ITY OF VIRGINIA LIBRARY 25804 UNIVERSITY/OF VIRCINIA CHARLOTTESVILLE LTURARIES Glo Edward Pleasants Valentine Pap NO. VOLS. THIS TITLE PRINT COLOR HORIZONTAL HI MATERIAL COLOR SLOT TYPE 494 CALL ITION TORB FTC. CALL B UL VOLUME ONE ets of Records in the Local and General OD 13-MOTAUS Relating to the Families of MOMO MOTEUD By THE JADIGOIRES Х005 800-20337 SVAM TRUDUGA YOARAS JOMARRE OFER E LDER, BELSON ABNEY, EXUM, AY PREFERRED PRINT STRUOTIONE NAL. OMIS 3VI23HOA О ЭЛІГ ОТ МІЯТ DIRECTION VERTICAL BINDING COPY PRINT HONE A ee REA BOHRE SSB R AH 3398 3389 TOORS MET-THOR MISTE MOTTON TICKET NO. B NO 273 COVER NO. 148 PANEL LINES LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 1819 GIFT OF The Valentine Museum Richmond, Va. ERRATA Page 2, Preface, fourth line from bottom, read "far" for "for." Page 41, line 18, read "sd." for "so." Page 70, line 2, read "not" for "now." Page 149, line 14, read "south" for "sauth." Page 157, line 30, read "Majors" for "Majoes." Pages 207-209, read "Norfolk Co." for "Middlesex Co." Page 215, read "Society of Friends" for "Va. Land Office." Page 284, line 33, read "Col." for "Culo." Page 427, line 25, insert comma between Dabney and Grant. The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers ALENTINE VAL MUSEU SEUM 1894 LET THERE Valentine, Edward BE LIGHT Teasants ABSTRACTS OF RECORDS IN THE LOCAL AND GENERAL ARCHIVES OF VIRGINIA RELATING TO THE FAMILIES OF Allen, Bacon, Ballard, Batchelder, Blouet, Bras- sieur (Brashear), Cary, Crenshaw, Dabney, Exum, Ferris, Fontaine, Gray, Hardy, Isham (Henrico County), Jordan, Langston, Lyddall, Mann, Mosby, Palmer, Pasteur, Pleasants, Povall, Randolph, Satterwhite, Scott, Smith (the family of Francis Smith of Hanover County), Valentine, Waddy, Watts, Winston, Womack, Woodson. VOL. I ALLEN GRAY PUBLISHED BY THE VALENTINE MUSEUM RICHMOND, VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY * OF GENERAL LIBRARY 7819 VIRGINIA * Virglalana 20.77 ..F. 225 .V17 1927 102441 V. I GIFT Richmond, Virginia WHITTET & SHEPPERSON Printers TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME I 1 Allen Bacon Ballard 38 102 168 Batchelder 210 Belson Brassieur 212 } Cary 218 Crenshaw 329 Dabney 396 Exum 430 Ferris 450 Fontaine 460 Gray 486 T PREFACE HE abstracts of wills, deeds and court orders con- tained in the volumes now published as The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers are from the files of family papers bequeathed to The Valentine Museum by the late Edward Pleasants Valentine, of Richmond, Vir- ginia. Some thirty years ago Mr. Valentine, then in his early manhood, became intensely interested in local and family history, and with a view towards writing a history of his own family began collecting data from the local and general archives of Virginia. This family history was to include accounts of all the families whose blood mingled in his veins. One can readily understand the magnitude of such an undertaking. Progress in the work of gathering the requi- site material developed many difficulties: vicissitudes of time and war had caused large gaps in the official records (Colonial, County and State) and family archives (family Bibles, letters, memoranda, etc.) were scarcely to be found; to which was added the further trying circumstances of ob- taining the services of persons qualified to make the neces- sary research into the records that remained. With a keen sense of the importance of obtaining every item which the records afforded relative to the matter in which he was interested, Mr. Valentine instituted a syste- matic research through the remaining records. Into the hands of each person whom he employed in his "field work" he placed a carefully prepared set of instructions with a most forceful injunction to follow them to the letter. The reports from the "field" were sent to him weekly and from these he culled the data essential to his undertaking; abstracting and arranging the documents according to a system which he had worked out. In March, 1908, during the most intensive period of his work, Mr. Valentine died. His collection of family papers passed to The Valentine Museum, of whose Board of Trustees he was a member and of which Institution he was for many years Treasurer. In 1910 a vacancy occurred in the Secretaryship of The Valentine Museum by the resignation of the late Colonel Joseph V. Bidgood, and the Board of Trustees elected Clay- ton Torrence, of Richmond, to that position, with the specific purpose in view of editing and publishing Mr. Valentine's papers. Mr. Torrence, who had been trained in methods of historical research by Mr. Valentine and was fully con- versant with Mr. Valentine's plan for editing the data he had accumulated, at once entered into the work for which he had been chosen. After carefully reading the collection of manuscript (some twelve thousand pages of copies and abstracts of documents) Mr. Torrence completed the ab- stracting of the collection (Mr. Valentine having completed an abstract of about one-third thereof prior to his last ill- ness). This careful study of the manuscript disclosed memoranda made by Mr. Valentine of many references to be verified and of suggestions for further research. A large section of the abstracts was compared with the documents in the original sources and much additional information was unearthed; but after several years work on the whole col- lection it was seen that an arbitrary limit must be placed on the investigation of sources and the verification of refer- ences in order to bring the work within reasonable bounds for publication. In 1918 Mr. Torrence resigned the Secre- taryship of The Valentine Museum, having first prepared the manuscript of the work for publication. This publication of the abstract of Mr. Valentine's manu- script collection is now made in the hope that the many people who are interested in the histories of the families included by him in his study may find the work of value in solving their individual genealogical problems. In publishing the work it is but just to call attention to two facts. First: A work of such magnitude, involving as it does a research carried over such a long period of time through such a variety of sources and employing several persons at different times must not be assumed to be "letter perfect." That errors will be discovered in this abstract there can be no doubt, but it is hoped that these will prove to be of a restricted minimum. Every reasonable pains have been taken to make this work as nearly perfect as possible. Second: There is a value in such a work as this for transcending the questionable one involved in the study of genealogy just for the sake of gratifying one's so-called family pride. Mr. Valentine was interested in sociology, not in genealogy per se; it was his intention to write a history, not to compile a pedigree. He laid the foundations for his work both deep and broad. If one will but read these volumes of abstracts with eyes open to the data which they really disclose, and with a mind free from prejudice and clean to receive impressions of truth, he will find him- self possessed of an incomparable depth of knowledge rela- tive to the factors involved in social advance and decline. Nearly every stratum of society is represented among the families whose names appear in this work; while within a specific family group may be found individuals represent- ing innumerable degrees in human character and occupa- tion. Withal the work is one which embodies a deep appeal to the lover of history. So, to bring the long story to a close, the data given in this work represents a labor of love of one of the most pro- found students of social conditions (in the widest sense of that term) of the Colonial period of North American his- tory. Does the field in which Mr. Valentine expended such tremendous labor seem narrow? In reality it is but an evidence of the limited area which a human being interested in life in general must set for himself if he feels impelled to analyze critically factors in the development of human life. This field then was the choice for his labor of love by a man who touched life at many points. From his study of the sources he obtained a penetrating vision of the past, and the narrative as he gave it to those gathered by his hearthstone conveyed the same sense of reality that one felt in the touch of his friendly hand. The truth of the past was revivified in the crucible of his mind. Many lesser men with half his knowledge have not been able to resist the temptation to put their findings about life into the written word. But, this man was still about his business of gathering facts when the call from out the larger life came and he answered it. So we have only the facts which he so painstakingly gathered. These facts may answer to people generally for a purpose far different from the origi- nal one for which they were gathered; while those to whom Mr. Valentine told the story up to the point to which he had worked it out, will find in them an imperishable me- morial of one whose life was an inspiration to seek always the truth and to have faith that the processes of history are ever working towards final good. The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers Allen Family HENRICO COUNTY RECORDS Michael Gathwrite, vs. Samuel Allen, Action of case Amt. Due by bill. Conditional Judgment granted pltff. against defdt. Unrel Burton, security: May 1723. Minute Book, 1719-24; p. 256. Michael Gathwrite, vs. Samuel Allen: Judgnt. granted pltff. if defdt. appears at next Court and pleads there this Judgent. to be void. Court held, July 1723. Ibid. p. 271. Will of Elizabeth-(X)-Walker, of Henrico County. Dated, 16 Janry. 1726/7: Probated, 3 June 1728: Wit- nesses, Henry Stokes, John Watsen, Mary Watson. Daughter, Elizabeth Allen, one feather bed and fur- niture, which is called my bed. Daughter, Mary Mosie, 1 guinea. Daughter, Sarah Allen, 1 feather bed & ct. which stands in the upper chamber next to the pertition. Daughter, Honah Ragland, 1 negro boy George. Daugh- ter, Tabitha Morres, 1 negro woman called Best, 1 bed &c. which stand in the loome house and one trunk: Daughter, Cuillia Stokes, one new feather bed and one new trunk which she hath already in her possession and 5 shills. currt. money. Son, Henry Walker; 2 cows and calves, & £5 currt: to be paid him at the end of 12 months after my decease; Son, Joel Walker, all remainder and residue of my estate both real and personal: he is also named as executer. No. 1. Deed, Wills, &c. 1725-37, p. 181. 2 THE VALENTINE PAPERS December 21 1734: Edmund Allen, of Henrico Co. to Joseph Mayo, of the other part. £40. 180a. being all that tract of land whereon the sd. Edmund. now liveth; bounded E. on Thomas Mathews; S. on Martin Martin W. on Richard Woodson; and N. on Chicahomny Swamp; and two negroes, a boy and a girl. (Sam, abt. 6 yrs. old; & Edy abt. 4 yrs. old.); Witnesses Martha-(X)—Wil- kinson, Martha Wilkinson, Sarah Wilkinson; 6 Janry. 1734. No. 2; Deeds, Wills, &c, 1725-37; p. 460. - Will of Susannah Ware, of Henrico County. Dated, 8 February 1734/5 Proved, 5 May 1735. Witnesses, Mary Childers, Susannah-(X)-Woodcock, George-(X). Rayborn, Will: Perkins: Daughter, Elizbth. Burton, 1 chist of drawers. Daughter, May Levins, feather bed with a spotted worsted rugg, with bedstead and other furni- ture, it being the bed whereon I lay. Daughter, Martha Ridgway, 9 Ewrs & 1 ram to be pd. in October; 1 red cow & calf; my bed above stares with a green rug & 1 pr. of sheets also £21 currt; to be pd. in Octr. 1737, and a small brass Kettle, abt. 15 gallons. Daughter, Jane Childers, the feather bed and furniture that is Lay covering, sheets & Bedstead wch stands in the great room. Daughter, Mary Levens one Indian Wench named Jane. To Ware Rockitt, a black & white heifer abt. 2 years old. To Francis Rockett, a brown heifer abt 2 years old. Daugh- ter, Jane Childers, 1 red heifer & a pyed heifer. To Ware Rocket, a large copper kettle which his mother Ann Cov- erly hath in her possession. To Jacob Oglesby, an Indian Fellow named Roger and one horse called Cydder & one Bridle & Sadle. To my grandaughter Elizbth. Coraby Oglesby, an Indian girl named Sarah when she comes of age or is married, except the two first children this In- dian shall bring which I give unto Alice and Mourning Oglesby but her mother to have the use of the said Sarah. Daughter Susannah Allen, four ewrs and lambs. To Rich- ard Levens, an Indian fellow named Will, & one apprin- tice boy named Francis West. also the rest and residue of my estate paying first all my just debts; & he is appointed whole and sole executor of this my last will and testa- ment. Ibid. p. 479. ALLEN: HENRICO COUNTY 3 Edmund Allen, an appraisor of estate of Thomas Clark, decd. 17 July 1736; Retd. & Recd. Ibid. Augt. 1736. John Willson, vs. William Allen. Action of Trespass. Dismissed, defdt. being an inhabitant of Goochland County and pltff. failing to prosecute. 2 Janry. 1737. Order Book, 1737-46: p. 22. Edmound Allen appointed surveyor of road whereof William Lewis was late surveyor. 3 April 1738/. Ibid. p. 34. Edmond Allen, Petit-Juror, April 1738/. Ibid. p. 36. Edmond Allen allowed attendance as witness for Nathl. Vanderwell against Abraham Cowles: 5 March 1738/. Ibid. p. 69. Edmond Allen, Petit-Juror, 3 March 1739/. Ibid, p. 100. It is ordered that John Nash, Gentleman, Sheriff of this County pay unto Edmond Allen, Forty eight pounds Eighteen shillings and nine pence Current money out of the money in his hands belonging to the County (which sum is the porportional part according to the Number of Tithables in this County and Hanover) it being for the charge of Building the Bridges over Chickahomony Swamp at Pickanocky Meadow, and the Causways ad- joining the said Bridges, but it is ordered that Ed- mond Allen do first enter into Bond with Sufficient Se- curity in the Sum of one hundred and Twenty pounds Current money, for keeping the Causways in good repair Seven years to Commence from the fifteenth day of Sep- tember 1739./. Crt. 1 Septr. 1740./. Ibid. p. 122. Edmond Allen, Petit-Juror, June 1741./. Ibid. p. 148. John Shoemaker acknowledges deed to Mary Allen; Ann wife of said John, relinquishes dower in land. 5 Octr. 1741. Ibid. p. 195. THE VALENTINE PAPERS Julius (Julien) Allen a member Grand Jury. Nov. 1743. Ibid. p. 238. "On a proposition made to this Court by Edmond Allen for rebuilding Bottoms Bridge which is much out of repair. The Court do agree that provided the Gentle- men of New Kent Court will join in paying their propor- tional part of the Charge according to the number of Tithables in each County that then the said Allen be employed to rebuild the said Bridge and that he finish it so soon as may be in every respect workmanlike and fiting to be received by such persons as by the said Courts shall be appointed to receive the same, and that he be paid for the same according to the valuation that such viewers shall think reasonable, and the clerk ordered to make out a Copy of this Entry for the Justices of New Kent Court". Ibid. p. 248. Julius Allen served on Grand Jury. Crt. May 7, 1744. Ibid. p. 256. Edmond Allen pleads not guilty in the suit of Gilly Marrin vs. Ed. Allen-issue joined and trial refered. June 4, 1744. Ibid. p. 261. Action of debt between Alex. Galling and William Allen, Sheriff failed to return bail and def. failing to appear, judgment against him and Jas. Cocke, Sheriff, for 10£ current money-costs of suit to be discharged if Def. appear at next court. June 4, 1744. Ibid. p. 262. Gilly Marrin vs. Edward Allen-Case of Slander. The jury find for the defendant. Crt. July 2, 1744. Ibid. p. 270. Alex. Galling vs. William Allen-The defendant is ruled to special bail whereupon Jas. Cocke and Wm. Harding enter themselves and then an imparlance is granted. Crt. July 2, 1744. Ibid. p. 271. Alex. Galling vs. William Allen-an action of debt. Judgment for Plaintiff for 9£, 4s. 9d. & costs. Aug. 6, 1745. Ibid. p. 326. ALLEN: HENRICO COUNTY 5 Danniel Allen allowed for being witness in Browning vs. Young. Oct. 7, 1745. Ibid. p. 333. Edmond Allen appears on presentment of Grand Jury for not Keeping White Oak Swamp Bridge in repair. On his promise to put the said bridge in good repair as soon as he can or in reasonable time he is acquited. Dec. 2, 1745. Ibid. p. 354. Julius Allen served as juror in Mackie vs. Hatchet. June. 2, 1746. Ibid. p. 383. Julius Allen appointed appraisor of Rebecca Elmore's estate. July 7, 1746. Ibid. p. 397. The private examination of Jane, wife of Charles Win- free, as to her relinguishing her right of dower in the said Charles Winfree's deed to Julius Allen, is ordered. Aug. 4, 1746. Ibid. p. 405. Edmund Allen security for Agnes Freeman as admr. Oct. 6, 1746. Ibid. p. 416. Edmund Allen to Richard Williamson deeds for 20£ 400 acres in Henrico adjoining "Jos. Watsan's line on the south side of the main road that leads from the falls of James River to Bottom Bridge". Witnesses; Jos. Lewis, Jno. Woodson. Isaac-(X)-Ross. July 4, 1748. Deeds, Wills &c. 1748-50, p. 2. Edmund and Mary Allen deed to Mathew Johnson for natural love, etc. 50 acres in Henrico situated upon the north side of the great branch joining the lands of Jos. Watsan and Volontine Freeman. Witnesses; Jno. El- more, Littlebery Allen. June 4, 1748. Ibid, p. 4. Daniel Allen is mentioned as master of the good ship "Gordon Snow". Ibid. p. 42. Timothy Allen is mentioned as having bought_a_tract of more than 92 1/2, acres on the north side of James !... 6 THE VALENTINE PAPERS River and Ashen Swamp (recorded in New Kent County) Allen sold the said property to Robert Ferguson. Ibid. p. 50. William Allen witnesses deed from Richard East to Robert Williams. Ibid. p. 114. Isham Allen serves as foreman of jury. Nov. 7, 1763. Order Book 1763-67, p. 145. Isham Allen and Richard Williamson on Grand Jury. May 7, 1764. Ibid. p. 224. Julius Allen appointed overseer of road from Seven Pines to the church Oldfield in place of Wm. Stone. Crt. June 4, 1764. Ibid. p. 254. Royal Richard Allen vs. Julius Burton-def. failing to appear, court awards pltff. £1, 15s. and costs. June 4, 1764. Ibid. p. 260. Wm. Allen vs. John Jude-in case-def. confesses judgment, which is awarded the pl. for £10 & costs. Jun. 4, 1764. Ibid. p. 262. Julius Allen acknowledges his deed to Wm. Morris, which is ordered to be recorded. Crt. June 4, 1764. Ibid. p. 262. Richard Adams vs. Wm. Mason & Mary his wife and Julius Allen (in chancery)-The defs. failing to appear, an attachment is granted the pl. against them returnable at next court. Jun. 4, 1764. Ibid, p. 270. Susanna Watson vs. David Allen-Dismissed. July 2, 1764. Ibid. p. 280. Crt. Julius Allen foreman of jury. July 2, 1764. Ibid. p. 282. Richard Adams, Gentleman, vs. Julius Allen, Wm. Ma- son et als.-in chancery-after hearing the case, the ALLEN: HENRICO COUNTY : court decides that the def. Allen do pay the pl. £6-16-6. & costs or 1/2 with interest from Dec. 29, 1756. Sept. 4, 1764. Ibid. p. 353. Isham Allen et als. offer themselves as security for the def. in Jedediah Turner & Co. vs. John Hughes. Oct. 1, 1764. Ibid. p. 366. Littlebery Allen acknowledges indenture to Robert Du- val and it was admitted to record. Nov. 5, 1764. Ibid. p. 382. Elizabeth Allen relinquished her right of dower in land sold by her husband to Peter Elmore. Crt. Dec. 3, 1764. Ibid. p. 401. David Allen appointed constable in room and precinct of Jas. Alley, and took the oath. Feb. 5, 1765. Ibid. p. 419. Elizabeth Allen vs. Benjamin Shapard-in case-On motion of Pl's attorney, suit is dismissed, def. paying the costs. Feb. 5, 1765. Ibid. p. 430. The sheriff is ordered to pay Julius Allen £15 for his part of building the new bridge at Jas. Lewis'. Aug. 5, 1765. Ibid. 526. Sheriff ordered to pay Julius Allen 40 shillings being the county's proportion for repairing Bottoms' Bridge, also £25-8 being the balance of the county's proportion for building the new bridge by Joseph Lewis'. Oct. 7, 1765. Ibid, p. 526. Wm. Freeman's deed to Julius Allen is proved by wit- nesses and Recorded. Oct. 7, 1765. Ibid. p. 526. Julius Allen produces order from Hanover Court ap- pointing him to keep the Meadow Bridge in repair til they can be rebuilt. This court joins that court in re- building them and Julius is ordered to repair them on the terms prescribed by Hanover Court. 7, 1765. Ibid. p. 528. 8 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Julius Allen foreman of jury. Oct. 8, 1765. Ibid. p. 531. David Bowles, vs. John Walton & Richard Allen-in debt.-defs. confessing debt, court awards pls. £16-6, or £2-5-6 forth with interest from Oct. 1765, till payment. Oct. 8, 1765. Ibid. p. 546. Samuel Childers acknowledges deed to Christian Allen and it is recorded. Crt. Jun. 2, 1766. Ibid. p. 577. Julius Allen petitions for leave to build a water mill on the Great Branch. It is ordered that the sheriff do sum- mons twelve freeholders of the vicirage to meet at the location of the intended mill and report the advantages, amount of ground to be covered by dam, timber, and value of the necessary acre of land, etc. to the next court. Jun. 2, 1766. Ibid. p. 577. Richard Williamson et al appointed to examine Julius Allen's account of his wards estate and report. Crt. Aug. 4, 1766. Ibid. p. 617. Court held for laying the levey. Oct. 22, 1766. To David Allen, Constable (203 lbs. tobacco). To Chris- tian Allen, for insolvents commitments 35 (lbs. tobacco). To James Allen, Captain of a patrole & his company 510 (lbs. tobacco). Ibid. p. 636. On Julius Allen's motion for leave to build a grist mill on the Great Swamp in this County the land on both sides thereof being his own property, the jury composed of Richard Williamson, James Valentine et al, say that Julius shall have his mill and that he will have about 4 acres valued at £4-the property of Thomas Elmore who will also sustain a loss of £3-10 for timber etc. Hence the court gives Julius leave to erect said mill. Dec. 1, 1766. Ibid. p. 644. Matthew Hobson chooses James Allen as his guardian and James gives bond. Saml. Williamson et al security. Feb. 2, 1767. Ibid. p. 646.. ALLEN: HENRICO COUNTY Isham, James, & Christian Allen serve as security for Sarah Patman and Thos. Thorp, the executors of Wm. Patman decd. Feb. 2, 1767. Ibid. p. 647. David Allen has judgment given against him as secur- ity for the def. in Robt. Gordon assiger Jas. Ball vs. Ju- lius Burton in debt. Feb. 3, 1767. Ibid. p. 650. Wm. Anderson vs. Benjamin Allen-upon an attach- ment-Richd. Allen, the garnishee, declares he has "two beds and furniture, one couch frame, five chair frames, one knife box and flesh fork, one side saddle and bed cord, one bag, five tongs, one dish, one bason, five plates, one pot, frying pan, one hackney saddle, one spice mor- tar, one pestle, one narrow axe, and hoes, one pair of steelyards, one claw hammer, one chair, a parcel of old books, one tea kettle and one chest of the defendants estate." The def. failing to appear, the court awards the pl-£6-10-2 and costs-The sherif is ordered to sell the goods attached and pay the pl. the amount of the judgment. Feb. 3, 1767. Ibid. p. 658. Wm. Allen, a mulatto, to Christian Allen-an inden- ture, was acknowledged by the parties and recorded. Crt. Feb. 3, 1767. Ibid. p. 676. Richard Allen foreman of jury. Mar. 3, 1767. Ibid, p. 713. Isham Allen et als appointed to appraise estate of Wm. Fleming Cocke, decd. Apr. 6, 1767. Ibid. p. 718. Isham Allen on Grand Jury. May 4, 1767. Ibid. p. 728. Julius Allen appointed on committee to inspect a road way petitioned for from New Bridge on Chickahominey Swamp to Redfords Ferry. June 1, 1767. Order Book, 1767-69, p. 2. Christian Allen security for Andrew Cockran & Co. in their suit against Hugh McDonald. June 1, 1767. Ibid. p. 18. 10 THE VALENTINE PAPERS "A deed indented and made between John Blackburn of the one part and Royal Richard Allen of the other part was acknowledged by the said John and admitted to record." Aug. 3, 1767. Ibid. p. 93. A deed from John & Wm Freeman to Christian Allen proved and recorded. Aug. 3, 1767. Ibid. p. 95. Susanna Patman choose Jas. Allen as her guardian— who acknowledges a bond with Royal Richard Allen and Julius Allen-sureties. Oct. 5, 1767. Ibid. p. 152. Deed from Jno. & Wm Freeman to Christian Allen re- corded. Oct. 5, 1767. Ibid. p. 153. Julius Allen took oaths as admr. estate of Christian Allen; Oct. 5, 1767. Ibid. p. 162. Royal Richard Allen foreman of jury. Oct. 6, 1767. Ibid. p. 172. Miles Gathright vs. Christian Allen-abates by def. death. Oct. 6, 1767. Ibid. p. 184. Isham Allen petitioned for leave to turn the road at the Seven Pines a committee is appointed to investigate and report on the road. Dec. 7, 1767. Ibid. p. 202. Julius Allen appointed under-sheriff to Benj. Duval. Dec. 7, 1767. Ibid. p. 203. Henrico Court-Feb. 1, 1768, for laying the county levy. To Jas. Allen for his company of patrollers 620. To Julius Allen Deputy sheriff for 14 Insolvents 84. Ibid. p. 206. Agreement between Jno. Raglard and Julius Allen proved and recorded. Crt. April 4, 1768. Ibid. p. 210. A deed from Julius Allen to Jno. Raglard. Aprl. 4, 1768. Ibid. p. 211. ALLEN: HENRICO COUNTY 11 David Allen's ordinary licence renewed for a year and he gives bond-Royal Richard Allen his security. May 2, 1768. Ibid. p. 336. "It is ordered that Joseph Lewis, Gent. this County's treasurer do pay unto Julius Allen 51£, 13s, 9d. for re- pairs to the Prison, Meadow Bridge and rebuilding Shockoe Bridge." Crt. June 6, 1768. Ibid. p. 252. James Allen given further time to render account of his ward's estate. Aug. 3, 1768. Ibid. p. 287. Julius Allen given more time to render an account of his ward's estate. Aug. 3, 1768. Ibid. p. 288. Jas Allen produced account of his ward's estate. A committee appointed to examine and report on it. Sept. 5, 1768. Ibid. p. 324. Anthony North and Lucy his wife acknowledge their deed to Royal Richard Allen. Sept. 3, 1768. Ibid. p. 362. Jas. Allen returned an account of his ward's estate with report of persons appointed to examine same. Oct. 3, 1768. Ibid. p. 363. December Court for laying County levy. 1768. The County. To David Allen, Constable, for viewing Tobacco Fields, 239. To Jas. Allen, for his company of Patrolers, 680. Ibid. p. 375. Burnley and Brackenridge vs. Julius Allen deputy sheriff of Henrico for willfully suffering Geo. Siger to es- cape out of his custody. After hearing arguments, court considers Pls. recover against the defr. 26£, 4s. 10d. with interest thereon at 5% from July 20, 1766. & 107 lbs. nett tobacco & 15s. or 150 lbs. tobacco, the debt and costs obtained by Pl. The def. appealed. Jan. 2, 1769. Ibid. p. 377. David Allen and Mary his wife acknowledged their deed to Nicholas Conway. Mar. 6, 1769. Ibid. p. 3.? 12 THE VALENTINE PAPERS David Allen vs. Peter Elmore-attachment awarded the Pl. returnable at next court. Mar. 6, 1769. Ibid. p. 386. Thos. Waddle vs. Royal Richard Allen & David Allen -def. not appearing, judgement returnable at next court is granted Pl. against Def. & Benj. Duval, Gent. Sheriff. Mar. 6, 1769. Ibid. p. 392. . Chas. & Julius Allen are made under sheriffs to Benj. Duval. Gent. April 3, 1769. Ibid. p. 418. Drury Allen vs. Joseph Hopkins, Jr.-def. admits debt and court grants Pl. judgement for 3£. 9s. and costs. Aprl. 3, 1769. Ibid. p. 419. Thos. Waddle vs. Royal Richard Allen & David Allen. Jas. Sharp came as security for the def. and the defs. by their attorney defend the suit, saying they paid the debt in question &c. Continued. Apr. 4, 1769. Ibid. p. 434. David Allen vs. Peter Elmore-def. failing to appear attachment awarded Pl. against estate of def. returnable at next court. Apr. 4, 1769. Ibid. p. 455. Receipts from Samuel Allen and Elizabeth his wife, et al. to the executors of Edward Curd deced. are presented by Edward Curd, one of the executors and ordered to be recorded. June 5, 1769. Ibid. p. 456. Wm. Hall knowledges deed to Royal Richard Allen- Continued for further proof. June 5, 1769. Ibid. p. 457. David Allen's ordinary licence renewed for a year at his house, he giving bond, Royal Richard Allen security. June 5, 1769. Ibid. p. 457. · David Allen vs. Peter Elmore-def. acknowledges debt, court awards Pl.-6£. 12s. 1d. and costs. Jun. 6, 1769. Ibid. p. 488. ALLEN: HENRICO COUNTY 13 On motion of Jas. Nicholson by Peter Lyons his attor- ney against Julius Allen, Deputy Sheriff of this County for the amount of his execution against William Allen Lankester and John McKeard, Julius Allen admitted his legal Knowledge of the motion and the court considers that the Pl. recover 16£ with interest for the same at 5% from June 13, 1767 till March 1769; also 215 lbs. tobac- co and 15s. or 150 lbs. tobacco and costs. July 3d. 1769. Ibid. p. 490.. The sheriff to pay Jas. Allen 3£. 12s. 9d. 1 farthing "it being this county's proportionable part for building a bridge at Winstons." Aug. 7, 1769. Ibid. p. 493. The church wardens of Henrico are ordered to bind out Susanna Parish to Isham Allen according to law. Aug. 7, 1769. Ibid. p. 493. Chas. Lewis Jr. vs. Chas. Allen-def. security came into court and his attorney asked "imparle" so case con- tinued. Aug. 7, 1769. Ibid. p. 500. Julius Allen rendered account of his wards estate, and committee appointed to examine and report on it. Aug. 7, 1769. Ibid. p. 508. James Allen, Guardn.-Matt Hobson orphan of Wm. Hobson decd. ordered to render account of ward's estate at next court. Aug. 7, 1769. Ibid. p. 509. Jas. Allen Guardn.-Susanna Patman orphan of Wm. Patman, is ordered to appear next court to render ac- count of his ward's estate. Aug. 7, 1769. Ibid. p. 510. Samuel Allen paid 100 lbs. of tobacco for attending court for pl. in Flowers vs. John Williamson. Nov. 1755. Minutes, 1755-62, p. 12. Julius Allen acknowledges deed to Elizabeth Dorton- Recorded. Mar. 2, 1756. Ibid. p. 24. 14 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Harding Burnley vs. Robert Allen-In debt. John Moseby comes into court as security for def.-Case con- tinued. July 5, 1756. Ibid. p. 40. Sarah Allen obtains certificate for administration of Robert Allen decd. She gives bond, Isaac Winston se- curity, for £500. Oct. 4, 1756. Ibid. p. 42. Deed of bargain and sale from John Elmore to Isham Allen is proved by Julius Allen, et al. witnesses and El- more's bond to Allen proved by Julius, James and Mary Allen and ordered to be recorded. Dec. 6, 1756. Ibid. p. 54. Hardin Burnley vs. Robert Allen-in debt-abates by def's. death. Feb. 8, 1757. Ibid. p. 90. Hardin Burnley vs. Sarah Allen adminr. of Robert Allen—in debt. def. failing to appear, ordered that un- less def. appear at next court, pl. shall have damages and costs. Feb. 8, 1757. Ibid. p. 98. Julous Allen serves as juror. Mar. 7, 1757. Ibid. p. 142. Hardin Burnley Pl. vs. Sarah Allen adnr.-Robert Allen-in debt. def. failing to appear, court confirms con- ditional judgement for pl. £47. 18s. and costs or 1/2 with interest from Sept. 10, 1755. Ibid. p. 142. Philip Watson vs. Richard Allen-def. failing to ap- pear, court awards the pl.-£0. 41s. 4d. and costs or 1/2 & interest from Mch. 1, 1755. Jun. 6, 1757. Ibid. p. 166. Wm. Chapman vs. Benjamin Allin-def. failing to ap- pear, court awards pl. 27/ and costs. Jun. 6, 1757. Ibid. p. 170. John Pierce vs. Jos. Allin & Ralph Hurt-in debt.- The defs. failing to appear, court awards judgement against them and Richard Allen, their security, return- able to next court. July 4, 1757. Ibid. p. 178. ALLEN: HENRICO COUNTY 15 Jno. Hunter vs. Samuel Allin, the Elder def. failing to appear the court awarded the pl. £2. 17s. 3d. and costs including lawyer's fee. July 4, 1757. Ibid. p. 178. Julius Allin takes oaths and qualifies as an under- sheriff of this county and is admitted to the said office. Aug. 1, 1757. Ibid. p. 183. Richd. Coward vs. Saml. Allen Sr. def. failing to ap- pear court awards the pl. 35/ and costs. Nov. 7, 1757. Ibid. p. 212. Julius Allen ordered to rebuild bridge over Four Mile Creek in a workman like manner, for which court agrees to pay him £4. 10s. when finished, and said Julius agrees to keep the same in repair for the next seven years. Nov. 7, 1757. Ibid. p. 213. The sheriff is ordered to pay Julius Allen the county's proportion for rebuilding Turkey Island Bridge. Jan. 2, 1758. Ibid. p. 219. Jas Allen returning an account of estate of Benj. Hob- son, decd. John Pleasants (of Bailey's) et al. are ap- pointed to examine same and report. May 1, 1758. Ibid. p. 235. John Price begs leave to build a water grist mill on the south branch of the brooke in the county, also for one acre of Samuel Allen, Jr.'s land next adjoining thereto. A jury is ordered to be summoned to view said land and report as to its fitness, value, etc. May 2, 1758. Ibid. p. 243. Thos. Elmore vs. Julius Allen in trespass-jury finds for def. May 2, 1758. Ibid. p. 244. Robert Allen decd's estate is appraised, and said ap- praisement and inventory is recorded. and John William- son, Clted. Bacon, and Thos. Wilkinson or any two of them are appointed to examine same and report to the court. May 2, 1758. Ibid., p. 244. 16 THE VALENTINE PAPERS An account of the estate of Robert Allen decd. with the examiners' report is received and recorded. Jun. 5, 1758. Ibid. p. 259. Jas. Allen, guardian of John Freeman, is summoned to next court to render an account of his ward's estate. Aug. 7, 1758. Ibid. p. 272. The sheriff is ordered to pay Julius Allen £8. 12s. 6d. for this county's proportion for rebuilding Turkey Island and Four Mile Creek Bridges. Sept. 4, 1758. Ibid. p. 279. Moll a negro girl belonging to Samuel judged fourteen years old. Sept. 4, 1758. Allen is ad- Ibid. p. 277. On Isham Allen's motion for leave to build a grist mill on his land on a stream, the sheriff is instructed to sum- mon a jury to view the premises etc and report at next court. Nov. 6, 1758. Ibid. p. 284. The sheriff returns a report concerning the value of the acre of land belonging to Samuel Allen for which Nathl. Bridgwater petitioned leave to build a water grist mill on, and the amount of damages resulting to said Allen therefrom etc. and the court after considering the same, rejected the petition. Dec. 4, 1758. Ibid. p. 288. Mary Martin chooses Julius Allen for her guardian and he is also appointed guardian to Glaif, Judith and Francis Martin orphans of Geo. Martin, decd. and said Julius gives bond etc as necessary. Feb. 5, 1759. Ibid. p. 294. George Connell vs. Joseph Allen on a writ of cire fa- ceas-sheriff returned the def. as having no goods, judge- ment for 30/8 and 60 lbs. tobacco and 7/6 and all costs- is revived. Feb. 5, 1759. Ibid. p. 301. The sheriff is ordered to pay Jas. Allen 10/ for repair- ing Brooks Bridge. Mar. 5, 1759. Ibid. p. 319. ALLEN: HENRICO COUNTY 17 Philip Watson vs. Saml. Allen & Saml. Thompson- def. failing to appear court revives judgment against them for £3. 3 and 69 lbs. of tobacco and costs. or 31/6 with interest from July 5, 1756. May 7, 1759. Ibid. p. 338. Julius Allin qualifies as administrator of the estate of Edmund Allin decd. his father. and his bond is recorded. Aug. 6, 1759. Ibid. p. 346. John Williamson, an inspector at present, and Julius Allen recommended to governor as suitable persons to be inspectors of tobacco at Shockoe warehouse the en- suing year. Aug. 6, 1759. Ibid. p. 348. Richard. Williamson et al. Gent. are appointed to ap- praise the slaves and personal estate of Edmund Allin, decd. Aug. 6, 1759. Ibid. p. 350. Stephen Childers ordered to pay Isham Allin 225 lbs. of tobacco as witness for him against Mealer. Aug. 6, 1759. Ibid: p. 358. The presentment of the grand jury against Sarah Allin, et al. for having bastard children-The sheriff returning that they are not in his bailiwick, new processes are is- sued against them. Nov. 5, 1759. Ibid. p. 384. Hutchens Burton, Sr. acknowledges his deed to Royal Richard Allen and it is recorded. Feb. 4, 1760. Ibid. p. 391. The presentment of the grand jury against Sarah Allin for having a bastard child is discontinued. Feb. 4, 1760. Ibid. p. 392. Thos. Wilkinson vs. Joseph Allen-court awards pl. £3. 9. 6. with interest from Mar. 27, 1757. Feb. 4, 1760. Ibid. p. 401. Julius Allen proves Philip Johnson's deed to Sam. Gathright. Feb. 4, 1760. Ibid. p. 405. 18 THE VALENTINE PAPERS An inventory and appraisement of Edmund Allen's es- tate is recorded. Cert. Mar. 3, 1760. Ibid. p. 406. Julius Allen produces the governor's commission appoint- ing him inspector of tobacco at Shockoe's warehouse, and he takes the necessary oaths and gives bond as required by law. Mar. 3, 1760. Ibid. p. 407. John Watson ordered to pay Isham Allen 25 lbs. of to- bacco for attending court one day as a witness at the suit of Harris. Aug. 4, 1760. Ibid. p. 454. Jas. Allen acknowledges deed to Isham Allen; Elizabeth his wife relinquishes her right of dower. Nov. 3, 1760. Ibid. p. 478. Isham Allen acknowledges a deed to Julius Allen; Agnes his wife relinquishes her dower right. Nov. 3, 1760. Ibid. p. 478. It is ordered that Saml. Duval, Gent. late sheriff and Philip Mayo Gent. Present sheriff pay the money in hand due the county to James Allen for rebuilding the Brook Bridge. Dec. ?1760. Ibid. p. 481. Julius Allen one of the inspectors of tobacco at Shockoe's, complains of the insufficiency of the said warehouse and John Williamson et al. are appointed to view the said houses and report. May 4, 1761. Ibid. p. 498. Julius Allen-present inspector-and John Williamson et al. are recommended to the governor for inspectors of to- bacco at Shockoe's. Sept. 7, 1761. Ibid. p. 523. Benj. Duval vs. David Allin case being heard, the pe- tition is dismissed, the petitioner paying costs. Oct. 5, 1761. Ibid. p. 533. David Allin is ordered to pay Edmund and David Alley, Julius and Newell Burton 225 lbs. tobacco each for attend- ing this court each 9 days as witnesses for him at the suit of Benj. Duval. Oct. 5, 1761. Ibid. p. 535. ALLEN: HENRICO COUNTY 19 Philip Mayo, late sheriff of this county, is ordered to pay Julius Allin £325-412 out of the money in his hands due the county. Dec. 7, 1761. Ibid. p. 539. The treasurer (Richard Adams) is ordered to pay Jas. Allen £5.1.9. of the first money received by the county, for building Brook Bridge. Feb. 1, 1762. Ibid. p. 545. Saml. Allin vs. Thos. Conway-in debt-Dismissed being agreed. Feb. 1, 1762. Ibid. p. 549. William Fleming Cock vs. Julius Allen-Trespass, as- sault, battery-Continued. Aprl. 5, 1762. Ibid. p. 582. Jas. Allin on grand jury. Crt. May 3, 1762. Ibid. p. 584. Jubiter, a negro boy, belonging to Royal Richd. Allen adjudged 11 years of age. Jun. 2, 1762. Ibid. p. 586. Jas. Byers vs. Royal Richard Allen-In trespass, assault & battery-Dismissed, the pl. failing to prosecute. Jun. 7, 1762. Ibid. p. 596. Julius Allen produces commission appointing him cap- tain of Joseph Lewis' company-and said Julius qualifies. July 5, 1762. Ibid. p. 621. Wm. Fleming Cocke vs. Julous Allen-Trespass, assault, battery. Jury decide for the defendant and award him the costs. July 5, 1762. Ibid. p. 622. David Allen and Mary his wife, acknowledge deed to Samuel Jones and it is recorded. David Allen and Mary his wife, also acknowledges deed to Benj. Jones which is also recorded. Dec. 6, 1762. Ibid. p. 688. Isham Allen et al. are appointed to appraise the estate of Wm. Gathright decd. Dec. 6, 1762. Ibid. p. 689. Aprl. 13, 1767. John and William Freeman deed to Christian Allen of Henrico for £80, 400 acres in Henrico 20 THE VALENTINE PAPERS on a branch "called the Great branch being the lands which was granted to Valentine Freeman decd. by patent adjoin- ing the lands of Julius Allin, Isham Allin, and Thos. El- more." Recorded - Oct. 5, 1767. Witnesses - Drury Breazeal, Miles Gathright, and Jas. Swinton. Deeds 1767-74, p. 18. — Mar. 3, 1768. John Raglin agrees to give Julius Allen the right and title he has to his brother, Gidian Raglin decd.'s estate. In consideration of this, Julius Allin gives said John Raglin a deed to a parcel of land in Henrico County. Recorded-Aprl. 4, 1768. Ibid. p. 50. Oct. 3, 1768. Anthony North deeds to Royal Richard Allen for £45-75 acres in Henrico on Deep Run Creek, joining the property of John Lankaster, Sr., Wm. Hall, R. R. Allen, and Nicholas Amos. Recorded-Oct. 3, 1768. Ibid. p. 88. March 6, 1769. Joseph Allen of Charlot County deeds to John Mosby of Henrico Co. for £27-200 acres in Henrico on "both sides the Nothan." Recorded-March 6, 1769. Ibid. p. 120. Feb. 6, 1759. David Allen deeds to Nicholas Connaway for £36-150 acres in Henrico on the main county road- next to Richd. Rocketts, Nicholas Conaway, and Wm. Al- ley's property. Recorded-March 6, 1769. Ibid. p. 124. June 3, 1749. Samuel Allen and Elizabeth his wife ac- Knowledge the receipt of their full share of the estate of Edward Curd decd. and hereby relinquish all claims there- on, etc. Recorded-June 5, 1769. Ibid. p. 140. May 25, 1770. David Allen deeds to Thomas Gerrett for £27-100 acres adjoining R. Richd. Allen's line, and "Rob. Nicholas," and Wm. Gordon's land in Henrico County. Re- corded-Sept. 3, 1770. Ibid. p. 224. Dec. 3, 1770. William Childers, son of Joseph Childers, decd. deeds to Julius Allen for £14-5, 282 acres in Henrico ALLEN: HENRICO COUNTY 21 on the west side of Bull's Branch and bounded by the lands of the sd. Childers, Jas. Sharp, Philip Watson, decd. and the sd. Julius Allen being that tract surveyed for Christian Allen decd. by Benj. Duval and being part of the land for- merly owned by Joseph Childers, decd. and by him mort- gaged to Robt. Pleasants, Merht. at Curl's. Recorded- Dec. 3, 1770. Ibid. p. 239. March 18, 1771. Joseph Clarke deeds to R. Richard Al- len for £25-100 acres in Henrico Co. on Stony Run, ad- joining the lands of sd. Clarke, Thos. Alley, Alex. Pateson, and Richard Cattrel. Recorded-May 6, 1771. sd. Joseph's wife relinquishing her right of dower. Deeds 1767-74, p. 260. Aprl. 4, 1772. Since William Patman by his will ordered that at his death, his property be sold and the proceeds be divided equally among his children, and since one of his children Susanna Patman has intermarried with John Sut- ton Farrer, and hence her legacy has been vested in the sd. Farrer, now sd. John Sutton Farrer and his wife Susanna deed to James Allen for £20 their title to the negro wench Lucy, left to Susanna by sd. Wm. Patman and their claims and rights in the estate of sd. Patman, so that sd. James Allen, shall stand in the same place as to the claim on sd. Patman's estate, as the sd. Farrer and Susanna his wife. Recorded-Date not given. Ibid. p. 410. June 26, 1772. Daniel Allen deeds to Prosser and Trent, merchants, for 5/ and to secure a debt of £42.7.1. which he owes Prosser & Trent, 100 acres in Henrico on the Northen Swamp, bounded by the lands of John Mosby, Drury Allen, Samuel Duval, Gent. & James Royall being the land where- on sd. Daniel Allen now lives-provided sd. Danl. do not pay sd. debt on demand to sd. Prosser & Trent. Recorded- Feb. 1773. Ibid. p. 463. July 28, 1772. John Dalton deeds to Julius Allen, Sr. for £15-50 acres in Henrico bounded by the lands of the sd. Allen, Matthew Johnson, Charles Allen, Isham Allen, and Elizabeth Dalton, it being part of the land which the 22 THE VALENTINE PAPERS sd. Elizabeth Dalton purchased of the sd. Allen, and which she gave to her sd. son, John Dalton. Recorded-February Court, 1773. Ibid. p. 463. Oct. 30, 1772. Joseph Binns and Obedience his wife, deed to Isham Allen for £85—126 acres in Henrico bounded by the Rev. Miles Seldon's, William Narre's, Thomas El- more's, Christopher Binn's, Gilley's Creek, Thomas Stone's, David Binn's lands. Recorded-May Court, 1773. Ibid. p. 468. May 17, 1773. .Samuel Sheppard and Elizabeth his wife deed to Royal Richard Allen for £110-"one grist mill and all her useful and necessary utensils and furniture" with 17 acres on both sides Deep Run Creek bounded by a little branch beginning at the mouth of "Deep Run mill tail." Joseph Brown's, Wm. Willis', John Blackburn's, and sd. Allen's lines to the mill pond, cross the pond to sd. Allen's line, and then to Col. Thos. M. Randolph's line. Recorded- Sept. Court, 1773. Ibid. p. 488. Aug. 30, 1774. Royal Richard Allen and Frances Ann his wife deed to Miles Gathright for £37.10, 100 acres in Henrico on Stony Run joining the land the sd. Gathright bought from Alex. Patterson, and Richard Cotrell's line, John Clarke's, David Alley, it being the land the sd. Allen purchased from Joseph Clarke. Recorded-Sept. 1773. Ibid. p. 489. Oct. 4, 1773. Charles Allen deeded to Isham Allen for £155, 110 acres in Henrico on the great branch by Mat- thew's Spring, bounded by the land of Julius Allen and Isham Allen-(The number of acres is stated as 310 in- stead of 110, twice later on in the same deed). Recorded- October Court, 1773. Ibid. p. 497. Dec. 6, 1773. Drury Allen and Sarah his wife deeded to Robert Sharpe for £61, 100 acres in Henrico on the north- ern run between John Mosby and Daniel Allen's, up the run to a point between sd. Allen's and Samuel Duval's thence to a point on the line between sd. Duval's and Aaron ALLEN: HENRICO COUNTY 23 Lucas and then to Joseph Merritt's, to sd. Mosby's and be- ginning. Recorded-December Court, sd. Sarah Allen re- linquishing her right of dower upon private examination. Ibid. p. 506. May 20, 1773. Edmond Allen and Landy Linsey sell David Harris for £5.10., "a grey mare branded on the off shoulder with 'So' on the near buttock thus "E2" about 10 years old. Recorded-January Court, 1774. Ibid. p. 513. July 7, 1746. Charles Winfree of St. Peter's Parrish in New Kent County deeds to Julius Allen of Varina, Henrico Co. for £36, 150 acres in Henrico on the south side of "Chickahomony Swamp," 100 acres of it being the land Newell Burton sold to Richard Allen decd., the other 50 being the land purchased by sd. Charles from Robert Chil- dress and is all the land possessed by sd. Charles in Henrico. Recorded-First Monday in July, 1746. Richard Little- page, Daniel Parke Custis, and John Darracott, Gent. are appointed to examine privily Jane, wife of sd. Charles Winfree as to her relinquishing her right of dower in sd. land. upon such examination, she does so which is re- corded. Deed Book, 1774-48, p. 189. Aug. 16, 1746. John Robason, Sr.-Blacksmith, deeds to William Allen for £15-50 acres in Henrico-being the same land which James Conaway and Anne his wife sold to the "sd. John Robinson" and is bounded as per that deed. Recorded-First Monday in Sept. 1746. Ibid. p. 204. Mar. 7, 1747-8. James Young deeds to John Allen for £11.15, 70 acres in Henrico on Deep Run which is mort- gaged to said James Young by James Conaway as appears of record. Recorded-First Monday in March, 1747. Ibid. p. 342. May 7, 1750. Joseph Childress deeds to Julius Allen for £23, 40 acres in Henrico on the south side of Chickahominy River on Robins Spring branch, Bull's branch and on the dividing line between the said Childress and Allen, being a part of the tract that said Childress purchased from Robert 24 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Childress, son of Robert Childers, decd. Recorded-First Monday in July, 1750. Deeds, Wills, &c., 1750-67, p. 21. May 7, 1750. Miles Gathright deeds to Julius Allen for £3, 112 acres on the south side of Chickahominy River near Fool's branch adjoining the parcel Allen was sold by Child- ers. Recorded-First Monday in July, 1750. Ibid. p. 22. July 1, 1750. "William Allen, taylor, and Elizabeth Al- lin his wife" deeds to James Conway for £12, 50 acres being the same tract James Conway sold to James Young. Re- corded-First Monday in October, 1750. Ibid. p. 26. James Allen and Isham Allen witness a deed from Greg- ory Mathews to Anthony Mathews on Mar. 19, 1750:1. Ibid. p. 53. Sept. 2, 1751. Julius Allin deeds to Isham Allin for brotherly love and affection and for the better maintance of the said Isham one tract of 200 acres on the south side of Chickahominy Swamp and bounded by the lands of Val- entine Freeman decd., Richard Williamson and Littlebury Allen. Recorded-First Monday in September, 1751. Ibid. p. 87. Sept. 2, 1751. Julius Allin deeds to Littleburey Allin for brotherly love 80 acres on the south side of Chickahom- iny Swamp and bounded along the lines of Thos. Elmore's, Martin Martin's, Anthony Matthews. Recorded-First Monday in September 1751. Ibid. p. 87. William Allen and Agnes Allen witness a deed from John Freeman to John Price dated October 7, 1751. Ibid. p. 97. Samuel Allin witnesses a deed from Nathaniel Bridge- water to his son Nathl. Bridgewater, Jr. dated Sept. 16, 1752. Ibid. p. 175. Nov. 6, 1752. Samuel Gathright Jr. deeds to Julius Allin for £34, 125 acres in Henrico near Chickahominy ALLEN: HENRICO COUNTY 25 Swamp adjoining the lands of Joseph Childers and Miles Gathright, being the land purchased of William Matthews. Recorded-November Court, 1752. Ibid. p. 184. Mar. 7, 175 Mary Allin of Henrico for love and af- fection gives to her children divers goods, etc. as follows— To her son James Allin after her death the plantation she lives on which she bought of John Shoemaker containing 100 acres; also one feather bed, one iron pot, one cow and calf possession to be delivered on request. To her daughter Elizabeth, one feather bed and furniture, one large flat pewter dish, 2 deep pewter plates, one brass flask and one gold ring, after her (Mary's) death. To her daughter Mary Allin 2 cows and calves, 1 large deep dish, 3 deep pewter plates, 1 small iron pot and one gold ring to the said Mary on the donor's death. Ibid. p. 225. July 2, 1753. Martin Martin and his wife Barbary deed to James Allin for £65, 100 acres in Henrico on the south side of a branch called Hughs's Branch bounded by the lands of Valentine Freeman, decd. Thos. Elmore, Little- bury Allin and Anthony Mathews. Recorded-July 2, 1763. Ibid. p. 245. James Allin witnesses a deed from John Roberson Jr. to Martin Martin dated July 1, 1753. Ibid. p. 247. Apr. 2, 1754. William Allin and Agnes his wife deed to John North of Cumberland County for £50, 100 acres in Henrico-being the same tract which Jacob Roberson deeded to Agnes Willis as reference to Henrico records will more fully show. Recorded-May 6, 1754. Ibid. p. 321. Apr. 1, 1754. Pouncey Anderson and Henry Martin, ex- ecutors of Michael Holland, deed to Robert Allin for £35.12-346 acres in Henrico around the head of the north- ern branch, which tract was patented by the said Michael Holland and by his will left to be sold by his executors. Recorded-April 1, 1754. Ibid. p. 327. Oct. 5, 1754. Robert Allen deeds to Richard Allen, son of the said Robert, for £60-100 acres in Henrico and a 26 THE VALENTINE PAPERS negro man named Will Allen after the said Robert's death- the said 100 acres being on the northern branch of the Brook and is part of a tract of 346 acres granted by patent to Michael Holland and by the said Holland's executors sold unto the said Robert. Recorded—Oct. 7, 1754. Ibid. p. 362. Dec. 2, 1754. Isum Allen for natural love and affection deeds to his daughter Susanna Williamson Allen a negro girl named Phillis and £20. Recorded-Dec. 2, 1754. Ibid. p. 377. Richard Allen witnesses a deed from William Ford to Samuel Ford, dated Feb. 4, 1754. Ibid. p. 382. March 3, 1755. Robert Allen of Henrico deeds to Joseph Allen his son, for £50, 200 acres in Henrico being part of the land which the said Robert bought of Michael Hol- land's executors adjoining the land of John Moseley, John Ford, and Richard Allen. Recorded-April 7, 1755. Ibid. p. 407. March 1, 1756. Julius Allin deeds to Elizabeth Dorton for £20, 100 acres in Henrico on the fork of a branch called the Great Branch adjoining the lands of John Watson, Mat- thew Johnson, Valentine Freeman decd. and Isham Allin. Recorded-March 2, 1756. Ibid. p. 449. Nov. 22, 1756. John Elmore of Lunenburg County deeds to Isham Allen of Henrico for £15, 137 acres in Henrico on the south side of Chickahominy River-it being a parcel devised to the said Elmore by the will of his grandmother Rebecah Elmore and bounded by the lands of Edmund Allen and Joseph Watson, decd. Recorded-December 6, 1756. Ibid. p. 471. Jan. 31, 1746. John Elmore gives bond in £150 to give a good title to the property left him by the will of his grand- mother Rebecah Allen when he shall convey the same to Isham Allen as by deed bearing date Nov. 22, 1756. Re- corded-December 6, 1756. Ibid. p. 472. ALLEN: HENRICO COUNTY 27 Jan. 4, 1759. Hutchens Burton, senr. of Henrico deeds to Royal Richard Allen of Middlesex for £23, 100 acres in Henrico on the north side of James River adjoining the land of John Watson, Thos. Jackson, being a tract which formerly belonged to John Childers "being on the Ufaum Brook." Recorded-February 4, 1760. Ibid. p. 606. Julius Allen, Saml. Duval and Joseph Lewis give bond in £500 for the said Julius Allen's faithful performance of the duties of tobacco inspector at Shockoe Public Warehouse, dated March 3, 1760. Recorded-March 3, 1760. Ibid. p. 615. Nov. 3, 1760. James Allen of Henrico deeds to Isham Allen of the same county for £40, 100 acres in Henrico ad- joining the land of Thos. Elmore, Littlebury Allen, Martin Martin, Anthony Matthews, and Valentine Freeman it being the land which James Allen purchased of Martin Martin. Recorded-Nov. 3, 1760. Elizabeth the said James' wife relinquishing her dower right upon privy ex- amination. Ibid. p. 653. Nov. 3, 1760. Isham Allen deeds to Julius Allen-both of Henrico-for £45, 137½ acres in Henrico adjoining the land of Julius Allen, Littlebury Allen, Thos. Elmore, and John Watson, being the land that Isham Allen purchased of John Elmore. Recorded-Nov. 3, 1760. Ibid. p. 654. Aug. 2, 1762. William Watson deeds to Julius Allen- both of Henrico-for £400, 800 acres in Henrico adjoining the lands of Matthew Joh (u) son, Elizabeth Dolton, Richard Williamson and James Valentine, it being the tract given the said William by his grandfather Joseph Watson decd. which the said Joseph received by patent dated Oct. 15- 1741. Recorded-Aug. 2, 1762. Ibid. p. 738. David Allen witnesses a deed from John North to Wil- liam Jones dated March 14-1761. Ibid. p. 672. Edmond Allen and David Allen witness a deed from James Ball to Richard Cottrell dated Aug. 21, 1761. Ibid. p. 701. 28 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Dec. 4, 1762. David Allen deeds to Sanuel Jones-both of Henrico-for £5, 15 acres in Henrico at the head of a branch of Deep Run called Plumtree Branch and is part of the same tract of land that the said David Allen now lives on and is bounded on one side by Saml. Jones' line and on the other side by the said Plumtree Branch and Benjamin Jones' line. Recorded-December 6, 1762. Also on Dec. 3, 1762, the said David Allen deeds to Benjamine Jones for £10, 60 acres in Henrico, being part of the tract where the said Allen now dwells on Plumtree Branch of Deep Run. Recorded-December 6, 1762. Ibid. p. 760. -1763-William Patman deeds to James Allen-both of Henrico for £200, 201 acres in Henrico for the use of a mill on one acre which mill was formerly built by the said Patman adjoining John Williamson decd., Thos. Thorp, Wm. Patman and John Watson decd. lands. Recorded-June 6, 1763. Ibid. p. 790. July 7, 1763. Samuel Allen and Elizabeth Allen of Lun- enburg deed to Peter Elmore of Henrico for £150, 160 acres in Henrico purchased of John Williamson decd. lying be- tween the lands of Dabney Pettus, Thomas Conway and James Browning. Recorded-Aug. 1, 1763. Ibid. p. 807. Richard Allen witnesses a deed from John Orring to Francis Cornet dated December 17, 1762. Ibid. p. 809. David Allen witnesses a deed from Nathl. Lankester to William Jones dated Nov. 7, 1762. Ibid. p. 821. Jan. 27, 1764. Julius Allen deeds to Wm. Morris-both of Henrico-for £60, 123 acres in Henrico adjoining Samuel Childress, Miles Gathright and Anthony Matthew, it being the land which the said Julius purchased of Saml. Gath- right Jr. Recorded-June 4, 1764. Ibid. p. 862. Oct. 26, 1765. Samuel Childres deeds to Christian Allen for £20, 40 acres in Henrico adjoining the lands of Julius Allen, William Gathright and the said Samuel Childres near Bulls branch Swamp. Recorded-June 2, 1766. Ibid. p. 969. ALLEN: HENRICO COUNTY 29 Christian Allen witnesses a deed from Susannah Burton to Wm. Allen Burton, dated July 11, 1766. Ibid. p. 989. Feb. 2, 1767. "William Allen a molatto of Henrico County" agrees to serve and obey Christian Allen of the same County for 6 years from date in consideration of £10.6. Recorded-February 2, 1767. Ibid. p. 993. Aug. 5, 1765. Julius Allen and Robert Spears give bond in £261. for Julius Allen to build a bridge "across the main run of Chickahominy Swamp twelve feet wide at a place known by the name of Railey's Bridge and make or cause to be made a causway across the said Swamp twelve feet wide on the top beginning at a poplar tree on the south side of the said swamp the causway from there to be car- ried on the line between the Rev. Miles Selden & Joseph Lewis to the bridge across the said main Run from the north and of the said Bridge the way the causway now. runs to the high lands of William Macon's" this to be fin- ished by Oct. 1, next and the said Allen to Keep the said bridge and causway in repair for eight years. Ibid. p. 1001. July 29, 1767-John Blackburn, Planter of Henrico deeds to R. Richard Allen to discharge a debt, 93 acres in Henrico on the south side of Deep Run adjoining Quioccason Run, Thomas Randolph, Nicholas Amoses and John Ellis' land and gives bond in £500 to warrant his title. Recorded- August 3, 1767. Ibid. p. 1024. Lucy Allen, a Granddaughter of Hobson Owen, receives by his will "one negro girl named Annis and her future in- crease to her and her heirs forever. I give and bequeath to my grandson William Allen one bay mare to him and his heirs *** I give and bequeath to my grandson James Allen all the lands that I purchased of William Adkins and Thomas Merrit in Henrico County lying on the water of Hungary Branch to him and his heirs forever." Dated Oct. 3, 1772. Upon testimony of Thomas Prosser and Hobson Owen the will of Hobson Owen decd. was certified, as it had been destroyed by the enemy. Wills, & Deeds 1774-82 p. 23. 30 THE VALENTINE PAPERS • Jean Allen witnesses the will of Wm. Gathright dated Feb. 26, 1781, certified before commissioners for restoring Henrico County Records at their meeting Aprl. 14, 1783. Ibid. p. 36. Isham Allen is given the plantation purchased by Thos. Elmore from John Barnes in Henrico County after the death of the said Elmore's wife-Also one negro boy named Sam. The will was certified as dated Sept. 21, 1765, before the commissioners to restore Henrico Records at their meet- ing Aprl. 14, 1783. Ibid. p. 43. At a meeting of Commissioners to restore Henrico Rec- ords destroyed by the enemy-Held Apr. 14, 1783. The will of Thos. Elmore dated Sept. 21, 1765, was certified to the commissioners and by it the said Elmore's grandson Robert Allen was given one negro boy named Joe--The said El- more's daughter Agnes Allen was given one feather bed and furniture-After the death of the said Elmore's wife the said Agnes Allen was to get one-half of the estate. Ibid. p. 43. At a meeting of the Commissioners to restore the Henrico Records destroyed by the enemy-Held Apr. 14, 1783. A copy of the will of Isham Allen was introduced by James Sharpe one of the executors and certified. Isham Allen of the parish and county of Henrico, "sick and weak"- Brother Littlebury Allen, one hundred acres of land ad- joining Anthony Matthews's line, provided he pay execu- tors hereafter named Thirty pounds current money. Son, Isham Allen land I purchased of Joseph Binns containing one hundred and twenty-six acres, also negro man Sam. Son, Robert Allen Two hundred acres of land known by the name of the seven pines. Also negro boy known by the name of little Joe. Daughter, Jane Ann Allen, negro woman Sue and her future increase. Daughter, Mary Allen, negro girl named Rachel and her future increase. Two sons, Christian and George Allen, land and plantation whereon I now live. Also land I purchased of Charles Allen contain- ing three hundred and ten acres, equally devided between them in quantity and quality. Son Christian Allen, negro ALLEN: HENRICO COUNTY 31 boy known by the name of great Joe. Son, George Allen my negro boy Wilsher. Daughter, Susanna Price, wife of James Price, five shillings sterling. To my beloved wife Agnes Allen, use of all of my lands before mentioned. Also the remainder of all my estate both real and personal during her natural life or widowhood provided she raise my chil- dren on the income of my estate and give them board and proper education and also delivers them their legacies when they come of age or marrieth. To be kept together to raise my children on, Estate not to be appraised. After the death or marriage of wife, that estate both real and per- sonal, consisting of negroes, household and kitchen furni- ture and stock of all kinds be equally divided between my six children hereafter named Isham, Robert, Jane Ann, Mary, Christian and George Allen to them and their heirs forever that was given to my wife. Brothers, Julius and James Allen and James Sharpe executors. Witnesses- Richard Allen, Anderson Freeman, Jacob Childress. Isham-X-Allen (LS) Littlebury-(X)-Allen, Elizabeth-(X)—Allen and Sarah-(X)-Allen witness the will of Anthony Matthews dated March 21, 1781. Julius Allen is appointed one of the executors thereof. Jean Allen witnesses the will of Wm. Gathright, dated Feb. 26, 1781. Julius Allen appraises the estate of John Bottom, decd. on May 2, 1782. Wills No. 1, 1781-87, p. 6. Timothy Allen, Richmond City, My brother John Allen, quarter land of Kilmandel held by virtue of a lease of lives renewable forever from the Earl of Antrim, lying and being situated near Claugh Mills in the County of Antrim & King- dom of Ireland, subject however to the following incum- brances, that is to say, that until the marriage or death of my sisters, Margery and Ann Allen there shall be paid unto each of them out of the profit rent of said quarter land, the sum of five guineas annually, two guineas and a half to Margery the first day of every May & two guineas & a half to her the first day of every November untill her said marriage when this bequest is to cease & become void, and unto Ann the said sum at the same time, to cease in same 32 THE VALENTINE PAPERS manner. But should my said sisters become widows with- out any provision being made for them from their husband estates or should that provision not exceed ten pounds per year they, they either or each of them so becoming widows without such provision of more than ten pounds p. year, will be entitled to receive from & I hereby bequeath unto such one becoming so a widow or unto both so becoming widows the sum of ten pounds yearly out of my said profit rents of Kilmandel to be paid also in half yearly payments, that is to say five pounds at May and five pounds at Nov. to such a one becoming so a widow or should they both so become widows then they are each to receive the said sum of five pounds every first of May and every first of Novemb. from the said profit rents. Whatever sum may fall to my share of money due by late Alexr. Allen of Dunover. To be divided into three equal shares & go share and share alike unto my brother & my two sisters, also all other prop-' erty that may fall to me from my fathers estate. Money due on a settlement of Montgomery & Allen's books to be disposed of in the following manner, should it however from unforeseen accidents not prove anything, I desire and my will is that no notice be taken of these bequests to the preju- dice of my brother & sisters with respect to that part of my property already disposed of. Friend and Patron John Campbell Esq. of Belfast, fifty guineas to purchase a piece of plate or any other token of my gratitude to him for the many and great favors I have receoived from him. Dear friend Alexr. Montgomery the like sum of fifty guineas. Dear friend Thomas Brown of Belfast twenty guineas as a token of affectionate remembrance. My friend John Shan- nan of Torlola ten guineas as another token of my great friendship and esteem. John Campbell Esq. of Belfast, my partner Alexr. Montgomery, brother John Allen executors, and all property that I die possessed of not disposed of in this will I desire may be divided into three equal shares, one full third of which I desire may be paid to my said brother John, one third to my sister Margery, and the other third to my sister Ann. To James White of Whitehall fifty guineas, as a small token of the grateful remembrance I have of the many obligations I and our family lie under to him & his. Cousin Timothy Hamilton, son of James ALLEN: HENRICO COUNTY 33 Hamilton of Fort Stewart the sum of fifty guineas as a like token of my grateful remembrance of that family. 28th February, 1784. Witnesses-Thomas Molloy, Henry Sad- ler and Alexr. Montgomery. Recorded-January 3, 1785. Wills, No. 1, 1781-87, p. 173. ... Littlebury Allen of the Parrish and County of Henrico. *** Just debts to be paid * * Wife Elizabeth Allen during her natural life or widowhood the land whereon I now live containing eighty acres. . Lend unto my wife Elizabeth Allen seven negroes to wit: Edy, Sook, Joe, Cisty, Robbin, Jenny, and Absolom, together with a mare and a mare's colt until my son Fleming Allen arrives to the age of twenty one for the use of schooling and maintenance of my four youngest children, to wit; Fleming Allen, Lit- tlebury Allen, Sarah Allen and Jenny Allen and at the time of Fleming Allen's arriving at lawful age, the negroes and mares so lent to be equally divided between my wife and all my children all to have an equal part-to wit; Elizabeth my wife one part also Richard Allen, Fleming Allen, Lit- tlebury Allen, Ann Turner, Francis Wade, Sarah Allen and Jenny Allen their equal parts and in case any of my chil- dren die without lawful issue of their bodies, then an equal division to be made amongst the survivors at the time of Flemings coming of age of the negroes and mares together with their increase, that is so lent by my executors here- after named- *** Wife Elizabeth Allen during her life two beds and furniture, four head of cattle, two pewter dishes, two basons, and one pot and at her death an equal division to be made of this last devise between my three youngest children to wit; Littlebury Allen, Sarah Allen and Jenny Allen to them and their heirs for ever. *** Son Littlebury Allen the land and plantation, whereon I now live at the death or marriage of wife Elizabeth Allen. * Two sons Richard Allen And Fleming Allen all the remain- ing part of my land lying in Henrico County to be equally divided between them. *** Son Fleming Allen one bed and furniture, one cow and calf, and it is my desire that my executors provide out of my estate before any division is made the sum of twenty pounds, to be applyed by them for the schooling, maintenance &c of Landrum Allen & * 34 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Martha Allen, children of my son Edmond Allen deceased. Wife Elizabeth Allen, Richard Allen, James Turner and Julius Allen executors. Twentieth day of August one thou- sand seven hundred and eighty-three. Witnesses-Jno. Al- len, Mary-(X)-Allen, Sarah-(X)-Tally, Littlebury Allen (seal). Recorded-June 6, 1785, James Allen going security in £2000 on Richard Allen's executors' bond. Wills, No. 1, 1781-87, p. 219. "An Appraisement of the estate of Littlebury Allen Decd. Slaves, Edy £20, Sook & child £90, Joe £45, Cisly £40, Robin £30, Jenny £20, Absolem £15, Grey mare £12, Bay mare £20, 1 yoke oxen £10, 7 head of cattle £10, 2 beds & furniture £16, 1 do. in dispute £6, 1 chest 6/, a parcel of pewter £2, a parcel of earthen ware 4/, 2 jugs 2/, 1 stine pot & lard 3/, 3 bottles 1/3, Flesh pork ladle & pepper box 2/, 7 knives & 12 forks 6/, a parcel of books 5/, shoemakers tools 6/, 3 spinning wheels 10/, 1 mans saddle 10/, 3 slays & 2 pr. harness 15/, 4 pr. cards 8/, 1 meal sifter 2/, 1 lot of old wrought iron 12/, 1 tin funnel 4d, 1 gunn 10/, 1 tin coffee pot 5, 6 chairs 7/6, 1 small looking glass 71½d, 1 womans saddle £1.10, 3 reap hooks 3/, a parcel of bacon £5.12.6., 3 axes and 1 hatchell 9/, 8 old hoes 10/, 1 Froe, 1 spade & 1 pr. wedges 3/, 2 plow frames & 3 hoes 6/, horse harness 2/, 1 old ox crt & &c £1.5., A parcel of corn £6, 3 bee hives 12/, 3 iron pots, 1 oven & a skillett 40/, 1 water pail, 2 tubbs, 2 piggns & a churn 8/, 1 iron hoe, Tongs, shovel 3/, 2 bread trays & halff bushel measure 2/, 10 casks £2, a parcel of Barrells 9/6, 1 pr. shoes 1/3, a parcel of wool 12/, 1 pine table 1/3, a parcel of leather 18/, a parcell of soap 5/, a parcell of cotton 5/, 2 Razors 2/6, 5 geese 10/, 1 scythe 3/, 16 head of hogs £33.10, sheep £5, 1 Cradle 2/6. The Amount £375-9-212." Appraisers-John Ferris, Jacob Carter, John Spear. Recorded-July 4, 1785. Wills, No. 1, 1781-87, p. 221. Julius Allen of Henrico County. *** Just debts and funeral charges be paid first. *** Wife three negroes, to- wit, a negro man, named little Tom, a negro woman named Dinah & Hanner's child named Nan, them and their in- crease. *** and to said wife in lieu of her dower the fol- ALLEN: HENRICO COUNTY 35 lowing stock and furniture, to wit, two feather beds & fur- niture, a riding chair & harness, two horses, Golial & Lewis, one mare called Long-tail & her horse and mare colts & a mare by the name of Young Blaze, also all the bacon at my plantation at Allen's Creek, with all the stock of every kind belonging to the said plantation provided she pays unto Joseph, Sarah and Martha Watson six head of cattle & six head of hogs to each of them, also a cart and wheels and all the working tools and manufacturing implements, all the household and kitchen furniture, also all the crop of every kind that is on or made on the said plantation the year of my death, also one half the pewter I have now in possession, all the knives & forks, stone & china ware, three flat irons, one spice morter & pestle, five tongs & shovel, one iron pot, & pot rack, one spit, one copper Kettle, one desk, two trunks, one chest, one X cut Saw, half box window glass, two coopers axes, one cross, two salts & pair of steelyards, two brass and one tin candlestick & snaffles, one pair of shears. * Lend unto my loving wife the labour of a negro man named Cuff during her natural life & after her death I give the said negro to my son John Allen to him and his heirs forever, and my desire is further that my wife have possession given her of all the above mentioned arti- cles immediately after my dease delivered her by my ex- ecutors hereafter named, notwithstanding any law to the contrary. Whereas I have made provision to pay my just debts without that legacie Given to her, as also the land at Allen's Creek which I hold in right of her former dower. I further give to my wife 10 pounds Current money. *** Son Julius Allen, tract of land he now lives on containing two hundred and ninty two & a half acres *** also two hundred acres of land out of my Powhite tract, to be laid off adjoining Anthon Matthews, John Raglin & Thomas Bethel, also five negroes, to wit, a negro man named Will, a negro boy named Joe, A negro woman named Nan, a negro girl named Doll, & Little Janey them and their in- crease I give to my said son Julius & his heirs forever, also all the stock in his possession, except two young steers. * * * Sons, David Allen & John Allen a parcel of land lying on Chickahominy Swamp, between the said Swamp and New Road, containing one thousand acres be the same more or 36 THE VALENTINE PAPERS less, to be equally divided between them, David Allen to have the two lower plantations & the mill included in his part, and John to have the plantation whereon I now live, the dividing line between them to begin on the said swamp at a crossing place unto Melton's Island, running a short course to the said road. *** Son, Charles Allen all the remaining part of the tract of land I now live on lying over the New Road, containing six hundred acres be the same more or less also a house and lot in the town of Richmond number fifty two, also the remaining part of my tract of land lying on Powhite after my son Julius Allen has his two hundred acres of land off out of the said tract. ** Son, Charles Allen five negroes, towit, old Sam, Frank, Watt, Cochenor & Delphia & their increase. *** Brother Little- bury Allen, a parcel of land lying over the old road con- taining seventy five acres being a part of a larger tract surveyed by my father Edmund Allen, which land I give to him and his heirs forever. * * Son David Allen five negroes, to wit, Bob, Little Will, Dennis, & Dilce, also a horse colt called Partrarell which I give unto son David Allen with the increase of the female negroes. *** Son, John Allen, five negroes, towit, Old Tom, Rachel, Niolet, Little Phillis, & Sall & their increase, also one feather bed & furniture. *** Daughter, Elizabeth M. Allen, five ne- groes, towit, Little Sam, Phillis' daughter Dorcas, Janey, Patience & Sue & their increase also one feather bed & fur- niture.✶✶✶ My son Julius Allen, twenty five pounds curr. money p. annum during the life of Henry Winfrey.*** My will that if either of my children depart this life before they come to lawful age & leaves no issue that their part of my estate given them so dieing shall be equally divided between the surviving brothers and sisters (?). * * * Es- tate to be appraised. My will is that all the rest of my estate undisposed of in this will of what kind soever be equally divided among all my children after my debts are paid. *** Samuel Price, Miles Selden, Junr., son Julius Allen Executors. *** 4, April 1777." Witnesses-Jas. Sharpe, Gideon Howle, Benj. Marris. Julius Allen (seal). Wills, No. 1, 1781-87, p. 278. ALLEN: HENRICO COUNTY 37 Julius Allen witnesses the will of John Hales, Oct. 18, 1785, of which John Pleasants and George Woodson are ap- pointed executors. Recorded-March 6, 1786. Ibid. p. 282. Robert Allen witnesses the will of Wm. Gathright- March 26, 1786. Ibid. p. 299. Bacon Family ALBEMARLE COUNTY RECORDS Howard Bacon, an appraiser of the estate of Danl. McCary, decd. Sept. 7, 1805. W. B. 4, p. 201. Howard [Harwood] Bacon, of Albemarle County, Will of. Gives to his wife Mary, 500 acres on which he lives during her life. Also three negroes &c. Gives to son, William Bacon, a negro man Charles. Gives to son, Langston Bacon, a negro man Charles. Gives to son Lud- well Bacon, a negro girl Chaney. Gives to son Nathaniel Bacon, a negro woman, Peggy. Gives to son Edmund Bacon, a negro woman, Little Bett. Directs that his two sons Nathaniel & Edmund Bacon shall have a life interest only in what he gives them and that their wives shall not inherit, but their interest to go at their the sd. sons deaths to their children. Gives to the children of his daughter Judith Bacon, should she have any. Gives to his son John Bacon, a negro Boy. Executors-son William Ba- con, and friend Edward Garland and Martin Dawson. Witnesses-Fleming Turner. Proved by the oath of Fleming Turner, Dec. Court 1807, and Record- Dec. 11, 1805. Ibid. p. 315. Nancy Bacon, daughter of William-(X)-Simmons of Albemarle Co., mentioned in the will of sd. Simmons. Dec. 25, 1816. W. B. 6, p. 210. Harwood Bacon, decd. Estate of divided according to the will of the sd. Harwood Bacon, decd. Distributers, viz; Langston Bacon, Ludwell Bacon, Nathaniel Bacon, Edmund Bacon, John Bacon, Judith Bacon, Mary Bacon, Wm. Bacon. Wm. Bacon, Executor of Harwood Bacon, decd. Returned and Recorded-Aug. 7, 1818. Ibid. p. 305. BACON: ALBEMARLE COUNTY 39 Harwood Bacon, deed from Thomas Williams, of, Am- herst Co., £30. A negro boy. Jan. 13, 1791. D. B. 10 p. 129. Harwood Bacon, gives bond as Inspector of Tobacco. Security John Key. £1000. Nov. 8, 1792. Ibid. p. 173. William Bacon, of Amherst Co., deed from Richard Price of Albemarle Co., £50 curr. One negro girl. July 14, 1794. D. B. 11, p. 340. Harwood Bacon, gives bond as Inspector of Tobacco in town of Wilton. $30,000. Security, Bernard Brown. Sept. 2, 1799, D. B. 13, p. 175. Harwood Bacon, of Albemarle Co., deed to Christopher Hudson of same Co. $100. 70 acres in Albemarle Co. June 11, 1800, Ibid. p. 344. Harwood Bacon, of Albemarle Co., By a dedimus is- sued by the Clerk of Albemarle Co. Mch. 19, 1799, it ap- pears that Charles Lilburn Lewis and Lucy, his wife, by their deed dated June 13, 1798, conveyed to Harwood Bacon, of Albemarle Co., 435 acres on S. side of Buck Island Creek, Albemarle Co. 1798, D. B. 14, p. 68. Harwood Bacon, and Mary, his wife, of Albemarle Co., deed to Robert Thrift? of same Co. £36. 135 acres on S. side Rivanna River, Albemarle Co., adjoining Christo- pher Hudson, James Moss. Jan. 8, 1806, D. B. 15, p. 284. William Bacon, of Albemarle Co., deed from David Nimmo, and Ann, his wife, of same Co. £446, Curr. 372 acres in Albemarle Co., as per pat. granted sd. Nim- mo April 1800. Oct. 6, 1806, Ibid. p. 438. Harwood Bacon, gives bond as Inspector of Tobacco at Henderson & Randolph Warehouse, in Albemarle Co. Bond $4000. Security Charles Yancey. Sept. 7, 1807, Ibid. p. 67. 40 THE VALENTINE PAPERS John Bacon, of Albemarle Co., deed to Richard Bacon, of same Co., $150. "all my interest of land, money, stock and every part of my proportionable part of interest in my Father's Harwood Bacon deceased, Estate, reference can be had to his will &c. (except my negro boy Lewis). June 2, 1812, D. B. 18, p. 95. Richard Bacon, of Albemarle Co., deed to Edward Bacon, $150. The interest of John Bacon in the estate of Harwood Bacon decd. purchased from said John Ba- con and conveyed by deed dated June 2, 1812. Aug. 3, 1812, Ibid. p. 96. William Bacon, and Nancy, his wife, Nathan T. Gaines & Harriet, his wife, of Albemarle Co. deed to Marma- duke Branham, of same Co. $183,75. 18334 acres in Albemarle Co., being sd. Branham's part of a tract pur- chased by sd. Bacon, Gaines and Branham from Lewis C. Anthony & Nancy, his wife on Oct. 14, 1816. April 13, 1818, D. B. 21, p. 177. William Bacon, Nathan Gaines, and Marmaduke Bran- ham, of Albemarle Co., deed from Lewis Anthony & Nancy, his wife, of the State of Tennessee. $150, to be paid Dec. 25, 1818, and $149, to be paid Dec. 25, 1819. 450 acres on Buck Island Creek, adjoining Humphrey Gaines & others. Oct. 14, 1816, D. B. 20, p. 392. James Bacon, of Albemarle Co., deed from William Bacon & Nancy, his wife; Nathan T. Gaines & Harriet, his wife; Marmaduke Branham & Fanny, his wife, of Albemarle Co. $126.75. 12634 acres in Albemarle Co., being sd. Wm. Bacon's part of a tract purchased by sd. Wm. Bacon, Gaines, and Branham from Lewis C. An- thony & wife. The sd. Wm. Bacon having sold his part to sd. Jas. Bacon. April 13, 1818, D. B. 20, p. 179. William Bacon, and Nancy, his wife, Marmaduke Bran- ham, & Fanny, his wife, of Albemarle Co., deed to Na- than T. Gaines, of same Co., $175. 175 acres in Albe- marle Co., being Gaines' part of a tract purchased by sd. Bacon, Haines, & Branham from Lewis C. Anthony. April 13, 1818, D. B. 21, p. 181. BACON: ALBEMARLE COUNTY 41 Nathaniel Bacon, of St. Louis Co., Missouri, power of attorney to his brother Langston Bacon, of the county and territory aforesaid. To settle business for him relative to the estate of Harwood Bacon, decd. Oct. 29, 1817, D. B. 21, p. 270. Langston Bacon, Ludwell Bacon, Nathaniel & Edmund Bacon, by his attorney in fact dated Oct. 29, 1817. deed to Isaiah Stout of Albemarle Co., the undivided right and portion of an estate willed to sd. Langston, Ludwell, Nathaniel and Edmund by his attorney Langston Bacon; agreeable to the last will and testament of their father Harwood Bacon, decd. which may be found on record in Albemarle Co. Court, wherein sd. above mentioned par- ties were willed certain negro slaves therein mentioned and have received from the executor the negroes. There remaining a portion of sd. estate but subject to Mary Bacon, mother to the above parties during her life and after her death to be equally divided by sale, so prop- erty to be sold by executor agreeable to said will and pro- ceeds of said property equally divided amongst the lega- tees of sd. Harwood Bacon; which undivided part of the estate consists of a certain tract of land containing 500 acres and 3 negro slaves; with other property now in the possession of Mary Bacon and subject to her benefit during life and after her death to be sold as above men- tioned & etc. We the sd. Langston, Ludwell, Nathaniel and Edmund by his attorney do hereby convey and sell to the sd. Stout all remaining undivided portion of sd. estate, real and personal, for the sum of £296. (Edmund Bacon having received $103 from sd. estate in payment of sd. Stout sd. Edmund is to account for same with Mary Bacon and Wm. Bacon). Witnesses-Charles Vest, Mar- tin Dawson, Fleming Douglas. Aug. 29, 1818. Jan. 17, 1818, D. B. 21, p. 277. Mary-(X)-Bacon, lease to Isaiah Stout. 10 BB1 of merchantable Indian corn yearly. All land left the said Mary Bacon by her husband Howard (Harwood) Bacon, decd. during her natural life: bounded by Jones Creek up creek to Mira hole thence to road and along road 42 THE VALENTINE PAPERS thence bounded by line of Jno. R. Campbell leaving out field called Ben Kerby on B. Island Creek and dwelling house & land adj. for such uses as she may think proper. Jan. 24, 1818, D. B. 21, p. 273. Edmund Bacon, of Albemarle Co., deed to Isaiah Stout of same Co., $70. 350 acres adj. heirs of Wood, John Kerby & others. April 4, 1819, D. B. 21, p. 405. James Bacon, & Patsy, his wife, of Albemarle Co., deed to Joel Shiflett of same Co., $200. 12634 acres on Buck Island Creek, adj. "Wm. Bacon & etc.' Oct. 7, 1819, D. B. 23, p. 209. William Bacon, & Nancy, his wife, of Albemarle Co., deed to Joel Shiflett of same Co., $1000. 402, acres in Albemarle Co. on Buck Island Creek, adj. Humphery Gaines. Oct. 7, 1822, D. B. 23, p. 211. William Bacon, and Richard Bacon, of Albemarle Co., agreement to settle all matters of controversy that ever did, or at this time exist between above parties relating to the last will of Harwood Bacon, decd. Wherein is given to the children of said Richard Bacon & Judith, his wife, a certain sum of $400 with interest from day of death of sd. Harwood Bacon until money is raised agree- able to said will into hands of sd. William and sd. Richard and Wm. pledge themselves to compromise all disputes which ever did or now exist in certain suits in the Co. Court of Albemarle or any other way and agree to dismiss all such suits; and Mary Bacon and the sd. Wm. Bacon agree under contents of sd. will afsd. to de- liver to sd. Richard a certain amount of bonds, viz. bond of John Hogg for $60 and a horse estimated at $80 bond of Jno. R. Cambell for $60, bond of Richard White for $70. all land received by sd. Richard as a perfect com- pensation for all claims & damages against said estate & etc. etc. Oct. 9, 1822, D. B. 23, p. 355. Mary-(X)-Bacon, widow of Harwood Bacon, decd. of Albemarle Co., of the first part, Isaiah Stout of the same Co. of the 2d, part and Wm. Bacon as executor of Har- BACON: ALBEMARLE COUNTY 43 wood Bacon, decd. sd. Mary conveys to sd. Stout all her rights and dower title and claim in the estate of sd. Har- wood Bacon, decd. as found in the will of sd. Harwood Bacon, the whole right and title of a certain tract of land deeded to sd. Harwood Bacon by Charles L. Lewis and the sd. Wm. Bacon as executor and legatee doth sell with sd. Mary all his right & etc. Consideration $450. The sd. Wm. Bacon hath also conveyed all of John Bacon's right & title & etc. in the estate of his father Harwood Bacon, decd. to sd. Stout. Oct. 14, 1822, D. B. 23, p. 357. ORDER BOOKS Harwood Bacon, and Jacob Oglesby reappointed In- spectors at Milton. Robt. Sharp Jr. and Wm. Crenshaw to be recommended as third and fourth Inspectors at the same place the ensuing year. Sept. 9, 1791, O. B. 1791- 93, p. 7. Harwood Bacon, resignes his commission as an Inspec- tor of Tobacco in this County. Oct. 11, 1792, O. B. 1791- 93, p. 255. Richard Bacon, & Judith, his wife Plts. vs Isaiah Stout, Edmund Bacon, Ludwell Bacon, Langston Bacon, Na- thaniel Bacon, John Bacon and Wm. Bacon, in his own right and only acting executor of Harwood Bacon, decd. and Mary Bacon, widow and relict of sd. Harwood Bacon. Defts. Continued. O. B. 1829, p. 161. MARRIAGE BONDS William Bacon, marriage to Nancy Huckstep, spinster, daughter of James Huckstep. Harwood Bacon security. Dec. 19, 1787, Marr. Bonds. Richard Bacon, marriage to Judith Bacon daughter of Harwood Bacon, who gives consent. Edmund Bacon, se- curity. Dec. 10, 1805, Marr. Bonds. 44 THE VALENTINE PAPERS James Bacon, marriage to Martha Bacon, Benjamin Defoe, security. Mch. 6, 1805, Marr. bonds. Betsy Bacon, marriage to James Huckstep Jr., Wm. Bacon, father of sd. Betsy Bacon, gives consent. David Huckstep, security. Feb. 25, 1811, Marr. Bonds. Philip E. Bacon, marriage to Mary A. Gillette by Jo- seph Walker, Minister Sept. 29, 1846. AMELIA COUNTY RECORDS Tyree G. Bacon, Arthur Robertson & Hezekiah R. An- derson, Commissioners, as per order of Amelia Co. Court dated Oct. 1820, deed to Thomas W. Webster, of Amelia Co. Consideration $1175,20, curr. 104 acres in Amelia Co., adj. Mary Jeter, Abel Jackson and Anthony Web- ster. Oct. 29, 1821, D. B. 25, p. 693. Liddall Bacon, Plt. vs. John Mitchell, Deft. Judgment for Plt. for £4, 6, Nov., 1752, O. B. 1751-55, p. 74. Liddall Bacon, Plt. vs John Thomas, Deft. Judgment for Plt. for £4, 6, 0. May, 1753, Ibid. p. 97. Liddall Bacon, Deft. vs Susanna Massie Plt. Deft. pleads that the Plt. has brought action against him in the Co. Court of Lunenburg for the same cause which action is now pending and prays judgment & etc. Con- tinued. 1763, O. B. 1763. Liddall Bacon, and Richard Clough, Executors & etc. of Samuel Jordan, decd. Plt. vs Ralph Shelton, Deft. In Debt. Judgment for Plts. £104, 14, 0. 1763, Ibid. p. 46. Liddall Bacon & Richard Clough, Executors & etc. of Samuel Jordan, decd. Deft. vs Thomas Yarborrough & Hannah, his wife, Plts. May, 1763, Ibid. BACON: AMELIA COUNTY 45 Liddall Bacon, asse. of Anthony Street, Plt. vs Jno. Knight Deft. Judgment for Plt. Nov. 1768, O. B. 1768- 69, p. 18. Liddall Bacon, & Richard Clough Exors. & etc. of Samuel Jordan, decd. Plt. vs Richard Burks, Deft., In Chancery. Aug. 1764, O. B. 1764-65, p. 242. Liddall Bacon, & Richard Clough Exors. & etc. of Sam- uel Jordan, decd. Plt. vs. William Jordan Deputy, In Chancery. Deft. is ordered not to commit any waste on the lands whereof the sd. Samuel Jordan died seised. Mch. 29, 1765, Ibid. p. 536. Liddal Bacon, & Richard Clough, Executors & etc. of Samuel Jordan, decd. Plt. vs. Richard Burks & Ralph Shelton Deft. An Attachment is awarded against the Deft. June 26, 1765, O. B. 1765-67, p. 2. William Bacon, Plt. vs. Hopkins Muse, Deft. Dismissed. Plt. not prosecuting. May 1769, O. B. 1768-69, p. 140. Langston Bacon, Plt. vs John Hanblin, Deft. In Debt. July 1769, Ibid. p. 212. Richard C. Bacon, & Co. assignee of John Worsham asignee of John Morris Plt. vs. James Hill, Deft. In debt. William Leigh bondsman for the Deft. Continued. Nov. 1812, O. B. 1812-14, p. 93. Langston Bacon, & Co. assignee of Wm. T. Eggleston Plt. vs. Richard S. Eggleston & Ed. Eggleston Defts. In Debt. John L. Towns bondsman for Defts. Mch. 1814, Ibid. p. 430. Langston Bacon, & Co., Plts. vs Wm. Anderson Deft. In debt. James P. Cocke, bondsman for Deft. O. B. 1814- 17, p. 70. 46 THE VALENTINE PAPERS AMHERST COUNTY RECORDS William Bacon, and Nancy, his wife to Zacharias Taliaferro. £45 curr. 110 acres on Baffaloe River, Am- herst County, and on Dillard's road adjoining lands of Jesse Kinnade and John Beare. July 31, 1799, D. B. I, p. 14. MARRIAGE BONDS Ludwell Bacon, and Nancy Long. Taliaferro Hill, se- curity. Consent of Lawrence Long. Dec. 22, 1799. BRUNSWICK COUNTY RECORDS Gillie M. Bacon, receipt to William Palmer, former guardian of Eliza M. Rhodes the wife of said Gillie M. Bacon, for all of her estate of every description. Jan. 25, 1819, D. B. 24, p. 238. Thomas M. Bacon, of Brunswick Co., deed of trust to Littlebury Wilkinson to secure Joseph Kidd, all of same Co., $2711, 494 acres in Brunswick Co. adj. Kirkland Bacon, Hill, Bass & Wilkinson. Witnesses-Wm. Rice, R. Brown, Wm. Wilkinson. Recorded-Oct. 25, 1819. June 8, 1819, Ibid. p. 376. Thomas M. Bacon, of Brunswick Co., deed of trust to James Wyche to secure Jno. P. Malone his bondsman in the purchase of the above 494 acres in Brunswick Co. of Joseph Kidd on which the above deed of trust was given to secure the purchase money. Witnesses-Ford W. Green, D. Hobbs, Isham W. Vaden, Alex. Williams. June 12, 1819, Ibid. p. 500. Thomas M. Bacon, of Brunswick Co., deed of trust to Jno. P. Malone to Secure Nathaniel R. Bacon, as security in a bond of sd. Thomas M. Bacon to Diggs Payner and in ; 5 BACON: BRUNSWICK COUNTY 47 a bond of same to Miles R. Turbyville. $600. Horses, cattle, & etc. Recorded-April 24, 1820., April 24, 1820, Ibid. p. 518. Thomas M. Bacon, and his wife, deed to Diggs Payner. $50. Lot No. 15 in the town of Lawrenceville, Brunswick Co., being the lot purchased by said Bacon of the trustees of the said town. Sept. 6, 1823, D. B. 26, p. 76. Gillie M. Bacon, and Elizabeth M. Bacon, his wife, of Brunswick Co. deed to John Pritchett, of same Co., $2500. 333 acres in Brunswick Co., adj. Wm. Duggar, Wm. T. Pen- nington, Estate of Daniel Duggar, James Duggar, Wright Griffin & Wm. Davis. July 28, 1821, D. B. 27, p. 325. Thomas M. Bacon, of Brunswick Co. deed of trust to Abner Wesson to secure Nathaniel R. Bacon. $350, due by bond of day of June last, also as security for said Thos. M. Bacon to Robert Bailey by bond of $2500 and to Diggs Poyner by bond of $200. Sd. Thomas M. Bacon's interest in the standing crop, all stock & etc, sub- ject however to a Deed of trust, this day executed to Clax- ton Lightfoot. to secure a debt due A. Wesson and Harri- son Heartwell. Sept. 14, 1820, D. B. 25, p. 36. Thomas M. Bacon, deed to Gray & Dunn all of Brunswick Co. $50 sd. Bacon's half interest in an acre lot in Lawrence- ville, Brunswick Co. Oct. 24, 1820, Ibid. p. 50. Thomas M. Bacon, Insolvent. Aug. 9, 1820, Ibid. p. 73. Gillie M. Bacon, and Elizabeth, his wife, of Brunswick Co., deed to Wright Griffin, of same Co., $45,50. 6½ acres in said Co. Aug. 18, 1821, Ibid. p. 178. Gillie M. Bacon, and Elizabeth, his wife, and William R. Rhodes of Lunenburg Co., deed to Henry Tarpley of Bruns- wick Co. $630. 180 acres in Brunswick Co., formerly the property of Randall Rhodes decd. and adj. Thos. J. West, Nathan Potts' estate, Joseph Rice's estate and Maqua Creek. Recorded-Mch. 27, 1822. 48 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Gillie M. Bacon, late guardian of William R. Rhodes re- ceipt from sd. Rhodes in final settlement of said guardian- ship. Proved in Lunenburg County Court May 13, 1828 and ordered to be certified to the County Court of Bruns- wick there to be recorded. Jan. 12, 1826, D. B. 27, p. 472. ORDER BOOKS George L. Bacon, having died more than three months ago and no person having applied for administration on his estate. It is ordered that Nathaniel E. Mabry the sheriff of this Co. administer the said estate. Mch. 1833, O. B. 35, p. 354. Oliver R. Bacon, Wm. D. Wesson, and Narcissa Ann, his wife, and Nathaniel J. Bacon, Plts. vs. Wm. Meredith, Executor of John Gee, decd., and Eliza Ann Bacon, Defts. In Chancery. Thomas Hicks, Richard Edmunds, Wm. B. Price, Thomas Morris, Stephen Moore & John C. Mont- gomery are appointed Commissioners to divide the slaves bequeathed by John Gee in his last will to Oliver R. Bacon, Wm. D. Wesson, and wife, Nathl. J. Bacon & Eliza Ann Bacon, equally between them. Nov. 24, 1845, O. B. 39, p. 113. MARRIAGE BONDS Thomas M. Bacon, marriage to Eliza R. Gee. Herbert Hill, security. John Gee gives consent. June 1, 1813. Mar- riage Bonds. Gillie Bacon, marriage to Elizabeth M. Rhodes. Wm. M. Palmer gives consent. Feb. 1818, Marriage Bonds. Eliza A. Bacon, marriage to Thomas Morris. Eliza A. Bacon gives consent. Feb. 11, 1847. Marriage Bonds. Narcissa A. M. Bacon, marriage to Wm. D. Wesson. May 31, 1836, Marriage Bonds. BACON: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 49 ST. ANDREW'S PARISH VESTRY BOOK Ludwell Bacon, To Ludwell Bacon two levies over charged 52 lbs. Oct. 31, 1744. CAROLINE COUNTY RECORDS Lyddall Bacon, and Richard Foster to Pleasant Meredith. Deed indented, memorandum and receipt further proved by oaths of Jones Head Lynch and John Lipscomb. May, 1779, O. B. 1776-1770, p. 158. CHARLES CITY COUNTY RECORDS Lyddall Bacon, deputy clerk of Charles City County Court. Nov. 4, 1767, W. B. 1767-1773. Lucenia H. Bacon's estate in account with A. M. Marston, administrator. $891.50. Aug. 2, 1894, W. B. 1878-1900, p. 409. John Bacon, David Garland, John Jennings and Phillip Russell, or any three of them to appraise (being first sworn) the estate (personal and slaves) of John Edloe, junior, deceased, in Charles City County. February 7, 1759, O. B. 1758-1762. CHESTERFIELD COUNTY RECORDS Sarah Bacon, decd. Estate of, In account with Eleazer Clay late High Sheriff of Chesterfield Co. settled by Thomas Vaden and James Clarke, Jr. May 3, 1815. W. B. 8, p. 373. Sarah Bacon, of Chesterfield Co. deed from Onan Elly- son, alias Woody, of same Co. £200 curr. 7 negroes. Oct. 1786, D. B. 11, p. 210. ! 50 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Sarah Bacon, of Chesterfield Co., deed to Reuben Brum- mall of same Co. £32 curr. 36 acres in Chesterfield Co., adj. Daniel Johnson, John Martin and Reuben Brummall. April 29, 1793, Ibid. p. 430. Sarah Bacon, of Chesterfield Co., deed from James Win- free and Anne, his wife, of same Co. £300. 232 acres in said county on Mansfield, adj. Miles Cary, Thomas Gibson, John Martin, Reuben Brummall, Simon Hancock, Jesse Crump. Feb. 18, 1793, D. B. 13, p. 392. Peter Bacon, of the town and Borrough of Norfolk, and Elizabeth, his wife, deed to John Risen, of Chesterfield Co., £457,10,0. 3051/2 acres in the county of Chesterfield, about a mile from Goodes bridges across Appomattox river, being the land which the said Bacon purchased of James F. Frese, adj. the estate of J. F. Frese, decd. F. Goode, decd., Samuel Flournoy, decd. Thos. Rudd & etc. Elizabeth Bacon the wife of sd. Peter Bacon, acknowledges her signature to the above deed before Wm. Vaughn & John E. Holt. Sept. 6, 1803, D. B. 16, p. 294 and 426. Sarah Bacon, of Chesterfield Co., deed to Nancy Owen, of same Co., $1.00. one acre in Chesterfield Co., adj. Hicker- son Cox, & Daniel Johnson and being part of the tract on which the said Sarah Bacon dwells. June 27, 1809, D. B. 18, p. 259. Sarah Bacon, of Chesterfield Co. deed to Daniel Johnson, 20 shillings., per acre. acres in Chesterfield Co., adj. Obediah Cox, Reuben Brummel, Daniel Trabu, Haley Cole & Peter M. Cary. Aug. 10, 1805, D. B. 29, p. 116. ORDER BOOKS Wm. Bacon, Plt. vs. Jas. Ball Deft. dismissed. April, 1770, O. B. 4, p. 402. Sarah Bacon, Plt. vs. Frances Woody, dismissed. April, 1779, O. B. 6, p. 221. BACON: FLUVANNA COUNTY 51 Burwell Bacon, Deft. vs. Mary Cary Plt. Ellyson secur- ity for sd. Burwell Bacon Deft. May 10, 1783, O. B. 7, p. 162. Sarah Bacon on her motion is exempted from paying taxes on two infirm negroes. 1789, O. B. 8, p. 261. Sarah Bacon, & Edward Bass, Defts. vs. Haley Cole & Thompson Blunt, Executors & etc. of Daniel Morrissett, decd. 1808, O. B. 17, p. 106. Sarah Bacon, decd. The executors named in her will re- fusing to qualify, Eleazer Clay, sheriff of the County quali- fied. 1811, O. B. 18, p. 568. Sarah Bacon, decd. Ordered that the Sheriff to whom her estate has been committed sell it on a credit of six months. 1811, Ibid. p. 600. MARRIAGE RETURNS Elizabeth Bacon, and Lesner Martel. June 9, 1781. Mildred Bacon and Moody Ereas. January 1, 1779. FLUVANNA COUNTY RECORDS Richard Bacon, "crier" at sales of personal property of John B. Magruder, deceased. Jan. 15, W. B. 4, p. 5. Richard Bacon, conveys to William Allen, to secure notes given by said Bacon to James Magruder, Horatio J. Ma- gruder and Ben H. Magruder, merchants and partners (trading under the firm name of Magruder Brothers) amounting to $40, sundry articles of household furniture. March 28, 1839. Feb. 5, 1839, D. B. 12, p. 77. 52 22 THE VALENTINE PAPERS ORDER BOOKS William Bacon's petition against Pleasant Bylee [?] for £1,18,0. The petitioner to recover. March 1, 1787, O. B. 1783-1791, p. 349. Benedict Bacon, plaintiff, vs. Joseph Scott, defendant. In debt. Plaintiff to recover against defendant the said debt of $100. Aug. 1805. Edmund Bacon's petition against Rowland Estiss for one sow and piggs, of the value of $20, dismissed. July, 1807. Nathaniel Bacon, aged 16 years to be bound by the Over- seers of the poor of the 2d District of Fluvanna county, to David England of Albemarle county, "to learn the art and mystery of a wheelwright" said England to pay said Bacon $20 the last year of his term. Sept. 1849, O. B. 1847-53, p. 201. MARRIAGE RETURNS Richard Bacon married to Matilda Harlow. Oct. 22, 1827. HENRICO COUNTY RECORDS Nathaniel Bacon, and Jno. W. Williamson Jr. securities of Abraham Cowley guardian of Theodoric Cowley orphan of Abraham Cowley, decd. £500. Dec. 2, 1754. (Original Papers.) Langston Bacon, of Henrico Co., deed to Merry Carter, of same Co. £4.6.0. curr. Lot 110 in town of Westham, Henrico Co. Witnesses. John Williamson, John Woodson, Joseph Hopkins. Recorded-June 4, 1754. June 4, 1754. (Original Papers.) Nathaniel Bacon, of New Kent Co., marriage to Miss Elizabeth Meux, of parish & county of Henrico. Wm. BACON: HENRICO COUNTY 53 Waddell of Richmond (City) security. Witnesses-Adam Craig, Martha Hawkins, cousin of Elizabeth Meux states that the bride is twenty one years or more of age. May 1, 1786. (Original Papers.) Millicent Bacon marriage to Wm. T. Baker. John M. Sherer, security. Lofton Ñ. Ellett, witness. Eliza Sherer, mother of Millicent Bacon gives consent. Mch. 29, 1842. (Original Papers.) Millicent Bacon, and Wm. T. Baker were married by Philip Courtney. Mch. 29, 1842. (Original Papers.) Bacon's plantation. Notice given that a cow broke her neck down the bank at Bacon's plantation and died leaving a calf of a fortnight old. Feb. 1, 1694, D. B. 1688-97, p. 544. John Bacon, John Parke and Nathl. Bacon are witnesses to a deed from Francis-(X)-Wilkinson, of New Kent Co. to John Law of Henrico Co. Mch. 5, 1729, D. W. B. 1725-37, p. 832. John Bacon, of St. Peters Parish of New Kent, deed to Henry Stokes of Parish and Co. of Henrico, £100 curr. All that tract or parcel of land situate and lying in the said parish and county of Henrico containing three hundred acres be the same more or less and bounded as followeth viz. Beginning at a marked White Oak standing in the mouth of Beachen Run thence up the said Run to my head line near John Watkins mill thence along that line South West by West to Upuans Brook down the said brook to the mouth of the Beach Branch, where it began. May 1, 1732, Ibid. p. 343. ORDER BOOKS John Bacon, of New Kent Co., Pays 172 lbs. Tobacco for the taking of his runaway negro man Peter. Nov. 28, 1740, O. B. 1737-46, p. 128. John Bacon's deed to his son Nathaniel is proved by the oaths of James Hill and George Wilkinson two of the wit- nesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. Oct. 4, 1742, Ibid. p. 195. 54 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Nathaniel Bacon, appointed one of the appraisers of John Watkins Estate. May 7, 1744, Ibid. p. 256. William Bacon, Deft. vs. James Young Plt. judgment for Plt. June 4, 1744, Ibid. p. 267. Langston Bacon, Deft. vs. James Young ? dismissed. July 2, 1744, Ibid. p. 274. William Bacon, is a witness to a deed from Lidale Bacon and Mary his wife to Isaac Winston, Jr. Aug. 6, 1744, Ibid. p. 275. Liddel Bacon, acknowledges a deed to Isaac Winston, and Mary, wife of said Liddal Bacon relinquishes her dower right in said deed. Oct. 1, 1744, Ibid. p. 285. William Bacon, Plt. vs. John Sheppard. Trespass on the case. Judgment for Plt. £30. Dec. 4, 1744, Ibid. p. 292. Same Dismissed, Plt. not Prosecuting. May 6, 1745, Ibid. p. 307. Langston Bacon, goes on Robt. Weatherly's recognizance. Jan. 6, 1745, Ibid. p. 360. William, Nathaniel, & Langston Bacon, the tithables of the said Bacons' are ordered to help Jas. Young in clearing his road. Feb. 3, 1745, Ibid. p. 362. Izard Bacon, Plt. vs. Thomas Pulliam. Drury Pulliam and Robert Chappel two of the garnishees in the suit, de- clare that they have respectively a snuff box and three shill- ings of the Deft's. in their hands, James Buchanan, the other garnishee being about the Court grants the Plt. a summons against him returnable at the Court. Sept. Court, O. B. 1763-67, p. 117. Edmund Bacon, Deft. William Miller Plt. Nov. 7, 1763, Ibid. p. 149. Continued. Edmund Bacon, Deft. William Miller, Plt. Abates by the death of the Deft. May 8, 1764, Ibid. p. 245. BACON: HENRICO COUNTY COUN 55 William Bacon, Deft. vs. Benj. Crump Plt. Judgment for Plt. June 4, 1764, Ibid. p. 260. Sarah Bacon, orphan of Langston Bacon, decd. James Royal is appointed her guardian. June 4, 1764, Ibid. p. 262. William Bacon, orphan of Langston Bacon, decd. Peter Puryear is appointed his guardian. June 4, 1764, Ibid. p. 273. William Bacon, Deft. vs. Charles Cooper, Plt. Continued. Aug. 6, 1764, Ibid. p. 294. Edmund Bacon, Guardian of Lyddal Bacon, having been summoned for reasons appearing to the Court, the said summons is abated. Sept. 3, 1764, Ibid. p. 336. Langston Bacon, James Royall, his guardian having been summoned for reasons appearing to the Court, summons is abated. Sept. 3, 1764, Ibid. p. 336. Elizabeth Bacon, orphan of Langston Bacon chooses Al- len Williamson as her guardian, and the said Allen William- son qualifies as guardian. Oct. 1, 1764, Ibid. p. 361. Izard Bacon, presents a certificate for taking up a run- away negro belonging to Wm. Kennon. Oct. 10, 1764, Ibid. p. 383. Izard Bacon, a witness. Elizabeth Miller is ordered to pay him 175 lbs. of tobacco for 7 days attendance. Mch. 4, 1765, Ibid. p. 432. Wm. Bacon, is security for Claiborne in a suit of Taylor vs. Claiborne. Aug. 5?, 1765, Ibid. p. 488. Izard Bacon, produces a commission to be Captain of Thomas Owen's Company and qualified according to law. Aug. 5, 1765, Ibid. p. 493. 56 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Wm. Bacon, Deft. vs. Chas. Cooper C. T. A. of Susanna Bacon, decd. In case. Judgment for Deft. and Plt. to pay cost. Aug. 5, 1765, Ibid. p. 508. Lyddall, Elizabeth, William, and Sarah Bacon, Richard Randolph & als. vs. Julius Allen in debt. The Deft. main- tains that he proformed all obligations devolving upon him & etc. This the Plts. deny setting forth that Edmund Bacon, or his executors or administrators have not paid Lydall, Elizabeth, William and Sarah Bacon the sums due them. Continued. Oct. 8, 1765, Ibid. p. 557. Nathaniel Bacon, goes security for Joseph Lewis bond as Sheriff. June 2, 1766, Ibid. p. 576. Nathaniel Bacon, returned an account of the estate of his ward Susanna Walton, which is recorded. Sept. 1, 1766, Ibid. p. 682. Nathaniel Bacon, Robert Williamson & others are ap- pointed to divide the estate of Henry Stokes, decd. according to his Will. Dec. 1, 1766, Ibid. p. 644. Harwood Bacon, and Mary, his wife, Plt. vs. Robert Wil- liamson, surviving executor of John Williamson, sr. decd. Dismissed by agreement. Feb. 3, 1767, Ibid. p. 670. Sarah Bacon, and Elizabeth Bacon. In a suit of Richard Randolph & etc. vs. Julius Allen, Richard Ran- dolph & others are appointed to settle Edmund Bacon's account of his guardianship of said Sarah & Elizabeth Bacon & orphans of Langston Bacon. June 1, 1767, O. B. 1767-69, p. 17. Nathaniel Bacon, one of a Committee appointed to settle a debt between John & Saml. Liggon. July 7, 1767, Ibid. p. 3. Bacon, Price and Bacon Plts. vs J. Hylton & J. Balfour admr. of P. Walton decd. Defts. state that they have administered the said estate to their best ability. July 7, 1767, Ibid. p. 58. Judgment for Plts. £12, 9, 4, 1 farth- ing & costs. Aug. 4, 1767, Ibid. p. 126. BACON: HENRICO COUNTY 57 Nathaniel Bacon, and Isaac Winston are among those appointed to examine David Bowles' account of his wards estate. Aug. 3, 1767, Ibid. p. 99. Edmund Bacon, et als. Plts. vs. Geo. Adams & etc. Discontinued. Oct. 5, 1767, Ibid. p. 154. Edmund Bacon, and Richard Adams, et als. Gents, Plts. vs. Geo. Adams & Thos. Morton, Defts. Judgment for Plts. £9, 9, 2. with interest at 5% from Nov. 10, 1767, & costs. July 4, 1768, Ibid. p. 281. Nathaniel Bacon, and Danl. Price, Tobacco Inspectors at Byrd's Warehouse returned an account of transfer to- bacco remaining in the warehouse amounting to 25552 lbs. and make oath thereto. Sept. 6, 1768, Ibid. p. 328. Sarah Bacon and Elizabeth Bacon, Philip Mayo, Wm. Lewis, Isaac Younghusband and Jos. Lewis Gents. vs. Julius Allen. Samuel Duval and Jos. Lewis, two of the referes return a balance of £75, 3, 6, "due Sarah Bacon, orphan of Langston Bacon, decd. from her Guardian Ed- mund Bacon", also a balance of £60, 3, 6. “due Elizabeth Bacon, orphan of Langston Bacon, decd. from her guard- ian Edmund Bacon." Therefore the Court decides that the Plts. recover £800, the debt mentioned in the declara- tion & costs. But by rule of this Court, this judgment except as to the costs is to be discharged by the payment of the aforesaid sums of £75, 3. 6: and £60 3, 6. Sept. 6, 1768, Ibid. p. 360. Langston Bacon, signature as witness to a deed from John Williamson to William Battersley is proved by Giles Fletther who was also a witness to the above deed. Feb. 6, 1769, Ibid. p. 380. Izard Bacon, a witness for Wm. King in a suit of said King against Miller's administrators, is ordered to be paid by King 250 lbs. of tobacco for ten days attendance. April 4, 1769, Ibid. p. 443. 58 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Sarah Bacon, orphan of Langston Bacon, Jas. Ryall her guardian is ordered to render an account of his ward's accounts at the next Court. Aug. 2, 1769, Ibid. p. 506. Nathaniel Bacon and Jno. Williamson Jr. Executors of Langston Bacon, decd. Defts. vs David Sims Plt. Dis- missed by agreement. Nov. 4, 1755, Minute Book 1755- 62, p. 8. Nathaniel Bacon and Robert Williamson are recom- mended to the Governor for Inspectors of tobacco at Byrd's Warehouse for the ensuing year. Sept. 6, 1756, Ibid. p. 44. Nathaniel Bacon foreman of a grand jury, of which Robert Mosely Jr. is also a member. They present one man for living in adultry and two men for not going to church and for profane swaring & etc. Nov. 1, 1756, Ibid. p. 51. Nathaniel Bacon and John Williamson Jr. Executors of Langston Bacon, decd. who was assignee of Mary Allen, Plts. vs Noell Burton Jr. & John Burton, Deft. in debt. The defendants failing to appear the Court con- firmed the conditional judgments of Nov. 1755 for £5 and costs, or 12 with interest from May 2, 1753. Feb. 7, 1757, Ibid. p. 80.- Lydal Bacon, Plt. vs Sarah Allen admrx. of Robert Allen in debt. The Deft. not appearing. The Court con- firms the conditional judgment for the plaintiff for £50 and costs or 1/2 with interest from Nov. 24, 1755. April 4, 1757, Ibid. p. 145. William Bacon, vs. John Bacon, in case. Dismissed, by agreement. April 4, 1755, Ibid. p. 130. Nathaniel Bacon is recommended to the Governor for Inspector of Tobacco at Byrd's warehouse for the ensu- ing year. Aug. 1, 1757, Ibid. p. 182. BACON: HENRICO COUNTY 59 William Bacon, petitions to be allowed to build a water grist mill and a jury is ordered to be summoned to view the proposed site of said mill and report the amount of damages due neighbors & etc. Mch. 6, 1758, Ibid. p. 220. The road petitioned for by Henry Stoaks is granted to run from the persimmon tree at the fork of a path leading from the Brook Bridge through the lands of Wil- liam Bacon, Elizabeth Watkins and said Stokes into the main road leading to the Brook Bridge. Aug. 1758, Ibid. p. 270.. Nathaniel Bacon, and Robert Williamson are recom- mended to the Governor as Inspectors of Tobacco at Byrd's warehouse for the ensuing year. Aug. 7, 1758, Ibid. p. 273. Nathaniel Bacon, returned accounts of the estate of the orphans of John Watson, decd. and of Mary Watson Hynes, to which account he makes oath and they are re- corded. Oct. 2, 1758, Ibid. p. 280. Edamund Bacon, is appointed guardian to Lyddall, Elizabeth, William and Sarah Bacon, orphans of Langs- ton Bacon, decd. Feb. 1759, Ibid. p. 293. William Bacon's petition to build a mill is granted, the jury appointed to fix the damages report the value of one acre belonging to Henry Stoaks at £1-1-6. and low- grounds and timber at 8/6. Mch. 3, 1759, Ibid. p. 317. Nathaniel Bacon, Deft. vs Mary Watson Hines Plt. The Court orders the Deft. to make up an account of his guardianship of the complaints estate before Philip Mays & others for a final decree. May 7, 1759, Ibid. p. 333. Harwood Bacon, son of Langston Bacon, decd. chooses William Millar as his guardian and the said Miller quali- fies as such. May 7, 1759, Ibid. p. 343. 60 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Nathaniel Bacon, returnes his guardian account of the estate of Susanna and Elizabeth Watson, also his account of the estate of his late ward Mary Watson. Aug. 6, 1759, Ibid. p. 346. Nathaniel Bacon serves as foreman of a jury. Aug. 6, 1759, Ibid. p. 356. Langston Bacon, decd. The Inventory and appraise- ment of his estate is returned and recorded. Nathaniel Bacon and John Williamson Jr. Executors of said estate return an account of their administration of the estate. Dec. 1, 1760, Ibid. p. 482. Nathaniel Bacon, present Inspector of Tobacco at Byrd's warehouse is recommended to the Governor for reappointment. Sept. 7, 1761, Ibid. p. 523. Nathaniel Bacon, takes the oath as Captain of Militia. Oct. 5, 1761, Ibid. p. 528. Nathaniel Bacon, and Daniel Price Inspectors at Byrd's warehouses, report the receipt of 1137 hogsheads of To- bacco for the past year and that their warehouses if properly prepared will contain 600 hogsheads of To- bacco. Oct. 5, 1761, Ibid. p. 528. . Nathaniel Bacon, returned an account of the estate of Langston Bacon, decd. which was recorded. June 4, 1762, Ibid. p. 542. John Williams is charged with stealing £5 from the person of William Bacon. The prisoner is held for the General Court. May 14, 1762, Ibid. p. 603. Harwood and Lucy Bacon, orphans of Langston Bacon, decd. William Miller their guardian, returns account of his ward's estate. Aug. 2, 1762, Ibid. p. 630.. Nathaniel Bacon, produces an account of the estate of Sarah Woodson, his ward. April 2, 1762, Ibid. p. 631. BACON: HENRICO COUNTY 61 Izard Bacon, produces a Commission appointing him Lieutenant of Capt. Thos. Owen's Company and qualified as such. Sept. 6, 1762, Ibid. p. 658. Nathaniel Bacon and Wm. Bacon, The tithables of the said Bacons are ordered to assist Thomas Wilkinson in keeping the road from Three Run Bridge to the Main Road near Henry Stoakes. Dec. 6, 1762, Ibid. p. 690. Nathaniel Bacon, Izard Bacon and N. Wilkinson wit- ness a deed from James Tyree to Wm. Tyree. 1767-74, p. 6. D. B. William Bacon, deed to Thomas Wilkinson £150-16-0. 60 1/3 acres in Henrico Co., being part of a larger tract given by the will of John Bacon, of New Kent Co., to his son the said William Bacon, lying on the mirey run. Wit- nesses Thos. Owen, John Bacon, Izard Bacon, Jno. Shelton and Ed. Curd, Jr. Mary, the wife of said Wm. Bacon relinquishes her right of dower. Mch. 31, 1770, Ibid. p. 208. Harwood Bacon, and Mary, his wife, John Sutton Far- rer and Susanna, his wife, Samuel Williamson, Allin Wil- liamson, Thomas Williamson, James Browning, and Anne, his wife, William Miller and Elizabeth, his wife, George Harding and Sarah, his wife, Harwood Bacon and Mary, his wife, William Allen Lankaster and Judith, his wife, and Lucy Williamson residuary legatees under the will of John Williamson the Elder, decd. deed to Charles Sneed £30. 170 acres in Henrico Co., adjoining George's Branch, Henry Stoakes, Watson and Wm. Pat- man. Feb. 19, 1771, Ibid, p. 293. W. B. Bacon-James Allen, and W. B. Bacon, and Nathl. Bacon act as witnesses deed from Henry Stokes to David Tyree, Aug. 1, 1774. D. B. 1744-8, p. 288. Nathaniel Bacon, acts as executor and witness of the will of John Watson on March 10, 1749-50. D. W. 1750- 67, p. 4. 62 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Nathaniel Bacon, appraises the estate of Josiah Sharpe and the appraisement is recorded. June, 1751, Ibid. p. 56. William Bacon, and Mary, his wife, June 1, 1752, deed to David Whitlock of Hanover for £20. 254 acres in Hen- rico "the bounds of which is mentioned in his patent bear- ing date the fifth day of September 1749." Witnesses- Nathl. Bacon, T. Wilkinson, and William Hughes. Ibid. p. 119. Nathaniel Bacon, and Wm. Bacon appraise the estate of William Mullins, decd. and the inventory is recorded Sept. Court 1752. Ibid. p. 194. George Bacon, "An inventory and appraisement of the estate of Geo. Bacon decd. To Thomas Watkins and John Carter Executors, To 1 horse, 1 cart, 1 pair of wheels and cart harness.. To a parcel of dear skins and 3 potts and hooks. 66 3 Basons, 1 Poringer and nine spoons. 66 3 dishes, 3 plates and 2 chests... "6 1 saddle, a parcel of Leather and 1 Bagg.. 66 66 a parcel of Carpenters Tools..... 1 gunn, a beds and furniture and one pair stilyards.. 7 hoes and Wedges, 1 ax, 1 hammr. and 14 hogs. " 8 cattle and a parcel of Shoemakers Tools.. 66 1 Box Ioron heaters and Frying pan... 66 1 pale, 1 Trunk and 1 pare money scales. "6 1 Table and parcel of Lumber... 66 L. S. d. 5-10-0 1-14- 0 0-10- 0 1-13-0 05-0 8-3-6 0-12- 0 3- 0 74-6 0—7—6 0-8-10 0-12-0 0 0-19 6 1- 0- 1-10-0 0 1 Table and forme 3 hides and Two wheals. a parcel of old Cask and three Sheep.. 1- 2 "C 1 Saw "" 1 Mair not appraised sold at. 34-13-10 John Cocke, Therodorick Carter and Humphrey Smith- Appraisers. Recorded-December Court, 1752. Langston Bacon, witnesses a deed of appraisement from James Cheek to Elisha Millar dated April 2, 1753. Ibid. p. 221. Langston Bacon, of Henrico, deed dated June 4, 1754, to Benj. Burton Jr. for £5-6. One lot of 1/2 acre in West- ham numbered 109. Ibid. p. 333. BACON: HENRICO COUNTY 63 Langston, Bacon, Deed dated June 4, 1754, to Mary Carter for £4-6-a 1/2 acre lot in Westham numbered 110. Ibid. p. 334. Langston Bacon, of Henrico Co., twenty first day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty four, whole estate real and personal shall con- tinue and be in my wife Sarah's possession during her widowhood and for my said wife to have use of my said estate during the time aforesaid only maintaining my children out of the profits that shall arise out of my said estate, and if my said wife should marry or die then my whole estate real and personal to be sold and equally divided between my children that shall then be living. I do appoint Nathaniel Bacon, Lyddall Bacon and John Williamson, Executors. Witnesses-Danl. Price, Robt. Williamson. Recorded-April 7, 1755. Ibid. p. 408. Nathaniel Bacon, John Williamson Jr. Oct. 6, 1755, Executors of Langston Bacon decd. Susanna Bacon, widow and relict of John Bacon decd. and Sarah Bacon widow and relict of the said Langston Bacon deed to Nathaniel Wilkinson of Richmond for £287. 287 acres in Henrico whereon Langston Bacon lately dwelt and by the said Bacon's will directed to be sold-on Chickahom- iny Swamp it being all the land which the said Langston owned in Henrico. Ibid. p. 435. Nathaniel Bacon, witnesses a deed from Philip Watson to George Donald dated August 7, 1758. Ibid. p. 542. Nathaniel Bacon, witnesses a deed from John Orr to John Jude dated May 5, 1760. Ibid. p. 647. John Bacon, witnesses a deed from Waldegrave Clop- ton to George Clopton dated Feb. 5, 1761. Ibid. p. 670. Nathaniel Bacon, and Philip Mayo witness a deed from Wm. Flemming Cocke to Miles Selden, dated June 7, 1762. Ibid. p. 737. 64 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Nathaniel Bacon, goes on Joseph Lewis' bond in £1000 for the said Lewis' faithful performance of the duties of sheriff of Henrico County. Dated November 4, 1765. Re- corded-June 2, 1766. Ibid. p. 968. Izard Bacon is appointed executor by the will of Wil- liam Owen, dated Aug. 14, 1774. Wills No. 1, 1781-87, p. 112. Nathaniel Bacon, Jr. decd. Thomas Jarvis, who mar- ried the relict of said Nathaniel Bacon, Jr., appointed trustee of the estate of sd. Nathaniel Bacon, Jr., decd. Col. Edw. Hill and Mr. Wm. Shirwood, securities. Sd estate being now in the crown. 9ber 27, 1679, Vol. 1677- 92, p. 213. Nathaniel Bacon, late decd. Thomas Jarvis, Trustee, of Kignotan [Kecoughtan] in Elizabeth City Co., Mer- chant, appoints Thomas Charles, of Henrico Co., his at- torney to collect all claims due the estate of Nathaniel Bacon, decd. in the counties of Henrico, and Charles City. Mch. 12, 1681, Ibid. p. 214. Nathaniel Bacon Esq. decd. of Curles in Henrico Par- ish and Co. Thos. Jarvis, of Kignotang, Elizabeth City Co., Gent. who married the Relict of and is Trustee of the estate of said Bacon. deed from Edward Hatcher. Consideration 1100 pds. of Tobacco paid by said Bacon decd. to sd. Hatcher. 50 acres in Varina adjoining land formerly belonging to the widow Parker, now in posses- sion of Wm. Byrd, Esq. and is part of a dividend of 200 acres formerly belonging to William Dawkes, being pur- chased of Robert Bullington and Henry Rowing and Alice, his wife, by Wm. Hatcher Jr. and Henry Hatcher by two conveyances Feb. 1, 1661, and conveyed by Henry Hatcher to Edward Hatcher Aug. 20, 1667. Mary, wife of said Edward Hatcher, relinquishes her dower. Recorded-April 1, 1694. April 1, 1684, Ibid. p. 269. ORDER BOOKS William Bacon, Deft. vs James Young, Plt. Deft. not appearing, Judgment is rendered for the Plt. for £10 curr. & costs. June 1744, Order Book 1737-47, p. 267. BACON: HENRICO COUNTY 65 Langston Bacon, Deft. vs James Young Plt. Dismissed. Plt. failing to prosecute. June 1744, Ibid. p. 267. Lidall Bacon, and Mary Bacon, deed to Isaac Winston Jr. is proved by Henry Stokes and Wm. Bacon two of the witnesses. July 1744, Ibid. p. 270. Lidall Bacon, and Mary, his wife acknowledge the deed to Isaac Winston. July 1744, Ibid. p. 285. William Bacon, Plt. vs Sheppard. Dec. 1744, Ibid. p. 292. Nathaniel Bacon, Wm. Bacon, Langston Bacon & John Mosby four of a jury to value an acre for a grist mill. May 23, 1751. Nathaniel Bacon, one of the executors of the will of John Watson, decd. returns the account of the estate. 1753, O. B. 1752-55, p. 134. William Bacon, is foreman of the Grand Jury. Valen- tine Ball is a juryman. 1754, Ibid. p. 180. Langston Bacon, and Joseph Lewis are appointed To- bacco Inspectors at Byrd's warehouse. Oct. 1752, Ibid. p. 2. Langston Bacon, decd. Will of, is presented in Court by Nathaniel Bacon and John Williamson Jr. and Lyd- dall Bacon the Executor therein named and probated. Isaac Winston, Robert Mosby, Mathew Hobson and Elisha Miller are appointed appraisers of the estate. April, 1755, Ibid. p. 288. Langston Bacon, deed to Benjamin Burton Jr. Consid- eration £5-5-0. curr. Lot No. 119 in Westham, Henrico Co, containing 1/2 acre. Witnesses-John Williamson Jr. John Woodson, Joseph Hopkins. June 4, 1754, Vol. 1750-67, p. 333. 66 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Langston Bacon, of Henrico County, Will of. "In the name of God Amen; I Langston Bacon of Henrico County being weak in body but of sound mind memory (blessed be God) do this twenty first day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty four make and ordain this my last will and testament, in manner and form following; my will and desire is that my whole es- tate, real and personal shall continue and be in my wife Sarah's possession during her widowhood, and for my said wife to have use of my said estate during the time aforesaid only maintaining my children out of the profits that shall arise out of my said estate and if my said wife should marry or die then my whole estate real and per- sonal to be sold and equally divided between my children that shall then be living. I do appoint Nathaniel Bacon, Lyddall Bacon, and John Williamson Jr. my whole and sole executors revoking all other wills heretofore made. As witness my hand and seal the day and year above written. Langston Bacon (S) Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of us who were present at the signing, and sealing and delivery hereof. David Price, Robert Williamson. 7, day of April 1755 This will and testament of Langston Bacon, de- ceased presented in Court by Nathaniel Bacon and John Williamson Jr. two of the Executors herein mentioned and proved by the oaths of the witnesses hereto which was ordered to be recorded. Test. Thomas Adams, Clerk. July 21, 1754, Vol. 1750-67, p. 408. Langston Bacon, decd. Nathaniel Bacon and John Wil- liamson, Jr. Executors of Langston Bacon, decd. Susanna Bacon, widow and relict of John Bacon, decd. and Sarah Bacon, widow and relict of the said Langston Bacon, decd. deed to Nathaniel Wilkinson of the town of Rich- mond, and county of Henrico. Consideration £287 curr. 287 acres whereon Langston Bacon, deceased lately dwelt and by the said Langston Bacon directed to be sold by his last will and testament may appear in the Parish and County of Henrico on the Chickahominy Swamp contain- ing 287 acres more or less according to the ancient and reputed bounds thereof with the houses, out houses & etc. BACON: HENRICO COUNTY 67 Being all the land which the said Langston Bacon held in the said County of Henrico. Oct. 6, 1755, Ibid. p. 435. Nathaniel Bacon, and Daniel Price are Inspectors of Tobacco. Vol. 1767-1769, p. 94. Elizabeth Bacon, orphan of Langston Bacon, decd. Allen Williamson is allowed until next Court to render his account as guardian of her estate. Aug. 1769, Ibid. p. 507. Sarah Bacon, orphan of Langston Bacon. James Ryall, her guardian, is summoned to render an account of her estate to the next Court. Aug. 1769, Ibid. p. 506. Nathaniel Bacon, Sr. of Henrico County, for love and affection he has for Susan Crenshaw, daughter of Chas. and Sarah Crenshaw gives her one negro girl. Oct. 1769, Ibid. p. 180. William Bacon, deed to Thomas Wilkinson, Consider- ation £50-6-0- curr. 10 1/3 acres of land which was given to said Wm. Bacon by his father John Bacon, of New Kent Co. Oct. 5, 1770, Ibid. p. 208. William Bacon, of Henrico Parish & Co., deed to his son Burwell Bacon. Consideration Fatherly love and affection. 50 acres in said county of Henrico, adjoining Beach run and Capt. Prosser and also gives him two ne- groes named Ned and Jim. Witnesses-Izard Bacon, David Oliver, David Browning. Dec. 24, 1783, D. B. 1, p. 186. William Bacon of Henrico Parish & County, deed to Izard Bacon of the same Parish & Co., Consideration £50 curr. 10 acres in the said Co. adjoining the said Izard Bacon the first large run of the Brook and a canal be- longing to said Izard Bacon. Feb. 7, 1784, Ibid. p. 248. Izard Bacon, of Henrico Co. deed to William Burton, of same Co. Consideration £63-17-6. curr. of Va. 1814 acres in said Co., adjoining the Dam run by John Smith's decd. and the Main run. Nov. 10, 1785, Ibid. p. 288. 68 THE VALENTINE PAPERS William-(X)-Bacon, of Henrico Co., deed to Izard Bacon, of same Co., Consideration £127-15-0. Curr. of Va. 362 acres in Henrico Co., on the main run of the Brook, adjoining John Smith's dam run, the forks where the main run and the north run join, now the boundry between the said William & Izard Bacon. Oct. 20, 1788, Ibid. p. 286. William Bacon, of Henrico Co., mortgage deed from Wm. Lewis on land in Henrico Co., on which the said Wm. Bacon now lives, being on the Brook run, adjoining Allen Williamson, William Burton, on the said Brook, Thomas Prosser on the Beach run, Nathaniel Wilkerson on the road and Izard Bacon on Mirey run. Dec. 20, 1785, D. B. 2, p. ?82. Izard Bacon, of Henrico Co., deed from Judith Archer Lewis, widow and administratrix of the estate of her de- ceased husband William Lewis, and as guardian of Car- oline Matilda Lewis, Martha Ann Lewis, Judith Lewis, Stith Hardaway Lewis, and Joseph Lewis, Children and coheirs of William Lewis, decd. £47-10- curr. 92 acres in Henrico Co., being part of a tract of land purchased by the sd. Wm. Lewis of Wm. Bacon, and adjoining Mirey run. Aug. 15, 1797, D. B. 5, p. 407. Izard Bacon, of Henrico County. Will of. "In the name of God Amen, I Izard Bacon of the County of Hen- rico being sick and weak in body, but of sound mind and memory do make and publish this my last will and testa- ment to wit; Item, I direct my executor to pay to my sister Sarah Crenshaw one thousand pounds, to my niece Susan Crenshaw one thousand pounds, to my nephew Nathaniel Crenshaw one thousand pounds, to the chil- dren of my deceased niece Temperance Rice one thou- sand pounds, that is to say, the said sum to be divided between them, to my nephew Charles Crenshaw, one thousand pounds; to my niece Agnes Miller one thousand pounds; to my niece Sarah Bush one thousand five hun- dred pounds, as a loan for educating and clothing her children, but not to go in an way to the payment of her husbands debts; to my nephew Nathaniel Bacon Meaux ALLEN: ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY 69 69 five hundred pounds, the said sums to be paid as follows: One half in three years after my decease and the other half in five years after my decease. Item, I direct my executor to pay to my relation Mrs. Fanny Richardson fifty pounds and to my friend Mr. Nelson (School Mas- ter) fifteen pounds. Item, It is my will and desire re- specting my slaves and their increase that they shall be emancipated as soon as a law can be obtained giving them leave to remain in the State, and in the mean time till they shall be disposed of in the way most consistant with their happiness and so that the proceeds of their labor shall go to the support of the aged and infirm and unfortunate. Item, I give and devise to my nephew John Crenshaw all my lands, stocks, crops, furniture, utensils, bonds and money, and everything else in any manner be- longing to me, to him and his heirs and asignees forever. Item, I do not wish any appraisement of my estate. Fi- nally I constitute & appoint my said nephew John Cren- shaw executor of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking any other, and all other wills by me heretofore made. In witness whereof I the said Izard Bacon have this twenty third day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifteen hereto set my hand and affix my seal. Izard Bacon (seal) Witnesses-Thos. Cowling, D. Timberlake, Nicholas Scherer. Probated, Feb. 5, 1816. John Chrenshaw the executor with Benjamin Sheppard, John Sheppard and Edmund B. Crenshaw securities. Izard Bacon, deed from Richard Littlepage. D. B. 4, p. 433. ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY RECORDS Marriage contract between George Fawdon of Isle of Wight Co. and Mrs. Ann Smith in which sd. Fawdon gives to the sd. Mrs. Ann Smith fifteen hundred acres in the upper parish of Isle of Wight Co., upon the main River, adj. Job Brazlee's & etc. Witnesses-Mr. Richard Clark, Thos. Woodward. All which above mentioned Jointure and 70 THE VALENTINE PAPERS . Dowry the nuptials being now celebrated we George and Ann Fowdon do oblige ourselves now to alienate release or in any ways alter without the consent and approbation of our Father-in-law Nathaniel Bacon and our Mother Ann his wife with our brother William Smith. George Fawdon, Anna Fawdon. Witnesses-Thos. Woodward, Richard Clark. Oct. 30, 1654, Vol. I, p. 93. Nathaniel Bacon, deed from John Perry and Elizabeth, his wife, of the upper Parish of Nansemond Co. Consid- eration of 5000 lbs. Tobacco & cask. 70 acres in the Lower parish of Isle of Wight Co., purchased by Jno. Young of Robt. Butts, who purchased the said land of Anthony Jones long since deceased. May 26, 1675, D. B. 1, p. 338. Col. Nathaniel Bacon, opinion of, in the case of Jennings who was ordered to be banished for treason. May 22, 1677, Ibid. p. 354. Robert Scott in his will mentions his sister Katerine Watkins, his cousin James Took Scott, Thomas Scott, Cousin Eliza Bacon, daughter of John Hallowell, Eliza Deuson, daughter of John Scott, cousin Joseph Hallowell, Sarah Hallowell, cousin Wm. Scott, son of his brother Wm. Scott. Executors the two Wm. Scotts'. May 29, 1793, Vol. 9, p. 481. KING WILLIAM COUNTY RECORDS John Bacon, of St. Peter's Parish, New Kent County deed to David Anderson of the same County and Parish. Con- sideration £60. sterling. 243 acres in St. [John's?] Parish, King William County, formerly in New Kent County, next below North Wales dividend on Pamunkey River and bounded as followeth &c. which land was formerly granted to Capt. Bacon by Patent dated 21, day of Oct. 1687, and by him deserted and since granted to me the said John Bacon 17, day of Oct. 1701, and now by me sold to the said David Anderson & etc. D. B. 1700-1785, p. 291. BACON: LUNENBURG COUNTY 71 • Richard Bacon, name appears in a fragment of a power of attorney from Thomas Holmes. 