBUQUE. IA. LITTLE ROCK, ARK. RICHMOND. VA. ' ^BBvtlanta. ga EAST ST. LOUIS. ILL. MADISON. WIS. ROCKFORD. ILL. OKuBURN. N. Y EAU CLAIRE. WIS. MANKATO. MINN. ST. CLOUD. MINN. AURORA. ILL. ELMIRA. N. Y MASON CITY. IA. ST JOSEPH. MO. BALTIMORE. MD. EVANSVILLE. IND. MEMPHIS. TENN. ST. LOUIS. MO. BIRMINGHAM. ALA. FARGO N D. MILWAUKEE. WIS. SAGINAW. MICH. BISMARCK. N. D. FT DODGE. IA. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. SALINA. KAN. BOSTON. MASS FT WAYNE. IND. MINOT. N D. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH BUFFALO. N Y. GRAND FORKS. N D NASHVILLE. TENN. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. CEDAR FALLS. IA. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH NEW ALBANY. IND. SIOUX CITY. IA. CHARLOTTE. N. C GREEN BAY WIS. NEW ORLEANS. LA. SIOUX FALLS. S. D. CINCINNATI. OHIO HARRISBURG. PA. OGDENSBURG. N. Y. SOUTH BEND. IND. CLEVELAND. OHIO HELENA. MONT OKLAHOMA CITY.OKLA, SPOKANE. WASH. COLUMBIA. S C. HUTCHINSON. KAN OMAHA. NEB. SPRINGFIELD. ILL. COLUMBUS OHIO INDIANAPOLIS. IND PARKERSBURG. W VA. SPRINGFIELD. MO. CONCORDIA. KAN JACKSON. MICH. PARSONS. KAN. TERRE HAUTE. IND. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA JACKSONVILLE. FLA PEORIA. ILL. TOLEDO. OHIO CRAWFORD. NEB. KANKAKEE. ILL PHILADELPHIA. PA TOPEKA. KAN. DAVENPORT. IA. KANSAS CITY. MO PITTSBURGH. PA WATERTOWN. S. D. DENVER. COLO KNOXVILLE. TENN. PORTLAND. ORE WICHITA. KAN. DES MOINES. IA. LANSiNG. ("CH OUINCY. ILL. WINONA. MINN. jfce] [ijiL ■ lllllllllllitiiiillliiilillliiiilHiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiinniiniitiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiii n iiiiiiiiiimi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiref M HARVESTER PRES