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S DS SSCSCOCCLSS SOOO pw pe om — oy LS (le TITHE \ Hi My y if HY i, atl) tH i —~ i aT ly } Mineo My) t , | | XY Sa Ss | | Mi Th | WO SQ { ‘ f \ { f ; \ f 4 ¢ \ © ( { i \ ) et tal A a elt CONTAINING THE FOLLOWING MAPS: The World, on a Globular Projection. 15. Canada. The World, on a~ Polar Projection. 16. South America, North America. ; 17. Europe. United States, Canada, and part of Mexico 18. Central Europe. New England and New York. 19. British Isles. Central States. 20. Shetland Isles. Southern States. 21. Asia. ; South-Western, and part of the Western States. 22. Palestine. Michigan and Wisconsin. 23. Africa. Texas. 24, Liberia and Sierra Leon: Western Territories of the United States. 95. Roman Empire. West Indies, Mexico, Central America, New Grenada, &c. 96. Southern part o1 Greece. Isthmus of Darign. 27. Physical and Commercial Chart of the World. New Brhewimand Nova Scotia. 98. Chart of Currents, Winds, Rain, é&c., with Exercises. And a variety of Statistical Tables. . POLL NLT INI NEW-YORK: SHELDON AND COMPANY, Pus isHErs, SOLD HY THE PRINCIPAL BOOKSELLERS IN THE UNITED S'TATES. Ot OP EAL _ et A NP et RO SS an ere e a eeS Oe S E G ITY OF VIRGINIA LIBRARY =, = ‘ 2 7 — a = “ \ = — 5 ‘ik 2 4 X002307283 pe , ee - pene ; by et 7 _ rut LS aan es ne — ierageel iCQ) The following are selected from among the numerous Notices and Reconmentee recewwed by the Author and Publishers of this system of Geography. From Rev. Heman Humphrey, D. D., Pres. of Amherst Coll., Mass, Mr. J. Orney,—Dear Sir,—I have examined both your Im: proved School Atlas, and Modern System of Geography, with more than ordinary satisfaction. Your arrangement of topics, appears to me better adapted to the comprehension of the chiid, and to follow more closely the order of nature, than any other elementary system of the kind with which I am acquainted. Instead of having to encounter the diagrams, problems and defi- nitions of Astronomy, as soon as he opens his Geography, the young learner 1s first presented with the elements of the science, in their simplest and most attractive forms. His curiosity is ot course awakened. ‘hat which would otherwise be regarded as an irksome task is contemplated with pleasure. ~The opening mind exults in the exercises of its faculties, and im the ease with which it every day cathers rew intellectual treasures. The con- stamt use which you oblige the child to make of his Atias, | consider a great advantage, and the substitution of initials for the names of the countries, mountains, rivers, é&c., a valuable improvement. There is, moreover, a condensation of matter throughout, combined. with a clearness and simplicity, ~- sich cannot fail, I think, of being highly appreciated by all enlight- ened and judicious teachers. Your method of designa* ng the Jeneth of the principal rivers, is extremely sirple and conyen- ient. My best wishes attend you in every elurt yousnake, to facilitate the improvements ot the rising genera‘ion, in kus vledge and virtue. : From the Connecticut Mirror. As an elementary bovk, we certainly have never secn*any thing of the kind, that will compare with it. Simplicity is its leading feature, and instruction its real object. _ It is adapted to the humblest capacity, and may be studied in cc nection with the Atlas, almost as advantageouslv by children, as by those of a maturerage. We are not accustomed to speak'in terms of praise of every new school-book which appears, for it is countenancing the practice of taxing parents and guardians, no matter how heavily, “for the sake of a change.” But in tlie case of Mr. Olney’s Geography, we are so well satisfied that it is just wh:! is wanted in our common schools, that we really account ii our duty to aid in introdiscing it. I have long thought Olney’s Geography and Atlas a first-rate school-book, and the publishers of it have certainly given to it an attractive appearance to the teacher and pupil. I have used it, think, nearly ten years of my teaching, and always found the successive editions reliable for accuracy, and weil up to the times. M, F. COWDERY, Supt. Schools, Sandusky, Ohio. Thesitate not to say that Olney’s Geography and Atlas greatly excels anything of the kind that has preceded it. k. C. GORRY, Principal Union Academy, Arkarsas. To the Board of Inspectors, Chicago, Mi. “The undersigned, Teachers in the public schools, baying used both ——— and Olney’s Geographies would say we greatly pre- fer the latter, and would respectfully ask that it may bé introduced mito the schools under our charge.” Adopted! unanimowsly by the Board. A. D. STURTEVANT, A. G. WILD): T. A. BRIGH- <2 ey Hf 7507S GRO afene iw + schools, Having used several © hies, and Olney’s among the number, we have cone’ * ‘to use the istter as the most reliable work. : ‘TAWLEY, Adrian, Mich. To the Lockport, N. Y. “The undets blic schoels, having earefully examined Ol... and Atlas with a, view to its merit as_a School-bows, wouiu res; *tfully ask that it be adopted by your Board in place of whieh we now use.” Adopted unanimously. ‘ -N. BRIFPAN, J. ALWOOD, ‘A. W. BRAZEE, Send me six dozen Olney’s Geography. and Atlas, and I will introduce it in this Academy. W. B. BUNNE-LU, Yates, N. ¥. Olney’s Geogra; ies (Quarto and’Geovraphy and Atlas) are remarkable for the “asy, vivacious, and interesting style of their 4 descriptions. and their consequent adaptation to the minds of j learners. «iy favorable opinio: of their merits has been more than confirmed by my recent es; erience m teaching them. Js. DIXSON, Lansiny, Wich. Having examined Olney’s Quarto Geography, with a view to 3 its merits as a school-book, 1 am prepared to say, I think it bet- @ ter adapted to the wants of conamon schools, than any other work Zim of a similar character. SALEM TOWN, LL. D. [ consider Olney’s Quarto the best elementary work I have # ever seen. M. L. BROWN, Syracuse. I have examined Olney’s Quarto, and find it just sucha text@ay book on Geography as we want for our school—send me forty copies, F. N. SMITH, Jowa. I have long used Olney’s Geography, and with great success. E. CHADWICK. Olney’s Geography is an excellent work for intermediates A.D. WRIGHT, Ohio: We shall use Olney’s Geography, because we prefer it to anya othér. J. ESTABROOK, Mich. Olney’s Quarto is the book for beginners. H. G. WINSEOW, Nunda, WV. Y. Olney’s Geography is working to our entire satisfaction, and will be retained as a text-book. E. COOPER, Ind., Ashbury Fem. Coll., New Albany. - Olney’s Geography Ilike. It is easy and intelligible. T. S. BRADLEY, Milan Academy, Ohio xe is RyLIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA FROM THE BOOKS OF JOHN STAIGE DAVIS OTS TOR tae tam OE TTTOLREY’S A ELaAs COMPRISING MODERN AND ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY, DESIGNED TO ACCOMPANY THE*PRACTICAL SYSTEM OB GEOGRAPHY FOR SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES. BY JZ OLN EY OT. REVISED AND ENLARGED FROM THE NINETY-FIRST EDITION. Lis)T OF MAPS. The World, on a Globular Projection. The World, on a Polar Projection. North America. United States, Canada, and part of Mexico. New England and New York. Central States. Southern States. South-Western and part of the Western States. Michigan and Wisconsin. 10. Texas. 11. Western Territories of the United States. £2 GONE 92 Or Wh 69 20 = 12. West Indies, Mexico, Central America, New Grenada, &e. 13. Isthmus of Darien. 14 New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. 15. Canada. 16. South America, 17. Europe. 18. Central Europe, 19. British Isles. 20. Shetland Isles. 21. Asia. 22. Palestine. 23. Africa. 24. Liberia and Sierra Leone. 25. Roman Empire. 26. Southern part of Greece. 27. Physical and Commercial Chart of the World. 28. Chart of Currents, Winds, Rain, &c., with Exercises. TABLES. Extent of Oceans, Seas, Gulfs and Bays, No. 3, 4, 5, 6 Comparative size of Lakes. Length of Rivers, . ‘ i28 Extent and Population of Continents and Grand Divisions, 9, 10 Extent and Population of Islands, . 11 Extent and Population of States, Kingdoms, &c., 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Population of the Globe. Races of Men. Religions, . 17, 18, 19 Population of the principal Cities on the Globe, 20, 21, 22. 23, 24 Height of celebrated Mountains, . : : 25 Latitude and Longitude. Decre: ase in Temperature, a 20s Al Universities in Europe, . ; : . 28 Navigation of Rivers in the United States, : : - = 29 Table of Distances, . 30 Population of the United States from 1790 to the present time, 3 Manufactures in the United States, ; ; 32 Presidents of the United States, . . 33 Value of Gold and Silver Coins of foreign nations® , : 34 Agricultural Productions in the United States, sa ee ee ob Colleges in the United States, Religious Denominations in the United ‘States, Height of Monuments, Towers, &c., A Naber of Representatiy es in Congress front 1789, A <r S9 Theological Schools in the United “tates, ;: : . ' 40 ofa Sete Settlement of the States, : ‘ ‘ a 4k State Elections, Meeting of the Legislatures, Ke. fy : ° 42, Principal Ganals i in the United States, . i . 43 Latitude and Longitude of places in the United States, . At Principal Railroads in the United States, . : ° e 45 Productions of different Countries, Exports, fC. s ° ° 46 Government, Religion, and state of Society, . ° e - 4f Pronunciation of Geographical Names, ae Ot ote ) ’ : 7¥ - NEW YORK: SHELDON AND COMPANY, PuBLIsHERS, SOLD BY MHE PRINCIPAL BOOKSELLERS IN THE UNITED STATES. 1866. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1855, by Pratt, WooprosD & Co., in the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of Connecticut, | 4 iy {33 ~ lia ee ee :writesWESTERN VEMISPHE RE Height of Mountains m Enelish mules . thove the level ? Arctic eS af the sea + si I lvopie of Cooicer Al vo * « — Perk Equiaoctial % . BE. eC C \ aie OX4 Soh: Uxl+- ; = : ie <f x Grommet : A OFC == eee GLOBULA i oS “urIry) 4 , Zee, (hi, 7 AR P i = v & “Oy ?), Seat \ Z i atarery, 2» = COR. “Beat I ¥- ee : “sn Nae Sse > s 4 = ; <) £7. Sy d us Nh i. t i os ae ee SQ . To iG rs a eg Sy _pek > wy in x Ss oy > . : Y = j atin & wy. aes Pics»), My \ cont eH) Se - a N13 > e Circles ens Cabi 2. see. iota | ya xg \ Vy \ OLNEY’S 60 ivcle ‘tans pee SEY Are ite ri rele 7 J Ne S : XX 4 SCHOO 1™ Penk ; a eS ze : Se C ‘% SN ' oe 3 an > ‘ ~ : 2 é &/: oe Sas, < a ae SaaS ; o Sa enieadi anes ‘ fa > fi J I AB I s \ \ J : jy <p MAVNG Lx ; Sa S = ON, Ay ' ‘ +* i Mek an gS le ye i 1 zs t = we Oo pepe 3 1.3 Fi t j f , ae . 4 > = Ie xi po te ye 4 nT n A>~ ; ES iG b Pawn <y J WK O ~O ne = PIA? 1 Lens 2 2 =a) a} ] 5 5 p) 2 | (2 Vig ee a =H’ Seely A M \ ae YC By y Shier . Gmnbo { _ en 1C07L > SS Fe ee we er ji Bes f~2 Sat HSS Sup FM. 0 ei: yc 18 3 - TiZt ~ 0 i « a ths iF T € hangs, : Teese Cig yition Aut} TycTT - : Tz Ler {a 6m BO VDD, H 5 Chitlhan hep £F a . , La ¢ty ' a r= S * i f : . vip, L Jorut } N : | Buti me - ee Rn et C Wy 1 2S ee , . ; . - i tdloia; } fHSDS, SS } / > anisanht 1g ; \ : HUVL \ See / ¥ onsite 7 . L L A Byrd. 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SY SS Wii 3 } [4] BE SE. 2 St » / Y wi fo i] 200 §=aivided into 200° Ye Se Op X PS3 rs || | as ~~, : 7 oN Ans. = | Ov meridians drawn ey- = 7 : & oa] | | ~*~ ~ | ery’ Lb degrees. SS SSS 1 reps “y | " rte (1 South Pole ——— at Level of the Sen > a0 Oolcanoes . a Vee Z of i} Is o" ea was s me § a % AS ME wae + i KEY TO 1 . 5 . yy a TIME ) THE SYMBOLS USED IN THIS ATLAS i NS hs Ske f North ie = 5 = [ae ee 52 Seige wh) { : err) Pol ‘ MOTT. IS divided tnt $0 j neneaO ey : Vew thier . ‘af £ Wuto 360 de. 2 Z Fe ‘ : 2 Ls | } ri GCOS, adsl a (7, SYe7, i ; < c i , UL aUseiRe Sin appear: ‘ sant : ) 7 97 YL 5 io Lrotestant ny c we ry RS < IROVCO TONG Te harth in 24. Ahoas : : : 2 7 : fj /- hn Tl Lion tt Cattiolny ce iy A eT 7 * i] ‘ 7 7 | ae | : f 12 Stout, 71 ww Pass we A : | : ~ se 5 , “ . ,. aN | x OM Te degrees in one hour oe | ) ry, . - 7 : evce f degrees East 07 Wort 1 7) . . f ist ef hake cons J os MAMS Ltlerence in tia f age ey > “He OF plicer, BO ci NCOs 2 hore * ‘y= f ff $A Watlre774 (Hil 07) ay { the fi f ' | © the TMGUTCS FOL FAY fiepiae (Ly aes; COV THASTERN TEMISPH yey ‘AAS ) yt ry i | | eee seen tekhea ine Rib D | : ni 920 — ee <a {= \ lenstl) ofthe Jondgest divs onx 3 ~ oni wields: niso the PROJECTION rf fistate North Pole Zunes nid clomates Tonged Arnpout , GU S Venipernta - f f ‘ay 4S ey SEO = 0 a>... a <7 \y lap, c ; a J uf r% Xe i +i fi Ie. FET He eh x, Peo g ) Y AUER uae Th ag Sy | ‘ } Te eary Coy Mls Wr 4 aa iy), ane i Ws t. ss NOH et PTCOe ae | “7 YY FA Vey, p % bi £4; P77 7 OW erwin X ft ie / \ Of ~ UY t , VEZ see 60 ‘ a yy LE ji (9 | a— = | - ) cS ee MS = : be. LC Lf Avon f “Le N I7h > { Ay Bhar NAGS A G 003 4 Kays iN Zs | . » ral Soa Ort % Pop- ¢ AS A ol CZ 3 “C USO (2 & e af A \S X - : \ = : a a 5 y TY A aS oveddo Q ra =- COT. Aix a ery : (a y- te I WS (Cabul: tage! ~ARGILAN FAS pHIBESD ISTAN ee Kelat Se th ps pies ee Tie ly i > ~ Une i > a ~ rn + = f SHEN Lit pares, 7 Ss ™ SS Spucutt \ SI ZAAeS wen | eS ZA LA INI ANS Lay bEmys> Seiki + PENNS errs mf ¥ ae TB Fy, ‘ Pas Fi Os BX. 13 Ie. Jerry Ue Liat Fir YC, , ce ) , ALES ‘ Leda Y A iY f \ J { } — s uah ive Rs 7, rt M , bem f\ ee he 44 + 7 Sy <r | “ : cy. 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[ mad i} hi Ww rT ¢ |Z sao ee, Rie § AVF ¢€ ky A NiAXSSAAwSSS NS i . s—W E oe > Mozambique one) APES ; —j> oy Sigs a pony 2 Ss J : J FS TRRCN = —— - = PLS C; . 5, ChiCpves if . ad? : j ; OTS es Pe 3 i cy 6 = ; Ege SS Wiis Wor ‘thy Paaai L173 7. ' J ~ —~—. . os — \ Fi 4 Vere i Wystrvtiees oo == = Lipsy) Z rt _ Ke \ ; yynurg El = = LVI by : : y Brio {.. ReusyPo Bp! FFG Thine See Sp ST ‘ 0) : aK x 5 > tS AIF pie of Chprteaay Sar i \ j satwet Ma < 4 “vs wail, - bi 24 } — 4 d 4 N ‘ 5 oo = Wake “al 13gOmM. Y ZB ie ea ey | _ 5 } \ ; 7 aod ay = sy SUA UR ‘ i oe = Shy re Sind \ > AY ay WK SS Phir \ 4 . 7 ‘tt — Ne) LN Ay he eos ie BEN IERN (GES AAe, Cd (<2, str 5S ane re BG; 2 , . JAN. TO la ce ih \\\\ eae ir NUR Lap b.'¢ Harprarce = te Se iy , : = C {t 7 : = > bes = N HO, eh ing ee pan 4 iL) 7. 4 = — = \.Y ZS Ui ie )\ s ETO A iS LENS RE “| Ven ( (f Y ( Et | Vj : ry Ke U q 18 jr { 6G ; " Ia} \ nhs ‘Dane Tene ania) : nos * ane abe eC R, Way WO oF te Ho a nd oe yt ; OMe eae Seas j s . Je, TA oa ~ ‘ QIECTION . ee : 7 This tigiae t titended = 0} os : and “79° ~p) 2 4 to represent the ddlerence = v 72. . tn time between drfher- ms } Sorrth Pols SE ent places on the glove. Longest day 6 moniits Noon Rey o> —— ” i r : —~ . oe J SB th KEYTO THE SYMBOLS USED LY THIS ATLAS a 3 , = ‘TIME by oN 4 { mi LIME wa! ae fx < ie S ee NL Ie i 7 om, SS A A ponih F - a2 | Goverpan eit ox ne as Sen a woke bw) = = = p> so = = 3 5 a“ ‘ ' oO = | , ; 7; 7 {it alt places Bast of aay given Hac, / ‘2 es. % ENDS Wh Re . \ ~/ <a thot Voriarelet “ / car / oo aN te 4 at . ha ied 7 ‘ . . > 422) a : % \ tm Wi Fk the tame ts faster than at te place or) edn? : << N gare cr ‘ : = Conticd Monarchy : ms es Ey Phx, v qi Ns ee e : ; gee CIE RE OI QHAESE Were aes 5 VI New Oricans Fé Dacca VI =. = we “y aid vy> }, . : 3 a | i 1. C s : rs “i LRepARAL slower. When wt ts J20clock, or noon whl Ja? Lore,. i rc , 5) ey Lideperulent ChUTts to all places wider the tist meartdian ; eo > ae eas . »4 7 x ae Preere) marked 0 tt will beI PLM. 6 aa pla- § : X er 15 deaqrees Fast, and Mh 1M to all AS State of Society x ae : S = places 15 degrees Wert. See tle NGUTECS iS Si z f : . , + > + AE around the Nordea cre Southern evs Mat Cavite: Heormitspheres COMUNCHCUNG uwwth the PRG uilircd Srst mertdian marked 0 on the Map. 1" a ~ " = Anlightened MidpishtMAP OF Astracan aud NEW-YORK. To Instrate Ahonette ; BC SS3 Casaletord IY LT Oviginal > M?Nab OLNEY S SCHOOL GROGS! PRY. ta 4 Cott a ee EXPLANATION Cities Wo £ Figures placed min hese hundreds, Vousands hits ke s on Auwers denob los, ase Connecticut +S Wilt Real RO as ow Canals - and WUD +) 100.000. Hharadkers wich Tells © 100. Ctica T% IZOCO iets S00 wiles. We shou length - Battles Towns uw Vit Haraceer New Jork 8 32. yuunber of denotes ,00U Aandreds of Bow Mn, . ' C7 Us awa Whi nee we Brantptor,. Ke TOR \ | Snel, at "George BIOUTLASTOUTL jal AG at aif aps pat OE a bfefel Kort NI JSC are vines tg (Hie iS aa Rolle. i ee , Z Res he Y) Loud - Aureos tats A a) i G TAIT . * ~ I qu : Mane d Be Wei Z ORTEIANS — Prone UWpurte . uf Latitude Longiude dibien-2 Brock P \EEN-E- 3" acer eeerer FU ip sisal) Batayin i West jr heeree Ry Les IN XY ‘fos eee) pe nite Lolbe LIL, we OWE, xt fees? s eet na ae Srp +n LOC este: aT Terese. yy Q t ~NONS Seas etares ite rene nc) % (,@r ESC » a ~ “An an < Bristol \ ory Me eee Ke /10cts 7 (hk TT 683) " ; “Dias oN _ CQTNAUIT wh raked 7 3 e, Reha te oreenweod antl Adds? 7 reins 7 Lire yas TU: vp ao, eae ite Te. > fox ZS yise iS OS op. ti! Zr fi me Ae { 7 4 / Prescoll Wg Rulevau Ld. C77 Ax : Cj) (DAFA Ae \ a e HONd “ALE, ST La fi. NG 3 70) by eae V2 Z ( AL 7. pec $ 4 Foote 48. Tey: oe PK agrTiars ee x ‘ ea Loe S : NOT ATE b Sere ae peas he CROAT S x One mate tf (ree LW? Ub tov cl 4 anim ee Oy PNY? es if ; t Si JE aa he laa Ga Vir 7 oS {Oy 2 by hy hi Aye Muy) mis SS \ / D Hominy arto Sit Tie 8 | Sherbur | 3 “h a Franiday 1 ou) WA = al rE 2 omy ah : a nton ty aye Colder Northumberlan tT: Foo > ne pe \ fiGre Woes from Washington oS ore ale Bend + Carbéndate : aa) (al Regu ~ Cranten 7 ae AY e MASSALE Of, Wreoming 17 74 : S Vilkesbarr Le ay 3 % + ¢ ¢ t *. 