THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY COMMUNE VINCULUM OMNIBUS ARTIBUS OF MINNESOTA. CLASS 820.9 BOOK Adı FRANK FI ANDERSON, ST. PAUL, MINN. By the same Author. A BRIEF HANDBOOK OF AMERICAN AUTHORS. BY OSCAR FAY ADAMS. 16mo, 75 cents. A book which gives in convenient form and in alphabetical order the information in regard to American writers that is needed by reading people. Condensing the A really admirable little book of reference. facts under each name, and by the skilful use of abbreviations, Mr. Adams has made a book so portable that it may easily be carried in the pocket, yet contrives to give in it particulars concerning more than fifteen hundred American authors, and in good, bold type. We believe the claim made by the author's preface, that in no work so restricted in size can be found as many names, or men- tion of so many writers who have recently achieved distinction, is thoroughly substantiated. The American (Philadelphia). - The results of much patient and conscientious work, tersely stated and well arranged. To one who wants to find readily the titles of books of American authorship - even those by the less known and more recent writers-this volume will soon become almost indispensable. — Boston Fournal. - The merits of the book are accuracy, condensation, and correct taste.-Pennsylvania School Journal (Lancaster). Bibliographers and librarians will welcome the little volume as a lightener of their work. - New York Times. Brief, compact, and decidedly useful. - The Congregationalist (Boston). A very valuable work of reference. - The Nation (New York). For sale by all Booksellers. Sent by mail, post-paid, on re- ceipt of price by the Publishers, HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO., BOSTON, Mass. ہوئے FRANK F. ANDERSON ST. PAUL, MINN. Ё A BRIEF HANDBOOK ELLALY OF ENGLISH AUTHORS BY.. OSCAR FA ADAM MS Third Edition, el and Enfarged BOSTON HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY New York: 11 East Seventeenth Street The Riverside Press, Cambridge 1886 1 いい ​Copyright, 1883, OSCAR FAV ADAMS rights The Riverside Press, Cambridge: Electrotyped and Printed by H. O. Houghton & Co. Mr 820.9 Ad I To HORACE E. SCUDDER THE W 度 ​WHICH TO HIS SUGGESTION. • IBRARY 113522 PREFACE. THIS brief handbook is intended simply for every-day use, when reference to larger works of the kind may not be convenient. Experience has proved that the small book which can be readily taken up is consulted far more frequently than the ponderous volume that requires great muscular exertion to lift. In the world of letters as in the world of society conventionality plays no unimportant part, as every student of literature knows. That there is such a thing as "conventional immortality" every biographical dictionary yields abundant evidence. Even so small a work as this must necessarily con- tain many names that have achieved this con- ventional immortality through the accident of circumstance. Some literary fames are among the legacies left by preceding centuries to the present one to account for and explain. And when all is said, "the iniquity of oblivion blindly scattereth her poppy and dealeth with the memory of men without distinction to merit of perpetuity." OSCAR FAY ADAMS. ERIE, PA., October 28, 1883. PUBLISHERS REFERRED TO IN THIS VOLUME. Bi. Ca. Cas. Cath. Clx. Claxton, E., & Co. · Apl. Arm. A. T. S. A. U. A. Appleton, D., & Co. . Armstrong, A. C., & Son American Tract Society American Unitarian Association Bickers & Son • • Carter, Robert, & Brothers Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co.. New York City. " ર "C Boston, Mass. London, England. New York City. New York, London, and Paris. Catholic Publication Soc. Co.. New York City. Philadelphia, Pa. • Di. Do. Dick & Fitzgerald Dodd, Mead & Co. New York City. Dra. Draper, Warren F. • Andover, Mass. Dut. El. Dutton, E. P., & Co. Ellis, George H. • New York City. • Est. Estes & Lauriat Fu. Funk, I. K., & Co. Boston, Mass. << New York City. Har. Harper & Bro.. • Holt, Henry, & Co. · Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Johnson, T. & J. W. Judd, Orange • • Lea's, Henry C., Son & Co. . Lee & Shepard. Lippincott, J. B., & Co. Little, Brown & Co. . Ho. Hou. Fo. Fu. La. Le. Lip. Lit. Lo. Mac. Macmillan & Co. Mil. Miller, James Mur. Murphy, John. Mu. Munsell's, Joel, Sons. Nel. Nelson, Thos., & Sons . • Os. P. B. Lothrop, D., & Co. • ❤ • Osgood, James R., & Co. .. Presbyterian Bd. of Publication Peterson, T. B., & Co. . Phillips & Hunt Pet. Phi. Pi. Piet, John B. • • << ፡፡ (( Boston, Mass. Philadelphia, Pa. New York City. Philadelphia, Pa. Boston, Mass. Philadelphia, Pa. Boston, Mass. New York and London. New York City. Baltimore, Md. Albany, N. Y. New York, London, and Edinburgh. Boston, Mass. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. New York City. Baltimore, Md. vi Handbook of English Authors. { Philadelphia, Pa. New York City. << Boston, Mass. New York and London. New York City. Por. Porter & Coates. • Put. Putnam's, G. P., Sons Ran. Rob. Randolph, A. D. F., & Co. Roberts Brothers tr • • Rou. • Routledge, George, & Sons 0 Sad. Sadlier D. &. J., & Co. Scr. Sh. Th. Thomas, F H. W. Wid. Wil. Wor. Scribner's, Charles, Sons Sheldon & Co. . White, Stokes & Allen • Widdleton, W. J. Wiley, John, & Son Worthington, R. • • • (( St. Louis, Mo. New York City. 66 (6 HANDBOOK OF ENGLISH AUTHORS. Abbott, Edwin A. 1838 Shakespearean scholar. Author of a Shakespearean Grammar a Handbook of Elizabethan English, etc. Pub. Mac. Rob. A'Becket, Gilbert Abbot. 1811-1856. Humorist. Author Comic Hist. of England, Comic Hist. of Rome, Comic Blackstone, etc. Pub. Apl. Lip. Adams, Mrs. Sarah [Flower]. 1805-1848. Known chiefly by her hymn, "Nearer, my God, to Thee." Adams, Wm. 1814-1848. Religious writer. Au- thor of Sacred Allegories, etc. See Edition of 1869, with Life. Pub. Lip. Addison, Joseph. 1672-1719. Essayist and poet. His tragedy of Cato is now little read, but his Hymns still continue deservedly popular. As a prose writer A. has exercised an influence upon the manners, morals, and general culture of his time not easily overestimated. His style is grace- ful, gentle, and persuasive. With Steele he created the Periodical Essay, and was the chief contrib- utor to the Tatler, Spectator, and Guardian. See Thackeray's Eng. Humorists, Aikin's Memorials of Addison. Pub. Har. Lip. Aguilar [ä-ge-lar'], Grace. 1816-1847. Novelist. Home Influence, Woman's Friendship, and Days of Bruce are her chief works. Aikin [a'kin], John. 1747-1822. I Pub. Apl. Har. Biographer and 2 Handbook of English Authors. miscellaneous writer. One of the authors of Evenings at Home. Pub. Har. Aikin, Lucy. 1781-1864. Dau. to J. A. Histo- rian and poet. Author Memoirs of the Courts of Elizabeth, James I., Charles I., Memorials of Ad- dison, etc. Ainsworth, Robert. 1660-1743. Classical lexicog- rapher. Ainsworth, Wm. Francis. 1807 Geologist and traveller. Author Travels in Asia Minor, Re- searches in Assyria, Babylonia, and Chaldea, etc. Ainsworth, Wm. Harrison. 1805-1882. Cousin to W. F. A. Novelist. His historical novels are nu- merous, but Jack Sheppard is his most famous work, and has been 8 times dramatized. His popu- larity has been very great, many of his works hav- ing been translated into most European languages, yet their literary merit is not high, and the influence of Jack Sheppard, in particular, is pernicious. Pub. Har. Rou. Pet. Airy, George Biddell. 1801 Astronomer. Au- thor Essays on the Invasion of Britain by Julius Cæsar, and numerous scientific papers of value. Akenside, Mark. 1721-1770. Poet and physician. Author of a philosophical poem in blank verse on The Pleasures of the Imagination. Pub. Hou. Alcuin [ǎl'-kwin]. c. 735-804. Abp. York. Writer of Latin commentaries, dogmatic treatises, and nu- merous Latin poems. Aldhelm. 656-709. Anglo-Latin poet. His prin- cipal theme is the praise of virginity, on which he has written in both prose and verse. Alexander, Adam. 1741-1809. Scotch gramma- rian. Author of Classical Biog. etc. Alexander, Mrs. Cecil Frances. c. 1830 – Poet. Handbook of English Authors. 3 Best known by her famous poem, The Burial of Moses. Pub. Dut. Mac. Alexander, Mrs. Novelist. See Hector, Mrs. An- nie Alexander. Alexander, Wm. c. 1580-1640. Scotch poet. Author Recreations with the Muses, Doomsday, etc. Style didactic and heavy. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 2. Alford [awl'ford], Henry. 1810-1871. Dean of Canterbury. Author of Poems, a valuable edition of the Greek Testament, a much criticised Plea for the Queen's English, etc. See Life, Journals, and Letters. See Moon's The Dean's English. Pub. Har. Ran. Rou. Alfred the Great. 848-901. The Father of Eng- lish Prose. An untiring scholar whose labors gave form and dignity to the English tongue. His trans- lations from the Latin are numerous and valuable, among them being Bæda's Ecclesiastical History and Boethius's Consolations of Philosophy. See Green's Making of England. Alfric. 1006. Abp. Canterbury. A noted theologian and grammarian. His 80 Homilies his chief work. He translated the books of Moses and wrote many theological works. Scotch theological Pub. Har. Alison, Archibald. 1757-1839. writer. Essays on Taste, etc. Alison, Sir Archibald. 1792-1867. Son to preced- ing. Historian. Author of a Hist. of Europe in 18 vols. and a Life of Marlborough. Pub. Har. Allein [ǎl'len], Joseph. 1633-1668. Author of Alarm to the Unconverted. Theologian. Allen, Chas. Grant. 1848. Author of Phys- iological Esthetics, Color and Sense, Force and Energy, etc. Pub. Apl. 4 Handbook of English Authors. 1 7 Allingham, Wm. 1828- Irish poet. Author Day and Night Songs, Songs, Ballads and Stories, etc. Pub. Mac. A. L. O. E. See Tucker, Charlotte. Andrews, Lancelot. 1555-1626. Bp. Winchester. The most eminent preacher of his time, and a High Church theologian of great rigor and learning. He was one of the translators of the Bible and author of 4 vols. of Sermons and a Manual of Private Devotions. Style involved and artificial. Pub. Dut. Anster, John. 1798-1867. Irish poet. Author of a much admired translation of Faust. Anstey, Christopher. 1724-1805. Poet. The New Bath Guide (pub. 1766) is his chief work and was the most popular book of its day. It is a lively, versified description of life and manners of Bath. See his Works, pub. 1808, with Life, by his son. Arbuthnot [är'bŭth-not], John. 1675-1735 Hu- morist. Author Hist. John Bull, Art of Political Lying, Memoirs of P. P. Clark of this Parish, and supposed author of the greater part of the famous satire upon the abuses of learning, the Memoirs of Martinus Scriblerus. Armstrong, John. 1709-1779. Scotch poet and phy- sician. Author of the Art of Preserving Health, a poem of much originality of style. Arnold, Edwin. 1832 Poet and journalist. His chief work, The Light of Asia, gives him a high rank among modern poets. The subject is the life of Buddha. He has translated much from the Sanskrit, and is the author of Griselda, Lyrical and Dramatic Poems, The Indian Song of Songs, Pearls of the Faith, etc. Style elevated and versi- fication musical. Pub. Rob. Handbook of English Authors. 5 Arnold, Matthew. 1822 Son to succeeding. Poet and essayist. His poetry is pervaded by a vein of doubt and mistrust, although elevated in char- acter and of great merit. Tristram and Iseult, and Thyrsis, an elegy on the poet Clough, are among his best poems. His prose works are numerous and important. Literature and Dogma, and Essays in Criticism are among the best known. The phrase "sweetness and light" was made familiar by him. See Hutton's Essays, Swinburne's Essays and Studies, Stedman's Victorian Poets, Edinburgh Rev. April, 1869. Pub. Har. Mac. Ho. Ste. Arnold, Thomas. 1795-1842. Head Master of Rug- by. Author Hist. Rome and Lect. on Modern Hist. He exercised a great and beneficial influence upon the minds of the young Englishmen of his time. See Life and Correspondence of Arnold, by A. P. Stanley, and Hughes' School Days at Rugby. Pub. Apl. Arnold, Thos. Kerchever. 1800-1853. Author of classical text-books. Pub. Apl. 1 Arnold, Wm. Delafield. 1828-1859. Son to T. A. Writer of historical sketches and lectures. Arnott, Neil. 1788-1874. Scotch scientist. Au- thor Elements of Physics, etc. Pub. Apl. Ascham [ǎs'kam], Roger. 1515-1568. Tutor of Lady Jane Grey and Q. Elizabeth. Author of Toxophilus, a treatise on the bow, and The School- master. A. possessed a clear, correct style. Ashe, Thomas. 1836- Sorrows of Hypsipyle, etc. Poet. Author of The Ashmole, Elias. 1617-1692. Antiquary. Author of Laws of the Order of the Garter, etc. Atterbury, Francis. 1662-1732. Bp. Rochester. Theologian. Author Sermons and numerous con- troversial writings. 6 Handbook of English Authors. Aubrey, John. 1626-1697. Antiquary. A. pub- lished a collection of popular superstitions. Austen, Jane. 1775-1817. Novelist. Author of Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park, Persuasion, Emma, The Watsons, and Lady Susan. These novels are examples of the finest literary art, and have delighted cultured minds for almost three generations. Her character-drawing is strong and realistic. See Atlantic Monthly, Feb. 1863. See Jane Austen and her Works by Sarah Tytler (pub. 1881). Pub. Har. Por. Lit. Rou. Austin, Alfred. 1835 Poet and novelist. Au- thor of An Artist's Proof, Interludes, The Human Tragedy, etc. Pub. Mac. Austin, Mrs. Sarah. 1793-1867. Author Charac- teristics of Goethe, and of numerous translations from the German. Ayton [a'tun], Sir Robert. 1570-1638. Scotch poet. Remembered for his lyric, "I do confess thou 'rt smooth and fair." Aytoun [a'tun], Wm. Edmondstoune. 1813–1865. Scotch poet. Author Lays of the Scottish Cav- aliers, Bothwell, and with T. Martin, of the Bon Gaultier Ballads. See Memoir by Theodore Mar- tin. Pub. Arm. Hou. Babbage, Chas. 1792-1871. Mathematician and philosopher. Author of The Economy of Manu- factures and Machinery, A Ninth Bridgewater Treatise, etc. Bacon, Francis. Viscount St. Albans and Baron Verulam. 1561-1626. Philosopher. The Founder of Inductive Philosophy. He wrote, in both Eng. and Latin. The Advancement of Learning, Novum Organum and Historia Naturalis et Experimentalis Handbook of English Authors. 7 form the Instauratio Magna, which embodies his system of philosophy. His Essays are his most im- portant English work. A man of great genius and wonderful intellectual activity whose writings cover a wide range. He awakened the scientific spirit in England and gave it form. The best edition of B. is that by James Spedding. See Life and Let- ters of Bacon, by James Spedding (1870), also W. H. Dixon's Personal History of Lord Bacon. Pub. Hou. Bacon, Roger (Friar.) 1214-1292. Philosopher. The great light of the thirteenth century. In his Opus Major he anticipated many inventions of later times, and displayed a familiarity with all branches of study of his day. Bage, Robert. 1728–1801. Novelist. Author of Man as he Is, The Fair Syrian, etc. See Life, by Walter Scott. Bagehot [bāj'ut], Walter. 1826-1877. Essayist and journalist. Author of Lombard Street, Phy- sics and Politics, The Eng. Constitution, and Es- says on Silver. See Living Age, April 19, 1879. Pub. Apl. Lit. Scr. Bailey, Philip James. 1816- Poet. Author of Festus, The Angel World, The Mystic, The Age, etc. Festus, which had a brief popularity, is a work of unequal merit, but contains a few brilliant pas- sages. Baillie, Joanna. 1762-1851. Scotch dramatist. Has been called "the female Shakespeare." Author of Plays on the Passions, etc. Her tragedy of De Montfort is her finest effort. See complete Works in one vol. with Life (1853). See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 4. Baker, Sir Samuel White. 1821 Traveller. 8 Handbook of English Authors. Author of the Albert Nyanza, The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia, Ismailia, etc. Pub. Har. Lip. Mac. Balfour, Francis Maitland. 1851-1882. Biologist. Author Elements of Comparative Embryology. Development of the Elasmobranch Fishes, etc. Style acute and original. See Fortnightly Rev. Nov. 1882. Pub. Mac. Banim [bā'nim], John. 1798–1842. Irish novelist. His novels deal almost exclusively with the tragic side of Irish peasant life. See Life, by P. 7. Murray, 1857. Pub. Sad. Banks, Sir Joseph. 1743-1820. Naturalist. See Cuvier, Elegy on Sir J. Banks, 1821. Barbauld [bar'bawld or bar-bō'], Mrs. Anna Læti- tia. 1743-1825. Miscellaneous writer. Author of Hymns in Prose, Miscellaneous Poems, etc. Among her best efforts is the exquisite little poem, Life. Some of her religious poetry is deservedly popular. Style easy and graceful. See edition with Memoir, by L. Aikin, 1827. Barbour, John. 1316-1396. Archdeacon of Aber- deen. Scotch poet. His Bruce, a metrical hist. in 13,000 octosyllabic lines, is a chronicle of the life of King Robert I., and has historical value as well as literary merit. See Craik's Eng. Lit. vol. 1. Barclay, Robert. 1648-1690. Scotch writer. His Apology for the Quakers was first pub. in Latin. Barham [băr'am], Richard Harris. 1788-1845. Hu- morous poet. Author of the Ingoldsby Legends, a witty volume of facile rhymes. Pub. Por. Wid. Baring-Gould, Sabine. 1834 Author Curious Myths of the Middle Ages, Lives of the Saints, etc. See Lit. World, Fan. 13, 1883. Pub. Apl. Lip. Rob. Barnard, Lady Anne. 1750-1825. 1750-1825. Scotch poet. Author of Auld Robin Gray. Handbook of English Authors. 9 Barnfield, Richard. 1574-c. 1605. Poet. His ode "As it fell upon a day" was once ascribed to Shakespeare. See Warton's Eng. Poetry. Barrow, Isaac. 1630-1677. Theologian and math- ematician. Author of Sermons and Mathemati- cal works of almost equal renown. See Selections from, pub. 1866. Pub. Mac. Barton, Bernard. 1784-1849. A Friend of Lamb's. "The Quaker Poet." Author of Poetic Vigils, Devotional Verses, etc., the literary merit of which is but slight. Baxter, Richard. 1615-1691. Theologian. A vo- luminous writer, but now best known by his Saints' Rest, and Call to the Unconverted. See edition of 1850 in 23 vols. with Life. Pub. Clx. Bayley, Thos. Haynes. 1797-1839. Song writer. Author of I'd be a Butterfly, She wore a Wreath of Roses, We met, 't was in a Crowd, etc. Bayne, Peter. 1830. Essayist and biographer. Author of Christian Life, Essays in Biographical Criticism, Life of Hugh Miller, etc. Pub. Har. Rou. Beale, Lionel Smith. 1828 Scientific writer of note. Author of How to Work with the Micro- scope, Protoplasm, The Mystery of Life, etc. Beattie [bee'ti or ba'ti], James. 1735-1803. Scotch poet. Author of The Minstrel, a long, prosy poem in Spenserian stanza, and a prose Essay on Truth. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 3. Pub. Hou. Beaumont, Francis. 1586-1615. Dramatist. Col- league of John Fletcher. Their collected plays amount to 52, of which 14 were in part the work of B., but his separate authorship is not easy to trace. B. and F. in their day were more popular than Shakespeare, but none of their plays now keep the stage. Their blank verse is melodious and their IO Handbook of English Authors. wit and humor sparkling, but their plays reflect the full coarseness of the time. Among plays written by them jointly are Philaster, Thierry and Theo- doret, A King and No King, and the comedy of The Knight of the Burning Pestle. See Fletcher, John. See Schlegel's Dramatic Lit., Hazlitt's Dramatic Lit. and Hallam's Lit. of Europe. Pub. Apl. Beaumont, Sir John. 1582-1628. Bro. to F. B. Author Bosworth Field, a poem in heroic verse. Beckford, Wm. 1760-1844. Author of Vathek, an Oriental romance. Style luxuriant. See Chambers' Cyc. Eng. Lit. See Beddoes, Thos. Lovell. 1803-1849. Poet. Author The Bride's Tragedy, Death's Jest-Book, etc. Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 4. Bede, Cuthbert. See Bradley, Edward. Bede, Beda, or Bæda, The Venerable. 673-735- "First among Eng. scholars, first among Eng. theologians, first among Eng. historians." His whole life was passed in the monastery of Yarrow, where he composed more than 40 Latin works, the greatest of which is the Eccl. Hist. of the Eng. Nation. On the day of his death was finished his translation of St. John's Gospel into Eng., being the earliest example of Eng. prose. See edition of Bede by Dr. Giles, 6 vols. 1843-4. See Green's Short Hist. of the Eng. People, also Green's Mak- ing of England. Pub. Dut. Behn [běn], Mrs. Aphra. 1642-1689. Novelist and dramatist. Known in her day as Astræa. Author of The Forced Marriage, Oronooko, etc. A lively, immoral writer. See edition of 1871. See Miss Kavanagh's Eng. Women of Letters, and Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. a. Handbook of English Authors. II Bellenden, Wm. fl. c. 1615. Scotch classical writer. Author De Statu. Bentham, Jeremy. 1748-1832. Philosopher and political economist. Founder of the Utilitarian school of thought, and a valued authority upon ju- risprudence. Many reforms in Eng. jurisprudence are traceable to his influence. See edition of 1843 in II vols. See Edinburgh Rev. Oct. 1843. Bentley, Richard. 1662-1742. Classical writer. Author Dissertations on the Epistles of Phalaris, works provoked by his famous controversy with Boyle, and which rank as masterpieces of argu- ment. They display great learning, a rapid, con- cise style, and a sarcastic wit. See Bentley, by R. C. Febb, in Eng. Men of Letters. Berkeley, George. 1684-1753. Bp. Cloyne. Irish metaphysician. An eccentric but pure-minded thinker, in whose Principles of Human Knowledge is denied the existence of matter. Other works of B. are Alciphron or the Minute Philosopher, The- ory of Vision, Siris, etc. Also the poem in which occurs the famous line, "Westward the course of empire takes its way." See edition of Berkeley, by Fraser, 4 vols. Oxford, 1871. Berners, Lord. 1469-1532. Translator of Froissart's Chronicle. The translation is faithful and is a masterpiece of picturesque and spirited English. Berners, Juliana. c. 1388-c. 1461. Bokys of Hunting and Hawking. Hist. Eng. Poetry. Besant, Walter. 1838 Author of the See Warton's Novelist. Colleague of James Rice, and with him author of The Seamy Side, Ready Money Mortiboy, the Chaplain of the Fleet, Shepherds All and Maidens Fair, etc. Sole author of The Revolt of Man, Life of E. H. Palmer, etc. See Rice, James. Pub. Har. Rob. Dut. 1 12 Handbook of English Authors. Au- Beveridge, Wm. 1638-1708. Bp. St. Asaph. Theologian. Thesaurus Theologicus, Expositions of the Catechism and 39 Articles, and Private Thoughts are some of his chief works. Bickerstaff, Isaac. 1735-c. 1788. Dramatist. thor of Maid of the Mill, Love in a Village, etc. See Hazlitt's Essays on the Comic Writers. Bickersteth, Edward. 1786-1850. Religious wri- ter. Author of The Scripture Help, etc. See edi- tion of his Works in 17 vols. 1853. See Memoir of, by T. R. Birks, 1851. Bickersteth, Edward Henry. 1825 Son to E. B. Religious Poet. Author of Yesterday, To- Day and Forever, The Two Brothers, etc. Pub. Ca. Dut. Bickersteth, Rob't. 1816-1884. Bp. Ripon. Relig- ious writer. Author of Lent Lectures, Bible Land- marks, etc. Birch, Thomas. 1705-1766. Historian and biog- rapher. Author of a General Dictionary, Historical and Critical. Black, Wm. 1841 Novelist. A prolific writer, the best of whose works are A Daughter of Heth, Princess of Thule, Strange Adventures of a Phae- ton, and Macleod of Dare. They evince rare powers of description and much constructive skill. See Harper's Mag. Dec. 1882. Pub. Har. Mac. Blackie, John Stuart. 1809 Scotch poet and scholar. For 30 years Greek Professor at Edin- burgh Univ. His numerous works include Greek, Latin, and German translations, several vols. of poems, and a famous work on Self-Culture which has been translated into every European language. Pub. Scr. Blackmore, Sir Richard. 1650-1729. Poet. Au- thor of the epics The Creation, and Prince Arthur. Handbook of English Authors. 13 Blackmore, Richard Doddridge. 1825 Nov- elist. Author Lorna Doone, Maid of Sker, Alice Lorraine, Erema, Mary Anerley, Christowell, etc. A vigorous and original writer. Lorna Doone is his finest work. Pub. Har. Lip. Blackstone, Sir Wm. 1723–1780. Jurist. Author of Commentaries on the Laws of England, an authoritative work. See Campbell's Lives of the Chief Justices. Pub. Har. Lip. Blair, Hugh. 1718-1800. Author of the once famous Lectures on Rhetoric. Pub. Por. Blair, Robert. 1699-1747. Poet. 1699-1747. Poet. Author of The Grave, a dull, didactic, but once popular poem. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 3. Blake, Wm. 1757-1827. Artist and poet. Author of Poetical Sketches, Songs of Innocence and Ex- perience, etc. A writer of rare simplicity and beauty. An Elizabethan poet of the 19th cent. See editions of his poems by Shepherd and Rossetti, and Life by Gilchrist, 1863 and 1881, also Swin- burne's Study of Blake, 1863. Pub. Rob. Blamire, Susanna. 1747-1794. Poet. Author of the fine lyrics, The Siller Crown, What Ails this Heart o' Mine, etc. Blanchard, Edward Laman. 1820 tist and novelist. Blanchard, Laman. Drama- 1803-1845. Littérateur. See Bulwer's Memoir of, with Blanchard's Essays and Sketches, 1849. Blessington, Marguerite, Countess of. 1789–1849. Society novelist. See Life and Correspondence edited by D. R. Madden. Bloomfield, Robert. 1766-1823. Pastoral poet. Author of The Farmer's Boy, Rural Tales, The Horkey, etc. Pub Por. Rou. 14 Handbook of English Authors. Blunt, John Henry. 1823-1884. Theologian. Au- thor Hist. Reformation in Ch. of England and editor Dict. Sects and Heresies, etc. Pub. Dut. Blunt, John James. 1794-1855. Ecclesiologist. Author Hist. Christian Ch. in the first three cen- turies, etc. Pub. Ca. Bolingbroke, Lord. See St. John, Henry. Bonar, Horatius. 1808 Scotch poet. Author Hymns of Faith and Hope, etc. Pub. Ca. Borrow, George. 1803-1881. Author of Gipsies of Spain, Bible in Spain, Lavengro, The Romany Rye, Romany Word Book, etc. See Autobiography, 1851. Pub. Ca. Har. Boswell [boz'well], Alexander. 1775-1822. Poet. Son to J. B. His song, Jenny Dang the Weaver, is his best known production. Boswell, James. 1740-1795. Biographer. His Life of Dr. Samuel Johnson is an incomparable work. Pub. Ho. Lit. Rou. Boswell, James. 1779-1822. Shakespearean scholar. Boucicault [boo-se-ko'], Dion. Son to preceding. 1822 Dram- atist. Among his very numerous popular plays, London Assurance, Rip Van Winkle, The Corsican Brothers, Led Astray, and the Shaughraun are perhaps the best. See Johnson's Cyc. Bowles, Wm. Lisle. 1762-1850. Poet. Author Fourteen Sonnets, Village Verse Book, etc. A graceful writer, to whom Wordsworth and Cole- ridge attributed their own poetic inspiration. Bowring [bour'ing], Sir John. 1792-1872. Philol- ogist and poet. Best known as a writer of hymns of great beauty, among others, the familiar Watch- man, Tell us of the Night. See Autobiographical Recollections, 1877. Pub. Dut. Handbook of English Authors. 15 Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchinson. 1825 Scotch essayist. Author of Essays by a Country Parson, Graver Thoughts, Autumn Holidays, etc. He signed his essays with his initials A. K. H. B. Boyle, Chas. 1676-1731. Famous for his contro- versy with Bentley concerning the Epistles of Pha- laris. See Bentley, Richard. Boyle, Robert. 1626-1691. Philosopher. A volu- minous writer upon metaphysics and natural sci- ences. Braddon, Miss. See Maxwell, Mrs. Mary E. Bradley, Edward. "Cuthbert Bede." 1827 Humorist. Author Adventures of Verdant Green, etc. Bradley, James. 1692-1762. Astronomical writer. Brady, Nicholas. 1659-1726. Chiefly known for his share in the version of the Psalms prepared by him with Nahum Tate. Bray, Mrs. Anna Eliza. 1790-1883. Miscellaneous writer of note. See Lit. World, Feb. 24, 1883. Brewer, E. Cobham. 1810 Author Reader's Handbook, Dict. Phrase and Fable, Guide to Sci- ence, etc. Well edited and valuable books of ref- erence. Pub. Clx. Lip. Brewster, Sir David. 1781-1868. Scientist. Au- thor Natural Magic, More Worlds than One, Lives of Newton, Kepler, etc. See Life, by his daugh- ter, 1869. Pub. Har. Brontë [bron´te], Anne. 1820-1849. Novelist. Sis- ter to C. B. Author of Tenant of Wildfell Hall and Agnes Grey. Pub. Har. Brontë, Charlotte. E. B. Novelist. 1816-1855. Sister to A. B. and Author of The Professor, Jane Eyre, Shirley, and Villette. A writer of great power and originality, whose Jane Eyre marks an 16 Handbook of English Authors. era in the history of fiction. See Charlotte Brontë by T. W. Reid, 1877; Life of, by Mrs. Gaskell, and H.Martineau's Biographical Sketches. Pub. Har. Brontë, Emily. 1819-1848. Sister to C. B. Nov- elist. Her Wuthering Heights shows in places greater power than either of her sisters possessed, but as a whole is strained and unnatural. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 4. Emily Brontë, by A. Mary F. Robinson, and London Athenæum, June 16, 1883. Pub. Har. Brooke, Arthur. c. 1563. Poet. Wrote the Tragical Hist. of Romeo and Juliet, a paraphrase of Bandello's novel, the source of Shakespeare's drama. Brooke, Charlotte. 1793. Daughter to H. B. Author of Reliques of Irish Poetry translated into Eng. verse, etc. Brooke, Mrs. Frances Moore. 1745-1789. Author of several novels, the opera Rosina, and a periodi- cal called The Old Maid. Brooke, Henry. 1706-1783. Author of plays, po- ems, and a once famous novel called The Fool of Quality. Pub. Mac. Brooke, Lord. See Greville, Fulke. Brooke, Stopford. 1832 Religious writer. Author Life of F. W. Robertson, Freedom in the Ch. of England, Christ in Modern Life, Theology in the Eng. Poets, Primer of Eng. Lit., Sermons, etc. Style clear, thoughtful, and strong. Pub. Арь. Мас. Brooks, Chas. Shirley. 1815-1874. Dramatist and Novelist. Author Poems of Wit and Humor, The Gordian Knot, etc. Pub. Har. Broome, Richard. 1562. Dramatist. Wrote in conjunction with others. Handbook of English Authors. 17 Brougham [broo'am or broo'm], Henry, Lord. 1779-1868. Statesman and orator. A man of strong intellect, whose speeches are among the ablest of his time. A versatile writer, among whose numerous works are Eloquence of the Ancients and Lives of Men of Letters. See Autobiography pub. 1871; Edinburgh Rev. April, 1858, and Life by Lord Campbell. His works in 10 vols., pub. 1857. Broughton, Rhoda. c. 1838 Novelist. Author of Red as a Rose is She, Nancy, Belinda, etc. Style spirited, but wanting in refinement of expres- sion. Pub. Lit. Brown, John. 1810-1882. Scotch essayist and physician. Best known by his exquisite story of Rab and his Friends. Pub. Hou. Brown, Thomas. 1778-1820. Scotch philosophical writer. Brown, Tom. 1663-1704. Humorous and immoral poet and miscellaneous writer. Browne, Edward Harold. 1811 Bp. Win- chester. Theologian. Author of The Pentateuch and Elohistic Psalms, Sermons on the Atonement, etc. Pub. Dut. Browne, Isaac Hawkins. 1706-1760. Poet. Au- thor of A Pipe of Tobacco, etc. Browne, Sir Thos. 1605-1682. Author of a treatise on Christian Morals, Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia or Urn-Burial, etc. A writer of striking genius whose works will always attract thoughtful readers. Style meditative and imaginative, but frequently obscure. See complete edition in Bohn's Anti- quarian Library. Pub. Mac. Rob. Browne, Wm. 1590-1645. Poet. Wrote Britan- nia's Pastorals, Shepherd's Pipe, etc. His style is 2 18 Handbook of English Authors. easy and harmonious, and some of his lyrics are yet read. Browning, Mrs. Elizabeth [Barrett.] 1809–1861. Poet. By many critics given the highest place among poets of her sex, but her verse, in the main, appeals to a limited class of readers. It has a mas- culine strength, a passionate vehemence of expres- sion, and it is often pathetic and tender, but its frequent obscurity is a grave defect. Aurora Leigh, Casa Guidi Windows, and Sonnets from the Portu- guese, are among her chief works. See Letters of, edited by R. H. Hone, 1877, Contemporary Rev. 1873, and Stedman's Victorian Poets. Pub. Mil. Browning, Robert. 1812 Poet. Husband · to E. B. B. Author of a long series of poems, some of them obscure and enigmatical to the last degree, but all bearing the marks of great genius. Paracelsus, Sordello, Pippa Passes, The Ring and The Book, Fifine at the Fair, and Jocoseria are some of them. His circle of sincere admirers is small, but shorter poems of his, like Hervé Riel, and the Pied Piper of Hamelin, are widely known and read. See Lit. World, March 11, 1882, Cen- tury Mag. December, 1881, and Stedman's Victorian Poets. Pub. Hou. Brunton, Mrs. Mary Balfour. 1778-1818. Scotch novelist. Author Self Control and Discipline. Pub: Har. Bryant, Jacob. logical writer. Bryce, James. 1715-1804. Classical and mytho- 1838 Historian. Author Na- and The Holy Roman tive Education in India, Empire. Pub. Har. Mac. Brydges, Sir Sam'l Egerton. lific writer in verse and prose. tic and eccentric. 1762-1837. A pro- Style often fantas- Handbook of English Authors. 19 Buchanan, George. 1506-1582. Scotch poet and historian. Wrote a Latin version of the Psalms, and a Latin Hist. of Scotland. See Hallam's Lit. of Europe. Buchanan, Robert. 1841 Scotch poet. Au- thor Idyls and Legends, London Poems, Balder the Beautiful, etc. A writer of some power, but one whose verse is marred by frequent affectations. See Stedman's Victorian Poets, and Contemporary Rev. November, 1873. Pub. Har. Hou. Rou. Buckhurst, Lord. See Sackville, Thos. Buckingham, Duke of. See Villiers, George. Buckinghamshire, Duke of. See Sheffield, John. Buckland, Francis Trevelyan. 1826-1880. Natu- ralist. Son to W. B. Author Curiosities of Nat. Hist., Familiar Hist. British Fishes, etc. Buckland, Wm. 1784-1856. Geological writer of note. Buckle, Henry Thos. 1822-1862. Historian. His great work, The Hist. of Civilization, was left un- finished. His style is easy and flowing, but his in- ferences and conclusions are frequently contro- verted. See Atlantic Monthly, Jan. and April, 1863. Pub. Apl. Budgell, Eustace. 1685-1736. Essayist. Author of all the papers in the Spectator signed X. Bull, George. 1634-1710. Bp. St. David's. Theo- logian. An opponent of Calvinism, against which his Latin treatise, Harmonia Apostolica, is aimed. Bulwer-Lytton, Sir Edward Geo. 1803-1873. Nov- elist and Poet. Several of his 25 novels, like The Caxtons, My Novel, Harold, and Kenelm Chil- lingly, are masterpieces of their kind. Others as well known are Pelham, Zanoni, Last Days of Pom- peii, Rienzi, etc. Richelieu, Money, and Lady of 20 Handbook of English Authors. Lyons are his most popular dramas. King Arthur and The New Timon are two of his longer poems. See Memoir, by Lord Lytton, Quarterly Rev., Jan. 1865, Blackwood's Mag. Mar., 1873, and Ten- nyson's poem The New Timon. Pub. Har. Bulwer-Lytton, Edward Robert. "Owen Mere- Au- dith." 1831 Poet. Son to preceding. thor of Lucile, Fables in Verse, The Ring of Amasis, etc. His verse has melody and strength, but Lucile, his chief poem, a novel in verse, is as- serted to be a plagiarism. See Stedman's Victo- rian Poets. Bunyan, John. 1628-1688. Allegorist. Author Pilgrim's Progress, Holy War, etc. The first named is the most famous allegory in the world. The product of a strong, vivid imagination, it holds the attention of cultured and uncultured minds alike. See Biographies of, by Southey, and Macaulay, and Bunyan, by J. A. Froude in Eng. Men of Letters. Burke, Edmund. 