University of Virginia Library BS1434 .C6 concordance to the Book of P LogitDEO MET a RST (IA Y CL ELEANOR g ary mi LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Ln Nae PRESENTED BY DR. EDGAR WOODS, JR. DME ME yt a gee ee — tase , LGA , i va Ag eee or ee OG 4 re bce lbne et i a ea eet Te egegles Teed pee, EAE) ek) s SSS iN SSE ER SS SSA SR . SAS xSRE Tat SEATS eR4 . iy ~*‘ : = < ss * Ree XO S833 SS . ‘ a x an ; ‘ a SS \ SES . SA * S SOs * aS ~ SOS SSeS x : = SN \ : . \ SEO WS SA PAO oo WNA CONCORDANCE TO THE S POQK OF PSALM IN THE AUTHORIZED VERSION: d TOGETHER WITIi A CONCORDANCE TO FHE PSALIGR BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER, IN ITS VARIATIONS FROM THE AUTHORIZED VERSION. NEW YORK: ANSON: D. E. RANDOLPH & COMPANY, goo BROADWAY, COR. 20th STREET. SOS USS SO bb!Copyright, 1877, by ANSON D. F. RANDOLPH & COMPANY.ERE F A C.E. Tuis little volume is intended to scrve a double pur- pose: It furnishes, in portable form, such a full Concordance of the Psalms of the Authorized Version as will secure readier command of the resources of this storehouse of spiritual consolation, in christian, and especially in Pas- toral visitation to the afflicted, the sick, and the suf- fering. It provides, also, the means for removing that em- barrassment and confusion, which every Episcopalian must have experienced, arising from the divergencies between the Authorized and the Psalter versions, and from their peculiar familiarity with the latter, owing to its habitual use in public worship. Episcopal pastors have more than once complained to the author, of long and vain search in their “Cruden,” for some well-remem- bered passage, which was nowhere there to be found; for the simple reason that memory carried the more familiar phraseology of the Psalter, instead of that of King James’ version. In order to secure the desired end in the most com- pendious form, and with as little addition as possible to the bulk of the volume, Part II. concords only so much of the wording of the Psalter as differs from that of the other version. ‘This furnishes the requisite comparisonPREFACE. Ree re ae je of the two; and, at the same time, as will be seen, really supplies, in combination with Part I., a complete Con- cordance of the Psalter also. The only other Concordances of the Psalter known to the author are the Rev. Chas. Girdlestone’s, and that of the Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge, contained in their massive volume of quadruple Con- cordance. These are quite unavailable to an American public for the purposes of this work. The author hopes that the supplying of this special facility for the more effective use of these “Songs of the Lord,” may prove of some value to Christian workers. - No other exists, so far as she is aware, combining the features here pre- sented. The book is the result of an entirely fresh examination and collation of the two versions. It will be found, as is believed, full and accurate. If clerical or typographi- cal errors or omissions should be detected in the course of use, prompt notice of the same is requested at the address of the publisher, so that they may be corrected in any future edition. In case material alterations shall be called for by a general acceptance of the result of the Revision-Com- mittee’s labors, such will be incorporated at some future time in the form of an Appendix. juuy, 1977.@ CONCORDANCE He BOOK OF PSAaEie ACCORDING TO THE AUTHORIZED VERSION.eX SSE . SN SA SS . SASS AAR MyA CONCORDANCE TO THE SoU Ker PSALMS ACCORDING TO THE AUTHORIZED VERSION. AARON. 77: 20. by the hand of Moses and A. 99: 6. Moses and 4. among his priests 105: 26. and A. whom he had chosen 106: 16. A. the saint of the Lord 115: 10. O house of 4. trust in the Lord 12. will bless the house of A. 118: 3. let the house of 4. now say 133: 2. the beard, even A.’s beard 135: 19. bless the Lord, O house of A. ABHOR. 5:6. the Lord will a. the bloody and 11g: 163. a. lying, but thy lawdo I love ABHORRED. 22: 24. he hath not despised nor a, 78:59. greatly a. Israel 89: 38. thou hast cast off and a. 106: 40. @. his own inheritance ABHORRETH. 10: 3. blesseth the covetous whom the Lord a. 36: 4. he a. not evil 107: 18. soul a. all manner of meat A ABIDE. 15: 1. Lord, who shall a. in thy taber- nacle ? 61: 4. I will a. in thy tabernacle forever 7. he shall a. before God forever 91: 1. shall a, under the shadow of ABIDE CEL 49: 12. man being in honor, a. not 55: 19. even he that a. of old 119: go. hast established the earth, and it 2: 125: 1. be removed, but a, forever ABIRAM. 106: 17. covered the Se of A. ABJE an. 75. the 2. a obs to- gether ABLE. 18: 38. that they were not a. to rise 21: 11. device, which they are not a. to perform 36: 12. shall not be-a. to rise 40: 12. so that I am not a. to look up eee TA: 53: | x18: 88: ABOMINABLE. 1. they have done a. works 1. have done a. iniquity ABOMINATION. 8. made me an a. unto them ABOU. 3: 6. set themselves against me round a, 8g. 8: x. who hast set thy Io: 1S: 45: 50: L597 - 3 ite 80 oO. ich a: 9 7. all them that are a. him ro. all nations compassed me a. 11. they compassed. me a., yea they compassed me a. ABOVE. glory a. the heav- ens 5. judgments are far a. out of his sight 16. he sent from @.; he took me 48. liftest me up a. those that rise up 7. the oil of gladness a. thy fellows 4. call to the heavens from @. 5. exalted, O God, a. the heavens, LZ. 5. let thy glory be a. all the earth, Il. : 23. commanded the clouds from a. . agreat King a. all gods “£0 he feared a. all gods all the earth 9. far a. all gods 2. ee a. all the people 99: TOs f . heav en is high a. the earth 108: 4. mercy is great a, the heavens 5. exalted, O God, a. the heavens 5. thy glory a. all the earth 153 . high a. all nations . his glory a. the heavens ye ee a. gold; yea, a. fine gold 135: 5. our Lord is a. all gods 136: 6. the earth a. the waters 137: 6. Jerusalem a. my chief joy 138: 2. thy word a. all thy name 148: 4. waters that be a. the heavens 47: | 105: 13. his glory is a. the earth ABRAHAM. 9. the people of the God of A. 6. O ye seed of A. his servant IABR CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALI/S. AFA 105: g. covenant he made with A. 42. promise, and A. his servant ABROAD. ; 41: 6. when he goeth a. he telleth it 77:17. thine arrows also went a. ABUNDANCE. S77 11. im the @. of peace 52:7. in the a. of his riches 72:7. a. of peace, so long as the moon 105 : 30. brought forth frogs in a. ABUNDANTLY. 36: 8. bea. satisfied with the fatness 65: 10. the ridges thereof a, 132: 15. a. bless her provision 145: 7+ Shall a. utter the memory ACCEPT. 20: 3. and a. thy burnt sacrifice 82:2. a. the persons of the wicked 119: 108. a. I beseech thee, the free-will ACCEPTABLE. 19: 14. meditation of my heart be a. 6g: 13. unto thee, O Lord, in an a. time ACCOMPLISH. 64: 6. they a. a diligent search ACCORDING. 7:8. judge me, O Lord, a. to my right- eousness 8. a. to mine integrity that is in me 18:20. rewarded me a. to my right- eousness 20. a. to the cleanness of my hands, 24. 24. recompensed me a. to my right- eousness . grant thee a. to thine own heart . a. to thy mercy remember thou . give them a. to their deeds . a. to the wickedness of their en- deavors 33: 22. mercy, O Lord, be upon us, a. as 35: 24. a. to thy righteousness 48: 10 a. to thy name, O God 51: 1. @. to thy loving-kindness I. a unto the multitude of thy tender 62: 12. to every man a. to his work 69: 16. a. to the multitude of thy 74:5. famous, a. as he had lifted 78: 72. a. to the integrity of his heart 79: 11. a. to the greatness of thy power g0: 11. even a. to thy fear, so is thy wrath 15. @. to the days wherein thou hast 163: 10. @. to our iniquities 106: 45. @. tothe multitude of his mer- cies O save a. to thy mercy taking heed thereto a. to thy word 28, strengthen me, a. unto thy word 41. thy salvation, a. unto thy word 58. merciful unto me, a. to thy word 65. thy servant, O Lord, @. unto thy word 20: 25: 28: PR QS 10g: 26. I1Q: 9. 119: 76. a. to thy word unto thy servant gi. this day a. to thine ordinances 107. quicken me, O Lord, a. unto thy word 116. uphold me a. unto thy word 124. thy servant a. unto thy mercy 149. quicken me a. to thy judgment 154. quicken me @. to thy word, 25 156. quicken mea. to thy judgments 159. a. to thy loving-kindness, 149. 169. understanding a. to thy word 170. deliver me a. to thy word 150: 2. @. to his excellent greatness ACCOUNT: 144: 3. that thou makest a. of him ACCOUNTED. 22: 30. it shall be a. to the Lord for ACKNOWLEDGE-D. 51:3. 1 a. my trangressions 32: 5. I a-d my sin unto thee ACQUAINTANCE. 31: 11. a fedr to nine 2, 55: 13. my guide and mine a. 88: 8. put away mine a. far from me 18. mine a. into darkness ACQUAINTED. 139: 3. @. with all my ways ACIS: 103: 7. his a. unto the children of Israel iL 106: 2. the mighty a. of the Lord 145: 4. declare thy mighty a. 6. the might of thy terrible a. 12. sons of men, his mighty a. ADD. a. iniquity unto their iniquity ADDER. 58: 4. deaf a. that stoppeth her ear gi: 13. tread upon the lion and a. 140: 3. a@’s poison is under their lips ADULTERERS. 18. been partaker with a. ADVERSARY. how long shall the a. reproach ? ADVERSARIES. evil for good, are mine a. mine a. are all before thee that are a. to my soul hand against their a. the right hand of his a. for my love, they are my a. reward of mine a. from Lord 29. a. be clothed with shame ADVERSITY-Zzes. 10: 6. for I shall never be in a. 35: 15. in mine a, they rejoiced 94: 13. rest from the days of a. 31: 7. hast known my soul in a-tzes AFAR off. 10: 1. why standest thou a. off, O Lord 38: 11. my kinsmen stand a. off 65:5. them that area. off upon the sea 138: 6. the proud he knoweth a. of 139: 2. understandest my thought a. of Go $27. 50% Fat LO. 38.5 20. 69 : 19. 752 13. Om + 4h 89: 42. 1OO= 4. 20. theAFF AFFAIRS. | guide his a. with discretion AFFLICT | 44: 2. how thou didst a. the people | | | 12" 5. 55: 19. God shall hear and a. them 89: 22. son of wickedness a. him 94. 5. and a. thine heritage 143° 12. them that a. my soul AFFLICTED. 18: 27. thou wilt save the a. people 22: 24. abhorred the affliction of the a. 25: 16. I am desolate and a. 82:3. do justice to the a. and needy 88: 7. thou hast a. me with all thy 15. | am a. and ready to die go: 15. days wherein thou hast a. us 107: 17. because of their iniquities are a. 116: 10. I was greatly a. 119: 67. before I was a. I went astray | 71. good for me that I have been a. 75. thou in faithfulness hast a. me 107. Lama. very much ; quicken me 129: 1. @. me from my youth, 2. 140: 12. maintain the cause of the a. AFFLICTION. 22:24. nor abhorred the a. of the | afflicted 25:.18. look upon mine a. and my pain | 44:24. forgettest our a. and our Op- | pression 66: 11. thou laidst @. upon our loins 88:9. mourneth by reason of a. 100: 44. he regarded their a. 107: 10. bound in a. and iron 39. Oppression, a. and sorrow 41. the poor on high from a, 119: 50. this is my comfort in my a. 92. should then have perished in mine a. 153. consider mine a. and deliver me AFFLICTIONS. 34: 19. many are the a. of the righteous 132: 1. David and all his a. AFFORDING. 144: 13. @. all manner of store AFORE. 129:6. withereth a, it groweth up AFRAID. 3: 6. I will not be a. of ten thousands 18:4. floods of ungoliy men made me 2, 15: 45.-be.2. ott e their close places 2 :1. of whom shall I bea. ? 49:16. a. when one is made rich 50: 3. what time I am a. I will trust 11. I will not be a. what man 65: 8. in the uttermost parts are a. at 77:16. they were a.; the depths also were 83: 15. a. with thy storm gt: 5. not bea. for the terror by night 112: 7. not bea. of evil tidings 8. he shall not be a., unil he 119: 120. | am a. of thy judgments CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. AGA AFTER. 49: 11. call their lands a. their own names 63: 8. my soul followeth hard a. thee | 103: ro. not dealt with us a@. our sins 119: 85. pits for me, which are not a, | thy law AFTERWARD. : 24. and a. receive me to glory AGAIN. 37: 21. wicked borroweth and payeth not @. 60: 1. O turn thyself to us a. 71: 20. shalt quicken me a. 20. bring me up a. from the depths | 762 30. passeth 1away,andcometh not a, | 80: 3. turn us a., O God, and cause 7. turn us a., O God of hosts g. turn us a., O Lord God of hosts 85: 6. wilt thou not revive us a. ? 8. not turn a, to folly 104: Q. turn not a. to cover the earth 107 > 20, aay n a. to the depths 39. a, they are minished and 140:; 10: that they rise not up @. AGAINST. | 2: 2. a. the Lord and a. his anointed 7: 13. ordaineth his arrows a. the per- secutors 15:3. a reproach a. his neighbor 5. nor taketh reward a. the inno- cent 21: 12. upon thy strings a. the face of r: 18. proudly and contemptuously a. the righteous 37:1. envious a. the workers of iniquity 12. wicked plotteth a. the just 43:1. my cause a. an ungodly nation 44: 5. them under that rise up a. us 50: 20. speakest a. thy brother 55:20. @. such as be at peace 62: 3. imagine mischief @. a man 725.0: their mouth a. the heavens 15. | should offend a. the genera~ tion 74:1. a. the sheep of thy pasture 78: 19. they spake a. God 21. anger also came up a. Israel | 79: 8. O remember not a. us former 80: 4. a. the prayer of thy people 8x: 14. my hand a. their adversaries 83: 3. crafty counsel a. thy people 3. consulted a. thy hidden ones git: 12. dash thy foot a. a stone 94: 16. a. the workers of iniquity 21. a. the soul of the righteous 105: 28. rebelled not a. his word 106: 40. wrath of the Lord kindled a. his people 107: 11. rebelled a. the words of God 10g: 20. speak evil a. my soul 124: 2. when men rose up @. us 3. wrath was kindled @. us 137 little ones a, the stones 3AGA CONCORDANCE. TO THE PSALMS. ALL 138: 7. a. the wrath of mine enemies AH. d AGAINST zm. 35:25. a. so would we have it 13: 4. say, I have prevailed a. him AECA. 78:17. sinned yet more a. kim 35 : 21. a. a. our eye hath seen it AGAINST me. 40:15. that say unto me, a. a. r. many are they that rise up a. me 70: 3. of their shame that say, @. a. ; 6. people that have set themselves a. me 18: 39. those that rose up a. me 48. above those that rise up a. me 27:3. an host should encamp a. me 3. though war should rise a, me 12. false witnesses are risen up @. me 13. took counsel together a. me fight a. them that fight a. me gathered themselves together a. W2E 21. opened their mouth wide a. me 26. magnify themselves a. me : 11. the foot of pride come a. we : 16. they magnify themselves a. me : 7. whisper together a. me 7. a. me do they devise my hurt g. hath lifted up his heel a. me 54: 3. strangers are risen up a. me 55: 12. did magnify himself a. me 18. from the battle that was a. me 56: 2. they be many that fight a. me 5. thoughts are a. we for evil 1. from them that rise up a. me 3. the mighty are gathered a. me a - I. Ts 59: 65: 3. iniquities prevail a. me 69: 12. sit in the gate speak a. me 71: 10. mine enemies speak a. me 86: 14. the proud are risen a. me 92: 11. wicked that rise up a. me 102: 8. mad a. we are sworn a. me 109: 2. of the deceitful are-opened a. me 2. spoken a. me with a lying AGAINST Zhee. 5: 10. for they have rebelled a. thee 21: 11. they intended evil a. thee 41: 4. I have sinned a. thee 50: 7. I will testify a. thee 51:4. @. thee, thee only have I sinned 53:5. bones of him that encampeth a. thee 74: 23. those that rise up a. thee 83:5. they are confederate a. thee 119: 11. that I might not sin a. thee 139: 21. those that rise up a. thee AGAINST ¢khem. 17: 7. from those that rise up a. them 34: 16. face of the Lord is a. them that do evil 35:3. @. them that persecute me 20. devise deceitful matters a. them 106 :.26. lifted up his hand a. them AGE 39:5. mine @, is as nothing before thee 71:9. 1n the time of old a. 92: 14. bring forth fruit in old a. 4 | | | | | | 70: Q. Z, AILED. 114: 5. what a. thee, O thou sea AIR. 8: 8. fowl of the a. and the fish of the ALIEN. 69: 8. an a. unto my mother’s children ALIKE 33: 15. he fashioneth their hearts a. 139: 12. and light are both a. to thee LIVE. 22:29. none can keep a. his own soul 30: 3. thou hast kept me a. 33: 19. to keep them a. in famine 41: 2. preserve him and keep him a. ALL 2:12. blessed are a. they that put their 6: 10. let a2. mine enemies be ashamed 9:1. show forth a. thy marvellous works 10: 4. God is not in a. his thoughts 14:3. @ gone aside, they are a. to- gether become filthy 18: 22. a. his judgments were before me 22:7. a. they that see me laugh me to 14. a. my bones are out of joint 25: 10. a. the paths of the Lord are mercy 18. and forgive a. my sins 34: 1. I will bless the Lord at a. times 4. delivered me from a. my fears 17. delivereth them out of a. their troubles 19. the Lord delivereth him out of them a. 20. he keepeth a. his bones 35: 10, a. my bones shall say, Lord,who 38: 9. Lord, a. my desire is before thee 39: 8. deliver me from a. my transgres- sions 12. a Sojourner as a, my fathers were 44:17. a. this is come upon us 51: 9. blot out a. mine iniquities 54:7. delivered me out of a. trouble 56: 5. a. their thoughts are against me 59:8. shalt have @. the heathen in derision 62: 3. ye shall be slain, a. of you 8. trust in him at a. times 64:8. a. that see them shall flee away g. @. men shall fear 65: 2. unto thee shall a. flesh come 73: 28. may declare a. thy works 74: 3. @. that the enemy hath done 75:3. @. the inhabitants thereof ro. a. the horns of the wicked the meek of the earth that be round about him bring Il. &,ALL 77: 12. meditate also of a. thy work 78: 32. for a. this, they sinned still 38. did not stir up a. his wrath 51. smote a. the first-born in 80: 12. a. they which pass by the way 82:5. a. the foundations of the earth 6. a. of you are children of the Most High 83: 11. a. their princes as Zebah 85:2. hast covered a. their sin 3. hast taken away a. thy wrath 86:5. unto a. them that call upon thee 87: 2. more than a, the dwellings of 7. a. My springs are in thee 88: 7. afflicted me with a. thy waves 89: 7. in reverence of a. them that are 40. hast broken down a. his hedges 41. @, that pass by the way spoil 42. a. his enemies to rejoice 50. the reproach of a. the mighty 90:9. @. our days are passed away gr: 11. to keep thee in a. thy ways 94: 15. a. the upright in heart shall 96: 4. to be feared above a. gods 5. @. the gods of the nations are 12. a. the trees of the wood rejoice 97: 7- confounded be a. they that serve | g. art exalted far above a. gods 102: 26. a. of them shall wax old 103: 1. @. that is within me, bless 2. forget not a. his benefits 3- who healeth a. thy diseases . his kingdom ruleth over a. in a. places of his dominion . wisdom hast thou made them a. . these wait @. upon thee . ruler of a. his substance . lice in a. their coasts 6. smote also a, the first-born 106: 2. show forth a. his praise 3. doeth righteousness at a. times 12. @. his benefits toward me 6. respect unto a. thy command- ments I4. as much as in a. riches zo. hath unto thy judgments at a. times companion of a, them that fear thee gi. for a. are thy servants 118. @. them that err from thy stat- utes 168. for a. my ways are before thee 121: 7. preserve thee from a. evil 132: 1. David and a. his afflictions 135: 9. Pharaoh and upon a. his serv- ants a. the kingdoms of Canaan 138: 2. thy word above a. thy name 145: 9. the Lord is good to a, . nigh unto a. them that call 149: 9. this honour have a. his saints ALL generations. to be remembered in a. g. r10: 119g: 63. II. 452 17. CONCORDANCE TO PHRE PSALMS. ALL 49: 11. their dwelling-places to a. ¢. 72: 5. moon endure, throughout a. ¢. 79: 13. thy praise, to a2. 2. 89: 4. thy throne to a. g. go: x. our dwelling-place in a. ¢. too: 5. truth endureth to a. ¢. ALL zations or the nations. 9:17. a. t. x. that forget God 72:17. a. 2. shall call him blessed 82:8. thou shalt inherit a. x. 86: 9. a. x, whom thou hast made 118: 10. a. x. compassed me about ALL the Zeofple. 67 : 3. let a. the f. praise thee, 5. 97: 6. a. the p. see his glory 99: 2. high above a. the Z. 116: 14. presence of a. his Z., 18. ALL ¢hose. 5: 11. let a. 4. that put their trust 18: 30. a buckler to a. ¢. that trust in 70: 4. let a. ¢, that seek thee, rejoice ALL the workers of iniquity. 4. have a. the w. of 7. no knowl- ledge 7. when a. the w. of 7. do flourish g. a. the w. of z. shall be scattered 4. a. the w. of z. boast themselves ALL kis or thy works. 103: 22. a. Azs w. in all places of 143: 5. I meditate on a. thy w. 145: 9. mercies are over a. his w. 17. holy in a. Azs w. L ye. 6: 8. depart from me, a. ye workers of 31: 23. love the Lord, a. ye his saints 24. your heart, a. ye that hope 1. clap your hands, a. ye people I. give ear, a. ye inhabitants 1. hear this, a. ye people 66: 1. joyful noise unto God, a. ye lands 97: 7. worship him, a. ve gods 100: I. noise unto the Lord, a. ye lands 103: 21. bless ye the Lord, a. ye his hosts 1. praise the Lord, a. ye nations a. ye servants of the Lord a. ye stars of light LL the day. 38: 12. imagine deceits a. ¢. d. long 44: 8. in God we boast a. ¢. d. long 22. killed a. ¢. d. long 8. with thy honour a. ¢. d. 15. thy salvation a. ¢. d. 24. of thy righteousness a. ¢. d. long 73:14. a.¢.d.long have I been plagued 102: 8. enemies reproach me a. ¢. d. 119: 97. it is my meditation a. 7. d. ALL the earth. 33: 8. let a. ¢. e. fear the Lord 45: 16. make princes in‘a. Z. é. 47:2. he is a great king over @. 7. é. 7. God is the king of a. ¢. e. 5. let thy glory be above a. ¢.e., 11. 4. a. ¢. e. Shall worship thee 5 ta: gz: 94: 47: 49 : Li7 : T34o X. 148 : 3. 70% 57: 66:ALL CONCORDANCE TO-TAE PSALATS. AMO 83: 18. the Most High over a. ¢. e. 78: 55. cast out the | eathen a. 96: 1. sing untaq the Lord, a. ¢. e. 62. his people over @. unto the g. fear before him, a. #. eé. sword : 97:9. Lord, art high above a. ¢. e. ; 81: 16. should have fed them a. with 98: 4. joyful noise unto the Lord, a. ¢.e. | 83: 8. Assur a. is joined with them 105: 7. his judgments are in a. #. é. 89: 5. faithfulness a. in the congrega-= ALL things. 8:6. hast put a. ¢. under his feet 57: 2. God that performeth a. ¢. for me 11g: 128. concerning @. ¢. to be right See also, COMMANDMENTS axd Days. ALMIGHTY. 68: 14. when the 4.'scattered kings gt: 1. under the shadow of the 4. ALMOST. 73:2. my feet were a. gone 94:17. a. dwelt in silence 119: 45: Sa: 86: 102: 130: 148 : Bo: Bre SO 59-110, | : 81: 1X. sing a. unto God our strength 132 87. had @. consumed me upon earth ALOES. 8. smell of myrrh and a. and cassia 18. ; Io. whose name a. is Jehovah thou art God a. 7. Sparrow a. upon the house-top 4. who a. doeth great wonders 13. his name a. is excellent. ALOOF. my lovers and friends stand a. ALOUD. 14. sing a. of thy righteousness 17. at noon will I pray and cry a. 16, I will sing a. of thy mercy 13 & : 16. her saints shall shout a. for joy 149: 5. Sing @. upon their beds LSO Zs 3. his leaf a. shall not wither 5: 11. let them a. that love thy name 37: 4. delight thyself a. in the Lord 40:2. me up a. out of an horrible pit 52:6. the righteous a. shall see and fear 55: 10. mischief a. and sorrow are in 60: 7. Ephraim a. is the strength of 62:12. a, unto thee, O Lord, belongeth 65: 13. the valleys a. are covered over 13. shout for joy, they a. sing 68:1. let them a. that hate him 18. yea, for the rebellious a. 69: 31. this a. shall please the Lord 36. the seed a. of his servants 71: 18. now a. when I am old and 72:8. have dominion a. from sea I5. prayer a. shall be made for 74: 16. the night a. is thine 76: 2. in Salem a. is his tabernacle 77: 12. meditate a. of all thy work 16. the depths a. were troubled 17. thine arrows a. went abroad 78: 20. can he give bread a. ? 27. 46. 48. rained flesh a. upon them gave a. their increase unto the their cattle a. to the hail 6 46 ya. 89: 83: | 21 Q2: 95: Beye oes 119: 3. they a. do no iniquity, 50: 5S 62: 139: 4. lo, O Lord, thou knowest it a. Io: 16: a3 Ar: 106; 84: tion tr. heavens are thine, the earth a. 21. mine arm a. shall strengthen him 27. a. I will make him my first- born 29. his seed a. will I make to endure Ir. mine eye a. shall see my desire 4. strength of the hills is his a. 41. let thy mercies come @, unto ALTAR-S 26:6. so will I compass thine a., O Lor | 43: 4. go unto the a. of God 51 : 19. bullocks upon thine a. 118: 27. unto the horns of the a. 84: 3. even thine a-s, O Lord of hosts ALTER. 89 : 34. nor a. the thing that is gone ALTOGETHER. 19: Q9. are true and righteous a. 39: 5. at his best state is a. vanity 21. that I was a. such an one 3. they are a. become filthy g. @. lighter than vanity ALWAY., g: 18. needy shall not a. be forgotten 11g: 112. to perform thy statutes a. ALWAYS. 5. his ways are a. grievous 8. I have set the Lord a. before me 103: 9. he will not a. chide AM : to. be still, and know that I a. God i501 = Or: 7. La. God, even thy God to. I a. the Lord thy God, which brought AMALEK. 7. Gebal and Ammon and A. AMEN. 13. everlasting to everlasting, A. and A. rg. filled with his glory ; 4.and A. 52. forevermore, A. and A. 48. people say, A., praise ye the Lord. AMIABLE. 1. how a. are thy tabernacles AMMON. 7. Gebal and 4. and Amalek AMONG. 2:1. faithful fail from a. the children : to. seed from a. the children of menAMO they part my garments a. them . areproach a. all mine enemies 11. but especially a. my neighbors 35: 18. praise thee a. much people 45: 9. daughters were a. thy honorable women 55:15. wickedness is in their dwellings and a. them 57:4. my soul is a. lions 4. a. them that are set on fire 68: 13. though ye have lain a. the pots | 17. tie Lord is a. them, 18. Lord God might dwell a. them were the damsels them 2c. 2. 74:9. @. us any that knoweth how long 80: 6. enemies laugh a. themselves 82: 1. he judgeth a. the gods 86:8. a. the gods there is none like go. 5, iree 2. ‘the dead 89: 6. a. the sons of the mighty 99: 6. Moses and Aaron a. his priests 6. Samuel a. them that call 104 : 10, which 8 a. the hills 12. sing a. the branches 105: 27. showed Te signs a. them 37. feeble person a. their tribes 109 : 30. praise him a. the multitude 136: 11. brought out Israel from a. them AMONG the heathen. 18: 49. thanks unto thee, O Lord, a. the h. 44: 11. hast scattered us a. the h. 14. a byword a. the hk. ae 10. exalted a. the h. let him be known a, the h. oo. : eines his glory a. the h. 16. say ae: the @. that the Lord | reigneth were mingled a. the kh. gather us from a. fhe h, then said they a. the kh. AMONG fhe nations. 22: 28. he is the governor a. rhe n. 57:9. I will sing unto thee a. the x. 67: 2. saving health a. adZ x. 106 : 27. their seed also a. the x. 108 : 3, praises unto thee a. the 2. AMONG fhe people. 45:12. even the rich a. the Z. shall 57:9. praise thee, O Lord, a. the J. 77:14. thy strength a. the Z. 94: 8. ye brutish a. the Z. 96: 3. his wonders a, adZ f. 103: 1. his deeds a. the p. 108 : 3. praise thee, O Lord, a. the J. AMORITES. m35:1r. Silton, king of the A.—136: 19 ANCIENT. 77: 5. the years of a. times ANCIENTS. 119: 100. I understand more than thea. 106 35. 106 : 47. 120 +2. CONCORDANCE~TO as in Sinai | at THE. PSALAS, ANO ANGEL. 34:7. the a. of the Lord encampeth 35:5. let thea. of the Lord chase them 6. let the a. of the Lord persecute ANGELS. 8:5. made hima little lowerthan thea. 68:17. twenty thousand, even thou-~ sands of a. 78: 25. man did eat a. food 49. by sending evil a. among them 91: 11. shall give > his a. ch: arge over LO9:: 20. Ve his a. that excel in strength 104: 4. who maketh his a. spirits 148: 2. praise ye him, all his a. ANGER. 6:1. rebuke me not in thine a, 7:6. arise, O Lord, in thine a. BE 20; fiery oven in the time of thine a, 27:9. put not thy servant away in a. 30:5. his a. endureth but a moment 37: 8. cease from a. and forsake wrath 38: 3. in my flesh, because of thine a. 50: 7. in thine a, cast down the people 69: 24. thy wrathful a. take hold | 74: 1. why doth thine a. smoke against 7:9. hath he in a. shut up 78: 21. a. also came up against Israel 38. turned he his a. away 49. the fierceness of his @., wrath 50. made a way to his a. 58. they provoked him to a. 85: 3. from the fierceness of thine a. 4. thine @. toward us to cease 5. wilt thou draw out thine a, 90: 7. we are consumed by thinea. Bes knoweth the power of thine a, | 103: 8. slow to a. and plenteous in : keep his a. forever 106 : aa they provoked him to a. with 145: 8. slow to a. and of great mercy ANGERED. 106 : 32. they a. him also at the waters ANGRY 2:12. kiss the Son, lest he be a. 7: 11. God is a. with the wicked every 76:7. when once thou art a. 85:5. wilt thou be a. with us forever? Boe hee: 80: 4. how long wilt thou be a. against ANGUISH. 119: 143. trouble and a. have taken hold ANOINTED. (noun). 2:2. against his a. saying | 18: 50. showeth mercy to his a. 20: 6. the Lord saveth his a. 28:8. he is the saving strength of his a. 84:9. look upon the*face of thine a. 89 : 38. been wroth with thine a. 51. the footsteps of thine a. 105: 15. touch not mine a. 7 SET TUSU ERO45: 89: Oz. gc a0) 75 105 OQ 145 275 Ose 86: OL: 108 IQ 18: Ors 99: 118 99 : 138 I4: 37: 49: 74: Sx 86: QI: 147 68: 42: ANO 12) & fOZ. s 149: 139: go: 16. thy work a. unto thy servants 102: 16. he shall a. in his glory APPEARETH. 84:7. in Zion a. before God APPLE. 17:8. keep meas the a. of the eye APPLY, go: 10. not away the face of thine a. 17. a lamp for mine a. ANOINTED. (verb). - 7. thy God hath a. thee with the il ol 20. holy oilhave la. him | ro. I shall be a. with fresh oil ANOINTEST. 5. thou a. my head with oil ANOTHER. 4. that hasten after a. god 7. down one, and setteth up @. : 13. from one nation to a. 13. one kingdom to a. people : 8. let a. take his office : 4. praise thy works to a. ANSWER. 7. have mercy also upon me, and a. me 5. wilt thou @ us, O God of our salvation 7. thou wilt a. me 15. call upon me, and I will a. him 2. when I call, a. me speedily : 6. save with thy right hand, and a. me : 42. so shall I have wherewith to a. 1. in thy faithfulness, a. me ANSWERED. 41. the Lord, but he a. them not 7. 1 a. thee in the Secret place 6. upon the Lord and he a. them : 5. the Lord a. me, and set me ANSWEREDST. 8. thou a. them, O Lord our God 73, when! cried, thon @, me ANY. 2. a. that did understand and seek God, 53: 2. 8. fret not thyself in a. wise to do 7. none of them can by a. means g. there is no more a. prophet g. among us a. that knoweth how long g. neither shalt thou worship a. strange 8. neither are there a. works ro. neither shall a. plague come nigh | 24. if there be a. wicked way in me | : 20. dealt so with a. nation 12. kings of armies did flee a. APPEAR. 2. come and a. before God CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. ARM 12, that we may a. our hearts unto 8 Sa SS NY APPOINTED. 44: 11. sheep a, for meat 78: 5. a. a law in Israel ; 79: 11. those that are a. to die 81:3. in the time a. on our solemn feast day 102: 20. those that are a. to death 104: 19. he a. the moon for seasons APPROACH. 65: 4. causeth to a. unto thee APPROVE 3. 49: 13. posterity a. their sayings ARIGHT, 50: 23. ordereth his conversation @. 78:8. set not their heart a. ARISE. 3:7. a.,O Lord ; save me, O my God 7:6. a., O Lord, in thine anger y: 19. @., O Lord, let not man prevail 10:12. a.,O Lord; O God, lift up 12:5. of the needy, now will I a., saith 17: 13. a., O Lord, disappoint him 44:23. a., cast us not off forever 26. a. for our help and redeem us 68: 1. let God a., let his enemies be 74: 22. a., O God, plead thine own 78:6. a. and declare them to their children 82:8. a., O God, judge the earth 88: 10. shall the dead a. and praise thee 89:9. the waves thereof a. thou stillest 102: 13. thou shalt a. and have mercy upon 109: 28. when they a. let them be ashamed 132: 8. a., O Lord, into thy rest ARISETH. 104: 22. the sun a., they gather 112: 4. there a. light in the darkness ARK. 132: 8. the a. of thy strength ARM. 10: 15. break thou the a. of the wicked 44:3. neither did their own a. save them 3. thine a. and the light of thy countenance | 77: 15. hast with thine a. redeemed 89: 10, enemies with thy strong a. 13. thou hast a mighty a. 21. mine a. also shall strengthen him 98: 1. his holy a. hath gotten him 136: 12, with a stretched-out a. ARMS. 18 : 34. steel is broken by mine a. 37:17. the a. of the wicked shall be broken ARMED. 78: 9. children of Ephraim being a. ARMIES. 44:9. goest not forth with our a.ARO CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. ATE 60: 10. which didst not go out with our a. 68: 12. kings of a. did flee apace AROSE. 76:9. when God a. to judgment ARROW. 11:2. make ready their a. upon the string 64: 7. shoot at them with an a. gi: 5. nor for the a. that flieth by day ARROWS. 7:13. ordaineth his a. against the per- secutors 18: 14. sent out his a. and scattered 21:12. thine a. upon thy strings 38: 2. thine a. stick fast in me 5. thine a. are sharp in the heart 4. whese teeth are spears and a. 58: 7. bendeth his bow to shoot his a, 3. bend their bows to shoot their a. 3. there brake he the a. of the bow 77: 17. thine a. also went abroad 120: 4. sharp a. of the mighty 127: 4. as a. are in the hand of a 144: 6. shoot out thine a. and destroy ART. 43:2. thou a. the God of my strength 140: 6. unto the Lord, thou a. my God 143: 10. to do thy will, for thou a. my God AS. 5:7. a. for me, I will come into thy house 48 : 8. a. we have heard, so have we seen 55: 16. a. for me, I will call upon God 72:6. a. showers that water the earth 83:9. a. to Sisera, a. to Jabin 88: 4. a. aman that hath no strength 89: 11. a. for the world and the fulness 103: 15. @. for man, his days are as grass 15. @. a flower of the field, so he ASCEND. 24: 3. who shall a. into the hill of the 135: 7. causeth the vapors to a. from 139: 8. if I a. up into heaven ASCRIBE. 68:34. a. ye strength unto God ASHAMED. 6: 10. let all mine enemies be a. 10. let them return and be a. sud- denly 25:2. let me not bea. ; let not mine 3. none that wait on thee be a. 3. them be a. which transgress without 20. let me not be a., for I put 31: 1. let me never be a. 17. let me not be a., O Lord 17. let the wicked be a. 34:5. their faces were not a, 35:26. let them be a. and brought to 37: 19. shall not be a. in the evil time 40:14. let them be a. and confounded a | 69: 6. be a. for my sake, O God of Israel 70: 2. let them be a. and confounded 74: 21. the oppressed return a. 86: 17. may see it and be a. 10g: 28. arise, let them be a. 119: 6, not be a. when I have respect 46. and will not be a, 78. let the proud be a., for they dealt 80. sound in thy statutes; that I be not a. 116. let me not be a. of my hope 127: 5. they shall not be a., but they ASHES. 102: 9. eaten a. like bread 147: 16, the hoar frost like a. ASIDE. 14:3. all gone a., they are all together ASK. 2:8. a. of me, and I shall give thee ASKED. 21:4. hea. life of thee,and thou gavest 105: 40. the people a., and he brought ASKING. 8:18. by a. meat for their lust ASSEMBLED. | 48:4. lo! the kings were a. ASSEMBLY-Zzes. 22:16. the a. of the wicked have in-= closed 86: 14. the a-s of violent men have sought 89: 7. in the a. of the saints 107 : 32. praise him in the a. of the elders 111: 1. in the a. of the upright ASSES 104: 11, the wild a. quench their thirst ASSUR. 83: 8. A. also is joined with them ASTONISHMENT. to drink the wine of a. ASTRAY. 58:3. go a. as soon as they be born 119: 67. before I was afflicted I went a. 176. I have gone a. like a lost sheep ASUNDER. 2: 3. let us break their bands a. 129: 4. he hath cut a. the cords Go +3: / f 106 : 28. a. the sacrifices of the dead ATTAIN. 139: 6. I cannot a. unto it AY PEND. . @. unto my cry, give ear unto Gy Ara 55:2. a unto me, and hear me 61:1. a unto my. prayer : 86: 6. a. to the voice of my supplica- tions 142: 6. @. unto my cry, for I am ATTENDED. 66:19. he hath a. to the voice of my prayer 9 eA SS Ate CONCORDANCE 10 SHE PSALMS. BEA ATTENTIVE | BANDS. 130: 2. let thine ears be a. to the voice 2: 3. let us break their 4. asunder AVENGER. 73:4. 00: O. Inethen death 8:2. mighteststilltheenemyandthea. 107: 14. break their 6. in sunder 44:16. by reason of the enemy anda. 1139: 61. the 6. of the wicked have AVENGETH. robbed me 18: 47. it is God that @. me and sub- : BANNER-S. dueth 60: 4. given aé to them that fear thee AWAKE. 20: 5. we will set up our d-s, 7:6. a. forme to the judgment that BARREN. 17: 15. I shall be satisfied when I a. 113: 9. maketh the 4. woman to keep 35:23. a@..0 my judgment house See 44: 23. a., why sleepest thou, O Lord ? BARRENNESS. 57: 8. @. up, my glory; a. psaltery and | 107: 34. fruitful land into J. harp, 108: 2. | BAKS. = 8. I myself will a. early, 108: 2. | 107: 16. cut the J. of iron in sunder 59:4. @. to help me, and behold 147: 13. strengthened the 4. of thy gates 5. the God of Israel, a. to visit all BASHAN. 139: 18. when I a. I am still with thee | 22: 12. strong bulls of B. have beset me AWAKED. 68:15. the hill of Godisas the hill of B, 3:5. la@., for the Lord sustained me 15. high hill as the hill of £. 78: 65. the Lord a. as one out of sleep 22. bring again from B, AWAKEST. 135: 11. and Og, king of B., 136: 20. 73: 20. so, O Lord, when thou a. BATTER: AWAKETH. | 18: 39. girded me with strength unto 73: 20. asa dream when one a, the 4. AWE. | 24: 8. the Lord mighty in 4. 4:4. stand in @., and sin not | 55: 18. from the 4, that was against me 33: 8. the world stand in a. of him 76:3. the shield and the sword and 119: 161. heart standeth in a. of thy the d, word 78: 9. turned back in the day of 8. AXHS, 89 : 43. not made him to stand in the 4, 74:5. lifted up a. upon the thick trees | 140: 7. my head in the day of 4, 6. at once with a. and hammers BAY-TREE. | 37: 35. spreading himself like a green B ee ; BH. BAAL-PEOR | 39: 13. before I go henceand 4. no more ye 55:6. would I fly away, and &. at rest 106 : 28. joined themselves also unto B. re : ot Pe : 9. Shall no strange God @. in thee IA DED. ; 83:1. hold t tl -aACe : 8:2. mouth of J, and sucklings hast ee aT Bere eye 17:14. the rest of their substance to 125: 4. do good, O Lord, unto those their 6. that 4. good BABYLON, | 4403 blesaeenn , 87:4. of Rahab and &. to them that ee ae ee P BPeBae4 know 1 Re 104: 3. layeth the 4. of his chambers BEAR. : 3. Id. up the pillars of it 137: 1. by the rivers of B., there we sat | | 8. O daughter of B., who art to be | 75 > x > - Ry aoe hee hewallee ehip 89: 50. how I do J. in my bosom foie Pasa UOge top vauey of 2. | 94: 12. they shall 4. thee up in their BACK. (noun). hands 21:12. turn their 4. when thou shalt BEARD. make 133: 2. ran down upon the 6. even 129: 3. plowers plowed upon my 4. Aaron’s 6, BACKWARD. BEAREST. 40714. let them be duiven f0and put 106: 4. favor that thou J. unto thy peo~ 72: 2. let them be turned 4. and put ple BEARING BACKBITETH., 126: 6. wee éth 2 ee seed 15:3. he that J. not with his tongue cra “ BEA oT BALANCE. 36: 6. thou preservest man and 4. 62:9. to be laid in the 4., they are 50: 10. every 6. of the forest is mine altogether | 73: 22. I was asa 3d, before thee IOBEA 80: 104 135 147 13. BEASTS. 8:7. oxen, yea and the 4. of the field 49: 5o: 79: 104: 148: 18 89: IIo: 48 : 96: 42. 12. he is like the 4. that perish 11. the wild J. of the field are mine 2. unto the 4. of the earth 20. all the d. of the forest do creep 25. both small and great 4. ro. 4. and all cattle; creeping BEAT. then did I 4. them small as the dust . I will 4. down his foes BEAUTIES. in the 4. of holiness, from the womb of BEAUTIFUL. . &. for situation, the joy of the BEAUTIFY. : 4. he will 4. the meek with salva- tion BEAUTY. ° Nv 5 3- 9° “ : 4. to behold the 4. of the Lord : 2. worship the Lord in the 6. of holiness, 96: 9. . makest his 4. to consume away the king greatly desire thy 6. their J. shall consume in the grave . out of Zion, the perfection of 4. 7. let the 4. of the Lord our God strength and J. are in his sanctu- ary BECAME. I 4. a proverb to them d. as dung for the earth . 1 4. also a reproach unto them BECAUSE. : 6. &. the Lord is his refuge : 5, 6. they regard not the works 6. &. he hath the voice of : 21. 6, we have trusted in his holy wild 4. of the field doth devour | : 11. to every 2. of the field : 8. both of man and 8. : g. giveth to the 4. his food CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. BEC 109: 16. 6. that he remembered not to 21. 6. thy mercy is good, deliver 119: 56. this I had, 6. I kept thy pre- cepts 74. 6. | have hoped in thy word 100. 6. | keep thy precepts 136. 4. they keep not thy law 139. 4. mine enemies have forgotten 158. 4. they kept not thy word BECAUSE ke. 13:6. sing unto the Lord, 4. ke hath dealt 16:8. 6. he is at my right hand, I shall 18: 19. delivered me 4. #e delighted in me 28:6. blessed be the Lord, 4. Ze hath heard 91: 14. 4. #e hath set his love upon me 14. 6. he hath known my name 116: 1. 3. he hath heard my voice 2. &. he hath inclined his ear BECAUSE of. 5:8, in thy righteousness 4. ef mine enem1es | 7:6. lift up thyself J. of the rage 27:11. 6. of mine enemies 31: 10. faileth J. ef mine iniquity | 37:1. fret not thyself J. ef evil-doers 7. 6. of him who prospereth in his 38: 3. in my flesh, J. ef thine anger 5. corrupt, 4. of my foolishness 42:9. 4. of the oppression of the ene- my. 46 22. 45:4. 4. of truth and meekness 48:11. be glad 4. of thy judgments ss: 3. 5. of the voice of the enemy 3. 6.0f the oppression of the wicked 59:9. 4. of his strength will I wait 60: 4. displayed 4. ef the truth 60: 8. Philistia, triumph thou, 4: ef me 68:29. 4. of thy temple at Jerusalem | 33 z 37: 40. save them, J, they trust in him 38: 20. b. I follow the thing that good is 39:9. opened not my mouth, 4. thou didst it 41: 11. 6.mine enemy doth not triumph 44: 3. 6. thou hadst a favor unto them 52:9. 8. thou hast done it 53: 5-6. God hath despised them 45: 19. 4. they have no changes 63:7. 4. thou hast been my help 69:7. &. for thy sake I have borne 78: 22. b, they believed not in God 86:17. 6. thou, Lord, hast holpen me 91:9. &. thou hast made the Lord, | which : ee 106 : 33. 3. they provoked his spirit to7: 11. 4. they rebelled against 30. then are they glad 4. they be 97: 102 : 107 % 7. » 3° . 1 - 8, lam J. a stranger unto my - 18. deliver me, 4. of mine enemies QO oO . rejoiced 4. of thy judgments ro. 6. of thine indignation and 17. fools, 4. of their transgression 17. 6. of their iniquities are af- flicted : 164. 3. of thy righteous judgments 9. 6. of the house of the Lord BECOME. they are all together 4. filthy, 53:3 - x. lest if thou be silent to me, I 4 é. not vain in robbery let their table é. a snare let it 6. a trap : é. a reproach to our neighbors his prayer 4, sin and is &. my salvation and art J. my salvation is 3. the headstone of corner coy. * TA: ai. 22 th A > oO. Ei yBEC CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. BEH 119; 83. I am 4, like a bottle in the smoke BECOMETH. 93: 5. holiness 4. thine house 6:6. all the night make I my 4. to swim BED-S. 4. heart upon your 4. and be still 36: 4. deviseth mischief upon his J. Ax: of languishing 3. make all his 4. in his sickness 63:6. I remember thee upon my 6. 132: 3. nor go up into my 4. 139: 8. if I make my 4@. in hell 149: 5. sing aloud upon their é-s. BEES. 118; 12. they compassed me about like 4. BEFALL. g1: 10. there shall no evil 4. thee BEFORE. 26:3. thy loving-kindness is 8. mine eyes 31: 19. trust in thee 4, the sons of men 39: 13. 4. I go hence, and be no more 52:9. for it is good 4, thy saints 54:3. have not set God 6. them 58:9. 4. your pots can feel the thorns 68: 2. as wax melteth 4. the fire 7. wentest forth 4. thy people 78:55. cast out the heathen also 4, them 80: 2. 6. Ephraim and Benjamin and 9. preparedst room 4, it 83: 13. as the stubble J. the wind 86: 14. not set thee J. them 89: 23. his foes 4. his face 90:2. 6. the mountains were brought forth 105: 17. he sent a man 4. them 119: 67. 6. I was afflicted, I went astray 139: 5. beset me behind and 4, 42 56 BEFORE God. : 2. come and appear 3d. « od :13. that I may walk 4. God in 61: 7. shall abide 4. God forever 68: 3. let them rejoice 4. God 84:7. in Zion appeareth 4. God BEFORE 7zmz. 18:12, at the brightness that was J. him 23. I was also upright 4. 7m 50: 3. a fire shall devour 6. hive 62:8. pour out your heart 3. Aw 68:1. hate him, flee 4. Azz 4. his name JAH, and rejoice 2. him ; 72:9. in the wilderness shall bow 4. him 11. kings shall fall down 3. Arne 85: 13. righteousness shall 0b. him 96:6. honor and majesty are 4. kim 9. fear 6. Azz, all the earth 97: 3. a fire goeth 6, Zim {2 3. will strengthen him upon the @. BEFORE ¢he Lord. 96:13. 4. the L. for he cometh, 98: 9. 98: 6. noise 4. the L. the king 109: 15. be d. the L. continually 116: 9. will walk 4. the L. in the land of go: LLG): 10g : 37 * LEL¢ BEFORE me. : 8. I have set the Lord always 6. wee : 22. all his judgments were - Me : 17. my sorrow is continually 6. we ips with a bridle, when the wicked is b. me : 15. confusion is continually 4. we : 8. to have been continually 4. me #9 > 3 my sin is ever 6. me : 6. have digged a pit 4. me : 36. his throne as the sun 3d. me BEFORE (fhee. . all my desire is 4. thee mine age is as nothing 4, thee . adversaries are all 4. thee I was as a beast 6. thee . of the prisoner come 8. thee . Shall come and worship 3d. thee . cried day and night 4. thee my prayer come 6. thee . set our iniquities 6. thee 168. all my ways are 6. thee BEG. 10. continually vagabonds and 4, BEGGING. 25. nor his seed 6. bread BEGINNING. 10. fear of the Lord is the &. of wisdom 119: 160. thy word is true from the 8, 2 BEGOTTEN. : 7. this day have I J. thee BEHAVE. ror: 2. I will 4. myself wisely ina 5 mH UO WwW 59: 80: QI: j hOZ, rs 2 He BEHAVED. : 14. I 6. myself as though he had I have 4. and quieted myself BEHELD. : 158. I J. the transgressors and was grieved : 4. On my right hand, and 4, BEHIND. 17. castest my words 4. thee 7 5. Y beset me 6. and before BEEOLD: : 4. his eyes 6., his eyelids t (verb). 7. his countenance doth 6, the up- 2 15. . the things that are equal as for me, I will 4. thy face in : 4. to 6, the beauty of the Lord : 37. perfect man, and 4, the upright : 8. come, 4. the works of the Lord 4. awake to help me and @. 66:7. his eyes J. the nations 14. and 4, and visit this vine 8. with thine eyes shalt thou J. 1g. did the Lord 64. the earthCONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. BEH BLA 113:6. to 6. the things that are in | BENVETH. heaven 58: 7. when he @. his bow to shoot 119: 18. that I may 8. wondrous things | BENEFITS. BEHOLD. 68: 19. daily loadeth us with 6, 7:14. 8, he travaileth with iniquity 103: 2. forget not all his 4. 33: 18. 4. the eye of the Lord is upon 116: 12. for all his 6, toward me 39: 5. 6. thou hast made my days BENJAMIN. 51:5. 4. I was shapen in iniquity 68: 27. there is little #2. with their ruler 6. 4. thou desirest truth in the 80: 2. before Ephraim and JZ. and 54:4. 6. God is mine helper BENT. 59: 7. &. they belch out with their 7: 12. & his bow, and made it ready 73: 12. d. these are the ungodly 37: 14. have 6. their bow, to cast down 15. 6. lL should offend-against BESEECH. 78: 20. 6. he smote the rock 80: 14. return, we 6. thee, O God 84:9. 6., O God, our shield 116: 4. I J. thee, deliver my soul 87: 4. &. Philistia and Tyre | 118: 25. save now, I d. thee 119: 40. 6. I have longed after thy pre- 25. 1 &. thee, send now prosperity cepts | x19: 108. I 5, thee, the free-will offer- 121: 4. 4. he that keepeth Israel ings 123: 2. 6. as the eyes of servants | BESET. 128: 4. 4. that thus shall the man 22:12. bulls of Bashan have 6 me 133: 1. 3. how good and how pleasant | 139: 5. hast 4. me behind and before 134: 1. &. bless ye the Lord BESIDE. 139: 8. in hell, 6. thou art there | 23: 2. leadeth me 0. the still waters BEHOLDEST. 73:25. upon earth that I desire 4, thee 10: 14. thou 4, mischief and spite BEST. BEHOLDETH. 39: 5. verily every man at his 4, state 33: 13. he 4. all the sons of men BETTE BEHOLDING. 37:16. 6. than the riches of many IIg : 37. mine eyes from 6. vanity Wicked: : BEING. 63:3. thy loving-kindness is 4. than 104: 33. while I have my 6. life 146: 2. while I have any 4. 69: 31. 4. than an ox or bullock BELCH. 84: 10. is 6. than a thousand 59:7. they 4. out with their mouth | 118: 8. it is J. to trust in the Lord, 9. BELIEVED. 119: 72: the law of thy mouth is 4 27: 13. I had fainted, unless I had 4, unto me 78:22. they 4. not in God BETWEEN. 32. &. not for his wondrous | 80: 1. dwellest 4. the cherubim 106: 12. then 6. they hs words | 99: 1. sitteth 4. the cherubim 24. they 4. not his word BLOWS. 116: 10. I J., therefore have I spoken 42:7. all thy waves and thy 4, are 119: 66. I have 46. thy commandments BIND-ezz. : BELLY. 105 : 22. to J. his princes at his 17:14. whose 6. thou fillest with thy 118: 27. 6. the sacrifice with cords 22:10. my God from my mother’s d. 149: 8. to 4, their kings with chains | 31:9. yea, my soul and my 4. 129: 7. nor he that 4-% sheaves, his 44:25. our J. cleaveth unto the earth bosom _ BELONG. 147: 3. 4-4 up their wounds 47:9. the shields of the earth 4. unto BIRD- : God 11: 1. flee asa J, to your mountain 68 : 20. unto God the Lord 4. the issues | 124: 7. escaped as a 4, out of the snare BELONGETH. : 8. salvation 6. unto the Lord - : rz. that power 4. unto God 12. unto thee, O Lord, 6. mercy 94: 1. to whom vengeance 4. (twice). BELOVED. 60:5, that thy 4. may be delivered 108: 6. thy 4. may he delivered 127: 2. he giveth his 4. sleep rr 64 BEND. 2. lo! the wicked 4. their bow : 3. 4. their bows to shoot 74: 44: AS. : 9. held in with : 17. where the 4-s make their nests BIRTH. : 8. the untimely 4. of a woman BIT. : 4, and bridle BILLER: : 3. their arrows, even 3. words BLASPHEME-D. ro. shall the enemy 4. thy name 18. foolish people have 6-d thy BLASPHEMETH. 16. him that reproacheth and 4, 1318: 16: 26: 90: 31 ‘ BLA IOO: 103: TOA: 10g: 115: 128: 129: : ene in ee BLAST. 1s, at the J. of the breath of thy nostrils BLESS. | : 5: 12. for pros Lord, wilt 4. the right- e€0 We Wd ae 4. the Lord who hath given me 12. in the congregations will I 4. the Lord :g. thy people, and 4. thine inherit- ance : rz. the Lord will 4. his people with . I will 4. the Lord at all times 4. they J. with their mouth : 4. thus will I 4. thee while I live : es O 4. our God, ye people . God be merciful unto us, and é. us 6. our own God shall 4. us 7. God shall 4. us, and all the ends : 26. &. ye God in the congregations > 2. sing unto the Lord ; . his name 4. thankful unto him, and 6. his name 1.-6. the Lord, O my soul, 2. 1. &. his holy name 20. &. the Lord, ye his angels 21. &. ye the Lord, all ye his hosts 22. &. the Lord, all his works 22. &. the Lord, O my soul 35. 6. thou the Lord, O my soul 28. let them curse, but 4. thou 12. mindful of us; he will 4. us 12. will 4. the house of Israel r2. he will J. the house of Aaron 13. will J. them that fear the Lord 18. we will 4. the Lord from this time 5. shall 4, thee out of Zion 8. we J. you in the name of the Lord ~ a) 132: 15. abundantly 4. her provision 134: 1. behold, J. ye the Lord, all ye 2.1m the sanctuary, and 8, the Lord 3. &. thee out of Zion 135: 19. &. the Lord, O house of Israel 139: 19. 4. the Lord, O house of Aaron 145: 1. I will 4. thy name forever and ever 2. every day will I 4. thee to, thy saints shall 6. thee . 6, his holy name forever BLESSED. z:1. 5, is the man that walketh not in : 12. 6. are all they that put their trust : 46. &. be my rock, and let the God : 6. made him most 6. forever : 6. 6. be the Lord, because he hath heard 21. 6. be the Lord, for he hath showed 14 Sen Bai 34: 37° 40; AL CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. BLE 1. 6. is he whose transgression is forgiven 2. 6 is the man unto whom the Lord 12. the nation whose God is the ord 8. &.is the man that trusteth in him 22. &. of him shall inherit the earth 26. lendeth, and his seed is 6. Anvoes that man that maketh the Lord 1. J. is he that considereth the poor 2. he shall be J. upon the earth T5. Os 7s the Lord God of Israel, 106: 45: 49: 66: 68 : 84: 2. oot hath 3. thee forever : 18. while he lived, he 6. his soul : 4. 6. is the man whom thou choos< est 20. &. be God, which hath not turned 19. 4. be the Lord, who daily 35. power unto his people; & be God : 17. men shall be 6 in him 17. all nations shall call him 6. - 46. be the Lord God . 6. be his glorious name forever 7 6. are they that dwell in thy house 5. &. is the man whose strength 12. O Lord of hosts, 4 is the man 89: 94: 15. 6. is the people that know 52. 6. be the Lord forevermore 12. the man whom thou chas- tenest : Io. thou 4. the springing thereof BLESSETH 106: 3. &. are they that keep judgment 112: 1. 6. is the man that feareth 2. generation of the upright shall be &. 113: 2. 6, be the name of the Lord 115: 15. ye are 6. of the Lord 118: 26. 6. be he that cometh in the name = we have 4. you out of the house 119: 1. 4, are the undefiled in the way 2. 6. are they that keep his testi- monies 12. 6. art thou,.O Lord; teach me thy 124: 6. 6. be the Lord who hath not given 128: 1. & is every one that feareth 4. thus shall the man be 6, that 135: 21. &. be the Lord out of Zion | 144: 1. &. be the Lord my strength | 147: 13. hath & thy children within | BLESSEST. | 65 10; 3. 6. the covetous whom the Lord abhorreth 107: 38. he 8, them also, so that they areBLE CONCORDANCE TO TAR: PSALMS. BOT BLESSING-S. 3:8. thy 4. is upon thy people 24:5. he shall receive the 6. from the Lord 17. delighted not in 4. so let it be ar : 8. the J. of the Lord be upon 109 : 9 133: 3. the Lord commanded the @, even 21:3. preventest him with the d-s of goodness BLIND. 146: 8. openeth the eyes of the 4. BLOOD. 9g: 12. when he maketh inquisition for 3. 30:9. what profit is there in my 4.? : 13. or drink the 4. of goats : ro. wash his feet in the 4. : 23. in the 6. of thine enemies : 14. precious shall their 4. be : 44. had turned their rivers into 6, 79: 3. their 4. have they shed like water 1o. by tne revenging of the 4. 94: 21. condemn the innocent 6. 105: 29. turned their waters into 6. 106 : their sons 38. land polluted with 4. BLOOD-GUILTINESS. 51: 14. deliver me from d-g., O God BEOGDY.. 5:6. abhor the J. and deceitful man 26:9. nor my life with 4. men 55: 23. 4. and deceitful men shall not 59: 2. save me from 4. men 139: 19. from me, therefore, ye 6. men BLOT ozt. 51:1. 3. 0, my transgressions g. 4. 0. all mine iniquities BLOTTED out. 69 : 28. let them be 4. o. of the book of 109 : 13. their name be J. a. 14. sin of his mother be 4. a, BLOW. (noun). 39: 10. I am consumed by the 4. of thine hand BLOW. (verb). 78: 26. east wind to 4. in the heaven 147: 18. causeth his wind to 4, BLOW zp. 81:3. 5. uw. the trumpet in the new moon BOAR. 80:13. the 4. out of the wood doth waste it BOAST. (noun). 34: 2. soul shall make her 4, in the Lord BOAST. (verb). 44: 8. in God we 4. all the day long 49: 6. 6. themselves in the multitude of 94: 4. workers of iniquity 6. themselves 97:7. that 4. themselves of idols BOASTEST. oe 52:1. why 4, thou thyself in mischief 38. shed innocent 4., even the 4. of 10: 3. wicked J. of his heart’s desire BODY 11. of the fruit of thy 4. will I set BODIES. 79:2. the dead 4. of thy servants 110: 6. places with the dead 4. 3: 7. all mine enemies upon the cheek 6, BONES. 6:2. heal me, for my 6. are vexed 22:14. all my 4. are out of joint 17. I may tell all my 4. 31: 10. my 4, are consumed 32:3. my J. waxed old through my roaring 20. he keepeth all his 4. 132): 134.5 | 35: 10. all my 4. shall say, Lord 38 : 3. neither is there any rest in my 4, 42:10. as with a sword in my 4. 51:8. that the 4. which thou hast broken : 53: 5. God hath scattered the 4. of him | 102: 3. my 4. are burned as an hearth | 5. my 4. cleave to my skin 109 : 18. like oil into his 4. | 141: 7. our 6. are scattered at the grave’s OK 40:7. in the volume of the 4, it is written 56:8. are they not in thy 4.? | 69: 28. out of the 4. of the living | 139: 16. in thy 4. all my members BORDER-S. 78:54. he brought them to the 4. 74:17. set all the d-s of the earth 147: 14. he maketh peace in thy é-s BORN : 31. unto a people that shall be 0. as soon as they be 4. children which should be 6, this man was #é. there that man was @. in her . that this man was 4. there BORNE. 12. then I could have @. it 7. for thy sake I have 4. reproach BORROWETH. 21. the wicked J. and payeth not agai oO “XQ nv Se 55: 69: 37° n BOSOM. 13. returned into mine own 4, 74: 11. pluck it out of thy 4. 79: 12. sevenfold into their 4. 89:50. howI do bearinmy 4 |. 129: 7. he that bindeth sheaves, his 8. BOW i. 4:8. I will 2. lay me down in peace 49: 2. 4. low and high, rich and poor 58: 9. 8. living, and in his wrath 64: 6. &. the inward thought of every 76: 6, 4. the chariot and horse are 104: 25. 4. small and great beasts T5 35:BOT CONCORDANCE TO: THE - PSALMS. BRE 13. fear the Lord, 4. small and great 8. 6. of man and beast 12, the darkness and the light are é. alike 12. &. young men and maidens BOTTLE. 56: 8. put thou my tears into thy 4. 119: 83. I am become like a 4. in the smoke BOUGHS: 80: 10. the 4. thereof were like the goodly she sent out her 6. unto the sea BOUND. (noun). 104: 9. a &., that they may not pass over BOUND. (verb). 68: 6. those which are 6. with chains 107: 10. J. in affliction and iron BOUNTIFULLY. 13: 6. he hath dealt 4. with me 116: 7. hath dealt 6. with thee 119: 17. deal 6, with thy servant 142: 7. shalt deal 6. with me Tio * Ta Ges 139: 148: It, BOW. (noun). 7:12. he hath bent his 4. and made it ready 11: 2. lo! the wicked bend their 4. 18 : 34. so that a 4. of steel is broken by 37: 14. have bent their 4. to cast down 44:6. I will not trust in my J. 46:9. he breaketh the 4. and cutteth 58: 7. he bendeth his 4. to shoot 76:3. brake he the arrows of the 4. 78:57. aside like a deceitful 4. BOWS. 37: 15. their J. shall be broken 64: 3. bend their 4. to shoot 78:9. being armed and carrying 4. BOW. (verb). 22: 20. down to the dust, shall 4. before 1im 72:9. in the wilderness shall 4. before him 144: 5. 4. thy heavens, O Lord BOW down. 31: 2. &. d. thine ear to me 86: 1. 4. d. thine ear, O Lord 95: 6. let us worship and 4, d, BOWED. 18:9. he J. the heavens also, and came down BOWED down. 14. I J. d. heavily as one that 6. Lam J. d. greatly 25. Our soul is 6. @. to the dust 6. my soul is J. d. 14. all those that be 4. d. 8. me Lord raiseth them that are ee BOWING. 3. as a J. wall shall ye be 11. set their eyes 6. down to the earth 16 a5 38: 44: 57: 145: 146: 62: x7: BOWELS. 22:14. itis melted in the midst of my 4, 71:6. out of my mother’s 4, 109: 18. let it come into his 4, like BRAKE. 76: 3. there J. he the arrows 105: 16. he 4. the whole staff of bread 33. & the trees of their coasts 2g. the plague 4. in upon them 14.'6, their bands in sunder BRAKEST. 13. 6, the heads of the dragons 14. 4. the heads of leviathan BRANCH-ES. 106: 407 ; 74: 80: 15. the 4, that thou madest strong 11. her J-s unto the river 104: 12. which sing among the d-s BRASS. 107: 16. broken the gates of 4, BREACH-ES. 106 ; 23. stood before him in the 4, : 2. heal the 4-s thereof BREAD. : 4. eat up my people as they eat 4, : 25. nor his seed begging 4, . : 9, which did eat of my 4. : 4. eat up my people, as they eat 3, : 20. can he give 4, also ? : 5. feedest them with the J, of tears 102: 4. I forget to eat my J, g. eaten ashes like 4. 15. 4. which strengtheneth man’s heart 16. the whole staff of 4, 40. satisfied them with the 8. of heaven ro. seek their J. also out of their 2. to eat the 4. of sorrows 15. satisfy her poor with 4. 3REAK, 104: 105: I0Q : 127 = 132 : 2:3. let us J. their bands asunder g. thou shalt 4. them with a rod of iron 10: 15. 6. thou the arm of the wicked 58: 6. 8, their teeth, O God : 4. 6, in pieces the oppressor 89: 31. if they 4. my statutes 34. my covenant will I not 4. 94:5. 3. in pieces thy people 141: 5. which shall not 4. my head BREAKEST. 48: 7. thou 4. the ships of Tarshish BREAKETH. 29:5. the voice of the Lord 4. the cedars 5. the Lord J, the cedars of Leba- non 46:9. he 4. the bow and cutteth the spear 11g: 20. my soul d, for the longing that BREAK down. 74: 6. they 4, d. the carved work thereof BREAK out. 58: 6. d. o. the great teeth of the youngBRE BREAKING 7x. 144: 14. no J. z. nor going out 22:9. when I was upon my mother’s d. BREATH. 18:15. at the blast of the 4, of thy nostrils 33:6. host of them by the @. of his mouth 104: 29. thou takest away their J. 135: 17. neither is there any 4. in their mouths 146: 4. his 4. goeth forth ; he returneth 150: 6. let everything that hath 4, BREATHE. 27:12. such as J. out cruelty BRETHREN. 22:22. declare thy name unto my 38. 69: 8. a stranger unto my 6. 122: 8. for my 6.and companions’ sakes 133: 1. for &. to dwell together in unity BRIBES. 26: 10. their right hand is full of 4. BRIDEGROOM. 19: 5. which is asa 4. coming out of his BRIDLE. 32: 9. held in with bit and 4. 39:1. will keep my mouth with a 4. BRIGHTNESS. 18: 12. at the 4. that was before him BRIMSTONE. 11:6. shall rain snares, fire, and 4. BRING. 37: 5. he shal! 4. it to pass 43:3. let them 4. me unto thy holy hill sc <=ge thou, O- God, shalt’ J. “them down 59: 11. 4. them down, O Lord our shield 60:9. who will 4. me into the strong city | 68 : 22. I will 5. my people again 29. shall kings 6. presents unto thee 71: 20. shalt 4. me up again from the depths ; 72:3. the mountains shall 4. peace 10. of the isles shall 4. presents 76: 11. &. presents unto him that ought 81:2. take a psalm, and J. hither 96 BREASTS. : 23. he shall 4. upon them their own iniquity 8. J. an offering and come 108: 10. 4. me into the strong city 142: 7. 4. my soul out of prison 143: 11. 3. my soul out of trouble BRING again. 68: 22. I will 4. a. from Bashan BRING dowz. 18: 27. but wilt J. 2. high looks BRING /forta. 37:6. heshall 4. ~ thy righteousness g2: 14. still 6. % fruit in old age 104: 14. may 4. /. food out of the earth 144: 13. that our sheep may 4. / thou- sands CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALIAES. BRO BRINGETH. = 10; the Lord 8. the counsel of the : 7. 6. wicked devices to pass Te 28. he 6. them out of their 30. so he J. them unto their 135: 7. he J. the wind out of his 14 } ne. 68 BRINGETH éack. : 7. Lord 6. 6. the captivity, 53 : 6. BRINGETH ‘forth. 3. that 6. *. his fruit in his season BRINGETH ozz. : 6. he &. o. those which are bound BRINGING. 126: 6, 5. his sheaves with him BROAD. 119: 96. commandment is exceeding 4, BROKEN. 3:7. 8. the teeth of the ungodly 3r: I am like a 4. vessel 34: 18. nigh unto them that are of a 8, 20. not one of them is @. 37: 15. their bows shall be 4. 17. arms of the wicked shall be 8. 38: 8. I am feeble and sore 6. 44: 19. though thou hast sore 4. us 51: 8. bones which thou hast 6. may 17. sacrifices of God are a 8, spirit 17. ad, and acontrite heart, O God 55:20. he hath 4. hig covenant | 60: 2. thou hast 4. it ; heal the breaches | 69: 20. reproach hath 4, my heart | 80: 12. hast thou then J. down her 89: ro. thou hast 6. Rahab in pieces 40. hast 6. down all his hedges 107: 16. he hath 4. the gates of brass 109: 16. slay the 4. in heart 124: 7. thesnareis 6. and we are escaped 147: 3. he healeth the 4. in heart, BROOK. 83:9. as to Jabin, at the J. of Kison 1r0: 7. drink of the 4. in the way BROTHER. 35:14. he had been my friend or 4. 49: 7. by any means redeem his 6. so: 20. and speakest against thy 6. BROUGHT. 18: 19. he J. me forth also into a large 22:15. thou hast 4. me into the dust 35:4. 6. to confusion, that devise my 26. &. to confusion together that 40:2. he J, me up also out of an_ 45:14. she shall be 4. unto the King 14. that follow her shall be 4. unto 15. rejoicing shall they be 4. 71: 24. they are 4d. unto shame that seek 73: 19. are they 4. into desolation 78: 16. he J, streams also out of 54. he J. them to the border 71. he J. him to feed Jacob 79: 8. we are J. very low 80: 8. 3. a vine out of Egypt 81: 10. 8. thee out of the land of Egypt 89: 40. hast 4. his strongholds to ruin 105: 40. asked and he 4. quails 17BRO 106: 42. 4. into subjection under their 43. 6. low for their iniquity 14. he 6. them out of darkness 39. minished and 4, low through 107: 116: 6. I was 4. low, and he helped me | 142: 6. for I am 4. very low BROUGHT ack. 85: 1. 6. 6. the captivity of Jacob BROUGHT down. 20: 8. they are 4. d. and fallen 107: 12. he J. d. their heart with BROUGHT /orth. 7:14. conceived mischief and 6 £ go: 2. the mountains were d._f, or ever 105: 30. land 6. f. frogs 37. he 6. them Ff also with 43. 0. f. his people with joy BROUGHT zx. 78: 26. he 4. z. the south wind BROUGHT oz. 136: 11. 4. 0. Israel from among them BROUGHT ua. 30: 3. thou hast 3. ~. my soul from BROUGHTEST. 66:11. thou 3d. us into the net 12. thou 4. us out into a wealthy BRUTISH. 49: 10. the fool and the 4. person 92: 6. ad. man knoweth not 94:8 18 - ye 6. among the people BUCKLER. my 4. and the horn of my he is a J, to all those that trust take hold of shield and 6. shall be thy shi SUD 2, 30. 5c, Or: 4. leld and 3d. 132: 17. the horn of David to 6. BUILD. 18. 6. thou the walls of Jerusalem 35- will 4. the cities of Judah I. except the Lord 4. the house 1, they labor in vain that 4. it BUILD zs, 4. 6.2. thy throne to all generations 16. the Lord shall 4. ~. Zion 51: 69: 127: 89 : Io2: 147: 2. the Lord doth @, x. Jerusalem BUILDED: 122: 3. Jerusalem is 4. asa city BUILDERS. x18: 22. the stone which the 4. refused BUILLT. 78: 69. he d. his sanctuary like BUILT «A. 2. mercy shall be 4. ~. forever BULEOCK-S. 9. I will take no J. out of 89: 50: 69 : 31. better than ox or 6. 51: 19. then shall they offer 3-5 66: 15. I will offer 5-5 with goats BULES. 7s 22:12. many 6. have compassed me 12. strong 4. of Bashan have beset 50: 13. will I eat the flesh of J. 68 : 30. the multitude of the 4. with the 18 CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS, ONS CAL BULWAR KS. 8: 13. mark ye well her 4. BURDEN. 38: 4. heavy 4., they are too heavy for 55: 22. cast thy 6. upon the Lord 81:6. his shoulder from the 6, BURN. : 5. thy jealousy J. like fire : 7 atl thy wrath 4, like fire? BURNED. : 3. while I was musing, the fire 4. : 16. it is 6. with fire; it is cut 102: 3. bones are J. as an hearth 3URNED wg. 74:8. they have 4, w. all the syna- gogues of 106: 18. flame 4. z. the wicked BURNETH. 46:9. 6. the chariot in the fire 83: 14. as the fire 5. a wood 3URNETH wz. | 97: 3. &. #. his enemies round about BURNING. 140: 10. let 4. coals fall upon them BURNT. 20: 3. and accept thy J. sacrifice BURNT-OFFERING-S. 40: 6. d.-o, and sin offering hast thou 51: 16. thou delightest not in 4.-9, 19. with 6.-o. and whole 4.-o, 50: 8. thy sacrifices or thy 3.-0-s 66: 13. into thy house with J.-o-s, BURY. 79:3. there was none to 6. them BUSINESS. 107 : 23. that do 4. in great waters BUT : 25. whom have I in heaven 8. thee? > 39. remembered that they were 4, flesh go: 4. in thy sight are 4. as yesterday 105: 12. when they were 6. a few men SUE ER. :21.-words of his mouth smoother than 4, BYWORD. 14. thou makest us a 4. among Cc. CALAMITY. 18, in the day of myc. _CALAMITIES. 57: 1. until these c. be overpast 141: 5. prayer also shall be in their, CALF. 29: 6. maketh them also to skip like ae. were 44: 1: 106: 19. they made ac. in Horeb GAFuLA 4:1. hear me, when I c., O God of my righteousness 3. the Lord will hear when Ic. untyCAL CONCORDANCE TO THE. PSALMS. CAS 14: 4. as they eat bread andc. not upon 18: 3. I will c. upon the Lord who is worthy 20:9. let the king hear us when we c. 11, they c. their -lands after their | own 50: 4. he shall c. to the heavens | 15. c. upon me in the day of trouble | 55:16. as for me, I will c. upon God | 72:17. all nations shall c. him blessed 77: 6. le. to remembrance my song 80: 18. we will c. upoh thy name 86:5. unto all them that c. upon thee 7. L will c. upon thee gt: 15. he shall c. upon me, and I will 99:6. among them that c. upon his name to2: 2, when I c. answer me speedily 105: 1. c. upon his name 116: 2. will Ic. upon him as long as I 13. and c. upon the name of the Lord 17. c. upon the name of the Lord 145: 18. all them tha: c. upon him CALLED. CAMP. 78: 28. in the midst of their c. round about 106: 16. envied Moses also in the c. SAIN. SAIN. | 78: 20. c. he give bread also ? 20. ¢. he provide flesh for his peo- le? | 89:6. in the heaven ¢c. be compared unto CANAAN. 105: 11. will I give the land of C. 106 : 38. unto the idols of C. 135: 11. all the kingdoms of C. CANDLE. 18: 28. thou wilt light my ec. CANNOT. 77: 4. so troubled that I c. speak 88: 8. shut up, and I c. come forth 93: 1. stablished that it c. be moved 125: 1. Mount Zion, which ¢. be re- moved CAPTIVE. | 68: 18. hast led captivity c. 18. to all that c. upon him in truth | 17: 6. I have c. upon thee, for thou wilt | ear 18: 6. in my distress Ic. upon the Lord | 31:17. for | havec. upon thee 50: 1. c. the earth from the rising 53:4. they have not c. upon God 79: 6. the kingdoms that have notc. 88:9. I have c. daily upon thee - 99: 6. they c. upon the Lord, and he answered 105: 16. hec. for a famine upon the land 116: 4. then c. I upon the name of the Lord 118: 5. Ic. upon the Lord in distress CALLEDSY. 81:7. thouc. in trouble, and I CALLETH. 42:7. deep c. unto deep, at the noise 147: 4. c. them all by their names 107: 29. maketh thestormac, CALVE. 29:9. maketh the hinds toc. CALVES. 68: 30. with the c. of the people CAME. 18:6. cry c. before him, even into his ears g. he bowed the heavens also, and c. down 27:2. my foes c. upon me to eat up 78: 21. anger also c. up against Israel 31. wrath of God c. upon them 88: 17. c. round about me daily 105: 19. time that his word ¢. 23. Israel also c. into Egypt 31. there c. divers sorts of flies 34. he spake, and the locusts c. | | | | | | | 137: 3. they that carried us away c. CAPTIVES. 106: 46. all those that carried them c, CAPTIVEPRY. 14:7. bringeth back the c. of his peo- ple, 53: 6. 68: 18. hast led c. captive 78: 61. delivered his strength into c. 85:1. brought back the c. of Jacob 126: 1. turned again the c. of Zion 4. turn again our c., O Lord, as CARED. 142: 4. no manc. for my soul CARRIED. 46:2. though the mountains be c. 106: 46. all those that c. them captives 137: 3. there they that c. us away cap- tive CARRIEST. go: 5. thouc. them away as witha CARRY. 49. 17. when he dieth, he shall c. noth- ing CARRYING. 78:9. being armed and c. bows CARVED. 74: 6. break down the c. work 144: 15. people that is in suchac. seated Ps CASSIA. 45: 8. smell of myrrh and aloes and ¢. CAST. 5:10. c. them out in the multitude 17: 13. c. him down ; deliver my soul 18: 42. 1 did c. them out as the dirt 22:10. | was c. upon thee from the womb 18. c. lots upon my vesture 43:2. why dost thou c. me off? 44: 2. afflict the people and c. them out m9CAS 51:12. ¢ me not away from thy pres- ence 55:3. they c. iniquity upon me 22. c. thy burden upon the Lord 60: 1. O God, thou hast c. us off ro. wilt not thou, O God, which hadst c. us off 62: 4. consult to c. him down 74:9. c. me not off in the time 74:1. why hast thou c, us off forever? 7. ¢. fire into thy sanctuary 76:6. are c. into a dead sleep 78: 49. c. upon them the fierceness 89: 44. c. his throne down to the ground 140: 10. let them be c. into the fire CAST away. 2:3. andc. @. their cords from us CAST down. 36: 12. they are c. d. and shall not be 37: 14. toc. d. the poor and needy 24. he shall not be utterly c. d. 42:5. why art thouc, d.,O my soul, rr. 6. my soul is c. d@. within me. 43: 5. why art thouc. d., O my soul 50: 7. in thine anger c. d. the people 102: 10. lifted me up, and c. me d. CASH” 7ax2Z. 144: 6. c. /. lightning and scatter CAST a7. 44:9. thou hast c. 0. and put us to 23. c. u$ not a. forever 77:7. will the Lord c. o. forever? 89 : 38. thou hast c. e. and abhorred 94: 14. will not ¢. o. his people 108: rs. O God, who hast c. us oa. CAST oxt. 60: 8. over Edom will Ic. 0. my shoe, 108 : Q. 78:55. c. 0. the heathen also before Bo; 8. hast: c.. o. the heathen, and planted CAST EDST, 73: 18. thou c. them down into CAS Fics ko 50: 17. c. my words behind thee 88:14. why c. thou off my soul? CASTETH. 147: 6. hec. the wicked down 17. hec. forth his ice like CASTING. 74: 7- defiled by c. down the 89: 39. by ¢. it to the ground CATCH 19:9. he lieth in wait to c, the poor g. he doth c. the poor, when he 35: 8. net that he hath hid, c. himself 109: 11. extortioner c. all that he hath CATERPILLAR-S. 78: 46. their increase unto the c. 105: 34. the locusts came, and c-s SAT TLE, 50: 10. the c. upon a thousand hills 78: 48. gave up their c. also to the hail 104: 14. the grass to grow for thec. 20 CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. CHA 107 : 38. suffereth not their c, to. 148: 10. beasts and all c. ; creeping CAUSE. (noun). 7:4. that without c. is mine enemy 9g: 4. maintained my right andmyc. 25: 3. which transgress without c. 35:1. plead my c., O Lord, with them 7. without c. have they hid for me 7. without c. they have digged for 19. that hate me without ac. 23. even unto my c., my God and 27. that favor*my righteous c. 43:1. plead my c. against an ungodly 69: 4. they that hate me withoutac. 74:22. plead thine own c¢, 109 : 3. against me withoutac. 119: 78. perversely with me withoutac. 154. plead my c. and deliver me 161. persecuted me withouta c. 140: 12. maintain the c. of the afflicted CAUSE. (verb). 10:17. thou wilt c. thine ear to hear 67: 1. c. his face to shine upon us 71:2. ¢, me to escape 76: 8. didst c. judgment to be heard O: 4.0. thy Ince to suine, 7, 10; g. c. it to take deep root 85:4. c. thine anger toward us to cease 143: 8. c.meto hear thy loving-kindness 8. c. me to know the way CAUSED. 66: 12. thou hast c. men to ride over 78: 13. c. them to pass through 16. c. waters to run down like 26. he c. an east wind to blow 119: 49. upon which thou hast c. me to CAUSEST. 5:4. and c. to approach unto thee CAUSETH. 104: 14. c. the grass to grow 107: 40. c. them to wander in the 135: 7. hec. the vapors to ascend 147: 18. he c. his wind to blow CEASE. : 8. c. from anger and forsake wrath : 9. he maketh wars to c. : 4. thine anger toward us toc. : 44. made his glory toc. CEASED. : 15. they did tear me, and c. not : 2. ran in the night, and c. not CEASETH. 12: 1. help, Lord, for the godly mane. 49: 8. precious, and it c. forever CEDAR, 92: 12. like ac. in Lebanon CEDARS. 29:5. voice of the Lord breaketh the c. 80: 10. like the goodly c. 104: 16. the c-s of Lebanon which he 148: 9. fruitful trees, and all c-s CHAFF. 1:4. like the c. which the wind 35:5. let them be as c. before the wind SN NOES aaCHA CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. CHAIN-S. 73: 6. compasseth them about asac, 68: 6, those which are bound with c-s 149: 8. to bind their kings with c-s CHAMBER. 19: 5. abridegroom coming out of hisc. CHAMBERS. 104: 3. the beams of his c. in the waters 105 : 30. in the c. of their kings CHANGE-D. 102: 26. a vesture shalt thou c. them 26. c. them, and they shall be c-d 106: 20. they c-d their glory into the CHANGES, 55: 19. because they have noc, CHANGETH. 15: 4. sweareth to his own hurt, and c. CHANNELS. 18: 15. then the c. of waters were seen CHARGE. 35: 11. laid to my c. things that I knew gt: 11. shall give his angels c. over thee CHARIOT. 46:9. burneth the c. in the fire 76:6. both the c. and horse are cast 104: 3. who maketh the clouds his ¢c. CHARIOTS. 20: 7. some trust in c. and some in 68: 17. c. of God are twenty thousand CHARMERS. 58:5. hearken to the voice ofc. CHARMING. 58:5. ¢. never %o wisely CHASE. 35:5. let the angel of the Lord c. them SHASTEN. 6:1. c. mein thy hot displeasure, 38: 1. CHASTENED. 69: 10. c. my soul with fasting 73:14. and c. every morning 118: 18. the Lord hath c. me scre CHASTENEST. 94: 12. blessed is the man whom thouc. CHASTLISETH. 94: 10. he that c, the heathen, shall not CHEEK. 3:7. all mine enemies upon the c. bone CHERUB. 18: 10. he rode upon ac, and did fly CHERUBIMS. 80: 1. dwellest between thec. 99: 1. sitteth between thec. CHIDE. 103: 9. he will not always c. CHIEF 78: 51. the c. of their strength in the 105 : 36. the c. of all their strength 137: 6. Jerusalem above my c. joy CHILD, 131: 2. as ac. that is weaned of his 2. my soul is even as a weaned ¢, CHILDREN. 17: 14. they are full ofc. and leave the 34:11. come, yec., hearken unto me | 45: 16. of thy fathers shall be thy c. 69: 8. an alien unto my mother’s ¢. 72: 4. Shall save the c. of the needy 4. 73: 15. the generation of thy c. 78: 4. not hide them from their c. 5. make them known totheirc. 6. the c. which should be born 6. declare them to their c. g. the c. of Ephraim, being armed 82: 6. all of youare c. of the Most High 83:8. have holpen the c. of Lot 89: 30. if his c. forsake my law go: 16. and thy glory unto their c. 102: 28. the c. of thy servants shall 103: 7. his acts unto the c. of Israel 13. like as a father pitieth his c. 105: 6. yec. of Jacob his chosen 109: 9. let his c. be fatherless ro. let his c. be continually 12. to favor his fatherless c. 115: 14. and more, you and your c. 127: 3. lo, c. are an heritage of the 4. so are c. of the youth 128 : 3. thy c. like olive plants 132: 12. if thyc. will keep my covenant 12. their c. shall also sit upon 137: 7. remember, O Lord, the c. of 144: 7. the hand of strange c., 11. 147: 13. blessed thy c. within thee 148: 12. and maidens ; old men andc. 14. even of thec. of Israel, a people 149: 2. let the c. of Zion be joyful in CHILDREN’S children. 103: 17. his righteousness unto ch. ¢. 128: 6. see thy c&. c., and peace upon CHILDREN of men. 11: 4. his eyelids try the c. of m. 12: 1. fail from among thec. of m. 14: 2. heaven upon thec. of m2., 53: 2. 21: 10. seed from among thec. of me. 36:7. the c. of m. put their trust under 45: 2. thou art fairer than the c. of m. 66:5. in his doing toward the c. of m. go: 3. sayest, return, ye c. of m. 107: 8. works to the c. of m., 15, 21, 31. 115: 16. hath he given to thec. af m. CHOOSE. 25: 12. in the way that he shall c. 47: 4. he shall c. our inheritance for us CHOOSEST. : 4. blessed is the man whom thou ce, CHOSE. 78: 67. c. not the tribe of Ephraim 68. but c. the tribe of Judah zo. he c. David also his servant CHOSEN. 89: 3. a covenant with my c. 105: 6. children of Jacob his C. 43. with joy, and his c. with 106: 5. see the good of thy c. 106: 23. had not Moses his ¢. stood CHOSEN. (verb). 33: 12. the people whom he hath ec. for 78: 31. the c. men of Israel 6 nn 25 CHO69: 47: 98 : 78: 40: 19: 24: ex: 73° f7* 18: 19: 51: 73: ers IoI 74: Bie 44: Lal CH ONAO TI9: 102: 137 TIO: CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALIS. COM 89: 19. one c. out of the people 105: 26. Aaron whom he had ¢. 119: 30. I have c. the way of truth 173. for | have c. thy precepts 132: 13. the Lord hath c. Zion 135: 4. the Lord hath c. Jacob unto CIRCUIT. 19: 6. his c. unto the ends of it 31: 21. marvellous kindness ina stronge. 46: 4. shall make glad the c. of God 48: 1. to be praised i in the c. of our God 2. the c. of the great king 8. in the c. of the Lord of hosts 8. in the c. of our God 55: 9. violence and strife in the c. 59: 6, 14. go round about the c. 60: 9. will bring me into the strong c. ? 72:16. they of the c. shall flourish 87: 3. spoken of thee, O c. of God ro1: 8. all wicked doers from the c. of 107: 4. found no c. to dwell in 7. go toac. of habitation | 36. may prepare ac. for habitation | 108: 10. bring me into the strong c. | 122; 3. asac. that is compact together 127: 1..except the Lord keep the c. CITIES 9: 6. thou hast destroyed c. ; their 35. and will build the c. of Judah CLAP. . Oc. your hands, all ye people 8. the floods c. their hands CLAVE. 15. hec. the rocks in the wilderness CLAY. 2. horrible pit, qut of the miry c, -LEAN, . fear of the Lord is c., enduring with hyssop, and I shall bec . create in meac, heart . such as.are of a c. heart . is his mercy c. gone forever ? CLEANNESS. 20. according to the c. of my, 24. CLEANSE-D. 12. c. thou me from secret faults 2. and c. me from my sin g. wherewithal shall a young mane, 13. I have c-d my heart in vain CLEAR. 4. bec. when thou judgest CLEAVE. :3. it shall not c, to me 5. my bones c. to my skin 6. let my tongue c¢. to the roof of CLEAVE (2). : 15. thou didst c. the fountain CLEAVETH. I5. my tongue c. to my jaws 25. our belly c. unto the earth 25. my soul c. unto the dust 22 . he that hath c. hands, anda pure CLEAVETH (2). 141: 7. when one cutteth and c. wood CLOSE. 18: 45. be afraid out of their c. places CLOTHE. 132: 16. I will also c. her priests 18, his enemies will I c. with CLOTHE D.- 35: 26. let them be c. with shame 65: 13. pastures are c. with flocks 93: 1. the Lord is c. with strength . he is c. with majesty 104: 1. ¢, with honour and majesty 10g: 18. as he c. himself with cursing 2g. adversaries be c. with shame 132: 9. let thy priests bec. with CLOTHING, 35: 13. when they were sick my ¢. was | 454 .03,.Nerc. 1s, of ween gold CLOUD 78: 14. he led them with ac. 105 : 39. hespread ac. for a covering CLOUDS: 18: 11. dark waters, and thick c. of the 12. his thick c. passed, hail stones 360: 5. faithfulness reacheth unto the c. | 57: 10. thy truth unto the c. 68: 34. his strength is in thec. 77: 17. the c. poured out water 78: 23. commanded the c. from above 97: 2. c. and darkness are round | 104: 3. who maketh the c. his chariot 108: 4. truth reacheth unto thec. 147: 8. covereth the heaven with c. CE OUDY. | 99: 7. Spake unto them in the ¢, pillar -OALS. 18: 8. c. were kindled by it 12, 13. hail stones and c. of fire 120: 4. with c. of juniper 140: 10, let burning c. fall upon them COASTS. 105 : 31. and lice in all their c. 33. brake the trees of their c. COLD: 147: 17. who can stand before his c,? COME. 5:7- as for me, I will c. into thy house 7:9. the wickedness of the wicked c. to Q770: destructions arec. toa perpetual 14: 7. the salvation of Israel were c. 22:31. they shall c. and shall declare 32: 6. they shall not c. nigh unto him g. lest they c. near unto thee 34: 11. ¢., yechildren, hearken unto me | 35: 8. destruction c., upon him at 30: 11. the foot of pride c. against me 40: 7. ‘then said 1 Jot fc: 41:6. if bec to see me, he speaketh 42: 2. when shall I c. and appear before 46: 8. c. behold the works of the Lord 50: 3. our God shall ¢. and shall not 53: 6. salvation of Israel were c. out of 55: 5. fearfulness and trembling are ¢.COM CONCORDANCE 70 THE PSALMS. COM . unto thee shall all flesh c. 65:2 66:5. c. and see the works of God 16. c. and hear, all ye that fear God 69: 2. 1 amc. into deep waters 27. them not c. into thy righteous- | ness 71: 18. power to every one that is ae 78: 4. showing to the generation to c . generation toc. “might know 79: 1. heathen arec. into thine 11. sighing of the prisoner c. before 80: 2. stir up thy strength and c. and 83 c. and let us cut them off 86:9. shall c. and worship before thee my prayer c. before thee but it shall not ¢. nigh thee . plague c. nigh thy dwelling O c., let us sing unto the Lord . let us c. before his presence . Oc., let us worship and bow and c. into his courts c. before his presence with COANHONNODN HH OF ob ° © OV oS 101: 2. when wilt thou c. unto me 102: 1. let my cry c. unto thee 13. yea, the set time isc. 18. for the generation toc. 10g: 17. so let it c. unto him 18. let it c. into his bowels like 119: 41. let thy mercies c. also unto me 77. let thy tender mercies c. unto 169. let my cry c. near before thee 170. let my supplication c. before 132: 3. surely, I will not c. into the COME again. 126: 6. ¢. a. with rejoicing, bringing his COME dowx. 7: 16. dealing shall c. d. upon his own 2:6, c. d. like rain upon the mown 144: 5. thy heavens, O Lord, and c. d. COME /orth 17: 2. let my sentence c. /. from thy 88: 8. shut up, and I cannotc /. COME zz. 24:7. the king of glory shall c. z., 9. 69: 1. waters are c.7. unto my soul COME oux?. 68: 31. princes shall c. o. of Egypt COME zon. 44:17. all this 1s c. #. us COMETH. 30:5. but joy c. in the morning 62: 1. from him ¢c, my s: lvation 75:6. promotion c. neither from the 78: 39. passeth away, and c. not again 06: 13.. he c., for he c. to judge, 98. $9. 118: 26. blessed be he that c. in the 121: 1. from whence c. my help 2, my helpc. from the Lord COMING. 37: 13. he seeth that his day Is c. COMING zz. 121: 8. they c. z. from this time forth COMING ozt. 19:5. a bridegroom c. 9. of his chamber | | 2 | | | i COMELY. ti Bae e tie is c. for the upright See . pleasant, and praise is c. COMFORT. (noun). 119: 50. this is my ¢. in mv affliction 76. merciful kindness be for my ¢. COMFORTS. | 94: 19. thy c. delight my soul COMFORT. (verb). i 23:4. thy rod and thy staff they c. me i 71: 21. ¢, me on every side | 11g: 82. saying, when wilt thou c. me? i COMFORTED. ia | 77:2. my soul refused to bec, | 86: 17. holpen me, and c. me 119: 52. and have c. myself COMFORTERS. 69 : 20. and for c., but I found none a! 44: 4. ¢. deliverances for Jacob Pa 89: 31. and keep not myc. 103: 18. that remember his c. to do 20. that do his c. hearkening unto 111: 7. all his c. are sure to. all they that do his c. | x12: x. delighteth greatly in his c. | 119: 6, respect unto all thy c. 1o. not wander from thy c. 1g. hide not thy c. from me 21. which do err from thy c. 32. run the way of thy c. when 35. to go in the path of thy c. edt 47- delight myself in thy ¢ 48. lift up unto thy c. which 60. delayed not to keep thy c¢. 66. I have believed thy c. f 73. that I may learn thyc. 86. all thy c. are faithful 98. through thy c. hast made me rr5. I will ‘keep the c. of my God 127. I love thy c. above gold COMMAND. 42:8. willc. his loving-kindness in the COMMANDED, 7:6. the judgment that thou hast c. 33 :g. he c. and it stood fast : 28. thy God hath c. thy strength a alaw....which hec. our fathers i. thought he had c. the clouds 105: 8. the word which hec. toa 106 : 34 concerning whom the Lord c, 111: 9. c. his covenant forever LIQ :'4. thou hast c. us to keep thy 138. testimonies that thou hast ¢. 133: 3. there the Lord c. the blessing 148: 5. he c. and they were created COMMANDETH 107: 25. he c. and raiseth the stormy COMMANDMENT. 19: 8. the c. of the Lord is pure 71:3. givenc. to save me 119: 96. thy c. is exceeding broad : 15. sendeth forth his c. upon earth COMMANDMENTS. : 7. but keep his c. 23SONS NT RS 4 COM CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. CON 119: 131. for I longed for thy c. COMPLAINED. 143. yet thy c. are my delights 77:3. 1c., and my spirit was 151. all thy c. are truth COMPLAINING. 166. thy salvation, and done thy c. | 144: 14. no ¢. in our streets 172. all thy c. are righteousness COMPLAINT. 176. I do not forget thy c. COMMIT. 31:5. into thine hand I c. my spirit 37:5. ¢. thy way unto the Lord COMMITTED. 106: 6. we have ¢. iniquity COMMITTETH. 10: 14. the poor c. himself unto thee COMMUNE. 4:4. ¢. with your own heart upon your 64:5. they c. of laying snares 77:6. Ic. with mine own heart COMPACT. 122: 3. acity that is c. together COMPANION-S. 119: 63. Iamac. of all them that fear 45: 14. the virgins her c-s 122: 8. for my brethren and c-s’ sakes COMPANY. 55:14. unto the house of God inc, 68: 11. great was the c. of those that 30. rebuke the c. of spearmen 106: 17. covered the c. of Abiram 18. fire was kindled in their ¢. COMPARED. 89: 6. who in the heaven can bec. ? COMPASS. 5: 12. c. him as with a shield 7:7. congregation of the people c. thee 17: 9. my deadly enemies who c. me 26: 6. so will I c. thine altar, O Lord 32: 7. thoushalt c. me about with songs ro. mercy shall c. him about 49: 5. iniquity of my heels shall c. me 140: 9. head of those that c. me about 142: 7. righteous shall c. me about COMPASSED. 17: 11. have now. us in our steps 18: 4. the sorrows of death c. me 5. the sorrows of hell c. me about 12. many bulls have c. me 16. for dogs have c. me 40:12. evils have c. me about 88:17. they c. me about together 109: 3. they c. me about also with words 116: 3. the sorrows of death c. me 118: 10. all nations c. me about 11, they c. me about ; yea, theyc. 12. they c. me about like bees 22: COMPASSEST. 139: 3. thouc. my path COMPASSETH. 73: 6. pride c. them about as a chain COMPASSION. 78: 38. he, being full of c. 86: 15. a God full of c. and gracious 111: 4. gracious and full of c., 145: 8. 112: 4. full of c. and righteous 24 55:2. I mourn in myc. 142: 2. I poured out my c. before him CONCEALED. 40:10. I have not c. thy lowing CONCEIVE-D. 51: 5. in sin did my mother c. me 7:14. hath c-d mischief and brought CONCE’.NETH. 138: 8. perfect that which c. me CONCERNING. 17: 4. ¢. the works of men, by the word 73: 8. speak wickedly c. oppression go: 13. repent thee c. thy servants 106 : 34. ¢. whom the Lord commanded 119: 128. thy precepts c. all things to 152. c. thy testimonies I have 14. repent himself c. his servants CONDEMN. 37 : 33. nor c. him when he is judged 94: 21. ¢. the innocent blood 109 : 31. those that c. his soul CONDEMNED. 109: 7. judged, let him be c. CONFEDERATE. 83:5. they are c. against thee CONFESS. 