1 i t : : + Mauch Chins G2 Se fen * Coal Mines , fy Pottsville shtvexy ( Be ye sre Gs pecs ‘oO Ox > HG 27 darned. y > 1, “oS oz? ittsTic id “vy 5) eee 47 ashe IS Fall Kiar SUR | TC . on, 7 L Pars? GL ( oe o Foy: - lf er ailleg on NA AE Th malt a Ft | D1 al 74 7 FN Spous y Hoes OL is ( LUT LOR ‘ 8 cooper Coopers S RC Be f sioyven G O A“SALETSA hminiantgy : pK: 5 ae 3 i Pratt sibs ANC OQ > ROLVUTY: jA RR ES ee, epowit MeN, Honesdale aa ire hick Te Saat Sy + < ee HORS D fini, ip Z\- ; dy: ~ or idler i a. oO Nor: A Morti Caunypitone ay = ‘ ie (0 Sao Ce Saratoga es C Te root SNE oN I we 1" leasany Qe ee aly 9° tr b Moreats Nanile fa a3 ( | SARTO GA Spr. a i ee, a, . SG pais rte ads ge a qatts We asf! er er wattage Bs eg oN 2 aN | oF} 4 Prin dz Ve Sohe yet hrs RAS; > hol: Wie Bethie . : LET VT te 3 ve We i $s Ta Jah As bn ? ‘\ fe ‘us ~“ anes 7raN & Bie jae — pale afro i / ri eats My de}Plarh Yer of CRLES } y pRAud ee m0 eye Aes t a ~ ; % y Newburg yh 3 cat Ny Morris TES Se easton Y “yet A oe ys? ) Wey Somerville \ ~ emp: am Cue¢ DN PANO ar aN fs | 7 73 fron Gree rowieh mgs Vice let : A eee Lake SN Peter (277142 <\ <3; -~— } — , \ 5) x | y wo a ) moNS » 7 } XS N Rerthiver Css »d 4 ( < i ae) es R ‘ = LJN1.A S S = Y J = L “ , z \ % Z tHe eeetegy, Melb Cu cy feu f j ¢ <: PLevi ? z x Dp Ty rool anne “Henri ——\ oe Jf ak BAS ( { onal ( A yD) LS Era > ¢ oe acts bee ‘ zeal SOI. Vt ¢ . rand L. at mw 3 hs 1 | faNe = v 6 } e \ o v RA 4 r | iS Vanvebaro ofS Johns, es Ze Shettord aa Pn 7O n+ J 0 i SMbec t \ } > (ee ‘ Sf TNS Om.7 A Le ate NOU SNe 5 ] i a VW sen? g f ~ As ii I EO Swe L WEEE 1a HS / { - Qi 3 AT? Phaliipst; Wed \ 27 7) ef ALak le m™ TT ( rp! s (x <a yy 4 C Ha kn ae ex Hilme cor t \ ~~ ar = . i sy) LOTR an a @ AY aay = : i ; & ‘ ~ lA , Z eed AI I Fig fm [E S a riy Mbudrtstour OPN \ f aN : ardiag D> 6réeniiesd Yn 2 9 8 SZ : ut mn Si | 4 Wr Tus recat — —— at ses EE ae MEN » =z \ ar ‘ \g ay ua eae pee very uch By Sry ve ; + x “Athens 7h ee i \ = em y & Talon Stas tite 45, \ iE i \ x Kk ane TN SS i mY. Sleomntiete n CR \ Ereter ul 7 A Sone - e G Pemb? Su iit Bes ; oie C OK LAAN s fi Bee Pon Yita Mn \ ude & Lembrate a. aa \ A ads ay re Abas ) Q De Ay Tepe : f y > < ryra at v0 § © MU \ ) » —\- >; The he in’ RERUATIA ne he SS cs ic v S Pt Z Eni: Z. ie 2 ( C } / .. |e Aimhers = RL te Ke chy syt Wer 43) Lays | 1) ODO, ~ ( a j Mii aah 2 \ 4 wy Ht of) f fi rs x f S ae by f ~ Cc 4 Weil A SO Qo PP Dre S5 \ So z no) ( hae 7 ~) ye ~Stiydc Va rk A Nie Tons 4 SAL , . eT} += a Te ~ Beddington \ yy ! Inc a , 20 Ate Hctane Mindovea aaa { ya" ZU oe conalden S\ ~ 8 | Kee } Ne inden \ een NLS : RS << G mula pa C arne EX pS i ae males | NE \ ks Ma chias >? Ce c <4 i 71 EIN: }3 ee Aik, t+ rN a FI ea Wilto Frankfort -{ & aN Z part iB va ING ; : ji ¥ 8 St Fohe, cir Yr. » % WiZe . A f 7 Tint re ~ ~~ LTD Dy ay ins pectin ten! a jhe ' CS / a, x Cherry fiel@@ . ee ne Th nie CF, "Ab rE DO ‘i A Prospect & UcTspoat Nether MWe aN SEEN EY BY ~~ Aellsworyh 1 ¥ Lids} “e " ~ . -J> } ‘ ft ica : Wyden ae CZ cn oS es i p Ni “ ey, wc VY ON >arnet Pp, AULT. : : ae Belfast a 9 OH = A MMarey, Bui? D> 4 ee ; fot 4 i Track bk O i Yi LA FOULRLO > Ie Y Seoskine Fe ie a a} rCrneES ; COA OVTPEELERS a i ase ~ vr SHallowell 4) Lhe fon Linco ule C ASSAY k C OG, Werks az rgdet ANN Vormavid, “ EAN) f 3\ Re i Ceyy Pa ghdae WG be e me f PONY: ff i , ony \ } ~ Cailaert) { { 2 Ly as eave Harner 4 / i 2 v7 / a Qldngs ue Ny & vet Ven tur} 2 Du sf a sf Aces [ - < AD th 7 < tye x # f ae : z at i) wu ee Ee Mizrot eS ik i jirt ¢ We: arr enn Lee Fok Laid. i , FORNANG yp savechin 7 a ) ae) yd ‘ e ey fh. SS e GahidMergry | 4 2) ‘ — ae Sire AURASS TONE ff ON \| , ‘ Com + NOON > S I im Sf Shelshan De Whiternsil oer beg > f SPN aks oy ae ee ¢' : fi (ann Brat wits BAS \ D Hatin or . we i Ry. Ber! i ay a a a ES oo a ae Ontorch ) i . MDAC if} HRA = uy Se eran VF : Cree WF) CARROL “nA vy nee YES Mid v ati aA ee Vay Fy a L, zh wy ] LE POOF AY PhyponthY. , n Jey 7 (1) { fo Berson 2 nen est we Sie, vo GS A 7 > } en TONY \ Je oy 4 , wz WR 2 ° | . ou u vis Loge e |i h Fink WW A d sah ae : . ay ERA) Z7 m i! a f oat t *n, Tes > = DS t Mauvdteld Shy MRD | 2, é Dat) 7 | a hot MS i pS LL I-> 6 a bf AY ar Nngrt Oe ; UCsegport Vf FE HL tow A N ’ Opp from Bostun to Halitier S50 niles ~“harlestown afi <eth ee, | 4 sri = Hat pee } ¥ | % el low s Falls : e r%. a flo OTe ts shoprety tet Fates eed Hulisvorn Cons tort, oo chivtet st Ard h We : Yhole pot : ra ow KOC ist OS G =f) fer 0, from Portsmoal\ to Bayonne 3.6000 mites 5 ty a) Ys : Naa util coe z == a _ ———_—_—___—_—-- ~- = —- AS iegheexe | \HILLSB DaOB GIs 5% Eyer i (ZO A Er SRoaks HE SYR E 2 Amherst TO wah oturgd MERLE BD SHartgy Hiltur s LAL Plagst Wes k pa Shi Hi Wests 7 % Sores N o Pe Pn. aes Le BREMEN HReaE Kel 2 " wm puch Bm, ‘Waste A hte Wf ex yo YP oue i Nowtiitic ae Sa eds Ai f & hi Yor or ae IL Af 7aY 7 4 iN 7yY yf EV Or “ q iat like S 7A D p ney rz! Fee ¥ ay : oo S 4 A. Aa fig: oh / f ( wen leaves 3 wl \ eee el SovAnD I AS i) ans. camel nico De ee Witbnin? if eps Wendeu ty “yee AS Ae 7 ke Leverett Leoms Aster fan : Seat Bees te Siw Olé UM Boston, helsea and the 2 J f Y One ; & . % 7 ~ D PRL ad 0 -2”Zane indies mate 7 yr o wat ; Gee 7 adjaraat Islands form Wa ; dij the Bar 7 ar aa < rs Je Wales uA virial the Lou of Suffolk a a» A Boy Ae ses. ee S, y , : adrreTeerise © pee FYYi., S(E x Gx } funad lite Seam Naps Testor caul ay [vor ester “Or Ble ming Lore CTL: Wyn? fv UY Pao J Livcquad ana Lalifiie 38.700 miles (! . Aaah: aA it Don - d LC a ?, i t . - 2 a ov + Geaarteniy f aii 1 f , ait KK a ea PW Seen ay J} Ss an Tee. ———+ ian 1 cs : “ ; ‘ts ey i, WIE ‘Dridge| (2 yl pee » iBT (hee ERO = ‘a a + ONS Woagton ats EAGER RL tnx 7rd , inl } C.POdit a a\ird wheidge 2 £ RAE, © 5 oe \ VT 2 OY t | t ‘Ke I id poten nN ¢ VU Aw ERE AY : 42 rppdstk rad A ESN 0 Ix 7 SS , z ¢ WTR Mg i ee i ‘ on ct: cniutik : Cape Cael REIN e Woidsc 7 Tre mpsns Megicta ee ase Ay i j hy Dee 22 102A Gay \ \ Mi ie of fo Rint Nae Wes ee ey 2 : | ’ r Aye ; 1 - ; ¥ a \ i ha wet aridarn TROR i pw WINDE AL i Lo es ia) Pignior/ . % eo rT AVI ITS ) 6 iL A iN abe HPTELD yanteprn. HN veneq Ts AN ie) ion : “ tc pfield 3 i mt Varistic Pie hy ogtthy ; eS £ AN tiny FNS Rwverk ee i; t f G laste. or ee ? ested *s ‘a d iar i 2 Piper’ Sept} By >) a iinet noney ! % ~ | 2155 yes Tie? O on % t Han : ee *-}) aN Dp y! i EB tea, Kt : ‘i > OU i He ajith Cee) Tis i » | * fi iN il’ Nie ic L of } cS ae Lt UG hers ee oy ich r a = ee fs? Sa ; oat R Ley pines j S000 miles wale and CMO les Jong ) AS A ayy Nea yy ti e¥ | UTIL, tS a a Ee mse fi - 2 KA = , ds y Hk Re a Mi Gis are fa a <oynah ud “ Ss -y= = ip if i Oy Wat. oui? 2 aie ait DRE SI G “8 cr rangsion i ‘ s j 4 : (Mote Peery 02 me S a bP | = we Bsceleph <puUN A™ 5 hs ae Sorte NS by MAY ip "3 yes Lye aay NS \. EW Ly ery Bete! yy TN ee ya A , a POO = ITA ae N \ tar rm \, : Newt, Sas TE Ss NT | cor tay 4 ok } } NM vee we iu - | ; i , ee “fh, GONE eS f5. “nets ‘ego il Le LE BAY) ey) ita Pee es se AAV EN. typos Ba pc Ree ES RAD WANT CBE mY i 7tU44 9 Cb, a ps Greerepry . ) an SE Sf no . \ eX ise Ke 44 j : Seale of Ene Miles | , | Leta, poryy Z We. a =e VAP SEES 1 : ‘ = ee 10 20 : 5a > LOO | rie an Ag ee = x (OE Dery Fo BAUR Oe ee — == mee st TENS GiSGEALA ¢ + , Nae = | , = DPAEET A= L_ : fousE —BAs LEE) . Nae th ; = 2\> 4) Kae = a eS ee = Peer Y ae : i? & Setallec c Sa < ESS rs San wih Bouse Cores iy { Lo: Ya Ws hague A Leva ted as woos beaters bnerican line Vicam Ships Newsork Rremen via S uthampu nm 2.950 miles. Veni tor: tel iveryn HH JsCCmiles, 1600 miles, Lngltsh lin aS Lrepseds dine New perk ta Marre = - oa feom Enet $8 Washioigtom Lonsituale eS UI AILEY 3 OHM, JO FIPTHTDT volta Fast DUSDY YLOAPUD) S110 ) VLELongitude West a 7 Battle of the Thames Oct. IP/TES x 4 = < To lhustrate OLNEN'S SCWOOL GROGRAPMY . Tiiehiaa Bume _ j maar D ee : e Tr. 2 TO f : \ Wy, }}) Spa ~~ 1 STED BEN wy LO, |. | 5 S| \ Wi ez YY | Som. Dena T 5 fas seis NGE * | Ae iy | eee \ SLY ZEEE fe lengrann| pir ‘ [ss JOSEPH 1 4 ee : : 5 2 een aS See 4 . Te SO. p FQei Zz EF ‘ A DP neva - (= 3 WE : } ; 5 ES 7 : arth, i Se | = es : ot sae ae Paden S| 8! JE i BOndat, as wut A. ae . 7 ru ° pod ¥ » | 2 StS art = i > 5 pasa | —- Lm yr) Fopings ere i EN ora Grafton ts de i i at | a Ngiropyt / Medina 7 ‘ Me ~~ j a ton ‘ } = —— 5 , ee oA Saeed oes bees eerste Ss EZ ZC Ie res hk O: cae } ae “nn ayester estca iene Bate, >, dima | Hf) | wepry hal p Ce mA | ce Seas Nf G eH Taivgt= hes ev ed : (ernroN Seeh | Se All a ek Pauleio’ 7 Eu Unk Take td a epee hee A Pi ADinytnie oe AvP if age “3 Re es Zi i ‘ a or f ay Filton © tl npLANA | Qr ark \ 2 Pe Peg Vi Past, 4 . : “ge jonny AEE “esees fee ‘i | ~orat DRY) ous : ay x 3 Z48 RT i On . + it On| oper a) \ << ee pee i Dok Se ZF | one Ss a / tieslagae f sour Tv, & i" \ . a ; : | ; * de x { ; : ~~ C Le | ie | eae leat jae c ‘ : Yi oP paps De - Ot rz EN Taeges [ay aD oe? | BUN adelpins A iy ‘ 7 i . BACB. = *' sta rr — ] nr tok IK ; eis TUS Sana ) Ye > _ wd vA Wert Hi Fi at ; ie - 820) YAvoaster | ‘ Ne x { Made econo! GB) fora? | Portland . cel SH punts Ne oe Aire Oo vend ‘ pen kg Thion 2 <p Sy fev] y WARE mane aRChesteL eC eee ee NT 14. a as Munsee = 8 Kt { RANDOLPH Q: ; ah AMI <P ess eal os ey es \y pops Bs 4 Nowe ‘asile’ | “J Wee i hi day HF Tpgres TRU oe = ON Ta aL ayer + CMON Suh Lapeuty wR ¢ ! Ee ; Re a | : ei Ret) Re Sorrell U ori ‘ ‘bp } ars = cs Se (Cs a eo W SH ! fe ¢ ‘ erin a 5 if pa a ) i & Selo gm c , + / ¢ 4 ~ e ~ | VER MOI eae DEC “ATURT ee es es | Sc see wee : ® TAS ie KAN in VA a Vee wy me GR BV Baas j é ©: Soe wv is rr ZI & “a ayer epee O1 O-; ed C scrGHGS Afi Z “gh RAPS pees] | pay vin ® ( SA @ 2 le aes 2 Nagte 5 msailes Aa cA +070 O ae aoe Ag OCHBO ONE KER : a a denc > : i) fos Sg a SWITZER i AND Ae eve _palem aS “| Ww ASE a a SN ‘ Up Paoh : <r gra” / NGS” > f_ “ : if ON (; een . OA PO oO nc Sce | i) yl. Eo TRY O Oweds b>. 5 LAM : eat Cr comps) mee Sieh yr re Oe NS BN EN ey 2 IKE _ JS Pia same & New ake Fe As A OSS V7 Be FILE DL ; ~ Grayson JS DGB OTS | CRAW- 5 9.6 feilrx, : isc or rf : > t thy 47 7 y Ay > eeeatet on FORD Toryapn. | 6’ // eu 5 ille %, na [YESS Gor’ ‘| yet yay 9 LD) di ori ex QS} ——j Ag) pS Eemvemvort 07 Srodisvities ar Te an net KS Tae Ve so ye On | SEA ~ ig A> : & Se \5 yy : ‘ ) pies , a ta & ¢ eL wy | Fe : j is \C « / wee sbofrieille JPEREX)) . Lie g is i rdae-7 CEH OY cde ; inches) 5 “el Svamsvinle/ > eh umn ( ; OLIN Oe LTB som.) J faa ieee NM OINTE we i =e OT Le OH 4 "Da 2 Ay earner ieaet . fi eee Ts ne OR BX SS Gian’ Of faverpove Do ay v £ Ly ( S : MI. FR Serr eee NM I Oe ei ie Si ra, | | HazelGreen $ i= PEO: BBL CKEN; J : Sie tumeteceere eee tg X FyTD GCE y i << i fa (ais KE UNGAR, San EL iH oN We ard ie de My ae | hea eae 4. hate ; f al He Titer field dl VA Uy Cee | (OHI On.-5 Mitebfielk Ihe Ge Si | iV SF aa $ ie GRAYS 0 RA Sy BE SP AO \ LIN, coun § ae Ley: Be at rVemna\y| Sy 77tee <i S (Stanifor ad 7 “ CE ARY\, * EO on. Vie 4 1" = \ a } \ BURG : s¥ Sick Ralee A J Ap XY 5 RA a G o oe } y: Vee fat \e : é 2D } y 9 \ ; Vinge, mre enrills A) a, 5 Y ‘c : = \ chest = Whitesburg Se } Te Say a eee oA ae sa Baihoureuille Septeseille¢ ; s = oe — | a : } S ee SSH REN Mirvac « i> ot | cu \ ALLEN & ; MOWR OE T cmbpisinsviNe Lhd (2 Nastivune. | Lonnole West ; ftom. Washington eames a _ aan nn S rot WG CODY. Pratt, Oaklay £ Can We ti mas as Niet Of Re Usuict Court or Convibcticnt. A N IL = f aye =South Naa min ae fin Greenwich Al ———————————— WG ees 1 eye ke 719 a = : a io oe 718 Sele ae ee — ee Wee a7 te ae a : So Sa —————= aed ee HG : Rae - Marto e ote : ———$$—__ E —$—SS————— j 75 Sn Seal PD | =e =e qi | rail EXPLAN, Nr | fy 7 - = ae pik: sat — aN i UME ROU «sisi CATIUS cme da Brittle or il Population. S \ } | +) Buffalo States thns, 7.722.000) : “ | Gues and Towns l 10 __26 Scale of EngMiles mie cf SS — msrp _ 50 © 100 81.000 Qi00,.000 — ——__—_—_ : ae figures placed im = a ‘ Wey oa thituser qe we characters show the number of és ; | lg a «ds ac which the charact \ *) a wus Athens @ 400" Erie © 3.500. Bat ater Aacnotes ° 7 Figures on Rivers es Dees sea 7 ~ 100. GOO. ( ) miles as Susquehanna R. 4 37 tae J 7 cn } pownareh \: ¢ ty: } , ae aS ¢ ret | i a a ees | 3 ae eee Nee | itis i i 3! ene oes Jatt ) j= OP iS j We UE. e hee 2 oe Te qe ak \ 5 ytd [x } | Is i yO dean si << s Ba | os pee ty aT . a Pagani Dt las | L | jee és > : ee i nn a ee hE ee ee Ts \{ S \ ee es | He ating 6 | i ae ates 4 es au | S — Lf Ses } . ee a Tioga my \ § } % ~ | a | at _ iH 42 |S VG SI i OF k Monirgse ee reat fen NG meen Al\ > = T) ondexsport | T T ot i} oat 5 € ) 3 { | Rondofcaco} S y GLA! § Teh A et 1m Saye 7i\ = 1S \ le nests __ ”2) aD : umes aw — | SGSOU ee U A 7 3 Wiliamsvidie +e oO iy rs eat we Wellsboro i | : PR ry aa "EHLANNA . ¥ co | ra : : : * = fed = - | lt } & =< = \ | -\ | ? Tiaq } ie . XN Bi States | ney hs + AS \ Y 2; \ | map. Fl (eats 5 1 7 \) " ew Nes Ble ~ I ee ep eee oe ? a Tmnikthannoc} pie t ‘Coane ges dale C a Xe Ci ae ie af eee ; Pome} WHO Ae Ad: OA $ or ? | ane |S eet +e e | : ¢ te ul ¢ < Xe 0 We roma a far, f are Fa. ete "} five C7 aNTOT } » o | ee ; lyeere zs . A) ; ahedlera (p> OXF | seman es ok Soy Wyarhing pistgeor Lagkawaxcen } Mewbwis % <X £ SFTSEV y LS, ore + SO, Ler oP. T I Sageeee A Ta +) Gs | “ary vghyyvills MH RS gL EX Vie | Mes Dine Mainnd y 2H Goshen ie v i % Un ae Hav é Ee" Wilkesbatre soy aes fH Yl~ a | Cy ; 2 gy Ny You VS ae ee + 3 : Z oe ne oO) i Zk Nee OWN RO EY Gans Ww cy : armed iRy) tI ES SONATE ON rae ero tS = | 0 Rattangig <* & ! ps Le ~ ae ys Waa rlog So < S ene ') STIRONG / 4 ( : at p{or “DP + Io 2 Ay’ AS SS Beaver / {\ } ay pelly me i vt Ses ES he Freeport! fee —— Me ARS) | sr f r sy cen badd a) WS Econimy RPS Aiyprawa /\ SX le oe go RE Sat Sy! A SOROS Lf Seis EO . ES fe : 5 = \ AO i Ge ee hf ~ JA s¥y sy $4 Re : “a > if AY MorrastO™ 2 NAL DE Ze S/ Indiana > Sinise 7B! Lewistown. ok Wen ee ame BF 3¢/ OE! SOD he = maaan gy 5 ‘ ( ADeg hays 7 s Ke, NN A os Le Honus TV ¥ § SY os f rien % fot a ge hl < Cp y ore oan NIERA (ENG Garnungham re rz. TBENG J x } p ST gees ESS Te. Es \A & ¥ Ie: FOYLE OD av T% WE Qoitorn pt aS ‘fainétob., sae 2 i i CBuny c HAN ee we aw. pV} fo Se Sere a4 é. » D au¢ (nay mR +) ed BS, Le » DN Se oe a 2 Sor ees C co (e Ss) ok &, % | ilsom™ Sex y airs Fhizie e MORE I BS rcsecper” op” Py ef \e win rene NS We us Ss Lae Sey. iS : RIS, ox e: nsbueg SS Loa a | : . wLebanon DV~ a 1S Sy * os Sahn. spans wih Ar Cannons? vy sean , masereserter eee Sra Sie Loy, & mY tonsourg) | | ~ ED e~ = Fin ANON ; EPP.) D> % (| pes, EL a" | prASHIN ¢ sTON-S x. nbs : vr a URN “ : Reading é ~ Ato x Bese J << Sh r E bean = Lag ARE: | SC ‘pats & sey TRISBURG— | s hh, ? ro a Ae “ ¢ ’ i ~ " rs a » =e ~ i C ‘ay "Wishing sam Cry Grinell pate f UMS e SFY WX <2 y Ha) tt: stow! Nowe town > Se Ere \E4 S sFromnts ._ Stiherset 2 AR Ss, W A| . 