1730-1797. Orator and states- man. As a political writer he has few equals. Among his best efforts are Letters on a Regicide Peace, Letters to a Noble Lord, and Orations on the Impeachment of Warren Hastings. Style pol- ished and cultured. See Morley's Life of, 1867. See select works edited by E. J. Payne, 1874. Burnand, Francis Cowley. 1837 Happy Thoughts, The New History of Sanford and Merton, etc. Pub. Rob. Author Burnet, Gilbert. 1643-1715. Bp. Salisbury. His- torian. Author Hist. Reformation, Hist. My Own Times, etc. A vivacious, diffuse narrator. See Macaulay's Hist. of England. Pub. Dut. Mac. Burnet, James. Lord Monboddo. 1714-1799. An eccentric writer, noted for his theory that mankind Handbook of English Authors. 21 once had tails, which the habit of sitting on had worn away. Burnet, Thos. 1635-1715. Author Telluris Sacra Theoria, a fantastic system of Geology, written in an eloquent and majestic style. Burney, Charles. 1726-1814. Author Gen. Hist. See Life, by of Music, Life of Metastasio, etc. his daughter, Madame D'Arblay. Burney, Frances. See D'Arblay, Madame. Burns, Robert. 1759-1796. Scotch poet. A singer of love songs. His verse shows a gentle, tender spirit, and a sympathy for all created things, new to the poetry of his day. Tam O'Shanter, Twa Dogs, and The Jolly Beggars, show the humorous side of his nature. The Cotter's Saturday Night, Auld Lang Syne, A Man's a Man for a' That, are uni- versally known, and some of his lyrics will last as long as the language. See Carlyle's Misc. Essays; Craik's Eng. Lit. vol. 2; also Burns, by Shairp, in Eng. Men of Letters. Pub. Apl. Har. Hou. Por. Burton, John Hill. 1809-1881. Scotch historian. Author Life and Correspondence of David Hume, Hist. Reign of Q. Anne, Hist. Scotland, etc. Burton, Robert. 1576-1640. Author of Anatomy of Melancholy. Style fantastic, original, and dif- fuse. Pub. Apl. Clx. Dut. Butler, Alban. 1710-1773. Author Lives of the Fathers, Saints, etc., Letters on the Hist. of the Popes, etc. See edition of the Lives, 1812, with Life of A. Butler by Chas. Butler. Pub. Sad. Butler, Charles. 1750-1832. Neph. to A. B. Au- thor Hora Biblice, continuation of the Lives of the Saints, etc. See Alibone's Dict. Butler, Joseph. 1692-1752. Bp. Bristol. Theolo- gian. His great work, Analogy between Natural 22 Handbook of English Authors. and Revealed Religion, is much studied and ad- mired. See edition of his works, 1867. Pub. Har. Butler, Samuel. 1612-1680. Satirical poet. His Hudibras, written in ridicule of the Puritans, is witty and spirited, but too long for the taste of modern readers. See edition of his works by Gil- fillan, 1854. Pub. Apl. Butler, Wm. Archer. 1814-1848. Author Lect. on Hist. of Ancient Philosophy, etc. See Woodward's Life of. Pub. Ca. Mac. Byrd, Wm. 1540-1623. Poet. Author of the fa- mous lines beginning, "My mind to me a kingdom is." Byrom, John. 1691-1763. Pastoral poet. Byron, Henry James. 1835-1884. Dramatist. Au- thor Babes in the Wood, Our Boys, Not such a Fool as he Looks, Good News, etc. Byron, Lord. See Gordon, George. Cædmon [kǎd'mon]. c. 680. Anglo-Saxon See *poet. A monk of Whitby, who wrote about 670 a metrical paraphrase of the Scriptures. It is ac- cented and alliterative, like all Anglo-Saxon poetry, and marks the beginning of Eng. poetry. Thorpe's edition of, London, 1832. Calamy, Edmund. 1600-1666. Theological writer. Calamy, Edmund. 1671-1732. Grandson to preced- ing. Author of the Nonconformists' Memorial, De- fence of Moderate Nonconformity, etc. See his history of his Life and Times, edited by Rutt, 1829. Calverley, Chas. Stuart. 1831-1884. Poet. Au- thor of Fly-Leaves, translation of Theocritus, etc. Pub. Ho. Camden, Wm. 1551-1623. Antiquary. Author of Britannia, a Latin description of Britain, etc. Handbook of English Authors. 23 Campbell, George. 1719-1796. Scotch theologian. Author Dissertations on Miracles, Philosophy of Rhetoric, Lect. on Eccl. Hist., etc. Pub. Har. Campbell, John. 1708-1775. Historical and polit- ical writer. Campbell, John, Lord Chancellor. 1779-1861. Bi- ographer. Author Lives of the Lord Chancellors, and Lives of the Chief Justices. See Edinburgh Rev. Oct. 1857 ; and see H. Martineau's Biograph- ical Sketches. Pub. Apl. Lit. Campbell, Thomas. 1777-1844. Scotch poet. Au- thor Pleasures of Hope, Gertrude of Wyoming, etc., poems artificial in cast. His lyrics, like Ho- henlinden, Ye Mariners of England, etc., are fine specimens of lyric verse. See Life of by Dr. Beat- tie, 1849. See W. M. Rossetti's edition of his poems with critical introduction. Canning, George. 1770-1827. Writer of witty par- odies. Needy Knife-Grinder, etc. Carew, Lady Elizabeth. the tragedy of Marian. Fl. c. 1613. Author of Carew, Thomas. 1589-1639. Poet. His poems are brief and mainly amatory in character. See com- plete edition by W. Carew Hazlitt. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 2. Carey, Henry. 1663-1743. Dramatist and poet. Author Chrononhotonthologos, The Dragon of Wantley, the ballad of Sally in our Alley, and God Save the King. Carleton, Wm. 1798–1869. Irish novelist. Style vigorous and picturesque. Pub. Rou.Sad. Carlyle, Thomas. 1795-1881. Essayist and his- torian. Author of Essays, Chartism, Heroes and Hero Worship, Sartor Resartus, Past and Present, Latter-Day Pamphlets, Life of Sterling, History 24 Handbook of English Authors. French Revolution, Life of Frederick the Great, etc. A vigorous, opinionated writer, with a style which is vivid and picturesque, but often wordy and obscure. A man of great but wayward intellec- tual powers. See Eclectic Mag. 1881. Reminis- cences by Carlyle; Letters of Jane Welsh Carlyle, and Emerson and Carlyle. Pub. Hou. Har. Lip. Carpenter, Lant. 1780-1840. Theological writer. Carpenter, Wm. Benj. 1813 Physiologist of note. Son to L. C. Author of Principles of Human Physiology, Zoölogy, and the Instinct of Animals, The Microscope, etc. Pub. Apl. Lit. Carr, J. Comyns. 1849 Art Critic and Edi- tor. Author of Drawing by the Italian Masters, St. Albans, Essays, etc. Pub. Mac. Carte, Thos. 1686-1754. Historian. Author Hist. England to 1654. Carter, Elizabeth. 1717-1806. Classical writer. Author of a translation of Epictetus and original poems. The most learned woman of her time. Cartwright, Wm. 1611-1643. Poet. He enjoyed a great reputation in his day. Cary, Henry Francis. 1772-1844. Poet. Author of a much admired blank verse translation of Dante. See Memoirs of, by his son, 1847. Caxton, Wm. 1412-1492. The first Eng. printer. Was author and translator of some 60 books. Cayley, Arthur. 1821 Mathematical writer. Cecil [ses'il or sis'il], Wm. 1520-1598. States- man. Author of Precepts addressed to his son. Centlivre [sent-liv'er], Mrs. Susanna. 1680-1723. Dramatist. Her best comedies are The Busybody and The Wonder, the last of which still keeps the stage. See Atlantic Monthly, June, 1882. Challoner, Bp. Richard. 1691-1781. Author of an Handbook of English Authors. 25 Eng. version of the Bible, Grounds of the Catholic Doctrine, etc. Chalmers [chaw'merz], George. 1742-1825. Scotch historian. Chalmers, Thomas. 1780-1847. Scotch theolo- gian. The most powerful preacher of his time. Author of Natural Theology, Christian Evidences, etc. See Memoirs of, by Wm. Hanna; do. by F. Wayland; also, Spare Hours, 1st series, by Dr. John Brown. Pub. Har. Chamberlayne, Wm. 1619-1689. Poet. Author Love's Victory and Pharonidia. Chambers, Robert. 1802-1871. Scotch publisher. Author of the noted Vestiges of the Nat. Hist. of Creation, etc. See Memoirs of, by W. Chambers. Chambers, Wm. 1800-1883. Scotch publisher. Bro. to R. C. Author Memoirs of Rob't Chambers, Wintering at Mentone, etc. The brothers were joint editors of many popular works: Information for the People, Encyclopædia, Book of Days, Mis- cellany, etc. Pub. Lip. Chapman, George. 1557-1634. Dramatist. Chiefly noted for a fine translation of Homer in 14-syllable verse. See his Homer, 4 vols., London, 1858; Dramatic Works, 1873; George Chapman, by Swinburne. Chapone [shǎ-pōn'], Mrs. Hester. 1727-1801. Au- thor of treatises on Morals and Philosophy. Charles, Mrs. Elizabeth Rundle. 1826 Au- thor of the noted Schönberg-Cotta Family, and other excellent semi-religious stories. Pub. Do. Charlesworth, Maria Louisa. 1819-1880. Author of much religious fiction, of which Ministering Children is the best example. Pub. Apl. Ca. Phi. Chatham, Lord. See Pitt, Wm. 26 Handbook of English Authors. Chatterton, Thomas. 1752-1770. Poet. Author of imitations of old Eng. poetry, which for a short time deceived the scholars of that day, and as the work of a boy of 17 were very remarkable. See Chatterton, a Biographical Study, by Daniel Wil- son, London, 1870. Pub. Hou. Chaucer, Geoffrey. 1340-1400. Poet. Author of numerous lesser poems, but The Canterbury Tales is his greatest work. He is rightly called the Father of Eng. Song, since it is with him that Eng. poetry really begins. He gave form to the lan- guage, and blended the French and Eng. influences into a harmonious whole. His verse, in the main, is easy and musical, and shows a love of nature. See publications of the Chaucer Society; Chaucer, by A. W. Ward; and Gilman's edition of Chaucer in 3 vols., 1879. Pub. Hou. Chesterfield, Earl of. See Stanhope, Philip. Chettle, Henry. Fl. c. 1600. but valueless. Dramatist. Prolific, Chillingworth, Wm. 1602-1644. Theologian. Au- thor of Religion of Protestants a Safe Way to Salvation, a celebrated work. See Oxford edition, 3 vols., 8vo, 1838. hitty, Joseph. 1776-1841. Jurist. Author of Practical Treatise on Criminal Law, Synopsis of Practice, and other invaluable legal text-books. Pub. Lip. horley, Henry Fothergill. 1808-1872. Musical critic. Author Thirty Years' Musical Recollections, Criticisms on Modern German Music, etc., and of numerous songs and opera librettos. See Autobi ography, Memoirs and Letters, 2 vols., London, 1873. Pub. Ho. Christmas, Henry. See Noel-Fearn. Handbook of English Authors. 27 Church, Alfred John. 1829 Stories from Homer, Stories from Virgil, Poems, etc. Of the poems, Unseen is one of the best. Pub. Har. Do. Church, Richard Wm. 1815 Author Life of Anselm, University Sermons, Civilization before and after Christianity, Sacred Poetry of Early Re- ligions, Spenser in Eng. Men of Letters, etc. Pub. Har. Mac. Churchill, Charles. 1731-1764. Satirical poet. The Rosciad is his chief work. Was at one time an ex- tremely popular poet. See Essay on, by Macaulay. Cibber [sib'ber], Colley. 1671-1757. Dramatist. Author of The Careless Husband, She Would and She Would Not, and some 20 other plays. See his Apology for his Life. Clare, John. 1793-1864. Pastoral poet. Author Poems of Rural Life and Scenery, etc. Some of his verse has great beauty. See F. L. Cherry's Life of, London, 1873. Clarendon, Earl of. See Hyde, Edward. Clarke, Adam. 1760-1832. Irish bibliographer. Author Commentary on the Bible, Bibliographical Dict., Succession of Sacred Lit., etc. An industri- ous, careful writer. Pub. Phi. Clarke, Charles Cowden. 1787-1877. Author of Shakespeare Characters, Molière Characters, Riches of Chaucer, etc. Pub. Scr. Clarke, Mrs. Mary Cowden. 1809 Wife to C. C. C. Shakespearean scholar. Author of the noted Concordance of Shakespeare, World-Noted Women, and several vols. of verse. With her hus- band was editor of an annotated edition of Shake- speare, 1869. Pub. Cas. Lit. Clarke, Samuel. 1675-1729. Metaphysician. Au- thor of numerous metaphysical works written in a simple yet vigorous and eloquent style. 28 Handbook of English Authors. Cleveland, John. 1613-1658. Poet. A famous Cavalier writer. His verse is satirical and amatory in character. Clifford, Wm. Kingdon. 1845-1879. Scientist. Author Lect. and Essays, Elements of Dynamics, Seeing and Thinking, and Mathematical Papers. See biographical introduction to Lect. and Essays, by F. Pollock. Pub. Mac. Clive, Mrs. Caroline. 1801-1873. Novelist. Author Paul Ferrol, Why Paul Ferrol Killed his Wife, etc. Clough [kluf], Arthur Hugh. 1819–1861. Author of The Bothie of Tober-na Vuolich, Amours de Voyage, both hexameter poems, Dipsychus, and minor po- ems. His verse shows a mastery of metre and a thoughtful, earnest spirit. See Atlantic Monthly, April, 1862; Hutton's Essays; Samuel Wadding ton's A. H. Clough; Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 4. Pub. Ho. Mac. Cobbe, Frances Power. 1822 Philosophical writer. Author of Intuitive Morals, Religious Duty, Darwinism in Morals, The Peak in Darien, Duties of Women, etc. A clear, able, and vigorous writer. Pub. El. Cobbett, Wm. 1762-1835. Political writer. Style idiomatic and rancorous. See Robert Walker's How to Get on in the World, as Demonstrated by the Life and Language of William Cobbett. Cobden, Richard. 1804-1865. Statesman. See Po- litical Writings of, London, 1867; Speeches, etc., London, 1870; Lives by Gilchrist, 1865, and Mor- ley, 1881; and Recollections of, by Ashworth. Pub. Apl. Cockburn [kō'burn], Henry Thos., Lord. 1779- 1854. Jurist. Author Life and Correspondence of Lord Jeffrey, and Memorials of his Times. Coke, Sir Edward. c. 1549-1634. Jurist. Best Handbook of English Authors. 29 known by his famous Coke upon Littleton, or the First Institute. Colenso, John Wm. 1814-1883. Bp. Natal. Theo- logian. Author of The Pentateuch and Joshua Critically Examined, Lect. on the Pentateuch and Moabite Stone, etc. An able and vigorous writer. Coleridge [kōl'rij], Hartley. 1796-1849. Poet. Son to S. T. C. Author of Poems, Essays, Life of Massinger, etc. Style in both prose and verse clear and beautiful. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 4. Coleridge, Henry Nelson. 1800-1843. Neph. to S. T. C. Essayist. Style able and scholarly. Coleridge, John Taylor. 1790-1876. Neph. to S. T. C. Author of an annotated Blackstone, Memoir of John Keble, etc. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. 1772-1834. Poet and philosopher. Author of The Ancient Mariner, Christabel, Kubla Khan, etc., in verse; Lect. on Shakespeare, Table-Talk, The Friend, Biographia Literaria, etc., in prose. A man of great genius, who accomplished little commensurate with it. His best, however, is unsurpassable. See 9 vol. edition, N. Y., 1853-4. See Gilman's Life of; Personal Recollections of Joseph Cottle. Coleridge, Sara. 1803-1852. Dau. to S. T. C. and wife to H. N. C. Editor of her father's works, and author of the exquisite romance Phantasmion. A writer of much critical ability. See Memoir of. Pub. Har. 1873. Collier, Jeremy. 1650-1726. Theologian. His fa- mous pamphlet against the immorality of the stage greatly helped to purify Eng. literature. Collier, John Payne. 1789-1883. Shakespearean scholar. Best known in connection with the fa- mous Collier MSS. of Notes and Emendations to 30 Handbook of English Authors. the text of Shakespeare. See Atlantic Monthly, Oct., 1859, and Sept., 1861. Pub. Scr. Collins, Mortimer. 1827-1876. Novelist. Author Sweet Anne Page, Marquis and Merchant, etc. Pub. Apl. Har. Collins, Wm. 1720-1756. Poet. Famous for his musical odes, as The Passions, Evening, and the poem How Sleep the Brave. C. occupies a high place among minor poets. See Johnson's Lives of the Poets. Collins, Wm. Wilkie. 1824 Novelist. Excels all other novelists in the construction of plots. The Woman in White is his most famous story. Pub. Har. Colman, George. 1733-1794. Dramatist. Com- posed nearly 30 comedies, of which The Jealous Wife is one of the best. Colman, George. The Younger. 1762-1836. Dram- atist. Son to preceding. A writer of spirited comedies, such as The Heir-at-Law, Poor Gentle- man, John Bull, The Iron Chest, etc. Combe [koom], Andrew. 1797-1847. Scotch phys- iological writer. Pub. Har. Combe, George. 1788-1858. Scotch phrenologist. Bro. to A. C. Author Constitution of Man, etc. See H. Martineau's Biographical Sketches and Capen's Reminiscences of G. Combe. Pub. Har. Congreve [kŏng/grēv], Wm. 1670-1729. Drama- tist. Author of the tragedy of The Mourning Bride, and of The Double Dealer, Old Bachelor, Love for Love, and other coarse but brilliant comedies. See edition by Leigh Hunt, London, 1849. Conybeare [kŭn'ĭ-běr], John. 1692-1755. Theolo- gian of note. Conybeare, John Josias. 1779-1824. Grandson to Handbook of English Authors. 31 J. C. Antiquary. Author of Illustrations of Anglo- Saxon Poetry, a work of much value. Conybeare, Wm. Daniel. 1787-1857. Geological writer of note. Conybeare, Wm. John. Theologian. Author with 1857. Son to W. D. C. Dean Howson of The Life and Epistles of St. Paul. Cook, Eliza. 1817 Pub. Ran. Scr. Poet. Author of The Old Arm Chair, etc. Style simple and tender. Coombe [koom], Wm. 1741-1823. A voluminous satirical and humorous writer, best known by his poem Dr. Syntax. Pub. Rou. Cooper, Anthony Ashley. 3d Earl of Shaftesbury. 1671-1713. Ethical writer. Author of Character- istics of Men, etc. Copleston [kop'el-ston], Edward. 1776-1849. Bp. Llandaff. Theological writer. Corbet, Richard. 1562-1635. Bp. Norwich. Poet of indifferent merit. Cornwall, Barry. See Procter, B. W. Coryat, Thomas. 1577-1617. Writer of travels. Best known by Coryat's Crudities, entertaining, but full of affectations. Costello, Dudley. 1803-1865. Novelist. Author Stories from a Screen, Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady, The Millionaire, etc. Costello, Louisa Stuart. 1815-1870. Novelist and writer of travels. Sister to D. C. Author of The Queen Mother, the Rose Garden of Persin, etc. Cottle, Joseph. 1770-1853. Poet. Best known, however, by his Reminiscences of Coleridge and Southey. Cotton, Charles. 1630-1687. Poet and translator of Montaigne. Cotton, Nathaniel. 1721-1788. Poet. Author Vis- ions in Verse. 32 Handbook of English Authors. Cotton, Sir Robert. 1570-1631. Antiquary and historical collector. Coverdale, Miles. 1487-1568. Bp. Exeter. Trans- lator, with Tyndale, of the Bible. The first trans- lation of the whole Bible was by C., and appeared in 1635. Cowley, Abraham. 1618-1667. Poet and essayist. His popularity, once great, is now slight. His verse is ingenious, but contains little poetic feeling. His most pretentious poem is The Davideis. See Aik- in's edition, 3 vols., 1802. Cowper [koo'per or kow'per], Wm. 1731-1800. Poet. His verse is mainly religious or didactic, but his humorous ballad of John Gilpin is widely famous. He was the author of many beautiful and well- known hymns, of a long poem, The Task, and the exquisite Lines on My Mother's Picture. Style quiet and meditative. The best edition of C. is that by Southey, with biography, 1838. See Cowper, by Goldwin Smith, in Eng. Men of Letters. Cox, Sir George Wm. 1827- Historian. Author Hist. of Greece, Mythology of the Aryan Nations, Tales of Ancient Greece, etc. Pub. Apl. Har. Ho. Coxe, Wm. 1744-1828. Historian. Author Hist. House of Austria, Kings of Spain, Memoirs of Duke of Marlborough, etc. A standard writer. Pub. Apl. Crabbe, George. 1754-1832. Poet. Writer of re- alistic, matter-of-fact narrative poems: The Village, The Parish Register, etc. See complete edition of 1834, 8 vols., with Life. See Atlantic Monthly, May, 1880, "A Neglected Poet." Crabbe, George. 1778-1834. Philologist. Author of Hist. Eng. Law and a noted work on Eng. Syn- onyms. Pub. Har. Handbook of English Authors. 33 Craig-Knox, Mrs. Isa. 1831 Scotch poet. Author Ode to Burns, Duchess Agnes, etc. Pub. Cas. Craik, Mrs. Dinah Maria Mulock. 1826 Nov- elist and poet. Author of quiet, helpful, earnest stories, among which John Halifax, Gentleman, is the most noted. Others are, A Brave Lady, A Noble Life, A Woman's Kingdom, Mistress and Maid, etc. Philip My King and Douglas are two of her finest poems. Pub. Har. Hou. Mac. Craik, George Lillie. 1799-1866. Historian. Au- thor of a valuable Hist. Eng. Lit., The English of Shakespeare, Bacon and his Philosophy, etc. See Rolfe's Craik's English of Shakespeare. Pub. Scr. Cranmer, Thos. 1489-1555. Abp. Canterbury. The- ologian. See Archdeacon Todd's Life of, 1831. Crashaw [crash'aw], Richard. c. 1620-1650. Poet. Author of Steps to the Temple, etc. His verse is fanciful and mystical, but always melodious. See Turnbull's complete edition of, London, 1858. See G. MacDonald's England's Antiphon and Corn- hill Mag., April, 1883. Creasy, Sir Edward Shepherd. 1812-1878. Histo- rian. Author Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World, Hist. Ottoman Turks, Hist. of England. Pub. Ho. Har. Croker, John Wilson. 1780-1857. Essayist and historical writer. Style caustic and vigorous. See H. Martineau's Biographical Sketches. Croker, Thos. Crofton. 1798–1854. Irish novelist. Author of romances and fairy tales, the latter of great beauty. Croly, George, 1780-1860. Irish poet. Author Angel of the World, Catiline, etc. His verse has a showy, tinsel brilliancy. Pub. Har. Rou. 3 34 Handbook of English Authors. Cruden [kroo'den], Alexander. 1701-1770. Scotch theologian. Famous as the author of the well- known Concordance to the Bible. Pub. Lip. Ran. Wh. Cudlip, Mrs. Annie Hall [Thomas]. 1838 Novelist. Author Denis Donne, A Passion in Tatters, Playing for High Stakes, etc. Pub. Har. Cudworth, Ralph. 1617-1688. Philosopher. His True Intellectual System ranks among Eng. prose classics. See edition 1845, 3 vols. Cumberland, Richard. 1632-1718. Bp. Peterbor- ough. Philosophical writer. Cumberland, Richard. 1732-1811. Great-grandson to preceding. Poet and dramatist. Wrote The West Indian, Wheel of Fortune, and other rather sentimental comedies. See edition of his dramas, by Jansen, 1813. Cumming, John. 1810-1881. Scotch theologian and popular London preacher. Author Apocalyptic Sketches, Fall of Babylon Foreshadowed, etc. Cunningham, Allan. 1785-1842. Scotch poet and critic. C. wrote many spirited songs, among which A Wet Sheet and a Flowing Sea is best known. Author Hist. British Painters, Life of Wilkie, etc. See Poems and Songs of, edited by Peter Cunning- ham, 1847. Pub. Har. Cunningham, John. 1729-1773. Irish lyrical poet. Cunningham, John Wm. 1780-1861. Poet. Cunningham, Peter. 1816-1869. Son to A. C. An- tiquary. Author Handbook of London, Modern London, Memoir of J. M. W. Turner, etc. Dalrymple, Sir David. 1726-1792. Scotch histo- rian. Author Annals of Scotland, etc. Handbook of English Authors. 35 Dalrymple, John Hamilton. 1726-1810. Scotch historian. Author Memoirs of Great Britain. Daniel, Samuel. 1562-1619. Poet and historian. D. wrote a Hist. of the Civil Wars in 8-line stanzas, also a prose Hist. of England. See Campbell's Specimens of Eng. Poets. D'Arblay, Madame, née Frances Burney. 1752– 1840. Novelist. Author Evelina, Cecilia, Camilla, etc. See her Diary, pub. 1846; also Contemporary Rev., Dec., 1882. Pub. Har. Rob. Darwin, Chas. Robert. 1809-1882. Naturalist. The most notable scientist of the age, and the origina- tor of the Evolution Theory. He had a clear, well- balanced mind, and his statements are based on careful observation and reflection. Origin of Spe- cies, Variation under Domestication, Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals, Descent of Man, Insectivorous Plants, and Movements in Plants are his chief works. See Atlantic Monthly, June, 1882; Century Mag., Jan., 1883. Pub. Apl. Darwin, Erasmus. 1731-1802. Grandfather to C. D. Poet and physician. Author of The Botanic Gar- den, a hard, metallic poem of a scientific cast, pol- ished and elaborated to excess. See Miss Seward's Memoirs of; Craik's Eng. Lit., vol. 2; Krause's Life of. Davenant, Sir Wm. 1605-1688. Dramatist. D. wrote 25 comedies and tragedies, and the long and feeble heroic poem Gondibert. Poets, vol. 2. See Ward's Eng. Poet. Author of Davies, Sir John. 1570-1626. Nosce Teipsum, a poem on the immortality of the soul, of great power and beauty, and a poetical trea- tise on dancing, entitled Orchestra. See Grosart's complete edition, 1876. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. I. 36 Handbook of English Authors. Davy, Sir Humphrey. 1778-1829. Chemist. Au- thor Researches Chemical and Philosophical, Ele- ments of Chemical Philosophy, Consolations of Travel, etc. See Life and Works of, by John Davy, 9 vols., London, 1840. Pub. Rob. Day, Thomas. 1748-1789. Author of the famous juvenile tale Sandford and Merton. Pub. Har. Hou. Rob. Defoe, Daniel. 1661-1731. Political writer and novelist. His stories form the link connecting the tales and romances of the 17th cent. with the novel of the 18th. Moll Flanders, Capt. Singleton, and Robinson Crusoe are among his chief works. Style lively, rapid, and realistic. See Oxford edition, 20 vols., 1840. See Life, by Lee, 3 vols.; also, Defoe, by Wm. Minto, in Eng. Men of Letters. Dekker, Thomas. c. 1570-1641. Dramatist. Au- thor Satiriomastix, etc. D. wrote mainly with other dramatists, but so far as his separate work can be traced, it shows tenderness and pathos. See Eng. edition of Dekker, 1873. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 2. De la Rame [deh-lä-rä-mä′], Louisa, "Ouida." 1840 Novelist. Author of Strathmore, Moths, Bebée, Wanda, etc. An entertaining, sprightly writer, of much genius, whose works are of a doubt- ful moral tendency. Pub. Lip. De Morgan, Augustus. 1806-1871. Mathematician. Author Essays on Probabilities, Formal Logic, Par- adoxes and Problems, etc. See Memoir by his wife. Denham, Sir John. 1615-1668. Poet. His poem Cooper's Hill shows fine descriptive powers. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 2. Dennis, John. 1657-1734. Dramatist and critic. Author of A Plot and No Plot, Appius and Vir- Handbook of English Authors. 37 ginia, The Usefulness of the Stage, The Grounds of Criticism, etc. De Quincey, Thomas. 1785-1859. Critic and essay- ist. A great master of Eng. prose. He possessed great acuteness and fine descriptive powers, but lacked creative ability. Confessions of an Opium- Eater and Murder Considered as one of the Fine Arts are two of the best examples of his style. See Page's Life of, 1877; Biographical Sketches by H. Martineau. Pub. Hou. Derby, Earl of. See Stanley, Edward G. S. De Redcliffe, Lord Stratford. 1788-1880. Poet and theologian. De Vere, Sir Aubrey. 1788-1846. Irish poet. Au- thor Julian the Apostate, etc. De Vere, Aubrey Thos. 1814- to preceding. Irish poet. Son Author May Carols, Irish Odes, The Sisters, etc. His verse is pleasing, and pos- sesses merit. De Vere, Edward. Earl of Oxford. 1545 – 1604. 1545-1604. Poet. Dibdin, Charles. 1745-1814. Poet and miscellane- ous writer. Author of a complete Hist. of the Eng. Stage, but best known by his naval songs, over 1200 in number. For the latter, see Hogarth's edition, 1843. Dibdin, Thos. 1771-1841. song-writer and playwright. Hist. of England, etc. Son to C. D. A prolific Author of a Metrical Dibdin, Thos. Frognall. 1776-1847. Bibliographer. Neph. to C. D. Author Bibliomania, Typograph- ical Antiquities of Gt. Britain, Bibliographical De- cameron, etc. Dicey, Edward Stephen. 1832 Journalist. Author Memoir of Cavour, Rome in 1860, The Schleswig-Holstein War, etc. 38 Handbook of English Authors. Dick, Thomas. 1774-1857. Scotch writer. The Christian Philosopher is his best known work. Pub. Har. Clx. Phi. Dickens, Charles. 1812-1870. Novelist. Author of some 30 novels and tales, all bearing marks of genius and originality. He is widely read and ad- mired, and his novels delight readers of all ages. His principal faults consist in elaborating and dwell- ing on the grotesque and unattractive side of hu- manity, and in overstraining the pathetic portions of his novels. Pickwick Papers, Nicholas Nick- leby, Tale of Two Cities, David Copperfield, Oliver Twist, and the Christmas Carol are among the best of his works. See Fields's Yesterdays with Au- thors, and Lives by Forster and Mackenzie. Pub. Apl. Est. Har. Hou. Le. Lip. Lit. Pet. Por. Rou. Os. Digby, Sir Kenelm. writer. 1603-1665. Philosophical Digby, Kenelm Henry. 1800-1880. Archæologist. Author Mores Catholici, The Broad Stone of Honor, etc. An industrious and careful writer. Dilke, Chas. Wentworth. 1789-1864. writer of note. Dilke, Sir Chas. Wentworth. 1843 Critical Grandson to preceding. Traveler and political writer. Au- thor Greater Britain, The Fall of Prince Florestan of Monaco, etc. Pub. Har. Lip. Mac. Dillon, Wentworth. Earl of Roscommon. 1633- 1684. Poet. Essay on Translated Verse is his chief work. Style elegant and cold. Disraeli [diz-ra'el-ee], Benj. 1805-1881. Novelist and statesman. Son to I. D. A talented and suc- cessful writer, possessed of great energy and strength of will. In his novels the leading people Handbook of English Authors. 39 of his time are satirized. Vivian Grey, his first novel, and Endymion, his last, appeared fifty-five years apart. Others are Contarini Fleming, Hen- rietta Temple, Coningsby, Venetia, Tancred, and Lothair, all brilliant and showy productions. Pub. Apl. Har. Disraeli, Isaac. 1766-1848. An industrious writer of miscellaneous works, the best known being Cu- riosities of Lit., Calamities of Authors, Quarrels of Authors, etc. See edition of, by his son, 1850. Pub. Arm. Har. Rou. Dixon, Wm. Hepworth. 1821-1879. Historian and biographer. Author Personal Hist. of Lord Bacon, New America, Hist. of Two Queens, Her Majesty's Tower, etc. Pub. Har. Lip. Dobell [dŏ-bell'], Sydney. 1824-1874. Poet. A writer who has an honorable place among modern minor poets. Author of The Roman, Balder, etc. See Stedman's Victorian Poets; Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 4. See complete English edition, 1875; also, Life and Letters of, London, 1879. Dobson, Austin. 1840 Poet and critic. Au- thor Vignettes in Rhyme, Proverbs in Porcelain, etc. An exceedingly graceful writer, whose poems. all show a cultivated imagination and much tender- ness of expression. Among the best are After Sedan, The Dead Letter, and The Young Musi- cian. Fielding, in Eng. Men of Letters, is his chief prose work. See Century Mag., Oct. 1884. Pub. Ho. Doddridge, Philip. 1702-1751. Moralist. Author Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul, Family Expositor, Hymns, etc. Style plain and simple. See edition of, Leeds, 1802, 10 vols. ; also, Life and Correspondence, 5 vols., London, 1831, and Life, by D. A. Harsha. 40 Handbook of English Authors. Dodsley, Robert. 1703-1764. Poet and publisher. Author Economy of Human Life, etc. Best known by his Collection of Old Plays. See edition by W. Carew Hazlitt, 1875. Donne [don], John. 1573-1631. Poet and theolo- gian. His versification is rugged, and his style ob- scure and fantastic, but his poems, both religious and amatory, contain much beauty of thought. His seven Satires are vigorous efforts. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 1. See Dean Alford's 6 vol. edition, 8vo, London, 1838. Pub. Hou. Doran, John. 1807-1878. Biographer. Author Lives of Queens of the House of Hanover, Monarchs Retired from Business, Hist. Court Fools, New Pictures and Old Panels, etc. Pub. Arm. Dorset, 6th Earl of. See Sackville, Geo. Dorset, 1st Earl of. See Sackville, Thos. See Buckhurst, Lord. Douglas, Gawain. 1474-1522. Bp. Dunkeld. Scotch poet. D. was the first metrical translator of Virgil in Gt. Britain. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 1. See complete Eng. edition by F. Small, 1874. Dowden, Edward. 1843 Poet and Shake- spearean scholar. Author Shakespeare's Mind and Art, Southey, in Eng. Men of Letters, Poems, etc. Pub. Har. Drayton, Michael. 1563-1631. Poet. His chief work is the Polyolbion, a poetical description of Britain in 100,000 lines. A far better work is the Nymphidia, an exquisitely graceful, mock heroic fairy poem. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 1. Drummond, William [of Hawthornden]. 1585-1649. Scotch poet. His Sonnets are his best production. See Memoirs by Masson, 1863. Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 1. Handbook of English Authors. 41 Dryden, John. 1631-1700. Poet and dramatist. Hist verse takes a wide range: in satire we have Absa- lom and Achitophel, MacFlecknoe, etc.; in theology, Religio Laici, Hind and Panther, etc.; in drama, some thirty plays; in translation, his Virgil; and in lyric poetry, his magnificent Ode for St. Cecilia's Day. D. had great genius, not always worthily em- ployed. His dramas, when not stilted, are licen- tious, and as a satirist he is bitter, personal, and coarse. See Masson's Essays, and Lowell's Among My Books; also, Dryden, by Saintsbury, in Eng. Men of Letters. Pub. Hou. Har. Rou. Dugdale, Sir Wm. 1605-1685. Antiquary. Author Antiquities of Warwickshire, and other valuable antiquarian works. Dunbar, Wm. 1465-1530. Scotch poet. D. wrote The Thistle and Rose, The Golden Terge, etc. His witty, striking, and original genius is closely akin. to that of Burns. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 1. D'Urfey, Thos. 1650-1723. Dramatist. Witty, but coarse and immoral. Dutt, Toru. 1856-1877. Hindu poetess. A writer of much genius. Ballads of Hindustan, and Sheafs Gleaned from French Fields, a vol. of fine Eng. translations, are her chief works. See Lit. World, June 17, 1882. Dyce, Alexander. 1798-1869. Scotch Shakespear- ean scholar of note. See his edition of Shakespeare, with Glossary, 1867. Dyer, George. 1755-1841. Author Hist. University of Cambridge, etc. Dyer, John. 1698-1758. Welsh poet. Author Gron- gar Hill, The Fleece, and Ruins of Rome. His verse is natural and unaffected. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 3. 42 Handbook of English Authors. Dyer, Thos. Henry. 1804 Historian. Au- thor Hist. Modern Europe, Ancient Athens, Hist. Kings of Rome, Hist. City of Rome, and Life of Calvin. Pub. Lit. Eadmer [ĕd'mer]. 1124. Bp. St. Andrews. Wrote a Latin Hist. of his Own Time. Earle, John. 1601-1655. Bp. Worcester. The re- puted author of the Micosmography, a remarkable vol. of studies of character. Eastlake, Sir Chas. 1793-1865. Artist. Artist. Author Hist. Gothic Revival, Materials for a Hist. Oil Painting, etc. See Lady Eastlake's Biography of, 1870. Eden [e'den], Sir Fred'k Morton. . 1766-1809. Au- thor of a valuable Hist. of the Laboring Classes of England, etc. Edgeworth, Maria. 1767-1849. Novelist. Author Rosamond, Castle Rackrent, Belinda, Helen, etc. Style didactic, but entertaining. Her juvenile tales. are numerous and popular. See Study of Miss Edgeworth, by Mrs. Oliver, 1882. Pub. Har. Lip. Rou. Edwards, Amelia Blandford. 1831 Novelist and Egyptologist. Author Barbara's History, Lord Brackenbury, etc. A writer of much talent, whose rank among Eng. novelists is a high one. See Lit. World, June 4, 1881. Pub. Har. Por. Rou. Edwardes, Mrs. Annie. 