HISTORY of ROANE COUNTY TENNESSEE VOLUME I University of Virginia Library F443.R5 W4 1927 V.1 ALD The history of Roane County, T AX 000 364 159 By Emma Middleton Wells H.C University of Virginia PALLESCERE NULLA CULPA William Byrd of Weftover in Virginia fgr BYRD LIBRARY Virginia Hiftory and Literature Founded in memory of ALFRED H. BYRD,M.A (1887) / ALDERMAN LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA Roane County Tennessee THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY TENNESSEE 1801-1870 BY EMMA MIDDLETON WELLS PRICE $5.00 Printed By THE LOOKOUT PUBLISHING COMPANY Chattanooga, Tennessee F 443 R5W4 1927 255271 vol Copyright 1927 By Emma Middleton Wells VTIZZIVIHU PURCHASE JAN 29'41 1 This Book is Dedicated to Captain William Elben McElwee The First Citizen of Roane County Tennessee : THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY CAPTAIN WILLIAM EBLEN MCELWEE William Eblen McElwee, son of William and Lucinda (Eblen) McElwee and grandson of James McElwee of North Carolina and Nancy (Johnson) McElwee of Virginia was born in Roane County April 16, 1835. His grandfather was at the battle of King's Mountain with the Watauga men and was present when the Declaration of Independence was signed at Mecklenburg, N. C., in April 1775. William Eblen McElwee attended the schools of Roane County, read law and was licensed to practice in 1859. In 1861 he enlisted in the Confederate Army and served thru the four years. He served as provost Marshall at Bowling Green, Ky., was commissioned a Captain, was at the surrender at Fort Donelson, was in prison at Johnson's Island, but after his re- lease rejoined the army and took part in the battles at Chicka- mauga, Missionary Ridge and Atlanta and was with the head- quarters company of General Stevenson's until the surrender. At the close of the War he returned to Roane County and was one of the organizers of the Roane Iron Co. He was one of the surveyors of the Queen and Crescent and the Tennessee Central Railroads. At the age of 92 he assisted in locating the Memphis and Bristol Highways through Roane County. Captain McElwee was married on December 12, 1867 to Martha Brown, daughter of William Franklin and Amanda (Renfroe) Brown of Roane County. Franklin Brown Mc- Elwee born on September 2nd, 1878 is their son. Mrs. Mc- Elwee died in 1872. PREFACE This book has been compiled not to exploit the deeds and virtues of a few but to print important records of pioneers of Roane County, Tennessee. The records show that many of the men who came into the county before the county was organized were Revolution- ary soldiers and that their wives in many cases were daughters of soldiers of that War. Many were given land grants for service rendered their country. Some brought their slaves from as far east as Massachusetts. Their wills show that besides land, slaves and stock, they possessed furniture of the best make. Many pieces now in possession of their descendants are of beautiful design. They were mostly people of education as their letters and signatures testify. There have gone out from the county men who have become leaders in the profess- ional and commercial world, Governors of States, Judges of the Supreme Court, Generals in the Army, Presidents of Col- leges and leaders in many other walks of life. The original spelling has been followed in copying the records. EMMA MIDDLETON WELLS CONTENTS PART I. KINGSTON AND THE COUNTY PART II. Tax List 1802, 1808 First Licensed Merchants and Hotels List of Voters 1809 Summons for Jury 1809 Members of Militia Companies 1855 Justices 1819 MILITARY RECORD Revolutionary Soldiers PART III. Graves of Revolutionary Soldiers Soldiers of War of 1812 List of First Volunteers of 1812 Soldiers of Mexican War War Between The States World War Records Gold Star List Distinguished Service Crosses CHURCHES, ACADEMY AND LODGE Post Oak Bethel Church Rittenhouse Academy Kingston Grave Yard PART IV. PART V. Masonic Lodge MARRIAGE RECORDS RECORDS OF EARLY FAMILIES LIST OF PATRONS 1 PART ONE KINGSTON AND THE COUNTY A Fort at South West Point was established in 1792 and Gen. John Sevier was stationed there in November by William Blount, Governor of the Territory of the United States South of the Ohio. Gen. John Sevier gave the station its name, South West Point. United States Troops were quartered there until 1807 to prevent incursions from Cherokee Indians into the settlement, when the garrison was moved to a point on the right bank of the Tennessee River, near Washington, Tenn. October 23, 1799, the Tennessee Legislature passed an act for the establishment of a town, to be known as Kingston, on lands owned by Major Robert King. David Miller, Alexandet Carmichael, George Preston, John Smith T., William Lovely, Meriwether Smith and Thomas N. Clark, were appointed com- missioners. The act of the Legislature establishing Roane County was passed November 1, 1801. The county at that time extended from Anderson and Knox Counties to the southern boundary of the State, but did not include any terri- tory south of the Holston and Tennessee Rivers. For Military and Civil purposes the County was divided into six companies commanded by: Thomas Coulter, Richard Oliver, Gray Sims, George Ingram, John Walker, and Hugh Francis. It is believed that all of these men served in the Revolu- tion. Service of most of them is proved. In 1802 the population of the county included 275 whites and 137 blacks. Only eight of the whites were unable to write. Hugh Beatty and John Stone operated Cotton Gins. Mathew Nelson opened a Tavern in 1808. Henry Liggett was a hatter and lived where the Dixie Hotel is now. Sam Houston, afterwards Governor of Tennessee and Texas, was a clerk in a store in Kingston when he enlisted in the Creek War. The Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions was organized December 20, 1801, at the home of Hugh Beatty and the fol- lowing qualified as magistrates: William White, Samuel Miller, Hugh Nelson, Paul Harelson, Zacheus Ayers, George Preston, 9 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY William Campbell, James Preston, Isham Cox, William Bar- nett, George McPherson, and Abraham McClelland. Zacheus Ayers was appointed Entry Taker; Jacob Jones, Surveyor: George McPherson, Ranger, the constables were: Francis Lea, Robert Kirkpatrick, and Patrick Burrus; Thomas Brown was collector of the District Tax. The Circuit Court was organized on the first Monday in March 1811, by James Trimble, Judge of the Second Judicial Court. The first Grand Jury was composed of John Givens, James Todd, Jesse White, William Waller, Samuel Hays, Thomas Rayburn, Jacob Warren, Jacob (or James) Robin- son, Nicholas Nail, John McKinney, Thomas Ogden, Asa Cobb, John Rector, Henry McPherson and George Cross. Chancery Court was organized at Kingston, October 21, 1824, for the District including the counties of Knox, Ander- son, Morgan, Rhea, Roane, Hamilton, Campbell, McMinn, Monroe, and Blount, by John Catron, Judge of the Supreme Court of Tennessee. The Legislature appointed Hugh Nelson, John Smith T, Alexander Carmichael, William Barnett, Paul Harelson, and Zacheus Ayers, commissioners to erect the Court House which was finished in 1803. The present Court House was built in 1853. The General Assembly of Tennessee was held in Kings- ton, September 21, 1807 and adjourned to meet in Knoxville September 23, 1807. The In a treaty made with the Indians they had reserved a mile square in the fork of the rivers. Kingston had been laid out and houses were being erected around the reservation and there were hopes that the capitol of the state would be erect- ed here. The whites wanted the mile square reservation. Indians agreed to the sale, but had the cause thereof stated in the deed. The commissioners said they had no right to con- tract that the capitol should be built here, but assured the Indian Chief, Tullentuskie, that the legislature should be con- vened there. It was for this reason that the legislature met here, but adjourned next day to Knoxville, alleging it was for want of a suitable hall and room. This was not the truth, as a matter of course, because the courthouse was finished the year before. The truth is, it was merely a trick played upon the Indians in order to negotiate the purchase of the reser- vation. 10 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Kingston was an important point as early as 1800, with a Military Post at South West Point within a mile of the town and the stage route from Nashville to Washington passing through. It was the stopping place for Andrew Jackson, John Sevier and other men of importance. Bishop Asbury tells of stopping in 1801 at the home of Thomas N. Clark "which was a comfortable home with open fires in the upstairs bed rooms." General Sevier always stopped at the home of Thomas N. Clark which stood near the big spring. His house was part of the block house built by General Sevier in 1792. "" There were two taverns in the town, Alexander's occupi-. ed the site of the present Exchange Hotel and stood back from the street in the brick ell. Dr. John W. Wester remodeled the building in 1850 making it as it stands today. It was here that General Andrew Jackson always stopped. The other tavern stood a block and a half up the street from the Alexander Tavern and was the place of meeting of the Legislature in September 1807. The County today has a fine system of highways, with flourishing towns supplied with good churches, schools, banks, newspapers, manufacturing plants, large iron and coke indus- tries- and is one of the largest peach and strawberry centers in the State. Roane County has one of the best public health units in the State. In the Spring of 1797 Prince Louis Philippe, later King of France, and his brothers Comte de Montpensier and Comte de Beaujolair, on their journey from Knoxville, where they had been entertained by Gov. John Sevier, to Nashville, stopped at South West Point (Kingston) and visited the site of a pro- posed Fort and the remains of prehistoric brestworks. Tra- dition says that some of the Indian Chiefs, among them Tulantuski who lived where Rockwood now stands, joined the party of distinguished visitors and the company drank at the Big Spring. The Princes were entertained at the home of Judge David Campbell. Thomas Norris Clark gave and deed- ed to Kingston this Big Spring early in 1880. It furnishes many gallons of good water each day. The County was named for Archibald Roane, who was born in Pennsylvania 1759, coming to Tennessee in 1778. He was admitted to the Tennessee Bar at Jonesboro and Greene- ville 1788 and the same year was appointed Attorney General of the district of Hamilton. He was a member of the Consti- tutional convention 1796, and was elected one of the Superior Judges when the State was organized. He was elected the 1 11 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY second Governor of Tennessee without opposition in 1801. During his administration the state was divided into three con- gressional districts, Washington, Hamilton and Mero. Knox- ville was the Capitol of the State. He was reappointed a Superior Judge in 1815 which office he held until his death in 1819. He never lived in Roane County but was Governor when the County was erected. BATTLE AT CRAB ORCHARD The Soldiers stationed at the Garrison at South West Point were a great protection to the early settlers against the invasion of the Indians. On August 13, 1792 Lieut. McClellan, with thirty seven of Captain Evan's Company was attacked on tht Cumberland road near Crab Orchard by about one hundred Indians. After twice repelling the warriors he was compelled to retreat with a loss of four men killed, Paul Cunningham, Daniel Hitchcock, William Flemming and Stephen Renfro. Abraham Byrd who was wounded and four others who were missing arrived at South West Point afterwards. William Lea, one of the number missing had been captured by the Indians, but escaped and reached the garrison on the 18th. EARLY NEWSPAPERS The first Newspaper published in Roane County was the Kingston Gazette and Register by N. A. Patterson in 1855. Charles F. Brause established the "Daily News" in 1877 but after a few months' publication sold it to the Rev. G. W. Coleman who changed it to "The "Independent" and moved it to Maryville. In 1880 John J. Littleton began to publish a democratic newspaper "The Cyclone" which afterwards was bought by Hood Haggard, the name changed to "The Patriot" and politics to republican. Col. D. M. Coffman started "The Roane County Republican" in 1880. EARLY LAWYERS Early attorneys of the County were James, John and An- drew McCampbell, J. W. M. Brazeale, James Hope, J. Y. Smith, James Trimble, Thomas N. Clark, Samuel L. Childress, George L. Burk, James Sevier, E. E. Young, S. C. Clark. EARLY COUNTY OFFICERS Tht first clerks of the County were Henry Brazeale, who served thirty four years, H. H. Wiley, Austin L. Green, James T. Shelley, James Sturgess. 12 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY The first Sheriffs were John Brown, who served twenty- three years, Robert Gilliland, Joseph Byrd, Lewis Burris, Ed. McDuffy. Early Trustees were Isham Cox, W. C. McKamey, Wil- liam Gilbreath, /Thomas McConnell, William Work, George Yost, Robert Marney, J. W. McNutt. Early Registers were John Store, John McEwen, Henry Burris, H. H. Wiley, Robert Duncan, John A. Patton, John H. Taylor, Robert Allison, Walter H. King, G. A. Guenther, S. D. Standfield, Thomas Childress. George Gordon and Robert Cravens built an iron furnace on Whites Creek which was called Eagle Furnace in 1828. They manufactured charcoal, pig iron, cooking utensils and other cast iron products which were shipped by boat to Chatta- nooga and Knoxville. In 1867 the Roane Iron Co., was organized by Gen. J. T. Wilder, Capt. H. S. Chamberlain and Major W. A. Rock- wood for whom the town was named. The company built two churches near the furnace, one for the whites, and the other for blacks. Coal was first discovered in 1840 by William Green an employe of Gen. John Brown. Green and William Brown soon entered the land and began mining the coal for local use. From the time the furnaces were started they did not stop day or night for fifty years. PROPERTY TAXES RETURNED TO COURT 1802 (It was the duty of the Captain to collect the Taxes). Richard Armstrong, Martin Armstrong, Robert Arm- strong, Robert Bell, William Copeland, James DeArmond, Arthur Gilbreath. Heirs of George Doherty, George Ingram, William L. Lewis William Murphy, William Tyrtll, Robert Miller, James M. Lewis, Alexander Outlaw, George Waller, Robert White. John Wear. Thomas King, Edward Waller, John Smith T., Lewis Tiner, 1803-06 Jacob Brazelton. Thomas Gallaher, Thomas J. Van Dyke, William Black, James Blair, William Blair, Samuel McCall, Thomas Shelly, William Barnett, Jefferson Campbell, James Willet. The merchants who paid taxes in 1805 and the first on record were: James Jones and Richard Meredith James McNutt and Co. James Willet William McNutt $ 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 13 ! THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY John McEwen and Co. Hugh Beatty William Black Charles Milbanks Cox and White 1806 Samuel Martin 1807 Thomas N. Clark $ 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 Sept. 18. 1808 Eli Talbut and Jacob Peck Esquires were admitted to the Bar. Jesse McPherson, John Farnwalt and David Bailey were appointed Constables. 1807 the first licenses were issued to Ordinary (Inn) Keepers, who were Nelson, Smith and King. John Dowler, Josiah and John Nichols, John Eblen, John Stone, Jere- miah Buchanan, John Formwalt, Michael Arnold, John Love. 1808 Licenses were issued to B. F. Brazeale, Samuel Waddy, John Matlock, Moses Rawlings, Robert Caldwell. The Tax was $5.00 per year. 1806 Joseph Hardin paid tax on 200 acres. In 1805 the following paid taxes: Charles McClung John Rhea Richard Price William Black William Barnett John Sterling John Smith T. Anthony Street 1575 acres 1750 acres 2500 acres 1000 acres 1000 acres 1000 acres 42.000 acres 15,000 acres 1803 Benjamin Roebuck. Samuel McCall, Jesse Dolozier. 1806 Joseph Hardin 200 acres on Clinch River. ORDINARY KEEPERS (INN) IN 1812 Mathew Nelson. John Eblen. Gailbreath Barton, Abner Stout, John Lovd. David Haley, Richard Meredith, Gideon Morgan, Samuel Eldridge, Thomas Childress, George Jack, Walter King. LICENSE TO HOLD SHOWS IN 1812-1813 Dawson and Pardee, Peter Green. EARLY MINISTERS Thomas Brown, William Eagleton, Micaja Sellers. Charles Galloway, Henry Seward, Samuel Deatheridge, Samuel Har- well, Robert Hooper, James Mitchell, John Winton, William Magill, Darius Hoyt, Samuel Lvles, Elisha Turner, David Flemming, John Pope, William Pope. 14 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY CAPT. JOHN WALKER'S CO. 1802 David Bartley, Nichodemus Barnes, John W. Burns, Isaac Brock, Reuben Brock, William Barnet, Philip Bashears, Thomas Capshaw, Robert Duncan, John Donnely, Will'am Evans, James Garner, William Gardenhire. John Givens, Ben- jamine Greyson, Francis Johnston, John Kirk, Moses Looncy, Andrew Lower, Francis Lee, Robert McCorkle, Roland Mc- Kinney, James Miller (Squarebottom), John McCain, Daniel Mason, Alexander Maughan, Nathaniel Mason, Samuel Miller, Nicholas Nail, John Neal, Elias Roberts, Thomas Robinson, Thomas Reece, John Sterling, Thomas Shye, Lewis Tiner, John Wear, Capt. James Walker. CAPT. HUGH FRANCE'S CO. 1802 Zacheus Ayers, Jesse Blackwell, Hugh Beatty, Thomas Brown, Thomas Braley, Valentine Butler, Jesse Byrd, William Byrd, Jacob Clemmons, Micaja Carter, Alexander Cazey, Thomas N. Clark, William Coldwell, John Cotter, John Dudley, Azariah David, Jenkins David, David David, Owen David, Woodson Francis, Hugh Francis, Joseph Francis, Robert Houston, John Hackett, Sr., Joseph Henderson, Dickin- son Hall, Joseph Hankens, Joseph Horton, Julias Hacker, Wil- liam Henry, Jacob Jones, Thomas Jenkins, Peter King, Julias Klark, John Mckinney. James McClanehan, Thomas Mc- Mullen, Robert McCannon, John McKinney, Amos Marney, William Miller, Samuel McCall, William McDowell, John O'Neal, John Pembleton, William Peters, Rite Roberts, Stephen Rice, William Rorex, Zacheus Roberts, Isaac Shnall, John Sherky, Alexander Scott, John Stone, Davis Stockton, Allen Sneed, Anthony Street. Merreweather Smith, John Smith, Rubin Smith, James Thomas, Joseph Work, Joshua Washburn. CAPT. RICHARD OLIVER'S CO. 1802 Joseph Anderson, Richard Allen, William Anderson, Patrick Burns, John Birdwell, Robert Burk, Nathaniel B. Buckingham, Alexander Brown, Robert Brown, Thomas Brown, William Brown, Henry Brazeal, Thomas Brady, David Bailey, Wilie Blount, William Campbell, Esq., Richard Cavett, John Crafton, Samuel Eblen, Jesse Eldridge, John Fulton, Francis Fulcher, Alexander Gamble, James Galloway David Henly, George Henshaw, Jesse Henshaw, Benjamine Henshaw, James Hankins, John Hankins, Daniel Hare, Paul 'Harelson, Esq., John Hugins, William Kitchen, Joseph Looney, 15 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY George Light, Henry Landers, James McIntire, William Mat- lock, John Matlock, Henry Miller, James Miller, John Miller, James McNeel, Jason Matlock, Charles McClung, Nicholas Mansfield, Hugh McIntire, Robert Miller, Robert Miller, Jr., William Miller, James Morris, James Moore, George Moore, William Prewet, George Preston, John Rhea, James Rogers,. William Ramsey, Cumberland Rector, Thomas Shoy, Jesse Stubs, Thomas Stafford, Reuben Simmons. John Thomas, Ephriam Walker, Thomas Walker, John Walker. CAPT. GRAY SIMS' CO. 1802. Robert Brashears, Isaac Brashears, Benjamine Blackburn, Jonathan Clenny, Thomas Carnes, James Caldwell, Peter Couch, Edward Davis, Benjamine Evans, Solomon Geren, James Glasgow, William Hueston, William Hogan, Henry Har- mon, Thomas Jones, Robert Kirkpatrick, John Luster, Wil- liam Luster, James Luster, George McPherson, Joseph Mc- Pherson, Solomon Mazer, Alexander Miller, David McGee, Abraham McClellan Esq., Edward Owen, Jeremiah Pate, John Parker, Clemmons Phillips, Jeffrey Potter, Joseph Robinson, James Robinson, Evan Shoemaker, William Shoemaker, Robert Shaddon, Adam Sherrel, Thomas Usury, Phillip Usury, James Whitson, John White. CAPT. GEORGE INGRAM'S CO. 1802 Joshua Ashmore, Hugh Barton, William Curden, Aza Cobb, Jacob Cobb, John Davis, John Finley, David Gallaher, Thomas Gallaher, Solomon Greer, James Gibson, Alexander Howard, Elijah Hix, Allen Henson, Josiah Jent, Hugh John- ston, William Looney, James Mitchell, John Means, James Means, Samuel Oxshear, John Otter, Nathan Robinson, Joshua Renfro, William Standifer, Nathan Sullens, William White, Sr., Samuel White, Wesley Walker, William White, Jr., Wil- liam Toomy. CAPT. THOMAS COULTER'S CO. 1802 Robert Allison, James Blair, Darius Browder, John Brazelton, Peter Barger, Jacob Brazelton, William Black, Solomon Brewer, John Brown, Robert Brown, John Berford, John Browder, Jacob Cook, John Carmichael, William Can- non, James Copeland, Milton Center, Isham Cox, Judge David Campbell, Alexander Coulter, Jr., Daniel Derosset, Britton Davis, Brazzel Davis, William Davis, William Davidson, Nathan Eldridge, Simeon Eldridge, Thomas Eldridge, Josiah Elliott, Benjamine Flat, John Flat, Reece Gullick, Jacob 16 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Gardenhire, James Gilliland, Miars Gaspen, Henry Hartley, Spencer Haynes, James Hope, John Jones, Jared Hotchkiss, Eskridge Kenner, William Lampkins, William Long, Britain Mathis, Archalas Mathis, James McElwee, Daniel McPhail, Thomas Moore, Edward McFaddin, Samuel McSpaddin, Mathew Nelson, Benjamin Prater, James Preston, Richard Price, Daniel Rather, James B. Rogers, Andrew Richey, Nicho- las Starnes, David Stuart, John Sutton, Willis Stockton, Wil- liam Sherald, William Valance, John Warren, John Winton. TAX LIST OF ROANE CO. MAY 10, 1808 Free Holders in Captain Wallis' Company. John Birdwell Rueben Brock Robert Berk Joshua Birdwell Joseph Hankins Benjamin Hardin Thomas Hood John Hood William Holland Henry Lauders Richard Cavit James Cunningham John Eblen Jason Matlock John Easley Daniel Grub John Matlock James Morrow Henry Riddle William Punt John Pickle Weight Roberts Thomas Rebourn William Waller CAPTAIN Jesse Stubbs James Todd James Thomas LEWELLEN'S COMPANY Bazzle Bashears Thomas N. Clark John Formatt Jr. Arthur Handley Julius Hacker James Moore William D. Nelson Meriweather Smith John Wadly David Patton James Gorden Adam Formatt James Cain CAPTAIN MCCORKLE'S COMPANY 1808 Michael Arnold Joshua Christenbury Robert Duncan John Davis Francis Erwin William Evens Thomas Galliher James Galliher John Givens William Gardenhire Alexander Howard John Hickey 17 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Joseph Gilbreath James Johnston Andrew Lawer Alexander Mahan Rawling McKinny John McGill John Nail Allen Hinson G. W. Geen Henson Samuel Miller Robert McNeeley Joseph Moore John McKinny Samuel Ashire Gambal Richards George Richards John White Samuel White William White, Jr. Nicholas Nail Jesse Rather Thomas Reed William White, Sr. Robert Williams CAPTAIN BAKER'S COMPANY 1808 Jacob Anthony Michael Baker. David Baily Benjamine F. Brageale Isaac Baily John Davis John Flat Thomas McMullen James McMullen James Morris Isaac Morris Cumberland Rector William Erwin John Fulton Robert Gambal James Hankins John Hays Thomas Littleton William Matlock, Jr.. David M. Roberts Amos Marney Robert Man Thomas Walker CAPTAIN RATHER'S COMPANY William Blair Darius Browder James Blair Brien Breeden John Brazelton John Browder Sterling Kemp Simeon Eldridge Nathan Eldridge Robert Ellison Daniel Carmichael Joel Holt David Stewart Jacob Gardenhire Mathew Gower James Hope Jesse Eldridge John Freeman Jared Hotchkiss William Lampkins James McGill James McElwee David Nowlan Landon Rector Nicholas Sterns George Cook George Moore Richard Meredith Peterson Kimball Milton Center James Colter Bartlett Cannon 18 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY James Copeland Britian Davis William Davis Bazzle Davis John Winton Adam Miller James Preston Benjamine Peters Richard Swiger CAPTAIN HOUSTON'S COMPANY 1808 Robert Brashears Isaac Brashears James Couch Asa Cobb James Dearmond Edward Davis Aden Evens John Fooshee William McCamy Clemons Phillips Mathew Pryor Joseph Robertson James Robinson Joseph Sullins Moses Winters Alexander Wiley Josiah Jent John Lemons Michael Horler CAPTAIN ROGER'S COMPANY Gilbreath Barton Peter Couch Joel Hembree William Houston Robert Randolph Isaac Reece James R. Rogers Jesse Casy David McClelland Henry McPherson Abraham McClellan Edward Owings Elisah Randolph Rector MacMillan John McClelland CAPTAIN MOORE'S COMPANY Edward Smith John Randolph John Berfit (Buford) Sylvanus Hines William Mitchell. Benoni Raymon Thomas Harrison Abner Magus William Nail Jesse Rody Mathew Wood George Rogers George Sterns Henry Wilkey Names of Free Holders in different Companys that gave in taxes to Clerk in 1808. Alexander Stewart Robert White John Love John Hailey Hugh Beaty Joseph Stout Robert White Samuel Ward Samuel C. Hall 19 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY SOME OF THE TAX PAYERS OF 1808 John Allen Thomas Amey (a free man of colour.) Catherine Arbuckle William, Thomas and John Brown, Guardians Elizabeth Preston (widow of George Preston) Stephen Ammerman William Campbell Jacob Cook Baracias Cope Silas Coatney John Eaton Elijah Eaton James Eaton David Davenport Stephen Duncan Roger Gideon Daniel Greib Hugh Kelso Elizabeth Preston Talliaferro Richards Thomas Shelley Arnold Shields James Labb Robert Shields Bartlett Robins James Steele Samuel Riley Jacob Thrasher Jenkins Whiteside Jacob Watson William Griffith William Lewis Samuel McCallie Alexander Moore John Nichols Ephriam Pritchett Samuel Ochsears A LIST OF ALL WHO ARE ENTITLED TO VOTE IN CAPTAIN WILLIAM WHITE'S COMPANY 1809 John Walker John Wray Joseph Sullins Edward Morrison James Noal Nathanial Medlock Jonathan Davis James Davis Asa Cobb, Esqr. Josiah Sullins Meshea Stevens Mathew Pryor, Sr. William Pryor Mathew Pryor, Jr. William Ervin Ervin Evans John Thompson William White, Sr. John Wiley Ambrose Copeland James Garner Daniel Wilson David Thomas Alexander Howard Alexander Howard, Jr. Alexander Willey, Sr. Alexander Willey, Jr. James Trimble, Esqr. Asa Howard Acquila Nail Absolum Potter Benjamin Brannon Benjamine Draper Francis Erwin Francis Lee George Crow George White Hugh Lackey John Davis John Gardiner 20 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY John Nail John Megill Mathew Nail Marton Durret Joseph Nail Jesse White John Young John Hegley John Rather John H. Durret James Scott Joseph Bird James Melentick Jesse Cobb John Morgan William Gardenhire William Dolton William Cobb Joseph Emery James Ivey James Massengail John Crise Jesse Corbin James Jones Jonathan White Joshua Christenberry Jeremiah Feils Little B. Bryant Michael Boyd John Cravatt Jacob Miles Calvin Johnson William Scott Moses Looney Michael Hostler Maston Strong Robert Dunken (Duncan) Samuel Miller Senders Cisco Samuel Silvey Thomas Corbin William Ramsey William Alexander William Lilman Thomas Gallaher William Silvey Willes Durret Nicholas Nail Menson Lingford Robert Clough William White, Jr. William Jones John Harris Thomas Reed Josiah Montgomery Moses White John Melton Jesse Rather Thomas Wiley Thomas Gilbreath William Draper Jas. Gallaher, Justice of Peace State of Tennessee) Roane County) William Derrit FIRST JURY June Session 1805 To the Sheriff of Roane County Greeting, you are here by commanded to summons the following persons to wit: William Peters William Blair John Nail James Coulter James Dearmond John Flat Jeames Galloway Jeames Rogers Robert McNealy Joseph Looney John Meriot 21 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY William Houston William Waller William Sherold Milton Center George Cook Mathew Goweros John Hankins George Moore Richard Meredith Mathew Sims John Browder John Matlock James McMullen Thomas Pritchet Jesse Stubbs Adam Carson Jeames Gordon David Patton Solomon Geren Richard Armstrong Benjamin Grayson JUNE SESSION 1805 JURY SUMMONS Samuel Miller Joshua Ashmore Joshia Gent John Parker To appear at the Court House in Kingston the third Mon- day in September there to answer and attend as grand Jurors till discharged by the Court. Henry Brezeal, Clk. of Roane Co. 1855 THE MEMBERS OF THE MILITIA OF THE 16TH CIVIL DISTRICT Alexander Luck James H. Johnson S. A. Greasland Jessey Reves C. C. Ollis Lewis Phillips John Scarbury William W. Adkinson John H. Dickey James Maguffee John Bullard H. L. Bullard William C. Ritter J. M. Bullard John Barnet Richard Barnet B. M. Clark Robert B. Clark Samuel Bullard Melton Suddeath Joseph N. Love Robert K. Byrd James R. Crow William G. Flinn Jacob Davis Simeon Hasler John F. Williams Samuel Mutney Joel Solomon Jessey Solomon William Barnet William A. Tedder C. C. Crow Robert Wilson Wilkerson P. Adkinson John M. Isbell A. T. Sumter James Tharkill James P. Tedder Morgan Harskins Franklin Piddy James Hammond Jessey Hammond John Hammond 22 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Robert Scarburay William Durrett S. B. Suddeath Joseph B. Strickland John Phillips William Priddy Josiah Haines Newton Derrick Martin Priddy Lewis K. Night Thomas Selvey Nimrod Underwood Samuel Dugger JUSTICES OF THE PEACE IN 1819 Thomas Mullins, Abraham McClellan, Isaac Morris Samuel Eskridge, Thomas Blake, Alexander Nesmith, Wil- liam Eblen, John Leftwich, William B. Lenoir. Kingston was incorporated in 1820 with a Mayor and Aldermen. SOME EARLY CITIZENS WHO PURCHASED LIBRARY VOLUMES IN EARLY DAYS When the second Edition of Nicholson's British Ency- clopedia or Dictionary of Arts and Science was published in 1818 the following Roane County Citizens were among those from various States who were purchasers. Meriweather Smith Walter King Joshua Cox William B. Lenoir William Puris William McClellan James Sevier George Morris Benjamine White John Puris A. Carden Samuel Brown William Brown · Andrew Green 23 $ PART TWO SOLDIERS OF THE REVOLUTION Roane County can boast as many if not more Revolution- ary soldiers than any county in the whole United States. While these brave men were not residents of Roane County during the Revolutionary War-for the simple reason that there was then no Roane County-they came to her soil in the years that immediately succeeded the War and remained to fight her battles with the Red Man and eventually to sleep beneath her beloved hills and valleys. The records of some of these soldiers, although known to have served, can not now be established, many died before pensions were issued and many did not apply for or receive pensions. Some are mentioned in Ramsey's Annals where the fact that they were officers or performed some conspicuous service brought their names before the historian, but many died as they had served unsung. This chapter includes the names of all whose Service in the Revolution is known, with reference for service. LIST OF REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS LIVING IN ROANE COUNTY WHO WERE PENSIONED UNDER ACT OF MARCH 18, 1818 Pensioner Rank State Crocomus Acree Private Maryland John Bowman Private Virginia Robert Crew Private Virginia died Feb. 2, 1843 Valentine Cunningham Private Virginia died Oct. 17, 1832 Samuel Evans Private Virginia George Fuller Private North Carolina William Mead, Private Virginia died Jan. 25, 1831 John Parr Private New Jersey 27 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Uriah Rector John Walker Samuel Walker William Willis Private Virginia Colonel Virginia died July 7, 1829 Captain Virginia died July 7, 1830 Private Virginia LIST OF REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS LIVING IN ROANE COUNTY WHO WERE PENSIONED UNDER ACT OF JUNE 7, 1832 Pensioner Rank State in which Pensioner Served John Algood Robert Allison Private North Carolina James Aiken Private North Carolina Richard Allen Private Virginia James Allen Private Carter Barnard Private North Carolina North Carolina David Blackwell Private Mattis Brashears Private William Boyd Private Virginia Maryland North Carolina Isaiah Brown Private North Carolina d. Apr. 29, 1833 Laird Burns Private South Carolina Robert Burke Private Enoch Bush Private North Carolina. Virginia William Carroll Private North Carolina Benjamin Chapman Private Maryland John Cox Private Virginia John Crenshaw Private Virginia Wilam Edgman Private North Carolina. Simeon Eldridge Private North Carolina Ardin Evans Private Virginia Solomon Geren • Private North Carolina Stephen Hancock Private William Harvey Jared Hotchkiss Meshack Henderson William Hyden Charles Lain (Lane) Joseph Lane Private Private Private Virginia Virginia Connecticut North Carolina Private Virginia Private Corp. and Sergt. Virginia Private Virginia David Liles Private North Carolina 28 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Hesekiah Love Amos Marney Private South Carolina d. June 11, 1833 Private Virginia John McNutt Adam Miller Private South Carolina Private South Carolina John Parry Private North Carolina Ebenezer Snow Private Pennsylvania Benjamin Suddoth Private South Carolina Benjamin Thacker Private Virginia Peter Wees Private Virginia John Woody Private North Carolina Isham Young Private Georgia LIST OF REVOLUTIONARY PENSIONERS LIVING IN ROANE COUNTY DRAWING PENSIONS UNDER ACT OF JUNE 1, 1840 Pensioners Age Pensioners Age James Acree 86 George Fuller 83 James Aiken 80 Solomon Geren 80 James Allen 81 John Hood 78 Carter Barnard 78 William Hyden 76 David Blackwell 82 Thomas Ives 86 John Bowman 86 Robert Liles 81 William Boyd 86 Thomas Landrum 86 Laird Burns 85 John McNutt 78 Benjamin Clark 77 Adam Miller 83 Benjamin Chapman 78 William Moore 82 John Cox 82 Nathaniel Osbourn 89 David C. Denny 85 Tandy Senter 81 Samuel Evans 84 John Wood 81 Edward Wyatt 81 LIST OF ROANE COUNTY REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS NOT ON PENSION LISTS Reference For Service Virginia State Library 9th Annual Report Name Peter Avery John Bailey John Blair Nathaniel Buckingham Hugh Beattey David Campbell Joseph Overton James Campbell Robert Overton South Carolina Second Virginia State Regiment 29 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY James Campbell Thomas Coulter North Carolina Records Vol. 22. Page 722 Milton Center Thomas Crumbliss James Clark William Davidson Hugh Dunlap William Evans Hugh Francis Joseph Francis Jacob Gardenhire Joseph Green David Haley Alexander Gamble John Hackett Robert Houston John Hinds Sanford Ingram Samuel Kendrick Major Robert King Thomas Loyd William Lewis James McElwee Virginia 2nd Virginia State Reg. War Dept. 351 North Carolina Regiment D. A. R. Lineage Book Virginia State Records Virginia State Records Wayne County North Carolina 5th Virginia Regiment War Dept. 112 Virginia Regiment North Carolina State Records North Carolina Regiment Virginia State Records Virginia Letter from George Christian Capt. Abraham McClellan Thomas McMullen Henry Miller David McClellan. Samuel McClellan Gideon Morgan Nicholas Nail Alexander Outlaw Richard Price Mathew Pryor William Repeto John Rhea William Randolph John Sharp John Staples Jacob Smith Nathan Sullins Nathaniel Taylor William White Jesse Blackwell to Samuel Draper Pennsylvania Virginia Mecklinburg Co., North Carolina Virginia Regiment North Carolina Enlisted at New Mulford Conn. North Carolina State Records 2nd Virginia Reg. War Dept. 33 10th Virginia Reg. War Dept. 284 7th Virginia Reg. War Dept. 148 Virginia Reg. Virginia State Library Report Capt. Jacob Sarer's Co. Virginia Virginia 30 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS BURIED IN ROANE COUNTY-LIST NOT COMPLETE Crocamus Acree, Buried in Bowers Grave Yard. John Bowman, Buried in Stockton Valley Grave Yard. Hugh Beatty, Buried in Cave Creek Grave Yard. Thomas Crumbliss, Buried in Crumbliss Grave Yard. Solomon Geren, Buried in Geren Grave Yard. John Hood Buried in Wolf Creek Grave Yard. David Haley, Buried on Haley Farm. Amos Marney, Buried near Riley's Creek. Capt. Abraham McClellan. Buried in Post Oak Grave Yard John McCoy, Buried in Post Oak Grave Yard. James McElwee, Buried in Haley Grave Yard. Hezekiah Love, Buried 8 miles above Kingston near Clinch River Nicholas Nail, Buried in White's Creek Grave Yard. Uriah Rector, Buried in Post Oak Grave Yard. Cumberland Rector, Buried in Kendrick Grave Yard. Tandy Senter, Buried in Harriman. Jacob Smith, Buried in Post Oak Grave Yard. Capt. Samuel Walker, Buried in Post Oak Grave Yard. Samuel Kendrick, Buried in Kendrick Grave Yard. Milton Senter, Buried in Center Grave Yard. David McClelland, Buried in Post Oak Grave Yard. Samuel McClelland. Buried in Post Oak Grave Yard. Gideon Morgan, Buried in Kingston Grave Yard. UNITED STATES SOLDIERS STATIONED AT SOUTH WEST POINT Lieut Carrick 4th Reg. U. S. Cavalry, age 19 died and Capt. Samuel Walker Dr. Thomas J. Van Dyke Capt. Abraham McClellan Col. John McClellan buried at Post Oak Springs. Daniel Hitchcock William Flennigan Stephen Renfro Abraham Byrd Paul Cunningham 31 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY SOLDIERS OF 1812 AND CREEK WAR Gen. Sam Houston Capt. Uriah Allison Capt. Allen Bacon William L. Brown Darius Browder William Browder William Breeden John Blair Col. Joseph Byrd Joseph Bryant Thomas Crumbliss John Clark Richard Dunlap David Haley John Cloud Haley Joel Hembree Sylvanus Hinds James Lackey John Loyd William Lenoir Daniel Mason Thomas Jefferson Mason Thomas Margraves Robert Miller Gideon Morgan, Jr. John McClellan Samuel Owings. William McCall Killed at New Orleans. Capt. James Rogers Anthony Smith Jacob Shelley Daniel Wester Tandy Senter REGIMENT, FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS OF THE WAR OF 1812 ON RECORD IN ADJ. GENERAL'S OFFICE WASHINGTON D. C., AND TENNESSEE STATE ARCHIVES 2nd Regiment Mounted Gunmen East Tennessee Volun- teer Militia Jan., -May, 1814. Captains: Colonel John Brown John Chiles, John Lewen, James McCamy, Jesse G. Mains, John Trimble. William White. REGIMENT EAST TENNESSEE VOLUNTEER Captains: MILITIA, SEPT. 1813 JAN. 1814 Colonel John Brown Allen S. Bacon, Hugh Barton, William D. Neilson, Lunesford Oliver. James Preston, James Standefer, William White, William Christan. 32 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY WAR OF 1812 It was an eventful day, when the young Lieut. Uriah Allison, marched through the town of Kingston, with his fifers and drummer boy. He had been appointed 2nd Lieut. of the 8th U. S. Inf. March 15, 1812, had reported at Knox- ville, by an order signed by Capt. John A. Rogers and had been instructed by Edmund P. Gaines, Lt. Col., U. S. Infty., to make all necessary provisions for recruits. -Penn. The men and boys gathered about the fifers and drummer in front of the Court House, while the women and children watched in the background with excitment. Bright new U. S. dollars lay upon the head of the drum, every man who stepped up and took a dollar became a volunteer in the War of 1812. The first to take a dollar from the drum was: Stephen Smith age 24, 5 ft. 11 in. born in Dupland Co. N. C. Nathan Fike age 19, 5 ft. 1 in. born in Chatham Co. N. C. Joel McNutt age 22, 5 ft. 9 in. born in Maulbury Co. S. C. Abner Senter age 25, 5 ft. 4 in. born in Surry Co. N, C. Thomas Hibberts age 23, 6 ft. 2 in. born in Patrick Co. Va. Solomon Moore, Sgt. age 21, 6 ft. 2 in. b. in Frederick Co. Va. William Curry age 25, 5 ft. 7½ in born in Henry D. Cooper age 30, 5 ft 8½ in. born in Hanover Co. Va. Aquilla Church well age 19, 5 ft. 8 in. born in Loudon Co. Md. Thomas White age 32, 5 ft. 8½ Thomas Margraves age 22, 5 ft. John Webber age 18, 5 ft. 6 in. Hurd Price age 40, 5 ft. 9½ in. born in Fairfield Co. Conn. Joseph Jenson age 23, 5 ft 8½ in. born in Chester Co. Eng. John Ray age 42, 5 ft. 10½ in born in Halifax Co. N. C. Hugh Lackey age 32, 5 ft 9 in born in Orange Elisha Pruet age 20, 5 ft. 11 in. born in Elijah Pruet age 15, 5 ft. 5 in. born in- John Dunkin age 27, 5 ft. 8 in. born in Alfred Reynolds age 29, 5 ft. 8. ¡in. b. in Montgomery Co. Va. John Clanter age 21, 5 ft 4/2 in. born in Randolph Co. Va. Mathew Graham age 24, 5 ft. 5 in. b. in Hawkins Co. Tenn. John Holt age 18, 5 ft. 6 in. born in Andrew McDonough James McDonough in. b. Cumberland Co. N. C. 5½ in. b. in Rockbridge Va. born in Goochland Co. Va. Co. N. C. Co. N. C. Co. N. C. Va. N. C. John Hall age 19, 5 ft. 8½ in born in Randolph Co. N. C. Abraham Wadkins, 22, 5 ft 7½ in. b. in Rockbridge Co. N. C. Whitmill Brogdon age 19, 5 ft. 10 in. b. in Pendleton Co. S. C. Jeremiah Jones age 21, 5 ft. 5 in. born in Lee Co. S. C. 33 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Daniel Wester age 26, 5 ft. 8 1-3 in. Edgecomb Co. N. C. William Graham age 19, 5 ft. 5 in born in Pendleton Co. Va. Henry Liggett William Queen age 19, 5 ft. 10 in. born in Burk Co. N. C. John Henderson age 19, 5 ft. 9 in. born in Burk Co. N. C. Henry Miller age 17, 5 ft. 9 in. born in Augusta Co. Va. Joseph Bledsoe age 35, 6 ft. 1 in. born in Orange Co. N. C. Aaron Bledsoe age 15, 5 ft 11 in born in Orange Co. N. C. Jeremiah Buchanan age 45, 5 ft. 5 in. born in Benkerse, Va. and his sons: Horeulas Buchanan age 16, 5 ft 11 in. born in Mont. Co. Va. Moses Buchanan age 14, 5 fe. 2 in. born in Mont. Co. Va. Jeremiah Buchanan age 12, 4 ft. 9 in born in Mont. Co. Va. They were each paid $16. per month. They enlisted on July 24, 1812. The fifers were paid $15. per month and were; William- son Ladd and Archibald McCaleb. The drummer boy was paid $10. per month and his name was Almerine Halley. Lieut. Allison for doing his work faithfully, was com- missioned Captain of the 2nd Reg. of Riflemen. Signed by James Madison President, James Monroe, Sec., of State, later commissioned a Col. and for distinguished services given. several thousand acres of land on the Tennessee River. MEXICAN WAR SOLDIERS Capt. Robert King Byrd Col. Jonathan Barnard Samuel Dogs James Freeman Col. Joel Hembree Dr. Lewis Jordon Joseph Brown Martin Albert S. Lenoir Joseph Parks Daniel Wester John Wester Lewis Marshall Wester Major Thomas C. Lyon WAR BETWEEN THE STATES The men of Roane County were always ready to volun- teer to defend any cause that they felt was just, so when war was declared in 1861 many of Roane County's sons volunteered either for service in the Federal or Confederate Army. Many families were split, brothers and cousins fighting against each other. When the election was held on May 6, 1861 for the people of the state to decide upon the question of secession, and the question of representation in the Confederate Congress and the adoption of the provisional Constitution of the Confed- 34 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY erate Government the result in Roane County was as follows: Separation 454, Representation 436, No Separation 1568, No Representation 1580. The first Union Regiment of Tennessee was organized by Robert King Byrd, of Roane County, at Camp Dick Robinson, August 1861. He was made a Colonel with James T. Shelley, of Roane Co., as Major. In March 1862 Major Shelley organized the 5th U. S. Reg., Tenn., Inf., and was its Colonel. This Regiment was composed of soldiers from several Tennessee Counties and was in the battles of Stone River, Missionary Ridge, Nashville and other places. The 1st. U. S. Regt., with Col. R. K. Byrd in command was under fire at Wild Cat, at Mill Spring, in the capture of Cumberland Gap, where it remained until the evacuation of the Post by General Morgan, who retreated to Ohio. Went on the expedition to Kanawah Valley, was at the Battle of Stone River. Entered East Tennessee under Gen. Burnside's Com- mand and was at the seige of Knoxville. During the winter of 1864 was stationed at Kingston, and in the spring of 1865 entered the Atlanta Campaign, until just previous to the sur- render of the City the greater portion of the regiment was dis- charged on account of the expiration of their term of service. While at Cumberland Gap a detachment of this and the 2nd. Reg. consisting of 69 men captured an important out post of the Confederates without a single loss. For this exploit a complimentary notice was read on dress parade by order of General Morgan. After The 43rd Tenn. Regiment (Confederate) was organized in November 1861 with J. W. Gillespie as Colonel. service in East Tennessee, the Regiment was reorganized May 1862 and sent to Humphrey Marshall's Brigade in Virginia, but soon after joined Bragg's Kentucky Brigade. In December was transferred to Vicksburg to hard service. In May 1863 moved to Fort Gibson to oppose Grant's advance and fought at Champion Hill, then retreated to Vicksburg and surrendered early in July. The Regiment was exchanged and ordered to reenforce Longstreet at Knoxville. Seven months was spent in East Tennessee on out post duty. The 43rd. fought around Washington, Winchester, Cedar Creek, Fisherville, White Post and other places in Virginia, returning to East Tennessee in the fall of 1864, fighting at Morristown and Russellville. Learn- ing of General Lee's surrender it moved south to join John- son, but at Charlotte, N. C., met President Davis and served 35 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY as his escort until his capture. Was paroled May 1865. The 36th Tenn. Reg. (Confederate) was organized July 30, 1862 with R. G. Fain as Colonel and was composed of men from Roane and other Tenn. Counties. The Regi- ment operated in East Tennessee under Lieutenant Colonel W. H. Wilkerson, and was in the battles at Chickamauga, Fort Sanders, Bean's Station, Dewy Bluff, Wathall's Junction and Petersburg in Virginia. Part were captured Apr. 5, 1865 and the remainder surrendered at Appomattox. The 26th Tenn. Reg. (Confederate) was composed of men from Roane and other adjacent counties. It was organiz- ed Sept. 6, 1861 at Knoxville with John M. Lillard as Colonel. It was captured at Ft. Donaldson and taken to Northern prisons, exchanged and was at Vicksburg Sept. 1862 Col. Lillard was mortally wounded at Chickamauga and was succeeded by R. M. Saffell. It fought at the Battle of Mission- ary Ridge, spent winter of 1863-64 in North Georgia. Was in the battles of Atlanta, Jonesboro, Lovejoy, Nashville and Franklin. Col. Shaffell was killed at Bentonville, N. C., and was succeeded by Col. A. F. Boggess who also fell in a fight after Gen. Lee's surrender and before the troops at that point heard of it. The Regiment surrendered in April 1865. WORLD WAR RECORD Five months before the United States entered the World War, some of the women of Harriman organized a Red Cross Chapter and began sending supplies to the allies. At the first call for Volunteers the young men of Roane County, respond- ed and organized the first Volunteer Company in the United States to offer its services to the War Department. The women of Rockwood organized a Red Cross Chapter at the same time. The records show that throughout the months that our Coun- try was in the War that Roane County did not lag and equalled any in every phase of patriotic work. The first Volunteer Company from Roane County was organized in June 1917. Left Rockwood for Camp Sevier, South Carolina, on September 10, 1917. Trained at Camp Sevier for eight months. Sailed from New York for France in May 1918. In France 11 months. Took part in five engage- ments. Three members of this Company, Curtis E. Smith, Fred C. Gouth and Joe Evans were killed in action. This Company was in the 119th Infantry, 30th Division. 