2 : zo: = te ae PR IL Se x Aber TUS UIQ, _ Aka se YAS ese Mak: Boy itertgaehs et ~i ivy ¥ RE ae | AT, mah BUSTS = gett pas } 2 pnesang bey Pe ic _ &. = eat Lagcas' aster rr _Wesetheste Fee tnd on if) Uni : i Pb 9 Wo Wfihic a x 2 CORY he | Abd GREENS te 4 PR AWKL a Z port Pa» _ i yi ASSL. CHESTER Mec i DA DETPRITA. oe u ee es 1 Lid ee Ga aye BED eS +E eer Ne ( Uerernor 3 fe ear None PR We Chester: PA Aeon ee ‘Se | SN etn ee pe ae Ls 2 , -\w \ Srewstioy 2, Wirsta swn Xr On iW dsyille Morgaptay he ili ot 25 Aye) ne LSU SSU OES Oe / * denn nee a GLO yack Oey i SMON oncas =e = x N ¥} As s%s = Weinmetburg ea ‘ sii eo INS | Z a ON Gyan oN mare ) I i >) = : oR A Pagar Manchester es Ea SEER Shs eT PH BALL i Qe. ORS Pan it ONG, ; 5 (CAR AE aun ex Hy) f Tan 0 ri arr T \ON\N % pa ay REA a Pe ce 5 © muy el he s ‘ o H]} | Nn Peover oe PN oS oe ‘oe O R- toy fay ERED ANG esi imdgre r % Creme 7M NETC hey i Bast : E | SS eS ~ | Bmgsw od GAN ha RI GS i Mays ie , ails en, 4 oO | za = sf ke { y | Ps hridgewn. ss ending ee Z | fides BoA Anan Tae F. R % ip . vy, ay pois ite Ups > Fs 1 pers iH INL oo om G o EREDER-*_ (i. Lah 2 > yy fi ; of SF on Jrare / : : srry C er ARSC Va A ig SAA M0 SICH gee NS sfttests : MONET» S 1 ms Po’ A i OL CwWhoshest ° Stor hi CPS 4 SSH: oan s1068 . Phill es P ghesfer (Cage Leesbux ) GOMERY \ Ale r RR =~ Phllippi rt , o ee oo | | e sy OLS iB at Bot yrille Fe € ee as bjrras C ica Sinica |B nehile | Sf SNe oR A * IS Bo KW IS ANG KS gal — Dismal te £00k are VTL) EE a 388 is Merges © \ Fuckdicamon Mee oe! S/ CCOTye Pe 2» : Se =| a IS aa Saye SA 0 oe "WASHING TON / » [> viet pn <. RY ; Sw | SS eG Brigisderpida to Zonda if} (Some — Z / a ON Rear A$00 mades | og oo AS 5 Salgton, = OR ‘ C \ | mm < J SDT: h\ \ | : pag fi : KA of )) Y Pf NelB J é a> sr Bi | / ——— h as disvh oN noc nC -G « 6 | » Bn LA he \\\\ Ag) ee HY a Bi \ Harsisonbiprs a : vA Hy »S a} = \ e iss oMonterey Ss | AM Hi) | |= La 1 ~ / >». = f GH ™ x ih ) s oe mw Sax cfaghGssoie ae 1 i Ww | f » Hess - aie u j {I O aa LSPOTSYIZS ¢ | 5 z ye (aay ms CHL ) aN TT ¥ RES ih nite t ~~ & f ot S atch i! Pra pee INI | } a) A Y TT nn Saver <p At eS Gordonsville Meise: 0 % Bemycess Au, sy fi] HH } \ | OWas , Char ; aS We en TT) © GC Hi any ee ¥ N Spm Spee thioh as TT rps | im yf | Wl Dy eo ~F i vars Sy he S tous fis ee r,G E {te AK Qu INE ; > Baers _B moon pyr > { = AL BEMALL cr 7 ; y aa CHE. 4 EY LAL & LiL} LTT Wa. Prorgton to Athe as ¢ 38 | IS Lae (ao p rs i] SGCETGIEnaa HSS Hs. e SS ey : i EXDY, eer i TSpyan: cat * 3. Takes S sc SONLC 1 [wa / 5 | m4 3 | | j ~ NS AY } = a ; $ | >ty s | p Pi OWE. a in Ny = | eptts~iue ati | : LAN, hi | S | \ : ; : : o > wv, ~ \ kore Als > j ~ } j SK TMU HO soa Lap DY CHES Selo iS EPFORR / MAT POX ene a} y He a 1G re >, b= = ~ Ct. en EIT 2 ie ) ; S | ef, . 3 > - > ‘ ef" AG | IS } } ial Co x 5 E i a /¢ WAR’ mm ia OW: AX ste: spac ge fics RCE Bric Boyar Loy te ae aR NY > | r. Z TaN \ } | Bl ( /borrE™ ee DINWIDDIL} Lise fis Ve » a aT DR CAE —- ney i Cs (Oni farySyille 2; ; CH. se . te Cape & Wrcent: 3.60? mules | ay | is ened R. ws NE Ne Trae fae Ate eae aie etre $—— KS) iS RO SON. tt 1 | BUOR G 7 Ne Re tS ) NaN ins i LiL Si Is A LEyagton. i I> Sie S ) Ss : i . ea _ iG ta 2) | | tj se = . “4 Ee ey de} cewille + | ¢e— 2 die j S aN Ye ‘domp eis Hoste. , V7 |e @ & 1 A BE Sovre-) 5 ans aon \\\ : Re ) S A VANTA a ae ‘My Ra \ S 1 m IcK Nariinswine | | VANIA. i: anis Boydton © jas se {| ia 3) ips talO nxt Vere “35 tie” penny ¥, >) NOR- ee Yi ~y < ja) : | PDawille 3 { | & 2 FOL EU -- . jas A\\\\\\ > - | * | E Wi f t A —> soup.#O S) & ] Ty) aye \ ts r | | Bahn CG, et 2, Jesmial yh AN wy | emf fe 4; Haye Sok ae a YA WA | — | r a Sie bene eae _ lo. Or =e ayia = ee Yi o>- us LD anlisitons Bing ene Mived | Capaaterede a ie Ole. Won ie Oy | Swamp NA (ara) | USE ltr pra l pg Gal ys hea». CeCe — UL JH I A Bot “> WW dan J, i I A \ } ParitayO (_QBakeley oe oO i ay ( : | We \ y\\ | i { NY <)))\)}}) | | > ELLY \\ | | ; \ . A\\ im} ee —* & = epee eee rete : NS NS EY AWWA AS ee fs ————— ee ia} mi im I 0 Lonéeriude Enst ] tro Waskbingten 2\ se } ss enna i ee ER Se ee ee ee i = Wt a ee oar Tits Shen nan ¥ Sn <The N: = oilyCATS raps oe ate LTS gen a ope TS eeAd pty ck saps ney Ny U0) POROGTOMA AL OIIT LOK I. te PLIDLAT IL MDJO2 FT \_a joe 5 tose T { \ C LTO. EY IV Ll): ‘ZL ¢ Ti ayto7g oF « A rl , ale ae z ) nts ff pmas u 2d 27. TN Do Sak IDLO) Na k aesnpersseasnstt het ifh 2 a tosseseere AK) 2 ha avlog: i i] i] i LO} i yo OL a vate: \. >, he as fk $510 ‘i of qty UMOLIFIL i Sore A f ee) } ae 8. tA See ag) sare Mae a SD a S —LEW Meas i) tNEs > YS aa = THU] ASE WY HOTS USB A, ULM Ok 3324 epmI 7 = ee. A, j 45 Se siti N)} rete ( Cf I Spepett rerbat senty A pdeceeeeoets ww 1 DAP. ’ a { aay OP IPO. Sj r) pued woos Sal 3 DN? | 177 A fn, fm 5 lg + S~—~ a9 o> org tiis ‘A | OTTay Mo TY ss f 72) Ja40T, TOUN OW © ToisaKor oy At wyredg-C oe Sy Urly | ee N oy ~ “~ V7 =) io] “aL Pv, oN ey) 1 s buysvy * fuer A asin N VYLOMY ro / rine} oy s\ ‘ A e = SOAP OY J upa_ MY 2mm Cys TN U 1) DAO) u O; — Ns = ty. j ek \ 25 ive 42 a ») a ee —_.._. a ‘ a 53, id HOA DAS are ' JO ~ SS a DAG | d DTN Tio LOp, re MS | rest =<) < a Ay » ~ ~ uas8 (7 INIA 7. octane Taiyo) lf —/~ 17 LO on poh Béq_, HARA R, e SN pune * yf POE, Z + 2; Xe, CU). yg yc tS \ te | 1K DDE 2278 | UAT | & Map { my UPWLED 7 gs, DILLOPY ton Urp ‘ i LU LIA - I ~ S so tuVv “OV { O DHOFL: ~ ous oe the OLE, (POLE : SNE OI | DPSeAO ig \ | eee NU} | 7 PLT = Coe O} “i beruag ~ -So SUM I eo LOssOH z 2410. 3 LLC hor — +o y T! BD uy UA | ALOUD hai { DOF Vv ia A A fi TES i A vi AT NOUR Vv ID | rv ANAO | | a , Wy YY) INO | iti AH 1) Si TOU. Sry GNv SKIT ma) VY YRS Y))))) SS) | i ( f AD LOOMIS OIPNSOT] OF, VO" x aa A “AMAVY €. iW TG —_ > | amy } 7 ysrpso Here SSN ASAAS — > See WOE | e\\ \ OV Hees ch W HA 6| i *| IN a se ISOM VpearouOT £8 Tots) COOL 2 «< sory, aug FO OfeISNatearn L, NY 7 CBr) VAST G Ick Ws. 000 VOOO) SG. I. MAC “Oy. —_ 7 isC / It / / Oe 60 i Go; < $2 uH © AY we * Zi ~ = o ys YS Ss ) | © Zz oO ; Se Oi DiS & WS ae ee ee m<~ biMyN m| co i ce 1 as co ) A \, = = <& B Wea XA Be =@ > Ss Ke KA 4 = o} A\\| (Cet wx ye -S SS ‘ ey = © 5 oa Leh J >* Bes.G 4 oN CO tidied fis \\ a, sf \S jae ATS BO Jag Sy A “Aves fern al z= \ \SZAR > Oe) 2 OBR * A Al ee) s SN Seles ml . Zz i a0 << ——_ Ons a aL s + Eat is | & ; o Q ays SCAa aN SAS: mito 48 | S (i OAS OW i oo aban t : va § > 1 eG Y AN TR ben. 1 ma 3) i = a } Be “ & a i Oh ey SS J Loni S < Eos tO Vals | “3 is a Prone ee cn! (0 eg | 6 Rohe \ “e KK 4 Oe eS | D RAED. Wg a fy Ol ae x ie \ eo to Hoe 5 i128 : py) snk By a4 5 a ow oth -P im Ph ( ti : I5 5 Gel @ oe & q Ope 5) ~ tm Amv Sj — oan ; 2 2 5 ea cn es Bi a N in ad eK 6 BO, — | aH = t= +7 msl <I Sys of > oh Asi 2 | —= > t iF ST. FP a 7 ~ Se iB! ~ £ 1 Ys od FS ia =< s Ss G’ & OES NO % =< C < a J SK We SNOT nl 6 SS t ot: ~ y So 5 vy \Bl => ~— vi Oo © STA ch izonay, % = al 5 A Ses 5 SH) SO SSIS fl c a” y. < \ 7 S WS / Sty 2 Sette ns | - ~ gS me E i Ae } + x > ) Soe CBP 1a SY f “~ A & xy { 4 | } x - 2 { > ~ i a KA mal A oa 1 | < “y ig) SHAH, im) & _ } i ) aS | Pe e 5 C S$ ae gle y AT TG —_ NN = ao tt mee a C | | 2 = IIS L x. in| | > S ee me ne | S = in é | = 5 ia; < a Y A ee | a AS, Sy ‘ fd 5 aN SY ( 7 Be \S Ge mt SS a > | 35 | a 5 os, M i kf ee yA ~- —_—— - --- + | a 2 Ss = } aad NS Os SRA al ora, A ~ . J lj 2 2 a PREROG WA 2 ie UU Ce 119 5 z A TSN ES es eS, ¢ Hi : AL wo Sie iA ‘ oo S d Marnw4 & e * PSR TRENRAS GT J g ~ et vy 2 OAL SH) : y Bonk SY; "2 y he TS Fit ee \ 3) VCR ER Lr io =. 5 Weer Wants Si iH @ — e ‘wy, y = ye N er | is i Top ay Sigs Ko BONN k F ale Ie SSS a3 _g Ng Se Hols a as ae Ne AZ ene q | J = Was | § | =n <a ~— — as \ tie Y | — \ j Ff on ere ) wea Y ° wy E ~ fie. Y Y%gy—— ) 2 iil. Sr co 7 5 | & d ~~ Reka ae nN Spe * \\\\\ Had s XZ, a | 5 Rap mL ey \ = = s p : J I) WE i\ Hitt i <s oO. >) | 3 . “ “ Y Loy io - EG ii AN DO) 7 iGo HS | x A £¢/ —Yy/ \ } ° ) | . \ pth We) J VV cal S \ ib . ) se - ns li tees an j oyhK Se : We — OLY AA “TT USA ee. ee ee ee E ie yy AS A | aS YQ ee NG : mas - x \ 172, A, / \ ZA és s aw 5 1 . a fF & S \\\ ~« ~~ 8 Ss r f S i We) | ee fj i ® Ng) 5 isn | s ‘i 1 & i - PMN \\\\) | AIT S Se ' » i » re WV Roe \\] Niet a Ine y e \ = g j eam III } at S is ~ g 4 ~ wv ~. pa ~ ~ S Se a = As g S til e = 3 l ; is) ANS < Se tt > SY ope : SA es Aen ilhi\ 1 HUA $= < 7 =) eNO a A ea OTR Ti Went 4 hem 5 eh Rl 4 x t o\o~ BS ee Ne So 3 aS See % | ae S x | Fee \ BIS a; SS YY % foo ee > \SsspieG 2 illite So —=s s : ae Oe A eg Ss ; alee a Ie Ses TRUS = S ss g] es x Bae \A\ Coe ‘ T 9} my i ha oe x ety 2 | 8 aa = . ae Xd \\eat aes ao panne y ds Sy & > ots Bild gos S 5 4 RO ite <b Zz as bt Fae of Bae oS ie ; re LOR S SRS : y | wo! S$ 5 oo y * on ~ 7 ; L AQ AS = - . LS ras 5 | S A A> De ores <r | * i m +i Sy Le a Si i Ped = oS *Q : ore (ahs Gn t ~ ST ; — “fan Oo ‘ Lonvlon < - > bes Md } a ma =) S rN pice Stoo! i O7, Owens lol G A | Sa ~~ 4 Lomas | QO a R . A f Vo Whustvate SCM, G Scale of King. Miles Sounk— finprooa RE: Y W e me 1S SI Rae ie i | 4 Ye) ny ee e™N PE\Nf t G ry is it) x Z te ies ~ Ns \ =o i fom Ce | We l year 1860 by Pratt, Oakley £ ¢ OLNEN S — the Great ~Manitoulm 1 > (ongre Ww | 5 ce \ ae : t + = x | ! “3 : \ ; aim t 3 ny + | = bad)))/)!82 3 ~ * = = ° Entared accorLongitude of Charteston , STS aananas Seca ee agi Porilanit North | Sage Sa Seatac Oona EE eel — Ter ——— ee a Halifiur sie ea z pate nas Scena ee iy Loutsiniya \/ ‘ | ——— 71 00 fa OH : | NR EE ee forvoo J* Lone Ww. a Sea oe = | ong ate Wert SIO dfinmax Greeinneh Ts = eee ) pee Se a Ga ed na . seas | al ls | = LZ iy * |= > ) ig f Tl L Z 7a iz =|f-— Lh <A A ALA LL iN at | G 1S Sill ie z x =| Ake ¥ fo Seegandia 3,300 rrates Ka 1S =I } BREOY \ Caparo OF Uke Peacock by ah. a - - ee OUR! = WAY RRAN : We FOr Feb. 24° 7973. ~ } } | = ro S = : | ii x = | aie re iy oS H Ws ¥ KE 1 x ; Honda en y : LeoMonrovia 3.200 milo. | S ~ =. | a> WP{Z.200. 000 | Ate Is 7 +. | i : Speer ear g Ht oO ( 2 he Hs 4 ee nAzo R. Si OE fi AE 2h igi 550000 Sgt SAY Bae | iH | % . WZ ia ; uJ te - ji LAngelinag LG E n> amatiia < “o | S : " f imi ~ ifin~ S | 5 hy | } > 2 , Hie | v3 : LG | > posncnaee pL | CS 2 \ ¢ ~ | S VAL Vth : 00.600 OOO F awe 2 eh ‘ | ii Yi J Alea ae pe a Ye OnrIap sae eae é 7 J. Moria equator or Equinoctal Iane HO it RR ons Se pe s WINKLER OT Gi SSS eae = || rei Mine Lh ) ? i’ fe : Wh Afkiced 3 500 miles —— hy Ca ae “pe O§ Re ug Bret, i j . AS = Ss (ora 5 TGS 4} ,] } Os “nenca . oO 6 Travia 2IO OOD ¥ Bi. 220000 HIE, His ~ _ Omaguay . in| : fh S vy ; as s } qi x ww : oR ‘ait a i E Vii wr Ry * J é : S Se os V/ 3 2 ? FO anf PAM re A paonaTa \¢ | ML ; ~G 5 : ¢/ 3 DEPRES, ‘ Mi BS, \YA -\ SyYJarayaca (+ sy ay Zz JA ee A aU x C » eal ee 4 NZ fe oS Shir gio n,2Ps es af Pay vy | 3 = r . “< PS a ) = | Daa ee EN SS 2p, Nit are) tebe. Ss oF naj 2 ZS yr = rsfar Antone | TED Ne i TO gal wee Nile x Hud sero pe Balsungo j Ww Brats : he LS 4 iS OAS Sis) eS SF Cn mcearton sen btn } JHE ia) A GEEO JO . Mat ae “ er o Varina 3 ~ rue | ¢: C Se p> . Ray x! -avelica ) \ of P) & \iea - Wa bina \ o \ ‘ a Ts X | Sara eo £ URrer itr S. =, = ust VSS Se AAT | iis | = } SRE dR ee A Hs | L aie ( OSgaey Foner a i aut S fe CahoGirm f | \s ak So re Og >, Bh - | \ iS veadigesd : ¢ Bernina B76 lel Wis ; Vs, Capture of te .. |> : ava by the i> 1c | NS Sih, Gon. vie Lior dee ~ Der > ‘x = ~~ ~ = y a I x : t ~ 3 Sj| [20 = ah ee West s: 7 Te the Sarubyich [stan ts PY we S| 6.000 miles rae RIO Grande > Samet Acs wd | Farm, eS : ~ : C ~ 3s 3 | 2 SE am See . m : g (igsaNN <S < Pork it aes ms | ‘ - Mths ~y CUE d — S&S Trop of Capnsn Wore YA ni oye 7 - / ~ ee \\\ yi) B - - j | : s . . TOE = Ane } | z tN rst Sag Ne S Watwich Wea. ced S p—~ . }))) EY ee We TION n-Iguan (CO Tales Ulf eeeess Y 3 Ati Me Se ae Bop 1600, 2 600,000 i a No | ae } St NS Ee uchman ™ / | ¥ S AS NG Ri ‘= & Catamareayy R¢; Re hi | | = S S G0. OOD SQM A = Hie H OMS Sil ~ een {{f DE ¢ on rhe ia) =: S | Si + KK a & E Santia go” 5 > brie: a | Ie ~ + = . “i Oy q fen Gos aye ve anv wha Raga / ! ia} oH vy, Brwva 6,000 males 45 SHER fii] on z at = cS SO ¥ es \ | Sia Aa Spl ee nee Hit i faon 2 Sox G mf NS ey ini S/H) 30 ae = Att i i a a ¥ ae ‘ To tie mou ——— | Sia 2 Nyy Ge, f dork Ase th OF Prange R. 3800 males on SN | = \\\ Nae 1s DL. a, 1 aes { “ ale im! ~! S i Pas iY Np. Sy ® xe Oe = 3 = Wine ‘ pe, Moral’ silver Yee 2, fe de Park = ww if y ~ - SS “ ae iB) i > BBR V MA , 1D A ER / Sm, 13s Se g ! sh | | 4 BOR pe, Y e : > =, Nae a) EET INE fh ee, We . a 2 m3 SS My reser poe q ve i 2 R By On ws “By eon oe ars » . - so S a Ka, “Brom. Montevil | ns ~~ yor Montevideo to Cape Zpn 2 ais x 2 39IOG Maloy | } = — f h -— —" Ara, ce H nls Aas Scale of Eng Miles in 5 * 100 200 300 400 5600 1000, | “a r | : ' . .——— 3 =) iB) oo | ia) SY % in| y e | | | e300 les : } | a , Land 8300 74 ¢ afi : a To. Van DUS Sol GYM " NY AP O a | 10 WML /, ——L y } ae = oth “7 - - Ee i SAME OTL 4 i *“ A ve 4f - \*) yoy 3 phi ot ~ : MS 7 5.600 mules S a5 aH Ha ww S | Zealane Se < = ~ LB) To New 4 ine v > SS | WY > <I Os 1 hs ww | = C rae. gf YT ‘ we ! nS > as OUNDYS SCHOOL GROGRAPHY . S = . yu > | | : = | ¢ \ \ } _ j } a“ | B Viadine | > > \ \y ae S Sif ay. y EXPLANATION, = S | \ are Population. ‘ | : os S Are Capelorn to | States tlrus: 250.000. yy ; = = ? =, , i } S j S SX “ ot mutes | Cities and Towns. ~ ah . Ou oan ee ee =| | A SY ——_—_— (31000 100,000 =| po seers sponta crt a) ee ? Art INDRA 3 -| Figurey placed in these characters sion the muanber of | ia} Ze: - SY Madr He Jumdreds, thousands &c which the character denotes: } 1m) sO), —— \ thus Duenos Ayres & 80.000, Rio Janewo 2) 200,000. at | ; in or he {/Oy, Bends Figures on Rivers and Mountains denote theo length 90 | 300 TH \ Ati \\ (e Hp ep | we hundeds of miles as Amazon K.4, 4,500 metles. | \\ G | | | | A | ea DS | AVES GIICH arowmd ne Giobe in the lantude of Cape Horm 14,000 nates | ee a = = —__= PSO M)///\- a ae ae 23 > 13 West 37 Longi : i: fashing 57 | as er hae ~ Bongirade 38. a ee YER Mushpvccack By Jacob te-Matrt 616 a Longitude East 47 trom ¥ pee ea ee ee a Tre ace Noes) \ Rngiy Sherman © Suit wy Piirered arcorduig (oAct OF Conran tt Ue Sear 1eee tyPrale Cah ECR. ir the (20? ray Oilice > OF ila Wrote Cott Of LOHMCCHLUE, ’ SoulsCEN EVDROYP?E A Anhalt B Brrounwich HC Hesse Cassel H DHesse Darmstadt HH Hesse Harntiag denburg FP Prussia Scaiwanturg SA Sare Al SC fare Goliag SC Sare Gotha SM Sam Memungen Weonar W Waldeck 25 West from 20 Greenwich eee “=: oe ~ rec Jit tay ri) net > 2 Y ; -s a, hb 6 tA OF € ~F opR/ <> . FINE ~ 5 ‘ Al ares latte t~ . he = ah) : : 7 Y oe yp begpsic = UT So > SW a We ese % = f : : aa EE 27a Lait Aix lat Guapede oes ae? NSE i SA | SOX | Swae$ 65 Spl pens so ~ 1 Ay > {— = a os be af » Lip Pac aN: eS ff Xan » 3 See _Jngotatstadt DD Lig a, ys @ =_ Ne BG Ceneva at ne De IN reals Weel lé cee ~ ¢ SS Sed < OBolo gna SKN penines L Xr a > z x REO O re lorenc: eS aoe 4 N Y J raisin as Pt or -_ colbery = | hy Se ee a \ ~ 7 Nit. ~~ i) \ Y ~ “£2,500 We Le t : MS 7 evil (55 . . mR CG 7X Sella’ y . Sci { ) | a 5S Sq ak NY Uy eitaae J Id ea CON, Steehtz i SO —— Ne at 1B} SSS | ia! ees yD i |B} 77 Arcs eS { { eJere Rn eaay ed f Ly 7 41, — ) | } Vee / 7° y | f S ty j Ss Jprer y | 5 L Coney J f | > 2 tS FOn s AERIS = VA W227, B Is} ~ fe. ’ oN \ s f | — = Ck + » Magde! haocs eS } > be 1 F ox |) a ) t ed ij he r Lop, Va <x Ainbay ray) yh AK RSNimrem basing ‘an Coe ister MOQ a ls a traf | 14} Bat, Boi Pai y EMILY \ Ii Wee : eS Cer, Tes GH, 7 - S ORGES: Ge Ponds) es es LER SNC A chi SS, * eh Pare Che —_ a ZIG FEAT Cee hei ( f 18 Je ke nA naa State Vig Bt Abe NA Ss ie “ Sips S77 of eo : A * aves ale ‘4 yard, — / v Oo “SAN MARIN is To Im strate OLNEYS SCHOOL GROGR! Seale of Eng.Milés Figures Placed Di ese characters > ~ Z2 s Pier f SJ si wa 7 f len Ge, az y) ) Oh; wa, Oe SN en tra 3 Lixs ASS ice he eae Gye rT > tong 7 O00 TULES } i j if a (iid (ee = = — -_———- a } | xz a — eet wd Teer noe — j 3 os —_ - Ce caaeetenetiell —— ee < G7 . ae - : ne z z : ne 67 i) 5 let OF Congre y Pratt Oukley & the Clerks — as rer Be eee Wt the Disywec Coior of Connecttcat — . - x =Liddy LPAI), ¢ iy , << rE Soc IG ns Pa Lf — eS ti, Wy fm a | Ip f \ . SEZ; a ante ahh LR Lng fh Wh i et ie Sma CK att Hake ee 4 £ er, Tet: v4 rem by, ¥/ WZ. ras wef eG f& ; ~ Bs 3 is ee maven : 1 Sen by A VOvar pak iyi L5tE Fitz Bs CANS <3. “dis C i ‘OS Mise Tics a7 “& aq 3 fx ca : : y FON yw Oxosenberg sy a) — SYS emesyut oN f . Se i } LEW. aS eo Cha Bre ¢ rhe x Stee <3 aan < Roe sy Veg Airhlona LA = i wt = Nit 7 IN { HGS yy oy Joamr LX: 2 Ari TK orf Sy, a L. : Tamar Rand kg 7 formed ( ZA Gs + we a a Ry in pleases 7 Feu wm ) en | I. Ulea Sot of 2 wg are @ A) fs oe, 70 2 ES a A — a at? sal qv TOM t) oe a . 