32:5. I willc. my transgressions CONFIDENCE. 65: 5. who art the c. of all the ends 118: 8, than to put c. in man, g. CONFIDENT. 27: 3. in this will I bec. CONFIRM-ED. 68: 9. whereby thou didst c. thine 105: 10. c-d the same unto Jacob CONFOUNDED. 22:5. trusted in thee, and were not c. 35: 4. let them be c. and put to shame 40:14. let them be ashamed, and c. 70:2. be ashamed and c. that seek after 71: 13. let them bec. and consumed 24, they are c., for they are brought 83:17. let them be c. and troubled 97:7. c. be all they that serve graven 129: 5. let them all be c. and turned CONFUSION. 35: 4. brought to c. that devise my 26. brought to c. together that 44:15. myc. is continually befure me 70: 2, turned backward and put toc. 71: 1. let me never be put toc. 10g: 29. their own c., as with a mantle CONGREGATION. I: 5. nor sinners in the c. of the 7:7. so shall the c, of the people 22:22. midst of the c. will I praise thee 25. shall be of thee in the great c, 5. I have hated the c. of evil-doers 18, thanks in the great c. 135 : 26: 35:CON CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. CON 40: 9. righteousness in the great c. IO. thy truth from the great c. 58: 1. indeed speak righteousness, Oe 68: 10, thy c. hath dwelt therein 74:2. remember thyc. which thou hast 1g. forget not the c. of thy poor 7S 22 hen I shall receive the c, 82: 1. God standeth in the c. of 89:5 faithfulness also in the c. of the 107 : 32. exalt him also in thec. of 111: 1. of the upright, and in thee, 149: 1. praise in thec. of saints CONGREGATIONS. 26: 12. in the c, will I bless the Lord 68: 26. bless ye God in the c, 74:4. in the midst of thy c GONTES, 104: 18. the rocks for the c, CONSENT. 83: 5. consulted together with one c. CONSENTEDST. 50: 18. a thief then thou c. with him CONSIDER. 5:1. c. my meditation 8:3. when Ic. thy heavens, the work 9: 13. c. my trouble which I suffer of 13:3. c. and hear me, O Lord my God 25:19. c. mine enemies, for they are 37 5 10 diligently c. his place, and it 45: 10. hearken, O dau; meg "and c 48 : 13. c. her palaces, that ye may tell 50: 22. nowc. this, ye that forget God 64:9. wisely c. of his doing 119: 95. 1 willc. thy testimonies 153. c. mine affliction and deliver 159. c. how I love thy precepts “ CONSIDERED. 31: 7. thou hast c. my trouble 77:5. I have c. the days of old CONSIDERETH. 33: 15. hec. all their works 41:1. he that c. the poor CONSULT. 62: 4. they only c. to cast him down CONSULTED. 83:3. c. against thy hidden ones 5. they have ¢. together with one CONSUME. 37: 20. they shall c.; into smoke shall | they c. away : 14. their beauty suall¢ c. in the grave : 13. c. them in wrath, : 33. their days did ay c. in . them CONSUME away. makest his beauty to c. a. like ans 13. CONSUMED. 6:7. mine eye is c. because of grief 18: 37. turn again till they were c. 31:9. mine eye is ¢. with grief ro. my bones are c. 39: 10. Lam c. by the blow of thine 71:13. let them be confounded and c. 73: 19. utterly c. with terrors 78 : 63. fire c. their young men | 90: 7. we arec. by thine anger 102: 3. my days are c. like smoke 104: 35. sinners be c. out of the earth 119: 87. had almost c. me upon earth 139. my zeal hath c. me, because CONTEMN. 10: 13. wherefore doth the wicked ec. God? CONTEMNED. 15: 4. In whose eyes a vile person is ¢, 107: 11. c. the counsel of the Most High CONTEMPT. 107: 40. poureth c. upon princes IIg: 22. remove from me reproach and ¢, | 123: 3. exceedingly filled with c. 4. with the c. of the proud CONTEMPTUOUSLY. 31: 18. grievous things proudly and ¢, CONTINUALLY. 34:1. praise shall c. be in my mouth 35: 27. let them say c., let the Lord be | 38: 7. my sorrow 1s c. before me | 40: £1. thy truth c. preserve me 16, say c. the Lord be magnified 42:3. ¢. say unto me, where is thy God? 442515. My confusion is c. before me 50: 8. burnt-offerings been c. before 52: 1. goodness of God endureth c. 58: 7. as waters which run c. 69 : 23. loins c. to shake 70: 4. love thy salvation say c 71:3. whereunto I may c. resort 6. my praise shall bec. of thee 14. but I will hope c. 72:15. prayer also shall be made for him ¢. 73:23. Lamc. with thee 74: 23. against thee increaseth c. 109: 10. be c. vagabonds and beg 15. let them be before the Lord c. 19. wherewith he is girded c. 119: 44. so shall I keep thy law. 10g. my soul is c. in my hand le ‘Tespect unto thy statutes c. 140: 2. c. are they gathered together for CONTINUANCE. | 139: 16, which in c. were fashioned CONTINUE. 36: 10. Oc, thy loving-kindness unto 49: 11. that their houses shall c. forever 102: 28. children of thy servants shall c, 119: 91. they c. this day according to CONTINUED 72:17. his name shall be c. as long as CONTRITE. 34: 18. saveth such as be of ac. spirit 51:17. a broken and ac. heart CONVERSATION. 37: 14. Such as be of upright c. 50: 23. to him that ordereth his c. CONVERTED. 51: 13. sinners shall be c. unto thee CONVERTING. 19:7. law of the Lord is perfect, c. the 25COR CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. COV CORDS; 2: 3. cast away their c. from us 118: 27. bind the sacrifice with c. 106 : 31. that was c. unto him for right~ eousness COUNTENANCE. 129: 4. cut asunder the c. of the wicked | 4: 6. lift thou up the light of thy c. 140: 5. have hid a snare for me, and c. | aNe 4:7. the time that their c. and their 65:9. thou preparest them c, 13. also are covered over with c. 72: 78: 24. given them of the c. of heaven SORNER 118; 22. become the head-stone of the c. CORNER-STONES. 144: 12. our daughters may be as c.-s. CORNET. 98 : 6. trumpets and sound ofc. CORREOT.. 39: 11. when thou with rebukes dost c. 94: 10. the heathen, shall not he c. ? CORRUPT: 14:1. they are c. they have done 38:5. my wounds stink and are c. 53: 1. c. are they, and have done 73: 8. they are c. and speak wickedly CORRUPTION. 16: 10. suffer thine holy one to see c. 49: 9. live forever, and not see c, COUCH. 6:6. I water my c: with my tears COULD. 78: 44. their floods, that they c. not drink COUNCIL. 68: 27. princes of Judah and their c. COUNSEL. 1:1. that walketh not in the c. of the 2:2. the rulers take c. together 13: 2. how long shall I take c. in my 14:6. ye have shamed thec. of the poor 16:7. the Lord, who hath given mec. 20:4. and fulfilallthyc. — 31: 13. they took c, together against 33: 10. bringeth the c. of the heathen tz. c. of the Lord standeth forever 55: 14. we took sweet c. together 64: 2. hide me from the secret c, of 71: 10, wait for my soul, take c. 73: 24. thou shalt guide me with thy c. 83: 3. have taken crafty c. against 106: 13. waited not for his c. 107: 11. contemned the c. of the Most COUNSELS. 5: 10. let them fall by their own. 81: 12. walked in their own c. COUNSELLORS. 119: 24. are my delight and myc, COUNT. 87: 6. the Lord shall c. when he writeth 139: 18. if I should c. them, they are 22. I¢. them mine enemies COUNTED. 44: 22. we are c. as sheep for the 88: 4. I amc, with them that go 26 16. be an hancful of c. in the earth | 10: 4. through the pride of his c. | 1x: 7. his c. doth behold the upright | 21:6. exceeding glad w:th thy c. | 42: 5. praise him for the help of hisc, | 11. who isthe health of myc., 43: 5. 44:3. the light of thy c. because thou 80: 16, at the rebuke of thy c. | 89: 15. O Lord, in the light of thy c. go: 8. secret sins in the light of thy c. COUNTRIES. 110: 6, the heads over many c. COURAGE. 14. be of good c. and he shall strengthen, 31: 24. COURSE. : 5. of the earth are out of c. eS, 27: 82 65:4. that he may dwell in thy c. 84:2. fainteth for the c. of the Lord 10. a day in thy ¢. is better than 92: 13. shall furnish in the c. of our 96: 8. and come into his c, 100: 4. and into his c. with praise 116: 19. in the c. of the Lord’s house 135: 2. in the c. of the house of our COVENANT. 25:10. keep his c.-and his testimonies 14. he will show them his c, 17. dealt falsely in thy ce. 5. those that have madeac. with 16. take my c. in thy mouth 20. he hath broken his c. 20. have respect unto the c., ro. they kept not the c. of God 37- were they steadfast in his c. : 3. IT have made ac. with my chosen 28. my c. shall stand fast with him 34. myc. will I not break 39. made void the c. of thy servant 44: BO. 55: 74: 78: 89 103: 18. to such as keep his c. 105: 8. he hath remembered his c. g. which c. he made with Abraham 106: 45. he remembered for them his ¢. : 5. ever be mindful of his c. g. commanded his ¢, forever LTT 132: 12. myc. and my testimony that COVER. gz: 4. shall c. thee with his feathers 104: 9. turn not again toc. the earth tog: 29. c. themselves with their own confusion 139: 11. surely the darkness shall c. me 140: 9. mischief of their own lips c. COVERED. 32: 1. blessed is he... . whose sin isc. 44: 15. shame of my face hath c. me 1g. ¢. us with the shadow of death 65: 13. the valleys also are c. over with 68 : 13. wings of a dove c. with silver 6g: 7. shame hath c. my face DEA aS Sac P : AS NeeCOV CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. CUP 71: 13. c. with reproach and dishonor CRIETH. 80: 10. the hills were c. with the 72: 12. deliver the-needy when he c. 85:2. thou hast c. all their sin 84:2. my flesh c. out for the living God 89:: 45. thou hast c. him with shame CROOKED. 106: 11. waters c. their enemies 125: 5. aside unto their ¢. ways 17. c. the company of Abiram CROUCHETH. 139 : 13. hast c. me in my mother’s 10: 10. he c. and humbleth himself 140: 7. hast c. my head in the day CROWN. COVEREDST. 21: 3. settest ac. of pure gold on his 104: 6. thou c. it with the deep as with | Bg 39. thou hast profaned his c. by COVEREST. | 132: 18. upon himself shall his c. flour- 104: 2. who c. thyself with light ish COVERETH. CROWNED. 73: 6. violence c, them as a garment 18:5. hast c. him with glory and honor 109 : SE as the garment w hich c. him CROWNES 147: 8. whoe. the heaven with clouds | 65:11. thouc. the year with thy COVERING. CROWNETH. 105: 39. he spread a cloud forac. | 103: 4. c. thee with loving-kindness COVERT. CRUEL. 6r: 4. I will trust in the c. of thy wings | 71: 4. the unrighteous and c. man COVETOUS. CRUELTY. 10: 3. blesseth the c. whom the Lord 27: 12. such as breathe out c. COVETOUSNESS. 74: 20. full of the habitations ofc. : 36. thy testimonies, and not toc. TRAFTY. ; 3. have taken c. counsel CREATE. : 10. ¢. in me aclean heart, O God CREATED : 12. and the earth, thou hast c. them 102 : 18. the people which shall be c. 104: 30. forth thy spirit, they are c. 148: 5. commandeth, and they were c. CREEP /orts. 20. beasts of the forest doc. CREEPING. innumerable 104 : 104: 25. things. 148: 10. beasts and all cattle; c. things | CRIED. | 3:4. Ic. unto the Lord with my voice, 142: I. 18: 6. called upon the Lord and c. unto | 41. they c., but there was none to 22° 5. livered 24. when hee. unto him, he heard 2. O Lord my God, Ic. unto thee 8. Ic. to thee, O Lord, and unto 22. my supplications when I c. unto 6. poor man c. and the Lord heard 17. Ic. unto him with my mouth 1. Ic. unto God with my voice 1. I have c. day and night 13. unto thee haveIc.,O Lord | 107: 6, they c. unto the Lord in their trouble, 13. 145. Ic. with my whole heart 146. [c unto thee; save me and I 147. dawning of the morning andec. i +.-1n my distress Ic. unto the Lord 130: 1. out of the depths have Ic. unto 138: 3. in the day when I c., thou 142: 5. Ic. unto thee, O Lord ac: a5: 34: 66: Ti 6: I1Q: they c. unto thee, and were de- | CRY. (noun). ee a ed as unto the voice of myc. 9:12. he forgetteth not the c. of the ke r. attend unto my ¢., give ear unto 18:6. myc. came before him, even into 34: 15. his ears are open unto their c. 39: 12. give ear unto myc 40:1. inclined unto me, and heard myc. | 6z% © hearimy ¢:,:O God 88: 2. incline thine ear unto ny ¢. 102: 1. let my c. come unto thee 106 : oe when he heard their c. 119: 169 let my c. come near before 142: 6. attend unto my c., for I am 145: 19. he also will hear their c. CRY. (verb). | 22: 2. O my God, Ic. in the daytime 27:7: hear, O Lord, when I c, with my 28:1. unto thee will I c., O Lord my rock 2. when Ic, unto thee, when I lift 34:17. the righteous ¢. and the Lord | 55: 17. at noon will I pray and c. aloud 56:9. when I c. unto thee, then shall 57: 2. I will c. unto God most high 61: 2. end of the earth will Ic. unto 86: 3. for Ic. unto thee daily 89: 26. he shall c. unto me, thou art 107: 19. then they c. unto the Lord, 28, r4x: x. Lord, Le. unto thee, make haste I. give ear unto my voice,when Ic, 147: 9. to the young ravens which c¢. CRYING. 69: 3. Lam weary of myc. CUNNING. 137: 5. right hand borat her ¢ 11: 6, this shall be he portion of theire, 16: 5. of mine inheritance and of myc. 23:5. my c. runneth over 73: 10. waters of a full c. are wrung 27CUR CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. DAU gpa 75:8. hand of the Lord there is a ¢. 136: 13. I will take the c. of salvation CURIOUSLY. 139: 15. c. wrought in the lowest parts CURSE. 62:4. but they c. inwardly 10g: 28. let them ¢., but bless thou CURSE DD: 37:22. they that bec. of him shall be 119: 21. rebuked the proud that are c. CURSING. 10: 7. full of c. and deceit and fraud 59: 12. forc. and lying which they 109: 17. as he loved c., so let it come 18. clothed himself with c. CURTAIN. 104: 2. out the heavens like ac. CUT: 58: 7. let them be as c. in pieces 107: 16. c. the bars of iron in sunder 129: 4. c. asunder the cords of the CUT down. 37:2. soon bec. d. like the grass 85: 16. burned with fire; it isc. a. 90:6. in the evening it is ¢. d. and SUT of. 12:3. the Lord shall c. o. all flattering 31:22. I amc. o. from before thine eyes 34:16. toc. o, the remembrance of 37: 9. evil-doers shall bec. o. 22. be cursed of him shall bec. a. 28. seed of the wicked shall bec. a. 34. when the wicked are c. o., thou 38. end of the wicked shall bec. o. : 5. c. them o. in thy truth - ro. of the wicked also, will Ic. 0. - 12, shall c. o. the spirit of princes : 4. come, and‘let us c. them o. from : 5. they are c, o. from thy hand 16. thy terrors have c. me a, it is soon c. o. and we fly away go: 10. 94: 23. shall c. them o. in their own 23. the Lord our God shallc. them. zor: 5. slandereth his neighbor, him will Ic. 0. 8. that I mayc. o. all wicked doers 109 : 13. let his posterity be c. o. 15. may c. 0. the memory of them 143: 12. of thy mercy c. a. mine enemies -rEETH 46: 9. c. the spear in sunder 141: 7. when onec. and cleaveth wood CYMBALS. 150: 5. praise him upon the loud c. 5. upon the high-sounding c. 15), DAILY. 13:2. having sorrow in my heart d. 42: 10. while they say @ unto me 36:1. he fighting @. oppresseth me 2. mine enemies would d. swallow 28 61:8. that I may d. perform my vows 68: 19. who d. loadeth us with benefits 72:15. ad. Shall he be praised 74: 22. foolish man reproacheth thee we 86: 3. for I cry unto thee d. 88:9. I have called d. upon thee 17. round about me d. like water DAINTIES. 141: 4. let me not eat of their ad. DAMSELS. 68: 25. among them were the d. DANCE. 149: 3. praise his name in the d. him with the timbrel and d. DANCING. for me my mourning into d. DARK 150: 4. 30215. - ir. @. waters and thick clouds of 18 35:6. let their way be d. and slpcty 49: 4. will open my d. saying upon the - 20, the @. places of the earth are : 2. utter ad. sayings of old 88: 12. wonders be known in the d. ros : 28. sent darkness, and made ie a; DARKENED. 69: 23. let their eyes be d. that they DARKNESS. 18:9. a. was under his feet he made d. his secret place my God will enlighten my @. they walk on ind. in d. in the deeps mine acquaintance into d. 91: 6. the pestilence that walketh in a. 97: 2. clouds and d. are round about 104: 20. thou makest @. and it is night 105: 28. he sent d@. and made it dark 107: 10. such as sit in @. and in the 14. brought them out of d. and 4. ariseth light in the d@. 11. surely the d@. shall cover me 12. the d@. hideth not from thee 12. the d. and the light are both 143; 3. made me to dwell ind. DARLING. 22:20. my d. from the power of the dog 35:17. my d. from the lions DASH. 2:9. thou shalt d. them in pieces like gt: 12. d. thy foot against a stone TEs 28. 2h 28:-.6: 18. LIZ 139: DASHETH. 137: 9. taketh and d. thy little ones DATHAN. 106: 17. opened and swallowed up D. DAUGHTER. 9:14. in the gates of the d. of Zion 45: 10. hearken, O d., and consider 12. the d. of Tyre shall be there 13. the king’s d. is all glorious 137: 8. O d. of Babylon, who art to be DAUGHTERS. 45:9. kings’ d. were among thy 48: 11. let the d. of Judah be glad 97: 8. the d@. of Judah rejoicedDAV CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. DEA i, 106: 37. and their d. unto devils 38. blood of their sons and of their ad. 144: 12. our d. may be as corner-stones | 102: 8. enemies reproach me a. the d. | 119: 97. lt is my meditation a. the d. DAVID. 18:50. to D. and to his seed forever- more 72: 20. the prayers of D. the son of 78:70. he chose D. also his servant 89: 3- Sworn unto J. my servant 20. found D. my servant 35. I will not lie unto D. 49. Swarest unto D. in thy truth I22 192° 144: rig? : 5. thrones of the house of D. 1. Lord, remember D. and all ro. for thy servant D’s sake II. sworn in truth unto D. 17. the horn of D. to bud to. delivereth D. his servant DAWNING. 147. I prevented the d. of the DAY 2:7. this d. have I begotten thee 18 Ee 20: 37: 50: 56: 59: 74: : 18. in the @. of my calamity . a. unto d, uttereth speech . hear thee in the d. of trouble a he seeth that his d. is coming 15. call upon mein the d. of trouble 5. every @. they wrest my words 16. refuge in the d. of my trouble 16, the d. is thine, the night also : 2. in the d. of my trouble I sought 78: 9. turned back in the d. of battle 118: TIO: 42. nor the @d. when he delivered . in the d@. of my trouble I will call 7 : 5. the arrow that flieth by d. 8 . as in the d. of temptation : 2. in the ad. when I call, answer 2. the d. when I am in trouble : 3. willing in the d. of thy power 5. in the d. of his wrath 24. the @d. which the Lord hath gi. they continue this d@. according 164. seven times a d@. do I praise 121: 6. shall not smite thee by a. 136: 8. the sun to rule by d. 137: 7. in the d. of Jerusalem 138: 3. in the d. when I cried, thou 139: 12. the night shineth as the a. 140: 7. my head in the d. of battle 145: 2. every d. will I bless thee 146: 4. in that very d. his thoughts DAY and night. 1:2. law doth he meditate d. and u. 32:4. dad. and n. thy hand was heavy 42:3. my meat, d. and n. : 5:10. @. and n. they go about it 88: aD 38: 1. | havecried @d. aud un. before all the DAY. : 5. on thee do I wait a. the d. : 3. through my roaring a, the d. 28. thy praise a. the d. long 6. I go mourning a. the d. long | go: 9. all our d. are passed away in thy | | 2 | 94: 13. rest from the d. of adversity : 10, ad. in thy courts is better than | | 71: 8. with thy honor a. thed. 89: 16. shall they rejoice a. the d. & DAY-TIME. 22:2. Icryinthed.-¢., but thou hearest . 42:8. his loving-kindness in the a.-¢, i 78: 14. in the @.-¢, also he led them 1 DAY LO: DAY: . 96: 2. his salvation from d, Zo da. DAYS 21 2 AG > en length of d. forever and 23.°.6. Shall follow me all the @. of my 27 = 4: all the a. of my life, to behold 34: 12. loveth many d. that he may see 37: 18. knoweth the d. of the upright 1g. in the d. of famine they shall 39: 4. and the measure of my d. 5. behold, thou-hast made my d., 44:1. what work thou didst in their d. 49: 5. should I fear in the d. of evil 55: 23- Shall not live out half their da. 72:7. in his d, shall the righteous 77: 5. I have considered the d. of old 78 : 33. their d. did he consume in me 33 : 29. his throne as the d. of heaven 45. the d. of his youth hast thou shortened to. @. of our years are three score 12. so teach us to number our d. 14. rejoice and be glad all ourd. 15. according to the d. wherein 102: 3. my @. are consumed like smoke 11. my d. are like a shadow 23. he shortened my d. 24. in the midst of my d. 103: 15. his @. are as grass tog: 8. let his d. be few 119: 84. how many are the d. of thy servants ? 128: 5. of Jerusalem all the d. of thy 143: 5. I remember the d. of old 144: 4. his d@. are as a shadow DEAD. (noun). 88:5. free among the d. like the 10. shall the d. arise and praise thee ? ro. wilt thoushow wonders to thed.? we 2.. and ate the sacrifices of the d. 115: 17. the @. praise not the Lord DEAD. (adj.) 31: 12. asad. man, out of mind 76: 6, are cast into ad. sleep 79: 2. the d. bodies of thy servants 110: 6. fill the places with the d. bodies 5 143: 3. that have been long d. DEADLY. 17: 9. from my ¢, enemies who compass DEAF, 38 : 13. I, as ad. man, heard not 58 : 4. like the d. adder that stoppeth DEAL. ‘ 75:4. unto the fools, @. not foolishly “eyASSEN 5 Pg DEA CONCORDANCE TO LAL PSALMS. DEE 2s. tod. subtilely with his servants __» DECLARE, Se = d. euaniGally with thy servant | 2: 7. I will d. the decree ; the Lord 124. d. with thy servant according | 9: 11. d@. among the people his doings 142: 7. thou shalt d. bountifully with | 19: 1. the heavens d. the glory of God DEALINGS. 22: 22. I will a. thy name unto my 7:16. his violent d. shall come down 31. shall d. his ri ighteousness unto DEALT. 20 20: shall it @. thy truth ? 13: 6. because he hath d@. bountifully 38: 18. I will @. mine iniquity 44:17. d. falsely in thy covenant 40: 5. if I would @. and speak of them 78:57. and d@. unfaithfully like their 50: 6. heavens shall d. his righteousness 103: 10. not d@. with us after our sins 16. hast thou to do tod. my statutes 116: 7. the Lord hath d. bountifully 64: 9. shall d. the work of God 119: 65. @. well with thy servant 66: 16. willd. what he hath done for my 78. they d@. perversely with me 73: 28. may d. all thy works 147: 20. hath not d@. so with any nation | 75: 1. is near, thy wondrous works d. DEATH. g. but I will d. forever 6:5. ind. there is no remembrance of § 78: 6. d. them to their children 7: = for him the instruments of d. 96: 3. d. his glory among the heathen g: 13. liftest me up from the gates of d. 97:6. the heavens d. his righteousness ee 4 lest I sleep the sleep of d. 102: 21. to d@, the name of the Lord in 18 : 4. the sorrows of d. compassed me_ 107: 22, d. his works with rejoicing 5. the snares of a. prevented me 118: 17. and d, the works of the Lord 22:15. brought me into the dust of d. | 145: 4. and shall d. thy mighty acts 23: 4. the valley of the shadow ofa. | 6. I will d. thy greatness 33: 19. to deliver their soul from d. DECLARED. 44: 19. covered us with the shadowof d. | 40: ro. I have d. thy faithfulness 48:14. our guide even unto @. 71: 17. @. thy wondrous works 49: 14. @. shall feed on them 77: 14. d@. thy strength among the 55:4. the terrors of d. are fallen upon = 88: 11. thy loving-kindness be d. in the 15. let d. seize upon them | grave 56: 13. delivered my soul from d. | 119: 13. @. all the judgments of thy 68: 20. belong:the issues from d. DECLINE, 73 5"4; 110 bands in their d. | 119: 157. yet do I not d. from thy testi- 78:50. spared not their soul from d. | monies 89: 48. that liveth and shall not see d. DECLINED. 102: 20. that are appointed to a. 44: 18. our steps d, from thy way 107: 10. and in the shadow of d. 119: 51. yet have I not d. trom thy law 14. darkness, and the shadow of d. DECLIN.E-PH, 18, unto the gates of d. to2: 11, like a shadow that d. 1x6: 3. sorrows of @. compassed me | 109: 23. like the shadow when it d. 8. delivered my soul from d. DECREASE. 15. sight of the Lord is the d. of | 107: 38. suffereth not their cattle to d. 118 ; 18, not given me over unto d. | DECREE. DECEITZS. 2:7.‘declare the @.; the Lord hath 10: 7. full of cursing and d@. and fraud sald 36: 3. of his mouth are iniquity and ad. | 148: 6. a d. which shall not pass 50:19. thy tongue frameth d. DEEDS. : 55:11. @. and guile depart not from 28 : - give them according to their ad. tor: 7. he that worketh d. shall nat 105: 1. his @&. among the people y1g: 118. for their d. is falsehood DEEP. (noun) 38: 12. imagine @-s all the day long 36: E thy seat are a great d. DECEITFUL 42:7. @. calleth unto d,. at the noise 69: 15. neither let the d. swallow me up g=°6. abhor the bloody and d@. man 104 : 2 coveredst it with the d@. as with 35: 20. devise d. matters against them rh le : Zps1. deliver me from the @. and unjust os a DEEP. adi) ee \S2i-4. O thou d@. tongue 64:6, inward thought ....and the 055} 23. bloody and d@. men shall not heart, is a. 78% 57. aside like a d. bow 69: 2. Iam come into d. waters 109: 2. mouth of the d@. are opened : nkin@. v r 129: 2. and from ad. tongue 2. [sink in @. mire,where there is no 14. and out of the d. waters DECEITFULLY. 80:9. Cause it to take @. root 24: 4. nor sworn d@. ; 92:5. thy thoughts are very da. 52: 2, a sharp razor working d. 95: 4. In his hand are the ad. places 2 do SODEE 135: 6. in the seas, and all @. places 140: 10. into d. pits, that they rise not DEEP 88: 6. in darkness, in the d. 148: 7. from the earth, ye dragons and all d. DEFENCE. 7:10. my d@. is of God, which saveth 31: 2. for an house of d. to save me 59: 9. for God is my d. 16. thou hast been my d. 17. for God is my d@. and the God of 62:2. heis myd.,1 shall not be greatly | 89: 18. the Lord is our d. 94: 22. the Lord is my d. DEFEND. 20: 1. nameof the God of Jacob d. thee | 59: 1. @. me from them that rise up 82: 3. @. the poor and fatherless DEFENDEST. 1. shout for joy, because thou d. them DEFILED. 74:7. they have d. by casting down 79: 1. thy holy temple have they d. 106 : 39. thus were they d. with their DEGREE. 62:9. surely men of low d. are vanity g. men of high d., area lie DELAYED wm 4 119: 60. I made haste, and d. not to | keep DELIGHT. (noun). 1:2. but his d@. is in the law of the ord ; 16:3. to the excellent, in whom is all my d. 119: 24. thy testimonies also are my d. 77. for thy law is my d. 174. and thy law is my d. DELIGHT. (verb). 37: 4. a. thyself also in the Lord 11. @. themselves in the abundance 40:8. I d. to do thy will, O my God 62:4. they d. ia lies; they bless 68 : 30. the people that d@. in war 94: 19. thy comforts a. my soul 119: 16. I will d. myself in thy statutes 35. for therein do I d. 47. will d. myself in thy command- ments 7o. but Id. in thy law DELIGHTED. 18: 19. delivered me beeause he d. in | me 22:8. let him deliver him, seeing he d. in him ; 109: 17. @. notin blessing, so let it be far DELIGHTEST. 51: 16. thou d@. not in burnt-offering DELIGHTETH. 37: 23. he d. in his way CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. DEL yre:1, that d. greatly in his com- mandments | 147: ro. hed, not in the strength of the DELIGHTS. £19: 92. unless thy law had been my d. 143. thy commandments are my d. DELIVER. | 7: 2. while there is none to d. | 22: 4. they trusted, and thou didst d. | them 8. trusted on the Lord, that he | would d. 8. let him ad. him, seeing he de- lighted in | 33:17. @. any by his great strength 1g. to d@. their soul from death 37: 40. the Lord shall help them, and ad. them 40. he shall d. them from: the wicked 1. the Lord will d. him in time of 2. wilt not @. him unto the will 15. I will d. thee, and thou shalt glorify 22. there be none to d. 56: 13. wilt not thou d. my feet 71: 11. for there is none to @. him 72:12. he shall a. the needy 74:19. Od. not the soul of thy turtle- dove 79:9. @. us and purge away our sins | 82: 4. d. the poor and needy | 89: 48. shall he d. his soul from the hand of ' gr: 3. surely he shall d. thee from the snare 14. therefore will I @. him 5. I will d. him and honor him 106 : 43. many times did he d. them DELIVER me. 7:1. all them that persecute me, and a. te 25:20. O keep my soul and d. me 27: 12. d@. me not over unto the will 31:1. a. me in thy righteousness 2. thine ear to me; d. me speedily 15. d. me from the hand of mine 39: 8. d. me from all my transgressions 40: 13. be pleased, O Lord, to a. sme 43:1. O d. me from the deceitful and unjust 51: 14. @. me from blood-guiltiness 59:1. @. me from mine enemies, O my Go : 2. @. me from the workers of in- iquity | 69: 14. @. me out of the mire : | 18. a. me because of mine enemies | 70: x. make haste, O God, to d. me | 71: 2. a. me in thy righteousness 4. a. me, O my God, out of the han | 109: 21. thy mercy is good, d. thou me 31 | | | | | } | Lan | |DEL CONCORDANCE LO LAE PSALM S. DES X19: 134. d. me from the oppression of man 153. @. me, for I do not forget thy law 154. plead my cause, and d. me 170. @. me according to thy word 140: 1. @. me, O Lord, from the evil man 142: 6. d. me from my persecutors 143: 9. @. me, O Lord, from mine ene- mies rid me and d. me out of great waters 11. a. me from the hand of strange DELIVER my soud. 6:4. return, O Lord, d. my s. 17: 13. ad. my s. from the wicked 22:20. d. my s. from the sword 116: 4. I beseech thee, d. my s. 120: 2. ad. my s., O Lord, from lying DELIVERANCE-S. 144: 7. 18: 50. great d. giveth he to his king 32:7. compass me about with songs of a. 44:4. command d-s for Jacob DELIVERED. 7:4. I have d. him that without cause 18:17. hed. me from my strong enemy 19. he d. me because he delighted 43. thou hast d. me from the striv- ings 48. thou hast d. me from the violent : 5. they cried unto thee, and were d. : 16. is not d@. by much strength : 4. @. me from all my fears 54:7. he hath d. me out of all trouble 55: 18. he hath d. my soul in peace 56: 13. thou hast d@. my soul from death 60:5. that thy beloved \nay be d. : 14. let me bed. from them that hate : 42. @. them from the enemy 61. d. his strength into captivity : 6. hands were d. from the pots 7. in trouble, and I d. thee : 13. thou hast d. my soul from the 107: 6. hed. them out of their distresses 20. @. them from their destructions 6. thy beloved may be d. 8. hast d. my soul from death DELIVERER. 2. my rock, and my fortress, and my ad, thou art my help and my d., 108 : r16; 18: 40: 17. FO SS. my high tower, and my d. DELIVEREST. which d. the poor from him that DELIVERETH. 18: 48. he ad. me from mine enemies 34: 7. them that fear him, and d. them 17. d. them out of all their troubles 1g. the Lord d. him out of them all 97: 10. a. them out of the hand of the 144: 10. who d@. David his servant 32 144: 2. 35: 10. DEN-S. 10: 9g. In wait secretly as a lion in his a 104: 22. lay them down in their d-s DEPART. 6:8. @. from me, all ye workers of in- iquity 34: 14. d. trom evil and do good, 37: 27. 55: 11. ad. not from her streets tor: 4. froward heart shall d. from me 11g: 115. @. from me, ye evil-doers 139: 19. d. from me therefore, ye bloody DEPARTED. 18: 24. have not wickedly d. from my God 105: 38. Egypt was glad when they d. 119: 102. I have not d. from thy judg- ments DEPTH: 33: 7 layeth up the d. in storehouses DEPTHS. 68 : 71% 7a TOs from the d. of tie sea up again from the d. of the earth the d. also were troubled 78: 15. drink as out of the great d. 106: 9. led them through the a, 107: 26. go down again to the d. 130; 1. out of the d. have I cried DERISION. 2:4. the Lord shall have them in d. 44:13 ascorn and ad. to them that 59: 8. shalt have all the heathen in d. 79: 4. a scorn and d@. to them that are 119: 51. have had me greatly in a, DESCEND-ED. 49:17. his glory shall not d@. after him 133: 3. as the dew that d-d upon the DESERT. 28: 4. render to them their d. DESERT... (2). 78: 40. grieve him in the d. 102: 6. like an owl of the d. 106: 14. tempted God in the d. DESIRE. (noun). wicked boasteth of his heart’s d. hast heard the d. of the humble hast given him his heart’s d. all my d. is before thee mine eye hath seen his d. . see my @. upon mine enemies . he gave them their own d. . see my d. on mine enemies . ears shall hear my @. of the wicked . see his @. upon his enemies ro. the d. of the wicked shall perish 7. my @. upon them that hate me 16. the d. of every living thing 1g. fulfill the @. of them that fear DESIRE. (verb). 6. sacrifice and offering thou didst not @. 45: 11. so shall the king greatly ad. thy : 2. put to confusion that @. my hurt 22. 20. LO}: 3: 17. Bt 2. 35:: 0; 54: 7 59: 73: Q2: TIS 145: 40: 73:25. upon earth that I @. beside theeDES CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. DEV DESIRED. 1g: 10. more to bed. are they than gold 27: 4. one thing have I d. of the Lord 107 : 30. unto their @. haven 132: 13. hath d. it for his habitation 14. here will I dwell; for I have d. it DESIRES. 37: 4. give thee the d, of thine heart 140: 8. grant not, O Lord, the d. of the wicked DESIREST. 51: 6. behold, thou d. truth in the in- ward 16. thou d. not sacrifice, else would DESIRETH. what man is he that d. life hill which God d. to dwell in DESOLATE. for I am d. and afflicted hate the righteous shall be d. that trust in him shall be d. : 15. let them be d. for a reward of : 25. let their habitation be d. : 10. also out of their d. places : 4. heart within me is d. DESOLATION-S. - I2. “TOs = 16, - 2I. 22. earth 74:3. thy feet unto the perpetual a-s DESPISE; 51: 17. O God, thou wilt not d. 73: 20. thou shalt d. their image 102: 17. and not d, their prayer DESPISED. 22:6. reproach of men, and d. of the people 24. for he hath not d. nor abhorred 53: 5. because God hath d. them 106: 24. they d. the pleasant land 119: 141. I am small and d., yet donot I forget DESPISETH. 69 : 33. @. not his prisoners DESTLEPU TE: 102: 17. will regard the prayer of the d. 141: 8. leave not my soul d. DESTROY. 5:6. thou shalt d. them that speak leasing 10. d. thou them, O God; let them fall : 40. that I might @. them that hate : ro. fruit shalt thou d. from the earth : 5. he shall @. them, and not build them ; : 14. seek after my soul to d, it : 5. God shall likewise d@. thee : :g. d., O Lord, and divide their tongues a: : 9. seek my soul to d, it | | 69:4. they that would d. me, being ina : 8. what d-s he hath made in the | naa | 37 | : 19. how are they brought into d. as | mine 74:8. let us d. them together tor: 8. early d@. all the wicked of the 106: 23. lest he should a. them 23. said that he would ad. them 34. did not a. the nations 118: 10. in the name of the Lord will I d@. them, 11, 12: 119: 95. wicked have waited for me to | 143: 12. @. all them that afflict my soul 144: 6. shoot out thine arrows and d. them 145: 20. all the wicked will he d, DESTROYED. | 9:5. thou hast d. the wicked 6. thou hast d, cities; their me- morial | rr: 3. if the foundations be d. what can the transgressors shall be d. to- gether thou hast d@. all them that goa whoring forgave their iniquity and ad, them not 45. and fogs which d@. them 47. d. their vines with hail 92:7. they shall be d. forever 137: 8. of Babylon who art to be d. DESTROYER. 37 398: 73: 27- Jos 40. 17: 4. kept me from the paths of the ad, DESTRUCTION. 35:8. let d. come upon him at un- awares 8. into that very d. let him fall | 55:23. bring them down into the pit of d@. 73: 18. castedst them down into d@. 88: 11. or thy faithfulness in ad, go: 3. thou turnest man to d. gt: 6. the d. that wasieth at noonday 103: 4. redeemeth thy life from d. DESTRUCTIONS. 9: 6. thou enemy, d. are come toa 35: 17. rescue my soul from their d. 107: 20. delivered them from their @. DEVICE. | 21: 11. they imagined a mischievous d@. 140: 8. further not his wicked d. DEVICES. 2. taken in the d@. that they have 10. @. of the people of none effect : 7. bringeth wicked d. to pass DEVILS. 106: 37. and their daughters unto d. DEVISE. 35: 4. brought to confusion that d. my urt 20. they d. deceitful matters against 41: 7. against me do they d@. my hurt DEVISED. > 13. d. to take away my life 33 IO > ar:DEV DEVISETH. 36:4. he d. mischief upon his bed 52:2. thy tongue @. mischiefs DEVOTED, 119g: 38. thy servant whois d. fear DEVOUR. 50: 3. a fire shall d. before him 80: 13. beast of the field doth d. it DEVOURED. 18: 8 fire out of his mouth d@. 78: 45. flies among them which da. them 79: 7. they have d. Jacob 105: 35. @. the fruit of their ground DEVOURING. 52:4. thou lovest all d. words DEW 110: 3. thou hast the d. of thy youth 133: 3. as the d. of Hermon 3. as the d. that descended upon the mountains DIDST. 39: TE. a0 perist ? to. he seeth that wise men d. 11. those that are appointed to d. 82:7. ye shall d. like men 88: 15. afflicted and ready to d. 104: 118: 49: 79: 17. I shall not @., but live LEH 49; ing DIGGED. 7215. he made a pit, and d. it d. for 57: 6. have d. a pit before me 94: 13. pit be d. for the wicked 119: 85. the proud have d. pits for me DILIGENT. 64: 6. accomplish a d@. search 77: 6. my spirit made d. search DILIGENTLY. 37: Io. yea, thou shalt d. consider his 119: 4. to keep thy precepts d. DIPPED: 68 : 23. foot may be d. in the blood DIRECT-ED. 5:3. will I @. my prayer unto thee 11g: 5. ways were.d-d to keep thy stat- utes NG e cast them out as the d. in the 18 : 42. streets DISAPPOINT. 17:13. arise, O Lord, -d, him : ‘cast DISCOMFITED. 18: 14. shot out lightnings, and d@. them DISCOVERED. 18: 15. foundations of the world were d. at 34 to thy g. notmy mouth, because thou d. it | 29. they d. and return to their dust 17. when hed. he shall carry noth- | | | | CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. | 103: 3. | err‘: 38: DIV | 29: 9. to calve, and d. the forests DISCRETION. 5. guide his affairs with d. DISEASE-S. 7. filled with a loathsome d. 41: 8. an evil d., say they, cleaveth who healeth all thy a-s DISHONOR. 5: 26. clothed with shame and d. | 69: 19. my reproach, and my shame, and my d. | 71: 13. covered with reproach and d, DISPERSED. 112: 9. hath d., he hath given to the oor DISPLAYED, 60: 4. that it may bed. because of DISPLEASED. 60: 1. thou hast been d. DISPLEASURE, 5. when shall he d. and his name | 39: 6. 5- vex them in his sore d. 1. neither chasten me in thy hot d.,, 38: I. DISQUIETED. surely they are @. in vain 2: 6: | 42: 5. why art thou d. in me? 11. why art thou d@. within me? 43: 5. DISQUIETNESS. 38: 8. roared by reason of the ad. of my DISSEMBLERS. 26: 4. neither will I go in with d. DISSOLVED. 75:3. inhabitants thereof are d. DISTRACTED. 88: 15. suffer thy terrors I am d, DISTRESS. 4:1. thou hast enlarged me when [ 35:7. which without cause they have | was in d@. 18: 6. in my d. I called upon the Lord 118: 5. I called upon the Lord in d. 120: 1. in my d. | cried unto DISTRESSES. 25:17. O bring thou me out of my d. 107 : 6, tne nee out of their d., 15) br TCH. 7: 15. fallen into the @. which he made DIVERS. 78:45. sent d. sorts of flies 105: 31. there came d. sorts of flies DIVIDE. 55:9. destroy, O Lord, and d. their tongues 60: 6. I will a. Shechem, and mete out, 108 : 74:13. didst d. ‘the sea by thy strength DIVIDED. 68: 12. at home d. the spoil 78: 13. hed. the sea, and caused them 55. @. them an inheritance by line T3653 . which d. the Red Sea into parts VIDETH. 29: 7. voice of the Lord d, the flamesDO CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. DOU DO. : 3. be destroyed, what can the right- eous da. ? : 14. depart from evil, and d. good 16. face of the Lord is agains: them | that d. evil 36: 3. left off to be wise, and to d. good 37: 3. trust in the Lord and ad. good 8. in any wise to d. evil 27. depart from evil and @. good 40: 8. delight to ad. thy will, O my God 50: 16. what hast thou to d@. to declare 51: 18. a. good in thy good pleasure 56: 4. not fear what flesh can d. unto me iz. not be afraid what man can ad. unto me 60: 12. through God we shall d.vahantly 82:3. a. justice to the afflicted 83:9. d. unto them as unto the Mid- lanites 103: 18. his commandments to d@. them 20. that d. his commandments, hearkening 21. ministers of his, that d@. his pleasure 105: 14, no man to d. them wrong 15. a. my prophets no harm 108 :-13. we shall d valiantly 10g: 21. but d. thou for me, O God 111: 10. have all they that d. his com- mandments 118: 6. what can man @. unto me? 119: 3. they also d. no iniquity 125: 4. a. good, O Lord, unto those 143: 10. teach me to d. thy will DOERS. 26:5. hated the congregation of evil d. 31: 23. plentifully rewardeth the proud w 94: 16. rise up for me against the evil d. tor: 8. all wicked d. from the city DOEST. 49: 18. when thou d. well to thyself 77:14. thouart the God that ¢@.wonders 86: 10. great, and @. wondrous things 119: 68. thou art good, and d@. good DOETH. 1: 3. whatsoever he d. shall prosper ee 1. there is none that d. good 3. none that d. good, no not one, Jo eee : : 15: 3. nor d. evil to his neighbour 5. he that @. these things shall never be 53: 1. there is none that d@. good, 3. 72: 18. w ho only @. wondrous things 106: 3. he that @. righteousness at all times 118: 15. hand of the Lord d. valiantly, 16. 136: 4. who alone d. great wonders DOG. 22:20. my darling from the power of the d. 5 Q: 120); 126: 141; 243 78: 84: I2;: s 27. : 8. d. in truth and uprightness : 6,14. they make a noise like a d, O GS. : 16. for d. have compassed me : 23. the tongue of thy d. in ee same D OING : g. wisely consider of his d. : 5. he is terrible in his d. : 23. this is the Lord’s d. DOINGS. rt. declare among the people his d. 77: 12. thy work and talk of thy a. DOMINION. 8:6. madest him to have d@. over the works 19: 13. not have d. over me x 14. the upright shall have d@. over : 8. have d. also from sea to sea ae 22. in all places of his d@. 114: 2. and Israel his d. 11g: 133. let not any iniquity have d, over me 145: 13. thy d. endureth throughout all 7:3. O Lord my God, if I have d. this 14:1. they have @. abominable works | 22; 31. a people that shall be born, that he hath d. this 33: 4. all his works are d. in truth y. he spake, and it was a. 40:5. thy wonderful works which thou hast d. | 50: 21. these things hast thou d., and iekept 51: 4. and d. this evil in thy sight 52:9. because thou hast d. it :1. have d. abominable iniquity : 16. I will declare what he hath d. * tai : 3. enemy hath ad. wickedly in the 4: who hast d@. great things wonderful works that he hath d. 1. he hath @d. marvellous things marvellous works that he hath a. we have d. wickedly had a. great things in Egypt thou, Lord: hast d. it 5: : O. Bie 3. he hath @. whatsoever he hath pleased : 121. I have d. judgment and jus- tice 166, hoped for thy salvation, and a. thy commandments 3. what shall be d. unto thee, ee 2. the Lord hath d. great things, 2 DOOR. 3. keep the a. of my lips DOORS. 7. beye life up, ye everlasting d. g. lift them up, ye everlasting d@. 23. opened the @. of heaven DOORKEEPER. ro, I had rather bead. inthe house DOUBLE 2. flattering lips and with a d@. heart onDOU CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. 68 : 55: 23. 6254. 7a S10. 89: 44. QI : 13: At RO: 74: 148: 7. oir 3: 69: 18. 73228, 107: T1g9: 35 *:3- B55. 10:9. 85.2) 3. 55: ax: B7: TA 73.2 203 126 EVERY onze. ‘ 12:2. speak vanity e. o. with his neigh- bor . e. o. speak of his glory 29:9 32: 6. for this shall ¢. 0. that is godly 53:3. €. 9. of them is gone back 58: 8. let e. 0. of them pass away 63:11. ¢. 0. that sweareth by him shall | 64:6. the inward thought of e. 0. of them 68: 30. till e. 0 submit himself ao . 71: 18. power to é. 9. that is to come S47. CHO. ae them in Zion appeareth 115: 8. e. 0. that trusteth in them 119: 160. e. o. of thy mghteous judg- ments - 1. e. o. that feareth the Lord 71:21. comfort meI. prayer that goeth not out of 4 lips FELL. : 2. eat up my flesh, they stumbled and 7, : 64. their priests . by the sword : 38. fear of them / upon them FELL down. :12. they f d., and there was none to FELLOWS, : 7. the oil of gladness above thy FELLOWSHIP. : 20. iniquity have ~ with thee FENCE. 62: 3. and asa tottering ~ FETTERS. 105: 18. wh se feet they hurt with fL 149: 8, their nobles with “. of ironFEW CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. FEW. 12. but a_“. men in number 12. very 7/., and strangers in it 10g : 8. let his days be /. FIELD. 8:7. oxen, yea, and the beasts of the fA the wild beasts of the / 105: Soe 25 J ae mine 78: 12. land of Egypt, in the “£ of Zoan 43. his wonders in the /# of Zoan 80:13. beast of the # doth devour it 96: 12. let the “£ be joyful 103 flower of the /, yo4: 11. to every beast of the 7 FIELDS. 107 : 37. sow the “* and plant vineyards 132: 6, in the /. of the wood FIERCE, : 16. thy “£ wrath goeth over me FIERCENESS. 78: 49. the “ of his anger, wrath and 85:3. from the /% of thine anger FIERY. 21:9. make them asa /. oven FIG-TREES. 195 : 33. vines also, and their “-¢. FIGHT. 35: 1. f#. against them that / against me 5:2. they be many that / against me 144: 1. to war, and my fingers to /, FIGHTING. : 1. he “£. daily oppresseth me FILL : to. thy mouth wide, and I will f it : 16. 7. their faces with shame : 6. # the places with the dead FILLED. : 7. my loins are /. with a loathsome : 8. mouth be /% with thy praise FIND owt. 21:8. f. 0. all thine enemies 8. thy right hand shall 4 0. those that 132: 5. untill 4 0.a place for the Lord FLNDETH. 11g: 162. as one that / great spoil FINE. 19: 10. yea, than much / gold 119: 127. above gold; yea, above /. gold FINEST. 81: 16. fed them also with the “ of the wheat 147: 14. filleth thee with the /£ of the wheat FINGERS. 8:3. thy heavens, the work of thy 144: 1. to war, and my /. to fight FIR-TREES. 104: 17. the stork, the /-¢, are her house FIRE. 11: 6. rain snares, *. and brimstone 18: 8. _/ out of his mouth devoured 12, 13. hailstones and coals of 7 21: g. the * shall devour them 29: 7. Lord divideth the flames of 7 39: 3. while I was musing, the /% burned 40:9. burneth the chariot in the / | 50: 3. a f/. shall devour before him 57:4. among them that are set on f 66:12 wewent through £ and through water 68: 2. aS wax melteth before the % 74:7. cast /. into thy sanctuary 78: 14. all the night with a light of 7 21. soaf. was kindled against Jacob 63. the #% consumed their young men 79: 5. shall thy jealousy burn like /? 80: 16. it is burned with /£, it is cut 83:14. as the / burneth a wood i eS: 1g. earth be / with his glcery 78: 29. did eat, and were well 7 80: 9. and it /. the land 104; 28. they are _/ with good 123: 3. exceedingly /# with contempt 4. exceedingly / with the scorn- | ing of 126: 2. our mouth / with laughter FILLEST. 17:14. whose belly thou “ with thy hid | KILLE Pe 84:6, the rain also /. the pools 107:9. and /. the hungry soul with | goodness 129: 7. mower /. not his hand 147: 14. /. thee with the finest of the | wheat FILTHY. 14:3. they are altogether become /, 53: 3- : FIND. 10: 15. seek out his wickedness till thou Jj. none 17: 3. thou hast tried me, and shalt 7 nothing 14. setteth the mountains on /. 89: 46. shall thy wrath burr like f/ ? | 97: 3. a / goeth before him | r04: 4. his ministers, a flaming / | 105: 32. flaming “% in their land 39. /. to give light in the night 106 : 18. af. was kindled in their com- pany 118: 12. are quenched as the / of thorns | 140: 10. let them be cast into the / 148: 8. # and hail; snow and vapors ‘TRI 73: 4. but their strength is 7% FIRMAMENT. 19: 1. the £ showeth his handiwork 1so:1. praise him in the / of his } | | 78:51. smote all the /-d. in Egypt ower FIRST-BORN. | 89: 27. I will make him my /.-6, 49FIS 105 : 36. smote also all the 4-4, 135: 8. smote the /.-d. of Egypt _ 136: 10. that smote Egypt in their 4-4. PISH. 8: 8. the £ of the sea, and whatsoever 105: 29. into blood, and sléw their ~ FIXED. 57: 7. my heart is 7, O God, my heart soy. 108: 1. O God, my heart is 112: 7. his heart is “, trusting in the Lord FLAME. 106: 18. the /% burned up the wicked FLAMES. 29: 7. divideth the £ of fire FLAMING. 104: 4. his ministers, a_“ fire 105: 32. /. fire in their land PEATTER. 5:9. they ~ with their tongue 36:2. he £ himself in his own eyes | FLATTERING. 12:2. with * lips and with a double | heart 3- Lord shall cut off all “ lips FLED-DEST. 31: 11. that didsee me without, ~ from me 104: 7. at thy rebuke they 4 114: 5. O thou sea, that thou 74. FLEE, 11: 1. f/. as a bird to your mountain 68:1. that hate him, ~ before him 12. kings of armies did £ apace 139: 7. shall I_/. from thy presence 143: 9. If unto thee to hide me FLEE away. 64: 8. all that see them Shall A a. PLESH. > 9. my / also shall rest in hope : 2. came upon me to eat up my ~ :3. there is no soundness in my ame : 13. will I eat the 4 of bulls 50 56: 4. will not fear what ~ can do 63:1. my /% longeth for thee 65:2. unto thee shall all * come : 26. my / and my heart faileth J 78 : 20. can he provide £ for his people? | 39. that they were but ~ 79:2. the / of thy saints unto the 84:2. my heart and my /. crieth out 109: 24. my / faileth of fatness 119: 120. my / trembleth for fear of thee : 136: 25. who giveth all’ 7 145: 21. let all ~ bless his holy name FLIES. : 78: 45. sent divers sorts of fF 50 CONCORDANCE TO VHF PSALITS. 83:14. as the * setteth the mountains | 78: 36. they did A him with their mouth PLATTERETH. FOL - | 105: 31. there came divers sorts of PLE | 91: 5. the arrow that “~ by day EEN ae | 114: 8. the ~% into a fountain of waters FLOCK. 77: 20. thou leddest thy peoplelikeaf 78: 52. in the wilderness like a fA | 80: r. leadest Joseph likeaf~ | 107 : 41. maketh him families likea f. FLOCKS. 65: 13. pastures are clothed with 7 : 48. their /% to hot thunderbolts FLOOD. : ro. the Lord sitteth upon the ~ : 6. through the f~ on foot : 15. Cleave the fountain and the ~ : 5. Cairiest them away as witha 7, FLOODS. 13:4. 7 of ungodly men made me afraid 24: 2. established it upon the 7 32: 6. surely, in the ~ of great waters 69: 2. where the £ overflow me 78:44. their /. that they could not drink 93:3. the % have lifted up, O Lord 3. the * have lifted up their voice 3. the “% lift up their waves 98: 8. let the ~ clap their hands FLOURISH. 72: 7. shall the righteous 7 16. they of the city shall f£ like 92: 7. workers of iniquity do 7 12. the righteous shall fA. like the palm 13. shall_“ in the courts of our God 132: 18. upon himself shall his crown FLOURISHETH. go: 6. in the morning, it 7 103: 15. flower of the field, so he 7. FLOURISHING. 92: 14. they shall be fat and 7 FLOW. 147: 18. wind to blow, and the waters / FLOWER. 103: 15. asa / of the field, so he FLY. 18:10. he rode upon a cherub, and did 7 to. yea, he did £ upon the wings of FLY away. 55:6. then would I _ A a. and be at rest go: Io. soon cut off, and we fa. FLYING. 148: 10. creeping things, and f£ fowl FOES, 27:2. mine enemies and my f. came upon 30: 1. not made my “ to rejoice over me 89 : 23. I will beat down his“, before his FOLDS. 50: 9. nor he-goat out of thy fAFOL CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. 23: FOLLOW. life 38: 20. I_f the thing that good is 45:14. her companions that f her 94: 15. upright in heart shall it 11g: 150. draw nigh that ~ after mis- 68 : 63: 48: 78: 49 - : 8. not turn again to /, 85 78: 104 : 13675 146: 47 : aA 49: g2 : faye 94: LOFT : a. : 8. make me not the reproach of 74: 18. the /. people have = blasphemed 22. remember how the /. man 75:4. unto the fools, deal not (dy FOOLISHNESS. 38:5. corrupt, because of my 69:5. thou knowest my 7% FOOT. 9g: 15. net which they hid, is their own | /. taken 26: 12. my /. standeth in an even place 36: 11. let not the “7. of pride come against ge 5.26. when my /. slippeth, they mag- nify 66: 6. through the flood on 7 68: 23. thy a may be dipped in the blood jr; 12. lest thou os thy “”. against 64:18. I said, my /. slippeth 121: 3. not suffer thy / to be moved FOOTSTEPS. i 17:5. n thy paths, that my / slip not 7! 7G. atiiy. J. are not known 89: 51. the “*. of thine anointed chief FOLLOWED after. players on instruments *£. a, FOLLOWETH. my soul /% hard after thee FOLLOWING. 13. tell it to the generation ~ 71. /. the ewes great with young FOLLY. 25s 8. 13. this their way is their ~ FOOD. 25. man did eat angels’ ~ 14. bring forth /. out of the earth 25. W ho. giveth / to all flesh 7.21 eth £. to the hungry g. giveth to the beast his 72 FOOL. the “” hath said in his heart, 59.2%: 1o. the * and the brutish person 6. neither dotha “ understand this FOOLS. . I said unto the “, deal not . ye /., when will ye be wise? a Ze because of their transgres- I. ion ee ee LY, the / shall not stand in thy oe the 7 3. I was envious at the % 22. so /. was I and ignorant 6. shall 4 me all the days of my | FOOTSTOOL. 99: 5. and worship at his 7A E10 * 139: 1. thine enemies thy 7 7. we will worship at his 7 FOR. 56:9. this ] knaw, ~ God is /. me Ww NPN HU FOREST-S. 50: 10. every beast of the f. is mine 104: 20. beasts of the ~. do ae forth 29:9. to calve and discovereth the /-s FOREVER. g: 18. expectation of the poor shall not perish 12:7. preserve them from this genera- tion /. 13:1. wilt thou forget me, O Lord, 4? Ig: 9. fear of the Lord is clean, endur- ing 21:6. made him most blessed 7 22:26. your heart shall live ~ 23: 6. dwell in the house of the Lord 7. 23 i 9; Sd them also, and lift them pf. 29 ¢ 10; ihe Lord sitteth king 4 | 30: 12. give thanks unto thee / 33: 11. counsel of the Lord standeth 37: 18. their inheritance shall be 28. they are preserved 7%. 2g. inherit the land and dwell therein / 41: 12. settest me before thy face /. 44:8. praise thy name A 23. cast us not off 7 45: 2. God hath blessed thee ~L 48: 8. God will establish it 4 49: 8. precious, and it ceaseth ff g. should still live 4, and not see 11, their houses shall continue 4 52:5. Godshall likewise destroy thee % g. I will praise thee / 61: 4. abide in thy tabernacle 7% 7. he shall abide before God / 8. sing praise unto thy name /, 66: 7. he ruleth by his power 7 68: 16. the Lord will dwell in it 4 72: 19. his glorious name /, 73: 26. God is the strength of my heart and my portion ~~ 74: 1. why hast thou cast us off f.? 10, blaspheme thy name / 19. congregation of thy poor % 75:9. I will decl: are f, ; I will sing 77:7. will the Lord cast off / ? 8. is his mercy clean gone 7? 78: 69. which he hath establ ished /. 79:5. wilt thou be angry /. ? 13. give thee thanks /. 81: 15. should have endured 7 83:17. confounded and troubled /% 85:5. wilt thou be angry with us 4? 89: 1. the mercies of the Lord /% . mercy shall be built up 7 . thy seed will I establish /% .. establish “ as the moon 51FOR CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. FOR 89: 46. wilt thou hide thyself * ? 92: 7. they shall be destroyed /. 93: 5. becometh thine house, O Lord, 7 103: 9. keep his anger 7% 104% 5. that itshould not beremoved 7 105: 8. remembered his covenant /, 110: 4. a priest 7. after the order III: 9. commanded his covenant 112: 6. he shall not be moved 7. 89. #., O Lord, thy word is settled in 111. have I taken as an heritage ~ 119: 125: 1. be removed, but abideth * 2. his people from henceforth, even 7 131: 3. In the Lord, froin henceforth and 7 132: 14. this is my rest 7 146: 6. which keepeth truth 7 10. the Lord shall reign /. endure FOREVER. 72:17. his name shall exdure /. 89: 29. seed also will I make to ez- dure f. 36. his seed shall exdure /. 102: 12. thou, O. Lord, shalt exdure /f, 104 :.31. glory of the Lord shall ex- dure fs. endureth FOREVER. z0o6: 1. his mercy exdureth f., 107: 1. | 88: BIG 7751 2,99, 4) 297-=0362= vs. 1-26. I11: 3. righteousness endureth f., 12: 10. hie praise exdureth /. 2. truth of the Lord exdureth /. 160. of thy righteous judgments endureth f. 135: 13. name, O Lord, exdureth /. 138: 8. mercy, O Lord, exdureth /. FOREVER azxd ever. 9: 5. put out their name ~ and e. 10: 16, the Lord is king f.-and e. 21: 4. even length of days *. and e. 45:6. thy throne, O God, is ~ and e. 17. people praise thee ~. and e. 48:14. this God is our God f~ and e. 52: 8. in the mercy of God f and e. 111: 8. they stand fast fi and e. 119: 44. keep thy law continually 7 and e. bless thy name 4 and e. praise thy name ~. and e. his holy name *. and e. established them 4. and e. FORGAT. 78: 11. /. his works and his wonders 106 : 13. they soon “/. his works 106 : 21. they “ God their Saviour FORGAVE. 78: 38. but he .... “4 their iniquity FORGAVEST. 32:5. thou / the iniquity of my sin 99: 8. thou wast a God that ~ them 52 117: T1Q: L453: Ws 2. 2%, 148: 6. | | QO: FORGED. : 119: 69. the proud have /a lie against FORGET. 9: 17. and all the nations that ~ God 10: 12. lift up thine hand; ~£ not the humble 13:1. how long wilt thou /” me; O Lord 45: 10. 7..also thine own people 50: 22. consider this, ye that % God 59: 11. lest my people 7 : 74:19. f. not the congregation of thy poor 23. /. not the voice of thine enemies :7. not # the works of God o2: 4. If. to eat my bread 103: 2. #. not all his benefits 119: 16. I will not_~ thy word 83. yet do I not % thy statutes 93- I will never.“ thy precepts tog. yet do I not f£ thy law 141. yet do not I f£ thy precepts 153- deliver me, for I do not f. thy law for I do not 7. thy command- ments 5. if 1A thee, O Jerusalem 5. my right hand 4 her cunning FORGETFULNESS. 12. in the land of £ ws 176. 137: FORGETTEST. 44: 24. f/. our affliction and our oppres= sion FORGETTETH. g: 12. he /. not the cry of the humble FORGIVE. 25: 18, and * all my sins 86:5. good and ready to fA FORGIVEN. 32: 1. he whose transgression is ~ 85:2. hast /. the iniquity of thy people FORGIVENESS. 130: 4. there is ~% with thee, that thou mayest FORGIVETH. 103 : 3. who £ all thine iniquities FORGOTTEN. g: 18. the needy shall not alway be 7 to: 11. hath said in his heart, God hath 7 31: 12. Iams as a dead man 42:9. why hast thou ~ me? 44:17. yet have we not £ thee 20. if we have £. the name of our God 77:9. hath God f to be gracious 119: 61. I have not f. thy law 139. mine enemies have 4. thy words FORMED. 2. or ever thou hadst 7 g. he that / the eye, shall he 5. hands /. the dry land 94: 95:FOR CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. FRI FORMER. 79: 8. not against us “ iniquities 89: 49. where are thy “ loving-kind- nesses FORSAKE. g. neither /. me, Salvation ro. when my father and my mother 7 Te 8. cease from anger, and “A wrath 21. 7. me not, O Lord 9g. /. me not when my strength 18. #7 me not, until I have showed 30. if his children /% my law 14. neither will he ~ his inheritance 8. O f/. me not utterly 53. the wicked that “£ thy law 8. /. not the works of thine own FORSAKEN. thou, Lord, hast not “ them that seek thee 27: O God of my 37 38°: 71 4 890: 94: TIg: 3c : gi Io: 22:1. why hast thou # me? 37: 25. not seen the nghteous ~% 71: 11. God hath /% him | FORSAKETH. 37: 28. and / not his saints FORSOOK. 78: 60. so that he *% the tabernacle 119 | 287. but I ki not thy precepts TET. OR: 44:9. goest ) J. with our armies 66:2. sing /. the poe of hisname_ | T1372. this time fy. and forevermore | 115: 18. bless the Lord from this time | asd co 18:7. the “ also of the hills moved 15. the “£ of the world were dis- covered 82:5. all the A“ of the earth are out of 5. who laid the /*. of the earth FOUNDED. 24:2. for he hath “ it upon the seas 89: 11. the fulness thereof, thou hast J. them place which thou hast 7 52. thou hast # them forever FOUNTAIN. 104: 8. I 36:9. with thee is the £ of life 68: 26. the Lord, from the “£ of Israel 74:15. didst cleave the “ and the flood 114: 8. flint into a ~ of waters FOURSCORE. 90: 10. season of strength, they be years FOWL. 8. the “ of the air, and the fish of the sea 148: 10. creeping things, and flying FOWLS. 50:11. all the “ of the mountains | 78: 27. feathered “ like as the sand : 2. meat unto the “£ of the heaven 104: 12. the ~*~ of the heaven have their habitation FOWLER. 91: 3. from the snare of the 7% FOWLERS. : 7. out of the snare of the 7% FOXES. : ro. shall be a portion for A FRAIL. 121: 8. thy coming in from this time / | FOR’ TRESS. | 39:4. that I may know how /. Iam 18:2, the Lordismy rockandmy ~ | FRAME. 31:3. thou art my rock, 3nd, my, S19} 3993 *5 Bg OE THe Le bere 9958 2 2x5 ox +2: a edie and thy Mie BB ER? lose: 2. ‘thy cee deceit 144° 2, my goodness ands my > w red eee hich . ntischfef by a law FORTY. : 10. 4. years long was pemeved, Bathe AERIS Me >, vichdut a cause : 6. in a time when thou mayest be /. : 2. his iniquity be / to be hateful : 36. I sought him, but he could not be 7, : 20. for comforters, but I~ none : men of might have /. their hands : 3. sparrow hath “~ an house 89: a I have /. David my servant 107: 4. #. no city to dwell in 116: 3: als we trouble and sorrow 132: 6. we /. it in the fields of the wood FOUNDATION. 87: x. his “ is in the holy mountains 102 : oe. laid the “. of the earth 137 37: se it even to the “A thereof OUNDATIONS. FOUGHT: ee bas 2 tog. at iis /. be destroyed, what can “RAUD. bean ey of eursire and deceit and /. 51 ‘yr, iphel ad we w “ih thy J. spirit So: 7 among ehé geade like the slain 105: 20. of the people, and let him go f, FREELY. 54: 6. I will _# sacrifice unto thee FREE-WILL. 119: 108. the f.-w. offerings of my mouth FRESH. 92:10, anointed with / oil FRET. 37:1. f. not thyself because of evil- doers 7. f. not thyself because of him who 5. 7. not thyself in any wise to do il FRIEND-S. 35:14, as though he had been my / or brother 53SOOO AN FRO CONCORDANCE [0 THE PSALMS. GAT 4129: yea, miné own familiar 7 | FULNESS. 88:18. lover and /% hast thou put | 16: 1. in thy presence is J. of joy 38: 11. my lovers and my /s stand | 24: x. earth is the Lord’s, and the fA FROGS. | thereof 78: 45. /. which destroyed them | 89: 11. as for the world and the 7 105: 30. land brought forth 7 thereof FROST, 96: 11. the sea roar, and the f“, 98: 7. : 1Cé - s with / FURNACE. Joe ge a PROWARD. ; 12: 6. as silver tried in af. of earth 18: 26. with the / thou wilt show thy- | FURNISH. : self / 78:19. can God /. a table in the ror: 4. af heart shall depart from me wilderness ? FRUET-S. FURROWS. 1:3. bringeth forth his“ in his season | 65: ro. thou settlest the f. thereof 21:10. f. shalt thou destroy from the | 129: 3. they made long their 7, earth FURTHER. 72:16, the /. thereof shall shake like | 140: 8. ~. not his wicked device 92: 14. bring forth 7 in old age G. 104 : 13. with the 7. of thy works 105: 35. devoured the /. of their ground 127: 3. the /. of the womb is his re- ward GALL. 132: 11. of the ~ of thy body will I set 69: 21. gave me also ¢. for my meat i GAPED. | | | | 107 : 37. may yield /-» of increase ce PRUITFUL, | 22:13. they g. upon me with their 107 : 34. af, land into barrenness mouths 128: 3. asa /. vine by the sides of thine GARMENT. 148: 9. /. trees and all cedars 69: 11. I made sackcloth also my & FULL, 73: 6. violence covereth them as a to2: 26. wax old like a ¢. 104: 2, coverest thyself with light as 17:14. they are “ of children, and with ag. | & | leave the 6. with the deep, as with a &. | | 10:7. his mouth is “~ of cursing and deceit 26: 10, their right hand is / of bribes | 10g: 18. cursing like as with his ¢. 29: 4. voice of the Lord is ~ of majesty | Ig. as the g. which covereth him 33:5. earth is /, of the goodness of the GARMENTS. Lord : é 22:18. part my g. among them 48: 10. right hand is “ of righteous- 45: 8. all thy ¢. smell of myrrh ness 133; 2. to the skirts of his g, 65: 9. river 6f God whichis % of Water ‘ «© oc aGARNERS. 69: 20. Lam £. of heavenesa' %44: 73, tha€ our g. may be full ‘ 73: 10. waters ‘of a_7% cupearé wrung © oa GAT, 74:20. are /. of the habitations of 116: 3. pains of hell ¢. hold upon me Grueliy, .ox¢:-6-m, - @; « © GATE 75: 8. itis /, of Mixturé,‘and he Foureth | € ; 78: 25. sent them meat ta the ; 38. he, being ~ of con¢passiow 86: 15. a God / of compassion 88: 3. soul is A of troubles 9: 13. liftest me up from the g. of death 104: 16. trees of the Lord are £ of sap | 7 14. praise in the g. of the daughter 24. the earth is # of thy riches of Zion 111: 4. gracious and //. of compassion, | 24:7. lift up your heads, O ye Bae: 45S. | 87:2. the Lord loveth the 2. of Zion 112: 4. /. of compassion and righteous | roo i | : 4. Into his » with thanksgiving 119: 64. the earth, O Lord, is f. of thy | 107: 16. broken the g. of brass 12. they: that,sit in the g. speak 1x5: 20. this ev of the Lord into which 127: 5. speak with the enemies in the &: | GATES mercy 18. draw near unto the g. of death 127: 5. hath his quiver ¢. of them 118: 1g. open to me the g. of righteous ness FULFIL, 122: 2. shall stand within thy g. 20: 4. /. all thy counsel | 147: 13. strengthened the bars of thy 2 5. the Lord / all thy petitions | GATHER. 145: 19. /. the desire of them that fear | 26: 9. &. Not my soul with sinners FULFILLING, | 39: 6. knoweth not who shall g. them ° ; as : 148: 8. stormy wind, £ nis word | 50:5. 2. my saints together unto me I4q ; 13. that our garnors may be 4GAT CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. GIR 56:6. they g. themselves together 94: 21. g. themselves together against the soul 104: 22. g. themselves together and lay them 28. that thou givest them, they ¢. 106: 47. g. us from among the heathen GATHERED. 35: 15. rejoiced and g. themselves to- gether 15. yea, the abjects 2. themselves together 47: 9- princes of the people aré g. to- gether 59: 3. the mighty are ¢. against me 102 : 22. when the peopleare g. together 107: 3. and g. them out of the lands 140: 2. are they 2. together for war GATHERETH. 33:7. he g. the waters of the sea 41: 6. his heart g. iniquity to itself 147: 2. he g. together the outcasts GAVE. 18: 13. the Highest g. his voice 68: 11. the Lord g. the word ; great was 69: 21. in my thirst they ¢. me vinegar 21. g. me also gall for my meat 77:1. and he g. ear unto me 78: 15. g. them drink as out of the great depths 29. he g. them their own desire 48. he g. up their cattle also to the | hail 50. g. their life over to the pesti- | lence 62. g. his people over also unto the Gx + 12, e. them up unto their own hearts’ lust 99: 7. the ordinance that he g. them 105 : 32. he g. them hail for rain 44. Bh g. them the lands of the heathen 106: 15. and he g. them their request 41. g. them into the hand of the heathen 135: 12. g. their land for an heritage, T2307 20. GAVEST. 21: 4. life of thee, and thou g. it him 74:14. g. him to be meat to the people GEBAL, 83:7. G. and Ammon and Amalek I2°: 14: 22: 24: 48: 49: 71% 73: GENERATION. 7. preserve them from this g. for- ever 5. God is in the g. of the Boos oS 30. accounted to the Lord for ag 6. this is the g. of them that seeks him 13. tell it to the g. following 19. shall go the g. of his fathers 18. thy strength unto this 2 offend against the g. of thy children I5- 70. 4. showing to the g. to come the praises 6. g. to come might know them 8. stubborn and rebellious g. S. a go. that set not their. heart aright : 10. was I grieved with this g., and said : 18. this shall be written for the g. to come : 13. in the 2: following, let ther name 2:2. g. of the upright shall be blessed > 4. one gs. shall praise A works GENERATION 33: 11. thoughts of his ee to all ¢. 45:17. name to be remembered in alte £. 49: 11. their dwelling-places to all 2. 61: 6, his years as many g 72:5. moon endure, Throughout all g. 79: 13. thy praise to all g. 85:5. thine anger to all ¢. 89: 1. thy faithfulness to all g. 4. thy throne to all ¢ go: 1. our dwelling-place in all g. 100: 5. truth endureth to all ¢. 102: 12. remembrance unto all g. 24. thy years are throughout all g. 105 : 8. commanded to a thousand g. 106: 31. unto all & for evermore 11g: go. thy faithfulness is unto all 135 : 13. memorial, O Lord, throughout all F465 <3. endureth throughout all g. 146: 10. thy God, O Zion, unto all g GENTLENESS. 18: 35. thy g. hath made me great GET 119: 104. through thy precepts I g. understanding GIFT-S. 45: 12. daughter of Tyre shall be there with a g&. 68:18. thou hast received g-s for men 72: 10. Sheba and Seba shall offer g-s GILEAD. 60 G. 1s mine and Manasseh is mine, 108: 8. GINS. 149: 5. they have set g. for me 141: 9. the g. of thew rorkers of iniquity GIRD. 45: 3. g. thy sword upon thy thigh GIRDED. 18: 3y. thou hast g. me with strength 20% iin 2. me with gladness 65:.6. being g. with power go; I: strength wherewith he hath g. himself 109: 19. girdle wherewith he is g. con- tinually GIRDETH. 18: 32. itis God that g. me with strength a2GIR 109: 19. fora g. acre wile he is girded zx 2:8. I shall g. thee . GIRDLE. fk the heathen for CONCORDANCE TO GIV LHE PSALMS. p86 6! see. NOP bord: unto my prayer T4I:1I. 9. & unto my voice ie TAs &. €. to my supplications GIVE Lhanks, thine 18: 49. therefore will I ¢. #. unto thee 6:5. in the grave, who shall g. thee 309: 4. g. ¢, at the remembrance, O7 = 12. thanks ? | 12. I will g. ¢. unto thee forever 28: 4. g. them according to their deeds | 75:1. unto thee, O God, do we 2.2, 4. g. them after the work of their (twice). — hands 92:1. a good thing to yg. ¢, unto the 29:1. g. unto the Lord, O ye mighty Lord 1.g. unto the Lord glory and ro5:1. O =» #. unto the Lord ,—call strength, 96: 7. | * upon 2. g. unto the Lord the glory due | 106: 1. Og. ¢. unto the Lord, for he is | 11. the Lord will g. strength unto his | unto, 96: 8. 47. to g. 2. unto thy holy name >I. g. 2. unto the Lord, for he is = oS 35: 18. I will g. thee thanks in the great good, 118: 1, 29. £R6'> 1; 37: 4. he shall g. thee the desires of 11g: 62. at midnight I will rise to Pet thine ‘ | 122: 4. to g. Z. unto the name of the 49:7. nor g. to God a ransom for him Lord 51: 16. else would I g. it | 1336: 2. Og. ¢. unto the God of gods 57:7. I will sing and g. praise | 3. O gteto thé Lord of lords 60: 11. g. us help from trouble 26. g. ¢. unto the God of heaven 72:1. g. the king thy judgments | 40: 13. the righteous shall g. ¢. unto 78 : 20,. can he g. bread also ? | thy name 79: 13. will g. thee thanks forever GIVEN 84:11. the Lord will 2. grace and Plory, jos = a 85:12. the Lord shall ¢. that which is [Oe ase the Lord, who hath &: me : é | oe sa . BOoc | 18: 35. hast also g. me the shield of t ° o f- r ey | * Jo° ie ae O° = y 86: 16. a thy strength unto thy serv- | 40. thou hast also g. me the necks an . Oo eS bree é- as qumele chars Over | ar. thou haste him his heures de_ 4. 3: FCs ee ok res ron : sire 06: 7. £. puto the Lord, O ye Htaiteeds 44: 1x. thou hast gv. us like sheep fo o cee pane 32 aoe 60: 4. thou hast ga banner to them 105: 11. unto thee will I 2. the land of Or: 5. hast g. me the heritage of those : aor Pore Wichita at ee | 71: 3. thou hast e. commandment to anes ee & save me 108: x. I will sing and ¢. praise | yy RES : ahi Ea. | 72: 15. to him shall be g, of the gold of I09Q : 4. I ¢. myself unto prayer | 78 5 Bi: ere meee pee Coun ter = f Fe ie emithe neHiage of | 63. maidens were not g. to marriage > I. é » gic -'3 ioe Whee = 119: 34 ore nde amid, as | oe have they g, to be meat unto the yoke & at ee es III: 5. g. meat unto them that fear him wee 112: 9. he hath g. to the poor 73¢ ee that I | 115: 16. the earth hath he g. to the : ‘ ! children nao eae understanding, that I | 118: 18. hath not g. me over unto death ‘ aa ae ee d [| 120: 3- what shall bev. unto thee a eal lige eas) an | 124: 6. note. usasa prey to their teeth lle : pe an 169. 2. me understanding accord. | GIVEST, ? ing to thy | 50: 19. thou s. thy mouth to evil 132: 4. will not g. sleep to mine eyes | 80: 5. g. them tears to drink GIVE ear. | 104: 28. that thou x. them, they gather 5:3. g. e. to my words, O Lord |} 145: 15. thou ¢. them their meat in due 17: 1. §. é. unto my prayer that goeth | GIVETH. 39: 12. g. é. unto my cry : | 18:50. great deliverance g. he to his 49:1. g. é., all ye inhabitants king 54:2. g. e. to the words of my mouth | 37: 27. the righteous showeth mercy 95: 1. g. é. to my prayer, 0 God | and 2. 78:1. g.e.,O my people, to my law 68: 35. he that g. strength and power 6921. e 7.7 () shepherd of Israel 119: 130. the entrance of thy words Xe 84:8. 2. e., O God of Jacob i 56 lightGLA CONCORDANCE T0. THE. PSALMS. GLO | 11g: 130. it g. understanding unto the | simple 127: 2. heg. his beloved sleep 136: 25. who g. food to all flesh 144: 10. it is he that g. salvation unto 146: 7. which g. food to the hungry 147: 9. g. to the beast his food 16. he g. snow like wool GEAD, 9:2. I will be g. and rejoice in thee 14:7. Jacob shall rejoice and Israel | shall be g., 53: 6. g. my heart is g. and my glory re- joiceth 21:6. thou hast made him exceeding g. 7. I will be g. and ‘rejoice in thy mercy 32: 11. be g, in the Lord and rejoice, ye 34: 2. shall hear thereof and be g. 35: 27. let them shout for joy and beg. 40: 16. rejoice and be g. in thee, 70: 4. 45:8. whereby they have made thee g. | 46: 4. shall make g. the city of God 48: 11. daughters of Judah be g. 64: 10. righteous shall be g. in the Lord 67: 4. O let the nations be g. and sing 68: 3. let the righteous be g. 69 : 32. humble shall see this and be g. go: 14, rejoice and be g. all our days 15. make us g. according to the days 92: 4. thou, Lord, hast made me g. 96: 11. let the earth be g. 97: 1. multitude of isles be g. thereof 8. Zion heard and was g. 104: 15. maketh g. the heart of man 34. I will be g. in the Lord 105: 38. g. when they departed 107: 30. then are they g. because they be | 118: 24. we will rejoice and be g. init | 119: 74. they that fear thee will be g. | when 122: 1. I was g. when they said unto 126: 3. great things for us, whereof we are g. GLADNESS. 4:7. hast put g. in my heart more than 30: 11. girded me with g. 45:7. the oil of g. above thy fellows 15. with g. and rejoicing shall they 51: 8. make me to hear joy and g. | 97: 11. and g. for the upright in heart 10; 105: 43. brought forth.... his chosen with g. : 106: 5. rejoice in the g. of thy nation | GLORIFY. 22: 23. all ye the seed of Jacob, g. him 50:15. deliver thee, and thou shalt 86:9. and shall g. thy name 12. I will g. thy name for evermore GLORIFIETH. 50 : 23. whoso offereth praise, g. me GLORIOUS. | 45: 13. the king’s daughter is all g. within 66: 2. make his praise g. 2:19. blessed be his g. name forever 6:4. more g. and excellent than the 7:3. g. things are spoken of thee 7 7 | r11: 3. work is honorable and g. 2 | 145: 5. speak of the g. honor of thy 12. the g. majesty of his kingdom GLORY. (noun). | 3:3. my g. and the lifter up of mine head 4:2. will ye turn my g. into shame? 8:1. who hast set thy g. above the heavens 8:5. hast crowned him with g. and honor 16:9. my heart is glad, and my g re- joiceth 19:1. the heavens declare the g. of God 21:5. his g. is great in thy salvation 24:7. the King of g, shall come in, 9. 8, 10. who 1s this King of g.? 10. Lord of hosts, he is the King of 2. 29:1. give unto the Lord g. and strength, 96: 7. 2. give unto the Lord the g. due, 96: 8. 3. the God of g. thundereth g. every one speak of his g. 30: 12. to the end that my g. may sing 45:2 3: wie? thy ¢. and thy majesty 49: 16. when the g. of his house Is in- creased 17. his g. shall not descend 57: 5. let thy g. be above all the earth, ii: 8. awake up, my g:; awake, psaltery 62: 7. in God is my salvation and my g. 63:2. to see thy power and thy g. 72: 19. earth be filled with his g. | 73: 24. afterward receive me to zg. 78: 61. his g. into the enemy’s hand 79:9. for the g. of thy name 84: 1r. the Lord will give grace and g. | 85:9. that g. may dwell in our land 89: 17. thou art the g. of their strength 44. made his g. to cease, and cast | go: 16, thy g. unto their children 96: 3. declare his g. among the heathen 97: 6. all the people see his g. | ro2: 15. kings of the earth, thy z. 16. shall appear in his g. 104: 31. the g. of the Lord shall endure 106.: 20. they changed their g. into the 108: 1. give praise, even with my g. thy g. above all the earth ry: 4 his g. above the heavens 115: 1. unto thy name give g. 138: 5. great is the g. of the Lord 145 :,11. shall speak of the g. of thy oFGLO CONCORDANCE L[0 THE? SALMS. SSS Ne eT GOD 148 : 13. his g. is above the earth 149: 5. Saints be joyful in g. GLORY. (verb). 63: 11. that sweareth by him shall e. 64: 10. upright in heart shall g. ToS 3: 2% Ye in his holy name _ 106: 5. I may g. with thine inheritance GNASH. 112: 10. he shall 2. with his teeth GNASHED. 35: 16. they g. upon me with their teeth GNASHETH. 37: 12. g. upon him with his teeth GO. 32: 8. in the way which thou shalt g. 13. before I g. hence, and be no more g. why g. I mourning because of, 39: 42: 43: 2. 4. then will I g. unto the altar of 43: 48:12. Zion, and ¢. round about her 49: 19. he shall g. to the generation of his 55: 10. day and night they g. about it 58: 3. they g. astray as soon as they be | 59: 6, 14. g. round about the city 60: 10. which didst not g. out with our armies 63:9. g. into the lower parts of the eart 66: 13. I will g. into thy house 7x: 16. I will g. in the strength of the Lord : 27. them that g. a whoring from thee : 18. not g. back from thee : 7. they g. from strength to strength 85 : 13. righteousness shall g. before him 89: 14. truth shall ». before thy face : 26. there g. the ships : 20. and let him g. free :7. g. to acity of habitation : 19. I will g. into them, and I will praise IIQ : 35. make me to g. inthe path of thy 122: 1. let us g. into the house of the Lord 132: 7. g. into his tabernacles 139: 7. whither shall [I from spirit ? GO by, : 8, neither do they which £. d, GO down. : 29. all they that 2. d. to the dust : 1. like them that ¢. @. to the pit : 3. that I should not g. @. to the pit 9. when Ig. d. to the pit : 15. let them g. d@. quick into hel] : 4. counted with them that g. a. into 104: 8. they g. d. by the valleys 107 : 23. that g. d: to the sea in ships 26. 2. d@. again to the depths 17. any that g. d, into silence 58 oO s* thy 129 say TG. | | 143: 7. like unto them that g. d. into the pit. GO forth. 52. tog. f# like sheep 11. g. / with our hosts GO up. . they g. ~~ by the mountains . whither the tribes 2. up . hor g. wf into my bed GOATS. or drink the blood of g. 5. I will offer bullocks with &: 18. refuge for the wild g. GOD. 78 : 108: TO4 : Q -& oO 50s 66: 104: 13 I 56:9. this I know; for G. is for me 86: ro. thou art G. alone | 144: 15. that people whose G. is the | Lor my GOD. loo2:x. my G., my G., why hast thou forsaken 31: 14. I said thou art my G, 35: 21. O my G., be not far from me | 71: 12. O my G., make haste for my help | 118: 28. thou art my G., and I will praise 28. thou art my G., I will exalt thee GOD of gods. 136: 2. thanks unto the G. of £. GOD of hosts. : 1g. turn us again, O Lord G. of kh. our GOD. | | 40: 3. even praise unto our G, | 67: 6. God, even our own G., shall bless | 68: 20. he that is our G. is the God of | salvation | 77: 13. who is so great a God as our G.? 95:7. for he is our G., and we are the people thy GOD. 42: 3. say unto me, where is ¢hy G.? Io. say daily unto me, where is thy GOD (for idol). 16: 4. that hasten after another ». 44: 20. our hands to a strange g. 81:9. no strange e. be in thee 9. shalt thou worship any Strange 2. GODS. 2:1. he judgeth among the £. 6 I have said, ye are g. 86: 8. among the ¢. there is none 95: 3. a great king above all g. 96: 4. to be feared above all oe 5. all the g. of the nations are idols 97: 7. worship him, all ye g, g. exalted far above all g. 135: 5. our Lord is above all ¢. 138: 1. before the ¢ will I sing praise GODLY. 4:3. the Lord hath set apart him that Is g.GOE CONCORDANCE LO0-THE PSALMS: GOO 12: 1. help, Lord, for the g. man ceaseta 32:6. every one that is g. pray unto | thee GOEST. | 44:9. g. not forth with our armies GOETH | 17:1. give ear unto my prayer that g. | not out | 65:3 2x. 88: 16. 97: 3. a fire g. before him GOETH /orth. | as 2. on still in his trespasses thy fierce wrath g. over me 104: 23. man g. /. unto his work 126: 6. he that g. * and weepeth ue 4. his breath g. ~%, he returneth to | GOING down. 50:1. of the sun unto the gz. d. ik cot 104: 19. sun knoweth his g& d. ¥I3: 3. unto the -. 2. of the same GOING Jorth. 19:6. hisg. 7. is from the end of the heaven GOING oxt. 1: 8. preserve thy g. o. and thy com- ing in 14. no breaking in, nor g. a. G OINGS. 17:5. hold up my g. in thy paths 40:2. and established my g. 68: 24. they have seen thy ¢ e., O God 24. even the g. of my God, my King 144: 140: 4. purposed to overthrow my 2g. GOED: 19:10. more to be desired are they than 2. Io. yea, than much fine g. 21: 3. a crown of pure g. on his head 45:9: did’ stand. the queen’ in g. of Ophir 13. her clothing is of wrought g. 68: 13. her feathers with yellow g. 72:15. be given of the g. of Sheba 105: ic forth also with silver and g. 115: 4. idols are silver and g. 119: 72. than thousands of 2 2. “and silver 127. abuve g.; yea, above fine gL. 5 sx5. are silver aud 2, the work of men’s hands | GONE. | 14:3. they are all g. aside, they are all | 38: 10. light of mine eyes, it also is ¢. from me 42:4. I had g. with the multitude 73:2. my feet were almost g. 77: 8. is his mercy clean g. forev er? 103: 16, passeth over it, and it is g. 109 : 23. g. like the shadow when it 119: 176. I have g. astray like a lost sheep GONE back. 53: 3. every one of them is ¢. 4. GONE ozt. 19: 4. their line is g. 9. through all the earth 89: 34. the thing that is g. o. of my lips GONE over. | 38: 4. iniquities are ¢. 0. mine head | 42:7. thy billows are s. 0. me 124: 4. stream had g. o. our soul, 5. GONE zs. 7:5. Godis g. “uf with a shout GOOD. (noun). 4:6. who will show us any g.? Lars i. ] is none that doeth »., 53: i aa ie many - days, that he may see 2 14. depart from evil and do g£: 5:12. they rewarded me evil for g. 67 3. lek off to be wise and to do g. 7:3. trust in the Lord and do g. 27. depart from evil and do ¢. 38 : 20. they also that render evil for g. 20. I follow the thing that g. is ° 39: 2. I held my peace, even from £. bes fs thou lovest evil more than g. 86: 17. show me a token for g¢; 104: 28. they are filled with g. 106: 5. see the g. of thy chosen 10g: 5. rewarded me evil for g. 119: 122. besurety for thy servant fore. 122: 9. I will seek thy g. 15 3 4. do g., © Lord, ‘unto those that e 128: 5. thou shalt see the g. of Jerue salem GOOD. (adj.) 25:8. g. and upright is the Lord, there- fore 27:14. wait on the Lord, be of g. courage 34:24. be of g. courage, and he shall strengthen 34: 10. shall not want any g. thing 36: 4. in a way that is not g. 37: 23. steps of a g. man are ordered An heat is inditing a g. matter 5x 18. do g. in thy g. pleasure 84:11. no g. thing will he withhold 86:5. tham, Lord, art g. and ready to forgive 103: 5. thy mouth with g. things III: 10. ag. understanding have all 112: 5. ag. man showeth favor I1Q : 39. for thy judgments are g. 06. teach me g. judgment and 68. thou art g. and doest eg. 125: 4. dog., O Lord, unto those that be 2. 133: 1. how g. and how pleasant it is ZS GOOD 34:8. O taste, and see that the Lord ZS £. 52:9. it zs g. before thy saints Ba 2G, ys thy name, O Lord, for it 69 : 16. thy ‘igving kindness zs g. 73: 1. truly God zs g. to Israel 28. it zs g. for me to draw near to God oe85 22 103 III Ii2 116 1IQ GOO > 9 CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. GRE : 12. shall give that which zs g. 92:1. it zs ag. thing to give thanks 100: 5. for the Lord zs g., his mercy 106 : 1. unto the Lord, for he zs g. 107: 1. thanks unto the Lord, for he 7S 2. 109: 21. because thy mercy 7s ¢. 118: 1. for he zs g. because his mercy 29. unto the Lord, for he zs g. 11g: 71. it zs g. for me that I have been afflicted 135: 3. praise the Lord, for the Lord as 2; 136: 1. unto the Lord, for he zs ¢. 143: 10, thy spirit zs 2., lead me into 14530. the Lord ¢s.z::t0:all 147: 1. it zs g. to sing praises unto our sod GOODLY. 16:6. yea, I havea. heritage 80: 10. like the g. cedars GOODNESS. GOVERNOR. : 28. he is the g. among the nations GRACE. : 2. g. is poured into thy lips : 11. the Lord will give g. and glory GRACIOUS. . hath God forgotten to be a? 5. g. and long-suffering and plen- teous the Lord is merciful and g, g. and full of compassion, 145: 8, he is g. and full of compassion &. 1s the Lord and righteous GRACIOUSLY, : 29. and grant me thy law LX 60 eos SA ooa.. tape | GRANT. |20: 4. g. thee according to thine own | heart 85:7. g. us thy salvation : 119: 29. and g. me thy law graciously | 140: 8. g. not, O Lord, the desires of the | GRASS. | 37: 2. soon be cut down like the g. 72: 6, rain upon the mown g. go: 5. they are like g. which groweth up 92: 7. wicked spring as the g, 102: 4. Smitten and withered like g. 11. I am withered like g, | 103: 15. his days are as g. 129 147 104: 14. causeth the yg. to grow for the cattle : 6. as the g. upon the housetops : 8 who maketh ¢. to grow upon the GRAVE. 6:5. in the g., who shall give thee 5 5° s 31° 49 : 88 89: | 141 | 78: 16:2. my g. extendeth not to thee 21:3. preventest him with the bless- | ings of g. 23: 6. surely ¢. and mercy shall follow 25: 7. remember thou me for thy g. sake 27 : 13. believed to see the g. of the Lord 31: 19. thy g. which thou hast laid up 33:5. full of the g. of the Lord 52:1. the g. of God endureth contin- | ually 65: 4. satisfied with the g. of thy house Iz. crownest the year with thy ¢. 68: 10. hast prepared of thy g. for the poor ¥07 : 8. praise the Lord for his g., 15, BE oa. g. filleth the hungry soul with g. 144: 2. my g. and my fortress ; 145: 7. memory of thy great g. GOT. 44:3. they g. not the land in possession GOTTEN. g8: x. his holy arm hath g. him the GOVERN. 67: 4. g. the nations upon earth 97: 119: 14: TS a7 : 35. I have seen the wicked in ¢ = 1O, thanks? 3. hast brought up my soul from the 2. 17. let them be silent in the g. 14. like sheep they are laid in the g. 14. consume in the yg. from their dwelling 15. from the power of the g. 3. draweth nigh unto the g. 5. Slain that lie in the g. tr. be declared in the g. 48. from the hand of the g. : 7. SCattered at the g’s mouth GRAVEN. 58. jealousy with their ~ 7* g. images all they that serve g. images GREASE. 70. their heart is as fat as g. GREAT, 5. there were they in g. fear; for God is in 50. g. deliverance giveth he to his king 35. thy gentleness hath made meg, : 13. Innocent from the g. transgres- sion : 17. deliver any by his g. strength : 6. thy righteousness is like the g. mountains 6. thy judgments area g. deep &e power : 5. there were they in g. fear, where no : 6. break out the ge. teeth of the young : Ir. g. was the company of those : 20, showed me g. and sore troubles : 13. so ¢. a God as our God 15. drink as out of the e. depths 71. the ewes g¢. with young 5. to drink in g. measure thou art g. and doest wondrous 5. how g. are thy worksGRE CONCORDANCE 99: 3. praise thy g. and terrible name 104: 1. thou art very g s so is this g. and wide sea . both small and g. beasts pti a the works of the Lord as £. 115: 13. fear the Lord both smal land g. | 119: oe g. are thy tender mercies, O Lord 162. as one that findeth ¢. spoil 165. g. peace have they which love I3I: 1. exercise myself in 2. matters 135: 10. who smote g. nations 136: 4. alone doeth g. wonders 7. that made e. lights 145: 7. memory of thy ¢ g. goodness 8. slow to anger, and of g. mercy 147: 5. and of g. power GREAT congregation. 22; 25. of thee in the g.c 40:9. righteousness in the ¢. a ro. thy truth from the g. ¢. zs GREAT, or GREAT Zs, : an keeping of them, there zs ¢. reward 21: 5. his glory zsg. in thy salvation 25: : . pardon mine iniquity, for it zs g. 3r 2 19. 6h, how .2.:29 :thy goodness | which thou 48:1. g. zs the Lord, and greatly to be praised Brie ro. thy mercy zs g, unto the heavens | 76: 1. his name zs g. in Israel 86: - g. ts thy mercy toward me G5: : the Lord zs a g. God 96: 4. the Lord zs g., and greatly to be | 99: - the Lord zs g. in Zion 103 5-11. sO. Zz his mercy toward them | 108: 4. thy mercy zs g. above the heavens 117: 2. his merciful kindness zs g. to- ward 135: 5. I know that the Lord zs g. 138: 5. g. zs the glory of the Lord 139: 17. how g. zs the sum of them 145: 3. g. zs the Lord, and greatly to be | £4725. 2. 28 our Lord..aid. of creat-| power GREAT ing or kings. 47:2. heisag. &ing over all “the earth 48: 2. the city of the 2. king 05 223. Ax. hee above all gods 136: 17. which smote vg. kings GREAT f¢hings. 71:19. who hast done g, ¢hings 106: 21. done g. things in Egypt 126: 2. hath done zg. things for them, 3. GREAT waters. 32: 6. surely, in the floods of g. waters 77: 19. thy path in the g. waters 107 : 23. do business in re waters 144: 7. deliver me out of 2. waters REATLY. 21:1. in thy salvation, how g. shall he rejoice PQ FHE PSAIM S. GRO | 28: 7. therefore my heart g: rejoiceth | 38: 6. lam bowed down g. : rr. so shall the king g. desire thy :g. unto God, he is g. exalted Sim, great is the Lord, ae praised, 96:4. 145: g. to be 62:2. I shall not be & ved | 652 oc- thou, enrichest it with the | 71: 23. my lips shall ». rejoice 78: 59. and g. abhorred Israel 89:7. God is g. to be feared in the 105 : 24.. increased his people g. 107 : 35. they are multiplied g. 1cg: 30. I will g. praise the Lord with 112: 1. that delighteth 2. in his com- mandments 116: 10. I was g. afflicted 119: 51. the proud have had me g. derision GREATNESS. 66:3. through the g. of thy power Fig ahs" Sh alt increase my g. and com- fort me | 79: 11. according to the g. of thy power | 145: . his g. is unsearchable é. I will declare thy ¢. I50: 2. according to his excellent ¢: GREEDY 17:12. like asa lion that is g. of his prey GREEN. 23:2. to lie down in g. pastures | 37: 2. and wither as the g. herb 35. spreading himself like a g. bay-= tree I am like a g. olive-tree GREY-HEADED. 52: 8. 71: 18. when I am old and g.-z. GRIEF. 6: 7: miné eye is consumed because of g. | | 31: 9. mine eye is consumed with g. @ ro. my life is spent with ¢. 