1721, Book 3. John Bacon appears as witness to a paper signed by Mathew Hill. (The nature of this document cannot be de- termined owing to its fragmentary condition.) April 25, 1796. LOUISA COUNTY RECORDS Elizabeth Bacon, of the Co., of Louisa, Will of; Mentions her nephew William Overton. Gives to her nephew Philip Edloe Bacon. To her cousin Susan P. Farrar, To her Nephew Algenon Sidney Bacon. To Dr. Julian Kean and his wife Mary Kean her dear friend. Executor-Dr. Julian Kean. No witnesses. William Overton and Lancelot Minor Jr. take oath that this will is in the hand-writing of the said Elizabeth Bacon whereupon the will is probated, Dr. Julian Kean qualifying as Executor with William Overton security. Aug. 13, 1838. Oct. 6, 1837, W. B. 10, p. 102. Langston Bacon, Plt. vs. Wm. Hudson, Deft. Continued. June 11, 1744, O. B. p. 11. July 9, 1744, O. B. p.'114. LUNENBURG COUNTY RECORDS John Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., Planter, Will of; Wife Frances Bacon. Son John Bacon. Son William Bacon. Son Edmund Bacon. Son Nathaniel Bacon. Daughter Frances Bacon. Daughter Elizabeth Bacon. Daughter Sarah Bacon. Daughter Susannah Bacon. Daughter Mary Bacon. Son-in-law Benjamin Estis, husband of testator's daughter Frances. Executors-his wife Frances Bacon, William Bacon, and testator's brother Lyddall Bacon. Wit- nesses-C. Courtney, Gressett Bacon. Frances Bacon the above named Executrix qualified as such with George Eliot, Lyddall Bacon, and John Ragsdale securities. Probated- July 3, 1759. Oct. 20, 1758, W. B. 1746-61, p. 208. 72 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Lyddall Bacon, and Geo. Walton settle the accounts of the estate of Samuel Baker, decd. Feb. 3, 1753, W. B. 1746-61, p. 91. John Bacon decd, An account of the estate of, according to the appraisment returned by Mr. Lydall Bacon. To one negro man named Ned..... To one negro man named Jamsey. To one negro boy named Peter... To one negro boy named Phill.. To one negro boy named Toby..... To one negro woman named Lucy.. To one negro woman named Hannah.. To one negro Girl named Sarah...... .£ 70-0-0 £70-0-0 .£ 60-0-0 £ 50-0-0 .£ 35-0-0 .£ 70-0-0 £ 50-0-0 .£ 50-0-0 To money due from Nathaniel Bacon mentioned in the will..£ 25-0-0 Nathaniel Bacon. To one negro Boy named Toby. To the money he owed his father.. £480-0-0 £35-0-0 £ 25-0-0 £ 60-0-0 Edmund Bacon. To one negro man named Jamey.... Wm. Bacon. 1 negro fellow named Ned... Frances Estis, 1 negro girl named Sarah...... Wm. Tounny, 1 negro wench named Hannah.. Sarah Bacon, 1 negro boy named Phill... Sush. Bacon, 1 negro boy named Peter.. Mary Bacon, 1 negro woman named Lucy...... .£70-0-0 .£ 50-0-0 .£ 50-0-0 £50-0-0 .£ 50-0-0 £ 60-0-0 £ 70-0-0 Memorandum. The above account pursuant to an order of the Court of Luenburg Co., to us directed was this day settled. Wit- ness our hands this 4, Jany. 1760. Matt. Marable, John Speed. Eight heirs; Wm. Bacon, Nathl. Bacon, Edmund Bacon, Frances Estis, Elizabeth Tourney, wife of Wm. Tourney, Sarah Bacon, Su- sannah Bacon, & Mary Bacon. Recorded-May 7, 1760. Jan. 4, 1760, W. B. 1761-78, p. 132. Lyddal Bacon, Gent. of Lunenburg Co., Will of. Con- firms what he has given his daughter Elizabeth Gordon, his daughter Lucy Allen. His Son Langston Bacon. his daughter Ann Dixon. his daughter Sarah Glenn. Releases from any debt they may owe him the following viz; His son BACON: LUNENBURG COUNTY 73 Langston Bacon, his son-in-law Wm. Gordon, his son-in-law Charles Allen, his son-in-law Robert Dixon, his son-in-law John Glenn. Legacies to his son Lyddal Bacon, his son Richard Bacon, his son Edmund Parkes Bacon, his son Drury Bacon. Lends to his wife Mary Bacon the land and Plantation on which he the testator lives together with nine negroes and all of the rest of his estate not heretofore dis- posed of, and at her death all of his land to be sold and the money arising divided equally between the testators four sons Lyddal, Richard, Edmund Parkes, and Drury Bacon, and the remainder of his estate at the death of the said Mary, his wife, to be equally divided between the testators nine children. Executrix-his wife, Mary, Executors-his son Langston Bacon, and his sons-in-law, Wm. Gordon, Robert Dixon, and John Glenn. Witnesses-David Stokes, Jr. John Stokes, Peter Stokes. Probated Oct. 12, 1775. The executrix and executors therein named qualifying as such. July 21, 1775, Ibid. p. 428. Colonel Lyddall Bacon, decd. Inventory and appraise- ment of his estate. Appraisers, Henry Stokes, John Cure- ton, Allen Stokes. Recorded-Nov. 14, 1776. Dec. 13, 1775, Ibid. p. 446. Edmund P. Bacon, Marriage to Martha Pettypool. by Thos. Crymes minister of the Baptist Church. Nov. 21, 1782, W. B. 1778-91, p. 125. Nathaniel Bacon, a witness to the will of Francis Brassie. Recorded-May 4, 1762. Jan. 17, 1761, W. B. 1746-61, p. 348. Colonel Edmund Bacon, Guardian of John D. Bayne, accts. of, settled by Chas. Brydie, Joseph Yarborough, David Street. Sept. 12, 1800, W. B. 1802-09, p. 259. Mary Bacon, Will of. Gives her estate to be divided equally between her youngest sons, viz: Lyddall, Richard, Edmund Parks, and Drury Allen Bacon. Executors-her son Edmund Parks Bacon. Witnesses-P. Sneed, Reuben Hazlewood. Recorded-Nov. 14, 1816. Nov. 29, 1800, W. B. 1810-12, p. 279. 74 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Mrs. Mary Bacon, decd. Estate of appraised. Nov. 18, 1816, W. B. 1810-12, p. 302. Edmund P. Bacon, marriage to Frances Winn. by Joel Johns. Dec. 17, 1816, W. B. 1810-18, p. 346. Richard C. Bacon, marriage to Mary E. Jordan. by Stephen Jones. Jan. 21, 1817, Ibid. p. 357. Narcissa Bacon, marriage to Wm. H. Taylor. by Thomas Adams. M. M. E. C. [Minister Methodist Episcopal Church] Nov. 30, 1812, Ibid. p. 353. Edmund P. Bacon, Executor of Mary Bacon, decd. receipt from Richard Gordon for the following negroes viz: Pay- ton, Asa, America, Becky & Fanny allotted to my sister Elizabeth Gordon decd. in the division of the estate of Colo. Lyddall Bacon, decd. Feb. 5, 1818, Ibid. p. 353. Edmund P. Bacon, Executor of Mary Bacon, decd., re- ceipt from T. Dixon agent for Ann Dixon, the following negroes, viz; big Jerry, Green, Hannah & child, Emily they being the negroes allotted to my sister Ann Dixon in the division of the estate of the late Colo. Lyddall Bacon, decd. Recorded-Feb. 5, 1818. Feb. 5, 1818, Ibid. p. 353. Gillie M. Bacon, marriage to Elizabeth Rhodes. by Thos. Adams, M. E. C. Feb. 6, 1818, W. B. 1818-26, p. 67. Edmund P. Bacon, of the county of Lunenburg, Will of; Gives to his son Richard C. Bacon. Gives to his son Gillie M. Bacon. Gives to his son Lyddall Bacon. Gives to his daughter Polly A. G. Oliver. Gives to his daughter Sally G. Jones. Gives to his daughter Susannah R. Bland. Gives to his daughter Narcissa Taylor. Gives to his son Monford S. Bacon. Gives to his grandson Edmund P. Bacon, son of Gillie M. Bacon. Gives to his son Young Henry Bacon. makes his sons Gillie M. Bacon & Montfort S. Bacon trus- tees for several of his children and appoints them the Ex- ecutors of his estate. Witnesses-Charles Boydie, C. Stokes. Recorded-Nov. 14, 1825. Nov. 1, 1825, Ibid. p. 523. BACON: LUNENBURG COUNTY 75 Col. Edmund P. Bacon, decd. Inventory and appraise- ment of his estate. appraisers, Jno. T. Street, T. W. Knight, P. W. Street. Recorded-March 13, 1826. Nov. 17, 1825, Ibid. p. 561. Gillie M. Bacon, marriage to Mary A. Jones. by Wm. Hatchet. Recorded-Sept. 5, 1826. July 14, 1825, W. B. 1826-29, p. 29. Langston Bacon Parks [?] minor, marriage to Elizabeth Burks. Recorded-Sept. 5, 1826. Dec. 27, 1825, Ibid. p. 29. Edmund P. Bacon, decd, Estate of In account with Gillie M. Bacon, Acting executor, Settled by Miles Jordan and W. Jones. Recorded-Oct. 8, 1827. Ibid. p. 177. Gillie M. Bacon, qualifies as Coroner of the County of Lunenburg, Securities, Jno. C. Epes, Jno. A. Smith. May 12, 1834, W. B. 1833-41, p. 44. John Bacon, of New Kent County, deed from Edward Caldwell of Brunswick Co., £194 curr. 1000 acres on the south side of Couches Creek, adjoining Embry and Briggs. Witnesses-Lyddall Bacon, Drury Allen, Joseph Gerrard. Jan. 28, 1745, D. B. 1, p. 56 & 198. Lyddall Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., deed from Young Stokes. £44,10,0 curr. of Va. 297 acres in the fork of great Fucking Creek and Little Creek and running to the head of Turkey Pen branch being divided from 2000 acres of the land of said Stokes. Feb. 18, 1746, Ibid. p. 141. Lyddall Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., deed from Thomas Briggs of Surry Co. £115 curr. of Va. acres in Lunen- burg Co., on the North side of Couches Creek. Oct. 25, 1751, D. B. 2, p. 404. Lyddall Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., deed to Daniel Clai- borne, of King William Co., £150. 300 acres in Lunenburg 76 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Co., on the north side of Couches Creek. Mary the wife of sd. Lyddall Bacon acknowledgement taken. Dec. 7, 1751, D. B. 3, p. 81. John Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., deed to John Williamson Jr. of Henrico Co. £80 curr. acres in Lunenburg Co. in the forks of Couches and Stones Creek adjoining Briggs. Mch. 5, 1754, Ibid. p. 440. Lyddall Bacon, and Hampton Wade Gents. securities for Silvanus Walker Admr. of the estate of Fanny Walker, decd. Indemnity bond to them from said Silvanus Walker, Wm. Pettipool, & Bryant Lester. Sept. 2, 1755, D. B. 4, p. 188. Lyddall Bacon, deed from John Wemper and Mary his wife, In consideration of a tract of 1100 acres of land on head branches of Burfulow Creek in Lunenburg Co., Wem- per and his wife convey to said Bacon 1832 acres in Lunen- burg Co. April 17, 1756, Ibid. p. 286. Nathaniel Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., deed from Richard Witkins of same Co. £20 curr. 200 acres in Lunenburg Co., on the north side of Roanoke, adjoining Stephens, Stith and Munford. July 3, 1759, D. B. 5, p. 431. Nathaniel Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., deed from Augustine Rowland and Hannah, his wife, of same Co., £15, curr. 200 acres in Lunenburg Co., on the east side of Latens Creek and the branches thereof, being part of a tract of 1250 acres deeded to sd. Rowland by Seth Moore, and adjoining Clark and Marrable. Aug. 5, 1760, D. B. 6, p. 203. Lyddall Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., Cumberland Parish, deed from Robert Allen of Amelia Co. Nottaway Parish. £17 curr. 200 acres in Lunenburg Co. on the head branches of Fucking Creek, adjoining Fontaine. Mch. 2, 1761, Ibid. p. 369. BACON: LUNENBURG COUNTY 77 William Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., St. James Parish, [?] deed from James Bibbs of same county & parish. £10 curr. of Va. 150 acres on the east side of Latons Creek in Lunen- burg Co. Sept. 1, 1761, D. B. 7, p. 133. Nathaniel Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., St. James Parish, deed to James Smith of same Co., & parish £30 curr. of Va. 100 acres in Lunenburg Co., on the south side of the great branch, adjoining Clark &c. May 10, 1764, D. B. 8, p. 51. William Bacon, and Nathaniel Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., deed to Joseph Nunnale, of Amelia Co. £100 Curr. of Va. 250 acres in Lunenburg Co., on the Eastmost side of Latons Creek, and the branches thereof. June 14, 1764, Ibid. p. 145. Lyddall Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., deed to John Hazle- wood, of same Co. £40 curr. of Va. 280 acres in Lunenburg Co., on the head branches of Reedy Creek, adjoining Far- qusoner? and Williams &c. June 8, 1763, D. B. 9, p. 129. Lyddall Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., deed to John Baugh, of Dinwiddie Co. £85 curr. 200 acres in Lunenburg Co. on Fucking Creek. Oct. 9, 1766, D. B. 10, p. 303. Lyddall Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., deed to William Stokes, of same Co., £225 curr. of Va. 400 acres in Lunenburg Co. on both sides of Meherring River, adjoining Absolom Michaux. Mch. 26, 1768, D. B. 11, p. 131. Lyddall Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., Cumberland Parish, deed to John Baugh of said Co., and Par. £80 curr. 200 acres in Lunenburg Co., on the head branches of Fucking creek, adjoining Fontaine, being part of a tract of land granted to Robert Allen (Dec. 10, 1755). Recd. June 15, 1768. Ibid. p. 165. Lyddall Bacon, of Lunenburg Co. deed of trust to Nich- olas Hobson of same Co. Recorded-April 13, 1769. Ibid. p. 261. 78 THE VALENTINE PAPERS 4 Lyddall Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., deed to Thomas Evans of Essex Co. £140 curr. Of Va., acres in Lunenburg Co. adjoining Jordan, Walker, Jeter and Tucker. May 9, 1771, D. B. 12, p. 10. William Bacon, deed to Lyddall Bacon. £15 Curr. a bay mare known by the name of Picture, & etc. April 22, 1771, Ibid. p. 12. John Bacon and Obedience, his wife, and William Gil- liam and Agness, his wife having sold to Jonathan Patter- son on Dec. 1, 1764. 400 acres in Lunenburg Co., Va. and the said Obedience Bacon not being able to come to the Court, Edward Barnard and John Francis Williams take her acknowledgment to the said deed at Augusta in St. Pauls Parish, Georgia Province. Recorded-April 9, 1772. Aug. 20, 1776, Ibid. p. 110. Lyddall Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., deed to his children Susanna Bacon, Sarah Bacon, Lyddall Bacon, Thomas Winn Bacon, for love and affection. The following slaves, viz, Lyddia, Elizabeth, John, Esther and Sampson with their increase. Aug. 25, 1784, D. B. 14 “A,” p. 103. Lyddall Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., deed to Joseph Winn of same Co. £100 curr. 325 acres in Lunenburg Co., on the branches of Hounds Creek, adjoining Alen Winn, John Cross, Carrington Hardy, Elisha Winn, Wm. Hatchett and Oryunus Winn, &c. Dec. 6, 1789, D. B. 15, p. 307. Lyddall Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., deed to Wm. Hardy of same Co., 1000 weight of crop Tobacco. 14 acres in Lunen- burg Co., adjoining Bridgeforth and the mill pond. Jan. 21, 1789, Ibid. p. 357. Edmund P. Bacon, qualifies as Escheator of Lunenburg Co., Securities Peter Jones & James Smith. July 10, 1794, D. B. 16, p. 473. Edmund P. Bacon, qualifies as coroner of Lunenburg Co., Securities Philip Sneed & Philip W. Jackson. Aug. 14, 1794, Ibid. p. 491. BACON: LUNENBURG COUNTY 79 Lyddall Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., deed to Ellick Moore of same Co., £27-10-0 curr. of Va. 50 acres in Lunenburg Co., adjoining Edward Chambers, Thomas Hardy & Car- rington Hardy. Jan. 9, 1794, Ibid. p. 412. Mary Bacon, wife of Tyree G. Bacon acknowledges to 2 deeds from said Tyree G. Bacon to George Barnes dated Oct. 12, 1797, of 138 acres in Lunenburg Co. 1797, D. B. 18, p. 111. Edmund P. Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., deed from Mont- fort Stokes, of Statesbury, North Carolina. £300 curr. 496 acres in Lunenburg Co. on the waters of Fucking Creek, adjoining Henry Stokes the estate of Lyddall Bacon, decd. Peter Stokes. Archibald McKrae, and Josiah Thompson. Sept. 3, 1801, D. B. 19, p. 109. Richard Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., deed of trust to Peter, Jones Jr. of same Co. to secure a debt due Edmund P. Bacon. £176, 8, 101½ one negro woman and 3 negro boys. Jan. 14, 1808, D. B. 20, p. 148. Major Edmund Parks Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., given power of attorney by Christopher McConnico, of Bruns- wick Co. Va. (but now on Commission to the state of Ken- tucky). D. B. 21, p. 46. Col. Edmund P. Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., is given power of attorney by Betsy Thompson X Stone. Recd. Jany. 8, 1807. Ibid. p. 47. Richard Bacon's deed of trust to Edmund P. Bacon, (both of Lunenburg Co.), to secure an indebtedness of £176. Peter Jones, trustee. January 14, 1808. Ibid. p. 148. Edmund P. Bacon & James Smith creditors of Philip Snead sr. Deed of trust from sd. Snead to Peter Jones Jr. to secure debt due the said Bacon & Smith. £105,1,5 curr. of Va., a negro woman & etc. Mch. 20, 1808, Ibid. p. 184. 80 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Martha Bacon, the wife of Edmund P. Bacon & Ann Parks the wife of James Smith. David Street and Charles Betts are appointed to take their acknowledgements to a deed from the said Edmund P. Bacon and James Smith to Robert Ward of 158 acres in Lunenburg. dated July 11. Aug. 6, 1811, D. B. 22, p. 145. Richard Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., deed of trust to Rosen Betts to secure a debt of £229,6,3 due Germon Y. Stokes. Jamey and other negroes. Sept. 16, 1808, Ibid. p. 29. Richard Bacon, qualifies as Commissioner of the Rev- enue. Security David Street. Mch. 8, 1810, Ibid. p. 77. Edmund P. Bacon, and Martha, his wife, and James Smith and Anne P., his wife, deed to Robert Ward. £15 curr. of Va. 158 acres in Lunenburg Co., adjoining James Smith, David Street, Carter White, Sr. Richard Weeks, Jr. & Bird Womack, being the land on which Philip Sneed formerly lived and sold to the said Bacon & Smith. July 11, 1811, Ibid. p. 141. Richard Bacon, Sr. of Lunenburg Co., Executor of the estate of John Barnes decd., of Powhatan Co., (of record in Powhatan Co. Court) gives bond as such executor with John Knight of Lunenburg Co. his security to secure James Clarke, Edward F. Baugh, Saml. Drake and Wm. Drake who stand bond as his security.. May 15, 1812, D. B. 23, p. 20. Langston Bacon, Jr. Trustee. In a deed of Trust from Daniel Crenshaw to secure Richard Hening, dated May 23, 1812. deed to said Richard Hening. £360-6-0. ready money. 4372 acres in Lunenburg Co., adjoining Juniper Creek, John Pamplin, William Leonard, Henry Fowlkes, the or- phans of Mathew Crenshaw, decd. Pachal Fowlkes and Daniel Payne. Which was conveyed to said Langston Bacon Jr. in Trust. Mch. 11, 1813. Mch. 8, 1813, Ibid. p. 50. BACON: LUNENBURG COUNTY 81 Richard C. Bacon of Lunenburg Co., deed to Robert Scott of same County, £376 curr. of Va. 1/3 part of a tract of 3414 acres in Lunenburg Co., known as Hungry Town tract, adjoining Irby, Bell & Peter Winn & c. April 14, 1814, Ibid. p. 237. Edmund P. Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., qualified as Sheriff of said County, Securities-Wm. Fisher, Edmund Winn, Charles Brydie, Miles Jordan and William Mason. July 14, 1814, Ibid. p. 257. Edmund P. Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., qualifies as Sheriff of said Co., securities, James Smith, David Street, Miles Jordan, Henry Fisher & Charles Betts. July 13, 1815, Ibid. p. 279. Langston Bacon, Jr. receipt from Daniel Crenshaw for the balance of the proceeds of the sale by said Langston Bacon Jr., as Trustee to Richard Hening. Mch. 8, 1813, Ibid. p. 51. Lucy Bacon, the wife of Lyddall Bacon, and daughter of Stephen Hening, the said Stephen Hening deed to Richard Hening in trust for the said Lucy Bacon for her natural life 3 negroes and their increase to go to her descendants if any and if none to return to the estate of the said Stephen Hening. Aug. 12, 1813, Ibid. p. 215. Edmund Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., power of Attorney to Capt. Lyddall Bacon of Abbeville County, state of South Carolina to recover from Robert Harrison of Egfield Coun- ty, South Carolina the debt due by said Harrison as one of the securities of Mordecia Booth, it being a debt trans- ferred to me by Christopher McConnico as assignee &c. 1818, D. B. 24, p. 357. Edmund P. Bacon, and Martha, his wife of Lunenburg Co., deed to Susanna R. Stokes of same Co., $2238. 373 acres in Lunenburg Co., adjoining sd. Susanna R. Stokes, Col. Thos. Winn, decd. Germon T. Stokes & Edmund P. Bacon, it being a part of the land belonging to the late Col. 82 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Lyddall Bacon, decd. and all north of a creek called Rocky Creek being a fork of Modest Creek, and distinctly under- stood that it is the plantation on which Mary Bacon lived and died. Jan. 7, 1820, D. B. 25, p. 441. Drury A. Bacon, and Frederick N. Robertson, of Lunen- burg Co., Va., give power of attorney to Ben H. Simmons of the County of Washington and State of Kentucky to act in their behalf in relation to the estate of George Nance, decd. Ibid. p. 471. Edmund P. Bacon, and Martha, his wife, of Lunenburg Co., deed to Peter W. Street, $1236. paid by Davie Street, the father of the said Peter W. Street. 206 acres, being part of the tract on which sd. Edmund P. Bacon now re- sides, and adjoining Susanna Stokes, Joel Johns, Blackwell, Peter Stokes &c. Jan. 7, 1822, Ibid. p. 342. Gillie M. Bacon, and Elizabeth, his wife, of Brunswick Co. deed to Mason Moore, of Lunenburg Co., $660. 120 acres in Lunenburg Co. adjoining the spring branch, Horse pen branch, Saml. Peace, James Moore, and Mason Moore. Sept. 29, 1821, Ibid. p. 352. Gillie M. Bacon, and Elizabeth, his wife of Brunswick Co. deed to Danl. Reese, of Lunenburg Co., $340. 100 acres in Lunenburg Co., adj. Josiah Reese's estate, Nathan Potts, "Bishops," Mason Moore, & John Pritchett. Recorded- Jan. 11, 1822. Sept. 29, 1821, Ibid. p. 354. Gillie M. Bacon, of Brunswick Co. deed from John Prich- ett and Arwville? his wife, of same Co., $100. 200 acres in Lunenburg Co., adj. James Moore, Mason Moore, John Potts, Wakeway Creek &c. July 28, 1821, Ibid. p. 313. Young H. Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., deed of trust to Samuel G. Fowlkes to secure a debt due E. & J. Jeffress, of Nottoway Co. Jan. 7, 1824, D. B. 26, p. 223. Edmund P. Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., deed to Collin Stokes, of Prince Edward Co., $4860. 810 acres in Lunen- BACON: LUNENBURG COUNTY 83 burg Co., on the waters of Fucking Creek, adj. David Street, Peter W. Street, Susan R. Stokes &c. Mch. 1, 1825, Ibid. p. 416. Richard C. Bacon, deed of trust to Montfort S. Bacon Trustee to secure a debt due Gillie M. Bacon &c. Mch. 28, 1825, Ibid. p. 424. Richard C. Bacon, of Lunenburg Co, Va. power of at- torney to James B. Craighead of Huntsville, Alabama. to sign an Injunction bond to be given by sd. Richard C. Bacon & others to Germon Y. Stokes. July 26, 1825, Ibid. p. 466. Gillie M. Bacon, marriage contract with Mary Ann Jones, widow of Ed. M. Jones. Recites that the said Mary Ann Jones is entitled in remainder after the decease of her mother Elizabeth Robertson to certain slaves enumerated therein. The contract gives said Gillie M. Bacon a life interest in the sd. Mary's interest at his death to go to her or her heirs and said Mary waves all right to his estate per- sonal or real. July 13, 1825, D. B. 26, p. 467. Gillie M. Bacon, creditor in a deed of trust from John Winn Jr. to Montfort S. Bacon, Trustee. April 21, 1824, Ibid. p. 276. Edmund P. Bacon, and Joseph Yarbrough creditors in a deed of trust from Levi Clay to David Street, Trustee. Dec. 14, 1824, Ibid. p. 375. Richard C. Bacon, deed of trust to Thomas Winn, trustee, to secure a debt due Wm. H. Taylor. Dec. 10, 1827, D. B. 27, p. 34. Richard C. Bacon, deed of trust to Charles Smith Trus- tee, to secure a debt due Ed. T. Jeffress & Jordan W. Jef- ress late merchant and partners under the firm name of E. & J. Jeffress. Dec. 10, 1827, Ibid. p. 468. Young H. Bacon, deed of trust to Thos. Winn trustee to secure a debt due Brith & Shaw. Dec. 6, 1827, Ibid. p. 472. 84 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Gillie M. Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., deed of trust to Wm. H. Taylor, to secure a debt due David Street. $904.52. 9 slaves, being the dower slaves of the wife of the said Gillie M. Bacon (who was the widdow of Edward M. Jones) together with all of the dower interest which he the said Gillie M. Bacon may have in the lands of the estate of Edward M. Jones, decd. in right of his wife Mary Ann. May 13, 1828, D. B. 28, p. 109. Edmund P. Bacon, Rachel Stokes, wife of Montfort Stokes of Wilkes Co., North Carolina acknowledgment taken to a deed from said Montfort Stokes to said Edmund P. Bacon. Ibid. p. 139. Montfort S. Bacon, deed of trust. Thos. W. Winn to secure John Beith and Gillie M. Bacon to secure John Beith as his security to an indemnifying bond executed to Gillie M. Bacon as one of the executors of Edmund P. Bacon, decd. and to secure said Gillie M. Bacon as security to a bond executed to Wm. G. Overton. Sept. 1, 1828, Ibid. p. 167. Gillie M. Bacon, contract with John Boswell for the sale of 560 acres in Lunenburg Co., on both sides of Cross Road & known by the name of "Wattsborrough." Consideration $1425. Aug. 20, 1828, Ibid. p. 184. Gillie M. Bacon, assignes the above debt of $1425, due said Bacon from John S. Boswell to David Street trustee to secure Miles Jordan and Tarlton W. Knight. Sept. 15, 1828, Ibid. p. 188. Gillie M. Bacon, deed of trust to David Street to secure several creditors mentioned in a deed dated Sept. 15, 1828. All of said Gillie M. Bacon's interest in the estate of Peter Jones decd. to which sd. Bacon is intitled by his wife Mary's dower. Dec. 15, 1829, D. B. 29, p. 22. Richard C. Bacon, and Mary Ellis, his wife, deed to Rich- ard May, $1000. All of their interest in the estate of Ed- ward Jordan, of Brunswick Co. Va. also their interest in the estate of Edward Jordan, decd. of Savannah, late of Lunenburg Co., Va. whether arising from debt or legacy, BACON: LUNENBURG COUNTY 85 also their claim to a Judgment lately obtained in the Cir- cuit Court of Madison Co., Alabama by said Bacon as Plain- tiff vs Joshua Cox & others defendants, also their interest in the suit in the Superior Court of Chancery against Thomas Jordan's legatees &c. April, 1830, Ibid. p. 87. Montfort S. Bacon, deed of trust to David A. Street to secure a debt due Peter W. Street assignee of Edward B. Hicks, who was assignee, of John Billups Jr. assignee of Lyddall Bacon Jr &c. May 11, 1833, D. B. 30, p. 15. Lyddall Bacon, Trustee in a deed of trust from Ben Wal- lice & Martha, his wife recorded in the Clerk's office of Lunenburg Co. deed to John H. Saunders 215 acres in Lunenburg Co., &c. Nov. 13, 1837. Sept. 19, 1837, D. B. 31, p. 35. Gillie M. Bacon, of Lunenburg Co., deed from Wm. M. Gill of Dinwiddie Co. $1200, 120 acres in Lunenburg Co., on Cox Road, adjoining Henderson Lee, Jesse Brown & others. April 24, 1841, D. B. 32, p. 190. Thomas W. Bacon and Elizabeth-(X)—his wife, of Stewart Co., Georgia deed to Thomas C. Winn of the state aforesaid and County of Greene. $150. 58 acres in Lunen- burg Co., Virginia on the waters of Meherrin River adj. Wm. Franklin and James Shelburn & others. Dec. 16, 1825, Ibid. p. 453. Gillie M. Bacon and Mary Ann, his wife, deed to Jno. Lee. $1500. 200 acres in Lunenburg Co., on Cox Road, ad- joining Wm. W. Brown, Jesse Brown, Dr. Richard Hatchett, Mrs. Mary E. Hatchett & Dr. A. B. Cralle. Nov. 6, 1845, D. B. 34, p. 76. Gillie M. Bacon, Trustee in a deed of trust from Wm. W. Brown. to secure a debt due Spottswood H. Crenshaw, admr. of Sterling P. Crenshaw, decd. $298. 100 acres on the Church Road, in Lunenburg Co. Mch. 9, 1846, Ibid. p. 103. 86 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Gillie M. Bacon, loaned by his friend Hy. Stokes 20 bbls. corn and one red and white cow. Returnable at the pleas- ure of the said Stokes. Dec. 7, 1847, Ibid. p. 341. ORDER BOOKS Lyddall Bacon, Gent. is appointed to take the list of Tithables from the mouth of Hounds Creek to the extent of the County upwards. May Court 1746, O. B. 1746-48, p. 4. Lyddall Bacon, John Hall, Lewis Delaney, John Twitty, Thos. Bouldin, Abraham Martin and Clement Read qualified as Vestrymen for the Parish of Cumberland. Sept. Court, 1746, Ibid. p. 64. Lyddall Bacon Plt. vs. Edward Caldwell, Deft. in debt. Continued. Dec. Court 1746, Ibid. p. 92. Lyddall Bacon, Gent. Justice of Peace. April Court 1747, Ibid. p. 134. Lyddall Bacon, Gent. is appointed to take the list of tithables this year from Hounds Creek to the head of Not- toway and Meherrin rivers, and to give public notice of the time and place for taking such lists. June Court 1748, O. B. 1748-51, p. 15. John Bacon, witness for Robert Tucker against the heir at Law of Abraham Michaux decd. Ordered that sd. Robert Tucker pay him for 6 days attendance. Aug. Court 1748, Ibid. p. 71. John Bacon, came into Court and voluntarily renounced the executorship of the noncupative will of Abraham Michaux, decd. whereupon Lyddall Bacon, Gent. the other executor, together with said John Bacon and Lewis Delaney Gent. his security entered into and acknowledged a Bond according to Law for his faithful execution of the will. Oct. Court. 1748, Ibid. p. 76. BACON: LUNENBURG COUNTY 87 Lyddall Bacon, Mathew Talbott and Nicholas Hayle, Gents. qualified as Justices of Peace. June Court, 1749, Ibid. p. 147. John Bacon, Drury Allen and Daniel Claiborne appointed to view and examine and report on a road from Willing- hams road to Reedy Creek Church proposed by Peter Fon- taine, Gent. May Court, 1754, O. B. 1754-55, p. 4. John Bacon on his motion is allowed to make a bridle way of the old established path leading from his house to Cocke's Mill. May Court 1754, Ibid. p. 13. William Bacon, is appointed guardian to Mary Bacon, orphan of John Bacon decd. William Chandler, security. Aug. 1760, O. B. 1759-61, p. 153. John Bacon is appointed guardian to Susanna Bacon, or- phan of John Bacon decd. William Hunt security. Aug. 1760, Ibid. p. 153. William Bacon Plt. vs. Sherwood Bugg Deft. In case. Suit dismissed. Aug. 1760, Ibid. p. 163. John Bacon, decd. The last will and testament of, was exhibited in Court by Frances Bacon the Executrix therein named & proved and recorded. July 1759, Ibid. p. 15. Lyddall Bacon, admr. with will annexed of John Bacon, decd. Petitioner against Wm. Donathan and Nathaniel Bacon on a petition to recover &c. May 1761, O. B. 1761- 62, p. 9. Lyddall Bacon, admr. with will annexed of John Bacon, decd. Plt. vs. Wm. Bacon & Pinkethmon Hawkins, Defts. Judgment for Plts. June Ct. 1761, Ibid. p. 51. Nathaniel Bacon, Plt. vs. Spencer Plsceed Deft. Judg- ment for Plt. June 1761, Ibid. p. 54. 88 THE VALENTINE PAPERS · Lyddall Bacon, & Thos. Tabb, Gents. are appointed to proportion the Hands to work on the several Roads where- of Thomas Wynn, John Hix, & Henry Blagrave and John Scott are surveyors. Nov. Ct. 1761, Ibid. p. 175. Edmund Bacon, Plt. vs. Ben Smith, Deft. Mch. 1762, Ibid. p. 245. Dismissed. Lyddall Bacon is appointed to let the building of a bridge over Nottoway River. O. B. April-Dec. 1762, p. 12. John Bacon, Plt. vs. Robert Haskins Deft. Ibid. p. 47. In debt. Nathaniel Bacon, Plt. vs. Hatcher Deft. Dismissed. Ibid. p. 70. John Bacon (Susanna), guardian account. Ibid. p. 77. John Bacon, Guardian of M. Bacon & Susanna Bacon. O. B. 1763-64, p. 144. Nathaniel Bacon to James Smith, Grissel Bacon, wife of sd. Nathaniel Bacon acknowledges her signature. 1764. O. B. 1764-65, p. 3. John Bacon, licensed to keep an ordinary, with Wm. Bacon his security. Ibid. p. 6. Lyddall Bacon & others ordered to view the bridges on North Meherrin River. Ibid. p. 151. John L. Bacon, guardian of Mary Bacon, orphan of John Bacon. Ibid. p. 174. Lyddall Bacon, qualifies as Colonel. O. B. 1765-66, p. 76. Lyddall Bacon, Abraham Maury and others are ap- pointed to view the road of Middle Meherrin. Ibid. p. 180. BACON: LUNENBURG COUNTY 89 Bacon, orphan of Lyddall Bacon chose Langston Bacon as his guardian. O. B. 1769-77, p. 463. Richard Bacon orphan of Lyddall Bacon, (Gent. made choice of Robert Dixon to be his guardian. Ibid. p. 463. Langston Bacon is appointed guardian of Edmund Parks Bacon and Drury Allen Bacon orphans of Lyddall Bacon, deceased. Ibid. p. 463. Edmund Bacon guardian of the orphans of Calwell Pet- typool. Accts. of. O. B. 1791-95, p. 243. Drury Bacon, recommended as Lieutenant. Ibid. p. 281. Edmund P. Bacon recommended as Captain. Ibid. p. 303. Tyree G. Bacon recommended as Ensign. Ibid. p. 325. Richard Bacon, surveyor of road. Ibid. p. 348. Edmund P. Bacon, recommended as Escheater. Ibid. p. 355. Richard Bacon, bound to keep the peace. O. B. 1796-98, p. 80. Drury Bacon, qualified as Captain. O. B. 1799-1802, p. 47. Richard Bacon, qualified as coroner. O. B. 1802-1805, p. 7. Edmund P. Bacon recommended as Colonel. Ibid. p. 82. Lyddall Bacon, recommended as Ensign. Ibid. p. 100. Edmund Bacon, is licensed to keep an ordinary. O. B. 1806-11, p. 1. Edmund P. Bacon, resigned as Colonel. Ibid. p. 107-9. Lyddall Bacon qualified as Captain. O. B. 1811-14, p. 258. 90 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Edmund P. Bacon qualified as Sheriff. Ibid. p. 382. Gillie Bacon qualified as Deputy Clerk. Ibid. p. 427. Edmund P. Bacon, Jr. qualified as Deputy Sheriff. Ibid. p. 427. G. M. [Gillie M.] Bacon, qualified as Lieutenant. O. B. 1814-16, p. 333. Mason Bacon, Admr. granted. O. B. 1817-21, p. 145. Gillie M. Bacon, recommended as Justice of the Peace. O. B. 1821-24, p. 201. Mont. S. [Montfort Stokes] Bacon, qualified as Deputy Clerk. Ibid. p. 330. Munford S. Bacon, qualified as Constable. O. B. 1829-33, p. 73. ORDS MIDDLESEX COUNTY RECORDS Nathaniel Bacon, granted judgment, as assignee of Fran- cis Thompson, against Margrit Bridge, for £52-8. May 1678, O. B. 1672-80, p. 120. William Churchill attorney of William Standard con- fesses judgment to William Leigle [Leigh?] attorney of Josias Bacon for sum of £17-7-6. March 1682, O. B. 1680- 94, p. 103. Josias Bacon. The above cause was again in court Feb- ruary 1685. Feb. 1, 1685, Ibid. p. BACON: NORFOLK COUNTY 91 NORFOLK COUNTY RECORDS Richard Bacon, Sr. Will of. Mch. 27, 1717, Orders & Apprs. 1710-1723. John Bacon, Will of. July 16, 1730. (Old Book without cover, p. 80.) NORFOLK COUNTY COURT RECORDS-NOT SEARCHED FOR BUT ACCIDENTALLY FOUND. Richard Bacon, The last will and Testament of Richard Bacon Senr. Orders, Apprs. &c, 1719-23, 27, Mch. 1717. Geo. Bacon's deed to Joseph Curling acknowledged and ordered to be recorded-page 26, (No number to book which is almost totally destroyed) dated July 1724. Jno. Bacon, Will of, (16 day of July 1730) in a bunch of papers, the leaves of an old book without cover, page 80. Elizabeth Bacon, In a book labeled "Estrays & Mar- riages," the following: In a list of Marriages celebrated by Edward Mintz, 1784 March 7, Richard Taylor to Eliza- beth Bacon. POWHATAN COUNTY RECORDS John Barnes of the Co., of Powhatan. Will of. Men- tions his children as follows: Son James Barnes. Son George Barnes. Daughter Terribe Barnes. Daughter Sal.. ly Wooldridge. Daughter Nancy Bacon. Daughter Lucy Brizendine. Daughter Patsey Knight. Daughter Judith Patsey_Knight. Marr. Grandchildren, Patsey Hancock and William Miner. Executors-his sons-in-law, Richard Bacon, Leroy Brizen- dine and Woodson Knight and his brother-in-law Edmund Toney. Witnesses-John Toney, Richard Toney, Jr. Issac Allen, William A. Toney. Proved-March 21, 1810. Ed- mund Toney & Richard Bacon qualifying as Executors. Oct. 17, of same year Leroy Brizendine qualified as Executor also. 92 THE VALENTINE PAPERS PRINCESS ANNE COUNTY RECORDS Peter Bacon, of the Co. of Prince George, and Elizabeth, his wife deed to Nathaniel Hoggard of the Co., of Princess Anne, Consideration £237-10-0. 100 acres in Princess Anne Co., adjoining Nathaniel Hoggard, Col. Hack Mosely, and was formerly the property of Thomas Taylor and was given together with other lands by Peter Dale, decd. to his grand- son the said Peter Bacon. Oct. 8, 1796, D. B. 24, p. 214. Peter Bacon, and Elizabeth, his wife of the town of Pe- tersburg, Va. deed to George Chandler of the Borrough of Norfolk. Consideration £86. 41 acres, being 1/6 of a tract in Princess Anne Co., devised by Peter Dale to his daugh- ter Mary Anne, the wife of Samuel Bacon, and mother of said Peter Bacon, Samuel Dale Bacon, Rebecca Bowdoin, wife of Prerson Bowdoin Jr., Mary Vaughn, wife of James Vaughn, Jane Watson, wife of Edward Watson and Anne McConnico, decd. wife of Christopher McConnico. Wit- nesses-Edward Watson, George Watson, Andrew J. Mc- Connico, Wm. Vaughn, E. H. Moseley, ack. to P. Macon, Nathal. Hoggard ack. as to P. Bacon, Jno. Nevison as to P. Bacon. Sept. 6, 1797, D. B. 25, p. 55. Samuel Deel Bacon, decd. of the Borrough of Norfolk, Va. William Vaughan administrator, of the last will and testament of sd. Samuel D. Bacon, decd. deed to Mary Anne McConnico and Andrew Johnston McConnico daughter and son of Christopher McConnico, all of the Borrough of Nor- folk, Va. Consideration, £84. 434 acres in Princess Anne Co., being the 1/6 part of 251 acres which was allotted to the children of Mary Bacon, to wit; Samuel D. Bacon, Rebecca, wife of Prerson Bowdoin, Mary Bacon, Jane Bacon, Peter Bacon, and Andrew Johnston and Mary Ann Mcconnico who are the children of Ann McConnico, who was also the daughter of sd. Mary Bacon mother of sd. Samuel D. Bacon. July 20, 1798, Ibid. p. 46. BACON: YORK COUNTY 93 RAPPOHANNOCK COUNTY RECORDS Nathaniel Bacon's power of attorney to John Weir of Rappohannock county to recover indebtedness of John Prosser to said Bacon. Witnesses-Richard Lawrence, Moses Pigott. Sept. 30, 1668, D. B. No. 4, p. 114. ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY RECORDS Marriage Bond, Algenon Sidney Bacon, Philadelphia, Pa. to Cornelia A., daughter of William C. Lewis, of Rock- bridge Co. Va. Dated: 22 June 1848. James B. Dorman, Rockbridge Co. security. SURRY COUNTY RECORDS Mary Bacon, A witness. Sept. 3, 1662, D. B. 1652-72, No. 1, p. 195. John Bacon, deed to Richard Skinner a parcel of land at the head of Lawyers Creek on the western side of a devi- dend of land formerly (Doc. Powlyes?). It being a parcel of land that was formerly Robert Parks. Witnesses- George Watkins, Michael Uppshurs. Acknowledged & Re- corded-9 ber 5, 1662. 9 ber 4, 1662, D. B. 1652-72, 1, p. 198. YORK COUNTY RECORDS Nathaniel Bacon, deed from Christopher Harris and Anne, his wife, said Bacon gives his bond for the payment of £250. Witnesses-Philip Mallory, Roger Greens, Rich- ard Buythroe. March 23, 1660, Book 3, p. 114. Nathaniel Bacon, and Edmund Bacon, Witnesses to re- ceipt from James Archer who married Elizabeth, daughter of John Hubard, decd. to Mr. John Page, administrator of the estate of said Hubard, for 9193 lbs. tobacco and casks and £142-16. Aug. 26, 1678, Book 6, p. 53. 94 THE VALENTINE PAPERS ! Edward Pennington servant to Nathaniel Bacon im- ported in the Planters Adventure, Capt. Ranson, com- mander. No date. Book 6, pp. 56, 59.. Nathaniel Bacon, an attachment granted him against the estate of John Barreman (a difference about a will). No date. Book 6, p. 71. Nathaniel Bacon, made executor of the will of Mary Clopton. No date. Book 6, p. 74. Honorable Nathaniel Bacon, deed to, of Indentured ser- vants, an Indian boy, stock, furniture &c. from Edward Thomas. Witnesses-Wm. Barrett, Wm. Davis. May 24, 1689. Book 8, p. 261. Nathaniel Bacon, Esq. of the County of York. Will of. Just debts to be paid. Niece Abagail Burwell, wife of Lewis Burwell, of Gloucester Co., Va. Plantation whereon I now live, and lands in Hampton and Bruton Parishes, York county; After her decease to her son Lewis Burwell junior. Every one of Major Lewis Burwell's children now living £50 sterling, To each; vizt. Nathanll., Lewis, James, Joanna, Elizabeth, Lucy, Martha. Niece Elizabeth Sheriffe, sister of aforesaid Abagail Burwell, £30. sterling. Nephew Lewis Burwell, Senior, and his wife, Abagail Burwell, lands in Isle of Wight and Nansamond counties, Va. and after their decease to their sons Nathll., and James. Nephew Lewis Burwell, lands in New Kent county to be managed and disposed of to the best advantage for his four daugh- ters, vizt; Joanna, Elizabeth, Lucy and Martha, now living. Brother-in-law Thomas Burras, of Berry England, £20 sterling. Brother-in-law Wilkinson (Wilkerson)?. in Eng- land, £20 sterling and to his wife £30 sterling. To Frances, Lady Berkeley "my riding horse, coatt and tenn pounds sterling. Rt. Honorable, the Lt. Governor Francis Nich- olson, Esqr. £20 sterling." The parish "where I was born" £20 sterling. "to be put into the hands of my brother Bur- ras & to be disposed of as he sees good." Hampton Parish, York county, Virginia £20 sterling to be disposed of as vestry sees fit. Mr. Stephen Fouace 5 guineas "to preach BACON: YORK COUNTY 95 99 my funeral sermon." Mulatto, Kate "her freedom att my decease. Itt being formerly promised by my deceased wife.' William Bassett discharged from all indebtedness to said. Bacon "he giving to my executors . . . a full discharge & acquitance from dues, debts and demands whatsoever he hath or may have against me as I was guardian and Ex- ecutor in Trust of his Estate he giving liberty to my Ex- ecutor to remove what estate shall be known to be mine on his plantation called "Makte coat" [Match coat?] £20 to be laid out in rings to be given several friends according to direction of executor. Doctor Henry Power £5 sterling. William Davis "my servant" £10 sterling per annum "for the time he hath served after my decease to be an assistant to my executor." Nephew Major Lewis Burwell and niece Abagail Burwell, his wife, personal estate, debts due either in Virginia or England or anywhere else, ready money, ships, parts of ships, goods and chattles, to be disposed of by them for the use of their children born or to be born, to be divided between them according to direction of the said father and mother or the longest survivor of them. Major Lewis Burwell and his wife Abagail sole executors. Wit- nesses-Wm. Cole, Hery Power, Stephen Fonace, Joseph R. Ring. Codicile, Elizabeth Pettice, daughter of Mr. Thomas Pettice should she live to be 21 years of age or marry, a negro girl named Moll "living upon ye plantation called Little Towne belonging to the said Pettice." Probated- York County March 24, 1691. March 15, 1691/2, Book 9, p. 116. HEAD RIGHTS, PATENTS, GRANTS AND REF- ERENCES TO, IN LAND BOOKS, VIR- GINIA LAND OFFICE TO 1800 Bacon Eliza, Head right, of John Little, who transported said Eliza and John Little, presumably himself. Patent 100 acres in Northumberland Co, on Cherrystone Creek, adjoining Obedience Robins and the Company land. Sep. 20, 1647 (2, p. 110). 96 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Bacon's Point, North side of York River on south side of Rosewell Creek. Patent to Lewis Burwell. June 12, 1648 (2, p. 181). Eliza Bacon, Head right of Stephen Charlton, Patent 1000 acres in Northumberland Co. on Watchepemqo Creek. Aug. 29, 1650 (2, p. 253). Nathaniel Bacon, Patent 1075 acres in Isle of Wight Co., on Cross Creek a branch of Pagaus Creek adjoining An- thony Jones, William Smith, & John Sparks. Mch. 23, 1652 (2, p. 200). William Bacon, Patent, 300 acres in Northumberland Co., on Broad Creek, between Yeconico and Mattopony rivers, adjoining Anthony Leuton & Lawrence Dameron for trans- porting Eliza Lacy, Ed Tapp, Phillip Lanceford, John Butcher, James Wrey and Hen. Weed. Mch. 9, 1653 (3, p. 12). Joseph Bacon, Head right, of Anna Bernard, Patent 1000 acres in Northumberland Co. on south side of the Po- tomac River on Eastern side of Matcholey river, adjoining Thomas Peals. April 3, 1654 (3, p. 306). William Bacon, Gent. Patent, 390 acres, between the lands patented by Edward Walker and Richard Holding. By assignment from said Elizabeth Walker. Aug. 28, 1657 (4, p. 184). William Bacon, Gent. Patent, 250 acres, in Northumber- land County in Yeoconoco Neck, on Knott's Creek, adjoining Richard Holding, 110 acres part thereof by assignment of George Knott, 65 acres by assignment of Edward Walker and 75 acres for transporting two persons. Aug. 28, 1657 (4, p. 196). Nathaniel Bacon, Esq., Patent, 300 acres in New Kent Co. on North East side of Mattapony River, adjoining Thomas Saunders and Arrekesco (Auckascco) Swamp. Was BACON: YORK COUNTY 97 formerly granted to John Hudson & John Garrett June 6, 1655, By Hudson assigned to John Bull and by Bull & Gar- rett to said Nathaniel Bacon, Esq. June 9, 1658 (4, p. 335). Col. Nathaniel Bacon, Esq. Patent 1075 acres in Isle of Wight Co., on a branch of Pagan Creeke, adjoining An- thony Jones and William Smith. Formerly granted to the said Col. Nathaniel Bacon Esq. Mch. 23, 1652 and now re- newed. Feb. 16, 1663 (5, p. 200). Col. Nathaniel Bacon, Esq. Patent 2000 acres in New Kent Co., on the south side of York River, adjoining Cap- tain William Bassett and Captain Philip Ludwell. Mch. 22, 1665-6 (5, p. 585). Col. Nathaniel Bacon, Esq. Patent, 25 acres in York Co., formerly granted to William Evans, deceased, and es- cheated to his Majesty. Oct. 6, 1666 (6, p. 6). deceased Col. Nathaniel Bacon, Esq. Patent, 700 acres, part of 1651, acres formerly granted to Cornelius and escheated to his Majesty. Oct. 26, 1666 (6, p. 6). Nathaniel Bacon Esq. Patent, 3% acres, in James City, begining at the easternmost corner of Richard Lawrence's old ditch on a branch of Pitch & Tar Swamp. Formerly belonging to Richard Lawrence, but confescated on ac- count of his being guilty of High Treason. May 29, 1683 (7,300). Patent to John Kimbrough of New Kent Co., 575 acres in New Kent Co., on the south side of Pamunkey River, adjoining Stephen Tarlton, Col. Ludwell and Col. Bacon and crossing Mechuneps [Meacham's] Creek. April 20, 1687 (7,556). Capt. Edmund Bacon, Patent, 443 acres in New Kent Co. on Pamunkey River next below North Wales Dividend. For transporting five persons as follows, vizt; Thos. Bacon, Anne Lyddall, Katherine Davis, Nathl. Smith, & George Pargeter. Oct. 21, 1687 (7, p. 614). 98 THE VALENTINE PAPERS John Bacon, Patent, 243 Acres in ye upper part of New Kent Co., next below North Wales Dividend. This land formerly granted to Capt. Edmund Bacon, Oct. 21, 1687, and by him deserted and since granted to John Bacon by order of the General Court Oct. 17, 1701, and further due unto John Bacon for the importation of six persons. April 25, 1703 (9, p. 445). John Bacon of New Kent Co., Patent, 1600 acres in Hen- rico Co., begining on Ufuam Brook at the corner of said Bacon's land and that of John Watson, thence down the Brook according to its meanderings to the mouth of it, where it falls into Chickahominey Swamp or River, thence up the main river or swamp to a corner beach pointing the land of Thomas Owen and the said Bacon, thence south west and by east crossing several branches seven hundred and eighteen poles to the place begun at. One thousand and thirty six acres and five poles part thereof was for- merly granted in the name of Francis Izard by patent bear- ing date the 23, April 1681. The other 563 acres and 155 Poles is surplus land found within the bounds of the said patent. Oct. 13, 1727 (13, p. 283). William Bacon, Patent, 254 acres in Henrico "Beginning at Smith's corner dead pine thence south sixty degrees west two hundred and sixty six poles to Lacy's corner popler on the eastern branch, thence south eleven degrees east at one hundred and forty eight poles crossing a small branch one hundred and sixty four poles to six pointers corner between the said Bacon, Lacy & Smith & thence north fifty eight degrees east two hundred and twenty poles to a corner in a branch. Thence north seventy six degrees east forty six poles to Watson's corner white oak. Thence north eleven degrees west at sixteen poles crossing a small branch one hundred and seventy poles to the place begun." Sept. 5, 1749 (27, p. 391). John Bacon, Patent, 400 acres in Lunenburg Co., on Couches Creek, adjoining Lyle and Gilliam. June 20, 1753 (32, p. 133). = BACON: YORK COUNTY 99 Edmund Bacon, Patent, 103 acres in New Kent Co., on the north side of Chickahominy swamp, adjoining Gooch and patent and Col. Bassett's land. Sept. 26, 1760 (33, p. 929). Edmund Bacon, Patent, 2050 acres in Lunenburg Co., formerly granted to John Lightfoot, and descended to Wil- liam Marston Lightfoot, who failed to meet the require- ments of the grant, Emanuel Taylor applied for a grant and assigned it to Edmund Bacon. Located on Holly branch of Pine Creek, adjoining, Talley, Booker, Johnson & Rus- sell. May 23, 1763 (35, p. 98). Lyddall Bacon, Patent, 643 acres in Lunenburg Co., on the branches of Meherrin River and Meadow Creek, adjoin- ing Jordan, Walker, Jeter & Tucker. Being part of a for- mer grant of 1044 acres to Sylvanus Walker, April 15, 1754, who having failed to pay quit-rents and cultivate the said 643 acres thereof Charles Irby hath obtained a grant for the said 643 acres which he has assigned to the said Lydall Bacon. July 20, 1768 (37, p. 276). Lyddall Bacon, Grant, 1390 acres in Lincoln Co, Muddy Creek, adjoining William Hays, William Cockerhorn, Wil- liam Mays, Wallace Estill, Woods & Jessee Cartright. War- rent No. 10595. Jan. 3, 1782. May 10, 1786, Book Z. 1785-86. Jabez Bacon, Grant, Treasurers Warrent No. 19610 Sept. 26, 1783. Jabez Bacon assignee of Isaac Bronson, who was assignee of James Robinson who was assignee of Cleon Moore, 1000 acres in Ohio Co., on the waters of Middle Island Creek, adjoining Richard Nichols & the said Jabez Bacon. Oct. 29, 1787, Book 14, p. 587. Jabez Bacon, Grant, Treasurers Warrent No. 19609 Sept. 26, 1783., Jabez Bacon assignee of Isaac Bronson, assignee of James Robinson who was assignee of Cleon Moore. 1000 acres in Ohio Co., on the waters of Middle Island Creek. Oct. 29, 1787, Book 14. p. 72. UNIVERSITY OF LIBRARY 1819 VIRGINIA * 100 THE VALENTINE PAPERS HENRICO PARISH VESTRY BOOK Nathaniel Bacon, & John Watkins appointed procession- ers for Precinct No. 3, all between Chickahominy Swamp and Upland (Ufuan) Brook, to the head of said Brook. July 21, 1739. Ludwell Bacon, Matthew Hobson & William Owen ap- pointed processioners for Precinct No. 3, same bounds as above. July 16, 1743. Langston Bacon, Wm. Pattman, Stephen Panky and Thomas Owen appointed processioners for Precinct No. 4, All between Chickahominy Swamp and Upland Brook to the head of the said Brook. Aug. 4, 1747. Langston Bacon, Wm. Palmer, Stephen Panky & Thomas Owen, processioners for Precinct No. 4, report having pro- cessioned the titles of the following property owners, among them William Bacon, Nathaniel Bacon. Mch. 24, 1748. William Bacon, Joseph Parsons Jr. & Henry Stokes ap- pointed processioners for Precinct No. 3, All between Chick- ahominy Swamp and Ofland Brook to the head of said Brook. Aug. 17, 1751. Daniel Bacon, paid 600 lbs. Tobacco. Dec. 8, 1752. Nathaniel Bacon, appointed processioner precinct No. 3, All between Chickahominy Swamp and Upland Brook to head of said Brook. July 25, 1755. William Bacon, appointed Processioner precinct No. 3, All between Chickahominy Swamp and Upland Brook to head of said Brook. Together with Henry Stokes and Elisha Miller. July 25, 1755. Nathaniel Bacon, Henry Bacon, and Elisha Miller, report as processioners precinct No. 3. 1756. BACON: YORK COUNTY 101 William Bacon, Nathaniel Wilkinson, Thomas Wilkinson & Thomas Owen appointed processioners for precinct No. 2, From William Gordon Road to the head of the Parish, thence to Chickahominy Swamp, and down that to Turner's Run, and up Hungary Branch to the head of Upland Brook, and from thence to Gordon's aforesaid. Oct. 11, 1759. William Bacon, Witness to line between Robert William- son and Cuthbert Williamson. Report of processioners for precinct No. 5, Between the mouth of Gilley's Creek and great Westham on the river, and to extend back to as far as Cannon's? and Gordons. 1760. William Bacon, William Winston, Thomas Wilkinson, & Thomas Owen appointed processioners for Parish No. 2, From William Gordon's Road to the head of the Parish, thence to Chickahominy Swamp and down that to Turner's Run, and up Hungary Branch to the head of Ufland Brook, and from thence to Gordon's aforesaid. Oct. 14, 1767. Nathaniel Bacon, John Watkins, Peter Patrick, proces- sioners for precinct No. 3, Report lines of orphan of Joseph Pleasants decd. not processioned. Report lines of orphan of Joseph Mosby decd. not processioned. 1740. Ballard Family ALBEMARLE COUNTY RECORDS John-(X)-Ballard of Albemarle County, whereas I have already given unto my four sons Thomas, William, John & David to each of them a horse, I will & Devise that there be made out of my personal estate two horses equal in value with these and I hereby give to each of my sons Samuel & Bland one of the said horses.. Granddaughter Lucy Ballard daughter of my Daughter Elizabeth a cow & calf. ... Six sons Thomas, William, John, Daniel, Samuel E., Bland, tract of land purchased by Mr. Red to be Equally Divided. . . . Wife during her widowhood use of Rest of Estate real & personal & mixt and after her marriage or death the land whereon I live to my youngest son Bland. Rest of my estate after the marriage or Death of my wife, my ten children Thomas, William, John, David, Samuel & Bland, Mildred, Elizabeth, Susannah, & Anne, to be equally divided amongst them. . . Sons, Thomas And William Executors. . . . Dated Eleaventh day of June one thousand seven hundred & seventy nine. Wit- nesses-Wm. Michie, Thomas Ballard, Bland Ballard, Ga- briel-(X)-Mullins. Proved-March Court, 1780. W. B. 2, p. 388. ... Thomas-(X)-Ballard of Albemarle County.... Daugh- ter Mary five pounds sterling, . . . Sons, Thomas Ballard & Bland Ballard all this my land they suffering my daughter- in-law Mourning Ballard to live on, use and occupy that part of it whereon she now lives during her life. . . . The land to be equally divided between them so that Bland enjoy that part whereon he now lives. . . . The use of a negro Delphia unto my daughter Frances Ballard, and after her decease I give and Bequeath the negro Delphia unto her heirs Lawfully Beggoten, but if she die without Heirs then and in that case I give the said girl unto the natural Daugh- ter of my Daughter Frances named Rachel now wife of BALLARD: ALBEMARLE COUNTY 103 Gabriel Mullins; Daughter Susanna Pettis during her life all my land in Louisa County, and after her death I give and devise the said land unto her the said Susanna Pettit's oldest son then living . . . Remainder of my estate to be Equally divided among my five children, Thomas, Bland, Anna Maupine, Frances Ballard, and Susanna Pettis. . Sons Thomas and Bland Executors. . . . Dated thirtieth day of June 1779.... Witnesses-Wm. Michie, Zachariah Mills, Joseph Mills. Recorded-May 9, 1782. W. B. 2, p. 396. John Ballard, witness to will of David Rodes, 9 June 1790. W. B. 3, p. 216. In a division of the estate of David Rodes, decd. 19 Feb. 1794. this item appears, Anna Ballard, Dr. to the estate of David Rodes, decd. Goods & chattles lent by David Rodes, deceased.£ 12: 7:3: 1 negro girl Ritter, £30: one negro boy Fielding, £27:10; 1 negro woman Jean & child Bartetott allotted by commissioners W. B. 3, p. 249. .£ 57:10:0: £ 50: 0:0: £119:17:3: Bland Ballard an appraiser of Est. of George Booth, decd., 14 July 1797. W. B. 3, p. 327. The estate of David Rodes decd. In atc. with Matthew Rodes, his executor; £112:18:3: equally divided between Mary Douglas, Eliza Goodman, John Rodes, Matthew Rodes, Charles Rodes, Nancy Delaney, Lucy Twyman, Milly Walden, Patsy Rodes, and Ann Ballard, amt. to £11:5:10: each. 15 July 1797. Recd. Sept. 1797. W. B. 3, p. 328. Nov. 9, 1780. David Mills to Thomas Ballard; £6000 curr: 350 acres in Albemarle County; conveyed to said Mills by Mosias Jones, by deed dated 30 Sept. last: No witnesses. Nov. 1780. D. B. 1, p. 498. I 104 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Thomas-(X)-Ballard of Albemarle County; for and in consideration of the love and affection I have for my chil- dren Thomas Ballard, Bland Ballard, Anna Maupin, and Frances Ballard. Deed of Gift; To Thomas, 2 slaves; To Bland, 2 negroes; To Anna, 2 negroes; To Frances, (my daughter); 3 negroes; Dated, 8 March 1781: Recd. March 1781: D. B. 7, p. 507. Thomas-(X)-Ballard of Albemarle County; to his daughter Susannah Pettet; deed of Gift: 2 negroe slaves. Wit; Wm. Michie, Anna Michie; Dated, 5 Jany. 1781: Recd. March 1781. D. B. 7, p. 508. 12;10Ber: 1782. Wm. Jarman & Sarah, his wife, to John Ballard, £50 curr: 200 a. on Rock Creek, Albemarle Co: bounded by lines of Wm. Keaton, Decd; Wm. Keaton, Wm. Thompson: No witnesses. 12 Dec. 1782. D. B. 8, p. 30. Nov. 6, 1783. William Ballard, in his own proper per- son, and attony in fact for John Ballard, David Ballard, Samuel Ballard & Sarah Ballard, to Patrick Michie £300: 400 a. on N. Fork of James River & Naked Creek, in Albe- marle Co; bounded by land of Wm. Michie, Thos. Ballard, Jr. & sd. Patrick; Witnesses, John Michie, John Walker, John Allen; June 1784. D. B. 8, p. 135. Augt. 10 1784. Charles Bush and Elizabeth, his wife, of Albemarle Co., to Philip Ballard, of same county. £25 curr: 49 a. in Albemarle Co. part of a tract purched. by Wm. Sumter; adj. Leonard Davis; Wit. Wm. Betts; Wm. Watts, Leonard Davis. Aug. 1784. D. B. 9, p. 10. Dec. 22 1784. Frederick Wills & Frances-(X)-, his wife; Leonard-(X)-Davis and Mary-(X)-, his wife, of Albemarle County to Thomas Ballard, of Orange County. £45 curr. 100 a at foot of Piney Mountains, Albemarle County. Witt. Robert Sanford, Leonard-(X)-Davis, Au- gustine Davis, John Wills, Elizabeth-(X)-Ballard; March 1785. D. B. 9, p. 69. BALLARD: ALBEMARLE COUNTY 105 Dec. 26 1785. Wm. Keaton & Mary, his wife, to John Ballard. £50 curr. 150 a. in Albemarle County. Wit. John-(X)-Wells, Frost and Snow, James Keaton, Thomas Ballard; 9 Mar. 1786. D. B. 9, p. 197. Oct. 10 1780. Thomas Ballard and Elizabeth-(X)—, his wife, of Albemarle County, to Bird Rogers, of same County, £100-200 a. in Albemarle Co., adj. land of Blan Ballard, Wm. Michie, & Thomas Ballard. No Witnesses. 11 Octr. 1787. D. B. 9, p. 387. May 8 1788. Thomas-(X)—Ballard and Mary—(X)—, his wife, of Albemarle Co., to Benjamin Huntsman, of same county. £35 curr: 100 a. at foot of Piney Mountains, Albe- marle County: Wit; Henry Stone; Thomas Stone; Sept. 1788. D. B. 9, p. 465. April 9 1791: Charles Burrus, of Albemarle County, to Thomas Ballard of same county. £125 curr: 288 a. in Albe. Co. on both sides Rocky Creek. Wit: Wm. Michie, Benj. Richards, David Michie, John Watts. April 1791. D. B. 10, p. 164. July 5 1791. John Craig, of Albemarle Co., to Johnston Ballard, of Orange County. £100-400 a. in Alb. County. No witnesses. July 1791. D. B. 10, p. 259. Bland-(X)-Ballard, of Camden District, Lancaster County, South Carolina, po. of atto. to his brother Thomas Ballard and Francis Taliaferro; to make legal title to a tract of land sold to Patr. Michie of which I had my equal part with the rest of my Brothers: lying in Alb. Co., Va., Dated, 15 Decr. 1787: Witnesses-Thomas Creighton, Jno. Graham, John Bouton. Recd. Octr. 1791. D. B. 10, p. 463. Dec. 4 1792: Johnston-(X)-Ballard to Anthony Haden-£89:6:9: 400 a. on Doyles River, in Alb. Co. deeded sd. Ballard by John Crag; adj. John Mullins, Bazaleel Brown, Richd. Bruce, John Maupin, junior, James Keaton, Wm. Via. Wit. Robt. McCullock, John Craig, James Har- ris, Thos. Ewell, Wm. Via, Jesse Ewell; Dec. 1792. D. B. 10, p. 512. 106 THE VALENTINE PAPERS ! Sept. 27 1793. John-(X)-Shiflitt and Joyce-(X)— his wife to their daughter Frances Ballard, and Martha Ballard, daughter of said Frances: deed of Gift. 60 a. in Alb. Co. adj. Henry Carter, Rowland Horsby, (to sd. Frances during her life and then to sd. Martha her daugh- ter); Wit-Charles Goodman, Rowland Horsby, Thos. Burton; Octr. 1793. D. B. 11, p. 141. April 4 1794-James Harrison & Sarah, his wife, to Johnson Ballard £125 curr. 50 a. in Alb. Co. on East side of James Keeton's Spring Branch. Witt.-Bezabeel Brown, Thomas Harris, Nathan Harris, Cornelius Maupin, June 1795. D. B. 11, p. 411. March 10 1795: Johnson-(X)-Ballard, James Harri- son & Sarah, his wife of Albemarle County, to Bazabeel Brown, of same county, $100. 100 a. on N. E. side of Doyles River, adj. land of Benajah Brown, Wm. Bruce, David Craig & sd. Bezabeel Brown, in Albe. Co: Wit. Maxcery Ewell, Thomas Harris, Thos. J. Price, Benajah Brown. June 17-95. D. B. 11, p. 412. Sept. 8 1795. Philip (X-Ballard ånd Nancy (or Nan- ney)-(X), his wife, of Albemarle Co. to John Long, of Rockingham County: £45 curr. 45 a. in Alb. Co. adj. Thomas Stone; Wit.-Henry Stone, Thomas Stone, John Kister; Dec. 1795. D. B. 11, p. 498. July 15 1796. Johnson-(X)-Ballard of Albemarle Co. to James Harrison of same county. £60 curr. 50 a. on E. side of Keaton's Spring Branch in Alb. Co: & was the same land conveyed by sd. Harrison to sd. Ballard. Wit.-Thos. Harris, Joel Harris, Nathan Harris.; July 1797. D. B. 12, p. 185. Feby. 6 1797. Henry Carter and Sarah, his wife, of Al- bemarle Co. to Bland Ballard, of same county. £30 curr. 35 a. in Alb. Co. adj. John Shiflet, decd. David Spradling, Thos. Burton; No witnesses. Feby. 1797. D. B. 12, p. 186. BALLARD: ALBEMARLĘ COUNTY 107 Sepr. 5 1796. Joice-(X)-Shiflet, Joel Shiflet, Lewis Shiflet, Bland Ballard & Frances his wife; Martin Mooney, and Martha, his wife; George Boothe and Betsey, his wife; and Mary Cox, of Albemarle Co. to Philip Kal of Orange County. £40 curr. 40 a. on Ivy Creek, Alb. Co. adj. Joice Shiflet, Elizabeth Brynt, Betsey Brady, Susannah Phillips, Thos. Burton; Witnesses-Francis Anderson, Wm. John- son, Chs. Wingfield, R. Bruce, Thos. Bell, Barhous; Septr. 1796. D. B. 12 (fly leaf). Dec. 23 1796. Henry Carter & Sarah, his wife, of Albe- marle Co. to Bland Ballard, of same county. £150: 150 a. on Meadow Creek, Alb. Co. adj. lands of Jno. Shiflet, decd. Martin Hawking; Roland Hersley, & Martin Mooney. Wit.-Joseph Goodman, Thos. Burton, Rowland Horsley: Feby. 1797. D. B. 12, p. 190. June 5 1797. Bland Ballard and Frances—(X)—, his wife, of Albemarle Co. to Joseph Mills, of same county. £200 200 a. on both sides Naked Creek, Alb. Co. Wit.- John Kelly, James Robinson, Roger Thomson. 5 June 1797. D. B. 12, p. 234. Octr. 2 1797. Rowling Gooch & Sarah, his wife, of Albe- marle Co. to Edward Ballard; £160; (to sd. "Edward Bal- lard his wife Elizabeth") 160 a. adj. Thompsons Waltons, David Owens, John & Henry Woods, & John Gooch, in Alb. Co., being the land sd. Gooch lives on. No witnesses. Octr: 1797. D. B. 12, p. 342. March 21 1796. Benajah Brown, Bazaleel Brown and John Brown, Exors. of the last will & testament of Benj. Brown, of Hanover Co., decd. to Wm. Ballard, of Albemarle Co. $100: 344 a. on N. E. side of Pasture Fence Mountain in Albemarle County, adj. lands of Bernard Brown, Nathan Harris owned & possessed by sd. decd. by patent dated 22 March 1794 & directed to be sold by his last will, &c. Wit- nesses-Jesse Ewell, Charles Epperson, John-(X)— Burch, Isaac Miller, Wm. Buster, Alexr. Jarrett; April 1796. D. B. 13, p. 186. 108 THE VALENTINE PAPERS MARRIAGE BONDS £50: Marriage of Charles-(X)—Burruss to Susannah Ballard, Spinster; Dated, 23 Octr. 1786. Michael-(X) — Ahart. Security. Thomas Ballard and his Wife hath given up their Daugh- ter Betsay up to Richard Gulley. The above was written by the consent of Thomas Ballard in my presence. Phil- (X)-Ballard, Steph-(X)—Gulley. £50: Marriage of Richard—(X)—Gulley to Elizabeth Ballard Spinster, both of Alb. Co. Dated, 26 April 1786. Philip (X)-Ballard, security. May the 21st 1787: This is to certify that I am willing that William Wills should get license to be married to my daughter Molly was Witness my hand Thomas Ballard. Test; James Ballard. To the Clerk of Albemarle. £50: Marriage of Wm. Wills to Polly Ballard; Dated 22 May 1787; James-(X)— Ballard, security; Robert Nicholas, test. £50: Marriage of Thomas Ray (Ray) to Annis Ballard; Spinster; Dated, 13 Augt. 1789: Bland Ballard, security. Sr: Please to let the bearer James Ballard have a license to marry my Daughter Anna Rodes & in so Doing Youd oblige your David Rodes May ye 8th, 1790. To Mr. John nicklas, C. of Albemarle Co. Lucy Rodes. £50: Marriage of James Ballard to Ann Rodes, Spin- ster; Dated, 10 May 1790: Nelson Thompson, security. £50: Marriage of James-(X)-Howard to Dizey Bal- lard: Dated, 9 June 1791: Bland Ballard, security. BALLARD: BEDFORD COUNTY 109 March the 3rd. day 1795 please give William ballard a license for to marry my daughter Mary and youl oblige your friend Thomas Snow. Test: bird Snow, John Cave. The Clerk of Albemarle Court. $150: Marriage of Wm. -(X)-Ballard to Mary Snow; Dated 4 March 1795: James-(X)-Keaton, security: Test. Alexander Garrett. $500, Marriage of Land (Lance) Newman to Fanny Harris Ballard; Dated, 13 Feby. 1799: Bland-(X)— Ballard, security. Paul G. G. Jones, witness. AMHERST COUNTY RECORDS Marriage license 3rd November. 1801. Mary Goolsby and John Ballard. Bondsman Alex. Marr, consent by Saml. Goolsby & Ephpha Goolsby father & mother, consent wit- nessed by Alex. Marr & Jenny Bullard. BEDFORD COUNTY RECORDS Daniel Candler, dated 4th day of August 1765; probated 27 day of May 1766. Witnesses: Charles Lynch, Robert Brooks, Byrom Ballard. After usual preface and statement with regard to having his debts paid he goes on to say: "I Lend to my Loving Wife Hannah Candler During her Natural Life Or Widowhood My Land and Plantation and all things Belonging. With Stocks of all Kinds or Nature Whatsoever and all and Every Other thing or things to me Belonging or in any wise Appertaining and After her Death I give the Sd. Land Divided Amongst and Between My Chil- dren Viz: John Candler, William Chandler, Elizabeth Cash- ry. Elloner Ballard and Jedihiah Candler." W. B. A. 1, page 18. Item in account. Dr. Adam Beard Exr. in Acct. with the Estate of Wm. Thomson Decd. By pd. Thomas Mosby 5/ Joseph Richardson 16/3 Thos. Prather 12/6 £1.13.9. By pd. Thos. Ballard 6/ John Turly 10/ Usabas Stone 6/ £1.1.0. W. B. A. 1, p. 54. 110 THE VALENTINE PAPERS 1 ! · · William-(X)-Ballard of Bedford County; dated June 12th 1792. Probated April 29th 1794. Witnesses: Chris- topher Anthony, Christopher Anthony Junr. . "being now in the seventy seventh year of my age"... Son Byrom two hundred acres of Land lying in Orange County which he has paid me for & I have made him a Deed for, but fearing the Deed is not good, do now bequeath the same to him and his heirs forever. Daughter Francis Wilson three Pounds six shillings in Loe of a saddle and also one feather bed & furniture . . . Daughter Mary McKinney Forty shillings to make her saddle equal to her sister's. . . . Daughter Delphiah Caldwell twenty pounds . . . to make her equal to what I have given the rest of my children. My will is that whereas I have purchased a tract of Land of my son Byrom & given it to my son Barclay & am In- debted twenty pounds to my son Byrom for the same that it be paid out of my. son Barclays part of my Estate after my decease. . . . remaining part of my Estate Be Equally Divided amongst all my Children . . . Son Byrom Ballard sole Executor . . . Signed & Sealed In the presence of us Christopher Anthony, Mary Anthony, Christopher Anthony Junr. At a Court Continued & held for Bedford County at the Court House the 29th day of April 1794-this Last Will & Testament of William Ballard Deceased was proved by the Solemn Affirmation of Christopher Anthony & Mary Anthony two of the Witnesses whose names are thereto subscribed & ordered to be recorded-And on the motion of Byrom Ballard the Executor therein named who affirmed thereto Certificate is Granted him for obtaining probate thereof according to Law on Giving security. where upon the said Byrom Ballard together with Willim Davies, his security entered into & acknowledged their bond in the pen- alty of three thousand pounds Conditioneel for the said Byrom Ballards faithful administration of the said De- cedents Estate & performance of his will. W. B. B. 2, p. 130. August 25th 1755. Benjamin Orrick of Bedford County and Margery his wife, to Richard Ballard of the same Coun- ty. Consideration.-Fifty Pounds Current. Land in the County of Bedford on both sides Richhill Branch of little BALLARD: BEDFORD COUNTY 111 Otter River. Recorded-August 25, 1755. D. B. A. 1, pp. 41 & 42. August 25th 1755. Benjamin Orrick of the County of Bedford and Margery his wife, to Thomas Ballard of the same County. Thirty Pounds current. Land situate lying and being in the County of Bedford on both sides of the North Fork of Wolf Fork of Goose Creek Containing three Hundred and Forty Acres, Survey made in the Name of Richard Womack in the records of the Surveyor of the County of Luenburgh. Recorded-August 25, 1755. D. B. A. 1, pp. 46-57. April 27th 1761. Richard Ballard of Bedford County to Richard Ballard Junr. of the afore said County. Five Pounds Curt. Two Hundred Acres being part of a tract of 400 Acres granted unto Benjamin Orrick by Patent bearing Date 26th day of June 1755. & by the said Orrick Conveyed to the said Richard Ballard Senr. by a Deed Recorded in Bedford County Court Including the Plantation of the said Richard Ballard Junr. Recorded-April 27th 1761. D. B. A. 1, pp. 403-4. January 29th 1760.. Thomas Ballard of the County of Bedford and Usly his wife to Usebious Stone of the same County. Forty Pounds Current. Three Hundred & forty acres in the said County on both sides of the Wolf Branch. Recorded-August 25, 1760. D. B. A. 1, pp. 288-289. Feb. 29th 1764. Richard Tullos & Elizabeth his Wife to Byram Ballard of Beford County. Twenty three Pounds Current. One Hundred & Ninty Acres, part of a tract the Residue Granted to Charles Lynch Lying & Being in the County of Bedford on Seeder Creek Between the Waters of Ivy Creek & Tomahawk Creek. Recorded-February 28 (?) 1764. D. B. B. 2, pp. 314-15. June 25th 1765. the same County. Acres in Bedford Nathan Turner to Thomas Ballard of Fifteen pounds Current. One Hundred County on the North side of Brandy 112 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Camp Creek and Bounded as Followeth (to wit) Begining at Red Oak a Corners Line thence of North Sixty Degrees West fifty six poles to his Corner Red Oak North Eighty Poles to his Corner White Oak thence of North Seventy Degrees East one Hundred and Seventy four Poles to a gum South forty five Degrees East one Hundred and two Poles to a Black Jack thence of South to the Nearest Part of the Old Rode from thence a Direct Line to the first Corner Red Oak Being the Corner of the Road afore Mentioned to the Beginning. Recorded-June 23d. (?) 1765. D. B. B. 2, pp. 566-7. June 28th 1763. Richard Stith of Bedford County for & in Behalf of the Executors of Richard Randolph Gent. of Henrico County Deceased to Micajah Ballard of the same County. Eight Pounds ten shillings Current Money of Virginia. Two hundred & forty acres being part of 14000 Acres Granted unto Richard Randolph situated in the Coun- ty aforesaid on the head of a Branch of Rich Hill "(being part of the Land Conveyed by the Executors of Richard Randolph Deceased to the said Richard Stith by a Power of Attorney Dated the 7th day of November 1761. & Re- corded in the General Court, Reference there to being had will at Large appear)." Recorded-June 28th 1763. D. B. B. 2, pp. 218-19. July 25th 1769. Micajah Ballard of Bedford County and Joice his wife to David Preston of the same County. Five pounds Current Money of Virginia. Fifty Acres, being part of 240 acres sold unto Micajah Ballard also part 14000 acres Granted unto Richard Randolph Deceased Situate in the County aforesaid on the South Branch of Little Otter, it being all the Land that Ever the Said Micajah Ballard Ever held and owned on the south side of the said Turners path Being part of the Land Conveyed by the Executors of Richard Randolph Dec. to the said Richard Stith by power of Attorney Dated the 7th of Nov. 1761. and Recorded in the General Court Reference thereunto being had Will at Large appear. Recorded-July 26th 1769. D. B. C. 3, pp. 326-7. BALLARD: BEDFORD COUNTY 113 Aug. 23d. 1769. Thomas Ballard and Ursley, his wife, to David Finly. Fifteen pounds. One hundred acres in Bedford County on the north side of Bandy Camp. Creek. Recorded-Aug. 23, 1769. D. B. C. 3, pp. 335-6. Nov. 28th 1769. Richard-(X)-Ballard of Bedford County to Henry Straton. One hundred and thirty pounds Current. Two hundred acres being part of a tract of four hundred acres Granted unto Benjamin Orrick by patent dated the twenty sixth day of June one thousand seven hundred and fifty five situate in the County aforesaid on the North side of Goose Creek, including the said Richard Ballards plantation and the Rich Hill." Recorded-Novem- ber 28th 1769. D. B. C. 3, pp. 375-6. Nov. 5, 1770. Richard-(X)-Ballard Junr. (?) to Thomas Preston, Bramblet, Thomas Ballard, Esebius Stone, Richard Ballard Jun. and Micajah Ballard. Twenty pounds. "The Following Slaves to wit, Ben: Moll, and Phoebe and all Pheleys Children and the Increase of them all and all my Stocks of Horses Cattle Sheep & Hogs and all my House furniture and my plantation tools to have and to hold" etc. November 27th 1770, Recorded. D. B. C. 3, pp. 503-4. (Name of the Grantor should be Richard Bal- lard Senr. as appears further on in the Deed.) Nov. 5, 1770. Richard-(X)-Ballard of Bedford Coun- ty to Thomas Preston, and William Bramblett and Thomas Ballard and Eusebus Stone and Richard Ballard and Mica- jah Ballard. Fifty pounds. "All those Messages or tene- ments Situate Lying and being in the said County of Bed- ford the one Containing Ninty five acres on Gills Creek which the said Richard Ballard Ser. Purchased of Benj. Greer the Bounds of Which tract or Parcel of Land will more fully appear in the Deed from the said Benj. Greer to the said Richard Ballard the other Containing one hun- dred and forty Eight acres on the same Creek which the said Richard Ballard Senr. purchased of David Claeton." Recorded-Nov. 27, 1770. D. B. C. 3, pp. 504-06. 114 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Power of Attorney. "Know all men by these presents that We Thomas Ballard and Richard Ballard and Eusebous Stone & Micajah Ballard of Bedford County and Colony of Virginia Planters for Divers Good Causes and Considera- tions we here unto Mooving have made Ordained Consti- tuted and appointed and by these presents do make Ordain Constitute and appoint our trusty friend Thomas Preston and William Bramblett our true and Lawful Attorneys for us in our Names and to our use to ask Demand Recover and Receive of and from all persons all sum and sums of Money due and by these presents Granting to my said Attorneys our sole and full Power and Authority to take pursue and follow such Legal Course for the Recovery Receiving and Obtaining of the same as we ourselves might or Could Do were personly present and upon the Receipt of the same Acquittances or other Sufficient Discharge for us and in our Names to make Sign Seal and Deliver as also one or more Attorney or Attorneys under them to substitute and appoint and again at their pleasure to Revoke and further to do Perform and finish for us and in our Names all and singular thing or things which shall or may be Necessary touching or Concerning the Premises as fully throughly and Entirely as we the said Thomas Ballard, Richard Bal- lard & Eusebous Stone & Micajah Ballard Could Do in or about the same Ritifying allowing and Confirming What- soever our said Attorneys Shall Lawfully Do or Cause to be Done in and about the Execution of the premises by Virtue of these presents In Witness Whereof we have here- unto set our Hands and seals this 22d. Day of November 1770. Test. Henry Stratton, Harris Toney. Recorded- November 27th 1770. D. B. C. 3, pp. 506-7. November 22, 1770. "Know all men by these Presents that we Thomas Ballard of the Province of North Carolina in Roan County and Eusebous Stone of Pittsylvania and Colony of Virginia and Richard Ballard of Bedford County and Micajah Ballard of Bedford County and Colony of Vir- ginia Each and Every failer (?) of ue and held and firmly Bound unto Thomas Preston and William Bramblet of Bed- ford County and Colony of Virginia in the first and full sum of one thousand Pounds Lawful money of Virginia to BALLARD: BEDFORD COUNTY 115 the which payment well and truly to be made we bind our- selves our heirs Executors admr. or assigns firmly by these Presents sealed with our seals and Dated this 22 Day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hun- dred and seventy. The Condition of the above obligation is such that whereas Richard Ballard Sen. hath conveyed all his Estate unto Thomas Ballard Eusebous Stone and Rich- ard Ballard Jr. and Micajah Ballard and Thomas Preston and William Bramblett as will more fully appear in the Deeds we the above Mentioned Thomas Ballard Richard Ballard Eusebous Stone and Micajah Ballard we do hereby jointly and severally agree to make both Thomas Preston and William Bramblett our Certain and Lawfull Attorney the soul and full management and Condoct of the Estate of Richard Ballard Sen. as followeth to wit to employ an Overseer to Look after the Business and Endeavour to Raise Crops as and Manage as appears Most convenient and Improve the said Estate also to Collect all just Debts Dues and Demands of the said Estate also to Discharge all Lawfull Debts & Demands that shall come against the said Estate also that they the said Thomas Preston and William Bramblett Should maintain or Couse (?) to be maintained the said Richard Ballard Senr. During his life at the Ex- pense of fifteen Pounds per year also to do (?) Thomas Preston Fifteen Pounds and also William Bramblet fifteen Pounds also unto Elizabeth Orricks Lawfull heirs of her Body Daughters of Richard Ballard Sen. fifteen Pounds as Legaces out of the said Estate Lawfull money of Virginia and the said Thomas Preston and William Bramblett shall Cause the Increase of the said Estate to be put to a Lawfull use for the Benefit of the heirs there of and after the De- ceas of Richard Ballard Sr. that the said Thomas Preston and William Bramblett shall cause a sale to be made of the said Estate and an Equal Division of the Clear Estate Be- tween Thomas Ballard and Richard Ballard and Eusebous Stone and Micajah Ballard Thomas Preston and William Bramblett or theirs (?) to the which Covenant & agree- ments we above bounden Thomas Ballard & Richard Ballard and Eusebous Stone & Micajah Ballard doth by Virtue of the above Written Presents firmly Bind ourselves heirs our Executors Admr.s. or assigns firmly by these Presents. 116 THE VALENTINE PAPERS ! Signed seald and Delivered in the presents of us; Henry Straton Harris Toney. Recorded-Nov. 27th 1770. D. B. C. 3, pp. 507-8. May 22, 1770. Benjamin-(X)-Greer Senr. of Bedford County and Mary his wife to Richard Ballard Senr. of Bed- ford County. One hundred and five Pounds Current. Ninty acres in the County of Bedford on both sides of Gells Creek. Witnesses-John Starkey Senr. Thomas Preston Mijah -(X)-Ballard. Recorded-May 22 1770. D. B. C. 3, p. June 23, 1772. Micajah-(X)—Ballard of Bedford County and Joice, his wife, to Richard Ballard Junr. of Bedford County and Colony of Virginia. "For and in Con- sideration of a Certain Exchange of Land to the Vallue of 75 pound Current money hath Baegained Sowpt and Ex- changed for Plantation with all the Improvements & Ap- purtenances there unto belonging it being part of the tract of Land Conveyed by Richard Stith to Micajah Ballard 50 acres of which was Convoid to David Preston as will appear on Record by deed Ballard to Preston; two hundred acres of Land of the Said tract which is part of 14000 acres Granted unto Richard Randolph Situate in the County of Bedford on the head of a Branch of Rich Hill, it being part of the Land Conveyed by the Executors of Richard Ran- dolph decest. to Said Richard Stith by a Power of Attorney Dated the 7th day of November 1764 (?) and Recorded in the General Court Reference there unto being had will at Large Appear." Recorded-June 23, 1772. D. B. D. 4, pp. 308-9. June 23, 1772. Richard Ballard Junr. of Bedford Coun- ty and Elizabeth his wife to Micajah Ballard of Bedford County, in "Consideration of a Sertain Exchange of Land to the Vallew of seventy five Pounds Current money of Vir- ginia Receipt where of the said Richard Ballard Junr. Ac- knowledges two hundred and ninty five Acres in the County of Bedford on the head of Rich Hill Branch a Branch of the south fork of Little Otter River two hundred Acres of which Land being part of the Land Conveyed from Richard Bal- BALLARD: BEDFORD COUNTY 117 lard Sinr. to Ballard Junr. being part of Land Conveyed by the Executors of Richard Randolph deceased to the said Richard Stith by a power of Attorney dated the 7th day of November 1761 and Records in the General Court Refer- ence there unto being had will at large appear." Recorded- June 23, 1772. D. B. D. 4, pp. 310-11. Jan'y. 15th 1774. Richard Ballard of Pittsylvania Coun- ty to Eusebous Stone of Bedford County. Fifty pounds Current. Two Hundred Acres being part of 1400 Acres Granted to Richard Randolph Situated in the County of Bedford on the head of a Branch of Rich Hill (being Part of the Land Conveyed by the Executors of Richard Ran- dolph Deceas'd to Richard Stith by a Power of Attorney Dated the 7th of November 1761, and Recorded in the Gen- eral Court Reference there unto being had will Appear thence Conveyed to Micajah Ballard thence to the Said Richard Ballard). Recorded-April 25th 1774. D. B. E. 5, pp. 218-19. "This is to Certify that I have Bargained and Sold unto Eusebous Stone all my write and title of the Estate that was made over by Richard Ballard Junior by Deed of Gift to me which Deed was Recorded in Bedford Court for the Consideration of ten Pounds Current money of Virginia which said Estate at least my part as well as the Lands and every other Article which was lent the Said Richard Ballard Senr. I do Warrent and forever Defend the said Lands and other Articles as will come to my Part unto the said Stone and his Heirs and asigns forever, that is to say all the Estate that is not Settled for by Mr. Thomas Pres- ton and Mr. Wm. Bramblet as Witness my hand and Seal this 22 August day 1775. Richard Ballard (L. S.) Test- Thomas Preston, John Phelps, Stephen Preston, Robert Alexander, Guy Smith. Memorandum, Agreeable to the within there is 230 Acres of Land one Negro Wench, one Mare, One Cow, Bed and Furniture and other things to tedious now to mention, which I claim the Sixth part of. Witness my hand this 22d. Day of August 1775. Richard Ballard. Recorded-October 23d. 1775. D. B. E. 5, p. 338. 118 THE VALENTINE PAPERS "This is to Certify from under my hand that I Micajah Ballard of Bedford County and Colony of Virginia hath this day Bargained and Sould unto Thomas Preston of the Same County and Collony aforesaid all my wright of Gills Creek Land and also all the Remaining profits and incoms of my Fathers Estate whatsoever that might hereafter be- long to me or to my heirs forever I do here by Virtue of these presents Sel and make over unto the above said Thomas Preston his heirs or assigns forever for the Con- sideration yt. of 4 pounds 2 Shillings Current Money the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and the said Pres- ton is to pay unto Richard Ballard Senr. too pounds 10 Shillings per Year during the sd. Ballards Sens. life and after my Fathers death I do hereby Warrent and forever defend all the Remaining Profits of the said Estate unto Thomas Preston his heirs or as signs firmly by these pres- ents, as Witness my hand and Seal this 13th Day of January 1776. Teste-Walter-(X)-Addy, Henry-(h)-Petten, Micajah-(B)—Ballard (L. S.) Recorded-January 22d. 1776. May 24th 1779. Micajah-(X)—Ballard to Thomas Preston of Bedford County. One Hundred pounds Current. Fifty acres (being part of a tract of Land Containing four- teen thousand acres of Land Granted to Richard Randolph Deceased to the sd. Richard Stith by a power of Attorney Dated the 7th day of Novem. 1761. and Recorded in the General Court) in Beford County on the head Branches of the South fork of Little Otter River Beginning on Rich Hill Branch on Thomas Prestons Line. Recorded-May 24th 1779. D. B. F. 6, pp. 204-5. Know all men by these presents that I Richard Ballard of Bedford County do give and make over unto Eusebous Stone of the sd. County all my Personal Estate that I am now Possess with to have and to hold free from any person Laying any Claim Right or title there unto as Witness my hand this Eight day of January one thousand Seven Hun- dred and Seventy Nine. Test, Chrispin Hunt, John-(X) — Cannaday, Richard-(X)-Ballard. Recorded-June 28th 1779. D. B. G. 7, pp. 181-2. BALLARD: BEDFORD COUNTY, 119 Writing of Emancipation-Ballard to York. I William Ballard of the County of Bedford Virginia being fully per- suaded that freedom is the Natural Right of all Man Kind & being desirous to full fill the Injunction of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ by doing unto others as I would be done by do therefore declare that having under my Care a Negroe Boy named Squire York aged about thirteen years I do hereby for myself my Heirs & Emancipate & Set free the above named Negro Boy after he shall arrive to Law- full age which he shall Enjoy in as full an ample manner as if he had been Born of free Parents & do here by Re- linquish unto the said Squire York all my Right title In- terest or claim or Pretentions of Claim whatsoever or any person Claiming for by or under me In Witness where of I have here unto set my hand & Seal this 24th day of the Second Month Seventeen Hundred & Eighty three. Re- corded-24th February 1783. William-(W)—Ballard (S. L.) D. B. G. 7, pp. 181-2. March 19 1784. Jacob Feazel of Bedford County to Byrom Ballard of Orange County. Forty five Pounds Cur- rent. Land Situate in County of Bedford on both sides of Bear Branch on the South of Goose Creek Containing one Hundred and Ninty five acres, one Hundred & fifteen Acres of the said tract formerly sold by Embre to said Feezel the other part the sd. Jacob Feezel Purchased of John Hamp- ton. Recorded-March 22d 1784. Witnesses-Timothy Barnard, Uriah Barnard, Thomas Daugherty. D. B. G. 7, pp. 285-6. 1780. Thomas Preston and Eusebrous Stone of the County of Bedford to Richard Ballard Junr. of same Coun- ty. Twelve Hundred & fifty Pounds Current. Land on both sides of Gills Creek in the County of Bedford Contain- ing one Hundred and forty seven Acres. Witnesses-Uriah Leftwich, Augustine Leftwich, Edward Domoho. Re- corded-May 28th 1781. D. B. G. 7, pp. 55-56. 120 THE VALENTINE PAPERS BRUNSWICK COUNTY RECORDS Sept. 25, 1768. Wm Ballard of Brunswick and Eliza- beth his wife & James House of Brunswick and Mildred his wife to James Denton of Brunswick £12 to the said Ballard and £10 to the said House, Land on the North side of Three Creeks in Brunswick containing 180 acres and bounded as followeth; To wit, Beginning at the Red Oak by the side of the dividing branch, a corner of the late John Davis' land et al, which said Land was formerly granted unto Wm. Morris by letters patent bearing date the 10th of July 1745. Vested in the said Ballard, House and Denton by right of their wifes Elizabeth, Mildred and Mary daughters and Co-heirs of the said Wm. Morris. D. B. 9, p. 91. Oct. 25, 1773. John Ballard Junior of Mecklenburg to Sterling Edmunds of Brunswick, £70,-Tract of Land being in County of Brunswick containing 425 acres being the 12 of a Tract of land wch the said John Ballard and Sterling Edmunds purchased of John Parrish and bound- ed as followeth in a deed made by the said Parrish re- corded in Brunswick County Court bearing date 17th Jany. Witnesses Thos. Edmunds, P. Wyche, Howell Eldridge. Recorded-25 Oct. 1773. D. B. 11, p. 230. ORDER BOOKS Devoroux Ballard Pet. against Francis Mallory Deft. In debt attached effects condemned and Judgments as above for 5000 pounds nett inspected Tobacco with law- ful interest from the 30th of November 1782 and the costs July 1783. O. B. 8, p. 1911. Wm. Ballard and Elizabeth his wife against Milley Morris & Thomas Morris & wife Resh. In chancery, By consent of the parties & with the assent of the court. It is deemed and ordered that the Slaves in the bill men- tioned to be sold to the highest bidder for ready money & that the Entir moneying by such sale be equally des- tributed amongst the representatives of Wm Morris de- ceased and the representatives of Abordonus Morris also deceased by Edward Goodrick, John Petway and John 1 I BALLARD: BRUNSWICK COUNTY 121 Maclin and They are to make report to the court in order to a final decree, Recorded-Jany. 1759. O. B. 8, p. 290. William Ballard and Elizabeth his wife Compts. against Milly Morris Mary Morris & Thomas Morris and Rebecca his wife respondents-In Chancery, The person appointed to make sale of Slaves in the bill men- tioned now make their report in the following words Viz. "In obedience Record-April 1759. O. B. 7, p. 336. Jno. Ballard Jr. appointed administrator of Sullivants estate, 25, Feb. 1771. O. B. 11, p. 323. Oct. 1770. Jno. McClong Pet. against John Ballard admr. of John Howard- O. B. 11, p. 301. Jno. Ballard Junior & Thomas Edmunds having first taken the usual oaths to his Majesties person and govern- ment and the above oath and repeated and subscribed the Test were on the motion of Wm. Thornton gentleman sheriff of this county sworn and admitted his under sher- iff. Nov. 1771. O. B. 11, p. 426. Walter Peter surviving partner of John Peter having obtained an attachment against the estate of Wm. Bal- lard who hath privately removed himself out of the County or so absconds that the ordinary Process of law can not be served upon him for £3, 7, 6. due by account and the Sheriff having made return that he had attached the estate of sd. William Ballard & al. Judgement for the Pet. for £3, 7, 6., July 1773. O. B. 12, p. 340. Commonwealth against Wyatt Ballard Deft. in an In- dictment, the summones being returned not executed on the motion of the attorney for the Commonwealth and alias Summons is awarded against the Defendant return- able to the next quarterly Court, March 1797. O. B. 17, p. 247. Comweth Pet. against Wyatt Ballard Deft. on a pre- sentment new summons & etc. May 1797. O. B. 17, p. 283. 122 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Robert Colquehuen, admr. of Duncan Maclin, deceased, Compth. against John Ballard, Sterling Edmunds, Thos. Edmunds and John Edmunds, In Chancery etc. March 30, 1796. O. B. 17, p. 63. Robert Colquhuen admr. of Duncan Maslin and Compyh against John Ballard, Sterling Edmunds Thomas Edmunds & John F. Edmunds Deft. in Chancery This day come the complainants & the Deft. John Ballard failing to appear & etc. It is decreed and ordered that the said decree be made final & that the Defendant pay unto the compl't his cost & etc. O. B. 17, p. 221, Nov. 1790.? CAROLINE COUNTY RECORDS ORDER BOOKS Richard Ballard and Mary his wife She being privily Examined & acknowledged their deed of land endebter &c &c. . . . Jan. 1744. O. B. 1741,-1746, p. 342. On the motion of George Trible It is ordered Charles Yarbrough with his [tithables] & Richard Ballard with his [tithables] assist said George in clearing his road the first time. July 1741. O. B. 1741-1746, p. 505. Dixon, Ed. agt Wm. Ballard on Petition. Judgement for the Pet. June Court 1774. O. B. 1741-1746, p. 342. Richard Ballard & Mary his wife acknl. deed indented to Abraham Willson Oct. 1753. O. B. 1746 to 1754, p. 434. James Bowie agnst William Ballard Junior, on Petition Judgment for the Pet. May 1773 ct. O. B. 1772-1776, p. 244. It is ordered Zachary Taliaferro pay Thomas Ballard 195 pounds of tobacco for one days attendance & com- ing & Returning 55 miles as an evidence agnst. Charles Car- ter. Apl. Court 1764. BALLARD: CAROLINE COUNTY 123 It is ordered Zachary Taliferro pay Benjamin Ballard 136 pounds for one days attendance coming and return- ing 37 miles April 1764. In the petition brought by William Ballard against John Almond Judgment granted the Pet. June 1759. Wm. Ballard & Sarah his wife acknmt Endorsed to John Chiles ae. O. B. 1741-1746, p. 19. The petition brought by Robert Brooks gent against Wm. Ballard dismissed July 1743. O. B. 1741-1746, p. 2 (?) Thomas Ballard and Sarah his wife. She being first privily examined acknowledged their deed of Lease & release indented to Ben Allen which on his motion is ad- mitted to record Oct. 1743. O. B. 1741-1746, p. 230. William Ballard and Mary his wife she being first priv- ily Examined acknowledged their Deed indented To Henry Mills which is ordered to be recorded. Sept. 1743. O. B. 1741-1746, p. 234. CAMPBELL COUNTY RECORDS ORDER BOOKS Wm. Ballard Pet. against Saml. Mortin, and Wm. Ter- rill, Defts. on a petition, This day came the Pet. by his atty. and having proved The Defts. note; £2, 5. 0. hard money at the rates of five shillings per penny, weight in Gold and four pence in Silver Therefore It is ordered by the Court That the Pet. recover against the Defts the sum of two pounds five with interest thereon etc, etc. May 1785. O. B. 2, p. Wm. Ballard Pet. against John Hazlewood, & James Davison, Debt. on Petition Judgment for the Pet. May 1785. O. B. 2, p. John Thompson, personally appeared in court and made the following declaration on oath that he is aged 124 THE VALENTINE PAPERS 64 years, that he enlisted for the term of one year in the fall of 1775 in the State of Virginia in the company com- manded by Capt. Robert Ballard, 1st Regiment, Com- manded by Colonel Patrick Henry, in the line of the State, on the continental establishment etc, etc. Aug. 1820. O. B. 14, p. CHARLES CITY COUNTY RECORDS ORDER BOOKS Thos. Ballard & This. Collin and David Stokes, Inspec- tors, Saml. Harwood Sheriff, and John Southall Deputy Sheriff & James Williams Constable sworn as ye law di- rects to qualify them to act in their several respective of- fices & ordered that ye same be certified & etc. Feb. Court 1738. O. B. 1737, p. 75. Thos. Ballard et uxor. against Frances Dancey in Chan- cery on the motion of the respondants attorney hath twice given him to put in his answer to ye complainants bill ye next court September 1741. O. B. 1737, p. Thos. Ballard & Mary his wife agt. Francis Dancey in Chancery respondent by his attorney proves time to put in his answer to the complainent's bill & the suit is re- ferred for tryal. Febry. Court 1741. O. B. 1737, p. 190. Thos. Ballard & David Stokes giving bond as Inspec- tors at Kennons Warehouse took the oath appointed by a late act & had their commissions accordingly. Decem- ber etc. 1742. O. B. 1737, p. Thos. Ballard and Mary his wife et al complainants against Francis Dancy Respondent in Chancery on hear- ing the bill answer and other pleadings ae It is decreed by the court that the remainder of the slaves in the will of Fran. Dancey, deceased, namely Jane, Betty, Bristord, Devised to Amey Dancey for life & after her death to be equally divided amongst his children his eldest Son & Daughter excepted is a good limitation to those. Date O. B. 1737, p. 228. BALLARD: CHARLES CITY COUNTY 125 Thos. Ballard, et uxor, agt. Fran. Dancey continued Feby. Ct. 1743 O. B. 1737, p. 286. In the suit in Chancery brought by Thos. Ballard and Mary his wife agt. Francis Dancey the Matter in Differ- ence being by a rule of this court referred to Saml. Har- wood, Edward Brodnax, Richard Kennon, and John Wil- liams, Gent. or any three to audit and settle who accord- ingly returned this report in these words Vzt In obedi- ence to an order of Court we the subscribers have con- sidered the matters in dispute to us refered and find that the estate of Amey Dancey and Samuel Dancey have been Justly accounted for, but that there is a ballance due from the estate of Ann Dancey to Thos. Ballard & Mary his wife of one pound twelve shillings & 3 pence current money Febr. 28th 1742. Saml. Harwood, Ed. Brodnax, Richard Kennon, March 1742. O. B. 1737, p. 241. On the petition of Thos. Ballard he is permitted to keep an ordinary at his house he having given bond and se- curity as the law directs. Date. O. B. 1737, p. 250. · Hannah Ballard against Durham Hall the petitioner failing to prosecute her suit It is considered the Defen- dent recover against her five shillings for a non suit. O. B. 1737-1750, p. 263. On the motion of Thos. Ballard his ordinary licence is renewed. June 1748. O. B. 1737-1750, p. 484. Ordered that Hubbard Bates Williams pay Thos. Bal- lard, seven days attendance as evidence for said Williams & Henry Soane Febry. 1745. O. B. 1737-1750, p. 343. Ordered that John Southall pay Thos. Ballard for one days attendance. Nov. 1744. O. B. 1737-1750, p. 343. Thos. Ballard agt Daniel Carrol, no prosecution, if dis- missed. Nov. 1744. O. B. 1737-1750, p. 345. 126 THE VALENTINE PAPERS # Elizabeth Ballard adm. of Thos. Ballard Pet. against Littlebury Cocke & Rebecca Hubbard his wife. In case. continued Apr. 1754. O. B. 1737-1750, p. 404. Wm. Acrill Pet. against William Ballard attachment. Febry. 1755. O. B. 1757, p. 269. Elizabeth Ballard admx. of the Admx. of the Goods etc of Thos. Ballard deceased Pet. versus Benjamin Mar- rable & others Deft. In Debt. In Debt. Continued to the next court. March 1757. O. B. 1757, p. 404. Fery. 3rd, 1798. Francis D. Ballard and John Ballard of the county of Charles City to Jno. M. Gregory, Tract of land in Charles City County & bounded on the north by Thos. Ballard on the south by John Wilson on the East Freeman Southalls Land and on the west by Thomas Bal- lards land, containing 200 acres. Witnesses-Thos. Bal- lard, Cyrus Marsh, Charles Cosby. D. B. 1789-1802, p. 423. John Ballard of Charles City, for ten pounds, 7 shill- ings & 7 pence conveys to Elizabeth Hieliard of said County one bed and furniture. Witnesses Wyatt Walk- er, E. Timberlake. Ibid. p. 501. Dec. 5, 1801. Thos. Ballard of Charles City County and Elizabeth Fountain of the County Pitsylvania in con- sideration of the natural love and affection he bears to- wards the aforesaid Elizabeth Fountain his sister and for one Dollar a good right and title to the following slaves to wit Winney, Betty, Neall, Hannah, Nancy, Ned & Daphne with their future increase during her the said Elizabeth Fountains natural life or widowhood but at the death or marriage of my said sister I give the before mentioned slaves to be equally divided amongst all her the said Elizabeths children by her late husband Moses Fountain yet notwithstanding if my said sister Elizabeth does not marry again she may and I do hereby give her the privilege of willing the before mentioned slaves to her present children as she may chuse or think fit or at the marriage of either of her said children she may and BALLARD: CHARLES CITY COUNTY 127 has the privilege of giving if she chuses it such child or children such of the before mentioned slaves as she may think fit. Witnesses-Wyatt Walker. Recorded- Charles City Court 1st Jany 1802. Ibid. p. 506. July 15, 1802. Thos. Ballard to Thomas Blanks both of Charles City County ten pounds current money of Vir- ginia. One tract of land lying and being in the Parrish of Westover & county aforesaid containing 112 acres. Ibid. p. 618. Thomas Ballard of Charles City County do for the nat- ural love and affection That I have for Elizabeth Fontain wife of Moses Fontain of Halifax County put in trust of Isaac Coles and George Carrington Esquire five negro slaves. Witnesses-Fura. Southall, uward Finch, Will Ballard. Recorded-12 May 1792. Ibid. p. 86. · August 23, 1796. Francis D. Ballard to John Ballard, Tract of Land which he the said Francis D. Ballard had allotted and assigned hence as his part & proportion of the lands whereof his father Thomas Ballard deceased died seized and possessed which part is called and known by the name of Longpoint containing 158 acres & 3/4 acres and bounded as follows to wit Beginning at a Red Oak in the Edge of Moses (?) Creek. Thence to a Cherry tree on corner of Anthony Lamb. Witnesses-Will F. Bal- lard, John Firth, Peter Fontaine, Thos. Ballard. Re- corded-15 Sept. 1796. Ibid. p. 299. Will T. Ballard & Saml. Pryor to Henry Phillips all of Charles City County 200 pounds Va. Currency. Tract of land in the county aforesaid and called and known by the name Blanks Tract containg 144 acres Bounded, as fol- lows by the lands of Edloes Frry thence to Mattekinks Road etc. Witnesses-Wyatt Walker, John E. Bailey, Thos. Ballard. Recorded-10 Oct. 1796. Ibid. p. 305. Sept. 21, 1797. Francis D. Ballard of Chas. City Coun- ty to Thos. Ballard of same county £36, 16, 10. current. a parcel of land in said county, called Neckland in the road leading to Edloes Frry. Recorded-21 Sept. 1797. Ibid. p. 357. 128 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Oct. 19, 1797. Jno. Ballard of Charles City County to Turner Christian of Prince George 800 pounds. Land in the County aforesaid bounded by the land of Dr. Cowles, Marsh and Leadbetter. Recorded-17 Oct. 1797. Ibid. p. 367. Nov. 2, 1797. Francis D. Ballard of Charles City of the first part, William Graves of the same county of the 2d part to William Southall and Wyatt Walker in the 3d part Deed of Trust-The said Francis D. Ballard hath bargained and sold unto the said William Southall & Wyatt Walker one certain Tract of land bounded by the lands of Furnea Southall, Thos. Ballard, Jno. Wilson and the said Graves containg 200 acres. Recorded-21 Dec. 1797. D. B. 1789-1802, p. 367. Febr. 3d, 1798. Fran. D. Ballard and John Ballard of the county of Charles City To Jno. M. Gregory 250 pounds, parcel of land in the county of Chas. City, 200 acres. Recorded-Febry. 3, 1798. Ibid. p. 408. Thomas Ballard, Elizabeth Ballard. Witnesses to will of John Masor, Sr. of Westover Parrish, Chas. City Co. dated 5 April 1768. Will Book 1767-1773, p. 73. Oct. 8th, 1771. Bartholomew Dandridge of New Kent County and Mary his wife to Thomas Ballard of the County of Charles City £63, 10, 0. Tract of land in the Parrish of Westover in county of Charles City containing 156 acres etc. being the land purchased by the said Bar- tholomew Dandridge of John Haldsworth & Agnes his wife and bounded by the lands of Mr. Ballard and Tory- ham Sroowh (?). Ibid. p. 323. Aug. 5th, 1772. James Blanks and Kittura Blanks his wife of the Parish of Westover, the County of Charles City to Thos. Ballard of the county and Parish aforesaid. £5. Tract of land in the county of Charles City, 1834 acres. Ibid. p. 384. William Edloe, Wm. Green Munford, Thomas Ballard, Made division of slaves of Wm. Finch decd. 5 May 1773. Ibid. p. 448. BALLARD: CHARLES CITY COUNTY 129 Recorded-2 Alexander Walker Jr., E. Stubblefield, Thos. Ballard, Appraised Estate of Agnes Finch, decd. June 1773. Ibid. p. 457. William T. Ballard. Every article of prop- erty that I am possessed with except such as I shall here- after devise shall be sold for cash or on a credit as my executor hereafter named may think proper and money from such sale to be equally divided between my two brothers John Ballard and Thos. Ballard. One of my brothers above mentioned to have my bay mare colt called Narcissa be accounting to the other brother for one moiety of the value thereof and I further desire that, that part of my Mothers Thirds to which I am entitled after her death, be equally devided between my aforesaid two brothers, John and Thomas Ballard. Debt due to me and every interest I have to or in any thing whatsoever shall be equally devided between my said two Brothers. John and Thomas Ballard friend John Ferth executors, with- out security. 6 Aug. 1798. Recorded-1 Febry. 1799. W. B. 1787-1808, p. 448. In conformity to an order of Court of Charles City County dated March 1799, we the subscribers have ap- praised the estate shown to us as belonging to Wm. T. Ballard and find the same to amount of 182 pounds as witness our hands. Ibid. p. 550. John E. Bailey. Henry Lacy. Seal Seal Dr. The Estate of Thomas Ballard deceased in account with John Ballard admr. £723, 0, 1014. 27 Oct. 1803. Ibid. p. 596. Thomas Ballard, Charles City Co. and Parish of West- over. Just debts shall be paid. The family burying place now on my land shall remain solved and free for the interment of the family and their connections That is to say a sufficiency ground for that purpose and for no further disposel This I do for through the respect and duty I owe my ancestors and family and hope the same 130 THE VALENTINE PAPERS 1 may be remembered by those who may ever consider it. Brothers John Ballard, Francis D. Ballard sisters Eliza- beth Fontain relect of Moses Fontain, Sarah Fountain wife of Abraham Fontain and Lucy Eppes wife of Peter Eppes. John Ballard, Wyatt Walker and John Firth, Executors. Dated 13th Aug. 1804. Witnesses-Wm. Graves, Ed. M. Williams, Furnea Southall. Ibid. p. 605. In obedience to an order of the worshipful Court of Charles City County we the subscribers have assigned unto Sarah Ballard widow of Thos. Ballard deceased her thirds in the lands of the said Thos. Ballard decd. Henry Armistead Edward Finch Joseph Vaden Henry Duke Recorded-18 March 1791. Ibid. p. 690. Seal Seal Seal Seal Ballards Children vs Ballard admr. 1796, March re- port and directed synee thereto each party equal costs. So endorsed- In conformity to a Decree of the worship- ful Court of Charles City County which is hereto annexed we the subscribers have laid off and divided all the estate both real and personal whereof Thomas Ballard died siesed and possessed into 7 equal parts by virtue of the aforssaid interlocutary Decree do allot and assign unto Moses Fontaine in Right of Elizabeth his wife; Lott no 3, unto Abraham Fontaine, Lot no 2 unto John Ballard. he paying unto Will T. Ballard and unto Thos. Ballard; Lot no 5 two boys Moses & Aron negroes, unto Peter Eppes in Right of Lucy his wife as their dividend; Lott no 4 assigned Thos. Ballard as his dividend Lott no-as- segned to Wm. T. Ballard Lot no 6, negroes etc. assigned unto Frances D. Ballard as his dividend. (Original Pa- pers). No. 1791. Charles City County Court. Moses Fontaine and Elizabeth his wife, Abraham Fontaine and Sarah his wife, Peter Eppes and Lucy his wife Thomas Ballard and William Ballard, and Wm. Ballard and Francis Ballard The sd Wm & Francis Ballard being infants, by Wm. Southall their next Friend. Pets against John Ballard admr. of Thos Ballard deceased. (Original Papers). BALLARD: CHARLES CITY COUNTY 131 Ballard admx. Plt. against Southalls extor. Deft. Upon a petition. Continued untill the next Court on the motion and Costs of the Defendant. May 1758. O. B. 1758, p. 11. Thomas Ballard, Juryman. May 1758. Ibid. p. 12. Richard Kennon Plt. against Elizabeth Ballard Deft. In Case. Non assumpoit pleaded Issue Joined & tryal re- fered till next court. 20 Sept. 1758. Ibid. p. 14. Marstons exor. Plt. against Ballards admx. Deft. In case. Continued to the next court by consent of parties. 3d May 1758. Ibid. p. 14. Marstons exors Plts. against Ballards admx Deft. In Case.. The Plts not further prosecuting on the motion of the Defts. by her Counsel, It is ordered that this Suit be dismissed and that the Plts pay unto the Defts. her Costs. 2 Aug. 1758. Ibid. p. 37. Upon the petition of Elizabeth Ballard admrx. of Thomas Ballard against John Southall Executor of Jno. Southall decd. for one pound, nine shillings and ten pence due by account the parties by their attorney being fully heard, It is considered by the court that the Plts. recover against the said Defts. the said one pound, nine shillings, and ten pence and her costs by her about her suit in this behalf expended, to be levied of the goods & chattles of the said Testor in the hands of the said Deft. if so much thereof he hath in his hands to be admimished but if he hath not then the cost to be levied of his own proper goods and chattles. 2 Aug. 1758. Ibid. p. 41. Richard Kennon Plt. against Elizabeth Ballard admx. of Thomas Ballard decd. Deft. In Case. This day came the Parties by their attornies and thereupon came also a Jury to wit John Southall, John Gregory, John Dudley, Richard Riddlehurst, John Sherman Gregory, Gideon Christian, Stephen Bowry, Phillip Southall, Wm. Green Munford, Benjamin Marrable, John Bradley, & John Christian who being selected Tried and Sworn the Truth 132 THE VALENTINE PAPERS to speak upon the Issue us Joined in this cause went out of court to consult of their verdict, and returned into court to render the same the Plt. was solemnly called but came not neither is his suit further prosecuted therefore on the motion of the Defts. It is considered by the court that the Jurors from rendering their Verdict aforesaid be dis- charged and that the Plts. be non suited and together .with his pledges & etc. be in Mercy & etc, and the said Deft. go hence without Day and recover against the said Plts. damages according to law and her Costs by her about her Defense in this behalf expended. 2 Aug. 1758. Ibid. p. 45. Elizabeth Ballard admx. & etc. of Thos. Ballard deced. Plt. against Richard Kennon Deft. In Debt. By consent of Parties by their attornies these causes are continued till the next court. 3d. Jan. 1758.. Ibid. p. 96. Charles Houlsworth Plt. against Thomas Ballard Deft. In Trespass. Carried to the next court. (Date torn.) Ibid. p. 175. On the motion of Thomas Ballard (Surveyor of the road Leading from Ballard's Ordinary to Hickes Bridge) he is discharged and Josiah Gilbert is appointed surveyor of the said road. 7 May 1760. Ibid. p. 195. Charles Houlsworth Plt. against Thomas Ballard Deft. In Trespass. Not guilty-pleaded issue Joined & the trial refered till next court. 4 June 1760. Ibid. p. 205. Thomas Ballard and John Ridlehurst are recommended to his Honor the Governor as proper persons to execute the office of Inspection of Tobacco at the public Ware- houses at Kennons in this County. 2 Aug. 1760. p. 216. Ibid. Ordered that Wm. Lenard, Thomas Ballard Thomas Russell and Job Montcastle or any three of them being first sworn for that purpose do appraise in Current money the Slaves (if any) and personal Estate of Martha Brooks deceased and Return an account of their appraise- ment to the Court. 1 Oct. 1760. Ibid. p. 223. BALLARD: CHARLES CITY COUNTY 133 Charles Houlsworth Plt. against Thomas Ballard Deft. In Trespass. This day came the parties by their attornies and thereupon came also a Jury to wit, Mm. Brewer, William Christian, John Brooks, John Bradley, Wm. Green Munford, Sackvil Brewer, Benjamin Bradley, John Emery, Wm. Irby, Thomas Morecock, Richard Poynter, and Theodrick Carter who being elected tryed and sworn the truth to speak upon the Issue Joined upon their oath do say that the defendant is guilty in manner and form´ as the Plaintif against him hath declared and they do assess the Plaintiff Damages by occasion thereof to Twenty Shillings therefore it is considered by the Court that the Plaintiff recover against the said defendant the said twenty shillings and that he the said defendant pay unto the plaintif as much Costs as Damages and the said defendant in Mercy, etc. 1 April 1760. Ibid. p. 253. John Dudley, Richard Ridlehourst, Thomas Ballard and John Ridlehurst are recommended to his Honor the Governor as proper Persons to Execute the office of In- spector of Tobacco at the Public Warehouses at Kinnon in this County. 3 Aug. 1761. Ibid. p. 311. Thomas Ballard on Jury. 7 Oct. 1761. Ibid. p. 324. Thomas Ballard on Jury. 4 March 1762. Ibid. p. 366. CHESTERFIELD COUNTY RECORDS Edward Ballard Pet. against Joseph Norris Def. This day came the parties by their attorneys and thence came also a Jury to wit John Cobbs, & als, who upon their oaths say that the Deft. is guilty in manner & etc. and do assess the Pet. Damages by occasion thereof 13 pounds etc May 1763. O. B. 3, p. 416. 134 THE VALENTINE PAPERS ELIZABETH CITY COUNTY RECORDS Febry. 21, 1782. James S. Ballard of Elizabeth City County, Town of Hampton belonging at present to the Schooner Done. Brother Edward Ballard lot in the Town of Hampton he the said Edward Ballard paying to my eldest brother Francis Ballard 1/3 of the value Thereof. My cousin (or Niece) Sarah Ballard daughter of Brother Edward Ballard a negro girl named Jenny Brother Ed- ward Ballard Executor. Witnesses-John Seymore. Wm. Dunn. Recorded-1782. Original Wills, Box I. Febry. 21, 1782. James Ballard of Elizabeth City County, Town of Hampton belonging at present to the Schooner Done being of sound mind and memory and calling to mind the uncertainty of this transitory life as the changes and hazards of the Seas, do make and de- clare This my last will and Testament Viz. I commend my soul to almighty God and my body I commit to the earth or Seas as opportunity shall serve and as touching such worldly estate as it has pleased God to bless me withal I despose of the same as follows (Viz). Imprimis -I give and bequeath unto my brother Edward Ballard my house and lot in the Town of Hampton to the said Edward Ballard paying to my eldest brother Francis Bal- lard one third of the value thereof to be valued by two good and honest House Keepers. Item, I give unto my cousin or niece Sarah Ballard daughter of my brother Edward Ballard a certain negro girl named Janny to her and her heirs forever my will and desire is that my brother Edward Ballard shall enjoy the said above leg- acy to him and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten & etc. I like wise nomenate and appoint my brother Ed- ward my whole and sole Executor etc. etc. etc. Wit- nesses John Seymore. Wm. Dunn. Recorded-25 Apl. nesses-John 1799. James Ser. [Servant?] Ballard, (Seal). W. B. 187-1800, p. 463. This is to certify I do decline administration on the estate of Wm Ballard deceased. Feb. 21, 1782. Frans. Ballard. Original Wills, Box 1. BALLARD: ELIZABETH CITY COUNTY 135 William Ballard, Town of Heampton County of Eliza- beth City Pilot. Just debts and Funeral expenses to be paid. Son Francis Ballard, negro woman named Tilpha. Son Edward Ballard my boat and negro fellow named London. In case said Edward should die without heirs lawfully begotten said negro fellow named London unto my Son Francis. Son James Servant Ballard house and land with yard and half the garden whereon I now live. Son Edward Ballard the houses and land adjoining ner Wm. Armisteads lott together with the other half the Garden to be for the use of both Houses. (Son) James Servant my negro girl named Jenny. Son Francis Bal- lard in trust untill my two grand Children Wm. Servant and Ann Ballard shall come to age, negro child named Pamela and when my said two grand children Wm. Ser- vant and Ann Ballard shall come of age said Negro Pa- mela to them. In case either of my two grand children should die before they should come of age I give and be- queath his her or their part to my Son James Servant. Son Francis shall have care and management of my said. son James Servant until he come of age. My will is that my Beaufatt be and remain as a fixture to the house. Son Edward and Son James Servant a bed and furniture each, rest of personal Estate be sold and after paying my just debts residue equally divided between children Francis, Edward and James Servant, Mary Ballard daughter of John Ballard 5 pounds, Son Francis Ballard and my friend Henry Ring Executors. 22 April 1775. Witnesses -Banister Minson, Moseley Armstead, Francis Riddle- hurst, John Hunter, Miles King. Codisal-Sept. 21st, 1781. Will to stand except that, half of negro girl named Pamela given to grandson William Ballard which said half I give to grand daughter Ann Ballard. In case said grand daughter die before she come to age or marries Then said girl Pamela with her increas to Son James Servant Ballard. Son James to have my Silver Watch. Ibid. Will of Nathaniel Cunningham dated 1762 witnessed by James Ballard, John Sheppard and Francis Ballard. Ibid. 136 THE VALENTINE PAPERS The non cupative will, of John Riddlehurst, dated 10th Nov. 1761, Witnessed by Wm. Ballard. Ibid. Will of Probys (Barthalomew) witnessed by James Gil- bert and Servant Ballard dated November 1730. Ibid. Will of Ann Wallace, dated 14th March 1739, Wit- nessed by John Selden and Lucy Ballard. gr son Mathew Ballard. Ibid. Francis Ballard of County and Parish of Elizabeth City and Town of Hampton, Va. Manumitted certain negroes, To Jane Lattimore youngest daughter of James & Pris- cella Littamore. Personal Property divided between two faithful servants. 25th Nov. 1802. Witnesses-Ben Brown, Rachel Le Brunn. Recorded-26 April 1804. Original Wills, Box 2. Francis Ballard, Justice Peace. 1716. Deeds & Wills, 1715-1721. 18 Sept. 1718. Francis Ballard, gent. Parish and County of Elizabeth City County to [George?] Sweny Gent. Town of Hampton, Parish and County aforesaid, lot in Hampton. Recorded-15th Oct. 1718. Ibid. p. 151. 13 Day of March 1718/19. Edward Ballard and Eliza- beth his wife of the Town of Hampton, Elizabeth City. County to Charles Jennings of Elizabeth City, five shillings sterling lot lying and being in the Town of Hampton on Southampton river, County of Eliz. City, which said 1/2 acre or lott of Land was first Taken up by Samuel Dines de- ceased of the feeoffes of this county and by his decease becomes due to Charles Cooper as marrying Barbary Sister and heir at law of the said Dines and by them conveyed 1713, to Thos. Wood; said Thos. Wood and Ann his wife Conveyed to Edward Ballard, 20th Sept. 1715. Recorded- 4 May 1719. Ibid. p. 158. Dec. 2 1718. Francis Ballard of Parish and County of Elizabeth City five shillings current. lot in Town of Hamp- ton county Elizabeth City, (which said Lott was by the BALLARD: ELIZABETH CITY COUNTY 137 said Francis Ballard purchased of Nick Carter, gent. one of the feeoffes of the county aforesaid. deed dated the 18th May 1708). Ibid. p. 184. Oct. 18 1719. Francis Ballard, Henry Irvine & Jos. Curle feofees apointed by the order of Elizabeth City County to dispose of the several half acres of Lotts of Town Land to the purchasers or Takers up thereof of the County of Eliza- beth City. Ibid. p. 154. Francis Ballard of Elizabeth City County. Lawful Debts and funeral charges paid. Son, Servant Ballard one Silver Tankard, My silver hilted sword and my silver watch. Daughter Frances Ballard six silver spoons a cordial silver cup and the cover six silver guilt tea spoons the choyce of feather beds one pair holland sheets one boulster 2 pillows a silk quilt and calecow curtains &c., Daughter Mary one sil- ver Paringer and one silver spoon one silver Salner The second best feather bed boulster and 2 pillows one pr of holland sheets. Daughter Lucy one silver Porringer one silver spoon and a dram silver Tumbler one feather bed one boulster 2 pillows one Rugg two blankets one pair sheets. Daughter Ann one silver porringer and one silver spoon and one small silver spoon. Son Francis one Point silver Tum- bler and a silver Tobacco box and 1/2 peut tumblers. Re- mainder of plate to be equally Divided betwixt 2 sons Ser- vant and Francis. Daughter Mary one rugg and one pair of Blankets one new black hood. Daughter Ann one feather bed one boulster two new pillows one Rugg and Pr Sheets Two blankets. Daughter Francis a silke Scarfe and the best black hood. Daughters Mary and Ann a Remnant of Callico to be equally divided and all the Remnant of stuff to be divided between my daughters Lucy and Ann. Rest of personal Estate sold at Public auction. Son, Servant Ballard all my land upon James River side joining on Mr. Jennings Containing 100 acres to him and to The male heirs of his body lawfully begotten for ever. Son Francis Bal- lard the remainder of my land being 84 acres being the remander of my pattent be it more or less to him and to the male heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever. Should Servant and Francis dye without male essue said land to be 138 THE VALENTINE PAPERS equally Divided betwixt my four daughters Frances, Mary, Lucy and Ann. 54 pounds to be paid to Mr. Perry out of my personal Estate. Mr. John Curle Senior, Mr. Alexan- der McKenzie and Son Servant Ballard Executors. Dated 10 March 1719. Recorded-16 March 1719. Ibid. p. 244. Sept. 20th 1715. Thos. Wood and Ann-(X)- his wife, Towne of Hampton County of Elizabeth City to Edward Ballard of the same Towne and County. 26 pounds current silver money of Virga. Tract of Land which was sold by Chas. Cooper and Barbry his wife to said Thos. Wood. Re- corded-16th Nov. 1715. Ibid. p. 10. An Inventory and an appraisement of the estate of Ed- ward Ballard deceased Taken by us the subscribers The 7th June 1728. £20,19,2½. Appraised by Jno. Massenbury, Wm. Tucker. Recorded-12 Jany. 1728. D. W. B. 1724- 1730, p. 126. Elizabeth Ballard having taken oath of adminr. Certifi- cate granted to her for obtaining Title of admr in due form on the estate of Edward Ballard, deceased, May 1728. Wm. Tucker John McDowell and John Massenburgh are ap- pointed to appraise the estate of Ed Ballard decd. May 1728. Deeds & Wills, 1704-1730. Know all men by these Present that we Coll Wm. Clai- borne, Senior, of the county of New Kent in Virginia and Elizabeth Claiborne his wife for a valuable Consideration in hand paid by Bertrand Servant of the county of Elizabeth City in Virginia the Receipts thereof The said coll Wm. Claiborne & Elizabeth Claiborne doe hereby acknowledge and themselves therewith fully satisfied and paid Have bar- gained and sold Enfeoffed & confirmed unto the said Ber- trand Servant all that plantation or Dividend of Land containing by Estimation 700 acres be it more or less situate lying and being in the county of Elizabeth City and bound- ing according to a patent bearing date the 26th day of November 1647 to have hold occupy possess enjoy the said land to him the said Bertrand Servant his heirs & assigns for Ever from us the said Coll William Claiborne & Eliza- BALLARD: ELIZABETH CITY COUNTY 139 beth our Heirs Executors & admrs. with warrenty of the said land from us or any of us clear & free from all former and other Bargains and sale and incumbrances whatsoever and also from all jointure Dowers or Title of Dowers and from the interest Title claim and demand of any person or persons whatsoever that shall or may claim by from or render us or any of us according to former articles of agree- ment made between Capt Wm. Claiborne Junior & Elizabeth Fredmon bearing date the 19th November 1661 & ratified & confirmed & subscribed unto by us the said Coll William Claiborne & Eliz. Claiborne and no further or otherwise as Witness our Hands & Seales the 1st March 1668 The word (noe further or otherwise) interlined before Signing & sealing. William Claiborne Elizabeth Claiborne Witnesses-Wm. Claiborne, C. Turner. The Seal The Seal New Kent The 1st March 1668 acknowledged in Court by Coll Wm. Claiborne Junior in behalf of Mrs. Elizabeth Clai- borne wife unto the said Coll Wm. Claiborne by virtue of a letter of attorney impowering him to that purpose and is recorded. Thos. Hall. A true copy from the Records p Job Howes C Cur. Know all men by these Presents that I Elizabeth Claiborne wife of Coll William Clayborne, Senior, of the County of New Kent have constituted ordered and appointed my son Capt. William Claiborne Junior of the same County my true and lawful attorney for and in my name stead & behalf to ac- knowledge unto Bertrom Servant of the County of Eliza- beth City or to his attorney or attornies a certain piece of Land sold by my husband Coll William Claiborne and me Elizabeth Claiborne as by a Bargain and sale under our Hands & seals bearing date with these present may appear as Witnesses my hand and seal this 1st day of March 1668. Elizabeth Claiborne (Seal) Test. Leonard Claiborne, C. Turner, 1 March 1668. We agree that the said Bertrond Servant after the execu- tion of the Deed afd entered & was signed thereof the law 140 THE VALENTINE PAPERS required and that he died so seized We agree the will of the sd Bertrond Servant Dated the 1st Nov. 1707 Prived and recorded in Elizabeth City county court to which all refer which said will is as follows. In The Name of God Amen, the first day of November in the year of our Lord God 1707 I Bertrond Servant in Elizabeth City County in Virginia gentleman being very sick & weak in Body but of perfect mind & memory Thanks be given to God therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my Body & Knowing That appointed for all men once to Die do make & ordain This my Last will and testament (That is to say) princi- pally and first of all I give and recommend my Soul unto the hands of God that gave it and for my Body I recommend to the earth to be Buried in a Christian like manner at the discretion of Executors nothing doubting but at the Gen- eral Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the Mighty Power of God and as Touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give, devise and dispose of the same in the following man- 'ner and form. Imprimis, I give and Bequeath to my Dearly Beloved Daughter Frances George the sum of one hundred Pounds sterling to be raised & levied out of my Estate. Item I give and bequeath to my Dearly beloved Daughter Mary Ballard the sum of 100 pounds to be Raised & levyed out of my Estate and the benefit of half the stock upon the plantation and to Enjoy the plantation peaceably between Mary & my beloved son James till he becomes of age at 20 years and that if Francis Ballard my son-in-law will go to the charge of Runing the Plantation That Sam Selden has called The Strawberry Banks to Keep it and enjoy it for himself & his Heirs and in case That the goods come in Safe from England which are mine to be divided between my Three children Frances George, Mary Ballard & son James Servant but my grand children to have fifty pounds more. Item To my Daughter Mary Ballard I give Mor- tenique, Hannah & Sue for her & her Heirs Item I give & bequeath to Elizabeth Marinburgh my cow Browing & a feather bed with Bolster pillow & Blankets belonging. Item I give and Bequeath each of my grand children the sum of 50 pounds a piece and in case my goods arrive safe from England here I give and bequeath to each of them 50 pounds BALLARD: ELIZABETH CITY COUNTY 141 more. To Peter Proby 50 pounds Rebeccah Long 50 pounds onely and to my grand children Servant Ballard & Francis Ballard 50 pounds each but in case the goods come safe 50 pounds more Rebeccah Long Excepted I give to my grand daughter Frances George the sum of 50 pounds & 50 pounds more in case the goods come safe Item I give and bequeath to my dearly Beloved son James Servant all my lands and houses in Town (zt and my Plantation) and houses in Town to him & his Heirs and Tony Judy Emmanuel, Jack Samson & Toffe these negroes to him forever I likewise make and appoint & constitute & ordain my Executors of this my will an Testament my friend and loving Son James Servant and Frances Ballard and my loving friend James Burtell and John George my sole Executors of this my last will and Testament by them to do Justice and I doe hereby utterly disallow Revoke & Disannull all every other former Testa- ment Wills and Executions Desire James Burtell to man- age my sons Business for him till he come of age I dis- allow my Executors By me any ways before this Testament Willed & Bequeathed Ratifying & confirming this and no other to be my last will & Testament. Witness hereof set my hand and seal the day and year above written. Signed Sealed Published & Provened and Delivered by the sd Ber- trond Servant as his Last will & Testament in the Presence of us the Subscribers Josha Curle, James Howard, Thos. Faulkner (Seal) Elizabeth City Co. Proved in Cur. the 18 of Nov. 1707. by the oaths of Joseph Curle, Thos Faulk- ner two of the Witnesses & admitted to Record. Teste Chas. Jennings cl Cur. Deed & Wills, 1704-1730. In the action between Edward Ballard Deft. (sic Plt.) and John King Defendant The Pet. not filing a declaration in due time, It is ordered that he be non suited. May 21 1724. Ibid. p. 25. Ed Ballard, Presented for being a common swearer June 1724. Ibid. p. 42. Servant Ballard, David Meredith, & Thos. Faulkner wit- nesses to the Indenture of John Batts which was recorded 21 May 1748. Deeds & Wills, 1736-1753, p. 79. 142 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Wm Ballard ordered to appraise the Estate of Dorothy Wilson. Ibid. p. 105. Servant Ballard and James Gilbert witnesses to the will of Bart. Proby which was recorded 18th Nov. 1737. Ibid. . p. 14. Jany. 11th 1767. Jno. Speoning (?) Town of Hampton County of Elizabeth City to Wm. Ballard Jr. of the same county 60 pounds current, about 3 of an acre or lot of ground in the Town of Hampton, Bounded by the land of John Cook now possessed by one William Westwood, Charles Cooper, Wilson Miles Cary & al. Recorded-Jany. 7 1767. D. W. B. 1763-1771, p. 112. May 27 1768. Edward Cooper of Elizabeth City and Anne his wife to William Ballard, Junior, of same county, 100 pounds. Land lying on the North Side of Mill Creek containing 47 acres and bounded as followeth, to wit, Be- ginning at Mill Creek & Running & etc. to George Walkers quarter thence to the lands Edward Cooper & Philip Cooper etc. etc. Recorded-27 May 1768. Ibid. p. 220. March 29 1800. Edward Ballard and Mary his wife to Abraham Cooper of Town of Hampton, 66 Pounds 13s, 4d, 2/3 part of a lot belonging to the late James Ballard left him by his father as will more fully appear by his will & adjoining lots of late John Hunter and Edward Ballard. Recorded-Oct. 24 1800. D. W. B. 1792-1808, p. 35. Francis Ballard, County and Parish of Elizabeth City, and Town of Hampton. My negroes namely Jim, Barber, Charlotte, Nell, Rebecca and Phillis the two last named being children of Charlotte after my death be free and I lend to Them during their lives the use of my Kitchen. Jane Latimore the youngest daughter of James & Priscilla Latimore my house and lot in the Town of Hampton, all personal Estate except my negroes be sold and after pay- ing just debts out of the amount, Ballance equally divided between my two faithful servants Jim Barber and Char- BALLARD: ELIZABETH CITY COUNTY 143 lotte. Friend Capt. James Latimore Executor, 25th Nov. 1802(?). Recorded-26 Aprl. 1804. Deeds & Wills, 1796- 1806, p. 320. ORDER BOOKS Servant Ballard negro Boy Hampton is adjudged to be eleven years of age May 1732. O. B. 1731-1747, p. 22. Wm. Ballard allowed for five days attendance in suit of Servant Proby 1732. Ibid. p. 36. Jno Ballard agnst Leonard Whiting, dismissed Sept. 1732. Ibid. p. 38. Eliza. Ballard & John Buckner Ex. & etc. of Jno Ballard deceased Pet. against Wm. Brittan. In debt. mer. 1746. Ibid. p. 538. Mary Ballard, Jno. Moore and Ann, his wife, Sarah Cooper, Eliza Meredith, Adam Boutwell, and Catherine his wife, Margaret Meredith, Grissell Roe, William Loyal and Lucy his wife, complainants against Ann Roe & Eliza Roe, Respondents, In Chancery, It is ordered & Desired that the Heirs at Law pay unto the complaintants £5, 14, 8, Each as their Proportionate part of the appraised value of the slaves of Edward Roe Senior deceased & that the costs of this Suit be equallt born by all the compet & the Defts. O. B. 1747-1755, p. 172. Wm Ballard, a Juryman 6 Oct. 1762. Records 1760, p. 108. Wm. Ballard 4 days, Wm. Servant Ballard 6 days at- tendance as witnesses for Ballard & als May 7th 1767. Records, 1760, p. 429. Ordered that John Hunter, Roe Cooper, Wm. Brough and Robert Brough or any three of them examine state & settle William Ballard's administration on the estate of Francis Leanis deceased and they are to make report thereof to the next Court. July 22 1784. O. B. 1784-1788, p. 1. 