1007 CAN a Ovilkonar ry AION R ts ip et See Ne Sid \ ) } we alasku Wess =f ‘gore L. aS Fy gione cE SBURG \S J ? , 3. Ne eh W. gobs Smo tz “tere, me +i - gS ih <i xX oe s Hr He mK gest tell t ox amin st LEN ty 1 Bechara WN. U7 30Va ga, 3 oA VO hl CS A ft, per i 1S Cy ae oe NOP. Bie ¢; ‘ES eo sick oo i Senter ~ Galalz nat We thizsra a AUK DLO Ww Soy LNT A f Nee Py * fi i 2 ‘ een Z. Ges Larissa , : ; CC Reh cine’ IER 30m" me N\ Petrova” Y Longitude, 65 Bast fron 1 ae » ok c BA, ae AY . Le rg yient sO ov pyres ary 1 [sae Yr Do PN ¢ (aA > ge Bie ose me < Ye. yas oe rut NY ows Goul ws 3 x & TENG i Ta! } } pcre S pov aAX'D . Bor ALE Bie ex Ps 2 Jn _ Sf a, fc. NY \Pra RE sys ks et x Ps L o WW V org) | ie s Teherkask \S Ne SB SPV EQ SS \ e- Wires 4 i» o~\ iy Hr \ ¥ = Z S Pa é WU); 3 7 Z = = Mew \ . ) 4 A Aa Y —S ines ms wa ae autasian i 28a Madtes A Santee ‘ f ‘ E apy et Panops Save Wwe RE EXPLANATION or SYMBOLS Form of Government Ww f- Republic tats Viceroy 4 Ka oe === Absolute Monarchy a) ro. yr aes Loniled Monearcis ATG? Car? 7 mt Dy JO YDT VION) JO PIE md; APU, ) —Sanin Som rachis Sen Z es TA Peat Ms oS . QS } Fe se wa - Cs > S hed ; Yay tas Conny | VAL Lit Ui SL S AS > eu” Sine ORE ) ee <a port ih; Ss : =), + ; ‘hy Ks Css =ahy DROS aX GAGs he AWA Ai ae LE ot Ge) * “ye oA \\Mg tats iy hes i) beer Rei) ~ (RA F = ie AN = a= ——- - -~ - - 5 —-—=+ : Seah Wnosimide Bast 92 trom Waslonsion 102 Canine = CUS iee Dot ¢ =e Mere ELI State of Society a Halt Qvilized ff Lf AS Fulighten ad LEE Guilized > cyan Protestant Roman Catholic Ny ~ ,oht tr 1S . 5 t3 a Grech Chirch RKeligion* Babar > Mahomedanisni : Mission as) LAG ARASH STAMOS MADYODE uf CLOLIPL SPILLID TTS D PPISILTA TETfest North Phe a Se a ST Sr? TT 4 % 2 L Meridian of O Gre ‘ecowich 1 2 3 a / —, = » een Pan 7) — ———. anal | | es ———— ( ne See eS Teg RT “a a a} 2 | A La Ht sO L ; \ pn / i AT Sanshitt. : o . {@| OREN itt ) Scale of EngMiles | 3% Ls : a } ~ % oS JON ee meee Gites _100 59 | Pomona, \ey I = —— } A | fey SEs Ln Deo TIoy [Z Yi? @ | PE nas é 8 = a a. & rth 7X x : C, Wrath Pn pe Py ! \ Bide 27 hewis ya} 1 : aS Don, ATSDY iI? ‘ M A 4° : 1s qt Af F J Hy a A NOS ere. mumsd f oe | LK pa Care | if 2 ae ees As 6 4 > > } X A i OL, Win . & Wi ae 7 el Aca aay § ¢ ITA W = + ¢ A ‘ i, Bt Ae o> Sagrran ay S ; SD oh R . aN G Cy | | BS. A a (ORG, Moree se |f ome -B, , Sa eo “AD i | 1H | } ; i NH BA MZ To Titustrate PE ¥ KOw “ | Dorpoch Se = ne 7 1B Se Oa SSG) c~ : OLNHYS SCHOOL GROGBAYHY. | il > aw ff a — | j sD, 4 [ieee = = 3 qi | % Log 3s al Cy ae 5 GEER AAS FI it LAE Toa PS = | eC comaeny x aS q,, a Ey Bave e o) \ EXPLANA/PION } Se 7 i 2 ri : f/ Loch \ a) \\ > . | y Naw ‘) p— f } Popniaion. ia! ( ._fanty tT TULL { s iB] o, t\ 4. OAS Peter a Cries and Towns | | Overpiess /4/ ae 7 = ; . an ‘ | ge eat Nee MIX Gh = ¢i L000) 4) 100:000) ©) 000,000. ——— iH YN Ne) 4 | 5 , i 77 $03 ef Pi Figures placed tr these characters show the nian | 1 42.877, do \. : . L lo Aber wdeensy { ber of Feaundreds, thousands &e which tle charac- | 57 | Fi ay Bi yr. Ce A re ae! ake ter den oles: rus Tyre BI2Z,000, Leeds 100,000, | | Ram A “ if S “fe London Y32000.000. | i ey ye , Ea Figures on Rivers denote thew lengi. ur Aaurcreds | | > fo. ss of miles a® Thames h. 2%,250 miles. | a] : Z “tron tu: D £C Dey | | Z = ne. : | | » out LF J England contaavs 52 Counties » | - ¥ We : | } | h \ Tire: SO T(, ~ Scotland 33 | | } t \ ¢ 7 Z ~ | | wv Treland a2 ; | : i | < a. aI | | Q | | ! yy —_— i| | ! ~ | | | } : \ A th = } f, E j lisa . ‘S sD: [IN O Fe Oh qT ag Ey Q 4 Eee f | so Q iE ¥ pF Set a EGTER - — 7 ey | | m 7 | we sO 5 32967 mas | I aN ae 7 é | A * — a if | 2 IF S il $ Wis “< ; ~ 'F Ns z a | i 8 Zs ey, SS 4 1] | { ~ - a eS | } | ~ Kg = Se 1 < TN RNa | | ’ ‘ 4S Sj Co ! | Bl : may Xk SES | | ph = + % / 18 | i a SS ° f Ro Jmoy +N y E 4 } ‘ wi @ <> S 4 _s. | | A y ne . og me t _ ~ ) Ne ED) Harpe S om = i 433 fhe hos A“ DMiareie iP f ; Te ti a ~~ | 55 iB! | ) 5 ts! RF ire spe’ \ # | a = \ / / z, / e 2 le 1 Agree, fonadadees re S AE Ha YG i “ Newcoses | , E Be \ x Be Py pe Ar edte. iB! —_ ye orae OF ae % | / : id i Legh Wi Ten N A Sh a1) ” | = HAM caer lee rh aE | y BOON lf, CEL. Ge p Tv Leign LAS. fi soy) Ri s eorhams \ | | Gi SI iy) dgipeon 4 eg Sririieg OR nigh = | | =: Dany Py DS ' ‘ ~ - C1 a3 =? » \ = j= \ : Ry Ao see oi ue! gr Sie ye - ) } : Ai gepenton- ‘ obleby e { ET Tig [EBRGa On EA oN uy \ Hie eo } | hh SeQeeye LWlinder@e ting™ & Ia y VES \ I LS = > é 2 = 7 i} 3 » ~ _ # a \ B tat S35 jy $ Is ae Vee 4— Unni fino , fas rs ets 3S \ of YZ KC bere : hie 08 i gtak 7, Riptire Chaat Natt eet DS | Lp . + | A eRe Ae a Rally na OD OTE fe J "rey ei. v a OAK eh As a | | th fs) ; oon yy acct esse O*e AIT Re SN es Pa Pune Geek | KS on Feat aap S a Et é | Joi LerEB Cc ‘asthebar fa \ he K ey i > z LGB Diy ee) VS se 207 il | | YEE el - FO Ii \ Fa AR SRCAGK Fo FGF sy ey | he a: {. pueug ond ! ok YS oe it 7 DERE SF Ss SK = ce wn ; Pion J BLD Z pels Weave go a mh or ee ey 2ry |) fi BA Spier 55 he | | aT) QONRTR 5) nS 1 . : Wier \ ia f ie es _p tran ‘| bre} ———— ROU) [43 ) Be aoe | re Ceci SIRE Ry | ine | a? an fia ar prs al ra’ fg \ a EZ Oy |} Dic fea te. ries ia) Wiis a 1a MAP Roe eH Ky Ke SE oe 109 Re \ ia} Sty = > “ < (DUBLInEY Ki i al Be SF 2 \ “s we shia maceln = ie} oe / M. v rep ae. _ a ny ibe a SZ ¢ J& } 1a) (GS Cabeny ANY BOACTOIE, OBE jig iy yrange tS |e % a a8 oF Arran ¢ : Wig 5 ye PS wef rn ) aN LA | « < on fit eet Oey] go of a | bas Ve Fw 4 thoes J, ga Bad Lae, K Vy Gier DALOR? qe io oe wi 2 Re Xe ester, Dwar I, fe acl wre Fas Fite . aie G itm! ZEN Z Er f ‘ a : | La yy) =f Maxgbor “ong! iG One OF Yj Psion ois ms oat é 2 we Denies th, = Om es a y pe (TCA ) We ( ae oH las Ff J S70 mG A ; ye } Veh aa | ya 5 ¢ LH bn lis Staitor ES ¥ Granthiny i i Y é 4 (Roga ry ae G) ein Pop SE 1B 043 1A, ne NG Mi { ost J | Loop te oe 2 B 3 Dolgeliy / “tens <n gn aero Dor “cp Oust iat F\\ Shy : we & i ail x Ales ‘i Oh, rots seer" Pr | ai i li é ~~ . ome p EFGS BE a Zan \ = Fi} Dov owe eS ps f ic ape Ap oe Proxy} 70 | a es Weert a Haw. Lory SEY AN a = fonigSmer ¥ yan ES CEA we i ow” | rs Serdioe Wextora SE ») oS yy es ; TERY Y S\enidfier. “Aigner Heoptay gongs” f ie Atal. om 1 4_s d y BES n= Aierystiiyen SO26G- SGM) iB prirtstoy ek, vont Ht is eee ? ( i? , 77 ie Si z ib % DULL, Di pari at NM, B))) NS EY Pw f we espeion Urrpekaels aes aS Sora: uy SPC fh “ > arve SON . > #) (* Camt } , ; : j \ Se ln 6 f Nr) F Cam if Qi ZZ, Sy Seca He eo \ A Hereford ode & inen ial en : ii ZI : Or Ii SN 52 | = Oe : = ey ILE Tp < aS 4 Wes RS | e ey aS “ES iy? "¢; f ) sex cs A g | Be ke , inate 6B Pa “Htayerfor ae tat thenl pa AND chive r | ; Ny | | RA A heat = ; t Qn - A 4p = = ¥) t Z 1 Cs Tet ides Bax3 Uf pbs se a Hey by RAO F | RZ : Ie : I bn’ ane \ | f \ KOxford Ue es as Hk 6 \ Aes we iia ea oo ie 5 i ay a aK oe tpingd. ort & = H Core 3 ates - 3 : f= Ore rae Bitfone te eet ar) me xX | iat rrt00 35\ S hr Prute iBi 25 Tes = 3 PASTE EEN if Si sf as TRH AAE = oh Dae FG Tee. y | PE. peas ’ e Bu {( ie eS p . } MG ~ qtamnaupic | aT? weey) Hi Y - | ane | 1 ol (F ; 1 From Liverpeol to New Tork a af A g a “= 3500 miler ot ot 4 \ 4, TAA het ae efrvagha dy ll ZED YS F I) By if fe <= A Hi) I} RY = er € = C }} gs , Phi » [oe =e pL AL) nN \) | wy i 3 5 ro oO - ‘ : SG j 50 N N Sa x ieee I DNA, aA = LJ | Taghihonse = ¢ 4 TL O; B Fi 50 ie ata heh eat na A - eeaee —— Us sea ! Lon eS 73 East from 74 Washington 75 70 4 5 = i , 7 J “ te East = eet Saez PTsMAP OF To HInstrate iS SCMWO OL GROGRAPHY ea ee . OANYK Scale of Eng Miles OO 3 00F ne ene wv Empires &e thus: 2.000.000. Cities and Towns. E100,000 1.000.000, — Kentiuck 31000 3) lain. “u tiicy ~ > | | wa ex . © Whe Mou h eK, Florida Figures placed in ese characters show the jai: ber of hundreds, thousands ke which the charac: ter denotes: Gas Singapore & 30,000, Bombay @ 250.000. Pekin ™ 1.500.000. Piugures on Rivers and Mourtames lengd@v wr Juoidreds of rales; as Garuges L710, L000. miles, Himalaya Mts. JZ, 1400 miles denote their Longitude East 35 fram Greenwich PALESTINE Wr. AWS ee SOMA | : ] : > = 4 TRIBES Fadah Vil Issachar Vill Asher | Il Smmeon itl Benjamin IX Zebulon IV Dan X Naphtah Y Ephraim Xi Gad Vi Manasseh All Renben Hy RR rs SX & we y x | f ‘ OX | } Qs & S 3 Sa WH tT. , Me 5 ae <calepeg ay hanes AQ “CAB aU Sa | che Saag | Ea : [Baalenk Ln SJ Heliopolis ‘ | ‘ yy ABS < Xi eS q adel \ , Ee : A Pe ET Ree r poe Al 7 7, a f e ss a ¥ 700g gee <a WVvarry (a GS Ce Ure a yf 98000 b Sa STA} 700), a7 fio KeGex ee ae IS \e ois ACona NY AX Ay ena SS Woe a sr J — F279 L077 . Ge oe a F500 LF) ~ > Zz Ontay Miles ue She, moth Gileac pt tiRabbath Ammon | Philadelphia ME Longitude East H2. eS i ine étTn. UW He ver L860 WPrailoakley& Coin An ffive fihie srt Gort oF Connecticut—— ——— ee a 7 Tr | leaps x $$ — ees Bong) «650 60 «70 80) 90) 180 No 130 Bo bo so eS a SS as ir Yongrinde Eb BST fapm¢ Ga OIE a La Sf Loy Mt far eo uit nip quuy J 7% VONGordsh-i R a pI EGOO,. OO Oy TNS Fernsk wh a VA ey “at oa sp %%3 Tomsk f eat fw 2 _ sSKotyvan =) { a ) ¥ —, A , YBarnaoud she (4 ity : A. 2 | _—— on — \Oof =) «'* vu i S me lenupolainol <& A = ee i i . s = oY feet = \ \ => <— Tiss <8 $21 | i \ ake 4 4 \ es e : RS \ > , Sry a KY y- VN \. J \ Nt Dm eo S OR NES, © } — ¢ Aubsa L \ ee “¥ Ex. 5 “A |e a owen ah Met OR oh \ ee IY Se Le BS erie OW i A ne 2 Th Te i faraker’®. t Cy. j 3 G\ Oe aIe\, = pA Be a (4) ( . 2 ay \ Poo ey C od Sq ANDY an oa pron he Wiiemenee a a : 3 ARS i Ge + eh Ta sFO Ue \\ ce : Z 2; IZ. Knasrel bach a ae Ws \ Noe ey WS { Z > SU - U =r i\ oO oy TE, | ean 5K! | - j — » > 4 wh @ x, i .O NJ CG % ‘Ve ; & Gace A. ews J = x Thi L. aaa | Bar oul . —f | - ° peti Bane Nb Ais aS ~ em man sine De a alt AVIS cc BES yan co Hess I Boriog ut 8) Ie ga BOKRMAH Sef Sate} St eps Ue hota us ‘ eg MO 4, 7 yor ye Des eRe ges Its oh i 3 : rhe aah f ger ihe Mi age , 72 we \ rae S\ of 5 ee G 0. L y e ‘ I He eae y Pes ee is — lerengr' L 2 =e Maven Hagel, 2 Say Y ab : O°S > Nok joo s ye eu, pare aural Cuihandeo™ sa. sy Ast =% den. Cc a <t ma LZ, Ar ~ 7 alio C1, Baad ¥ ein) Q ie us Phoptite we 5 Te CO ~— noe 2b coy Oy is Pop. 13 aa Nae Jarung. War rN 2 : A \\\} laze \} } j \ poi wn EN Senne Ba 2D YS, Ge PEO ry An PTUOL PuUBpLUuy Jo SPIRO T DPPOUD? TARMSINOGT WUT LG PE IDL VLDVIUTINTfd SES OT ar iy te SoS ee i aaa Mes \ DR bie ae é a a : 4 i Se ia: BARR Ti, er RSELT ee Trae Varth ALU 00 4 Lrelartad Leelarnid y Latzicl WeeanA Mericdiwvicsh oF Lore nitride we No MW Hollsrrsel _1000, 6O Ine Miles w 600 a y a ule of ¥ Greenwich SCE ma Ww 50 100 SS ne SE — Lhationtr > £ Cypirael. Day MIN O ASIA eee r ‘ Ka ay 17h \ Dz ALAR i Enola od any @ Or el r i Ola praitar ae (ft ( { 7071 S 4 uf I x i. : LG Cospayt Mequnvex ee aw ire JSR Perenivegs ——s , f traits \of > a iy ———— re MABE: 20 Lad 0p GL fet IPRS ory VERO Tri ok Te : a Mee Uy ts ~~ Nice iS wor GR: ESTERS TO Pineal PRI S omer SESTEHS yaya! TT eee C000 AAORE 2S Pp. es 7a & iS > es 8 b e ‘ 500 oy, From the A yet al pA ~ a sf » AGi 3 a Raed a oo -— J ey 4 5 a ‘al t 4 6 , & : ‘a6 i Mie uk x a ~ pat | eae i i ve = = > CO BN a ge D ‘ Dy OE : aS BL R 3 Qe 2m 2 3 & e gf 5 S {3 ia by << Q Be as > eat ~g ~N oh : mi S fe” ie. od a S } i Tiras a HA f be » S a wy . ~ « S rs “ee - ‘eos! Ave = t " & me x ee +a: Ss me a “Sl . s eS om Se wth SS ny . x P~ = Mi; 5 x ~ x» a ree So 8 wn ow J 3 S a ‘ I “A - P at xr , 2) WO ox y¥ & = ey; BRC 30 Ame MOP iC ~~ ~~} + CS ee ah, “oe > Rte) SRE oe x Qre)\ nN: * arate ; ria ; Fae’ , ry ue FORD |S SIT y Se dernca{/ miles L200 Nip ty erttaey” Fri From Morocco to Geo K Capuade of thi he OD on te thousands ATION, Tovwus 77 CO a, , denotes, Tats Algiers ick O 100.000. AN ese charactors Population /tri2¢ Cities LOOO Or ’ character Ligides placed in ify TUNED La Linge ny AS 2 Fehabo A AWA o ll, et Leifer 70.000 <P o S — < Fup. so MOUR ZOU” Al Gatan leaths ¢ TAURICHS Hoty Welly aay Gilirraat j MAHT RA Onsis of Past RILD CY: ioe Piz oF r Aga AL Waicn TOPL s Maid oF Tr. itudemi ; / MONSELMINES MONGLAATS hb 5 ~ on { iG } Se Se ~ . « BX 4 = ( tf a HAO? Cape DAY Ma Zi by +e Ci py) Y Wes a a i$ 0 Africa Tropic of Cancer —l a "7 Florida to Coast of van 2 x ~ mae ¢ ms eS a r . = 5 | St. NS i ea ~ *Y RN oe a h eS SS eS S&S 8 S ~ & \ 7X f oN N us | ~“ »>mN& NRE ~ SES SA Ls ~ Me™ Sw W So ee ~ KS 6 SSA I ee ns SS wv BRAS ~ ~ mS Ss <fPN = Ries Se SuR SS SN | Ris So | ~ ar | ~~ Pe S Bo Soy 1 Ape ST Sess 8 ty Ses Ar SRY iS va aS, Re 2 Sh eh SR = c z Ay foci fx “A e ne : | ee ~ ~ q - S or Pe a > ep 8 a oy ~ oO pd ash s Sieg o> a Sg igonk a | Q ¥s by % = k- A Ss = 5 ss : gS S b & 5 > } iS 5 y 2 Ene YH wet aN Wr » ; S a * ne} < be ard Db a SY fiat oo = = Real = > 4 ‘ Re ~ Sw aS. < Nels ~ & = ~ 0 > x ld “2 : a eS 3° aq° 5 ey oey sh aN Re aS (ae) .— 3 . © y ~ fous q & Pas Ry Sih = > ey eC weed ~ S ¥ me : x 4 aS : Mag yo Ss ky x 2 Xd x > Jn.S <“ tox Y G) teense ‘ ——— : ens wh? > Afaeae ia Ba SP 2 gre JD Sf SBA & \ A FZ p wh PP MARACATOS ( OK =) 7 : Hhartou ? 2 ) Cajtaras ‘Pp QO’ ure ’ Supposed wvnae, of Hh. Z lortan \ ND AR A” O14 ATs. / M Go Y, Ores St D: I00 Tt. Fr. po a BIAFRA O44 PMs, SEQ 2 D- R. GaD "8 Hie q / f Le ‘. AA PCAK ioe Fr "Opry FET HaAAAs +Ta >, L re A tad VIL fo A. i $ ~~ ra xh shee wider Lee to PortiGat q A ye BACATOO A A ; AA 0OF—GCULTNE or < <q - 0 ae I ser 3 TTA * cS 5h: REDAMOO <> Tarn sas a a Su i fe L =f e ee > * bot ab ae x SA PUG FOR 3 Hie - Tix a Pi ross cn NOS. NE ALAS \ x PHITROCTAS. RRA | yee -— Wiehe < x ST& FREE TS Bah 3.500 W1Ntler Dare to PF TIC Guares ‘ Wren by | a eed Pos’ - (iter ‘ ATT ce ? miles ES JSOrth J 2 Qirs to — PTTL 7 Slag owe ZG Arica Guigia x ft Jv to i berta From vt trom — = ‘We ul ¢ venelle DEG = SSS 5 SSS | SSS | aS [me Oxas oe Jv} a4 Ww Xan iy = »* Oo be Ae) YZ ‘ye SY cs Se aa TEN Or wy ~ 2 NN S — \ > } Silay S a ) 8 x Sb ip ~ | goles Q =| NS re rs x ota a ih ~ i 5 ne ¥ ia { eC ae, | ~ j ~ fan aes ‘ ; rh | E E FUNGERO / Se) yeu Sige fe Zany 5 jo 1s aS < 2 —" SS x oO = A a\AS & } Sin ee SIG SSX SSeS SESS Sess SS | Els mx oié Vy | i | | | | | | ype mere ~ se ASSRSasem oot — 7 = SA Rogue 2 7 ~ ‘ -& a8 Bares tb an/ eR oe ~ re Y Sy i r EN Tas Saas Le tT ite fi | ALS a ' i RR Sy > te e + ESS = aos i oA FA oon t 4 ie BS 8 | Rm eB qes 1 =o Ro o aS ~ Al ~ we ys y Ss Se It as Wy ¥ y es ¥ Maury DB? Li Ve Borrborn-l Dit rt DW) | Je rea Bay + Tran Rive AGA o VtE © ah Lt v c tL po" / G, > Vie Pe 7 Pc bar AL AL if 2» Mirna Z wt X G ZE de <rrat 4 ire LMALAC wnDe OO SRF a ) nn» ~ om A, if L_JShua— AS Cazembe a 7%, T4 4 LU avik a> ry, DIG OTTa Se] lenbu Ta \ _i Log r OA > x 0 Mukhamnoo + iS S 5 o Own et holich en Z Kr » Oo x - - a O “ ~ LING ( Okaveare Lune bus Oo KRlahar = 5 OFthe oO » ~ A ¢ ¥ a ~ NG pani » 2 a es, Cc my Wa 4 SS) IP rs FIDO NIL 75 &»> 3.000 miles 2B OTLS death w to fro Janeiro 3.700 milar £ j WTLETeD « 1 3/000 raat PALE OF Nc Tih - to i Vy DY) YEA Yy Pos Bay Longe EV OFRELTAD ED OLS 0 Branal 3.500 mmol eS . SEM goa | Jarndse tom i LAY a AN Walwiai From Tr. JEDSA om 10\ GAL Dyuoain ASC r Ge rns - G re z eeutoniaht MF 2800 Fthe, Dia Lo Cape Palmas 2.000 miles Me s S y oral L C, Sth TERR 75 AD Deaeplan OTT J ar C.S% Bay O10 A a <o. fo yRD AY? g Q la Melita iY nd f an N UC, » wicorn ‘aj Tropic f of ( eK Yew Georgia fos ES ~ we < Nie % ea fi Ri ~ ; Oh O/B)? : g ~ x N 4 fe \ SSR) t ———e a = x i + ALOPDPRTLT 5 G00 miles: Aawralta MNatiian. d pit to ‘ i iw &D)' Urban mate Cape Ol Ceca Hi pe Ports Qh Duouisloritte Gyabans Town Pri Tt EN ye JX eu - eye FRE an ee a By ; rath EES ‘ Rett he As AGTH 4 4) i -f BEM: R2ETS ay wt, AouThed Ce tAOF COQD OPE hi. Obphaxt ¥ a - CAPE Ne } rst dissovereyt ? ~ fy Cama Sourthy eTron tS = 8 S ~ x x frou Wisin WALCO 3.900 nitles 1 Hope to. Montes vient to Patrtares Africa rv — Loneniude ¥ Sou From From Cape of t —— sc oF A x O* x S G ZO soloed or spel. uiniel and sFottetk Mraryi Zz EO Louicia?? Mississiv™ Pratt Oakley. <7 UIBbOTy < Penns CA and LIBERIA SIERRA LEONE VAENPO WEL INIET Jed * pd)Ri Seen RTE Wb. a ea = ET re at _i Cae 0 MAP OR THE k aye AX ROM, EY s To Hhustrate ANCIENT HISTORY. vs Se tlas Enéraved for Omeys S¢ hool A “(ilies ave record. as Rotten. Woderze nares of Gttes ave UNACTS COE > ode 244 L e V2 Bs Uy. ee af Casting This map represents the Roman Empire at the Time of its greatest extent,soon udier the appearance of onr Saviour 772 / ~ Si FeO mp ty af WS NCC. ree ad een : es e Ss ie May: Slr yy L347) RO A a Ley ps 1 oy Binap a hi Lun. 2960 Tro moss Solr» bY / 2) iy } = a Dury hie A, 3 e Hea CES p= Dy L7i7p ~ Kitten i dy» TFS fejoc, Vise uy 2g Nea GC: 7 , Lntetia < eon Leaf De, e Doe Lee Ney f 4 & Mean y ee his DLs LIT ef, bey iz. ‘Ll. S Se ¢ ZS @z, Liao etary 13 & 7 Ge S {4 Ming” Wein Ym lLrophia WIP Ust Fe SOY Gees a al - - ; \ & 2 ek Lr TRANG, Mog inf: ACLS a Lope! Gers os FUL. WZ Ne risen ce : ieee p oe tos Vi ae ae vrum i> = Ys ee Oo “eeolanizs + Aictoria alegeiaih Ti ee ae: S LS “Stat ore fe Saste oe OK Cm ie : AA OTL \ i gid vege chez up Aydum % \ MEAS AY Ss FL. ) Marz fiidebre we ga Of E My é SS “LUD TUTE f BS ue) > : Fg Foy EX i a NE, WP fae US [galls an At Ra Ne : C7 4s guriaon pa 1\Cm Very, Bass. a hg w I, i— &>) OBS aun oat Dele S CLA wig ~F~A pe Pruan § AL pa me oO via” J Dy. ~~ Sa; 2 a ‘a te ~e Y Lae ele GE Si Ivan 0 Ny hzg7Tua PS ms Aon ee | : Say 4 Ce BO Jpefer oN RD aN a ip? AS Laren te oN Sf; Whe SP \\( ey oP + fama ye ae pyt ies | I aa Fsurus 9 Hes an Lonsit. ab. Fortun, S70 they nDIR60 ly PraitOaklay & the Clerks ottice OF Mie District Court of Gagecticnt.