69: 26. talk to the &. of those whom GRIEVE. 78: 40. g. him in the desert GRIEVED. 73: 21. thus my heart was g. 95: 10. g- with this generation 112: 10. Shall see it, and be g 119: 158. I beheld the transgressors and was g. 139: 21. am not I g. with those that GRIEVOUS. 10: 5. his ways are always g. 1: 18. which speak g. things proudly GROANING. | 6:6. Iam weary with my g. | 38: 9. my g. is not hid from thee 102: 5. reason of the voice of my g. 20. to hear the g. of the prisoner GROUND. 74:7. dwelling-place of thy name to the g. 89 : 39. by casting it to the g. 44. his throne down to the g. 61GRO CON COLDAWN CE. TC THE PSALIS. HAN a2: 34: 55: 26: 33: 68 : 69: 2 Ji: 89: Or: 105: 107%: 120): nS 2. ; 20; I05: Zs 104: LO7 Taso - 20, =22G. 35. devoured the fruit of their g. 33. water springs into dry g. 35. dry g. into water-springs 143: 3. my life down to the g. 147: 6. the wicked down to the g. GROW. 92: 12. shall g. like a cedar in Lebanon 104: 14. the grass to g. for the cattle . 147: 8. who maketh grass to ¢. upon the GROWETH zz. 90:5. like grass which g. w. 6. morning it flourisheth and g. zw. 6. withereth afore it 2. uw. GROWN ws. : 12. plants g. wz. in their youth GRUDGE. : 15. g. if they be not satisfied GUIDE. (noun). : 14. he will be our g. even unto death 223. my ie. and mine acquaintance GUIDE. (verb). g. the meek will he g. in judgment 3. for thy name’s sake lead me and me : 8. I will g. thee with mine eye thou shalt g.'me with thy coun- sel will & iS) 4. . his affairs with discretion GUIDED. g. them in the wilderness 72. g. them by the skilfulness of GUILE. 2. in whose spirit there is no ms 13. thy lips from speaking g. 11. deceit and yg. depart not from GUSHE D oxt. the rock, that the waters ¢ 41. and the waters 2. 0, EL, HABITATION. 8. Lord, I have loved the 4. of thy ie ° Ow | ee place of his %. he looketh upon | ee is God in his holy 4. let their Z. be desolate eh aie thou my strong 4. 14. the 4. of thy throne g. the Most High, thy 4. and judgment are the &. of his throne 12. fowls of the their . go toacity of &. an #. for the mighty God of Jacob desired it for his 4. HABITATIONS. full of the %. of cruelty round about their 2, HADST. heaven have me 5 13. 62 | O7 : 3. because thou 4. a favor unto them | | | | | | | HAGARENES. 83: 6. of Moab and the A HAI. 78: 47. destroyed their vines with 4. 48. their cattle also to the %. 105: 32. gave them 4, for rain 148: 8. fire and %. ; snow and vapors HAIL-STONES. 18: 12, 13. 4.-s. and coals of fire HAIRS. 40:12. more than the %. of mine head 69: 4. are more than the 4. of mine head HAIRY. 68: 21. the %. scalp of such an one HALF :17. | amready to %., HAM, : 23. shall not live out 4%. their days HALT, and my sorrow 78: 51. in the tabernacles of H. 105 : 23. sojourned in the land of A. 27. wonders in the land of H. 106: 22. wondrous works in the land of.77, HAMMERS. 74:6. at once with axes and &, HAND. 31: 8. hast not shut me up into the &. yy from the 4. of mine enemies 36: 11. let not the &. of the wicked re- move me 71: 4. O my God, out of the &. of the wicked 4. out of the #. of the unrighteous an 75:8. in the &. of the Lord there is a cup 77: 20. by the 2. of Moses and Aaron 78: 61. his glory into the enemy’s 4, 81:14. turned my &. against their 2:4. rid them out of the %. of the ~ wicked 89: 21. my #. shall be established 48. from the hk. of the grave 97: 10. delivereth them out of the %, of the wicked 106: 10. he saved them from the &. of him that hated 106: 10. from the 4. of the enemy 41. into the 4. of the heathen 42. subjection under their 4. 107: 2. redeemed from the 4. of the enemy 123: 2. unto the 2. of their masters 2. unto the 4. of her mistress I27: 4. in the 4. of a mighty man 39: 12, with a strong #. and with 1445 BD from the &. of strange children . deliver me from the h of strange 149: ve a two-edged sword in their 4. his HAND. : 24. the Lord upholdeth him with his A.: 33. will not leave him in 7s h. : 42. they remembered not /’s #4. : 25. set 4zs #. also in the sea : 4. In Azs A. are the deep places 7. his pasture and the sheep of Aish. : 26. lifted up Azs 2. against them 129: 7. mower filleth not Azs zk. thine or thy HAND. ro: 12. lift up ¢Azze A.; forget not the humble 14. to requite it with ¢hy kh. 17:14. from men which are 7ky 4., O Lord 21: 8. thine h. shall find out all thine 31:5. into ¢kzze A. | commit my spirit I5. my times are in fhy #, 32:4. day and night ¢hy 4. was heavy 38:2. thy #. presseth me sore 39 : 10. consumed by the blow of thzze z. 44:2 drive out the heathen with ¢Ay%. 60: 5. save with fy right 4. 74: 11. why withdrawest thou ¢hy 4. ? 80:17. let thy A. be upon the man of | thy right 2%. 88: 5. they are cut off from thy h. 89: 13. strong is thy #, and high is 13. and high is ¢#y right 2. 104: 28. thou openest ¢i7ze X. they are filled 109: 27. know that this is thy 2. 119: 173. let thine hk. help me, for I have 138: 7. shalt stretch forth ¢Azxe %. 139: 5. laid tkzze A. upon me ro. there shall ¢zy 4. lead me, and thy right #. shall 144: 7. send thine h. from above 145: 16. thou openest ¢hine h. and HANDS. 7:3. if there be iniquity in my Z. 8:6. dominion over the works of thy 2. g: 16. snared in the work of his own %. 18: 2c. cleanness of my %. hath he re- compensed 24. according to the cleanness of my 4. a4.. he teacheth my #, to war 22:16. they pierced my 4. and my feet 24:4. clean &. and a pure heart 26: 6. wash mine &. in innocency to. in whose &. is mischief 28:2. when I lift up my %. toward 4. give them after the work of their #. 5. nor the operation of his %., he shall 44: 20. stretched out our #, to a strange god 47:1. clap your Z., all ye people 55:20. he hath put forth his 4. 55:2. ye weigh the violence of your %. 63:4. I will lift up my #. 1a thy name 68: 31. stretch out her %. _anto God 73:13. washed my 4. in innocency CONCORDANCE TO 76: 78: Sr * THE PSALMS. HAR _ men of might have found their 2. by the skilfulness of his /. a is A. were delivered from the pots :g. stretched out my %. unto thee 91: 12. bear ihee up in their %., lest 92: 4. in the works of thy 4. 95 his 2. formed the dry land 98: 8. the floods clap their Z 102: - heavens are the work of thy 4. IIL the works of his 4. are verity 115 the work of men’s 4. 2 they have 4., but they handle not 119: 48. my 4. also will I lift up unto thy 73. thy &. have made me and fashioned 125: 3. put forth their Z. unto iniquity | 128: 2. the labor of thine 2. | 134: 2. lift up your 4. in the sanctuary | 135: 15. the work of men’s &. 138: 8. the works of thine own &, 140: 4. from the #. of the wicked 141: 2. the lifting up of my %. as the 143: 5. I muse on the work of thy 2. 6. I stretch out my %. unto thee 144: 1. which teacheth my &. to war HAND-BREADTH. 39: 5. made my days as an 4.-6, HANDFUL. 72: 16. there shall be a. of corn HANDLE. 115: 7. hands, but they 2. not HANDMAID. 86: 16. save the son of thine , 116: 16. the son of thine 4. HANDYWORK. 19:1. the firmament showeth his 4. HANGED. 137: 2. we #. our harps upon the wil- lows HAPPY. 127: 5. #. is the man that hath his 128: 2. #. shalt thou be, and it shall be es dae e A. shall he be that rewardeth . A. shall he be that taketh and 144: a that people that isin such 15. yea, 2. is that people whose God 146: 5. #2. is he that hath the God ot Jacob HARD. 60: 3. showed thy people 4. things 63:8. my soul f sIloweth &. after thee 88:7. thy vent lieth #. upon me 94: 4. utter an | speak 4. things. ; HARDEN. 95: 8. #. not your heart, as in the : HARM. Loe 3 do my prophets no &. ae Y HARP. | 33:2. praise the Lord with &. 63HAR CONCORDANCE TO LHE PSALMS. HAV 55:8. I would %. my escape ps f 131 : fs : 13. trouble which I suffer of them | that 2. me © 18: 40, that I might destroy them that | 35 Zz. me | 69 : 21: 8. shall find out those that %. thee 25:19. they 2. me with cruel hatred lg: 34: 21. they that %. the righteous shall |’ be ee 35:19 that %. me without a cause oa 38: 19. they that Z. me wrongfully are | 41: 7. all that 2. me whisper 4: 10, they which &. us spoil for them- 64 6. madest selves 86 : 55:3. in wrath they 2. me | 68:1. let them also that %. him, flee 123 60: 4. they that 4. me without a cause | 14. delivered from them that %. me &3: 2. that 2. thee, have lifted up bgAas 43: 4. upon the &. will I praise thee 86:17. that they which % me may 49: 4. dark saying upon the &. See it : 57: 8. awake, psaltery and 2. 89: 23. plague them that %. him. 71: 22. unto thee will I sing with the %. | 97: 10. that love the Lord, Z. evil 81: 2. pleasant %. with the psaltery | ror: 3. 1%. the work of them that turn 92:3. the 2. with a solemn sound 105: 25. heart to %. his people 98: 5. sing unto the Lord with the 2. | 118: 7. desire upon them that Z. me 5. with the %. and the voice of a| 119: 104. I %. every false way psalm 113. I %. vain thoughts, but thy 108 : 2, awake, psaltery and &. law 147: 7. Sing praise upon the 4, 128. I 2. every false way 149:3. unto him with the timbrel 163. I #, and abhor lying, but thy and . law 150: 3. praise him with the psaltery | 129: 5. turned back that %. Zion and &, | 139: 21. do not I %. them, O Lord, that HARPS. hk, thee 337: 2. we hanged our &. upon the | 22. I 4. them with perfect hatred willows | BAT ED: HART. | 18:17. delivered me....from them 42:1. as the &. panteth after the water- which #. me brooks 26:5 I have %. the congregation of HASTE. (noun). evil-doers 31: 22. I said in my 4., I am cut off 31: 6, I have 4, them that regard lying 110: 11. I said in my &%., all men are | 44: 7. put them to shame that %. us liars 55: 12. neither was it he that 2. me HASTE. — (verb). 106: 41. they that Z, them ruled over 22:19. O my strength, %. thee to help HATEFUL. me | 36: 2. his iniquity be found to be 2. made HASTE. ATEST. 119: 60. I m. 4., and delayed not to | 5:5. thou &. all workers of iniquity keep | 45: 7. and &. iniquity ; therefore God make HASTE. | 50: 17. seeing thou 4. instruction 38: 22. 2. hk. to help me. O Lord | HATETH. 40: 13. O Lord, m. 4, to help me }1r: 5. him that loveth violence, his 7O: 1. m. h., O God, to deliver me | soul %. 1. mm. k. to help me, O Lord | 120: 6. dwelt with him that 4. peace 71:12. m. h. for my help | HATERS. I4Il; 1. #2. #. unto me 81:15. the 2. of the I-ord should have HASTED away. submitted 48:5. were troubled, and %. a. HATRED. 104: 7. of thy thunder, they %. a. | 25: 19. they hate me with cruel 4. HASTEN. 109 : 3. about also with words of &. 16: 4. their sorrows shall be multiplied 5. and #. for my love that 2. 139: 22. I hate them with perfect 4. HAUGHTY. : xr. Lord, my heart is not %, VE. 2:4. the Lord shall %. them in derision £25 ah, so would we &. it ana #, it in possession HAVE dominion. him to #, ad. over the works of i. ad. also from sea to sea HAVE mercy. so" 8. 9:13. 4. m. upon me, O Lord; con- sider my 16. O turn unto me, and &. m, upon me 3. 2. m. upon us, O Lord, &. mm, upon us HAVE resect. 20. A. y. unto the covenantHAV HAVEN. 107 : 30. bringeth them unto their de- | | 10: 17. thou wilt cause thine ear to &. he sired “. HEAD. 3:3. my glory and the lifter up of mine , 7: 16. mischief shall return upon his own Ah. 18: 43. hast made me the &%. of the heathen - a crown of pure gold on his 2, . they shake the %., s aying thou anointest my h. with oil . and now shall mine &. be lifted mine iniquities are gone over mine %, 40: 12. more than the hairs of mine &. 44: 14. shaking of the %. among the people 60: 7. Ephraim also is the strength of mine %., 108: 8. 68: 21. God shall wound the &%. of his €9 : 4. are more than the hairs of mine &. 83: 2. have lifted up the &. 110: 7. shall he lift up the 2. 133: 2. precious ointment upon the 4, 140: 7. my &. in the day of battle 9 2415 22 > AUN W 3: 27 38 : as for the 4. of those that com- pass 141: 5. which shall not break my &. HEADS. 24: 7,9. lift up your %., O ye gates 66: 12. men to ride over our #. 74: 13. breakest the %. of the dragons breakest the %. of leviathan 109: 25. they shakedtheir 2. 110: 6. the &. over many countries HEAD-STONE. 418; 22. the 4.-s. of the corner HEAL. 6:2. #. me, for my bones are vexed 41:4. A. my soul; for I have sinned 60: 2. #. the breaches thereof HEALED, 30: 2. I cried unto thee, and thou hast A. me 107: 20. his word, and 4. them HEALETH. 103229. ° W et /. all thy diseases 147: 3. he %. the broken in heart HEALTH, 42: 11. who is the 4. of my counte- mance, 4a: 67: 2. thy saving %. among all nations HEAP-S. 33: 7. waters of the sea together, as an /. 78 : 13. the waters to stand as an %, 79:1. laid Jerusalem on /-s HEAPETH. 39:6. he #. up riches and knoweth not HEAR. 4:3. the Lord will 2. when I call unto him See eee LOsTHE PSALIUTS. HEA 5: 3- voice shalt thou #%. in the morn- ing 17: 1. &. the right, O Lord, attend unto 6. incline thine ear unto me, and &. my spee an 18: 44. as soon as they 4. of me, they shall 20:1. the Lord %. thee in the day of trouble 6. he will & him from hs holy heaven let the king 2. us when we call ft, O: aord ee I cry with my ‘Voice 30: 10. 4., O Lord, and have mercy upon me 9. 7 34: 2. the humble shall Z. thereof and be glad 38: 15. thou wilt Z., O Lord my God AQ? Ie fe this, all ye people bos 7 Ae 7 people, and J will spe 51: 8. make me to &. joy and gladness 55: 19. God shall %. and afflict them 59: 7. for who, say they, doth 2. 61:1. A. my cry, O God 66: 16. come and &., all ye that fear 81:8. 2., O my people, and I will testify 85:8. I will 2. what God the Lord 92: 11. ears shall Z. my desire 94: 9. the ear, shall he not 4.? 102: 20. to #. the groaning of the prisoner 115: 6. have ears, but they &. not, I 35% 138: 4. when the ey 4. the words of thy > mouth 141: 6. they shall % my words 143: 8. to 2. thy loving-kindness in the morning 145: 19. also will %. their cry HEAR we. 4:1. 4. me when I call, O God of- my 13: 3. consider and %. me, O Lord my God 17: 6. called upon thee, for thou wilt hh. mee 38:16. I said, %. wze, lest otherwise 55:2. attend unto me, and &. me 60:5. with thy right hand, and 4. me 66: 18. the Lord will not 2. we 69: 13. multitude of thy merc y, 2. me 16. 4. me, O Lord, for thy loving= kindness 17. hamin trouble, h. me speedily 36: 1, Ole rd, hr. for I am poor DLO: L452. ya O I bed [ will keep thy 14927. /2:-92e eos ly, O Lord HEAR my prayer. 4:1. have mercy upon me, and &. my p. ca : 12, 2. my ~., O Lord, and give ear Ba chee h. my ~p., O God 6 CryHEA CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. HEA 84: 8. Lord God of hosts, 2. my f. 102:1. hk. my ~.,O Lord, and let my cry 143:4. 2. my p.,O Lord, give ear to my HEAR, with vozce. 28:2. hk. the v. of my supplications, 140: 6. 55:17. and he shall kh. my v. 64:1. hk. my v.,O God, in my prayer 95:7. to-day if ye will 4. Azs v. 119: 149. 2. my v. according unto thy loving 130: 2. Lord, 4. my v.; let thine ears HEARD. 3:4. he #. me out of his holy hill 6: 8. the Lord hath %. the voice of my weeping g. the Lord hath %. my supplication | ro: 17. Lord, thou hast 4. the desire of | the humble 18: 6. he %. my voice out of his temple | where their voice is not #. thou hast %. me from the horns when he cried unto him, he &. he hath Z. the voice of my sup- plications 13. I have &. the slander of many 4. I sought the Lord, and he &. me 6. poor man cried, and the Lord %. him 13. I, as a deaf man, Z%. not he inclined unto me, and %. my cry . we have , with our ears . as we have %. so have we seen . thou, O God, hast %. my vows 1. twice have I &. this . voice of his praise to be &. . verily God hath #. me . didst cause judgment to be &. from . which we have #. and known . therefore the Lord %. this . when God &#. this, he was wroth . where I 4. a language . Zion #. and was glad 44. when he &. their cry 1. he hath 4. my voice 21. will praise thee, for thou hast A. me 120: 1. cried unto the Lord, and he &. 19: 22: 3; aI, 24. 28: 6. ai: 34: H ec ie. oe e COO On” On 78: wn COW) HWW 81: 97: 106 : roe 118 : me 132: 6. we #2. of it at Ephratah HEARDEST. 22. thou 4. the voice of my sup- plications Sn 119: 26. I have declared my ways, and thou 2. me HEAREST. 22:2. in the daytime, but thou &. not 65:2. O thou that /#. prayer, unto thee HEARETH. 34:17. the righteous cry, and the Lord 4. 66 38:14. asa man that Z. not 6y : 33. the Lord &. the poor HEARKEN-ED. 5:2. #. unto the voice of my cry 34:11. come, ye children, Z. unto me 45: 10. #., O daughter, and consider 581.5. will not “2. to the voice of charmers 81: 8. if thou wilt Z. unto me Iz. my people would not %. to my voice 13. that my people had #-d unto me 106: 25. #-d not unto the voice of the Lord HEARKENING. 103: 20. #. unto the vote of his word ack st ° 12:2. flattering lips, and with a dou- ble Z. 19: 8. of the Lord are right, rejoicing the 2. 24:4. clean hands and a pure &. 33: 21. our %. shall rejoice in him 34: 18. nigh unto them that are of a broken 2. 44: 18. our #. is not turned back 21. he knoweth the secrets of the %. 45:5. thine arrows are sharp in the h. of 51: I0. create in me a clean Z., O God 17. a broken and a cantmte %:, O God 58: 2. yea, in 2. ye work wickedness 64: 6. thought of every one of them, and the &. is deep 73:1, SUCH aS are Of a Clear Zz, 7. more than #. could wish 84:5. in whose &. are the ways of them ror: 2, my house with a perfect 4. 4. a froward /. shall depart 5. a proud &. will not I suffer 104: 15. maketh glad the 2. of man 15. which strengtheneth man’s £. 105: 3. the #. of them rejoice that seek 119: 7. praise thee with uprightness of %. 147: 3. he healeth the broken in &. Ats HEART. 10: 3. wicked boasteth of 42s h’s desire 6. said in Azs h., I shall not be moved rr. said in £zs #., God hath forgotten 13. said in Azs #., thou wilt not re- quire it 14:1. said in Azs #., there is no God, Sal 15: 2. speaketh the truth in 47s &. 21:2. thou hast given him 7s h’s de- sire 33: 11. thoughts of “zs #. to all gener- ations 37: 31. the law of his God is in 7s &, 41:6. Azs A. gathereth iniquity 55:21. but war was in dzs .HEA 78:72. the integrity of his h. 112: 7. Azs h. is fixed, trusting in the 4:7. hast put gladness in wy 2. more 13: 8 Lord . Azs kh. is established my HEART or mine HEART. 2. having sorrow in my h. daily 5. my #. shall rejoice in thy salva- tion : 9. therefore my %. is glad and my CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. HEA 143: 4. ty A. within me is desolate own HEART. 4:4. commune with your owz #. upon your 20:4. grant thee according to thine own h. 37: 15. saved shall enter into their own h. 77: 6. commune with mine ows &, 81:12. unto their owz 4’s lust glory | thetr HEART. 17: 3. thou hast proved mzne h. | 10: 17. thou wilt prepare ¢hezr kh. 19: 14. meditation of my 4. be accept- | 78: 8. set net their h. aright able 18. tempted God in ¢herr h. 22:14. my h. is like wax | 37- their h. was not right with him 25:17. the troubles of my %. are en- | 95: 10, that do err in ¢hezr Z. larged 105: 25. turned ¢hetr h. to hate his 26:2. try my reins and my h. people 27: 3. my *. shall not fear | 107: 12. brought down ¢hezr kh. with 28:7. my h. trusted in him, and I am | labor 7. therefore my A. greatly rejoiceth | 119: 70. their h. is as fat as grease 36: 1. of the wicked saith within my %. | 140: 2. imagine mischiefs in ¢hezr h. 38: 8. by reason of the disquietness of thine or thy HEART. my h. | 27: 14. he shall strengthen ¢hine h. 10. my A. panteth, my strength | 37: 4. give thee the desires of ¢hine hk. 39: 3. my A. was hot within me upright in HEART. 40: 8, thy law is within sxzy 4, | 7: 10. God which saveth the z. zx h. ro. thy righteousness within my h, | 11: 2. privily shoot at the ~. zz hk, 12. therefore my 4. faileth me 32: 11. all ye that are zw. zz k. 45:1. my A. is inditing a good matter | 36: 10. righteousness to the x. zz h. 49:3. meditation of my #. shall be of | 64:10. uw. 7” h. Shall glory 55:4. my A. is sore pained within me | 94:15. the z. zz #. shall follow it 57:7. my. is fixed, O God, my hk. is | 97: 11. gladness for the z. zz hk. fixed | whole HEART. 61:2. cry unto thee, when my %, is| 9:1. I will praise thee, O Lord, with 66: 18 69 : 20 73216, 2I. 26. 26. 84: 86 + 11. ro2 = 4. TOG. °3, Tag : 22. TKO : Er. 32. 36. 80. III II2 161 TOT 2.7. 139: 141: overwhelmed . regard iniquity in my &. . reproach hath broken my h. cleansed wzy #. in vain thus my %. was grieved my flesh and wy 4. faileth God is the strength of my hk. 2. my A. and my flesh crieth out unite #zy 4. to fear thy name my A. is smitten and withered O God, my h. is fixed my hk. is wounded within me hid in wine h. that I might | not sin when thou shalt enlarge my h. incline zy A. unto thy testi- monies let wy #. be sound in thy stat- utes . for they are the rejoicing of my h. I have inclined wzzxe kh. to perform . my hk, standeth in awe of thy word Lord, sy #. is not haughty my h. 4. incline not sy #. to any evil my w. hk. Ir: 1. praise the Lord with my w. %. £19: 2. that seek him with the w. 4. 10. w. #. have I sought thee 34- I shall observe it with my w. %. 58. entreated thy favor with my i fee 69. keep thy precepts with my w. 4. 145. I cried with my w. 2. 138: 1. praise thee with my w. &. 22° 99° | 35: 7a 23. search me, O God, and know | | go: your HEART, : 26. your h. shall live forever : 24. Strengthen your %., all ye that hope : 8. pour out your h. before him Io. set not your #. upon them : 32. your #. shall live that seek God : 8. harden not your A. as in tho provocation HEARTS. :g. righteous God trieth the %. and reins : 3. mischief is in their 2. : 5. he fashioneth their %. alike 5. let them not say in their 2. . they said in their 4., let us de. stroy i 12. may apply our 2. unto wisdom On H 125: 4. that are upright in their 2, 67HEA CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. HEA HEARTH. 102: 3. my bones are burned as an %. HEAT. 19: 6. nothing hid from the 4. thereof HEATHEN. 2:1. why do the Z. rage, and the people 8. the 2. for thine ‘inheritance 9: 5. thou hast rebuked the 4. 15. the #. are sunk down in the pit 19. let the %, be judged in thy sight 0:16. the %. are perished out of his land 18: 43. hast made me the head of the Z. Aoeetiades, mnto. tice, ©) Lord, among the z. 33: 10. counsel of the %. to nought 44: 2. thou didst drive out the Z. with 1x hast scattered:us among the 4. 14. a byword among the 4. 46: 6. the 2. raged, the kingdoms were 1o. exalted among the %. 47: 8. God reigneth over the &. 59:5. to visit all the Z. 8. shalt have all the Z. in derision 55. cast out the %. also before them 1. the Z. are come into thine in- heritance 79: 6. upon the &, that have not known 1o. wherefore should the &. say o. let him be known among the &. 80: 8. hast cast out the Z. and planted 94: 10. he that chastiseth the 4. shall ; not 96: 3. his glory among the &. Io. say among the “h. that the Lord 98: 2. in the sight of the &. to2: 15. the %. shall fear the name 105: 44. gave them the lands of the &. 106 : 35. mingled among the &. 41. into the hand of the 4. 78: 79 47. from among the &. to give | th< ans 110: 6. he shall judge among the %. 111: 6. give them the heritage of the Z. X25 22. wherefore should the %. sa y 126: 2. said they among the &. E35 > £5-7tne idols: Of the %. are silver an 149: 7. execute vengeance upon the &. HEAVEN. 11: 4. the Lord’s throne is in %. 14: 2. looked down from £. upon the children, eas 2. 19:6. going forth is from the end of the 2, 20: 6. he will hear him from his holy %. 33: 13. the Lord looketh from 2. 57: 3- shall send from %. and save me 73: 25. whom have I in #. but thee? 76: 8. judgment to be heard from 4. 77:18. thy thunder was in the &. 78: 23. opened the doors of &. 24. given them of the corn of 2, 68 78: 26. east wind to blow in the %. 79:2, unto the fowls of the #2. 80:14. look down from 4. and behold 85: ep shall look down from 4, 89: 6. who in the %, can be compared 29. his throne as the days of . 37. as a faithful witness in %. 102: 19. from #. did the Lord behold 103: 11. as the %. is high above the earth 104: 12. the fowls of the Z. have their 10s: 40. satisfied them with the bread ony. o7: 26. mount up to the 2. 113: 6. the things that are in &. Ts < x0, “tie h., even the heavens are the Lord’s 119 ; 8g. thy word is settled in 2. 136; 26. thanks unto the God of %. 139: 8. if I ascend up into 4. thou art 147: 8. covereth the Z. with clouds 148: 13. glory is above the earth and 4, HEAVEN and earth. 69: 34. let the 2. avd e. praise him 115: 15. the Lord which made 4. and e. 121: 2. the Lord which made /. and e., 124: 8. 134: 3. the Lord that made 4. and e., | 140; 0. | 135: 6. that did hein 2. and ine. | HEAVENS. | 2:4. he that sitteth in the #. shall 18:1. hast'set thy glory above the z. | 3. when I consider thy %., the | work of | 18:13. the Lord also thundered in the 2. g. he bowed the Z. also, and came down | 19: 1. the Z. declare the glory of God | 33: 6. word of the Lord were the h. | made | 36: 5. thy mercy, O Lord, is in the &. | 50: 4. he shall éall to the h. from above | 6. the %. shall declare his right- | eousness | 57:5. exalted, O God, above the 2Z., | i, ROO a | 10. thy mercy is great unto the &. 68 that rideth upon the 2. 8. the #. also dropped at the pres- ence | 73: 9. their mouth against the 89: 2. establish in the very %. 5. the %. shall praise thy wonders 11. the #. are thine, the earth also 96:5. the Lord made the 2. 11. let the %. rejoice, and let the 97: 6. the &. declare his righteousness | ro2: 25. the &. are the work of thy hands |. LOR 20; prepared his throne in the &. 104: 2. the &. like a curtain 108: 4. mercy ts great above the &.HEA CONCORDANCE T 113: 4. his glory above the &. 115: 3. our God is in the &. 6. even the &. are the Lord’s 123: 1. thou that dwellest in the 4. 5 5 e 136: 5. by wisdom made the 4, 144: down 148 : 1. praise ye the Lord from the &. 4. waters that be above the &, HEAVENS of heavens. 68 : 33. that rideth upon the &, of h. 148: 4. praise him, ye 2. of &. HEAVY. 32:4. day and night tny hand was &. upon me 38:4. as an #. burden they are too A. for HEAVILY. 35: 14. I bowed down 4. as one that HEAVINESS. 69: 20. I am full of 2. 11g: 28. my soul melteth for Z. HEDGES. 80: 12. broken down her &, 89: 40. hast broken down all his &. LED. 119: 9. by taking 4%. thereto accord- ing to HEEL-S. 4t: 9. hath lifted up his %. against me 49: 5. when the iniquity of my 4-s HE-GOAT. 50:9. nor 4.-g. out of thy folds HEIGHT. 102: 19. looked down from the &. of his 39: 2. I 2. my peace, even from good 94: 18. thy mercy, O Lord, 4. me up HELD zz. 32:9. must be 4. z7. with bit and bridle HEED. 9g: 17. the wicked shall be turned into 2. 16: 10, thou wilt not leave my soul in 4. 18: 5. the sorrows of 4. compassed me about 55:15. let them go down quick into &. 86: 13. my soul from the lowest 4. 116: 3. pains of #. gat hold upon me 139: 8. if I make my bed in &. HELP. -Gieut): 3:2. there is no 4. for him in God 20: 2. send thee 4. from the sanctuary 27:9. thou hast been my &.; leave me not 33: 20. he is our #. and our shield 35: 2. Stand up for mine &. 40:17. thou art my #, and my deliv- eter, 7a: 5: 42:5. praise him for the 4. of his coun- tenance 44: 26. arise for our #., and redeem us 460: 1. a very present %. in trouble 60: 11. give us #. from trouble, 108: 12. 11. for vain isthe. of man, 108: 12. . bow thy %., O Lord, and come 71 89: 94: LEG Es 124: 146: I2: 22: ag. 40: 46: 79: LO7 = 10g : Tro: 11Q: T2538 Ign: 37: 104 : 105 Ta 16: Gr: 94: ETT | 119: 63:7. because thou hast been my %. : 12. make haste for my &. 19. I have laid 4. upon one that is 17. the Lord had been my 2. = OTHE PSALMS HER g- he is their %. and their shield, IO, EX 1. from whence cometh my 4. 2. my 2. cometh from the Lord 8. our &. is in the name of the Lord 3. In whom there is no &. 5. God of Jacob, for his 2. HELP. (verb), 1. #., Lord, for the godly man ceaseth 1. trouble is near, for there is none to 2. 19. O my strength, haste thee to A. me : 40. the Lord shall %. them and de- liver 22. make haste to #. me, O Lord, JOT Te 13. O Lord, make haste to 4. me 5. God shall Z. her, and that right early : 4. awake to Z. me and behold g. 2. us, O God of our salvation 12. there was none to 4, 26. 4. me, O Lord my God 7- My part with them that 4. me 86. persecute me wrongfully; 2, thou me 173. let thine hand Z. me, for I have 175. let thy judgment 4. me HELPED. : 7. heart trusted in him,andIam &, : 6. brought low, and he &. me : 13. but the Lord 2. me HELPER. : 14. thou art the 4. of the fatherless : 10, Lord, be thou my &. : 4. behold, God is mine 2. : 12. him that hath no &. HELPING. : 1. why art thou so far from %. me? HENCE. : 13. before I go Z. and be no more HENCEFORTH. 2. his people from %. even forever 3- in the Lord from 4. and forever HERB-S. 2. wither as the green &. 14. 4. for the service of man : 35. did eat up all the Z-s in their HERE. 14. 4. will I dwell, fer I have HERITAGE, 6. yea, I havea goodly &. 5. given me the &. of those that fear 5. and afflict thine 2. : 6. give them the 4. of the heathen 111. have I taken as an &, forever 69HER CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. HIG 127:3. lo, children are an. of the 135: 12. gave their land for an h.; | 130; 2x: . 12. an #. unto Israel his people HERMON. 89: 12. Tabor-and H. shall rejoice 133: 3. as the dew of H. HERMONITES. 42:6. the land of Jordan and of the 77. HID g: 15. net which they A. is their own foot 17: 14. belly thou fillest with thy 2. treasure 19: 6. nothing #. from the heat thereof 24. neither hath he 4. his face 5. nine iniquity have I not 2. 7. without cause have they 4. for Bex qa 35: me 8. let his net that he hath &. catch g. my groaning is not #. from thee 10. | have not #. thy righteousness 12. then I would have 4. myself 5. my sins are not #. from thee 11. thy word have I 4. in mine heart 139: 15. my substance was not . from 140: 5. proud have .a snare for me HIDDEN. in the 2. parts thou shalt make me consulted against thy Z%. ones HIDE 38: 40: 55's 69: 119: nO. 83°23. how long wilt thou /. thy face A. me under the shadow of thy wings 5. he shall 2. me in his pavilion 5. secret of his tabernacle shall he 9 1552. 1728. a7 A. me . A. not thy face far from me : 7. thou didst #. thy face, and I was 20. A. them in the secret of thy pres- ence : 9. A. thy face from my sins : 1. #. not thyself from my supplica- tion 56:6. they %. themselves, they mark 64: 2. A. me from the secret counsel : 17. 4. not thy face from thy servant : 4. will not 2. them from their chil- dren : 46. wilt thou /. thyself forever? : 2. A. not thy face from me : 19. A. not thy commandments from me : 7. A. not thy face from me g. I flee unto thee to 4. me HIDEST. 1. why 2. thou thyself in times of trouble? 44: 24. wherefore /. thou thy face 88: 14. why &. thou thy face from me Io: 104: 29. thou 4. thy face, they are 79 HIDETH. ro: 11. he &. his face ; he will never see 139: 12. darkness %. not from thee HIDING-PLACE. 32:7. thou art my Z.-f. 119: 114. thou art my 4.-¢. and my shie HIGH. : 2, horn of my salvation, and my d. tower 27. but wilt bring down 4. looks 18 49: 2. both low and #., rich and poor | 62: 9. men of #. degree are a lie 71: 19. thy righteousness also, O God, is very 2. 78:35. the 2. God, their redeemer 69. sanctuary like %. palaces 89: 13. A. is thy right hand 92:8. art most 2. for evermore 97:9. art 4. above all the earth 99: 2. #. above all the people 101: 5. him that hath an 4. look 103: 11. heaven is %. above the earth 113: 4. Lord is 2. above all nations 131: 1. or in things too 4. for me 138: 6. though the Lord be %., yet hath 139: 6. itis &,; | cannot attain unto it 144: 2. my #. tower and my deliverer 149: 6. let the %. praises of God be in their HIGH 7é/-s. 68:15. a. #. as the hill of Bashan 16. why leap ye, ye 2. 4-s? 104: 18. the 2. A-s are a refuge for the wild most HIGH. 7:17. sing praise to the name of the Lord 9, £7. 9:2. praise to thy name, O thou m. H, 21:7. throughthe mercy of the mm. A. 46:4. holy place of the tabernacle of the #. 47: 2. the Lord zz. 4. is terrible 50: 14. pay thy vows unto the a. AH. 56:2. many that fight against me, O thou 7. H. 57: 2. I will cry unto God mm. 4. 73: 11. is there knowledge in the m. H.? 77: 10. the right hand of the mm. H. 78: 17. by provoking the az. H. in the wilderness 56. remuDene and provoked the 7. h. x0 82:6. all of you are children of the th. Bd 83: 18. art the w. 4. over all the earth gi: 1. in the secret place of the a. H. g. even the #. #. thy habitation g2: 1. unto thy name, O m. H. 8. art m. A. for evermore on HIGH. 7:7. their sakes therefore return thou on h.HIG CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. HOL 68:18. thou hast ascended ox h. HINDER. 69 : 29. O God, set me up ox h. 78 : 66. his enemies in the &. parts 75: 5. lift not up your horn ox &. HITHER, 91: 14. I will set him ox 4. because 73: 10. his people return &, 93: 4. the Lord ox 4. is mightier 81: 2. bring 4. the timbrel 107 : 41. setteth he the poor ox h. HITHERTO. 113: 5. our God who dwelleth ox &. 71: 17..%. have I declared thy wondrous HIGH-PLACES. HOAR, 18 : 33. setteth me upon my &.-4, 147: 16. he scattereth the &. frost like 78: 58. to anger with their h.-p. tLOGD: HIGH-SOUNDING. 17:5. 2. up my goings in thy paths 150: 5. praise him upon the 4.-s. cym- | 392. take 4. of shield and buckler Balls, i | 39: 12, 4. not thy peace at my tears HIGHER. | 49: 12. mine iniquities have taken &. 61:2. lead me to the rock that is %. | 48: 6. fear took h. upon them there than I | 83: 1. 4. not thy peace, and be not still 89: 27. #. than the kings of the earth 109: 1. #, not thy peace, O God of my the HIGHEST. 116: 3. pains of hell gat Z. upon me 18: 13. the H. gave his voice 119: 117. 4, thou me up, and I shall be 87: 5. the H. himself shall establish safe HILL. 139: 10. thy right hand shall Z. me 24: 3. ascend into the %. of the Lord OLDEN. 42:06. of the Hermonites, from the %. | 18: 35. thy right hand hath % me up Mizar 71: 6. have I been 4. up from the womb 68:15. the 2. of God is as the %. of 73: 23. hast 4. me by my right hand ashan HOLDEST. 15. an high 4. as the 2. of Bashan 16. this is the 4. which God de- ESI : 4. thou 4. mine eyes waking HOLDETH. sireth 66:9. 2. our soul in life Hilo HOLINESS. 18: 7. the foundations also of the &. 29: 2. worship the Lord in the beauty moved of 2. 50: 10. the cattle upon a thousand &. 30: 4. at the remembrance of his %. 65: 12. little %. rejoice on every side 47: 8. upon the throne of his &, 68: 16. why leap ye, ye high 4, ? 48: x. in the mountain of his 2. 72: 3. the little Z. by righteousness 60: 6. God hath spoken in his &. 80: 10. the 4. were covered with the | 89:35. sworn by my 4. that I will not shadow | 93: 5. 4. becometh thine house 95: 4. the strength of the 4%. is his also 96:9. in the beauty of 2. 97: 5. the Z, melted like wax | 7:12. the remembrance of his £4. 98: 8. the &. be joyful together 108: 7. God hath spoken in his &. 104: 10. which run among the &. 110: 3. in the beauties of Z, 13. he watereth the %. from his OLPEN. chambers 83: 8. they have 4. the children of Lot 18. high %. are a refuge for the | 86: 17. thou, Lord, hast %. me wild goats HOLY, 32. he toucheth the %., and they | 20: 6. he will hear him from his 4, smoke heaven 114: 4. the little Z. like lambs 22:3. theu art Z., O thou that inhab- 6. ye little Z. like lambs itest I2I: I. mine eyes unto the &. 28:2. lift up my hands toward thy 4. 148: 9. mountains and all Z. ; fruitful oracle = HIM. ¥ 51:11. take not thy 7, Spirit from me 45:11. he is thy Lord, and worship | 68: 5. is God in his A. habitation fia 5. | 86: 2. preserve my soul, for I am 4. : ‘ | 87: 1.. foundation is in the %. mountains HIMSELF. ‘ | 89: 20. with my &. oil have I anointed 4:3. hath set apart him that is godly | 98:1. his &. arm hath gotten him for 2. 87:5. the Highest %. shall establish her | 99: 135: 4. hath chosen Jacob unto &, HIND-S. 105 18 : 33. maketh my feet like 2’s feet III 29:9. maketh the 4-s to calve 145 3. terrible name ; for it is Z. 5. at his footstool, for he is 2, g. the Lord our God is &. : 42. remembered his 2. promise : 9. #. and reverend is his name > 17. A. in all his works aeHOL CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. HOR HOLYDAY. 42: 4. with a multitude that kept 2. HOLY 2727. 2:6. upon my 4. 4. of Zion 3:4. he heard me out of his 2. 2. 15: 1. who shall dwell in thy 2. fh? 43:3. let them bring me unto thy he ht» 99: 9. worship at his 4. 4. HOLY zame. at. trusted in his &. z. 1. bless his 2. x. 3. glory ye in his 2. %. 47. thanks unto thy 4. 2. 21. bless his A. 2. forever and ever HOLY One. 10. suffer thine A. O. to see cor- ruption . Othou H. O. of Israel . limited the H. O. of Israel . the H. O. of Israel is our king . in vision to thy //. O. HOLY Alace-s. : 3. who shall stand in his 2. 2.? :4. the 2. Z. of the tabernacle of : 17. as in Sinai, in the 4. p. 35. thou art terrible, out of thy A 33: TOd IOS: 106: TAGS TO * - 22 . p-s. HOLY ¢Zemzple. 5:7. will I worship toward thy %. ¢. x1: 4. the Lord is in his &. ¢. 65:4. thy house, even of thy 4. #. 79:1. thy 2. ¢. have they defiled 138: 2. worship toward thy 4. ¢. HOME she that tarried at A. divided 68 : 12. HONEY. 19:10. sweeter also than %. and the h.-comb 81:16. with . out of the rock should I 119: 103. yea, sweeter than #4, to my mouth HONOR. (noun). 7:5. lay mine 4. in the dust 8:5. hast crowned him with glory | 92: and &. 5. 2. and majesty hast thou laid ai: 26: 8. the place where thine 4. dwelleth 49: 12. man being in %., abideth not 20. man that is in %& and under- standeth not 66:2. sing forth the #. of his name 71: 8. with thy %. all the day 96: 6, #. and majesty are before him clothed with #. and majesty 164 + i. 112: 9. shall be exalted with %. 145: 5. speak of the glorious 4. of thy 149: 9. this 4. have all his saints HONOR. (verb). gt: 15. deliver him and %. him HONORABLE. g. kings daughters were among thy A. women HONORETH. : 4. he %. them that fear the Lord 72 45: 15 | | ©E2 > HOOEFS. 69: 3x. that hath horns and %. HOPE. (noun). 16:9. my flesh also shall rest in %. 39: 7. what wait I for? my 4. is in thee 71:5. thou art my %., O Lord God 78:7. set their Z. in God 119: 116. let me not be ashamed of my 146: 5. whose 4. is in the Lord his God HOPE. (verb). 22:9. thou didst make me %. when I was 31: 24. your heart, all ye that Z. in the Lor 33: 18. them that %. in his mercy 22. according as we #. in thee 38: 15. in thee, O Lord, dol &. 42:5. A. thou in God ; for I shall yet 11. A. thou in God, for I shall yet, 45055. 71:14. but I will Z. continually 119: 49. upon which thou hast caused me to %. 8x. but I Z. in thy word, 114. 5. in his word dol &. 130; 7. let Israel Z. in the Lord, 131 : 3 147: 11. in those that #. in his mercy HOPED. 119: 43. I have #. in thy judgments 74. because I have #. in thy word 147. and cried; I %. in thy word 166. Lord, I have #. for thy salvae tion HOREB. 106: 19. they made a calf in H. HORN. 18:2. my buckler, and the 4. of my salvation 4. to the wicked, lift not up the 2. 5. lift not up your #. on high 17. our #. shall be exalted 24. shall his 2. be exalted ro. my 4. shalt thou exalt ro. like the #. of an unicorn . his %. shall be exalted with honor 17. the 2. of David to bud 14. exalteth the 4. of his people HORNS. 21. heard me from the #. of the ynicorns 75: 89: $32: 148: 22% 69: 31. that hath 4. and hoofs 75:10. all the %. of the wicked also will I 10. the #. of the righteous shall be exalted 118: 27. even unto the #. of the altar HORRIBLE. 11: 6. fire and brimstone, and an &., tempest 40:2. brought me up also out of an 4, pitHOR CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. HOW HORROR. 55:5. 2. hath overwhelmed me 119: 53. &. hath taken hold upon me HORSE-S. 32:9. not as the #. or as the mule 33: 17. an &. is a vain thing for sz ifety 76: . eon the chariot and #. are cast I47: not in the strength of the 4. 20: : some trust in chariots, and sonie | in i-s HOST; 27: 3. though an %. should encamp a 2, all the 2. arian be the breath of 16. saved by the multitude of an /. 136: 15. Pharaoh and his %. in the Red Sea HOSTS. 103: 21. bless ye the Lord, all ye his %. 108: 11. go forth with our h. Hack = 2: eases ye hin, all his &. Lord of HOSTS, or Lord God of HOSTS 46:7. the L. of 4. 1s with 1S; 5% 48; 8. in the eity-of the. 2.07 £. 59: 5. thou therefore, O LZ. God of h. 69: 6. that wait on thee,O L. God of h. 80:4. O L. God af h., how long wilt thou be $4: 1. thy tabernacles, O ZL. of &. 3, thine altars, ©:7..0F hi 8. OL. God of h., hear my prayer 12. OL. of #., blessed is the man 89:8. OL. God of h., who is a strong Lord HOT. 6: 1x. neither chasten me in thy &. dis- pleasure, 38: 1. _ : 3. my heart was %. within me : 48. their flocks to 4. thunderbolts HOUSE. | 105: 21. made him lord of his 2, | 112: 3. riches shall be in his &. 113: 9. barren woman to keep 4. 116: 19. in the courts of the Lord’s &, 119: 54. my songs in the &, of my pilgrimage £27 5 1. .CACCOL the Lord build the %. 128: 3. by the sides of thine 2. 132 : 3.*Into the tabern: ae of my 4. HOUSE of Aaron. r15: 10. O 4. of A., trusr im the Lord 12. he will bless the 2. of A. 18: 3. let the 2. of A. now say SSE 10. bless the Lord, O 2. 0f A. HOUSE of David. 122: 5. the thrones oF the:Z. af 2: HOUSE of God. 42: 4 went with them to the 2. ef G, 52: 8. olive-tree in the 2. of G. 55: 14. walked unto the 4. of G. in 135: 2. in the courts of the h. of our G. HOUSE of Israel. 98: 3. his truth toward the 4, of J, 125: 12. will bless the 2. of J. 135: 19. blesS the Lord, O %. af 7, HOUSE of J eve. 135 : 20. bless the Lord, O hi gf LZ. HOUSE of the Lord. 23: 6. I will dwell in the 4. of the L. 27: 4. that 1 may dwell in the %. of the L. 92: 13. planted in the . of the L. 118; 26. blessed you out of the %. of the L. 122: 1. go into the 2. of rhe LZ. g. because of the 4. of the L. our God~ 134: 1. by night stand in the 2. of the [ee 135: 2. ye that stand in the 2. ofthe L HOUSE-TOP-S. 102: 7. a sparrow alone upon the 4.-¢, 129: 6. the grass upon the £.-¢-s HOUSES. 49:11. that their % shall continue for- ever 83: 12. the %. of God in possession HOW. 3:1. Lord, %. are they increased that trouble 21:1. in thy salvation, %. greatly shall he rejoice 36:7. #. excellent is thy loving-kind- ness 39: 4. that I may know &. frail I am 44:2. A. thou didst afflict the people 2. A. thou didst drive out the heathen 73: 11. they say, Z. doth God know? 19. #. are they brought into deso- lation 78: 40. #. oft did they provoke him 5:7. as for me, I will come into thy &. 26 : 8. loved the habitation of thy 2%. 31: 2. for an %. of defence to save me 36: 8. satisfied with the fatness of thy 2. | 45:10. thine own people and thy father’s 2%. 49: 16. glory of his %. is increased 50: 9. no bullock out of thy %. 65: 4. with the goodness of thy %, 66: 13. I will go into thy %. with 69:9. the zeal of thine %, hath eaten me . 84: 3. sparrow hath found an &. 4. blessed are they that dwell in thy h. ro. a doorkeeper in the #. of my God 93: . holiness becometh thine hw, O ord ror: 2. within my &. with a perfect | heart 7. shall not dwell within my &. 104: 17. the fir-trees are her %. 84 : . A. he had wrought his signs 43 1. A, amiable are thy tabernacles 73 SECCHOW CONCORDANCE TO 89: 50. %. I do bear in my bosom 38 servant ? 103. A. sweet are thy words unto 132: 2. #. he sware unto the Lord HOW /ony. : 4:2. O ye sons of men, 2, 2. will ye | turn } 6:3. but thou, O Lord, 4. 2? 13:1. 4. 2. wilt thou forget me, O Lord 1. A. Z, wilt thou hide thy face 2. h. /. shall I take counsel in my soul 35-17. Lord, Z. 2. wilt thou look on? 79:5. 2. 2., Lord, wilt thou be angry 4. A. ¢. shall they utter and speak HUMBLE. the 4. 17. thou hast heard the desire of 14 the 2, 34: 2. the 4. shall hear thereof, and be 40 69: 32. the %. shall see this, and be 44 74 119: 84. 4. many are the days of thy | 71: glad 50: HUMBLED. 35: 13. I 4. my soul with fasting 62: HUMBLETH., 66: ro: 10. he croucheth and 4. himself 73% 113: 6. who &. himself to behold the | 81: things 89 : HUNGER. THE PSALMS. IF : 12, they that seek my %. speak 92: 5. 4. great are thy works 41: 7. against me do they devise my &. 104: 24. %. manifold are thy works 70: 2. put to confusion that desire my 4. 13. dishonor that seek my 4. 24. unto shame that seek my &. HURT... (verb). my 105 : 18. whose feet they 4. with fetters To RiPUL, 137: 4. 4. shall we sing the Lord’s song | 144 : To. his servant, from the %. sword HYPOCRITICAL: 35: 16. with %. mockers in feasts HYSSOP: 2. h. 2. will ye love vanity ? 51:7. purge me with 4. and I shall i: ICE 2. h. ¢.shall mine enemy be exalted 147: 17. he casteth forth his Zz. like IDOLS. 62: 3. #. Z. will ye imagine mischief 96: 5. all the gods ofthe nations are 7, 74:9. among us any that knoweth 4. 72. | 97: 7. that boast themselves of 7, 10. 4, 2. shall the adversary reproach | 106: 36. they served their 2. 38. sacrificed unto the 7. of Canaan 80: 4. A. 2. wilt thou be angry against | 115: 4. their z. are silver and gold 82:2. 4.2. will ye judge unjustly ? 135: 15. the z. of the heathen are 89: 46. #. 2., Lord, wilt thou hide thy- silver self IF. 90: 13. return, O Lord, 4. 2. ? 7:3- O Lord my God, z. I have done 94:3. 4. 2. shall the wicked, Z. Z. shall this 3. 2. there be iniquity in my hands 4. z. I have rewarded evil unto him 9: 12. he forgetteth not the cry ofthe Z. 12. z. he turn not, he will whet his 10: 12. lift up thine hand, forget not | 11: 3. z. the foundations be destroyed, what : 2, to see z. there were any that did, 53 sa: > 5. 2. I would declare and speak of gla Ar: 6. z. he come to see me, he speaketh 2 ae ; az Zi : 20. z. we have forgotten the name - I were hungry I would not tell thee . riches increase, set not your . I regard iniquity in my heart I say, I will speak thus thou wilt hearken unto me . z. his children forsake my law . 7, they break my statutes 34: 10. young lions do lack and suffer %. | go: Io. 7. by reason of strength they be UNGRY. 95:7. z. ye will hear his voice 50: 12. if I were %. 1 would not tell 124: 1. 2. it had not been the Lord, 2. thee 130: 3. z. thou, Lord, shouldest mark 107: 5. A. and thirsty, their soul 132: 12, z. thy children will keep my g. and filleth the 4%. soul with 137: 5. z. I forget thee, O Jerusalem goodness 6. z. I prefer not Jerusalem above 36. maketh the %, to dwell 6. z. I do not remember thee 146: 7. giveth food to the &. 139: 8. z. | ascend up into heaven UNT. 8. 7. 1 make my bed in hell 140: 11. evil shall 4. the violent man g. 2. I take the wings of the morn-~ DRE: ing 15: 4. he that sweareth to his own &. 11. 2, 1 say, surely the darkness 35:4. brought to confusion that devise shall my %. 18. z. I should count them, they 26. that rejoice at mine &. areIGN IGNORANT. 73 : 22. so foolish was I, and 2. ILL: 106 : 32. z. with Moses for their sakes IMAGE. 73: 20. thou shalt despise their 7. 106: 19. worshipped the molten 7, IMAGES. 78 : 58. jealousy with their graven z, 97:7. they that serve graven 7, IMAGINE, 2:1. the people 7. a vain thing 38: 12. z. deceits all the day lon CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. INI INDEED. Se 58:1. do ye 7. speak righteousness = INDIGNATION, viel 69 : 24. pour out thine 7, upon them 1 78: 49. anger, wrath and 7. Io2: 10. because of thine z. and thy INDITING. & z. a good matter SS INFINITE, | 147: 5. his understanding is 7, f INFIRMITY, i 77: 10. I said, this is my 7, INHABITANTS. ea 452.75 62: 3. how long will ye z. mischief 33: 8. let all the z. of the world 140: 2, z. mischiefs in their heart 14. he looketh upon all the 7. of IMAGINED. 49:1. give ear, all ye 7. of the world Se Io: 2. taken in the devices that they | 75: 3. all the z. thereof are dissolved ail have 2. | 83: 7. Philistines, with the z. of Tyre 21: 11. z. a mischievous device INHABITEST, i IMPUTETH. 22: 3. O thou that 7. the praises of 32:2. whom the Lord Z. not iniquity Israel INCENSE. INHABITING, 66: 15. fatlings, with the z. of rams 74:14. people z. the wilderness 141: 2. set forth before thee as 7. INHERIT. INCLINE. | 25:13. his seed shall 7. the earth 17:6, z. thine ear unto me, and hear my | 37: 9. that wait upon the Lord, they 45: 10. consider and 7. thine ear shall z. 49: 4. I will 2. mine ear to a parable rz. the meek shall 7. the earth 71:2. z. thine ear unto me, ro2: 2, 22. blessed of him shall 7. the earth 78: 1. z. your ears to the words 29. the righteous shall z. the land 88: 2. 7, thine ear unto my cry 34. exalt thee to z. the land 119: 36. z. my heart unto thy testi- | 69 : 36. of his servants shall 7. it monies 82: 8. thou shalt z. all nations 141: 4. z. not my heart to any evil INHERITED. INCLINED. 105: 44. they z. the labor of the people 40: 1. he Zz. unto me, and heard my cry INHERITANCE. 116: 2. he hath z. his ear unto me 2:8. give thee the heathen for thine Z, 119: 112. I have z. mine heart to per- | 16: 5. the Lord is the portion of mine 7. form 28:9. thy people and bless thine 7. INCLOSED. 33: 12. chosen for his own ?, 17: 10. they are z. in their own fat 37: 18. their z. shall be forever 22:16. assembly of the wicked have 47: 4. he shall choose our Zz. for us 7. me 68:9. didst confirm thine 7. when it INCREASE. (noun). 74:2. the rod of thine z, which thou 67:6. the earth yield her 7, 78:55. divided them an 7. by line 78: 46. gave also their z. unto the 62. was wroth with his 7, 85: 12. land shall yield her z. r. and Israel his z. . : 107 : 37. may yield fruits of 2. 79: 1. heathen are come into thine 7, INCREASE, (verb). 94: 14. will he forsake his 7. 44: 12. dost not 7. thy wealth by to5: 11. the lot of your z. 62: 10. if riches z., set not your heart 106 : 5. may glory with thine 7, 71: 21. shalt 7, my greatness, and com- 40. abhorred his own 7. fort me 73: 12. they z. in riches 115: 14. the Lord shall z. you more and more INCREASED. 3: 1. Lord, how are they z. that trouble 4: 7. their corn and their wine z, 49: 16. glory of his house is z. 105: 24. z, his people greatly INCREASETH. 74: 23. rise up against thee, z. contin. | ually INIQUITY. 5:5. thou hatest all workers of 7. 6: 8. depart from me, all ye workers of 2, 7: 3. if there be z. in my hands 14. behold, he travailéeth with 7. 14: 4. all the workers of z. no knowle edge 18 : 23. I kept myself from mine 7. 25:11. pardon mine Z., for it is great 28:3. with the workers of z. which speak 10, faileth because of mine 2, 75 PaksINW INI CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. 32:2. unto whom the Lord imputeth | 73: 13. washed my hands in z. not Zz. INNOCENT. 5. mine z. have I not hid 10:8. secret places doth he murder 5. thou forgavest the z. of my sin the z. 36:2. his 7. be found to he hateful 15:5. nor taketh reward against the z. 3. words of his mouth are z. and | 19: 13. I shall be z. from the great deceit transgression 12. there are the workers of 2. fallen | 94: 21. condemn the z. blood 37: 1. envious against the workers of z. | 106: 38. shed 7. blood, even the blood 38: 18. I will declare mine z. INNUMERABLE. 39:11. dost correct man for z. thou | 40: 12. z. evils have compassed me makest 104: 25. things creeping z., both small 49: 5. when the z. of my heels shall an 51: 2. thoroughly from mine z. INQUIRE. 5. behold, I was shapen in z. 27:4. to z. in his temple 53: 1. have done abominable z. INQUIRED. 4. workers of z. no knowledge 78: 34. they returned and 2. early 5&5: 3. they cast z. upon me INQUISITION. 50: 7. shall they escape by z. |g: 12. when he maketh 2. for blood 59:2. deliver me from the workers of z. | INSOMUCH. 64: 2. insurrection of the workers of z. | 106: 40. Z. that he abhorred his own 66: 18. if 1 regard z. in my heart | INSTEAD. 69 : 27. add z. unto their z. | 45:16. z. of thy fathers shall be thy 75: 38. but he....forgave their z. | INSTRUCT. : 2. hast forgiven the 7. of thy people : 32. and their Zz. with stripes workers of z. do flourish 92:7: g. all the workers of z. shall be scattered 94: 4. all the workers of z. boast them- selves 16, against the workers of z. 20. shall the throne of z. have fel- lowship 23. their own z., and shall cut them | off 106: 6. we have committed 7., we have | done 43. brought low for their z. 107: 42. all z. shall stop her mouth 109: 14. the z. of his fathers be remem- bered they also do no z. ; they walk let not any z. have dominion over forth their hands unto z,. forth with the workers of z. with men that work 7. TIO® 3. roo: 125: 3. 5. Tar * A: . gins of the workers of z. INIQUITIES. 38: 4. mine z. are gone over mine head 12. mine z. have taken hold upon 40% 51:9. blot out all mine z, 64: 6. they search out z. 65:3. z. prevail against me 79: 8. remember not against us former z. 99: 8. set our z. before thee 103: 3. forgiveth all thine z. 10. rewarded us according to our 2. 107: 17. because of their z. are afflicted 130: 3. if thou, Lord, shouldst mark z. 78, Teheens israel from all his z, INNOCENCY. 26; 6. wash mine hands in z, 76 16: 7. my reins also z. me in the night | 32:8. I will z. thee and teach thee in the INSTRUGIED. 2:10. bez., ye judges of the earth INSTRUCTION. 50: 17. seeing thou hatest z. INSTRUMENT. 33: 2. an z. of ten strings | 92: 3. upon an 2. of ten strings 144: 9. an Zz. of ten strings will I sing INSTRUMENTS. 7:13. prepared for him the 7. of death 68: 25. the players on Zz. followed after 87:7. as the players on Zz. shall be there 150: 4. with stringed z. and organs INSURRECTION. 64:2. from the z. of the workers of INTEGRITY. 7:8. according to mine z, that is in me 25:21. let z. and uprightness preserve me 26:1. I have walked in mine z. rr. I will walk in mine z. 41: 12, thou upholdest me in mine z. 78:72. ihe z. of his heart INTENDED. 11. they 2. evil against thee INTREATED. 119: 58. I z. thy favor with my whole INVENTIONS. 99: 8. tookest vengeance of their 7. 106: 29. to anger with their 7. 39. whoring with their own 7, INWARD. 5:9. their z. part is very wickedness 49: 11. their z. thought is that their houses sr: 6. truth in-thez. parts . 64:6. the z. thought of every one 21:62: 2:9. thou shalt break them with a rod | EOS LO7 : 149: I05 33: 2° 97 : INW : 7. Jacob shall r INWARDLY, 4. but they curse 7, IRON. of Zz. 18. he was laid in 7. 1o. bound in affliction and z. 16. the bars of z. in sunder 8. their nobles with fetters of 2. ISAAC. :g. and his oath unto /. ISHMAELITES. 6. tabernacles of Edom and the 7, ISERS: ro. kings of Tarshish and of the Z 1. let the multitude of 7, be glad ISRAEL. 5 6 be glad, 5 : 22, redeem /., O God, out of all his : 34. his excellency is over /, 73: 1. truly God is good to JZ, 76: 1. his name is great in /, 78:5. appointed a law in /. 21. anger also came up against J, 59. wroth, and greatly abhorred /, 71. Jacob his people, and /. his in- heritance 81:4. this was a statute for /, tr. 7. would none of me 114: 1. when /. went out of Egypt 2. Sanctuary and /. his dominion 121: 4. behold, he that keepeth J. 124: 1. now may /. say 125: 5. peace shall be upon /, 128: 6. children’s children, and peace upon /, 129: 1. from my youth, may 7, now say 130: 8. he shall redeem /. from all his 135: 4. /. for his peculiar treasure 12. an heritage unto /, his people 136: 11. brought out J. from among them 14. made /, to pass through the midst 22. an heritage unto /, his servant | 147: 19. Statutes and his judgments | unto 7, | Holy One of ISRAEL. | 71: 22. Othou Holy One of J. 78: 41. limited the floly One of I. 89: 18. Holy One of J. is our king 13. and /, had walked in my ways 105 : to. to /. for an everlasting cove- nant 23. /. also came into Egypt 118: 2. Ze¢t 7. now say that his mercy 130: 7. det 7, hope in the Lord, 131 149: 2 Z AE: 39 = 5: aa . et J, rejoice in him that made ord God, or God of ISRAEL. (e? TSRAE TI. | 13. blessed be the Z. G. of JZ. from the G. of /. awake to visit ejoice and JZ, shall . 6. | CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. JAC ee eee | 68: 8. the presence of God, the G. of fF. | 68:35. the G. of J. is he that giveth 6 | 7 strength 9:6. ashamed for my sake, O G. of J, 2:18. the G. of J. who only doeth wondrous | 106: 48. blessed be the Z. G, of Z. from O ISRAEL. | 50:9. CL. and Ff wilt testify against 61:8. O4,, if Ehou wilt hearkeen | 125: o..O7., frost thowin the Lord of ISRAEL. = | 14: 7. oh, that the salvation of I. were come 22:3. inhabitest the praises Oy ee 23. fear him, all ye the seed of, £- 68:26. the Lord, from the fountain Oief. 78 : 31. the chosen men On 1. 55. made the tribes of J to dwell 80: 1. give ear, O shepherd of J, | 83:4. name of /, may be no more in | 99: 3. toward the house of J, 103: 7. acts unto the children of 7, 115: 12. he will bless the house Of ZT. 122: 4. unto the testimony of /, 135: 19. bless the Lord, O house On TF 147: 2. gathereth together the outcasts Oo 148: 14. even of the children Onl. & people ISSUES. | 68: 20. belong the 7. from death IVORY. | 45:8. out of the 7, palaces, whereby | they JABIN. 83:9. as to Sisera, as to ¥. at the brook JACOB. 14:7. ¥. shall rejoice and Israel shall BC53 0. 22: 23. all ye the seed of ¥, glorify him | 24: 6. that seek thy face, O ¥. | 44: 4. command deliverances for ¥. | 47 24. the excellency of ¥., whom he 59:13 Godruleth in ¥. unto the ends of 77: 15. the sons of ¥. and Joseph 78: 5. established a testimony in oe 21. fire was kindled against ¥, 71. to feed ¥. his people 1 79:7. they have devoured ¥. | 85: z. brought back the captivity of ¥. , 87: 2. all the dwellings of ¥. 99: 4. judgment and righteousness in F: 105: 6. ye children of ¥. his chosen 10. confirmed the same unto Fi 23. ¥. sojourned in the land of Ham 114: 1. house of ¥. from a people of strange 77JAC CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. JUD 135: 4. hath chosen ¥. unto himself JOY: 147: 19. he showeth his word unto ¥. | 5:11. shout for 7. because thou de- God of JACOB. 20:1. the name of the G. of F. defend thee 46:7. the G. of F. is our refuge, 11. 76:6. at thy rebuke, O G. of F. 81: 1. joyful noise unto the G. of F. 4. a law of the G. of F. 84:8. give ear, O G. of F. 94:7. the G. of F. regard it LTA: 7 232; 2. 5. for the mighty G. of ¥. 146: 5 his help 68: 4. upon the heavens S. 22:15. my tongue cleaveth to my 7. JEALOUSY 78: 79> 83: 5. Shall thy 7. burn like fire ? JEHOVAH 18. whose name alone is ¥. JERUSALEM. 51: 18. build thou the walls of ¥. 68: 29. because of thy temple at ¥. Pee . laid ¥. on heaps . like water round about ¥, wg 21. and his praise in ¥. 116: 19. in the midst of thee, O ¥. 122: 2. stand within thy gates, OF. 3. F. is builded as a city 6. pray for the peace of ¥. 125: 2. round about ¥., so the Lord 128: 5. shalt see the good ory, 135: 21. which dwelleth at F. 137: 5. if I-forget thee, O ¥. 6. if I prefer not x, above my chief | 7. in the’day of ¥. who said 147: 2. the Lord doth build up ¥. 12, praise the Lord, O ¥. JESSE. 72: 20. prayers of David, the son of ¥. JOINED. 83: 8. Assur also is 7. with them 106 : 28. 7. themselves also unto Baal- peor NT. 22:14. all my bones are out of 7. JORDAN. 42: 6. will remember thee from the land | of F. 114: 3. ¥. was driven back 5. thou ¥, that thou wast driven JOSEPH. 77: 15. the sons of Jacob and ¥. 78: 67. refused the tabernacle of ¥. 80; .1 leadest ¥. like a flock 81:5. this he ordained in ¥. fora 105 % 17. even ¥., who was sold 78 at the presence of the G. of F. vowed unto the mighty G. of F. , he that-hath the G.'of ¥. for , by his name F. 16 58. and moved him to 7. with their | fendest : 11, In thy presence is fulness of 7. 27: 6. in his tabernacle sacrifices of 7. 30:5. but 7. cometh in the morning 32: 11. shout for 7., all ye that are up- right 351 27.108 ‘them shout for Jj. and be glad 42: 4. with the voice of 7. and praise 43: 4. unto God, my exceeding 7. 48:2. the 7. of the whole earth 51: 8. make me to hear 7. and gladness 12, restore ,umto me, the -7. of tay salvation 65: 13. they shout for 7., they also sing 67: 4. nations be glad, and sing for 7. 105: 43. brought forth his people with 7. 126: 5. sow in tears, shall reap in 7. 132: 9. thy saints shout for 7. 16. her saints shall shout aloud for 7. | 137: 6. Jerusalem above my chief 7. | JOY. (verb). | 21; x. the king shall 7. in thy strength OYFUL. | 5: 11. that love thy name be 7. in thee | 35: 9. my soul shall be 7. in the Lord | 63:5. praise thee with 7. lips 66:1. make a 7. noise unto God | 81: 1. make a 7. noise unto the God of | Jacob | 89: 15. that know the 7. sound 95: 1. let us make a 7. noise to 2. make a 7. noise unto him with | 96: 12. let the field be 7. | 98:4. make a 7. noise unto the Lord, | 100: I. | 6. make a 7. noise before the Lord 8. the hills be 7. together | a152 9. to be a7: mother of children 149: 2. children of Zicn be 7, in their 5. Saints be 7. in glory | JUDAH. | 48 . let the daughters of ¥. be glad 1.0ol. : es is my lawgiv EI.) 100 ¢ | 68: 27. princes of ¥. and their council 69: 35. will build the cities of ¥. 76: 1. in ¥. is God known, his name 78: 68. chose the tribe of ¥. 97: 8. the daughters of ¥. rejoiced 114: 2. ¥. was his sanctuary JUDGE. (noun), | 50: 6. for God is 7. himself | 68: 5. a 7. of the widows is God in his 75:7. but God is the 7.; he putteth down one 94:2. thou 7. of the earth JUDGES. 2: 10, be instructed, ye 7. of the earth 141: 6, their 7, are overthrown in i148: II. princes and all 7. of the earthJUD JUDGE. (verb). 7: 8. the Lord shall 7. the people 8. 7. me, O Lord, according to my g: 8. he shall 7. the world in righteous- CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. ee ee JUS TOW! T< TOs: 6; 106 £3; 30. sing of mercy and 7. righteousness and 7. for all that blessed are they that keep 7. stood up Phinehas and exe cuted 7. his hands are verity and 7, . teach me good 7. and knowl- edge . execute 7. on them that per- secute me TIL Ss TIO). | 1223 LASS | 140: ness to: 18. to 7 the fatherless and the op- pressed 26:1. 7. me, O Lord, for I have walked 35:24. 7. me, O Lord my God, ac- cording 43:1. 7. me, O God, and plead my cause 50: 4. to the earth, that he may /. his 54: 1. 7. me, by thy strength 58:1. do ye 7. uprightly, O ye sons of 67: 4. thou shalt 7, the people 72:2. 7. thy people with righteousness 4. J. the poor of the people 75:2. I will 7. uprightly 82: 2. how long will ye 7. unjustly 8. arise, O God, 7. the earth 96:10. he shall 7. the people right- | eously 13. for he cometh to /. the earth 13. he shall 7. the world g. he cometh to 7. the earth g. with righteousness shall he 7. the 110: 6. shall 7. among the heathen 135: 14. the Lord will 7. his people JUDGED. g: 19. let the heathen be 7. in thy sight 37 : 33- nor condemn him when he is 7. 109: 7. when he shall be 7. let him be JUDGEST. 51: 4. be clear when thou 7. JUDGETH. rr. God 7. the righteous, and God is angry tr. verily, he is a God that 7. 1. he 7. among the gods JUDGING. 98 : qe 58: 82: g: 4. thou satest in the throne, 7. right JUDGMENT, 1: 5. shall not stand in the 7. 7:6, the 7. that thou hast commanded 9: 7. he hath prepared his throne for 7, 8. minister 7. to the people in 16. known by the 7. which he exe- cuteth 33:5. he loveth righteousness and 7. 35: 23. awake to my 7. even unto 37: 6. thy 7. as the noonday 28. the Lord loveth 7. 30. his tongue talketh of 7. 2. thy poor with 7. 8. didst cause 7. to be heard g. when God arose to 7. ene I4. justice and 7. are the habitation 15. 7- Shall return unto righteous- ness : 2. righteousness and 7. are the : 4. executest 7. and righteousness 4. king’s strength also loveth 7. 72: 70% 89: 94: 97 99 | | | | | | | | 48: E yas | 89: . [have done 7, and justice - quicken me according to thy 7, are set thrones of 7. enter not into 7. with thy . J. for the oppressed upon them the 7, written JUDGMENTS. . thy 7. are far above out of his sight 18: 22. all his 7. were before me 19:9. the 7. of the Lord are true : 6. thy 7. are a great deep 11. be glad because of thy 7. 1. give the king thy 7. 30. walk not in my 7. 8. because of thy 7., O Lord : 5. wonders, and the 7. of his mouth 149: O7 - 105 7. his 7. are in all the earth 119: 7. Shall have learned thy right- eous 7. 13. declared all the 7. of thy mouth zo. the longing that it hath unto thy 7. 30. thy 7. have I laid before me 39. for thy 7. are good 43. I have hoped in thy 7. 52. I remembered thy 7. of old 62. thanks unto thee because of thy righteous 7. 75. I know, O Lord, that thy 7. are right 102. I have not departed from thy 7. 106. I will keep thy righteous 7. 108. and teach me thy 7. 120. I am afraid of thy 7. 137. upright are thy 7. 160. righteous 7. endureth forever 164. because of thy righteous 7. 175. let thy 7. help me 147: 19. his statutes and his 7. unto 20. as for his 7., they have not known JUNIPER. 120: 4. of the mighty with coals of 7. IUST: 7:9. establish the 7.; for the right- eous God 37: 12. wicked plotteth against the 7, JUSTICE. 82:3. do 7. to the afflicted : 8g: 14. 7. and judgment are the habita- tion 119: 121. I have done judgment and 7, 79jus CONCORDANCE TO SY 29: 8. shaketh the JUSTIFED. 51: 4. thou mightest be 7. when thou 143: 2. no man living be 7. |e KADESH. wilderness of KX, KEDAR. 120: 5. dwell in the tents of KX. KEEP. 12: 7. thou shalt & them, O Lord 17: 8. &. me as the apple of the eye 19: 13. &. back thy servant also from 22:29. none can &. alive his own soul 25: 10. such as &. his covenant and his 20. O & my soul and deliver me 31: 20. thou shalt &. them secretly 33: 19. to &, them alive in famine 34: 13. &. thy tongue from evil 35: 22. &. not silence; O Lord, be not 37 : 34. wait on the Lord, and &. his way 39:1. I will &. my mouth with a bridle 41:2. preserve him and &. him alive 50: 3. come, and shall not &. silence 78:7. but &. his commandments 83: 1. &. not thou silence, O God 89: 28. my mercy will I 4. for him 31. &. not my commandments gi: 11. to & thee in all thy ways 103: 9. will he & his anger forever 18. to such as &. his covenant 105: 45. his statutes, and 4. his laws 106: 3. bléssed are they that 4. judg- ment 113: 9. barren woman to &. house 119: 2. blessed are they that &. his tes- timonies 4. to &, thy precepts diligently 5. Ways were directed to &, thy statutes 8. I will 2. thy statutes ; O forsake 17. that I may live and &. thy word 33- I shall &. it unto the end 34. give me understanding, and I shall &. thy 44. so shall I £. thy law continually 57- I have said that I would &. thy words 60. delayed not to 4 thy com- mandments 63. of them that &. thy precepts 69. I will &. thy precepts with my whole 88. so shall I & the testimonies of thy mouth roo. because I &. thy precepts ror. evil way, that I might & thy word 106. I will &. thy righteous judg- ments 115. I will &. the commandments of my God 80 B05 32. 42% 50: 7S 99: I19Q Zs 127% 122 + 226 LE PSALMS. KIN 11g: 129. therefore doth my soul 4. them 134. so will I &. thy precepts 136. because they 4. not thy law 145. I will 4. thy. statutes 146. save me, and I shall &. thy testimonies I. except the Lord &. the city 12. &. my covenant and my testi-~ mon ry. 140: 4. &.me, O Lord, from the hands of 141: 3. &. the door of my lips g. &. me from the snares which KEEPER. 121: 5. the Lord is thy &. KEEPETH. 34: 20. he &. all his bones 121: 3. hethat &. thee will not slumber 4. behold, he that &. Israel shall 146: 6. which &. truth forever KEEPING. 19: 1x. in &. of them, there is great reward REP 17: 4. I have &. me from the paths 18:21. for I have &, the ways of the ord 23. I &. myself from mine iniquity 3. thou hast &. me alive 3- when I & silence, my bones waxed 4. a multitude that %. holyday 2t. hast thou done,and I &. silence 10. they &. not the covenant of God 56. &. not his testimonies 7. they &. his testimonies for I have &. thy testimonies 55. In the night, and have &. thy aw 56. this I had, because I &. thy precepts 67. but now have I &. thy word 158. because they &. not thy word 167. soul hath &. thy testimonies 168. I have &. thy precepts and thy KILLED. 44: 22. for thy sake are we &, all the KINDLED. 12. when his wrath is &. but a little 18: 8. coals were &. by it 78: 21. a fire was &, against Jacob 106 : 18. a fire was &. in their company 40. wrath of the Lord &. against 124: 3. wrath was &. against us KINDNESS. 31: 21. his marvellous &. in a strong city 117: 2. his merciful 4. is great toward us 119: 76. let, I pray thee, thy merciful k. be 141; 5. smite me, it shall bea &. KINDREDS. 22:27. all the-&. of the nations shall 96:7. O ye &. of the people, give untoKIN CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. KNO KING. 2:6. set my &. upon my holy hill 5:2. the voice of my cry, my 4 and my God 10: 16. the Lord is 4. forever and ever 18:50. great deliverance giveth he to his &. 9. let the & hear us when we call 1. the & shall joy in thy strength 7. the &. trusteth in the T.ord 29: 10. the Lord sitteth 4. forever Beto 44: 4. 457 i. 20: 22 5 thou art my &., O God the £. 5. in the heart of the %’s enemies . so shall the &. greatly desire thy . the £’s daughter is all glorious she shall be brought unto the &, 15. shall enter into the 4’s palace 47: 2. he is a great &. over all the earth 6. sing praises unto our &., sing 7. God is the &. of all the earth 48:2. the city of the great &, 61: 6. wilt prolong the 2’s life 63: 11. the &. shall rejoice in God 68 : 24. goings of my God, my &. in the 72:1. give the & thy judgments 1. thy righteousness unto the &’s son 84:3. O Lord of hosts, my X. and my God 89: 18. Holy One of Israel is our K. 95: 3- a great K. above all gods 98: 6. noise before the Lord, the X. 99:4. the &’s strength also loveth judgment 105: 20. the &. sent and loosed him 135: 11. Sihon, & of the Amorites, L230: 2. IO. 11. and Og, &. of Bashan, 136: 20. 145: 1. extol thee, my God, O &. 149: 2. be joyful in their &. KING of glory. 24:7. and the &. of g. shall come in 10. who is this K. of g ? to. the Lord of hosts, he is the XK. Of £. aoe KINGS. 2:2. the &. of the earth set themselves ro. be wise now therefore, O ye &. 45:9. &. daughteis were among thy 48: 4..tne £, were assembled. ~ 68: 14. Almighty scattered 4, in it 29. shall &. bring presents unto thee 72:10. the &. of Tarshish and of the isles to. the &. of Sheba and Seba shall 11. all &. shall fall down before him | 76: 12. terrible to the &. of the earth 89 : 27. higher than the &. of the earth oz: 15. all the &. of, the earth, thy glory no &, saved by the multitude of | which I have made touching | 14. he reproved &. for their sakes 30. in the chambers of their &. 5. shall strike through &. in the day 105: IIo: 9: 46. of thy testimonies also before &, 35: 10. and slew mighty &. : 17. which smote great &, 18. and slew famous &. 8:4. all the &. of the earth shall praise ro. it is he that giveth salvation unto &, 11. &. of the earth and all people 8. to bind their &, with chains KINGDOM. 22: 28. the &. is the Lord’s, and he is the 45:6. sceptre of thy &. is a right sceptre 144: 148 : 149: 103: 19. his &. ruleth over all 105 : 13. One &. to another people 145: 11. of the glory of thy &. 12. majesty of his 4, 13. thy &. is an everlasting &, KINGDOMS. 40:6. the & were moved 68: 32. sing unto God, ye &. of the earth 79:6. the & that have not called upon 102: 22. the & to serve the Lord 135 :12,.all the 4: of Cagpan KINSMEN. 38: 11. my &. stand afar off KISON 83:9. as to Jabin, at the brook of K. KISS: 2:12. &. the Son, lest he be angry KISSED. 85: 10. righteousness and peace have &, each KNEEL. 95: 6. let us &. before the Lord our KNEES. Iog: 24. my &. are weak through KNEW. 35: 11. laid to my charge things that I &. not 15. together against me, and I &, it not KNEWEST. 142: 3. then thou &. my path KNOW. 4:3. but & that the Lord hath set apart 9g: 10. they that 2 thy name will put 20. nations may &. themselves to be but 20:6. now &. I that the Lord saveth 36: 10. loving-kindness unto them that SP Etce : 4. Lord, make me to &. mine end 4. that I may &. how frail I am 11. by this I &. that thou favorest me to. be still, and & that Iam God 8I 39 40: 40: on cine ams oonKNO CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. LAI 50: 11. I %, all the fowls of the moun-| 18: 43. a people whom I have not &. tains 31: 7. thou hast & my soul in advera 51: 6. shalt make me to & wisdom sities 56:9. this I 4., for God is for me 48: 3. God is %. in her palaces 59: 13. let them &. that God ruleth 67: 2. thy way may be &. upon earth 71: 15. I &. not the numbers thereof 69: 19. thou hast &. my reproach 73: 11. how doth God &. ? 76:1. in Judah is God &., his name 16. when I thought to &, this 77: 19. thy footsteps are not &, 78: 6. generation to come might &. | 78: 3- we have heard and &. them 5- make them &. to their children 82:5. they &. not, neither will they 79: 6. heathen that have not 4. thee 83: 18. that men may &. that thou 10, let him be &. among the heathen 87: 4. of Rahab and Babylon to them | 88: 12. wonders be &. in the dark that &. me gi: 14. because he hath &. my name 89: 15. blessed is the people that 4. 95: 10. have not &. my ways 94: 10. shall not he &, ? 98: 2. made &, his salvation 100: 3. &. ye that the Lord he is God 103: 7. made &. his ways unto Moses ol: 4. not &. a wicked person 105: 1. make &, his deeds among the 103: 16. thereof shall 4. it no more 106 : 8. mighty power to be £. 109: 27, may &. that this is thy hand 119: 79. those that have 4. thy testi- 119: 75. I &., O Lord, that thy judg- monies ments 152, concerning thy testimonies I 125. understanding, that I may &. have &, thy testimonies 139: 1. searched me and 4. me 135: 5. I &. that the Lord is great 147: 20. judgments, they have not &, 139 : 23. O God, and &, my heart them 140: 12. 1%, that the Lord will maintain 142: 4. no man that would & me 143: 8. cause me to &. the way KNOWEST. 40:9. not refrained my lips, O Lord, i LABOR. (noun). thou &, 78: 46. their 7. unto the locust 69: 5. thou & my foolishness | 90: 10, their strength, 2. and sorrow 139: 2, thou &, my down-sitting 104 : 23. to his Z. until the evening 4. thou &, it altogether tos: 44. inherited the Z. of the people KNOWETH. 107: 12. brought down their heart 1:6. for the Lord 4, the way of the with Z, righteous 109: Im. strangers spoil his Z, 37:18. the Lord & the days of the | 128: 2. shalt eat the Z. of thine hands upright LABOR. (verb). 39: 6. he heapeth upriches, and &. not | 127: 1. they Z, in vain that build it who 44: 21. he &. the secrets of the heart 74:9. among us any that &. how long | 34 go: 11. #. the power of thine anger g2: 6, a brutish man &. not 94: 11. the Lord 4, the thoughts of man | 3: 103: 14. he & otir frame 21 101: 19. the sun &. his going down 138: 6. the proud he &. afar off 31 139: 14. that my soul &. right well KNOWLEDGE. 14: 4. all the workers of iniquity no &., | 35: 49: BB 45 oo 4 19: 2. night unto night showeth 4. 73:11. 1s there &. in the Most High? | 62 94:10, that teacheth man &, shall | 79 not he 119: 66. teach me good judgment and &. | 88 139: 6. such &. is too wonderful for me | 89 144: 14. Oxen may be strong to Z@, ACK : Io. young lions do Z, and suffer hunger LAID. 5. I 2, me down and slept ; I awaked : 5. honor and majesty hast thou Z, upon him : 4. that they have Z. privily for me Ig. great is thy goodness which thou hast Z. up 11. they 2. to my charge things that 14. like sheep they are Z. in the grave : 9. to be Z. in the balance : 1, ¢. Jerusalem on heaps 7. 2. waste his dwelling-place : 6. hast 2. me in the lowest pit : 19. I have 7. help upon one 144: 3. thou takest 4. of him 102: 25. /, the foundation of the earth KNOWN. 104: 5. who @, the foundations of the g: 16. the Lord is & by the judgment | + earth which he 105: 18. he was Z, in iron $2LAI i a 119: 30. thy judgments have I 7. be- | 235 fore me CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. LAW : 12. their Z. foran heritage, 136: 21, | 137: 4. the Lord’s song ina Strange 2, 110. the wicked have 7. a snare for | 142: 5. my portion in the Z. of the living me | 143: 6. thirsteth after thee, asa thirsty Z, 139: 5. and Z. thine hand upon me 10. into the Z, of uprightness 141: 9. snares which they have Z, for me LAND of Ley pi. 142: 3. privily Z. a snare for me | 78:12. inthe Z. of £., in the field of LAIDST. | 84:5. went out through the Z. of £, 66:11. thou Z, affliction upon our loins | to. brought thee out of the Z. Of des AIN. | LANDS. 68:13. though ye have JZ. among the | 49: 11. call their Z.- after their own pots names LAMBS. | 66: 1. joyful noise unto God, all ye 2, 37 : 20. shall be as the fat of Z, 100: I. noise unto the Lord, all ye Z. 114: 4. the little hills like Z, | 105: 44. gave them the/. of the heathen 6. ye little hills like Z, | 106: 27. to scatter them in the Z. LAMENTATION, | 107: 3. gathered them out of the é 78: 64. widows made no Z. LANGUAGE, LAMP. | 19: 3. there is no speech nor Z. where 119: 105. thy word is a 7. unto my feet | 81:5. where I heard a Z, that I 132: 17. a ¢, for mine anointed | 114: 1. a people of strange Z, LAND. LANGUISHING. 10:16. the heathen are perished out 41: 3. strengthen him upon the bed of his Z, of 2: 27: 13. the goodness of the Lord in the | LARGE. é. of the living 18: 19. brought me forth also into a JZ, 35: 20. against them that are quiet in place the 2. 31: 8. hast set my feet ina Z room 37 : 3. so shalt thou dwell in the Z., and | 118: 5. set me in a Z, place verily ATE. 29. the righteous shall inherit the Z, 127: 2. to sit up Z., to eat the bread of 34. exalt thee to inherit the Z, | LAUGH: 42:6. remember thee from the Z. of 2:4. sitteth in the heavens shall 7. Jordan : . 22:7. all they that see me, 7. me to 44:3. they got not the Z. in possession Seach 52:5. root thee out of the @, of the 37 : 13. the Lord shall Z. at him _ living : | 52: 6. fear, and shall Z, at him 63: 1. in a dry and thirsty Z, | 59: 8. thou, O Lord, shalt 7. at them 2 : e att Panes any as | 80: 6. enemies 2. among themselves : 6. rebellious dwell in a dry Z. ; oe 74: 8. synagogues of God in the Z, | 5. me a 80:9. and it filled the Z. [20 Fae Oe eee 85:1. been favorable unto thy J. ; i LAW, g. glory may dwell in our Z. | 1:2, his delight is in the 2. of the Lord 12. our /, shall yield her increase 2. in his 2. doth he meditate 88: 12. in the Z. of forgetfulness |. 59.2 Fe ptlactos- of the Lord is perfect, 5:5. hands formed the dry Z. CONVERUN SS: aps37 iu. om ee Pe. upon the faithful of the 2, 37 : 31. the 2. of his God is in his heart 8. all the wicked of the 2, 40: 8. yea, thy 7. is within my heart 105: 11. unto thee will I give the Z. of | 78:1. O my people, to my Z. Canaan 5. appointed a Z, in Israel 16. for a famine upon the Z, 10. refused to walk in his @, 23. sojourned in the Z, of Ham 81: 4. a dé. of the God of Jacob 27. wonders in the Z. of Ham 89 : 30. if his children forsake my Z, 30. their Z. brought forth frogs 94: 12. teachest him out of thy 2. 32. flaming fire in their Z, 20. frameth mischief by a 7, 35. all the herbs in their Z, 105: 10. the same unto Jacob for a 2. 36. all the first-born in their Z, 119: 1. who walk in the Z. of the Lord 106 : 22. wondrous works in the JZ, of 18. wondrous things out of thy J, Ham 29. and grant me thy Z. graciously 24. despised the pleasant Z. 34. I shall keep thy 7. ; yea, I shall 38. the 7. was polluted with blood observe ae : 107 : 34. fruitful 27. into barrenness 44. so Shall I keep thy Z. continus 116; 9. in the Z, of the living allyLAW CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS, LES 119: 51. yet have I not declined from thy Z. 53. the wicked that forsake thy 2. 55- in the night, and have kept thy 2, 61. I have not forgotten thy 2. 70. but I delight in thy Z. the 7. of thy mouth is better unto me ye 77. for thy Z, is my delight 85. pits for me, which are not after Sa d, 92. Sele: thy Z. had been my de- lights 97. O how I love thy Z., it is my meditation tog. yet do I not forget thy Z. 113. | hate vain thoughts, but thy 2. do I love they have made void thy Z. because they keep not thy Z. thy Z. is the truth they are far from thy Z. deliver me, for I do not forget thy 2. 1206. 136. 142. 150. 152; 163. 165. peace have thy 2. 174. thy 2. is my delight LAWS. 105: 45. his statutes, and keep his Z. LAWGIVER. 60:7. my Z., 108: 8. LAY. 4:8. I will both 7. me down in peace 7:5. 2. mine honor in the dust aor: me 71: 10. 2. wait for my soul 84: 3. where she may Z. her young 104: 22. 2. them down in their dens LAYETH. 33: 7. 2. up the depth in store-houses 104: 3. who Z, the beams of his chambers LAYING. 64:5. commune of Z/. snares privily LEAD. 5:8. 2. me, O Lord, in thy righteous- Ness 25:5. 2. me in thy truth, and teach me 27: ir. and, me in a plain path 31: 3. for thy name’s sake, Z. me 43: 3. let them Z. me; let them bring me 60:9. who will ¢@. me into Edom? 108 5°20. 61: 2. 2. me to the rock that is higher than I 125: 5. Shall ¢@. them forth with the workers 139: 10. even there shall thy hand 7. me 24. 2. me in the way everlasting 10. 7. me into the land of upright- ness 143: 84 abhor lying, but thy 2. do I love | they which love | 12. seek after my life, Z. snares for | LEADEST. 80: 1. thou that Z. Joseph like a flock LEADETH. 4 4 23:2. he Z. me beside the still waters 3- he ¢. me in the paths of right- eousness 68:18. hast 2. captivity captive 78: 14. in the daytime also he 7. them 53- he Z. them on safely, so that 106: 9. he Z. them through the depths 107: 7. heZ. them forth by the right way 136: 16. which Z, his people through the wilderness LEDDEST. 77: 20. thou Z. thy people like a flock LEAF. 1:3. his Z. also shall not wither LEANNESS. 106: 15. sent Z. into their soul LEAP-ED. 68: 16. why Z. ye, ye high hills ? 18:29. by my God, have I é/-d over a wall LEARN, 119: 71. that I might Z. thy statutes 73. give me understanding, that I may Z. LEARNED. 106 : 35. and Z. their works 119: 7. I shall have @. thy righteous judgments LEASING. 4: 2. will ye love vanity and seek after Z, 5: 6. destroy them that speak 7. LEAVE. 16: 10. thou wilt not Z. my soul in hell 17: 14. 2. the rest of their substance to 27:9. 2. me not, neither forsake me 37 : 33- the Lord will not 2. him in his hand 49: 10. 2. their wealth to others 11g: 121. 2, Me not to mine oppressors 141: 8. 2. not my soul destitute LEBANON. 29:5. the Lord breaketh the cedars Of L. 6. L. and Sirion like a*young uni- corn = shall shake like Z. like a cedar in ZL. the cedars of Z. which he hath LEY... 72: 92: 104: ne 36: 3. he hath Z. off to be wise 106: 11. was not one of them JZ. LEGS. ro. not pleasure in the 7. of a man LENDETH. 37: 26. he is ever merciful, and 2, 112: 5. showeth favor and Z LENGTH. 24. even 2, of wake for ever and ever 1475 2:12. kiss the ae ‘Z. he be angryLET 7: 2. 2. he tear my soul like a lion | Ze 13: 3. mine eyes, ¢. I sleep the sleep | gavest it of death 23:6, shall follow me all the days of 4. ¢, mine enemy say I have pre- my ¢. vailed | 26:9. nor my Z. with bloody men 28:1. 2. if thou be silent to me, I be- | 27: x. the Lord is the Strength of my Z. come 4. in the house of the Lord all the 32:9. 2. they come near unto thee days of my Z, 38:16. hear me, ¢. otherwise they | 30:5. in his favor is 2, should rejoice | 31: 10, my Z. is spent with grief 50: 22. 2, I tear you in pieces 13. devised to take away my JZ, 59: 11. 2. my people forget 34: 12. what man is he that desireth Z, gt: 12. 2. thou dash thy foot 36:9. with thee is the fountain of Z. 106 : 23. ¢. he should destroy thera 38: 12. they also that seek after my Z. 125: 3. ¢. the righteous put forth their | 42: 8. my prayer unto the God of my Z, ands 61: 6. wilt prolong the king’s Z, 140: 8. 2. they exalt themselves 63:3. thy loving-kindness is betier 143: 7. ¢. 1 be like unto them that go_| than 2. LET, 64: 1. preserve my Z. from fear of the 59: 10. God shall 2. me see my desire 66:9. which holdeth our soul in Z, 78: 28. he Z, it fall in the midst 78:50. gave their 7. over to the pes- i105: 20. and Z. him go free tilence LEVI. 88: 3. my Z. draweth nigh unto 135: 20. bless the Lord, O house of Z, | 91: 16. with long Z, will I satisfy him LEVIATHAN. 103: 4. redeemeth thy Z. from destruc- 74:14. heads of 2. in pieces tion 104: 26. there is that 7. whom thou hast 128: 5. all the days of thy Z. LIARS. 133: 3. even ¢. for evermore 116: 11. in my haste, all men are Z, | 143: 3. hath smitten my 7. down LIBERTY. LIFT 2. 119: 45. I will walk at Z. | 4:6. Lord, Z. thou z. the light of thy LICE. 7:6. 2. uw. thyself because of the rage 105: 31. Z. in all their coasts ro; 12, arise, O ibotd siOaGed.. 7. wi 72:9. his enemies shall 2. the dust CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. . he asked ¢. of thee, and thou LIF thine hand 24:7. 2. uw. your heads, O ye gates, 9. LIE. (noun), 7. be ye Z. %., ye everlasting doors 62:9. men of high degree are a Z, g. even Z, them w., ye everlasting 119: 69. the proud have forged a JZ. | doors against | 25: 1x. unto thee, O Lord, do I 2, w. my LIES. soul 40: 4. nor such as turn aside to JZ. | 28: 2. when IZ. z. my hands toward 58: 3. as they be born, speaking 7, g. feed them also, and Z. them z, 62: 4. they delight in Z. ; they bless with | forever ; 63: 11. mouth of them that speak Z, 63:4. I will 2. w. my hands in thy 101: 7. telleth 7. shall not tarry in name LIE. (verb). 74:3. 2. w. thy feet unto the perpetual 89: 35. I will not 2. unto David | 75: 4. to the wicked, Z. not w. the horn uLED. | 5. 2. not wz. your horn on high 78: 36. 2. unto him ee their tongues | 86: 4. unto oe O Lord, do I 2. x. my i sou 57: 4. I 2. even among them that are | 3: 3. the floods 7. w. their waves 59: 3- lo! they Z in wait for my soul | 94:2. 2. w. thyself, thou jud_e 88:5. slain that 7. in the grave | 1x0: 7. Shall he 2 w. the head LIE down. | 119: 48. my hands also will I 2. ~. unto 23:2. to 2, d. in green pastures | T3171. Twill Z wz. mine eyes unto the LIE TH: 123: 1. 2.1 4 mine eyes — to: 9. he /. in wait secretly, as a lion 134: 2. 2. w. your hands in the sance g. he Z. in wait to catch the poor tuary 41:8. nowthat heZ., heshallrise upno | 143: 8. IZ. vw. my soul unto thee 88: 7. thy wrath 7. hard upon me LIFTED «zz. LL EE. | 24: 4. who hath not Z. z. his soul 7:5. tread down my Z. upon the earth | 27: 6. now shall mine head be Z. zw, 16: 11. thou wilt show me the path of 2, | 30: 1. thou hast 7. me z. and hast not 17: 14. have their portion in this 2, 41:9. hath 7. z. his heel against me 85CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. LIK 74:5. according as he had Z. z. axes 83: 2. have Z7. w. the head 93 : 3. the floods have Z. x., O Lord 3. the floods have Z. w. their voice 102: 10, thou hast 2. me wz. and cast me 106: 26. he Z. w. his hand against them LIFTER: 3:3. glory and the Z. up of mine head LIE-TESE: 9:13. thou that 7. me up from the gates 18: 48. thou 7. me up above those that rise LIFTETH. 107: 25. which /. up the waves 113: 7. ¢. the needy out of the dunghill 147: 6. the Lord ¢Z. up the meek LIFTING z. 141: 2, the Z. w. of my hands LIGHT. (noun). 4:6. lift thou up the Z. of thy counte- nance, 27:1. the Lord is my Z. and my salva- tion 36: 9. in thy 2. shall we see Z. 37: 6. thy righteousness as the Z, 38: 10. as for the 2. of mine eyes 43:3. Osend out thy Z. and thy truth 44:3. thine arm, and the Z. of thy countenance 49: 19. they shall never see Z, 56: 13. in the Z. of the living 74: 16. hast prepared the Z. and the sun 78: 14. all the night with a JZ, of fire 89: 15. O Lord, in the @. of thy coun- tenance go: 8. our secret sins in the Z. of thy 97: 11. ¢. is sown for the righteous 104: 2. who coverest thyself with 2. 105 : 39. to give Z. in the night 112: 4. ariseth 7, in the darkness 118 : 27, which hath showed us Z. 119: 105. thy word is....a 7. unto my path 130. the entrance of thy words giveth Z, 139: 11. the night shall be 7. about me 12. darkness and the 2@. are both alike 148 : 3. all ye stars of Z. LIGHT. (verb). 18: 28. thou wilt 7. my candle (= LIGHTEN. 13: 3. 2. mine eyes lest I sleep the sleep LIGHTENED. 34:5. they looked unto him and were Z. 77: 18. the lightnings 2. the world LIGHTER. 62:9. altogether 7. than vanity LIGHTNING. 144: 6. cast forth 2, and scatter them LIGHTNINGS. 18:14. shot out 4 and discomfited 77: 18. the Z, lightened the world 135: 7. he maketh Z, for the rains LIGHTS 136 S:7, “that ems great Z, TRE: 1:3. heshall be Z. a tree planted by the 4. but are Z. the chaff which the wind 22:14. my heart is 7. wax 31: 12. I am Z. a broken vessel 39: 11. to consume away Z. a moth 49: 12. he is @. the beasts that per- them 86 ish, 20. 58: 4. 2.:the poison of a serpent 4. 2. the deaf adder that stoppeth 8. 7. the untimely birth of a woman 73:5. plagued 7. other men 78: 52. in the wilderness Z. a flock 57. unfaithfully 2. their fathers. 57. turned aside Z. a deceitful bow 69. sanctuary /. high palaces 69. 2. the earth which he hath es- tablished : 10. 7, the goodly cedars : 7. ye shall die 7. men 7. fall 7. one of the princes 83: 11. make their nobles 2. Oreb and Z. Zeeb 13. make them Z. a wheel 88: 5. ¢, the slain that lie in the grave | 92: 10. my horn shalt thou exalt Z, | 12. flourish ¢. the palm-tree 12. 2. a cedar in Lebanon 97: 5. the hills melted 7. wax | 102: 6. 2. an owl of the desert 6. 