18- Novelist. Susan Fielding, Ought We to Visit Her? and Archie Lovell are among the best of her excellent novels. Pub. Sh. Edwards, Matilda Betham. 1836 Novelist. Cousin to A. B. E. Author Doctor Jacob, Kitty, etc. Style clear and picturesque. Pub. Har. Lip. Rob. Handbook of English Authors. 43 Edwards, Richard. 1523-1566. Poet. Principal author of the famous poetical collection of his day, The Paradise of Dainty Devices. Eliot, George. See Evans, Marian. Ellicott, Chas. John. 1819 Bp. Gloucester and Bristol. Theologian. Author The New Tes- tament Commentary, Historical Lect. on the Life of Christ, etc. Pub. Arm. Dra. Dut. Elliott, Ebenezer. 1781-1849. Poet. Known as the Corn-Law Rhymer. His verse is earnest and ardent, and shows much feeling. See Life of, by Searle. See Eng. edition, 1876. Ellis, George. 1745-1815. Antiquarian of note. Best known by his valuable work, Specimens of Early Eng. Poets. Ellis, Sir Henry. 1777-1869. Antiquarian writer. Ellis, Mrs. Sarah [Stickney]. 1812-1872. Author Women of England, Daughters of England, Wives of England, Mothers of England, etc. Ellwood, Thos. 1639-1713. Poet. Author of a dull poem entitled The Davideis. Elphinstone [ěl'fin-ston], James. 1721-1809. Scotch grammarian. Elphinstone, Mountstuart. 1779-1859. Historical writer. Author Hist. of India, etc. Elyot [ěl'i-ot], Sir Thos. c. 1495-1546. Moralist. Author Defence of Good Women, etc. Emerson-Tennent, Sir James. 1804-1869. Histor- ical writer. Erskine, Thos. 1750-1823. Jurist. See Select Speeches, with Memoir by Walford, 2 vols., 8vo, London, 1870 Etheridge, Sir George. 1636-1694. Comic drama- tist. Author of The Comical Revenge, She Would if She Could, etc. Style sprightly and witty. See Living Age, Apr. 30, 1881. 44 Handbook of English Authors. Evans, Marian, "George Eliot." 1819-1880. Nov- elist and poet. A complete list of her works com- prises translations of Strauss's Life of Jesus and Feuerbach's Essence of Christianity; the novels, Scenes of Clerical Life, Adam Bede, Mill on the Floss, Silas Marner, Romola, Felix Holt, Middle- march, and Daniel Deronda; the long poems, Span- ish Gypsy, Agatha, Legend of Jubal, and How Lisa Loved the King, with a few short ones; and a vol. of essays, entitled Impressions of Theophrastus Such. The strength of her novels lies in their won- derful delineations of character, their subtle analy- sis of motive as acted on by circumstance, and the lofty wisdom that infuses the whole. They awaken the best impulses of humanity, and appeal to all the finer sympathies. Her style is strongly marked, often picturesque, and her descriptions clear and distinct. Her poems, though containing many beau- tiful passages, do not, with one or two exceptions, take a high rank. The best one is probably the famous O May I Join the Choir Invisible. See George Eliot, by Mathilde Blind; Hutton's Es- says; Cent. Mag., Nov., 1881; Eclectic Mag., April, 1881; Lit. World, Feb. 24, 1883; and Galaxy Mag., June, 1869. Evelyn, John. 1620-1706. Agricultural writer. Au- thor of Sylva Terra and a famous Diary, which accurately reflects the manners of his time. See Diary and Letters of, edited by John Forster, 1857. See London edition, 1875. Faber Frederick William. 1815-1863. Religious poet. Author of a number of beautiful and popu- lar Hymns. Pub. Dut. Mur. Wh. Rou. Faber, George Stanley. 1773-1854. Theologian. Handbook of English Authors. 45 Author of The Sacred Calendar of Prophecy, etc. Style clear and exact. Fabyan, Robert. c. 1456-1512. Chronicler. Wrote a Concordance of Histories, which begins with Brutus and ends with his own time. Fairfax, Edward. c. 1580-1632. Poet. Author of a fine translation of Tasso. See Am. edition, 1855, I2m0. Falconer [fawk'ner], Wm. 1730-1769. Scotch poet. Author of The Shipwreck, a poem of consider- able beauty, and a Marine Dict. See Campbell's Specimens of the Eng. Poets. Pub. Hou. Fanshawe, Sir Richard. 1608-1666. Poet. Trans- lator of Camoens's Lusiad, and author of some graceful poems. Faraday, Michael. 1791-1867. Chemist. Author of numerous scientific works, The Chemistry of a Candle, Physical Forces, etc. See Life and Letters of, 1870, by F. Bruce Jones, Tyndall's Faraday as a Discoverer, and Life, by J. H. Gladstone. Pub. Har. Rou. Novelist. Farjeon, Benjamin Leopold. 1833 Joshua Marvel, Grif, Blade-o'-Grass, London's Heart, and Bells of Penraven are among his best works. Style akin to that of Dickens. Pub. Har. Farmer, Richard. 1735 1797. Shakespearean scholar. Author Essay on the Learning of Shake- speare. Farquhar [far'kwar or far'kär], George. 1678-1707. Irish dramatist. A writer of brilliant, sparkling comedies, full of good feeling. The Beaux' Strata- gem and The Recruiting Officer are the best. See his comedies edited by Leigh Hunt. See Atlantic Monthly, March, 1882. Farrar, Frederic Wm. 1831 Theologian. 46 Handbook of English Authors. Author Life of Christ, Eternal Hope, Life and Epistles of St. Paul, Seekers after God, etc. Of several stories by him, St. Winifred's is perhaps the best. Pub. Cas. Dut. Fu. Lip. Mac. Fawcett, Henry. 1833-1884. Writer on Political Economy. Author Free Trade and Protection, Pauperism its Causes and Remedies, Manual of Political Economy, etc. Pub. Mac. Fawcett, Millicent Garrett. 1847 Wife to H. F. Author Tales in Political Economy, Polit- ical Economy for Beginners, etc. Pub. Mac. Feltham, Owen, c. 1608-1677. Essayist. Author Divine and Moral Resolves. Style pointed and sen- tentious. Fenton, Elijah. 1683-1730. Poet. Assisted Pope in translating the Odyssey. His original verse is not unmusical. Ferguson, Adam. 1724-1816. Scotch historian and philosopher. Author Hist. of Civil Society, Hist. Progress and Termination of Roman Em- pire, etc. Style clear and scholarly. Ferguson, James. 1710-1776. Scotch philosophical and mathematical writer. Fergusson, James. ral writer of note. Pub. Lit. Do. 1808 Scotch architectu- Author Hist. of Architecture. Scotch poet. Au- Fergusson, Robert. 1750-1774. thor of The Farmer's Ingle, etc. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 3. Ferrar, Nicholas. 1592-1637. Religious writer. See Atlantic Monthly, Aug. 1871. Ferrier, James Frederick. 1808-1864. Metaphysi- cian. His Institutes of Metaphysics is a work of much learning and acuteness. Ferrier, Susan Edmonstone. 1782-1854. Scotch Handbook of English Authors. 47 Author of Marriage, novelist. Aunt to J. F. The Inheritance, and Destiny. Her works show much humor and are piquant in style. See Eng. edition 1841. See Temple Bar, Nov., 1878, and London Lit. World, March 31, 1882. Pub. Har. Rou. Fielding, Henry. 1707-1754. Novelist. With Rich- ardson he founded a new school of fiction, distin- guished by a careful study of character and a more truthful drawing of human nature than what had preceded. Joseph Andrews, Amelia, and Tom Jones, though stamped with the coarseness of his age, will continue to be read for their originality, wit, and acute reflections. See Thackeray's Eng. Humorists, Masson's Novelists and their Styles, and Dobson's Fielding in Eng. Men of Letters. Pub. Har. Lit. Rou. Finlay, George. 1800-1875. Scotch historian. Au- thor Hist. Greece under the Romans, Hist. By- zantine and Greek Empires, Hist. Greece under Ottoman and Venetian Dominion, and Hist. of the Greek Revolution. A standard authority. · Pub. Mac. Fisher, Edward. 1620-1660. Welsh theologian. Author of a noted controversial work called The Marrow of Modern Divinity. Fitzgerald, Edward. 1808-1883. Translator of note. Author of scholarly translations of Omar Khayyam, Calderon, and Eschylus. Fitzgerald, Percy. 1834 - Novelist and littéra- teur. Author Romance of the English Stage, etc. Fitzgerald, Wm. 1814-1883. Bp. Killaloe. The- ologian. Author Holy Scripture the Ultimate Rule of Faith, Life of Butler, etc. Flamsteed, John. 1646-1719. Astronomical writer. 48 Handbook of English Authors. Fletcher, Andrew [of Saltoun]. 1653-1716. Po- litical writer. See Erskine's Life of, 1792. Fletcher, Giles. 1588-1623. Poet. Poet. Bro. to P. F. and cousin to J. F. Author Christ's Victory and Triumph, a long poem in 8-line stanzas. See Works edited by Grosart, 1876. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 2. Fletcher, John. 1576-1625. Dramatist. Colleague of Beaumont. Among plays attributed solely to F. are Rule a Wife and Have a Wife, Beggar's Bush, and the exquisite pastoral drama The Faithful Shepherdess. He wrote, also, portions of Shake- speare's Two Noble Kinsmen and Henry VIII., perhaps his finest effort being the famous Wolsey Soliloquy in the latter. See Beaumont, F. See Dyce's edition, 1843. See Lamb's Specimens of the Dramatic Poets, Schlegel's Dramatic Lit., and Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 2. Fletcher, Mrs. Maria Jane [Jewsbury]. 1800-1833. Poet and miscellaneous writer. Fletcher, Phineas. 1584-1650. Poet. Bro. to G. F. and cousin to J. F. F. wrote a long and curi- ous allegorical and anatomical poem, The Purple Island. The subject, fantastically and minutely treated, is the human body. See Southey's Early Eng. Poets. Florio, John. 1545-1625. Grammarian. Fonblanque [fŏn-blǎnk'], Albany. 1797-1872. Journalist. Author England under Seven Admin- istrations. See Life and Labors of, 1874. Foote, Samuel. 1721-1777. Comic dramatist. The Liar and one or two other farces of his still keep the stage. See Foster's Essays and Life by Coke, 1805. Forbes, Alexander Penrose. 1817-1875. Bp. Brech- Handbook of English Authors. 49 in. Theologian. Author Explanation of the Thirty- Nine Articles, etc. See Memoir, 1876. Pub. Dut. Forbes, Archibald. 1838 Scotch journal- ist. Author Soldiering and Scribbling, Glimpses through the Cannon Smoke, etc. Pub. Os. Rou. Forbes, James David. 1809-1868. Scientist. Author Theory of Glaciers, etc. See Life and Letters of, by John C. Shairp, 1873. Ford, John. 1586-1639. Dramatist. His plays all deal with unhappy love, and are powerful though morbid. The Broken Heart, his best work, is a masterpiece of pathos. His style possesses great beauty. See Moxon's edition Old Eng. Dramatists, and Swinburne's Essays and Studies. Forrester, Mrs. 18- Novelist. Author Pub. Lip. Dolores, Diana Carew, Mignon, etc. Forster, John. 1812-1876. Essayist and biogra- pher. Author lives of Dikens, Goldsmith, Lan- dor, Swift, Statesmen of the Commonwealth of Eng., etc. Pub. Apl. Har. Lip. Fortescue, Sir John. c. 1395-1485. Legal writer. De Laudibus Legum Angliæ. Foster, John. 1770-1843. Essayist. His style has both vigor and beauty. Pub. Ca. Fothergill, Jessie. 18- Novelist. Author The First Violin, Kith and Kin, One of Three, etc. Pub. Ho. Fox, Chas. James. 1749-1806. Orator and histo- rian. See edition of his Speeches, ó vols., London, 1815, and Life, by Geo. O. Trevelyan. Fox, George. 1624-1690. Theological writer. Founder of the Society of Friends. S. M. Fanney. See Life, by Fox, John. 1517-1587. Martyrologist. Author of the famous Book of Martyrs. Pub. Cas. Clx. 4 50 Handbook of English Authors. Francillon, Robert Edward. 1841 Novelist. Author Under Slieve Ban, Rare Good Luck, Queen Cophetua, etc. Pub. Apl. Ho. Francis, Sir Philip. 1740-1818. Political writer. Supposed author of the famous Junius Letters, a series of powerful political tracts. See Junius, Johnson's Cyc. Pub. Rou. Fraser, James Baillie. 1783-1856. Novelist and traveller. Author of The Kuzzilbash, Hist. Per- sia, etc. See Chambers Cyc. Eng. Lit., vol. 2. Freeman, Edward Augustus. 1823 Histo- rian. Author Hist. Norman Conquest, Wm. Rufus and Henry First, Hist. Architecture, Unity of Hist., etc. An eminently thorough, accurate writer, whose Norman Conquest is one of the most important of English histories. Style animated and scholarly. Pub. Ho. Mac. Fremantle, Wm. Henry. 1831 Theologian. Author The Gospel of the Secular Life, Bampton Lect. 1883, etc. Pub. Scr. Freer, Martha Walker. 1822 Historian. Au- thor Life of Marguerite of Navarre, Life of Henry III. of France, etc. Frere [freer], John Hookham. 1769-1846. Poet. A writer of merit in translation and in original verse. See Eng. edition of, 2 vols., London, 1872. Friswell, James Hain. 1827-1878. Essayist. Au- thor Familiar Words, The Gentle Life, Francis Spira and other Poems, etc. Pub. Por. Froude [frood], James Anthony. 1818 His- torian and essayist. Author Hist. of England, The English in Ireland, Short Studies on Great Sub- jects, The Nemesis of Faith, etc. His historical portraits are brilliant and his historical grouping dramatic, but his judgments of men and motives Handbook of English Authors. 51 are open to criticism. All his works show great labor and research. Pub. Har. Scr. Froude, Richard Hurrel. 1803-1836. Bro. to J. A. F. Religious writer. See Remains of, 4 vols., London, 1838. Fuller, Thomas. 1608-1661. Historian and biog- rapher Author Ch. Hist., Hist. of Worthies of England, Sermons, Holy State, etc. A quaint, humorous, original writer of great eminence in his own day and still read with pleasure. See Life, by Russell, 1844. Pub. Dut. Mac. Fullerton, Lady Georgiana. 1812-1885. Novelist. Grantley Manor, Constance Sherwood, Too Strange Not to be True, and Lady Bird, are some of her works. Pub. Apl. Cath. Pi. Sad. Furnivall, Fred'k James. 1825- Shakespearean scholar. Editor of the Leopold Shakespeare. Fyffe, Chas. Alan. 1845 Historian. Author Modern Europe, Hist. Greece in Appleton's Hist. Primers, etc. Pub. Apl. Ho. Gale, Theophilus. 1628-1678. Theologian. Au- thor of The Court of the Gentiles. Galt, John. 1779-1839. Scotch novelist. Author Annals of the Parish, Ayrshire Legatees, Life Lord Byron, etc. A prolific writer who has carefully drawn Scotch provincial and peasant life. See Au- tobiography, 1834. Pub. Har. Gardiner, Sam'l Rawson. 1829 Historian. Author of The 30 Years' War, 1618-1648. Eng. Hist. for Students, etc. Pub. Ho. Garrett, Edward. See Mayo, Mrs. Isabella. Garrick, David. 1716-1779. Dramatist. Author Lying Valet, Miss in her Teens, etc. See Life, by Percy Fitzgerald, 1872. 52 Handbook of English Authors. Garth, Samuel. 1672-1719. Poet and physician. His mock epic, The Dispensary, is a feeble work. Sce Ward's English Poets, vol. 3. Gascoigne, Mrs. Caroline Leigh. 1813 Novel- ist and poet. Author Doctor Harold, etc. Gascoigne, George. 1530-1577. Poet. The Steel Glass his chief work. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. I. Gaskell, Mrs. Elizabeth Cleghorn. 1810-1865. Novelist and biographer. Author of Ruth, Sylvia's Lovers, Wives and Daughters, Mary Barton, etc. Her books are earnest and well written; Cranford, in fact, is almost a classic work, and her Life of Charlotte Brontë is a much-admired biography. See Lit. World, July 1, 1882. Pub. Apl. Har. Gast, John. 1715-1788. Irish historian. Gatty, Alfred. 1813. Author The Vicar and His Duties, Study of In Memoriam, etc. Gatty, Mrs. Margaret. 1809-1873. Wife to A. G. Author Parables from Nature, The Fairy God- mother, Proverbs Illustrated, Aunt Judy's Tales, etc. Pub. Ca. Put. Gauden, John. 1605-1664. Bp. Worcester. His Ikōn Basilikē professed to be the work of Charles I., of whose sufferings it was an account, and its true authorship has occasioned much controversy. Gay, John. 1688-1732. Poet and dramatist. G. wrote The Beggar's Opera, a famous musical drama, and numerous other works. See edition of his Poems, London, 1806. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 3, and Gay's Fables edited by Austin Dobson. Pub. Apl. Gell [jěl], Sir Wm. 1777-1836. Archæologist. Author Topography of Rome, etc. Geoffrey [jef'ri] of Dunstable. 1146. Author Handbook of English Authors. 53 of a miracle play of St. Catherine [1110], usually considered the first dramatic work in any modern language. Geoffrey of Monmouth. C. 1100-1154. Bp. St. Asaph, Anglo-Saxon Chronicler. Gibbon, Edward. 1737-1794. Historian. Author of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire; a masterly work, artistically conceived and carried out, with great research and careful detail. See Milman's edition, 1845. See Autobiography edited by Milman, 1839. Pub. Har. Por. Gifford, Wm. 1757-1826. Critic and reviewer. G. wrote the Baviad and Mæviad, two sharp literary satires, and as editor of the Quarterly Review was author of many bitter, satirical reviews. See Haz- litt's Spirit of the Age. Gilbert, Wm. 1540-1603. Philosophical writer. Author De Magnete. Gilbert, Wm. 18- Novelist. Author De Profundis, etc. Gilbert, Wm. Schewenck. 1836 Dramatist and humorous poet; son to preceding. Author of The Bab Ballads, Original Plays, and of the librettos of Pinafore, Pirates of Penzance, The Sorcerer, Patience, Iolanthe, etc. See Scribner's Mag., Sept. 1879. Pub. Por. Rou. Scr. Gilchrist, Alexander. 1827-1861. Biographer and art writer. Author lives of Blake and Etty. Gildas. fl. c. 510. Anglo-Latin Chronicler. Stevenson's edition, London, 1838. See Gilfillan, George. 1813-1878. Scotch miscellane- ous writer. Author Gallery of Literary Portraits, Life of Walter Scott, Bards of the Bible, etc. Pub. Har. Gilfillan, Robert. c. 1798-1850. Scotch poet. 54 Handbook of English Authors. Gillies, John. 1747-1836. Scotch historian. thor Hist. Ancient Greece, etc. Au- Gilpin, John. 1724-1804. Critic and biographer. Author Life of Bernard Gilpin, etc. Giraldus, Cambrensis. 1147-1216. Welsh histo- rian and poet. Girdlestone, Chas. 1797-1881. Religious writer. Author Concordance to the Prayer-Book, etc. Gladstone, Wm. Ewart. 1809 Statesman and essayist. Author of Juventus Mundi, Homeric Studies, The Vatican Decrees, etc. Style polished and able. See Sketch of, by H. W. Lucy, Short Life of, by C. H. Jones, and Life, by Geo. Barnett Smith. Also Harper's Mag., April, 1882. Pub. Apl. Har. Scr. Gloucester [glos-ter], Robert of. fl. c. 1280. Rhym- ing chronicler. Glover, Richard. 1712-1785. Poet. Leonidas, an epic, Hosier's Ghost, etc. Eng. Poets, vol. 3. Author of See Ward's Godwin, Mrs. Mary Wollstonecraft. 1759-1797. Wife to W. G. Author Vindication of the Rights of Women, etc. Style bold and able. See Atlan- tic Monthly, Dec. 1880. Godwin, Wm. 1756-1836. Philosopher and novel- ist. Author Caleb Williams, St. Leon, Cloudesly, Answer to Malthus, Political Justice, etc. See Life, by Kegan Paul, 1876, and Leslie Stephen's Hours in a Library. Pub. Har. Goldsmith, Oliver. 1728-1774. Irish poet and nov- elist. A writer of great delicacy and purity of sen- timent, possessing a simple, delightful style. His poems, The Deserted Village and The Traveller, are charming pieces of description; his comedies, The Good-Natured Man and She Stoops to Con- huc acove людав : Handbook of English Authors. 55 quer, are bright and sparkling, the latter being perennially fresh; and his novel, The Vicar of Wakefield, is an Eng. classic. See Lives, by Prior, Forster, W. Irving, and Goldsmith by Wm. Black in Eng. Men of Letters. See Select Poems of, edited by W.J. Rolfe. Pub. Clx. Har. Good, John Mason. miscellaneous writer. 1764-1827. Physician and Author Study of Medicine, The Book of Nature, Medical Technology, etc. Pub. Har. Gordon, George, Lord Byron. 1788-1824. Childe Harold, Prisoner of Chillon, and Don Juan are his finest poems. A writer of great power and strong personality, whose talent was warped by license and self-will. Don Juan, his most brilliant poem, sins deeply against morality. Manfred, The Giaour, and Lara are striking poems. See Lives by Galt, Moore, E. Brydges, Lake, and Elze; also, Byron, by Nich- ols, in Eng. Men of Letters, and the Real Lord Byron by J. C. Jeaffreson. See Quarterly Rev., July, 1868, and prefaces to respective editions by Wm. Rossetti and A. C. Swinburne. Gore, Mrs. Catherine Grace. 1799-1861. Novelist. A prolific writer of society tales. Author of The Cabinet Minister, The Royal Favorite, etc. Pub. Har. Gosse, Edmund Wm. 1849- Poet and critic. Son to P. H. G. Author of Viol and Flute, King Erik, New Poems, Gray in Eng. Men of Letters, etc. A lyrist of much merit. See Harper's Mag May, 1882, "Some London Poets." Pub. Har. Ho. Gosse, Philip Henry. 1810 Zoölogist. Au- thor Romance of Natural Hist., Marine Zoölogy, Evenings with the Microscope, etc. Pub. Apl. A. T. S. Lip. 56 Handbook of English Authors. Goulbourn, Edward Meyrick. 1818 Relig- ious writer. Author Thoughts on Personal Religion, The Holy Catholic Ch., Pursuit of Holiness, etc. Pub. Apl. Gould, Baring. See Baring-Gould. Gower, John. 1350-1402. Poet. G. wrote the Speculum Meditantis, in French, Vox Clematis, in Latin, and Confessio Amantis in Eng. See edition, 3 vols. 8vo, London, 1857. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 1; also Rolfe's edition of Pericles. Græme [grām], John. 1748-1772. Scotch poet. Graham, Ennis. See Molesworth, Mrs. Grahame, James. 1765-1811. Scotch poet. Au- thor of The Sabbath, etc. Grahame, James, Marquis of Montrose. 1612- 1650. Lyric poet. Author of the famous lyric My Dear and Only Love. See Biographies by Napier, 1856, and Grant, 1858. Grahame, James. 1790-1842. Scotch historian. Author Hist. U. S., etc. Style dignified and impar- tial. Granger, James. 1716-1766. Historian. Author Biographical Hist. of England. Grant, Mrs. Anne [of Laggan]. 1755-1838. Scotch poet and miscellaneous writer. Author Memoirs of an American Lady [1808], etc. See Memoirs and Correspondence of, 3 vols., 1844. Pub. Mu. Grant, James. 1806-1879. Journalist. Author of The Bench and the Bar, Sketches in London, etc. Grant, James. 1822 Scotch novelist. Author Hist. of India, and a long not take a very high rank. < list of novels which do Pub. Cas. Rou. Grattan, Thos. Colley. 1796-1864. Irish novelist and poet. Author Highways and Byways, Hist. of the Netherlands, etc. Pub. Har. Handbook of English Authors. 57 Gray, David. 1838-1861. Scotch poet. Author of The Luggie, etc. See H. G. Bell's edition, 1874. See R. Buchanan's David Gray and Other Essays, 1868. Gray, Thomas. 1716-1771. Poet. Author of The Bard, Progress of Poesy, Elegy in a Country Churchyard, etc. A writer of much refinement of expression and quiet sentiment. The calm beauty of the Elegy has made it one of the most popular of Eng. poems. See Gray, by E. W. Gosse, in Eng. Men of Letters, Mason's Biog., 1778, and Selected Poems of, edited by W. J. Rolfe. Green, John Richard. 1837-1883. Historian. Au- thor Short Hist. of the Eng. People, The Making of England, Stray Studies, Hist. of the Eng. Peo- ple, etc. A picturesque, accurate writer, with great originality and clearness of style. See N. Y. Nation, March 29, 1883, Contemporary Rev., May, 1883, Journal of Education, June, 1883, British Quarterly Rev., July, 1883, and Fortnightly Rev., May, 1883. Pub. Apl. Har. Mac. Green, Matthew. 1696-1737. Poet. The author of a curious reflective poem called The Spleen. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 3. Greene, Robert. 1560-1592. Dramatist. A pro- lific writer of humorous plays, but now best known by his confession entitled Greene's Groat's Worth of Wit bought with a Million of Repentance. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 1. Greenwell, Dora. 1821-1882. Poet and miscella- neous writer. Author Stories That Might be True, The Patience of Hope, John Woolman, Camera Obscura, A Present Heaven, etc. Pub. Dut. Greg, Wm. Rathbone. 1812-1881. Essayist. Au- thor of Rocks Ahead, Enigmas of Life, Literary 58 Handbook of English Authors. and Social Judgments, Creed of Christendom, etc., works of a thoughtful, pessimistic cast. See Macmillan's Mag., June, 1883. Pub. Ho. Grenville, George, Lord Nugent. 1788-1850. Au- thor Memorials of Hampden, Lands Classical and Lay, etc. Greville, Sir Fulke, Lord Brooke. 1554-1628. Poet and philosopher. Author Life of Sydney, etc. See Grosart's edition of, 1870. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 1. Griffin, Gerald. 1803-1840. Irish poet and novelist. Author of The Collegians, etc. See complete Eng. edition by Griffin, 1857. Pub. Rou. Sad. Grindon, Leopold Hartley. 1818 Author Life its Nature, Varieties, and Phenomena, The Shakespeare Flora, etc. Pub. Lip. Grosseteste [grōs-test], Robert. c. 1175-1253. Bp. London. Anglo-Norman poet. Grote, George. 1794-1871. Historian. Best known by his Hist. of Greece, a standard work. See Life, by Mrs. Grote, 1873. Pub. Har. Lit. Grove, George. 1820 Musical critic. Author Dict. of Music and Musicians, etc. Pub. Mac. Guest, Lady Charlotte. See Schreiber, Lady Char- lotte. Gunter, Edmund. 1581-1626. Mathematical writer. Inventor of the terms co-sine, co-tangent, etc. The phrase "according to Gunter" arose from his scale of measurement being the standard one. Gurney, Joseph John. 1788-1847. Philanthropist. Author Notes on Prison Discipline, and numerous religious works. Pub. Lip. Guthrie [guth'ri], Thomas. 1803-1873. Scotch philanthropist. Author Plea for Ragged Schools, Man and the Gospel, Out of Harness, etc. See Life, 1873. Pub. Ca. Handbook of English Authors. 59 Guthrie, Wm. 1708-1770. Scotch historian. Au- thor Hist. of England, Hist. of Scotland, etc. His works have been entirely superseded by later au- thorities. Habington, Wm. 1605-1654. Poet. An ingenious writer of love poems. See Eng. edition by Arber, 1870. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 2. Hailes, Lord. See Dalrymple, Sir D. Hakluyt [hǎk'loot], Richard. 1553-1616. Chroni- cler and geographer. Hakluyt's Voyages is an im- portant collection of narratives of earlier or contem- porary voyages. See edition of, 5 vols. 4to, Lon- don, 1809-12. Hale, Sir Matthew. 1609-1676. Moral and relig- ious writer. See Life by Burnet in Wordsworth's Ecclesiastical Biog. Hales, John. 1584-1656. Polemical writer. Styled "The Ever Memorable." Chiefly noted for his Golden Remains. See Life by Des Maizeaux. Hales, Stephen. 1677-1761. One of the earliest writers on vegetable physiology. Hales, Wm. 1769-1831. Irish theologian. Haliburton, Thos. Chandler. 1796-1865. Nova Scotian humorist. Author Sam Slick, etc. Pub. Di. Har. Hou. Rou. Halifax, Earl of. See Montagu, Chas. Halifax, Marquess. See Saville, George. Hall, Mrs. Anna Maria. 1805-1881. Wife to S. C. H. Irish novelist and miscellaneous writer. Author Sketches of Irish Character, The Outlaw, The Whiteboy, etc. Pub. Har. Hall, Basil. 1788-1844. Scotch writer of travels. Hall, Edward. 1547. Chronicler. A minute and valuable writer. 6.0 Handbook of English Authors. Hall, Joseph. 1574-1656. Bp. Norwich. Theolo- gian and satirist. Sometimes styled the founder of Eng. satire. A vivacious and excellent writer. See edition 1837. See Hannay's Satire and Satirists, and Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. I. Hall, Newman, 1816 Congregationalist re- ligious writer. Author Come to Jesus, The Forum and the Vatican, etc. Pub. Phi. Sh. Hall, Robert. 1764-1831. Baptist religious writer. Author Sermons on Modern Infidelity, Reflections on War, etc. Style scholarly, eloquent, and re- fined. See Works of, with Memoir, by O. Gregory, 6 vols., London; also, Biog. by J. W. Morris, 1846, and Life by Paxton Hood. Hall, Samuel Carter. 1801 Miscellaneous writer. Author The Stately Homes of England, Book of Memories, Retrospect of a Long Life, etc. Pub. Apl. Hallam, Arthur Henry. 1811-1833. Poet and es- sayist. Son to H. H. A young writer whose loss inspired Tennyson's In Memoriam. See Remains, with Life, by his father, 1834; Remains in Verse and Prose, 1862. See Life, by Dr. John Brown; also, Atlantic Monthly, Dec. 1860. Hallam, Henry. 1777-1859. Historian and critic. Author Hist. Middle Ages, Constitutional Hist. England, Lit. of Europe, etc. An impartial writer whose works are of great value, but whose style lacks animation and freshness. See H. Marti- neau's Biographical Sketches. Pub. Arm. Har. Lit. Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard. 1820 Shakespearean scholar. Editor of Shakespeare, 16 vols. folio, 1865. Author Dict. Archaic Words, Life of Shakespeare, Last Days of Shakespeare, etc. Handbook of English Authors. 61 Hamerton [hăm'er-ton], Philip Gilbert. 1834 Art Critic. Author Thoughts on Art, A Painter's Camp, The Unknown River, The Intellectual Life, etc. A writer of authority in his department. Style graceful and refined. Pub. Mac. Rob. Hamilton, Mrs. Elizabeth. 1758-1816. Scotch writer. Best known by her Letters of a Hindoo Rajah and The Cottagers of Glenburnie. See Cham- bers' Cyc. Eng. Lit. Hamilton, Sir Wm. 1788-1856. Scotch metaphy- sician. Author Discussions on Philosophy, etc. His clear, dignified style is much admired. Pub. Apl. Hannay, James. 1827-1873. Novelist and miscella- neous writer. Author Singleton Fontenoy, Studies on Thackeray, etc. Pub. Har. Rou. Hardy, Thomas. Novelist. Author Far From the Madding Crowd, The Return of the Native, A Pair of Blue Eyes, Two on a Tower, etc. A novelist of high rank. His character-draw- ing is sharp and incisive, his studies of peasant life truthful and sympathetic, and his descriptive pas- sages masterly. Pub. Ho. 1840 Hare, Augustus Julius Charles. 1834 Neph. to J. C. H. and A. W. H. Author Walks in Lon- don, Walks in Rome, Days Near Rome, Memorials of a Quiet Life, etc. Pub. Por. Ran. Rou. Hare, Augustus Wm. 1793-1834. Author Alton Sermons, etc. Pub. Ran. Rou. Hare, Francis. 1688-1740. Bp. Chichester. Con- troversial writer. Hare, Julius Chas. 1796-1855. Bro. to A. W. H., and with him author of Guesses at Truth. Author Life of Sterling, Victory of Faith, etc. Pub. Dut. Mac. 62 Handbook of English Authors. Harrington, James. 1611-1677. Political philoso- pher. Author of The Oceana. Harrington, John. nah's Courtly Poets. 1534-1582. Poet. See Han- Harrington, Sir John. 1561-1612. Poet. Son to preceding. First English translator of Ariosto. Harrison, Frederic. 1831 Positivist and philosopher. Author Order and Progress, The Meaning of History, etc., and translator of Comte's Social Statics. Hartley, David. 1705-1757. Philosopher. Obser- vations on Man his chief work. Harvey, Gabriel. 1545-1637. Poet. One of the first to write English hexameter. Harvey, Wm. 1578-1657. Physician. Discoverer of the circulation of the blood. See Works of, edited by the Sydenham Society, London, 1847. Havergal, Frances Ridley. 1836-1879. Author of much devotional verse. Pub. Dut. Ran. Haweis [hoys], Hugh Reginald. 1838 Re- ligious and miscellaneous writer. Author Thoughts for the Times, Speech in Season, Current Coin, Arrows in the Air, Poets in the Pulpit, Unsectarian Family Prayer, Music and Morals, Pet, or Pastimes and Penalties, Ashes to Ashes, and My Musical Life. Pub. Har. Ho. Fu. Haweis, Mrs. Mary Eliza [Joy]. 1852. Wife to H. R. H. Author Chaucer for Children, Chau- cer for Schools, Chaucer's Beads, The Art of Beauty, The Art of Dress, The Art of Decoration, and Beautiful Houses. The illustrations and cover designs of her own and her husband's works are by Mrs. Haweis. Pub. Har. Hay, Mary Cecil. 1844 Novelist. Author of Old Myddleton's Money, The Arundel Motto, The Squire's Legacy, etc. Pub. Har. Handbook of English Authors. 63 Hayley, Wm. 1745-1820. Poet. Of mediocre ability, but once very popular. Author Life Wm. Cowper, etc. See Autobiography, 1823. Hayward, Mrs. Eliza. 1693-1756. Author of The New Utopia, The Female Spectator, etc. A volu- minous writer of miscellaneous works of slight merit. Hazlitt, Wm. 1778-1830. Critical essayist. Au- thor Table-Talk, Lect. on Shakespeare, Lect. on the Eng. Poets, etc. His criticisms on art and the drama are of high order. His style is picturesque and his imagination rich, but his works are some- times deficient in moderation and judgment. See Life of, by his grandson, 1867. Pub. Lip. Hazlitt, Wm. Carew. 1843 Grandson to W. H. Littérateur. Author Hist. Venetian Republic, Memoirs Wm. Hazlitt, Handbook to Early Eng. Lit. etc. · Head, Sir Francis Bond. 1793-1875. Miscellane- ous writer. Among his numerous works Bubbles from the Brunnen of Nassau is one of the best known. Pub. Har. Heber, Reginald. 1783–1826. Poet. Bp. Calcutta. A talented writer, best known by his hymns, viz.: The Missionary Hymn, Holy, Holy, Holy, and Epiphany. See Life, by Mrs. Heber, 1830. Last Days of Heber, by Robinson, and Memoirs by Pot- ter and Taylor. Hector, Mrs. Annie Alexander. "Mrs. Alexan- der." 1825 Irish novelist. Author of The Wooing O't, Her Dearest Foe, The Freres, The Admiral's Ward, Which Shall It Be, etc. Style fresh, healthful, and pleasing. Pub. Ho. Helps, Sir Arthur. 1818-1875. Historian and es- sayist. Author Hist. of the Spanish Conquest in 64 Handbook of English Authors. America, Realmah, Casimir Maremma, etc. His style is quiet and graceful, and Friends in Council, his best work, is strong and helpful. Pub. Har. Rob. Rou. Hemans [hèm'anz], Mrs. Felicia Dorothea. 1793- 1835. Poet. Without possessing great force some of her poems have yet taken a firm hold upon popular sympathies. Casabianca, Graves of a Household, and The Pilgrim Fathers are examples. Her verse is graceful and sweet, but not strong. See Memorials of, by H. F. Chorley, 1836. Pub. Lip. Por. Rou. Henry VIII. 1491-1547. Author of controversial, anti-Lutheran treatises. See Brewer's edition of, 1862. Henry, Matthew. 1662-1714. Theologian. Au- thor of a noted Exposition of the Bible, of which the best edition is that of London, 1869. See Lives by Tony and Williams. Pub. Ca. Henry, Robert. 1718-1790. Scotch historian. His Hist. of Gt. Britain was the first to take account of manners and the state of society from a purely his- torical basis. Henryson, Robert. fl. c. 1490. Scotch poet. H. wrote the beautiful pastoral of Robin and Makyne, found in Percy's Reliques. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. I. Herbert, Lord Edward. 1581-1648. Historian and theologian. His De Veritate is a plea for Deism. Style dignified and able. See Autobiography, edited by W. D. Howells. Pub. Hou. See Lord Herbert de Cherbury by Chas. de Rémusat, Paris, 1874. Herbert, George. 1593-1632. Religious poet. Bro. to preceding. Author of The Temple. His verse 荒 ​Porch, Handbook of English Authors. 65 is elevated in tone, but marred by quaint and fan- tastic conceits. See Lives, by Walton, 1670, and Duyckinck, 1858. See Grosart's edition, with Memoir, 1875. Herbert, Wm. 1778-1847. Poet. Author of some spirited translations from the Norse and other tongues, and of some excellent original poems. Herrick, Robert. 1591-1674. Poet. Author of Hesperides, etc. A skillful lyrist whose airy grace- fulness will always continue to delight. See Gro- sart's complete edition of, 1877; also, Abbey's Illus- trated Selections from, 1882. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 2, and Temple Bar, May, 1883. Herschel, Caroline Lucretia. 1750-1840. Astron- omer. Author Catalogue of Stars. See Life and Correspondence of, 1876. Pub. Apl. Herschel, Sir John Frederick Wm. 1792-1871. Astronomer. Neph. to C. L. H. Author Study of Nat. Philosophy, Outlines of Astronomy, Phys- ical Geography, etc. Pub. Apl. Har. Rou. Hervey, Lord John. 1696-1743. Author Memoirs Reign of George II. See edition of, 1848, with Life by J. W. Croker. Hervey, James. 