\0 i i. ha ae ae —— ——— = ee atl te fee - »*) Sa _ ae — —= = COT Ta — Longitua a 2 Se a a anni | = \\\F Dita nile East’ 2 2 _ikom Greenwich 2A SSS Vacate WF \ =) y)}} or : na? a, = ~~ S seplen Ryans, B T= Sr plait aX. y ye t J si Ro | . ‘ SA Uf F VS AE ) \ | : f oe ® A eats Y 344 ; his Messenes 4 ia S er it RY aS aa LS Ny Theba Q Lm WSS Tee ee R A i LS = “Sit yD oe a :: Pe vonage Kd fort, < ef 1 Strchoa T : 1 De. > eee NL L. ce we \\\ ‘ ~E SK I Sat mune: aah SCyp arissiar S\\ Gull Paris Naupacius Beinn | + te Tes A Lear 2 ; Yb 2 SS = A: ks : C er v> Euripas) satithiae FOr —————— S SS Pe j sr SSS omen YL SS = ' | i : pox 2 sh Seoul < : bs Y x 2 ( 3 4 by i 4 I: ah ae ges BY St \ mC Br ey — Aor. 4 ip ( SP r7.c \ Y o> J ; x a oe) { Pa ON ieee) ei if aN 6 Sa ee aN __ ) LS ee r _ Ol ( sp ~ ; » a oar rs SOUTHERN PART CarrodyguUne La 40) a = AF r O N I <7 ‘ or a — eee A y 4 ~ \ re Faint a > Za Za OF \ Vi \ 8 : ic WN ww) Prom. in a SS VLA GR EECE., ZNAIPTIN\LP)))))) PREILG ¢ lo oe (A co he : D Tian By mi rep : <S ATO %e ‘ x »Lencts { Sg ay) = R - Sis Spesere os Lat “2 VW cA BS ji Ss —— ard. ag? < = WAS ee Mee mutium | Py 7, a FO EE Uipin ; s . ra ADL OES Hie Oo ie — ALDI 2 we gusts, cursor At? [ail una, — rs PrYe tore are 150 | Sirmt TET TERS Nice tees us re | Sane eu : et t, Ny MG erie mul ze | . y Ai Meo HX K ae uy a fi SSS F ‘seThh ny fi VS ie Ee Pr sna = A ES : = fal BY \ a = c Ks i 3 —— 4 ve € Sp Ly chit te > 0G: Ai. Cp Adan ts Bek =< soy ANG Ge \E ss we Y rv ( aft S Stab 2 é Z <2 4s D) A we LNG say Tera a Ni) m4 Dyrrachivap NG, i 4 tes <i cL rol S a Pires 4 . A | S} * AM. 4 C DD ( *'4 rr Be eS Yl eh \ pies TH TIN 2 < | CO) — ATO li aL ~ Lamphipglis: gWeape eerie A) ‘ Sy // oy LB fry Hy i 3 NX vt my : qulon eT ies sal: TROP ey se pe ee ON icloa pail ATLL DNA gers : ESTs S quae be) \~ fy Lag a> & fa Ov A he TQ I o> kere. a ‘ , 4 Susi ) 1 5 ee —_, yp / BAN Ee § Agi ars a U gerete > "oh an eS “=Das. sint\ —« \ Ao Puree 2 E=( PN ie TONES ye sas it) a a aX ‘ -~ Lar SSC 4 te ae Qe bea = 1 at << Dy chi TU Lg iplity - Py ay “ita aS Se ct Wes As go0c ne Cophalk eg ft ed go ne 1 rhb \ ye t et: 7s Let Sih = 5 at) A - LEY A m7 Sp S425 . gl ’ Tre GX orp ms espe Ti rape. 18 we He We UTE \ Ie SOL fe ictus Pe pJ {374 ad a oe, S qi ’ * ENA ol Ue Y aI 4 ds poe [A vx = Py) Ul a ‘ S a Pp C Con is Hie GO! CART Ze s re 2 Ne) pee, a VE: Ee A A eb SSA My Ai LA db oy HINSS De Jr | ys) i i, ie. oo yD a i / aH Fay bi? y ee WI Z.WSS fy y LY, = = Z = wih . : Me = nat Nie IN OU Zia ; THN ee ARO Bases T: LARS CWSRER i OE ames I) a re a RR ¥ yy Z f \ Sti tana I) SPS 3 { Lene aude) Us or, Wh ——7, | ae i Z3- HER LV : g Re Es LAF Yj E Lvl ae , .: oy cs yr ene Larce { C RG “Oy! N WS t : B N i Antipyrgus “FS RES = > | Me e Be. o haul we a - » } ‘ ‘ c Se Sd » zB \ f > ynis & - 1 WR f Ment IAT $s sue ¥ Me sl PE ae) ra oe a at art 7 Cc ( cq: reg iz Arsinoe 4 1 TN ge US hy : i M mes < yn ‘ \\ i at 5 Amano iter “ngs aK 1) 2 Tenple at Jup os gu . == SSS versus Orientem IX 1\5 Casts Parva =. ; rote a Be a Qasis Wacna Y- Pp “PP BPE rs ‘ M7. T LYD TA, 5) ~ Apraizee < Ke HLS: Me, One raiopttio-| =) sin! al a male dae ne rye = Are, mgs) Aya use \ Sey OO: s aS 50 rape / ne See 1 500 Ela _ feracles 4 Cy: smu b fynopolis por x ns , c Plylé 0 moles ; e: ep) Le ops «> No : aprole® can Ayita fi Ly ain faityva & Ip0 s¢ 7D J00 400 ote 4 Faume a x\ Ak ; 4 Suet Mltuanria Britannie propria Selliarta fiomana Stadia OL np We a 1700 2000 I008 Leuce CGallica | on Ww 10 150 20U 2h } } | } le i? vu v0 Ensby Shennan & Smith <aA CHART! _ Showing the Natural Con a and the great Physi a surface |! EXPLA represent; | oy yD 99 y) Qnagrees tt the Yer 1855. by Prat, WeedArd Eniterca xorg Co ace OF@ (; 7 r a was ommercial relations 4: ysical Features of the ae te of the KIS ae | DS Wi AG. ~ e~ CI < Z BT A + = a8 3, ay - on Bt AY Ars ENTE SS VT MN DR MATION: ni the Deserts. Mountains. Oceans, Lakes &c. ‘Lowlands,or Plains. Elevated or Tablelands. adic Oe tn the Clerks Yfice Of Ge trict Gurt for the Sauthesi Desirict Of Nes Tork *of. Great est He —a Sa . So} —N 7 SES = SS a LYE ‘ LZ Abas Uf p- $72 Hs Kp) a 7™ OS iY a mA : Capricorn Ss vw. WELLS DEL. Tuts Map is intended to enable the eye to perceive, at a glance, the great physical features of ‘ay the earth’s surface ;—the size and relative position of the continents and oceans,—the temperature of the atmosphere,—the distribution of rain,—currents of the ocean, — drifts of ice, &c. &e. I'he climate, or temperature of the atmosphere, is shown by the isothermal or waving lines crossing the map, having at each end the figures indicating the degree according to Farrenheit. All places situated on these lines have the same mean annual temperature. The distribution of rain is shown by shades. that falls in each region of the globe. and the arrows showing the direction of the current. The deeper and lighter tints indicate the relative quantity of rain The ocean currents are shown by fine lines,—the deeper shading indicating the greater velocity, TEMPERATURE OF THE ATMOSPHERE. I)irFzRENT portions of the earth’s surface are exposed to different degrees of heat, de- pending upon the latitude and local circumstances. In Egypt it never freezes, and in some parts of Siberia it never thaws. As a general rule, the cold increases with the lati- tude and the elevation above the sea. But, owing to a great variety of local causes,—as the shape, extent and inclination of a country,—the direction of its mountains,—the pre- valence of winds,—its distance from the sea—the nature and cultivation of its soil, &e., places having the same latitude in the two hemispheres, or even in the same, frequently differ very much in climate, or in the mean annual temperature of the atmosphere. By reference to the map, it will be seen that Europe is warmer in the same latitudes than Asia or North America. Where is the line of greatest heat? Is it a straight line? Is it mostly north or south of the equator? Which part of the western continent is warmest? The eastern? Which is warmest in the same latitudes, the eastern or western continent? Europe or Asia? Europe or North America? Which is warmest in the same latitudes, the eastern or western coast of North America? What is the mean annual temperature of New York? What part of Europe does the line of New York pass through? How many degrees of latitude is London north of New York? How is the mean annual tempera- ture ascertained? By taking the average of all the mean daily temperatures through- aut the year. eos DISTRIBUTION OF RAIN. The average quantity of rain which falls in a year at any given place depends upon a great variety of circumstances,—as latitude,—distance from the sea,—elevation and shape of the country,—its mountain ranges,—exposure to prevailing winds,—and other local causes which influence the climate. As a general rule, the annual quantity of rain is found to decrease with the increase of latitude. This wiil be seen from the following Table, showing the annual depth of rain in different latitudes. Tie Places. Countries. re Lat.) Fall of Rain.| Grenada. ccc ckce css. West Indies:. ......./12° Lv! 126 inches. | Cane El avtlenemteters : cioss) are wie's)s 0s ET ayia cyeicts acsieaieiatens BOC TAO | ZO). & Calotttarer-c. emia csc 0 cle. scree ELindoston'..s se cccc lee cou ole Ss NOME’. cis occ cise ere chi cis, acl sa WtAlYicrcie sale cvsiee scree ANCE O41) -S0r a Mondo, . = ..6 Bre ACT eiSis\i.6 ¢ eceia.s Hine lancd.-...2,<cyeeiras| Dil Sel 258 ae ite, BELCESDUTO™: serch eis ie 6. b\sje 6 wie QHRSIAR eS. cen fens ate Doe 1G Ge cs Wea Dono erera sewiajereleta ociever ene larwvere) al LUUSSLA so, aye,.c-wicssveleusie 6501, Ist & | It is not to be supposed, however, that all places situated in the same parallels of Jati- tude have the same annual quantity of rain. Local causes will have their influence, and often produce the most surprising anomalies. As a general rule, places near the sea haye more rain than those inland. As we leave the coast, for the interior, there is a gradual diminution of rain and of rainy days, as will be seen from the following Table, showing the mean quantity o rain and rainy days during the year. Conntn Depth of Rain) Nember Cue: in inches. _\of Rainy Days. British, [slandsey ers. oa ccmcercies tide cleteiea cre sine s 32 156 Western, HWrancen. cycccicss selesnieiciets a aicete «lerciere 25 152 Eastern France...... bite Sabon dint etasav ay erapevalaieleiale 22 147 Central and North Germany,............. eee 20 140 Lun cary: sce cratein ote yer BS MO COO Lae a 17 111 astern Russias Kazan. accra case cee aetereraiels 14 90 Siberia, Wakoutski- 4: cro ceo ore eke eke 5 60 The cause of this will be readily seen, if we reflect for a moment that the air above the sea, or the ocean atmosphere, is always moist, or charged with vapor. As this is borne inland by the winds, its water 1s precipitated in showers, and Its inherent moisture continually decreases with its progress. If its continental journey 1s long, it loses all its. humidity, and reaches the centre, parched and dry as the land atmosphere. Whenever the moist winds from the sea meet high mountains, or elevated table lands, they are forced to ascend along their sides into the colder regions of the atmosphere; where the air loses its capacity for holding vapors, which are at once precipitated in rain. Consequently, the winds descend on the opposite side, dry and cold. This is the case in) the desert of Atacama and on the coast of Peru. The constant east winds sweeping across South America from the Atlantic to the Pacific, before they pass the Andes, lose all their moisture, and hence those regions are never refreshed by a drop of rain, The mountain chains are the great condensers, and serve as the reservou's for the rain waters which they distribute over the surrounding countries. In vast plains with a high and constant temperature, there is no cause of the condensa- tion of vapors. A wind loaded with moisture and clouds, may pass over them without dissolving into rain, because the temperature is higher than that of the wind. ‘This is tha case in the desert of Sahara. The :noist winds from the sea, no sooner pass the threshold of the desert than the dry and bunt air dissipates even the smallest cloud, In Egy Ee seldom rains; and under the cloudless sky of Thebes, a mans life may pass away withowge ge A IIIS Se Ee GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE VIEWS. the Jand,—and durivg the the land to the sea. The cause 0 | on water during the day,—and the reverse, during the night. 3 Tue VARIABLE WINDS prevail in the temperate regions. They change abruptly from one point of the horizon to another, and appear to be the result of an incessant con= flict between the polar winds and those of the tropics. Being opposite in character and direction, they give to our climate that variety of temperature, that changeableness, of 1 moisture, of fair weather and of foul, that render all calculations of the com tain and illusory. ne ae of the winds depends very much on their direction and the char- c ir 3 ¢ y bh 0 F f; ym rE ana it yains 5 t : : n | i : \ , 2 ] rr il 5 f his 1S the hig her empera ure of he a r Ol an ¢ than ee bial sa y Ing that— t rains { S is 4 2 t t | bis ever beholding a shower or even A In Bergen, in Norway, 4 day most of the year, and in the island of Chiloe, it 1s a prov there six days in the week and is cloudy on the seventh.” of sunshine is a rarity, in the midst of almost constant rains. et par Within the tropics, the year is divided into two seasons,—the pret ie a ve mg the dry season, sometimes for months, not a cloud obscures the s} y aoe ad ee wet season, the rain pours down like a deluge, In successive showers. % an A y alls een FS water that falls is often enormous. It has been calculated that on the aierage ¢ ere alls | dryness Ae Tee | rh inches of water, and 115 inches inj ing weather eee » +rODICS aster inent 77 : annually within the tropics of the eastern contine en arena oe reat the) ihe veneral character The rainy season commences Sn OE f ions whe they come. Hence thev are cold, hot, dry moist, &e. In he position of the sun, } acter of the regions whence ey come. Vii ; » Aly, St, . those of the western continent. é y see Sea el eh BES ee acai eh i ae Soa the equator than Europe the westerly winds are warm and moist,—because they are sea winds,—while in . = ‘ . * 5 si x 1 a oO a . S near > s £ 4 : s \ y x 5 passage through the zenith, 1t begins earlier in those regions I a Ty ea aa pas Bee as | Mice nore Bt he rai + season begins at Panama in March,—and at San Blas, Asia and the United States, they are cold and dry, because they are land winds. In the in those more remote, . 100 ra, in Aptil,—at Thouis alicut, in Hin-} western part of North America, and in Europe, the northeast winds are cold and dry, because | part of North Ame- ' : : ae ~ \ ‘ Mexico, in June,—at Biatra, Africa, April,—at St Ona De ag si sxhibits the | they sweep across the land from the polar climes,—while in the eastern } destan, in May,—and at Delhi, about the 21st CEES. SO ea rica and Asia they are cold and damp, because they are charged with the vapors of the annual quantity of rain in several places on both continents. ecean! On the western coast of North America, north of 30°, the southwest winds prevail \7 Places. | Countries. | Depth of Rain! from. the Pacific, and carry ehither the soft Cea OF that sean aoe the mild hw ee TaRREH CHES ness of the climate compared with that of the eastern coast. Sitka, ol north latitude, Maranham.....-++sreseeee* BA rere ee aan a has the same average temperature with the shores of Lake Ontario, but without the same PAKAMATIDO.§ . «105 0s eee oe 06's Guiana a cena a gs extremes of heat aad cold. During winter, the vicinity of Lake Superior presents but a ONENESS 6509 39 SOON ORG 00a Os | Venezuela. ei) e Pe puene sr rt OTs eariOn of snow and ice. —while the valley of the Columbia, in the same latitude, displays BOP Ota ae isisrele eeruei nic 50% ew Grenade reer tlcri ons 995 “ _ Tthe most verdant prairies. In the northern hemisphere a south wind will be warm and Vera Cruz. ...-+seeeseceees |Mexico. Jo gee Ca econ et "80 i moist, and a north wind cold and dry. ISOLOD Ea yets wise sic crueen eee eee cere ea ae eee Y O71 Local Winds prevail in certain portions of the globe. 1. The Sirocco is a hot, moist, ISDOUGRerarin eine ee neces ce: \Portugal. mets cata tents a eae 10 «“ and relaxing wind from the African coast, which visits the Mediterranean isles and the Madrid. SO.0N Ne CO UmOOOGOSK Sean: ee saw mal: Aor south of Italy, in summer and autumn. 2. The Simoon is a hot, parching wind that pres ONAN ie 62) cies oleae ae ie ortugal’ SAR eRe a4 vails upon the arid plains of Asia and the deserts of Africa. It is a dreadful yisitant to Charleston. ..-:.+-s:eorre+es South CN ECO a aee oe An CO travellers of the déserts, and to the ‘nhabitants of towns and villages. In Syria and Arar Philadelphia. ..+-++rees+s*: Hennsyly2DIe WS TIEN a a « hia it is called Simoom,—the hot, poisonous wind. In Egypt, Kamsin—the fifty. days ' INeNy) HCI Kreioicniiesene = iaccice < TN Oe tela ea a a « wind—and in the western part of Africa, Harmattan—the burning wind. PB OSLO Me Nereterrke messes ainsesete car eee ee e oye ei onet ee 99 « In regard to the winds, these general rules may be laid down. 1. Winds in the equa. Se poms: iviieje)e sjeesorereia (01.0) 030) © leans elegelelorwie ins cs cieienbcaumrer ny | 99 “« torial regions generally blow from the east to the west. 2. From 30° to 60° north or Paris Pe ee ee etn ee es ay 944 « south latitude, westerly winds prevail. Hence the average passage of ships from the Edinburgh'.+ «sewers s+ 2s: feel oct ci Soke 4 98 « United States to Europe ‘g shorter than from Europe to the United States. 8. Beyond IBEYBeN. cicee cence css tt: . [|Norway..--sseceeconesssst | 60° north or south latitude, the general direction of winds is towards the equator. : rand diyisions,—Asia, the dryest of The temperature of the atmosphere, the rain, and the winds have an intimate connec- South America is the most humid of the southern g est ( the northern,—North America, the best and most equally watered. Europe, with its tion, each with the others numerous seas, gulfs and bays, combines the moisture of the maritime climate with a great variety of contrasts. Africa and Asia present the absolute contrast of dry and moist inf ‘What is wind} Air in motion. What causes the motion of the air? Generally heat, or the zone of the deserts which border upon regions bathed by the rains of the tropics.