2. a pelican of the wilderness 11, my days are Z7. a shadow thas 26. wax old 7. a garment 103: 5. renewed JZ, the eagle’s 13. 2. as a father pitieth his 104: 2. the heavens 7, acurtain 105: 41. dry places 7. a river 107: 41. families 2. a flock 109: 18. ¢2. as with his garment 18. 2, oil into his bones 23. gone 7, the shadow when it 113: 5. who is Z unto the Lord our God? : 4. mountains skipped Z. rams, 6. 4. the little hills 2. lambs, 6. 83. Iam become /. a bottle in the smoke 114 TIO: 128 : 3. children Z, olive plants 133: 2. it is 7. the precious ointment 144: 4. man is @. to vanity 147: 16. he giveth snow Z, wool 16. the hoar frost 7. ashes 17. casteth forth his ice 2, morsels LIKE pvrass. 72:16. shall flourish 7. grass of the earth go: 5. they are 7. grass which grow- eth up 102 : 4. smitten and withered 2, grassLIK CONCORDANCE to2: 11. Iam withered Z. gvass LIKE shees. 44: 11. thou hast given us Z, sheep 49: 14. 2. sheep they are laid in the grave 78: 52, his own people to go forth 72. sheep 119: 176. I have gone astray 7. a lost sheep LIKE uxto thee. 35:10. who is 7. wnto ¢#. which deliv- erest 19. O God, who is Z. uxzo ¢. 8. there is none Z. unto ¢. 8. a strong Lord Z. uxzo Z, IKE them, or unto them. 71: 86: 89 : 28:1. I become /, them that go down into the r15: 8. make them are 2. unfo them, 1354 38. 120: 1. we were 2. ¢hem that dream 143: 7. lest I be 2. unto them that go down LIKE water. : 14. I am poured out Z. water : 3- blood have they shed Z. water *17. about me daily Z. water 109: 18. into his bowels Z. water LIKENED. 89: 6. of the mighty can be Z, unto the ord LIKENESS. > 15. satisfied when I awake with thy Z, LIKEWISE. : 10. 2. the fool and the brutish person : 5. God shall 2, destroy thee LIMITED. : 41. 2. the Holy One of Israel LINE. : 4. their Z. is gone out through all the earth : 55. an inheritance by 2, LINES. 16:6. the Z. are fallen pleasant LION. 7: 2. lest he tear my soul like a Z. unto me in Io: g. In wait secretly as a Z. in his den 17: 12. like as a Z. that is greedy of his prey I2. as it were a young Z, lurking in 22:13. aS a ravening and a roaring JZ, 21. save me from the Z’s mouth g1: 13. thou shalt tread upon the Z, 13. the young /. and the dragon LIONS. 34: 10. the young Z do lack 35:17. my darling from the Z. 57: 4. my soul is among Z. 58 104: 21. : 6. great teeth of the young Z. the young Z. roar after their Prey. I LO THE PSALMS. LIV | LIP. 22:7. they shoot out the Z,, they shake LIPS. 12:2. with flattering 7, and with a double 3- the Lord shall cut off all flatter- ing Z, 4. our ¢, are our own; who is lord Over us? 16:4. nor take up their names into my @. 17:1. my prayer that goeth not out of feigned Z, 4. by the word of thy 2. I have ept me 21:2. not withholden the request of is 2, 31: 18. let the lying 7, be put to silence 34: 13. thy ¢. from speaking guile 40:9. lo! I have not refrained my ¢. 45:2. grace is poured into thy JZ, 51:15. open thou my Z. 59: 7. swords are in their Z, 12. the words of their Z., let them even be 63: 3. my Z. shall praise thee 5. praise thee with joyful Z. 66: 14. which my Z, have uttered 71: 23. my ¢@. shall greatly rejoice 89 : 34. thing that is gone out of my /, 106 : 33. unadvisedly with his Z, 11g: 13. with my ¢@ have I declared all the 171. my ¢. shall utter praise 120: 2. my soul, O Lord, from lying 2, 140: 3. poison is under their Z. g- mischief of their own Z. cover them 141: 3. keep the door of my 72, LIETEE: 2:12. when his wrath is kindled but a JZ, 8:5. made him a ¢. lower than the angels ro. yet a 7, while and the wicked 16. aZ. that a righteous man 12, the Z, hills rejoice on every side 27. there is 2. Benjamin with their 3. the Z. hills by righteousness eis G5: 68: 7 4. the Z, hills like lambs 6. ye Z. hills like lambs g. dasheth thy Z. ones against LIVE. EIA: BOTs 22:26. your heart shall 7. forever 49:9. he should still Z. forever, and not 55: 23. shall not Z. out half their days 63:4. thus will I bless thee while I 2, 69: 32. heart shall 2. that seek God 72:15. he shall Z., and to him shall be given 104 : 33. unto the Lord, as long as I 7, 116: 2. call upon him as long as I Z. 118: 17. I shall not die, but Z. 119: 17. that I may Z. and keep thy word 87119: 77. come unto me, that I may Z. 116. according unto thy word, that may 2. 144. give me understanding and I shall 2. 175. let my soul Z. and it shall praise 146: 2. while I Z. ces praise the Lord AVED. 49: 18. while he Z. he blessed his soul | LIVELY. 38: 19. mine enemies are JZ, LIVETH. 18: 46. the Lord Z, and blessed be my | rock 89 : 48. what man ts he that Z, LIVING. 27: 13. goodness of the Lord in the | land of the Z. 42:2. thirsteth for God, for the Z. God | 52:5. root thee out of the land of the Z. 56: 13. in the light of the Z. 58:9. both Z. and in his wrath 69: 28. out of the book of the Z. 84: 2. crieth out for the 7. God 116: 9. in the land of the Z., 142: s. : 2. no man JZ. be justified : 16. desire of every Z. thing LQ: : 2. for 7., the wicked bend their bow II 37: 36. passed away, and Z., he was not | 40: 7. then said I, 7., I come g. ¢., | have not refrained my lips 48: 4. 2., the kings were assembled 52.7. ¢., this is the man that made not 55:7. ¢., then would I wander far off 59:3. ¢., they lie in wait for my soul 68 : 33. 2., he doth send out his voice 73: 27. 2, they that are far from thee | 83: 2. 2., thine enemies make a tumult | 92:9. ¢., thine enemies, O Lord, for Z. 127: 3. ¢., children are an heritage 132: 6. ¢., we heard of it at Ephrateah 139: 4. ¢., O Lord, thou knowest it LOATHSOME. 38: 7. filled with a Z. disease LOCUST-S. 78: 46. their labor unto the Z. 109 : 23. tossed up and down as the Z, 105 : 34. he spake, and the Z-s came LOITILY. 73:8. concerning oppression speak Z. LOFTY; 1. not haughty, nor mine eyes 2. LOINS 38: 7. my Z. are filled with a loathsome 66: 11. affliction upon our Z. 69: 23. their 7. continually to shake LONG. : 5. aS 7. asthe sun and moon endure 7. so 2. as the moon endureth 17. continued as Z, as the sun 88 ;. they ra. 72 CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. | | | 73: LOO gt: 16. with Z. life will I satisfy him 95: 10. forty years 7. was I grieved | 104 : 33. unto the Lord, as Z. as I live 116: 2. call upon him as Z, as I live | 120: 6. my soul hath Z. dwelt with him 129: 3. they made Z. their furrows 143: 3. as those that have been Z, dead all the day LONG. 35: 28. they praise a. the d. J. 38: 6. I go mourning a. the d. 7. 12. Imagine deceits a. che d. 2. 44:8. in God we boast a. the d. J. 22. killed a. the d. Z. : 24. of thy righteousness a. the d. Z. 14. a. the d. 2. have I been plagued LONGED. 119: 40. I have Z. after thy precepts 131. for I Z. for thy commandments 174- I have /. for thy salvation LONGETH. my flesh Z, for thee 2. my soul Z., yea, even fainteth LONGING. 63 2. 84: 107: 9. Satisfieth the Z. soul 119: 20. my soul breaketh for the 2 that it hath LONG-SUFFERING. 86: 15. ¢.-s. and plenteous in mercy LOOK-S. (noun). rot: 5. him that hath an high JZ, 18: 27. but wilt bring down high ds LOOK, (verb). 22:17. they 2. and stare upon me 25: 18. ¢. upon mine affliction and my pain 84:9. 2. upon the face of thine anointed 119: 132. ¢. thou upon me, and be merciful 123: 2. 2, unto the hand of their mas- ters LOOK down. 80: 14. 2. d@. from heaven and behold 85.11. righteousness shall 2. d. from LOOK on. 17. Lord, how long wilt thou Z. o. ? LOOK 4. > 3. my prayer unto thee, and willZ. z. : 12, so that 1am not able to Z. z. LOOKED. : 5. they Z. unto him and were light- ened : 20. I 2. for some to take pity . when they Z. upon me, they I 2. on my right hand LOOKED down. : 2, the Lord 2. d. from heaven upon 3:2. God Z. d. from heaven 02:19. he hath Z. d. from the height LOOKETH. 33: 13. the Lord Z. from heaven 14. place of his habitation, he Z, 104: 32, he Z. on the earth, and it LOOSE-D. 102: 20. to Z, those that are appointed 35:LOO CONCORDANCE 105: 20. the king sent and /-d him 116: 16. thou hast 7-7 my oonds LOOSETH. 146: 7. the Lord Z, the prisoners LORD. 12:4. our lips are our own ; who is Z, Over us? 105: 21. made him Z. of his house LORD my God. 7:1. OL. my G., in thee do I put my | trust 3. OL. my G., if I have done this LORD of hosts. 24:10. the L. of h., he is the king of glory LORD of lords, 136: 3. thanks to the Z. af 4. LORD our Lord. 8:1. OL. cur L., how excellent is thy name, g. LOST. 119: 176. I have gone astray like a 7, | sheep LOT: 83: 8. have holpen the children of Z. LOYF-S; 16:5. thou maintainest my Z, 105: 11. the Z. of your inheritance 125: 3. rest upon the Z. of the righteous 22:18. and cast /-s upon my vesture LOUD. : 3. play skilfully with a Z. noise : 4. make a Z/. noise and rejoice I50: 5. praise him upon the ¢. cymbals LOVE. (noun), gt: 14. he hath set his Z. upon me 10g: 4. for my ¢@, they are my adver- saries 5. and hatred fer my 2. LOVE... (verb). 4:2. how long will ye 2. vanity and seek 5:11. that 2. thy name be joyful in thee i:r. I will Z thee, O Lord, my strength ‘ 31:23. O ¢. the Lord, all ye his saints 40: 16. let such as Z/, thy salvation 69 : 36. they that Z. his name 70: 4. let such as Z. thy salvation 97: 10. ye that Z7. the Lord, hate evil 116: 1. I Z. the Lord because he hath 119: 97. O how I Z. thy law! it is my 113. hate vain thoughts, but thy law do IZ. : 11g. therefore, I 7. thy testimonies 127. I 7. thy commandments above gold 132. usest to do unto those that 2. thy name 159. consider how I Z, thy precepts 163. abhor lying, but thy law do I LOT HE PSALMS LOV SS a 11g = 26. dae have they which Z. thy aw 167. and I 2, them exceedingly 122: 6. they shall prosper that Z. thee 145: 20. preserveth all them that 7, him LOVED. 26:8: Lord. Tchave ss the habitation | 47: 4. excellency of Jacob whom he Z, | 78: 63. the mount Zion which he Z. | 109: 17 as he Z. cursing, so let it come 75 : 47. thy commandments which I | have A, 48) ~ H \O LOVER-S. 88: 18 7. and friend hast thou put 38:11. my ¢/-s and my friends stand aloof LOVEST. 4527. thou Z. righteousness and hatest 2:3. thou Z. evil more than good 4. thou Z. all devouring words LOVETH., 11:5. the wicked and him that Z. vio- lence 7. the righteous Lord Z. righteous- ness | 33:5. he Z righteousness and judg- ment 34: 12. 2. many days that he may see 37: 28. the Lord 2. judgment 87: 2. the Lord Z, the gates of Zion | 99: 4. king’s strength also Z. judgment | 119: 140. therefore, thy servant Z. it 146: 8. the Lord Z. the righteous LOVING-KINDNESS. | 17:7. show thy marvellous l-k., O thou 26:3. thy /.-4. is before mine eyes 36: 7. how excellent is thy 2-2. Io. continue thy Z.-4, unto them 40: Io. not concealed thy 2,-4, 11. let thy Z7.-%. and thy truth 42:8. command his Z.-%. in the day-~ time 48:9. we have thought of thy 2.-£., O God 51:1. according to thy 2-4, : 3. thy 2.-£. is better than life 69: 16. for thy 2.-4. is good 88: 11. shall thy 2.-%. be declared in 89 : 33. my @.-£. will I not utterly 2:2. to show forth thy 2-4. in the morning 103: 4. crowneth thee with Z.-4, and 107: 43. understand the J/.-4, of the Lord rtg: 88. quicken me after thy Z.-4. 149. hear my voice according unto thy 2.-£. 159. quicken me, O Lord, accord- ing to thy 2.-£, 138: 2. thy name for thy Z.-4%, and thy truth 143: 8. to hear thy Z.-4. in the morning 89LOV LOVING-KINDNESSES. : 6. thy tender mercies and thy J.-4. : 49. where are thy fomer Z.-£ ? V : 2. both 7. and high, rich and poor : g. surely men of /. degree are : 3. we are brought very Z. 106: 43. brought Z, for their iniquity 107: 39. brought ¢. through oppression 116: 6. I was brought Z. and he helped 136: 23. remembered us in our Z, estate 142: 6. for I am brought very Z, LOWER. 8:5. made him a little 7. than the angels 63: 9. into the Z. parts of the earth LOWEST. 86: 13. delivered my soul from the 7. hell e 88: 6. hast laid me in the Z. pit 139: 15. in the Z/, parts of the earth LOWLY. 138: 6. hath he respect unto the Z. LURKING. 17:12. as a young lion Z, in secret places LURKING-PLACES. 10: 8. sitteth in the Z.-f. of the villages EVUST: 78: 18. asking meat for their Z. 30. not estranged from their Z. 81: 12. unto their own hearts’ Z. LUSTED. 106: 14. 2. exceedingly in the wilder- ness LYING. 31:6. hated them that regard Z, vanities 18. let the Z. lips be put to silence 52:3. ¢. rather than to speak righteous- ness 59: 12. for cursing and Z, which they speak 109g: 2. against me with a Z. tongue 119 : 29. remove from me the way of J, 163. abhor Z., but thy law do I love 120: 2. my soul, O Lord, from Z. lips LYING down. 139: 3. Compassest my path, and my 2, down MAD. 102: 8. they that are #. against me MADE. 7:12. bent his bow, and mz. it ready 18: 4. floods of ungodly men 7. me afraid 35. thy gentleness hath a. me great 30: 8. unto the Lord I 2. supplication 33: 6. word of the Lord were the heav- ens #7, go CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. | MAD 1. the things which I have wz. touching 49: 16. afraid when one is mz. rich 50:5. those that have 7. a covenant 52:7. lo, this is the man that #. not God : 15. prayer also shall be wz. for him : 6. my spirit a. diligent search : 52. but mz. his own people to go 55. and wz. the tribes of Israel to well 64. widows wz. no lamentation : 3. I have sz. a covenant with my chosen 96:5. the Lord 7. the héavens 98: 2. hath #. known his salvation 45: 100; 3. it is he that hath #. us 105: 24. and #. them stronger than their 28, he sent darkness, and m. it dark 111: 4. he hath m. his wonderful works to be 115: 15. which #. heaven and earth 118; 24. day which the Lord hath zz. 119: 60. I #. haste, and delayed not to . thy hands have #. me and fashioned 126. for they have m. void thy law :2. which 2. heaven and earth, 124 O41 oa u3. : 5. by wisdom #. the heavens 7. that az. great lights 14. and 7. Israel to pass through 14. fearfully and wonderfully 7. 15. when I was zz. in secret 3. he hath 7. me to dwell in dark- ness 6. which #. the sea 148: 6, wz. a decree which shall not pass 149: 2. rejoice in him that 7. him he MADE. 7:15. #e m.a pit and digged it 15. fallen into the ditch which he mm, tr. ke m. darkness his secret place 8. what desolations Ze hath wz. in the 13. ke m. the waters to stand as 50. he m. a way to his anger 95:5. the sea is his, and he mz. it 103: 7. Ae m. known his ways unto 105: 9. covenant #e #. with Abraham 21. ke m. him lord of his house 106: 46. “e m. them also to be pitied they MADE. 9g: 15. sunk down in the pit that they 7. 45:8. whereby ¢hey have mw. thee glad 106: 19. they m.acalf in Horeb 129: 3. they m. loug their furrows thou hast MADE. 8:5. 2. hast m. him a little lower than 18: 43. ¢. Aast m. me the head of the heathen I2I 136 139 : 143 : 146 ¢ heaven and earth, To. 46: 73°MAD 21:6. ¢. Aast m. him exceeding glad 6. 2. hast mm. him most blessed for- ever 30: 1. ast not m. my foes to rejoice 7- by thy favor #4. hast m. my mountain 39:5. #. Aast m. my days as an hand- breadth 60: 2. t, hast m, the earth to tremble 3. ¢. Aast m. us to drink the wine 74:17. ¢. hast m. summer and winter 86:9. whom ¢. hast m. shall come 88: 8. ¢. Aast m. me an abomination 89: 39. 2. Aast m. void the covenant of th 42. Z. hast m. all his enemies to rejoice 43. Aast not m. him to stand in the battle 44. £. hast m. his glory to cease 47. wherefore Aas? ¢. m. all men in 91:9. because ¢. Last m. the Lord 92: 4. thou, Lord, hast m. me glad 104 < 24. in wisdom “ast ¢. w. them all 26. t. hast m. to play therein 119: 98. Aast m. me wiser than mine enemies MADEST. 8:6. thou . him to have dominion 80:15. the branch that thou #., strong 17. whom thou 7, strong for thy- self MAGNIFY. 34: 3. O m. the Lord with me 35: 26. that #2. themselves against me 38: 16. foot slippeth, they #. them- selves 55: 12. that did #. himself against me 69 : 30. 2. him with thanksgiving MAGNIFIED. 35:27. let the Lord be #. which hath 40: 16. say continually, the Lord be m. 138: 2. thou hast wz. thy word MAIDEN-S. 23>; as the eyes. of a mee. uiito the han 78 : 63. their #-s were not given to 148: 12. both young men and m-s MAINTAIN. 140: 12. mw. the cause of the afflicted MAINTAINED. 9: 4. thou hast m. my right MAINTAINEST, 16:5. thou #. my lot MAJESTY. . honor and wz. hast thou laid 21:5 29: i voice of the Lord is full of we. 45: 3. with thy glory and thy m. 4. in thy . ride prosperously 3: 1. he is clothed with ~. : 96: 6. honor and 7z, are before him 104: 1. clothed with honor and zm. 145: 5. glorious honor of thy mm. 12. the glorious #. of his kingdom 5:8. mm. thy way straight before my face 6: 6. all the night 2. I my bed to swim Ir: 2. they m, ready their arrow upon the 21: 12. when thou shalt #. ready thine 31: 16. mz. thy face to shine upon 34: 2. soul shall mm, her boast in the Lord 40:17. m. no tarrying, O my God 41: 3. thou wilt wz. all his bed 45: 16. whom thou mayest m. princes 17. I will 7. thy name to be re- membered shall #. glad the city of God will I wz. my refuge, until so they shall #z. their own tongue m. his praise glorious . me. the voice of his praise to be 69: 23. 2. their loins continually to 70: 5. O Lord, mw. no tarrying 71: 16. m. mention of thy righteousness 83: 2. thine enemies 7. a tumult 11. wz. their nobles like Oreb 84: 6. valley of Baca, #. it a well 87: 4. I will 7». mention of Rahab 89: 1. with my mouth will I 7. known thy 27. I will #z. him my first-born 29. will I 7. to endure forever go: 15. m. us glad according to the days 104: 15. oil to az. his face to shine | 17. birds mw. their nests | 105: 1. #. known his deeds among the | 106: 8. might zz. his mighty power 110: r. until I #. thine enemies thy | 119: 135. 7. thy face to shine upon thy 132: 17. wm. the horn of David to bud | 139: 8. if I #z. my bed in hell | 142: 1. did I 7. my supplication | 145: 12. to #. known to the sons of MAKE aste. 38:22. m. k. to help me, © Lord, 70: x. | 40: 13. O Lord, a. 2. to help me 70:1. m.h., O God, to deliver me 7: 12, :'#, 10n Iny Neip 141: 1. #. #&. unto me MAKE me. 22:9. thou didst mz. me hope when I was 4. Lord, 7. me to know mine end 8. m. me not the reproach of the foolish 51:6. shalt #. me to know wisdom 8. me. mre to hear joy and gladness IIQ: 27. 7%, me to wnderstand. the way of 35. #2. me to go in the path of thy MAKE, with zozse. 55:2. in my complaint. and 7. a nozse 59:6. they wz. a zorse like a dog 14. let them wz. a nazse like a dog | 66:1. m.a joyful zozse unto God | 84:1. 2. a joyful zozse unto the God of QI 46: 57s 64: 66: CON OOFMAK CONCORDANCE LO THE FSALIMS: MAN 95:1. let us m. a joyful zozse to the rock 2. m.a joyful zozse unto him with 98: 4. 7. a loud zozse and rejoice 4. m.a joyful zoZzse unto the Lord, EOO > iL, 6. m.a joyful zozse before the Lord MAKE ¢hewm. 21:9. m. them as a fiery oven in the time 12. m. them turn their back when thou 36: 8. thou shalt 2. them drink of the river 78:5. m. them known to their children 83: 13. O my God, 2. them like a wheel 15. #2. them afraid with thy storm 115: 8. #. them are like unto them, T3255 to; MAKER. 95: 6. kneel before the Lord our Y%. MAKEST. 4:8. thou, Lord, only #7. me dwell in 39: 11. thou #. his beauty to consume away 44: 10. thou 7#. us to turn back 13. #. us a reproach to our neigh- bors 14. thou 7z. usa byword among the 65:8. m. the outgoings of the morning 10. thou wz. it soft with showers neighbors 104: 20. thou #z. darkness, and it is 144: 3. thou 7. account of him MAKETH g: 12. when he wm. inquisition for blood 18: 32. with strength, and #. my way perfect he z. my feet like hinds’ feet pases he m. me to lie down in green pastures 29:6. he #. them also to skip like a calf g. m. the hinds to calve 33: 10. mz. the devices of the people of none 40: 4. man that 7. the Lord his trust 46:9. he 2. wars to cease 104: 3. who zz. the clouds his chariot 4. who vz. his angels spirits 15. wine that . glad the heart of 107: 29. he az. the storm a calm 36. there he . the hungry to dwell 41. #. him families like a flock 113: 9. m. the barren woman to keep 7. m. lightnings for the rain 8 m. peace in thy borders M AKING. 19:7. sure,.7z. wise the simple MAN. I « Q2 80:6. thou mm. us a strife unto our | who 7. grass to grow upon the 5: 6. abhor the bloody and deceitful 7. 8:4. what is a. that thou art mind» ful of 9: 19. arise, O Lord, let not #. prevail 10: IZ 5 18: 19: 22: 31: oon 24: 15. the arm of the wicked and the evil 77. 1. help, Lord, for the godly wm. ceaseth 25. with an upright 7. thou wilt show 48. delivered me from the violent #2. 5. rejoiceth as a strong mw. toruna 6. but Iam a worm, and no m. 12. as a dead 7. out of mind 20. thy presence, from the pride of m2. 16. mighty wz. is not delivered by 6. poor #. cried, and the Lord heard 36: 6. O Lord, thou preservest a. and 37: beast 16. a little that a righteous #. hath 23. steps of a good 7. are ordered 37. mark the perfect 7. and behold 38: 13. I, as a deaf ~., heard not 13. as a dumb zz. that openeth not 39: 11. with rebukes dost correct 7. for 43: 1. from the deceitful and unjust ~. 49: 12. nevertheless, #z. being in honor 20. m. that is in ‘honor, and under- standeth not 52: 1. thyself in mischief, O mighty wz. 56: 1. for #. would swallow me up 56 I will not be afraid what m. can do | 60 for vain is the help of wz. 71: 4. the unrighteous and cruel mm, 74: 22. the foolish 7%. reproacheth thee 76: 10. wrath of wz. shall praise thee 78: 25. m. did eat angels’ food go: 3. thou turnest 72. to destruction 2:6. a brutish 7. knoweth not 94: 10. he that teacheth #, knowledge knoweth the thoughts of 772. TO3 * Se as for #2. his days are as grass 104: 14. herb for the service of mn. a which strengtheneth ’s heart 15. maketh glad the heart of 7. 23. m. goeth forth unto his work 105: 14. no 7. to do them wrong 107 : 27. stagger like a drunken 7, 108; 12. vain is the help of zz. 109: 6. set thou a wicked 7. over him on 11g: 16. persecuted the poor and needy WH, 2:5. agood m. showeth favor 18: 6. what can 7z. do unto me? 8. to put confidence in 7. 134. deliver me from the oppres- sion of 72. : 4. in the hand of a mighty 27. : 8. both of 77. and beast : 1. deliver me, O Lord, from the evil 72,eee ¥49:1. preserve me from the violent 7t., 4. 11. evil shall hunt the violent ». 142: 4. no #. cared for my soul 4. no #z, that would know me 25 144: 3. what is #. that thou takest knowledge 34 4. mm. is like to vanity 89 a MAN. 38:14. as a m. that heareth not 60 55:13. but it was thoue w. #. mine equal 80 58: 11. so that a 2. shall say, verily 62: 3. imagine mischief against a 7. 74:5. @ m. was famous according 83:4. l_am as 2 strength m. that hath no 78 | MANNER “ 105: 17. he sent a m. before them | 107: 18. abhorreth all a. of meat 147: 10. pleasure in the legs of a m, | 144: 13. affording all w. of store every MAN. | MANTLE. 39: 5. verily, ¢. #. at his best state | 109 ; 29. Own confusion, as with a ». 6. e. wm. walketh in a vain show | MANY. 11. surely e. m. is vanity | 3:1. a. are they that rise up against 62: 12. toe. m. according to his work | me Son of MAN. 2. mt. there be which say of my soul 8:4. the S. of m. that thou visitest 4:6. there be a. that say, Who will him show 80:17. upon the S, of m. whom thou | 18: 36. he drew me out of wz. waters madest 22:12. m. bulls have compassed me . 144:3. or the S. of m., that thou | 9<: 19. consider mine enemies, for they makest are 72. 146: 3. nor in the S. of m. in whom 29: 3. the Lord is upon #. waters there is 31: 13. J have heard the slander of 7. that MAN. | 32: 10... sorrows shall be to Jie 37 : 37. the end of thaz m. is peace wicked 40:4. blessed is ¢Aat m. that maketh | 34: 12. loveth m. days, that he may 87: 5. this and ¢ha¢ m. was born in her see good the MAN. 19. m. are the afflictions of the 1: 1. blessed is che mw. that walketh not righteous ro: 18, that te mm. of the earth may no 37: 16. better than the riches of 7. more wicked 32: 2. Zhe m. unto whom the Lord im- 40: 3. mz. shall see it and fear puteth Sond 5. m., O Lord my God, are thy 34: 8. blessed is Zke m. that trusteth in | wonderful : him. 55: 18. for there were 7, with me 37:7. the m. who bringeth wicked 56:2. they be wz, that fight against me devices to | 61: 6. his years as #. generations 52:7. lo, this is tke m. that made not 71:7. Iam as a wonder unto m. 65:4. blessed is ¢Ae m. whom thou 78: 38. yea, #z. a time turned he choosest | 93: 4. the noise of 7. waters 80: 17. let thy hand be upon ¢he m. | [06- 43. mm. times did he deliver them of thy 110: 6. heads over #. countries 84:5. blessed is the m. whose strength | I1Q: 157. #, are my persecutors _ is in | 129: 1.#. a time have they afflicted 12. blessed is ¢he 77. that trusteth in e, 2. thee | MARCH. 94: 12. blessed is ¢e m. whom thou | 68: 7. when thou didst 7, through the chastenest wilderness 112: 1. blessed is the m. that feareth MARK. the Lord 37: 37. mz. the perfect man, and behold 127: 5. happy is ¢ke m, that hath his | 48: 13. 2. ye well her bulwarks : ulver 56:6. they #. my steps when they wait 128: 4. thus shall tke m. be blessed, | 130: 3. if thou, Lord, shouldst 77. in- that Iquities CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. Se eS ee 87: 4. thzs m. was born there 104: 24. how 7. are thy works MAR this MAN. 6. that ¢A7s m. was born there what MAN, _. : 12. what he that feareth the Lord : 12. what mw. is he that desireth life : 48. what m. is he that liveth MANASSEH. : 7. Gilead is mine, and M%. is mine TOS 2 6. : 2. Ephraim and Benjamin and 1. MANIFOLD. 9 MANNA. : 24. rained down 7z. upon them 93MAR CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. MEN MARRIAGE. | MEEK. 78 : 63. were not given to m. | 22: 26. the m. shall eat and be satisfied MARROW. | 25:9. the m. will he guide in judgment 63:5. satisfied as with 7z. and fatness | g. the m. will he teach his way MARVELLOUS. | 37: 11. the #. shall inherit the earth 9: 1. show forth all thy #. works 76:9. all the 7. of the earth 17:7. show thy . loving-kindness, 147: ©. the Lord lifteth up the m. O thou | 149: 4. he will beautify the 7. with 31: 21. his #. kindness in a strong city | er fyccegie Aer “ 78: 12. m. things did he in the sight oa i ee ee eee 98: 1. he hath done m, things MELCHIZEDEK. : 5. remember his 77. works ; 23. ICIS 7%, 1n OUr-eyes : 14. #. are thy works ; and that my MARVELLED. 48:5. they saw it, and so they m. MASTERS. 123: 2. unto the hand of their 7m. MATTER. 45:1. heart is inditing a good mm. 64:5. encourage. themselves in an evil . MATTERS. 35: 20. devise deceitful 7. against them 131: 1. exercise myself in great 7. MEANS. 49: 7. none of them can by any m. MEASURE. 39: 4. and the 7z. of my days, what it is 80: 5. to drink in great 77. MEAT, 42:3. my tears have been my m. 44: 11. like sheep appointed for m. 59: 15. wander up and down for m. 69: 21. gave me also gall for my mm. 74:14. gavest him to be m. to the people 78: 18. asking wz. for their lust 25. sent them 2. to the full 30. m. was yet in their mouths 79:2. given to be 7z. unto the fowls 104: 21. and seek their . from God 27. give them their m, in due season MEDITATE. 1:2. in his law doth he mm. day and night 63:6. mz. on thee in the night watches 77: 12. I will 7. also of all thy work 119: 15. I will 7. in thy precepts . thy servant did 7. in thy statutes 48. I will 7. in thy statutes 78. I will 7. in thy precepts 148. that I might 7. in thy word 143: 5. I m. on all thy works MEDITATION. 5:1. consider my 72. 19:14. #2, of my heart be acceptable 49: 3. the wz. of my heart shall be 104: 34. my m. of him shall be sweet 119: 97. its my zz. all the day gg. for thy testimonies are my 7. 94 110: 4. after the order of WZ. MELT away. 58: 7. let them 7. a. as waters 112: 10. with his teeth and m. a. MELTED. 22:14. it is #. in the midst of my bowels 46:6. uttered his voice, the earth me. 97: 5. the hills #. like wax 107: 26. soul is #z. because of trouble 58:8. asa snail which mm, 68: 2..aS wax 7. before the fire 119: 28. my soul . for heaviness 147: 18. sendeth out his word, and m. them MEMBERS. 139: 16. all my 7. were written MEMORIAL. g: 6. their 7. is perished with them 135: 13. thy #., O Lord, throughout all MEMORY. 109: 15. the #. of them from the earth 145: 7. the m. of thy great goodness 4:2. O ye sons of m., how long will ye turn 9: 20. nations may know themselves to be but vz. 12: 8. when the vilest #. are exalted 17: 4. concerning the works of #. by the word of thy lips 14. from #. which are thy hand, O ord ’ 14. from 7. of the world, which have 18: 4. floods of ungodly #. made me afraid . a reproach of a. and despised of the nor my life with bloody 7. . trust in thee before the sons 22. 26: ars of #2. . he beholdeth all the sons of wz. . he seeth that wise 7. die . m. will praise thee when thou 55: 23. deceitful 2. shall not live out half . even the sons of a. whose teeth . do ye judge uprightly, O ye sons of 2.? . save me from bloody 7. g. surely #2. of iow degree are vanity 33: 49 : 57° 59: 62:MEN CONCORDANCE 62:9. m. of high degree are a lie 64:9. all #. shall fear and shall declare 66: 12. thou hast caused 7. to ride 68: 18. thou hast received gifts for yw. 72:17. m. shall be blessed in him 73:5. not in trouble as other yz. 5. are they plagued like other 7. 76:5. none of the wz. of might have found 78 : 31. smote down the chosen mm. of Israel 60. tent which he placed among wz. 63. fire consumed their young 7. 82:7. ye shall die like 7. : 18. that #z. may know that thou 86: 14. the assemblies of violent 72. 105: 12. but a few a. in number 107: 8. oh, that s. would praise the Lord, 15, 21, 31. 115: 4. the work of 72’s hands 116: 11. in my haste, all 7. are liars 124: 2. when . rose up against us 135 : 15. the work of #’s hands 139: 19. from me therefore, ye bloody mz. 141: 4. with #. that work iniquity 145: 6. mz. shall speak of the might of thy 12. make known to the sons of 77. children of MEN. 11: 4. his eyelids try the c. of mw. 12: 1, fail from among the c. of m. 14: 2. from heaven upon the c. of m. 21: 10. seed from among the c. of m. 36:7. thec. of m. put their trust 45: 2. thou art fairer than the c. of m. 53: 2. from heaven upon the c. of m, 66: 5. his doing toward the c. of m. go: 3. return, yec. of m. 107: 8. works to the c. of m., 15, 21, 3%. 115: 16. hath he given to the c. of m. MENTION. 71: 16. make mm. of thy nghteousness 87:4. make #z. of Rahab MERCIES. 6:4. oh, save me for thy wz. sake 25 : 6. remember, O Lord, thy tender m. 31: 16. save me for thy 7, sake 44: 26. redeem us for thy 7. sake 89: 1. sing of the #. of the Lord 103: 4. with loving-kindness and ten- der 72, 106: 7, remembered not the multitude of thy mz. 45. according to the multitude of his 7, 119: 41. let thy 7. come also unto me 77. let thy tender #. come unto me MERCIFUL. 18: 25. with the zz, thou wilt show thy- self 7. 26: 11. redeem me and be m. unto me 37: 26. he is ever #z and !endeth 41:4. I said, Lord, be #. unto me ZO THE PSALMS, MER 41: 10. thou, O Lord, be 7. unto me 56: 1. be #. unto me, O God, for man 57:1. be 7. unto me, O God, be wz. unto me 59: 5. be not #. to any wicked transe gressors 67: x. God, be #. unto us and bless us 86: 3. be #. unto me, O Lord 103 : 8. the Lord is 7. and gracious 116: 5. yea, our God is 7, 117: 2. for his #z. kindness is great 119: 58. be m. unto me according to thy word 76. let, I pray thee, thy 7. kind- ness be 132. be #. unto me, as thou usest to do MERCY, 18: 50. showeth 7. to his anointed 21:7. through the m. of the Most High 23: 6. goodness and mm. shall follow me 25:10. paths of the Lord are m. and truth 32: 10. m. shall compass him about 37: 21. the righteous showeth #. and giveth 52: 8. I trust in the 7%. of God 64:7. O prepare #. and truth 62:12. unto thee, O Lord, belong- eth 72, 85: 10. #. and truth are met together 86:5. plenteous in m, unto all them that 15. plenteous In wz. and truth 89: 2. m. shall be built up forever 14. #. and truth shall go before ror: x. sing of mz. and judgment 103: 8. slow to anger, and plenteous in 72. 17. the 7. of the Lord is from ever= lasting 109: 12. none to extend #2. unto him 130: 7. with the Lord there is wz. 145: 8. slow to anger, and of great m. have MERCY. 4:1. Aave m. upon me and hear my prayer 6:2. have m. upon me, O Lord, for I am weak 9: 13. Aave m. upon me, O Lord; con= sider my 25:16. turn thee unto me, and have wt, upon me 27:7. have m. also upon me, and an-= swer me 30:10. hear, O Lord, and have m, upon me 31:9. have m. upon me, O Lord, for I am 51: 1. have m. upon me, O God, ace cording 86:16. turn unto me, and have my, upon me 95MER CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS.. MIG 102; 13. shalt arise, and save m. upon MERIBAH. Zion 81: 7. I proved thee at the waters of J, 123: 2. until that he Lave m. upon us MIDIANITES. his MERCY. 83:9. unto them as unto the MZ, 33: 18. upon them that hope in 47s m. MIDNIGHT. | 57: 3. God shall send forth 2zs m. x19 | 02. 37° or: 59: 66: 107: 3. from the z. an 25. let z. dwell in their tents 11. there is z. to deliver him 25. there is ~. upon earth that I desire 76:5. 2. of the men of might have | found 79:3. there was z. to bury them 11. Israel would z. of me 8. there is z. like unto thee 12. there was z. to help 12. z. to extend mercy unto him 16. as yet there was z. of them 17. evening and morning and at z. NOON-DAY. 6. thy judgment as the z.-d. 6. destruction that wasteth at .~-d. NOR. 3. for my transgression . for my sin 20. 2. his mercy from me 89: 22. x. the son of wickedness afflict 33. 2. suffer my faithfulness to fail 34. #. alter the thing that is gone 132: 3. #. go up into my bed NORTH. 48: 2. on the sides of the z. 89: 12. the #. and the south, thou hast created d from the south NOSES. 15:6. 2. have they, but they smell not NOSTRILS. 18:8. there went up a smoke out of his 2. 15. at the blast of the breath of thy z. NOT: x: 4. the ungodly are x. so, but are like the 5:4. thou art ~. a God that hath pleasure 10: 4. God is x. in all his thoughts 14:3. none that doeth good, no, x. One,.53: 3. 18: 41. unto the Lord, but he answered them z. 19:13. let them #, have dominion over me 22:19. be z. thou far from me, O Lord 32:9. be ye 2. as the horse, or as the mule 34:20. 2. one of them is broken 35: 22. O Lord, be x. far from me 24. let them z. rejoice over me 37: 10. consider his place, and it. shall n. be 36. yet he passed away, and lo! he was 2. 38: 9. my groaning is #. hid from thee 14. aS a man that heareth 2, 21. forsake me x., O Lord 21. O my God, be z. far from me 46: 2. therefore will x. we fear 5. she shall x. be moved 104 49: 16. be x. thou afraid when one is 52:7. that made x. God his strength 53:4. they have xz. called upon God 54:3. have x. set God before them 55:12. it was z. an enemy that 56:8. are they z. in thy book ? 58:8. that they may z. see the sun 59:3. #. for my transgression nor for 13. consume them, that they may m. be 60: 10, wilt 2. thou, O. God, which hadst cast 66: 18. the Lord will z. hear me 71: 12. O God, be z. far from me 78: 8. might z. be as their fathers 22. they believed z. in God 80: 18. will we z. go back from thee 86: 14. have z. set thee before them 100: 3. hath made us, and xz. we our- selves 108: 11. wilt z. thou, O God, who hast cast 115: 1. 2. unto us, O Lord, z. unto us r19: 6, then shall I x. be ashamed, when 124: 1. if it had z. been the T.ord who was on, 2. 127: 5. they shall x. be ashamed, but they shall speak NOTHING. 17:3. thou hast tried me, and shalt find 2. 19: 6. 2. hid from the heat thereof 39:5. mine age is as z. before thee 49: 17. dieth, he shall carry 2. away 11g: 165. and z. shall offend them NOUGHT. 33: 10. counsel of the heathen to x, NOW. 2: 10, be wise . therefore, O ye kings 12:5. for the sighing of the needy, nm. will 37: 25. I have been young, and x, am old 39: 7. and z., Lord, what wait I for? 41: 8. 2. that he lieth, he shall rise up 71: 18. x. also, when I am old II5: 2. where is 2. their God? 116: 14, z. in the presence of all his people, 18. 118: 4. let them z. that fear the Lord, say 25. save 2., I beseech thee, O Lord 25. I beseech thee, send x. pros- perity 122: 8. I will 2. say, peace be within NUMBER-S. 105: 12. but a few men in ~, 34. caterpillars and that with out 7. 139: 18. they are more in ~. than the sand 147: 4. telleth the z. of the stars 71: 15. I know not the z-s thereofNUM CONCORDANCE NUMBER. (verb). 90: 12. So teach us to x. our days NUMBERED. 40: 5. they are more than can be x. O, OATH. 105: 9. with Abraham, and his ov. unto saac OBEY. 18: 44. hear of me, they shall o. me OBSERVE. 105: 45. might o. his statutes 107 : 43. whoso is wise and will o. 119: 34. I shall o. it with my whole heart OFFEND. 73: 15. behold, I should o. against the IQ: 165. and nothing shall o. thera OFFE 4:5. 0. the sacrifices of righteousness 16: 4. drink-offerings of blood will I not o, 27: 6. therefore will I o. in his taber- nacle o. unto God thanksgiving 1g. then shall they ov. bullocks I5. 0. unto thee burnt sacrifices 15. I will o. bullocks with goats 72:10. Sheba and Seba shall o. gifts 116: 17. I willo. to thee the sacrifice of OFFERETH. 23. whoso o. praise glorifieth me OFFERING-S. 8. bring an o. and come 3. remember all thy o-s 50: 51: 66: 14. 50: 96: 20: Li ; O : 78: 40. how o. did they provoke him OG 135: 11. and O., king of Bashan, 136: 20. OIL. 5. thou anointest my head with o. 7. anointed thee with the o. of gladness 21. his words were softer than oa. 89: 20. holy o. have I anointed him 92: x0. anointed with fresh o. ; 104: 15. 9. to make his face to shine 109 : 18. like 0. into his bones 141: 5. it shall be an excellent o, OINTMENT. 133: 2. like the precious 0. upon the head OLD 6:7. it waxeth o. because of all mine 23° 45: 55: 32: 3. bones waxed 9. through my roar- ing 37:25. I have been young, and now am 0. g. in the time of 0. age ‘2 : 18. when I am ov. and grey-headed 108. the free-will o-s of my mouth | SET S LO THE PSALMS. OPE ee es ts | 92:14. bring forth fruit in 0. age | 102: 26. all of them shall wax o. like. | 148: 12, young men and maidens, a. men and children | of OLD. | 44: 1. in their days, in the times of 55: 19. even he that abideth of o. | 68: 33. heavens of heavens which were of 0. | 74: 2. congregation: which thou hast purchased of a. 12. God is my king of 0, 77: 5. I have considered the days of 0. 11, remember thy wonders of oa. 78: 2. utter dark sayings of o. | 93: 2. thy throne is established of o. 102: 25. of o. hast thou laid the 119: 52. thy judgments of o., O Lord 152. I have known of a. that thou hast 143: 5. I remember the days of a. OLIVE. 52:8. I am like a green a. tree 128 : 3. like o. plants round about NCE. : rr. God hath spoken o. : 7- when o. thou art angry > 35- 0. have I sworn by my ONE. : 20. not o. of them is broken : 7. he putteth down o. and sete teth up : 65. awaked as a. out of sleep : 7. fall like o. of the priaces : 5. consulted together with c. cone sent : Io. in pieces, as o. that is slain 1g. upon 9g, that is mighty 19. I have exalted o. chosen out of 105: 37. not-o. feeble person among ONES. 10: 10. the poor may fall by his strong a, ONLY. 4:8. thou, Lord, 0. makest me dwell in 51:4. against thee, thee o., have I sinned he o. is my rock and my salva- tion 4. they o. consult to cast him 5. wait thou 9, upon God 6. he 9. is my rock and my salva- tion :16. thy righteousness, thine o. : 18. who o. doeth wondrous things : 8. o. with thine eyes shalt thou be hold OPEN. (adj.) : 9. their throat is an o. sepulchre 4: 15. his ears are o. unto their cry OPEN. (verb). 49: 4. will o. my dark saying 51: 15. O Lord, o. thou my lips 78:2. I willo. my mouth ina 105 62: 2. even of QW onOPE CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALIES, OVE 81: 10. 9. thy mouth wide, and I will 118: 19. 0. to me the gates of righteous- ness 119: 18. o. thou mine eyes, that I may behold OPENED. 39:9. I was dumb, I o. not my mouth : 6. mine ears hast thou a. : 23. 0. the doors of heaven 105: 41. he vg. the rock and the waters 106: 17. the earth o. and swallowed 10g: 2. the deceitful are o. against me 7131. Io. my mouth and panted OPENEST. : 28. thou og. thine hand, they are filled 16. thou 9, thine hand, and satis- fiest OPENETH, 38: 13. as adumb man that v. not his 146: 8. the Lord o. the eyes of the OPENLY. 98: 2. 0. showed in the sight of the heathen OPERATION. 28:5. nor the o. of his hands, he shall destroy OPHIR. 45:9. did stand the queen in gold of O. OPPRESS. to: 18. manof the earth may nomorea. 17: 9. from the wicked that ov. me 11g: 122. let not the proud vo. me OPPRESSED. 9:9. the Lord also will be a refuge for the oa. 10: 18. to judge the fatherless and theo. 74: 21. let not the o, return ashamed 103: 6. judgment for all that are a. 106: 42. their enemies also vo. them 146: 7. executeth judgment for the oa. M45 OPPRESSION. 12:5. for the o. of the poor, for the sighing 42:9. because of the o. of the enemy, 3:2 44: 24. our affliction and our a. :3. because of the o. of the wicked : Io. trust not in 0., and become not : 8. speak wickedly concerning a. 107 : 39. brought low through oa. 119: 134. deliver me from the o. of man OPPRESSOR-S. 72:4. break in pieces the a. 54:3. o-s seek after my soul 119: 121. leave me not to mine o-s ORACLE. 28:2. lift up my hands toward thy holy a. : ORDAINED. : 21. o. their mouth wide against me | 8:3. the moon and the stars which thou hast oa. 5. this he o. in Joseph fora lamp for 81: 132 ¢-27. Have ems ek anointed ORDAINETH. 7:13. heo. his arrows against the per- secutors ORDER. (noun). 40: 5. cannot be reckoned up in a, 50: 21. set them in o. before thine eyes 110: 4. after the o. of Melchizedek ORDER. (verb). 11g: 133. 0. my steps in thy word ORDERED. 37: 23. steps of a good man are o. by the Lord ORDERETH. 50: 23. to him that o. his conversation ORDINANCE-S. 99: 7. the o. that he gave them 119: 91. this day according to thine o-s OREB. 83: 11. make their nobles like O. ORGANS. 150: 4. with stringed instruments and 9, OTHER-S. 73:5. not in trouble, as 07. men 5. neither are they plagued like a. men 10. leave their wealth to o-s OTHERWISE. 16. lest o. they should rejoice GED, mine 49 : 38: 76: 11. him that o. to be feared 1. to be praised in the city of o. Go 14. this God is o. God forever 95: 7. for he is 0. God and we are the 105; 7. he is the Lord o. God OURSELVES. 100; 3. hath made us, and not wea. OUTGASTS: 147: 2. gathereth together the o, of Israel OUTGOINGS. 65: 8. makest the o, of the morning and OVEN. : 9, make them as a fiery a. OVER. 19: 13. not have dominion o. me ‘ 60: 8. a, Edom will I cast out my shoe 48: 21 83: 18. the Most High o. all the earth OVERFLOW. 69: 2. where the floods o. me 15. let not the water flood o. me OVERFLOWED. zo. gushed out, and the streams 0, OVERPAST. 57: 1. until these calamities be o. OVERTAKEN, 78: 8: 2. babes and sucklings hast thou 0, | 18: 37, pursued mine enemies and a, strength 106 themOVE CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. PAS OVERTHREW : | 116: 3. the Z-s of hell 736 = 55. a. Pharaoh and his host | : os PAINED. Cpaanee OVER THROW. | 55: 4. my heart is sore J. within me 106 : 26. to 0. them in the wilderness PAINFUL. 27. to o. their seed also_ 73: 16. it was too Z. for me 140: 4. purposed to 0. my goings PALACE. Ir. violent man to o. him 45:15. shall enter into the king’s g, OVERTHROWN. : 144: 12. the similitude ofa J, 141: 6, _ judges are o. in stony PALACES. places 45: 8. out of the ivory 4. whereby os ay ERWHELMED. 48: 3. God is known in her 4, 55:5. horror hath ov. me 13. consider her Z. that ye may tell 6x: 2. when my heart is o, it to 77: 3. My spirit was o, 78: 69. sanctuary like high 4, 78: 53. but the sea o. their enemies 122: 7. prosperity within thy J, 124: 4. the waters had o. us. PALM-TREE., 142: 3. when my spirit was 0. within me | 92: 12. flourish like the Z.-2. 143: 4. is my “pu 0. Within me PANTED. WI. 119: 131. I opened my mouth, and 102: 6. like an o. of the desert | aa PANTETH. ie T | Ae : : | 38: 10. my heart 4., my strength faileth 4:4. commune with your o, heart upon 42:1. hart Z. after the water-brooks 5: 10. let them fall by their o. counsels I. SO J. my soul after thee 7: 16. mischief shall return upon his 9, | PARABLE. head 49: 4. incline mine ear to a J, 16. shall come down upon his o. 78:2. open my mouth ina Z, pate : PART. (noun): 9:15. net which they hid, is their g. | 5:9. theirinward 2. is very wickedness foot — 51:6. in the hidden Z. thou shalt make 16. snared in the work of his o. | 318: 7. taketh my Z. with them hands PARTS. 12: 4. our lips are our 9.: who is lord | 2: 8. uttermost f. of the earth for thy 15:4. he that sweareth to his o. hurt 51: 6. truth in the inward Z. 17: 10. they are inclosed in their o. fat 63: 9. into the lower Z. of the earth 20:4. grant thee according to thine o. | 65: 8. in the uttermost p. are afraid heart 78: 66. his enemies in the hinder Z, 2i7 23. exalted, Lord. in ‘thine a: 136: 13. the Red Sea into /. strength 139: 9. uttermost /Z. of the sea 41:9. mine o. familiar friend, in whom 15. lowest Z. of the earth 44:3. neither did their 0. arm save PART. (verb). 45: 10. forget also thine o. people 22:18. they Z. my garments among 50: 20. slanderest thine vo. mother’s son them 67: 6. even our o. God shall bless us PARTAKER. 78: 29. he gave them their o. desire | 50: 18. hast been Z. with adulterers 81: 12. unto their o. heart’s lust PASS 106 : 39. whoring with their 0. inven- 37: 5. he shall bring it to Z. tions 7. bringeth wicked devices to Z. 109: 29. with their 0. confusion,as with 80:12. so that all they which p. by 138: 8. the works of thine o. hands the way 141: 10. wicked fall into their o. nets 89: 41. all that 2. by the way spoil him 104: 9. a bound that they may not Z. 69: 31. better than an ov. or bullock over - 106: 20. the similitude of an o. that 148 : 6. a decree which shall not Z. OXEN. PASS through. 8:7. sheep and v., yea, and the beasts 78: 13. caused them LO Dod. y 144: 14. that our 0, may bestrongto | 136: 14. to Z. z. the midst of it PASSED-éy. | 18: 12. his thick clouds Z., hailstones P. | 48: 4. were assembled, they 2. dy to- | gether PAIN-S. | PASS pth ; 15: ¢ upon mine affliction and 58: 8. let every one of them 2Z. a. on i : PASSED away. 48: 6. g. as of a woman in travail 37: 36. yet he Z. a., and lo, he was not 107 Soaf PAS 90: 9. all our days are 4. a. in thy PASSETH. CONCORDANCE. TO.THE PSALIS. PEO PEACE. 4:8. lay me down in 4. and sleep 8:8. whatsoever /. through the paths 7:4. evil unto him that was at 2, of the xox: 16. the wind Z. over it and it is gone PASSETH away. 78: 39. a wind that Z. a. 144: 4. a Shadow that 2. a. PASSING, 84: 6. who Z. through the valley of Baca PAST. go: 4. as yesterday when it is Z. PASTURE. 74: 1. against the sheep of thy Z. 79: 13. and sheep of thy @Z. will give 95:7. we are the people of his Z. 100: 3. his people, and the sheep of his 2. PASTURES. 23: 2. to lie down in green #. 65:12. they drop upon the @Z. of the 13. g. are clothed with flocks PATE d his own /. PA. LH. 16: 11. thou wilt show me the 4, of life 27: 11. lead me ina plain Z. 77: 19. thy /. in the great waters 11g: 35. to go in the J. of thy com- mandments 105. thy word ...alight unto my 4, 139: 3. thoucompassest my Z. and 142: 3. then thou knewest my 4. PATHS 8:8. passeth through the 4. of the seas 17:4. have kept me from the J. of the destroyer . hold up my goings in thy #/. . leadeth me in the ¢. of right- eousness . teach me thy 2. ro. ~. of the Lord are mercy and truth thy Z. drop fatness PATIENTLY. 37:7. rest in the Lord, and wait 4. for him 40: 1. I waited Z. for the Lord PAVILION. zr. his J. round about him were 5. he shall hide me in his Z. 20. keep them secretly ina J, PAY. 25. I will J. my vows before them 14. ~. thy vows unto the Most High 23: > Wm 25: 65: Il. 18 : 27: BI 22; 50: 66: 13. I will J. thee my vows 76: 11. vow, and Z. unto the Lord 116: 11. 4. my vows unto the Lord, 18. PAY EDH, 37: 21. wicked borroweth, and Z, not again 108 16, dealings shall come down upon | with me 28 : 3. which speak 4%. to their neighbors 29: 11. the Lord will bless his people with J. 34: 14. seek Z., and pursue it 35: 20. speak not Z., but they devise 37: 11. in the abundance of Z. 37. the end of that man is 4. 39: 2. I held my JZ. even from good 12. hold not thy JZ. at my tears 18. delivered my soul in Z. from the 20. against such as be at Z. with him 55: 72:3. the mountains shall bring J. 7. abundance of Z. so long as the moon 83: 1. hold not thy Z., and be not still 85: 8. speak Z. unto his people 10. righteousness and Z. have kissed tog: 1. hold not thy 4., O God of my I19: 165. great g. have they which love 120: 6. with him that hateth 2. 7. 1am for Z., but when I speak 122: 6. pray for the Z. of Jerusalem 7. p. be within thy walls 8. 2. be within thee 25: 5.-f. shall be upon Israel 128: 6. children’schildren, and Z. upon Israel 147: 14. he maketh 4. in thy borders PECULIAR. 135: 4. Israel for his Z. treasure PELICAN. : 6. ag. of the wilderness 45: 1. tongue is the J. of a ready writer PEOPLE. 2:1. the g. imagine a vain thing . 3:6. ten thousands of J. that have set 7: 7. so shall the congregation of the Z. 8. the Lord shall judge the A. 9g: 8 minister judgment to the Z. in rr. declare among the J. his doings 18: 27. thou wilt save the afflicted J. 43. from the strivings of the Z. 47. and subdueth the J. under me 22:6. reproach of men and despised of the A. 33: 10. devices cf the J. of none effect 12. the Z. whom he hath chosen 35: 18. praise thee among much 4, 44:2. thou didst afflict the J. 14. Shaking of the head among the J, 45:5. whereby the Z. fall under thee 10. forget also thine own /. 12. even the rich among the 4, 17. therefore shall the J. praise thee 47: 3. he shall subdue the Z, under us g. the princes of the Z. are gathered g. the Z. of the God of Abraham 56: 7. in thine anger, cast down the Z,PEO 57 OG, praise thee, O Lord, among the 2, = 56 CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. 85: 8. speak peace unto 475. : 65:7. and the tumult of the 4, 94:14. will sot cast off ed, 67: 4. thou shalt judge the Z. 100: 3. we are hts A, and the sheep 68 : 30. the Z. that delight In war. 105 : 24. increased h7s fp. greatly 30. with the calves of the 4, 25. turned their heart to hate 72: 3. shall bring peace to the Z, his p. 4. judge the poor of the 4, 43. brought forth his p. with joy 74:14. to be meat to the J. 106: 40. kindled against £75 p- mso— 18. the foolish J. have blasphemed | much 77:14. thy strength among the 4. 111: 6. hath showed its p. the power 87: 6. when he writeth up the p. g. sent redemption unto hts p. 89: 15. blessed is the Z. that know 113: 8. with the princes of his Zp. 19. one chosen out of the J, 116: 14. presence of all hts p., 18. 5°- reproach of all the mighty Z, 125: 2. Lord is round about Azs p. from 94: 8. ye brutish among the J. 135: 12. heritage unto Israel Azs p. 95: 7- we are the Z. of his pasture 14. the Lord will judge Ats p. 96: 7. O ye kindreds of the JZ, 136 Oo 97 98 99: 102: 18. the g. which shall be created 10. he shall judge the 4. righteously 13. and the Z. with his truth : 6. the Z. see his glory : g. and the Z. with equity 1. let the Z. tremble | 148: T4. . Azs p. through the wilderness his p. exalteth the horn of zs p. 149: 4. the Lord taketh pleasure in my PEOPLE, 53: 4 14:4. eat up my Z. as they eat bread, PER ee 78: 71. to feed Jacob his p. 22. when the 4%, are gathered to- gether 105: 1. his deeds among the Z. Ios: 107 108 5o: 7. hear. O my p., and I will speak 59: 11. lest my Z. forget 13. one kingdom to another 2. | 40. the Z. asked, and he brought | quails 44. inherited the labor of the 2. : 32. in the congregation of the Z. :3- praise thee, O Lord, among the 2. 28 | 68: 22. I will bring my f. again | 78: 1. give ear, O my Z., to my law 20. even the ruler of the J. 81:8. hear, O my Z., and I will testify 11. my £. would not hearken to my 13. oh, that wy p. had hearkened 144: 2. subdueth my Z. under me thy PEOPLE. 3:8. thy blessing is upon shy J, >9. Save thy Z. and bless thine in- 144: 15. happy is that 4. that is in such | heritance 15. happy is that 4. whose God is | 44: 12. thou sellest thy J. for nought 149: 7. and punishments upon the Z. | 60: 3. showed ¢hy Z. hard things Zé PEOPLE: | 68: 7. wentest forth before thy p. 18: 43. ag. whom I have not known 72:2. judge thy f. with righteousness 22: 31. unto @ Z. that shall be born | 77:15. with thine arm redeemed ¢hy J, 95: Io. it is a Z. that do err in their 20. thou leddest ¢hy Z. like a flock 114: 1. house of Jacob from a a Z. of 79: 13. thy p. and sheep of thy pasture strange | 80: 4. against the prayer of thy 4. 148; 14. @ Z. near unto him | 83: 3. crafty counsel against ¢hy f. all, or all the PEOPLE. | 85: 2. forgiven the iniquity of thy Zp. 67:3. let the Z. praise thee, O God ; | 6. that ¢ky #. may rejoice in thee let adZ the p. praise thee 94:5. break in pieces ¢hy J. 96: 3. his wonders among adZ Z. 106: 4. favor that thou bearest unto 99: 2. high above ad the p. thy p. sie ee 106 : 48. let alZ the p. say, Amen 110: 3. ¢#y Z. shall be willing in the day 148: 11. kings of the earth and alZpZ._ | ye PEOPLE. Ais PEOPLE. | 47: 1. clap your hands, all ye 2. 14:7. bringeth back the captivity of | 49: 1. hear this, all ye Z. his p. | 62: 8. ye Z., pour out your heart before 29:11. give strength unto h7zs 4. | 66+ 32 © Bess ou pi ye p. "xz, will bless Ats p. with peace | 117: 1. praise him, all ye J. 50: 4. that he may judge Xs f. PERFECT, (adj.) 53: 6. the captivity of Z7zs p. : | 18: 30. as for God, his way is z ' 68: 35. strength and power Done ie 32. with aye and maketh my : 10. therefore Azs Z. return hither way 7. : 73 =, provide flesh te his p. | 19: 7. law of the Lord is 2., converting 52. made 47s own Z. to go forth 62. gave Azs Pp. over als 109 37: 37- mark the Z. man, and behold | ; BEG ; h unto | 64: 4. shoot in secret at the J.PER CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. 2. my house with a J. heart 2. wisely in a #. way 6. he that walketh in a JZ. way 139: 22. hate them with Z. hatred PERFECT. (verb). the Lord will 2. a which PERFECTIO} 50: 2. out of Zion, the Z. a beauty 119: 96. I have seen an end of all Z. PERFORM. 1. device, which they are not able IOI: 138: 8. ae ok to 2. 61: 8. may daily 4. my vows 119: 106. I have sworn, and I will J. it 112. I have inclined mine heart to 2. PERFORMED. 65: 1. unto thee shall the vow be 4. PERFORMETH. 57: 2. God that Z. all things for me PERISH. 1:6. way of the ungodly shall /. 2:12. and ye Z. from the way, when 9:3. shall fall and Z. at thy presence 18. expectation of the poorshall not A. 37: 20. the wicked shall 4. and the | enemies Bl 41:5. when shall he die, and _ his name /. 4952 10. fool and the brutish person 4. . like the beasts that /. 20. is like the beasts that J. 68: 2. so let the wicked Z. at the 73: 27. far from thee shall Z. 80: 16. they Z. at the rebuke of thy 83:17. put to shame and f. g2: 9. lo, thine enemies shall 4. 102: 26. they shall Z., but thou shalt 112: 10. desire of the wicked shall /. 146: 4. that very day, his thoughts Z. PERISHED. a 6. their memorial is J. with them : 16. the heathen are Z. out of his land 83: 10. which Z. at Endor 119: 92. I should then have J, in mine | PERPETUAL. 9: 6. destructions are come to a J. end 74:3. unto the J. desolations 78: 66. put them to a 4, reproach PERSECUTE. 7:1. save me from all them that J. me 5. let the enemy #/. my soul 10: 2. in his pride doth J. the poor | 72: | 74> 31: 15. from them that 4. me 35: 3. against them thai 4. me 6. let the angel of the Lord Z. them 69: 26. they Zs. him whom thou hast 71: 11. g, and take him 83: 15. g. them with thy tempest 119: 84. execute judgment on them that A. me 86, they #. me wrongfully IIo Pit PERSECUTED. 109: 16. but JZ. the poor and needy 119: 161. princes have Z. me without 143: 3. the enemy hath Z. my soul PERSECUTORS. 7: 13. ordaineth his arrows against the Z. 119: 157. Many are my Z. and mine 142: 6. deliver me from my Z. PERSON. 15:4. in whose eyes avile /. temned 10, the fool and the brutish J. perish 4. not know a wicked PERSONS. 26: 4. I have not sat with vain Z. 82:2. accept the Z. of the wicked PERVERSELY. 119: 78. Z. with me without a cause PESTILENCE 78: 50. their life over to the Z. 91: 3. and from the noisome /. 6. nor for the Z. that walketh PETITIONS. 20: 5. the Lord fulfill all thy /. PHARAOH. 135: 9. upon /. and upon all his serv- ants 15. overthrew /. and his host PHIGISTIA. 60: 8. P., triumph thou because of me BF sxhs behold P. and Tyre, with 108: 9. over /. will I triumph PHILISTINES. 83: 7. P. with the inhabitants of Tyre is con= 49: LOT. 136: PHINEHAS. 106: 30. then stood up ?. and executed PIECES. 2:9. dash them in J. like a potter’s vessel 7:2. like a lion rending it in Z. 50: 22. lest I tear you in JZ. and there be 58: 7. let them be as cut in J, | 68: 30. submit himself with JZ. of silver 4. break in Z, the oppressor 14. heads of leviathan in J. 1o. broken Rahab in #. 5. break in Z. thy people TIERCE 4 89: 94: 22:16. they Z. my hands and my feet PILGRIMAGE. 119: 54. my songs in the house of my A. > 99: 7. spake unto them in the cloudy Z. 75.$-9:: L beaiup De oe of it 7:15. he made = ae digged it g: 15. sunk down in the J. that they made 28:1. like them that go down into the Z. 30; 3. that I should not go down to the 2. . in my blood, when. I go down to the Z.PIT a ee : 7. hid for me their net in a p. 2. up also out of an horrible p. >23. shalt bring them down into | the A. : 6. have digged a Z. before me | 715. let not the d shut her mouth | > 4. with them that go down into | the ZA. : 6. hast laid me in the lowest J. : 13. the Z. be digged for the wicked | 2 7 | 143: 7. them that go down into the Z. | 1:3. like a tree J. by the rivers. aT Ss 80: 8. cast out the heathen, and 4. it 119: 85. the proud have digged 4. for 15. thy right hand hath 4, me 92: 13. those that be Z. in the house i 140: 10. into deep J. that they rise not 94:9. he that Z. the ear, shall he not u | 104: 16. cedars of Lebanon which he f PIT LED. hath 2, 4 106 : 46. to be 4. of all those that carried | PLANTEDST. I PELLET | 44: 2. with thy hand, and Z. them lie 103 : 13. like as a father J. his children | PLANTS. ne 13. so the Lord JZ. them that fear | 144: 12. our sons may beas Z. i ALY, PLAN. (ih 69: 20. I looked for some to take 4. | 33:3. 2. skilfully with a loud noise p PLACE. | 104: 26. thou hast made to J. therein 18:19. brought me forth also into a PLAYERS. = 19. 2 D ee a ied | large . | 68: 25. the Z, on instruments followe 24: 3. who shall stand in his holy 4. __| 87: 7- as well the SINE StS as the p. 26: 8. the Z. where thine honor dwell- PLAYING, eth | 68: 25. damsels Z. with timbrels PLEAD. 12. foot standeth in an even /. 33: 14. from the J. of his habitation he | 35: I. 2. my Gansta O Lord, with tie 37: 10. consider his Z. and it shall not be | 43: I- 2: eee an ungodly 44: 19. broken us in the J, of dragons 74:22, p. thine own case ae 66:12. broughtest us out into a/| 119: 154. 2d. PLEACeKe eliver me wealthy 2. = i : : 3 it | 16: 6. fallen unto me in J. places ee Hie Dag hersot enuh Dawes 81: 2. the Z. harp with the psaltery . ; 106: 24. despised the Z. land ica 104: 8. ar f. which thou hast 35 11a how eandand hag sates i 118: 5. set me in a large Z. | 135: 3- unto his name, for it Is p. 132: 5. until I find out a J. for the Lord | 147: 1. for it is A. and praise is comely PLACES. | eee 7 10: 8. sitteth in the lurking /. of the | 69 : 31. nails oe etter than 8, oes he murder the in- | 40:73, bef, O Lord, to deher me 16: 6. fallen unto me in pleasant A. | ST: 19. age Beh one with 17:12. as a young lion lurking in se- | 115: 3- Whatsoever he ha es ata cret p. 2 | 135: 6. soe Cael p. that di 18: 45. be afraid out of their close Z. | ; 95s GhAGRE Hast soe eee 74: 20. the dark JZ. of the earth are full | 5* 4- 10 ee : : Be th = : : oS pie Oe? aire all f ef Te 35: 27. which hath #. in the prosperity Bere at ok : bgt eee te 51: 18. do good in thy good Z. 105: 41. in the dry Z. like a river APE hy Means eae 109: 10. also out of their desolate J. ea Crate gro: & 2. WI SRS ered ects 4 103: 21. ministers of his that do his A, ie sas ane alt ge 4 | 105: 22. his princes at his 2. ; 141: 6. are overthrown in stony Z. | erp tras alleen havewetherem PLACED. | 147: 10. not f. in the legs of a man 78: 60. tent which he g. among men | 11. taketh J. in them that fear PLAGUE. (noun). | 149: 4. the Lord taketh Z. in his people gi: 10. neither shall any Z. come nigh | Fee pees a 106: 29. the Z. brake in upon them | 16: 11. at thy right hand there are . 30. so the Z. was stayed CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. ee 89 : 23. J. them that hate him | 73: 5. neither are they J. like other | 107: 37. sow the fields and Z. vineyards | P { 36: 8. drink of the river of thy Z. PLE PLAGUE. (verb). PLAGUED. . 14. all the day long have I been p- PLAIN. : 11. lead me in a Z. path PLANT. (verb). ANTED. LitPLE CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. POW TO3 = 6. TO) 17: S13 25 37.2 1 120): 3. 25: 15- 80: 12. TAO 5! 3: 106: 3 84: 6. 9: 18 1673 8 9 9 Io 14 aS 5 T4 5-0: a4 20: 29 JO* 720 5 3. PLENTEOUS. 68: 9. didst send a J. rain 86:5. Z. in mercy unto all them that l cal 15. Z. in mercy and truth slow to anger, and Z. in mercy with him is p. redemption PLENTIFULLY. . £. rewardeth the proud doer PLOTTETH. 2. the wicked Z. against the just PLOWED. plowers Z. upon my back PLOWERS. the Z. plow ed upon my back PUCK, he shall Z. my feet out of the net 52:5. g. thee out of thy dwelling-place 74:11. Z. it out of thy bosom pass by a way, do Z. her OISON. 58: 4. their 2 is ‘like the A. of a serpent adder’s Z. is under their lips POLISHED. 144: 12. f. after the similitude of a palace POs BD: . the land was e with blood POOE the rain also filleth the 2. POOR. . expectation of the JZ. shall not perish . in his pride doth persecute the Z. . eyes are privily set against the J. . he lieth in wait to catch the A. . he doth catch the Z. when he draweth . that the A. may fall by his strong . the Z. committeth himself unto thee for the Oppression of the Z., for the sighing ye have “shamed the counsel of the p this A. man cried and the Lord heard 35: 10. deliverest the Z. from him that is too ro. yea, the Z. and the needy from | him 37: 14. to cast down the J. and needy 40: 17. | am Z. and needy, yet the Lord 41:1. blessed is he that considereth the A. 49:2. high and low, rich and 4, together 68: 10. of thy goodness for the Z. 69: 29. 1 am /. and sorrowful the Lord heareth the 4. 70:5. lam Z. and needy ; make haste 72:2. and thy Z. with judgment 4. judge the J. of the people ee the Z. also, and him that hath no 13. Spare the Z. and needy 59 74:19. the congregation of thy J. forever | EEZ 74:21. let the J. and needy praise 82: 3. defend the Z. and fatherless a deliver the Z. and needy 86: 1. for 1am J. and needy eo 4. setteth he the Z. on high 109: 16. persecuted the Z. and needy man 22. 1am JZ. and needy 31. at the right hand of the J. 112: 9. he hath given to the J. 113: 7. he raiseth up the /. out of the 132: 15. Satisfy her Z. with bread 140: 12. the afflicted, and the right of the PORTION. 11: 6, this shall be the J. of their cup 16:5. the Lord is the Z. of mine in- 63: | 73: TL}: TAZ: I39: heritance : 14. which have their Z. in this life 1o. they shall be a Z. for foxes 26. and my Z. forever 57. thou art my Z., O Lord 5. my refuge and my Z. in the land POSSESSED. 13. thou hast Z. my reins POSSESSION. 2:8. parts of the earth for thy J. SO 68 : 81 [22 5 LS) 13° 107: 21: 22: | 37 49: : 3. in Z. by their own sword 9: 35. and have it in J. : 12, the houses of God in #. POSTERITY. : 13. yet their 4. approve their say- ings : 13. hisZ. be cut off POTS. g. before your Z. can feel the thorns 13. ye have lain among the A. : 6. hands were delivered from the J. POTSHERD. I5. my Strength is dried up likea/, POT TERS. :g- dash them in pieces like a f’s vessel POUR. : 4. IZ. out my soul in me : 8. ye people, Z. out your heart : 24. £. out thine indignation 76, 2. out thy wrath upon the heathen POURED 72. grace ae into ane lips PE JURED oxz. : 14. Lam J. out like water : 17. the clouds Z. ow¢ water POURETH. 8. he Z. out of the same 40. £. contempt upon princes POWER. 13- so will we sing and praise thy J. 20. my darling from the p. of the dog 7:35. Lhaveseen the wicked in great J. 15. from the J. of the grave : IZ. scatter them by thy 2. 16. I will sing of thy 2POW CONCO RDANCE TO THE PSALMS. PRA 62:11. that 4. belongeth unto God 18:49. and sing #. unto thy name 63 : 2. to see thy A. and thy glory 22:3. inhabitest the &. of Israel 65:6. being girded with Dp. 27:6. I will sing, yea, I will sing 2, 66: 3. through the greatness of thy 4. 47: 6. sing Z, to God, sing ZA. 7. he ruleth by his A. forever 6. sing A. unto our king, sing Z, 68: 35. he that giveth strength and p. 7. sing ye Z. with understanding 71:18. thy 4. unto every one that is 56: 12. I will render #. unto thee 78: 26. by his A. he brought in the | 68: 4: sing Z. to his name 79: 11. the greatness of thy Z. preserve 32. O sing Z. unto the Lord 90: 11. knoweth the 4. of thine anger | 75:9. sing Z. to the God of Jacob 106: 8. mighty J. to be known | 78:4. the 2. of the Lord and his IIo: 3. willing in the day of thy 2. strength tir: 6, his people, the A. of his works | g2: 1. to sing Z. unto thy name 145: 11. thy kingdom, and talk of thy A. | 108: 3- I will sing Z. unto thee among 147: 5. great is our Lord, and of great Z. | 135: 3. sing Z. unto his name 150: 1. praise him in the firmament of | 146: 2. sing Z. unto my God is 2. | 147: 1. it is good to sing Z. unto our POWERFUL. | 149: 6. let the high Bb. of God be 29: 4. the voice of the Lord is J. PRAISE. (verb), PRACTISE, 21: 13. So will wesing and 4, thy power 141: 4. to Z. wicked works with men | 22: 26, they shall 4. the Lord that seek PRAISE. (noun). | 30:9. shall the dust Z. thee ? 7:17. sing Z. to the name of the Lord | 44:8. and é. thy name forever 9: 2. will sing Z. to thy name, O thou | 45: 17. therefore shall the people Z. thee 14. that I may show forth all thy Z. 49:18. men will J. thee, when thou 22:25. my Z. shall be of thee in the doest great ; | 63: 3. my lips shall 4. thee 30: 12. my glory may sing 4. to thee | 5- my mcuth shall Z. thee with 33:1. f. is comely for the upright | 67: 3. let the people 4. thee, O God, 5. 34:1. his Z. shall continually be in my | 3. let all the people ?.-thee, 5. 35: 28. and of thy Z. all the day long " | 69: 30. #. the name of God with 4 40: 3. even Z. unto our God | 72: 14. yet J. thee, more and more 42:4. with the voice of joy and 4, | 74: 21. poor and needy Z, thy name 48: 10, thy Z. unto the ends of the earth | 76: 10. wrath of man shall . thee 50: 23. whoso offereth J. glorifieth me | 88: to. dead arise and Z. thee 51: 15. mouth shall show forth thy Z. | 89:5. heavens shall p. thy wonders 57: 7. I will sing and give 2. | 99: 3. let them p. thy great and terrible 61: 8. so will J sing Z. unto thy name | |. 113: 1. A,ithe nameeet the Lord, 148: 65:1. 2. waiteth Yor thee, O God 1. Z., O ye servants of the Lord 66:2. make his Z. glorious | 115: 17. the dead Z. not the Lord 8. make the voice of his p. to be | 119: 164. seven times a day do I Z. thee 71:6. my Z. shall be contin ually of 175. let my soul live, and it shall 8. mouth be filled with thy 2. p. thee 79 : 13. will show forth thy J. to all 135: 1. Z. ye the name of the Lord 98: 4. rejoice and sing A. 138: 2. Z. thy name for thy loving- 100: 4. into his courts with Z. kindness 102: 21. his Z. in Jerusalem 4. kings of the earth shall p. thee 104 : 33. sing Z. to my God while I have 142: 7. that I may Z. thy name 106 : 2. show forth all his /, 145: 2. Z. thy name forever and ever 12. they sang his ie 47. and to triumph in thy J, 4. shall Z. thy works to another to, all thy works shall 4. thee 108: x. will sing and give Z, 147: 12. Z. thy God, O Zion 109: 1. O God of my 2. 148: 5. let them 4. the name of the rir: 10. his A. endureth forever Lord, 13. _ 11g: 171. my lips shall utter /. 149: 3. . his name in the dance 138: 1. will I sing p. unto thee 150: 1. Z. God in his sanctuary 145: 21. speak the J. of the Lord / will, or will J PRALIS Hi 147: 1. pleasant, and 4, is comely | 7:47. £ wzdd p. the Lord according to . Sing Z. upon the harp his 148: a the ZB of all his saints | 9: x. oe f thee, O Lord, with my ; is #. in the congregation of whole eae | PRAISES. See ae: | 22:22. midst of the congregation w7d7Z : ing Z. to the Lord which dwell- | lp. thee 7 a. ee | 28:7. with my song w7zdl I p. him 11335: 43: 52: 54: 56.: D7 * 71: 86: PRA a 108 : 109: rrr 2 r18: TIG)s 138: 139: 146: 2 Lo. 2 Will Dp, people thee among much ce CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. PRE 7. p. the L. from the earth T50% A every thing that hath breath, D. the ls. 4. upon the harp wzd/ J p. thee 9. 7 will p. thee forever, because PRAISE ye the Lord. 6. 7 wll p. thy name, O Lord 104: 95. 2. vetxe Lova.1052 45, 100: 1 4. in God J wrdl f. his word, ro, 40, Tere ee ie oT tr o. in the Lord wzé/ / Z. his word Q: 115 < 16, 2110" TU7a2 2 g. J will p, thee, O Lord, among 135: I, 20; ae : iy 20. 148: 22. f will also fp. thee with the » TAs “4Qs 0470: 150: TO; psaltery L455 i. 2. ee the ee beni the heavens 12. J will p. thee, O Lord my God PRAISED. 3. J will p. thee, O Lord, among | 18: 3. the Lord, who is worthy to be /. 30. J w7l/ ~. him among the 48: 1. great is the Lord, and greatly to 1.i will p. the Lord with my Cuz whole 72:15. daily shall he be #. 19. and J wzd7 p. the Lord 96: 4. great, and greatly to be Z. a1. f will p. thee, for thou hast | 113: 3. Lord’s name is to be 2; heard 28. my God, and / w7d7 f. thee 7. 1 will p. thee with uprightness 1. J wild p. thee with my whole 14. / will p. thee, for I am fear- fully . while I live, wz/7 7 Z. the Lord 84: 5: 114 4. TAG ot arcat is the Lord, and greatly to ° PRAISING. they will be still 2. thee PRAY. 2. for unto thee will I A. 32: 6. godly JZ. unto thee in a time PRAISE him, or PRAISE ye him. | 55:17. at noon will I Z. and cry aloud 2:23. ye that fear the Lord, p. 7m | x19: 76. let, T"p, thee, thy merciful as 75, 1 Shall yet J. £7297 for the help | kindness it, pe 2 ee who is the health, | 122: 6. g. for the peace of Jerusalem | PRAYER Go: 34. ee She heaven andearth 2. kim|,. : ; ; i ae 107: 32. f. zm in the assembly of the | ne i, have Zee Upon THe, Bad eat a) oe Hin eacoble | 5:3 ‘ Me : Curse Ds unto a : a8 g. the Lord will receive my 135:1. ~. him, O ye servants of the | 17:1. give ear unto my 4, that goeth not oe pene. 35-19. IY 7) Eee into mine own 148: 1. Zp. ie in t ‘ eents 39% 12, Near my A, O Lord, and give ear si e — i ‘ll hie fee a 42: 8. ed unto Hie aon of my life 3. p. ye Aim, sun and moon gue a ie eat rene O God 3. 2. Aim, all ye stars of light Road Attend unto my 2. 4. p. him, eos of neyo | 64: 1. hear my voice, O God, in my #. rie 4 min the iemament of Ms | 65:2, O thou dat heaest : g : = : «. ALE 2 £0. L : 2. Age according to his excel- = TOL tirneleaey dee my 2 sabe with ie pesnety ana | 2! SOP ERT FN i 3. DP. ea Bie meatal Aa. 80: 4. against the ps. of thy people 4. 2 2 a | | ee 8. Lord God of hosts, hear my /. 4.2 ‘him with stringed instru- ;BO > give Cate ee unto ye: sre ge | 88 2. oe my 2. come before thee 5. 2. Azm upon the loud cymbals | sont Te ee ee e 5: oe a the high-sounding | 17. the Z. of the destitute y , 17. not despise their A. B32 2. P: Ben anaes os ; an a unto p. A ae th 7. let his g. become sin nO ie a en eC created Ht id 141: 2. letmy 4. beset forth before thee 107: ee ee nee would J. the 5. my Z. also shall be in their 73 : : p. vor IOQ : 30. greatly p. the L. with my | Hig 25 eee me ? ne Eom t17:%. OD. the 7.,all'ye nations PRAYERS. 135: 3. p. the L., for the Lord is good | 72 20 the Z. of David the son of Jesse 46° 1, pf, 142 L., O my soul PREACHED. 147: 12. 2. the L., O Jerusalem 40:9. I have Z. righteousness in theCONCORDANCE TO, RHE PSALMS PRE ee ee PRECEPTS. 5:2. come before his ith thank 119: 4. to keep thy Z. diligently : giving ee es 15. I will meditate in thy J. and | 97: 5. like wax at the JZ. of the Lord ave 5. at the J. of the Lord of the whole 27. make me understand the way earth of thy A. f00: 2. come before his A. with singing 40. I have longed after thy 2. 114: 7. thou earth, at the A. of the Lord 45. for I seek thy J. 116: 14. in the J. of all his people, 18. 56. because I kept thy A. 139: 7. Shall [ flee from thy /. i 63. of them that keep thy 2. 140: 13. upright shall dwell in thy 2. Hy 69. keep thy Z. with my whole heart PRESENT. (adj.) | 78. I will meditate in thy 4, 46:1. avery Z. help in trouble oS 87. but I forsook not thy A. PRESENTS. eS 3- I will never forget thy 4. 68: 29. kings bring Z. unto thee 94. save me, for | have sought thy ¢. | 72: 10. of the isles shall bring J. too. because I keep thy £4. | 76: 11. bring Z. unto him that ought 4| : fee RO : 104. tare ugh thy 2. I get under- PRESERVE. standing | 16: xz. Z. me, O God, for in thee do I 110. yet I erred not from thy 4. | e put my 128. [ esteem all thy 4. concerning | 25:21. let integrity and uprightness 134. So will I keep thy g. 2. me 159. consider how I love thy J. : | 32: 7. thou shalt Z. me from trouble 168. kept thy 4. and thy testimonies | 40: 11. thy truth continually . me 173. for I have chosen thy Z. | 41: 2. the Lord will A. him PRECIOUS. : | Or: 7. mercy and truth which may 4. him 49: 8. the redemption of their soul is J. | 64: 1. 2. my life from fear of the enemy 72:14. p. shall their blood be é | 79: 1r. J. thou those that are appointed 116: 15. Z. in the sight of the Lord is the | 86: 2. #. my soul, for I am holy 126: 6. weepeth, bearing Z. seed 121: 7. shall J. thee from all evil 133: 2. like the Z. ointment upon 7. he shall Z. thy soul 139: 17. how ¢. also are thy thoughts 8. shall 2. thy going out and thy PREFER: 140: 1. Z. me from the violent man, 4, 137: 6. if IZ. not Jerusalem above PRESERVED. PREPARE. | 37: 28. they are Z. forever to: 17. thou wilt J. their heart PRESERVEST. 61:7. Op. merey and truth PRESERVETH. 59: 4. they run and Z. themselves 36: 6. O Lord, thou Z. man and beast : 107 : 36. that they may Z. a city for | 31: 23. the Lord @. the faithful oS PREPARED. | 97: 10. . the souls of his saints 7:13. he hath also Z. for him the in-| 116: 6. the Lord J. the simple struments | 145: 20. the Lord /. all them that love 9:7. he hath Z. his throne for judgment | 146: 9. the Lord Pf. the strangers 57: 6. they have Z. a net for my steps | PRESSE oe 68 : 10. hast Z. of thy goodness for the | 38: 2. thy hand Z. me sore poor PRESUMPTUOUS. _ 74: 16. hast Z. the light and the sun | 19: 13. thy servant also from J, sins 103: 19. the Lord hath g. histhrone | : PREVAIL, PREPAREDST. | 9: 19. arise, O Lord, let not man J, 80: 9. Z. room before it 12:4. with our tongue will we J. Pit PARES... 65: 3. Iniquities Z. against me 23:5. thou Z. a table before me PREVAILED. 65: 9. thou Z. them corn, when thou 13: 4. I have J. against him PREPARETH. 129: 2. they have not #. against me 147: 8. who Z. rain for the earth PREVENT. PRESENCE, | 59: 10. the God of my mercy shall f. me 9g: 3. shall fall and perish pee! De | 79: 8. ee av speedy? ree 6: 11. in thy J. is fulness of joy | 119: 148. mine eyes /. the night watches 23 2. my ee come forth from PREV EN PED: thy 2. | 18: 5. the snares of death J. me 23:5. in the J. of mine enemies 18. they #. me in the day of my 31: 20. hide them in the secret of thyZ, | 119: 147. I A. the dawning of the morn- Sr : II. Cast me not away from thy 2. ing | anne 68: 2. perish at the Z. of God fea a “yes 8. dropped at the g. of God 21; 3. thou fs. him with the blessings EESPRE CONCORDANCE. T0-THE- PSALIZS. PRO PREY, 17: 12. like asa lion that is greedy of ; his p. 76: a exce!lent than the mountains of Z. . lions roar after th 104 : 1eir 2p. 524°: 6. ‘not given us as a J. to their PRICE. Ad = ED; increase thy w ealth by their Z. -RICKED. 73: 21. I was f. in my reins PRIDE. ro: 2. the oo in his Z. doth perse- cute wicked, through the £Z. of his countenance 4. 31: 20. thy presence, from the Z. of man 36: 11. let not the foot of Z. come against 59:12. let them even be taken in theirZ, 73:6. therefore . compasseth them PRIEST, 110: 4. thou art a A. forever after the ERIESTS. 78: 64. their Z. fell by the sword 99: 6. Moses and Aaron among his £. 132: 9. let thy e be clothed with 16. clothe her p. with salvation PRINCES. a5 a make #. in all the earth 47 the A. of the people are gathered 68 : ae the Z. of Judah and theircowncil | 27. ~. of Zebulun and the J. of | Naphtali 31. 2. shall come out of Egypt 76: 12. cut off the spirit of A. 82: 7. fall like one of the Z. 83: 11. all their J. as Zebah 105 : 22. bind his /. at his pleasure 107: 40. poureth contempt upon /. 113: 8. may set him with pe even with a even with the /. of his people 118 ee to put confidence in Z. 119: o p.also did sit and speak against 161. #. have persecuted me “with- outa 146: 3. put not your trust in Pe 148: 11. Z. and all judges of the earth PRISON. 142: 7. bring my soul out of 2, PRISONER. 79 . let the sighing of the Z. come 102 : 20. to hear the groaning of the Z. PRISONERS. 69 : 33. despiseth not his Z. 146: 7. the Lord looseth the A. e oe VILY. 10; G&. Gves are p. set sen the poor 11:2. that they may Z. shoot at the upright 31: 4. that they have laid Z. for me 64: 5. commune of laying snares A. ror: 5. whoso A. slandereth his neighbor 142: 3. Z. laid a snare for me PROFANED. 89: 39. thou hast Z. his crown, by 116 PROELE, 30:9. what Z. is there in my blood PROLONG. 61: 6. wilt Z. the king’s life PROMISE. 8. doth his Z. fail forevermore ? 42. remembered his holy £. PROMOTION. 6. £. cometh neither from the east PROPHET-S. g. there is no more any J. 15. do my f-s no harm. PROSPER. : 12. who Z. in the world : 6. they shall Z. that love thee PROSPERETH. 77° LOS : 75° 74: 105: 37:7. because of him who 4. in his way PROSPEEH RA dsy- 30: 6. in my /. I said I shall never 35: 27. pleasure in the J. of his servant 73: 3. saw the A. of the wicked 118: 25. I beseech thee, send now J, 122: 7. £. within thy palaces PROSPEROUSLY- 45:4. in thy majesty ride Z. because of PROUD. 1223. the tongue that speaketh Z. things Gx = Ge 3. plentifully rewardeth the Z. doer 40: - respecteth not the #. nor such as 86: 14. the Z. are risen against me 94: 2. render a reward to the J. | ror: 5. a Z. heart, will not I suffer 119: 21. thou hast rebuked the J, that are Bis ee have had me greatly in 69. the Z. have forged a lie against 78. fee the A. be ashamed, for they 85. the Z. have digged pits for me 122. let not the Z. oppress me 123: 4. andwith the contempt of the 2. 124: 5. then the J. waters had gone over 138: 6. the Z. he knoweth afar off 140: 5. the Z. have hid a snare for me PROUDLY. 17: 10. with their mouth they speak Z. 31:18. which speak grievous things p. and PROVE. 26:2. examine me, O Lord, and Z. me PROVED. 17: 3. thou hast Z. mine heart, thou hast 66: 10. thou, O God, hast Z. us 81:7. If. thee at the waters of 95:9. 2. me and saw my work PROVERB. 69 I became a A. to them PROVIDE. 78 : 20. can he Z. flesh for his people? PROVIDED. 65:9. when thou hast so A. for it PROVISION. 132: 15. abundantly bless her A. PROVOCATION. 95:8. as in the J. and as in the dayPRO CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. PROVOKE. 78: 40. Z. him in the wilderness PROVOKED, 78:56. they tempted and Z. the most 58. they Z. him to anger 7. they Z. him at the sea, even at 29- thus they 4. him to anger 3. because they Z. his Spirit 43. they Z. him with their counsel 106: PURSUE. ee | 34:14. seek peace and Dit PURSUED. 18: 37. I have s. mine enemies PUSH down. 44:5. through thee will we ZB. ad. our enemies PUT: PUE PROVOKING. derness PSALM. 81:2. takea J. and bring hither 98: 5. and the voice of a Dp. PSALMS. 95:2. joyful noise unto him with ps I05: 2. sing Z. unto him 2 J : PSALTERY. 3: 2. Sing unto him with the JZ, 57: 8. awake, Z. and harp hast Z. gladness in my heart 4:7. 78:17. byp. the Most High in the wil- | 8: 6. hast J. all things under his feet | 9 : 5. thou hast Z. out their name forever o. f. them in fear, O Lord, that the nations | 18: 22. I did not J. away his statutes | 27:9. 2. not thy servant away in anger | 30: 11. hast Z. off my sackcloth 31: 18. let the lying lips be #. to silence | 40:3. he hath Z. a new song in my mouth 2 55:20. he hath J. forth his hands | 1 5 81:2. pleasant harp with the A. | 70: 2. turned backward and p. to con- 3. | 71: 22. praise thee with the J. | 56: 8 A. thou my tears into thy bottle 92 : 3. tem strings, and upon the 4, fusion : 108 : 2. awake, Z. and harp 71: 1, let me never be J. to confusion I44:9. upon a Z. and an instrument | 78 150: 3. praise him with the Js. and harp | 88 PUBLISH. 26:7. that I may JZ. with the voice PUBLISHED. : 66. Z. them to a perpetual reproach : 8. hast J. away mine acquaintance 18. lover and friend hast thou A. far 118: 8. than to J. confidence in man g. than to g. confidence in princes 68: 11. the company of those that J. it | 125: 3. righteous Z. forth their hands PUFFETH 10: 5. all his enemies, he A. at them 12:5. in safety from him that Z. at him | 35 a 4 hu 31:4. f. me out of the net that they have | 40: PUNISHMENTS. 44 149: 7. and Z. upon the people PURCHASED, 5: 53 : 2. congregation which thou hast #. | 82: 74 greg ; 3 unto PUT to shame. :4. let them be confounded and Dp. l0'S: 14. £. to s. that wish me evil : 7. hast Z. them Zo s. that hated us g. cast off and Z. us Zo s. : 5. thou hast Z. them Zo s. 17. let them be JZ, zo s. and perish of old 119: 31. O Lord, J. me not Zo s, 78: 54. his right hand had 4, Pert. = 12:6, the words of the Lord are J. words 4 18: 26. with the Z. thou wilt show thy- 5 self 2. 7 19: 8. the commandment of the Lord 9 Is 2. 21:3. acrown of Z. gold on his head 24: 4. Clean hands and a Z. heart I1g: 140. word is very Z., therefore thy servant PURGE. 56: aL: 73: 146 65: 3. Our transgressions, thou shalt Z. them : : 79:9. ~. away our sins, for thy name’s sake PURIFIED. : 12:6. a furnace of earth, A. seven times PURPOSED. 17:3. lam. that my mouth shall not 140: 4. J. to overthrow my goings 119 EG: 75: 25s i. 51: 7. . me with hyssop and I shall be | 36: | PUT with ¢rusz. : 12. blessed are all they that J. their z, : 5. g. your #. in the Lord : 11. those that Z. their ¢. in thee : 1, Lord my God, in thee do Z. my ¢. 9: 10. know thy name, will Z. their 7. : 1. in the Lord Z, I my ¢. how say ye : 1. for in thee do I Z. my Zz. : 7. by thy right hand, them which pf. ther ze 20. IZ. my ?¢. in thee tT. in thee, O Lord, do |Z. my & 7. the children of men Z. their ¢. 4. in God I have JZ. my 2, 11. rt. in thee, O Lord, do IZ. my 2. 28. I have J. my z. in the Lord God > 3. g. not your #. in princes RULLEST: : 119. thou fs. away all the wicked of PUT PET Ee 5. he that Z. not out his money to 7. he g. down one and setteth up 117QUA CONCORDANCE TO: THE PSALMS: REA ©). é QUAILS. 105 : 40. asked and he brought ¢. QUEEN. 45:9. did stand the g. in gold of Ophir QUENCH. 104: 11. wild asses g. their thirst QUENCHED. 118: 12. g. as the fire of thorns QUICK 55:15. let them go down g. into hell 124: 3. had swallowed us up ¢. QUICKEN. 71: 20. shalt g. me again, and shalt 80: 18. g. us, and we will call upon 11g: 25. g. thou me according to thy 37. g. thou me in thy way 40. g. me in thy righteousness 88. g. meafter thy loving-kindness 107. g. me according unto thy word 149. O Lord, g. me according to thy 154. g. me according to thy word 156. g. me according to thy judg- ments 159. g. me, O Lord, according to thy loving-kindness QUICKENED. 119: 50. for thy word hath g. me 93. with them thou hast g. me OULE'E: 35: 20. against them that are g. in the land 107 : 30. glad because they be ¢. QUIETED. 131: 2. have behaved and g. myself QUIVER. 127: 5. the man that hath his g. full R, RACE. 19: 5. rejoiceth as a strong man to run RAGE. 7:6. because of the ~. of mine enemies RAGE. ° (verb). 2:1. why do the heathen ~. and the people RAGED. 46:6. the heathen ~., the kingdoms were RAGING. 89: 9. rulest the ~. of the sea RAHAB. 87: 4. make mention of &. 89: 10. thou hast broken &. in pieces RAIMENT. 45:14. unto the king in ». of needle- work RAIN. (noun). 68: 9. didst send a plenteous ~. 118 72:6. like ~. upon the mown grass 84:6. the x. also filleth the pools 105! 32. gave them hail for ~. 135: 7- he maketh lightnings for the ~ 147: 8. prepareth ~. for the earth RAIN. (verb). 11:6. upon the wicked he shall ~. snares RAINED. 78: 24. ~. down manna upon them 27. r. flesh also upon them RAISE. 41:30. and ~. me up, that I may requite RAISETH. 107: 25. ». the stormy wind, which 113: 7. he~. up the poor out cf the dust 145: 14. 7. up all those that be bowed 146: 8. x. them that are bowed down RAMS. 66: 15. with the incense of ~. 114: 4. mountains skipped like ~. 6 . that ye skipped like 7. RAN 77:2. my sore ¢. in the night 105: 41. they ~. in the dry places like 133: 2. x. down upon the beard RANSOM. 49:7. nor give to God a». for him 137:7. 7. it, ~. it, even to the founda- tion RATHER. 52:3. lying,7. than to speak righteous- ness 84: 10. I had ~. be a door-keeper in RAVENING. 22:13. asav. and a roaring lion RAVENS. 147: 9. to the young ~. which cry RAZOR. 52:2, like a sharp 7. working deceit- fully REACHETH. 36:5. thy faithfulness 7. unto the clouds 108: 4. trust 7. unto the clouds READY. 7: 12. he hath bent his bow, and made It 7, 11:2. make ». their arrow upon the string 21:12. make ~. thine arrows upon 38:17. Iam~. to halt, and my sorrow 45:1. pen of a”. writer 86:5. good and ~. to forgive 88: 15. afflicted and ~. to die REAP. 126: 5. sow in tears, shall . in joy | REASON, | 38: 8. roared by ~. of the disquietness | 44:16. by x. of the enemy and avenger | 783 | 88s | go: 65. shouteth by ~. of wine 9g. mourneth by ~. of affliction 10, if by ». of strength, they beCONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. REI 102:5. by ~. of the voice of my groaning | 107: 2. he hath ~. from the hand REBELLED. 2. the ~. of the Lord say so 5: 10. for they have +. against thee 136: 24. hath ~. us from our enemies 105: 28. they ~. not against his word REDEEMER. 107: 11. because they 7. against the 19: 14. O Lord, my strength and my 7. words 8: he hig2 God their + 78 : 35. the his od their +, REBELLIOUS. 22 REDEEMETH. 66: 7. let not the ~. exalt themselves 34: 22. the Lord ~. thé soul of his 68: 18. yea, for the ~. also 103: 4. 7. thy life from destruction 78: 8. a stubborn and ~. generation REDEMPTION, REBUKE. 49:8. the x. of their soul is precious 18: 15. were discovered at thy ~., O| 111: 9. sent ~. unto his people Lor 130: 7. with him is plenteous ~, 76:6. at thy x., O God of Jacob REEL. 80: 16. perish at the ~. of thy counte- | 107: 27. they ~. tc and fro , and stagger nance REFRAINED 104: 7. at thy ~. they fled 40:9. lo! I have not ~. my lips REBUKES. 11g: 101. have my feet from every 39: 11. when thou with ~. dost correct REFUGE. REBUKE. (verb). 9:9. the Lord also will bea ~. for the 6:1. O Lord, ~. me not in thine anger oppressed 38: 1. O Lord, ~. me not in thy wrath 14:6, because the Lord is his +. 62: 30. r. the company of spearmen 46: x. God is our ~. and strength REBUKED. 7. the God of Jacob is our ~., 11. 9: 5. thou hast ~. the heathen 48: 3. known in her palaces for a +. He 106: 9. he x. the Red Sea also | 57: 1. make my ~. until these calamities : 119: 21. thou hast 7. the proud that are | 59: 16. my defence and 7. in the day RECEIVE. P 7. the rock of my strength, and 6:9. the Lord will ~. my prayer my 7”. 24: 5. he shall ~. the blessing from 8. God is a». for us 49: 15. for he shall ~. me | 74: 7. thou art my strong ~. 73: 24. afterward 7. me to glory gi: 2. my ~. and my fortress 75: 2. shall ~. the congregation, I will g. made the Lord, which is my ~. RECEIVED. | 94: 22. my God is the rock of my ~. 68:18. thou hast ~. gifts for men | 104: 18. a v. for the wild goats RECKONED. | 142: 4. ~. failed me; no man cared 40:5. they cannot be ~. up in order 5. thou art my ~. and my portion RECOMPENSED. | SED. 18 : 20. of my hands hath he ry. me | 77: 2. my soul ~. to be comforted 24. therefore hath the Lord >. me | 78: 10. 7. to walk in his law RECOVER. | 67. moreover he ~. the tabernacle is 39 : 13. spare me, that I may~. strength | 118: 22. stone which the builders ~. RED. REGARD-ED. 75:8. there is a cup, and the wine is ~. | 28: 5. they ~. not the works of the | 106: 7. at the sea, even at the #. sea Lord : a g. he rebuked the #. sea also 31: 6. hated them that ~. lying vanities 22. terrible things by the &. sea 66: 18. if I y, iniquity in my heart 136: 13. divided the #. sea into parts 94: 7. the God of Jacob ~. it é 15. and his host in the A. sea 102: 17. x. the prayer of the destitute REDEEM. 25:22. x. Israel, O God, out of all 106: 44. he v-ed their affliction R ne aNe 26:11. ~. me, and be merciful unto me | 146: 10. the Lord shail ~. forever 44: 26. ~. us for thy mercies’ sake REIGNETH. 