1714-1758. Meditations, etc. Pub. Ca. Heylin, Peter. most noted work. 1600-1662. Moralist. Author Microcosmus is his 1535-1598. Son to J. H. Au- Heywood, Jasper. thor of rhymed translations of Seneca. Heywood, John. 1506-1565. Dramatist. Writer of grotesque Interludes. Heywood, Thomas. 1640. Dramatist. Was a frequent colleague of other dramatists, and a writer of much talent, with a tender, graceful style. See complete edition of, London, 1874, 6 vols. 66 Handbook of English Authors. Hoadley, Benj. 1670-1761. Bp. Winchester. Theological writer. preceding. Hobbes, Thos. Hoadley, Benj. 1706-1757. Dramatist. Son to 1588-1679. Philosopher. A pro- found thinker, whose Leviathan, a treatise on mo- narchical government, is his best known work. See Molesworth's complete edition of, 16 vols., London, 1845. Hogg, James. 1770-1835. Scotch poet. Called "The Ettrick Shepherd." Author of The Queen's Wake, etc. Style diffuse, but graceful and imag- inative. See Collected Works, 1869. / Holcroft, Thomas. 1745-1809. Dramatist. Best known by his novel The Marriage of Figaro, and his famous comedy The Road to Ruin. See Mem- oirs, edited by Hazlitt, 1816. Holinshed, Raphael. From him Shakespeare drew in part the stories of Cymbeline, Henry VI., Richard II., Richard III., Henry IV., Henry V., Macbeth, Lear, and Henry VIII. c. 1580. Holyoake, George Jacob. 1817 Chronicler. Writer on social science. Author of The Logic of Facts, Hist. of Coöperation in England, etc. Pub. Lip. Home, Henry, Lord Kames. 1696-1782. Scotch philosopher. Author Elements of Criticism, etc. See Life, by A. F. Tytler. Pub. Por. Sh. Home, John. 1722-1808. Dramatist. H. wrote the once popular play Douglas, which contains the famous lines, "My name is Norval," etc. See com- plete works of, with Life, by Mackenzie, 3 vols., 8vo, Edinburgh, 1822. Hone, Wm. 1779-1842. Satirist. Chiefly known by his compilations; as, The Every-Day Book, The Table-Book, etc. Handbook of English Authors. 67 Hood, Edwin Paxton. 1820-1885. Biographer. Author Lives of Wordsworth and Swedenborg, The Uses of Biography, etc. Pub. Arm. Do. Lip. Hood, Thomas. 1798–1845. Poet and humorist. A writer whose fame as a wit has overshadowed his merits as a poet. His style, when not profes- sedly humorous, is tender and graceful. For moral earnestness The Bridge of Sighs and The Song of the Shirt cannot be surpassed. See E. P. Sar- gent's edition, Pub. Apl.; also, F. J. Child's edi- tion. Pub. Dut. Hou. Por. Put. Rou. Hood, Thomas. 1835-1875. Miscellaneous writer. Son to preceding. Author of The Rhymster, etc. Hook, Theodore Edward. 1788-1842. A writer of novels of fashion, inartistic in form, but full of humor. His power of extempore verse-making was remarkable. See Life, by Barham, 1848. Pub. Rou. Hook, Walter Farquhar. 1798–1875. Neph. to T. E. H. Author Lives Abps. Cant., Ecclesiastical Biog., Ch. Dict., etc. See Life and Letters. Pub. Dut. Hooker, Joseph Dalton. Son to W. J. H. 1817 Botanist. Author Student's Flora British Islands, etc. Pub. Mac. Hooker, Richard. 1553-1600. Theologian. Author The Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity. The greatest prose writer of the Elizabethan age. See Keble's edition, 3 vols. Pub. Mac. Hooker, Sir Wm. Jackson. 1785-1865. Botanist. Author British Ferns, Garden Ferns, British Flora, etc. Pub. Put. Hope, Alex. James Beresford. 1820 Son to T. H. Author of the Eng. Cathedral in the 19th Cent., Worship in the Church of England, etc. 68 Handbook of English Authors. Hope, Thomas. 1770-1831. Miscellaneous writer. Author Costumes of the Ancients, Household Fur- niture, etc., and the famous Oriental tale Anasta- sius. Pub. Har. Horne, George. 1730-1792. Bp. Norwich. Theo- logian. Author of a noted Commentary on the Psalms. Pub. Ca. Horne, Richard Hengist. 1803-1884. Dramatic poet. Author Gregory VII., Cosmo de Medici, Ballads and Romances, Orion, etc. A writer of much power, whose circle of readers is undeser- vedly small. See Stedman's Victorian Poets. Pub. Rob. Rou. Horne, Thos. Hartwell. 1780-1862. Theologian. Best known by his Introduction to the Scriptures. Pub. Ca. Horne-Tooke, John. 1736-1812. Philologist. Au- thor The Diversions of Purley, etc. See Memoirs, by Hamilton, 1812, Stephens, 1813, Graham, 1828, N. Y. Horner Francis. 1778-1817. Writer on political economy and one of the founders of the Edinburgh Rev. See Memoir and Correspondence, 1843. Horsley, Samuel. 1733-1806. Bp. St. Asaph. The- ological and controversial writer of note. See Works of, 6 vols., London, 1845. Houghton, Lord. See Milnes, R. M. Hoveden de [hōv'den], Roger. fl. c. 1200. Chroni- cler. See Bohn's Antiquarian Library. Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey: 1515-1547. His verse is mainly lyrical, his love songs being his best; nevertheless he first introduced blank verse into Eng. poetry. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 1. Howe, John. 1630-1705. Theological writer. See Life, by Rogers, 1836. Pub. Dra. ! 69 Handbook of English Authors. Howell, James. 1594-1666. Miscellaneous writer. See Arber's reprints of Instructions for Foreign Travel, etc. Howitt, Anna Mary. Dau. to W. H. and M. H. See Watts, Mrs. A. M. Howitt, Mrs. Mary Botham. 1799 Wife to W. H. An industrious author of numerous pop- ular poems, mainly juvenile, of several excellent prose tales, and of numerous translations from the Swedish, German, and Danish, the most noted of these being the works of Fredrika Bremer and Hans Andersen. Her work is characterized by earnestness and sincerity of purpose. See the Bio- graph, Aug. 1880. Pub. Apl. Har. Rob. Rou. Howitt, Wm. 1796-1879. Poet and Miscellaneous Writer. A versatile author whose Rural Life in England, Book of the Seasons, etc., have been de- servedly popular. His wife was co-author with him of many books. Pub. Har. Rou. Howson, John Saul. 1816 Dean of Chester. Theologian. Author Life and Epistles of St. Paul [with W. J. Conybeare], Companions of St. Paul, Metaphors of St. Paul, Miracles of Christ, etc. Pub. Mac. Rou. Hoyle [hoil], Edward. 1672-1769. A noted writer upon Games. Pub. Lip. Rou. Hugesson. See Knatchbull-Hugesson. Hughes, John. 1677-1720. Poet and essayist. A contributor to The Spectator. Hughes, Thomas. 1823 A popular writer whose School Days at Rugby, Tom Brown at Ox- ford, Life of King Alfred, Manliness of Christ, Scouring of the White Horse, etc., have been widely read. Pub. Hou. Mac. Por. Hume, David. 1711-1776. Scottish historian and 70 Handbook of English Authors. philosopher. Author Philosophical Essays, Hist. of England, etc. His style possesses originality and spirit, but as a historian he is inaccurate. See Life and Correspondence of, by T. Hill Burton, Edinburgh, 1847; also Hume, by T. H. Huxley in Eng. Men of Letters. Pub. Har. Lip. Por. Hunt, James Henry Leigh. 1784-1859. Poet and essayist. Francesca da Rimini and Legend of Florence are his finest poems, but Abou-Ben-Ad- hem is the best known. A writer whose happy, genial spirit expresses itself in his prose and verse. See Autobiography edited by his son, 1850. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 4, and Century Mag. March, 1882. Pub. Har. Rob. Rou. Hunter, Mrs. Anne. 1742-1821. Poet. Her lyrics possess much beauty, and some of them were set to music by Haydn. "My mother bids me bind my hair" is well known. See Hurd, Richard. 1720-1808. Bp. Worcester. Theo- logian. Author Dialogues, Sermons, etc. edition 1811, 8 vols. Hutcheson, Francis. 1694-1747. Irish metaphy- sician. Author of a System of Moral Philosophy, etc. Founder of the Scotch Metaphysical School. Hutchinson, Mrs. Lucy. 1620-1659. Known to literature by her admirable Memoirs of her husband first published in 1808. Hutton, Richard Holt. 1826. His main work in the London Spectator. Author Essays: Theo- logical and Literary. Pub. Har. Mac. Por. Huxley, Thomas Henry. 1825 Naturalist. Author Man's Place in Nature, Comparative Anat- omy, Protoplasm, Lay Sermons, etc. A leader in modern thought and investigation. Pub. Apl. Mac. Handbook of English Authors. 71 Hyde, Edward, Earl of Clarendon. 1608-1673. Historian. Author Hist. of the Great Rebellion. His style is defective, but he is fully master of his subject. Pub. Mac. Inchbald, Mrs. Elizabeth. 1753-1821. Novelist and dramatist. Her novels, A Simple Story and Nature and Art were once popular, and some of her plays are yet acted. The best are Such Things Are, Wives as They Were and Maids as They Are, and Lovers' Vows. See Boaden's Life of, 1833; also Miss Kavanagh's Eng. Women of Letters. Pub. Har. Rou. Ingelow [in'je-low], Jean. 1830 Poet and novelist. Her novels Off the Skelligs, Don John, etc., though popular and entertaining, are inartistic in construction. Her poetry, though occasionally obscure, is always graceful and beautiful. Songs of Seven, The High Tide, and Divided are among the best. Pub. Rob. Rou. Ingleby, Clement Mansfield. 1823 Shake- spearean scholar. Author of Shakespeare — the Man and the Book, View of the Shakespeare Con- troversy, etc. Inglis, Henry David. 1795-1835. Scotch writer of travels. Ingulphus. 1030 ?-1109. A monk to whom was long ascribed the famous History of the Abbey of Croyland. See Bohn's Antiquarian Library. Ireland, Wm. Henry. 1777-1835. Shakespearean forger. Author of a wretched play called Vorti- gern, which he asserted to be by Shakespeare. See Ingleby's Shakespeare, The Man and the Book, Part 2. Irons, Wm. 1812-1883. Theologian. Author of 72 Handbook of English Authors. The Whole Doctrine of Final Causes, Parochial Lect., Sermons for the People, Hymns from the Hebrew, Athanasius Contra Mundum, etc. Pub. Dut. Irving, Edward. 1792-1834. Scotch theologian. Founder of the Irvingite, or Catholic Apostolic Church. See Lives by Wilkes and Mrs. Oliphani; also Carlyle's Reminiscences. James I. King of Scotland. 1394-1437. Poet. The King's Quhair is a long love poem in 7-line stanzas, and pure and sweet in sentiment. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 1. James V. King of Scotland. 1511-1542. Poet. Supposed author of Peebles to the Play and Christ's Kirk on the Green: comic and satirical ballads. James VI. of Scotland, I. of England. 1566-1625. Author of some feeble poetry, a number of theo- logical treatises and a famous Counterblast Against Tobacco. James, George Payne Rainsford. 1801-1860. Nov- elist. Author of an immense number of novels with a strong likeness to each other. Beginning by imitating Scott, he ended by copying himself. Pub. Har. Rou. Jameson, Mrs. Anna. 1797-1860. An able writer who touched upon many topics. Characteristics of Women, Sacred and Legendary Art, and Diary of an Ennuyée, are some of her books. Her disserta- tions upon Shakespeare's women are keenly appre- ciative. See Memoir of, by Geraldine Macpherson; also H. Martineau's Biographical Sketches. Pub. Apl. Har. Hou. Por. Rou. Jeaffreson, John Cordy. 1831 Novelist and biographer. Author Live It Down, The Real Lord Byron, etc. Pub. Har. Handbook of English Authors. 73 Jeffrey, Lord Francis. 1773-1850. Scotch critic and essayist. One of the founders of the Edin- burgh Review. A writer of great merit, but one whose judgment was often warped by prejudice. See Life by Lord Cockburn, 1852. Jenkins, Edward. 1838 Political satirist. Author Ginx's Baby, Lord Bantam, Haverholme, etc. Pub. Har. Jenyns, Soame. 1704-1787. plete works of, London, 1790. Jephson, Robert. 1736-1803. Moralist. See com- Dramatist. The Court of Narbonne and Duke of Braganza were successful tragedies in their day. Jerdan, Wm. 1782-1869. Journalist. See Auto- biography, 1853. Jerrold, Douglas Wm. 1803-1857. Dramatist and humorist. Black-Eyed Susan and Rent Day are his best dramas. Of his other works, A Man Made of Money, Chronicles of Clovernook, and The Caudle Lectures are most noted. See Life by his son. Pub. Har. Hou. Rou. Jerrold, Wm. Blanchard. 1826-1884. Miscellane- ous writer. Son to D. W. J. Author Imperial Paris, Napoleon III., etc. Jevons, Wm. Stanley. 1835-1882. Political econ- omist. Author The State in Relation to Labor, Methods of Social Reform and other Essays, In- vestigations in Currency and Finance, etc. Pub. Apl. Mac. Jewsbury, Geraldine Endsor. 1821-1880. Novelist and journalist. Author of Zoë, Half Sisters, Con- stance Herbert, etc. Pub. Har. Jewsbury, Maria Jane. Fletcher, Mrs. Sister to G. E. J. See Johnson, Samuel. 1705-1773. Dramatist. Author Hurlothrumbo, etc. 74 Handbook of English Authors. Johnson, Samuel. 1709-1784. Lexicographer and miscellaneous writer. Author of London, a po- etical satire, Rasselas, a didactic novel, Lives of the Poets, Dict. of the Eng. Lang., and numerous other works. His style is heavy and ponderous, but dignified, sonorous, and peculiarly his own. He was the greatest literary figure in England be- tween 1745 and 1784. See Boswell's Life of, edited by J. W. Croker; also Johnson by Leslie Stephen in Eng. Men of Letters. Pub. Har. Le. Lit. Mac. Johnston, Arthur. 1587-1641. Scotch poet. Noted for a fine Latin translation of the Psalms. Johnstone, Charles. 1800. Novelist. Chry- sal: or Adventures of a Guinea was once popular. See W. Scott's Lives of Eminent Novelists. Jones, Sir Wm. 1746-1794. Poet, Orientalist, and translator. See edition of 1807 with Life. Jonson, Ben. 1574-1637. Dramatist. A robust, dig- nified writer, more popular in his day than Shake- speare. Volpone, Silent Woman, Alchemist, Every Man in his Humor, and Every Man out of his Hu- mor are his best comedies: Catiline and Sejanus his only tragedies. His pastoral drama, The Sad Shepherd, is graceful and sweet. See Cunning- ham's edition of Johnson, 1870, and Schlegel's Dramatic Literature. Pub. Apl. Rou. Jortin, John. 1698-1770. Ecclesiastical historian. Jowett, Benjamin. 1817 Greek scholar. Translator of Plato and Thucydides. Pub Scr. Junius. See Francis, Sir Philip. Kames, Lord. See Home, Henry. Kavanagh [kav'a-nä' or kav'a-nah'], Julia. 1824- 1877. Irish novelist. Author Nathalie, Eng. Women of Letters, Beatrice, etc. Pub. Apl. Ho. Handbook of English Authors. 75 neex Úན་ that to are belong Kaye, Sir John Wm. 1814-1876. Military histo- rian. Author Hist. War in Afghanistan [1851], Hist. Sepoy War, Lives of Indian Officers, Essays of an Optimist, etc. Pub. Lip. Rou. Keary, Annie. 1825-1879. Novelist. Author Cas- tle Daly, A Doubting Heart, Heroes of Asgard, Clemency Franklyn, etc. See Memoir of, by her Sister; also Catholic World, July, 1879. Pub. Har. Mac. Por. Keats, John. 1795-1821. Poet. A great master of the music of verse. The Ode on a Grecian Urn and Ode to a Nightingale are nearly perfect poems. The Eve of St. Agnes, Isabella, Hyperion and En- dymion are longer poems, full of sensuous richness of expression and intensity of feeling. See Rosset- ti's edition of. See Life of, by Lord Houghton. Keble [kěb'l], John. 1792-1866. Religious poet. Author Christian Year, Lyra Innocentium, etc. Versification musical and refined. See Shairp's Studies in Poetry and Philosophy, C. Yonge's Mus- ings over the Christian Year, Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 4, and Memoir by J. T. Coleridge. Pub. Dut. Keddie, Henrietta, "Sarah Tytler." 1827 Novelist. Author Citoyenne Jacqueline, What She Came Through, and several valuable literary and artistic handbooks. Pub. Har. Rob. Rou. Keightley [[kit'l], Thomas. 1789-1872. Histo- rian. Author Hist. England to 1839, Outlines of Hist., Mythology of Ancient Greece, etc. Pub. Apl. Har. Lip. Kemble, Adelaide. See Sartoris, Mrs. Kemble, Frances Anne. 1811 Poet and mis- cellaneous writer. See Allibone's Dict. Pub. Har. Ho. Kemble, John Mitchell. 1807-1857. Anglo-Saxon 76 Handbook of English Authors. scholar. Bro to A. K. and F. A. K. Author of The A writer of authority in Saxons in England, etc. his department. Ken, Thomas. 1637-1711. Bp. Bath and Wells. Poet. His Morning and Evening Hymns intro- duced a simpler, sincerer style of religious poetry. See Life, by Duychinck. Kenney, Charles Lamb. 1823-1881. Dramatist. Author lives of Balzac and Balfe, etc. Pub. Rou. Kenney, James. 1780-1849. Dramatist. Author Raising the Wind, etc. King, Henry. 1591-1669. Bp. Chichester. Relig- ious poet. Kinglake, Alex. Wm. 1802 Historian. A brilliant and powerful writer. Author Hist. Cri- mean War, Eothen, etc. Pub. Arm. Har. Kingsley, Charles. 1819-1875. Novelist and poet. Author of Andromeda, the finest Eng. hexameter poem, and the stories, Alton Locke, Yeast, West- ward Ho, Hypatia, At Last, etc. Style forcible but uneven. See Life by Mrs. Kingsley, 1876. Pub. Apl. Har. Mac. Lip. Scr. Kingsley, Henry. 1830-1876. Novelist. Bro. to C. K. Author Ravenshoe, Silcote of Silcotes, Austin Elliott, Hetty, etc. Pub. Do. Har. Mac. Rou. Kingston, Wm. H. G. 1843-1880. Author of spir- ited tales of adventure for young readers. Pub. Arm. Cas. Lip. Rou. Kitchener, Wm. 1775-1827. Physician. Author of the Cook's Oracle, etc. Pub. Har. Kitto, John. 1804-1854. Author of the Pictorial Bible, Cyc. of Biblical Lit., etc. Pub. Ca. Phi. Knatchbull-Hugesson, Edward. 1829 Writer for children. Author Crackers for Christmas and several vols. of fairy tales. Pub. Apl. Har. Rou. Handbook of English Authors. 77 Knight, Charles. 1791-1873. Shakespearean scholar and miscellaneous writer. Author of a Pictorial Hist. England, etc. Editor of a Pictorial Shake- speare, etc. See Passages from the Life of (pub. Put.). Pub. Fu. Lip. Por. Knight, Richard Payne. 1750-1824. Poet and antiquary. His verse is worthless, but his ar- chæological works are much esteemed. See edition, 1874, N. Y. Knolles [nōlz], Richard. 1540-1610. Historian. His Hist. of the Turks was much praised by Dr. Johnson and Hallam. Knowles, Herbert. 1798-1817. Religious poet. Knowles, James Sheridan. 1794-1862. Irish dram- atist. His best tragedies are Caius Gracchus, Virginius, and Wm. Tell. The Hunchback is his finest comedy. While his works will not bear se- vere criticism, they are popular and among the best acting of modern plays. See edition, 1873. Knowles, Richard Brinsley. 1819-1882. J. S. K. Journalist and historical writer. author of the comedy The Maiden Aunt. Knox, Mrs. Craig. See Craig-Knox. Knox, John. 1505-1572. Son to Was 1505-1572. Scotch theologian. Au- thor Hist. Reformation in Scotland, and First Blast Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women. See Lives by Smeaton, 1572; McCrie, 1812; Niemeyer, 1824; Laing, 1847, and Brandes, 1863. See Fra- ser's Mag. April, 1875; also Lorimer's John Knox and the Church of England. Knox, Vicesimus. 1752-1821. Essayist. Author Winter Evenings, Family Lect., etc. Knox, Wm. 1789-1825. Scotch poet. Best re- membered for his poem "O why should the spirit of mortal be proud!" Pub. Le. 78 Handbook of English Authors. Kyd, Thomas. fl. c. 1590. Dramatist. Author Hieronimo, The Spanish Tragedy, etc. See Lamb's Dramatic Poets. Kynaston, Francis. 1587-1642. Poet. Laffan, May. 18- Novelist. Author Hogan, M. P., Flitters Tatters and the Counsellor, Christy Carew, and The Honorable Miss Ferrard. Pub. Ho. Mac. Laing, David. 1793-1878. Librarian and bibliog- rapher. A literary student of great diligence, and editor and author of some two hundred and fifty works. Laing, Malcolm. 1762-1818. thor Hist. of Scotland, etc. truthful. Scotch historian. Au- Style independent and Laing, Samuel. 1780-1868. Traveler. Author Nor- way, Tour in Sweden, etc., and tran lator of the Heimskringla, or Chronicle of the Kings of Nor- way. Lamb, Caroline, Lady. 1785-1828. Novelist. Au- thor Glenarvon, Graham Hamilton, etc. Lamb, Charles. 1775-1834. Essayist. A humor- ist who is unsurpassed for gentleness and purity of style. Essays of Elia, Rosamond Gray, a tale, John Woodvil, a drama; and Specimens of Old Eng. Dramatists are his chief works. Among the Es- says Dream-Children is the most nearly perfect. See Lives by Talfourd, Fitzgerald, and Procter. See Centenary edition of, 1875. Pub. Arm. Clx. Har. Lip. Rou. Lamb, Mary Anne. 1765-1847. Sister to C. L. and co-author with him of Tales from Shakespeare, Poetry for Children, etc. See W. Carew Hazlitt's edition of Poems, Letters, etc. of Chas. and Mary Handbook of English Authors. 79 Lamb, 1874; and Mary Lamb, by Anne Gilchrist, in Famous Women. Landon, Letitia Elizabeth [Mrs. Maclean], 1802- 1838. Poet and novelist. Her verse is melodious and delicate, but is lacking in force. See Poems of, edited by W. B. Scott, 1873. See Life by L. Blan- chard, 1841, and Living Age, Fan. 6, 1883. Pub. Apl. Landor, Walter Savage. 1775-1864. Poet and prose writer. Author Gebir, Heroic Idyls, Hel- lenics, etc., and of numerous prose works, of which the Imaginary Conversations is the chief. A strong, original writer, self asserting and unrestrained. See Forster's Life of, Stedman's Victorian Poets, Atlantic Monthly, April, May, and June, 1864, and Feb. 1883, H. Martineau's Biographical Sketches, and Landor, by Colvin, in Eng. Men of Letters. Pub. Lip. Rob. Au- and Lane, Edward Wm. 1801-1876. Orientalist. thor Modern Egyptians, Arabic Lexicon, etc, translator of the Arabian Nights. Pub. Lit. Lang, Andrew. 1844 in Blue China, Helen of Troy, etc. See Harper's Mag. May, 1882, "Some London Poets." Pub. Mac. Poet. Author Ballads Langhorne, John. 1735-1779. Poet and translator of Plutarch. Langland, Wm. C. 1322-C. 1400. Poet. Author Vision of Piers Plowman, an allegorical, satir- ical poem, aimed at the corruptions of the church. See edition by Wright, 1856; also Skeat's edition. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 1. Pub. Mac. Lardner, Dionysius. 1793-1859. Scientific writer. Lardner, Nathaniel. 1684-1768. Theological writer. See Collected Works, with Memoir by Kippis, 1788. 80 Handbook of English Authors. Ethnologist. Latham, Rob't Gordon. 1812 Author Man and His Migrations, etc. Latimer, Hugh. C. 1491-1555. Bp. Worcester. Theologian. His Sermons are rude but forcible and strongly idiomatic discourses. See Corrie's edition. London, 4 vols. 8vo, 1845. See Life, by Demaus, 1869; and Tulloch's Leaders of the Ref- ormation. Law, Wm. 1686-1761. Theologian. Author Seri- ous Call to a Higher Life, etc. See Life, by Tighe, 1813. Lawrence, Geo. Alfred. 1827-1876. Novelist. Au- thor Guy Livingstone, Sword and Gown, Sans Merci, Anteros, Maurice Dering, etc. Pub. Har. Lip. Layamon. fl. c. 1200. Author The Brut, or Chroni- cle of Britain, a famous semi-Saxon poem. Style earnest and simple. See F. Madden's edition, 1847. Layard [la ard], Austen Henry. 1817 chæologist. Author Nineveh and its Remains, Monuments of Nineveh, etc. Pub. Har. Lear, Edward. 18- Author Journal of a Landscape Painter, Nonsense Book, etc. Rob. Lecky, Wm. Edw. Hartpole. 1838 Ar- Pub. Irish historian. Author Hist. Rationalism, Hist. Euro- pean Morals, Hist. England in the 18th Cent. etc. A careful, dignified writer who treats of history philosophically. Pub. Apl. Lee, Frederick George. 1832. Theologian. and poet. Author of Historical Sketches of the Reformation, Lyrics of Life and Light, etc. See The Biograph, Aug. 1880. Pub. Dut. Lee, Harriet. 1766-1851. Author [with Sophia L.] of the Canterbury Tales, a series of tales of much power. Byron's Werner is a version of one of them. Handbook of English Authors. 81 Lee, Holme. See Parr, Harriet. Lee, Nathaniel. 1655-1692. Dramatist. Alexan- der the Great is one of his tragedies. Lee, Sophia. 1750-1824. Novelist. Sister to H. L. Author of two of the Canterbury Tales, of several novels, and of the comedy The Chapter of Accidents. Lee, Wm. 1815-1883. Irish theologian and eccle- siologist. His chief work is the Donnellan Lect. on the Inspiration of Scripture. A profound bibli- cal scholar. Pub. Ca. LeFanu, J. Sheridan. ? 1874. Novelist. Au- thor All in the Dark, Tenants of Malory, etc. Pub. Har. Leighton [lā-ton], Rob't. 1611–1684. Abp. Glasgow. Theologian. His style is still much admired. See Pearson's edition, London, 1828, N. Y. 1859. Pub. Ca. L. E. L. See Landon. Leland, John. 1506-1552. Antiquarian. Author The Itinerary, etc. Lemon, Mark. 1809-1870. Journalist, novelist, and dramatist. The Serious Family is his best known farce. Author Jest Book, etc. Pub. Mac. Lempriere [lěm'pri-er, or lem-preer'], John. 1765- 1824. Scholar of note. Author of a Classical Dict., and a Universal Biography. Pub. Lip. Put. Rou. Lennox, Mrs. Charlotte. 1720-1804. Novelist. Au- thor Harriet Stuart and The Female Quixote. Lesley, John. 1527-1596. Bp. Ross. Scotch his- torian. See Thomson's Edition, 1830. Leslie, Chas. 1650-1722. Irish theologian. Leslie wrote A Short and Easy Method with the Deists, a controversial work once noted. £ 6 82 Handbook of English Authors. Leslie, Chas. Rob't. 1794-1859. Artist. Author Handbook for Young Painters, Memoirs Sir John Constable, Life and Times Sir Joshua Reynolds, etc. See Autobiographical Recollection of, edited by Tom Taylor, 1860. L'Estrange [lès-tranj], Sir Roger. 1616-1704. Po- litical writer and translator. Lever [lē'ver], Chas. James. 1806–1872. Irish novelist. Author Harry Lorrequer, Charles O'Mal- ley, etc., rollicking tales not greatly approved by the present taste. His later novels, like That Boy of Norcott's, etc., are soberer in tone. Pub. Har. Lewes [lu-is], Geo. Henry. 1817-1878. Philosopher and critic. Author Problems of Life and Mind, Life of Goethe, Hist. of Philosophy, etc. Pub. Apl. Ho. Hou. Lewes, Mrs. G. H. See Evans, Marian. Lewis, Sir Geo. Cornewall. 1806-1863. Political and historical writer. See Letters of, 1870. Lewis, Matthew Gregory. 1775-1818. Novelist. Famous as the author of The Monk, a fantastic, demoniac tale. See Life and Correspondence, 1839. Leyden [li'den], John. 1775-1811. Scotch poet and Orientalist. See edition of his poems, 1858. Liddell [lid'del], Mrs. Catharine Christina Fraser- Tytler. 1848 Poet and novelist. Author Mistress Judith, Jonathan, Songs in Minor Keys, etc. Pub. Ho. Mac. Liddell, Mrs. Edward. See Liddell, Mrs. C. Liddell, Henry George. 1811 Classical scholar. Author of a Hist. of Rome, and co-au- thor with Scott of the noted Greek lexicon known as Liddell-and-Scott's. Liddon, Henry, Parry. Pub. Har. 1830 Theologian. Author Bampton Lect. 1867, University Sermons, Handbook of English Authors. 83 Sermons to the People, etc. A leader of High Church thought. Pub. Dut. Lightfoot, Joseph Barber. 1828 ham. Biblical commentator. Bp. Dur- Pub. Mac. Author Lillo, George. 1693-1739. Dramatist. George Barnwell, Fatal Curiosity, and Arden of Feversham. A master of dramatic situations. Lindsay, Sir David. 1490-1557. Scotch poet. See Chalmers' edition with Life, 1806. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. I. Lingard, John. 1771-1859. Historian. Author Hist. England, Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Ch., etc. His history has a high rank and is valued as a fair statement of facts from a Roman Catholic standpoint. Pub. Est. Sad. Linton, Mrs. Eliza Lynn. 1822 Novelist. Wife to W. J. L. Author Lizzie Lorton, Sowing the Wind, etc. Pub. Har. Lip. Rou. Linton, Wm. James. 1812 Poet and Engra- ver. Author Claribel, Hist. Wood Engraving, Life Thos. Paine, etc. See Stedman's Victorian Poets. Pub. Est. Le. Livingstone, David. 1813-1873. African explorer. Author Expedition to the Zambesi, Last Journals, etc. Pub. Har. Lloyd, Chas. ? Chas. Lamb. 1839. Poet. Co-author with See Collected Lloyd, Robert. 1733-1764. Poet. Works with Life, by Kenrick, 1774. Locke, John. 1632-1704. Philosopher. Author of the famous Essay on the Understanding, a work of great penetration and power. See Life by Fox- Bourne, and Locke, by T. Fowler in Eng. Men of Letters. Pub. Apl. Locker, Frederick. 1821 Poet. Author 84 Handbook of English Authors. London Lyrics, etc. Style airy and graceful. See Century Mag. Feb. 1883. Pub. W. Lockhart, John Gibson. 1794-1854. Scotch critic and biographer. A writer of much talent and for 27 years editor of the Quarterly Rev.: author Lives of Nelson, Scott, Burns, Napoleon, etc. See H. Marti- neau's Biographical Sketches. Pub. Har. Ho. Hou. Lockyer, Joseph Norman. 1836 Astronomer. • Author Contributions to Solar Physics, etc. Pub. Apl. Mac. Lodge, Edmund. 1756–1839. Historian. Author Illustrations of British Hist., Portraits of Illustrious Persons of Gt. Britain, etc. Lodge, Thomas. c. 1555-1625. Dramatist and Poet. To his novel Roslynde; Euphues Golden Legacy, Shakespeare owes the plot and incidents of As You Like It. See As You Like It, Rolfe's edition, and Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 1. Logan, John. 1748-1788. Scotch poet. His verse is fresh and simple, and his Song to the Cuckoo has great beauty. See edition 1805, with Life. Long, George. 1800-1879. Classical scholar. Au- thor Roman Law, Decline and Fall of the Roman Republic, etc. Loudon, Mrs. Jane. 1800-1858. Wife to J. C. L. Author of The Mummy, a tale, and several horti- cultural works. Pub. Rou. Wil. Loudon, John Claudius. 1783-1843. Scotch horti- culturist. His Arboretum Britannicum is his chief work. Lovelace, Sir Richard. 1618-1658. Poet. His verse is principally amatory, and some of his songs are perfect of their kind. To Althea and To Lucasta are the most famous. See Carew Hazlitt's edition of, 1864, and Ward's English Poets, vol. 2. Handbook of English Authors. 85 Lover, Samuel. 1797-1868. Irish dramatist, nov- elist, and poet. Rory O'More and Handy Andy are his best known novels. His most famous song is Rory O'More. See Life by Bayle Bernard, 1874, and Samuel Lover, by A. J. Symington. Pub. Por. Rou. Sad. Lower, Mark Antony. 1813-1876. Author Eng. Surnames, Curiosities of Heraldry, Patronymica Britannica, etc. Lowndes, Wm. Thos. ? 1843. Bibliographer. Author British Librarian and The Bibliographer's Manual. Lowth [louth], Rob't. 1710-1787. Bp. London. Son to W. L. A classical and theological writer of great learning. See Life, by Peter Hall, 1834. Lowth, Wm. 1661-1732. Theologian of note. Lubbock, Sir John. 1834 Naturalist. Au- Pub. Apl. Mac. thor Origin of Civilization, Pre-Historic Times, British Wild Flowers, etc. Lydgate, John. 1370-1440. Poet. An exceedingly diffuse rhymer. See minor works of, pub. by the Percy Soc. 1842, and Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 1. Lyell, Sir Chas. 1797-1875. Geologist. Author Elements of Geology, Travels in N. America. An- tiquity of Man, etc. Pub. Apl. Har. Lip. Lyly or Lily, John. 1554-1606. Dramatic poet. His dramas are forgotten, but his prose romance, Euphues and his England, is remembered for the great influence it had upon the speech of the time. L. was a reformer, though pedantic and fantastic. Euphuism has been ridiculed by Sydney, Jonson, Shakespeare, and Walter Scott. See Collins's Hist. Dramatic Poetry, Lamb's Specimens Early Eng. Poets, and Chas. Kingsley's Westward Ho. Lyndsay. See Lindsay, David. 86 Handbook of English Authors. Lyte, Henry Francis. 1793-1847. Poet. His hymn, Abide with Me, is widely known. Pub. Le. Ran. Lyttleton, George, Lord. 1709-1773. Author Dia- logues of the Dead, Hist. Henry II., etc. See Life, by Phillimore, 1845. Lytton. See Bulwer-Lytton. Macaulay, Mrs. Catherine. 1733-1791. Historian. Author Hist. of England during the Stuart dynasty, etc. Macaulay, Thos. Babington, Lord. 1800-1859. Poet, essayist, and historian. A brilliant but parti- san writer. The impetuous rush and vigor of his Lays of Ancient Rome obscure their poetical defects. His essays are numerous and cover a wide range. His Hist. of England is a superb piece of writing but it lacks the calm impartiality that a history should possess. See Lives by Milman, F. Arnold and G. O. Trevelyan; Macaulay, by F. C. Morrison in Eng. Men of Letters; and H. Martineau's Bio- graphical Sketches. Pub. Apl. Arm. Clx. Har. Hou. Lip. Lit. Por. Rou. MacDonald, George. 1824 Scotch novelist and poet. His work is all of an earnest, religious cast, but marred sometimes by mannerisms and vagueness of touch. Robert Falconer, Alec Forbes, and St. George and St. Michael are the best of his numerous novels. Phantastes contains some of his best poetry. See Lit. World, May 19, 1883. Pub. Apl. Do. Har. Lip. Mac. Rob. Rou. Scr. Mackarness, Mrs. Henry. 1826-1881. Author of the tale A Trap to Catch a Sunbeam, etc. Pub. Rou. Mackay, Chas. 1814 Scotch poet and mis- cellaneous writer. Author Town Lyrics, etc. See Poems of, edition 1876. Pub. Rou. Handbook of English Authors. 87 Mackay, Wm. 1803-1882. Philosopher. Author Progress of the Intellect, Eternal Gospel, etc. Mackenzie, Sir George. 1636-1691. Scotch mis- cellaneous writer. A voluminous author of much eminence in his day. Mackenzie, Henry. 1745-1831. Scotch novelist and essayist. Author the famous novel, The Man of Feeling, etc. See collected works, 1808. Pub. Har. Mackintosh, Sir James. 1765-1832. Ethical and historical writer. See Memoirs by his son. Pub. Har. Macklin, Chas. 1690-1797. Irish dramatist. Au- thor of the bright comedy, The Man of the World. M. appeared on the stage as an actor till nearly 100. See Memoirs of, 1804. Macleod [mǎk-lowd'], Norman. 1812-1872. Scotch miscellaneous writer. Author of The Starling, Reminiscences of a Highland Parish, etc. See Life by his brother, and Memoir by Alex. Strahan. Pub. Do. Lip. Rou. Macneil, Hector. 1746–1818. Scotch poet. Author Will and Jean, etc. Macpherson, James. 1738-1796. Scotch poet. Sup- posed author of a series of poems purporting to be by Ossian, an ancient Gaelic bard. These forger- ies were immensely popular in spite of their wild and over-strained diction. M. never revealed the secret of their authorship. See H. Morley's Shorter Eng. Poems. Macquoid, Mrs. Katherine S. 18- Nov- elist. Author Patty, Beside the River, Too Soon, etc., and several vols. of travel, Through Nor- mandy, Through Brittany, etc. Pub. Apl. Har. Lip. Mac. Ran. Rou. Madden, Richard Robert. 1798 Poet and 88 Handbook of English Authors. miscellaneous writer. Author The Infirmities of Genius, etc. Magee, Wm. 1765-1831. Abp. Dublin. Theolo- gian. His best known work is the Discourses on the Atonement. See complete works, 1842. Magee, Wm. Connor. 1821 Bp. Peterbor- ough. Grandson to Wm. M. Religious writer. Author Sermons, Lectures, etc. Style eloquent and forcible. Pub. Wh. Maginn, Wm. 1793-1842. Irish humorist. Style learned, witty, and brilliant. See Works, edited by R. S. Mackenzie, 5 vols., N. Y. 1857. Pub. Wid. Mahaffey, John Peytland. 1839 Author Hist. Classical Greek Lit., Old Greek Life, Rambles and Studies in Greece, Greek Social Life, Old Greek Education, etc. Pub. Apl. Har. Mac. Mahoney, Francis, "Father Prout." 1805-1866. Irish poet and journalist. M. wrote the noted poem, The Bells of Shandon. Maine, Sir Henry James Sumner. 1822 Jurist. Author Roman Law, Ancient Law, Village Communities, Early Hist. of Institutions, etc. Pub. Ho. Maitland, Edward. 18— Novelist. Author The Higher Law, The Pilgrim and the Shrine, and By-and-By. Pub. Put. Maitland, Sir Richard. 