} change of temperature. When any part of the air is heated by the sun, or otherwise, it ex- Australia is the dryest and poorest of the continents. pands, and becomes specifically lighter, and ascends into the higher regions of the atmos- shere. The colder and denser air xvhich surrounds the mass thus rarified, rushes in to supply es the motion, or current of air we eall wind. How do winds always on the surface of the earth blow from the north to the south, here the wind will blow from the south to the north A ,and play alternately the part of cause and effect. f On which of the grand divisions does the greatest depth of rain annually fall? In fits place and produc which part of South America is there most yain? In which part of North America is! blow? In circles. If the wind there mostrain? In which part of Europe? Asia? Africa? Australia? Are there} jn the higher regions of the atmos} any portions on the two continents on which it never rains! How far do the zone of de-} directly contrary current always prevails. Into how many classes are winds divided? Why serts in Africa and Asia extend? On which centinent falls the greatest depth of water are the constant winds called Trade-winds? What are the external limits of the trade-winds t annually? At what place does the greatest quantity of water fall? How many inches} By what is the region marked where the two polar currents meet? Is this zone of calms of water fall at Maranham? How many feet ? north or south of the equator in the Atlantic? In the Pacific? In the vicinity of the Cape Verde islands isa tract, called by mariners “The Rainy Sea,” subject to continual calms, broken by short and sudden gusts, and terrific storms of rain, thunder and lightning. Near the Gallapagos islands a dead calm is often broken by violent squalls, tempests and whirlwinds, accompanied by torrents of rain. What are the Periodical Winds called? WINDS, Winds exert the chief influence over the atmospheric condition which produces rain. They are usually divided into three classes : the Constant, Periodical, and Variable winds. 1, Tur Constant Winns consist of that vast current of air in the torrid zone, which | from one end of the year to the other, blows regularly from the east to the west. On TE OCEAN CURRENTS. } ascount of their advantage to commerce, in always affording a steady breeze to ships{ The ocean, like the atmosphere, is subject to the most varied motions. These are pro -arious causes,—as the action of the winds, the influence of the sun and moon, crossing the Atlantic and Pacific, they are denominated “ Trade Winds.” These winds} duced by are caused by the heat of the sun and the rotation of the earth from west to east. From} the difference of temperature in different parts, the inequality of evaporation, and the the vertical position of the sun, the region within the tropics is intensely heated, and the air | rotation of the earth from west to east. ‘l’hese, and probably other causes, disturb the at the surface is highly rarified and ascends into the upper regions of the atmosphere, while j equilibrium of the waters and create those currents, or oceanic rivers, that exist in the the denser air of the colder regions, from the north and the south, rushes in to supply its several oceans. Among these are two which are very yemarkable. The jirst is the " Jace. ‘Thus, on the surface of the earth are established two currents from the poles tof movement of the tropical waters westward round the globe, termed the equatorial cur: the equator,—and in the higher regions of the atmosphere, two currents, which flow from 4 rent,—-and the second, that which flows from each pole towards the equator, deuominated the equator to the poles, to commence again the same rotation. If the earth remained at polar currents. rest, a north wind would prevail in the torrid zone, north of the eguator,—and a south 1. The equatorial current prevails between 30° north and 30° south latitude, and flows wind, south of it; but as these winds sweep from the poles and higher latitudes, where} from east to west at the rate of two to three miles an-hour. Like the trade-winds, it is the velocity with ‘which the earth revolves is inconsiderable, and are constantly passing | disturbed in its progress by the continents which arrest its progress and cause the waters into regions which have a greater eastern velocity than themselves, they are left behind, to flow in very different, and often opposite directions, to their original course. 2. The and appear to move in a direction contrary to the rotation of the earth, namely, from} polar currents are caused by the difference of temperature between tine tropical and polar east Tomes ; seas. The colder and heavier waters of the polar ‘regions tend perpetually to flow The external limits of the trade-winds are about 30° north and south of the equator ; towards the warm and lighter waters of the equator, and to displace them. Their exist but each limit diminishes as the sun advances to the opposite tropic. This great equato-f ence is proved by the great masses of ice which are carried every year from the polar rial current would blow regularly round the globe if the continents did not bar its pas-} seas to tropical Jatitudes. For currents in the Atlantic ocean, see pase 45. In conse- sage and disturb its course at numerous points. The trade-wind of the Atlantic is impeded } quence of these currents, or these permanent streams,—the waters of the sea wingle from in its march by America,—that of the Pacific by Asia and Australia,—and that of the} pole to pole, and move with ceaseless flow from the Pacific to the Indian cccan, aud from this to the Atlantic, and this unending agitation preserves their health and punty. They Indian Ocean by Africa, The region where the two polar currents meet, 1s In a kind of equilibrium, and is} carry with them the temperature of the regions whence they flow, and he ihs winds, ®. marked by a “zone of calms” In the Atlantic, this zone occupies on an average the they tend to equalize differences, and soften extremes. F apace between the 3d and 8th degree of north latitude, and in the Pacifie, from 2° north a 5 ‘ : | a a sou ee Hence, in the Atlantic, the southern current blows beyond the To what are the waters of the ocean subject? What causes these motions? Whatia 4 ort . « . . ; : the motion called which is produced by the ds? Waves. B | ‘or to th iS See ; é ( y the winds aves, the sun aud moon} B | ; 2. Cee Ori in the Indian Ocean, and are called Monsoons,} Tides. What two remarkable currents are there? Where Aeethe equatorial canna pea ‘As 4 : Feiss fee signifying seasons. They blow one half of the year,— } unite with that from the Indian ocean? .In what direction does it flow from the Cape of Ce a ie - 0 agi t ie Soules to the northeast,—and the other half,—from Good Hope? In what direction from the Gulf of Guinea? Where is it arrested in its Octek ae es an SE the ou eo constitutes in India,# passage and its waters divided? In what direction does the northern current flow from y season,” i 1 some variations, 1e dry season” The mon-} Cape St. Roque? Throug! what loes it pass to reach tl Mexico ? y goons are but a modification of the trade-winds, caused by the relati siti aaa ete Se ae Gull oF Ne ee : 3, caus ative position of the sur-}1s 1t called when it leaves the Gulf of Mexico? What is th "s i D yeaa é Me: at is the course of the Gulfstream ! une page fad the effect of the sun’s heat upon it in its annual progress from one} Is * probable that there are wnder-ewrrents in the sea—flowing in an opposite direction . : : to that on the surface? Itis. Otherwise, the waters at the poles would soon he exhau , i i a on. th ace % S. se, é é » exhauste a e oe nee ten catain a eS pea also be termed Periodical j and the ice from which they are partly derived. Do the drifts of ice in the ee inds, g y; er of hours, the wind blows from the sea tojor in the southerm hemisphere extend nearer to the equator ? Ng a _1. TRE WORLD. The entire surtece of the earth cor YITISes about 200,000.01 about one quarte r of this is land—tl remain: og three quarters are water Ciestions, What is the superfici extent of the earth’s surface? i Proportion of the surface is land ? NINA NIN SS Ze WATER. The great bod globe, is called “ bay lone- GQ NN For the sake of convenience, different | est? Baflin’s? Chesaneake? 5 Gi MB ¥A x LV apeake ¢ ; + parts are called by different names,—as | ~~~! CONT i ‘ f hy the Pacific, Atlantic, Mediterranean, 7. LAKES, SSS i { S nlf of Mavy 7 sAnoal en r MAA WY Gulf of Mexico, Bay of Bengal, &c. Names, Length Width: \\ \ \\y WK . Questions, What name is applied to UM MuUes, Mn rviles, WYMAN au the great body of salt water on the [Superior . . . 880 . . 7 2120 : S A. GG globe ? Why are the Several basins, or} Baikal. , , a (O00) 3 eS ~ 195 S VRQ GAG diiferent parts, called by different] Michigan. . . 830 . ° se « 60 names? Great Slave me OUOK ay fy Ah a ea ron, 50; = 39 Winnipeg 240 0 3. UCEANS. rea One Stee Names. Square Miles. Auiabascs 200) fe tec 20 : - ne ntar Pacific 7 *Dout - 89,000,000 Ue) ae a8 ok meetin - J acay bc ol 5 Atlantic, «“ . . 40.000.000 s So yuo sl te DV a) je) oe 00 3 Indian ‘ “ - « 20.000.000 OEE sear. a *) 0. "s) 7ek 6 40 Comparative : Re Bete lega ee oF LI { Southern : oS 10,000,000 Ladogo 125 ce cee 75 Norz. Ar«tic ° 8 ae » « 9,000,000 Champlain . 193 Me ne See 19 recently discovered in the Southern ocean, Note. The seas, bays, gulfs, &c., connected Nicaragua of a 2LZ0) © ae nt Questions, with each ocean, are included In the foregoing Wenner ° 80 80 Into how man estimate, It may be proper to remark, however, Malar : re eae 9 f many is the Western 9 that the exict 8 perticial extent of the several , a 5 wri hy : . : f 18 = : : oceans is not known with certainty, nor the exact Lake ofthe W oods 70 oF ss) 6, 6) 20 aoe sroportion of land and water. Geneva 50 0 pro; Cs Yc ais} eo) fet ‘ onstance , , 5 Questions. How many oceans are Moosehead aS fo he i there? Which is the largest? What Cacnnn f igat mn oe ee 4 SAY propeaon does the Atlantic bear to the Gores es Op me oe ee 3 SASS ’acific? What seas are connected with See US| Bae ay oO RQ {GQOoOo the Atlantic? With the Pacific? Indian? | Qtestions, Which is the longest lake? ——— In what direction is the Pacific longest 7 ‘he Atlantic? Indien? Which ocean contains the greatest number of islands? ™ eT A NAS Nm pom 4, SHAS, Names. Length in Miles. Mesliterranean abont us 2000 Ceribbean. Le s pee ROD China . fs ome « 100 Rediiaa 2. os te es LAO JANADE 4). = ; se O06 Black as 6 Se e 9389 Caspinn , , ~ ’ > »« 640 Baltign 2 s as ‘ 600 Okhotsk > “ s Sale 600 White 3 ce ee cera hs 450 Aral 6 oh ee ae 250 Norr. The Caspian and Aral are salt lakes. Although several large rivers empty into them, they bave no outlet, These are usually called gens, And as such are given in the foregoing table, The Dead sea belongs to the same class, The Water of lakcs, or seas, that have no outlet is generally salt, or brackish, This j This is owing, it BUpDp sed, to the saline gy matter washed into them from the land. The heat of the atmosphere eva Re ates the water und leaves the saline particles Lisid. If the Caspian, Aral, and Dead seas had an outlet, probsbly their watera w ould be pure god sweet. . Questions, Which is the longest sea on the clobe? How long is the Mediterra- nea? W*th what ocean is it connect ed? Which is the next longest? With what ocean is that connected? In what direction is the, Mediterranean longest ? Caribbean. Shina? Red? Which ocean has law greatest number of seas connect- ed with it? With what ocean is the Caspian connected? If it has no outlet, what becomes of the water of the nu- merous rivers that flow into it? What Is the probable reason for the Saltness fits waters? SEO &. GULFS. Names, Length in Miles. BIPRCOu =, « aboub . . . - 1,000 valifornia , , cs Site st 600 Hersian. . . s aah eee 500 Wenicay .°. 6 Are 420 Bothnia : « Se ae 420 St. Lawrence 6 6 hoe 300 E inland “ ee ere | 250 Nork, The difference between a gulf and bay is this: A bay is wide the capes, or headland it extends into the Jan Bengal, Biscay, &c. st at the opening between 8, aDd gradually narrows as d,—s= the bay of Honduras, C » While a gulf is comparatively narrow at its opening between the eupes, and wider as it extends inJand,—as the gulf of Mexico, Ven'ce, &c. Baftin’s bay, Chesapeake bay, and simi ar others, are more properly gulfs. It is to be rsgrutted that geographical terms have been mo often improperly applied to portions of land snd water. But since these names have been applied to them by mankind. xo author feels at 0 square miles; Whs I OOO y of salt water on the The Sea,” or “ Ocean.” GENERAL Questions, Which is the How long is the culf what direction is the longest? Persjan ? the difference betwe n- of Mexico? J] ‘ a Venice? W hat en a bay anda cult al G. BAYS. at [Fe - Names, Questions. Wuichisthe longest bay In what direction is Hudson’s In what direction is lake Supérior long est? Baikal? Michigan? Erie? In what zone are most of the lakes ? BAAD SS ™. 8. RIVERS. Length in Miles. Names, NEN \ Amazon S28 6 0 8 ge ye 4ENNE =IRYQRQRR AFKQAAA Mississippi 1 vw inte) 2 OC000 S600Mi Missouri 3100 IW . WS - SY oot Te Pad ee ry eh WEY WO . ARRAUSAS i Geis oe he iw . 2.000 SS \N i QA Rio Grande del Norte . . oe DOO f : i Parana te. se eee 2000 Comparative view of Asia and Volga ‘fom ied ey oe 000 Obi Bie fe ee we) ej re) or OOD WN WRT Wa Yenisel ; se ee = 20007 4). QW Gj MCK CG GG, Lena BR) ie ©, or telcos ee SOON RRS ROP OLAS" Vi EAs 1c MG GW QV Qa MwW Amour te oe ey oe ee 12000 STDs Ny WL IQG WG RANE ay a 2,000 Sk X NW \ RNIN GAG iano a s «es 000 MAG QJ A A\ 4X NIN QIN \ Cambodia 2.000 WAN WS ~ REE) RRS RR i f Oe ee A 5 WG \ RM MKYAWWWDAVKH_ MAGGS GGG Nile od ee ey 2000 YY CDA VG NEESERERN Niger 2.000 SIOZ LER YY MG GGG AGG ‘ ~ « . . . . . . . . ms N Net: OS ~\ MWAH SY SS MON SS SY » Danube Si ie) ws eats) el teh oe G00 QQ SS) Ry WX GG \ SNS MW G Ganges 1,600 A SS AYVAASS MMA AAA SN WIT QQ - ae . . . . . + . . 5 WY) PAN . . \ MQ q7r \ j AS Colombians... 2 «= 40500 SEO 72/6 OSETIA. YO—CDp—e ROR NUE \\ . so: . SERS S WA S WEN WOR Orinoco . Se es) te ey oe D0 S OY WY QP \\N QA A WY Madeira 1.500 NS WG WO QQ XK \ MiCa Cee ed ee 1,500 paces Sei oi Ma Ree ge 000 Comparative view of Europe, Africa, &c, suphrates sid! s) @ fel s,s er 0) : Bamaputra: . 6 4 3 < fe er 1tDUO Norte. Oceanica, the hamé recently applied to the numerous islands of the Pacific ocean, comprises Irrawaddy 1.500 about 5,000,000 square miles, and 20,000,000 inhabitants. ter Chet ea cee eee 1800 Questions. Which is the largest grand division? Which is the second largest ? Indus oe © 6 e © « « « 1,300] The third? Fourth? The smallest? Kansas is Sle nur eG) 1900 os ° PA NI NI NP NEP Ne NP Ne NP NP NNN NP NP ee St I’rancisco Nh eee 1'200 lOO ees ee ALCP AV ees fk Ao eek On 11. ISLANDS, pone Roe da) fleas race Names. Sq. miles, Population.; Names. Sq. miles. Population. ellowstone , Sy et ee VL ; , p . Ohio : 1,000} Australia about 3,000,000 460,000 Hayti oo 29,000 900,000 Saskatchawan Se ae 1000] Greenland « 880,000 40,000 Van Diemen’s Land 28,000 80,000 McKenzie’s oe ae 1.000 Borneo ee 800,000 8,000,000 Nore. The inhabitants of Australia consist of Calan 1c a Car ee 1.000 New Guinea “ 250,000 400,000 about $95,000 Emre penne and 65,000 natives, The r ACO. Sich Sct) oe es ’ adagasear *& 990.00 300,000) first Europenn settlers were convicts transported Madagascar 220.000 300,0( ‘ 's_ tral Uruguay. . he) ce ee O00 I rete fe yy, 500.000. from England to Botany Bay, in 1788. Since that Pileomayo Coe) oe) a es cc tae O00 Sumatra 160,000 8,500, 0( 0 time, many thousands of the same class have been Magdalena 1,000 Celebes i (0,000 2,000,000 sent thither, Within a few years, several thou- D Pane Sec eis "ano Great Britain “ 83,126 19,657,925 | cand yoluntary emigrants have settled among AAS Ee a Sete dee te Dy New Zealand “ 62,000 160,000 them. Many of the convicts lead good lives, BaeuES mete Ok ® 1,000 Newfoundl’d * 57,000 100,000 | have become rich anf respectable. foo Se mca: from a ani: o M81 Java “6 52.000 4,230,000; Questions. Which is the largest is- | Cc Ww l 16 7 1s3IS8IPpl, 18 oO, { mites ong. “ 9 EC. 9 a < ° x A _ : Its length has usually been given from its source | Cuba < 42,385 1,200,000 land? Which is the largest, auisiralle to the gulf of Mexico—4,000 miles. The Missouri Iceland « 40,000 60,000. or Europe? How many square mules is is longer than the Mississippi above their junction, Treland 4s 31,874 7,767,400 Greenland supposed to contain? Bor- c aA ve +. ay < , 1A . | Y ~ 7. . c curly explored, 1 probabhyiwoad hawt pect tt | Mindanao“ ~——-80/000-—'900,000| neo? New Grainea? Ve a 4 , U 3 JOB Oe garded as the principal river. The Amazon ia from 150 to 180 miles wide at its mouth, _ The Rio de La Plata is formed by the Parana and Uruguay, From their junction, it is 180 miles to At Buenos Ayres, the river is 30 miles wide, and at its mouth 160 miles. Questions, Which is the longest river? In what direction does the Amazon flow? Mississsippi? Missouri? Obi? How many rivers 2,000 miles long? How many 1,600? 