49: 7. by any means ~. his brother 47:8. God ry. overthe heathen 15. God will ~. my soul from 93: 1. the Lord ~., he is clothed with 69: 18. nigh unto my soul and ~. it 96: 10. among the heathen, that the 72:14. shall ~. their soul from deceit Lord 7. a 130: 8. he shall ~. Israel from all his 97: 1. the Lord ~., let the earth rejoice REDEEMED. 99: 1. the Lord ~., let the people trem- ar:-5..thou hast: me, O’ Lord God ble of truth ; REINS, 71: 23. my soul which thou hast *. 7:9. righteous God trieth .the hearts 74:2. inheritance, which thou hast », AG 7 i 77: 15. with thine arm ~, thy people 16: 7. my ~. also instruct me in the 119REJ CONCORDANCE TO'THE PSALMS: REM 2: Bie 105: 106 : 119g I4: Ye 33: 35+ 9- 107: 108: IOQ : Ti5% : 162. 149: 7: I. 2I. 26:2. try my ~. and my heart 737 20s 130s I was pricked in my ~. 13. thou hast poscsesd my 7. REJOIC rz. with fear, and ~. an trembling ae g: 2. I will be glad and ¢. 14. I will x. in thy salvation that put their trust in thee, 7, in thee 13: 4. that trouble me, 7. when I am moved 20:5. we will v7. in thy salvation 30: 1. not made my foes to ~. over me 31: 7. be glad and ~. in thy mercy 32:11. be glad in the Lord, and ~., ye righteous B65 4..7. 10 1 the L ord, O ye righteous 19. enemies wrongfully, ~. over me 24. let them not 7. over me 26. that ~. at mine hurt 38: 16. lest otherwise they should 7, over me 40: 16. ~. and be glad in thee 48: 11. let Mount Zion ~., let the 51:8. bones which thou hast broken | may 7”. 60: 6. I will x., I will divide Shechem 63: 7. shadow of thy wings will I~. 65: 8. morning and evening to. 12. hills x. on every side 66:6. there did we ~. in him 68: 3. let them exceedingly 7. 3. let them ~. before God 4. by his name JAH, and ». be- fore him 70: 4. those that seek thee ~. 71: 23. my lips shall greatly ~ 85:6. thy people may ~. in thee 86: 4. ~. the soul of thy servant 42. all his enemies to ~. go: 14. we may ~. and be glad all our days 96:11. let the heavens ~. and let the earth 12. trees of the wood ~. 97: 1. let the earth ~. 12. ¥. in the Lord, ye righteous 98: 4. 7. and sing praise B. the heart of them ~. that seek 5. may ~”. in the gladness of thy nation 42. the righteous shall see it and ~. 7. 1 will ., I will divide Shechem 28. let thy ‘servant 7. 24. we will ~. and be glad in it I y. at thy word, as one that 2. let Israel ». in him that made shalt REJOICE. 13:5. my heart s. 7. in thy salvation 129 s..~. and Israel shall be, FG. Phy salvation how greatly S. he.7. our heart s, 7. in him it s, x. in his salvation I20 ne iLO: errs | 12603 | 146: 58: 10. the righteous s. ~. when. he seeth 63: 11. the king s. 7. in God 89: 12. Tabor and Hermon s. ~. in thy name 16. in thy name shall they r. 104: 31. the Lord s. ~. in his works REJOICED. oS ae in mine adversity they ~. 97: 8. the daughters of Judah +. TXOs ss I have ~. in the way of thy REJOICETH. 16:9. my heart is glad, and my glory”. 19:5. 7. aS a Strong man to run a race REJOICiNG. 8. right, ~. the heart 15. with gladness and». shall they 22. declare his works with 7. 15. voice of x. and salvation 111. for they are the x. of my heart 6. come again with ~., bringing RELIEVETH. g. he ~. the fatherless and widow REMAIN. 7. and ~. in the wilderness REMAINDER. ro. the ~. of wrath shalt thou re~ strain REMEMBER. 3. ~. all thy offerings 7. but we will ~. the name of 27. shall ~. and turn unto the Lord 6. »., O Lord, thy tender mercies . ~. not the sins of my youth . according to thy mercy 7. thou me . when I ~. these things, I pour . therefore will I x. thee from the . when | ~. thee upon my bed vy. thy congregation, which thou ast . ~. this, that the enemy hath 22. ~. how the foolish man ro. I will x. the years of the 11. I will ~. the works of the Lord rr. I will ~. thy wonders of old 8. Oy. not against us former 47. 7. how short my time is 50. ~., Lord, the reproach of thy IQ; 45: TQ; 55: 76; 20: mes 25: 42: 74: 77° 79: 89 : TOs 10. that 7. his commandments to do 105: 5. ”. his marvellous works 106: 4. ~. me, O Lord, with the favor 119: 49. 7. the word unto thy servant 132: 1. Lord, 7. David and all his 137: 6. if I do not ~. thee, let my 7. 7., O Lord, the children . of Edom 143:.5. I x. the days of old REMEMBERED. 45: 17. thy name to be 7. in all 77:3. I ~. God and was troubled 78: 35. they ~, that God was their rock 39. he 7, that they were but flesh 42, they ~. not his handREM 98: 3. he hath ». his mercy and 105: 8. ms vr. his covenant forever 42. x. his holy promise 106 : 7. ike y. not the multitude 45. x. for them his covenant 10g: 14. of his fathers be ~. with the Lord 16. 7. not to show mercy III: 4. wonderful works to be ~. 11g: 52. I x. thy judgments of old 55. I have x. thy name, O Lord 136: 23. who ~. us in our low estate 137: I. wept when we ~. Zion REMEMBEREST: 88:5. whom thou ~ no more REMEMBERETH. CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. | 9: 12. inquisition for blood, he x. them 3:14. he x. that we are dust REMEMBRANCE. 6:5. in death there is no ~. of thee 30: 4. give thanks at the ~. of his 34: 16. the ~. of them from the earth 77: 6. I call to y. my song in the night 83: 4. may be no more in ». 97: 12. at the ~. of his holiness’ 102: 12. thy ~. unto all generations 112: 6. righteous shall be in everlast- ing 7. REMOVE. 36: 11. let not the hand of the wicked 73 mae 39: 10. x. thy stroke away from me 119: 22. ~. from me reproach and con- tempt 11g: 29. ~. from me the way of lying REMOVED. 4G 2; though the earth be~. 81: 6. I~. his shoulder from the burden 103: 12. ~. our transgressions from us 104: 5. that it should not be ~. forever 125: 1. Mount Zion, which cannot be~. RENDER. 28:4. ~. to them their desert 38: 20. they also that v. evil for good 56: 12. I will x. praises unto thee 79:12. y. unto our neighbors seven-fold | 94:2. x. areward to the proud 116: 12. what shall I ~. unto the Lord RENDEREST. 62:12. thou to ~. every man according RENDING. 7:2. like a lion, A it in pieces RENEW. 10. 7a aa spirit within me Si: RENEWED. 103°: 5. 7. like the e agle’ S RENEWEST. 104: 30. thou ~. the face of the earth REPENR ..... go: 13. let it ~. thee concerning thy rzo: 4. hath sworn, and will not 7. 135: 14. 7. himself concerning his serv- ants | | | | | | [503 oe not *. REO REPENTED. r. according to the multitude REP! ROACH. (noun). LOO 45. I5:3. nor taketh upa~. against 22:6. av. of men and despised of 31: 12. I was a ~, among all mine | 39: 8. make me not the >. of the foolish | 44: 13. makest usa ~. to our neighbors 57: 3. save me from the +. of him that 69: 7. for thy sake I h rave borne 7. ro, that was to my +. 19 thou hast known my ». 20. y. hath hroken my heart 71: 13. covered with x. and dishonor 78: 66. put them toa perueruel 7 79:4. a7. to our neighbors 12. into their bosom, their 7. 89: 41. he isa 7. to his neighbors 50. remember, Lord, the 7. of thy servants 50. the ~. of all the mighty people TOO 2 25.) became also ay. unto them IIg: 22. remove from me ~. and con- tempt 39. turn away my ~. which I fear REPROACHES. 69:9. the x. of them that reproached thee REPROACH. (verb). 42:10. mine enemies 7. me, while they 74: 10. how long shall the adversary Ts Ioz: 8. mine enemies ~. me all the day REPROACHED. 55: 12. not an enemy that7- ime 69 : 9. reproaches of them that ~. thee 74: 18. the enemy hath ~., O Lord, and 79: 12. wherewith they have rv. thee 89: 51. thine enemies have v., O Lord 51.7. the footsteps of thine anointed REPROACHETH. 44:16. the voice of him that 7: 74: 22. foolish man ~. thee daily 119: 42. wherewith to answer him that», REPROOES. 38: 14. in whose mouth are no 7. REPROVE. thee for thy sacrifices . but I will x. thee eg set Tee : ie let him ~. me, it shall be REPROVED. 105: 14. he x. kings for their sakes REQUEST. 21:2. not withholden the ~. of his lips 106: 15. gave them their ~., but sent REQUIRE. | 16's. Fs. Sa a in his heart, thou wilt not ‘REQUIRED. | 40: 6. sin-offering hast thou not 7, 137 : 3. away captive, 7. of us a song 3. %. Ol us mirth, saying, sing us REQUITE. IO! 14G beholdest mischief and spite, to: 7. 16 I2IRES CONCORDANCE TO'THE PSALMS. RIG 41: 10. raise me up that I may ~. them REVENGING. RESCUE. 79: 10. by the ~. of the blood of thy 35:17. 7. my soul from their destruc- REVERENCE. tions 89: 7. to be had in ~. of all them RESORT REVEREND. 71:3. whereunto I may continually +. 1: 9. holy and ~. is his name RESPECT REVIVE. 74:20. have y. unto the covenant 85: 6. wilt thou not ~. us again ? 119: 6. Thave~. unto all thy command- | 138: 7. thou wilt ~. me ments REWARD. (noun). 15. and have ~. unto thy ways 15:5. nortaketh~. against the innocent 117. I will have ~. unto thy statutes | 19: 11. in keeping of them there is 138: 6. yet hath he ~. unto the lowly great 7. RESPECTETH 40: 15. let them be desolate for a ~. of 40:4. 7. not the proud, nor such as their RED L. (noun). 58: 11. there is a ~. for the righteous 17:14, the ~. of their substance to | 70:3. turned back for a ~. of their their babes shame 38:3. neither is there any ~. in my | gr: 8. see the ~. of the wicked bones 94: 2. render a 7. to the proud 55: 6. then would I fly away, and beat ~. | 109: 20. the x. of mime adversaries 94:13. ~. from the days of adversity 127: 3. fruit of the womb Is his ~. 95: 11. they should not enter into my x REWARD. (verb). 116: 7. return unto thy x.,O mysoul | 54:5. heshall x. evil unto mine %32-5. arise, O Lord, into thy 7. REWARDED. 14. this 1s my ~. forever 7:4. if I have~. evil unto him that was REST, (verb): 18: 20, the Lord ~. me according to my 16: 9. my flesh also shall ~. in hope 35:12. they ~. me evil for good 37: 7. x. in the Lord, and wait patiently | 103: 10. nor ~, us according to our 125: 3. shall not ~. upon the lot of the | 109: 5. have ~. me evil for good righteous REWARDETH. RESTORE-D. 31: 23. plentifully ~. the proud doer 51:12. ~. unto me the joy of thy sal- | 137: 8. he be that ~. thee as thou hast vation | RICH. 69: 4. I v-d that which I took not away | 45: 12. even the ~. among the people RESTORETH. 149: 2. low and high, ~. and poor to- 23:3. he z. my soul; he leadeth me in gether RESTRAIN. 16. afraid when one is made ~. 76: 10, remainder of wrath shalt thou ~. RICHES. RETURN. 37:16. better than the v. of many 6:4. ~., O Lord, deliver my soul wicked 10. let them . and be ashamed sud- | 39:6. he heapeth up ~. and knoweth denly 49: 6. in the multitude of their 7. 7:7. for their sakes, therefore yr. thou | 52: 7. in the abundance of his 7. on high 62: 10. if ~. increase, set not your heart 16. mischief shall 7. upon his own | 73: 12. they increase in 7. head 104: 24. the earth is full of thy ~. 59:6. they 7. at evening; they make a | 112: 3. wealth and ~. shall be in his 14. at evening let them 7. 119: 14. as much as in all” 73: 10. therefore his people ». hither RID. 74: 21. not the oppressed 7. ashamed 82:4. ~. them out of the hand of the 80:14. ~., we beseech thee, O God of wicked hosts | 144: 7. 7 me and deliver me, 11. 50.3: rss ye children of men. RIDE. 13. ~., O Lord, how long? | 45:4. in thy majesty 7. prosperously 04:15 ithe shall 7 unto right- | | 66: 12. thou hast caused men to 7. eousness RIDET EH. 104: 29. and ~. to their dust 68:4. that ». upon the heavens 116: 7. ~. unto thy rest, O my soul RETURNED. Aa 7. nto mine own bosom . they 7, and enquired early after RETURNETH. 146: 4. he. to his earth I22 35: 70 « | | 33. to him that 7, upon the heavens RIDGES. | 65: 10. waterest the 7. thereof RIGHT. g: 4. thou satest in the throne, judg- ing *.RIG 9: 4. hast maintained my ~. and my cause 17: t. hear the x ,O Lord, attend unto 19: 8. the statutes of the Lord are +. 33: 4. the word of the Lord is ». 45:6. sceptre of thy kingdom is a ~. sceptre 46:5. help her, and that ~. early 51: 10. renew a”. spirit within me 78: 27. their heart was not ~. with him 107: 7. led them forth by the ~. way 119: 75. thy judgments are ~. and that thou 128. precepts concerning all things to be x. 139: 14. soul knoweth ~. well 140: 12. the afflicted and the ~. of the poor RIGHT hand. 16: 8. because he is at my ~. &. I shall 17: 18: 20 By 26: 44: 45: 11. at thy ~. %. shere are pleasures 7. O thou that savest by thy ~. 2. 5. thy ~ %. hath holden me up 3 : : 6. Saving strength of his ~ 4. 8. thy x. 2. shall find out those ro. their ~. #. is full of bribes 3. but thy ~. 4. and thine arm 4. thy x. 2. shall teach thee 9g. upon thy ~. &. did stand the queen : Io. thy ~. 4. is full of righteousness : 5. Save with thy ~. &. and hear me : 8. thy ~ 2. upholdeth me : 23. holden me by my™. 4. : 11. thy hand, even thy ~. 4. | : 10. the years of the x. Z. of the most . his x. 2. had purchased = 54 : 15. the vineyard which thy ~. . ath 17. the man of thy ~. &. So223. high is thy ~. 4. 25. his x. #. in the rivers 42. the x. #. of his adversaries gi: 7. ten thousand at thy ~. 2. 98: 1. his x. &. and his holy arm 108 : 6. save with thy ~. 2. 109: 6. Satan stand at his ~. 2. 31. at the ~. Z. of the poor 110: 1. sit thou at my ~. 4. 5. the Lord at thy ~. 2. shall strike 118 : 15, 16. the x. Z. of the Lord doeth valiantly 16. the x. 2. of the Lord is exalted r2t:5. thy shade uponthy7.%. | 137: 5. let my,7..Z., forget, her,cunning 138:7. thy ~. 2. shall save me 139: 10. thy ~. #. shall hold me 142: 4. I looked on my™. 4. Hi4c 8... thew 7.4.18; Ady yf. of talse— hood. 11. RIGHTEOUS. (noun). : 1:5. nor sinners in the congregation of the.7~ 6. the Lord knoweth the way of the». CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. 64: | 68: 69 : |.72 5 | 75° | 92: 94: 97: zo 35 nA or 32: 37 52: 55: BGs 125° tL: :g. true and ~. altogether : 27. that favor my ~. cause a7 TIZ 2 4's 116: 5. gracious is the Lord and +. 119: 7. Shall have learned thy ~. judg= RIG : 12. for thou, Lord, wilt bless the a 11. God judgeth the ~., and God is angry : 3. be destroyed, what can the ». do? 5. the Lord trieth the ~., but the wicked 5. God is in the generation of ther, 18. contemptuously against the +, 11. be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye 7, : I. rejoice in the Lord, O ye +. > 15. eyes of the Lord are upon they. 17. the x. cry, and the Lord heareth 1g. Many are the afflictions of ther. 21. hate the ~. shall be desolate 17. the Lord upholdeth the ~. 21. the x. showeth mercy and giveth 25. not seen the ~. forsaken 29. the ~. shall inherit the land 30. mouth of the ~. speaketh wis~ dom 32. the wicked watcheth the ~. 39. salvation of thex. is of the Lord 6. the ~. also shall see and fear 22. never suffer the ~. to be moved to. the ~. shall rejoice when he seeth rr. there is a reward for the ~. 10. the x. shall be glad in the Lord 3. let the-7. be glad 28. not be written with the ~. 7. in his days shall the ~. flourish ro. horns of the ~. shall be exalted 12. the ~. shall flourish like the 21. against the soul of the ~. 11. light is sown for the ~. 12. rejoice in the Lord, ye ~. 107: 42. the ~. shall see it, and rejoice 112: 118: 15. in the tabernacles of the ~. 6. the ~. shall be in everlasting 20. into which the ~. shall enter 3- not rest upon the lot of the ~. 3. lest the x. put forth their hands 140: 13. the ~. shall give thanks 141 142: 7. the ~. shall compass me about 146: 8. : 5. let the ~. smite me the Lord loveth the ~. RIGHTEOUS. (adj.) 7:9. the x. God trieth the hearts and reins . 7. the x. Tord loveth righteousness 16. a little that a. man hath full of compassion and +. ments 62. thanks unto thee, because of thy ~. judgments 106. I will keep thy ~. judgments 137. ~. art thou, O Lord, and upright 138. hast commanded are 7. and very 123RIG CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. RIV 119: 160. ~. judgments endureth forever | 31: 1. deliver me in ¢hy 7. 164. because of thy v. judgments | 35: 24. my God, according to fhy r. 129: 4. the Lord is ., he hath cut 28. shall speak of thy r. and of thy 145: 17. the Lord is y. in all his ways | 36:6. t#y, like the great mountains RIGHTEOUSLY. 10. thy r. to the upright in heart 67: 4. thou shalt judge the people ~. 27 4.0). OE shall bring forth 7Zy 7. 96: 10. he shall judge the people ~. 40: 10. I have not hid ¢hy x. RIGHTEOUSNESS. 51:14. sing aloud of thy + f 5. offer the sacrifices of 7. 69: 27. let them not come into thy 7. 1:7. the righteous Lord loveth ». 71: 2. deliver me in ¢hy r. ae 2. worketh 7. and speaketh the 15. show. forth thy 7. truth 16. make mention of thy 7. 17: 15. I will behold thy face in ~. 19. thy r. also, O God, is very high 23: 3. leadeth me in the paths of r. 24. talk of thy r. all the day long 24:5. x. from the God of his salvation | 72:1. ¢iy yr. unto the king’s son 33:5. he loveth r. and judgment 88 : 12. thy ry. in the land of forgetful- 40:9. I have preached ~. in the 45:4. truth and meekness and 7. 89: 16. in oe rv. shall they be exalted 7. thou lovest ». and hatest 119: 40. quicken me in ¢hy ¢. 48: 10. right hand is full of ~. 123. and for the word of thy r 51: 19. sacrifices of x. with burnt-offer- | 142. thy r. is an everlasting 7. ing | 143: I. answer me, and in ¢hy 7 52:3. lying, rather than to speak ~. rz. for thy r. sake, bring my soul 58: 1. do ye indeed speak ». | 145: 7. and shall sing of thy r. 65: 5. by terrible things in 7, | RIS 72:2. judge thy people with » TS s that they were ‘not able to *. 3. the little hills by ~ | 27: 3. though war should ~. against me 85:10. ~. and peace have kissed lag shall not be able to 7. 1x. 7. shall look down from heaven | 119: ee at midnight I will ~. to give 13. 7. shall go before him | 140: ro. that they ry. not up again 94: 15. judgment return unto ”, RISE wz. 96: 13. judge the world with ~. 3:1. many are they that ~. w. against 97:2. ~. and judgment are the habita- 17: 7. from those that 7. w. against tion 18: o above those that ~. “. against me 98: 9. with 7. shall he judge the world 35: 11. false witnesses did ~ z. 99:4. executest judgment and ~. in 44: = ‘tread them under that ~ w. Jaco | against 103: 6. the Lord executeth ~. and judg- 59:1. defend me from them that ~. #. ment 74: 23. those that 7. w. against thee 106: 3. doeth ~. at all times | 92: 11. of the wicked that 7. ~. against 31. counted unto him for ». 194: 16. ~. w. for me against the evil 118: 19. open to me the gates of r. doers 119: 144. the ~. of thy testimonies is | 127: 2. it is vain for you to 7, w. early everlasting 139: 21. those that ~ #. against thee 172. all thy commandments are 7. RISEN. 132: 9. priests be clothed with ~. 20:8. but we are ~. and stand upright his RIGHTEOUSNESS. 86: 14. the proud are 7. against me 7:17. praise the Lord according to RISEN zA. his 7. 27: 12. false witnesses are ~. “. against 22:31. declare Zzs yr. unto a people | 54:3. strangers are ~. zw. against 50: = ‘heavens shall declare Ais 7. | RISING. 97: 6. the heavens declare Azs 7, | so: 1. from the ~. of the sun unto the 98:2. Azs x. hath he openly showed | going down, 113: 3 103: 17. #zs yr. unto children’s children | Tat a 2 111; 3. Azs rv. endureth forever, 112: 3, 9. | ' RIVER, my RIGHTEOUSNE So | 36: 8. drink of the ~. of thy pleasures 4:1. when I call, O God of my +. | 46: 4. there is a. the streams whereof 7:8. judge me, O Lord, according to | 5 :g. enrichest it with the x. of God my Pr. 2:8. from the ~. unto the ends 18: 20. rewarded me according to my r. 80 11. her branches unto the 7. 105: 41. dry places likeas. 24. te me according to | iy "RIGHTEOUSNESS. 5:8. lead me, O Lord, in thy 7. 124 RIVERS. : 3. like a tree planted by the 7. a 15. driedest up mighty 7.78 : 16. waters to run down like +. 3 had turned their 7. into blood 89 . his right hand in the +. 507 5 a y. into a wilderness I19: 136. ~. of waters run down mine eyes 137: 1. by the ~. of Babylon, there ROAR 46: 3. though the waters thereof ~. 74: 4. thine enemies ~. in the midst g6: 11. the sear. and the fulness, 98 =. 104: 21. lions ~. after their prey RO. ARED. 38: 8 I have by reason of the dis- G@uitiness ROARING 22:1. and from the w ords of my + I3. aS a ravening and a™. lion 32: 3. through my ~. all the day long ROBBED. t19: 61. the bands of the wicked have 7. me, ROCK. 1€: 2. the Lord is my~. and my fortress 31..who is a ~. save our God ? 40. blessed be my ~. and let the God 27:5. he shall set me up upon a». 28:1. unto thee will I cry, 0 Lord, my~. 31: 2. my strong ~. for an house of de- fence 3. thou art my ~. and my fortr 40: 2. and set my fet uponays, 2:9. I will say unto God my 7. 61: 2. lead me to the ~. that is higher 62:2. he only is my ~. and my salva- tion, 6. 62:7. the ~. of my strength and my refuge 71: 3. thou art my ~. and my fortress 78: 16. streams also out of the x, 20. behold, he smote the ae 35. remembered ‘that God their ~. was 81: 16. with honey out of the». 89 : 26. the x. of my salvation 92:15. he is my ~. and there is no 94: 22. my God is the ~. of my refuge 95: 1. to the ~. of our salvation 105: 41. he opened the~. and the waters 114: 8. turned the ~. into a standing ROCKS. 78:15. he clave the ~. in the wilderness 104 : 18. the ~. for the conies ROD. 2 thou shalt break them with a ». of iron 23: 4. thy ~. and thy staff they comfort 74:2. the r. of thine inheritance 89: 32. their transgression with the ~, 110: 2. send the~. of thy strength 125: 3. the x. of the wicked shall not RODE. 18: 10. he y. upon a cherub and did fly | CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. ee ae ROOF. 137: 6. to the ~ of my mouth ROOM. | 31: 8. hast set my feet in a large s, | 80: g. preparedst 7. before it ROOT... (noun): | 80: 9. cause it to take deep ~. ROOT (verb). | 52:5. x. thee out of the land of the living | ROSE. 18: 39. subdued under me those that | yr. up | 124: 2. when men +. up against us ROUND aéout. | 3: 6. set themselves against me. about 18: 1x, pavilion ~ . aout him were dark 27: 6. above mine enemies *. about 34:7. encampeth ~ aout them that fear him 44: 13. to them that are ~. about us 48: 12. about Zion, and go. about her 50: 3. very tempestuous 7. adout him 59: 6,14. go ~. about the city 76: 11. let all that be ~ adout him 78: 28. their camp, ~. adouz their habi- tations 79: 3. like water ~. about Jerusalem 4. to them that are ~. adout us 88: 17. came ~. about me daily like 89: 8. thy faithfulness ~. ce thee 97: 2. and darkness are ~. about him 3. burneth up his enemies ~. about 125: 2. as the mountains are ~. about 2. so the Lord is ~. about his peo-= ple 128: 3. Olive plants ~. about thy table RUIN. 89: 40. brought his strongholds to ». RULE. 110: 2. ~. thou in the midst of thine 136: 8. the sun to ~. by day 9. moon and stars to ~. by night RULED, 106: 41. they that hated them ~. over them RULER-S. 68: 27. little Benjamin with their ~. 105: - even the, of the people 2r. x. of all his substance 2:2. the 7-s take counsel together RULEST; 89:9. thou ~. the raging of the sea RULETH 59: let them know that God ~¢, in 66: ee x. by his power forever 103 J 19. his kingdom ~. over all RUN. 18.:.29.. by thee I have x. through: a troop 19: 5. rejoiceth as a strong man to7.a race 58: 7. as waters which ~. continually 59: 4. they ~. and prepare themselves SPA CONGUE DEERE SE ES SOUS SS 125RUN 54: 66: 106: Toy : 107° roO.: 37. they.s TIQ: 75.5 4:8. makest me dwell in s. ais. set him 33% 27. Io: I2: 14: TO: 2, 104: 10. the eae which ~. among the hills 119: 32. I will ~. the way of thy com- mandments RUN down. 8:16. waters to ~. d. like rivers 119: 136 rivers of waters ~. ad. mine eyes RUNNETH. 23:5. my cup 7. over 147: 15. his word ~. very swiftly we SACKCLOTH. 30: 11. thou hast put off my s. jo: 11. my clothing was s. 69: 11. I made s. also my garment SACRIFICE. (noun). 20: 3. and accept thy burnt s. 40: 6. s. and offering thou did not desire 5°: 5. made a covenant with me by s. 51: 16. thou desirest not s. 116: 17. offer to thee the s. of thanks- giving 118: 27. bind the s, with cords ra: 2. of my hands as the evening s. SACRIFICES, : 5. offer the s. of righteousness ue : BO. Sr 6. in his tabernacle s. of j joy 8. not reprove thee for thy s 17. the s. of God are a broken 19. pleased with thes. of righteous- ness 15. offer unto thee burnt s. 28. ate the s. of the dead 22. sacrifice the s. of thanksgiving | SACRIFICE. (verb). & . will freely s. unto thee . let them s. the sacrifices of SACRIFICED. s. their sons and their 38. whom they s. unto the idols of | SAFE. 117. hold thou me up, and I Shalt | Des, SAFELY. 53. he led them on s, SATE Y., in s. from him puffeth 5. horse is a vain thing for s. SA Se 6. pe hath s, in his heart, Tshall not 11. s, in his heart, God hath forgotten 13. Ss. in his heart, thou wilt not re- quire 4. who have s., with our tongue will we 1, the fool hath s. in his heart, Gavtate O my soul, thou hast s. unto 126 that | the Lord hath s. unto me, thou art | i CONCORDANCE “TO°7HE PSALMS. : 6. in my prosperity I s, I shall never STA abs . thou art my God 22. Is. in my haste, I am cut off 32:5. Is. I will confess my transgres~ sions 35: 21. and s. Aha, aha, our eye hath seen 38: 16. I s. hear me, lest otherwise they 90 :.m es Fwill take heed to my ways 4077. then.s; 1, lo. Lecome 41 4, Ts, Lord, be merciful unto me 55:6. and Is. oh, that I had wings 68: 22. the Lerd s. I will bring again 74: 8. they s. in their hearts, let us de- stroy 75:4. Is. unto the fools, deal not fool- ishly 77: 10. Ls. this is my infirmity 78: 19. they s. can God furnish 82: 6. I have s. ye are gods 83 they have s. come and let us cut 12. who s. let us take to ourselves 87: 5. of Zion it shall be s. 89: 2. I have s. mercy shall be built 94: 18. I s. my foot slippeth 95: 10. and s. it is a people that do err 102; 24. 1s... O my God; cae me not 106; 23. he s. that he would c destroy r10: 1. the Lord s. unto my God 116: 11. I s. in my haste, all men 119: 57. Lhave s. that I would keep thy words 122: 1. glad when they s. unto me 126: 2. s. they among the heathen 137: 7. who s. rase it, rase it even to 140: 6. Is. unto the Lord, thou art 142: 5. Is. thou art my refuge SAIDST. 27:8. when thous, seek ye my face 89: 19. and s. I have laid help SAINT. 106: 16. Aaron, thes. of the Lord SAINTS. 16: 3. to thes. that are in the earth | 30: 4. sing unto the Lord, Oyes. of his 31: 23. oh, love the Lord, all ye his's. 34:9. O fear the Lord, ye his s. 37: 28. and forsaketh not his s. 50: 5. gathér my s. together unto me Bas G. for it is good before thy s. 70 12. the flesh of thy s. unto the beasts 85: 8. unto his people, and to his s. 89: 5. in the congregation of the s. 7. in the assembly of the s. 97: 10. preserveth the souls of his s. 116: 15. of the Lord is the death of his s, 132: 9. let thy s. shout for joy 9. her s, shall shout aloud for joy 145: 10. thy s. shall bless thee 148: 14. the praise of all his s. I. praise in the congregation of s | 140: 5. s. be joyful in glory g. this honor have all his s.SAT CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. SAN 12: 20°: So: 44: 69: 79: 106: I09g : ¥L5 122: 143: IOS: 100: 122: 76: me OO 37 50: 68 : 74: 98: 116 118 119g 132 144 149 5 8 Be 6 2 ds 23: . : ro, itis he that giveth s. unto kings : 4. beautify the meek with s. SAITH. 5- now will I arise, s. the Lord 1. the wicked s. within my heart 16. unto the wicked God s, SAKE oh, save me for thy mercies’ s. 3. paths of righteousness for his name’s s. ye remember thou me for thy good- WESS..s 11. forthy name’s s., O Lord, pardon : 3. for thy name’s s. lead me and guide 16. save me for thy mercies’ s. 2. for thy s. are we killed 6. redeem us for thy mercies’ s. 6. be ashamed for my s. 7. for thy s. I have borne reproach Q. purge away our sins for thy name’s s. 8. saved them for his name’s s. axe O God the Lord, for thy name’s s. 1. thy mercy and for thy truth’s s. ro. for thy servant David’s s, tr. O Lord, for thy name’s s, 11. for thy righteousness’ s. bring my soul SAKES. . for their s., therefore, return thou on high 14. reproved kings for their s. 32. ill with Moses for their s. 2 2 ions’ s. SALEM. 2. in S. also is his tabernacle SALMON. : 14. white as snow in 5S, SALVATION. : 8. s. belongeth unto the Lord as 7.04, doat tie sot Isracl were come, 53: 6. 39. the s. of the righteous is of the Lord 23. will I show the s. of God 20. our God is the God of s. 12. working s. in the midst of the earth 3. have seen the s. of our God : 13. take the cup of s. and call | : 15. voice of rejoicing and s, is in 155. s. is far from the wicked 16. clothe her priests with s. his SALVATION. His’s: : 9. it shall rejoice in Zzs s. - 22. and trusted not in 4zs s. 9. Azs s. is nigh them that fear him : 2. shew forth Azs s. from day to day - 2. the Lord hath made known 47s s. | | \O 8. for my brethren and compan- | : 5. righteousness from the God of | my SALVATION. 18: 2, my buckler, and the horn of mys, 46. let the God of my s. be exalted 25:5. thou art the God of mys. 27: 1. the Lord is my light and zy s. g. neither forsake me, O -God of Ly S. 38:22. haste to help me, O Lord of my S. 51: 14. O God, thou God of zy s. 62: 1. from him cometh wy s. 140: Com] OVO) MWaawo our 68: [sy LOZ: TOs) TIS) 73° *Q os 2. he only is my rock and my s., 6. 7- in God is my s. and my glory : 1. O Lord God of mzy s., I have cried : 26. and the rock of zzy s. : 16. satisfy him and show him my s, : 14. and is become my s. 21. and art become zy s. 7. the Lord, the strength of my s, our SALVATION. : 5. answer us, O God of ovr s. : Ig. even the God of ours. :g. help us, O God of our s. 4. turn us, O'God of 0777's. : 1. joyful noise to the rock of ours, thy SALVATION. . I will rejoice in zhy s. my heart shall rejoice in ¢hy s. 5. given me the shield of ¢Ay s. we will rejoice in ¢hy s. in ¢hy s. how greatly shall he rejoice 5. his glory is great in thy s. | Hin W op : 3. say unto my soul, lam Zhys. : ro. thy faithfulness and fhy s. 16. let such as love 7ky s. say, 70: 4. : 12. restore unto me the joy of ¢Ay s. : 13. in the truth of ¢hy s. 2g. let thy s., O God, set me up :15. and ry s. all the day : 7. and grant us ¢hy s. 106 : | IIQ: 4. O visit me with z¢hy s. 4r. even fhy s, according to thy word 81. my soul fainteth for Ay s. 123. mine eyes fail for ¢#y s. 166. Lord, I have hoped for ¢hy s. 174. Ihave longed for ¢hys., O Lord SAME 23. the tongue of thy dogs in thes. 8. he poureth out of thes. 27. thou art the s., and thy years 10. confirmed the s. unto Jacob 3. unto the going down of the s. SAMUEL. : 6, S. among them that call upon SANCTUARY. : 2, send thee help from the s. : 2. as I have seen thee in thes. :24. goings of my God, my king, in thes, 17. until I went into the s. of God done wickedly in the s. 7. cast fire into thy s. raySAN CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. SAY 77: 13. thy way, O God, is in the s, 78:54. to the border of his s. 69. he built his s. like high palaces 96: 6. strength and beauty are in his s. 102: 19. from the height of his s. 114: 2. Judah was his s. 134: 2. your hands in thes. * 150: 1. praise God in his s. SAND. 78: 27. feathered fowls like as the s. 139: 18. more in number than the s, 106: 12, they s. his praise SAP. 104: 16. trees of the Lord are full of s. T 26:4. I have not s. with vain persons SAT down. 137: 1. rivers of Babylon, there wes. d. SAFEST. 9:4. thou s. in the throne, judging right SATAN. 109: 6. let S. stand at his right hand SATISFIED. 17: 15. I shall be s. when I awake 22: 26. the meek shall eat and be s. : 8. s. with the fatness of thine house 7: 19. days of famine they shall be s. 59: 15. grudge if they be not s. 63: 5. my soul shall be s. as with 65: 4. we shall be s. with the goodness 81:16. out of the rock should I have s. thee 104: 13. the earth is s. with the fruit 105: 40. s. them with the bread of heave SATISFIEST. 145: 16, s. the desire of every living thing SATISFIETH. 103: 5. who s. thy mouth with good things 107: 9. hes. the longing soul SATISFY. 90: 14. Os. us early with thy mercy gr: 16. with long life will Is. him 132: 15. s..her poor with bread SAVE. arise, O Lord; s. me, O my God | | a : oh, s. me, for thy mercies’ sake 7:1. s. me from all them that perse- | cute me 18:27. thou wilt s. the afflicted people 20:9. s., Lord, let the king hear us 22: 21, s. me from the lion’s mouth 28:9. s. thy people, and bless thine 31: 2. for an house of defence to s. me 16. s. me for thy mercies’ sake 40. and s. them because they trust 3. neither did their own arm s. them 6. neither shall my sword s. me 37: 44: 54:1. s. me, O God, by thy name 55: 16. and the Lord shall s. me 57: 3- and s. me from the reproach 2. s. me from bloody men 128 99: aces 60:5. s. with thy right hand 69: 1. s. me, O God, for the waters 35. God will s. Zion and will build 71:2. incline thine ear unto me and s. me 3. given commandment to s. me 72: 4. shall s. the children of the needy 13. s. the souls of the needy 76:9. to s, all the meek of the earth 80: 2. stir up thy strength, and come and s. us 86: 2. s. thy servant that trusteth 16. s. the son of thine handmaid 106: 47. s. us, O Lord our God 108: 6. s. with thy right hand 109: 31. to s. him from those that 118: 25. s. now, 1 beseech thee, O Lord 119: 94- Iam thine, s. me 146. s. me, and I shall keep thy 7. thy right hand shall s. me 19. hear their cry, and will s. them SAVE. (used for ercefz). 18: 31. who is God, s. the Lord ? 31. who is a rock, s. our God? SAVED. T35': TAS 18; 3. so shall I be s. from mine enemies 33: 16. s. by the multitude of an host 34:6. and s, him ont of all his troubles 44:7. thou hast s. us from our enemies 80: 3. face to shine, and we shall be-s., 7. 106: 8. he s. them for his name’s sake ro. hes, them from the hand of him 107: 13. hes, them out of their distresses SAVEST. 17: 7. O thou that s. by thy right hand SAVETH., 7:10. my defence is of God, which s, the upright 20: 6. the Lord s. his anointed 34: 18. s. such as be of a contrite spirit 107: 19. hes. them out of their distresses SAVING. 20:6. with the s. strength of his right 28 : 8, heis thes, strength of his anointed 67: 2. thy s. health among all nations SAVIOR. 106: 21. forget God their s. SAW. 48:5. they s. it, and so they marvelled 73: 3. Is. the prosperity of the wicked | 77: 16. the waters s. thee, O God (twice) 95:9. proved me, and s. my work : 4. the earth s. and trembled 114: 3. the seas, it and fled SAWEST: 50: 18. when thou s. a thief SAY, 3: 2. many there be which s. of my soul 4:6. many that s. who will shew us any 1. hows. ye to my soul, flee as a bird : 4. lest mine enemy s., I have pre- vailed 27:14. wait, I s., on the Lord 35:3. Ss. unto my soul, Iam thy salvation I 5SAY CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. SEA 35: 10. allmy bones sh all s. Lerd,who is 25. let them not s. in their hearts 25. let them not s. we have swal- lowed 27. yea, let them s. continually 40:15. that s. unto me, Aha, aha! 16. s. continually, the L ord be mag- nified 41: 8. evil disease, s. they, cleaveth 42: 3. continually s, unto me, where is g. Iwill s. unto God my rock 10, while they s. daily unto me 58: 11. so that a man shall s., verily BO,3 Zs who, s. they, doth hear? 64:5. they s. who shall see them? 66: 3. s. unto God, how terrible art 3 - reward of their shame, that s., Aha! 4. love thy salvation s, continually 73:11. they s. how doth God know 15. if I s, I will speak thus 79: 10. wherefore should the heathen s. 91:2 Iwill s. of the Lord, he is my refuge 94: 7. they s. the Lord shall not see 90:5.10. Ss. among the heathen that 106: 48. let all the people s., Amen 107: 2. the redeemed of the Lord s. so 115: 2. wherefore should the heathen s. 118: 2. let Israel now s. that his mercy 3. let the house of Aaron now s 4. them that now fear the Lord, s. that 122: 8. I will now's. peace be within 129: 1. may Israel now 8. neither do they which go by s. 130: 6. I s. more than they that watch 139: 11. if I s. surely the darkness SAVES F, go: 3. ands, return, ye children SAYING. (noun). 49: 4. will open my dark s. SAYINGS. 49 : 13. posterity approve their s. 78:2. utter darks, of old SAYING. (verb). 2:2. against his anointed, s. 22:7. they shake the head, s. 71: 11. s. God hath forsaken him 105: 11. Ss. unto thee will I give 15. s. touch not mine anointed 119: 82. s, when wilt thou comfort me 137: 3. S. Sing us one of the songs “SCA ITER: | 66: | 68 : 22. from the depths of the s. 68:14. Almighty s. kings in it 89: 10. hast s, thine enemies 92:9. workers of iniquity shall be S. 141: 7. our bones are s. at the grave’s SCATTERETH, 147: 16. he s. the hoar frost like ashes NGALP. 68: 21. the hairy s. of such an one SCEP DRE: 45:6, the s. of thy kingdom is aright s, SC ORN. 22:7. allthey thatseeme laugh metos. 44:13. as. and a denision to them that, OQ: 4. SCORNFUL. I: I. nor sitteth in the seat of thes, SCORNING. | 123: 4. the s. of those that are at ease 8: 8. the fish of the s. and whatsoever 33: 7. gathereth the waters of the s, together 46: 2. becarried into the midst of thes. 65:5. them that are afar off upon the s, 5. turned the s. into dry land Oo 72: 8. dominion also from s. to s. 74: 13. divide the s. by thy strength 77: 19. thy way is in the s. 78: 13. he divided the s., and caused them 27. like as the sand of thes. 53. but the s. overwhelmed their enemies 80: 11. sent out her boughs unto the s, 89: 9. rulest the raging of thes, 25. set his hand also in thes. 93:4. than the mighty waves of the s. 95:5. thes. is his, and he made it g6: 11. let the s. roar, and_the fulness, St 7 104: 25. so is this great and wide s. 106: 7. but provoked him atthe s, _ 107 : 23. they that go down to the s, in ships 114: 3. the s. saw. it, and fled 5. what ailed thee, O thous, 139: 9. uttermost parts of thes. | 146: 6. the s. and all that therein is SEAS. 8: 8. passeth through the paths of thes. 24:2. he hath founded it upon the s, 65:7. stilleth the noise of thes. 69:34. the s. and every thing that 59:11. Ss. then by-thy apr ; 68: 30. s. thou the people that delight 106: 27. to s. them in the lands 144: 6. cast forth lightning and s. them aa SCATTERED. 45 18: 14. sent out his arrows, and s. them | 77 44: 11. hast s. us among the heathen 53: 5- for God hath s. the bones 44: 60: 1. thou hast s. us, thou hast been 64: 68:1. let his enemies bes, moveth 135: 6. in the s. and all deep places SEARCH. (noun). 6. they accomplish a diligent s, : 6, my spirit made diligent Ss SEARCH. (verb). 21. shall not God s. this out? 6. they s. out iniquities ; they ace complish 129CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. SEE 22 16 81 34 4 104: 27. their meat in due s., 145: 15. ye 25 27% ore 44: 19: 64: go: 139: 15. when I was made ins. 18: Ql: IO; 17: 10: Br: ore eart SEARCHED. 139: 1. O Lord, thou hast s. me and SEASON-S. 3. bringeth forth his fruit in his s. 1g. the moon for s-s night SEASON-S. : 2. in the z. s., and am not silent : 7. instruct me in the z, s-s SEAT, I: I. norsitteth in the s. of the scornful | SEBA 10. the kings of Sheba and S. shall offer SECRET-S. (noun). 5. in thes. of his tabernacle shall he 20. hide them in the s. of thy pres- ence 21. he knoweth the s-s of the heart SECRET. (adj.) 12. cleanse thou me from s, faults 2. hide me from the s. counsel 4. shoot in s, at the perfect 8. ours. sins in the light of thy SECRET jAlace-s. rz, he made darkness his s. Z. : 7. | answered thee in the s. Z. of 1. he that dwelleth in the s. A. 8 in the s. J-s doth he murder the 12. a young lion lurking in s, J-s SECRETLY. g. In wait s. as a lion in his den 20. keep them s. in a pavilion CPR 11. he hideth his face, he will never 10: S. LC 14:2. to s. if there were any that did understand 16: 10. suffer thine Holy One to s. cor- ruption 22:7. all they that s. me laugh me to scorn 27: 13. unless I had believed to s. the goodness 11. they that did s. me without, fled : 8. O taste and s. that the Lord is good 12. many days that he may s. good :g. in thy light shall we s. light : 34. wicked are cut off, thoushalts. it : 3. many shall s. it and fear : 6. if he come to s. me, he speaketh : g. live forever, and not s. corruption 19. they shall never s. light 2: 6. the righteous also shall s. and : 2. to s. if there were any that did : 8. that they may not s. the sun : ro. let me s. my desire upon : 2. to s, thy power and thy glory : 5. they say, who shall s. them 13 14. the s. of the Lord is with them | | 139: 23. s. me, O God, and know my | 64 66 : 8. all that s. them shall flee away : 5. come and s. the works of God : 23. darkened that they s. not 32. the humble shall s. this 74:9. wes. not our signs | 86: 17, they which hate me may s. it | 89 : 48. that liveth and shall not s. death | 91: 8. s. the reward of the wicked | 92: 11. shall s. my desire on mine | 94: 7. the Lord shall not s. | g. formed the eye, shall he not s. ? | 97: 6. all the people s. his glory | | | | 119 128: 159 227% 22 é 25: | 37° | | 112: 8 TS 118: 106: 5. s. the good of thy chosen 107 : 24. these s. the works of the Lord 42. the righteous shall s. it . until he s. his desire upon 10. the wicked shall s. it 5. eyes have they, but they-s. not, ie Seek. 7. therefore shall I s. my desire : 74. glad when theys. me, because I 5. thou shalt s. the good of Jeru- salem 6. s. thy children’s children : 16. eyes did s. my substance 24. Ss. if there be any wicked way SEEING. 8. let him deliver him, s. he des lighted : 17. s. thou hatest instruction -EEN re 4 4 : 14. thou hast s. it, for thou behold- GSC : 15. the channels of waters were s, 5: 21. aha, our eye hath s. it 22. this thou hast s., O Lord : 25. yet have I not s. the righteous 35: I have s. the wicked in great power : 8. as we have heard, so have we s, : 7. mine eye hath s, his desire :g. I have s. violence and strife : 2. soas I have s. thee in the sanc- tuary : 24. they have s. thy goings, O God : 15. wherein we have s. evil : 3. have s. the salvation of our God :96. I haves. an end of all perfection SEETH. : 13. he s, that his day is coming : 10. he s. that wise men die : 10. rejoice when hes, the vengeance SEED. : 50. to David and to his s. for ever- more : to. their s. from among the children of men : 23. fear him, all ye the s. of Israel 23. all ye the s. of Jacob, glorify 30. as. shall serve him; it shall be 13. his s, shall inherit the earth 25. nor his s, begging bread 26. lendeth, and his s. is blessed 28. s. of the wicked shall be cut offSEE = 69 : 36. the s. also of his servants shall 89: 4. thy s. will I establish forever 29. his s. also will I make to endure 36. his s. shall endure forever 102 : 28. their s shall be established 105: 6. ye s. of Abraham his servant 106 : 27. to overthrow their s. also 112: 2. hiss. shall be mighty upon earth 126: 6. bearing precious s. shall doubt- less come SEEK. 4:2. will ye love vanity, and s. after leasing 9:10. hast not forsaken them thats. thee Io: 4. wicked....will not s. after God 15. s. out his wickedness till thou find 14:2. any that did understand, and s. God 22: 26. they shall praise the Lord that s. him 6. the generation of them that s. him 6. that s. thy face, O Jacob : 4. desired of the Lord, that will I s: ‘after 8. when thou saidst, s. ye my face 8. thy face, Lord, will I s. : 10. they that s. the Lord shall not want 14. S. peace and pursue it 5: 4. put toshame, thats. after my soul 38: 12. they that s. my hurt speak 12. they also that s. after my life : 14. thats. after my soul to destroy it 16. those that s. thee rejoice and be 53: 2. that did understand, that did s. God 54:3. oppressors s. after my soul 63: 1, early will I s. thee g. those that s. my soul to destroy it 32. heart shall live that s. God 2. confounded that s. after my soul 4. those that s. thee rejoice and be 13. dishonor that s. my hurt 24. unto shame that s. my hurt 16, that they may s. thy name 21. and s, their meat from God 3. rejoice that s. the Lord 4. s. the Lord and his strength 4. s. his face evermore tog: 10. s. their bread also out of their 119: 2. that s. him with the whole heart 45. for I s, thy precepts 155. for they s. not tny statutes 2h: 69 : FO" 7X: 83: 104: IOs: 176. s. thy servant, for I do not forget 122: 9. I wills. thy good SEEKETH. and s. to slay him 5 3G% oe SEIZE. 55:15. let death s. upon them SELAH. 3:2. no help for him in God, S._ 4. heard me out of his holy hill, S. 8. thy blessing is upon thy people, S. CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. SER See Psi eto a: 725. 9: 16,20. 2073: 2052. 2406, 10, 33a 2/4, 507 39 2 Sy Eka 4ueoe 6405 3.7. Bie 47 2 4. 48. 2:624O.5 Tgen5e 50: Os 5233,5:° S423 5507, 29. 57: 3,0. 50.5, 135 00: 4. Or 24. (62 ¥ 45r0e 360 ey ee 67.2 1,40 > GSRC7 stgt? 208s Bee 75:3 3: JONs8y/Os a7 = dy Oman Srs7. Sere. “Ogm Sr Gate aes O55 25 S7ar 34:0: SB 7. To. 89: T4002 3, 50 Oe 4, 37) 455 48. BF 80. SELLEST. x 44:12. thou s. thy people for nought SENATORS. 105: 22. teach his s. wisdom SEND. 20:2. s. thee help from the sanctuary 3:3. Os. out thy light and thy truth 57: 3. God shall s. forth his mercy 3. he shall s. from heaven and save 68:9. thou, O God, didst s. a plen- teous rain 33. lo, he doth s. out his voice 110: 2. Shall s. the rod of thy strength 118: 25. I beseech thee, s. now 144: 7. Ss. thine hand from above SEND ESTE: 104 : 30. thou s. forth thy spirit SENDETH: 104: 10. hes. the springs into the valleys 147: 15. hes. forth his commandment 18. he s. out his word SENDING. : 49. by s. evil angels among them SENT si 18: 16. he s. from above, he took me 78: 25. s. them meat to the full 45. s. divers sorts of flies 105: 17, he s.a man before them 20. king s and loosed him 26. he s. Moses his servant 28. he s. darkness and made it dark 106: 15. s. leanness into their soul 107: 20. he s. his word and healed III: g. s. redemption unto his people 135: 9. whos. tokens and wonders SENT ozz. 18:14. yea, he s. o. his arrows 77:17. the skies s. 0. a sound 80: 11. shes. 0. her boughs unto the sea SENTENCE. 17:2. let my s. come forth from thy presence SEPULCHRE. 5:9. their throat is an open s. SERPENT. 58:4. like the poison ofas. 140: 3. their tongues likeas, SERVANT. moreover by them is thy warned 13. thy s. also from presumptuous 131 LO). Li.SER CONCORDANCE LO: THE -PSALIM S, SET 27 Br 35 69 86 34 69 79 2 10g : 28. : 116’: 16. TIO}; 17. 144: 105: :g. put not thy s. away in anger : 16. thy face to shine upon thy s. : 27. pleasure in the prosperity of his s. : 17. hide not thy face from thy s. : 2. save thy s. that trusteth in thee 4. rejoice the soul of thy s. 16. give thy strength unto thy s, . sworn unto David my s. . found David my s. . void the covenant of thy s. . ye seed of Abraham his s. . who was sold fora s. . sent Moses his s. 42. and Abraham his s. let thy s. rejoice truly I am thy s. deal bountifully with thy s. thy s. did meditate in thy stat- utes . stablish thy word unto thy s. remember the word unto thy s. . well with thy s. according unto . according to thy word unto thy s. . how many are the days of thy s.? . be surety for thy s. for good 124. deal with thy s. according unto 125. I am thy s., give me under- standing 23. 135. thy face to shine upon thy s. 140. therefore thy s. loveth it 176. seek thy s. for I do not forget 132: 10. for thy s. David’s sake 136: 22. an heritage unto Israel his s. 143: 2. not into judgment with thy s. 12. forl amthy-s. to. delivereth David hiss. from the SERVANTS. : 22. redeemeth the soul of his s, : 36. the seed also of his s. shall : 2. dead bodies of thy s. have they 10. blood of thy s. which is shed 89: 50. the reproach of thy s. go: 13. repent thee concerning thy s. 16. let thy work appear unto thy s. 102: 14. thy s. take pleasure in her stones 28. thechildren of thy s. shall con- tinue 25. to deal subtilly with his s. 113: 1. O ye s. of the Lord, praise the name 119: gt. for all are thy s. 123: 2. as the eyes of s. look unto the hand 134: 1. all ye s, of the Lord, which by night 135: 1. praise him, O ye s. of the Lord g. Pharaoh and upon all his s. repent himself concerning his s. SERVE. 14. : 1x. s. the Lord with fear, and rejoice 132 18: 43. whom I have not known shall Ss. me 22: 30. a seed shall s. him 72: 11. all nations shall s. him 97: 7. all they that s. graven images 100: 2. s. the Lord with gladness tor: 6. in a perfect way, he shall s. me 102: 22, and the kingdoms to s. the Lord SERVED. 106 : 36. they s. their idols 137: 8. rewardeth theeas thou hasts. us SERVICE. 104: 14. herb for the s. of man SET: 2:2. the kings of the earth s. them- selves 6. yet have I s. my king upon my oly 3:6. people that have s. themselves against 8:1. who hast s. thy glory above the heavens 12:5. I will s. him in safety from him 16:8. I have s. the Lord always be- fore me 17: 11. they have s. their eyes bowing down 19: 4. In them hath he s. a tabernacle 27:5. he shall s. me up upon a rock 31:8. thou hast s. my feet in a large room 40:2. ands. my feet upon a rock 50: 21. s. them in order before thine eyes 54:3. they have not s. God before them 57: 4. among them that ares. on fire 62: 10, s, not your heart upon them 69 : 29. God, s. me up on high 73:9. s. their mouth against the heav~ ens 18. thou didst s. them in slippery places 74:17. hast s. all the borders of the earth 78:7. might s. their hope in God 8. that s. not their heart aright 85: 13. shall s. us in the way of his 86:14. not s. thee before them 89: 25. I will s. his hand also in thesea g0: 8. hast s, our iniquities before thee Or: 14. he hath s. his love upon me 14. I will s. him on high, because : 3. Ss. no wicked thing before mine 102: 13. yea, the s. time 1s come 104: 9. thou hast s. a bound that they 109: 6. s. thou a wicked man over him 113: 8. may s. him with princes 118: 5. in a large place 122: 5. are s. thrones of judgment 132: 1x. will Is. upon thy throne 140: 5. they have s. gins for me 141: 3. s. a watch, O Lord, before mySET CONCORDANCE SET against. 10: 8. eyes are privily s. 2. the poor SET apart. 4:3. the Lord hath s. a. him that is godly SET forth. I41: 2. prayer be s. £ before thee as SET up. 20:5. we will s. z. our banners 74:4. Ss. w. their ensigns for signs 89: 42. hast s. w. the right hand of his SH AS. L. 21:3. thou s. a crown of pure gold 41: 12. s. me before thy fave forever sk TET A. 18 : 33. s. me upon my high places 36: 4. hes. himself in a way that is not 65: 6. by his strengta s. fast the moun- tains 68: 6. God s. the solitary in families 83: 14. flame s. the mountains on fire 107: 41. s. he the poor on high SETTETH zg. 75:7. putteth down one, and s. #. an- other SE ET LED. 119: 89. thy word is s. in heaven SH CLESE. 65:10. thou s. the furrows thereof SEVEN-FOLD. 79: 12. Our neighbors ‘s.-~ into their bosom SEVEN Zimes. 12:6. a furnace of earth purified s. ¢. 119: 164. s. #. a day do I praise thee SHADE. 121: 5. the Lord is thy s. upon thy right SHADOW. 17: 8. hide me under thes. of thy wings 23:4. the valley of the s. of death 36:7. put their trust under the s. of thy 44: 19. covered us with the s. of death 57: 1. yea, in the s. of thy wings will I make 63:7. in the s. of thy wings will I re- joice 80: 10. covered with the s. of it 91: 1. shall abide under the s. of the Almighty ro2: 11. my days are likeas. : 107: ro. and in the s. of death, being bound 14. out of darkness, and the s. of death 109 : 23. like the s. when it declineth 144: 4. his days are asas. SHAKE. 22:7. they s. the head, saying 5: 3. though the mountains s, with : 23. loins continually to s. : 16. shall s. like Lebanon SHAKED. tog: 25. they s, their heads SNE ISR ANIONS AN RANEAS LO LHE PSALMS. SHAKEN. 18:7. the hills moved, and were s. because he SHAKETH. 29: 8. voice of the Lord s. the wilder- ness (twice) 60: 2. heal the breaches thereof, for it s. SHAKING. 44:14. a s. of the head among the people SHAME. 2. will ye turn my glory into s. ? : 4. let them be contounded and put to s&s. 26. clothed with s. and dishonor 40: 14. and put to s. that wish me evil 15. far a reward of their s. that say SHE 4°: 35 44:7. put them to s. that hated us g. cast off, and put us to s, “15. the s. of my face hath covered 53:5. thou hast put them tos. because 69: 7. s. hath covered my face 19. my s. and my dishonor 70: 3. for a reward of their s. that say 71: 24. brought to s. that seek my hurt 83: 16. fill their faces with s. 17. let them be put to s., and perish 89: 45. hast covered him with s. 109: 29. be clothed with s., and let them 119: 31. O Lord, put me not to s. 132: 18. wil! I clothe with s. SHAMED. 14: 6. ye have s. the counsel of the poor SHAPEN. 51: 5. behold, I was s, in iniquity SHARP. 45:5. thine arrows are s. in the heart 52:2. like as. razor, working 57: 4. their tongue a s. sword 120: 4. s. arrows of the mighty SHARPENED. 140: 3. have s. their tongues likea SHEAVES. 126: 6. bringing his s. with him 129: 7. nor he that bindeth s. his bosom SHEBA. 72: 10. the kings of S. and Seba shall 15. be given of the gold of S. SHECHEM. 60: 6. I will divide S. and mete out SHE 79: 3. blood have they s. like water 10. blood of thy servants which iss. 106 : 38. and s. innocent blood, even SHEEP. 8:7. alls. and oxen, yea, and the beasts 44: 11, thou hast given us hke s, 22. counted as s. for the slaughter 49: 14. like s. they are laid in the grave 74: 1%. against the s. of thy pasture 78: 52. to go forth likes, 79: 13. and s. of thy pasture, 100: 3. g5: 7. and thes. of his hand 119: 176. I have gone astray likea lost s. 133SHE CONCORDANCE 70 THE PSALMS. SHO 144: 13. our s, may bring forth thou- ! sands SHEEP-—/olds. 78: 70. took him from the s.-f. SHELTER. 61: 3. thou hast been as. for me SHEPHERD. 23: 1. the Lord is mys. I shall not want 80 : 1. give-ear, O s. of Israel 4:6. who wilt s. us any good 16: rr. thou wilt s. me the path of life 17:7. Ss. thy marvellous lcving-kindness 18:25. thou wilt s. thyself merciful 25. upright man, thou wilt s. thy- self upright 26. with the pure, thou wilt s. thy- self pure 26. froward, thou wilt s. thyself fro- war : 4. s. me thy ways, O Lord 14. he will s. them his covenant : 23. will I s. the salvation of God : 7282s thy mercy, O Lord : 17. s. mea token for good : 10. wilt thous. wonders to the dead ? : 16. satisfy him, and s. him my sal- vation 92: 15. to s, that the Lord is upright 94: 1. vengeance belongeth, s. thyself rog: 16. remembered not to s. mercy SHEW /orth. 1. wills. A. all thy marvellous works 14. that I may s. / all thy praise 51:15. my mouth shall s. /. thy praise 71: 15. Shall s. 7 thy righteousness 79: 13. we will s. % thy praise to all 92:2. tos. /. thy loving-kindness 96: 2. 5. / his salvation from day to day 700: 2, S. fall his praise SHEWED. 21. he hath s. me his marvellous kindness 60: 3. hast s. thy people hard things 71: 18. until I have s. thy strength 20. s. me great and sore troubles 11. his wonders that he had s. them 2. openly s. in the sight of the heathen 105: 27. s. his signs among them 111: 6. hath s, his people the power 118: 27. is the Lord which hath s. us light 2. Is. before him my trouble SHEWETH. 9: Br: 78: 98: 142°: 18: 50. and s, mercy to his anointed 19:1. the firmament s. his handiwork 2. night unto night s. knowledge 37:21. therighteous s. mercy and giveth TI2: 5. a 00d man-s. favor 147: 19. he s. his word unto Jacob | SHEWING. | 78: 4. s. to the generation to come | 134 SHIELD. 3: 3. but thou, O Lord, art as. for me | 5: 12. compass him as witha sv, | 18: 35. hast also given me the s. of thy | 28: 7. the Lord is my strength and my Ss. 33: 20. he is our help and ours. 35: 2. take hold of s. and buckler 59: 11. bring them down, O Lord ours, 76: 3. the bow, the s. and the sword :Q. behold, O God, our s. tz. the Lord God is a sun and s. gt: 4. his truth shall be thy s. and buckler 115: 9. their help and their s., 10, x1. 11g: 114. thou art my hiding place and my s. 144: 2. my s. and he in whom I trust SHIELDS. 47:9. the s. of the earth belong unto Ged SHILOH. 78: 60. forsook the tabernacle of .S, SHINE. 34: 16. thy face to s. upon thy servant 67: 1. cause his face to s. upon us 80: 3. cause thy face to s., 7, 19. 104: 15. oil to make his face to s. I1g: 135. thy face tos. upon thy servant SHINE forth. 80: 1. between the cherubims, s. 7 SHINED. 50:2. the perfection of beauty, God ath s, SHINETH. 139: 12. the night s. as the day SHIPS. 48:7. breakest the s. of Tarshish 104: 26. there go the s. 107 : 23. down to the seain s, SHOE. : 8. over Edom will I cast out my Sig LOS) <7 Qs SHOOK. : 7. then the earth s. and trembled : 8. the earth s,, the heavens also : 18. the earth trembled and s, SHOOT. It: 2. privily s. at the upright in heart 22:7. they s. out the lip, they shake 58:7. bendeth his bow to s. his arrows 64:3. to s, their arrows, even bitter words 4. May s. in secret at the perfect 4. suddenly do they s. at him 7. God shall s. at them 144: 6. s. out thine arrows and destroy SHORT. 89: 47. how s. my time is SHORTENED. 89: 45. his youth hast thou s, | 102: 23. he s,any' days SHOT, 18:14. he s. out lightnings and dis- comfitedSHOULDER. 81: 6. I removed his s. from the burden SHOUT. (moun). 47:5. God is gone up withas., SHOUT. (verb). 5:11. s. for joy because thou defendest g22 22,.8.ifor joy, all ye that are upright 352-27.. let them s, for joy and be glad 473%. 5. upto God with the voice of 65: 13. they s, for joy, they also sing 132: 9. thy saints s. for joy 16. her saints shall s. aloud for joy SHOUTETH. 78: 65. a mighty man that s, SHOW See SHEW. SHOWERS. 65: 10. makest it soft with s, 72:6. as s. that water the earth SHUT. ar = hast not s. me up into the hand 69 ~ pit s. her mouth upon me SEU T 2p, 77:9. hath he in anger Ss. 2. his tender mercies ? 88:8. Lams. w., and I cannot come SICK. 35: 133. as for me, w sea they were s. SICKNESS. 41: 3. make all his bed in his s, SIDE. 12: 8. wicked walk on every s, when the | 31: 13. fear was on every s. 5: 12. hills rejoice on ee Ss 71: 21. comfort me on every « gi: 7. thousand shall fall at thy Ss 118: 6. the Lord is on my s y24: 1. the Lord, who was on ours., 2 SIDES. 48: 2. on the s. of the north 128: 3. vine by the s. of thine house SIGHING. 12:5. for the s. of the needy now will I 31: 10. my years with s. 79: 11. let the s. of the prisoner SIGHT 5:5. the foolish shall not stand in thy s. 9g: 19. let te heathen be judged in thy s. 10:5. judgments are far above out of his s. 19: 14, be acceptable in thy s., O Lord 51: 4. done this evil in thy s. 72:14. precious .... their blood be in his s. 76:7. who may stand in thy s. when 78 ce in the si’of their fathers 79: 10. among the heathen in ours, 90:4. a thousand years in thy s go = 2. in the s#of the heathen tor: 7. shail not tarry in my s. 116: 15. precious in the s. of the Lord 143: 2. in thy s. shall no man living SECO LOV ES or UG Gi thy OATS COCO DORIC Oa CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. ee SIGNS. 74:4. set up their ensigns for s, Q- we see net our s. how he had wrought his s. 105: 7. Showed his s. among them 135: 11. S. king of the Amorites, 136: SILENCE. 31: 18. let the lying lips be put to s. 32: 3. kept s. my bones waxed old 35: 22. keep not s., O Lord, be not far 39 2 21 ‘I was dumb with s, 50: 3. come and shall not keep s. 21. hast thou done, and I kept s. 83: 1. keep not thou s., O God TES ne any that go down into s. SILENT. 22:2. inthenight-season,andam nots. 28: 1. be not s. to me, lest if thou be s. 30: 12. sing praise to thee, and be nots. Se 27. Leh ‘them be s. in the grave SILVER. 12: 6. as s. is tried in a furnace of earth 66: 10. hast tried us, as s. is tried 68: 13. dove covered with s. 30. submit himself with pieces of s. 105: 37. forth also with s. and gold 115: 4. idols are s. and gold 119: 72. than thousands of gold and s. 135: 15. are s. and gold, the work of SIMILITUDE. 106: 20. into the s. of an ox 144: 12. polished after the s. of a palace SIMPLE. 19: 7. sure, making wise the s. 116: 6. Lord preserveth the s. 11g: 130. understanding unto thes. SIN. (noun). 32: 1. blessed is he....whose s. is cov- ered 5. I acknowledged my s. unto thee 5. thou forgavest the iniquity of my s. 38 : 3. rest in my bones, because of mys. 18. I will be sorry for my s. 51: 2. cleanse me from my s 3. my s. is ever before me 5. in s. did my mother conceive me 59: 3. for my transgression, nor formys. 12. for the s, of their mouth 85: 2. hast covered all their s. 109: 7. his prayer became s. 14. not the s. of his mother be blotted out SIN. (verb). 4:4. S. not; commune with your own 1. that I s. not with my tongue a : rr. hid in mine heart, that I might HOS. SINATI. 68:17. the Lord isamong them, asin S. SING. See PRAISE, PRAISES. 13: 6. I wills. unto the Lord, because he 135 TUL ELSEEELE TUL EDU TUG OLLSIN CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS, SLA 21: 13. so will we s. and praise thy power | Ls 30: 4. s. unto the Lord, O ye saints 12. to the end that my glory may s. | 25 5. nor s. in the congregation of the ighteous : : 8. will he teach s. in the way 33: 2. s. unto him with the psaltery 26:9. gather not my soul with s. 3. s. unto him a new song 51: 13. s. shall be converted unto thee 51:14. my tongue shall s. aloud 104: 35. let the s. be consumed 57: 7. I will s. and give praise SIN-OFFERING. g. I will s. unto thee among | 40:6. burnt-offering and s.-o. hast thou 59: 16. I will s. of thy power SINS. 16. I will s. aloud of thy mercy 19: 13. thy servant also from presump~ 17. unto thee,O my strength,will I s. tuous s. 65: 13. shout for joy, they also s. 25:7. remember not the s. of my youth 66: 2. s. forth the honor of his name 18. and forgive all my s. 4. and shall s. unto thee 51:9. hide thy face from my s. 4. they shall s. to thy name 69:5. my s. are not hid from thee 67: 4. nations be glad and s. for joy 79:9. purge away our s. 63: 4. s. unto God, s. praises to his | 90: 8. our secret s. in the light of thy 32. s. unto God, ye kingdoms | 103: 10. not dealt with us after our s. 71: 22. unto thee will I s. with the harp 23. rejoice when I s. unto thee | 29 61:1. s, aloud unto God our strength | 89: 1. I will s. of the mercies of the Lord 95:1. O come, let us s. unto the Lord 96:1. Os. unto the Lord a new song, | 26 SIRION. : 6. Lebanon and S. like a young unicorn SISERA. 7g. as to S., asto Jabin at the brook SIT : 5. will not s. with the wicked Oo 5x! 69: 12. they that s. in the gate speak I. s, unto the Lord, all the earth | 107 : 10. such as s. in darkness 2. s. unto the Lord, bless his name | 110: 1. s. thou at my right hand 98: 5. s. unto the Lord with the harp 11g tor: 1. J wills, of mercy and judgment | 127: 132: 1. unto thee, O Lord, will I s. | 104: 12. which s. among the branches | 33- I will s. unto the Lord as/ so: long as : 23. princes also did s. and speak 2. to s. up late, to eat the bread 12. shall also s. upon thy throne SCP ris. 20. thou s. and speakest against Silt hao: 105: 2. s. unto him, s. psalms unto I: 1. nor s. in the seat of the scornful 108: 1. I will s. and give praise 2:4. he that s. in the heavens 13723. Ss. us one of the songs of Zion | 10:8. hes. in the lurking places of the 4. Shall we s. the Lord’s song in a | 29: 10. the Lord s. upon the flood 138: 5. they shall s. in the ways of | Io. yea, the Lord s. King forever 144: 9. will s. anew song unto. thee 47:8 Gods. upon the throne of his g. will I s. praises unto thee 99:1. he s. between the cherubims 145: 7. Shall s. of thy righteousness SITUATION. 147: 7. s. unto the Lord with thanks- | 48: 2. beautiful for s., the joy of the giving SKIES. 149: 1. s. unto the Lord a new song 18; 11. dark waters, and thick clouds 3- let them s. praises unto him of the s. 5. s. aloud upon their beds 77: 17. the s. sent out a sound SINGERS. SKILFULLY. 68:25. the s. went before, the players | 33: 87: 7. as well the s. as the players SINGING. a 126: 2. and our tongue with s, eho SINK. 69: 2. I s. in deep mire, where 29 14. Out of the mire, and let me nots. SINNED. 114 41: 4. IL have s. against thee 51: 4. against thee, thee only have I s, 78:17. they s. yet more against him | 133 32. for all this, they s. still | 106: 6. have s. with our fathers 62 SINNERS. 88 1: I. nor standeth in the way of s. | 89 136 3. play s. with a loud noise SKILFULNESS, 72. by the s. of his hands SKIN. 5. my bonés cleave to my s, le. x : 6. maketh them also tos. likea calf SKIPPED: : 4. Mountains s. like rams 6. that ye s. like rams SKIRTS. s. of his garments SLAIN. : 2. to the : 3. ye shall bes. all of you : 5. the s, that lie in the grave > 10. In pleces, as one that is s,SLANDER. 31: 13. I have heard thes. of many SLANDEREST. CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. | | SNA Se ae SLUMBER. (noun), | 132: 4. or s, to mine eyelids 50: 20. thou s. thine own mother’s son SLANDERETH. Tor: 5. privily s. his neighbor SLAUGHTER, 44: 22. counted as sheep for the s, SLAY. 34: 21. evil shall s. the wicked 37: £4. to s. such as be of upright 32. and seeketh to s. him 59: 11. s. them not, lest my people 94: 6. s. the widow and the stranger 109 : 16. even s, the broken in heart 139: 19. surely thou wilt s. the wicked SLEEP. (noun). 13: 3. lest I sleep the s. of death 70:5. they have slept their s. 6. are cast into a dead s. 78: 65. awaked as one out of gs. g0: 5. they areasas. 127: 2. he giveth his beloved s. 132: 4. not give s, to mine eyes SLEEP. (verb). 4:8. lay me down in peace, and s. SLUMBER. (verb). . that keepeth thee, will not s. . shall neither s, nor sleep SMALL. 4 WD | 18: 42, then did I beat thems. as the dust | 104: 25. both s. and great beasts 115: 13. fear the Lord, boths. and great 119: 141. | am s. and despised, yet do not SMELL. | 45: 8. thy garments s. of myrrh 115: 6. noses have they, but they s, not SMITE. | 121: 6. shall not s. thee by day H AW : 5. let the righteous s. me SMITTEN. : 7. for thou hast s. all mine enemies 26. him whom thou hast s, : 4. s. and withered like grass 3. hath s. my life down to the ground SMOKE. (noun), | 18: 8. went upas. out of his nostrils 13: 3. mine eyes, lest Is. the sleep of death 121: 4. Shall neither slumber nor s. SLEEPEST. 44: 23. awake, why s. thou, O Lord Shi Pie: 6:5. they have s. their sleep SLEW. 78: 31. s. the fattest of them 34. when he s. them, then they sought 105: 29. waters into blood, and s. their is 135: 10. and s. mighty kings 136: 18. and s. famous kings SLIDE. 26:1. in the Lord, therefore, I shall Not s. 37: 31. none of his steps shall s. Wl 17 75.10 thy paths, that my footsteps S. not 3:5. I laid me down and s. ; I awaked 70 ¢ 18: 36. steps under me, that my feet did not s. SLIPPED. 73: 2. steps had well-nigh s, SLIPPERY. 35 : 6. let their way be dark and s, 73: 18. didst set them in s. places SEIPPE FH. selves mercy SLOW. : 8. s. to anger and plenteous 145: 8. s. to.anger and of great SAAANSAANISR RRR AS 69: gt 106 : | £LO:: | 124: 38: 16. my foot s. they magnify them- | 142: U1 N 3 : 20, into s. shall they consume away : 2. as s, is driven away, so drive : 3. days are consumed like s. : 83. I am become like a bottle in thes, SMOKE. (verb). |: 1. why doth thine anger s, against : 32. toucheth the hills, and they s. : 5. the mountains, and they shall s. SMOOTHER. : 21. words of his mouth were s, than SMOTE. o. behold, he s. the rock r. and s. down the chosen men 1. s. all the first-born 6. s. his enemies in the hinder : 33. s their vines also 36. he s. also all the first-born : 8. whos. the first-born of Egypt to. who's. great nations : ro. him that s. Egypt in their 17. which s. great kings SNAIL. ONC : 8. as as. which melteth, let SNARE. 22. table becomeas. before them : 3. deliver thee from the s. of the fowler 36. which were a s, unto them 110. the wicked have laid as. forme 7. out of the s. of the fowlers 7. the s. is broken, and we are escaped 5. proud have hida-s. for me 3. privily laid as. for me SNARES. 11: 6. upon the wicked he shall rain s, 18:5. thes. of death prevented me 94: 18. when I said my foot s., thy | 140: 137 AAA RR AAA SAAR AARSNA 38 : 12. seek after my life, lay s. for me 64:5. commune of laying s. privily 141: 9. keep me from the s. which they SNARED. g: 16. the wicked is s. in the work of his own SNC 51: 7. I shall be Rieter than s, 68 : 14. it was white as s. in Salmon 147: 16. he giveth s. like wool 148; 8. fire and hail; s. and vapors ~ (), 4 ee are not s.,‘but are like es . ah! s. would we have it CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTS. 48: 3 as we have heard, s. have we seen 10. s. is thy praise, unto the ends 65: 9. when thou hast s. provided for it | 73: 20. s., O Lord, when thou awakest | 22. S. foolish was I and ignorant 77: 13. whois s. great a God as our God | 78: 72. s. he fed them according to | 80: 18. s. will we not go back from thee | 81: 12. s. 1 gave them up unto their own QO: Ti. according to thy fear, s. is thy wrath 12. s. teach us to number our days 13. s. the Lord pitieth them that g. s. he led them through the depths 30. s. the plague was stayed 103: 100: 107: 29. s. that the waves thereof are 30. s. he bringeth them unto their 115: 8. s. is every one that trusteth in | them 119: 42. s. shall I have wherewith to | answer | 127: 2. fors. he giveth his beloved sleep | 4. s. are the children of the youth 147: 20. not dealt s. with any nation SOFT. 65: 10. makest it s with showers SOFTER. 55: 21. his words were s. than oil SOJOURN-ED. 120: 5. woe is me, that I s. in Mesech 105 : 23. Jacob s-d in the land SOJOURNER. 39: 12. a stranger with thee, andas. SOLD. 105: 17. who was s. for a servant SOLEMN. Sr: 9.500 Ours, feast day 92:3. the harp, with as. sound SOLITARY. 68: 6. setteth the s. in families wilderness inas, SOME. A0-°7..8, trust in Chariots, horses I looked for s. to take pity Ty 3 As way and Ss. 69: 25 the Lord hath said unto me, thou art my S, 29s (502.0. | 33: 3. 3 in | 2:12. kiss the S., lest he be angry 138 SOR the a righteousness king’s s. 20. prayers of David, the s. of Jesse 6: 16. save the s. of thine handmaid 9g: 22. nor thes. of wickedness afflict 116: 16. thy servant, and thes. of thine SON of man. 8:4. andthes. of wz. that thou visitest 80: 17. upon the s. of m. whom thou madest ‘ 144: 3. or thes. of m, that thou makest 46:3. nor in the s. of m. in whom there is SONS of yen. 4:2. Oyes.of m. how long will ye turn 31: 19. trust in thee before the s. of mm. 33: 13. he beholdeth all the s. of m2. 57: 4. even the s. of m. whose teeth do ye judge uprightly, O ye S. Of MH. 12. make known to thes. of m. SONS. 15. the s. of Jacob and Joseph 6. among the s. of the mighty : 37. they sacrificed their s. and their 38. the blood of their s. and of their : 12. that our s. may be as plants SONG with my s. will I praise him sing unto him a new Ss. 3. he hath put anews. in my mouth : 8. in the night his s shall be with : 12. 1 was the s. of the drunkards 30. the name of God witha -s. 77:6. to remembrance my s. in the night : I. sing unto the Lord a new s., Oot a. 118: 14. the Lord is my strength and s, 137 : 3. away captive required ofusas. 4. Shall we sing the Lord’s g. sing anew s. unto thee, 6 God sing unto the Lord anews SONGS. : 7. compass me about with s. of de- liverance Fie a Mie unto 145: TLS 89: 106 Nd co N NS co 144: 140: X- 119: 54. thy statutes have been my s, in 137: 3. Sing us one of the s. of Zion SOON. 18: 44. as s. as they hear of me, they shall 37: 2. they shall s. be cut down like 58: : go astray as s. as they be born 68 oe thiopia shall s. stretch out 81: . I should s. have subdued their go: Io. it is s. cut off and we fly 106: 13. they s. forgat his works SORE. (noun). 38 . friends stand aloof from my s, 7) 82 ge s. ran in the night SORE. (adj.) 2:5. vex them in his s. displeasure 6:3. my soul is also s. vexedSOR CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. SOU ee es ee ae 6: 10, enemies be ashamed and s. vexed | 6: 3. my also sore vexed 38: 2. thy hand presseth me s. 4. return, O Lord, deliver sy s, 8. Iam feeble and s, broken | 7: 2. lest he tear my s. like a lion 44: 19. though thou hast s. broken us_ | 5. let the enemy persecute wy s. 55: 4. my heart is s. pained within 11: 1. howsay ye to mys. flee as a bird | | 71: 20. showed me great and vs. troubles | 13: 2. how long shall I take counsel in 3 118: 13. thou hast thrust s. at me UWLY S. id 18. the Lord hath chastened mes. | 16:2. O my s., thou hast said unto the SORROW. Lord 13:2. having s. in my heart daily to. thou wilt not leave my s. in hell 38: 17. my s. is continually before me 17: 13. deliver my s. from the wicked i 39: 2. and my s. was stirred 22:20. deliver wy s. from the sword 90: 10. their strength, labor and s. 23:3. he restoreth my s. i 107 : 39. Oppression, affliction and s, 25:1. unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up i 116: 3._I found trouble and s, MmLy S. ' SORROWS. 20. O keep my s. and deliver me i 16: 4, their s. shall be multiplied that | 26: g. gather not wy s. with sinners a hasten 30: 3. hast brought up my s. from the le 18: 4. the s. of death compassed me | grave 5. thes. of hell compassed me about | 31: 7. hast known my s. in adversities 32: 10. many s. shall be to the wicked g. yea, my s. and my belly 116: 3. the s. of death compassed me | 34: 2. my s. Shall make her boast in 127: 2. to eat the bread of s. | 35: 3. Say unto wy s. lam thy salvation SORROWFUL. 4. put to shame that seek after mys, 69: 29. 1am poorand s. | 7. they have digged for my s. SORRY. g. my s. shall be joyful in the Lord 38: 18. I will be s. for my sin 12. evil for good, to the spoiling of SORTS. my S. 78: 45. sent divers s. of flies 13. I humbled my s. with fasting 105: 31. there came divers s. of flies 17. rescue my s. from their destruc= SOUGHT tions 34:4. Is. the Lord, and he heard me | 40: 14. seek after zy s. to destroy it 37: 36. Is. him, but he could not be | 41: 4. heal mys. for I have sinned found | 42: I. so panteth zzy s. after thee 77: 2. day of my trouble, I s. the Lord | 2. my Ss. thirsteth for God 78: 34. slew them, then they s. him 4. I pour out wy s. in me 119: 10. whole heart have I s. thee 5. why art thoucast down, O mys. ? 94. save me, for I have s, thy pre- Tks eidGyir ie hier cepts | 6. my s. is cast down within me Le 34: 22. redeemeth the s. of his servants my s. 1s among lions 74: 19. deliver not the s. of thy turtle- SOUGHT after. 49: 15. God will redeem my s. 86: 14. violent men have s. a. mysoul | 54: 3. oppressors seck after my s. SOUGHT out. 4. with them that uphold my s. 11m: 2. Ss. 0. of all them that have | 55:18. delivered my s. in peace pleasure | 56: 6. when they wait for my s. SOUL. | 13. delivered my s. from death 19: 7. perfect, converting the s. | 57: 1. for mys. trusteth in thee 6 . my bowed down dove | 59:3. lo! they hein wait for mys. 86: 4. rejoice the s. of thy servant | 62:1. truly mys, waiteth upon God 94:21. against thes. of the righteous | 5. my Ss. wait thou only upon God 107: 9. satisfieth the longing s. 63:1. my Ss. thirsteth for thee ae hts SOUL. 5. wey Ss, Shall be satisfied as with iz: 5. him that loveth violence, zs s. 8. my _s. followeth hard after thee hateth | g. seek uzy s. to destroy it ‘ 22: 29. none can keep alive Zzs own s. | 66: 16. what he hath done for My S. g 24:4. lifted up Zzs s. unto vanity 6g: 1. waters are come in unto my s, 10, chastened my s. with fasting 25:13. Azs s. Shall dwell at ease 1 18. draw nigh unto my s. 49: 18. while he lived, he blessed zs s. 89: 48. shall he deliver zs s, from the | 70: 2. confounded that seek after my s, hand 71: 10. lay wait for my s., take counsel 109 : 31. those that condemn 7s s. 13. that are adversaries to my s. my SOUL. 23. mys. which thou hast redeemed 3:2, many there be which say of my s. | 77: 2. my s. refused to be comforted 139 ne NANA AA RRA AB AR BREASOU CONCORDANCE 84: 86 : 88 : 2. my s. longeth, yea, even 2. preserve my s., for I am holy 4. do I lift up my Si. 13. delivered szy s. from the lowest hell 14. have sought after my s is full of troubles 5 3s UY. S. 14. why castest thou off zy s.? 94: ae py s. had almost dwelt in silence . thy comforts delight wzy s. TO THE PSALMS: SPE TOFs: I2I Wt 97. IIQ 102 ie N CON] WWN WD H O U1 ARwO o>) CO « 103: 1. bless the Tomes O my S., VS. 2, 22. Tos +11 35, 109: 20. them th ae speak evil against MLy S. 116: 4. I beseech thee, deliver wzy s. 7. return unto thy rest, O mys. 8. delivered wzy s. from death 119: 20. zy Ss. breaketh for the longing 25. mys. cleaveth unto the dust 28. my s. melteth for heaviness | 3 81. my s. fainteth for thy salvation | 109. my continually in my hand | 129. therefore doth my s. keep them 167. my s. hath kept thy testimo- | nies | 175. let wy s. live and it shall praise 120: 2. deliver zy s., O Lord, from | lying lips 6. my s. hath long dwelt with him 130: 5. 1 wait for the L ord, my s. doth wait 6. my s. waiteth for the Lord 131: 2. my even as a weaned child 138: 3. strengthenedst me with strength In 72y S. 139: 14. and that my s. knoweth right 141: 8. leave not my s. Soe 142: 4. no man cared for my . 7. bring wy s. out of ane 143: 3. enemy hath persecuted my s 6. my s. thirsteth after thee 8. I lift up wy s. unto thee 11. bring wy s. out of trouble 12. them that afflict ULy S. 146: 1. praise the Lord, O mys our SOUL. 33: 20. our s, waiteth for the Lord 44:25. our bowed down to the dust 66:9. which holdeth ovy s. in life 123: 4. our s. is exceedingly filled 124: 4. the stream had gone over ouy s. proud waters had gone over Our S. 7. our Ss. is escaped as a bird their SOUL. 33: 19. to deliver thezr s. from death 49:8. the redemption of ¢hezr s. is precious 72:14. their s. from dec a and violence ; 78: pe: spared not ¢hezr s. from death 106: 15. sent leanness ‘ate their s. 107: 5 peer s. fainted in them 18. ¢hezy s. abhorreth all manner 140 | | | 40: [4nre oe ; 19. - 3. 5. eo Le 2 . 1O. 26. their s. is melted because of trouble thy SOUL. he shall preserve ¢Zy s. SOUS, 13. Shall save the s. of the needy 1o. preserveth the s. of his saints SOUND. the Lord with the s. of a trumpet the skies sent outas. : 15. that know the joyful s. 3. the harp, with a solemn s. : 6. trumpets and s. of cornet :3. praise him with the s. of the trumpet SOUND. s(adj,) : 80. let my heart be s. in thy stat- utes SOUNDNESS. 3, there io Ee s. in my flesh, 7. OUT. 6. from rhe west, nor from the s. 6. he brought in the s. wind the north and the thou hast : 3. from the north a trom the s. as the streams in the s. SOW. 7. s. the fields and plant vineyards the ey that s. in tears shall reap SOWN light is s. for the SPAKE. and it was done ae then s. I with my tongue they s. against God s. unto them in the cloudy ae 1. he s., and there came divers . he s., and the locusts came so that he s. unadvisedly with SPAKIOS 1. then thou s. in vision SPARE-D. me, that I may recover in W righteous Hes. he O s. : 50. s-d not their soul from death SPARROW. 3. the s. hath found an house : 7. I watch, and am asas. alone SPEAK. then shall he s. unto them in his wrath : 6. destroy them that s. leasing 25 they s. vanity every one with his with a double heart do they s. with their mouth they s. proudly which s. peace to their neighbors every one s. of his glory 18. which s. grievous things proudly 2 2° C J : 20. they s. not peace, but they devise 28. my tongue shall s. of thy : 2. 3 mischievous things, and im- agine =. Abo Soule declare and s. of them 5. Mine enemies s. evil of meSPE CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. SPR 45:1. I s. of the things which I have | 79: 8. 120 Le 035.: 1309: 145: 140: Sat or: 12: 15: of: Ar: 144: 34: 5a: 35 = $7: 68 : 17: 19: WINES -Tr. Mouth of then & OO W made : 3. my mouth shalls of wisdom . hear, O my people, and I will s. . do ye indeed s. righteousness 7 : 3. rather than to s. righteousness ? : I 2. for cursing and lying which | they s. thae ss lves shall be : 12. sit in the gate, s. against me : 10, mine enemies s. against me : 8. they s. loftily 8. s. wickedly concerning oppres- sion rs. if I say, I will’s. thus 25. s. not with a stiff neck : 4. so troubled that I cannot s. : 8. hear what God the Lord will s. 8. he will s. peace unto his people : 4. utter and s. hard things : 20. Ss. evil against my soul : 5- mouths, but they s. not 7. s. they through their throat 5 23. princes ‘also did’ sit. and s. against me 46. I will s. of thy testimonies also 172. my tongue shall s. of thy word : 7. but when I s. they are for war : 5. shall s. with the enemies in the 16, mouths, but they s. not 20, they s. against thee wickedly 5. s. of the glorious honor of thy 6. s. of the might of thy terrible 11. they shall s. of the glory of thy 21. shall s. the praise of the Lord SPEAKER. 11. an evil s. be established SPEAKEST. 20. thou sittest and s, against thy 4. justified when thou s. SPEAKETH. the tongue that s. proud things s. the truth in his heart o. mouth of the righteous s. wisdom to see me, he s. vanity 8. whose mouth s. vanity, 11. SPEAKING. 13. thy lips from s. guile 3. as they be born. s. lies SPEAR-S. draw out also thes. cutteth the s. in sunder whose teeth are s-s and arrows SPEARMEN. 30. rebuke the company of s. SPEECH, 6. incline thine ear unto me, and hear my s. 2. day unto day uttereth s. 3. there is no s. nor language SPEEDILY. OW W% W : 2. ear to me; deliver mes, : 17. in trouble ; hear mes. VAATS | 32 2h: 34: 102: 2. when I call, answer mes, 143: 7. hear me s., O Lord go: 31 Br: 70: 77: 735 104: 106: 139: T42; 143:: 104 : Io; 68 : EIQ : SPEND. Q. We s. Our years as a tale rN Es > 10. my life is s. with grief SPER: : 5. into thine hand I commit my s. 2. in whose s there is no guile r8. saveth such as be of acontrites 10. renew aright s. within me 11. take not thy holy s. from me 12. uphold me with thy free s. 17. sacrifices of God are a broken s, 12. cut off the s. of princes 3. and my s. was overwhelmed 6. my s. made diligent search 8. whose s. was not steadfast with 30. thou sendest forth thy s. 33. because they provoked his s. . whither shall I go from thy s. . when my s. was overwhelmed . therefore is my s. overwhelmed . my s. faileth ; hide not thy face . thy s. is good; lead me into SPIRIES# 4. maketh his angels s. SPITE ON PON Lal 14. beholdest mischief and s. to requite SPOTL, (@icun): 12. at home, divided the s. 162. as one that findeth great s. SPOIL. (verb). : 10. they which hate us, s. for them- selves : 41. pass by the way, s. him : 11. strangers s. his labor SPOILED. : 5. the stout-hearted are s. SPOILETH. : 10, the needy from him that s. him SPOILING. : r2. evil for good to the s. of my soul SPOKEN. : x. the Lord hath s. and called the earth : 6. God hath s. in his holiness, 108 : 7. : 11. God hath s. once : 14. my mouth hath s. when I was, 87: 3. glorious things are s. of thee 109: 2. they have s. against me with a 110: to. believed, therefore have I s. SPREAD. 105 : 39. s. a cloud for a covering 140: 5. s. anet by the wayside SPREADING. 37: 35. s. himself like a green bay tree SPRING. (verb). 85: x1. truth shall s. out of the earth 92:7. wicked s. as the grass SPRINGING. 65: 10. thou blessest the s. thereof T41 let thy tender mercies s. preventSPR CONCORDANCE TO" THE PSALMS, SPRINGS. 87:7. all my s. are in thee Io4: 10. the s. into the valleys STABLISH-ED. 119: 38. s. thy word unto thy servant 93: 1. the world also is s-ed 148: 6. hath oe aye them forever 23:4. thy rod and thy s. they comfort 16. he brake the wholes. of bread 105: STAGGER 107: 27. ands. likea drunken raan STAND. 1:5. the ungodly shall not s. in the judgment 4:4. Ss. in awe and sin not 5:5. the foolish shall not s. in thy sight 20: 8. we are risen and s. upright 24:3. who shalls. in his holy place? 30: 7. made my mountain to s, strong 33: 8. the world s. in awe of him 38: 11. my kinsmen s. afar off 11. my lovers and my friends s. aloof 45:9. upon thy right hand did s. the queen 76:7. who may s. in thy sight 78: 13. the waters to s. as an heap 89 : 43. not made him tos. in the battle tog: 6. Satan s. at his right hand 31. he shall s. at the right hand 122: 2. our feet shall s. within thy 130: 3. mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall s. ? 134: 1. s. in the house of the Lord 135: 2. ye that.s. in the house of the Lord 147: 17. who can s. before his cold ? STAND /asz. 28. my covenant shalls. 7 : 8. they s. ~ forever and ever STAND ouzt. :7. eyes s. o. with fatness TAND wg. : 2. s. w. for mine help : 16. who will s. «. for me against STANDEST. 1. whys. thou afar off, O Lord STANDETH. I: I. nors. in the way of sinners 89: III 26: 12. my foots. in an even place 33: 11. counsel of the Lord s. forever 82: 1. God s. in the congregation of the mighty 119: 161. heart s. in awe of thy word STANDING. 69: 2. where there is no s. 107 : 35. wilderness into as, water 114: 8. the rock into as, water STARE. 22:17. they look and s. upon me Sel 8: 3. the moon and the s. which thou 136: 9. moon ands. to rule by night 147: 4, telleth the number of the s. 142 | | | 140+ all'ye s..ofleht STA TE: | 30 ie Verily. ied man at his best s. | ATUTE. | 81:4. this was as. for Israel | | 5b AL ULES; | 18: 22, I did not put away his s. | 19: 8. the s. of the Lord are right 50: 16, to declare my s. 89: 31. if they break my s 105: 45. might observe his s. 11g: 5. ways were directed to keepthys. 8. I will keep thy s., O forsake me not 16. I will delight myself in thy s. 23. thy servant did meditate in thy s. 26. teach me thy s., 12, 64, 124, 135. 33. teach me, O Lord, the way of thy s 48. I will meditate in thy s. 54. thy s. have been my songs 71. that I might learn thy s. 80. let my heart be sound in thy s. 83. yet do I not forget thy s. 112. to perform thy s. alway 117. respect unto thy s. continually 118. all thern that err from thy s. 145. O Lord, I will keep'thy s. 155. for they seek not thy s. 171. when thou hast taught me thys. 147: 19. his s. and his judgments unto Israel STAY, 18:18. but the Lord was my s. STAYED. 106 : 30. so the plague was S. STEADFAST. 78: 8. whose spirit was not s. with God 37+ S. in his covenant STEEL. 18: 34. so that a bow of s, is broken by STEPS. 17: 11. have now compassed us in ours. 18: 36. thou bast enlarged my s. under 37: 23. the s. of a good man are ordered 3r. none of his s, shall slide 44:18. nor have our s. declined from thy way 56:6. hide themselves; theymarkmys. 57: 6. prepared a net for my s 73:2. my s. had well-nigh slipped 85: 11g: 13. Set us in the way of his s. 133. order my s. in thy word SLICK, 38: 2. thine arrows s. fast in me 75:5. speak not with a s, neck STILL,” adj.) 4:4. your own, heart upon your bed, and S 23: 2. leadeth me beside the s. waters 46: 10. be s. and know that I am God 76: 8. the earth feared and was s.STI CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. STR ~ We 83: 1. hold not thy peace, and be nots. STRAIGHT. 107 : 29. the waves thereof are s. 5: 8. make thy way s. before my face STILL. (in the sense of Yet). STRANGE. 49:9. he should s. live forever and | 44: 20. our hands to as. god not see | 8x: 9. worship any s. god. 68: 21. as goeth on s. in his trespasses g. there shall no s. god be in thee or: for all this, they sinned s. 1144: 1. people of s. language oe i i ihes will be s. praising thee 137: 4. the Lord’s song in as. land 1 92: 14. s. bring forth fruit in old age 144: 7. the hand of s. children, rr. I 139 : 18. when lawake, Iam s. with thee STRANGER, i SILALE: (verb). 39: 12. for Il amas. with thee i 8:2. thou mightest s. the enemy and | 69: 8. as. unto my brethren ti the avenger 94: 6. slay the widow and the s. if STILLEST. 119: 19. Lamas. in the earth i 89 : g. waves thereof arise, thou s. them STRANGERS. Ss liLiE TH. 18: 44. the s. shall submit themselvos i 65:7. s. the noise of the seas 45. the s. shall fade away i STINK. | 54: 3. for s. are risen up i 38: 5. my wounds-s. and are corrupt | 195.4 5 12. very few, and s. in it He “ER | 109: 11. let the s. spoil his labor : 35 2 23. 9.up thy self, and awake to my | 146: = ‘the Lord preserveth the s. 78: 38. did not s. up all his wrath STREAM, 80: 2. s. up thy strength, and come and | 124: 4. the s. had gone over our soul STIRRED. | STREAMS. 39:2. and my sorrow was s. | 46: 4. there is a river, the s. whereof | STONE. | 78: 16. s. also out of the rock i gt: 12. dash thy foot against as. 20. gushed out, and the s. over= 118: 22. the s. which the builders re- | flowed fused | 126: 4. as the s. in the south STONES. | St REN ES. 102: 14. take pleasure in her s. | 18: 42. cast them out as the dirtin the s, 137: 9. little ones against the s. | 55: 11. depart not from her s. STONY. | 144: 13. ten thousands in ours. r41 76... are ‘Ov Bor nin s. places | 14. no complaining in our s. SLOOD. STRENGTH: 9-9. he commanded, and it s. fast 8:2. babes and sucklings hast thou 104: 6, the waters s. above the moun- | ordained s. _ i tains | rhs aa: fs is God that girdeth me with s, ; 106 : 23. s..before him in the breach 39. thou hast girdeth me with s, ; o> LOOD 25. | 20: 6, saving s. of his right hand i 106 : 30. then s. a oanehas | 21: 13. exalted, Lord, in thine own s. | 27:1. the Lord is the s. of my life 523.8. the ne sea them that | 28: 8. heis the saving s. of his anointed persecute | 29:1. give unto the Lord, glory ands. 107 : 42. iniquity shall s, her mouth 1x. will give s. unto his people STOPPED. 33: 16. not delivered by much s. 63:11. that speak lies, shall bes. 39 : 13. spare me that I may recover s, STOPPETH. 40: 1. God is our refuge and s. 58:4. deaf adder that s. her ear 60: a Ephraim also is the s. of mine STORE. head, 108: 8. 144: 13. affording all manner of s, 68 : 34. ascribe ye s. unto God STOREHOUSES. 