36 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY FIRST VOLUNTEER COMPANY FROM ROCKWOOD TENNESSEE. WORLD WAR OFFICERS Captain Timothy A. Wright 1st Lt. Robert H. Thompson 2nd Lt. Clarence G. Myers Charles B. McCullough Garrett H. Billings Arthur L. Williams Roscoe C. Hinds Lester F. Powell John F. McCullough Rush W. Tedder Harry H. Ficke Elbert C. Etter Bert Hicks Oscar M. Patterson Carl H. Kelton Fletcher F. Scott William R. Kindrick Henry C. Tankersley Taylor Hinds Houston E. Powell James Maricle James A. Kizziah Ford W. Arp Rufus M. Rodgers Samuel J. Pelfrey Daniel C. Wolf James P. Coleman · Isaac C. Clark John E. Poland Charles E. Foster Guy S. Meadows Ira Majors Elmer Gallion Jess Daniel Tobias Daniel Fred A. Taylor Charles E. Fickey Floyd Elliott James P. Smith Dorsey W. Hinds Charles D. Nance Clifford J. Morgan Elmer Jones Joe Farr Samuel E. Kyle Raymond Sherrill James A. Bryant Clifford H. Easter Dallas A. Pope Peter T. McGill Paul McDaniel Andrew Patterson Evans Neal Arch Howard John J. Ingram Thomas R. Kirkland Dewey Ausburn Ed Baldwin Luther Evans George F. Lyons William H. Joseph James Clowers Creed Parham Edgar Morgan Ruben C. Doughey Curtis E. Smith Raymond F. Joseph Arthur Brown Edison Shamhart Fred C. Gouth Christopher C. Taylor 37 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Oscar Hampton Sherman Doughty George Phifer William Cody Robert R. Miles Roy C. Henry Doris C. Kelly John E. Smith Christopher C. Holloway Wince Owens William Bowling Hobart DeLaney Ed McCullough Neal Collins James Hinds Claude Cook George F. Clowers Floyd Elliott Patrick Vance Andrew Lawson Thomas R. Jett Clyde Billings Ralph Short James Edgeman John D. Ward Edward Skeens John Farmer Ernest Pelfrey Ervin B. Turner Frnest R. Brady Ernest Underwood Joe Evans SOLDIERS WHO MADE THE SUPREME Jesse Brannan Jack Rayborn James Wright Charlie Gallion John Henry Burchfield Edward H. Hickey George F. Clowers Fred C. Gouth SACRIFICE Clifford Newport Clifford Stegall Joseph F. Evans Oscar Hampton Tillman Butler Clarence F. Butler Arthur Douglas Curtis Smith Thomas West George West SERVICE CROSS Benjamine W. Diggs Walter B. Stripling Clarence S. Wright SOLDIERS WHO RECEIVED DISTINGUISHED Oliver Springs: Oliver Springs: Kingston. 38 PART THREE POST OAK SPRINGS Though now a settlement of only four or five houses and one church it was at one time a very important village. It was on the public highway that was constructed in 1800 between South West Point (Kingston) and "Beans Lick" (near Nash- ville,) crossing Walden's Ridge over the present tunnel of the Tennessee Central Railroad. It was called Walton's road for Capt. William Walton who constructed it by the authority of an act passed by the Legislature in 1799. Another road leav- ing the Walton road at Post Oak Springs went in the direction of Ross' Landing. Captain McElwee, in writing of Post Oak and its people, has given some very interesting things of the locality. George Gordon got a charter from the State to con- struct a road from Post Oak Springs to White's Creek, crossing the mountain by way of Sparta and on to Nashville. The two roads were rivals for public travelers. Agents were engaged all along the road from Knoxville to Kingston to advertise each of these two routes. Each agent would furnish the traveler with a ticket; this ticket would be taken up by the first toll gate keeper and the agent paid a percent on the ticket. But the test of rivalry was at Post Oak Springs. Immense sign boards were erected for each road. The board on the Gordon road read: "Gordon's Turnpike, Nearest and best road across Cumberland Wilderness. Fire and provender at each stop. Ordinaries and taverns every ten miles.' Joshua Moore was agent and drummer for the stage road. One night he tied a brush to a long pole and blackened out the sign board of the Gordon road. Gordon did not have it re- lettered but put up another board below with this: "The above blackboard to be kept for erection over the grave of Joshua Moore upon which the devil will write his doom, Amen." This board attracted much attention and turned a large amount of travel to Gordon's road. 41 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Gordon died and Moore moved away but the old sign post still stood during the 60's as a silent reminder of "things that." Some of the early citizens of Post Oak Springs were: Thomas Hindman, Joseph Rentfroe, Thomas Brown, Eld- bridge G. Sevier, John S.. McMeans, Major John Smith, Mathew Allison, Edward Owings, Samuel Kendrick, Capt. Thomas McMullen, Capt. Samuel Walker. The Post Oak Springs Christian Church was organized in 1812 by Major John Smith and the earliest members were the Smith, Owings (Owens) and Acuff families. The Post Springs Academy stood across the road from the Christian Church near the home of Mathew Allison (now Staple's home). One end of the building was used for the boys and the other for the girls. Some of the teachers were Dr. Campbell Cawood, Martin Matlock, Dr. B. F. Davis, Rev. Nelson Roberts, R. P. Bayley, Col. John R. Neal, W. W. Mil- lican, Miss Nannie Depew, of Amsterdam, N. Y., Maston Green, of North Carolina. The War Between the States terminated school teaching in the Academy. It and the woodland to the south of it was occupied by Soldiers during war times. The building was used by the Federal Army as a Courier post, where the bearers of war dispaches changed. A fight occured here between the Federal and Confederate in a successful attempt of the Confederates to capture dispatches. Four couriers were killed and others cap- tured. Within a year after this fight the Academy was burned and Post Oak Springs ceased to be the educational center of a large territory. On the South of the same tract of land on which the Academy was located, stood the Methodist Church, and West of it the graveyard where lie the remains of several Revolution- ary soldiers. The building and graveyard were badly abused during the War Between the States and afterwards was used as a school building. Among those who were members of the church were the families of: Thos. A. Brown John Tedder John Pyott Isaac Eblen William McElwee Mathew Allison Jno. N. Moore W. F. (Frank) Brown Charles Haley William Haley W. L. Brown Maj. L. L. Thomasson Esq. Kimbrough Jacob A. Work Dr. B. F. Davis Wm. C. Eblen 42 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Col. Hembree's daughter Jno. W. Brown (Jack Brown) Occasional attendants were the families of: White Lincoln Alex Montgomery Robt. Cravens Sewell Phillips John A. Winton Elbert C. Montgomery Sherman C. Doughty Oscar Hampton Shorts, and many others. William McElwee, Franklin Brown, Maj. L. L. Thomas- son, John Pyott, John Teddler, W. C. Eblen and others were official members, being Trustees and Stewards. The sacramental unleavened bread was for a long time pre- pared by Mrs. Lucinda McElwee and the pure grape wine furnished or kept in custody of Steward William McElwee for many years. METHODIST PREACHERS The preachers serving in Post Oak Springs Church are recalled as: Rufus Stephens David Flemming James L. Cash J. W. Dickey P. N. Price T. K. Munsey William Bowers Brandon and Patty (a distinguished preacher) Sewell Phillips William Tower Rev. Lowery -Belt Carroll Long K. C. Atkins Jno. Y. Smith Rev Lowery had a sleek bald head and during his preach- ing a sermon young John Davis, son of Dr. Davis, inquired in a loud voice, "Did the sheep eat the hair off that man's head" The inquiry produced some sensation. Jerry Lamb and Andrew McCulley led the Singing Schools that were in operation in 1850. 43 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY ASBURY CAMP GROUNDS Located at Privett Springs, three miles south of Post Oak Springs and two and one-half miles east of the present Rock- wood, this old time, ante-bellum popular religious camp meeting ground of the Methodists was named for a pioneer Bishop of the Church, Bishop Asbury. This camp consisted of an assembly place under roof with seats without backs, and the floor covered with straw, that was renewed daily. There was a pulpit stand and a preachers' room on one side, and boxes in which were installed tallow dip candles for night services. Meetings and preachings and ex- horations continued throughout the day and into the night. Great sermons were delivered. The great preachers of the denomination from through- out the Holston Conference and beyond its limits, as all local preachers were in attendance and very active and enthusiastic, as were all the leading singers of the whole scction and for great distances beyond. The assembly shed was surrounded by the Camps of all the leading families of the churches of the whole district. Many brought their colored slave cooks and wai.ers and an immense supply of good things to eat of every character, which the region supplied in profusion. These negro slave servants at- tended the services, occupying the assigned section of the as- sembly shed. Many of them were members in good standing of the Methodist Church, as was usual during s.avery times. Some of the leading families camping here were the Browns, Pyotts, Tedders McElwees, Elbens, Wintons, Mont- gomerys, Whites, Haleys, Lincolns, Kimbroughs, Tommasons, Martins, Centers and many others. Asbury Camp Ground and its great meetings came to an end when the black cloud of war burst upon the country. The great meeting became a memory only, and the buildings and appurtenances went to decay. 44 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY HISTORY OF UNION LODGE NO. 38 F AND A. M. Kingston, Tenn. By James F. Littleton The proceedings of the Grand Lodge, of Tennessee, or rather the Appendix thereto has the following entry on page 404 in the compilation of Past Grand Master, Wilkins Tanne- hill in 1824. "Oct. A. L. 5821 at a grand annual communication, the M. W. Wilkins Tannehill, Esq. was re-elected, and charters. issued to the following Lodges, Viz. Kingston Union, at Kings- ton: Nashville, at Nashville: Mount Moriah. at Dover and Washington Luminary, at Washington, in the State of Tenn- essee; to Franklin Lodge at Russellville, and Tuscumbia, at Courtland, in the State of Alabama. As I have before me a copy of the charter of the Lodge issued by the grand Lodge I am taking the liberty of copying it herein.' CHARTER Sit. Lux. Et. Lux Fruit. The M. W. Wilkins Tannehill, Esq. Grand Master. To all and every our right worshipful and loving brethern. We, the M. W. W. Tanehill, Esq. Grand Master of the most Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Masons in the State of Tennessee send greetings. Know ye, that we, at the petition of our Right Worship- ful and Well Beloved Brethern, John Brown, Gideon Morgan, Sr., Samuel Brown and several other Brethern, residing at or near Kingston in the State of Tennessee, do hereby constitute the said Brethern into a regular Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, to be opened at Kingston, by the name of Union. Lodge No. 38. And do further, at the said Petition, and of the Great Trust, and Confidence reposed in the above named three Bretheren, hereby appoint John Brown, Master, Gideon Morgan, Senior Warden and Samuel Brown, Junior Warden, for the opening of said Lodge, and for such further time only, as may be thought proper by the Brethern thereof. It being our will, that this our appointment, shall in no wise affect any further election of officers of that Lodge, but that the same shall be ac- cording to the regulations of that Lodge, and consistant with the general laws of the Society, contained in the Book of Con- stitutions. And we do hereby charge you, the said Worshipful John Brown, to take special care, that all and every, the said Breth- THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY ern, are and have been, regularly made Masons, and that they do perform, observe and keep all the Rules and Orders contain- ed in the Book of Constitutions, and also such as may, from time to time be transmitted to you, by us. And further, that you do from time to time, cause to be entered in a Book, to be kept for that purpose, an account of your proceedings in the Lodge, together with such regulations, as shall be made for the good government thereof. A copy of which you are in no wise to omit laying before the Grand Lodge, once in every year, together with a list of the members of the Lodge: That you annually pay into the Grand Treasury, the sum of $10.00 to- ward the Grand Charity, as well as all further sum or sums, that may be required by our By Laws and Constitution. And moreover we hereby will and require of you the said Worship- ful John Brown, as soon as conveniently may be, to send an ac- count in writing of what shall be done by virtue of these presents. Given at Nashvillt, Under our hand and Seal of Masonry, this 6th day of October, A. L. 5821. A. D. 1821. Attested. W. Tannehill Grand Master John Rhea Deputy Grand Master J. W. Wilson, Sr. Grand Warden Stephen Cantrell, Jr. Grand Warden. M. Norvel Grand Sec'y GRAND LODGE SEAL The John Brown, who was the first Master of the Lodge was Sheriff of Roane County for 23 years and Gideon Morgan, the Senior Warden was one of the first merchants in the town of Kingston. In a short history of the Lodge it would be im- possible to mention the names of all the notable men who have been members of the Lodge and held positions of honor in it and have gone into the world and made their mark in other fields. The time of stated meetings of the Lodge when it was or- ganized was on Friday preceeding the full Moon. In 1839 it was changed to the first Monday, and is so fixed at this time. The early meetings were held in the old brick Court house, until Oct. 1854, when they occupied what was known as the Long room in the present Court house, though the building was not accepted by the County until 1856. This room was the one formerly used as the Circuit Court Clerks office on the second THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY floor, on the North side of the present Court room, the parti- tion not being removed to form the present Court room until 1896. In 1871 Bro. R. K. Byrd, and wife Mary L. Byrd gave the Lodge 3-4 of an acre, part of lots 1-2-15 and 16 as shown by the map of Kingston on the hill near where the M. E. Church now stands. A building was erected at a cost of $1,700.00 which the Lodge occupied until 1910 when it was destroyed by fire. Following the fire, the Lodge met for several months in the K. of P. hall, then removed to the third floor of the Court house, until 1908, when our present quarters were secured. The Lodge had a membership of 30 in the year 1823 and up to 1839 had raised 43 members, yet in that year, its mem- bership numbered 26. The largest membership in its first period of 18 years, was 39 in 1833, and the lowest was 18 members in 1835. From 1838 to 1847 its meetings were irregular, but from Sept. 7th. 1847 it continued to meet regularly until the War Between the States. Then from March 1861 until June 1866 no meetings were regularly held, and during this time part of its books and records were lost. The earliest record of Minutes we now have is dated July 2nd., 1853, on that date following officers were officiating in the Lodge: W. M. Henry Liggett S. W. Henry Liggett, Jr. J. W. E. A. Yost Treas. James T. Asbury Sec'y John C. Gillespie S. D. Geo. W. Yost J. D. Thos. C. Center Tyler R. L. Cardwell Then came for the periods set out the following who have been Master of the Lodge: 1867 J. W. McNutt 1871 James Sevier 1880 E. E. Young 1890 Geo. W. Henderson 1900 J. G. Crumbliss 1910 J. S. Parker 1921 W. T. Ferguson THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 1920 was the most active year, and there were conferred 80 degrees and had 7 admissions, with a gain in membership of 30. Since 1853 the roster shows 453 members, of whom 75 died while members of this Lodge. This has been the parent Lodge, of Stocton Valley Lodge, Rockwood Lodge, East Fork Lodge, Omega Lodge, South Gate Lodge, and Emerald Lodge, a part of the members of this Lodge becoming Charter members of each of them. Union Lodge assisted in the erection of the Widows and Orphans home at Nashville, and contributed its part toward the building of the Washington Monument. One of its members was honored in the Grand Lodge in the person of Henry Liggett, who served them as Jr. Grand Warden, as Sr. Grand Warden, and as deputy Grand Master. In the years gone by a large number of strong men of the county have been the outstanding citizens of the county and at the same time devoted members of his Lodge and I cannot re- frain from mentioning a few of the ones that have been in the writer's day; James Sevier, H. Crumbliss, Geo. L. Burke, who is still living, Col. J. M. Melton, Capt. W. H. Dietz, Will Shelley, W. L. Welcker, E. E. Young, and R. W. Gambill. This Lodge has lived over a Century and its members have diffused Light. They have furnished the material that bas established 6 other Lodges. They have extended their hands in public and private charity, upheld the everlasting truth of the Fatherhood of God, and the Brotherhood of Man, and have done other good acts which will never be known. The writer is indebted to J. S. Parker, of Kingston, for a large part of the data upon which this short history of the Lodge is based. Bro. Parker has been a faithful member of Union Lodge for a long number of years from one station to another in Masonry he has advanced step by step until he has reached the highest degree in the institution and last year was called to the Ciy of Washingon where he had confered up- on him the 33rd degree. He is the only Mason in this county, or in all this section of East Tennessee who has thus been honored. THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY POST OAK SPRINGS CHRISTIAN CHURCH The Church at Post Oak Springs is thought to be the oldest Christian Church in Tennessee, and the interesting facts of its early history deserve to be perpetuated in the records of Roane County, for the benefit of the present gene:at on, and the future descendants of the pioneers of early days. Among the early settlers who came into the lands and bought of the Cherokee Indians on the West side of the Tenn- essee River after the treaty of the Tellico in 1805, there was a group from Hawkins County and among these Isaac Rice appears to have been the leader. Isaac Rice, William Matlock and Joseph Mee, with their families settled on "The waters of King's Creek.” Isaac Rice built a log cabin on a small hill above the spring that now supplies water to Rockwood. Wil- liam Matlock, a brother-in-law of Rice, and Joseph Mee, built cabins near by, and these three built a log cabin church house and organized a church membership about 1812. It appears that Rice had learned new ideas and teachings of the gospel back in his home in Hawkins County or other sources, his instructors most likely being representatives of the movement that had organized from the preaching of Barton W. Stone. The enthusiasm and energy of Mr. Rice in preaching his views brought a good number of converts, but it also aroused the opposition of others. In a few years the Church house was burned and the preacher Isaac Rice moved to McMinn County, to a place now called Riceville, and this left the membership to drift for some time. Major John Smith bought land near Post Oak Springs, and though he was not a preacher he became the leader of the work and would call the members together under some large oak trees, and have singing and prayer. The church was called "Schismatics," by other religious bodies in the country, thus indicating the attitude toward the people with the new ideas. The first Church building at Post Oak stood near the present structure. It is not known just when the Church at Post Oak became acquainted with the teachings of the Campbells who were later than Stone, but as early as 1838 it is stated in the Mil- lenial Harbinger that W. T. Owings had sent the money for the preaching of the gospel. The little flock was visited by Evangelists and traveling ministers at irregular and long dis- tance occasions. 45 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY In 1845 David M. Buck and Samuel H. Millard who were engaged as Evangelists by the East Tennessee and South West Virginia Co-operation traveled on horseback as far west as Post Oak Springs, preaching in Knox and Anderson coun- ties, also others who preached for them in early days were Messers. Troutt, Eichbaum. Vermillion, Randolph, J. D. Bil- lingsly Sr., Isaac Mulkey, J. H. Denton and others. During the War Between the States the services of this church like many others were suspended and its members fought on both sides of the unpleasant fratricidal war. After the war was over it was with some difficulty that the members could be reorganized into a Christian fellowship. But under the minis- try of John H. Acuff who had sons on both sides in the war, a communion service was held to which all persons, of what- ever denomination, creed or belief, if they felt thems⚫lves worthy were invited to take the emblems of remembrance of the Savior who had suffered for all alike. Hatred and strife and the wounds of the War were healed and the Church began again to live and preach Christian Unity. An event in the history of that early day that has its lessons for later time is that of the church unde-taking to re- produce the communism of the Apostolic Church. This was undertaken by W. J. Owings who had earnest convictions that the experience of the early Church described in Ac's 2:44, should be literally reproduced in the life of the Church of to- day, and that all should live as one family or community, sharing all alike in the common good of the community. After two or three years trial the experiment was abandoned as a mistaken conception of Christian fellowship and co-operation. The Post Oak Church is called the Mother Church, and the growth from that small beginning has been remarkable. A little acorn planted by Isaac Rice has grown into a great oak with many branches. BETHEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Seventeen years after Roane County was organized the first Church was started. History does not tell how or where worship was conducted, but it is probable that the Presbyterian families held services at their homes, until Rittenhouse Academy was built. On June 6, 1818, six men and twenty women organized Bethel Church. The original records are still in existence. The Rev. Isaac Anderson was present and ordained. John Purris, Ruling Elder. John Walker, Samuel Walker, Abraham L 46 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY McClellan were ordained as Elders. The following were char- ter members: John Purris, John Walker, Samuel Walker, Abraham McClellan, Roger Barton, George Manifold, Mary Manifold, Mrs. Margaret Walker, Jane Walker, Susan Walker, Sarah Purris, Jane Looney, Jane McCamey, Worthey Bailey, Mrs. Margaret Barton, Ruth Pride, Margaret McCamey, Éliza Mc- Clellan, Eliza McCuen, Betsy Walker, Jane Brown, Mary Small, Ann Tucker, Jane Tucker, Fannie Tucker, Mrs. Steph- enson, David Patton, John McEwan, Thos. N. Clark, Walter King, Wm. C. McCamey, Trustees. At the time of the organization of the Church the record gives the names of the following baptised persons not in full communion: Audly P. Walker, James C. Walker, Samuel R. Walker, Margaret L. Walker. Elizabeth M. Walker, James B. Walker, Catherine O. Walker, Barbary M. Walker, John Blackburn Walker, Nancy R. Aberthnot Walker, John McClellan, Ruth A. McClellan, Catherine B. McClellan, Sarah H. Manifold, Mary B. Manifold, Zachariah J. Walker, John M. Walker, Theopheles Walker, Elizabeth Walker, Mary Walker, Michael Looney, William R. McClellan, Mary Ann McClellan. On the day of organization Mrs. Ann Tucker brought for baptism her children, Rebecca, Esther, Samuel, James Sloan, Otis, Mary Ellender. Mr. and Mrs. Olliver Wallace brought their daughter, Ruth. George and Mary Manifold brought their son, William Fleming Calverey. Mrs. Eliza McClellan brought her daughter Martha Eliza on November 5. May 22, 1819 was a big day in the Church when Ben- jamine Moore, Nancy Gamble, Nancy Galloway, Mrs. Ann Byrd, Betsy Margraves, Patsy Small, Rebecca Tucker, Easter Tucker, Betsy Patton, Betsy Hanapan, Mrs. Margaret Eagle- ton, Margaret Gilliland, Mrs. Polly Gamble, Addison Carrick, Mrs. Rebecca Carrick, Mrs. Margaret Eagleton and Margaret Walker were received as members. On November 7, were added the names of Nancy Bruce, Catherine Walker, Barbara Walker, Maria King and Morgan's Frankie, a woman of colour. 47 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY THE RECORDS SHOW MEMBERS RECEIVED June 4, 1820, Mrs. Susan Moore, Mrs. Patsy Arnold, Mrs. Patsy Pride. Mrs. McMeans, Mrs. Catherine Leftwich, Rebecca Woody, Eliza McCall. October 22, Major John Leftwich, Alexander Galbraith, Sr., Betsy Galbreath. June 16, 1821, Oliver Wallace, Mrs. Thankful Wallace, Samuel Pride, Mrs. Eliza McCampbell, Mrs. Sallie Hamilton. June 9, 1822, Mrs. Nancy McCampbell, Miss Pol.ie Wal- lace, Mrs. Buchanan. October 27, Nathaniel Hewett, Mrs. Nathaniel Hewett, Betsy Jones. 1822, Ann Eve Moore, Thomas N. Clark, Susan Clark, Lucy Ann Kowsey, Sally Wallace, Polly McElwe›, Eliza Bailey, Mrs. Polly Waters, Elijah McKee Eagleton, Margaret Kenner, Mrs. Ann Leftwich, Mrs. Sophia Eskridge, Mrs. Mar- garet Jones, Samuel Moore. Abagail Johnson, Mrs. Sarah Fchard, Mrs. Betsy Morgan, Mrs. Byrd, Mrs. Moore, Catherine Wroe, Mrs. Sarah Wroe, Mrs. Nancy King, Nancy, a woman of colour, Mrs. Susan Dearmond, Ann Eve Bogart. 1824, Dr. Lewis Jordon, Thomas McConnell, Mrs. Catherine McConnell, Betsy Brazeale. 1825, Amanda Souke, Sarah Akard, Martin King. 1826, John Moore, Mary Looney, Betsy McDonnel. (a) slave of Mrs. Eliza McEwen) George, (a slave of George Morgan), Amanda Smith, Alice Stephenson, from the Church at Leesbrough, Peggy McAdams, Alexander Galbraith, Eliza Galbraith, John Wallace, Mrs. Berry. 1827, Amanda Ashley, Jacob K. Spooner, Mrs. Spooner, Lewis Renfro, Mary Millican, Teresa Rebecca Patton, Mary Brazeal. Amey, belonging to Mr. Gideon Morgan. Sophia, belonging to Capt. Lyon. Sidney, belonging to Mr. Gideon Morgan. Cora Ann, belonging to Mr. Gideon Morgan. Betsy a free woman. Philip, belonging to Mrs. McElwee. Ham, belonging to Mr. Walker. John G. Liking and wife. 1828, William W. Berry, R. Caroline Berry, David Pat- ton, Mrs. David Patton, Mrs. Nancy Brown, Mrs. Matilda Jordon, Maria, belonging to Gideon Morgan. 1830, John P. Patton, Nancy M. Patton, H. S. Purris, Jane M. Patton, John C. McElwee, Margaret McEwen, Samuel 48 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY H. Smith, George Hawkins, (a man of colour). 1833, Sarah A. Pride, Harriett Jones, Jacob Moore, Esther A. Purris, 1835, Mrs. Lurana Rich, Pheobe Rich 1837, John Stephenson, James McCampbell, Jane Mc Campbell, William M. Steele, Mrs. Steele. 1839, Mrs. Mary B. Wiley, Eliza J. Wiley. 1840, Jesse Lincoln, Nancy Lincoln. 1841 Mrs. Jane Gallaher, Dr. William Rogers, Amanda Galbraith, Malinda Rogers, Thomas Moore, William E. Mc- Campbell, James G. Patton, Ann E. McCampbell, Emily C. Gallaher. Smith. 1842, Mrs. Mary McClerestian,, Rebecca Lung, Lydia B. 1843, John N. Moore. 1844, Abiah K. Gallaher, Mary Wiley, Susan J. Mc- Campbell, Barbary E. Myres. 1845 Amanda Love. 1856, Angeline M. Eastabrooke. 1858, William L. McEwen, David E. Patton, Robert K. Byrd, James F. Rouff, W. S. Patton, Mary H. Patton, Martha E. Geass, Thomas N. Clark, Mary A. E. Clark, Matilda H. McEwen, William J. Hornsby, Sarah P. Smith Angeline Mc- Connell, Mrs. E. F. Patterson, Mrs. Frederica Meucke. 1859, William H. Boyd, M. J. McEwen. 1861, Mrs. H. B. Smith, Margaret F. Martin, Margaret J. Gillespie, Mary E. Patton, Joseph A. Muecke, Hugh Martin.. 1866, Adelaide M. Meucke, Amanda Rhail, Jennie Colt, Charlie Brause, Gusavus Guenther. 1867, Mrs. Nancy Williams, Constantine Brouse, Eliza Brouse, Elizabeth White, Mrs. Mary Dietz. 1868, Joseph Martin, Mary Martin, J. D. Colt, Amelia Colt, Amanda Geren, Sarah M. McNutt, Mary Brouse. 1869, Mrs. Eblen, Mrs. Julia Zein, Mary Guenther. 1870, Thomas Sevier, Charles C. Hembree, Lillie Eblen, Mrs. Matilda C. Anderson, Mrs. Mary H. J. Roberts, Julia Reece Martin, Mary C. Sevier, Annie E. Sevier, Elizabeth C. Dietz, Matilda Eblen, Sally Roberts Martin, Mrs. Elizabeth Rains, Charlotte Gunther, Elizabeth C. Brouse, Emma Florence Reid, Annie Elizabeth McNutt, Christina M. Seinknecht, Patience Burnett, William H. Deitz, Ruthvin Morrow, Mathew 49 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY P. McEwen, Charles Sevier. Samuel C. Martin. Richard W. Neergartte, Edward Mueche, Mary Bowling, Nannie Winston, Patton, David William Patton, Robert Rend, Paschal Colt, Alonzo Colt, Charles Nelson Martin, William H. McNutt, James R. Martin, Mary Ann Scales, Mrs. Emily C. Martin, Mrs. Mary Overton Patton. Mrs. Addia Patton, Miss Alice McEwen, James Sevier, Charles McEwen, R. L. Cardwell, Wil- liam Jasper Hentley, Mrs. Louisa Hentley, Mrs. Elvira Mc- Culley. 1872, Mrs. Myrtilla Dunning. Mrs. Mary Petty, Miss Sallie Martin were received into the Church. EARLY CHRISTENINGS IN BETHEL CHURCH The children of Mrs. Tucker, Oliver Wallace, George Manifold and Eliza McClellan have been mentioned. 1819. Mrs. Mary Small's son, George Washington, and daughter, Mary. Mrs. Ann Tucker's son, Adonifale. At the same time Margaret, daughter of Rev. William Eagleton, who had been christened at New Providence Church, John M. Gam- ble, Betsy Green Gamble, William Purris Gamble, Adolphus A. Gamble and Jane McDowell Gamble, who were christened in Knox County, were admitted into the Church. 1820, Mrs. Eliza McEwen's children, William Stephen- son, Eliza Mary, Edminston, John Columbus. Robert Newton, Mathew, Margaret Ellis, Rev. William Eagleton's son, Samuel Ewing, Addison Carrick's, Rebecca McDowell and Sidney Gamble. Mrs. Betsy Purris Patton's children, Teresa Rebecca, John Purris, Nancy McClung, Jane McDowell. Oliver Wallace's son, Washington Wade. Mrs. Susan Moore's sons, William Adolphus and Samuel Pride. Mrs. Margaret Gilliland's daughter, Mary Bashears. Mrs. Nancy Bruce's daughter, Margaret Jane. Rev. William Eagleston's daughter, Elvira Hamilton. 1823, Mrs. Nancy McCampbell's children, Thomas Clark, John Andrew and Mary Louisa. Mrs. Susan Moore's son, Samuel Perry. Mrs. Polly Water's son, Christopher Columbus. Benjamine Moore's chil- dren, Anthony Wayne and Mary Ruth. Mrs. Ann Leftwich's son, William John. Mrs. Betsy Harrison's children, Achilles Leonidas, Erasmus Darwin, Eliza Jane, John Koontz and Wil- liam McEwen. Rev William Eagleton's son, Isaac Anderson. Mrs. Sarah Schard's daughter, Clarisa. Mrs. Sussan Dearmond's household, Esther, Peggy, Polly Elizabeth, John, Grizzy, Matilda Drusilla, Calhoun and Mahala. 50 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 1824, Mrs. Buchanan's children, Mary Ann, Eliza Claris, John Whiteside, William Anderson, Eliza Jane and Sterling. Addison Carrick's son Sam Davis. Thomas McConnell's daughter, Betsy. Mrs. Sarah Schard's son, John.. 1825, Mrs. Betsy Morgan Brazeales' daughter, Eliza Jane. Mrs. Buchanan's son, Lafayette. Mrs. Betsy Purris Patton's sons, William Steele and James Gamble. Mrs. William McCamey's son, William Cooper. 1826, Thomas McConnell's daughter, Peggy McAdams. Addison Carrick's son, Hugh Lawson White. John Wallis' son, William. John Moore's Thomas Jefferson and Eliza Ann. Mrs. James McCampbell's children, William Payne, Susan Ann, Mary Eliza and John. Mrs. McEwen's slave. Betty McDonnel's children: James Jackson, Charlotte, Betsy, Wil- liam McDonnell, Frederick. 1827, Mrs. Betsy Brazeales' son, Columbus. Jacob Spencer's daughter, Elizabeth Wallis. 1828, William W. Berry's children, Elizabeth Walker, Thrusia Ruth Meredith, Sarah Meredith." Thomas David Patton's son, John Newton. 1829, Dr. L. W. Jordon's daughter, Saraphina Almyra. John G. Licking's son.- - John Moore's daughter, Eliza. Mrs. Brazeales' son, Franklin. David Patton's son, Samuel Fisk. ard. 1839, Mr. and Mrs. William Steele's son William Rich- 1840, son of Rev. Thomas Brown, named William Leonidas. Mrs. Nancy McEwen's daughter, Joana Columbia. 1841, James Hamilton, son of Jesse Lincoln. 1842, Mary Jane and Absolum, children of Mrs. Lung, also Joseph Luallen, son of Mrs. Lung. Joseph McEwen and George Lewis, children of Mrs. Margaret Gillespie. Mary Roxanna, daughter of Rev. Thomas Brown. Virginia, daugh- ter of Dr. Rogers. 1858, Gustavas A. son of Mrs. Muecke. Susan E., William J., John L., Robert E., Mary A., Mathew P., and Charles, children of William L. McEwen. 1859, James C., Susan P.. Thomas N., William B., John H., Samuel S., children of Thomas N. Clark. Anna Cora, daughter of N. A. Patterson. William Henry, Mary Alice, Eliza M.. Ida Matilda, children of William L. and Martha Geese. 51 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY OFFICERS OF BETHEL CHURCH May 22, 1819, Addison Carrick was elected Ruling Elder and was ordained by Rev. Rob. Hardin. April 11, 1824, Thomas N. Clark was elected Ruling Elder, being ordained by Rev. William Eagleton. Oct. 2. 1824 Lewis W. Jordon was elected Ruling Elder, and was ordained by Rev. Isaac Ander- son. December 27, 1827, David Patton, Thomas McConnell and James Moore, were ordained Elders by Rev. Thomas Brown. The records show that Andrew Morrison was Moderator of Presbytery in 1820. John Purris was the first Clerk of the Session, serving from the organization of Bethel Church until his death Sept. 1829, and was succeeded by Dr. Lewis Jordon, who was followed by John Moore as Clerk in 1820. Dr. Jordon's name is signed as Clerk in 1835 and on thru 1839, when John P. Patton was elected to the office and his name appears as clerk until Feb. 15, 1861, when the minutes close until April 1870 when the name of A. Phillips appears. On October 16, 1870 James B. Martin and Constantine Brouse were ordained Elders by Rev. Thomas Brown and Rev. Thomas Roberts. Nov. 12, 1870 Rev. E. W. Wyatt was ordained as pastor and continued his services with the Church until April 1872. April 5, 1871 Mrs. Elizabeth Houston was given a letter of dismissal to the Church at Rockwood. During the year the Church was most disturbed over the intemperance of one of its members. He had been brought be- fore the session early in the year for drinking, he admitted his guilt but asked forgiveness and was forgiven. The second offence takes up most of the minutes of the year as his trial is written out in full. He was penitent but was excluded from the Church. The following sentence was published by the pastor from the pulpit. "With the earnest prayer that God in the abundance of his Grace and for the sake of our blessed Mediator and Advocate, the Lord Jesus Christ will lead our offending brother to repentance for all his sins, so for this, also his sin of continuance in refusing to hear the Church." W. S. Patton, Clerk. March 27, 1872 is the next date of the meeting of the Session. Those present being Elders J. B. Martin, C. Brouse, W. S. Patton, with Rev. E. W. P. Wyatt, Moderator. J. P. Patton was absent on April 5. Alex Bartlett was Moderator 52 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY and on April 13, William H. Deitz resigned as Treasurer and Rev. Wyatt resigned. It was decided at this meeting to hold two communion services a year. On April 17 at a congrega- tional meeting Gustavus A. Gunter was elected a Trustee in place of Mr. Deitz and it was decided to fill the place of Rev. Wyatt as soon as possible. The minutes close with those of May 5, 1872 as follows "Communion Season. Rev. Wyatt submitted the following testimonials to the worth and services of our former minister, the late Thomas Brown. "As early as 1827 he entered upon his ministerial labors and only by the interruption of the late War and finally thru feeble health in 1867, did he cease to preach to us the unsearchable riches of Christ." Rev. William Eagleton was probably the first regular pastor of the Church coming in 1819 and was President of Rittenhouse Academy. On account of failing health he resign- ed in 1826 or 27. He was succeeded by Thomas Brown who came a young man and stayed for forty years. He married Jane Patton. Rev. Wyatt was his successor in 1867 and remained until 1872. Thru the century of the Church's existence several of the male members were dismissed or reproved but the records show only one female who did not walk the straight and nar- row path. In 1830 she was dismissed from the Church. for being quarrelsome with her neighbors, and would not promise the Session that she would quit the bad habit. The first money shown on the Treasurer's book is "amount of collection after deductiig expenses $11. 3934." Very little money was paid the early pastors most of it going for communion wine and material for church building. How interesting it would be to know more of the story of Bethel Church. Addison Carrick m. Rebecca Gamble in Knox Co., Nov. 5, 1812. 53 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY KINGSTON BURYING GROUND This historic ground was given by John Riley to the trustees of Rittenhouse Academy for the right to send his children to the School. It adjoins the spot where the first Academy stood on a hill overlooking the town. The remains of many of the early settlers lie on this hillside which is covered by beautiful old trees, mosses and honey suckle. The only member of the Mereweather Smith family whose grave is marked is that of his son James Payne. Rev. George Yost age 78, d. Oct. 28, 1865 and his wife Margaret, d. Nov. 11, 1858. On the same lot is the grave of Allen Hodges. Near the lot of the Yost family markers show the graves of James C. b. April 1822. d. Oct. 26, 1880. Manson S. b. April 12, 1826, d. March 1828. Allen H. b. Sept. 5, 1837, d. Nov. 11, 1858. Others are Col. Uriah Allison, b. Feb. 1, 1782, d. May 18, 1820. Robert M. b. 1829, d. 1892. His wife Lucy G. and their children Lida J. b. 1854, d. 1888. Lucy A. b. 1876, d. 1876, d 1876. Willis W. b. 1864, d. 1865. James McNutt, his wife, Sarah Agnes b. Dec. 17, 1823. d. May 7, 1852. Their children Anna E. b. Dec. 22, 1854, d. Feb. 27, 1907. Robert B. b. Aug. 16, 1866, d. 1866. James, Jr., b. 1849, d. 1885. Anna dau of Dr. W. H. and M. L. Mc- Nutt b. Aug. 1888. Col. Joseph Byrd b. Jan 8, 1795, d. Aug 5, 1858, his wife Ann Pride b. July 20, 1797, d. Aug. 24, 1885. Jesse, b. Mar. 20, 1820. Maria H. King, b. 1822, d. Nov. 24, 1852. Robert King, b. Nov, 1823, d. May 2, 1885. Mary Lea wife of Robert, b. Nov. 7, 1833, d. April 25, 1902. Thomas Brown, b. March 13, 1825. James Standifer, b. Dec. 28, 1828. Samuel Jackson, d. 1865, Mary Ellen b. March 21, 1831, Sarah Ruth b. August 3, 1830. Joseph Jr. b. Sept. 11, 1843, d. Nov. 29, 1870 Rev. William P. Lowery, b. 1812, d. 1892, a Methodist minister. Susan wife of Rev. W. P. age 57. d. Sept 6, 1874 Nancy Brown; mother of Rev. W. P. age 80. Martha J. b. 1844 d. 1919. William, Jr. b. Feb. 10, 1840 at Loudon, d. Feb. 27, 1881. R. S. b. 1841, d. 1837 Mary, wife of A. J. Childress b. 1852, d. 1879. Henry Liggett, Sr., b. Jan. 11, 1795, d. Aug. 29, 1867. B. F. Walker 54 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY b. April 5, 1821, d. Aug. 28, 1884. Matilda G., wife of Dr. L. W. Jordon, b. Jan. 26, 1805, d. April 1869. Mary, daugh- ter of Dr. L. W. and Matilda G. Jordon, d. July 1830. Dr. J. W. Lea, b. Sept. 25, 1807, d. 1867. Mary Lea, b. Aug. 1811, d. Nov. 1865. Henry, b. 1845, d. 1846. Virginia, b. 1846, d. 1846. Levinia, b. 1843, d. 1846. Rev. Daniel Flemming, b. May 4, 1799, d. Aug 28 1868. Mary Burem, his wife b. Feb. 29, 1808, d. April 4, 1884. Charles Rhoton, b. July 23, 1832, d. 1856. Andrew Foster, b. June 29, 1841, d. Oct. 1871. Thomas N. Clark, Sr., b. May 5, 1763, d. Oct. 13, 1827. Susan Payne, b. Jan. 21, 1768, d. 1812. Thomas Morris Clark, Jr., b. Feb. 28. 1803, d. March 6, 1855. William B. b. d. Elizabeth, b. June 20, 1799, d. Dec. 2, 1880. M. A. E., wife of Thomas N. Clark, Jr., b. May 1823, d. Dec. 23, 1899. Children of Thomas and M. A. E., Louie, Willie, Charlie. James C. Clark d. March 8, 1888, age 44. Susan Clark Phillips d. 1826. Enclosed by an iron fence stands the monument erected over the graves of Gen. Thomas Brown, b. in Green County, N. C., Sept. 15, 1779 and his wife Jane McElwee, b. March 22, 1782, d. May 6, 1860, and that of his twin brother Gen. John Brown who died in 1845. On the Tomb of Gideon Morgan who died November 15, 1830 is the following: "Here reposes in the Silence and Tranquility of the Tomb the body of Gideon Morgan, Sr. age 60." Near lie the remains of his son Rufus who died August 16, 1826, and Elizabeth the wife of Rufus who died Nov. 19, 1859. 55 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY RITTENHOUSE ACADEMY AT KINGSTON The records of the academy show the first trustees to be Thomas J. Van Dyke, Samuel Eskridge, Jacob Jones, Zachariah Ayers and Jesse Byrd. These were appointed by an act of the legislature in 1806. The names of John Purris, M. Smith, Thomas N. Clark, Thomas Brown, John Brown, Mathew Nelson and Samuel Martin were added to the board in 1809. Like a good many valuable records the story of the academy for several years was lost, but the minutes of the board meeting of Feb. 1819 show that the trustees present were John Brown, Thomas Brown, Thomas N. Clark, Robert Gilliland, Henry Liggitt, Noah Ashley and Samuel Ewing. Rules governing the academy, many setting forth duties required of the students, were adopted, that would seem amus- ing if used today. Each pupil was required to contribute one dollar annually for fire-wood. Those in the English class paid $3.75 for a session of three months, those in the higher classes were charged $5.00. All students were required to attend public worship on the "Lord's Day." Any student tardy or absent without an ex- cuse from the parent was required to "perform a portion of the menial offices of the academy." Public examinations were held at the end of each session for the "animation of the students in literary pursuits." Students were "not allowed to fight, use profane language, speak obscenely, get drunk, gamble, frequent taverns or associate with base, abandoned characters." Nor were they allowed to smoke paper or tobacco within the walls of the academy or wear their hats while school was in session. At a meeting of the board Oct. 29, 1822, those present were Thomas N. Clark, Solomon Geren, Gen. John Brown, Thomas Brown, Samuel Martin, Merriweather Smith, Jesse Byrd, Henry Liggett, Noah Ashley, Robert Gilliland and Hugh Dunlap. William Egleton was made president and the price of tuition was put at $6 per session. One of the duties of the president was to advertise the school for six weeks in the Knox- ville papers. At the November meeting of 1823 William S. McEwen was added to the board and in 1824 James McPherson and Lewis Jordon were elected. The health of the Rev. William Egleton had failed and Allen G. Gallaher was elected president of the academy in his stead. 57 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY During the year the trustees met several times, but little business was recorded in the minutes except that the secretary, Robert Gilliland, was instructed to call on the East Tennessee bank for funds due the academy from that state school fund. William B. Clark was added to the board, which again ordered the president to advertise in the Knoxville paper. In December, 1825, Mr. John Hook was elected president. The records show that the trustees met often in the next two years with the names of those present, but little of interest transpired except that William Clark and William McEwen were appointed to visit the school once a month and see if the by-laws were carried out. Jacob Spooner was elected president in 1827 and the following report was sent to the house of repre- sentatives: Nov. 15, 1827. "Trustees met and the following report was sent to the house of representatives: "In obedience to a resolution of Sept. 27, we, a committee appointed by the trustees of Rittenhouse Academy to make a re- port of this institution to your honorable body, make leave to report the following: "This academy is now in operation, and we are flattered with the prospects that it will add much to the interest and welfare of the rising generation. "The branches taught are orthography, reading, writing, arithmetic, English, grammar, geography, with the use of maps and globes, astronomy, mensuration, trigonometry, geometry, moral intellectual and natural philosophy, belles-letters, the Latin and Greek languages. "As to funds, which are at present available, the trustees are unable to make a report, as an act of the general assembly of 1821 appropriating the rent of certain lands to the institute, which has since been repealed, the sum received by the trustees has been $289. 