1496–1586. Scotch poet. Malcolm, Sir John. 1769-1833. Diplomatist. Au- thor Hist. of Persia, Political Hist. India, Life of Lord Clive, etc. See Kaye's Life of, London, 1856. Mallet, David. 1700-1765. Scotch poet. Author Ballads, etc. Mallock, Wm. Hurrel. 1849 Novelist. Au- thor Is Life Worth Living, The New Republic, Positivism on an Island, Romance of the 19th Cent., etc. A writer of much force and originality. Handbook of English Authors. 89 Malmesbury, Wm. of. 1095 ?-1143. Anglo-Nor- man historian. Malone, Edmund. 1741 - 1812. Shakespearean scholar. Editor of the edition of 1790. See Life, by Prior, 1860. Malory, Sir Thomas. 1430?-1496. Author or translator of the famous romance, The Morte d'Arthur. Pub. Mac. Malthus, Thos. Robt. 1766-1834. Political econo- mist. Author of a celebrated Essay on the Prin- ciple of Population. See Life, by Otter, 1836. Mandeville, Bernard. 1670-1733. Philosopher. Author of the noted Fable of the Bees, or Private Vices Public Benefits, etc. See Craik's Eng. Lit. vol. 2. Mandeville, Sir John. 1300-1372. "The first writer in formed English." He traveled extensively and wrote an entertaining account of his travels. Manley, Mrs. Mary de la Riviere. 1672-1724. Novelist and dramatist. She wrote the noted po- litical satire, The New Atlantis. Manners, John, Lord. 1818 Poet. Author England's Trust, English Ballads, etc. Manning, Anne. 1807 Novelist. Author Mary Powell, Household of Sir Thos. More, Pas- sages in the Life of the Faire Gospeller, etc. Pub. Do. Manning, Henry Edw., Cardinal. 1808 The- ologian. Author Temporal Power of the Pope, Parochial Sermons, The Vatican Decrees, etc. See Century Mag. May, 1883. Pub. Apl. Sad. Mannyng, Robert. fl. c. 1340. Rhyming chron- icler. Mansel, Henry Longueville. 1820-1871. Philoso- pher. Author The Limits of Religious Thought, 90 Handbook of English Authors. Philosophy of Consciousness, Bampton Lect., 1858, etc. Pub. Apl. Mac. Mant, Richard. 1776-1848. Bp. Killaloe. Re- ligious writer. Author Poems, Hist. Ch. of Ireland, etc. Mantell, Gideon Algernon. 1790-1852. Geological writer of note. Author Thoughts on a Pebble, Medals of Creation, etc. Map, or Mapes, Walter. 1150-1196. Anglo-Nor- man poet and romancer. Marlowe, Christopher. 1564-1593. Dramatist and poet. The greatest dramatist before Shakespeare. His Tamburlaine was the first blank verse play acted. Faustus, Jew of Malta, and Edward II. are powerful dramas. The influence of Marlowe is traceable in several of Shakespeare's plays. See editions by Cunningham and Dyce. See Schlegel's Dramatic Lit. Pub. Mac. Rou. Hou. Marryatt, Frederick. 1792-1849. Marine novelist. Peter Simple, Jacob Faithful, and Midshipman Easy are among the best of his novels. They are lively, inartistic tales, full of broad fun and drollery. See Life, by his daughter Florence, 1872. Pub. Apl. Har. Lip. Rob. Marryatt, Florence. See Ross-Church, Mrs. Marsh, Mrs. Anne Caldwell. ? 1874. Nov- elist. Author Ravenscliffe, Emilia Wyndham, Let- tice Arnold, etc. Pub. Har. Marsh, Herbert. 1757-1839. Bp. Peterborough. A profound writer on politics and divinity. Author of a noted Hist. of the Politics of Gt. Britain and France. Marston, John. 1575-1634. Dramatist and satirist. See Halliwell's edition, 3 vols., London, 1856. Marston, Philip Bourke. 1850 Poet. Son Handbook of English Authors. 91 to W. M. Author Song-Tide, All in All, etc., and of numerous sketches and tales. strongly subjective in tone. torian Poets, and Lit. World, Marston, Westland. 1820 His verse is See Stedman's Vic- Apr. 19, 1884. Dramatist and poet. The Patrician's Daughter is one of his best plays. Martin, Theodore. 1816 Translator and bi- ographer. Author of Life of the Prince Consort, etc., and with W. E. Aytoun of the Bon Gualtier Ballads. See The Biograph, Jan. 1879. Pub. Apl. Por. Martineau, Harriet. 1802-1876. Miscellaneous writer. Her illustrations of political economy are in the form of fiction. Deerbrook and The Hour and the Man are her most noted romances. Style strong, clear, and original. See Autobiography, 1876. Pub. Har. Ho. Mac. Por. Rob. Rou. Martineau, James. 1805 Theologian. Bro. to H. M. A leader of Unitarian thought. Author Studies of Christianity, Hymns of Praise and Prayer, Religious and Modern Materialism, En- deavors after a Christian Life, etc. Pub. Ho. Put. Rob. A. U. A. Marvell, Andrew. 1620-1678. Poet and contro- versialist. As the former he ranks among the first of the minor poets of his time. His fancy is deli- cate and quaint. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 2. Pub. Har. Marzials, Théophile. 1850 Poet and musi- cian. Author of The Gallery of Pigeons, etc. Of his songs Twickenham Ferry is one of the best known. See The Biograph, March, 1880. Mason, Wm. 1725-1797. Poet. His verse is wordy and feeble. 92 Handbook of English Authors. Massey, Gerald. 1828 Poet. Author Babe His verse has See Stedman's Christabel, Craigcrook Castle, etc. more sweetness than strength. Victorian Poets. Massinger [măs'sĭn-jěr], Philip. 1584-1640. A writer of much power whose style is clear and flex- ible. The Virgin Martyr, Fatal Dowry, City Mad- am, and A New Way to Pay Old Debts, are his fin- est plays. The latter is often acted. See Works of, edited by Gifford, 4 vols. Masson, David. 1822 Scotch biographer and critic. Author British Novelists, Biographical and Critical Essays, Recent British Philosophy, etc. His chief work is a Life of Milton, a book of great merit and ability. See The Biograph, vol. 3. Pub. Mac. Apl. Mathers, Helen. See Reeves, Mrs. Mathias, Thos. James. 1776-1835. Supposed au- thor of the poem The Pursuits of Literature. Maturin [măt-yoo'rin], Chas. Robert. 1782-1824. Irish novelist. Author Melmoth, an extravagant romance, and the tragedy of Bertram. Maurice [maw'rĭss], John Frederic Denison. 1805– 1872. Theologian and ethical writer. A prominent Broad Church clergyman, writing much and well upon theology, philosophy, and other subjects. A Hist. Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy is his chief work. Others are Theological Essays, The Bible and Science, and the Friendship of Books. See Life, edited by his son. Pub. Le. Mac. Maxwell, James Clerk. 1831-1879. Scientific writer of note. Pub. Apl. Mac. Maxwell, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth [Braddon]. 1837 Novelist. A writer of sensational tales, of which Aurora Floyd is the most famous. Her Handbook of English Authors. 93 latest novels show a greatly improved style. Pub. Har. Maxwell, Wm. Hamilton. 1794-1850. Irish nov- elist. His fiction is military in character. Pub. Rou. Maxwell, Sir Wm. Stirling. 1818-1878. Author The Cloister Life of Chas. V., Velasquez and his Works, etc. May, Sir Thos. Erskine. 1815 Historian. Author Constitutional Hist. England, Hist. Democ- racy in Europe, etc. Style careful and thoughtful. See Lit. World, April, 1878, and The Biograph, March, 1880. Pub. Arm. Wid. Mayhew, Augustus. 1812-1875. Littérateur. Mayhew, Edward. 1813 Veterinary writer. Bro. to A. M. Author Illustrated Horse Doctor, etc. Pub. Apl. Lip. Rou. Mayhew, Henry. 1812-1876. Bro. to two preceding. Author London Labor and London Poor, German Life and Manners and numerous humorous works. Pub. Har. Rou. Mayhew, Horace. 1819-1872. Humorist. Bro. to three preceding. Author Letters Left at the Pastry Cook's, etc. Mayhew, Thomas. 1810 Bro. to four preced- ing. Editor of the Penny National Library. Mayne, John. 1759-1836. Scotch poet. of The Siller Gun, Logan Braes, etc. Author Mayo, Mrs. Isabella Fyvie, "Edward Garrett." 1843 Religious novelist. Author By Still Waters, Occupations of a Retired Life, Gold and Dross, etc. Pub. Do. McCarthy, Denis Florence. 1820-1880. Poet and miscellaneous writer. Author Ballads, Poems, and other Lyrics, etc., and translator of the dramas of Calderon. ན་ 94 Handbook of English Authors. McCarthy, Justin. 1830 Novelist and his- torian. Author Linley Rochford, Dear Lady Dis- dain, etc., and of a valuable Hist. of Our Own Times. Style graphic and forcible. Pub. Har. McCulloch, John Ramsay. 1789-1864. Political economist. Author Principles of Political Econ- omy, Dict. of Commerce, Statistical Account of the British Empire, etc. Melmoth, Wm. 1710-1799. Translator of Pliny. Author Lælius, or Friendship, etc. Melville, Sir James. 1535-1606. Author Historical Memoirs. Scotch writer. Melville, John George Whyte. 1821-1878. Novel- ist. Author Kate Coventry, The White Rose, Katerfelto, etc. Pub. Apl. Por. Meredith, Owen. See Bulwer-Lytton, E. R. Merivale, Chas. 1808-1874. Historian. Author Hist. Latin Christianity, Fall of the Roman Repub- lic, Hist. of the Romans under the Empire, etc. A writer of much ease and dignity of style, whose his- torical estimates are careful and valuable. Pub. Apl. Har. Rou. Merivale, Herman. Bro. to C. M. 1806-1874. Historical writer. Merrick, James. 1720-1769. Poet. His poem The Chameleon is well known. Miall, Edward. 1809-1881. Political writer. Au- thor Ethics of Non-Conformity, The Voluntary Principle, etc. Mickle, Wm. Julius. 1734-1788. Scotch poet. His poem, Cumnor Hall, suggested Scott's Kenil- worth. See Works of, 1808. Middleton, Conyers. 1683-1750. Theologian. M. wrote a Life of Cicero and a Free Inquiry into the Miraculous Powers of the Church. Handbook of English Authors. 95 Middleton, Thomas. 1570-1627. Dramatist. The Witch of Edmonton, a tragi-comedy, is his most noted play. See Dyce's edition, 1840. Mill, James. 1773-1836. Scotch historian and philologist. Author of an impartial Hist. British India, Analysis of the Mind, etc. Mill, John Stuart. 1806-1873. Philosopher. Son to J. M. A profound but cold thinker and writer. Author System of Logic, Political Economy, Lib- erty, Subjection of Women, etc. See Autobiogra- phy, Taine's Eng. Lit., and Caroline Fox's Mem- ories of old Friends. Pub. Apl. Har. Ho. Lit. Miller, Hugh. 1802-1856. Geologist. Author Old Red Sandstone, Footprints of the Creator, etc., works which greatly helped to popularize the study of geology. See Life, by Peter Bayne. Pub. Ca. Miller, Thomas. 1808-1874. Poet and novelist. Author Rural Sketches, Country Scenes, Fair Rosa- mond, Songs for British Riflemen, etc. Pub. Rou. Milman, Henry Hart. 1791-1868. Poet and his- torian. M. was author of Fazio, a successful drama, of an excellent Hist. of the Jews, of numerous poems, and editor of an annotated Gibbon. Pub. Arm. Har. Lit. Por. Put. Rou. Milnes [milnz], Richard Monckton, Lord Hough- Poet and littérateur. Autho ton. 1809 See Poems of Many Years, Life of Keats, etc. Stedman's Victorian Poets. Pub. Rob. Milton, John. 1608-1674. Poet. His literary life sharply defines itself into 3 periods; in the first, 1626-1640, he wrote the poems L'Allegro, Il Pense- roso, the Pastoral of Comus, and the elegy Lycidas. During the second, 1640–1660, he wrote prose trea- tises, mainly controversial, such as the Areopagitica, and his sonnets. After 1660 came the great epics, 96 Handbook of English Authors. Paradise Lost, and Paradise Regained, and the choral drama Samson Agonistes. A great artist, he created the Eng. epic, infusing it with his own severe strength and dignity. He had no humor or feeling for dramatic situation but he could be both graceful and tender as his early poems show. He was the great Puritan poet. Of the numerous Lives of Milton the best are, Masson's and Mark Pattison's Milton in Eng. Men of Letters. Picker- ing's, Rossetti's and Masson's are among the best editions of his poems. For complete edition of his prose works see Bohn's Standard Library. See Hines's Study of Paradise Lost. Pub. Mac. Minto, Wm. 1845 Littérateur. Author Char- acteristics of Eng. Poets, from Chaucer to Shirley, Manual of Eng. Prose Lit., Defoe in Eng. Men of Letters, etc. Pub. Har. Mitford, John. 1781-1859. Poet and critic. Mitford, Mary Russell. 1786-1855. Miscellaneous writer. Author of the tragedies Julian, Rienzi, Fos- cari, etc., and the charming series of prose sketches entitled Our Village. See Fields' Yesterdays with Authors, and The Friendships of Mary Russell Mitford. Pub. Har. Mitford, Wm. 1744-1827. Historian. Author Hist. of Greece, etc. See Life, by Lord Redesdale. Mivart, St. George. 1827 Naturalist. Au- thor The Genesis of Species, Contemporary Evolu- tion, The Cat, etc. Pub. Apl. Mac. Scr. Moberly, Geo. 1803-1885. Bp. Salisbury. Relig- ious writer. Pub. Dut. Moir [moi'er], David Macbeth. 1798-1851. Scotch poet and novelist. Molesworth, Mrs. Mary Louisa [Stewart], "Ennis Scotch novelist. Author Graham." 1841 Handbook of English Authors. 97 of the novels Hathercourt and Miss Bouverie, and of numerous excellent juvenile works of which The Cuckoo Clock, Carrots, and The Tapestry Room are well-known examples. See The Spectator, Jan. 1880, Jan. 1881, and Fan. 1882. Pub. Har. Ho. Mac. Rou. Monboddo, Lord. See Burnet, James. Montagu, Chas. Earl of Halifax. 1661-1715. Poet. Co-author with Prior of The City Mouse and the Country Mouse, and author of miscellaneous poems. See Johnson's Lives of the Poets. Montagu, Mrs. Elizabeth. 1720-1800. Founder of the Blue Stocking Club and author of a once fa- mous essay on the Genius of Shakespeare. Doran's A Lady of the Last Century. Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley. 1690-1762. See Fa- See mous for her brilliant and satirical Letters. Letters of, edited by Mrs. S. J. Hale, N. Y., 1856. Montgomery [mont-gum-ĕr-i], James. 1771-1854. Scotch poet. His verse is not strong, but some of his hymns are general favorites. See Critical Es- says, by A. K. H. Boyd. Pub. Hou. Rou. Montgomery, Robert. 1808-1855. Poet. Author Satan, etc. Style stilted, showy, and unnatural. See Macaulay's Miscellaneous Essays. Montrose, Marquis of. See Grahame, James. Moore, Edward. 1712-1757. Dramatist. Author of the tragedy, The Gamester. Moore, John. 1730-1802. Scotch novelist. Author Zeluco, Edward, Mordaunt, etc. See Works, with Memoir, 7 vols., Edinburgh, 1820. Moore, Thomas. 1779-1852. Irish poet. Author of Irish Melodies, which take high rank as lyrics, Lalla Rookh, a vol. of brilliant and showy oriental poetry, and of much other verse, as well as several 7 98 Handbook of English Authors. prose works. Though by no means a great poet, he has always been a popular one. See R. H. Mont- gomery's Life of, 1850; also Earl Russell's edition of Moore's Diary. Pub. Apl. Arm. Clx. Har. Hou. Le. Lip. Por. Rou. Scr. More, Hannah. 1745-1833. Dramatist and ethical writer. Author of Percy, a drama, and of numerous popular moral tales, of which The Shepherd of Salisbury Plain is the most famous. See complete works, 1853. See Lives by Shaw, Roberts, Thomp- son, and Smith. Pub. Ca. Har. Lip. More, Henry. 1614-1687. Philosopher. A writer whose mystical theories are expressed in a clear, limpid style. More, Sir Thomas. 1485-1530. Philosopher. His famous prose romance, The Utopia, embodies many of his philosophical views. See Life by Sir James Mackintosh. Pub. Mac. Morell, Thomas. 1703-1784. Philologist. Author of the text of the Oratorios of Joshua and Judas Maccabæus. Morgan, Lady Sydney Owenson. 1783-1859. Irish novelist. Author Wild Irish Girl, Absentee- ism, etc. A voluminous author, spirited but want- ing in refinement. Morier, James. 1780-1849. Oriental novelist. Hajji Baba is his most noted work. Pub. Rou. Morley, Henry. 1822 Author Hist. Eng. Lit., Tables of Eng. Lit., Journal of a London Play- goer, Life of Palissy the Potter, etc. Pub. Cas. Morley, John. 1838 Essayist and biographer. Author Lives of Voltaire and Rousseau, Limits of the Historic Method, On Compromise, Burke on Eng. Men of Letters, etc. Pub. Apl. Har. Mac. Morris, Wm. 1834 The Defence of Guine- Handbook of English Authors.[/99/ vere, Life and Death of Jason, and The Earthly Paradise are his chief poems. His verse is mainly classical or mediæval in subject and epic in form. See Stedman's Victorian Poets and Swinburne's Essays and Studies. Pub. Rob. Mortimer, Mrs. Favell Lee. 1802-1878. Religious writer. Author Reading Without Tears, Peep of Day Series, etc. Pub. Ca. Har. Hou. Morton, Thomas. 1764-1838. Dramatist. Author Speed the Plough, Secrets Worth Knowing, etc. See Gentleman's Mag. Dec. 1838. Moss, Thomas. 1740-1808. Poet. Author of the famous poem beginning "Pity the sorrows of a poor Old Man." Motherwell, Wm. 1797-1835. Scotch poet. Jeanie Morrison, The Cavalier's Song, and others of his ballads possess great lyric beauty. See edition 1849. Mozley, James Bowling. 1813-1878. Theologian. Author Lect. on the Miracles, On Subscription to the Articles, Sermons, Essays, Historical, Theo- logical, etc. A clear, masterly thinker. Pub. Dut. Mozley, Thomas. 1806 Bro. to J. B. M. Author Reminiscences of Oriel College and the Ox- ford Movement. Pub. Hou. Mudie [moo' di or mū' di], Robert. 1777-1842. Scotch naturalist. Author of some 90 vols. mainly on nat- ural history; British Birds is his most important work. Pub. Har. Müller, Friedrich Max. 1823 German phi- lologist. Author Chips from a German Workshop, Science of Lang., Hist. Ancient Sanskrit Lit., etc. Pub. Mac. Scr. Mulock, Dinah Maria. See Craik, Mrs. Munday, Anthony. 1553-1633. Dramatist. See Carew Hazlitt's Early English Literature. Wipe Handbook of English Authors. 100 Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey. 1792-1871. Ge- ologist of note. See Memoirs of, by Geikie, 2 vols., London, 1874" Mure, Wm. 1799-1860. Scotch historian. Author Critical Hist., Lang. and Lit. of Ancient Greece, The Calendar of the Zodiac of Ancient Egypt, etc. Murphy, Arthur. 1730-1805. Dramatist. Of his 23 plays The Grecian Daughter and The Way to Keep Him were the most popular. Murray, Alexander. 1775-1813. Scotch philolo- gist. Author Hist. European Languages. Murray, Hugh. 1779-1846. Scotch geographer. Author of the Encyclopedia of Geography, etc. Pub. Har. Myers, Ernest. 1844 Bro. to F. W. H. M. Poet. Author of The Puritans, The Defence of Rome, and other Poems, etc. Pub. Mac. Myers, Frederic Wm. Henry. 1843 Poet and littérateur. Author of St. Paul, a poem, The Re- newal of Youth and other Poems, Wordsworth in Eng. Men of Letters, and Essays Modern and Classical. A thoughtful writer, possessing a grace- ful and scholarly style. Pub. Har. Mac. Ran. Nabbes, Thomas. 1600-1645. Dramatist. Nairne, Baroness. See Oliphant, Carolina. Napier, Admiral Sir Chas. 1786-1860. Military historian. Cousin to Sir C. J. N. Author Hist. Baltic Campaign, etc. See Life and Correspon- dence, 1862. Napier, Gen. Sir Chas. James. 1782-1853. Author Lights and Shadows of Military Life, Hist. Ionian Islands, etc. See Life and Opinions of, 4 vols., London, 1857. Napier, Capt. Henry Edward. 1789-1853. His- Handbook of English Authors. ΙΟΙ torian. Bro. to Sir C. J. N. Author of a valuable Hist. of Florence in 7 vols. Style easy and flowing. Napier, John. 1550-1617. Scotch mathematical writer. Inventor of logarithms. Napier, Macvey. 1776-1847. Scotch writer. Edi- tor of the supplement and 7th edition of the Encyc. Brit. and for 17 years editor of the Edinburgh Rev. Napier, Mark. 1798 Biographer. Author Memorials of Montrose, Life and Times of Mon- trose, etc. Napier, Gen. Sir Wm. Francis Patrick. 1785- 1860. Military historian. Bro. to Sir. C. J. N. and H. E. N. His great work is the Hist. of the Peninsular War, a work of great value, possessing a perennial charm. See H. Martineau's Biographi- cal Sketches, and Life by H. A. Bruce, 1863. Pub. Arm. Rou. Nares, Edward. 1762-1841. Elements of General Hist. and the novel, Thinks I to Myself, are among his chief works. Nares, Robert. 1753-1829. Critical and theological writer. Cousin to E. N. Nash, Thomas. 1577-1600. Dramatist. Author Summer's Last Will and Testament, and of many brilliant satirical pamphlets. See edition of Pierre Penniless, with Life of Nash by Collier, 1842. Neville, Henry. 1620-1694. Political philosopher. Author of Plato Redivivus, a dialogue concerning government. Newcastle, Margaret, Duchess of. 1624-1673. An untiring writer of tasteless works in verse and prose. See Poems of, edited by E. Brydges, 1813. Newcome, Wm. 1729-1800. Abp. Armagh. Theo- logian. Author Harmony of the Gospels, etc. Newman, Francis Wm. 1805 Miscellaneous 102 Handbook of English Authors. ** writer. Author of Phases of Faith, etc. He has written largely on religious topics from a rational- istic standpoint. Newman, John Henry, Cardinal. 1801 Theo- logian. Bro. to F. W. N. Author Tract No. 90, Parochial Sermons, Theory of Religious Belief, The Grammar of Assent, Apologia Pro Vita Sua, Poems, etc. The Apologia is one of the very finest of autobiographies. Style clear, polished, and log- ical. See Century Mag. June, 1882. Pub. Cath. Newton, Sir Isaac. 1642-1727. Mathematical phi- losopher. A writer of clear, comprehensive intellect, Author of the Principia and a valuable treatise on Optics, etc. See Brewster's Life of. Pub. Mac. Newton, John. 1722-1807. Devotional writer. Co- author with Cowper of the Olney Hymns. Works of, London, 6 vols. 8vo, 1816. Nichol, John. 1833 See Scotch littérateur. Author Sketch Am. Lit., the drama of Hannibal, Tables of European Lit. and Hist., and a brilliant monograph on Byron in Eng. Men of Letters. See Lit. World. Feb. 24, 1883. Pub. Apl. Har. Nichol, John Pringle. 1804-1859. Astronomer. Author The Solar System, The Stellar Heavens, Dict. Physical Sciences, etc. Nicholas, Thomas. 1820-1879. Ethnologist and historian. Author Pedigree of the Eng. People, Hist of Wales, etc. Nicholson, Wm. 1655-1727. Abp. Cashel. Anti- quarian writer. Nicol, Henry. 1845-1881. Philologist. Hist. Eng. Sounds. Author Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Harris. 1799-1848. Gene- alogist. Author Hist. Orders of Knighthood of the Brit. Empire, etc. Handbook of English Authors. 103 Nicoll, Robert. 1814-1837. Scotch poet. Noel-Fearn, Henry [Christmas]. 1811-1868. Mis- cellaneous writer. Author Science and History, Preachers and Preaching, etc. Norris, John. 1657-1711. Platonic philosopher. Author Theory of the Ideal World, etc. North, Christopher. See Wilson, John. Norton, Mrs. Caroline Elizabeth Sheridan [Lady Maxwell]. 1808-1877. Poet and novelist. Her verse has much grace and intensity of feeling. Bingen on the Rhine is her most quoted poem. Pub. Har. Lip. Mac. Ran. Norton, Thomas. 1532-1584. Dramatist. Co-au- thor with Sackville of the tragedy Ferrex and Porrex, and assistant of Sternhold and Hopkins in their metrical version of the Psalms. Nugent, Lord. See Grenville, George. Occam, Wm. of. 1270-1347. Philosopher. De- fender of the doctrine of Nominalism and the great- est logician of the Middle Ages. Occleve, Thos. c. 1370-1454. Poet. His verse has little merit. O'Hare, Kane. 1722-1782. Irish dramatist. O'Keefe, John. 1747-1833. Irish dramatist. The best of his numerous plays and operas, some of which are still acted, is Wild Oats. Oldham, John. 1653-1683. Poet. Author of Satires against the Jesuits. Style spirited and forcible. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 2. Oldmixon, John. 1673-1742. Dramatist and his- torian. His plays and histories are of slight value, and his chief title to remembrance is Pope's satire upon him in The Dunciad. Oldys, Wm. 1696-1761. Biographer and anti- 104 Handbook of English Authors. quarian. Best known by his famous little poem, The Fly and the Cup of Ale. Oliphant, Carolina, Baroness Nairne. 1766-1845. Scotch poet. Her songs, such as Land o'the Leal, Caller Herrin', etc., take a high rank. See Complete Works, with Life by C. Rogers, Edinburgh, 1869. Oliphant, Laurence. 1829 Satirist and mis- cellaneous writer. Author of Piccadilly, a Frag- ment of Contemporaneous Biography, Tender Rec- ollections of Irene McGillicuddy, Altiora Peto, etc. Pub. Apl. Har. Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret O. [Wilson]. 1828 Author of a long series of novels, all good, and some very fine, and much well written biography. Her style is even, her turns of expression felicitous and her character drawing truthful. The Perpetual Curate, Chronicles of Carlingford, Zaidee, Harry Joscelyn, Son of the Soil, Lady Jane, The Little Pilgrim, and the Literary Hist. of England are some of her best books. Few authors have written so much and so uniformly well. Pub. Apl. Har. Ho. Lip. Mac. Por. O'Meara, Barry Edward. 1780-1836. Napoleonic writer. Author Letters from St. Helena, Memoirs of Napoleon, Napoleon in Exile, etc. Pub. Arm. Wid. Opie, Mrs. Amelia [Alderson]. 1769–1853. Novelist and poet. Father and Daughter is her best novel, The Orphan Boy her most familiar poem. Style simple and pathetic. See Miss Brightwell's Life of, London, 1854, and H. Martineau's Biograph- ical Sketches: Pub. Ca. Orme, Robert. ish in India, etc. 1728-1801. Historian. Hist. Brit- O'Shaughnessy [o'shaw'ně-si], Arthur W. E. 1844- Handbook of English Authors. 105 1881. Author Songs of a Worker, Lays of France, Music and Moonlight, etc. See Stedman's Vic- torian Poets, Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 4, 2d edi- tion, and Manhattan Mag., July, 1864. Ossian. Mythical Keltic bard. See Macpherson, James. Ottley, Wm. Young. 1771-1836. Art writer. Au- thor The Italian School of Design, Engravers and their Works, etc. Otway, Thomas. 1651-1685. Dramatist. A tragic writer of great pathos. His greatest works, Venice Preserved and The Orphan are still occasionally acted. See Works with Life, by Thornton, 1813. Ouida. See De la Ramé, Louisa. Ousely [ooz'li], Sir Wm. 1771-1842. Orientalist. Author Oriental Collections, Travels in Persia, etc. Overbury, Sir Thomas. 1581-1613. Poet and phi- losopher. Characters, his chief work, contains an exquisite and oft quoted description of A Fair and Happy Milkmaid. Owen, John. 1616-1683. Theologian. Style heavy and labored. See edition of 1826 with Life. Pub. P. B. Owen, Richard. 1804 Scientific writer of note. Author Lect. on Comparative Anatomy, etc. Owen, Robert. 1771-1858. 1771-1858. Writer on social re- forms. See H. Martineau's Biographical Sketches. Owenson, Sydney. See Morgan, Lady. Oxenden, Ashton. 1808 Bp. Montreal. Re- ligious writer. Author Pathway of Safety, Our Church and her Services, Thoughts for Lent, etc. Pub. Dut. Ran. Wh. Oxenford, John. 1812-1877. Dramatist and critic. Translator of Goethe's Autobiography. ! 106 Handbook of English Authors. Paley, Frederic Apthorp. 1817 Classical scholar. Grandson to W. P. Editor and trans- lator of numerous classical works. Paley, Wm. 1743-1805. Moral philosopher. Au- thor Natural Theology, Elements of Moral and Po- litical Philosophy, etc. See Complete Works, 4 vols., London, 1858, biography by Meadley, 1839. Pub. Ca. Nel. Har. Palgrave [pawl'grāv], Sir Francis. 1788-1861. His- torian. Author Hist. of the Anglo-Saxons, Rise and Progress of the Eng. Commonwealth, Anglo- Saxon Period, Hist. of Normandy and of England, etc. Pub. Mac. Palgrave, Francis Turner. 1824 Poet and critic. Son to F. P. Author Essays on Art, Hymns, Lyrical Poems, etc. See Stedman's Victorian Poets. Pub. Mac. Por. Ran. Rou. Palgrave, Wm. Gifford. 1826 Traveller. Son to F. P. Author Essays on the Eastern Question, Dutch Guiana, Herman Agha, etc. Pub. Ho. Mac. Palmer, Sir Roundell [Baron Selborne]. 1812 Author of the Book of Praise. Pub. Mac. Pardoe [par'dō], Julia. 1806-1862. Novelist and historical writer. Author Court and Reign of Fran- cis I., etc. Pub. Har. Pet. Paris, Matthew. ? 1259. Historical writer. See Bohn's Antiquarian Library. Park, Mungo. 1771-1805. Scotch explorer and writer of travels. Pub. Har. Parker, John Henry. 1806-1884. Writer on Archi- tecture. Author Glossary of Arch., Introduction to the Study of Gothic Arch., Domestic Arch. of the Middle Ages, etc., Pub. Lit. Dut. Parnell [par'nell], Thomas. 1669-1718. Poet. Au- thor of The Hermit, etc. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 3. Pub. Hou. Handbook of English Authors. 107 Parr, Harriet ["Holme Lee "]. 1828 Novel- ist. Author Sylvan Holt's Daughter, Kathie Brande, For Richer for Poorer, etc. Pub. Har. Por. Parr, Mrs. Louisa. 18- Novelist. Author Dorothy Fox, Adam and Eve, etc. Pub. Ho. Lip. Parr, Samuel. 1747-1825. Classical scholar and critic. See Field's Memoirs of, 1828. Pater, Walter H. 1838 Author Studies on the Hist. of the Renaissance. Pub. Mac. Patmore, Coventry Kearsey Dighton. 1823 Poet. Author Angel in the House, Faithful For- ever, and other vols. of rather commonplace verse. See Stedman's Victorian Poets. Pub. Dut. Mac. Pattison, Mark. 1813-1884. Author Tendencies of Religious Thought in England, a noted Biography of Isaac Casaubon, Milton in Eng. Men. of Letters, etc. Pub. Har. Payn, James. 1830 Novelist. A writer of excellent stories; Lost Sir Massingberd, and By Proxy, being among the best. Pub. Apl.Har. Pet. Peacock, Thos. Love. 1785-1866. Novelist and poet. Maid Marian, Headlong Hall, etc., are lively, witty novels. See Complete Works edited by Cole, 1875. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 4. Pearson, Charles Henry. 1830 Historian. Author Hist. of England in the Early and Middle Ages. Pub. Put. Pearson, John. 1613-1686. Bp. Chester. Theo- logian. His Exposition of the Creed is still a stand- ard theological work. Pub. Apl. Mac. Pecock, Reginald. 1390-1460. Bp. Chichester. Theologian. Author of The Repressor, etc. See Morley's Eng. Writers, vol. 2. Peele, George. 1552-1598. Dramatist and poet. Author Arraignment of Paris, Absalom, Edward I., 108 Handbook of English Authors. etc. In places Peele's verse is very musical. See Lamb's Dramatic Poets; also Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 1, and Ulrici's Dramatic Art. Penn, Wm. 1644-1718. No Cross No Crown, his most noted work, sets forth the doctrines of the Quakers. See Lives, by H. Dixon, Janney, and Wirt. Pennant, Thomas. 1726-1798. Antiquarian and writer on natural history. Pennell, Henry Cholmondeley [chum'li]. 1836 Poet. Author of Puck on Pegasus, Pegasus Re-saddled, etc., and several works on Angling. Pub. Rou. Pepys [peeps or pĕps], Samuel. 1633-1703. Author of a famous Diary presenting an extremely lifelike picture of the time of Charles II. See Samuel Pepys and the World he Lived In, by Henry B. Wheatly. See Braybrooke edition, pub. Apl.; Bright edition, London, pub. Bi. Percy, Thos. 1728-1811. Bp. Dromore. Poet and editor of the famous Reliques of Ancient Eng. Poetry, a work of great influence upon subsequent Eng. verse. See Hales's and Furnivall's edition, 1868. Pub. Por. Rou. Phillimore, John George. 1809-1865. Jurist. Au- thor Hist. Law of Evidence, Principles and Maxims of Jurisprudence. Pub. Mac. Phillimore, Robert Joseph. 1810 Jurist. Bro. to J. G. P. Author Civil and Canon Law, Eccl. Law Church of England, etc. Pub. Jo. Philips, Ambrose. 1675-1749. Dramatist. A writer of trifling merit, who is chiefly remembered on ac- count of Pope's vindictive satire upon him. Philips, John. 1676-1708. 1676-1708. Poet. Author of the mock-heroic poem The Splendid Shilling. Handbook of English Authors. 109 Philips, Mrs. Katharine. 1631-1664. Poet. Known as "The Matchless Orinda." Phillipps, Halliwell. See Halliwell-Phillipps. Pickering, Ellen. ? 1843. Novelist. Author Who Shall be Heir, Secret Foe, etc. Pub. Har. Pindar, Peter. See Wolcott, John. Pinkerton, John. 1758-1826. Scotch historian and antiquary. His Hist. of Scotland and other works are fiercely controversial in tone. (Piozzi [pe-ot'see], Mrs. Hester [Lynch]. Mrs. Thrale. 1740-1821. Author Anecdotes of Dr. Johnson, etc., and the well-known poem The Three Warnings. See Autobiography, Letters, etc., 1861. Pitt, Wm., Lord Chatham. 1708-1778. Statesman. His numerous Speeches rank among the finest of their class. Planché [plon-sha'], James Robinson. 1796-1880. Dramatist. A prolific writer of dramas, fairy ex- travaganzas and farces; Prince Charming, Yellow Dwarf, etc. See Bric-a-brac Series, 1st vol., and The Biograph, March, 1880. Plumptre, Edward Hayes. 1821 Poet and translator. Author Lazarus and other Poems, etc., Byways of Scripture, etc., and translations of Soph- ocles and Æschylus. His verse is didactic in char- acter. Pub. Dut. Mac. Rou. Pole, Reginald, Cardinal. 1500-1558. Theological writer. Pollock, Frederick. 1845 Jurist. Author Principles of Contract, Digest of Law of Partner- ship, Spinoza: his Life and Philosophy, and The Land Laws in Macmillan's Eng. Citizen Series. Pub. Mac. Th. Pollok, Robert. 1799-1827. Scotch poet. Author of The Course of Time, a heavy, didactic, blank- verse poem, once very popular. Pub. Apl. Ca. Clx. IIO Handbook of English Authors. Pomfret, John. 1667-1703. Poet. Author of The Choice. See Life, by Dr. Johnson. Poole, John. 1786-1872. Dramatist and humorist. Author of the comedy, Paul Pry, Little Pedlington, a vol. of witty sketches, The Comic Sketch-Book, etc. Poole, Matthew. 1624-1679. Biblical Commenta- tor. Pub. Ca. Pope, Alexander. 1688-1744. A correct, polished poet whose verse lacks sentiment and feeling. The heroic couplet is his usual measure. His transla- tion of Homer, though a fine effort, lacks the fresh- ness and spontaneity of its original. His chief poems are Essay on Man, Moral Essays, The Dun- ciad, a talented but terrible satire, and The Rape of the Lock, a brilliant, glittering piece of literary trifling. See editions of, by A. W. Ward, Cowden- Clarke, and Rossetti. See Lowell's My Study Win- dows; also Leslie Stephen's Pope in Eng. Men of Letters. Pub. Apl. Le. Mac. Rou. Porson, Richard. 1759-1808. Classical scholar and writer of note. See Watson's Life of, 1861. Porter, Anna Maria. 1781-1832. Novelist. Don Sebastian is perhaps the best of her numerous novels. Porter, Jane. 1776-1850. Novelist. Sister to A. M. P. The famous romances Thaddeus of War- saw and Scottish Chiefs are her chief works. Pub. Apl. Le. Lip. Por. Sad. Powell, Baden. 1796-1860. Philosopher. Author Hist. Nat. Philosophy, Spirit of Inductive Philos- ophy, Study and Evidence of Christianity, etc. Poynter, E. Frances. 18- Novelist. Au- thor My Little Lady, Ersilia, Among the Hills, etc. Pub. Ho. Handbook of English Authors. III Praed [prād], Winthrop Mackworth. 1802-1839. Qutlur Poet. A writer of pleasing verse, of which the Belle of the Ball is a good example. See Completeg detet Works, edited by Sir Geo. Young. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 4. Pub. Arm:- Price, Bonamy. 1807 Political economist. bring man Author Practical Political Economy, Currency and Charnclas Banking, Principles of Currency, etc. Pub. Apl. Prideaux [prĭd'o, or prĭd-ŭx], Humphrey. 1648– 1724. Theologian. Noted for his Connection of the Old and New Testaments. Pub. Har. Mac. Priestley, Joseph. 1733-1804. Theologian and sci- entist. Author of over 300 books on chemistry, theology, metaphysics, etc. See Works of, 1824, 26 vols. See Life of, by Corry. Pringle, Thomas. 1789-1834. Scotch poet. His best poem is the spirited Afar in the Desert. See Grant Wilson's Poets of Scotland. Prior, Matthew. 1664-1721. Poet. A sprightly writer whose light and airy style is seen to best ad- vantage in his comic narrative poems. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 3. Pub. Hou. Procter, Adelaide Anne. 1825-1864. Poet. Dau. to B. W. P. Author Legends and Lyrics. See Stedman's Victorian Poets. Pub. Hou. Procter, Bryan Waller, "Barry Cornwall." 1790- 1874. Poet. A writer of somewhat over-praised lyric verse. The tragedy of Mirandola is his finest dramatic effort. See Autobiography. Compare Stedman's Victorian Poets and Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 4. Proctor Richard Anthony. 1837 Astrono- mer. Author Other Worlds than Ours, Our Place Among the Infinities, etc. Pub. Apl. Arm. Lip. Put. 112 Handbook of English Authors. 1 Prout, Father. See Mahoney, Francis. Prynne, Wm. 1600-1669. Political and antiquarian writer. Pugin [pū-jin], Augustus. 1792-1832. Architect- ural writer of note. Pugin, Augustin Welby Northmore. Architect. 1812-1852. Son to A. P. Author Examples of Gothic Architecture, Glossary of Eccl. Ornament, See Ferrey's Recollections of A. W. N. Pugin and Augustus Pugin, 1861. etc. Purchas, Samuel. piler of travels. 1577-1628. Chronicler and com- Pusey [pū'zi], Edward Bouverie. 1800-1882. The- ologian. Author Hist. Councils of the Church, Doctrine of the Real Presence, etc, and many of the Tracts for the Times. The earlier Ritualists were named Puseyites. His influence greatly deep- ened the religious feeling of the Anglican Church. See Life, by Liddon. Pub. Apl. Pusey, Philip Edward. 18 1880. Theological writer. Son to E. B. P. Puttenham, George. 1530- c. 1600. Author of The Art of Eng. Poesie. Pye, Henry James. 1745-1813. Poet. Author of very indifferent verse. Quarles, Francis. 1592-1644. Poet. An ingenious versifier, very popular in his own day, and now chiefly known by his Divine Emblems and a vol. of prose maxims entitled Enchiridion. Quarles, John. 1624-1665. Poet. Son to F. Q. Author Divine Meditations, etc. His verse is marked by the same fantastic, labored conceits as that of his father. Quincey, Thos. de. See De Quincey. Handbook of English Authors. 113 Radcliffe, Mrs. Ann [Ward]. 1764-1823. Novelist. A writer of powerful sensational romances, the best known of which are The Mysteries of Udolpho and Romance of the Forest. See Memoir of, by Talfourd, and Memoir of, by Miss Rossetti. Pub. Clx. Rou. Raleigh [raw'li], Sir Walter. 1552-1618. His chief work, The Hist. of the World, has great literary merit. See Lives, by Whitehead, Oldys, Birch, Cayley, Thomson, Tytler, Napier, St. John, and Edwards. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 1. Ramsay [răm'zĭ], Allan. 1686-1758. Scotch poet. Author of the pastoral poem The Gentle Shepherd. See edition 1800, with Life; also Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 3. Ramsay, Edward Bannerman. 1793-1872. Author of the famous Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character, Sermons, Pulpit Table-Talk, etc. See 23d edition of the Reminiscences, 1874, and Memo- rials and Recollections, by C. Rogers. Randolph, Thos. 1605-1634. Poet and dramatist. His works are inferior in quality. The Jealous Lover is one of his plays. See Works of, edited by Carew Hazlitt, 1875, and Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 2. Rankine, Wm. John Macquorn. 1820-1872. Writer on mechanics. Author Applied Mechanics, The Steam Engine, Songs and Fables, etc. See Mem- oir, by P. G. Tait. Pub. Apl. Mac. Rawlinson, George Henry. 1815 Historian. Author The Five Great Monarchies of the Eastern World, Manual of Ancient Hist., The Seventh Great Oriental Monarchy, etc. Pub. Apl. Do. Est. Har. Mac. Rawlinson, Sir Henry Creswicke. 1810 Archæological writer of note. Bro. to G. H. R. 114 Handbook of English Authors. Ray, John. 1628–1705. Naturalist. Author of the Historia Plantarum, etc. See Life, by Wm. Der- ham, 1760. Reach, Angus Bethune. 1821-1856. Novelist and miscellaneous writer. Author of Leonard Lindsay, The Natural Hist. of Bores and Humbugs, The Comic Bradshaw, etc. See Chas. Mackay's Recol- lections. Pub. Rou. Reade, Charles. 1814-1884. Novelist. A writer of strong genius, whose style is piquant and ag- gressive. Put Yourself in his Place, Griffith Gaunt, The Cloister and the Hearth, and Christie Johnstone are among his best novels. See Atlantic Monthly, Aug. 1864. Pub. Har. Redding, Cyrus. 1785-1870. Miscellaneous writer. Author of A Wife and Not a Wife, Remarkable Misers, Past Celebrities, etc. Reeve, Clara. 1725-1803. Novelist. Author Old English Baron, etc. Reeve, Lovell. 1814-1865. Conchologist. Author Conchologia Iconica, Elements of Conchology, Conchologia Systematica, etc. Pub. Put. Reeves, Mrs. Helen Buckingham [Mathers]. 1852 Novelist. Author of Cherry Ripe, Comin' thro' the Rye, My Lady Green Sleeves, As He Comes Up the Stair, Land o' the Leal, Sam's Sweet- heart, etc. Pub. Apl. Reid, Mayne. 1818-1883. venture for young readers. Reid, Thomas. 1710-1796. Author of tales of ad- Pub. Rou. Sh. Scotch metaphysician. Author Inquiry into the Human Mind, Essays on the Intellectual Powers, etc. See Hamilton's edi- tion of Reid, 1846. Reynolds, Frederick. 1765-1841. Dramatist. Au- thor of nearly 100 plays, of which The Dramatist and Folly as it Flies are the best. Handbook of English Authors. 115 Reynolds, George W. M. 1879. Novelist. Author Mysteries of London, Reformed Highway- man, etc. Style sensational, and influence perni- cious. Pub. Di. Pet. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. 1723-1792. Artist. Author Discourse on Painting. See Malone's edition of, 1797. See Lives by Malone, Northcote, Farrington, Cotton, and Leslie, Mrs. Thackeray-Ritchie's Miss Angel, and Reynolds as a Portrait Painter, by 7. E. Collins. Ricardo [re-kar'do], David. economist. 1792-1823. Political Author High Price of Bullion, Prin- ciples of Political Economy and Taxation, etc. See McCulloch's edition, 1846. Rice, James. 1843-1982. Novelist. Colleague of Walter Besant, and author with him of Sweet Nelly My Heart's Delight, Golden Butterfly, and other novels. See Besant, Walter. Pub. Har. Richards, Alfred Bate. 1820-1876. Poet and drama- tist. Author of Cromwell, Vandyck, and other dramas, Medea, and other vols. of poems, and the novel So Very Human. Richardson, Chas. 1775-1865. Lexicographer. Au- thor of an Eng. Dict. and The Study of Language. Richardson, Samuel. 1689-1761. Novelist. Au- thor Pamela, Clarissa Harlowe, and Sir Charles Grandison. The slow movement of these stories does not appeal readily to modern taste, but they display a wonderful knowledge of the workings of the human heart. Clarissa, the best, is a fine piece of realism. See Taine's Eng. Lit., Masson's Novel- ists and their Styles, and Leslie Stephen's Hours in a Library. Pub. Ho. Rou. Richmond, Leigh. 1772-1827. The Dairyman's Daughter, etc. Moralist. Author Pub. Ca. Phi. Rou. 116 Handbook of English Authors. Riddell, Mrs. Charlotte Eliza Lawson. 18– Novelist. Author George Geith, A Life's Assize, The Senior Partner, etc. Pub. Clx. Est. Har. Pet. Riddell, Henry Scott. 1798-1870. Scotch poet. See Grant Wilson's Poets of Scotland. Riddell, Mrs. J. H. See Riddell, Mrs. Charlotte. Ritchie, Mrs. Anne Isabella. See Thackeray- Ritchie. Ritchie, Leitch. 1801-1865. Miscellaneous writer. Author of Headpieces and Tailpieces, Wearyfoot Common, Romance of French History, etc. Ritson, Joseph. 1752-1803. Antiquary and critic. Roberts, Margaret. Novelist. Author Mademoiselle Mori, Denise, The Atelier du Lys, In the Olden Time, On the Edge of the Storm, Osé, Tempest tossed. Madame Fontenoy, Summerleigh Manor, etc. Pub. Ho. 1833 Robertson, Frederick Wm. 1816-1853. Religious writer. Author 4 vols. of sermons, which rank among the finest religious utterances of the age. See Life, by Stopford Brooke, and Blackwoods Mag., Aug. 1862. Pub. Dut. Har. Robertson, James Burton. 1800-1877. Historical writer. Author Lect. on Various Subjects of An- cient and Modern Hist., etc. Robertson, James Craigie. 1813-1882. Ecclesi- astical historian. Author Hist. of the Christian Church, Biography of Thomas a Becket, etc. Robertson, Thos. Wm. 1829-1871. Dramatist. Author David Garrick, Ours, Caste, M. P., and other lively and popular plays. Robertson, Wm. 1721-1793. Scotch historian. Author Hist. Scotland, Hist. Reign of Charles V., Hist. Discovery of America, etc. His style is pic- turesque, but his statements are sometimes inaccu- Handbook of English Authors. 117 rate. Har. Robinson, Agnes Mary Frances. 1857 See Prescott's Robertson's Charles V. Pub. Poet and littérateur. Author of A Handful of Honey- suckle, The Crowned Hippolytus, Rural England, and Emily Brontë, in Famous Women Series, etc. Pub. Rob. Robinson, Frederick Wm. 1830 Novelist. Author of A Bridge of Glass, As Long as she Lived, Poor Zeph, Her Face was her Fortune, Little Kate Kirby, Second-Cousin Sarah, Stern Necessity, True to Herself, etc. Pub. Har. Robinson, Henry Crabb. 1775-1867. He left an entertaining Diary, published in 1869. Pub. Hou. Mac. Robinson, Mrs. Mary. 1758–1800. 1758-1800. Poet and ac- tress. Known to her contemporaries as "Perdita, the Fair." Rochester, Earl of See Wilmot, John. Rogers, Charles. 1825 Scotch antiquarian writer. Author of A Century of Scottish Life, Boswelliana, Scotland: Social and Domestic, etc. Rogers, Henry. 1810-1877. Critic. Author Eclipse of Faith, Reason and Faith, etc. Pub. Rou. Scr. Rogers, Samuel. 1763-1855. Poet. Author Pleas- ures of Memory, a fine though labored production, Italy, etc. See Hazlitt's Eng. Poets. Pub. Lip. Romilly, Sir Samuel. 1757-1818. Jurist. Author of Speeches, etc. See Autobiography, 1840. Roscoe, Henry. 1800-1836. Son to W. R. Au- thor Lives of Eminent Lawyers, etc. Pub. Jo. Roscoe, Thos. 1791-1871. Son to W. R. Trans- lator of important Italian works. Roscoe, Wm. 1753-1831. Historian. Author Lives of Lorenzo de Medici and Leo X., etc. A careful, 118 Handbook of English Authors. painstaking writer, whose works, written in an easy, flowing style, are standard of their kind. See Life of, by Henry Roscoe. Roscommon, Earl of. See Dillon, Wentworth. Rose, George. "Arthur Sketchley." 1830-1882. Littérateur. Best known by his humorous Mrs. Pub. Rou. Brown sketches. Rose, Henry John. Rose, Hugh James. Bro. to preceding. Rose, Wm. Stewart. lator of Ariosto. 1801-1873.) Authors of a Gen- 1795-1838.eral Biographical Dict., etc. 1775-1843. Poet. Trans- Ross, Alexander. 1699-1784. Scotch poet. Best known by his ballad Woo'd and Married and a'. See Irving's Scottish Writers. Rose, Wm. 1762-1790. 1762-1790. Scotch pastoral poet. His Praise of the Highland Maid is one of his best poems. See Grant Wilson's Poetry of Scotland. Ross-Church, Mrs. Florence [Marryatt]. 1837 Novelist. Author Her Lord and Master, The Prey of the Gods, No Intentions, etc. Pub. Har. Rossetti [ros-set'tee], Christina Georgina. 1830 Poet. Author of The Pageant, Sonnet of Sonnets, Goblin Market, etc. Style serious and earnest. See Stedman's Victorian Poets. Pub. Mac. Rob. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. 1828-1882. Poet and artist. Bro. to C. G. R. A writer of the so-called Pre-Raphaelite school, whose verse is passionate and musical. Sister Helen, The Blessed Damozel, and Rose Mary are his most striking poems. See Sted- man's Victorian Poets, Swinburne's Essays and Studies, Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 4, 2d edition, Essays Modern, by F. W. H. Myers, Wm. Sharp's Handbook of English Authors. 119 Record and Study of Rossetti, Cornhill Mag. Feb. 1883, Contemporary Rev. Feb. 1883, Harper's Mag. Nov. 1882, and English Illus. Mag. Oct. 1883. Pub. Rob. Rossetti, Maria Francesca. 1827-1875. Commen- tator on Dante. Sister to two preceding. Author The Shadow of Dante, etc. Pub. Rob. Rossetti, Wm. Michael. 1829 Biographer and critic. Author Fine Art, etc. Bro. to three preceding. Pub. Mac. Rowe [ro], Nicholas. 1673-1718. Dramatist and Shakespearean editor. Author Jane Shore, Fair Penitent, etc. His dramas are melancholy, but never licentious, like those of his contemporaries. Rowley, Wm. fl. c. 1625. Dramatist. Colleague of Dekker and Ford in the Witch of Edmonton, and of Massinger and Middleton in the Old Law. Roy, William. fl. c. 1525. Poet. Author of a sin- gular satire upon Wolsey and the clergy, entitled Read me and be not Wroth, for I say Nothing but Troth. Roydon, Matthew. fl. c. 1585. Poet. Author of the beautiful Lament for Astrophel, an elegy upon Sir Philip Sidney. Ruskin, John. 1819 Art critic. Author Modern Painters, Stones of Venice, Seven Lamps of Architecture, Sesame and Lilies, Fors Clavigera, etc. Style original, masterly, and of rare beauty. Its chief defect is a vein of petulance and intoler- ance, which is strongest in his latest books. Pub. Wil. Russell, John, Earl. 1792-1878. Statesman. Au- thor Causes of the French Revolution, Life and Times of Chas. James Fox, Establishment of the Turks in Europe, etc. Pub. Rob. 120 Handbook of English Authors. Russell, John Scott. 1808 Engineer. Author Modern System of Naval Architecture, a work of great practical value. Pub. Apl. Russell, Michael. 1781-1848. Bp. Glasgow. Scotch historian. Russell, Lady Rachel. 1636-1723. Her Letters are of much literary and historical value. See Earl Russell's edition, 1854. Russell, Wm. 1741-1793. Scotch historian. thor Hist. Modern Europe, etc. Pub. Har. Russell, Wm. Clark. 1844 Au-- Marine novelist. Author Wreck of the Grosvenor, A Sailor's Sweet- heart, An Ocean Free Lance, Jack's Courtship, Little Loo, etc. Style original and spirited. Pub. Har. Russell, Wm. Howard. 1821 Journalist. Author Hist. of the Crimean War, Diary North and South, Diary in India, Hesperothen, etc. Pub. Har. Rou. Ryle, John Charles. 1816 Bp. Liverpool. Author Expository Pub. Ca. Phi. Ran. A popular religious writer. Thoughts on the Gospels, etc. Rymer, Thos. 1638-1714. Antiquary and critic. Author of Edgar, a play, The Tragedies of the Last Age Considered, etc., and compiler of Rymer's Fœdera, a collection of treatises, etc. Sackville, Chas., Earl of Dorset. 1637-1705. Poet. Author of the bright, lively song To all you Ladies now on Land. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 2. Sackville, Thos., Earl of Dorset and Lord Buck- hurst. 1536-1608. Poet. Author of the Induc- tion and one tale of the Mirror for Magistrates, and, with Thos. Norton, of the tragedy of Gorboduc. See edition 1820. Handbook of English Authors. 121 1780-1830. Author of The Sadler, Michael Thos. Law of Population, etc. Sainsbury, Wm. Noel. 1825 Editor of Co- lonial Calendar of State Papers, America and West Indies, 1574-1668, etc. St. John, Bayle. 1822-1859. Miscellaneous writer. Son to J. A. St. John. Author Village Life in Egypt, Memoirs of St. Simon, The Turks in Europe, etc. St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. 1678- 1751. Political essayist. His Letter to Sir Wm. Windham [a voľ. of 300 pages] is his chief work. St. John, Horace Roscoe. 1832. Son to J. A. St. John. Author The Indian Archipelago, Hist. British Conquests in India, etc. St. John, James Augustus. 1801-1875. Miscella- neous writer. Author of The Anatomy of Society, The Nemesis of Power, Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece, etc. St. John, Percy Bolingbroke. 1821 Writer of tales of adventure. Son to J. A. St. John. Au- thor The Arctic Crusoe, The Creole Bride, The Red Queen, etc. St. John, Spenser. 1826 Son to J. A. St. John. Author Life in the Forests of the Far West, etc. Saintsbury, Geo. Warner. 1845 Littérateur. Author Dryden, in Eng. Men of Letters, Primer of French Lit., etc. Pub. Har. Mac. Sala, George Augustus. 1828 Novelist, essayist, and journalist. Author Quite Alone, Twice Round the Clock, Paris Herself Again, etc. Pub. Fu. Har. Rou. Sale, George. 1680-1736. Orientalist. Translator of the Koran. Pub. Lip. 122 Handbook of English Authors. Sanderson, Robert. 1587-1663. Bp. Salisbury. Theological writer of great learning. Pub. Mac. Sandys, George. 1577-1644. Poet and traveler. Translator of Ovid. See Tyler's Am. Lit. vol. 1. Sartoris, Mrs. Adelaide [Kemble]. 1816-1879. Author of A Week in a French Country House, a work of great freshness and beauty, and of Medusa and Other Tales. Savage, Marmion. 1872. Irish novelist. Au- thor of The Bachelor of the Albany, The Woman of Business, Reuben Medlicott, etc. Pub. Apl. Poet. A writer of languid verse, and held in remembrance mainly by Johnson's Biography of him. Savage, Richard. 1698-1743. Saville, George, Marquess of Halifax. 1630-1695. Political writer. The literary merit of his treatises is considerable. Saville, Sir Henry. 1549-1622. Antiquarian. Editor of a noted edition of Chrysostom, 1613. Sawyer, Wm. 1828 Poet. Author of A Year of Song, The Legend of Phillis, etc. Sayce, Archibald Henry. 1846 Philologist. Author of An Assyrian Grammar, Principles of Comparative Philology, Introduction to the Science of Language, etc. Pub. Scr. Schreiber, Lady Charlotte Elizabeth. c. 1814- c. 1879. Welsh writer. Translator of The Mabi- nogion. Scot, Sir Alexander. Al. c. 1562. Scotch poet. His verse is amatory in tone. See edition by David Laing, 1821. See Grant Wilson's Poets of Scotland. Scott, John. 1730-1783. Scotch poet. His pro- ductions are flavorless and poor. Scott, Michael. 1789-1835. Novelist. Author Tom Cringle's Log, etc. Handbook of English Authors. 123 Scott, Sir Michael. fl. c. 1250. Scotch philosopher. Scott, Robert. 1811 Classical scholar. One of the editors of Liddell and Scott's Greek Lexicon. Scott, Thomas. 1747-1821. Commentator. Author Bible Commentary, etc. Pub. Lip. Scott, Sir Walter. 1771-1832. Scotch novelist and poet. Author of a long series of romances, begin- ning with Waverley, in 1814, and ending with Anne of Geierstein, in 1829. S. first made the novel a really great power in life as well as in literature. The flow of his narrative is always animated and in- fused with a kindly spirit. Guy Mannering, Ivanhoe, Old Mortality, and Quentin Durward are among the best of his novels. The Lady of the Lake, Marmion, and Lay of the Last Minstrel are fine narrative po- ems, filled with vivid descriptions of Scotch scenery. See Taine's Eng. Lit., Masson's Novelists and Their Styles, and Hutton's Scott, in Eng. Men of Letters. See also The Waverley Dict., by May Rogers. Scott, Wm. Bell. 1811 Poet and art writer. Author The Year of the World, Life of Albert Dürer, etc. See Grant Wilson's Poets of Scotland. Pub. Rou. Scrivener, Frederick Henry. 1813 Biblical scholar. Author of a Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament, and editor of a Greek Testament, The Cambridge Paragraph Bible, etc. Pub. Ho. Sedley, Sir Chas. 1639-1701. Lyric and dramatic poet. S. wrote the comedy of The Mulberry Gar- den. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 2. Seeley, John Robert. 1834 Author Ecce Homo, Lect. and Essays, Roman Imperialism, etc. Style clear and strong. See Myers's Essays, Mod- ern. Pub. Mac. Rob. 124 Handbook of English Authors. Selden, John. 1584-1654. Antiquarian. Author Titles of Honor, Hist. of Titles, etc. A man of wide learning, whose Table-Talk is his best known work. See Lives, by Wilkins, 1726, Aiken, 1773, and Johnson, 1835. Selwyn, Geo. Augustus. 1809-1878. Bp. Lichfield. Author Tribal Analysis of the Bible, Are Cathedral Institutions Useless? etc. Pub. Mac. Senior, Nassau Wm. 1790-1864. Political econo- mist. Author Lect. on Population, Essays on Fic- tion, etc. Settle, Elkanah. 1648-1724. Dramatist. A writer of trifling merit but the rival of Dryden in his time. Seward, Anna. 1747-1809. Poet. Although called in her day "the Swan of Lichfield,” her verse is weakly sentimental and commonplace. Sewell, Elizabeth Missing. 1815 Poet and novelist. Author Amy Herbert, Margaret Percival, etc. A writer of excellent stories, which have a strong High Church flavor. Pub. Apl. Dut. Har. Ho. Sewell, Wm. 1805-1874. Religious writer. Bro. to E. M. S. Author of Christian Morals, etc. Shadwell, Thos. 1640-1692. Dramatist. Author of 17 plays, but chiefly remembered as the butt of Dryden's satire MacFlecknoe. Shaftesbury, 3d Earl of. See Cooper, Anthony Ashley. Shairp, John Campbell. 1819 Scotch es- sayist. Author Culture and Religion, Aspects of Poetry, Studies in Poetry and Philosophy, Poetic Interpretation of Nature, Burns, in Eng. Men of Letters, etc. Pub. Har. Hou. Shakespeare, Wm. 1564-1616. The world's great- est dramatist. Author of 37 plays, in two of which, Handbook of English Authors. 125 Henry VIII. and Two Noble Kinsmen, Fletcher is supposed to have had a hand. The others are King John. Richard II., Richard III., the two parts of Henry IV., Henry V., the three parts of Henry VI., all historical plays; the tragedies, Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello, Lear, Antony and Cleopatra, Timon of Athens, Coriolanus, Julius Cæsar, Romeo and Juliet, and Troilus and Cressida; and the comedies, or tragi-comedies, Midsummer Night's Dream, Comedy of Errors, Love's Labor's Lost, Taming of the Shrew, Two Gentlemen of Verona, Merchant of Venice, All's Well that Ends Well, Much Ado About Nothing, As You Like It, Merry Wives of Windsor, Measure for Measure, Winter's Tale, Tempest, Twelfth Night, Pericles, and Cym- beline. S. was also the author of the poems Lucrece, Venus and Adonis, and 154 Sonnets. No writings, save the Scriptures, have ever moved the world like those of Shakespeare, which appeal to every emo- tion in the mind of man. He has no equals; there are none with whom he may be compared. Among the best complete Am. editions are White's River- side, pub. Hou.; Rolfe's, pub. Har.; and Hudson's, pub. Gi. See also Furness's Variorum Macbeth, Lear, Hamlet, and Romeo and Juliet, pub. Lip. Sharpe, Samuel. 1800-1881. Historian. Author Hist Egypt, Hist. Hebrew Nation and Lit., Texts from the Bible Explained by Ancient Monuments, etc. See Life by F. W. Clayden. Sheffield, John, Duke of Buckingham. 1649–1720. Author Essay on Poetry, a poem in heroic measure, polished and prosaic. Sheil [sheel], Richard Lalor. 1791-1851. Irish dramatist. Author Evadne, The Apostate, Sketches of the Irish Bar, etc. See Biographies, by McNevin, . 1845, and McCulloch, 1855. Pub. Arm. 126 Handbook of English Authors. Shelley, Mrs. Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin. 1797- 1851. Novelist. Wife to P. B. S. Author Fran- kenstein, a repulsive but powerful romance, Val- perga, Perkin Warbeck, etc. Shelley, Percy Bysshe [bish]. 1792-1822. Poet. An imaginative genius of the highest order. Author of Queen Mab, Prometheus Unbound, Alastor, The Cenci, etc. Some of his best work is seen in the Adonais, an elegy upon Keats, and the Ode to a Skylark, while all his poems possess an ethereal beauty quite unlike anything else in literature. See Atlantic Monthly, Feb. 1863, Macmillan's Mag. June, 1861, Shelley and his Writings, by C. S. Middleton, Symonds' Shelley, in Eng. Men. of Let- ters, and Swinburne's Essays and Studies. Pub. Lit. Mac. Por. Rou. Shenstone, Wm. 1714-1763. Pastoral poet. Au- thor of The Schoolmistress, a poem in Spenserian stanza, and of pastoral ballads. See Gilfillan's edition of, Edinburgh, 1854. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 3. Sheridan, Mrs. Frances. 1724-1766. Novelist and dramatist. Wife to T. S. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. 1751-1816. Irish dramatist. Son to F. S. and T. S. A sparkling, witty writer. Author of The Duenna, an opera, The Critic, a farce, and The Rivals and School for Scandal, two of the best comedies in the Eng. lan- guage. See Works, edited by J. B. Browne, 1873, and F. Stainforth, 1874; also edition of 1883, with Introduction, by R. G. White. See Life of, by Moore, Atlantic Monthly, Oct. 1883, and Sheridan, by Mrs. Oliphant, in Eng. Men. of Letters. Pub. Do. Rou. Sheridan, Thomas. 1721-1788. Irish lexicographer. Author Dict. Eng. Lang., etc. Handbook of English Authors. 127 Bp. London. Theo- Sherlock, Wm. 1678-1761. logian of note. Sherwood, Mrs. Mary Martha. 1775-1851. Writer of an immense number of religious tales, once very popular. Little Henry and his Bearer is one of the best known. See Life, 1874. Pub. Ca. Har. Wh. Shirley, James. 1594-1666. Dramatist. The latest of the Shakespearean dramatists. Better known than any of his 40 plays is the noble poem Death's Final Conquest. See Dyce's Life of, 1833, and Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 2. Shorthouse, Joseph Henry. 1834 Novelist. Author of John Inglesant and Little Schoolmaster Mark. Pub. Mac. Sidgwick, Henry. 1838- Political economist. Author of The Principles of Political Economy, The Methods of Ethics, Ethics in Encyc. Britan., etc. A precise and impartial thinker. Pub. Mac. Put. Sidney, Algernon. 1622–1683. Political writer. Au- thor Discourses on Government, etc. See Life, by Meadley, 1813. Sidney or Sydney, Sir Philip. 1554-1586. Poet and prose writer. Author of Sonnets, the prose romance Arcadia, and The Apologie for Poetrie, with which latter work literary criticism may be said to begin. See Grosart's complete edition, 1877. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 1, Masson's Eng. Novelists, and Life, by Fox-Bourne, 1862. Simcox, Geo. Augustus. 1841 littérateur. Author Prometheus Unbound, a tragedy, Poems and Romances, and a Hist. of Latin Lit. Fub. Har. Rou. Poet and Simpson, Sir James Young. 1811-1870. Scotch medical writer of note. Pub. Apl. Lip. 128 Handbook of English Authors. Simpson, Thomas. 1710-1761. Mathematician. Author of a long series of mathematical works. Simson, Robert. 1687-1768. Scotch mathema- tician. Author of a noted translation of Euclid. Sinclair, Mrs. Catherine. 1800-1864. Scotch nov- elist. Author of Beatrice, Modern Society, Jane Bouverie, etc. Pub. Har. Singer, Samuel Weller. 1783-1868. Shakespearean scholar. His edition of Shakespeare appeared in 1826. Skeat [skeet], Walter Wm. 1835 Philolo- gist. Editor of numerous Early Eng. and Anglo- Saxon works, and author of an Etymological Dict. of the Eng. Language. Pub. Mac. Skelton, John. c. 1460-1529. Poet. Author Why Come Ye Not to Court? a fierce satire upon Wolsey, Colin Clout, and the Boke of Phyllype Sparowe. His verse is rugged and harsh, but very powerful. See Dyce's edition, 1843, and Ward's Eng. Poets, Pub. Hou. vol. I. Skene, Wm. Forbes. 1809 Antiquarian. Au- thor The Highlanders of Scotland, Chronicles of the Picts and Scots, etc. Sketchley, Arthur. See Rose, Geo. Skinner, John. 1721-1807. Scotch poet. Tulloch- gorum is his most noted poem. See Poems of, with Memoir, 1859. Smart, Benj. Humphrey. c. 1785-1872. Lexicog- rapher. The chief of his numerous works is a Pronouncing Dict., which first appeared in 1836. Smart, Christopher. 1722-1770. Poet. Author of a noted satire called The Hilliad and the famous Song to David. See edition 1791. Smart, Hawley. 18- Novelist. Author Breezie Langton, Bound to Win, etc. Pub. Apl. Handbook of English Authors. 129 Smedley, Edward. 1789-1836. Historian. Author Religio Clerici, Hist. Reformed Religion in France, Hist. France, etc. Pub. Har. Smedley, Francis Edward. 1819-1865. Novelist. Author Frank Fairleigh, Harry Coverdale's Court- Pub. Pet. Rou. ship, etc. Sister to F. E. S. Smedley, Menella Bute. c. 1825-c. 1875. Poet. Author of Nina, Twice Lost, and One of the finest of her poems other prose tales. is The Little Fair Soul. Pub. Rou. Smee, Alfred. Pub. Put. 1818-1877. Smiles, Samuel. 1816 Scientific writer of note. Scotch writer. Au- thor Self Help, Thrift, Life of a Scotch Naturalist, Life of Geo. Stephenson, etc. Pub. Har. Lip. Rou. Smith, Adam. 1723-1790. Political economist. Author of The Wealth of Nations, the theory of which is that labor is the source of wealth. See Lives by Brougham, Playfair, and Smellie. Pub. Mac. Put. Smith, Albert Richard. 1816-1860. Novelist. Au- thor Christopher Tadpole, etc. Smith, Alexander. 1830-1867. Scotch poet and essayist. Author Edwin of Deira, Life Drama, City Poems, etc. His verse achieved a sudden but brief popularity. It is brilliant, but uneven. His prose, of which A Summer in Skye is the best ex- ample, is excellent. See Life, by Alexander, 1868, and Stedman's Victorian Poets. Smith, Mrs. Charlotte. 1749-1806. Poet and nov- elist. Elegiac Sonnets are her principal poems, and The Old Manor House is her best novel. Smith, George. c. 1825-1876. Orientalist. Author of The Chaldean Account of Genesis, Assyrian Discoveries, Records of the Past, etc. Pub. Scr. 9 130 Handbook of English Authors. Smith, Goldwin. 1823 Miscellaneous writer. Author Lect. and Essays, The Study of Hist., Three Eng. Statesmen, etc. Pub. Har. Mac. Smith, Horace. 1779-1849. Poet and novelist. Author of the noted poem Address to a Mummy, of five of the Rejected Addresses published by Horace and James Smith, and of several novels, — The Moneyed Man, Brambletye House, etc. Pub. Har. Ho. Put. Smith, Isaac Gregory. 1826 Religious writer. Author Characteristics of Christian Morality, etc. Pub. Dut. Smith, James. 1775-1839. Poet and critic. Bro. to H. S. Author of five of the travesties in Rejected Addresses, viz., those on Wordsworth, Cobbett, Southey, Coleridge, and Crabbe. See Memoirs of, by Horace Smith, 1840. Pub. Ho. Put. Smith, James. elist. 1824 Scotch poet and nov- 1775-1851. Theologian. Au- Religious writer. Nov- Pub. Mac. 18- Smith, John Pye. 1775-1851. thor Letters to Belsham, etc. Smith, Robert Payne. 1818 Author Bampton Lect., 1869, etc. Smith, Sarah, "Hesba Stretton." elist. Author Bede's Charity, Through A Needle's Eye, and other excellent novels. Pub. Do. Rou. Smith, Sydney. 1771-1845. Essayist and humorist. Author of the Plymley Letters, etc. A perfect mas- ter of an intensely amusing and sarcastic style of reasoning. See Duyckinck's Wit and Wisdom of Sydney Smith. Pub. Apl. Har. Rou. Smith, Thos. Southwood. 1788-1861. Medical writer of note. Author Philosophy of Health, The use of the Dead to the Living, etc. Pub. Clx. Lip. Smith, Wm. 1769-1839. Geological writer of emi- nence. See Life, by Phillips, 1844. Handbook of English Authors. 131 Smith, Wm. 1813 Classical lexicographer. Author Dict. Greek and Roman Antiquities, Dict. of the Bible, etc. Pub. Apl. Est. Har. Hou. Lit. Por. Smith, Wm. Robertson. 1847 Scotch theo- logian of note. Author of The Old Testament in the Jewish Church, etc. Pub. Apl. Smollett, Tobias George. 1721-1771. Author of Roderick Random, Peregrine Pickle, Count Fathom, Humphrey Clinker, etc., novels whose coarseness is scarcely atoned for by their wit and vivacity. See Complete Works, 1872. See Thackeray's Eng. Humorists and Masson's Novelists and Their Styles. Pub. Har. Rou. Smyth, Chas. Piazzi. c. 1820 Egyptologist. Son to W. H. S. Author Our Inheritance in the Gt. Pyramid, Life and Work at the Gt. Pyramid, etc. An ingenious but somewhat fanciful thinker. Pub. Est. Rou. Scr. Smyth, Wm. Henry. 1788-1865. Hydrographer. Author of a noted work on the physical geography of the Mediterranean. Pub. Mac. Smythe, Geo. Sydney, 1818-1857. Novelist. and Angela Pisani. Viscount Strangford. Author of Historic Fancies Somers, Lord John. 1651-1716. Jurist. Author of the noted "Somers Tracts." See Walter Scott's edition, 13 vols. 4to, 1815. See Campbell's Lives of the Chancellors. Somerville, Mrs. Mary. 1780-1872. Scotch astron- omer. Author Mechanism of the Heavens, Connec- tion of the Physical Sciences, Physical Geography, etc. See Personal Recollections, by Mrs. Somerville, 1873. Pub. Har. Rob. Sh. Somerville, Wm. 1682-1742. Poet. Author of The Chase, etc. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 3. 132 Handbook of English Authors. Sotheby [suth'e-bi], Wm. 1757-1833. A fine trans- lation of Wieland's Oberon is his best known work. South, Robert. 1633-1716. A witty theologian, whose Sermons possess vitality and are still read. Pub. Dut. Hou. Southern [suth'ern], Thos. 1660-1746. Irish dram- atist. Author Oroonoko, The Fatal Dowry, etc. His plays were once very popular and show great power. Southey [sowth'i], Mrs. Caroline Anne [Bowles]. 1787-1854. Poet. Wife to R. S. Author of The Young Gray Head, The Pauper's Death Bed, etc. Style harmonious and pathetic. Pub. Rou. Southey, Robert. 1774-1843. Poet and essayist. Author of Thalaba, Curse of Kehama, Roderick, Madoc, etc. As a whole his verse is a good deal like prose, but prose of an excellent quality. The Doctor is one of his most noted prose works. See Life, by C. T. Browne, and Dowden's Southey, in Eng. Men of Letters. Pub. Apl. Har. Hou. Rou. Southwell, Robert. 1560-1595. Poet. Content and Rich and Times go by Turns are among his best poems. His verse has much quiet beauty. See MacDonald's England's Antiphon and Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. I. Spedding, James. 1808-1881. Baconian scholar. Editor Lord Bacon's works, author Life and Letters of Bacon, Reviews and Discussions, Evenings with a Reviewer, etc. Pub. Hou. Speed, John. 1552-1629. Antiquary. Hist. Great Britain, etc. Spelman, Sir Henry. 1562-1641. Antiquary. Au- thor Hist. Eng. Councils, Glossarium Archæolog- icum, etc. Spencer, Herbert. 1820 Philosopher. Au- The who A letter of Southey has been found fr which, alluding to his poem, "Modoc," and Scott's Lay of the Last Minstrel," He says: "My acorn will continue to grow when his Turkey bean shall have withered.” third member of the trium virate founded the Faile School of Poetry, proved to be no prophet. Men are usually poor judges of their own literary productions. Southey was. Scott's "Turkey Bean" has shot skyward, while Southey's "Acoin" hasn't grown knee high to a duck, roughout the Whole System. 6 BOTTLES FOR $5.00. ggists and Dealers. ly & Bigelow, Agents, New Haven, Conn. Handbook of English Authors. 133 thor Social Statics, Principles of Psychology, Study of Sociology, Education, Descriptive Sociology, etc. Pub. Apl. Spencer, Wm. Robert. 1770-1834. Poet. Beth- Gélert is his best known poem. Spenser, Edmund. 1552-1599. Poet. Shepherd's Calendar, Mother Hubbard's Tale. Amoretti, Epitha- lamion, and Prothalamion are the best of his minor poems. The Faerie Queene, an allegory in 6 books, is his greatest work, the interest of which lies not in the poem as a narration, but in its symbolic repre- sentation of the soul at war with evil. See Todd's Variorum edition, and editions by Payne Collier, 1862, and Morris, 1869. See Craik's Spenser and his Poetry, Morley's Library Eng. Lit., and Church's Spenser, in Eng. Men of Letters. Pub. Mac. Hou. Spottswood or Spottiswoode, John. 1565-1639. Abp. St. Andrew's. Ecclesiastical historian. Au- thor Hist. Church of Scotland, etc. See Russell's edition, 1851. Sprat, Thos. 1636-1713. Bp. Rochester. Theo- logian. Author Hist. Royal Society, Life of Cowley, Poems, Sermons, etc., Spurgeon, Chas. Haddon. 1834 Author several vols. of Sermons, John Ploughman's Talks, etc. Pub. Ca. Scr. Sh. Stanhope, Philip Dormer, Earl of Chesterfield. 1694-1773. Author of the celebrated Letters to his Son, Philip Stanhope, the morality of which has been much debated. Style polished and able. Stanhope, Philip Henry, Lord Mahon. 1805- 1875. Author Hist. of England, Hist. War of the Spanish Succession, etc. Pub. Lit. Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn. 1815-1881. Theologian. Author Lect. on the Jewish Church, Lect. on the 134 Handbook of English Authors. Eastern Church, Christian Institutions, Life of Dr. Arnold, etc. A writer of much vigor and strength, whose wide sympathies are clearly shown in his works. See Century Mag. Jan. 1883, and Myers's Essays Modern. Pub. Arm. Dut. Har. Mac. Scr. Stanley, Thomas. 1625-1678. Poet. Beside a vol. of quaint verse S. wrote a Hist. of Philosophy. Staunton [stän'ton], Howard. 1810-1874. Shake- spearean scholar. His library edition of Shake- speare appeared in 1863. Pub. Rou. Steele, Sir Richard. 1671-1729. Essayist. S. be- gan the periodical Essay by The Tatler in 1709, and wrote afterwards with Addison in The Specta- tor and The Guardian. Author also of The Chris- tian Hero. See Thackeray's Eng. Humorists. Steevens, George. 1736-1800. Shakespearean scholar. S. edited with Dr. Johnson the edition of 1773, and with Isaac Reed those of 1785 and 1793. Stephen, Sir James. 1789-1859. Historian and essayist. Author Essays in Eccl. Biography, Lect. on Hist. of France, etc. See Life, by his son, 1860. Pub. Har. Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames. 1829 Son to preceding. Jurist. Author General View of the Criminal Law of England, Essays by a Barrister, etc. Pub. Mac. Th. Stephen, Leslie. 1832 to Sir J. S. Littérateur. Neph. Author of a brilliant Hist. Eng., Thought in the Eighteenth Cent., Science of Eth- ics, Hours in a Library, and Pope, Johnson, and Swift, in Eng. Men of Letters. Pub. Har. Scr. Stephenson, Mrs. Eliza [Tabor]. 1835 Nov- elist. Author St. Olave's, Jeanie's Quiet Life, The Blue Ribbon, Meta's Faith, The Senior Songman, etc. St. Olave's, her best work, has been very pop- ular. Pub. Har. Handbook of English Authors. 135 Sterling, John. 1806-1844. Poet and critic. See Lives, by Hare, 1848, T. Carlyle, 1851; also, Caro- line Fox's Memories of Old Friends. Sterne, Lawrence. 1713-1768. Humorist. Author of Tristram Shandy and The Sentimental Journey, two rambling, fantastic books, with a slender thread of story in each. The quaintness is affected, and the humor sometimes obscure, but the character drawing is inimitable. See Life, by Fitzgerald, Taine's Eng. Lit., Masson's Eng. Novelists and Their Styles, and H. D. Traill's Sterne, in Eng. Men of Letters. Pub. Clx. Lip. Rou. Sternhold, Thos. c. 1500-1549. Associate with Hopkins in a metrical version of the Psalms. Stevenson, John Hall. 1718-1785. Poet. Author Crazy Hall Tales. etc. Stevenson, Robert Louis. 1850 - Author of Travels with a Donkey in the Cévennes, An Inland Voyage, The New Arabian Nights, etc. Pub. Rob. Stewart, Dugald. 1753-1828. Scotch metaphysi- cian. Author Philosophical Essays, Philosophy of the Active and Moral Powers, etc. Still, John. 1543-1607. Bp. Bath and Wells. To him has been doubtfully attributed the comedy Gammer Gurton's Needle, one of the very earliest English plays. See Dodsley's Old Plays. Stillingfleet, Edward. 1635-1699. Bp. Worcester.. Controversial writer of note. Pub. Mac. Stirling, Earl of. See Alexander, Wm. Stirling, Sir Wm. Maxwell. See Maxwell Stir- ling. Stormonth, James. 1825-1882. Scotch lexicog- rapher. Author Dict. of Scientific Terms, Etymo- logical Dict., etc. Pub. Har. Stoughton, John. 1807. Religious historian. 136 Handbook of English Authors. Author Hist. of Religion in England from the Open- ing of the Long Parliament to the End of the Eighteenth Cent., and Introduction to Historical Theology. Pub. Arm. Phi. Stow, John. 1525-1605. Chronicler. Strangford, Viscount. See Smythe, G. S. Street, Geo. Edmund. 1824-1881. Gothic archi- tect. Author The Brick and Marble in the Middle Ages, Gothic Architecture in Spain, etc. See The Biograph, Aug. 1880. Stretton, Hesba. See Smith, Sarah. Strickland, Agnes. 1796-1874. Historical writer. Author Lives of the Queens of England, Lives of the Queens of Scotland, Lives of the Seven Bishops, etc. Pub. Har. La. Lip. Por. Strutt, Joseph. 1742-1802. Antiquarian. Author Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, Biographical Hist. of Engravers, etc. Pub. Rou. Strype, John. 1643-1737. Historian. Author An- nals of the Reformation, Life of Cranmer, etc. Stuart, Gilbert. 1742-1786. Historian. Author View of Society in Europe, Hist. of Scotland, etc. An accurate but prejudiced writer. Stubbs, Wm. 1825 Historian. Author of The Constitutional Hist. of England, The Early Plantagenets, etc. Pub. Est. Mac. Stukely, Wm. 1687-1765. Antiquarian writer. Suckling, Sir John. 1609-1641. Of his gay, airy verse, the Ballad upon a Wedding is most widely known. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 2. Sugden, Edward Burtenshaw, Baron St. Leon- ards. 1781-1875. Jurist of high rank. Author Handy Book on Property Law, etc. Pub. Jo. Sumner, John Bird. 1780-1862. Abp. Canterbury. Religious writer. Author Practical Reflections, etc. Surrey, Earl of. See Howard, Henry. Handbook of English Authors. 137 Swain, Charles. 1803-1874. Poet. His verse is pleasing, but has little strength. Pub. Rob. Swift, Jonathan. 1667-1745. Irish satirist. Author Battle of the Books, Tale of a Tub, Drapier's Let- ters, Gulliver's Travels, etc. Style coarse, bitterly savage and personal, but of great vigor, keenness, and force. See Lives, by T. Sheridan and Forster; also, Taine's Eng. Lit., Thackeray's Eng. Humor- ists, Leslie Stephen's Swift, in Eng. Men of Let- ters, and Masson's Novelists. Pub. Hou. Swinburne, Algernon Charles. 1837 and critic. Author of Atalanta in Calydon, Song of Italy, Chastelard, Mary Stuart, Bothwell, Tristram, etc. Tristram is the finest of his long poems, and A Child's Song in Winter one of the best of the minor ones. His verse shows wonderful melody and perfect mastery of metre even when most ob- scure, and abounds in vivid and exquisite descrip- tions. See Stedman's Victorian Poets and Lowell's My Study Windows. Pub. Ho. Poet Sylvester, Joshua. 1563-1618. Poet. Translator of the French poet Du Bartas, and known in his day as Silver-Tongued Sylvester. Symonds, John Addington. 1840 Poet and critic. Author Hist. of the Renaissance in Italy, Studies of the Greek Poets, Sketches and Studies in Southern Europe, Italian Byways, etc., and two vols. of poems, entitled New and Old and Many Moods. Pub. Har. Ho. Os. Tabor, Eliza. See Stephenson, Mrs. Tait, Archibald Campbell. 1811-1882. Abp. Can- terbury. Theologian. Author Dangers and Safe- guards of Modern Theology, etc. Pub. Mac. Talfourd [tawl'furd], Sir Thomas Noon. 1795-1854. 138 Handbook of English Authors. Dramatic poet. Author of The Athenian Captive, Glencoe, The Castilian, etc., but chiefly known by his fine tragedy Ion, and Final Memorials of Chas. Lamb. Tannahill, Robert. 1774-1810. Scotch poet. His lyrics possess a sweetness like those of Burns. Braes of Balquither and The Flower of Dumblane familiar examples. See Centenary edition, are 1874. Tate, Nahum. 1652-1715. Associate with Brady in a noted metrical version of the Psalms, and author of several plays. Tautphoeus, Baroness. 18- Novelist. Au- thor of The Initials, Quits, Cyrilla, At Odds, etc. Pub. Ho. Lip. Taylor, Brook. 1685-1731. Mathematician. Au- thor Methods of Increment and inventor of Taylor's Theorem. Taylor, Sir Henry. 1800 Dramatic poet. 1, Author Edwin the Fair, Philip Van Artavelde, Isaac Comnenus, etc. Philip Van Artavelde, his finest work, ranks high in modern dramatic poetry. See edition 1863. See Fortnightly Review, vol. I, and The Biograph, vol. 2. Pub. Lip. Taylor, Isaac. 1787-1865. Miscellaneous writer. Author Elements of Thought, The Spirit of Hebrew Poetry, The World of Mind, etc. Pub. Ca. Dut. Har. Mac. Taylor, Jane. 1783-1824. Moral and religious writer. Sister to I. T. Author with her sister Ann of Hymns for Infant Minds, etc. Pub. Ca. Har. Por. Rou. Taylor, Jeremy. 1613-1667. Bp. Down and Con- nor. Theologian. His best works are Sermons, The Great Exemplar, and Holy Living and Holy Handbook of English Authors. 139 Dying. His warmth of imagination and poetic fer- vor render his prose both musical and eloquent, while his long, involved sentences are managed with the rarest skill. See Heber's edition, 15 vols., 1820. See Life, by Wilmott, 1847. Pub. Ca. Clx. Dut. Lip. Taylor, John. 1580-1654. Poet. Called the Water Poet. A voluminous writer but one of little interest to modern readers. Taylor, Robert. fl. c. 1600. Dramatist. Author of The Hog hath Lost his Pearl, etc. Taylor, Thomas. 1758-1835. Philosophical writer. Known as the Platonist. Taylor, Tom. 1817-1880. Dramatist. Of his many excellent plays, The Ticket-of-Leave Man is the most popular. See Eclectic Mag. Oct. 1880. Taylor, Wm. 1765-1836. His translations of Goethe, Schiller, and Lessing promoted greatly the study of German literature in England. Temple, Frederick. 1821 ologian of the Broad Church mons in Rugby School, etc. Temple, Sir Wm. 1628-1699. ist. The best edition of his London, 1814. Bp. Exeter. The- school. Author Ser- Pub. Mac. Philosophical essay- works is 4 vols. 8vo, Tennant, Wm. 1784-1848. Scotch poet. Author of the humorous, mock-heroic poem, Anster Fair, ctc. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 4. Tennent, Sir James. See Emerson-Tennent. Tennyson, Alfred. 1809 Poet Laureate. In Memoriam, Idyls of the King, The Princess, Maud, and Enoch Arden, with the dramas Harold and Queen Mary, comprise his longest poems. Among the finest of the shorter ones are Enone, Ulysses, The Talking Oak, Lotus Eaters, Lady of Shalott, 140 Handbook of English Authors. The Gardener's Daughter, The Revenge, and Locks- ley Hall, and of the brief songs, Tears, Idle Tears, and Late, so Late. The poetry of T., taken as a whole, represents the highest water mark of the non-dramatic poetry of the English-speaking world. In it is united a perfect mastery of words and metre with a widely cultured, thoughtful imagina- tion. See Hutton's Essays, Stedman's Victorian Poets, Buchanan's Master Spirits, Tainsh's Stud- ies in Tennyson, Gatty's Study of In Memoriam, Genung's Study of In Memoriam, Atlantic Monthly, Sept. 1879. Pub. Har. Hou. Os. Tennyson-Turner, Chas. 1808-1879. Poet. Bro. to A. Tennyson. Style delicate and meditative. His Sonnets have been greatly praised. See Living Age, Dec. 31, 1881. Tennyson, Frederick. 1806 Poet. Bro. to two preceding. Author Days and Hours, etc. Style artistic and elegant. The Blackbird is one of his best poems. See Stedman's Victorian Poets. Thackeray-Ritchie, Mrs. Anne Isabella. 1842 Dau. to W. M. T. Novelist. Author of Miss Angel, Old Kensington, Village on the Cliff, etc. Style quiet, picturesque, and refined. Pub. Har. Thackeray, Wm. Makepeace. 1811-1863. Nov- elist. Author of Vanity Fair, Newcomes, Pendennis, Virginians, Henry Esmond, Philip, Denis Duval, Hoggarty Diamond, Barry Lyndon, etc. Of these Esmond must rank highest as a piece of literary art. His style presents a union of the satirical and the humorous, the cynical and the kindly, which perplexes some readers, but is almost always an example of excellent English. The End of the Play and Bouillebaisse are his two best poems. See ¡ Handbook of English Authors. 141 Hannay's Studies on Thackeray in Every Satur- day, vol. 6, Old Series, Shepard's Pen Pictures of Modern Authors, Rideing's Stray Moments with Thackeray, and Taylor's Thackeray the Humorist. Pub. Har. Ho. Lip. Theobald [thee-o-bawld, or tib'bald], Lewis. 1688- 1744. Dramatist and Shakespearean editor. His edition of Shakespeare appeared in 1733, and is of great merit. T. was savagely and unjustly satirized by Pope in the Dunciad. Thirlwall, Connop. 1797-1875. Bp. St. David's. Historian. Author of a valuable Hist. of Greece. Pub. Har. Rob. Thomas, Annie. See Cudlip, Mrs. Thoms, Wm. John. 1803 · Thomson, James. 1700-1748. Antiquarian writer. Scotch poet. Author of The Seasons, Castle of Indolence, etc. His style is somewhat heavy, but his feeling for nature is genuine and his descriptions are fine. See Lives, by Buchan, Gilfillan, and Bell; also, Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 3. Pub. Apl. Clx. Hou. Thomson, James. 1834-1882. Scotch poet. Au- thor of a sombre but striking poem, The City of Dreadful Night. See To-day, July, 1883, and Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 4, 2d edition. Thomson, Mrs. Katharine. 1800-1862. Historical writer. Thomson, Wm. 1819 Abp. York. Religious writer. Author The Necessary Laws of Thought, etc. Thornbury, Geo. Walter. 1828-1876. Novelist and poet. Author Life of Turner, True as Steel, Great- heart, etc. Culloden and The Jester's Sermon are among his best poems. Style spirited and strong. See Stedman's Victorian Poets. Pub. Ho. Thornton, Bonnell. 1724-1768. translator. Dramatist and 142 Handbook of English Authors. Thornton, Wm. Thomas. 1813-1880. Political economist. Author Over-Population and its Rem- edy, Plea for Peasant Proprietors, On Labor, Old- Fashioned Ethics and Common-Sense Metaphysics, Poems, etc. Pub. Mac. Thorold, Anthony Wilson. 1825- Bp. Roch- ester. Religious writer. Author The Presence of Christ, The Threshold of Private Devotions, etc. Pub. Ran. Thrale, Mrs. See Piozzi, Mrs. Thurlow, Lord Edward Hovell. 1781-1829. Poet. Author Ariadne, etc. Tickell, Richard. 1793. Humorist. Author of The Anticipation, an amusing forecast of the debates in the Parliament of 1778. Tickell, Thomas. 1686-1740. Poet and essayist. Grandfather to R. T. Author of a fine elegy upon Addison, the ballad of Colin and Lucy, several papers in the Spectator, etc. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 3. Pub Hou. Tighe [ti], Mrs. Mary Blackford. 1773-1810. Irish poet. Subject of Moore's poem "I saw thy form in youthful prime," and author of Psyche, a highly imaginative poem in Spenserian stanza. Tillotson, John. 1630-1694. Abp. Cant. His Ser- mons, still occasionally read, are sedate and solid in style. Timbs, John. 1801-1875. Miscellaneous writer. Au- thor Anecdote-Biography, Curiosities of London, Club Life in London, etc. Pub. Har. Rou. Tindal, Matthew. 1657-1733. Religious contro- versial writer. Tobin, John. 1770-1804. Dramatist. Author, among other plays, of the romantic, popular comedy The Honeymoon. See Memoirs, by E. S. Benger, 1820. Handbook of English Authors. 143 Todd, Henry John. 1763-1845. Littérateur. Au- thor Life of Cranmer, Account of the Deans of Can- terbury, etc., and editor of Spenser, Milton, and Johnson's Dict. Tonna, Mrs. Charlotte Elizabeth [Brown]. 1792- 1846. Writer of moral and religious tales. Known as an author by her signature Charlotte Elizabeth. Tooke, John Horne. See Horne-Tooke. Toplady, Augustus Montague. 1740-1778. Theo- logian and hymn writer. Chiefly known by the famous hymn Rock of Ages. See Works, 1869. Tourneur, Cyril. fl. c. 1600. Dramatist. Author The Atheist's Tragedy, Revenger's Tragedy, etc. His plays show great power and dramatic skill. Townley, James. 1715-1788. Dramatist. Author of the witty farce High Life Below Stairs, etc. Townshend [townz'end], Chauncey Hare. 1798– 1868. Poet and prose writer. Author Sermons in Sonnets, Facts in Mesmerism, Mesmerism Proved, etc. Pub. Har. Trafford, F. G. See Riddell, Mrs. C. E. Tregelles, Samuel Prideaux. 1813-1875. Biblical scholar of note. Author The Englishman's Greek Concordance to the New Testament, etc. Trelawny, Edward John. 1792-1881. Novelist. Author Adventures of a Younger Son, Recollec- tions of the Last Days of Shelley and Byron, etc. Trench, Richard Chenevix. 1807 Abp. Dublin. Poet, philologist, and theologian. Author Notes on the Miracles, Study of Words, English Past and Present, Poems, etc. See Myers's Essays Modern. Pub. Apl. Arm. Mac. Scr. Trevelyan, George Otto. 1838 Miscella- neous writer. Author Cawnpore, Life of Macaulay, etc. Pub. Har. 144 Handbook of English Authors. Trimmer, Mrs. Sarah. 1741-1810. Miscellaneous writer. Author Fabulous Histories, Abridgments of Scripture Hist., Sermons for Family Reading, etc. Pub. Rou. Trollope, Anthony. 1815-1882. Novelist. Son to F. M. T. Author of a very long list of excellent nov- els, the best of which are, He Knew he was Right, Barchester Towers, Marion Fay, Doctor Thorne, and Framley Parsonage. His stories are never dull; the current of the narrative flows easily and the characters are well sketched, but the English is sometimes a little careless. See Autobiography; also, Blackwood's Mag. Feb. 1883, Century Mag. July, 1883, and Princeton Review, July, 1883. Pub. Har. Lip. Mac. Pet. Por. Rou. Trollope, Edward. 1817 Bp. Nottingham. Archæological and architectural writer of note. Cousin to A. T. and T. A. T. Trollope, Mrs. Frances Eleanor [Tiernan]. 18- Novelist. Wife to T. A. T. Author of Aunt Margaret's Trouble, Anne Furness, Among Aliens, Mabel's Progress, The Sacristan's Household, Ve- ronica, etc. Pub. Har. Trollope, Mrs. Frances [Milton]. 1778-1863. Nov- elist. Author Domestic Manners among the Amer- icans, Widow Barnaby, etc. A voluminous, witty, but inartistic writer. Pub. Har. Rou. Trollope, Thomas Adolphus. 1810 Nov- elist and historian. Son to F. M. T. Author Lin- disfarne Chase, Filippo Strozzi, La Beata, Hist. Florentine Commonwealth, Life Pope Pius IX., The Papal Conclaves, etc. See "Eng. Authors in Florence," Atlantic Monthly, Dec. 1864. Pub. Har. Mac. Pet. Tucker, Abraham. 1705-1774. Metaphysician. Handbook of English Authors. 145 Author of The Light of Nature Pursued, published under the pseudonym Edward Search. Tucker, Charlotte. "A. L. O. E." 1830 of religious juvenile fiction. Pub. Ca. Nel. Tulloch, John. 1823 Writer Scotch theologian. Author Theism, Leaders of the Reformation, Christ of the Gospels and Christ of Modern Criticism, etc. See The Biograph, vol. 3. Pub. Mac. Phi. Rou. Scr. Tupper, Martin Farquhar. 1810 Poet and prose writer. Author of The Proverbial Philosophy, and other popular but exceedingly commonplace poems. Some of his prose tales are excellent; of these Crock of Gold is the best known. Pub. Arm. Pet. Turberville, George. 1530-c. 1595. Poet. Author Tragical Tales, etc. Turner, Chas. Tennyson. See Tennyson-Turner. Turner, Dawson. Author Nat. Hist. 1775-1858. of Sea Weeds, etc. Turner, Sharon. 1768-1847. Historian. His chief works are Hist. of England in the Middle Ages, Sacred Hist. of the World, and a valuable Hist. of the Anglo-Saxons. Pub. Har. Tusser, Thomas. 1515-1580. Poet. Author of A Hondreth Good Points of Husbandrie, expanded by later writers into Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandrie. See Mavor's edition, 1812. Tylor, Edward Burnett. 1832 Ethnologist. Author of Anahauc, or Mexico and the Mexicans, Researches into the Early Hist. of Mankind, An- thropology and Primitive Culture. A writer of thor- ough scientific knowledge, possessing an admirable style. Pub. Apl. Ho. Tyndale or Tindal, Wm. 1477-1536. Translator IO 146 Handbook of English Authors. of the New Testament, 1525. Tyndale's version was afterwards revised by Coverdale. See Offor's Life of, 1836. Tyndall, John. 1820 Irish physicist. Author Glaciers of the Alps, Heat as a Mode of Motion, Lect. on Light, On Radiation, etc. Pub. Apl. Tyrwhitt [tĕrit], Thomas. 1730-1786. Antiquary and Chaucerian scholar. Editor of the works of Chaucer and Chatterton. A scholar of singular insight, whose conjectures have nearly all been sus- tained by texts of which he knew nothing. Tytler [tit'ler], Alex. Fraser, Lord Woodhouselee. 1747-1813. Scotch historian. Son to Wm. T. Author Elements of Gen. Hist., Essay on Military Law, etc. Pub Clx. Har. Tytler, C. C. Fraser. Liddell, Mrs. Great-niece to P. F. T. See Tytler, Patrick Fraser. 1791-1849. Scotch his- torian and biographer. Son to A. F. T. Author Scottish Worthies, etc., and a standard Hist. of Scotland. Pub. Har. See Keddie, Henrietta. Tytler, Sarah. Tytler, Wm. 1711-1792. critical writer. Scotch historical and Udall [yoo'dǎl], Nicholas. 1506-1556. Dramatist. Author Ralph Roister Doister, the first Eng: com- edy. It is known to have been acted before 1551. See Arber's reprint. Upcott, Wm. 1779-1845. Bibliographer of note. Urquhart [ûrk'art], David. 1805-1877. Scotch writer. Author Turkey and its Resources, The Progress of Russia, the Pillars of Hercules, etc. Pub. Har. Usher or Ussher, James. 1580-1656. Abp. Armagh. Handbook of English Authors. 147 Chronologist. Author Chronological Tables of Universal Hist. from the Creation to Vespasian. The marginal dates in the authorized version of the Bible are from Usher. See Complete Works, 17 vols., Dublin, 1864. See Life, by Aikin. Valpy, Abraham John. 1787-1854. Shakespearean editor. His illustrated Shakespeare, 15 vols., ap.. peared in 1834. Vanbrugh [văn'broo], Sir John. 1666-1726. Drama- tist and architect. Author of a dozen brilliant but coarse comedies, among which The Relapse, Re- voked Wife, The Confederacy, and Journey to London are the best. Vaughan [vawn or vaw'an], Chas. James. 1816 Theologian. Author Heroes of Faith, Epistles of St. Paul for Eng. Readers, etc. A leader of Broad Church thought. Pub. Dut. Mac. Phi. Rou. Vaughan, Henry. 1621–1695. Poet. His verse is religious in character, and is as frequently harsh in sound as quaint in form. Silex Scintillans is the title of his principal work. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 2, MacDonald's England's Antiphon, and Dr. John Brown's Spare Hours, 1st Series. Pub. Hou. Vaughan, Robert. 1795-1868. Miscellaneous writer. Author of Congregationalism, the Age of Great Cities, Revolutions in English Hist., etc. Vaughan, Robert Alfred. 1823-1855. Son to R. V. Author Hours with the Mystics, etc. See Memoir by his father, 1858. Vaux [vawks], Thomas, Lord. 1510-1557. Poet. Author of the Grave-digger's song in Hamlet and the meditative poem Thought. Veitch, John. 1829 Scotch philosophical writer. Author Memoirs of Dugald Stewart and Sir Wm. Hamilton, etc. 148 Handbook of English Authors. Venn, Henry. 1725-1797. Religious writer. Au- thor Complete Duty of Man, etc. See Life, by Henry Venn, 1834. Vere, De, Sir Aubrey. See De Vere, Sir Aubrey. Vere, De, Aubrey Thomas. See De Vere, Aubrey. Vere, De, Edward, Earl of Oxford. See De Vere, Edward. Villiers, George, Duke of Buckingham. 1627-1688. Dramatist. Author The Rehearsal and Battle of Sedgemoor. Viner [vi'ner], Chas. 1680-1756. Legal writer. Author Complete Abridgment of Law and Equity. Wace, Maistre Richard. c. 1120-1184. Anglo- Norman poet. Author of the Brut d'Angleterre and the Roman de Rou: the first poem of 12,000 lines, the latter of 17,000. Waddington, George. 1793-1869. Historian. Au- thor Hist. of the Church, Hist. Reformation on the Continent, etc. Pub. Har. Wakefield, Gilbert. 1756-1801. Theological and classical writer. His annotated edition of Lucretius is one of his chief works. Wakefield, Mrs. Priscilla. 1751-1832. Miscella- neous writer. Archæologist. Walcott, Mackenzie Edward Chas. 1822-1880. Author Sacred Archæology, Ca- thedral Cities of England and Wales, Memorials of Canterbury, etc. Walford, Edward. 1823 Littérateur. Au- thor Handbook of the Greek Drama, Greater Lon- don, etc. Walford, Mrs. Lucy Bethia [Colquhoun]. 1845· Novelist. Author Mr. Smith. Pauline, Cousins, Troublesome Daughters, Dick Netherby, etc. Pub. Ho. Handbook of English Authors. 149 Walker, John. 1732-1807. Lexicographer. His Dict. of the English Language appeared in 1775. Wallace, Alfred Russel. 1822 Naturalist. Author Travels on the Amazon, The Malay Archi- pelago, Geographical Distribution of Animals, etc. Independently of Darwin, W. originated a theory of natural selection. Pub. Har. Mac. Wallace, Donald Mackenzie. 1841 Trav- eler. Author of Russia, etc. Pub. Ho. Waller, Edmund. 1605-1687. Poet. Go, Lovely Rose, On a Girdle, and Old Age and Death are some of his best poems. See Bell's edition, 1866. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 2. Waller, John Francis. 1810 Poet and prose writer. Author Poems, The Slingsby Papers, etc., and editor of the Imperial Dict. of Universal Biog- raphy. Pub. Cas. Wallis, John. 1616-1703. Mathematician. Author numerous works on algebra, geometry, etc. Walpole [wŏl'pol], Horace. 1717-1797. Miscel- laneous writer. Author Castle of Otranto, a sen- sational romance, The Mysterious Mother, a trag- edy, Historic Doubts concerning Richard III., etc. A brilliant but superficial writer. See Mem- oirs of, 1851; also, Living Age, vol. 13, "Straw- berry Hill." Walter, John. 1739-1812. Journalist. Founder of Bp. Chester. Editor of See Life, by Todd, 1821. Biographer and angler. chief work, is a book of the London Times, 1788. Walton, Brian. 1600-1661. the London Polyglott Bible. Walton, Izaak. 1593-1683. The Complete Angler, his much quiet beauty. Pub. Lit. Warburton, Eliot Bartholomew Geo. 1810-1852. Irish novelist and miscellaneous writer. Author 150 Handbook of English Authors. The Crescent and the Cross, Prince Rupert and the Cavaliers, etc. Warburton, George. 1857. Bro. to E. B. G. W. Author Conquest of Canada, Hochelaga, etc. Pub. Har. narratives. Waring, Anna Laetitia. 18- Warburton, Wm. 1698-1779. Bp. Gloucester. A learned and brilliant but arrogant author. He wrote The Divine Legation of Moses, and published an edition of Shakespeare in 1747. See Life, by Watson, 1863, and Quarterly Rev. June, 1812. Ward, Robert Plumer. 1765-1846. Novelist. Au- thor Tremaine, De Vere, De Clifford, and Chats- worth; metaphysical, philosophical, and political See Memoirs, 1850. Pub. Har. Welsh poet. Author of Hymns and Meditations. Pub. Dut. Warner, Ferdinando. 1703-1768. Historian. Au- thor Eccl. Hist. England, Hist. Ireland, etc. Warner, Wm. 1558-1609. Poet. Author of Albion's England, a hist. of England from the Deluge to Elizabeth, containing 10,000 14-syllable lines. It is humorous, spirited, and even pathetic in places. See Craik's Eng. Lit., vol. I, and Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 1. Warren, John Leicester. 18- Poet. Au- thor Philoctetes, Rehearsals, Orestes, Searching the Net, etc. See Stedman's Victorian Poets. Pub. Rou. Warren, Samuel. 1807-1877. Novelist and physi- cian. Author Diary of a Physician, and the fa- mous novel Ten Thousand a Year. Pub. Har. Por. Warton, Joseph. 1722-1800. Poet and critic. See Biography, by Wool, 1806. Warton, Thomas. 1728-1790. Poet and critic. Handbook of English Authors. 151 Pub. Rou. Naturalist. Au- Pub. Mac. Bro. to J. W. A valuable Hist. Eng. Poetry is his chief prose work. See Carew Hazlitt's edition. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 3. Waterton, Charles. 1782-1865. thor Essays on Nat. Hist., etc. Watson, Richard. 1737-1816. Bp. Llandaff. The- ologian. Author of Apologies for Christianity and the Bible, etc. See Autobiography, 1817. Pub Phi. Watson, Robert. 1730-1780. Scotch historian. Author of a worthless Hist. of Philip II. Watson, Thomas. 1560-1592. Poet. His Sonnets have been much praised. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. I. Watts, Alaric Alexander. 1799-1864. Poet. Au- thor Poetical Sketches, Lyrics of the Heart, etc. Watts, Mrs. Anna Mary [Howitt]. 1824-1884. Artist and miscellaneous writer. Author of The Art Student in Munich, Pioneers of Spiritualism, containing Lives of Dr. Justinius Kerner and Wm. Howitt, written from the psychological point of view, etc. Watts, Isaac. 1674-1748. Religious poet. Author Psalms and Hymns, etc. While some of his verse is hardly more than doggerel, he sometimes rises to a lofty plane of expression. See Life, by Milner, 1834. Pub. Ca. Hou. Rou. Waugh [waw], Edwin. 1817 Author Lancashire Songs, etc. Webster, Mrs. Augusta. 1840 Dialect poet. Poet. Au- • thor Dramatic Studies, Portraits, A Woman Sold, translations from Euripides, etc. Pub. Mac. Her verse is strong and original in tone. See Stedman's Vic- torian Poets. Webster, John. c. 1582–1638. Dramatist. Author of the tragedies of The White Devil, Duchess of 152 Handbook of English Authors. Malfy, Guise, Devil's Law Case, Appius and Vir- ginia, etc. W. is the greatest master of the terrible among Eng. dramatists. See Dyce's edition 1830, and Hazlitt's 1857. Pub. Rou. Wesley, Chas. 1708-1788. Hymn writer of note. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 3. West, Gilbert. 1705-1756. Theologian and poet. Translator of Pindar and author of the able treatise Observations on the Resurrection. Westcott, Brooke Foss. 1825 Theologian. Author Hist. Canon of the New Testament, Hist. of the Eng. Bible, The Bible and the Church, etc. Pub. Har. Mac. Westwood, Thos. 1814 Poet. Author Beads from a Rosary, Quest of the Sancgreal, Berries and Blossoms, etc. Whately [hwāt'lĭ], Richard. 1787-1863. Abp. Dublin. Essayist. Author New Testament Diffi- culties, Political Economy, Logic and Rhetoric, etc. A thinker of logical but unimaginative powers. Sce Life and Correspondence, edited by his daughter, 1864, and H. Martineau's Biographical Sketches. Pub. Ca. Dra. Har. Sh. Whetstone, Geo. Al. c. 1580. Dramatist. From his play Promos and Cassandra Shakespeare has drawn the story of Measure for Measure. Whewell [hu'el], Wm. 1794-1866. Philosopher. Au- thor Hist. Inductive Sciences, Plurality of Worlds, Hist. Moral Philosophy in England, Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, etc. Pub. Apl. Har. Whiston, Wm. 1667-1752. Theologian and mathe- matician. Author of A New Theory of the Earth, etc., and editor of Josephus. Pub. Por. Whitaker, John. 1735-1808. Historian. Author Hist. of Manchester, Mary Queen of Scots Vin- dicated, etc. Handbook of English Authors. 153 White, Gilbert. 1720-1793. Author of the Natural- ist's Calendar and the delightful Nat. Hist. of Sel- borne. See Buckland's edition, London, 1875. See Fraser's Mag., March, 1879. Pub. Har. Mac. Rou. White, Henry. 1835 Archæologist and re- ligious writer. See Author Historical Memorials of the Savoy, Conferences on Art and History, etc. The Biograph, Aug. 1880. White, Henry Kirke. 1785-1806. Poet. His verse is mediocre and crude. See Life, by Southey. Pub. Apl. How. White, James. 1804-1862. Historical writer. Au- thor Historical Landmarks, The Eighteen Christian Centuries, Hist. of France, Hist. of England, etc. Pub. Apl. Rou. White, Joseph Blanco. 1775-1841. Miscellaneous writer. His Sonnet on Night is widely known and esteemed. Whitehead, Paul. and satirical. 1710-1774. Poet. Style witty Whitehead, Wm. 1715-1785. Poet. Of his seven indifferent dramas the best are Creusa and The Roman Father. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 3. Whitelocke, Bulstrode. 1605-1676. Historical writer. His Memorials of Eng. Affairs and other works are of much value. Wicklif, John. 1324-1384. Reformer. Translator of the Bible. See T. Arnold's Select Eng. Works of 1871. See Biography, by Vaughan, 1853. Pub. Mac. Wilberforce, Robert Isaac. 1802-1857. Theolog- ical writer. Son to W. W. Wilberforce, Samuel. 1805-1873. Bp. Oxford. Son to W. W. Author Hist. P. E. Church in America, Sermons, Eucharistica, etc. See Life, 1883. Pub. Ca. Dut. 154 Handbook of English Authors. Wilberforce, Wm. 1759-1833. Philanthropist. Au- thor Practical View of Christianity, etc. See Life, by his sons, 5 vols., London, 1838; also, Life, by John Stoughton. Wilde, Oscar. 1856 Irish poet. Charmides and Ave Imperatrix are among his finest poems. His verse is musical, but frequently erotic. See The Biograph, Aug. 1880. Pub. Rob. 1721-1772. Scotch poet. Author Wilkie, Wm. of The Epigoniad. Wilkins, John. 1614-1672. Bp. Chester. Of his many works, the chief is the Discovery of a New World, which attempts to prove the feasibility of a passage from the earth to the moon. Wilkinson, Sir John Gardner. 1797-1875. Egyp- tologist. Author Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, Architecture of Ancient Egypt, Modern Egypt, etc. See Memoir, by his wife, 1876. Pub. Har. Lit. Wilkinson, John James Garth. 1812 Phy- sician. Author Biography of Swedenborg, The Human Body, The Ministry of Health, etc. Pub. Lip. Williams, Sir Chas. Hanbury. 1709-1759. Satirist and poet. Williams, Helen Maria. 1762–1827. Poet and political writer. Author of the familiar hymn be- ginning" While Thee I seek, Protecting Power." Williams, Monier. 1819 Sanskrit scholar. Author Eng. and Sanskrit Dict., and Sanskrit and Eng. Dict., etc. Pub. Mac. Williams, Rowland. 1817-1870. Welsh theologian. See Life, by his wife, 1874. Wills, Wm. Gorman. 1828 novelist. Eugene Aram, Jane Dramatist and Shore, Charles I., Handbook of English Authors. 155 and Mary Stuart are some of his plays. Pub. Har. Wills, Wm. Henry. miscellaneous writer. 1810-1880. Journalist and Pub. Har. Wilmot, John, Earl of Rochester. 1647-1680. Poet. A writer of numerous gay, witty, but ex- tremely dicentious lyrics. 1816 Willmott, Robert Aris. 1809-1863. Poet and biographer. Author Life of Jeremy Taylor, and editor of Herbert, Gray, Cowper, etc. Pub. Rou. Wilson, Daniel. Miscellaneous writer. Author of Prehistoric Annals of Scotland, Prehis- toric Man, Caliban the Missing Link, Chatterton : a Biographical Study, etc. Pub. Mac. Wilson, George. 1818-1859. Chemist and essayist. Author Five Gateways of Knowledge, Life Prof. Forbes, etc. See Memoir, by his sister. Pub. Mac. Wilson, Horace Hayman. 1788-1860. Sanskrit scholar. Author Hist. Cashmere, translation of the Rig-Veda, etc. 66 Wilson, John, Christopher North." 1785-1854. Poet and essayist. Author of the poems The Isle of Palms and The City of the Plague, of the stories Margaret Lyndsay and Lights and Shadows of Scot- tish Life, and of the famous Noctes Ambrosianæ. His style could be tender and pathetic, but as a re- viewer it was often coarse, prejudiced, and brutal. See Ferrier's edition, 12 vols. See Life, by Mrs. Gordon, 1862. Pub. Arm. Ca. Wid. Wilson, Sir Thomas. 1523-1581. Author of The Art of Rhetoric, etc. Wilson, Wm. 1801-1860. Scotch poet. See Grant Wilson's Poets of Scotland. Winchelsea, Countess Anne. C. 1700-1720. Poet. Author of The Nocturnal Reverie, etc. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 3. 156 Handbook of English Authors. Wingate, David. 1828 Scotch poet. Au- thor Annie Weir, etc. See Grant Wilson's Poets of Scotland. Winkworth, Catherine. 1825-1878. Hymnologist. Editor Hymns of the Ages, Lyra Germanica, etc. Pub. Mac. Winslow, Forbes Benignus. 1810-1874. Physi- cian. Author Physic and Physicians, The Anat- omy of Suicide, Lectures on Insanity, Obscure Dis- eases of the Brain, etc. Wiseman, Nicholas, Cardinal. 1802-1865. Mis- cellaneous writer. Author works on religion, sci- ence, art, literature, etc. Wither, George. 1588-1677. Poet. A voluminous writer, best known by his Shepherd's Resolution and The Steadfast Shepherd. Style forcible and original. See Craik's Eng. Lit., vol. 2, and Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 2. Wolcott [wol'kot, or wool'kot], John, "Peter Pin- dar." 1738-1819. Poet. Author of numerous witty, satirical poems, as The Lousiad, Bozzy and Piozzi, and the Lyric Odes of Peter Pindar, many of which were in ridicule of George III. Wolfe, Charles. 