35. he that giveth s. and power 33:7. layeth a the depth in s, 71: 16. goin the s. of the Lord God TORK. 73: 26. God is the s. of my heart 104: 17. as for te s. the fir-trees 81: 1. sing aloud unto God ours. STORM. 84: = blessed is the man whose s. 52 & escape from the windy s. . they go from s. to s. ee 15: ad with igs ‘ 88 : m as aman that hath no s. 107 : 29. maketh thes. a ‘calm go: 10. if by reason of s, they be STORMY. ' | 93:1. the Lord is clothed with s. 107: 25. raiseth the s. wind 95:4. the s. of the hills is his also 148: 8. s. wind, fulfilling his word 96: 6. s, and beauty are in his sanctuary STOUT-HEARTED. 7. unto the Lord, glory and s. 76:5. the s.-4. are spoiled 99: 4. king’s s. also loveth judgment 143 SOSTR CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. STR 18 31 I3 89 roe a2: 28: Bos 43: 59: 62: wi: 102: 23. he weakened my s. in the way 118: 14. the Lord is my s. and song 144: 1. blessed be the Lord my s. 28: 2I: 54: 68 : 71: 74% 77: 80: 86 : 110: 2, send the rod of thy s. 2:8. the ark of thy s. 20: 27 31: 41 68 : 103: 20. angels that excel in s. : THENE : 3. strengthenedst me with s, in| 52: 7. s. himself in his wickedness my soul 140: 7. the s. of my salvation 147: 10. he delighteth not in the s. of hits STRENGTH. : 17. deliver any by 47s great s. 2:7. that made not God “is s. : 9. because of /zs s. will I wait : 6. by 4zs s. setteth fast the moun- tains : 34. Azs s. is in the clouds : 4. the praises of the Lord and 7s s. 61. delivered zs s. into captivity 105: 4. seek the Lord and zs s. my STRENGTH. : z. I will love thee, O Lord, mys. STRENGTHENED-ST. 147: 13. hath s, the bars of thy gates 138: 3. and s-st me with strength STRENGTHENETH. 104: 15. which s. man’s heart STRETCH. | 68: 31. s. out her hands unto God 2. my God, my s.,in whom | will | | 3x: 20. in a pavilion from the s. of trust 15. my s. is dried up like a potsherd 19. O my s., haste thee to help me 7. the Lord is my s. and my shield : 4. for thou art my s. 10. my s. faileth because of 10. my Ss. faileth me 2. thou art the God of my s. 17. unto thee, O zy s., will I sing 7. the rock of my s. and my refuge g. forsake me not when mys. faileth thetyr STRENGTH. 8. the Lord is ¢4ez7 s. and he is the saving : 39. he is ¢Hezr s. in the time of : 4. their s. is firm : 51. the chief of ¢hezy s. in the : 17. thou art the glory of ¢hezr s. : Io. yet is thezr s. labor and sorrow ros: 30. the chief of all 7Zez7 s. thy STRENGTH. 1. the king shall joy in ¢ky s. 1. judge me by ¢hy s. 28. God hath commanded ¢hy s. 18. until | have showed ¢hy s. 13. divide the sea by ¢hy s. 14. ZAy s. among the people 2. stir up ¢#y s. and come and save 16. ty s. unto thy servant STRENGTHEN. 2. s. thee out of Zion 14. be of good courage, and he shall s. 24. he shall s. your heart, all ye : 3, the Lord wills. him upon the bed 28. s., O God, that which thou : 21. mine arm also shall s. him 119: 28. s. thou me according unto thy word 144 14. O Lord, mys. and my redeemer | 138: 7. shalt s. forth thine hand against 143: 6. IL s. forth my hands unto thee SLRETCHED-ogz, 44:20. ors. o. our hands to a strange 88:9. s. o. my hands unto thee 136: 6. that s. o. the earth above the 136: 12. withas. o. arm STREFCHEST. 104: 2. who s. out the heavens like STRIFE. tongues 55:9. violence and s. in the city 80: 6. thou makest us as. unto our 106: 32. angered him also at the waters Ss. STRIKE. 110: 5. shall s. through kings in the day STRING. 11:2. make ready their arrow upon the s. STRINGS. 21:12. thine arrows upon thy s. 33: 2. and an instrument of ten s. 92: 3. upon an instrument of ten s. 144: 9. an instrument of ten s. will I sing STRINGED. 150: 4. praise him with s. instruments STRIPES. 89 : 32. their iniquity with s. STRIVE. 35:1. with them that s. with me STRIVINGS. 18: 43. thou hast delivered me from es. STROKE. 39: 10. remove thy s. away from me STRONG, ro: 10. the poor may fall by his s. ones 18:17. delivered me from my s. enemy 17. for they were too s. for me 19: 5. rejoiceth as as. man to run a race 22:12. s. bulls of Bashan have beset 24:8. the Lord s. and mighty 30:7. made my mountain to stand s. 31: 2. be thou my s. rock for an house 21. marvellous kindness in a s, city 35: 10. the poor from him that is too s. for 38 : 19. enemies ure lively and they ares. 60:9. who will bring me into the s, city ? 61: 3. as. tower from the enemy 71:3. be thou my s. habitation 7. thou art my s, refugeSTR 80: 15. thou madest s. for am rself 17. son of man whom thou madest | s. for 89: 8. who is as. Lord like bee thee? ro. thine pion with thy s. arm 13. s. is thy hand, and high is thy © 108 : ro. bring me into the s. city ESO: Eo. with as. hand and witha 44:14. Our oxen may bes. to labor STRONGER. 105: 24. s. than their enemies 142: 6. they are s. than I STRONGHOLDS. 89: 40. brought his s. to ruin SE UBBEE. 83: 13. as the s. before the wind STUBBORN. 78: 8. as. and rebellious generation STUCK. r1g: 31. I have s. unto thy testimonies STUMBLED. 27: 2. they s. and fell ‘SUB DUE-D. 47: 3. he shall s. the people under us 18 : 39. thou hast s-d under me those | CONEORDANCE TO THE PSAEMS. 81:14. I should soon have s-d their | enemies SUBDUETH. 18:47. and s. the people under me 144: 2. S. my people under me BJECTION. 106: 42. brought into s. under their | hand SUBMIT-TED. 18: 44. the strangers shall s. themselves 66: 3. enemies s. themselves unto thee 68 : 30. s. himself with pieces of silver 81:15. have s-d themselves unto him SUBS EANCE, the rest of theirs. to their babes 17 * Td. 105: 21. ruler of all his s 139: 15. my s. was not hid from thee 16. thine oy = did see my s. SUBTILLY 105: 25. to deal s. with his servants SsuUGCOT AH. 60: 6. mete out the valley of S., SUCH 25: 10. unto s. as keep his covenant 27:12. s. as breathe out cruelty : 34:18. saveth s. as be of a contrite spirit 37: 14. to slay s. as be of upright 22. s. as be blessed of him shall in- herit 40:4. nor s. as turn aside to lies let s. as love thy salvation, 70: 4. 50: 21. that I was altogether s. an one 55:20. against s. as Ea at peace with (8: 21. hairy scalp of s. an one as a ocT. 703: 18. to s. as keep his covenant 107: 10. s. as sit in darkness 125: 5. for s. as turn aside unto ‘ RRR TRS OREO SSS Ls TOS 2 7. | even to s. as are of a clean heart | | Bday ao\: | | SUP 139! Ss s. knowledge is too wonderful 144: 15. people that is in s. a case SUCKEINGS: 8:2. babes and s, hast thou ordained strength SUDDENLY. G2 10. ne them return and be ashameds. 64: 4. s. do they shoot at him 7. s. shall they be wounded SUFFER. 9: 13. my trouble which I s. of them 16: 10. neither wilt thou s. thine Holy One 34: 10. young lions do lack and s. hunger 55:22. never s, the righteous to be moved 88:15. while I s. thy terrors, I am dis- tracted 89 : 33. nor s. my faithfulness to fail ror: 5. a proud heart, will not Is. 121: 3. he will not s. thy foot to be SUFFERED. 105: 14. s. no man to do them wrong SUFFERETH. 66:9. s. not our feet to be moved 107 : 38. s. not their cattle to decrease SUM. 139: 17. how great is the s. of them SUMMER. 32: 4. turned into the drought of s. 74:17. hast made s. and winter SCENE 19: 4. hath heset a tabernacle for thes, 50: from the rising of the s. unto that they m: a not see thes . aslongasthe s. and moon endure be continued as long as thes. 74:16. hast prepared the light and thes. 84: 11. the Lord God is as. and shield 89 : 36. his throne as the s. before me the s. knoweth his going down 22. the s. ariseth, they gather 13: 3. from the rising of the s. 21: the s. shall not smite thee 2075.0. on co ay ees “U1 COOH & I I I the s. to rule by day SUNDER. 46:9. cutteth the spear in s. 107: 14. brake their bands ins. 16. the bars of iron in s. SUNK. | 9: 25. the heathen ares. down in the pit SUPPLICATION. 6:9. the Lord hath heard my s. o: 8. unto the Lord I made s. 5:1. hide not thyself from my s. On OD | r19: 170. let my s. come before thee | 1422 Xs unto the Lord did I make mys. SUPPLICATIONS. 28:2. hear the voice of my s. a he hath heard the voice of my s. 31: 22. heardest the voice of my s. 86:6. to the voice of my s. 116: 1. my voice and my s. 130: 2. to the voice of my s. 145SUR CONCORDANCE TO TALEPSALNMS. TAB I40: 143: 7Or: 77: Ss): 84: ors rc 50: So 69: 35: 106: T24: 95: eee 89: x5: 63 55: IO4 : 11g: IQ: 6. the voice of my s., O Lord I. give ear to my s. SURE. 19: 7. the testimony of the Lord iss. 93: 5. thy testimonies are very s. riz: 7. all his commandments are s. SURELY. 23:6. s. goodness and mercy shall fol- low 32: 6. s. in the floods of great waters 39: 6. s. every man walketh in a vain 6. s. they are disquieted in vain II. Ss. every man is vanity 62:9. s. men of low degree are vanity 73: 18. s. thou didst set them in 10. s. the wrath of man shall praise rz. s. I will remember thy wonders g. s. salvation is nigh them that fear 1: 3. s. he shall deliver thee from the snare 112: 6. s. he shall not be moved forever 131: 2. s. 1 have behaved and quieted 132: 3. s. I will not come into the 13): 11. s. the darkness shall cover 19. s. thou wilt slay the wicked 140: 13. s. the righteous shall give thanks SURETY; 119: 122. be s. for thy servant for good SUSTAIN-ED. 55: 22. and he shall s. thee 3:5. I awaked, for the Lord s-d me SWALLOW. (noun). the s. a nest for herself SWALLOW. (verb). shall s. them up in his wrath for man would s. me up enemies would daily s. me up reproach of him that would s. me up 15. neither let the ay Ss. me up SWALLOWED 3. 9- 1 ZY 3: 25. we have s. him up 17. opened and s. up Dathan 3. they had s. us up quick SWARE. . Is. in my wrath 2. how he s, unto the Lord, and vowed SWAREST. 49. thou s. unto David in thy truth SWEARETH. 4. he that s. to his own hurt tr, that s. by him shall glory SWEET 14. we took s. counsel together 34. my meditation of him shall bes, 103. how s. are thy words unto my taste 1:6. hear my words, for they are s. SWEETER. 10, Ss. also than honey and the honeycomb 146 119: 103. yea, s. than honey to my mouth SWELLING. 46: 3. shake with the s. thereof SWIFTLY. 147: 15. his word runneth very s. 6:6. all the night make I my bed to s. SWORD. 7: 12. if he turn not, he will whet hiss. 17: 13. my soul from the wicked, which is thy s. 22: 20. deliver my soul from the s. 37: 14. wicked have drawn out the s. 42: 10. as with as. in my bones 44: 3. In possession by their own s. 6. neither shall my s. save me 45 5 gird thy s. upon thy thigh 57: 4. their tongue a sharp s. 63710. they sh all fall by the s. 64: 3. whet their tongue likeas., 76:3. the shield and the s. and the battle 78 : 62. his people over also unto the s. 64. their priests fell by the s. 89: 43. turned the edge of his s. 144: 10. his servant, from the hurtful s, SWORDS. 55:21. yet were they drawn s, 59: a s. are in their lips SWORN. 24:4. nor s. deceitfully 89.: 3. s. unto David my servant 35. s. by my holiness 102: 8. mad against meares. against me 110: 4. the Lord hath s. and will not rI9: oe I have s. and I will perform it 132: 11. hath s. in truth unto David SYCAMORE /#rees. 78:47. and their s. ¢. with frost SYNAGOGUES. 74:8. burned up all the s. of God TABERNACLE. 15: 1. who shall abide in thy ¢,? 19: 4. hath he set a ¢. for the sun 27:5. 1n the secret of his z. shall he hide me 6, therefore will I offer in his ¢. 46: 4. the holy place of the #, 6x1: 4. I will abide in thy z. forever 76: 2. in Salem also is his ¢. 78: 60. he forsook the ¢. of Shiloh 67. refused the ¢. of poseph 1422-55 Ifo te - of my | louse, nor go TABERNACLES 43: 3. holy hill and to thy ¢, 78: 51. in the ¢. of Ham 83: 6. ‘the t. of Edom and the Ishmaele ites 84:1. how amiable are thy ¢.BAS 118: 15. in the ¢. of the righteous 132: 7. we will go into his ¢. TABLE, 23:5. thou preparest a ¢. before me 69: 22. let their ¢. become a snare 78: 19. furnish a ¢. in the wilderness 128 : 3. olive-plants round about thy ¢. TABOR. 89:12. 7. and Hermon shall rejoice 2:2. the rulers z. counsel together 7:5. persecute my soul and ¢. it CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. TEA | I37 147: 149 LIQ | go: 69: eae 13: 2. how long shall I ¢. counsel in my | 27: 10. then the Lord will ¢. me up 35: 2. z. hold of shield and buckler 50: 9. I will ¢. no bullock out of 16. or that thou shouldest ¢. my covenant 51: 11. #. not thy Holy Spirit from me 52:5. he shall ¢. thee away and pluck 58: 9. he shall ¢. them away as with 69: 20. I looked for some to #. pity 71: 10. wait for my soul, ¢. counsel II. persecute and ¢. him 80: 9. Cause it to ¢. deep root 81: 2. ¢. a psalm, and bring hither 83: 12. let us ¢. to ourselves the houses 89: 33. will I not utterly ¢. from him 102: 14. thy servants ¢. pleasure in her stones 24. 7. me not away in the midst 116: 13. I will ¢. the cup of salvation 119: 43. 2. not the word of truth utterly 139: 9. if I 4. the wings of the morning 20. enemies 7. thy name in vain TAKE away. 31: 13. devised to #. a. my life TAKE heed. 39: 1. I will 7. 2. to my ways TAKE hold. 69: 24. wrathful anger ¢. %. of them TAKE ws. :g. Z. and dasheth thy little ones ro. 7, not pleasure in the legs ofa : 4. the Lord ¢. pleasure in his people TAKING. : 9. by #. heed thereto according PALE. g. as a Z, that is told 26. z#. to the grief of those whom 24. my tongue also shall ¢. of thy 77: 12. thy work and ¢. of thy doings 105: 2. 2. ye of all his wondrous works 119: 27. so shall I ¢. of thy wondrous works 145: 11, thy kingdom and Z¢, of thy power TALKED: 373 | 68: IOI < | 40: | 7O: 16: 4. nor?¢. z. their names into my lips | TAKEN. g: 15. which they hid, is their own foot Z. ro: 2. let them bé 7. in the devices that 40: 12. mine iniquities have ¢. hold 59: r2. be ¢. in their pride 83: 3. they have ¢. crafty counsel 85:3. hast ¢. away all thy wrath 119: 53. horror hath 7. hold upon me 111. have I ¢. as an heritage forever 143. trouble and anguish have 7, TAKES .: 104: 29. thou z. away their breath _ 144: 3. that thou ¢. knowledge of him TAKETH. 15:3. nor ¢. upa reproach against 5. nor 7. reward against the inno- cent 118: 7. ¢. my part with them that help 48: De I1Q: 30. his tongue ¢. of judgment ARRIED. 12. she that ¢. at home divided TARRY. 7. Shall not ¢. in my sight TARRYING. 17. make no ¢., O my God 5- O Lord, make no ¢. J ARSEISH: 7. breakest the ships of 7. 1o. kings of 7. and of the isles LASTER oun). 103. how sweet are thy words unto my 2. TASTE. (verb). 34:8. O¢. and see that the Lord is good TAUGHT. 71: 17. thou hast ¢. me from my youth 11g: 102. for thou hast 7. me 171. when thou hast ¢. me thy statutes TEACH. 25:4. 2. me thy paths 5. lead me in thy truth and #. me 8. will he ¢. sinners in the way g. the meek will he #. his way 12. him shall he z. in the way that 27: 11. ¢. me thy way, O Lord 32: 8. instruct thee and ¢. thee in the 34: 45: 86: go: 105 11g 132 143 11g tz. I will ¢. you the fear of the Lord 4. shall ¢, thee terrible things : 13. then will I ¢. transgressors 11. 7. me thy way, O Lord 12. so Z. us to number our days : 22. Z. his senators wisdom : 26, 24. meé* thy statutes, 12, 64, 1245 135. 33. Z. me, O Lord, the way of thy statutes 66. ¢. me good judgment and knowledge 108. and ¢. me thy judgments : 12, testimony that I shall ¢. them : ro. Z. me to do thy will TEACHERS. :99. more understanding than all my 2. 147CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. BD ° 50: T12)5 T1245 22: 26: 48: BO: 41 ri: bo 94:1 144: 56: TOL % 147: 83: 4 6 4 250; 9 4 22 79: I. 138: 2. worship toward thy holy ¢. 95° TEACHEST. 94: 12. ¢, him out of thy law TEACHETH. 18: 34. he ¢. my hands to war o. he that ¢, man knowledge i. which 7. my hands to war EAR: 7:2. lest he ¢ my soul like a lion 15. they did ¢. me and ceased not 22. lest I z. you in pieces TEARS. 6:6. I water my couch with my 7. 39: 12. hold not thy peace at my #. 42:3. my ¢. have been my meat 56: 8. put thou my #. into thy bottle 80:5. givest them #¢. to drink 5. feedest them with the bread of ¢. 116: 8. mine eyes from ¢. and my feet 126: 5. they that sow in ¢. shall reap TEETH. ungodly their ¢. : 12. gnasheth upon him with his @. . whose ¢. are spears and arrows e. break their ¢., O God 6. break out the great Zz. of the young 10. he shall gnash with his ¢. 6. not given us asa prey to their Z. PEE: 17. I may ¢. all my bones 7. #. of all thy wondrous works 12. 7, the towers thereof 13. #7. it to the generation following 12. if I were hungry, I would not ¢. e TELLEST. 8. thou ¢. my wanderings TELLE TH. : 6. when he goeth abroad, he’s. it 7. he that ¢Z. lies shall not tarry 4. ¢. the number of the stars TEMPEST, 6. brimstone, and an horrible #, 8. from the windy storm and ¢. 15. persecute them with thy ¢. TEMPESTUOUS. : 3. very 7. round about him TEMPLE. 7. will I worship toward thy holy z. . the Lord is in his holy ¢. . he heard my voice out of his ¢. . to enquire in his ¢. in his ¢. doth every one speak . in the midst of thy 2. . thy house, even of thy holy ¢. g. because of thy ¢. at Jerusalem thy holy ¢. have they defiled TEMPTATION, 8. as in the day of ¢. in the 148 78: 195: | 106; la44 5 TEMPTED. 18. z. God in their heart 41. turned back and ¢. God 56. they ¢. and provoked the Most High Q. ene your fathers ¢. me 14. ¢. God in the desert TEN, 33: 2. and an instrument of ¢, strings | go: | O2: | 144: 10. Our years are three-score years and ¢. 3. upon an instrument of 7, strings g. an instrument of ¢, strings will I TEN thousana-s. | 3: 6. Iwill not be afraid of ¢. és of gi: | 40% 3:7. thou hast broken the 7¢. of the | St: :16. they. gnashed upon me with | 77: people 7. ¢. ¢. at thy right hand . 2. ¢-s in our Streets TENDER mercies. rz. withhold not thou thy #4. . r, the multitude of thy @. 69: 16. . shut up his ¢Z. wm. Mey | 79: 8. let thy ¢. #. speedily prevent us | 103: “ loving-kindness and ¢. m. E19 let thy ¢. 7. come unto me ne great are thy ¢. #., O Lord 145: 9. his ¢. #. are over all his works TENT-S. 69: 25. let none dwell in their Z-s 78: 55. Israel to dwell in their Z-s 60. the ¢. which he placed among men 84: 10. to dwell in the Z-s of wickedness 106 : 25. but murmured in their z-s 120: 5. I dwell in the ¢-s of Kedar TERRIBLE. 45: 4. shall teach thee ¢. things 47: 2. the Lord most high is ¢. 65:5. by ¢. things in righteousness 66: 3. say unto God, how Zz. art thou 5. he is é. in his doing 68: 35. O God, thou art ¢. out.of thy holy 76: 12. he is ¢. to the kings of the earth 99: 3. thy great and ¢. name 106: 22. #. things by the Red Sea 145: 6. the might of thy ¢#. acts LERROR, 91: 5. not be afraid for the ¢. by night TERRORS. : 4. the ¢. of death are fallen upon me 10; : 15. while I suffer thy ¢. lam utterly consumed with ¢. 16. thy ¢. have cut me off ESIIFY. 7. I will ¢. against thee 8. I will ¢. unto thee TESTIMONY. 7. the ¢. of the Lord is sure : 5. established a ¢. in Jacob 5. in Joseph fora Zz. 119: 88. keep the ¢. of thy mouth 122: 4. unto the #, of IsraelTES CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. THE 132: 12. my covenant and my ¢. that I TESTIMONIES. 25: 10. keep his covenant and his ¢, 7a- 56, kept not his ¢, 93: 5. thy ¢. are very sure 99: 7. they kept his ¢, and the ordinance 11g: 2. blessed are they that keep his ¢, 14. rejoiced in the way of thy ¢, 22. for I have kept thy ¢. 4. thy Z. also are my delight 1. I have stuck unto thy ¢ 36. incline my heart unto thy #, 46. speak of thy ¢. also before kings 59. turned my feet unto thy ¢. 79. those that have known thy ¢, g5- I will consider thy ¢. 99. for thy ¢. are my meditation 11x. thy z. have I taken as an heri- tage 125. that I may know thy ¢. 129. thy ¢. are wonderful 138. thy ¢. that thou hast com- | manded 144. righteousness lasting 146. save me, and I shall keep thy ¢. 152. concerning thy ¢. I have known 157. do I not decline from thy ¢ 168. kept thy precepts and thy z. THAN. of thy 84: 10. in thy courts is better ¢. a thou- sand to. Z. to dwell in the tents of wicke- | edness 93: 4. @. the noise of many waters 4. yea, ¢. the mighty waves of the sea 118: 8. ¢. to put confidence in man g. 2. to put confidence in princes THANKFUL 100: 4. be ¢. unto him and bless his THANKS. See GIVE. 35: 18. ¢. in the great congregation 79: 13. give e thee z. forever THANKSGIVING. 26: 7. publish with the voice of Z. 50: 14. offer unto God ¢. 69: 30. magnify him with ¢. 95: 2. before his presence with ¢, 100: 4. into his Bae with 7, 107 : 22. the sacrifices of 7. PEGs 17, LO thee the sacrifice of #. 147: 7. sing unto the Lord with ¢. LAY, 69: 10. 7. was to my reproach THEE. 38: 15. in Z., O Lord, do I hope 39:7. what wait I for? my hope is in ¢, ret 4. ASAINSE 7,92: only have I sinned 73:25. whom have Iin he eaven but 7. ? 25. upon earth that I desire beside ¢. Ss LT eS RAUCOUS COD SOO EO ES ECL CULE EVE ES RULES OCCUU SLOSS) Z. is ever- | AAA YN H | 84: 5. man whose strength is in ¢, 12. blessed is the man that trusteth in Z, 5:6. thy people may rejoice in ¢. 7:7. all my springs are in Zz, 119: 11. that I might not sin against ¢Z, F302 x. have! cried unto 24.0 Lord THEN, 55: 12. Z. I-could have borne it | 12. Z, | would have hid myself 73: 17. £. understood I their end THERE, 14:5. 2. were they in great fear, for God 5: 12. daughter of Tyre shall be ¢. 3: 5. 2. were they in great fear,where no 6:6, ¢. did we rejoice in him 7: 4. this man was born ¢. 7. ple ee on instruments shall be 4. 104: 26. Z. go the ships 26, ¢. is that leviathan 137: 1. of Babylon, ¢. we sat down 139: 8. into heaven, thou art ¢. 8. in hell, bel hold thou art 2. THE eee 16:9. ¢. my heart is glad 8:49. Z. will I give thanks unto thee 1:12. ¢, shalt thou make them turn 6:1. in the Lord, ¢. I shall not slide 0: 12. 2. my heart faileth me 2:6. ¢, will I remember thee ys God thy God hath anointed 17. Z. shall the pe ople praise thee 46:2. ¢. will not we fear, though 55: 19. ¢, they fear not God 59: 5. thou z., O Lord God of hosts 72 2510. (26 ns people return hither 78: 21. #. the Lord heard this gr: 14. Z. will I deliver him 106 : 23. ¢, he said that he would destroy 40. £, was the wrath of the Lord 110: 7. ¢. shall he lift up the head TLO': 23:7, will call upon him THEREIN. 69 : 34. everything that moveth 4. 96: 12. be joyful, and all that is z 111: 2, them that have pleasure #. 11g: 35. for ¢. do I delight 146; 6. the sea, and all that Z. 1s THEREOF. 24:1. earth is the Lord’s, and the ful- MESS Zz 50: 1. unto the going down Z, 55: 10. about it upon the walls Zz. tr. wickedness is in the midst 2. 60: 2. heal the breaches ¢. 65: 10. thou waterest the ridges 7. ro thou settlest the furrows 7. 1o. thou blessest the springing 2. 74:6. carved work ¢. at once with axes 75: 3. all the inhabitants 2° are 8. the dregs ¢. all the wicked 80:10. the boughs ¢z. were like the goodly : ir. the world, and the fulness ¢. 149THI CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. 18 74: 5O: 45: 74: 89: THICK. : 11. dark waters, and ¢. clouds of the skies : 12. his ¢. clouds passed, hail-stones 5. axes upon the Z. trees THIEE. 18, when thou sawest a z. then THIGH. 3. gird thy sword upon thy ¢. EIN Es. 16. the day is ¢., the night also is ¢, 11. the heavens are ¢z., the earth also is ¢. 119: 94. Iam ¢.,save me THING. 2:1, the people imagine a vain 2. 27: 4. one Z, have I desired of the Lord 33: 17. horse is a vain ¢. for safety 34: 10. shall not want any good ¢, 38: 20. I follow the #. that good is 84: 11. no good ¢. will he withhold 89: 34. the Zz. that is gone out of my lips 92: 1. a good ¢. to give thanks ror: 3. no wicked ¢. before mine eyes 141: 4. my heart to any evil ¢. 145: 16. desire of every living ¢. 50: 57: 60: 65. ai ai FO 86: O7 : 04: 98 : E04: 100: TOF: ros LIQ: 120: 131 40: 69: LHINGS, : 3. the tongue that speaketh proud ¢. : 5. that doeth these ¢. shall never be moved : 2. thine eyes behold the ¢Z. that are equal ; a. laid to my charge z. that I knew not : 12. speak mischievous ¢. and imagine tds e: : 1. I speak of the ¢. which I have when I remember these ¢, made 4. shall teach thee terrible z. 21. these ¢. hast thou done 2. God that performeth all ¢. forme 3. Showed thy people hard ¢. 5. by terrible ¢. in righteousness 19. who hast done great #, 18. who only doeth wondrous ¢. 12. marvellous ¢. did he in the sight Io. great, and doest wondrous /¢, 3. glorious ¢. are spoken of thee 4. utter and speak hard ¢. 1. he hath done marvellous ¢. 25. 7. creeping innumerable 21. done great z. in Egypt 22. terrible ¢. by the Red Sea 43. wise, and will observe these 4. 6. the 7. that are in heaven 18. wondrous ¢. out of thy law 2. hath done great ¢. for them, 3. : I. or in ¢, too high for me 148: ro, creeping ¢. and flying fowl THINKETH. 17. yet the Lord 7. upon me THIRST. 2i. in my #, they gave me vinegar 104: 11. wild asses quench their ¢, 150 42: TRARS EE TH. 2. my soul ¢. for God 63: 1. my soul ¢. for thee 143: 6. my soul ¢. after thee, as a thirsty | THIRSTY. | 63: 1. in a dry and 4. land | 107: 5. hungry and ¢. their soul | 143: 6, thirsteth after thee, as a ¢. land ALIS; | 35: 22. ¢, thou hast seen, O Lord | 44: 21. shall not God search ¢. out ? | 48: 14. ¢. God is our God forever and ever | 69 : 32. the humble shall see ¢, 73: 16. when I thought to know 4, 74: 2. 2. Mount Zion, wherein thou hast | 87: 5. 4. and that man was born in her 118: 23. ¢. is the Lord’s doing 24. Zz. is the day which the Lord hath 119: 56. 7. I had, because I kept thy precepts THORNS. 58:9. before your pots can feel the ¢. 18 ; 12. as the fire of ¢. THOROUGHLY. 51: 2. wash me ¢/. from mine iniquity THOU. 39:9. not my mouth, because /¢. didst it 55: 13. but it was ¢. a man mine equal 76:7. ¢. even z. art to be feared LHOUGCEH, 23:4. 2. I walk through the valley 27:3. Z. an host should encamp 3. 2. war should rise against me 35: 14. as Z. he had been my friend 37: 24. #. he fall, he shall not be utterly 44: 19. Z. thou hast sore broken us 46: 2. #, the earth be removed 2. ¢, the mountains be carried 3. ¢. the waters thereof roar 3- ¢. the mountains shake 49: 18, Z. while he lived, he blessed 68: 13. Z. ye have lain among the pots 78 : 23. ¢. he had commanded the clouds 99: 8. z. thou tookest vengeance of 138: 6, ¢. the Lord be high, yet hath he 138: 7. ¢. | walk in the midst of THOUGHT. (noun), 49: 11. their inward ¢. is that their houses 64: 6, the inward ¢. of every one of 139: 2. understandest my Z. afar off LHOVUGHTIS. 10: 4. God is not in all his Z, 33: 11. 2. of his heart to all generations 40:5. thy 7. which are to us-ward 56:5. all their ¢. are against me for evil 92:5. thy #. are very deep 94: 11. the Lord knoweth the ¢. of man 19. in the multitude of my ¢, T19: 113. hate vain ¢., but thy lawdo I love 139: 17. precious also are thy ¢,THO 139: 23. try me and know my ¢# 146: 4. that very day his ¢. perish THOUGHT. (verb). 48: as we have ¢. of thy loving-kindness 73: 16. when I ¢. to know this LEO : a I ¢. on my ways, and turned THOUGHTEST. thou ¢. that I was altogether THOUSAND. 50: 10, the cattle upon a ¢. hills 68: 17. chariots of God are twenty ¢. 84: 10. in thy courts is better than a ¢. go: 4. aZ#. years in thy sight are but 91:7. az. shall fallat thy side, and ten/¢, 105: 8. commanded to a #/. generations THOUSANDS. 68: 17. even #. of angels 119: 72. better unto me than ¢. of gold | and silver 144: 13. ¢. and ten ¢. in our streets THREE -score. go: Io.. years are /,-s. years and ten THROAT: 5:9. their Z. is an open sepulchre 69: 3. my ¢. is dried, mine eyes 115: 7. speak they through their 7. THRONE. g: 4. thou satest in the ¢. judging right BO: 27. | | | | CONCORDANCE: TO THE PSALMS. TO 8x: 7. in the secret place of ¢. 104: 7. at the voice of thy Zz. they THUNDBR--6olts. 78: 48. their flocks to hot z.-d. LHUN DERE D: | 18: 13. the Lord also ¢. in the heavens THUNDERETH. | 29: 3. the God of glory 4. | EUS, | 38: 14. ¢. I was as a man that heareth not | 73:15. if I say, I will speak 7, Ll DINGS 112: 7. not be afraid of evil £. TIMBREL-S. 81: 2. bring hither the ¢. 149: 3. unto him with the ¢. and harp 150: 4. praise him with the Zz. | 68: 25. damsels plz aying with f-s 4:7. -more than in the ¢. that their corn | 21: 9. fiery oven in the Z. of thine anger | 27: 5. in the Z. of trouble he shall hide | 32: 6. pray unto thee in a Zz. when thou 7 hath prepared his ¢. for judgment 11: 4. the Lord’s £. is in heaven 45:6. thy z.,.O God, 1s forever and ever 47: 8. sitteth upon the?Z. of his holiness 89: 4. build up thy. to all generations | 14. are the habitation of thy ¢ ag. his 7. as the days of heaven 36. his 7. as the sun before me 44. his Zz. down to the ground 93: 2. thy ¢. is established of old 94: 20. shall the ¢. of iniquity have 97: 2. are the habitation of his ¢. 103: 19. prepared his ¢. in the heavens 132: 11. will I set upon thy Zz iz. upon thy ¢. for evermore THRONES. 122: 5. are set z. of judgment 5. the ¢. of the house of David LHROUGH. 44:5. 2. thy name will we tread them 5. Zz. thee will we push down our Go: 12. & ees we shall do valiantly, r08 : 66:3, -. the Sea ees of thy power 6. went Zz. the flood on foot t2. we went Z. fire and ¢. water g2: 4. glad ¢. thy work THROUGHLY. See THOROUGHLY. THROUGHOUT. 72:5. moon endure ?. all generations 102: 24. thy years are /. all generations THRUST. 118: 13. hast ¢, sore at me THUNDER. ‘ 77: 18. the voice of thy 7. was in SSS OS SSDS CSTE Sha aiis 37: 19. not be ashamed in the evil 7. 39. he is their strength in the Z. of trouble 41: 1. deliver him in ¢. of trouble SOs 7a what ¢. afraid, I will 69: 13. unto thee. O Lord, in an ace ceptable 71: Q. Cast me not “off in the ¢. of old 78: 38. yea, many a ¢. turned he | 8x: 3. in the Zz. appointed, on our 15. their ¢. should have endured for- ever 89: 47. how short my ¢. 1s 102: 13. the z#. to favor her, yea, the Set Zz. 105: 19. the ¢. that his word came PLS * 2. (fis ec, fou and forevermore, LES Tips. 726, ae é. oe thee, Lord, to work 121: 8, coming in, from this ¢. forth 129: 1. many aZ. have they afflicted, 2. TIMES. 9:9. the Lord will be.. of trouble ro: 1. hidest thou thyself in Z. of trouble 31:15. my z. are in thy hand 34: 1. I will bless the Lord at all ¢. 44: 1. in their days, in the Z. of old 62: : trust in him at all ¢. 77:5. the years of ancient #. 106 : = righteousness at all ¢. 43. many ¢. did he deliver them 119: 20. the longing....unto thy judg- ments at all zt. : 164. seven Z. a day do I praise thee TO and fro. 107: 27. they reel ¢. and f. TODAY. 5 : 95: 7. #.-d. if ye will hear his voice .a refuge in #. I51 SEUSS ESS REESE SESEUDE ELUDES CUNYTO CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. TRA TO US-WARD. 40:5. thy thoughts which are ¢. zs-w. TOGETHER. 139: 6. such knowledge is ¢. wonderful TOOK. 18: 2: 50 86 65 44 go 73: 10g II9Q I20 126 A357 139 Bie oF Fle 140 18: 35°: 73: 14: 48: 104: 22. they gather themselves ¢. 122: 3. acity that is compact ¢, CEN. : 17. show me a Z. for good : 8. are afraid at thy ¢. 135: 9. who sent ¢. and wonders LTOED, : I. our fathers have Z. us, 78: 3. IoO : IZ; tS; 22: 34: 35: 37 = 39: 45: 50: 5a: 52: 57 5 64: 68: Wik : 3. have sharpened their ¢. likea | 5 T3I: 2. the rulers take counsel ¢. 3. they are all ¢. become filthy 4. they passed by 2. : 5. gather my saints ¢, : 14. we took sweet counsel Zz. : 6. they gather themselves ¢., 94: 21. : 8. let us destroy them ¢. : 17. compassed me about ¢, : 8. the hills be joyful ¢. 22 TOKENS. 62 105: : 9. aS a tale that is ¢. 144 TONGUE. 5:9. they flatter with their Z. 104 7. under his Z. is mischief and vanity 3. the ¢. that speaketh proud things 4. with our ¢. will we prevail 3. he that backbiteth not with his ¢, | 15. my ¢. cleaveth to my jaws 25 13. keep thy Zz. from evil | 66 28. my Z. shall speak of thy | 85 30. his ¢. talketh of judgment | 86 1. that I sin not with my ¢, | 98 3. then spake I with my ¢, | 19. thy ¢. frameth deceit | 117 14. my #. shall sing aloud of thy 138: 2. thy ¢. deviseth mischiefs 4. O thou deceitful ¢. 18: 4. their ¢. a sharp sword 3. whet their z. like a sword 61 8. their own ¢. to fall upon 23. the ¢. of thy dogs in the same 24. my #. also shall talk of thy | g. their ¢. walketh through the : 2, against me with a lying ¢, : 172. my Z. shall speak of thy word | : 2. and from a deceitful z. 3. done unto thee, thou false ¢, | 25 : 2. our ¢. with singing | : 6. my ¢. cleave to the roof of my | 19 : 4. not a word in my Z., but lo! | 32 TONGUES. 36 20. ina pavilion, from thestrife of ¢. 59 g. destroy, O Lord, and divide 89 their 2. 107 36. lied unto him with their ¢, TOO; 5 17. for they were ¢. strong for me 32 ro. the poor from him that is #4, 51 strong 16. it was #. painful for me 65 I. or in things ¢. high for me 103 152 ars 48: 53) 69: TEs 7s 99: 72° 45: ee: : 12. removed our ¢, from us 16, he¢. me, he drew me out of many :g. but thou art he that ¢. me out of 13. they ¢. counsel together against 6. fear ¢. hold upon them there 14. we ¢. sweet counsel together 4. I restored that which I z, not away 6. he that ¢. me out of my mother’s 70. 2. him from the sheep-folds TOOKEST, 8. though thou ¢. vengeance OP. 16. upon the ¢. of the mountains TOSSED. 109: 23. I am ¢. up and down as TOTTERING. :3. and asaZz. fence TOUCH, 15. 2. not mine anointed : 5. 2. the mountains, and they shall LOVUGHE TH. : 32. he #. the hiils, and they smoke TOUCHING. 1. which I have made ¢. the king TOWARD. 5:7. will I worship ¢. thy holy temple : 15. mine eyes are ever ¢. the Lord : 5. doing ¢. the children of men : 4. thine anger ¢. us to cease : 13. great is thy mercy 7. me : 3. his truth z. the house of Israel 3:11. his mercy ¢. them that fear him 1, my ¢. is the pen of a ready writer | 116: 12. all his benefits 4. me : 2. kindness is great ¢. us 2. worship ¢. thy holy temple TOWER-S. 2. horn of my salvation, and my high ¢. : 3. a strong 7. from the enemy : 2. my high ¢, and my deliverer : 12. tell the #s thereof TRAMPLE. : 13. the dragon shalt thou ¢. TRANSGRESS. : 3. purposed that my mouth shall TOL Z. : 3. let them be ashamed which ¢, TRANSGRESSION. : 13. Innocent from the great ¢, : 1. he whose ¢. is forgiven : 1. the ¢. of the wicked saith within : 3. not for my ¢. nor for my sin : 32. their Z. with the rod : 17. fools, because of their ¢, TRANSGRESSIONS. ro. in the multitude of their ¢. : 7. Sins of my youth, nor my 2. : 5. confess my ¢. unto the Lord : 1. blot out my ¢. 3. I acknowledge my 4. as for our Z. thou shalt purgeTRA CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. TRO TRANSGRESSORS. | 37:38. theZ. shall be destroyed together | 51: 13. then will I teach ¢, thy ways 59: 5. not merciful to any wicked ¢. 119: 158. I beheld the?¢. and was grieved TRAP. Go - 22. tet if become a 7. TRAVAIL. 48:6. pain, as of a woman in 4. TRAVAILETH. 7:14. behold, he ¢. with iniquity TREAD. | | 7:5. yea, let him 7. down my life 44:5. will we Zz. them under thai rise 60: 12. it is he that shall ¢. down our 91: 13. thou shalt ¢. upon the lion 108 : 13. that shall ¢. down our enemies TREASURE. 17: 14. belly thou fillest with thy hid ¢. 135: 4. Israel for his peculiar Z, TREASURIES. 135: 7. the wind out of his ¢, TREE, 1:3. like a Z. planted by the rivers 92:12. flourish like the palm ¢. TREES. 74:5. axes upon the thick ¢. 96: 12. ¢. of the wood rejoice 104: 16. the ¢. of the Lord are full of sap 105 : 33. brake the ¢. of their coasts 148: 9. fruitful ¢. and all cedars TREMBLE. 60: 2. thou hast made the earth to 7. 99: 1. let the people Z. 114: 7. ¢., thou earth, at the presence TREMBLED. 18: 7. the earth shook and ¢. 77:18. the earth ¢. and shook 97: 4. the earth saw and Z. TREMBLETH. 119: 120. my flesh ¢. for fear of thee TREMBLING. 2:11. with fear, and rejoice with 2. 55:5. fearfulness and 7. are come TRESPASSES. 68: 2x. as goeth on still in his #. TRIBE. 78: 67. chose not the ¢. of Ephraim 68. but chose the ¢. of Judah TRIBES. 78:55. made the ?#. of Israel to dwell 105 : 37. feeble person among their ¢. 122: 4. whither the /. go up, the ¢Z. of the Lord TRIED. 12: 6. as silver ¢. in a furnace of earth 17: 3. thou hast 7. me and shalt find 18: 30. the word of the Lord is ¢. 66: 10. thou hast ¢. us, as silver 1s 2. to5: 19. word of the Lord #. him Hes wen 7:9. the righteous God ¢. the hearts and reins 11: 5. the Lord ¢. the righteous, but the TRIUMPH. (noun). 47:1. unto God with the voice of ¢. TRIUMPH. (verb). 25:2. let not mine enemies ¢. over me 41: 11. mine enemy doth not ¢. over me 60: 8. Philistia, 4. thou because of me | 92: 4. I will z. in the works of thy 94: 3. how long shall the wicked ¢.? | 106 : 47. to Zz. in thy praise | ro8: 9. over Philistia will I ¢. TRODDEN. 119: 118. thou hast 7. down all them that err ROOF. 18: 29. by thee I have run through a #. TROUBLE. (noun). 9:9. the Lord will be....a refuge in times of ¢. 13. consider my ¢. which I suffer 10: 1. hidest thou thyself in times of ¢. 20: 1. hear thee in the day of ¢. 22:11. for¢. is near; for there is none to help . in the time of ¢. he shall hide me 27:5 31: 7. thou hast considered my ?¢. g. Mercy upon me, O Lord, fort am in ?. 32:7. thou shalt preserve me from 7. 37: 39. their strength in the time of ¢. 41: 1. deliver him in time of ¢. 46:1. a very present help in 7, 50:15. call upon me in the day of #. 54:7. delivered me out of all ¢. 59: 16. refuge in the day of my @. 60: 11. give us help from #., 108: 12. 66: 14. when I was in Zz. 69: 17. for Iam in ¢., hear me speedily 73: 5. not in Z. as other men 77:2. in the day of my /, I sought 78 : 33. in vanity and their years in 2, 49. wrath and indignation and ¢. 81:7. thoucalledst in ¢, and I delivered 86: 7. in the day of my #. I will call gt: 15. I will be with him in ¢. 102: 2. the day when I am in ¢. 107: 6. unto the Lord, in their 7., 13, 19, 28. 26. soul is melted because of ¢. 116: 3. I found ¢. and sorrow 119: 143. ¢. and anguish have taken hold 138: 7. in the midst of 7., thou wilt re- vive me 142: 2. I showed before him my ?. 143: 11. bring my soul out of z. TROUBLES. 25:17. the ¢. of my heart are enlarged 22, redeem Israel, O God, out of all his ¢. : 34: 6. saved him out Of allthis 27 oa 17. delivereth them out of all their Z. 71: 20. Showed me great and sore #. 88: 3. soul is full of ¢. TROUBLE. (verb). 3:1. how are they increased that 7. me 153CONCORDANCE LO THE PSALMS. TRE 13: 4. those that ¢. me, rejoice when I 1ROUBLED, 30: 7. hide thy face and I was ¢, 38: 6. Iam 7z., 1am bowed down 46: 3. waters thereof roar and be ¢. 48: 5. they were ¢. and hasted away 77: 3- [remembered God, and was ¢. 4. Lam so ¢, that I cannot speak 16. the depths also were Zz. 83: 17. confounded and ¢. forever go: 7. by thy wrath are we ¢. 104: 29. hidest thy face, they are ¢, FRU. 19: 9. judgments of the Lord are ¢. : 119: 160, thy word is ¢. from the begin- ning TRULY. 62:1. z. my soul waiteth upon God 73: 1%. £. God is good to Israel 116: 16. ¢, I am thy servant TRUMPET-S. 47: 5. with the sound ofa ¢, 81: 3. blow up the Z, in the new moon 150: 3. with the sound of the ¢, 98: 6. with ¢-s and sound of cornet LRUST. (noun). : 12. all they that put their ¢. in him : 5. put your ¢. in the Lord : 11, those that put their #4 in thee rejoice : 1. O Lord my God, in thee do I put my ¢. 2 10, Abs thy name, will put their ¢. in thee the Lord put Imy Zz, how Say ye : 1. for in thee do I put my ¢, : 7. put their z, in thee from those : 20. for I put my ¢. in thee 31: 1. in thee, O Lord, do I put my 7, PL 7- children of men put their ¢, under 4. man that maketh the Lord his ¢. : 4. in God I have put DLY 7... 71, oS 2 MP Db 3 . thou art my ¢. from my youth 8. I have put my Zz. in the Lord God 141: 8. in thee is my Z., 146: 3. not your ¢. in princes TRUST. (verb). 18: 2. my strength in whom I will a 30. he is a buckler to all those that Z. in him :2. Omy God, Iz. in thee, let me not : 6. but I ¢. in the Lord 19. hast wrought for them that ¢. in thee 34: 22. none of them that ¢. in him 37: 3. Z. in the Lord, and do good 5. 2. also in him, and he shal] bring 40. because they ¢. in him : 3. and fear, and shall ¢. in the Lord : 6. I will not ¢, in my bow : 6. they that ¢. in their wealth ; 8. I 7. in the mercy of God 154 leave not my 25 31 55: 23. but I will ¢. in thee 56: 3. time I am afraid, I will 4. in thee 61: 4.. I] willZ. in the covert of thy wings 62: 8. ¢. in him at all times ro. Z. not in oppression 64: 10. glad in the Lord, and shall ¢. in him gt: 2, my God, in him will I ¢, 4. under his wings shalt thou ¢. 115: 9. O Israel, ¢. thou in the Lord to. house of Aaron, z. in the Lord | 11. ye that fear the Lord, ¢. in the Lord | 118: 8. it is better to Z. in the Lord, 9. 119: 42. for I ¢. in thy word 125: 1. they that ¢. in the Lord shall 143: 8. for in thee do I ¢, 144: 2. my shield, and he in whom Iz. LRUSLED: 13:5. but I have ¢. in thy mercy 22:4. Our fathers ¢, in thee 4. they ¢. and thou didst deliver them 5. they z. in thee, and were not confounded 8. he ¢. on the Lord that he would deliver 26: x. I have z. also in the Lord 28: 7. my heart ¢. in him, and I 31: 14. IZ. in thee,-O Lord 33: 21. ¢. in his holy name 4t: 9. in whom I ¢., which did eat 52: 7. 2. in the abundance of his riches 78; 22. ¢. not in his salvation LU Sable, 21: 7. the king ¢Z. in the Lord 32: 10, he that ¢, in the Lord, mercy 34: 8. blessed is the man ¢. in him 57: 1. for my soul ¢. in thee 84: 12. blessed is the man that 2. | 86: 2. thy servant that ¢, in thee | 115: 8. is every one that ¢. in them, E352 16. TRUSTING, 112: 7. fixed ¢. in the Lord LRU Ta. 15: 2. speaketh the ¢. in his heart 25:5. lead me in thy ¢. and teach me 10. paths of the Lord are mercy and ¢, 20: 3. L have walked in thy ¢, 30: 9. shall it declare thy z.? ar 5. nase redeemed me, O Lord God OL Z. 33: 4. all his works are done in ¢. 40: 10, thy ¢. from the great congre- gation tr. let thy loving-kindness and thy ¢. 43: 3. send out thy light and thy ¢. 45: 4. because of 4. and meekness and 51: 6. #. in the inward parts 54: 5. cut them off in thy 2. 57: 3. send forth his mercy and his ¢, to. thy ¢. unto the cloudsCONCORDANCE TO THE PSAIMS. UNA 60: 4. displayed because of the ¢. | 119: 37. ¢. a. mine eyes from beholding 61: 7. O prepare mercy and ¢. 39. ¢. a. my reproach which I fear 69: 13. in the #. of thy salvation | TURN back. 71: 22. even thy #., O my God | 442 10. thou makest us to Z. 6. 85: 10. mercy and /. are met together - | 56: g. then shall mine enemies 7. 6. i 11. Z. shall spring out of the earth TURNED. 86: x11. I will walk in thy ¢. |g: 17. the wicked shall be ¢. into hell 15. plenteous in mercy and ¢. 30: rr. thouhast¢, forme my mourning He 89: 14. mercy and #. shall go before a . Z. into the drought of summer 49. swarest unto David in thy ¢. 6 | 91: 4. his ¢. shall be thy shield . let them be ¢. backward 96: 13. the people with his ¢. 8 98: 3. his mercy and his ¢. toward 4. had ¢. their riverginto blood . his £. endureth to all generations | 81: 14. ¢. my hand against their adver= thy ¢. reacheth unto the clouds saries done in ¢. and uprightness 85:3. hast ¢. thyself from the fierceness . for thy mercy.and for thy?Z’ssake | 89: 43. hast also Z, the edge of his sword the ¢. of the Lord endureth for- | 105: 25. he ¢. their heart to hate his 29. he ¢. their waters into blood 8. Zz. he his anger away N™I oOo ON 7 I 4 s : 6. ¢. the sea into dry land 3 4 I i re) NH ORM ever 119: 30. I have chosen the way of ¢. 114: 8. ¢. the rock into a standing water Pe 43. take not the word of ¢. utterly | 119: 59. I thought on my ways, and 7, ‘ 142. thy law is the Z. my feet 132: 11. hath sworn in ¢, unto David 126: 1. the Lord ¢. again the captivity 138: 2. thy loving-kindness and thy ?. TURNED aside. 145: 18. all that call upon him in ¢. 78: 57. they were ¢. a. like a deceitful 146: 6. which keepeth ¢. forever | bow i Lag, TURNED away. 11: 4. his eyelids ¢. the children of men | 66: 20. which hath not ¢. a. my prayer 26:2. ¢. my reins and my heart TURNED ack. 139: 23. 7. me, and know my thoughts | 9: 3. when mine enemies are ¢. 4. TUMULT. 35: 4. let them be Z. J. and brought to 65: 7. the Zz. of the people 44: 18. our heart is not Z. 0. 74: 23. the ¢. of those that rise up | 70: 3. let them be #. 6. fora reward 83:2. thine enemies make a 7. 78: 9. ¢. d. in the day of battle TURN. | 41. they z. 6. and tempted God 4:2. O ye sons of men, how long will | 57. but z. 6. and dealt unfaithfully ye £. 129: 5. ¢. 6. that hate Zion Woe. ih ee: not, he will whet his sword TURNEST. ‘ 18:37. neither did I ¢. again till they go: 3. thou 7. man to destruction 21: 12. make them ¢. their back, when TURNETH. 22: 27. shall remember, and ¢. unto the | 107: 33. Z. rivers into a wilderness Lord 35. ¢. the wilderness into a standing 146: 9. of the wicked he ¢. upside down 25: 16. ¢. thee unto me, and have mercy |‘ cked 1 TURTLE--dove. 60:1. O7. thyself to us again 69: 16. 7, unto me according to the 74: 19. the soul of thy 7.-d. 80:3. z. us again, O God, and cause SWE TY: 7. ¢, us again, O God of hosts 68:17. chariots of God are #. thousand TWICE. 19. Z. us again, O Lord God of hosts 85:4. ¢. us, O God of our salvation 8. not ¢. again to folly 86: 16. Oz. unto me, and have mercy : 2 gain t¢ yer the 104: 9. they ¢. not again to covert . 119: 79. those that fear thee, 7. unto ME | 45: 12. daughter of 7. shall be there 3: to. Z. not away the face of thine 83:7. Philistines, with the inhabitants he | or 7 62: 11. Zz. have I heard this TWO-edged. | 149: 6. az.-e. sword in their hand YRE. £322 10% a 11. the Lord hath sworn......- eee ; will not ¢. from it | 87:4. behold, Philistia and 7. with TURN agazn._ | our captivity, O Lord, as | TURN. aside. | (Be o: 4. nor such as 7. a. to lies en aes : 3. work of them that ¢. a@. UNADVISEDLY. . 125: 5. such as Z. a. unto their crooked | 106: 33. so that he spake w. with his TURN away. UNAWARES. 106; 23. to Z. @. his wrath, lest | 35: 8. destruction come upon him at # 155 126: 4. #. a. SUSUESLULE SS REELS SESE ED REL US ONL LSS SS SSeS SA SS SU Sob Sinisa ba!UND CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. UPR UNDEFILED. .- 94:17. #. the Lord had been my help 119: 1. blessed are the w. in the way 119: 92. w. thy law had been my de UNDERSTAND. lights 14:2. any that did w. and seek God UNPERFECT. : 19: 12. who can ~. his errors? 139: 16. my substance, yet being z. 53:2. any that did w., that did seek UNRIGHTEOUS. S25. : 92:6. neither doth a fool zw. this 94: 8. 107 : 43. even they shall zw. the loving- neither will ey ul. 71 #.,ye brutish, among the people | g2: “He 4. out of the hand of the zw. and UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. 15. there is no w. in him UNSEARCHABLE, kindness 145: 3. his greatness is x. 119: 27. make me to zw, the way of thy NT precepts 73:17. #. I went into the sanctuary roo. I ~. More than the ancients 123: 2. #. that he have mercy upon us UNDERSTANDEST. UNTIMELY. 139: 2. thou z. my thought afar off 58: 8. like the-z. birth of a woman UNDERSTANDETH. UNTO. 49: 20. in honor, and x. not, is like the | 50: x. of the sun zw. the going down beasts thereof UNDERSTANDING. 69: 13. my prayer is ~. thee, O Lord 32:9. as the mule, which have no z, UP and down. 47:7. sing ye praises, with z, 59:15. wander z. axd d. for meat 49:3. meditation....shall be of z. UPHOLD. III; 10. a good z. have all they that do 11g: 34. giveme zw. and I shall keep thy | 54 73: give me wz. that I may learn 99. more z. than all my teachers 104. through thy precepts I get z. 41 125. give me z. that I may know 130. z. unto the simple : 144. give me z. and I shall live 147: 5. his w. is infinite UNDERSTOOD. 73: 17. then w. I their end ee 81:5. a language that I z. not _ 106: 7. our fathers w~. not thy wonders 86 UNFAITHFULLY. ae 78:57. dealt w. like their fathers | a UNGODLY. x:1z. walketh not in the counsel of | the z. Ze 4. the wz. are not so; but are like the | IZ: 5. therefore the z. shall not stand 6. but the way of the z. shall perish 3:7. thou hast broken the teeth of 33: the zw. 205 18: 4. floods of z. men made me afraid 43: I. my Cause against an zw. nation 37: 73: 12. behold, these are the x, UNICORN-S. 29:6. Lebanon and Sirion. like a | 49: young z. 64: 92: ro. like the horn of an z. | 94: 22:21. heard me from the horns of 197: ie : 4. the Lord is with them that z. my 115! 12. “. me with thy free spirit 116. #. me according unto thy word UPHOLDEST. : 12. as for me, thou wz. me in mine integrity UPHOLDETH., : 227, thes . the righteous 169. %. according to thy word ae oe See 24. for the Lord zw. him with his hand : 8. thy right hand w. me : 14. the Lord ~. all that fall UPON. : 12. thy vows are wz. me, O God 17. beauty of the Lord our God be #%. US UPRIGHT. (noun), to. God, which saveth the z. in heart 2. privily shoot at the x. in heart 7- his countenance doth behold the zw, I. praise is comely for the x. ro. thy righteousness to the xz. in heart 18. the Lord knoweth the days of the z, 37. perfect man, and behold the x. 14. the z. shall have dominion over 10. the z, in heart shall glory 15. all the zw. in heart shall follow it 11. gladness for the z. in heart the z-s IIX: I. in the assembly of the x. UNITE. TI2: 2, oan of the #. shall be : > i am esse Be 28 Tae thy name 4. unto the zw. there ariseth light 133: 1. to dwell together in x, in the ; UNJUSTLY. 140: 13. the z. shall dwell in thy pres- 82: 2. how long will ye judge w.? ence 27:13. I had fainted x. I had believed | x8 156 UPRIGHT. (adj.) : 23. I was also %. before himUPR 18: 25. with an wz. man thou wilt shew | thy self z. 19: 13. then shall I be w. and I shall be 20: 8. we are risen and stand z. 25: 8. goodand z. is the Lord, therefore 32:11. all ye that are z. in heart 37: 14. such as be of wz. conversation 92: 15. to show that the Lord 1s z. II1g: 137. righteous art thou, O Lord, and wz. are thy judgments 125: 4. to them that are zw. in hearts UPRIGHELY. 15:2. he that walketh zw. and worketh 1. do ye judge w., O ye sons of men 75:2. I will judge z. 84: 11. from them that walk zw. UPRIGHTNESS. 9: 8. judgment to the people in z. 25: 21. let integrity and w. preserve me 111: 8. done in truth and z. 119: 7. praise thee with z. of heart 143: 10. into the land of zw. UPRISING, 139: 2. downsitting and mine #, UPSIDE. 146: 9. of the wicked, he turneth zw. down USEST. 119: 132. as thou #. to do unto those USURY. 15:5. putteth not out his money to %. | UTTER | 24: 4. not lifted up his soul unto v. 78:2. I will z. dark sayings of old 94:4. shall they w. and speak hard things 106: 2. who can zw. the mighty acts r19: 171. my lips shall w. praise 145: 7. abundantly w. the mermory of UTTERED. 46:6. he z. his voice, the earth 66:14. which my lips have zw. UTTERETH. 19:2. day unto day z. speech UETERLY. 37: 24. he shall not be #. cast down 73:19. #. consumed with terrors 89 : 33. will I not zw. take from him 119: 8. O forsake me not #. . the word of truth w. out of my mouth UTTERMOST. 2:8. the z. parts of the earth for thy 65:8. in the w, parts are afraid at thy tokens 139: 9. in the #. parts of the sea V VAGABONDS. 109 : 10. be continually v. and beg VAIN. : 2:1. the people imagine a v. thing ATSC SSS CONCORDANCE JQ THE PSALMS. 26: 4. I have not sat with wv. persons 33: 17. horse is a v. thing for safety 60: 11. for v. is the help of man, 108: 12. 62: 10. become not v. in robbery 119: 113. 1 hate zw thoughts, but thy law do 127: 2. itis v. for you to rise up zn VAIN. 39: 6. surely they are disquieted zz v. | 73: 13. cleansed my heart zz v. their | | 127: 1. they labor zz v. that build it | | | | | | | | | | | 89: 47. hast thou made all men zz wv. 1. watchman waketh but zz v. 139: 20. enemies take thy name zz wv. V ALIANTLY. 60:12. through God we shall do w., TOO! Ea. 118: 15. hand of the Lord doeth v., 16. VALLEY. 23:4. walk through the wv. of the shadow 60:6. mete out the vw. of Succoth, 108: 7. 84: 6. pea the vw. of Baca ALLEYS. 65: 13. the wv. also are covered over 104: 8. they go down by the v. unto 10. the springs into the v. which VANITY. | 4:2. will ye love v. and seek after leasing | x0: 7. under his tongue is mischiet and wv. 12:2. speak v. every one with his neighbor 39 : 5. at his best estate is altogether v. 11. surely every man is v, 41: 6. to see me, he speaketh wv. | 62: 9. men of low degree are v. g. altogether lighter than v. 78 : 33. days did he consume in z. | 94: 11. of man, that they are v. 119: 37. mine eyes from beholding v. 144: 4. man is like to v. rz. mouth speaketh wv. and their right, 8. VANITIES. 31:6. hated them that regard lying w. VAPORS. 135: 7. he causeth the v. to ascend 148: 8. fire and hail; snow and v. VENGEANCE. 58: 10. rejoice when he seeth the v. 94: 1. to whom v. belongeth ; O God, to whom v. i 99: 8. though thou tookest v. of their 149: 7. execute v. upon the heathen VERILY. 37:3. J, thou shall be fed 39:5. U. every man at his best state -8: 31. v. there is a reward for p rr. v. he is a God that judgeth in 66: 19. v. God hath heard me 740 1g, dc. have cleansed my heart VERITY his hands are v. and judgment 157 LIL 3 7 USGS SS EDS Ea EES EES ELE EUOLECULU SSVER CONCORDANCE VERY. 5:9. their inward part is v. wickedness | 8 | | 35:8. into that w. destruction let him fall 46: 1. av. present help in trouble | 50: 3. it shall be v. tempestuous round 104: 1. O Lord my God, thou art v 119: 107. I am afflicted z. much VESSEL. fo Sfagery ce LO TILE! PSALITS. bis VOI VISITEST. : 4. the son of man that thou v. him 65:9. thou wv. the earth, and waterest VOICE. : 4. I cried unto the Lord with my v. 2. hearken unto the z, of my cry 3. my wv. shalt thou hear in the morning 2:9. dash them in pieces likea potter’sv. | 6:8. the Lord hath heard the v. of my 31: 12. I am like a broken vy, weeping : VESTURE. 18:6. he heard my v. out of his temple 22: 18. cast lots upon my wv. 13. the Highest gave his wv. oz: 26. as a wv. shalt thou change them | 19: 3. Where their v. is not heard VEX. 26:7. publish with the v. of thanks~ 2:5. uv. them in his sore displeasure giving VEXED. 27:7. hear, O Lord, when I ery with 6: 2. heal me, for my bones are z. my v. ee 3. my soul is also sore wv, 28: 2. hear the v. of my supplications Io. enemies be ashamed and sore v,. 6. heard the zw. of my supplications VICTORY: 29: 3. the v. of the Lord is upon the 98: 1. arm hath gotten him the v. waters : ILE. 4. the v. of the Lord is powerful 15: 4. in whose eyes a v. person is 4. uv. of the Lord is full of majesty VILEST. 5. the v. of the Lord brenketh the 12: 8. when the wv. men are exalted cedars VILLAGES. 7. the wv. of the Lord divideth the 10: 8. sitteth in the lurking places of 8. the v. of the Lord shaketh the the v, wilderness VINE. 9. v. of the Lord maketh the hinds 80: 8. brought a vw. out of Egypt 31: 22. heardest the v, of my supplica- 14. behold and visit this v, tions 128 : 3. as a fruitful v. by the sides 42:4. with the wv. of joy and praise VINES. | 44:16. the vw. of him that reproacheth 78: 47. destroyed their uv. with hail |.40 : 6. he uttered his w., the earth 105 : 33- smote their v. also | 47: 1. shout unto God with the v. of VINEGAR, | 55: 3. because of the v. of the enemy 69: 21. gave me v. to drink 17. he shall hear my v, VINEYARD-S, | 58:5. not hearken to the v, of charmers 80: 15. the vw. which thy right hand | 64: 1. hear my v., O God, in my prayer 107 : 37. sow the fields and plants v-s | 66: 8. make the w. of his praise to be VIOLENCE. | 19. he hath attended to the wv. of 11:5. him that Joveth v. his soul hateth | 68: 33. he doth send out his v, 55:9. I have seen wv, and strife in 33. his v., and that a mighty vw, 58: 2. ye weigh the v, of your hands | 74: 23. the vw. of thine enemies 72: 14. their soul from deceit and U. | 773%. 1 cried umes God with my w, 73:6. uv. covereth them as a garment (twice) VIOLENT. 18, the v. of thy thunder was in the 7: 16. his v. dealing shall come down | 81:11. would not hearken to my vz, 18: 48. delivered me from the {| 86: 6. attend to the v. of my supplica= 86: 14. the assemblies of vw. men have | tions 140: 1. preserve me from the v. man, 4. | 93: 3. floods have lifted up their zw, 11. evil shall hunt the v. man | 95:7. if ye will hear his v. VIRGINS. | 98 -s.-and the wofa psalm 45:14. the v. hercompanions that follow | 102: 5. of the vw. of my groaning VISION. | 103: 20. unto the v, of his word 89: 19. thou spakest in v. to thy holy | 104: 7. at the wv. of thy thunder, they one | 200: 25. hearkened not unto the w.. Ob VISIT. | 1x16: x, he hath heard my v. and my 59: 5. the God of Israel, awake to v. all | 118: 15. the v. of rejoicing and salvation 80! 14; behold, and v, this vine T19: 149 hearmyv, according unto thy 89: 32. wv. their transgression with 130: 2. Lord, hear my v., let thine ears 106: 4. Ov. me with thy salvation 2. to the vw. of my supplications VISIT ED. 140: 6. hear the vw, of my supplications 17: 3. thou hast v. me in the night 14131. give ear unto my vw 158Sn VOI CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. WAN 142: x. unto the Lord with my v. 1. with my v. unto the Lord did I make VOID. 89 : 39. made v. the covenant of thy 119: 126. for they have made v. thy law : VOLUME. 40: 7. in the v. of the book it is written VOW. (noun). 65:1. unto thee shall the wv. be per- tormed VOWS. 22:25. I will pay my wv. before them 50:14. pay thy wv. unto the Most High 56:12. thy v. are upon me, O God 61:5. thou, O God, hast heard my vz. 8. may daily perform my v. 66: 13. I will pay thee my v. 116: 14. pay my v. unto the Lord, 18. VOW. (verb). 76:11. v. and pay unto the Lord VOWED. 132: 2. v. unto the mighty God of Jacob W. WAIT. (noun). ro: 9. lieth in w. secretly as a lion 59: 3. lo! they lie in w. for my soul 71: 10. lay w. for my soul, take WAIT. | (verb). 25:3. let none that w. on thee be ashamed s. on thee do I w. all the day 21. uprightness preserve me ; for I qw. on thee 27:14. w. on the Lord; be of good courage 37: 7- rest in the Lord, and w. pa- tiently for g. those that w. upon the Lord, they 34. w.on the Lord, and keep his way 39: 7. and now, Lord, what w. I for? 52:9. I will w. on thy name 56:6. when they wz. for my soul 59: 9. because of his strength will I w. | upon thee 62:5. my soul, w. thou only upon God 69: 3. while I w. for my God 6. let not them that w. on thee 104: 27. these w. all upon thee 123: 2. our eyes Ww. upon the Lord 130: 5. 1 w. for the Lord, my soul | doth w. max: 15. eyes of all w. upon thee eo ce Sa A ae 4o:1. I w. patiently for the Lord 106: 13. w. not for his counsel 119: 95. the wicked have w. for me : WALITETE. 33: 20. our soul w. for the Lord 62:1. truly my soul zw. upon God for thee, O God 65:1. praise w. See OS NS SE Suh hint 130: 6. my soul w. for the Lord, more WAKETH watchman w. but in vain 127 2 7. WAKING. | 77: 4. thou holdest mine eyes w. WALK 12: 8. wicked w. on every side, when 23: 4. though I w, through the valley of 6: 11. I will w. in mine integrity : 12, w. about Zion, and go round : 13. that I may. w. before God : 10. refused to w. in his law : 5. they w on in darkness from them that w. uprightly O42 Tre 86: 11. I will w. in thy truth 89:15. they shall w., O Lord, in the light 30. w. not in my judgments ror: 2. I will w. within my house 115: 7. feet have they, but they w. not 116: 9. I will w. before the Lord in the 119: 1. who w. in the law of the Lord 3. they w. in his ways 45. I will w. at liberty 138: 7. though I w. in the midst of 143: 8. way wherein I should w. WALKED. 26: 1. for I have w. in mine integrity 3. IL have w. in thy truth : 14. w. unto the house of God : 12, they w. in their own counsels 13. Israel had w. in my ways 3. way wherein I w. have they TA2\: WALKETH. | +: 1. blessed is the man that w. not in 15:2. hethat w. uprightly and worketh 39: 6. every man wW. in a vain show 73: 9. their tongue w. through the earth or: 6, pestilence that w. In darkness 6. he that w. in a perfect way ToL: 104: 3. who zw. upon the wings of the 128: 1. that w. in his ways WALL. | 18:29. by my God have I leaped over aw. | 62:3. asa bowing w. shall ye be 51; 18. build thou the w. of Jerusalem 55: 10. about it, upon the w. thereof | r22: 7. peace be within thy w. WANDER. 55:7. lo, then would I w. far off 59: 15. let them w. UP and down 107: 40. causeth them to w. in the 11g: 10. not w. from thy commandments WANDERED. 107: 4. w. in the wilderness WANDERINGS. | <6: 8. thou tellest my w. WANT. (noun). 34:9. no w. to them that fear him | WANT. (verb). | 23:2. the Lord is my shepherd ; I shall not w. 159 RUAN S CASS US EDEL USED ELEC CE DSWAR 34: 10. seek the Lord, shall not w. any good WAR. (noun). : 27: 3. though w. should rise against me 55:21. but w. was in his heart | 68 : 30. the people that delight in w. CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. | | 42: | 69: WAV WATERBROOKS, 1. hart panteth after the w. WATERFLOOD. 15. let not the zw. overflow me WATERSPOUTS. | 42:7. at the noise of thy w, 120: 7. when I speak, they are for w. WATERSPRINGS. i 140: 2. are they gathered together for w. | 107 : 33. w. into dry ground : WAR. (verb). 35. dry ground into We 18: 34. he teacheth my hands to -w. so WAT ERS. I44: 13. which teacheth my hands to | 18: 11. dark w. and thick clouds of the qw,. an 15. the channels of w, were seen WARS. 16. he drew me out of many zw, 46:9. he maketh w. to cease 23:2. leadeth me beside the still zw, WARNED. 29: 3. voice of the Lord is upon the w. 19: 11. by them is thy servant w, 3. the Lord is upon many w. WASH. | 32:6. in the floods of great w, they 26: 6. I will w. mine hands in innocency | shall 51:2. w. me thoroughly from mine 33:7. gathereth the w. of the sea to- 7. w. me, and I shall be whiter gether 58: 10. shall w. his feet in the blood of | 46: 3. though the w. thereof roar WASHED. | 58: 7. as w. which run continually 73: 13. w. my hands in innocency | 69: 1. the w. are come in unto my soul WASHPO'T. 2. Iam come into deep w, 60: 8. Moab is my 20;, TOS +0. 14. out of the deep w. WASTE. | 73:10. w. of a full cup are wrung out 80: 13. out of the wood doth w. it | 747223. the heads gp the dragons in VNASTED. the w, 137: 3. they that w. us required of us 77: 16. the w. saw thee, O God, the w, WASTETH. saw thee gr: 6. destruction that zw. at noonday 19. thy path in the great w. WATCH. (noun). | 78: 13. he made the w. to stand as an 90: 4. and asa w. in the night | heap 141: 3. set a w., O Lord, before 16, w. to run down like rivers WATCH. @ erb). | 20. that the zw. gushed out 102: 7. I w., and am as a sparrow | 8r°97. 2 proved thes ae the w. of 139: 6. more than they that w. for the | Meribah morning (twice), | 93: 4. the noise of many zw. WATCHETH. | 104: 3. of his chambers, in the w, 37: 32. the wicked w. the righteous 6. the w. stood above the moun- WATCHMAN. tains 127: 1, the w. waketh but in vain ToS: 29. turned their w. into blood WATER. (noun). 41. and the w. gushed out 1: 3. planted by the rivers of w. 106: 11. the wz. covered their enemies 22:14. Iam poured out like Ze 32. angered him also at the w, of 63: 1. thirsty land, where no W. iS strife 5:9. river of God which is full of w, 107 : 23. business in great zw. 66: 12, through fire and through w, 114: 8. flint into a fountain of w, 77: 17. clouds poured out Ww. 11g: 136. rivers of w. run down mine 79: 3. blood have they shed like WwW, eyes 88: 17, about me daily like zw, 124: 4. the w. had overwhelmed us 107 : 35. wilderness into a standing zw, 5. the proud w. had gone over our 109: 18. into his bowels like zw, soul 114: 8. the rock into a standing w, 136: 6. the earth above the Ww, WATER. (verb). | 144: 7. deliver me out of great zw, 6:6. I w. my couch with my tears | 147: 18. to blow, and the ww. flow 72: 6. as showers that zw. the earth 148: 4. ye w. pl eons the heavens Reta VAVES. raat as WAT REST, . 42:7. all thy w. and thy billows 5:9. visitest the earth, and w,. it Be the noise of their a: d th Io. thou w. the ridges thereof ee ee SteA ene 5 88: 7. afflicted me with all thy w. WATERETH. 89: 9. when the w. thereof arise 104: 13. he w. the hills from his cham- 3: 3. the floods lift up their zw. bers | 4. yea, than the mighty zz, of 160WAX CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. WEE i 107 : 25. which lifteth up the w. thereof | 29. the w. thereof are still WAX. (noun). 22:14. my heart is like w. 68: 2. as w. melteth before the fire 97: 5. the hills melted like w. WAX. (verb). 102: 26. all of them shall w. old WAXED. 32:3. bones w. old through my roaring WAXETH. 6:7. it w. old because of all mine ene- mies WAY. 1:1. nor standeth in the w. of sinners 6. the Lord knoweth the w. of the righteous 6. but the w. of the ungodly shall perish 2:12. perish from the w., when his wrath is : 8. make thy w. straight before my : 30. as for God, his w. is perfect 32. with strength, and maketh my w. perfect : 8. will he teach sinners in the w. 12. in the w. that he shall choose : 11. teach me thy w., O Lord : 8. in the w. which thou shalt go :3. stop the w. against them that persecute let their w. be dark and slippery in a w. that is not good commit thy w. unto the Lord him who prospereth in his w. he delighteth in his w. wait on the Lord and keep his w. 44: 18. our steps declined from thy w. 49: 13. this their w. is their folly : 2. thy w. may be known upon earth 77:13. thy w., O God, is in the sanc- tuary 1g. thy w. is in the sea : 50. made a w. to his anger 12. pass by the w. do pluck her in the zw. of his steps teach me thy w., O Lord all that pass by the w. wisely in a perfect w. he that walketh in a perfect w, weakened my str-ngth in thew. wilderness in a solitary w. forth by the right w. the wilderness where there 6. 4s 5. 7 5 4 WN ae LE. 41. 2 6. 23, 107 : 4. 7 40. is no wW. 110: 7. shall drink of the brook in the 119: 1. blessed are the undefiled in the shall a young man cleanse his ~ a < o = S ze U QO, 14. rejoiced in the w. of thy testi monies 27. make me understand the w. of thy precepts ; ag. remove from me the w. of lying 30. I have chosen the w. of truth SRR AAR SNS TAWA we 11g: 32. run the w. of thy command- ments 33. teach me, O Lord, the w. of thy statutes 37. quicken thou me in thy w. ror. my feet from every evil w. 104. I hate every false w., 128. 139: 24. if there be any wicked w. in me i 24. lead me in the w. everlasting ui 142: 3. in the w. wherein I walked 143: 8. cause me to know the w. i 146: 9. the w. of the wicked he turneth fi WAYS. Fi 5. his w. are always grievous 21. I have kept the w. of the Lord 4. shew me thy w., O Lord 1. I will take heed to my w. 13. teach transgressors thy w. 13. Israel had walked in my w. 5. in whose heart are the w. of them rr. to keep thee in all thy w. 95:10. have not known my z 103: 7. made known his w. unto Moses IIg : 3. no iniquity ; they walk in his w. 5. O that my w. were directed to keep and have respect unto thy w. I have declared my w. and thou I thought on my w. and turned for all my w. are before thee aside unto their crooked w. that walketh in his w. sing in the w. of the Lord acquainted with all my w. 7. righteous in all his w. WAYSIDE. 5, a het by fhe wz WEAK. 6:2. mercy upon me, O Lord, for I am Ww. 109 : 24. my knees are w. through fasting WEAKENED. ro2: 23. he w. my strength in the way WEALTH. | 44:12. not increase thy w. by their price 49:6. they that trust in their w. 10. leave their zw. to others 112: 3. w. and riches shall be in his house WEALTHY. 66:12. broughtest us out intoa w. place WEANED. 131: 2. as a child that is w. of his mother 2. my soul is even as a w. child WHARY. 6:6. lam w. with my groaning LO: 1S: 25 39: Sit CL: 84: gr: OU’ OVUr HW Oo HU COO 125 128 138: 130: T45 ° 140: | 68:9. thine inheritance, when it wus w. 69:3. lam w. of my crying WEEPETH. 126: 6. he that goeth forth and w. WEEPING. 6:8. the Lord hath heard the voice of my w. 161 SRO ASST SDL LEO EOE SEEDED LEU OSL CURSOS RSWEI CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. WHO 30: 5. w. may endure for a night ro2: 9. mingled my drink with w. WEIGH. 58:2. ye w. the violence of your hands WELFARE. 69 : 22. should have been for their w. WELL. (noun). 84: 6. valley of Baca, make ita w. WELL. (adv). 48 : 13. mark ye w. her bulwarks 49: 18. when thou doest w. to thyself 73: 2. steps had w. nigh slipped 78: 29. did eat and were w. filled 87:7. as w. the singers as the players 119: 65. thou hast dealt w. with thy servant 128: 2. it shall be w. with thee 139: 14. soul knoweth right w. WENT. 42:4. I w. with them to the house of 66: 4. they w. through the flood on foot 73:17. until I w. into the sanctuary 77: 17. thine arrows also w. abroad 13. they w. from one nation to 32. it w. ill with Moses 39. w. a whoring with their own inventions 119: 67. before I was afflicted I w. astray 133: 2. that w. down to the skirts of his WENT before. 105: 106: 68: 25. the singers w. 4. the players | WENT oztz. 114: 1. when Israel w. 0. of Egypt WENT wz. 18: 8. there w. wz. a smoke out of his | nostrils WENTEST forth. 68:7. when thou w. ~ before thy people | WEPT . | 69: 10. when I w. and chastened my | soul 137: 1. we w. when we remembered Zion WEST. 75: 6. from the east, nor from the w, 103: 12. east is from the far hath 107: 3. from the east and from the w. AT, 39: 7. and now, Lord, w. wait I for? 116: 12. w. shall I render unto the Lord 120: 3. w. shall be-given unto thee? 3. w. shall be done unto thee? WHATSOEVER. 1:3. and w. he doeth shall prosper 8:8. the fish of the sea, and w. passeth | 135: 6. w. the Lord pleased, that did he HEAT. 81: 16. fed them also with the finest of the w. 147: 14. filleth thee with the finest of the w. With: 83: 13. make them like a w,. 162 81:5. he w. through the land of Egypt | WHEN. 41: 5. w. shall he die, and his name 78:59. w. God heard this, he was wroth 94:8. w. will ye be wise? tor: 2. O w. wilt thou come unto me? WHERE. 42:3. say unto me, w. is thy God? ro. daily unto me, w. is thy God? 10. heathen say, w. is their God? EUS, WHEREFORE. 24. w. hidest thou thy face 5. w. should I fear in the days 10, w. should the heathen say, TUG ae 47. w. hast thou made all men in WHEREWITH. w. thine enemies proached (twice) 79> 44: 49: 79: 89: 89: 51. have ree 193: 1. w. he hath girded himself 109: 19. w. he is girded continually 119: 42. so Shall I have w. to answer | 129: 7. w. the mower filleth not WHEREWITHAL. 119: 9. w. shall a young man cleanse WHET, 7:12. if he turn not, he will w. his sword 64: 3. who w. their tongue like a sword WHILE. 37: 10. yet a little w. and the wicked 69: 3. w. I wait for my God 104 : 33. w. I have my being 146: 2, w. I have any being (twice), WHILST. 141: 10. w. that I withal escape WHIRLWIND. 58:9. take them away as with a w. WHISPER. 41: 7. all that hate me w. together WHITE. 68: 14. it was w. as snow in Salmon WIEELER. 51: 7. wash me, and I shall be w. than snow WHITHER. 122: 4. w. the tribes go u 139: 7. w. shall I go from thy Spirit ? 7. w. Shall I flee from thy presence WHO: 15:1. w. shall dwell in thy holy hill ? (twice). 18: 31. God save the Lord? 31. w. is a rock save our God? | 19: 12. w. can understand his errors? 71: 19. O God, w. is like unto thee? 77:13. w.1s so great a God as cur God ? 89: 8. w. is a strong Lord, like unto 94: 16. w. will rise up for me 16. zw. will stand up for me 113: 5. w. is like unto the Lord our God WHOLE. 48: 2. the joy of the w. earthWHO 51:19. with burnt-offering and w. burnt-offering 72:19. let the w. earth be filled 97: 5. the Lord of the w. earth 105: 16. he brake the w. staff of bread WHOLE heart. 9:1. praise thee, O Lord, with my w. heart 111: 1. the Lord with my w. heart 11g: 2. that seek him with the w. heart 10. w. Aeart have I sought thee 34. I shall observe it with my w. heart 58. I intreated thy favor with my w. heart 69. keep thy precepts with my w. ; heart 145. I cried with my w. heart 138: 1. praise thee with my w. heart VHOM. 73:25. w. have I in heaven but thee WHORING. 73:27. all them that go a w. from thee 106 : 39. went a w. with their own in- ventions WHOSO. 50: 23. zw. offereth praise glorifieth me Iol: 5. w. privily slandereth his neigh- bor 107 : 43. w. is wise and will observe WHY: 2:1. w. do the heathen rage and the people 10:1. w. standest thou afar off, O Lord 1. w.hidest thou thyself in times of 22:1. w. hast thou forsaken me? qw. art thou so far from help- ing me w. art thou cast down, O my soul 42:5; Ce ae 43: 5. g. w. hast thou forgotten me? Q. W. gO I mourning because of, 43: Fr. @. ae thou cast down, O my ae An: . dost thou tact me off? 43:2 52:1. W. Pe deutest thou thyself in 74:1. w. hast thou cast us off forever? 80: 12. w. hast thou then broken down WICKED. 9:5. thou hast destroyed the w. 16. the w. is snared in the work of his 17. the w. shall be turned into hell ro: 2. the w. in his pride, doth per- secite the w. boasteth of his heart’s desire 4. the w. through the pride of his countenance 13. wherefore doth the w. contemn God ? rr: 2. forlo! the w. bend their bow | art thou disquieted in me? | CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. It WIC : 5. the w. and him that loveth vio= lence 6. upon the w. he shall rain snares 12:8. the w. walk on every side when | 26: 5. will not sit with the w. 27:2. when the w., even mine enemies 31°17. let the w. be ashamed 2:10. many sorrows shall be to the w. 34: 21. evil shall slay the w. 37: 7. bringeth w. devices to pass ro. a little while, and the w. shall not be 12. the w. plotteth against the just 16. better than the riches of many w. 20. the w. shall perish, and the ene= mies 21. w. borroweth, and payeth not again 32. the w. watcheth the righteous 34. when the w. are cut off 35. | haveseen the w. in great power 39: 1. with a bride, while the w. is be~ fore me 50:16. unto the w. God saith, What hast 58:3. the w. are estranged from the womb 59:5. be not merciful to any w. trang- gressors 68: 2. so let the w. perish at the 75: 4. to the w. lift not up the horn 8. all the w. of the earth shall wring 92:7. the w. spring as the grass 94: 3. how long shall the w., how long shall the w. triumph ? 13. pit be digged for the w. Iol: 3. no w. thing before mine eyes 4. not know a w. person 8. early destroy all the w. of the land 8. cut off all w. doers from the city of 104: 35. let the w. be no more 106: 18. the flame burned up the w. 109: 6. set thou a w. man over him 112: 10. the w. shall see it, and be grieved 119: 95. the w. have waited for me to destroy 110. the zw. have laid a snare for me 11g. thou puttest away all the w. of the earth 139: 19. surely thou wilt slay the w. zt if there be any w way in me 140: 8. further not his w. device 141: x to practice zy. works with men ro. let the w. fall into their own | 145: 20. all the w. will he destroy 147: 6. casteth the w. down to the ground from the WICKED. :9. from the w. that oppress me 13. my soul from the w. which 1s thy sword 163 RR USS SS TENETWIC he shall deliver them oe the w 119: 1 salvation is far from the w. of the WICKED. 7:9. wickedness of the w. come to an 37 +40: « 55 CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. 89: 94: LOT, : 10: 15. the arm of ¢he w. and the evil mal 22: 16. Baal of the w. have in- closed me 36: 1. the transgression of the w. saith within r. let not the hand of the w. re- move me 37:17. arms of the w. shall be broken 28. the acne of the w. shall be cut off 38. the end of the w. shall bec ut off 55:3. because of the oppression of the Ww. 58: ro.-feet in. the pinnae of the w. 64: 2. secret counsel of the w. 71:4. out of the hand ef the w. 73:3. saw the prosperity of the w. 74: 19. unto the multitude of the w. 75: 10. all the horns of ¢he w. also will 82:2. accept the persons of the w. 4. out of the hand of the w. or: 8. see the reward of the w. 92: 11. my desire of the w. that rise up 97: 10. out of the hand af the w. 109: 2. the mouth of fhe w. and the 112: 10. the desire of the w. shall perish 119: 53. because of fhe w. that forsake 61. the bands of the w. have robbed me 125:3. the rod of the w. shall not rest 129: 4. asunder the cords of the w. 140: 4. from the hands of the w. 8. grant not, O Lord, the desires of the w. 146: 9. way of the w. he turneth upside with the WICKED. 7:11. God is angry with the w. every day 28:3. draw me not away wth the w. WICKEDLY. 18: 21. have not w. departed from my God 73: 8. speak w. concerning oppression 74:3. enemy hath done w. 106: 6 we have done w. 139: 20. they speak against WICKEDNESS. thee w. 5:4. hath pleasure in w. neither shall g. their inward part is very w. 7:9. let the w. of the wicked come to an end 10:15. seek out his w. till thou find none 28: 4. according to the w. of their en- deavors 52: 7. strengthened himself in his w. 55:22. w. is im the midst thereof 15. for zw. is in their dwellings 58: 2. yea, in heart ye work w. 84: 10. dwell in the tents of w. 164 Som 8 IO4 : WIN 22. son of w. afflict him 23. cut them off in their own w. 34. for the w. of them that dwell WIDE. 21. opened their mouth w, against r: 10. open thy mouth w. and I will so is this great and w sea WIDOW. 25 aoe 94:6. slay the w. and the stranger tog: g. and his wife a w. 140: 9. herelieveth the fatherless and w. WIDOWS. 68:5. a judge of the w. is God in his 78: 64. their w. made no lamentation WIFE. 109: 9. and hisw.a wider 128:3 thy w. shall be as a fruitful WILD. so: 11. the w. beasts of the field are mine 80: 13. and the w. beast of the field 104: 11. the w. asses quench their thirst 18. a refuge for the w. goats WILDERNESS. 29: 8. voice of the Lord shaketh the w. 8. the Lord shaketh the w. of Ka- desh 55:7. and remain in the w. 65:12. upon the pastures oe Ww. G8 = 7. didst march through the 72:9 they that dwell in the w. 74. + 24. pe ople inhabiting the w. 78: 15. clave the rocks in the w. 17. prov aici the Most High in the w. 19. furnisha table in the w. 40. provoke him in the w. 52. guided them in the w. like a flock 95: 8. temptation in the w. 102: 6, a pelican of the w. | 106: 9. through the depths, as through the W. 14. lusted exceedingly in the w. 106 : 26, overthrow them in the w. 107: 4. wandered in the w, ina solitary 33. turneth rivers into a w. 35. the w. into a standing water 4o. causeth them to wander in the w. 136: 16. led his people through the w. WILL. 27: 12. deliver me not over unto the w. 40: 8. I delight to do thy w., O my God AT} 2. Ot deliver him unto the w. of his 143: 10. teach me to do thy w WILLING. 110: 3. thy people shall be w. in the WILLOWS. 137: 2, our harps ane the WIND. I 2 a the chaff which the w. driveth 18 . he did fly upon the wings -of the WwW. 42. small as the dust before the w.WIN CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALMS. WON 35:5. let them be as chaff before the w. 48: 7. ships of Tarshish with an east w. 78 : 26. he brought in the south w. 26. caused an east w. to blow 39- a w. that passeth away 83: 13. as the stubble before the w. 103: 16. the w. passeth over it 104: 3. upon the wings of the w. 107 : 25. raiseth the stormy w. 135: 7. bringeth the w. out of his treas- uries 18. causeth his zw. to blow 8. stormy w. fulfilling his word WINDY. 55: 8. my escape from the w. storm WINE. t47: 148: 4:7. their corn and their w. increased | 5 60: 3. to drink the w. of astonishment 75: 8. there is a cup, and the w. is red 78: 65. shouteth by reason of w. 104: 15. w.that maketh glad the heart WINGS. thy w. wind . trust under the shadow of thy w. oh! that I had w. like a dove . yea, in the shadow of thy w. . In the covert of thy w. . In the shadow of thy w. 3. as the w. of a dove covered . under his zv. shalt thou trust 3. upon the w. of the wind :g. take the w. of the morning WINK. “BP HN RH ON : 1g. neither let them zw. with the eye WINTER. hast made summer and w. WISDOM. mouth of the righteous speak- eth w. 49: 3. mouth shall speak of w. 51: 6. shalt make me to know w. : 12. apply our hearts unto w. 104: 24. in w. hast thou made them all 105: 22. teach his senators w. 111: 10. fear of the Lord is the begin- ning of w. : 5. that by zw. made the heavens WISE. 2:10. be w. now therefore, O ye kings 19:7. sure, making w. the simple 30: 3. he hath left off to be w._ 49: to. he seeth that w. men die 94: 8. when will ye be w.? 107 : 43. whoso is w. and will observe zn any WISE. 37: 8. fret not thyself zz any w. to do evi Sra 37 : 30. 136 WISELY. 58:5. charming never so w. 64:9. w. consider of his doing 101: 2. w. in a perfect way : 8. hide me under the shadow of | : ro. he did fly upon the w. of the | WISER. 119: 98. hast made me w, enemies WISH. 40:14. and put to shame, that w. me evil 73: 7+ more than heart could w. WIES: 107: 27. are at their w. end WITH. 23: 4. fear no evil; for thou art w. me 46: 7. the Lord of hosts is w. us 55: 18. for there were many w. me WITHA: 10. whilst that I w. escape WITHER: 1:3. his leaf also shall not w. 37: 2. and w. as the green herb WITHERED. 102: 4. smitten ana w. like grass 11. lam w. like grass WITHER RETEH: go: 6. it is cut down, and w. 129: 6. which w. afore it groweth up WITHDRAWEST. why w. thou thy hand? WITHHOLD. w. not thou thy tender mercies no good thing will he w. from WITHHOLDEN. : 2. hast not w. the request of his lips WITHIN. why art thou disquieted w. me? than mine 14r: It. 74: EL. Il. 40: 84: 21 It. 42: ag es.” all that is w. me, bless his holy WIETHOU fF: did see me w. fled from me IE NESS: . as a faithful w. in heaven WITNESSES. . for false w. are risen up . false w. did rise up WOE. 120: 5. w. is me, that I sojourn in WOMAN. 48:6. pain, as of a w. in travail 58:8. the untimely birth ofa w. 113: 9. maketh the barren w. to keep house WOMB. 22:9. he that took me out of the w. 10. I was cast upon thee from the wz, 58: 3. the wicked are estranged from the we. 71: 6. been holden up from the w. 110: 3. from the w. of the morning 127: 3. the fruit of the w. is his reward 139: 13. covered me in my mother’s w, WOMEN. :g. among thy honorable w. WONDER. :7. lam asa w. unto many WONDERS. : rr. I will remember thy w. of old 14. the God that doest a 165 TOFS I. Sr Tr:a ibe lk aad Sy” WON CONCORDANCE TO THE: PSALMS. WOR 78 : 88: 89: 96: 105: 106 : 107: 15h 163{0) 6 40: 78: 107: Iir 11g: 139: 139: 26: aT 72% 75: 86: 105: 106: 119: 68: IO5 rIQ 139 Or 11. his w. that he had showed them | 43. his w. in the field of Zoan 10. show w. to the dead : 12. shall thy, wz. be known in the dark 5. heavens shall praise thy w. 3. his w. among all people 5. his w. and the judgments of 27. w. in the land of Ham 7. understood not thy Egypt 24. his w. in the deep g. sent tokens and w. into the 4. alone doeth great w. WONDERFUL. 5. thy w. works which thou hast 4. his w. works that he hath done 8, 15, 21, 31. his w. works to the children of men : 4. made his,w. works to be re- membered t29. thy testimonies are w. 6. such knowledge is too w. for me WONDERFULLY. 14. fearfully and w. made WONDROUS. 7, tell of all thy w. works 17, declared thy 18. who only doeth w, things I. name is near, thy declare : 32. believed not for his, w. works 10. great, and doest w. things 2, talk ye.of all his w, works 22. w. works in the land of Ham 18, that I. may behold w. things out of 27. so shall I talk of thy w. works : 5. majesty, and of thy w. works WOOD. : 13. the boar out of the w. doth : 14. as the fire burneth a w. : 12. trees of the w, rejoice : 6. in the fields of the w. : 7. cleaveth w. upon the earth WOOL. : 16. he giveth snow like w, WORD : 4. by the w..of thy lips I have kept : 30. the w. of the Lord is tried : 4. the w. of the Lord is right 6. by the w, of the Lord were the heavens 11. the Lord gave the w. : 8. the w. which he commanded to 19. the w..of the Lord tried him : 43. take not the zw. of.truth utterly 49. remember the w.,.unto_ thy servant 123. and for the w, of thy right- eousness : 4. there is not a w. in my tongue his WORD. 4. in God I will praise 2zs w., 10. 103: 20. hearkening unto the voice of Ais W. 166 105: 19. time that Zzs w. came 28. rebelled not against Azs w. 106: 24. they believed not zs w. 107 : 20. sent £zs w. and healed them 130: 5. and in 4zs w. do I hope 147: 15. Atés w. runneth very swiftly 18. he sendeth out Azs w. and melteth 19. he sheweth £zs w. unto Jacob 148: 8, stormy wind, fulfilling Zzs w. thy WORD. 119: g. heed thereto according to Ay w. 138 I2: LO: 11. thy w. have I hid in mine heart 16. I will not forget thy w. 17. that I may live and keep ¢hy w, 25. quicken thou me according to thy w. 28. strengthen thou. me according unto thy w. 38. stablish ¢4y w. unto thy servant 41. thy salvation . according to thy w. 42. for I trust in thy w. 50. for ¢Ay w. hath quickened me 58. be merciful unto me according to thy w. 65. thy servant, O Lord, according unto fay w. 67. but now have I kept ¢hy w. 74. because I have hoped in chy w. 76. according to thy w. unto thy servant 8x. but I hope in thy w.; 114. 82. mine eyes fail for t#y w., saying 89. forever,.O Lord, zy w. is set- tled in ror. evil way. that. I might keep thy w. 105. tty w. is a lamp unto my feet 107. quicken me, O Lord, according unto thy w. 116, according unto ¢Zy w. that I may live 133. order,my steps in ¢hy w. 140. thy w. is very pure, therefore 147. I hoped in thy w. 148. that I might meditate in thy w. 154. quicken me according to chy w. 158. because they kept not ¢Ay w. 160. thy w. is true from the beginning 16x. heart standeth in awe of ‘Ay w. 162. rejoice at thy w. as one that findeth 169. understanding thy. w. 170. according to ¢hy w. 172. my tongue shall speak of thy w. : 2, thou hast magnified thy w. WORDS. 6, the w. of the Lord are pure w. 4. their w. to the end of the world 14. let the w. of my mouth and the according to 22: 1. and from the zw. of my roaring 36: 3. the w. of his mouth are iniquityWOR CONCORDANCE TO THE: PSALMS. WOR 52: 4. thou lovest all devouring w, 54:2. give ear to the w. of my mouth 55:21. the w. of his mouth were smoother 59: 12. the sin of their mouth, and the w, of their lips 64: 3. their arrows, even bitter zw. 78: x. incline your ears to the w. 107: 11. rebelled against the w. of God Iog : 3. about also with w. of hatred 138: 4. hear the w. of thy mouth Ats WORDS. 55: 21. Azs w. were softer than oil 106: 12. then believed they Zzs w. my WORDS. 5:1. give ear to my w., O Lord 50:17. castest my w. behind thee 56:5. every day they wrest my w. 141: 6. they shall hear wey w. thy WORDS. 119: 57. have said that I would keep thy w. 103. how sweet are f#y w. unto my taste 130. the entrance of ‘Ay w. giveth ight 139. Mine enemies have forgotten thy we. WORK. (noun), 8:3. when I-consider thy heavens, the | w. of 9: 16. the wicked is snared in the w. of his own 28:4. give them after the w. of their hands 44:1. what w. thou didst in their days | 64: 9. shall declare the w. of God 74: 6. break down the carved w. thereof go: 47. establish thou the w. of our hands 17. yea, the w. of our hands, es- tablish ror: 3. the w. of them that turn aside 102: 25. the heavens are the w. of thy 115: 4. Silver and gold, the w. of men’s hands, 135: 15. 143: 5. I. muse on the w. of thy hands Azs WORK. 62:12. to every man according to zs w. 104; 23. goeth forth unto 4zs w. 111: 3. Azs w. is honorable and my WORK, 95:9. proved me and saw my w. thy WORK. 77:12. meditate also of all thy w. go: 16. let ‘hy w. appear unto thy g2: 4. made me glad through thy w. WORK. (verb). 58:2. yea, in heart ye w. wickedness 11g : 126. it is time for thee, Lord, to w. 141: 4. with men that w. iniquity WORKERS of inuzqutty. 5:5. thou hatest all w. of zniquzty 6:8. depart from me, all ye w. of in zguity 14:4. all the w. of zxzguzty no knowle edge 28:3. with the w. of zazgutty, which speak 36: 12. there are the w. of inigutty fallen 37:1. envious against the w. of inq Z7quity 53:4. have ‘the w. of inigutty no knowledge 59:2. deliver'me from the wz. of zz- zguity 64 g2 : 2, insurrection of the w. of zuiguity :7. allthe w. of zxzguzty do flourish g. the w. of txzguizty shall be scat- tered : 4. all the w. of zuiguity boast 16. against the w, of tnzquity 125: 5. forth with the w. of zxzguity 141: 9. the gins of the w. of inzquity 94 WORKETH. 15:2. w. righteousness and speaketh the truth 101: 7, he that w. deceit shall not dwell WORKING. 52: 2. asharp razor, w. deceitfully 74:12. w. salvation in the midst of WORKS. | 8:6. dominion over the w. of thy hands 9: 1. shew forth all thy marvellous w. 14:1. they have done abominable w. 17:4: concerning the w. of mien, by the word 28:5. they regard not the w. of the Lord 33: 4. all his wi are done in truth 15. he considereth all their w. 46:8. behold the w. of the Lord, what 66:3. how terrible art thou in thy w. 5. come and see the w. of God 73: 28. may declare all thy w. 77: 11. I will remember thew. of the Lord 78:7. not forget the w. of God 11. forgat his w. and his wonders 86:8. neither are’ there any w. like unto thy w. 92: 4. I will triumph in the w. of thy 5. how great are thy w. : 103: 22. bless the Lord, all his w. in all 104: 13. with the fruit of thy w. 24. how manifold are thy w. | 31. the Lord shall rejoice in his w. 105: 5. remember his marvellous w. 100 : 13. they soon forgat his ‘zw. 35. the heathen, and their zw. 39. defiled with their own w. 107; 22. declare his w. with rejoicing 24. these see the w. of the Lord 111: 2. the w. of the Lord are great 6. his people the power.of his w. 167 learnedWOR rir: 7. the w. of his hands are ver- ity and 17. declare the w. of the Lord 8. the w. of thine own hands 139: 14. marvellous are thy w., and that 141: 4. wicked w. with men that work 143: 5. I meditate on all thy w. : 145: 4. one generation shall praise thy w. ‘ g. tender mercies are over all his w. o. all thy w. shall praise thee : 17. holy in all his w. wonderful WORKS. : 5. thy w. w. which thou hast done : 4. his w. w. that he hath done : 8, 15, 21, 31. w. w. to the children 118 : 138: 4 107 of men 111: 4. made his for thy ‘saints-/, it “well (oj; “were tae corresponding passage occurs in King James’ version in the ninth, instead of the tenth verse. Since there is in the Psalter no single consecutive number- ing of the verses of Psalm 119, like that in the authorized version; and since the use of the alphabetical designations, taken from the Hebrew original, would be awkward, the PARTS of this Psalm, wherever reference to it occurs, are for the purpose of this Concordance, zumbered, the current numbering of the verses in each PART being, at the same time, preserved. The number of the PART is placed Jdefore that of the Psalm itself—e. g. “ft. 17. 