144 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Servant Ballard came into court and made choice of George Hope for his guardian who is approved of by the Court with Bagley his security & etc. Jany. 26 1785. Ibid. p. 781. An Inventory and appraisement of the estate of Wm. Bal- lard deceased was returned & by the Court ordered to be recorded. May 25, 1785. Ibid. Ed Ballard grand Juryman Nov. 24 1785. Ibid. p. 196. George Hope guardian to Servant Ballard orphan of James Ballard deceased being summoned to render an act. of the said orphans Estate & etc. etc. Nov. 24 1785. Ibid. p. 201. George Hope guardian to Servant Ballard orphan being summoned to render an account of the sd. Orphans Estate and failing so do, time is given him until next court. Dec. 2d 1785. Ibid. p. 204. Francis Ballard Pet. agst William Henderson Deft. at- tachment. Dismissed. March 23, 1786. Ibid. p. 264. Francis Ballard & Jno Robinson Exors. of James Man- son deceased Pets. against Joseph Needham Deft. In Debt upon bond & etc. Aug. 25 1786. Ibid. p. 323. Wm. Armstead and Katherine Armstead Exors. & etc. of Moss Armstead decd. Pet. agst. Minson Proby and Thos. Minson Defts. In Case. Edward Ballard of this county comes into court and undertakes for the Defendants that in case they shall be cast in this suit They shall satisfy and pay the condemnation of the court or render their bodies to Prison in Execution for the same or that he the sd. Bal- lard will do it for them etc. etc. etc. Aug. 24 1787. Ibid. p. 449. BALLARD: ESSEX COUNTY 145 ESSEX COUNTY RECORDS Joel Ballard admr. of Wm. Ballard, decd. Bond £200: Feby. 19, 1733. W. B. 5, p. 175. William Ballard one of the appraisers of estate of Thos. Green, decd. W. B. 5, p. 187. William Ballard & Mary Ballard his wife administrators of Estate of Howlett Chenault, decd. Bond £100: Sterling. Recorded-June 21, 1738. W. B. 6.. William Ballard witness to conveyance from Ben Good- rich to William Aylett. W. B. 13, p. 197. Philadelphia-(X)—Ballard, of Saint Anns Parish, Es- sex Co. to John Lee of same Parish & Co. 2000 pounds mer- chantable Tobacco. All her right, claim & interest in land and premises whereon she now lives, being land sold by her son John Ballard to John Noell and by sd. Noell conveyed to sd. John Lee. Oct. 2, 1754. D. B. 27, p. 63. ORDER BOOKS Henry Ballard imported into the colony by Andrew Har- rison, 10 Jany. 1703. O. B. 1703-08, p. 44. Richard Ballard, witness for Richd. Guggy vs. Abner Gray. 3 days attendance. Oct. 9, 1713. O. B. p. Thomas Ballard vs Andrew Scrimshaw. p. 104. O. B. 1723-25, William Ballard. James Booth & Thos. Davis vs Stephen Chenault & William Ballard. O. B. 1723-25, p. 126. William Ballard assignee of Ben Graves presented a cer- tificate granted to the sd. Benjamin by Thos. Schrosby gent. for taking up a runaway named Harry, a slave belonging to Saml. Hipkins. O. B. 1736-38, p. 21. William Ballard petitions that Stephen Chenault & others be bond over to keep the peace. O. B. 1738-40, p. 31. 146 THE VALENTINE PAPERS HENRICO COUNTY RECORDS Thomas Ballard acts as appraiser for the estate of John Yuille, Decd. in Charles City County on Sept. 1, 1747. D. B. 1744-1748, p. 323. ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY RECORDS Robert Ballard witnesses power of attorney from Eliza— (X)-Green to Mr. John Giles. Mar. 5, 1694/5. Bk. 1, p. 160. Edward-(X)-Ballard of Parish of Newport, Isle of Wight Co. to John Wills Gent of sd. Parish & Co. £12: curr. 150 acres in Parish of Newport, Isle of Wight Co. part of patent granted to Hugh Campbell & by him assigned to Wm. Jolly & by several descents came to John Jolly who sold sd. land to Edward Ballard. Feby. 21, 1744. D. B. 7, p. 17. Peter Ballard, decd. The appraisement of estate of; Oct. 13, 1748. Total £13:9:9: Administrator-Edward-(X)- Ballard. Appraisers-Saml. Whitfield, Nicholas Parker, Robert King, Joseph Weston. Bk. 5, p. 148. ORDER BOOKS William Ballard vs Moses Almond & Thomas Williamson. In debt. Jany. 3. O. B. 1759-63, p. 99. William Ballard vs Moses Almond & Thomas Williamson. In debt. Dec. 6, 1759. Ibid. p. 99. Elisha L. Ballard among others to settle estate of Henry Vaughan, decd. July 10, 1786. Bk. 10, p. 47. Elisha L. Ballard among others to ard Bradshaw, decd. Jany. 6, 1786. settle estate of Rich- Bk. 10, p. 63. Elisha L. Ballard among others to settle estate of Peter Butler, decd. June 4, 1789. Bk. 10, p. 141. BALLARD: ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY 147 Joseph Ballard, decd. Appraisement of estate of. May 4, 1769. John Pinner admr. Appraisers-Thomas Cowling, Jr. Henry Ballard, Thomas Dixon. W. B. 7, p. 538. Sally Ballard of Isle of Wight Co. will of: dated June 9, 1798. I give £44: which is in my son Joseph W. Bal- lard's to be equally divided between my five children Joseph, Ellen, Elisha L., Robert M., Henry Augustus Ballard. To daughter Ellen Ballard one half Dozen Teaspoons, two Gobletts, one Woolen Wheel, one linnen wheel, and four earthen dishes. To son Elisha L. Ballard, one gray mare with fold one pair of gold sleave Buttons. To son Robert M. Ballard one colt known by the name of Pacolet, one pair of double Rose Blankets. To son Henry Augustus Ballard one tract of Land which I Purchased of Gervius heirs con- taining about 100 acres, one bedstead & cord. Stock of hogs and present crop of whatsoever nature or kind to be equally divided between my five children as before mentioned. Re- mainder of my estate to be equally Divided between my said five children. Daughter Ellen to have care of my son Henry Augustus in raising and schooling until he arrive to the age that the law directs. Friend Miles Eley Executor. Witnesses-Anne-(X)—English, Jesse-(X)-Hampton. Recorded-Dec. 4, 1798. Sally Ballard, decd. Estate of appraised. Dec. 8, 1793. Total £168:8:6: Appraisers-Mills Darden, John Eley, Robert Williams. Recorded-July 7, 1800. Isle of Wight Records. LOUISA COUNTY RECORDS Oct. 22 1750. Wm. Ballard to Thomas Ballard; £50 curr. 400 acres on both sides Fishing Creek, Fredericksville Par- ish, Louisa Co.; granted to John Red by pat. 30 June 1743, where sd. Thomas is now living-adj. John Rogers, corner in Maj. Henry's line. 23 Oct. 1750. D. B. "A." 403. Sept. 24 1754. John Pulliam, of Fredericksville Parish Louisa Co., planter, to Thomas Ballard, of same Par. & Co. 148 THE VALENTINE PAPERS £15 curr. 100 acres in Fredericksville Par. Louisa Co. No witnesses. Margery wife of John Pulliam, relinquished her dower, & etc. 24 Sept. 1754. D. B. "B." 30. Sept. 28 1756. Samuel Redd & Lucy, his wife, of St. Mar- garets Par., Louisa Co. £35 Curr. 400 acres, in Louisa Co., on both sides Naked Creek; adj. Maj. Henry, Thomas Hackett; 28 Sept. 1756. D. B. "B." 119. Mar. 25 1758. Thomas Ballard & Susannah, his wife, of Louisa Co., to Richard Allen, of same Co. £45 Curr., 320 acres. in Fredericksville Par. Louisa Co., granted sd. Bal- lard by patent dated 20, July 1738. 28 Mar. 1758. D. B. "B." 247. Oct. 10 1773. Wm. Pettit of Trinity Par. Louisa Co., & Susanna (X)-, his wife, to Thomas Ballard, of Albe- marle Co. £50 curr. 33 acres in Trinity Par. Louisa Co., purchased by sd. Pettit of John Wooliams Senr. & on branches of Long Creek, adj. John Steuart, John Tait; 9 May 1774. D. B. "C." 184. April 28 1761. Thomas Ballard, of Fredericksville Par. Louisa Co., planter, to Daniel Ross, of same Parish & Co. £20 curr. 100 acres, adj. John Pullium, & in parish & Co. aforesaid, & purchased by sd. Ballard of John Pullium as by deeds. 24 Sept. 1754. 28 July 1761. D. B. "C." 90. Dec. 10 1795. Joseph Anthony, Charles Anthony, David Terrell & Mary, his wife, and William Ballard and Eliza- beth, his wife, to Turner Anderson, of Louisa Co., £100 curr. a tract of land in Louisa Co., on both sides Hudsons Creek, being the same vested in them by the will of Charles Moorman, deceased. 14 Dec. 1795. D. B. "I." 117. ORDER BOOKS Louisa Co. Levy 1743. Thomas Ballard, pr. 1 wolf's head; 11 Oct. 1743. O. B. 1, p. 82. BALLARD: LOUISA COUNTY 149 Upon motion of Richd. Hammack, ordered that John Mc- Caulay, Richard Durret's, Wm. Coursey's, & Thomas Bal- lard's Gang do make a bridge over. Pritty's Creek below Ambrose Joshua Smith's Mill. 23 April 1745. O. B., p. 145. Thomas Ballard, Juryman. (Thos. Underwood vs. David Harris) 23 April 1745. O. B. 1, p. 158. Thomas Ballard, Summoned on grand jury; failed to ap- pear: Summoned to appear next court; or fined 200 lbs. Tob. 28 May 1745. O. B. 1, p. 152. Louisa Co. Levy 1745. Thomas Ballard, for one wolf's head. 26 Nov. 1745. O. B. 1, p. 173. Thomas Ballard, and Ambrose Joshua Smith, & others, petition for road to be cleared on ridge across the Sauth & North Rivers to Todds Pass. Road to be laid & petitioners & their gangs to clear same. 22 April 1746. O. B. 1, p. 182. Richd. Dunnett, with assistance of his own gang, Richd. Hammack's, Jno. McCauley's, Thomas Ballard's, & Wm. Caursey's, make a bridge over Pritty's Creek in most con- venient place between Capt. Smith's plantation & his mill. 22 July 1746. O. B. 1, p. 197. Abram Allen overseer of Millers road in room of Thos. Ballard. 28 April 1747. O. B. 1, p. 124. SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY RECORDS Bland-(X)-Ballard, senr., of Spots. Co., to his daugh- ter, Ann Ballard, "now called Ann Haydon," etc. Deed of Gift. A negro. Oct. 1, 1764. (Note-Sept. 12, 1764. Thomas -(X)-Haydon of Spots. Co., to his son William Haydon, and his wife Ann Haydon. Deed of Gift. A negro. Wit- nesses-Guy Bell, Wm. Nelson. Oct. 1, 1764.) D. B. "F.", p. 231. 150 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Mary-(X)-Ballard, Thos.-(X)-Haydon, Sarah- (X)-Haydon & John Bulock witness a deed from Benj. Leavett to James Redd. May 7, 1764. D. B. “F.”, p. 234. Bland Ballard, of Spots. Co., to his son, Benjamin Bal- lard, of Spots. Co. Deed of Gift. 143 acres in St. Geor. Par. Spots. Co., No witnesses. June 4, 1770. Recorded- June 4, 1770. D. B. "G." Alexander Spotswood of Spots. Co., Esq. to Benjamin Ballard of same Co., lease. 160 acres in St. Geo. Par. Spots. Co., "Sd Ballard, James Ballard and Benj. Ballard Jr." & etc 680 lbs. of Tob. Jno. Brock, James Lewis. Oct. 21, 1773. D. B. "H." Jacob Cuves of Spots. Co., to Jno. Wiglesworth, Jno. Brock, Benj. Ballard, Ambrose Rains, Wm. Hudson, Robt. Smith, Francis Simpson and Henry Head. To indemnify them for standing security on a bond & etc. Jan. 19, 1775. D. B. "J.", p. 315. Thomas Colson of Spots. Co. to James Ballard of same Co. Lease-104 acres in Spots. Co., & etc. "sd. Jas. Bal- lard and Isabella, his wife, and Sarah, his daughter," & etc. £5 specie. Nov. 3, 1790. D. B. "M." Clement―(X)-Montague of St. Geo. Par., Spots. Co., to James Ballard of same Par. & Co., £55. Two negroes. April 3, 1792. James Ballard, of Spotsylvania from Nathan Hawkins of Spots. Co. 123 curr. "all sd. Hawkins right, Title, claim & etc., against the estate of Jarvis Haydon, Decd. exclusive of what sd. Hawkins hath now in his possession." April 7, 1795. D. B. "D.", p. 475. Benjamin Ballard, Witness to the will of James Lewis decd. June 12, 1790. W. B. "E.", p. 46. BALLARD: SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY 151 Isabel, wife of James Ballard and daughter of Clement Montague mentioned as a legatee in the sd. Montague's will dated Oct. 28, 1791. W. B. "E.", 1722-1798, p. 47. Bland Ballard, Spots. Co., dated Feb. 28, 1791, Executors Bond dated Jan. 3, 1792. Wit. G. Bell, William Ballard, S Tennant. Executors sons, John and Benjamin Ballard. Legatees, sons Thomas, John and Benjamin Bal- lard, Daughter Ann Haydon, Betsey Tennant. W. B. "E.”, 1772-1798, p. 47. Bland Ballard, and John Wheeler sec. for Timothy Siok, admr. of William Whitehouse, decd. £30. June 2, 1747. W. B. "A.", p. 57. John Ballard, and John Elson, Sec. for Sunnah McKen- zie, admx. of Alexander McKenzie, decd. £50. May 3, 1757. W. B. "B.", p. 59. Bland Ballard, and William Lewis, Sec. for James Sparks, admr. of James decd. £300. Aug. 2, 1758. W. B. "B.", p. 60. James Ballard, William Trigg and Clement Montague Sec. for Elizabeth Carpenter, admx. of Jonathan Carpenter, decd. $6000. Sept. 4, 1798. W. B. "F.", p. 69. Pegga Ballard, and Jesse Wayt married Dec. 24, 1799. Court Marriage Register, 1795-1800, p. 176. Phillip Ballard, Witness to a deed from George-(X)— Musick senr. & Ann his wife, of St. Geo. Par. Spots. Co., William-(X)-Sandidge and Ann, his wife of sam Par. & Co., to Wm. Touslee (?) of same Par. & Co. June 3, 1746. D. B. "D.", p. 176. Phillip Ballard, of St. Geo. Par. Spots. Co., deed from Edmund Waller of said Co. & Par. and Mary his wife. £13 curr. 352 acres part of a Pat. granted sd. Waller Nov. 25, 1743, on Devil Ditch in Par. & Co., aforesaid. Oct. 30, 1747, D. B. "D.", p. 176. 152 THE VALENTINE PAPERS John Ballard, and Ann, his wife of St. Geo. Par., Spots. Co., deed to Henry Pendleton of same Par., and Co., £28 Curr. 100 acres in St. Geo. Par., Spots. Co., on S. side Pike Run. No witnesses. Dec. 2, 1755. D. B. "E.", p. 201. Phillip-(X)-Ballard, of Orange Co., and Ann, his wife deed to John Hubbard of Culpeper Co., £43 curr. 434 acres in Spots. Co. March 2, 1758, D. B. "E.", p. 206. Benjamin Ballard, of Spots. Co., to his daughter Pegg Ballard. Deed of Gift. a negro wench and her increase & etc. and should the sd. Pegg die unmarried or without having issue, the sd. negro to my son Charles & etc. etc. Jan. 28, 1795. D. B. "O.", p. 472. Benjamin Ballard, of Spots. Co., to his son Charles Bal- lard, Deed of Gift A negro & etc. etc., and should the sd. Charles die leaving no issue then the sd. negro to my daugh- ter Pegg & etc. etc. Jan. 28, 1795, D. B. "O.", p. 473. James Ballard, of Spots. Co., aged 69 years, Enlisted in the Army of U. S. some time in Nov. 1779, with Capt. Ben- jamin Robinson and served in regt. commanded by Col. Crocket under following named officers: Major George Slaughter, Capt. Mark Thomas, Lieutenant Thomas Slaugh- ter, Lieut. Saunders, Ensign Wm. Asher, and Robt. Green, Genl. George Rogers Clark, commanding. Left the service Dec. 1781, and entered it in Spots. Co., Va., where he then resided. Was in an engagement at Pecqua Town and was attacked by the Indians above Fort Jefferson. Passed through Va. part of Md. part of Penna, along the road called Braddocks, thence down the Monongahelia River to Fort Duquesne, from thence down the Ohio to Wheeling and from Wheeling to the falls of the Ohio which was the place of destination. from the falls to Ft. Jefferson below the mouth of the Ohio, thence up the Mississippi to Kus- kuski and thence down the river to Ft. Jefferson, thence up the Ohio to the falls. Revolutionary Pens. Sept. 3, 1832, O. B. 1829-1832, p. 528. BALLARD: LUNENBURG COUNTY 153 LUNENBURG COUNTY RECORDS William Ballard from John Martin & Mary-(X)- his wife. £50: curr. 80 acres in Lunenburg Co. adjoining point of Fork of Allens Creek, South Fork etc. Dec. 3, 1735. Recorded-July 6, 1756. D. B. 4, p. 285. William Ballard of Lunenburg Co. from Richard Lunday & Mary-(X)- his wife. £12: curr. 77 acres in Lunen- burg Co. on both side Allen's Creek, adjoining William Bal- lards etc. Aug. 3, 1756. D. B. 4, p. 314. Edmund Ballard of Lunenburg Co, from James Williams of sd. Co. £50: curr. 460 acres in aforesd. Co. on both Liles's Creek & branches of Juniper Creek, adjoining Willinghams, Hutchins & Jonrney's line. Feby. 21, 1761. D. B. 7, p. 10. William Ballard & Elizabeth his wife of Halifax Co. in North Carolina to Henry Isbell of Lunenburg Co., Va. £200: curr. 500 acres in Lunenburg Co. Va. on Allen's and Cole- man's Creeks. Dec. 7, 1763. D. B. 8, p. 3. William Ballard of Halifax Co. in North Carolina, to Wm. Roffe of Lunenburg in Va. £70: curr. 200 acres in Lunenburg Co. Va. on East side of Allen's Creek. May 19, 1764. D. B. 8, p. 230. Edmund-(X)-Ballard of Lunenburg Co. to Andrew Johnson of same Co. £30: curr. 460 acres in Lunenburg Co. on both sides Lyles Creek. March 15, 1763. D. B. 9, p. 67. John Ballard, Jr. of Lunenburg Co. relinquishes to the Exors. of George Jefferson, decd. all right, title & interest in slaves; Joe, Milly & Sal which I purchased in conjunction with Saml. & Peter Garland of sd. Jefferson to be returned to sd. Jefferson on payment of consideration for sd. Slaves. June 10, 1784. D. B. 14, p. 51. 154 THE VALENTINE PAPERS John Ballard Jr. Edward Brodnax & Thomas Garland Gentlemen of Lunenburg Co. witness the relinquishment of Mary Ballard wife of John Ballard to deed from sd. Bal- lard to Peter Lampkin of 640 acres in Lunenburg Co. Jany. 13, 1785. D. B. 14, p. 181. John Ballard & Mary his wife of Lunenburg Co. to Rob- ert Marshall of Amelia Co. £2025:10: curr. 1320 acres part of tract of 1414 acres late the property of John Edloe, decd. adjoining Henry Freeman's, Jeremiah Morgans, Morgans Church Path, Flat Rock, Lampkins line, Henry Hoges, Stephen Edward Brodnax, Great Branch. 16 acres part of sd. Tract which I have sold sd. Freeman. Aug. 12, 1785. D. B. 4, p. 266. Robert Ballard, sworn Sheriff of Lunenburg County. Or- der Book 1763-4, p. 99; 1764-5, p. 164; 1766-9, p. 133. SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY RECORDS Joseph W. Ballard Jr. Inventory & appraisement of Es- tate Mar. 23, 1826. Appraisers Wm. Joyner, Jesse Lank tord, Jon L. Bowers. Recorded-Sept. 1827. W. B. 10, p. 54. Joseph W. Ballard Jr. decd. Estate of in acct. with Carr Bowers, admr. Recorded-Oct. 1827. W. B. 10, p. 55. Elisha L. Ballard & Sally his wife of Isle of Wight Co. to Caleb Turner of Southampton Co. £57: curr. 114 acres in Southampton Co. adjoining Gravelly Run, Joshua Whit- neys & Lawrences line. Feby. 26, 1790. June 10, 1790. D. B. 7, p. 582. Elisha Lawrence Ballard & Sally his wife of Isle of Wight Co. to Mills Daniel of Southampton Co. £53: curr. 106 acres in Southampton Co. adjoining Gravelly Run, Jacob Cor- betts, Josiah Joynes. Dec. 8, 1789. D. B. 7, 1789, p. 585. BALLARD: SURRY COUNTY 155 Joseph W. Ballard & Pegga (Margaret) Ballard his wife of Isle of Wight Co. to Henry Line of Southampton Co. $460.00. 1882 acres, whereon Jordon Beale now lives in Southampton Co. & Parish of Nottoway on North side of Black Creek adjoining Lands of Henry Line on Long Branch, James Clayton, Philip Raferds, Samuel Jones. May 20, 1818. D. B. 16, p. 125. Joseph W. Ballard & Pegga Ballard his wife of Isle of Wight Co. to Henry Doyall of same Co. Tract of land de- scribed in the deed of Trust known as Doguls ordinary and adjoining lands of James Jones, David Whitney, Joseph W. Ballard & Mills Daniels heirs land all of which sd. premises are now in the possession of sd. Hy. Dogal. Dec. 8, 1818. D. B. 16, p. 157. Elisha Ballard vs. Joshua Whitney. Judgmt. for Pltf. June 1760. O. B. 4, p. 57. Elisha Ballard vs Wm. Bulls. Judgmt. for Pltf. Nov. 1760. O. B. 4, p. 75. MARRIAGE BONDS Walter Ballard & Becky Taylor, 23 May 1786. Bonds- men, Walter C. Ballard, Sam. Pitmon. Witness-J. Young Jr. Sir, Please to issue a marriage license for the bearer hereof Mr. Ballard and myself. Your Sert. Becca Taylor. Witness-E. R. Shelton, Lucy' Taylor. May 1786. SURRY COUNTY RECORDS John Ballard of Lunenburg Co. to John Edmunds & Peter Hines of Surry Co. £75: curr. Four negro slaves, to wit, 3 boys named Henry, Charles & Jacob & one girl named Kate. May 10, 1749. Recorded-June 21, 1749. D. B. 5, p. 415. Coll. Thomas Ballard vs Robert Ruffin admr. of Jno. Goings estate. Judgment for Pltf. July 6, 1680. 1670-91, p. 306-7. 156 THE VALENTINE PAPERS ORDER BOOKS John Ballard of Lunenburg Co. mortgage to Jno. Ed- munds & Peter Hines of Surry Co. proved by Wm. Gray & John Edmunds. June 3, 1749. O. B. 1744-49, p. 556. Eliza Ballard Extrx. of John Ballard, decd. Merchant. 'vs Berthia Morris admrx. of Martha Hill decd. In debt. July 21, 1752. O. B. 1751-53, p. 100. Elizabeth Ballard vs James Rae & Nathaniel Andrews. Judgmt. for Pltf. May 26, 1784. O. B. 1775-85, p. 330. Thomas Ballard, Deed from Abraham Moone, being the said Moone's interest in a pattent of land. Aug. 24, 1655. Ibid. 1 p. 275. Mr. Jarvis Ballard, Pltf. vs. Mr. William Sherwood, Major Robert Beverley & Mr. John Buckner, Executors of the estate of Mr. Richard Awborne, Deceased. Mch. 24, 1681/2. Ibid. 6 p. 392. Capt. Thomas Ballard, High Sheriff, ordered to inventory the personal estate of Mr. Martin Gardner, lately deceased. May 24, 1693. Ibid. 9, p. 226. Mr. Francis Ballard, appointed by the High Sheriff is sworn Sub Sheriff. May 24, 1693. Ibid. 9 p. 226. Mr. Thomas Ballard, sworn Justice of the Peace. June 3, 1691. Ibid. 9 p. 27. Thomas Ballard, Wm. Buckner & Lawrence Smith, wit- ness a power of attorney. June 28, 1707. Ibid. 13 p. 79. Col. Thomas Ballard, Will of; mentions his children as follows: Matthew Ballard, Thomas Ballard, Robert Bal- lard, John Ballard, William Ballard, Elizabeth, the wife of William Smith, Ann, wife of John Major, Katherine Bal- lard and Mary Ballard. Recites that Thomas, Robert, John, William & Mary are not of age. Appoints his son Matthew Ballard his executor, and requests his well beloved friends BALLARD: SURRY COUNTY 157 Mr. Lawrence Smith & Major Wm. Buckner to direct, assist and advise his said executor. Witnesses Ser Hans (?), John Brooke, Solomon Harmon, Saml. Selden. Dated Sept. 26 · 1706. Proved June 18, 1711. Ibid. -4 p. 89. Col. Thomas Ballard, Inventory of his estate taken. July 2, 1711. Ibid. 14 p. 100. Col. Thomas Ballard, Inventory of his estate presented in Court by Matthew Ballard the executor. July 16, 1711. Ibid. 14, p. 96. YORK COUNTY RECORDS* Col. Thomas Ballard, bondsman for Mr. William Aylett, being appointed Guardian for Jerome Haus. April 2, 1677. Book 6, p. 419. The petition of Mr. Jarvis Ballard admr. of the Estate of Richard Awborne is referred to the next Court. March 26, 1683. Book 6, p. 476. Dec. Elizabeth Wadley servant to Mr. Wm. Smith made oath that John Ballard is the father of her bastard child. 10, 1683. B. 6, p. 535. Mr. Thomas Ballard, & John Weyman Exors. of Edward Jones vs. Maj. Humphrey Harwood Trustee of the estate of Martin Moore. Referred to the next Court. Jan. 24 1689/90, Book 8, p. 371. Jacob Ballard, servant to Jane Martin imported in the Concord, Capt. Thomas Grantham, Commander, is ad- judged 17 years of age. Ordered to serve till 24 according to Act of Assembly. June 14, 1677. Book 6, p. 25. Mr. Thomas Ballard, appointed Justice of the Peace for York Co. June 3, 1691. b. 9, p. 27. *For a well prepared genealogy of the earlier generations of the Ballard Family of York County see The Majoes and Their Marriages, by James Branch Cabell. 158 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Mr. William Ballard, asignee of Benjamin Goodrich, at- torney of Mrs. Alice Ballard Exor. of Coll. Thomas Bal- lard decd., Plt. vs. James Harrison Deft., the suit is dis- missed with cost the Deft. having made oath that the debt was paid to Mr. Jerom Haus (Ham?) by order of ye said Thomas Ballard. Nov. 24, 1691, Book 9, p. 73. Thomas Ballard, & Joseph Ring, both of York Co., Gen- tlemen, feofees in trust appointed according to an Act of Assembly made at James City April ye 16th 1691. En- titled an Act for ports & etc. for their disposal of fifty acres of land situate and lying and being in York Co. afore- said, appointed for a port and Town there according to the before recited Law, which authorized the laying off of 50 acres into lots. Nov. 24th 1691, Book 1, p. 364 (?). Capt. Thomas Ballard, Producing his Commission dated April 27th 1694, appointing him High Sheriff of York Co., gives bond and is sworn into office. June 25th 1694, Book 10, p. 4. Mr. Francis Ballard, an appointee of his brother Thomas Ballard, High Sheriff of this County, was sworn to the per- formance of office as under sheriff. June 25th 1694, Book 10, p. 4. Capt. Thomas Ballard, Producing his commission to this Court appointing him High Sheriff of this County this pres- ent year, gave bond and was sworn into office. May 24th 1693. Book 9, p. 226. Mr. Francis Ballard, appointed of ye High Sheriff was accordingly sworn sub sheriff. May 24th 1693, Book 9, p. 226. Mathew Ballard, Executor of the last will and testa- ment of Lt. Col. Thomas Ballard decd. produced a certifi- cate under the hand of Wm. Barbor Gent. for the said Ballard's taking up a runaway Indian woman belonging to Mr. Richardson Wharton. Ordered to be transmitted to the Assembly for allowance. Book 14, p. 39. BALLARD: YORK COUNTY 159 Edward Powers, William Lee, Russell Wagstaff, & John Powers appointed appraisers of the Estate of Col. Thomas Ballard decd. which Mathew Ballard the Executor shall produce before them, and return this account at the next Court, when the said Executor is ordered to appear & make oath to the Inventory. June 18th 1711, Book 14, p. 90. Mathew Ballard, Will of, Of Parish of York Hampton, York Co., gives a suit of clothes to Henry Blackgrave. Gives the remainder of his wearing apparell to his brothers Robert & John Ballard. Gives all of his lands, negroes, money, plate, cattle, sheep, Debts & other estate to his son. Mathew Ballard. Gives a mourning ring to his Executor Philip Lightfoot. May 13th 1719, Book 15, p. 429. Mathew Ballard, decd. Inventory of his Estate produced in court and admitted to record. Aug. 17th, 1719, Book 15, p. 471. William Ballard, decd. Robert Ballard appointed Ad- ministrator, with Philip Lightfoot and John Gibbons his security. Sept. 21, 1719. Book 15, p. 489. Robert Ballard came into Court and made oath that William Ballard departed this life without making any will so far as he knows or believes. Said Robert Ballard gave bond with Philip Lightfoot & John Gibbon his security and was appointed administrator of the Estate of the said William Ballard decd. Book 15, p. 485. Robert Ballard, Admr. of the Estate of William Ballard decd. ordered to exhibit an Inventory of the said Estate at the next Court. Book 15, p. 505. Ben a negro boy belonging to Robert Ballard is adjudged to be 10 years of age. Dec. 21, 1719, Book 15, p. 520. Lawney a negro belonging to Robert Ballard is adjudged to be seven years of age. Dec. 21, 1719, Book 15, p. 520. 160 BALLARD: YORK COUNTY Robert Ballard, Preferred a claim for his negroes taking up a runaway negro. May 2, 1723, Book 16, p. 199. Robert Ballard, Licenced to keep an Ordinary at his house. May 20, 1726, Book 16, p. 822. Robert Ballard, Deed for land from Wilson Cary Gent. & Sarah his wife. Jan. 20, 1728/9, Book 16, p. 567. John Ballard, Plt. vs. Elizabeth- 16, 1729, Book 16, p. 600. Deft. dismissed. June John Armistead servant of John Ballard having run away and been absent five days & etc. Ordered that he serve as the Law directs. June 16, 1729, Book 16, p. 601. John Ballard, Plt. vs. Francis Langley Deft. Judgment granted the Plt. Book 17 p. 621. John Ballard, made oath that James Mackinder died intestate. said Ballard was appointed Administrator of said Mackindo's Estate. May 17, 1731, Book 17, p. 166. John Ballard, Administrator & etc. of the Estate of James McKindo, decd. ordered to deliver unto Samuel Cobbs, who was security for the Estate of David Walker decd. such estate in his hands as appears to belong to the orphans of the said David under the Guardianship of the said Samuel. July 19, 1731, Book 17, p. 104. John Ballard, Gent. in the lower part of York Hampton Parish ordered to take Tithables. Mch. 19, 1740 Book 18, p. 601. John Ballard, Merchant vs. Randolph Snowden, James Dixon & Daniel Moore dismissed. Book 18, p. 612. John Ballard, Plt. vs. William Harwood Deft. Deft. con- fessed Judgment. Nov. 18, 1734, Book 18, p. 156. BALLARD: YORK COUNTY 161 Upon the petition of Mrs. Cavry Evans. Ordered that Robert Ballard be and is appointed Guardian to her son Edward Petus and that Robert Petus deliver up to the said Ballard what of the estate of the said orphan is in his hands to the said Robert Ballard Guardian with Jno. Buckner his security. Jan. 20, 1734/5, Book 18, p. 165. Jane Ballard, widow and relict of Robert Ballard decd. made oath that the said Robert Ballard died intestate. said Jane Ballard is appointed Admx. of the decd. Estate. May 19, 1735, Book 18, p. 190-193. Jane Ballard, admx. of Robert Ballard, decd. pay out of the property of the estate of Robert Petus decd. yearly the sum of 40 shillings to James L. May 19, 1735, Book 18, p. 193. Robert Ballard decd. Estate of, appraised by John Trot- ter, Edward Baptist & Robert Harris, Returned & ordered recorded Value L359. 18, 5. June 16, 1735, Book 18, p. 206. Miss Henrietta Ballard, one of the orphans of Robert Ballard, decd. Account of Math. Hubbard, Guardian 1735- 1740. Sept. 15, 1740. Book p. 16, 27, 37. Miss Charlotte Ballard, one of the orphans of Robert Ballard decd. Account of Math. Hubbard Guardian. 1735- 1740. Sept. 15, 1740 Book p. 16, 27, 37. John Ballard, a lot owner in Yorktown. Feb. 23, 1738 Book 18, p. 478. John Ballard, Gent., appointed Coroner for York Co. Feb. 18, 1739 Book 18, p. 550. Rebecca Ballard, Widow of Mathew Ballard decd., re- nounced her right to the administration of the said Decd. | estate. Philip Lightfoot is appointed Administrator. May 18, 1741 Book 18, p. 8. 162 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Math. Ballard, decd. the Inventory and appraisement of said Ballards Estate received & ordered to be recorded. June 16, 1741 Book 19, p. 8. Robert Ballard, decd. The division of the Estate of Robt. Ballard decd. returned and ordered to be recorded. June 16, 1741. Book 19, p. 23. Robert Ballard, decd. The settlement of his estate re- turned to the Court & ordered recorded. Book 18 p. 618. Robert Ballard, decd. settlement of Estate. July 21, 1740. Book 18, p. 626. James Clarke of the County of Gloucester, Gent. is ap- pointed Guardian to Charlotte Ballard, one of the orphans of Robert Ballard decd. Aug. 19, 1734. Book 18, p. 645. John Ballard, & his wife Elizabeth Ballard and his brother Robert Ballard acknowledged letters of Attorney unto John Buckner. Aug. 19, 1734. Book 18, p. 139. Robert Ballard, Real Estate divided. Late of Yorktown, decd. To Mathew Hubbard & Jane his wife, widow of Robert Ballard for their third of L500 To the children for the other 2/3, 166,13,4. 333, 6,8. 500. 0.0. To the childrens Proportion of Mr. Robert Ballards real estate. To Jane, now wife of Wm. Dudley for her third, 111.2.2½ To Henrietta 66 66 66 66 Charlotte 66 66 66 111.2.2% 111.2.3 £333:6:8 June 16, 1741. Book 19, p. 36. Settled by Richard Ambler, John Buckner, Wm. Nelson Jr. & Saml. Reade. John Ballard, of Yorktown, Merchant, Will of. Gives to his wife Elizabeth, and his children Thomas, John, BALLARD: YORK COUNTY 163 Robert, William, Catherine, Elizabeth and Anne. Appoints his wife Elizabeth Ballard, Maj. John Buckner, Mr. Mathew Hubard, Mr. Edmund Smith and Mr. Samuel Reade his Executors. Witnesses-Edmd. Smith, John Gibbons, Philip Dedman & Thomas Loyd. Dec. 24, 1744. Book John Ballard, decd. of Yorktown, Merchant, Will of, Proved. Sept. 16, 1745 Book 20, p. 3. John Ballard, Decd. of Yorktown, Merchant, Will of, Elizabeth Ballard and John Buckner, Gent. qualified as Executors. Nov. 18, 1745. Book 20 p. 3. Capt. John Ballard, Inventory and appraisement of his Estate by order of Court dated Sept. 16, 1745. Returned by Thos. Reynolds, Robt. Shield Jr. & Elias Ligarden. Value L2727.6.814. Dec. 16, 1745 Book Elizabeth Ballard, surviving executrix of John Ballard, decd. vs. Thos. Cary Executor & etc. of Robert Philipson. Deft. pleaded the act of Limitation in of the Plt. dis- missed. May 26, 1750, J. & O. 1, p. 385. Elizabeth Ballard, ordered that Francis Jerdone, Wm. Stevenson, David Jamison and Edmund Tabb examine estate and settle her account as Administrator of the estate of her late husband John Ballard, decd. Mach. 18. 1750 J. & O. 1, p. 402. Elizabeth Ballard, The Estate of Capt. John Ballard decd. with Elizabeth Ballard Admrx. settled. Sept. 16, 1751. Book Robert Ballard, decd. Oct. 1st 1739. Land Couse. Mathew Hubard, exhibited the acct. against Jane Bal- lard one of the orphans of Robert Ballard decd. now the wife of Wm. Dudley. Sept. 15, 1740. Guardian Acct. 164 THE VALENTINE PAPERS William Ballard, Plt. vs. the Estate of Armistead Light- foot decd. Aug. 17, 1772. J. & O. 3, p. 87. William Ballard, Plt. vs. Henry Mann Deft. Sept. 20, 1773. J. & O. 3, p. 336. Elizabeth Ballard, sale to William Stevenson. Dec. 17, 1770. J. & O. 2, p. 133. BALLARD, BULLARD HEAD RIGHTS, PATENTS AND GRANTS Virginia Land Office Thomas Ballard (Bullard) head right, of Humphrey Higginson, Gent. Feb. 6, 1637. (1, vol. 2, p. 520.*) Henry Ballard, Patent 50 acres in Warwick Co., on Otter Dam, adjoining Governor Stephens. Oct. 31, 1642. (Ibid. p. 841.) Mr. Thomas Ballard, Patent 1000 acres in Gloucester Co., now called New Kent on the south side of Mattapony River, adjoining William Wyatt. July 16, 1655. (3, p. 350.) Thomas Ballard, Patent, 600 acres upon the south side and upon the head of Piankatauk River, adjoining Capt. Stephen Gill, decd. Was formerly granted to Abraham Moore Nov. 1, 1654, and by him assigned to the said Thomas Ballard. Oct. 15, 1657. (4, p. 186.) Mr. Thomas Ballard, Patent, 1300 acres in New Kent Co., on the north side of Mattapony River, on the branches of Whorecock Swamp. Oct. 6, 1658. (4, p. 330.) John Ballard, Patent, 300 acres in Nansemond Co., For transporting Pasheba his wife, John & Joseph his sons and two other persons. June 2, 1658. (6, p. 469.) The first figure refers to volume, the second to page, of Patent Books in Office of the Register of the Land Office, Richmond, Virginia. BALLARD: VIRGINIA LAND OFFICE 165 Joseph Ballard, Elisha Ballard and Elias Ballard of Nansemond Co., Patent 550 acres in the Upper Parish of Nansemond Co., on the southward side of Sumerton Creek, and adjoining Beech Swamp. April 20, 1694. 8, p. 334.) Elias Ballard, Patent, 702 acres in the upper Parish of Nansemond Co., adjoining Sumerton Creek, Beaver Dam Swamp, Hooke, Spught and John Lee. April 28, 1711. (10, p. 17.) Joseph Ballard, Patent 369 acres in the upper Parish of Nansemond Co., adjoining Spught and John Drury. Dec. 16, 1714. (10, p. 204.) Robert Ballard, of King & Queen Co. and John Buckner, of Gloucester Co. Patent, 400 acres in King William Co. on the south side of the south fork of the south river issuing into Mattapony River. Dec. 23, 1714. (10, p. 224.) Elias Ballard, Patent, 400 acres in the Upper Parish of Nansemond Co. adjoining said Elias Ballard, John Holland & Bryant. Jan. 24, 1717. (10, p. 359.) Elisah Ballard, Patent, 171 acres in the upper Parish of Nansemond Co., at White Oak Swamp and adjoining said Elisah Ballard and Nicholas Stalling. April 1, 1717. (10, p. 312.) Elias Ballard, Patent 47 acres in the upper Parish of Nansemond Co. adjoining the said Elias Ballard. July 15, 1717. (10, p. 335.) Henry Ballard, Head Right of Thomas Nelson of York Co. Feb. 20, 1719. (11, p. 10.) Anne Ballard, Patent 403 acres in Nansemond Co., Upper Parish near Wickham, adjoining Bryan Daughtry, William Collins & James Harwood. July 11, 1719. (11, p. 442.) 166 THE VALENTINE PAPERS John Ballard, of York Co., Patent 2 acre lot in York- town, formerly the property of Peter Gibson, on whose decease said lot escheated to the Crown. May 6, 1727. (13, p. 44.) Robert Ballard of York Co., Patent, 1000 acres in Spot- sylvania Co. St. Georges Parish, on the north side of North Anna River. Sept. 14, 1728. (13, p. 339.) Thomas Ballard, of York Co., 330 acres in Spotsylvania Co., on the north side of North Anna River, and on the south side of the main road in Prince George's Parish, ad- joining Augustine Moore. Sept. 28, 1728. (13, p. 452.) Bland Ballard, Patent, 230 acres in Spotsylvania Co., in the forks of Rappahannock River. Jan. 27, 1734. (15, p. 423.) Thomas Ballard, of Caroline Co., Patent, 320 acres in Hanover Co., on the south side of Piney Mountain. July 20, 1738. (18, p. 43.) John Ballard, Patent, 1403 acres in Lunnenburgh Co., upper side of Miles Creek, adjoining the creek and John Speed. July 12, 1750. (30, p. 193.) William Ballard, Patent, 360 acres in Lunnenburgh Co., on the branches of Allen's Creek, adjoining the said Wil- liam Ballard, Norvell, Mallet & Jackson. Aug. 20, 1760. (34, p. 659.) William Ballard, Patent, 400 acres in Lunenburgh Co., on the east side of Allen's Creek, adjoining the creek, Norvell, Delong and Stuart. Mch. 25, p. 1762. (34, p. 991.) Thomas Ballard, Head Right. Oct. 4, 1637. (1, vol. 2, p. 532 or 552.) Andrew Ballard. Head Right. May 14, 1653. (1, v. 1, p. 17.) BALLARD: VIRGINIA LAND OFFICE 167 Richard Ballard, Thomas Bullard. Head Right. Sept. 20, 1654. (3, p. 352.) Richard Ballard. Head Right. Jan. 14, 1656. (4, p. 73.) Judith Ballard. Head Right. Feb. 25, 1653. (4, p. 101.) Isaac Ballard. Head Right. Oct. 9, 1667. (6, p. 79.) Robert Ballard. Head Right.) Oct. 6, 1671. (6, p. 383.) Ellenor Ballard. Head Right. Oct. 3, 1690. (8, p. 110.) Ellenor Bullard, Head Right. Oct. 3, 1690. (8, p. 110.) Arthur Ballard, Head Right. Apr. 20, 1695. (8, p. 430.) Thomas Bullard, Hannah Bullard, Head Right. Apr. 8, 1711. (10, p. 12.) Batchelder Family MIDDLESEX COUNTY RECORDS* John Batchelder, of Middlesex Co., will of; Lends his wife Mary all of his lands, until his son William Batchelder comes of age; then she to have her thirds during her life to go to said William Batchelder at her death. Gives to son William Batchelder all of his lands subject to the above provission for testator's wife, also gives him the testators wearing apparel, 3 guns, a rayser and all of his tools. Gives to daughter Mary Murry one hogshead of Tobacco and a ring of ten shillings, to grandson John Murry a yearling heifer, to grandchild Sarah Murry a yearling heifer, to grandchild Sarah Davis a yearling heifer, to grandson John Davis a yearling heifer, to wife Mary and son William Batchelder all of his "personal estate as horses, mairs, Chattell, Hoggs, and Household stuff and servants to be equally divided between the sd. Mary & William Batchelder, and desires Robert Boodle and Richard Willis to make the division. Executrix, wife, Mary Batchelder. Executor son William Batchelder. Witnesses. Robert Boodle, John- (X)-Davis, Robert-(X)-Rust. Aug. 21, 1685. Mary Batchelder, widow, of the County of Middlesex be- queaths to her son William Batchelder all and every of her estate given her by her husband John Batchelder, as by an Inventory of ye record with both negroes, cattle, horses, bedding, household stuff. But if said William Batchelder should die before Mary Batchelder then this deed of gift to *These abstracts of Batchelder records in the books of Middlesex County Court were made by Mr. Eastman, clerk of that court; by Creed T. Davis, who read several of the books of Middlesex Court, and by Edward Pleasants Valentine, who obtained certified copies of the Batchelder wills and deeds recorded in Middlesex Court. The Batchelder data given here make up the compilation made by Mr. Valentine himself from the results of the research in the Middlesex county records. 168 BATCHELDER: MIDDLESEX COUNTY 169 be void. This I give at my death. Sealed delivered in the presence of Tho. Normon, Joseph Smith and Mary Normon. June 11, 1688. D. Bk. 2, p. 378. Mary-(X)-Head, widow, of Middlesex Co., will of; Gives to her grandchild John Batchelder a table, kittle and hooks, the ring arms. Gives to her daughter-in-law Sarah Batchelder a gown and pettycoat, and also gives her a hhd of Tobacco on condition that she will allow the testatrix grandchildren John Davis, Sarah Davis and William Davis to remain on the plantation until sd. John Davis comes of age. Leaves to her sd. grandchildren John, Sarah & Wil- liam Davis for their support until the said John Davis comes of age her two negroes and all the remainder of her estate, and when sd. John Davis comes of age she gives him this aforesaid estate provided he will pay to the sd. Sarah Davis and William Davis their full part of all the estate left to them by their father John Davis, decd. Gives to Rebecca Murry a suit of testator's clothes, that is a gown and pettycoat, and two chairs. Gives to Ann Thacker a gown and pettycoat. Gives to Alexander Murry 10 shill- ings to buy a ring and sermon book. Gives to Edwin Thacker 10 shillings to buy a ring. Executor grandson John Davis, and appoints aforesaid Alexander Murry and Edwin Thacker overseers of this will to cause the same to be performed. Wit. Thomas Burton, Mary-(X)-Lyall, Edwin Thacker. Nov. 7, 1698. William Davis and Robert Murra. In the noncupative will of John Davis he lends to his wife Elizabeth Davis all of his houses, lands and livings during her natural life or widowhood, and then to be taken into the care of the above John Batchelder, William Davis & Robert Murra. Testator gives all of his lands to his son John Davis. Proved by Stokley Tolls, John Batchelder and Robert Murra, and Elizabeth Davis above mentioned qualified as Admrx. Oct. 22, 1716. W. B. 1713-34, p. 59. Sarah-(X)-Batchelder, will of; son William Batch- elder, the feather bed and furniture on which she used to lie, son Samuel Batchelder, a feather bed and sheets & blankets, Mottled Rugg and Green Curtains, son James Batchelder, a feather bed and pair of large blankets, bolster 170 THE VALENTINE PAPERS and two pillows, to Catherine Batchelder testatrix mare & side saddle, to Sarah Daniel testatrix strip'd gown and riding gown, to Catherine Batchelder testatrix other suit and all of her wearing apparel, son James Batchelder, a negro named Robinson and a young horse, Sons William Batchelder, Samuel Batchelder and James Batchelder all of her household stuff & crops, cattle and hogs to be equally divided between them only, Samuel to have a diaper table cloth. Wit: Stokly Towles, John-(X)—Burk, Archd. Coulson. Dated: Sept. 30, 1720. Recorded Mch. 7, 1720. Ibid., p. 107. John Batchelder, of Middlesex Co., Will of; Gives to his son James Batchelder, his longest gun. Lends to his wife during her widowhood a negro woman named Mandy and her increase, and after it to go to his sd. son James Batch- elder. Lends to his wife, a negro child named Cato, until testators daughter Jemima comes to lawful age or marries, then to be the property of sd. Jemima. Gives to his wife his riding horse, to Peter Lee, his small gun for the twenty shillings the testator owes him. Lends to his wife his move- able estate during her Widowhood, and then to be equally divided between his son and daughter before named. Ex- ecutrix, his loving wife, executor, trusty friend Thomas Chowing. Wit. John Alldin, Wm. Batchelder, Wm. Rice. Presented in Court by Thomas Chowing, surviving execu- tor therein named who relinquished his right of executing. Recd. Jan. 3, 1720. Dated: Nov. 20, 1719. Ibid., p. 153. James Batchelder legatee of Thomas Carey, decd. Non cupative will of Thomas Carey, decd. made before Joseph Pace & Amey Lyall. Whole estate to James Batchelder. Proved Jany. 3, 1720. W. Bk. 1713-34, p. 155. John Batchelder, decd. Inventory and appraisement of his estate, returned by Stokley Towles, admr. Value £96:14,7. Appraisers. James Daniel, Matt. Hunt, John All- din. Recd. Mch. 7, 1720. Ibid., p. 184. Sarah Batchelder, decd. Account of estate appraised for her three sons William Batchelder, Samuel Batchelder and BATCHELDER: MIDDLESEX COUNTY 171 - James Batchelder. William Batchelders part (amount in total) £14:2:10: Samuel Batchelders part (amount in to- tal) £18:18:2: James Batchelders part (amount in total) £24:1:102: Appraisers, Stokley Towles, Mathew Hunt, Henry Gudgevell. Returned by the sd. William, Samuel & James Batchelder, and recorded June 6, 1720. Ibid., p. 214. William Batchelder, will of; Gives his whole estate both real and personal to be equally divided between his beloved wife and his three children namely; Hannah, John & Sarah. Executors his brothers Samuel Batchelder and James Batchelder. Wit. John Shorter, John Moseley. Samuel Batchelder and James Batchelder, executors of the within named Wm. Batchelder, decd. presented this will in Court, which was proved and recorded. May 2, 1727. Ibid., p. 320. William Batchelder, decd. Inventory and appraisement of his estate. Appraisers, Robert Williamson, James Meacham, Wm. Chowning. Returned by Samuel Batchelder and James Batchelder and recorded June 6, 1727. Ibid., p. 323. Samuel Batchelder, of Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Will of: Lends to his wife Katherine 2 negroes named respectively Munday and Jenny during her natural life and at her death to be equally divided between the testators three sons, Joseph, Jacob and Benjamin as they attain the age of 21 years respectively. Gives to his son Samuel Batch- elder a negro boy named Robin, son James Batchelder all the land sd. testator purchased of Henry Nash on the north side of the road; son Henry Batchelder, all of the said land lying on the south side of the road, when he attaines the age of 21 years, son Joseph Batchelder, a negro girl named Nann and her increase when he shall attain 21 years of age, son Jacob Batchelder, a negro woman named Frank when he shall attain 21 years of age, son Benjamin Batchelder, a negro boy named Anthony, when he shall attain 21 years of age, and should the aforesd Frank have any increase then I give sd. increase to sd. Benjamin. Gives to his son Samuel Batchelder after seeing testators brother William Batchelders heirs satisfied, a still, son James, his kerbine (carbine), son Henry, his Buckanear, son Joseph his small 172 THE VALENTINE PAPERS 1 fowling piece. Desires that sons Jacob and Benjamin may have 20 shillings each paid them by his sons Samuel, James & Henry when they shall attain 21 years of age, sons James, Henry, Joseph, Jacob and Benjamin all of his stocks, house- hold goods & &c. on the plantation on which the testator lives, to be equally divided between them after the death of the testators wife & to son Samuel, one bed, two cows, two calves, two sows, two ewes, two pots, 1 frying pan, four cyder casks being at his lower plantation, and his long gun, son Samuel to take his sons Joseph, Jacob & Benjamin and their estates after the death of testators wife till they are 21 years of age respectively, and teach them his trade. Directs that his estate is not to be appraised. Executors, sons Samuel and James Batchelder. Wit. Henry Towles, Wm. Wood, Henry-(X)-Brooks. The above will was probated, the above named executors qualifying as such and recorded Aug. 10, 1742. Samuel Batchelder, decd. Samuel & James Batchelder admrs. Bond £500: curr. Thos. Price, Gent. security. Jany. 4, 1742. Samuel Batchelder, of Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Will of; Gives to his son William Batchelder all that part of land the testator lives on and the upper part of the land sd. testator purchased of Chr. Robinson and desires that a straight line be run, beginning at Towles going over to a large white oak on the south side of the Main County road supposed to be about 100 yards below the former path that leads to the old plantation, son Thomas Batchelder the lower part of the land purchased by the testator of Towles except 14, or 15 acres joining at the beginning point. In case of the death of either of the above named sons Wil- liam & Thomas before arriving at 21 years of age or mar- rying, then the survivor is to get all of the aforesaid lands. Lends to his wife Elizabeth Batchelder, all of his estate both real and personal during her widowhood. Executrix, wife Elizabeth Batchelder, Executors, brother Henry Batchelder & friend John Batchelder. Wit. Tho. Laughlin, Benjamin Batchelder, Francis Batchelder. Thomas Laugh- lin one of the witnesses to this will testified in Court that BATCHELDER: MIDDLESEX COUNTY 173 he wrote the said will at the desire of the testator, Samuel 'Batchelder, but by mistake omitted to insert these words after the word widowhood in the will, to wit; and then to be equally divided amongst his five children Sarah, Cath- erine, William, Thomas and Anna which the said testator directed him to do, and John Batchelder one of the execu- tors made oath that he was present at the time of the writing of the said will and that he heard the said testator desire the above words might be inserted in his will. Pro- bated Mch. 1, 1757. Dated: Nov. 3, 1756. Sarah Batchelder orphan of John Batchelder, decd. John Batchelder admr. Bond £100: Daniel Stringer security. Mar. 5, 1744. Recorded-Mar. 5, 1744. W. Bk. 1740-48, p. 199. William Batchelder, decd. Division & final settlement of remaining part of estate of Wm. Batchelder, decd. That is to say we assign unto Daniel Stringer & Hannah his wife one negro Boy al. We assign unto John Batchelder and his sister Sarah to whom he is guardian a negro girl al. Re- corded-June 4, 1745. Ibid., p. 251. Benjamin Batchelder, orphan of Samuel Batchelder, decd. James Batchelder Jr. admr. Bond £150: John Batchelder of Middlesex Co. security. July 5, 1748. Recorded-July 5, 1748. Ibid., p. 426. Frances Batchelder, admrx. of Henry Batchelder, decd. Bond £1000: curr. John Batchelder & Benjamin Batchelder securities. Recorded-June 5, 1759. W. B. 1748-1760, p. 498. John Batchelder, Henry Batchelder & Elizabeth-(X) — Batchelder Exors. of Samuel Batchelder decd. Bond £1000. Recorded-March 1, 1757. Ibid., p. 371. Henry Batchelder, John Dillard & Henry Mickelburrough, Exors. of will of Edward Dillard, decd. Recorded-Aug. 2, 1757. Ibid., p. 411. 174 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Samuel Batchelder, decd. Inventory & appraisement of estate of. Elizabeth Batchelder, Henry Batchelder, John Batchelder [Executors], Robt. Murray, Wm. Roane, John Taylor [Appraisers]. Recorded-Dec. 1, 1757. Ibid., p. 419. Samuel Batchelder, one of the appraisers of the estate of Henry Towles. Recorded-April 4, 1749. Ibid., p. 45. Henry Batchelder one of the appraisers of the estate of William Wood. Recorded-May 1, 1750. Ibid., p. 114. Samuel Batchelder, admr. of James Batchelder, decd. Bond. Recorded-Dec. 4, 1750. Ibid., p. 139. Henry Batchelder, decd. Estate of, appraised, (slaves and other farming paraphenalia & not summed up.) Ap- praisers-Tobias Allen, John Chewning, Wm. Chewning. Witnesses-Francis Batchelder. Feby. 5, 1760. W. Bk. 1760-72, p. 18. John Batchelder. Bond £100: to secure Elizabeth Lam- berth, orphan of John Lambeth, decd. Recorded-April 6, 1762. Ibid. John Batchelder, decd. Estate of appraised. Appraisers- George Daniel, James Wortham, Thos. Laughlin. Wit- nesses-Elizabeth Batchelder (admrx.) Recorded-June 6, 1769. Ibid., p. 370. John Batchelder, account sale of the estate of, sold Jany. 6, 1769. Total-£280:9:8: Elizabeth Batchelder. Ibid. • Samuel Batchelder's estate in acct. with John Batch- elder's estate. £91:14:812: Pursuant to order of Court dated at Urbanna April 4, 1767, administration of estate of Samuel Batchelder decd. settled. July 3, 1770. Balance due from estate of John Batchelder, decd. £26:6:16: Ap- praisers-Maurice Smith, Phil Montague, Geo. Daniell. Some dispute arrising about the legality of a bond payable from Henry Batchelder to Samuel Batchelder we refer the same to the Court. Ibid., p. 410. BATCHELDER: MIDDLESEX COUNTY 175 son Thomas Laughlin, decd. will, of, dated. To wife Thomas Laughlin- son Simon Laughlin- grandson Thomas Laughlin- grand daughter Sarah Batchelder, a negro woman named Dido and her increase, grand daughter Catherine Batchelder, a negro girl, daughter Ursula String- er- daughter Anne Robinson- to children of daughter Elizabeth Valentine- Witnesses-Robert Smith, D. Ker, Overton Cosby, Jn. Gregorie. Ibid., p. 442. Joseph Batchelder, of Middlesex Co., Christ Church Par- ish, Will of; Lends to his wife Michal Batchelder during her life or widowhood all the testators estate both real and personal, to son Samuel Batchelder the land the testator purchased of Mr. William Churchill, to go to testators son James Batchelder should sd. Samuel die without lawful issue; son John Batchelder the land on which testator lives & should said John Batchelder die without lawful issue then this land to go to testators son Benjamin Batchelder. All the rest of his estate after his debts are paid to be equally divided between testators three youngest children, viz; Ann Anderson Batchelder, James Batchelder, Benjamin Batch- elder. Executrix, wife Michal Batchelder, Executor, Samuel Batchelder. Wit. Chas. Edwards, Anderson Miller, Ann Blake, John Minter. Probated Jan. 24, 1785. Dated: Dec. 12, 1784. W. B. 1772-87, p. 295. Joseph Batchelder, decd. Inventory of estate. 27 June 1785. Appraisers-Wm. Jackson, John Minter, John Jack- son. Ibid., p. 295. Joseph Batchelder, decd. Estate of. Sale acct. Feby. 2, 1785. Among items-John Batchelder £30:1:0; Miss Ann Batchelder-a trunk £:6: Recorded-Oct. 24, 1785. Ibid., p. 329. Elizabeth Batchelder, decd. An acct. of the sale of Es- tate of. Feby. 17, 1785. Recorded-July 25, 1785. Ibid., p. 315. 176 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Henry Batchelder, son of Frances Blackley is mentioned in said Frances Blackley's will, she cutting him off with one farthing and giving her estate to her sons, Reuben & Geo, Blackley. Dec. 17, 1786. W. B. 1772-87, p. —. Joseph Batchelder, decd. Will of; Probated. Proved by Chas. Edwards, Anderson Miller, and John Minter. Jan. Court 1785. Bond £1000. W. B. 1772-87, p. 143. 1 Joseph Batchelder, decd. of the Parish of Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Will of. Wife Michael Batchelder, son Samuel Batchelder, son James Batchelder, son Benjamin Batchelder, son John Batchelder, daughter Ann Anderson Batchelder. Executrix, his wife Michal Batchelder, Execu- tor, Samuel Batchelder. Sept. 12, 1784. Ibid., p. 295. John Batchelder, decd. Estate acct. and administration on, settled by Dudley Vaughan, John Sutton, Wm. Hackney and William Berry. Recorded-June 24, 1793. W. B. 1787- 93, p. 313. William Jackson Sr., Parish of Christ Church, Middlesex Co. will of: To wife Martha Jackson, one negro man; son Richard Jackson, the plantation; daughter Judith Jackson, daughter Mary Batchelder all the remainder part of my lands not before given to her and her husband forever; to John Wake, 1 shilling; to William Berry, 1 shilling; son Richard Jackson, granddaughter Mary Jackson, to Perry daughter of Wm. Berry. Witnesses-Wm. Hill, Jeames Faulkner, Jno. Boss. Recorded-March 25, 1793. Ibid., p. 307. James Batchelder decd. Inventory & appraisement of estate of, made by Mary Batchelder, admrx. Feby. 30, 1821. W. B. 1821-27, p. 22. Mary Batchelder, admrx. of James Batchelder. Acct. set- tled by order of Court by Jas. Chewning, Geo. S. Pace, Row- land Sutton. Recorded-Aug. 27, 1821. March 1, 1821. BATCHELDER: MIDDLESEX COUNTY 177 James Batchelder from Wm. Marks of Middlesex Co. £9: curr. tract of land purchased of Robert Miekleborough by Richard Patteson containing 33 acres. Dated Aug. 5, 1740. Recorded-Sept. 2, 1746. D. B. 1740-54, p. 196. Samuel Batchelder of Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co. Joiner, to Henry Batchelder of same Parish & Co. Planter, 5 shillings. 155 acres that did belong to James Batchelder the Younger late of this Co. decd. which sd. lands by the death of sd. James descended to sd. Samuel Batchelder, his heir at law, lying in Parish & Co. aforesd. and now in possession of sd. Samuel Batchelder. Dated: Sept. 2, 1751. Recorded-Sept. 3, 1757. Ibid., p. 439. Samuel Batchelder of the Parish of Christ Church, Mid- dlesex Co. joiner, & Elizabeth his wife to Henry Batchelder of same Parish & Co. Planter. £50: 155 acres that belonged to James Batchelder the Younger late of sd. Co. which sd. Land by the death of sd. James descended to the sd. James Batchelder Party to these presents as his heirs at law which sd. Lands being in the Parish of Christ Church and Co. of Middlesex aforesd. is now in the possession of Henry Batch- elder. Dated: Sept. 3, 1757. Recorded-Sept. 3, 1757. Ibid., p. 441. Samuel Batchelder of Middlesex Co., Joiner, from Oliver Towles of Caroline Co. Gent. 5 shillings sterling. 179 acres in Middlesex Co. being plantation whereon Mr. Stockley Towles father of sd. Oliver formerly lived, adjoining the dwelling plantation of sd. Saml. Batchelder. Dated: June 5, 1752. Recorded-July 7, 1752. Ibid., p. 474. John Batchelder & Elizabeth his wife of Middlesex Co. to Robert Daniell Jr., of same Co. £20: 10 acres of Dragon Swamp and low ground adjoining lands of Eusebius Lewis & others. Dated: Aug. 1, 1752. Recorded-Aug. 4, 1752. Ibid., p. 481. Christopher Robinson, Bond to Saml. Batchelder. D. B. 1754-67, p. 291. 178 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Benjamin Batchelder of Middlesex Co. to John Jackson of same Co. £55: curr. Land in aforesd. Co. adjoining lands of Henry Thurston, Edward Southard & Geo. Warwick. Dated: Feby. 20, 1762. Recorded-June 1, 1762. Ibid., p. 308. John Batchelder of Middlesex Co. to Robert Daniel. £199:14:1:3: curr. one negro man named Ben. Recorded- March 1, 1768. D. B. 1767-84, p. 31. Elizabeth Davis bond to Joseph Batchelder. Ibid., p. 132. Thomas Batchelder of Middlesex Co. to Charles Roben- son of sd. Co. Deed from Charles Robinson & Ann his wife, for 333 acres in Caroline Co. Tract of land in Middle- sex Co. adjoining lands of Chas. Reade & James Millses. Dated: Jany. 18, 1780. Recorded-Feby. 28, 1780. Ibid., p. 413. Henry Batchelder to Chewning Kidd, tract of land ad- joining Tobias Allen, Leving Gale, Hanery Batchelder. Dated: Dec. 1, 1780. Signed: Henry Batchelder, Francis Blockler. Ibid., p. 435. Henry Batchelder & Elizabeth his wife of Middlesex Co. to Thomas Healey of sd. Co. £33: curr. 54 1/3 acres in sd. Co. adjoining lands of Ben Kidd & Henry Washington, John Mickleburrough & Harwood Berts which was Lewis Dud- ley's. Dated: Oct. 23, 1786. Recorded-Oct. 22, 1786. D. B. 1783-91, p. 22. Henry Batchelder one of the appraisers of estate of Henry Kidd, decd. April 1784. Ibid., p. 37. James Batchelder settled accts. with his guardian Wil- liam Jackson. Oct. 1789. Ibid., p. 154. Henry Batchelder of Middlesex Co. to Overton Cosby of town of Urbanna. £34: 200 acres of land adjoining lands of Francis Corbin, Tobias Allen & Geo. Dillard etc. to secure Overton Cosby & James Gregorie surviving partners of James Mills & Co. Recorded-June 25, 1792. D. B. 1791- 99, p. 73. BATCHELDER: MIDDLESEX COUNTY 179 Henry Batchelder of Middlesex Co. to Hudson Muse of sd. Co. Recorded-July 22, 1793. Ibid., p. 230. Henry Batchelder & Mary Batchelder of Middlesex Co. to John Jackson £80: curr. 94 acres adjoining lands of Churchill & Wake on North side of Barbique Creek & Rap- pahannock River. Dated: June 20, 1794. Recorded-June 23, 1794. Ibid., p. 190. Benjamin Batchelder of Middlesex Co. to Wm. Miles of sd. Co. $662.00. land in the Co. aforesd. adjoining Rappa- hannock River, John Jackson. Dated: Oct. 30, 1797. Re- corded-April 23, 1798. Ibid., p. 463. ORDER BOOKS "It is this day ordered that 250 lbs of good bisquitt to be made at least of one half wheat meal be forth with made (viz) fifty pounds by Mr. Richard Robinson, fifty pounds by Christopher Robinson, and fifty pounds a piece by Mr. Alexander Smith, Mr. Wm. Gordon and Mr. John Batch- elder, and that the same be delivered at the house of Rich- ard Robinson by the 29, day of this instant January at furtherest it being for the use of this Countrys soldiers now going out against the Indians &c. &c. Jan. 22, 1676. O. B. 1, p. 57. James Peerdo, servant to John Batchelder coming into this Country in the Ship Raleigh is adjudged eleven years of age. May 9, 1677. Ibid., p. 60. John Batchelder, member jury, Sept. 1677, July 1678, July 1680, Feb. 1683. (O. B. 1, pp. 77, 136, 223; O. B. 2, p. —) John Batchelder & Alexander Smith & others by Act of Assembly ordered to make 250 lbs. of good bisquiett at least 1/2 wheate meale. Aug. 22, 1676. vizt. 50 lbs. by Alex Smith, etc. O. B. 1672-80, p. 57. 180 THE VALENTINE PAPERS John Batchelder's servant James Pearse coming into the country is adjudged 11 years of age. May 1677. Ibid., p. 60. These particulars being taken away by Doctor Boodle with the rest of the troops as appears by divers evidences produced we whose names are hereto submitted adjudged that ye said Boodle with ye rest of his troops shall make good the same sum above said to Col. Wormley, John Mann, Alex Smith, John Batchelder, Mitchel Musgrove & others. Sept. 1677. Ibid., p. 77. Ordered that ye accounts or sums of Tobacco under written be returned to next Gen. Assembly to receive allow- ance and orders for payment. The same being for Arms ammunition provisions and other disbursements made by ye persons here menconed towards ye setting out ye coun- trys soldiers against the Indian Enemies. Among others-- Mr. John Batchelder for provisions . . . 341 0245. Oct. 1677. Ibid., p. 81. John Batchelder allowed 341 lbs. tobacco for provisions furnished soldiers. Oct. 2, 1677. Ibid., p. 81. Thomas Batchelder, servant to Mr. John Shepard coming into this country in the Ship Zebeelon is adjudged twelve years of age. Jan. 13, 1678. Ibid., p. 162. Mrs. Mary Batchelder, granted administration on estate of John Batchelder, decd. with will annexed. Securities, Mr. Alex. Murry and Mr. Nicholas Fowler. May 2, 1687. O. B. 2. Mrs. Mary Batchelder, is granted administration on the estate of John Davis decd. in the right of William Davis an orphan, son of the said Mary Davis [Sic: Batchelder?], she giving security. July 4, 1687. Ibid. Widow Batchelder, in the list of those persons thought of sufficient ability to find a man, horse and arms. 23, 1687. Ibid. Nov. BATCHELDER: MIDDLESEX COUNTY 181 Mrs. Mary Batchelder, administratrix of Mary Davis Pltf. vs. Mr. Richard Robinson Deft. ordered that said Robinson deliver to the said Mary Batchelder, admrx. all of the wearing apparel and other things brought by the said Mary Davis to the sd. Robinson's house. Feb. 6, 1688. Ibid. William Batchelder Juror. July 4, 1694. Ibid. William Batchelder, Executor of John Davis, decd. Mch. 4, 1695. O. B. 3, p. 26. William Batchelder, a Juror. Sept. 2, 1695. Ibid., p. 62. Sarah Batchelder, widow, pursuant to a letter from the Queens Attorney having been examined before Mr. Chris- topher Robinson and Mr. John Robinson about her being with child and by them bound over to the Court to consider what should be objected against her relating to same and she this day appearing and upon her futher examination and hearing the evidence of several witnesses sworn against and Hannah Watts, Mary Hunt, Anne Sadler and Anna Towles examining said Sarah's breast to see if she had any milk in them and their report that she hath not any milk the Court are of opinion that she be discharged upon pay- ment of costs. Mch. 4, 1711. O. B. 4, p. 60. Samuel Batchelder Constable in the room of James Cur- tis Jr. Sept. 7, 1714. O. B. 4, p. 196. John Batchelder, appointed surveyor of highways. Dec. 5, 1716. Ibid., p. 306. The noncupative will of John Davis, decd. was pro- pounded in Court by Elizabeth Davis, his widow and relict and being proved by the oath of Stokeley Towles, John Batchelder and Robt. Murry was recorded. Elizabeth Davis, admrx. John Batchelder, security. Jan. 5, 1716. Ibid., p. 307. John Batchelder, who married the widow of John Davis, decd. returned the appraisement of the estate of the sd. John Davis. Apr. 2, 1717. Ibid., p. 319. 182 THE VALENTINE PAPERS John Batchelder, summoned to show cause why roads & bridges in his precinct are not kept in repair. Oct. 4, 1717. Ibid., p. 315. William Batchelder, qualified as Administrator of the estate of Sarah Batchelder, security, John Moseley. Proved by Richd. Moulson & Stokeley Towles. Feb. 7, 1720. Ibid., p. 511. William Batchelder, Samuel Batchelder and James Batch- elder summoned to give an account of the estate of Sarah Batchelder. Apr. 4, 1721. Ibid., p. 519. John Batchelder's precinct has the road leading from Urbanna through John Aldie's field &c added to it. Apr. 5, 1720. Samuel Batchelder a Grand Juror. May 3, 1720. Samuel Batchelder surveyor of highways. July 5, 1720. John Batchelder's will presented by Thos. Chewning Exor. proved by the oaths of John Aldin and Stokeley Towles. sd. Chewning qualifying as admr. Jan. 3, 1720. James Batchelder qualified as Admr. of the estate of Thomas Carey, decd. Jan. 4, 1720. James Batchelder, son of John Batchelder is bound to James Batchelder. Jan. 4, 1720. William Batchelder, Guardian of William Davis, orphan of John Davis, decd. security Mathew Hunt. Apr. 7, 1724. O. B. 6, p. 101. James Batchelder, licensed to keep an ordinary at the Court House. Sept. 4, 1733. O. B. 7, p. 17. Samuel Batchelder appointed surveyor of roads in room of John Chewning. July 7, 1741. O. B. BATCHELDER: MIDDLESEX COUNTY 183 Samuel Batchelder decd. will of, proved by witnesses thereof, presented by Saml. Batchelder & James Batchelder Exors. therein named. Thomas Price security. Dec. 8, 1742. O. B. Samuel Batchelder appointed surveyor of roads. July 7, 1741. Ibid., p. 167. Samuel Batchelder, decd. Will of probated. Samuel Batchelder and James Batchelder qualify as executors with Thomas Price security. Jan. 4, 1742. Ibid., p. 212. Sarah Batchelder, orphan of William Batchelder, decd. On her petition John Batchelder is appointed her guardian, security, Daniel Stringer. Mch. 5, 1744. Ibid., p. 281. William Batchelder, decd. Estate of; Final division and settlement made by Richard Corbin, Edmund Thacker and Henry Thacker, by order of Court. April 2, 1745. Recd: June 4, 1745. James Batchelder, Jr., made Guardian of Benjamin Batchelder, orphan of Samuel Batchelder. Security John Batchelder. July 5, 1748. John Batchelder acknowledged a deed of Feoffment to Robt. Daniell Jr. Recorded-Aug. 4, 1752. O. Bk. 1745-52. William Batchelder, decd. Settlement of the estate of. Recorded-June 4, 1745. Ibid. Samuel Batchelder granted administration on estate of James Batchelder decd. Thomas Laughlin security. Sept. 10, 1750. Ibid. Samuel Batchelder admr. of James Batchelder, decd. Ed- ward Dillard & others appraise the personal estate and negroes, of sd. James Batchelder. Dec. 10, 1750. Ibid. Samuel Batchelder's two slaves Robin & Peter valued at £60: £65: respectively ordered to be hanged for felony on Feb. 4, next. Ibid. 184 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Samuel Batchelder to Henry. Batchelder deed of lease & release between the sd. Saml. Batchelder & Elizabeth his wife. Sept. 3, 1751. Ibid. Henry Batchelder appointed guardian of Joseph Tuggle son of Joseph Tuggle, decd. John Taylor security. June 3, 1755. O. B. 1752-58, p. 282. Samuel Batchelder, decd. will of presented by Elizabeth Batchelder, Henry Batchelder and John Batchelder the exors. therein named. proved by Thomas Laughlin & Ben- jamin Batchelder. March 1, 1757. Ibid., p. 391. Samuel Batchelder, decd. Appraisement of estate re- turned. Nov. 1757. Ibid., p. 422.. Henry Batchelder guardian of Joseph Tuggle orphan of Joseph Tuggle, decd. returned acct. of sd. wards estate. Dec. 6, 1757. Ibid., p. 489. Joseph Batchelder appointed Ballast master of Pionka- tonk River in the room of Wm. Hackney. March 7, 1758. Ibid., p. 497. Francis Batchelder admx. of Henry Batchelder, decd. Bond recorded June 5, 1759. Securities, John Batchelder and Benjamin Batchelder. O. B. 1758-65, p. 39. Henry Batchelder, decd. Inventory & appraisement of estate recorded Feby. 5, 1760. Ibid., p. 91. Frances Batchelder's list of tithables, to wit; Will, Dick and Hannah be added to the list taken by Henry Washing- ton. July 7, 1761. Benjamin Batchelder's list of tithables for Stephen John- son be added. July 7, 1761. Ibid., p. 221. John Batchelder is appointed surveyor of the road in the room of Richard Daniel and with the male tithables in that precinct forth with clear and keep the same. Oct. 6, 1761. Ibid., p. 231. BATCHELDER: MIDDLESEX COUNTY 185 Benjamin Batchelder to John Jackson deed of ffeoffment was proved by Charles Lee, John Yarrington and Henry Thurston. Recorded-June 1, 1765. Ibid., p. 210. John Batchelder, Jacob Valentine & Elizabeth his wife Exors. of Saml. Batchelder, decd. vs Henry Washington. Dismissed by consent. Aug. 3, 1763. Ibid., p. 357. Joseph Batchelder, Benjamin Batchelder, and Henry and Elizabeth Batchelder orphans of Henry Batchelder decd. by the sd. ? Joseph Batchelder, their next of kin, vs John Batchelder & Jacob Valentine & Elizabeth his wife, Execu- tor & executrix of will of Samuel Batchelder, decd. In Chancery. To recover the value of 2 negro slaves, Will & Peter. Judg. for pltfs., each pltf. to recover £18:15s. with interest from Jan. 1, 1742, the date of the death of Samuel Batchelder. August 6, 1766. O. B. 1765-67, p. 565. Elizabeth & Henry Batchelder orphans of Henry Batch- elder, decd. Frances Blackley is appointed Guardian of sd. orphans. Bond £500: Tobias Allen security. April 4, 1769. O. B. 1767-69, p. 447. On motion of Thomas Laughlin it is ordered that Jacob Valentine and Elizabeth, his wife, surviving executrix, of Samuel Batchelder, decd. be summoned to make up her ac- count of administration of said estate. Mch. 1, 1768. O. B. 1767-69, p. 258. Sarah Batchelder, Catherine Batchelder, and William Batchelder, Infants, Orphans of Samuel Batchelder, decd. made choice of Jacob Valentine for their Guardian, and the said Jacob Valentine is also appointed Guardian of Thomas Batchelder and Anne Batchelder two other orphans of the said Samuel Batchelder, decd. Bond £1000. Bond £1000. Security, Thomas Laughlin. Apr. 5, 1768. O. B. 1767-69, p. 283. Jacob Valentine and Elizabeth his wife, summoned to make up administration accounts of the estate of sd. Samuel Batchelder. June 7, 1768. Ibid., p. 305. " 186 THE VALENTINE PAPERS On motion of Thomas Laughlin it is ordered that Jacob Valentine & Elizabeth Valentine, surviving executrix, of Samuel Batchelder, decd. appear at Court to render an ac- count. Aug. 2, 1768. Ibid., p. 351. Elizabeth Batchelder, widow of John Batchelder, decd. summoned to the next Court to produce her said late hus- band's will, or if he made none then to declare whether she will administer his estate. Aug. 2, 1768. Ibid., p. 346. Elizabeth Batchelder, qualified as Administratrix of the estate of John Batchelder, decd. Bond £500. security, Robt. Daniel, Gent. Sept. 6, 1768. Ibid., p. 373. John Batchelder, decd. Inventory and appraisement. Appraisers, Thomas Laughlin, James Wortham, Geo. Daniel and Robt. Murray. Sept. 6, 1768. Ibid., p. 374. Elizabeth Batchelder, admrx. of John Batchelder, decd. who was executor of the last will of Samuel Batchelder, decd. On motion of Jacob Valentine, guardian of the or- phans of said Samuel Batchelder, is summoned to appear at next Court and make up the said John Batchelder's ac- count of the administration of the estate of the aforesaid Samuel Batchelder. Feb. 8, 1769. Ibid., p. 429. Elizabeth Batchelder, Admx. of John Batchelder, decd. who was Executor of Samuel Batchelder, decd. and Jacob and Elizabeth Valentine, his wife, executrix of said Samuel Batchelder, decd. in obedience to the order of the Court it is ordered that Wm. Roane, Thomas Kemp, Geo. Daniel, Maurice Smith, and Philip Montague, state and settle the aforesaid account. Apr. 4, 1769. Ibid., p. 459. Frances Blackley is appointed guardian of Elizabeth Batchelder and Henry Batchelder orphans of sd. Henry Batchelder, decd. Bond £500. Security Tobias Allen. Apr. 4, 1769. Ibid., p. 447. BATCHELDER: MIDDLESEX COUNTY 187 Samuel Batchelder, decd. Estate of, not having been set- tled It is ordered to be settled and returned to next Court. June 6, 1769. Similar orders, July 4, Sept. 5, & Nov. 7, 1769, and Mch. 6, June 5, & July 4, 1770. O. B. 1769-72. William, Thomas, Catherine and Anne Batchelder by their guardian Jacob Valentine, John Kemp & Sarah his wife vs Thomas Laughlin & Simon Laughlin Exors. of Thomas Laughlin decd. Action of trespass. July 1, 1772. O. B. 1769-72, p. 543. Jacob Valentine and Elizabeth, his wife, surviving execu- trix, of sd. Samuel Batchelder, decd. Pltf. vs Frances Black- ley, admrx. of Henry Batchelder and Henry Batchelder and Elizabeth Batchelder, orphans of the said Henry Batch- elder. Defts. Continued. Nov. 7, 1769. Ibid., p. 92. Elizabeth Batchelder, Admrx. of John Batchelder, decd. Deft. vs Jacob Valentine Pltf. Judgment for Pltf. for £63:6:4: and 615 lbs. Tobacco and for 15 shillings & costs. Oct. 23, 1770. Ibid., p. 248. Chas. Robinson and Ann, his wife, Daniel Stringer and Ursulla, his wife, Catherine Batchelder, Thomas Batch- elder, William Batchelder, Ann Batchelder, [the four last named being] orphans of Samuel Batchelder, by Jacob Val- entine their guardian, Edward Valentine, and Elizabeth Valentine by the sd. Jacob Valentine, their guardian; John Kemp and Sarah, his wife, daughter of the said Samuel Batchelder. Complainants. vs Thomas Laughlin & Simon Laughlin, executors of Thomas Laughlin, decd. In Chan- cery. Continued. Nov. 1772. O. B. 1772-82, p. 40, 172. William Batchelder, Thomas Batchelder, Catherine Batchelder and Ann Batchelder, by Jacob Valentine, their Guardian Pltf. vs Thomas & Simon Laughlin Defts. Ver- dict for Pltfs. £5:2:6: May 1773. Ibid., p. 121. John Batchelder, Admr. Account ordered to be settled by Lewis Montague, Maurice Smith, Wm. Segar & Thos. Segar. Oct. 1773. Ibid., p. 247. 188 THE VALENTINE PAPERS William Batchelder appointed Guardian of Edward Val- entine with Thomas Batchelder and James Wortham his se- curities. £300 Bond. Jan. 1775. Ibid., p. 395. On motion of John Kemp he is appointed Guardian of Ann Batchelder orphan of Samuel Batchelder. Security, Maurice Smith. Bond £500. Jan. 1775. Ibid., p. 395. Upon the motion of Simon Laughlin it is ordered that Lewis Montague, Chas. Neilson, Philip Montague, Maurice Smith and Beverly Daniel settle Jacob Valentine's Guard- ianship of Samuel Batchelder's orphans and divide the es- tate according to the will. Jan. 1775. Ibid. Nancy Batchelder, orphan of John Batchelder chose Thomas Segar her guardian. Philip Montague, security. Mch. 1781. Ibid., p. 571. Henry Batchelder appointed overseer of roads. May 1781. Ibid., p. 576. Samuel Batchelder, decd. Elizabeth Valentine, Executrix, of his estate, Pltf. vs. Frances Blackley admrx. of Henry Batchelder. In Chancery. Abates by the death of the Plaintiff. [Note: March 1774, is the last time that the name of Jacob Valentine appears in connection with Eliza- beth Valentine as Plaintiff.] Sept. 1779. O. B. Thomas Batchelder deed to Charles Robinson acknowl- edged. Recorded-Nov. 1779. Ibid., p. 38. Nancy Batchelder orphan of John Batchelder, decd. chose Thomas Segar her guardian. Bond £50000: Philip Mon- tague security. March 1781. Ibid., p. 371. Elizabeth Batchelder admrx. of John Batchelder, decd. vs Carter Batchelder heir at law of sd. John Batchelder by Jack Power his guardian. In Chancery. It is ordered that the 300 acres in this county be sold by the sheriff at Public Nov. 1773. Ibid., p. 224. BATCHELDER: MIDDLESEX COUNTY 189 Elizabeth Batchelder, decd. Administration on her estate granted to William George. Bond £1000. Appraisers ap- pointed. Jan. Court 1785. O. B. 1784-86, p. 146. James Batchelder's guardian Wm. Jackson rendered an acct. of the profits of the estate. Sept. 1786. O. B. 1784- 86, p. 434. John Batchelder granted administration of estate of Saml. Batchelder decd. Bond £500: Charles Edwards se- curity. Jany. 1783. Ibid., p. 145. Elizabeth Batchelder's estate administered by William George. Lawrence Meachum security. Jany. 1785. Ibid., p. 146. James Batchelder orphan of Joseph Batchelder, decd. chose William Jackson as his guardian. £200: bond. John Batchelder security. Feby. 1785. Ibid., p. 150. Joseph Batchelder, decd. Estate of appraised by Wm. Jackson, John Jackson, John Morgan, & John Minter. Jany. 1785. Ibid., p. 143. Elizabeth Batchelder, decd. appraisement on estate re- turned. July 1785. Ibid., p. 225. James Batchelder, orphan of James Batchelder, decd. chose William Jackson for his Guardian. Bond £200. Feb. Court. 1785. Ibid. Elizabeth Batchelder, decd. Appraisement of her estate returned July Court 1785. May 24, 1785. Ibid. Joseph Batchelder, decd. turned. June Court 1785. Appraisement of his estate re- Ibid. Henry Batchelder appointed surveyor of highways. Nov. Court 1785. Ibid. 190 THE VALENTINE PAPERS James Batchelder recommended by the est man suitable to be appointed as Pilot. O. Bk. 1787-89, p. 292. Court as an hon- March 28, 1789. Benjamin Batchelder, orphan of Joseph Batchelder chose John Jackson his guardian. June 22, 1789. O. Bk. 1789- 94, p. 26. James Batchelder's receipt to Wm. Jackson his guardian proved by Wm. Berry. Oct. 26, 1789. Ibid., p. 71. Joseph Batchelder estate appraised and recorded. Oct. 1789. Ibid., p. 71. John Batchelder decd. estate settled & divided by Dudley Vaughan, Jno. Sutton & Wm. Hackney and Wm. Berry. Feby. 1792. Ibid., p. 541. Benjamin Batchelder granted license to practice as an at- torney in this county. June 25, 1792. Ibid., p. 399. Joseph Batchelder, decd. Settlement and division of his estate returned & recorded. Distribution as follows: To James Batchelder, £62:1:02: to Benjamin Batchelder, £62:1:02: to Ann Anderson Batchelder, £62:1:02: to Cash, £21:9:5: Oct. 1789. Ibid., p. 71. Sarah, Catherine, William, Thomas and Anne Batchelder, orphans of Saml. Batchelder, decd. Jacob Valentine, guardian. Bond £100: Thomas Laughlin security. April 15, 1768. Recorded-April 1768. [Bond Book] 1767-1810, p. 4. Elizabeth-(X)—Batchelder admrx.' of John Batchelder, decd. Bond £500: Robert Daniel Gent. security. Sept. 6, 1768. Recorded-Sept. 1768. Ibid., p. 9. Elizabeth and Henry Batchelder orphans of Henry Batchelder, decd. Frances-(X)-Blackley admr. Bond £500: Tobias Allen security. April 4, 1769. Recorded- April 4, 1769. Ibid., p. 21. BATCHELDER: MIDDLESEX COUNTY 191 William Batchelder, Thomas Batchelder admrs. of Jacob Valentine, decd. father of Edward and Elizabeth Valentine. Bond £300: James Wortham security. Jany. 23, 1775. Re- corded-Jany. 23, 1775. Ibid., p. 66. Sarah Batchelder, orphan of John Batchelder, decd. John George admr. Bond £500: James Kidd security. Re- corded-Feby. 28, 1774. Ibid., p. 58. Ann Batchelder, orphan of Saml. Batchelder, decd. John Kemp admr. Bond £500: Maurice Smith security. Jany. 23, 1775. Recorded-Jany. 23, 1775. Ibid., p. 65. Nancy Batchelder orphan of John Batchelder, decd. Thomas Segar admr. Bond. Philip Montague security. Mar. 26, 1781. Recorded-Oct. 30, 1781. Ibid., p. 116. James Batchelder orphan of Joseph Batchelder decd. Wil- liam Jackson admr. Bond £200: John Batchelder security. Feby. 28, 1785. Recorded-Feby. 28, 1785. Ibid., p. 146. Samuel Batchelder decd. John Batchelder admr. Bond £500: Charles Edwards security. Jany. 24, 1785. Re- corded-Jany. 24, 1785. Ibid., p. 113. John Batchelder, decd. James Batchelder admr. Bond £500: William Jackson security. Recorded-Oct. 25, 1791. Ibid., p. 156. James Batchelder admr. of Peter Joshua Bailey, decd. Bond £100: John Jackson (of Pine Top) security. June 23, 1794. Recorded-June 23, 1794. Ibid., p. 192. Benjamin Batchelder, orphan of Joseph Batchelder, decd. John Jackson admr. Bond £200: John Batchelder security. June 23, 1781. Recorded-June 22, 1789. Ibid., p. 178. Re- Samuel Batchelder, decd. Inventory of estate of. corded-March 1, 1742. (Signed) Saml. Batchelder, James Batchelder. W. B. 1740-48, p. 86. 192 THE VALENTINE PAPERS March 4, 1744. ter of John Smith. MARRIAGE BONDS John Batchelder to Ruth Smith, daugh- John Smith, surety. Jany. 5, 1746. Jacob Stiff to Catherine Batchelder, widow, Samuel Batchelder, surety. May 2, 1747. Samuel Batchelder to Elizabeth Laughlin, daughter of Thomas Laughlin. Richard Major, surety. Con- sent of Thomas Laughlin (dated May 2, 1747) to the mar- riage of his daughter Elizabeth to Samuel Batchelder. Feby. 15, 1748. John Batchelder to Elizabeth Mickelbur- rough, daughter of Henry Mickelburrough, Henry Mickel- burrough, surety. Nov. 23, 1761. Robert Blackley to Frances Batchelder, widow of Henry Batchelder, deceased. Thomas-(X)- Whitaker, Ambrose-(X)-Dudley, sureties. Feby. 1, 1773. Lawrence Meacham to Frances Batch- elder. Simon Laughlin, surety. March 20, 1780. Thomas Montague to Ann Batchelder. Henry Vass, Jr., surety. (March 1781). William George to Ann Batchelder. Charles Curtis, surety. Consent of Thomas Segar, guardian, to Miss Ann Batchelder (dated March 26, 1781) to the mar- riage of his ward to William George. October 23, 1782. Thomas-(X)-Patterson to Eliza- beth Batchelder. Henry Batchelder, surety. 29, 1785. Henry Batchelder to Elizabeth Dillard. Thomas Healey, surety. March 13, 1792. James Batchelder to Mary Jackson. William Jackson, surety. BATCHELDER: MIDDLESEX COUNTY 193 July 23, 1792. George Dillard to Molly (Milly?) Batch- elder. Benjamin Kidd, Jr., surety. March 20, 1788. Peter Joshua Badley [Bradley?] to Ann Anderson Batchelder. Anderson Miller surety. December 31, 1777. William Owen to Jane Batchelder. John Humphries surety. September 29, 1762, Elizabeth Batchelder, widow of Samuel Batchelder, decd., marriage to Jacob Valentine; surety, Josiah Laughlin. Feb. 1, 1773. Frances Batchelder to Lawrence Meacham; surety, Simon Laughlin. Feb. 27, 1774. Sarah Batchelder to John Mitchell; surety, Lawrence Meacham; consent of John George. CHRIST CHURCH PARISH REGISTER MIDDLESEX COUNTY Mr. John Batchelder departed this life 4th of Xemb and was buried at home the 7th Xemb 1685; page 7. Mary daughter of John & Mary Batcheldor baptized Sept. 12, 1653; p. 8. Sarah daughter of John & Mary Batcheldor born p. 8. Rebecca daughter of John & Mary Batcheldor born Oct. 2, 1658; p. 8. William son of John & Mary Batcheldor born July 22, 1667 of a Monday between one & two of clock; p. 8. 194 THE VALENTINE PAPERS John Crispe, servant to Mr. Batcheldor died Sept. 30, 1661; p. 10. William son of William & Sarah Batcheldor, bapt. 26, July 1691; p. 50. Samuel Batchelder and Catherine Vallott married Jan. 21, 1713; p. 83. John Batchelder son of Samuel & Catherine Batchelder born Feb. 5, Bapt. Mch. 13, 1714; p. 90. William son of Samuel & Catherine Batchelder, born Mch. 11, 1716, bapt. Apr. 7, 1717; p. 96. James son of John & Elizabeth Batchelder, born Oct. 22, bapt. Nov. 5, 1717; p. 98. Samuel, son of Samuel & Katherine Batchelder, born Jan. 16, bapt. Feb. 21, 1719; p. 104. Jemima, daughter of John & Elizabeth Batchelder, born Feb. 24, bapt. Mch. 13, 1719; p. 104. Hannah, daughter of William & Elizabeth Batchelder, born Jan. 5, bapt. Jan. 23, 1721; p. 109. James, son of Samuel & Catherine Batchelder, born Sept. 25, bapt. Oct. 24, 1722; p. 111. John, son of William & Elizabeth Batchelder, born Jan. 3, bapt. Feb. 2, 1723; p. 114. Henry, son of Samuel & Catherine Batchelder, born July 3, bapt. Aug. 4, 1725; p. 118. Sarah, daughter of William & Elizabeth Batchelder, born Aug. 31, bapt. Oct. 4, 1725; p. 118. Joseph, son of Samuel & Catherine Batchelder, born Feb. 9, bapt. Feb. 25, 1727; p. 123. BATCHELDER: MIDDLESEX COUNTY 195 John Batchelder & Elizabeth Davis married Jan. 2, 1716 p. 162. William Batchelder & Elizabeth Watts married Apr. 11, 1720; p. 163. Hannah Batchelder & Daniel Stringer married Dec. 1, 1737; p. 170. John Batchelder died Nov. 26, and was buried Nov. 29, 1720; p. 177. Sarah Batchelder died Dec. 3, and was buried Dec. 7, 1720; p. 177. Elizabeth Batchelder died Dec. 6, and was buried Dec. - 1720; p. 177. Jemima Batchelder died Mch. 18, and was buried Mch. 20, 1723; p. 181. Elizabeth Batchelder died Jan. 17, and was buried Jan. 19, 1725; p. 182. William Batchelder died Apr. 30, and was buried May 1st, 1727; p. 184. -died ye 15th-Elder died Nov. 23nd, sons of Samuel Batchelder 1739; p. 193. Samuel Batchelder died Dec. 12, 1742; p. 194. Benjamin Batchelder son of Joseph & Michal Batchelder was born May 14, 1771; p. 197. Sarah Batchelder and John Kemp married April 13, 1771; p. 199. Frances Batchelder and Laurence Mecham married Feb. 4, 1773; p. 200. 196 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Jane Batchelder and William Owen married Jan. 13, 1778; p. 201. Ann Batchelder and Thomas Montague married Mch. 23, 1780; p. 202. Ann Batchelder and William George married April 8, 1781; p. 202. Elizabeth Batchelder and Thomas Patterson married Oct. 24, 1782; p. 203. Henry Batchelder and Elizabeth Dillard married Mch. 31, 1785; p. 204. James Batchelder and Mary Jackson married Mch. ; p. 205. Molly Batchelder and George Dillard married Sept. 6, 1792; p. 280. Susanna Brooking, daughter of James Batchelder & Mary, his wife was born Sept. 3, 1792; p. 284. Sarah, daughter of John Batchelder & Elizabeth his wife was born June 7; p. 284. Thomas, son of Samuel Batchelder & Elizabeth his wife was born Jan. 19, bapt. Feb., 1754; p. 285. Samuel, son of Joseph Batchelder & Mikel his wife was born Jan. 1, 1755; p. 286. Frances, daughter of John Batchelder & Elizabeth his wife was born Mch. 23; p. 287. William, son of Samuel Batchelder & Elizabeth his wife was born Jan. 7, bapt. 1752; p. 288. Catherine, daughter of Samuel Batchelder & Elizabeth his wife was born Apr. 29; p. 299. BATCHELDER: MIDDLESEX COUNTY 197 Jacob & Benjamin, sons of Samuel & Catherine Batch- elder born Sept. 29, bapt. Sept. 30, 1731; p. 132. John, son of Jacob & Sarah Valentine born July 11, 1748; p. 298. Batchelder Thurston & Peggy Daniel married Mch. 16, 3, 1782; p. 282. John Batchelder, son of William & Ann George born Aug. 1786; p. 205. CHRIST CHURCH PARISH REGISTER The following excerpts (relative to Davis, Murray and Laughlin families) were made by Mr. Valentine from the Register of Christ Church Parish, Middlesex County (and are included here) owing to the following facts: (1) John Batchelder (will dated Nov. 25, 1719; proved Jan. 3, 1720) married Jan. 2, 1716, Elizabeth Davis, widow of John Davis. (2) Sarah Batchelder (daughter of John Batchelder I) married John Davis. (3) Mary Batchelder (baptized Sept. 12, 1653, daughter of John Batchelder, I) married Alexander Murr. (4) Sam- uel Batchelder (born Jan. 16, 1719; will proved Mar. 1, 1757) mar- ried Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Laughlin. Mrs. Elizabeth (Laughlin) Batchelder married, second, Sept. 29, 1762, Jacob Valen- tine. Laughlin Family Edmond, son of Thomas & Sarah Laughlin born June 21, bapt'd. June 29, 1735; p. 141. Simon, son of Thomas & Sarah Laughlin born Nov. 18, bapt. 24, 1740; p. 151. Sarah Laughlin, died Nov. 25, 1740; p. 193. Simon Laughlin & Anne Scrosby married Sept. 3, 1772; p. 200. 198 THE VALENTINE PAPERS CHRIST CHURCH PARISH REGISTER Davis Family The ages of 3 children of John & Sarah Davis, viz; p. 13 Alice Davis was born 30, June 1676; Sarah Davis was born 31, Jan. 1678; John Davis was born 7, July 1681. George Davis son of George & Susanna Davis bapt. Xber 22, 1678; p. 14. Benjamin Davis son of George & Susanna Davis bapt. 7ber 26, 1680; p. 16. Thomas Davis son of John & Sarah Davis bapt. Oct. 16, 1681, at ye Upper Chapel; p. 17. Alice Davis daughter of Henry & Ann Davis bapt. Mch. 19, 1681; p. 17. Henry Davis & Ann West married June 29, 1679; p. 18. John Davis & Sarah Watts married Jan. 26, 1679; p. 18. Sarah Davis daughter of John & Sarah Davis bapt. Nov. 4, 1783; p. 25. Sarah Davis & William Humphreys married Nov. 28, 1686, both of this parish; p. 29. Henry Davis son of Henry & Ann Davis bapt. Sept. 19, 1686, both of Montagues Island; p. 30. Hester Davis daughter of Timothy Davis died Mch. -, 1687; p. 32. Mary Davis widow of John Davis, whose maiden name was Mary Greene died Apr. 4, 1687; p. 32. BATCHELDER: MIDDLESEX COUNTY 199 John Davis servant of Major Robert Beverly died Sept. 17, 1686; p. 31. Henry Davis son of Henry & Ann Davis bapt. Sept. 9, 1686, of Montagues Island; p. 32. David Davis & Martha King married 1689/90, of this Parish; p. 37. Martha Davis daughter of David Davis bapt. Mch. 13, 1691/2; p. 51. John Davis son of David Davis & Martha, his wife, bapt. Nov. 10, 1690; p. 50. Robert Davis son of Elisha Davis & Elizabeth his wife, born Oct. 14, 1702; p. 59. David Davis son of David Davis & Mary Davis bapt. Jan. 26, 1703/4; p. 62. Mary Davis daughter of David Davis & Mary Davis bapt. May 13, 1705; p. 66. William Davis son of John & Margaret Davis bapt. Sept. 29, (1700)? p. 67. Ann Davis daughter of Benjamin & Ann Davis bapt. Nov. 6, 1707; p. 70. Susanna Davis daughter of John & Margaret Davis bapt. Oct. 1, 1707; p. 71. Sarah Davis daughter of Thomas & Mary Davis bapt. Feb. 29, 1707/8; p. 71. Christian Davis daughter of Benjamin & Ann Davis bapt. Apr. 24, 1709; p. 72. John Davis son of Thomas & Mary Davis bapt. June 30, 1710; p. 76. 200 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Benjamin Davis son of John & Margaret Davis bapt. Aug. 3, 1712; p. 77. Jonathan Davis son of David & Mary Davis bapt. 7ber 21, 1707; p. 77. Sarah Davis married Thomas Chewning Dec. 20, 1706; p. 80. Anne Davis & William Cheshire married Apr. 12, 1713; p. 83. Mary Davis widow died Mch. 7, 1713; p. 84. John Davis died Jan. 30, 1714; p. 84. Richard Davis son of Thomas & Mary Davis born Sept. 15, 1715; p. 92. Rachell Davis daughter of John & Elizabeth Davis born Nov. 20, 1715; p. 92. Constant Davis daughter of John & Margaret Davis born Mch. 10, 1716; p. 93. Elizabeth Davis an illegitimate daughter of Elizabeth Davis born Jan. 16, 1717; p. 98. Elizabeth Davis daughter of William & Sarah Davis born Nov. 15, 1719; p. 103. James Davis son of John & Margaret Davis born Oct. 17, 1720; p. 106. John Davis son of William & Sarah Davis born Feb. 26, 1722; p. 110. William Davis son of William & Elizabeth Davis born Aug. 9, 1729; p. 127. BATCHELDER: MIDDLESEX COUNTY 201 William Davis son of Andrew & Elizabeth Davis born Oct. 16, 1729; p. 128. Andrew Davis son of Andrew & Elizabeth Davis born Dec. 30, 1732; p. 135. Benjamin Davis son of John & Elizabeth Davis born Mch. 8, 1733; p. 138. Barbee Davis son of Andrew & Elizabeth Davis born Feb. 2, 1734; p. 140. Elizabeth Davis daughter of Benjamin & Judith Davis born Jan. 4, 1735; p. 142. John Davis son of Benjamin & Judith Davis born Apr. 2, 1737; p. 145. George Davis son of Andrew & Elizabeth Davis born Mch. 7, 1737; p. 146. Margaret Davis daughter of Benjamin & Judith Davis born Oct. 27, 1738; p. 148. Mary Davis daughter of Andrew & Elizabeth Davis born Feb. 11, 1788/9; p. 148. John Davis son of John & Elizabeth Davis, born Feb. 26, 1738/9; p. 148. Richard Davis son of Andrew & Elizabeth Davis born Aug. 17, 1740; p. 151. Mary Davis daughter of William & Elizabeth Davis born Dec. 9, 1740; p. 152. John Davis son of William & Elizabeth Davis born Ja... 22, 1743; p. 155. William Davis illegitimate son of Elizabeth Davis born Mch. 13, 1743/4; p. 156. 202 THE VALENTINE PAPERS William Davis son of James & Dorothy Davis born Apr. 4, 1745; p. 159. John Batchelder & Elizabeth Davis married Jan. 2, 1716; p. 162. Richard Smother & Mary Davis married June 6, 1717; p. 162. Charles Thomas & Susanna Davis married May 9, 1723; p. 164. Richard Jones & Anne Davis married Aug. 1, 1723; p. 164. Randolph Roads & Sarah Davies married Nov. 27, 1724; p. 164. William Wallis & Betty Davies married Apr. 11, 1726; p. 165. Marvel Mosely & Mary Davis married Apr. 24, 1729; p. 166: Thomas Saunders & Christian Davis married June 4, 1729; p. 166. Christopher Owen & Elizabeth Davis married Apr. 9, 1730; p. 167. David Davis & Barker Jones married Sept. 2, 1731; p. 167. James Stuart & Dianah Davis married Aug. 31, 1732; p. 167. Patrick Purall & Sarah Davis married Sept. 7, 1733; p. 168. Benjamin Davis & Judith Packett married May 28, 1734; • p. 168. BATCHELDER: MIDDLESEX COUNTY 203 John Rhodes & Mary Davis married June 16, 1738; p. 170. Daniel Ball Siblee & Nancy Davis Miller married June 2, 1796; p. 170. John Davis died Oct. 23, 1716; p. 172. Thomas Davis died June 10, 1716; p. 173. John Davis died Jan. 27, 1723; p. 181. William Davis died Feb. 18, 1723; p. 181. Avarilla Davis died Jan. 14, 1726; p. 184. Sarah Davis died Mch. 9, 1726; p. 184. Margaret Davis wife of John Davis died Nov. 28, 1729; p. 185. John Davis died Dec. 3, 1732; p. 188. Mary Davis daughter of Andrew & Elizabeth died Mch. 14, 1738/9; p. 192. William Davis son of George & Mary Davis born Feb. -, 1769; p. 196. Daniel Dejarnatt & May Davis married Feb. 12, 1775; p. 201. Abraham Curvell Blade & Elizabeth Davis married Sept. 27, 1778; p. 202. Samuel More & Martha Davis married Mch. 28, 1781; p. 202. Staige Davis & Elizabeth Gardner Davis married (K & Q) Feb. 28, 17-; p. 205. 204 THE VALENTINE PAPERS James Davis & Elizabeth Humphries married Jan. 28, 1788; p. 206. William Humphries & Elizabeth Davis married Mch. 2, 1800; p. 281. Elizabeth, daughter of James & Dorrithy Davis born Apr. 2, 1749; p. 299. John Clare & Susanna Davis married Jan. 14, 1770; p. 304. CHRIST CHURCH REGISTER, MIDDLESEX COUNTY Murray (Murrey, Murry, Murra) Family Mary wife to Alexander Murrey she was of London, died Apr. 16, 1686/7. Ann, daughter of Allexand' and Mary Murra, christend. Aug. 24, (1673?); p. 12. Mary, daughter of Allexand' and Mary Murra, chris- tend. Aug. 20, 1674; p. 12. Robert Murrey, son of Alexd.' Murrey was born 7 of April & bapt. 4 of June 1681; p. 16. The age of 4 children of Alexander and Mary Murrey. Ann Murrey was born the 12 of April 1673; p. 14. Mary Murrey was born the 22 of Nov. 1674; p. 14. Rebecca Murrey was born the 28 of Oct. 1676; p. 14. John Murrey was born the 20 of Jan. 1678; p. 14. BATCHELDER: MIDDLESEX COUNTY 205 Sarah Murrey daughter of Alexander & Mary Murrey born 10 of May & bapt. 15 July 1683; p. 24. Elizabeth Murrey daughter of Alexander & Mary Murrey bapt. 4, April 1686/7; p. 30. Buried Oct. 10, 1686, William Rogers of Worcestershire, servant to Alexander Murrey; p. 31. Ann, daughter of John & Mary Murray, born Apr. 28, bapt. May 29, 1715; p. 91. Mary daughter of John & Mary Murray, born Apr. 25, bapt. May 17, 1717; p. 97. Ann daughter of Davis & Jane Murry, born Jan. 20, bapt. Feb. 23, 1717; p. 99. Jane daughter of John & Mary Murray, born July 4, bapt. Aug. 2, 1719; p. 103. John son of John & Mary Murray born July 24, bapt. Aug. 2, 1721; p. 108. Alexander son of Andrew & Sarah Murray born Aug. 19, bapt. Sept. 5, 1721; p. 114. Robert son of John & Mary Murray born Jan. 28, bapt. Mch. 8, 1723; p. 121. Elizabeth daughter of John & Mary Murrah born Aug. 20, bapt. Aug. 14, 1726; p. 121. Alexander, son of John & Mary Murray born Jan. 29, bapt. Mch. 2, 1728; p. 125. Alexander Murry died Feb. 19, & was buried Feb. 23, 1718; p. 175. Elizabeth Murrah died Feb. 14, 1727; p. 186. 206 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Charles Curtis & Ann Murray married Dec. 22, 1787; p. 206. John Archibald son of William & Ann Murray born Oct. 9, 1780; p. 282. Harry Beverley Yates & Lucy Murray married May 23, 1779; p. 202. William Murray and Ann Kemp married Dec. 18, 1779; p. 202. Matthew Perry & Sarah Murrey married Apr. 28, 1708; p. 80. RICHMOND COUNTY RECORDS Batchelder Family Mary-(X)-Batchelder of Lunenburg Parish, Rich- mond Co. "very sick and weak" will of. dated April 5, 1744.. To Sarah Davis the daughter of Mary Minor, best Bed- stead & furniture, young horse Dimont and crop coat, all my wairen close and the box that she keeps them to be de- livered to her when this will is proved; daughter Ann Mor- ton 1 shilling sterling. After debts are paid aforesd. Sarah Davis to have all testatrix estate to be delivered to her on reaching age of sixteen or marriage which ever first occurs, and in case of her death Before of age or marriage then to Elijah Morton the son of Wm. Morton. Executors my loven (loving)_brothers Wm. Quisenbury & Wm. Heart. nesses-Edmund Bulger, Thomas-(X)—James. bated-June 2, 1746. Wm. Quisenbury & Wm. Heart re- linquishes the right of executorship, thereupon Jeremiah Morton granted administration with will annexed. W. Bk. 5, p. 570. Wit- Pro- Mary Batchelder, decd. Inventory and appraisement of estate, per order of Court dated June 2, 1746. Total- £37:10:0: Appraisers-Edmund Bulger, Thos. James, Wm. Wilson, John Wilson. Recorded-July 7, 1746. W. Bk. 5, p. 514. BATCHELDER: MIDDLESEX COUNTY 207 Thomas Batchelder of Westmoreland Co. vs Joseph Scott. Debt. dismissed. March 18, 1710. O. B. 5, p. 255. Mary Batchelder, of Littenbum Parish summoned to next Court to answer for harburning Henry Haws a vagrant Idle person for six months last past. May 7, 1729. O. B. 9, p. 466. Mr. Alvin Mountjoy one of the Church wardens of Lun- enburg Parish this day informed the Court that Mary Batchelder of sd. Parish was (has?) orphan children bound to her and that she dos not give them such education as the law directs. It is therefore ordered that the sheriff summons the sd. Mary Batchelder to next Court to answer the same. April 5, 1736. O. B. 10, p. 369. Mary Batchelder Deft. vs Joseph Morton petition. 341 lbs. Tobacco, by note dated Mar. 21, 1738-9. dismissed. Re- corded-May 8, 1739. Ibid., p. 727. NORFOLK COUNTY RECORDS Batchelder, Batchelder Family Joseph Batcheler, Deft. vs Henry Dale Pltf. Nov. 15, 1708. Bk. 8, p. 32. Joseph Batcheler, Deft. vs. Henry Dale Pltf. contin. Jan. 6, 1708/9. Bk. 8, p. 44. Joseph Batcheler, Concerns a property line. contin. Sept. 25, 1709. Bk. 8, p. 80. Joseph Batcheler Pltf. vs John Johnson, Eleazer Tart, and Joseph Cherry concerning a property line between them. Feb. 18, 1712. W. D. Bk. 1710-17, p. -. 208 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Joseph Batcheler Pltf. vs John Johnson, Eleazer Tart and Joseph Cherry, same as above. Oct. 17, 1712. W. D. Bk. 1710-17, p. -. Joseph Batcheler Pltfs. vs John Johnson, Eleazer Tart & Joseph Cherry, same as above. Judgment for Pltf. 19 Xber 1712. W. D. Bk. 1710-17, p. 41. Joseph Batcheler Pltf. vs John Johnson, Eleazer Tart & Joseph Cherry. ended. Mch. 25, 1712/13. W. D. Bk. 1710-17, p.-. Joseph Batcheler, petitioner of the Court for permission to erect a water mill over the head of Deep Creek, he own- ing the land on one side and Nathaniel Ludgate, who owns the land on the other side having given his consent the petition is granted. July 21, 1715. W. D. Bk. 1710-17, p. 143. James Batcheler, Robert Burgess & James Jones ordered to audit the estate of Samuel Williams, deceased. Apr. 16, 1752. Min. Bk. 1. James Batchelder, James Tucker, Solomon Cherry & Thos. Edwards appointed appraisers of the estate of Wm. Bass, deceased. Apr. 16, 1752. Min. Bk. 1. Stephen Batcheler, witness to an Indenture between James Tucker and Joseph Tucker. July 10, 1754. James Batcheler, Will of; proved by Paul Cherry. April 18, 1754. Min. Bk. Stephen Batcheler, Judgment for £1:8:0: with cost. Aug. 17, 1753. Min. Bk. William Batcheler, Deft. vs. Bressie Pltf. July 17, 1778. Min. Bk. William Batcheler, & John Batcheler Defts. vs Bressie. July 17, 1778. Min. Bk. BATCHELDER: MIDDLESEX COUNTY 209 Thomas Batcheler & Patience his wife deed to John Baines Jr. proved by the oaths of Wm. Bailey, Jno. Bowers & Robt. Bowers. Feb. 18, 1779. Min. Bk. The will of John Batchelder was this day proved by the oaths of Robt. Culpeper and Nath'l. D. William Batchelder, one of the executors therein mentioned qualifies as Execu- tor. Lewis Hatton & others appointed appraisers of the estate. Sarah Batchelder, widow of John Batchelder, de- ceased came into Court and relinquished all benefit from her husbands will. July 18, 1782. O. B. 1782-1788, p. 41. Sarah Batchelor, is appointed Guardian to Elizabeth, James, William, Thomas, and Anne Batchelor orphans of Batchelor. Aug. 22, 1782. O. Bk. 1782-88, p. 60. Belson Family VIRGINIA LAND OFFICE Edmund Belson, Patent, 100 acres in Nansemond Co. escheated land formerly granted to North Cornwall, decd. April 26, 1670. (6, p. 383.) RECORDS OF THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Lower Virginia Meeting, 1673-1727 Edmond Belson of Nansemond Co. & Elizabeth his wife, their children's nativities, as follows; Edmond Bellson born 11 day 9 mo. 1664. Elizabeth Bellson born last day 6th mo. 1666. Mary Bellson born 24th 3ed mo. 1673. Edmond Belson departed this life 19 day 1 mo 1679. Mary Belson, wife of Edward Belson of Nansemond de- parted this life 18 day 12 mo 1687. Edmond Belson, son of Elizabeth Belson of Nansemond Co. marriage to Mary Crew, daughter of Mary Tooke, of Isle of Wight Co. 13 day 10 mo 1684. Witnesses. viz; Mother Elizabeth Belson, Mother Mary Tooke, Thos. Hodges, John Copland, Samuel Newton, James Tooke, Rodger Newham, Thos. Hollowell, Willm. Newby, John Scott, Richard Ratcliff, William Outland, William Gran- berry, Robert Peelle, Tho: Jordon Jr. Leven Bufkin, Tho. Jordon, Robert Rowse, Will Sanders, John More, John Jor- dan, Allis Hollell, Margaret Jordan, Elizabeth Scott, Eliza- beth Ratcliff, Elizabeth Jordon, Elizabeth Hollowell, Mary Sanders, Elizabeth Ratcliff younger, Christian Outeland, Elizabeth Copland. 210 BELSON: SOCIETY OF FRIENDS 211 Edmond Belson and his wife Mary their children's Na- tivities as followeth, Mary Belson, daughter of Edmond & Mary Belson was born 24 day 11 mo. 1685. Elizabeth Belson, daughter of Edmond & Mary Belson was born 13 day 11 mo 1687. Edmond Belson submitted his testimony as to the Spirit of Truth & Spirit of Error, to the friends in a letter. 26 day 11 mo 1678. Elizabeth Belson, Robert Jones marriage to Martha Rice propounded at the house of Henry Wiggs, second at Eliza- beth Belson's. Among those present. Thos. Jordan & Ed- mond Belson. 10 day 5 mo. 1680. Edmond Belson of Nansemond Co. marriage to Jean Ridick, daughter of Robert Ridick of same Co. marriage propounded at the house of Alice Hollowell, second time at John Scott's. 11th 5 mo 1689. Witnesses-John Scott, Elizabeth Scott, Sarah Coward, Mary Ridick, Thomas Bul- lard, John Evans, Thomas Duke, Nathan Newby, Frances Mace, Thomas Jordan, Eue Belonge, Robert Poolle, Thomas Page, Thomas Coward, John Small, Robert Montgomery, Robert Jones, Henry Hackly, Richard Ratcliff, William Scott, John Jordan, Margaret Jordan, James Jordan, Eliza- beth Newby. Mary Belson, daughter of Edmond Belson of Nansemond marriage to Abraham Rickesis, son of Isaac Rickesis of the Western branch of Nansemond River. 16 day 3 mo 1703. Witnesses-Father Isaac Rickesis, Bro. John Rickesis, Bro. Robert Rickesis, Bro. Jacob Rickesis, Uncle Wm. Scott, Sr., Uncle Benj. Small, Tho. Page, Jno. Deuson, Jno. Simons, Francis Hutchins, Kathern Rickesis, mother, Elizabeth Small, ante, Mary Jordan, ante, Elizabeth Scott, Sr., Frances Deuson, Elizabeth Scott, Jr., Joan Lawrence, Mary Lawrence, Rebecca Ratliff. Brashier Family ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY RECORDS John & Mary Brasheir witnesses to conveyance of Rob- ert Pitt of Isle of Wight Co. 1673. Bk. 1, p. 298. William Bressie of Virginia, Merchant, power of attorney from Jean Gould of Bristoll widdow admrx. of Thos. Gould. Dec. 2, 1672. Witnesses-Mark Lilman, Jno. Tucker, John Read. Bk. 1, p. 285. SURRY COUNTY RECORDS Brasseur Family John Brasseare, of Nansemond Co. to John Rawlings of Surry Co. water mill land & housing belonging to said Bras- seaur on ye Burson Branch in upper Spipoaks Creek lately in occupation of Hen Francis. Lease for seven years, pay- ing on 10 Oct. annually 3000 lbs. of tobacco. sd. Rawlings agreeing "to keep mill & housing in good repair and to build a dwelling house & to plant that pcell of ground with apple trees part of which is already fenced in to such pur- pose & to secure ye same & att ye expiration_of_ye time before said to deliver ye sd. Mill up unto ye said Brasseur his heirs or assigns in a good substantial working condition with flood gate & all other things in good order alsoe what housing is now or hereafter ye sd. Rawlings shall build upon ye sd. Plantation hee is to leave in a tenantable condition." 7th 8ber 1668. Recorded-Dec. 21, 1668. D. B. 1, p. 319. John Brasseur of Nansemond Co. power of attorney to his friend Mr. John Rutherford of Surry Co. May 20, 1675. Witnesses-Henry Bailey, John Brasseur Junior. Re- corded-7ber 1678. D. B. 2, p. 87. 212 BRASHIER: VIRGINIA LAND OFFICE 213 Judgment granted John Rutherford attorney (for) Mr. John Brasseur against John Miniard for 410 pounds To- bacco &l. 9ber 2, 1678. O. B. 1671-90, p. 107. Mr. John Brasseur petitioning to have allowance for certaine corne made use of by the guard under ye command of Major Browne. Ordered sd. Mr. Brassuer to have a cer- tificate to ye assembly for wch shall appear by the report of the sd. Gent to the sd. Clerk to be made use by the said guard, &c. 7ber 4, 1677. O. B. 1671-90, p. 158. Judgment is granted Mr. Wm. Simons atty. for John Brasseur agnt. the estate of Edward Norward returned attached for payment of 6 pair of Cart Wheels according to specialty with cost &c. May 3, 1681. O. B. 1671-91, p. 339. VIRGINIA LAND OFFICE Brasseur, Brassere, Brashare Robert Brassure, Patent, 600 acres in upper Norfolk Co. on the south side of a creek at its head and abutting upon Nansemond River at Matrebers River. Assigness of Peter Johnson. Feb. 24, 1638. (1, p. 622.) Robert Brasseur, Patent, 100 acres in Upper Norfolk Co. on the western branch of Nansemond River, opposite a 400 acres tract of Lawrence Peters. For the transporta- tion of Peter Besairdier & Reene Besairdier. Oct. 6, 1640. (1, p. 736.) Robert Brasseur, Patent, 1200 acres in Nansemond River. 600 acres on the north side and 600 acres on the south side of the branch adjoining Adam Bury and an In- dian Town and William Haines. For Transporting 24 per- sons, among whom were Robert Brasseur & Florence his wife, Mary Brasseur, Bersid Brasseur, Kath. Brasseur & Bennet Brasseur. April 12, 1653. (3, p. 33.) 'Benjamin Brasseur, Patent, 300 acres, at the head of Indian Creek, a branch of the western branch of Nanse- 214 THE VALENTINE PAPERS mond River. Being due the said Benjamin by a former patent dated April 12, 1653. 26 Mch. 1656. 4, p. 40.) John Brasseur, Patent, 400 acres in Nansemond Co. ad- joining Mr. Francis Spight, 300 acres part thereof was formerly granted to Robert Brasseur & Pater Rey Feb. 24, 1638. The moity of 300 acres is due to the said Ben- jamin Brasseur, son and heir of the said Robert Brasseur. April 17, 1667. (6, p. 72.) Mr. John Brasseur, Patent, 300 acres in Nansemond Co. formerly granted to Peter Johnson, decd. and by him sold to Peter Rey and by Peter Rey sold to Robert Brasseur, decd. and found to escheat June 6, 1670. April 6, 1671. (6, p. 346.) Mr. John Brasseur, Patent, 235 acres in Surry Co. at the head of Upper Chipoaks Creek, being part of a former grant of 900 acres to Mr. Edward Travis & Johnson. This part was sold by said Johnson to Mr. George Stevens, and from the said Stevens descended to the said Brasseur, as marring the daughter of Col. Robert Pitt, and heir at law to the said Stevens. Adjoining the said Brasseur, Richard Rogers's Orphans, Burchen Swamp Creek, Mr. Benj. Harrison & Richard Hide. April 20, 1682. (6, p. 346.) John Brasseur, Patent, 37 acres in Nansemond Co. In Chuckatuck Parish adjoining Edward Major, Rogers' Mill & Toby Smith. April 24, 1700. (9, p. 259.) RECORDS OF THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Lower Virginia Meeting, Record Books, 1673-1727 Brashare, Bressere, Bresy, Bressie Hugh Brassie of Isle of Wight Co. marriage to Sara Campion propounded at a men & woman's meeting held at the house of Thomas Tooke, second at Thomas Hollowells BRASHIER: VIRGINIA LAND OFFICE 215 in Elizabeth River and the marriage consumated at the house of his Uncle William Bressie. Witnesses-Will Bres- sie, Will Garvett, John Grave, John Harris, Walter Barklet, Will Lewis, John Shepard, Thos. Jordan, Will Maddoe, John Coker, Gilles Linnscott, Francis Wrenn, Thomas Tooke, Henry Wiggs, Will Oudelant, Reubine Gladwell, Nabart Lace, Tho. Wonles, Tho. Taberer, Justic, Will Cocke, John Cocke, Susana Bressie, Mary Tooke, Margret Jordan, Margret Taberer, Christian Oudelant, Elizabeth Jordan, Elizabeth Wrenn, Alice Shepard, Joane Cooke. 14th May 3 mo. 1680. John Brassere, Uncle, and Abigall Brassere, Aunt, were among the witnesses to the marriage of John Jordon, son of Thomas Jordon of Chuckatuck Nansemond Co. to Mar- garet Burgh of same place. 9 day 12 mo. 1688. John Brasseur, uncle & Abigall Brasseur, aunt were also among the witnesses to the marriage of Robert Jordon, son of Thomas Jordan of Chuckatuck, Nansemond Co. to Chris- tian Oudeland, the daughter of Thomas Taberer of Isle of Wight Co. 9 day 12 mo. 1687. Francis Braise, of Isle of Wight Co. son of Hugh Brasie of the same Co. planter, marriage to Elizabeth Wiggs, daughter of Henry Wiggs of aforesd. Co. decd. Witnesses- John Scott, Blackebe Terill, Willm. Harrison, Joan Scott, Mart Harison, George Wiggs, Sarah Wiggs, Katherine Scott. 15 day 7 mo. 1713. Susanna Bressie, a witness to the marriage of John Mur- ry to Elizabeth Garrett. 22 day 6 mo 1678. Hugh Bresy & Sarah Bresy, witnesses to the marriage of Mathew Jordon, of Nansemond Co. to Susanna Bresy, widow of Isle of Wight Co. 17 day 3 mo 1702. William Bresy, decd. Inventory of his moveable estate. Returned by John Jordon, Isaac Rickises, Robert Lacy, 216 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Daniel Sanbourn, & Henry Wiggs, Trustees appointed in the will of the testator. viz; 3 flock beds, and one couch bed and furniture 8 feather beds and furniture 2½ dozen large pewter dishes ½ dozen smaller pewter dishes 8 pewter basons 3 pewter pye plates 4 candle sticks pewter 2 pewter sockets 6 pewter Porrengers 12 small pewter basons 2 pewter flagons 1 pottle pott 1 quart pott 1 Pewter Cestern 1 bread stand 2 large brass kettles 3 bell metal skilletts 1 large bell metal skillett 1 large bell metal stew pan & lid 1 small bell metal kettle & 2 brass covers 8 brass candlesticks 2 brass skimmers 1 brass ladell 2 large brass pans 2 large brass pans 2 large iron pots 1 bell metal pot 3 middling pots 2 small midling pots 3 pr of pot racks 5 pr. pot hooks 3 iron spits 1 dozen fine towles ½ dozen course towles ½ dozen leather chairs being new 3 pr. of chests of Drawers 3 seal skin trunks 1 cedar trunk chest and small table 1 large looking glass 2 small boxes 2 earthen basons 2 old boxes 1 small gilt trunk 1 brass bason 2 wooden chairs one joyned stool 1 cane box 3 cover cloths belonging to the chests of drawers. ... 1 prcll of earthen ware 1 dozen of glass 2 chests 1 trunk 1 eight square table 1 four square table 1 large old chest 8 standing bedsteads 2 tracle bedsteads 1/2 doz. joynt stools 3 old chairs 2 chests 1 chest of drawers 1 large table and forme 1 cupboard I wainscoat 2 ps of blue linnen 32 yds of Broad Cloth 39 yards of Kersey 3 ps of serge 25 yds of serge 1 piece of stuff cont. 52 yds. yds. of ticking 15 8½ yrds of Callaminko 7 yds. of painted callico 11 yds of printed linnen 83 yds. of colored linnen 10 yds. of colored fustion 5 yds. of Lynsewoolsey a Broad Cloth Coat and vest 1 hammock 20 yds of fine bed ticking 302 yds canvas bed ticking 1 feather bed 1 large cupboard and a couch frame and a small table standing in the porch 3 pr tonges 1 fire shovell 2 Iron candlesticks 1 Iron fender 3 frying pans BRASHIER: SOCIETY OF FRIENDS 217 1 driping pan 1 gridiron a box and iron 2 pewter chamber potts 2 large silver tankards 1 large silver plate 1 pewter salt celler 1 silver beker 2 dozen silver spoons 2 silver forks 2 silver salt cellars 1 silver saucer 1 silver sack cup 4 silver dram cups 13 pr. coarse sheets 1 pr. cotton sheets 6 coarse table cloths 4 doz. coarse napkins 8 coarse towells 6 speckle pillow cases 10 pr. fine sheets 1 damask tabel cloth & a doz. napkins 1 doalis table cloth and one doz. of nasser 1 doz. fine pillow bears 1 couch frame 1 small table 2 looking glasses a pair of pillows 1 lantern 1 parcel of earthen ware, that is to say bottles & jugs 1 cupboard cloth belonging to the cupboard, standing in Susanna's room 2 paper boxes a parcel of books 2 chests standing in the chit- con... 2 old negro men 2 old negro women 1 English man servant 30 sheep. 1 mare & colt, a two yearling horse, 23 killable hogs, 9 shoats, 7 cows & calves by their sides, 6 cows, 19 younger cattle 2 guns 1 small square table 1 old table 1 large chest 2 cases of bottles in chest 1 large iron bound case, and two pint cases 2 cases of knives 1 parcel of tin pans, with pales and tables & other lumber 129 Ells of Canvis a pr of fastion 88 Ells of Doalis 6 new corn sacks money paid in all-f04:04:00: VIRGINIA YEARLY MEETING, MINUTE BOOK, 1702-1844 William Bressie, of the Upper Parish, of isle of Wight Co. planter and Susannah his wife give to William Yarritt, John Graves, Francis Wren, Edward Panes, Thomas Tuke and Henry Wiggs and the rest of the servants of God fre- quently called Quakers one house built by the said people in the place called Levi Neck old Field, near the Creek side, with ground sufficient for a grave yard and what more may be thought fit, with free egress and for the said people through the said Bressie's land. Wit. Daniel Sanburn, Welter Barlett. Recorded-by John Pitt, clerk, in Isle of Wight Co. Court. Cary Family* ALBEMARLE COUNTY RECORDS Archibald Cary-Chesterfield county, from George Kleinhoff, of same county. £25 curr. 400 acres, Albe- marle (formerly Goochland) county, on N. branches of Willis's river near Willis's Mountains granted said Klein- hoff by patent 10 July, 1745. 20 April, 1750, D. B. 1, p. 196. Wilson Miles Cary, of Elizabeth City county, from James Martin and Ann, his wife, of Albemarle county. £110 curr. 128 acres on n. side Rivanna River, Albe- marle county, whereon said Martin now lives; be- queathed to him by his father in his last will; mentions line between said James and his brother Benjamin Mar- tin, to a corner in said Cary's line. 26 October 1769, D. B. 5, p. 178. Wilson Miles Cary, of Elizabeth City county, to Elias Wills, of St. Anne's Parish, Albemarle county. £110 curr. 127 acres, N. side Rivanna River, Albemarle coun- ty, purchased by said Cary from James Martin; adjoin- ing lands of said Cary, Benjamin Martin and Rivanna- River. 25 March 1775, D. B. 6, p. 497. * These notes on the Cary Family are published here as they ap- pear in order in the manuscript collection of the late Edward Pleasants Valentine, and their publication is necessary in order to complete his work as he had planned it. However, since these data were collected Mr. Fairfax Harrison has published The Virginia Carys. An Essay in Genealogy. * * * The De Vinne Press, New York, 1919, which is the last word that can be said on problems con- nected with Cary genealogy. The late Captain Wilson Miles Cary (from whose papers Mr. Harrison compiled his work) had access to the Cary notes as here published and read them in their entirety, making excerpts of such matters as he thought would prove useful to him. 218 CARY: AMHERST COUNTY 219 AMHERST COUNTY RECORDS James Cary, Amherst county, from George McDonald and Margaret, his wife, of same county. £53 curr. July 7, 1788, D. B. F. p. 252. James Cary, Amherst county, to James Tinsley, Bed- ford county, £70 curr. 53 acres, Amherst county, ad- joining lands of Nicholas Davis and Philip Burton. April 20, 1790, Ibid. p. 502. Daniel Cary, from James Nelson and Elizabeth his wife, 130 acres, Amherst county. Sale. A dedimus from court of Amherst to court of Rockingham county to re- ceive acknowledgment of said Elizabeth Nelson to said deed of conveyance. June 6, 1798, D. B. J. p. 48. Daniel Cary, of Amherst County, and Susannah, his wife, to James Brooks, of same county, £212 curr. 144 acres in North Fork of Rockfish river, adjoining lands of Joseph Smith, decd. and Ben. Pannel and said Brooks. October 4, 1801, Ibid. p. 282. MARRIAGE BONDS Daniel Cary, to Susannah Fox. Wm. Cary, surety. Consent of Samuel and Elizabeth Fox. November 1, 1799. George Cary, to Lydia Tennell. Jeremiah Coats, sure- ty. S. Garland, witness. January 26, 1803. Wm. Cary to Betsy Choop, widow. (No date.) 220 THE VALENTINE PAPERS AMELIA COUNTY RECORDS Mary Cary, Amelia county. Will. Witnesses: Anne Booker, Judith Hubbard, Wm. Eggleston. Sister Martha Gooseby, whole and sole executrix. Recorded-23 April 1767. Sister Martha Gooseby, negro wench Grace, and increase for ever, after paying all my debts; sister Eliza- beth Cary, wearing apparel. Dated: April 16, 1767. W. B. 2, p. 179. Ordered that Harwood Cary pay William Carey, 179 pounds tobacco for 2 days attendance and one day travel- ing 43 miles as witness for him against Williamson, and to pay James Old 262 pounds of tobacco for like service. Joseph Williamson to pay Carey James 252 pounds of tobacco for 4 days attendance and three times traveling 17 miles as witness in his suit against Cary. 1769, May court, O. B. 1768-69, p. 148. BRUNSWICK COUNTY RECORDS Miles Cary, Southampton county, Attorney-at-law, to Edward Robinson, Brunswick county, planter. 200 acres, Brunswick county, purchased by said Cary from "Thomas Jackson, Jr. late of the said county," and conveyed to said Cary by deed dated 25 June 1763. Witnesses-John Jones, Thos. Twitty, Jr. Joseph Parrish, Richd. Kello. Recorded-27 August 1765. 1765 August 15, D. B. 8, p. 230. ORDER BOOKS Miles Cary, Sworn an attorney. 1751, June, O. B. 4, p. 46. James Cary, Sworn an attorney. 1753 February, Ibid. p. 430. CARY: CAROLINE COUNTY 221 Elizabeth Cary, Plt. vs. Wm. Vaughn, Deft. In debt. Dismissed on cost of defendant. February 1771. 1769, June 6, O. B. 11, p. 60. Edward Cary, Plt. vs. John Ballard, Junior, adminis- trator of John Howard deceased, Deft. In case. Judg- ment for Plaintiff for £7-1-10 and costs. 6 June 1769. 1771, March 5, Ibid. p. 337. MARRIAGE BONDS Nancy Cary and John Stith. 1807, May 2. Edward Cary, B. S., and Martha F. Malone. 1852, De- cember 20. CAROLINE COUNTY RECORDS ORDER BOOKS Thomas Cary, Judgment granted him against John Word for 220 pounds tobacco and 150 pounds of Tobacco or 15 shillings also 341 ? pounds of tobacco, by Caroline county court 14 November 1729 against defendant Word in like sums with attornies' fees and costs. 1732, May court, O. B. 1732-1740, p. 7. Elizabeth Cary, James Taylor, Gent. and Wm. Bird Richards' deed to Wm. Bird Richards proved. 1747, June court, O. B. 1746-54, p. 35. Action of trespass on the case between Thos. Head Plt. and Patrick Cary, Deft. Judgment for Plaintiff. 1748, June court, Ibid. p. 89. Thomas Head, merchant, vs. Patrick Cary, Trespass in the case. Judgment for plaintiff. 1749, March court, Ibid. p. 212. 222 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Patrick Cary, Deft. judgment of last June court con- firmed against him, he not appearing, in the action of debt, brought by Robert Goodloe, as plaintiff. 1755, Oc- tober court, O. B. 1755-58, p. 218. Richard Cary, judgment to recover against Richard Whitehead £4-4-9 curr. formerly granted him by this court 10 November 1752. 1761, July Crt. O. B. 1759-63, p. 242. Patrick Cary, defendant, judgment granted John Gra- ham, plaintiff against the said Cary, on petition. 1764, May Crt. O. B. 1764-7, p. 118. John Cary and Roger Quarles; pursuant to award made and returned by Anthony Thornton, Senior, and Michael Yates, the court is of opinion that the suit be dis- missed and defendant recover of plaintiff costs by him expended. 1779, November, O. B. 1777-1780, p. 197. Ed. Cary, Plt. vs. John Downer, Deft. Plaintiff to re- cover, £4-5-0. 1788, November, O. B. 1787-1789, p. 483. CHARLES CITY COUNTY RECORDS Robert Cary, of Charles City county, Will. Son, David Cary; daughter, Frances Cary; grandson, Robert Cary, son of David Cary; grandaughter, Elizabeth Cary, daugh- ter of David Cary. Remainder money arising from sale of estate to be equally divided amongst "all my surviving children except David Cary and Frances Cary. Executor, Joseph Ladd. Witnesses Samul. Johnson, John Sher- Witnesses-Samul. man, Wm. Burch. Recorded; 20 November 1800. W. B. 1787-1808, p. 508. Robert Cary, The estate of Robert Cary, deceased In account with Joseph Ladd, his executor, Cr. 16 June 1803. £69-19-8. (Signed:) Henry Vaughn, David Roper, John Christian. W. B. 1787-1808, p. 578. CARY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 223 Miles Cary, Charles City county, Esqr. deed of trust to Wm. Lightfoot, of Charles City county, Indebtedness £153—13—4. to secure payment of which conveys "fol- lowing tracts of land whereon the said Miles Cary at present resides containing 636 acres, &c. &c. &c. Robert Taylor, named as trustee. 1798, June 18, D. B. 1789- 1802, p. 424. Miles Cary, and Rachel, his wife, to Turner Christian. £60. 87 acres, Charles City County, being land said Cary purchased of Thomas Spruggings, administrator of Ben Buck, deceased, and on Kerby's Creek which divides this land from Peter Leadbetter's. 1799 Dec. 12, O. B. 1789- 1802, p. CHESTERFIELD COUNTY RECORDS Elizabeth Cary, of Dale Parish, Chesterfield county. Will of. Witnesses-Richard Randolph, Wm. Gay. To Mrs. Judith Bell, £100 curr., My gold watch, chain and seal; to Mrs. Sarah Spiers, £100 curr., to Ann Cary, daughter of Archibald Cary, £100 curr., to Henry Bell £500 curr., to be laid out in land and negroes; To Oner Hanagan, provided she is my servant at time of my death, £100 curr., to John Brickenhead, peruke-maker, in Old Street near St. Luke's Church, London £200 sterling; To my good (god?) daughter Betty Gay, £20 sterling; to Reverend George Fraser, my waiting man James; to my god son George Fraser £20 sterling; Executor, Archibald Cary. Dated: 1750 May 31, W. B. 1, p. 33. Henry Cary, of Dale Parish, Henrico county. Will of. Witnesses Thos. Moseley, Robt. Easly, John Allday, Junior. Executor-son Archibald Cary. Mentions con- tract entered into with wife Elizabeth Cary, "before espousals" in which he agreed to leave her, should she survive him £1000 sterling in lieu of dower: therefor he bequeaths to her the said £1000 sterling, also £220 curr. to be paid within one year after my decease "being in consideration of the like sum by me heretofore received for the sale of her house in the city of Williamsburg"; 224 THE VALENTINE PAPERS lends to said wife use of household goods and plate re- ceived with her in marriage during her life and at her death the same to go to "my son Archibald Cary"; to said wife, negro man slave, James "which I received with her in marriage to be her absolute property and at her death disposed", lends to said wife, use of negro wench Flora, during her life. In consideration of marriage heretofore solomonized between David Bell and my daughter Judith, have put said Bell in possession of 3000 acres, on Hatch- er's ? Creek, Albemarle county, (being part of a larger tract), also following slaves, Quash and his wife Dinah, George and his wife Belinda, Hector and his wife Ruth- man, Moll, a young wench, Joe and Frank two lads, Cris, a girl, Sarah, a wench, and said Ruthman's two children, and increase of said slaves; stock of hogs, cattle, horses, mares, farming implements, and all other materials on said plantation at that time; these gifts to said Bell and his wife, and the heirs of her body, under the conditions, limitations, and restrictions following; if testator should die before his wife Elizabeth, his heir-at-law or his execu- tor to lay off 1000 acres of aforesaid 3000 adjoining said plantation, to be held by said David Bell and Judith, his wife, during their lives, with aforementioned slaves with exception of five of them hereafter named, which with their increase are annexed to said 1000 acres, and to pass and descend therewith as real estate; after decease of said David and Judith Bell, said land and slaves to go to testator's grandson Henry Bell, to him and his heirs for- ever, provided: that if said Henry should die without nat- ural issue or before reaching age 21 years, said land and slaves to descend and revert in fee simple to heir at law of said Judith Bell. Agreement formerly entered into between said testator and said David Bell stipulated that in case of death of said testator before his wife Eliza- beth Cary, said Bell to pay testator's heir-at-law or his executors £3000 curr., within one year after the decease; in case said testator should die before his aforesaid wife, and said Bell shall truly pay said sum £300 then remain- ing 2000 a. of tract of land aforesaid, after same has been duly laid off and divided; together with remaining slaves above reserved, namely; Quash, and Dinah, his wife, George and Belinda his wife, and Hector, to said David CARY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 225 Bell in fee simple and to his heirs forever in case said Bell shall fail in his obligation, then said 2000 acres of land with said five slaves thereto annexed shall revert to and rest in "my heir-at-law; in event said testator should survive his aforesaid wife and said David Bell is in consequence thereof discharged from the aforesaid obligation, the said 2000 acres and the five slaves to said Bell and his wife "and in respect of my grandson the said Henry Bell in the very same manner and to the same in- terests with the aforesaid one thousand acres of land and the slaves thereto annexed." Grandson Henry Bell, ne- gro girl Moll (and her increase) now in possession of my daughter Judith Bell in case of said Henry's death with- out lawful issue or before attaining age of 21 years, said negro to testator's heir-at-law, only that said Judith Bell to have use of her so long as testator's wife Elizabeth shall live. Son-in-law, Alexander Spiers 300 acres of land now in his possession 'bounding lines whereof be- gin at my upper lines and running on both sides Willis's Creek and so extending to my two out lines and down the said lines to make up the complement aforesaid; to said Spiers under limitations and conditions hereafter stated; also all slaves, horses, mares, hogs, cattle, utensils and whatsoever else belonging to said testator, was on said land and plantation at time of gift; also negro wench Sarah, negro girl Nell "which two negroes my Daughter Sarah, now wife of the said Alexander Spiers took into her care and possession at the time of her marriage. Con- ditions; stipulated when said Spiers was put in possession of said estate that he should, when required, pay said testator or his heir-at-law £300 curr., also further sum of £300 curr., to testator's heir-at-law within year next after his death, on condition that testator died before his wife Elizabeth; should Spiers meet the said demands on said contingence the said estate to him in fee simple and to his heirs forever; said Spiers failing therein then said estate to revert and rest in heir-at-law, on condition that said heir-at-law pay over to said Spiers "exact equivalent in cash of such sum or sums of money as in part of the aforesaid two several and distinct sums of three hundred pounds current money the said Alexander Spiers shall and may have paid unto me or unto my heir-at-law in 226 THE VALENTINE PAPERS consequence of the aforementioned stipulation and agree- ment" and said heir-at-law to pay said Spiers or his exec- utor £500 curr. "in consideration of my said daughter Sarah's fortune". To aforesaid David Bell and my daugh- ter Judith, aforesaid negro wench Flora, after my wife's decease, and to pass from them to my grandson Henry Bell in same manner and under same limitations as afore- mentioned 1000 acres of land and negroes annexed there- to. Son Archibald Cary, residue of my estate both real and personal of what nature soever, etc. he paying all my legacies and just debts. Dated: 1748, May 27, Ibid. p. 36. An inventory of appraisement of the estate of Mrs. Eliza. Cary, decd. [1757]. One negro man named Jemmy Gumbo.. 11 new Holland Shifts.. 5. 66 8 aprons Irish Linnen Shifts 5 old Linnen 66 11 pr. stockings 40/, 1 Brocaded Sock £12. 3 Pa dusoy Gounds 1 pr. new Tabby Stays. .£25 0-0. .£ 11—0—0. .£ 5- 0-0. .£ 6 0 -0. 1-10-0. .£ .£ 140-0. .£ 5—0—0. .£ 2—0—0. "old 66 66 .£ 0-10-0. 1 Velvet Mantueld 15/2 Do Hoods 25/ £ 2—0—0. 1 pr. Calimance shoes 2 Remnants Cambrick & 2 Do muslin. 2 Ells Garlick Holland.. 1 Silver spoon and case. 1 6 6 Fans 1 pr. Kid gloves Thousand Pins pr Sissars & some Silk.. .... તે બ બ બ બ બ બ બ £ 0—7—6. £ 0- .£ 7-0. 0-13-0. £ 0-17-0. .£ 0-14-0. £ 06-0. .£ 0-10-0. £ 0- 9-6. 1 Gold Ring 21/6, 3 old gounds 30/. 3 old gounds 1 old Trunk with sundry Remnants of silk. A parcel of old cloaths & lumber.. A parcel of new goods 22 yards of Flannel 5/, 3 old Books 10/.. 12 yards Bays 3/ 3 prs Furet (?) 4/. Thos. Branch. Robt. Goode. Seth Ward. £ 2-11-6. £ 1-10-0. .£ 0-15-0. £ 10-0-0. £2000. £ 0-15-0. £ 07-0. £112-02-6. Ibid. p. 92. Thomas Cary, of Chesterfield county, Will of. Wit- nesses-John-(X)-Robertson, Rhod Early, Edward- (X)-Brieu. Executors, wife Dorothy, and Sons Robert CARY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 227 and Thomas. Just debts and funeral charges to be paid. 100 acres, part of tract joining Henry Cox, to be sold to meet debts, Son Robt half tract of land on Pokaslock, after above 100 acres deducted. Son Thomas, other half of said tract of land. Wife Dorothy's dower in land to be set aside in proportion from each part of my sons' land; her riding mare and saddle. Residue of estate, both real and personal to be appraised and equally divided be- tween wife Dorothy and sons Robert and Thomas. Dated: 1754, August 12, Ibid. p. 196. An Inventory of Thos. Cary's estate. In obedience to an order of Chesterfield County Court in October 1755, we the subscribers have appraised the estate of Mr. Thomas Cary Deceased. To seven head of hogs... "1 Feather bed, & Bedstead & Furniture. 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 "Bed & bedstead & Furniture. .£ £ 5- 20-0. 0-0. 66 66 66 a Bag of feathers... 66 2 sides of Sole Leather. 66 11 Barrels of corn 66 a Table & 2 Boxes. 88 a Kace and Bottles 66 a parcel of Lumber. £ 4—0—0. £ 2-10-0. £ 2—0—0. .£ તે બ બ બ £ 0-10-0. 4-8-0. £ 0-10-0. £ 0—5—0. £ 0— 5-0. 46 one old Saddle & 1 old Bridel. £ 0-10-0. 46 2 horses and a colt.. £ 10—0—0. ... 