50. Said sum having been appropriated for re- pairs. "The trustees beg leave to represent to your honorable body that our buildings are much out of repair, the institution is now in debt, no means available by which we can be reiiev- ed. We beg leave to suggest to your honorable body the ex- pediency of fostering and cherishing such institutions as are most likely to secure permanent harmony and welfare of the yeom- anry of our country. Trusting that the confidence which we entertain in the guardians of our liberty, we beg leave to call your legislative attention to the furtherance and promotion of edu- 58 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY cation, impressed with the assurance that a subject fraught with so much good to the rising glory of our republic, will meet with the warmest co-operation of an enlightened legislative body. "Thomas Brown, W. S. McEwen, William B. Clark, Jacob K. Spooner, committee." Mathew Sullivan was an assistant teacher at this time, but was succeeded in 1828 by L. J. Likins. Jacob Spooner and his assistant had classes in the following books: Murray's Grammar,, S. Pike's Arithmetic, Adam's Geography, Blair's "Lectures," Paley's "Moral Philosophy," "Conversation on Natural Philosophy," "Conversation on Chemistry," Euclid (three books), Gibson's "Surveying," Hedges "Logic," Locke's "On the Understanding," "Ruddu- man's Grammar, Crowder's Greek Testament, John and the Acts (historear sacre), Ovid's "Lucian" (half through; "Xeno- phon" (Ceasar's Commentaries): Homer's "Virgil and Sallust" Cicero's Oration (Latin prosedy): Horace's "Oration." The same year Jacob Spooner resigned, L. J. Likens was made president with Albert Allcorn as assistant. Ill health caus- ed Mr. Likens to resign the next year and William J. Keith succeeded him. In 1831 William Wilson brought a recommendation from the Rev. Isaac Anderson and was employed as president. Thomas N. Clark, Sr., had deeded 1½ acres of land to the trustees of Bethel Presbyterian church in 1823 for the sum of $1. In 1832 the contract was let to Thomas Crutchfield to erect a new academy in Kingston, Joshiah Smith, who was teaching a private school in the academy in 1832, was elected. president and a female school was allowed the use of the old building. The president was ordered to advertise in the Knox- ville Register the commencement of the next term. The record of 1835 shows William Brown, John Byrd and William B. Clark as having been made trustees, George Rich as president with Miss Pheobe Rich assistant. The academy continued under their management until 1837 when Mr. Rich removed from Kingston and his daughter was allow- ed the use of the building for a primary school until another teacher could be found. In 1838 Dr. Richard Richards and Philip Beddo were appointed trustees by the legislature and Benjamin F. Smith elected president. He was succeeded in 1845 by Benjamin V. Irvine and the minutes say that it was agreed by the trustees that 59 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY * females would be admitted to the academy, although the list of students of 1828 included girls. Mr. Irvine served four years as president. Henry W. Von Alderhoff, a Prussian nobleman, who had taught at Forest Academy at Athens when Senator J. T. Morgan was a stud- ent, was given the office with a salary of $300. per session. In 1852 Athens made an effort to secure Mr. Von Alder- hoff, and as an inducement to remain in Kingston, his salary was raised to $400, with John Fleming as assistant at $100 per session. The school had grown until there was not room in the academy and the board rented a house from George Yost until an addition could be built. When Mr. Von Alderhoff resigned in 1856, his place was filled by William G. Loyd, of Chattanooga. George Mc- Duffee, John Y. Smith, Samuel DeArmond, W. S. Center and James McNutt were trustees appointed by the court during the late 40's and during the 50's. In 1861 the court added the names of A. O. Fisher, James Martin, Newton Patterson, Wil- liam Gurscot and Freemoten Young and the board advertised for a suitable teacher. In January, 1862, the Rev. Samuel Roberts was employ- ed as principal, and then the record of the school ends, to be closed until the war is over. The academy was re-opened in 1871 with John R. Neal, who had returned a Colonel from the Confederate Army as Principal. PUPILS ENROLLED AT RITTENHOUSE ACADEMY ENGLISH CLASS Betsy M. Carrick Nancy Patton APRIL 16, 1828 Betsy M. Carrick Mary Brown Jane Patton Jane Harrison Archilles Harrison Andrew McCampbell READING CLASS Jane Patton Nancy Patton Amanda Jones Jane Harrison Mary Brown Mary Gilliland Amanda Gilbreath John Jordon William McCampbell Jacob Moore Andrew McCampbell Wyley Tuttle William Liggitt William Brown 60 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY GEOGRAPHY CLASS Betsy M. Carrick Nancy Patton William B. Ayers Mathew McEwen Mary Brown VIRGIL CLASS J. T. McCampbell J. T. Smith John P. Patton NATURAL PHILOSOPHY Miss Nancy Patton HORATIO CLASS W. P. Gambell Frances A. Brown ARITHMETIC CLASS Andrew McCampbell Jacob Moore Aaron Rollins Mathew McEwen Archilles M. Harrison STUDENTS SEPTEMBER 25, 1828 HISTORY OF ROME VIRGIL CEASAR AND CLASS HOMER P. Patton Nancy Patton Mary Brown Elizabeth Carrick CORDERIE A. S. Harrison M. P. McEwen A. H. Gambell J. A. McCampbell ENGLISH GRAMMAR Betsy M. Carrick Mary Brown Nancy Patton ERASMUS CLASS A. S. Harrison A. H. Gambell M. P. McEwen ARITHMETIC CLASS Archilles Harrison Jas. Moore J. W. Brown J. P. Patton GEOGRAPHY CLASS Archilles S. Harrison John W. Brown Jacob Moore Nancy Patton Mary Brown Elizabeth Carrick THE TREASURER'S BOOK SHOWS THE FOLLOWING WHO TAID TUITION 1832 Rachel Loyd $ 3.00 Andrew Jack 5.00 Hugh L. McPherson 1.00 John Moore 2.00 P. T. Beddo 2.00 Wm. Galbraith 2.00 F. D. Murray 200 H. H. Wiley 3.00 Sam'l. H. Smith 5.00 H. S. Purris 2.00 Wm. Musgrove 1.00 David Patton 7.00 61 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 1846 Rachel Wester Jessie Allison $ 4.29 Samuel Smalley Robert Allison 4.86 John Fundley Lucinda Brown 4.86 T. B. Matlock William A. Smith George Gillespie 3.00 1847 Katherine Green 4.86 Jas. Stephenson Sarah Kirkpatri.k 4.86 Sam Childress Sarah Brown 6.48 Martin Matlock Wm. A. Kirkpatrick 8.00 Dewitt Welcher S. L. Suddath 8.00 W. S. Senter Henry Smith 8.00 J. C. Plumlee Caroline P. Smith 8.00 A. L. Green W. M. McEwen H. Liggett D. Welcker Matilda Richardson Mary Nicholson John Cox Andrew C. Wiley. Robert N. McDuffee Sarah P. Smith Angeline McDuffee John M. Staples Thos. T. Brown Thos. Center Henry Liggett, Jr. H. C. Sevier M. P. Smith Wm. L. Smith Wm. Welcher (Welker) Thos. B. Brown Thos. B. Sevier Dr. James W. Lea R. D. Duncan Robert Kimbro S. M. Matlock Dr. Welcker (Welker) D. Asbury Jas. Hamilton Elizabeth Cosby Wm. Staples John White Allen Yost Thos. B. Brown Henry Sevier J. W. Pyott I. White C. D. Talliafero D. Patton Jesse Delozier John Y. Smith Julian Scott D. G. Taylor David Fleming Sam'i Pyott Thos. Childress Thos. A. Brown Martha Childress · 1848 W. S. McEwen R. D. Fleming Samuel Eblen Charles Gallaher Fleming Work 62 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY James Lea Thos. Childress James McNutt George Brown Sam'l Pyott R. N. M.Duffee James Asbury Elizabeth Patton The Treasurer's records show that more money was spent on window panes than almost any one thing. One old rule was that the students were not to study aloud. An old story that has been handed down from the early days of the Academy is amusing. Mrs. B. was passing the school one day just as the school closed, and the larger boys rushed out, some reciting "Alpha-Beta-Chi-Delta-Gamma at the top of their voices, and scared the old lady so much that she rushed into the house next door crying "Sister S. save me, they are running after me yelling "catch her, beat her, kill her, dam her." COL. JOHN R. NEAL TAUGHT IN 1871, SHOWING THE FOLLOWING PUPILS ENROLLED CLASS NO. 1. Nannie Roberts Asa Williams John O. Patton Henry Hedgecloth Martha Renfro Flora McCully Nannie Center John B. Green Charlie Allison John Nichols Columbus Renfroe CLASS NO. 2. Ella DeArmond August Lindbury Charles Deitz Ida May Reno Mary Steinwehr E. C. Strurges Sallie Nelson John M. Sturges Catherine Senknicht Christine Lindbury James D. Colt Paul J. Nearguard Maggie Wester O. C. Clark Scott Martin Austin Green CLASS NO. 3. John Rothe Mollie Tipton Martha Hood James Allison Charles Steinwher Matilda Hood Mary Hood CLASS NO. 4. Willie Eblin Anna McNutt Allen Barnwell Richard Nearguard Walter Henderson Alonzo Colt Pascal Colt May Wester Henry Biss 63 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY R. T. Barnard James Young Wlliam McNutt Alice Barnwell Theo Neerguard R. J. Eblin Freddie Colt David Patton Thomas Gipton Sam C. Clark Mathilda Fritts CLASS NO. 5. Sallie Brown George W. Nixon Lillie Deitz Robert F. Brown CLASS NO. 6. Charles Sevier Charlotte Guenther John W. Hood Matilda Bowers Charles Martin J. W. Crowder Columbus Reagan RHETORIC CLASS Sallie Brown Matilda Bowers Anna McNutt Charlotte Guenther J. W. Crowder John Hood Richard Neerguard Lena Colt Columbus Reagan Robert Brown ALGEBRA CLASS John Hood J. W. Crowder Robert Brown ASTRONOMY CLASS Charlotte Guenther THIRD QUARTER COMMENCING NOVEMBER 1 1871 6TH CLASS CLASS NO. 4. Sallie Brown Lillie Deitz George W. Nixon Robert F. Brown 5TH CLASS 5TH Charles Sevier Charles Martin Charlotte Guenther J. W. Crowder John W. Hood Columbus Reagan Mathilda Bower Willie Eblin James Young Anna McNutt William McNutt Allen Barnwell Alice Barnwell Richard Neerguard Theo Neerguard Walter Henderson R. J. Eblin Alonzo Colt Freddie Colt Pascal Colt David Patton May Wester 64 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Thomas Gipton Henry Biss Sam C. Clark R. T. Bernard Mathilda Fritts Maggie Wester CLASS NO. 3. John Rothe Charles Steinwehr Mollie Tipton Mathilda Hood Martha Hood Mary K. Hood James Allison CLASS NO. 2. Ella DeArmond Catherine Senknicht August Linbury Christine Linbury Charlie Deitz James D. Colt Ida May Reno Paul J. Neerguard Mary Steinwehr Maggie Wester E. C. Sturges O. C. Clark Sallie Nelson Scott Martin John M. Sturgis Austin Green CLASS NO. 1. Nannie Roberts Nannie Center Asa Williams John B. Green John O. Patton Charlie Allison Henry Hedgecoth John Nichols Martha Renfroe Columbus Renfroe Flora McCulley RHETORIC Sallie Brown Mathilda Bowers Anna McNutt Charlotte Guenther I. W. Crowder John Hood Richard Neerguard Lena Colt Columbus Reagan Robert Brown COMPOSITION Alice Barnwell Lillie Deitz May Wester Pascal Colt W. Eblin David Patton ASTRONOMY Charlotte Guenther HISTORY Charlotte Guenther Sallie Brown Lillie Deitz Anna McNutt W. McNutt Pascal Colt Freddie Colt Sam Clark W. Eblin I. W. Crowder John Hood Columbus Reagan Thomas Gipton 6TH READER Martha Hood Mathilda Hood Kate Hood Mathilda Fritts 65 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Maggie Wester May Wester Mollie Gipton Flora McCully James Allison Henry Biss August Linbury R. T. Barnard J. M. Sturges ALGEBRA John Hood J. W. Crowder Robert Brown Charlie Sevier GEOGRAPHY Mary Wester Maggie Wester Henry Biss FOURTH QUARTER COMMENCING FEB. 12,1872 CLASS 6. Robert F. Brown Sallie B. Brown Lillie Deitz Charles Martin CLASS 5. Charlie Sevier W. Margraves Belle French Columbus Renfroe 3RD CLASS John McNutt Willie Wright Charlie Steinwehr August Linbury 4TH CLASS Walter Henderson W. M. McNutt Anna McNutt Theo Neerguard Richard Neerguard Mary Wright Annah Rhoel James DeArmond Mathilda Fritts Mathilda Hood John Rothi Felix Center Frank Fritts Maggie Coleman 2ND CLASS Belle Rhoel E. C. Sturges Maggie Wester Robert Seinknicht Richard J. Neerguard Charlie Deitz Mary Steinwehr H. M. Hedgcoth Lizzie Harris 1ST CLASS Nannie Roberts Anna Wester Willie Ferguson Charlie Eblen Tennessee Burnette Samuel Rothe COMPOSITION Mary Wright Lilly Deitz Mathilda Fritts 66 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Mathilda Hood W. McNutt James DeArmond August Linbury LATIN Robert Brown Charlie Martin Lillie Deitz ASTRONOMY Sallie Brown Nannie McNutt Belle French ENGLISH GRAMMAR 1 Richard Neerguard Charlie Martin ENGLISH GRAMMAR 2 Willie Wright John McNutt James DeArmond Annie Rothe John Roth ENGLISH GRAMMAR 3 Theo Neerguard Walter Henderson W. M. McNutt Mary Wright Lillie Deitz Mathilda Fritts Mathilda Hood GEOMETRY Charlie Sevier RHETORIC Columbus Reagan Richard Neerguard Robert Brown Belle French Anna McNutt HISTORY Lillie Deitz James DeArmond Mary Wright Sallie Brown Anna McNutt W. McNutt Richard Neerguard Theo Neerguard Walter Henderson W. Margraves Charlie Sevier Richard Neerguard Columbus Reagan Mathilda Hood Mathilda Fritts Maggie Coleman GEOGRAPHY Willie Wright John McNutt Anna Roehl Flora McCulley ARITHMETIC Lizzie Harris 6TH READER Anna Roehl Flora McCully Willie Wright John McNutt August Linbury ALGEBRA W. Margraves Belle French Robert Brown BOOKEEPING Charlie Martin 67 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Bud J. Neerguard Nannie Patton Teresa Patton John Patton Columbus Reagan Frank Rhoel Anna Rhoel Belle Rhoel Asa Williams May Wester Maggie Wester Anna Wester Arthur Smith Josephine Green Sallie Brown Kate Kimbrough Mary Wright Willie Wright Mathilda Fritts Carrie Brown Lizzie Nicholson FIFTH QUARTER COMMENCING APRIL 29. Tennie Burnette Sam Clark Eugene Clark Charlie Clark Maggie Coleman James DeArmond Ella DeArmond Lillie Deitz Carl Deitz Belle French Willie Ferguson Mary Gibbs Henry Hedgcoth Willie Liggett W. Margraves W. M. McNutt John McNutt Charlie Martin Felix Center Frank Fritts 68 PART FOUR EARLY MARRIAGE LICENSES From 1801, when the County was organized until 1838 no record was kept and the Marriage Licenses were scattered. They have lain for many years in the dust and trash of the third floor of the Court House and some are so faded that it has been almost impossible to read. In some of the names and dates, therefore some mistakes may have been made. ("M. G." abreviation for Minister of the Gospel.) ("J. P." for Justice of the Peace.) These lines are written on the back of the marriage license of Joseph Nail and Alonia Nimsco married March 14, 1817. "With pleasure I record the tale, This day was married Joseph Nail, To Miss Alonia Mimsco White. Both were agreed, 'twas there for right, By me, Alex Nesmith, a Justice of Peace For the County of Roane, I did act in this case, And tho' I believe no one there wished me harm Not a nerve in my body but took the alarm. Oh! sensibility, offspring of Jove, Thou source of wildest wrath and softest love, By these we are taught to tell another's woe, And just as keenly taste his pleasures too." March 14. 1817 Alexander Nesmith. J. P. 71 EARLY MARRIAGE LICENSES OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES BONDSMEN 1801 Dec. 22. John Powell Micajah Carter Henry Brazeal, Clerk Ann Carter Oct. 25, John Mear Mary Burnes Mar. 27, William Davis Betsy Roberts March 1, William Walker Feby Horton June 22, Samuel Williams Nancy Haskins March 15, James Dearmond Suckey Shaddon July 10, 1802 John Mear Hugh Mear James Hankins Thomas Walker William Walker Samuel Williams James Haskins John McCord Betsy Sharkey 1803 Jan. 4, William Matlock Sally Walker William Matlock Ephriam Walker April 4, Augustus Strong Louisa Shepherd July 12, John Gambell Betsy Evins Augustus Strong Townley Deakins Thomas Olliver John Gambell James Gallaher 73 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES Feb. 11, BONDSMEN 1804 Townley Deakins Agness Rainfrow Mar. 19, Daniel Durne Sarah Stone Mar. 9. John Walker Ginney Galloway Feb. 9, Hugh White Mary Johnson July 24, Thomas Bozeman Ammy Miller Nov. 29, William Pruitt Sally Cavett Sept. William Johnston Matty Rogers married by Jesse Byrd, J. P. Daniel Durne Edward Waller John Walker James Galloway Hugh White William Barnett Thomas Bozeman Alex Miller William Pruitt Richard Cavet 1805 Dec. 28, John Prater Peggy Wood John Prater John Wood Nov. 8, James James James James Nancy Givens Eama Walker Nov. 16, James Luster Any Jones James Luster John Luster David Lee 74 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES Aug. 26, George Graves Sarah Willet (married by James M. Watt) July 20, John Johnson Lydia Copeland Aug. 8, James Brazeale Peggy Miller Aug. 20, Simpson Eldridge Fannie Simmons Nov. 30, Richard Oliver Elizabeth Allen Jan. John Crsery Susanah Hahine Hankins Sept. 25, James Miller Mary Fendley June 20, Thomas Upton Emmey Wilson Oct. 28, William Brown BONDSMEN 1805 Jacob Work James Willet John Johnson William Hellums James Brazeale Thomas Pritchett Simpson Eldridge Jesse Eldridge Richard Oliver John Wood John Crsery Daniel Hare James Miller Frances Miller Thomas Upton John Brown Mark Renfroe Stacey Grason Sept. 16, Thomas Laye Thomas Laye Daniel Hare Sarah Smith 1806 Feb. 2, Daniel Brown Jane Ellender Daniel Brown Robert Nobles married by John McEwen J.P. 75 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES Nov. 6, BONDSMEN 1806 Morris Moore Dianah Adams Morris Moore Thomas Moore James Nail Nov. 22, Thomas Stafford Rosey Baskin Aug. 19, Samuel Dudley Martha Sherard Aug. 10, William Richards Polly Phillips Thomas Stafford Frances Fulcher Samuel Dudley Jesse Sherard William Richards Joel Holt June 10, James Roberts Delilah Woods James Roberts Joseph Hankins 1807 Nov. 27. David Dean Gracey Joiner Jan. Daniel Self Ann Robinson March 7, Henry Self David Dean Winniam Joiner Daniel Self John Jones Henry Self Levi Self Mathew Nelson Betsy Allin May 11, David Lee David Lea Judith Dwire (Dyer) Thomas Young 76 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES BONDSMEN 1807 Dec. 7, John Derick Caty Bird May 22, William Ballard Polly Eblen May 23, Phillip Burch Polly Paine Aug. 6, Jeremiah Hynson Fannie Lyles June 6, Wiley Tuten Rachel Cody Feb. 15, William Goodrich William L. Lovely July 14, John Husk Nancy Thompson Feb. 24, Peter Berry Rebecca Buchanan John Derick George Derick Henry Derick William Ballard Hugh Frances Phillip Burch Abraham Shafer Jeremiah Hynson Isaac Shualt Robert Lyles Wiley Tuten John Riley Absolum Dixon John Husk James Thompson married by Jesse Byrd, J. P. Aug. 23, Henry Haynes Lucinda Neal March 26, George Vaugn Caty Roberts 1808 Henry Haynes Abner Majors 77 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES April 9, BONDSMEN 1808 Letitia Clark April 2, Samuel Keys Polly Riley William Holland Patty Short Nov. 10, James Trimble William Lyons Richard H. Love Samuel Keys Gilbert Pool (Married by Abner K. Shaifer, J. P. at South West Point. Witnesses: C. M. Thouston Samuel Riley Samuel Keys, Sr.) Lewis Widener Jan. 7, Anna Click Sept. 28, Samuel Bradley Peggy Taylor Sept. 6, Bartlett Robins Catey McNutt March 25, Yaza Bashears Polly Rice July 12, Elijah Evans Nancy Fouche Nov. 11, Daniel Little Polly Tunnmins Nov. 11, Robert Bashears Sallie Hankins Lewis Widener Peter Wingener Widener Samuel Bradley Littlepage Sims Bartlett Robins Samuel Waddy Yaza Bashears John B. Rice Flijah Evans Henry Brazeale Daniel Little Samuel Tunnmins Robert Bashears James Hankins Betsy Puris 78 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES Jan. 2, George Delozier Perina Rouder Oct. 8, James Lappington Polly Dickson BONDSMEN 1808 Jan. 25, John Riley Suckie Walker March 13, John Neal Ellender Harrison April 19, George Stephens Polly Moore Nov. 16, Alexander Russell Betsy Rice Nov. 18, William Adair Nancy Rather Dec. 25, Thomas Moore Polly Kindrick Nov. 11, Alpha Kingsley Eliza Ayers March 13, John Gillespie Nancy Gallaher Oct. 11. Thomas Craig Peggy Stonecipher 1809 John Riley Gilbert Pool John Neal William Thomas William Adair Samuel Riley married by William McCamey, J P. Alpha Kingsley E. Pritchett John Gillespie Mathew Donaldson Thomas Craig Andrew Pruitt 79 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES Nov. 3. James Green Susan Rowden Sept. 27, Thomas Harvey Rachael Carter Nov. 13, Stephen Wright Jeminia Buchanan Jan. 24, David Patton Betsy Purris March 6, Christopher Robinson Sally Rector Oct. 29, Julius Hacker Sarah Hagerty Dec. 26, Absolom Eakin Jane Sutton Oct. 20, Jonathan Clenny Jinny Hewett March 14. John Kennedy Eady Dunlap Nov. 17, William Parker Cilby Barnett Oct. 3, Elias Allen Sally Holly BONDSMEN 1809 James Green Ekale Rowden Thomas Harvey Edward Eblen Stephen Wright Samuel Stout David Patton John Purris Lewis Robinson Abraham Shaefer Julius Hacker Samuel McCall Absolom Eakin Thomas Blackstone Jonathan Clenny John Dirgin Married by A. K. Shaefer, J. P. Col. John McClellan William McClellan Hugh Dunlap and others I 80 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES BONDSMEN 1810 Dec. 10, Calvin Johnson Nancy McKamey Jan. 19, Wiley Walker Patsy Robertson Feb. 5, John Moton Jenny Kelly Jan. 12, William Oliver Peggy Lacefield Aug. 21, Isaac Keys Elizabeth Riley Feb. 16, Jesse Pellum Peggy Culp Oct. 1. John Hart Ruth Stout Calvin Johnson William McCamey Willie Walker Charles Codey William Oliver John Allen Isaac Keys Gilbert Pool Jesse Pellum Mathew Wood John Hart James Dearmond Nov. 7, James Preston James Preston Jinney Allison Uriah Allison Feb. 23, James Warren Nancy Evans James Warren Arden Evans Dec. 22, Reuben Phillips Kitty Bowers Aug. 27, Hugh Crumbliss Betsy Bashears Reuben Phillips James Robinson Hugh Crumbliss Isaac Rashears 81 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES BONDSMEN 1810 Sept. 3, Alexander Galbreath Alexander Galbreath Polly Gallaher James Gallaher Aug. 16, Samuel Nipp Elizabeth Riley March 13, Robert Hewett Rebecca Phillips July 4, Moore Matlock Samuel Nipp Charles Cody John Odin Robert Hewett James Robinson Moore Matlock William Anderson Lucy Knight May 20, Elisha Williams Elisha Williams Sally Matlock James Matlock April 7, John Haggart Sarah Smith Feb. 17, James Bailey Polly Rector Nov. 2, Charlie Burk Nancy Bowman Jan. 24, Isaac Bullar Sally Geren John Haggard James Haggard John Smith James Bailey John Rector Charlie Burk John Bowman May 26, James Rogers Nancy Cody 1811 James Rogers Wiley Tuten + 82 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES BONDSMEN 1811 Dec. 7. John Dauret Elizabeth Coatney Sept. 11, Alexander Powell Patsy Browder July 16, Clemmens Phllips Drusilla Prewett July 16, Daniel Hastler Nancy Noel Oct. 4, Charles Hickey Lucinda England Aug. 1, Thomas Richardson Elizabeth Ellison Sept. 6, Reuben McKinnie Jenny Lyle June 29, William Pimerlore Mary Corey John Dauret .: John Doss Alexander Powell Britton Mathews Clemmens Phillips John W. Bowers Daniel Hastler David Thomas Charles Hickey Jeremiah Fielder Thomas Richardson Ambler Casey Reuben McKinnie Robert Lyle Aug. 28, John Thacker Nellie Brazelton Dec. 11, Ethereld Taylor Catherine H. Arbuckle Oct. 11, Abner Waters John Thacker James Hunt Ethereld Taylor John Brown Betsy Reyburn March 8, John Black Peggy Eldridge 83 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES BONDSMEN 1811 Sept. 11, Joseph Thompson Polly Hopkins 1812 Jan. 7, William Kelley Ruth Prigmore Jan. 4, William Bogart Jenny Preston March 25, Ephriam Bridges Betsy White Sept. 5, James Wilkinson Lucy Rice Sept. 7, Silas Luttrell Stacey Burnett Oct. 16, Samuel Hope Agnes Duncan Feb. 26, Moses Cavett Polly Pickle William Kelley James May William Bogart James Preston Ephriam Bridges Benjamin Shields James Wilkinson James Rice Silas Luttrell Moses Burnett Samuel Hope Jeptha Dugger Sept. 23, Larkin Sawyer Elizabeth Childs Jan. 10. William Bowman Levisy Edmonds 1813 Larkin Sawyer William D. Neilson William Bowman Mathew Edmonds 84 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES BONDSMEN 1813 Sept. 11, Joshua Dover Passy Rice Sept. 9, Alexander Casey Nanny Ross Dec. 24, Adam Gardenhire Absey Tippet Sept. 10, James Cooper Mary Weir Feb. 1, Joshua Dover Abraham Stout Alexander Casey William Brown James H. Cooper Andrew Weir George Pickle Sussanah Haggard July 9, Isaac Roberson Nancy Talbot Feb. 16. Charles Mitchell Framina Perriman June, 22, William Breeding Patience Phillips June 7, William Bowers Betsy Phillips Dec. 1, Nathaniel Aplegate Elizabeth Smith Dec. 1, John Thomas Barbara Casey 1814 Isaac Roberson Frances Erwin Charles Mitchell Louis Combs William Breeding James Hope William Bowers John Bowers Nathaniel Aplegate Richard Fairies John Thomas Anthony Casey 85 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES Oct. 17, James Flatt Rebecca Rice Jan. 6, John Hill Virry Lane Jan. 19, Fielding Balden (Baldwin) Nancy Stean Aug. Joel Oliver Celia Vaughn Sept. 14, William Eblen BONDSMEN 1815 James Flat John Rice John Hill Joseph Graham 1815 Fielding Balden Thomas York Lucretia Smith July 24, Gabriel Richards Peggy Ayers Dec. 1, Edward Warren Polly Eldridge Sept. 30, James Matlock, Jr. Betsy Hicks May 2, Elijah Farmer married by Richard Richards, M. G. Jane Preston .816 Solomon Potter Dec. 16. Esther Melton Dec. 23, Abraham Adkinson Sally Adkinson married by Alexander Nesmith, J. P. married by William McKamey, J. P. 86 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES BONDSMEN 1816 May 3, Mishac Rowden Sarah McNabb Jan. 28. Lewis Robinson Betsy Starks Nov. 22, James Hamilton Nancy Childers married by John Purris, J. P. Oct. 12, Wyatt Gallaher Sally Dalton Jas. Hamilton Samuel Stout married Feb. 6, 1817 by Asa Cobb, J. P. Dec. 17, Nicholas West Polly Jackson Aug. 3, Thomas Oden Nancy Miller Nicholas West John West 1817 Mar. 10, Eli Oliver Essie Ellis Dec. 24, Nathan Game Sarah Delaney Feb. 27, Moses Looney Patty York married at home of John Puris J. P. Witnesses: George Davis Betsy Margraves Moses Looney Joseph Lacey 87 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES April 20, Andrew Nail Sally Harvey Oct. 11, Isaac England Rebecca Rector May 8, John Rather Nancy Nail Mar. 25, Samuel Woody Hannah Woody BONDSMEN 1817 Andrew Nail Allen Hill Isaac England Thomas England John Rather Williom Gardenhire Nov. 24, Alexander Casey Eany Whith Nov. 26, James Moore Nancy Lanston Alexander Casey Samuel Tucker James Moore Benjamine Hagewood Philip Stephens married by Robert Williams, J. P. Jan. 16, Peter Upshaw Jeney Fields Feb. 17, Alexander Kelly Sally Prigmore Feb. 27, Bevinds Brown Alex Kelly George Gregsby Bevinds Brown Nicholas Mansfield Seaborn Center Jennie Mathews Aug. 28, Seaborn Center Nancy Carson George Arnold April 5, Arthur Cody Cynthea Garrett Arthur Cody Thomas Clark 88 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES April 4, BONDSMEN Jesse Casey Patsy Coe Dec. 5. Phillip Stephens Mary Oliver Sept. 10, John Breeden Nancy Frost Dec. 30, Jonathan Dildine Nancy Garrett Feb. 16, Peter Johnson Keziah Barry March 14, Joseph Nail Albina Mensco White Dec. 17. William Bailey Betsy Lawson Jan. 29, Edward Crow Jinsy Burns May 11, Thomas Cox Nancy Vaughn Dec. 5, Joseph Knox Margaret Erwin Dec. 5, Phillip Stephens Mary Ann Oliver Jan. 7, 1817 married by Joseph McPherson Phillip Stephens George Stephens John Breeden William McKamey Jonathan Dildine Gillesreath Barton Peter Johnson John Leftwich married by Alexander Nesmith, J. P. William Bailey Bartley Lawson married by M. C. McKamey, J. P. Thomas Cox Isaiah Brown 1818 Luke Lytle Mary Castil 89 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES June 12, Edward Musgrove Nancy Stout Jan. 27, BONDSMEN 1818 Luther White Isabella McCamey March 8, Luther White William White William Erwin Drucilla Hannah March 23, John Shields Nellie Delozier March 18, Alexander Brown Polly Sharp May 6, John Leadsinger Joanna Bucklen Aug. 19, William Bailey Frankie Reyborn Aug. 19, Jesse Power Betsy Bakon John Shields James Kennan William Bailey Daniel Bailey Sept. 4, George Renolds Rachel Smith Dec. 23, Jacob Fritts Sally Sexton Dec. 29, Osy Dixon Jinny Boden James Renolds James Moore Jacob Fritts John Fritts Osy Dixon Benjamine Porter 90 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES BONDSMEN 1818 Dec. 29, Thomas Branham of Knox Co. Thomas Branham Nellie Branham June 27, Edward Merritt Nicholas Mansfield Edward Merritt Samuel Grisley Sallie Carden May 6, Abner Staples Elery Toomey Oct. 16, Oxley Johnson Catey Rogers Oct. 26, Elijah Williamson Rebecca Mann Nov. 23. David Shaw Chryleena Vickey Dec. 7, John M. Staples Polly Bryant March 28, Rudolph Moorman Rebecca White March 17. Joseph McClelland Jenny Moore Abner Staples Ambrose Toomey Oxley Johnson Richard Dickens David Shaw James Lackey married Dec. 10, by Abraham McClellan, J. P. Rudolph Moorman Martin Durrett Sept. 11, James Cox Barbara Gardner Feb. 3, Henry Hart Polly Snow March 4, David McDaniel Mary Buchanan James Cox James Gardner Henry Hart James G. Williams married by William Eblen, J. P. 91. THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES Dec. 1, BONDSMEN 1819 Willes Crow Nancy Tedder Oct. 19, Green M. Bruce Nancy McCube Feb. 16. John Vincent Anna Mapee Feb. 22, John M. Wilson Anna D. Rogers May 6. Joseph Byrd Ann Pride Dec. 16, William Crow Patsy Bowers Feb. 20, Nicholas Mansfield Jinny Morris Caleb McDaniel Green M. Bruce Robert S. Gilliland John Vincent John Thomas married Feb. 25, by William Eblen, J. P. Joseph Byrd Thomas Brown William Crow James Bowers married by William Eblen. J. P. Nov. 19. Susannah Carter Caleb McDaniel David McDaniel March 17, John Coulson Sallie Ketching Aug. 18, John Rice John Coulson William Long Jonn Rice Tabitha Dodson William Matlock Jan. 11, Kitty Thomas Aug. 17, William Arnold Martha D. King James Larrimore, of Knox Co. James Larrimore James Nipper William Arnold Rufus F. King 92 1 1 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES Feb. 2. BONDSMEN 1819 Abner Parks Viney Lane March 27, Thomas Coppage Betsy Allison March 15, William Green Mary Smith March 1, Alexander McCullock Lucy Robinson Dec. 21, Samuel Swan Nancy McElwee Nov. 29, Richard Card Polly Eldridge Nov. 8. Samuel Harris Peggy McVey Sept. 1, Louis Derosset Isabel Lane March 12, William Headrick Matilda Short Feb. 10, Joseph Bryant Patsy Hart Jan. 23. William McConnell Jane Scott April 10 Benjamine Haygood Polly Robinson Thomas Copage John McEwen William Green Anthony Dickey Alexander McCullock Levi Wheat married by William Eagleton, M. G. Richard Card Benjamine Eldridge married by Abraham McClellan,, J. F. William Headrick William Cornealison Joseph Bryant John Loyd William McConnell John Potter Benjamine Haygood Edward Warren 93 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES Aug. 6, Claborn Kinnan Betsy Bowers Oct. 10, James Humphries Polly West March 25, John McNatt Lucroso Rayburn Dec. 16, John Bowers Polly Crow Nov. 13, Jesse Waten Mary Moore May 1, Samuel Marney Elizabeth Spence Aug. 4, William Mason Sophia Work March 20 Hezekiah Quick May 4, Arthur Bane Elener McPherson Sept. 13. William Sloane Eliza Rector Feb. 4, John Tedder Mary Robinson BONDSMEN 1819 married by John W. Durrett P. R. C. James Humphries George Branham John McNatt Thomas Rayburn John Bowers James Bowers Jesse Waten William Leftwich married by Richard Richards, M G. William Mason William C. McKamey Isham Cox, Sr. Arthur Bane William Jent William Sloane John Jackson married by Abraham McClellan, J. P. 94 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES BONDSMEN Feb. 26, Samuel Ramsey Nancy Gardner Jan. 27, James Hankins Rebecca Fulton July 31, Jesse West Susannah Carrol June 22, Solomon Forrester Sarah. Marney Sept. 7. William Bogart Polly Preston Oct. 27, Phillip Harmon Sarah Clark Oct. 13. Isaac Anderson Julian Fout Sept. 9, John Selbe Rhoda Cunningham Nov. 1, John Moore Charity McDaniel March 18, Jesse Preston Nancy Bogart Jan. 29, Uriah Allison Nancy Cox Jan. 15, Andrew Nail -Stubbs 1820 Samuel Ramsey Michal Sellers James Hankins Robert Stout Jesse West John Harrison Solomon Forrester John Loyd William Bogart Abraham Bogart Isaac Anderson William Berry John Selbe Edward Warren married by Jesse Byrd, J. P. Jesse Preston Abraham Bogart Uriah Allison Thomas Brown married by Alexander Nesmith, J. P. 95 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES BONDSMEN 1820 Nov. 24, Michael Ethridge Charity Horn Dec. 23, Abraham Miller Patsy West Sept. 5, John Mapes Betsy Pelfry Dec. 23, Nelson Ladd Jenny Rogers Sept. 26, Isaac Brown Margaret Sharp March 27, John Clark Jinny McPherson Feb. 22, Alfred Owings Polly Long Jan. 8, Samuel Burnett Sally Davis Aug. 22, Thomas Edminston Nancy Box Jan. 10, James Moore Jenny Woody Dec. 23, Robert Madrin Patsy Nance John Mapes Nathan Turner married by James Johnston, J. P. Isaac Brown James Buchanan John Clark Rudolph Moorman Alfred Owings Martin Center married by Solomon Geren, J. P. Samuel Burnett Thomas Spence Thomas Edminston John Edminston married by James McMullen, J. P. Robert Madrin Joseph Ashley 96 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES BONDSMEN 1820 Nov. 24. Benjamine Howard Mahaly M. Conk July 24. Benjamine Howard Samuel Side William Beavers Betsy Cavett Jan. 5, Benton Draper Lucinda Williams Nov. 20 William Cavy Jenny Ireland May 16, Henry Kendrick Nancy Smith March 29, William Green Ruth Westmorland William Beavers James Beavers married March 30, by James Johnston, J. P. 1821 John Riddle Juda Easely Feb. 4, Armstead Blackwell Betsy Galloway May 21, Audley P. Walker Polly Noel Aug. 5, James Mond Polly Williams Jan. 10, Samuel Vance Polly McComb Feb. 8. Nathan Paget Kiziah Allen John Riddle Jonathan Harvey Armstead Blackwell Jesse Galloway Walker William McKamey married by Thomas Stockton, J. P. married at the home of Wil- liam Gilbreath at Kingston by William E. McKenney 97 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES BONDSMEN 1821 April 5, married by Adam Houston William McKamey, J. P. Zilpe Good Oct. 29, Samuel Robinson Matilda Powell Dec. 17, Stephen Killingsmith Nancy Hart March 21, Solomon Collins Catey Arsterton married by Richard Richards, J. P. Solomon Collins Moses Stout Dec. 11, William Jolly Nancy Etheridge Jan. 29, John Brazeal Annie Essary April 13, William Wilson Jenny Kimbrell Feb. 7, James Adkinson Patsy McCabe John Brazeal John Essary William Wilson William Crow Feb. James Tedder Elizabeth Todd April 13, William Wilson Jennie Kimbrell April 5, Rowland Childs Nancy Galloway married by James McMullen, J. P. 98 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES BONDSMEN 1821 Jan. 24, Joseph Henry Scyrethea Herbert May 12, Robert Gamble Betsy Lamb Jan. 3, William Pritchett Viney Keaner April 14, John Hendreck Mariah Work Aug. 28, William Hall Sarah Buchanan Oct. 17, James Freeman Axey Ponder Jan. 24, Samuel Erwin Sally Ingram April 4, Robert Allison Nancy Byrd May 5, Thomas McNabb Betsy Poor March 2, Betsy Morgan Joseph Henry Michael Arnold Robert Gamble Gideon Morgan William Pritchett Phillip Pritchett John Hendreck Samuel Woody married by Micah Sellers, M. G. married by James Johnston, J. P. Samuel Erwin Joseph Hankins married by William C. McKamey, J. P. Thomas McNabb Ethelridge Taylor married by James McMullen Henry Brazeale 1822 Sept. 9, William Edwards Polly Parks June 15, Nehemiah Grasham Polly Clark married by James Johnston, J. P. Nehemiah Grasham Phillip Stephens 99 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES April 14, BONDSMEN 1822 Leonard Asher Polly Clift Leonard Asher Charles Asher Nov. 28, Henry Jolly William Jolly Polly McCullum Taylor Nov. 10, Henry Newman Sally Brazeale Oct. 22, Isaac Sellers Nancy Todd married by Micah Sellers, M, G. 1823 Feb. 5, Waddy Thompson Patsy Birdwell Nov. 3. Thomas Farman Rachel Murrey July 31, William Wilkison Sally Tyler Oct. 21, Samuel Harwell Sophia Ayers April 29, Jonathan Underwood Polly Staton Oct. 9, William Roath Lydia Elkins Jan. 23, Hyram Berry Nancy Eblen Sept. 9, John Bowers Nancy Morgan Waddy Thompson Thomas Cox Thomas Farman Edward Roberts William Wilkison John Brown Samuel Harwell J. W. M. Brazeale married by Thomas Stockton William Roath Jacob Warren married by Richard Richards, M. G. married by Tomas Stockton J. P. 100 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES BONDSMEN 1823 Nov. 25, Abner Deatherage Rebecca Davis Aug. 19, Benjamine Crow Betsy Sutton Oct. 28. Larkin Forrester Sarah Tuten Aug. 3, Thomas Gallaher Amelia Williams Nov. 12, Isaac Hembree Mary Blake Sept. 2, William Sutton Reyna Clemmons. Nov. 6, Jesse Carter Betsy Sutton June 5, Thomas Lane Judy Robinson Aug. 30, John Wrinkle Polly Hunter Abner Deatherage John M. Hale Benjamine Crow John Crow Thomas Gallaher William Carroll Isaac Hembree Joseph. M. Clark married by James Johnston, J. P. married Nov. 20, by James Green, J. P. 1824 Jan. 2, John Nesmith Phebe Roberts Sept. 6, Abraham Odum Sally Henderson Abraham Odum Alex Forrester William C. McKamey 101 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY BONDSMEN NAMES 1824 March 4, William Clift Mary Penland March 5, William Nickand Elizabeth Brazeale Nov. 12. George Decker Jane Branham Aug. 19, William W. A. Bensete (?) Lody Johnson married by Henry Liggett, J. P. married by James McMullen, J. P. George Decker Phillip Huff July 17, James Crew Anna Lawson Jan. 27, George Blackwell Olsey Mantin Jan. 28, John Woody Elizabeth Farmer Oct. 2, married by James Johnston, J. P. Edmond Davis Andrew Stansberry Andrew Stansberry Jane Carroll Dec. 30, Phillip Prititch Charity Etheridge Oct. 6, Byrd Delaney Phillip Prititch Peter Manning Alyse Muns March 30, Robert McHenry Patsy Hightower Nov. 8, Willis Evans Rebecca Shadwick Robert McHenry Samuel Andrews Willis Evans William Kane 102 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY BONDSMEN NAMES 1824 July 21, Benton Lanston Betsy Haskins Nov. 6, James Lackey Benton Lanston James Harrison Jane Matlock Feb. 5. J. W. M. Brazeale Betsy Margraves Nov. 27, Jacob F. Kindrick Margaret McPherson Aug. 15, Richard Morehead Polly Berry March 10, Isaac Matlock Jane Selvidge Jan. 15. Richard Reves Eliza Miller Jan. 26. Samuel Lane Milly Robinson July 16. Joseph Lyles Nancy Cofer Jan. 24 John Wheat Nancy Rather Feb. 11, John Mee Sarah McElwee June 1, Benjamine Dunkin Jane Hannah J. W. M. Brazeale Addison Carrick Jacob F. Kindrick Allen Haley married by Little B. Roberts. J. P. married by Thomas Stockton married by Samuel Dauthel married by Charles Galloway, M. G. John Wheat Levi Wheat married by William Eagleton, M. G. Benjamine Dunkin William G. Blake 103 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES April 11, Robert H. Brazeale Anna McKamy Nov. 4. William Sawords Mary Manning Jan 27, Jesse Lowe Prudence England Sept. 6, Abraham Odum Sally Henderson Oct. 5, James R. Hines Rachel Abeel Nov. 30, Peter Perry Barbary Ann Bonds Dec. 15, William Sexton BONDSMEN 1824 Robert H. Brazeale J. W. M. Brazeale William Sawords Peter Manning married by Joseph Bryant, J. P. 1825 James Hines John Hamilton Peter Perry Edward Pritchett Susan Pennick Sept. 26, Abraham Rowden Ann Brandon July 23, Jacob Phillips Jane Miller Feb. 24, John Wallace Eliza McCowl Oct. 27, William D. Phillips Susan P. Clark Abraham Rowden Adam Brandon married Aug. 2, by James Burselly married by William Eagleton, M. G. married by William Eagleton M. G. 104 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES BONDSMEN 1825 Jan. 3. William McNutt Sarah Weiss July 15, John Haster Elizabeth Dore Sept. 27, Jacob Winter Jane Frazier Nov. 29, William Young Polly Alif Feb. James Russell Elendor Russell April 8, Thomas Bell Polly McNight June 25. Allen Bolten William McNutt Wiley Luten married by Charles Galloway, M. G. married by Bashears Roberts, J. P. married by Charles Galloway, M. G. Allen Bolten Margaret Gardenhire William Harvey Oct. 5,, Reuben Evans Reuben Evans Rebecca Lauston Daniel Mizell Sept. 6, William Anderson Eliza M. E. McEwen June 8, Robert McNutt married by William Fagleton, M. G. Nancy Eldridge Jan. 11, Thomas McNutt Agnes Solomon Dec. 14, Jacob Rinkle Levisy Webb Thomas McNutt Thomas Nelson married by Thomas Stockton 105 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES Aug. 28, Moses Caps Dicey Cane BONDSMEN 1825 Moses Caps William Cane Dec. 25, Peter Fritts Parmelia Williams Oct. 29, David Haley Betsy Fleiner Dec. 30, Michael Anderson Patsy Pritchett Feb. 18, John Davis Frances Duncan Feb. 4, William Yates Eleanor Cagnee Dec. 2, John Julan Jane Taylor Sept. 6, William Jones Lydia Moon Dec. 14, William Booth Eliza Litbull (Lruttre¡l) Jan. 3, Titas Lacey Malinda T. Hamilton July 27, John Oliver Barbary McCrery Witnesses: Robert Haley, James Good, Richard Fleiner, Sally Fleiner married by James McMullen, J. P. married by William Magill 1826 John C. Julian Wentley Sturges William Jones Jonas Moon married by Henry Soward, M. G. married by James McMullen John Oliver John Hope Lewis Bowman William Weese 106 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES BONDSMEN 1826 Nov. 20, John Stubbs Mariam Nail Dec. 6, Samuel Evans Arty Lawson John Stubbs John Nail Sept. 26, Peter Tyler Peter Tyler Sally Adams John Loyd March 11, Milo Luckjon Polly Huff Jan. 26, Samuel Davis Jane Smith Nov. 1, Elisha Turner Jane Ward Dec. 29, Charles Adkins Margaret T. McMinn Seb. 11. Edmond Ford Phebe Butler Aug. 22, Isaac Gallion Nancy Johnson Sept. 28, William Day Patty Shahan May 5, Absolum Hicks Cretora Molting March 14, Joel Hood Nancy Haskins married by Thomas Stockton, J. P. Charles Adkins James P. Haynes Edmond Ford Thomas Blake Isaac Gallion Benjamine Hensley William Day George Sims married by Jonathan Barnard married by George Gamble 107 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY BONDSMEN NAMES Feb. 9, James Wiseman Polly Spind Sept. 1, 1826 married by Henry Liggett, J. P. B. L. Mullins Beamy Sharp Jan. 24, Joseph Parker Betsy Thalkill Oct. 2. John Grunant married by Charles Galloway, J. P. Sally Boman Spt. 12, John Gennings Jane Eatain June 1, Henry Davidson Patsy Marney March 14, Joel Hood Nancy Haskins March 25, Alexander Hyden Margaret Wrinkle Sept. 20, 1827 Josiah Perry Tempy Lewallin March 2, William Brown Polly Weese Nov. 13, Eldridge G. Sevier Mary C. Brown Dec. 27, Zadak Loveless Martha Falton married by Ben J. Lonacre married by Thomas Stockton Fldridge Sevier W. C. Dunlap William Loveless Zadak Loveless 108 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES June 5. BONDSMEN 1827 Arthur McFarland Elizabeth Sherrill Dec. 31, Joseph J. Monnger Nancy S. Young Feb. 21, Stephen Fortsen Peggy West July 7. William Scott Elizabeth White Sept. 7, Henry Cluck Ludy Wells Dec. 7, John Browder Minerva Matlock June 11, Thomas Donohoo Marian Harris Jan. 8, Benjamine Kimbrell Katherine Luttrell Joseph Shadwick Aug. 24, Susan Selvey August 8, Cory A. James Catherine E. Car Oct. 12, Lear Wheat Katie Isham married by Joseph Bryant Joseph Monnger Samuel Harvey Isaac Burris John Cove Stephen Fortsen Hezekiah Hotchkiss William Scott Luther White Henry Cluck William Cluck married by Samuel Detherel Methodist Church. Benjamine Kimbrell Peterson Kim Joseph Shadwick Willis Evans married by S. B. Howerwell, M. G. Harwell 109 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES June 23, BONDSMEN Alexander Gilbreath Peggy Snodgrass Jan. 23, James Grammer 1827 Alexander Gilbreath John B. Mason Susan McCulley David Ambrose Kesiah Robb Nov. 13, married by Jonathan Barnard, J. P. John Harvey Abigial Cole married by Bashears Roberts Dec. Welding Keeling Welding Keeling 1 Elizabeth Hiden March 13, Elijah Row Sinthy Juet July 27, Alexander Gilbert Susan Burk Feb. 19, Jacob Utley Nancy Williams March 25, Nathan Watson Lucy Steels Abraham Rinkell married by James Pursley Alexander Gilbert James Dalton married on the 23rd by Thomas Spence, J. P. May 14, Albert Hurt Sally Garrett 1828 married by Rev. R. Hooper 110 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES BONDSMEN 1828 Jan. 1, Elijah Rector Nancy Mann Dec. 30, James Qualls Eliza Snow Oct. 18, Barton Phillpot Catherine Funderburk July 26, Benjamine Cates Catherine Poindexter Oct. 11. Alexander Black Sarah Ann Smith May 28, William McCally Polly Rather Feb. 28. John Rathers Peggy Reyburn June 28, Henry Brazeale Syntha Ann McKinney Dec. 11, James Stephenson Nancy Crow Dec. 26. Morris Mitchell Annie Ewing Feb. 1, Owing Gentry Martha J. Brazeale James Qualls James Taylor married by William Brown, J. P. married by James Briggs married by William B. Clark, J. P. William McCally Waddy Thompson married by William Eblen, J. P. Henry Brazeale Robert Brazeale married by James Mitchell, M. G. 111 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES BONDSMEN 1828 July 9, William Loveless Polly Winton William Loveless Silas McGee Sept. 10, Joshua Casey Anna Haile August 4, Ornson Harris Nancy Rector March 26, Joshua Casey Solomon Stow married by William Brown, J. P. married April 1st by George Donnell, M. G. Thomas Woodburn Polly Griffy Oct. 25, Samuel Edington Sarah Hinds married Nov. 9th by William Brown, J. P. Dec. 20, Moses Lewis Lucinda Shell Nov. 5, William Goddard Nancy Evans March 10 Hezikiah Smith Anna Ralston Sept. 28, George Martin Elizabeth McIntire August 19, John Jolly Polly Detheridge March 18, Nicholas Ward Margaret Queener William Goddard Nathan Goddard married by Thomas Stockton, J. P. married by Joseph Bryant marred by Jonathan Barnarl, J. P. married by James Mitchell, M. G. 112 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES BONDSMEN 1828 August 17, Albert Henderson Elizabeth Hawks July 31, Drury Robinson Polly Hamilton Jesse Carter Betsy Sutton married by Buckner Walker, J. P. married by Rev. Joseph Mounger J. Carter Louis Sutton A. M. Brazeale, Clerk 1829 Jan. 15. Moses Crevat Nancy West June 30. William H. Gardner Ann Galloway Jan. 26, Richard Clark Ann Smith Jan. 21, David Roberts Patsy Bailey Jan. 24, Milton Burk Phebe Hatley Feb. 5. John Taylor Sally Lamb Feb. 3 John Covington Nancy Guffy William Gardner Thomas Gardner Richard Clark James Cofer David Roberts Isaac Bailey Milton Burk Lewis Renfro married by Henry Soward, J. P. John Covington Jesse King James Hankins 113 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES BONDSMEN 1829 Dec 18, John Renfro Polly Snow Sept. 24 William Huff Keziah Tunnell March 11, William Hughs Jane Beverly August 11, Henry Lyles Jenny Laney March 24, James Fell Rebecca Tate Oct. 27, Noah Miller Rachel Carter Jan. 22, Archibald C. Rogers Sarah P. Clark Jan. 22, Joel Wright Amanda Westbrook Feb. 24, Jesse McKinney Matilda Harvey March 4, Abraham Caphers Frances Willis Nov. 5. George Mitchell Sarah Ewing John Renfro M. K. Selvidge William Huff James Freeman married by John Tedder, M. G. James Fell Elijah Longbottom Noah Miller James Gambrill married by William Eagleton, M. G. married by Robert Marney, J. P. married by John S. Henley married by M. R. Jarrett 114 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES Dec. 7, BONDSMEN 1829 Joseph Overton Polly Blevens Oct. 20, William Owings Abigail Randolph Feb. 20, John Houston Margaret Riddle Dec. 19, Evans Breeding Abigail Hinds Oct. 29, Joseph Lorance Mary Ann Hyten August 19, John W. Winton Eliza Browder John Houston Robert Stout married by B. Longacre Joseph Lorance Anderson Hyden married by Samuel Deatheridge, M. G. April 7, Isaac Welhite Sussanah Harris Sept. 23, John D. Harbert Elizabeth Dalton Sept. 9, John McKane Elizabeth Dawson Dec. 15, Phillip Fritts Frances Jane Williams March 31, James Wilmot 1830 John Harbert Rial Silvey John McKane Wiley Tuten Phillip Fritts Peter Fritts Maria Burnett August 2. William H. Burns Susan Roberts married by William Magill 115 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES March 24, BONDSMEN 1830 Joseph Brashears Mary Dickey July 19, Pleasant Cosey Lucy Webb Nov. 20, Alfred Thompsor. Julia Woody March 5, J. A. James Casandree Kennedy Oct. 23, Samuel Grubb Sarah Roach July 30, Thomas Jones Harriett Haggard Dec. 16, John A. Hook Polly Gambell Dec. 25, Jefferson Stoner Vanilia Patty Dec. 6, Joseph Parks Margaret Fain March 8, John Smith Julia Davis Sept. 10, William Hutson Matilda B. Wright Alfred Thompson Brice Woody married by William Brown. J. P. married by Robert Williams, M. G. Thomas Jones Dudley Snow married by Thomas Brown. M. G. Joseph Parks Robert Blackstone married on the 25th by William Eblen, J. P. William Hutson Hansel Wright 116 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES Oct. 8, BONDSMEN 1830 John G. Clark Winney Jones Nov. 30, Jacob Funk Emily Hastler Jan. 28, William S. Weese Nancy Weese August 9, John Collier Polly Hankins August 2, Ebenezer Johnston Hannah Huff Dec. 23, John G. Clark Stephen Honey Jacob Funk David Patton William S. Weese William Weese John Collier David Roberts E. Johnston Robert Johnston James Oliver Anna Seltz Dec. 8, Josiah Danforth Letitia Prater Jan. 25, (Langdon London Rector Betsy Taliferro Jan. 31, Louis M. Sumpter Lidia Geren Oct. 8, Lutherate Grigsby Patsy Bailey Oct. 24, Leander Watson Mary Ann Suttle married by Darius Hoyt, M. G. 1831 married by B. Longacre, J .P. Louis Sumpter John Smithy L. Gregsby George Good 117 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES BONDSMEN March 20, 1831 James Martin Evaline Gossett July 2, James Yandall Polly Williams June 22, Edward Bowman Sally Cooper Feb. 20, David Burnett Patsy Burnett Oct. 25, Moses Carter Cynthia McCarroll Nov. 1. Robert Thornton Sarah Hagler Jan. 6. Isaac Griffith Catherine Howard Feb. 15, Lemaster U. Hornsby Polly Donaldson May 29, William Brown Lititia Kindred Oct. 10. James Melton Eliza Foster Oct. 5, David Dearmond Sarah Hinds married by B. Longacre, J. P. James Yandall Solomon Row Edward Bowman Jesse M. Low married by George Luttrell married by Thomas Spence Isaac Griffith Josiah Sullens married by B. Longacre, J. P. married by Samuel Lyles Minister of the Baptist Church. James Melton Alexander Nail David Dearmond Zacheus Ayers 118 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES Sept. 14, BONDSMEN 1831 Isaac Smith Flora McMillan Oct. 11. John Easton Polly Clark March 12, Charles Ellis Vicey Turner Jan. 15, John Cox Ana Crow April 14. William Branham Rebecca Lyles Oct. 30, Jacob Mesamore Lettice Tunnell married by William Brown, J. P. married by W. B. Clark, J. P. Charles Ellis Achilla L. Harrison married by Robert Marney, J. P. William Branham William Brock married by John Carter, J. P. James Hackney D. Parkings Sept. 12, James Hackney Longacre June 18, Abrabam Fuller Nancy Scott July 11, Richard Earp Sarah Tolbert 1832 Aug. 28, Andrew McNabb married by Frances Christian March 30, William Gilbert Elizabeth Hurt Joseph Robinson, J. P. married by Robert Marney, J. P. 119 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES BONDSMEN 1833 Dec. 26, William Lacey Kiziah Grinsley July 25, Allen Letsinger Elizabeth Cole Dec. 21, Andress McCullock Elvira Underwood married by Jonathan L. Barnard, J. P. License issued in Knox Co., by Charles J. McClung. Mar- ried by Robert Williams. 