119: 7.’’ would mean the seventh verse of the seventeenth Part of Psalm 119.A CONCORDANCE TO THE: PSA ABHOR. : 6. delighteth in wickedness, doth 44 his Soul a. (s). | 74 pe. 16. ssa 8. all false w ays 1 utterly | (128). | ABHORRED. 77 88:7. made me to be a. of them (8). 107: ABHORRES TI. 88: 14. Lord, why a. thou my soul ? | 37: 23. maketh his way a. to himself ABIDE... « ACCORDING. ; 37:7. and a. patiently upon ae | 45: 4. @ to thy worship and renown (3). g. they that patiently a. the Lord | 72: 2. judge thy people a. unto right 49: 12. man will not a. in honor 75> 3; se all judge a. unto right (2). 665 16. yea- the Lord-will' 2... ir it | 106 : 4. @. to the favor that thou bearest 71: 12. fer me, I will patiently a. alway | 109: 20. “O Lord God, a. unto thy (14). name (21) 106 : 13. and would not a. his counsel | AC KNOW LEDGED. 1903-504) Lord. who may cit? | Jf. 4. 19:2. I have a. my ways, and 147: 17. who is able to a. his frost ? | hori (26). ABIDING. ACTS 9: 18. the patient a. of the meek shall | 60: 12, through God will we do great a. ABLE 106: 2. express the noble a. of the Lord 1: 6. ungodly shall not bea. to stand (5). | 108: 13. through God we shall do great a. 18 : 38. shall not be a. to stand, but fall | A ' 40:7. more than I am a. to express (5). | 46: 6. the heathen make much a. 89: 23. not be a. to do him violence ADVANTAGE. 22 73: 10. thereout suck they no small a, TAZ 6 X7.. who is a. to abide his frost ? | ADVERSARY. ABOMINABLE. | 55: 13. neither was it mine a. (12). i 4- altogether become a. (3), 53: 4. | 106: 10. saved them from the a.’s hand tare 2s until his a. sin be found out 58 ADVERSARIES. ABOUT 49. setteth me up above mine a. (48). 139: 2. thou art a. my path, and a, my | 27: = over unto the will of mine a. (12). bed (3). | Bs . thine’a. roar in the midst of (4). ABOVE. | 89: a made all his a. to rejoice (42). 29:9. sittest a. the waterflood (10). | ADVERSITY: 104: 13. he watereth the hills from a. | 18: 27. save the people that are in @. pt. 14. 119: 3. Iam troubled a. meas- | 25: 17. look upon my a. and misery (18), fic ure (107). | go: 15. years wherein we have suffered a. A 138: 2. and thy word a. all things | 106: 43. when he saw their a. he Es ABROAD. | beet (44). : ; 59:11. scatter them a. among the people | Dt. 20... 110: O consider mine @. 60: 1. cast us out, and scattered us @. | and Ge 2)5 89: 11. scattered thine enemies a. with | ADVE RSULTES: (10). | a1 2 2, ae great troubles and a, 12: dispersed a. and given to the | ast (20). Pre eae 5 AFORE. 140: 5. spread a net a. with cords 74:6, hewed timber a. out of the 145: 20. scattereth a, allthe ungodly | : I. wherefore art thou a. from us so 18. their soul a. all manner of meat | 145: long k ABSENT. (verb). : 7. will the Lord a. ee forever ? ABUNDANT. 7. memorial of thine a. kindness ACCEPTABLE. ABSENT. (adj.) ea 23. be not a. from us for ever thick (s). 3 SOS eSAFR CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER: ALW AFRAID. | | | 18: 46. be a. out of their prisons (45). 27: 3. yet shall not my heart be a. 31: 13. Mine acquaintance were a. of me (rz). 53: 6. were a. where no fear was (s). 56: 3. though I am sometime a., yet go: 7. area. at thy wrathful indignation 97: 4. the earth saw it and was a. 104: 7. voice of thy thunder, they are a. 105 : 37. for they were a. of them (38). pt. 5. 19: 7. away the rebuke that I am a. of (39). ft. 7- %19:5. horribly a. for the un- godly (53). AGAIN. 3: 5. down and slept, and rose up a. 7:7. sakes therefore, lift up thyself a. 71: 18. broughtest me from the deep of the earth a. (20). 90: 3. a. thou sayest, come a@., ye 13. turn thee a., O Lord, at the last 15. comfort us a. now after the time 107 : 35. @, he maketh the wilderness a. AGAINST. 17: 4. done a. the words of thy lips 23:5. table before me a. them that trouble 25:18, beara tyrannous hate a. me (19). 37: 7- a. the man that doeth after evil 38: 20, reward evil for good are a. me 71: 11. perish that are a. my soul (13), 73: 8. talking 1s a. the Most High 108: 12. O help us a, the enemy tog: 27. confounded that rise up a. me (28). 141: 6. will pray yet @. their wicked- ness (5). AGE. 90: 10. days of our a, are threescore years 102; 24. away in the midst of mine a. AGED. fi. 13.. 119: 4. I am wiser than the @. (100). AGES, 145: 13. endureth throughout all a. AGREEMENT. 49:7. nor make a. unto God for him f > 77: 17. the a. thundered, and thinear- | rows 79: 2. given to be meat unto the fowls of the a. 104: 12. fowls of the a. have their habi- tation ALL. 24:1, the Lord’s,and a. that therein is 31: 22. from the provoking of a. men (20). 59: 12. whole world is mine and a, that 53:4, they area, gone out of the way (3). 69:35, the sea, and a, that moveth therein (34.) 4 71: 16. thy power to a. that are yet for to (x8). 74: 2%. @. the earth ts full of dark ness (20). 78:18. yet for a. this, they sinned more (r7). 95:4. in his hand are a. the corners of 97: 9. higher than a. that are in the earth 104: 1£. @, the beasts of the field drink 106 : 44. made a. those that led them, 46. 115: 16. a. the whole heavens are the Lord’s 17. a. they that go down into si- lence Zt. 13. 119: 8. therefore I hate a. evil ways (104). 128: 1. blessed are a. they that fear the Lord 135: 18. so are @. they that put their trust 136: 3. thank the Lord of a. lords 146: 3. then a. his thoughts perish (4). 148i 4. praise him, a. ye heavens ALL the day long. 25:4. my hope a. the d. Z. (5). 140; 2. stir up strife a. the ad. 7. ALL things. 8:6. a. ¢. in subjection under his feet 88: 12. land where a. ¢. are forgotten pt. 12. 119: 8. I see that a. #7) come to (96). 138: 2. name and thy word above a. ¢. 145: 16. a. #. living with plenteousness ALLOWETH. 11: 6. the Lord a. the righteous (s). ALMIGHTY. vowed a vow unto the a. God ALMOST, 73: 14. [ had a. said even as they (15). ALONE. 49: 8. he must let that a. forever ALREADY; 126; 4. done great things for us a@. (3). ALSO, 132: 2. | 4: 3. know this a. that the Lord hath chosen : 7. the singers a, shall he : 13. they a. shall bring forth more fruit (14). : : 7. whoso hath TOd:; 139: and trumpeters : a. a proud look (s). 25. SO is the great and wide sea a. 7- to hell, thou art there a, (8). g. even there a, shall thy hand (10), 13. righteous a, shall give thanks 6. I will a. tell of thy greatness ALTAR. 26: 6. so will I go to thine a, ALTOGETHER, 14: 4. a. become abominable (3). 56: 6, they hold a. and keep themselves ALWAY. 140° 145°: | 19: 14. be @, acceptable in thy sight34:2 1. a. give thanks unto the Lord 40: 14. thy truth @. preserve me (11). 40: 19. say a. the Lord be praised (16). 50: 8. because they were not a. before 70: 4. say a., the Lord be praised er: 2. whereunto I m; ay a. resort (3). 71: 12. for me, I will patiently abide a@. (14). 73: 22. nevertheless, I am a. by thee (23). 79: 14. a. be showing forth thy praise (x3): 84:4. they will be a. praising thee 89: 1. song shall be a. of the loving- kindness 105: 8. he hath been a. mindful of 106: 3. blessed are they that a. keep judgment 10g: 14. let them a. be before the Lord (15). pt. 3. 119: 4. fervent desire that it hath a. (20). pft.6. 119: 4. so shall I a. keep thy law (44). or. 14. “11g 5, my Soul i$ +z. in niy wand (109) ALWAYS. 52:10. ] will a. give thanks unto iia! 61: 8, so will I a. sing praise unto 71:5. my praise shall be a. of thee (6). 109: 18. girdle that he is a. girded withal (19) AMEN. 41: 13. God of Israel, world without end, a. AMISS. 106: 6. we have done a. and dealt 130: 3. extreme to mark what is done a. | AMONG. 18: 50. thanks unto thee, O Lord, a. the Gentiles (49). 19: their voices are heard a. them 26: - will not sit a. the ungodly 42: 5. a. such as keep holyday (4). 45:6. the midst a. the king’s ene- mies (5). 76:12. wonderful a. the kings of the earth 78: 29. let it fall z. their tents (28). 88: ALW CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER. to be divided a. them for an heritage (55). Io. dost thou show wonders a. the dead 56. 89: 6. who is he 2. the clouds that shall 106: 29. the plague was great a. them 31. a. all posterities forevermore 110’ 2, in the midst a. thine enemies 111: 1. secretly a. the faithful 118: 12. even as the fire a. the thorns 120: 4, my habitation a. the tents of Kedar (5). 5. a. them that are enemies unto peace (6). AMONGST. 72 : 17. under the sun a. the posterities | SCT SNOT TU TCU USD TECU CUCU OSL | Or: ARI ANGER. 38: 1. not torebuke, O Lord, in thinea, ANGERED. 106: 16. they a. Moses also in the tents ANGRY. 79: 5. Lord, how long wilt thou be a.? go: g. when thou art a. all our days ANOINTED. TO } CF. ing-kindness unto David his . (50). ANOTHE R, Ig: 2. one day telleth a., and one 42:9. one deepcalleth a. because of (7). 45: 18. thy name from one generation to @. (17). 49: 2. rich and poor, one with a. 69: 28. fall from NT). moon endureth from one gener- ation to @. 119: 2. remaineth from one generation to a. (go). O Lord, from one generation to a. ANSWER - (noun). 119: 2. make a. unto my blas-= phemers (42). ANSWER: thou shalt a. . one wickedness to im 72:5- Zt. .123 : ia (verb). cis for me, O Lord : 4. neithershall a. evil dwell with thee : 3. if I have done a, such thing 3. a. wickedness in my hands 5. not be afraid for a. terror by night | 104: 5. It never should move at a. time 112: 7. not be afraid of a. evil tidings 147: 10. neither delighteth he in a. man’s legs ANYTHING. 36: 4. doth he abhor a. that is evil 94: 20. wilt thou have @. to do with the stool APACE. 58:6. like water that runneth a, (7). APPAREL. 93: 1. hath put on glorious a. 1. the Lord hath put on his a, APPEARED. 50: 2. out of Sion hath God a. in perfect APPLIED. pt, 14. “I19: 8. Lave @. my heart to fulfil (r1r2). APPOINTED. 44% = as sheep a. to be slain 104: 8. the place which thou hast a. 105: 10. a. the same unto Jacob ARABIA. 72:10. kings of A. and Saba shall bring gifts 72: 15. shall be given of the gold of A. ARISE-TH. | 7:6, a. up for me in the judgment 59: 4. @. thou therefore to help me 5CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER. BEC 78: 39. suffer his whole displeasure to a. (38). 92: me (11). 94: 2. a., thou judge of the world 107: 25. the stormy wind a-¢h ARROWS. 11: 2. ready their a. within the quiver | to. the wicked that a. up against B. | BABES. 8:2. out of the mouth of very 4. | BACKS. | 18: 40. enemies also to turn their 8. | their bow thou down 6, (23). 69: 24. ever aS nen ee Sud harp 2. | 78: 58. turned their 4. and fell away (57). eh | BACKWARD. NOE ats | 129: 5. confounded, and turned 4. as 1:5. @. for the ungodly it is not so (4). | BALMS. AS long as. | 141: 6. their precious 4. break my 63: 5. a. 2. a. I live, will I magnify (4). | head (s). “4 AS well as. BANNERS. 49: 10. a. w. a. the ignorant and foolish | 74* 5+ Set up eee ee (4). ASCRIBE. : 63: 2. in a J. and dry land where no (1). 29:1. @. unto the Lord, worship and BATTER 59:9. my strength will I a. unto thee | 20: 6, they make them ready to 4. (7). 96: 7. a. unto the Lord, O ye kindreds BEAR. (twice) 25: 18. they J. a tyrannous hate against ASHAMED. (19). 25: 2. that hope in thee, shall not bea. | 38: 4. too heavy for me to 6. ASPS. 45:15. be her Sante shall 6, her com- 14:5. poison of a. is under their lips Dea en, P BEARETH, ae 126: 7. and 4. forth good seed (6). ., ASSURE. BEASTS. 81:9. I will a. thee, O Israel (8). -| 68: 30. among the 4. of the people ASTONISHED. BEAUTY. 48: 4. they were a., and suddenly (s). | 6: 7. my 4. is gone for very trouble ASTRAY. 50: 2. God appeared in perfect é. 107: 4. they went a. in the wilderness | 78: 62 es 6. into the enemy’s hand ATHIRSY. *” BECAME. 42:2. my soul is a. for God, yea, even 38: 14. I 4, even as a man that heareth AVENGE-D. not 35: 23. a. thou my cause, my God 39: 10. I 6. dumb, and opened not (9). 54: 1. a me in thy strength BECAUSE. Pt. 20. 119: 2. a. thou my cause, and | 12: 5. 4. of the deep sighing of the poor deliver (154). 17: 4. 6. of men’s works that are done 135: 14. the Lord will a. his people 21: 7. 6. the king putteth his trust 140: 12. the Lord will a. the poor. 42:9. 6.0f the noise of the water- 18: 48. God that seeth that I be pipes (7). a-d (47). 50: 8. will not reprove thee 3. of thy ft. 11. 119: 4. when wilt thou be a-d sacrifices of them (84). 8. 3. they were not alway before me 149: 7. to be a-d of the heathen 54:6. thy name, O Lord, 6. it is so 149: 9. that they may be a-d of them comfortable AWAKE. 56: 4. praise God, 4. of his word 17: 16. I a. up after thy likeness (1s), | 4 11- Word tee sped hope 4. of thy e423: @-, und stand up to judge my 138: 2. 6. of thy loving-kindness and AWAY. truth 6:8. a. from me, all ye that work BECOME. 37: 10. look after his place, and he 14: 2. 6, abominable in their doings (x). shall be a. 4. altogether 5, abominable (3). Be. 15. a 3. @. from me, ye wick- 31: 14. I am d, like a broken vessel (12), ed (x15). 53:2. 6. abominable in their wicked- AWE. ness (1). 96:9. let the whole earth stand in a. | 71: 6. I am 4. as it were a monster (7). of him 85: 1. Lord, thou art 4. gracious unto thy 6BEC CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER. BLO 89: 40. he is 4. a reproach to his neigh- bors (41). oz: 6. &. like a pelican in the wilder- ness 104: 1. thou art 6. exceeding glorious BECOMETH. 33: 1. 1t J. well the just to be thankful BED 41: 3. when he lieth sick upon his 4, 139: 2. about my path and about my db, (3). “BEFORE. 96: 12. trees of the wood rejoice J. the Lord 99: 5. fall down 4. his footstool 130: 6. unto the Lord 4. the morning- watch 6. I say 4. the morning-watch | 139: 1. understandest my thoughts long | 6. (2). 141: 8. our bones lie scattered 4. the pit (7). BEGAN. 93: 3. ever since the world 4, hath (2). BEGINNING. ro2: 25. thou, Lord, in the 6. hast laid BEHAVE. 36: 3. left off to 4. himself wisely 44:18. nor 4. ourselves frowardly in BEHELD. 33: 13. and 4. all the children of men BEHOLD-EST. 7:15. 5. he travaileth with mischief (14). 11: 8. will J. the thing that is just (7). 63: 3. that I might J. thy power and (2), 66: 4. &. the works of God, how (5s). 116: 14. 6., O Lord, how that I am thy servant (16). Yt. 5 XI9:5. Mine eyes, lest they 4. vanity (37). 1o:15. thou J4-est ungodliness and wrong (14). BEHOLDETH. 138: 6. the proud he 4. them afar off BELIEVE. 66: 6. such as will not 6. shall not (7). BELIEVETH. 112: 7. heart standeth fast, and 4. in the Lord BENEATH. 104: 8. down to the valleys 4. 139: 14. and fashioned 4, in the earth I DE. g1: 7. a thousand shall fall 4. thee 104: 12.°4. them shall the fowls of the air BESIEGED. 53: 6. the bones pi um that J, thee (5). 108: 1. with the 4. member that I have BETIMES. 5:3. my voice shalt thou hear 4. 59: 16. thy mercy 4. in the morning 143: 8. loving-kindness 4. in the morn- ing BIRTH. 110: 3. dew of thy é. is of the womb of BITTERNESS. 14:6. mouth is full of cursing and b. (Rom. 2 = 74). BLASPHEME--D. 4:2. how long will ye 4. mine honor ? 10: 14. should the wicked 6. God (13). 79:13. blaspheming wherewith our neighbors have 6-d thee (12). 89: 50. wherewith thine enemies have b-d thee (51). BLASPHEMER-S. 44: 17. voice of the slanderer and 8. (16). | ft. 6. 11932. makeanswer unto my d-s BLASPHEMETH. 74: 23. foolish man 4. thee daily (22). BLASPHEMY. 31:15. heard the 4 of the multi- tude (13). 73: 8. and speak of wicked 6. 79:13. and for the 46. wherewith our neighbors (12). BLASTING. 18:15. at the 6. of the breath of thy displeasure BTESS. 128: 6. out of Sion shall so 4. thee (s). 132: 16. will 4. her victuals with in- crease (15). BLESSED: 18: 47. 5. be my strong helper (46). 35:27. &. be the Lord, who hath pleas- ure 137: 9. 6. shall he be that taketh thy 144: 15. yea, 4, are the people who have 146: 4. 5. is he that hath the God of Jacob (s). BLESSEST. 65:9. visitest the earth, and 4. it BLESSING. 5:13. give thy 4. unto the righteous (12). 28: 10. thy 4. unto thine inheritance (9). 29: 10. his people the 6. of peace (11). 67: 6. our own God shall give us his 4. 109: 16. he loved not 4, therefore shall (17). 134: 4. give thee 4, out of Sion (3). BLIN , be 146: 7. the Lord giveth ‘sight to the b. (8). 69 : 24. their eyes be 5-ed that they (23). BLOO 14:6, their feet are swift to shed 6, (Rom: 3% 25). 79:11. let the vengeance of thy serv- ant’s 6, (10). BLOOD-thzrsty. 5:6. both the 4,-¢, and deceitful 26:9. nor my life with the 6.-2. 55:25. the .-¢. and deceitful men (23). 59: 2. save me from the 4.4. men 7BLO CONCORDANCE 'TO' THE PSAETER. BRQ 139: 19. depart from me, ye 4.-¢. men BLOWETH. 147: 18. he 6, with his wind, and the waters BOAST. (noun). 10: 3. made 4. of his own heart’s desire 89: 17. in thy righteousness shall they make their 6. (16). 106 : 45. make our 4. of thy praise (47). ) BOAST. (verb). 35: 26. that 4. themselves against me BOASTING. 94: 4. and make such proud 4, BODY. 22:14. heart also in the midst of my 4, : Io. yea, my soul and my 2. (9). : 7. no whole part in my J, : 1. the foulish d. hath said in his heart BONDS. 2:3. let us break their 4. asunder 107! 14. and brake their 4. in sunder 116: 14. hast broken my Jd. in sunder (16). BON D-servant. 105: 17: who was sold to bea 4.-s, BONES. 53:6. God hath broken/the 6. of him (s). 139 7-14. my 6. are not hid from thee (15). BORN. ro. left unto thee ever since I was 4. 32. shall be 6. whom the Lord hath made 71: 5. holden up ever since I was 4. (6). 102: 18. the people that shall be J. shall OL L. 5:6. abhor 6. the blood-thirsty and 36: 7. thou, Lord, shalt save 3. man and beast (6). BOUGHS. 22: 80: 11. and her 4. unto the river BOUNDS. 104: 9. thou hast set them their 4, BOW. (noun). 21:12. strings of thy J. shalt thou make BOW. (verb). 69: 24. ever 6. thou. down their backs (23) BRAKE. 55: 21. he 4. his covenant (a0), BRAWN. ft. g. 119: 6. their heart is as fat as &. (70). BREAD. 1405.3. eating up my people as it were D. (4). 105: 16. destroyed all the provision of 6, rog: 9. be vagabonds and beg their 6. (io). BREAK, 2:9. and J, them in pieces like a potter’s 18: 34. shall 4. even-a bow of'steel 28:6. therefore shall. he 6. them down (5). 48: 6. shall 4. the ships of the sea (7). 8 12. horns of the ungodly also will I 2. (20). 141: 6. not their precious balms 4. my head (s). BREAKETH. 14m: 8. as when one J. and heweth wood (7). BREATH. | 104 : 30. thou lettest thy 4. go forth DL. 57. 7a 3. and J. me forth in the-paths of 16. O 4, thou me out of my trou- bles (17). : r.-d, unto the Lord, O ye mighty, 4, : 17. the calamities which they 4. on me : 38. that shall 6. a man peace at the last (37). : 20. shall. hear me and 4, down (10). who will 2 25% them oO: 6. me into Edom? | 108 ; Io, 68: 30. humbly 4. pieces of silver : 6. known to 6, it to an excellent work (5). 90:9. we 6. our years to an end gi: 15. deliver him, and 4. him to honor 108 : ro. who will 4. me into Edom? | 125: 7. and 4, his sheaves with him (6), BRINGETH. 118: 15. right hand of the Lord 4., 16. 147: 6. 4. the ungodly down to the ground BRING /orta. 1:3. that will 4. ~ his fruit in due 29: 8. hinds to 6. £ young (9). 35:3. 6. f the spear and stop the way 67: 6. the earth 4. £ her increase BRINGETH jor. 104: 14. he 6. 7% grass for the cattle | 135: 7. he 4._~ the clouds from the | BROAD, 65:5. that remain in the 4. sea BROKEN. 53: 6. God hath 4. the bones of him (s), | 62: 3. shall ye be, and like a 4, hedge | 78: 58. starting aside like a 4. bow (57). | 89 : 38. thou hast 4. the covenant of (39). 39. and 4. down his strongholds (40). 116: 14. thou hast 6, my bonds in sun- der (16). 148: 6. a law which shall not be J, BROUGHT. 14:9. there were they 4. in great fear (s), 38: 6. am 4. into so great trouble 42:4. 6. them forth into the house of 44:25. our soul is 4. low 46: 8. destruction he hath 4. upon the earth 70:3. for their reward be soon 4, to shameAANA CURAR RAR BRO 71: 19. thou hast 4. me to great honor (21). BROUGHTEST. 7s oe yea, and d. me from the deep (20). 74: 16. thou J out fountains and wa- ters (15). BROUGHT down. 102: 23. he 6. d. my strength in my 106: 42. were &. d@. in their wickedness BROUGHT /fortz. 7:15. conceived sorrow'and 4. f. un- godliness (14). BRUISE. 2:9. thou shalt 4. them with arod of iron BUILD. 107: 36; &: ae a a to dwell in 2 BUI ¥22> 35 Jerusalem is oF: as a city that is BURN. 97: 3. 4. up his enemies on every side 121: 6. so that the sun shall not 4. thee BURNT zp. #. as it were a firebrand BURNING. 1022 3..0 120: 3. sharp arrows with hot 4. coals (4). BUSHES: 29: 8. and discovereth the thick 4. (9). BUSY. 35: 6. with ‘the flatterers were 3. mockers (16). BUT; 104 : 32. if he do 4, touch the hills, they C. CADES. (Kadesh). 29:7. shaketh the wilderness of C, (8). CALAMITIES 35:17. deliver my soul from the c. CALF: 106 : 20. similitude of ac. that eateth hay aoa“ ET dwt co: upon the Lord with my | i | ro: 11. fall into the hands of his c¢. (10). voice 18: 5. in my trouble I will c. upon the | Lord (6). 20:9. O King of heaven, when we c, upon thee 25:5. c. to remembrance, O Lord, thy tender -mercies (6). 56:9. whensoever I c. upon thee, then I will ¢. unto the most high God 57: 2. 61: 2. ends of the earth will La upon thee 77:11. ¢. to mind thy wonders of old time 86: 3. I will c. daily upon thee 89:27. he shall ¢. me, thou art my Father 102: 2. thine ear unto me, when Ic. 116: 4. I willc. upon the name of the Lord SATO E CUED E UC EU ES ai SS oe CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER: CAR ft. I9. 119: 1. I c. with my whole heart (145). 2. yea, even unto thee do c. (146). 141: 1. Lord, Ic. upon thee ; haste thee 147: 9. the young ravens that c. upon him CALLED: 22:5. they c. upon thee, and were holpen 24. when. hec him 66:15. Ic. unto him w ith my mouth (17). unto him, he heard ft. 8. 119: 32*l-¢. Mine own ways to remembrance (59). 120: 1. in trouble, I c. upon the Lord 130: 1. out of the deep have Ic. unto thee 138: 3. when Ic. upon thee, thou heard« est me CALLING. 5:2. unto the voice of my ¢ 39 7-13. Me thine ears consider my Cro). £02 5. iaahged unto me, and heard myc. 88: 1. incline thine ear unto my c. (2). CAME. 18: 4. the pains of hell c. about me (5). TO 28, Aylin upon the wings of the wind 35:15. very abjects c. together against 48:5. fear c. there upon them (6). 78:7. to the intent that when theyc, up (6). | 81:5. when he-c. out of the land of Egypt 105: 19. until the time c. that his cause 106: 14. lust-c. upon them in the wil< derness | 114: r, when israel c. out of Egypt CANNOT. 96: 4. great, and c. worthily be praised 96: 10. w orld so fast, that itc. be moved CAPTAINS. CAPTIVE: 106: 44. led them away c. to pity (46). CAPTIVELY. 14:11. when the Lord turneth the c. of (7). 68: 6. the prisoners out of c. ro2 : 20. mourning of such as are in ¢, 144: 14. no decay, no leading into ¢. CAREFULNESS. 127: 3.,.eat the bread of c. (2). GAREST; 10:14. tush! thou, God, c. not forit (13), CARETH. | 10: 4. so proud, that he c. not for God 40: 20. poor and needy, but the Lord ce. for me (17); 146; 8. the Lord c. for the righteous g. the Lord c. for the strangers 9CAR CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER. CLE CARRIED. | CEASING. 78:53. and c. them in the. wilder- | 30: 13. sing of thy praise withdut c. (12). ness (52). | CEDAR-“rees. 107: 26. they arec. upto the heaven | 80: 10. boughs thereof were like the CARVED. goodly c.-f. 97: 7. they that worship c. images CEREMONIES. GAS? 119: 8. I will Keep thy, 27: 10. nor ¢. thy servant-away in (9). | CERTAIN. 30: 11. hand of the ungodly c. me down | 104: 19. appointed the moon for c. sea~ 42:12. trouble mec. mein theteeth (10). | sons 83:5. they havec. their heads together | CERTIFIED. 89 : 38. and c. his crown to the ground : 39: 5. that I may be c. how long I (0) G have (4). CAST away. CERTIFIETH. 37:24. though he fall, he shall not | 19: 2. one night c. another bec. Z. CHAMBER. CAST down. 4:4. in yourc. and be still 10: 6. tush! I shall never bec. d. CHARGED. 11: 3. the foundations will bec. d. | 119: 4. ¢. that we shall diligently keep 13:4. if I bec. d. they that trouble me CHARM 48: 4. astonished and suddenly c,d. (5). 58: 5. c. he never so wisely CASTEST: CHASTEN, 73:17. and c. them down, and oe ' 16: 8. reins also c. mein the night season stroyest (x8). |. 39:2 22,> forisin (x1), VAST out. | CHEERFUL. 18: 22. will notc. 0. hiscommandments | 81: 1. make ac. noise unto the God of 31:24. 1 am c. o.-of the sight of | 104: 15. oil to make him a c. coun- thine (22). | tenance 60: 10. hast not thou c. us 0., O God? | CHERUBIM. 66: 18. who hath notc. 0. my prayer (20). | 18: ro. rode upon the c., and did fly 106: 27. to c. o, their seed among the gg: 1. he sitteth between the c. nations CHIDING. (noun). 141: 9. Oc. not o. my soul (8). | 18: 15. discovered at my c., O Lord CASTETH ozz. 33: 10. ¢.o. the counsels of princes CASTLE. CHIDING. (verb Dn 103: 9. he will not alway be c. HILD. 31: 4. my strong rock and myc. (3). | ae 2. nor in any c. of man (3). 71:2. my house of defence and myc. (3). CHILDREN. 144:2. myc. and deliverer, my ctender | 18: 45. strange c. shall dissemble (44). CAPILE. 40. the strange c. shall fail (45). 147: 9. who giveth fodder unto the c. | 102: 20. deliver the c. appointed unto AUSE. (noun). | 127: 5. even so are the young ¢, (4). 18: 50. for this c. will I give thanks (49). | 137: 9. taketh thy c. and throweth 25:2. such as transgress withoutac. (3). CHILDREN of mex. 57: 2. perform the c. which I have in 12:9. thec. of m. are bus to rebuke (8). rand ay 13. and beheld all the c. of 2. 68:5. defendeth the c. of the widows 57: 5. lie even among the c. of mm. (4). 69: e be ashamed for my e. G2. es as for the c. of m. they are but 73:6. this is the c. that they are so g. the c. of m. are deceitful upon holden the weights 105: 19. time came that his c. was known CHOSEN. CAUSE. (verb). 4:3. the Lord hath ¢, to himself the man Pi-4. 19% 5. -c.' thon me to make LLY. much of thy law (29). 73: 19. their image to vanish out of CAUSED. the c, (20). 78: 56. c. their land to be divided (55), | 197: 7- go to the c, where they dwelt ft. 10. 119:3. of very faithfulness CLAIMED. ; ake aH GS), Pr. YA. 110. i ay testimonies have I Ren (rrr). 85:4. and let nee ie c, from us pee . ay ae prea e _ 18: 42. cast them out as the c. in the 107: 29. he maketh the storm to c. tracts CEASED. CLEAN. 106: 30, and so the plague c. 18; 26, with the c, thou shalt be c, IoCLE CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER. COM 31:14. I am c. forgotten as a dead | COME zon. man (12). | 7:17. travail shalle. wz. his own head (16). 57 > I. A ungodly shall be c. gone COMETH. 10g: 12. let his name be c. put out (13 a). | 7 31. My dele: ce. of God, who pre- _ CLEAR. serveth (10). 37:6. thy righteousness as c. as the | 37: 40. salvation of the righteous c. of light the Lord (39). 139: 11. the night is as c. as the day | 55:3. the ungodly c. on so fast CLEAVETH. | 68: 20. the God of whom e. salvation 78:9. spirit c. not steadfastly unto | 125: 3. ungodlyc. not into the lot of the God (8). 127: 4. gift that c. of the Lord (3). CLIMB. COMETH /orth. 132: 3. norc. up into my bed )19:5.¢. f. asa bridegroom out of 139: 7. if-I c up into heaven, thou | 41: 6. when hec. £ he telleth it art (8). * COMFORT. (noun). CLOAK. 23: 2. forth beside the waters of c. 109: 18. as the c. that he hath upon | 51: 12. thec. of thy help again him (19). 77: 2. my soul refused c. 28, their own confusion, as with | ff. 7. 119: 4. thine everlasting judg- ac. (29). ments, O Lord, and received CLOSE. © ‘(adj.) c. (52). 56:6. keep themselves c., and mark COMFORT. (verb). CHOSE.” (verb). 27: 16. he shall c. thine heart (14). 22: 12. bulls of Bashanc. me in on every | 41: 3. the Lordc. him when he lieth sick CLOTHING. | 56: xo. in the Lord’s word will I c. me 133: 2. went down to the skirts of hisc. | 69: 21. found I any to c. me (20). CLOUDS. | 86: 4. ¢. the soul of thy servant 65: 12. and thy c. drop fatness (11). | 90: 15. ¢. us again, now after the time 89:6. who is he among the c. that | COMFORTABLE. shall be | 54:6. thy name, O Lord, because it 135: 7. bringeth forth the c. from the | is SOC. ds | 69: 17. thy loving-kindness is c. (16). COEORS. Lb COMFORTED. 45: 10. wrought about with divers c. (9). | 71: 19. and c. me on every side (21). COME. i COMFORTLESS. 55: 16. let death c. hastily upon them | ;2; ©, for the c. troubles’ sake of the Bey isfortune like | ee Ta 5. ft et in no misiortune like | COMMANDETH. 73:18. perish and c. toa fearful end (19). | #9 * 3° the Lord that c. the waters 77:8. his promise c. utterly to an end COMMANDMENTS. 79: 8. we are c. to great misery | 18: 22. not cast out his ¢c. trom me 90: 10. so strong, that they c. to four- | 119: 4. that we shall diligently keep score thy c. 98:9. for he is c. to judge the earth | pd. 2. 119: 7. I will talk of thy c. (15). 104: 35. the ungodly shall c. to anend | #¢. 4. 119: 3. to understand the way pt. 12. 119: 8. that all things c. to an | of thy c. (27). end (96). | Pb. Fe TIGSS. al oa thy c. (40). COME aédouxt. | Atv 6. xx9% Se itor 1 seck thy co. Gs). 7:7. congregation of the people c. a. | ff. 7. 119: g “because I kept thy c. (56). thee | Jt. 8. x19: 7. fear thee, and keep thy 22:12. Many oxen arec. a. me | c. (63). 22:16. many dogs are c. a. me | Af. 9. 119: 5. I will keep thy c. (©). 40:15. innumerable troubles are ¢. a. | Jt. 10. 119: 6. occupied in oye =. (78). me (12), | fe. It. IQ? 7: Diorsaok not 6 Ly Cc. (87). COME after. | Phe ISe “Tig: 5 I will never forget thy 48: 12. may tell them that c. @. (13). ¢. (93) 102: 18. shall be written for those} Az. 12. 119: 6. Ihave sought thy c. (94). that c. 2. pt. 13. 319: 4.-.because I keep thy COME agazz. | c. (100). 952.3. &. an yoru! dren of men pt. 13. 1x9 18. through thy c.-I-get COME before. understanding (104). 18: 6. my complaint shall c. 6. him pt. 14. 119:6. I swerved not from 88: 13. early shall my prayer c. J. thee , thy ¢. (110), EtCON CGORPANCE TO THE PSALTER. CON unto the'beasts that perish COMPASS. 20. C. : 1, the c. of the world, and they that COMPASSION. 103: 8. full of c. and mercy, long ‘suf- | fering tog: 11. to have c. upon his father- less (12). COMPLAIN-ING. 18:5. and c. unto my God (6). 77:3. when my heart is vexed I willc. 32: 3. away, through my daily c-zzg COMPLAINT. 9: 12. forgetteth not the c. of the poor to ae consider my c. and hearken unto 18:6. my c. shall come before him 22:1. and from the words of my ¢ 106: 43. he heard their c. (44). 130: 2. consider well the voice of my 142: 7. considermyc., for lam feat (6). CONCEIVED. 7:15. he hath c. sorrow (14). CONCEIVETH., 41: 6. his heart c. falsehood CONCERNING; *42:8. remember thee c. the land (6). 85: 8. what the Lord God will say c. (Pte Fo srX0 1: ee thy servant as-c. thy word (49). CONDEMNED. 73:14. I should’ have c. the gener- ation (15). CONFESS. 8: 18. I will c. my wickedness L2 COM pt. 16. a 8. hold I straight all thy c. (128). Pt. 17. i10+6, "S60 Shall I keep thy c.' (134). pe. 18. ne 5. do I ‘not forget thy | CiNTd¥). pt. 20. 119: 7. how I love aye (159). | pt. 21.° 119: 8. [have kept thyc. (168). #,22. 1197 °%5.°°E “have chosen thy | C173): COMMEND-ED. 31:6, into thy hands Ic. my spirit (5). 63: 12. that swear by him shall be c-@, (11). COMMIT. . 73: 26. them that c. fornication (27). COMMUNING; 35: 20. their c. is not for peace COMPANION. 55:14. itwas thou, myc ,my guide (13). COMPAN 45: 15. her fellows shall bear her c. (14). 142: 9. shall the righteous resort unto my.7: (7). COMPARISON. 73: 24. that I desire in c. of thee (25). 103: 11. the heaven is inc. of the earth COMPARED. 49: 12. seeing he may bec. unto 118: 2. | Gqit-22 | Ze let Israel now c. that he is gra= cious 3. let the house of Aaron nowc. 4. them now that fear the Lord c. CONFIDENCE. . my God is the strength of myc. CONFOUND-ED. 4, « 29:5 7, 0 Lord, c¢. me not (sr). 6: 10. all mine enemies shall be c-d 25°: 1. O.let me not bec-d, neither let (2). 1g. let me not bec-d, for I have (20). 31: 19. let me not be c-d, O Lord (17). 37: 19. not be the perilous time 10g : 27. let them bec-d that rise up (28). 119: 6. soshall I not bec-d while I have pt. 10. 119: 6let.the proud be c-d, for (78). CONF USION. 25:2, shall be put toc. (3). 31: 1. let me never _be put fo c. 19. the ungodly be put to ¢. (17). 44: 8. puttest them toc. that hate us (7). 10. far off, and puttest us to c. (g). 53: 6. hast put them to c. because (5s). CONGREGATION-S. ro: rz. that the c. of the poor may (10). 106: 17. covered the c. of Abiram 86: 14. the c-s of naughty men have ft. 8. 119: 5. the c-s of the ungodly have (6r). CONSIDER-ED. 11: 5. his eyes c. the poor (4). SL: T2Z0% 10g : 144; 58: go: Eile: 42 2. ois 7 : 2 hy : 40. he c-d that they were but flesh T3\ 1: g. and the fire shall c. : 18. how suddenly do they c. : ea. : I. ¢. my complaint, and hearken 13. with thine ears c. my calling (12). the humble shall c. this and € (32). : 6. unwise man doth not wellc. this . the righteous will c. this 0 let thine ears c. well >, my voice when I cry unto thee . ¢. my complaint, for I am (6). . O Lord, and c. my desire (12). e-@ the voice of my prayer (19). * 33- (39). CONSIDERETH. he c. all them that dwell (14). CONSPIRE. they c. together against me (13). CONSTRAINE 1, 4. woe is me that I ame. to dwell (s). CONSUME. 15. them (19). out of thy bosom toc. the en-~ emy (11). ro. extortioner c¢. all that he hath (rn); 6. shoot out thine arrows, and c, them CONSUME away. 7. let them c. a. like a snail (8). 7. wec. a. in thy displeasure ro. gnash with his teeth andc. @.RAGAN ERR CONCORDANCE TO FILE, FSALIER. CUT CONSUMED away. | 32: 3. my bones c. a. through my daily CONSU METH. 83: 14. the flame that c. the mountains | CONSUMING. 18: 8. ac. fire out of his mouth 50: 3. before him ac. fire CONTENT. go 10. 1 am ¢; to-doit; yo thy law (8). | CONT INUALL 75: 70. the fee which Se hath eae o CONTINUE-D. 68: 6. the runagates c. in scarceness 140: 13. the just shall c. in thy sight 78: 37. neither c-d they steadfast in CONTINUEST. 22:3. thouc. holy, Othou Worship | CONTRARY, 10g : 3. they take now myc. part (4). | CONTRITE, 34: 18. nigh unto them that are ofac., | eart CONVERT. 23:3. hesh llc. my soul CONVEYED. 31:13. without, c. themselves from me (11). i CORDS. 140: 5. spread a net abroad with c. CORN. 4:8. since the time that their c. (7). CORNERS. 10: 8. lurking in the thievish c. 95: 4. in his hand areall thec.of the earth 144: 12. be. as.the polished ¢c. of the temple CORRECTED. 118: 18. the Lord hath chastened and | c. me CORRECTION. 18: 35. loving c. shall make me great | COST 49: 8. it c. more to redeem their souls COVENANT. 78:5. he made ac. with Jacob COVER. 18: 11. and thick clouds to c.. him COVERING. 61: 4. under the c. of thy wings COUNCIL. $o:8. to 2be tearch tn the. c. of the saints (7). COUNSEL. 22:16. the c. of the wicked layeth 31:15. take theirc. to take away my (13). | 37: 12. seeketh c. against the just COUNSELS. 33: 10. casteth out the c. of princes 37: 7- man that doeth after evil c. 139: 17. how dear are thy c. unto me COUNTED. 22:31. bec. unto the Lord for a gener- | ation 33: 16. a horse is c. but a vain thing | 49: 18. he lived, he c. himself an happy COUNTENANCE. 31: 18. thy servant the light of thy ¢ (16). 34: 16. the c. of the Lord is against 80: 3. show the light of thy c., 7, 19. 104.15. to make hima cheerful C COURAGE. 3: 3. lustily unto him.with a good ¢, COURSE. 19: 5. rejoiceth as a giant to run his, COURSES. 134: 2. in the c. of the house of our 5 (x): CRAFTILY. OO | 83: 3. they have imagined c. against CRAFTY. | ro: 2, taken in the c. wiliness that CREDENCE, 106: 24. gave no c. unto his word PRICE; 34: 6. lo, the;-poor: c., and the Lord heareth 55: 3. the enemyc. so, and the ungodly | CROWN. 8:5. toc. him with glory and worship CRUEL 18: 49. delivereth me from my c. ene- mies (48). 1. full of darkness and c. habita- tions (20). CRUBELY: 31: 20. which c., disdainfully and des- pitefully (18). CRUELTY: LS) 74: 73:6. holden with pride, and over- whelmed with c. GRY. 18: 41. shall c. but there shall be none 41. yea, even unto the Lord shall they c. 7o:3 . that c. over me, there, there! | 77:1. I will c. unto God with my voice (twice) pt. 19. 119: 3. in the morning dole. unto thee (147). CRYING. [ot oe & : ear my c., O God 102: 1. let my c. come unto thee CLE 23:5. and myc. shall be full CURSED. pt. 3. 19:5. and c. are they that do err from (21). CURSING. 14:6. mouth is full of c. and bitterness (Rom s,3.5 14). 109: 16. his delight was in c, (17). CUA IS t. 2:3. with lies thou c. like a sharp razor (2). CUT away. | 88: 4. and are c. a. from thy hand (5s). 13CYM CYMBALS. 150: 4. praise him in the c. and dances Ly, DANCES. 150: 4. praise him in the cymbals and a. DANCETH. 28: 8. therefore my heart d. for joy (7). DARK. 18:9. and it was d. under his feet DARKNESS. 74: 21. for all the earth is full of d. (20). 139: 11. the d. is no d. with thee (x2). DAILY. 32: 3. consumed away, through my d. complaining CONCORDANCE TO THE POALTER, DEF ft.g. 119: 8. the law of thy mouth is a-y unto me (72). DEARTH. 33: 18. to feed them in the time of @. (1a). 37: 19. in the days of d. they shall have 105: 16. he called fora d. upon the land DENS. 10: 8. privily in his lurking d@. doth he DECAY. 106 : 36. idols, which turned to their own da. 144: 14. that there be no d., no lead- ing into DEGETE. 15:3. hath used no d. in his tongue ft. 15. 119:6. for they imagine but d. (118). DECEIT FUE. 12:3. root out all d. lips 42:3. while they d. say unto me 44:16. my confusion is d. before me (rs). 52:2. goodness of God endureth yet Zo (Er): 56:5. they @. mistake my words 71:13. my mouth shall d. speak of | thy (1s). 89: 17. their delight shall be d. in thy name (16). DAY. 139: 10. shall my night be turned to arin) DAY by day. 139: 16. which d. 4. d. were fashioned DAUGHTER. in the gates of the d. of Sion (28). DEADLY. given us a drink of d. wine 73:27. Go 43: DEATH. 13: 3. lighten mine eyes, that I sleep not in d, 94: 6. and put the fatherless to d. 107: 18. even hard at @.’s door DEAL. 58: 2. your hands d. with wickedness 109: 20, d@. thou with me, O Lord God | 20), Z?.16. 119: 1. Id. with the thing that is lawful (121). DEALING-S. 18: 20, 24. reward me after my right- eous ad. 25:20. let perfectness and righteous - (or). 37: 6, thy just d. as the noonday ft.17. 19:6. deliver me from the wrongful @-s (134). DEALT. 7: 4. evil unto him that d. friendly 106: 6. done amiss, and d. wickedly DEAR-ER. 72:14. and d. shall their blood be in his sight 116: 13. right @d. in the sight of the Lord (15). 139: 17. how d. are thy counsels 14 : 4. have fellowship with the d. : 9g. of men are @. upon the weights :I0o. no d@. person dwell in my house (7). DECEIVE-D. : 4. nor sworn to d. his neighbor > 5. with their tongues have they ad-d (Rom. 3: 13). DECK-EST. 132: 17. I will d. her priests with health (16). 104: 2. thou @-s¢ thyself with light DECLARE. 22: 32. heavens shall d. his righteous- ness (31). 107: 8. and d@. the wonders that he doeth, 15, 21, 31. DECLARED. 97: 6. the heavens have d. his right- eousness 98: 3. the Lord d. his salvation (2). DEEP. (@oun) 33: 7. layeth up the d@. as ina treasure- house 64: 6. every man in the d. of his heart 22. some time from the d. of thesea : 18. broughtest me from the ad. of the earth (20). : 5. in a place of darkness, and in the d. (6). 106: 9. so he led them through the d. 107 : 26. and down again to the d. 130: 1. out of the d, have I called unto thee DEEP. (adj.) 12:5. the d. sighing of the poor 124: 4. thed. waters of the proud had(s), DEFILED. 106 : 37. and the land was d. with blood 38). DEFENCE. 9:9. will be a d. for the oppressed 18: 1, my stony rock and my d. (2). 35. given me the d. of thy salvationDEF 59: 11. put them down, O Lord, our d. CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER. 71: 2. thou art my house of @. and my castle (3). 84:12. the Lord God is a light and d. (rr): 1. whoso dwelleth under the d. of g. thou hast set thine house of d. 115: 9. he is their succor and d. PLATS, ti : thou art my shield (rr). 121: 5. the Lord is thy d@. upon thy right hand DEFEND. gl: 5 ae dad. and 5: 13. wilt thou d. him as with a shield 43: 1. d. my cause against the ungodly 47:9. doth d. the earth, as it were with 72: 2. according unto right, and d. the poor 4. @. the children of the poor gt: 4. he shall d. thee under his wings DEFENDER. 3:3. thou, O Lord, art my d. 18: 30. he is the d. of all them that put 84:9. behold, O God, our @., and look 115: 10. he is their helper and d., 11. 144: 2. my d@. in whom [ trust DEFENDETH. 68:5. and d. the cause of the widows 146: 9. he d. the fatherless and widow DELIGHT. (noun). 16 : 3. all my d. is upon the saints 89:17. their d. shall be daily in thy name (16). 109: 16. his @. was in cursing (17). II2: 1. great a. in his commandments pl. 2. 19:6. had as great @. in the way (14). ft. 5. x19: 8. my @. is in thy com- mandments (40). pt.6. 119: 7. my @. shall be in thy commandments (47). ft.9. 119: 6. but my d. hath been in thy law (70). ft. 12. 119: 4. if my d. had not been in thy law (92). pt. 15. 119: 5. yea,myd. shall be ever in (117). | pt. 17. 19:3. my @. was in thy com- mandments (131). | £t. 18. 119:7. yetismyd.inthycom- mandments (143). | 132: 15. for I have a d. therein 147: 11. the Lord’s d. is in them that fear DELIGHT. (verb). 70: 4. let all such as d. in thy salvation 97: 7. and that d. in vain gods fi- 18. 119: 22 Servant to dad: in that which (122). DELIGH TE TH, 11: 6, that ¢. in wickedness, doth his (s). 147: 10. neither d. he in any man’s legs | 2 15. prayershall be madee. unto him 81: 3. in the new moon, g, in the time | 93; 3. .¢. since the world began, hath : 4. In the Lord from this time forth 6. 119: 6. thy testimonies also e, before kings (46). : 3. @. mighty and sharp arrows (4). 2. my help cometh e. from the Lord 7- yea, it is e. he that shall keep 4. é. the tribes of the Lord to testify 5. é. the seat of the house of David 2. behold, e. asthe eyes of servants 1. Shall be e. as the Mount Sion 2. €.so standeth the Lord round about 5. @. so are the young children (4). 6. let them be e. as the grass growing 2. é. in the courts of the house of (x). 12. é. an heritage unto Israel 1. €. before the gods, will I sing praise : 22. e€. as though they were mine enemies : I. €, unto the Lord did I make my : 13. é, the people that serveth him (14). EVER. (rr); ro. left unto thee, e. since I was born 14. eyes are ¢. looking unto the Lord (1s), 17. my heaviness is e. in oe sight orn (6). thy seat (2), 2. for his merciful kindness is e. more and more judgments (52). endure for e. (160). 2. from this time forth for e. for e. (3) 10. king for erations EVERY. é. night wash I my bed, and water 2, throughout all gen- eth (s). é. side 19EVI CONCORDANCE TO THE PT SALTER. FAT 30:13. €. good man sing of thy praise | EXCEPT. (12). __~| 18:21. who hath any strength e. our 32: 11. mercy embraceth him on e. side God? (zo). EXECUTE, 88 : 17. compassed me together one. side | g: 16. the Lord is known toe. judgment 89:9. truth, most mighty God, is on EXERCISE. e. side (8). 1: 2. in his law will he e. himself 118: 11. they kept me in one. side 143: 5. Le. myself in the works of thy 145: 9. the Lord is loving unto e. man EXERCISED. EVIL. 37: 31. righteous is e. in wisdom (30). 7: 4. e. unto him that dealt friendly EXPRES: 17: 14. the men, I say, and from the e. | 40: 7. more than I am able to e. (s). world 106: 2. who can e. the noble acts of 37: 7. man that doeth after e. counsels EXTINCT: 38: 12. that went about to do me e. | 118: 12. and are e. even as the fire talked EXTREME. 41: 7. against me do they imagine this. | 130: 3. wilt be e. to mark what is 7o: 2. put to confusion that wish me e. EYE. 71: 11. dishonor that seek to do mee. | 18: 22. I have an e. unto all his laws (13). 30:5. endureth but the twinkling of 22. unto shame that seek to do me an é. é. (24). 34:5. they had an e. unto him 74:4. which hath done e. in thy sanc- EYES. tuary (3). 14:7. no fear of God before their e. 97: 10. see that ye hate the thing which | (Rom. 3: 18). is é. | 15: 4. but is lowly in his own e. pt. 13. 119: 8. therefore I hate all e. | : 3. have not God before their e. ways (104). | 86: 14. have not set thee before their e. 329! many as have e. will at Sion | A¢, 17. 119: 8. mine e, gush out with coul o> EVIL-doers. water (136). 37:1. envious against the e.-d. 94:16. take my part against the e.-d. 125: 5. lead them forth with the e.-d. BE EVIL-extreated. 107: 40. é.-e. through tyrants FACE. EXALT. 1:5. scattereth away from the / of 62: 4. put him out whom God will e. _the earth (4). : 148: 13. he shall e, the horn of his peo- | 7+ > hidest ry in the needful time 21:1. é. glad shall he be, of thy salva- | 89: 34. that I will not 4 David (a5). E ple (14). : ae ee a EXALTED. 90: 5. Le away suddenly like the 10: 20. be no more ¢, against them (18). AO eRATE: 92:9. mine hornshall bee. like the (10). | 18:46. the strange children shall A, EXCEEDING. | and be (45). | : ; tion 94:14. the Lord will not “~ his people 104: 1. thou art become e. glorious 102: 27. the same, and thy years shall pt. 18 119:2. commanded are e, right- not /. eous and (138). FAILED. EXCEEDINGLY. 9: 10. hast never / them that seek thee . : 7 7o. r heart hath “£ me (12). ros : 24. he increased his people e. 405 5: 3) 107 ; 38. so that they multiply e. 194: 57. 1 BR aioe soul had pt. 7. 119: 3. the proud have mee, in erision (51). | 88:9. my sight “ for very trouble EXCEL FAIN. pot Sra ‘ Z j ee 16: 3. upon such as @, in virtue 34: 12. would /, see good days EXCELLENT Wis, 95.. IY ps will be “ when I 2 a ee ee ee sing (23). 74:6. known to bring it to an @, Sn aaiie work (s). FAINT. 87:2. very e. things are. spoken of | 143: 7. for my spirit waxeth / thee (3). Z FAIR. : 136: 5. who by his ¢. wisdom made 16:7. lot is fallen unto me in a: /. 139: 5. too wonderful and e. for me (6). ground (6). 20CONCORDANCE TO THE. PSALTER: FEA 27:4. to behold the F ee of the or 48:2. the hill of Sion isa f place FAITHFUL. 332-4. all his works are 7. 73: 73. fed them with a f/ and true héart (72). Tir: r. secr‘ily among the 7 112: 2. generation of the y. Shall be blessed 132: 11, ,hath made: 2 if. oath unto David FAITHFULLY. 145: 18. all such as call upon him ~- FAITHFULNESS. 61: 7. thy loving mercy and /. 71:20. praise thee, and thy /,, O | God (22). 91: 4. his % and truth shall be thy FAITHLESS. 78:9. a_f. and stubborn generation (8). ALL 7:17. wickedness shall 7 On. hs own (16). 1o: 11. f# into the hands of his cap- tains (10). 15: 7. doeth these things shall never J. (5). 16:9. on my right hand; therefore I shall not 7% (8). 18: 38. able to stand, but J. under my feet 26: 1. in the Lord, therefore, shall 1 not 7. 32: 10. bit and bridle, lest, they /. upon thee (9). 55: 23. suffer the rignteous to /. for- ever (22). 62: 2, 6. sothat Ishall not greatly ~ 69: 28. f. from one wickedness to an- other (2-) 73:-10. therefore / the people unto them 132: 7. /. low on our knees before his 140: 9. let the mischief of their own lips 7. 5a * Ge iJet heb J. away like water | 51 FALSE. 52:5. may do hurt, Othou “£ tongue (4). 109 : 2. spoken against me with “A tongues FALSEHOOD. 4:2. In vanity, and seek after /% 1:6. his heart conceiveth “~ within 72:14. deliver their souls from “. and wrong PALSELY, 119: 6. they persecute me 7. O be thou (86). FAMILIAR. 55: 14. and mine own / friend (13). FAR. De. ai 10: 1. why standest thou so /*. off, O Lord 44: 10. but now thou art / off (9). FASHIONED. t 9:4. thou hast “ me behind and before (5). 139:14. and _/% beneath in the earth (15). FAST. 55:3. the ungodly cometh on so fA 73: 27. good for me to hold me “£ by God (28). 88: 8. Lamso / in prison that I cannot 89: 22. my hand shall hold him / (21). 96: 10. the round world so f£. that it cannot 107 : 10.. being /. bound in misery and 125: 1. not be removed, but standeth J. forever 147: 13. made / the bars of thy gates 148: 6. he hath made them /£ forever FAT. 22:12. f. bulls of Basan close me in | 66: 13. unto thee % burnt sacrifices (15). FAULT-S. 59: 3. without any offence or * of me 51:3. for I acknowledge my /-s and 69:5. my HIGH. See Most. 72: 16. in the earth, %. upon the hills 91: 9. set thine house of defence very h. a proud look and 4. stomach (s). IOI: 7. 104: 8. go upas &. as the hills on HIG 18: 16. send down from ox &. to fetch 33- setteth me up ox f. 78: 70, there he built his temple ox h. (69). HIGHER. 97:9. thou, Lord, art %. than all that HIGHLY. 48: 1. 4. to be praised in the city HIGH-MINDED. 131¢ x. Lord, Iam not £4.-:. HILL. 11: 1. flee as a bird unto the 4. 30: 6. of thy goodness hast made my A. so strong (7). 42:8. of Jordan, and the little %. of Hermon (6).* 48: 2. the 4. of Sion is a fair place 78: 69. even the 4. of Sion which he loved (68). 133: 3. which fell upon the &. of Sion HILLS. 46: 2. though the Z. be carried into the 72: 16. in the earth, high upon the &. 76: 4. might, than the /, of the robbers 87:1. her foundations are upon the holy 2. 104: 8. they go up as high as the &. 125: 2. the %. stand about Jerusalem 3° : 21. for I am %. and poor, and my | 15. then will run 2. axd ¢t. for meat : 8. of Jordan, and the little hill of fT. (6) HILL altars. 78: 59. grieved him with their Z. a. (58). . HIMSELF. | | 98: 2. hath he gotter %. the victory (z). | 124: 1. if the Lord %. had not been on | our side (twice). HINDRANCE. 15:5. though it were to his own &. (4). Bit. | 64: 4. suddenly do they % him and fear not HITHER. | 46: 8. O come &. and behold the works | 66:4. O come &. and behold the works (s). 14. O come 4. and hearken, all ye (x6). HOLD. 28:2. when I %. up my hands towards 31:7. them that 4. of superstitious - vanities (6). | 35: 22. #. not thy tongue then | 37: 7.4. thee still “mi the Lord. and abide 56:6. they %. altogether and keep We 27: d for me to &. fast by God (28). : 89 : 22. my hand shall %. him fast (21). ft. 16. 119: 8. therefore %. I straight all (428). HOLDEN. | 44: 21. 2. up our hands to any strange (20) | 73:6, the cause that they are so &. with pride HOLINESS. 63: 3. have I looked for thee in 4. (2). 150: 1. O praise God in his 2. HOLPEN. | 22: 5. called upon thee, and were &. HOLY: 18 : 6. hear my voice out of his %. temple 25. with the Z. thou shalt be %. 29: 2. worship the Lord with 4. worship 47: 8. God sitteth upon his &. seat 48: 1. even upon his &. hill 74:8. have set fire upon thy %. places 7). 77: 13. thy way, O God, is 2. 110: 3. free-will offerings with an &, worshi HONOR. (noun). 4:2. how long will ye blaspheme mine &, 21:5. his #. is great in thy salvation 29:2. the Z, due unto his name 8. doth every man speak of his &. 9). good luck have thou with thine FAQ). sing of thy glory, and %. all the day (8). 45: 5« 71. ws, . hast brought me to great &. (21). 76: 4. thou art of more %. and mightHON CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER. IMA 96: 3. declare his 2. unto the heathen 8. the &. due unto his name 3. to be praised and had in &. HONORETH. 50: 23. thanks and praise, he 2. me XIL: HOP 68:16. why 2. ye so, ye high hills ? HOPE. (noun). 22:9. my 2. when I hanged yet upon 25:4. in thee hath been my 4, all the | day (5) | 20. my 4. hath been in thee 31:16. my 4. hath been in thee, O Lord (14). ‘ HOW. 39: 8. now, Lord, what is my #.? (7). | 137: 7. %. they said, Down with it 40:5. the man that hath set his &. (4). HOW dong. 46: 1. God is our &. and strength 6:3. Lord, %. Z. wilt thou punish me? 61: 3. thou hast been my 4. 39: 5. becertified %. 7, I have to live (4). 62: 5. upon God, for my Z. is in him HUMBLE. 8. before him, for God is our %. | 28: 2. hear the voice of my 2. petitions 65:5. the Z. of all the ends of the earth 7. heard the voice of my 4. peti- 71:4. thou art my &. even from my tions (6). youth (5s). 34: 18. such as be of an &. spirit gi: 2. say unto the Lord, thou art my, | 86: 6. ponder the voice of my %. desires g. for thou, Lord, art my 4. pt. 8. 119: 2. made my &, petition in pt. 6. 119: 3. for my 4. isin thy judg- thy (58). ments (43). HUMBLY., pt. 11. 119: 1. a good #. because of | 30: 8. gat me to my Lord right &. thy word (81). 68 : 30. so that they 4. bring pieces of 142:6, thou art my &. and my por- silver tion (5). HUNTER. 144:2. my 4., and my fortress, my | gr: 3. deliver thee from the snare of castle the 2. HOPE. (verb). HURT. (noun and verb). 25:2. they that %. in thee shall not (3). | 63: 10. that seek the 2. of my soul (9). 37:35. 4. thou in the Lord, and keep 52: a 22: 33° 89 : (Ade. ~, 10. I will Z. in thy name, for thy (9). AED: | | 4. our fathers /. in thee 20. we have #. in his holy name (21). HORN-S. 18. loving-kindness thou shalt lift up our 4-s (17). HORRIBLE. | r324..2.11 heuwcast down, they. that 55:5. an 4. dread hath overwhelmed trouble me HORRIBLY. | 22:8. deliver him z. he will have him 93: 5. waves of the sea are mighty and | 104: 32. z. hedo but touch the hills, they rage /. (4). : pt. 12. 119: 4. z. my delight had not pt.7. 19:5. I am &. afraid, for the been in (92). ungodly (53). |. GNORANT, HORSE. | 49: 10. as well as the z. and foolish 68: 4. the heavens, as it were upon an &, | IMAGES HOST-S. 29. I shall discomfit an %. of men | 10. thou, O God, go out with our 4-s Io : | 60: 74:1. why is thy wrath so 4. against 120: 3. sharp arrows, with 4. burning | coals (4). HOUSE-S. 31: 3. my strong rock and 4. of defence 68:6. men to be of one mindinan &, | WELLE LED LUE ECSU CLES TEA NT TS LUN SS LN | 74:9. burnt upall the 4-s of God in | 68: 12. they of the %. divided the spoil | | 72: 2. thou art my %. of defence, and my castle (3). g. thou hast set thine 4. of defence 12. flourish in the courts of the, of our God (13) 115: 9. but thou, Z. of Ysrael, trust thou 48:12. set up her #-s that ye may tell (13). gx g2: the land (8). HOUSEHOLD-S. 107: 41. maketh him 4-s like a flock 89 : 23. the son of wickedness shall not A. him (22). 12. 4. not thy foot against a stone I. QI: LE 2:12. z. his wrath be kindled, yea, but 15. as for the z-s of the heathen IMAGINATION-S, 140: 8. let not his mischievous Z. prosper 5: 11. perish through their own z-s (10). 81:13. let them follow their own z-s(12). IMAGINE-D. but z. mischief in their hearts that z. mischief for me they z. deceitful words against me against me do they z. this evil all that they z. is to do me evil 31 135: 28:5:35 35: 4. 20. 425 Js 56:5.IMA CONCORDANCE LO THE PSALTER. JOY 58:2. yea, ye z. mischief in your heart INSTANTLY. 64: 6. they z. wickedness and practice | 55:18. noonday will I pray, and that rors. 097-1, 1 hate them that z. 2; (27); evil things (113). INSTRUMENT, Bt. 15. 119:6. for they z, but de-| 71: 20. playing upon an 7, of music (22). ceit (118). g2: 3. upon a loud z. and upon the harp 83: 3. they have z-d craftily against INTENT, Bt. 9. 119: 5. the proud have z-d a/| 78:7. to the z, that when they came lie (69). up (6), IMAGINETH. INTREATED. 36: 4. z. mischief upon his bed 77: 7. will he be no more 7, 52: 3. thy tongue z. wickedness INVENTIONS. 94: 20. which z, mischief as a law 28: 4, the wickedness of their own 7. IMPATIENT. 106: 42. against him with their own 99:1. be the people never so 7. Z, (43): IMPERFECT. ; 139: 15. my substance, yet being 7. (16). INCLINE-D. 66: 16. if I z. unto wickedness (18). 141: 4. let not mine heart be z-d to any INCREASE. 65: 11. and blessest the z. of it (zo). 132: 16. will bless her victuals with Z. (x5). INDEED. 78 : 21. he smote the stony rock 7. (20). | INDIGNATION. 6: 1. rebuke me not in thine z. 7:6. because of the 7. of mine enemies 58: 8. so let z. vex him, even as a (9). 78: 51. he made a way to his 2. (so). 79:6. pour out thine 7. upon heathen 85: 3. ful z. 88:6. thine 7. lieth hard upon me (7). 90: 7. are afraid at thy wrathful z. 106 : 23. turn away his wrathful z, INFIRMITIES. 103: 3. and healeth all thine z. INFORM. 32:9. I will z. thee and teach thee (8) 105: 22. might z. his princes after his will INHABITERS. 75:4. earth is weak, and all the z. thereof (3). INHERITANCE. 82: 8. take all heathen to thine z. INIOUITY;, 454 8. me righteousness, and hated Dea 2 right hand is aright hand of z, INNOCENCY. 7: 8. according to the z. that is in me 37: 38. keep 7. and take heed unto (37). INNOCENTLY. 26: 1. for I have walked 7. rr. as for me, I will walk z. INNUMERABLE. 105 : 34. caterpillars z., and did eat INSOMUCH. 64:8. z. that whoso seeth them 106 : 36. 7. that they worshipped their idols 144: 11. 32 the | turned thyself from thy wrath- | Te JAW bones. : 6. smite the 7. 8. of the lions | JEHOVAH. | 33: 12. people whose God is the Lord ¥. | JERUSALEM. | 65: 1. the vow be performed in ¥. | JESTED. | 69: 11x. sackcloth also, and they | upon me JEWRY. | 76: 1. in ¥. is God known JOINED. 47:9. princes of the people are 7. unto | JOURNEY. | 102: 23. down my strength in my 7. JOY. | 21: 6. glad with the 7. of thy counte~ nance : | 28: 8. therefore my heart danceth for | J- (7)- | 30: 12. hast turned my heaviness into | JNIt): 45: 16. with 7. and gladness shall they | be (15). | 104: 34. my 7. shall be in the Lord 118: 15. the voice of 7. and health is ft. 14. 119: 7. they are the very 7. of my heart (111). 126: 2. with laughter and our tongue with 7. 7. Shall doubtless come again with 9.(6), JONG: 13:5. my heart is 7. in thy salvation 32:12. be 7., all ye that are true of heart (zz). 40:19. seek thee, be 7. and glad in thee (x6). 68: 3. let them also be merry and /. 70: 4. those that seek thee be 7. and glad 97: 11. and 7, gladness for such as are 133: 1. how good and 7. a thing it is 147: 1. yea, a 7. and pleasant thing it isJoY CONCORDANCE JOYFULNESS. 132: 9. thy saints sing with 7. | JUDGE-S.. (noun). 146: 7:12. God is a righteous 7., strong | and (rr). 26:1. bethou my 7.,O Lord, for I have | 46:9 109 : 30. save his soul from unrighteous | J-S (31). JUDGE. -3 (verb). > 35: 23. stand up to 7, my quarrel 72:9. in the wilderness shall 4, before JUVEEST.. him 9: 4. set in the throne, that 7. right KNEES. JUDGMENT. | 132: 7. lowon our &. before his foot- 82:2. how long will ye give wrong 7. | stool pt.18, 119:1. O Lord, and true is | KNIT. thy 7, (137). | 86: rz. O &. my heart unto thee, that UST. (noun and adj.) I may x1: 8. will behold the thing that is 7. | KNOWEST. 33:1. becometh well the 7. to be] 38x9. Lord. thou &, all my desire i thankful KNOWLEDGE. 37:6. thy 7. dealing as the noonday 147: 20. the heathen &. of his laws 140: 13. the 7. shall continue in thy | KNOWN. sight lr4: 7. way of peace have they not &, | (Rom. 3: 17). $ 74: 6. was &, to bring it to an excellent me work (5s). 105: 19. time came that his cause was &, KEEP. 37: 38. 2. innocency and take heed ie unto (37). ° 56: 6. and & themselves close and mark 64:6. they &. secret among themselves | LABOR-S. (noun). 72: 4. &, thes mple folk by their right | 127: 3. it is but lost Z that ye haste (2). 76:11. promm: unto the Lord your | 105: 43. they took the /ssof the peo= God and &. it ple (44). 5:44. that they might &. his stat- | LABOR. (verb). utes (45). i ‘ 120:6. I ¢. for peace, but when I ft.5. HO 72... yea, 1. shall &. 1€ with. | speak (7). my whole (34). LACK. ft. 20. 119:6, because they &. not thy | 23: 1. my shepherd ; therefore can IZ, law (158). wes nothing 131: 3. [refrain my soul, and &. it low (2). 34:9. they that fear him Z. nothing oo | LAID. 39:3. 1 4%. silence, yea, even from | 27: 3. an host of men were 2, against me good (2). . | 35: 7. they have privily Z. their net 40: 13. I have not &. back thy | 8, net that he hath Z. privily mercy (10). 41: 9. hath Z. great wait for me 106: 7. neither %. they thy great good- 55: 21. hed. his hands upon such as (20), os eae : : 57: 7. they have /. a net for my feet (6). 118: 11. they £. me in on every side €g: 12. thou hast Z. the foundation of KINDLED. the round world (11). 39: 4. was thus musing, the fire &, (3). Zé. 12. 119: 25 thowhast % the foun- KINDNESS. dation of (go). 5: 13. favorable £. wilt thou defend (12). | A¢, 12. 119: 7. the ungodly Z, wait for 33: 21. let thy merciful &., O Lord (22). me (95). 145: 7. abundant &. shall be showed 136: 6. who Z/. out the earth above the KING. waters 93: 1. the Lord is X., and hath put on | 143: 3. he hath Z. me in the darkness glorious LAND-S. . g6: 10, among the heathen, that the | 25:12. his seed shall inherit the Z. (x3). Lord is K. 37: 9. those shall inherit the Z, 97: 1. the Lordis &., the earth may be 22. blessed of God shall possess glad ee ES Ot Thin LO TLTHE PSALTER; | 99: 2: LAN the Lord is &., be the people never so to. the Lord thy God, O Sion, shall be &. KNAPPETH. . &. the spear in sunder KNEEL o. into the dust, shall 4. before him (29). the Z, IILAN 60: 2. moved the Z. and divided it 79:2. flesh of thy saints unto beasts of the 7. 105: 12. and they strangers in the Z, 107 : 37. may sow their Z. and plant 19: 4. theirsound is gone out into all d-s 45:17. make princes in all @-s (16). 98: 5. joyful unto the Lord, all ye ¢-s (4). LANTERN. pt. 14. 119: 1. thy word is a Z. unto my feet (105). 132: 18. I have ordained a Z. for mine anointed (17). at LARGE. and the Lord heard me a¢ Z, LAST. the TLS:275% 37 : 38. bring a man peace at the Z. (37). | 39. they shall be rooted out at | the Z.’ (38.) Pea | 39:4. at the 2 I spake with my tongue (3)._ 90: 13. turn thee again, O Lord, at the Z. | LAUD. | 135: 1. 2. ye the name of the Lord LAUGH-ED. | 64: 8. seeth them shall 2. them to scorn 65:14. with corn, that they shall 2. and sing (13). 44:14. to be /-d to scorn, and had in (13). | LAW-S. 2:7. I will preach the 7. whereof 19:7. 2. of the Lord is an undefiled 2, 99:7. testimonies and theZ. that he gave | | | Zt. 8. 119:%. I have promised to keep thy Z. (57). | pt. 20. 119: 6. because they keep not thy Z. (158). 148: 6. a Z. which shall not be broken 18: 22. I have an eye unto all his /-s 50: 16. why dost thou preach my ?/-s 147: 20. the heathen knowledge of his @-s LAWFUL. pt. 16. 119: 1. the thing that is 7. and right (121). LAY. 21:5. great worship shalt thou 7, upon him LAY Zo. pt. 16. 119: 6. itis time for thee, Lord, to 2. fo thine hand (126). LAY hand. : 2. 2. A. upon the shield and buckler LAY wazt. : 6. when they Z. w. for my soul LAYETH. SO, 56 22:16. counsel of the wicked 7, siege LEAD. (verb). 23:2. 2. me forth beside the waters of comfort 60; 9. ne will 7. me into the strong 108 : 10. city ? > LEADETH., CONCORDANCE £0 THE’ PSALTER. 15:2. he that 2. an uncorrupt life 34 LIB 101: 9. whoso Z. a godly life (6). LEADING. 144: 14. no Z. into captivity and no complaining 18: 29. help of my God, I shall 2. over the wall LEARN. 26. the froward, thou shalt 7. fro- wardness 18: 25:4. forth in thy truth, and Z. me (s). 8. gentle, them shall he ¢@. his way (9). pt.g. 19:2. 2. me true understand- ing (66). 132: 13. testimonies that I shall 2. them (12). LEARNED. 2:10. be Z., ye that are judges 82:5. they will not be Z. nor understand LEAVE of. 37: 8. 2. 0. from wrath and let go dis- pleasure LED, 78: 53. he Z. them forth like sheep (52). 106: 44. those that 7, them away cap- tive (46). | 137: 3. they that Z. us away captive ra ae 12: 1. there is not one godly man Z. 22:10. 2. unto thee, ever since I was born LEISURE. 27:16. O tarry thou, the @ord’s Z, (14). LEST: | 19: 13. 2. they get the dominion over pt. 5. 19:5. away mine eyes, Z. they behold vanity (37). 141: 4. 2. I eat of such things as please them LET. 49: 8. so that he must 7. that alone forever LETTEST, 44:12. thou Z. us be eaten up like (11), 104: 30. when thou ¢@. thy breath go forth LETTETH. 68:6. 2. the runagates continue in scarceness LIARS. 66: 2, enemies be found Z. unto thee (3). | 81: 15. haters of the Lord should have been found 2, LIBANUS. 72: 16. his fruit shall shake like Z. 92: 1x. spread abroad like a cedar in i. (a2): 104: 16, the cedars of Z. which he hath LIBERAL. 37: 21. the righteous is merciful and 2, LIBERTY. 4: 1. thou hast set me at Z. 18: 19. forth also into a place of @.SRN LIC pt. 78 CONCORDANCE TO TELE PSAL TER. LO 4- 119: 8. hast set my heart at 7, (32) 3 EiCe, | 33 : 46. hesent Z. among them, and (4s). | 4 LE. 17: 11. they ¢@, waiting in our way on | 42 49: 14. they Z. in the hell like sheep 68 : 141: 8. our bones ¢. scattered before | the pit (7). {9 LiETH. 78 41:3. comfort him when he Z. sick | 83 48 : 2, upon the north side Z. the city of | 5: | every side | LIES. (noun). | 88 6. shalt destroy them that speak 72. | 52:3. with Z. thou cuttest like a sharp | 89 2). 4. to talk of 7. more than righteous- | 40; LIKE. (adj.) : 2x. 2. as we do put our trust in thee : 4. 2. a sore burden, too heavy for 6. ¢. as be also thy thoughts, which S . : 1. 2, as the hart desireth the water- brooks 2. 2. as the smoke vanisheth 13. and her feathers 7. gold : 19. yea, even Z7, as a dream when : ro. ¢. as the children of Ephraim (9). : 14. 4 as the fire that burneth up the wood 5. 2. unto him that is at the point to die : 7. among the gods, that shall be Z. unto the Lord (6). 35. his seat is 7, as the sun before me (36) oe 12. their preaching is of cursing | 104: 6. with the deep Z. as with a gar- ment 2I. 119: 3. as for 7. I hate and ab-| 127: 5. Z. as the arrows in the hand ness (3). | 59: and Z, pt. hor them (163). | Te deth 21 30: 84: go: ror 7:7. theirsakes therefore, 2. zf thyself | 17: 24: 69 : oS 89: 93: 145: 18: 19: 8. pure and giveth Z. unto the eyes hare 31: 18. thy servant the Z. of thy coun- | 8°: tenance (16). 84: 67: 1. show us the Z. of his countenance 80: 3, 7, 19. show the Z. of thy coun- tenance 39 84: 12. the Lord God isa Z. and defence ak (11). : ft. 17. 119: 7. ‘show’ 'the ¥Z, of thy'|-57° countenance (135). 73° LIGHTLY. 107: 11. 2. regarded the counsel of the 87: Most Highest 109 LIKE. ° (verb). 52: 10, thy name, for thy saints Z. it | 128 well (g). SAN SEAN : 4. gavest him a long Z. even forever | 3. hast kept my Z. from them that 12. from them that live a godly Z. (11). 14. be glad all the days of our Z. : 9. whoso leadeth a godly Z. (6). LIFT zs. 2. he that leadeth an uncorrupt 7. | | again 4. hath not 27, “f his mind unto | m4: vanity 30. thy help, O God, shall Z me | 16: up (29). 2. hate thee, have 7. wd their head 18. loving-kindness thou shalt Z, | 42: wp our horns (17). = 4. the floods have Z. wf their voice | 65: (3). , LIFTETH x. 28. shall make my darkness to be 7, | 39 OS 14. 2, wp all those that are down | 34: a 3a: LIGHT. : 5. be certified how long I have to of (4). 131: 3. ¢. as a child that is weaned from (2). 141: 8. 2, as when one breaketh and heweth (7). 144: 4. his time passeth away 2Z. a shadow LINKS. 149: 8. and their nobles with Z, of iron LION’S. I2. as it were a Z’s whelp, lurking LIPS: 5. the poison of asps is under their 2; toms 3=ing:) 28 5. mention of their names within Hermon (6). iz. sendest rain into the Z. valleys (10). LIVE. 12. what man is he that lusteth to Z. _ 1g. mine enemies Z. and are mighty Z. (4). 18. Olet us 2. and we shall call upon : 12, withhold from them that Z. a godly (11). LIVING. :6. every man JZ, is altogether vanity 6. 2. the poor crieth and the Lord : 6. but 2. thou requirest truth in the 12. 2, these are the ungodly, these 14. but Z, then I should have con- demned (15). 4. 2. there was he born :3. 2. they take now my contrary part : 5. ¢. thus shall the man be blessed (4) 35 *LON CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER, LOW 130% 3. for 7. there is not a word in 36 LOOKING. my (4). 22:17. they stand staring and Z. upon LONG 25:14. eyes are ever Z, unto the Lord 21:4. gavest him a JZ, life, even forever (15). 25:4. hath been my hope all the day 38: 11. did stand 2. upon my trouble 7,15). pt. 16.. 119: 3. wasted away with 7, 39: 6. my days as it were a span Z. (5). for (123). 40: 21. make no JZ, tarrying, O my God RDS. (17). | 106: 40. they ey hated them were Z, 49: 9. live 7. and see not the grave over (41) 69: 3. for waiting so 2. upon my God L ORD of lords. 70: 6. O Lord, make no Z. tarrying 136: 27. give thanks unto the L. of @. 7137. of thy glory and honor all the (26). day /. (8). LOST: 74: 1. art thou absent from us so Z. ? 127: 1. their labor is but 7. that build toz2: 8. revile me all the day Z. 3. but 2. labor that ye haste (2). Pt, 35. 310? all theday 7. is my LOT. ; ride in it (97). 16:7. the Z. is fallen unto me in (6). pt. 19. 119: 8. I have known Z, since LOUD that (152). 92: 3. upon a Z. instrument and upon 128 : 6. in prosperity, all thy life Z. (s). LOVE. (noun). 139: 1. understandest my thoughts JZ. | 109: 3. for the 7. that I had unto (4). before (2). ft. 13. “120: 1. what 7; have I unto 140: 2. stir up strife all the day 2. thy law, 97. 146: 1. as Z, as I have any being LOVE LONG /or. 109: 16. he-Z. not blessing, therefore 71: 4. O Lord God, art the thing that shall (17). eS) LOVELY. pt. 11. 119: 2. mine eyes Z. sore “* thy | 135: 3. unto his name, for it is 2. word (82). LOVERS. LONGED /or. 88: 18. my Z; and friends hast thou put fit. 1t. 1192 1, my Soul hath 7. 6 thy LOVING. salvation (87). 18: 35. thy Z. correction shall make me 132: 14. he hath 7, / her (13). great LONGETH. 73: 1. truly, God is Z. unto Israel 42:1. so 7, my soul after thee, O God | 112: 4. he is merciful, 7., and righteous LONGING. 143: 10 let thy Z. spirit lead me forth 84: 2. my soul hath a desire and 2, 145: gy. the Lord is Z. unto every man LONG-SUFFERING. LOVING-KINDNESS. — e t 2-8. and of great goodness = Bt, fe ree unto David his anointed LOOK-S. (noun). 23: 6. thy 2.-%. and mercy shall follow 104: 32. earth shall tremble at the 7. of | 77: 9. will he shut up his 2.-4. 131: 1. 1 have no proud ?@-s 85: 12. the Lord shall show 2-2. LOOK. (verb). 89: 1. alway of the 2.-£. of the Lord : 4. and Z. whatsoever he doeth (3). 18. in thy Z.-£. thou shalt lift up (17). : 2. thine eyes Z. ae the thing that | 138: 8. make good his Z.-%. toward me 22:1. my God! my God! Z. upon me LOVING-MERCY. 25:17. ¢. upon my adversity and mis- | 40: 13. not kept back thy Z.-7. ery (18). 61: 7. prepare thy /.-wz. and faithfulness 37: 10. thou shalt Z. after his place 115: 1. for thy ¢.-. and for thy truth s 74: 21. 2. upon the covenant (20). sake 103: 11. for 7. how high the heaven is ft. 6. 119: 1. let thy Z.-7z. come also 12. 2. how widealso the east is from unto me (41). 130: 5. 12. for the Lord, my soul doth | Z#. 16. x19: 4. according unto thy wait La (124). 139: 24. 2. well, if there be any way of LOVING-MERCIES. 141: g. mine eyes Z. unto thee, O Lord | f¢. 10. 119: 5. let thy Z.-72. come (8). unto me (77). LOOKED. LOVINGLY. 63:3. have I Z. for thee in holiness (2). | 13: 6. because he hath dealt so Z. with 85: 11. righteousness hath Z. down from LOW. ft. 21. 119: 6. have Z. for thy saving | 22: 24. nor abhorred the Z estate ‘of health (166). the poorLOW CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER. MAK 44: 25. our soul is brought Z. 121: 3. L refrain my soul and keep it Z.(2). | 132: 7. ¢. on our knees before his foot- | stool LOWEY. 15: 4. but is Z, in his own eyes LUCK a ae ee 45:5. good Z. have thou with thine (4). | 118; 26. wished you good JZ. ye that are | 129: 8. good /, in the name of the Lord | LURKETH. | 10:9. asa lion Z. he in his den | LURKING. to: 8. Z. in the thievish corners 8. privily in his 7. dens doth he LUST... Moun). | 10: 2. the ungodly, for his own 2, g2: 10. shall see his 7. of mine enemies (z7). 106: 14. 2, came upon them in the wil- derness USE oGverb). 73:7. they do even what they Z. LUSTETH. 34: 12. what man is he that Z. to live LUSTILY. 33: 3. 2. unto him with a good courage LUSTY. 73:4. no peril of death, but are Z, and strong 103: 5. young and 7/7. as an eagle LUTE. 33 : 2. sing praises unto him with the Z. | 57:9. awake, 2. and harp; I myself (8). | 81: 2. the merry harp with the Z. 92:3. instrument of ten strings, and upon the Z. 108 : 2. awake. thou Z/. and harp 144: 9. unto thee upon a ten-stringed Z. | 150: 3. praise him upon the Z. and harp M. MADE. 7:16. the destruction that he m. for other (15). 10: 3. the ungodly hath 2, boast of | 14: 10. ye have #, a mock at the coun- sel (6). ‘ 18: 3. of ungodliness 7. me afraid (4). 40. hast #z. mine enemies also to 22: 32. be born whom the Lord hath Mt AZ: 31: 24. when I zw. haste, I said (22). 35:7. have they #. a pit for my soul 42:10. # my prayer unto the God (8). 58: 8. ever your pots be wz. hot (9). 69 : 23. table be . a snare to take (22). | 78:5, he m, a covenant with Jacob 7o..the ground which he hath zm. | (69). | 79:1. and wz. Jerusalem an heap of 81:4. this was #. a statute for Israel | 89 : 13. thou hast am. the north and the south (12). go: 2. or ever the earth and the world were 72. 93: 2. hath sz. the round world so sure (1). 4:9. he that az. the eye, shall he not see? 96: 10. it is he who hath mm. the round world 103 : 14. he knoweth whereof we are 7. 104: 30, thy breath go forth, they shall © Mt. 105: 8. that he #. toa thousand gen- erations 119: 5. O that my ways were ™. so direct pt. 8. 119: 2. m. my humble petition in thy (58). pt. 11. 19:7. almost #, an end of me (87). | 147: 13. hath mm. fast the bars of thy gates | 148: 5. he spake the word, and they were H. 6. he hath 7. them fast forever MADEST. 8:5. thou #. him lower than the angels 80:9. thou #. room for it, and when it had MADLY. | 75:5. I said unto the fools, deal not so 772. (4). MADNESS. | 65:7. and the a. of the people MAGNIFY. | 22:23. wm. him, all ye of the seed of Jaco : 1. I will wz. thee, O Lord 34:3. let us 7. his name together 68:4. #. him that rideth upon the heavens 9:5, 9. #. the Lord our God 45:1. I will 7. thee, O God my king. MAINTAIN, | 74:23. arise, O God, m. thine own cause (22). MAJESTY. 72: 19. blessed be the name of his forever 1g. earth shall be filled with his 77, 90:17. the glorious M7, of the Lord our God 102: 15. kings of the earth, thy. 104: 31. the glorious JZ. of the Lord shall MAKE. : 2. unto thee will I #z. my prayer 5 | 9:2. my songs will I a. of thy name I 6:5. neither #z. mention of their names (4). 18: 28. my God shall #. my darkness to be SfMAK CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER. MEM 18: 35. loving correction shall 7. me great 36. shalt 7z. room enough under me 43. shalt #z. me the head of the heathen 21:6. #. him glad with the joy of thy 28:1. lest if thou 7. as though thou 31: 2. m. haste to deliver me 32: 7. godly m. his prayer unto thee (6). 37:6. shall a. thy righteousness as clear 44:9. we #. our boast of God all day 45: 13. shall #. their supplication be- fore (12). 46: 6. the heathen #z. much ado 49:7. nor #z, agreement unto God for 51: 10. #. mea clean heart, O God 55: 8. I would m. haste to escape 69: 13. I my prayer unto thee, in an : 19. wz. their image to vanish (20), :g. let us wz. havoc of them alto- gether (8). : 65. no widows to wz. (64). : 16. wm, their faces ashamed, O Lord : 17. in thy righteousness shall they m. their boast (16). : 4. and #. such proud boasting lamentation 96: 11, let the sea #. a noise, and all 98: 8. let the sea 7. a noise, and all (7). 106: 45. to #..our boast of thy praise | (47). ft. 4. 19:5. cause thou me to m, much of thy law (29). ft. 6, 19: 2. m. answer unto my blas- phemers (42). pt. 16. 119: 2. mm, thou thy servant to delight (122). 120: 6, they #z. them ready to battle (7). 138 : 8. 2. good his loving-kindness to- ward MAKEST, 8:6. thou #z. him to have dominion 65:9. thou wz. it very plenteous MAKETH. 15:4. m. much of them that fear the Lord 18 : 33. he wz. my feet like harts’ feet 3. the glorious God that mm. the thunder 23. m. his way acceptable 6, that #. men to be of one mind MAKING. 35: 15.7. mouths at me, and ceased not 81; 6. delivered from 7, the pots 103: 5. #. thee young and lusty as MALICE. 23. destroy them in their own 2, 1g. 119: 6. nigh that of mz. perse- cute me MALICIOUS-LY. 29; 37: 68 : 04: pe. 10: mt. (15). 38 59: 5. that offend of m. wickedness 55: 3- so m-ly are they set against MAN. 4:3. to himself the #. that is godly 7:13. am. will not turn, he will whet (12). 33: 16. counted but a vain thing to save a 2. (17). 49: 18. hecounted himself an happy . 64:6. every #. in the deep of his heart go: 11. even thereafter as a mz. feareth 140: 11. a m. full of words shall not prosper 145: 9. Lord 1s loving unto every . MANASSES. Gilead is mine, and JM. is mine MANNER. Gor 7: | 108; 8. § 34: 10. want no mm. of thing that is good | 63: 5. will I magnify thee in this mz. (4). 105 : 31. there came all 7. of flies pt. 2. 119: 6. asinall wv. of riches (14). MANY. | 22: 16. me. dogs are come about me 38: 19. hate me wrongfully are m. in number | 78: 41. #2. a time did they provoke him | (40). | 89: 49. my bosom the rebukes of mm, people (so), 129: 5. as wz. as have evil will at Sion MARVELLOUS. | itr: 4. hath so done his 7%. works | 145: 3. we. worthy to be praised 6. speak of the might of thy mm. acts MATTER. | 10: 16, take the #z. into thy hand (z4). MEANS ; | 39: 11. consumed by the m. of thy heavy hand (10). ‘ MEASURE, | ft. 14. 119:3. I am troubled above 72. (107), MEAT--OFFERING. 40: 8. sacrifice and .-o. thou wouldest not (6). MEDICINE. 147: 3. giveth wz. to heal their sickness MEEK, g: 18. patient abiding of the 7, shall not MEEK-HEARTED. 149: 4. and helpeth the 7.-h. MEEK-SPIRITED. 37: 11. the z.-s. shall possess the earth MELODY. 47:1. Sing unto God with the voice of #z, 137: 3. and zz. in our heaviness MELTETH, | 107: 26, their soul #z. away because of | 17. the power of the ungodly and | MELTING. 22:14. of my body is even like 2, wax MEMBER. : 1. with the best #z. that I haveMEM CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER. MIN MEMORIAL. MERRILY. 109: 14. root out the a. of them from 81: x. sing we #z. unto God our strength (15). MERRY. 145: 7. the m. of thine abundant kind- 47: 5. God is gone up with a 7. noise ness | 08: 3. let them also be wz. and joyful MEN. | 81: 2. the az. harp with the lute 18: 29. I shall discomfit an host of #. MIDST; 27: 3. though an host of a. were laid ' 22: 14. my heart also in the m. of my 68: 6. maketh m. to be of one mind in body 69: 36. that 7. may dwell there, and 45:6. in the 7. among the king’s ene- have (35). mies (5). 73: 16. understood I the end of these 68: 25. in the mw. are the damsels m. (17). MIGHT. 90: 10. though m. be so strong that 18: 1, my God and my m. in whom (2). they come 62: 7. the rock of my m. and in God 107: 17. foolish 7. are plagued for their 76: 4. thou art of more honor and m., offence MIGHTIEST. 24. these mz, see the works of the 78:52. most principal and mz, in (51). Lord | MIGHTILY., pt. 17. 119: 8. because m. keep not 77:15. hast m. delivered thy people thy law (136). MIGHTINESS. 143: 3. as the m. that have been long 145: 12. thy glory and m. of thy king- ead | om 145: 7. #2. shall sing of thy righteous- | MIGHTY, ness | 18: 17. they are too 7. forme 146:7. the Lord looseth 7z. out of prison 29+: 4. voice of the Lord is #. in opera~ 147: 8. and herb for the use of 7, | tion sei thin 17: 4. because of m’s works, that are 38: 19. mine enemies live and are 7. done | 50: 3. am, tempest shall be stirred up MERCIFUL. : 30. and multitude of the 7. are 25: 10. be wz. unto my sin (11). 33 : 21. let thy #z. kindness, O Lord (22). 37: 21. the righteous is 7. and liberal 59: 17. my refuge and my 7. God 76: 5. all the men whose hands were m, 78:4. his mm. and wonderful works that he 89: 11, enemies abroad with thy ze, Oo oO 62: 12. and that thou, Lord, art 77. arm (10). 65:3. O be thou zz. unto our sins 93: 5. the waves of the sea are mt. (4). 67: 1. and be mm. unto us 118: 15, 16. hand of the Lord bringeth 78: 38. he was so mm, that he forgave m, things 79: 9. deliver us, and be wz. unto our sins | 120: 3. mw. and sharp arrows, with 103: 13. sois the Lord #. unto them hot (4). that 136: 12. with a 7, hand’and stretched 17. the #. goodness of the Lord out sir: 4, the 7. and gracious Lord hath 18. yea, and slew 7. kings so done MIND 112: 4. he is #., loving and righteous 5. good man is #. and lendeth 145: 8. Lord 1s gracious and wz, 20: 4. heart’s desire, and fulfil all thy #2, 24:4. not lift up his yr. unto vanity 28:6. they regard not in their wz, (s). MERCY, 68: 6. maketh men to be of one #. in 36: 7. how excellent is thy #,,O God | 77: 11. call to #. thy wonders of old 40: 14, withdraw not thou thy m. from | time me (rr). 88:15. have I suffered with a trou- 86: 15, art full of compassion and mm. 103: 4, crowneth thee with 7. and love ing-kindness good (16). ft. 6, 119: 1. let thy loving #. come MINDS. also unto (41). | 58: 1. are your 7. set upon righteous- pra, ity 4." reat is tiy wm," © ness ? Lord (156). MINDED. 130: 4. for there is wz. with thee ; there- | 55: 3. they are #z, to do me some mis- bled wz. 109: 15. because his #. was not to do fore chief 145: 9. his 7. is over all his works MINDFUL. MERCY-SEAT. 105: 8. alway 7. of his covenant 28: 2, towards the m.-s. of thy holy | MINISHED. temple \12: x. faithful are #. from among 39MIN CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALIZR. MOV MINSTRELS. MONSTER. 68: 25. the a. follow after 71:6. Iam become as it were a m. (7). MIRACLES. MORIANS. 78:44. how he had wrought his mz. in | (43). MIRE. 40:2. out of the zz. and clay and set 113: 6. lifteth the poor out of the . (7). MIRTH. 137: 6. prefer not Jerusalem in my 7. MISCARRY. 1:7. of the ee Highest, he shall not 2 MISCHIEF. 2B Pehold, he travaileth with mm, 4). r4;: 8. ny are all such workers of 7. ays 1. they intended mz. against thee eit x 35: 4. that imagine 7. for me 8. may fall into his own 7. 55:3. minded to do me some mm. 58:2. ye imagine 77. in your heart 64:5. encourage themselves in wz. MISCHIEVOUS. 140:8. let not his mm, imagination prosper MISDEEDS. 51:9. put out all my mm. 65: 3. my #. prevail against me 78:38. so merciful, that he forgave their 72. go: 8. hast set our 7. before thee MISERY. 25:15. I am desolate and in m. (16). 17. look upon my adversity and 7. 35: 10. the poor, and him that is in 7, 38: 6. so great trouble and sm. that I go 44: 24. and forgettest our 7z. and trouble 70: 5. as for me, I am poor and in m. 79: 8. we are come to great 7. 84: 6. who going through the vale of 7. 86: 1. for lam poor and in m. 88:15. lam in wz. and like unto him 107: 10. fast bound in 7, and iron 41. helpeth he the poor out of wz. 116: 6. J was in m. and he helped me : 8. daughter of Babylon, wasted with 7. MISFORTUNE. 34: 21. mw. shall slay the ungodly 73:5. come in no m. like other folk MISTAKE. 56: 5. they daily 2. my words MIXT. 75:9. the wine is red; it is full 7. (8). MOABITES. 83: 6. the 77. and Hagarenes MOCK. 14: 10. a #. at the counsel of the poor (6). MONEY. 44:13. for nought, and takest no m. for them (12). 40 68 : 31. the JZ, land shall soon stretch 87: 4. and they of Tyre with the JZ. MORE. 49: 8. it cost wz. to redeem their souls | 74: 10, among us, that understandeth any 72. (9). 92:13. bring forth. #2, age (14). 96: 4. He is. #7. tobe re than ail xods LORE and more. 74:24. that hate thee increaseth ever m. and m. (23). 83: x7. be confounded and vexed ever Mm. and in. 117: 2. his merciful kindness is ever m. and m. MOST High. fruit in their 73: 8. their talking is against the Y%. H. 87: 5. and the J. H. shall stablish her MOST Aighest. g: 2. make of thy name, O thou &%/. H. 13:6. praise the name of the Lord MM. Al. 21: 7. mercy of the Y%. H. he shall not 77: 10. years of the right hand of the IM. Fi. 78: 18. and provoked the 1%. H. in the (17). 82: 6. all fe children of the M@. A. 83: 18. art only the JZ. H. over all the earth 92:1. praises unto thy name, O &%, ZH. 7. thou, Lord, art the 27. A. for- evermore (8). 1. the counsel of the Y%. ZH. MOST mighty. thy truth,. os. 27: every (8). MOST przncipad. 107: 1 89: 9. God, is on 78: 52. the #. Z. and mightiest in the wilderness (51). MOTHER’S wom. 22:9. took me out of my m. w. 1o. my God, even from my mm. w. 58: 3. froward, even from their wz. w. 71:5. he that took me out of my #. w. (6). MOURNING. 31: 11. and my years with 7. (zo). 102: 20. might hear the wz. of such as : MOUTH. 14:6. full of cursing and bitter- ness (Rom. 3: 14). MOVE-D. 104: 5. 1t never should 2. at any time 20. wherein all the beasts of the forest do 72. 37: 8. else shalt thou be z-d to do evil 60: 2. hast w-d the land and divided itAAA ARAN MUL CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER. NO i \ 77: 18. the ae was m-d and shook 24: 4. nor sworn to deceive his x. witha 8: 11. my lovers ~ 78: 42. ae ae the Holy One in ; : NEITHER. ere srael (41). =O. 7. thes MUL EIPLY. a ee in the congrega- 107 : 38. so that they zz. exceedingly 10: 4. 2. is God in all his thoughts MULTITUDE 16:5. 2. make mention of their names 31:15. heard the blasphemy of the | 19: 3. x. speech nor language, but their ont. (13). 104: 9. #, turn again to cover the earth 37: 11. refreshed in the m. of peace 132: 4. 2. the temples of my head 52: 8. but trusted unto the a. of his (7). | 147: 20. 2. have the heathen knowledge a MUCH. NETHERMOST. a 15:4. maketh . of them that fear the | 86: 13. delivered my soul from the x, ‘it Lord hell 46:6. the heathen make 7. ado NEVER. ft. 4. 119: 5. cause thou me to make |g: ro. thou, Lord, hast x. failed them m. of thy law (209). 10:6. tush! I shall x. be cast down 129: 8. who go by, say not so mm. as the | 37: 25. saw I . the righteous forsaken T.ord | 69: 5. the things that I 7. took (4). ia 138: 3. enduedst my soul with m.|99: 1. be the people z. so impatient ‘a MULBERRY-TREES. strength | 104 : i ate it z. should move at any 78: 48. and their #.-z. with the frost | 1 23:0. a ae shall z. be moved (47). | x o: 10. that they x, rise up again MURDER. NEVERTHELESS. 94:6. they . the widow and the|ss: mw. my trust shall be in thee stranger | 56: Bi , though I am sometime afraid MURMURING | 73:2. 2. my feet were almost gone 83: 2. for lo, thine enemies make a m, | NEXT. * .MUSE | 10g: 12. and in the z. generation let 49:3. my heart shall zm. of under- | his name standing NIGH. 143: 5. I #. upon all thy works 75:2. thy name also is so x. (1). MUSIC. pt. 19. 19:7. be thou z. at hand, O 71: 20. playing upon an instrument of Lord (151). * m. (22). NIGHT-SEASON. 16: 8. chasten me in the z.-s. N 17: 3. visited mine heart in the .-s. 42: 10. in the z.-s. did I sing of him (8). 77:2. and ceased not in the z.-s. ; NAME. g2: 2. and of thy truth in the z.-s. 13: 6. praise the 2 of the Lord most 105 : 38. fire to give light in the z.-s. oer dies ian). ge Orme: unto Pte FT. une 7. ey name, O Lord, in ; . t a NAME'S sake. ao ; ps NO. S45 2). fr moe ae ERES 5:4. thou art the God that hast z. a. leasure 42: 13. #., while they say daily (10). | _ P : 73217. % how thou dost set them Gace: Foe that doeth good; #. not one (1). 7. there is 2. fear of God before their eyes (see Rom. 3: 18). NATIONS 44: 2. BEN thou-hast destroyed the z. ae NECK asrry. 44:20. #., not when thou hast smit- . Bo fen (19). : eae ced ala 78:65. z. widows to make lamenta- : eee . ‘Hon (64). Begs Ste ONEE DFU ay ere i IOI : 10. deceitful person dwell in (7). ee tir Gives Lame of-trouble e rr. the darkness is z. darkness (12). rg NEEDY. 142: 5. I had . place to flee unto (4). 41: 1. that considereth the poor and ~z. | 145: 3 . there is 7, end of his greatness -72: 12. the z. also, and him that hath no : NO man. NEIGHBOR-S. 6:5. in death x. sz. remembereth thee 15:5. sweareth unto his z. and disap- | 22: 30. ” ™. hath quickened his own pointeth him not (4). soul (29).NO CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER. OFF 40: 6. 2. m. that ordereth them unto (s). 49:7. 2. 7. may deliver his brother 64:5. that z..shallseethem | 69:21. but there was 7”. ™, neither found (20). 26. and . m. to dwell in their tents (25). 79: 3. there was 7. wz. to bury them. 10g: 11. let there be ~. m. to pity him (22). NO re. 10:20. be ”. m. exalted against them (18). 83:4. that they be z. mz. a people NOWHERE. 37 : 37- his place could 7. be found (36). NOBLE. 106 : 2. who can express the . acts of 150: 2. praise him in his . acts NOISE. 47: 5. God is gone up with a merry 7. 