66 a Silver watch .£ 3—0—0. 66 1 Spinning wheel & 4 pr cards. £ 0-10-0. 46 a parcel of Carpenter's Tools.. .£ 1—0—0. 66 66 an old Kittle & 2 Skillits. a parcel old pots.... 4 Dishes & 6 plates. 66 a Parcel of old Pewter.. £ 1-17-0. .£ 2-4-0. £ 1-0-6. "6 a Parcel of Earthen ware. 66 a chest and some lumber. 66 6 Silver spoons & 1 con ditto. 66 8 cups & 5 Sasers & 3 spoons.. • 66 a chest of Draws .£ 66 a chest & a box... .£ 66 a Raser & strap & 2 Hoanes & Shu Buckles and Knee " 66 3 Counterpins £ 1-5-0. £ 0-19-0. .£ 1—0—0. .£ 2-14-10. .£ તે બે બે બે બે 0-12-6. 4- 0-0. 0-10-0. .£ 1—0—0. .£ 2-10-0. 66 1 pr Holland sheets & 2 Pillo Kases.. .£ 1-15-0. 66 6 Napkins 12/, 3 Towels & 3 napkins.. .£ 1- 7-0. 46 a parcel of Table linnen & window curtins. .£ 1—0—0. 66 5 pillo kases .£ 0—7-0. 228 THE VALENTINE PAPERS 46 5 sheets £ 3-1-0. 66 a Gun and soard & 2 old pistels. £ 1-10-0. "L 2 chests & a parcel dregs.. £ 50-0. 66 2 Looking glasses .£ 1-5-0. 66 66 a Box Iron & Heater, 2 candle sticks & a candle box..£ a parcel earthen ware 0-11-6. £ 0-4-6. 66 a pare of Dogs, fire tongs shovel & Tribet. £ 0-15-0. 66 a parcel of old Books.. £ 1—0—0. 66 1 old Desk & a parcel of old Casks.. £ 3-16-6. 66 a parcel of earthen ware & some bottles. .£ 0-14-6. 66 a warming pan & Sirgin Instruments. .£ 1-8-0. 44 3 pare of Spune molds & a brass lock and a Diall. .£ 0—15-0. 66 2 pr of Skales & weights.... £ 0-12-6. "" a cross cut saw and five wedges. £ 0-17-6. 66 a whit saw Rest a parcel of old iron. £ 1-15-0. 66 a spice mortor and pessel .£ 0—7—6. 66 a side of upper leather.. 66 a negro Garl named Grace. 46 “ 66 a man Natt .£ 0—7—6. £35 0-0. .£ 40- 0-0. 66 66 66 66 a Dick .£ 45—0—0. 66 66 a wench 66 66 66 66 64 a Kate and a child. Juno .£ 50- 0 -0. .£ 25- 0 -0. "2 Yoke Oxen, a pare of wheats & chane. 66 4 chears and small Tubs... 66 3 pare brick molds " 66 1 Brush and 3 pare of Skales, 1 Kase of instruments.£ 1 Large Bible .£ 12—0—0. .£ 0- 7-6. .£ 0—7—6. 0-18-0. Test. .£ 0-18-0. £295-19-0. Matt. Branch Senr. William Scott. Walter Scott. W. B. 1, p. 197, 1755. Dorothy-(X)-Cary, (Chesterfield county) Will of. Witnesses-William Allen Burton, William Rabon, Mary Burton. Executors, sons Robert and Thomas Cary. To sons Robert and Thomas, to be divided equally between them, my revision in estate of Nathl. Cary, brother of my late husband Thomas Cary, and of Robert Philipson, my father, which estates are now in possession of their respec-. tive wives; said Nathl. Cary having directed by his will that at death of his wife his estate to be divided between his brothers and sisters; and said Philipson having be- queathed said Dorothy certain estate after death of his, the said Philipson's wife. The estate consisted of slaves. To sons Robert and Thomas Cary, all estate in possession or reversion or otherwise belonging to me at my death, to be CÀRY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 229 equally divided between them, "except my share wch I give to my son Thos." If son Robert will not let son Thomas have equal share of above mentioned negroes, The said Robert is to have no part of testatrix's estate which under this condition is to go to son Thomas. Dated: 1761, April 17. Ibid., p. 543. Hannah Cary, of Chesterfield county, Will of. Witnesses -George Markham, Susannah Roberts. Executors-Unkle John Taylor, cousin Thomas Watkins, brother Miles Cary. To-Brother Miles Cary, one negro woman named Auoky, negro fellow named Will; if I am entitled to any part of my deceased sister's Polly Cary's estate same to go to my brother, said Miles Cary. Cousin, Thomas Watkins, negro woman named Franky. After payment of debts executor to buy a phaeton out of remainder of estate which phaeton I give to Mrs. Cary, wife of John Cary. Nephew John Hay, remainder of estate both real and personal, but in case of his death before arriving at age or marrying, then estate to brother Miles Cary. Should said estate left to said John Hay increase to any considerable extent, then my brother Miles to give to each of my neices Elizabeth Cary, daughter of Richard Cary and Elizabeth Cary, daughter of John Cary, a negro girl. Estate left nephew John Hay to re- main in hands of my executors until he arrives at age or marries. Dated: 1781, December 2. W. B. 3, p. 292. Pursuant to an order of Chesterfield March Court 1782 we the subscribers being sworn have appraised the estate of Robert Cary deceased in manner and form following viz: Negroes named cash specie Hogs, horses, cattle. Paper money .£0-15-12 .£1322-23-0. Witness our hands this 30th day March 1782. James Win- free, John Railey, Stephen Pankey, Juni. Mary-(X)- Cary, Admrx. Ibid., p. 318. 230 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Thomas Cary, Chesterfield county, Will of. Witnesses- Nancy-(X)-Drake, Enos Ellyson, John Wood, Gibson- (X)-Flournoy, Jno. Burton. Executors-friends Bernard Markham, David Pattison, Robert Goode, William Smith, Obediah Smith and James Harris. To wife, Sally Cary, my gray mare known as Milly Grey, over and above what law directs. Son William Cary, his choice of one of four equal divisions lots of land. Son, Nathaniel Cary, next choice of said lots of land. Son, John Philipson Cary next choice of said lots of land. Son, Robert Philipson Cary the other re- maining lot. Son, Camp Cary, 100 acres joining Poker- stock. Son, Edward Cary, 100 acres joining Pokerstock. Should any son die under age without lawful heir his share to be equally divided among survivors. Son, Peter Minor Cary out of moveable estate, before divided, as much as in judgment of executors will equal one of the lots of land given my other sons. To prevent dispute over land it is to be "laid off as shown Wm. Smith in the plot." Son William Cary, my silver watch "which I desire may never be sold out of the family." Remainder of the estate to be equally divided amongst my children. Dated, 1784, October 21. Ibid., p. 487. Archibald Cary, of Chesterfield County, Will of. Wit- nesses-Roderick Frayser, Jesse-(X)-Vaughn, M. Ran- dolph. Executors-Son-in-law Thomas Mann Randolph, Thomas Randolph, Carter Page. Son-in-law Archibald Bol- ling, and his wife Jane, or survivor of them during life, 1000a called Red Oak, in Buckingham county, whereon they now live, with remainder to my grandson Archibald Cary Bolling, & his heirs provided he attain the age of 21 years or have lawful issue living at time of his death, in failure of which, remainder to executors herein after named and to survivors or survivor of them in fee simple, in trust for purpose expressed in residuary clause herein after inserted in this will. Grandson, Archibald Cary Bolling, and his heirs, should he attain age of 21 years or leave lawful issue at his decease, 1000 acres adjoining Red Oak, in Bucking- ham county, "to run down the mountain Creek from the lower line of the Red Oak tract so far as that in parallel line with that last mentioned to the back line on the north CARY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 231 west shall include the said one thousand acres," to him also, subject to aforesaid provisions, negroes, Harry and Flora, Ned and Dinah, with their increase at time of my death, and in failure of aforesaid contingencies said land and slaves to my executors or survivors or survivor of them in fee simple, in trust for uses expressed in residuary clause of will hereinafter inserted. Daughter Ann Randolph, old Sue, mother to her two mullato women. Son-in-law Carter Page and his wife Mary, or the survivor of them, during life, about 2700 acres in Buckingham county on north side Hutchin's Creek and south side Horn Quarter road, remain- der to executors, or survivor of them, in fee simple, In trust immediately after decease, of survivor of them for the son of said Carter and Mary (if but one) then living and his heirs, if he shall attain 21 years age or have lawful issue; should survivor of said Carter and Mary have two sons at their decease, then 800 acres at lower end of said tract, in trust, for second son, under same conditions as for the first; in failure of such son or sons, then in trust for daughter or daughters of said Carter and Mary who shall survive, to be equally divided among them, if more than one, and the legal lineal representatives of any, or each, who shall have died, in fee simple; should there be no issue of the marriage of said Carter and Mary living at the time of decease of the survivor, then in trust for general benefit of my estate to be appropriated as expressed in residuary clause of will. Daughter, Mary Page, and her heirs, negroes: my maid Christian, her son Manderville and daughter Julie, Daniel Coachman, Dick and his wife Betty with her youngest child "only except such as are named Tony and Judy," Isaac, and Nancy and Stephen, son of Polly, and Stephen, her maid Sally, and Rachel, with all their increase living at my desease. Daughter Betty. To executors, the survivors or survivor, in trust for her, "That part of my tract of land in Buckingham county called the forks of Willisses which lies between the mountain Creek of Willisses, the great creek the lines of Alexander Stinson, the younger, of Alexander Stinson, the Elder, and Bolling's line, to where my upper line crosses the mountain creek" also tract of land "beginning at my lower line where it joins Peterfield Trents on the lower side of Willis's Creek, thence 232 THE VALENTINE PAPERS crossing the creek along said Trent's line to a branch called the Barren Lick then up the said branch to a road passing from the fork to Buckingham thence along the said road toward the fork of Willisses till a line at equal angles from the said road to strike my line at the South side of Willis's Creek thence down to the beginning, shall include as much land as will make up the first tract two thousand acres; also following negroes; Sarah, my daughter Betty's maid Patty, daughter of Juba, and Patty, daughter of Jebell, Jimmy and Abby, with their increase living at my death, In trust for said daughter Betty during her life and after her decease for her first son who shall attain age of 21 or leave lawful issue, in fee simple; in failure thereof, in trust for such daughter or daughters of said Betty and their legal repre- sentatives as shall be living at her decease to be equally divided if more than one-in fee simple. In failure of issue of son of said Betty to attain age of 21, or his dying issue- less before that time or of a daughter who shall die issue- less, then the estate bequeathed in this item to remain in trust for uses expressed in residuary clause of this will. Son-in-law, Thomas Randolph, my faithful servant, com- monly called Black Polly, her husband Stephen and all such children of said Polly and her daughter Nancy as shall be living at my decease. Grandaughter, Mary Randolph, daughter of said Thomas Randolph, agreeable to request of my deceased wife, £300 current money in specie; my negro girl Amy daughter of Alice, with her future increase. Son-in-law Carter Page, in event of my death before houses which I am about building for him are finished, £400 cur- rency in specie for purposes of finishing said houses. To executors, and survivors or survivor of them in fee simple rest and residue of estate, real and personal, movable or unmovable, which together with divises herein before made to them on certain contingencies, in trust to sell the whole or any part thereof as may be found necessary for payment of my funeral expenses, debts and legacies herein made; residue of estate and affects or proceeds of sales to be equally divided between daughters Ann Randolph, or if she be dead her eldest surviving son Archibald Cary Randolph and should he be dead his brothers Isham and Thomas, or survivor of them, and if they be dead their sister Mary CARY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 233 Randolph. Grandson Archibald Cary Bolling, daughter Betty, daughter Mary Page, in event of whose death to her to her eldest & surviving son, each in fee simple, "except as to my daughter Betty's share hereinafter spoken of, with the proviso" lands and negroes already devised grandson Archibald Cary Bolling, son-in-law Carter Page and Mary, his wife, or either of them and to executors in trust for daughter Betty, to be valued by three discreet persons chosen by acting executors or executor, said devisse their legal representatives or guardian; value of said lands and negroes so appraised shall be added to amount of residuary estate after payment of funeral charges, debts and legacies aforesaid, etc. appraised value of said estate to be consid- ered as part of distributary share of daughter Betty, son- in-law Carter Page, and Mary, his wife, and grandson Archibald Cary Bolling, or their representatives; grandson Archibald Cary Bolling's share to be retained by executors until he arrive to age of 21 years, interest thereupon to be used in his education; daughter "Betty's part shall con- tinue in hands of my executors for her sole and separate use free from all disposition and control by Robert Kinkaid in case he shall become her husband, but in case she shall marry any other man or shall become a widow then to vest in her absolutely and unconditionaly, and to be paid over to her to dispose of as she pleases." Codicil: dated 12 Febru- ary 1787. Witnesses-Wm. Fleming, Roderick Frayser, Jesse (X)-Vaughn, Henry Bell. Executors-(to act with those named in will) worthy and esteemed friend David Ross. Having by the will given son-in-law Thomas Ran- dolph, of Dungenness, servant called black Polly, her hus- band Stephen and all children of said Polly and her daughter Nancy as shall be living at my decease, hereby gives to daughter Mary Page and her heirs negro boy Stephen, son of said Polly and her husband Stephen. Nephew, Henry Bell, 70 acres land already surveyed, lying on w. side Hatcher's Creek, between lines of Colonel Na- thaniel Gest (Gist?) and said Bell and said Creek, he to pay executors £70. Daughter, Ann Randolph, faithful servant Aggy, and negroes heretofore given her together with their increase, now in her possession or the possession of person or persons claiming under her or her husband my son-in- 234 THE VALENTINE PAPERS law Thomas Mann Randolph. Son-in-law Thomas Randolph, his heirs and assigns, all negroes and their increase here- tofore given him or my deceased daughter Jane Randolph, now in possession of him or any other person claiming un- der him. Daughter Mary Page, stocks, wagon, cart, planta- tion utensils at plantation called Half Way Branch; said daughter to live in house at the Forks of Willis's until dwell- ing and necessary outhouses are finished on lands devised to her and her husband Carter Page in my will; in the meantime to be furnished by executors from estate with necessary provisions not made on above mentioned estate; also beds and furniture at Ampthill (to be chosen by my daughter Ann Randolph); bureau at Ampthill and old bu- reau at Fork of Willis's; under the restrictions as estate given in trust for her use by my will. Granddaughter, Anne Randolph, mulatto girl Priscilla, now in her posses- sion. Daughter Betty, bureau, dish, trunks, etc. Codicil: 21 February 1787. Witnesses-Robt. Goode, Jno. Lutch (Leitch?), Wm. Fleming. To executors, or survivors or survivor of them, in trust, tract of land containing about 2700 acres in Buckingham county on n. side Hatcher's Creek and South side Horn Quarter Road, (being tract devised by my will to son-in-law Carter Page and his wife Mary and survivor of them for life) to be sold and one moiety of money arising from sale thereof to be laid out in purchase of slaves for use of daughter Mary Page and her heirs, the other moiety to be laid out in purchase of slaves for use of daughter Elizabeth Cary during her life and after her death to be equally divided among her issue then living, or failing in issue then to be equally divided between her sisters or their legal representatives. Son-in-law Carter Page and my daughter Mary Page, or survivor of them, moiety of land devised by will to executors in trust for daughter Betty for life, said moiety to enclose my dwelling house and orchard at Fork of Willis's to be laid off at discretion of executors, remainder to executors in fee simple in trust to same uses as land on n. side Hatcher's Creek and -s' side Horn Quarter Road were given by said will. To executors, in fee simple, other moiety of land of aforesaid land at Fork of Willis's, in trust, for daughter Betty during her life and after her death to same uses and purposes mentioned in will respect- CARY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 235 ing whole of said mentioned tract of land. As affairs of es- tate are extensive complicated and settling thereof will be attended with great trouble and expense, executors allowed five per cent on money they receive from outstanding debts and from sales of estate which shall be paid in discharge of debts. W. B. 4, p. 20. Inventory and appraisement of the estate of the late Archibald Cary Esqr. deceased, taken at Ampthill, Chester- field County, 17 April, 1787. No. 1-Furniture. 1 Carpet 3 Mahogany tables at 40/ £ 7-10-0. £ 6- 0-0. 9 Chairs at 10/ £ 4-10-0. 1 Walnut Table £ 1- 0-0. 1 Knife case £ 1- 0-0.. 1 66 66 wh. 12 knives and forks.. £ 1-16-0. 1 Knife basket and 2 bread baskets.. 25 China dishes and 45 plates... £ 0-10-0. £ 15- 0-0. 9 China dishes and 21 plates.. £ 3-15-0. 6 real china boles £ 6- 0-0. 4 Deeph china boles £ 0- 8-0. 3 butter bosls 3/2 water jugs 6/... £ 0-0-0. 1 broken set of china..... £ 1-10-0. 12 wine glasses and 4 salts.. £ 0-16-0. 1 Tea Board and 4 waiters... £ 0-10-0. 13 candlesticks 3 Tin coffee pots 2 Tea Kettles 6 Chafin dishes 2 sugar boxes £ 2-15-0. .£ 0-6-0. £ 0-12-0. £ 0-18-0. £ 0-12-0. 1 plate warmer shovel tongs and fender.. 1 pr andirons £ 0-9-0. £ 0-15-0. £ 2- 0-0. 4 case bottles 4/. 4 Decanters 15/...... 31. Queen ware plates dish and Tureen & mug....£ £ 0-19-0. 1- 0-0. 1 Mahogany Tea board £ 0- 2-6. 8 Framed pictures £ 8- 0-0. 9 Pictures framed and gilt.. £ 4-10-0. 30 4 oz. plate at 6/....... £ 91- 4-0. 4 cruits & 7 salts.... £ 0-15-0. 22 Knivés, 35 Forks and 2 baskets.. £ 3- 3-0. 2 small plated candlesticks.. £ 1- 0-0. No. 2 1 Carpet £ 1-16-0. 1 Dressing table and glass.. £ 1-10-0. 1 Walnut press 2 armed chairs & 4 small do... .£ 3- 0-0. £ 2-10-0. 236 THE VALENTINE PAPERS 1 kitchen table 1 small walnut table 14 pictures with gilt frames.. £ 0- 6-0. £ 0- 3-0. .£ 14- 0-0. 3 chairs 1 Carpit Tongs shovel and irons.. 5 Counterpains 9 Counterpains 14 Diaper Table cloaths.. 20 pair sheets 1 Jug £ 0- 2-6. 1 Bed stead with matress with blanket & curts..£ 18- 0-0. No. 3 1 Mahogany Table 1 Bedstead & Bed 2 matrasses 2 blankets & counterpains 1 Mahogany book case 1 Table and glass 1 Desk 1 arm chair and 1 windsor do.. 1 Fender and irons & tongs.. 1 small Carpet parcel of old Books. 1 silver hilted sword 1 warming pan 2 scrubbing brushes 1 Bread cheast No. 4 1 cheast drawers 1 card table 1 Single bed with curtains compleat.. 1 Bedstead & bed with Blanketts counterpaine & matrass .£ 0-12-0. £ 12- 0-0. £ 8- 0-0. £ 1- 0-0. £ 1- 5-0. £ 1- 2-0. £ 0-15-0. £ 0-12-0. £ 4- 0-0. £ 3- 0-0. .£ 0- 6-0. £ 0- 2-0. £ 1- 0-0. £ 0-10-0. £ 1-16-0. £ 12- 0-0. £ 7- 0-0. £ 1- 7-6. £ 0-9-0. £ 0- 5-0. £ 1- 0-0. £ 2- 8-0. £ 12-12-0. £ 18- 0-0. No. 5- 1 Dressing Table and glass.. 31 Towells a 2/, 4 Toilett cloths a 3/. 3 pewter basons 8/, 5 pillow cases.. 14 yards Carpeting .£ 3-14-0. £ 0-11-0. £ 0-15-0. £ 1 Arm Chair 20/ 5 chairs 25/.... CR CH 1- 0-0. £ 2- 5-0. 1 Bed Bolster and pillow 2 mattresses & 2 blank- etts .£ 4- 0-0. 4 old Blankets £ 0-15-0. 2 old beds 2 matrasses 1 bolster & pillow.. .£ 4-10-0. 1 small Table £ 0- 6-0. 2 small carpets .£ 1-10-0. 1 cradle with matrass and pillow. 1 crib 10/ 4 chamber potts 5/.... No. 6 1 pr andirons 3/. 3 pr Window curtains ?. 1 Bed, Matrass, Bolster Blanketts and co-pane..£ 10- 0-0. 1 Bed Bolster, pillow Blanketts & Curtains... .£ 12- 0-0. 1 66 66 1 Chair & table 66 1 pr andirons & shovel.. 3 pr window curtains "6 66 counterpain £ 14- 0-0. £ 1- 0-0. £ 0- 2-6. .£ 1- 4-0. £ 1-16-0. £ 0-15-0. £ 3- 3-0. CARY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 1 Bed Matrass, pillows bolster, blanketts & cur- tains No. 7-1 Press 1 Table and glass 14 Prints 3 pr Window curtains 1 pr andirons shovel Tongs & water jug. 1 bed bolster, pillow Blanketts & Co pane.. 1 66 "6 66 66 66 66 66 "" 66 66 66 44 66 44 237 £ 18- 0-0. £ 6- 0-0. £ 1-10-0. £ 0-14-0. £ 1- 2-6. £ 0-13-6. £ 10- 0-0. £ 20- 0-0. £ 8-10-0. 1desk and book case No. 81 press £ 8- 0-0. £ 8- 0-0. 2 pr window curtains £ 2- 0-0. 1 adds & 3 augers.. 11 chizzles 2 gauges 1 rasp & 1 punch.. 1 Store loom, 3 chests 18/. 3 Jars 18/. 1 Table 6/. 2 sugar bowls 3/ 1 Jug 2/. 5 bottles 2/6 1 Jug 18.. Passage 1 Press 30/. 1 Trunk 30/. 1 chest 30/. 1 ox cart 1 horse cart 1 Waggon 1 simple chain 3 cross cut saws 3 whit saws 4 hand saws 3 axes 7 chizzles 6/, 3 plane 12/6...... 1 adds 5/. screw augers 3/. 2 augers 5/.. 3 clogs, 1 file & 1 pair compasses... 1 sledge hammer 2/6 1 Tencut saw.. 2 drawing knives 2 old chairs 3/6 andirons shovel & tongs 5/....£ 1 Carpet 0- 8-6. £ 1- 5-0. £ 2- 2-0. £ 1-10-0. £ 0- 6-0. £ 4-10-0. £ 3- 0-0. £ 2- 5-0. £ 5- 0-0. £ 5- 0-0. £ 1-10-0. £ 2-10-0. £ 1 -4-0. £ 2-14-0. £ 0-18-6. £ 0-13-0. £ 0- 2-6. £ 0- 8-6. £ 0-10-0. £ 0- 4-0. £ 0-10-0. 1 log carriage £ 4-10-0. 2 cooper Jointer £ 0-12-0. 2 cooper adze & 3 axes.. 2 Drawing knives 1 bourer.. £ 0- 6-0. £ 1 brick iron 2 drawg knives & 1 wedge... 1 pair cart wheels 0-15-0. £ 0-9-0. 1-15-0. 1 grindstone .£ 0-15-0. 1 set blacksmiths tools in use.. £ 15- 0-0. 1 plow hoe & 1 ax.. £ 0- 7-6. sundry old gauges chizzles & files. £ 0- 5-0. 1 stud horse £ 60- 0-0. 40 cows 1 bull 3 66 calves £ 12 young cattle 132 sheep £200- 0-0. £ 10- 0-0. 9- 0-0. £ 24- 0-0. £ 19- 4-0. THE VALENTINE PAPERS 238 1 chariot 1 young stud horse 4 horses at 30£ 2 bedsteads and curtains 1 armed chair 6 pictures 18 pewter dishes 31 pewter plates at 15. 1 marble morter £ £ .£120- 0-0. £ 35- 0-0. .£120- 0-0. £ 1-10-0. 1- 0-0. બા 3- 0-0. £ 3-10-0. £ 1-18-9. .£. 0-12-0. 8 iron pots £ 6- 0-0. 3 frying pans £ 0-11-0. 1 Dipping pan and cullender.. £ 0-6-0. 4 1 small Kettle 1 skillett & stew pan....£ 1- 0-0. 1 salt pott Two stone Jars 12/.. 1 pr andirons and plate warmer.. એમ £ 1- 4-0. 0-17-0. 1 Jug 12 gallon pot 2 spits flesh fork skimmer & maroll morter £ 0-12-0. Parcel of Tin 4/. a Tub 3/6.. £ 0-7-6. 1 Table and a sack. .£ 0- 3-0. 3 Tables 18/. 35 milk pans 42/6 5 butter pots 15/. £ 3-15-6. 12 work oxen £48 4 plows £6.. £ 34- 0-0. 2 mules 6 horses and mares £ 50- 0-0. £ 80- 0-0. 1 mare and colt 1 cart 8 yokes 3 chains 20 Hilling hoes 5 grubbing hoes 2 one year old cats colts.. 1 cradle and crib with matrass.. 19 grown hogs a 12/. 18 pigs at 4/. 3 doz bottles a 2/6. 1 Hogshead 3 casks & 2 Jars... 4 Butter potts 10/. 2 Jars 12/.. Sundry old casks and barrels.. 1 Sofe 8 small plows 1 stone trough Sundry Hhds Tubs & salt boxes.. Set of cart boxes... £ 35- 0-0. 5- 0-0. 2- 8-0. બબબબબબ .£ 1- 0-0. £ 20- 0-0. .£ 2- 0-0. £ 15- 0-0. £ £ £ £ £ CA CA CA CR 1- 0-0. 1-10-0. 1- 2-0. 0-12-0. 0-10-0. £ 4- 0-0. £ 1- 0-0. £ Sundry old lumber in the store house..... £ 1- 5-0. 0- 4-0. 0- 6-0. Negroes Jenny Nanny George Johnny Molly - Harry £ 80- 0-0. £ 35- 0-0. £100- 0-0. £ 45- 0-0. £ 27- 0-0. £ 15- 0-0. £ 10- 0-0. Nelia CARY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 239 Rose Charles £ 40- 0-0. .£100- 0-0. .£100- 0-0. £ 25- 0-0. £ 45- 0-0. George Johnny Peter Sukey Billy Alice Amy Eley Lucy Jenny Isaac Drago Critty Eney Sarah Jemmy Betty Smith Tom Sam Molly Edmend Coleman B. Tom Savory Tom Billy £ 15- 0-0. £ 10- 0-0. £ 40- 0-0. £ 50- 0-0. £ 50- 0-0. £ 35- 0-0. £ 25- 0-0. £ 25- 0-0. £ 10- 0-0. £ 10- 0-0. £20- 0-0. £ 70- 0-0. £ 10- 0-0. £20- 0-0. £ 60- 0-0. £ 75- 0-0. £ 45- 0-0. £20- 0-0. £ 10- 0-0. £75- 0-0. £ 50- 0-0. £ 50- 0-0. £ 40- 0-0. Sally Johnny Nanny Polly Sukey Billy Bacon £ 30- 0-0. £ 25- 0-0. £20- 0-0. £ 15- 0-0. £ 10- 0-0. £100- 0-0. Sally £ 60- 0-0. Betty £ 22- 0-0. Billy Harry Stephen Patty Nanny Syshox £ 12- 0-0. £ 40- 0-0. £100- 0-0. £ 40- 0-0. £75- 0-0. £ 50- 0-0. £ 90- 0-0. Juba Rachel Maria £ 65- 0-0. £25- 0-0. Jenny Moses Betty Jem Judy £ 10- 0-0. £ 65- 0-0. £ 15- 0-0. £90- 0-0. £ 60- 0-0. 240 THE VALENTINE PAPERS £ 15- 0-0. £ 12- 0-0. £ 60- 0-0. £ 65- 0-0, £ 27- 0-0. £ 15- 0-0. £ 12-10-0. 25- 0-0. £ 30- 0-0. £ 75- 0-0. Ned Morns? Ned Venus Alice Molly Diana Juba Nanny Billy Flora Hannah Harry Robins Harry Jack £ 40- 0-0. £ 60- 0-0. £ 25- 0-0. £ 15- 0-0. £ 25- 0-0. Daniel (B. Smith). Charles (Wright) Billy Monderoie Edmund £ 25- 0-0. £150- 0-0. .£150- 0-0. £100- 0-0. .£120- 0-0. .£100- 0-0. £ 55- 0-0. £ 70- 0-0. £100- 0-0. Phil Ned F. Pompey Wlenny Johnny George Daniel Willis Quash Israel Aaron Aggy Goliah Value of negroes... £100- 0-0. £100- 0-0. £120- 0-0. £120- 0-0. £ 80- 0-0. £110- 0-0. £ 25- 0-0. £ 10- 0-0. £ 30-0-0. £ 30-' 0-0. £4568-10-0. .£1475- 0-3. 66 66 Furniture Total £6043-10-3. We the subscribers being sworn have appraised the es- tate of Archibald Cary, deceased as above produced to us by the Executors May 9, 1787. Henry Randolph. David Pattison. Arthur Graves. CARY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 241 An inventory and appraisement of the Estate of Archi- bald Cary deceased in Cumberland County taken the 24 day of April 1787. Slaves at the Fork. Juda £ 75-0-0. £ Harry 70-0-0. Betty $ 25-0-0. Isbell £ 80-0-0. Pompey £ 10-0-0. Betty £ 25-0-0. Aveby £ 60-0-0. £ 85-0-0. Davy Tremer Frank £ 40-0-0. Moll given £80-0-0. £ 40-0-0. Nemmy Kesiah £ 30-0-0. Grace £ 35-0-0. £ 25-0-0. Gill £ 25-0-0. £ 18-0-0. Aggo Natt £ 10-0-0. Nelly £ 75-0-0. Jack £ 40-0-0. .£ James 60-0-0. Old Hannah £ Abbe 25-0-0. Betty £ 75-0-0. Dick .£ 55-0-0. Isbell .£ 25-0-0. £ Cate 35-0-0. Molly £ 15-0-0. Jack £ 10-0-0. Adam £ 10-0-0. Abram £ 45-0-0. Ben £ 70-0-0. Natt .£ 10-0-0. Hannah £ 60-0-0. £ 45-0-0. Lily Amy £20-0-0. Daniel £ 85-0-0. Ben £80-0-0. Sally £ 80-0-0. Long Tom £ .£ Nora 80-0-0. £ 1-0-0. Roger Flora Dick £961-0-0. .£ 75-0-0. £ 50-0-0. Rachel £ 80-0-0. Cesar Smith, Will £ 100-0-0. Billy £ 30-0-0. Slaves at Barrow Lick. Molly Belinda Goiliah .£-15-0-0. £ 40-0-0. W. Billy £ 85-0-0. Abraham Agge £ 80-0-0. Lincea £ Joe 25-0-0. Jamy £ 10-0-0. Betty Letty £ 20-0-0. £80-0-0. £80-0-0. £ 75-0-0. £ 80-0-0. Bob £ 35-0-0. Betty £ 10-0-0. Dorcas 25-0-0. Coleman £ 25-0-0. Patty £ 45-0-0. Dinah Willia .£ 1-0-0. £ 30-0-0. Simon Pembo £ 1-0-0. £ 40-0-0. Molly Tony .£ 1-0-0. Suky £35-0-0. Venus £ Jack Betty £1682-0-0. Molly Slaves at Little Creek. Will Tom £ 25-0-0. £ 1-0-0. • Sarah Dorcas £65-0-0. £ 40-0-0. Aron Lucinda Edmund Bob Simpson Nan 5-0-0. 1-0-0. £30-0-0. £ 40-0-0. £80-0-0. £20-0-0. £ 40-0-0. £60-0-0. £35-0-0. .£ 20-0-0. £ 3 Whu (hop) £ 75-0-0. Adam .£ 80-0-0. £941-0-0. 242 THE VALENTINE PAPERS 3 iron wedges 1 pewter bason & 1 pitcher. 6 earthen dishes 15 " 2 boles plates £ 0-5-0. ..£ 0- 6-0. £ 0-18-0. £ 0- 6-0. £ 0- 3-0. £ 0- 1-3. £ 0- 4-0. £ 0- 1-3. £ 0-12-0. 1 Tea Pott 4 cups & saucers. 1 Tureen and cup 5 pewter spoons 1 doz case knives & forks... 5 old 66 66 & 6 forks.. 2 earthen dishes Casters. 1 Tumbler 1 wine glass. 2 brass candlesticks and snuffers 3 saucers 2 milk potts & 1 old Silver spoon... £ £ CHCH CHCH CH 0- 3-0. 0-6-0. 0-7-3. 0- 3-0. 0- 2-0. Plantation Utensils at the Fork. 2 Tables & 4 Chairs.. CHCHCH £ 1-10-0. £ 5-12-0. £ 5- 0-0. 1 Press & 4 Chairs.. 1 Bed & Matrass 1 Bed Boster Matrass pillow & Bedstead, 2 Sheets & Counterpain 2 Blanketts & &c. 1 gun table & chair £ 12- 0-0. 1-10-0. 2- 0-0. 2-10-0. 3 £ 1 counterpain 1 pr sheets 2 Table cloaths & Towels. £ 1 gun 20 hilling hoes 3 £ 4- 3-6. 17 Axes 6 grubbing hoes 2 old Kopper Kettels 1 iron pott hooks & rack. Sundry old iron Tin ware 1 set Smith Tools 14 plow hoes 3 large plows 1 share & Coalten 9 iron harrow hoes 4 work horses 1 mule Sundry gears 7 Cliveses & pins 1 cart with three Chains & yokes.. 1 Cart 2 plow hames 1 pr cart wheels 4 sows and 14 pigs 5 shoats 15 cyder casks 2 colts & 1 mule colt.. 9 work steers 4 cows 1 wether & lamb 5- 2-0. £ 1-10-0. .£ 3- 0-0. £ 1-10-0. £ 1-10-0. .£ 0- 2-0. £ 10- 0-0. £ 8-8-0. £ 4-10-0. £ 0-15-0. £ 1-16-0. £ 40- 0-0. £ 10- 0-0. £ 3-10-0. £ 1- 8-0. .£ 8-10-0. બબબબ 3 1-10-0. 6- 0-0. 5- 0-0. 6- 0-0. 1-10-0. £ 4- 0-0. £ 30- 0-0. £ 40- 0-0. £ £ 9- 0-0. 0-12-0. £243-16-3. CARY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 243 3 plows and gear. 6 pr iron traces Little Creek Plantation. 3 horses £35 2 horses & 1 colt. 30 hogs £11-5- 40 pigs £6. 12 hilling hoes, 7 grubing. 2 plows and gears 12 axes, 4 wedges 3 oxen £10- 12 cows £63.. 25 young cattle 1 ox cart chins? (chains) &c......... 5 seyths & reap hooks..... At Barrow Lick Quarter. 6 oxen 1 cart &c. 23 old cattle £46- 10 yealings.. 11 sows & 30 pigs 48 hogs & shoats 13 hilling hoes 8 ? axes, 3 wedges.. 8 plows 6 work horses 2 New Ga Colters 2 pair steel yards 1 sith & cradle £ 2- 5-0. £ 3- 0-0. £53- 0-0. £ 17- 5-0. £ 3-17-0. £ 8- 0-0. £ 5- 0-0. £ 46- 0-0. £ 30-0-0. £163-7-0. £ 3- 0-0. 1-10-0. 3 £167-17-0. £ 21- 0-0. £ 6-10-0. .£ 56- 0-0. £ 14- 0-0. £ 14- 8-0. 4-.7-0. £ £ 2- 8-0. £ 6-12-0. £ 45- 0-0. £ 于 ​0-12-0. 1-15-0. Amount Slaves at the fork. Plantation Utensils &c. Slaves at Little Creek Plantation Utensils at Little Creek. Slaves at Barrow Rock Lick....... Plantation Utensils at Barrow Lick.. .£ 0- 2-6. £172-14-6. £1682- 0-0. 243-16-3. £ 961- 0-0. £ 167-17-0. £ 941- 0-0. £ 172-14-6. £4168-7-9. In Obedience to an order of the Court of Chesterfield bearing date the 12 day of April 1787. to us and others directed for the purpose of appraising the estate of the Honorable Archibald Cary deceased in Cumberland County being first sworn have appraised the slaves and personal Estate of the said deceased amounting to four thousand one hundred & sixty eight pounds seven shillings and nine 244 THE VALENTINE PAPERS pence current money which appears by the written ap- praisement certified under our hands this 26 day of April 1787. Cary Harrison. Ben. Harrison. Alex. Trent, Junior. An Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of the Honorable Archibald Cary deceased in Buckingham County 28 April 1787. Slaves at Half Way Branch. Slaves at Taylor's Branch. 50-0-0. Peter £ Daniel 20-0-0. £ 70-0-0. Kitt £ Drago 40-0-0. £ 70-0-0. Harry .£ 80-0-0. Tom £ 80-0-0. Flora £ 65-0-0. Pompey £ 75-0-0. Nanny £ 35-0-0. Peter Dinah £ 80-0-0. Sally £ 20-0-0. £ 20-0-0. Mooer £ Sally 70-0-0. £ 10-0-0. Meriah £ 25-0-0. Jane £ 80-0-0. Amy .£ 35-0-0. Isaac .£ 70-0-0. Jacob £ 25-0-0. Jane .£ 75-0-0. Ned 30-0-0. Lucy £ 60-0-0. Dianah £ 75-0-0. Harry £ 25-0-0. Jane £ 25-0-0. Elee £ 10-0-0. Johnny £ 70-0-0. Isaac £ 80-0-0. Sue £ 30-0-0. Betty £ 10-0-0. Molly £ 60-0-0. Fanny £ 40-0-0. Molly 75-0-0. Nanny £ 10-0-0. Pegg £ 75-0-0. Rose Languilla £ 5-0-0. Dick £ 60-0-0. £ 85-0-0. Stephen £ 75-0-0. Tony Juda £ 80-0-0. Old Judith 3 Phebe £ 20-0-0. Old Quash .£ £ 10-0-0. Amy Abbe Nenus Betty Rachel Cary Jacob £ 60-0-0. £ 20-0-0. £ 75-0-0. £ 40-0-0. 3 70-0-0. £ 70-0-0. £1450-0-0. £1040-0-0. CARY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 245 Plantation Utensils at Half Way Branch. 32 hilling hoes 10 grubbing hoes 14 axes 2 New ground colters 2 per iron? wedges.. 17 reap hooks 2 drawing knives 1 old auger 1 B. Chesel. 1 old & cut S hand saw.. 2 old Siths and cradeles... 8 half share plows & colters.. 1 ox cart 3 chains 3 yokes & irons.. 1 wagon with gears 4 bells and saddle.. 14 Sheep 3 lambs 8 ? work horses 1 mule 2 colts 1 cask (100) gallons 1 Rifle gun બાવા £ .£ 4-16-0. 2-10-0. £ 5- 5-0. 0-12-0. 0-7-6. £ 1- 1-3. £ 0- 3-0. £ 0- 2-0. £ 0-10-0. £ 0- 6-0. £ 2- 0-0. £ 5- 0-0. £ 1-16-0. £ 20- 0-0. £ 70- 0-0. .£. 0-12-0. £ 60- 0-0. £ 15- 0-0. £ 16- 0-0. £ 0- 5-0. £ 4- 0-0. Cattle and hogs at Half Way Branch. 6 oxen £ 28- 0-0. 3 old oxen £ 12- 0-0. 1 Bull £ 5- 0-0. 6 cows and 6 calves 10 yearlings 22 head other cattle 3 sows and 17 pigs 54 hogs and shoats £ 18- 0-0. .£ 7-10-0. .£ 44- 0-0. .£ 5- 0-0. .£ 32- 8-0. Amount of slaves at Half Way Branch............. $14580-0. Plantation Utensils & &c. at Taylor's Branch. 12 hilling hoes £ 1-16-0. 7 grubbing hoes .£ 1-16-0. 11 axes £ 3- 6-0. 4 plows £ 1- 0-0. 1 hammer 1 old chizzel.. 2 two horse plows & irons.. 1 do for 1 horse... 2 pr iron wages 1 New G Colter 2 Sithes 1 Mule 4 Work horses 2 colts 4 old reap hooks 1 Bull £ 2-10-0. £ 0-10-0. £ 0-15-0. £ 0- 2-6. £ 0- 6-0. .£ 0- 6-0. £ 12- 0-0. £ 34- 0-0. £ 15- 0-0. £ 0- 4-0. £ 5- 0-0. 246 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Oxen (6) 2 cows & 2 calves.. 7 yearlings 17 head other cattle 1 cart, 2 chains 3 yokes... 10 sows & 57 pigs 24 hogs Amount brought over At Taylor's Branch Plantation Utensils &c Half Way Branch. 66 66 66 Taylor's Branch Total amount.. .£ 24- 0-0. £ 6- 0-6. 3 £ 8-15-0. £ 42-10-0. 3-10-0. £ 12-10-0. £ 12- 0-0. .£1450- 0-0. £1040- 0-0. £ 297- 3-9. £ 187-16-6. £2975- 0-3. In obedience to an order of the Court of Chesterfield bearing date the 12th day of April 1787, to us directed for the purpose of appraising the Estate of the honorable Archibald Cary deceased, in Buckingham county being first sworn have appraised the slaves and personal estate of the said deceased amounting to two thousand nine hundred and seventy five pounds and three pence current money which appears by the within appraisement certified under our hands the 28th day of April 1787. Cary Harrison. David Coupland. Henry Bell. Nathaniel Cary, of Chesterfield County, Will of. Wit- nesses-Will Smith, Alexander Saunders, Mary Cary. Ex- ecutors Friends Thomas Railey and Isham Railey. Mother Sally Cary, negro woman Soul and her child Marianah and their increase; a black walnut table, six rush bottom chairs, a bedstead; after Mother's death Soul and Marianah and their increase to be sold at discretion of executors and money or bonds arising from sale of them to be divided as follows: to William Cary, £23 curr., to Kemp Cary, £23 curr., Edmund Cary £23 curr.; should proceeds from sale of said ngeroes exceed the three legacies given "my brothers William Cary, Kemp Cary and Edmund Cary" balance to be equally divided between William Cary, Kemp Cary, Ed- mund Cary, John Cary and Robert Cary; and their sale bringing less than the three above stated legacies then whatever sum they shall bring to be divided between Wil- CARY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 247 liam, Kemp and Edmund Cary. To Kemp Cary, bay mare, saddle and bridle. "My brothers John Cary and Robert Cary" 47 acres land in Prince Edward County, equally di- vided between them. To Peter Minor Cary, 200 acres land in Prince Edward County all my carpenters and coopers tools. Executors to make Thos. Gibson deed for lands I sold him lying in this (Chesterfield) county when he shall make my brothers deed to lands I purchased of him in Prince Edward County as given them by this will. Should any dispute arise in dividing above lands Colonel Charles Patteson, of Buckingham shall be called on to state lines and his decision shall be binding on all parties. Dated: 1787 Jan. 27, W. B. 4, p. 237. An Inventory of the Estate of Nathaniel Cary deceased with the appraisement annexed taken 7th August 1790. Negro Soul 66 Marianah X X X X X X X X X X X (Household articles) .£60-0-0. .£20-0-0. £97-0-0. Thos. Railey, Isham Railey, Exrs., Jno. Martin, Radford Cox, Simon Hancock, Apprs. Ibid., p. 254. Sarah Cary, Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of Sarah Cary deceased March 31st 1795. 1 Gray mare 5 head cattle &c. £2-10-0. £7- 4-0. X X X X X X X X X X X John Salle, Radford Cox, Miles Cary. Ibid. A list of property belonging to the Estate of Miles Cary deceased appraised 8th October 1813. No. 3 horses Kind. 1 cow and calf.. 1 sow and 8 pigs. 5 shoats 6 Bed steads & furniture.. 12 Windsow chairs 8 Rush bottom chairs 4 Tables ........... Dol. cts. $130-00 $ 19-00 $ 12-00 $ 12-50 $220-00 $ 12-00 $ 4-00 $ 17-66 $393-50 248 THE VALENTINE PAPERS 1 cup board 1 Chest with drawers & desk. 1 Chest and 2 candlesticks.... 2 pr fire irons 2 cases with bottles .... 1 looking glass & 3 candlesticks.. 1 cross cut saw and four axes.. $ 10-00 $ 27-00 $ 6-00 .$ 6-00 $ 82-66 $ 10-00 $ 4-75 $ 9-50 1 cart $ 20-00 1 plow and 2 hoes $ 1-50 1 Grindstone $ 1-50 2 Cotton wheels & 2 flax do... $ 13-00 $ 60-25 2 skillets 1 Parcel Jugs & bottles... 1 Lorm? Sleigh & harness.. 3 Guns 6 Baskets & 2 pair cards. 1 Grass scythe 3 Saddles & Bridles. 1 Doz knives & forks.. 3 Slates & 1 watch... 1 Parcel of Books.. 1 Chest with tools 1 pr tongs & 2 shovels.. 2 pr Steel yards 1 Wheel barrow & one spade.. $ 5-50 $ 3-50 $ 10-00 $ 50-00 $ 4-00 $ 1-50 $ 20-00 $ 4-00 $ 16-00 $ 15-00 $128-50 $ 41-10 $ 2-50 $ 5-50 4-00 1 pr wooping bars & boxes.. 1 pr Scales and waits....... -75 $ 2-00 $720-76 3 Flax hackles $ 3-33 Crockery ware $ 16-00 6 Silver Tea spoons & 1 Coffee Pot..... $ 6-50 Pewter ware 9-00 1 pr saddle bags $ 2-00 Shoring instruments & Scales. $ 3-50 Spy Glass & Glass ware.. .$ 4-50 Tin ware and waters.... $ 7-50 1 clothes brush & pair of Spurs....... $ 1-25 53-58 1 water can & 1 Lantern.. $ 2-25 1 parcel of hoes and old iron.. $ 7-50 Parcel of old barrels.... $ 5-50 Parcel of butter potts & soap.. $ 6-50 Kitchen Furniture $ 15-50 2 Riddles & 1 Coffee Mill.. $ 3-75 4 sheep $ 10-00 Crop of corn and fodder... $112-50 $163-50 $937-84 Corn not yet gathered, but supposed to be about 35 barrels. CARY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 249 The above inventory I return you of my father's estate. Nelson Cary admr. Erasmus Reams, Anllerson Johnson, Wm. Wooldridge. 8th October 1813. W. B. 8, p. 118. Nelson Cary, administrator of Miles Cary, deceased. Bond. $1500. Thompson Blunt and William Ellett, surities. 1813, September 13, Ibid. 137. Mary Ann Cary, of town of Manchester. Witnesses- Geo. Hutchenson, James Martin, David M. Branch. Ex- ecutor and trustee, Young Pankey. To executor, negro woman Sally and her two children and any further increase she may have, to be hired out from year to year, and pro- ceeds of hire to be applied as far as necessary to support "of an old woman by the name of Peggy formerly belonging to my father" during her lifetime; residue from hire of said negroes equally divided between my children Jane Cary and Samuel Cary. Should said Sally and her children ever wish to be sold, executor to sell them and their increase from this day, giving them choice of master or masters, and proceeds from sale put out at interest which is to be applied in the manner as directed for proceeds of their hire. After death of woman Peggy whole of hire from Sally, etc., or interest from proceeds from sale of them to be equally di- vided between my two children Jane Cary and Samuel Cary during their lives and after their deaths said three slaves and increase or proceeds from sale of them to be divided between my grandchildren: one half to any lawful issue of daughter Jane at her decease and other half to lawful issue of son Samuel at his decease. Should either of said chil- dren die leaving no representatives the whole to go to rep- resentatives of the other. After payment of debts residue of estate to be qually divided between said Jane and Samuel Cary. Memorandum: proceeds here in before mentioned from hire, etc. of negroes given to Jane and Samuel Cary "is more particularly designed and intended by me to be applied when necessary to the education of any children that" they may have. 8 May 1826 the will was presented for probate by Young Pankey, the within named executor, and on motion of Samuel Cary, who opposed the probate it was continued to next term, 14 August 1826, the will was 250 THE VALENTINE PAPERS again presented when by consent of parties the matter was continued to next term and leave granted them to take af- fidavits of witnesses to be read in chief on trial thereof; motion for probate continued at Courts held 12th, 14th and 15th March 1827 and 14th and 15th May 1827. On 16th May 1827, the will was again presented for probate, and on hearing of affidavits and argument by counsel The will was ordered recorded by the court and Young Pankey the executor, to recover costs against Samuel Cary. Recorded -1827, May 16. Dated: 1826, January 18. Ibid. 174. Young Pankey's bond as executor of the will of Mary Ann Cary, deceased. $3000-000. Mathew Winfree surety. 1827, June 11, W. B. 11, p. 183. Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of Mary Ann Cary allowed under the administration of Young Pankey. X X X X X X X X $742-67 Pursuant to an order of the County Court of Chesterfield dated 11th June 1827, we have appraised the estate of Mary Ann Cary & etc. X X X X X X X X Reuben Ragland Philip Michaels Jesse Hix Ibid., p. 118. Estate of Mary Ann Cary. In account with Young Pan- key as Executor. To cash pd Sheriff acct. for taxes 1826... $ 1-94. 66 66 46 Sally's hire 1830... 66 66 66 66 $20-00 $643-46 1 1829, July 27. In pursuance of an order of Chesterfield County Court &c we have examined &c the account of Young Pankey execu- tor of Mary Ann Cary deceased &c. Thomas Vaden Hancock Lee B. 12, p. 641, 1829. CARY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 251 Miss Jane Cary, In account with Millton Cary her Com- mittee. [1829] 66 By hire of Adam for 1825.. house rent for 1829... $71-00 $20-00 $91-00 To cash paid expense of hiring out negroes..$ -50 Dr. Patteson his medicine bill $11-00 P. F. Smith 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 X X X X $ 622 X Richard Smith for boarding....$14-37 X X X This amount due Jane Cary. $346-402 W. B. 13, p. 97. Bond, in sum of $4000, of John Cobbs, "appointed by the County Court of Chesterfield Committee of the estate of a certain Jane Cary, a person of unsound mind." Mathew Graves, surity. 1836, February 8. Ibid., p. 343. Bond, in sum of $250-00, of Samuel Cary "appointed Committee of Jane Cary a person of unsound mind, with power to hire out the slaves belonging to her, and to re- ceive the hire and apply then to her support and with no other power over her estate." Edgar M. Porter, surity. 1847, April 12, W. B. 17, p. 371. Jane Cary, a person of non sane memory, In account with Samuel Cary, her committee. March 13, 1847-To cash paid for apprehension of Arthur (runaway) 10-00. To cash paid Times & Compiler for advertising Arthur 1.25. Recorded-1848, August 14, W. B. 18, p. 148. Elizabeth Cary, of Chesterfield County, Will of. Dated May 1846. Witnesses-J. H. Royal, Benj. Homer, D. C. Bowman. Executor: friend Beverley C. Hancock. Debts to be paid first. To my relation Dorotha C. C. Blankenship, negro boy Anderson, negro woman and her child Milly and China Elizabeth. Should I not pay debts during life, negro woman Ursula to be sold, she to have selection of her mas- ter, provided he pay a fair price for her, and proceeds arising from said sale and balance of estate not disposed of to be devoted to payment of debts including those due Mrs. 252 THE VALENTINE PAPERS ? Hancock, and balance, should there be any to be di- vided between Josiah Hancock and his two sisters Caroline M. and Julia A. Hancock. At probate of will 8 January 1849, Beverley C. Hancock, executor therein named re- nounced his right to qualify, and John Blankinship, enter- ing into bond in sum of $3000-00 (with Benjamin Homer and Daniel C. Bowman, surities) certificate is granted him for obtaining letters of administration on said estate with will annexed. 1849, January 8, Ibid., p. 203. The estate of Elizabeth Cary deceased, In account with John Blankenship her admr. with the will annexed. [1849] Inventory-To cash paid E. C. Burnett....$ 19-83. 66 46 66 Dr. Saml. H. Royall pract. & receipt $ 24-00. X X X X X X X $270-34. Ibid., p. 413. Henry Cary, of Chesterfield county, Gent. and Archibald Cary, of Cumberland county, Gent. to Jas. Sandfur, of Ches- terfield county, Sadler. £12: 4s. curr. 61 acres, land in Chesterfield. 1749, May 26, D. B. 1, p. 2. Archibald Cary, of Ampthill, Chesterfield county, Gent. to Lewis Morgan, of same county, planter, and Sarah, his wife. Lease for life of the survivor of said Morgan's 50 acres land in Chesterfield county whereon they now live, etc. Should said Sarah survive her husband provision is that she shall continue on said land if she "do continue to live a widower." 1750, May 1, Ibid., p. 83. Archibald Cary, of Dale Parish, Chesterfield county, to Joseph Trabue, of King William Parish, Chesterfield county, £48 curr. 320 acres in Dale Parish, Chesterfield county, on s. side James River and n. branch Falling Creek. 1754, Oc- tober 3, D. B. 2, p. 34. CARY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 253 Archibald Cary, of Chesterfield County, Gent., to Henry Cox, of same county £30 curr. 200 acres in Dale Parish, Chesterfield county, on Buckingham Road. 1755, February 7, Ibid., p. 229. Archibald Cary, of Chesterfield county, to Wm. Shepard, of same county, Planter. £45. 300 acres in Chesterfield county. 1757, August 6, D. B. 3, p. 178. Archibald Cary, of 'Chesterfield county, Gentleman, to Richard Sumpter, of same county. £18. 24 acres in Ches- terfield County. 1756, May 8, Ibid., p. 82. Archibald Cary, of Ampthill, Chesterfield county, to Gerard Ellyson. £35 curr. 250 acres in Chesterfield county. 1760, November 7, D. B. 4, p. 94. Robert Cary, of Chesterfield county, to Thomas Branch, of same county, £62 curr. 250 acres in Chesterfield county. 1760, February 6, Ibid., p. 415. Archibald Cary, from Benjamin Watkins of the Hermi- tage, Chesterfield county, £550 curr. 737 acres, in Chester- field county, "where he the said Ben. Watkins now lives," adjoining lands of said Cary, Seth Ward, Blackmon Ward, Elizabeth Ludberry and William Byrd. 1760, October 3, Ibid., p. 531. Archibald Cary, of Ampthill, Chesterfield county, to Thomas Mann Randolph of Tuckahoe, Goochland county. Deed of gift; "in consideration of the natural love and af- fection," 100 acres Chesterfield county, on w. side Falling Creek. 1764, September, Ibid., p. 631. Archibald Cary, of Chesterfield county, Gent. to John Godsey, of same county £23-16s-2d. curr. 25 acres, in Ches- terfield county. 1760, August 23, Ibid., p. 657. Archibald Cary, of Chesterfield county, Esquire, to Dy- onisius Oliver, of same county, £50 curr. 230 acres in Ches- terfield county, both sides Maws Field Run. 1763, January 5, Ibid., p. 702. 254 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Archibald Cary, of Chesterfield county, Esquire, to John Holloway, of same county, £15-12s. curr. 78 acres land in Chesterfield county. 1769, April 23, D. B. 5, p. 269. Archibald Cary, of Ampthill, Chesterfield county, Es- quire, to William Farmer of same county, Planter. £150 curr. 200 acres on W. side Falling Creek, Chesterfield. 1769, September 1, D. B. 6, p. 181. Archibald Cary, of Chesterfield county, Esquire, to Na- thaniel Hatcher, of same county. £125 curr. 250 acres ad- joining lands of James Vest on Kingsland Creek, Warwick Road, Thomas Farmer, Senior, Philip Turner. 1773, Feb- ruary 13, D. B. 7, 96. Archibald Cary, of Chesterfield county, Esquire, from Honorable William Byrd, of Charles City County, Esquire, £268 curr. 644 acres land in Chesterfield county. 1770, May 2, Ibid., p. 141. Archibald Cary, of Chesterfield county, to Samuel Nivins and Susannah Nevins, of same county. £3000 curr. 500 acres in Chesterfield county, formerly property of Robert Easley, bounded by James River. 1775, November 7, D. B. 8, p. 94. Archibald Cary's Memorandum of bargain with John Markham for tract of land in forks of Grandall's and join- ing lands of Captain Robert Goode nigh the broad Rock of Stony Creek, the land of the late Mathew Branch of War- wick and coming down Grandals before fork so as to cross Grindall's main Run between Brett Randolph's land and Archibald Bradies Estate's land, for which said Markham to pay 20s per acre, but about 15 acres to be taken out so as to join lands Mathew Branch bought of Colonel Byrd, and land he holds under his father's will and by him left to his son Peter. 1775, June 30, D. B. 9, p. 84. Thomas Cary, of Chesterfield County, surviving Executor of Thomas Cary of same county, deceased, to William Gib- son, of same county, Carpenter. 100 acres, Chesterfield CARY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 255 county, adjoining lands of Ellyson, Winfree, Cary and Sal- lie (Salle?) directed by said Thomas Cary, deceased, in his will to be sold for the payment of his debts, and for which said Gibson gives 12,500 pounds of a crop of tobacco. This conveyance is made by said Thomas Cary, who with his brother Robert Cary, now deceased were executors of their father's will, and sd. Robert who was eldest son and heir- at-law, agreed with said Gibson for sale of said land, the conveyance thereof having been delayed by the illness and death of said Robert. 1782, March 10, D. B. 10, p. 91. Archibald Cary, of Chesterfield county, to Thomas M. Randolph, Carter Page and David Ross, three negroes, viz. Sarah, Patsey, the elder and Patsey, the younger, in trust for his daughter Elizabeth Cary in "consideration that her anxious attention and persevering industry in the manage- ment of my affairs since the death of her mother, whereby my estate hath been greatly benefitted." The three negroes herein conveyed "have been brought up by and maids to my daughter Elizabeth." 17—, D. B. p. - · Archibald Cary, of Ampthill, Chesterfield County, to Robert Goode, of same county, £1600 curr. 4 negro slaves. 1787, D. B. 11, p. 176. Archibald Cary, of Chesterfield county, deed of gift to daughter Mary Page (wife of Carter Page) of negroes, Critty, with her daughter Julia, and Sally. 1787, Ibid., p. 175. Archibald Cary, of Chesterfield county, to Thomas Mann Randolph, of Goochland county. To secure said Randolph who is security for said Cary by endorsing a bill of exchange to John Ledderdale said Cary conveys to him "all that tract of land situate in the county of Chesterfield on both sides of Falling Creek on James River commonly called and known by the name of Ampthill it being the land and plan- tation whereon the said Archibald Cary now dwelleth and contains by estimation 3000 acres also 1500 acres land in Chesterfield county on the Slashes of Kingsland Creek. 1786, November, Ibid., p. 172. 256 THE VALENTINE PAPERS John-(X)-Cary, and Sally his wife, of Chesterfield county, to Thomas Gibson, of Prince Edward county. £100 curr. 822 acres in Chesterfield county. 1794, November 13, D. B. 13, p. 245. Peter Minor Cary, of Chesterfield county, to Thomas Gibson, of Prince Edward county. To secure an indebted- ness of £290, conveys 372½ acres land in Chesterfield coun- ty, whereon said Cary now lives, and adjoining Radford Cocks, John Salley, Edward Cary and William Cary. 1796, July, Ibid., p. 454. Peter Minor Cary, of Chesterfield county, to Thomas Gibson, of Prince Edward county. To secure indebtedness of £163-10. conveys three negroes: Grammer, Esther and Junior. 1796, June 3, Ibid., p. 460. Peter Minor Cary, of Chesterfield county, from Thomas Gibson, of Prince Edward county, £48 curr. 3722 acres in Chesterfield county. 1796, July 11, Ibid., p. 421. Peter Minor Cary, and Rhoda, his wife, of Chesterfield county, to William Elliott, of same county, £151-16s. curr. 92 acres in Chesterfield county. 1799, July 10, D. B. 14, p. 477. Robert Cary, and Mary, his wife, of Chesterfield county, to Andrew Leprad of same county, £50. 3 acres in Ches- terfield county. 1799, October, Ibid., p. 494. Robert Cary, of Chesterfield county, from Smith Blaik- ley and Bernard Markham, acting executor (s?) of the will of Stephen Pankey, late of Chesterfield county, and Mary Pankey, the widow, named executrix in said will, £112-10s. curr. 100 acres in Chesterfield county. 1796, May 23, Ibid., p. 5. Robert Cary, of Chesterfield county, to his brother Miles Cary, the same county, $300-00. Three negroes; viz: Ned, Sarah and Lane. 1800, March 21, D. B. 15, p. 54. CARY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 257 Kemp Cary, and Rebeccah, his wife, of Chesterfield county, to Henry Cary, of same county, £200. 100 acres in Chesterfield County, adjoining lands of Wm. Cary's estate, Robert Cary, Wm. Harris, Edmund Cary and Wm. Elliott. 1801, December 2, Ibid., p. 380. Peter M. Cary, discharge of deed of trust from Thomas Gibson, for three negroes. 1799, January 7, Ibid., p. 77. Peter M. Cary, and Rhoda, his wife, of Chesterfield coun- ty, to Obediah Cox, of same county, £183-10s. specie, land in Chesterfield county. 1802, June 15, D. B. 16, p. 117. Miles Cary, of Chesterfield county, to William Souell, of same county, £1-14-4d. 82 poles of land in Chesterfield county. 1804, October 8, Ibid., p. 455. Henry Cary, of Chesterfield county, to Obediah Cox, of same county, £300. 100 acres in Chesterfield county. 1805, January 20, Ibid., p. 499. Kemp Cary, and Rebecca, his wife, to Henry Cary. 100 acres land in Chesterfield county. Dedimus to Charles Fos- ter and Charles Thomas, Gentlemen, to examine said Re- becca as to her willingness to said sale. The land conveyed by deed of date December 1801. Ibid., p. 500. Mary Cary, of Chesterfield county, power of attorney to son Miles Cary to represent her interests and claim in suit pending in Chancery in County Court of Brunswick in the name of Mary Cary, Wm (?) Malone and James Moss, against Mathew Davis and James Powell, executors of John Powell and Robert Powell, and in her name to receive all sums due. 1805, Ibid., p. 518. Peter M. Cary, of Chesterfield county, and William Hick- man, of Powhatan county. In consideration of said Hick- man's having paid requisitions which have been paid by Directors of the Manchester Turnpike Company on 1 share of said Company's subscribed in the name of said Cary, and undertaking to pay all further requisitions conveys said share to said Hickman. 1805, June 10, D. B. 17, p. 42, 258 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Edmund Cary, of Chesterfield county, to Henry Cary, of same county, 6 shillings. 100 acres in Chesterfield county. 1806, February 10, Ibid., p. 180. Peter M. Cary, Haley Cole, Archibald Wooldridge and Beverley C. Stanard, Gentlemen, to receive acknowledge- ment of Rhoda, wife of Peter M. Cary, to indenture con- veying 9134 acres in Chesterfield county to Obediah Cox, said indenture dated 15 June 1802. Dedimus to Cole, etc. dated 8 January 1803. 1807, February 7, Ibid., p. 344. Henry Cary, and Elizabeth his wife, of Powhatan county, to Green Hancock and Samuel Hancock, of Chesterfield county, $450-00. 234 acres in Chesterfield county, N. side Manchester Turnpike about half mile below Capt. Haley Cole's dwelling house. 1808, February 20, Ibid., p. 706. Henry Cary, and Elizabeth, his wife, of Powhatan coun- ty, to Henry Burnett of Chesterfield county, $100. 82 acres in Chesterfield county. A dedimus to Wm. Cole and James Emerson, Gentleman, of Cumberland county, Kentucky, to receive acknowledgement of Elizabeth, wife of Henry Cary, to above conveyance; acknowledgement returned as of date 12 January 1811. 1809, September 23, D. B. 18, p. 428. Peter Minor Cary, to Samuel Taylor and William B. Clarke, trustee, to secure two notes given by said Cary to Harry Heth, Beverley Randolph and Edard D. Diggs, sur- viving partners of the late firm of Nicholson, Heth and Company, 119 acres in Chesterfield county, on which said. Cary lives. 1811, January 7, D. B. 19, p. 81. Nelson Cary, administrator of Miles Cary, decd. of Ches- terfield county, to Benjamin Watkins, Jr, of Powhatan county. Said Nelson Cary, administrator, by virtue of deed of trust from Henry Godsey, of Chesterfield county, to se- curing payment of certain sums of money to commissioners appointed to sell estate of Abraham Chappell, deceased, did advertise and sell agreeably thereto 9634 acres, for $181-00. Conveyance of which is made by this indenture. 1814, De- cember 11, D. B. 20, p. 271. CARY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 259 Leonard Cary, and Caleb Cary from John F. Wray, $12. Lot of land in Elizabeth City County. 1816, October 29, D. B. 21, p. 306. Elizabeth Cary, of Chesterfield County, to Chastain Brummall, of Cumberland County, $100-00. Lot No. 27, in town of Burkville, Cumberland County. 1818, March 14, D. B. 22, p. 239. Nelson Cary, and Ann, his wife, Milton Cary, Edward Cary and Bedsey Cary to David Cary, Senior, $500-00. 60 acres adjoining lands of said David Stanford Cary and Han- cock, being land purchased of Joshua Bernard and Frances, his wife, by Jeremiah Newby (?) as by indenture dated 9 April 1789, and 8 acres and 104 poles, being part of land purchased by Jeremiah Newby of Thomas Robean and Frances, his wife as by indenture dated 13 April 1807. 1818, October 22, Ibid., p. 431. Samuel Cary, of city of Richmond, from Stephen Branch. $800-00. 200 acres land in Chesterfield county. 1822, No- vember 12, D. B. 24, p. 530. Peter M. Cary, of Chesterfield County to Milton Cary, of same County. 3 negroes, Beckey, Stephen and Moses. Deed of trust to secure said Milton Cary who is said Peter M. Cary's surety in a delivery bond for $347-22 to Edward Cox, assignee of Higgason Cox. Lawson Burfoot, trustee. 1823, July 28, Ibid., p. 216. Peter M. Cary, to Milton Cary, conveyance of property to secure said Milton Cary who is surity for Peter M. Cary on bond to Elizabeth Cary. Lawson Burfoot, trustee. 1824 May 12, D. B. 25, p. 602. Milton Cary, and Phoeby Cleary, his wife, of Chesterfield county to Nelson Cary, A. Edury Cary and Bedsey Cary, of same county. $197-63. 14 of 147% acres land known as Mosbys. 1827, May 14, D. B. 26, p. 630. 260 THE VALENTINE PAPERS • Samuel Cary, Release of deed of trust given by said Cary to Peter Michael to secure payment of $280-00, dated June 20, 1826. Property conveyed was certain slaves. Reuben Ragland, trustee. No witnesses. Dated: 19 January, 1828. 1828 March 10, D. B. 27, p. 172. Peter Minor Cary, of Chesterfield county, from Austin Spears and Caroline L. his wife of same county, $400-00. 63 acres land on Falling Creek, Chesterfield county. 1828, March 12, Ibid., p. 173. Samuel Cary, deed of trust from Dan'l Belcher, whose surety said Cary has become, on an injunction bond. Thomas E. Burfoot, trustee. 1829, April 13, D. B. 28, p. 480. Milton Cary, and Phoebe C. Cary, his wife, of Chester- field county, to John Johnson, of same county, $300-00. 50 acres land in Chesterfield county. 1830, June 14, D. B. 28, p. 140. Milton Cary, and Phoebe, his wife, of Chesterfield Coun- ty, to Aaron Circy of same county, $280-00. 62½ acres land in Chesterfield County. 1831, February 1, D. B. 28, p. 297. Nelson Cary, of City of Richmond to Holden Rhodes, of town of Manchester, and certain persons, creditors and surities of Nelson Cary and creditors and surities of the firm of Nelson Cary and Company. 1831, January 10, Ibid., p. 278. Elizabeth Cary, of Chesterfield county, to Henry Han- cock, of same county, $6-80. 12 acres land in Chesterfield county. 1831, May 9, Ibid., p. 438. Samuel Cary, from Thos. E. Burfoot and Lawson Bur- foot, to secure payment for purchase of slaves of Samuel Cary. 1832, March 28, Ibid., p. 556. Milton Cary, of Chesterfield county, from Samuel Cary, of same county. Deed of trust to secure Milton Cary who CARY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 261 is bound in injunction bond for Samuel Cary to John Bur- ton, of Wm. Burton deceased. Wm. W. Weisiger, trustee. 1833, July 27, D. B. 29, p. 253. Henry Cary, of city of New York, merchant and Mar- garet Pyne, his wife, to Temple Gwathney, of city of Rich- mond, $256-20. 50 shares of stock in the Black Heath Company of Colliers, etc. 1833, October 14, Ibid. Milton Cary, and Phoebe Cary, his wife, of Chesterfield county, to Thos. E. Morrisette, of same county, $670-50. 1492 acres in Chesterfield County, on south side of the Court House road, "with the reservation of 1/2 acre at the grave yard in orchard." 1834, Novembr 10, Ibid., p. 628. William Ferdinand Cary, of city of New York, from Bev- erley Randolph, of City of Richmond, John Heth, and Mar- garet, his wife, Ber (Bev?) Heth, and Virginia, his wife, of Chesterfield county, $100, for each share, $5 in hand paid, and balance secured to said grantors. 20 shares of stock of the Black Heath Company of Colliers, Incorporated. 1833, July 11, Ibid., p. 220. Samuel Cary, trustee, to William Belcher, "all my right, title and interest in the slaves and personal property which were assigned to Martha Belcher, widow of John T. Belcher. This conveyance made "in pursuance of (order) of Ches- terfield County Court in a suit in which Dorothy Belcher, by Mathew Graves, her next friend, is plaintiff, and Daniel Belcher and others Defendants." 1835, May 23, D. B. 30, p. 15. Samuel Cary, and Willie M. his wife, of Richmond, to Ben Hatcher, of Chesterfield county. Deed of trust; Archi- bald B. Bott, trustee. Said Hatcher having become bound as surety for said Cary in refunding bond (bearing date with this indenture) to Elizabeth B. Pankey, administratrix of Young Pankey, deceased, with condition annexed. that said Cary should not have benefit of a decree of Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery for county of Ches- terfield, 31 March 1834, in suit pending between Samuel 262 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Cary, plaintiff, and Eliza R. B. Pankey, administratrix of Young Pankey, deceased, and Milton Cary, committee of Jane Cary, defendant, until said refunding bond with suf- ficient security had been given. Conveys 200 acres land in Chesterfield county. 1835, May 23, Ibid., p. 17. Samuel Cary, and Willie M. his wife of Richmond, to Ralph Brown, of Chesterfield county, $322-00. 2000 acres land in Chesterfield county, with appurtenances, "except the grave yard say about % of an acre," formerly conveyed by Stephen Branch to said Cary. No witnesses. No witnesses. Dated: 24 December 1836. 1836, December 3, Ibid., p. 527. Samuel Cary, and Willie, his wife, of Richmond, to John England, of Richmond, trustee, to secure payment of $120-63 to Edward Walls to whom said Cary is indebted in this amount, right and title being an undivided moiety in lot of land, about 1/2 acre, in town of Manchester. No wit- nesses. Dated: 6 February 1839. 1839, February 16, D. B. 31, p. 31. Elizabeth Cary, to Judith Burton, $155-00. 50 acres in Chesterfield county whereon said Elizabeth Cary formerly lived, adjoining lands of Henry Hancock, Josiah Hancock, and said Judith Burton. No witnesses. Dated 19 January 1846. 1848, December 11, D. B. 38, p. 106. ORDER BOOKS Henry Cary, will proved by oaths of Robt. Easeley and John Alday, Jr. who also made oath that Thos. Moseley, the other witness thereto was present when Cary signed said will. Archibald Cary entered into bond as executor. 1749, O. B. 1, p. 35. Archibald Cary, gentleman, produced commission as coroner of Chesterfield county, and qualified by taking the oaths. 1745, Ibid., p. 93. Elizabeth Cary, will proved by oaths of Richard Ran- dolph, and Archibald Cary, executor therein named and ordered recorded. Seth Ward, Thomas Branch, Robert Goode and Mathew Branch, or any three of them, to appraise per- sonal estate of Elizabeth Cary deceased. 1751, Ibid., p. 149. CARY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 263 Archibald Cary, justice of the peace for Chesterfield County, and vestryman. 1752, Ibid., p. 215. Elizabeth Cary, inventory and appraisement of estate returned and ordered recorded. 1752, October, Ibid., p. 255. Archibald Cary, gentleman, appointed surveyor of road from his ferry to Falling Creek and to the forks below Kleinhoffs. 1749, March, Ibid., p. 38. Thomas Cary, officer of militia in Chesterfield county took oaths. 1756, September, O. B. 2, p. 217. Archibald Cary, Esqr. lieutenant-colonel, Richard Eppes, colonel for Chesterfield county, and James Eppes, gent. and attorney, proved their commissions and took oaths. 1758, May, O. B. 2, p. 400. Return of a line not processioned between Archibald Cary and Blackman Ward, by Churchwardens of Dale Parish. Surveyor, with jury, to lay out bounds in dispute. 1764, April, O. B. 3, p. 511. Mary Cary, guardian to Miles, Robert, William, Ann Dor- othy, Judith, Elizabeth, Henry, Thomas and Nathaniel Cary, orphans of Robert Cary, deceased. Gave bond as law requires. 1783, O. B. 6, p. 476. Mary Cary, administratrix of Robert Cary, deceased, plaintiff, vs Thomas Cary, defendant. On motion of de- fendant who made oath as the law requires, leave to take the deposition of Young Short, a witness de bene esse, is granted him. 1784, Ibid., p. 509. Thomas Cary, last will and testament proved by oaths of Enos Ellyson and John Wood, witnesses, and ordered to be recorded. 1784, O. B. 7, p. 80. John Cary, and wife, plaintiffs, vs Thomas Watkins, ex- ecutor of Hannah Cary defendant. Bill and answer filed 264 THE VALENTINE PAPERS and cause heard. Defendant to purchase neat new phaeton for comfort, or in lieu thereof to pay compliants £100 if they shall be willing to receive the same in discharge there- of. 1785, Ibid., p. 112. Sally Cary, widow and relect of Thomas Cary, deceased, William Cary, Nathaniel Cary, John Phillopson Cary, Rob- ert Phillopson Cary and Peter Minor Cary, orphan children of the said decedant by Sally Cary, their mother and next friend, vs David Patteson, William Smith, and Obediah Smith, acting executors of said Thomas Cary, deceased, also Camp and Edmund Cary, orphans of said decedant. Thomas Watkins appointed special guardian to orphans to defend them in this cause. Bill and answers filed. Cause heard. Acting executors to state and settle account current of administration of decedant, before Bernard Markham, Robert Goode, James Harris, David Patteson, William Smith and Obediah Smith, or any three of them, who are to make distribution thereof agreeable to will of testator by assigning, paying and delivering first, to Sally Cary her dower in slaves and 1/3 part of personal chattles after pay- ment of testators debts and special legacies out of personal property; secondly, to Peter Minor Cary as many slaves and personal chattles as shall be of value equal to one of lots of land ordered to be laid off in four equal divisions; Thirdly to children of decedents whether plaintiffs or defendants all residue of estate thereafter remaining on hand; lastly, to lay off land whereon testator died seized and possessed into lots agreeable to said will alloting to each of testator's sons, whether plaintiff or defendant the first claim therein ac- cording to testators will and desire; and that they make report in order to a final decree. 1785, Ibid., p. 262. Archibald Cary, deceased, last will and testament proved by oaths of Roderick Fraser and Jesse Vaughn, witnesses thereto; also the two codicils proved by oaths of William Fleming and Robert Goode, witnesses thereto, and the whole ordered to be recorded. Carter Page, one of the executors therein named gave bond; took the oath required. Thomas Mann Randolph and Thomas Randolph, also named as ex- ecutors refused to qualify. Robert Goode, David Patteson, CARY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 265 Arthur Graves and Henry Randolph or any three of them, being first sworn, to appraise the estate of Archibald Cary, deceased, in this county. 1787, O. B. 7, pp. 481, 482. Mary Cary, administratrix of Robert Cary, to make up her accounts before David Patteson, Edward Moseley and Wm. Smith, any two of whom are to report same to next Court. 1787, Ibid., p. 572. Robert Cary, William Cary, Ann Cary, Dorothy Cary, Judith Cary, Elizabeth Cary, Henry Cary and Nathaniel Cary, infants of tender years by Mary Cary, their guardian and next friend, Complainants, vs Miles Cary, son and heir at law of Robert Cary, deceased, defendant. By consent of parties suit this day heard on bill, answer and exhibits being filed. David Patteson, Stephen Pankey, William Smith and Thomas Bailey, gentlemen, or any three of them to examine accounts of Mary Cary, administratrix of said Robert Cary, and ascertain exact amount of each childs part and make report in order to final decree. Above named gentlemen or any three of them to set apart and allot to widow her dower in her said husband's estate and report same in order for final decree. 1787, O. B. 8, p. 18. Nathaniel Cary, last will and testament proved by oaths of Mary Cary, a witness thereto, and continued for further proof. Thomas Bailey and Isham Bailey, executors therein named gave bond. 1789, Ibid., p. 331. Nathaniel Cary, estate to be appraised by Thomas Wool- dridge, Simon Hancock, John Martin and Radford Cox. 1789, Ibid., p. 333. Nathaniel Cary, inventory and appraisement of estate returned and ordered recorded. 1790, Ibid., p. 492. Peter Minor Cary, made choice of David Patteson for his guardian, whereupon said Patteson gave bond. 1789, Ibid., p. 370. 266 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Sally Cary, widow and relict of Thomas Cary, deceased, William Cary, Nathaniel Cary, John Philopson Cary, Rob- ert. Philopson Cary and Peter Minor Cary, orphan children of said Thomas Cary, deceased, by said Sarah their mother and next friend, complainants, vs David Patteson, Obediah Smith and William Smith, acting executors of Thomas Cary, deceased, and Camp Cary and Edmond? Cary orphans of the said Thomas Cary, deceased, by Thomas Watkins, their special guardian appointed to defend them. Partition between parties, pursuant to decree of Court held for Ches- terfield county, December 1785, returned in following words: "Division of the estate of Thomas Cary, deceased, February 4, 1786. "Sally Cary widow Thomas Cary de- ceased three negroes, etc. etc. "Peter Minor Cary, three slaves, etc. "Wm. Cary, a negro girl, etc. "Nathaniel Cary, a negro woman, etc. "Jno. Cary, a negro woman, etc. "Robert Cary, a negro woman, etc. "Camp Cary, a negro boy, etc. "Edward Cary, a negro boy, etc. in the hands of the other legatees. "Given under our hands this 6th day of February 1786. Bernard Markham, David Pat- teson, Obediah Smith & William Smith, etc. 1792, 0. B. 9, p. 297. William Cary, vs. Nathaniel Cary, John Philipson Cary, Robert Philipson Cary, Camp Cary, Edmund Cary, also David Patteson, William Smith and Obediah Smith, execu- tors of Thomas Cary, decd. Dismissed for want of prose- cution; to be reinstated if required. 1792, O. B. 9, p. 338. Mary Cary, Robert Cary, Wilson Cary, Ann Cary, Dor- othy Cary, Judith Cary, Elizabeth Cary, Henry Cary and Nathaniel Cary, infants, by Mary Cary, their guardian and next friend, vs Miles Cary, son and heir at law of Robert Cary, deceased. In chancery. Partition between parties being made pursuant to decree of Chesterfield Court of 10 November 1787, is returned. 1792, O. B. 9, p. 471. William Cary, who is entitled to administer on estate of Sarah Cary, decd to appear at next court to say whether he will undertake said administratorship. 1794, O. B. 10. CARY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 267 Sarah Cary, of Chesterfield county, dying intestate pos- sessed of small estate on which no one will administer, Sheriff ordered to dispose of said estate and make return. 1794, O. B. 10, p. 568. John Salle, John Martin, Miles Cary and Redford Cox, or any three, being duly sworn, to appraise slaves, if any, and personal estate of Sarah Cary, deceased, and make re- turn. 1795, O. B. 10, p. 581. Peter M. Cary, Account of his estate in hands of Sarah Cary his late guardian returned with report of commis- sioners appointed to examine and settle same returned and ordered recorded. 1796, O. B. 11, p. 493. John Cary's account against estate of Sarah Cary, de- ceased, his late guardian, and report of settlement thereof returned and ordered recorded. 1795, O. B. 12, p. 9. On motion of David Patteson, late sheriff administrator of Sarah Cary, deceased ordered that Bernard Markham, James Scott and William Fowler, or any 2 of them do ex- amine state and settle, the account. 1796, Ibid., p. 23. Mary Cary, Miles Cary, Richard [Robert?] Cary, Wilson Cary, Eliza Cary, Ann Cary, Dorothy Cary, Judith Cary, Henry Cary, Thomas Cary and Nathaniel Cary, vs Kemp Cary, Edward [Edmund?] Cary, Thomas Watkins and David Patteson. Execution granted Plts. with costs. 1797, Ibid., p. 189. Sarah Cary's estate, inventory and appraisement re- turned and ordered recorded. 1800, O. B. 13, p. 241. Rhoda Cary, wife of Peter M. Cary, commission for privy examination and certificate of Same with relinquishment of her right of dower in land conveyed-ordered recorded. 1806, O. B. 16, p. 435. Nelson Cary recommended Ensign of a Company of Mi- litia in this county commanded by Captain Green Hancock in place of Macon Trabue removed. O. B. 20, p. 620, 1816. 268 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Peter M. Cary, produced credentials of his ordination and being in regular communion with the Baptist church, testimonial was granted said Cary authorizing him to cele- brate the rites of Matrimony. O. B. 21, p. 385, 1817. Milton Cary, appointed constable. O. B. 22, p. 299, 1819. Ed H. Moseley, Samuel Hancock, George M. Cale and Wm. Elliott to examine estate and settle the accounts of Nelson Cary admr. of Miles Cary deceased and make re- port thereof to court. 1825, O. B. 25, p. 138. Samuel Cary, recommended as Lieutenant to a company of Militia in this county commanded by Capt. Geo. B. Moody in place of Anderson Edwards who refused to qualify. 1826, Ibid., p. 429. Mary Ann Cary, will of, presented in court by the execu- tors therein named for probate and on motion of Samuel Cary who opposes the said motion for probate continued till next term. 1826, Ibid., p. 436. The contest in relation to the will of Mary Ann Cary decd. is continued till next term and by consent leave is granted the parties to take the affidavits of their witnesses to be read in chief each party giving to the other reasonable notice of the times and places of taking the same. 1826, Ibid., p. 483. Jane Cary, Nicholas Mills, James Henderson & Daniel Weisiger examine into mental capacity of Jane Cary and report to court their opinion of the same. 1826, Ibid., p. 491. 1 A report in relation to Jane Cary being returned the same was ordered to be recorded and in the words and figures following to wit, conformably to an order of the county court of Chesterfield hereto annexed, we the under- signed have examined into the mental capacity of Jane Cary and beg leave to report that it is our unanimous opinion that the said Jane Cary has for a considerable time CARY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 269 past been and now is in a complete state of mental derange- ment. Given under our hands 13 November 1826, Signed- Daniel Weisiger, James Henderson, Nicholas Mills. Samuel Cary appointed committee of the said Jane Cary. Bond $3000. George B. Moody, security. 1826, Ibid., p. 576. Probate of Mary Ann Cary's will, continued to next court. 1827, Ibid., p. 14. An instrument of writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Mary Ann Cary decd was again presented in court for probate by Young Pankey the executor therein named, while motion of probate was opposed by Saml. Cary, by Counsell. Ordered that the said writing be recorded as the last will and testament of said Mary Ann Cary deceased. 1827, O. B. 26, p. 54. . Ordered that Milton Cary committee of James Cary a person of unsound mind make up statement and settle his account as committee aforesaid before master commission- ers Lawson Nunnally who is directed to examine the same & make report Etc. 1830, O. B. 27, 3. Elizabeth Cary, Will of, proved by the oath of Ben Homer and Danl. C. Bowman witnesses. Ordered to be recorded. Beverly C. Hancock executor, rendered right to qualify which is ordered on motion of John Blankenship, certificate granted him for obtaining letters of administration on the estate of the said deceased with the will attached. Jan. 8, 1849. O. B. 32, p. 277. MARRIAGE RETURNS BY MINISTERS 1772-1830 William Smith and Mary Cary. March 1st 1779. John Cary and Loopman. Apl. 1st 1786. Mr. Goode minister. Carter Page and Mary Cary. Apl. 4, 1783. - Kemp Cary and Rebecca Butler. Apl. 27, 1790. Peter Minor Cary and Rhoda Cox. Jany 26, 1795. Robert Cary and Mary Branch married by J. Smith. Wilson Cary and Judith Baker. 270 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Ed Cary & Sally Butler married by James Smith Sept. 7, 1793. Date of Certificate. Walthall Robertson & Ann Cary md. Oct. 18, 1794, by B. Watkins. Peter Minor Cary & Rhoda Cox Dec. 21, 1794 per Ben Watkins. Miles Cary & Obedience Brummall. [March 1791?] Kemp Cary & Rebecca Butler, all of Chesterfield Co. by James Smith, March 10th 1791. Wm. Walker and Bedsey Cary. 1828. Archibald Cary, Esquire, offered in Court an act of assembly of this colony intitled, An Act to Dock the intail of Certain Lands whereof the said Archibald Cary, Esquire, is seized as tenant in fee tail and to settle other lands of greater value in lieu thereof, with a certificate of the Royal Assent thereunto annexed; on his motion ordered that the same be recorded. April 1770. (Chesterfield County Court, Order Book 4, page 390.) At the Court of Saint James the 20th day of May 1763. Present: The Kings Most Excellent Majesty, Duke of An- caster, Earl of Egremont, Viscount Falmouth, Lord Le De- spencer, Mr. Vice Chamberlain, Willone Ellis, Esq., Sir John Philips, Richard Rigby, Esq. WHEREAS The Lieutenant Governor of his Majesties Colony of Virginia with the Council and Assembly of the said Colony did in March 1761, pass an Act which hath been transmitted in the words following viz: An act to Dock the Entail of certain lands whereof Archibald Cary Esq. is seized as tenant in fee tail and to settle other lands of greater value in lieu thereof to the same uses Whereas by one act of General Assembly made in the third and fourth years of the reign of his late Majesty King George the Sec- ond entitled AN Act to enable Henry Cary to sell certain entailed Lands in the County of Warwick and for settling three hundred and six acres of Land with the appurtenances in the County of Henrico and the moiety of three thousand and nine hundred and forty two acres of land with the ap- purtenances in the county of Goochland of greater value to the same uses reciting that Miles Cary late of the County of Warwick Gentleman deceased was in his life time Siezed CARY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 271 in fee simple of and in one tract or parcel of land with the appurtenances Situate lying and being in the Parish of Warwick in the County aforesaid commonly called and known by the name of the Forrest and so being thereof seized by his last will and testament in writing bearing date the Ninth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and sixty seven amongst other things did de- vise part of the said Land with the appurtenances to his son Henry Cary and to the Heirs of his body lawfully to be Begotten with certain remainders over as in the said will was Expressed and died so seized after whose death the said Henry Cary Entered Ento the Tenements aforsaid with the appurtenances and was thereof seized and Died as seized leaving Issue Henry Cary his Eldest Son and Heir who entered and was seized thereof and that the said Henry Cary the Grandson was and Stood seized in fee Simple of and in one plantation and tract of Land with the appur- tenances Situate lying & being on the south side of James River in the Parish of Henrico in the County of Henrico commonly called and known by the name of Warwick, Con- taining three hundred and six acres and also of and in Three Thousand nine hundred and forty two acres of land with the appurtenances Situate lying and being on the West Side and on the branches of Buck river other wise called Willis's Creek in the County of Goochland commonly called and Known by the name of Buckingham granted to the said Henry Cary by patent bearing date the 27th day of Sep- tember in the third year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the second and had petitioned that general assembly to be enabled to sell the said Entailed lands and to convey the same to Willson Cary of Hampton in the County of Elizabeth City, gentleman in fee simple with whom he had agreed for the purchase thereof on Settling the plantation aforesaid in the County of Henrico called Warwick with the appurtenances in the County of Gooch- land aforesaid in lieu of the entailed lands to the same uses and that the said fee simple lands so proposed to be settled were of Greater value than the entailed lands and would be an ample recompence to the issue in Taille and all others in remainder or reversion and the sale of the Said Entailed Lands would be of great advantage to the said Henry Cary 272 THE VALENTINE PAPERS and his family and for as mouch as he had made public notification of his petition in that behalf at the Church of the parish wherein the said Lands lay three Sundays succes- sively pursuant to his late Majesty's instructions in the behalf and no person had appeared to oppose the same it was at the humble suit of the said Henry Cary enacted that the Plantation and parcel of Land aforsaid in the County of Warwick with the appurtenances containing by an exact survey eight hundred and seventeen acres by the last will and Testament of the said Miles Cary so as aforesaid de- vised to the said Henry Cary deceased should on payment of the purchase Money agreed on by the said Wilson unto the said Henry be vested in the said William Cary his heirs and assigns and he should stand seized thereof to the one use and behalf of, him the said William Cary his heirs and assigns forever and from and after the payment of the pur- chase money aforesaid the three hundred and six acres of land with the appurtenances called Warwick and the moiety of three thousand nine hundred and forty two acres with the appurtenances called Buckingham aforesaid should be vested in the said Henry Cary and he should stand seized thereof to the use of him the said Henry Cary and the Heirs of the Body of the said Henry Cary deceased and in case of failure of such issue to the use of every other person and persons respecting who should or might have a right in re- mainders or reversion to claim the said Entailed lands under the will of the said Miles Cary if that act had not been made any law or Statute to the contrary thereof in any wise Notwithstanding Saving to the Kings most Excellent Majesty his heirs and successors and to all and every other person and persons Bodies Politic and corporate their re- spective Heirs and successors all such right title Estate Interest claim and Demand of in an to any of the lands before mentioned other than the person or persons claim- ing by from or under the last will and Testament of the said Miles Cary deceased or either of them as they or any of them had should or might claim if that act had never been made-Provided always that the Executor of that act should be suspended untill his Majesties approbation Xxxx be had thereof which act received his Late Majesties Royal assent and approbation in a Council held at the Court of CARY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 273 Saint James the twenty ninth day of November one thou- sand seven hundred and thirty three and was afterwards fully executed whereby the said Henry Cary the grandson became seized of the said three hundred and six acres of land called Buckingham with the appurtenances as Tenant in fee Tail AND WHEREAS the said Henry Cary the grandson afterwards departed this life so seized and being also seized in fee simple of the other moiety of the. three thousand nine hundred and forty two acres of land called Buckingham whereby the said lands descended to his son and heir Archibald Cary Esquire who entered into and is now seized of the said three hundred and six acres of land called Warwick lying in that part of the said County of Henrico which hath been since named Chesterfield County and one moity of the said three thousand nine hundred and forty two acres of land called Buckingham lying in that part of the said County of Goochland which hath been since named Albemarle County as Tenant in fee Taill and the other moity of the said land called Buckingham as Tenant in fee simple, and hath petitioned this general assembly that an act may pass to Dock the entail of the said three hun- dred and six acres of land called Warwick and to vest the same with the appurtenances in him the said Archibald Cary in fee Simple and to settle in lieu thereof the said other moity of the land called Buckingham whereof he is seized in fee simple being of Greater Value than the said Land called Warwick which will be a great advantage to the said Archibald Cary and his family and will enable him to make a more convenient provision for them than he can now do and for as much as notice hath been published three Sundays successively in the Church of the Parish wherein the said land called Warwick lyeth that applica- tion would be made to this present General Assembly to Dock the Entail of the said land called Warwick and to vest the same in him the said Archibald Cary in fee simple and to settle in lieu the said moity of the land called Buck- ingham to the same uses pursuant to his Majesties Instruc- tions may it therefore please your most Excellent Majesty at the humble suit of the said Archibald Cary that it may be enacted and be it enacted by the Lieutenant-Governor Council and Burgesses of the present General Assembly and 274 THE VALENTINE PAPERS it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same that the said Plantation and tract of land called Warwick with the appurtenances containing three hundred and six acres lying and being in the Parish now called Dale in the said county of Chesterfield whereof the said Archibald Cary is now seised in Fee Tail be, and the same is hereby vested in the said Archibald Cary and his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of the said Archibald Cary and his heirs and assigns forever and that the said other moity of the said three thousand nine hundred and Forty two acres of land called Buckingham with the appurtenances whereof the said Archibald Cary is seized in Fee Simple lying and being in the Parish of Tillotson in the County of Albemarle be and the same is hereby vested in the said Archibald Cary and the heirs of his body Begotten and in case of failure of such heirs shall remain and descend to such per- son and persons in the same manner and under the same Limitations as the said Land in the Parish of Dale in the County of Chesterfield called Warwick would have remained and descended if this act had not been made Going? to the Kings most Excellent Majesty his heirs and successors and to all and every other person and persons and bodies Politic and Corporate and their respective heirs and successors other than the Persons claiming in reversion or remainder after the death of the said Archibald Cary without Heirs of his body begotten all such right title and interest claim and Demand as they every or any of them should or might claim if this act had not been made Provided always that the Execution of this act shall be and the same is hereby sus- pended until his Majestys approbation thereof shall be ob- tained. March 31st 1761 Read a third time and agreed to by the council N. Walters C. G. O. March 31st 1761 Read a third time and passed the house of Burgesses. John Ran- dolph, Fran. Fauquier, John Robinson, Speaker. Which act having been perused and considered by the Lords Com- missioners for Trade and Plantations and By them pre- sented to his Majesty at this Board as fit to be confirmed his Majesty was this day pleased with the advice of his Privy Council to declare his approbation thereof and pur- suant to his Majestys Royall pleasure thereof Expressed the said act is hereby Confirmed finally Enacted and ratified CARY: HENRICO COUNTY 275 accordingly whereof the Governor Lieutenant Governor or Commander in Chief of his Majesties said Colony of Vir- ginia for the time being and all others whom it may concern are to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. W. Blair. (Chesterfield County Court, Deed Book 6.) HENRICO COUNTY RECORDS ORIGINAL PAPERS Henry Cary, of Henrico Co., Gent. to Josiah Leat, of same county, £23 curr. 460 acres in Dale Parish, afsd. Co. on s. side James River (being part of a larger tract of 17,653 acres granted by patent to John Tullit & by him sold to John Page & from sd. Page descended to his sister Eliz. Page & by her given in her last will to Mary Digges wife of Dudley Digges & by sd. Mary & Dudley sold to Henry Cary, as by their deed may now fully appear. 11 January 1736; Package 3. Bond Henry Cary, admr. of Hugh Ballantyne, decd. dated, 2 Décr. 1734: John Nash, security. £1000 curr: Package 4. Henry Cary, of Henrico Co., Gent. to William Byrd, Esq. of Charles City, £50 curr. 370 acres in Dale Parish, county afsd. on south side James River, part of a larger tract granted by Pat. to John Tullitt. Oct. 1742. Package 12. Henry Cary, of Henrico Co., Gent. to Zacharias Brooke, of same county, Clerk. £73 curr. 1856 acres in two tracts in Dale Par. Henrico Co. on south side James River, being part of a larger tract granted by patent to John Tullit. May 1738. Old Deeds W. The Hon. Wm. Byrd, Esq. of Charles City County, to Henry Cary, of Henrico Co., Gent. £70 ster. 60 Acres in Henrico Co., on s. side of James River; on sd. Cary's lower line on James R. below mouth of Cox's Run then down the River to mouth of Falling Creek up the creek to mouth of Grindal's Run thence Grindals to Cary's line thence to the beginning; & purchased by sd. Byrd of Henry Gee & wife: Dec. 1736. Old Deeds W. 276 THE VALENTINE PAPERS ORDERS, DEEDS AND WILLS Margaret Cary, at psent. Servt. to Maj. Tho; Chamber- lain in Court making oath (after she was by ye wortt. Jus- tices examined, &c.) that a bastard child by her born of about ten months old was gatt by Tho. Wells; It is refer'd to ye Vestry of Bristoll Parish to take such charge of ye sd. child as ye law enjoyns. 2 Aug. 1686. Minutes, July 1682-April 1701, &c. p. 215. Acct. of Licences for Marriages &c. granted in this county since return in April Genll. Court Last: (among them) Mr. Miles Cary, Junior, with Eliza. Cocke Aug. ye 22d, 1695. Recorded-Octr. Court, 1695. Deeds, Wills, &c. 1688-97, p. 604. On petition of William Lockett leave is granted him to clear a road to & from the place where he and others in- tend to build a bridge over Swift Creek between Allanson Clark and Henry Cary's plantations, provided that sd. road shall not pass thro. any persons cleared ground, & the petr. is appointed Surveyor thereof. Crt. held, July 1720. Min- ute Book, 1719-24; p. 61. Dudley Digges, of Henrico Par. Henrico Co., Gent. & Mary, his wife, to Henry Cary, of City of Williamsburg, & county of York, Gent. £215; 180 acres. in par. & county of Henrico. on s. side James River, Wm. Bird, Esq's. land, & land late in the possession of Nathaniel Harrison, Esqr. deceased. Recorded-2 March 1729. No. 1, Deeds, Wills, &c. 1725-37, p. 261. In the name of God Amen I Henry Cary, Son of Henry Cary of the County of Henrico being in a Declining State of health but in perfect Sense and memory Do make this my last will and Testament, in Manner and form following. I give to my Honored Father my two negro men named Daniel and Jacob; and I do Constitute my said Father Ex- ecutor of this My last Will and Testament and have to this my last Will and Testament set my hand and Seal this Eight CARY: HENRICO COUNTY 277 · day December one thousand Seven hundred & thirty three years. Henry Cary, Junior. Signed Seald publis. and De- clared by the said Henry Cary as his last Will and Testa- ment in presence of us, Foliott Power, Pat: Ker. Deeds, Wills, 1725-37, p. 429. At a Court held for Henrico County the first Monday in March 1733. This last Will and Testament of Henry Cary Deceased was presented by Henry Cary Excr. upon Oath, and the Same being proved by the oaths of Foliott Power and Pat Ker, the witnesses thereto was therefore ordered to be recorded. Ibid., p. 429. Dudley Digges to Henry Cary; Whereas by our certain indenture dated 20 July 1734 the sd. Dudley Diggs & Mary, his late wife conveyed unto sd. Cary 17,000 acres of land devised to sd. Mary by the will of Elizabeth Bray. This Indenture Witnesseth that sd. Cary hold sd. premises in trust for said Diggs. & sd. Diggs hereby doth authorize & impower the sd. Cary, his Execrs. & admrs. to sell the sd. premises, &c for so much money as can be got therefor & to apply the money arising from such sale to the payment of a debt due by sd. Diggs to Robrt. Cary of London, Mercht., upon a judgment obtained by sd. Robt. in the Gen- eral Court against the sd. Diggs & the said Henry Cary his security; rendering the overplus to the sd. Diggs: Wit- nesses-Jno. Nash, Thomas Branch, William Fuller. Oct. 1734, No. 2, Deeds, Wills, &c. 1725-37, p. 450. 29 Henry Cary, of Henrico Co., Gent. to Samuel Welden, of York County, Gent. £60 curr. 1000 acres. in Parish of Hen- rico; Co. afsd. on s. side of James River, being part of a larger tract of land containing 17,653 acres granted by patent to John Tullit. 2 Decr. 1734, Ibid., p. 457. Henry Cary, of Henrico Co., Gent. to John Hancock of same County; £14 curr. 200 acres on S. side of James River, in Henrico Co. being part of a patent granted John Tullit. 5 May 1735, Ibid., p. 477. 278 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Henry Cary, of Henrico Co., Gent., to John James Flour- noy, of same county, Gent. £33 curr. 450 acres in Henrico Co., on s. side of James River, being part of a large tract of land granted by Patent to John Tullit. 5 May 1735, Ibid., p. 482. Henry Cary, of Henrico Co., Gent. to John Fore, of same county, £24 curr. 400 acres in parish & county of Henrico, on s. side of James River being part of a tract granted John Tullitt. 29 May 1735, Ibid., p. 486. Henry Cary, of Henrico Co., Gent. to Mathew Branch, of same county: £39-12s; curr. 660 acres in Par. & county of Henrico, on S. side James River. 2 June 1735, Ibid., p. 487. Henry Cary, of Henrico Co., Gent. to Joseph Hobson, of same county, £2 currt: 42 acres in Co. of Henrico; on S. side James River; 5 May 1735, Ibid., p. 488. Henry Cary, of Henrico Co., Gent. to Daniell Fore, of same county, £24 currt. 400 acres in parish & county of Henrico, on S. side of James River; 29 May 1735, Ibid., p. 489. Henry Cary, of Henrico Co., Gent. to John Cox, of same Co., £12 currt. 200 acres in Parish & county of Henrico. on S. side James River; 2 June, 1735, Ibid., p. 492. Henry Cary, of Henrico Co., Gent. to Walter Scoot, Junr. of same county. £14 currt. 200 acres in parish & county of Henrico, on S. side James River; 2 June 1735, Ibid., p. 493. Henry Cary, of Henrico Co., Gent. to John Easley, of same county. £24 curr. 400 acres in Dale parish, Henrico Co., on S. side James River. 6 Oct. 1735, Ibid., p. 506. Henry Cary, of Henrico Co., Gent. to John Davenport of King William Co., £16-2s. currt. 230 acres in Dale Par. Henrico Co., on S. side of James River. 12 January 1735, Ibid., p. 520. CARY: HENRICO COUNTY 279 Henry Cary, of Henrico Co., Gent. to John Branch, of same county. £36 curr. 600 acres in Dale Parish, Henrico Co., on S. side James River. 2 Feby. 1735, Ibid., p. 521. Henry Cary, of Henrico Co., Gent. to Caleb Ware, of same county. £14 curr. 200 acres in county & parish of Henrico; on S. side James River. 30 January 1735, Ibid., p. 522. Henry Cary, of Henrico Co., Gent. to William Harris, of same county; £38-10s. curr. 770 acres in Dale Parish, Hen- rico Co., on S. side James River. 1 March 1735, Ibid., p. 525. Then received of Mr. Henry Cary the sum of one hun- dred and forty three pounds Nineteen shillings and five pence, half penny. It being due for two thousand Nine hun- dred Acres of Land part of a Tract given me by Elizabeth Bray which formerly belonged to John Tullit, Seventy one hundred acres, is known by the name of his Inland and the remaining eight hundred Joining to Nottingham Park. I say received by me. Dud: Digges. March 23 1735, Ibid., p. 526. Henry Cary, of Henrico Co., Gent. to John Price, of same county. £25 curr. 500 acres in Dale Parish, Henrico Co., on S. side James River; 1 March 1735, Ibid., p. 527. Henry Cary, of Henrico Co., Gent. to John Willson, of same county, Gent. £219-9s. curr. 4,389 acres in Dale Par- ish, Henrico County; S. side James River; 5 April 1736, Ibid., p. 536. Henry Cary, of Henrico Co., Gent. to Josiah Burton, of same county. £36 currt. 600 acres in Dale Parish, Henrico Co., on S. side of James River. 1 May 1736, Ibid., p. 548. Henry Cary, of Henrico Co., Gent. to William Trent, Senr. of same Co., £18 currt. 300 acres in Dale Parish, Hen- rico Co., on S. side James River. 1 May 1736, Ibid., p. 549. 280 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Henry Cary, of Henrico Co., Gent. to Thomas Tabb, of York County; £55-10 currt. 1110 acres in Dale Parish, Hen- rico Co., on S. side of James River. 21 April 1736, Ibid., p. 551. Henry Cary, of Henrico Co., Gent. to John Wooldridge, Senr. of same county £32-10s. currt. 650 acres in Dale Par- ish, Henrico Co., on S. side of James River. 1 Nov. 1736, Ibid., p. 576. John Wilson of Henrico County, Gent. to Henry Cary, of same Co. Gent. £144-9s. currt. Two tracts of land contain- ing 2889 acres in Dale Parish, Henrico Co., on S. side James River. 6 April 1736, Ibid., p. 578. William Byrd, of Charles City County, Esqr. to Henry Cary of Henrico Co., Gent. £70 sterlg. 60 acres on S. side James River, in Henrico County. Beginning at the said Cary's lower line on James River below the mouth of Cox's Run thence down James River to mouth of Falling Creek thence up the creek to the mouth of Grindals Run thence up Grindals Run to a corner of sd. Cary's thence along sd. Cary's line to the beginning; which sd. land the sd. Byrd purchased of Henry Gee & his wife. Maria, wife of sd. Byrd, relinquishing her right of dower &c. 6 Decr. 1736, Ibid., p. 582. Henry Cary, of Henrico Co., Gent. to John Langhorne, of Warwick County. £40 currt. 970 acres in Dale Parish, Henrico Co., on S. side of James River. 6 Dec. 1736, Ibid., p. 586. Henry Cary, of Henrico Co., Gent. to Josiah Seat, of same county. £23 curr. 460 acres in Dale Parish, Henrico Co., on S. side James River. 11 January 1736, Ibid., p. 602. Henry Cary and John Nash, Gent. Church-Wardens of Dale Parish. 3 April 1738, Ibid., p. 36. Samuel Delucena of Boston promises to pay Mr. Henry Cary "of Hanry County in Virginia" £28-17-8. on Aug. 1, CARY: HENRICO COUNTY 281 1744.-Recorded-This promissory note is recorded March Court 1744 at the "motion of Archibald Cary, in behalf of his father Henry Cary, Gent." Nov. 30, 1743, D. B. 1744, -48, p. 8. Henry Cary, bills 12 barrels of flower to Samuel Delusina by the "brigarteen called the Dolpin" sd. Delusina to re- ceive same in Boston and pay the freight. This bill of lading recorded March 1744-5. Ibid., p. 8. Thomas Mann Randolph, of Tuckahoe in Goochland Co., deed to Archibald Cary, of Ampthill in Chesterfield Co., for £25. 150 acres beginning at Tuckahoe Bridge down the creek on the east side thereof to the mouth of George's branch, to main road, etc. Recorded-Sept. 5, 1768. D. B. 1767-74, p. 83. John Cole of Lunenburg deeds to Archibald Cary, of Chesterfield Co. for £25, 25 acres in Henrico Co. known as Cary's Ferry. Recorded, March 5, 1763. Deeds, Wills, &c., 1750-67, p. 212. Archibald Cary, of Chesterfield deeds to William Ran- dolph of Henrico for £53-15- 25 acres in Henrico adjoining the lands of Wm. Randolph called Wilton and whereon the said Cary formerly kept a ferry. Recorded-June 3, 1753. Ibid., p. 230. MARRIAGE BONDS Marriage Bond of Henry Cary to Catherine White; Dated, 16 Decr. 1799. Samuel Woody, surety. Andw. Stur- man, witness. Bundles of Marriage Bonds. ELIZABETH CITY COUNTY RECORDS ORIGINAL WILLS Richard Cary, Clerk, his name appearing as clerk to a proof of the will of Peter Sandefur in Warwick County March 18, 1777. Richard Cary, Hende Russell the sur- viving Executors qualify thereto. Box No. 1. 282 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Wilson Cary, Will of. I Wilson Cary of Ceeleys in the County and Parish of Elizabeth City. Wife, Sarah five hundred pounds current money her cabinet, Gold Watch and rings Coach Post chaise & horses chain carts and har- ness all household goods and Kitchen Furniture Liquors of every sort Provisions all the new goods in my House at the time of my death and what new goods are sent for to Britain or else where the year I shall dye tho not arrived except the negroes clooths Tools &c sent for my slaves in Gloucester and King & Queen which I desire may be applied for their use. Wife during her life the use of all my plate and what Books of mine she shall chuse. wife during her life all my lands in Elizabeth City County and what ever Lands in the said County I shall hereafter purchase & hope my dear Son will let his mother use tend and enjoy the same tho the law may not strictly permit me to devise lands of which I may not be seized in my life time. Wife during her life time slaves in Elizabeth City at the time of my death, stocks of every kind Kept upon the said Lands all of which lands slaves and stocks I lend her the sole use of without being accountable to any persons. My son Wilson Miles Cary to pay to his mother annually on the 1st day of January the sum of 100 pounds current money in lieu & full of her Dower share Thirds or Part which she may or might claim to my lands slaves stocks &c. in the counties of Albe- marle Henrico Warwick Gloucester & King & Queen which said sum of 100 pounds, if he neglects delays or refuseth to pay within two months after it becomes due I hereby authorise & give Power to his said mother to take seize and expose to public sale as many of the slaves my said son shall or may inheret from me as will fully satisfy & pay what is at any time behind or remains due to her of the above an- nuity and to discharge the cost that may accrue thereon. Wife while she continues sole full Liberty of Power to cut up sell & carry off wood plank or other Timber from my lands in Elizabeth City county without any molestation or impeacement of waste. My pew in church of Elizabeth City Parish I hereby annex to my message in the said Parish called & known by the name of Ceeleys willing the said Pew may go and pass forever with the same message as the same shall decend. Widow of George Dudley (formerly CARY: ELIZABETH COUNTY 283 my overseer) by her will left me a legacy said Legacy to her son living in King & Queen near Paropotank. Executor to send to England for the following Books all lettered and bound in calf viz the Spectator Pamela, Clarissa and Sir Charles Grandison, which said books I give to my grand daughter Sarah Cary. Son Wilson Miles Cary, lands slaves stocks & other things whatsoever in Counties of Albemarle Henrico and after his mother's Death Lands slaves and stocks and other things lent her during her life in the Coun- ty of Elizabeth City. Item; lands in the county of Warwick together with my water Grist mill to son Wilson Miles Cary and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever and on failure of such heirs of the Body of my said son then to the Heirs of myself and the heirs of their Bodies lawfully begotten forever and on Failure of such my right Heirs then to and the use of the Parish of Warwick in the county of Warwick for a glebe for the benefit of the minis- ter of the said Parish forever. Lands purchased in County of King & Queen to son Wilson Miles Cary and the Heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever. Land in the county of Gloucester together with my water grist mill to son Wil- son Miles Cary & the heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever. Son Wilson Miles Cary all my slaves stock Plan- tation utensils and other things on my lands & plantation in Warwick Gloucester and King & Queen counties to him and his heirs forever. Grand daughter Sarah Cary (when 21 years old or when she is married on condition it is with the consent of her Father or guardian) five hundred Pounds current money of Virginia. To executors in Trust for grand daughter Mary Munro Cary bond of £354 (dated 23 Jany. 1765) with interest thereon from 10 Apr. 1765 due the tes- tator by his son Wilson Miles Cary Said bond and interest to be paid said Mary Munro Cary at age of 20 years or date of marriage (with consent of Father or guardian); Execu- tors to invest sums due from said bond and interest for said Mary Munro Cary. I had in a former will made a Provision for my daughter Mrs. Sarah Cary in case I should survive my son Wilson Miles Cary her husband but at the request of my said son I have omitted the said provision. Son Wilson Miles Cary all sums of money due me in Great Britain now or at the time of my death; all money which 284 THE VALENTINE PAPERS said son has paid for me or engaged to pay as my account to be paid him out of my estate have and deemed as part of my debts and I esteem provision I have made for his children or any of his family as given to himself. Residue of my estate not heretofore disposed of after paying my just debts and the Legacies to four daughters Sara Mary Anne and Elizabeth and son Wilson Miles Cary over and above what I have paid to the husbands of my said daugh- ters in my life time and over and above what I have already given to them and said son especially to be divided between them. To Executor the Part or share alloted daughter Eliza- beth Fairfax in Trust for the use and Benefit of said daugh- ter Elizabeth. I desire the same to be put out at interest upon good security and profits or interest thereof annually paid to said daughter Elizabeth upon her own receipt with- out the of Bryan Fairfax her husband to- wards the maintenance & better support of her and her children and to her sole use Benefit Behoof & disposal dur- ing her natural life and after her death the principal sum to her daughters and her son William towards his support. I mean all such daughters as she may leave at the time of her death. Whereas said Bryan Fairfax indebted to me by Bond Executors when said money is received to put same to interest and pay said interest annually to my said Daughter Elizabeth during her natural life in the same manner and under the like conditions and terms as before is directed for her Part of my personal estate and the principal money at her death to go and be divided in the same manner as that is directed. Nephew Colonel Cary Selden £50 currt. money in full of all Demands he may have upon me and if he should not otherwise be able to reemburse himself for loss he hath sustained in some money which he had to dis- pose of for me (tho I think Culo Lem Riddick is liable for the same) he may be indemified & paid out of my estate. To Mrs. Elizabeth Eyre £20 currt. money and a suit of mourning out of Col Prentis Staro upon condition she con- tinues with my dear wife unless they should mutually agree to part. Executors (if they should think my estate can conveniently afford it) to lay out £100 sterling in pur- chasing of Rings of such value as they may approve but if my personal Estate should fall short according to my ex- CARY: ELIZABETH COUNTY 285 pection that they have Power to omit Part or all of the said Rings as they may think proper except one which at all events I desire may be a handsome one and presented to my dear sister Selden as a small token of the affectionate Regard I bear to her; the other rings to be distributed at the Discretion of my executors should they be bought. Rob- ert Carter Nicholas Esq. the sum £100 currt. money for his Extra trouble and advice. In case any difficulties or dis- putes should arise on any thing in this my will in such oc- casions to avoid the expense and Delay of litigation I recommend that two honest and disinterested Persons may be chosen as Referees and if they cannot agree that a third person may be added to end and decide all disputes that may arise. Grandson Miles Cary my silver watch and my sword and pistols mounted with silver and my other arms. Where- as I was with the Honble. John Blair & Col. John Bolling deceased, left Executors to my sister Anne Whiting who by her last will and testament was given nine hundred pounds six hundred pounds part thereof due by Bond from Col Henry Whiting the said John Bolling before I was quali- fied to as an Executor received without my Privity and against my approbation and the remaining 300 pounds due from myself was paid at the desire of the said John Blair when an ample mortgage recorded in the general court for the use and benefit of the legatees to one James Shields since which Payment none of the principal or interest has been in my hands but wholly in the disposition on and man- agement of the said John Blair who received the money and applyed it to his own use and behoof. I hereby desire order and direct my Exor. to get legal & full discharges or counter Bonds from the delegates for the full sum of £900 and all the interest due thereon and if they shall refuse or neglect to give such discharges that my estate may be in- demnified I hereby order and direct my executors to apply to the general court in chancery or to pursue any other ways that shall be judged or advised meet & proper and effectual to obtain the same. As I may leave verbal directions as to some trifling matters I desire they may be complyed with. Appoints Son Wilson Miles Cary, son-in-law Robert Carter Nichol and my Kinsman Richard Cary of Warwick Execu- tors of this my will I desire that my Executors may not be 286 THE VALENTINE PAPERS obliged to give any security for their performance of the trust thereby reposed in them and I do hereby expressly de- clare that my son Wilson Miles Cary is not by any mean intended by my appointing him executor to be released from the Debt due me by Bond of which I have given to his daughter Mary Munro Cary and I desire the said Robert and Richard will each of them accept the sum of £50 as a farther Token of my regard of esteem for them upon con- dition that they qualify and act as Executors to my will. 10th Day of October 1772. Witnesses-Saml. Rowland, James Gell, Wm. Reade, Thos. Wooten, Jr., Abram Parish, Keziah-(X)-Wood. Probated Elizabeth City County Feby. 25, 1778. Wilson Cary, Gent. one of the Executors named in the said will, was granted certificate for obtaining a probate thereof no security required; Liberty reserved for other Executors to join in the said probate when they shall see fit. And on April 22 1773, Richard Cary Gent. took the oath of an Ex- ecutor to said will and is joined in the probate thereof and on May 27 1773, Robert Carter Nicholas Esq. took the oath of an Executor to the said will & he is also joined in the probate thereof. Box 1. Miles Cary of Ceeley, Elizabeth City County Virginia, Body to be interred at Rich Neck. Sister Mary Selden if living at my decease £50 currt. my easy chair & half the new Goods in my house Tools Utensils cloathing for negroes excepted. Nephew Cary Selden my chair & horse all my Kitchen & household furniture the Furniture of my hall ex- cepted which I give to my brother Wilson Cary. Nephew Saml. Selden my fowling gun and gold sleeve buttons. Niece Sarah Fairfax thirty pounds currt money and my Niece Mary C-y thirty pounds current money and plain gold ring also negro girl Nanny & her increase. Nephew Wilson Miles Cary, negro man Jack all my plate a ring with Diamond Sparks & if he dies under age said legacy to his father my brother Wilson Cary. Brother Wilson Cary, all my lands bought or taken up or what lands I hereafter bought in King & Queen County to him and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten forever & failing heirs male to his heirs female. Whereas I paid Long ago to my brother CARY: ELIZABETH COUNTY 287 William Roscow deceased the sum of £209 1s & 6d currt. in part of the sum of £300 curr to be paid out in buying a Tract of land of that value for his son James Roscow if the said James Roscow proves a good boy and Keep close to his Books or any other Business he is put to then I give the said James Roscow when he arrives at full age the sum of £90-18s, & 32d. currt. being ballance of ye £300 but if he proves an obstinate foolish boy & will not keep to his book or other business then in that case then I give the said Ballance of £90, 18s, 51½d to his brother Wilson Ros- cow when he arrives at full age. To Mrs. Catherine Burke- low on the sole condition she continues to live with me till to the time of my death not other wayes for the great care & trouble she has had in my family the Bed & Bedstead 2 pr sheets one blanket Linnen quilt and the Field bed cur- tains and all the new goods which I have sent for her own proper use either in my house or send for to England the year 1 dye & a quarter cask of wine all the tea coffee choco- late spice Dobe Kef Sugar in my house at the time of my death and my negro wench Judy & her child Nelly. Execu- tors to put out on interest £100 current on Bond and good security and pay her the interest arriving therefrom yearly as long as she lives, after her death said £100 equally di- vided between my three nephews Cary, Samuel & Miles Selden or if any of them shall dye their portion to the eldest child they shall have. Three nephews Cary, Samuel & Miles Selden after the paym't of my just Debts & above several legacies whatever money I shall leave here or in England or is due to me at the Time of my decease in Bonds or spe- cially Mortgages of land excepted which I haven given & assign to Brother Wilson Cary or in case of his death to his son Wilson Miles Cary. Nephews Cary, Samuel & Miles Selden what crops of tobacco after paying my overseers & the negros taxes & charges of getting down to ye ware- house the whole crop of Tobacco but not corn fodder wheat & which I would have go with my lands & negroes & if I dye after October crop of Tobacco then made tho not fin- ished with said money Bonds or specialtys mortgages of Land before excepted & tobacco I give to be equally divided between my said three nephews Cary, Samuel & Miles Sel- den if living and if any of them shall be dead I give their 288 THE VALENTINE PAPERS part to the eldest child they shall leave of its father de- ceased. Brother Wilson Cary (who is sole executor & re- siduary legatee) residue and remainder of my whole estate real and personal and in case of his death his son Residuary legatee. Brother Sisters Nephews & nieces release from any indebtedness to testator. Brother Wilson Cary sole Executor is very sickly and should he pre-decease testator Mr. Robert Carter Nicholas & nephew Wilson Miles Cary (when he shall arrive at ye age of 21 years) to be Execu- tors. To Mr. Robert Carter Nicholas the sum of £20 currt. for his trouble. 11 October 1752. Witnesses-George Wray Junior, Charles Pasteur, James Wallace, Wm. Deston. Re- corded-Certificate of Clerk not found. Box No. 1. John Cary, of Parish & county of Elizabeth City, Will of; Wife Susannah Cary the land purchased of Capt. Parsons deceased in Charles Parish, lower end of York county. Lends wife during her natural life the following slaves which I had by her, George, Joe, Judy, Jack and Lydie with all the increase of females, all my stock of horses cattle sheep and hogs household and kitchen furniture with all crops and money due to me she receiving and accepting the same in lieu of and full satisfaction of her dower. To wife during her life or widowhood all the rest of my slaves and after her death or marriage said slaves equally divided among my children Miles Hannah Armstead Betsy Allen, Gill Armstead John Judith Robinson Susannah, Nathaniel Robert Cary and such child or children as she may-have before my Death or be pregnant with at that time. In case any of my children should die before they come of age or marry such child or childrens part equally divided among the survivors of any who may be dead they standing in the place of their parent. Wife during her widowhood the plantation whereon I now live and in case she should marry again she only to have her thirds in said Land. Executors hereafter named (with consent of said wife) may sell the plantation I live on and the one I hold in York County at such time and on such Terms as they may think most ad- vantageous to my estate and if they think it most advisable they may lay out the money arising from such sale or any part thereof in purchase of another plantation for use and CARY: ELIZABETH COUNTY 289 support of my said wife and children. After death or mar- riage of said wife Executors have full power to sell and convey the land I now hold or any other in case they make a purchase as before impowered in such terms as they may think proper and the money arising from such sales in either case to be divided as follows money from the sale of Plantation whereon I now live equally divided among my Children as before described in this will, money arising from sale of lands in York County to be equally divided among such children as I now or may hereafter have by my said wife Susannah provided last mentioned Land for which I am now indebted be paid for out of the claim I have in right of said wife against estate of Mr. Gill Arm- stead in case my Executors shall be obliged to apply to the payment of said Debt and other of my personal estate (ex- cept such as may have come by my said wife) Money arising from sale of said Land divided as money arising from the sale of land whereon I now live, that is among my children before mentioned and the issue of such of them as may be dead. Negroes which I have lent my wife and which were by her, after her death equally divided among her children only stocks and other personal estate also lent her equally divided among all my children as named and limited in the 2d clause of will. Wife if she thinks proper to let any of my children have any part of negroes or personal estate as she can best spare when they come of age or marry they being accountable thereof in the distribution. Executors; wife Susannah Brother Rob- ert Cary and Friend William Armstead at the mill, Richard and Miles Cary of Warwick county. Oct. 28, 1794. Wit- nesses-J. M. Galt, John Kirby, Wm. Brown. Presented in Elizabeth City County July 23d, 1795. Book 1787-1800, p. 247. Wilson Cary, magistrate Elizabeth City Co., 22d June 1727. D. W. B. 1704-1730. Wilson Cary, magistrate Elizabeth City Co., 15th March 1729. Ibid. 290 THE VALENTINE PAPERS It is agreed by the minister, church wardens and the court to furnish Mr. Henry Cary with wood at the sale of 6 pence per load to burn bricks for the church from the school land. Jany. 1727. Ibid. Wilson Miles Cary, protest against the House of Dele- gates. In consequence of an address &c from the house of Delegates received from the Executive of this State which was laid before this court, Wilson Miles Cary Gentleman entered his protest against the same which is ordered to be recorded and is as follows-It appearing to Wilson Miles Cary as a Magistrate of the county of Elizabeth City (from the Journals of the house of Delegates) who has had the honor to set upon the Bench more than 30 years in some of which he has presided as the oldest Magistrate, That the late House of Delegates of the State of Virginia have made an unwarrentable and unconstitutional attempt to corrupt and instruct the magistrates of the said county by directing that certain resolutions and appeals to the good people (gen- erally... by the countinent at large) should be laid be- fore the said court thereby endevoring to influence the said Court to sanction measures in the opinion of the said Wilson Miles Cary inperious to the legitimate powers vested in the general government and the free chosen Represent- atives of the same the said Cary for himself and all other his associates Magistrates who may chuse to join therein doth hereby make known to Posterity that he protests against the assumed powers of the said House of Delegates and Executive and to the Constitutionality of the measure and most sincerely deprecates the Evils that must result from such and rash proceedings. March ye 28 1799, Wilson Miles Cary. Recorded-May 23, 1799. Book 1783-1800, p. 468. July 4 1749, Hannah—(X)—Jenings daughter of John Chandler deced. of Elizabeth City to Miles Cary of Eliza- beth City, Gent. £83-6s-9d. currt. 59 acres in Parish & coun- ty of Elizabeth City being part of a Pattent granted Lieu- tenant Albino Lupo for 350 acres of Land dated the 1st day of Sept. 1624, Bounded by Eaton's school and John Cneehs Lands, said Cary & school Lands, Hannah Jenings Land. D. W. B. 1736-1753, p. 338. CARY: ELIZABETH COUNTY 291 Feby. 26 1768, Wilson Miles Cary & Sarah, his wife of Elizabeth City to Curle Tucker of same county. £70 currt. 60 acres in Elizabeth City, part of a parcel of 175 acres sold by Anthony Hawkins & Euphone his wife to Alexander Kennedy by deed 13 Jan. 1757. Recorded in the General Court & by the will of Alexander Kennedy conveyed by his Exor. Wm. Wager to Wilson Miles Cary. D. W. B. 1763- 1771, p. 193. March 25 1791, Wilson Miles Cary, of Elizabeth City and Sarah, his wife to the Right Reverend James Maddison D. D. and Bishop of the State of Virginia in the City of Williamsburg. £1000. 161 acres in the Parish and county of Elizabeth City known by the name of Fair Fields and Lilliput. Recorded-March 1791. Vol. 1787-1800, p. 15. June 12 1795, William Cary and Sarah, his wife of War wick, and Mary Berenly Smallwood of borough of Norfolk to George Hope of Town of Hampton £124 currt. Planta- tion or tract of land lying in the County of Elizabeth City which was devised to the said Sarah and Mary Berenly by and under the last will and testament of their deceased father Josiah Massenbury [Massenburg?], the elder, late of Warwick County. D. W. B. 1787-1800, p. 191. Miles Cary, Gent. took the oath of allegiance & supremacy & subscribed the test and also took the oath of an attorney. Jan 1748. O. B. 1747-1755, p. 65. Wilson Cary, Esq. produced a commission to be County Lieutenant & thereupon he took the oath to his Majesty's Person and Government &c. Dec. 5, 1752. Ibid., p. 316. Wilson Cary as naval officer, Cary Mitchel Esq. as col- lector, Geo. Walker, Thos. Dixon, Richard Cary took the oaths to his Majesty's Person and Government. 7 Apr. 1761. Crt. Record, 1760. Wilson Miles Cary, Esqr. and James Wallace Gents. took the oaths to his Majesty's Person & Government, subscribed the test, June 1762. Crt. Record, 1760, p. 55. 292 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Wilson Miles Cary, Geo. Walker, Wm. Armstead mem- ber of the court. Jany. 9, 1764. Crt. Record 1760, p. 195. Wilson Miles Cary, Gent. took and subscribed the usual oath to his Majesty's Person and Government and the oath of a Justice of the Peace in Chancery. Crt. Record 1760, p. 459. Wilson Miles Cary, Deed of Gift to Wilson Cary his son; acknowledged by the said Wilson Miles Cary Party thereto and ordered recorded June 22 1786. O. B. 1784- 1788, p. 295. John Cary, Esq. produced a commission from his Excel- lency the Governor appointing him Lieutenant Colonel of the Militia in this county. April 26, 1787. Ibid., p. 379. FLUVANNA COUNTY RECORDS Oct. 9 1809, Wilson M. Cary of James City Co. to Wilson J. Cary, Grandson, 100 acres in Fluvanna Co., being part of the tract bought by the said Cary of Sackville King. Re- corded-9 Oct. 1809. (Wills, Superior Court, 1809.) Oct. 9 1809, Wilson Miles Cary of Fluvanna Co., to Law- rence Lewis of Fairfax Co. in trust for use of said Cary's daughter Elizabeth B. Fairfax wife of Ferdinand Fairfax, one negro woman called Pamela with her children born or to be born and one negro girl called Julia the slaves for the sole and separate use and Benefit of the said Elizabeth B. Fairfax during the life of the said Ferdinand and Eliza- beth and from and after the death of the said Ferdinand to the sole and separate use and benefit of the said Elizabeth forever in case she should survive the said Ferdinand and in case the said Elizabeth should not survive the said Ferdi- nand then from and after the death of the said Elizabeth to the use of all and every child of the said Elizabeth in equal parts and proportion. Recorded-9 Oct. 1809. (Su- perior Court B., p. 2.) CARY: FLUVANNA COUNTY 293 Will of, Wilson J. Cary of Fluvanna Co., just debts to be paid as soon as can be done without ruinous sacrifices of my property for which purpose I authorize my Exors. to sell such parts of my property as they can dispose of with the least sacrifice and when they Judge the time to be favor- able. Wife Virginia Cary 1/3 part of real and personal es- tate for the Term of her natural life and provided she stands to this my last will. All my household and Kitchen furniture Plate and Books and the following servants to wit; Bailey Lavinia and their daughter Emily, Billy the cook and my reversionary right to his wife Sally, Sally Adams and her eldest son Edward To Daughter Jane a girl named Maria as a compensation to her for my having sold a servant given her by her grandfather. Daughter Mary a girl named Judy as a compensation to her for a servant given her by her grandfather. To eldest son W. M. my gun and watch and after his mother's death my family plate. Son Archibald a boy named Louis second son of Sally Adams. All the rest of my property I authorize and direct my executors (and most earnestly request the con- currence of my wife to this arrangement) to sell at such terms and on such terms as they may Judge most conducive to the object of selling it to advantage and to invest the proceeds of the same in Government stock or any other species of property they may deem advisable with the ex- ception of Bank stock one third of the amount of sales as before expressed to dear wife for the term of her natural life after her death to be equally divided among my six children the remaining 2/3 to be equally divided among my children in fee simple as they come of age or marry so that they do not marry before the age of 18. That his family continue to live together, children under the guardianship of their mother who is to be allowed reasonable board for them and out of the profits of their respective portions and when the lands and negroes are sold it is further more my will that a decent and comfortable tenement be purchased (in some small town in the upper country or good country neighborhood as a home for my widow and children to be paid for out of my estate before any division as above di- rected takes place and this I design as a home for my wife for her life, after her death to be sold if necessary in order 294 THE VALENTINE PAPERS to an equal division among my children. Wife, Virginia Cary Executrix; brother Miles Cary and worthy friend Genl. J. H. Cocke Executors. Dated May 1823. Proved in Fluvanna Co. Court 26 May 1824 and the Executors named in the will refusing to undertake the Executorship there of Walker Timberlake qualified as administrator with the will annexed with bond of $65,000 with John Timberlake, Jr., Virginia Cary and Samuel F. Morris, his securities. W. B. No. 3, p. 6. Will of Miles Cary of Fluvanna Co. Just debts and funeral expenses to be paid. Executors after named shall sell at their descretion on such term and terms as they may think most to the interest of family all real estate and to dispose of all my reversionary interest in any estate real or personal and such of my personal property as they may think proper (except my household and kitchen furniture) and out of the proceeds of such sales in the first place to pay debts & if not sufficient for that purpose the balance to be raised from outstanding debts. Wife Elizabeth S. W. Household and kitchen furniture and such personal property as my Executors think proper not to sell and also a third part of all remaining part of estate including outstanding debts. Remaining part of estate not disposed of to my eight chil- dren to be equally divided between them namely Virginia R., Miles, Lucius, William Wallace, Elizabeth Curle, Sally Newsum, Mary Jane and Octavious, and their respective portions to be by Exors. put to interest taking good security or vested in some safe stock, and the interest if necessary to be applied to their education respectively until the boys arrive at the age of 21 years and until the girls come of the same age or marry and at such periods the proportion of such is to be paid But when they arrive to a lawful age to make choice of a guardian. My executors hereafter named shall not be required by the Court to give security to the execution of my will. Friend Col. Morris Langhorne of Cumberland, Genl. John H. Cocke, John Timberlake Jr. and Walker Timberlake of Fluvanna Executors, without secur- ity. Dated 22 day of March 1827. Witnesses-J. M. Mills, Wilson Miles Cary, Joseph Spencer. Recorded-Fluvanna Co., 23 June 1828. Ibid., p. 222. CARY: FLUVANNA COUNTY 295 Elizabeth S. W. Cary, Will of. Elizabeth S. W. Cary of Fluvanna Co., To Mother Lockey Curle my house and lands in Fluvanna Co. with furniture of every discription and carriage and horses for the term of her natural life. Also all the negroes left me by the will of my late husband Miles Cary. Executors to dispose of lands in Elizabeth City and Warwick Cos. and to pay into the hands of my mother the moneys arising from the sale of the same. Aunt Sarah Middleton the sum of $1000,00 dollars to be paid unto her out of the moneys due me by the estate of my late husband Miles Cary. Executors to purchase from Col. G. A. Strange so much land adjoining the tract I formerly purchased from him as shall increase the same to 100 acres. All other money not other wise disposed of due me from the estate of my late husband and from all other sources whatsoever Executors to retain in their hands giving security for the same or to invest in some safe stock paying to my mother Locker Curle yearly the annual interest thereof so long as she may live. I give my guns [gems?] and books to my four sons to be equally divided amongst them. It is further my will that all my property not absolutely disposed of herein be at the death of my mother devided equally amongst my children. Wilson M. Cary of Fluvanna Co. and John A. G. Davis of Albemarle Co. Executors. Dated 8 day of March 1830. Witnesses-J. M. Mills, E. Stephens, W. Timberlake. Ibid., p. 339. Proved in Fluvanna Co. 25 April 1831 and the ex- ecutors named therein refusing the executorship, Bazil M. Jones was granted administration of the said estate with the will annexed. Bond $10,000 with Samuel F. Morris and Reuben Crewdson, securities. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES Sept. 11 1783, James Cary and Ann Hall were married by William Moore. (Marriage Certificates.) 296 THE VALENTINE PAPERS GOOCHLAND COUNTY RECORDS August 5 1736, John Price & Hannah, his wife, Henrico Co., to Henry Cary, same Co., Gent. tracts of land contain- ing 800 acres. 400 acres in each tract-in Goochland Co., on the north side of Appomattox river. D. B. 2, p. 202. November 18 1735, Henry Cary, Henrico Co. Gent. from Richard Parker of Goochland Co., Planter, 400 acres land on South side James River in Goochland Co. Ibid., p. 204. December 9 1737, William Creasey, of Goochland Co., to Miles Cary, Gent. of Goochland Co., land in Goochland Co., on South side North branch James River and part of tract whereon said Wm. Creasey now lives, being a patent for 400 acres bearing date Sept. 28, 1732, and being the lower moiety or half of all that tract. D. B. 3, p. 76. Sept. 21 1738, Henry Cary of Henrico Co., to Alexander Stinson of Goochland Co., 400 acres land in Goochland Co. Ibid., p. 175. Febry. 16 1738, John Payne, of Goochland Co., to Henry Cary of Henrico Co., Mortgage, tract of land on which said Payne resides in Goochland Co., To secure debt of £19-19-3. Ibid., p. 174. March 4 1740, John Paine of Goochland Co., Blacksmith, to Henry Cary, Gentleman of Henrico Co., 380 acres in Goochland Co. Ibid., p. 395. July 6 1742, Henry Cary of Henrico Co. Gentleman, to Alexender Trent of same Co., Planter. 1040 acres in Gooch- land Co. D. B. 4, p. 18. Henry Cary of Henrico Co., Gent. to Benjamin Harrison, of Goochland Co., Planter. 400 acres in Goochland Co. Ibid., p. 29. CARY: GOOCHLAND COUNTY 297 Sept. 18 1742, Henry Cary, of Henrico Co., Gent. to James Murray of Prince George Co., Merchant. 1520 acres land in Goochland Co. Ibid., p. 50. Sept. 21 1742, Henry Cary of Henrico Co. to Archibald Cary his son, land in Goochland Co., on both sides of Willis's Creek containing 4122 acres it being part of larger tract granted to sd. Cary by patent. also ten negro slaves horses, cattle &c. on the plantation. Ibid., p. 95. Sept. 19. 1743, Henry Cary of Henrico Co. Gent. to John Osburn of same Co., Planter. 400 acres on South side James River in Goochland Co. Ibid., p. 235. May 30 1744, Henry Cary, Gent. of Henrico Co., to Alex- ander Trent of Goochland Co., Planter. 400 acres in Gooch- land Co. D. B. 5, p. 122. May 30 1746, Henry Cary of Henrico Co., Gent. to Ben- jamin Harrison of Goochland Co., Planter, 200 acres in Goochland Co. Ibid., p. 124. ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY RECORDS John Cary, Attorney, By authority & order of Capt. Wm. Woolard mediate and lawfull heir to Justinian Cooper de- ceased. John Cary publicly makes claim to property belong- ing to said Cooper, deceased, on the behalf & for the use of Capt. William Woolard aforesaid. Recorded-21 July 1666. Vol. 1, p. 97. Will of Mary—(X)—Wren, of Isle of Wight Co., To daughters Ann Potter, Martha Cary, Patience Bell, 1 shill- ing each, household effects to go to Grandchildren Mary, Meacom, Lewis Meacom, William Cary, Joseph Cary, Char- ity Cary, Richard Bell, Ben. Bell and Mary Bell to be paid them at the age 21 years or the day of marriage & that each child should be put to school. John Wren sole Execu- tor. Datd 27 Jany. 1746. Witnesses-Will Salter, Ben Bell, Wm.-(X)-Čary. Proved May 14 1747. W. B. 5, p. 62. 298 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Miles Cary, Gent. produced a Licence from Peyton Ran- dolph Esqr. Lt. Lawrence Burford and Stephen Daey Gent. to practice as an attorney at Law in the County Courts of this Colony according to the late act of Assembly in that Case made and provided and the same being read he took the oaths prescribed by Law and subscribed the Test and likewise the oath of an attorney who thereupon is admitted to practice as an attorney in the court accordingly. 4 Jany. 1749. O. B. 1746-1752, p. 203. Oct. 5 1752. Arthur Smith of Isle of Wight Co., Gent. and Elizabeth, his wife to Miles Cary Junior attorney at Law of the same place, £4-10s. One lott in town of Smith- field, Isle of Wight County. D. B. 9, p. 18. A commission from the Hon. Lewis Burwell Esqr. Presi- dent of his Majesty's Councill and Commander in chief of this Colony directed to Miles Cary Junior appointing him the said Cary King's Attorney of this County was read and thereupon the sd. Miles was sworn King's attorney. O. B. 1746-1752, p. 368. John Cary, Witness to will of John Wren dated 14 Aprl. 1752. W. B. 6, p. 21. William Cary, witness to Will of John Delk, 29 Dec. 1753. W. B. 6, p. 73. Bond of William Cary of Isle of Wight Co., to John Ben- net of the same Co., £30 curr. of Virginia. Condition: said William Cary by 1st Monday in March next acknowledge to sd. Bennet a tract of land he now lives upon with all the appurtenances there belonging. 1756. D. B. 9, p. 412. William Cary, An appraisement of the estate of Wm. Cary deceased. 1 young horse 2 (sows & piggs 20/ parcell of shoats 36/.... 9 Hogs at 4/6 5 barrels corn 1 Bed and furniture 1 66 66 £3- 0-0. £2-16-0. ..£2- 0-6. £1-10-0. £2-10-0. £1- 5-0. CARY: ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY 299 1 Large chest 8/1 small Do 5/ parcell Tobco. 1/3.... £0-14-3. 1 case and bottles 18/ 2 old boxes 1/3 ½ Doz. chairs 7/6....£1-6-9. 1 Bed & Bedstead 20/. 1 Table 5/ parcell cotton..... 1 pr Pistols & Holsters 15 old lumber.. .£1- 7-6. £0-17-6. 2 candle sticks & candle box 1/2 spitts & 1 pr Fleash forks..£0- 8-6. ½ doz bottles, punch bole 1 mugg & pr flemes... 1 looking glass & Brush.. .£0- 3-0. £0- 3-0. 1 Set shoemakers tools and lasts 20/. 1 Chest with leather....£2- 5-0. 1 Cart & pr wheels 5/ old iron... £0-17-6. 1 Currying knife & steel 3/.. £0- 3-0. Parcell of Tubbs & pails 7/6 1 Spinning wheel 2/6.. £0-10-0. 2 potts & pott racks 1 skellett Tongs & frying pan...... .£0-14-0. 1 kittle 5/. pr money scales mortar & Pestle 2 glasses 3/....£0- 8-0. 1 Box iron & Heaters 5/. parcell of pewter..... £1-15-0. 1 Table cloth Knives & forks 2/6 Chamber pot. 1 bed chest 2 Butter Potts & meal Tub 7/...... £0- 3-9. £0- 7-0. William Cary. In obedience to the Worshipfull Court of Isle of Wight county We the subscribers being first sworn have appraised the estate of William Cary, Deceased. John Welch, Richard Hardy, John Carroll. At a Court held for Isle of Wight County Nov 4, 1756, The appraisement of the estate of William Cary, deceased, was returned into Court by the appraisers and ordered to be Recorded. W. B. 6, p. 243. March 12 1757, William Cary of Isle of Wight Co. to Benjamin Edwards of Surry County. £35-10 shillings curr. money of Virginia. 75 acres in County aforesaid in Lawns Creek Neck part of which Land conveyed to Richard Hardy by William Kerby deed dated 13 Aprl. 1736 and Recorded in the General Court of this Colony, remaining part thereof Patented by the grand father of the sd. Richard Hardy and descended to the said Richard and Heir at Law to his said Grandfather and by Richard Hardy aforesaid Con- veyed to Wm. Cary which said Land descended to me the above said Wm. Cary as Heir at Law to my father. D. B. 9, p. 493. March 5 1760, James Cary witness to a deed of Wm. Vaughn of Southampton Co. & Katherine, his wife, to Gale Eley of Isle of Wight Co. D. B. 10, p. 185. 300 THE VALENTINE PAPERS May 5, 1763, Joseph Cary & Ben Edwards of the parish of Southwark & County of Surry to Richard Hardy of Isle of Wight Co. Whereas William Cary of Isle of Wight Co. deceased was in his life twice seized of & in one certain tract of land lying and being in the Parish of Newport & county of Isle of Wight containing by estimation 75 acres & being so seized Departed this life leaving issue William Cary & Joseph Cary his two sons, after whose death the said William Cary entered into the said land and by his certain Deed bearing date the Twelfth day of March 1757 sold and Conveyed the sd. 75 acres of Land to Benjamin Edwards part of these presents and soon after the said William Cary Departed this life being at the time of making such conveyance an infirm person and much afflicted with lunacy after whose death the said Joseph Cary commenced an action against the said Benjamin Edwards being disatis- fied with the title by him so purchased, as likewise in con- sideration of Eleven pounds fourteen shillings part of the consideration money above mentioned hath admitted the said Joseph Cary into possession and the said Joseph Cary is now seized thereof as heir at Law to the said William Cary Deceased, Now this indenture witnesseth that in con- sideration of thirty six pounds & ten shillings paid by the said Richard Hardy to Joseph Cary & Benjamin Edwards hereby convey to said Richard Hardy the said tract of land containing 75 acres lying and being in the Parish of New- port and County of Isle of Wight. D. B. 11, p. 140. December 1st 1768. Wm. Parsonby of the Parish of New- port Isle of Wight Co. and Katy, his wife to James Cary of Warwick Co. £110 curr. 200 acres in Newport Parish, Isle of Wight Co., formerly conveyed to Elizabeth Haile by Ed- ward Haile & Susannah, his wife by Deed. D. B. 12, p. 257. Inventory and appraisement of the estate of John Cary Deceased taken May 18 1762, Thomas Day, William Carrell & William Glover. Appraisers. W. B. 7, p. 250. Patience (X)-Cary of Isle of Wight Co. Will of, one fourth part of estate of what sort soever (after all charges & debts paid) to be equally divided between five grand CARY: ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY 301 daughters vizt. Mary, Patience, Anna, Rebecca & Comfort Hodgers. Residue of estate to be equally divided between three children vizt James Lupoo, Philip Lupoo, & Mary Brantly. Son James Lupoo Executor. Dated 7th Decem- ber 1772. Witnesses-William Carrell, Jeremiah Proctor. Proved 2 Dec. 1779. W. B. 9, p. 30. Inventory and appraisement of the estate of Patience Cary Deceased. Total £579-7s-0d, Appraisers Ben. Har- rison, John Wren, Lewis Chapman. December 1779. W. B. 9, p. 37. James Cary, of Isle of Wight Co., Newport Parish, Will of, Wife Mildred Cary all Household and Kitchen furniture that she was possessed of when I married her. Lend wife the whole of my estate real and personal during her nat- ural life, at her death To brother Thomas Cary's son Wil- liam Cary of the county of Warwick the whole of estate real and personal. Brother Thomas Cary of the county of Warwick Executor. Dated 8 July 1788. Witnesses: Drewry Andrews, Chas. Fulgham, Josiah Davis. Recorded-7 May 1789. W. B. 10, p. 140. Inventory and appraisement of the estate of James Cary decd. taken the 7 August 1789. Total £224-12-3. W. B. 10, p. 191. August 9 1792, Miles Cary of Southampton Co., & Griz- zie his wife to John S.? Wills, Jr. of Isle of Wight Co. £18 currt. money. Lot of land in town of Smithfield. D. B. 17, p. 210. July 16 1796, William Cary & Sarah his wife of War- wick Co., to Wm. Legar of Isle of Wight Co., Whereas James Cary late of Isle of Wight Co., by his will devised to his wife the whole of estate during her life and at her death his brother Thos. Cary's son William Cary of Warwick Co. D. B. 18, p. 84. 302 THE VALENTINE PAPERS KING WILLIAM COUNTY RECORDS The names of James Cary, James Mitchell and Jane Cary signed to a much mutilated Indenture dated King William County 19th 1722. Book 2. Know all men by these presents that I Robert Cary of New Kent County Miller doe owe and stand Justly In debted. unto John Isbell of King and Queen County the just quan- tity 8000 pounds of sweet scented Tobacco and cask con- venient & which well to be made. In witness &1 signed with my seal and dated 12 day of June Ann Dom 170%2 Signed: Robert Carey. Book 12. LUNENBURG COUNTY RECORDS Dec. 5 1763, Robert Cary of Chesterfield Co. to Liner Gregory of Lunenburg Co. £18 curr. 100 acres in Lunen- burg Co. D. B. 9, p. 343. Sept. 4 1753, Joseph Akin of Lunenburg Co., to James Cary Junior of Nansemond Co. £12. 400 acres in Lunen- burgh Co. on south side of Roanoke River. D. B. 3, p. 385. Ordered that William Irby, Thos. Hilton, John Philpot, and Thomas Tenney or any three of them do appraise &c. the slaves and personal estate of Wm. M. Cary deceased &c. Febry. court 1758. O. B. 1748-1757, p. 108. The petition of John Simmons against James Cary for a Debt therein sayed to be due for reasons appearing to the court is ordered to be dismissed June Court 1749. O. B. 1748-1757, p. 178. MIDDLESEX COUNTY RECORDS William Cary, an appraiser of the estate of Joseph Smith deceased, May 23 1699. W. B. 1698-1711, p. 29. CARY: MIDDLESEX COUNTY 303 David Carey, returned account of his patrole to which he made oath &1 &1. O. B. 1799-1803, p. 377. Certificate according to law is granted to Capt. Richard- Willis for the Importation of 18 persons into this Colony by name Philip Colbert, Mortier Paul, John Cary, Thos. Smith, John Zoebery, Wm. Evans, (& others) proved the same by his oath 8 May 1699. O. B. 1694-1705, p. 280. William Cary, member grand jury August 1700. Ibid., p. 359. Administration of the estate of William Cary decd. is granted to Mary Carey the widdowe of sd. deceased. Thomas Blakey and Nicholas Branch security. March 1702. Ibid., p. 509. Ann-(X)-Cary administratrix of estate of William Cary, deceased. Bond 30-000 pounds of good sweet scented tobacco. Thomas-(X)-Blakey and Nicholas Branch, sureties. Recorded 3 May 1703. Ibid., p. 574. Ordered that Stokley? Towles, William Wood, Mathew Hunt, & John Smith, appraise the estate of Thomas Carey. 4th Jany. 1720. O. B. 1710-1721, p. 508. Feb. 3 1696, between Thomas Dowlin and Wm. Kary. said Thomas Dowlin covenants & grant with said Kary and his wife for nine years to serve in such service and Imploy- ment as the said William Kary & his wife shall imploy him and the said Kary & his wife covenant and grant with said Dowlin to give him said Dowlin 3 years schooling serting? and likewise to finde him the said Dowlin sufficient Dyett washing Lodging & apparel & the said Kary & his wife is to finde the said Dowlin decent lodging to Dyett the said Dowlin with him and his wife and at end of said term of nine years to give sd. Dowlin good decent apparell of wool- ing and linening withe other necessaries. (signed William Kary, Mary Kary) D. B. 1694-1705, p. 158. 304 THE VALENTINE PAPERS March 27 1690. John Butcher of Midd. Co. planter to Capt. Oswald Cary of Midd. Co. £5. 50 acres in Midd. Co. D. B. 1679-1694, p. 399. John Tidbury of Virginia Planter, power of attorney to Oswald Cary of Virginia Planter. July 1681. Ibid., p. 35. Suite of George Runes attorney of Mr. James Carey against James Thomas & Wm. Dudley referred to ye next Court. April 1682. O. B. 1680-1694, p. 78. Oswald Cary, qualified as a Justice. Jany. 1682. Ibid., p. 95. Oswald Cary, sheriff Middlesex Co. for year 1690. Capt. Oswald Cary. D. B. 1679-1694- p. 414. Oct. 20, 1691. James Cary of London Merchant & Ann Mallory of London Widdow & executrix of ye last will and testament of Ralph Mallory late of London merchend de- ceased power of attorney to Capt. Jno. Purvis commander of ye ship Loyall Effingham now bound for Virginia. Ibid., p. 490. Chris Robinson & Henry Waring audit account of Os- wald Cary Plt. against Jno. Smith as marrying Phoebe admx. of George Reeves Deft. Nov. 1689. Ibid. Capt. Oswald Cary appointed Sheriff. May 1690. Ibid. Capt. Oswald Cary's estate appraised by Matt Kemp, Wm. Daniel & John Cont. Sept. 1691. Dudley Cary Gentleman, Justice of the Peace of Mathews Co. June 1798. D. B. 1791-1799, p. 502. Mathew Jaquelin Cary, orphan of Wm. Cary decd. of the County of Prince George by his own free will together with the advice of his friends hath put or bound himself appren- tice unto Nathaniel Cunningham house carpenter of the county of King & Queen to serve him from the day of the CARY: MIDDLESEX COUNTY 305 date hereafter the manner of an apprentice until he doth attain to the age of 20 & one years during all of which time the said Cary shall in all respects whatever behave as an apprentice ought to do. In consideration of which the sd. Cunningham will and shall teach or instruct or cause to be taught or instructed the said Cary his above mentioned art or mystery, and for the true performance of all & every the above covenants and agreements either the sd. Parties by these presents bind themselves unto the other. In wit- ness whereof they have hereto enter changeably put their hands and seals this 7th Dec. 1742. N. Cunningham, Mathew Cary, Seal Seal Witnesses-Anthony Smith, Jno. Smith, Luke Burford. Re- corded-7 Dec. 1742. O. B. 1740-1754, p. 68. POWHATAN COUNTY RECORDS Sept. 27 1779, Archibald Cary of Chesterfield Co., to Henry Skipwith, 20 acres in Pohatan Co., on the Bucking- ham Road which was reserved to Henry Cary Esquire, deceased, father of the said Archibald in a sale and deed made by the said Henry Cary to James Murray of certain lands which afterwards vested by purchase in John Wayles, Esquire. D. B. 1, p. 115. Jany. 4 1791, Stephen Pankey & Mary his wife to Robert Cary of Chesterfield Co. 100 acres land in Powhatan Co. adjoining lands of William Sublett &c. Ibid., p. 635. Jany. 31 1793. Robert Cary of Chesterfield Co., to Wilson Cary of Chesterfield Co., 100 acres in Powhatan Co., which was purchased of Stephen Pankey by said Robert Cary. D. B. 2, p. 27. 306 THE VALENTINE PAPERS RICHMOND COUNTY RECORDS Timothy Cary, & James Starkes imported into the county by Mr. Peter Kipper, Dec. 1701. O. B. No. 3, 1701. Edward Cary having frequently absented himself out of the service of his Master Mr. Samuel Peachey and itt being evidently made appear that ye Saml Peachey hath experi- enced the summe of 600 pounds of Tobacco to procure him again the court have ordered that ye sd. Edward Carey do serve his said Master or his assignee the full space or time of 8 months and an halfe after his time by Indenture cus- tome or other-wise be fully expired. 3d Dec. 1701. Ibid. Jno. Cary brought into the collony by Wm. Smith among others. 2 Mch. 1703. Ibid. 7 SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY RECORDS Miles Cary. Will of. Miles Cary of Southampton Co. attorney at law-"I lend the use and occupation of all my estate with liberty of culling timber on any of my lands at her discretion to my wife during her natural life or widowhood to support herself & to maintain & educate my children whom I hereby commit to her guardianship & care during her widowhood. Item-after the determina- tion of my wife's estate as above I give all lands I hold in the county of Warwick to my son Miles Cary in fee simple." Lands in the county of Southampton to son Nathaniel Cary in fee simple. Lands in Sussex & Brunswick counties to be sold by my executor or the survivors of them & the money arising by such sale to be personal estate. To each of my daughters a negro girl to be chosen and delivered by my wife as she judges best. Power given to executors or suc- cessors, to sell lands given to my son Nathaniel with the CARY: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY 307 consent of my wife if living in case they shall judge it for the interest of the child & to vest money on other lands or any other manner to apply the money as they think best for his benefit. Wife power (with the advice of Exors.) to sell any of my slaves she thinks fit and to apply the money in purchasing others as may suit the estate in lieu thereof. Wife & my executors (after her death) to be carefully exact in educating my children in the best manner they can & to place my two boys to some business such as their own inclination & natural genius seems to incline to. Residue of estate as slaves and personal estate (on the determina- tion of my wifes estate) to be equally divided amongst all my children or the survivors. Inventory according to law to be made. no appraisement. Wife executrix & brother Richard Cary of Warwick, Reverend Miles Selden of Hen- rico, Benjamin Watkins of Chesterfield and Henry Taylor of Southampton executors. Dated 3 July 1766. Probated 11 December 1766. Henry Taylor one of the executors named qualified, liberty being reserved for the other Exors. to qualify thereon. W. B. 2, p. 179. Miles Cary, Inventory. A true and perfect inventory of the estate of Miles Cary decd. taken 6 March 1767. 31 negroes: Horses viz. 12 horses: cattle, sheep, 16 cows and steers: 38 sheep & 38 pigs, 4 two & 3 years old hogs, 9 sows & pigs, 42 hogs some small; 1 trunk; 4 large silver table spoons, 8. tea spoons, 4 chany Bowles, 2 milk bowls with plates, 1 doz. chany plates, and white 2 doz. Do blue and white, 17 agett plates, 13 stone do, 2, 7 stone Dishes, 2 Japanned waiters, 2 do, 1 5 Green and white china tea cups and saucers, 2 Red & White, 4 Blue and white Do, chocklate do, 7 coffee do, 5 stone tart holders, 2 glass do, 2 Tea potts, 2 milk Do, 1 Doz. wine glasses, 1 cyder do, 1 cream, 2 doz. Salts, 1 sugar box, 4 gilt trunks, 1 hair do, 3 Dutch mugs, 1 pitcher, 5 butter potts, 1 bread baker, 1 chocolate mill, 1 black Gammen table, 3 cotton wheels, 2 Flax do., 1 pair mens boots and spurrs, 3 men saddles, 1 portmen law Do, 1 womens do, 1 riding chair, 1 tea kettle, 1 coffee pott, 3 brass candle sticks, 1 dozen large ivory hofted Knives and Forks, 1 dozen small do, 9 Backhorn do, a Library of Books, 1 ink stand, 12 doz. pewter plates (soap), 2½ Doz. Shallow, 11 large and small pewter dishes, 5 do Basons, 1 parcel old pewter, 3 guns, 1 pair pistols, 1 silver sword, bayonet and touch box, 1 case Razors & 1 pr scales, 1 silver watch and Gold Seal, £21-02-6. cash in the house, 1 sett shoe and knee buckles, 3 Table cloths green and purple, 7 feather beds, 2 308 THE VALENTINE PAPERS large Damask table cloths, 8_large Damask Napkins, 2 black walnut tables, 2 small do, 1 corner Do., 1 Desk, 1 chest of Drawers, 1 doz. walnut chair, 3 armed chairs, 6 rush bottomed Do. Henry Taylor. 9 April 1778. Recorded-Southampton Co. 9 April 1778. W. B. 3, p. 212. The estate of James Cary deceased in acct. with Ethelred Warren Executor. X X X X X Among items; To paid Edward Cary his legacy.. 66 66 Joseph Scott .0-5-0. .£14-10-9% account settled by Samuel Maget, Mills Everett. Re- corded-May 18, 1806. W. B. 6, p. 352. The estate of Ann Cary deceased in acct. current with Ethelred Warren admr. Account settled by Samuel Maget, Mills Everett. W. B. 6, p. 352. Will of Miles Cary of Southampton Co. Wife Elizabeth Cary, five horses namely Tennessee mare and colt Togler, Ball, Pacing Jack, Milo colt and the Mendel Filly, 20 cat- tle to be chosen by herself out of the stock on the plantation whereon I now live 20 ewes and one ram and all my stock of hogs on said plantation Lend to said wife Elizabeth the plantation whereon I now live during her life and the follow- ing negroes (during her life) Thompson, Harry, Tabitha, Celia, Sidney, Phil, Silas, Jim, Bloney Anthony, Willis Billy Claebourn, James Mason Raniey and Froukey and George. also lend wife all household furniture (except two beds and furniture) all my kitchen furniture, coachee and Harness, new riding chair and harness, still, and all the utensils to the plantation whereon I now live during her life all said Gifts and loans in lieu of Dower, at the death of my wife I desire the coachee and Harness the riding chair and har- ness and the utensils belonging to plantation (except the Still) may be sold and the money arising from the sale equally divided amongst all my children. The still to son George. Son George Booth Cary tract of land known by the name of Creek quarter bounded by the main Run of Nottoway River, the main Run of the three creeks, John Applewhites line and Browns line, and at the death of wife, CARY: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY 309 said son George the tract of Land whereon I now live. also slaves, to wit; Molly, and her three children, Charles, Lucy and Milly, Jacob, Harris, Bob, Moses, Will, Sterling Annie- ky, Willis and Charlotte to him and his heirs forever, also the six horses belonging to the Creek quarter all the stock of cattle thereon and all the stock of hogs-except those that will be fattened for sale and for the overseers provision the ensuing year. Also my still and all the tools and im- plements of every kind on the said plantation, also 2 of the best sheep of the stock on the said plantation and also what corn may be necessary to support the plantation the ensuing year. "Buckhorn" and Nottoway "plantations be Kept up and the hands thereon and a sufficiency of stock of every kind be kept thereon for the support of my five daughters until Nancy and Peggy Cary marries or comes of age at which time the one who marries first shall draw "½ of the slaves called the Buxton family to be possessed by her and her heirs forever excepting the slaves of the said family I lend to my wife," sd. plantations are then to be kept up with the remainder of my slaves not given away or lent until the other comes of age or marries, when either hap- pens she may have the remainder of the said family of slaves and their increase excepting those I lend to my wife; said plantation I desire may be still kept up for the benefit of the rest of my girl children until the death of my wife and at her death said plantation may be sold at public sale together with the crops made thereon, all stock, utensils and impliments belonging to said plantation and monies arising from said sale equally divided between five daughters or as many of them or their children as may be living at the death of my wife. If at that period any of my daughters should be dead and leave children the children of the one or of those who may be dead are to draw of the above sale only so much as their Mother or mothers would have been entitled to had she or they (as the case may be) lived vizt; one share the Sales above last mentioned to take place at some convenient time after the death of my wife. To pre- vent mistakes and disputes I think proper here to name the slaves that make the Buxton family (exclusive of those I loaned to my wife) to wit; Nell, Penny, Moses, Tom, Stephen, Amos, Rindy, Jim, Buxton, Davy Pink Levisha 310 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Bob Elly, Selpha, Patience, Jane, Peg, Lucy Jane David Moses Joshua Jesse, Annise Isaac Nat Lewis, Jerry Eliza Rhoda, Joe and Jack, at the death of wife to be equally divided between daughters Nancy and Peggy Cary. Fol- lowing slaves and their increase to wit; Tabitha, Celia, Thompson Harry Phil, Jim, Blony, Willis, James and Fron- key (which said slaves were lent to my wife during her life) slaves not of the Buxton family and not before given away with their increase at the death of wife equally di- vided between daughters Sally, Martha and Charlotte Cary. in case either of said daughters Sally, Martha or Charlotte should marry before my wifes death, one marrying en- titled to her part of said slaves in the same manner as if my wife had died. Stock not given away as may be thought by my executors to be unnecessary for the use of plantation to be sold and the proceeds of sales equally divided amongst all my children after all just debts are paid remaining part of money whether in hand or to be collected be equally divided between all my children. Daughters, Nancy and Peggy Cary one bed and furniture each. Blunt and Ethel- red Edmunds both of this county executors. Dated 18 June 1806. Witnesses-Thos. D. Price, John-(X)— Magee, James Killo, Ann Yates. Recorded-21 July 1806. Ibid., p. 361. The estate of Miles Cary deceased In account, 1807, cur- rent with Ethelred Edmunds Executor. Nov. 16, To Pd. James Sebrell Woodward Constable 66 86 66 66 Robert Scott 66 66 Theopilus Scott 66 66 £ .£ 1-10-0. 8-0. .$2-65. $1-59. Mrs. Eliza Cary as guardian to Sally & Martha Cary, Geo. B. Cary & Char- lotte Cary .£400- 0-0. ་ 66 66 John Stith Esq. in part of his wifes por- tion £100- 0-0. << 66 Rev. Lewis Taylor in part of his wifes portion .£100- 0-0. Recorded-21 May 1810. Ibid., p. 726. CARY: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY 311 An Inventory and appraisement of the estate of Capt. Miles Cary Deceased. 27 head of cattle 4 horses 1 Riding chair 12 negroes men women & children.. 50 shoats .£ 56-44-0. .£ 62- 0-0. 1-12-0. .£ £ £ 11- 5-0. 14 sows & 1 boar 20 head of sheep 12 geese 29 head of cattle 1 grey mare, 1 black horse, 1 Bay mare, 1 Sorrel Colt....£ 11 negroes men & women.. 23 shoats, 11 sows 16 cows 16 sheep 17 negroes 4 horses, namely 23 head of sheep 22 head of cattle 6 horses, namely 12 negroes, namely 9 geese, 30 shoats, 10 sows.. 3 negroes, namely 8 horses, namely 19 negroes, namely 20 shoats, 10 sows, 21 head of sheep.. 23 head of cattle 1 walnut table, 1 doz. Windsor chairs.. 1 corner Table Books 1 pr. Mahogany Table 1 Doz. Walnut chairs... and many other Articles. Total £ 18- 0-0. .£ 12- 0-0. .£ 1- 4-0. .£ 43-10-0. £ ..£ 5- 4-6. £ 21-12-0. £ 4-16-0. £ £ £ 13-16-0. £ 33- 0-0. £ £ £ .£ £ £ 48- 6-0. .£ £ £ £6234- 2-9. Appraised by Spratley Williams, Stith Nichalson, John Ap- plewhite. Recorded-May 1807. Ibid., p. 419, 1804-1810. Acct. Sales, of the Estate of Geo. B. Cary deceased by Thos. S. Gholson admr. Mar. 1st 1850 in a credit until Dec. 25 1850 (a very large estate). Recorded-29 Oct. 1850. W. B: 14, p. 403. April 11 1761. George Skipper, Jack Will, Robbin Schol- lor and William Pearch Chief men of the Nottoway Indian Nation of the first part, Joseph Gray, Howell Edmunds & Wm. Taylor Gent. of the county of Southampton of the 312 THE VALENTINE PAPERS second part, and Miles Cary the younger of the County aforesaid attorney at law of the third part, Whereas by one act of assembly to enable the Nottoway Indians to sell certain Lands and for other purposes therein mentioned, It is among other things enacted That the chief of the said Nottoway Nation be and they are hereby impowered to sell certain lands therein mentioned by and with the consent &c. of the said Joseph Gray, Howell Edmunds & Wm. Tay- lor at a credit not exceeding 12 months and convey the same for the best price that could be got & offer any agree- ment made for the same or any part thereof It should and might be lawful for the Chief men of the sd. Nation to- gether with the sd. Joseph Gray, Howell Edmunds and Wm. Taylor their trustees to execute any Deed or Deeds indented for the conveyance of the Fee Simple and Inheritance of the sd. Lands to the purchasers who should give bond & security for the payment of the purchase money to the Trustees. In accordance with the above act of assembly, George Skipper, Jack Will, Robbin Schollor and Wm. Pearch chief men of the sd. Nottoway Indian Nation & the sd. Joseph Gray, Howell Edmunds & Wm. Taylor trustees in consideration of 102 pounds, ten shillings paid to the sd. trustees for the use of sd. Nottoway Indian Nation convey to said Cary 520 acres of land lying in the Parish of Nottoway & county aforesaid and denoted in the surveyors Platts of the Indian Land lately made by numbers 3 & 4 and bounded as follow- eth Beginning at a Black oak &c. &c. &c. & running to a black oak corner of Thomas Williamsons land & thence by Barrows Road to the beginning. D. B. 3, p. 163. May 9 1771. Henry Taylor executor of Miles Cary decd. of Southampton Co. to Richard Blow of St. Lukes Parish county aforesaid, 200 pounds. 529 acres on South side of Nottoway on Buckhorn Road formerly purchased by sd. Miles Cary decd. of the Nottoway Indians and directed by the said Miles Cary decd. in his will to be sold. D. B. 4, p. 365. May 10 1786. Elphinstone Cary and Elizabeth-(X) his wife of Northampton Co. North Carolina to Robt. Owens of Southhampton. 200 pounds currt. money 200 acres in CARY: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY 313 Southampton Co. on the south side of Nottoway River, ad- joining Jno. Williams & William Warts, Col. Allens line, John Everetts, The widow Careys line to land ridge Road, Elisha Darden or John Dardens line, being part of a tract of land granted to James Cary of this State. D. B. 6, p. 591. July 17 1795. Littleton-(X)-Schollor, James—(X) -Woodson, Henry-(X)-Woodson, Bob-(X)-Wine- oak, Jimmy-(X)-Wineoak, Tom-(X)-Tumer, Lucy Roger, Edy Tumer, Nanny Woodson, Nancy Wott, Billy Step for ourselves & in behalf of William Gabriel and Nancy Tumer who are absent and also for and in behalf of Solo- mon Step, Ann Woodson, &c, infants of the Nottoway tribe of Indians of the first part & James Melkinson, Thomas Vaughn, James Miller, Jno. T. Blow, Thomas Reddy and Robert Goodwyn, Gentlemen, trustees as herein after men- tioned of the 2d part and Miles Cary of the County of Southampton of the 3d part. Whereas by act of Assembly entitled an act concerning the Nottoway Indians passed the 12th November 1792 James Melkinson (and others above named) were appointed Trustees of the said Indians and by the said act it was rendered lawful for the said Tribe of Indians under directions and with approbation of sd. Trustees or any five of them to sell upon 12 months credit a tract of land lying in the said county. In accordance with said act the said Indians & Trustees as aforesaid join- ing with the said Indians in consideration 100 pounds to be paid to the sd Trustees by Miles Cary &c have bargained and sold unto the said Miles Cary one tract of land con- taining 201 acres. D. B. 8, p. 248. Miles Cary, Gent. produced a license from the Examiner appointed by law of his capacity, ability & fitness which was read and the said Cary having first taken the usual oaths to his Majesty's person & Government taken and sub- scribed the adjuration oath & the test was sworn an at- torney. Dec. 1750. O. B. 1, p. 112. James Cary, Gent. produced a license from the examiner appointed by law of his capacity ability & fitness which was read and the said Cary having first taken the usual oath to his Majesty's person & government &c. Ibid., p. 309. 314 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Wm. Hay & Elizabeth his wife, Hannah Cary and Mary Cary infants under the age of 21 years by the sd. Wm. Hay their guardian and next friend Plts. against Miles Cary an heir at law of Miles Cary deceased, by Jno. Cary her guardian Deft. In Chancery, The bill and answer in this suit being filed the person appointed to make petition and division of the slaves devised by the will of the testator to the complainants this day made their report in the follow- ing words to wit; Southampton Jany. 7, 1775 Pursuant to the annexed order of the worshipful court of this county we have appraised the slaves belonging to the estate of Miles Cary deceased between Wm. Hay in right of Elizabeth his wife, Hannah Cary, Miles Cary, & Mary Cary. April 16, 1778. O. B. 7, p. 16. Dec. 1784. Miles Cary & Elizabeth his wife complts. against Ethelred Taylor and Dan'l Fisher Executors of the last will and testament of Henry Taylor deceased who was executor of the last will and testament of Miles Cary de- ceased. O. B. 8, p. 8. MARRIAGE BONDS Miles Cary, the younger, of Warwick County and Eliza Taylor of this county Spinster. Marriage Bond, dated May 21, 1752. John Wills & Betsey Cary, 9 Sept. 1790, Marriage bond. Miles Cary & Frances B. Peterson married 26 Dec. 1782. Sampson Cary, with Ainge Artis Febry. 5, 1796. Lewis Taylor & Peggy Cary married the 22 Jany. 1807, by James Rogers. CARY: SURRY COUNTY 315 SURRY COUNTY RECORDS Jno. Cary aged 17 years or thereabouts, sworne, saith That ye deponent was by when Mr. Seward bought a maide servant of Hen Brooks and was to give him a horse and a hhd of Tobacco for her and afterwards ye Deponent heard said Seward borrow the said horse of the said Brooks to goe to Mill with, and further saith not. Jno.-(X)-Cary. Recorded-1 May 1677. D. B. No. 2, 1671-1684, p. 121. Will of Mary Cary of Surry County, To brother Samuel Keame my Gold studs, pair of silver mounted spectacles double jointed and one hundred dollars; Nephew Henry Crofford all my money in the Bank of England the four per cent Bank, six silver table spoons two salt spoons a case of bottles one small deal box with papers and a book or two one pair of weights and scales; my neice Crofford my blue satten quilt and ten dollars Niece Leah Hillard a pair of silver mounting spectacles single pointed a set of china and a silver cream pot one tea tray one work basket two nap- kins and ten Dollars. Niece Elizabeth Petway my watch without the seal a pair of silver buckles set with stones with some stones mist out of them, one floor carpet one deal chest a bread basket two napkins one shift a striped lute string coat and habit a muslin apron and handkerchief a cap robins all knotted and edging upon them one pair silk stockings 1 pair cotton ditto one pair of new stays my large black sattin cloak a pair of gloves my horse and chair gears one home spun habit striped with red point and fifty dol- lars, my silver chain and pincushion rine and hook a spice mortor and pestle; niece Martha Arrington a muslinnet habit and a dimity coat a muslin apron handkerchief a linnen apron one trunk that my sister had to put her clothes in, one lute string, orange color habit one home spun habit a pair of sheets my yellow grounded habit cap, a pair of gloves and twenty Dollars; nephew Crofford Keame 20 Dol- lars; two nieces Ruth and Drusille Keams two temes one feather bed bolster, two pillows 2 pillow cases one pair brown sheets 1 pair cotton sheets, blue and white counter 316 THE VALENTINE PAPERS · pains two blankets one small cap, trunk two upper coats two under coats two shifts 2 pair of stockings two muslin aprons two handkerchiefs four habits and twenty Dollars; niece Barbora Keame my new feather bed and bolster two mattrass four pillow cases one sett bed curtains two win- dow curtains of the same one lase three blankets four sheets one check counter with red in it one bed one quilt one bed stead carpet my round top cloathes trunk and flat top cloaths trunk my walnut box and all that is in it after the legacies is taken out of it, my looking glass dressing table and glass soop box tea chest and canisters six silver tea spoons and silver tea tongs a mourning ring with William Bennett wrote in it blue lute string habit and coat a striped lute string body of a habit one muslin apron two handker- chiefs robins with edging my short black silk coat (Cloak) a garnet neck lace one pair silk stocking one pair gloves one Bible a prayer book with green cover, a young mans companion a box iron and heaters tea kettle and a copper tea kettle six knives and forks six napkins two table clothes marked number one and two one tin pot with two handles and twenty Dollars; nephew Adam Keame one Dictionary and twenty Dollars; niece Leah Keame twenty Dollars; niece Sarah Keame twenty Dollars; niece Susanne Mary Keame 20 Dollars and a ring with one stone in it; lend unto niece Eve Bradby 20 for her own use, it is my desire that all my land in North Carolina and South Carolina and what prop- erty soever can be found in South Carolina be sold and equally divided amongst all mentioned in my will; nephew Henry Crofford 100 Dollars and after my funeral charges is paid remainder that is not mentioned in will to be equally divided amongst all named in my will. Nephew Henry Crofford executor. Dated: 6 November 1800. Witnesses: John Judkins, Mary Pettway, Ann-(X)—Amey. Re- corded-June 26 1804. W. B. 1792-1804, p. 720. Bee itt known unto all men by these presents that I John Cary now of Surry County in Virginia being by God's per- mission bound for England & there to Continue with my wife and children as far as I doe Git know & whereas I am now guardian unto Walter fflood orpht & brother to my wife whose estate is now in my hands as by ye record may CARY: SURRY COUNTY 317 appear ye sd. Walter fflood bienge intended to goe for Eng- land with me whereby reason of ye great distance I can not be called to acct by ye court nor by any friends or relations of sd. ophts for his estate now itt bienge my voluntary desire to secure ye sd orphans interest & doe for him as well ye pte of a Brother as a guardian I have this day en- tered most solemonly & willingly unto this present ingage- ment and have bound myself my heirs & extended unto Lt. Coll. George Jordon & Capt. Thos. fflood jointly & sev- erally & unto their executors or admrs. to these present condition following the sd Estate due unto ye sd Walter fflood being here in listed & subscribed by me ye sd John Cary I doe bind & oblige myself to take a loving and tender care of ye sd Walter fflood att Sea & to pay his passage and God sending us safely to arrive in England to keepe him in dyet, lodging and appell acording to his quality & my re- lation unto him & to keep him att schoole & to teach and educate him as my wife's Brother to take a due and loving care of him in sickness & in health & for my due perform- ance in paying his two breeding mares att ye age of sixteen & fifty pds sterlinge or ten thousand pds of tobb which he shall chuse att ye age of one & twenty & twenty in English goods or in money in England wch he shall chuse as alsoe for my due expense shall all his stock of both of cattle & swine according to ye records thereof together with what household stufe is herein set down & expressed I doe hereby sell or to both George Jordon & Thos fflood & to their Exors. admrs. all & singular my estate in Virginia person and real bee itt housings lands orchards catle horses swine rents crops Or Goods &c x x x x x In witness whereof &c &c 16 day of December Anno 1669. John Cary (seal) Seald, signed & declared in ye presence of us George Pros- ter, John Emerson. Presented by Lt. Col. Geo. Jordon 3 Febry. 1671, & recorded &c &c D. B. No. 1, 1652-1672. An appraisement of ye following list of goods att ye house of Mr. John Cary wch was presented by them to us as ye goods left by Mrs. Fortune Mills deceased & accord- ing by us appraised in conformity to an order of ye Right 318 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Hon Courte of Surry Co. having date ye 6th of this in- stant July wee being sworne hereunto by Lt. Coll. George Jordon this 14th July 1669. 1 old trunk, 1 table & chair, table, 2 Kettles, 2 iron potts, 1 bras skillet 1 spit 3 pot racks 1 pr pott hooks, 2 milk trays, 1 bread tray, 1 frying pan, 1 pr tongs. 6 pewter plates, 8 pewter dishes, 1 Basin, 1 plate.. 1 pollenger 1 pr Brass an irons &c &c &c..... 1 steel mill 2 blanketts one rug... 1 old feather bed with canvass ticken, basin & bed...... 2 tables, 2 forms, 1 cupboard, 2 chairs, 2 bed steads.. £ 1-6-0. £ 3-4-0. £ 3-0-0. £ 3-5-0. £3-0-0. £ 4-0-0. £ 5-8-0. £30-30 More presented to us by Mr. John Cary being certaine things given by Mrs. Fortune Mills to her sone Walter Flood but ye goods above written falling short of paying ye sd debt ye Sears alsoe exhibited appraised as follow- eth a long table & frame or colt Cupperte a feather bed, boulster & pillow curtaines Vallance & bed stead all att.. £16-00 £46-30. Ben Harrison Nathaniel Knight Vol. 1652-1672, p. 342. Know all men by these presents that I John Cary now of Surry County in Virginia being by God's Grace intended to ship myself for England and having considerable debts to receive & other affairs & businesses to manage I doe hereby nominate constitute ordaine & impower my trusty and loving friend Mr. Benjamin Harrison my true & lawful attorney for me in my name & to my use to aske demand & receive all and singular my credits &c. &c. &c. In witness whereof &c &c. John Cary. John Cary. Witness John Orspard (?). Recorded-ye 6th Jany. 1669. Vol. 1652-1672, p. 355. ORDER BOOKS Mr. Robert Caufield doth in court discharge Jno. Cary from one year of his service July 6th 1675. O. B. 1670-1690, p. 97. Miles Cary, Junior, Gent. produced a license to practice as an attorney in the county courts of this colony and there- upon having taken the oath appointed by act of Parliament CARY: SURRY COUNTY 319 to be taken instead of the oath of allegiance &c &c &c. March 19, 1750. O. B. 1749-1757, p. 191. On the motion of Randolph King who made oath and who with approved security entered into bond. Certificate is granted him for obtaining letters of administration on the estate of Joseph Cary deceased. Sept. 26, 1775. O. B. 1775-1785, p. 15. Ordered that Hartwell Cocke and Robert Peter do audit an account current of the estate of Joseph Cary & make report &c. &c. Sept. 23, 1783. O. B. 1775-1785, p. 260. The inventory of Joseph Cary's estate deceased, Oct. 14, 1775 & appraisement. 4 barrels corn 30/, 1 iron pot, 1 frying pan, 4 chairs.. 1 feather bed & furniture & stead, 1 large chest... 1 gun and bayonet &c. &c...... .£ 2-3-6. £ 3- 1-0. £ 0-15-0. 1 set shoe maker tools & lasts, 1 spinning wheel & spindles £0-11-3. 1 sadle bridle and holster .£ 0- 5-0. XX X X X X X X X X X X ХХ X X X X X ХХ X £ £11-5-3. Appraisers-Thos. Sorsbury, Thos. Gronthone, Henry Cook. Recorded-Aug. 26, 1777. W. B. 10, p. 473. The estate of Joseph Cary decd. account current. To Randolph King as p bond... 66 Oct. 1775. 46 Dr. .£10-16- 0. 66 Int. on the above Bond for 8 yrs. 9 mos.£ 4-14- 5. Wm. Nelson as pr Receipt 50 lbs. Tobc.£ 0- 6- 3. My trouble as Admr, on the amt. of the acct. of sales.... £ 0-10-11 By amt of the acct of sales.. By Balance due me as admr.. £16-7-0 £10- 7- 3. .£ 5-19-94 £16- 7-04/ Randolph King Admr. Recorded-Surry Co. Sept. 23, 1783. W. B. 12, p. 11. 320 THE VALENTINE PAPERS December 17 1813. Miles Cary and Arianna his wife of Surry Co. to Robert McIntash of same County for $400, lot in the town of Cobham, formerly belonging to Arthur Sin- clair Sr. D. B. No. 4. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES Saml. Warren & Charity Cary Dec. 24, 1796. Collin C. Mills to Elizabeth Cary Dec. 15, 1809. Sol- emnized by Nathaniel Berremon. YORK COUNTY RECORDS William Cary and Martha his wife one of the Daughters of Lt. Col. John Scarsbrook deceased sueing Mr. Thomas Muntford whoe marryed Jane the surviving executrix_of the sd Coll John Scarsbrook to this court and by their Pe- tition setting forth That the said Col Scarsbrook by his last will and Testament in writing under his hand and seal the 18th day of April 1679 duely proved and recorded in this court did amongst other things give to the Petitioner Mar- tha Two hundred pounds sterling to be paid upon the day of marrying or age of seventeen yeares one feather bed and ffurniture a fourth part of what should be reserved out. of Mr. Bushrods Estate and a negro more than such fourth part as alsoe her share and equal part with the rest of his children of his household goods plate horses mares cattle or what else belonged to him (except negroes) As by the sayd Will might approve and prayed judgment for the same which will being produced and the Defdt acknowledging the two hundred pounds sterling and the feather bed and ffur- niture justly due but alleadging he concieved he could not safely pay the bequests of the fourth part of what shall be reserved out of Mr. Bushrod's Estate or ought he to doe the same and therefore prayed an Imparlance to the next Court as to that part of the petition to adverse therein which is granted and Judgment is granted the said William Cary and Martha his wife against the said Thomas Munt- CARY: YORK COUNTY 321 fort at marrying Jane the surviving Executrix of the said Coll Scarsbrook for the sayed Sume of 200 pounds sterling and a ffeather bed and furniture which the sayed Muntford is hereby ordered to pay with costs als Execution. Dec. 10, 1683. D. & W. B. 6, p. 539. Ann Cary, her will; Heirs son of Miles Cary named John, her late consort, also to Mrs. Ann Tompkins wife of Capt. Bennett Tompkins, also to John Chesmon, and to nephew Baldwin M. Buckner. Witnesses-John Cary, Mary Tompkins, Elizabeth Tompkins. W. B. 21, p. 420. ORDER BOOKS Warren Cary, prefered a claim to this Court for one pound fourteen shillings and two Pence for Powder, shott & flints delivered by Major William Buckner's directions at a time when the French were supposed to come up York River. Approved. Oct. 5, 1710, O. B. 14, p. 38. Warren Cary, Claim of for two days horse hire. allowed. Oct. 5, 1710, Ibid., p. 38. Richard Cary, His mansion house burglarized by two negroes who stole 225 ounces of silver coins money &c. Sept. 19, 1715, Ibid., p. 453. Katherine Cary, Confesses she had a bastard child. Sept. 21, 1721, O. B. 16, p. 75. CARY-CAREY-PATENTS AND GRANTS IN VIRGINIA LAND OFFICE Majr. Miles Cary, Patent, 94 acres in Warwick Co, at the head of Pott Ash Creek, adjoining Col. Sam Mathews & Thomas Taylor. Sept. 20th 1655 (4, p. 24). Lieut. Col. Miles Cary, Patent, 3000 acres in Westmore- land Co., bounded on the south west side by Ohoquien River, 322 THE VALENTINE PAPERS adjoining Mr. Drayton and Col. Humphrey Higginson. Was formerly granted to said Col Cary Oct. 5, 1654. Oct. 7, 1657 (4, p. 183). Lieut. Col. Miles Cary, Patent 244 acres in Warwick Co. adjoining Col. Saml. Mathews, Mr. Cripp, Edward Willis and Lady Harvey. Part thereof was formerly granted to Mr. Thomas Taylor Oct. 28, 1643, and bequeathed to the said Col. Cary by will. The remainder was granted to the said Col. Cary Mch. 30th 1655. Mch. 16, 1657 (4, p. 298). Richard Cary, Patent, 350 acres, on the westward side of the Easternmost River in Mobjack Bay. Was formerly granted to the said Cary Oct. 13, 1653. Nov. 20, 1661 (4, p. 526). Richard Cary, Patent 1000 acres on the south side of Queens Creek, in Peankitank River, at the mouth of said creek. Was formerly granted to said Cary Oct. 13, 1653. Nov. 20, 1661 (4, p. 529). Col. Miles Cary, Esq. Councellor of State, Patent 92 acres 79 chains in Warwick Co., on the west south west side of Warwick River mouth. Was formerly granted to Zacha- riah Cripps Mach. 14, 1628. Oct. 20, 1665 (4, p. 506). Col. Miles Cary, Patent, 103 acres 57 58/100 chains, in Warwick Co, to the westward of Warwick River and known as Joyle Neck. 17 acres part thereof was formerly granted to Zachary Cripps Jan. 10 1643, and by said Cripps as- signed to said Cary. Oct. 20 1665 (5, p. 507). John Cary, Patent, 400 acres in Accomack Co., at Hunt- ing Creek, being part of a forked neck granted to Freelow Mack, Williams, and adjoining said Freelow. Feb. 23 1663 (5, p. 218). Mr. John Cary, Patent, 230 acres in Surry Co, adjoining said Cary, Capt. Thomas Flood, Arthur Jordan, and being part of a grant to Col. John Flood, decd. and conveyed to said Cary by the relict of said Col. John Flood. Dec. 27, 1669 (6, p. 269). CARY: VIRGINIA LAND OFFICE 323 Mr. Henry Cary, Patent, 670 acres, in Warwick Co., called the Forrest, adjoining Back Creek, Capt. Richard Whitaker, Oaken Swamp, Benjamin Brooke, Mrs. Elizabeth Read, Briary Swamp, James Haley, Clayborne neck Do- maius. 300 acres part thereof is part of a grant to Zachariah Crisp . . . for 105 acres, and purchased of said Crisp by Col. Miles Cary, decd. father of said Henry Cary. April 23, 1681 (7, p. 87). Mr. Miles Cary, Patent, 1590 acres in Warwick Co., ad- joining Farmers Field, Back Creek, Clayborne neck Dommes, Mr. Henry Cary, Poquoson Mill path, Oken Swamp, John Lewis, Potash swamp, Capt. John Mathews, Col. Coles, Labour and Raines Field, Dead Cow branch, Dorsets old field, Harblee Brown and Thomas Cary, which last is now in possession of his mother Mrs. Anne Cary. 750 acres part thereof was formerly granted to Zachariah Crisp decd., sold to Col. Miles Cary, decd. who by his will devised same to his son Miles Cary the grantee. Nov. 20, 1682 (7, p. 201). Mr. Oswald Cary, Patent, 460 acres in Middlesex Co., upon Rappahannock River, adjoining Timber Neck, now belonging to Ralph Wormley Esq, also adjoining Mr. George Reeves, Thomas Nixon, Mr. Caut, Piankatank River, An- derson Williams and the said Oswald Cary, 250 acres part thereof was formerly granted to Capt. Wm. Brocas. Feb. 2, 1653. Among the head rights are Thomas Ball, William Ball & Eliza Ball and John Head. April 20, 1687 (7, p. 552). Capt. Miles Cary, Patent, 1222 acres in Warwick Co., adjoining Harwoods Neck. Was formerly granted to Mr. Samuel Chappell Oct. 21, 1684. Oct. 20, 1691 (8, p. 187). Capt. William Cary, Patent, 256 acres in York Co., in the Poquoson Parish, Denbigh path, Robert Calvert & Mr. Miles Cary, was formerly granted to Thomas Howard and Thomas Platt Apr. 20, 1682 and by them deserted. Aprl. 29, 1693 (8, p. 278). 324 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Mr. Robert Cary, Patent, 61 acres in Gloucester Co., in Petso Parish, adjoining Mr. William Bernard, Joseph Cole- man, Iron Munger, & William Fleming. Oct. 20, 1697 (9, p. 96). Miles Cary Gent, Patent, 256 acres in York Co., in the new Poquoson Parish, adjoining said Cary, Robert Calvert & Denby Road, was formerly granted to Capt. William Cary, April 29 1693, and by him deserted, and since granted to the said Miles Cary by order of General Court April 15, 1700, and for the transportation, of six persons. Nov. 7, 1700 (9, p. 293). James Cary, of King William Co., Patent, 400 acres in King William Co. St. Johns Parish, on the south side of the north fork of Ready swamp. June 22, 1722 (11, p. 106). Henry Cary, Gent. of Williamsburg, Patent, 180 acres in Warwick Co., adjoining Peter Ridley, John Woltaine, Rich- ard Crusell, Gabriel Hugine, Nathaniel Hoggard, Joseph Munford, James Russell & Thomas Freemane, 128 acres part thereof was formerly granted Stephen Burgess. Oct. 23, 1703. Feb. 22, 1724 (12, p. 127). Miles Cary Gent. of Warwick Co., Patent, 2000 acres in Elizabeth City Co. adjoining the heirs of Thomas Curles, merchant decd. Capt. Henry Royall, Mr. Robert Armestead and the heirs of John Archer decd. was formerly granted to William Armestead Nov. 13, 1713, and devised in his will to his son Robert Armestead who failed to seat and plant it. May 10, 1729 (13, p. 359). Henry Cary Gent, Patent, 3942 acres in Goochland Co., at a place called Buckingham, on the branches of Buck River, alias Willis's River and adjoining Rudolph Creek, Powers and the said Cary & crossing Hatcher's Creek. Sept. 27, 1729 (13, p. 423). Miles Cary, of Warwick Co., Patent, 119 acres in King & Queen Co., in S. Walton Major Parish on Piankatauk Creek, and adjoining the said Cary. Aug. 2, 1736 (14, p. 300). CARY: VIRGINIA LAND OFFICE 325 James Cary, of Isle of Wight Co., Patent, 253 acres in the Upper Parish of Nansemond Co., on the south side of Nottoway River adjoining William Hart and the Indian land. Being part of a grant formerly made unto John Hol- loway Esq. Oct. 11, 1728. Aug. 2, 1736 (17, p. 143). Miles Cary, Gent. Patent 2200 acres in Goochland Co., on both sides of Rivanna River, adjoining Cary Creek, Benjamin Woodson, Robert Kafiw & Henry Martin, 1600 acres part thereof was formerly granted to Mary Blair, widow of Archibald Blair, Gent. since decd. and mother of the said Miles Cary, Oct. 26, 1725 and by Deed of trust dated Oct. 30, 1727, between said Blair and Mary his wife, of the one part and Wilson Cary, brother of the said Miles Cary, declared to be held in trust for the said Miles Cary, then an infant. Aug. 15, 1737 (17, p. 389). Henry Cary Gent, Patent, 1520 acres in Goochland Co., on both sides of Bent Creek, of Appomattox River, adjoin- ing William Moseley, Hutchens Burton, Richard Parker, Henry Hatcher, John Pleasants, Francis Epes & Henry Anderson. 400 acres part thereof was formerly granted to Richard Parker, June 20, 1733. 800 acres part thereof was formerly granted to John Price, Mch. 23, 1733. The re- mainder was formerly granted to the said Cary Aug. 20, 1734. Oct. 3, 1737 (17, p. 424). James Cary, Patent, 294 acres in the Upper Parish of Nansemond Co., on the south side of Nottoway River, ad- joining the said James Cary, the Indian land and William Hart. Being part of a Patent granted to John Holloway Esq. Oct. 11, 1728, and since assigned to the said Cary. July 20, 1738 (18, p. 50). Henry Cary, Gent. of Henrico Co., Patent, 1700 acres in Goochland Co., on both sides of Willis's Creek, adjoining said creek, Randolph Creek and crossing Horn Quarter Creek. 3942 acres part thereof was formerly granted to the said Cary Sept. 27, 1729. July 20, 1738 (18, p. 90). 326 THE VALENTINE PAPERS James Cary, Patent, 2070 acres in Nansemond Co., on south side of Nottoway River, adjoining the said Cary, the Indian land, William Hart, Col. Allen, Richard Williams, & Samuel Warren. Formerly granted to John Holloway Esq. Oct. 11, 1728, and by his executors sold to John Allen and by him sold to the said Cary. Aug. 20, 1740 (19, p. 752). Wilson Cary, Patent, 1906 acres in Gloucester Co. on the eastmost head branch of Paropotanke River, adjoining Col. Grymes, Turks Ferry Road, Mr. John Royster, Mr. James Dudley, Pates Swamp, 1141 acres part thereof was formerly granted to Wingfield Webb and Richard Pate, Gent. Dec. 12, 1650, and has since become vested in the said Cary. The residuary 65 acres never before granted. Aug. 30, 1744 (22, p. 188). Henry Cary, Gent. Patent, 400 acres, in Goochland Co., on both sides of Hatchins Creek, a branch of Willis's Creek, adjoining Edmund Wood, Edward Kelley and the said Cary. Nov. 25, 1743 (23, p. 636). Archibald Cary, Patent, 400 acres, in Goochland Co., on the north branches of Willis's River, adjoining Henry Cary, Gent., Henry Beard & John Wheeler. Jan. 12, 1746 (25, p. 471). Archibald Cary, Patent, 440 acres in Goochland Co., on the both sides of Barren Lick branch of Willis's Creek, ad- joining Alexander Trent, Gent., John Hardeman, James Wilkins, John Payne, John Wheeler & Harvey Beard. June 1st 1750 (29, p. 113). Henry Cary, Patent, 1075 acres in Albemarle Co., on the branches of Randolph's and Hatcher's Creeks, adjoining Edmund Woods, Edward Kelley, Anthony Benning & Dud- ley Digges & the said Cary. June 1, 1750 (29, p. 116). Archibald Cary, Patent, 10,650 acres in Lunenburgh Co., on the north side of Goose Creek, adjoining Walton. Aug. 24, 1754 (32, p. 393). CARY: VIRGINIA LAND OFFICE 327 William Cary, Patent, 189 acres in Prince George Co., on the north side of Stoney Creek, adjoining Richard Man- ley, Thomas Smith, & Joseph Turner. June 26, 1755 (31, p. 456). Miles Cary, Patent, 400 acres in Albemarle Co., on the north side of Rivanna River, crossing two branches of Long Island Creek and Woodson's Road. Dec. 15, 1755 (32, p. 659). James Cary, Patent, 190 acres in Halifax Co., on both sides of the south fork of Mirey Creek, adjoining Mc. Knight. Feb. 14, 1761 (34, p. 867). KING AND QUEEN COUNTY STATTON MAJOR VESTRY BOOK, 1729-1783 Henry Cary, Plt vs Statton Major Vestry in the General Court Maj. Robinson appointed by the vestry to defend the suit. 1729. Mr. Cary, Carpenter. 1730. GLOUCESTER COUNTY ABINGDON PARISH REGISTER 1678-1761 Edward the son of James & Sarah Carey. Bapt. Oct. 2, 1689, p. 12. John the son of James & Sarah Carey. Bapt. Dec. 17, 1690, p. 13. the son of James & Sarah Carey. Bapt. Feb. 19, 1698, p. 17. Grizell daughter of James & Sarah Carey. Bapt. Mch. 31, 1700, p. 19. Martha daughter of James & Sarah Carey. Bapt. 8ber 13, 1702, p. 22. 328 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Edward the son of James & Sarah Carey. Bapt. Dec. 4, 1704, p. 24. the daughter of James & Sarah Carey. Bapt. Dec. 27, 1706, p. 26. the son of Edward & Mary Carey. Born Nov. 5, 1726, p. 44. John the son of Edward & Mary Carey. Bapt. Feb. 9, 1728, p 46. William the son of Edward & Mary Carey. Born June 24, Bapt. July 12, 1731, p. 50. Susanna, the daughter of Edward & Mary Carey. Bapt. Jan. 6, 1733, p. 54. Edward, the son of Edward & Mary Carey. Bapt. Aug. 31, 1737, p. 61. Sarah, the daughter of Edward & Mary Carey. Born June 2, 1741, p. 70. Thos., the son of Edward & Mary Carey. Born Apr. 11, 1746, p. 77. GLOUCESTER COUNTY Pets or Petsworth Parish Vestry Book, 1677-1793 Mrs. Mary Cary, for keeping Berrys child 3 months. Oct. 4, 1699. Col. Wilson Cary, his acct. £4-0-4. in Tobacco @2d 482. Nov. 18, 1772. Col. Wilson Cary his acct. omitted in 72, £0-13- in Tob.. 66 lbs. Tob. Nov. 15, 1774. Crenshaw Family ALBEMARLE COUNTY RECORDS Jean Crenshaw mentioned in the will of her father Robert Thomson of Fredericksville Parish, Albemarle Co. Nov. 12, 1774. W. B. 2, p. 361. John Crenshaw an appraiser of the estate of Elizabeth Ward, decd. Sept. Court 1794. W. B. 3, p. 225. John Crenshaw an appraiser of the estate of Wm. Barkes- dale, decd. Dec. 16, 1796. W. B. 3, p. 315. Frances Crenshaw & Milley Crenshaw, Roger Thompson, Elizabeth Early, Mary Brown, Lucy Thompson, Nancy Thompson, S. Brown, Wm. Thompson & Nathaniel Thom- pson children of Wm. Thompson, of Albemarle Co., are men- tioned in his will as is also his wife Elizabeth. Wit. I. Wal- ton, John Watson, Matthew P. Walton. Executors. Bezahel Brown and Brightberry Brown. Proved Apr. Court 1799. W. B. 4, p. 20. Wm. Crenshaw, decd. Estate of, In Account with Wm. Crenshaw, admr. Value $4914.00, divided equally between the following legatees the widow of the decd. taking a child's part. Legatees, Nicholas Crenshaw, Wm. Crenshaw, John Taylor, Nathaniel Thompson, Goodloe Carter, Abram Jones, Betsey Watts, David Thompson and Mrs. Crenshaw the widow Distributed Nov. 20, 1829. Retd. & recd. Dec. 6, 1830. W. B. 10, p. 173. Wm. Crenshaw, of Louisa Co., deed to Abraham Dainold, of Albemarle Co., £1800. 600 acres in Albemarle Co., Wit. Wm. Ellis, Francis Coleman, Robert S. Coleman, Joseph Nelson. June 10, 1780. D. B. 7, p. 479. 329 330 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Susannah, wife of Wm. Crenshaw. Thos. Darracott & James Dabney, Gents. appointed to witness her signature to deed from sd. Wm. Crenshaw to Abraham Dainold dated June 10, 1780. June 10, 1780. D. B. 8, p. 94. William Crenshaw Jr., of Fredericksville Parish, Albe- marle Co. deed from Micajah Clark, Jr. & Penelope, his wife, of same Parish & Co. £100 curr. 25 acres in Fred- ericksville Parish, Albemarle Co. Recd. Oct. 1784. B. 9, p. 21. D. William Crenshaw, of Louisa Co., deed to James Flan- nagan, of Albemarle Co. £225, curr. 450 acres in Albemarle Co., adj. Minor, Henry Foster, David Woods, Edwd. Beaows, Geo. Taylor, Wm. Fretwell, Joel Crenshaw, Ambrose-(X) —Flannagan, Thos.-(X)-Hammond. Dec. 18, 1790. D. B. 10, p. 149. William Crenshaw, of Louisa Co., deed to Ambrose Flan- nagan of Albemarle Co., £107 curr. 215 acres in Albemarle Co., adj. James & Ambrose Flannagan, Charles Hammond & Minor. Dec. 18, 1790. D. B. 10, p. 151. David Crenshaw, of Louisa Co., mortgage from James Flannagan, of Albemarle Co., £450 curr. 450 acres in Albe- marle Co., adj. James Minor, Henry Foster David Wood, Edwrd. Bearer, John Taylor F. Coleman & Ambrose Flan- nagan. Sept. 18, 1792. D. B. 11, p. 3. David Crenshaw, of Louisa Co., mortgage from Ambrose Flannagan of Albemarle Co., £225 curr. 215 acres in Albe- marle Co. adj. Hammond, Flannagan & James Minor. Sept. 18, 1792. D. B. 11, p. 4. - David Crenshaw, of Louisa Co., deed of release to James Flannagan, 233 acres in Albemarle Co., part of a larger tract of land mortgaged to sd. Crenshaw for debt due him. Nov. 18, 1794. D. B. 11, p. 397. Wm. Crenshaw & his wife Susannah, of Louisa Co. deed to Ambrose Flannagan of Albemarle Co., £10: 25 acres in Albemarle Co. Nov. 22, 1794. D. B. 11, p. 464. CRENSHAW: ALBEMARLE COUNTY 331 John Crenshaw of Albemarle Co., deed from Richard- (X)-Marshall and Tibitha, his wife of same Co. £300. 1752 acres in same Co. July 1, 1799. D. B. 13, p. 207. Wm: Crenshaw, recommended as Lieutenant in Captain Oglesby's Co., in the room of Thomas Clark who has re- moved. June 14, 1792. O. B. 1791-93, p. 173. Wm. Crenshaw qualified as Lieutenant. Sept. 13, 1794. O. B. 1793-95, p. 240. Betsey Crenshaw, marriage to David Watts, Wm. Cren- shaw, security. Alex. Garrett, witness. Oct. 7, 1799. (Marriage Bonds.) November 1782: John Syme, the younger, of Louisa Co., to Wm. Crenshaw, of Albemarle Co. Whereas, Mildred, formerly the wife of John Syme, the elder, of New Castle Town, Hanover Co. & mother to sd. John Syme, the younger, at the time of her inter-marriage with sd. John Syme, the elder, was seized in fee simple of sundry lands & tenaments, among which was a tract of (about) 300 acres in Louisa Co., of which sd. Syme, the elder, becamed possessed in virtue of the inter-marriage afsd. & finding it to the interest & advantage of his family to dispose of the same, did sell it in fee simple to the above mentioned sd. Wm. Crenshaw, & did receive consideration money agreed on for same, but before any legal conveyance was made & executed for same, sd. Mildred departed this life leaving sd. John Syme, the younger, her eldest son & heir-at-law whereby legal estate of sd. 300 acres afsd. will be vested in sd. Syme, the younger, after death of sd. John Syme the elder, who during life would have been tenant by courtesy of same although in equity & good conscience sd. Wm. Crenshaw ought to hold same in fee simple agreeable to terms of sale aforementioned & sd. Jno. Syme, the Younger having arrived to 21 years of age doth assent to sale of sd. land & is willing & desirous to ratify & confirm the same. Therefore, sd. Syme, the younger, in consideration of the premesis & sum of 5 shill- ings; doth convey sd. land to sd. Crenshaw. D. B. 8, p. 78. · 332 THE VALENTINE PAPERS AMELIA COUNTY RECORDS Elkanah Crenshaw, of Amelia Co., Will of; Dated Sept. 19, 1771. Gives to his son David Crenshaw the upper half of the tract of land on which the testator now lives. To his son Anthony Crenshaw the lower half of the same tract above mentioned. To his son William Winston Crenshaw, £200 curr. to be invested in land by his executors. Lends to his wife all of his estate Real and personal during her widowhood to bring up and educate his children, but should she marry then she is to have a child's part for life, to be equally divided at her death between all his children, and the remainder of his negroes and personal property to be equally divided between all of his children at the time of his wife's marriage. Executrix, his wife, executors his brother Charles Crenshaw, friends, John Austin and William Brit- tain. Wit. Mary Austin, Wm. Giles, Saml. Bentley. Re- corded. Mch. 26, 1772. W. B. 2, p. 28. Elkanah Crenshaw, decd. Inventory and appraisement of his estate: A sorrel horse £10: and Bay mare £5:. 15 sheep & 7 lambs 1 grind stone 5/, 2 plows & hoes 8/. 1 ox cart & yoke & chirs 5 bushels wheat @ 3/9, 7 bushels corn @ 10/.. Basket 2 bushel, & seive 3/, 3 hds. 4/6... 300 gallons Cyder @ 6/ £7: 10: 47 gal. Brandy.. Casks 18/, Funnel 6/, Barrel 9/, a parcel of leather 14... A parcel of tools 45/, 22 lbs. feathers @ 2/6... 1 saddle &c, 20/, 12 lbs. cotton @ 1/3, 3 lbs. wool. 5 wheels and cards 41/, 1 pr. steel-yards 10/.. Shoemakers tools and lasts... A parcel of hames 3/, 2 Bells 2/, 2 scythes and cradles. 2 sifters, 6 bags & Tray 2/6.. 6 bus. of oats 97, 2 barrels 2/, 1 hhd Toba. £9: 2 hides 7/. 20 head cattle £33, parcel hoes 32/6 &c... Daphney a negro wench £60.. Isaac a negro fellow £70 Joe a negro fellow £70 Phillis a negro wench £60 £ 15: 0:0: £ 3:15:0: £ 0:13:0: £ 5: 0:0: £ 4: 8:9: £ 0: 7:6: £ 16:18:0: £ 2: 1:6: £ 5: 0:0: £ 1:18:0: £ £ £ 0:12:6: £ 0: 3:0: £ 9:18:0: £ 34: 4:0: £ 60: 0:0: £ 70: 0:0: .£ 70: 0:0: £ 60: 0:0: 2:11:0: 0: 7:6: 2 negro children, Frank & Rachel 1 Loom &c 39/, 6 Reap hooks & ax cut saw 7/6............... £ 35: 0:0: £ 2: 6:0: CRENSHAW: AMELIA COUNTY 333 1 copper skillett 15/, parcel of pails & tubs, teakettle... A cask and table 2/, parcel pewter 45/, coffee pot 2/3.. A parcel of potts &c, Mortar & pestle, knives & forks.. Meat & sope & candles £5, cotton 5/, potts & juggs 15/. 2 Breaks 2/6, 13 chairs 26/ parcel of tumblers 2/6.. 1 gun &c 30/, 1 safe &c, 1 bed £8 &c. &c....... 1 Bed £5; sundry bed furniture £8: 1 Bed £10.. Chests & trunks 25/, 1 saddle 40/ Leather 10/.. Box iron 10/, 1 Desk &c, £5, 10/, 2 glass 15... 3 Tables £3: 5 hand irons 20/, Crockery ware 30/. Jugs &c, 8/, 11 hogs £0: 17: 6: 8 hogs 40/.. 6 gallons brandy 30/, 34 gals cyder 17/... Cask 15/, 2 Bee hives 20/. 1 Book, & pr pott hooks.. 11 yards cloth .. £ 2: 0:0: £ 2: 9:0: 2:17:0: £ £ 6: 0:0: 1:11:0: £ 30:15:0: £ 23: 0:0: £ 3:15:0: £ 6:15:0: .£ 5:16:0: £ 7: 5:0: £ 2: 7:0: £ 1:17:0: £ 1:13:0: £498:14:0: Returned and Recorded Aug. 27, 1772. W. B. 2, p. 50. William-(X)-Crenshaw, of the Parish of Nottoway & Co. of Amelia, Will of dated Mar. 7, 1786. Lends his wife during her life or widowhood the plantation on which he lives with all appurtenances thereto belonging, also his household and kitchen furniture, 9 negroes and their in- crease & horses, cattle, hogs & sheep. Gives to his son David Crenshaw, the above plantation at the death of sd. William Crenshaw's wife, and the remainder of his estate to be equally divided into ten parts among his children as follows: son Robert Crenshaw; son William Crenshaw; son James Crenshaw; son David Crenshaw; daughter Elizabeth Bullington; daughter Ann Moore; daughter Susanna Moore; daughter Jane Irby; daughter Sarah Wallis; grand children, children of David Nance, decd. Gives his son David Cren- shaw 2 negroes named Jack & Kate, sons James & David Crenshaw his still. daughter Elizabeth Bullington a feather bed & furniture, also lends her 3 negroes, Diana, Frank & Tom during her life to go to her children at her death. daughter Ann Moore, 3 negroes, Venus, Jane & Winny to go to her children at her death. daughter Susannah Moore 3 negroes, Hannah, Harry, & Ester to go to her children at her death, also gives her one feather bed & furniture. daugh- ter Jane Irby, 3 negroes, Patt, Abb, Vall, to go to her child- ren at her death, also gives her a feather bed and furniture. daughter Sarah Wallis, 3 negroes, Ruffin, Joan, & Margery, to go to her children at her death, also gives her a feather 334 THE VALENTINE PAPERS bed & furniture. Gives to his daughter Mary Seales, five shillings and a feather bed & furniture, and gives to his grandchildren David Nance, Wm. Nance Elizabeth Nance, Susannah Nance and Mary Nance children of David Nance and the testator's daughter Mary, 3 negroes, viz; Lucy, Phill & James. The said negroes to be held in trust and hired out by the testators Executors for the benefit of the testators daughter Mary Seales during her life and to go to the above sd. children of sd. Mary at her death. Executors, sons William Crenshaw and David Crenshaw. Wit. Burwell Smith, Wm. Irby, Jno. L. Crute, Matt. Wallis, Saml. Smith. Probated Apr. 27, 1787. W. B. 4, p. 41. William Crenshaw, decd. Estate of appraised. Executor Mr. David Crenshaw. Value £1114,16: 84: Includes 17 Religious books. Appraisers Thos. Ball, Burwell Smith, William Snead & Wm. Irby. Recorded June 28, 1787. W. B. 4. Elkanah Crenshaw, decd. and David Crenshaw decd. Agreeable to an order of the Worshipful Court of Amelia Co. to us directed for the purpose of dividing the negro slaves and personal estate of Elkanah Crenshaw, decd. and David Crenshaw decd. agreeable to their last wills and testa- ments between the heirs of Elkanah Crenshaw, decd. have made the division as follows, after securing to Mary Cren- shaw, Relict of Elkanah Crenshaw, decd. such compensa- tion for her consistant thereto as by her required, and agreed to by the Heirs of the said Elkanah Crenshaw, decd. To David Crenshaw, 4 slaves; viz; Tamer, Dick, Sarah, & Patt. To Anthony Crenshaw, 3 slaves; viz; Frank, Dorcas & Sawney. To William Crenshaw, 3 slaves; viz; Ben, Judith & Ashby. To John Muse, 3 slaves; viz; Joel, Tamar & Violet. To William Gray, 3 slaves; viz; Rachel, Jack & Linius. To Mary Crenshaw, Relict of Elkanah Crenshaw, 1 slave, Phillis. Retd. & recorded June 26, 1788. W. B. 4. Anthony Crenshaw, decd. Inventory and Appraisement of his estate. Value £743: 8: 10: Including among his slaves Dorcas & Frank. Appraisers, Saml. Ford, Parham Booker & John Wingo. Recd. Mch. 22, 1798. W. B. 5, p. 438. CRENSHAW: AMELIA COUNTY 335 Anthony Crenshaw, decd. Orphans of, In account with Rodophil Jeter, their Guardian. Covers the period from the year 1802-1817. From which it appears that Mason Cren- shaw was the widow of sd. Anthony Crenshaw, decd. whose children were as follows; Nathaniel A. Crenshaw, Wm. T. Crenshaw, Allen J. Crenshaw, Anthony W. Crenshaw. W. B. 6, p. 223, and W. B. 7, p. 78, 150, 237; 586, 588, 589; W. B. 8, p. 58, 363. Mason Crenshaw was the daughter of Ambrose Jeter, whose will was proved in Amelia Co. Court. Mch. 24, 1803. (Amelia Records.) Joseph Crenshaw, of the County of Amelia, deed from John-(X)-Wallis & Mary his wife, of same Co. £20: curr. 200 acres in Amelia Co. granted sd. John Wallace Jan. 11, 1735, adj. Fitzgerald, head of Woody Creek, Thos. Taylor. Wit. John Crenshaw, William Crenshaw, Henry Isbell Jr. Sept. 17, 1742. D. B. 1, p. 288. William Crenshaw, Jr., deed from Hughes Irby. 648 acres in Amelia Co., in the neck between Little Nottoway & Long branch. Wit. Jno. Crenshaw and Joseph Crenshaw. Sept. 17, 1742. D. Bk. 1, p. 290. John Crenshaw, deed from Samuel Jordan (patented 1741.) 181 acres in Amelia Co. on Stanley Branch of Woody Creek. Oct. 15, 1742. D. B. 1, p. 293. David Crenshaw of St. Martin's Parish, Hanover Co., deed from Abraham Echolls, 400 acres in Amelia Co., on S, side of Appomattox River in Raleigh Parish. Jan. 17, 1744. D. B. 2, p. 45. John Crenshaw deed from Joseph Hall. 1 acre in Amelia Co., on Woody Creek. Wit. Henry Crenshaw. Oct. 21, 1748. D. B. 3, p. 70. Joseph Crenshaw, of Nottoway Parish, Amelia Co. deed to Alexander Erskine, of same Parish & Co., £100 curr. 200 acres in Amelia Co. granted to John Wallis Jan. 10, 1735 and by him sold to sd. Joseph Crenshaw Sept. 17, 1742. adj. Fitzgerald, head of Woody Creek. Thos. Taylor, Smarts alias Nance's now Eppes. Feb. 14, 1750. D. B. 4, p. 19. 336 THE VALENTINE PAPERS William Crenshaw, of Nottoway Parish, Amelia Co., deed to James (or Joseph) Crenshaw of St. Martin's Parish, Han- over Co., £30 curr. a water mill, mill pond, mill stones, Iron work and all things appertaining thereto with one acre of land, being part of a tract of land on which sd. Wm. Cren- shaw now lives on Long Branch and Spring branch. Oct. 28, 1756. D. B. 5, p. 259. William Crenshaw, and Jane, his wife, of Nottoway Parish, Amelia Co., deed to Robert Crenshaw of same Parish & Co. £1: curr. and natural love. 200 acres in Amelia Co. on south side of little Nottoway River at the mouth of the Spring Branch. Wit. Chrispen Shulton. Recd. Oct. 27, 1757. D. B. 6, p. 127. John Crenshaw deed from Francis Spain. 100 acres in Amelia Co. west of Deep Creek. Feb. 25, 1761. D. B. 7, p. 393. William Crenshaw, and Jane, his wife, of Nottoway Parish, Amelia Co. deed to William Crenshaw, Junr. £5 curr. and natural love. 200 acres in sd. Parish & Co., on south side Little Nottoway River, adj. Long branch and a small branch. Mch. 24, 1761. D. B. 7, p. 415. William Crenshaw, of Amelia Co., Planter deed from Robert Ferguson, of King & Queen Co. Executor of James Ferguson of King & Queen Co., decd £65: curr. 350 acres. part of 1500 acres in Amelia patented by sd. James Fer- guson. Nov. 26, 1763. D. B. 8, p. 257. John Crenshaw, of Amelia Co., & Elizabeth-X-his wife, deed to Charles Walden of Caroline Co., £100 curr. 181 acres in Amelia Co. on Stanley's Branch of Woody Creek, adj. Gray's branch, Gray, John Burge, Fitzgerald. Mch. 19, 1764. D. B. 8, p. 366. William Crenshaw, of Amelia Co., and Catherine, his wife, deed to Thomas Williams of same Co. £65 curr. 128 acres in Amelia Co., between the lower fork of Woody Creek and upper fork of Seller Creek, as per grant to sd. CRENSHAW: AMELIA COUNTY 337 and Wm. Crenshaw 3rd day of June in the 18th year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the 3rd. June 27, 1765. D. B. 8, p. 569. John Crenshaw, deed from Henry Hudson and Judith, his wife. 207 acres in Amelia Co., on a fork of Standley's fork and North fork of Woody Creek. Oct. 8, 1765. D. B. 8, p. 600. John Crenshaw & Elizabeth his wife, deed to Henry Hud- son, 100 acres in Amelia Co., on Deep Creek. Oct. 8, 1764. D. B. 8, p. 601. William Crenshaw and Robert Crenshaw, of Amelia Co., deed to John Winn of same Co., £100 curr. 1 acre in Amelia Co. on the south side of little Nottoway River, also all the lands owned by the sd. Wm. & Robert Crenshaw on the said River that may be effected or laid under water by the said Winn's building a water grist mill at the acre above mentioned. May 17, 1767. D. B. 9, p. 85. Robert Crenshaw and Elizabeth, his wife of Nottoway Parish, Amelia Co. deed to William Crenshaw of same Parish & Co., £225 curr. and natural love. 200 acres in Nottoway Parish, Amelia Co. on the south side of Little Nottoway River at the mouth of Spring Branch. Feb. 24, 1768. D. B. 9, p. 136. · • John Crenshaw, of Nottoway Parish deed from Francis Hathaway and Winfred his wife, 125 acres in Amelia Co. on Jenneys Branch. Nov. 1, 1768. D. B. 11, p. 13. John Crenshaw, of Amelia Co., deed to William Ragsdale of the Co. of Prince George. £185 curr. 207 acres in Amelia Co. on the north side of Woody Creek, adj. James Stanley, William Fitzgerald, William Hudson & Henry Rob- ertson. Dec. 27, 1768. D. B. 11, p. 87. William Crenshaw, Jr., of Amelia Co., deed from John- Davis, of Gloucester Co. £165: 4 negroes. Aug. 1, 1769. D. B. 11, p. 50. : 338 THE VALENTINE PAPERS William Crenshaw, Jr., deed from John Shelton 169 acres in Amelia Co., on Great Nottoway. May 27, 1774. D. B. 13, p. 35. David Crenshaw, of Amelia Co., deed from Henry Burge of same Co. £3: curr. 4 acres in Amelia Co., on Long Branch near the old mill. Dec. 22, 1775. D. B. 13, p. 283. William Crenshaw, Jr., of Nottoway Parish, Amelia Co., deed from Henry Burge of same Parish & Co. £465: Curr. 180 acres in Amelia Co. adj. Stith Hardway, Henry Bin- ford, Jno. Irby. Mch. 9, 1778. D. B. 14, p. 312. Cornelius Crenshaw, of Amelia Co., and Joanah, his wife, deed to Wm. Ellis of same Co., £54 curr. 54 acres in Amelia Co., on the branches of Nottoway River adj. the road of Thomas Ellis. Aug. 25, 1777. D. B. 14, p. 179. Cornelius Crenshaw, of Amelia Co., deed to Isaac Oliver of same. Co. £200 curr. 148 acres in Amelia Co., adj. Thos. Ellis's cart road, the great Nottoway River, Wm. Ellis, Buf- falo bed creek, John Knight, formerly Bartholomew Cren- shaw's. Nov. 17, 1777. D. B. 14, p. 248. William Crenshaw, of Amelia Co., deed to James Cren- shaw of same Co., £1000, curr. 300 acres in Amelia Co., in the fork of Nottoway River, on the south side of Little Nottoway River, adj. the head of Turkey pen Branch, Hol- land, Long Branch, Winn's Mill Pond according to a line by a deed dated May 16, 1767 from sd. Wm. Crenshaw & Robert Crenshaw, his son to said Winn. Feb. 23, 1778. D. B. 14, p. 273. Bartlett Crenshaw and Sarah, his wife, of Amelia Co.. deed to John Knight of same Co., £350. 228 acres in Amelia Co., on great Nottoway River, adj. Thomas Dudley, Isaac Oliver and Cornelius Crenshaw. Nov. 5, 1777. D. B. 14, p. 324. Elizabeth Crenshaw, wife of John Crenshaw. Stephen Cocke of Amelia Co. and Peter Lamkin Gents. are ap- CRENSHAW: AMELIA COUNTY 339 + pointed to witness her signature to a deed from sd. John Crenshaw to Nathan Jones dated Aug. 24, 1780. D. B. 15, p. 399. John Crenshaw, of Amelia Co., Nottoway Parish, deed to Nathan Jones, of Surry Co., £300 curr. 200 acres in Amelia Co., adj. head of Sellers Creek, Jehnnys branch and Morgan. Wit. Chas. Connally, Giles Nance, Thos. Eckels. Aug. 24, 1780. D. B. 15, p. 364. William Crenshaw, deed from Jno. Wallace & Sarah, his wife and Sarah Turner his mother. 100 acres in Amelia Co. on N. side of Little Nottoway River. Oct. 23, 1783. D. B. 16, p. 314. William-X-Crenshaw, Sr. and David Crenshaw of Not- toway Parish, Amelia Co. deed to Samuel Sherwin and Stith Hardaway of same Parish & Co. for £175 curr. to sd. David Crenshaw. 47 acres in Amelia Co., & sd. Parish, on long branch at little Nottoway River. 43 acres part thereof lying on the north side of said long branch being part of a tract patented by sd. Wm. Crenshaw Aug. 1, 1745. The residue being 4 acres on the south side of said branch was transfered by deed to sd. David Crenshaw by Henry Burg Dec. 22, 1775, adj. Wm. Crenshaw Jr. and Stith Har- daway along the mill pond. June 23, 1785. D. B. 17, p. 206. William-X-Crenshaw, Sr. of Nottoway Parish, Amelia Co., deed to Wm. Crenshaw Jr. of the sd. Parish & Co., £30: curr. 30 acres in Amelia Co., on the south side of Little Nottoway River adj. the mouth of the Spring branch, of the sd. Wm. Crenshaw Sr. and Wm. Crenshaw Jr. Mch. 10, 1786. D. B. 17, p. 366. Bartlet Crenshaw and Sarah, his wife. Edmund King, Thos. Davenport and Nathaniel Hurt, Gents. are appointed to take the acknowledgment of sd. Sarah to a deed from Bartlet Crenshaw her husband to John Knight, dated Nov. 11, 1781, for 228 acres in Amelia Co., Edmund King, Thos. Davenport & Nathaniel Hurt, Gents. Justices of Halifax Co., report having taken the above acknowledgment of sd. 340 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Sarah Crenshaw at the house of sd. Bartlet Crenshaw. Sept. 16, 1788. D. B. 17, p. 389. William Crenshaw deed from John Irby and Wm. Irby. 73 1/3 acres in Amelia Co., on the Forks of Nottoway, south side of long Branch. Feb. 5, 1789. D. B. 18, p. 300. David Crenshaw, deed from Thomas Watton & Ann, his wife, 242 acres in Amelia Co. Feb. 15, 1792. D. B. 19, p. 178. David Crenshaw, deed from John Sadler & Leanah, his wife. 100 acres in Amelia Co. Dec. 1792. D. B. 19, p. 241. David Crenshaw, of Amelia Co., deed to Shirly Eggleston. £30: 252 acres in Amelia Co., adj. sd. Crenshaw. June 21 (27) ?, 1798. D. B. 20, p. 427. David Crenshaw and Elizabeth, his wife, of Bedford Co., deed to Mary Tabb, of Amelia Co. £800. Two tracts of land, one containing 200 acres, in Amelia Co., adj. sd. Mary Tabb and Anthony Crenshaw, Senr. and Appomattox River, being the tract devised to the said David Crenshaw by his father Elkanah Crenshaw. The other tract containing 3162 acres in Amelia Co., on which sd. David Crenshaw formerly resided, one part whereof he purchased of John Sadler and the other part of Thos. Walton, the last men- tioned tract adj. sd. Mary Tabb, Richard Eggleston, decd. and Efford Booker, decd. Apr. 28, 1800. D. B. 21, p. 133 Allen J. Crenshaw qualifies as constable, with Nathaniel A. Crenshaw and Rodophil Jeter, securities. Nov. 27, 1802. D. B. 23, p. 541. Nathaniel A. Crenshaw, appointes trustee to secure a debt due from Ira McGlasson, to Allen J. Crenshaw. $120,00 sd. Ira McGlasson's interest in the estate of his deceased father James McGlasson now held in the possession of his mother .sd. `Mildred McGlasson. 6 Jan. 1816. D. B. 24, p. 278. CRENSHAW: AMELIA COUNTY 341 Nathaniel Crenshaw, of Amelia Co., deed from Mary Morris of same Co., $400. Her right, title, and interest in a tract of land in Amelia Co., devised to her by her late husband John Morris decd. by his last will. said land being part of the tract on which sd. John Morris lived. Dec. 16, 1820. D. B. 25, p. 632. Nathaniel Crenshaw, appointed Constable qualifies with Rodophil Jeter security. Aug. 28, 1817. D. B. 24, p. 479. Nathaniel A. Crenshaw and Catherine, his wife, of Amelia Co., deed to Joseph B. Anderson of same Co., £500. sd. Nathaniel A. Crenshaw's right, title, and interest in the above mentioned land conveyed to him by Mary Morris, widow of John Morris. Feb. 15, 1822. D. B. 26, p. 71. Anthony Crenshaw gives bond for his faithful perform- ance of a contract to build a bridge over Appomattox River at Stony Point from the Cumberland side to the Amelia side. Security John Colquett. May 14, 1826. D. B. 27, p. 513. Crawford Crenshaw deed of trust to Alexander B. Wal- thall to secure a debt due James M. Jeter. $301,50. A negro named Pascal. Wit. John T. Jeter, Geo. W. Scott. Aug. 2, 1826. D. B. 27, p. 546. Anthony W. Crenshaw, of Cumberland Co., bond for $79,70, for his faithful performance of a contract to rebuild Deep Creek bridge near Worshams, and keep it in repair for 6 years. Nathaniel A. Crenshaw, of Cumberland Co. security. Jan. 22, 1829. D. B. 29, p. 167. Crawford Crenshaw deed of trust to Alex. B. Walthall to secure debt due Wm. Green. 2 notes of $304.00, each. 152 acres in Amelia Co., adj. Richard H. Brazeal, Archer St. Clair, Henry P. Eanes and others, also a negro named Pascal. Nov. 18, 1831. D. B. 30, p. 300. Crawford Crenshaw deed of trust to Alex. B. Walthall to secure debts due John T. Jeter, Jones Wood, Executor of 342 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Wm. Wood, and Henry Drerry, John A. Hillsman, Wm. Brazeal and Wm. E. Seay all of Amelia. 154 acres in Amelia Co. adj. Henry Brazeal & others &c. July 29, 1833. D. B. 31, p. 213. Crawford Crenshaw deed of trust to Geo. C. Moore to secure debt due Henry L. Drewry. $1520. same property as above. Oct. 22, 1836. D. B. 32, p. 390. Crawford Crenshaw, and Frances D. his wife of Amelia Co. deed to John T. Jeter of same Co. $900,00. 152 acres in Amelia Co., on which the sd. Crawford Crenshaw and his wife live. adj. Richrd. Brazeal & others. Apr. 16, 1838. D. B. 33, p. 331. T. A. Crenshaw and Ann, his wife deed to Samuel S. Weiseger. $900,00 paid by two bonds of $400,00 & $500,00 each. 77 acres in Amelia Co. adj. Wm. G. Haskins, M. A. Hughes, decd. Thos. I. Horner, being the land on which sd. Crenshaw has lately resided in the village of Painville. Nov. 4, 1848. D. B. 37, p. 563. Thomas A. Crenshaw, Samuel S. Weiseger & Ann E., his wife, deed of Trust to Henry Gordon to secure above debt due sd. Thos. A. Crenshaw. $900.00. 77 acres in Amelia Co. Nov. 5, 1848. D. B. 37, p. 565. Thomas A. Crenshaw, and Ann his wife, formerly Ann S. Jeter. deed to John M. Jeter. Recites that whereas there are 217 acres in Amelia Co., of land, belonging to the estate of Samuel S. Jeter, decd. which land was alloted to the said John M. Jeter and Ann S. Crenshaw, formerly Ann S. Jeter, as joint tenants the right to 1/2 of said 217 acres the sd. Thos. A. Crenshaw has acquired in right of his sd. wife Ann. S., and there are 80 acres more of said land 'which was assigned to Mrs. Martha A. Jeter, widow of said Saml. T. Jeter, during her life time, 2 of which sd. Cren- shaw and his sd. wife are entitled at the death of sd. Martha A. Jeter. For $1000,00. The above estate. Jan. 10, 1850. D. B. 38, p. 128. CRENSHAW: AMELIA COUNTY 343 T. A. Crenshaw, Edwin E. Cosby, John A. Hillsman & Saml. R. Seay Commrs. deed to Beverley C. Sadler. Mch. 23, 1852. D. B. 38, p. Ann S. Crenshaw, wife of T. A. Crenshaw, of Amelia Co., deed of gift from Ann Baldwin to John W. Jeter in Trust for the benefit of sd. Ann S. Crenshaw, granddaughter of sd. Ann Baldwin. Two negroes. Dec. 29, 1851. D. B. 38, p. 424. ORDER BOOKS William Crenshaw's claim for taking up a negro certified. Aug. 20, 1748. O. B. 1746-51, p. 94. William Crenshaw, Pltf. vs. Philip Pledger Deft. In Tres- pass. Continued. Aug. 20, 1748. O. B. 1746-51, p. 108. Henry Crenshaw ordered to be paid for one day's attend- ance to prove Murrell's deed to John Maly. Oct. Court 1749. O. B. 1746-51, p. 182. Wm. Crenshaw, petitions for an acre of land belonging to John Taylor in order to build a mill thereon. Ordered that a Jury meet on the premises and value the sd. acre and make report to the next Court. Oct. Court 1750. O. B. 1746-51, p. 273. Wm. Crenshaw's negro boy Dublin is adjudged 18 years old. Aug. 1753. O. B. 1745-55, p. 125. John Crenshaw, Pltf. vs. John Penix, Deft. Sept. 1753. O. B. 1751-55, p. 133. John Crenshaw deed to Charles Cousins recorded. July 1755. O. B. 1751-55, p. James Crenshaw Pltf. vs. John Carr, Deft. Feb. 27, 1756. O. B. 1755-57, p. 37. Wm. Crenshaw feofment to James Crenshaw. Oct. Crt. 1756. O. B. 1755-57, p. 103. 344 THE VALENTINE PAPERS John Crenshaw Pltf. vs. Edward Munford, Deft. May 1763. O. B. 1763, p. 59. John Crenshaw Juryman in case of James Cary. Pltf. vs. John Spencer Deft. May 1763. O. B. 1763, p. 61. William Crenshaw. Ordered that the sheriff pay him £6:6:6: for building a bridge over Little Nottoway River. Mch. 22, 1764. O. B. 1764-65, p. 51. John Crenshaw ordered to pay Jonas Varser for 2 days attendance as a witness for him against Edward Munford. June 30, 1764. O. B. 1764-65, p. 197. John Crenshaw, ordered to pay John Lewis for 2 days attendance and travelling 45 miles as a witness against Edward Munford. Aug. 1764. O. B. 1764-65, p. 240. John Crenshaw, Jr. Pltf. vs. Edward Munford, Deft. In case. By consent of the parties the Deft. is allowed to take the deposition of John Hall, who resides in North Caro- lina by giving 10 days notice to Pltf. Sept. Crt. 1764. O. B. 1764-65, p. 252. Robert Crenshaw appointed surveyor of the road from Pains Shop to Nottoway Bridge, and that Wm. Pace, John Pace, Richard Crute, Mrs. Holland, Wm. Sneed, Wm. Cren- shaw, Sr., Wm. Crenshaw, Jr., Thos. Burge, Henry Buford, Saml. Smith, Charles Irby, with 3 male laboring tithables do attend the sd. road surveyor when required in order to clear and keep the said road in repair. O. B. 1764-65, p. 266.. • Moses Crenshaw and Charles Mann, Defts. vs. John Es- dale Pltf. June 27, 1765. O. B. 1764-65, p. 602. John Crenshaw, Pltf. vs. Edward Munford Deft. Judg- ment for Pltf. £11:3:0: and costs. June 26, 1765. O. B. 1765-67, p. 2. John Crenshaw and Wm. Ragsdale, Indenture between proved and certified. July Crt. 1769. O. B. 1768-69, p. 227. CRENSHAW: AMELIA COUNTY 345 John Crenshaw deed to Wm. Ragsdale recorded. Jan. Crt. 1769. O. B. 1768-69, p. 35. Wm. Crenshaw, Petet Juryman. Nov. 25, 1773. O. B. 1772-76, p. James Crenshaw witness in case of Crute vs. Dixon. Feb. 26, 1774. O. B. 1772-76, p. William Crenshaw, petitions for an acre of land belong- ing to Stith Hardaway opposite sd. Crenshaw on Long Branch on which to build a mill. Ordered that a Jury be summoned to view same and report to next Court. Oct. 24, 1774. O. B. 1772-76, p. Cornelius Crenshaw & David Zachary Jr., appointed to view the land whereon a road is proposed to be opened from Thos. Jeffries to Rowland Church. Oct. 24, 1774. O. B. 1772-76, p. Cornelius Crenshaw and Joanna Lewis, his wife, deed to William Lewis recorded. Sept. 1777. O. B. 1776-80, p. 69. Cornelius Crenshaw deed to Isaac Oliver recorded. Jo- anna, wife of sd. Cornelius Crenshaw relinquishing her right of dower therein. Dec. 1777. O. B. 1776-80, p. 93. Wm. Crenshaw to James Crenshaw proved and recorded. Feb. 1778 Crt. O. B. 1776-80, p. 105. Bartlett Crenshaw and Sarah, his wife deed to John Knight proved and recorded. May Crt. 1778. O. B. 1776-80, p. 128. David Crenshaw Pltf. vs. Stephen Clement & Booker Foster, Deft. Dismissed. O. B. 1776-80, p. 146. John Crenshaw, deed to Nathan Jones, acknowledgment recorded. Aug. 12, 1780. O. B. 1780-82, p. 12. 346 THE VALENTINE PAPERS John Crenshaw deed to Nathan Jones, Elizabeth, wife of sd. John Crenshaw relinquishment to her dower recorded. Oct. 26, 1780. O. B. 1780-82, p. 28. Wm. Crenshaw, Senr. & David Crenshaw Indenture to Saml. Sherwin & Stith Hardaway proved & recorded. June 23, 1785. O. B. 1785-86, p. 1. David Crenshaw, and William Winston Crenshaw, an Infant, by David Crenshaw, his next friend, John Muse and Lucy, his wife, William Gray and Susannah, his wife, Anthony Crenshaw and Mildred Crenshaw Pltfs. vs. Wil- liam Britian, Executor and Mary Crenshaw, Executrix, of Elkanah Crenshaw, decd. Defts. This cause was this day heard upon the Bill and answer and other exhibits. By consent of the parties. It is considered, declared and or- dered that the Defendant Mary, the executrix, and Com- plaintant, David Crenshaw do make up an account on oath of the administration of the Estate of Elkanah Crenshaw, decd. in the Bill mentioned and prayed for before Richard Eggleston, Wm. Bentley, Wm. Giles, Edmund Walker, John Royall and John Archer or any two or more of them and that the said Richard Eggleston &c., or any two or more of them do divide the slaves and personal property and other estate of the said Elkanah Crenshaw, decd. contained comprized, devised in the general clause, or clauses of his will and testament and also the negroes devised by David Crenshaw, decd. as in the Bill mentioned with their increase and any estate devised by the said David and not already devised among the complainants according to each ones proportion and distribution part; securing to the De- fendant, Mary at the same time such compensation as she shall require and such as is just and reasonable as a com- pensation for her consent to the division of said estate not excluding Twenty four Pounds per annum, and the negro woman in the Bill and for answer mentioned, and that they report to the Court their proceedings herein in order for a final decree. O. B. 1785-86, p. 70. William Winston Crenshaw, Infant of Elkanah Crenshaw, decd. Ambrose Jeter, his Guardian returns an account of CRENSHAW: AMELIA COUNTY 347 the profits of the said Orphan's estate. Approved and rec- orded. Jan. 1786. O. B. 1785-1786, p. 91. William Winston Crenshaw, Choses Ambrose Jeter as his Guardian, who qualified as such. Oct. 28, 1785. O. B. 1785-86, p. Elkanah Crenshaw, decd. Account of Orphans of rec- orded. Jan. 26, 1786. O. B. 1785-86, p. William Crenshaw, Senr. & Wm. Crenshaw, Jr., Inden- ture between them recorded. Apr. Crt. 1786. O. B. 1785-86, p. 122. Bartlett Crenshaw & Sarah, his wife, deed to John Knight recorded. July 27, 1786. O. B. 1786-88, p. 1. Saunders Crenshaw, Pltf. vs. Thomas Batten & Wm. Dun- navant. Dismissed. Oct. 1786. O. B. 1786-88, p. 25. William Crenshaw, decd. Inventory and Appraisement of his estate returned & recorded. June 28, 1787. O. B. 1786-88, p. 130. Elkanah Crenshaw, decd. A division of his estate re- turned and recorded. June 26, 1788. O. B. 1788-91, p. 21. Crenshaw, &c. Pltfs. vs. Crenshaw Executors, Deft. Or- dered that the Commissioners in this cause make and amend their report in order to a final degree. Mch. 29, 1790. O. B. 1788-91, p. 215. David Crenshaw, Licensed to keep an ordinary at his house for one year. Francis E. Hudson, Bannister Bryant, securities. Feb. Crt. 1795. O. B. 1792-95, p. 385. David Crenshaw, licensed to keep a tavern at his house renewed. Efford Bentley, security. Jan. 1797. O. B. 1795-97, p. 375. 348 THE VALENTINE PAPERS 1298? David Crenshaw, Upon his motion a commission is ap- pointed to turn the road called Jeter Road above the sd. petitioners house into the road below the sd. Crenshaw. Feb. 23, 1796. . O. B. 1795-97, p. 118. David Crenshaw appointed surveyor of the road from Cupets old field to Walker's path in the room of David Owen, and it is ordered that the male laboring tithables of the said Crenshaw, John Tabbs at Dowdy's, John Tabb's at Moulson's, John Tabbs, William Bentley at his quarter, Colo. John Ragnels at his quarter, Anthony Crenshaw's Estate and Jeremiah Compton do attend and assist in clear- ing and repairing the said road when required. O. B. 1797-1800, p. 49. Mason Crenshaw, widow of Anthony Crenshaw on motion of David Crenshaw is summoned to the next Court to say whether she will administer upon the estate of her deceased husband. Jan, 25, 1788. O. B. 1797-1800, p. 91. Anthony Crenshaw, decd. Rodophal Jeter qualified as administrator of the Estate of sd. Anthony Crenshaw, decd. Giving bond for $7000,00, with David Crenshaw, security. Feb. 22, 1798. O. B. 1797-1800, p. 95. Anthony Crenshaw, decd. Inventory and appraisement of his estate returned and recorded. Feb. 22, 1798. O. B. ` 1797-1800, p. 97. David Crenshaw, deed to Sherley Eggleston recorded. June 28, 1798. O. B. 1797-1800, p. 169. David Crenshaw & Elizabeth, his wife, deed to Mary Tabb. acknowledgment certified to by the clerk of Bedford Co. Court. recorded. June Crt. 1801. O. B. 1800-01, p. 213. Anthony Crenshaw, decd. Estate of, Rodophil Jeter. admr. Saml. Ford; Parham Booker, John Wingo, Charles Craddock & Wm. Powell are appointed examiners to state, settle the accounts of the sd. Jeter, admr. Oct. Crt. 1801. O. B. 1800-01, p. 306. CRENSHAW: AMELIA COUNTY 349 David Crenshaw, & Elizabeth, his wife, deed to Mary Tabb, acknowledgment certified to by the Clerk of Bedford Co. Court. Recorded. June 25, 1801. O. B. 1800-01, p. Mason Crenshaw, Nathaniel A. Crenshaw, William T. Crenshaw, Allen J. Crenshaw, & Anthony Crenshaw by John Jeter their next friend complts. vs. Rodophil Jeter, admr. of Anthony Crenshaw, decd. Defts. Parker Booker, Tinsley Chaffin, Saml. Ford, Chas. Craddock & Wm. Powell are appointed commissioners to lay off and allott by meets & bounds to Mason Crenshaw her dower in the lands of Anthony Crenshaw, decd. and to allott 1/3 of the personal estate of the sd. Anthony Crenshaw to the sd. Mason, and to each child his proportionable part. The above Commis- sioners returned their report as per order of Nov. Crt. 1801. Mch. Crt. 1802. O. B. 1801-02, p. 104. Nathaniel Anderson Crenshaw, orphan of Anthony Cren- shaw made choice of Rodophil Jeter for his guardian. Wil- liam T. Crenshaw, Allen Crenshaw, Anthony Crenshaw, orphans of Anthony Crenshaw, decd. the Court appoints Rodophil Jeter their Guardian. Dec. Crt. 1801. John Jeter & Reuben Wright security. Bond of $2000,00 for each ward. O. B. 1801-02, p. 58. Nathaniel Anderson Crenshaw, William Tate Crenshaw, Allen Jeter Crenshaw, Anthony Winston Crenshaw, Or- phans of Anthony Crenshaw, decd. Ordered that the Over- seers of the poor do bind them out according to law. Dec. Crt. 1801. O. B. 1801-02, p. 59. Anthony Crenshaw, decd. Orphans of; Ordered that the order of the last Court directing the Overseers of the Poor to bind out the orphans of Anthony Crenshaw, decd. be recinded, and it is further ordered that the Guardian bind the sd. orphans out according to Law. Jan. Court 1802. O. B. 1801-02, p. 68. Nathaniel A. Crenshaw, Complt. vs. Rodophil Jeter, admr. of Anthony Crenshaw, decd. William T. Crenshaw, Allen J. Crenshaw and Anthony Crenshaw, by the sd. Rodophil 350 THE VALENTINE PAPERS • Jeter, their Guardian, Deft. In accordance with a decretal order of this Court Nov. 1807, the Commissioners appointed submit the following report, viz: In pursuance of a decree of the Worshipful Court of Amelia, we the undersigned have proceeded to sell the land belonging to the late Anthony Crenshaw, deceased, on the terms mentioned in the said decree to Doctor Randolph for the sum of £170, and have proceeded to divide the personal estate of the said Anthony Crenshaw, decd. in the following manner, to wit; To Nathaniel A. Crenshaw one negro man Cato value £140: said Nathaniel A. Crenshaw to pay to Rodophil Jeter, guardian of the other children £26:5:0:, the amount in excess of his proportion of the negroes. also allot to sd. Nathaniel A. Crenshaw £113:3:3: his proportion of the bonds &c. To William T. Crenshaw a negro boy named Joe, value £80 and £33, 15:0: to render equal his proportion in the negroes. and also £113:3:3: his proportion of the bonds &c. To Allen J. Crenshaw, a negro man named Frank value £100: and £13:15:0: to render equal his proportion in the negroes. and £113: 3:3:, his proportion of the bonds &c. To Anthony W. Crenshaw, a negro man named Abram value £135: he to pay £21:15:0: to the Guardian of Wm. T. Crenshaw & Allen J. Crenshaw, the amount in excess of his proportion of the negroes; also allot to sd. Anthony W. Crenshaw £113:3:3: his proportion of the bonds &c. Feb. 18, 1808. Saml. Ford, Jacob Roberts, Wm. Powell. Recorded Oct. Court 1810. O. B. 1810-12, p. Anthony W. Crenshaw. Accounts of Rodophil Jeter, his guardian examined and recorded. Jan. Court 1812. Ó. B. 1810-12, p. 112. Allen J. Crenshaw, qualifies as Constable for District No. 1, in this county, Nathaniel A. Crenshaw and Rodophil Jeter, securities. Nov. Court 1812. O. B. 1812-14, p. 104. • Allen J. Crenshaw, resigned as Constable of District No. 1, in this County. June Court 1813. O. B. 1812-14, p. 241. Ordered that the Overseers of the Poor of District No. 1, proceed to bind out Crawford Crenshaw. Feb. Court 1817. O. B. 1814-17, p. 262. CRENSHAW: AMELIA COUNTY 351 Anthony W. Crenshaw, decd. Rodophil Jeter his guardian. Accounts of ordered to be examined and settled by Sanl. Ford and Austin Seay, Commrs. sd. Commrs. return report which is ordered recorded at Feb. Court 1817, p. 426. Nov. Crt. 1816. O. B. 1814-17, p. 262. Nathaniel A. Crenshaw and William S. Archer bound to keep the Peace. John W. Foster and Thomas Carter securi- ties for sd. Nathaniel A. Crenshaw and William Old. and Benjamin L. Meade securities for sd. Wm. S. Archer. Sept. Crt. 1817. O. B. 1817-19, p. 72. Nathaniel A. Crenshaw, Constable of District No. 1, re- signed. Feb. Crt. 1818. O. B. 1817-19, p. 122. Nathaniel A. Crenshaw paid this County's proportion of the cost for building Stony Point Bridge. Sept. 24, 1818. O. B. 1817-19, p. 219. Nathaniel A. Crenshaw is appointed as surveyor of the road in the room of John Webster from Atkinsons bridge to the old well. Aug. Crt. 1822. O. B. 1821-23, p. 149. Nathaniel A. Crenshaw and Anthony W. Crenshaw who sue for the benefit of said Anthony W. Crenshaw, Pltfs. vs Charles Featherstone. Nov. Crt. 1823. O. B. 1823-25, p. 24. Crawford Crenshaw among those whose male tithables are ordered to work on the road whereof Milton Vaughn is surveyor. July Crt. 1825. O. B. 1825-27, p. 16. Crawford Crenshaw deed of trust to Alex. B. Walthall to secure James M. Jeter. a negro named Paschal. Ack. & Recd. Aug. Crt. 1826. O. B. 1825-27, p. 283. Anthony W. Crenshaw. Ordered that he be paid this County's proportion of the cost of Building Stony Point bridge amounting to $286.55. Nov. Crt. 1826. O. B. 1825- 27, p. 346. 352 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Nathaniel A. Crenshaw and Anthony W. Crenshaw, Pltfs. vs Rodophil Jeter, administrator, of the estate of Anthony Crenshaw, decd. The Court ordered and decreed that Thomas Goode, Thos. Wiley, Joseph Haskins, John Wiley & Henry Walthall appointed Commissioners divide the 4 slaves which were held by Mason Crenshaw widow of An- thony Crenshaw, decd. as her dower of sd. Anthony Cren- shaw estate, and to allott 14 to Anthony W. Crenshaw and 34 to Nathaniel A. Crenshaw. Dec. Crt. 1827. O. B. 1827- 28, p. 174. Nathaniel A. Crenshaw and Anthony W. Crenshaw, Pltfs. vs Rodophil Jeter, admrs. of Anthony Crenshaw, decd. William T. Crenshaw & Allen J. Crenshaw, Defts. In Chancery. The Commissioners appointed at Dec. Crt. 1827. report the allottment as follows; To Nathaniel A. Crenshaw 3/4 thereof, that is to say 3 of said slaves, to wit; Cyrus, Isaac and Daniel valued at $550.00. and 14 of the value of the said slaves to Anthony W. Crenshaw, that is to say; Darcas, valued at $50.00 and that the sd. Nathaniel A. Crenshaw pay sd. Anthony W. Crenshaw £100, to make sd. Anthony W. Crenshaw's portion equal 14 of the value of the slaves. July Crt. 1831. O. B. 1830-32, p. 309. Crawford Crenshaw deed from Wm. Greene and Eliza- beth, his wife, recorded. Nov. Crt. 1831. O. B. 1830-32, p. Crawford Crenshaw deed of trust to Alex. B. Walthall to secure John T. Jeter. 154 acres, negro man Pashcal, household furniture stock &c. Aug. Crt. 1833. O. B. 1832- 34, p. 171. Crawford Crenshaw, deed of trust to Geo. C. Moore to secure Henry T. Drewry. Recorded. Oct. 27, 1836. O. B. 1834-37, p. 240. Thomas C. Crenshaw, Gent. who wished to obtain a License to practice as an attorney in the Courts of this Com- monwealth, this Court certifies he has been a resident of this County for 12 months past and is a person of honest demeanor and upwards of 21 years of age. Feb. 26, 1846. O. B. 1846-50, p. 14. CRENSHAW: AMELIA COUNTY 353 Thomas Crenshaw and Edwin G. Boothe, Gentlemen, are licensed to practice the law in the Courts of this Common- wealth. July 23, 1846. O. B. 1846-50, p. 54. Thomas A. Crenshaw, & wife deed to Samuel S. Weiseger, recorded. May 24, 1849. O. B. 1846-50, p. 352. MARRIAGE BONDS Susanna Crenshaw marriage to William Gray. David Crenshaw security. Apr. 24, 1777. Jane Crenshaw, daughter of Wm. Crenshaw marriage to John Irby. Feb. 7, 1778. David Crenshaw, marriage to Elizabeth Smith. Jan. 28, 1780. Lucy Crenshaw, marriage to John Muse. Anthony Cren- shaw, security. May 4, 1784. Nancy Crenshaw, daughter of Wm. Crenshaw, marriage to Wm. Stokes. Wm. Crenshaw, security. Apr. 14, 1786. Anthony Crenshaw marriage to Mason Jeter, Sd. Mason Jeter gives consent being of lawful age. Wit. Christianna Winston, Benjamin Hobson. Dec. 29, 1785 Prince Edward Co., Jan. 16, 1786. These are to certify that in consequence of a license from your office on Saturday the 7th inst. I married Anthony Crenshaw & Mason Jeter. Given under my hand the day and year above written. To the Clerk of Amelia County. Archbld. Robert. Jan. 3, 1786. Mary Crenshaw marriage to Robert Bascoe (or Biscoe). sd. Mary Crenshaw gives consent. Wit. Anthony Crenshaw Thomas Lawton. Dec. 18, 1787. Caty Crenshaw married to Newman Spain. Wm. Crèn- shaw gives consent. Dec. 15, 1788. 354 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Mildred Crenshaw marriage to James McGlasson, married by Jno. Finney, see his returns to Amelia Court. Dec. 2, 1788. Rachel Crenshaw, marriage to James Bagby (Bagley). James Crenshaw gives consent. Wit. Robt. Crenshaw, Jno. Bagley. Apr. 8, 1789. Married by Jno. Finney, see his returns to Amelia Court. Mason Crenshaw marriage to Jacob Lockett. Apr. 30, 1804. BEDFORD COUNTY RECORDS David Crenshaw, of Bedford County, Va. Will of. Just debts and funeral expenses to be paid out any monies on hand or arising from sale of Crops of Tobacco. Wife Eliza- beth during life, tract of Land Testator now lives on includ- ing mill on Goos Creek, containing 423 acres, also following slaves; George, Fanny, Elennly (?) & her child Alfred, little George, Harriott, Henry, Beverly, Isaac, Jacob, Gen- eral, Isham, Edmond, Old Fanny, Lewis, Charlotte, Julia, Mary, Sally, Martha & Clarrissa, also all Household and Kitchen furniture, plantation utensils & Stock of every kind testator is possessed of, Except such as I shall here- after devise under express Conditions that she permit tes- tators daughter Lucy to live in the House with her and to furnish her comfortable & respectable maintainance free from expence to daughter. Son Samuel H. Crenshaw negroes to wit; Dick, Alices, Reuben and Ellen with other property heretofore given him, to him also tract of Land on which he now lives Containing 308 acres also the tract I purchased of Leftwich? deed to him. Son John Crenshaw. Three negroes viz; Tom, Betsy, & Charles with other prop- erty heretofore given him and now the tract of Land on which he lives containing 44012 acres. Son (?) Richard Crenshaw, three negroes viz; Jesse, Pleasant, Leonusey (?) and other property heretofore given him and now to him the tract of Land where he now lives Containing 384 acres, also one milch Cow and one hundred dollars in lieu of furnishing his House. Executors in trust for the benefit of CRENSHAW: BEDFORD COUNTY 355 testator's son David Crenshaw, tract of Land where he formerly lived adjoining Dickinson's mill pond & which has been recently surveyed off by Thomas Mead Containing 318 acres also 10 shares of stock standing in my name on the Books of the Lynchburg & Salem Turnpike Company and one negro man d (?) named Phill. The Yearly rents, profits and dividends arising from said Land, Slaves (?) & Stock, Said Executors to apply to said David's support at such times in such manner as they may think he stands in need of. In case of the death of said David to be equally divided among his children if any, if none the said Land stock & slave to return to the body of testator's estate for division. Since marriage of testator's daughter Salley Coffer, he has given her three negroes, viz; Sarah, Isaac, & Hanner, and about $200.00 in cash, with other property and now to Executors in trust for the benefit of testators said daughter Sally, tract of Land which testator purchased of Lamonts Executors lying in Bedford Co. on Porters Mountain called & Known by the name of the "Turkey Lick" and at her death to be equally divided among her children & their heirs. To daughter Lucy after death of testator's wife, the tract of Land testator now lives on and described in the loan to my Wife including, my mill on Goose Creek also the first seven negroes named in the loan, viz; George, Fanny, Emily & her child Alfred. little George, Harriot & Henry, together. with their future increase, also one horse called Mike, one feather Bed and furniture, one milch Cow & one set Silver Table Spoons. Since marriage of testator's daughter Susan Preston he has given her, four negroes viz; Turner, Nat, Gabriel & Judith and other property, and now gives her in addition thereto the tract of Land testator ownes lying on the Flat Top Mountain adjoining the Lands of Rucker, Faulden & others, which tract is composed of two purchases made of Clayton & Hunter, and further devises that if at any time testators son-in-law Thomas Preston shall think it to his Interest to relinquish all the interest which he may now hold in the uncollected debts due & owing to the mercantile firm of Preston & Crenshaw, Executors immediately after such relinquishment Ex- honorate and discharge said Preston from Payment of all such debts as may now be owing from him to testator on 356 THE VALENTINE PAPERS account of said Firm or otherwise. Since marriage of testator's daughter Mary W. Mead, he has given her four negroes viz; Ephraim, Washington, Jemima and Mariah and other property and now in addition thereto, gives her a negro man Kit, and House and Lot in Town of Liberty. To two grandchildren, Edward & Mary L. E. Hopkins, tract of Land in Bedford Co., on north west side of Flat Top Mountain adjoining Lands of Tate and others Containing 141 acres also three bonds testator holds on John Crenshaw amounting to $751.25, But if both said grandchildren should die before arriving to age of twenty one years without issue, said property then to return to body of estate & be divided among testators children in such proportion as the residue of estate, is directed to be divided. After death of testator's wife, property loaned to her together with the residue of estate not heretofore devised to be equally divided among testator's children and their heirs. Except such proportion as shall be alloted to testator's son David and daughter Sally which shall be placed in hands of Executors to be governed by the same restrictions as the property in the devises to them heretofore made. Executors, son Samuel H. Crenshaw, son John Crenshaw, son-in-law William Mead and Lodowick McDaniel. Witnesses, Thomas Davis, James W. Rucker, William Carter. Probated 22, Feb. 1830. W. B. "G. 7." pp. 257-260. CAMPBELL COUNTY RECORDS Cornelius Crenshaw, of Campbell Co. deed of trust to Davidson Bradfute and Alexander Tompkins, trustees. Said Crenshaw indebted to sd. Bradfute in sum of $715.41. to secure sd. Bradfute, said Crenshaw conveys to sd. Tom- pkins certain slaves, in trust to secure sd. debt. Recorded Sept. 10, 1821. D. B. 13, p. 161. Cornelius Crenshaw, of Campbell Co. deed of trust to Simeon Austin of same Co., said Crenshaw indebted to sd. Austin in the sum of $137,30. To secure the sd. Austin conveys to sd. Alexander a negro girl slave Silline, and her future increase in trust to secure payment of said debt. 20 Dec. 1821. D. B. 13, p. 243. CRENSHAW: CAMPBELL COUNTY 357 Spottswood D. Crenshaw of Campbell Co. conveys to John Lynch Jr. and James Mallory, of the town of Lynchburg as trustees for Henry Moorman, James Benagh, Mathew Brown the Representatives of the estate of John Bzars, deceased, Daniel Brown, Charles Lewis, James Michel, Wm. L. Bell, &c. Charles R. Cobbs, John Twedy, Theodore Reid. The said Henry Moorman having endorsed for sd. Crenshaw a note dated 10, Aug. 1820, for 400 dollars and sd. Crenshaw is indebted to James Benagh, in the sum of $1060,86 ?, and sd. Dan❜l. Brown in the sum of $141,89. Said Crenshaw for and in consideration of the premises conveys to John Lynch Jr. and James Mallory to secure said indebtedness one house and lot, on the north East side of 5th street, being the house and lot conveyed to the said Crenshaw by James Benagh and John L. Douglas. Aug. 1820. D. B. 12, p. 459. Cornelius Crenshaw and Louisa, his wife of Campbell Co., convey to John M. Williams, of same Co., 300 acres in Campbell Co. bounded by the lands of Carrington. $2000.00. Oct. 27, 1820. D. B. 12, p. 570. John Crenshaw, of Campbell Co., conveys in trust to Sam'l. Garland of Lynchburg to secure an indebtedness of $356,62, due to Asa B. Daniel of Halifax. "The entire benefit of a suit now pending in Campbell County Court against the estate of John Wood for $200,00 and a Library consist- ing of Law and miscellaneous works." 11 July 1826. D. B. 15, p. 394. Spotswood Crenshaw, on motion of, leave is given him to Keep a Tavern, at his house in the County until the 1, day of May next, who gave bond and security acdy. to law. Dec. 1819. O. B. 13, p. MARRIAGE LICENSES Mary Crenshaw Anthony marriage to Arthur Goolsby. by Joseph Drury. Jany 3, 1794. Cornelius Crenshaw marriage to Louisa Depriest. by Chas. Price. May 8, 1816. 358 THE VALENTINE PAPERS John Flowers marriage to Mary Crenshaw. by Wm. Peer- man. Dec. 26, 1850. CAROLINE COUNTY RECORDS It is ordered Paul Havelson pay John Crenshaw 480 pounds of Tobacco for 3 days attendance and coming & going 45 miles three times as an evidence for him against Quarles. 10 March 1737-8. O. B. 1732-40, p. 465. Charles Crenshaw Pltf. against James Hunt, Deft. this suit dismissed April Court 1764. Charles Crenshaw, Joseph Price came into Court & con- fessed Judgment to Charles Crenshaw in a certain action of Debt. June Court 1762. MARRIAGES Thos. Crenshaw & Elizabeth Saunders. March 22, 1787. HANOVER COUNTY RECORDS David Crenshaw, of St. Martin's Parish, Hanover Co. deed from Richard Bullock, of said Parish, 125 acres in Hanover Co. adjoining Thomas Rice, and being the land on which Benj. Henson now lives, being part of a grant to said Richard Bullock. Jan. 4, 1733. Vol. 1, p. 2. Deed from Mary Anderson, widow of Robert Anderson, to her son John Anderson, the land bought by said Mary Anderson of George Wilkinson Jan. 14, 1719, lying on the north side of Tottopotoway Creek, and adjoining his son Charles Anderson, John Crenshaw, Maj. William Danger- field, David Thompson and Totopotóway Creek. Mch. 23, 1733. Vol. 1, p. 35. CRENSHAW: HANOVER COUNTY 359 David Crenshaw, Settlement of, as late guardian of David Alvis. Vol. 1, p. 123. David Crenshaw, Lease from Thomas Rice, both of St. Martin's Parish, Hanover Co., 400 acres of land in said Parish, lying on both sides of Cubb Creek, and adjoining Glen and Meriwether. Dec. 4, 1734, Vol. 1, p. 159. David Crenshaw, Witness, to lease from James Nuckolls to James Overton, Gent. of 414 acres on both sides of Elk Creek. July 3d, 1735. Vol. 1, p. 268. Charles Crenshaw and Martha, his wife, of Charlotte Co., Richard Crenshaw, of Cumberland Co., and Ann Crenshaw, of Fluvanna Co. (widow of James Crenshaw, and mother of said Charles and Richard) Deed to John Shelton 400 acres in St. Martin's Parish, Hanover Co., adjoining Thomas Crenshaw, John Ambler, Charles Crenshaw, the elder, and the river, and being the land devised to the said Charles & Richard Crenshaw, by the will of their father James Crenshaw decd. The family burying ground 60 ft. square is reserved by the said grantors. July 1, 1784. Vol. 2, p. 32. Deed from Nelson Anderson of Louisa Co., to Rebecca Waddy of Hanover Co., 203, acres in Hanover Co. adjoin- ing David Thomson Nelson, The Glebe land, Abraham H. Fontain and David Anderson Jr., and being part of the tract the said Nelson Thomson bought of Charles Crenshaw. Aug. 5, 1784. Vol. 2, p. 39. Martha Crenshaw, wife of Charles Crenshaw, of Char- lotte Co., Order from the County Court of Hanover Co., to the Justices of Charlotte Co., to procure the signature of said Martha Crenshaw to a deed from said Charles & Martha Crenshaw and Richard Crenshaw and Ann Crenshaw to John Shelton of 400 acres in St. Martin's Parish, Hanover Co. Aug. 30, 1784, Vol. 2, p. 72. Charles Crenshaw, of St. Paul's Parish, Hanover Co., deed from Robert Richardson and Elizabeth his wife of St. Martin's Parish, Hanover Co., 50 acres in St. Paul's Parish 360 THE VALENTINE PAPERS on the main road from Ground Squirrel bridge to Glinn's Ordinary and bounded within the lands of Joseph Crenshaw. June 30, 1786, Vol. 2, p. 189. John Crenshaw & Elizabeth his wife, of Hanover Co., deed to John Harvie of Richmond, Va. 192 acres in Hanover Co., on both sides of Stone Horse Creek, 160 acres part thereof was purchased by James Crenshaw of Philip Pryor, Sept. 22, 1748, and adj. John Gentry, Lias Thomerson & Syme. The remainder, 32 acres was purchased by the said James Crenshaw of James Cawthorn June 2, 1757. Mch. 1, 1786. Vol. 2, p. 218. Joseph Crenshaw, of Hanover Co., deed to Meredith Graves Crenshaw, Patsey Crenshaw and Ann Crenshaw, orphans of Wm. Crenshaw, decd. two negroes by the names, Grace & Sealey, to be kept by John Fretwell for the support of said orphans until they come of age. Then to be divided. Wit. Thomas Crenshaw, Wm. Wingfield. Jan. 4, 1787. Vol. 2, p. 233. John Crenshaw, Witness to a deed from Fuich Ragland of St. Paul's Parish Hanover Co. to Joseph Cross Sr. of said Parish & County. June 5, 1788. Vol. 2, p. 287. John Crenshaw, Nathaniel Crenshaw, Sukey Crenshaw and Temperance Crenshaw, children of Charles Crenshaw, decd. deed to their brother Charles Crenshaw an equal interest in the estate of their deceased father, his name having been omitted from their father's will by the error of the writer of said will. May 31, 1790. Vol. 2, p. 403. John Crenshaw, of Hanover Co. deed from Joseph Cross Sr. 187 acres in Hanover Co., on both sides of Stoney Run and adjoining Sherley and Tinsley. Witnesses. Richard Crenshaw, Henry Cross, John Cross. Dec. 4, 1790. Vol. 2, p. 457. Richard Crenshaw, of Hanover Co. deed from Joseph Cross Sr. of said County 130 acres in said County, on the west side of Lickinghole creek and adjoining the said Cren- CRENSHAW: HANOVER COUNTY 361 1 shaw's tract, purchased of William England and adjoining James Lankford, Catherine England & Geo. Davis. Wit- ness, John Crenshaw, Henry Cross, John Cross. Dec. 1, 1790. Vol. 2, p. 456. David Crenshaw, of Hanover Co. witness to a deed from John Austin Jr. & Sally, his wife to William Wingfield and Rhoda Davis all of Hanover Co., 200 acres on the south fork of Pamunkey River and also on Cedar Creek. May 31, 1791. Vol. 2, p. 477. David Crenshaw, witness to deed from William Wingfield & Elizabeth his wife and Rhoda Davis of St. Martin's Parish, Hanover Co. 180 acres in St. Paul's Parish, Hanover Co., on the south side of Tottopotomoy Creek, and adjoining Chap- man Austin, & James Turner. May 31, 1791. Vol. 2, p. 486. John Crenshaw, witness to deed from Joseph Cross Sr. of St. Paul's Parish Hanover Co. to Joseph Cross Jr. Dec. 12, 1790. Vol. 2, p. 493. Charles Crenshaw, witness to deed from Maddox Stanley of St. Paul's Parish Hanover Co., to John Stanley, his son. Sept. 7, 1776. Vol. 2, p. 514. Thomas Crenshaw, William Crenshaw and David Cren- shaw deed from David Richardson Sr. 2 acres in Hanover Co. on Beaver Dam Creek, on the road from Taylors Or- dinary to Scotch town for the use of a Methodist Episcopal Church. June 14, 1791. Vol. 2, p. 510. John Crenshaw of Hanover Co., deed from John Shelton & Ann his, wife of the sd. county, 74 acres in St. Martin's Parish, Hanover Co. on a branch of Pamunkey River. Sept. 9, 1791. Vol. 2, p. 527. Richard Crenshaw, of Hanover Co. deed from Wm. Eng- land of said County, 209 acres in Hanover Co. adjoining Wm. King, John Southworth Capt. Cross, James Lankford and Edward Lankford. Dec. 7, 1786. Vol. 2, p. 196. 362 THE VALENTINE PAPERS John Crenshaw of Hanover Co., deed from John Shelton & Nancy, his wife, of St. Paul's Parish, Hanover Co. 75 acres, in said County at the forks of Ground Squirrel and the new road to Chester's Gap, crosses the Mill road and adjoins said John Crenshaw, Thomas Crenshaw and the south branch of Pamunkey River. Witness, Izard Bawn & others. Sept. 16, 1791. Vol. 2, p. 525. Charles Crenshaw, Deed from Nelson Anderson, of Louisa Co., Hanover Co. adjoining south fork of Lickinghole Creek and Mr. Barrett's road, and being the tract of land pur- chased by said Anderson from Charles Crenshaw. Aug. 5, 1784. Vol. 2, p. Deed from Thomas Harris to Charles Toler, both of Han- over Co., a tract of land adjoining John Crenshaw, Peter Winn, Wm. Bowles, Burton & Glinn. Feb. 7, 1785. Vol. 2, p. 83. Deed from Thomas Burton & Fanny, his wife, of Han- over Co. to Thomas Payne, of Louisa Co., land adjoining John Crenshaw, Charles Toler, Wm. Bowles, William Payne & Charles Queary. Oct. 28, 1786. Vol. 2, p. 199. Deed from Geo. Gentry & Elizabeth, his wife, of Hanover Co. to John Harvie of the city of Richmond. Land adjoining John Crenshaw, Mr. Nelson, the land lately bought by said Harvie of Mr. Patrick Henry, and the Pamunkey River. June 7, 1787. Vol. 2, p. 218. Deed from William. Sydnor, Betsey his wife, Amey Sydnor, Fortunatus Sydnor, Anthony Sydnor & Robert Sydnor executor of Robert Sydnor, decd. of Hanover Co. to William Wingfield of said Co., land on the south side of Cedar Creek, in St. Martin's Parish, Hanover Co. and adjoining Thomas Crenshaw, Wm. Austin, McClough's Mill & Sydnors. June 20, 1789. Vol. 2, p. 411. Deed from John Shelton & Ann his wife of Hanover Co. Wm. Pollard, land in St. Martin's Parish, Hanover Co. on the north side of the south fork of Pamunkey River, being just below Ground Squirrel bridge and adjoining Thomas Crenshaw & John Crenshaw. June 1, 1792. Vol. 2, p. 267. CRENSHAW: HENRICO COUNTY 363 HENRICO COUNTY RECORDS John Crenshaw and Mary-(X)-Crenshaw witness the will of Thomas Bowles dated Nov. 19, 1783, recorded. Jan. 5, 1784. W. B. 1, 1781-87, p. 109. Stephen Pettus Jr. produces a receipt from William Cren- shaw who married his ward, which is ordered to be recorded. Sept. 1, 1766. O. B. 1763-67, p. 632. Charles Crenshaw to his "daughter Suea. Crenshaw" a negro girl Alley, and her increase forever. Recorded-Oct. 2, 1769. Witnesses-Danl. Price, Jr., Izard Bacon. D. B. 1767-74, p. 180. · Nathaniel Bacon Sr. gives Susa. Crenshaw, daughter of Charles and Sarah Crenshaw, a negro girl named Judy. Oct. 3, 1769. D. B. 1767-74, p. 180. MARRIAGE BONDS David Crenshaw to Louisa Brittain of Henrico. Marriage Bond dated June 1, 1798. Lydall Britton surety. R. Chap- man, witness. Sir, Please to issue a marriage license to David Cren- shaw to be married to Miss Louisa Brittain by her free consent given under our hands. David Crenshaw, Louisa Brittain. Test, John Davis, James Royall. To the Clerke of Henriro Co. Henrico County to wit, Lydall Brittai nthis day made Oath before me a Magistrate for said County that Louisa Brittain is above the age of twenty one years and a resident of the County aforesaid. Given under my hand this fourth day of June 1798. Wm. Mayo, Junr. Marriage Bond. Dated Chas. Wills, wit- Robert Crenshaw to Eliza Hatch. Jany. 21, 1830. William Kent, surety. ness. 364 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Richmond, 21, January 1830. I do hereby authorize the Clerk of Henrico County Court to Issue to Mr. Robert Cren- shaw a License by my consent. Eliza. Hatch. Robert Crenshaw & Eliza Hatch, were married 24, Jany. 1830, by Philip Courtney (M. E. Chr.) Register of Marriages 1817-53, p. 39. ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY RECORDS Thomas Crenshaw witnesses a deed from Joseph and Ann West, of Nottoway Parish, Isle of Wight Co. to Samuel Willis. Oct. 18, 1744. D. B. 6. p. 494. Thomas Crenshaw, witnesses a deed from Joseph and Frances Strickland of Edgecombe County, North Carolina to Jesse Brown of Isle of Wight Co., Va. Dec. 4, 1745. D. B. 7, p. 286. Thomas Crenshaw witness to a deed from Samuel and Martha Willis of Nottoway Parish, Isle of Wight Co., to Roger Woodward of same Co. May 18, 1748. D. B. 8, p. 108. KING WILLIAM COUNTY RECORDS, 1701-1885 Thomas Crenshaw, of St. John's Parish, King William Co., Planter. To his son John Crenshaw, of aforesaid Parish & Co. "The plantation whereon I now dwell Lying & being and Situate in King William County, Containing by estimation 150 acres of land being along the River bounded as followeth beginning at a Red Oake N. W. along the river to the college branch etc., for which said Thomas Crenshaw had a patent granted to him. Recd. Jan. 31, 1703. Book 11. Isaac ? Granshaw, Pr. several other things as pr the ac- count, the answer in chancery amounting to £68: 1:0: per Richard Gessedge etr of Isod Granshaw £20: 12:0: 4th, Dec. 1704. Signed Martin Palmer, Henry Madison, John Waller. Book 11. CRENSHAW: KING WILLIAM COUNTY 365 Isaac Carnshaw, Will of Isaac (i E) Carnshaw of St. John's Parish, King William County. Bequeathes to friend Capt. John Walker £18: 15: sterling money which lyeth in the hands Thos. Corbin & Richard Lee, merchant in London as by accounts under their hands, doth appeare dated in London the 6th Apl. 1705; beloved wife Hannour my planta- tion and land called Reedy Branch on Catopollomay Creek in New Kent Co. containing 200 acres. Witnesses, Philip Whitehead, Wm. Chadwick, David M. Woodroofe. Re- corded 10 July 1705. Thomas Crenshaw, of St. John's Parish, Deed to Robt. Crenshaw, Deed of Gift, unto my son John Crenshaw, 31 Jany. 1703. Witnesses, Thos. West, Robt. Napier, Jno Rloyne (?) LOUISA COUNTY RECORDS William Crenshaw, and Stephen Yancey (son of the testator) appointed executor in the will of Archelaus Yancey, (dated May 4, 1756) Of St. Martin's Parish; Louisa Co. W. B. 1, p. 62. Wm. Crenshaw, one of the apprs. of the estate of Wm. Dickerson, late of this County, Decd. Apr. 13, 1767. (recd.) W. B. 2, p. 2. Wm. Crenshaw, one of the apprs. of the estate of Rich- mond Terrel, Decd. Recd. Mar. 9, 1772. W. B. 2, p. 132. Wm. Crenshaw, one of the apprs. of the estate of Sir. Wm. Bickley, Decd. in accordance with order of Court Apr. 8, 1771. Recd. July 13, 1772. W. B. 2, p. 154. Wm. Crenshaw, one of the apprs. of Estate of Joel Yancey, July 21, 1775. Retd. & recd. Augt. 14, 1775. W. B. 2, p. 230. Wm. Crenshaw, one of the apprs. of the estate of Mr. Charles Dickerson Decd. Oct. 23, 1776. Redt. & recd., July 366 THE VALENTINE PAPERS 14, 1777. Wm. Crenshaw, assisted in dividing estate of Wm. Dickerson, Decd. Retd. & recd. Feb. 12, 1776. W. B. 2, p. 289. Wm. Crenshaw, an apprsr. of the estate of Cosby Duke, Decd. Jany. 16, 1778 Retd. & recd. April 14, 1778. W. B. 2, p. 334. David Crenshaw, an apprsrs. of the estate of Henry Yancey, Decd. Retd. & recd. Feby. 16, 1785. W. B. 3, p. 52. Wm. Waddy & Wm. Crenshaw, two of the apprş. of the estate of Cleveaw Duke, Decd. Decr. 1785. Retd. & recd. Mar. 13, 1786. W. B. 3, p. 142. Wm. Crenshaw, one of the commsrs. to appraise, settle & divide the estate of David Hambleton, Decd. Retd. & recd. June 13, '91. Will B. 3, p. 421. Wm. Crenshaw, an apprsr. of the estate of Peand Hicks, decd. Jany. 21, 1793. David Crenshaw, a witness. Retd. & recd. May 13, 1793. W. B. 3, p. 518. John Smith & David Crenshaw, two of the sureties of Wm. Cook, executor of Saml. McGhee, Decd. Apr. 13, 1795. W. B. 3, p. 595. In obedience to the above order, we have agreeable to the will ordeed (or deed) of Jane Waddy otherwise Jane Crenshaw, proceeded to divide the said Decedents estate between Samuel Waddy and Robert Cobbs (who claim under an indenture and bargain entered into by David Crenshaw bearing date the 8th day of December 1777) and have allot- ted to the said Samuel Waddy the following negroes to wit; Ned, David & Phillis, and Little Nanny. We also find the sum of Nine pounds to be paid to the said Robert Cobbs by the said Samuel Waddy to make the value of the lots equal, and that if there is, still any debts due from the estate of John Waddy, decd. that his son Samuel ought to pay three fourths thereof and Robert Cobbs ought to pay one fourth thereof. Sept. 7, 1793. Garrett Minor, Nicholas Meri- CRENSHAW: LOUISA COUNTY 367 wether, Aaron Fontaine. At a Court held for Louisa County on the 13th day of July 1795. This division of the estate of Jane Crenshaw deceased, was this day in open Court re- turned and by the Court ordered to be recorded. An ap- praisement of the estate of Wm. Crenshaw, Decd. in obedience to order of the Court of Louisa Nov. 1799; Retd. & recd. Jany. 13, 1800. Wm. Cooke, Jos. Eggleston, Wm. Mills, apprsr. W. B. 4, p. 102. Account of the sales of the estate of Wm. Crenshaw, decd. certified, June 9, 1800. Among the purchasers were: Susannah Crenshaw, Joel Crenshaw, Sr., David Crenshaw, Sr., Chapman Crenshaw, David Crenshaw, Jr., John Cren- shaw, Sr., Joel Crenshaw, Jr., Thomas Crenshaw. Retd. and recd. June 9, 1800. W. B. 4, 123. Susannah Crenshaw, of Louisa Co., widow of William Crenshaw, deceast, I give to my son Joel Crenshaw, my negro man Danel. Rest of my estate, stock of all kinds, crops of corn, fodder, wheat, household & Kitchen furniture, plantation tools and Cash and out debts, to be equally divided between testator's three sons Charles Crenshaw, David Crenshaw and Joel Crenshaw. Executors, William Cook and John Dickason. Dated 23, September 1800. Witnesses, William Johnson, John Johnson, Dabney Trice. Probated 14, Oct. 1800. Executors bond, $2000.00. W. B. 4, p. 134. William Carr, of Spotsylvania Co., Gent, to his son-in- law Wm. Crenshaw of Louisa Co. ("and my beloved daugh- ter Susannah, his wife") 400 acres in Louisa Co. on N. side of N. branch of the N. fork of James River, adj. Ambrose Joshua Smith; & is part of an inclusive pat. granted sd. Wm. Carr. 29 June 1739, containing 4024 acres. 