1834. married by Isaac Eblen, J. P. Oct. 30, John Morgan Mary Ann Highton Nov. 5, Mathew D. Russell Charlotte Dunwold Nov. 22, Benjamine Gilbert Malinda James Dec. 23. John Mahaffee Malinda Brandon Oct. 15, Zachariah Shackleford Mary Ann Cox Nov. 26, William A. Thompson Elizabeth Gibbons Mathew Russell Bryson Hood B. Gilbert George W. Smith J. Mahaffee Joshua Moore married by Richard Richards, M. G. W. A. Thompson Ralph Smith Jan. 9, Hiram Carroll Sarah Perry 1835 120 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES August 8. Samuel H. Davis Elizabeth C. Evans BONDSMEN 1835 married May 2, 1836 by William Reed, J. P. August 5, Massey Bishop Mary W. Gideon June 9. Overton Goodwin Elizabeth Hotchkiss Nov. 18. Samuel Dearmond Grizzy B. Dearmond Aug. 6. William Lea Sarah Clark Jan. 21, Abraham Weece Polly Braham July 27, William Lea John Clark married by Josiah Patty Joshua Gordon Polly Grammer March 3, Thomas Kitchen Margaret Bogart August 17, Campbell Simpson Eliza Boman Oct. 2, Jeremiah Rich Emily Bond Nov. 11, William Silvey Nancy Solomon Feb. 28. William James Jane Renfro married by Elisha Turner C. Simpson Elias Lane W. Silvey Jacob Tower W. James Edward McDuffer 121 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES Nov. 10. James K. Robertson Frances R. Lockett Jan, 17, William M. Grubb Prudence Scarbrough Nov. 5, John C. Terry Matilda Christian Nov. 5, Thomas J. Johnston Harriet G. Johnston June 8, Levi Voiles Omy Shaw Aug. 13, John Vann Tibitha Williams May 6, . Linsey Branham Betsy Cooley June 27, George W. Stout Jane Greer Oct. 20, Ephriam Huffine Hanover Ingram Nov. 26, Levi Jackson Jane West Sept. 15. John West Jane Eldridge BONDSMEN 1835 J. Robertson John H. Wright W. M. Grubb John Edwards J. C. Terry Hezekiah Love T. J. Johnston Henry Liggett married by Solomon Geren, J. P. John Vann Dennis Vann married by Joseph Robinson, J. P. G. W. Stout William Davis E. Huffine Thomas Melvin married by William Reed, J. P. John West John Eldridge 122 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES BONDSMEN 1835 Oct. 29, Wesley Middleton married by Polly Easter William Reed, J. P. August 13, John Finley Gabriella M. Hotchkiss August 17, William Pearson. Mary McBath Feb. 23. Lewis M. Roberts Mary Eleanor Stewart March 9, John Alford John Finley Samuel Hotchkiss married by McBath L. M. Roberts John Shields Sarah Waddy Feb. 17, Elias Lane Mahala Bowers Sept. 10, Robert Wilson Eliza Scarbrough Jan. 6. William Underwood Elizabeth Young Dec. 9, George McNabb Catherine Perkepile Jan. 3, Jacob Lowery Keziah Gossett Elias Lane Littledery Johnston R. Wilson William Hapler W. Underwood Andrew McCullock married by John Blair, J P. married by William B. Clark, J. P. 123 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES July 5, Wade Narramore Polly Tenn- Oct. 22, John G. Magill Polly Lovelace Feb. 11, Albert Howard Levinia Bowling Nov. 19, John A. Mathaney Lucinda Deatherage April 4, William Weese Amanda J. Wester Oct. 5, Jacob Delmon Margaret Keelaugh May 2, Samuel Weese Rebecca Brackett BONDSMEN 1835 married by Elisha Turner, M G. J. G. Magill A. S. Lenoir A. Howard John W. Rhea J. A. Mathaney Abner Deatherage W. Weese Absolom Tuttle married by William B. Clark, J. P. S. Weese William Weese 1836 March 17, Mark C. Capps Dellia Towers Nov. 15. George Towers Elvira Carter Oct. 29. M. C. Capps Gideon Capps George Towers John A. Sharp Nimrod Newman Roger Wilkey Mariah West March 23, Anderson Jones Frances Lewallen A. Jones Jesse Owings 124 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES Sept. 2, BONDSMEN 1836 George Cook Sattira Haggard April Michel Cook Ann Mullins April 7, Major M. Dobbins Evaline F. Miller Sept. 25, William Shackelford George Cook John Cook married by William G. Ellis Major M. Dobbins Epriam Miller W. Shackelford Elizabeth Reeder Feb. 25. Edmund Pryor Enoch H. Willett Savilla H. Russell Jan. 24. William Y. Dryskill Martha Johnston Dec. 9, Thomos Purcey Mary Ann Breeden Sept. 23, Joseph Lane Rebecca Baldwin Sept. 10, James Lynn Nancy Dickson Oct. 11. George Arnold W. Dryskill Samuel T. Childress 44 married by Micale H. Sellers, M. G. J. Lane Jesse Baldwin Nancy Cook Jan. 19, Samuel Thompson Margaret McKamey Samuel Thompson William N. McKamey } 125 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNT Y NAMES BONDSMEN 1836 Oct. 1, John Burkett Parmelia Burkett July 11, Nelson Munds Anny Clark Jan. 14, Chastain Freeman Beckey McMullens March 6, Jesse Hays Eveline Keith N. Munds Austin L. Green married by Elisha Turner, M. G. married by Richard Richards August 11, Thomas Napier Ethalenda Underwood March 23, David Turpin Dillia Wyatt 1837 Nov. 7, Thomas Coffer married by Henry Liggett Jane Martin Jan. 2. George Bowers Mary Armstrong Nov. 22 John Williams Mahaley Jane Stennett Aug. 31, John Umphris Patience Richards Sept. 2, Caswell Allen Niper Anny King married by William C. Julian, J. P. J. Williams Martin Williams J. Umphris Richard Watt C. Niper William Griffen 1 2 1 126 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES BONDSMEN 1837 James Scarborough Nov. 16, Ann Davis Oct. 20, Richard Simpson Martha E. Johnson married by J. M. Butler, J. P. April 15, Abraham Howard Kezziah Thrailkill March 26, Thomas Gallaher Elizabeth Williams April 24, Joseph Graham Polly Thrailkill March 23, John Garabrant Elizabeth Thrailkill Aug. 18, John Renfro Hannah Evans Sept. 18, William Hunt Elizabeth Hope Jan. 24, Joseph Lacey Susan Tuten Dec. 17, James Gallaher Elizabeth Burris 1838 1839 1840 127 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NAMES Oct. 10, Joseph Wilson Elizabeth Rose Dec. 2, Eli Hembree Nancy M. Ballew Jan. 25, Samuel Todd Caroline Newberry Sept. 10, Wiley Tuton BONDSMEN 1841 1842 Susan Marney 1843 Jan. 22, William Haggard Nancy Deatheridge July 15. John Cave Elizabeth Preston August 18. George T. Fry Elizabeth Bogart Sept. 30. Joseph Strange Sarah McGuffey The exact spelling of names as they appear in the mar- riage bonds has been followed, E. M. W. 128 On the back of the marriage records of Jesse Hays and Eveline Keith are the following lines. March 6, 1836. "Comments by Richard Richards, M. G." Said Jesse to Evéline, "let's us marry," Said Eveline to Jesse. "You might be sorry, You are only seventeen," "Yes", said Jesse the not to fasten, Children to marry are very keen. "We will send for the Parson." The work was done, the not was tied Between the boy and his bride. 1 PART FIVE i f EARLY FAMILIES OF ROANE COUNTY ALLISON 1. Thomas m. Susan Howard. Issue, Robert, Samuel, 2. Robert, from Chester Co., N. C. Settled in Greene Co., Tennessee. Jane Moore Lambkin, dau. of Alexander and Roxie Cowan Moore. Issue (a) Mary Moore, b. Feb. 1, 1774, (b) Uriah (b. Feb. 1, 1782, (c) Margaret, (d.) Susan, (e) Annie, (f) Robert, b. 1805 (g) Jane. 3. (a) Mary Moore, m. Gen. John Brown (See Brown) 3. (b) Uriah served under Gen. William Henry Harri- son in subduing the uprising of the Indians under Tecumseh. Also served under Capt. James Rogers, Capt. James O. Ander- son, Col. Elmund P. Gaines and Brig. Gen. James Winchester in War of 1812; m. 1820 Nancy Clark Cox, b. 1800. Issue: (a) Mary, (b) Mariah,, (c) Catherine Jane (d) Uriah. 3. (c) Margaret, dau. of Robert m. Moses Preston. 3. (d) Susan m. John Council 3. (e) Annie, m. James Craig 3. (f) Robert M. m. April 4, 1821 Nancy Byrd. Issue (a) Jesse Byrd, (b) Robert, (c) William, (d) Ruff, (e) Mary, (f) Sarah, (g) Lou, (h) Maria (i) Edna, (j) Uriah. 4. (a) Mary, dau. of Col. Uriah m. Dec. 3, 1840 John Doss. Issue. 5. (a) Margaret m. Standifer Peak. Issue, Walter. 5. (b) Eliza, dau. of John and Mary Doss m. William Craighead. Issue (a) Jack, (b) William Alexander, (c) Gil- lespie, (d) James R., (e) Charles C., (f) Libbie Kate. 5. (c) Mary Kate m. Tyler Crawford 5. (d) Georgia. 4. (b) Maria Louise, dau. of Col. Uriah m. George Nicholson. Issue. 133 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 5. (a) Mary m. Breckenridge, of Ky. 5. (b) Annie m. first Jacob Fritts, Issue Elizabeth. Second Thomas Gibson. 5. (c) Hugh, 5. (d) Henry, 5. (e) Elizabeth, 5 (f) John. 4. (c) Catherine Jane, dau. of Col. Uriah m. Dr. John W. Wester. (See Wester.) 4. (d) Uriah m. Jan. 29, 1820 Nancy Cox.? 4. (a) Jesse, son of Robert and Nancy m. 1827 Eliza Ann Hill Issue. (a) Joseph Hill, (b) Elizabeth. -- 5. (a) Joseph Hill m. Maria Mathews, Issue (a) Eliza- beth Lee. (b) Benjamine. 5. (b) Elizabeth m. 6. (a) Elizabeth Lee m. Hugh Brown. 6. (b) Benjamine m. Pansy Saunders. 2. (b) Samuel Son of Thomas and Susan m. Margaret Dickson. Settled in Kentucky. Issue 3 (a) Nancy R. m. Samuel Jackson. 3. (b) Charles McLean, 3. (c) William Dickson, 3. (d) Young Ewing. 3. (e) John Adair, 3. (f) Samuel Henley. 134 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY BARNARD 1. John came from England. m. 1st Anna Carr. Issue a (a) Reuben,, (b) Hyre, (c) Anna, (d) Mary, (e) Rachel. 2nd m. Bachman. Issue (f) Zedic, (g) John C., (h) Jonathan, (i) Polly, (j) Lydia. 2. (h) Jonathan b. Jan. 1, 1790 came to Roane Co., 1820, d. April 1875 m. Sarah Jolly b. Oct. 24, 1794, d. Sept. 3, 1875. Issue 3 (a) John Anderson, (b) William, (c) James, (d) Reuben, (e) Samuel, (f) George, (g) Jonathan M., (h) Nancy, (i) Margaret, (j) Sarah, (k) Elizabeth, (1) Lucinda. 3. (a) John Anderson b. May 31, 1800, d. Jan. 3, 1904, m. Nov. 20, 1838, Eliza Campbell. Issue. 4. (a) Jonathan Robert Campbell, (b) Seraphine, (c) James, (d) Alexander, (e) Newton, (f) Albert, (g) John Anderson, (h) Samuel, (i) Eliza, (j) Almarinda. Anderson, (h) Samuel, (i) Elija, (j) Almarinda. 3 (f) George, son of Jonathan m. Cardine Crowder. Issue (a) Crowder, (b) Alice, (c) Sallie, (d) Thomas, (e) Walter, (f) Eblen, (g) May. 3. (g) Jonathan M., son of Jonathan I, m. Rebecca Weiss. Issue 4 (a) Richard, (b) Sallie, (c) Arch, (d) Mack, (e) Cora, (f) Laura (g) Bertha, (h) Charles. 3. (h) Nancy, dau. of Jonathan I, b. 1814 m. Oct. 8, 1841, William Breeden, b. in Virginia 1803. -Ponder. Johnson. Kincaid. Rushing. 3. (i) Margaret, dau. of Jonathan I, m. 3. (j) Sarah, dau. of Jonathan I m. 3. (k) Elizabeth, dau. of Jonathan I m. 3. (1) Lucinda, dau. of Jonathan I, m. 3. (d) Reuben, son of Jonathan I, m. Dec.. 11, 1832, Rachel Sparks. 3. (b) William J. son of Jonathan I m. Dec. 20, 1843, Mary Ann Puree. 4. (b) Seraphine, dau. of John Anderson m 1853, Arthur Ewing (see Ewing). March 25, 1 135 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY' 4. (j) Amarinda, dau. of John Anderson m. Harmon. 4. (e) Cora, dau. of Jonathan and Rebecca m. Billingsly. 4. (g) Bertha, dau. of Jonathan and Rebecca m. Crabtree. 4. Samuel, son of Nancy B. and William Breeden, b. July 25, 1852, m. 1884, Hester Marrell, dau. of Eldridge and Susan Allison Marrell. Issue. William E. 5. (h) Samuel T., son of Jonathan R. C. b. April 16, 1855 m. Margaret Lydia Williams b. May 27, 1864. Issue 5 (a) Robert Arthur (m. Flora Hurst, 5 (b) Fred, 5 (c) Henry Gibson m.) Whitlow Betterton. Issue 6 (a) Henry Gibson, Jr., 5 (d) Marjorie m. George Thomas Margraves. Issue (a) William Thomas, (b) James Barnard, (c) Harry Eugene, (d) Robert Erwin, 5 (e) Jack Carson m. Claire 5 (f) Lula May. 5. (g) Morgan Clack m. Ruth Cummings. Issue 6 (a) Caroline Lee, 6 (b) Morgan Clack, 5 (h) Hazel Genevieve, 5 (i) Helen Marie 1 4 1 1 136 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY BLAIR 1. John b. in South Carolina, a soldier at King's Mt., m. Feb. 9, 1771, Jane Gamble, Guilford Co., N. C. Issue 2 (a) Thomas, 2 (b) Hugh, b. 1774, (c) William, b. 1775, (d) James b. 1777, (e) John b. April 20, 1783, (f) Samuel b. Sept. 5, 1784, (g) Jane b. Oct. 6, 1781, (h) Mary Daw- son b. July 2, 1789, 2nd wife Hannah Caruthers Issue (i) Polly, (j) Rachel, (k) Martha Patsy, (1) Elizabeth. 1. John settled in Roane Co. in 1790 Issue of Hugh, brother of John I 3. (a) John b. March 31, 1808, (b) Polly b. Jan. 5, 1810, (c) Jenny, b. Nov. 3, 1811, (d) James b. Sept. 9, 1813, (e) Frankie b. Sept. 27, 1815, (f) Vinson b. Jan. 23, 1819, (g) Betsy, b. May 25, 1821, (h) Hugh b. Jan 11, 1825, (i) Patsy Ann b. June 11, 1831. 2. (e) John b. April 20, 1783, son of John and Jane m. March 29, 1827 Elizabeth Johnson, Issue (a) James Thomas b. Aug. 29, 1828, (b) William Wiley b. July 2, 1830, (c) Hugh Allen b. Feb. 14, 1832, (d) Mary Jane b. Feb. 21, 1834, (e) Nancy Isabelle b. Jan. 3, 1836, (f) John Johnson b. Dec. 8, 1837, (g) Elizabeth Ann b: Oct. 1839, (h) George M., b. Nov. 18, 1841, (i) Martha b. Dec. 17, 1843, (j) Elizabeth Caroline b. Nov. 14, 1845. 2. (c) James b. 1777 d. Nov. 6, 1826, m. Jane Car- michael b. Jan. 11, 1775, d. Mar. 26, 1841. Issue (a) John b. July 19, 1800 m. Elizabeth Scales b. June 25, 1808 d. Feb. 23, 1868. Issue (a) Isabelle b. July 6, 1801 m. Prater, (b) William (Wiley) b. Feb. 13, 1803 d. Jan. 1, 1865, (c) Betsy b. Feb. 16, 1805, (d) Allen b. Nov. 9, 1807, (e) Mahala b. Jan. 8, 1810, (f) Hugh b. April 16, 1811, (g) Wiley b. Feb. 19, 1813, d. Aug. 2, 1854, (h) Jenny, b. July 29, 1815. 2. (c) William, son of John and Jane Gamble m. Sarah Simmonds. Issue (a) John b. 1808, d. 1875, m. Mary Ed- wards of Virginia. Issue: 3. (a) William R., (b) Sarah, (c) Vincent, (d) Hugh, (e) Elizabeth. 3. (b) Sarah m. John Hall. 3. (e) Elizabeth m. Andrew Allen. 137 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 4. (a) Dr. James Thomas, son of John and Elizabeth m. 1st. Oct. 18, 1853 Margaret Lucinda Barkley. Issue: 5. (a) Lilliam Olivia b. July 23, 1856 (b) Arthur b. Aug. 10, 1858, (c) Jessie b. June 9, 1862, (d) Finnie b. Aug. 16, 1864, (e) Walter b. Jan. 15, 1867. 2nd. m. June 11, 1872 Lucy George Osborne. Issue (f) Fannie b. March 21, 1873, (g) Lucy b. Jan. 3, 1875, (h) Jimmie Hugh, b. Oct. 31, 1878, (i) Callie Alice b. July 22, 1881, (j) Samuel Douglas b. Dec. 4, 1883, (k) Martha Eliza (1) John Allen b. Sept. 29, 1888. 4. (b) William W., son of John and Elizabeth m. Winn. M. D. 4. (c) Dr. Hugh Allen m. Margaret 4. (d) Mary Jane m. James L. Johnston. 4. (e) John Johnson m. Mary Osburn. 4. (f) Martha m. May 10, 1866, George W. St. John, 4. (h) Callie m. William D. Johnston. Issue of John J. and Mary Osburn Blair: 5. (a) Lula m. Dr. A. B. Ramsey. 5. (b) John J. m. Addie Rogers. 5. (b) William Wiley, son of James and Jennette b. 1803 m. March 30,1843, Mary Johnston. Issue. 4. (a) Rachel, (b) Laura, (c) James M. b. 1844, (b) Wiley W. b. 1851, (e) Hugh E. F. 4. (b) Laura m. William R. Blair. 138 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY BLAKE Thomas came from Virginia in 1810. 1. Thomas m. King, a sister of Major Robert King and settled on King's Entry, now part of the Clack farm. Issue: Mary, William G., Nathan, John. 2. Mary m. March 12, 1823 Isaac Hembree. 2. Nathan m. Betsy Summers. Issue. 3. (a) John H. (b) William A., (c) Charles C., (d) George Washington, (e) James F., (f) Elija, (g) Robert K., (h) Benjamine F., (i) Joseph, (j) David, (k) Mary J. 3. (a) John H., m. Mary Staples. Issue, (a) Samuel Monroe, (b) William Anderson, (c) Susan Elizabeth, (d) Velia M., (e) Joseph Frederick, (f) Anna Laura, (g) Georgia Fay, (h) Charles, (i) Ruth. 3. (b) William Anderson 3. (c) Charles C. m. Rachel Snow. 3. (d) George Washington m. Louise Snow. 3. (g) Robert K. m. Paralee DeLaney. 3 (h) Benjamine F. m. Della Upshaw 3. (i) Joseph m. Rachel Snow. 3. (j) David m. Kitty Staples. 3. (k) Mary J. m. William F. Seaver. Issue (a) Wil- liam, (b) Fannie. (a) Samuel Monroe, son of Mary and John H. Blake m. Sarah E. McGuffey. Issue (a) Charles Edward, (b) James Morgan, (c) J. Alvin. (a) Charles Edward Blake m. Margaret Middleton Wells. (b) William Anderson, son of Mary and John H. Blake m. Barbara McGuffey. Issue: Willie May m. Dr. Welch. (c) Susan Elizabeth m. James H. Bowman. Issue, (a) James, (b) Linnie Fay, (c) Wendel. (d) Velia m. Joseph Powell. Issue (a) Josie May, (b) Asa A. (e) Joseph Frederick m. Anna Lewis. Issue, (a) Joseph Frederick, (b) Mary Thelma. 139 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY (f) Anna Laura m. Allen Montgomery. Issue, Ellen Fay. (g) Georgia Fay m. Rue H. Haggard. Issue, (a) Allen Halen, (b) Frederick. (h) Charles, m. Dorothy Golston. Issue (a) John, (b) Frank. (i) Ruth m. Edgar Siler. Issue, (a) Edgar Allen, (b) Edwina. 140 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY BOWERS 1. Green b. Orange Co., N. C., was Sheriff of the County for seven years. Moved to Roane Co., in 1814. 2. Benjamine b. in North Carolina m. Mary Cloud and moved to Roane Co., in 1827. Issue: 3. (a) David G. b. 1826 in Orange Co., N. C., m. 1848 Eliza Bowman. Issue (a) Samuel, (b) Mary E., (c) Sarah, (d) John W.. (e) Rufus S., (f) James J., (g) Thomas L. 3. (b) Mary m. Patrick W. Evans (see Evans). 3. (c) Sarah m. Aug. 3, 1842 Charles S. Howard. 3. (d) George m. Oct. 30, 1844, Jane Milsap. Sam B. Bowers m. 1892 Cora Owings. Issue: a. Raymond S. b. Elmer O. c. Sam B., Jr. d. J. D. e. Jesse M. f. Alice Ruth. John W. Bowers m. Mary M. Acuff. Issue: a. Nellie. b. Tom R. c. Alice. d. Will S. e. Myrtle. f. David G. g. John Ed. Charles E. Delozier m. Nelle Bowers. Issue: a. Edward W. b. Helen. c. Claude B. d. Paul. Thomas L., son of David G. m. Polly Nelson, Issue. (a) Thomas, (b) Rose.. (a) Thomas m. Mary Ingram. (b) Rose m. Fielding Brown. 141 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY BOWMAN 1. John b. in Virginia a Revolutionary Soldier. 2. Samuel b. in Virginia m. Elizabeth Morgan, of Vir- ginia. Issue, William, Nancy, Eliza, John. 3. William m. Jan. 10, 1813 Levisy Edwards. 3. Nancy m. Nov. 2, 1810 Charlie Burk. 3. Eliza m. David Bowers. Children of John W. and Myra: 4. (a) Saunders m. Anna Poole. 4. (b) Anna m. 1st. Oscar Evans, 2nd. James Delaney. 4. (c) James Harper m. Susan Elizabeth Blake (See Blake). 4. (d) Lennie m. Robert H. Alford. Helen. 4. (e) John W. m. Frankie Eblen. 4. (f) David Franklin. Children of Saunders and Anna: 5. (a) Frank m. Elsie Thompson. 5. (b) Thomas Leeper m. Elizabeth Street. 5. (c) Lennie m. 5. (d) Farnum. Ruth m. Robert H. Tilley. 5. (e) Grace, 5 (f) Saunders, 5 (g) Mildred, 5 (h) Chillren of Anna and Oscar Evans. 5. (a) Rupert, (b) William, (c) Alice, (d) Thomas, (e) Patrick. 5. (c) Alice Evans m. Oscar Rose. Children of Lennie and Robert H. Alford. 5. (a) Myra m. (d) Elsie. Eblen (b) Paul, (c) Robert, Children of John W. and Frankie. 5. (a) Owenby, (b) Dixie Lynn, (c) Mary Frabk, (d) Bettie, (e) James. 142 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY BRAZEALE 1. (a) Henry came from South Carolina and settled in Knox Co., was appointed assistant Dist. Attorney July 3, 1797. Moved to Kingston 1797. Issue (a) Willis, (b) Henry, (c) John W. M., (d) Sarah, (e) Carrick, (f) Robert.Woods. 2. (a) Willis m. 2. (b) Henry m. March 2, 1821 Betsy Morgan. 2. (c) John W. M. m. Feb. 5, 1824 Betsy Margraves. 2. (d) Sarah m. Nov. 10, 1822 Henry Newman. 2. (f) Robert m. 1824 Anna McKamey. 2 (b) James, brother of Henry, m. 1805 Peggy Miller. Issue: 2. (a) Henry Miller who m. Syntha McKinney June 28, 1828. (b) Martha who m. Owing Gentry 1828. 3. (a) Elijah W., son of Willis, m. Nancy McMullen. 3. (b) Jane, dau. of Willis, m. Isaac McCoy. (c) Elizabeth, dau. of Willis m. Isaac Eblen. (d) Adaline, dau. of Willis m. Duncan. (e) Amanda, dau. of Willis m. Moses Ingram. (f) Willis, Jr., m. Nancy Bogart. (g) James, m. Susan Munger. (h) Sarah Woods m. Stephen Ingram. Issue of Elijah W. and Nancy: 4. (a) Amanda, (b) Thomas B., b. 1835 m. Jane Young. b. 1841. Issue 5. (a) Samuel Alexander, (b) Oscar, (c) Elizabeth, (d) Hortense, (e) Martha. 4: (a) Samuel Alexander m. Lou Ralston. 4. (b) Elizabeth m. Samuel Wilkerson. 4. (c) Hortense m. Charles Henderson. 4. (d) Martha m. William Wilkerson. Elizabeth Brazeale m. William Nickard. Alezander Brazeale m. Jan. 8, 1842 Elizabeth Stow. Robert H. m. Nov. 14, 1841 Elizabeth Wells. Henry Brazeale m. Louisa Luttrell Oct. 5, 1850. J. H. Brazeale m. Susan Delozier June 3, 1880. William Brazeale m. Julia Narramore Sept. 30, 1881. David R. Brazeale was in the County in 1823. Hugh L. Brazeale practiced law in Roane Co., in 1834. 143 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY BROWDER 1. Edmund, of Guilford Co., N. C. Issue. 2. John and Darius brothers came from Cheatham Co., North Carolina about 1796. 2. John m. Miss Richardson. Issue: 2 (a) Darius, m. Miss Matlock. 2. (b) James m. Susan Johnston. Issue (a) John, (b) William, (c) Darius. 2. (c) Jeptha. 2. (d) Ginsie m. Eldridge. 2. (e) Julia m. Thomas Prater (See Prater). 2. (f) Nancy (Polly) m. Bowman. 2. (g) Fannie m. Eddington. 2. (h) Elizabethm. John Wesley Winton (See Winton). 2. (i) Mary m. Josiah Jackson b. Dec. 25, 1800, d. Jan. 17, 1877. 2. (j) m. Wilson. 1. Darius, son of John m. Jane Crump and came from North Carolina in 1796. Issue. 2. (a) William, (b) Darius, (c) John, (d) Betsy, (e) Jane. 2. (a) John m. 1828 Minerva Matlock. Issue (a) Theresa, (b) William J., (c) Darius, (d) Samuel, (e) Mary, m. W. R. Harvey, (See Harvey) (f) John F., (g) Martha J. m. James Reynolds), (h) Julia, m. George D. Rogers, (i) Minerva E. m. Rev. L. K. Haines, (j) Ellen m. W. L. Gallaher, (k) Joseph Crump. 3. (f) John F. b. Oct. 15, 1840 m. Mar. 12, 1862, Sarah Gallaher. Issue 4. (a) Joseph Rowan, (b) George L., (c) Lula May m. J. R. Giddings, (d) Maud m. W. R. Doug- thit, (e) William H. 4. (a) Joseph Rowan b. Aug. 28, 1863 m. Dec. 18, 1889 Nellie Dyer Issue 5 (a) Sarah J., (b) Willie Rice, (c) Frank Vaughn, (d) Joseph G., (e) Robert H., (f) Nellie B., (g) John, (h) Mattie Elizabeth. 2. (a) William, son or Darius b. in Chatham Co., N. C., Feb. 10 1792 m. 1814 Elizabeth, daughter of James Lackey in • 1 t 144 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Roane Co. Issue 3 (a) John Jefferson b. Nov. 9, 1818, (b) William D. b. Jan. 1822 (c) James Madison, b. Oct. 16, 1824, (d) Darius, (e) David A., (f) Nancy Jane b. May 17, 1839, (g) Maryline. 3. (a) John Jefferson m. Dec. 22, 1844 Elizabeth Lots- speich b. May 7, 1825. Issue. 4. (a) Elizabeth, (b) Mary, (c) Amanda, (d) William (e) Sarah, (f) John W., (g) Charles D., (h) Nancy, (i) Alice, (j) Samuel. 3. (b) William D. m. Jan. 1823 m. Sarah Deatherage Oct. 24, 1844. 3. (c) James Madison m. Nov. 29, 1849 Letitia Pat- terson. Issue. 4 (a) Mary m. J. L. Suddath, (b) David New- ton m. Emma Byrd, (c) Elizabeth m. J. N. Heiskell, (d) Ellen m. Austin A. Green, (e) James Patterson m. Maud Critchell, (f) John Jefferson m. Bettie Taylor, (g) Horace Lackey m. Hulda Cleveland, (h) Lucy m. W. K. Horton, (i) Robert, 2nd wife of James M. was Elizabeth Armstrong Issue: (j) Samuel, (k) Clyde. 3. (e) David A. b. Mar. 2, 1835 m. Rachel Dickey Oct. 12 1858. Issue. 3. (f) Nancy Jane m. John H. Pickel. 3. (g) Maryline m. James Stone. Issue (a) Malinda (b) Elizabeth. 4. (a) Malinda m. William McMurray. 4. (b) Elizabeth m. Estel Lowe. Issue: (a) James, (b) David, (c) William, (d) Samuel, (e) Lee, (f) Josephine. 4. (c) Amanda, dau. of John J. m. April 16, 1872 Andrew J. Dickey. 145 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY BROWN 1. James b. in Rockbridge Co., Va., Scotch-Irish. 2. Thomas b. 1800, was the pastor of Bethel Presby- terian Church from 1827 to 1872. m. 1834 to Jane N., dau. of David and Elizabeth Patton. Issue. (a) Ignatius Cyprian, (b) Mary, (c) Rowena, (d) William L., (e) Nancy, (f) David J., (g) Mary E., (h) Eusannah, (i) H. Virginia, (j) Laura. ) 3. (c) Ignatius C. m. Ruth Hamlet. Issue: Jennie, Wil- liam L., Harry L., Hadly. 3. (c) Rowena m. Thomas J. Moore. Issue: Susan, Thomas J. 3. (d) William L., m. Sydney Hood. Issue: Clara Maud, Cecil, Thomas John P., Huldah, Jane S., Lois Amanda. 3. (i) Virginia m.. Cecil m. Buena V. West. Hall. Thomas, son of William m. Nettie Walker. John P., m. Hazel Jones. Siezer. Susan, dau. of Rowena and Thomas J. Moore, m. J. B. Thomas J. Moore, Jr., m. 1st. Helen Swalm, 2nd. Ella Hastings McGinness. BROWN 1. Edward b. in Wales came to Northampton Co., Va., m. Miss Brown. Issue: (a) Samuel, (b) William, (c) John, (d) Henry (e) Benjamine, (f) Beverly, (g) Robert. 2. (b) William m. Sarah Long of Culpepper Co., Va. and moved to North Carolina, Issue: (a) Henry, (b) William, (c) Benjamine, (d) Samuel, (e) John. 3. (e) John enlisted as Ensign 1775 in North Carolina. Commissioned Captain in 1st. N. C., Apr. 26, 1777. Served in N. C. Dragoons 1778. m. Mary Little Tarver, of Snow Hill, Greene Co., N. C. and settled at Contentnea Creek. He was killed by a Tory about 1792. Issue (a) Robert Tarver, (b) John and Thomas, (twins) (c) William, (d) Rebecca, (e) Mary Ellen. 1 1 ་ 146 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Avensis 4. (a) Robert Tarver b. Nov. 19, 1775, d. Jan. 14, 1846. m. June 1, 1807 Catherine Valle at Station Gene- vieve (St. Louis, Mo.) Catherine d. Sept. 4, 1842. 4. (b) John Brown m. 1st. Mary Moore Allison, 2nd. Nancy Clark Cox Allison, widow of Col. Uriah Allison. 4. (b) Thomas Brown m. Jane Adams MeElwee. 4. (e) William Brown m. Sarah Kimbrough. 4. (d) Rebecca Brown m. Robert Taylor. 4. (e) Mary Ellen Brown m. May 14, 1803 1st. Zacheus Ayers. 2nd. Dr. Richard Richards. In 1798 'Mary Tarver Brown, after the death of Capt. John Brown moved to Roane Co. Her son, John, was made a Brig. Gen. by Andrew Jackson in the War of 1812. He raised a Regiment of Soldiers known as the "Second Regiment Mount- ed Gunmen, of East Tennessee Volunteers" and went to the assistance of Gen. Jackson at the "Battle of Horseshoe Bend." Mary T., died 1800 and is buried at Muddy Creek Cemetery. Issue of Gen. John and Mary M. Allison Brown. 5. (a) Robert Allison, (b) Sarah Tarver, (c) Thomas. Albert, (d) Mary Jane, (e) John W., (f) William L., (g) Susan Howard. Issuc of Gen. John and Nancy Cox Allison Brown. 5. (a) Benjamine, (b) Rachel Jackson, (c) Eliza Jane, (d) George Bartlett. 4. (b) Thomas, the twin brother of Gen. John Brown. was a soldier in the War of 1812 and was commissioned a Major. b. Sept. 15, 1779; m. Jane Adams McElwee 1800. Issue: (a) William Franklin, (b) John Smith T., (c) Mary Caroline. 5. (a) Robert Allison, son of Gen. John and Mary Brown, b. Feb. 8, 1808, d. Sept. 7, 1886, m. Oct 27, 1836, Mary Jane Gillen waters b. Dec. 30, 1819. Issue: (a) William G., (b) John, (c) Robert A., (d) Elizabeth Gillen Waters, (e) Samuel Eskridge, (f) Walter Roddye. 5. (b) Sarah Tarver Brown m. Nathaniel R. Jarrett. Issue: (a) Mary Comelia, (b) Jerome, (c) Robert, (e) Susan. (f) Eliza, (g) John. 5. (c) Thomas Albert m. Edna Trowers. Issue: (a) 147 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Matilda, (b) Victoria, (c) Mary Ellen, (d) Thomas (e) Wilbur, (f) George, (g) Edna. 5. (d) Mary Jane, dau. of Gen. John m. Dr. John Wesley Wester, (See Wester). 5. (e) John Winston m. Sarah Matlock. 5 (f) William L. m. Caroline Gamble. Issue: William. 5. (g) Susan Howard m. Dr. Benjamine F. Davis. Issue: (a) John, (b) Jennie Medora. 5. (a) Benjamine, son of Gen. John and Nancy Brown, m. Sarah M. Ellis. Issue: (a) John Ellis, b. May 4, 1857, (b) Carrie Meadors, b. Apr. 1858, (c) George, b. Apr. 1859, (d) Thomas W., b. Dec. 5, 1860, (e) Caleb, b. June 13, 1864, (f) Ernest, (g) Wilbert Otho, b. 1868, (h) Charles Robert, b. 1871, (e) Gypsie, b. May 30, 1874, m. J. W. Prater. 5. (b) Rachel Jackson m. John Coleman. Issue: (a) Margaret, (b) Ella, (c) Addie, (d) James, (e) Mamie. 5. (c) Eliza Jane m. William Martin d. June 2, 1927, (See Martin). 5. (d) George Bartlett b. June 2, 1839, d. Feb 21, 1924. 4. (e) Issue of Mary Ellen and Zacheus Ayers, 5 (a) Alexander, (b) William, (c) Alpha, (d) Sophia, (e) Zacheus. 5. (d) Sophia m. Rev Samuel Harwell. 5. (a) William Franklin, son of Major Thomas and Jane Brown, m. Amanda Renfro. Issue: (a) Thomas J., (b) Catherine Jane, (c) John Smith, (d) Rebecca, (e) Polk, (f) Amanda, (g) Sarah, (h) Robert, (i) Mary Caroline. 6. (a) Thomas J. m. Martha Almeda Owings. Issue: 7 (a) William Jackson b. 1868, 7 (b) George Franklin, b. 1870, m. Maud Sewell. Issue: 8 (a) Emma Frances, 7 (c) Thomas Jefferson b. 1873, 7 (d) James Polk b. 1875). 6. (b) Catherine Jane m. Robert m. Kimbrough. (See Kimbrough). 6. (c) John Smith m. 6 (d) Rebecca m. William McElwee (See McElwee). 6. (e) Polk m. Mary Roddye. Issue: (a) Florence, (b) Elizabeth. 1 I 148 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 6. (f) Amanda m. Dr. William Wilson. Issue: William. (b) Caroline, (c) Robert, (d) Mamie. (a) 6. (g) Sarah m. Henry Patton. Issue: (a) Frank m. Florence -, (b) Neal m. Etheleen Upshaw. 6. Mary Caroline m. John R. Neal. Issue: (a) Amanda B., (b) John R., (c) Mary P., (d) Nora K., (e) George F. 7. (a) Amanda m. William Wheelock. Issue: (a) Wil- liam Neal, (b) John S. 7. (e) George F. m. Mattie S. Milton. 5. (b) John Smith T., son of Major Thomas m. Eliza- beth Tarver. 5. (c) Mary Caroline m. Elbridge Gerry Sevier (See Sevier). 6. (a) Victoria, dau. of Thomas Albert and Edna Brown m. George Gillespie, (See Gillespie). 6. (b) Mary Ellen m. Jesse Cravens, (See Cravens). 6. (a) William, son of William L. and Caroline Gamble Brown m. Janie Ford. Issue: (a) William, (b) Ella, (c) George, (d) Vassie, (e) Zollicoffer. 7. (a) Florence, dau of Polk and Mary Roddye m. Charles Mills. Issue: (a) Ruth, (b) Elizabeth. 7. (b) Elizabeth m. James Crumbliss, (See Crumbliss). 6. (a) Matilda, dau. of Thomas Albert and Edna Brown m. Thomas Roberts. Issue: (a) Thomas, (b) Nancy Ann. 4. (d) Children of Rebecca Brown and Robert Taylod (a) Etheldred, (b) John, (c) William, (d) Kinchen, (e) Polly, (f) Sarah, (g) Clasky, (h) Jincy, (i) Rebecca. 5. (2) Etheldred m. Dec. 11, 1811, Catherine Arbuckle. Children of Robert Tarver and Catherine Valle Brown. 5. (a) John Fenwick b. 1810 m. Miss Grass. Issue: (a) Cora A., (b) Robert Tarver, (c) Charles. 149 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 6. (a) Cora A. Brown m. James Defani. Issue (a) Esther, (b) Cassie, (d) Bernard. 6. (b) Robert Tarver m. 1st. Laura Montgomery, 2nd. Theresa Berdendistle. 5. (b) Walter b. 1812 m. Mary J. Rochford. Issue: (a) Catherine, (b) Harriett, (c) Susan, (d) Cora, (e) Mary. 6. (b) Harriett m. Louis Schaff. Issue: (a) Edward, m. Ida Cox, (b) Walter m. Matilda Jordon, (c) Mary m. Syl- vester Rozier, (d) Cecelia m. Frank Rozier, (e) Carl, (f) Caroline m. Henry Rhem. 6. (c) Susan m. Joseph Faina. Issue: Joseph. 6. (d) Cora m. Jasper Menord. Issue: (a) Stella, (b) Rochford, (c) Nora, (d) Agnes, (e) Lucille, (f) Henrietta, (g) Rose, (h) Catherine, (i) Edward. 6. (c) Mary m. John Reel. Issue: Jennie and others. 5. (c) Robert T. m. Jan. 22, 1838, Mary E. Holden. Issue: (a) Ellen m. Jonah Sappington, (b) Julia, m. 1st. Cissil, Issue (a) Carrie, (b) Robert: 2nd. m. Stocker. Issue: (c) Charles Stocker. 5. (d) Francoise Valle, b. July 19, 1822 m. Sarah Har- well. Issue: 6. (a) Barton, (b) Robert T. m. Bell Howard. Issue: (a) Howard, (b) Bell, (c) Valle, (d) Genevieve. 6. (c) Thomas m. Celeste Murphy, 6 (d) Ada m. Joseph Weber. Issue: (a) Nellie, (b) Ada, (c) Sarah, (d) John. • 5. (e) William A. b. Aug. 21, 1818, m. Ann S. Noel Mar. 4, 1839. Issue: (a) Mary, (b) Emely m. James Bur- gees. Issue: Mattie, Catherine, Charity, Elizabeth, Joe, James, Henry, Zeno, Valle. 1832 d. Apr. 1840. (c) Catherine, (d) Laura, (e) Ann. 5. (f) Louis Franklin b. Dec. 5. (g) Charles C. b. Nov. 24, Jan. 12, 1858. 1830 m. Mary de Lossus, 5. (h) Zeno b. Oct. 9, 1826 d. Mar. 7, 1874. 5. (i) Thomas Joseph b. Nov. 22, 1824 d. 1904. 5. (j) Evariest Ambrose b. Dec. 7, 1828. 150 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 5. (k) Mary E. b. July 22, 1814 m. Francoise Greg- vire Dec. 28, 1831, d. Oct. 17, 1848. Issue: (a) August and others. 5. (1) July Mary b. Aug. 3, 1820 d. July 10, 1861 m. Francis H. Wilkerson, Jan. 23, 1838. 5. (m) Catherine Emely b. Aug. 1, 1835 m. 1st. Rich- ard Waters Apr. 13, 1854. Issue: (a) Julia, b. Apr. 22, 1855, 2nd. J. Barton Cox, Jan. 11, 1859. Issue: (b) Louisa Cather- ine m. Henry B. Lawrence, (c) Phillip Shaw, (d) George W., (e) Ida M. m. Edwarl Schaff, (f) William B. m. Lula Maud Staunton, (g) Anne E. m. Peter Huck. 6. (a) William Gillen Waters, son of Robert A. b. Apr. 11, 1838, d. Mar. 19, 1914, m. Elizabeth Glenn. Issue: 7 (a) Robert Hugh m. Ida Morris. Issue: Susan Elizabeth, 7 (b) William m. Ida Horn. Issue 8 (a) Frank, 7 (c) Albert m. Bess Cowden. Issue 8 (a) George Albert.. 6. (b) John b. Mar. 29, 1840, d. Mar. 4, 1864. 1844, 6. (c) Thomas b. Mar. 20, 1842, d. Apr. 21, 1862. 6. (d) Robert Allison b. Dec. 3, 1844, m. Mary Agnes Stephens, Oct. 14, 1866, b. Mar. 16, 1850. Issue: (a) Nellie, (b) Mary, b. Sept. 3, 1869. m. John H. Preston Nov. 14., 1901. Issue: 8 (a) Hester Elizabeth, (b) Thomas Ben- jamine b. May 20, 1874. (c) Walter Roddye b. Dec. 12, 1877, m. Lou Halton Apr. 26, 1900, (d) William Brady b. Sept. 12, 1880, d. Dec. 25, 1905 m. Mabel Hurst Apr. 12, 1903, (e) Elizabeth Gertrude b. Mar. 22, 1885 m. A. La- fayette Todd, May 12, 1909. (f) Hetha Hill b. Feb. 15, 1888, m. Arthur S. Prettyman Aug. 2, 1908. Issue 9 (a) Thomas Brown. 6. (c) Elizabeth Gillenwaters Brown, b. Oct 25, 1847, Cass County, Mo.. m. Oct. 29, 1868 to H. Clay Daniel (1842-1925) b. Trigg Co., Ky. Issue: 1. Pearl Hall Daniel, m. Austin H. Merrill. Issue: 1. Austin H. Merrill, Jr. m. Levine Shinn, Issue :Patrica Ann Merrill, 2. Elizabeth Brown Merrill, m. Crawford Duncan Everett. Issue, Merrill Everett. 11. Charles Hardin Daniel m. Jessie Harriett. Issue: 1. Ruth Daniel m. Delmas Gives, Jr., 2. Naomi Daniel m. (1) Andrew Womack. Issue: Dorothy Womack, m. (2nd). Daniel m. (1) Andrew Womack. Issue: Dorothy Womack, m. (2nd). 151 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY III. Robert Brown Daniel m. Lilian Boswell. Issue: 1. Robert Edwin Daniel, 2. Grace Daniel. IV. Mary Brown Daniel, second wife of John Trotwood Moore. Issue: 1. Austin Merrill Moore, 2. Helen Lane Moore, (twins) 3. Mary Daniel Moore. V. H. Clay Daniel, Jr., m. Effie Ervin. Issue: 1. Frances Daniel, 2. H. C. Daniel III. VI. Elizabeth Daniel m. Wm. Barnes. VII. William Gillenwaters Daniel, 1882, 1911. VIII. Louise Merrill Daniel, m. Charles Owen Crawford. Issue: 1. Anna Dale, 2. Elizabeth Waite, 3. Mary Louise, 4. Charles Owen, Jr. 6. (f) Samuel Eskridge b. Feb. 1, 1850 m. Dec. 3, 1870 Zada Robinson, b. Sept. 30, 1853. Issue: 7 (a) Lena b. Oct. 14, 1871 m. Nov. 1901, Henry Shanks. Issue: 8 (a) Margaret Shanks, (b) John Winton b. Aug. 30, 1875 m. Feb. 22, 1917 Mrs. Mabel Hager, 7 (c) Ida m. Apr. 17, 1901 Frank Armstrong. Issue: 8 (a) Samuel B., (b) James B., (c) Frances Lucille, 7 (d) Harriet Ethel b. Oct. 4, 1879 m. Ed- ward Woodson Ragsdale June 27, 1898. Issue: (a) Edward Brown, 7 (e) Lucille Dec. 23, 1887 m. Charles Dean Eidson Nov. 26, 1908. 6. (g) Walter Roddye b. July 18, 1853 m. Margaret Lisle. Issue: 7 (a) Glessner m. Coates S. Cockrill. Issue: 8 (a) Woodson, 8 (b) Joe Brown, 8 (c) Billy, 7(b) Leslie, m. Corinne Connely, 7 (c) Margaret Roddye. 6. (a) Mary Cornelia Jarrett m. Dr. Wm. Vonnah Taylor 2nd. Issue: 7 (a) Wm. Vonnah Taylor 3rd. m. Sarah Davis. Issue: 8 (a) Wm. Vonnah Taylor, 4th., m. Roberta Burton; 8 (b) Allen Davis Taylor m. Kate Prudence Smith; 8 (c) Arthur Jarrett Taylor m. Lucille Brown. Issue Arthur Jarrett Taylor, Jr., Emily Taylor; 8 (d) Lois Taylor m. Norman Crawford. Issue: Norman Crawford, Jr., Wm. Vonnah Crawford. Frances Eva Taylor m. Robert Prestedge. Issue: Frances Davis Prestedge, Robert Prestedge, Leonard Henderson Taylor m. Bessie Kincaid. Issue: Elise Taylor, Mar- tha Henderson Taylor, William Vonnah Taylor, 5th. 152 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 7. Arthur Robert Taylor m. Timmons Lewis Treadwell. Issue: Starnes Treadwell Taylor m. Mary Podester. Issue: Mary Frances Taylor. 7. Mary Emmet Taylor m. William Marshall Rees. Issue: Marshall Stroud Rees, Arthur Wilbur Rees, d. Young. 7. Nena Lee Taylor m. Thomas Bass Jones, Issue: Irma Lee Jones, m. T. N. Buckingham. Issue: Irma Jones Buck- ingham. 6. (b) Jerome Jarrett m. 1st. Adeline Cassey, 2nd.————————— Casey. Issue Jerome. 6. (c) Robert Jarrett m. 6. (d) Sarah Jarrett m. 6. (e) Susan Jarrett m. a) Jessie, (b) Paul. Issue Mary. Kellogg. Robinson. Issue: 7 6. (g) John B. Jarrett m. Lula Jones. Issue: 7 (a) John Brown, (b) Louise. 6. (a) John Davis, son of Dr. B. F. and Susan Brown Davis, m. Zilphia Amanda Huggins. 6. (b) Jennie Medora Davis b. Aug. 10, 1857 m. An- drew Gordon Deacon. Issue: (a) Robt. Richardson, b. May 23, 1877 m. May 23, 1905, May Hall b. Nov. 23, 1897, (b) Helen Davis b. Jan. 9, 1881 m. June 20, 1910 George B. Spivey, b. Oct. 31, 1875, (c) William Cory b. Jan. 1879 m. June 25, 1902, Mattie Zimmerman, (b) Mary Belle b. 1883, (e) Elizabeth S. b. 1886, (f) Andrew Gordon b. Feb. 16, 1891 m. Nellie Louise Coward b. Nov. 3, 1899. Robert Allison III b. Nov. 18, 1891 m. Nina L. Hunt June 9, 1921. Issue Mary Louise. Agnes Nelson b. Dec. 17, 1895. Helen Holton, dau. of Walter Roddye Brown m. Glenn Maddox, Nov. 26, 1920. Issue, Louise. Children of William Brady and Mabel Brown. (a). Nell Christie, (b) Harry Hurst. Children of Elizabeth and Lafayette Todd. (a) Agnes Loretta, (b) Howard Allison, (c) John Silas. (d) William Brady, (e) A. Lafayette. 153 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 1 (a) Thomas, son of John Smith T. Brown m Issue: Daisy m. Dr. Purifoy. (d) Bessie, dau. of John Smith T. m. Jones Tyson, (h) Mary Ellen, dau. of John Smith T. m. Judge B. F. Saffold. Issue: (a) Marion, (b) Burney m. Mar- garet Parsons, (c) Roy m. Camille Robins. Issue: Ray J. m. Mary Tait. (d) Ida m. Heidt. Issue: Marion m. C. W. Mimms. Children of John Brown and Zilpha H. Davis. (a) Arthur L., m. Lane Hughes, (b) Susan Jennie m. E. R. Ginn, (c) Charles Betts, (d) Nellie May m. Lewis Price Gattis, (e) Curtis L.. (f) Gilbert L., (g) Leona M., (h) Cecil. m. m. Margaret dau. of John H. and Rachel Brown Coleman Morrow. Ella, dau. of John H. and Rachel Brown Coleman m. Hoyle. Addie, dau. of John H. and Rachel Brown Coleman Greer. Mamie, dau. of John H. and Rachel Brown Coleman m. J. C. Grant. 154 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY BYRD 1. Jesse b. in Virginia came in a flat boat down the Tennessee River and settled on the site of Kingston about 1795 and established the first ferry at that point. Issue, (a) Joseph, (b) Eliza. (C) Nancy, (d) Katie, (e) Mary Ann. 2. (a) Joseph b. Jan. 8, 1795 m. May 6,, 1819 in Roane Co., Ann Pride b. July 20, 1797. Issue: 3. (a) Jesse b. Mar. 20, 1820, m. Mar. 11, 1843 Mary McDuffie. (b) Mariah King b. June 1, 1822. (c) Robert King b. Nov. 4, 1823 m. July 23, 1861 Mary Lea. (d) Thomas Brown b. Mar. 13, 1825 m. Savannah Margraves. (e) James Standifer b. Dec. 28, 1828 m. Oct. 18, Narcissa Tennessee McMillan, b. Aug. 27, 1844. (f) Samuel Jackson b. 1830. (g) Mary Ellen b. Mar. 21, 1831 m. Sept. 11, 1855 Henry Monger. (h) William Hardin b. Dec. 31, 1832. (i) John Hamilton b. Jan. 29, 1835 m. Mary Ann Ballard. (j) George Gillespie b. Dec. 15, 1836. (k) Sarah Ruth b. Aug. 3, 1839. (1) Eliza b. Jan. 23, 1841, m. James Bohannon. (m) Joseph, Jr., b. Sept. 11, 1843. 3. (k) Sarah Ruth m. 1860 Dr. Paul Gregory. Issue: Eugene Hamilton. They were separated and she changed her son's name to Byrd. 2nd. she m. John H. Billingsley. 4. (a) Dr. Eugene Hamilton Byrd m. May 19, 1892 Canis Blanch Hasinger. Issue: Sarah Ruth. Children of Thomas and Savannah. 4. (a) Emma, (b) Vada, (c) Lou, (d) Sarah, (e) Robert, (f) John L. 155 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 5. (a) Emma m. Newton Browder. Issue, (a) Byrd, (b) Thomas. 5. (b) Vada m. Dewitt Dickey. Issue, three children. 5. (d) Sarah m. Thomas Hardin. Issue, four children. 5. (e) Robert m. Elizabeth Smith. 5. (f) John L. m. Dora Cook. Issue, four children. Children of Sarah Ruth and John H. Billingsley. 5. (a) Joseph Byrd, (d) Margaret Wray, (c) Mary Ann. Issue: 5. (b) Mary Ann m. Oct. 10, 1896, Theron Browne. 6. (a) Brownie m. Alberta Holmes. 6. (b) Evelyn Ruth m. Albert m. Johnson. 6. (c) Marguerite Blanch m. Fred L. Campfield. 6. (d) Anne Pride m. John Paul Jones. 6. (e) Mary Louise m. Albert W. Allison. 6. (f) Jane Leatherwood. 5. (a) Joseph Byrd m. Madie Gibson. 5. (b) Margaret May m. William Browder. 4. (a) Nancy dau. of Jesse and Mary m. Robert M. Allison (See Allison). Children of James Standifer and Narcissa. 4. (a) Joseph Rush, (b) Sam Lee, (c) Flora Nelissa, (d) James Standifer, (e) Mary Lea, (f) Nena Terressa, (g) Ben Augustus. Children of John Hamilton and Mary Ann. 4. (a) Charles m. Jennie B. Wilson. Issue: 5. (a) Mary, (b) Francis. 4. (b) Oscar m. Mary Cope. Issue: 5. (a) Shannon, (b) Robert, (c) Mary Louise, (d) Frank. 4. (c) Ethel May Lida m. Tie Blair. Issue: 5. (a) William, (b) Anne, (c) Grace, (d) Laura, (e) Ruth, (f) John, (g) Francis. 4. (d) Emma m. Samuel Wilson. Issue: 5. (a) Helen, (b) Robert, (c) John, (d) Mary. 156 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 4. (e) Samuel. m. Annie Hood. Issue, three children. 4. 4. (f) Robert m. Frankie Jones. Issue, one child. (g) Rose m. Benjamine Huffine. Issue, seven children. 4. (h) Newton. 4. (i) Ernest m. Maud Pickel. NOTE: Abraham Byrd was wounded when in company with Lieut. McClelland on Aug. 13, 1792, they were at- tacked by Indians near Crab Orchard on Cumberland Mountain. 1 157 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY CENTER 1. Milton Center, a brother of Tandy Senter, came to Roane Co. before 1802, d. 1848. Came from Virginia and settled on Emory River. m. 1790 in Carter Co., Nancy Keener. Issue. 2. (a) Milton, (b) Willis, (c) Thomas, (d) Elizabeth, (e) Frank, (f) Caroline, (g) Levina. 2. (b) Willis b. Gallaher. Issue: m. Jane, dau. of James 3. (a) Thomas Clark, (b) Nancy, (c) Frank Keener, (d) Willis Stephens, (e) George Washington, (f) Sarah Eliza- beth. (g) Mary Gallaher, (g) James Gallaher, (h) Virginia, (i) Felix. 3. (a) Thomas Clark m. Johanna McEwen, Issue: 4. (a) Thomas C., (b) Elizabeth, (c) Willis, (d) Nancy Jane, (e) William Stephens, (f) Charles McEwen, (g) James Gallaher, (h) Anna, (i) Margaret, (j) George G., (k) Ira, (1) Felix, (m) Hugh Martin. 3. (b) Nancy, dau. of Willis and Jane m. Eldridge Yost. Issue: 4. (a) Adelaide, (b) Katherine, (c) George Center, (d) James Yost, (e) Sarah Elizabeth, (f) Alma. 3. (c) Frank Keener, son of Willis and Jane m. Sarah Crow. 3. (e) George Washington, son of Willis and Jane m. Mary Overton Bacon. 3. (f) Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of Willis and Jane m. Hugh Martin (See Martin). Children of Frank Keener and Sarah Center. 4. (a) Eliza m. Eugene Clark (See Clark). 4. (b) Martha m. Blair. 4. (c) Willis. 4. (d) Georgia. 4. (e) Perrin. 4. (f) Katherine. 2. (e) Frank m. Eliza Gallaher. 2. (f) Caroline m. Robert S. Gilliland. 158 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 2. (g) Levina m. Thomas Knight. 2. (d) Elizabeth. Children of George Washington and Mary Center. 4. (a) Mary Gallaher, (b) George W., (c) James. 4. (d) Nancy Jane, dau. of Thomas and Joanna Center m. Samuel P. Spark. 4. (e) William S., son of Thomas and Johanna Center m. Florence Jenkine. Issue: Gladys McEwen. 1813. Martha Center m. Jan. 22, 1840 William Barnett. Byrd Center and Stephen Center are on the Tax list of Evelyn Center m. John Sudath. Issue (a) Stephen B. m. Sarah Elizabeth Mayberry, (b) Frank S. m. Hasler, (c) Milton Graves, (d) Evelyn m. Margaret m. William Henley, (f) Nancy. Standfield, (e) Willis, son of Milton, is said by a member of the family to have changed the name Senter to Center. Milton and Nancy are buried in the Center graveyard on the Mahoney farm near Harriman. 159 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY CLARK Thomas Norris came from Scotland an orphan when a small boy to Petersburg, Va.. m. Susan Payne, a first cousin to Dolly Payne Madison. Moved to Kingston soon after and was one of the first merchants. Issue: (a) Mary, (b) Letitia, (c) William, (d) Nancy, (e) Susan, (f) Elizabeth, (g) James Payne, (h) Thomas, (i) Louisa, (j) Sally Payne, (k) Matilda. 2. (a) Mary m. Thomas Lyon, of Knoxville. Issue: (a) Thomas L. (b) Susan Clark, (c) Mary, (d) Louisa, (e) Washington, (f) William. 