1,500? Which is largest at their junction, the Missouri or Mississippi? How wide is the Amazon Oerty to aller or change them, longest enIf? gulf of California Lengthin Miles, ; A : Hudson 8 « abont = < LOND REA ASS XAGGGG GGG Baffin S: ‘ &“ oe 600 Chesapeake 66 95 . 20) ND COMPARATIVE VIEWS. eee ee n The two continents are is | large islands, in the cre; 5 WRN GY SS WE MCW GG iors sy. a RAY OOSH Hy SIMrT Mg at body of w 9. L: y Separated by w ater that surrou entirel ~ AND \ EST alo | Si \ \ Sy \ La. | r [N <M IR WY im ater, and are, in fact, but two nds the globe. WON VR AY MOO Wn SG RQ SW View of the two Continents. Some seogrnphers call Australia, or New Holl has been called t How much larger is the y grand divisions is the Eastern than Easte w \REP EN A SEMAN 3 NAN NAA GQ G93 ANH QV < ‘ SS \ KK S \ MAYERS WIG SQ and, a continent: he Southern co 10. GRAND DIVISIONS. ntinent. and the body of land the Western continent $ m continent divided? Into how MM (Ww G POP SGI NTE SX SS Ry INN AGG ™C™WYCIQANQ\’wo gg NUMER ECA IR NI 12. COUNTRIES, EXTENT AND POPULATION. NORTH AMERICA. Names. United States . 8,260.07: British America 2,255,401 Mexico. . . 1,100,000 Russian Possessions 394,000 at its mouth? The La Plata? Greenland ., 380,000 Central America 265,740 West Indies, , 90.185 1 Sq. miles. Pomiation. 23,256,792 2,652,195 13. S0UTH AMERICA, Sq. miles, Population. Names. Brazil . Buenos Ayres 7,200,000} Venezuela. . GG:000 seen) 1.0. 40,000} New Grenada 2,162,000] Patagonia, . 8,603,746! Equador ° 2.300,000 1,009,000 774,000 524,000 880,010 $80,000 325,000 7,560,000 1,680,000 1,250,000 1,400,000 2,200,000 120,000 600,000 AUMPICA, continued, SOUTIT 70 Sq. miles, Popsdation, ai WINES, Bolivia. . . . 818090 1,700,000 Chili oy tee 144,000 1,200,009 Guiana. oe 126,000 164,695 Uruguay 120,000 140,006 Paraguay . . . 74,000 260,000 OOOO ee 14. EUROPE. Names, Sq. miles. Pomilation, Russia cee 2,120,897 60,363,315 ZATISUEIS) = 0) ee 255,226 87.448 .033 l’rance eine 203,736 85.400.486 Rurkeye 5 45 «Sgide0 15,500,000 Spain « + « 176,480 13,705.500 Swedent <4 e5 A705 8,399 341 Norway 121,725 1,828,471 Naples, or the two Siouies: =) 41,521 § 493.816 Sardinia; 2 = 28,83 4,916,087 Lombardy. , 18290 4.400.195 States of the Chur’h 17,048 2.908115 Tuscany A 8,712 =: 1,696,483 Ranma. «..¢ 2.124 494,737 Modena. , 2,073 589,458 Thucca 4 6. Monaco . 50 7,000 San Marino . 21 7,600 Italy, ie ae 118.729. 23.440 87 England ; 51,205 16.854.121 Ireland “ 28,095 6,516,081 Scotland , $1,268 2 S77.105 Wales , ; (268 1.188 Gt, Brit’n & Ireland 117,831 Prassig. «; , 3 lORS00 16,346,325 Bavaria « = - 28.485 4,519,546 Saxony . . . 5,75 1,894,481 Hanover . 14,600 1,773,711 Wirtemberg . 7,568 1,802,259 Baden.) me 5,712 1862.74 Hesse-Cassel , 4.430 754,590 Hesse-Darmstadt 8.761 852.679 Hesse-Ilomburg 206 24,208 Mecklenburg- Schwerin . 4701 686,724 Mecklenburg-Strelitz 997 96,292 Holstein | (To Den-3,168 420, 0110 Lauenb’g f merk) 451 45,000 INessail Ga. 1,736 427,915 Luxemburg (To Holland). . 2,420 275,000 Oldenburg . 2.470 278,080 3runswiek. . 1,525 268,943 Saxe- W eimar-Bise- nach. . 1,408 261,870 Saxe-Meiningen hildburghausen 968 163,328 Saxe-Coburg-Gotha 790 149,753 Saxe-Altenburg 49] 131,780 Lippe-Detmold 445 104,674 Schauenburg-Lippe 205 28,887 Schwartzburg-Rudol- Btadti i = 405 69,656 Schwartzbureh-Son- dershausen 858 60,002 Reuss-Lobenstein 448 60,060 Reuss-Greitz 140 80.000 Anhalt-Dessan $60 63.700 Anhalt-Bernburg 839 50,411 Anhalt-Cothen 818 43.12C Waldeck. . . 455 58.219 Hohenzollern-Siema- ringen a 383 49.830 Hohenzollern-Hechin- gene sy 56 21,009 Lichenstein , 52 6.851 Hambure . . 149 188,054 Frankfort - 91 70,244 Sremen. . 112 72,320 UDEC) as ce 142 47,197 German States 95,085 16,677,425 Portugal te 84500 $8,412,500 Denmark sive 21,856 2,296,597 Switzerland . . 15,261 2890,118 Greece . . > 18,244 1,052,900 Holland: 4. 18,890 98,267,688 Beleiumy =) i « 11,3138 4359,090 Note. The kingdom of Naples, or The Two Sicilies, consists of Naples and the island of Sicily. The area of the whole kingdom is estimated at 41,521 square miles, of which Naples contain 29,021, and Sicily 12,500 square miles. The king- dom of Sardinia is composed of several countries in the northwestern part of Italy and of the island of Sardinia. The Rats extent of the kingdom is 28,830 square miles, of which the island of Sardi- nis contains 9,100, and the continenta! part 19,730 square miles. The present Germanic Confedera- tion was formed June 8th, 1815. It presents the semblance of a political whele, which in reality, yossesses no strength, even in time of peace. The vonfederation can be considered only as an imper- fect union, directed chiefly by the two most power- fal members, Austria and Prussia, It is svident that the time will soon come, when Germany will be united and enjoy that liberty and independenes for which it has so long sighed, The whole of Germany comprises an area of 247,438 square miles, and $8,204,000 inhabitants. Excluding tho_ sie abies i | 64. ta belunging to Austria and Prossia, the re- mainder of the German states contain 95,0S5 square miles, and 16,674,425 inhabitants, #s given In tne foregoing table. In regard, however, to Austra aud Prussia, it must be remembered, that ehe foregoing table, does not include Lombardy. “The Republic of the Jonian Islande’ embraces seven islands on Lhe const of Greece, and contains about 1,000 square miles, and 250,000 inhabitants, Ne ae 9 —~N OEE kind ? supposed to pee To what are the various T Namzs, Sq. miles. Population. } of mankind owing? To th Chinese Empire.. 5,300,000 860,000,000 } views in regard to the CO SHiLinh) cocoopaue . 5,100,000 9,001 ),000 invisible Being, or Deitiz @nc liindostan..... .. 1,800,000 135,000,000 of worshipping him. ATADIE cis oclcl ... 1,000,000 42,000,000 Farther India.... 875,000 22,000 000} o9, POPT Independ’t Tartary 700,000 6,000,000 Dersiae ee> eee. 400,000* 11 ,000,000 MOT Ke ye ee cnc 487,000 10,000,000 Afzhanisten..... 300,000 7,000,000 DADAD Ee oe ote <r .. 226,000 20,000,000 Beloochistan .... 150,000 1,000,000 Caucasus..... -o. 122,000- 1,000,000} rontreal....+-2+++*s ey, cis Nor. There is much uncertainty respecting Quebec the statistics of many of the countries of Asia. | Toronto The foregoing table has been compiled with great Ihalifax caro from the most authentic sources, and 18 aS fa 1 1p St. Johns, N. B Kingston accurate as our present means Of knowledge Wu admit of. ILI II LL AA NA AA AAA 16. AFRICA. According to the most correct esti- | Boston mate, Africa contains about 10,500,000 | Providence square miles, and 61,000,000 inhabitants. | Lowell Our knowledge of it is confined mostly | Portland ...-----+: wo its outlines, A great portion of the} New Haven interior, is to us, what it was to the an- | Manchester cients three thousand years ago, & Jand {Salem .... ---+s++: Roxbury..--+ +++: of mystery. It is true, 4 few travelers, Park, Hornemann, Denham, Clapper- ton, and Lander, have lifted the myste- rious veil from certain portions, yet far the greater part bas never been visited by civilized man. Consequently, so lit- tle is known of the countries of Africa, except those near the coast, that no esti- mate of their extent or population can ge given with any accuracy. In fact, we know little of it beyond one hundred and fifty miles from its shores. Questions. What is the probable ex- tent of Africa? Population? To what is our knowledge of Africa mostly con- fined? What travelers have penetrated into certain portions of Africa? Can we make any correct estimate of the extent and population of the countries in the tnterior of Africa? Why not? Why fs not Africa as well known as Europe ¢ Suppose Africa was inhabited by civil- ized and enlightened nations, what would by the consequence? PIS PESO 17. EXTENT AND POPULATION 27 THE GRAND DIVISIONS OF THE GLOBE. Names, Sq. miles. Population. WAIST AY: 51s ies _...- 16,000,000 600,000,000 i Git ganacaso0ac 10,500,000 60,000,00) North America . $8,000,000 $9,000,000 South America.. 7,000,000 18,000,000 Kurope...-.---- 8,500,000 263,000,000 Oceanica ..----- 5,000,000 20,000,000 Questions. Which is the largest Grand Division of the globe? Which is the most populous Grand Division? What 4s the extent and population of the 2d largest? Of the 3d? Of the 4th? Of the smallest? To what is the name of Oceanica applied? To the numerous islands of the Pacifie ocean. What is the probable extent and population of Oceanica? Which is the least populous Grand Division ? IIS LS A A PA AA ALA, ee ir 18. RACES OF MEN. Names. Number. 1. Cancasian race about 460,000,000 2. Mongolian s «420,000,000 8, Neero or black “ “ 66,000,000 Malay “6 & 34,000,000 5. Indian “6 10,000,000 Questions. Into how many races are mankind divided? Which race, or va- riety, is most numerous? What nations does the Caucasian, or European, race include? (See Geog. p. 48.) Which is the next most numerous race? What nations does the Mongolian race in- alude? Which is the 3d most populous race? Where are negroes found? In Afriea, Australia, New Guinea, and Van Dieman’s Land, also in the United Btates, West Indies, and in South Ame- rica. Where sre the Malays found? Which of these races bas taken the lead in clyilization, in the arts, sciences, &, 1, Pagans ...---- {t ja coly their Germanic provinces, which are 2, Christians ..-- considered as parts of Germany, or of the Ger- 9 3. Mohammedans manic Confederation. The extent of Austria, ini 4 J yailing rel includes the great How many be? Mohamme‘ Springfield .... ---4 Fall River ...-.--- Lawrence ....++--- Chickopee ...-+++: Mass. Augusta ....--+--+: Dorchester ..-. > aT eine Montpelier .....- MIDDLE Williamsburgh .... Schenectady..... Jersey City .......New Jersey.. Boras siaieie a NOW. UCISCY.s = ee Feo New. York. < ccoeees NOW Jersey... Se ocean O OIL even.cie <iets a 00 dai eeIN Oly, SLOLK Burlington ........New Jersey.. Siuraiok New York... GENERAL AND 19. RELIGIONS. Number. 572,000,000 | New Castle...----- 252,000,000 153,000 000 3,000,000 about “ “ What are tl igions of the TLATION OF ITIES ON T North Americae BRITISH AMERICA. UNITED STATES. EASTERN STATES. Worcester..-.++--: Mass. ..- Newburyport . ...-Mass New London.. New Brunswick...New Jersey.. ,. New York... re- 1 oe Charleston .....--- Washington.....-- Savannah ....-- >) Richmond .....--- Mobile ..--yeeeeee 4 Petersburg .--- -+- i Norfolk ..-. -«-++: Wilmington...-..- Alexandria...-.+-> world? est number of man- Christians are there lans? Jews: liefS sir diversified r of the 1e Modes eer HE GLOBE. STATES, Penn New York.. New Jersey. New York.. ENG Wwe DUOnK:.; New York.. New York.. New Jersey. New York.. 17,250 15,825 . Ne a aS i attr me ep RE Garlisle'...-«c-+=°* Columbia ..-..---:: Chambersburg ---- Zaltimore..-.-<++- New Orleans Portsmouth Mass 2g ant Cincinnati .. ..---- aS 3 ait ' Se cise si siee ASS. o 2-2 e LBD SEED ATIS icine Par SSE MEA TEGQO emer Se ae Mass 2 N00 Louisville ..-. «++; samira aa eae ie one 96 850 San Francisco ..-- Conn ae 99 550) hicago civetele come ue New 19,000 Detrou BOC E a: Vie Mass 18.93 Milwaukie ..-.---- rere Si pie erst naei® +4 rn Nashville le ee eye eIMUSS. ee ee 888 sO) PUA ma Sf oe Conn. ..-.-+-18,000 Cerca oe Tow . aca 6.500 DUS. cc eeeeet New Bedford pie e/2ie.n WEKSE Gone 5o0 ts Sacramento +s tooe ot Zanesville. +... Cambridge .----+-: Mass. ...- +> 14,8501 7 eee Maine 1450) New Albany ae ae M: 13.630 Govington <..- «a. oeiswrateea a a TaKG 1 1350 Madison ....-+-+:: > ale 295 Z BSS aoe : 11/200 Steubenville BSSu cies) ciel 2 me Conn BO Pre POre a c-2 2 2cc: En aatee Ne tei Mass 10.150 Mares aYe\etaja sla ele® OOS New Hamp... 9,800 Racine a: Sractaleisie ees R. Island .-..9,600) eo 4 te Ci re 9550 Sandusky City Conn 0000) Snrlington Sveveisiele Conn S00 eater Seis Sanenelern= ..New Hamp... 8,660] 7 441, Rock Mass 2 400) Little Rock SGy ee eeren iG) 5! F Toledo Maine 800 Ney RC ts : : Du Buque......--- I Ee resin icles P MainO uses... o000 xe shes ie lowa City.....---- Eyeiciefeieiels Conn 7,690 : Maa 7 mon Madison .....-see- EB leisiciclelsie = Mass 2-2 oe 0000 pacilesiaiele Conn 0004 . ; seceees New Hamp... 5,850) Salt Lake City ....Utah Mass Ba Santa Cc cmieieiseu Bir genatle sis SQN cee claiOnhe Se ie gte, ee Connon nee 5500 St. Ratiariccieste ster oe. Vermont 9.250 St. A nthony Se caste Conn... ..... 5,150) Oregon City B eicleiners .. Mass 5,060 Stillwater ....----- Be Seve cies Gone 04. Astoria ...+ MigertOllcscsiniae so R. IME Mb Gase 4.709 riciepineis Conn 4.675 > 4.6504 Mexico..... 4.6364 La Puebla. 4.545 1 Guadalaxara 4.150] San Louis Potosi Quaretaro Oaxaca .....> Juanaxuato 50,000] Colima .....----+-+- . 96.850 | Merida ..... eee ereeeceee . 50.000 46.500 43,300 SS8'900 NleeOue canisters sieisiel= we Ae 36,600} Guatimala, Old, 80,0004 Cartago ......-. e 28,800) St. Salvador..... 22.300 21,400 12,100 Kingston, Jamaica, eae San Tuan, P. Z2., - 12.599 | Matanzas, Cuba, . 12,2001 St. Jago . Loe Port au Prince, Zayti, 7,00 . 9.550 OOOO a . 8,926 , 8,100 7,900 7,625 75 04 Bogota... 6.S00 5 6,300 6,050 EET 4,720) | Valencia.... COMPARATIVE VIEWS. ZOTNC co cows cess cccecssevescse® Tarichticc. octicumeeeetementieds ta0eN SOUTHERN STATES. ON oo Guia paca Cee) ohare eg aysccsurace neon cane Te >THE PRIN-| Columbus...---++-4 Colum)ia ..-+++++* Galveston ..-. «<<: Fredricktown ..--- Macon ..---++**:°° Population. | Nevsbern sc. css 520 Maysville Ease asieeiele Vicksburg .... ««-- Annapolis..--++--- Baton Rouge 21,120 Mikinbl 4 oqggoouUces ! St. Augustine..---- Raleigh ...----++:: Rio JaneirO......-----eeeeeers Pernambuco. -oceeeeeee Seregipe Del Rey Assumption... ..-. GOPdOVAe cacle cic wlcie win iv elciciclaieisivie ———<$— TT EO Indianapolis.....+- Indiana ecw rerer ese ener ease Heese Eats botnidianac so GUI perdean’ cc. cee cas ceo ccueetvocsses i Gottenburg. Lee Guatimala, Wew,.....-..--+---- 50,000 ee ee Havana, Cuba, Puerto Principe, Cuba 21. South America. 6,960 PO GRT RUM ee) cos ack ous 6.950 | Carthagena St. Martha.-...... +. ee Lombardy and Venice. Sielareiereereairien ys cos000 , Caraccas.... ..- 5,650} Maracaybo .. 5.400] Cumana..... Cremona 28.000 BWITZERLAND. Conlon RE ieee eco cas=« 25 0Ue Basilz, or Basle .....+++ese-eee- 25,0C€ 24,00c GERMAN STATES. Bacwria, Munich e«ccces ccc cncciewiaiesiee 115,00€ Nuremburg....ccesseeee cocees 40,00f Wurtzburg ..------ cesen welesisia 28,00¢ Wurtemourg. Stuttgard.....-+--eeeeees vevese 39,006 Oph GoaGe Pe eee erases uuu Baden, Garlsruhe.....-e2e . AOE ae aeagUOn Manbeim....+++-. <eleole obice ee LgUUU Saxon, Dresden...... joe 1 ae one eta UUG Weipelclinae cee +c o> ee eee Os00R Hanover. TAN OVC arccclelcice/s iar _ cee oe Sao eOud Gottingen..... Bieiisiciecs en's 6 Soleo eeUUG Free Cities in Germany. Hambureeceiecs cake clos csc . 145,000 WrankiOrbere. cress cic. Miers sieeve eve’ 59,000 Bremen sec ereuiacorsicis tice Se eisleiniels 53,000 WuUDCCs cece e's a OO NOORGCOCOOOOOOL ANAL HOLLAND. Amsterdam......... Se reeecee 220,000 Rotterdat ce oes cence noe ett 8, 000 The Hague...... 0.02002 020005 -66,000 Wirechtinec ss cos co mace cee sles «40,000 BELGIUM, BTUSSEISicree sie lasisin sistent eek ewe 6 20000 Ghent. - cece cscscsuceicecmerre. 116,000 Antwerp .-+-++-- ae cons oienienin cebu, QUO Liege .. 2s. eeeeeeccccnccevccens 10,000 FRANOE, PariSacs se eacisiene cece ceienic ec, OO0 WSVODS en sciejeisielosaicieisionie we see ~ 200,000 Marseilles a fen catecinivee eerie. oa LO,UUU Bor deauknce cc cic ce cdleticvclcnesietlalwuun RONEN c -jcarciswcisivis Sain iicts Cele et > (22,000 MOULOUSG:« cee oe sie ate eves tele eco otto, 000 IN@NUES! cine ines wie eiole Bietetciors Breicie cous OU NISL @ieicroivetercieleieiecers Gok ia GeieioreeteepteslOO StraSbUrg.. 