26 Feb. "M D C C L./." D. B. “A.” 411. Benjamin Harris of St. Martin's Parish; Louisa Co., planter, to Wm. Crenshaw, of St. Martin's Parish, Hanover Co. planter; £31: 10s: curr. 225 acres in Co. of Louisa & Parish as afsd. adj. sd. Crenshaw, Col. John Chiswell, Rich- mond Terrill; Wit. Robt. Harris, David Harris; Sarah, wife of sd. Benj. Harris, relinquishes her dower, &c. 26 Mar. 1745. D. B. "A." 174, 368 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Stephen-(X)-Hughes of Fredericksville Parish, Louisa Co. to Wm. Crenshaw, of St. Martins Par. Co. afsd. £25 curr. 400 acres in "St. Federoille", Louisa Co. on W. side of the first Mountains. Wit: Geo. Holland, Nathal. Gar- land; Sarah, wife of sd. Hughes, relinquished her dower, &c. 23 April M D C CLI. 23 April 1751. D. Bk. "A." p. 420. Jane Waddy of Louisa Co., widow; David Crenshaw, of sd. County, Batchelor; John Lewis, of Spotsylvania Co. atto.-at-law. Whereas a marriage is intended shortly to be had between the sd. David & Jane, & sd. Jane being seized of certain property &c. by the will of her father Saml. Cobbs & sd. David & Jane, being desirious to make a provision for child or children begotten between them, therefore sd. Jane deeds to sd. Lewis, all her estate both real & personal, in trust, to & for the use of sd. Jane & David during their natural lives & the life of the longest liver of them, & in case sd. David should have a child or children by sd. Jane then to use of sd. child or children and Samuel the son that she now hath, & their heirs to be equally divided amongst them after the deaths of sd. David & Jane; & in case sd. Jane should die before sd. David leaving no child or children by him then said estate for use of her said son Samuel to be equally divided between them & their heirs." Wit. Waddy Thomson, Sammuel Waddy: 8 Decr. 1777. 18 June 1777. D. B. "E.” p. 207. Wm. Price, Senr. & Susannah, his wife, of Pittsylvania Co., to Benjamin Crenshaw, of Louisa Co. £600 curr. 845 acres on Pamunkey River, in Trinity Parish, Louisa Co. adj. Capt. Wm. Merriwether, Smiths & Greens, (formerly Joseph Clark's) Diggs (formerly Francis Clark's) Joseph Clark's. 26 Nov. 1786. D. B. "F." p. 204. George Johnson of Louisa Co., to David Crenshaw; £150. 150 acres in Louisa Co. adj. lands of Saml. Waddy, decd. Wm. Crenshaw, Yancey. 9 March 1778. 9 Nov. 1778. Susanna, wife of George Johnson, relinquishes her dower. D. B. "E." p. 321. David Crenshaw, of Louisa Co., to Robert Cobbs, of Louisa Co. £102 curr. all right, title & interest sd. David CRENSHAW: LOUISA COUNTY 369 Crenshaw may have in estate conveyed by Jane the late wife of sd. David by an Indenture dated 18 June, 1777 to John Lewis of Sept. 7, Co. &c. the sd. Jane being since dead leaving no child by the sd. David. 8 Decr. 1777. D. B. "E", p..220. Benjamin Crenshaw, & Elizabeth-X-his wife, of Goochland Co., to Wm. Isbell of sd. County. £250 curr. 365 acres on Fork Creek, Louisa County., adj. Isaac Clarke, John Hailey, Benj. Moseley & John Digge. 13 April 1789. D. B. "F", p. 408. James Crenshaw, of the County of Kentucky, Power of Attorney to Annanias Hall, of Louisa Co., to transact busi- ness & affairs in my fathers estate. with my brother Charles Crenshaw, acting Exor. of said Estate. 1 March 1793. D. B. "G", p. 317. Edward Herndon, of Spotsylvania to Nathan Crenshaw, of Hanover. £100 curr. 100 acres on Long Creek (formerly Property of James Crews), in Louisa Co., adj. Thomas Bos- well. Witnesses. Park Goodall, Wm. Elmore Nimmo, Christo line. 14 July 1794. 16 April 1794. D. B. “G”, p. 405. David Crenshaw, of Louisa Co. (by act of Assembly passed in May 1782, for the Emancipation of slaves) "from a clear conviction of the impropriety of slavery do set free the following slaves", Roger, Cate, Cain & London, to be free 1 Decr. next. Jerry, 25 Decr. 1796: Sukey, 25, Decr. 1802: Sally, 25, Decr. 1803: Zack, 25 Decr. 1802: Delphia, 25 Decr. 1806: Veney, 25 Decr; 1808: Winey, 25, Decr. 1809: Dicey, 25 Decr. 1809: Stephen, Isaac also Charles, at the age of 21 years. 2 Augt. 1794. D. B. "G." 437. Wm. Crenshaw, Senr. of Louisa Co., to John Smith, D. S. of sd. Co. £1200 curr. 300 acres near Long Creek, Louisa Co. adj. Francis Lipscomb, sd. Crenshaw, John Woollums & Wm. Pettit, Richd. Swift. Susannah Crenshaw wife of Wm. Crenshaw, relinquished her dower. 11 Octr. 1779. D. B. "H." p. 63. 370 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Nicholas Crenshaw, & Mary, his wife, of St. Martin's Parish, Hanover Co. to Wm. Crenshaw, of St. Martin's Parish, Louisa Co. £600 curr. 300 acres on Cub Creek, Trinity Par. Louisa Co. adj. lands of Wm. Baker, the land lately sold by sd. Nicholas Crenshaw to John Walton, land of John Winstons & Glenns tract, lately the property of Colo. Richd. Anderson; it being all the land sd. Nicholas Crenshaw claims on Cub Creek on S. side of Venables Road. 11 Augt. 1783. D. B. H. p. 272. Nicholas Crenshaw, of Hanover Co., and Wm. Crenshaw, of Louisa Co. to John Walton of Louisa Co., £207 curr. 204 acres on Cub Creek, Louisa Co. Witnesses, Robt. Harris, David Bullock, Wm. Baker. 20 June 1783. D. B. "H.” 312. Francis Clarke of Fluvanna Co., & Henry Garrett of Louisa Co., to David Crenshaw, of Louisa Co., £24:15s: curr. 322 acres in Louisa Co., adj. John Hughson, David Crenshaw, John Lea; No witnesses. 8 June 1795. D. B. "I." p. 53. James Burnley & Elizabeth, his wife, of Louisa Co. to David Crenshaw, of sd. County. £78:6s: curr. 1302 acres on Long Creek, Louisa Co., adj. Martin Thorp, Robt. Tharp, Marks, Jesse Hogward; Witnesses, John Burnley, Moses Burnley, Henry M. Burnley. 22 Feb. 1796. D. B. "I.” p. 208. A Wm. Venable to Benjamin Crenshaw. £18 curr. negro boy. Mortgage: Witnesses, John Overton, Isaac Thacker, Nancy Woodruff Thacker. 12 Decr. 1796. D. Bk. "I." p. 235. John Rowe & Sarah, his wife, of Louisa Co. to John Crenshaw of Hanover Co., £60 curr. 100 acres in Louisa Co. adj. lands of Wm. Busly, Mrs. Garth, Benj. Crenshaw, & Crews. 6 July 1798. D. B. “I.” p. 452. John Crenshaw. David Chisholm and Rachel, his wife, and John Crenshaw and Elizabeth, his wife, of Hanover Co. to John Rowe, of Louisa County: £12 curr: 400 acres CRENSHAW: LOUISA COUNTY 371 on both sides of Goochland Road & on some of the branches of Beaver Dam Fork of Machunck Creek in Louisa Co. 6 July 1798. D. Bk. "I." p. 450. Richd. Johnson Burnett, of Westmoreland Co. Va. to Benjamin Crenshaw, Junr. £380 curr. 400 acres on N. side of South Anna River, Louisa Co. being the land whereon Robert West lately resided & left him (Richd. Johnson Bur- nett) by the will of Richard Johnson, and adj. the lands of Peter Shelton, Thomas Harding, Saml. Higgison & John Jackson. 8 April 1799. D. B. "I." p. 599. Benjamin Crenshaw, Junr. & Tabitha, his wife, of Louisa Co., to Hastings Marks, of same County, £400 curr. 845 acres (with exception of 40 acres sold to Henry Duke) "whereon he formerly lived," on s. fork of Fork Creek, Louisa Co., purchased by sd. Crenshaw of Wm. Price as by deed dated 26 Novr. 1786. 9 June 1800. D. B. "J." p. 33. ORDER BOOKS John Rhodes, Richmond Terrill, Charles Smith & Wm. Crenshaw, or any three of them to appraise estate of Robert Yancey, decd. 22 April 1746. Benj. Dumas, Temperance Yancey, widow, Benj. Harris, Goodmans Quarter & Wm. Crenshaw, & labouring male tithables belonging to each; clear the road from Little River to the Church. Wm. Crenshaw, apptd. overseer. 24 June 1746. John Overton apptd. Surveyor of road in room of Wil- liam Crenshaw, & hands belonging to sd. Crenshaw & Zenas Tait are added to the former company. 14 June 1773. Clevears Duke, apptd. Surveyor of Road from the Forks below Hensens Creek Church to County line by new Church. Ordered that hands of Wm. Crenshaw & others, work on said road, &c. 9 March 1767. 372 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Wm. Crenshaw, a Juryman. 13 Augt. 1770. William Crenshaw, & Colo. Wm. Johnson, to view bridge cross little River near Terrell's Mill. 8 March 1779. William Crenshaw, allowed 5/ pr. bushel for 43 bushels of wheat, 3d pr. pound for 425 lbs. beef furnished the public. William Crenshaw allowed 5/ pr. bushel for 40 bu. wheat delivered for public use 6 Mar. 1781. 15 April 1782. Benjamin Crenshaw, allowed 3d pr pound for 325 lbs. beef furnished Richd. Anderson for Public use Nov. 12, 1781. 25 April 1782. David Crenshaw, alld. 17 days service of himself & horse collecting & driving cattle for public use in Octr. 1781. 12 May 1783. Robert Cobbs Complainant vs. Waddy Thompson, gdr. to Samuel. Waddy, Inft. & orphan of John Waddy, decd. Deft. In Chancery. Bill and answers filed. Complainant setting forth that he is entitled to one moiety of 710 acres in Bed- ford Co. under a deed from David Crenshaw to him & prays the court to have sd. land equally divided between sd. Com- plainant & sd. Samuel, who by his gdn. admits sd. Complain- ant's claim. The Court orders that Charles Lambert, Ed- mund Cobbs & John Hardwick make the sd. division. 11 April 1780. Joel Crenshaw, Wm. Dickerson & Sarah, his wife, for- merly Sarah Crenshaw; John Burnley & Susannah, his wife, formerly Susanna Crenshaw, Thomas Fretwell & Aggy, his wife, formerly Aggy Crenshaw, Wm. Fretwell & Jemina. his wife, formerly Jemima Crenshaw, Joel Crenshaw Jr, son of Thos. Crenshaw & Nancy, his wife (which sd. Nancey is now decd.) Richard Davis & Frances, his wife, formerly Frances Crenshaw, daughter of Thomas Crenshaw & Nancy, his wife & John Crenshaw & Mary, his wife, Devisees of the estate of Wm. Crenshaw, deceased. Pltfs. against Charles Crenshaw, David Crenshaw, & infant children of Nancy CRENSHAW: LOUISA COUNTY 373 Crenshaw, by Thomas Crenshaw their gdrn. apptd. to de- fend them herein, Defts. In Chancery. This cause came on to be heard on the bill & answer & argument by counsel & the Court doth order that the will, or pretended will, mentioned in the bill & answer be set aside as defts. are content it should be & the Pltfs. pray for. The estate of sd. Wm. Crenshaw be divided in same manner as though sd. Crenshaw had died intestate & that administration be granted to such person as Court shall approve. The com- mittee apptd. do with the admr. so apptd. & deliver up the estate of sd. Wm. to the sd. Admr. &c. The sd. Admr. to divide the sd. estate of sd. Wm. among his legal representa- tives; where any of the children of sd. Wm. have recd. any personal property from him during his lifetime & choose to bring the same into Hotchpot that the commissioners here- after named do value same at price it was worth at time of delivery. Sd. Commissioners to lay off & allot to the widow of sd. Wm. her dower in land & slaves & divide balance of land among legal representatives of sd. Wm. except the defts. Charles & David allowing the children of Nancy Cren- shaw only such part as their mother would be entitled to if alive. Wm. Mills, George Pattie, George Tyler, Wm. Mc- Geehee, Jr. Saml. O. Pettus, Wm. Cooke & Wm. Mansfield, or any three of them, be & are hereby appted. Commrs. for carrying the foregoing into effect. 13 Janry. 1800. Joel Crenshaw, Wm. Dickinson & Sarah, his wife, for- merly Crenshaw; John Burnly & Susanna, his wife; Thomas Fretwell & Aggy, his wife Wm. Fretwell & Jamima, his wife; John Crenshaw & Mary, his wife; sd. Joel, Mary, Sarah, Susannah, Aggy, Jamima & Nancy are children & distributees of Wm. Crenshaw, decd. and Joel Crenshaw, Jr. Richd. Davis & Frances, his wife; which sd. Joel Jr., & Frances are children of Thomas Crenshaw & Frances & Nancy his wife. which sd. Nancy is now decd. & was one of the children of sd. Wm. Crenshaw, decd. against Charles Crenshaw & David Crenshaw children of Wm. Crenshaw decd. & (Susannah) the relict of sd. Wm. Crenshaw, and Chapman Crenshaw & Treechom Crenshaw infant children of Nancy Crenshaw, decd. by Thomas Crenshaw, their gdn. appointed by the Court. In Chancery. By order of Louisa ! 374 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Court 13 Janry. 1800, appt. us commissioners to allot dower to widow of William Crenshaw, decd. so did on 30 Jany. Susanna Crenshaw, widow of sd. Wm. Crenshaw, decd. 376 acres part of tract whereon sd. Wm. lived & 8 slaves. Divided balance among legatees. 9 June 1800. Signed Wm. Mills, George Pattie, Wm. Cooke. MARRIAGE BONDS Sir, As I have agreed to marry Thos. Crenshaw I do freely consent that License may be granted for the same. Witness my hand and seal this 14th of June 1774. Ann Crenshaw. Test David Crenshaw, Mary Crenshaw. To the Clerk of Louisa Court. This is to certify that my daughter Ann Crenshaw is of age & as she desires license for Marriage I should be glad you would grant them. Wm. Crenshaw. Test; Chas. Cren- shaw. Marriage Bond of Thomas Crenshaw to Ann Crenshaw. Bond dated 14 June 1774. Charles Crenshaw, security. Test, John Nelson. Marriage Bond of John Burnley and Susannah Crenshaw. Bond dated, 13 Decr. 1785. James Duke, security. Marriage Bond of William Crenshaw to Sarah Baker; Bond dated 29 Jany. 1783. Wm. Baker, security. John Nelson, Clk. Crt. witness. Marriage Bond of Thomas Fretwell and Agnes Crenshaw. Bond dated 18 April 1787. David Crenshaw, security. This is to inform you that I am willing that Thomas Fret- well may marry daughter Agnes Crenshaw. William Cren- shaw. April 10, 1787. To Colo. John Nelson. Test. John Burnley, Chas. Corsbey. Marriage Bond of William Fretwell to Jemima Crenshaw. Bond dated 18 Decr. 1789. David Crenshaw, security. CRENSHAW: LOUISA COUNTY 375 Louisa Nov. 3; 1794. This is to certify that Mr. Nathan Crenshaw has obtained leave of me to Marry my Daughter Frances for which you are hereby authorized to grant him License for the same. Given under my hand & seal, Saml. Higgason (seal). Test. John Jackson, Benj. Cloborn West, Jesse White. Marriage Bond of Nathan Crenshaw to Frances Higga- Bond dated 3, Nov. 1794. Benj. C. West, security. Geo. Poindexter, witness. son. Marriage Bond of Robert T. Brown to Elizabeth Cren- shaw. Bond dated, 17 March 1798. David Crenshaw, se- curity. W. G. Poindexter, witness. Marriage Bond of Hardin Turner to Patsy Crenshaw. Bond dated. John Fretwell, security. Geo. Poindexter, wit- ness. Sir, Please to License Mr. Joel Crenshaw to Marry My daughter Jeany Swift & oblige your Humbled. Servant Richd. Swift. Jany. 9, 1797. Mr. Johnpoin Dexter, Clerk of Louisa. John Swift, Dual Swift. Marriage Bond of Joel Crenshaw to Jane Swift. Bond dated, 3 Jany. 1797. John Swift, security. Geo. Poindex- ter, witness. This is to certify that I am willing for you to grant a License to William Dickinson to be married To myself and in so doing you will be justifiable as I am of full age in wit- ness whereof I have set my hand and seal this 10, day of August 1796. Sarah Crenshaw (seal). Attest. Elizabeth Crenshaw, Saley-X-Trice. Marriage Bond of Wm. Dickerson to Sarah Crenshaw, Bond dated, 12 Augt. 1796. David Smith, security. 376 THE VALENTINE PAPERS LUNENBURG COUNTY RECORDS Joseph Crenshaw, of Lunenburg Co., Parish of Cumber- land. Will of; names his wife; eldest son William Cren- shaw, son Gideon Crenshaw, son Joseph Crenshaw, lends to daughter Precilla Duke, gives to son Micajah Crenshaw, daughter Hannah Barkman, daughter Mary Cook, son Thomas Crenshaw, youngest son Micajah Crenshaw the plantation on which the testator lives, and appoints his son Thomas Crenshaw guardian of sd. Micajah. Executors, sons Thomas Crenshaw & Gideon Crenshaw. Wit. Gideon Crenshaw, William W. Wilkins, Ann-X-Wilson. Recd. Oct. 4, 1758. W. B. 1746-61, p. 228. Joseph Crenshaw, decd. Estate of settled. Feb. 5, 1760. W. B. 1746-61, p. 292. Nathan Crenshaw marriage to Sucky Jones. by Rev. James Shelburn, minister of the Baptist Church. July 11, 1782. W. B. 1778-1791, p. 118. Nathaniel Crenshaw, marriage to Unity Pamplin, by Thos. Crymes, Baptist Minister, Jany. 1, 1783. W. B. 1778-91, p. 125. Cornelius Crenshaw, of Lunenburg Co. Will of: Son Daniel Crenshaw, 240 acres in Charlotte Co. &c.; son Nathan Crenshaw 240 acres; son Pleasants. Crenshaw £100 curr. &c.; son Cornelius Crenshaw £100 curr. &c.; son Forten (Or Forlene) Crenshaw. Lends to his wife, Martisba Crenshaw, during her life, the estate on which testator lives. Appoints his wife Martisha Crenshaw and his son Daniel Crenshaw executors, of his estate. Wit. William Stem- bridge, Joseph Dupree, Kindness-X-Stembridge. Recd. Feb. 9, 1785. W. B. 1778-91, p. 241. - Thomas Crenshaw, of Lunenburg Co., Will of; Gives to his son Jesse Crenshaw, 230 acres whereon sd. Jesse lives on Juniper Creek, adjoining the testator and John Pettus &c. son Thomas Crenshaw 200 acres, being part of the tract on CRENSHAW: LUNENBURG COUNTY 377 which testator lives and adj. the above land bequeathed to Jesse; son Mathew Crenshaw, the remainder of the tract on which testator lives after the decease of the testators wife Christian Crenshaw. Lends to daughter, Christian Griffin, a negro girl to go to said daughter's decendants; daughter Mart Tatem, a negro girl; daughter Sucky Crenshaw a negro boy &c. Lends wife Christian Crenshaw, during her life or widowhood, the land on which the testator lives except the part devised to his son Thomas Crenshaw, at her death or marriage to go to his son Mathew Crenshaw as above recited. Lends the remainder of his estate to his wife to be equally divided at her death among all of his children as follows: Jesse Crenshaw, Daniel Crenshaw, Nathaniel Crenshaw, Thomas Crenshaw, Mathew Crenshaw, Christian Crenshaw, Mary Tatum, Sucky Crenshaw. Executors, his sons Jesse Crenshaw, Daniel Crenshaw and Nat. Crenshaw. Wit- nesses, Herod Reese, William Smith, Daniel Crenshaw. Recd. Sept. 14, 1786. Dated July 20, 1786. W. B. 1778-91, p. 257. Thomas Crenshaw, decd. Inventory and appraisement of ms estate. Value. £544,10,2. Appraisers, John Pettus, Henry Haley, John Rivers. Oct. 16, 1786. Recd. Apr. 12, 1787. W. B. 1778-91, p. 269. Nathaniel Crenshaw, decd. Inventory and appraisement of his estate. Value £263,11,0. Appraisers, Henry Haley, William Tatum, Joseph Dupree, Jesse Crenshaw. Jan. 16, 1794. Recd. Feb. 13, 1794. W. B. 1791-99, p. 45. Susannah Crenshaw marriage to Anthony Griffin, by James Shellburne. Jan. 15, 1793. W. B: 1791-99, p. 45. Cornelius Crenshaw, decd. Estate of administered by James Jennings and Martitia, his wife, Executors. Accts. settled by John Petus, Thos. Pettus. Recd. July 9, 1795. One of the items in this account is to cash paid Pleasant Crenshaw in part of his legacy. W. B. 1791-99, p. 97. Daniel Crenshaw: Senr. of Lunenburg Co., Will of. Lends to his wife Nancy Crenshaw the plantation on which testator 378 THE VALENTINE PAPERS 1 lives, &c. Gives to his son William Crenshaw, 100 acres on both sides of Juniper Creek, adjoining Nathaniel Crenshaw, decd. to be taken off of the lowest end of the tract on which testator lives, &c.; daughter Elizabeth Crenshaw, 100 acres of the tract of land purchased of Geo. Walton adjoining David Woods line &c.; son Abner Crenshaw 100 acres ad- joining Osborne, the Ridge Road and to include the 67 acres which the testator purchases of Robt. Bredlove, &c.; son Joseph Crenshaw when testators wife dies is to be put into possession of the plantation on which the testator lives, &c. Executor, Joseph Deupree. Wit. Archibald Filbird Jr., William Tatum, Unity Crenshaw, Stephen Shelton. Recd. Sept. 10, 1795. Dated Aug. 20, 1794. W. B. 1791-99, p. 104. Daniel Crenshaw, decd. Inventory and appraisement of his estate. Value £538:17:6:. appraisers Henry Haley, Jesse Crenshaw, Wm. Tatum, William See. Recd. Dec. 10, 1795. W. B. 1791-99, p. 115. Mathew Crenshaw, of Lunenburg Co., Will of; Lends to his wife Mary Crenshaw all of testators lands on the north of Juniper Creek during her lifetime. Gives to his two old- est sons Jared (or Jarrald) the testators land on the south side of Juniper Creek (except two acres which the testator has sold to Daniel Crenshaw adjoining and including his dwelling house on each side of the main road one acre, which the testator directs his executor to survey and deed to the said Daniel Crenshaw. Gives to his youngest son Nathaniel Crenshaw the above land loaned to the testators wife during her life. Gives the remainder of his estate to be equally divided between his wife and said three children. Execu- tors, his friend Henry Haley and his brother Jesse Cren- shaw. Wit. Anthony Griffin, James Jennings, Christian Crenshaw. Recd. Sept. 11, 1800. Dated Sept. 5, 1800. W. B. 1800-02, p. 25. Cornelius Crenshaw, decd. estate of: Daniel Crenshaw & Alex. Winn, Executors. Accounts of settled by John Pettus, Karew Baym, Henry Haley. Recd. Dec. 11, 1800. W. B. 1800-02, p. 32-33. CRENSHAW: LUNENBURG COUNTY 379 Mathew Crenshaw, Estate of; In account with Henry Haley Executor. Feb. 4, 1803. W. B. 1802-09, p. 40. Jesse Crenshaw marriage to Jane C. Blanton, by Joel Johns. Jan. 14, 1805. W. B. 1802-09, p. 128. Pleasant Crenshaw, marriage to Eliza Mayes by Joel Johns. Apr. 22, 1809. W. B. 1802-09, p. 128. Betsey Crenshaw marriage to George Locke, by Rev. Richard Dobbs. May 2, 1805. W. B. 1802-09, p. 193. Abner Crenshaw marriage to Philadelphia Fowlkes. by Rev. Richard Dobbs. Mch. 13, 1806. W. B. 1802-09, p. 193. Jincey Crenshaw marriage to Collins Mullins, by Rev. Joel Johns. Mch. 16, 1803. W. B. 1802-09, p. 76. Polly Crenshaw marriage to Thomas Shelburne. Nov. 19, 1804. W. B. 1802-09, p. 146. Elizabeth Crenshaw marriage to John Pamplin, by Joel Johns. May 2, 1809. W. B. 1810-18, p. 9. William F. Crenshaw marriage to Jane Hurt, by Silas Shelburne. Mch. 7, 1822. W. B. 1818-26, p. 227. Daniel Crenshaw, decd. Estate of. Account with Wm. Duepree, Executor. Settled by John Crofton, John Hard- ing. Contains a list of the slaves and division of the estate. Sept. 13, 1830. W. B. 1829-33, p. 72. Henry P. Crenshaw, decd. Estate of; Inventory & ap- praisement. Appraisers Clement J. Thompson, John Thompson, Henry A. Fowlkes. Jan. 12, 1846. W. B. 1841-43, p. 313. Henry P. Crenshaw, decd. Estate of In account with Spotswood A. Crenshaw admr. Acct. of sales of property belonging to this estate. Recd. July 13, 1846. Feb. 10, Mch. 8, 1845. W. B. 1841-43, p. 373. 380 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Cornelius Crenshaw of Lunenburg Co., deed from James Breadlove, of same Co. £10 curr. 102 acres on both sides of Breadlove's Creek adjoining Wilks. Recd. June 7, 1757. D. B. 4, p. 437. Thomas Crenshaw, of Lunenburg Co., deed from James Breadlove. £10 curr. 106 acres in Lunenburg Co., on the south side of Juniper Creek, adjoining Wilks. Recd. June 7, 1757. D. B. 4, p. 439. Thomas Crenshaw, of Lunenburg Co., deed from John Willingham of same Co. £20 curr. 200 acres in Lunenburg Co. on the north side of Juniper Creek, adjoining Hawkins &c. Recd. June 7, 1757. D. B. 4, p. 460. Thomas Crenshaw, of Lunenburg Co., deed from John Willingham of same Co. £7:10:0: curr. 250 acres in Lunen- burg Co., on the north side of Juniper Creek, which together with the 200 acres before sold by the said Willingham to the said Crenshaw was granted the said Willingham in one tract of 400 acres. Aug. 16, 1756. Recd. Mch. 7, 1758. D. B. 5, p. 124. Cornelius Crenshaw of Lunenburg Co. deed from John -X-Wilks, of the same Co. £10 curr. 180 acres in Lunen- burg Co., on the south side of Juniper Creek adjoining Thomas Smith, &c. Apr. 4, 1758. D. B. 5, p. 180. Gideon Crenshaw, of North Carolina, deed to John Ward, of Lunenburg Co., Va. £21:10:0: curr. of Va. 250 acres in Lunenburg Co., on the south side of Meherrin River, as per patent dated Aug. 10, 1759. July 1, 1760. D. B. 6, p. 195. Daniel Wyn (Winn) of Lunenburg Co., for natural love, and affection which he bears for his daughter Martashi the wife of Cornelius Granshaw (Crenshaw) deeds to the said Granshaw (Crenshaw) a negro gall named Samander and her increase. April 6, 1761. D. B. 6, p. 404. Henry Crenshaw, of Lunenburg Co., deed from Samuel Jordan, of same Co. £160 curr. of Va. 220 acres in Lunen- burg Co., on both sides of Warren Creek, adjoining Robin- son &c. Sept. 10, 1770. D. B. 11, p. 414. CRENSHAW: LUNENBURG COUNTY 381 Thomas Crenshaw, of Charlotte Co., deed to Richard Locke, of Amelia Co. £60 curr. of Va. 200 acres in Lunen- burg Co. on a branch of Lyles Creek, adjoining John Locke, Williams and Blagraves &c. Dec. 10, 1772. D. B. 12, p. 226.. Henry Crenshaw, of Lunenburg Co., deed of trust to Mathew Marable, of Mecklenburg Co., Merchant, £187:4:11: curr. of Va. 400 acres in Lunenburg Co. whereon the said Henry Crenshaw now lives together with six negroes, five horses, 12 head of cattle, &c. Recd. Dec. 10, 1772. D. B. 12, p. 229. Henry Crenshaw, and Tabitha, his wife of Lunenburg Co., and Cumberland Parish, deed to John Mills, of Amelia Co., Nottoway Parish. £100 curr. of Va. 420 acres whereon the said Henry Crenshaw now lives, in the county aforesaid and formerly purchased by said Crenshaw of John Lucas and wife, William Chandler and Samuel Jordan, the 200 acres purchased of Lucas and Chandler adjoins Hudson and Crosses Warrens Creek, and the 220 acres purchased of Samuel Jordan adjoins Robertson. Aug. 8, 1776. D. B. 12, p. 514. Robert Crenshaw, of Lunenburg Co., deed to William Hatchett of the same Co. 75000 pounds Tobacco. All that messuage of land containing 400 acres in Lunenburg Co., on the south side of Little Hounds Creek at the mouth of a branch and adjoining Ellis &c. Jan. 3, 1784. D. B. 13, p. 570. Robert Crenshaw, of Lunenburg Co., deed to Ben Jack- son, of the same Co. 75000 pounds of Tobacco. All that Messauage and tenement in Lunenburg containing 600 acres, being part of the tract on which said Robert Crenshaw lives, and situated on the North side of Little Hounds Creek and adjoining Thomas Williams, Daniel (?) Green, Edmund Winn and Orsamus Winn and William Hatchett's tract he purchased of the said Robert Crenshaw. Jan. 7, 1784. D. B. 13, p. 572. 382 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Jesse Crenshaw and Mary-X—his wife, of Lunenburg Co., deed to John Pettus, senr. of the same Co., £300. 269 acres in Lunenburg Co., on Juniper Creek, adjoining the said John Pettus, Sterling Fowlkes, Christian Crenshaw, Cornelius Crenshaw's estate, Wm. Smith, Cavon Bayne and Buzzard Branch. Oct. 1791. D. B. 16, p. 173. Thomas Crenshaw, and Sarah, his wife, of Lunenburg Co., deed to William Hood of Nottoway. £130 curr. 300 acres in Lunenburg Co. being part of the tracts of Thos. Chappell, decd. and adjoining Wm. Ellis, Christopher Mc- Comico, William Chappell, Thos. Chappell &c. Dec. 13, 1792. D. B. 16, p. 270. Jesse Crenshaw and Mary, his wife, of Lunenburg Co., deed to Thomas Crenshaw £59 curr. of Va. 140 acres in Lunenburg Co., adjoining Dupree, John Crafton, Cavon Bayne, John Weaglin and Wm. Fullilove. Recd. Apr. 11, 1793. sd. Mary Crenshaw made acknowledgment before Joseph Yarborough & Frederick Nance. Apr. 10, 1793. D. B. 16, p. 328. Sarah Crenshaw, wife of Thomas Crenshaw her acknowl- edgment taken to a deed dated Sept. 7, 1790, from said Thomas Crenshaw to Sterling Fowlkes of 200 acres in Lunenburg Co. Recd. Feb. 12, 1795. D. B. 16, p. 524. David Crenshaw, of Nottoway Co., deed to Thomas Jef- fress of Lunenburg Co. £157:10:0: Curr. of Va. 210 acres in Lunenburg Co. on the south side of great Nottoway River, adjoining James Shelton Thomas Hudson, Jenning Fowlkes and Thomas Jeffress &c. Mch. 6, 1795. D. B. 17, p. 13. Thomas Crenshaw, of Lunenburg Co., deed to Ben Rob- erts, of same Co. £123 curr, of Va. 1472 acres in Lunen- burg Co. on the waters of Juniper Creek, adjoining Karon Boyer, Crafton Daniel, Dupree Anthony Griffin and Wm. Tatum. Dec. 9, 1797. D. B. 18, p. 24. CRENSHAW: LUNENBURG COUNTY 383 Daniel Crenshaw, executor of the last will and testament of Cornelius Crenshaw, decd. Alexander Winn also ex- ecutor of the same will (appointed by the Court in the place of Martitia Crenshaw, executrix of the said will and for defaults of the said Martitia in failing to give counter se- curity for her said executorship, deed to David (or Daniel) Crenshaw of Lunenburg £295. 200 acres in Lunenburg Co. adjoining Nathaniel Crenshaw, Ben Hancock, James Sam- mons and Clement Smith, and being the land on which the said Cornelius Crenshaw in his lifetime resided. June 16, 1798. D. B. 18, p. 49. Lewis Crenshaw, of Lunenburg Co. deed to Nathaniel King Jr. of Brunswick Co., £4000. 9015 acres upon the head branches of Dry Creek known as Charles Stokes', whereon the said Lewis Crenshaw now resides was pat- ented by the said Charles Stokes, who conveyed it to David Stokes, who conveyed it to the said Lewis Crenshaw. Dec. 20, 1797. D. B. 18, p. 60. Jesse Crenshaw, of Lunenburg Co., deed to Idm (?) Rob- erts, of same Co. £100 curr. of Va. 75 acres in Lunenburg Co. on Juniper Creek and adjoining William Tatum. Idm Wood, and said Jesse Crenshaw. Nov. 16, 1798. D. B. 18, p. 173. Wm. Crenshaw, of Charlotte Co., and Catherine, his wife, deed to John Stembridge, of Lunenburg Co., £150. 100 acres in Lunenburg Co. adjoining Unity Crenshaw, John Pettus, and Elam. June 15, 1803. D. B. 19, p. 176. Thomas Crenshaw, and Mary, his wife, of Lunenburg Co. deed to Coleman Jennings of same Co. £200 curr. 200 acres in Lunenburg Co. on the waters of North Meherrin River, adjoining Henry Folkes, sr. Joel Sharp, Wm. Pully and John Crafton. Oct. 21, 1803. D. B. 19, p. 123. Jesse Crenshaw, and Henry Haley of Lunenburg Co., executors of Mathew Crenshaw, decd. deed to Daniel Cren- shaw, of same Co. as per instructions in the will of the tes- tator. 2 acres adjoining and including sd. David Cren- 384 THE VALENTINE PAPERS shaw's present lease on the East side of the main road that leads from Petersburg to Bibbs Ferry. Feb. 10, 1803. D. B. 19, p. Catherine Crenshaw, wife of Wm. Crenshaw, acknowledg- ment to a deed from sd. Wm. C. Crenshaw to John Stem- bridge dated June 15, 1803. Recd. June 13, 1805. D. B. 20, p. 99. William Crenshaw & Co., of the Co. of Lunenburg deed to Abner Crenshaw $1000, Va. currency. 300 acres in Lunenburg Co., adjoining Wm. Sammon, Joshua Johnson, David Hemming & Daniel Townsend, the road at the Horse Pen branch and the Rooling path. May 15, 1806. D. B. 20, p. 216. Daniel Crenshaw, of Lunenburg Co., deed from the heirs of James Sammon decd. £180 curr. of Va. 1362 acres in Lunenburg Co. on both sides of Juniper Creek, adjoining Samuel Jordan, Richard Williams and Daniel Crenshaw. June 20, 1805. D. B. 20, p. 221. William Crenshaw, deed of trust to Holliday & Hinton recorded. Oct. 13, 1808. "D. B. 22, p. 23. Daniel Crenshaw, of Lunenburg Co., deed of trust to Pascal Fowlkes. May 1, 1809. D. B. 22, p. 41. Daniel Crenshaw,: Sr. and Nancy, his wife, of Lunenburg Co., deed to John Pamplin of same Co., £120 curr. 80 acres in Lunenburg Co. on Juniper Creek adjoining Henry Fowlkes, Abner Crenshaw, the orphans of Leonard Wil- liams and sd. Pamplin. June 14, 1811. D. B. 22, p. 137. Mary Crenshaw, wife of Daniel Crenshaw. Her ac- knowledgment taken to a deed from sd. Daniel Crenshaw to Richard Herring dated May 22, 1812. D. B. 23, p. 99. Joseph Crenshaw and Mary his wife, of Lunenburg Co. deed to Henry P. Crenshaw, of same Co. $200. 100 acres in said Co. adj. Thos. Bragg, William Bragg, Richd. Knott, Sr., and Richard Knott, Jr. Aug. 10, 1814. D. B. 23, p. 276. CRENSHAW: LUNENBURG COUNTY 385 Abner Crenshaw and Delphia, his wife, of Lunenburg Co., deed to John J. Smith, of Nottoway Co., £209. 220 acres in Lunenburg Co., on the waters of Horse pen branch, adj. Johnson and, Pamplin &c. Jan. 14, 1813. D. B. 23, p. 18. Daniel Crenshaw, Sr. deed to David Thompson, agent for Henry Haley. Jan. 2, 1811. D. B. 23, p. 41. Daniel Crenshaw, receipt to Langston Bacon, Jr., Trus- tee for £8:10:5: being the balance of the proceeds from a sale of sd. Crenshaw's land by sd. Bacon, Trustee, in a Deed of trust by sd. Crenshaw to sd. Bacon for the benefit of Richard Herring. Mch. 8, 1813. D. B. 23, p. 51. Philadelphia B. Crenshaw, wife of Abner Crenshaw makes acknowledgment to the deed from sd. Abner Cren- shaw and herself to John J. Smith, dated Jan. 14, 1813. D. B. 23, p. Abner Crenshaw, of Lunenburg Co., deed to Sterling Fowlkes of same Co. $430.00. 114 acres in Lunenburg Co., adj. Stephen Pettus, Capt. John Pettus. Joshua Johnson, Peyton Doswell, & Henry Fowlkes. Recd. Nov. 14, 1816. D. B. 24, p. 180. Joseph Crenshaw, and Mary N., his wife, formerly of Lunenburg Co. deed to Richard Knott, of same Co. $200. The right, title and interest which was devised in the last division in the land of Daniel Crenshaw, Senr. decd. to the said Joseph Crenshaw, his son. Jan. 21, 1817. D. B. 24, p. 330. Gerald W. Crenshaw and William F. Crenshaw, of Jas- per Co. Georgia, deed to John Wood of Lunenburg Co., Va., £51. 17 acres in Lunenburg Co., which descended to them by their father Mathew Crenshaw. Sept. 4, 1817. D. B. 24, p. 333. Gerald W. Crenshaw and William F. Crenshaw, of Jas- per Co. Georgia, deed to Henry Fowlkes, of Lunenburg Co., 386 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Va. £285. 95 acres in Lunenburg Co., being the residue of the land that descended to us from our father Mathew Cren- shaw, adj. John Wood, the north fork of Juniper Creek, John Fowlkes, Daniel W. Baynes &c. Nov. 4, 1817. D. B. 24, p. 334. Henry P. Crenshaw, and Malessa Ann, his wife, of Lunen- burg Co. deed to Unity Bradshaw, of Charlotte Co. $400. 100 acres adj. Richd. Knott, Sr. Richd. Knott, Jr. G. Tatum and said Bradshaw. Oct. 7, 1818. D. B. 24, p. 452. Abner Crenshaw, of Henderson Co., Kentucky, power of attorney to Thomas Fowlkes, of Nottoway Co., Va., to receive the legacy due said Abner from the estate of Joseph Dupree, decd. of Lunenburg Co., grandfather of said Ab- ner Crenshaw. Jan. 25, 1819. D. B. 24, p. 502. Nathaniel Crenshaw, of Jasper Co., Georgia, deed to Wil- liam F. Crenshaw, of same Co. & State, $600; sd. Nathaniel Crenshaw's interest in the estate bequeathed him by his father Mathew Crenshaw, which real estate lies in Lunen- burg Co. Va., and upon which the mother of said Nathaniel Crenshaw has a life estate. Sept. 19, 1821. D. B. 25, p. 353. Henry P. Crenshaw, of Lunenburg Co., power of attor- ney from Richard Knott, Jr. of Green Co., Alabama. Recd. Mch. 10, 1823. D. B. 26, p. 17. Wm. F. Crenshaw, and Jane, his wife, of Lunenburg Co., deed to Henry Fowlkes of the same Co., $500; sd. Wm. F. Crenshaw's right in a tract of land on the north side of Juniper Creek in Lunenburg Co., the only land his father owned or claimed on the north side of said Creek, and whereon his said father lived, being now in possession of Henry Fowlkes; sd. land was bequeathed to sd. Wm. Cren- shaw by the will of his father and is subpect to his moth- er's life interest. Dec. 24, 1824. D. B. 26, p. 381. Wm. F. Crenshaw, deed of trust of Munfort S. Hurt, James Shelton and Miles Jordan Sr., to secure a bond given to the executors of Bellington Dunn &c. certain horse, cattle CRENSHAW: LUNENBURG COUNTY 387 &c. together with the following books, viz; Chapman's Therapeutics, 2 vol. Gibon's Surgery 2 vols. Caldwell's Cullen, 2 vols. Horners Special Anatomy 2 vols., Haies Chemistry complement &c., Chayces Chemistry, 2 vols. Davies System of Midwifery, Thomas Practice, American Dispensetory by T. R. Coxe, Richard Physeology, Hoopers Medical Dictionary, Clarke's practice, Johnson on the Liver, Stephenson on Deseases of the eye, Tookes Pantheon, Locks Essay on the Human understanding, Reed on the Mind, Thompsons Seasons, Hudebras, Homers Iliad, 2 vols. Pleas- ures of Frindship, Harveys Meditations, Lawnns Sermons, Culpepers Family Physician, Walker's Large Dictionary, Goldsmith, Oliver Branch, Hennings Justice, Boston on the Covenants, Paulus Sermons, Watt Hymns and songs, The Rise and Progress of Religion, Masonic Chart and Family Bible. Recd. Mch. 31, 1827. D. B. 27, p. 286. Emeline Amanda Crenshaw, and Martha Gerald Cren- shaw, children of William F. Crenshaw and grandchildren of Absolem Hunt (Hurt?) decd of Lunenburg Co., have two negro slaves purchased for their benefit by Patrick H. Hunt, executor of the sd. Absolem Hunt. May 28, 1828. D. B. 28, p. 113. Abner Crenshaw and Philadelphia, his wife, of Hender- son Co., Ky. power of attorney to Clement J. Thompson, of Lunenburg Co. Apr. 23, 1832. D. B. 29, p. 215. Philadelphia Crenshaw, of Henderson Co. Kentucky Power of attorney to her son William L. Crenshaw, of same Co., state. Recd. Mch. 10, 1845. D. B. 33, p. 319. ORDER BOOKS Thomas Crenshaw, appointed surveyor of the Waltons road in the room of George Wells, with the following to assist him, viz; Cornelius Crenshaw, John Willingham Barnaby Wells, Argil Blackstone, George Wills, Elijah Wells &c. May Court 1754. O. B. 1754-55, p. 7. 388 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Joseph Crenshaw, decd. Estate of; Account current set- tled by Richard Wilton and Joseph Williams. Aug. Court 1759. O. B. 1759-61, p. 18. Micajah Crenshaw, chooses Gideon Crenshaw as his guardian. May Court 1760. O. B. 1759-61, p. 90. Henry Crenshaw, witness for William Chandler vs Henry Blagrave. June Court 1760. O. B. 1759-61, p. 123. Gideon Crenshaw, Pltf. vs Mathew Carter &c. June Crt. 1760. O. B. 1759-61, p. 127. Gideon Crenshaw. Bill of sale to John Ward, recorded. Aug. Crt. 1760. O. B. 1759-61, p. 152. Henry Crenshaw. Bill of sale to Joseph Boswell recorded. Dec. Crt. 1760. O. B. 1759-61, p. 204. Henry Crenshaw appointed surveyor of the road from Old Trap to Reedy Creek Church. Sept. Crt. 1761. O. B. 1761-62. p. 188. Tabitha Crenshaw to Joseph Boswell, relinquishment. O. B. Apr.-Dec. 1862. p. 136. Daniel Crenshaw appointed guardian of Susanna Cren- shaw orphan of Thomas Crenshaw. O. B. 1791-95, p. 247. Danl. Crenshaw Ensign. O. B. 1791-95, p. 325, 326. Danl. Crenshaw recommended as Lieutenant. O. B. 1791- 95, p. 553. Daniel Crenshaw, will of, probated, Unity Crenshaw granted administration on said estate. O. B. 1791-95, p. 600-601. Unity Crenshaw guardian appointed. O. B. 1806-11, p. 88. William Crenshaw qualified as ensign. O. B. 1806-11, p. 178. 1 CRENSHAW: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY 389 POWHATAN COUNTY RECORDS David Crenshaw, of Amelia Co., to Crsather Bangh. Deed dated 21 Sept. 1780, conveying 50 acres land in Powhatan Co. adjoining Woodson, Smith & Randolph. D. B. 1, p. 154. Henry Macon & Wm. Macon to David Crenshaw of Amelia Co. Deed dated 28 Febry. 1780, conveying 50 acres land in Powhatan Co. adjoining Woodson, Smith & Ran- dolph. D. B. 1, p. 155. David Crenshaw of Raleigh Parish, Amelia Co., to Eliza- beth Hobson, of Southam Parish, Powhatan Co. Marriage Bond dated 5th March 1782. Benjamin Hobson, surety. SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY RECORDS Thomas Crenshaw of Southampton Co., Will of; son John Crenshaw, plantation whereon testator now dwells & 150 acres joining the same, which he purchased of William West and Recorded to be Joseph West also 51 acres granted to testator by Patent dated Aug. 16, 1756; also 115 acres join- ing aforesd. 150 acres it being part of a pattent granted testator Aug. 20, 1745, and Divided from other part of Pattent by a line of Marked Trees made by testator adjoin- ing James Doughtry's Plantation near Wilson's old mill & near the Church Road and in the line of land testator pur- chased of Ralph Carter. Daughter Amy Bailey, use of Plan- tation & Land Testator purchased of Ralph Carter during her natural life & at her decease said Plantation and Land to her (sic; testator ?) son Saml. Maget Crenshaw and his Heirs and for want of such heirs said Land and Plantation to aforesd. Amy Baily. To daughter Ann Crenshaw all the remainder of land. Residue of estate to be equally divided among Testator's three children if they can agree on a division, if not then to be sold by Executors and money raising from such sale to be equally divided amongst them. Executors, son John Crenshaw, Nicholas Maget, & Jesse 390 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Whitehead. Witnesses, Jacob Turner; Sam'l. Maget, John Thorp, Wm. Gwaltney, Etheldred-(X)-Holt. Recorded 14, Dec. 1780. W. B. 3, p. 368. 1772-82. Thomas Crenshaw, Inventory of estate. A true and Per- fect Inventory of the slaves and personal estate of Thomas Crenshaw. One negro man, One Horse, 10 cattle, 12 hogs, 4 sheep, a parcel of Indian Corn, a parcel of oats, a parcel of Rye, a parcel of Flax, a Parcel of Cotton, 2 feather beds and furniture, 11 chairs, Wearing apparel, 1 whip saw & cut saw. Nicholas Maget, Jesse Whitehead. Recorded. South- ampton Co. 9 May 1782. W. B. 3, p. 408. Ann-(X)-Crenshaw of Southampton Co., Will of; "Being sick and weak of body"........... To Sister Amy Bailey. whole estate, land, negro called Mingo. Jacob Bailey my whole & sole Executor. Dated 11 Aprl. 1781. Witnesses, Nicholas Maget, Samuel Maget, Jesse Vick ?. Recd. 14, Feby. 1783. W. B. 4, p. 12. John Crenshaw, (of Southampton Co.), will of; Wife Elizabeth Crenshaw; one horse called Braddock, one spin- ning & linen wheel, small trunk, her choice of my feather Beds and furniture, my best chest and two tables also my negro Dick, to her desposed. "In consideration of the main- tenance and schooling of my two children Elizabeth and Pol- ley I give to my wife Elizabeth Crenshaw the use of all the residue of my estate both real and personal during her life or widowhood." son Elijah Crenshaw after wife's decease, or marriage all testator's land on the east side of the Tar Kiln Branch and part on the west side "Beginning at the mouth of the said Branch and running up the same to where the path leading from my house to the road leading from Doctor Brown's to St Georges Chappell crosses the said Branch", also negro Nat, testator's guns and all tools of any kind and desk also ½ other personal estate to be allotted and set apart at the descretion of Executors to him and the lawful Issues of his Body, and in case of no such issue said estate to testators daughter Polly Crenshaw and the lawful issues of her body in case there should be no such issue then said estate to Elemuel Darden son of Benjamin Darden deceased. Daughter Polly Crenshaw after wife deceased or CRENSHAW: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY 391 marriage all remainder of testator's land and one negro girl called Hannah and the other half of personal estate to her and lawful issue of her body and for the want of such issue to testator's son Elijah Crenshaw and to the lawful issues of his body and for the want of such issue said estate to Elemuel Darden son of Benjamin Darden deceased. Ex- ecutors, William Thomas, Samuel Maget (or Nick) Jacob Turner, (or Nick). Dated 3, December 1784. Witnesses, Nicholas Maget, Robert-(X)—Daughtry. Recorded, 14, Dec. 1786. W. B. 4, p. 210. Elizabeth Crenshaw; Inventory of the estate of Elizabeth Crenshaw, decd. 1 Feather Bed and furniture &c. 1 Desk, 3 pine tables, 6 pewter spoons, 1 walnut Table, 1 shot gun, 1 side saddle, 1 Flax wheel, 1 weaving loom, 1 slay, 1 Bible and prayer Book, 2 viols, etc. Wm. Ferguson, Executor, of Eliza Crenshaw. Record. May 1809. W. B. 6, p. 651. 1797-1804. Thomas Crenshaw of St. Luke's Parish, Southampton Co. to Hadwell Whellington ? of same Co. and Parish. £160 curr. 350 acres in County & parish aforesd. on south side of Beaver Dam Swamp, just below the mouth of a small branch adjoining John Beals, Saml. Brown. 195 acres of aforesd. land being part of a patent granted John Brazwell Sept. 28, 1732, & 120 acres being a whole patent granted to Joseph Wornbwell? dated July 9, 1737 & 55 acres being part of a patent granted Joseph Cobb by patent dated Nov. 3ed 1750. 13, March 1777. D. B. 5, p. 260, 1777. Indenture between Thomas Crenshaw of Southampton Co. to Samuel Brown of same Co., a certain tract of land in Southampton Co., on south side of Beaver Dam Swamp, adjoining Arthur Cobbs line and Dr. Samuel Brown and being 195 acres of land part of a Patent to John Brazwell, dated Sept. 28, 1732 & 100 acres being a whole patent granted to Joseph Wornbwell dated July 9, 1737, and also 55 acres being part of a Patent granted to Joseph Cobb bearing date Nov. the 3ed, 1750 &c. In Witness thereof &c. 9, Dec. 1773. D. B. 5, p. 50, 1773. 392 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Thomas Crenshaw of Southampton Co., to his daughter Ann Crenshaw of same. Co., conveying one negro man called Mingo. Recorded, 11 March, 1779. D. B. 5, p. 402. MARRIAGE BONDS Jno. Crenshaw & Eliza Whitfield, marriage bond Apr. 11, 1772. Sir, This is to certify you that there is no danger as the girl is of age these serril years and that her parents are both willing though of the Quaker Profession and he a Presper must not give consent though in Privet or he must be turned out of meetin by there laws So I will stand all Damags that shall come against you all from your most humble svrt. Thos. Crenshw. Sir the girl being Inhabitant of this County. Elizabeth Whitfield daughter of Ben Whit- field was born March 7, 1746. Jacob Bailey & Amy Crenshaw of the Parish of Saint Luke. (Marriage bond) 22 Aug. 1778. Wm. Kitcheny, surety. Consent by Thos. Crenshaw. Witness, John Cren- shaw. SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY RECORDS Wm. Carr, Gent. Spotsylvania Co., in his will dated Aug. 2, 1760, Proved Nov. 4, 1760. leaves to his daughter Ann Carr land adjoining Nicholas Crenshaw. D. B. p. ST. PETER'S PARISH REGISTER NEW KENT COUNTY : Thomas Crenshaw. Thomas, son of Thomas Crenshaw bapt. ye 25, of Dec. 169- p. 4. CRENSHAW: HANOVER AND NEW KENT COUNTIES 393 ST. PAUL'S VESTRY BOOK, JULY, 1705 TO 1785 HANOVER AND NEW KENT COUNTIES John Crenshaw, Matthew Crenshaw, land processioned. Mar. 1711. (p. 143.) John Crenshaw, land processioned, he was also a proces- sioner. 8 br, 10, 1719. (p. 154.) John Crenshaw, David Crenshaw, land processioned. 8 br, 10, 1719, (p. 154.) John Crenshaw, land processioned. Mar. 28, 1732. (p. 160.) Charles Crenshaw, paid as Clerk for officiating at Lower Church. Nov. 10, 1752, (p. 184.) James Crenshaw, land processioned. Nov. 17, 1755, (p. 191.) Joseph Crenshaw, Nathan Crenshaw, Witness procession- ing of lands. Nov. 17, 1755, (p. 191.) James Crenshaw land processioned. Nov. 19, 1759, (p. 211.) Joseph Crenshaw, land processioned, Nov. 19 1759, (p. 215.) Charles Crenshaw, on John Darracott's acct. £3: 12: 10: Nov. 25, 1760, (p. 219.) Charles Crenshaw, on Wm. Bricheen's acct. 1760, (p. 219.) Nov. 25, Joseph Crenshaw to keep Wm. Bricheen ye ensuing year for 1200 lbs. Tobacco. Nov. 25, 1760, (p. 219.) 394 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Joseph Crenshaw for keeping Wm. Bricheen. 1200 lbs. Tobacco. Nov. 24, 1761. (p. 220.) Joseph Crenshaw cloaths for Wm. Bricheen, £2: 0: 8: Nov. 24, 1761, (p. 221.) Joseph Crenshaw for keeping Wm. Bricheen. 1200 lbs. Tobacco. Nov. 24, 1762. (p. 222.) Joseph Crenshaw,'s acct. for keeping Wm. Bricheen, £0: 19:0: Nov. 24, 1762, (p. 225.) Charles Crenshaw's acct. £1: 19: 0: (p. 224.) Nov. 24, 1762, Nov. 30, 1763. Charles Crenshaw's acct. £4: 16: 8: (p, 226.) James Crenshaw, lands processioned. Nov. 30, 1763, (p. 229.) John Crenshaw assignee of Agnes Bricheen for keeping her husband, omitted last year. 1200 lbs. Tobacco. Nov. 29, 1766. (p. 241.) James Crenshaw land processioned. Sept. 30, 1767. (p. 249.) Charles Crenshaw Gent; as per acct. £0: 13:6: Sept. 27, 1770. (p. 257.) James, Joseph and David Crenshaw's land processioned Nov. 12, 1771 and Nov. 12, 1779 (pp. 267, 303) : CRENSHAW: HANOVER AND NEW KENT COUNTIES 395 RECORDS OF THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Wyanoke Monthly Meeting for Women, 1807-1826 Nathaniel Crenshaw and Mary Couch declare their inten- tions of marriage, and Isabella Wilson & Mary Bell are appointed to enquire as to the said Mary' Couch's clearness. 2 day 7 month, 1825. Mary B. Ladd and Elizabeth Parsons are appointed to attend the marriage. 5 day, 8 month, 1825. Report the marriage orderly. 5 day, 11 month, 1825. WHITE OAK SWAMP REGISTER, 1792-1837 Nathaniel Crenshaw, and Edw'd. Crenshaw are among the witnesses to the marriage of Micajah Bates of Hanover Co., and Mary Hargrave of Charles City, at Waynoke Monthly Meeting. 9 da., 11 mo. 1819. Nath. C. Crenshaw is among the witnesses to the marri- age of Jeremiah Hubbard to Martha Charles, at Weynoke Meeting House. 9 da., 10 mo., 1821. Nathaniel C. Crenshaw of Henrico Co., was married to Mary Y. Couch, daughter of Samuel Couch, decd. and Ann, his wife, at Weynoke Meeting House. 6 da. 8 mo. 1825. Nathaniel C. Crenshaw, his wife Mary Y. and his son John Bacon, having removed within the limits of Cedar Creek Monthly Meeting and requested a certificate to join them thereto, these are to certify on their behalf that they are members of our society in good esteem, and the said Nathaniel has, as far as appears, settled his outward affairs to satisfaction. We recommend them to your christian care and oversight in behalf of our Monthly Meeting held at Weynoke. tt. 3 da., 6 mo. 1826. Dabney Family ALBEMARLE COUNTY RECORDS Samuel Dabney, a commissioner to examine accts. of Gar- rett Minor one of the Exors. of James Minor, decd. Louisa Co. Octr. 25, 1794. also accts. of Launcelot Minor and Exor. of sd. Jas. Minor, decd. Recorded Dec. 1794. W. B. 3, p. 237. Will of James Harris of Albemarle Co. Dated 25 Feb. 1792. Prob. Sept. Crt. 1792. Witnesses-Bernis Brown, Wm. Spears, James Reveley. Daughter, Anna Haden, negro woman Johanna & her increase. Granddaughter, Lucy Dabney (to be received by her when she marries or comes of age) negro girl named Subrina; but if she should die without issue the sd. negro to return to the children of her mother. Son, Thomas Harris, 40 acres of patent land bearing date 10 April 1781-adj. land whereon he now lives; one negro man named Minor. Son, Joel Harris, negro lad named Nelson. Daughter, Mourning Maupin, negro woman named Milley. Daughter, Sarah Harris, negro boy named Fauntain; & £3: 10s: to buy her feathers for a bed should I not give her one during my life time. Son, James Harris, negro boy Jordan. Daughter, Susanna Burnley, negro girl Millinia. Son, Nathan Harris; negro boy Isham & negro girl Patty; his choice of my guns; a sow; one mair, saddle & bridle called his; all my wearing cloaths; one feather bed; one pot & dutch oven; 25s: worth pewter; 2 calves & 2 cows; tract of land & plantation whereon I now live with all my lands & tracts of lands adjoining, his right thereto com- mencing at the death of his mother. Wife, Mary Harris, during her life or widowhood, all my lands not willed to my son Thomas Harris to be to her use during said time, but only for my son Nathan Harris to have liberty to work the sd. land some where where my sons Thomas Harris & Joel Harris shall see cause. To my sd. wife Mary Harris, during her natural life or widowhood, 7 slaves. Tract of 1 396 DABNEY: ALBEMARLE COUNTY 397 land on mountain adj. land of Major Robert Harris, decd. Capt. Ben Brown, decd. & Thomas Kenney after death of my wife, to be equally divided between my 4 sons, viz; Thomas, Joel, James and Nathan Harris. Debts to be paid out of that part of estate which my executors shall think proper. Sons Joel & James Harris, to have £3: 10s: apiece given them to buy feathers for a bed if not given them in my life time. Residue of estate to wife Mary Harris, dur- ing her life or widowhood, & at her death or marriage the negroes willed to her, together with stock, Household furni- ture & plantation utensils to be divided unto 6 equal parts & my four daughters Lucy Grubbs, Mourning Maupin, Sarah Harrison & Susanna Burnley, each of them to have one whole lot; & my four sons Thomas, Joel, James and Nathan Harris, each a 2½ lot of the 2 remaining lots. Es- tate shall not be appraised. Executor, wife Mary; sons, Thomas, Joel and Nathan Harris. W. B. 3, p. 165. John Dabney, Gent. of Albemarle Co. from Joel Terrill, Gent. & Anne, his wife of same country. £300: curr. 400 acres on both sides of main road leading from the Blue Ridge to the Court House of Albemarle Co. commonly called Terrill's Ordinary; adj. David Lewis, Francis Jor- dan, Wm. Terrill Lewis, sd. Dabney. May 12, 1763. D. B. 3, p. 298. William Dabney of Albemarle Co. Gent. from Archibald Woods & Isabel his wife of same Co. £300: 400 acres on both sides Mechams River, in Sd. County. adj. Wm. Wal- lace. Aug. 10, 1764. D. B. 4, p. 1. William Dabney & Jane his wife of Albemarle Co. to John Dabney of Hanover Co. £300: curr. 400 acres in Albe- marle Co. adj. Wm. Wallace; Méchams River. July 1765. D. B. 4, p. 102. John Dabney, of St. Paul's Parish, Hanover Co. to Wil- liam Terrell Lewis, of St. Anne's Parish Albemarle Co. £1: 10s: curr. 3 acres in Parishes of St. Anne's & Fred- ericksville, in Albemarle Co. July 1765. D. B. 4, p. 105. 398 THE VALENTINE PAPERS John Dabney, Anne, his wife, of Hanover County, to Wil- liam Dabney, of Albemarle Co. £300: curr. 400 acres on both sides of Main Road leading from Blue Ridge to the Court House of Albemarle County; adj. David Lewis, Francis Jerdone. Augt. 8, 1765. D. B. 4, p. 121. William Dabney, of Albemarle Co. to John Dabney, of Hanover Co. £300 curr. 400 acres on both sides of main road leading from Blue Ridge to the Court House of Albe- marle Co. July 10, 1766. D. B. 4, p. 240. John Dabney & AnnE his wife, of Hanover Co. to Wil- liam Dabney, of Albemarle Co. £300 curr. 400 acres in Albemarle Co. adj. Wm. Wallace. July 10, 1766. D. B. 4, p. 243. William Dabney to James Kerr; Lease; 400 acres where- on sd. Dabney lately lived; Term 5 years. £12: yearly. No witnesses. April 1768. D. B. 4, p. 495. William Dabney, & Jane his wife, of Albemarle Co. to Wm. Shelton, of same Co. £200 curr. Tract of land on Mechams River in Albemarle Co. adj. Wm. Wallace. Wit- nesses-Thomas Grubbs, Elizabeth Jones, Christopher Har- ris, Robert Harris, Tyre Harris. Nov. 1768. D. B. 5, p. 37. MARRIAGE BONDS Mr. Nicholas Anna Dabney. Mr. Nicholas (Clerk Albemarle Co.) Marriage Bond of Anthony Haden to Anna Dabney; Dated, 30 Nov. 1787. John Jouet, security. Joshua Nicholas, wit- ness. Sir, Please to Issue License for an Intended marriage Between Anthony Haden and myself given under my hand this 30th Day of Novemr. 1787. Anna Dabney. Test. Susanna (X)-Harris, Lucy Dabney. DABNEY: AMHERST. COUNTY 399 AMELIA COUNTY RECORDS John Dabney of Amelia Co. Planter, from William Mayo of St. James Parish, Goochland Co. Gent. 5 shillings curr. 1600 acres on south side of Apomotox River in Amelia Co., sd. land being part of 6778 acres granted to sd. Mayo by Patent dated Feb. 27, 1734. sd. 1600 acres adjoins John Stevens land. Nov. 9. 1738. D. B. 1, p. 112. John Dabney of Hanover Co. Planter, from William Mayo of St. James Parish, Goochland Co. Gent. 5 shillings curr. 1600 acres on south side of Appomattox River in Amelia Co. sd. 1600 acres being part of 6778 acres granted sd. Mayo by Patent dated Feb. 27, 1734. adj. John Stevens. Sept. 12, 1734. D. B. 1, p. 83. John Dabney's negro slave Sampson convicted of hog stealing it is ordered that he receive 39 lashes at the com- mon whipping post, this being the first offence. Jan. 12, 1738. O. B. 1735-46, p. 61. John Dabney & Rebecca his wife acknowledge their deed with livery & seisen to Charles Hudson which is ordered to be recorded. Jan. 12, 1738. Ibid., p. 63. John Dabney & Rebecca his wife acknowledge a deed with livery seisen indorsed to Robert Walker. Jan. 12, 1738. Ibid., p. 66. Rebecca Dabney wife of John Dabney relinquishes her dower right in land conveyed by John Dabney to Thomas Tabb, Gent. Aug. Crt. Ibid., p. 246. AMHERST COUNTY RECORDS John Dabney, of Campbell Co. deed of trust from Nicholas Pamplin of Amherst Co. to secure Thomas Humphreys of the town of Lynchburg, Campbell Co. merchant. 150 acres on Elk Run in County of Amherst, being tract purchased 400 THE VALENTINE PAPERS by sd. Pamphlin of James Pamphlin, adjoining Saml. Al- lens and running to the mouth of Chickahomany Branch. May 12, 1794. D. B. "G" p. 376. John Dabney of Campbell Co. from John H. Goodwin of Amherst Co. deed of trust to secure Wm. A. Callis exor. of William Bagby. 267 acres on Staunton River, Pittsylvania Co. Oct. 23, 1795. D. B. "G" p. 671. John Dabney of Lynchburg, Campbell Co. deed of trust to Michael Coalter & Philip Johnson of Amherst Co. to se- cure John H. Goodwin in debt to William A. Callis Exor. of John Bagby. 120 acres in Amherst Co. adjoining the town of Madison and on both sides of the main road being the tract on which sd. Goodwin resides, compound of two tracts, one purchased of Thos. Wright another of John Howard the elder. Sept. 1, 1796. D. B. "H" p. 75. BEDFORD COUNTY RECORDS Cornelius-(X)—Dabney, of Bedford Co., decd. Will of; dated May 23, 1792. "Being in a low state of health but of sound mind." To wife Mary Dabney all lands & plantation whereon I now live, likewise stock & household furniture to enjoy same during her natural life or Widowhood, ex- cepting two peaces of Land that I gave to my son George Dabney to be at his disposal immediately after my decease one of the peaces of land supposed to contain 40 acres be- ginning at a white oak on the dividing Line between New- man Reins & myself & running a straight line to Williams old pattent line, thence new lines to a small branch & then down the said Branch of the said Pattent Line the same sup- posed to contain 15 acres. Rest of land to be equally divided between my two sons Cornelius Dabney & John Dabney. Moveable estate be equally divided Between Benjamin Dab- ney, & Anna Dabney my children. To Daughters Nancy Overstreet & Molly Turner, five shillings apeace to be paid out of Movable Estate. Executors-son George Dabney & William Hancock. Witnesses-Charles-(X)-Dabney, Ruth-(X)-Hurt, Cornelius-(X)-Dabney, Kesiah- (X)-Reins. Recorded-Oct. 22, 1792. W. B. 2, p. 89. DABNEY: CAMPBELL COUNTY 401 BRUNSWICK COUNTY RECORDS John Dabney Pltf. vs Joseph Cannon Deft. Petition. Pltf. to recover. Execution stayed until next court. Aug. 1753. O. B. 5, p. 30. John Dabney surviving Inspector of Bollings warehouse Pltf. vs. Christopher Mason, Deft. Dismissed. July 25, 1758. O. B. 7, p. 232. Francis Dabney. Henry Cocke Pltf. vs Jesse Collier & Francis Dabney Defts. Bond. taken on a writ of Fecri Faceias. Pltf. to recover. Feby. 1771. O. B. 11, p. 325. Francis Dabney Pltf. vs Edward Carlos. Petition. Pltf. to recover. Oct. 1770. O. B. 11, p. 300. CAMPBELL COUNTY RECORDS John Dabney of Campbell Co. from Mareen Duvall of same Co. £130: lawfull money. Tract of land in aforesd. Co. adjoining lands of Lewis Duvall on the north side of Seneca Creek. Jan. 5, 1798. D. B. 4, p. 339. John Q. Dabney & Milly his wife of Campbell Co. to Anthony Haden of sd. Co. £137: 10s: curr. 137 acres in Co. of Campbell lying on both sides of Seneca Creek adjoining Lewis Duvall. Jan. 11, 1802. D. B. 5, p. 438. John Quarles Dabney & Milly his wife, of Campbell Co. to Timothy Terrill of sd. Co. £220: curr. 275 acres on East side of Seneca Creek, adjoining lands of John Haden being collectively the same tracts which were deeded to sd. John Q. Dabney by Wm. Johnson Jr. and wife, Anthony Haden & wife and part of a tract which sd. John Q. Dabney pur- chased of John Haden as per several deeds on record in Campbell Co. Jan. 6, 1802. D. B. 5, p. 440. 402 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Susannah D. Dabney wife of John Dabney relinquishes right in indenture of her husbands to Wm. Norvell. April 1798. O. B. 6, p. John Dabney, Gent. decd. will of, proved in court by Alex- ander Clement, Edward Walls (or Wills) Wm. Radford & Joel Young, Gentlemen and ordered to be recorded. Samuel Percival, William Norvell and John Blair Dabney the ex- ecutors named in the will are granted administration with security. June 1816. O. B. 12. MARRIAGE LICENSES Lucy Dabney to John M. Smithson, April 3, 1801. By Henry Brown. CAROLINE COUNTY RECORDS John Dabney Pltf. vs. John Robinson Deft. Judgt. for Pltf. Jan. 10, 1734-5. O. B. 1732-1740, p. 272. Thomas Dabney, decd. Estate of, settled by Samuel Skin- ker, Robert Armistead, George Morton and John Grant, Gent. by order of Court. Feb. 1757. O. B. 1755-58, p. 251. William Dabney, estate of, administered by Anthony Thornton. Querry: Reference O. B. 1807-09, p. 340, 365, 355. George Dabney & Ben Clevias Spiller admrs. of Wm. Spiller, Gent. vs. Lazarus Yarbrough. June 1774. O. B. 1774-76, p. 44. O. B. 1774-76, p. 48. William Dabney's administrator, Anthony Thornton Pltf. vs Wm. Cindall & Wm. Atkinson Deft. In debt. Injunction in Chancery granted. Sept. 1803. O. B. 1802-04, p. 293. James Dabney to be paid 920 lbs. of tobacco for 14 days attendance and coming & returning 19 miles out of Hanover as a witness for Mathew Abbott vs Godby. April 1764, p. 96. DABNEY: HANOVER COUNTY 403 HANOVER COUNTY RECORDS John Dabney, Witness. Deed from Matlock to Matlock. Vol. 1, 1733-35, p. 109. John Dabney, Bondsman, of Nathaniel Dickenson, Guardian of Woodward Spencer. Vol. 1, 1733-35, p. 153. Cornelius Dabney & George Dabney, acknowledge Lease and release Bibb to Braxton. Vol. 1, 1733-35, p. 177-8. Owen Dabney & Elizabeth his wife, deed to Jennings Pulliam, 50 acres on south side of Taylor's Creek in St. Martin's Parish Hanover Co. May 1, 1783. Vol. 2, 1783, p. 1. Owen Dabney & Elizabeth his wife, of Hanover Co. deed to John Hope Jr., of said Co. 290 acres in said Co. adjoining Jennings Pulliam, David Henderson, James Dabney and Taylor's Creek. July 19, 1784. Vol. 2, p. 40. George Dabney, of King William Co. deed from Mann Page, executor of Mann Page, decd. of Spotsylvania, 1/2 acre lot in Hanover town. Jan. 9, 1787. Vol. 2, p. 236. Owen Dabney & Christopher Johnson, deed to William Rayland, of Hanover Co. 240 acres in Hanover & Louisa Cos. & adjoining John Hope, John Mayo, Taylor's Creek, Dudley Digges & David Henderson. Sept. 3, 1788. Vol. 2, p. 295. George Dabney, power of atty. to Nath. Page Jr. to act for him in suit of Exors. of Robert Carter Nicholas vs said Dabney. Wit. William Fountaine, Charles Dabney. April 3, 1788. Vol. 2, p. 274. Owen Dabney, of Hanover Co. deed from John Mitchell, and Unity his wife, 38 acres in Hanover Co. adjoining sd. Dabney and Mitchell & Taylor's Creek at the mouth of Tassoky branch. June 18, 1789. Vol. 2, p. 487. 404 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Charles Dabney, Deed from Hugh Nelson & Judith his wife of York Co. to Nathaniel Pope Jr. of Hanover Co. land adjoining the estate of Peter Johnson, decd. on the West side of Taylor's Creek; also adj. Charles Dabney & Benj. Forsythe. Aug. 27, 1787. Vol. 2, p. 266. Dabney, deed from Wm. Barrett & Frances, his wife, of Louisa Co. to David Jones of Hanover Co. land in St. Martin's Parish, Hanover Co. on south side of Jumping Swamp, a branch of Taylor's Creek, adj. Walter and John Chisholm, Berryman, Owen Dabney and Mayo. Feb. 17, 1791. Vol. 2, p. 479. Mr. George Dabney, deed from Christopher & Wm. Caw- thorn, of Albemarle Co. to John Munrow of Hanover Co. on Solomon's Branch of the waters of Wild Horse, adjoining Mr. Geo. Dabney. Mch. 15, 1791. Vol. 2, p. 563. HENRICO COUNTY RECORDS William Dabney. Anne, wife of William Dabney and Anne, wife of George Dabney relinquish their dower right in tract of land conveyed by George & William Dabney to Dasey Southall. Oct. 4, 1756. Min. Bk. 1755-62, p. 47. William Dabney Gent., Sheriff of Hanover Co. vs David Mead Gent. pltf. to recover. Mar. 2, 1756. Min. Bk. 1755- 62, p. 23. George Dabney of King William Co. & William Dabney of Hanover Co. deed to Dacey Southall for £151: 417 acres in Henrico Co. where James Young formerly lived which was transferred to William Mouat, mariner, by deed of June 24, 1746, to secure a certain sum, which tract the sd. Mouat transferred to George & William Dabney by deed dated Apr. 25, 1749. Witnesses-John White, Samuel Clarke, Robert Templeton and Barret White. Sept. 29, 1750. Recorded-1st Monday in Oct. 1750. Ann the wife of George Dabney relinquished her right to dower. D. W. &c. 1750-67, p. 25. DABNEY: KING WILLIAM COUNTY 405 KING WILLIAM COUNTY RECORDS Isaac Dabney & Susannah his wife of King William Co. to Wm. Wyatt of same Co. £209: 10:0: 139 2/3 acres, being that tract which sd. Susannah had allotted her in the divi- sion of her father's land, bounded by lands of Thos. Tignor, Baylor Hill, Reuben Atkins. Feb. 5, 1805. Bk. 7. William Dabney Jr. witness to Indenture between Robert Pollard, Robert Hill, Temple Elliott and John Fox. Re- corded-Sept. 3, 1799. B. 7. Robert Dabney. As I am about to be married to Mr. Robert Dabney I mean to except the within articles, namely one Mahogany Bofitt, Twelve table spoons, of silver, one silver can, one large chaney Bowle, one chaney mug two silver salts, nine tea spoons of silver one pair tongs do. one feather bed & furniture, one large copper kittle. Jan. 19, 1802. Witnesses-Gwathy Dabney, Nanny Booth, Eliza- beth Dabney, Robert Dabney. Proved by Gwathney Dab- ney. Bk. 7. James Dabney of Louisa Co. & Parish of Trinity to Wil- liam Dabney (son of sd. James Dabney) of King William Co. & Parish of St. David's £25: 0: 0: curr. 41912 acres in King William Co. adjoining lands of Mann Satterwhite. July 28, 1795. Witnesses-John King Sr., George Dabney, Richard Cattlett. Memorandum-Sept. 28, possession taken by sd. Wm. Dabney. (Wm. Dabney the elder mentioned.) Bk. 11. William Dabney. "Indenture, To have and hold sd. tract of land unto sd. Wm. Dabney &l and the sd. Henry Brooke, Robert Brooke & Wm. Brooke for themselves their heirs &l., executors & admrs. the sd. tract of land unto the sd. Wm. Dabney. &c. &c. Witnesses-Wm. Dabney, Richard Dabney, Jr., Wm. Dabney. Recorded-Feb. 23, 1795. Charred papers, bk. 11. 406 THE VALENTINE PAPERS William Dabney. Indenture between Humphrey Brooke, Robert Brooke & Wm. Brooke legatees of Robert Brooke late of King William Co. of sd. David's Parish to William Dabney (son of Isaac) of same Parish & Co. part of the land of which their father was possessed containing 220 acres adjoining Ralph Wormley in the road leading from Dabney's Ferry to Montohick Church Satterwhite's corner &c. Feb. 1795. Bk. 11. Henry, William Dabney. Indenture made between Robert & Wm. Brooke to Wm. Dabney of King William Co. & Parish of St. David's. 400 acres in sd. Parish & Co. adjoining lands of Wm. Dabney (Brick House) Mordecai Booth Jr. on the road leading down from Dabney's Shop to Moncuer Bridge, Ben Temple's land. Jan. 25, 1791. Re- corded-Feb. 23, 1795. Geo. Dabney, Gent. a justice of the peace. August 21, 1704. Bk. 17. George Dabney witness for John Waller, Philip White- head & Thos. Carr Gents. ffeoffees in trust for Deleware Town in King William Co. a deed to John Monroe, Clerk. 482 lbs. tobacco. 1/2 acre in Deleware Town in Co. of King William. No. 8. June 20, 1707. Bk. 11. George Dabney of King William Co. Gent. Indenture between sd. Dabney & John Waller, Philip Whitehead & Thos. Carr, Gents. ffeoffees in trust for Deleware Town in King William Co. Witnesses-Nick Mereweather, John Monroe. June 20, 1707. Bk. 11. James Dabney witness for indenture between Thos. West & John Doherity. Land. June 21, 1703. Bk. 17. George & James Dabney witnesses-for Indenture be- tween Robert Carney, Miller, and Richard Litlepage to John Isbell. 700 acres in Parish of St. John, King & Queen Co. Recorded-In King William Co. Jany. 25, 1702. Bk. 17. DABNEY: KING WILLIAM COUNTY 407 William Dabney, son of Isaac, witness to Indenture be- tween Wm. Dandridge Claborne, of the County of King William to Philip Claiborne of same Co. £50: Land in St. John's Parish in the Co. aforsd. bounded by Pamunky River. July 1794. Bk. 1. William Dabney (son of Isaac) of King William Co. to Ralph Wormley of Middlesex. &c. &c. Indenture. May 8, 1794. Bk. 1. William Dabney (son of Isaac) of King William Co. to Ralph Wormely of Middlesex Co. Indenture. May 8, 1794. D. Bk. 1701-18 p. 65. Mary E. Dabney, Wm. Dabney, Ed. N. Dabney & wife, Thos. O. Dabney & wife, John M. Dabney to James H. Henry, Thos. Dabney's Exors. Thos. Dabney, Bushrod W. Dabney, Ed. N. Dabney & Wife D. B. &c; Wm. S. Fontaine, L. S. Bind, Wm. S. Fontaine, S. S. Bind; O. M. Winston, N. P. Bind; Geo. S. Smith. (The above names were found on three charred pages of a burned Deed Book. No heading or date to it.) Bk. 7. William Dabney, Jr. Hannah wife of sd. William Dabney Jr. relinquishes her rights in indenture of her husband herein annexed. Mar. 11, 1801. Recorded-April 27, 1801. Bk. 14. Owen Dabney & wife Elizabeth Dabney acknowledgment. 15th, 1786. Bk. 14. George Dabney one of the witnesses to bond of Richard Littlepage of New Kent Co. to John Williams of King William Co. June 20, 1702. Bk. 14. LOUISA COUNTY RECORDS Will of Mary Barret, of St. Martin's Parish, Hanover Co. Dated Dec. 3, 1741. Probated Dec. 3, 1746. Son, Charles Barret, negroes. Son, Robt. Barret, £10: & half my cattle. Daughter Ann Dabney, for her life, six negroes; my wear- 408 THE VALENTINE PAPERS ing apparel, "also what necessary's of goods designed for my wearing that shall ******** from England." Grandson 46** am Dabney", after my daughters death one negro. Grandaughter "Mary ******ey, (Dabney) after my daugh- ter's death, one negro. Grandson, "**** Dabney" after my daughter's death one negro. Executor, son Charles, Witnesses. Chiswell, King Codicil, dated Probated with will. sons Charles and Robert: son Robert to be executor jointly with son Charles. Wit- nesses-**er Chiswell; ***h King. A second codicil from which the date is missing, also the signature mentions "my granddaughter Mary Dabney" & "daughter Ann Dabney." (The page on which the above will was recorded is very much mutilated and the items rather hard to get perfectly.) W. B. 1. Dec. 3, James Dabney, friend & Mary East (wife of testator) named as executors in the will of Joseph East, dated Apr. 16, 1768: Prob. Sept. 14, 1772. Mary East, qualified as executrix Sept. 14, 1772. W. B. 2, p. 148. James Dabney, Gent. one of the sureties of Mary Foster, on her bond as admr. of Robert Foster, Decd. May 10, 1773. W. B. 2, p. 173. Division of estate of Thomas Baker, decd. Lot No. 1, Milley & her child Isaac valued £75; Quash valued £70; Drawn for Mary Baker. Lot No. 2, Hannah & her child Beck valued £75; Judah & her children Dephney & Amey valued £70; Drawn for Mr. Dabney. Lot No. 3, Mary valued £55; Dinah valued £35; Jack valued £60; Drawn for Over- ton Baker. Recd. & Returned July 10, 1775. W. B. 2, .p. 223. James Dabney one of the sureties on bond of Elizabeth Johnson, admrx. of Wm. Johnson, Decd. Oct. 13, 1777. W. B. 2, p. 301. James Dabney, one of the appraisers of the estate of Frances Waddy, decd. Jany. 1, 1779. W. B. 2, p. 301. DABNEY: LOUISA COUNTY 409 In the account of the settlement of the estate of Richmond Terrell, decd. an acct. of £1: 8s: od: paid by Capt. Robert Dabney; an acct. of £4; paid by William Smith; an acct. of £2: 5s: paid by Anthony Winston; an acct. of £1: 11s: paid by John Smith; an acct. of £26: 1s: paid by Saml. Waddy, Sr. Retd. & recorded-Oct. 11, 1779. Settlement, Sept. 20, 1779. W. B. 2, p. 362. James Dabney, Gent. surety of Anne Armstrong, Admrx. of Thomas Armstrong, Decd. March 12, 1781. W. B. 2, p. 377. Saml. Dabney an appraiser of estate of Thomas Arm- strong, decd. Retd. & recorded-Augt. 13, 1781. W. B. 2, p. 379. Bond of James Dabney, as executor of Thomas East, decd. £1000 curr. Oct. 14, 1782. John Watson & Garrett Minor, sureties. W. B. 2, p. 459. Will of Pouncey Anderson of St. Martin's Parish, Louisa Co. Dated Jan. 24, 1781. Prob. Augt. 13, 1781. Debts to be paid. Wife Elizabeth Anderson, during her widowhood, all that land and plantation whereon I now live, contg. 400 acres; one negro woman slave named Selina & her eight children & at the death of or remarriage of my wife the sd. slaves be equally divided in three parts: 1/3 part to my son Richard Anderson, 1/3 part to son Michael Anderson; 1/3 part to be equally divided between the children of my daughter Judith Dabney. Wife Elizabeth Anderson, the following slaves, viz; Paul, Tom, Judith & her four children, viz; Nanney, Sam, Richard, Walter &c. to her & her heirs forever, also all my whole household and kitchen furniture; all stocks of cattle, hogs, horses & sheep on the plantation whereon I now live. Granddaughter, Frances Anderson, daughter of Richard and Mary Anderson, negro woman Fanny & her child Tom. Granddaughter, Mary Anderson, daughter of Richard & Mary Anderson, negro girl named Lucy. Granddaughter, Judith Anderson, daughter of Rich- ard & Mary Anderson, negro boy named Isaac. Grandson, Richard Anderson, son of Richard & Mary Anderson, 410 THE VALENTINE PAPERS mulatto boy Abraham. Granddaughter, Christian Anderson, daughter of Richard & Mary Anderson, negro boy Billy. Granddaughter, Jane Anderson, daughter of Richard & Mary Anderson, negro girl named Liley. Grandson, Thomas Meriwether Anderson of Michael and Sarah Anderson, negro woman Doll & her child Cager. Granddaughter, Ann Anderson, daughter of Michael & Sarah Anderson, negro girl named Sebina. Grandson, Pouncey Anderson, son of Michael and Sarah Anderson, negro girl named Dilcey. Grandson, Reuben Anderson, son of Michael & Sarah Ander- son, negro girl named Betty. Grandson, Wm. Anderson, son of Michael & Sarah Anderson, negro boy Adam. Grandson, Edmund Anderson, son of Michael & Sarah Anderson, negro girl Morning. Grandson, Richard Anderson, son of Michael & Sarah Anderson, negro girls Hannah & Kezia. Grand- daughter Elizabeth Johnson, daughter of James & Judith Dabney, the following slaves, viz; negro Molley and her 3 children, viz; Isaac, Morning & Moses. and also a negro girl Doll. Granddaughter Cicily Dabney, daughter of James & Judith Dabney, negro woman Mildred. Grand- daughter Ann Anderson Dabney, daughter of James & Judith Dabney, negro girl Nanney. Grandson William Dab- ney, son of James & Judith Dabney, negro boy Richard. Granddaughter Mary Dabney daughter of James & Judith Dabney, negro girl, Lucy. Granddaughter Charity Dabney, daughter of James & Judith Dabney, negro girl Sukey. Son Richard Anderson, slaves, Jack & Judith, his wife; Ned, and Hannah. Son Michael Anderson, slaves, my two smiths David & William. & my smiths tools. and Henry and Charles. also after his mothers death tract of land & plantation whereon I now live contg. 400 acres; also 2 acres of land & mill on South side of Pamunkey River. Daughter Judith Dabney, tract of land I purchased of Owen Dabney on Tay- lor's Creek contg. 260 acres; also following slaves; viz; Great Nanney, Pat, Bartles, & Adam. Great Granddaughter Ann Anderson Johnson, daughter of Christopher & Eliza- beth Johnson, negro boy Peter. Grandson, Richard Ander- son, son of Michael and Sarah Anderson, tract of land I purchased of David Henderson, contg. 180 acres. Remain- ing negroes to be equally divided into three parts, 1/3 part to my son Richard Anderson, 1/3 part to son Michael Ander- DABNEY: LOUISA COUNTY 411 son, 1/3 part to daughter Judith Dabney. In case grand- children should lose the negroes left them before they come of age or marry then son Richard and Michael Anderson and James Dabney to pay value of any of their negroes to the child to whom it belonged. Executors not to give security & no appraisement to be made. Executors-Wife Elizabeth Anderson; sons Richard & Michael Anderson, and son-in-law James Dabney. Witnesses-Nathan Lewis; Mary Lewis, Samuel Dabney. W. B. 2, p. 379. Samuel Dabney an appraiser of estate of David Anderson decd. Retd. & recorded July 14, 1782. W. B. 2, p. 478. In account of Revd. Robert Yancey's Estate. Charles Yancey Executor. Feby. 9, 1783, To cash paid Capt. James Dabney for smith work £1: 4s: 6d: W. B. 3, p. 26. Friends Samuel Dabney & James Dabney, named as executors in will of John-(X)—Armstrong, of Louis Co. dated April 5, 1784. Probated, Dec. 13, 1784. W. B. 3, p. 36. Robert Dabney Executor of the will of Clevears Duke, Decd. Bond. James Dabney & Edm. Hawkins, sureties. £15,000 curr. Feb. 14, 1785. W. B. 3, p. 57. Robert Dabney, an appraiser of the est. of John Whilton, decd. May 25, 1785. Retd. & rec. June 13, 1786. W. B. 3 p. 90. Will of Griffeth Dickerson, of Trinity Parish, Louisa Co. Dated, Nov. 1, 1785. Probated. Dec. 12, 1785. Son, Robert Dickerson, tract of land whereon I now live cont. 466 acres. Son, James Dickerson, tract of land whereon I now live contg. 560 acres. Grandson, John Anderson, negro girl Hannah. Granddaughter, Elizabeth Dabney, negro boy David. Grandson, Nathaniel Anderson, negro boy Levi. Granddaughter, Ann Anderson, negro girl Babley. Grand- daughter, Mary Anderson, negro girl Judith. Son Robert Dickerson, following negroes, Marshall & Hannah together with those now in his possession, vizt. Dick, Milly, Lucy, Anna & Rose. Son James Dickerson, negroes Milley & her 412 THE VALENTINE PAPERS children Silvey, Joe & Solomon and Martain with those now in his possession, vizt. Peter & Phillis. Son Charles Dicker- son, negroes Henry, Bethena, Sarah ? Lewis, Isbell, Roda & Nancy. Son Hickerson Cosby Dickerson, negroes, viz; Jasper, Minor, Violet, Joshua, Selah, John & Judith. Daughter-in-law Rachel Dickerson, negroes, viz; Nell & her two children, Fanny & Mary; also George, Sarah, Dick during her life & after her death to be equally divided amongst her grandchildren. Daughter Ann Tompkins, negro girl Cicily. Sons, Charles and Hickerson Cosby Dick- erson negro man James. Stock of cattle, Hogs, Sheep & horses with all Household furniture & kitchen furniture, with plantation utensils; crops of Corn & tobacco to be equally divided between four sons & daughter in law Rachel Dickerson. Whatever money is due me to be equally divided between my four sons. Executors-three sons, Robert, James and Hickerson Cosby Dickerson. Witnesses-W. O. Callis, James Overton, David Bullock, Thos. Poindexter. W. B. 3, p. 123. Cors. [Cornelius] Dabney an appraiser of the estate of Perrin Farrer, decd. Dec. 7, 1785. Retd. & recd. Decr. 12, 1785. W. Bk. 3, p. 127. James Dabney surety of David & John Hudson, executors of David Hudson, Decd. April 9, 1787. W. B. 3, p. 170. James Dabney surety of Christopher Johnson, Exor. of David Johnson decd. Feby. 11, 1781. W. B. 3, p. 193. Robert Dabney & Barnett Smith, two of the commis- sioners to settle with Mary Kennedy the admx. of Davenport Kennedy, decd. her acct. Retd. & Recd. Octr. 13, 1788. W. B. 3, p. 207. James Dabney, one of the Commissions to divide the estate of David Hudson, decd. Mar. 12, 1791. W. B. 3, p. 376. Robert Dabney, witness to the will of Thomas Waters Pettus, of Louisa Co. Dated-March 29, 1791: Probated, Augt. 8, 1791. W. B. 3, p. 444. 1 DABNEY: LOUISA COUNTY 413 Cors'. Dabney & Sam. Dabney, commissioners to lay off dower of Sarah Johnson. Jany. 23, 1793. W. B. 3, p. 508. Samuel Dabney, an appraiser of the estate of Revd. John Todd, Decd. Nov. 12, 1793. W. B. 3, p. 547. Will of Elizabeth-(X)-Anderson of St. Martin's Parish, Louisa Co. Dated July 7th 1791. Probated Decr. 8, 1794. Grandson, Richard, son of Michael Anderson, negroes, viz; Paul, Sam, Esther & her child named Fanny; Nanny & her 3 children, viz; Patt, Dolly & John. Choice of my feather beds & furniture; four cows & calves; three sows & pigs & four other hogs; choice of my stock, one gray horse called Romes; one Bay colt & 10 bbls. of corn. In case of sd. Rich- ard's death without lawful heirs then the above devised negroes &c. to my grandchildren, viz; Thomas M. Anderson, Pauncey Anderson, Reuben Anderson, Edmund Anderson, David Anderson, Ann Thomson, wife to Edmund Thomson, and Elizabeth Anderson, children to Michael Anderson. Daughter-Judith Dabney, wife of James Dabney, one bay mare, Polly & the colt now by her side; my saddle & bridle & all my wearing apparel. Grandson-Thos. M. Anderson, son of Michael Anderson £10: curr. Son: Michael Ander- son, a bay cold 2 years old. Son*-Richard Anderson a bay horse, Georgia, & at sd. Richard's death to his son Richard Anderson. After payment of just debts remaining estate to be sold and money divided among my grandchildren, Thomas M. Anderson, Pauncey Anderson, Reuben Ander- son, Richard Anderson, Edmund Anderson, David Ander- son, Ann Thompson, wife to Edmund Thompson, & Eliza- beth Anderson, children of Michael Anderson; Elizabeth Anderson, wife to Matthew Anderson, Francis Holland, wife to Christopher Holland Mary Woodson, wife to John Wood- son, Killy Perkins, wife to Robert Perkins, Judith Ander- son, Jane Anderson, Susanna Anderson, Richard Anderson, Ann Anderson, Shandy Anderson & Joseph Anderson, child- ren of Richard Anderson, Cisley Shelton, wife to Thomas Shelton, Ann Hardin, wife to Thomas Hardin, Polly Dabney, Charity Dabney & William Dabney, children of Judith wife of James Dabney. Legacy let to my granddaughter Eliza- beth Anderson wife to Matthew Anderson, to be at her 414 THE VALENTINE PAPERS disposal and her husband to have nothing to do with it. Executors, son Michael Anderson, James Dabney & grand- son Thomas M. Anderson. Witnesses-John Thomson, Zachariah Pulliam. W. B. 3, p. 572. James Dabney witness to a deed, Launcelott Armstrong of Louisa Co. to his four children Nancy, David, Mary Hart, and John Baurn Armstrong. Nov. 13, 1794. Recorded- Dec. 8, 1794. W. B. 3, p. 576. Will of Thomas-(X)-Jackson, of Louisa Co. Dated Nov. 28, 1794. Prob. April 12, 1796. Two grandsons, Wm. Jackson and Thomas Jackson all that tract of land & planta- tion whereon their mother Susanna Jackson now lives, which lies on the upper side of Cub Creek. Three grandchildren, Mary Steele, Wm. Jackson and Thomas Jackson one negro man, Nick; reserving to their said mother Susanna Jackson, the use & profits of sd. negro and land during term of her widowhood. Son Thomas Jackson, 1½ the land whereon I live lying on the lower side of Cub Creek including the plantation &c. reserving to my wife Ann Jackson, free use of said land during her natural life: also to sd. Thomas, two slaves, Sam and Frankey. Son Charles Jackson, the other half of my land lying on the lower side of the Creek; also negro man, Mingo. Son John Jackson, having heretofore given the sum of £300: leave him no land; the sd. sum being given him in lieu of land; also one negro man, Peter. Daughter, Elizabeth Britton, during her natural life, negro woman named Jane; & after her decease to be equally divided among her children. To my three grandchildren, Elly, Judah and Augustus Parsons, one negro woman named Beck. Daughter, Ann White, negro girl, Janny. Grand- daughter, Elizabeth Jackson Dabney, one negro woman, Aggy & her four children, Nanny, Lewis, Phillis & Davy, reserving to her mother Ann Christmas use of the sd. negroes during pleasure. Grandson, John Nelson Christ- mass, use of said negroes during pleasure. Wife, Ann Jackson, during term of her natural life, rest and residue of estate, & immediately after her decease, to be equally divided between my following children, viz; Francis Ander- son, Ann Christmass, Thos. Jackson, Charles Jackson, John Jackson, Ann White and the children of my son Wm. Jack- DABNEY: LOUISA COUNTY 415 1 son, decd. The children of my daughter Elizabeth Britton, the children of my daughter Mary Parsons, decd. Daughter Francis Anderson to allow, on division of estate £60: curr. which has been paid to her husband Nelson Anderson, in lieu, for a negro. Unto the three children of my daughter Mary Parsons, viz; Elly Parsons, Judith Parsons, and Augustus Parsons, £25. curr. Executors-Wife Ann Jack- son, three sons, Thomas Jackson, Charles Jackson, & John Jackson. Witnesses-Thomas Markes, Joel Walton, John Walton. W. Bk. 3, p. 611. Corns'. Dabney and Samuel Dabney two of the commis- sioners to divide the estate of James Johnson, decd. Decr. 25, 1793. W. B. 4, p. 33. Samuel Dabney, one of the appraisers of the estate of James Johnson, decd. Dec. 26, 1793. W. B. 4, p. 34. Robert Dabney, one of the commissioners to divide & settle the estate of Davenport Kennedy, decd. Augt. 24, 1797. W. B. 4, p. 41. Samuel Dabney & James Dabney, two of the commis- sioners to settle the accts. of Launcelott Minor. exor. of Jean Cosby, decd. Jany. 9, 1796. W. B. 3, p. 610. Samuel Dabney an appraiser of the estate of Thomas Christmass, decd. Jany. 18, 1799. W. B. 4, p. 75. The estate of Archie Thomson decd. in acct. with Charles Dabney, Jr. admr. Retd. & recd. Dec. 14, 1829. W. B. 8, p. 91. William Dabney Jr., Gent. of King William Co., from John Jones, planter & Catherine-(X)-his wife of St. Martin's Parish, Louisa Co. £200: curr. 250 acres in St. Martin's Parish, Louisa Co, beginning at the mouth of a creek called Williams & purchased by said Jones of one Robert Priddy, late of Louisa Co. as by deed Feby. 21, 1756. Octr. 28, 1760. D. B. "C." 42. 416 THE VALENTINE PAPERS William Dabney, of St. David's Parish King William Co. from Thomas-(X)—Priddy, the younger of St. Martin's Parish; King William Co. £55: curr. 100 acres on S. side South Anna River, St. Martin's Parish, Louisa Co. & pur- chased by sd. Priddy of John Finney? (as by deed 27 March 1759, & is the half part of 200 acres formerly belonging to John Finney, late of Hanover Co. decd. father of the sd. John Finney, & adj. lands of Wm. Shelton, & John Jones (now the sd. Wm. Dabney's). Feby. 25, 1763. D. B. "C" p. 191. Isaac Dabney of King William Co. to Richard Dabney (his brother) of Hanover Co. £184 curr. 368 acres in Louisa Co. (sd. "Isaac Dabney & Ann, his wife"). June 10, 1771. D. B. "C" p. 310. James Dabney, of Trinity Parish, Louisa Co. from Charles Rice & Martha his wife, of Southam Parish, Cumberland Co. £100: 150 acres in Trinity Parish. Louisa Co. (50 acres being formerly sold unto Jos. East by Wm. Harris & 100 acres whereon Jos. East formerly lived) on South Anna River, adj. Josiah East & Dabney. May 10, 1773. D. B. "C" p. 501. Isaac Dabney & Ann his wife, of King William Co. to Owen Dabney, of same county; £1000: curr. 368 acres in Louisa Co. on N. side of South Anna River. June 12, 1775. D. B. "E" p. 47. Richard Dabney and Diana, his wife, of St. David's Parish, King William Co. to Matthew Lewis of Hanover Co. £400 curr. 368 acres in St. Martin's Parish Louisa Co. on N. side of S. fork of Pamunky River. June 5, 1777. D. B. "E" p. 171. Isaac Dabney & Anne, his wife of King William Co. to Cornelius Dabney (his brother) deed of gift. 252 acres in Louisa Co. at mouth of Williamson's Creek; Finneys line & south side of South Anna River. Decr. 8, 1777. D. B. "E" p. 214. DABNEY: LOUISA COUNTY 417 • Isaac Dabney & Anne, his wife of King William Co. to Cornelius Dabney of Louisa Co. £85: curr. 100 acres on S. side South Anne River in Louisa Co. "joining land of Wm. Shelton & the lands conveyed by me to my brother Cornelius Dabney". Decr. 8, 1777. D. B. "E" p. 216. Charles Dabney of Hanover Co. to Samuel Dabney of Louisa Co. Exchange of land. In consideration of 250 acres on South Anna River (delivered by sd. Saml. Dabney) sd. Charles Dabney conveys to sd. Samuel, 600 acres on Cub Creek, Louisa Co. adj. lands of James Dabney, Wm. Terrell, Thomas Darracott, George Holland & Wm. Arm- strong, & devised to sd. Chas. Dabney by his father William Dabney. May 28, 1777. D. B. "E" p. 218. Cornelius Dabney to Wm. Shelton, both of St. Martin's Parish, Louisa Co. £63: 8s: 9d: curr. 3614 acres in St. Martin's Parish, Louisa Co. April 5, 1788. D. B. “F” p. 299. Robert Dabney of Louisa Co. to James Dabney, of same Co. £10: curr. Negroes, horses & cattle. Whereas Charles Dabney of Hanover Co. stands as security for sd. Robert Dabney for 20,000 lbs. tobacco. & in case sd. Charles Dabney has to pay the same, then sd. James Dabney, or his repre- sentatives to hold or sell sd. mortgaged goods. April 25, 1788. D. B. "F" p. 364. Samuel Dabney of Louisa Co. from Joseph Hawkins, Jr. of Spotsylvania Co. 709 milld. Dollars. 35412 acres in Louisa Co. N. side of Locust Creek, adj. Hayns, Devine, Talley. April 9, 1792. D. B. "G" p. 184. Robert Dabney & Elizabeth, his wife, to Joseph Eggleston (of Louisa Co.) £60: "one undivided moiety of a mill & four acres of land adjoining thereto" in St. Martin's Parish, Co. afrsd. Aug. 12, 1793. D. B. “G” p. 304. Owen Dabney & Elizabeth his wife of Hanover Co. to John Overton, Jr. of same Co. £401: curr. 400 acres in Louisa 418 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Co. adj. lands of Capt. Thos. Daracott, Colo. Dudley Digges, Reuben Sumers and by the South Anna River. Nov. 10, 1753. D. B. "G" p. 323. Cornelius Dabney of Louisa Co. from Peter Hunter and Ann, his wife of same Co. £1180: curr. 118 acres on S. side of Southanna River, Louisa Co. adj. Cornelius Dabney, Wm. Shelton. May 14, 1780. D. B. "H" p. 106. Robert Dabney & Elizabeth, his wife, of Louisa Co. to Wm. Graves of said Co. £220: 150 acres on Little River Louisa Co. lately the property of John Overton: adj. lands of Martin Baker, Jr., James Hawkins & Estate of Tait. April 10, 1786. D. B. "H" p. 121. Robert Dabney of Louisa Co. from Richard Terrell, of Hanover Co. £5000: curr. 119 acres in St. Martin's Parish, Louisa Co. Sept. 9, 1782. D B "H" p. 228. Robert Dabney of St. Martin's Parish Louisa 'Co. from Samuel Terrell of sd. Parish & Co. £12000: curr. 600 acres on Little River, Louisa Co., with the mill thereon, adj. lands of Christopher Smith, John Overton, Zedekiah Tate, Clevears Duke, Sr. Mar. 10, 1783. D. B. “H” p. 259. Robert Dabney of Louisa Co. from Valentine Meriwether & Priscilla, his wife of sd. Co. £241: 16s: curr. 2002 acres on N. side Deep Creek Louisa Co. adj. Hodges, Winston, Thos. Meriwether, Thos. Mitchell. April 9, 1795. D. B. "I" p. 19. Robert Dabney, of Trinity Parish, Louisa Co. to James Dabney, of same Parish & Co. £294: curr. 250 acres in Trinity Par. & St. Martin's Par. Louisa Co. adj. sd. James Dabney, John Richardson, Mary Foster, Wm. Armstrong, Saml. Dabney, Launcelot Minor, John Todd, & was part of land whereon sd. James Dabney lives & was given by the will of George Debney to Robert Dabney: (Elizabeth T. wife of sd. Robert Dabney relinquishes her dower). Octr. 8, 1794. D. B. “I” p. 22. 1 DABNEY: LOUISA COUNTY 419 James Dabney of Louisa Co. from Thos. Meriwether of sd. Co. £276; curr: 220 acres in Trinity Parish, Louisa Co. adj. John Todd, Launcelot Minor, Samuel Dabney, Wm. Armstrong, Mary Foster, John Richardson being part of the tract of land whereon James Dabney, now lives. and was sold by virtue of the Commonwealths execution for the payment of Public Taxes: June 10, 1795. D. B. "I" p. 107. Robert Dabney & Elizabeth, his wife, of Louisa Co. to Thomas Mitchell, of same Co. £180: 2012 acres on Deep Creek, Louisa Co. Aug. 3, 1796. D. B. "I" p. 260. Robert Dabney of Louisa Co. to John Overton, Lancelot Minor. & Samuel Dabney of Louisa Co. £100: curr. 29712 acres on North Anna River, Louisa County, formerly the property of Colo. William Pettus: Apr. 23, 1796. D. B. "I" p. 476. Robert Dabney & Elizabeth his wife to John Dickerson, of Louisa Co. £40: One moiety of water Grist mill (for- merly the property of Richmond Terrell) on Little River in Louisa Co. also moiety of 2 acres of land at the end of the dam. Augt. 30, 1798. D. B. "I" p. 562. Samuel Dabney & Jane his wife, of Louisa Co. to William Chick of Hanover Co. £443: 2s: 6d: curr. 354 acres on Lucust Creek, Louisa Co. adj. lands of Terrell, Swift, Sims ?. (Lewis) Pulliam & Hayes. Feb. 18, 1799. D. B. “I” p. 619. Joseph Dabney & Wm. Dabney, from Pattison Boxley, & Susannah, his wife, of Louisa Co. (in trust, to secure a debt due from sd. Boxley to Wm. D. Winston, of Hanover Co.) The tract of land on Elk Creek, Louisa Co. purchased by sd. Boxley from the widow & heirs of Wm. Winston of Han- over Co. Oct. 7, 1818. D. B. "O" p. 137. Joseph F. Dabney & Rachel, his wife; & Wm. Dabney & Jemima, his wife, to Jordan Pleasants (all of Louisa Co.) $973.50. 151 acres in Louisa Co. adj. lands of John O. Harris, Joseph F. Dabney, sd. Jordan Pleasants, & Oswell McGehee. Mar. 21, 1822. D. B. "P" p. 283. 420 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Joseph F. Dabney & Rachel B. his wife, and Wm. Dabney & Jemima B. his wife to Jordan Pleasants (all of Louisa Co.) $51, 814 acres in Louisa Co. adj. lands of Oswell Mc- Gehee, John Fleming, & the tract called Tinsley's which sd. Dabneys sold to sd. Pleasants. Nov. 18, 1822. D. B. "P" p. 449. William Dabney & Jemima B. his wife, to Edmund Fon- taine & George Harris (to secure payment of $2000, to Wm. Nelson, Jr. & W. James Fontaine, trustees of the Estate of Catherine Honeyman daughter of the late Dr. Robert Honeyman) The mill at which sd. Dabney now re- sides also 28 acres adj. lying in the lower end of Louisa Co. & adj. lands of Nathal. Thompson, Jr. John O. Harris & the N. Fork of Pamunkey River & known as the North River Mills, also the Tan Yard. June 8, 1824. D. B. "Q" p. 223. ORDER BOOKS (The dates given are dates of sessions of court) Petition of John Hill for an acre of land at place called Horse Shoe Neck on S. Anna River, this Co. belonging to Isaac Dabney (an infant under 2 years of age) & Wm. Coles & Lucy, his wife, of King William Co. for the use of a water mill: sd. Dabney, Coles & wife summoned to show cause why the sd. petition be not granted. Augt. 27, 1745. James Dabney, Richard Anderson, Benj. Timberlake & Wm. Terrill, or any 3 of them do view an intended road from Forks of Indian Creek road to road that leads to Mrs. Ter- rels Mill & report. July 14, 1766. George Dabney Jr. vs Debt. abates as to Clark. 8, 1766. James Littlepage & Wm. Clark, Imparlance for Littlepage. Sept. James Dabney & Saml. Rayland, apptd. to take list of tithables in that part of St. Martins Parish that lies in this county. May 11, 1772. DABNEY: LOUISA COUNTY 421 James Dabney returned his list of tithables. Augt. 10, 1772. James Dabney, Gent. petition for leave to erect a mill (water grist mill) Sheriff to summon Jury to view place petitioned & to report to court. Decr. 14, 1772. James Dabney, justice. Feby. 8, 1773. James Dabney, & others apptd. to examine books of Wm. Pettit County surveyor. Feb. 9, 1773. James Dabney, justice. April 12, 1773. James Dabney, Justice. May 11, 1773. James Dabney, Justice. July 12, 1773. James Dabney returned a list of tithables. Ordered cer- tified. Sept. 13, 1773. James Dabney, Juryman. Mar. 9, 1767. James Dabney and others, recommended to be added to commission of Peace to serve as Justices in this County. Mar. 10, 1767. James Dabney and others to view a road petitioned for by Capt. Thomas Darricott. Feb. 13, 1769. James Dabney and others to view the road from Cub Creek road below Geo. Hollands to the road leading by Boswells, crossing the river at Alexander Donalds Mill. Nov. 13, 1769. James Dabney and others accepted the Commission of the Peace & Oyer & Terminer, & took the oaths appointed by law. June 10, 1771. James Dabney, Gent. made motion for view of the most convenient way to sd. Dabney's house. June 10, 1771. 422 THE VALENTINE PAPERS James Dabney, Gent. returned his list of tithables in St. Martin's Parish. Augt. 12, 1771. James Dabney, surveyor of the road from the fork below Colo. Anderson's store to Indian Creek, below John Ander- son's & his own lands are allotted him to work on the same. May 9, 1774. James Dabney, Gent. Justice. May 28, 1714. Capt. James Dabney to be allowed to deliver 2 pairs of cards one to Elizabeth Byrd & one to James Foster. Feb. 8, 1779. James Dabney and William Johnson, Gent. appointed to take the list of tithes in that part of St. Martin's Parish that lies in this Co. May 10, 1779. James Dabney and others, apptd. examiners of paper currency in this county. July 12, 1779. Capt. James Dabney to take list of tithes in St. Martin's Parish in room of Colo. Richard Anderson. July 10, 1780. James Dabney, Gent. is apptd. to take the list of tithes in the fourth hundred according to the commissioners boundry. Mar. 25, 1782. Cornelius Dabney, allowed £4: for a gun impressed for the public use; for 1 bbl. corn @ 12/6 (for benefit of Wm. White) April 15, 1782. Samuel Dabney, alld. for 48 days service of himself and 39 days service of his horse collecting & driving cattle in Sept. 1781 for public use. May 12, 1783. MARRIAGE BONDS Sir, The Bearer Mr. Samuel Dabney waits on you for a Marriage License to solamise a marage between him and Miss Jane Meriwether which I am Consenting to and will Indemnefy you for and oblige, Sir yours Hl. Sert. Thos. Johnson Jr., 19 Jany. 1775. DABNEY: LOUISA COUNTY 423 To Mr. John Nelson, Clk. Louisa Co.. Marriage Bond of Samuel Dabney to Jane Meriwether. Bond dated January 20, 1775. James Michie, security. Marriage Bond of Thomas Shelton to Ciscely Dabney. Bond dated Feb. 12, 1782. James Dabney security. John Nelson, witness. Marriage Bond of Thomas Harden to Ann A. Dabney Bond. dated Nov. 17, 1787. Christopher Johnson security. Sir, These are to signify my consent and authorise you to grant a marriage Licence to be solemnized between Mr. Thomas Harden & Miss Ann Anderson Dabney. From Sir Your most Obdt. James Dabney. Witnesses-Christopher Johnson, John Hicks, Colo. Nelson, Clk. Marriage Bond of Thomas Chisholm to Sarah Dabney. Bond dated July 30, 1787. George Johnson. This is to certify that I consent to the marriage intended to be had and solemnized between Thomas Chisholm and Sarah Dabney under my hand and seal this 30th day of July 1787. James Dabney. The Clerk of Louisa Court. This is to certify that I have no objection to a contract of marriage between Elizabeth I. Christmas and Robert Dab- ney therefore I hope you will grant them a licence to be married. Ann Christmas December 17th, 1782. Thos. Jackson, Chas. Jockson. Marriage Bond of Robert Dabney to Elizabeth Christmas. Bond dated Decr. 17, 1792. Thomas Jackson security. I do hereby certify that I have given my consent that a Marriage shall take place betwixt Mr. William Dabney and my daughter Sarah Watson. James Watson, 22 April, 1792. To the Clk. of Louisa Court. Test; David Watson. Marriage Bond of Wm. Dabney to Sarah Watson. Bond dated 25 April, 1792. Joseph Shelton, security. Alexander Anderson, witness. December 2, 1794. Revd. and Dear Sir: By Mr. Edward Hallam you will Receive this application to obtain from your office a Licence 424 THE VALENTINE PAPERS to Solemnise a marriage with my Daighter Mary Dabney accompanied with this my consent there to from under my hand & seal. from your affectionate friend & acquaintance, W. Dabney. Test; Thos. Hardin, James Byars. Marriage Bond of Edward Hallam to Mary Dabney. Bond dated, 3 decr. 1794. Thomas Hardin, security. Geo. Poindexter, witness. MIDDLESEX COUNTY RECORDS George Dabney & Wm. Dabney among the appraisers of estate of Ralph Wormely decd. in the Co. of King William and make report to next Court for Middlesex Co. O. B. 1787-98, p. 242. Benjamin Dabney Pltf. vs. John Sale, Deft. Petition. continued. May 1783. D. B. 1783-91, p. 10. Benjamin Dabney witness to Indenture between Overton Cosby and James Gregory surviving partners of James Mills & Co. to Overton Cosby & Co. of town of Urbanna in Middlesex Co. Jan. 26, 1789. D. Bk. 1783-91, p. 93. Benjamin Dabney one of the witnesses to deed from Robert Spratt to John Robinson. June 1792. D. B. 1791-99, p. 38. Benjamin Dabney an atty. D. B. 1799-1810 ? p. 222. Benjamin Dabney is appointed Deputy attorney for the commonwealth in Middlesex Co. August 1787. O. B. 1786- 87, p. 228. Ben Dabney took atty. oath. Jan. 1783. O. B. 1772-83, p. 9. Benjamin Dabney Pltf. vs John Robinson Jr. Deft. Judgt. for Pltf. Feb. 1793. O. B. 1789-94, p. 346. DABNEY: MIDDLESEX COUNTY 425 Benjamin Dabney witness for Indenture between George Daniel Gent. & Saml. Klug, clerk, Overton Cosby & James Ross, Execrs. of will cf Dr. Robert Spratt, decd. March 24, 1794. Recorded-Oct. 27, 1794. O. B. 1791-99, p. 190. Benjamin Dabney vs Milley Daniel Deft. Pltf. to recover. June 1795. O. B. 1794, p. 72. Benjamin Dabney Pltf. vs Wm. Segor admr. of James Lee. Pltf. to recover. Aug. 25; 1795. O. Bk. 1794-97, p. 84. Benjamin Dabney Esqr. proved an acct. vs Wm. Steptoe deced. Dec. 1803. O. B. 1799-1803, p. 549. James Dabney assignee of Robert Healey assignee of George Healey admr. of P. L. Grymes Pltf. vs Henry Purkins, Carter Purkins and George D. Nicholson Defts. Pltf. to have execution. Oct. 1818., O. Bk. 1813-25, p. 281. Augustine M. Dabney Gent. licensed to practice law in Middlesex Court. Oct. 1821. O. Bk. 1813-25, p. 472. Thomas G. Smith & Wm. H. Macon & Sarah his wife who was Sarah Dabney Exor. of Benj. Dabney, decd. ve Richard M. Segor admr. de bonus non of George Daniel, decd. Deft. Referred to next Court. June 2, 1823. O. B. 1813-25, p. 535. OLD RAPPAHANNOCK RECORDS James Dabney & Ann Dabney, Indenture to Francis James, land in Rappahannock Co. Dec. 30, 1690. Witnesses -Wm. Underwood, John Combe. Bk. 8, 1688-92. SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY RECORDS Charles Dabney witness to the will of William Pettus, of Spotsylvania Co. Sept. 18, 1795. W. Bk. F. 1798-1810? 426 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Robert Dabney, witness to deed from Wm. Pettus Sr. & Susannah, his wife of Spotsylvania Co. to Wm. Pettus Jr.. of same Co. 5 shill. 100 acres in Spotsylvania Co. April 7th 1789. Dec. 1788. D. Bk. M. 1788-91, p. 424. Robert Dabney, witness to Deed of Gift, from Wm. Pettus Sr. of Spotsylvania Co. to his children, Louisa Pettus, Hart Pettus, and Joseph Pettus. a negro slave to each. Feb. 7, 1797. Aug. 6, 1796. D. Bk. 0, 1794-97, p. 490. Col. Charles Dabney joined Genrl. Stevens at Four Mile Creek in Henrico Co. in 1781. Testimony of Enoch Breeden. O. B. 1829-32, p. 529. VIRGINIA LAND OFFICE Cornelius Dabney, Patent, 300 acres in New Kent Co. on the south side of York River in the fork between Pamunkey River and Totoponay Creek on the upper side of the creek and adj. the river & creek. Mch. 16, 1667. (6, p. 114.) James Dabney, Patent, 1000 acres in King & Queen Co., p. 618.) Q James Dabney, Patent, 1000 acres in King & Queen Co., in Pamunkey Neck among the branches of Mahixon Creek, adjoining Bradley, Esq. Wormeley. Pamunkey River and Mahixon Creek, and being on the lower side of Mahixon Creek in the fork adjoining the river and creek. April 1, 1703. (9, p. 446.) Captain George Dabney, of King William Co. Patent 400 acres in Hanover Co. on Cub Creek, adjoining the said Capt. Dabney. July 9, 1724. (12, p. 27.) Captain George Dabney, of King William Co. 400 acres in Hanover Co. on both sides of Cub Creek adjoining the said Capt. Dabney. July 9, 1724. (12, p. 28.) Captain George Dabney of King William Co. Patent, 400 acres in Hanover Co. on Cubb Creek, upper side and adjoin- ing Richard Phillips. July 9, 1724. (12, p. 28.) DABNEY: VIRGINIA LAND OFFICE 427 Cornelius Dabney of King William Co. Patent 400 acres in Hanover Co. on the north side of South Anna River, adjoining the river and lying between Thomas Meriwether and Richard Philips. Dec. 10, 1724. (12, p. 123.) Cornelius Dabney, of King William Co. Patent 400 acres in Hanover Co. adjoining Mr. Richard Phillips, Mr. Cor- nelius Dabney and Thomas Meriwether. Sept. 27, 1729. (13, p. 419.) George Dabney, Patent. 94 acres in Hanover Co. adjoin- ing said George Dabney & Lancelot Armstrong. Jan. 2, 1737. (17, p. 434.) James Dabney, Patent 400 acres in Albemarle Co. on the south side of Rivanna river on the branches of Cunning- ham's creek, crossing two branches of said Creek and Bremo Road. Aug. 30, 1763. (35, p. 344.) William Dabney, Patent 354 acres in Bedford Co. on both sides of the north fork of Difficult Creek. July 26, 1765. (36, p. 781.) Charles Dabney, Grant, 480 acres in the District set apart for officers and soldiers of the Virginia State Line, on Big Barren River, adjoining the river about 6 miles below Wil- liam Ballard's entry of 666 2/3 acres. Oct. 2, 1786. Part of Military Warrant No. 28. Issued Nov. 13, 1782. (4, p. 558). Charles Dabney Grant, 1840 acres in the District set apart for soldiers and officers of the Virginia State Line on the head branches of the south east fork of Skegg's Beaver Creek, adjoining George Muter, Rogers Creek, John Wil- liams & Swearinger. Six Military Warrants No. 28 issued Nov. 13, 1782, Nos. 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931 & 1932 issued Nov. 22, 1783. Oct. 2, 1786. (7, p. 3). William Dabney, Grant, 400 acres in Montgomery Co. on the West side of New River, at a place known as Black Oak Bottom and including an island in New River. William 428 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Dabney assignee of Alexander Stuart Jr. assignee of Alex- ander Stuart Sr. Land Office Treasury Warrants Nos. 19493 and 793. June 9, 1800. (G. B. 44, p. 507). Petso or Petsworth Parish Vestry Book, Gloucester County, 1677-1793. Ben Dabney. We the subscribers being this day duly elected vestrymen for the parish of Petsworth in Gloucester Co. do profess ourselves to be members of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Geo. Booth, Lewis Booker, Robert Yates, M. Anderson, Peter Kemp, Wm. Sears, Richard Taliaferro, Stirling Thornton, Jas. Baytop, Chas. Tomkies, Wm. Duval, Thos. Booth, Ben Dabney, Mch. 25, 1785. Mr. Benj. Dabney & Capt. Matt. Anderson are chosen to attend the Convention the 18th day of next month. April 23, 1781. Mr. Benj. Dabney is chosen vestryman in the room of Mr. John Wiatt resigned Dec. 5, 1785. Mr. Benj. Dabney "It is the opinion of this vestry, that Capt. Matt. Anderson & Mr. Benj. Dabney be continued to meet in Convention at Richmond for the Remaining part of the three years." Dec. 5, 1785. Mr. Benjamin Dabney. "Resolved a Committee be ap- pointed to Draw up a Petition to be presented to the next General Assembly, Agreeable to the Recommendation of the late Convention held at Richmond praying that the Act for incorporating the Protestant Episcopal Church may not be repealed. Resolved that Mr. Matt. Anderson, Mr. Benj. Dabney, Mr. Robert Yates, Mr. James Baytop & Mr. Charles Tompkies be a committee to draw up the said petition. Resolved that the same committee be appointed to attend to the Reso. of the Convention lately held at Richmond re- specting a Return being made for the Minister & C and make a Report thereof. Resolved that the same Committee Drawing a petition & furnish each vestryman with a copy DABNEY: PARISH VESTRY BOOK 429 thereof for the purpose of raising a fund to defray the Expenses of obtaining Consecration for a Bishop and for his support after his appointment &c. Resolved that Mr. Benj. Dabney be appointed Treasurer to receive whatever may be collected by the Difft. Genl. of the Vestry agreeable to the above Resolution & for other purposes Resolved that the Clerk furnish the Gentl. of the Committee appointed for Difft. purposes with copys of the several Resolutions. Chas. Tomkies, Wm. Duvall." A true copy. Richd. W. Royston, Clk. Ben Dabney, Lewis Booker Sr. Richd. Taliaferro, Matt. Anderson, Peter Kemp, James Baytop, Thos. Booth, Ster- ling Thornton, William Duvall, Christopher Garland, James Wiatt, Lewis Booker, Jr. elected vestry men at a meeting of freeholders & House keepers. The above profess them- selves to be members of the Protestant Episcopal Church. July 14, 1787. Mr. Benj. Dabney.. "This day Mr. Meux Thornton is chosen vestryman in the room of Mr. Benj. Dabney who is removed out of the Parish. Dec. 10, 1788. St. Peter's Parish Vestry Book, New Kent County, 1686-1758 Mr. Cornelius Dabney, vestryman, 1687-1689; the lands of Mr. Dabney included in order for processioning May 4, 1689, Mr. Cornelius Dabboni, deceased and Mr. William Clopton chosen vestryman in his steed, May 1, 1694. Exum Family BRUNSWICK COUNTY RECORDS Francis Exum of Isle of Wight Co. Va. from James Par- ham of North Carolina, 5 shillings. 250 acres on S. side Meherrin River, Brunswick Co. May 1, 1736. D. B. 1, p. 271. ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY RECORDS William Exum, witness to a power of attorney from Wm. Brisse, of Isle of Wight Co. Planter, to Mr. Robert fflake, Mr. Arthur Smythe & Mr. John Carroll. Mch. 27, 1671. Bk. 1, p. 232. Jeremiah Exum and Col. Thos. Godwin, securities for Elizabeth Webb, executrix of James Webb, decd. Bond 40000 lbs. Tobacco. Recorded-Feb. 17, 1675. Bk. 2, p. 39. William Exum and Robert Harris, witnesses to a deed from Anthony Mathews & Ann his wife of Isle of Wight Co. to John More, son of sd. Ann. Natural love. 300 acres in said Co. on Sewards Swamp, being part of 1300 acres patented by sd. Mathews July 30, 1660. June 9, 1675. Bk. 1, p. 336. William Exum of the Upper Parish of Isle of Wight Co. deed from John Davis & Mary his wife of same Co., planter. For a valuable consideration already received. -acres on the Main Swamp in Isle of Wight Co. Wit-Thos. More, Jno. Burwell. April 29, 1679. Bk. 1, p. 399, Jeremiah Exum, a witness to a deed of exchange from Joseph Bridger Esqr. to Lt. Col. John Pitt. Dec. 9, 1680. Bk. 1, p. 453. Mr. Jeremiah Exum, member, present at a Court held Jan. 9, 1681/2. O. B. 1670-90, p. 364. 430 EXUM: BRUNSWICK COUNTY 431 Mr. William Exum, of Isle of Wight Co. deed from Mr. John Giles, of same Co. and Philoveto, his wife. 9340 lbs. Tobacco & cask. 400 acres in Isle of Wight Co. in the East- ern branch of Black Water. Wit. Wm. Broddie, Jon Jones, Edward Hickson. Nov. 9. 1682. B. 1, p. 489. William Exum, a witness to a lease from John Giles & Philoretis, his wife, of the Lower Parish of Isle of Wight Co. to Alex. Webster, Richard Blunt & John Seward, of the upper Parish of Isle of Wight Co. planters. a tract of land in the upper Parish of said Co. adjoining William Cocke, Thos. Blake & Thomas Woodward. Nov. 9, 1682. B. 1, p. 492. Jeremiah Exum, Jno.-(X)—More & others witness the will of Michael Mackquinney. April 14, 1686. Bk. 2, p. 254. John Williams in his will directs that John Coursy be maintained out of his estate for the testator's proportion of the time Wm. Exum and the testator were obliged to keep him. Mch. 1, 1689. Bk. 2, p. 302. These may certify that there is due to William Exum four hundred and fifty acres of land for the importation of these persons subscribed being legally proved in Court, viz; Wm. Exum, Jane his wife, Francis his son, Francis Bullivant, Abraham Brahah, Richard Hickman, Thos. Has- low, John Allison, Samuel Brown. Examined & approved. Arthur Smith. Oct. 9, 1693. Bk. 1, p. 8. Mr. Jer. (Jeremiah) Exum, a member present at a Court Holden for laying the Levy in Isle of Wight Co. 23 9 ber. 1693. Bk. 1, p. 9. Mr. Jer. Exum a member present at a Court. Dec. 10, 1694. Bk. 1, p. 62. Mr. Jeremiah Exum is granted administration in behalf of James Denson on the goods & chattles of Wm. Denson, decd. Hugh Davis who had last Court an order to administer 432 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Dec. 10. the said estate consenting thereto and Capt. Edmund God- win becoming security for this administration. 1694. Bk. 1, p. 62. Mr. William Exum is ordered to take into his possession the estate of Roger Stevens and to make inspection into the papers and concerns of the said decd. and return an account thereof to the next Court. Dec. 10, 1694. Bk. 1, p. 62. Jere Exum, appraiser of the estate of Mr. Wm. Denson. Feb. 5, 1694. Bk. 1, p. 13. William Exum, Jr., John Seven, Alex Seven, witnesses to a deed from Jno.-(X)-Portis, Sr. of Isle of Wight Co. and Jane his wife to John Brett. 250 lbs. tobacco. 350 acres in Isle of Wight Co. April 8, 1696. Bk. 1, p. 199. Jeri Exum, witness to a power of attorney from Frances -(X)-Denson to her son James Denson in a suit depend- ing between Robert Scott and said Frances Denson. April 8, 1696. Bk. 1, p. 208. Richard Exum a witness to a deed from William Brown & Martha, his wife Isle of Wight Co. to Thomas Brown of Nansemond Co. Tobacco-50 acres in Isle Of Wight. Oct. 28, 1703. Bk. 1, p. 402. William Exum Jr. a witness to a deed from John-(X)— Portis and Jane-(X)- his wife of Isle of Wight Co. John Britt. 5250 lbs. tobacco. 350 acres in Isle of Wight Co., on Black Water. April 8, 1696. Bk. 1, p. 198. Thomas Exum, and Sarah his wife of Isle of Wight Co. deed to John Ison of Nansemond Co. For valuable considera- tion 179 acres in Chuckatuck Parish, bounded according to a patent dated Feb. 6, 1667. Wit. Joseph Moon, Thos. God- win. Recorded-June 10, 1678. May 29, 1678. Bk. 1, p. - William Exum, of the Upper Parish of Isle of Wight Co. "Being aged and Weak" dated Dec. 3, 1700. Will of; Lends to his wife Jane Exum, the Plantation on which he lives EXUM: BRUNSWICK COUNTY 433 during her natural life. to his son William Exum the said plantation on which testator lives at the death of sd. Jane, also 200 acres part of testators land at Black Water. to his daughter Deborah Jones a mare (fole) filly & a gold ring which was formerly her grandmothers. to his son Fra. Exum, testators plantation at Black Water whereon sd. Fra. now lives. to sd. wife Jane all of his personal estate, goods chattles, money, Plate, debts and household stuff. Executrix, wife Jane Exum. Wit. Nathaniel Whitby, Geo. Gemny. Probated Feb. 10, 1700. Bk. 2, p. 436. William Exum, Jno. Williams & ffran. Exum appraise the estate of Col. John Pitts. April 1, 1703. Bk. 2, p. 458. Richard Exum, deed from Thomas-(X)-Reaves and Elizabeth-(X)- his wife. 200 acres in Isle of Wight Co. on the south side of the Main Black Water Swamp. Wit. Philip Rayford, Barnabe McKinne. 1704. Bk. 2, p. 19. Richard Exum a witness to a deed from John Browne Sr., and Bridgett, his wife, of Isle of Wight Co. to Samuel Caisidy, of same Co. 220 acres on which sd. Brown lately lived. 1705. Bk. 2, p. 41. Richard Exum, of Isle of Wight Co. deed to William Louis of same Co. For a certain amount of money or the value thereof. 200 acres in Isle of Wight Co. Wit. Joseph Bridger, Jr. Wm. Spier. Feb. 9, 1707/8. Bk. 2, p. 81. Richard Exum, a witness to a deed from Mathew Whit- field and Priscilla-(X)- his wife, of Nansemond Co. to John Lawrence, of Newport Parish, Isle of Wight Co. 5000 lbs. Tobacco. Part of a Patent in Isle of Wight Co. Newport Parish, on the main Black Water side for 520 acres which was granted to Mr. John Lawrence, now decd. (father of aforesd. Priscilla) June 5, 1678, and by will of sd. Mr. John Lawrence was devised to his daughter Elizabeth, decd, who devised it to her sister the sd. Priscilla by will. Feb. 9, 1708. Bk. 2, p. 116. Richard Exum, Robert Lawrence & Robert Cooper wit- nesses to the will of Thomas Sikes. 1708. Bk. 2, p. 492. 434 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Richard Exum, of Nansemond Co. deed from Michael- (X)-Mackquinney & Rose his wife, of Isle of Wight Co. 200 acres in the Western Branch of Nansemond in the -County of Isle of Wight, being the land and plantation on which the grantor's grandfather, Michael Mackquinney lived, part of an escheated patent for 450 acres granted April 20, 1692 to John Mackquinney, father of sd. Michael -(X)-Mackquinney part of this instrument. April 10, 1710. Wit. Wm. Crumpler, Wm. Scott. Bk. 2, p. 148. Richard Exum, of Nansemond Co. deed from Wm.-(X) -Carver, of Isle of Wight Co. and Jane-(X)- his wife. £20: sterling. all of that land in Isle of Wight Co. which belonged to John Moore, decd. father of said Jane, except 100 acres already sold to Mr. Philip Raiford, being 250 acres and being the plantation on which the said John Moore lived in his life time. Wit. Abraham Ricks, Nathan Moore. June 9, 1710. Bk. 2, p. 163. Jeremiah Exum, of Isle of Wight Co. will of. Dated Sept. 3, 1712. to his daughter Elizabeth, one negro girl called Patty, one feather bed, Rugg, Blankett and sheets. to his daughter Mourning, one negro boy called Harry one feather bed, Rugg, Blanketts & sheets. to his daughter Christian, one negro girl called Doll, one feather bed, Rugg, Blankett & sheets, also the parcell of land which testator bought of James Collins. to his granddaughter Catherine Scott, one negro boy called Skipper. to his Cousin Jane Exum, one cow and calf. Lends to his wife, during her natural life the plan- tation whereon the testator lives, and after his death to go to his daughters Elizabeth and Mourning. to his wife 3 negroes, Bess, Sarah & Joe outright, lends to his wife during her natural life the rest of his negroes and all of his personal estate. to his daughters, Sarah, Mary, Eliza, Jane, Mourn- ing, and Christian, the negroes and personal estate loaned his wife during her natural life. Executrix, his wife. Wit. John Gibbs, Thos. Godwin, Jr. Mary Godwin. At a Court held for Isle of Wight Co. the 28th of March 1720, the last will and Testament of Jeri. Exum was presented by the Executrix who made solemn affirmation and proved by the oaths of Thos. Godwin and John Gibbs Witnesses & admitted to record. Bk. 2, p. 21. EXUM: BRUNSWICK COUNTY 435 · · · William Exum, of Isle of Wight Co. Will of; dated April 25, 1720. to his son John Exum, £3: 10: 0: curr. to his son 'William Exum, of land on the north side of Round Hill Swamp, in Isle of Wight Co. at the mouth of Reedy Creek. son Joseph Exum the remainder part of the tract of land at Round Hill. son Robert Exum, 100 acres adjoining Robert Crockers plantation, to the land I now dwell • · • upon. daughters Ann & Sarah his plantation together with all the privileges to belonging as long as they live unmarried and then to & to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten. Wife Susan, 1/2 of his household goods & moveable property. Executrix, wife Susan. Wit. Thos. Atkinson, Francis Exum. Wm.-(X)-Crocker. Probated Aug. 22, 1720. Bk. 2, p. 51. Ann-(X)-Exum, of Isle of Wight Co., Will of, dated Feb. 3, 1726. Gives to her daughter Elizabeth, a large wal- nut table and a chest, the bigest and two least pots, and two pair of Iron Pots Racks, that stand by it, and my great Bible, and three iron potts and all the woodenware and ma- terials, as pails, Tubbs, Trays, and Spinning wheels of wood that belong to the kitchen, and all my sheep and the eighth part of my corn. Lends To daughter Elizabeth a negro boy Joe for 10 years if she lives so long. to her granddaughter Katherine Godwin a Gold ring. to her grandson Jeremiah Lawrence to the value of thirty shillings. grandson Exum Scott to the value of thirty shil. grandson Richard Exum Outland, my silver . ?, & a small chest. grandsons Jeremiah Lawrence, Exum Scott & Richard Exum Outland the above mentioned negro boy Joe after 10 years service or the death of her sd. daughter Elizabeth, grand daughter Ann Murfrey, a bed tick, bolster tick, rug & pr. sheets. the remainder of her estate to her five daughters, viz; Mary Macking (Mackguinney) Elizabeth Exum, Jane Outland, Mourning Scott, Christian Narsworthy and the children of testators daughter Sarah. Executor, Son-in-law William Scott. Wit. Thomas Sikes, James Dawson, Henry-(X)— Saunders Jr. Probated Mch. 27, 1727. William Scott therein named qualifying as executor. Bk. 3, p. 19. 436 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Ann Exum, decd. Inventory and appraisement of her estate, returned by William Scott, her executor. Returned Apr. 24, 1727. Mch. 27, 1727. Bk. 3, p. 24. Elizabeth Exum's daughter mentioned as an heir in the will of William Kitchen. Aug. 13, 1734. Bk. 4, p. 73. Robert Exum. decd. Inventory and appraisement of his estate returned. appraisers, John Dunkley, Fran William- son, Joseph Exum, Thos. Joyner. April 23, 1739. Nov. 9, 1738, Bk. 4, p. 227. An additional Inventory and appraise- ment of sd. Robt. Exum's estate was returned to the Court. Recorded-Nov. 24, 1740. Bk. 4, p. 304. Mary Exum, of Isle of Wight Co. will of; dated June 1, 1749. Gives to her son Francis Exum, the bed & furniture whereon she now lies, and one silver cup. daughter Eliza- beth Smith, £5: curr. & 1 gold ring. daughter Olive Pryor, one negro fellow called Hary. daughter Ann Williamson £20: curr. daughter Mary Exum, the remainder of her estate. Executrix, daughter, Mary Exum. Wit. James Sampson, Clark, Saml. Cornwall, Jordon Thomas. Probated Aug. 6, 1752. Mary Exum, executrix therein named qualifying as such. Bk. 5, p. 451. Robert Exum a witness to the will of Wm. Clark, of New- port Parish. Sept. 27, 1742. Bk. 4, p. 428. Ann-(X)-Williamson, will of, dated Mch. 14, 1752. to her sister Sarah Exum, the use of a negro. to Moses Exum, one dish and basin. To her brother John Exum one negro boy called David. brother William Exum, one negro boy &c. brother Joseph Exum, one negro girl &c. To Eliza Exum a bed and furniture. the rest of her estate to be divided amongst her three brothers and two cousins, viz; John Exum, William Exum, Joseph Exum, Ann Westray, Susannah Atkinson, and her sister Sarah Exum; share and share alike. Executors, brother John Exum, & friend Thomas Williamson. Wit. Chas. Binns, Jacob Williamson, Daniel Mackey. Bk. 6, p. 32. EXUM: BRUNSWICK COUNTY 437 Elizabeth Exum, decd. Acct. of the estate of settled by John Baldwin, John Marshall, William Ely. Feb. 2, 1764. Bk. 7, p. 324. Francis Exum deed to David Edmunds acknowledged and recorded. Mch. 10, 1747. O. B. 1746-51, p. William Exum, paid £2: 8: 0: out of the County funds for 600 ft. of plank for repairing Broad Water bridge. Mch. 10, 1747. O. B. 1747-51, p. 82. Elizabeth Exum, an aged woman possessed of consider- able estate in land, slaves &c., being insane. Exum Scott is appointed to take care of the sd. Elizabeth and her estate. June 9, 1748. O. B. 1746-51, p. 107. William Exum is appointed surveyor of the road in the room of Ethelred Taylor, Gent. O. B. 1746-51, p. 106.? Elzabeth Exum, decd. Hardy Lawrence is appointed admr. of her estate. Jan. 7, 1762. O. B. 1756-63, p. 271. Elizabeth Exum, decd. Hardy Lawrence, admr. Pltf. vs John Lawrence, Deft. May 7, 1762. O. B. 1756-63, p. 310. Elizabeth Exum, decd. Hardy Lawrence admr. vs John Lawrence. July 2, 1762. O. B. 1756-63, p. 334. Elizabeth Exum, decd. by Hardy Lawrence, admr. &c. vs John Lawrence. Acct. of the Profits & Disbursements of the estate of sd. Elizabeth Exum a lunatic person was re- turned to Court & recorded-Sept. 3, 1761. O. B. 1756-63, p. 256. Elizabeth Exum (a lunatic Person) Estate of in acct. with Hardy Lawrence, Committee. Acct. of Profits and Disbursements. Returned & recorded. Aug. 3, 1758. The same Aug. 3, 1759. Thomas Exum, Edmund Godwin & John-(X)-Pilling- ton, witnesses to a deed from Henry-(X)-Rieves of Rap- pahannock, in Va., planter, to Thomas Godwin, of Chucka 438 THE VALENTINE PAPERS tuck. £25: sterling. 200 acres, tract of land in Isle of Wight Co. being part of a patent of 600 acres formerly granted to Godfry Hunt who conveyed the same to Henry Rieves father of sd. Henry Reaves, at the Head of Chuckatuck Creek, being known as Beach Dams, being near Wolfe pitt in the fork of a Swamp known as Indian Bogg, adjoining Thos. Oglethrope. Dec. 20, 1688. D. B. 1, p. 38. William Exum, Jr. Richard Stone & Jon Davis, witnesses to a deed from Geo. Williamson to Jno. Sergeonson. 40 acres, being part of land granted Oct. 30, 1688 to Robert Williamson, brother of said George Williamson. D. B. 1, p. 38. William Exum Jr. and Robert Stebbins, witnesses to a Ideed from Wm. Baldwin & Elizabeth, his wife to John Carroll, Jr. April 19, 1693. D. B. 1, p. 59. Robert Lawrence and Sarah his wife, Bana. (Barnaby) Mackennie and Mary-(X)- his wife, Eliza Exum, William Scott and Mourning his wife, William Outland and Jane his wife Christian Narsworthy and Catherine Scott, Co-heirs to Richard Exum, decd. late of Nansemond Co. Deed to George Narsworthy, of Isle of Wight Co. To make an equal divi- sion of land of our brother lately decd. 200 acres on the head of Indian Creek in the western branch of Nansemond, being part of an escheated patent formerly granted to John Mackinnie for 450 acres April 20, 1694; the said 200 acres being formerly in the possession of Mr. Richard Exum, and adjoining Indian Creek, Mr. Jeremiah Exum's line & Henry Gay. Sept. 28, 1719. Bk. 2, p. 291. John Exum, Isle of Wight Co. son and heir of William Exum, of Isle of Wight Co. decd. deed to Thomas Davis, of same Co. 5 shillings 150 acres in Isle of Wight Co. adjoining Tookes old cart path, and a line of trees marked by John Davis & Thomas Tooke from the Pocoson to the first run and down the said run to the Main Swamp and down the main swamp. Aug. 18, 1720. Bk. 2, p. 311. John Exum, son and heir of William Exum, late of Isle of Wight Co. deed to Thomas Davis of same Co. £20: curr. EXUM: BRUNSWICK COUNTY 439 acres in Isle of Wight Co. Wit. Wm. Allen, Jos. Chapman. Aug. 19, 1720. Bk. 2, p. 382. Francis (Exum) Axum, of the Upper Parish of Isle of Wight Co. deed from John Dunn of Barre Precinct in the Colony of North Carolina. £28: curr. 200 acres in the Upper Parish of Isle of Wight Co. formerly belonging to Thomas Dunn, father of sd. John Dunn. Wit. John Davis, Thomas Murry. Sept. 24, 1730. Recorded-Sept. 28, 1730. Bk. 4, p. 37. Elizabeth Exum, deed to Newport Parish. one acre of land for use by the parish Church or Chapel. sd. acre being part of a patent of 700 acres granted to Wm. Scott Jr. June 16th 1714. Being in Isle of Wight Co. near Blowers Bridge on the North side of Nottoway River and adjoining Henry Flower. July 29, 1734. Wit. Thos. Jarrett Jr., Wm. Ban- croft, William Denson, Wm. Gooch. Recorded-Sept. 23, 1734. Bk. 4, p. 365. Elizabeth Exum, of Isle of Wight Co. deed to her cousin Jeremiah Lawrence of same Co. For natural love. a negro boy named Mingo. Feb. 4, 1736. Bk. 5, p. 117. John Exum, of Isle of Wight Co. deed from King Ed- munds, James Harrison, Peter Wineoak (?), Robin, Frank, Wineoak Robin Junr., Robin Schallar, Sam Cockrons, Tom & Cherino, Chief men of the Nottoway Indians, and John Simmons, of Isle of Wight Co. Thomas Cocke and Ben- jamin Edwards, of Surry Co. Trustees. £600: 320 acres of this Circular tract of land of six miles diameter lying on the north side of Nottoway River in Isle of Wight Co. sd. 320 acres being on Round Hill Swamp. June 5, 1738. Wit. J. Gray, Thos. Davis, Wm. Jones,. Recorded-Aug. 28, 1728. Bk. 5, p. 260. John Exum, of Isle of Wight Co. deed from Elias-(X) -Fort, of North Carolina. 5 shillings. 100 acres in Isle of Wight Co. on South side of Round Hill Swamp. Nov. 8, 1736. Bk. 5, p. 71. - 440 THE VALENTINE PAPERS - Robert Exum & Patience-(X) — his wife, John—(X)— Williamson, Thomas Williamson, Elizabeth-(X)-Jbyner, Julian-(X)-Williamson of Isle of Wight Co. deed to Arthur Crocker of the Lower Parish of Isle of Wight Co. Valuable consideration. 200 acres, being part of 500 acres granted Robert Williamson Oct. 13, 1686, and being on the west side of the third Swamp of the main Black Water of the lower Parish of Isle of Wight Co. 24, 7 ber. 1737. Wit. Geo. Wm.son, Jacob Darden, Jr. Saml.—(X)—Atkinson. Bk. 5, p. 157. Robert Exum, Planter, and Patience his wife of Isle of Wight Co., George Williamson of Henrico Co. cooper, John Williamson., Thomas Williamson both of the Co. of Isle of Wight, planters, Elizabeth Joyner of Isle of Wight Co. widdow & Julia Williamson, of Isle of Wight Co. Spinster, deed to Lewis Burwell, of James City Co. Gent. £25: 250 acres at or near a place called Black Water Swamp in the Parish of Newport Isle of Wight Co. being part of 500 acres formerly granted Robert Williamson, uncle of George Williamson by Patent Oct. 30, 1686. July 29, 1737. Bk. 5, p. 206. Francis Exum & Wm.-(X)-Clark witness to a deed from Elizabeth-(X)-Brouthy widow, of Isle of Wight Co. to James Broughty. June 24, 1738. Bk. 5, p. 242. John Exum & Richardson Regan, witnesses to a deed from Thos. Clifton & Ben Clifton to Paul Pond. April 25, 1746. Bk. 7, p. 311. Elizabeth Exum of the Upper Parish of Isle of Wight Co. deed to her daughter Mary Jones for natural love, a negro girl called Hannah. Sept. 21, 1730. Wit. John Dunkley, M (athew) Kitchen, Robert Monger, Jr. Recorded-Nov. 12, 1747. Bk. 8, p. 13. Francis Exum, a witness to a deed from Thomas Francis & Ann his wife to Thos. Gilliam Jr. Jan. 20, 1747. Bk. 8, p. 50. EXUM: BRUNSWICK COUNTY . 441 Francis Exum of Isle of Wight Co. deed to David Ed- munds, of Surry Co. £32: curr. 190 acres in Isle of Wight Co. Jan. 12, 1747. Wit. Josh Cland, Thos. Gilliam, Thos. Francis. Bk. 8, p. 70. John Exum of Isle of Wight Co. deed to Robert Johnson of same Co. £30: curr. 150 acres in Isle of Wight Co. on south side of Round Hill Swamp being tract of land granted William Edwards. Wit. Ethd. Exum, Arthur Arrington, W. Branch. Oct. 11, 1748. Bk. 8, p. 158. Joseph Exum of Isle of Wight Co. deed to Robert Monger and Sampson Pitman, of same Co. 40 shillings. 25 acres in Isle of Wight Co. Feb. 7, 1748. Wit. John Dunkley, Thos. Williamson. Bk. 8, p. 197. John Exum and Thomas Exum, witnesses to a deed from Joel Vasser, of North Carolina to Joseph Vasser of Isle of Wight Co. July 20, 1745. Bk. 7, p. 182. Moses (X)-Exum, Wm. Jordan & Arthur Crocker, witnesses to a deed from Arthur Atkinson, of North Caro- lina, Northhampton Co. to Wm. Harris, of Isle of Wight Co. April 9, 1764. Bk. 11, p. 232. Moses-(X)-Exum a witness to a deed from Wm. Thomas to John Thomas both of Isle of Wight Co. July 16, 1764. Bk. 11, p. 290. Elizabeth Exum, decd. estate of in the hands of Hardy Lawrence. In a suit of her relatives as co-heirs for a divi- sion of sd. Estate the Court of Isle of Wight Co. by decree 1st Thursday in April 1763, directed that the said Elizabeth Exum's undivided moiety or half part of a plantation & parcell of land in Isle of Wight Co. at the head of Western Branch, being the plantation on which she lived, containing 225 acres and several slaves which descended to the above mentioned relatives and Co-heirs of the sd. Elizabeth Exum who died intestate, be sold at Public sale and appointed John Wooddrop, Joseph Scott & Miles Cary and Richard Kello, trustees. The Plantation was sold at Public sale May 13, 1765., to Robert Babb, for £50: 15: 0: lawful money of Va. Witnesses-John Hoof, W. M. Urquhart, James Hoof, Robert Smilley. Aug. 2, 1766. Bk. 12, p. 43. 