3. (a) Thomas Lyon was engaged to Miss McClung, who died a few days before the time set for the wedding. 3. (b) Susan Clark Lyon, m. Campbell Wallace. 3. (c) Mary Lyon m. J. J. Craig. 3. (d) Louisa Lyon m. A. A. Barnes, of Memphis. 2. (b) Letitia Clark m. James Trimble. Issue. (a) John, (b) Thomas, (c) Susan, (d) Mary Ann, (e) Eliza, (f) Andrew, (c) Louisa. 2. (c) William m. Nov. 11, 1813 Nancy White in Knox Co. 2. (d) Nancy Clark m. Thomas McCampbell. Issue: (a) Thomas, (b) Andrew, (c) Louisa. 2. (e) Susan Clark m. William Phillips. 2. (f) Elizabeth Clark m. James McCampbell. 2. (h) Thomas Norris m. 1st. a niece of Dolly Madison who died childless, and he m. Mary Clowney. Issue: (a) James, (b) Susan, (c) Louisa, (d) Thomas III, (e) John, (f) Samuel, (g) Eugene. 2. (i) Louisa Clark m. John Brown Rogers. Issue: (a) Thomas, (b) William, (c) Annie Clark, (d) Josephine Vir- ginia, (e) John Thomas, (f) James Edgar, (g) Mary Louisa, (h) William Thomas. 2. (j) Sally Payne Clark m. Archibald Rogers. Issue: (a) Eustace, (b) Archibald, (c) Frank, (d) Thomas, (e) Dewitt, (f) Lelie, (g) James. 3. (b) Susan, dau. of Thomas and Mary Clowney m. Major Murphey. Issue: (a) Florence who m. Fisher, (b) Alice 160 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY m. Tomlinson, (c) Annie Belle m. Kirkpatrick, (d) Nell m. Robert O. Gallaher. 2. (k) Matilda Clark m. William McEwen. 3. (a) John, son of Letitia C. and James Trimble m. Marguerita McEwen. 3. (b) Thomas Trimble m. Penelope Williams. 3. (c) Susan Trimble m. Col. William Ramsey. } 3. (d) Mary Trimble m. Neil S. Brown, Governor of Tennessee, Minister to Russia under President Fillmore. 3. (e) Eliza Trimble m. Adrian Van C. Lindsley. 3. (f) Louisa Trimble m. John Reed. Issue: (a) Frank Trimble Reed. 3. (c) Louisa McCampbell m. Enock Ensley. Children of Mary Ann Trimble and Neil Brown. (a) James Trimble, b. Feb. 25, 1842, (b) George Tully b. Dec. 1843, (c) Neil b. Feb. 1, 1846, (d) Duncan b. Aug. 4, 1848, (e) Susan Louisa b. Nov.), 1850, (f) Henry b. May 7, 1854, (g) Myra Letitia b. June 27, 1856, (h) John C. b. Dec. 28, 1858. 4. (a) James Trimble Brown m. Jennie Nichols. Issue: (a) William Lytle, (b) Elizabeth Trimble, (c) Trimble. 4. (b) George Tully Brown m. Lou Ezell. 4. (c) Neil Brown m. Susan Walton. Issue: (a) Neil, (b) Walton. • 4. (g) Mary Letitia Brown m. Capt. Vinet Donaldson. 5. (b) Elizabeth Trimble Brown, b. Mar. 22, 1876 m. first Feb. 17, 1897 Archibald J. Majoribank, Gov. Gen. of Canada. Issue: Issue: a son and a daughter. 2nd: 1905 Sir Douglas McGarel Hogg, Attorney General, of England. Issue, two sons. 3.f (f) Samuel, son of Thomas II, m. Miss Doak. Issue: (a) Annie May, (b) Helen. 3. (g) Eugene, son of Thomas II, and Mary Clowney, 161 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY m. Eliza Center. Issue: (a) Charles, (b) Willis, (c) Estelle, (d) Thomas N. 2 (g) James Payne, son of Thomas N. b. Oct. 5, 1759 d. Feb. 6, 1863, m. June 20, 1820, Susan Hunt McCorry b. 1802 d. 1844. Issue: 3. (a) Thomas b. May 24, 1821. 3. (b) Benjamine Parker b. Mar. 2, 1823. (c) James Trimble b. Dec. 31, 1824. (d) George Shall b. Feb. 7, 1827 d. 1906. (e) William Henry b. Feb. 23, 1829. (f) Adelaide Frances b. Nov. 5, 1830, d. 1860. (g) Edward b. Oct. 14, 1832. (h) Frank b. Sept. 1834. (i) Alice McCorry b. May 1, 1836 d. Aug. 12, 1915. (j) Mary Florence b. Apr. 1839. (k) Sallie Parker and Patsy Paine b. May 29, 1841. (1) Henry Wood McCorry b. Aug. 14, 1843. (m) Carlos Smith b. Nov. 5, 1845. James Payne Clark was Clerk of the Supreme Court at Nashville for many years. 3. (a) Thomas Norris, son of James Payne and Susan McCorry Clark m. Issue: 4. (a) Albert, (b) James Payne, (c) Thomas Norris, (d) Edward (e) Marina, (f) Fannie, (g) Addie, (h) Susan McCorry. 4. (a) Albert m. Sally Stephens. Issue: 5 (a) Frances, (b) Louise (c) Mary, (d) Barbara, (e) Albert. 4. (e) Marina m. Clark Pybas. Issue: 5 (a) Francis, (b) Adelaide, (c) Clark. 4. (f) Fannie Clark m. Ellis Pearson. 4. (g) Addie Clark m. Dr. Moore. Issue: 5 (a) Adelaide, 4. (h) Susan McCorry Clark m. 5 (a) Thomas Clark. Marks. Issue: 3. (b) Benjamine Parker, son of James Payne Clark m. Henrietta Morgan. Issue: 4 (a) Fannie, (b) Adelaide. 162 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 4. (a) Fannie m. Thomas Kendrick. Issue 5 (a) Henrietta, (b) Adelaid. 4. (b) Adelaid Clark m. William Eastman. 3. (1) George Shall, son of James Payne Clark m. Eliza- beth Terrill, b. 1840, d. 1877. Issue: 4 (a) Harry Terrill, (b) Susan McCorry, (c) George Shall. (d) James Payne, (e) Florence, (f) Sheffield, (g) Elizabeth Payne. 4. (a) Harry Terrill m. Samantha Hudson. Issue: 5 (a) George Shall, (b) Henry Terrill, (c) Charles Spurgeon, (d) Robert, (e) James Payne, (f) Grady. 4. (b) Susan McCorry m. Robert Meade Patterson. Issue: 5 (a) James T., (b) Clark, (c) Robert Mead, (d) William Gleaves. 4. (d) James Payne, son of George Shall m. Beatrice- Issue: 5 (a) Beatrice, (b) Mary Elizabeth. 4. (f) Sheffield m. Idella Sawrie. Issue: 5 (a) Margaret McAlister, (b) Thomas Sheffield. 3. (e) William Henry, son of James Payne and Susan Clark m. Margaret Issue: 4 (a) William Henry, (b) Thomas Norris, (c) Jennie, (d) Margaret m. Dr. M. E. Link. 3. (f) Adelaide Frances m. William A. Gleaves Aug. 14, 1851. Issue: 4 (a) Susan Clark, (b) James C., (c) Mary T., (d) William A. 3. (i) Alice McCorry m. Samuel Van Leer. Issue 4 (a) John, (b) Samuel, (c) Carlos Clark. 163 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY COX Isham m. Catherine Cox, dau. of Bartlett Cox who lived near Washington on the Potomac River. Issue: ten children, (a) John, (b) Joshua, (c) Mary, (d) Nancy, (e) Thomas, (f) James. Isham was Trustee of Roane Co., 1802 to 1820. 2. (c) Mary m. Jan. 29, 1820 Uriah Allison. 2. (e) Thomas m. May 11, 1817, Nancy Vaughn. 2. (f) James m. Sept. 11, 1818, Barbara Gardner. 2. (1) Nancy m. 1st. Col. Uriah Allison, 2nd. Gen. John Brown. 3. (a) Abner Jackson Cox, son of Thomas Cox and Nancy Vaughn was born Jan. 12, 1826, at Kingston, Roane Co., Tenn., m. Elizabeth Wilson, dau. of Samuel Wilson and Margaret Clark, was born at Kingston Aug. 13, 1832. Issue: 4. (a) Lafayette Bryson, Feb. 11th, 1855. (c). Carrie Myra, Jan. 22, 1860. (b) Leander Monroe, Aug. 25, 1857. (d) Thomas Samuel, May 22, 1862. (e) Emma, Dec. 6, 1864. (f) Charles W., Oct. 30, 1867. (g) Alice Letitia, Nov. 2, 1869. (h) Newton Hamilton, Aug. 8, 1873. (i) Alma Lee, Aug. 24, 1880. 4. (c) Carrie Myra Cox m. Edward H. Henry. Issue: (a) Frances, (b) Marie, (c) Reita. (g) Alice Letitia Cox m. M. H. Shoemaker. Issue: Rich- arl, Clinton, Robert and Elizabeth. (h) Newton Hamilton Cox m. Elizabeth Bartlett. (i) Alma Lee Cox m. Wm. P. D. Moross. Issue: Elizabeth Dwight, Frances Dwight. 5. (a) Frances Henry m. Leon Jarrett. (b) Maria Henry m. Roy Justin McCormick. (c) Reita Henry m. Walter L. Bryant. 5. (a) Elizabeth Moross m. Cooper O'Grady. • 164 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY CRAVENS 1. Robert settled in Orange Co., Va., 1740. m. Mary Harrison. 2. (a) Robert m. Hester Harrison. 2. (b) John, son of Robert and Mary m. Margaret Hiatt Dyer. 4. James, son of John, m. Dec. 20, 1791, Ann dau. of Thomas Love, of Fauquier Co., Va. He was b. Apr. 12, 1773, d. July 12, 1821. Issue: 5. (a) Mary m. Jacob Shelley. 5. (b) Margaret m. Samuel Swan. 5. (c) Patsye m. Pleasant Lea. 5. (d) Robert b. May 5, 1805 m. Catherine Cravens. 5. (e) Dorothea m. Thomas Ball. 5. (f) Eliza m. Jack Haley. 5. (g) Hannah m. 5. (h) Sallie. Roberts. (d) Robert b. May. 5, 1805 in Rockingham Co., Va. moved when a young man to Roane Co., where he, with his uncle, George Gordon, built the first iron furnace in the State and probably in the South, known as Eagle Furnace. Robert m. 1st. Oct. 6, 1830 Catherine, dau. of Jesse and Jennie Mahaffa Roddye. Catherine, b. Aug. 3, 1806 d. Sept. 28, 1845. Issue: 6. (a) Nancy J. b. Aug. 10, 1832. m. J. P. McMillen. 6. (b) Ann E. b. Nov. 7, 1843, d. Aug. 25, 1885, m. 1854 George Wasington Lyle. 6. (c) James Reagan b. 1837 m. 1st. Harriet Newell Rogers. 2nd. Mary D. Lyle. 6. (d) Lydia b. 1839 m. W. W. Anderson. 6. (e) Jesse Roddye b. 1843 m. 1st. Mary Ella Brown, 2nd. Ida Miller. Robert m. 2nd Caroline Cunningham 1847. Children of Nancy and Jonathan P. McMillen. 7. (a) James b. 1856. 7. (b) David Caldwell b. 1859. 7. (c) Ann Craven b. 1870 m. Atwell Thompson. 165 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Children of Ann and George W. Lyle. 7. (a) Thomas, (b) George W., (a) Katherine. 1. (c) Katherine m. 1890 George R. West, M. D. Issue. 8. (a) Lyle B., (b) George R. Children of James Reagan and Harriet Rogers. 7. (a) Robert Spencer who m. Evelyn Gordon. Issue: 8. (a) Hattie. 7. (b) Mary m. 1886 William J. Sawyer. Issue: 8. (a) Robert Cravens who m. Rosalie Cunningham. 7. (c) Jane Harriet d. 1864. Issue of James Reagan and Mary Lyle. 7. (d) Henry Lyle, (e) Ruth L., (f) Jesse P., (g) James R., (h) George L., (i) Joseph, (j) Marvin, (k) Charles, (1) Lucy. 1918. Dr. James Reagan d. Oct. 23, 1911. Mary L. d. Feb. 28, 8. (a) Henry Lyle m. Evelyn Mathew. 8. (g) James R. m. Elizabeth Thomasson. 8. (j) Marvin. m. Rosa B. Pulliam. Issue of Jesse Roddye and Mary Ella Brown. 7. (a) James, (b) McMillin, (c) Tarver, (d) Roy, (e) Katherine. Issue of Jesse Roddye and Ida Miller. 7. (f) Mary E., (g) Robert, (h) Nancy. Children of Lydia Love Cravens and William W. An- derson. (a) Charles . who m. Mary Bachman. Issue: 8. (a) John Bachman Anderson m. Dorothy Morgan. (b) William Dulaney Anderson m. Rosalie Slaughter.. (c) Margaret Anderson m. Charles Coffee. Chillren of Nancy Jane and Jonathan P. McMillin 8. (a) James P. b. 1856, (b) David b. 1859, (c) Anna C., b. 1870. 8. (a) James P. m. 1882 Elizabeth Armstrong. Issue: (a) Robert, (b) Laura who m. T. H. Wagoner, (c) James P. 8. (b) David C. m. Feb. 17, 1886 Minnie B. New- man. Issue: 9. (a) Douglas N. m. Ariel Stephenson. 9. (b) Edwin W. m. Margaret Davies. 166 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY CRUMBLISS 1. Thomas came from Ireland was a Revolutionary Soldier. Issue: James. 2. James, a soldier of the War of 1812 a native of Ire- land, emigrated to America in his youth, d. 1839 m. Ann Goddard. Issue: Hugh. 3. Hugh m. Aug. 27, 1810 Betsy, dau. of Isaac Bash- cars. Was Clerk and Master of Roane Co., for several years. 4. (b) Henry b. 1834, m. Apr. 3, 1867, Nellie Penelope Griffin, of Somerset, Ky. Children: 5. (a) James Griffin m. Elizabeth, dau. of Polk and Ann (Roddy) Brown. Children: (a) James B., (b) Florence M., (c) Virginia, (d) Hugh Polk. (b) Hugh, died May 10, 1918. (c) Henry, m. Mabel Muse. Children: (a) George Muse, (b) Henry. (d) Roy m. Margaret McFarland, Children: (a) Roy, (b) Mary, (c) Margaret. (e) Raleigh m. Vera Trimby. Issue: Vera Trimby. (f) Penelope m. George Gordon Stiles. Issue: (a) Pene- lope Elise, (b) Ethel Gordon. (g) Rosa m. Alexander Lawrence Roberson. Issue: (a) Alexander Lawrence, (b) Nell, (c) Ruth, (d) Mariana, (e) Hugh. (h) Lucile, m. John Sherman Shaw, Issue: (a) John Sherman. 4. (a) George Washington b. Mar. 10, 1831 in Roane Co., m. Cordelia, dau. of Richard and Polly (Turnley) Luttrell. 4. (c) Alice m. Hasler. 4. (d) Caroline m. Walker. 167 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY DEARMOND 1. The first of family by this name of French origin. came to Knox Co., and from there moved to Mississippi in 1790, then on to Louisiana. 2. Thomas b. 1795 in Mississippi went to Louisiana with his parents and there m. Julia A. White. Issue: Samuel Jackson b. 1816 in Louisiana moved to Roane Co., in 1837, m. Nov. 1835 G. B. DeArmond. (Goodspeed). James b. July 3, 1771, d. Mar. 1, 1831, m. Susan Shad- den, b. Sept. 1, 1786, d. Feb. 18, 1869. Issue: (a) Esther m. Bashears. (b) Elizabeth m. Thomas DeArmond. (c) Drucilla m. Paul Frost. (d) Matilda, m. John G. D'Armond. (e) Susan m. John G. D'Armond. (f) Grizzie m. S. J. D'Armond. (g) Jane m. Owen Flucker. (h) Mahala m. William B. Nichols July 28, 1866. (i) Mary and Margaret. (j) Elizabeth. (k) Jackson. (1) Calhoun. (m) James. (n) Wylie. (0) John b. Oct. 31, 1808, d. May 21, 1896, m.. Oct. 28, 1860 Caledonia Bowers. issue: (a) Annie Laurie, (b) Susan Hannah, (c) John, (d) Lewis, (e) James, (f) Fred, (g) Richard, (h) Lula, (i) Mar- garet. (a) Annie Laurie m. B. A. Tedder. Issue: (a) Ella Blain, (b) Will, (c) Bessie. (d) John. (b) Susan Hannah m. Charles B. Robinson. Issue: (a) Blanch, (b) Billie, (c) John, (d) Eva. (c) John m. Laura Watson. Issue: (a) John, (b) Grace, (c) Spurdgram. (d Lewis m. Elizabeth Bailey. (f) Fred m. Verne Oliver. Issue (a) Lester, (b) Fred (c) Margaret, (d) Anna Ruth. 168 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Jack. (e) Richard m. Eugenia Graves. Issue: (a) Merrill, (b) (h) Lula m. John D. Chandler. Issue: (a) Archie, (b) Wade. Blanch, dau. of Charles B. and Susan H. Robinson, m. Egbert B. Stowers. Issue: (a) Helen B. Billie m. James Waterhouse. Issue: James Franklin. John m. Vida Law. 169 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY DUNLAP 1. Hugh b. 1763 n Londenderry, Ireland, m. Susannah Harding Gilliam in Knoxville. Moved to Roane Co., at the time of its organization 1801, where he lived in what is now Rockwood until 1826, He died 1846 and is buried at Paris, Tenn. Issue: (a) John H., (b) Richard G., (c) William C., and Hugh W., twins, (d) James Trimble, (e) Eady, (f) Nancy, (g) Devereaux, (h) Martha, (i) Ripley. 2. (a) John H. a soldier in the Seminole War, m. Mary Etta Beauchamp. Issue: 3 (a) Susan, (b) William, (c) Bethenia, (b) John, (e) Hugh, (f) Richard. 3. (a) Susan m. June 17, 1851, John Davis Porter, Ex. Gov of Tenn. Issue: (a) Susannah, (b) Charles, (c) Dudley, (d) Thomas Kennedy. 3. (d) James Trimble b. 1810, m. 1839, Mrs. Jane Blount Thorpe. Their daughter, Susan Gilliam, m. Jonathan Smith Dawson. Issue: (a) Darling m. A. T. E. Morton, (b) Hallie m. C. D. M. Greer. 3. (e) Eady. 3. (f) Nancy m. Jan. 19, 1813 Henry Clair. 3. (b) William m. Sandal Stewart. Issue: (a) John, (b) Marie. 3. (c) Bethenia m. Dr. W. Harcourt. Issue: 4 (a) Johnetta, (b) Martha. 3. (e) Hugh m. Sarah Atkins. Issue: (a) Clinton, (b) Hugh, (c) John (d) Porter, (e) Evelyn, (f) William. 3. (f) Richard m. Charlie Stewart. Issue: 4 (a) Rich- ard, (m) Benjamine. 4. (d) Porter Dunlap m. Mignonie Maiden. Issue: (a) Mignomie, (b) Porter. 4. (e) Evelyn m. Thomas Austin Miller. Issue: a) Susanna, (b) Evelyn, (c) Dunlap. 170 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY EBLEN 1. William emigrated from Holland and settled in Va. 2. John m. in Loudon Co., Va., about 1780 and settled in Roane Co. Issue: 3 (a) Isaac b. Oct. 26, 1781, d. Mar. 25, 1860 m. Mar. 6, 1806, Elizabeth Wilson, b. Oct. 25, 1785, Loudon Co., Virginia. 3. (b) Keziah b. May 12, 1783, m. 1stWilliam Barry, 2nd. Peter Johnson in 1818, d. Aug. 1, 1873. 3. (c) William b. Sept. 15, 1784 m. Sept. 24, 1825, Lucretia Smith 2nd. McMullen. 3. (d) Isreal b. Mar. 7,1786 d. Apr. 20 1863, m. Barbara Ernest b. Oct. 24, 1789, d. May 26, 1882. 3. (e) Mary b. May 20, 1787. 3. (f) Edward b. April 15, 1789. 3. (g) Sarah b. June 14, 1791. 3. (h) Anna b. Jan. 9, 1793, m. Jonas Arnold. 3. (i) Samuel b. July 30, 1794, d. Oct. 28, 1878 m. Martha Young Feb. 4, 1818. 3. (j) John b. Feb. 16, 1796. 3. (k) Elizabeth b. Feb. 17, 1798. Children of Isaac and Elizabeth. 4. (a) Nancy m. Jan. 23, 1823, Hiram Barry d. Mar. 1875. 4. (b) Lucinda b. Mar. 6, 1811, m. William McElwee Mar. 24, 1829, d. Dec. 3, 1904. (See McElwee). 4. (c) Mary Jane. June 17, 1813 m. Mathew Allison Nov. 1838. 4. (d) William Carr, b. April 1818, m. 1st. Margaret Gamble 1848. 2nd. Cherokee Morgan McElrath. 4. (e) John b. Feb. 1816, d. Aug. 1840, m. Eliza Berry Jan. 29, 1839. Children of Nancy and Hiram Berry. 171 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 5. (a) Isaac, (b) John, (c) Annie, (d) Hiram, (e) Elizabeth, (f) Lucy. Children of Mary Jane and Mathew Allison. 5. (a) Elizabeth, (b) Thomas, (c) James, (d) Wil- liam, (e) (Frank. Rush) Children of William Carr and Margaret. James Gamble m. Sophia Work. Polly, dau. of John, r., m. 1807, William Ballard. Sarah Eblen m. Dec. 20, 1838 Edward Mounger. Anna Eblen m. Nov. 7, 1839, William Tallent. Eliza Eblen m. June 11, 1842 John Miller. John Eblen m. Feb. 9, 1843, Martha Eblen. 4. (a) Samuel, son of Samuel, m. Sarah McGowan, was the father of sixteen children, all lived until grown except one. (5 (a) Glen, (b) Samuel, (c) Hiram, (d) John L., (e) M. S., (f) Isham. (g) Joseph, (h) Walker, (i) Isaac Newton, (j) Mack, (k) Sallie, (1) Jane, (m) Mattie, (n) Belle, (o) Nettie, (p) Y. B. 5. (d) John Lewis m. Julia Malinda, dau. of Robert Newton Johnson. Issue: 6 (a) Effie, (b) Susan, (c) Lelia, (d) Elmer Lewis, (e) Mae. 5. (i) Isaac Newton b. June 16, 1837, d. Dec. 14, 1903. m. Mary Florence Post, July 8, 1880 who was b. Oct. 12, 1857. Issue 6 (a) Sarah McGowan, b. Sept. 24, 1888, (b) James, b. Feb. 12, 1890, (c) Newton Colvin, b. Mar. 13, 1895. 6. (b) James, m. Florence Strickfuss Fisher 6. (c) Newton C., m. Frances Ellison Ray 6. (a) Effie, dau. of John Lewis m. Loyd Arwood. 6. (b) Susan m. Garland Prim. 6. (d) Elmer Lewis, m. Wilma E. Scott. 5. (k) Sallie, dau. of Samuel and Sarah m. Frank Tutterow. 5. (1) Jane, dau. of Samuel and Sarah m. S. W. Briggs. 5. (m) Mattie, dau. of Samuel and Sarah m. J. D. 5. (n) Belle, dau. of Samuel and Sarah m. Littleton. -Huffine. 172 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 5. (0) Nettie, dau. of Samuel and Sarah m. Balser Tutterow. 5. (p) Y. B. Eblen m. Sallie George, (b) Wilma, (c) Blanch. Elijah Eblen m. 1889 Zorilda Owings. Issue: Issue: (a) (a) Wilkey Al, (b) Pearl Grady, (c) Olney Arthur, (d) Terra Franklin, (e) (g) James Buren. Thomas Byron, (f) Pauline Elizabeth, 173 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY ELLIS 1. Francis b. in South Carolina m. Sarah Breedlove about 1814. Issue: (a) Caleb, (b) Monroe, (c) William, (d) Ben jamine. 2. (a) Caleb m. Wakefield. 2. (c) William M. b. in Roane Co., May 4, 1818 m. March 26, 1839 Lucy Bowlin. Issue: ten sons, 3 daughters. Rebecca m. William Kimbrough. Sarah m. Benjamine Brown (See Brown). Thomas. John. William. Frank Ellis m. Parthenia Kendrick. Issue: (a) C. J., b. 853, (b) Uriah Samuel m. 1879, Jane Geneva Buttram b. 1861. Uriah Samuel Ellis m. Jane Geneva Buttram. Issue: (a) William Elbert b. 1880 m. 1910 Beulah Dial b. 1887. (b) Aimee Parthenia b. 1881 m. 1903 Thomas William Knight b. 1874. (c) Maud Elizabeth b. 1883 m. 1908 Thomas Washington Caudle b. 1881. (d) Mary Bessie b. 1884 m. 1919 Howard P. Arrowood b. 1884. (e) Minnie Samantha b. 1886 m. 1911 Kelly M. Chambers b. 1889. Ethel b. 1837 m. 1908 Robert Purser (f) Vera Ethel b. 1884. (g) Kate Isabel b. 1889 m. 1920 J. Harrison Shields. b. 1896. (h) Chrissie Winnie b. 1891, m. 1911 Roscoe Jaco b. 1885. (i) Samuel Franklin b. 1893 m. 1920 Anna Shields b. 1898. (j) Foster Kendrick b. 1896 m. 1917 Lella Green b. 1894. 174 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY ENGLAND 1. Dabney England was stolen when a child and brought to Virginia. As his name was not known he was given the name of his country. He married Nancy Kindreck. Issue: (a) Lucinda, (b) Pauline, (c) Prudence, (d) St. Claire, (e) John, (f) Thomas, (g) Isaac, (h) William, who was killed at the battle of New Orleans. 2. (a) Lucinda m. Oct. 4, 1811 Charles Hickey. 2. (b) Pauline m. 1st Samuel Ladd. 2nd Tolbert Mc- call b. in North Carolina, whose mother was Candance. Issue: (a) Sarah, (b) William Wade, (c) Henry Puris, (d) Candance Ann, (e) Susan, (f) Samuel. 4. (b) Candance Ann m). William Groffith Flinn. Issue: 5. (a) Roxanna, (b) Carrie, (c) Corena. 2. (b) Prudence m. Sept. 6. 1824 Jesse Lowe. 2. (f) Isaac m. Oct. 11, 1817 Rebecca Rector. 175 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY EVANS 1. Samuel of Welsh and Irish descent emigrated with his parents when very young to this country locating in Cocke County, Tennessee. He marries Elsie Ogle. Issue: (a) Keziah, (b) Polly, (c) Abby. (d) Patrick Henry. Samuel d. about 1800 ad Elsie m. Frank Padgett. The family moved and settled in Stamp Creek Valley coming down the river in a flat boat. 2. (a) Keziah m. Hugh L. Hartley, of Roane Co. 2. (b) Polly. 2. (c) Abby m. Thomas Dalton. 2. (d) Patrick Henry b. Feb 11, in Cocke Co., m. Rebecca Parks Nov. 10, 1830. Patrick H. volunteered as a soldier in 1836 and went with U. S. troops under command of Gen. Wingfield Scott and was stationed at Ross' Landing dur- ing the removal of the Indians. He d. Feb. 22, 1875. Rebecca d. July 12, 1873. Issue: 3. (a) Alcy b. June 13, 1832, m. Robert Alford. 3. (b) Thomas H., b. Aug. 15, 1834. 3. (c) Mary E., b. Oct. 9, 1836 m. William Bowman, Aug. 3, 1854. 3. (d) Samuel P., b. June 6, 1838 m. Emma Godby. 3. (e) Nehemiah O. b. June 22, 1840 d. April 28, 1862 in U. S. Army. 3. (f) Patrick W., b. Oct. 1866 who d. Aug. 28, Jan. 24, 1844 m. Mary E. Bowers 1916. Issue: 4 (a) Thomas Oscar, (b) William S., (c) Alice, (d) David H., (e) John C. (d) David H., m. Mary McNutt Pope. 4. (e) John C. m. Dixie Eblen. 176 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY EWING 1. James born in Ireland settled in Virginia. 2. (a) Jacob b. Mar. 15, 1802 came to Roane County in 1809 m. Anna Mathaney b. Mar. 15, 1800, dau. of Elijah Mathaney, a native of Virginia. 3. (a) Elijah M., b. Nov. 25, 1830 m. Oct. 13, Nancy Murphy, dau. of Benjamine and Nancy Murphy. 3. (b) Arthur C. b. Feb. 24, 1837, m. Mar. 25, 1858 Saraphine, dau. of Col. John A. and Elizabeth Campbell Barnard. Children of Elijah and Mary Ewing. 4. (a) John M., (b) Martha J., (c) Nellie, (d) Sarah M., (e) William A. Children of Arthur C. and Seraphine. 4. (a) James A., (b) Jacob, (c) Elijah B., (d) Lulini Leati. 4. (b) Martha J., m. Elisha, son of Abijah and Levina Sharp Boggess. Issue: (a) Sudie, (b) Catha, (e) Dixie. 177 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY FLEMING 1. James and Martha Fleming emigrated from Tyrone Co., Ireland 1787. James d. 1830 in Washington Co., Va: Martha d. 1854 in Sullivan Co., Tenn. Issue: 2. David b. 1799 in Chester Co., Penn, Moved to Roane Co., 1850 d. 1868. Was one of the founders of Holston Methodist Conference having entered the Ministry in his youth, was a circut rider and presiding Elder in Western Virginia and East Tennessee, m. 1829 Mary Buren dau. of John and Cynthia Miller of Hawkins Co., Tenn. b. 1808 d. 1884. Issue: 3. (a) John Miller, (b) James Clarke, (c) Charles Rhoton, (d) Wilbur Fisk, (e) Andrew Foster, (f) Martha Elizabeth. 3. (a) John Miller b. 1832 d. 1900. Was Editor of several leading newspapers of the State, being first Editor of the Knoxville Sentinel, a member of Legislature 1861. State Superintendant of Public Schools 1872-74,putting into opera- tion the present school system and is described in Notable Men of Tennessee as a man of superior intellect and of a superior legal mind. m. 1860 Anna Howard, dau. of Judge Samuel and Susan Mason Boyd. Issue: 4 (a) David, (b) Samuel, (c) Mary Miller. 5. (c)) Mary Miller m. John Lamar Meek. Issue: John Fleming. 3. (f) Martha Elizabeth b. 1845 d. 1919 m. 1871 in Kingston, Rev. Grimsfield Taylor of Blount Co., Tenn. Issue: 4. (a) Mary Elizabeth m. Harry Preistly Driver: Issue: 5. (a) Martha Elizabeth. 4. (b) Franklin m. Katherine Hayter. Issue: 5. (a) Jean, (b) Joseph. 4. (c) Nancy Susanna m. Hilton Screven Hampton. 4. (d) James Fleming m. Alice Smith. Issue 5. (a) Elizabeth, (b) Virginia, (c) James Fleming, (d) Nancy. 178 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY FORRESTER 1. Marcus, of South Carolina soldier in Black Hawk War. Issue: (a) Mildred, (b) Martha, (c) Nancy, (d) Thomas, (e) Alexander, (f) Solomon, (f) James, (g) Larkin. 2. (d) Thomas m. Margaret (Peggy) Marney. Issue: (a) Solomon. 2. (e) Alexander m. Sallie Harvie. Issue: (a) William, (b) George, (c) Marshall H. and James, (d) Nancy, (e) Eliza. 2. (f) Solomon b. 1803, in S. C., d. 1863, m. 1852 in Roane Co., Sarah Marney, b. 1807, d. 1852. Issue: (a) Rufus, b. 1824, (b) James, (c) Caroline, (d) Joseph Bryant, (e) Polly Ann, (f) Martha, (g) Belinda, (h) William, (i) Alexander, (j) Robert, (k) Benjamine Franklin b. 1844. Issue: (a) Eva, (b) 3. (b) James m. Louella Ethel, (c) Frank, (d) William. 3. (d) Joseph Bryant b. 1834 m. 1855 Maria Shannon. 2nd Hannah Hale, 3rd. Eliza Forrester. 3. (g) Belinda m. David McWilliams. Issue: (a) Thomas 3. (k) Benjamine F., m. Frances Green. Issue (a) Josephine, (b) Edna, (c) Benjamine, (d) Emma, Emma, (e) Louella. 2. (f) James m. Patsy Bryant. Issue: (a) Polly, (b) Bettie, (c) Nancy, (d) Jane, (e) Deborhah, (f) Maria. 2. (g) Larkin m. Tuton. Issue, (a) Wiley, (b) Thomas, (c) Menerva, (d) Rachel. 4. (a) Josephine, dau. of Benjamine m. J. D. Dunna- way. Issue. (a) Maurine, (b) Waldo, (c) Frances, (d) Ruth. 4. (b) Edna, dau of Benjamine F. m. Orr. Hampton. Hancock. 4. (c) Benjamine, son of Benjamine E. m. Dahlia Ezell. 4. (d) Emma, dau of Benjamine E. m. 4. (e) Louella, dau of Benjamine m. 3. (c) Marshall H. m. Wilkey. Among his children were William, James, Isham G. and daughter, Mrs. C. W. Mathaney. M. Hazeltine, dau of Joseph Bryant and Marie S. b. 1858 m. June 1876 John Calvin Keeney, b. 1847. Issue, Marie K. m. A. M. Patterson, John, Guy, Mrs. Guy C. Phillips. 179 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY FRITTS 1. Jacob emigrated from North Carolina and settled 8 miles above Kingston on what was known in early history as the Buttermilk Road. His brothers and sisters were Peter, Phillip, Henry, Katie, Christiana. Peter m. Dec. 15, 1825 Parmelia Williams. Phillip m. Dec. 15, 1830 Frances Jane Williams. 1. Jacob m. Dec. 23, 1818 Sally Sexton. Issue: (a) Isham, (b) John, (c) David, (d) Joseph, (e) Jacob, (f). Mary Ann. (g) Kate, (h) Henry. 1. Henry m. Annie Johnson. Issue: (a) (b) George W., (c) William, (d). (e) (f) 2. (e) John, son of Jacob m. Lorena Elizabeth Stall- cup, Oct. 9, 1866. 2. (b) George Washington m. Martha Helen Bunn. Issue: (a) Robert, (b) William, (c) John, (d) Henry, (e) James, (f) Martin, (g) Phillip, (h) Mary. 2. (c) William, son of Henry m. Martha Hunnicut. Issue: (a) Albert, (b) Dock, (c) Mitchell. 3. (f) Martin, of George W., m. Matilda Pickel. Issue: 2 sons, 2 daughters. 3. Issue of John and Elizabeth Williams, 7 sons and 2 daughters. 3 William M., m. 1875 Sallie Norton. Issue, (a) Jesse R., (b) John W., (c) William N., 5 daughters. Henry son of George W. and Martha m. Mar. 5, 1840 Ann Turnbull. 2. (a) Isom G. son of Jacob and Sally m. Lucy Whittle. Issue: (a) Wylie, H., (b) Jacob, (c) John, (b) Thomas, (e) Henry, (f) Benjamin Franklin, (g) Matilda. 2. (c) David, son of Jacob and Sally, m. May 4, 1844 Catherine Beard. 2. (f) Mary Ann, dau of Jacob m. John Hood. 2. (g) Katie, lau. of Jacob m. James Burnett. 2. (h) Henry, son of Jacob m. Polly Williams. John Fritts m. Mar. 8, 1843 Mary Ann Luttrell. George Fritts m. May 28, 1839 Sarah Spoon. Mary Fritts m. Mar. 14, 1844 Richard Williams. 180 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 3. (a) Wylie H., son of Isom m. 3. (b Jacob m. Anna Nicholson. Murray. 3. (d) Thomas Wilson b. Oct. 1, 1849, son of Isom m. Annie Kyle. Issue: (a) Annie Mary m. Leon D. Bailey. Issue Thomas Fritts, (b) William J., (c) Thomas Wilson, (d) Lena m. E. R. Blair. Issue: Virginia Blair. 3. (f) Benjamin Franklin b. son of Isom m. Inez King. Issue: (a) Fred A. Weil m. Elizabeth Mynders, (b) King, m. Helen Arnold, (c) William m. Vance Talbot. 3. (g) Matilda, dau. of Isom m. Thomas E. Roberts. Jerry and Ransom Fritts were half brothers of those who came from North Carolina about 1810. Isaac and John were their cousins, who came at the same time. Isaac m. Apr. 11, 1836 Frankie Fortner. John Fritts m. Rhoda C. Mc- Duffie Oct. 4, 1859. Benjamin Fritts m. Martha Moses Mar. 8, 1871. Mary Fritts m. Columbus Motes July 30, 1887. John Fritts m. Jane Coker June 3, 1863. 181 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY FULLER 1. George came from North Carolina. 2. Joshua 1790 in North Carolina m. 1820 Mary, b. May 10, 1892, dau. of James Clark and widow of Rev. James Moore, who d. 1816 Mary d. 1881. Joshua d. 1858. 3. James b. May 20, 1822 m. 1845 Lucinda, dau. of William and Nancy Jolly E. 1825. 182 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY GAMBLE 1. Samuel b. 1785, d. 1855, m. Aug. 19, 1823 Matilda Riggs, b.Nov. 29, 1803, d. Oct. 15, 1855. Issue: ten children. 2. James b. Apr. 1793, d. Jan. 1875 m. 1st 1818 Ann Dickey, b. 1800, d. Jan 1849. 2nd Beeler. Robert L., son of Samuel b. Dec. 10, 1836, m. June 29, 1859 Parmelia Tillery. 3. (a) William M., son of James b. Oct. 11, 1832 m. Jan. 12, 1868 Margaret Denton, b. Feb 18, 1848. 3. (b) Caroline, dau. of James m. William L. Brown. (See Brown) 3. (c) Margaret m. William Carr Eblen. (See Eblen.) 3. (d) James. 3. (e) Victoria, dau of James and his second wife m. Capt. Williams Coker 1 183 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY GILLESPIE 1. George b. 1767 m. Anne Neilson b. 1782. Issue: 2 (a) William N., (b) Thomas Jefferson, (c) Robert N., (d) Jane Harriet, (e) Charles, (f) George Lewis, (g) John Cessna, (h) Archibald D., (i) James Wendel, (j) Joseph Strong, (k) Elbert David 2. (a) William N., m. Sidney Ann Lutey. Issue: 3. (a) George m. Aug. 12. 1863, Victoria Brown. Issue: (a) Etta, (b) Alice, (c) Thomas, (d) George, (e) Gay. 2. (b) Thomas Jefferson b. 1805 m. Lucinda McCaleb. Issue: 3 (a) George Thomas m. Laura Peters, Issue: 4 (a) George Thomas, (b) Jean Neilson. 2. (c) Robert N., b. Feb. 14, 1807 m. 1826 Hannah Luety. Issue: 3. (a) Robert N. b. May 28, 1846 m. 1st. Dec. 31, 1867, Emma Frazier, 2nd. May 1878 Lilie Wilshire. (b) Thomas Jefferson, (c) William (d) Adelia. 2. (d) Jane Harriet m. James Holman Blain. 2. (e) Charles m. Evelyn Taylor. 2. (f) George Lewis b. 1812 m. May 15, 1838 Margaret Alice, dau. of John and Elizabeth McEwen. Issue: 3 (a) John, (b) George Lewis, (c) Anna Neilson, (d) Elizabeth. 2. (g) John Cassna m. Margaret Alice, dau. of John Columbus and Nancy P. McEwen. Issue 3 (a) Margaret Alice, (b) Nellie, (c) Nancy Elizabeth, (d) James W., (e) Anna Neilson; (f) Thomas J., (g) Lewis, (h) Mary Blain. 2. (i) James Wendel m. Nancy Brazelton. 2. (k) Elbert David m. Sarah C. Cleage. 2. (j) Joseph Strong m. Feb. 10, 1848 Penelope White- side. Issue: a. Anna Penelope, b. James Whiteside, c. Joseph Anderson, d. Jean Neilson, e. Florence. 3. (a) Anna Penelope m. John Hooke. ; Issue: a. Mary Porter m. R. A. Stigler, b. John Anderson (m. Margaret c. Carl (m. Julia.- 3. (b) James Whiteside b. Mar. 25, 1853 m. May 1, Virginia Swan. Issue: a. Hugh Swan, b. Joseph Strong, e. Penelope Whiteside d. Annie Dent, e. Luther L., f. James Anderson. 184 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 3. (c) Joseph Anderson m. Margaret Mitchell. Issue: a. Kyle, b. Joseph (m. Mary House.) 3. (d) Jean Neilson m. G. Allison Holland. 4. (a) Hugh Swan, son of James and son of James and Virginia m. Maud Berry. 4. (b) Joseph Strong, son of James and Virginia, m. Rose Gallaher. 4. (c) Penelope Whiteside, dau. of James and Virginia m. Thomas Basil Smith. Issue: a. Hugh Craig, b. Virginia Louise, c. Thomas Basil. 4. (d) Anna Dent, dau. of James and Virginia, m. Louis Edward Brading. 4. (e) James Anderson, son of James and Virginia, m. Nell Randle. 3. (a) John M., son of George L. and Margaret Alice Gillespie, m. Amelia King. Issue: John King b. Sept. 1871. 3. (b) George L., m. Miss McMasters. 3. (c) Anna Neilson m. Arthur Watkins. 3. (d) Elizabeth m. James A. Caldwell. Issue: 4 a. Percy, b. Rhobie ‚c. Elsie. 3. (a) Margaret Alice, dau. of John C. and Margaret, William A. Martin. Issue: 4 a. William A., b. John C., c. Anna Neilson, d. Ernest. m. 3. (b) Nellie m. L. Japheth Sharp. Issue: a. Margaret, b. Ellen, c. John Cessna, d. Alice Neilson, e. Elizabeth. 3. (c) Nancy Elizabeth m. Eugene Thomasson. 3. (d) Anna Neilson m. William W. Roof. Issue 4 a. Mary. 3. (e) Lewis G. m. Sue Reese. 3. (f) Mary Blain m. Joseph H. Davenport. Issue: 4 a. Joseph H., b. Margaret McEwen. 4. (a) Joseph m. Laura Voigt, b. Margaret McEwen m. William Carswell. 4. (a) William, son of William A. and Margaret Alice Martin, m. Mary McGruder. Issue: a. William McGruder. 185 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 4. (b) John G. son of William and Margaret Alice m. Gladys Brown. Issue: Alice. 4. (a) John King, son of John M. and Amelia m. Oct. 24, 1895 Hortense Booth. Issue: 5 a. John King II. b. Booth, c. Hortense. 4. (b) Rhobie, dau. of Elizabeth Gillespie and James A. Calldwell m. Frederick Smallman. 4. (c) Elsie Caldwell m. Roland Olmstead. 4. (a) Margaret, dau. of J. P. and Nellie Gillespie Sharp, m. Robert H. Williams. Issue: 5 a. Eleanor m. Hard- wick Caldwell, b. Margaret Cornelia m. Scott Livingston Probasco, c, Robert Patten. 4. (b) Ellen m. John S. Poindexter. Issue 5 a. Jane, m. Pauling Shriver Steward, b. John, c. Mary Lee. 4. (c) John Cessna m. Rachel Cook. Issue, John Cessna. 4. (1) Alice Neilson m. Samuel Bartow Strang. Issue: 5 a. Samuel Bartow, b. John Cessna, c. Frances Thornton. 4. (e) Elizabeth m. Carl Eberling, M. D. Issue: Carl. 3. (d) Adelia dau. of Robert N. Gillespie m. William Perry Darwin. Issue: 4. a. William Peyton, b. James Robert m. Margaret Jaspheth Sharp, dau. of E. Frank Sharp. c. Hannah m. Jesse Brown Swafford, d. Ella m. Dr. Walter F. Thomison, e. Nell m. Jacob M. Gass, f. Jennie m. Dr. William L. Abel, g. Thomas Albert m. Elizabeth- h. Frederick Perry m. Alexander Arrants, i. Bertha m. William W. Henry. 4. (a) William Peyton m. Caroline Waterhouse, Issue: 5 a. Cyrus, b. Adelia m. Frederick Stout, c. Eleanor d. Darius, e. Alice m. Edwin Brady, f. Audrey m. Denton. Children of James Robert and Margaret S. Darwin. 5. a. Frank Sharp m. Katherine Sulte. b. Gordon Gillespie m. Caroline Wilson. c. James Kenneth m. Ruth Wilkey. d. Margaret Elizabeth m. Noel S. Walters. Children of Hannah Darwin and Jesse B. Swafford. 5. a. Samuel Perry m. Pauline Morgan. b. Jesse Lucille m. Oliver Hamilton Altridge. 186 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Children of Ellen Darwin and Dr. Walter F. Thomison: 5. a. Maud, b. Clara m. Peyton Brown c. Walter Agnew. Children of Jennie Darwin and Dr. William Abel. 5. a. Thelma. Children of Frederick P. and Alexandria Darwin: 5. a. Arrant, b. Sidney. Children of Bertha Darwin and William W. Henry: 5. a. Gladys. 187 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Issue: GREEN 1. Thomas b. in Virginia where he m. Keziah Avery. 2. a. Avery b. in Virginia. Issue: 3 a. Obey, b. John. 2. b Thomas. 2. c. Bluford m. Betsy Underwool. Issue: a. Thomas b. Mary, m. Fred Isham, c. Jane m. Alexander Wolf. 2. d. Theodric. 2. e. Austin Letheridge, b. in White Co., Virginia 1811, m. 1st. Delia Crow in Roane Co. Issue: 3 a. Katherine m. Alexander Harwell. b. Henry Pierce m. Mary Barnett, c. William, C. d. Leonodas m. Calisty e. Rebecca m. Beard, 2nd. wife, Emily Liggitt. Issue f. Jennie, m. John T. Mahoney, g. Willis Center m. Sarah Brown, h. Austin Avery m. Ella Browder, i. John B., j. Charles W. Children of Katherine and Alexander Harwell. 4. a. Austin b. Sarah, c. William, d. Susan, e. Alice f. Charles, g. Pierce, h. Herbert, i. Jennie. Children of Henry Pierce and Mary Green. 4. a. George, c. Mattie m. George Bender. Children of Leonidas and Calisty. a. Surry m. Elizabeth Glover, b. Minnie m. Dr. W. C. Huddleston, c. Maud m. Professor Laney. Children of Jenny and John Mahoney. 4. a. Edger, b. Wilbur, c. Charlie, d, James, e. Guy f. Ray g. Emma, h. Cora m. Duffy. Children of Willis and Sarah: Strong, i. Nell m. Roland 4. a. Ernest, b. Harold, c. Blanch. Austin L. Green with a goosequill pen wrote the code of Tennessee in 1858. He was for six years in the Legislature and held different offices in Roane Co., for forty years. 188 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY HALEY 1. David Rev. Sol. came from Ireland m. Letitia Cloud. Issue: a.John Cloud, b. James. 2. John Cloud b. Feb. 7, 1777 d. Sept. 3, 1840, m. 1812 Elizabeth Matlock, b. Nov, 3, 1781, d. Dec. 12, 1848. Issue: a. John, b. Sarah, c. Martha, d. Allen, e. Charles, f. Elijah. g. James, h. Leathy, i. William B., j. Ward. 3. a. John m. Polly Smith, of McMinn Co. 3. b. Sarah m. 3. c. Martha m. Stevens, of McMinn Co. Foster, of Marshall Co., Ala. 3. d. Allen m. Betsy Rice, of McMinn Co. 3. e. Charles m. Margaret Smith. 3. f. Elijah m. Sept. 25, 1839 Letitia Winton. 3. g. James m. Mary Clark. Rice, of Mcminn Co. 2nd. 3. h. Leathy m. Miller Rice, of McMinn Co. 3. i. William B. m. Sydney R. Smith, of McMinn Co. 3. j. Ward m. Mary Roddy. 3. a. Children of Charles and Margaret. a. Elizabeth, b. Henry. 4. a. Elizabeth m. James Woods Wilson. Issue a. James, Charles, b. Margaret Lyon, c. Henry Haley, d. Robert, e. Isabelle, f. John, g. Claud, h. Mabel, i. George Edward, j. Elizabeth. 4. b. Henry m. 1st. Emma Riggs. Issue Charles Smith. 2nd. Victoria Frazier. Issue: a. Henry, b. Rosco, c. Margaret, d. Clara, e. Robert, f. James. g. Kenneth, h. Sarah. 5. a. James Charles, son of Elizabeth and James Woods Wilson m. Florence Warner. Issue: a. Charles, b. Mary, c. Willard Warner, d. Florence Woods. 5. c. Henry m. Emily Ashe. 5. d. Robert m. Mary Elizabeth Kimbrough. 5. e. Isabella m. 1st. Herbert Black. Issue: Margaret Elizabeth, 2nd. Felix Zollicoffer Martin. 5. g. Mabel Claire m. James Anderson Huff. (See Huff). 5. h. George Edward m. Madge Tarwater. Issue: George Edward. 189 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Children of Robert and Mary Elizabeth Wilson. 6. a. Katherine, b. James Charles, c. Margaret, d. Mabel Claire, e. Warren. Children of William B. and Sydney Haley: 4. a. John Cloud, m. Mary Jane Montgomery. 4. b. Margaret m. Frank Suddath. 4. c. Sally T. m. Jerome King, son of Charles King. 4. d. Charles B. m. Stacia Ingram. 4. e. Jackson m. Nancy Montgomery. Children of John Cloud and Mary Jane. 5. a. Eugene, b. Alexander, C. Nellie, d. Joseph. e. Frances, f. George, g. John. Children of Margaret and Frank Suddath. a. William, b. Charles. Children of Sally and Jerome King. 5. a. Beulah, b. Sidney, c. William, d. Charles, e. Addie, f. Margaret, g. Neal, h. Iola, i. Eula Lee, j. Elizabeth. Children of Charles B. and Stacia Haley. 5. a. Pearl, b. Elizabeth. 5. b. Alexander, son of John Cloud and Margaret, m. Nancy Doyle. 5. e. Sidney Frances, m. Thomas C. Goodner. Issue: Mary Rebecca, m. John F. Devaney. 5. f. George m. Margaret Carter. Issue. a. George, b. Raymond Carter, c. Margaret, d. John Cloud, e. Milton, f. Robert, g. Frank, h. Marion. 5. g. John Henry m. Anna Dancliffe. Issue: a. Milton J. 6. b. Raymond Carter Haley m. Edith King. 6. c. Margaret Haley m. Clarence Slaughter. 6. a. Milton J. Haley m. Lola Briggers. 5. a. Pearl, dau. of Charles anl Stacia m. Taylor Boyd. 5. b. Elizabeth, dau. of Charles and Stacia m. Walter Clack. Major David Haley owned a large grist mill during the War of 1812. He and his son, John Cloud Haley sent wheat 190 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY and other grains free of charge on flat boats to the soldiers in 1812, they built the stopping wall at the Suck Creek in the effort to help General Jackson's Army. When Andrew Jack- son was President, Elbert G. Sevier drafted a petition which was signed by every land owner in the County asking Presi- dent Jackson to recommend to Congress that Major Haley and his son be paid for the work they did. Mr. Sevier wrote the President that these men made it possible for him to fire the first powder in the Creek War. 191 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY HART Henry b. in London, England, 1761 came to Charleston, S. C., 1786. m. Sawyer. a. Martha b. 1802 m. Joseph Bryant, b. John Sawyer m. Letitia Marney, c. George m. Serena Neal, d. Deborah m. 1st. Howell, 2nd Howell, 3rd. Couch. e. Sarah m. Sauterland, Howell, h. Ely m.- McWilliams, g. Amanda m. f. William m. Polly Snow. Williams, i. Henry m. Feb. 3, 1818 Henry Sr. came to Roane Co. 1804. Settled on Long Island in the Tennessee River. John Sawyer and Letitia were the parents of 14 children, among them, Samuel, George, Henry. Hart. Samuel's son, John Jay, is the father of Samuel Henry Henry Jr. was a soldier of 1812. 192 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY HARVEY -Smith. 1. Thomas came from North Carolina, m. Settled at Shady Grove, Tenn. Issue: a. a son who moved to Middle Tennessee, b. Dicie m. Thomas Hunt. Thomas Harvey was a preacher and built a log meeting house where Shady Grove Church, Knox Co., now stands. After the death of his first wife he m. Sarah Smith, her sister. Issue: a. Oney, b. James, d. James, e. Rufus, f.Susannah, g.. Wilson, h. William. Issue: a. Henry, b. Jackson, c. Eliza Jane, d. daughter who m. Frank Roe, e. Oney, Jr. 2. c. Oney m. 2. d. James m. Elizabeth Birdwell. Issue: a. John R., b. Tressie, c. Joshua B., d. Smith, e. James W., f. Mrs. Newton Johnson, g. Mrs. Peter Johnson, h. Mrs. William Pickel, i. Mrs. John Robinson, j. Mrs. Elizabeth Amos. 2. e. Rufus m. Issue: a. George killed in the War at Nashville, b. John F., c. Samuel, d. Hope, e. Frank f. Walker A., g. Albert, h. Mrs. William Crowder, i. Mrs. Henry McKinney, j. Mrs. J. M. Crowder, k. Sarah. 2. f. Elkanah m. c. Minnie. 2. g. Wilson m.- Issue: a. William b. Charles, Issue: a. John, b. George, c. J. Monroe, d. Elkanah, e. Mrs. Polk Freeman, f. Mrs. James Collock, g. Mrs. Charles Eldridge, h. Mrs. John Ingram. 2. h. William, son of Thomas moved to Hillsboro, Tex. 3. a. Henry, son of Oney m. J., b. Mrs. Lena Taylor, c. Samuel. 3. e. Oney J., m. Issue: a. Robert Issue: a. Frank, b. Nancy, c. Josephine, d. James R., e. Mrs. Mollie Shaw, f. Mrs. Dollie Baldwin, g. Ernest, h. Freeland. 3. b. George, son of Elkanah I., m. Issue: a. Jackson, b. Oliver, c. Charles, d. Joseph, e. Sanford, f. Mrs. Laura Littleton, g. Mrs. Maud Hall, h. Mrs. Callie Dutton. 3. c. James Monroe, son of Wilson, m. -: Issue: a. Wallace, b. Wilson, c. Mrs. S. H. Anderson, d. Mrs. C. A. Phillips, e. Mrs. J. L. Reaves. 193 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 3. c. Joshua B., m. Issue: a. John W., b. Frec O., c. James N., d. Charles, e. Joshua, f. Mrs. S. M. Brooks, g. Isaac, h. Mrs. Lissie Tutterow. 3. d. Smith, m. W., c. Mrs. L. L. Thomas, d. Mrs. John Norman. Issue: a. Edgar N., b. Lewis Issue: a. Rufus, 3. b. John F., son of Rufus m. Jr., b. William, c. Samuel, d. Cynthia, e. John, f. Charles, g. Mrs. William Gilliland, h. Wesley, i. Frank, j. Susan. 3. c. Dr. Samuel, son of Rufus, m. Issue: a. Charles B., b. Burton, c. Mrs. R. P. Eaton, d. Eloise, e. Mrs. Charles Hornsby. 3. f. Walker A. son, of Rufus, m. Thomas, b. Lee, c. Rufus, d. Clyde, e. Mrs. Bessie Jenkins. Issue: a. Issue: a. 3. b. Charles, son of Elkanah m. William, b. Stella Lane, c. Hugh, d. Ulys, e. Hobart, f. Dortis. 3. a. John son of William m. Issue: a. Joseph, b. Elmer, c. Esper, d. John Jr., e. Mrs. Alice McNabb, f. Mrs. Maggie Hatfield, Mrs. Kate Vann. Issue: a. 3. d. Elkanah, son of Wilson m. Charles, b. Fred, c. Ralph, 1. Martin, e. Mrs. Minnie Matlock. f. Mrs. Effie Malone, g. Mrs. Ida Mills. 1. Thomas was a Baptist Preacher. Elkanah, his fourth son was a Baptist Preacher. Wilson, his fifth son was a Baptist Preacher. Elkanah, Wilson's son was a Baptist Preacher. 194 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY HILL Barney Hill was the first of the family to come to Roane County. He is descended from Colonial and Revolutionary stock, being a son of Jacob and Elizabeth (Lane) Hill of North Carolina and Tennessee. Barney Hill b. 1804, d. 1849 married 1840 Nancy Green Millican, dau. of William and Mary Millican b. 1809, d. 1875. Their children were: a. William Columbus, m. Nancy Rector. b. Isaac Alexander, m. Margaret Amanda Kendrick. c. John Nelson, m. Mary Dorcas Dixon. d. Elizabeth, m. Albert Marion Owings. e. James Moses, m. Katherine Matilda Absten. William Columbus Hill, son of Barney and Nancy (Millican) Hill b. Apr. 25, 1824, m. Nancy S. Rector, b. July 23, 1846 living. Their children were: a. Nancy D., b. July 16, 1867, m. George Shillings. Nora E., b. Mar. 13, 1869, m. Joseph Tedder c. James B., b. Jan. 21, 1871, m. 1st. Nina Kindred, 2nd. Amanda Stokes, d. Samuel R., b. March 8, 1872, d. Sept. 7, 1914, m. Belle Raines. e. Wm. Columbus, b. Feb. 9, 1874, m. Tempe Hickman. f. Mary Margaret, b. June 11, 1875, m. R. T. Sisco. g. Absalom F., b. Nov. 11, 1876, m. Elizabeth Tedder. h. Wiley H., b. July 22, 1879, m. Mamie Branam. i. Isaac A., b. Feb. 8, 1880, m. Ethel Qualls. j. Robert L., b. Feb. 8, 1880, m. Margaret Anderson. k. Liddy M. 1. Myrtle M., b. Mar. 28, 1886, m. Alonzo Tedder. m. John A. n. Walter E., b. Nov. 19, 1889, o. Frank, b. June 25, 1891, m. Elsie Lane. Isaac Alexander Hill, son of Barney and Nancy (Millican) Hill, b. June 28, 1844, d. Jan. 22, 1916, m. Margaret Amanda Kendrick, b. Sept. 23, 1851. Their children are: a. May, b. Dec. 6. 1871, m. June 2, 1892, Dr. W. W. Hill, b. Oct. 24, 1861. 195 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY b. Pearl, b. Feb. 22, 1874, m. June 22, 1905, Robert Bryan Cassell, b. July 29, 1868. Issue: a. Margaret Bryan. c. Charles L., b. July 20, 1876, m. May 6, 1900, Ruth Tyler Davis, b. Nov. 14, 1879. d. Nannie Ellen b. Sept. 24, 1879, m. April 5, 1903, Allen Russell Davis b. June 5, 1878. Issue: a. Dorothy Randolph. e. Robert Kendrick, b. Feb. 27. 1882, m. May 14, 1909, Abbie Fay Jewett. Issue: a. Vara Kendrick, b. William Leslie. f. Cap Kendrick, b. Oct. 7, 1884. g. John Paul, m. Laura Silvey. Children of May and Dr. W. W. Hill: a. Ivy, b. Pauline, m. William Rayborn Massey. Issue: a. Margaret Kendrick. c. William Walter. d. Nancy Pearl. John Nelson Hill, son of Barney and Nancy (Millican) Hill, b. 1848, m. March 26, 1871, Mary Dorcas Dixon, b. Mar. 2, 1856, d. Oct. 20, 1922. They had the following children. a. William Edward m. Sudie Ellis. Issue: a. Ellis Dixon, b. Ruth Irene. b. Gilbert Isaac, m. Bessie Serrill. c. Daisy Dorinda. d. Virgil Albert m. Addie Huffman. Issue: a. Mary b. Helen. e. Mary Elizabeth m. Apr. 22, 1915, Howard M. Lan- caster. Issue: a. Howard, b. Elizabeth. f. Grace Dixon m. May 25, 1908, Ernest W. Hall. Issue: a. Elizabeth, b. Catherine, c. Billie. g. James Rupert. m. Dec. 25, 1977, Leona Summers. Issue: a. Wesley, b. Russell. James Moses Hill, son of Barney and Nancy (Millican) Hill b. Feb, 26, 1849, d. Nov. 30, 1889. m. Sept. 1, 1881 Katherine Matilda Absten, b. Sept. 1, 1849, living. Their children were: a. Barney B. b. Roy R., m. Elizabeth C. Walker. Issue: a. Mary Walker, b. Roy C. c. Anne C. m. James Boyd. Issue: a. Catherine E. b. Margaret A., c. Mary Helen, d. Anne Eugene. 