1791-1823. ! Irish poet. Author of the famous Lines on the Burial of Sir John Moore. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 4. Wollstonecraft, Mary. See Godwin, Mrs. Mary. Wood, Anthony. 1632-1695. Antiquary. Author Athenæ Oxonienses, etc. See Rawlinson's Life, 1811. Wood, Mrs. Ellen [Price]. 1820 Novelist. Of her many novels, East Lynne is the most fa- mous. Johnny Ludlow is one of her best books. Pub. Di. Pet. Wood, Mrs. Henry. See Wood, Mrs. Ellen. Handbook of English Authors. 157 Wood, John George. 1827 Naturalist. Au- thor Homes without Hands, Bible Animals, Com- mon Objects of the Sea and Shore, etc. Har. Por. Rou. Woodhouselee, Lord. See Tytler, A. F. Woolner, Thomas. 1825 Pub. Cas. Sculptor and poet. Author My Beautiful Lady, etc. Style delicate and pure. Pub. Mac. Worboise, Mrs. Emma Jane. 1825 Novelist. Author Helen Bury, Lights and Shadows of Chris- tian Life, Thornycroft Hall, etc. Wordsworth, Chas. 1806 Pub. Rou. Do. Bp. St. Andrew's. W. W. Author Son to succeeding. Neph. to Shakespeare's Knowledge and Use of the Bible, The Bible in the Authorized Version with Notes and Introduction, etc. Pub. Dut. Mac. Bro. to Pub. Wordsworth, Christopher. 1774-1846. W. W. Author Eccl. Biography, etc. Wordsworth, Christopher. 1807-1885. Bp. Lin- coln. Son to preceding. Author Hist. Church in Ireland, Memoirs Wm. Wordsworth, etc. Dut. Wordsworth, Wm. 1770-1850. His poems number in all 485, including the long poems, The Excursion, Peter Bell, White Doe, and the Prelude. The best of his verse is contained in the Ode on Immortality, Tintern Abbey, Ode to Duty, Laodamia, The Cuckoo, Lucy, and a few of the Sonnets, some of which are nearly perfect of their kind. Much of his verse contains little of real interest, but his best is poetry of the very highest type. See Grosart's complete edition, 1875. See Lives, by Bp. Words- worth, Phillips, and Paxton Hood; also, Myers's Wordsworth, in Eng. Men of Letters, Masson's Essays, and Shairp's Studies in Poetry. Pub. Hou. Mac. Por. Rou. 158 Handbook of English Authors. Worsley, Philip Stanhope. Translator of the Iliad. 1866. Poet. Wotton, Sir Henry. 1586-1639. Poet and miscel- laneous writer. His most familiar poem is the one beginning, "How happy is he born and taught." See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 2. Wotton, Wm. 1666–1726. Author of the Reflec- tions upon Ancient and Modern Learning, one of the original sources of the Boyle and Bentley con- troversy. Wrangham, Francis. 1769-1843. Poet and trans- lator from the classics. Wraxall, Sir Fred'k Chas. Lascelles. 1828-1865. Novelist. Author Wild Oats, Camp Life, Mem- oirs Queen Hortense, etc. Wraxall, Sir Nathaniel Wm. 1751-1831. Histori- cal writer. Author Memoirs Kings of France, Hist. France, Historical Memoirs of my own Time, etc. Wright, Thomas. 1810-1877. Archæologist. Au- thor Domestic Manners in England in the Middle Ages, Wanderings of an Antiquary, Hist. of Cari- cature and the Grotesque, Womankind in Western Europe, etc. Pub. Apl. Wright, Wm. Aldis. 1836 Shakespearean scholar. Co-editor with Clark of the Cambridge Shakespeare, 9 vols., 1866, and of the Globe Shake- speare. Pub. Mac. Wyatt, Sir Thomas. 1503-1542. Poet. Author of love lyrics, one of the finest being Forget not yet the Tried Intent. See Poems with Memoir, 1831. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 1. Pub. Hou. Wycherley [witch-er-li], Wm. 1640-1715. Drama- tist. The Country Wife and The Plain Dealer are the best of his plays, all of which are witty, sprightly, and immoral. See edition of 1831, with Congreve, Farquhar, and Vanbrugh. Pub. Rou. Handbook of English Authors. 159 Wyckliffe. See Wiclif, John. Wynter, Andrew. 1819-1876. Miscellaneous writer. Author Our Social Bees, Curiosities of Civilization, Borderlands of Insanity, etc. Pub. Put. Yalden, Thomas. 1671-1736. Poet. A Hymn to Darkness is his best known poem. Yates, Edmund Hodgson. 1831 Novelist, Author Black Sheep, The Yellow Flag, Kissing the Rod, Wrecked in Port, etc. Pub. Apl. Har. Rou. Do. Yonge [yung], Charles Duke. 1812 Histo- rian. Author Hist. British Navy, Hist. Eng. Revo- lution of 1688, Hist. France Under the Bourbons, Three Centuries of Modern Hist., etc. Pub. Apl. Har. Yonge, Charlotte Mary. 1823 Novelist. writer, of Cousin to C. D. Y. An industrious whose 50 vols. more than 30 are fictions. The Heir of Redclyffe is her most noted book; others are Heartsease, Hopes and Fears, and The Daisy Chain. Her work is all careful, well intentioned, and strongly High Church in character. Pub. Apl. Dut. Est. Har. Ho. Lip. Lo. Mac. Phi. Rob. Youatt [yoo'at], Wm. 1777-1847. Veterinary writer. Author of The Horse, Cattle, Sheep, The Pig, and other similar standard works. Pub. Ju. Lip. Por. Rou. Young, Arthur. 1741-1820. Agricultural writer of note. Author Rural Economy, Six Months' Tour through North of England, etc. See Allibone's Dict. and Donaldson's Agricultural Biography. Young, Edward. 1684-1765. Poet. Author Night Thoughts, etc. Style strained and affected. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 3. Pub. Apl. Ca. Hou. 160 Handbook of English Authors. Young, Thomas. 1773-1829. Scientific writer of eminence. See Peacock's Life of. Zimmern, Helen. 1846 [Born in Germany.] Littérateur. Author the juvenile tales, Stories in Precious Stones, Told by the Waves, and Tales from the Edda, Arthur Schopenhauer: his life and philosophy, G. E. Lessing: his life and works, Preface to Bohn's ed. of Lessing, Half Hours with Foreign Novelists, Life of Maria Edgeworth, The Epic of Kings: a paraphrase of the Persian poet. Firdusi, translations of the Queen of Roumania's Pilgrim Sorrow, and Beureth's Bernardino Ochinus, etc. Pub. Ho. Rob. Zouch, Richard. writer. Zouch, Thomas. c. 1590-1660. A voluminous legal 1737-1815. Miscellaneous writer. Author Memoirs Sir Philip Sidney, Izaak Walton, etc. ADDENDA. Adams, Wm. Henry Davenport. 1829 Lit- térateur. Author The Bird World, The Arctic World, English Party Leaders and English Parties, Plain Living and High Thinking, etc. Pub. Est. Rou. Adams, W. Davenport. 185- Son to pre- ceding. Author Dictionary of English Literature, etc. Pub. Cas. Amory, Thomas. 1691-1788. Author Memoirs of Ladies of Great Britain, Life of John Buncle, Esq., etc. Anstey, F. See Guthrie. Apperley, Charles James, "Nimrod." 1777-1843. Sporting writer. Author Nimrod's Hunting Tours, The Horse and the Hound, etc. Argyll, Duke of. See Campbell. Arnold, Arthur. 1833 Bro. to Edwin A. Author Hist. of the Cotton Famine, From the Le- the novels Hever Court, and Ralph, etc. vant; Arnold, Frederick. 1833 • Author Public Life of Lord Macaulay, Christ Church Days, Turning Points in Life, Hist. of Greece, etc. Bain, Alexander. 1818 Philosopher. Au- thor The Senses and the Intellect, The Emotions and the Will, Study of Character, Mental and 162 Addenda. Pub. Moral Science, Logic, Mind and Body, Education as a Science, Life of John Stuart Mill, etc. Apl. Balfour, John Hutton. 1808-1884. Botanist. Au- thor Manual of Botany, The Plants of Scripture, Phyto-Theology, etc. Banks, Mrs. George Linnæus. See Banks, Mrs. Isabella. Banks, Mrs. Isabella [Varley]. 1810 1821 Nov- elist and poet. Author God's Providence House, Wooers and Winners, Ivy Leaves, Ripples and Breakers, etc. See Lit. World, Feb. 9, 1884. Barnes, Wm. Poet and Philologist. Author Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect, Grammar of the Dorset Dialect, etc. Pub. Rob. Bastian, Henry Charlton. 1837 Physician. Author The Beginnings of Life, Evolution and the Origin of Life, Common Forms of Paralysis from Brain Disease, etc. Pub. Apl. Mac. Beattie, Wm. 1793-1875. Poet and littérateur. Author Life of Thos. Campbell, The Courts of Germany, Hist. of the Waldenses, etc. Beatty, Pakenham Thomas. 1855 Poet. Author To My Lady, Three Women of the People, Maria: a tragedy. Bennet, Wm. Cox. 1820 Poet. Author Queen Eleanor's Vengeance, Songs for Sailors, Songs of a Song Writer, etc. Benson, Edward White. 1829 Abp. Canter- bury. Author Work: Friendship: Worship, Boy- Life, Singleheart, Living Theology, The Cathedral in the Life and Work of the Church, etc. Pub. Rou. Bentham, George. 1801-1884. Neph. to J. B. Botanist of note. Co-author with Hooker of Gen- era Plantarum. Addenda. 163 Theologian Birks, Thomas Rawson. 1810 and philosopher. Author Hora Apostolicæ, The Bible and Modern Thought, Modern Physical Fa- talism, Modern Utilitarianism, Difficulties of Be- lief, etc. Pub. Mac. Blackburn, Henry. 1830 Traveler. Author Traveling in Spain, Normandy Picturesque, The Pyrenees, Artists and Arabs, Art in the Mountains, etc. Pub. Os. Blackwood, Frederick Temple Hamilton, Earl of Dufferin. 1826 Author Letters from High Latitudes, Honorable Impulsia Gushington, Irish Emigration, etc. Blind, Mathilde. 1850 Author The Proph- ecy of St. Oran and Other Poems, Life of George Eliot, Tarantella: a novel, etc. Pub. Rob. Bray, Mrs. Anna Eliza [Kempe] [Stothard]. 1790– 1883. Novelist and miscellaneous writer. Author The White Hoods, The Protestant, Trials of the Heart, Life of Thos. Stothard, Life of Handel, etc. See Autobiography. Browne, Frances. 1816 of Our Land. Browning, Oscar. 1837 Poet. Author Songs Littérateur. Author Hist. Educational Theories, Modern England: 1820-1874, Modern France: 1815-1880, etc., and articles in Encyc. Brit. on Cæsar, Carthage, Dante, Goethe, etc. Pub. Har. Burnaby, Frederick. 1842-1885. Traveler. Au- thor A Ride to Khiva, Travels and Adventures in Central Asia, and On Horseback Through Asia Minor. Burton, Richard Francis. 1821 Traveler. Author Lake Regions of Central Africa, Highlands of Brazil, etc. 164 Addenda. Buxton, Mrs. Bertha H. [Bee]. 1844-1881. Dra- matic novelist. Author Jennie of the Prince's, Great Grenfell Gardens, Nell: On and Off the Stage, From the Wings, etc. Pub. Har. Rou. Caird [kård], John. 1823 Author the Uni- versal Religion, Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion, etc. Pub. Mac. Campbell, George Douglas, Duke of Argyll. 1823 Author The Reign of Law, Primeval Man, The Eastern Question, The Unity of Nature, etc. Pub. Put. Chamier, Frederick. 1796-1870. Naval novelist. Author Ben Brace, Saucy Arethusa, Tom Bowling, etc. Pub. Rou. Clark, Wm. George. 1821-1878. Shakespearean scholar. Co-editor with Wm. Aldis Wright, of the Cambridge and Globe editions of Shakespeare. Coleridge, Derwent. 1800-1883. Miscellaneous writer. Son to S. T. Coleridge. Author Scriptural Character of the English Church, Memoir of Hart- ley Coleridge, Life of Praed, etc. Colvin, Sidney. 1845 Art writer. Author Children in Italian and English Design, Albert Dürer, Landor in Eng. Men of Letters, etc. Pub. Har. Congreve, Richard. 1818 Author The Roman Empire of the West, The Catechism of the Posi- tive Religion, etc. Conway, Hugh. See Fargus. Cook, Dutton. 1832-1883. Novelist and dramatic critic. Author of Young Mr. Nightingale, Art in England, The Book of the Play, etc. Cotterill, Henry. 1812 Pub. Dut. Bp. Edinburgh. Au- thor The Seven Ages of the Church, Does Science Addenda. 165 aid Faith in regard to Creation, The Legitimate Use of Prophecy, etc. Courthope, Wm. John. 1842 Poet. Author The Paradise of Birds, Addison in Eng. Men of Letters, etc. Pub. Har. Craik, Georgiana Marion. 1831 Novelist. Author of Faith Unwin's Ordeal, Mildred, Sylvia's Choice, Dorcas, Two Women, Winnifred's Wooing, Only a Butterfly, The Cousin from India, Anne Warwick, Miss Moore, etc. Pub. Har. Rou. Creighton [cry'-ton], Mandell. 1843 Histo- rian. Author Primer of Roman History, The Age of Elizabeth, A Short Hist. of England, Life of Simon de Montfort, Hist. of the Papacy During the Ref- ormation, etc. Pub. Apl. Hou. Mac. Crosland, Mrs. Camilla [Toulmin]. 1812 Miscellaneous writer. Author Hubert Freeth's Prosperity, The Island of the Rainbow, Hildred the Daughter, Stratagems, etc. Pub. Lip. Rou. Crosland, Mrs. Newton. See Crosland, Mrs. Ca- milla. Darley, George. 1785-1849. Poet and critic. Au- thor Sylvia, Ethelstan, etc., and editor of Moxon edition of Beaumont and Fletcher. Davies, John Llewellyn. 1826 Theologian. Author Manifestation of the Son of God, The Gospel and Modern Life, Theology and Morality, etc. Pub. Mac. Davies, Wm. 1829 Poet. Author Songs of Poet. Author Ranolf a Wayfarer, The Shepherd's Garden. Domett, Alfred. 1811 and Amelia, Flotsam and Jetsam, etc. Best known by his Christmas hymn: "It was the calm and si- lent night." Pub. Le. 166 Addenda. Doyle, Sir Francis Hastings. 1810 Poet and essayist. Author The Return of the Guards and Other Poems, and Lectures on Poetry. Pub. Mac. Duff, Mountstuart Elphinstone Grant. 1829 Author Studies on European Politics, Elgin Speeches, Notes of an Indian Journey, Political and Literary Miscellanies, etc. Pub. Mac. Dufferin, Earl of. See Blackwood. Duffy, Sir Charles Gavan. 1816 Irish song writer and journalist. Author Ballad Poetry of Ireland, Young Ireland, etc. Fane, Julian. 1827-1870. Poet. His sonnets have been much praised. See Life, by Lord Lytton. Fargus, Frederick John, "Hugh Conway." 1847- 1885. Novelist. Author Called Back, Dark Days, A Family Affair, and Bound Together. Pub. Ho. Fleay [fa], Frederick Gard. 1830 - Poet and littérateur. Author three volumes of verse: AL- mond Blossoms, Breton Ballads, and Catullus, Hints on Teaching, Lect. on Education, Logical English Grammar, Guide to Chaucer and Spenser, Shakespeare Manual, Introduction to Shakespear- ean Study, Lect. on Comparative Mythology, etc. Pub. Mac. Forsyth, Wm. 1812 Miscellaneous writer. Author Hist. Trial by Jury, Napoleon at St. He- lena, Novels and Novelists of the Eighteenth Cen- tury, etc. Pub. Apl. Fortune, Robert. 1813-1880. Scotch Oriental trav- eler. Author Three Wanderings in Northern China, The Tea Countries of China, Residence Among the Chinese, etc. Galton, Francis. 1822 Author Hereditary Addenda. 167 Genius, English Men of Science, Record of Family Faculties, etc. Pub. Apl. Mac. Garnett, Richard. 1835 Poet. Author Pri- mula, Io in Egypt and Other Poems, Idylls and Epigrams, etc. Pub. Mac. Geikie, Archibald. 1835 Geologist. Author The Story of a Boulder, Phenomena of the Glacial Drift of Scotland, etc. Giles, John Allen. 1808-1884. Historian. Author Hist. of the Ancient Britons, Life and Times of Alfred the Great, Life and Letters of Becket, etc. Gleig [glěg], George Robert. 1796 Author The Subaltern, Life of Lord Clive, Military Hist. of Great Britain, The Hussar, etc. Pub. Rou. Guthrie, F. Anstey. 18— Novelist. Author Vice Versa, The Giant's Robe, The Black Poodle, etc. Pub. Apl. Hake, Thomas Gordon. 1809 Poet and phy- sician. Author Parables and Tales, Madeline, Maiden Ecstasy, New Symbols, Legends of the Morrow, etc. Hamilton, Eugene Lee. 18— Poet. Author The New Medusa, Apollo and Marsyas, etc. Harris, George. 1809. Philosophical writer. Author True Theory of Representation in a State, Theory of the Arts, Civilization as a Science, Phil- osophical Treatise on the Nature and Constitution of Man, etc. See the Biograph, Aug. 1880. Pub. Apl. Hatton, Joseph. 1839 Novelist and littéra- teur. Author Against the Stream, The Queen of Bohemia, Cruel London, To-day in America, Jour- nalistic London, etc. Pub. Os. Hayward, Abraham. 1803-1883. Littérateur. Au- thor of a fine prose translation of Faust. 168 Addenda. Jebb, Richard Claverhouse. scholar. Author The Attic English Men of Letters, etc. 1841 Greek Orators, Bentley in Pub. Har. Mac. King, Mrs. Harriet E. [Hamilton]. 1840 · Poet. Author Aspromonte, The Disciples, Book of Dreams, etc. Lee, Vernon. See Paget. Loftie, Wm. J. 1839 Antiquarian and his- torical writer. Author A Ride in Egypt, A Hist. of London, A Plea for Art in the House, etc. Pub. Mac. Por. Marvin, Charles. 185- Author The Russian Advance Toward India, Merv: the Queen of the World, Reconnoitering Central Asia, The Russians at the Gates of Herat. Pub. Scr. Maudsley, Henry. 1835 Physician. Author Physiology of the Mind, The Pathology of Mind, Body and Mind, Responsibility in Mental Disease. Pub. Apl. Mac. Meredith, George. 1828 Novelist and poet. Author Vittoria, Rhoda Fleming, Beauchamp's Ca- reer and other novels, Poems and Ballads, Poems and Lyrics of the Joy of Earth, etc. Pub. Mac. Meynell, Mrs. Alice Thompson. 1850 and art critic. Author Preludes. Moore, George. 1852 Poet Irish novelist and poet. Author The Mummer's Wife, A Modern Lover, etc. Morison, James Cotter. 1831 Author Life and Times of St. Bernard, Irish Grievances, Gib- bon and Macaulay in Eng. Men of Letters, etc. Pub. Har. Addenda. 169 Morris, Lewis. 1833 Poet. Author Songs Songs of Two Unsung, Gwen, The Ode of Life, Worlds, The Epic of Hades, etc. Pub. Rob. Munby, Arthur Joseph. 1828 Poet. Author Elegiacs, Verses New and Old, Dorothy, etc. Neale, John Mason. 1818-1866. Hymnologist and historian. Author Hist. Holy Eastern Church, Hymns, Sermons for the Church Year, The Celes- tial Country, etc. Pub. Dut. Nimrod. See Apperley. Noel, Roden. 18- the Heights and Deeps. Poet. Author Songs of Paget, Violet, "Vernon Lee." 1856- —. Litté- rateur. Author Studies of the Eighteenth Century in Italy, Belcaro, Ottilie, Euphorion, The Countess of Albany in Famous Women Series, Miss Brown, etc. Pub. Rob. Patterson, Robert Hogarth. 1821 Writer on finance. Author The Economy of Capital, The Science of Finance, Essays in History and Art, etc. Payne, John. 1843 Poet. Author The Masque of Shadows, Intaglios, Songs of Life and Labor, etc. Philp, Robert Kemp. 1819-1882. Compiler of En- quire Within, The Biblical Reason Why, Hist. of Progress in Great Britain, and other popular works. Pollock, Walter Herries. 1850 Bro. to F. Pollock. Editor Saturday Review. Author Lec- tures on French Poets, The Modern French Thea- tre, The Picture's Secret: a novel, and Verse of Two Tongues. 170 Addenda. Pullen, Wm. Henry. 1836 Author The Fight at Dame Europa's School, Modern Chris- tianity a Civilized Heathenism, etc. Reid, Thomas Weymss. 1842 Journalist. Author Charlotte Brontë: a monograph, Cabinet Portraits, Politicians of To-day, The Land of the Bey, Gladys Fane: a novel, etc. Robinson, Samuel. 1793-1884. Persian scholar. Translator of Firdousi, Hafiz, Sadi, and other Per- sian poets. See Persian Poetry for English Read- ers. Saunders, Katharine. 18— Novelist. Au- thor Gideon's Rock, The High Mills, The Haunted Crust, etc. Sheppard, Elizabeth Sara. 1830-1862. Novelist. Author Rumor, Counterparts, Almost a Heroine, and the famous musical romance Charles Auches- ter. See Atlantic Monthly, June, 1862. Pub. Rou. Simcox, Edith J. 1844 Sister to G. A. Sim- COX. Author Natural Law: an Essay on Ethics, and Episodes in the Lives of Men, Women, and Lovers. Pub. Hou. Os. Simcox, Wm. Henry. 1843 Bro. to G. A. Simcox. Author Beginnings of the Christian Church, editor Tacitus's Histories, and, with G. A. S., of Demosthenes and Eschines de Corona. Pub. Mac. Wh. Sowerby, George Brittingham. 1812-1884. Artist and naturalist. Author Popular British Conchol- ogy, Popular Guide to the Aquarium, etc. Spottiswoode, Wm. 1825-1883. Mathematician and orientalist. Author The Polarization of Light, etc. Pub. Mac. Addenda. 171 Stanley, Edward Geoffrey Smith, Earl of Derby. 1799-1869. Author of a noted blank-verse transla- Pub. Por. • tion of the Iliad. Sully, James. 1842 Author Sensations and Intu- ition, Studies in Psychology and Esthetics, Pes- simism, etc. Todhunter, Isaac. 1820-1884. Mathematician of note. Author Analytical Statics, Mathematical Theory of Probability, The Conflict of Studies, etc. Pub. Mac. Walford, Cornelius. 1827 Statistician. Au- thor The Insurance Guide and Handbook, The In- surance Cyclopædia, The Famines of the World, etc. See Lit. World, June 14, 1884. Walpole, Spencer Horatio. 1806 Histo- rian. Author History of England from the Con- clusion of the Great War in 1818. Ward, Adolphus Wm. 18- Author Chau- cer, and Dickens in English Men of Letters, His- tory of English Dramatic Literature to the Death of Queen Anne, etc. Pub. Har. Mac. Waterland, Daniel. 1683-1740. Theologian. Au- thor Scripture Vindicated, etc. See Van Mildert's edition, 1856. Pub. Mac. Watson, John. 1847 Scotch philosopher. Author Kant and his English Critics, Schelling's Transcendental Realism, etc. Pub. Gr. Mac. Wilson, Sir Erasmus. 1809-1884. Physician and Egyptologist. Author The Egypt of the Past, and many medical works of value. Standard and Popular Library Books SELECTED FROM THE CATALOGUE OF HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY. John Adams and Abigail Adams. Familiar Letters of, during the Revolution, 12mo, $ Oscar Fay Adams. Handbook of English Authors, 16mo, 75 cents; Handbook of American Authors, 16mo, 75 cents. Louis Agassiz. 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Some Heretics of Yesterday, cr. 8vo, $1.50. George S. Hillard. Six Months in Italy, 12m0, $2.00. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Poems, Household Edition, Illus- trated, 12m0, $2.00; cr. 8vo, full gilt, $2.50; Illustrated Library Edition, 8vo, $4.00; Handy-Volume Edition, 2 vols. 32mo, $2.50; The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table, cr. 8vo, $2.00; Handy-Volume Edition, 32mo, $1.25; The Professor at the Breakfast-Table, cr. 8vo, $2.00; The Poet at the Breakfast- Table, cr. 8vo, $2.00; Elsie Venner, cr. 8vo, $2.00; The Guar- dian Angel, cr. 8vo, $2.00; Medical Essays, cr. 8vo, $2.00; Standard and Popular Library Books. 7 Pages from an Old Volume of Life, cr. 8vo, $2.00; John Lo- throp Motley, A Memoir, 16m0, $1.50; Illustrated Poems, 8vo, $5.00; A Mortal Antipathy, cr. 8vo, $1.50; The Last Leaf, Illustrated, 4t0, $10.00. William D. Howells. Venetian Life, 12mo, $1.50; Italian Journeys, 12mo, $1.50; Their Wedding Journey, Illustrated, 12m0, $1.50; 18mo, $1.25; Suburban Sketches, Illustrated, 12m0, $1.50; A Chance Acquaintance, Illustrated, 12mo, $1.50; 18mo, $1.25; A Foregone Conclusion, 12m0, $1.50; The Lady of the Aroostook, 12m0, $1.50; The Undiscovered Country, 12mo, $1.50. Thomas Hughes. Tom Brown's School-Days at Rugby, 16m0, $1.00; Tom Brown at Oxford, 16m0, $1.25; The Man- liness of Christ, 16mo, $1.0c; paper, 25 cents. William Morris Hunt. Talks on Art, Series I. and II. 8vo, each $1.00. Henry James, Jr. A Passionate Pilgrim and other Tales, 12m0, $2.00; Transatlantic Sketches, 12mo, $2.00; Roderick Hudson, 12mo, $2.00; The American, 12mo, $2.00; Watch and Ward, 18mo, $1.25; The Europeans, 12mo, $1.50; Confi- dence, 12m0, $1.50; The Portrait of a Lady, 12m0, $2.00. Mrs. Anna Jameson. Writings upon Art Subjects, 10 vols. 18mo, each $1.50; New Edition, 10 vols. 16mo, the set, $12.50. Sarah Orne Jewett. Deephaven, 18mo, $1.25; Old Friends and New, 18mo, $1.25; Country By-Ways, 18mo, $1.25; Play- Days, Stories for Children, square 16mo, $1.50; The Mate of the Daylight, 18mo, $1.25: A Country Doctor, 16m0, $1.25; A Marsh Island, 16mo, $1.25. Rossiter Johnson. Little Classics, 18 vols. 18mo, each $1.00; the set, $18.00. 9 vols. square 16m0, $13.50. (Sold only in sets.) Samuel Johnson. Oriental Religions: India, Svo, $5.00; China, 8vo, $5.00; Persia, 8vo, $5.00; Lectures, Essays, and Sermons, cr. 8vo, $1.75. Charles C. Jones, Jr. History of Georgia, 2 vols. 8vo, $10.00. Omar Khayyam. Rubáiyát, Red-Line Edition, square 16mo. $1.00; the same, with 56 Illustrations by Vedder, folio, $25.00. 8 Houghton, Mifflin and Company's T. Starr King. Christianity and Humanity, with Portrait. 16m0, $2.00; Substance and Show, 16mo, $2.00. Charles and Mary Lamb. Tales from Shakespeare. Han- dy-Volume Edition. 32m0, $1.25. Henry Lansdell. Russian Central Asia. 2 vols. $10.00. Lucy Larcom. Poems, 16mo, $1.25; An Idyl of Work, 16mo, $1.25; Wild Roses of Cape Ann and other Poems, 16mo, $1.25; Breathings of the Better Life, 18mo, $1.25; Poems, Household Edition, Illustrated, 12mo, $2.00; full gilt, $2.50. George Parsons Lathrop. A Study of Hawthorne, 18mo, $1.25. Henry C. Lea. Sacerdotal Celibacy, 8vo, $4.50. Sophia and Harriet Lee. Canterbury Tales. New Edition. 3 vols. 12mo, $3.75. Charles G. Leland. The Gypsies, cr. 8vo, $2.00; Algonquin Legends of New England, cr. 8vo, $2.00. George Henry Lewes. The Story of Goethe's Life, Por- trait, 12m0, $1.50; Problems of Life and Mind, 5 vols. 8vo, $14.00. . J. G. Lockhart. Life of Sir W. Scott, 3 vols. 12mo, $4.50. Henry Cabot Lodge. Studies in History, cr. 8vo, $1.50. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Poetical Works, Cam- bridge Edition, 4 vols. 12mo, $9.00; Poems, Octavo Edition, Portrait and 300 Illustrations, $8.00; Household Edition, Illus- trated, 12mo, $2.00; cr. 8vo, full gilt, $2.50; Red-Line Edition, Portrait and 12 Illustrations, small 4to, $2.50; Diamond Edi- tion, $1.00; Library Edition, Portrait and 32 Illustrations, 8vo, $4.00; Christus, Household Edition, $2.00; cr. 8vo, full gilt, $2.50; Diamond Edition, $1.00; Prose Works, Cambridge Edition, 2 vols. 12mo, $4.50; Hyperion, 16m0, $1.50; Kava- nagh, 16m0, $1.50; Outre-Mer, 16mo, $1.50; In the Harbor, 16m0, $1.00; Michael Angelo: a Drama, Illustrated, folio, $7.50; Twenty Poems, Illustrated, small 4to, $3.00; Transla- tion of the Divina Commedia of Dante, I vol. cr. 8vo, $3.00; 3 vols. royal 8vo, $13.50; cr. 8vo, $6.00; Poets and Poetry of Europe, royal 8vo, $5.00; Poems of Places, 31 vols. each $1.00; the set, $25.00. Standard and Popular Library Books. 9 James Russell Lowell. Poems, Red-Line Edition, Portrait, Illustrated, small 4to, $2.50; Household Edition, Illustrated, 12m0, $2.00; cr. 8vo, full gilt, $2.50; Library Edition, Portrait and 32 Illustrations, 8vo, $4.00; Diamond Edition, $1.00; Fireside Travels, 12m0, $1.50; Among my Books, Series I. and II. 12mo, each $2.00; My Study Windows, 12m0, $2.00. Thomas Babington Macaulay. Works, 8 vols. 12mo, $10.00. Harriet Martineau. Autobiography, New Edition, 2 vols. 12m0, $4.00; Household Education, 18mo, $1.25. H. B. McClellan. The Life and Campaigns of Maj.-Gen. J. E. B. Stuart. With Portrait and Maps, 8vo, $3.00. G. W. Melville. In the Lena Delta, Maps and Illustrations, Svo, $2.50. Owen Meredith. Poems, Household Edition, Illustrated, 12m0, $2.00; cr. 8vo, full gilt, $2.50; Library Edition, Por- trait and 32 Illustrations, 8vo, $4.00; Lucile, Red-Line Edi- tion, 8 Illustrations, small 4to, $2.50; Diamond Edition, 8 Illustrations, $1.00. Olive Thorne Miller. Bird-Ways, 16mo, $1.25. John Milton. Paradise Lost. Handy- Volume Edition. 32mo, $1.25. Riverside Classics Edition, 16mo, Illus. $1.00. S. Weir Mitchell. In War Time, 16mo, $1.25. J. W. Mollett. Illustrated Dictionary of Words used in Art and Archæology, small 4to, $5.00. Michael de Montaigne. Complete Works, Portrait, 4 vols. 12mo, $7.50. William Mountford. Euthanasy, 12m0, $2.00. T. Mozley. Reminiscences of Oriel College, etc., 2 vols. 16mo, $3.00. Elisha Mulford. The Nation, 8vo, $2.50; The Republic of God, 8vo, $2.00. T. T. Munger. On the Threshold, 16m0, $1.00; The Freedom of Faith, 16m0, $1.50; Lamps and Paths, 16m0, $1.00. J. A. W. Neander. History of the Christian Religion and Church, with Index volume, 6 vols. 8vo, $20.00; Index, $3.00. Joseph Neilson. Memories of Rufus Choate, 8vo, $5.00. Edmund Noble. The Russian Revolt, 16mo, $1.00. IO Houghton, Mifflin and Company's Charles Eliot Norton. Notes of Travel and Study in Italy, 16mo, $1.25; Translation of Dante's New Life, royal 8vo, $3.00. G. H. Palmer. Translation of Homer's Odyssey, Books 1-12, 8vo, $2.50. James Parton. Life of Benjamin Franklin, 2 vols. 8vo, $5.00; Life of Thomas Jefferson, 8vo, $2.50; Life of Aaron Burr, 2 vols. 8vo, $5.00; Life of Andrew Jackson, 3 vols. 8vo, $7.5c; Life of Horace Greeley, 8vo, $2.50; General Butler in New Orleans, 8vo, $2.50; Humorous Poetry of the English Lan- guage, 8vo, $2.00; Famous Americans of Recent Times, 8vo, $2.50; Life of Voltaire, 2 vols. 8vo, $6.00; The French Par- nassus, 12mo, $2.00; crown 8vo, $3.50; Captains of Industry, 16mo, $1.25. Blaise Pascal. Thoughts, 12mo, $2.25; Letters, 12m0, $2.25 Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. The Gates Ajar, 16mo, $1.50; Beyond the Gates, 16mo, $1.25; Men, Women, and Ghosts, 16m0, $1.50; Hedged In, 16mo, $1.50; The Silent Partner, 16m0, $1.50; The Story of Avis, 16m0, $1.50; Sealed Orders, and other Stories, 16mo, $1.50; Friends: A Duet, 16mo, $1.25; Doctor Zay, 16m0, $1.25; Songs of the Silent World, 16mo, gilt top, $1.25. Mrs. S. M. B. Piatt. Selected Poems, 16mo, $1.50. Carl Ploetz. Epitome of Universal History, 12m0, $3.00. Antonin Lefevre Pontalis. The Life of John DeWitt, Grand Pensionary of Holland, 2 vols. 8vo, $9.00. Adelaide A. Procter. Poems, Diamond Edition, $1.00; Red- Line Edition, small 4to, $2.50. Progressive Orthodoxy. 16m0, $1.00. Sampson Reed. Observations on the Growth of the Mind. New Edition. Portrait. 16mo, $1.00. C. F. Richardson. Primer of American Literature, 18mo, .30. Riverside Aldine Series. Each volume, 16mo, $1.00. First edition, $1.50. 1. Marjorie Daw, etc., by T. B. ALDRICH; 2. My Summer in a Garden, by C. D. WARNER; 3. Fireside Travels, by J. R. LOWELL; 4. The Luck of Roaring Camp, etc., by BRET HARTE; 5, 6. Venetian Life, 2 vols., by W. D. How- ELLS; 7. Wake Robin, by JOHN BURROUGHS; 8, 9. The Biglow Papers, 2 vols, by J. R. LOWELL. Standard and Popular Library Books. II Henry Crabb Robinson. Diary, Reminis., etc. cr. 8vo, $2.50. John C. Ropes. The First Napoleon, with Maps, cr. 8vo, $2.00. Josiah Royce. Religious Aspect of Philosophy, 12mo, $2.00. Edgar Evertson Saltus. Balzac, cr. 8vo, $1.25; The Phi- losophy of Disenchantment, cr. 8vo, $1.25. John Godfrey Saxe. Poems, Red-Line Edition, Illustrated, small 4to, $2.50; Diamond Edition, $1.00; Household Edition, Illustrated, 12m0, $2.00; full gilt, cr. 8vo, $2.50. Sir Walter Scott. Waverley Novels, Illustrated Library Edition, 25 vols. 12mo, each $1.00; the set, $25.00; Globe Edition, 100 Illustrations, 13 vols. 16mo, $16.25; Tales of a Grandfather, 3 vols. 12mo, $4.50; Poems, Red-Line Edition, Illustrated, small 4to, $2.50; Diamond Edition, $1.00. W. H. Seward. Works, 5 vols. 8vo, $15.00; Diplomatic His- tory of the War, 8vo, $3.00. John Campbell Shairp. Culture and Religion, 15mo, $1.25; Poetic Interpretation of Nature, 16mo, $1.25; Studies in Po- etry and Philosophy, 16mo, $1.50; Aspects of Poetry, 16m0, $1.50. William Shakespeare. Works, edited by R. G. White, Riv- erside Edition, 3 vols. cr. 8vo, $7.50; 6 vols. 8vo, $15.00. A. P. Sinnett. Esoteric Buddhism, 16mo, $1.25; The Occult World, 16m0, $1.25. Dr. William Smith. Bible Dictionary, American Edition, 4 vols. 8vo, $20.00. Edmund Clarence Stedman. Poems, Farringford Edition, Portrait, 16m0, $2.00; Household Edition, Illustrated, 12m0, $2.00; full gilt, cr. 8vo, $2.50; Victorian Poets, 12m0, $2.00; Poets of America, 12mo, $2.25. The set, 3 vols., uniform, 12m0, $6.00; Edgar Allan Poe, an Essay, vellum, 18mo, $1.00. W. W. Story. Poems, 2 vols. 16mo, $2.50; Fiammetta: A Novel, 16m0, $1.25. Harriet Beecher Stowe. Novels and Stories, 10 vols. 12mo, uniform, each $1.50; A Dog's Mission, Little Pussy Willow, Queer Little People, illustrated, small 4to, each $1.25; Uncle Tom's Cabin, Ico Illustrations, 8vo, $3.50; Library Edition, Illustrated, 12m0, $2.00; Popular Edition, 12m0, $1.00. Jonathan Swift. Works, Edition de Luxe, 19 vols. 8vo, the set, $76.00. 12 Houghton, Mifflin and Company's T. P. Taswell-Langmead. English Constitutional History. New Edition, revised, 8vo, $7.50. Bayard Taylor. Poetical Works, Household Edition, 12mo, $2.00; cr. 8vo, full gilt, $2.50; Melodies of Verse, 18mo, vel- lum, $1.00; Life and Letters, 2 vols. 12mo, $4.00; Dramatic Po- ems, 12m0, $2.25; Household Edition, 12m0, $2.00; Life and Poetical Works, 6 vols. uniform. Including Life, 2 vols.; Faust, 2 vols.; Poems, I vol.; Dramatic Poems, I vol. The set, cr. 8vo, $12.00. Alfred Tennyson. Poems, Household Edition, Portrait and Illustrations, 12mo, $2.00; full gilt, cr. 8vo, $2.50; Illus- trated Crown Edition, 2 vols. 8vo, $5.00; Library Edition, Portrait and 60 Illustrations, 8vo, $4.00; Red-Line Edition, Portrait and Illustrations, small 4to, $2.50; Diamond Edi- tion, $1.00. Celia Thaxter. Among the Isles of Shoals, 18mo, $1.25; Poems, small 4to, $1.50; Drift-Weed, 18mo, $1.50; Poems for Children, Illustrated, small 4to, $1.50. Edith M. Thomas. A New Year's Masque and other Poems, 16mo, $1.50. Joseph P. Thompson. American Comments on European Questions, 8vo, $3.00. Joseph Thomson. To the Central African Lakes, 2 vols. 12m0, $6.00; Through Masai Land, 8vo, $5.00. Henry D. Thoreau. Works, 9 vols. 12mo, each $1.50; the set, $13.50. George Ticknor. History of Spanish Literature, 3 vols. 8vo, $10.00; Life, Letters, and Journals, Portraits, 2 vols. 12mo, $4.00. Bradford Torrey. Birds in the Bush, 16mo, $1.25. Sophus Tromholt. Under the Rays of the Aurora Borealis, Illustrated, 2 vols. $7.50. Charles Dudley Warner. My Summer in a Garden, 16mo, $1.00; Illustrated Edition, square 16m0, $1.50; Saunterings, 18m0, $1.25; Back-Log Studies, Illustrated, square 16mo, $1.50; Baddeck, and that Sort of Thing, 18m0, $1.00; My Standard and Popular Library Books. 13 Winter on the Nile, cr. 8vo, $2.00; In the Levant, cr. 8vo, $2.00; Being a Boy, Illustrated, square 16mo, $1.50; In the Wilderness, 18mo, 75 cents; A Roundabout Journey, 12mo, $1.50. William F. Warren, LL. D. Paradise Found, cr. 8vo, $2.00. William A. Wheeler. Dictionary of Noted Names of Fic- tion, 12mo, $2.00. ; Edwin P. Whipple. Essays, 6 vols. cr. 8vo, each $1.50. Richard Grant White. Every-Day English, 12m0, $2.00 ; Words and their Uses, 12mo, $2.00; England Without and Within, 12m0, $2.00; The Fate of Mansfield Humphreys, 16m0, $1.25; Studies in Shakespeare, 12m0, $1.75. Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. Stories, 12 vols. 12mo, each $1.50; Mother Goose for Grown Folks, 12m0, $1.50; Pansies, square 16mo, $1.50; Just How, 16mo, $1.00; Bonnyborough, 12m0, $1.50. John Greenleaf Whittier. Poems, Household Edition, Illus, trated, 12m0, $2.00; full gilt, cr. 8vo, $2.50; Cambridge Edi- tion, Portrait, 3 vols. 12mo, $6.75; Red-Line Edition, Por- trait, Illustrated, small 4to, $2.50; Diamond Edition, $1.00; Library Edition, Portrait, 32 Illustrations, 8vo, $4.00; Prose Works, Cambridge Edition, 2 vols. 12mo, $4.50; The Bay of Seven Islands, Portrait, 16mo, $1.00; John Woolman's Jour- nal, Introduction by Whittier, $1.50; Child Life in Poetry, selected by Whittier, Illustrated, 12mo, $2.00; Child Life in Prose, 12mo, $2.00; Songs of Three Centuries, selected by Whittier: Household Edition, Illustrated, 12m0, $2.00; full gilt, cr. 8vo, $2.50; Library Edition, 32 Illustrations, 8vo, $4.00; Text and Verse, 18mo, 75 cents; Poems of Nature, 4to, Illustrated, $6.00. Woodrow Wilson. Congressional Government, 16mo, $1.25. J. A. Wilstach. Translation of Virgil's Works, 2 vols. cr. 8vo, $5.00. Justin Winsor. Reader's Handbook of American Revolu- tion, 16m0, $1.25. This Ingalesty, Ex wils 820.9 Ad1 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Adams, Oscar Fay, 1855-1919. 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