442 THE VALENTINE PAPERS SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY RECORDS Francis Exum of Southampton Co. Will of; dated April 30, 1753. to his friend Simon Turner, of Southampton Co. a parcell of land in Brunswick Co. part of a survey lately surveyed between him and myself adj. Donandson and Meherrin River. sister Elizabeth Smith, 3 negroes. nephew Exum Williamson, son of Arthur Williamson & Ann his wife, all testator's lands in Brunswick Co. purchased of James Parham, John Sullivant, William Perry & Joseph Wright, about 800 acres, sister Ann Williamson, £50: cash, sister Olive Williamson, the plantation whereon she now lives during her natural life, at her death to go to the heirs of her blood, also a still. sister Mary Jordan £50: cash. brother-in-law Thomas Williamson the rest of my estate after my just debts are paid. Executor. brother-in-law Thomas Williamson. Wit. Joshua Cland, John Mundell, . John Person. Probated Sept. 13, 1753. W. B. 1, p. 127. Francis Exum decd. Inventory and appraisement of his estate. Among the objects appraised were the following books, New England Judged, The whole duty of man, A new Testament, Suttons sermons. Recorded-Mch. 13, 1755. W. B. 1, p. 160. William Exum, of Nottoway Parish, Southampton Co. Will of; dated Oct. 17 1756. Gives to his wife Patience Exum, 2 negroes, a feather bed & furniture, a sorrell mare, saddle & bridle. son Parnel Robert Russell Exum, the plan- tation on which the testator lives containing 137 acres son Michael Exum, a feather bed and furniture. son Barnaby Exum, a feather bed & furniture. the remainder of his estate to be equally divided be- his sd. wife and ten children as follows; Joseph, Barnaby, William, Moses, Michael, Elijah, Mary, Arthur, Sarah, Parnell Robert Russell Exum. Ex- ecutor-Son William. Wit. J. Gray, Martha-(X)—Rus- sell. Proved-Jan. 13, 1757. W. B. 1, p. 210. William Exum, decd. Inventory & appraisement of his estate. Recorded-Aug. 11, 1763. W. B. 2, p. 44. EXUM: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY 443 Patience Exum, decd. Inventory & appraisement of her estate. Recorded-April 1775. W. B. 3, 1772-82, p. Benjamin Exum, of Nottoway Parish, Southampton Co. will of; dated Mch. 19, 1785. Lends to his wife Mary during her natural life 150 acres including the plantation on which he lives, also two negroes, two horses, 4 cows & calves, all of his sheep, hogs, & provisions laid up for the present year, all tools, plantation utensils &c. grandson William Salter, all of the testators land at the death of testator's wife. daughter, Ann Salter, 2 negroes, Sam & Pat at the death of testator's wife. daughter Mary Cobb, one feather bed, and at the death of testator's wife a negro named Luke. grandaughter, Ann Salter, a negro girl named Temple. Ex- ecutor son-in-law John Cobb and grandson Exum Cobb. Wit. Ben Ruffin, Michael Cobb, Pro. May 12, 1785. W. B. 4, p. 114. Benjamin Exum, decd. Inventory and appraisement of estate. Recorded-Sept. 8, 1785. W. B. 4, p. 134. Benjamin Exum, decd. estate of in acct. with John Cobb & Exum Cobb, Executors. Recorded-Nov. 14, 1793. W. Bk. 4, p. 582. Robert Exum, will of, dated Jan. 7, 1804. Gives to his son-in-law Wm. Love, a negro girl Aria, one feather bed & furniture, one cow & calf and 2 ewes. Polly Love daughter of Wm. Love, a negro boy named Isham. son James Exum, two negroes, Jonas & Betty, a feather bed & furniture, a bay colt, a cow & calf, 2 good ewes. daughter Lavinia Exum two negroes, Isaac & Zephia, one feather bed & furniture, cow & calf & 2 good ewes. son Robert Exum, 2 negroes, Jesse & Easter, one feather bed & furniture, one bay filly, cow & calf and 2 good ewes. To come into possession of this legacy when he arrives at 19 years of age. son William Exum, all of that tract of land known as old place and divid- ed from the place whereon I now live by the Watery Branch, also a negro named Harrison. son John Exum, all of the tract of land on which I now live to be divided from the old place by Watery Branch. daughter Serico Exum, a negro 444 THE VALENTINE PAPERS boy named Willis. Lends all the remainder to his wife Rebecca Exum for the support of herself and his three small children William, John & Serico, until his son John shall attain the age of 19 years when his said wife Rebecca is to have 1/3 of the said remainder and the 3 sma. . children above mentioned to share equally in the 2/3. Executrix, wife Rebecca, Executor son James Exum. Wit. Edward W. Taylor. John Shield, John Warren. Proved-Feb. 20, 1804. W. B. 5, p. 469. Benjamin Exum, of Southampton Co. deed to Samuel Blow, of same Co. £20: curr. That tract of land in South- ampton Co. as appears by a deed from the chief men of the Nottoway Indians to the said Benjamin Exum dated Feb. 17th 1745, and recorded in Isle of Wight Co. Court. April 12, 1750. D. B. 1, p. 110. Joseph Exum and Elizabeth his wife, of Nottoway Parish Southampton Co. deed to Richard Kello, of same Parish & Co. £215 Curr. of Va. 627 acres in Notoway Parish, South- ampton Co. 390 acres part thereof being granted to sd. Joseph Exum by patent dated May 25, 1734. 137 acres thereof was purchased by said Joseph Exum of his brother William Exum by deeds of lease and release dated July 19, & 21, 1725, recorded in Isle of Wight Co. Court and 100 acres other part thereof was purchased by the said Joseph Exum of John Ingram June 23 1744, and recorded in Isle of Wight Co. Court, and 25 acres part of 50 acres granted to said Joseph Exum July 30, 1742 in sd. parish & Co. Feby. 14, 1749. D. B. 1, p. 163. John Exum, of the Province of North Carolina, Edgcombe Co. deed to Benjamin Exum, of Southampton Co. Virginia. £50: curr. of Va. 320 acres in Southampton Co. bounded as will appear by deed from the Chief men of the Nottoway Indians to said John Exum dated June 5, 1738. Nov. 20, 1752. D. B. 1, p. 495. John Exum, of Edgecombe Co. North Carolina, deed to Joseph Jones of Southampton Co. Va. £15: curr. of Va. 100 acres in Southampton Co. part of a grant to Wm. Edwards EXUM: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY 445 dated June 16, 1714. Adjoining the mouth of Old Field Branch, Jesse Jones, Joseph Vasser and Susgehahha Branch Feb. 9, 1757. D. B. 2, p. 146. John Exum of Edgecomb Co. North Carolina, deed to Joseph Vasser, of Nottoway Parish; Southampton Co., Va. £65: curr. of Va. 150 acres in Nottoway Parish, South- ampton Co. Va. on Suscahanna Branch, being part of a patent granted to Wm. Edwards June 16, 1714 and by him sold to Alexander Young by deed dated Sept. 1, 1721 in Isle of Wight Co. and by the said Alexander Young's last will and testament of record in Isle of Wight Co. Court con- veyed to said John Exum. Jan. 30, 1757. D. B. 2, p. 146. James Exum, and Ann his wife, of Northampton Co. North Carolina, deed to Charles Taylor, of Southampton Co. Virginia. £375 curr. of Va. 465 acres and plantation in Southampton Co. Va. on the North side of Buckhorn Swamp purchased of the Nottoway Indians Jan. 11, 1757. Aug. 2, 1766. D. B. 3, p. 422. Benjamin Exum, of Southampton Co. deed to John Cobb of same Co. £5; curr. 75 acres on the North side of Round Hill Swamp, adjoining Chas. Briggs, Richard Pond and the Run of Round Hill Swamp. April 13, 1775. D. B. 5, p. 149. Benjamin Exum of Southampton Co. deed to John Salter. £5: curr. 100 acres in said Co. on south side of Round Hill Swamp, and adjoining Richard Pond &c. April 13, 1775. D. B. 5, p. 150. Arthur Exum & Elizabeth his wife of Southampton Co. deed to Samuel Kello, of same Co. £37: 18:0: curr. of Va. 75 acres in said Co. on the north side of Reedy Creek, adjoin- ing said Exum & being the land which sd. Exum purchased of James W. Crocker. Feb. 17, 1797. D. B. 8, p. 532. Arthur Exum and his children, Joseph Exum, William Exum and Elizabeth—(X)-Exum of Southampton Co. deed to Benj. Drew of same Co. £200 curr. 200 acres in 446 THE VALENTINE PAPERS • Nottoway Parish, Southampton Co. adj. Col. Kello, Wm. Spiney, Ephraim Spiney & Thos. Wood. Feb. 18, 1797. D. B. 13, p. 135. William Exum is appointed surveyor of the road from the foot of Gray's road to Round Hill &c. June Crt. 1749. 0. B. 1, p. 3. Elizabeth Exum's land near Flowers Bridge is chosen as the sight upon which to erect the Court House and other public buildings. June 8, 1749. O. B. 1, p. 4. Benjamin Exum is appointed surveyor of the Highway in the room of Thomas David discharged. Nov. 9, 1749. O. B. 1, p. 37. William Exum, is granted a license to keep an Ordinary with Richard Kello his security. July 1752. O. B. 1, p. 243. Thomas Exum. decd. Inventory of his estate recorded. 1755. O. Bk. 2, p. 56. William Exum's license to keep an Ordinary is renewed. Aug. Crt. 1755. O. B. 2, p. 123. William Exum, decd. Will, of; proved by Joseph Gray. Jan. Crt. 1757. O. B. 2, p. 324. Arthur Exum and Mary, his wife and Moses Bennett, and Lucy his wife, Defts. vs Sarah Simmons an Infant, by Richard Kello, her next friend, Pltf. It is ordered that Moses Phillips, Samson Pitman & Edmund Tyler divide the lands whereof Stephen Simmons died seised in this County equally between the Plaintiff and Defendant Mary, and allot the dower of the Defendant Lucy &c. Oct. 1769. O. B. 5, p. 199. Benjamin Exum is appointed surveyor of the road from Ogburn Branche's to Thos. Clifton's. Aug. 1771. O. B. 5, p. 437. EXUM: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY 447 William Exum, decd. Estate of ordered to be settled. Jany. 1774. O. B. 6, p. 318. Patience Exum, petition for a road. 1774. O. B. 6, p. 356. Arthur Exum qualifies as administrator of Arthur Exum's estate, with Richard Kello, security. Dec. 1774. O. B. 6, p. 395. Patience Exum, decd. Estate of ordered appraised. Dec. 1774. O. B. 6, p. 395. Patience Exum, decd. account current of her estate ordered to be settled by Richard Kello, Moses Philips and Sampson Pitman. Dec. 1781. O. B. 7, p. 168. Benjamin Exum decd. Will of, presented in Court by John Cobb and Exum Cobb, executors therein named, who quali- fied as such with Saml. Kello security, giving bond for £2000. and Wm. Spiney, Rice B. Pierce, John H. Pond and Richard Pond are appointed appraisers of the estate of sd. Benj. Exum, decd. May Crt. 1785. O. B. 8, p. 65. MARRIAGE BONDS May 16, 1772. William Exum marriage to M. Cary Thomas. Samuel Kello, security. Wit. Ben Griffen. Aug. 8, 1786. John Exum marriage to Fanny Pope. Joseph Pope security. Nov. 26, 1787. Mary Exum marriage to John Holloway. Ben Ruffin, security. Margaret Exum gives consent. April 23, 1823. John Exum marriage to Eleanor C. Pond by Burwell Barrett. 448 THE VALENTINE PAPERS SURRY COUNTY RECORDS Arthur Exum and Mary-(X)-Exum his wife and John Watkins and Sarah-(X)-his wife, all of Southampton Co. deed to Jesse Clark, of Surry Co. £40: curr. 100 acres in Surry Co. adj. Wm. White & Willis Wilson. Oct. 10, 1777. D. B. 10, p. 535. RECORDS OF THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Lower Virginia Meeting, 1673-1727 Mary Exum daughter of Jeremiah Exum of Isle of Wight Co. marriage to Jacob Rickesis of same Co. Witnesses: Isaac Rickesis, James Denson, John Denson, Daniel San- bourn, Thomas Page, Richd. Ratcliff, John Ratcliff, Francis Bridle, Nathan Newby, Henry Wiggs, Jno Rickesis, Abra- ham Rickesis, Richd. Exum, Frances Denson, Mary Law- rence, Joane Lawrence, Elizabeth Lawrence, Sarah San- bourne, Sarah Horning, Elizabeth Ratcliff. 14 day 10 mo. 1699. Thomas Exum, Justice (Justis) witness to marriage of John Denson to Mary Brydell. 12 day 9th mo. 1692. Anne Exum & Elizabeth Exum and others witness to the marriage of George Murrell son of Geo. Murrell of Surry Co. to Mary Waters, daughter of Walter Waters of Isle of Wight Co. 16 day 2 mo. 1704. Jeremiah Exum. "The difference depending between Jeremiah Exum & Isaac Rickes, Sr., is finnally ended upon this provisor Isaac Rickes Jr., and Robert Rickes, his brother hath each of them alike passed the obligation for two thousand pounds of Tobacco to the widow namely Mary Rickes the widow of Jacob Rickes decd. which is done in lieu of his childrens part or portion of land or anything else which may be claimed after the decease of the said Isaac Rickes, Sr." 14 day 7 mo. 1704. EXUM: SURRY COUNTY 449 Anne Exum & Jeri Exum among the witnesses to the marriage of James Denson son of Frances Denson of Isle of Wight Co., widow, and Sarah Dryton of same Co. 15 day 11 mo. 1707. VIRGINIA LAND OFFICE William Exum and Jane his wife and Francis his son, Head rights of Mr. Joseph Ellis, Patent 250 acres in Nanse- mond Co. was formerly granted to Mr. William Tucker, Jan. 6, 1642, and by him deserted. Oct. 26, 1699. (9, p. 220.) William Exum, Jane his wife, head rights of Richard Holiman, Patent 1230 acres on the south side of Black Water Swamp. April 25, 1702. (9, p. 449.) William Exum, of Isle of Wight Co. Patent 275 acres in Isle of Wight Co. on the South side of Black Water Swamp. Sept. 5, 1723. (11, p. 248.) Joseph Exum, of Isle of Wight Co. Patent 330 acres in Isle of Wight Co. on south side of Black Water Swamp, ad- joining said Exum, Round Hill Swamp, Bromley, Henry Barton & William Exum. May 5, 1734. (15, p. 234.) Joseph Exum patent 50 acres in Isle of Wight Co. on the south side of Seacock Swamp. July 13, 1742. (21, p. 82.) Ferris Family HENRICO COUNTY RECORDS John Ferris of Henrico Co. from John-(X)-Morton, son and heir of John Morton decd. of same Co. £25: Planta- tion & 100 acres in Henrico Co. on S. side of Chickahominy Swamp. April 28, 1721. (Original Papers, Package 10) Jacob Ferriss, Isham Allen, Robert Spears appraisers of estate of Wm. Fleming Cocke, decd. Returned Oct. 5, 1767. (Ibid, Package 5) Richard Ferris in behalf of himself & severall other of ye Inhabitants of this County did according to act of As- sembly requiring the same Request a Permitt from ye Court to Assemble themselves together to ye number of forty per- sons about ye tenth of this Instant with Gunns & Doggs to Hunt & drive Chickahominy Swamp for ye destruction of ye wolves then lurking wch was by ye Court agreed to. 1 Octr. 1694 (?) Vol. 1677-1692, (a very much mutilated page, being the last page in the book & is loose.) Richard Ferris member of the Grand Jury, impannelled June 2, 1684. Vol-1677-1692, p. 274. Richard Ferris, member of late Grand Jury summoned with others to appear & answer charges prefered agnst. them for not making presentments according to law. They appearing now alleging they had nothing to present & that their non appearance was occassioned by ignorance of the laws & praying to be released they shall pay all officers fees which have accrued by their omission afsd. & are this time released of penalty of law impased on each of them. June 1, 1685. Vol-1682-1701, p. 190. Richard Ferres in open Court ack: a discharge to James Hambleton, wch. is entered upon record. Octr. 1, 1698. Vol-1682-1701, p. 207. 450 FERRIS: HENRICO COUNTY 451 Richard-(X)-Ferris of Henrico Co. to James Hamble- ton. In consideration of a certain competent sum to me in hand paid or secured to be paid: 100 acres in Henrico Co. on N. side of White Oak Swamp on a branch thereof (that is abt quarter half quarter (3/8 ?) of a mile from sd. swamp). June 1, 1689. Bond of Richard-(X)-Ferris of Henrico Co. planter to James Hambleton for relinquishment of dower of sd. Ferris' wife (no name) March 20, 1687. Recorded-June 1, 1689. Vol. 1688-97, p. 57. William Ferris member of a Grand Jury sworn 1 June 1689, to serve the ensuing year. Vol. 1688-97, p. 69. William-(X)-Ferris a witness to Mary Porters con- veyence to Wm. Porter, dated 6 July 1689. Recorded-Octr. 1, 1689. Vol. 1688-97, p. 80. Richard-(X)-Ferris, Robert-(X)-Woodson, Senr. and Giles Carter, William Ferris & Roger Comeings, jointly by patent dated Oct. 1688. take up 1780 acres in Henrico Co. on upper part of white-oak Swamp; upon both sides of sd. Swamp. And since said patent Wm. Ferris relinquished his part thereof, never paying any part of charges accruing thereby & Roger Comeings, dying & never paying any part of charges, &c sd. Comings' widow did likewise relinquish both his & her part sd. divident: so that above whole tract of 1780 acres of land fell wholly to Robert Woodson, Giles Carter & Richard Ferris: since which it hath been divided between the afsd. Woodson, Carter & Richd. Ferris. as fol- loweth. Giles Carter's part being 552 acres or thereabouts; &c: beginning at a corner standing in White Oak Swamp belonging to that land where John Watson now liveth; an- other marker being a Gum tree corner of a parcell of land sold by sd. Richard Ferris to James Hambleton, & part of above sd. divident: then are mentioned several lines of marked trees & main run of sd. Swamp. Richard Fer- ris' begins (wth sd. Hambleton's included) at the sd. Gum, thence into the woods to the extent of sd. tract, he having for his part all the land below sd. Hambleton's line on N. Side of Swamp (excepting that part sold by him, sd. Ferris, to sd. Hambleton); being 600 acres or there abouts. Robert 452 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Woodson, Senr. having for his part all the remaining part of the above said divident of 1780 acres. The above lines & boundries agreed upon by the parties for themselves, their heirs &c; in penalty of 20,000 lbs. of tobacco & casq. for infringement. Dated June 2, 1690. Recorded-June 2, 1690. Vol. 1688-97, p. 126. Richard-(X)—Ferris, of Henrico Co. Planter, to Wil- liam Ferris, of same Co. Planter; "For divers good causes me hereunto moving" 50 acres on N. side White Oak Swamp in Co. afsd. now in possession of sd. William Ferris; bounded upon the port by line of Richard Cocke, of Old Man's Creek, Charles City Co. on East by lands of Richard Basse, & so taking breadth into land in my own possession: &c. June 2, 1690. Recorded-June 2, 1690. Vol. 1688-97, p. 128. Richard Ferris did this day appear in open Court & pr his Peticon pray that a Gift pr him made unto Richard Ferris, his eldest son might be entered on Record, The sd. Gift by him acknowledged being of a Pyed Cow known by the name of Py & marked with a Swallow fork & a nick in ye Left ear; wth all her female increase. Oct. 1, 1692. Vol. 1688-97, p. 342. Richard-(X)-Ferris receipt to James Hambleton for 900 pounds of tobacco for one hundred acres of land sold by sd. Ferris to sd. Hambleton and acknowledged in Henrico Court June 1, 1689. Receipt dated L, 8 br 1698. 1697-1704, p. 123. Vol. Probat granted Elizabeth Warriner of decd. husband Danll. Warriner's will and Samll. Gathwait and William Ferris, securities. July 1, 1707. Vol. 1706-1709, p. 67. Richard Ferris Junr. member of Grand Jury impannelled & sworn May 2, 1709. Vol. 1706-1709, p. 164. William Ferris of Henrico Co. from John-(X)—Green of same Co. £5: common pay of Virga. 40 acres in county afsd. on S. side Chickahominy Swamp being part of a FERRIS: HENRICO COUNTY 453 greater dividend of land belonging to Henry Wyatt of New Kent Co. adj. Francis Warren's line. Feby. 7, 1714. Re- corded-Feby. 7, 1714. Vol. 1714-1718, p. 10. William Ferris appointed surveyor of highways in room of Francis Rowen. O. B. 1710-1714 p. 3. William Ferris, and others to appraise the estate of John Bottom, Decd. Sept. 1711. O. B. 1710-14, p. 98. Richard Ferris, Jr. vs Humphrey Smith. Deft. to pay Pltf. Mar. 1711. O. B. 1710-14, p. 120. Richard Ferris the elder, is admitted guardian to Richard Moore. Robert Childers, security. March 1711. O. B. 1710-14, p. —. Richard Ferris witness for Richard Ferris Jr. agst. Hum- phrey (Smith) ?. March 1711. O. B. 1710-14, p. 126. Richard Ferris Jr. Deft. vs Thomas Osborn, Action of debt. Augt. 1714. O. B. 1710-14, p. 296. Richard Ferris Jr. Deft. vs Francis Epes, Gent. action of case. March 1712. O. B. 1710-14, p. 221. Richard Ferris & Wm. Porter acknowledge deed dated March 30, 1720, to Richard Moore. April 1720. Vol. 1719- 24, p. 19. John Ferris Jr. & Edward Good Jr. securities for Michael Turpin admr. of Ralph Joplin, decd. June 1720. Ibid. p. 28. Richard Ferris & Wm. Porter acknowledge a deed dated Octr. 3, to Robert Childers. Oct. 1720. Ibid. p. 48. William Ferris Deft. vs Rene Laforce. Action of case. Feby. 1720. Ibid. p. 64. Richard Ferris, the younger Deft. vs Michaell Holland. Action of Debt. Feby. 1720. Ibid. p. 66. 454 THE VALENTINE PAPERS William Ferris Jr. Deft. vs Thomas Jefferson. Action of case. Feby. 1720. Ibid. p. 66. William Ferris Deft. vs Michaell Holland, Pltf. Action of debt. Mar. 1720. Ibid. p. 82. William Ferris Deft. vs George Ronald Pltf. Action of Debt. March 1720. Ibid. p. 85. John Ferris deed from John Morton dated April 28, 1721. Elizabeth wife of sd. Morton relinquishes her dower. Octr. 1721. Ibid. p. 133. William Ferris Jr. Deft. vs Wm. Gordon Pltf. Action of case. William Ferris security. Octr. 1722. Ibid. p. 217. William Ferris Jr. Deft. vs. Wm. Gordon Pltf. Action of case. Conditional Judgment granted Pltff. at last October Crt. agst. Deft. & William Ferris his security, confirmed. Feby. 1722. Ibid. p. 232. William Ferris acknowledges a deed to Epharim Gath- right Jr. Rachell the wife of sd. William Ferris relinquished dower to sd. land. Sept. 4, 1738/9. O. B. 1737-46, p. 54. William Ferris of Goochland Co. acknowledged a deed to William Ferris of Henrico Co. Ordered to be certified. Oct. 6, 1740./. Ibid, p. 172. John Ferris is appointed surveyor of the road from Seven Pines to Bottom's Bridge. March 1, 1741. Ibid. p. 172. Richard Ferris acknowledges a deed to his sons William and Robert, which is ordered to be recorded-April 5, 1742./. Ibid. p. 174. William Ferris Jr. Deft. vs John Coles, Gent. Pltf. Tres- pass. Jany. 3, 1742./. Ibid. p. 203. William Ferris Deft. vs Jos. Hopkins, Pltf. continued. June 3, 1746. Ibid. p. 394. FERRIS: HENRICO COUNTY 455 William Ferris vs Joseph Hopkins, Dismissed. Aug. 4, 1746. Ibid, p. 405. John Ferris's negro Dick is adjudged nine years old. Aug. 4, 1746. Ibid. p. 406. William Ferris vs Thos. Cauthorn. Dismissed. Aug. 4, 1746. Ibid. p. 410. John Faris Jr. Deft. vs Andrew Cochran, Robert Donald & Co. Judgment for Pltf. Mar. 7, 1769. O. B. 1767-69, p. 406. Richard Ferris vs Wm. Harding, in case. Crt. awards Deft. Feb. 7, 1757. Min. B. 1755-62, p. 65. Richard Ferris Deft. vs William Harding. In case. Crt. awards Deft. Feb. 7, 1757, Ibid, p. 65. Richard Ferris Deft. vs William Harding. Trespass. Crt. awards Deft. Feb. 7, 1757. Ibid. p. 65. Jacob Ferris et al are sworn a grand Jury. May 7, 1759. Ibid. p. 322. William Feris deeds to Obediah Smith for £25: 40 acres in Henrico Co. bounded by the land of Mr. John Massey, John Brittage and Robert Sharp. July 10, 1745. Recorded -August 1745. D. B. 1744-48, p. 59. Richard-(X)-Ferris of Henrico Co. will of; dated Aug. 22, 1744. Each of testator's children one shilling curr. to be paid by executor. To son William Ferris all estate real and Personal provided that he "shall sucker assist and support me during the time that I shall live and I do hereby consti- tute and appoint him my said son William Ferris to be the whole and sole executor of this my last will" Witnesses- Charles Woodson, Abraham Truman, Ann Truman. Re- corded-Oct. 1750. D. W. &c. 1750-67, p. 30. - 456 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Richard Faris, decd. Inventory and appraisement of estate. Total £6:7:0: Appraisers-John Cocke, Garrard Ellyson, Thos. Watkins Recorded-First Monday in May 1751. Ibid. p. 52. Anne Ferres. Elizabeth Carter, relict of Theodorick Carter, in her will dated July 8, 1747 bequeathes to her daughter Anne Ferres four head of cattle, four sheep, one looking glass and one chest. Recorded-First Monday in Dec. 1751. Ibid. p. 97. Anthony Haden of Hanover deeds to his son-in-law Jacob Ferris and his daughter Ruth Ferris a negro woman Aggey and two children Amey and Sarah. March 6, 1761. Wit- nesses-George Clopton and Thomas Haden. Recorded- June Court 1761. Ibid. p. 681. William Faris witnesses a deed from Walter Lee to Ephraim Garthright, dated November 5, 1761. Ibid. p. 778. William Faris Jr. to his son William Farris both of Hen- rico Co. 200 acres in Henrico Co. on the northside of White Oak Swamp adjoining and bounded by the lands of Danl. Warriner, Senr. Benj. Warriner, William Faris, Sr. Wm. Bottom, James Austin and William Faris, son of John Faris. Sept. 2, 1765. Witnesses-Ephraim, Saml. Jr. and Wm. Gathright Jr. Recorded-Sept. 2, 1765. Ibid, p. 95. William Fearis Snr. to his son Sherwood Fearis, both of Henrico Co. 75 acres in Henrico Co. on the north side of Whit Oak Swamp adjoining the lands of Robt. Pleasants, Robt. Fearis, Wm. Fearis Jr. son of the sd. Wm. Fearis Senr. and William Bottom, given to Wm. Fearis Senr. by his father Richard Fearis. Sept. 2, 1765. Witness- Ephraim, Saml. Jr. and Wm. Gathright. Recorded-Sept. 2, 1765. Ibid. p. 952. William Faris. Richard Truman deeds to his son-in-law William Faris Jr. for natural love and affection for him and the said Richard's daughter, Martha Faris, wife of the said William, a negro girl named Fanny. Sept. 2, 1765. Wit- nesses Ephraim Gathright, Saml. Garthright, Jr. and Wm. Gathright Jr. Recorded-Sept. 2, 1765. Ibid. p. 954. - FERRIS: HENRICO COUNTY 457 At a meeting of the commissioners to restore the Henrico Co. records destroyed by the enemy-Held April 14, 1783. The substance of the will of Robert Faris, decd. was certified as follows. "Memorandum of articles devised by Robert Faris, decd. The whole of the land whereon the sd. Robert Faris lived at the time of his decease was left to his wife during her natural life— The said Robert Faris in his life time divided the land into three parcells which he devised as follows; The parcell whereon his dwelling house stood to his daughter Mary Childress during her life and after her death to his grandson Joseph Childress to him and his heirs forever. The parcell that lies the south side of Ducks branch to his grandson James Warriner to him and his heirs for- ever. The parcell on the north of his plantation to his daughter Lucy Echo during her life and after her death to his grandson John Echo to him and his heirs forever. All that part of his estate which his said wife has now in her possession was left to her during her life and after her death to be equally divided between his three daughters Ann Warriner, Lucy Echo, and Mary Childress." This was proved by Wm. Gathright, son of Saml. one of the executors and Wm. Gathright, son of Ephraim Gathright. Allowed. W. D. 1774-82, p. 49. Martha Fariss. At a meeting of the commissioners to restore Henrico Records destroyed by the enemy, Held April 28, 1783. An instrument purporting to be the will of Mary Freeman was certified to the Commissioners— After division of her estate the will reads as follows: "Item -All the rest of my estate real and personal I desire should be equally divided among my six daughters, Ann Warriner, Mary Austin, Martha Fariss, Elizabeth Baker, Rebecca Bethell and Agness Gathright except the crop to my son John Freeman." Allowed and recorded. W. D. 1774-82, p. 57. John Ferris, decd. Inventory and appraisement of estate of; Feby. 1746. Appraisers-Samuel Bugg, Thomas Wat- kins, Gearrard Ellyson. Recorded-First Monday in June 1747, being presented by Samuel Bugg. D. B. 1744-8 p. 274. 458 THE VALENTINE PAPERS HENRICO COUNTY MONTHLY MEETING OF FRIENDS, RECORD BOOK, 1699-1756 Richard Ferris a contributor to the building of a Mo. Meeting house. Edward Mosby's 7, 5, 1722. VIRGINIA LAND OFFICE Mr. Richard Ferris, William Porter Jr., Mr. Nicholas Amoss Patent, 450 acres in Henrico Co. Varina Parish, on the north side of White Oak Swamp, crossing Barrs Hill Branch, New Kent path and adjoining Mr. Thomas Cocke. April 20, 1685. (7, p. 435.) Mr. Richard Ferris, William Ferris, Mr. Robert Woodson, Mr. Giles Carter, Roger Cummins Patent, 1780 acres in Henrico Co. Varina Parish, at a place called White Oak Swamp, adjoining the said Richard Ferris near Barrs Hill Swamp, also adjoining John Woodson. Oct. 21, 1687. (7, p. 601.) Robert Farish, John Pigg, John May Patent, 2000 acres in a fork of Mattopony River about two miles above the Doog Town. Dec. 23, 1714. (10, p. 225.) John Farish, Patent, 400 acres in Goochland Co. on both sides of the north branch of State River. Mch. 15, 1741. (20, p. 214.) William Ferris, Patent, 400 acres in Goochland Co. on the branches of Snow Quarter branch and Willis's River, adjoin- ing Nicholas Davis, Col. Benjamin Harrison and Benjamin Dumas. July 13, 1742. (21, p. 37.) Jacob Ferress, Patent 236 acres in Henrico Co. July 4, 1760, (33, p. 605.) FERRIS: VIRGINIA LAND OFFICE 459 Jacob Fearies, Patent 165 acres in Lunenburgh Co. Aug. 10, 1750, (34, p. 387.) George Farrers, Patent 385 acres in Lunenburgh Co. Aug. 10, 1759 (34, p. 406.) Thomas Farris, Patent 340 acres in Halifax Co. Sept. 25. 1762, (35, p. 28.) Jacob Farris Patent 400 acres in Halifax Co. Sept. 25, 1762, (35, p. 13.) Fontaine Family AMHERST COUNTY RECORDS Edmund Fontaine one among other trustees in deed of trust from Charles Rose and Sally his wife of Amherst Co. to Charles Irving, Patrick Rose, Wm. Sidney Crawford and Edmund Fontaine of same County dated June 22, 1791. D. B. "G" p. 9. Thomas Fontaine of Amherst Co. from William Harrol and Mary his wife of same Co. £80: curr. 262 acres in Amherst Co. on the head branches of Davis's Creek and the head of Rocker's Runn, being part of three survies and bounded by the lands of John Wade, Charles Tate, Joel Crawford, Lawrence Suddorths. Oct. 1, 1773. Recorded- Oct. 1, 1773. D. B. "D" p. 88. Edmund Fontaine trustee in deed of trust from Charles Rose and Sally his wife to Charles Irving, Pat. Rose, Wm. Sid. Crawford and Edmund Fontaine. Recorded-July court 1791. O. B. 1790-94, p. 213. Edmund Fontaine Attorney for Richard Gatewood vs George Hytton & John Josling Defts. May Court 1791. O. B. 1790-94, p. 165. Edmund Fontaine, Gent. attor. for Davis & Yoney [Yancey?] vs Wm. McCullock Defts. May Court 1791. O. B. 1790-94, p. 165. Edmund Fontaine, Gent. qualifies as attorney at law. Nov. Court 1790. O. B. 1790-94, p. 34. 460 FONTAINE: CAMPBELL COUNTY 461 BRUNSWICK COUNTY RECORDS John Fonataine. It is ordered that Edward Owen pay unto John ffountain for one days attendance as an evidence in suit depending between him & Thomas Moore. July 31, 1736. O. B. 1, p. 136. CAMPBELL COUNTY RECORDS Non-cupative will of Edmund Fontaine Gent. decd. pro- duced in Court and proved by Mary Walker, and on motion of William Fontaine he is granted letters of administration with will annexed. Hon. Edmund Winston security. Bond £800. 1792. W. B. 1, p. 222. Inventory and appraisement of one negro and the per- sonal Estate of Edmund Fontaine, decd. in the County of Hanover shewn us by Col. Wm. Fontaine, vizt. £41:10:0: W. B. 1, p. 227. • Inventory. Amherst August 26, '92. In obedience to an order of Campbell Court the pasons being sworn, have ap- praised the estate of Edmund Fontaine, decd. in current money. negros. £397:4:0: Recorded-Dec. 5, 1793. W. B. 1, p. 253. Patrick H. Fontaine and Nancy his wife of Henry County and Charles Hodges of Campbell Co. to Wm. B. Hodges of Campbell Co. £500; curr. Two tracts of land in the County of Campbell, one containing 300 acres, the other 100 acres and bounded as a deed made by the sd. Charles Hodges sheweth to the sd. Fontaine &c. Feb. 1, 1799. D. B. 4, p. 518. Edmund Fontaine, Gent. decd. Non cu-pative will of; proved by Mary Walker, ordered recorded on the motion of William Fontaine. Administration is granted him with will annexed. &c. June 1792. O. B. 4. 462 THE VALENTINE PAPERS On the petition of Elizabeth Fontaine praying a sale of 2 lots near the town of Lynchburg, arising from the sd. Sale, be equally divided amongst the representatives of Edward Fontaine, decd. to whom the said lots belonged. ordered that Sackville King, Archibald Bolling & Caleb Tate It is value the sd. Lots & report their value to the next Court and it is further ordered that Patrick Fontaine, Martha Fontaine, Charles Fontaine, William Fontaine & John Fon- taine and Dorothea Fontaine, Infant children of John Fon- taine, decd. Charles Rose, appointed guardian for Elizabeth Rose, John Rose, Peter Rose, Peter Rose and Alex. Rose infant children of Elizabeth Rose, to answer in behalf of the infants in this case and that the said Patrick Henry & Charles Rose, guardian as aforesaid be summoned to ap- pear, at the next November Quarterly term to answer ac- cording &c. Aug. 1793. O. B. 4. Fontaine vs Fontaine admrs. &1. Patrick Henry, be appointed guardian for Patrick Fontaine, It is ordered that Martha Fontaine, Charles Fontaine, William Fontaine, John Fontaine and Dorothea Fontaine infant children of John Fontaine, decd. Charles Rose appointed guardian for Eliza- beth Rose, John Rose, Peter Rose and Alexander Rose in- fant children of Elizabeth Rose, decd. to answer in the suit. Aug. 1793. O. B. 4 & 5, p. Fontaine vs. Fontaine & representatives upon the peti- tion and on hearing the report of the Comrs. appointed by the Court to value the lot in the town of Lynchburg wch. Edmund Fontaine decd. died seized of in fee simple. &c. Aug. 1794. O. B. 4 & 5, p. Edmund Fontaine, decd. Estate of & accts. settled by Wm. Norvell, Wm. Edenfield, Thos. Higginbottham, & Saml. Harrison, or any three of them. Jan. 1798. O. B. p. 6. CHARLES CITY COUNTY RECORDS Peter Fontaine, Clerk, admr. of Thos. Cary, decd. vs. John Joel Deft. Feb. Court 1737. O. B. 1737-50, p. 32. FONTAINE: CHARLES CITY COUNTY 463 Peter Fontaine, Clerk, vs. Richard & Benjamin Cocke, Exors. of the will of James Johnson, decd. April 1747. O. B. 1737-50, p. 444. Peter Fontaine appears in Court and acknowledges a deed to his son Peter Fontaine and likewise a deed to his grand- son Peter Winston which were recorded. Sept. 1748. O. B. 1737-50, p. 487. Rev. Peter Fontaine clerk, decd. will of; presented by Sarah Fontaine & Peter Fontaine two of the exors. Proved by John Sherman Gregory, Richard Riddlehurst and Wil- liam Riddlehurst. Codicil thereto annexed proved by John Shermon Gregory & Richard Riddlehurst. Certificate of administration granted. Securities-John Shermon Greg- ory & John Wayles. Bond. £400. Apr. 1757. O. B. 1751- 57, p. 494. Moses Fontaine of Halifax Co. to Thomas Ballard of Charles City Co. five negroes, viz. Nanny Billy Heall Han- nah & Nancy. £200: curr. Recorded-Mar. 16th 1792. D. B. 1789-1802, p. 78. Moses Fontaine and Elizabeth his wife of Halifax Co. to John Ballard of Charles City. £400: curr. Tract of land which they the sd. Moses Fontaine & Elizabeth his wife had allotted and asigned them as their part and pro- portion of the lands of which Thomas Ballard decd. the father of the sd. Elizabeth died seized, which part is called and known by the name of the house tract at the lower plantation called Doneys Neck, containing 18012 acres (1882?), bounded by the lands of Mr. Ledbetter on Moses Creek, by Dr. Cowles marsh (anciently so called) thence thro the Marsh to old quarter gult thence down the said Gult to Chickahomeny river &c. Sept. 27, 1796. Recorded- Sept. 27, 1796. D. B. 1789-1802. Elizabeth Fontaine relinquishes her right of dower in the land mentioned. Sept. 28, 1796. D. B. 1789-1802. 464 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Moses Fontaine a witness to indenture between John Bell of Chas. City Co. to Abraham Brown. Recorded-March 7, 1771. W. B. 1767-73, p. 274. Peter Fontaine, decd. Edmund Winston, Geo. Dabney & John Minor Exors. Attachment of goods of Giles Hood for debt to said estate. Dec. 14, 1784. (Original Papers.) Moses Fontaine admr. of Sarah Fontaine complains of Levi Jenkins and Mary his wife which Mary was admrx, of John Waddrop, decd. £120: & etc. Charles City Co. (Original Papers.) CHESTERFIELD COUNTY RECORDS John Fontaine decd. Martha Fontaine admr. Deft. vs John Fleming surviving partner of Fleming & Wordrop Pltf. £46:12:2. with interest 5% from 26th April 1791 till paid & costs. Execution stayed till January first 1798. 1797. O. B. 12, p. 339. Aaron Fontaine Pltf. & William Goode Deft. Deft. Suit dismissed. 1812. O. B. 19, p. 289. FLUVANNA COUNTY RECORDS William Fontaine among others to settle and adjust the accts. of Frances D. Baskett admr. of Abraham Basket decd. June 28, 1841. W. B. 4, p. 308. W. L. Fontaine a witness to obligation between John Mosby and Charles Perrow of Nelson Co. and Saml. B. Pettit of Fluvanna Co. May 25, 1819. D. B. 7, p. 296. 1817-21. Clement R. Fontaine of Rockingham Co. from Wm. Brad- shaw of Fluvanna Co. $1503. 576 acres in Fluvanna Co. on both sides of big Bremo Creek, adjoining lands of George Winn, John H. Cocke, John Seay and John Milton decd. The FONTAINE: FLUVANNA COUNTY 465 sd. William Bradshaw reserving for the benefit of George Winn & his heirs forever 1/4 of an acre of said land as a family burying ground, to be laid off in a Square. Nov. 6, 1830. D. B. 10, p. 78. W. L. Fontaine received of Archibald Creasy $70.00, the amount of a mortgage I have on two negroes Maria and her son Ned which mortgage is of record in the office of Fluvanna Co. I hereby release all interest under said mort- gage. Aug. 23, 1830. D. B. 10, p. 14. Clement R. Fontaine and Elizabeth W. his wife of Buck- ingham to Francis Johnson of Fluvanna Co. $10,00. 376 acres on both sides of Big Bremo Creek adjoining lands of Thomas Moore, decd. John H. Cocke, John Milton, Archi- bald Creasy. also 119 1/6 acres in Fluvanna Co. on East side of Big Bremo Creek. Recorded-July 28, 1834. D. B. 10, p. 542. William Fontaine from Thos. C. Jennings and Jane his wife. $312,00. 52 acres adjoining lands of said Jennings, Farmer Wall and said Fontaine. Being part of the land said Jennings purchased of John D. Watkins. Dec. 20, 1835. D. B. 11, p. 165. William Fontaine from Thomas C. Jennings and Jane his wife, $900. 248 acres adjoining lands of said Fontaine, Daniel Lewis & Thomas Mathews it being balance of the land purchased of John D. Watkins known as the Lawfield tract formerly owned by Col. Quarles. Jany. 1, 1838. D. B. 11, p. 544. William Fontaine from Austin Shepherd and Ann his wife. $30.00. 5 acres in Fluvanna Co. on East side of the big Byrd Creek, adjoining lands of said Fontaine, it being part of the land sd. Shepherd has recently purchased of George Cornelius April 23, 1836. D. B. 11, p. 197. William Fontaine from Edward George and Susan C. his wife, all of Fluvanna Co. $1512. 126 acres in Fluvanna Co. on West side of Long Island Creek. Nov. 15, 1845. D. B. 14, p. 519. 466 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Clement R. Fontaine of Buckingham Co. from Thos. R. Lyle of Fluvanna Co. interest in tract of 301 acres left by John K. Lyle to his legal heirs, adjoining Daniel Stone, Champion Bledsoe Henry Denkle & others. $350. Aug 2, 1845. D. B. 14, p. 354. William Fontaine of Fluvanna Co. from Overton B. Pet- tit and Mary his wife of Cumberland Co. $150. certain lots of ground in town of Columbia. Jany. 1, 1844. D. B. 14, p. 132. William J. Farrar of Limestone Co. Alabama to secure a Bond given by William J. Farrar to Henry W. Baskett of Fluvanna Co. $600. hath sold to William Fontaine and William M. Shepherd his entire interest in the property now in the possession of Elizabeth Farrar widow of Stephen Farrar, decd. sd. interest being 14 & the 2 of 4 in sd. prop- erty consisting in 5 negroes namely left by sd. Farrar. Sept. 29, 1845. D. B. 14, p. 372. • • William Fontaine of Fluvanna Co. from Henry W. Bas- kette of same Co. $3000 two tracts of land in Fluvanna Co. known as the former Tavern House of Wm. J. Cole at Wil- mington in sd. County, containing 274 acres, One tract 200 acres conveyed by Cary to H. Wills by him on trust to George Stillmon and by him to Wm. J. Cole. The other 732 acres adjoining the above conveyed by Abraham Baskette & others Comrs. for Bragg's distributees as by 3 deeds to Wm. J. Cole. Feby. 22, 1847. D. B. 15, p. 71. William Fontaine of Fluvanna Co. to Stapleton C. Sneed of Albemarle Co. $5000. 635 acres in Fluvanna on the Ri- vanna river adjoining the land of Joseph Bruce and others, formerly belonging to S. B. Pettit & purchased by sd. Fon- taine of Wm. E. Shepherd, Trustee. March 1, 1848. D. B. 15, p. 237. William Fontaine of Fluvanna Co. to William Webb of sd. Co. $200,00. 15 to 20 acres in Fluvanna Co. on East side of road leading from Louisa Court House to Columbia and North of the road leading from Terry's Mill. May 28th, 1849. D. B. 15, p. 510. FONTAINE: GOOCHLAND COUNTY 467 Walter S. Fontaine of Fluvanna Co. from Edward Gres- ham of King & Queen Co. $1000. two tracts of land; one containing 3182 acres on South side of Big Raccoon Creek in Fluvanna Co. the other containing 46½ acres adjoining lands of Fleming & Thos. C. Payne in same Co. Feby. 11, 1850. D. B. 15, p. 618? GOOCHLAND COUNTY RECORDS Abraham Fontaine of Goochland Co. from James Stanley & Mary his wife 5634 acres in Goochland Co. adjoining Thomas Glass &c. Mar. 18, 1793. D. B. 16, p. 154. Line runs between lands of Col. John Overton of Louisa Co. and Abraham Fontaine of Goochland. D. B. 16, p. 215. Abraham Fontaine of Goochland Co. from Thomas Mas- sie & Elizabeth his wife of same Co. Tract of land on Little Byrd Creek, Goochland Co. Oct. 20, 1794. D. B. 16, p. 352. Abraham Fontaine of Goochland Co. from Thomas Meri- wether & Nancy his wife of Louisa Co. 121514 acres on Fork Creek in Goochland Co. which said tract of land was given to the said Thomas Meriwether by his grand-father the Rev. Wm. Douglas. Dec. 8, 1794. D. B. 16, p. 371. Abraham Fontaine of Goochland Co. from Meredith Par- ish & wife. 50 acres adj. said Fontaine and Henry Wards tavern tract in Goochland Co. June 10, 1795. D. B. 16, p. 426. Abraham Fontaine of Goochland Co. from Thomas Glass & Mary his wife. 60 acres on Little Byrd Creek in Gooch- land Co. Dec. 27, 1794. D. B. 16, p. 440. Boundary line between Benjamin Crenshaw and Abraham Fontaine established. Nov. 24, 1791. D. B. 16, p. 140. Abraham Fontaine & Sarah his wife of Goochland Co. to Forns Hunter 13734 acres on Three choped road, Goochland Co. Feb. 15, 1799. D. B. 17, p. 444. 468 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Abraham Fontaine of Goochland Co. decd. will of; dated May 14, 1825. Having heretofore made such advancements to my sons in personal property as was convenient and as I thought right they will hereafter, receive no share or dividend in my personal estate of any sort or kind whatso- ever but the same will be disposed of as hereinafter directed. Wife Sarah to have quiet and peacable posession of my plantation during her widowhood with all my Household and kitchen furniture. plantation utensils and as much of all sorts of provisions, laid in or kept for family use as she may think proper to retain for her use, and that she have during her life two fifths of the negroes I may die possesed of and that in taking said two fifths she have the discretion of picking? which she pleases of the whole num- ber so that those taken by her do not exceed in value two fifths of the whole. I likewise give to her in fee simple and to dispose of as she pleases a negro girl Lilly. I likewise give to her for life two fifths of all my stock and other personal estate, except my negroes, I also authorise my wife to retain to her use for life one or two of the old negroes exceeding forty years old which said old negroes are not considered as part of the two fifths heretofore given her for life. The whole of the personal estate that I may die possessed of except as heretofore given to my wife I hereby give and bequeath to my three Daughters, Catharine, Maria and Eliza Fontaine to them and their heirs forever. As long as my daughters live with my wife that their negroes if they please, cultivate the plantation jointly with my wifes. But in the event of either of my Daughters mar- rying or wishing a division of my negroes or other personal estate, that they have a division in which division after first attending to my wife her two fifths of the negroes for life and respecting all other provisions and bequests heretofore made in favour of her that my said Daughters then divide the remaining three fifths of the negroes equally among themselves and that a like division of all my other personal estate be made between them never forgetting that nothing herein contained by any sort of construction is to interfere with any provision made for my wife in the second clause of my will. At death of wife the negroes and their increase given to her for life be equally divided between FONTAINE: HANOVER COUNTY 469 my three daughters, also all the personal estate so given her for life. At death of my wife lands be equally divided among all my children now living should there be any dead leaving issue such issue to take what their respective parents take if in existance at that period.. My executors out of all the crops on hand or such personal estate as can best be spared will pay my debts if any, and as I do not intend unless overtaken by some unforseen acci- dent to die in debt my wish is that no inventory and ap- praisement be had of my estate and that my executors may not be held to security. Wife Sarah Fontaine Executrix and sons Walter L. Fon- taine, Clem R. Fontaine and my friend Horatio Gates Win- ston my executors. Proved Nov. 19, 1832, by Andrew Kean and William Overton. Recorded-W. B. 29, p. 463. HANOVER COUNTY RECORDS Abraham Fontaine of Hanover Co., deed from Nelson Thomson, of Louisa Co. 13 acres in Hanover Co. in the mouth of south fork of Licking hole Creek. Aug. 5, 1784. vol. 2, p. 38. James Fontaine, deed to Isaac Winston, 279 acres in Han- over Co. on the north fork of Beaver Dam Creek, adjoining Farnew (?), John Winston & Thomas Smith. Aug. 16, 1786. vol. 2, p. 207. William Fontaine of Hanover Co. deed from John Penny & Fanny his wife & Stephen Hanes, all of Hanover Co. a certain lot of houses in sd. county at South Anna Bridge, formerly the property of Charles Carter, Esq. Jan. 1, 1789. vol. 2, p. 315. William Fontaine & Ann his wife of St. Martin's Parish, Hanover Co. deed to Timothy Goodman, 312 acres in så. Parish and Co. on the south side of the old main road ad- 470 THE VALENTINE PAPERS joining Bartlett Kinchy and Joseph Goodman. It being part of the land said Fontaine bought of James Crenshaw. Jan. 7, 1790. vol. 2, p. 373. Elizabeth Fontaine & Edmund Fontaine of Hanover Co. deed to Solomon Lowry 149 acres in Hanover Co., on the north side of the North branch of Pamunkey River, and known as Tives, was formerly purchased of William Tives by Peter Fontaine. Jan. 19, 1790. vol. 2, p. 406. William Fontaine & John Winston Gents. Justices of Hanover Co. ordered to witness the signature of Lucy Win- ston, wife of Isaac Winston to a deed from said Isaac Win- ston & Lucy his wife to Wm. Turner of 262 acres on a branch of Beaver Dam, adjoining Thomas Smith, John Win- ston & others. Apr. 9, 1787. vol. 2, p. William Fontaine & John Winston, Gents, Justices of Hanover Co. ordered to witness the signature of Croshe Cassity Luck, wife of Tarlton B. Luck of Louisa Co. to a deed from said Luck & wife to Wm. Gilliam of Hanover Co. 120 acres in Hanover Co. Feb. 5, 1791. vol. 2, p. 468. William Fontaine & John Winston, Gents. Justices of Hanover Co. ordered to witness the signature of Croshe Cas- city Luck, wife of Tarlton B. Luck, of Louisa Co., to a deed from Luck & wife to Wm. Mason of Hanover Co. Feb. 5, 1791. vol. 2, p. 466. William Fontaine, witness, deed from Benj. Walker to Thos. Nelson Jr., 147 acres adjoining said Nelson's prop- erty known as Bull field. Jan. 16, 1785. vol. 2, p. 385. Abraham Fontaine, of Hanover Co. deed from Williams' Mills Sr. of Henry Co. 171 acres in Hanover Co. on Licking hole Creek, adjoining Francis's Mills, Walton and Thomas. Oct. 25, 1787. vol. 2, p. 399. Deed from Wm. Minor and Mildred his wife, of Hanover Co. to Reuben Goodwin, of said Co. land in St. Martin's Parish, adjoining Fontaine, John Minor, Austin, Corley, said Wm. Minor and James Nelson. Apr. 1, 1790. vol. 2, p. 484. FONTAINE: HENRICO COUNTY 471 HENRICO COUNTY RECORDS It is ordered that a summons be issured to Hanover County to summon Peter Fontaine, guardian of Joseph Fon- taine to appear at next court and render account of his ward's estate. Sept. 3, 1764. O. B. 1763-67, p. 335. Peter Fontaine is given further time to render account of his ward's estate. Oct. 1, 1764. O. B. 1763-67, p. 372. Moses Fontaine Deft. vs Sarah Wade Pltf. In debt. dis- missed. June 3, 1765. O. B. 1763-67, p. 471. Peter Fontaine is ordered to be summoned to next court to render account of his ward's estate. Aug. 4, 1766. O. B. 1763-67, p. 615. Peter Fontaine failing to appear and render account of his ward's estate; court instructed sheriff to summon him to next court. Aug. 3, 1767. O. B. 1767-69, p. 95. Peter Fontaine failing to appear to render an account of his ward's estate the sheriff is ordered to summon him to appear at the next court to render such account. 1768. O. B. 1767-69, p. 286. Aug. 3, Peter Fontaine given further time to render account of the estate of his ward, Jos. Fontaine orphan of the Rev- erend Peter Fontaine decd. Aug. 7, 1769. O. B. 1767-69, p. 506. Peter Fontaine proves a deed from the late Hon. Wm. Byrd, Esq. decd. to Samuel Tsheffely also decd. and same is recorded. Aug. 6, 1759. Min. Bk. 1755-62, p. 350. Joseph Fontaine late of Charles City County binds him- self as an apprentice to George Donald, Cabinet Maker of Richmond for 6 years from date. Recorded July 4, 1763. D. W. &c. 1750-67, p. 849. 472 THE VALENTINE PAPERS KING WILLIAM COUNTY RECORDS William Spotswood Fontaine of King William Co. has settled all accts, which he has against Philip Aylett as the Exor. of Philip Aylet decd. of Montvale in King William Co. Witness-Thos. Dabney. Recorded Feb. 17, 1836. Bk. 7. William S. Fontaine a Justice of King William Co. 1848. Bk. 14. LOUISA COUNTY RECORDS Inquisition indented made Day of February in the year one thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty at the late Dwell- ing house of John Marshall, Decd; before William Hughes of the said County of Louisa Executor (Escheator?) Law- fully constituted by Wm. Pettus, Fredk. Harris, Aaron Fon- taine, Robt. Armistead, Chas. Yancey, Wm. Lipscomb, James Burnley, John Whitton, John Smith, Jas. Nucholds, John Saunders, Elias Thomason, Wm. Garrett, & others being elected tryed & sworn on oath do say that John Hud- son, is a British Subject, confiscating his property, &c. &c. Retd. & Recd. Mar. 13, 1780. W. B. 2, p. 366. Aaron Fontaine an appraiser of estate of Wm. Tate, decd. Jan. 21, 1782. Retd. & recd. Feby. 11, 1782. W. B. 2, p. 403. Aaron Fontaine & Nathan Smith, two of the apprs. of the Estate of Capt. John Byars, decd. Septr. 4, 1782. W. B. 2, p. 456. Moses Fontaine, admr. of Sarah Fontaine, Decd. with Aaron Fontaine & Richmond Terrell on Bond £1500 curr. Octr. 11, 1788. W. B. 3, p. 33. Sarah Fontaine, decd. Appraisement of estate of; agree- able to an Order of Louisa Co. Court, Oct. 11, 1786. Retd. & Recd. Jany. 10, 1785. W. B. 3, p. 42. FONTAINE: LOUISA COUNTY 473 Aaron Fontaine admr. of Sarah Fontaine, decd. Bond. Fredk. Harris & Abram Fontaine, Sureties. £2000: curr. Nov. 14, 1785. W. B. 3, p. 122. Aaron Fontaine & Nathan Smith two of the Commis- sioners to divide the estate of Francis Lea. Septr. 3, 1783. W. B. 3, p. 229. Abraham Fontaine, Mary Kennedy, Decd. surety of Robt. Honeyman, admr. of April 11, 1791. W. B. 3, p. 399. Aaron Fontaine, an apprs. of the estate of John Nelson, Decd. Feby. 13, 1790. Retd. & recd. Augt. 11, 1791. W. B. 3, p. 431. Aaron Fontaine, an apprs. of the estate of Robt. Stewart, Decd. taken July 16th, 1791. Retd. & Recd. Nov. 14, 1791. W. B. 3, p. 448. Aaron Fontaine, a comrs. to examine accts. of estate of Stephen Yancey, Decd. Retd. & Recd. June 10, 1793. W. B. 3, p. 521. Aaron Fontaine, an apprs. of the estate of Abigal Tate. Oct. 16, 1792. Retd. & Recd. Nov. 12, 1792. W. B. 3, p. 505. Aaron Fontaine a commrs. to report on acctr. of Enos Tait, exor. of James Tait, Decd. Retd. & Recd. July 9, 1793. W. B. 3, p. 507. Will of Samuel Terrell of Louisa Co. dated May 16, 1796. Probated Feby. 12, 1798. Brother Wm. & his wife, during their lives, for their more comfortable living, together with the better maintaining, educating & bringing up their chil- dren, my land on Camp Creek, adj. Col. Richd. Morris, with all my negroes (Caesar excepted) Stocks of horses, Sheep, cattle & hogs; plantation utensils; which said ne- groes &c. I desire may be equally divided at the death of my sd. brother & wife, between his my said brothers two sons, Richmond and James. Brother, Richard Terrell, all the held by us in partnership. To each of my sisters, Ann 474 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Lewis, Mary O. Minor, Barbara Fontaine and Becky Meri- wether, a genteel suit of mourning, as a token, of my affec- tion for them. Brother William Terrell, my riding horse. saddle & bridle with my watch, & whole of my wearing ap- parel. Negro man Caesar, at my death, his freedom. Whole of my Kentucky lands to be sold & the money arising there- from to be equally divided amongst the daughters of my bro. Wm. Terrell, as they may respectively come of age or marry. Executors, friend, Garrett Minor & brother Richard Terrell. No witnesses. W. B. 4, p. 45. Aaron Fontaine one of the commrs, to divide the estate of Abagael White, decd. Apr. 10, 1797. W. B. 4, p. 61. Friend Aaron Fontaine named as an executor in the will of Wm. Douglas, of Trinity Parish; Louisa Co. Dated Septr. 22, 1794. Probated Feby. 12, 1798. Peter Fontaine a witness to the said will. W. B. 4, p. 48. Friend Abraham Fontaine, one of the executors named in the will of Cornelius Dabney, of Louisa Co. dated Aprl. 24, 1821. Proved Dec. 10, 1821. W. B. 6, p. 267. James Fontaine, one of the commrs. to audit, settle & state accts. of Garland Thompson, Jr. Exor. of Thomas Mitchell, decd. Mar. 14, 1825. Retd. & recd. Mar. 14, 1825. W. B. 7, p. 52. Division of negroes surrendered by Mrs. Nancy Morris into six lots: Lot No. 1, to Elizabeth S. Watson; Lot No. 2, to Mary W. Minor; Lot No. 3, to Juliet C. Fontaine; Lot No. 4, to A. C. Morris; Lot No. 5, to Ellen M. Barker; Lot No. 6, to Sarah Michie. Mrs. Susan D. Watson, Jos. W. Morris & James Morris having surrendered their rights in sd. negroes. Jany. 10, 1850. Retd. & recd. Mar. 11, 1850. W. B. 12, p. 540. John-X-Edwards, & Judith-X-his wife, of Louisa Co. to Aaron Fontaine, of same Co. £80: curr. 54 acres on branches of Duckinghole Creek in Louisa Co. adj. sd. Fon- taine, John Bibb, Thomas Grey. June 8, 1778. D. B. E. 265. 1 FONTAINE: LOUISA COUNTY 475 Thomas Johnson, late high Sheriff of Louisa Co. to Aaron Fontaine. £3:16:6d: specie. £1:5s: certificate: paid him as collector of Revenues of sd. Co. for 1783-84: 1200 acres known as James Brown land adj. Capt. Waddy Thompson, John Hancock Manbloes, & on head branches of N. E. Creek (formerly known as Cabin Branch) (sold for taxes). May 15, 1787. D. B. F. 9. John Hancock & Anne, his wife, of Louisa Co. to Aaron Fontaine, of sd. County. £60: 100 acres purchased of An- thony Goldsen & 100 acres purchased of Clifton Allen. June 11, 1787. D. B. F. 10. Aaron Fontaine and Barbara his wife of Louisa Co. to Will: Payne, Mercht: £200: Three tracts of land, two of which sd. Fontaine bought of John Hancock, the other of Major Thomas Johnson, conty. in whole 1400 acres. Decr. 10, 1787. D. B. F. 173. Aaron Fontaine of Louisa Co. from Garrett Minor and Mary Overton Minor, his wife, of same Co. £230 curr. 2 tracts of land in Trinity Parish, Louisa Co. adj. lands of sd. Fontaine on Duckinghole Creek, conty, in all 200 curr. Augt. 11, 1788. D. B. F. 335. Aaron Fontaine of Louisa Co. from Thomas Gray of same Co. £54:7s:6d: curr 54 3/8 acres in Louisa Co. adj. sd. Fontaine's plantation (near his blacksmith's shop) Col. Minor's, Douglas's road. Jany. 13, 1794. Jan. 10, 1794. D. B. G. 334. Aaron Fontaine of Louisa Co. from Dabney Minor & Anne his wife of Hanover Co. £356:14s: curr. 3821/2 acres on Duckinghole Creek, Louisa Co. adj. Wm. Smith, John Bibb, John Edwards. Augt. 10, 1778. D. B. H. 241. Sarah Fontaine, of Louisa Co. taine; Deed of Gift. 2 negroes. 1783. D. B. H. 356. to her son Abraham Fon- July 12, 1784. Decr. 24, 476 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Aaron Fontaine from Thomas Grey, Letty his wife and Mary Grey of Louisa Co. £50 curr. 58½ acres in Louisa Co. adj. land of the sd. Aaron Fontaine: April 11, 1784. D. B. H. 383. Establishment of county line between the lands of Colo John Overton, of Louisa Co. & Abraham Fontaine, of Gooch- land Co. Feby. 28, 1794. D. B. I. 135. Aaron Fontaine from John Bibb & Sarah his wife. £10: 734 acres adj. Fontaine. Octr. 10, 1796. D. B. I. 216. Aaron Fontaine & Barbara his wife of Louisa Co. to Isaac Winston, of Hanover Co. £1454 curr. 1727 acres on Duck- inghole Creek, Louisa Co. adj. Revd. Wm. Douglas, Nicho- las Meriwether, Wm. Martin, John Bibb, James Tait, Thomas Grey. July 8, 1797. D. B. I. 308. William Fontaine of Fluvanna Co. from Phil. H. Jones, Depty. Sheriff for Thos. Poindexter late Sheriff of Louisa Co. $1422.75. 2722 acres in Louisa Co. adj. lands of John Wheeler, Thomas Darnall & others (being the land which John D. Watkins deeded to Sheriff of Louisa Co., by virtue of writs of Capias a drespon dendum in favor of sd. Wm. Fontaine.) June 15, 1841. D. B. X. 386. William Fontaine, of Fluvanna Co. to Philip H. Jones, Depty. Sheriff for Thos. Poindexter, late Sheriff, of Louisa Co. Whereas sd. P. H. Jones did by his deed, dated 15 June 1841, convey to sd. Fontaine 27212 acres of land in Estate of John D. Watkins, adj. lands of John Wheeler, Thomas Darneal & others and the sd. P. H. Jones was not duly au- thorized to execute sd. deed, but the same should have been executed according to law by the sheriff, who now requires before executing the same that the former deed of sd. Jones be cancelled &c. The sd. Fontaine hereby reconveys above sd. lands to sd. P. H. Jones, Dpty. as aforesd. &c. M. Wade, Abra, Shepherd, Jr., Benj. E. Payne. Octr. 5, 1842. (By deed dated Septr. 30, 1841. Thos. Poindexter, late Sheriff conveys to Wm. Fontaine of Fluvanna Co. the 200 acres above mentioned.) Recd. Octr. 17, 1842. D. B. Y. pp. 146, 147. FONTAINE: LOUISA COUNTY 477 William Fontaine & Eliza, his wife, of Fluvanna Co. to Anne Rogers, of Albemarle Co. $1635. 27212 acres in Louisa Co., adj. lands of John Wheeler, Thomas Darneal & others, which land was surrendered by John D. Watkins to the Sheriff of Louisa Co. & by him conveyed to sd. Fontaine by deed 30 Sept. 1841. (Mrs. Mary Watkins the grand- daughter of John Rogers Sr. decd. & wife of Albert G. Wat- kins) & her children to be permitted to use & occupy sd. land as long as she may live, in lieu of interest due her & her children upon so much of the legacy of $2500 bequeathed her by her grandfather aforesd. for benefit of herself & children as is equal to the purchase money to be pd. by sd. Agnes Rogers to sd. Fontaine).* Octr. 5, 1841. Note: There are many provisions made in this deed for Mrs. Mary Watkins in case she does not occupy the land, &c. &c. These pro- visions do not relate at all to Fontaine. Fontaine purchased the land at a Sheriff's sale. D. B. Y. p. 260. Aaron Fontaine, a Grand-juror. Nov. 9, 1778. O. Bk. Aaron Fontaine, recommended to the Gov. as a fit person to serve as Ensign in Capt. John Byars' Company of ma- litia in the County. April 13, 1779. O. Bk. Aaron Fontaine presented a commission from the Gov- ernor appointing him Ensign in the Malitia in this County. May 10, 1779. O. Bk. Aaron Fontaine allowed 3d per pound for 160 lbs. beef furnished Wm. Anderson for Public use Nov. 1, 1781. May 25, 1782. O. Bk. Aaron Fontaine, took oaths as vestryman of Trinity Parish. Nov. 11, 1782. O. Bk. MARRIAGE BONDS Dear Sir: Mr. Aaron Fontaine having obtained a proper Certificate from Majr. Lewis (guardian to Miss Terrell) to demand a License from your office for his intermarriage with that said Young Lady my business meeting it out of my power to attend Louisa Court this is to inform you that 478 THE VALENTINE PAPERS I will upon sight subscribe to a Bond for your endemnity as security for him given under my hand this 9th May 1773. Witness: Richard Dabney, Owen Gwatheney, Junr. To Mr. Jno. Nelson, Clk. Louisa Court. Sam Temple. I hereby certify that Mrs. Terrell hath given her consent to a Marriage between Mr. Aaron Fontaine & Miss Barbara Terrell & I do also as guardian signify my consent that a Marriage License may be granted for that purpose. Test. Jno. Overton, Fras. Bickley. May 4th 1773. Z. Lewis. Marriage Bond of Aaron Fontaine to Barbara Terrell, Bond dated, 10, May 1773. Test, John Timberlake. Saml. Temple, security. Marriage Bond of Fortunatus Cosby to Mary Ann Fon- Bond dated 10, Nov. 1795. Aaron Fontaine, se- taine. curity. LUNENBURG COUNTY RECORDS Peter Fontaine, Jr. Gent. has a commission from the Mas- ters and professors of William and Mary College at Wil- liamsburg to be surveyor of the South District of this County. D. B. 1746-49, p. 3. Peter Fontaine, Jr. of Lunenburg Co. surveyor, from Peter Wynne of Amelia, Planter. £50: curr. 162 acres by Patent in Lunenburg on a Branch of Tucking Creek com- monly called Wool Creek. Jany. 2d, 1749. D. B. 1, p. 475, 1749. Peter Fontaine, Jr. surveyor of Lunenburg Co. from Stephen Evans of same Co. planter. £15: curr. 88 acres by patent dated April 1, 1749, lying on north side of the North Fork of Tucking Creek. Apr. 3, 1751. D. B. 2, p. 241. 1751. Peter Fontaine Jr. of Halifax Co. surveyor, from Peter Hudson of same Co. Planter. £100: 400 acres in Lunenburg Co. on north side of Stanton River just below the land of FONTAINE: LUNENBURG COUNTY 479 Thos. Blanks late of said County. Said dividend of land was bequeathed to the sd. Peter Hudson by the will of his father Peter Hudson late of Halifax Co. Oct. 19, 1755. D. B. 4, p. 15. 1755. Peter Fontaine of Halifax Co. from David Stokes of Lunenburgh Co. £32:10s: curr. 65 acres on the Branches of Tucking Creek. Mar. 6, 1758. D. B. 5, p. 105.. Peter Fontaine of Hanover Co. from Wm.-X-Hudson of Lunenburgh Co. £100: curr. 400 acres in Lunenburgh Co. on north side of Stanton River and on the upper side of Buffaelow Creek, it being part of a tract granted to Peter Hudson, decd. containing three thousand 280 acres bearing date Aug. 24, 1754. Oct. 3, 1758. D. B. 5, p. 317, 1758. John Fountaine of Prince Edward to Joel Meadow of Amelia Co. £85: curr. 150 acres in Lunenburg Co. upon Dunnarant Creek, being part of a greater Tract which was granted to Alex. Spalding and John Ledderdole by Patent dated Feby. 18, 1744, and by their attorney Saml. Gooddin conveyed to Thos. Vernon by deed dated Mar. 9, 1747, and lying on both sides of Dunnarant fork of little Roanoke &c. Aug. 15, 1763. (Signed) John Fulton. Note: The above deed is indexed Fountaine, but is signed Fulton. Peter Fontaine Jr. Gent. Commissioned surveyor of the South District of this County by the Masters and Professors of William and Mary College. May Court, 1748. O. B. 1746-48, p. 3. Peter Fontaine Jr. from Ralph Hunt, Indenture certified. June Court 1748. O. B. 1748-57, p. 9. Peter Fontaine and William Haywood & Lyddal Bacon Justices of the Peace. Oct. Court 1751. O. B. 1748-57, p. Peter Fontaine sworn surveyor of this County. Oct. 1751. O. B. 1748-57, p. 480 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Peter Fontaine & others appointed to settle and adjust the unsettled accts of the collectors of this County. O. B. 1748-51, p. Elizabeth Fontaine, George Dabney, James Winston and Edmund Winston Exors. of Peter Fontaine, decd. Pltffs. vs. William Curiton, Daniel Baughn and John Curiton Defts. In debt. Pltf. recover. O. B. 1769-77, p. 228. MIDDLESEX COUNTY RECORDS Carter B. Fontaine to Carter B. Berkeley to secure debts he may be chargeable to or against the estate of the late Edmund Berkeley of Middlesex Co. decd. left by sd. Ed- mund Berkeley in his will to his daughter Alice Grymes Berkeley with whom the said Fontaine hath since intermar- ried. 20 negroes originally bequeathed to sd. Alice G. Berkeley & the 1/3 part of 20 negroes originally bequeathed to the sd. Edmund Berkeley's daughter Elizabeth Burwell Berkeley, which the sd. Alice became entitled to from sd. property becoming a lapse legacy. Consideration $1,00. Also a negro man named Peter, a woman called Stella Page Rose, &c. &c. Nov. 15, 1806. D. B. 1799-1810, p. 489. Lucy N. Fontaine of Loudoun Co. & Paulin A. Blackburn of Middlesex Co. Settlement of lines between the land known by the name of Barn Elms on the Piankotouk river in Middlesex Co. and the land now in the possession of Pau- lin A. Blackburn. Whereas Carter B. Berkeley late pro- prietor of Barn Elms died intestate and in the division of his lands the portion of Barn Elms which adjoins the land of sd. Paulin A. Blackburn was allotted the sd. Lucy N. Fon- taine niece of sd. Carter Berkley. Dec. 22, 1832. D. B. 1828-35, p. 339. Lucy N. Fontaine of Loudon Co. from Paulin A. Black- burn of Middlesex Co. $200 lawful money of U. S. 50 acres in Middlesex Co. Dec. 23, 1832. D. B. 1828-35, p. Lucy N. Fontaine to Lewis Berkeley both of Loudon Co. $1.00. Certain piece of land known as the Grave Yard on the Barn Elms Estate in Middlesex Co. Dec. 20, 1833. D. B. 1828-35, p. 413. FONTAINE: SPOTTSYLVANIA COUNTY 481 Lucy N. Fontaine of Loudon Co. & Paulin A. Blackburn of Middlesex Co. Commissioners appointed by decree of Superior Court of Law, Richmond District, June 11, 1828, to divide the real & personal estate of Carter B. Berkeley late of Middlesex Co. decd. allotted to Lucy N. Fontaine niece of said Carter Berkeley that part of the Barn Elms tract of land in Middlesex Co. Oct. 6th 1834. D. B. 1828-35, p. 536. Carter Burwell Fontaine, witness to conveyance between Edmund Berkeley of Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co. and Norborne Berkeley his son of same Parish & Co. Feb. 19, 1796. O. B. 1791-99, p. 285. Carter B. Fontaine to Carter B. Berkeley to secure debts he may be charged with to or against the estate of the late Edmund Berkeley of Middlesex Co. decd. left by sd. Edmund Berkeley decd. to his daughter Alice Grymes Berkeley with whom sd. Fontaine hath since intermarried. Nov. 16, 1806. O. B. 1799-1810, p. 489. MARRIAGE BONDS James Maury Fontaine & Betty Carter Churchill. Sure- ties James Maury Fontaine and John Jackson. William Churchill. Bond dated Dec. 3ed 1777. Witness, SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY RECORDS James Fontaine, witness with John Waller & William Bledsoe to a deed from Larkin Chew of Spotsylvania Co. Gent. to Thomas Butler of sd. Co. Mch. 5, 1722. Recorded April 2, 1723. D. B. A. 1722-29, p. 89. Joseph Herndon & Betty, his wife; Charles Gordon & Mary, his wife, of Spotsylvania Co. to Aaron Fontaine £200 curr. 260 acres in Spotsylvania Co. Aug. 18, 1774. Mch. 8, 1774. D. B. J. 1774-82, p. 314. 482 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Aaron Fontaine and Barbara his wife, deed to David Sandidge of Spotsylvania Co. £225: curr. 260 acres in Spots. Co. May 15, 1782. D. B. K. 1782-85, p. 366. William Fontaine witness to deed from Thomas Colson & Frances his wife of Spotsylvania Co. to Thomas Sharpe of same Co. Dec. 18, 1783. Nov. 28, 1783. D. B. K. 1782-85, p. 377. Aaron Fontaine, witness to deed from Wm. Plummer Thurston and Lucy Mary his wife of Spotsylvania Co. to Garrett Minor of Louisa Co. £437: curr. 380 acres in Berke- ley Parish Spotsylvania Co. April 1, 1788. Dec. 26, 1786. D. B. L. 1785-88, p. 47. John Lewis of Spotsylvania Co. deed to Wm. Fontaine of Hanover Co. and John Spotswood of Orange Co. Executors of Bowles Armistead, Decd, to indemnify them, 2 negroes &c. Nov. 21, 1794. D. B. O. 1794-97. YORK COUNTY RECORDS Rev. Francis Fontaine, Minister of York Hampton Parish, certifies together with the Clerk and Church Wardens of sd. Parish that William Dandridge Esq. received the Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper in said Parish June 9, 1728. June 17, 1728. D. O. W. &c. 16, p. 526. Francis Fontaine, James Hewitt and Rebecca Cobbs, wit- ness a deed from John Walker to his daughter Judith of a negro girl named Florence. Nov. 16, 1723. D. O. W. &c. 16, p. 244. Francis Fontaine, Minister of York Hampton Parish, in York Co. will of, gives to his wife Susanna all of his estate. To his youngest son James Maury Fontaine all of his printed books and manuscripts. Disinherits his oldest son Francis Fontaine Jr. Mentions his children as follows: Francis Fontaine, whom he disinherits, Mary Fontaine, John Fon- taine, Thomas Fontaine, James Maury Fontaine, Judith Bar- bor Fontaine. Appoints his wife executrix. No witnesses. April 23, 1745. D. O. W. &c. 16. FONTAINE: SPOTTSYLVANIA COUNTY 483 Francis Fontaine, decd. will of; was presented in court by Susanna Fontaine Exectrx. Proved by Mary Fontaine daughter of decd. and by John Fontaine who also attested to the seal and arms of the said document. Mch. 19, 1749. Francis Fontaine, Chas. Brown & John Stott witnesses to an instrument between Henry Wills of Spotsylvania Co. Gent. & Mildred his wife and John Halloway of Williams- burg of the one part an Alexander Kerr of Wm. burg of the other part. Dec. 18, 1732. Susanna Fontaine, decd. On motion of Phillip Woody. It is ordered that John Carter, John Ferguson, James Southall and Alexander Craig or any three of them examine, state & settle the accounts of the administration of the estate of Susanna Fontaine decd. and divide the said estate be- tween her children according to law and make report to the next Court. July 21, 1760. D. & O., 3, p. 152. Susanna Fontaine, decd. A settlement of her estate was returned to Court and ordered to be recorded. Mch. 16. 1761. D. & O. 3, p. 216. Mrs. Susanna Fontaine, decd. with Mr. James Maury Fontaine. is one to Dr. Pasteur Feb. 16, 1762. The estate of in Acct. Among the accts. paid D. W. O. 21, p. 51. VIRGINIA GAZETTE-Obituaries On the 28th ultimo died at Ware glebe, Mrs. Alice Fon- taines, wife of reverend James Maury Fontaine. She was pious, grateful, sincere, affectionate discreet. Williamsburg, Dec. 23, 1775. 484 THE VALENTINE PAPERS VIRGINIA MAGAZINE OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY Vol. XXII, page 195-197 FONTAINE AND CONNECTED FAMILIES (By Paymaster J. S. Carpenter, U. S. N.) FONTAINE The dates of graduation of the sons of James Fontaine at Trinity College (University of Dublin) as given in the "Catalogue of the Grad- uates in the University of Dublin, who have proceeded to degrees between 1595 and 1866", are as follows: Peter Fontaine B. A. Comitia Verna (Spring Commencement)........1715 Francis Fontaine B. A. Comitia Aestiva (Summer Commencement) 1716 M. A. Comitia Aestivia (Summer Commencement)........1719 Moses Fontaine B. A...... B. A. (possibly intended for M. A.)... ..1716 ..1717 In the catalogue referred to the name is spelled Fountain, not an un- common mistake then and now. The record of the marriage of James Fontaine (the Huguenot) at Barnstaple, England, in 1686, gives that spelling, and the Fountain-Ferry Road, in Louisville, Ky., leading to the former home of Col. Aaron Fontaine, and the site of the old ferry once owned by that gentleman, is a modern instance of the corruption of the name. The proper name has been restored to this road however, by a recent city ordinance. BOURSIQUOT Anne Elizabeth Boursiquot, wife of Jacques (James) Fontaine was the daughter of Aaron and Jeanne (Guillot) Boursiquot, of Tailles- bourg, Saintonge in the Department of Charente Inferieure, France, near Bordeaux. In his auto-biography, James Fontaine states that he and his wife were married in the parish church at Barnstaple, North Devon, England, by the rector, Mr. Wood, on March 8, 1686. The record of the marriage as it appears in the printed Barnstaple Parish Registers (1538-1812) is as follows: 1686. Mr. James Fountain and Mrs. Anne Burcicott 24 Feb. James Fontaine thus describes his wife: "She was very beautiful, her skin was delicately fair. She had a brilliant color in her cheeks, a high forehead, a remarkably intellectual expression of countenance; her bust was fine, rather inclined to embonpoint, and she had a very dignified carriage, which some persons condemned haughty; but I always thought it peculiarly becoming to one of her beauty. The charms of her mind and disposition were in no way inferior to those of her person, so that alto- gether she seemed formed to captivate the most indifferent." as FONTAINE: SPOTTSYLVANIA COUNTY 485 Mrs. Fontaine died in Dublin, on Jan. 29, 1721. The record of her burial taken from the Registre Mortuaire des Eglises Unie de Peter et Lucy Lane, Dublin, is as follows: "Enterment_du 30 me Janvier, 1720-1. Fontaine. La fame de Monsieur Fontaine, Ministre, en- terre le dernier jour du mois de Janvier, 1720-1 dans la Cim- mitiere Sittue en Stephen Green. Mrs. Fontaine took an active part in resisting the attack of the French privateer at Bantry Bay, and at the same time acted as sur- geon and nurse for the wounded. Mary Anne, the eldest daughter of James Fontaine and his wife, was named in honor of his father's mother Marie Chaillon and her own mother Anne Elizabeth Bourisquot. Jacques Boursiquot, brother of Anne Elizabeth (Boursiquot) Fon- taine, accompanied or preceded his brother-in-law to Ireland. The following is a copy of the record of his marriage in the French Hugue- not Church in Dublin. "Jacques Bousiquot et Jeanne Beaume. Aujourd'huy 13 Fevrier 1694 a este benit par M. Barbier l'un de nos ministres le mariage d'entre le Sieur Jacques Boursiquot, marchand, natif de Taille Bourg en Xaintonge, fils de Aron Bursiquot et de Jean Guillot, et de Dle. Jeanne Beaume, fille de fen Daniel Beaume marchand, de la ville de Xainte en Xaintenge et de Jeanne D'Oisy." GUILLOT Smiles' "Huguenots" contains reference to the more notable of the Huguenot men and families among the refugees in England-of the Guiloot family he says: "Several members of this family were officers in the Navy of Louis XIV. They emigrated to Holland at the Revocation and were presented by the Prince of Orange with commis- sions in his Navy. Their descendants settled in Lisburn, Ireland. Others of the same name of like French descent, settled in England where their descendants are still to be found at Birmingham and Sheffield as well as at Glastonbury, Exeter and Banbury." The writer has found no record of the burial of James Fontaine (the Huguenot) but it is more than probable that he was buried beside his wife in the cemetery in Stephen Green, Dublin. Considering that he and his noble wife have many thousand descendants in this country, it seems fitting that a suitable monument should be erected over their last resting place to commemorate their virtues and to testify that these are known and appreciated by their posterity. Gray Family ALBEMARLE COUNTY RECORDS Samuel Gray, Junr. witness to will of Thomas Fitzpatrick of St. Ann's Parish Albemarle Co., Sept. 2, 1785. W. B. 3, p. 35. Francis Gray, an appraiser of the estate of Capt. Wm. Sims. July 6, 1797. W. B. 3, p. 331. Edmund Gray, of Albemarle Co. deed to William Gray of New Kent Co. £885: curr. 34 negroe slaves. Oct. 5, 1749. Recd. Feb. 13, 1749. D. B. 1, p. 192. Edmund Gray, of Albemarle Co., deed to Wm. Gray, of New Kent Co. £400 curr. 5800 acres in Albemarle Co., among the head branches of Willis' River, being the plan- tation on which the sd. Edmund Gray lives, and was granted the sd. Wm. Gray by patent June 29, 1739 and by him sold to sd. Edmund Gray Feb. 4, 1746. Feb. 13, 1749. Oct. 25, 1749. D. B. 1, p. 193. Edmund Gray, of Albemarle Co., deed to William Gray, of New Kent Co., £153: curr. Several stocks of cattle, hogs, horses &c. now on sd. Edmund Gray's several plantations in the counties of Lunnenburg, and Albemarle. Feb. 13, 1749. Oct. 5, 1749. D. B. 1, p. 194. William Gray, of New Kent Co., St. Peters Parish. deed to Stephen Sanders, of St. Anne's Parish, Albemarle Co., £100 curr. 405 acres in Albemarle Co. Recd. May 14, 1752. Nov. 25, 1751. D. B. 1, p. 432. Francis Gray and Eleanor, his wife, of Albemarle Co., deed to Samuel Brockman of same Co., £196: 104 acres on Blud Run, Albemarle Co., Sept. 1797. May 1, 1797. D. B. 12, p. 244. 486 GRAY: ALBEMARLE COUNTY 487 Francis Gray and Eleanor his wife, of Albemarle Co., deed to Ambrose Brockman of same Co., $59,00 1434 acres on Putes Creek, in Albemarle Co., Sept. 1797. May 31, 1797. D. B. 12, p. 330. Francis Gray, of Albemarle Co., deed from Thomas Jones & Martha, his wife. £1000 curr. 884 acres in Albemarle Co., Dec. 1794. D. B. 11, p. 309. Francis Gray, of Albemarle Co., deed from James Sims & Mildred, his wife, of same Co., £1: 2 acres in Albemarle Co., Jan. 31, 1795. Feb. 1795. D. B. 11, p. 364. Francis Gray & Elenor, his wife, of Albemarle Co., deed to James Sims, of same Co., £6; curr. 12 acres in Albemarle Co. Feb. 1795. Jan. 31, 1795. D. B. 11, p. 368. Edmund Gray, Gent. Commissioner as Kings Attorney in Albemarle Co., Feb. 28, 1744. O. B. 1744-48, p. 2. Edmund Gray resigns from King's Attornyship. Jan. 23, 1746. O. B. 1744-48, p. 88. Joshua Fry, in his survey of this country presents list of his surveys from June 1, 1745-June 1, 1746. in which list the sd Edmund Gray appears as owner of two tracts of land of 400 acres and 340 acres respectively. June 12, 1746. O. Bk. 1744-48, p. 122. Edmund Gray, Gent. Justice, at court held Feb. 13, 1746. O. B. 1744-48, p. 290. Francis Gray appointed surveyor of the road in the room of Thomas Jones from Orange Co., line to Quarles Creek. July 6, 1795. O. B. 1793-95, p. 408. AMELIA COUNTY RECORDS Joseph Gray, of Amelia Co., Will of; Gives to his son James Gray the plantation on which the testator dwells, and the land belonging thereto as far as Wiunchaues Creek, 488 THE VALENTINE PAPERS adj. Cabin branch, Thweats, Anderson & Sherwin, and con- taining 237 acres. Son Joseph Gray 150 acres being the remainder of above tract. Daughter Jane Gray a sorrel colt, side saddle, and a feather bed & furniture. Lends wife during widowhood the remainder of his estate. Executrix his wife. Witnesses, Jas. Anderson, Ed. Thweat, Alex -X-Gray. Recd. Apr. 19, 1745. Dated Oct. 31, 1744. W. B. 1, p. 30. Joseph Gray, decd. Inventory and appraisement of his estate returned by Anna Gray Extx. Value £26:17:3: James Hall, James Anderson, Robt. Melone appraisers. Recd. May 17, 1745. Dated May 17, 1745. W. B. 1, p. 31. Joseph Gray, decd. Inventory and appraisement of his estate. Value £203:10:10: Richard Jones, Junr. Jno. El- lett, Elexander-X-Brooss appraisers. John Gray. May 3, 1783. W. B. 3, p. 236. Elexander Gray, of the Parish of Rightey [Raleigh] and Co. of Amelia. deed from Richard Smith of Bristol Parish, Prince George Co., £12 curr. 400 acres in Amelia Co., on both sides of Seller Fork of Deep Creek in the Parish of Raleigh. Recd. Aug. 13, 1736. Feb. 4, 1735. D. B. 1, p. 31. Elexander Gray, & Mary, his wife, deed of above property to William Hulme, 5 shillings. Recd. June 27, 1743. June 8, 1743. D. B. 1, p. 319. William Gray, of New Kent Co., deed from John Watson, of Granville Co. in the Province of North Carolina. £80 curr. 400 acres in Amelia Co. on Appomattox River where- on sd. Watson lately lived, adj. John Franklin's upper line on the river. Recd, Nov. 28, 1751. Dated June 10, 1750. D. B. 4, p. 109. William Gray of New Kent Co., deed to Terry Bradley of Albemarle Co. £200 curr. in Amelia Co. on Appomattox River, and being the plantation on which John Watson lately lived adj. John Franklin's upper line on the river &c. and conveyed by sd. Watson to sd. Gray by deed of record in the Co. Court of Amelia. Recd. Nov. 21, 1760. Dated Apr. 24, 1752. D. B. 4, p. 224. GRAY: AMELIA COUNTY 489 John Gray, and Ann Sherwin of Amelia Co. deed to George Martin of same Co. £160 curr. 1932 acres in Amelia Co. on the lower side of Wiunchams Creek of Deep Creek, being part of the tract of land on which the sd. John Gray now lives and fell to him by the death of his brother James Gray, and bounded as follows: Beginning at Wiunchams Creek at the mouth of Cabin branch, being the line between sd. John Gray and Joseph Gray, thence up the branch as it meanders to Thweat's line thence along Thweat's line to Anderson's line, then along Anderson's to Wiunchams alias Sherwin's line thence along Sherwin's to Willson's line thence to Cabin branch at the beginning. June 21, 1760. Signed John Gray, Ann-X-Sherwin, Dru- silla-X-Gray. Recd. June 26, 1760. D. B. 7, p. 235. John Gray of Amelia Co., Planter, mortgage to George Martin, Planter of same Co. 1932 acres in Amelia Co., on the lower side of Miuncham Creek which fell to him by the death of his brother James Gray &c. Mch. 20, 1760. D. B. 7, p. 472. John Gray and Robert Cousins, deed to Thomas Short of Amelia Co. £217:10:0: 200 acres in Amelia Co. on the lower side of Woody Creek, of Deep Creek adj. Thweat, Bagley and Kenmore. Recd. Jan. 27, 1763. Dated Feb. 27, 1763. D. B. 8, p. 63. John Gray & Charles Williams, both of Nottoway Parish, Amelia Co., Planters, deed to Mathew Sturdivant. £66:15:0: one negro girl named Hannah. Nov. 22, 1762. D. B. 8, p. 93. John Gray, and Drucilla, his wife, Robert Cousins and George Bagley and Elizabeth, his wife, all of Amelia Co., deed to Thomas Jones of same Co. £205, curr. 200 acres in Amelia Co. on the south side of Woody Creek of Deep Creek, being one half of a tract of 400 acres granted to the sd. John Gray & Robert Cousins Oct. 1, 1747, adj. Fletcher, Short, Pryor and Billington Williams. Recd. Mch. 28, 1765. Dated Mch. 28, 1765. D. B. 8, p. 525. 490 THE VALENTINE PAPERS John Gray, and Wm. Spain of Amelia Co., deed to Jno. M. Lochlin of same Co. £165: curr. 4 negroes. Recd. Sept. 26, 1771. Dated Sept. 23, 1771. D. B. 11, p. 319. John Gray of the Parish of Raleigh and Co., of Amelia, deed to John Tabb of the same Parish & Co., In considera- tion of a debt of £168:15s:2: due to sd. Tabb from sd. Gray and for the further consideration of 5 shillings. 100 acres in the sd. parish and Co. adj. Isham Thompson, Frederick Spain and Robert Ragsdale. Recd. Apr. 23, 1772. D. B. 11, p. 413. John Gray, of Amelia Co., deed to Peter Jones, Sr., of same Co. £35. curr. 100 acres in Amelia Co. on the upper or west side of Deep Creek, adj. Spain. Jan. 28, 1779. D. B. 15, p. 41. William Gray, of Powhatan Co., deed from William Rucker, of Amelia Co. 120 acres in Amelia Co., on both sides of Sandy Creek, adj. John Bentley decd. Peter Clay- brook, Thomas Holt, and Joshua Rucker, being the land on which the said William Rucker now lives. Dec. 7, 1779. D. B. 15, p. 350. Alexander-X-Gray, of Amelia Co., deed to his daugh- ters Milly Gray and Mary Gray for valuable consideration all of his goods, chattles household stuff and all other of his substance whatever. June 8, 1782. D. B. 16, p. 130. John Gray, of Wake Co., North Carolina deed to William Osborne Junr. of Amelia Co., £450: Specie Virginia Money. 151 acres in Amelia Co., adj. Wiuniguns Creek, at the mouth of Cabbin branch, Wm. Osborne, Sr. Tucker and Davenport. Recd. Mch. 27, 1783. Dated Mch. 3, 1783. D. B. 16, p. 197. William Gray, of Prince Edward Co., deed to Wm. Ward of Amelia Co., £150. 1502 acres in Amelia Co., on Sandy Creek adj. Wm. Ward, Jesse Holt, Peter Clabrook, James Quarles, and Efford Bentley. Recd. July 26, 1792. Dated July 25, 1792. D. B. 19, p. 177. GRAY: AMELIA COUNTY 491 Gabreil Gray, of Culpeper Co., and Rebecca his wife, deed from Thomas Branch Willson, of Amelia Co., father of the said Rebecca Gray. For love and affection. 12 negroes, 1 mare and foal, one horse, one bed and furniture, table &c. &c. Recd. Feb. 12, 1789. Dated Nov. 17, 1788. D. B. 18, p. 289. Edwin Gray, and Rebeckah, his wife, deed to Creed Far- ley. $300. one undivided one third part of a tract of land on the waters of Sandy Creek, in Amelia Co., willed by the late James McGlasson to his wife Mildred McGlassen, dur- ing her natural life and after her decease to be equally di- vided between his surviving children, and the said Mil- dred McGleeson having relinquished her claim, title and interest to said land and wishes to distribute it equally be- tween her three surviving children, viz: George McGlasson, Rebecca Gray and Lucy Farley and their heirs. sd. land adj. Johnson, Willson Johnson, Waller Hendrick and the estate of Archibald M. Webster. Recd. Dec. 7, 1839. Dated Oct. 5, 1839. D. B. 34, p. 236. John Gray, deed from Col. John Hall. Oct. 23, 1765. D. Bk. 8, p. 615. John Gray, of Nottoway Parish, from David Spain and Abigal his wife, 400 acres west side of Deep Creek. Nov. 24, 1762. D. Bk. 8, p. 35. Alexander Gray, of North Carolina deed from William Yarbrough of same state 224 acres South side of Little Nottoway river. Mch. 17, 1774. D. Bk. 13, p. 75. William Gray, and Lucy, his wife, from his father-in-law Tom Branch Willson, (father of said Lucy) deeds negroes. Apr. 25, 1782. D. B. 16, p. 54. Col. Peter Gray, deed from John Stockdell, 30 acres. Jan. 27, 1827. D. B. 28, p. 146. Wilfred Gray, deed from William Waltrip 10 acres. Mch. 22, 1849. D. B. 37, p. 544. 492 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Col. Peter Gray, deed from Joseph H. Worsham, and Lucy his wife 20 acres. Sept. 8, 1850. D. B. 38, p. 171. Peter Gray, deed to Thos. T. Giles Trustee, for Lucy Mor- ris 8 acres. Jan. 22, 1852. D. B. 38, p. 304. Benj. C. Gray, of Richmond City, deed from Roger Steger and Georgeana, his wife 335 acres, on Appomattox river. Nov. 5, 1862. D. B. 40, p. 323. Gabriel Gray, nephew of Daniel Willson, whose will was probated. Mch. 23, 1786. W. B. 1, p.-. Sally Gray, granddaughter of Sarah Roberts whose will was probated. Apr. 27, 1797. W. Bk. 1, p. Joseph Gray, on his petition is exempted from paying county levy. Feb. 13, 1735. O. B. 1735-46, p. 6. Alexander Gray, Executor of Charles Hill, decd Pltf. vs Duncomb Hammond. O. B. 1735-46, p. 224. Alexander Gray's deed to William Hulm, ordered rec- orded, Mary wife of Alex. Gray relinquishes her right of dower in the land conveyed. June 17, 1743. O. B. 1735-46, p. 234. Joseph Gray, decd. His last will and testament is proved. by the oaths of Edward Thweat, James Anderson and Alex- ander Gray witnesses thereto. Anne Gray qualifies as executrix, with John Holland and Alexander Gray securities. Edward Thweat, James Anderson, Robert Melone and James Hall appointed appraisers. April Court 1745. 0. B. 1735-46, p. 312. Joseph Gray, decd. Inventory & Appraisement of his estate returned to Court. Value £35:17:3: Curr. May Court 1745. O. B. 1735-46, p. 314. Edmund Gray, Samuel Scott, Jacob Mosby, Stephen Lan- der, Norvil Burton, Thomas Harvey and Joseph Dabbs, GRAY: AMELIA COUNTY 493 Pltfs. vs David Alvis, Deft. £51: curr. In September last an attachment was granted the Pltfs. against the estate of the Deft. but no effects being found the suit is dismissed. Mch. Court 1746. O. B. 1746-51, p. 38. John Gray and Drusilla, his wife, and Ann Sherwin deed to George Martin was acknowledged. June Court 1760. 0. B. 1760-63, p. 8. Joseph Gray claims as his property a slave that is in the Public Jail. Ordered certified. Jan. Court 1763. O. B. 1763, p. 8. Joseph Gray and Alex. Gray. On motion of Mary Cham- bers executrix of Hugh Chambers, decd. it is ordered that the deposition of the sd. Joseph & Alex. Gray taken and sworn to in Court to prove a division of the estate of the sd. Hugh Chambers agreeable to his will be recorded. May Court 1771. O. B. 1769-71, p. 206. John Gray, Juryman. Aug. 27, 1773. O. B. 1772-76, p. Alexander Gray, on his motion is exempted from Levies. June 22, 1780. O. B. 1776-80, p. 429. Joseph Gray, decd. John Gray qualifiies as administra- tor of his estate. Jan. 22, 1783. O. B. 1782-1784, p. Joseph Gray, decd. Richard Ward is appointed Guardian to Martha Gray, Delpha Gray, Nelson Gray, Mary Gray or Polly Gray and Frances Gray. infants and children of Joseph Gray, decd. Apr. 25, 1783. O. B. 1782-84, p. Gray vs. Gray & others, In Chancery. William Osborne Jr. is appointed as Guardian to Nelson Gray a Deft. an infant, to defend this suit and upon hearing the bill and answer and by consent of the parties. It is decreed that the Defts. John Gray, Henry Anderson, Wm. Osborne the younger and Nathan Fletcher do severally make up on their oath an account of the administration of the estate of Joseph Gray, decd. and shew what of the deceased estate 494 THE VALENTINE PAPERS is in their hands or possession or in the hands or possession of any of them before Thomas Short, Richard Jones, Fran- cis Fitzgerald and Wm. Fitzgerald, Gents. or any two of them. and that the said Thomas Short &c. do divide the slaves and personal estate of Joseph Gray decd. among his children the complainants & Defendant Nelson according to each ones distributive part and make a report thereof in order for a final decree. May 23, 1783. O. B. 1782-84, p. Gray vs. Gray. Ordered that the referees sell the slaves mentioned in the above bill and divide the money arising therefrom it appearing to the Court that the slaves them- selves cannot be specifically divided. Mch. 25, 1784. O. Bk. 1782-84, p. Depey and Patsey Gray, orphans of Joseph Gray, decd. Wm. Osborne Jr., chosen their guardian. Mch. 25, 1784. O. B. 1782-84, p. Polly Gray orphan of Joseph Gray, decd. Benj. Bridge- forth is appointed her guardian. Mch. 25, 1784. O. B. 1782-84, p. Francis Gray, orphan of Joseph Gray, decd. Saunders Crenshaw is appointed guardian. Mch. 25, 1784. O. B. 1782-84, p. Joseph Gray, allowed the public claim for a gun. Mch. 26, 1784. O. B. 1782-84, p. William Gray is appointed surveyor of Road from Sandy Creek to Paulus Anderson's with the usual hands that formerly worked under Joshua Rucker. Aug. 25, 1785. O. B. 1784-86, p. Saunders Crenshaw and Lucy, his wife, William Gray, Delphia Gray, Martha Gray, Mary Gray and Francis Gray, Infants and younger children of Joseph Gray, decd. by Richard Ward their next friend Pltfs. vs. Nelson Gray Eldest son and heir at law of Joseph Gray, decd. John Gray admr. of the said decd. and Henry Henderson, Wil- GRAY: AMELIA COUNTY 495 liam Osborne Jr., and Nathan Fletcher, Defts. On motion of the Pltfs. It is ordered that the Sheriff summon Thomas Short, Richard Jones, Francis Fitzgerald & Wm. Fitzgerald to appear at the next court to show cause why they have not made their report of the division of the estate of the said Joseph Gray, decd. agreeable to a former decree, of this Court. Nov. 23, 1786. O. B. 1785-86, p. James Gray and Pamela, his wife, formerly Pamela Moore, admrx. of Curtis R. Moore, Pltfs. vs Hodijah Meade, Deft. Dismissed. May Court 1817. O. B. 1814-17, p. 443. MARRIAGE BONDS William Gray, marriage bond to Susanna Crenshaw daughter of Mary Crenshaw. April 24, 1777. Edwin Gray, marriage bond to Rebecca McGlasson. July 18, 1818. William Gray, marriage bond to Lucy Willson. Oct. 18, 1781. Francis Gray, marriage bond of Wm. Waltrip to Frances Gray. July 1822. AMHERST COUNTY RECORDS John Gray, decd. William Ray admr. Saml. Murphy, Philip Davis, Patrick Rose ordered to settle the accts. of sd. Ray, and report. Sept. 1768. O. B. p. 384. Robert Gray & Margaret Gray witnesses for Alex. Reid vs. James Lockey. Sd. Reid to pay each of them 102 lbs. nett tobacco for two days attendance and travelling 20 miles from Augusta Co. Sept. 1768. O. B. p. 409. Isaac Gray. Agreeable to a return from Nathan Craw- ford one of the overseers of the poor of the 2d hundred, it 496 THE VALENTINE PAPERS is ordered that the sd. overseer or overseers of the poor for the sd. hundred do bind out Isaac Gray a Bastard child of Nancy Gray to Leonard Hogle to learn the Trade of a weaver, agreeable to law. June Crt. 1791. O. B. p. 201. BEDFORD COUNTY RECORDS John Gray of Bedford Co. will of, dated July 3, 1785. Debts to be paid. To wife, negro girl Fanny, negro boy George, Negro boy Benn, negro gairl Diner during her life, also her choice of Beds and the Woman Saddle. Four youngest children (viz) Mary Gray, Rhoda Gray, John Put- nam Gray, & Burkett Gray two pounds apiece. My negro man Davey have his freedom given him at Christmas 1795 and till that time I desire that his labour may be applied in the following manner (viz) Son Putnam Gray to have half his labour till the Christmas 1790 to maintain him the other half and his whole Labour to be applied to the raising of my son Burkett Gray til the time of his freedom. All the rest of my Negroes to be equally divided amongst my Nine Children (viz) William, James, Thomas, Obed, Alexander, Mary, Rhoda, John Putnam, & Burkett, but if either of my children die without issue his or their part to be divided amongst the survivors. Negroes lent to wife and their in- crease after her death be divided amongst my nine chil- dren as the above negroes not named are directed to be divided. Crop of tobacco now growing divided in five parts and my son Thomas & Alexander have each a part. All the remainder of estate to be equally divided amongst my Wife & Children. Son William Gray Executor. Witnesses- Carnl. Noell, Sally Noell. Recorded March 28, 1786. W. B. 1, p. 503. Sarah-X-Gray of Bedford Co. Will of, dated July 21, 1802. "Being weak in body yet of sound & perfect under- standing & memory." Debts to be paid. To daughter Mary Crump £40; in cash, & to Rhoda Crump £10: cash. To Burket Gray, bed & furniture and 1 pied cow & the third part of the crop now on the ground. Remainder of estate equally divided amongst whole of my Children. Son Wil- GRAY: BRUNSWICK COUNTY 497 liam Gray Executor. Witnesses-Nicholas Mead, Peter Fuqua, William Booth. Recorded Sept. 27, 1802. W. B. 2, p. 368. Sarah Gray, will of proved by Nicholas Mead & Peter Fuqua witnesses thereto. William Gray Executor named in sd. will gave bond $500,00. John P. Gray security. Oct. 25, 1802. W. Bk.-, p.-. Thomas Gray, decd. Inventory & appraisement of Estate. Jany 10, 1809. Appraisers, Henry Jeter, Benjamin Estes, Nicholas Mead, William Lowery. Jinny, negro woman Ned, negro man Henry, negro man David, negro boy Lewis, negro boy Marier, negro girl Judy, negro girl John, negro child Pair plated Spans (?) £60: £87: £80: £50: £50: £40: £30: £20: 6: £417:6: W. B. 3, p. 194. BRUNSWICK COUNTY RECORDS William Gray of New Kent Co. to Thomas Washington of Surry. £65: 413 acres in Brunswick Co. on Pea Hill Creek and granted to sd. Gray by Patent 31 January 1732. Oct. 1, 1748. D. B. 3, p. 579. William Gray and Mary his wife of Brunswick Co. to Wm. Vaughan of same Co. £126: curr. 210 acres in Bruns- wick Co. Recorded July 23, 1798. D. B. 17, p. 271. Thomas Gray and Ann his wife of Southampton Co. to Nicholas Foulcon one of the Executors of Wm. Browne, late of Four Mile Tree, Surry Co. decd. and Guardian of Sally Edwards Browne, daughter and only child of Said Wm. 498 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Browne (which sd. Wm. Brown was heir at Law of Benja. Browne hereafter mentioned) for $750,00 conveys "all man- ner of Dower which they the sd. Thomas and Ann now have of in or out of a certain tract of land in the County of Brunswick and Known by the name of Pea Hill Quarter whereof the aforesd. Ben. Browne the former husband of the sd. Ann (died) seized in fee." Nov. 18, 1811. Recorded Nov. 25, 1811. D. B. 21, p. 297. Upon the attachment obtained by Anthony Cole against the estate of William Gray who is said to be privately re- moved or so absconded that the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon him for £159:3:3 farthings. Sheriff makes return of execution thereon. "That sometime Plain- tiff declared that "in 1743 William Gray assigned him a Bill of exchange drawn by Ashford Hughes payable to the said Gray for £50: sterling." June 1753. Suit dismissed. O. B. 4, p. 579. Joseph Gray, Gent. to whose care part of the Records of this County were formerly intrusted be summoned to appear here with the sd. Records & papers at the next Court. March 1760. O. B. 8, p. 18. George Gray, examination of, on suspecion of stealing a Bay Horse the property of Ben Waller Esqr. sd. George Gray confessed himself guilty where upon It is opinion of the Court that the sd. George Gray for the felony aforesd. ought to be tried at the next Court to be held at the Capitol in the City of Williamsburg for the trial of such offences and thereupon he is remended to Jail. Nov. 1776. O. B. 13, p. 125. William Gray & Mary his wife & Manefred Ledbetter to Wm. Vaughan. Deed proved by oaths of John Brewer & William Allen. Nov. 1796. O. B. 17, p. 181. An attachment againsi estate of Thomas Gray who hath privately removed himself, or so absconded that the ordi- nary process of law cannot be served upon him. Sheriff returned the same executed. Judgment for Pltff. May 1797. O. B. 17, p. 282. GRAY: CAMPBELL COUNTY 499 MARRIAGE BONDS William Gray of Southampton & Mary Ledbetter, daugh- ter of Henry Ledbetter. Securities-David Hyde. Consent by Henry Ledbetter. Oct. 13, 1786. CAMPBELL COUNTY RECORDS James Gray of Campbell Co. to James Read of Bedford Co. £400: curr. 314 acres whereon the sd. James Gray formerly lived, it being the tract purchased by the sd. James Gray of John Turner in Campbell Co. Dated Jany. 6, 1792. Recorded June 7, 1792. D. B. 3, p. 285. Daniel Gray of Louisa Co. to James Dinwiddie of Camp- bell Co. for 5 shillings a tract of land in Campbell Co. It being the land deeded this day by sd. Dinwiddie to sd. Gray. Dated Sept. 23, 1800. Recorded Oct. 13, 1800. D. B. 5, p. 157. Daniel Gray of Louisa Co. from Samuel Galbreath of Campbell Co. for 5 shillings, tract of land in Campbell Co. adjoining James W. McReynolds, James Dinwiddie, Mar- garet Fields. Dated Sept. 3, 1800. Recorded April 13, 1801. D. B. 5, p. 248. Daniel Gray & Mary his wife of Campbell Co. to Benjamin Hunter of sd. County. £115: 57 acres in Campbell Co. on Mulberry Creek, a branch of Falling River, adjoining John Jones, James Fields. Dated Oct. 11, 1802. Recorded Oct. 11, 1802. D. B. 5, p. 625. Francis Gray & Elener his wife of Campbell Co. to Samuel Scott of sd. County. £1200: curr. 381 acres in Campbell Co. adjoining McReynolds on Hunter's branch, also one other tract containing 110 acres, adjoining Hun- ter's branch, Alex. Stuts, John Helms, James Hunter. Dated Nov. 15, 1802. Recorded Dec. 13, 1802. D. B. 6, p. 25. 500 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Francis Gray of Campbell Co. to Saml. J. Harrison of same Co. to secure debt to Saml. Martin, for one dollar, the right, title, interest and property of sd. Francis Gray to a negro man named Solomon. Dated May 11, 1803. Recorded Oct. 10, 1803. D. B. 6, p. 493. Francis Gray of Lynchburg, Campbell Co. to Daniel Gray of sd. County, to secure debt of £200: to Stuart & Taleoferro merchants of Lynchburg; the following property, one negro named Lucy, age 32 years, one negro girl named Betty 16 years of age, also one negro man named Ambrose aged 26 years. Recorded Oct. 8, 1804. D. B. 6, p. 537. Daniel Gray & Robert Hunter, trustees of Wm. Simms, all of Campbell Co. to Francis Gray of sd. Co. £180: 229 acres in Campbell Co. on the head waters of Falling River & Cub Creek, the same being the tract which sd. Simms con- veyed by deed of trust to Danl. Gray & Robert Hunter, dated June 17, 1802. Dated July 8, 1802. Recorded Dec. 13, 1802. D. B. 6, p. 33. Francis Gray & Eloner his wife of Campbell Co. to Saml. Scott of sd. Co. £300: 388 acres which sd. Francis Gray purchased of Archibald Campbell and on which sd. Gray now resides. Dated Aug. 5, 1802. Recorded Sept. 13, 1802. D. B. 6, p. 73. Francis Gray of Campbell Co. to George Martin of Albe- marle Co. £236: Va. Money. 129 acres in Campbell Co. on head waters of Falling River & Cub Creek, being same tract which was sold by John Franklin to Wm. Simms and conveyed by deed of trust to Robt. Hunter and Daniel Gray as trustees of sd. Simms to secure debts to Francis Gray. Dated Aug. 21, 1802. Recorded Feby. 14, 1803. D. B. 6, p. 101. Francis Gray of Campbell Co. to Philip Slaughter & David F. Strother admr. of French Strother, decd. of Cul- peper Co. $303.72. the following slaves. Dated 16, June 1802. D. B. 6, p. 148. GRAY: CAMPBELL COUNTY 501 Mary Gray's acknowledgment to deed of her husband Danl. Gray dated 11, Oct. 1802, witnesses by Thomas Dixon and Abner McReynolds. D. B. 6, p. 183. 1802. Robert H. Gray and Jane his wife, of Lynchburg, to M. H. Garland & Geo. T. Williams of sd. town to secure Saml. Garland of Campbell Co. 890 acres on Candlers Mountain, In Campbell Co. and also sd. Grays interest owned jointly with Robt L. Colemon in 600 acres on Long Mountain in sd. Co. 14 part thereof belonging to sd. Gray. Dated June 14, 1833. Recorded July 8, 1833. D. B. 19, p. 155. Robert H. Gray and Jane his wife of Campbell Co. to John Candler of sd. Co. $45,00. 10 acres in Campbell Co. on Opossum Creek. Dated Nov. 1, 1834. Recorded Jany. 12, 1835. D. B. 19, p. 401. Robert H. Gray and Jane his wife of Campbell Co. to Pleasant Freeman a man of color of sd. Co. Dated Nov. 18, 1834. D. B. 19, p. 401. Robert H. Gray and Jane his wife to George Wm. Dabney and Geo. W. Cameron, John Q. Adams, Granville Jordon (and others) all of Campbell Co. for $420,00. 144 acres in Campbell Co. on Candlers Mountain adjoining Richard Perkins & Ezekiel Homer, being part of 800 acres conveyed to sd. Robert H. Gray by Armistead Long. Dated April 24, 1844. Recorded April 25, 1844. D. B. 25, p. 282. James W. Gray to Wm. B. Roane to secure Wm. L. Fair, 1 complete set of Carpenter's tools, 1 waggon & Harness, 2 spades etc. Dated Sept. 1, 1848. Recorded Feby. 6, 1849. D. B. 27, p. 339. On motion of Francis Gray leave is given him to keep an ordinary at his own house in the town of Lynchburg. He gave security. Dec. 1802. O. B. 7, p. 220. Daniel Gray appointed surveyor of the road in the room of John Fore. July 1803. O. B. 7, p. 294. 502 THE VALENTINE PAPERS MARRIAGE BONDS Dec. 1796-Wm. Bradley to Nancy Gray by John Penney. Sept. 15, 1812. Austin Litchford to Frances Gray by Saml. Davidson. CHESTERFIELD COUNTY RECORDS James Gray, Merchant in Virginia, John Elpinston, Mer- chant in Arberdeen, North Britain, for himself & for John Elphinston & Co. appoints Mowat & Co., Merchants in Ar- berdeen, and Mr. James Deane their agent in Virginia at- torneys for the purpose of collecting debts due by James Gray, merchant in Va. and others. Acknowledged in Vir- ginia in the presence of George Gray and Geo. Thompson. May 20, 1757. D. B. 3, p. 153. Deed from James Gray, of the town of Manchester. Joseph Marx of the City of Richmond. $5870. 5 87/100 acres in Chesterfield Co. adjoining the town of Manchester, as per plat annexed signed by Thos. Ladd and dated Mch. 29, 1817. This land appears from the deed to have ad- joined the Turnpike, the Buckingham road as well as the south side of the southern line of Manchester. Apr. 19, 1817. D. B. 21, p. 494. James Gray, of the town of Manchester. Deed from Ed. W. Trent and Martha, his wife, of the said town. $500. A parcel of ground in Chesterfield Co., adjoining the Buck- ingham Road and the land purchased by the said James Gray of Joseph Marx, of Richmond. Recd. May 12, 1817. D. B. 21, p. 500. James Gray. Deed of release from Lawson Burfoot, Trustee, on lot No. 212 in the town of Manchester to secure the payment to the Library Fund of the bonds, viz; 1 bond of $573, payable Feb. 1, 1819, 1 bond for $573, payable June 1, 1819 and 1 bond for $574, payable Aug. 1, 1819. All of which said bonds have been discharged. Recd. Jan. 25, 1821. Sept. 30, 1820. D. B. 23, p. 533. GRAY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 503 James Gray, of the Co. of Chesterfield. Deed to Lawson Burfoot of same Co. Part of lot No. 212 of the town of Manchester. Witnesses as to J. Gray, Alfred Wherry, Y. Pankey, Peter F. Smith. Apr. 1, 1819. D. Bk. 23, p. 66. Winnifred-X-Gray, one of the legal legatees of Wm. Newby, Senior deceased, of the Co. of Chesterfield. Deed to James Clarke of same Co. $88. 8734 acres in Chesterfield Co., adj. sd. Clarke, Spring Run Road, John Newby & Martha Beasbey. Oct. 23, 1824. D. B. 26, p. 112. James Gray, surviving partner of the late concern of Gray & Pankey, and Harriet, his wife, of the City of Rich- mond, and the same James Gray as commissioner appointed by a decree of the Co. Court of Chesterfield Nov. 13, 1833 in a suit between Green Hall and William Fisher Pltf. vs James Gray et als. Deftds. with the full power to convey the right, title, and interest of the real estate herein after mentioned and described and Eliza R. B. Pankey, widow of the said Young Pankey, of the same city, all of the first part and Green Hall & Wm. Fisher, of the same Co. of Ches- terfield of the second part. $533.37. 1422 acres in the Co. of Chesterfield on the Buckingham Road, adjoining Capt. Francis Smith, deceased, Col. William, decd and being the land purchased by Gray & Pankey, Merchants and partners from Richard Booker and Richard O. Henderson. Recd. Aug. 18, 1834. D. B. 29, p. 563. William Gray of the town of Manchester, Deed from Lucy and Elizabeth Boulton of the City of Richmond. $100. 1/2 acre lot in the town of Manchester, adjoining a lot owned by sd. Wm. Gray, and also adj. the Chesterfield Rail Road. Recd. Nov. 14, 1836. D. B. 30, p. 244. William Gray and Daniel Weiseger, Justices of the Peace witness a deed from Jordan Smith to Suckey Smith a negro woman. Feb. 15, 1836. D. B. 30, p. 225. James Gray, of the City of Richmond, Va. deed from Al- fred Friend and Mary, his wife and Edwin W. Friend and Mary T. his wife of the Co. of Chesterfield. $6000,00. 622 504 THE VALENTINE PAPERS acres in Chesterfield Co. adj. Thos. Bass, John Walthall, John S. Campbell, Walthal Hatcher and Edmund Archer, being the plantation of which John Friend the father of the said Alfred and Edwin W. Friend died seized. Recd. Sept. 14, 1835. D. B. 30, p. 97. James Gray, of the City of Richmond deed from William Scott of the same City. $500,00. 5 shares of the stock of the Black Heath Company of Colliers incorporated by Act of General Assembly. Recd. Jan. 11, 1836. D. B. 30, p. 186. James Gray, of the City of Richmond, deed from Wm. Ferdenand Cary, of the City of New York, Merchant & Nancy P. his wife, $1800,00. 20 shares of the stock of the Black Heath Company of Colliers. Recd. May 11, 1836. D. B. 30, p. 324. James Gray, of the City of Richmond, deed from Wm. S. Scott of said City. $5700,00. 60 shares of stock of the Black Heath Company of Colliers. Recd. May 11, 1836. D. B. 30, p. 329. James Gray, of the City of Richmond, deed from Wm. S. Scott of said City. $1800. 25 shares of stock of the Black Heath Company of Colliers. Wit. Wm. C. Tompkins, Thos. W. Farish, Wm. Gray. Recd. June 13, 1836. D. B. 30, p. 348. James Gray and Harriet Ann, his wife, of the City of Richmond, deed of Trust to Robert Gwathney and Temple Gwathney of the said City, to secure William Gray endorser on notes amounting to $28,000,00, also to secure the said William Gray as responsible by the endorsement of Wm. Gray & Co., upon sundry bills of exchange &c drawn by Rogers & Gray upon Rogers & Co. of New York amounting to $94,500. Recd. Oct. 17, 1839. D. B. 32, p. 113. James Gray, Robert Gwathney & Temple Gwathney of the City of Richmond. Oct. 30, 1839. D. B. 32, p. 179. 1 GRAY: CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 505 William Gray, of the Town of Manchester, deed from Robert Gwathney & Temple Gwathney, $10,00. Lot No. 212 in the town of Manchester, being the lot of which John McCloud, died seized, and which escheated to the Common- wealth and was granted to James Gray by James P. Pres- ton, Governor of Va. Recd. Sept. 27, 1841. D. B. 33, p. 107. William Gray, of Chesterfield Co., and Robert Tate Wicker of Richmond, Trustees, deed from William Moore of said Co. to secure debts due certain creditors of sd. Wm. Moore. Recd. Feb. 14, 1842. D. B. 33, p. 229. William Gray. Lawson M. Burfoot deed of Trust to Wil- liam Gray to secure a debt of $4408,00. due Rebecca Smith and Sarah Roddy. Recd. July 12, 1841. D. B. 33, p. 36. James Gray and Harriet Ann, his wife, of Richmond, deed to William Gray of the town of Manchester. $620.00. 6 acres in Chesterfield Co. adj. the town of Manchester. Recd. Feb. 12, 1844. D. B. 35, p. 35. William Gray, of the town of Manchester, deed from W. W. Day, commisr. in the suit of Morgan vs Giles, in the Circuit Court of Chesterfield $250,00, lot 211 and so much of lot 223 as belonged to the estate of Kennon Giles, decd. July 22, 1845. D. B. 36, p. 158. James Gray, & Wm. Gray. Wm. G. Cocke, Trustees, of the Co., of Monroe of the first part & James Gray of Rich- mond, and Wm. Gray of Manchester surviving partners-of themselves and Young Pankey, decd. and Robert B. Cringan of the second part & William Gray, Alexander Archer, James M. Perdue, William W. Day, Frederick W. Redford, Beverley I. Sizer and Zacheriah Hall of the town of Man- chester and Richard Archer and Thomas Jordan of the Co. of Chesterfield Trustees, in Trust for the use and pur- poses hereafter mentioned. Recd. Nov. 10, 1845. D. B. 36, p. 218. William Gray. Edward W. Smith & Harriet C. his wife, deed of Trust to William W. Day to secure a debt of $85,00 due Wm. Gray. Aug. 24, 1847. D. B. 37, p. 451. 506 THE VALENTINE PAPERS William Gray, Trustee, in a deed of trust from Lawson M. Burfoot dated Mch. 1, 1841 to secure the debts therein mentioned, 2 certain tracts of land containing 561 acres, being the same land conveyed to said Burfoot by Rebecca Smith & Sarah Roddy. In virtue of the Authority vested in him by the said deed of trust sells the above property to Green Hall, he being the highest bidder. Amt. $2220. Recd. Aug. 11, 1847. D. B. 37, p. 269. William Gray and Susan A. his wife, of the City of Rich- mond deed to Thos. L. Claiborne of the Town of Manches- ter. Nov. 9, 1859. D. B. 44, p. 332. John Taylor Gray. Jos. E. Mayo, deed of trust to Ben. H. Nash to secure a debt of $1651,52. due John Taylor Gray. Dec. 7, 1867. D. B. 49, p. 426. Alexander Gray, an Infant by Alexander Gray, his father Pltf. vs John Roberts, Deft. discontinued. Mch. 1756. O. B. 2, p. 165. Wm. Gray, Thos. Blunt, Charles W. Friend, Thos. Friend, Thos. Bass, James Martin, Robt. B. Winfree, Anderson Ed- wards and David Wooldridge trustees of the parsonage of the Chesterfield Circuit of the Virginia Annual Confer- ence of the Methodist Episcopal Church situated in the town of Manchester, deed to Stephen W. Jones certain real estate and acknowledged and recorded. Apr. 13, 1846. O. B. 31, p. 303. Wm. Gray a Justice of the Peace. June 8, 1846. O. B. 31, p. 341. MARRIAGES Wm. Gray marriage to Winnefred Newby. Jan. 6, 1802. GRAY: CUMBERLAND COUNTY 507 CUMBERLAND COUNTY RECORDS Edmund Gray & others deed of release from James Daniel of Goochland Co. 600 acres in Goochland Co. Jan. 30, 1784. D. B. 1, p. 189. Edmund Gray, Samuel Scott, Jacob Mosby, Stephen Saun- ders, Norvell Burton and Thomas Harvey deed to William Gray of New Kent Co. 400 acres of land in Cumberland Co., called the Fork, it being the land and Plantation where- on James Daniel formerly lived and kept Ordinary, being part of the land James Daniel conveyed to Edmund Gray, Samuel Scott, Jacob Mosby, Stephen Saunders, Norvell Burton, Thomas Harvey and Joseph Dabbsby deed bearing date June 19, 1745, recorded in Goochland Co., Court. June 29, 1750. D. B. 1, p. 226. William Gray, of New Kent Co., and Edward Pye Cham- berlayne, of King William Co. deed to Wm. Salley [Sallee?] of Albemarle Co., 50 acres in Cumberland Co., on South side of James River in the Manakin Town, whereon Thomas Dickins, decd. formerly lived and adjoining the land of the sd. Wm. Salley whereon the sd. Salley Lately lived. June 2, 1750. D. B. 1, p. 271. William Gray, Gent., deed from Thos. Bassett, late of Cumberland Co. 40000 acres in Cumberland Co., on both sides of Willis's River. Nov. 9, 1750. D. B. 1, p. 299. William Gray, of New Kent Co., deed from Thos. Bas- sett, late of Cumberland Co., 2719 acres in Cumberland Co., lying on Appomattox River, whereon sd. Bassett lately lived. Nov. 9, 1750. D. B. 1, p. 303. William Gray of New Kent Co., deed from Joseph Chatain of Cumberland Co. on Appomattox River. Feb. 10, 1750. D. B. 1, p. 351. William Gray, of New Kent Co., deed to Nathaniel Bas- sett, son of Thomas Bassett, 900 acres in Cumberland Co., 508 THE VALENTINE PAPERS on Appomattox River, where Joseph Chatain [Chastaine?] lately lived, being the same land purchased by sd. Wm. Gray from Joseph Chatain. June 25, 1752. D. B. 2, p. 10. William Gray of New Kent Co., deed to Nathaniel Bassett, son of Thos. Bassett 4000 acres in Cumberland Co., on both sides of Willis's River being the same purchased of Thomas Bassett. June 25, 1752. D. B. 2, p. 11. William Gray, of New Kent Co., deed to Nathaniel Bas- sett, son of Thomas Bassett 2719 acres in Cumberland Co., on Appomattox River, whereon Thomas Bassett lately lived. June 25, 1752. D. B. 2, p. 12. ELIZABETH CITY COUNTY RECORDS Thomas Gray of Elizabeth City Co. guardian to ye or- phans of Wm. Morgan, decd. Bond £1500: dated Sept. 10, 1689. William Mallary of Elizabeth City Co. surety. D. & W. Bk. p. 103. Thomas Gray of Elizabeth City Co. Carpenter, and Mary his wife £20: sterling. convey to Capt. Anthony Armstead of sd. Co. Planter, 50 acres formerly purchased of Abraham Woodward possessed of Owen Davis of York Co. the land being on North side of Back river in Elizabeth City Co. Recorded 25, Feby. 934. Acknowledged 19 Feby. 1694. D. & W. Bk. p. 149. William Gray of Virginia merchant power of attorney to trusty and loving friend Daniel Pugh of Nansemond. Feby. 3, 16934. Proved July 18, 1694. D. & W. Bk. 1689-99, p.-. Anthony Armstead of Elizabeth City Co. Gent. to Thomas Gray of ye same Co. £21: sterling. "parcell or dividend of land wch I formerly purchased of ye aforesd. Thomas Gray & Mary his wife lying and being in Elizabeth City Co. con- taining 50 acres. Recorded April 20, 1694. D. & W. Bk. 1689-99, p. 159. GRAY: ESSEX COUNTY 509 ESSEX COUNTY RECORDS Warwick Gray of Settingbourne Parish, Essex Co. for valuable consideration in hand paid to James Boulware of same County and Parish. 200 acres in Essex Co. on South side of Rappannock River, mention is made of dividing line between Wm. Gray & Henry Peters, bank of Meadow Creek, being a part of Pattent formerly belonging to Wm. Gray & Henry Peters. Dated March 28, 1696. Recorded April 10, 1696. D. B. 9, p. 25. John Gray, decd. Appraisement & Inventory of estate of. Appraisers-Wm. Gounnock, Chas. Brown, Josiah -X-Shipp. Recorded Mar. 17, 1695. D. B. 9, p. 35. Warwick Gray of Settingbourne Parish, Essex Co. Plan- ter. for 8000 pounds of Tobacco and caske conveys to Daniel (Paul?) Micou of Sitenborne Parish, Richmond Co. Doctor. 150 acres in Essex Co. 100 acres of which was sold by the sd. Gray to Thomas Short and by the sd. Short sold to the sd. Gray, 50 acres more to join the sd. 100 on the upper part. Dated May 10, 1697. Recorded May 10, 1697. D. B. 9, p. 104. Warwick-X-Gray, will of, dated June 14, 1699. "Very sick & weak." Land & Plantation to Wm. Gray son of Abner (Gray) and Sarah Bowler, daughter of James Bow- ler Sr. to be equally divided between them both in quantity and quality. This division to be made when Wm. Gray comes to ye age of 20 years but if either William or Sarah die without issue the survivor to have the whole. Elizabeth Blaxton one cowe & calfe, to be delivered when it is wean- able to Argiel Bloxton for use of sd. Elizabeth Hannah. Residue of personal estate (after my debts paid) to above mentioned Wm. Gray & Sarah Bowler to be equally divided between them. Samuel Johnson to live upon testator's Plantation without let or molestation untill he hath fully finished his crop. Josiah Shipp sole executor. Witnesses- William Gannocke, Thos. Short. Recorded June 19, 1699. D. B. 9, p. 339, 1696-99. GRAY: ESSEX COUNTY 509 ESSEX COUNTY RECORDS Warwick Gray of Settingbourne Parish, Essex Co. for valuable consideration in hand paid to James Boulware of same County and Parish. 200 acres in Essex Co. on South side of Rappannock River, mention is made of dividing line between Wm. Gray & Henry Peters, bank of Meadow Creek, being a part of Pattent formerly belonging to Wm. Gray & Henry Peters. Dated March 28, 1696. Recorded April 10, 1696. D. B. 9, p. 25. John Gray, decd. Appraisement & Inventory of estate of. Appraisers-Wm. Gounnock, Chas. Brown, Josiah -X-Shipp. Recorded Mar. 17, 1695. D. B. 9, p. 35. Warwick Gray of Settingbourne Parish, Essex Co. Plan- ter. for 8000 pounds of Tobacco and caske conveys to Daniel (Paul?) Micou of Sitenborne Parish, Richmond Co. Doctor. 150 acres in Essex Co. 100 acres of which was sold by the sd. Gray to Thomas Short and by the sd. Short sold to the sd. Gray, 50 acres more to join the sd. 100 on the upper part. Dated May 10, 1697. Recorded May 10, 1697. D. B. 9, p. 104. Warwick-X-Gray, will of, dated June 14, 1699. "Very sick & weak." Land & Plantation to Wm. Gray son of Abner (Gray) and Sarah Bowler, daughter of James Bow- ler Sr. to be equally divided between them both in quantity and quality. This division to be made when Wm. Gray comes to ye age of 20 years but if either William or Sarah die without issue the survivor to have the whole. Elizabeth Blaxton one cowe & calfe, to be delivered when it is wean- able to Argiel Bloxton for use of sd. Elizabeth Hannah. Residue of personal estate (after my debts paid) to above mentioned Wm. Gray & Sarah Bowler to be equally divided between them. Samuel Johnson to live upon testator's Plantation without let or molestation untill he hath fully finished his crop. Josiah Shipp sole executor. Witnesses- William Gannocke, Thos. Short. Recorded June 19, 1699. D. B. 9, p. 339, 1696-99. GRAY: ESSEX COUNTY 511 will. son William "my gun stene" son Abner, horse and sad- dle. daughter Margery, gray mare. daughter Margaret, one feather bed & furniture, "after her mother's decease." daughter Dinah, one table and form & a Iron pot holding 4 gallons "after her mother's death". Residue of personal estate to wife Sarah to be disposed of at her decease as she shall think fit. Wife Sarah Executrix. Wife Sarah Executrix. Witnesses-John Vawter, John Andrews, Hannah Andrews. Recorded-July 16, 1717. D. B. 15, p. 78. Abner Gray. Inventory & appraisement of estate, by ordered of Crt. July 16, 1717. Appraisers-Thos. Ramsey, Saml. Elletts, Danl. Noel, James Noel. D. B. 15, p. 100. William Gray & James Samuel & Sarah his wife of Essex Co. to Paul Micou, Gent. for 5 shillings, 75 acres in Essex Co. adjoining land whereon Paul Micou now dwells also to land of Wm. Scott it being the moiety of a parcell of land formerly belonging to Warwick Gray late of this Coun- ty & by him given to them the sd. William Gray & Sarah Samuel the wife of John Samuel. July 10, 1723. D. B. 17, p. 222.. Abner-(X)-Gray of Essex Co. to William Gray of same Co. 2000 pounds of tobacco. 50 acres in Essex Co. part of the Land which was given to him the sd. Abner Gray by his father in his will "bounded by the lands of Col. William Robinson". Oct. 14, 1723. D. B. 17, p. 260. Abner Gray of St. Anns Parish of Essex Co. to William Gray. 5000 lbs. of Tobacco. 100 acres on north side the main run of occupancy "being of the land which my father gave me at the time of his death". Dated: Nov. 16, 1724. Re- corded-Nov. 17, 1724. D. B. 18, p. 15. James Gray of Essex Co. Merchant, to Wm. Fauntleroy Jr. and Moore Fauntleroy of Richmond Co. Gentlemen. 5 shillings. two Plantations in St. Anns Parish, Essex Co. 220 acres formerly purchased by Wm. Parker of the ex- ecutor of Ben Wiastow, Gent, decd. and conveyed to sd. Gray. Deed dated May 20, 1752. the other 600 acres former- 512 THE VALENTINE PAPERS ly purchased by Wm. Parker of Alex. Parker and conveyed by the sd. Wm. Parker to sd. James Gray. Dated: May 27 1757. Recorded-Aug. 16, 1757. D. B. 26, p. 216. John Gray, William Gray, John Mitchell and Alice Mit- chell (his wife), relinquish all their right and interest in 3 negroes (vizt Cook, son of Judy, Ben son of Nan, and Moses son of Lucy) "unto Sarah Gray daughter of William Gray, decd. by Mary his wife". May 17, 1758. D. B. 28, p. 85. John Gray and Sarah-(X)- his wife and Mary Gray (the sd. John Gray's mother) of Essex Co. to John Rowzee of same Co. £75: Curr. 100 acres in Essex Co. adjoining the land sd. John Rowzee lives upon, mentions line that divides the lands of John Gray from his brother William Gray". Dated: April 10, 1768. Recorded-May 16, 1768. D. B. 30, p. 181. William Gray eldest son & heir at law of James & Sarah Gray of Essex Co. from James Mills of Urbanna Middlesex Co. sd. James Gray in his life time, by indenture dated 23, April 1763, to secure sd. Mills' who was surety for sd. James Gray on a bond to Richard Colemon of Spotsylvania Co. hath bargained and sold unto the sd. James Mills all that tract of land in Essex Co. whereon Richard Corington [Covington?] formerly lived lately conveyed by Richard Colemon and Ann his wife to the sd. James Gray. Dated: April 5, 1771. Recorded-May 14, 1771. D. B. 30, p. 437. John Gray and Sarah his wife of Essex Co. to Edmund Noell of same Co. £107: 10: 215 acres in Essex Co. being part of land which was given to him the sd. John Gray by his father in his will, adjoining lands of Wm. Gray, John Rowzee. May 16, 1774. D. B. 31, p. 168. Wm. Fauntleroy Gray late of Essex Co. (but now of King and Queen) & Margaret his wife to Robert Beverley of Blondfield (Essex Co.) £2000: curr. land whereon sd. Wil- liam Fauntleroy (Gray) lately dwelt containing 473 acres in St. Anns Parish, Essex Co. Dated: Aug. 21, 1778. Re- corded-April 27, 1778. D. Bk. 31, p. 447. GRAY: ESSEX COUNTY 613 James Gray & Lucy his wife of Essex Co. to John Sale Jr. of same Co. £16,000 curr. 600 acres in Essex Co. Mar. 19, 1781. D. B. 32, p. - William Gray of Petersburg, eldest son and heir at Law of William Gray decd. relinquishes to Elizabeth Gray, daugh- ter of William Gray, decd. all right & title to a negro Clary, the child of a certain negro slave Esther. The negro Esther was devised by William Gray, decd. in his will dated Feby. 11, 1786, to his daughter the aforsd. Elizabeth Gray, and the said negro Esther has, since (the date of the sd. will) and previous to the decease of aforementioned William Gray given birth to the aforesd. child Clary. May 24, 1786. Recorded-Dec. 18, 1786. D. B. 33, p. 27. Abner Gray a witness to the will of Richard Goode of Essex Co. dated Nov. 1719. D. & W. B. 3, p. 127. Eliza Gray a witness to will of Thos. Ayres. Recorded- March 20, 1721. D. & W. B. 3, p. William Gray surety of James Dix Executor of will of John Deckeusne, decd. Bond £400 (?) sterling. Recorded- Aug. 17, 1725. W. B. 4, p. 107. William Gray admr. of Thomas Miles, decd. Bond £100: curr. Thomas Hawkins surety. Recorded-Nov. 16, 1731. W. B. 5, p. 63. William Gray surety of John Wriding, admr. Bond £100: Curr. Sept. 18, 1733. W. B. 5, p. 153. William Gray a witness to will of John Cooke of Essex Co. dated Sept. 23, 1733. W. B. 5, p. 157. William Gray & Abner Gray witness the will of Wm. Cooke of Essex Co. dated July 18, 1733. W. B. 5, p. 162. William Gray administrator of Sarah Gray, decd. Wil- liam Dunn, surety. £50: curr. Dated Nov. 21, 1733. W. B. 5, p. 164. 514 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Sarah Gray, decd. Inventory & appraisement of estate of, Wm. Gray, admr. Appraisers-Cornelius Sale, John An- drews, James Noell. Recorded-Jany. 15, 1733. W. B. 5, p. 165. . William Gray guardian of Jonathan Dunn orphan. Bond £200 sterling. James Baughan and Edward Harper, surety. Dated Feby. 19, 1733. Recorded-Feby. 19, 1733. W. B. 5, p. 175. William Gray administrator of Wm. Allen, decd. Bond £100: curr. William Dunn, surety. Dated Dec. 18, 1739. Recorded-Dec. 18, 1739. W. B. 6, p. 316. William Gray & Thomas Thorp sureties of George Stub- blefield, Guardian of Sarah Jones orphan Bond £500: ster- ling. Dated Sept. 21, 1736. W. B. 6, p. 36. William Gray of Essex Co. will of; dated April 11, 1742. To wife Mary during life testator's dwelling plantation and land adjoining and encluded within the long branch and Maxamillion Roberinson's line the sd. Plantation and land on the South side of the sd. Branch, also Negro woman Judith, negro man Monzer, negro man Tony. To son John Gray testator's dwelling Plantation "after decease of his mother", also negro boy Dick and my negro girl Nan an her increase (except her first child that shall live to the age of five years at which age sd. child to testators daughter Sarah Gray). son William Gray "all that Plantation whereon my father dwelt and I purchased of my brother Abner Gray", also negro boy Will and negro girl Lucy and her increase (except first child that shall live to age of five years at which age sd. child to testator's daughter Sarah). daughter Sarah the child negro woman Judith is now great with, this child together with Nan's child before excepted and all their in- crease to sd. daughter Sarah, daughter Alice feather bed and furniture of four pounds price. Should either of sons John Gray or William Gray die without issue the part of land bequeathed to son William Gray to be equally divided among testator's daughters Alice Gray and Sarah Gray. Cash which is about £20: to pay money debts and remainder GRAY: ESSEX COUNTY 515 to testator's wife. To Daughter Alice Gray my negro boy Jemmery and negro girl Weney and her increase. Re- mainder of personal estate to testator's wife and four chil- dren to be equally divided among them. Wife and brother- in Law Thomas Dunn and Couisen William Boulware Ex- ecutors. Witnesses-Stephen Chenault, John Andrews, Henry Harmon, Jonathan Dunn. Recorded-Oct. 19, 1742. W. B. 6, p. 358. Mary Gray Executrix of the will of William Gray, decd. Bond £1000: sterling. William Dunn, Edward Hayes and John Smith, surety. Dated Oct. 19, 1742. W. Bk. 6, p. 390. James Gray guardian of Charles Curtis orphan. Bond £1000: sterling. Isaac Scandrett and John Clements surety. Dated Oct. 16 1750. Recorded-Oct. 16, 1750. W. B. 8, p. 372. James Gray in account with estate of James Curtis, decd. with sd. Gray & Caleb Lindsay admrs. Recorded-Mar. 17, 1752. W. B. 9, p. 153. William Gray, decd. Inventory of estate. Appraisers— C. Boughan, John Lee, Muscal Garnett. Recorded-July 4, 1772. W. B. 12, p. 473. William Gray of Essex Co. will of, dated Feby. 11, 1786. To wife Ann is loaned land and plantation whereon testator now lives, also the following negroes during her life viz; Ben, Violet, Rachel, Seney, Davey, Cloe, Little Davey, Rhoda and young Violet "Reserving to old Ben after he is fifty years old his freedom and it is my will that then sd. Negro Ben shall be free from her sd. wife and every other person whatsoever," to wife also stock of horses (except my gray mare), cattle and hogs, household furniture, at her death the negroes an their increase (except young Davey and young Violet) to be equally divided amongst testator's seven children, William, John, Andrew, Philip, Rosonner, Elizabeth and Martha Gray. If any of children should die before coming of age or marrying the survivors to divide the negroes and their increase and all the personal estate 516 THE VALENTINE PAPERS that lent testators wife (except the two negroes above ex- cepted). Son William Gray, negroes Caleb, Buck and young Davey and their increase, which negroes is to continue in the hands of executors till sd. son William shall discharge a bond due to Thomas Foner in which testator was his security. Son John Gray, negroes Tom, Moll and Dido and their increase. daughter Rosanner Gray, negroes Essex, Esther, Edney and young Cloe and their increase. son An- drew Gray, negroes, Monger, Milley and young Violet, and their increase. daughter Martha Gray, negroes, Ralph, Sarah and young Ben, and their increase. son Philip Gray ("after the death of his mother") land and plantation lent her dur- ing her life, also negroes, Culpeper, Judith, Frederick and Edmund and their increase. My will and desire is that my negro man Will be set free immediately after my death. If any of above named children die before coming of age or marrying their parts to be equally divided amongst the. survivors. Wife Ann Gray, 'sons John and Andrew Gray and friend Thomas Farner executors. Signed William Gray Ser. Witnesses-Mark Andrews, Richard Farner, James- (X)-Davis. Recorded-June 19, 1786. W. B. 14, p. 28. William Gray, Ser. decd. estate of, appraised. Appraisers -Richard Rowzee, Mark Andrews, James Halbert. Record- ed-Dec. 18, 1786. W. B. 14, p. 66. Abner Gray has administration granted him on the estate of his decd. brother John Gray. John Gray, decd. The non cupative will of John Gray, decd. was proved by ye oaths of Mary James & Jane Dunbar. O. B. p. 2, 1695-99. John Gray. On the motion of Elizabeth Gibson by Capt. Arthur Speir her attorney an order for a probate is granted on the non cupative will of John Gray, decd. O. B. p. 2, 1695-99. William Gray acknowledged a Deed of sale of a parcell of land to James Boulware. O. B. p. 8, 1695-99. GRAY: ESSEX COUNTY 517 John Virgitt and Eliza his wife Ectrx. of John Gray not filing a declaration upon their acct. brot against Warwick Gray are non suited. O. B. p. 45, 1695-99. Roger Gray making oath that he attended this court as an evidence on ye behalfe of Peter Harwood. O. B. p. 121. 1703-08. William Gray took the oaths according to law as Lieuten- ant under Capt. John Rowzee. O. B. 1738-40. p. 308. William Gray renewed his ordinary License with his bondsman John Jones present. O. B. 1754-57. p. 44. William Gray has license granted him to keep an ordinary James Garnetts house for one year where John Thomas formerly lived and the sd. Wm. Gray with Wm. Jones his security entered into bond. O. B. 1753-54, p. 309. John Gray is appointed surveyor of the road. O. B. 1767- 70. p. 30. James Gray Estate Inventory returned. O. Bk. p. 176, 1767-70. William Gray appointed surveyor. O. B. 1770-72, p. 34. William Gray, decd. Ordered that Henry Garnett, John Lee & Muscoe Garnet Gent. or any three of them settle the administration of Wm. Gray, decd. O. Bk. 1770-72. p. 284. William Gray. decd. The account of the administration and a division of the estate of Wm. Gray, decd was re- turned. O. B. 1770-72. p. 383. Apphia Gray chose Moore Fauntleroy of Richmond her guardian, with William Fauntleroy his security. O. B. 1773-82. p. 269. Ordered that Thomas Roane, John Upshaw, John Renolds, and Robert Brooke gentlemen do divide the estate devised 518 THE VALENTINE PAPERS to the orphans of James Gray decd. by the will of Wm. Fauntleroy, decd. O. B. 1773-82. p. 272. William Gray appointed inspector of Tobacco. April 18, 1785. O. B. p. 83. William Gray. An instrument of writing from William Gray to Elizabeth Gray was proved by Philip Gray and William Noell. O. Bk. p. 281, 1784-87. Philip Gray admitted to act as Deputy Sheriff of this County on motion of John Edmundson. O. B. p. 5, 1788-90. FLUVANNA COUNTY RECORDS William Gray witness to will of Patty Bowles, dated June 9, 1826. W. B. 5, p. 189. Thomas Gray witness to conveyance from Jno. Maddox & wife of Fluvanna Co. to George Holman of Goochland Co. Nov. 1796. Recorded June 1, 1797. D. B. 3, p. 318. Lewis Gray witness to conveyance from Michael Damron to Larkin Brousome. July 2, 1797. Recorded-Dec. 7, 1797. D. B. 3, p. 365. Thomas Gray of Fluvanna Co. to William C. Williams and William Marshall deed of trust to secure Phneas Bond Trustee for the creditors of Ezekial Edwards. 