196 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY HINDS In 1792 John Hinds a Revolutionary Soldier came with his sons, Sylvanus, Joseph, Simeon, and John, Jr. and two daughters to Roane Co. He made an entry for one thousand acres of land which became known as Hinds Valley. Sylvanus Hinds was a soldier in the Creek and Indian War and that of 1812. Issue of Sylvanus Hinds a. John, m. Sarah A. Hickey. b. James C., m. Rachel Abels. John Hinds, m. Sarah A. Hickey Issue: a. Mary E. m. Willey Doughty. b. James Carter, m. 1868, Rutha Caroline Hinds, b. 1838 d. 1917. c. Lou m. 1st. Wilson. 2nd Wiley Doughty and Mary E. Issue: a. Thomas J., b. 1855, d. 1856. -Redferrin. b. Sarah Ann b. 1856, d. 1901, m. John Evans. c. Margaret E. b. 1858, d. 1895 m. Hugh Boyd. d. John William b. 1860, m. 1883, Celia East, b. 1870 d. 1922. Hyde. e. Lousinda C. f. Mary Eauline. g. Sidney Caroline, b 1867 d. 1885 m. Sidney Bledsoe. h. James Isaac, m. 1st. Amanda Wallace. 2nd. Julia i. Minnie C. b. 1872. m. William Cobb. j. Charles Franklin, b. 1874. k. Mattie Pearl b. 1876, d. 1882. John W. and Celia East. Issue: a. Lewis m. 1904, Dora Tausher. b. Sam, m. 1906, Corrie McPherson. c. Pearl. d. Carl. e. James. 197 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY f. Ella Mae, m. 1911, C. L. Wilson. g. Sewell. g. Reuben, m. 1920 Jennie Mae Lawson. i. Sherman. k. Kate, m. 1916 Roy Wells. 1. Velma. m. Nell. n. Willard. Lewis, m. Dora Tausher. Issue: a. Carl. b. Louise. c. Raymond. d. Edna. e. John. f. Ruth. Sam, m. Corrie McPherson. Issue: a. Floyd. b. Clarence. c. Kathleen. d. Dorothy. C. L. Wilson m. Ella Mae Doughty. Issue: a. Violet. b. Woodrow. c. Mildred. d. James. e. Mary Edna. f. Frances. Reuben m. Jennie Mae Lawson. Issue: a. Paul. b. Kathleen. c. Bailey. Roy Wells, m. Kate, dau. of John and Celia Doughty. Issue: (East) 198 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY a. Pearl. b. Lucile. c. Margaret. William Cobb m. Minnie, dau. of Wiley and Mary E. (Hinds) Doughty. Issue: a. Mary Lizzie, m. William Edward Crabtree. b. George R., m. May Doughty. c. Maud, m. Ben Goss. d. Raymond. e. Roy Fred, m. Thelma Bowling. f. Ann Lou. g. Perry, m. Raymond Blackwell. h. Aileen m. Bert Brown. i. Billie. j. Luretha. William Edward Crabtree, m. Mary Lizzie, dau. of Wil- liam and Minnie (Doughty) Cobb. Issue: a. Cathryn Reece. b. Woodrow. c. Edward. Ben Goss, m. Maud, dau. of William and Minnie (Dough- ty Cobb. Issue: a. Bennie. George Robert, son of William and Minnie (Doughty) Cobb m. May Doughty. Issue: a. J. W. b. Cathryn. c. Robert. Roy Fred, son of William and Minnie (Douhgty) Cobb m. Thelma Bowling. Issue: a. Roy. Bert Brown, m. Aileen, dau. of William and Minnie (Doughty) Cobb. Issue: a. Billie. b. Joe. 199 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY James Carter, son of Sylvanus and Rutha Caroline Hinds. Issue: a. William Crawford. Hinds m. b. Rilla Catherine b. 1871 m. Elisha Turner Ingram b. 1860. (See Ingram). d. Samuel Burgess, b. 1877 m. 1900 Sarah Dorinda King, b. 1879. e. Martha Elizabeth b. 1880, m. 1920 John Richards. f. Katie Kimbrough. g. Ella May, b. 1885, m. 1907 Theodore Ewing Hamby. h. James Lewis, b. 1888, d. 1918, m. 1907, Anna Rose. Samuel B. Hinds m. Sarah Dorinda King. Issue: a. Bruce S., b. 1901. b. George C. Theodore Ewing Hamby m. Ella May Hinds. Issue: a. Evelyn May. b. Theodore Ewing, Jr. c. Eleanor. d. John Leslie. e. Caroline Hinds. f. James Arthur. James Lewis m. Anna Rose: Issue: a. James Lewis. b. Ewell. Joseph, son of John Hinds, m. Susan Hankins. Issue: a. Levi d. 1851. Jackson m. 1843 Minerva Owings b. 1822 b. Sarah, m. Carter Hickey. c. Susan, m. John Fooshee. d. Annie, m. Christopher Abels. e. Joseph. f. George m. Elizabeth Abels. g. Henry P. W., m. Margaret Delaney Harner. 200 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Levi Jackson, son of Joseph and Susan (Hankins) Hinds m. Minerva Owings. Issue: a. Albert N., m. 1866, Susan M. Harner. b. Rutha Caroline Hinds m. 1st. 1864, Joseph Bacon b. 1845 d. 1909. 2nd 1868 James Carter Hinds b. 1838 d. 1917. See Hinds Family above. c. Sarah Annie m. 1st 1867 Absalom Rector. b. 1850. d. 1911. 2nd 1882 David Billingsly b. 1851. d. 1921. Albert, son of Levi Jackson and Minerva (Owings) Hinds, m. Susan M. Harner. Issue: a. Annie C., b. 1867, m. 1882 Thomas C. Hickey b. M. Malissa, b. 1869. c. W. Jack, b. 1871, d. 1924, m. 1898, M. Jane Long.b. 1878. d. Almeda M., b. 1873 d. 1901, m. 1899 Stephen Long. e. Ida D. (e) Ida D. b. 1878 m. 1895 Marquis D. L. Brawn. (f) Otis A. b. 1882 d. 1925 m. 1915 Vinnie Ragsdon. (g) Clay H. b. 1886 d. 1922 m. 1918 Jennie Goodson. Children of W. Jack and Jane Hinds. (a) Homer H. (b) Clifford C. (c) Martin C., m. Matsy Fulks. Clifford C., son of W. Jack and Jane (Long) Hinds m. 1919 Iona Audrey Crisp. Issus: (a) Clarence. (b) Harry. (c) Ruth. (d) Billy. Children of David and Sarah Billingsly: (a) Mary Elizabeth. (b) John Reuben. Mary Elizabeth, dau. of David and Sarah Billingsly, m. 1904 David W. McReynolds b. 1884. Issue: (a) Dorothy. (b) Elinore. 201 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY (c) Evelyn (d) David W. Jr. John Reuben, son of David and Sarah A. (Hinds) Billingsley m. 1917, Nora Cowen b. 1888. Issue: (a) John Reuben, Jr. (b) Mary Lorraine. Carter Hickey m. Sarah, dau. of Joseph and Susan Hinds, Issue. (a) Henry. (b) Elizabeth. (c) Susan. (d) Joseph, m. Annie Cassey. (e) Thomas, m. Annie Hinds. (f) Anna Elizabeth (g) Mary m. (h) Jane, m. Witt. Witt. Issue: John Fooshee m. Susan, dau. of Joseph and Susan Honds (a) Jonas. (b) Mary. (c) Ab. Annie, dau. of Joseph and Susan Hinds m. Christopher Abels. Issue: (a) Susan m. John Millican. (b) Louisa m. Wattson Robbs. (c) George, m. Frankie Robbs. (d) William, m. Emma Narramore. (e) Robert. George, son of Joseph and Susan Hinds m. Elizabeth Abels. Issue: Holman Blaine, m. 1st. Susie Millard. 2nd Mattie Snod- grass Baker. (b) Nancy, m. John Montgomery. Holman B., son of George and Elizabeth (Abels) Hinds m. Susie Millard. Issue: Pearl m. James Abels. 202 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY (a) A. Pearl, m. James Abels. Holman B. Hinds m. 2nd Mattie Snodgrass Baker. Issue: (a) Holman Blaine Jr., m. Frances ? (b) George Washington, m. Ruth Cooper. (c) Henry Clay. (d) Virginia. (e) Eliza May. (f) Kathleen, m. Walter Clyde Weatherford. Henry P. W., son of Joseph and Susan Hinds m. Margaret Delaney Harner. Issue: (a) Ruth Caroline, m. Absalom Pinkeny Thompson. Issue: (a) Margaret Minerva, m. 1st. James Coleman Smith T. 2nd. William Martin Hicks. (b) Robert William, m. Gertrude Williams. (c) Laura m. 1st William H. Fisher. 2nd. Carl Mee. (d) Lillie May, m. David Drips. (e) Dyke Thompson. Joseph Hines son of John I., m. June 9, 1812 Susannah Hawkins in Knox Co. (Records of Miss Kate White.) 203 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY HUFF 1. John b. in Virginia m. Mary Yates. He came to Roane Co. 1822 as agent for King Salt Works, of Virginia. He died 1830. Mary died 1850. Issue, William Yates, Han- nah, James H., John, Elizabeth, Prudence, Polly. 2. (a) William Yates b. in Virginia 1809 m. Keziah, dau. of William Tunnel, of Fredricksburg, Va., Issue, a. James White, b. Mary, c. Emely, d. Eliza, e. Elizabeth, f. William, E., g. Margaret, h. Sarah. William Yates served as County of- ficer for 14 years, d. 1870. 3. (a) James White m. Elizabeth McIlwaine Anderson. Issue, a. Bessie, b. William E., e. James Anderson, d. Mamie. 3. b. Mary Angeline m. Hiram Bogart. Issue, a. Mary K., b. Robert, c. William Huff, d. Robert, e. Joseph, f. Lida. 3. (c) Emily Jane m. R. R. Anderson. Issue: a. Bessie, b Rhea, c. Adah. d. Emma. 3. (d) Eliza Rebecca m. James Mahoney. 3. (f) William Ebenezer m. Rachel Johnston. Issue, a. Mary, 6. William E., c. Sallie, d. Lenna. 3. (g) Margaret Katherine m. Samuel Anderson. Issue a. Emma, b. Joseph, M., c. Addie, d. Reece. 3. (h) Sarah Ellen Augusta m. Samuel Reese. Issue, May. 4. (a) Bessie, dau. of James and Elizabeth Huff m. Dr. J. R. Jump. 4. (b) William Ebenezer m. Lucy Gallaher. 4. (c) James Anderson m. Mabel Wilson. 4. (d) Mamie m. James F. Littleton. 4. (a) Mary K. dau. of Mary Huff and Hiram Bogart, m. Benjamine F. Smith. 4. c) Robert m. Mary Maxey. 4 (e) Lida m. Joseph E. Thompson. 4. d) Emma, dau. of Emely and Robert Anderson m. O. E. Mahoney. 4. (b) William E., Jr., son of William E. and Rachel J. m. Ada McCroskey. 4. (c) Sallie m. Will Kline. 4. (a) Emma, dau. of Margaret and Samuel Anderson m. Samuel O. Henley. 204 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 4. (b) Joseph M. m. 1st. Lucy Cook, 2nd. Mary Belle Blair. 1. (b) Hannah Hughes m. August 21, 1830 Ebenezer Johnston. Children of James Anderson and Mabel Huff. 5. (a) James Anderson, (b) Florence Elizabeth, (c) Woods Wilson, (d) Mable Claire, (e) Margaret Ann, (f) Isabelle Rhea. Children of William E. and Lucy G. Huff. 5. (a) James Gallaher, b. Hugh McCrosky. 2. John, son of John and Mary m. 1st. Emeline Tunnel. Issue, a. James David, 2nd. Sarah Woodridge. 2. Elizabeth, dau. of John and Mary m. 1st. Robert Johnston. Issue a. James Hervey, b. Pelma, 2nd. Henry King. 2. James Hervey Huff, son of John, b. 1818 in Loudon Co., Va. came with his parents to Roane Co. Settled in Georgia. m. Margaret McGaughey, b. 1826 in Murray Co., Ga. Issue, a. John Ira, b. William C., c. Hannah, d. Mary, e. James Ransom. 3. (b) William E. m. Lida Emmons. 3. (d) Mary m. William Ransom. 3. (e) James R. m. Ann Willis. William Tunnell, whose daughter Keziah, m. William Yates Huff, was the first settler south of the Tennessee River, now Loudon. 205 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY HORNSBY 1. William moved from North Carolina to Roane Co. in 1808, m. April 14, 1831 Rachel Longacre. 2. (a) James b. in Wake Co., N. C. October 25, 1792 d. Oct. 22, 1863. m. Eleanor McCidy, b. in South Carolina 1880. Issue: James W. b. March 30, 1831 m. March 29, 1855. 1st. Martha L. Brady, b. May 20, 1832, d. December 7, 1871. Issue, a. Mary, b. Ellen, c. Margaret, d. Martha, e. Susan, f. Laura, m. 2nd. Martha Burkett Wasson. 206 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY HOTCHKISS 1. Jared b. in New Haven, Conn. was a tailor for the Revolutionary soldiers. Moved to Roane Co. and kept a tav- ern on the Knoxville and Kingston Road. m. Betsy Knight b. at New Glasgow, Va. 2. C. M. b. 1802 in Roane Co. m. Sallie Ann Wyley b. 1811. Issue, 3. (a) Louisa, b. Isabella, c. Sallie. Louisa m.- -Lauderdale. Isabella m. 1st. John Anderson, 2nd. John Hill. Sallie m. Johnson. — 207 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Issue. INGRAM 1. Garland came from Wythe Co., Va., m. Miss Mays. 2. (a) Sanford m. Mary Burnett. 2. (b) David moved to Middle Tennessee. 2. (c) Larkin moved to Alabama. 2. (d) Sally m. January 24, 1821 Samuel Erwin. 2 (e) Hanover m. October 20, 1835 Ephriam Huffine. Children of Sanford and Mary. 3. (a) Stephen Harrison m. Sarah Woods Brazeale. b. Samuel; c. Elisha m. Maraline Brazeale. d. Moses b. 1845 m. Amanda W. Brazeale. e. Jack b. 1845 m. Mary Susan Smith. f. Hannah G. m. Thomas Jefferson Littleton (See Littleton). g. Mary m. Dock Littleton. Issue a. Samuel, b. John. h. Pene- lope. i. Lucinda m. Van Stowe. j. Jefferson m. Sallie Smith. Children of Stephen and Sarah B. 4. (a) Elizabeth Ann b. 1849 m. Pleasant Littleton, (See Littleton); b. Samuel Houston b. 1851 m. Rosa Arabella Sparks. c. Mary b. 1849 m. 1870 John Collett b. 1844. d. Nancy Adeline b. 1857 m. 1876 Henry D. Biss. e. Amanda Clementine b. 1858 m. 1876 Thomas B. Morrison. f. Elisha Turner m. 1889 Rilla Catherine Hines. g. Stacia Maraline m. 1883 Charles W. Haley (See Haley). h. Lucinda Catherine b. 1867 d. 1918. i. Sanford Harrison m. 1st. Hattie Gibson, 2nd. Edna Melton. j Sarah m. John Vaden Tedder. Children of Samuel H. and Rosa Sparks Ingram. Lela Emma m. William Martin. Ella May m. William B. Qualls. Callie Lucile m. Charles Thomas Tedder. Bonnie Jean m. Elbert Qualls. Issue: a. Jack. Albert Ernest m. Elizabeth Jones. David Carson. Maud Blanch m. James King. Children of May and John Collett. 5. (a) William, b. John m. Margaret Martin. Children of Elisha and Rilla Hines Ingram. Reece m. James Charles Acuff (See Owings.) 208 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Lenice Wood m. Frederick Sayford Bacon. Elisha Turner. Rilla Catherine. Children of Sanford H. and Hattie G. Ingram. 5. (a) Stephen, b. Raymond, c. Larry, d. Alice. Children of John and Margaret Collett. John William m. Mary Benson. Robert m. Kate Bristow. Ralph. Mary Catherine. Charles. Raymond. Howard. Children of Moses L. and Amanda Brazeale Ingram. Thomas Franklin b. 1860 m. 1st. Adeline Hall, 2nd. Margaret Allison. Jack m. Annie Vann. James m. Laura Caldwell. Sue m. Frank Duff. John m. Jane Harvey. Elisha W. m. Ida Vann. Margaret m. Frank Brown. Robert m. Myra Martin. Lucinda m. George Vann. Julia m. Alvin Weber. Henry m. Alma Gurley. Children of Thomas F. and Adeline H. Ingram. Charles m. Goldie Martin.. Lillie m. John Rose. Moses E. m. Mina DeYoung. Amanda W. m. William B. Ladd. Annie Jackson m. Joseph Hartman. Margaret Lee m. Hal M. Rose. Thomas Reed m. Bernada Hill. Frank m. Beatrice Tooten. Herbert. } 209 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 1 Issue of Thomas F. and Margaret Allison, a. Melton. Issue of Jack and Annie Vann Ingram. 5. (a) Martin, b. Mae, c. Tom. Issue of James and Laura C. Ingram. Marcus m. Ruth Neal. Fred m. Annie England. Floyd m. Elizabeth Holland. Julia m. Hugh Wyatt. Teresa m. Logan Christopher. Issue of Sue and Frank Duff. William m. Mattie Douglass. Margaret m. Fred Hackney. Stella m. George Henshaw. Addie. Clara. Raymond. Robert. Issue of Jack and Jane Harvey Ingram. Jack m. Minnie Billingsly. Issue of E. W. and Ida Bann Ingram. Dora m. Barclay Blair. Mae m. Thomas Bowers. Robbie. Henry. Vann. Issue of Margaret and Frank Brown Georgia m. Fred Hall. Lunn, Elijah, and Frank. Issue of Lucinda and George Vann. John. Issue of Julia and Alvin Weber. Catherine and Alvin. Issue of Charles and Goldie Martin Ingram. Mary, Charles and Thomas F. Issue of Jack and Susan Smith Ingram. Mollie m. Robert Millican. Oscar m. Lou Austin. Louella m. John Johnston. Wagly Dove m. Isaac Johnston. Ida m. James L. Johnston. Alma m. James L. Childress. Pearl m. Algie B. Crawford. Robert m. Edith Blizzard. James 210 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Issue of Mollie and Robert Millican. Annie m. Wiley Marney. Roscoe m. Mary Meadows. Reece m. Loyd Turner. Issue of Oscar and Lou Austin. Floyd m. Mary Pardue; Fred, Spencer, Mary Robert, and Rena. · Issue of Louella and John Johnston. Jack, Grace m. Carl Preston. Issue of Wagly Dove and Isaac Johnston. Frank m. Eleanor Sawyer. Isssue of Ida and James L. Johnston. Ruth m. Robert A. Rowlette. Dorothy. Issue of Alma and James Childress. James. Issue of Pearl and Algey Crawford. Lindsay. Issue of Robert and Edith Ingram. Elwin and Mabel. Issue of Lucinda and Vann Stowe. Savannah, Elizabeth and Catherine. Elizabeth m. John Barxtol Goodwin. Issue: Ada Frank m. John Roberts. Kate m. Edwin Porter Allen. Luther m. Bonnie Ewing. Gilbert. Joe E. Catherine m. James E. Pickel. Issue: Charlie m. Adeline Harris. Tom m. Lee Miller. Joe m. Elizabeth Carthcart. Lillie m. Ralph Neerguard. Jessie m. Albert Hartsooh. Gilbert m. Eva Dereux. Vann m. Rose Patton. Issue of Jefferson and Sallie Smith Ingram. a. George, b. Martin, m. Harriet Harvey. Issue: a. Murray. Martin, c. John, d. Samuel m. Mary Heury. Issue, a. Murray. Laura m. George Graham. Issue a. Laura m. Yerb Roberts. George Ingram, Captain of a Company 1802 m. March 5, 1797 Nancy Granme in Knox Co. (Record of Miss Kate White.) 211 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY JOHNSTON 1. Joseph b. in Ireland about 1755 settled in Rockbridge Co., Va. 1780 where he married Margaret Graham. Later moved to Blount Co., Tenn. Issue, a. James, b. Joseph, c. Josiah, d. Samuel, e. Robert, f. Frances, g. Ebenezer, h. Wil- liam, i. Jane, j. Margaret, k. Hugh. 2. (b) James b. May 6, 1784 in York District, S. C., m. March 21, 1805 Rachel Martin, of same place. His brothers Francis and Hugh settled in Roane Co., about 1801. James came in 1808. Issue of James and Rachel, a. Margaret, b. Robert M., c. Joseph A., d. Martha, e. James M., f. Anne J., . g. Rachel Louise, h. Mary M., i. William F., j. Ebenezer, k. Elizabeth. 2. (a) Margaret m. William Gammon. 2. (c) Joseph A. m. Jane Cowan. 2. (d) Martha m. James Johnson. 2, (f) Annie J. m. John Carmicheal. 2. (g) Rachel Louise m. Jeremiah Johnson. 2. (h) Mary M. m. Wiley Blair. 2. (j) Ebenezer m. Hannah Hues Huff, August 2, 1830. Issue, a. Melisa Clementine, b. Mary Jane, c. Robert Franklin, d. Joseph Marshall, e. John Yates, f. James Harrison, g. Jerome, h. Milton Graham, i. William McEwen, j. Hannah Elizabeth. 2. (k) Elizabeth m. John Blair. 2. Issue of Joseph and Jane, a. Nannie E., b. Rachel A., c. Hettie, d. Robert, e. Martha, f. Andrew H., g. Lennie Bell, h. Josie. 3. (b) Rachel A., m. William E. Huff. (See Huff). 3. (c) Hettie m. L. T. Blair. (See Blair). 3. (a) Melissa C., dau. of Ebenezer and Hannah m. December 22, 1852 Richard T. Wilson. 3. (b) Mary Jane m. S. D. Reynolds. 3. (c) Joseph Marshall m. Martha Hugenor. 3 (d) John Yates m. Susan Ayers. 3. James Harrison, b. January 22, 1842, m. October 1866 Mary Kline. 3. (i) William McEwen m. Flue Reese. 3. (j) Hannah Elizabeth m. Cook. 3. (f) Children of James Harrison and Mary Johnston. 4. (a) Sarah m. John Griffiss. 4. (b) Elizabeth m. Hugh M. Thomas. 212 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY JORDON 1. Dr. Lewis W. Jordon b. in Marion, Va., m. Sarah Yancy, of the same place. Moved to Roane Co. 2nd. wife Sophia Matilda Ayers. Was surgeon of 14th Reg of Infantry in the Mexican War. 2. Sarah Saphina, daughter of Lewis and Sophia Jordon m. Thomas Jefferson Tifton at Selma, Ala. Issue a. John Yancy, b. Thomas Grayson, c. Mary Molett, d. Douglass Elma, e. William Pope, f. Lewis W., g. Ida Alice. 3. (a) John Yancy m. Mollie Womble. Thomas Gayson m. Sarah Garrett. 3. (b) 3 (c) Mary m. C. W. Stewart. 3. (g) Ida Alice m. 1st. Walter L. Martin. Issue, a. James Edward, b. Walter L., 2nd. husband, Roy Simpson. 4. (a) James Edward m. Virginia Hardwick. Issue James Edward, Jr. 4. (b) Walter L. m. Anna Jones. 213 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY KENDRICK Samuel Kendrick was born in Virginia. He was the son of Edom Kendrick and both were Revolutionary Soldiers. Samuel Kendrick married Margaret Fauby and they were among the earliest pioneers of Roane County. Samuel Kendrick b. 1752; d. 1850; m. 1790 Margaret Fauby, b. 1772; d. 1856. Issue. (a) Absalom, b. 1792. d. 1817. (b) Mollie b. 1794, m. Enoch Rector. (c) Henry, b. 1796, m. Nancy Smith. (d) Elizabeth, b. 1798. (e) Nancy, b. 1800, m. Willis Short. (f) Jacob Fauby, b. 1802, m. 1824, Margaret Mc- Pherson. (g) William Edom, b. 1804, (h) Diana, b. 1807, m. 1840 Richard Rector. (i) Samuel b. 1809, m. Mary Rector. (j) John, b. 1810, d. 1888, m. 1838, Martha Susan Owings. b. 1820, d. 7893. (k) Margaret Fauby, b. 1815, d. 1898, m. 1839 Wil- liam Jackson Owings b. 1815, d. 1895. (See Owings Family) Henry, son of Samuel and Margaret Kendrick m. Nancy Smith. Issue: (a) John m. Jane Emery. (b) Lucretia, b. 1821, d. 1872, m. 1840 William Evans b. 1821, d. 1897. (c) Margaret (d) Melcenia, m. William Emory. (e) Elizabeth, m. Anderson Grassham: (f) William. (h) Henry d 1837. m. Callie Norman, d. 1917. (g) Joseph, m: Sarah Brown. (h) Mary, m. William Clift. Lucretia, dau. of Henry and Nancy (Smith) Kendrick m. William Evans, Issue; (a) Andrew Jackson m. Catherine Ragel. (b) Mary E. m. James Glover. 1 214 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY (c) Nancy Ann m. 1st. Evan Davis. 2nd. George Buries. (d) William. (e) Hugh Campbell, m. Mary Ann Davis. (f) Thomas Witherspoon m. Matilda Davis. (g) Albert Newton. (h) John Evan, m. Sarah Doughty. (i) Joseph S. b. 1858, m. 1884 Sarah L. Rayder. b. 1867, d. 1925. (j) Martha Susan m. Press Hickey. Joseph S., son of William and Lucretia Evans m. Sarah L. Rayder. Issue: (a) Bessie M. m. 1902 William Henry Polston. (b) Jack Frederick. (c) Harry Robert. (d) William Fred. (e) Henry Clay, m. 1911, Mary Phillips. (f) Julia m. 1914, Frank Goddard (g) Carl Samuel, b. 1896, m. 1918 Audrey Page. (h) Arthur L., m. 1923, Pauline Davis. Bessie M., dau: of Joseph and Sarah L. Evans m. William Henry Polston. Issue: (a) Clarence Franklin. (b) Fred Lewis. (c) Joseph Daniel. (d) Lucille Elizabeth. (e) Bonnie May. Henry Clay, son of Joseph and Sarah L. Evans m. May Phillips. Issue: (a) Mary Elizabeth. Julia, dau. of Joseph S. and Sarah L. Evans m. Frank Goddard. Issue: (a) Frank Lewis. (b) Joseph Paul. Carl, son of Joseph S. and Sarah L. Evans m. Audrey Page. Issue: (a) Carl Samuel. (b) Ruth Catherine. (c) Nancy Jean.. 215 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Henry, son of Harry and Nancy (Smith) Kendrick m. Callie Norman. Issue: (a) William, b. 1866, d. 1918. m. 1892 Ida Powell. (b) Louisa. (c) John, m. Emma Mehlhorn. William, son of Henry and Callie (Norman Kendrick m. Ida Powell. Issue: (a) Lena May. (b) Doyle, m. 1923 Nellie Fritts. (c) Leona Iris. (d) Joseph Burton. (e) Corrie Lou, m. 1925 Chas. Monroe. (f) Clifford Lee. (g) William Charles. Joseph, son of Henry and Nancy Kendrick, m. Sarah Brown. Issue: (a) Rebecca, m. John Benson. (b) Walter. (c) John Henry, m. Della Robbins. Nancy Kendrick, daughter of Samuel and Margaret, Ken- drick m. Willis Short. Issue: (a) Franklin, m. McPherson. (b) Elias, m. McCully. (c) Samuel m. O'Bryn. (d) John, m. Betty Coleman. (e) Jasper. (f) Edom, m. 1st. Rooker. 2nd. Stanchell. (g) William. (h) Jackson. (i) Standifer. (j) Julius. (k) Melthenia m. Wesley McCully. (1) Laura, m. F. A. Chapman. (m) Diana, m. John Roberts. (n) Margaret, m. Hiram Bailey. Jacob Fauby Kendrick, son of Samuel and Margaret Ken- drick b. 1802, m. Polly Mc Pherson. Issue: (a) Louallen. (b) Eliza. (c) Elizabeth. (d) Enoch. ¡ 216 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Diana Kendrick, dau. of Samuel and Margaret (Fauby) Kendrick, b. 1807, m. Richard Rector 1840. Issue: (a) Absalom, m. 1867, Sarah Annie Hinds, b. 1850. (b) Frankie, m. 1867 John Smith. (c) Nancy Short, b. 1864 m. 1866 William C. Hill b. 1842, d. 1925. (See Hill Family.) Samuel Kendrick, son of Samuel and Margaret Kendrick b. 1809, m. Mary Rector. Issue: (a) Parthenia, m. Frank Ellis. (See Ellis). (b) Jacob F., b. 1834, (c) Lethe M., b. 1835, d. 1895. m. 1859, Samuel Acuff b. 1836. d. 1908. (d) Enoch Jackson, b. 1838, d. 1906, m. 1862, Eliza Cornelia Owings b. 1841. (e) Rufus F. b. 1840, m. 1st. Eleanor White Cunning- ham. 2nd. Louisa Bailey Owings. (f) John W. b. 1841. (g) Samuel. b. 1843. (h) Thomas A., b. 1845, m. 1877 Molly Foust. (i) James Richard, b. 1847, m. Samantha E. Whitlock b. 1859. Issue: (j) Mary Elizabeth b. 1850. m. John Montgomery. (k) Martha Susan, b. 1852, m. Allen Detheridge. Lethe M., dau. of Samuel and Mary (Rector) Kendrick. (a) William J., b. 1863, m. 1887, Mary L. Lewis b. 1872. (b) Mary M., b. 1866, m. 1884 John W. Bowers b. 1855, d. 1925. (c) Elizabeth, b. 1872, m. 1895, W. F. Millican b.. 1862, d. 1821. William J., son of Samuel J., and Lethe M. (Kendrick) Acuff, m. Mary L. Lewis. Issue: (a) Robert Rilla. (b) Minnie Murray Acuff, m. 1911, Wilmer H Shamhart. (c) Harry. 217 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY (d) Joe Donley. (e) Nelle. Madge,, dau of W. F. and Elizabeth (Acuff) Millican m. Tom Ferguson. Issue. (a) Rose. (b) Billy Tom. (c) Charles Fred. W. F. Jr., son of W. F., and Elizabeth Millican, m. Susan Wyrick. Issue: (a) Mabel Frances. Enoch Jackson, son of Samuel and Mary (Rector) Ken- drick m. Jan. 2, 1861, Eliza Cornelia Owings, Issue: (a) Mary Lee b. 1862. (b) Sarah Almeda, b. 1864, (c) Martha Alice, b. 1866, m. 1897, Luke H. Mont- gomery, b. 1859. (d) Columbia Eleanor, b. 1896. (e) Lethe Maud b. 1871, d. 1901, m. 1895 Arch Frizzell, b. 1852. (f) Nancy Araminta. b. 1874. Mary Lee, dau. of Enoch and Eliza (Owings) Kendrick m. 1885, Beauregard G. Adcock, b. 1861. Issue: (a) Etoile May, m. 1907, William Lee Weir. (b) Milburn Kendrick. (c) Bula Maud. (c) Tula Claude. (d) Lorelle Cornelia. Bula Maud, dau of B. G. and Mary Lee Adcock, m. 1910, Harvey Thurman Whitson. Issue: (a) Mary Frances. (b) Jere B. (c) Jean. Tulla Claude, dau. of B. G. and Mary Lee Adcock, m. 1917, David Campbell Lee. Issue: (a) Lucy Randolph. 1 218 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Lorelle C. dau. of B. G. and Mary Lee Adcock m. 1914, Robert Lee Maddux. Issue: (a) David Haywood. (b) Ledora Maddux. Sarah Almeda, dau. of Enoch and Eliza Kendrick m. 1882 Neil S. Brown Payne b. 1857, d. 1911. Issue: (a) Lester Lavins, m. 1916, Samille Amanda Dodson. (b) Otis Kendrick, m. 1910 Margaret Dealy. (c) Vera Maud, m. 1913, Walter E. Richardson. (d) Robert Carney, m. 1915, Leola Williams. Martha Alice, dau. of Enoch and Eliza C. Kendrick, m. Luke H. Montgomery. Issue. (a) Rita Cornelia. (b) Thelma Maud, b. 1901, m. Charles Waterfield. (c) Robbie Randolph, m. Carl Rose. (d) Luke Hamilton. Rufus, son of Samuel and Mary (Rector) Kendrick m. Eleanor White Cunningham. Issue: (a) Benjamin. (b) William, m. Elizabeth West. (c) Ida, m. Thurston Bowman. (d) Frank m. Mollie Blankenbecker. (e) Charles. (f) George, m. Kate Benson. Thomas, son of Samuel and Mary Kendrick m. Molly Foust. Issue. (a) Samuel M. (b) Ira. E. (c) Mary Margaret. (d) Clovie. James Richard, son of Samuel and Mary Kendrick, m. .Samantha Elizabeth Whitlock. Issue: (a) Malissa Caroline b. 1879. (b) Thomas Allen, b. 1881. (c) Bertie Lee, b. 1884. (d) Ida Alice, b. 1866, m. John Lentz. (e) James Carlysle, b. 1889. (f) William Edward b. 1891, d. 1918. Died in France World War. 219 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY (g) Robert Otis. (h) Iva. (i) Clifford Jennings, b. 1898. (j) Ruby Rae. Samuel, son of Samuel and Mary Kendrick m. Susan Burford. Issue: (a) Stonewall Jackson m. Minnie Greenwood. (b) June m. Hugh H. McAllister. (c) Goldie m. M. Lucian Cartwright. (d) Sam Tilden m. Littie Collins. (e) Horace C. m. Hazel Tauchton. Stonewall Jackson, son of Samuel and Susan (Burford) Kendrick m. Minnie Greenwood. Issue: Issue: (a) Henry B. June. daughter of Samuel and Susan. Hugh H. McAllister (a) Hilliard H. m. Blanch Derr. (b) Sidney. (c) Wanda. (d) Ruby. Hilliard, son of Hugh H. and June McAllister m. Blanch Derr. Issue: (a) June. Sam Tilden, son of Samuel and Susan Kendrick m. Lottie Collins. Issue: Issue: (a) Sam Collins. (b) Mary Frances. Horace C., son of Samuel and Susan m. Hazel Tauchton. (a) Horace Keith. Thomas Allen, son of James Richard and Samantha Ken- drick m. Elizabeth Detheridge. Issue: (a) Ruth. (b) Richard. (c) Lewis (d) Pauline. (e) Marshall. (f) Wallace. (g) Alice Jean. 220 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Bertie Lee, dau. of James Richard and Samantha Ken- drick m. Thomas McBroom. Issue: (a) Eugene. (b) Christine. c() Iva Nelle. (d) Louis. (e) Richard. (f) Betty Lou. James Carlysle, son of James and Samantha m. Hazel Reese. Issue: (a) Beth Oleta. (b) Alma Rose. Robert Otis. son of James Richard and Samantha, m. Mabel Brown Issue: (a) Wanda Marie. (b) Glen. Iva, dau. of James Richard and Samantha, m. Henry Lehman. Issue: (a) Edna Rose. (b) Erma. (c) Norma May. (d) Cornell. Clifford Jennings, son of James Richard and Samantha, m. Maud Whitaker. Issue: (a) Carlysle. John, son of Samuel and Margaret (Fauby) Kendrick, m. Martha Susan Owings Issue: (a) Sarah, b. 1839, d. 1840. (b) James Polk, b. 1844, d. 1875. (c) Robert Samuel, b. 1844, d. 1875. (d) William Edom. (e) Mary Ellen, b. 1849, d. 1891. (f) Margaret Amanda, b. 1851, m. 1870, Isaac A. Hill (g) Rebecca Ann b. 1853. (h) Nancy Jane, b. 1856. (i) Melissa Cornelia, b. 1858. 221 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY James Polk, son of John and Martha (Owings) Kendrick m. 1877 Mary A. Dugger, b. 1842, d. 1905. Issue: (a) Cynthia, m. 1910 James M. Wester. Issue: Mary Josephine. Robert Samuel, son of John and Martha (Owings) Ken- drick, m. 1870, Alice Wester, b. 1851. Issue: (a) Willie T. (b) Charles Winthrope, b. 1873, d. 1905. (c) Robbie May. Charles W., son of Robert S. and Alice Kendrick m. 1898, Edith Margaret Morris, b. 1877. Issue: (a) Margaret Kendrick, m. 1921 Timothy Asbury Wright, Jr. Robbie May, dau. of Robert S. and Alice Kendrick m. 1903, John Morgan Clack b. 1863. Issue: (a) John Morgan Clack, Jr. Mary Ellen, dau. of John and Martha Kendrick, m. 1868 Darius M. Acuff, b. 1844, d. 1897. Issue: (a) John R. b. 1869. (b) Lillie A. (c) Margaret. (d) Emaline. (e) Willie. (f) James Blaine, b. 1884, d. 1910. Margaret A., dau. of Darius M., and Mary Acuff, m. 1902, Sewell Howard. Issue: (a) Margaret Ellen, m. 1924, Thomas Scott Lowry III, (b) George S. (c) Cornelia Kendrick. (d) Martha Christine. James Blaine, son of Darius M. and Mary Kendrick Acuff m. Artie Blevins. Issue: (a) Mary Ellen. (b) Martha Ann. 222 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Rebecca Ann, dau. of John and Martha (Owings) Ken- drick, m. 1871 James F. Tarwater, b. 1847, d. 1915. Issue: (a) Polk. (a) Martha. (b) Cora Ellen. (c) Maud Catherine. (d) John Kendrick. (e) Thomas William. (f) Dorothy . (g) Nellie Jane. (h) Madge Cornelia, m. 1920 George Edward Wilson (See Wilson.) (i) Reba Ann. James Polk, son of James F. and Rebecca Tarwater m. 1904, Grace Kendrick Spears b. 1878. Issue: (a) James Lawrence. (b) Rebecca Josephine. (c) Penelope Maud. Maud Catherine, dau. of James F. and Rebecca (Kendrick) Tarwater m. 1894 Timothy Asury Wright b. Issue: (a) Timothy Asbury, Jr. m. 1921 Margaret Kendrick. (b) James Tarwater. (c) William Polk. (d) Dorothy Spearman. (e) Bardon Absalom. John Kendrick, son of James F. and Rebecca (Kendrick) Tarwater, m. 1906 Ava Howard. Issue: (a) Mildred Rebecca. (b) John Kendrick. Thomas William, son of James F. and Rebecca Tarwater m. 1920, Katherine Jane West. Issue: (a) Thomas William, Jr. Nancy Jane, dau. of John and Martha (Owings) Ken- drick, m. 1875 John H. Haggard, b. 1851 d. 1907. Issue: (a) Hobart, m. 1903 Alma Smith. (b) Frederick G., m. 1901 Kate Crowder. (a) Claude (Jerry) m. 1913 Mabel Tracy, Issue: a. Jerry, b. Frank. 223 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY (d) Rue, m. 1913 Fay Blake. Issue a. Allen Hale, b. Frederick. (e) Nancy Jane, m. James O'Neal Kimbrough. Issue: Nancy Jane. Melissa Cornelia, dau. of John and Martha (Owings) Kendrick m. 1884, James A. Ervin, b. 1858. Issue: (a) Alma. Martha Susan dau. of Samuel and Margaret Kendrick m. Allen Deatherage b. Dec. 17, 1845. Issue: (a) Laura Olive, b. Aug. 6, 1873, d. Jan. 27, 1922, m. Sept. 9, 1897 Robert Hicks b. July 8, 1868. (b) Sexon A., b. Oct. 6, 1874, m. Dec. 27, 1905, Emma Denton. b. Oct. 8, 1882. (c) Virginia, b. Feb 15, 1874. (e) Ella, b. Oct. 23, 1879. (e) Alice, b. Aug. 21, 1881. Children of Laura Deatherage and Robert Hicks. (a) Mamie Sue, b. May 2, 1898. (b) Emma Jean, b. Sept. 30, 1900. (c) Linda, b. Mar. 4, 1903. (d) Reba Kendrick, b. June 5, 1906. (e) James Russell, b. Nov. 16, 1912. Children of Sexon A., and Emma Deatherage. (a) Mary Sue, b. July 19, 1907, m. Aug. 12, 1925, William Perry b. Feb. 4, 1903. (b) Paul b. Aug. 8, 1909. (c) Browder Kendrick b. June 10, 1915. (d) Robert Allen, b. Feb. 18, 1924. Martha Kendrick Detherage, m. Second, Thomas H. Small, March 26, 1883. Issue: (a) Samuel H. b. Feb. 2, 1884, m. July 22, 1918, Effie Lee Plemons, b. Dec. 14, 1884. (b) Pearl Ada, b. May 18, 1886. (c) Chloe Rector, b. Sep. 16, 1887. (d) Mary Kendrick b. Dec. 1, 1890. 224 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY (e) Clarence, b. Oct. 24, 1893, m. Apr. 2, 1916, Viola Newman, b. Oct. 30, 1897. Children of Samuel and Effie Lee Small. (a) Wilma Sue. (b) Alma Ray. (c) Ella Jane. (d) James Thomas. Children of Clarence and Viola Small. (a) Thomas Edward. (b) Lora Louise. 225 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY KIMBROUGH 1. Robert came from Virginia to Roane Co. in 1805. 2. Joseph b. in Virginia 1799 m. October 15, 1823 Mary Lord Hazen, b. in Knoxville 1808. Joseph was clerk of Quarter Session (now County Court) and moved to Roane Co. at the time of his marriage. Issue: (a) William b. Oct. 5, 1824. (b) Robert b. Sept. 19, 1827. (c) Joseph b. August 26, 1829. (d) Sarah A. b. October 26, 1831. (e) Gideon H. b .December 12, 1833, d. July 26, 1923. (f) Rufus M. b. February 9, 1836, d. July 23, 1922. (g) Calvin Morgan b. June 11, 1838 d. July 22, 1862. (h) Mary M. b. October 24, 1842. (i) Asa Hazen b. Feb. 12, 1845. (j) George Washington b. September 4, 1847. (k) Martha (Mattie) b. March 12, 1852. (a) William m. Rebecca Ellis. (d) Sarah Ann m. Lemuel Thomasson. (e) Gideon m. -McMahan. (f) Rufus m. Catherine Jane Brown, November 23, 1840. (g) Calvin Morgan killed in Claiborne Co. July 1862 during War Between The States. (h) Mattie m. -Roddye. Issue of Sarah Ann and Lemuel Thomasson. (a) Mary Kimbrough, b. Eugene Barnard, c. Joseph, d. Leona, e. William K., f. Elma. (a) Mary K. Thomasson m. William S. Neighbors. Issue Sarah Armor. (b) Eugene Barnard m. Nancy Elizabeth Gillespie. Issue a. Margaret, b. Eugene Morgan, who m. Ruth Richmond, e. William K., m. Cady, f. Ema m. Hugh Banks Chapman. Sarah Armour Neighbors m. Eugene G. Woolwine. Issue of Rufus and Catherine Brown Kimbrough. (a) Calvin Morgan b.d. February 28, 1896, m. December 1889 Fannie Hamby. (b) Mattie b. September 16, 1867 m. December 26, 1889 George Ault, b. September 13, 1862. 226 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY (c) Bessie b. April 20, 1870 m. December 1891 E. F. Dodson. (d) Rufus Franklin b. November 26, 1873. (e) Mary b. May 22, 1875. (f) Katherine b. 1878. (g) Mary Elizabeth b. October 18, 1881 m. November 25, 1898 Robert Wilson. (See Haley.) Issue of Mattie Kimbrough and George W. Ault. (a) Katie Rebecca b. 1891. (b) Edith b. 1894 d. 1916, m. September, 1911, Wil- liam Watts. (c) Rufus W. b. Jan. 27, 1896 m. Dec. 4, 1921 Edith Baldwin. (d) George D. b. Oct. 19, 1899, m. Nov. 4, 1917 Delia Baldwin. 227 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY KING 1. Walter m. Feb. 19, 1795 Nancy, dau. of John Sevier, b. 1779. Issue: Rufus. Sarah, Nancy, Louisa, Patsy, Thomas, Betsy 2. (a) Thomas, b. Amanda, c. Martha, d. John Sevier, e. Austin b. September 21, 1801, d. April 22, 1870, was Gov- ernor of Missouri where he died. m. 1st. Nancy Roberts, 2nd. Mattie Woodson. 2. (b) Amanda m. -Brazeale. 2. (c) John Sevier b. May 30, 1814, d. April 15, 1884 ni. December 2, 1834 Martha Ernest, b. April 1, 1814 d. May 30, 1880. (Martha Earnest was a descendant of General Joseph E. Warren who was killed at the battle of Bunker Hill.) Issue 3. Walter H. b. 1843 m. 1st. Cynthia P. Fryar b. 1847, d. 1883. Issue a. Walter H., b. Charles W., c. Martha, d. Ann, e. Nancy Sevier, 2nd. m. Sarah Foster. 2. (e) Austin Augustus. Issue: 3. (a) Walter m. Annie Miles. Issue 4 a. Annie. 3. (b) Thomas m. 1st. Emma Childs, 2nd. Clara Bing- ham. 3. (c) Fannie b. November 30, 1830 Richardson. m. Allen P. 3. (d) William m. 1st Guthrie. Issue 4 a. Edward, 4. b. Clarence, 2nd. Kate Clark Issue c. Allene. 3. (e) Edward Livingston m. Eliza Jane Lisle. 3. (f) Austin Augustus b. Dec. 5, 1841, d. May 30, 1886. Children of Fannie King and Allen P. Richardson. 4. (a) Allen Preston m. 1st. Margaret Keefe. Issue 5 a. Robert, b. Preston, c. William, 2nd. Annette King. Issue 5 d. Walter, e. Allene. Children of Edward L. and Eliza Lisle King. 4. (a) Annette m. Allen P. Richardson, Jr. 4. (b) Benjamine. 4. (c) Walter m. Dora Nummert. Issue: 5 a. Frances, b. Jane.. 3. (f) Austin Augustus Jr. m. Dorothea Elizabeth Lisle, twin sister of Eliza Jane Lisle. Issue: 228 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 4. (a) Margaretta b. Oct. 11. 1868, m. October 26, 1893 Joseph Warren, Pitcher b. Dec. 18, 1867 d. May 5, 1917. Issue 5 a. Margaret Lisle, b. Robert Warren m. Ruth Genoa Moor- man. 4. (b) Ella, c. Austin Augustus III b. 1872 d. 1899, m. Anna Hannagan. Issue a. Austin Augustus. 4. (d) Jennie Lisle. 3. (g) Elizabeth m. 1st. -Moore 2nd. Lackey 3rd. Richbery. Issue Elsie, Fannie and Roland. 3. (h) Mary Belle dau. of Austin Augustus and Matilda Woodson, m. Milton Tootle. Issue 4 a. Harry, b. Lillian, c. Mary. Walter and Nancy King lived in Kingston for about twenty-five years where their children were all born and were members of Bethel Presbyterian Church. 229 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY KING Major King came from Virginia. m. 1st.- Issue: (a) Charles (b) William moved to Roane Co., 1834 m. 2nd. Spaggins. Issue: (c) Joe W. King, m. Priscilla Hodge. Issue: (a) William Henry. (b) Joe W. (c) James B. (d) George Washington, b. 1852, m. Mary Elizabeth Hamby, b. 1850. (e) Sarah, b. 1854, m. 1875, Gilbert Randolph Hamby b. 1854, d. 1896. William Henry King m. 1876, Martha Jane Hamby b. 1847, d. 1916. Issue: (a) Virgil Allen. (b) Julius Jerome. (c) Charles Franklin. (d) Harry Gilbert, m. 1910 Bertha McDonald. (e) Nellie Clarinda. Charles Franklin King, m. Ella Hicks. Issue: (a) Evelyn. (b) Wilma Margaret. (c) Charles Franklin. (d) Ruth. Harry Gilbert King m. Bertha McDonald. Issue: (a) Mary Juanita. (b) Myra Genevieve. (c) Martha Carita. (d) Harry Gilbert, Jr. (e) Virgil Leon. James B. King, m. 1885, Lou Ann Owings. Issue: (a) Joseph Malcolm, m. Alice Easter. (b) Charles Franklin, m. Bessie Wren. (c) Carrie Zorilda, m. Robert Gideon Tedder. (d) James William, m. Maud Ingram. (e) Tom Owings, m. Tilla Tindell. (f) Lutie Ruth. (g) Rilla Almeda. George Washington King m. 1873 Mary Elizabeth Hamby b. 1850. Issue: 230 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY (a) Mattie Viola. (b) Sarah Dorinda, m. 1900 Sam B. Hinds. (c) Inez Gilbert. (d) James Burns, m. 1920, Frances Young. Issue James Burns Jr. (e) Joe Sam, m. 1913 Ida Parker. Issue: a. Allen George, b. Thomas Edward, c. Joe Sam. (f) Ora Lynn, m. 1924, Robert Hicks. (g) Ed George, m. 1920, Ora Belle Davis. Issue: a. Ed George, Jr. Mattie Viola, dau. of George W. and Mary (Hamby) King m. 1895, Sam Goddard. Issue: (a) Mary Elizabeth, m. 1915, Johnny Martin. (b) Kathleen Bayless, m. 1919 Wilson Lane. (c) Olive. (d) Marvin Wiley. (e) Eva Rose. (f) Ora Frances. 2. Charles m. Julia Rather McElwee, Issue: 3. (a) James, b. Newton, c. Jerome, d. Thomas, e. Penelope, f. Feruby, g. Mary Jane, r. Ellen, i. Adelaide, j. Julia. 3. (a) James m. Mary McClesky, Issue: 4 (a) Charles, b. Rhoda, c. Campbell, d. Benjamine. 3. (b) Newton, m. Issue: (a) Edgar. 3. (c) Jerome, m. Sally Haley. Issue: 4. (a) Sidney, b. Adelaide, c. Iola, d. Viola, e. William, f. Charles. 3. (d) Thomas, m. 1878, Addie Wester. Issue: 4. (a) Maud, b. Alice, c. Boyd. 3. (e) Penelope, m. Noah J. Wagner, Issue: 4. (a) Charles, b. Hugh, c. Julia, d. Caroline, e. James, f. Adelaide, g. King. 3. (h) Ellen, m. Joseph Pyott. 3. (i) Adelaide m. Thomas Boyd, Issue; 4 (a) Frank. 4. (b) Rhoda, dau. of James and Mary King m. Milton Shields. King. 4. (a) Edgar, son of Newton m. Sidney, dau. of Jerome 231 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 4. (a) Maud, dau. of Thomas and Addie m. Frank Robinson. 4. (a) Charles Wagner, m. 1st. Mary Murphy. Issue: 5 (a) Paul, b. Edith, c. Kathleen. 2nd. m. Elizabeth Whitaker 5. (a) Paul, m. Ruth Sorrell. 4. (c) Julia Wagner, m. William W. Newberry, Issue 5 (a) Nelly White, b. Wagner. 4. (d) Caroline Wagner, m. Richard Donelly, Issue 5 (a) Pauline m. Roy Machamer. (b) Janice m. Robert Cox. 4. (e) James Wagner, m. May Hill, Issue. a. Louise. 4. (f) Adeline, m. Robert P. London, Issue a. Robert P. Jr., b. Marjory. 4. (g) King Wagner, m. Mattie Sorrell. Issue: a. Martha King, b. Richard. 232 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY LACKEY 1. James b. 1786 in Virgina moved to Roane Co. about 1800. m. Jane Matlock. Was for many years Sheriff and d. 1873. Issue: Deputy 2. (a) Samuel, b. Jackson, c. James, d. William e. John, b, 1825, d. 1879. 2. (e) (e) John m. 1849 Margaret, dau. of John L. and Rosanna Gillespie Russell, b. 1827. 3. (a) John R. b. 1850 d. 1873, b. James m. b. 1852 d. 1874. (c) Laura b. 1854 m. 1873 Thomas W. Kellar. 3. (d) Jane b. 1859 m. 1880 Andrew C. Montgomery. 3. (e) Annie, 3 (f) Melinda b. 1866 m. 1886 Oscar B. Prater. 3. (g) Samuel, b. 1868, m. 1892 Flora Kizer. Issue, John K. b. 1893. Children of Laura Lackey and Thomas W. Kellar. 4. (a) Ernest R. b. 1874, b. Mary M. b. 1877, c. Lena L. b. 1879, d. Maud, b. 1883, e. Howard R. b. 1886, f. Ethel, 1889, g. Rosa L. · Children of Jane Lackey and Andrew C. Montgomery. 4. (a)) Beulah M. b. 1882, b. Margaret, P. d. John C. Children of Jane Lackey and Andrew C. Montgomery. 4. (a) Beulah M. b. 1882, Margaret P. d. John C. Children of Melinda Lackey and Oscar B. Prater. 4 (a) Walter L. b. 1868, b. William W. b. 1890, c. Margaret b. 1892. 233 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 1. Herndon. LEA 2. James W. M. D. b. 1807 d. 1867. m. 1831 Malvina Wear dau. of Robert and g. dau. of Samuel Wear. 3. (a) Mary L. b. 1833 m. Robert K. Byrd. 3. (b) Robert L. b. 1836. 3. (c) Myrtilla A. b. 1838. Issue: 3. (d) Albert T. M. D. b. 1840, d. 1870 m. 1865 Virginia A. Darnell Issue: 4 (a) Albert E., b. Mary Malvina. 3. (e) Aurelia Jane, f. Henry, g .Virginia. 4. (a) Albert Eugene b. 1866, m. 1890 Deborah S. Wear, b. 1872. Issue 5, a. Virginia L. b. Isaac D. 4. (b) Mary Malvina m. John Purris Patton. (See Pat- ton.) 234 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY LENOIR 1. General William, Rev. Sol. b. in Brunswick Co., Va. May 20, 1751 m. 1771 Ann Ballard, b. July 11, 1851, d. Oct. 9, 1833 in Halifax, N. C. William d. at Fort Defiance, N. C. May 6, 1839. 2 (b) William Ballard, b. Sept. 1, 1775 m. 1802 Eliza- beth, dau. of Waightstill Avery, of Burk Co. N. C., moved to Roane Co. 1810, d. Dec. 11, 1852. Issue. 1861. (a) Albert Sobieski, b. Aug. 30, 1863 d. Nov. 23, (b) Louisa Caroline b. 1805 d. Aug. 12, 1841. (c) Isaac Thomas b. 1807 d. Dec. 7, 1875. 1809 d. July 22, 1879. (e) Myra Ann b. 1811 d. Mar. 8, 1879. (d) Leah Adeline b. (f) William b. Jan. 20, 1813 d. June 16, 1787. (g) Waightstill Avery b. Jan. 15, 1815 d. Mar. 6, 1884. (h) Walter Franklin b. Nov. 21, 1816 d. Sept. 1, 1878. (i) Eliza Martha b. Dec. 23, 1818 d. Mar. 4, 1894. (j) Benjamin Ballard b. Mar. 5, 1821, d. Mar. 13, 1905 (k) Israel Pickens b. Sept. 21, 1823 d. Dec. 21, 1876. (1) Julia Joyce b. 1826 d. Dec. 18, 1841. (2) Albert Sobieski m. Mar. 2, 1837, Catherine Free- ling Welcker. Issue: 3 (a) Elizabeth b. Jan. 28, 1838 m. July 1, 1857 David M. Key. 3. (b) Margaret m. James A. Lyons. Issue: (a) Adelaide (3) Kate, (d) Frederick, (e) Mary, (f) Laura, (g) Julia. Children of Elizabeth Lenoir and David Key. 4 (a) Emma, (b) Albert, (c) John S. (d) Kate, (e) Sarah A., (f) David, (g) Margaret, (h) Henry Lenoir, (i) Elizabeth. 4 (b) Albert m. Grace Condit-Smith. Issue: Albert Lenoir, Jr., d. y., David M. m. Marjory Wright. Issue: Albert Lenoir. 4 (c) Kate m. Samuel R. Read. 235 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 4 (d) Sarah Avery m. Z. C. Patten. Issue, (a) Cartter. 4. (g) Elizabeth m. Garnett Andrews. Issue, Betty m. Beren Waters, (b) Katherine m. Samuel C. Hutcheson, Garnet, (d) David. 4. (d) Frederick, son of Catherine Welcker and Albert Lenoir m. Mrs. Carot. Issue, (a) Kate. 4. e. Mary, dau. of Catherine Welcker and Albert Lenoir m. James S. McDonough, M. D. Issue, a. Mary, b. Albert, c. Katherine (m. Frank Vorhees). Issue, Frederick, James, d. Margaret. 4. (f). Laura Lenoir m. Henry Chambers. Issue, Joseph. 4. (g) Julia Lenoir m. James A. Conizer. Issue, a. Sarah, b. Albert, c. Paul, d. James, e. Katherine, f. Adeliade. 2 (b) Louisa Caroline m. Reynolds A. Ramsey. Issue: 3 (a) William Lenoir b. Apr. 1, 1829 d. Feb. 14, 1896. 3 (b) Waightstill Avery b. -, d. Aug. 3, 1866. 3 (c) Elizabeth b. Oct. 26, 1833 d. Dec. 3, 1864. 3 (d) Thomas Isaac b. Oct. 13, 1835. 3 (e) Julia Ann Campbell. 3. (a) William Lenior m. June 23, 1858. Louisa Mc- campbell. Issue: 4 (a) Jennie m. James Faucette, (b) Lula. 3 (c) Elizabeth Ramsey m. Newton A. Patterson. Issue, 4 (a) Cora m. James Hardin, (b) Edward. 3. (b) Thomas Isaac m. Amelia Boyd, of Texas. Issue: (3) Annie, (b) Waightstill, (c) Thomas. 3 (e) Julia Ann Campbell m: Jan. 21, 1863, Gideon Caldwell. Issue: 4. (a) Allen b. Mar. 18, 1864. (b) Catherine b. July 1, 1869, (c) Louisa b. Sept. 24, 1869. (d) Mary Elizabeth b. Feb. 6, 1872. (e) James Harvey b. Aug. 18. 1875. (f) Addie Ellen b. Oct. 6, 1880. 2 (c) Isaac Thomas Lenoir m. Mary Caroline Hogg. Issue, 3 (a) William Ballard. 2 (d) Leah Adeline. Lenoir m. Rev. John Y. Smith. Issue, 2 (a) Merriwether P. (b) Caroline P., (c) William 236 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Lenoir, (d) Waightstill Avery, (e) John, (f) Elizabeth, (g) Laura. 3 (a) Merriwether P. m. -Martin. 3. (b) Caroline P., m. 1st. J. A. Corry. Thomas. 2nd. John W. Winton. (See Winton). 3. (d) Waightstill Avery m. Virginia. Issue: (a) Mary Hill, of Petersburg. 3. (g) Laura m. Rev. J. W. Robertson. 2. (e) Myra Ann Lenoir m. Gen. James A. Reagen. Issue, 3 (a) William Ballard Lenoir, (b) Julia, b. Sept. 4, 1844, (c) James Avery b. Jan. 7, 1846, (d) John Martin, (e) Frank H. 3. (b) Julia Reagen m. Col. James R. Love. Issue 4 (a) 4. (a) Myra Lenoir b. June 19, 1872 m. May 8, 1902 James W. Lowery. Issue 5 (a) Joseph Walker, (b) Julia Love, (c) James Robert. 4. (b) Margaret Bell. 4. (c) Julia Burgwin b. Mar. 30, 1876 m. Nov. 1894 Frank St. John. Issue: 5 (a) Frank Love, (b) Louise Avery, (c) Julia Love. 4. (d) James Reagen b. Sept. 3, 1877. 4. (e) Elizabeth Avery b. Sept. 3, 1879, a teacher in Soochow, China. 4. (f) Robert John b. Sept. 19, 1881 m. July 3, 1915 Lillian Dee Warrell. Issue 5 (a) Robert John. 4. (g) Hallie Frank b. Feb. 6, 1884, Dean of Medical School at Soochow, China. 2. (g) Waightstill Avery Lenoir m. Aug. 20, 1857 Isa- bella Jane Hume. Issue, 3 (a) Eliza Hume. 3 (a) Eliza Hume b. June 1, 1852 m. June 13, 1873 Dr. George M. Burdett. Issue 4 (a) James, (b) Margaret, Isabella, (c) Eliza Lenoir. 2 (h) Walter Franklin Lenoir m. 1st. Elizabeth Campbell Goddard & Jan. 10, 1855. Issue: 3 (a) Walter Thomas m. Lona Edwards, (b) William Goddard m. 1st. Alice Osborne, 2nd. Fannie Adkins, (c) John Albert, (d) Thornton Pickens. 237 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY W. F. Lenoir m. July 17, 1857 Hattie Osborne. Issue, (a) Frank, (f) Rose, (g) Henry Lee, b. Dec. 6, 1863 m. May 23, 1888 Annie Gannon. 2 (i) Eliza Martha Lenoir m. Col. John Martin. Issue, 3 (a) Hugh, (b) Elizabeth, (c) John b. Oct. 28, 1845 m. Oct. 27, 1869 Fannie Dallom. (d) James Reagen b. Mar. 17, 1850 m. June 17, 1878 Ada S. Winston. (e) Sallie Russell b. Oct. 10, 1852 m. Apr. 14. 1880 Joseph D. Thomas. Issue John Martin b. Jan. 30, 1881. Children of John and Fannie D. Martin. 4. (a) Herbert Dallom b. Nov. 11, 1871. 4. (b) Hugh b. May 11, 1874. 4. (c) Fannie Inman. Children of James and Ada W. Martin. Rachel Winston b. Dec. 20, 1879 and others. 