* Methodist Episcopal Crucco. Robnouts Church Poems Sample Pages 8/5 OF CATALOGUE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS For Churches and Parsonages Board of Church Extension OF THE a da da da * 10 15 20 4 daladapte ———— Methodist Episcopal Church • 1 & 2 - 1 de Adv Matos abra TT Í HLA man pad OF DE DE JAPANEELDE Karate data to FURNISHED BY THE Mega Man q RD PRICE, ARGOT Mango da KETTERLINUS, PHILA. Mainonnan Wilson Library FOR THE YEAR 1884: Those wishing to build Church or dwelling should send for CATALOGUE, A pamphlet of 88 pages, describing large variety of styles and sizes for both Churches and Price, 12 Cents. dwellings. Address KEV, A. J. KYNETT, 1. 1., Church Extension Rooms, 1026 Arch St., Philad'a, Pa. *CHURCH FURNITURE* Haynes, Spencer & Co., RICHMOND, INDIANA. P F W E N D S 1 Careful attention given to Archi- tects designs. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION TO THE MANUFACTURERS OF Church, Hall and Sabbath School Furniture. Reference given to over 1000 Churches seated with our work. HOME OFFICE, Richmond, Ind. OR TO P amir QAHMUD, MINUUNI }|{{XY}{C}[TM/YYTT Correspondence Solicited. 17711 P: U L PHP PULPIT I T sic Large STOCK OF Pulpits, GHAIRS, COMMUNION TABLES. Baptismal Fonts, LECTURNS, Collection Boxes, &c., &c. L. B. McCLEES & CO., EASTERN AGENTS, 1026 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. PAPER IMITATION OF STAINED GLASS. Equally adapted to large or small windows. windows. Large or small panes of Glass. 450 Churches have used it. The following Churches, mostly Methodist, are taken at random from our books. Examine any that may be near you and compare with cheap Stained Glass in other Churches. Mobile, Globe, Pine Bluff, Siloam Springs, Black Hawk, East Oakland, Florence, Grangerville, Los Angeles, Livermore, National City, Oakdale, Ornville, Pomona, San Francisco, Sonoma, South Pueblo, St. Barbara, New Haven, Tolland, Washington Depot, Brooking's, Grand Forks, Omaha, Mandan, Mount Vernon, Watertown, Wyoming, Deer Creek, Imogene, Ipava, Iuka, Medora, Minonk, Nashville, Peking, Bloomfield, Galveston, Greencastle, Jamestown, Kewanna, New Haven, Sheridan, Ainsworth, Carson, Corydon, Clearfield, Elwood, Ridgeway, Sidney, Tama City, Des Moines, Keokuk, Missouri Valley, Pella, Red Oak, Van Horne, West Branch, Camden, Eureka, Louisville, Sharpsburg, Camden, Hartland, Madison, Davidsville, Federalsburg, Rock Hall, Elkton, Hillsboro, Marydel, Alabama. Arizona. Arkansas. 64 California. 66 64 16 64 (1 64 66 44 84 46 14 64 46 " Connecticut. 66 Dakota, 46 CA 66 <><>< 10 PT ΑΒΓΔΕΞΘΗΙΚΛΜΝΟΠΦΡΣΤΥΩΧΨΖαβγδεξθηικλμνοπφρστυώχψζ27",/St=7°><><Ξ QUAWN-- ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz;:",./?80123456789 1 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz;:",./?$0123456789 Greek and Math Symbols ABгAEZOHIKAMNOIIPPETYMX¥Zaßyde§0nikλµvo#Opoτvwx¥(≥F",/≤±=#°><><><Ξ White HALFTONE WEDGES 1 | I | Black O5¬♡NTC Isolated Characters e 4 8 3 5 σ 9 1 6 0 2 7 h 3 0 I a 。 B EXTAWN-I 654321 A4 Page 8543210 65432 A4 Page 6543210 A4 Page 6543210 ©B4MN-C 65432 ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ONE LOMB MEMORIAL DRIVE, ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 14623 032E ▸ 1253 223E 3 3EB 4 E25 5 523 6 2E5 SBE 9 7863 5 SER 8532 9538 10 EBS Set 17 ⌉书​版​嘟 ​155自​杂 ​14 E2 S 1323S 12E25 11ES2 10523 ESTO 5836 BONEM 835E 7832 0723 ₪32wy ת ◄ 2350 0123460 6 E38 5 582 4 283 7E28 8B3E 5326 10: 3 32E மய ND OEZE 1328 2 E32 3 235 4 538 5 EBS 6 EB TOON TYWES 16 ELE 15853 14532 13823 12ES2 11285 1053B SBE6 8235 7523 PRODUCED BY GRAPHIC ARTS RESEARCH CENTER RIT ALPHANUMERIC RESOLUTION TEST OBJECT, RT-1-71