22512 acres in sd. Co. on the waters of Cunningham Creek, conveyed to sd. Gray by deed of sale from David Ross by Jack Myers & George Holman his attornies, being part of a larger tract. Sept. 24, 1810. Recorded-Sept. 25, 1810. D. B. 5, p. 418. Thomas Gray to James Currin & Horatio Wills, deed of trust to secure Sarah Johnson, A negro woman named Anne aged about 20 years. May 27, 1816. Recorded-May 27, 1816. D. B. 6, p. 360. GRAY: FLUVANNA COUNTY 519 Thomas Gray & Mary his wife of Fluvanna Co. to Wil- liam C. Wren of same Co. $1696,00. 2241/2 acres in Fluvanna Co. June 23, 1818. Recorded-June 23, 1818. D. B. 7, p. 157. William A. Gray, to Joseph L. Perkins & Buford Kertby to secure Moody I. Hope, all of Fluvanna Co. 1284 acres in Fluvanna Co. adjoining lands of Thomas Shepherd, Stephen Farrar & others, being same land purchased by Sd. Gray from sd. Hope. Dec. 13, 1836. Recorded-Jany. 3, 1837. D. B. 11, p. 308. William A. Gray from Moody I. Hope both of Fluvanna Co. $837,00. 12814 acres in Fluvanna Co. adjoining lands of Thos. Shepherd, Stephen Farrar & others. Dec. 12, 1836. Recorded-Jany. 23, 1837. D. B. 11, p. 313. William A. Gray from Joseph L. Perkins & Buford Kert- ley to secure Moody I. Hope. 12814 acres adjoining lands of Thomas Shepherd, Stephen Farrar & others in Fluvanna Co. Oct. 2, 1838. Recorded-Mar. 25, 1839. D. B. 12, p. 76. Thomas Gray and Polly his wife to John M. Kie all of Fluvanna Co. $110,00. 101 acres in Fluvanna Co. adjoining lands of Charles W. Jones, Wm. Pettit Sr. William Bryant and the sd. Kee on the South. Oct. 24, 1839. Recorded- June 28, 1841. D. B. 13, p. 178. James Gray of Fluvanna Co. to James Stratton of Albe- marle Co. $400,00 two lots of land in town of Scottsville, Fluvanna Co. adjoining on the South Saml. T. Beavers lot, on the south opposite Peter F. Jefferson lot known as the poplar Spring lot, also the sd. James Gray's dwelling house adjoining sd. lots. April 29, 1842. Recorded-July 6, 1842. D. B. 13, p. 232. William Gray from Edmund Grubb & Elizabeth his wife to secure Joseph Duvall of Goochland Co. 71 acres in Fluvanna Co. adjoining lands of Flemming Parish, William Moss & others. Sept. 7, 1842. Recorded-Oct. 26, 1842. D. B. 13, p. 292. 520 THE VALENTINE PAPERS James Gray of Scottsville from Joseph Walker & Nancy his wife of Fluvanna Co. $50,00. two lots of land in town of Scottville, known as the Fluvanna addition. May 17, 1841. Recorded-Aug. 31, 1841. D. B. 13, p. 80. Gray's Exors. vs Burks als (chancery) Abraham Shep- herd Jr. is appointed guardian ad litem for infant Deft. Wm. J. & Jos. L. Brooke, Wm. B. Alex. A., Susan Ella, Isabella, Jane, Mary Adelaide & John Gurrant Gray chil- dren of Mary Ann Gray. Aug. 1852. O. B. p. 424. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES Dec. 15, 1824. John Griffin to Nancy Gray. Sept. 4, 1823. John M. Kie to Martha Gray. returned by page 11. • Mar. 9, 1797. Thomas Gray to Mary Johnson. returned by Rev. George Anderson, Sept. 7, 1797. Page 34. Nov. 23, 1831. William A. Gray to Mary Ann Brooks, by Robert Lilly. page 140. July 30, 1790. Thomas Gray and Lesleby Gamney, by Wm. Basket. page 13. Oct. 16, 1817. Reuben Crewdson to Mary B. Gray, by Jesse Butler. page 102. ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY RECORDS Mary Gray, widdow, late of the County, deceased in her last will and testament appointed Anthony Mathews admin- istrator of all her estate, mentions her son Walter Gray of Litchett in the Co. of Dorsett in England, Anthony Mathews on behalf of the said Walter Gray is granted administration of all the goods, rights & credit of the sd. Mary Gray, de- ceased. Dec. 28, 1663. Bk. 2, p. 5. GRAY: ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY 521 Richard Gray, & Caleb Taylor witnesses to the will of Wm. Webb. Sept. 19, 1699. Bk. 2, p. 427. Richard (X)-Gray, a juryman. Jan. 25, 1701. Bk. 2, p. 27. Richard-(X)-Gray, Jos.-(X)-Macon, Wm. Drew. appraisers of the estate of John Whitstone, decd. Oct. 28, 1718. Bk. 2, p. 641. Richard Gray, George Riddick and James Briggs ap- praisers of the estate of Mary Carroll, decd. April 10, 1719. Bk. 2, p. 647. Richard Gray, decd. Inventory of his estate returned by James Gray, Executor, May 22, 1727. Feb. 20, 1726. Bk. 3, p. 29. John Gray, of Isle of Wight Co., Will of; wife Ann Gray, son Richard Gray, son Aaron Gray, his gun & sword. daughter Ann West. daughter Mary Gray. daughter Sarah Gray daughter Elizabeth Gray. Executors, Richard Gray and Aaron Gray. Witnesses Henry Applewhaite, John Haw- kins. Proved June 24, 1728. Dated: Mch. 29, 1728. Bk. 3, p. 108. Richard Gray, will of; Gives to his mother Ann Gray. sister Ann West, sister Mary Willett, sister Elizabeth, sister Sarah, brother Aaron. Executor, brother Aaron Gray. Wit- nesses, Ann Gray, Sarah Gray. Proved Oct. 25, 1730. Dated: Oct. 20, 1729. Bk. 3, p. 225. Richard Gray, decd. An Inventory of his estate. Wil- liam Best, Humphrey Marshall and John Penny appraisers. Returned Jan. 1730/1. Bk. 3, p. 241. William Gray, a witness to a deed from Francis Regan of Isle of Wight Co. and Jane Regan of Surry Co., widdow of Francis Regan, decd. and mother of Francis Regan of Isle of Wight Co., to William Ham, of Isle of Wight Co. Land adj. Thos. Smith &c. May 25, 1730. D. B. 4, p. 16. 522 THE VALENTINE PAPERS John Gray, a legatee of George Parker of Isle of Wight by his will. The other legatees are the testators children Mary Parker, John Parker, Francis Parker & Elizabeth Parker and Henry King, Sarah Weston, Wm. Smith. Ex- ecutors Wm. Smith Jr. & Henry King. July 27, 1734. D. B. 4, p. 41. William Gray of Surry Co., deed to John Tharp of Isle of Wight Co., £15: cur. 130 acres in the Upper Parish of Isle of Wight Co., being the tract of land granted to sd. Wm. Gray by patent Feb. 20, 1723. Wit. Christopher--(X)– Clinch, John-(X)-Mathews, Wm. Gray, Jr. Sept. 27, 1731. D. B. 4, p. 139. John Gray, will of; sons William Gray, Richard Gray, John Gray, Mathew Gray, daughters Margaret Gray, Pati- ence Gray, wife Elizabeth Gray. Witnesses, Richard Hardy, Elias Wills. Proved Mch. 27, 1738. Dated: Dec. 13, 1737. D. B. 4, p. 200. Joseph Gray, of Isle of Wight Co., deed from Charles- (X)-Jones of the Province of North Carolina. 5 shillings. 135 acres in Isle of Wight Co. on West side of Tarraharah Branch, being patented by sd. Jones Nov. 13, 1713. Feb. 7, 1732. D. B. 4, p. 265. Joseph Gray & Nathal. Ridley ordered to view the three creek bridge and have it repaired if neccessary and bring in an account thereof to the Laying the next County Levy. Apr. 25, 1736. D. B. William Gray, of Surry Co., deed to Edward Harris of Isle of Wight Co. 5 shillings curr. 145 acres on the south side of Nottoway River on the south of three creeks. and bounded as per a patent granted to John Dortch Mch. 24, 1725 being the land on which John Dortch lately lived. Oct. 14, 1738. D. B. 5, p. 324. James Gray, qualified as under Sheriff this day. Aug. 28, 1739. GRAY: ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY 523 . Rebecca Gray, and Mourning Gray and David Williams & Ann Williams his wife of Isle of Wight Co., deed to John Long of same Co. for valuable consideration; land in Isle of Wight Co. Apr. 23, 1740. D. B. 5, p. 498. Benjamin Gray, of Nottoway Parish, Isle of Wight Co., deed to John Parker. £5: curr. land in Nottoway Parish Isle of Wight Co. D. B. 5, p. 499. Joseph Gray of Isle of Wight Co., deed to Barneby Bagley of the same Co. £30 curr. 405 acres in Isle of Wight Co., the sd. tract being held by two patents one of which was for 185 acres granted to Charles Jones Nov. 13, 1713. and by sd. Jones conveyed to sd. Joseph Gray. Feb. 25, 1743. D. B. 6, p. 333. William Gray, of New Kent Co., deed to John Ruffin, of Surry Co. £20: curr. 95 acres in Isle of Wight Co., on the South side of Nottoway River, and on the north side of the three creeks, being the tract of land granted the said Wil- liam Gray by patent dated March 24, 1724. Nov. 10, 1744. D. B. 6, p. 512. Edmund Gray of Goochland Co., deed to Joseph Gray of Isle of Wight Co., £40 curr. 330 acres in Isle of Wight Co., being the tract conveyed by Robert Scott to Wm. Gray, Gent. decd. by deed dated 1726, and bounded as expressed in the sd. deeds of lease & release and was devised to the sd. Edmund Gray by the will of the said Wm. Gray decd. Sept. 26, 1745. D. B. 7, p. 365. Richard Gray, of Isle of Wight Co., deed to Francis Ward of the same Co. £12 curr. 100 acres in Isle of Wight Co., on the west side of the first swamp of Black water. Being the tract of land devised by the last will and testament of John Monger, decd. to his daughter Mary Monger after- wards Mary Gray recorded in the County Court of Isle of Wight Co. Feb. 9, 1670 and descended to the said Richard Gray as grandson and heir at law to the said Mary. adj. Joseph Womburll, Patience Jordan, Thos. Cofer and Kooby Creek. Mch. 12, 1746. D. B. 7, p. 439. 524 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Thomas Gray, of Southwark Parish Surry Co., deed from Wm. Simmons of same Parish & Co., £35 curr. 220 acres in Isle of Wight Co., on the south side of Nottoway Swamp, formerly granted to William Mays. of Isle of Wight Co., Oct. 28, 1702. and Nov. 13, 1713. Oct. 8, 1747. D. B. 7, p. 501. Will of Sarah Harding. son Ben Harding one shilling. grandson John Harding, son of Benj. Harding, one cow. Abraham Harding son of James Harding one shilling. daughter Martha Jordan, wife of John Jordan, one shill. daughter Sarah Gray, the wife of Henry Gray, one shill. son Solomon Harding. Executor, son Solomon Harding. Witnesses Arthur Crocher, Thos.-(X)-Cole, Wm.-(X) -Cofer. Jan. 6, 1747. D. B. 5, p. 261. Robert Gray, of Surry Co., deed to Joseph Gray of Isle of Wight Co., £117: 10:0: 338 acres in Isle of Wight Co. on the south side of Nottoway River which land the said Robert Gray purchased of the Nottoway Indians. Oct. 7, 1748. D. B. 8, p. 185. Joseph Gray a Justice of the Peace. Mch. 12, 1746. O. B. 1746-52, p. 1. Elizabeth Gray who keeps a public Ferry at Cockets Point this Co., is granted a licence to keep an ordinary. Mch. 10, 1747. O. B. 1746-52, p. 82. Joseph Gray and Thomas Jarrell Gent. Church Wardens of Nottoway Parish, Pltf. vs Elizabeth Chapman Deft. O. B. 1746-52, p. 21. Aaron Gray, decd. Sarah Gray, admrx. Estate of apprais- ed by Nicholas Parker, Joseph Hawkins & Henry King by order of Court dated Apr. 4, 1751. Returned Sept. 4, 1751. Apr. 4, 1751. O. B. 5, p. 387. John Gray, decd. Inventory and appraisement of his estate. Twait Villines, Adam Brown and James Gwathney appraisers. May 2, 1765. O. B. 7, p. 384. GRAY: ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY 525 William Gray. decd. Inventory & appraisement of his estate, ordered Apr. 6, 1769. Returned Apr. 17, 1769. Wm. Jordan, James Gwathney, Ben Atkinson appraisers. Apr. 6, 1769. O. B. 7, 539. Mathew Gray, Will of; friend Thomas Scott one negro &c. brother Henry Gray his wearing apparell. Executor, Thomas Scott. Wit. Hallowell, Geo. N. Scott. Jan. 1775, Vol. 8, p. 349. Mourning Gray, of Isle of Wight Co., Will of. Gives to her nephew David Williams, all of her estate. Executor sd. David Williams. Wit. Nic Parker, Elias Parker. 4, 1775. Vol. 8, p. 358. May William Gray, Will of; Lends his wife Ann Gray the use of his plantation during her life to go to his son Henry Gray at her decease. Gives to his sons Henry Gray & Joseph Gray all of his moverable estate after the decease of his wife. Executrix his wife Ann Gray. Mch. 26, 1782. Vol. 9, p. 125. William Gray, late of Isle of Wight Co., power of attorney to Edward Goodrich of said Co. to recieve £15 curr. from Richard Gray. Wit. James Baker, Geo. Waenwright. 1756. Vol. 9, p. 415. William Gray and James Gwathney, settle the account of Jesse Hulimon and Thos. Copher Executors of Francis Cop- her, decd. Returned June 4, 1792. Feb. 22, 1792. Vol. 10, p. 231. Jesse Gray, Moody Copher, James Barlow appraisers of the estate of Thomas Wrenn decd. Oct. 1, 1798. Bk. 11, p. 140. John Gray, returns to the Court the appraisement of the estate of Mathew Harris, decd. Mch. 25, 1799. Vol. 11, p. 190. Nathaniel Gray. Will of; Gives to his daughter Jane Driver all of his land, negroes &c, but should she die without 526 THE VALENTINE PAPERS issue then he gives his estate to be equally divided between all his brothers and sisters. Executor, brother Josiah Gray. Wit. Josiah Wills, Ephraim Wheeler, William Pitts. May 14, 1799. Vol. 11, p. 208. William Gray, of Newport Parish, Isle of Wight Co., lease from John Scarbrook Wills, of same Parish & Co., £8: curr. yearly, A plantation named Hughes' Island. Sept. 2, 1762. Vol. 11, p. 60. John Gray lease from William Eley, executor of Joel Cook, decd. £5:5:0: The lands whereon Joel Cook, decd. formerly dwelt in the Co. of Isle of Wight. Nov. 2, 1762. Vol. 11, p. 77. James Gray is appointed surveyor of the Roads in the room of Michael Smalley May 3, 1759. O. B. 1759-63, p. 5. Joseph Gray, Esqr. of Southampton Co., deed to Michael Ely of Isle of Wight Co., £125. 330 acres in Isle of Wight Co., which the said Joseph Gray purchased of Edmund Gray Sept. 25, 1744, and was devised by William Gray in his will unto the sd. Edmund Gray and was purchased by the sd. William Gray from Robert Scott. Jan. 18, 1767. Vol. 12, p. 127. James Gray, magistrate of the city of Glasgow, North Britain, witnesses a power of attorney from Andrew Sym & Co., of sd. City of Glasgow, Merchant, to John Sym of Smithfield, Va. Merchant, to recover and receive all debts and sums of money owing to the sd. Andrew Sym & Co. in the Colones of Virginia and North Carolina, particularly all debts owing for the goods sold by James Dunlop, James Sheddon, and James Eason. Our late factors in these colo- nies. William Long, Archibald Gwan. Feb. 5, 1768. Vol. 12, p. 226. Jesse Gray, of Isle of Wight Co., deed from Benjamin- (X)-Atkinson and Mary, his wife of same Co., £10: 10:0: Tract of land in Isle of Wight Co. on the West side of Mill Swamp, adj. Edward John Munford &c. May 5, 1772. Vol. 12, p. 478. · GRAY: PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY 527 PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY RECORDS William Gray of the County of Amelia deed from James Daniel and Elizabeth his wife of the County of Prince Edward. £250 curr. 400 acres in St. Patricks Parish, Prince Edward Co., on both sides of Vaughan's Creek. Recd. Oct. 17, 1791. Oct. 17, 1791. Certified copy. William Gray, Senr. of Prince Edward Co., Will of. Con- firms the gift already made to his daughter Lucy Cook, viz: a slave named Aaron, a horse, saddle & bridle & a feather bed and furniture. Confirms the gift already made to his daughter Sally Garnett, viz a negro named Martin, a horse, saddle, bridle & feather bed and furniture. Confirms the gift already made to his daughter Mildred W. Garnet viz: a negro girl slave named Maria and her increase, a horse, saddle, bridle and feather bed and furniture. Confirms the gift already made to his son James Gray, viz: a negro girl named Nancy and her increase, a feather bed and furniture. Confirms the gift already made to his son Edwin Gray, viz: a negro man named Nathan, a horse, saddle, bridle and feather bed and furniture. Confirms the gift already made to his son William Gray, viz: a feather bed and furniture only. And to apportion his estate equally he further gives, viz: to his son James Gray, a horse, saddle & bridle, to son William Gray a horse, saddle & bridle. to daughter Mary Gray a negro girl named Judith and her increase, and a horse, saddle, bridle and feather bed and furniture and a bureau. Lends to his wife Susanna Gray to be appropriated to the support of herself and such of his daughters as may remain single and live with her during the natural life of his said wife, all the rest of his estate both real and personal & all the stock and growing crops to be applied to her use, At the decease of his wife Susanna, should any of his daugh- ters remain single he reserves to such his house and such part of his land as may be necessary for their support & comfort, during their remaining in a single or unmarried state. But he gives to his son Edwin Gray all of his lands in Prince Edward Co., together with the improvements thereon only reserving as aforementioned a house or houses 528 THE VALENTINE PAPERS & home to such of his daughters as may remain single. In lieu of the lands given Edwin Gray, his son, the testator gives each of the above named children except Edwin Gray $100,00 each out of his personal estate. The remainder of his estate to be equally divided among all his children, Executors, his neighbors, Majr. Robert Kelso and Alex. Swan, and his son James Gray. Witnesses. Robert Kelso, James Gilliam, James Gray, Alexander Swan, William Swan. Mch. 11, 1826. Codicil: Directs that should his wife think it to be to her interest, ease and comfort at his death to divide any portion of the slaves he has lent her, his executors are authorized to make an equal distribution of the said slaves among his children. His executors are also author- ized to sell any stock plantation utensils household furniture or crops that his wife may designate or direct and to lend the money arising on interest for her use, and if necessary the principal may also be appropriated to the use of his wife. The necessity or propriety may be determined by any two of the testators executors or by his son James Gray. Witnesses, Alexander Swan, William A. Swan. Recd. Sept. 18, 1826. Oct. 7, 1825. William Gray, deceased. Inventory and appraisement. of his personal estate. One negro man Anthony 375.00 One negro man Pryor 300.00 One negro man Isham $ 400.00 One negro boy Abram .400.00 One negro boy Isaac (see the last of Inventory). 400.00 One negro boy John at James Garnett's.. 250.00 One negro boy Spencer 175.00 One negro woman Fanny 50.00 One negro woman Daisey $ 200.00 One negro woman Martha & her two children Joe & Peyton....$ 350.00 One negro woman Clarisa and her child Barnet.. $ 300.00 One negro woman Sally at John Garnett's.. One negro girl Kate One negro girl Clemantine $ 275.00 $ 150.00 $ 125.00 One negr› girl Elmira $ 100.00 $3,450.00 GRAY: PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY 529 One sorrel mare 25.00 One sorrel horse 60.00 One bay mare 5.00 One bay horse 50.00 One bay norse 50.00 Four Cotton wheels at 125 5.00 Four plows, hoes & single trees @ 1,50.. 6.00 2 dagon planes 2,00, 1 Colter 30 c. 2.00 parcel old iron grass scythes 4.00 1 cutting box 1.50 6 pole axes @ 75c, fifth chain & stretcher 2,00. 6.50 waggon body irons 2.00 50 lbs. bar iron 2.50 7 wedges & 1 pair point boxes 2.25 coopers tools 1 pair steelyards 9 hilling hoes & 3 grubbing hoes 3 scythes & cradles 1 pair wagon wheels, tongue & axle tree 1 ox cart 20.00, 1 lock chain 3.00 1 yoke of young oxen & yoke 1 yoke of old oxen & yoke 1.50 2.50 6.00 6.00 20.00 23.00 25.00 20.00 $ 326.05 1 wheet fan Amount brought over 8 bushels of wheat @ 75, 1 Hdd & half bushel 1.00. parcel of flax 12 hogs $33,00, 10 shoats $12.50 5 wild pigs 1 white cow $9.00, 1 ditto ditto 7,00 1 white cow $10.00 1 bull calf 6.00 1 brindled cow $8.00 1 brown calf 7.00 1 white backed cow 1 speckled cow 1 speckled cow $3,776.05 5.00 7.00 1.00 45.50 1.25 16.00 16.00 15.00 9.00 9.00 8.00 3 red heifers 2 white steers 12.00 11.00 8 calves 1 st. house Tob. 2000 lbs at $3.00 2nd house Tob. 1500 lbs at $2.00 3ed house Tob. 1500 at $2.50 1 cow skin 4200 lbs blade fodder @ 75c.. 40 bushels oats 621 @ 12.00 60.00 30.00 37.50 1.00 31.50 25.00 $ 352.75 530 THE VALENTINE PAPERS VALE 1 stack of wheat straw 16 sheep 2 top stacks 111 ft at 25 cents per foot 133 barrells of corn at 3.00 pr. barrell 1 b. ss skillet 3 tea kettles 10 culter pots @ 3/9 Tin ware 50c, 1 flax hackle $3.00 2 flax wheels 1 mortar and pestle 2 saddles 1 X cut saw $3.00, 4 bags 1.00 6 pieces of leather 6 pair cards Tray, barrel, gun, noggin & sifter grindstone 1.25, 1 keg 50 1 shot gun 17 Books Amount brought forward 26 knives & 26 forks 1 knife box 4 doz. plates 5.00, 1 doz. dishes 4.50 2 salt cellars, 2 pitchers, 1 mustard bottle 1 doz. table spoons 6 Jugs 3.00, 9 bottles 75 4 Demijohns 100 lbs. Tobacco 2 barrells 50, 1 tray & noggin 1.25 1 churn 1.00, 6 tubs, pales & noggin 6 pales, piggins & two tubs 1.50 24.00 27.75 399.00 5.00 1.50 6.25 3.50 1.50 .25 3.00 4.00 7.33 2.00 1.25 1.75 3.50 5.00 $ 498.08 $4,626.88 9.00 .25 9.50 1.25 1.25 3.75 1.00 2.50 1.75 3.17 2.67 8 basins, 1 dish & coffee pot 7.00 6 pots, 3 ovens & 4 pr. pot hooks 12.00 2 bread ovens, ladle and fork 1.00 1 skillet 50, 3 pot racks 3, 75 4.25 1 pr. sad irons 50, 1 kitchen table 25 .75 1 still 25.00 9 barrells & keg 4.50 1 butter pot 25, 1 meal sifter 75 1.00 13 barrells 2.00 93.59 GRAY: PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY 531 4 boxes and 1 casket .33 Tomahawk, tribet, pan handle .63 4 candle sticks, Lantern and snuffers 2.50 1 case bottles 1 clock and case 2 bureaus at $12 each 1 folding table 1 cupboard (walnut) 1 small trunk 8.00 30.00 24.00 9.25 13.00 .75 1 small trunk and money scales 2 rims and casters .75 1 Decanter, 12 tumblers, & 4 wines 2.75 6.00 1 turean 32 cups, 26 saucers 1 pr. wegewood pitchers 1 doz silver tea spoons 4 bowls, 3 sugars & 1 tea pot 2 sugar boxes, 1 canister, 2 bottles 2 trays, 3 waiters, 1 funnel & grater Amount brought forward 1 negro woman Judy & child Eliza 1 negro woman Linnis 1 pine chest 1 walnut table 1 w. real $ 120.46 $4,840.92 2.00 5.00 1.50 8.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 350.00 .$ 275.00 2.00 7.00 1.50 1 feather bed, bed stead & furniture 8 pillows 1 toilett 40.00 4 feather bed, bed stead & furniture @ $30.00 cash. 4 woollen counterpins @ 8.00, 2 ditto @ 9.00. 120.00 8.00 1.00 50.00 1 woollen counterpins @ 7.00, 1 ditto @ 6.00. 13.00 2 woollen Counterpins @ 4.00, 1 ditto @ 3. 11.00 2 cotton Counterpins each @ $12.00 & 13.00. 50.00 1 cotton Counterpins @ $14.00, 1 ditto @ 13.00. 27.00 2 cotton Counterpins @ $6.00 12.00 1 checked Counterpins 2.50 2 checked Counterpins 2 bed quilts each $7.00 & 3 24 pillow cases 27 sheets 3.00 10.00 10.00 40.50 $1,033.50 532 THE VALENTINE PAPERS 4 toiletts 9.00 15 table cloths 23.25 14 towels 4.75 2 poplar chests each 1,25 & 75 2.00 1 loom 4 stays and harness 11.00 450 lbs seed cotton at 4c 18.00 1 coffee mill and sheep shears 1.25 4 brushes 1.00 3 razors, w cases, strap, box & brushes & 2 whones. 1.00 2 chambers 2 pr. tongs, 1 shovel & 2 pair andirons 15 chairs 12 doz. vials 1.75 7.50 .67 .56 1 looking glass 75, 1 tin trunk 50 16 geese 5.34, 20 turkeys 5 1 harrow & 2 sets of teeth $2 appraised and ommitted to enter $ $5,969.75 Amount of William Matthews note on demand 24 Oct. 1825....$ 100.00 Edwin Gray's contract to pay at the last division of the Estate for a negro man named Jacob sold him by Mr. Gray ............. ................... $375.00 1.25 10.34 $ 93.32 $5,967.75 2.00 $ 475.00 1 negro boy Isaac omitted in Entering the price.. $6,444.75 275.00 $6,719.75 Appraisers, John Daniel, Alexander Swann, James Gil- liam, and Edward England. Executor Robert Kelso. Re- corded Oct. 20, 1826. · RAPPAHANNOCK COUNTY RECORDS William Gray conveys to William Wilson 20 acres adjoin- ing his plantation, bounded with Cattail Swamp free from "the dower of my now wife Eliza Gray." 9 ber 1663. D. B. 1656-65. p. 316. William-(X)-Gray "being sick & weak". dated July 20, 1673. Sons John Gray and Warwick Gray, land testator now lives on containing 708 (728) acres with the houses, GRAY: RAPPAHANNOCK COUNTY 533 edifices thereunto belonging to be equally divided. son Wil- liam Gray and Abner Gray 461 (460) acres adjoining to Occupacy run to be equally divided. “If it should please God that either of my sons dye before they become of age that then that moyety or half of land to return to the survivor." Executors to buy a young mare for testators sons in law (stepsons) Toby and Thomas Ingram "between this and the last of April which shall be in the year of our Lord 1675". To son Abner aforesd. a black mare with all her increase which was purchased with a gift to him from Mr. Ahenatley (?.) To daughter Mary Gray the first mare colt that testators own mare brings. To grandchild Elizabeth Bowler a cow called Mad Buck. Son in Law James Bowler and wife Moudlin Gray Executors. Witness-Warwick Comack, ffrancis-(X)—Sterne. Recorded-3 die 7 bris 1673. Teste. Edwrd Crask. Simon Gray witness to will of John Curtis of Rappahan- nock Co. dated 29 November 1677. D. & W. B. 1677-82, p. 57. William Gray for 400 pounds of tobacco conveys to Wm. Wilton 20 acres adjoining to his plantation bounded with Cattail Swamp, free "from dower of wife Eliza Gray." 2, 9 ber. 1663. Witnesses-Alex. Fleming, John Richardson. William Gray gives power of attorney to "my trusty friend Wm. Moseley" Sept. 6, 1671. Teste-John Deane, Saml. Bloumfield. D. B. 4, p. 481. William Gray for 400 pounds of Tobacco conveys to Wm. Wilton a parcel of land adjoining his plantation bounded with Cattail Swamp containing 20 acres. Teste. Alex. Fleming, John Richardson. Recorded-4, 9 bris, 1663. D. B. 4, p. 36. William Gray. Inventory of Estate of William Gray, decd. His orphans, etc. Feby. 23, 1682. John Gray witnesses an indenture of George Lamberth. 534 THE VALENTINE PAPERS SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY RECORDS Thomas Gray. An inventory and appraisement of the estate of Thomas Gray, decd. Total appraisement £936; 7: 6. Recorded-Nov. 1763. W. B. 2, p. 64. Thomas Gray, decd. An account current of the estate of Thos. Gray. Among items; By appraisement of Slaves ...... By appraisement of personal estate By Arthur Arrington for hire of Lyn By Sundry books sold to Mr. Gurley Recorded-Aug. 14, 1766. W. B. 2, p. 165. .£800 £136: 7: 6: £ 10: 10:0: £ 13: 12:0: Benjamin Gray, of Southampton Co., Will of; Dated: 28 Dec. 1764; To wife Catherine Gray the use of the plantation and lands whereon testator now lives during her widowhood, also lends sd. wife during widowhood household goods, & stock not hereafter devised. To son James Gray, plantation whereon testator lives and 100 acres adjoining and one bed & furniture, son Richard Gray other half of testator's land containing 107 acres divided from son James's land by a line of marked trees made by testator also one bed & furniture. daughter Mary Gray one bed, furniture, chest & carpet. son Jesse bed & furniture. son Benjamin six pounds cash. At death of wife or she "despossesses herself" of the estate lent to her, sd. estate to be sold and money arising thereby equally divided among all testator's children. To daughter Mary Gray one woman's saddle. Sons Jesse Gray & Benjamin Gray, Executors. Witnesses-Thos. Pret- low, Thos. Hewley, Mary Pretlow. Recorded-Dec. 11, 1766. W. B. 2, p. 180. Benjamin Gray, decd. Inventory & appraisement of estate. Total appraisement, £99: 17:6: Appraisers- Joseph Hart, Arthur Hallemon, Jesse Womble. Recorded— Oct. 8, 1767. W. B. 2, p. 219. William Watson Gray, Inventory, & appraisement of estate by order of Court dated Nov. 12, 1767. Total ap- GRAY: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY 535 praisement, £127: 18:0: Appraisers-Saml. Westbrook, Thos. Day, Jno. W. Mundell. Recorded-March 10, 1768. W. B. 2, p. 232. Joseph Gray, of Southampton Co., will of. Dated August 30, 1769: To wife Sarah Gray during life use of Planta- tion whereon testator now lives with all land on north side the mill Swamp containing about 790 acres, also the labour of the following negroes, Pompey, Peter, Charles, Mengo, Tim, Day, Daniel, Solomon, Stephen, Amey, Marea, Hannah, Nell, Cate, Tob & Judy, Hannah child; also all household and Kitchen furniture as it shall be at testator's death with all stock of horses, cattle, hogs, & sheep with every other thing belonging to the plantation and after the death of wife to testator's son James Gray "all the estate both real & personal that shall remain after the death of his mother of the estate given her". To son James Gray 115 acres of land on south side of Mill Swamp with water grist mill thereon, son Edwin Gray 1060 acres land whereon sd. Edwin now lives, also slaves Abram, Dick, Roger, Nan, Jenny, Loue, Fanny, Primus, Fed, Rachel & Choe., also all the stock, Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs, with every other thing belonging to the sd. Plantation. daughters, Mary Fan- ning, Ann Blunt, and Sarah Wall, £5: cur. above what has already been given them. daughter Lucy Gray, negroes, Ned, Judy, Little Ned, and Ben, one feather bed, and furniture, a single chair horse. As testator's estate will be much in debt at his death and he is desirous that the indebtedness may be paid as soon as possible he bequeaths for that pur- pose and other purposes hereafter mentioned, to his son Edwain Gray 648 acres on South side of Nottoway River in Southampton Co. known by the name of Buck Horn & following negroes thereon, viz; Harry, Peter, Jimmy, Tony & Phillas, all stock of horses, cattle, sheep, & hogs, with every other thing belonging to sd. plantation in considera- tion that he sd. Edwin pay all testator's just debts and legacies, given testator's daughters (Mary, Ann, & Sarah) and the better to enable sd. son Edwin to perform the same testator gives him all the remainder of (estate) to be equally divided between testator's wife and his son Edwin Gray. Sons Edwin Gray and James Gray Executors, and 536 THE VALENTINE PAPERS • they are not to be required to give security, Estate not to be appraised. Witnesses-Thos.-(X)-Carroll, John Pursell, Will Hamblin. Recorded-June 13, 1771. W. B. 2, p. 411. Ann Gray, of Southampton Co. "being weak and low in Body". Dated Feb. 21, 1784. To Lyda Ramsey and her heirs, all of Testatrix's land, sd. Lyda will during her life time live thereon; in case sd. Lyda will not live on said land then left to testatrix's brother John Gray during his natural life and after his death to be sold and money arising from sale equally divided between testatrix's sisters Honour Sharp, Lyda Ramsey, and Mary Blake. To Lyda Ramsey, negroe Bett, sorrell horse and large pyde cow but in case she dies without lawful issue then said negroes, horse, and cow to be equally Divided between Catran Ramsey, Honour Sharp & Mary Blake. Honour Sharp, one cow and calf. Mary Morgan one earthen bason. Mary Blake riding saddle and one sheet. Thomas Turner a Bee hive. Residue of estate to be equally divided Between John Gray, Catron Ramsey, Honour Sharp, Mary Smith, execpt my Corn and Bacon is given to Lyda Ramsey if she lives on sd. plantation as above recited, but if not sd. provissions to be as above with residue of estate. Henry Ramsey and testatrix's brother John Gray executors. Witnesses-Martha-(X)- Morgan, Mary—(X)—Morrell, Priscilla—(X)-McLemore, Susanna (X)-Turner. Recorded-April 9, 1789. W. B. 4, p. 308. - Ann Gray, Inventory and appraisement of estate of; April 20, 1789. Total appraisement, £36:9:7: Thomas Turner, John Mendell, Benjamin Blunt Jr. appraisers. Re- corded-March 13, 1792. W. B. 4, p. 478. John Gray, decd. Inventory of Estate. March 14, 1789. Total appraisement, £179: 19: 6: Appraisers-James Lundy, Saml. Francis, Benj. Blunt. Recorded-Oct. 8, 1789. W. B. 4, p. 334. Edwin Gray, will of; Dated: 23 Sept. 1788. To son Joseph 400 acres bounded by main road, Charles Briggs line to where it joins the tract formerly purchased of Cal- GRAY: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY 537 throp, the Indian Branch, the dividing line between tract testator lives on, and the sd. Calthorps, the line between John Cobbs and testators land "thirty acres of this land, purchased of the Nottoway Indians for the conveyance of which an act of Assembly has passed appointing trustees to convey the same to me but not having obtained a Deed I desire the trustees may convey the sd. 30 acres to my son Joseph", to whom I give also the following negroes Peter, Agee, Lewis, and Chloe and after the death of testator's wife a negro woman Amey. To son Thomas a tract of Land testator purchased of Anthony Cole about 400 acres, also following negroes, Fed, Judy, York and Borico and after the death of his (Thomas) mother a negro woman Rachel. son Edwin after the death of testator's wife 400 acres with a water grist mill, a still and the following negroes, Ben, Anthony, Moses, Dick and Frank, the negroes except Frank he is to possess immediately and Frank after the Death of his (Edwin's) mother. son Henry, 250 acres bounded by Benjamin Ruffins line, The Town Branch, Coggins branch, a mirery branch, the Reedy Branch, also the following negroes, Jesse, Abram, and Tom and after the death of Testator's wife Sam and Moll with her increase from date of this will. daughter Mary the following negroes, Edy, Hany, Sarah, and James, a boy Filly. Wife use of planta- tion (together with water grist mill and Still) 400 acres whereon testator now lives during her life or until testator's sons Joseph, Thomas and Edwin shall build a house as here- after, directed on the land herein given to testator's son Henry and then wife may take choice on which tract of land she will reside either of them she is to have during her life also the use and labour of slaves, Frank, Sam, Moll, Rachel and Amey, testator desires that his sd. wife retain for her use during her life so much of stock of all kinds, household furniture, Kitchen and plantation utensils as she chooses and that she make an equitable division of the sur- plus ammongst all of testator's children or she may direct the sale of it for the payment of testator's debts as her prudence may suggest. To Wife a post chaise and harness. As I consider the lands given my three eldest sons are of more value than the tract given to my son Henry I desire the said three sons to build at their equal joint expense a 538 THE VALENTINE PAPERS dwelling house twenty feet by sixteen with a ten foot shed up stairs and to be finished in a plain workmanlike manner with two brick chimneys and plaistered and white washed and a kitchen 12 x 16 with a brick chimney also a smoke house, and whereas some years ago I jointly with my brother James Gray purchased several tracts of land in the County of Nansemond on one of the said tracts we have erected at our joint and equal expence a saw and grist mill and other valuable buildings and whereas a Tract of Land pur- chased by us of Mills Cooper & Cary was conveyed to me alone and whereas I gave my said Brother my land for the conveyance of an equal devidend of the said tract and no bounds or division having been agreed on between us I do hereby impower my executors when such division is agreed on or made to convey one moiety of the said tract unto my said Brother or to his assigns or to join him in the sale of all of the property we jointly hold in the sd. Co. "of Nanse- mond." And for the payment of my debts I do hereby direct my executors to sell my proportion of lands and all my interest in the saw and grist mill which I hold jointly with my brother James and they are hereby fully impowered and authorized to convey the same to any purchaser or pur- chasers and whereas there are since the first purchase of the land as above various expenditures of money both by my brother James and myself and the accounts of which have not been liquidated or settled and as I conceive them to be very complicated and perplexed and having the fullest confidence of the integrity and Justice of my said brother, I desire that his settlement of the said expenses may be admitted and passed by my executors and the Court without the formality of an oath". Brother James Gray and testator's sons Joseph, Thomas and Edwin and friend Daniel Simmons Executors. "recommending to them in a particular manner the education of my little son Henry." Witnesses-Ben. Ruffin, Benj. Ruffin Jr., Saml. Killo. Re- corded-June 1790. W. B. 4, p. 280. John Gray, Decd. Estate of in account with Hannah Gray, admintrx. Recorded-April 1796. W. B. 4, p. 815. Edwin Gray, decd. Estate of Col. Edwin Gray, decd. account current. Edwin Gray Executor. Among items-To • GRAY: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY 539 paid Edmund Blunt of his portion of the estate £254:16: 2: To paid Thomas Blunt account £35: 11:0: Witnesses- Ben. Ruffin, Chas. Briggs Jr., Chas. Briggs Sr. Recorded- Feby. 18, 1799. W. B. 5, p. 130. Joseph Gray, decd. Inventory & appraisement of estate of. Oct. 16, 1815. Appraisers-Collier Kitchen, Ben Wil- son, James Meeliken. Recorded-Jany. 21, 1817. W. B. 8, p. 237. Henry M. Gray, decd. Inventory & appraisement of Estate of, June 18, 1814 Total appraisement ($3036,95.) Appraisers James Toezrout, I. Fork, Collier Kitchen. Re- corded-Jany. 21. 1817. W. B. 8, p. 1815. Joseph Gray, decd. Estate of, in account with Thomas Gray Admr. Settled by Ben Cobb, A. Meddleton. Recorded -Aug. 17, 1818. W. B. 8, p. 458. Benjamin Gray, will of, dated Jany. 1820. Lends to wife Melison Gray during her natural life the land and houses where testator's son Benjamin Gray formerly lived and one negro woman Sally and her increase and at wife's decease sd. land to be equally divided between testator's two sons Kinchlen Gray, and Richard Gray and the aforesd negro woman Sal and her increase to be equally divided between testator's two daughters Polly and Elizabeth Gray and the said Kinchen and Richard Gray. wife Melisson, feather bed and furniture, pine table, 2 setting chairs, six earthen plates and Iron Pott three knives and 3 Forks one Dutch oven, one spinning wheel and one pair cotton cards. two sons Kinchen and Richard Gray land and plantation whereon testator now lives to be divided between them in the following man- ner Beginning at a red oak a line tree near Abner Kindreks line thereon running a straight course as near as may be between my dwelling houses Kitchen to the mill pond form- erly Simmons, the part which dwelling house sets on to Richard Gray. two sons James and Joseph Gray, black- smiths tools. son William Gray 12 shillings, daughter Sylvia Bryant 12 shillings. sons Kinchen and Richard Gray and daughters Polly and Elizabeth Gray 3 negroes, viz: Hunt, 540 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Peter, and Nathan to be equally divided between them. said Kinchen Redford (Richard ?) Polly and Elizabeth Gray the residue of estate after just debts are paid. Exam. Hallemon and William Phillips, Executors. Wit. James Taylor, Laur Cook, Richard Blunt. Recorded-Feby. 21, 1820. W. B. 9, p. 10. Jeremiah Gray, decd. Estate of in account current with William Davis Executor. Settled by Jesse Vick, Wiley Willens [Wilkins ?] Recorded-June 20, 1820. W. B. 9, p. 45. Joseph Gray, will of, dated March 28, 1823. To two sons James & Joseph Gray testator's land to be equally divided between them so that piece which testator bought of James Gray may all be in one lot which part is given to son James Gray and the part whereon testator resides to son Joseph Gray. daughters Sally & Nancy Gray balance of testators lands household and Kitchen furniture. sd Sally & Nancy may if they think proper live on testator's (dwelling ?) plantation so long as they are unmarried and have the privilege of a garden, cotton patch and if they desire a horse on the plantation & it shall appear to executors to be necessary then they are to have one. A crop shall be made on plantation the present year and daughters Sally & Nancy Gray have support out of it for the ensuing year and also support out of the production of plantation as long as they are single and think proper to live there. Testators's sons to "be sent to school two years and to board with my daugh- ter if my executors can do so with convenience and send them to school." Friend Exum Bryant, guardian to sons James and Joseph Gray and daughter Nancy Gray, and Exum Bryant Executor. Witnesses Henry (X)- Robertson, Polly-(X)—Gray. Recorded-April 21, 1823. W. B. 9, p. 195. - Joseph Gray, Decd. Inventory and appraisement of Estate May 2, 1826. Appraisers-George Williams, Burwel -(X)-Bryant, Wm. Newton. Recorded-May 15, 1826. W. B. 9, p. 327. GRAY: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY 541 Joseph Gray, decd. Estate of, Exum Bryant, Executor. Recorded-May 1826. W. B. 10, p. 98. Thomas Gray, Will of, dated Sept. 6, 1831. Makes whole estate, real & personal subject to payment of debts and gives to his executors full power, to dispose of any part thereof which may be necessary either at public or private sale. Residue & remainder of estate after just debts are paid or adjusted to be equally divided between testator's son Edwin Gray, daughter Ann Gray and Granddaughter Ellen Douglas Gray and their heirs or legal representatives; if either of them shall die intestate and without lawful issue, survivor of them shall inherit the right and emoluments of the other so doing. Whereas Joseph Ruffin, decd. did by his will devise to each of the children of Thomas Gray (the testator) some negroes and some of these negroes the said Thomas Gray sold "beliving that it was by the free and voluntary consent of the legatees entitled to the same", said Gray directs that any of his legatees putting in any claim for amount of sales of such as were sold, shall be paid $1,00 as their full portion of his (the sd. testator's) estate. Should testator's son Thomas R. Gray "to whose daughter one third part of my estate is given" bring any claim whatsoever against his estate then the portion of estate bequeathed to testators granddaughter Ellen Douglas Gray to be equally divided between testator's son Edwin Gray and daughter Ann Gray. "I wish it to be especially understood that I have no account of any kind against either of my children or against my grandchild Ellen Douglas Gray". Testator is joint security for his son Thomas Gray to Jones W. Kieffer, of Portsmouth for a debt, and having given a deed of trust therefor, he devises to his son the said Thomas R. Gray "the bulk of my estate liable for the payment of the said note or such portion of it as he may be bound to discharge as security." Witnesses-Cora A. Browne, Jno. O.-(X)— Donnally, Henry H.-(X)-Pond. Recorded-Sept. 19, 1831. W. B. 10, p. 343. Thomas Gray, decd. Inventory & appraisement of estate. Oct. 26, 1831. Total appraisement, $2054,46. Appraisers- Shd. Boykin, John Simmons, Danl. W. Simmons. Recorded -Aug. 20, 1832. W. B. 10, p. 306. 542 THE VALENTINE PAPERS James Gray, Inventory, & appraisement of personal estate. Dec. 1, 1831, by Everett Bryant, his admr. & ap- praised by James D. Bryant, Henry Kenored & John R. Bryant. Recorded-June 17, 1833. W. B. 11, p. 87. Thomas Gray, decd. Estate of in account with Orris A. Brown. Recorded-Nov. 19, 1832. W. B. 11, p. 199. George G. Gray, will of, dated Oct. 5, 1836. To wife Mary Gray all the personal Estate of which testator dies possessed and to her, use of all lands in Virginia as long as she remains unmarried, if she marries then to have her thirds of the land off to her. "It is my wish and desire that my wife out of the proceeds of the estate give unto my two sons John Cooper Gray & Philip Francis Gray the best edu- cation her means will admit of & at proper age they be put to such profession as seems best suited to their capacity". Testator's lands in Illinois to be sold or kept as it may seem best in the judgment of executor for the benefit of testator's two sons John Cowper Gray & Philip Gray. Friend James B. Urquhart guardian of testator's two sons John Cowper Gray & Philip Francis Gray. Said James B. Urquhart Ex- ecutor. Witnesses-R. A. Urquhart, A. B. Urquhart, Albert W. Nicholson. Recorded-Dec. 19, 1836. W. B. 11, p. 579. Thomas Gray, decd. Estate of, in account with Carr Bowers, Sheriff. Recorded-May 28, 1836. W. B. 12, p. 9. Edwin Gray, will of. dated Jan. 27, 1842. To wife Mary A. Gray, whole estate. Witnesses-William C. Pord, Jno. A. Hix. Calthrop-(X)-Branch, Recorded-May 16, 1842. W. B. 12, p. 589. Thomas Gray, decd. Estate of, in account with Carr Bowers, Sheriff. Recorded-Sept. 19, 1842. W. B. 13, p. 1. Thomas Gray, decd. acct. current, with Carr Bowers, Sheriff. Recorded-Feby. 16, 1846. W. B. 13, p. 484. Joseph Gray, decd. Estate of, acct. current with Henry Kendred, admr. Recorded-Nov. 14, 1847. W. B. 14, p. 60. GRAY: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY 543 Joseph Gray, decd. Appraisement of estate. Dec. 10, 1846, by Henry Kindred, admr. Appraisers-Edward Beaton, Everett Bryant, Exum Bryant. Recorded-June 19, 1848. W. B. 14, p. 110. Thomas Gray, decd. Estate in account with Carr Bowers, Sheriff. Recorded-Feby. 20, 1848. W. B. 14, p. 90. Thomas Gray, decd. Estate of, in account with Carr Bow- ers, Sheriff. Among items; Paid Miss Anne Gray her pro- portion, $69.20; Paid Mrs. Ellen Wilson $69.20. Total $138.40. Recorded Sept. 17, 1855. W. B. 15, p. 438. Elizabeth Gray, decd. acct of sales of property, Nov. 20, 1857. Recorded May 15, 1858. W. B. 16, p. 226. Elizabeth Gray, decd. Estate of appraised by Everett Bryant, Ben T. Pope & Newit Johnson on Nov. 20, 1857. Recorded June 1, 1858. W. B. 16, p. 263. Sarah-X-Gray of Williamburg City to Joseph Lane of Surry Co. £13: cur. 100 acres on north west side of Light- wood Swamp in Southampton Co. adjoining Henry Harts land, which land was granted to Thomas Hart by patent dated July 9, 1724. and by sd. Thomas Hart sold to Patrick Gray by deed dated 26 April 1725, “and after his decease fell by heirship to the above sd. Sarah Gray." Dated: Feby. 20, 1749. Recorded March 8, 1749. D. B. 1, p. 51. Joseph Gray & Thomas Farrell, Gentlemen of Southamp- ton Co. from Sam, Frank, Jack, Will, John Turner, Wat Bailey, Geo. Skiper, chief men of the Nottoway Indians Nation. £40: cur. 310 acres in Southampton Co. adjoining Timothy Thorps land by the side of Cabbin Branch, which is a portion of the lands belonging to the Nottoway Tribe of Indians and which the said tribe and their trustees were directed to sell by act of Assembly. Dated: Jany. 2, 1749. Recorded March 8, 1749. D. B. 1, p. 98. Thomas Gray of Parish of Nottoway, Southampton Co. & Elizabeth his wife to Daniel Fisher of same Parish & Co. 544 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Atty. £75:5: curr. land in aforesd. Parish and Co. on the North side of Nottoway River lately belonging to Martha Vick of the sd. Co. granted by patent to one William Crump- ler June 16, 1714. Dated: Nov. 4, 1761. Recorded Nov. 4, 1761. D. B. 3, p. 99. John-X-Gray of Brunswick Co. Planter to Watson Gray of Southampton Co. £16: curr. 50 acres on South side of Flat Swamp in Southampton Co. adjoining Edward Wind- ham, John Calthorps. Dated: Jan. 14, 1762. Recorded Jany. 14, 1762. D. B. 3, p. 112. James Gray of Edgecomb Co. North Carolina to Lewis Joyner of Southampton Co. Va. £15: Curr. 50 acres on North side of Nottoway River in Southampton Co. part of 300 acres granted to George Williams by patent dated Feby. 20, 1723, being the same 50 acres Thos. Clark conveyed sd. John Gray. Dated: Jan. 25, 1762. Recorded April 8th 1762. D. B. 3, p. 140. Joseph Gray of Southampton Co. to Michael Cobb of same Co. £5: curr. 10 acres. June 8, 1762. Recorded Aug. 1762. D. B. 3, p. 159. Thomas Gray of Dinwiddie Co. to Gray Briggs of same Co. to secure payment of £575: curr. Land in Southampton Co. which hath descended to the said Thomas Gray from his father Thomas Gray deceased and also those negro slaves which lately were in the possession of the sd. Thomas Gray decd. and have also descended to him the sd. Thomas party to this deed as heir at Law of the sd. Thomas, his late father. Feby. 8, 1763. Recorded Aug. 11, 1763. D. B. 3, p. 218. Joseph Gray of Southampton Co. to Edwin Gray son of sd. Joseph Gray, 800 acres in Southampton Co. Dated: June 11, 1767. Recorded June 11, 1767. D. B. 4, p. 18. John Gray of Isle of Wight Co. to his daughter Elizabeth Gray for 5 shillings curr. negro boy named Will. Dated: Dec. 30, 1769. Recorded Jany. 11, 1770. D. B. 4, p. 221. GRAY: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY 545 Edwin Gray of Nottoway Parish, Southampton Co., Gent. & Juleanna his wife and Sarah Gray of same Parish & Co. widow & relict of Joseph Gray esqr. late of the same Co. to Charles Taylor of St. Lukes Parish, Southampton Co. Gent. £350: Curr. 338 acres in St. Luke's Parish, Southampton Co. on South side of Nottoway River on Buck horn Swamp sd. tract was formerly purchased in virtue of an act of Gen- eral Assembly for that purpose by one Robert Gray of the chief men of the Nottoway Indians by endenture duly proved & recorded and by the sd. Robert Gray conveyed to Joseph Gray. Dated: Dec. 12, 1771. Recorded Dec. 12, 1771. D. B. 4, p. 438. Edwin Gray of Southampton Co. emancipates a mulatto man named George Whitfield formerly the property of George Kerr, decd. Dated: Feby. 10, 1791. Recorded Feby. 10, 1791. D. B. 7, p. 465. James Gray & Gizzee his wife of Southampton Co. to Joseph Vick of same Co. £47:10: 20 acres known by the name of Wolf Pit in Southampton Co. Dated: July 16, 1791. Recorded June 4, 1792. D. B. 7, p. 649. Edwin Gray and Julianna his wife to Jesse Carrol £225: 295 acres on North side of the Lightwood Swamp in South- ampton Co. being part of patents granted to John Drew dated Sept. 1723 and July 9, 1737. Dated Aug. 8, 1786. Recorded Oct. 12, 1786. D. B. 7, p. 841. James Lundy, Ben Blunt Jr., and Robert Mabry (com- missioners appointed by the Court of Southampton, Sept. 1797, which decree is here unto annexed) to convey the lands of John Gray, decd under a former decree of the said Court to Mary Thorpe (formerly Mary Thomas) of South- ampton Co. 100 acres in Southampton Co. on North side of Flat Swamp adjoining Benjamin Blunt Jr, estate of Henry Thomas, decd. Dated: Feby. 24, 1798. Recorded Aug. 20, 1798. D. B. 8, p. 634. Edwin Gray of Southampton Co. from Spencer Pierce of sd. Co. acting executor of will of Michael Cobb, decd. £600: 546 THE VALENTINE PAPERS 12:1: curr. 628 acres in Southampton Co. adjoining lands of aforesd. Edwin Gray and late the property of Michael Cobb, decd. Dated: Feby. 18, 1799. Recorded Feby. 18, 1799. D. B. 9, p. 5. Benjamin Gray, of Southampton Co. to his son Benjamin Gray, 2014 acres (it being the land and plantation Ben. Gray Sr. now lives on), and lying on Sweat House Swamp, Lazarus Cockes, John Kendreds, Ephraim Faircloths and Powell's Branch. Dated: Sept. 24, 1798. Recorded Feby. 18, 1789. D. B. 9, p. 16. Benjamin Gray of Southampton Co. to his son James Gray 100 acres on Sweat House Swamp. Dated: Sept. 24, 1798. Recorded Feby. 18, 1799. D. B. 9, p. 18. Benjamin Gray of Southampton Co. to William Gray of same Co. $100. Curr. 75 acres adjoining William White- head, Wm. Newton's. Dated Sept. 24, 1798. Recorded Feby. 18, 1799. D. B. 9, p. 19.- Edwin Gray to Thomas Gray. Dated: Nov. 27, 1781. Recorded Dec. 21, 1801. D. B. 9, p. 508. ORDER BOOKS Joseph Gray qualified as Justice of the Peace for South- ampton Co., June 8, 1749. O. B. 1, p. 1. Joseph Gray qualified as Colonel. O. B. 1, p. 10. Joseph Gray continued as Overseer of the Road whereof he was formerly appointed. 1749. O. B. 1, p. 11. An Indenture of Feoffment between Robert Gray, Gent. of the one part & Joseph Gray of the other part and a memorandum of livery of Leisen thereon endorsed were proved by the oaths of David Hunter & Leonard Claiborne Jr., Henry Edmonds & William Gray the witnesses thereto. Sept. 14, 1749. O. B. 1, p. 16, 1749. GRAY: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY 547 William Gray produced a commission from the Presi- dent and masters of William & Mary College appointing him assistant, to Robert Jones Surveyor of the County and qualified. Sept. 14, 1749. O. B. 1, p. 16. On the motion of William Gray of this County who in- tends to practice as an attorney in the County Court of this Colony The Court do recommend the said William Gray to the Examiners appointed according to Law as a person of known Probity, Honesty and good demeanor, 1749. O. B. 1, p. 42. William Gray Jr. & James Claiborne, Gent. produce license from the Examiners appointed by Law to practice as attornies in the County Courts in this County which be- ing read the said Gray & Claiborne took the usual oaths to his majesty's person & Government. O. B. 1, p. 61. Joseph Gray, Gent. produced a commission from the Hon- orable the President to be Sheriff of this County during pleasure and thereupon he with Ben Simmons and Peter Butts his security entered into bond. 1751. O. B. 1, p. 156. Joseph Gray qualifies as Justice of Peace under Com- mission from the Governor. Jany. 1757. O. B. 2, p. 340. Thomas Gray, Ben Ruffin, Henry Taylor, Chas. Cosby, James Jones & John Wilkenson be recommended to his honor the Governor as fit and able persons to be added to the commission of the peace. Feby. 14, 1760. O. B. 4, p. 19. Joseph Gray granted administration on estate of Jane Macy. Joseph & Henry Taylor his security. bond £100: Mar. 1760. O. B. 4, p. 23. Joseph Gray appointed a Justice of the Peace. April 1761. O. B. 4, p. 96. Joseph Gray Sworn as Justice of the Peace. Sept. 1760. O. B. 4, p. 61. 548 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Joseph Gray took oath as vestryman of the Parish of Nottoway. Jany. 1768. O. B. 5, p. 9. Joseph Gray appointed guardian to William Gray orphan of Thos. Gray decd. Richard Kello security. bond £500: July 1769. O. B. 5, p. 169. Joseph Gray qualified as Justice of the Peace. July 1770. O. B. 5, p. 306. Ordered that the Sheriff apply to the Executors of Col- onel Joseph Gray for the Book of Laws in his possession and deliver the same to Wm. Blunt gentleman. Jany. 10, 1770. O. B. 5, p. 359. John Gray appointed overseer of the Highway. Sept. 1771. O. B. 5, p. 443. Edwin Gray appointed Justice of the Peace. July 1771. O. B. 5, p. 427. The will of John Simmons, decd. formerly proved by one witness was further proved by the oath of Ann Blunt formerly Ann Gray. May 1772. O. B. 5, p. 523. Edwin Gray recommended by the Court to his Excellency the Governor as fit and able person to serve as Sheriff. July 1773. O. B. 6, p. 231. Edwin Gray appointed a Justice of the Peace. Nov. 1773. O. B. 6, p. 280. At a Court held at Southampton Co. C. H. on Monday 30th May 1774 on the examination of James Gray on suspicion of his being guilty of the felonius breaking and entering the dwelling house of John Barrow of this County and stealing thereout twelve pounds the property of said Barrow. Thomas Blunt, Wm. Blunt, Justices. Alb. Jones, Nichls. Maget, Henry Taylor. The prisoner was set to the bar charged with the offence aforesaid whereupon divers witnesses were examined to wit John Barrow and divers GRAY: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY 549 others and the prisoner heard in his own defence. Courts opinion that the prisoner is not guilty of the felony where- upon he stands charged & therefore it is considered that he be discharged. May. 1774. O. B. 6, p. 369. Edwin Gray recommended as Sheriff. May 1773. O. B. 6, p. 378. John Gray appointed overseer of the Road. Nov. 1775. O. B. 6, p. 426. Edwin Gray qualified as Justice of the Peace. May 1776. O. B. 6, p. 435. Edwin Gray granted leave to erect a mill. July 1776. O. B. 6, p. 435. Edwin Gray recommended for Sheriff. Nov. 1776. O. B. 6, p. 458. Edwin Gray qualified as Justice of the Peace. July 1771. O. B. 6, p. 490. Edwin Gray Gentleman be recommended to his Excellency the Governor as a fit capable person to act as Colonel of this County. Jany. 1778. O. B. 7, p. 3. Edwin Gray elected commissioner of the Tax. Feby. 1778. O. B. 7, p. 12. Edwin Gray Esqr. qualified as Colonel of the militia of this County. March 12, 1778. O. B. 7, p. 13. Edwin Gray sworn a vestryman. Oct. 1778. O. B. 7, p. 61. Edwin Gray Esqr. recommended as a fit and capable per- son to act as County Lieutenant. May 1779. O. B. 7, p. 67. Edwin Gray qualified as County Lieutenant. Jly 1779. O. B. 7, p. 77. 550 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Edwin Gray qualified as Sheriff. Jany. 1780. O. B. 7, p. 107. Edwin Gray this day in open Court resigned his com- mission of County Lieutenant of this County. Sept. 1779. O. B. 7, p. 95. William Gray petitions for leave to erect a water grist mill on Nottoway Swamp and setting forth that he hath lands on one side of the said Swamp opposite the lands of Thos. Peete, now in the possession of Elizabeth Gray, and praying for an acre of the said Peetes land for the purpose aforesd. Dec. 1781. O. B. 7, p. 172. The Jury summoned to assess damages for an acre of land petitioned for by William Gray to erect a water grist mill over Nottoway Swamp, reported the "damages” at 10 shillings. May 1782. O. B. 7, p. 196. Edwin Gray appointed commissioner of Land. April 1783. O. B. 7, p. 296. Edwin Gray offering sufficient reasons to the Court he is excused from acting as a commissioner of the land tax and Thomas Clements Jr. is appointed in his room. 1783. 0. B. 7, p. 303. MARRIAGE RECORDS Sept. 12, 1757. Consent of J. (oseph) Gray to marriage of his daughter Elizabeth Gray to William Newsum and note of Elizabeth Gray asking that a license be issued agree- able to her father's consent. Oct. 17, 1769. Marriage bond of John Flood Edmunds of Brunswick Co. to Lucy Gray, daughter of Joseph Gray. James Wall, security. Consent of J. (oseph) Gray dated 17 October 1769. GRAY: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY 551 Feby. 12, 1753. Marriage Bond of Littleton Tazwell of Brunswick Co. to Mary Gray, spinster. Ben Ruffin of Surry Co. security. June 13, 1771. Marriage of Thos. Wills with Betty Gray. Thos. Wills, Jno. Simmons, securities. April 20, 1778. Isaac Bolling & Martha Gray. Isaac- X-Bolling, Thomas-X-Lane securities. April 19, 1789. Charles Gray with Ann Briggs. Mar- riage Bond. Charles Gray, Charles Briggs, securities. Sept 22, 1788. Danl. Simmons and Mary Gray, Marriage Bond. Danil. Simmons, Saml. Kello, securities. Consent by Edwin Gray her father. Jany 15, 1794. Wm. Gray with Lydia Bryant, securities Wm.-X-Gray, Jonas Bryant. Witness-S. Kello. March 12, 1795. Nathan Thomas with Catherine Gray. securities, Nathan Thomas, Eth. Turner. Witness-S. Kello. August 21, 1794. Jonas Bryant & Silveah Gray, married by Newit Vick. Jany. 5, 1796. May 13, 1787. Isle of Wight Co. Wm. Gray & Lydia Bryant married. Jeremiah Fulgham & Eliza Gray both of married by D. C. Barrow. May 30, 1788. Jorden Jackson with Nancy Gray. securi- ties Jorden-X-Jackson, James Gray. Consent by James Gray. Oct. 1798. Ben Gray with Millescent Massingale, securi- ties, Wm. Gray. August 1799. Letter of consent by Polly Pope for license to issue to James Gray for marriage with the said Polly Pope. 552 THE VALENTINE PAPERS 1820. Robert Gray with Mary Ann Nicholson returned as solemnized by Ben Devaney in his list of marriages. Nov. 4, 1823. Nicholas Faircloth and Mary Ann Gray, returned by Ben Barnes. Marriage on Nov. 6, 1823. Nov. 21, 1825. Joshua Johnson & Mary Gray married 29 Nov. 1825 by Ben Barnes. Sept. 4, 1827. Kinchen Gray and Patty Milliken. securi- ties, Kenchen Gray & .., L. R. Edwards. consent by Patsey Milliken her Guardian. Witnesses-Exum Wood. March 16, 1829. Richard Gray & Louisa Bryant. securi- ties, Richard Gray, J. H. Beall. Consent by Nicholas Bryant. April 20, 1829. Mills S. Gray and Jane E. Pope. Securi- ties-Mills L. Gray, Jorden Pope. April 19, 1841. Edwin Gray and Mary Ann Gray. securi- ties-Edwin Gray, T. C. Jones. permission by herself. Feby. 22, 1841. Henry Gray and Margaret Johnson. Security-Henry Gray & Collier G. Ferguson. Aug. 11, 1845. James T. Gray and Eley Nosworthy. Se- curities-James T. Gray & Goodman Ham. SURRY COUNTY RECORDS Mary Gray, of Surry Co., will of. daughter Lucy Briggs, wife of Howell Briggs, granddaughter Eliza Rose, son Wil- liam Gray, son Edmund Gray, son James Gray, remainder of her estate both real & personal to her sons and daugh- ters, viz; William Seward, Robert Gray, Joseph Gray, Thomas Gray, James Gray and Lucy Briggs to be equally divided. Executors son Thomas Gray and Howell Briggs. Wit. Gray Briggs, Susannah Gray, Wm. Thorp. Mch. 31, 1756. (No date of recordation). W. B. 9, p. 113. 1 GRAY: SURRY COUNTY 553 Mary Gray, decd. Inventory of her estate. Howell Briggs, Executor. Recd. June 20, 1758. W. B. 9, p. 143. Gilbert Gray, of Surry Co., Will of; son Joseph Gray 550 acres given testator by the will of sd. testators father, ex- clusive of that known as Babbs, containing 360 acres, also gives sd. Joseph Gray a tract purchased by sd. testator of the Vestry of the Parish of Southworth, adj. sd. 550 acres. daughter Eliza Marriott, wife of Mathias Marriot 3 negroes. daughter Sarah Gray, 3 negroes, one bed & furniture. daughter Mary Gray, 3 negroes one bed & furniture. daugh- ter Lucy Gray, 3 negroes, one bed & furniture. son John Gray, 3 negroes, one bed & furniture, and the plantation whereon the testator now lives. son James Gray 4 negroes, one bed & furniture and the tract of land known as Babbs given the testator by the will of sd. testators father. wife, the remainder of his estate during her natural life or widowhood. Executrix, testators wife, Executor, testators son Joseph Gray. Witnesses. Robert Gray, Hartwell Cocke, George Dawson. Recd. Dec. 10, 1764. Dated: Apr. 8, 1758. W. B. 9, p. Ben Gray, decd. Inventory & appraisement of his estate. To 1 Bay horse To 1 saddle cloth To wearing apparel 7:10:0: 1:15:0: 11: 0:0: £20: 5:0: Returned and recorded July 15, 1766. Appraisers, Henry Davis, Henry White, John Judkins. May 22, 1766. W. B. 9, p. 418. Margaret Gray, of Southwork Parish, Surry Co., will of; (non cupative) Gives to her daughter Lucy Gray, son John Gray, daughter Mary Clinch, son James Gray. The re- mainder of her estate to be equally divided between all of her children. Executors, sons John Gray, Mathias Mar- riott. Proved by Hartwell Cocke and Mathias Marriott. Dated: June 27, 1767. Recd. Nov. 11, 1767. W. B. 9, p. 189. 554 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Margaret Gray, decd. Inventory and appraisement of her estate. showed 7 negroes &c. Total value £308:18:6. Dec. 17, 1767. W. B. 10, p. 2. Lucy Gray, of Surry Co., Va. Will of; Gives to her brother John Gray 3 negroes &c. brother James Gray £30: payable when he arrives at 21 years of age. Executor, brother John Gray. Wit. Mathias Marriott, Thomas Wall, Eliza Marriott. Dated: Nov. 30, 1773. Recd. Sept. 28, 1773. W. B. 10, p. 317. Richard-X-Gray, of Surry Co., Will of. Gives his son John Gray the plantation whereon the testator now lives containing 200 acres more or less, also a still, feather bed & furniture, 2 pewter dishes, 2 pewter basons & 6 plates, also his choice of four guns and one iron pot hooks and rack and one large stone fat pot &c. Son Samuel Gray, ten pew- ter dishes, 2 basins and 6 plates, also his choice of three guns, also a feather bed & furniture, a large stone fat pot Iron, one iron pot hooks & rack; also £25: curr. one folding table. £25: cash, 3 sows and pigs, flax hackle and stilyards &c. Youngest son Henry Gray the plantation in Isle of Wight Co., which the testator bought of Mason Brady, also a feather bed & furniture &c. &c. Sons John, Samuel & Henry Gray all of his working tools. Daughter Hannah Gray one feather bed & furniture and one chest and box iron, also one small gilt trunk, and 2 pewter cans, one small stone pot one iron pot, one flax and one woolen wheel &c. Daughter Jean Gray, one feather bed & furniture, one chest, side saddle, 2 small pewter dishes, also one coffee pot, 6 cups and saucers, one stone fat pot and one Iron do. also one horse and gear. Daughter Mary Jones, one feather bed & furniture &c. Sons Samuel & Henry Gray, a parcel of deer skins in the house after his son John has taken enough for one pair of breeches out of them. Daughter Martha Thomas one feather bed & furniture, one loom without gear & one chest. To Frederick Gray, son of Lucy Gray £5: cash. The remainder of his estate to be sold and equally divided between John, Samuel, Henry, Frederick, Mary, Martha, Hannah, Jane &c. only the cattle to be equally di- vided between the testators 3 sons John, Samuel, & Henry Gray. Lends to his wife Martha Gray during her life or GRAY: SURRY COUNTY 555 widowhood all his personal property. Executors, son John Gray and Jacob Person. Wit; Charles Goodrich, Mason Braddy, Josiah Mangum, Henry Gray. Dated: Apr. 7, 1777. Recd. Feb. 23, 1779. W. Bk. 10, p. 516. James Gray of Surry Co., Will of. Lends to his wife Sarah, during her natural life or widowhood the plantation on which the testator lives, together with four negro slaves, viz: Will, Isham, Fanny, and Hannah &c. &c. provided that she will educate and maintain his children untill they arrive at lawful age or marry and will further relinquish her dower in a tract of land the testator has conveyed to his son Josiah. Directs that his executors execute a deed of conveyance to Samuel Mangum for a tract of land which the sd. testator has sold them, as soon as sd. Mangum pays the purchase money & interest. Son Josiah a mare & feather bed and furniture. Son James a mare now in his possession also £5: cash, also the plantation on which the testator dwells after the death or intermarriage of the testators wife. Son Nathaniel £155 curr. and one horse. Daughter Sarah 3 horned cattle, also a feather bed & furniture which testator has already put into the possession of Richard Rowell (Powell) who hath intermarried with sd. Sarah. Daughter Mary Davis one feather bed now in her posses- sion. Daughters Ann, Elizabeth and Susannah £5: cash each. Executors sons Josiah and James and also his son Nathaniel as soon as he arrives at lawful age. Wit. [Nicho- las?] Faulcon, Nathaniel Bemimon, Thomas Cook. Recd. June 25, 1788. Dated: Feb. 9, 1788. W. B. 2, p. James Gray, decd. Inventory and appraisement of his estate. showes 16 negroes &c. valued at £592:19:1034. Josiah Gray, James Gray, Executors. Recd. Jan. 27, 1789. Dated: Oct. 8, 1788. W. B. 12, p. John Gray, decd. Inventory & appraisement of his estate. Appraisers, John Thompson Wm.-X-Mitchell, Hartwell Hunnicutt. June 29, 1789. W. B. 12, p. 221. John Gray, above Inventory Recorded. July 28, 1789. W. B. 12, p. 223. 556 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Thomas Gray, senr. aged 60 years or thereabouts. witness,◄ Deposeth that Daniel Shelton in the tinc of his sickness not long before his departure did bequeath his whole estate to Rebecka his wife verbally. Mch. 7, 1653. D. B. 1, p. 41. Ffrancis Gray, brother to Thomas Gray, both of the parish and County of Surry, for consideration assignes to sd. brother Thomas Gray his (Francis Gray's) right in certain patents. Wit. Jno. Gittings, Sam Swaine. Acknowl- edged and recorded 3ed 9 ber 1658. D. B. 1, p. 121. Ffrancis-(X)-Gray, deed to John Tatum 100 acres in Surry Co., on Chippoakes Creek adj. sd. Tatum's land lately purchased of John Rawlings. Wit. Elias Osborne, Selby Sparrow. Jan. 26, 1662. D. B. 1, p. 213. Ffrancis-(X)-Gray, acknowledges his deed to his brother Thomas Gray of the plantation on which Mr. Hely lives and which his said brother Thomas Gray has since let to Mr. Dickerson. Sept. 4, 1666. D. B. 1, p. 275. Thomas-(X)—Gray, deed to Richard Cease & Rebecca, his wife all of Surry Co. for a considerable sum of Tobb. 100 acres in Surry Co., called Hollowing Poynt on the west side of Gray's Creek, adjoining 6 mile neck, and "bounded by the head of Spring swamp to ye end of ye Sandy Valley on ye west side & so east by ye Marsh trees from Surry Valley to Swaines between ye middle neck and ye hay stack swamp &c. &c. Nov. 7, 1667. W. B. 1, p. 291. Thomas Gray, of Surry Co., deed to Thos. Crease & Fanne, his wife of same Co. for a very considerable sum of Tobba. & caske a parcel of land being as is guessed 80 acres being on the west side of Gray's Creek. Wit. John Salway, Rich- ard, Richd.—(X)-Case. 'Nov. 5, 1667. W. B. 1, p. 292. Thomas Gray, near 21 years sworn. Testifies that what Richard Case hath declared is the truth. July 2, 1672. W. B. 12, p. 20. John-(X)—Gray, aged about 21 years sworn. Testifies that he was with the said Thomas Gray and Thos. Cruse 1 H GRAY: SURRY COUNTY 557 the bounds of the lands sold to the said Cruse &c. July 2, 1672. W. B. 12, p. 20. Thomas Gray and ffrancis Gray in the list of tythables taken by Mr. George Jordan. June 10, 1668. p. 316. W. B. 1, Thomas Gray, Will of: Gives to his brother ffrancis Gray 3 draughts of hogs. sister, wife of ffra. Gray, his linen. cloths. brothers, John and William Gray his plantation with all the land belonging therewith. three brothers Francis, John & William Gray the remainder of his estate to be equally divided. Wit. Nathl. Knight, Jno.-(X)—Iron- monger. Proved May 2d, 1676 by Mr. Nathl. Knight & John Jenning. Dated April 16, 1676. D. B. 1, p. -. Thos. Gray, decd. Francis Gray, brother of sd. decd. qualified as administrator of his estate. June 14, 1676. D. B. 1, p. 117. William Gray, and John Gray, planters of Surry Co., being joynt heirs of Coll. Thos. Swann Esqr. of said Co. 4000 lbs. Tobacco & caske, 100 acres lying between the sd. Coll. Swann's and the mouth of a creek formerly called Smiths Fort Creek, but now called Gray's Creek. Wit. Thos. Busby, Robt. Penny. Recd. 19, 9 ber 1677. Nov. 13, 1677. D. B. 12, p. 145. William Gray, 2 tithables and Henry Gray and John Gray 2 tithables in a list of tithables inhabiting upon Lawns Creek, and Black Water in Lawns Creek Parish. June 1667. D. B. 12, p. 146. William Gray, of the Lower Parish, Surry Co., deed of lease for the term of 99 years from Robert Parke and Mary, his wife, of said parish and Co. 4000 lbs Tobacco in hand paid and one peper corn yearly for 99 years at the feast of the nativity of our blessed Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. A water mill known by the name of Bushell's Mill with one acre adj. being in ye Lower parish of Surry Co. Recd. May 10, 1680. On the back of this lease is written an as- signment of this lease from the sd. Wm. Gray to Robt. Kae, 558 THE VALENTINE PAPERS of Isle of Wight Co., and Nicholas Willson of Surry dated Aug. 23, 1679. In which the sd Wm. Gray for value received agrees to deliver the sd. mill & property to the sd. Robt. Kae & Nicholas Willson on the 25 Dec. next evening. last day of Oct. 1677. D. B. 12, p. 252. John—(X)—Gray, Will of; Gives to his wife 1/3 part of his estate. daughter the remainder of his estate except his houseing and land. Cousin John Gray son of Will Gray this land, and houseing. the children of his brother Wm. Gray the estate above given to his daughter should she die before coming of age or marrying. his Cousin Wm. Gray son of Fra. Gray, decd. one cow. Executrix his wife. De- sires his brother Wm. Gray and his cousin Wm. Gray to see that this will is performed. Wit. John Foster, Thos.-(X) -Bage. Proved July 3, 1683. Dated: May 16, 1683. D. B. 12, p. 330. Fra. Gray, 1, Jno. Gray 2, In a list of Tythables taken. June 9, 1677. D. B. 12, p. 148. Henry Gray 2, In a list of tythables taken. 6, 8 ber 1681. D. B. 12, p. 292. Mary Gray, qualifies as aministratrix of the estate of Fra. Gray, decd. Giving bond for 40000 Lbs of Legal Tobacco & caske. Roger Potter and George Foster securities. Wit. Thos. Jordan, Wm. Edwards. Cl. Ct. Recd. June 25, 1679. June 16, 1679. D. B. 1, p. 1. Henry Gray, of Surry Co., to his loving son John Gray in consideration of natural affection and fatherly love and also in consideration of a marriage shortly to be had and solemnized between the said John Gray and Hannah the daughter of Thomas Ward, decd. 200 acres lying and being at the Second Swamp at Black water formerly bought of Capt. Law Baker. Wit. Wm. Drummond, Robert Burwell. Recd. May 5, 1685. Jan. 5, 1684. D. B. 2, p. 21. John Gray, of Surry Co., marriage agreement with Han- nah Ward daughter of Thos. Ward, late of sd. Co., decd. In order that sd. Hannah may be provided with a sufficient GRAY: SURRY COUNTY 559 joynture in case she shall survive him sd. John Gray gives her during her life all that parcel of land containing 200 acres and being on the 2nd Swamp of the Blackwater in Surry Co., Wit. Will Drumnond, Robt. Burwell. Recd. May 5, 1685. D. B. 2, p. 22. William Gray, planter, of Southw. parish, Surry Co. and Eliza―(X) — his wife, deed to Samuel Plow, planter of same parish and Co., In consideration of a competent sum of Tobacco, 400 acres in the upper parish of Surry Co. re- cently purchased of Hen Hill, and adj. Holly Bush Swamp near Mr. Warrens line also near the head of Hull Cabin Branch. Wit. Robt. Ruffin, Wm. Newsum. Recd. 9 ber 24, 1685. Eliza-(X)-Gray authorizes Robert Ruffin to acknowledge before the Court the above deed from Wm. Gray & Eliza, his wife to Samuel Plow. Recd. 9 ber 24, 1685. D. B. 2, p. 39. William Gray, of Southwarke Parish, Surry Co. deed to Mr. Chas. White of the same parish and Co. 2950 lbs. of Tobacco & caske. 136 acres in sd. parish and Co. being the land granted Eliza Hutton by patent May 26, 1654, and of which the sd. Eliza Hutton died seized the said land descending to the sd. William Gray as next cousin and heir to the sd. Eliza Hutton. Acknowledged in Court by Wm. Gray, Mch. 16, 1687/8. Mch. 7, 1687/8. D. B. 3, p. 3. William Gray, of Lawnes Creek Parish, Surry Co; deed to Robt. Caulfield of same parish & Co. 1600 lbs. Tobacco. 680 acres in sd. parish and Co. known by the name of Sunken Marsh. 490 acres part there of was purchased of Wm. Harris, son of Thomas Harris formerly of the County aforsaid deceased and is part of a patent for 850 acres granted to the sd. William Harris June 2, 1663. The re- mainder being granted to the sd. Wm. Gray Apr. 30, 1680. Wit. Arthur Allen, Wm.-(X)-Smith. Recd. May 7, 1689. Mch. 5, 1688/9. D. B. 3, p. William Gray, aged 28 years or thereabouts testifies as to the processioning of the lines between the lands of Capt. Rob. Randall now in the possession of Thomas Swan and the lands of Thos. Crews. 7 9 ber 1690. D. Bk. 3, p. 184. THE VALENTINE PAPERS 560 John Gray, of Southwarke Parish, Surry Co., Planter. sister Lidia, all of his household stuff and two cows & ewes. brothers Thomas and Gilbert the rest of his cattle and hogs and 2 horses. father his wearing cloathes and his money. Executor, his father. Wit. Michl. Harris, John-(X). Hicks. Proved Nov. 9, 1708. Dated: June 23, 1708. D. B. 4, p. 402. John Gray, decd. Inventory and appraisement of his estate returned by Wm. Gray. Value £181: 8: 1: Recorded Mch. 5, 1708. Jan. 26, 1708/9. D. B. 4, p. 405. ORDER BOOKS Capt. William Gray, petitions the Court for the right to condemn an acre of land opposite his land, which lies on the south side of Horse bridge Run, where the Queen's road crosses it for the purpose of building a water mill. Ordered that Mr. Samuel Thompson and Mr. Robert Warren do view ye said acres of land, value ye same and put ye sd. Gray into possession thereof according to Law. 1709. O. B. 4, p. 427. The above order was endorsed on the back as follows: "Pursuant to ye within order of Court dated ye 5, of July 1709, we ye subscribers have in ye presence of Eliza Ferrile, Capt. Wm. Gray and Wm. Brown viewed and Valued an acre of land lying on both sides of ye Queens road on ye North side of ye Horse bridge at 10 shillings and put Capt. William Gray into possession thereof this 6 day of Aug. 1709. O. B. 4, p. 427. Capt. William Gray, of Surry Co., deed to Wm. Browne of the same Co. Gent. 40 shillings current. 4 acres in Surry Co. at Horse Bridge on the head of Grays Creek 3 acres part thereof being on the south side and the remainder was granted to the said Wm. Gray by the Court of Surry Co., for the purpose of building a water Mill house &c. May 1, 1710. D. B. 5, p. 14. William Gray, of Gray's Creek Pltf. vs Wm. Williams for 764 lbs. Tobacco. From which it appears that the sd. Wil- liams has married and removed from the Co. leaving the GRAY: SURRY COUNTY 561 above debt unpaid. Sd. Gray asks that the property of sd. Williams sufficient to pay the above debt be attached. 1711 (?) D. Bk. 5, p. William Gray has judgment granted him against the estate of Wm. Williams (who hath privately departed this Co.) returned ye attached for 744 lbs. Tobacco and costs. Thomas Davis, Edward Powell & Morgan Lewis are ap- pointed to appraise the goods of sd. Wm. Williams returned attached. Recd. Oct. 6, 1711. D. B. 5, p. 88. William Gray, Will of; Gives Henry Clark one cow. To Chas. Tucker one cow. to his wife, Mary and his son Thomas the remainder of his estate to be equally divided between then. Executrix, Wife Mary. Appoints his friends Wil- liam Foster and David Andros to have the overight of his will. Gives to his son Thomas Gray the testators house and land. Wit. Wm. Foster, David Andros. Recd. Oct. 20, 1714. Dated Feb. 8, 1710. D. B. 5, p. 212. William Gray, decd. Inventory and appraisement of his estate. Mary-(X)-Gray Executrix. Value £21: 8: 7: Recd. Dec. 15, 1714. D. B. 5, p. 219. William Gray, Junr. qualifies as sheriff of Surry Co. giving bond for £1000 sterling with Wm. Brown and Wm. Edwards securities. June 18, 1718. D. B. 5, p. 127. Will of William Gray, 1719. In the name of God amen, I, William Gray, being very weak in body but of perfect sence and memory thanks be given to Al- mighty God therefore, do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner as followeth: Imp. I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God, my Creator and Jesus Christ my Redeemer fully trusting in his merits for the Remission of all my Sins and for what Estate it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life, I doe dispose of as hereafter Exprest. 2nd I bequeath to my son, William Gray my Plantation whereon Thomas Cocker- ham lately lived, and the plantation whereon Thomas Matthews lately lived and the plantation whereon John Cocke now liveth with all the land belonging to the three 562 THE VALENTINE PAPERS plantations outwards, as far as a bottom called wixes bottom with a direct line of Markd Trees from Robert Snipes his Spring run up the said wixes bottom until it meetes with a Line of Markt trees and along that line until it joynes to Mr. Samuel Thompson's Line the said Land containing four hundred and fifty Acres more or less, to him and the Heirs of his body Lawfully begotten for Ever. 3rd. I bequeath to my Son William Gray all the Land that belongs to me on the South Side of the Blackwater Road that was formerly Babs being four hundred and sixty acres, more orrless to him and his Heirs and Assigns for Ever. 4th I bequeath to my Son Gilbert Gray the plantation whereon I now live and the plantation whereon Robert Snipes now liveth and the plantation whereon Thomas Rose now liveth called Regons with five hundred and fifty acres of Land belonging to the Three plantations more or less, to him and the Heirs of his Body Lawfully begotten for Ever. 5th. It is my Will that if my Son Gilbert Gray shall (as pray God defend) happen to die without an heir Lawfully begotten of his own Body that then these three plantations above mentioned with the Five hundred and thirty acres of Land more or less shall be equally divided between my Son William Gray's four Sons (Viz) William Gray, Robert Gray, Joseph Gray and Thomas Gray to them and to the heirs of their Body Law- fully begotten for Ever. 6th I bequeath to my Son Gilbert Gray all the land on the North side of the Blackwater Road formerly called Babs containing three hundred and Sixty acres more or less to him and his Heirs and Assigns for Ever. 7th. I bequeath to my Son Gilbert Gray a Negro girl called Flora to him and his Heirs for ever, and also the rent of the plantation whereon John Cockes lives for this year. 8th I bequeath to my daughter Mary Gray one new feather bed and boulster and a new rugg and new pair of blanketts and a pair of Course sheets and a pillow and two Cows one called Black Coat and the other Called Moley and one iron pot and pot hooks of about five or six galleons and six pewter dishes and six plates and one of the great basons and Chamber pot and a tankard and one black mare & colt called Jenny. 9th I bequeath to my daughter Pricilla Gray one new feather bed and boulster a new Rugg a new pr. of blanketts and a pair of Course sheets and a pillow GRAY: SURRY COUNTY 563 and two cows one called Lady and the other Called Pretty and a young gray horse called by the name of Dragon and one iron pot of about five or six Gallons and pot hooks and six pewter dishes and six plates and a great bason and a Chamber pot and one tankard. I bequeath to my daughter Faith Ruffin a warming pan and a brass Chafin Dish. I bequeath to my Grandson Wm. Andrews a black year old Heifer. I bequeath to my Grand daughter Elizabeth Ed- wards a Year old Red pide Heifer. I bequeath to my Grand Son Wm. Gray one large Silver Sack Cup markt with W. G. on the edge. I bequeath to my Grandson Willm. Ruffin one Ewe and ewe lamb. I bequeath all the rest of my estate after my Just Debts are paid unto my Son Gilbert Gray and it is my will that he pay unto his two sisters above mentioned new dishes and new basons. I desire my Son William Gray to have an over Sight to see this my will performed. Lastly I make and ordain my son Gilbert Gray my full and sole Executor of this my last will revoaking all former wills. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 3d. day of June, 1719. William Gray Sealed with red wax. Signed and Sealed in Presence of Nicho. Maget, Robt. Judkins, Saml. Maget. At a Court held at Southwark for the County of Surry November ye 18, 1719. The within mentioned will of William Gray deceased, was presented in Court by Gilbert Gray, Exr. thereof, who made oath thereto and being proved by the oaths of Nicholas Maget, Robt. Judkins and Samuel Maget. Witnesses thereto the same was ordered to be recorded and is recorded by, John Allen. Cl. Cur. A Copy, Teste: A. S. Edwards, Clerk. William Gray, late of Surry Co. decd. Inventory of his estate presented by Gilbert Gray. Feb. 20, 1719. D. B. 1715-30, p. 636. Patrick Gray, decd. Inventory and appraisement of his estate presented by Elizabeth-(X)-Gray. Value £22: 12:3: D. B. 1715-30, p. 636. Gilbert Gray, of Surry Co., deed to William Gray of the same Co., £20: curr 60 acres in Surry Co., on the head branches of Grays Creek adj. Robert Snipes Spring branch at the mouth of Wickes bottom also adj. James Nicholson : 564 THE VALENTINE PAPERS and the sd. William Gray. Recd. May. 1727. Dated: Feb. 19, 1726. D. B. 1715-30, p. 721. Patrick Gray, late of Surry Co. deceased. Acct. of his estate with Elizabeth Gray admrx. Audited by Thos. Wash- ington, John Newsum. Oct. 18, 1727. D. B. 1715-30, p. 758. William Gray, Junr. of Surry Co., deed from Thos. Foster of the same Co. and John Clements of Isle of Wight Co. 5 shillings. 175 acres in Surry whereon the sd. Thos. Foster now lives, being the head of a branch and adj. Ogburn, Allen Warren, Wm. Marriott and Mary Bastin. Recd. Sept. 1735. Dated: Jan. 16, 1734. D. B. 1730-38, p. 515. William Gray, of Lawns Creek Parish, in Surry Co., Will of; Gives to his son William Gray the plantation on which he the son now lives, also negroes Tony, Bristoll, Sarah and Sarah's children, also the cattle, sheep, horses & hogs on the said plantation, together with all of the household goods & utensils thereto belonging and £35: curr. son Robert Gray the land whereon sd. Robert now lives also the adjoining land left the testator by his father, sd. land being called Babbs land, also that percel of land by the testator purchased of his brother Gilbert Gray, also negroes Peter, Will, Roger, Jack, Libb, Sue and Sue's children, also the cattle, sheep horses, and hogs, household goods and utensils on the sd. plantation whereon the sd. Robt. Gray now lives and £20: curr. son Joseph Gray the plantation and land on whicn sd. Joseph now lives and the tract of land by the testator purchased of Charles Jones & his wife, adj. thereto, also negroes, Dick, Abraham, Little Dick, Pompey, Little Abra- ham, Amey and all Amey's children, also the cattle, sheep, horses, & hogs and household goods and utensils on the sd. plantation on which sd. Joseph Gray now lives, and £20: curr. son Thomas Gray the plantation and land whereon the sd. Thomas Gray now lives, also negroes James, Ceasar, Harry, Frank, Jeamey, Patty, Moll and Moll's children, also the cattle, horses, & hogs and the household goods and utensils on the sd. plantation on which the sd. Thomas Gray now lives, and £20: curr. son Edmund Gray, the tract of land purchased by the testator of Robert Scott lying in Isle of Wight Co., but should the sd. Edmund Gray die before GRAY: SURRY COUNTY 565 reaching 21 years of age then sd. tract in Isle of Wight Co., to be given to the testators son James Gray. also gives Edmund Gray a negro boy Charles and £420 Curr. daughter, Lucy, wife of Howell Briggs £20 Curr. and confirm to her all that he has previously given her and put her in posses- sion. wife the labor of his negroes Jeffery, Sam, and Betty during her natural life and after her decease to be equally divided among all of his children. The remainder of his estate he leaves to his wife and the following five of his chil- dren, viz: William Gray, Robert Gray, Joseph Gray, Thomas Gray, and Lucy Briggs, wife of Howell Briggs share and share alike. Directs that no appraisement be made of his estate. Appoints his son William Gray guardian of his son Edmund Gray, son Robert Gray guardian of his son James Gray. Directs that the guardians shall have use of the moneys of their wards without accounting for the income except to maintain and educate the said infants at their own discretion, and to turn over to the wards on their coming of age the original amount bequeathed them without in- terest. Executors. sons, William Gray, Robert Gray, Joseph Gray, Thomas Gray. Wit. Timothy Sharpe, Sampson Wilson, Joseph Thorp, Nathl. Gibbs. Recd. June 16, 1736. Dated: Mch. 10, 1731. D. B. 1730-38, p. 604. William Gray, decd. Inventory of his estate. "Cash in house £236: 17: 8:, 21 negroes, 148 cattle, 109 hogs, 3 horses, 8 sheep, Household furniture, a parcel new goods, wearing apparell, 210 barrels corn, 5 hhd Tobbacco, wheat, Pease &c. a parcel Tan'd leather, a parcel sider cask, one boat, 1½ sea sloop &c." Presented by Will. Gray, Robert Gray, J. Gray, Thos. Gray Executors. Oct. 5, 1737. D. B. 1730-38, p. William Gray, of New Kent Co., gives a general power of attorney to Robert Gray of Surry Co., Recd. Sept. 17, 1740. D. B. 3, p. -. Gilbert Gray, of Surry Co., deed to Benj. Nicholson of same Co. £5: curr. 25 acres on the head branches of Grays Creek in Surry Co. adj. Capt. Brown's mill swamp, the sd. Gilbert Gray and the sd. Nicholson. Recd. Sept. 17, 1740. Dated Sept. 16, 1740. D. B. 3, p. 211. 566 THE VALENTINE PAPERS i William Gray, of New Kent Co., deed to John Harris of Surry Co., £30: curr. 175 acres in Southwarke Parish in Surry Co., adj. Mary Boston, Ogburn, Allen Warren, Wm. Thomas, and John Johnson formerly Wm. Marriott, being the land that John Clements, decd. gave to Thos. Foster by will dated May 12, 1704. and purchased by the sd. Wm. Gray of the sd. Thos. Foster & John Clements the younger. Wit. J. Gray, Gilbert Gray, Robert Gray, Thomas Williams. Recd. Mch. 18, 1740. Dated: Dec. 9, 1740. D. B. 3, p. 273. William Gray, decd. Estate of In acct. with Wm. Gray, Robert Gray, Joseph Gray, and Thos. Gray, Executors &c. 1736, Dr. To paid William Gray his legacy left him in the will To paid Robert Gray his legacy To Paid Joseph Gray his legacy left him... To Paid Thomas Gray his legacy left him To Paid Lucy Briggs her legacy left her To Paid Edmund Gray his legacy left him To Paid James Gray his legacy left him To Paid Coll. Lewis Burwell &c. £30:0:0: .£20:0:0: .£20:0:0: £20:0:0: £ 1:0:0: .£420:0:0: .£470:0:0: £1442: 18: 9¼ The above acct. was returned by the above Executors and audited by Ben. Edwards and Richard Hamblin. Recd. Oct. 17, 1744. Oct. 11, 1744. D. B. 3, p. William Gray, of New Kent Co., deed to Gilbert Gray of Surry Co., £150 curr. 100 acres in Surry Co. on Gray's Creek, adj. the mouth of Cross Creek, Richard Powell, Crewes and Augustine Hunnicut Spring. Recd. July 21, 1742. Dated: Mch. 10, 1741. D. B. 4, p. 38. William Gray, of the Co. of New Kent, Gent. deed, mort- gage to Philip Lightfoot Esqr. of the Co. of York. 5 shillings. all that tract of land in Surry Co. whereon the sd. Wm. Gray lately lived and which was devised to the sd. Wm. Gray by the will of Wm. Gray decd. dated Mch. 10, 1731. also 135 acres in Surry Co., which the sd. Wm. Gray purchased from William Marriott by deeds of lease & Release dated the 22d and 23 days of Oct. 1732, also 300 acres in Surry Co., pur- chased from Richard Powell and Mary his wife and Ann GRAY: SURRY COUNTY 567 Warren being bound as by deed of lease & Release Jan. 9, & 10 1732. Recd. Jan. 20, 1744. Dated: Dec. 4, 1744. D. B. 4, p. 277. William Gray, Gent. of New Kent Co., acknowledges his indenture to Philip Lightfoot of the town & county of York, Esqr. for £1000 sterling Wit. Will Lightfoot, Edmund Tabb, Will Moss, John Massenbury, Junr. Recd. Mch. 2, 1744. Dated: Dec. 5, 1744. D. B. 4, p. 281. William Gray, of New Kent Co., deed to Michael Blow, of Surry Co. £20: curr. 150 acres in Albemarle Parish, Surry Co., whereon John Byrums lately lived. sd. land was purchased of sd. John Byrums by the sd. William Gray. Being on Sea cock Swamp at the mouth of Suake branch, and adj. Thomas Frances and John Smith. Wit. Howell Briggs, Hugh Montgromerie, Robert Gray, John Hay, Robt. Montgomerie. Recd. June 19, 1745. Dated: June 12, 1744. D. B. 4, p. 311. Robert Gray, qualifies as County Collector for Surry, giving bond for 20,000 pounds of tobacco. Augustine Claiborne security. Jan. 17, 1749. D. B. 6, p. 67. Gilbert Gray, of Surry Co., by an order of Court has one acre of land in Surry Co. on the west side of Cross Creek surveyed for him. Recd. May 15, 1750. D. B. 6, p. 97. Robert Gray gives bond as Collector of the County Levy in the sum of 25,000 lbs. Tobacco with Aug. Claiborne security. Recd. Feb. 19, 1750. D. B. 6, p. 151. John Gray, of Southwark Parish, Surry Co. deed to David Alexander of the same parish & Co. £40: a tract of land in the sd. parish & Co. on the west side of Pocatink Swamp, adj. the Beaver Dam, the mainest water course, John Drew and David Drew. Recd. Mch. 22, 1753. Dated: Feb. 21, 1753. D. B. 6, p. 619. Ben-(X)-Gray, of Southampton Co., deed to John Atkinson of Surry Co., £6: curr 40 acres in Surry Co: adj. sd. Ben Gray, David Andrews and James Atkinson and 1 568 THE VALENTINE PAPERS being a parcel of land which was granted the sd. Ben Gray by patent dated 1749. Recd. Aug. 17, 1756. Dated: Aug. 17, 1756. D. B. 7, p. 268. Ben-(X)-Gray, of Southampton Co., deed to William Atkinson, of same Co., £7 curr. 106 acres in Surry Co., adj. sd. Ben Gray, Robert Atkinson, and James Atkinson, being part of the land granted sd. Ben Gray by patent dated 5 Sept. 1749. Recd. Aug. 17, 1756. Dated: Aug. 17, 1756. D. B. 7, p. 270. John Gray, of Surry Co., deed from Charles Holt of same Co., £20: curr. adj. the main road, Charles Thompson, John White, Thos. White, Benjamin Champion and John Wall. Recd. Apr. 21, 1761. Dated: Apr. 21, 1760. D. B. 8, p. 62. Ethelred Gray, Executor of Henry Davis, decd. deed to John Judkins, Junr. of Surry Co., 350 acres in Surry Co., on the North side of Black Water Swamp, adj. Robert Gray's, the mill branch and mill dam. May 22, 1775. D. B. 10, p. 469. Silviah Gray, wife of Benjamin Gray relinquishes her right of dower to the lands and premises contained in a deed from sd. Benjamin Gray to John White recorded Nov. 17, 1767. Feb. 20, 1770. D. B. 10, p. 40. Joseph Gray, of Surry Co., deed to John Watkins Senr, of same Co., £37: 10:0: 42 acres, being part of the Glebe land purchased by Gilbert Gray father of the sd. Joseph Gray of the Church Wardens and Vestry of Albemarle Parish by Act of Assembly dated 1738. Adj. the mouth of Spring Branch, James Gray, Witkinsons Path and Beaver Dam Swamp. Recd. May 21, 1771. Dated: Apr. 17, 1771. D. B. 10, p. 117. John Gray, of Edgecomb Co., in the Province of North Carolina deed to Hartwell Cocke of Surry Co., Va. £200 curr. 100 acres in Surry Co. on Grays Creek, adj. Cross Creek and Mill Swamp and Augustine Hunnicutts Spring. Recd. June 24, 1772. Dated Dec. 21, 1771. D. B. 10, p. GRAY: SURRY COUNTY 569 Richard Gray, decd. Inventory and appraisement of his estate. Value £1332:4:4 Recd. Aug. 24, 1779. D. B. 11, p. 84. James Gray and Sukey, his wife of the state of North Carolina and Co. of Warren. deed. to Carter Crafford of Surry Co., Va. £150: 360 acres in Surry Co., on the Indian Spring branch, as by the will of William Gray will appear adj. Richard Cocke, Michael Smith and Thomas Marriotts. Recd. Mch. 23, 1784. Dated: Mch. 23, 1784. D. B. 12, p. 24. Will of Henry Gray, 1773. In the name of God Amen I Henry Gray of Surry County being thro' the abondant Mercy & Goodness of God, tho' weak in body yet of a sound and perfect understanding & Memory do constitute this my last Will & Testament and de- sire it may be received by all as such. Impremis, I give and bequeath to my son James Gray a Feather Bed and Furniture & five pounds cash either of the two which he shall make choice of. Item, I give and bequeath to my son. Joseph Gray Fifty Shillings. Item, I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Gray five pounds in cash and if he should die before he receives it, it is my desire that my son Henry Gray should have it. Item, I give and bequeath to my son William Gray Thirty Shillings in cash. Item, I give and bequeath to my son Jesse Gray one Feather Bed and furni- ture also two pewter Dishes & Three Plates. Item, I give and bequeath to my daughter Martha Gray one Feather Bed & furniture the one that was usually called hers also two Pewter Dishes & three plates. And the remainder part of my estate I give to my wife Sarah Gray & to my son Henry Gray to be equally divided between them & after her death my son Henry Gray to Have her part. It is my desire that my estate be not Inventoryed nor appraised & I leave my son Henry Gray my executor. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the 10th day of October & in the year of our Lord 1773. Seal'd published & Declar'd by the above Henry-(X)-Gray (L. S.) Henry Gray for & as his last will & testament in presence of us James Edwards Mary-(X)-Edwards, Josiah Wilson. At a Court held for Surry County January the 22d: 1774. The afore written last Will & Testament of Henry Gray deceased was pre- 570 THE VALENTINE PAPERS sented in Court by Henry Gray the executor therein named who made oath thereto according to law and the same being proved by the oath of James Edwards Mary Edwards and Josiah Wilson the Witnesses thereto was by the Court or- dered to be recorded. And on the motion of the said Ex- ecutor certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form. Teste, Wm. Nelson Cl. Cur. A Copy, Teste, R. E. Marable Deputy Clerk. James Gray, of Surry Co., deed to Josiah Gray his son, of the same Co. for natural affection & 5 shillings. 200 acres in Surry Co. on the North side of Will Swamp, adj. Jesse Clarke, Wilson Wilson, and the said James Gray. July 4, 1787. D. B. 12, p. 283. Josiah Gray, Commissioner of Surry Co., for Cobbam District. pay for services June 26, 1792. D. B. 1, p. William Robert Gray, of the State of North Carolina, Co. of Edgecombe deed to Samuel Blow of Surry Co., Va. £31: 8:9: curr. of Va. all of sd. Wm. R. Gray's right to certain tracts of land whereof Capt. Wm. Drew died seized lying in Surry Co. on Chepoaks Creek, one containing 585 acres the other known by the name of Chestnut Hill containing 372 acres. Recd. Apr. 28, 1795. Dated: Nov. 1, 1794. D. B. 1, p. 263. Sarah Gray, widow and relict of James Gray, deceased and James Gray, son and legatee under the will and testa- ment of the aforesaid James Gray decd. and Esther Gray, his wife of Surry Co., deed to John Judkins of said Co., £225. 126 acres in Surry Co., whereon the sd. James Gray decd., died seized, and whereon the sd. James Gray party to these presents now dwells; being on Mill Swamp and adj. the sd. Judkin, Edward Faulcon, Lucy Gardner, Richard Ryland, Robert Ryland, decd. and crossing the main road. Recd. Feb. 26, 1799. Dated: Dec. 25, 1798. D. B. 1, p. 665. Esther Gray, wife of James Gray. George and Josiah Godwin of Isle of Wight Co., appointed to acknowl- edge the signature of the sd. Esther Gray to the deed from Sarah Gray, widow & relict of James Gray, decd. James GRAY: SURRY COUNTY 571 Gray and sd Esther, his wife to John Judkins dated Dec. 25, 1798. Recd. Feb. 28, 1804. D. B. 8, p. 468. • Samuel Gray, & Mary, his wife, of Isle of Wight Co., deed to Abraham Jones £45: 33 1/3 acres in Surry Co., being part of the land formerly Richard Gray's and by the course of decent fell to the said parties. Feb. 8, 1805. D. B. 3, p. 31. Frederick Gray, of Surry Co., deed to Edmonda Jones and Nancy Roberts Jones orphans of Robert Jones, decd. $161, 3834. 30½ acres in Surry Co., adj. Saml. Wilson, Richard Thomas and the White Marsh tract. It being the 1/6 of the land which Robert Jones in his life time purchased of Abraham Jones as per deed of record in Surry Court, and which said 1/6 the sd. Frederick Gray received of Patsy Thomas, late Patsy Gray and Hannah Davis late Hannah Gray. Recd. Aug. 26, 1816. D. B. 5, p. 278. James Gray, of Isle of Wight Co., as having married Louisa W. Mallicotte, daughter of John Mallicotte and ward of Francis Holt acknowledges receipt of $507,34 the amount in full due the sd. Louisa from her guardian Francis Holt in final settlement of account. Recd. Aug. 25, 1817. D. B. 5, p. 396. Davis Gray, and Polly H., his wife, of Isle of Wight Co., deed to James Wheadon of Surry Co., $1100,00. 200 acres in Surry Co. on the north side of Mill Swamp bounded as per deed from Clay to James Gray, recorded in Surry Co., Court June 22, 1784. Recd. July 26, 1818. Dated: Oct. 30, 1817. D. B. 5, p. 459. James Gray, of Isle of Wight Co., deed to Polly Hart of Surry Co., during her natural life. 4 acres in Surry Co., adj. the lands of the sd. James Gray purchased of John Nichol- son. Sept. 28, 1818. D. B. 5, p. 521. Henry Gray, of Surry Co., deed of trust to Francis Holt to secure debt due Jonathan Ellis. Land on west side of Hog Island Pond. Recd. Mch. 27, 1820. Dated: Mch. 27, 1820. D. B. 6, p. 103. 572 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Henry C. Gray, of Surry Co., deed to Wm. Pool of Isle of Wight Co. $700,00. 150 acres in Surry Co., called "Stithes", adj. Elizabeth Atkinson, Hazleton Nelson, James Wilson, Senr. and Richd. H. Cocke. Recd. May 27, 1825. Dated: Feb. 3, 1825. D. B. 7, p. 298. Merrit Gray, and Sarah Ann, his wife, of Isle of Wight Co., deed to John C. Crump of Surry Co., $750,00. A cer- tain tract of land in Surry Co. which was purchased by Henry Gray, father of sd. Merrit Gray of Sampson Wilson, and adj. Jas. Wilson, Saml. Wilson and John C. Crump. Nov. 10, 1826. D. B. 8, p. - Edwin Gray, of Surry Co., deed from Ben Gwathney of same Co., $76,00. 23 acres in Surry Co., Nov. 2, 1840. D. B. 11, p. 203. Edwin Gray, of Surry Co., deed of trust to Wilson Jones to secure debt due Burwell Person. Jan. 18, 1824. D. B. 11, p. 383. ORDER BOOKS Francis Gray, has power of administration granted him upon the estate of his brother Thomas Gray, decd. Thos. Sorsby & George Foster securities. John Moreing, Wm. Foreman and John Smith are appointed appraisers of the sd. estate. Jan. 7, 1672. O. B. 1671-90, p. 18. Francis Gray, confesses judgment to Harry Francis for 400 lbs. tobacco & caske with costs. Mch. 4, 1672. O. B. 1671-90, p. 22. Francis Gray, Deft. vs Coll. Thos. Swann Esqr. Judgment for Pltf. 2769 lbs. Tobacco. 9 ber 3, 1674. O. B. 1671-90, p. 72. John Gray, Senr. is ordered to pay to Wm. Tooke 500 lbs. Tobacco according to the will of Ridley, decd. for the ser- vices of John Gray, Jr. one year more. and then the said John Gray Jr. is adjudged free and that then the said Tooke is to pay him corne and cloaths. 9 ber 2d 1675. O. B. 1671- 90, p. 104. GRAY: SURRY COUNTY 573 Ffrancis Gray, qualifies as administrator of the Estate of Thos. Gray, decd. giving security. John Moreing & Geo. Foster are appointed appraisers of the sd. estate. May 2, 1676. O. B. 1671-90, p. 126. Ffrancis Gray, made oath to the Inventory and acct. of the estate of Thos. Gray decd. Jan. 7, 1678. O. B. 1671- 90, p. 235. Mr. William Gray, Mr. Wm. Hancock and Mr. John Barnes appointed appraisers of the estate of Saml. Cornell. July 6, 1680. O. B. 1671-9, p. 301. Thos. Gray, Pltf. vs Thos. Cruse Deft. Ordered that the land in differance be surveyed by Capt. Geo. Watkins giving the parties in interest 3 or 4 days notice before hand that they may be present and report to the Court. Nov. 29, 1672. O. B. 1671-90, p. 15. John Gray confessed judgment to Mr. Robert Ruffin for 400 lbs. Tobacco. Nov. 4, 1678. O. B. 1671-90, p. 241. Mary Gray, granted administration on the Estate of FFra. Gray, decd. Capt. Roger Potter and George Foster securities, May 6, 1679. O. B. 1671-90, p. 248. John Gray, granted judgment against the Sheriff for 800 lbs. Tobacco for the non appearance of Owen Merick as in- termarrying Mary admx. of Thos. Gray, who was executrix of Thos. Gray. 9 ber 2 1680. O. B. 1671-90, p. 329. Mary Gray, granted probate on the will of John Gray, decd. proved. John Moreing, Mr. Geo. Foster, and Mr. Thos. Crews are appointed appraisers of the estate of the sd. John Gray, decd. July 3, 1683. O. B. 1671-90, p. 408. William Gray, Pltf. vs Estate of Richard Clarke Deft. Judgment for Pltf. Mch. 4, 1683/4. O. B. 1671-90, p. 438. Henry Gray, poor and aged is upon his petition discharged from public and levy for the future. 7 ber 2 1684. O. B. 1671-90, p. 452. 574 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Henry Gray, Senr. acknowledges a deed of sale of a parcel of land to his son John Gray. O. B. 1671-90, p. 477. John Gray acknowledges a Joynture of a parcel of land to Hannah, his wife. May 5, 1685. O. B. 1671-90, p. 478. William Gray, Juryman. O. B. 1671-90, p. 482. William Gray, and Bart. Brittle, of Southworke parish summoned to Court to answer about mending highways. May 5, 1685. O. B. 1671-90, p. 482. William Gray, Junr. being lame is excused from his fine for not mending the highway. June 17, 1685. O. B. 1671- 90, p. 484. Mrs. Elizabeth Gray, wife of William Gray, her power of attorney to Mr. Robert Ruffin, proved by Wm. Williams Jr. 9 br 24 1685. Releasing her right to dower in land sold by her husband. O. B. 1671-90, p. 495. William Gray, acknowledges a deed of sale of land to Charles White. Mch. 6, 1687/8. O. B. 1671-90, p. 626. William Gray, acknowledges a deed of sale of land to Robt. Canfield. May 1689. O. B. 1671-90, p. 702. John Gray, Grand Juryman. Jan. 19, 1692. O. Bk. 1691- 1713, p. 23. It appears that Edward Avery (orphan of Charles Avery) had been apprenticed to sd. Mr., William Gray to learn the art or mistry of a turner, and that the sd. Wm. Gray had set the sd. Ed. Avery free taking the obligations of several persons that the sd. orphan when he came to full age should discharge him the sd. Gray from 3700 and odd pounds of Tobaco & caske the said orphans full part of his fathers Estate, the same being in the possession of the sd. Gray. The said agreement being contray to law is declared void and the sd. William Gray is ordered to take the said Edward Avery his apprentice into his possession and keep him until the 29 day of Jan. 1693, and to pay him a new serge suit of GRAY: SURRY COUNTY 575 clothes at the expiration of the sd. time, and also to pay him his part of his father's estate as if the aforesaid agreement had never been made also to pay costs and upon the motion of the sd. Gray it is ordered that the said orphan carry all of the clothes he has earned since set free by sd. Gray with him into the sd. Gray's service. Sept. 6, 1692. O. B. 1691- 1713, p. 51. William Gray, is allowed a licence to sell ale and cakes in Mr. Samll. Thompson's house in Warenecke, giving security. Sept. 4, 1694. O. B. 1691-1713, p. 111. Thomas Gray at his request has James Hugate an orphan of seven years of age granted unto him he having brought him up from a suckling child. O. B. 1672, p. 1. William Gray and John Lather's wife being prosecuted by the Grand Jury for common faime. summond to next Court. Sept. 4, 1694. O. B. 1691-1713, p. 114. Henry Gray, being poor, aged and impotent is for the future discharged from paying Public & County levies. O. B. 1691-1713, p. 157. William Gray, attorney for John Terry acknowledges deed from sd. Terry to Mr. Watt. Cocke. July 1697. O. B. 1691- 1713, p. 181. John Gray, presented by the Grand Jury for not giving in his list of tithables &c. Jan. 3, 1698/9. O. B. 1691-1713, p. 194. John Gray, is discharged from the presentment of the Grand Jury paying all the fees. Mch. 7, 1698/9. O. B. 1691- 1713, p. 197. William Gray is licensed to keep an ordinary at the brick house belonging to Mr. Samuel Thompson near the Court House. Jan. 2, 1699/1700. O. B. 1691-1713, p. 207. William Gray, Junr. is sworn into the office of Sheriff. Apr. 10, 1700. O. B. 1691-1713, p. 209. 576 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Mary Gray, Executrix of the estate of John Seward, acct. of audited by Mr. Robert Crafford and Mr. Charles Jarrett. Mch. 3, 1701/2. O. B. 1691-1713, p. 222. William Gray, Jr. not appearing to prosecute the suit against Anne Seward, same is dismissed. July 4, 1704. O. B. 1691-1713, p. 256. William Gray, Pltf. vs. John Lawler Deft. for possession of a parcel of land belonging to the Pltf. and now in the tenure of Deft. also for 1000 lbs. tobacco damages. The Deft. pleads that he had an agreement with Pltf. to hold sd. property 15 years &c. Jan. 5, 1703. O. B. 1691-1713, p. 234. William Gray, qualifies as Executor of the last will and testament of John Gray, decd. The will being proved by the oaths of Michael Hill and John Hicks. Nov. 9, 1708. O. B. 1691-1713, p. 315. William Gray, Executor of the estate of John Gray, decd. ordered to present an Inventory and appraisement of the said estate. Jan. 4, 1708. O. B. 1691-1713, p. 317. William Gray, setting forth that he owns land on the south side of Horse Bridge Run and intends to build a water mill thereon petitions for one acre on the north side of sd. run where the Queens Road crosses it. Ordered that Mr. Saml. Thompson and Robert Warren view the said acre &c. July 5, 1709. O. B. 1691-1713, p. 327. William Gray. On his petition his son is exempted from paying Public & County Levies. May 20, 1713. O. B. 1713- 1718, p. 5. William Gray is appointed to list the tythables for this year in the Parish of Lawns Creek this Co. O. B. 1713- 1718, p. 321. William Gray, deceased. His last will and testament was presented by Mary Gray who qualified as Executrix. Will was proved by Wm. Foster and David Andrews. Oct. 20, 1714. O. B. 1713-1718, p. 40. GRAY: SURRY COUNTY 577 Mr. William Gray producing a commission to be an agent in the County gives bond and qualifies as such. Oct. 20, 1714. O. B. 1713-1718, p. 43. Mary Gray, Executrix of the last will and testament of Wm. Gray, decd. presents an Inventory and appraisement. Dec. 15, 1714. O. B. 1713-1718, p. 44. William Gray is appointed to list the Tythables for the present year in the Lawns precinct. May 18, 1715. O. B. 1713-1718, p. 58. William Gray, is appointed to list the tythables of Lawns Creek Parish within the Main Black Water Swamp. May 15, 1717. O. B. 1713-1718, p. 114. Thos. Gray, an orphan made choice of Wm. Foster for his guardian, who qualified. Aug. 25, 1717. O. B. 1713- 1718, p. 121. William Gray and Charles Williams, Church Wardens of Lawns Creek Parish, upon their information it is ordered that the sheriff summons Mary Thorp and Mary Porde to the next Court. June 18, 1718. O. B. 1713-1718, p. 143. William Gray, member of the Court. Oct. 17, 1716. O. B. 1713-1718, p. 93. William Gray, petitions that the road through his planta- tion and over the Beaver Dam be changed, which is granted the sd. Wm. Gray to make the change under the direction of the surveyors. Feb. 15, 1743. O. B. 1741-44, p. 198. Robert Gray, member of the Court. June 21, 1747. O. B. 1744-49, p. 473. William Gray, decd. Acct. of his estate returned. Oct. 17, 1744. O. B. 1744-49, p. 1. William Gray, Gent. deed of lease and release between him & Philip Lightfoot Esqr. Mch. 20, 1744. O. B. 1744- 49, p. 29. 578 THE VALENTINE PAPERS William Gray, & Elizabeth, his wife, Pltf. vs Richard Cocke, Ben Cocke and Ann Acrill, executors of Wm. Acrill, decd. Deft. Mch. 20, 1744. O. B. 1744-49, p. 38. William Gray, deed to Michael Blow proved by the oaths of Howell Briggs, Hugh Montgomerie and Robert Gray. June 19, 1745. O. B. 1744-49, p. 48. Wm. Gray and Elizabeth, his wife Pltf. vs Richard Cocke, Ben Cocke, and Ann Acrill, Executors &c. of Wm. Acrill, decd. Defts., submitted matters of difference to the deter- mination of Thos. Cocke, John Ruffin and Charles Binn, Gentlemen. June 19, 1745. O. B. 1744-49, p. 53. Thomas Gray, Gent. attorney at law, is admitted to prac- tice in this Court. Sept. 19, 1745. O. B. 1744-49, p. 85. Thomas Gray, Gent. his motion that this Court would be pleased to give him such certificate of his past conduct as to them seems he deserves in order to his obtaining a license to practice as an attorney &c. Oct. 15, 1746. O. B. 1744-49, p. 236. Robert Gray, Gent. petitions for the priviledge of build- ing a water grist mill on Cypress Swamp, he owning an acre on each side. Aug. 18, 1747. O. B. 1744-49, p. 355. Thos. Gray, Gent. Pltf. vs Mary Browne, widow, admin- istratrix of Wm. Browne Jnr. decd. and Edward Traverse Defts. In Chancery, continued. Aug. 18, 1747. O. B. 1744- 49, p. 361. Thomas Gray, Gent. produces a commission from the Lt. Governor to be inspector of tobacco at the Public Ware- houses at Gray's Creek in this county. Oct. 20, 1747. 0. B. 1744-49, p. 386. Gilbert Gray, petition for an acre of land belonging to John Holt on Cross Creek in order to build a Water Grist Tide Mill is granted. O. B. 1744-49, p. 402. GRAY: SURRY COUNTY 579 Robert Gray, Gent. produced a commission from the Lt. Governor to be Sheriff qualified with Howell Briggs and Wm. Clinch securities. Aug. 15, 1749. O. B. 1749-51, p. 4. Robert Gray, Gent. sheriff of this Co., gave bond with Augustine Cliaborne security. Jan. 16, 1749. O. B. 1749- 51, p. 46. William Gray, Gent. produced a License to practice as attorney in the Co. Courts. May 15, 1750. O. B. 1749-51, p. 80. Gilbert Gray, a survey of one acre of land for him was on his motion ordered to be recorded. May 15, 1750. O. B. 1749-51, p. 82. Thos. Gray, Pltf. vs Mary Brown, widow and Executrix of Wm. Brown, decd. and Edward Traverse Deft. ordered that the Defts. pay the Pltf. his costs. &c. May 1753. O. B. 1751-53, p. 385. Sarah Gray, wife, of John Gray of Surry Co., relinquishes her right of dower in land sold by John Gray her husband to David Alexander. Mch. 20, 1753. O. B. 1751-53, p. 323. Joseph Gray, takes oath as under sheriff of Surry Co. Mch. 20, 1753. O. B. 1751-53, p. 30. Robert Gray, Gent., qualified as Coronor of this County. July 16, 1754. O. B. 1753-57, p. 125. Robert Gray, a member of the Court. July 16, 1754. 0. B. 1753-57, p. 125. Ben Gray acknowledges an Indenture of feoffment to Wm. ✓. Atkinson. July 20, 1756. O. B. 1753-57, p. 396. Mary Gray, decd., Will of, presented in Court by Howell Briggs one of the Executors therein mentioned who qual- ified as executor. Nov. 15, 1757. O. B. 1757-63, p. 43. 580 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Mary Gray, decd. Inventory & appraisement of her estate returned and recorded. June 20, 1758. O. B. 1757- 63, p. 104. Robert Gray, appointed to view Branches Bridge lately built by Chris. Moreing. Sept. 19, 1758. O. B. 1757-63, p. 125. Robert Gray, and William Rose, Gents., appointed to view the road to and from the Indian Spring &c. Oct. 17, 1758. O. B. 1757-63, p. 127. Margaret Gray, is appointed Guardian of her son James Gray orphan of Gilbert Gray, decd. Jan. 15, 1765. O. B. 1764-74, p. 47. Ben Gray, decd. Administration on his estate is granted to Christopher Clinch. May 20, 1766. O. B. 1764-74, p. 86. Ethelred Gray, a member of the Court. May 20, 1766. O. B. 1764-74, p. 86. Margaret Gray, decd. Estate of ordered to be appraised by Joseph Newsum, Saml. Judkins. Thos. Adams and Wm. Clinch. Nov. 17, 1767. O. B. 1764-74, p. 137. Richard Gray, is ordered to be transfered from the road on which he now works and added to Abraham Mitchell's gang. Sept. 20, 1768. O. B. 1764-74, p. 166. Ethelred Gray, Gent. qualified as a vestryman. July 18,. 1769. O. B. 1764-74, p. 187. Ethelred Gray, Gent. qualifies as Sheriff. Dec. 17, 1771. O. B. 1764-74, p. 273. John Gray, Executor &c. of Lucy Gray, decd. Pltf. vs Wm. Price Deft. In debt Judgment for Pltf. Mch. 22, 1774. O. B. 1764-74, p. 430. GRAY: SURRY COUNTY- 581 James Gray, is appointed surveyor of the road in the room of Robert Hunnicut. Aug. 25, 1778. O. B. 1775-85, p. 61. Richard Gray, decd. Estate of ordered to be appraised by Richard Rowell, Wm. Deck and John Thompson. Dec. 23, 1778. O. B. 1775-85, p. 79. Ethelred Gray is appointed Guardian to his children, William, Robert Charles, Ethelred and Elizabeth Gray for securing a legacy left them by their grandfather William Drew. Nov. 23, 1779. O. B. 1775-85, p. 96. Josiah Gray qualified as commisioner of the public tax in Cobham District. Apr. 24, 1787. O. B. 1786-89, p. Nathaniel Gray, is recommended as Deputy Surveyor by John Wesson surveyor. Whereupon James Kee & Wm. Salter gentleman are ordered to examine into the ability of sd. Nathaniel Gray. Oct. 23, 1787. O. B. 1786-89, p. 299. Josiah Gray, Gent. Commissioner of the tax returned a list of taxable property. Apr. 22, 1788. O. B. 1786-89, p. 407. Sarah Gray, wife of James Gray, decd. relinquishes her right of dower in certain land &c. June 24, 1788. O. B. 1786-89, p. 461. Sarah Gray, qualifies as guardian of Elizabeth and Susanna Gray, orphans of James Gray, decd. June 24, 1788. O. B. 1786-89, p. 462. Josiah Gray, Gent. Commissioner of Tax is allowed 19 shillings. Jan. 27, 1789. O. B. 1786-89, p. 559. Patsey Gray, orphan of John Gray, decd. Benjamin Jones is appointed her guardian. Jan. 24, 1797. O. B. 1795-1800, p. 134. Josiah Gray, of Isle of Wight Co., summoned to April Court next to declare whether he will qualify as executor of 582 THE VALENTINE PAPERS the last will and testament of Sarah West, decd. Feb. 27, 1798. O. B. 1795-1800, p. 219. Josiah Gray, refuses to qualify as executor of Sarah West's estate. Mch. 27, 1798. O. B. 1795-1800, p. 236. Sarah Gray, & James Gray's deed to John Junkins was proved by the oaths of James Adams, Nathl. Berriman, Martha W. Berriman, and Randolph H. Price, the witnesses. Feb. 26, 1799. O. B. 1795-1800, p. 327. Nancy Gray, orphan of Jesse Gray, chose Langley C. Wills as her guardian. Oct. 23, 1799. O. B. 1795-1800, p. 433. John Gray, decd. It is ordered that John Thompson, Joseph Person, Wm. Mitchell & Hartwell Hunnicut appraise his slaves and other personal property. June 23, 1789. O. B. 1789-1802, p. 21. Josiah Gray, is appointed overseer of the Poor in this Co., in the room of Wm. Warren. Sept. 22, 1789. O. B. 1789-93, p. 59. Josiah Gray, Commissioner of Public Tax in Cobham District returned his acct. for services performed. Oct. 27, 1789. O. B. 1789-93, p. 69. Josiah Gray, & James Gray, executors of James Gray decd. Pltfs. vs Saml. Mangum, Josiah Mangum & Rowell Deck. Deft. Nov. 25, 1789. O. B. 1789-93, p. 81. Elizabeth Gray, orphan of Ethelred Gray, decd. chose Saml. Blow for her guardian, he qualifying as such. Jan. 26, 1790. O. B. 1789-93, p. 92. t Josiah Gray, is continued as a commissioner of the public tax. Mch. 23, 1790. O. B. 1789-93, p. 97. Henry Gray, appointed Constable in the room of Richard Harrison. Oct. 26, 1790. O. B. 1789-93, p. 195. GRAY: SURRY COUNTY 583 Edwin Gray, acting executor of Edwin Gray, decd. Pltf. vs Langley C. Wills, Deft. In debt. Judgment for Pltf. Aug. 28, 1792. O. B. 1789-93, p. 371. Will Gray, orphan of Jesse Gray, decd. chose George Gray for his guardian, who qualified as such. Nov. 24, 1801. O. B. 1801-04, p. 38. George Gray, Guardian of William Gray, orphan of Jesse Gray binds out his said ward. June 23, 1802. O. B. 1801- 04, p. 258. Henry Gray, appointed road surveyor in the room of Wm. Holt, decd. O. B. 1801-04, p. 515. Henry Gray, and James Wilson appointed processioning masters in Wm. Allen's precinct. Sept. 24, 1811. O. B. 1811-15, p. 25. James Gray, Executor of James Gray, decd. On his motion Nicholas Faulcon and others are appointed to audit state and settle an acct. of his administration on the estate of the sd. James Gray, decd. May 22, 1815. O. B. 1815- 20, p. Henry Gray appointed processioniary master in Wm. Allen's precinct. Oct. 24, 1815. O. B. 1815-20, p. 94. Frederick Gray, Pltf. vs Patsey Thomas, late Patsey Gray; Hannah Davis, late Hannah Gray, Henry Gray, Samuell Gray, Abraham Jones and Abram Jones and Isaac Jones, Executors of Benjamine Jones, decd. Deft. Dismis- sed by direction of Pltf. May 28, 1817. O. B. 1815-20, p. 307. Henry Gray & James Wilson appointed processioning masters in Wm. Allen's precinct. Aug. & Sept. Court 1819. O. B. 1815-20, p. 570. Thomas Gray, Edwin Gray, Henry Gray, Harty Good- rich, James Norvell and Elizabeth, his wife, and James 584 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Gully and Sally, his wife Pltfs. vs Louisa Gray and Merit Gray an infant, by Samuel Wilson her next friend, Deft. The Court decrees that Archibald Atkinson do make sale to the highest bidder the tract of land in Surry Co. to which Martha Ann Elizabeth James Frances Gray died, entitled by descent from her father, being the land in the bill men- tion and which descended to the said Martha, Ann, Eliza- beth, James, Frances Gray from Henry Gray, decd. the paturnal grandfather of the sd. Martha Ann Elizabeth James Frances Gray, and that the net proceeds from the sale be paid as follows. To Louisa Gray, the defendant, 1/6 part to be held as her absolute estate in lieu of her dower in said land. The net balance remaining to be divided in to seven parts as follows: To Thomas Gray 1/7 part. To Edwin Gray 1/7 part. To Henry Gray 1/7 part. To Hartly Goodrich 1/7 part. To James Rowell and Elizabeth, his wife in her right 1/7 part. To James Gulley and Sally, his wife 1/7 part. To Merit Gray 1/7 part. Feb. 24, 1823. O. B. 1823-25, p. 9. Edwin Gray, Executor of Henry Gray, decd. ordered to submit his administration Acct. to one of the Commissioners. July 1823. O. B. 1823-25, p. 116. Edwin Gray, Executor of James Gray, decd. An account current of the estate of James Gray, decd. administered by Edwin Gray as settled before Jonathan Ellis, Commissioner. Aug. Court 1823. O. B. 1823-25, p. 137. James Gray, decd. Estate of administered by Henry Gray, decd. in his life time as reported to the Court by Commr. Ellis. Aug. Court 1823. O. B. 1823-25, p. 137. Frederick R. Gray decd. Benj. W. Ellensworth Executor of his estate Pltf. vs James Nelson Jr. Deft. Judgment for Pltf. Aug. Court 1824. O. B. 1823-25, p. 348. Frederick Gray, decd. Benj. W. Ellensworth Executor of his estate ordered to submit his acct. to a Commissioner. Feb. Court 1825. O. B. 1823-25, p. 406. GRAY: SURRY COUNTY 585 Henry Gray, decd. Estate of administered by Edwin Gray was this day reported by Commr. Ellis. Mch. Court 1825. O. B. 1823-25, p. 435. Frederick Gray, decd. Estate of administered by Benj. W. Ellensworth ordered recorded. May 23, 1825. O. B. 1823- 25, p. 454. Thomas Gray, Executor of Edwin Gray, decd. who was Executor of Henry Gray, decd. for the benefit of Louisa Prince, Pltf. vs William Randolph and Micajah Holt, Deft. Judgment for Pltf. May 23, 1825. O. B. 1823-25, p. 494. Thomas Gray, Executor of Edwin Gray, decd. who was executor of Henry Gray, decd. moves that the current ac- counts of the estate of the sd. Henry Gray be audited by the Commrs., which is ordered. Aug. Court 1825. O. B. 1823- 25, p. 578. Thomas Gray, Executor of Edwin Gray, decd. who was ecutor of Henry Gray, decd. Acct. Current of Henry Gray's Estate ordered recorded. June 26, 1826. O. B. 1826, p. Thomas R. Gray, Administrator of the estate of Robert Gray, decd. Pltf. vs Micajah George. Judgment for Pltf. Ang. 3, 1830. O. B. 1829-33, p. 187. Thos. Gray who has been duly licensed to practice the law in this Commonwealth has leave to practice in this Court. July 28, 1831. O. B. 1829-33, p. 239. MARRIAGES Mary Gray, marriage to Ben Clarke; Mch. 2, 1794. By Nathaniel Berriman.* Nancy Gray marriage to James Clarke. by Nathaniel Ber- riman. Sept. 20, 1799. *Names of officiating ministers. 586 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Betsy Gray marriage to James Powell. . . . Mch. 27, 1809. Elizabeth Gray, marriage to Ben Ellingworth. Aug. 23, 1819. Joseph Gray, marriage to Conney Thomas. by Joseph Bid- good. Oct. 2, 1821. Edwin Gray, marriage to Harriet Gwathney. by Joseph Cofer. July 24, 1828. Jack Gray, marriage to Queen Ann Bailey. Dec. 29, 1841. • Miss Lucy Gray, marriage to Lewis E. Williams. by R. W. Berriman. Apr. 11, 1848. VIRGINIA LAND OFFICE Patents, Grants and Head Rights Thomas Gray, Patent 550 acres in James Co., on the South side of the main river, over against James City and adjoining the said Thomas Gray Capt. Perry & Ralfe Creek. 100 acres for being an ancient planter at or before the time of Sir Thomas Dale, the remainder for transporting himself, his first wife Annis, his second wife Rebecca, his two sons William and Thomas and five servants. Aug. 27, 1635. (1, p. 283.) Thomas Gray, Patent, 550 acres same as above. mentions that the property adjoins Thomas Swann. May 26, 1638. (1, p. 631.) Thomas Gray, Patent. 400 acres in James City Co., adjoin- ing said Thomas Gray's tract of 700 acres For the trans- portation of 8 persons, 3 of whom were negroes. July 20, 1639. (1, p. 669.) GRAY: VIRGINIA LAND OFFICE 587 Jeremiah Gray, Patent. 150 acres, in James City Co., on the south side of James River, at the head of Mr. Grindall's land called the Old Fort and Grindall Hill, and adjoining John Bishopp and the land of Mr. Erwin named Colledge land, For transporting 3 persons. May 22, 1642. (1, p. 775.) Thomas Gray, Patent, 100 acres in James City Co., on the east side of Grays Creek and adjoining 600 acres now in the possession of said Thomas Gray, also adjoining Cross Creek. June 7, 1642. (1, p. 787.) Francis Gray, Patent, 750 acres, in Charles City Co., ad- joining Mr. Sparrow, John Wall, Mark Averrie, & Joseph Johnson & John Hacker. 300 acres part thereof, was bought of Joh Wall by the said Francis Gray Jan. 4, 1649, 450 acres, the remainder is due to said Francis Gray by order of the General Court Nov. 24, 1653, and for the transportation of nine persons, one of whom was Robert Lawrence. 24, 1653. (3, p. 9.) Nov. Thomas Gray, Patent, 800 acres, in Surry Co. on the south side of James River, at the head of Smith's Fort Creek and adjoining John Kemp. 400 acres part thereof was formerly granted to said Thomas Gray July 30, 1639. 400 acres, the residue, was granted to Samuel Abbott Apr. 10, 1644, and sold to said Grey. Mch. 14, 1652. (3, p. 158.) Francis Gray, Patent. 1000 acres, on the south side of Potomack River, adjoining the river, Rogers Creek, Thomas Bowyer & John Hillier. Apr. 16, 1654. (3, p. 264.) William Grey, Patent, 800 acres, on the south side of Potomack [James ?] River, at the head of Smith's Fort Creek and adjoining John Kemp. Was formerly granted to Thomas Grey Mch. 14, 1652 and descended to the said Wil- liam and John Grey by the will of their father the said Thomas Grey. Sept. 26, 1678. (6, p. 153.) William Grey, of Surry Co., Patent. 680 acres in Surry Co. adjoining Mr. Richard Briggs, Mr. Edwards & Mr. Ruf- 588 THE VALENTINE PAPERS fin. Being part of 800 acres granted to William Harris, of Surry Co., June 2, 1668 and by him sold to the said William Grey Sept. 2, 1679. Apr. 20, 1680. (7, p. 27.) Joseph Gray, of King & Queen Co., Patent, 65 acres in King & Queen Co., St. Stephens Parish, adjoining Barbara Tunstall and William Wyatt, and being on the west side of Arquintanocco Swamp. June 22, 1722. (11, p. 107.) William Gray, of Surry Co., Patent 590 acres in Isle of Wight Co., on the south side of the maine Black Water Swamp. Sept. 28, 1728. (13, p. 305.) William Gray, Jr. Patent 414 acres in Brunswick Co., on the south side of Pea Hill Creek. Jan. 31, 1732. (15, p. 4.) William Gray, Jr. Patent 95 acres in Isle of Wight Co., on the south side of Nottoway River, adjoining Bagley Green. Mch. 24, 1734. (15, p. 468.) William Gray, Gent. Patent, 5800 acres, in Goochland Co., among the head branches of Willis's Creek. June 29, 1739. (18, p. 291.) Joseph Gray, Patent 387 acres, in Amelia Co., on the lower side of Winningham Creek of Deep Creek, adjoining Wil- liam Danby, Henry Threat, James Anderson, & John Win- ningham. June 30, 1743. (21, p. 314.) Joseph Gray, Patent, 220 acres in Isle of Wight Co., on the north side of Lightwood Swamp, adjoining said Gray, William Baley, Cabin Branch & Piney Branch. Aug. 30, 1743. (21, p. 560.) Joseph Gray, Patent. 130 acres in Isle of Wight Co. on the south side of the main Black Water Swamp, and adjoining Mr. William Gray. Aug. 20, 1745. (22, p. 434.) William Gray, Gent., Patent, 8800 acres in Albemarle Co., 5800 acres part thereof was formerly granted to the said William Gray June 29, 1739 and the residue of 3000 acres GRAY: VIRGINIA LAND OFFICE 589 was formerly granted said Gray Mch. 13, 1743. Mch. 20, 1745. (22, p. 599.) William Gray, Patent, 200 acres in Goochland Co., among the branches of Willis's River, adjoining the said Wm. Gray and John Sanders. Mch. 20, 1745. (22, p. 601.) William Gray, Patent, 400 acres in Goochland Co., on the south branches of Randolph Creek, adjoining Thomas Ed- wards. Mch. 20, 1745. (22, p. 603.) James Gray, Patent. 340 acres in Albemarle Co., on the south side of James River, and on the north side of Willis's Creek, adjoining Samuel Sanders. July 20, 1748. (26, p. 510.) John Gray & Robert Cuzzens Patent. 400 acres in Amelia Co., on the lower side of Woody Creek of Deep Creek, ad- joining Bagby and Kennon. Oct. 1, 1747. (28, p. 275.) James Gray, Patent. 400 acres, in Lunenburgh Co., on both sides of Falling Creek. Formerly granted to Anthony Wheeler July 30, 1742, and since become vested in Henry Smith, who failing to pay quit rents it is now granted to the said James Gray. Mch. 3, 1760. (33, p. 703.) Ethelred Gray, James Rodwell Bradley, church Wardens of Southwark Parish, Surry Co., Va. Patent 882 acres for a Glebe. Aug. 3, 1771. (40, p. 472.) MILITARY RECORDS OF REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS, TOGETHER WITH VOUCH- ERS-VIRGINIA LAND OFFICE George Gray, Captain of Dragoons in Continential Line. for 3 years service prior to June 1779. 4000 acres, Warrant No. 242, Apr. 1, 1783. Bk. 1, p. 38. William Gray, Lieutenant, of Virginia Line. 3 years ser- vice prior to Jan. 1782. 266 2/3 acres, Warrant No. 243, Apr. 1, 1783. Bk. 1, 38. 590 THE VALENTINE PAPERS Ben. Gray, Soldier, of Virginia Line on Continental es- tablishment for 3 year service. 100 acres, Warrant No. 971, June 20, 1783. Bk. 1, p. 189. James Gray, Sergeant, of Continental Line for 3 years service. 400 acres, Warrant No. 1741. Sept. 11, 1783. Bk. 1, p. 342. William Gray, Private. of Continental Line for 3 years service. 100 acres, Warrant No. 1872. Oct. 15, 1783. Bk. 1, p. 375. Francis Gray, Lieutenant, of Continental Line for 3 years service. 2666 2/3 acres. Warrant No. 1925. Oct. 28, 1783. Bk. 1, p. 388. Daniel Gray, Private, of Continental Line for 3 years service. 200 acres. Warrant No. 1869. Nov. 6, 1783. Bk. 1, p. 398. David Gray, Sergeant of Continental line for 3 years service. 200 acres. Warrant No. 2083. Dec. 10, 1783. Bk. 1, p. 441. George Gray, Private, of Continental Line for 3 years service. 100 acres. Warrant No. 2174. Dec. 20, 1783. Bk. 1, p. 460. James Gray, Captain of Continental Line for 3 years ser- vice. 4000 acres. Warrant No. 2631. Feb. 25, 1784. Bk. 1, p. 552. Robert Gray, Private. of Continental Line for 3 years service. 100 acres. Warrant No. 2717. Mch. 5, 1784. Bk. 1, p. 568. John Gray, Private, of Continental Line for 3 years ser- vice. 200 acres. Warrant No. 3110. May 29, 1784. Bk. 1, p. 643. GRAY: VIRGINIA LAND OFFICE 591 Sabrit Gray, Private, of Continental Line for 3 years ser- vice. 100 acres. Warrant No. 4362. Jan. 12, 1782. Bk. 2, p. 276. Wilson Gray, Private, of Continental Line for 3 years ser- vice. 100 acres. Warrant No. 4615. May 27, 1793. 2, p. 336. Bk. Francis Gray, Private, of Continental Line for 3 years service. 100 acres. Warrant No. 5432. Feb. 12, 1800. Bk. 2, p. 604. James Gray, Lieutenant of Virginia State Navy, from Feb. 27, 1776, to the close of the war. 4677 acres. War- rant No. 8026. Sept. 16, 1834. Bk. 3, p. 358. Joseph Gray, Private, of Armands Legion for the war. 200 acres. Warrant No. 8033. Oct. 16, 1834. Bk. 3, p. 360. 4 5-15-82 2.15.84 GAYLORD RX 000 025 804 DATE DUE PRINTED IN U HECKMAN BINDERY INC. 間 ​JUNE 87 N. MANCHESTER, INDIANA 46962 RX 000 025 804