2 (j) Benjamin Ballard m. Nov. 26, 1855 Henrietta Rutlelge, dau. of Dr. J. G. M. Ramsey. She d. May 25, 1864. Issue 3 (a) James Ramsey b. Aug. 26, 1859. 3 (b) William Ballard b. Aug 2, 1860. 3 (c) Charles Barton b. Dec. 9, 1861. 3 (d) Henry Ramsey b. Apr. 6, 1864. Benjamin B. m. May 14, 1872 Margaret Virginia Siler. Issue. (e) John Siler, (f) Mary Elizabeth, (g) Benjamin B., (h) Louisa, (i) Myra Florence. 3 (b) William Ballard m. Florence Siler. Issue. 3 (d) Henry Ramsey m. Bessie Campbell. Issue. Myra Florence m. Avery Burdett. 3 (i) 238 ! THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY LIGGITT Henry, son of Perrin, a Revolutionary Soldier in Virginia, moved to Knox County, where he died. 2. (a) Henry b. in Smith Co., Va., Jan. 11, 1795, d. Aug. 29, 1861, moved to Maryville, Tenn., 1812. Enlisted in U. S. Army Nov. 13, 1814, was a Sergeant in Capt. Alex ander Brigg's Co., of Infantry, 5th Regt. East Tenn. Militia. Col. Booth in command. Served until May 10, 1815. When peace was declared he received an honorable discharge in Blount Co. In January 1816, moved to Kingston, m. Aug. 14, 1817, Elizabeth, dau. of Milton and Nancy Keener Center. Issue: 3. (a) William Milton b. Dec. 26, 1818. 3. (b) Nancy Keener b. Mar. 9, 1820, m. Duncan. 3. (c) Emily R. b. May 26, 1821, m. Austin Green (See Green). 3. (d) Caroline M. b. Apr. 25, 1823. 3. (e) Sarah Elizabeth b. Dec. 4, 1825, d. Dec. 30, 1874. 3. (f) Henry Jr., b. Aug. 3. 1828, d. Oct. 26, 1882. 3. (e) Sarah Elizabeth m. June 6, 1849 Richard Liv- ingston Cardwell, b. 1824, d. July 23, 1896. Issue: 4. (a) Susan Ann b. Aug. 17, 1857 m. Nov. 29, 1876 Thomas Walter Carter b. Jan. 31, 1854. Issue: 5. (a) Bonna Rozine b. Jan. 2, 1893 m. Jan. 2, 1919 Dr. Nelson Henry Rankin b. Oct. 29, 1892. Issue, 6. (a) John Carter. 5. (b) Paul Dillard b. Jan. 2, 1893. 5. (c) Hal Dismuhes. THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY LITTLETON 1. William emigrant from England to North Carolina. m. Sarah Cottingham. 2. (a) Thomas b. 1772 m. 1794 Mary Matlock in North Carolina. Moved to Hawkins Co. 1797. 3. (a) James m. Katherine Brown in Hawkins Co. Mov- ed to Roane Co. Issue: (a) Jesse M., (b) George P., (c) Pleas- ant Green, (d) Thomas Jefferson, (e) William, (f) Dock, (g) Amelia, (h) Eliza Jane. 4. (a) Thomas Jefferson m. 1851 Hannah Ingram. Issue (a) William Frances, (b) Sanford Nelson, (c) Mary Katherine, (d) John Jackson), (e) James J., (f) Moses L., (g) Jesse M., (h) Charles C., (i) Martin L. After the death of his wife, Thomas J. m. 1879 Anna McNutt. Issue, (j) Albert, (k) Thomas, (1) Addie, (m) Robert, (n) Benjamine, (0) Pessie, (p) Morton, (q) Minnie, (r) Rachel. 5. (a) William F. m. Nancy Jane Eblen. Issue, (a) Hannah, (b) Charles, (c) Elizabeth, (d) Tom Wilk, (e) Sallie, (f) Addie Lou. 5. (b) Sanford m. 1st. Pearl L. Pickle. Issue (a) Emma, (b) Martin. (c) Cora, (d) Mary, (e) Hannah, (f) Burton. 2nd. wife Lois Mays. Issue (g) Reece, (h) Irene, (i) Joe. 5. (c) Mary m. J. C. Lewis. Issue Mary Katherine. 5. (d) John J. m. Mary Brabson. Issue, (a) Carlyle, (b) Augustine. 5. (c) James Joseph. 5. (f) Moses L. m. Eva Smith. Issue (a) Ester, (b) Maud, (c) Lincoln, (d) Minnie, (e) Jack. 5. (g) Jesse M. m. Katherine Estill. Issue: Jessica. 5. (h) Charles m. Pearl Corn. Issue, Hester. 5 (i) Martin W. m. Maud Wilson, (a) Martin, (b) Douglas. Issue of Thomas and Annie McNutt Littleton. 5. (j) Albert F. m. Stella Estes. Issue, (a) Albert M., (b) Virginia. 5. (k) Thomas J. II m. Zoe Sublette. Issue (a) Thomas J. III, (b) Virginia, (c) Bettye Grey. 239 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 5. (1) Addie m. J. D. Rose. Issue (a) Edward, (b) Fllen. (c) Clarice, (d) Robert, (e) Frank, (f) Francis, (g) William. 5. (m) Robert A. 5. (n) Benjamine H. m. Clarice Lee. 5. (0) Bessie M. 5. (p) Morton. 5. (q) Minnie A., m. Richard Burke. Issue (a) James Donahue. (r) Rachel E. m. Cornelius Vanderbilt. Jr. 3. (c) Pleasant Green Littleton, son of James Littleton, m. Elizabeth Ingram, daughter of Stephen Ingram. Issue: 1. James Franklin m. Mamie Huff. Issue: (a) Elizabeth, (b) Mabel Huff. 2. Jennie Littleton m. John Arthur. Issue: (a) Bessie, (b) Mamie. (c) Johnnie. 3. Kate Littleton m. Lewis Arthur. Issue: (a) Flora. 4. Addie Littleton m. Fate Schrimphser. Issue: (a) Addie. (b) Mary, (c) Jane. 5. Amanda Littleton m. John McNabb. Issue: (a) Sam, (b) James, (c) Nathaniel. 6. John J. Littleton m. Lula Smith. (b) Frank, (d) Lula. 7. Henry Littleton m. Louis Arthur. 8. Mary Littleton m. John Blackburn. Issue: (a) Lee, 3. (e) William, son of James m. Oct. 24, 1840 Eliza- beth Ingram. 3. (f) Dock m. Mary Ingram. 3. (g) Amelia m. July 27. 1841 Ephriam Miller.. (h) Eliza Jane m. Dec. 22. 1849 John J. Hart. Florence Littleton m. Nov. 15, 1884 W. P. Miller. John Littleton m. April 17, 1884 Mary Lee. 240 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY LOVE 1. Robert m. Violet Wilson 1718 at the forks of the Brandywine River, Chester Co., Penn. Issue: 2. (a) James, (b) Margaret, (c) Robert, (d) Viola, (e): John, (f) William, (g) Joel, (h) Mary, (i) Samuel, (j) Hezekiah. 3. (j) Hezekiah b. 1751, d. 1833. Was a Soldier in the Revolutionary War. m. 1st. Elizabeth Cartamount 1783. 2nd. 1789 m. Nancy Duren. Issue: (a) Joel, b. 1791, (b) John M., b. 1793, (c) Hezekiah, b. 1796, (d) Jesse b. 1798, (e) Elizabeth, b. (f) William b. 1804, (g) Wiley b. 1812. 4. (c) Hezekiah moved to Roane Co. (accompanied by his father who died in 1833). m. Martha Terry. Issue: (a) Elizabeth, (b) Robert, (c) Mary, (d) Josiah T., (e) Hezekiah, (f) William, ) (g) John C., (h) Jesse Richard and Hannah Price, (e) Wiley B. 5. (h) Jesse Richard b. Oct. 13, 1837 m. Mar. 7, 1867 Margaret Louisa Hotchkiss. Issue: (a) Hannah Mary, (b) Martha Matilda, (c) Jessie Louise, (d) Josie Elizabeth, (e) Jennie, (f) Carrie May, (g) Herbert Hezekiah, (h) Katherine Ethel, (i) Robert Wiley, (j) William Lee, (k) Walter. 5. (i) Wiley B. m. 1878 Sarah Wester. Issue: (a) Mary Brown, (b) Sarah, (c) Lura W., (d) Thomas. Elizabeth Love m. Daniel R. Dugger Dec. 12, 1839. Melissa Love m. John Angel Dec. 26, 1867. Robert Love in 1783 with James White and F. A. Ramsey explored a large part of East Tennessee including Knox and Roane Counties. 241 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Welsh LOYD 1. Thomas of Dutch decent, a Revolutionary Soldier in Col. Chapman's Co., m. Mrs. Peaycord. Issue: 2. John b. 1762. Rev. Sol. in Capt. Griffith's Co. 4th. Ba. Chester Co., Penn. 1780. m. 1787 Rachel Vanderverr b. 1768. They were m. at Guilford Court House, N. C. Their daughter, Elizabeth m. Daniel Wester. (See Wester). 2(b) William, brother of John, m. Mary Ann Stearns in Knox Co. June 29, 1798. a (c) Thomas 242 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY MARNEY 1. Amos of Fredrick Co., Va. 2. Amos b. Sept. 1760 was a soldier in the Revolution, enlisting June 1770 in Va. Div. as a private. Was stationed about Richmond until 1781 when marched with the army to Yorktown and remained until the surrender. m. Apr. 22, 1784 Sarah, b. 1764 dau. of Gen. Samuel Vance of Shenandoah Co., Va. Moved to Tennessee 1788 and settled on Clinch River. Amos d. in Roane Co. Aug. 1839. The father of 14 children. Sarah d. 1858. 3. (a) Betsy, (b) David, (c) Robert b. July 8, 1795, m. Anna Stevenson, (d) Amos b. Jan. 15, 179 m. Patsy Young, (e) Elizabeth Spence b. Nov. 22, 1801 m. Isaac Bailey, (f) Letitia b. 1806 m. 1820 John Sawyer Hart, (g) Sarah b. Feb. 10, 1807 m. Solomon Forrester, (h) Samuel b. Feb. m. Betsy Marr, (i) Rebecca, (j) Pheby, (k) Polly m. Joseph Rayburn, (1) Margaret m. Thomas Forrester, (m) Malinda m. John Wilson, (n) Patsy m. June 1, 1826 Henry Davidson. 3 (c) Robert's and Ann's children (a) Mary m. Childress. Samuel Marney m. May 1, 1819 Elizabeth Spence. Samantha Marney m. Charles M. Rose. Issue: (a) Hal. m. Margaret Ingram. (b) Helen m. Ralph McMurray. (c) Hugh m. Flo Parker. (d) Emma m. Ernest Foster. (e) Donald, (f) Mary Ruth, (g) Rachel, (h) Roscoe m. Mamie Huffine, (i) Susan, m. George W. Galyon. 243 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY MARTIN 1. Samuel m. Julia Reese. Issue (a) James, (b) Eliza, (c) William P., (d) Nancy, (e) Joseph, (f) Mary, (g) Samuel, (h) Hugh. (i) Margaret. 3. William Porter b. Oct. 18, 1823 m. Oct. 8, 1856 Eliza Jane Brown, b. Oct. 11, 1835. Issue: (a) Lida, (b) Zollicoffer, (c) William Porter. 3. (a) James Reese m. 1st. Nancy Ames Gallaher. 2nd. Mrs. Metcalf McLester. 3. (b) Eliza m. Dr. Charles Nelson. 3. (d) Nancy m. Coleman Williams. 3. (e) Joseph m. Mary Hicks. 3. (f) Mary m. Williams. 3. (h) Hugh m. 1871 Sarah Elizabeth Center. Issue: (a) Mabel, (b) Olive, (c) Jack, (d) Hugh, (e) Jean, (f) Grace Elizabeth. 4. (a) Mabel m. Asa Coleman Williams, Jr. Issue: (a) Sarah Elizabeth, (b) Hugh Martin. 4. (d) Hugh m. Marie Paulus. 4. (i) Jean m. Harry L. Cory. Issue (a) Hugh Martin, (b) Julia Reese, (c) Jean. 4. (f) Grace Elizabeth m. George B. Gallaher. Issue: (a) William Thomas, (b) Sarah Elizabeth. Issue of Nancy McIlwaine and Coleman Williams. 4. (a) Julia Martin, (b) Asa Coleman, (c) Timothy Clarence. 4. Issue of James Reese and Nancy G. Martin: (a) Adelia, (b) Margaret, (c) Sarah, (d) Samuel, (e) Julia Reese, (f) Charles Nelson. Issue of James Reese and his 2nd. wife Mrs. Metcalf Mc- Lester: (g) Scott. Issue of Eliza Martin and Charles Nelson. 4. (a) William, (b) Julia Reese. 4. (a) Adelia, dau. of James and Nancy Martin m. Will- iam S. Patton. garet. 4. (b) Margaret m. William Helicus Deitz. 4. (c) Sarah m. Gusta A. Guenther. Issue, (a) Mar- 4. (b) Julia Reese, (c) Fannie. 5. (a) Margaret, dau. of Sarah and Gusta m. Harry L. Durell. 5. Issue of Margaret and William H. Deitz: (a) William, (b) Margaret Martin. 244 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY MATLOCK 1. Jason b. in Virginia July 18, 1769, d. in Roane Co. Nov. 29, 1848. Issue: (a) James, (b) Moore. His second wife was Mary Miller, b. Sept. 30, 1783, d. Aug. 2, 1859. Issue: (a) Absolom, (b) Jane, (c) Malinda, (d) Amanda, (e) Ann, (f) Eveline, (g) Louisa. 2. (a) Absolom b. Aug. 12, 1819 m. Margaret Russell, b. May 14, 1845. Issue. 3. (a) Ann, (b) William, (c) Jane Lackey, (d) Avery Lenoir, (e) Mary, (f) Abbie, (g) Robert, (h) John. 2 (b) Jane b. 1807 m. James Lackey Nov. 6, 1824. 2 (c) Malinda b. 1814 m. Isaac Low. Issue, (a) Dolph. 2 (d) Amanda b. 1822 m. S. D. W. Low. 2 (e) Ann m. 1st. Darius Browder, 2nd. Asa Ambuster. 2 (f) Eveline m. Osborne. 2 (g) Louisa m. Hamilton Russell. 3 (a) Ann, daughter of Absolom and Margaret m. Wil- liam Keller. Issue: (a) Frank, (b) William, (c) Robert, (d) Avery, (e) Ted, (f) Margaret, (g) Mary. 3 (b) William (b) Mary, (c) Maude. m. Barbara George. Issue: (a) Lena, 3 (c) Jane Lackey m. W. Edward Foster. Issue: (a) Snow A., (b) Annie Myra. 3 (d) Avery Lenoir m. 1st. Annie Herbert, 2nd. Alice Hyatt, 3rd. Susan Hymon. Issue, Ruth Russell. 3 (e) Mary m. Marcellus Gomly. Issue, (a) Nellie, who married Victor Seilay. (b) Grover, (c) John, (d) Marcella. 3 (f) Abbie, (g) Robert. 3 (h) m. Roe March. Issue: (a) Lottie, (b) Beulah. 4 (a) May, dau. of William and Barbara m. Providence Mounts. 4 (b) Maud m. A. H. Watson. Richard, Rev. Sol., b. April 1761, in Granville Co., N. C. (d. Nov. 4, 1847) while residing in Burke Co., N. C. served from April 1, 1779 to July 1, 1779 in Capt. John Mont- gomery's Co., Col. Joseph McDowell's Reg., and other com- panies to 1781. Allowed a pension Oct. 4, 1832 in Hawkins Co., m. May 10, 1804 in Hawkins Co., Mary Waddel. 245 6M THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY MCELWEE 1. John, the emigrant, settled in South Carolina. 2. James, Rev. Sol. was at the Battle of King's Mountain and was present in Charlotte, N. C. April 1775 when the Declaration of Independence was signed. He m. 1st May 10, 1781 Nancy Johnston, of Va., d. 1810. Issue: (a) Jane Adams, b. March 22, 1782, (b) Mary, b. April 8, 1784, (c) John, b. Oct. 31, 1785, (d) William, b. May 1787, (e) Eliza- beth, b. Jan. 22, 1789, (f) Margaret, b. Jan. 10, 1791, (g) Polly Gilmore, b. Feb. 23, 1797, (h) William II, b. June 28, 1798, (i) James, b. Jan. 16, 1800, (j) Nancy, b. Nov. 24, 1801, (k) Sally Johnston, b. Aug. 19, 1803, (1) Polly, b. May 20, 1806. m. 1811 Fevnby Cannon, (m) Julia Rather, b. Jan, 1813, (n) Hulda b. May 15, 1814, (o) Thomas Brown, b. Feb. 24, 1816. 3 (a) Jane Adams m. Thomas Brown in Knox Co. 3 (c) John m. Betsy Trice. 3 (d) William b. 1798, d. 1885 m. Mar. 24, 1829. Lucinda Eblen b. 1811, d. 1904. 3 (e) Elizabeth m. Daniel Rather. 3 (g) Patsy Gilmore m. Samuel Grigsby. 3 (i) James m. Nancy 3 (1) Nancy m. Samuel Swan, Dec. 21, 1819. 3 (k) Sally Johnston m. John Mee. (See Mee.) 3 (1) Polly m. John Matlock. 3 (m) Julia Rather m. Charles King. (See King:) 3 (n) Hulda m. 1st. William Wheeler, 2nd. Wheelock.. Children of William and Lucinda: (a) Hugh, (b) Wil- liam Eblen, (c) Ann Eliza, (d) Martha Jane. 4 (b) William Eblen 1867 Martha Jane Brown. b. April 16, 1835 m. Dec. 12, Issue Franklin Brown. 4 (c) Ann Eliza m. George Washington Nixon. (See Nixon.) 4 (d) Martha Jane m. James T. Shelley. (See Shelley.) 5(a) Franklin Brown McElwee m. Corinne Eddy. Issue: (a) Parmelia, (b) Kenneth. William McElwee b. 1798 was the first white child born in what is now Roane Co. Thomas B. McElwee, son of James and Nancy b. 1818, m. Martha Matlock. b. 1824. Issue: (a) Frank, b. 1844 m. 1878 Mary, dau. of Gen. John C. Vaughn, b. 1854. Issue: (a) William, (b) James, (c) Hugh, (d) a dau. m. 1st.— Gilbreath, 2nd. -Caldwell. 246 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY MCEWEN 1. Alexander m. Margaret Houston. 2. John m. Elizabeth Stevenson. Issue. 3 (a) William, son of John and Elizabeth m. Matilda Clark. Issue: 4 (a) William, (b) John, (c) Robert m. Miss Patterson, (d) Mathew, (e) Charles m. Louisa Minor. (f) Susan, (g) Matilda, m. George Netherland, (h) Alice, m. Rev. Houston. 3 (b) John Columbus, son of John and Elizabeth,m. Nancy Mc Clung Patton. 4. Issue: (a) Margaret, (b) Ann Elizabeth, (c) Joanna Columbus. 3 (c) Robert Neilson, son of John and Elizabeth, m. Sally Balfour. 3 (1) Mathew, son of John and Elizabeth, m. Mary Wain- wright. Issue: 4 (a) William, (b) Mary, (c) Elizabeth, (d) Alice. 3 (e) Elizabeth, dau. of John and Elizabeth, m. William Mason. Issue: 4 (a) William Taylor, (b) Carrington, (c) Elizabeth Stevenson. 3 (f) Margaret Alice, dau. John and Elizabeth, m. George Lewis Gillespie. Issue: 4 (a) John m. Amelia King, (b) George L. m. Miss McMaster, (c) Anna Neilson m. Arthur Watkins, (d) Eliza- beth m. James A. Caaldwell. (See Gillespie). 4 (a) Margaret, dau. of John C. and Nancy Patton McEwen, m. John C. Gillespie. (See Gillespie). 4 (c) Joanna Columbus, dau. of John C. m. Thomas Center. (See Center. 247 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY MCPHERSON 1. Henry b. in Virginia 1771 m. 1789 Mary Eaton in Grainger Co. and moved to Roane Co. d. 1816. Issue: (a) John, b. 1809, m. 1830, Ethelinda Mahon b. in Roane Co. Oct. 5, 1813. 248 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY .. McNUTT 1. James P. McNutt, b. 1822 m. Catherine Horsley and settled at Kingston. Issue: (a) William H., (b) John Fleming, (c) Anna. 2. (a) William H. b. March 22, 1857 m. 1st. Minnie Lowery 1886. Issue: (a) Frank, (b) Anna. 2 (b) John F. b. July 20, 1859 m. 1892 Anna Maud Wester. Issue: 4 (a) John W., (b) Doremus, (c) Margaret Wester. 3 (c) Anna m. Thomas J. Littleton. (See Littleton). 249 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY MEE 1. Joseph b. in Virginia 1773 died in Hawkins Co., in 1851, m. Nancy Issue: 2 (a) John b. 1798, (b) Thomas, b. 1800, (c) Joseph, b. 1802, (d) Martha b. 1804, (e) Laird, (f) William, (g) Nancy, (h) Isaac, (i) Jesse. 2. (a) John m. Feb. 11, 1824 Sally Johnston McElwee b. 1803. Issue: 3. (a) Rufus F., (b) Columbus Alexander, (c) Joseph F., (d) Rufus McNeal, (e) Margaret Elizabeth, (f) Mary Caroline. 3. (b) Columbus A. b. 1827 m. Frances Tucker, b. 1842. 3. (c) Joseph F. b. 1829 m. Louise McDermott. Issue: 4. (a) Columbus, (b) Paul, (c) Penelope. 3. (e) Margaret b. 1841, m. Robert Gallop Gross, Issue: 4. (a) Sally McElwee, (b) Mary Mee, (c) Robert Guelph. 4. (f) Mary Caroline b. 1843 m. Dr. Samuel Houston Day. Issue: (a) John Isaac, (b) May, (c) Margaret. 4. (a) Sally McElwee Cross m. George Mason Shelton. Issue: 5. (a) Clement Clay, 2nd. James Shepherd Hunt. Issue: (b) Margaret Elizabeth, (c) Robert Cross. 4. (b) Roberta Guelph Cross m. Henry Alva Turner, M. D. 5. (b) Margaret Elizabeth Hunt m. Lawrence Scales Dowd. Luke Mee m. Sarah M. dau. of John H. Acuff. Issue: (a) William Walter, b. 1872, d. 1920, m. 1st 1894 Roberta Nail. 2nd 1914 C. D. Sims. (b) Hobart Carl b. 1876 m. 1st. Laura Thompson Fisher 1. 1921. m. 1923 2nd. Grace E. Smith. (c) Claude Rupert b. 1880 m. 1920 Mary Menden Miller. (a) William Walter Mee m. C. D. Sims. Issue: (a) William Walter, Jr. 250 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY (b) Hobart Carl Mee m. Laura Thompson Fisher. Issue: (a) Ruth Elizabeth m. 1922 George Rummage. (b) Edith May m. 1920 John H. Patton, Jr. (c) James Carl. (d) William Walter. (e) Carl Edward. Claude Rupert Mee m. Mary Menden Miller. Issue: (a) Thomas Rupert. (b) Clarence DeWitt. (c) Mary Claudia. (d) Roma Dare Mee. (d) Roberta Claire. 251 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY MILLICAN William Millican and Samuel Millican and wife came to East Tennessee from Spartanburg District, South Carolina, early in the eighteenth century and settled in the Post Oak Valley, Roane County. Samuel was one of the early members of the County Court, and also Post Master at Post Oak Springs. The children of Samuel Millican and wife were: Moses Scott, m. Narcissus Underwood; Nancy, m. Barney Hill; Elvira. m. Dakin; and one other son, who, with Dakin and his wife removed to Texas during the decade 1830-40. The children of Moses Scott Millican and wife were: (a) William W., who died in Andersonville Prison during the War Between the States. (b) John Haley, m. Susan Abel, (c) Jaane, m. Harrison Sigman, (d) Moses Franklin, m. Sarah De- Lozier, (e) Elvira, m. James Ayers, (f) Lizzie, m. Jefferson Bagwell, (g) Sallie, m. William R. Henderson, (h) Finetta, m. 1st. Thomas Stonecipher, 2nd. Riley Summers, (i) Tenn- essee, m. James Acuff. The children of John Haley Millican and wife: William F., m. 1st. Annie Joseph 2nd. Elizabeth Acuff, Annie m. 1st. Samuel East. 2r.d. Gus Greer, J. Robert, m. Mollie ingram: George W., m. Emma Cooper: John M., m. 1st Katie Greer 2nd. Pearl Isham; Louis D., m. Eliza French; Gideon, m. Louise Collett. The children of Harrison Sigman and wife were: Ella, m. Joseph T. East. The children of Moses Franklin Millican and wife were Ida, Emma Elizabeth, m. William H. Joseph; John W., m. 1st. Almeda Owings, 2nd. Lorena Dorton Mobray; Charles F., m. Antonio M. Oyler; Gus G., (died age 37); Mary A., Florin Regester; Edgar S., m. Lula Russell. John. m. J. The children of James Ayers and wife were: Calvert and The children of Jefferson Bagwell and his wife were: Addie, m. Thomas W. Day. The children of Thomas Stonecipher and wife were: Vesta, m. Gus Mayo; Rose, m. Charles R. Green; Carrie m. Anderson Honeycutt. One child, Robert L., was born to the union of Mr. and Mrs. Riley Summers. 252 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY The children of James Acuff and wife were: Fred, John, Bates, Sallie, Anna, Scott and Sydney. The children of William F., and Annie (Joseph) Millican were: Jennie May, m. John T. Dickson; Emma, m. Ben J. Lamb; Annie, m. Lloyd G. McCluen; Maude, m. Horace Sisson. The children of William F. and Elizabeth (Acuff) Mil- lican were: Madge, m. W. T. Ferguson; Billie, m. Susan Wyrick; Fred, Margaret and Helen. One son, John, was born to Gus Geer and wife, Annie (Millican) Greer. The children of J. Robert Millican and wife were: Annie, Roscoe and Reece. The children of George W. Millican and wife were: Edith, m. Morton Demoron; Earl, m. Lillie Jefferson; Everett, Elsie. The children of John M. and Pearl (Isham) Millican, were: Glada, Clifford, Nola, Clyde. One daughter, Susie, was born to Louis D. and Eliza (French) Millican. The children of Gideon C. Millican and wife were: Frank, Henry, Louis, Alice, Lizzie. The children of Joseph T. East and wife were: Addie, m. Eugene E. Sanborn; Samuel, Frank, Ollie, Mollie, m. Herman Qualls; Maude, m. W. Robert Haggard; Fay, m. Wil- liam T. Martin. The children of William H. Joseph and wife were: Harry, Alma, Floyd, Irene, Raymond, Edwin, Mary. The children of John W. and Almeda (Owings) Millican were' Frank, m. Naomi Gray: Thelma, m. Glen McCluen. The children of Charles F. Millican and wife were: Lawton B., Carita, m. Edwin N. Andrews; Guilford, Del- phine. Nell. The children of J. Florin Regester and wife were: Roland, The children of Edgar S. Millican and wife were: Cather- ine, Addie May, Edwin, Floyd, Walter, Charles, James, Lla Ree. 253 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY The children of Thomas W. Day and wife were: Mabel, Clifford, Vera, Laura, Thomas. The children of Charles R. Green and wife were: Carrie Lee, Thomas, Charles. James. The child of Anderson Honeycutt and wife was: Nathan. 254 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY MONTGOMERY 1. Alexander came from Ireland, settled on Pigeon River in Sevier Co. 3. (a) John A. m. Mary Winton, dau. of Rev. John and Arabella Cunningham Winton. Issue: (a) William, (b) Alexander, (c) John, (d) Elbert, (e) Margaret, (f) Jane, (g) Mary. 3. (a) William m. Elizabeth Mitchell. Issue: (a) John, (b) James, (c) Alexander, (d) Mitchell Elbert, (e) Joseph, (f) Creed, (g) Mell, (h) William, (i) Amanda, (j) Sarah, m. James Cole, Dec. 27, 1862. 3. (b) Alexander m. Frances Parks. Issue, (a) George, (b) John, (c) Joseph, (d) Mary (e) Nancy. 3. (c) John m. Margaret Jackson. Issue: (a) William, (b) Thomas, (c) Margaret. 3. (d) Elbert, b. Dec. 23, 1825, m. Caroline Stephens 1851. Issue: (a) William, (b) Mary, (c) Margaret, (d) Laura, (e) Jack. 3. (e) Margaret m. Sept. 10, 1841 James P. Jackson. 3. (f) Jane m. Quin Hill. Issue: (a) John. 3. (g) Mary m. Oct. 21, 1839 John White. 4. (a) George, son of Alexander and Frances m. Jac- geline Moore. 4. (b) John m. 1st. Betty Kendrick, 2nd. Nancy Hinds. Issue: (a) Emma, (b) Charles, (c) John, (d) Elizabeth, (e) George. 4. (c) Joseph, m. Jane Whittenberg, Issue: (a) Lottie, (b) Margaret, (c) Mary, (d) Elizabeth, (e) Henry, (f) Wiley. 4. (d) Mary m. John Cloud Haley. 4. (e) Nancy m. 1st. Jack Haley, 2nd. Thomas Marney. 4. (b) Mary, dau. of Elbert and Caroline, m. Wiley W. Smith. Issue: (a) Elbert Doran, (b) Elizabeth Boyers, (c) James Montgomery, (d) Willie Caroline, (e) Laura Frances, (f) Ezekial Jackson, (g) Robert Ashford, (h) Wiley Corry. 4 (c) Margaret m. Robert Ashford. 4. (d) Jack m. Grace Anderson. Issue: (a) Elizabeth, (b) Milton, (c) Margaret. 4. (e) Laura m. Thomas Avery Corry. Issue: (a) Mar- garet, (b) Elizabeth. 255 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 5. (a) Margaret m. Norton Zinderstein. Issue of George and Jacqeline. (a) James, (b) Katie, (c) Joseph, (d) Sadie, (e) Walter, (f) Bertie. 5. (a) Emma, dau. of John and Nancy m. John Grigsby. 5 (b) Charles m. 1st. Annie Phillips. Issue: (a) Ruby 2nd. wife Nettie Qualls. 5 (c) John m. Alice King. 5. (e) George m. Lela Shallings. 5. (d) Margaret, dau. of Joseph and Jane m. William Grubb. 5. (c) Mary m. Perry Boyd. 5. (d) Elizabeth m. Samuel Treece. 5. (e) Henry m. Mattie Peay. 5. (f) Wiley m. Pearl Holliway. 5. (a) Elizabeth, dau. of Jack and Grace m. Harry Robinson. 5. (c) Margaret, m. Garrett Johnson. 256 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY MORGAN 1. Samuel, of Weathersfield, Conn. 2. Gideon I. m. Rachel Kibbe in Hartford Co., Conn. 3. Gideon II. b. 1751 in Springfield, Mass., m. June 16, 1772 Patience Coggswell b. 1754 Washington, Conn. Issue: 4. (a) Calvin b. 1773 at New Preston m. Jan 10, 1801 Sarah Fackler. 4. (b) Luther b. 1776 at New Preston m. Ann Cameron Dodd, Feb. 1, 1798. 4. (c) Gideon III. b. New Preston 1778 m. Margaret Sevier. 4. (d) Rufus M., b. Feb. 19, 1781 at New Preston m. 1809 Elizabeth Trigg b. Mar. 10, 1791. 4 (e) Mary (Polly) b. 1783 at New Preston m. Asa Hazen. 4. (f) William b. 1786 at Moon Point m. Nancy Sewell. 4. (g) George Washington b. 1788 at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., m. Frances Irby. 4. (h) Elizabeth b. 1792 at Staunton, Va. 4. (i) Henry b. at Staunton, Va. After the death of Patience, Gideon m. Elizabeth Hardin. Children of Calvin and Sarah Fackler. 5. (a) Eliza Jane, (b) Franklin Henry b. Dec. 26, 1803, (c) Rufus b. Mar. 12, 1807, (d) Amanda Maria b. Jan 1, 1810, (e) Ellen Patience b. Apr. 14, 1812, (f) John Fackler b. Aug. 19, 1814, (g) Alexander McDermott b. Nov. 14, 1817, (h) Sara Ann, (i) Calvin b. July 6, 1822, (j) Cather- ine Matilda. 5. (a) Eliza Jane, dau. of Calvin and Sarah b. Feb. 15 1802, d. Aug. 18, 1870, m. Mathew McClung, June 9, 1818, who was b. Oct. 10, 1795, d. Oct. 5, 1844. 5. (b) Franklin Henry m. Mary Jennings. 5. (c) Rufus M., m. Jane Williams. 5. (d) Amanda Maria m. Andrew Park. 5. (e) Ellen Patience m. William L. Christy. 5. (f) John Fackler m. Louisa Porter. 5. (g) Alexander McDermott m. 1st Ann Eliza Hill 2nd. Mary Hurt. 5. (i) Calvin b. July 6, 1822 m. Virginia Hill. 257 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Children of Eliza Jane and Mathew McClung. 6. (a) Calvin Morgan b. May 14, 1820 d. Feb 19, 1857, m. June 14.- Kitty Grosh Morgan, b. July 24, 1834, dau. of Calvin C. Morgan. 6. (b) Margaret b. Mar. 15, 1822 d. Apr. 6. 1886, m. June 9, 1842 Robert Henry Gardner, b. July 24, 1802, d. Sept. 21, 1883. 6. (c) Sarah Morgan b. July 3, 1824, d. June 9, 1844. 6. (d) Charles James b. Aug. 26, 1826, d. Mar. 1907, m. Oct. 16, 1851, Margaret Swan b. Apr. 15, 1832, d. Nov. 17, 1883. 6. (e) Franklin Henry b. Nov. 23, 1828, d. May 4, 1898, m. May 4, 1854, Eliza Ann Mills, b. June 12, 1833, d. Sept. 4, 1881. 6. (f) Mathew b. Mar. 11, 1833, d. April 1913. m. Apr. 27, 1858 Julia Frances Anderson. b. June 14, 1837. 6. (g) Amanda Park, b. Mar. 6, 1835, d. April 29, 1839. 6. (h) Alexander b. July 5, 1837, d. Feb. 16, 1839. 6. (i) Hugh Lawson, b. Dec. 24, 1839, d. Feb. 15, 1862 at Ft. Donaldson. 6. (j) Ellen Christie b. Jan. 30, 1843, m. June 5, 1867, John Marshall. Children of Charles James and Margaret McClung. 7. (a) Lucy Swan b. Aug. 7, 1852 m. June 5, 1873 Jacob S. Thomas, 7. (b) Mathew Grainger b. Sept. 25, 1854 d. Jan. 15, 1888 m. June1, 1876, Bessie Bowen, b. Nov. 12, 1857. 7. (c) Eliza Morgan b. Sept. 29, 1858 d. June 16, 1860. Children of Franklin Henry McClung and Eliza Ann McClung. 7. (a) Calvin Morgan b. May 12, 1855 m. Mar. 3, 1881 Annie McGhee, b. Nov. 7, 1862, d. Sept. 1, 1898, 2nd. Barbara Adair. 7. (b) Franklin Henry, Jr. b. July 30, 1856. 7. (c) Essex b. Feb. 19, 1858 d. Apr. 1858. 7. (d) Matilda Mills b. Nov. 5, 1859, d. Jply 31, 1873. 1. (e) Eliza Morgan b. July 2, 1861 d. June 1863. 7. (f) Aurelia Essex b. Oct. 31, 1863 m. Sept. 11, 1888, Rogers Van Gilder, Issue: (a) Frank McClung, (b) John S. 258 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 7. (g) Charles James b. July 12, 1866 m. Jan. 5. 1910 Anna Gay. 7. (h) Robert Gardner b. July 3, 1868. 7. (i) Thomas Lee b. Mar. 26, 1870, d. Dec. 18, 1914. 7. (g) Ellen Marshall b. May 23, 1873, m. Jan. 26, 1879, John Webb Green. Children of Mathew Grainger and Bessie Bowen McClung 8. (a) Mary Bowen, 8 (b) Margaret Swan, 8 (c) Annie Dee,m. Jan 21, 1904 Frederick W. Chamberlain. Issue: William Porter. 8. (d) Minnie Keith m. 1st. June 8, 1905, Joe Mc- Teer, 2nd. Apr. 8, 1913, J. Harry Price. Issue: (a) Elizabeth Caswell. (b) J. Harry, Jr., (c) Keith McClung. 8. (e) Charles James m. 1st. June 1, 1912, Rebecca Prosser. Issue: (a) Charles James, 2nd. Lelia Woodward. Issue: (b) Betty, (c) Antoinette. Children of Calvin Morgan and Anna McGhee McClung. 8. (a) Lida M. m. William Cary Ross. Issue: 9. (a) W. Cary, 8. (b) May Lawson, 8 (c) Helen. Children of Luther and Ann D. Morgan. 5. (a) Calvin Cogswell b. Dec. 16, 1799, (b) Alex- ander Gatewood, (c) Samuel Doid. 5 (a) Calvin Cogswell m. Henrietta Hunt. Issue: (a) John Hunt, (b) Calvin, (c) Richard, (d) Charlton, (e) Thomas, (f) Katherine, (g) Henrietta. 5. (b) Alexander Gatewood m. America Higgins, b. Dec. 1, 1799. 5. (c) Samuel Dold m. Matilda McIntosh, b. Nov. 8, 1798. 6. (a) John Hunt, son of Calvin C. and Henrietta b. June, 1825, General in Confederate Army, m. 1st. Miss Bruce. 2nd. Miss Reedy. Issue Johnnie, m. Rev. Caldwell, Lebanon, Tennessee. 6. (f) Kitty m. General A. P. Hill, C. S. A. 6 (g) Henrietta m. July 7, 1861 General Basil Duke, C. S. A., b. May 28, 1838 in Scott Co., Ky. Issue: (a) Basil. 7. (b) Thomie m. Judge Ballou. Issue: (a) Barbara. 7. (c) Calvin Morgan m. Jennie Ewing Speed. 7. (d) Currie m. Wilbur Knox Mathews. 259 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 7. (e) Henry. 7. (f) Julia Churchill m. Samuel C. Henning. 7. (g) Frances Key m. Charles Richardson Ray. Children of Calvin Morgan and Jennie Speed Duke (a) Basil, (b) Ewing. Children of Julia Duke and Samuel C. Henning 8. (a) Julia, (b) Henrietta Hunt, (c) James, (d) John Morgan. Children of Gideon III and Margaret. 5. (a) Gideon IV, (b) Elizabeth, (c) George Washing- ion, (d) Cherokee America, (e) Peggy Ann, (f) Montesuma, (g) Amanda, (h) Huston M. (a) Gideon m. Mary L. Payne, (b) Elizabeth m. Hugh McDowell McElrath, (c) George W. m. Martha Mayo, (d) Cherokee A. m. Andrew L. Rogers, (e) Peggy Ann m. Hanks. Children of Elizabeth Morgan and Hugh M. McElrath. 6. (a) John Edgar m. Eliza Ann Alden. 6. (b) Bertha m. Benjamine Bakewell. Children of Cherokee A. Morgan and Andrew Lewis Rogers. 6. (a) Andrew Lewis m. Josephine Howard. 6. (b) Connell m. 1st. Florence Nash. Issue (a) Ella Nash, (b) Gertrude Whitman. 2nd. Kate Cunningham. Issue: (c) Marion Sevier, (d) Lewis Byrne, Cunningham, (f) Connell. (e) Howard 6. (c) Hugh Morgan, (d) John Otto, (e) Lucy, (f) Paul, (g) Clifford. Children of Andrew and Josephine Rogers. 1. (a) Andrew Lewis III, (b) Patricia, (e) Josephine, (d) Kenneth. Children of Otto McElrath and 7. (a) Lucy, (b) John Otto. Children of Rufus and Elizabeth. 5. (a) Rachel Kibbe Trigg b. Aug. 19, 1810 m. Nov. 5, 1829 Hugh L. McClung b. May 26, 1810. 5. (b) William King. 5. (c) Eliza P. 5. (d) Sarah Frances b. 1817 m. Marcus Bearden. 5. (e) Rhoda Frances Campbell m. Col. John Williams. 5. (f) Calvin Rufus b. 1823. 260 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Children of Rachel Morgan and Hugh Lawson McClung 6. (a) Margaret White b. Dec. 3, 1820 m. Rufus Cobb Gov. of Alabama. (b) Rufus Morgan b. May 31, 1832 m. Rachel F., dau. of Judge Connelly Trigg. (c) James White, (d) Elizabeth Trigg b. Apr. 20, 1836 m. William Baker. (d) Mary Frances b. Jan. 16, 1838 m. William B. Francisco. (e) Rachel Florence b. Sept. 9, 1840 m. Dr. Marcus La- fayette Rogers. (f) Charles Alexander b. Oct. 24, 1842 m. Carrie Miller. Issue: 7 (a) Corrie m. John Davis Kerr. Issue: 8 (a) John Davis, Jr. 7. (b) Mary m. Percival Walker Miller. 7. (c) Sarah Morgan m. Austin F. Stillman. Issue: 8 (a) Francis Hill. Rachel Morgan McClung 1. Dec. 2, 1842. Hugh Lawson McClung d. Apr. 11, 1891. 4.. (e) Polly, dau. of Gideon and Patience, m. Asa Hazen, b. in Loudon Co., Conn. 1770. Issue: (a) Franklin b. in Virginia 1802, (b) Sophia Lord, b. in Charlottesville, Va. 1804, (c) William Cogswell b. in Charlottesville, Va. 1806 (d) Mary Lord b. in Knoxville 1808, (e) Gideon Morgan b. in Carthage, Tenn. 1810, (f) Rufus b. in Carthage 1813. Polly after the death of Asa m. Rufus McPherson. 3rd. Rev. White. (g) George Washington, son of Gideon and Patience m. Frances Irby. Issue: (a) Irby, (b) John Tyler Morgan b. June 20, 1824 at Athens, Tenn. General in the Confederate Army and Senator from Alabama, died June 11, 1907. m. Chilton. Irby Morgan m. Cornelia Willis: Issue: (a) John, (b) Mary, (c) Cornelia, (d) George. 5. (d) Mary Lord, dau. of Polly Morgan and Asa Hazen, m. 1823. Joseph Kimbrough. (See Kimbrough). 5. (e) Gideon Morgan, son of Polly and Asa Hazen, m. Mary Strong, dau. of Dr. Joseph Churchill Strong. 5. (f) Rufus, son of Polly and Asa m. Mary Wallace, dau. of Campbell Wallace. Children of William and Nancy Sewell Morgan. (a) Susan, (b) Margaret, (c) Eliza, (d) William. 5. (a) Susan m. J. W. Campbell. NOTE: Gideon II, served as a Corporal, Capt. Crouch's Co., Colonel Andrew Ward's Reg. of Conn. He enlisted from New Milford, Conn. 261 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY MORRISON 1. John b. 1785 in Virginia settled in Roane Co., m. Mary Deatherage. Was a Soldier under General Coffee. 2. Allen Deatherage m. Nancy Sellers. 3. Marcus Lafayette b. 1844 m. Jan. 18, 1877 Kather- ine Brown. Issue: 4 (a) Charles F., (b) Robert Emmett, (c) Alberta, (d) Marcus, (e) Walter. (f) Ethel, (g) Garnet, (h). Lula, (i) Thomas, (j) Katherine. 4. (c) Alberta m. William Hartley Reynolds. Issue: 5 (a) John Merriam, (b) William Hartley, (c) Marcus Morri- son. 4. (f) Ethel m. Sterling Lipscomb. Issue: (a) Katherine, (b) Margaret. 4. (a) Charles F. Morrison m. Rose L. Acuff. Issue: (a) Robert Acuff. (b) Charles Francis, Jr. (c) Catherine Ellen. d. Rose Brooks. Marcus Lafayette was Superintendent of Roane Co... Schools for many years and was the publisher of newspapers in Roane and Rhea Counties in pioneer days. He d. Aug 21, 1827. 262 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY NIXON 1. George came from Ireland to Loudon Co., Va. His brothers who came with him were John, who settled in New Jersey, William, who settled in Maryland, Jonah, who settled in Pennsylvania. 2. George, son of George settled at Leesburg, Loudon Co., Va., where he married. One of his daughters married. White and they emigrated to Tennessee and settled near Morris- town. He had a son, Jonah. ton. 3. Jonah's sons were 4 (a) Jonah, (b) George Washing- 4. (a) Jonah settled at Leesburg, Va. 4. (b) George Washington came to Roane Co. m. Eliza Jane McElwee. Issue 5 (a) William McElwee, (b) George W., (c) Martha Louisa. 5. (a) William McElwee m. Margaret Green, dau. of Jacob Peak. 5. (b) Gtorge Washington m. Elizabeth Knox. Issue: 5 (a) Shelly, (b) Ernie, (c) Hugh McElwee. (d) Comer, (e) Lewis Gaines, (f) George Washington. 5. (c) Martha Louisa m. Elbert Robinson. Issue. 6. (a) Carrie, who m. Joseph Baker. 6. Children of William McElwee and Margaret Nixon. 7. (a) Mayme Peak, (b) William Jacob, (c) Charles Wellington. 7. (b) William J. m. Alice Burford Head. Issue: (a) William J. Jr., d. y. (b) Phoebe Shirley, (c) Barbara. 7. (c) Charles W. m. Edith West. Issue: (a) Charles William. 6. (a) Shelley, dau of George W. and Elizabeth m. Ralph Bell. Issue 7. (a) Betty Ann, (b) Marjory, (c) James Timmons. 6. (b) Ernie m. Frank Heron. 6. (c) Hugh McElwee m. Rebecca Williams. Issue: 7 (a) Hugh Williams, (b) Paul Knox. 263 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY OWENS (OWINGS) The first authentic records of the Owings family are found in Burke County, N. C., where Edward Owens married Eliza- beth Sumpter, dau. of William Sumpter, a Captain in the Revolution. Edward Owens b. 1766, d. 1857 in Roane Co. m. 1789 Elizabeth Sumpter. Issue: (a) Samuel Sumpter b. 1793, d. 1868 m. 1814 Sarah Randolph b. 1797, d. 1884. (b) William Edward m. Abigail Randolph. (c) John. (d) Alfred m. Polly Long. (e) Margaret m. John Pankey. (f) Nellie m. William King. (g) Judith m. Moses Russell. (h) Sarah. (i) Elizabeth m. William King. Samuel Sumpter Owings m. Sarah Randolph. Issue: (a) William Jackson b. 1815, d. 1895 m. 1839 Mar- garet Fauby Kendrick b. 1815. d. 1898. (b) Clarinda b. 1818, d. 1903, m. 1838 Julius Hamby b. 1810, d. 1881. (c) Martha Susan b. 1820, d. 1893, m. 1838 John Ken- drick, b. 1810, d. 1888. (See Kendrick) (d) Minerva, b. 1822, d. 1851, m. 1843 Levi Jackson Hinds b- d. 1886. (See Hinds) (e) Mary Jane, b. 1823, d. 1893, m. 1850 John A. Acuff, b. 1811, d. 1876. (f) Sarah Ann b. 1825, d. 1914, m. 1847 William J. Coleman, b. 1821, d. 1913. (g) Rebecca b. 1827, d. 1859, m. 1852 Edward Watt- son Robbs, b. 1827, d. 1894. (h) Elener b. 1831 m. 1851 John K. Brown. (i) Amanda Malvina b. 1833, d. 1909, m. 1851 Levi Jackson Parkins b. 1830 d. 1906. (j) Elihu Randolph b. 1835, d. 1875, m. 1859 Eliza Work b. 1837, d. 1893. (k) Robert b. 1837. (1) Eliza Cornelia b. 1841, m. 1862 Enoch Jackson Kendrick b. 1837, d. 1906. 264 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY (m) Albert Marion b. 1844, d. 1906, m. 1856 Elizabeth Hill b. 1847, d. 1918. William Jackson Owings, son of Samuel S. and Sarah (Randolph) Owings m. Margaret Fauby Kendrick. Issue: (a) Mary Elizabeth b. 1840, d. 1918, m. 1863 Wil- liam Smith b. 1827, d. 1909. (b) James Campbell b. 1842, d. 1878 m. 1866 Matilda Acuff b. 1847. (c) John Lock. (d) William E. (e) Martha Almeda b. 1848, d. 1891, m. 1867 Thomas J. Brown b. 1839, d. 1922. (f). Samuel Augustus b. 1850, d. 1899 m. 1876 Mar- tha J. McGregor b. 1858, d. 1921. (g) Franklin Davis b. 1852, d. 1905 m. 1876 Maggie Ellen Smith b. 1854 d. 1891. (h) Sarah M. (i) Nancy Rebecca. James Campbell Owings, son of William J. and Margaret (Kendrick) Owings m. Matilda Acuff. Issue: (a) Robert L. b. 1867. (b) Alice Emily b. 1869 m. 1897 Edward Clinton Wil- son b. 1867. Issue: Alice Emily. (c) Cora Almeda b. 1870 m. 1892 Sam B. Bowers b. 1867. (d) Mary L. and Margaret L. b. 1872, d. 1872. (e) Nannie Ethel b. 1873, m. 1895 T. P. Morton b. 1850. (f) James Campbell m. 1899 Elizabeth Sanborn. Issue: Helen Elizabeth, Esther Matilda. Samuel Augustus, son of William J. and Margaret (Ken- drick) Owings. Issue: (a) Lennie Leota m. 1894 William S. King. (b) James Samuel. (c) Mary Almeda m. 1901 Dorcy Campbell Kindreck. (d) Samuel Clinton. (e) Tom Dock m. 1922 Zola Henderson. Issue: Sammie Jene. Lennie Leota, dau. of Samuel A. and Martha J. (Mc- Gregor) Owings. Issue. (a) Thoma Owings m. 1915 William Thomas Hicks. Issue: (a) Mary Lennie. 265 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY (b) Sammie Augustus m. 1921 E. E. Spann. Issue: (a) F. E., Jr., (b) Betty Jean. (c) Mollie Dimple m. 1920 Arthur Davis. Issue: (a) James Arthur, (b) Lillian Louise, (c) Mary Frances. (d) Mattie Katherine. (e) William Clinton. (f) Chess Newell (g) Phyllis Dolores. Mary Almeda, dau. of Samuel A. and Martha J. (Mc- Gregor) Owings m. Dorcy Campbell Kendrick. Issue: (a) Leota. (b) James Samuel. (c) Clarence Augustus. (d) Phillip Campbell. Franklin Davis Owings, son of William J. and Margaret (Kendrick) Owings m. Maggie Ellen Smith. (a) Margaret Luella. (b) Ollie Almeda m. 1905 Edward A. Roberts. Issue: (a) Jack Wager. (c) Roscoe C., m. 1906 Annie Laura Leeper. Issue: (a) Franklin Davis, (b) Robert Clayton. Clarinda, dau. of Samuel S. and Sarah (Randolph) Owings m. Julius Hamby. Issue: wood. (a) William Jackson. (b) Sarah Mahala b. 1841 m. 1868 James Polk Under- (c) James Newton b. 1844, 1. 1884 m. 1868 Amanda. Narramore. (d) Martha Jane b. 1847 d. 1916, m. 1876 William Henry King. (See King). (e) Mary Elizabeth b. 1850 m. 1873 George Washing- ton King b. 1852. (f) Gilbert Randolph b. 1854, d. 1896 m. 1875 Sarah King b. 1854. (g) Dorinda Cornelia b. 1857 m. 1909 John A. Turner b. 1854. James Polk Underwood m. Sarah Mahala, dau. of Julius and Clarinda (Owings) Hamby. Issue: (a) Campbell. (b) Amanda m. John Bledsoe. (c) Frederick m. Eva Skeins. (d) Artelia m. 1st. James Angel. 2nd. — -James. 266 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY (e) Thomas m. Carrie (f) William m. (g) Sarah. Ammous. (h) Alice m. Henry Meyers. James Newton, son of Julius and Clarinda (Owens) Hamby m. Amanda Narramore. Issue: (a) Charles Allen. (b) Mary Etta. (c) William Gilbert m. 1917 Sallie Long, Issue: (a) William Anton, (b) Gilbert Winfrey, (c) Kenneth. (d) Jimmie Lavenia. Gilbert, son of Julius and Clarinda (Owings) Hamby m. Sarah King. Issue: - (a) Mary Ella m. 1903 J. P. Hamby. (b) Eliza Cornelia. (c) Honora Helen m. 1904 Floyd M. Gamble. (d) Grace Lillian. (e) Margaret Richard. J. P. Hamby m. Mary Ella, dau. of Gilbert R. and Sarah (King) Hamby. Issue: (a) Lois Magdalene m. 1921 William H. Mahan. Issue: Charles William. (b) James Gilbert. Floyd M. Gamble m. Honora Helen, dau. of Gilbert R. and Sarah (King) Hamby. Issue: (a) Grace Magdalene m. 1922 Ollie Pass. (b) Floyd Gilbert. (c) Charles Richard. (d) Harry Thomas. (e) Kendell Edwin. William D., son of John H. and Mary Jane (Owings) Acuff m. Eliza Brooks Smith. Issue: (a) Ida May m. 1901 J. E. Nelson. Issue: (a) Dorothy May, (b) Lucas. (b) Rose Lena m. 1909 Charles F. Morrison (See Morrison.) (c) Min Ellen. (d) Robert William. (e) James Charles m. 1915 Reece Ingram. Issue (a) Dorothy Ingram, (b) Catherine Rose, (c) James Polk, (c) William Turner. (f) Alma Acuff. 267 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Sarah Ann, dau. of Samuel S. and Sarah (Randolph) Owings m. William J. Coleman. Issue: (a) Araminta. (b) Elizabeth m. 1870 Thomas Hasty. (c) John C. b. 1852 m. 1907 Lula Riggs. (d) William J. b. 1854, d. 1913, m. 1877 Mary Abig- ail Smith. (e) Samuel Houston b. 1857, d. 1910 m. 1879 Alice Clarissa Hangley. (f) Stephen Douglas. Elizabeth, dau. of William J. and Sarah (Owings) Cole- man m. Thomas J. Hasty. Issue: (a) Guy Waaldo m. 1892 Olla Grace Bobbitt. (b) May b. 1880 m. 1901 Frederick E. Wise. John C., son of William J. anl Sarah Ann (Owings) Coleman m. Lula Riggs. Issue: (a) John W. (b) Dorothy M. (c) Elizabeth K. William J., son of William J. and Sarah Ann (Owings) Coleman m. Mary Abigail Smith. Issue; (a) George LeRoy. (b) Pearl m. 1903 Emil Helff. Issue (a) Bernice, (b) Frances. (c) Lincoln Lee m. 1910 Eula Hayes. Issue: (a) Virginia, (b) William, (c) Elizabeth. (d) Grant Smith m. 1915 Lillian Champ. Issue: (a) Grant C., (b) William J. (e) Sarah Florence m. 1915 Harry Gray. Issue: (a) (f) William Houston m. 1919 Edna Smith. Harry, (b) George. (g) Laura Alice m. 1922 Walter Berg. Samuel Houston, son of William J. and Sarah Ann (Owens) Coleman m. Alice Clarissa Langley. Issue: (a) Nellie May m. 1903 Emmet Clark Boyles. Issue: (a) Houston. (b) Anne Leone m. 1910 Frank H. Licthenwalter. issue: (a) Coleman R. (b) Eugene R., (c) Frank H. (c) Elizabeth Coleman m. 1904 Henry H. Russell. Issue: (a) Henry Hawley. 268 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Rebecca, dau. of Samuel S. and Sarah (Randolph) Owings m. Edward Wattson Robbs. Issue: (a) William Alexander m. 1894 Kate Cantrell. (b) Sarah Caroline b. 1855, d. 1894 m. 1875 William H. Tarwater b. 1849, d. 1883. (c) Margaret Jane. William Anderson, son of Edward Wattson and Rebecca (Owings) Robbs m. Kate Cantrell. Issue: (a) Edgar. (b) Margaret. (c) Grace. (d) Roy. (e) Milton. Sarah Caroline, dau of Edward Wattson and Rebecca (Owings) Robb m. William H. Tarwater. Issue: (a) Ida Catherine. (b) Edward. A. (c) James Fletcher. (d) William Frank. Ida C, dau. of William H. and Sarah Caroline (Robbs) Tarwater m. Charles Bowling. Issue: (a) William T. Bowling m. 1922 Loraine Mayberry. Issue: (a) William L. (b) Elizabeth Ann. (b) Margaret Edith. (c) Virginia Marie m. 1922 Walter Lee Brown. Issue: (a) Dorothy Katherine, (b) Robert Lee (c) Charles William. (d) Katherine Robbs. Elener, dau. of Samuel S. and Sarah (Randolph) Owings m. John K. Brown. Issue: (a) Robert Samuel. (b) William Jackson m. Ann Roberts. (c) Sarah Elizabeth m. John A. Turner. William Jackson, son of John K. and Elener (Owings) Brown m. Ann Roberts. Issue: (a) Edward. (b) Robert. (c) Ira. (d) Nellie. (e) Harry. 269 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Harry, son of William Jackson and Ann (Roberts) Brown m. Maggie Baldwin. Issue: (a) Robert. (b) Evelyn. Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of John K. and Elener (Owings) Brown m. John A. Turner. Issue: (a) Jackson Clarence m. Lucile Smith. Issue: (a) Jack- son Clarence. (b) Margaret Alice. (c) Robbie Elener. (d) Thomas Myer. (e) Fay Marie b. 1897 m. 1919 George Majors b. 1895. Issue: (a) Sammy Anthony. Amanda Malvina, dau. of Samuel S. and Sarah (Ran- dolph) Owings m. Levi Jackson Parkins. Issue: (a) Elmira Tennessee b. 1852 1. 1875. (b) Lewis Alexander b. 1854, d. 1898 m. Minerva Farmer. (c) Stephen Augustus b. 1857 m. Mary Hatfield. (d) Robert Samuel b. 1859, d. 1883 m. Ruth Henson. (c) Mary Ellen b. 1861, d. 1883. (d) Eliza Cordelia b. 1863, d. 1883. (e) Martin Luther b. 1865 m. 1886 Martha Alice Hat- field b. 1837. (d) Sallie Ethel b. 1868 m. 1895 Henry Dick Franklin. (e) James Alpheus. (f) Margaret Louise. (g) Cora Antha Alice b. 1875 m. 1st D. R. Walker. (h) Willie and Wilbur. Craig. 2nd Martin Luther, son of Levi Jackson and Amanda M. (Owings) Parkins m. Martha Alice Hatfield. Issue: (a) Cora Elizabeth b. 1887 m. 1905 Floyd Anderson Hatfield. Issue: (a) Eula Gladden. (b) Hallie Etta b. 1889 m. 1909 Elza James Smith. Issue: (a) Betty Jean. (c) Ada Cleo b. 1891 m. 1914 Arthur James Watkins. Issue: (a) Lewis Parkins. (d) Lella May b. 1893 m. 1911 Robert Lee Plumber. Issue: (a) Robert Terrell (b) Martha Elizabeth. 270 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Cora Elizabeth, dau. of Martin Luther and Martha A. (Hatfield) Parkins m. Floyd Anderson Hatfield. Issue: (a) Eula Gladden, Sallie Ethel, dau. of Levi Jackson and Amanda M. (Owings) Parkins m. Henry Dick Franklin. Issue: (a) Henry Clay m. Nellie Phillips. (b) Lee Curtis. (c) Blanche m. 1924 Howard Raymond Brooks. (d) Lynn Kimball. (e) Levi Parkins. (f) John Randolph. Elihu Randolph, son of Samuel S. and Sarah (Randolph) Owings m. Eliza Work. Issue: (a) William Augustine b. 1860, d. 1921 m. 1884 Rebecca Fuller b. 1865, 1. 1891. (b) Mary Geneva b. 1861, d. 1912 m. 1883 William C. Snow, b. 1860 d. 1887. (c) Luella b. 1867, d. 1899 m. 1886 Thomas Wilkey b. 1857, d. 1913. (d) John Locke b. 1870 m. 1898 Ruby Pollock b. 1874. (e) Sarah Henrietta b. 1871 m. 1901 Lucian H. Mc- Reynolds b. 1868. liams. (d) Julia Adelaide b. 1873 m. 1907 William R. Wil- (e) Daisy Maud. William Augustine, son of Elihu R. and Eliza (Work) Owings m. Rebecca Fuller. Issue; (a) William Frederick. (b) Bertha May m. Lee Burgess. (c) Minnie. (1) Margaret m. Chas. E. McConkey. Issue: (a) Charles William, (b) Albert, (c) Margaret. Mary Geneva, dau. of Elihu R. and Eliza (Work) Owings m. William C. Snow. Issue: (a) Jesse Clyde. (b) Willie m. Thomas Richards. Willie, dau. of William C. and Mary (Owings) Snow m. Thomas Richards. Issue: (a) Hillard. (b) Thomas. (c) Harry. 271 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY John Lock, son of Elihu R. and Eliza (Work) Owings m. Ruby Pollock. Issue: (a) Hattie. (b) Fannie May. (c) Garnet. (d) John W. (e) James Morley. (f) Alice. 