96: 11. let the sea makea . and all that 98: 8. let the sea make a %. and all (7). NOON-DAY. 55: 18. morning and at z.-d, will I pray (17). ; NOT. : 44: 20. no, z. when thou hast smitten (19). 102: 27. thy years shall x. fail NOT oxe. 12:1. there is 2. e. godly man left 14: 2. none that doeth good, no, . o.(1). 74: 10. there is z. 0. prophet more (9). 10. #. 0. is there among us (9). 86:8. 2. 0. that can do as thou doest NOTED. 56:8. are not these things #. in thy book? NOTHING. 16: 2. my goods are z. unto thee 23:1. my shepherd; therefore can I lack 2. 34:9. they that fear him, lack z. 39: 3. held my tongue, and spake z. 76: 5. hands were mighty, have found z. NOUGHT. 89: 46. wherefore hast thou made all men for 7. (47). 144: 4. man is like a thing of z. LS) NOURISH. 55: 23- upon the Lord, and he shall z. thee (22). NOW. 42:3. say unto me, where is #. thy God? 4. 2. when I think thereupon 13. where is 2. thy God? (10). 71:15. taught me from my youth up until #., 17 : 10. heathen say, where is z. their my Oo 40: 132% LOR: ot. 27 51: 37: 69: pt. pt. 19’: God? A2 107 : Tro: 106 : NUMBER. 38:19. hate me wrongfully are many in 7. 39: 5. my end, and the z. of my days (4). 15. more in z. than the hairs of (12). NURTURETH. 94: 10. he that z, the heathen, it is he O. OATH. 1z. made a faithful o. unto David OBEDIENT. 28. they were not 9. unto his word OBEY: 12. Israel would not o. me (11). OBLATION-S. : 7. offer in his dwelling an a. (6). 1g. with the burnt-offerings and o-s OBSERVE. 105: 44. keep his statutes and a. his laws (45). “« OCCASION, 33. seeketh a. to slay him (32). 23. be unto them ano. of falling (22). OCCUPIED. 3. 19:7. thy servant is 9. in thy statutes (23). Io. x19: 6. Iwill be thy com- mandments (78). 19. 2119! 4. might. besa im: thy words (148). 141: 4. not be a. in ungodly works OCCUPY. 107 : 23. and o. their business in great waters OFFENCE-S. 19: 13. and innocent from the great 0. 59:3. without any a. or fault of me 85:2. thou hast forgiven the a. of th 107: 17. foolish men are plagued for their a. 25:6, remember not the sins and o0-s (7). : g. deliver me from all mine o-s (8). of thy mercies, do away mine o-s Ti : 32. I will visit their o-s with the rod OFFEND-ED. : 3. that my mouth shall not a. : 1. that I o. not in my tongue : 5. them that o. of malicious wicked= ness . 21. 119: 5. they are not o-d at it (165). OFFENDETH. 12. who can tell how oft he a. ? OFFER-ED. 2. they would o. unto him the the people o. thee free-will 6. yea, they o-d their sons and (37). , 37. whom they o-d unto the idols \ (38). ww N tOFF a OFFERING-S. 54:6. an o. of a free heart will I give 106 : 28. and ate the o-s of the dead 110: 3. free-will o-s with an holy wor- ship 5 i 19: 12. who can tell howg. he offendeth OLD. 71: 16. forsake me not, O God, in mine 0. age (18). 79: 8. O remember not our ov. sins 89: 48. where are thy o. loving-kind- nesses ? OLIVE-BRANCHES. 128; 4. like theoa.-d. ONE. 19: 2. 0. day telleth another 2. o. night certifieth another 68: 6. maketh men to be of o. mind in Pl.t2,. FIG: eration to (go), 2 135 : 13. memorial, O Lord, from a. gen- | eration to another ONLY. 83:18. art 0. the Most Highest over all 136: 4. who o. doeth great wonders 148: 12. his name ¢. is excellent (13). OPEN-LY 14:5. their throat is an o. sepulchre ive inom. = 5 13). 55:12. not an o. enemy that hath done 79: 4. become an o. shame to our ene- mies 11. be o-2y showed upon the hea- then (10). OPERATION-S. 29: 4. voice of the Lord is mighty in. | 92:4. praise for the o-s of thy hands OPPRESSED. 9: 9. will be a defence for the a, OPPRESSETH. : 11. while the enemy o. me (9). ORDERED. 40: 2. upon the rock, and o. my goings ORDERETH. 37 : 23. the Lord o. a good man’s going 40:6. no man that o. them unto (5). ORDINANCES. 147: 19. his statutes and 9, unto Israel OTHER. 16. destruction that he. made for GAG). 72: 8. from the one sea to the v. 73: 8. they corrupt o., and speak of 7. 8r: 10. shalt thou worship any a. god (9). OUGHT. 12: 4. we are they that o. to speak 111: 4. they o. to be had in remem- brance OUT. é 107: 40. wander o. of the way in es wilderness CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER. round about thy (3). remaineth from v. gen- | PAS OUTCAST. | 22: 6. theo. of the people | 82: 4° deliver the 0. and poor 4 OVER. 68: 33. who sitteth in the heavens 9. all OVERFLOWINGsS. 18; 3. theo. of ungodliness made me (4). OVERTAKE. 18; 37. follow upon mine enemies and | o. them OVERTHROW-N. 44:6. through thee will we o. our (s). 89: 39. thou hast 0-7 ‘all his hedges (49). OVERTOOK. 18: 4. the snares of death o. me (5)« OVERWHELMED. | 73:6. holden with pride, and o. with cruelty 106: 11. troubled them, the waters oa, ls them OWN. 10: 3. made boast of his o. heart’s desire | 15: 4. but is lowly in his o. eyes 5. though it were to his o. hin- drance (4). 18 : 23. eschewed mine ov. wickedness 31: 22. privily by thine o. presence (20). 35: 8. may fall into his 0. mischief 55: 14. guide, and mine ov. familiar (13). 68: 22. mine ov. will I bring again pt. 8 119: 3. called mine o. ways to remembrance (59). 135: 4. Israel for his 0. possession 77: 10. I said, it is mine a. infirmity 80: 17. madest so strong for thine. self 98: 2. his o. right hand and with his holy (1). | 99: 8. punishedst their o. inventions | 103: 13. as a father pitieth his go. chil- dren | 106 : 36. idols which turned to their 0, | decay ‘ ; : | 42. against him with their o. in- ventions (43). OXEN. | 22: 12, many o, are come about me | Pp PAID. 69: 5. I 2. them the things that) I never (4). PAIN-S. 39:3. but it was A. and grief to me (2). 18: 4. the J-s of hell came about me (5s). PART. 19:6. from the uttermost Z. of the heaven 38:7. no whole Z. in my body | 4:16. take my /. against the evil QO t09 : 3. they take now my contrary Z. (4). PASS fivdwW- 118: 15,16. bringeth mighty things to 2, 43PAS PASSETH. 90: 10. so soon #. it away, and we are gone " PASE: 77:5. days of old, and the years that are 2. 143: 5. yet do I remember the time f. PASTIME. 104: 26. made to take his Z. therein PASTURE. 23:2. shall feed me in a green J. PATIENCE. 94: 13. mayest give him 4. in time of PATIENT. 7:12. righteous judge, strong and I). abiding of the meek shall ATIENTLY. 19. our soul hath ¢. tarried (20). g. they that Z. abide the Lord . 12. as for me, I will J. abide (14). PAY p.G 9: 18. the Z. Bs 33° 37: 71: 28:5 them that they have de- : served (4).. 12. unto thee, O God, will I 4. my vows PEACE. 7. the way of #. have they not known (see Rom. 3: 17). PEOPLE. : 17. and all the Z. that forget God : 28. he is the governor among the 4. - 72, blessed are the . whose God is 50: 14: : 6. his eyes behold the 4. (7). 83: 4. that they be no more a A. 106 : 5. rejoice in the gladness of thy J. PERADVENTURE. 55:13. then Z. I would have hid (12). 139: 10. if I say A. the darkness (11). PERFECT. so: 2. God appeared in A. beauty PERFECTNESS. : 20, let J. and righteous dealing (27). PERFORM. : 5. the Lord 4. all thy petitions : 25. vows will I 4. in the sight PERIL. : 4. they are in no J. of death ae ro. David thy servant from the J. of the sword PERILOUS. 37: 19. confounded in the J. time PERISH. 5:11. let them . through their own (ro). when the ungodly shall A. (34). 37 735. 39. the transgressors they shall B. (38). 59: 13. consume them, that they may /. 71: 11. let them be confounded and £. that (13). 73:18. consume, Z. and come to a | fearful (19). 44 | | CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER. PLA PERSECUTE. pt. 19. 119: 6, nigh that of malice J. me (150). pt. 20. 119: 5. that trouble me and #. me (157). Be ; ior: 10. no deceitful 4. dwell in my house (7). 140: 11. hunt the wicked J. to over- throw | | | | PETITION-S. 6:9. the Lord hath heard my /. . hide not thyself from my 2. Bad Zt. 8. 119: 2. made my humble /. in thy (58). | | 28: 2. hear the voice of my humble Z-s 7. heard the voice of my humble A-s PHILISTINES. 87:4. behold ye the P. also, and they PHINEES. : 1, my cause against the ungodly @. | - 11, scatter them abroad among the J. | | 80: | 142: ' 38: 106: 30. then stood up P, and prayed PIECES 2:9. break them in Z. like a potter’s 129: 4. the snares of the ungodly in Z. PIPE. 150: 4. praise him upon the strings and 2. 6:5. who will give thee thanks in the p? 141: 8. our bones lie scattered before 78: 61. the tent that he had Z. among men PITIED. 106: 44. thought upon his covenant, and Z. them (45). PLIUrR a i. 102: 14. it #. them to see her in the dust PIT 106: 44. led them away captive, to J. them (46). PLACH, 32:8. thou art a A. to hide me in (7). 37: 37- his Z. could nowhere be found 36). 2. the hill of Sion is a fair Z. 15. delivered my soul from the J. of hell 15. the J. of the vineyard that thy 5. in a g. Of darkness, and in the deep (6). 5. L had no 4, to flee unto (4). LAGUE-S. 17. I truly am set in the Z. 11. take thy 2. away from me (10). 39. through any £. or trouble II, great #-s remain for the un- godly (10). PLAGUED. 1s, after the time that thou hast 48: 49: 88: 39: TOT : a2 go: . us 107: 17. foolish men are /. for then 7:17 : offencePLA CONCORDANCE TO.THE PSALTER. PRA PLAIN. 5:8. make thy way J. before my face PLANTED. 44: 2. with thy hand, and Z. them in PLAYING. 71: 20. g. upon an instrument of music | (22). PLEASE. 104 : 34. so shall my words Z. him fe. 14. 119: 4. offerings of my mouth p. thee (108). 141: 4. lest I eat of such things as J. them PLEASETH. 68: 16. in the which it J. him to dwell 143: 10. to do the thing that Z. thee PLEASURE-S. 4: 2, and have such 4. in vanity 16: 12, thy right hand, there is J. for evermore (11). 30:5. in his Z. is life 40: 16. letit be thy Z. to deliver me (13). 45: 12. the king have 4. in thy beauty (rr). 147: 10. hath no 4&. in the strength of an horse ’ 65: 4. satisfied with the Z-s of thy house PLENTIFUL. 31: 21. how J. is thy goodness (19), PLENTEOUS. 65:9. thou makest it very A. 144: 13. Z. with all manner of store PLENTEOUSLY. 31: 26. Z. rewardeth the proud doer 59: 10. showeth me his goodness Z. PLENTEOUSNESS. 36: 8. satisfied with the Z. of thy house 80:5. givest them J. of tears to drink 112: 3. riches and 4, shall be in his 122: 7. and Z. within thy palaces 145: 16. all things living with J. PLUCK-ED. 28 : 3. O Z. me not away, neither destroy 50: 22. lest I 4. you away and 129: 6, withereth afore it be J-d up ELUCKEST: 74:12. why 4%. thou not thy right hand zy. POINT. 88: 15. like unto him that is at the J. to die POISON. 14:5. the Z. of asps is under their lips (see Rom. 3: 13). POMP. 49: 17. neither shall his Z. follow him PONDER. 5:1. Z. my words, O Lord 49:1. Z. it with your ears, all ye ; 86: 6. 2. the voice of my humble desires 107 : 43. wise will J. these things POOR 9: 12. forgetteth not the complaint of the 2, Soar tC ES SOLS CUS EUTNE LOCUS g: 18. the 4. shall not alway be for- gotten 10: 13. forget not the J, (12). 19. hast heard the desire of the B. (17). 20. to help the fatherless and /. (18). | 11: 5. his eves consider the #. (4). | 12:5. because of the deep sighing of the /. | 22: 24. nor abhorred the low estate of the A. 26. the 4. shall eat and be satisfied | 72: 4. defend the children of the 4. | 13. Shall preserve the souls of the J, | 102: 17. unto the prayer of the J. des- titute 113: 6. lifteth the J. out of the mire (7). 140: 12, that the Lord will avenge the Z. PORTS: 9:14. within the 4. of the daughter of Sion POSSESS. 37s: 11, meek-spirited shall 4. the earth 22. blessed of God, shall Z. the land 35- promote thee, that thou shalt 2. POSSESSION. 73: 12. these have riches in J. 105 : 43. labors of the people in J. 135: 4. Israel for his own J, POSTERITIES. 72:17. under the sun amongst the J, 106: 31. among all 4, for evermore POSTERITY, 69 : 37. the J. also of his servants shall inherit 78: 6. that their J. might know it POURETH. 68: 19. and J, his benefits upon us POWER 10: 17. the J. of the ungodly and mali- cious (1s). 68 : 34. ascribe ye the Z. to God over 74:14. divide the sea through thy Pp. (13). 77: 14. declared thy Z. among the people 78: 62. delivered their 4, into captiv-= ity (61). 73- ruled them prudently with all his 2. (72). 96: 6. Z. and honor are in his sanctuary 7- ascribe unto the Lord worship and Z. 99: 4. the king’s J. loveth judgment 110: 2. send the rod of thy Z. out of Sion 145: 4. unio another, and declare thy JZ. 12. that thy Z., thy glory and mightiness PRACTISE. 64: 6. imagine wickedness, and J. it PRAISE. (noun), : 30: 13. sing of thy J. without ceasing 12), 45PRA II5: r45: 148 : ie 1. but unto thy name give the J. s. thy glory, thy Z. and wondrous works 12. his J. above heaven and earth (13). PRAISE. (verb). 1. O g. the Lord, which dwelleth in Sion - 6. I will J. the name of the Lord I ae 12. I will J. the Lord in the con- gregations 34:3. Of. the Lord with me 49: 13. their posterity Z. their saying 50: 15. hear thee, and thou shalt J. me 59:16. 2. thy mercy betimes in the morning 65: 8. of the morning and evening to A. thee 66: 3. sing of thee, and /. thy name (4). 7. Op. our God, ye people (8). 68: 4. s. him in his name JAH. 72:17. and all the heathen shall A. him | 75:11. the God of Jacob, and Z. him forever (9). 86:12. and will 4. thy name for ever- more 96: 2. sing unto the Lord, and 4. his name 98: 6. 2. the Lord upon the harp (5), ae t 2. the Lord, O my soul 14 = 103: 1. all that is within me /. his holy 20. O fp. the Lord, ye angels of his 21. OZ. the Lord, all ye his hosts 22, p. thou the Lord, O my soul 104! 35. @. thou the Lord, O my soul ros : 2. songs be of him, and Z. him 115: 18. but we will J. the Lord, from 134: 1. behold now, /. the Lord, all ye | 3. in the sanctuary, and Z. the | Lord (2). 135: 19. #. the Lord, ye house of Israel | 19. #. the Lord, ye house of Aaron 20. ~. the Lord, ye house of Levi 20. ye that fear the Lord, JZ. the Lord 145: 1. L will J. thy name forever and ever PRAISED. 18:47. ~. be the God of my salvation 46). 28: 7. . be the Lord, for he hath heard (6). 40: 19. say alway, the Lord be A. (16). 65: 1. thou, O God, art A. in Sion 66:18. ~. be God, who hath not cast out (20). 68: 19. p. be the Lord, daily, even the 70: 4. say alway, the Lord be 4. 89: 50. #. be the Lord forevermore (52). 111: 3. his work is worthy to be A. 124: 4. p. be the Lord, who hath not iven (6). Q: 5: 31: 25. thou heardest the voice of my J. 135: 21. 2. be the Lord out of Sion 46 CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER. 80: 4. be angry with PREAC pt. 8. I4. 30: 4. 662-1. rs: 2. PRE PRAISES. See Sina. all thy Z. within the ports of the sing Z. unto the Lord, O ye saints sing Z. unto the honor of his (2). gave him JZ. with my tongue (17). PRAY-ED. 141: 6. I will J. yet against their wick- edness (5). 106 ; 30. then stood up Phinees and A-d PRAYER-S. unto thee will I make my 2. (22). 32: 7. godly make his A. unto thee (6). 55:2. how I mourn in my A. 116: 1. Lord hath heard the voice of my p- 140: 6. hear the voice of my J-s, O Lord PRAYETH. thy people that 2. ERS. 2:7. I will Z. the law whereof 50: 16. why dost thou 4. my laws 68:11. great was the company of the -ers. PREACHING. 59: 12. their Z. is of cursing and lies PRECIOUS. pt. 16. 119:7. thy commandments above gold and Z. stones (127). 141: 6. let not their J. balms break my head (5s). PRE-EMINENCE. 118: 16. right hand of the Lord hath the A. PREPARE-D. 78: 20. shall God #. a table in the wil derness ? (19). 24:2. and g-d it upon the floods 31: 21. p-d for them that put their (19). | 93:3. world began, hath thy seat been /Z-d (2). 95:5. his hands f-d the dry land 99:4. thou hast J-d equity PREPAREST. 10: 19. thou /. their heart (17). PRESENCE. 17:16. behold thy /. in righteous- ness (15). 18: 8. went a smoke out in his 4, 12. at the brightness of his J. his clouds 42:2. appear before the JZ. of God 88 : 1. let my prayer enter into thy A. (2). 119: 2. petition in thy J. with my whole (58). of thine 132: 10. not away the 4@. anointed PRESENT. (adj.) 139: 18. wake up, Iam 4. with thee PRESENTS. (noun). 96:8. bring g., and come into -his courtsPRE CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER. PUT Peay E. 72: 13. shall Z. the souls of the poor ee eee TH: who Z. them that are true of (10). PRESSED dow i 57: 7. for my feet, and Z. d. my soul (6). PRESUMPTION. Wie ET 94: 4. I3ir: 1. } 74: 24. ne £. of them that hate thee 23). PRINCE-S 105: 20. the Z. of the people let him go free 33 : 10. casteth out the counsels of J-s 82: 1. God standeth in the congrega- | tion of Z-s 83: 11. them and their Z-s, like Oreb | and Zeb PRISON-S. 88: fe I am so fast in Z. that I cannot | | | | SEe 225 76:5. the Z. -are hicks they have slept 124: 4. the deep waters of the Z. had gone (s). PROUD. (adj) 10? 4. the ungodly is so Z., that he careth not 17: 10. their mouth oe 2g. things and make such ¢. boasting : 7. whoso hath also a @Z. look (5). I have no Z. looks 8. lest they be too @. PROVE. 139 : 23. #2. me and examine my thoughts PROV SeR 65: 10. so thou J. for the earth (9). PROVISION. 105: 16. destroyed all the Z. of bread PROVOKED. 7:12. God is f. every day (112). PROVOKING. presence from the #. of all men (20). PR een tea gs them %. with all his pow= 72). "Bu NISH-ED. 6: 3. Lord, how long wilt thou Z. me? 78 2°73. 72:4. and Z. the wrong-doer 94: 10. teacheth man knowledge, shall not he 7. ? 37: 2g. the unrighteous shall be J-d (28). ee the day long have I been s-d (14). 106 : 32. he J-d Moses for their sakes PUNISHEDST. 99: 8. and ¢. their own inventions PURPOSED. pt. 14. 119: 2. I have sworn and am steadfastly i (106). PUT 6: 10. and Z. to shame suddenly 12:9. children of men are J. to re- buke (8). 21: 12. therefore shalt thou Z. them to flight ar = 10; beg to silence in the grave (17). 38: 1. fg. me not to rebuke, O Lord 3: 2. why hast thou Z. me from thee? 56: 9. mine enemies be 4, to flight 94:6. and A. the fatherless to death 17. but my soul had been Z. to silence PUT £0 confusion. 25:2. shall be Z. fo e. (3). 31: 1. let me never be Z. foc. 1g. the ungodly be #Z. zo c. (47). 35: 26. be Z. toc. and shame PUT wih ¢rzst. | 17:7. the Saviour of them which J, their ¢. 18:30. defender of all them that Z. their ¢. 146: Lord looseth men out of J. 18 : ie fail as be afaid out of their pms (45 | SRIsONERS. 68: 6. bringeth the 3 ont of captivity PRIV 9g: 15. inthesame fe Ww yhich they hid Z. 10: 8. #. in his lurking dens, doth he 31: 22. hide them z= by thine own presence ae 35:7. they have J. laid their net 8. net that he hath laid #. 64:4. Z. shoot at him that is perfect PROCEED. 41: 8. guiltiness, . again-t him PROLONGED. pi. 8.. 119: 4. I made haste, and 4. not the time (60). PROMISE. (noun), tos: 8. mindful of his covenant and e 146: 5. who keepeth his Z. forever (6). PROMISE. (verb). 76: 11. Z. ee Ps Lord your God, and keep PROMISED, 66 : 12. vows which I Z. with my lips (14). 71: 2. thou hast Z. to help me (3). $2.8 rvigsr.*1 Nayé ¥. to keep thy law (57). 133: 4. there the Lord 4. his blessing PROMOTE. 37: 35. he shall J. thee, that thou (34). PROSPER. go: 17. Z. thou the work of our hands 17. O Z. thoy our handiwork 129: 8. the Lord Z. you; we wish you 140: 8. not his mischievous imagina- tion 2. rz. full of words shall not Z. upon earth PROSPERITY. 18: 51. great Z. giveth he unto his king 128 : 6. shalt see Jerusalem in J. (5). PROUD. (noun). 18; 27. down the high looks of the Z. ARRAN SARE RN RRR NE BEREAN 20:7. some Z. their ¢. in chariots 25:1. I have J. my ¢, in thee (2). 4] ®sa17s CON CGORDANCE.TO 1REAPSALLER: REB 3 yet will I 4. my ¢. in him &. 2: thou thy ¢. in the Lord (14). Ee for them that 2. their . (19). 27, all ye that Z. your ¢rwst in the Lord them that 2. their ¢rzst in his mercy (78). ; we do Z. our ¢rzst in thee (22). : 3. 2. thy zrzst in the Lord 5. p. thy Zrust in him, and he shall bring 41. because they A. their ¢~zs¢ in him : 15. in thee, O Lord, have I Z. my trust 40: 4. Shall Z. their zrzs¢t in the Lord 42: 7. pg. thy Zrust in God (s). 15. O 2. thy ?#7*ust in God, for JI will (rz). 43: 6. O J. thy trust in God, for I will yet (5s). 49:6. some that Z. their ¢rzs¢ in their 56: 3. yet Z. I my ¢vzst in thee 62:8. O 4. your Zrust in him alway 78: 8. that they might Z. their ¢rzs¢ in God (7). 23. and Z. not their ¢vus¢ in his help (22). 115: 8. such as JZ. their frus¢ in them to. house of Aaron, Z. your /vxst in 11. ye that fear the Lord, Z. your ai pt. 7. 119: 1. hast caused me to Z. my Piast (49). pt. 10. 119: 2. because I have Z. my trust (74). 125: 1. they that Z. their zyzst in the Lord 135: 18. so are all they that J. their trust 147: 1x. and Z. their ¢vvs¢ in his mercy ” away. 88 : 18. lovers and friends hast thou 2. a. PUT down. 59: 11. Z. them d., O Lord, our defence 81:15. soon have Ds d. their enemies (14). PUT. oz. 35:13. they were sick, I #. 0. sackcloth 69: 11. I Z. 0. sackcloth also, and they 93: 13. king, and hath 4. o. glorious ap- parel : i is Lord hath J, o. his apparel PUT cz, 51:9. and 4. o. all my misdeeds 62:4. how to Z. him a. oe God will 89: 43. thou hast 2. a. his glory (44). 109: 12. let his name be clean J. o. (13). PUTTETH: 14: 10, he 4, his trust in the Lord (6). 21 : ie the king Z. his trust in the Lord 32 . whoso +. his trust in the Lord (10). 48 84:13. blessed is the man that Z. his trust (12). 86: 2. thy servant that Z. his trust in thee O. QUAKED. 18: 7. the earth trembled and ¢. QUARREL. 35: 23. stand up to judge my g. QUARTERS. 105; 31. and lice in all their g. QUICKEN-ED. 85:6. wilt thou not turn again, and g. us? 22: 30. no man hath g-d his own soul QUIVER. 11: 2, their arrows within the g. RAGE. 46:3. though the waters thereof ~. and swell 93:5. waves of the sea are mighty, and y. horribly (4). RAGING. 65:7. who stilleth the x. of the sea RAIMENT. 109: 17. with cursing, like as witha». (18). RAIN. (noun). 65:11. sendest 7. into the little val- leys (to). 1z1, makest it soft with the drops of 7. (xo): RAMPING. 22:13. asit were a ~. anda roaring lion ATHER 141: 5. let the righteous ~. smite me friendly RAVISH. 10: 9. that he may ~. the poor 10. he doth v. the poor when he (9). RAW 58: 8. even as a thing that is ~. (9). LADY. 108: 1. O God, my heart is 7., my heart is 7. 120: 6. they make them ~. to battle (7). REASON, 38: 3. rest in my bones, by vy. of my sin 106: ao 40; REBELL E a. 42. they ». against him with their (43). REBUKE. (noun). 26. clothed with ~. and dishonor : 9. make me not a7». unto the fool- ish (8), 17. out to ~. that wish me evil (14).REB CONCORDANCE .TO THE PSALTER. REM 69: 2x. thy v. hath broken my heart (20). | REFUSETH. 89:49. remember, Lord, the ~. that | 58: 5. which ~. to hear the voice of the thy (so). REGARD-ED. ft. 3- 119: 6. O turn from me shame | pt. 20. 119: 3. they ~. not thy stat- and ~, (22). utes (155). pt. 5. 19:7. take away the ~. that I | 106: 7. our fathers x-d not thy wonders am (39). | REGARDEST. REBUKE. (verb). | 144: 3. sonof man, that thouso +. him? 149: 7. of the heathen, and to ~. the REGARDETH. people | 90: 1x. who +. the power of thy wrath? REBUKED. REHEARSE. A 44:14. thou makest us to be ». of our 87: 6. the Lord shall ~. it when he 4 69: 9. of them that ~. thee are fallen 7. and trumpeters shall he +. 74:19. how the enemy hath +». and | REJOICE. how (18). | 21: 1. the king shall ~. in thy strength REBUKES. 35: 27. let them be glad and ~. 69:9. the ~. of them that rebuked thee 56: ro. in God’s.word will I ~. 89 : 49. in my bosom, the. of many (50). | 64: 10. the righteous shall 7. inthe Lord D RECEIVE--D. | 67: 4. let the nations ~. and be glad 116: 12. I will +. the cup of salva- | 84:2. my heart and my flesh ~. in the tion (13), living God Bt. 7. 119: 4. judgments, O Lord,and °89: 16. the people, O Lord, that can ~, vr-d comfort (52). in thee (15). RECEIVEST. | 92: 4. I will ~. in giving praise for the 65: 4. thou choosest, and ~. unto thee 95: 1. let us heartily ~. in the strength RECOMPENSE. 105: 3. ~. in his holy name 28:5. 7. them after the work of (4). 126: 4. things for us already ; whereof 94: 23. he shall ~. them their wicked- | we x..(3)= ness | 132: 17. her saints shall ~. and sing (16). RED. 149: 5. let them ~. in their beds 68 : 23. tongue of thy dogs may be ~, REJOICED. through 38: 16. foot slipt, they ~. greatly against REDEEM. | 97: 8. Sion heard of it and x., and the 49: 8. it cost more to ~. their souls daughters REDEEMED. REMAIN. 74: 2. thou hast purchased and ~. ofold | 32: 11. great plagues ». for the un- REDEEMER. godly (20). 40: 21. thou art my helper and ~. (47). | 65: 5. that ~. in the broad sea 79: 6. thou art my helper and my ~. (5s). | 72: 17. his name shall ~. under the sun 112: 9. his righteousness ~. forever REFORMED. | 139: 8. and». in the uttermost parts (9), 50: 17. whereas thou hatest to be ~. REMAINETH. REFUGE. | 29:9. the Lord ~. a King forever (10). 18: 1. horn also of my salvation, and my *. (2) | ff. 12. x19: 2. thy truth also ~. from 59: 9. thou art the God of my +. one (90). 17. thou, O God, art my ~. and my re o:1. Lord, thou hast been our ~. 25: 6. 7. not the sins and offences oe ae but the Low we mae + 45; 18. I will x. thy name from (17). eee tetas REMEMBERED. in ane 6357 I not x. thee in my be : 76: 12. he shall x. the spirit of princes aed “REMEMBERETH. ) 83: 1. 7, not thyself, O God .. |6: 5. in death no man ~. thee 131: 3. but I ~ my soul, and keep it REMEMBRANCE. low dT aed 25:5. call to x, O Lord, thy tender : mercies (6). 71: 18. yet didst thou turn and 7». | gg. 4. out of ~., and are cut away (s). me (20). 106: 7. thy great goodness in ». 138: 7. in the midst of trouble, yet 109 : 13. be had in ~. in the sight of (14). shalt thou 7. me 111: 4. they ought to be had in», REFRESHED-ST. pt. 8. 119: 3. called mine own ways 37: 11. be in the multitude of peace to r. (59). 78: 66. like a giant », with wine (6s). REMOVED. 94: 19. thy comforts have ». my soul 18: 7. and were 7. because he was wroth 68:9. and 7-ds¢ it when it was weary 12, his presence, his clouds 7, 49 ASL RR OG Re RR UR UO RRC ee TETSU EE ENESCO ERSREN CONCORDANCE 30: 6. I said I shall never be ~. 40: 5. therefore shall she not bes. RENEW. 104: 30. thou shalt 7. the face of the earth RENOWN. 45:4. according to thy worship uo F143). REPORTED. 87:5. of Sion it shall be ~ that he REPROOF. 57: 3. save me from the 7”. of him that : 7. for thy sake have I suffered ~. ro. and that was turned to my ~. 123: 4. filled with the scornful 7. of the REPUTATION. pt. 18. 119: 5. I am small and of no r..(141). REQUIRE-D. | : 4. desired of the Lord, which I will ~. 69 27 38:16. Lhaver-d that they, even mine 78: 19. and 7-d meat for their lust (18). REQUIREST. s1;6, thou ”. truth in the inward RESIST. 17:7. from such as ~, thy right hand RESORT. 142: 9. the righteous 7. unto my com- pany (7). RESPECT. 39: 6. as nothing in ~. of thee (s). 144: 3- man, that thou hast such 7. EST. (noun). 4:9. down in peace, and take my”. (8). 12: 6. and will set him at 7. (5). 22:2. the night-season also, I take no7. 107: 30. glad, because they are at 7. 127: 3. and so late take ~. (2). 132: 4. temples of my head to take any ”. REST. (verb). 15:1. who shall ~. upon thy holy hill? RESTING-PLACE. 132: 8. arise, O Lord, into thy 7.-A. REVERENCE. 2:11. rejoice unto him with 7 REVILE. 102: 8. mine enemies ~. me all the day REWARD. (noun). 116: 11. what ». shall I give unto the Lord (12). 120: 3, what ~, shall be given or done REWARD. (verb). 18: 20, ~. me after my righteous dealing 24. the Lord ~. me after my right- eous : 4, 7. them according to their deeds : 20. that ». evil for good are against : ro. up again, and I shall ~. them :13. 7. thou them, O Lord, seven- fold (12). : 2. ». the proud after their deserving 5° TO THE PSALTER. 40: 18. TIOs 7- 5 RIG REWARDED. desolate and ~. with shame (15). O my soul; for the Lord hath 7. thee REWARDEST. , thou ~. every man according RICHES. 49: 10. and leave their 7. for other RID. 18:49. thou shalt 7. me from the wicked (48). 71:1. but 7. me and deliver me, in thy (2). RIDE oz. 45:5. 7. 0. because of the word of truth (4). RIGHT. (adj.) 2:12. so ye perish from the ~. way 15:2. and doeth the thing which In 7 a7 2153. Nae me in the 7. way, because rene 37:14. such as are of a7. conversation 28. Lord loveth the thing that is 7. 38. heed unto the thing that iS 7. (37), 8:1. do ye judge the thing that is ~ 72:2. judge thy people according unto 7”. 75:3. 1 shall judge according unto 7. RIGHT. (adv.) g: 4. set in the throne that judgest ~. 26:12. my foot standeth ~. 30: 8. gat me to my Lord». humbly 53: 8. Israel should be ~. glad (6). | 57:9. I myself will awake ~. early 102: 2. O hear me, and that 7. soon 508: 2. I myself will awake ~. early | 116: 13. . dear in the sight of the Lord (15). pt. 16. 119: 1. the thing that is law= ful and ~. (121). 139: 22. yea, I hate them 7. sore RIGHT. (noun). 10: 20. fatherless and poor unto their”. 18). 72: 4. keep the simple folk by their ~. 82:3. are in need and necessity have”. 146: 6. helpeth them to 7. that suffer wrong (7). RIGHTEOUS. (noun). | 37:26. the 7. is ever merciful and lendeth 49: 14. the ~. shall have dominion over RIGHTEOUS. (adj.) 7: 12. Godisax. judge, strong and (11). 18: 20, 24. reward me after my 7. deal- ing 25:20. let perfectness and ~. dealing (21). 7, gracious and ». is the Lord (8). pt. 22, 119: 4. all thy commandments are 7. (172). 129: 4. the 7. Lord hath hewn the snaresRIG CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER. SAM RIGHTEOUSNESS. oF. = equity are the habitation | (14). 89: 119: 7. learned the judgments of thy ~. | ft. 20. 119: 8. all the judgments of thy 7. (160). 143: 10. lead me forth into the land or 7 RISE-N. 24:3. who shall ~. up in his-holy place? 88: 10. or shall the dead ». up again? roy : 27. confounded that ~. up against me (28). | 93: 4. the floods are ~-7, O Lord (3). RIVERS 78:45. they might not drink of the . (44). 104: to. sendeth the springs into the ~. 105: 40. so that 7. ran in the dry places (41). 126: 5. O Lord, as the ~. in the south 4). ROARING. 104: 21. the lions ~. after their prey ROBBERS 76: 4. might, than the hills of the ». ROBBED. 5. the proud are ~., they have slept ROOM. 18: 36. shalt make ~. enough under me ROOT ozt, up. 3. the Lord shall ~. o. all deceitful their fruit shalt thou ~. I2° ar P26. 0. 34: 16. to ~. o. the remembrance of | them 80:13. boar out of the wood doth ~. it “up 83: 4. come, and let us ~. them o. Yor: 11. that I may-rs. ‘all wicked doers (8). 10g: I ca he may ~. o. the memo- rial (15). ROOTED out. 37:9. wicked doers shall be ~. o. 22, cursed of him shall be x, 29. seed of the ungodly, it Seal be 7%. 0. (28). 39. theyshall be ~. a, at the last (38). 58:6. shoot their arrows, let them be | F047): ROSE zp. : 5. down and slept, and ~. z. again :3. though there~. wf war against me ROUND 15. foundations of the ». world 2. laid the foundation of the ~. world (11). made the ~. world so sure (x). he who hath made the ~. world the ~. world, and they that dwell (7). ROUND aédout. 9. mine enemies compass me”. a. 18. voice of thy thunder was 7”, a. NX 18: 89: 1 > og 2 2: = 5. S., rejoice and give thanks (4). 6. s. to the harp with a psalm of (s). 42: pt. 22. 119: 4, my tongue shall s, of thy word 132: 9. let thy saints s. with joyfulness 17. her saints shall rejoice and s. (16)SIN CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER. SOO SING frazses. 33: 2. s. Z. unto him with the lute 3. Ss. . lustily unto him SINS. 32:6. I will confess my s. unto the Lord (s). 40: 15. mys. have taken such hold (22). 79: 8. O remember not our old s, tor: 4. I hate thes. of unfaithfulness (3). 103: 12. sofar hath he set ours. from us 130: 8. redeem Israel from all his s. SION, 73: 27. in the gates of the daughter of S. (28). Sit LE EH. 68 : 33. who s. in the heavens over all 102: 7. a sparrow that s. alone upon the | SLAIN 44: 22. as sheep appointed to bes. 78: 65. their priests were s. with the sword (64). SLANDERED. 15:3. hath not s. his neighbor 50: 20. hast s. thine own mother’s son SMOTE. 78: 49. hes. their cattle also with hail- stones (48). SMOTEST. 74:15. thou s. the heads of leviathan (x4). SNARE-S, 66:10. thou E-roughtest us into the os (ET); 18: 4. the s-s of death overtook me 116: 3. the s-s of death compassed me 129: 4. hewn the s-s of the ungodly S |x: 5. as for the ungodly, it is not s, with them |o:x2. and s, ye perish from the right 89:50. and s. the footsteps of thine | anointed (51). SLANDERER. 44:17. for the voice of the s. and blas- phemer (16). SLAY: 143: 12. of thy goodness, s. mine ene- mies SLEEP. 121: 3. he that keepeth thee will not s. 132: 4. I will not suffer mine eyes to s. SLIDE. 18: 36. that my footsteps shall not s. SLIP-PED, 66: 8. suffereth not our feet to s. (9). 94: 18. when I said my foot hath s-d SLUMBER. 132: 4. eyes to sleep, nor mine eyelids to s. SMALL. 37: 16. as. thing that the righteous 73:10. thereout suck they no s. ad- vantage SMITE. 18: 38. I wills. them, that they shall not 58:6. s. the jawbones of the lions 110; 6, s. in sunder the heads over SMITE down. 89: 24. I will s. d, his foes before his (23). 94:5. they s. d. thy people, O Lord SMITEST. 3:7. thous. all mine enemies SMITTEN. 38: 8. I am feeble and sore s. 42; 12. my bones are s. asunder (10). 44:20. not when thou hast s, us (19). 107: 16. s, the bars of iron in sunder CANAAN RRR ARR AN ER way 19: 13. s. shall I be undefiled 80:15. branch that thou madest s, strong for 17. son of man whom thou madest s. strong 104: 18. s. are the stony rocks for the conies 34. s. shall my words please him 113: 5. our God that hath his dwell- ing s. high | 128: 6. Lord, from out of Sion shall s. bless thee (5). 135: 13. s. doth thy memorial, O Lord, from SOFTER. 55:22. words of his mouth were s. than (21). SOME. 49:6. s. that put their trust in their goods 86:17. show s. token upon me for good SOMETIME. 56:3. though I am s, afraid, yet 68: 22. as I did s. from the deep of 89: 20. thou spakest s, in visions unto (19). SONG-S. 89:1. my s. shall be alway of the lov- ing-kindness 100: 1. come before his presence with as. (2). 1or:1. my s. shall be of mercy and judgment g: 2. my s-s will I make of thy name 105: 2. O let your s-s be of him SOON. 70: 3. for their reward be s. brought to shame 79: 8. have mercy upon us, and that s, go: 5. as s, as thou scatterest them 14. O satisfy us with thy mercy, and that s. ror: 11. I shall s. destroy all the un- godly 1021 2. O hear mé, and that rights. _ 103: 16, as s. as the wind goeth over It 143; 7- hear me, O Lord, and that s. 5SOR CONCORDANCE ' TO THE PSALTER, STA SORE. (adj.) 38: 4. like as. burden, too heavy for 7. loins are filled with as. disease 78: 60. took s. displeasure at Israel (59). 116: ro. I was s. troubled , I said in my haste pt. 1% 119: 2. mine eyes long s. for thy word (82). . 139: 22. yea, 1 hate them right s. SORES. (noun). 60: 2. heal the s. thereof, for it shaketh SORROW. 7: 15. he hath conceived s. (14). 48:5. upon a woman in her (6). SORROWFUL. 79: 12. let the s. sighing of the prison- ers (11). SORROWS. 25:16. the s. of my heart are enlarged (17). 94: 19. in the multitude of the s. that I had SORT. 62: 3. ye shall be slain, all the s. of you SOUL. 17: 9. round about, to take away my s. 69 : 33. seek ye after God, and your s. shall live (32). 105: 18. the iron entered into his s. SOUGHT. 38: 12. that s. after my life, laid snares SOUND. 19: 4. their s. is gone out into all lands SOUTH-WEST. 78:27. he brought in the s.-w. wind (26). SPAKE. 39: 3. held my tongue, and s. nothing (2). 62: 11. God s. once, and twice I have 66: 12. and s. with my mouth, when [ 14). 148: 5. he s. the word, and they were made PAN. 39: 6. my days as it were as. long (s). cAK. 9:1. I will s. of all thy marvellous works : 4. we are they that ought to s. : 7. sing and s. praises unto (6). 14. such as s. wrong (12). : 18. unto thyself, men will s. good of thee 19, hast let thy mouth s. wicked- ness : 5. hast loved to s. all words that may (4). : 7. behold they s. with their mouth ‘13. my mouth shall daily s. of thy (15). : 27. to s, of all thy works in the gates (28). 94: 4. wicked doers s. so disdainfully 56 50: 100; 3. thankful unto him, and s. good of (4). 103: 22. Os. good of the Lord, all ye 116: 10. I believed, and therefore will ss pt. 119: 3. my lips shall s. of thy praise (171). SPEAKETH. 3. s. good of the covetous ro. their mouth s. proud things SPREAD-EST. 22. Io: 73 92: 11. s. abroad like a cedar in Liba~ nus (12). 104: 2. and s-es¢ out the heavens like SPIED. /55:9. I have s. unrighteousness and strife SELES i. 139: 2. and s. out all my ways (3). SPRINGING. 114: 8. the flint-stone into as. well SPRINGS. 18: 15. the s. of water were seen SPRUNG zg. 97: 11. there is s. 2 a light for. the righteous STABLISH. 51: 12. s. me with thy free Spirit 68: 28. s. the thing, O God, that thou 87:5. and the Most High shall s. her 89:2. thy truth shalt thou s. in the heavens ft.15. 119: 4. O s. me according to “thy word STAINED. 106 : 38. were they s. with their own works (39). STAND. 18: 38. able to s. but fall under my feet 22:17. theys. staring and looking upon 36: 12. shall not be able to s. 37: 41. the Lord shall s. by them 65: 14. valleys also shall s. so thick with 96: 9. let the whole earth s. in awe of him 104: 6, the waters s. in the hills 125: 2. the hills s. about Jerusalem STAND /asé. 89: 36. s. % forevermore as the moon 37) 102 : 28. seed shall s. # in thy sight STAND zg. 2:2. the kings of the earth s. uJ. 7: 6. s. uf, O Lord, in thy wrath 35: 23. s. up to judge my quarrel 59: 5. s, uf, O Lord God of hosts, thou STANDETH. 112: 7. his heart s. fast, and believeth 124: 7. our helps, in the name of the Lord (8), 125: 1. not be removed, but s. fast for- ever 2. even so s, the Lord round about TAB CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER. TEN TABERNACLE. TALKETH. 31: 22. secretly in thy ¢. from the strife | 144: 8, 11. whose mouth ¢. of vanity (20). TALKING. (noun), a ATR | 73: 8. their z. is against the Most High 4:9. down in peace, and ¢. my rest (8). | 77: 12. my #. shall be of thy doings ro: 16. thou mayest ¢, the matter (14). | 105: 2. let your Z. be of all his wondrous 18: 16. shall ¢. me out of many waters | TALKING. (verb). 22:2. in the night-season also I ¢. no | 35: 28. my tongue, it shall be #. of thy rest | 145: 5. as for me, I will be?. of thy 31: 15. ¢. their counsel to 7, away my | TARRIED (13). | 33: 19. our soul hath patiently ¢., 20 39: 11. 7, my plague away from me (ro). | TARRIETH 69: 15. #4. me out of the mire, that I | 34: 7. angel of the Lord ¢. round about (x4). TARRY. 23. asnare to ¢. themselves withal | 27: 16. O ¢.thou the Lord’s leisure (14). (22). | TAUGHT 82: 8. thou shalt ¢. all heathen to thine , 19: 11. pioneer by them is thy serv- 94:16. who will ¢. my part against ant 7 tor: 4. I. will 7, no wicked thing in TEACH-EST. hand (3). | 78:5. our forefathers to #, their chil- 109: 3. they ¢. now my contrary part | dren 4). | J¢. 13. 119:6. from thy judgments, 127: 3. and so late ¢. rest (2). | for thou f-es¢ me (102). 132: 4. temples of my head to ¢#. any TEAR. rest | 144: 6. cast forth thy lightning, and ¢, pt. 4. 19:5. ¢. from me the way of | them lying THETH. 144:7. ¢. me out of the great waters | 42: 12. troubleme, cast mein the?Z. (10). TAKE away. | TELL. 10:17. ¢. a. his ungodliness, and thou) 19: 12. who can #. how oft he offendeth ? (15). 39: 7. cannot ¢. who shall gather them 17:9. round about, to ¢. a. my soul (6). pt. 5. 19:7. ¢. a. the rebuke that I | 66: 14. I will ¢. you what he hath am (39). | done (x TAKE heed. | 7x: 15. wiil I ¢. of thy wondrous works 37:38. ¢. %. unto the thing that is (17). right (37). 92:2. tov, of thy loving-kindness early 55:2. ¢. #. unto me, and hear me 96: ro. ¢. it out among the heathen 9475. BALE unwise among the people | 105: 1. #. the people what things he TAKEN. hath done 80:9. when it had ¢. root, it filled the 107: 22. and ¢. out his works with glad- lan ness 89: 42. hast ¢, away the edge of his 139: 18. if I ¢. them, they are more in sword (43). 145: 6. I will also ¢. of thy greatness 102: 10. hast ¢. ne up, and cast me ELLETH down 19: 2. one day ¢. another TAKEST. TELLING. 44:13. for nought, and #. no money | 96: 2. be ¢#. of his salvation from day ; for (12). to day TAKETH z. | pt. 2. 119: 5. with my lips have I 113: 6. he ¢. zp the simple out of the been f. (13). ALK (Moun). 46: 3. mountains shake at the ¢. of 40:12. my ¢. hath been of thy truth 50: 3. mighty ¢. shall be stirred up (10). TEMPLE. TALK. (verb). 28: 2. the mercy-seat of thy holy ¢. 52:4. to ¢. of lies more than'righteous- | 78: 70. there he built his ¢. on high (69). ness (3). 132: 5. a place for the ¢. of the Lord 75; 11. I will ¢. of the God of Jacob(g). | 144: 12. as the polished corners of the ¢, es 2. 119:7. I will #4. of thy com-| TEMPLES. es (15), 132: 4. neither the ¢. of my head to take RED. TEN-STRINGED. 27:9. my heart ey t. of thee (8). 144: 9. sing praises unto thee upon a 38; 12, to do me evil, ¢. of wickedness zZ.-s. lute 59TENDER. 52:9. my trust is in the ¢. mercy TENTS 78: 29. he let it fail among their ¢. (28). | 106: 16. angered Moses also in the ¢. TESTAMENT. 105: ro, to Israel for an everlasting ¢. LESTIEY, 122: 4. to ¢, unto Israel, to give thanks TESTIMONIES. Pr. ti: 119; 8." keep the-¥.. of thy mouth (88). 132: 13. my ¢. that I shall learn them (12). THANK. 16: 8. ¢. the Lord for giving me warn- ing (7). ty 42: 15. I will yet ¢. him, which is (11). 86: 12. I will ¢. thee, O Lord my God 118: 21. I will.¢. thee, for thou hast heard 28, thou art my God, and I will ¢. thee 119: 7. I will ¢. thee with an unfeigned 136: 3. O 4. the Lord of all lords THANKFUL. 33: 1. becometh well the just to be ¢. 147: 1. pleasant thing it is to be Z. THANKS. See Give. 31; 23. 2. be to the Lord (21). 42:7. I will yet give him ¢. for the help (5s). 43: 6. I will yet give him ¢., which is the (5s). 50: 23. whoso offereth me ¢. and praise 109 : 29. give great ¢, unto the Lord (30). THANKSGIVING. 26: 7. may show the voice of ¢, 40: 3. even a Zz, unto our God 42:5. in the voice of praise and ¢. (4). 98: 6. tothe harp with a psalm of ¢. (s). THARSIS. 72: 10. the kings of 7. and of the isles THAT. 114: 3. the sea saw ¢. and fled THEN. 139: 6. whither shall I go ¢. from thy presence (7). 146: 3. and ¢, all his thoughts perish (4). THERE. 35:25. #.! ¢.! so would we have it 70: 3. that cry over me, 7! ¢,! THEREAFTER, Ir. even ¢. as a man feareth : ro, good understanding have all they that do ¢. THEREFORE, 10: 5. #. defieth he all his enemies 16:9. on my right hand, ¢. I shall not fall (8). 23:1. my shepherd; ¢, nothing 60 g90: III can I lack CONCORDANCE L0-THE PSALTER. THI 30: 13. ¢. shall every good man sing (12). 39: 12. every man ¢. is but vanity (11). 46:5. #. shall she not be removed 71: 15. 2. will I tell of thy wondrous works (17). 20. £. will I praise thee and thy (22). 108: 7. I will rejoice ¢. and divide Sichem 109: 16. ¢, shall it be far from him (17). 130: 4. ¢, shalt thou be feared THEREIN. 242%. the Lord’s, and all that-7, is 50:12. world is mine, and all that is 4. 89: 12. round world and all that ¢. is (11). g6: 11. sea make @ noise, and all that 7. 15,°90'-°8; 132: 15. for I have a delight #. (14). 137: 2. hanged them up upon the trees that are ¢. THEREOF. 78: 16. gave them drink ¢. as it had been (15). 97: 1. the Lord is King, the earth may be glad 4. 104: 11. beasts of the field drink ¢, THEREOUT.. « 73: 10. 7. suck they no small advantage THEREUPON. 42: 4, now when I think ¢. T 29: 8. and discovereth the ¢. bushes (9). 65:14. valleys also shall stand so 4, with corn (13). 78 : 28. rained flesh upon them as ¢. as dust (27). THIEVISH, 10: 8. lurking in the ¢. corners 139: 12. for my reins are ¢. (13). THING. 7:3. if I have done any such ¢, rr: 8. will behold the Z, that is just (7). 15: 2. and doeth the ¢. which is right 17: 2. look upon the #. that is equal 37: 16. asmall ¢. that the righteous hath 27. do the ¢. that is good 28. the oes loveth the ¢. that is right 38. heed unto the ¢, that is right (37). 58:1. do ye judge tht ¢, that is right 8. even as a ¢, that is raw (9). 68: 28. the ¢., O God, that thou hast wrought 71: 4. thou, O Cord God, art the ¢. that I long for (s). 97: IQ. see ena ye hate the #. which is evi t19: 1. I deal with the ¢. that is lawful (122). 142: 9. which ¢. if thou wilt grant me (7). 143: 10. to do the ¢. that pleaseth thee 144: 4. man is like a ¢, of naught pet. 16.SN THI CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER. TON 147: 1. it is a good ¢. to sing praises 1. joyful and pleasant Z. it is to be thankful THINGS. “17: 10. their mouth speaketh proud ¢, 48: 4. they marvelled to see such ¢. (s). 50: 21. set before thee the ¢. that thou 69:5. the ¢, that I never took (4). 23. the #. that should have been | for their (22). 105: 1. the people what ¢. he hath done | 118 : 15, 16. hand of the Lord bringeth | mighty ¢. to pass ft. 12. 119: 3. forall ¢. serve thee (gz). Pe, Us. i ine evil Z, (113). 141: 4. lest I eat of such ¢. as please them THINK. 28: 1. #. no scorn of me 42: 4. now when I ¢. thereupon 49: 11. yet they /. that their houses 74:2. Of. upon thy congregation 3. Z. upon the tribe of thine in- heritance (2). 77: 3. in heaviness, I will ¢. upon God 12. I will ¢. also of all thy works 87: 3. I will Z. upon Rahab and Baby- lon (4). 119: 1. J hate them that imag- | 102: 14. thy servants Z. upon her stones | 103: 18. and #. upon his command- ments pt. 7. . 119: 7. O Ff. upon thy servant, as concerning (49). EIDE 1. 50: 13. #. thou that I will eat TiS CY. 69: 22. when I was ¢, they gave me vinegar (21). SHITHER. 122: 4. for ¢. the tribes go up THOUGH. 15:5. Z. it were to his own hindrance (4). 28:1. as £. thou hearest not, I become 49:9. yea, ¢. he live long, and see not 109: 27. #4. they curse, yet bless thou (28). 139: 14. £. I be made secretly (15). | 22. as ¢. they were mine enemies THOUGHT. (verb). , 63:7. Z. upon thee when I was waking é 78: 43. they ¢. not of his hand, and of the (42). 106: 24. yea, they #. scorn of that pleasant 44. he z. upon his covenant (45). pt.7. 119: 7. Lhaye?z. upon thy name (55). TROUGH TES. 139: 1. understandest my ¢. long be- fore (2). THROAT, 14:5. their #7. is an open sepulchre (Rom. 3 723) ft. 13. 119:7. how sweet are thy words unto my 7. (103). THROUGH-OUT. 71:5. ¢. thee have I been holden up (6). 107: 12. brought down their heart #. heaviness | 102: 12, thy remembrance #-¢ all gener- ations 146: to. king for evermore and #-¢ all generations THROW-ETH. 18 : 39. shalt ¢. down mine enemies 137: 9. and ¢-4 them against the stones THUNDER. 18: 13. the Highest gave his ¢. 29:3. the glorious God that maketh the 7. THUNDERED. 77: 17. the air ¢. and thine arrows TIME. 31: 17. my F. is in thy hand (1s). a3 400. ha feed them in the ¢. of death IQ). 50: 15. call upon mgin theZ. of trouble 72:7. in his ¢. shall the righteous flourish 77: 2. in the ¢, of my trouble I sought 11. call to mind thy wonders of old ¢. 78: 41. many a Zz, did they provoke him 40). 81:7. what ¢. as the storm fell upon thee 86: 7. in the #. of my trouble, I will call 94: 13. patience in ¢. of adversity 102: 2. face from me in the ¢. of my trouble 104: 5. it never should move at any ¢. 105: 13. what ¢, as they went from one pt. 8. 119: 4. prolonged not the ¢. to keep thy (60). 125: 2. from this ¢. forth, for evermore 131: 4. in the Lord, from this ¢. forth, for (3). 143: 5. yet do I remember the #. past 144: 4. his ¢, passeth away likea shadow TOGETHER. 2:1. heathen so furiously rage ¢. 141: 11. fall into their own nets Z. (10). TOKEN-S. 60: 4. given a ¢. for such as fear thee 74:5. set up their banners for ¢-s (4). Io, we see not our /-s; there is not one (9). 105: 27. these showed his ¢-s among them TONGUE-S. 32: 3. whilst I held my ¢. 35: 22. O Lord, hold not thy ¢. then > um 39: 3. I held my ¢., and spake nothing (2). 61TO CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER. TRO 50: 21. my 7. x09: 1. hold not thy 4.,O God of my praise : 14:5. with their ¢-s have they deceived (Rom. 3: 13). TO and fro. : 59:6. they go ¢. and /. in the evening TOO. 142: 8. my persecutors, for they are 4. strong (6). tOOK: 52:8. man that ¢. not God for his strength (7). 78 : 60. ¢. sore displeasure at Israel (59). 72. he ¢. him that he might feed 105 : 43. they ¢. the labors of the peo- ple (44). TOTTERING. 62:3. asaZ. wall shall ye be TOUCH: 104 : 32. if he do but ¢. the hills, they shall TOWARD. 138: 8. make good his loving-kindness f., me TRA®PED. 9:16. the ungodly is ¢. in the work of his TRAPS. 140: 5. yea, and set ¢. in my way 141: 10. from the ¢. of the wicked doers \ TRAVAIL. 7:17. his ¢. shall come upon his own 16). TREAD. QI: 13. young lion and the dragon shalt thou ¢, under thy feet TREADINGS. 73:2. my ¢, had well-nigh slipped TREASURE-HOUSE. 33: 7. layeth up the deep, as in a £.-2. TREASURES. 135: 7. the winds out of his ¢. TREES: 137: 2. hanged them up upon the ¢, TREMBLE. 104: 32. the earth shall ¢. at the look of TREMBLED, 18:7. the earth ¢. and quaked 76: 8. the earth ¢. and was still TRIBE. 74: 3. think upon the ¢. of thine in- heritance (2) TRIED, 12:7, as the silver which from the earth is Z. (6). Pt. 18. 119: 4. thy word is #. to the uttermost (140), TRIUMPH, 20: God I, not made my foes to #. over me 62 30; hast thou done, and I held : 5. Zin the name of the Lord our 35: 19. enemies ¢. over me, ungodly 24. let them not ¢. over me 38: 16. enemies should not ¢. over me 60: 4. that they may ¢. because of the truth TROUBLE, (noun), 4:1. set me at liberty, when I was in ¢, 6:7. my beauty is gone for very ¢. 16:4. after another god, shall have great 7. 18:5. in my #. I will call upon the Lord 18. prevented me in the day of my 4. 35: 26. that rejoice at my #. 38: 6. so great ¢, arid misery, that I go tr. did stand looking upon my #, 44: 24. forgettest our misery and ¢, | 66: ro. laidest ¢. upon our loins (xx); | 88: 9. my sight faileth for very £. | 107: 39. through any plague or ¢. 118: 5. I called upon the Lord in ¢, | ft. 7. 119: 2. the same is my comfort | in my Z. (50). | £f.9. 119: 7. good for me that I have been in ¢. (71), pt. 12. 119: 4. Ishould have perished | in my #. (92). | 120: 1. when I was in ¢. I called upon | 132: 1. remember David, and all his £. 136: 23. who remembered us when we were in ¢, TROUBLE. (verb). | 17:9. from the ungodly that #. me 23:5. before me, against them that Zz. me 12. while mine enemies that ¢. me (xo). 94:5. O Lord, and ¢. thine heritage Pt. 20. 119: 5. many there are that ¢. me (157). TROUBLED. 6: 3. my soul also is sore ¢. 51:17. sacrifice of God is a ¢. spirit 88: 15. have I suffered with a z. mind 106: rr. as for those that ¢. them 116: 10, I was sore ¢.; I said in my Ao: haste Bt.9. 119: 3. before I was ¢ I went wrong (67). Pt. 10. 119: 3. hast caused me to be eG ASN Bt. 14. 119: 3. Lam ¢, above measure TROUBLES. (noun), 12:5. for the comfortless 2.’ sake of 25: 16. bring thou me out of my ¢. (17). 34:19. great are the Z, of the righteous 40: 15. innumerable ¢, are come about me (12), 71: 18. O what great ¢, and adversities | (20). 81: 7. thou calledst upon me in ¢. TROUBLING. 56:1. he is daily fighting and ¢, meMMMM TRU as II. TRUE: preserveth them that are ¢, of heart (10). 9:8. minister 7. judgment unto the 2. shoot at them which are ¢. of | 32: 11. whoso putteth his ¢. in the people xa heart 32: 12. all ye*that are ¢. of heart (x1). | 33: 4. the word of the Lord is 4. foes | 36:10. thy righteousness unto them | that are ¢. of heart | 64: 10. that are ¢. of heart shall be glad | 78: 73. fed them with a faithful and ¢. | heart | 92: 14. that they may shew how Z, the | Lord (15s). 94:15. such as are ¢. in heart shall follow 111: 7. all his commandments are f¢, pt.g. 119: 2. learn me ¢. understand- ing and (66). ft. ir. 119: 6. all thy commandments are 7. (86). ft. 18. 119: 1. and Z. is thy judgment (137). ft. 18. 19:2. commanded are ex, ceeding righteous and Z. (138). pt. 19. 119: 7. all thy commandments abe 7. (ror), 125: 4. those that are good and «4. of heart TRULY. 38: 17. I 4. am set in the plague 39: 8. Z. my hope is even in thee (7). TRUE: 40: 12. my talk hath been of thy Z. (ro). 89: 1. thy 7. from one generation to | another 2. thy 7. shalt thou stablish in the | heavens 5. thy Zz. in the congregation of the saints g. thy ¢., mest mighty God, is on every side (8). 25. my z. also and my mercy shall be (24). 33- nor suffer my #. to fail g2: 2. and of thy ¢. in the night-season pi.I2. 119: 2. thy #. also remaineth from (go). 143: 1. for thy 7. and righteousness’ sake ERUMPETERS: 87: 7. the singers also and ¢. shall he LROUSH:: (moun): 13:5. my Z. 1s in thy mercy — 14: 10. because he putteth his ¢. in the | Lord (6). 18; 30. of all them that put their ¢, in | him 20: 7. some put their ¢. in chariots 21:7. the king putteth his ¢#. in the Lord 25:1. I have put my Z. in thee (2). SSSR CEL CULES SLO! CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER. TUR | 26: x. myZ. hath been also in the Lord 27:3. yet will I put my ¢& in him 16. put thou thy ¢. in the Lord (14). 31: 27. all ye that put your ¢. in the Lord Lord (10). 33:17. that put their. in his mercy (18). 21. as we do put our ¢. in thee (22). 8: 15. in thee, O Lord, haveI put myz 2:7. put thy #. in God (s). 15. O ‘put thy ¥.°in God, for I will (zr). 43:6. thy ¢. in God, for I will yet give him (s). 55:25. nevertheless, my ¢. shall be in thee (23). . my might, and in God is my ¢. . but my sure ¢. is in tnee (7). . that they might put their 4. in God (7). . put not their ¢. in his help (22). thy servant that putteth his 7. in thee 115: 8, such as put their ¢. in them 10. house of Aaron, put your ¢, in > W 62: 71 78: co ON] oe © N Ww the Lord pt. 6. 119: 2. for my ¢, is in thy word (42). gt.7. 119: 1. thou hast caused me to put my Z. (49). ft. to. 19:2. because ‘I have put my ¢. (74). ft. 15. 119: 2. my Z. is in thy word (114). #.19. 119: 3. for in thy word is my Z. (147). : 5. in his word is my #. 135: 18. allthey that put theirZ, in them 147: 11. and put their ¢. in his mercy TRUST. | (verb). 69: 6. let not them that ¢. in thee 130: 7. O Israel, ¢. in the Lord 131: 4. O Israel, 7. in the Lord from this time (3). TURN. 6:4. 4. thee, O Lord, and deliver my soul 18: 40. enemies also to ¢. their backs 30: 7. thou didst 7. thy face from me 35 : 13. my prayer shalt ¢. into mine own 55: 20. they will not z. nor fear God (19). 71: 18. yet didst thou 7. and refresh me (20). 76: 10. the fierceness of man shall z. to thy praise 80: 14. #. thee again, thou God of hosts 85:6. wilt thaw+not 7; ‘again, and quicken 90: 13. Z. thee again, O Lord, at the last 94:15. righteousness 7. again unto judgment 116: 7. ¢. again then unto thy rest pt.3. 119: 6. O#. from me shame and rebuke (22). 63TUR CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER. UNG 146: 3. he shal t. again to his earth (4). JRNED. 6: 10. they shall be ¢. back and put to 40: 5. and ¢. not unto the proud (4). 66: 18. nor ¢. his mercy from me (20). 78: 34. Z. them early, and inquired after God me 85: 1. thou hast ¢. away the captivity 104: 29. and are ¢. again to their dust 106: 20. they ¢. their glory mto the similitude 36. idols, which ¢, to their own decay 109 : 6. let his prayer be ¢. into sin (7). pt. to. 119: 7. known thy testimonies be ¢. unto me (79). to. shall my night be ¢. to day (11). TURNETH. 139: TAs TT, MBER the ea ¢. the captivity | of (7). 102: 17. 7. him unto une prayer of the TURNING. 17: 11. ¢. their eyes down to the ground TUSH! 10: 6. z.! I shall never be cast down 12. said in his heart, ¢.! God hath | forgorten (11). TA. Pe thou, God, carest not for it | (13). 73: 11. ¢.! say they, how should God 94:7. 2.! the Lord shall not see TWINKLING. 30:5. endureth but the z. of an eye TWO. 136: 12. divided the Red Sea in 4Z. parts (13). TYRE ANNOUS, 25: 18. bear az. hate ag: gana me (10). TYRANT- 52:1. why boastest thou ev calt thou Z. 54: 3. and ¢-s which have not God 107: 40. evil-entreated through ¢-s TYRANNY. 1. until this ¢. be overpast a UNAWARES. : 15. abjects came together against me z. UNBORN. : 6. the children which were yet x. UNCORRUPT. 15: 2. he that leadeth an z. life 18: 23. I was also zw. before him UNDEFILED. 18: 30. the way of God is an w. way 19: 7. law of the Lord is an z, law 13. so shall I be zw, and innocent UNDERSTAND. 51:6. make me to z. wisdom : 15. then thought I to z. this (16). : 8. O ye fodls, ‘when will ye w.? 64 o7 = 194: UNDERSTANDETH. 33: 14. and z. all their works (1s). 74: 10. among w®, that #. any more (9). UNDERS TANDING. 49: 20. being in honor, hath no z. 53:5. without zw. that work wicked- ness (4). Tor 22.00 ss me have z, in the way pt.%. 119: 2, learn me true ge. (6). “UNDON NE. 88: 16. the fear of thee hath UNFAITHFULNESS. ror: 4. I hate the-sins of z. (3). UNFEIGNED. 119: 7. thank thee with an z, heart UNGODLINESS. 5: 11. in the multitude of their z. ne 7:15. sorrow, and brought forth z. (14 10: 7. under his tongue is #. and vanity 15. thou beholdest zw. and wrong (14). 17. take away his z., and thou (15). 18:3, the overflowings of «. made me (4). ; 84: 10. than to dwell in the tents of z. all the UNGODLY. 75: 10. all the uw. of the earth shall drink (8). soon destroy alZ the u. are (8). 145: 20. scattereth abroad add the xu. Jor the UNGODLY. 32: 11. great plagues remain /or the u. (zo). 37: 20. as for the uw. they shall perish 13. until the pit be digged up /or the u. Jrom the UNGODLY. 17:9. /rom the u. that trouble me 13. from the u. which is a sword of thine 37: 41. deliver them /rom the u. (40). Pt. 20, 119: 3. health is far from the i (155). let the UNGODLY. 31: 19. det the uw. be put to confusion TOL 211. that Cr). 68: 2. so det the u. perish at the pres ence 140: 8. Ze¢ not the uw. have his desire of the UNGODLY. 7 9- let the wickedness of the u. come : 17. the power of the uw. and ma- licious (15). 36: 1. showeth me the wickedness of the u. 11. hand of the w. cast me down : 1. fret not thyself because of the u. 16. better than great riches of the u, 17. arms of the zw. shall be broken oO a | 2g. the seed of the uw. it shall be (28). 39. ie end of the x, is, they shall (38).SS UNG CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER. UTT 58:9. footsteps in the blood of the u. UNGODLY. (adv. and adj.) (xo). 35: 19. enemies triumph over me z. 71:3. out of the handof Zhe x. (4). 109: 5. set thou an #. man to be ruler 75: 12. all the horns of the x. also (10). (0). 82:2. and accept the persons of the u. | 141: 4. not be occupied in #. works 4. save them from the hand of UNHAPPINESS. the u. 14:7. destruction and zw. is in their 91:8. behold, and see the reward of (Rom: 9% 16). the u. UNITY. 97: 10. deliver them from the hand af | 122: 3. acity that is at z. in itself the u. UNQUIET. 10g: 1. the mouth of the u., yea, the | 99: x. be the earth never so z. mouth (2). UNRIGHTEOUS-LY. 112: 10. desire of the u. shall perish 36: 3. words of his mouth are z. ft. 8. 119: 5. congregations of the z. | 37: 29. the z. shall be punished (28). have (61). 109 : 30. save his soul from wz. judges 125:3. the rod of the u. cometh not | (ax); 140: 4. keep me, O Lord, from the | 139: 20. they speak w-Zy against thee hands of the u. UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. the UNGODLY. 32:1. he whose z. is forgiven 9: 5. the heathen, and destroyed the z. 5. mine z. have I not hid 16. the u. is trapped in the work of | 52: 4. loved z. more than goodness (3). 10: 2. the uw. for his own lust 55: 9. spied z. and strife in the city 3. the uw. hath made boast of UNTIL. 4. the uw. is so proud that he careth | 71: 15. taught me from my youth up, 11: 2. for lo, te u. bend their bow wz. now (17). 6. the uw. and him that delighteth | 94: 15. «. righteousness turn again unto 5). ; UNTRULY. 7. upon ze w. he shall rain snares | ros: 25. dealt ~. with his servants i 6). UNWISE. 12:9. ¢he wu. walk on every side (8). 92: 6, an z. man doth not well consider 26:5. will not sit among the wz. 94:8. take heed, ye w. among the 28: 3. with f#e w. and wicked doers people 34: 21. misfortune shall slay the zu. : 37: 10. the w. shall be clean gone 3:7. #., Lord, and help me, O my God 12. the uw. seeketh counsel against | 9:19. #., Lord, and let not man have 14. theu. have drawn out the sword | 12: 6. I will z., saith the Lord, and 21. the wu. borroweth and payeth not will help (5). : if 33. the w. seeth the righteous (32). | 17: 13. #., Lord, disappoint him 35. when Z#e x. shall perish (34). A423. 22, LOL, way sleepest thou ? 36. I myself have seen ¢#e 2. in (35). UPHOLDER. 39: 2. while ¢e wz. is in my sight (2). 18: 18. the Lord was my %, 50: 16. unto ¢he w. said God UPHOE DE: hit. : 55: 3- the w. cometh on so fast _ | 48:7. God z. the same forever (8). 58:3. theu.are froward even from their UPPER: 73: 3. see the uw. in such prosperity g: 19. let not man have the #. hand 75:5. totkeuw. set not upyour horn (4). USE. (noun). 2:7. when the uw. are green as the | 147: 8. and herb for the w. of men grass : USE. (verb). | 94: 3. how long shall ¢e w. triumph 84:6. the vale of misery, z, it for a well 104: 35. and the x. shall come to an end USED. 106: 18. the flame burnt up Zhe w. 15:3. hath z. no deceit in his tongue IIZ: Fo. aes see it, and it shall UTMOST. pt. 12. 119 : 7. the uw. laid wait for me | 2: 8. the zw. as es earth for 95). : UETERLEY. , pt. 14. 119: 6. thew, have laida snare | 17: 3. Iam w. purposed that my mouth (110). 27:15. I should zw. have fainted (13). pt. 15. 19:7. puttest away all the w. | 74: 4. mais wz. destroy every enemy of (110). See h: - tar 7 er. tet cae zx. fall into their own | 77: 8. his promise come #. to an end Zt. 16. 119: 8. all false ways I w, ab~ hor (128). : 123: 3. for we are #. despised (zo). 147: 6. bringeth ¢#e uw. down to the ground * SERCO er TEL: LEED AAR AA UREN ER19: 94: 97: : 6. - rr. sendest rain into the little z 2 a0. Pp. : 10. stand : 2. he v. is my strength and my 31: 35: 44: 21 : 6. thy arrows are v. SD: 47: * 22 WO con ade . 10. ane TO THE PSALTAE WAK UTTERMOST. 6. goeth forth from the w. V VAIN. thoughts of man, but z and that delight in v. ] part ri. that they are 7 gods who, going through the misery VALLEYS. of 9 U. . (zo). VANISH. their image to city (20). VANISHE TH. 2. like as the smoke w. VA NET Y. hatest all them that work vw. 8. all ye that work v. QW Ue : 10. give not yourselves unto zw. VENGEANCE. O let the v. of thy servants’ blood (10). VENOMOUS. as v. as the poison of a serpent VESTURE. queen of gold (9 Vi RELY. 15. but that I believe v. lil. Be we (75). VERY. : 7. my beauty is gone for v. trouble so 22 trieth the v. hearts and reins (9). out of the mouth of v. babes ae : 7. the v. foundations also of the hills : 6. av. scorn of men, and the cast ro. consumed for v. heaviness (9). 8. for the disquietness of my heart . he knoweth the wz. secrets of the v. Sharp (5s). ame together is v. high ex- Ue Uv. the v. abjects c God, which alted than oil, and yet be they zw. swords (21). av.scorn and Bees unto them excellent things are spoken of (3). the v. heavens shall praise thy God is wv. greatly to be feared (7). set thine house of defence wv. high 119g: 4. soul breaketh out for the w. fervent (20). 11g: 4. soul melteth away for v. heaviness (28). 119: 3. that thou of w. fulness (75). 66 ty g. for “= 0 U faith- out of the. out- | pt. 14. 119: 7. they are the wv. joy of my heart (111). VEX-ED. 58:8. so let indignation wv. him, even (g). 69:27. they t talk how they may wu. them (26). 143: 12. all them that v. my soul 13: 2. and be so v-d in my heart 42:8. my soul is v-d within me (6). 14. why art thou so v-d, O my soul (11). 55: 2. mourn in my prayer, and am v-d 77: 3. my heart Is ‘vad, I will complain 83:17. confounded and v-d evermore, 38:6. hast v-d me with all thy storms (7). 109: 15. him that was v-d at the heart (16). 29:2. many atime have they v-d me 043: A. he e is my spirit v-d within [CP ORY, 89: 42. ee him not v. in the battle (43). 144: 10. thou hast given wv. unto kings VIC TU ALS: 132: 16. will bless her vw. with increase 5). VIOLENCE. 89: 23. shall not be able to do him Da\22). VIRTUE. 10:4. upon ance Se excel in vw. SIONS. 89: 20. thou spe sometime in uw unto (19). VISIT-ED. 27: 4. and to wz. his temple | 17: 3. proved and v-d mine heart VOICES. | 19:3. their v. are heard among them VOID | 69: 26. their habitation be v., and no man VOW. | 132: 2. vowed a v. unto the almighty WAIT. (noun). 41:9. hath laid great w. for me WAIT. (verb). 25:20. and righteous dealing w. upon me (21). | 48:8. we w. for thy loving-kindness, O God (9). pt. 12. 19:7. the ungodly laid w. for me (95). WAITING to: g. he lieth w. secretly I7: II. our way on every side WAKE zp. 139:.18. when I w, I am present with thee *MMM MMO WAK CONCCEDANCE 10 THE PSALTER. WEN WAKING. | 100:3. O go your w. into his gates Ge: 7. oa upon thee when I was with (4). qw. (6). 1260 57. that now goeth on W. - : WALK. ing (6). S OFS Se 26:3. I will w. in thy truth | 140: 5. yea, and set traps in my w. 128: 1. fear the Lord, and w. in his ways his WAY. WALKED. 25:8. gentle, them shall he learn £zs w, 1:1. blessed is the man that hath not w. WAY of godliness. WALKETH., ror: 2. understanding in the w. of g. 8: 8. w. through the paths of the seas out of the WAY. WALLS. 14: 4, they axe all gone o. of the w. (3). 128 : 3. vine upon the w. of thine house 53: 4. they are all gone o. of the w. (3). NANT. 107: 4. in the wilderness 0. of the w. 109 : 23. flesh is dried up for w. of fat- 40. 0. of the w. in the wilderness ness (24). WAYS. WARNING. 14: 7. unhappiness is in their w. (Rom. 16:8. thank the Lord for giving me a 16). we. (7). WEAK, WASH. 75:4. the earth is w., and all the in- 6:6. every nij a w. I my bed habiters (3). ASTED. WEALTH. pt. 16. 119: 3. Mine eyes are w. away | 69: 23. for their w. be unto them an (123). occasion (22). Ig7 70. Oc: 1ughter of Babylon, w. with WEALTHIEST. misery 78: 31. and slew the w. of them WATCH. (noun). WEALTHY. 130: 6. unto the Lord, before the morn- 123: 4. with the scornful reproof of ing w. the w. 6. I say, before the morning z WEEPING. WATCHED. 126: 7. now goeth on his way w. (6). ai god Nave ww., and am even as it WELL. (noun). were 36: 9. with thee is the w. of life WATER. 114: 8. the flint-stone into a spring- 66: 6. went ne the w. on foot ing w. 84:6. and the pools are filled with w. WELL. (adv.) pt. TJn, Tig &. ee eyes gush out 33:1. becometh wz. the just to be with w. (136 thankful WATER-F L OOD. 48:2. God is w. known in her pal- 29:9. Lord sitteth above the w.-/, (ro). aces (3). WATER-PIPES. 52:10. thy name, for thy saints like Az? Os pice allo i the noise of the it w. (9). Wj 68:24. it is w. seen, O God, how thou W. A VE ‘Re SIDE. goest : 3. like a tree pl: inted by the w.-s. 92:6, unwise man doth not w. consider A'TERS. | Zt. 3. 19:1. Odo w. unto thy serv~ 74: 16, thou driedst up mighty w. (5). ant ay 125: 4. do w., O Lord, unto those that 16. thou broughtest out fountains and w. (15). are good 78:17. he brou; ght w. out of the stony | 128: 2. O w. is thee, and happy shalt rock (1 thou be : by the w. "of Babylon, there we | 130: 2. O let thine ears consider w. WAXEN. 139: 24. look w. there Ee any way of 31: 11. life is w. old with heaviness (10). WELL-LIKING. bs eee g2: 13. and shall be fat and w.-2. (14). WAXETH. WELL-PLEASED. 143: 7. for my spirit w. faint 116: 1. 1am w.-/. that the Lord hath WAY. WELI-TUNED. 14:7. the w. of peace have they not | 1503 5s praise him upon the w.-f, known ( (Rom. 3: 17). | 17:11. waiting in our w. on every side | 16: 30. ee WwW. of God i isan undefiled w. | 35: 27:13. lead me in the right w. be- cause (11). | 37 49: 12. this is the w. of them B54) f2t cymbals WENT. 14. Iw. heavily, as one that mourn eth : 37. 1w. by, and lo! he we as gone (36) that w. about to do me evil 67WEN 73: 20. it w. even through my reins (21). 107: 4. they w. astray in the wilderness WENTEST. 68:7. when thou zw. through the wil-. derness WHEAT-FLOUR. 81:17. fed them also with the finest w.-/ WHELP. 17: 12. as it were a lion’s w. lurking WHEN. : 69:30. w. I am poor and in heavi- ness (29). roz: 16. and w. his glory shall appear 17. w. he turneth him unto the prayer ro4: 28. w. thou openest thy hand, they are 28. w. thou givest it them, they gather 30. w. thou lettest thy breath go forth 146: 3. w. the breath of man goeth forth (4). WHENSOEVER. 56:9. w. I call upon thee, then shall WHEREAS. 50: 17. w. thou hatest to be reformed 52:2. w. the goodness of God endur- eth (1). WHEREFORE. 74:1. thou absent from us so long WHEREIN. pt. 7. 19:1. thy word, w. thou hast caused (49) WHEREOF. 2:7. I will preach the law, w. the Lord 103: 14. he knoweth w. we are made w. the mower filleth not his 129: 7. WHILE. 106: 13. within a w. they forgat his works WHILST. 32:3. w. I held my tongue, my bones WHO. 14:11. w. Shall give salvation unto Israel (7). WHOLE. 7. no w. part in my body 12. for the w. world is mine 37. their heart was not w. with him 39. not suffer his w. displeasure to (38). 80: 3. light of thy countenance, and we shall be w. I. sing unto the Lord, all the w. earth 96:9. let the w. earth stand in awe 115: 16. all the w. heavens are the Lord’s 30% 50: 78: 96: pt. 8. 119: 2. in thy presence with my q. heart (58). WHOLESOME. 20: 6. with the w. strength of his right hand 68 CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER. WIC | 28:9. he is the w. defence of his an ointed (8). WH 15: 7. w. doeth these things shall never fall (5). ; 32:11. w. putteth his trust in the Lord (10). gt: 1. w. dwelleth under the defence 1o1: 7. w. hath also a proud look (5). 9. w. leadeth a godly life (6). WHY. 2:1. w. do the people imagine a vain thing? 16:11. for w.? thou shalt not leave my soul (10). 21:7. and w.? because the king put- teth 35:20. and w.? theircommuning is not 50: 16. w. dost thou preach my laws 69:7. and ’w.? for thy sake have I suf- fered 73:3. and w.? I was grieved at the wicked 74:12. w. pluckest thou not thy right 75:8. and w.? God is the judge (7). 102: 14. and w.? thy servants think upon 105: 41. for w.? he remembered his holy promise (42). 116: 8. and w.? thou hast delivered Pt. Im . TIQs 7. aud We? they are the very joy (111). 135: 4. for w.? the Lord hath chosen WICKED. (noun). 18: 21. not forsaken my God, as the w, doth 26:5. hated the congregation of the w, 51: 13. teach thy ways unto the w. 73:3. I was grieved at the w. 94: 16. rise up with me against the w. 22.15. 19:3. away from me, ye w, (115). WICKED. (adj.) 18: 49. rid me from the w. man (48). 28: 3. with the ungodly and w. doers 37:9. w. doers shall be rooted out 43: 1. from the deceitful and w. man 59: 2. deliver me from the w. doers 64: 2. the insurrection of w. doers 94: 4. how long shall all w. doers speak 140: 1. and preserve me from the w. man 4. preserve me from the w. men ir. hunt the w. person to over- throw 141: 10. from the traps of the w. doers } WICKEDLY. 50: 21. thoughtest w. that [am even ft.10. 119: 6. go w.about to destroy me (78). WICKEDNESS. 7:3. any w. in my hands 17. his w. shall fall on his (16).WIC : 6. him that delighteth in w. doth (5). 3. shalt find no w. in me 23. eschewed mine own w., 26: 10. in whose hands is w. 6. forgavest the zw. of my sin (5). : 1. showeth me the of the un- godly 12. fallen, all that work w. 77: WW. 38: 12. to do me evil, talked of w. 18. I will confess my w. 49: 5. fear in the days of w. 5. when the w. of my heels 50: 19. let thy mouth speak w. 51: 2. wash methroughly from my w. 5. [ was shapen in w. : 52:3. thy tongue imagineth w. 53: 2. become abominable in their w. cr): 5. work w. eating up my people (4). 56: 7. shall they escape for their w.? 58: 2. your hands deal with w. 59: 5. that offend of malicious w. 66: 16. if I incline unto w. (18). 69 : 28. fall from one w, to another (27). 92: 8. workers of w. shall be destroyed (9). 94: 20. anything to do with the stool of WwW. 23. shall recompense them their w. 106: 42. were brought down in their w. (43). : 107: 17. and because of their w. 2, mouth of all w. shall be stopped 109 : 13. let the w. of his fathers be (14). 119: 3. they who do no w. walk in ft, 17. 119-5.. 50, shall no .w. have dominion (133). : 125:3. the righteous put their hand unto w. 5. turn back unto their own w. 139: 24. if there be any way of w. in 141: 4. with the men that work w. 6. will pray yet against their w. (5). 144: 8. right hand is a right hand of w. WICKEDNESSES. : 38:4. my w. are gone over my head 103 : 10. rewarded us according to our w. WIDE. 103: 12. how w. also the east is from 80: 13. the w. boar out of the wood WILINESS. : 10:2. crafty w. that they have im- agined WILL. : ros : 22. inform his princes after his w. 129: 5. as many as have evil w. at Sion WINGS. : ; 68: 13. dove that is covered with sil- ver W. CONCORDANCE TO: THE PSALTER. 6: | | 69: | 19: LAG So pt. 2. WOR WIPED ozz. 29. be w. o. of the book of the liv= ing (28). WISDOM. 7- giveth w. unto the simple yea, and his w. is infinite WISELY. 36: 3. left off to behave himself w. WISER. pt. 119: 4. lam w. than the aged (100). WISH-ED. 7O: 2. put to confusion that w. me evil 122: 8. I will w. thee prosperity 129: 8. we w. you good luck in the 118: 26. we have w-d you good luck, ye WITHAL. a snare to take themselves w. (22). the earth shook w. 21, and the streams flowed w. (20). 15. sent leanness w. into their soul 18. girdle that he is always girded 13. Ve was moved and qo 100 109g : WwW. (19). WITHDRAW. 14. w. not thou thy mercy (11). WITHIN. BBs broweht them w. the borders (54). 106: 13. but w. awhile, they forgat 119: 3. thy words have I hid w, my heart (11). WLEROUT. . w, understanding that work (4). . w. any offence or fault of me WOMB. See MoTHER’S. : 4. lo, children and the fruit of the w. (3). WONDERFUL. 65: 5. show us w. things in thy 2. how w. art thou in thy works (3). 4. how w. he is in his doing (5s). : 35. w. art thou in thy holy places : 12. and is w. among the kings of : 12, the w. works that he had (11). 60/54: nae which is great, w. and OLY WONDERS. 107: 8. declare the w. that he doeth WONDROUS. 40:6. great are the w. works which (5). 88: 12. shall thy w. works be known 89: 5. heavens shall praise thy w. works WONT. pt. 19. 119: 5. according as thou art pe. 20. 40: 73s G1 U1 © Wu W. (140). 119: 4. quicken me, as thou art w. (156). WoO! 72: 6, like the rain into a fleece of w. WORD 45:5. ride on, because of the w. of truth (4). +e SEROUS ¢ SSCLWOR CONCORDANCE ‘TO THE PSALTER WOU yos:31. he spake the w. and there came all 34. he spake the w. and the grass- hoppers 107: 25. at his w. the stormy wind 148: 5. he spake the w. and they were made ft. 7. 19:1. thy servant as concern- ing thy w. (49). pt. 17. 19:2. thy w. goeth forth, it giveth (130) God’ s W ( ILD; 56: 10, in God’s W. will I rejoice the Lord’s WORD. 56: 10. in the Lord's W. will comfort WORDS. 17: 4. done against the w. of thy lips GO, car to me, and hearken unto my ww. 35: 20. imagine deceitful w. against 39: 3- kept silence, yea, even from good Ww. (2). 62: 4. give good w. with their mouth 104 : 34. so shall my w. please him 112: 5. will guide his w, with discretion 67:7. all the e. of the w. shall fear him 98: 4. and alle. of the w. have seen (3). 135: 7. the clouds from the e. of the w. round WORLD. a . foundations of the ~. w. were 89: 12. laid the foundation of the ~. w. 9 TT). WORLD’S exd. 48:9. thy praise unto the w. e. (10). 72: 8. from the flood unto the w. e. WORLD without end. | 4z: 13. God of Israel, w. wie amen . — 45:18. give thanks unto thee, w. w. eé. (17). go: 2. thou art God from everlasting and w. w.e 106: 46. bch everlasting and w. w. é. (48) WORMS. 148: 10. all cattle, w. and feathered fowls WORN. | 6:7. and w. away because of all mine pt. 2. 119: 3. thy w. have | hid with- | in my (11). 140: 11. full of w. shall not prosper WORK. (noun). ) COU 74: 6. known to bring it to an excellent w. (5). WORK. (verb), 5. hatest all them that w. vanity : 8. all ye that w. vanity 6: 12. fallen, all that w. wickedness 3:5. without understanding that w. wickedness WORKS. 77: 12. I will think also of all thy w. 78:12. wonderful w. that he had showed rr) 88: 12. shall thy wondrous w. be known 89:5. heavens shall praise thy won- drous w. 103: 7. his zw. unto the children of Is- rael 143: 5. exercise myself in the w. of thy hands WORLD. 50:1. hath spoken and called the w. 73:9. their tongue goeth through GW Our the w. 93:3. Ever since the wz. ‘began hath thy (2). 94: 2. arise, thou judge of the w. 148 : rz. princes and all judges of the w. all the WORLD. Ol, .G: ao excellent is thy name in the WwW. 66: 3 o a. wie w. shall w orship thee (4). 105: 7. his judgments are in a. the w. ends of the WORLD. 59:13. In Jacob, and unto the e of the w. 72 enemies WORSHIP. (noun). : 3. thou art my w. and the lifter up :5. crown him with glory and w. 21 glory and great w. shalt thoulay 22:3. continuest holy, O thou W. of [crael 29:1. ascribe unto the Lord, w. and strength 2. worship the Lord with holy w. 45:4. according to thy w. and renown (3). 7:4. even the w. of Jacob, whom he 98:34. his w. and strength is in the clouds 84:12. the Lord will give grace and w. (Gage 96: 6. glory and w, are before him 7. ascribe unto the Lord, w. and pow Cr 102; 21. and his w. at Jerusalem 110: 3. free-will offerings with an holy w. 145: 5. I will be talking of thy w. WORSHIP. (verb). 97: 7, confounded be all they that w. carved WORSHIPPED. 106: 36. insomuch that they w. their idols WORTHILY. 96: 4. great, and cannot w. be praised WORTHY. 111: 3. his work is w. to be praised ae 145: 3. marvellous w. to be praised WOULD. 107: 30. unto the haven where they w. be2TO<> 5 88 : WOU CONCORDANCE BO. LEE. P SALT Pale: YEA WOUND-ED. shall w. even kings in the day 4. like unto them that are w-ed (5). WRATH. mes “ stand up, O Lord, in thy w. 21: Qq. likea fiery oven in time of thy w. 30°: 2 his WwW. endureth but the twinkling 74: 1. why is thy w. so hot against 78 : 39. Many a time turned he his w. away (38). go: 11. who regardeth the power of thy w. Ae WRATHFUL--LY. 65 = 3...turned ae from thy w. in- dignation : 88 : 16. thy w. displeasure goeth over me | go: 7. afraid at thy w. indignation 106 : 23. turn away his w. indignation 124: 2, they were so w-Zy displeased (3). WRIT ae N. 149: Q. as it is w. such honor have all WRONG. (noun). %O: 15. thou beholdest ungodliness and w. (14) 27:14. and such as speak w eo: 62:10. O trust not in w. and rob obery 72:14. deliver their souls from false- hood and w. 403: 6. them that areo ppressed with w. 21. 1ig:2. the proud do me no Ww. (122). 146: 6. helpeth them to right that suf- fer w. (7). WRONG. (adj.) 82:2. how long will ye give w. judg- ment pt. 2. 119: 2. let me not go w. out of thy comm: :ndments (10). pt.9g. 119: 3. before I was troubled, I went w WRONG-DOER. 72:4. and punish the vw.-d. WRONGFUL. pt. 17. 119: 6. deliver me from the zw dealings (134). WROUGHT. 45:10. w. about with divers colors (9). Y e YE A. 2:12. be kindled, y., but a little 9:2 oe my songs sel I make of thy 13 oon will praise the name of the 18 ie even unto the Lord shall they cry : 27:5. y., in the secret place of his dwelling 377 20. y., even as the e smoke shall they 2. for God, y., even for the living God 49:9. y., though he live long and see not 50: 20. y., and hast slandered thine own 55:20. y., even God that endureth forever (19). 62:3. y., asa tottering wall shall ye be 68: 393. ¥., and that a mighty voice 71: 18. y., and broughtest me from the deep (20). 72:7. y., and abundance of peace, so long 73:14. y.,and I had almost said even as (15). 19. y., even like as a dream when (20). 74:9. y., they said in their hearts, let us (8). 75:1. y., unto thee do we give thanks 78: 31. y., and smote down the chosen men 91:8. y., with thine eyes shalt thou ‘behold 15. y., | am with him in trouble 97:1. y., the multitude of the isles may be glad 103: 13. y., like as a father pitieth 105 : 30. y., even in their kings’ cham- bers 106: 44. y., he made all those that led (46). 118: 4. y., let them now that fear the Lord 27. with cords, y., even unto the horns Dt. 6. BIO 4. keep, thy a y., for- ever and ever (44 Pi. ihe TWIG: So Vy My: ke shall be ever in (x17). pt. 19. 119: 2. y., even unto thee do call (146). pt. 22, 19:4. ¥.. my tongue shall sing (172). Lt Fa In it is even he that shall keep 2:9. y., because of the house of he See 124:3. y., the waters had drowned us (4). 126: 4. y., the Lord hath done grea things (3). 129: 2, y.,many atime have they vexed 131: 36 J+) My even as a weaned (2). 136: 18. y., and slew mighty kings 137: 6. y., if I prefer not Jerusalem 8. y., happy shall he be that re wardeth 39: 22. y., | hate them right sore TAGE 5. Yan and set traps in my way 1402 6. v., 1. will pray yee against their (5). 142:1. y., even unto the Lord did I make 71:1. bring y. rams unto the Lord THE END. YET CONCORDANCE TO THE PSALTER. ZEB 143:5. y., I exercise myself in the | 29: 8. hinds to bring forth y. (9). works 51:19. Offer y. bullocks upon thine 145: 18. y., all such as call upon him altar 146: 1. y., as long as I have any be-| 103: 5. y. and lusty as an eagle ing (2). 114: 4. the little hills like y. sheep 147:1. y.,a joyful and pleasant thing | 127: 5. even So are the y. children (4). it is 144: 12. may grow up as the y. plants 5. y., and his wisdom is infinite VET. 71: 16, thy power to all them that are y. for to come (18). z 78 : 32. for all this, they sinned y. more : 93:5. y. the Lord who dwelleth on high is (4). ZEB. YOUNG. 83:11. them and their princes like Oreb and Z.Pl ree " SN SM MAA EE SENS << - Ret cy . urpassinely useful, sentent ; Het Ya) pg a s ve oy , tous and sensible, Our opinion of it is very high, y the work at once.’ — ‘gi gone ce ao H. 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Each-verse or passage is taken up in course, and the words and expressions clearly explained; then follows a brief synopsis of some prominent part of the passage, with heads of thought for a discourse, or for reflection; then one or more striking anecdotes drawn from a variety of sources, and in the margin are given Scripture references and extracts from eminent writers, some of them brief, and others more extended. We have used some of the volumes for years, and find them still a fund of instructive spiritual reading, as well as an assistance in the study of the Scriptures.”— N. Y. Observer. Anson D. F. RANDOLPH & Co., goo Broadway, New York.NN SORE eux MMAR Ss CERTAIN FEATURES. We have watched the issues of the series with considerable interest, for as a specimen of good, painstaking, conscientious, and most valuable work, it is worthy of the highest praise. * * * To ourselves, the chief charm—and we use the word advisedly, though in connection with a commentary—is in the notes illustrative and marginal. The former consists chiefly of anec dotes, incidents, fables, and seutentious sayings, and they are both rich aud ‘resh. It would be the easiest matter possible to collect a whole encyclo- pedia of capital stories out of these notes, and then it would be one of the best published. So, too, the marginal notes show much wide reading and breadth of sympathy. For instance, we casually open a single pave, and, reading down, we come across references to, or quotations from, Franklin, Alford, Lange, Starke, Jean Paul, Sir B. Brodie, Matthew Henry, Augustine, and T. Fuller. This list is not exceptional, but on every page there are to be found similar indications of a thorough acquaintance with, and an ap preciation of, literature of the most varying description. THE MATERIAL. The author is a practical man, and there is very little, if anything, in his book that the teacher will find that he cannot use in his class. Explana tions are given tersely, and fully, of every part of the Bible narrative, and illustrations are drawn from all the sources of information open to the modern scholar. * * * The volume contains nothing that the most unlearn- ed reader cannot understand, or that the most learned one can‘ profit by.— Register. A FUND OF INFORMATION. It would be very difficult to compress a greater amount of valuable and in. teresting matter into such convenient volumes. * * * Vast stores of Biblical learning have been laid under tribute to enrich the work, very appropriately called a Museum.— The Intervor. From the examination we nave been able to give it, we like it exceedingly well. * * * The author has succeeded in putting into very brief space an enormous amount ef valuable information.—The Advance. Concise, learned, and reverent, and has more in, for the size of the book, ~ than we have ever seen in the same compass. We commend it.—DPresby- tervan. Shows a happy «nack at condensation and illustration, and considerable skill in exposition.—The Advance. A full, clear, healthful, and helpful book.—A Pastor. “he eto se y Anson D. F. RanpoteH & CO., 900 Broadway, New York.24 (Cap. iv.1—-& 6 A.D. 27. | | | Jesus leaves Judeea for Galilee a Jo. iii. 22, 26. 6 Lu. iL 49. “Let us not run out of the path of futy lest we run into the way of danger.” — ow- land Hill. “ What God calls @® man 1o do, He will carry him through. I would undertake to go- vern halt a dozen worlds, if God ealled me to doit; but I would not undertake to go- vern half a dozen sheep unless God called me to it.”- Payson. ¢ Stems and Twigs. “There is not a moment without some duty.”— Cicero. Jacob’s well a Thomson, L.and B. 472, 473; but Porier identifies it with Shechem itself, [/d.-@ 0k for Syria 3818; called hy the Romans Flavia Neapolis, fr.wh. the present Arab name Nab- lous ; see Topics i. 168,170. It is ab. 34 m. N. of Jerus., widely known. CHAPTER THE FOURTH. 1—4. when, etc., the increasing fame of Christ soon bee knew, without the need of any special report. though, etc., hence, if He cared to do so, He could have dise proved any charge of making proselytes. left, He knew the Pharisees’ rage would soon develop into active hostility, and His hour wasnot yet come. needs,? both bec. it was the shortest way, and in the line of His purpose. Samaria, with Judxa on 8. and Galilee on N., occupied the ane. territories of the tribes of Ephraim and W. Manasseh. He must needs go.—I. To dispense a blessing. To the woman of Samaria. II. To correct a prejudice. ‘‘ The Jews have no dealings,” etc. III. To proclaim a truth, That he was the Saviour of others beside Jews. IV. To set an example to His disciples: 1. That they should preach to the Gentiles; 2. To show them how they should teach them; 3. To show them that even among such they should have success. V. To prepare the way for His disciples.° Simplicity of faith.—* What do you do without a mother to tell all your troubles to?” asked a child who had 1, mother, of one who had none. ‘“ Mother told me whom to go to before she died,” answered the little orphan. ‘I go to the Lord Jesus: He was mother’s friend, and He’s mine.”’—“ Jesus C} rist is in the sky. He is a way off, and He has a great many tl ings to attend to in heaven. It is not likely He can stop to miné, you.”—‘1 do not know anything about that,” said the orphan, ‘“ All } know, He says He will; and that’s enough for me.” 5—8. Sychar (falsehood), identified, wit), a village called Aschér, ur. Shechem. parcel..Joseph,® shere Joseph was buried.e Jacob’s.. there, now quite dry, aid closed by huge stone.4 sat thus, f.e., accordingly, being ti-ed. sixth hour, 12 noon. woman.. water, as the prese:t cust. is. give, ‘¢ He aska of her, in order to have her ask of Him.” meat, His meat was to do His Father’s will. The model Teacher.—I. Observe our Lord’s zeal: 1. He went to a most unwelcome neighbourhood; 2. He was satisfied to Il. His tact: 1. He was ingenious in catching an illustration to and 15 m S. of Samaria, betw. Mts. Gebal and Gerizim, at the entrance of wh. gorge is the well 6 Ge, xxxiii. 19. e Jos. xxiv. 32. ad Jacobus; Porter 825: Robvinson iii. 107-113; Stanley 147, 240, 4238; Bonar 365-367. ¢ Dr. Robinson. interest her mind; 2. He was quick in turning the illustration se as to impress her conscience. III. His spirituality: 1. He care- fully avoided all discussion of irrelevant matters: 2. He pressed home the one lesson persistently which he wished her to learn. He told her: (1) The exact state of the case; (2) The demands of God’s law; (3) Of the Redeemer’s help.¢ courtier to his sovereign, with whom he was riding, amid the ac- clamations and splendour of a triumphal procession. ‘‘ Cons TINUANCE,” replied the monarch. wanting. Lreply, ‘ConrTINUANCR.’ teach only one scholar; 8. He laboured witha disagreeable pupil. 7 | Continuance in well-doing.—* What is wanting here?” said a | ‘‘So say I,” adds Mr. James. 7 ‘Tell me, if you will, of your youth, your health, the buoyancy of 7 your spirits, your happy connections, your gay parties, your ele- 7 gant pleasures, your fair prospects, and then ask me what is ; A single day may spoil every~ ’A SARA CC ANRSN ANS REE . 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