272 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY PARKS Robert came from Anderson Co., Tenn. m. Nancy Eas- ley May 26, 1802. Issue: 2 (a) Margaret, (b) Rebecca, (c) Eliza, (d) Polly, (e) Mariah, (f) Joseph, (g) Francis, (h) Ruth. 3 (a) Margaret Parks m. Allison Howard. Issue: 4 (a) Tate, (b) John, (c) Ruth. 3 (b) Rebecca Parks m. George Gordon who built the first Iron Furnace in Tennessee 1828. 3 (c) Eliza Parks m. Wash Short. Issue, 4 (a) Robert, (b) Miller, (c) Buck, (d) George, (e) Alex Christoper, (f) James, (g) Rebecca, (h) Charlotte, (i) Sarah. 3 (d) Polly Parks m. Joseph Smith. Issue: 4 (a) Rob- ert, (b) William, (c) Joseph, (d) Margaret, (e) Alexander, (f) Miller Mary, (g) John, (h) Tressie. 3 (e) Mariah Parks m. 3 (f) Joseph Parks m. Sarah Love. Underwood. 3 (g) Frances Parks m. Alexander Montgomery. (See Montgomery). 3 (h) Ruth, dau. of Robert and Nancy Parks, m. 1st. Thomas Hinds. Issue: 4 (a) Thomas. 2nd. husband, Ned Martin. Issue: 4 (a) Samuel, (b) Robert, (c) William, (d) Mary (e) Eliza, (f) Elizabeth. 4 (d) Mary Martin m. Samuel Blair. 4 (e) Eliza m. Samuel Mathney. 4 (f) Elizabeth m. Gideon Johnson. Issue: (a) Eugene, (b) Samuel, (c) Gideon, (d) Buelah, (e) Casey, (f) James. 4 (b) Miller Parks m. 1st. Van Pelt. Issue: 5. (a) Joseph, (b) Rebecca, 2nd. Sarah Robb. Issue, (a) George, (d) Robert, (e) Frances, (f) Elizabeth, (g) Eliza. (e) Frances Parks m. (f) Elizabeth m. Jack Ferguson. Burdoff. (g) Eliza m. Jesse Hall. Issue, (a) Robert (b) Earnest. (c) Nannie m. William Trotter. (d) Mary m. Ebra Frazier. (e) Jennie m. 1st, Rufus Hood, 2nd. Charlie Sheets. 273 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY (f) Carrie m. Harold Cousins. (g) Byrd m. William Grant. (h) Arch m. May Holloway. (a) Robert m. Mary Watson. (b) Earnest m. Grace Hill. (i) Frank, (j) John, (k) Stanley. 5 (a) Eugene, son of Elizabeth and Gideon Johnson m. Grace Brown. Issue: (a) Eugene, (b) Jack, (c) Nell (d) Betty 5 (b) Samuel m. Anna Childress. 5 (c) Gideon m. Neal Cleveland. 5 (d) Beulah m. John R. Bradley.. 274 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY PATTON 1. David b. in Rockbridge Co., Va. Aug. 31, 1789 m. 1809 Elizabeth Purris, b. April, 22, 1791 in same country. 2. Issue. (a) Teresa Rebecca, (b) John Purris, (c) Nancy McClung, (b) Jane McDowell, (e) Willia, (f) David (g) Samuel. (c) Nancy McClung m. John Columbus McEwen, Dec. 11, 1832. (See McEwen). 2. (d) Jane McDowell m. Rev. Thomas Brown. (See Brown). 2 (e) William Steele m. Adelia Martin. 2 (b) John Purris m. Mary Winston. 2 (a) Teresa Rebecca m. Samuel Hall Smith. 2 (f) David Emmerson m. 2. (g) Samuel Fisk m. · Children of John Purris and Mary Winston. 3 (a) Purris. 3 (b) Elizabeth m. Major Ellis. 3 (c) John P. m. 1886 Mary Malvina Lea b. 1868. 3. (d) Nannie M. m. Richard Neerguard. 3 (e) James m. 1st. 3 (f) Theresa m. 3 (g) Minnie. Children of Theresa and 2nd. Burns. Newton. Newton. 4 (a) John, (b) Richard Y., (c) Mary, (d) Theresa, (e) William, (f) Winston, (g) Ruth. Children of John P. and Mary Lea. 4 (a) Eugene Byrd b. 1887 m. 1912 Myrtle Marie Ted- der. Issue 5 (a) John Morris, (b) Eugene Byrd, Jr., (c) Marie Tedder. 4 (b) Mary Virginia b. 1889 m. 1911 Alfred J. Baker. Issue, 5 (a) May Patton, (b) John Goodwin. 4 (c) Minnie Overton b. Issue, Daniel Overton. 1891 m. Daniel Oscar Harris. 4 (d) George Earnest b. 1892, m. 1914 Virginia Lea. Issue: (a) Virginia, (b) Baxter C. 275 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 4 (e) Rose Frances b. 1898 m. Van Stowe Pickel. Issue: (a) Marie, (b) Nancy Stove. 4 (f) Ruth Lea b. 1906. Children of Nannie Patton and Richard Neerguard. 4 (a) William, (b) John, (c) Frederick, (d) Ralph. 5 (a) William m. Caroline Young. Issue: 5 (a) Richard (b) Carl, (c) Ruth. 4 (b) John m. Miss Abel. Issue: 5 (a) John T., (b) Forest, (c) Lester, (d) Pauline. 4. (c) Frederick m. Miss Runyon. 4. (d) Ralph m. Lillie Pickle. 5. Issue: Mary Winston, (b) Ralph, (c) Grace, (d) Nancy. 276 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY PRATER 1. Benjamine Franklin b. Apr. 30, 1772 m. Nov. 6, 1798 Nancy E. Lane and moved to Roane Co. the same year. Issue: 2 (a) Samuel b. Oct. 14, 1800, (b) Thomas b. 1801, (c) Elizabeth b. Nov. 12, 1805, (d) (e) Letitia b. July 23, 1811. (f) Clarisa b. George b. (g) William b. 2 (b) Thomas, son of Benjamine m. Julia, dau. of John Browder. Issue: 3 (a) Darius, b. July 5, 1822, d. Feb. 26, 1846. 3 (b) Nancy Elizabeth b. 1824. 3 (c) Benjamine b. Oct. 8, 1826. 3 (d) John Jefferson b. Oct. 17, 1828. 3 (e) James Madison b. May 16, 1831. 3 (f) William Alexander b. Apr. 9, 1834, d. Sept. 7, 1863. 3 (b) Nancy Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas and Julia m. 1st Nov. 28, 1844, James Leeper b. Jan. 18, 1818. Issue: 4 (a) Julia Ann Malinda b. Jan. 3, 1846, d. Mar. 14, 1926, m. Feb. 12, 1862, 1st. C. P. Bussell, 2nd. T. C. Foster. 4 (b) Elizabeth dau. of Nancy and James Leeper b. Sept. 29, 1847, m. Feb. 21, 1866, M. B. Carter. Issue, 11 daus. 2 sons 1 4 (c) James Madison Leeper, b. Aug. 10, 1849, d. Jan. 15, 1919, m. Jan. 3, 1871 Myra Foster, b. Jan. 6, 1846, d. 1908. 2 (a) Elizabeth, dau. of Benjamine and Nancy Eliza m. George Alexander Lisle. 2 (e) Letitia, dau. of Benjamin and Nancy Eliza, m. James Danforth. 2 (f) Clarissa, dau. of Benjamin and Nancy Eliza, m. Josiah Johnson. 2 (g) William, son of Benjamin and Nancy Eliza, m. Mary Blair Leeper. Issue of Julia Leeper and G. P. Russell. 4. (a) Thomas, (b) Frank. Issue of Julia Leeper and T. C. Foster. 4 (c) Elizabeth, (d) James Edward, (e) Henry C., (f) Ann Elizabeth. 277 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Issue of James M. and Myra Leeper. 4 (a) Julia E. Rebecca b. Sept. 14, 1871 m. Dec. 12, 1893 Allison Montcastle, (a) Sarah, (b) Myra, (c) Inez, (d) James L. 4 (b) Lucy Amanda b. Feb. 4, 1873 m. Dec. 12, 1893 W. A. Logan. Issue, 5 (a) James Leeper, (b) Edward, (c) Elizabeth T., (d) Annie M. T., (e) Martha. 4 (c) James Thomas b. July 3, 1877 m. Nov. 11, 1903 Annie Foster, b. May 23, 1879. Issue, 5 (a) James Avery, (b) Randolph Foster. 4 (d) Nancy Myra b. Jan. 8, 1880 m. Nov. 5, 1919 S. I. Yarnell. Issue: Samuel I. 3 (f) William, a son of Thomas and Julia m. Mary Bussell, b. April 27, 1840, d. Nov. 1, 1881. Issue, 4 (a) Cordelia. 3 (c) Benjamin Franklin m. Amanda Pitner. Issue, 4 (a) Willia, (b) Lelia, (c) Elizabeth (Betty), (d) Roy. 3 (d) John Jefferson m. Margaret Simpson. 3 (e) James Madison m. Adelia Carter, Issue, Josephine, who m. W. F. Foute. 4 (a) William, son of Benjamin and Amanda m. Freeman. Issue, Benjamin. 4 (b) Lelia, dau. of Benjamin and Amanda m. John F. Monning. Issue, 5 (a) Louise, (b) Benjamin, (c) John. 4 (c) Elizabeth (Betty) dau. of Benjamin and Amanda m. Mel Chambers. Issue, 5 (a) Maud, (b) Prater, (c) Katherine. 4 (c) Elizabeth, dau. of Julia Leeper and T. C. Foster m. W. N. Lacey. Issue, 5 (a) Linnie, (b) Foster, (c) W. N., Jr., (d) Annie Elizabeth. 4 (d) James Edward, son of Julia and T. C. Foster, m. Beulah Montgomery. Issue, 5 (a) Helen, (b) Julia Margaret. Margaret. 4 (e) Henry C., son of Julia and T. C. Foster m. Mattie Dyer. Issue, 5 (a) Thomas, (b) Mary Lynn, (c) Henry, (d) Martha. (f) Annie Elizabeth, dau. of Julia and T. C. Foster, m. E. R. Callaway. Issue, 5 (a) Edgar, (b) Foster, (c) Thomas, (d) Hugh. 278 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 5 (a) Linnie, dau. of Elizabeth F. and W. N. Lacey m. Martin Moore. 5 (b) Foster son of Elizabeth F., and W. N. Lacey m. Frances Jackson. 5 (c) W. N., son of Elizabeth F. and W. N. Lacey m. Mattie May Falkner. 5 (a) Sarah, dau. of Julia Leeper and Allison Mont- castle m. D. K. Young. Issue. 6 (a) Sarah, (b) Woodson, (c) Julia. 5 (b) Myra, dau. of Julia and Allison Montcastle m. Robert T. Griffitts. 5 (c) Inez, dau. of Julia and Allison Montcastle m. Joseph Long. Children of William and Mary Leeper Prater. 3 (a) James Alexander m. Artie Alexander. Issue. 4 (a) William Berry, (b) Carrie, (c) George W., (d) James Thomas, (e) Edgar P., (f) Joseph Lloyd, (g) Louella, (h) Herbert A., (i) James E. 4 (a) William Berry m. Mary M. Dorton. Issue, Carrie. 4 (d) James Thomas m. 5 (a) Louella, (b) Eugene. Issue. Issue, 5 (a) 4 (e) Edgar P. m. Mayme Chapman. Artie, (b) Myrtle, (c) Winona, (d) Edgar P., (e) Loyd. 4 (f) Joseph Lloyd m. Garley Cox. Issue, 5 (a) Henry Clayton, (b) Pauline m. -Cox, (c) Mayme. 4 (g) Louella m. John Valley McKnight. Issue, Mary Margaret. 4 (h) Herbert Alexander m. Katherine Cox. Issue, 5 (a) Willie May, (b) Helen Gertrude, (c) Artie Elizabeth. 4 (i) James Eugene m. Effie Mae Wood. 3 (b) Hugh Blair, son of William and Mary Leeper Prater m. Mollie Lee. 3 (c) George William, son of William and Mary L., m. Elizabeth Brooks. 279 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY RANDOLPH William Randolph was born in Virginia and came to Roane Co. in 1809. He was a Lieutenant in the Revolutionary War. Married Louisa, daughter of Gamaliel Bailey. William Randolph, 5, Grief 4, Henry 3, Henry 2, Henry 1st.) b. 1754 d. 1815 m. 1782 Louisa Bailey. Issue. (a) Robert m.Jemima. ? (b) William m. Dorcas- (c) Elihu m. Polly Garrett, (d) Hezekiah, (e) Sarah m. Samuel Sumpter Owings, (f) Abigail m. William Edward Owings, (g) Rebecca Swann. m. William Randolph, son of William and Louisa (Bailey) Fandolph, b. 1796 d. 1881 m. Dorcas b. 1895 d. 1859 Issue: (a) Mahala b. 1816 m. -Slaughter, (b) Sarah Dorinda b. 1818, (c) Gilbert A. m. 1838 Sarah Dorinda Myers, d. 1885, (d) Gilmore b. 1822 m. 1837 Mary Brook- ster b. 1825, d. 1884, (e) Malinda m. Thomas Williams, (f) Gillam C. m. 1858 Hester Modena Washburn, (g) Malissa m. Fli Dixon d. 1859. 280 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY ROBINSON 1. Thomas b. in Virginia 1789 m. July 28, 1811 Sarah King, b. in Kentucky in 1788, dau. of Major Robert King, U. S. A. officer. Thomas' two brothers were John W. and James Robinson. Issue of Thomas and Sarah: 2 (a) James R., (b) Fannie, (c) Elizabeth, (d) Susan, (e) Nancy, (f) Mary, (g) Minerva, (h) John W., (i) Robert King. 2 (a) James R. b. 1824 m. Sarah Smith b. 1827. Issue, 3 (a) Robert King b. 1849 m. Texie Hunt. Issue, 4 (a) Auria, (b) Robert, (c) Bertie. 2 (b) Fannie m. Samuel Lane. 2 (c) Susan m. 1st. Mayo. 2nd. Lewis. 2 (e) Nancy m. James C. Haskins. 2 (f) Mary m. E. D. Robinson. 2 (g) Minerva m. William Robinson. 2 (h) John W. b. Jan. 17, 1829 m. 1853 Mary M. Smith. 281 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY SENTER Sept. 1. Tandy a Rev. Sol. b. in Virginia 175 d. Jan. 1864 age 103, 7 mos. m. 1st. Susan Lyon. Issue, 6 children. 2nd. m. Mary Ann Crumbliss. Issue 6 children. He settled near Blue Spring Creek at Cardiff near the old Indian trace. It is said that he m. a Carson for whom Carson-Newman College was named and that Mrs. Carson Senter d. and was buried in what is now Hembree graveyard. Some of his children were William T., one daughter, m. Elliott Graves, one m. William Barnett, Minerva m. Sept. 3, 1840 William Margraves, one m. Rice, Seaborn, Abner. One m. Mee. 2. William T. b. in Grainger Co., Tenn. 1800 d. 1847, m. Nancy White b. 1813. Issue (a) Clinton Dewitt, (b) Susan Sarah, (c) Lucinda, (d) Mary Eliza, (e) Rebecca, (f) Nancy, (g) William T. 3 (a) Clinton Dewitt b. Mar. 26, 1830 m. Sept. 1, 1859 Harriett T., dau. of P. M. Senter. He was Gov. of Tenn. 1867-71. 3 (b) Susan Sarah m. Joseph P. Conway. Sarah Porter, (b) Nancy, (c) William, (d) Joseph, (f) Dewitt, (g) Edward. Issue, 4 (a) Charles, (e) 3 (d) Ann Eliza m. George M. Murrell. Issue, 4 (a) Martha, (b) Ada, (c) 3 (e) Rebecca m. George Hodges. 3 (f) Nancy m. John H. Everett. Issue, 4 (a) Wilmer, (b) Robert, (c) Sallie. 3 (g) William T. m. May Mayo. Issue, (a) Dewitt, (b) Nancy, (c) Rebecca, (d) Harriett, (e) William. 2. Seaborn, son of Tandy m. August 28, 1817 Nancy Carson. Issue, 3 (a) Albert N. m. 1st. Katherine L. Meek. Issue, 4 (a) Thomas N., (b) Carrie A. 2nd. Elizabeth Long- ley. Issue, (c) John, (d) Frances, (e) Marcus. 4 (a) Thomas N. b. Feb. 15, 1858 m. March 30, 1883, Dora Smith b. 1863. 4 (b) Carrie m. William Rape. Issue, William. 4 (c) John F. m. Mary Trevitte. 4 (d) Frances m. Richard Prince. 4 (e) Marcus m. Rosabelle Finzer. 5 (a) Marcus, (b) Nicholas. 282 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY Children of Thomas N. and Dora Senter. 5 (a) William Robert m. Marchie Love. 5 (b) Carl Lee. 5 (c) Lester Treadway. 5 (d) Thomas Smith. 5 (e) Leland R. m. Thelma Russell. 5 (f) Anita. Dose Mee, a grandson of Tandy Senter, was married five times and had between twenty-five and thirty children. 283 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY SEVIER 1. Elbridge Gerry, son of James, son of Gen. John, b. March 19, 1805 m. Nov. 13, Mary Caroline Brown, b. Feb. 27, 1810. Issue. 2 (a) Thomas Brown b. Sept. 16, 1828. 2 (b) Henry Clay b. July 16, 1831 d. at Liberty, Mo., 1918. m. Mary J. Tipton, Dec. 19, 1853. Issue, 3 (a) Elizabeth b. 1856, (b) William James, b. 1858 m. Mary McGuinness. Issue, 4 (a) Herbert Eugene b. 1885, (m. Grace Muriel). Issue, (a) Jean, (b) Alice, (c) Mary, (d) John Woodrow, (e) Mary Elizabeth, (f) Hazel, (g) Madeline, (h) Parker. 4 (b) Roy, b. 1887 (m. Lois Froman), (c) Oscar b. 1877 (m. Vivian Ritter). 4 (a) Ethel b. 1891 (m. Kellar Bell), 4 (e) Stella b. 1872 (m. Frank Jackson), 4 (f) Robert Earl b. 1895 (m. Virginia Kendrick), 4 (g) Anna Bernice, 4 (h) Hazel Madeline. 3 (c) Robert E. b. 1865 (m. May Waddell). Issue, 4 (a) Helen May, (b) Roberta Ann, (c) Charles Sevier b. 1867 (m. Elizabeth Talboy). Issue 4 (a) Charles Henry, (b) Robert Fields. 2 (c) Rowena Jane b. May 14, 1832, m. Henry W. Von Aldehoff. Issue 3 (a) Florence Carolina b. July 2, 1851 (m. Thomas Augustus Hurt). Issue 4 (a) Augusta m. Frederick T. Mosely., (b) John Sevier b. Sept. 2, 1852, (c) Alice Eugenia b. Jan. 13, 1855, (d) John Sevier. 2nd. b. Sept. 14, 1856. (e) Blanch, b. April 10, 1859. 2 (d) James b. August 1, 1835, d. 1908. 2 (e) Elbert Franklin b. Dec. 25, 1843 m. Bettie Taylor. Issue, (a) Taylor, (b) Evelyn (m. Gray Gentry). Issue, Fenton Allen. 2 (f) Samuel Conway b. Nov. 7, 1848, d. 1923. 2 (g) Ann Elizabeth b. Nov. 7, 1848 m. Noah Ly- barger. der. 2 (h) Charles Bascom b. Nov. 12, 1856 m. Alice Zed- Issue, Mary Katherine m. Thomas F. Reimer. 284 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY SHELLY 1. Jacob D. b. at Guilford C. H., North Carolina 1798, m. Polly, dau. of James Craven, Hawkins Co., Tenn. Issue, (a) James Thomas. 10. 2 (a) James Thomas m. 1850 Martha Jane McElwee, Aug. 12, 1832. Issue, (a) Jacob Oscar, (b) William Carlyle b. 1854, (c) George McElwee, b. 1857, (d) Robert Cravens, b. 1860, James Thomas, b. 1868. 3 (c) George McElwee m. Mary Alice Adkinson. Issue, (a) J. Osgood, m. Melissa Hɔpkins, (b) Robb'e, m. Edward A. Warwick, (c) George M. m. Clara Goodman, (d) Roy C. m. Emma Genereski, (e) Grace D. m. Greenwcod B. Davis, (f) Oliver F., (g) Ruby, (h) Jane Ann, m. Charles T. Cul- bert, (i) Jean, m. Robert A. Schaad. 3 (d) Robert Craven, (b) 1860 m. Mary Lillian Fay. Issue, (a) Fay, (b) Ethel, 4 (a) Fay m. Elmer Rule, Issue (a) Shelly, (b) Fay. 4 (b) Ethel m. William Robert, (b) Sara. Robert Piatt. Issue, (a) 3 (a) Jacob Oscar b. Oct. 11, 1851 m. Minnie Lelia Hyatt, of Macon, Co., N. C. Issue, (a) Jennie Weaver, who m. Edareth Edward Teague, (b) James Hyatt, m. Kathleen Gribble, (c) Martha Elizabeth m. Clarence Bell Hipp. (d) Oscar Barnette m. Wilhelmina Christina Avery, (e) Robert Long m. Gladys Howard, (f) William Bays m. Lucy Ward, (g) Mary Lelia. 3 (b) William Carly'e m. Nannie Roberts. Carlyle, (b) Larla, (c) Tully m. Hazel Tully, Jr. 4. Issue of Jennie W. and E. E. Teague. Issue, (a) Issue, (a) (a) Edareth, Jr., (b) Shelley, (c) Seth Woodrow. 4. Issue of Martha E. and Clarence B. Hipp. (a) Elizabeth Shelley, Clarence Bell, Jr. 4. Issue of Robert and Gladys, (a) Robert Tunsford, 285 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY SIENKNECHT Dr. Frederick Sienknecht, b. Feb. 1st, 1803 Preetz in Holstein, Germany d. July 16th. 1883 Wartburg, Tenn. Katherine Heik, 1st. wife b. May 10th, 1812 Ploen, Germany d. Oct. 6th. 1853 Wartburg, Tenn. Children all b. in Preetz. 1. Theodore F. b. Oct. 17th. 1833 d. May 26th. 1915. Augusta Charlotte b. 1835 d. 1891. 2. 3. Henry Christian Ludwig b. March 1st. 1838 d. May 25th. 1916. 4. Wilhelmina Katherine b. Sept. 6th. 1840 d. Dec. 11th. 1.914. 1920. 5. Christina H. M. b. April 2d. 1845 d. Jan. 3rd. 1900. Charles Christian b. Oct. 18th. 1841 d. Jan. 12th. 6. Theodore F. Sienknecht m. 1st Charlotte Oliver Sept. 1860 d. May 24th. 1889. Children: Mary Katherine m. Rev. W. B. Brown, Sarah Augusta, Jackson Oliver, Frederick and Christine (Twins). Theodore F. Sienknecht m. 2nd. Matilda Adelaide Muecke Dec. 23rd. 1869. Children: Frederica Christine, b. 1870, d. 1916 m. William C. Denton, Joseph Augustus m. Mamie Richards June 9th, 1909. Theodore Adolphus m. Marguerite Albright Dec. 21st, 1903, Hannah, Willie Henrietta Florence m. B. H. Phillips, Oct. 8th, 1907, Louie Christian, Henry Edward, Elmer Charles, m. Mattie Houston Gallaher April 9th., 1911, Adele Elizabeth. Augusta Charlotte Sienknecht m. Herman A. Kaiser, b. 1820 d. 1907. Children: Minnie, Theodore, Gustave, Henry. O., Fred C., Albert, Nannie, Edward. Dr. Henry Christian Ludwig Sienkhecht m. Oct. 18th., 1868 Barbara Ann Tadlock, b. Jan. 8th. 1849 d. June 25th., 1718. Children: James Theodore m. Margaret Prater. Nettie m. Joseph Richards. Frederick m. Eula Paul. Daisy m. Dr. J. T. Haynes. 286 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY William Henry m. Nancy Bray. Lula Jane. Wilhelmine Katherine Sienknecht b. Sept. 6th. 1840 Preetz, Germany d. Dec. 11th, 1914 Collinsville, Ala. m. Oct. 17th. 1859 Oscar Benno Carl von Steinwehr b. Aug. 22d.. 1823 Wesel on the Rhine d. Dec. 1st. 1900. Came to Roane Co. 1848. Children: 1. Charlie Frederick b. July 23, 1860 Kingston m. Grace Rex, Sept. 28, 1900 d. May 13th. 1923 Los Angeles, Cali- fornia. 2. Mary C. 3. Lizzie M., m. Dec. 26th. 1889 Virgil M. Brindley. 4. Oscar. 5. Alice H. m. Sept. 26th. 1893 John D. Avery. 6. Annie C. m. May 2d. 1900 Jasper Hazen Wilson. Dr. Charles Christian Sienknecht b. Oct. 18th. 1841, Preetz, Germany d. Jan. 12th. 1920 m. Dec. 3d. 1885 Amanda Pettyjohn of Va. Children: Margaret m. Charles A. Lotz, Sept. 25th. 1925. Mary Lila m. J. H. Riddle March 8th, 1920. Children of Alice Steinwehr and John Dixie Avery. Wilma (m. Oscar Shelley.) 1. 2. Allen, 3. Nealey, 4. Bess, 5. Mary. 287 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY MERRIWEATHER SMITH Col. Francis Smith, b. in Essex Co., Va. Va. m. Lucy, dau. of Capt. Francis Merriweather, Clerk of Essex Co. 1692. Issue, (a) Merriweather, (b) Eliza, (c) Mary. 2 (a) Merriweather b. 1730 at Bathurst, Essex Co. m. 1st. 1760 Alice, dau. of Phillips Lee, of Maryland. Issue: 3 (a) George, (b) Merriweather, Jr. b. 1769 in Louis: Co., Va. d. June 27, 1838. 3 (b) Merriweather m. June 9, 1796 Sally, dau. of William and Mary Payne, of Fluvanna Co., Va. b. D c. 19, 1772, d. April 27, 1847. 4 (a) Granville Payne b. June 9, 1797 in Grassy Valley, Knox Co., (b) Wiliam P., b. July 6, 1798 at the same place, d. May 2, 1847, (c) Merriweather, Jr. b. July 6, 1800 at Headquarters of 4th U. S. Reg. Southwest Point., (d) John Young, b. April 30, 1802. (e) George Washington, b. Feb. 22, 1804, (f) Letitia b. March 18, 1806, (g) Samuel Hall and Mary Ann Clark b. Feb. 25, 1807, (h) Thomas Jefferson b. Sept. 5, 1809, (i) Susannah Payne b. Feb. 24, 1812, (j) Sally Josephine. 4 (b) William Payne m. Eliza Jane Wiley. Issue. Mary. 4 (d) John Young m. Leah Lenoir. Issue, (a) Caro- line m. 1st. F. G. Correy,, 2nd. John A. Winton. (b) Merri- weather, (c) William, (d) John Ashby, (e) Elizabeth (f) Laura Waightstill, (g) Samuel, (h) Maria, (i) George, (j) Thomas, (k) Susan. 4 (g) Samuel Hall m. Teresa Patton. Issue, (a) Mary. 4 (g) Maryann m. Oct. 16, 1828 Alexander Block, b. Oct. 25, 1804, son of Samuel and Mary and Mary Gordon Black. Issue. 5 (a) Samuel, (b) John, (c) Susan, (d) Thomas, (e) Mary Louisa. (f) Robert, (g) Alexander, (h) Merriweather. 4 (j) Sallie Josephine m. William Doyle. Issue, William Payne, Jr. who m. Jane Mitchell. 5 (a) Mary, dau. of W. P. and Eliza Jane Smith m. J. H. Vanderson. 5 (a) Mary, dau. of Samuel and Teresa Smith m. James Preston Smartt. 288 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 5 (a) Samuel, son of Alexander and Maryann Clark Smith m. Eliza Latham Rowan. 5 (b) John, son of Alexander m Sophia Greenwood. 5 (c) Thomas, son of Alexander m. Emma Jean Young, (b) Mary Alice, (c) John Y, (d) Sarah Colville, (e) Susan Louise, (f) Emma Y., (g) Thomas Alexander, (h) Clara Josephine, (i) Leah Lee, (j) Georgia Ruth. 5 (d) Robert, son of Alex B. and wife, m. Ida Man- delbaum. 5(e) Mary Louise Black m. Rena Hall Mason. 5 (f) Alexander, Jr. m. Martha Luck. 6 (e) Susan Louise Black m. Dr. Morris Clayton Leonard, Oct. 25, 1904. Issue, (a) Jean Young, (b) Richard Black, (c) Nancy Emmet. Note: The Bible records of Merriweather and Sally Smith show that all of their children born in Roane Co. were christened by the Rev. John Winton. 289 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY JACOB SMITH 1. Jacob Smith, born in Washington Co., Md., served in Capt. Jacob Saren's Co. War of the Revolution. m. Mollie Dugger, 1766. 2. Ezekiel Lafayette, b. 1789 m. Nancy Doran. 3. Daniel b. 1821 m. Rachel Edmondson. 4. William Wiley b. 1848 m. Mary Montgomery. 5. (a) Elbert Doran, son of William W. m. Nell Fleming. Children 5 (b) Willie Carolyn, dau. of William W. m. Rev. J. L. Mullens. 5 (c) Laura Frances, dau. of William W. m. 1915 Elbert F. Campbell. Children, (a) Frances Parker. 5 (d) Ezekiel Jackson, son of William W. m. Kate Leeper. Issue, Jacqueline. 5 (e) Robert Ashford, son of W. W. m. Willie Di key. Issue, 6 (a) Martha, (b) Sarah Elizabeth, (c). 290 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY JOHN SMITH 1. John came to Roane Co. from Virginia 1790. 2. Anthony born in Va. came to Roane Co. when a child. m. Anna Bailey, b. in Blount Co. about 1787 who also came to Roane when a child. Issue. 3. William Smith m. 1863 Mary Elizabeth Owings. Issue: (a) James Edward b. 1868, (b) Fedelia b. 1871 James Edward Smith m. Ella Ervin 1898 Issue (a) Ervin James, b. 1901, (b) Mary Edna b. 1902. 291 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY STAPLES 1. John, came from England, was Capt. in Revolutionary War under Gen. Washington. Was promoted to rank of Major 14th Regt., Va. Came to Roane Co. from Virginia in 1810. Issue, (a) William, (b) Thomas, (c) Abner, (d) Benjamin Tolliver, (e) John M., (f) Malinda. All born in Richmond,, Va. 2 (c) Abner m. May 6, 1818 Ellery Toomey. 2 (d) Benjamin T. m. Elizabeth Hall. 2 (e) John M. m. Dec. 10, 1818 Polly Bryant. 3. Samuel, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth b. 1841 m. Mary, dau. of John and Mary (Bowling) Childress. Issue, 4 (a) Samuel, (b) John, (c) William, (d) Thomas. 3. Abner m. Malinda Davis. 3. Malinda m. Charles Davis. Children of Abner and Malinda Davis. 4 (a) Eliza, (b) John M., (c) Joseph, (d) Mary, (e) William, (f) Susan. 4 (a) Eliza m. John Cagel. Issue, 5 (a) Joseph, (b) Sadie. 4 (b) John M. m. 1st. Ruth Duncan. Issue, 5 (a) Melinda, (b) Joseph, (c) Mary, (d) Ella, (e) Walter. 2nd. -Morgan. Issue, (f) Katherine, (g) Anna. 4. (b) Sadie, dau. of Eliza and John Cagel m. Robert E. Runger. 4 (d) Mary m. John H. Blake. (See Blake). 5. (a) Malinda, dau. of John M. and Ruth m. Rich- ard Purcell. 5. (f) Katherine, dau. of John m. David Black. 4 (g) Anna, dau. of John M. m. Fred Beneger. Issue, (a) Orton. 2 (b) Thomas m. Issue. Fuller. 3 (b) John, son of Samuel 1 m. Mamie Smith. 3. (a) William m. 3 (c) Annie. 3 (d) Walter. 292 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY TEDDER The first records of the Tedder family are found in North Carolina, where Thomas Tedder married a Brown, he died and she came to Roane County with her five children. 2. (a) James b. in Greene Co., North Carolina, m. Feb. 1821 Elizabeth Todd in Roane Co. 2. (b) John Brown Tedder b. 1789, d. 1862, m. Feb. 4, Mary Robbinson b. 1796 d. 1872. Issue: 3. (a) Minerva b. 1820, d. 1884. 3. (b) Spencer J. b. 1821, d. 1904, m. 1883 Sallie Gillespie b. 1846. 3. (c) John Brown. 3. (d) Martha Jane, b. 1831, d. 1896. 3. (e) Sallie M. b. 1838, d. 1896. 4. (c) John Brown Tedder b. 1828 d. 1913 m. 1861 Sarah Jane Shadden b. 1844 d. 1913. Issue: (a) Eugene Spencer m. Annie Campbell. (b) John Vaden. (c) Joseph Clyde. (d) William Wiley m. 1898 Cora Waterman. (e) Charles Thomas m. 1900 Callie Ingram. (f) Robert Gideon. Eugene Spencer Tedder, son of John B. and Sarah J. (Shadden) Tedder b. 1862 m. 1884 Annie Campbell b. 1863. Issue: Robert L. Nellie Gray. John Brown. William Rush. Robert L. Tedder, son of Eugene S. and Annie (Camp- bell) Tedder b. 1886 m. Florence Koger. Issue: Ethna Madge. Ethna Madge Tedder, dau. of Robert L. and Florence (Koger) Tedder, m. Ed Moore. Issue. Ewell. Robert L. 293 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY John Brown Tedder, son of Eugene S. and Annie (Camp- bell) Tedder b. 1896 m. Agnes Roberts. Issue: Charlotte June. John Vadden Tedder, son of John B. and Sarah J. (Shadden) Tedder b. 1866, d. 1927, m. 1891 Hester Ingram. Issue: Addie Florence. Hazel. Elisha Ingram. Hilda Rose. Joseph Clyde Tedder, son of John B. and Sarah J. (Shadden) Tedder, b. 1866, m. 1893 Nora Hill. Issue: Thomas C. Sadie E. m. Fred Lamb. Thomas C. Tedder, son of Joseph C. and Nora (Hill) Tedder. m. Ruth La Rue. Issue: Robert La Rue. Kenneth Allen. Charles Richard. Charles Thomas Tedder, son of John B. and Sarah J. Shadden) Tedder b. 1875 m. 1900 Callie Ingram. Issue: Clifford. Robert Gideon Tedder, son of John B. and Sarah J. (Shadden) Tedder m. 1918, Carrie King. Issue: Sarah Louise. Veneta. Robert Gideon. 3. (c) Sarah, dau. of John and Mary m. Joseph A. Shadden. Issue. (a) Mary, (b) Annie (c) Ernest B., (d) Joseph C. 4. (a) Mary m. Joseph E. Clark. Issue, (a) Maud (b) Joseph. 4. (b) Annie m. Isaac Milligan. Issue, (a) Hilda, (b) Helen, (c) Virginia, (d) Ernest, (e) Sarah. 4. (c) Ernest B. m. Lillie E. Black. Issue 5 (a) Ernest B. Jr., m. Dora Alden, (b) William N., (c) Mary E., (d) Vaden C., (e) Joseph J. 294 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 4. (d) Joseph C. m. Alma Hamby. Issue: 5 (a) Spencer, (b) Florence, (c) Alma. 5. (a) Hilda m. L. Jack Spence. 5. (c) Virginia m. Charles Erskine. Maria L. Tedder m. Oct. 20, 1863 Morgan B. Hawkins. George, son of Pleasant m. Julia Denton. Issue: (a) Della m. John R. Cowan. Issue John R., Jr. (b) Charles m. Nancy Taylor, Issue: Janice. (c) Ralph m. Reece Parker. (d) Edith m. J. R. Zigenfuss. Issue: Dorothy. (e) Sue m. Harold Whitson. (f) George W. (g) Ray. (h) Bruce. 295 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY VAN DYKE 1. Thomas John b. in Dover Delaware 1777. Studied Medicine in Baltimore.. graduating in 1799. Was appointed an ensign in United States Infantry and later promoted to Captain. Was stationed at South West Point, Roane County where he married Penelope Smith, dau. of Judge David Campbell. Later he lived in Kingston and was one of the first Trustees of Rit- tenhouse Academy. 1806 was appointed from Roane Co., as Trustee of East Tennessee College Knoxville. His children born. in Roane Co., were: (a) Alexander Outlaw, b. Jan. 16, 1800, (b) Jefferson Campbell b. Jan 16. 1801. d. 1862. (c) Thomas Nixon. b. Jan. 22. 1803. (d) Mary Houston. b. Hamilton 1805, (e) Eliza Rhea b. 1807. sea. Alexander Outlaw enlisted in the Navy and was lost at Jefferson Campbell m. Eliza Cook. Thomas Nixon m. Eliza Ann Deaderick. Mary Həmiltanm. Gen. William Smith, of Huntington, Penn. Settled at Mineral Point, Wis. Eliza Rhea. m. Scott. Laurence Co., Ala. In 1811 Thomas Johm, removed to Washington, Rhea Co.. to practice medicine. He was appointed a surgeon in the army under Gen. Daugherty and went on two campaigns. 1813-14, against the Indians. Died in 1814 while in camp at Fort Claiborne, Ala. 296 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY WALLER 1. John b. 1617 of Virginia m. Mary Key. Issue: (a) John, (b) William. 2. (a) John m. Dorothy King. 2. (b) William b. in Henry Co., Va. Sept. 24, 1671. Issue: George and others. (3) George, Issue. (4) George, Jr., b. 1734 m. Anne Winston Carr, b. 1733. Issue: (a) John. (b) Mary. (c) Elizabeth Anne, (d) George, (e) Edmund, () William, George, Jr. was given 1000 acres of land (for his services dur- ing Revolutionary War) on the Clinch River oppo-ite Paw Paw Ford. He gave it to his son William, who settled on it in 1802. 5. (a) William b. in Henry Co., Va. 1781 m. 1802 Mary Barksdale, b. in same Co. May 6, 1783. 6. Issue, (a) John B. b. Nov. 28. 1803, (b) George b. June 25, 1805, (c) Carr. b. Feb. 22, 1807. (d) William b. Feb. 20, 1809, (e) Sarah, b. Feb. 20, 1811. (f) Anna W., b. Mar. 30. 1813. (g) Mary b. Mar. 2. 1815, (h) Edmond, b. Mar. 1. 1817, (i) Henry b. 1819. William. Sr. died in 1819. his wife in 1863. (a) John B. m. Katy Pickel. Issue 6 sons. 7 daughters. 7. (a) P. A. oldest daughter m. William Mounger and settled in Missouri about 1852. 7. (b) Mary Jane m. John H. Davancy. 7. (c) Elizabeth E. m. Abner L. Dickey and moved to Dodd Cite. Texas. 7. (d) Henry A. m. Sophrona Dickey. 7. (e) J. L. m. Amanda Steele, lives in Roane Co. 7. (f) Sarah K. m. John C. Jones, lives in Roane Co. 7. (g) Carr M. m. Ann Mounger lives in Dodd City, Texas. 7. (h) Martha C. m. William Raybourn. lives in Famir Co., Texas. 7. i) Eliza W. m. Samuel Talliaferro, lives in Indian Territory. 7. () Amanda Savannah m. William Jones, lives in Missouri. 297 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 6, (b) George, second son of William and Mary, m. Mariah Butler. Issue, (a) Jesse M., (b) Manly B., (c) 'Thomas J., (d) Jacob C., (e) Texas J., (f) Nancy D., (g) Mary K., (h) Martha A., (i) Elizabeth E. 7. (g) Mary K. m. Delaney, (h) Martha m. Simpson. All of this family moved west. 6. (c) Carr m. Keziah Eblen. Issue: (a) William, who married Caroline Amos and moved to the State of Washington, (b) Lewis m. Alpha Goodwin, (c) Hardin m. Eliza Elkins, (d) James, (e) John, (f) George m. Sarah A. Reed, (g) Mary m. Henry Holston, (h) Sarah m. Jack Pickel, (i) Eliza, (j) America m. Peter W. Goodwin, (k) Matilda, m. Gen. Ballew, 2nd. Robert Waller, (1) Margaret m. George P. Waller. 6. (d) William m. Mary Siler and moved to Bay County, Mo., thence to California. Issue, Louis J. 6. (e) Sarah m. Stephen Barksdale and moved to Mis- souri. Oldest son, William. 3. (f) Annie Winton m. William Ellis. 3. (g) Mary m. William Snow. Issue, (a) George m. Miss Elder, (b) James P., (c) John W. m. Miss Peacock, moved to Lake Co., Tenn., (d) Elizabeth m. Benjamin Car- rothers, (e) Sarah m. Jake Tener, (f) Texas, (g) Savannah, (h) Tennessee. 3. (h) Edmond, m. April 11, 1838 Nancy Eblen. Issue, (a) Sarah m. Joseph Hinds, (b) William wounded while in the Confederate Army and died, (c) John P. m. Sarah Sturgis White.. Edmond's 2nd. wife was Jency Ellis. Issue, (a) Louis E. m. Mary Cardwell, (b) S. A. m. Sarah Holston, (c) Robert m. Matilda Balew, (d) Franklin, (e) Jane m. S. L. Eblen. Louis E. and S. E. Waller are ministers of the Primitive Baptist Church. 3. (i) Henry m. Sarah Pickel. Issue, (a) Columbus m. Miss Hues, lives at Wichita Falls, Tex, (b) George m. 1st. Margaret Waller, 2nd. Louisa Hair. (c) M. B. m. Nancy Brazeale, (d) Mary m. 1st. Joe Cardwell, 2nd. Thomas Eblen. 298 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY WELCKER 1. John Henry b. Dec. 4, 1776 in Darmstadt, Germany, embarked from the city of Bremen Mar. 2, 1797, landed at Baltimore, July 19, 1797, m. Jan. 15, 1805 Elizabeth Inman, of Washington Co. b. Mar. 21, 1790, d. Dec. 24, 1840. John Henry d. Aug. 26, 1838. Issue: 2. (a) William Lewis b. July 6, 1807, d. Feb. 10, 1830 m. Malinda Mitchell. 2. (b) Charles Freeling b. Feb. 3, 1809 d. July 20, 1861, m. Caroline Virginia Mitchell Sept. 2, 1835. 2. (c) George Lewis b. Apr. 6, 1811, d. May 24, 1848. 2. (d) Henry Inman b. Mar. 18, 1813, d. July 25, 1839. 2. (e) Frederick Augustus b. Apr. 5, 1815, d. May 27, 1841. 2. (f) James Monroe b. May 29, 1817, d. Sept. 8, 1858 m. Margaret Parks. Issue. (a) Elizabeth. 2. (g) Catherine Freeling, b. Mar. 18, 1819, d. Oct. 8, 1889, m. Albert S. Lenoir. (See Lenoir). 2. (h) Benjamin Franklin b. Apr. 5, 1821, d. Aug. 28, 1884. 2. (i) Albert Galatin b. Nov. 25, 1823 d. May 4, 1868 m. Nancy White. 2. (j) Mary Jane McDowell, b. Mar. 11, 1826, d. Sept. 3, 1854. 2. (k) Dewitt Clinton b. Mar. 10, 1829, d. July 23, 1856. Children of William Lewis and Malinda Welcker: 3. (a) Margaret Elizabeth b. Nov. 10, 1826, d. May 24, 1846. 3. (b) James Henry b. Mar. 21, 1829, d. July 12, 1841. 3. (c) William Thomas, b. June 24, 1830, m. July 23, 1857, Katie Adair. Children of Charles Freeling and Caroline Virginia: 3. (a) Sarah Catherine b. Jan. 20, 1838, m. 1st. Jan. 25, 1855 William C. Robinson, 2nd. William B. Hope, Apr. 10, 1862. 299 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 3. (b) Elizabeth b. Apr. 10. 1842 m. Aug 15, 1867 Jackson Lackey. She d. Nov. 15, 1871. 3. (c) William I ewis b. Feb. 17. 1849 m. Sept. 17, 1884. Annie Crawford. Issue. Annette. b. Sept. 29. 1889. 3. (d) James Henry b. Aug 27, 1854 m. Feb. 4, 1886 Daisy Welcker, dau. of Benjamin Franklin. 3. (e) Fredericka Texana b. Feb. 10. 1857 d. Aug. 24, 1894 m. Reil Dani. June 5, 1892. 3. (f) Ellen Virginia b. June 22, 1859 m. Nov. 15, 1882 Litton Thomas. Children of William T. and Katie Adair Welcker. 4. (a) Adair b. May 26, 1858. 4. (b) Mendell b. Apr. 3. 1862. 4. (c) Katherine b. Dec. 8. 1865. 4. (d) Henrietta b. Sept. 6. 1874. Children of Sarah Catherine and William Robinson: 4. (a) Frank Welcker b. Dec. 6, 1855 m. Dec. 25, 1887, Ella Davis. Issue. (a) Alma. b. Oct. 3. 1890. (b) Frank Welcker. Children of Albert Galatin and Nancy White: 3. (a) Mary, (b) Katherine. (c) Belle. 4. (b) Katherine m. William J. McNutt. Issue Katherine m. Richard P. Johnston. 4. (c) Belle m. Edward E. McMillan. Issue. 5 (a) Mar- gie Belle m. Hal Mebane. Issue: (a) Hal. (b) Edward. 5. (b) Edward J. m. Mamie Henegar. Issue: (a) Nancy, (b) Helen. 5. (c) Helen m. Lucian Briscoe. 4. (b) William Charles Joseph b. Sept. 2, 1857 m. Mary Brennaman. Children of Sarah Catherine and William B. Hope: 4. (c) Henry Welcker b. Jan. 24. 1863 m. 1st. 1888 Dorothy C. French. 2nd. Julia Eaton. Issue: (a) Nell, (b) Kate, (4. (d) Mary Virginia b. Jan. 1. 1865 m. James C. Buchanan Jan. 6, 1886. Issue, (a) Kate, (b) William Andrew, (c) Margaret and Elizabeth. 5. (a) Kate m. Chester Harvey. 300 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 4. (e) Katie Louise b. Aug. 30, 1872 Mabry. Issue. (a) Hope. m. Robert 4. (f) Sarah Elizabeth b. Oct. 8, 1874 m. Walter W. Prater. Issue, Mary Kate. 4. (g) Minnie Caroline b. Apr. 7. 1877 m. J. B. Smith Mar. 17, 1896. 4. (h) Thomas Frederick b. June 11, 1880 m. Claire McClure. Issue. (a) Evelyn. (b) Caroline. Children of Elizabeth and Jackson Lackey: (a) Charles b. May 10, 1862. m. Daisy Gallaher. (b) William W. b. Oct. 28, 1889. 2. (h) Benjamin Franklin Welcker m. Hester Ish. Issue, (a) Dixie. (b) Henry, (c) Albert. 3. (a) Dixie m. James H. Welcker. 3. (c) Albert m. Lillie Williams. Children of James Henry and Daisy Welcker. 4. (a) James Dewitt b. June 10, 1890. 4. (b) George Lewis b. Feb. 26, 1892. 4. (c) Frederick William b. April 28, 1894. 4. (d) Henry Ish, b. Sept. 18, 1897. 301 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY WESTER 1. John Fulgum b. in England 1723, settled near Tar- boro, North Carolina. 2. Fulgum b. 1750 in Virginia d. 1870 in Jefferson Co., Tenn. m. 1783 Edith Wolley in Edgcomb Co., North Carolina, (was a Revolutionary Soldier in Col. Thomas Hunter's Reg., North Carolina Volunteers.) Issue: 3. Daniel b. Dec. 23, 1786 d. Aug. 2, 1857. At the age of fifteen went with Capt. William's Co., to Natchez, Miss. to quell an Indian and Spanish Rebellion. Later was with Gen. William H. Harrison in the Battle of Lake Erie. On May 1, 1804 m. Elizabeth Loyd, b. Dec. 5, 1789, d. Nov. 7, 1845 in Bedford Co., Tenn. Moved to Kingston 1810. Served under Col. Uriah Allison in War of 1812. Issue, (a) John Wesly, 1. Jan. 2nd, 1805, d. 1874, (b) William Houston b. Feb. 1, 1807, (c) Edith G. b. June 1, 1809, (d) Rachel Loyd, b. Sept. 22, 1811. (e) George W. b. Mar. 27, 1814, (f) Daniel Loyd b. Nov. 30, 1816, (g) Minerva M. b. June 8, 1819, (h) Carroll B. b. Sept. 24, 1821, (i) Lewis M. m. June 28, 1823, (j) Christopher Columbus b. Jan. 17, 1826, (k) James A. b. Sep. 3, 1828, (1) Elizabeth Jane, b. Oct. 24, 1829. On Feb. 6, 1851 m. Mary A. Breedlove. Issue, (a) Margaret Louisa, b. Feb. 17, 1852, (b) Francis Asbury b. Jan. 20, 1854, (c) Charles W. b. Jan. 16, 1856. 4. (a) John Wesley m. Mar. 26, 1836 1st. Mary Jane Brown, b. 1816, d. 1843. Issue: (a) Sarah Brown. John Wesley in 1844 m. Catherine Jane Allison b. Jan. 1822, d. 1864. Issue, (a) Ephriam Foster, (b) Josephine M., (c) John M., (d) Catherine Ann, (e) Alice, (f) Adelaide V., (g) Edith May, (h) Margaret Hamilton, (i) Annie Maud. 5. (b) Josephine Mariah m. John M. Wester. Issue: (a) John, (b) Elmer, (c) Thomas H., (d) Paul, (e) Marvin, (f) James, (g) Catherine, (h) Grady. 5. (a) Sarah dau. of John Wesley and Mary Brown Wester m. 1878 Wiley W. Love. 5. (d) Catherine Ann m. 1st. Harry Miles, 2nd. John Hathaway. Issue: Maude Miles, Eola Miles, Earl Miles, Carl Miles. 2nd. John Hathaway. 5. (e) Alice m. 1872 Robert Kendrick. Issue, (a) Willie, (b) Charles W., (c) Robbie May. 2nd Henry Crowder. Issue: (a) Katherine, (b) Ford, (c) Tully. 302 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 5. (f) Adelaide Victoria m. 1878 Thomas King. (See King.) 5. (h) Margaret H. m. Nov. 13, 1879. Thomas C. Erwin. Issue, (a) Maud, (b) Robbie May, (c) Thomas C., (d) Margaret H., (e) Josephine. 5. (i) Annie M., m. 1888 John F. McNutt. 4. (b) William Houston m. 1st. Dec. 30, 1827 Keziah Cardwell, b. 1810, d. 1844. Issue, (a) Rachel. 2nd. Minerva Stone. 5. (a) Rachel b. Dec. 5, 1828, m. William McKamey. 4. (c) Edith G. m. Feb. 17, 1826, John Turner. Issue: (a) William b. Dec. 2, 1826, (b) John L. b. Sept. 26, 1828, (c) Elizabeth, b, Oct. 1830, (d) Daniel M. b. Oct. 27, 1831, (e) Nathaniel B. b. Nov. 7, 1833, (f) Margaret S. b. Dec. 13, 1835, (g) Rachel Denny, b. July 4, 1838, (h) Christo- pher b. Apr. 27, 1840, (i) Thomas b. May 5, 1843, (j) Albert b. Aug. 22, 1845. 4. (d) Rachel Loyd m. Feb. 13, 1834, John Hamilton. Issue: (a) George and Henry, (b) Rachel, (c) Thomas, (d) Sarah, (e) Elizabeth. 5. (a) George, son of Rachel and John m. Elizabeth Luckey. 5. (a) Henry, son of Rachel and John, m. Nannie West. 5. (b) Rachel, dau. of Rachel and John, m. William Green. 4. (e) George Washington, son of Daniel and Elizabeth m Millie Delozier, Apr. 27, 1833. Issue, (a) George W., Jr., (b) James. 4. (f) Daniel Loyd, son of Daniel and Elizabeth m. Sept. 17, 1835, Julinda Claiborn, b. July 5, 1817. 4. (g) Minerva Marion b. Jan. 8, 1819 m. Aug. 4, 1839 John Yandel. Issue, (a) William H., b. Oct. 17, 1839, (b) John W. b. Feb. 7, 1843, (c) Sarah E. b. Oct. 19, 1845. 4. (h) Lewis Marshall. 1st. m. Oct. 24, 1841 Sarah Hamel. Issue: (a) Rachel, b. 1842, (b) John M. b. 1845, (c) Josephine Mariah b. 1848, (d) Sarah, 2nd. wife, Catherine Yost b. 1829. Issue, (a) Mary (b) Katie, (c) Margaret. 3rd. wife was Martha Brown Smith. 4. (j) Christopher Columbus 1st. m. Mar. 30, 1848 Mary A. Johnson b. Jan. 8, 1824. Issue: (a) Samuel Daniel, 303 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY b. Jan 10. 1849, (b) James Marshall. b. July 4. 1850, (c) John W., b. Jaan. 14, 1852, (d) William C., b. Nov. 17, 1854, (e) Lizzie Gates b. Aug. 14. 1855. (f) Mary Kate, (g) Rachel Arabell. (h) John C., (i) Henry J. 2nd wife Eliza- beth Roddy, m. Mar. 5, 1878. 4. (1) Elizabeth Jane, dau. of Daniel and Elizabeth m. Feb. 6. 1845 Thomas B. Coleman, Issue. (a) Scott, (b) Mar- garet, (c) Ida May. 5. Margaret Louisa, dau. of Daniel and Mary Breedlove Wester, m. William Wann. 5. Francis Asbury, son of Daniel and Mary m. Martha Issue: (a) Francis Asbury. (b) James. (c) Lillian, (d) Lucile, (e) Thomas, (f) Charles. 6. (c) Margaret, dau. of Lewis Marshall Wester m. 1874 John Wright. Issue. (a) John. (b) William, (c) 6. (a) Samuel D., son of Christopher Wester m. Lelia A. Rice. 6. (e) Elizabeth Gates, dau. of Christopher m. Ruel Mc- Goughey. Issue. (a) Nellie. 6. (d) William, son of Christopher m. Mary Neil. Issue, Earl, who married Lucille Gerstle. 5. (a) Issue of Daniel L. and Julinda Wester. (a) Loyd. 5. (a) Issue of Lewis M. and Sarah H. Wester (a) Rachel b. 1842 m. 1857, James Sturges. (b) John M., b. 1845 m. Josephine Maria Wester 1865. (c) Cornelia, m. Charles Stegall. 5. (c) Ida May, dau. of Elizabeth Jane and Thomas B. Coleman b. 1850 m. Crickman. 6. (a) Katherine, dau. of Alice and Henry Crowder m. Fred Haggard. 6. (b) Ford, son of Alice and Henry Crowder m. Gladys Thompson. 6. (f) Tully, son of Alice and Henry Crowder m. Clara May Marshall Issue: (a) Henry Thomas, (b) Martha Ann. 6. (a) Maud, dau. of Adelaide and Thomas King m. Frank Robinson. 6. (c) Josephine, dau. of Adelaide and Thomas King m. James Jones. 304 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY 6. (a) Maud, dau. of Margaret and Thomas Ervin m. George Wrinkleman. 6. (b) Robbie May m. Fletcher Howell. 6. (d) Margaret H. m. Charles M. Ford. 6. (e) Josephine m. Capt. Charles M. Kemp. 6. Issue of George Hamilton and Elizabeth Luckey Hamilton, (a) Jennie, and Elizabeth, (b) Seth, (c) George, (d) Neal, (e) Henry. 6. (a) Elizabeth m. Thomas Hardadge. 6. Issue of Henry and Nannie West Hamilton, (a) Willia, (b) Katherine. 5. (a) Issue of Rachel, dau. of William Houston Wester m. 1848 William McKamey, (a) Albert. 6. (c) William m. Ruby Bullock. 6. (a) Maud, dau. of Catherine Ann and Harry Miles m. Owens. Issue. 6. (b) Eola Miles m. Elmer Elsworth m. May Chambers. 305 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY WILKEY 1. Samuel m. Cynthia Hartley June 2, 1840. 1. Roger m. Oct. 29, 1836 Mariah West. 1. Martin m. Jan. 15, 1839 Letitia Yost. Issue, (a) Calvin Vanburen, (b) Delia, (c) Walter, (d) Martha, (d) Mary, (e) Thomas, (f) Sally, (g) James. 2. (a) Calvin Vanburen m. Elvira Underwood. Issue, (a) Maggie, (b) Evans, (c) Charlie, (d) Mack, (e) Martin, (f) Ella. 2. (b) Delia m. Jack Marney. Issue, (a) Sally, (b) Walter m. Belle Campbell. 2. (d) Martha m. Thomas Wright. Issue, (a) Delia, (b) Elizabeth. 2. (d) Mary, twin sister of Martha m. Pleasant Wilson. Issue, (a) Walter (b) Kate, (c) William. Issue: 2. (e) Thomas m. Lucilla Owings 1886. (a) Frances Dalton b. 1889 m. 1915 William J. Thig- pen, b. 1877. (b) Letitia. (c) Kathryn. 3. William J. Thigpen m. Frances Dalton Wilkey. Issue: (a) Kathryn b. 1919. (b) Jane Randolph, b. 1925. 2. (f) Sally m. James Robinson. Issue of Walter and Belle Wilkey: 3. (a) Clyde Wilkey, m. Frank Wright. 3. (b) Eugene B. m. Katherine Hunter. 3. (c) Hugh m. Geraldine Henderson. 306 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY WINTON 1. John b. Nov. 8, 1761 m. Arabella Cunningham, b. May 18, 1763. They settled near Muddy Creek Station before 1775. Issue, (a) William, (b) James, (c) Stephen, (d) Rob- ert, (e) Nancy (f) Mary, (g) Dollie, (h) Lucretia. John was a minister of the Methodist Church. 2. (a) William m. Mary Mitchell, dau. of Rev. Morris Mitchell. Issue, George B. 2. (b) James b. 1789 m. Rhoda Mitchell b. 1796. Issue, (a) Wiley B., (b) John A., (c) Frank, (d) Rufe, (e) Albert, (f) Lucretia, (g) Harriet. 2. (d) Robert m. Susie Jackson. Issue, (a) William, (b) James, (c) Robert, (d) Jefferson, (e) Susie (f) Dollie. 3. (b) James m. Jan. 22, 1840 Jane Alford. 2. (e) Nancy m. Samuel Johnson. Issue, (a) William, (b) James, (c) John, (d) Mary. 2. (f) Mary m. John A. Montgomery. 2. (g) Dollie m. John Grant. Issue, (a) Cape, (b) Dollie. 3. (b) John A. b. Feb. 2, 1819, son of James m. Feb. 2, 1843 Susan Baker of Va. 2nd. wife Correy, dau. of John Y. Smith. Issue, (a) John Lenoir, (b) Mary. 3. (e) Albert m. Bettie Gillam. 3. (f) Lucretia m. Elijah Haley Sept. 25, 1839. Issue, (a) John B., (b) Elijah, (c) George, (d) Mary (e). 3. (g) Harriet, dau. of James and Rhoda m. Christopher Kimmer. Issue, James, Susan, Louisa. John W. b. Aug. 19, 1829 m. Eliza Browder. Issue: Julia C. and others. Julia, dau of John W. and Eliza m. George W. Hardin July 30, 1861. Amanda Winton m. Oct. 6, 1852 Thomas Jones. 307 THE HISTORY OF ROANE COUNTY EARLY RESIDENTS OF ROANE COUNTY James and Achasa (Ponder) Freeman came from Virginia. Daniel and Mary (Brashears) Mason. George and Elizabeth Preston. James and Charlotte Preston all of Virginia. Hugh McGill b. Feb. 5, 1802. m. Rebecca Smith b. Dec. 11 1805. William Hyden and Mary (Baldwin) Hyden. Major John and Catherine Leftwich from Virginia. Capt. Samuel Walker b. 1748 in Botetourt Co., Va., m. Susan McDonald. Their daughter. Jane Patterson m. John McKamey. Col. Joel Hambree b. Mar. 25. 1793 in Spartanburg, South Carolina a soldier of 1812 and War with Mexico. Served three terms in State Legislature and was in the State Senate. Absalom Fooshee b. Nov. 20, 1797 in North Carolina. John Fooshee b. Nov. 28, 1817 and his wife Susan (Hinds). Thomas A. R. Nelson born in Roane Co. was elected Judge of the Supreme Court in 1875. Thomas C. Lyons b. 1810 in Roane Co. Was a brilliant lawyer and profound Jurist. He served on the Staff of General Wood during the Mexican War with the rank of Major. John Ross went to school in Kingston, was a clerk in the store of William D. Neilson and began his public career in 1809. He was appointed by Return J. McMinn as agent to the Cherokee Indians. Samuel Houston was a clerk in the store of John McEwen. when he was a young man. Thomas Jefferson Mason, 2nd. Lieut. in United States Army assisted in the removal of the Cherokee Indians. Lieut. Carrick, age 19, while with the 4th Regiment U. S. Cavalry at Post Oak Springs died and is buried in the grave yard as are Captain Samuel Walker, Colonel Abraham Mc- Clelland and other Soldiers. 308 PATRONS THE FOLLOWING PATRONS HAVE MADE THE PUBLICATION OF THIS BOOK POSSIBLE AND THE AUTHOR ACKNOWLEDGES WITH GRATEFUL AP- PRECIATION THEIR INTEREST AND ENCOURAGE- MENT. MR. AND MRS. GARNETT ANDREWS MR. AND MRS. PAUL J. KRUESI MRS. JOHN S. POINDEXTER MR. AND MRS. J. A. HUFF MRS. ZEBOIM CARTTER PATTEN MRS. A. L. ROBERTSON MRS. T. ASBURY WRIGHT MRS. J. F. TARWATER MRS. FREDERICK SAYFORD BACON MARK SENTER J. T. THOMASSON DR. J. C. WILSON ROBERT A. LITTLETON JAMES F. EBLEN COMMODORE ALBERT LENOIR KEY MARTIN L. LITTLETON "A CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS Mrs John Trotwood Moore's name should be added to the list of Patrons. Page 44 sixth line from bottom read Thomasson for Tomasson. Page 29 and 30 in List of Revolutionary Soldiers not on Pension List the name James Campbell should appear but once. Page 181 eighth line from top read Wiehl for Weil. 1 DATE DUE 12-18-81 8/13/82 2-1295 GAYLORD PRINTED IN U S.A AX 000 364 159 FEB 1 41