0. cee cnc ceccnces .. 04,000 MOULOM) coicicie cate cteteicle wielcivielcreiatcis 45,000 Orleans... 2% emis cine si eie wie OULD RNEIMB erase ore eet we waisieia ss come OnUOU AINICDS Ws arsisielese sicieieiowtniete veces ee 03,008 SPAIN. MS0ride ceiacieincin s coerce « Asner 220,000 Barcelona ........- vce cnmess. 120,000 Seville; socal Sia s cinictenreclcsisiate 91,000 TTONACAs.. e crcleseierers alainicleisieiein efoto 80,000 ViGODCIA n.cic ciceiereteicrs stele iss eielale 66,000 Malaga .....2.se0e- einsieneecis ce OOMIUM Cadiz. Siete cuisior ele siobinveits OS UUU Cordoya...-.... ale rcie atl ele -eeee-. 46,000 PORTUGAL, NGISDOM sciatica cielsicelsiersiere S aiesie'sies COU,000 OpPortO.-....cnceceecseses See. ee OU00 GOIMDIAs ssc cease She akiciesieateiets CULUUU StMUDOS sc ticicietee > peieinivieisieinieisre eet o,UUO ITALY. Sardinia. PUTIN cretesaecsistecieieters fe ci aieisics eis leo 000 JOTOB.. see aee snqsooconAnoooa Les Nice.........-0s- Wecle cieinertis c eee OoUUU Cacliari.. 6c. <sceicecwcennvlees ee c0.uUy TUSCANY. WIOTENCE ccc cessere aereate cine eeLUCUOL OS NOL oa cleisieteicteinsinternis Selecta eiLOsUUU States of the Church. RomOivcs co seuute suc os coe oe kou,000 Bolocna +--+... cecesn + capeeieesies OF U0U ANCONS co ccce cs be ae ee sees 20,000 Ravenngs..cccnce Sooo aeies 10 tk 0,000 Naples. ; Naples... 0se+scicweses ones xe S00, 000 Palermo ce cactercoanercecictereievein ste LOU OIG ALessin&. oor eo tiames vetoaicm ee otean OU0 Catania. ccsece cis ceinccmeeemat. O;000 TURKEY, Constantinople... ..-+ esses eee. 575,000 Adrianople.... .ssesere cere cees 90,000 Bucharest... .secsceessss cece. 950,000 Salonicaves cociieseeene «ec ciesne = COWUG Bonaserl sAcsosevatcciscseeccee es OU.U0U Sophia... senescence sersereecces 50,600 Serres < ccicinien ielesic anwivies oc ulace’s 30,000 Widin (2 feccceuctess snccesemecouun BESS Aenonepdcnccocbacaco cdo, LANL Belgrade ......-0e0 weenncee ser 20,000 GREECE, MAN ONS « c cacu. mre bisrc Seneca sie OU Gorinth .. cscs cctee aoe e Oc Mantua. sic cevisaaice cs mernmemenersCUU INAVAMINO -s ces aceon rite Meeeiesien PA OenGENERAL AND COMPARATIVE VIEWS. 2 mAY aA + nprerad face 23. Asia, INDEPENDENT TARTARY, 26. THE LENGTH OF ONE DEGREE OF LONGITUDE FoR EVERY SIBERIA® Bokhara 150,000 SAP ER AR Parris “i . ra! OR NANG sn:< «anna vctewmemes eae ee 00, DEGREE OF LATITUDE, IN GEOGRAPHICAL MILES. fopoak. =o 15.000} ORDaDE occ. os ee ee es 75,000 a POU eee ; , 15.000 Samarcand S<\0/¢)6s\@ Maem: 0.2186 \eiaie oe 20,000 - Geograph. |Geograph, || Geograph. | Geograph. Geograph. Pomske oe ee 10.04 0 [SUVA cerca cuece me eelien oo oe. 10,000 t.| Miles, Lat. Miles, | Lat. es. || Lat. Miles. Lat.| Mules. 3 Bm pis ow accuies coe 0,000 | —_/———_||__ mera Ee rs aces Goa. 8,000 | PERSIA. 0 60,00 19 56.78 || 87 47,92 | 55 34,41 73 17.54 s JAPAN, Ispahan. Peete et tn es wesw nesses 100,000 1 59,99 20 | 56,38 || 88} 47,28 || 56 83,55 || 74] 16,58 POR eset «stad... ok 15000, 000 Felehan rer acts ces, cre, 70,000 2) 59,96 21 56,02 3$ 46,63 57 | 32,67 15 15,52 RIGACQ Mees aoe. eee BOO Odd Meanod ess cet.c. ss 35. ee 50,000 8} 659,92 22 | 55.68 40 | 45.96 58 | 81.79 76) 1451 GRE arts aie'a eRe eee TSOOOO NG aOELe lel screcics sc cnet cob a ct te 80,00u 4) 59,85 || 23] 55,28 |] 41} 45.98 || 59 30,90 || 77 | 18°50 50 77 © | ¢ f SO CHINESE EMPIRE. GAUGAETE B paid || 241 54,81 |} 42 | 4459 |! 60 | 80, 78 | 12,48 REE. 2 Spee AT, 1,500,000) Tiflis... ...... 15,000 7| 5956 || 90) Sees |] 43] 4388 |] 61 | 29/08 |] 79] a1y45 ROOTES cs ie ] 000,000 erlvaviers. eo eae 10,000 f 59,96 26 03,93 || 44 43,16 62 28,17 80) 10,42 Hine Chow, 2.9.9 00 6 SUGAR, <<. Sree too eee 6,000 S| 942 |] 27 | 53,46 |] 45 | 4243 |] 63 | O74 || 81] —9'35 Nankine.c 2 amie to ots Sas WOUOOG I Se ee mece ee tee 9} 59,26 |) 28 | 52,97 || 46] 416s |] 64 | 26'31 |! 50 8.35 Norx. China contains a preat nuniber of very | TURKEY, 10 | 59,09 |) 29) 52,47 |] 47] 4/92 || 65 | e536 || a3 7,32 populous cities. Until lately, Canton waa the | DAMASCUS.............0..0.0-. 175,000 17 | 58,90.) 30 | 51,96 || 48 | 40,15 || 66 | 924’41 || eg | — 608 ny Port at which Europeans were allowed to|Smyrna....................007 150,000 12 | 59,69 || 81 | 51,43 || 49 | 89/36 | 67 | 23.45 || gs 5,28 trade. By a recent treaty, five scitleg Have heen | Bagdad .;.......¢.:k 5.0... 70,000 13 | 55,46 82 | 50,88 || 50] 89857 | 68 | 22.48 86 4.18 dinoy, Fow-tchens cot pu, nations, viz, Canton, | Aleppo Se epeds te 70,000 14 | 58,22 |] 83 | 50,82 || 51] 37,76 |] 69 | 21°51 || 97 8,14 wid: Ghamehaly 1g Ske Mame ee | Bessora’c...., 200 yk eee 60,000 7 57,95 || 84} 49,74 || 59] 36.95 70 | 20.52 || 98 2.09 : 6 | 57,67 85 | 49,15 53 | 86 7 95 89 wie FARTHER INDIA. : AG ARABIA, 17 57.38 86 48,54 54 | 3546 2 1855 90 000 POIROT ss! einisa gals seep aisigy a cnc 490,000'|/Sena ae... ee 40,000 18 | 57.06 | ’ ’ REQNO Sco oa ee 150,000) |(Meccae soc. ee a ake 28,000 a = Te oe aa Meo oer eee, ee G0.000;) Medina: o.3 oo. eee eae 18,000} Nor. At the Equator, degrees of Longitude and Latitude are of the same length; but as we go BADKOK, 50.55.45 cohen, ee. 60,000 |} Muscat 10.000 | fom the Equator, every degree of Longitude grows gradually less, until at the poles it terminates wr | ISCAS «ao viemin'n cin aie ese ais cla c, 5 om 0, na point. HINDOSTAN, | Mocha oo scot cae aa 5,000 Pe A a Le eee Bonares. 3.800) ee: 75.000 | oe Ss > ers me bi soc e : => Madias = cee eee 895 000 | ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ 27. DECREASE OF TEMPERA-]28. UNIVERSITIES IN EUROPE. Patna...........0.00-2.0.4...,800,000 | 24. Africa. TURE ACCORDING TO THE ar eic CONC EEa S cet eee we eo! 250,000 | LATITUDE. Fie Sales Bombay cc, eee 250,000 | EGYPT, ee cay Sails DAtra ee eee, x ROO COD Cal acc weves cs eecuececus: 250,000 = - a) & ENOKNOW a5 Socee a vce 200,000) Alexandria. ¢.....:...0..0.. 30,000 ies = ee =e Sele Hydmhadn ee ge POO OO [DAMPER con wa eeec sac k cate 30,000 | =e a Oxford, ....... England, }5000 1229 alii... 200,000 jc st] 2 Cambridge, ... % 15500/1263 spare <p.M ago Wale'n wn £0,000 | BARBARY STATES. is ol a London: co. Z as | 9600/1825 Kel ae a PRUMIS aivs.s'ssivsicncnticeslicenee ee 100,000 Pensis | King’s College, z | 30) 1828 .elat RM aie(0.w mo (peitelg a a'wis pic's bce .e ¢ 20,000 Alolars ee ao ee oe a ee 80,000 | ys) = | St. Andrews, al Scotland, | 2001412 Bela PS lp ie wie) ve a Ome ig 50 nie, © aieee 10,( 00 MOYOGGOs ooo cee eee ee 80.000 | a res 2 | Glasgow.. Bea. “ 1600/1454 AFGHANISTAN i ee ee ee ee 75,000 ye & | Aberd’n, King’s) CAs irc cc cee ee su seen cs. 60,000 Mequinem: cc. cccoscecteeeto oi 60,000 S|3 $s] hehe [College| “ | $00)1506 CRNURAY Foose eget ee OO ORO) Constantia. <, gcc ps ceeeeesni<, 40,000 Ele oot | |= * Marischal) EKA ait acer ee ee S000 Tripollic cc cc heen den cca creck 29,000 </2 > 3 be College a 275)1593 ,000 | Tri (selec! ll ls : g f aS S| ees tak Edinburgh, .. .| a 1350)1582 TS 2a ee ie 0/984 915907 | 46 °57.9| 7402 el lee wesnes Ueland, 2200 ne AY _ ATTRYT 7a SHOITES | 7 FeO! wr 0% Montpelier, ... ‘TANCE SU) 118g 25. HEIGHT OF CELEBRATED MOUNTAINS, A) S81 2203 Hate aoe Peay 8 | “ ” — lropoltano 2) §4.1/1518% 48 5: RB rp peal . SK a ae Soe rman yaaa sme ame Santsie7, | ‘Kl fg Toulouse, ..... s 1300/1238 Names. Country | Feet. | Miles, 8 54.0 15167 | {49 54.5) 6599 LYONS. . a ee “ | 32011300 z -- 4) 88.9)15135) |] | | Reine A 120'1409 Chumularee, or Dhawala-Girl,............... | Dhibet *. - 29,000 | 54 5) 83.8 15095 | (50, 93.6) 6334 Dolctlassi nen “i 250/143] Borata, the highest in America,............... |) Boliviases 25,380 | 5 S) 88.6)15047| |] 151) 52.7) 6020 fF onCueTe = ++ “ 2951488 [llimani ; “ 21,780 | 4h 7! 88.4'14989' || |52) 51.8] 5808 Be ateibinieriejele.s Sale BPALUREINLS so eel wia/miele s nic'a piv oid nikie bia we Mine « nie acide | i | ly 1 | 38 See hn Pal nent Bordeaux, es “ 120/144] Chimborazo,.........cceseceescceeseseveeese] Equador, ..... 21,444 | 4h 8) 88.2}14923 0, LO) 0048 Nee ners «“ 880!1538 PUINNOGRKOOND ics cremeroe, aac ven ce ee | Afghanistan, | 20,601) | 82 9} 82.9)14848 4 50.0) 5290 Diet - 45011729 - * . Ag ¢ | ime a¢ Q 4 gee eweee uv “eZ Cotopaxi, highest volcano in the world, ) auador: ..... 19,408 | 84 | JOS, 49.2) 508 Aon taiban, = 400'1800 ern 5 ere en ek us cena ean cee : | 19,150 | sa 10} 82.6/14764) || [56] 48.3) 4782 J BOntauban, ... : eveeeee aie ghest in North America..... ' Russ: Pos 23 18,000 84 11} 82.8)14672 1 ST 47.5) 4584 Rone a ae a > | li801 tl v icc 7,785 { 9} 82 aT IDS 1.6} 429 eer ae ee ns ; as ( tl, volcano, Saac teres nncncpprass Mi XICO, ...... 17,785 84 12 84.0 14 1 Re re 6 rite Valladolid, . |. Spain. {1300/1846 Mt. Roa, highest in Oceanica, ..........%. ocr Hawaii, s+e+} 16,000 3 13) 81.6 14463 1] )9 0.8) 409 Hyascae ae e 55011354 Mt. Brown, lxghest peak of Rocky Mountains, Brit. America, ! 15,900 | 3 14 81.1 1445 len! : | Baia Salamanca,..... eG 5001404 Mont Blanc, highest in Europe, Alps,......... Sardinia,...... 15,766 | 8 15} 80.7 14220) || jo 45.0 Been Valencia, .. ... “ 1500/1410 Mt. Rosa, next highest peak of the Alps,...... | a 3 | 15,380 | 8 16 B02 nr ee tac 886% Saragossa, .. .. Spain, 1100/1474 Limit of perpetual snow at the...............| Equator,...... 15,207 | 2% 17} 79.7/18947) || 62) 48.5 3360 Thledo. see ‘ | 260/1474 Fineness yee ees csc eos ks ee | Equador, ..... 15,000 | 27 18) 79.2/18798} || |68 42,8) 8145 Alcala de He- SOMNCHiG uci cues occ com nae 4 0 3) 7 8719) Saal ian j : Meena weather... 5cc,. screen. cote. 7 fe ' Russ. Poss, 14,796 | 2¢ 19 73. |18642 oe 42.0) een (nares, : 870/1499 Mt. 8t. Helen’s, pn.) 6 wicca sue) neem Mua «nen epale Oregon, sina ale(b a 14,400 QF | i | 60 41.3) 9500 Saville... 0 “ 800) 1504 Demavend, highest of Elburz mts., volcang..| Lersis..... 20 14,000 | 24 0 78.1 18478) !1 66 40.6) 2520 Grenada, ..... “ 8101153) MtyHand? 6 oe oe ec ee, ee Oregon: -.505 | 14,000 24 21} 77.5/18308) |) |67| 40.0) 2325 St. Jago di MRO DIT cere scp ateeer cheek co eee i Sumatras 32... | 18,800 | 24 22) 76.91181814 \68 89,3) 2136 (Compostela, “ 1100/1599 Fremont’s Peak, Rocky mountains, .......... | Nebraska, ....| 13.570 | 24 23) 76.2 12946) || 69) 88.7) 1958 Oviedo. ce 45011580 MibAraratices escec tiactacpeecsccew osc ome Armenia, .. ..| 12,700 | 2} 24) 75.612755) |} | | os Cervera. ...... “ 60011797 Long's Peak, Rocky mountains’. < 02.56. c0.. Nebraska, aval) eROU0)) Se Dy 4 9 12557 70 38.1 Aes Golmbrs:...... Portugal, 1900/1279 Reak Of; Leneritie se ccs. cs ae | Canaries, .....} 12,986 | 9} 26 74 2 12354 (fd Be ve Geneva... Switzerland, | 8380/1368 Miltsin, highest of Atlas mountains,.......... Morocco, wean 12,000 | 2} 27) 73.6)12145 | joel § 1.0 ‘au Basle tens. ee & 150)1460 Mt. Perdu, highest of Pyrenees, .... waiclc eel STANCE... - | 11,265 | 2} 28] 72.7)/11980| |] |73 86.5 1298 Lausanne,..... “ 230!18N6 Mé Lebanon) :......'s Ge ke ta as Boke a ee Syrla, ese 11,000 | 2) 29) 71.9/11710, || |74| 86.0 1158 Zurich kee. “ | 20011888 MAGN tae OlCANGs 525A toss ove ty ck | Sicily 10,50 | 2 ee eer Bb.5}: 1016 SING, co esa ee: “ 230/1834 Ruska Poyana, highest of Carpathian mts.,.... [ -AUSiNAS ....<% | 9,912 | 132 80) 71.1)11484) || {26} 90,1) 81 Naplesj 2:4.) Naples, 1550/1204 MPV OL QUILO; Siac picpcu dveincssceseece cc: Equador, ..... | 9,630 | 13 81) 70.8 11258) 7 34.6 {01 Palermo, ..... Sicily, 735] 1894 Monte Corno, highest of Appenines,...,...... Naples,....... 9,528 | 1% 82) 69.5 11018) AS 5 = o06 Catania,....... 600)1445 Orbelus, highest of Balkan mountains,........ Torkey, #..0.. | 9000 | 13 83 68.7 10778) || i 83,9) 552 Bologna, ...... ‘States of Ch.| 560/1168 Sneehattan, highest of Dofrafield mountains... Norway,...... 8,115 | 14 8¢ 67.9/10534 6 457 Rome, (Sapi-| MonnGSinal. (ce 8 ieee lin ccek coc pte wee cc i Arablae: osc.. | 8,000 | 11 85) 67,0/10287 80 33.6) ao [enza,)| “ 680| 1295 PRC DIB DASEAN Say cee edie cap heed veritas | Greece,....... 7,677 | 1 86} 66.2/10036) | (81) 33.3 a Perngia, ...... “ 210!1307 Black mountain: hichestin: coco. nes. N. Carolina,...| 6,476 | 1 37 65.3 9781) (82 33.1 ane Urbino, Re-es-| | Mt. Washington, highest of White mountains, N. Hampshire,|} 6,234 | 14 88) 64.4) 9523 85 82.8 “ed [tadlished, « 850/1826 Mi Maroy, Hiehpstitt..: 03 .cescecs set oe) New York, ...| 5,800 | 1 39 oa fee 84 oi aoe Sienna, -.-..e Tuscany, | 260/1330 “i 35} $2.4 Lif to “ ro 004 ME Heda: volcanos... .ccne fesse cuee Iceland) ¢s.... 0,000 | 1 | Co) Aas is RiSaesccs cer 580!1388 Ben Nevis, highest in Great Britain,.......... Scotland, ..... | 4,879 | . 40) 62.6) 9001) | 86 one Wi Florence, .. ... &“ 250/1433 Mansfield, highest of Green mountains,....... Vermont,..... ' 4,280 ; 41) 61.7| 87 BS | 87 Resa Parma, wcccccs Parma, 800)1482 Peaks of Otter, Ninian Sialwiaisla Waa sig adm niopecciew ot Virginia, ..... 4,260 | 4 42) 60.8] 8478) || |88 82.1) a) Turin, ........] Sardinia, 1300/1405 MIS ViGSUVADS) coc. em ccevslesesieuee dre oe cey Naples,.. ....] 8,982} 4 43) 59.9 8206) 89 02.0) 5 Cagliari, ...... Isl. Sardinia, | 260/1720 Round Top, highest of Catskill monntains,....| New York,...| 8,804 | 44) 59.0 7939 al 82.0 Sessarl) scence oy 2401765 ELEY BOG eo siaaneeciccdos see. eae Mauritius,....! 3,764 | *3 45) 58.1] T7671} Mi Genoa soe. ae Sardinia, | 610/1812 oe eee ag eres Sree Padua cement Lombardy, |1500/1228 . pets an ' ; r i empe= | Pavia, .. 23.2. 9 Questions. Which is the highest mountain in the world? Of what chain of Questions, What is the mean tempe Pavia, : 99 {1861 é ee ch pues e 2d , : . ; Foe : legree of heat at the level off Prague, .... .. Austris, {1460/1348 mountains is it the highest peak? The Himalaya chain. What is the meaning }rature, or degree of hei * Richtv-four | Vienn a 2500/1365 of Dhawala-Giri? The White mountain. Which is the highest mountain in the sea, under the Equator? Eigh vets] | Ae Bye sees ; 20: 1A Wala-G ‘ : ‘ A a ase rhe es 1 two-tenths, Fahrenheit’s} Pesth, ........ “+ 1900(1465 America? How high is mount Sorata? In what country isit? W hich is the} degrees anc vo-ten tis, ‘membered! Olmute’ “ 9501581 highest mountain in North America?/’ Aow high is mount St, Elias? Where js Thermometer. It will be ENCBohit ae Reha 1060) 1784 it situated? Which is the highest mvuntain in Europe? What is the meaning | that the “ k reezing I ont a ea iene ee = soolteis of Mont Blanc? The White mountain. Which is the highest mountain of the Conpelalion, on area eNe ene ae RRUR sis 0 c Soe a wane Neer eos age ate sites ater, is 82 degrees, c } Deena) eevee )/1826 African islands? How high is the peak of Tene riffe? W hich is the highest meter, is 5 we *+the sea at the Equator} Athens,.......] @reece, 180]i838 volcano in the world? How high is Cotopaxi? Which is the highest voleano in above the level of thes anleceserma Gaia Ionian Iel’ds,| 3001 1894 Europe? How high is mount Etna? In what direction do most of the moun-|is the freezing raps ye pau ee Wurtzbure Re- ; tains on the globe extend? How high is the highest spot ever trod. by man ? f ual Boost aM mete es a 15e. ty [newed, Bavarla, 45011589 Nineteen thousand four hundred feet above the level of the sea, In 1802, Baron ture uh a eaag In BOP Hon many feet | Erlangen, ...- | * 810)1 743 Humboldt, with his friend Bonpland, and Charles Montufar, of Quito, ascended | 10 ? in level afithabeatia thallteit afl Mmienie es . “ 1850'1810 mount Chimborazo, and on the 23d of June reached the height of 19,400 feet. | above nt evel 0 tinaa 10°? In 90°9 Tieipsic’ .. ....| Saxony, 950'1409 The blood started from their eyes, lips, and gums, and they became almost torpid perpetua auON on ts pane Th 609 In 70? Gottingen, ....| Hanover, T00/1734 through cold. As no person has ascended to the top of the highest mountains, by In 80°? In 4( ny sine a Alivoronés Tubingen,.....|Wurtemburg,| 740|1477 what means has their height been ascertained ? By geometrical calculation. The} In 80? In 90? ae a fuxel atl tel (eIdlebnhen Baden, 660}1886 angle of elevation between two points, or stations, is taken by means of a sextant, Hee een hs Sate ieaentar and in| Freiburg, ...-. “ | 300 1457 an instrument used for measuring the altitude of objects, and from this and the ey ee 161 orn 46° TH 90°9 Giossen,.. . ..|Hesse-Darm t 480.1607 distance of the two stations, frigonometry. the height, or altitude, is ascertained by the rules of Marburg,.. . | Hesse-Cassel,! 290:1527 UNIVE rks, Continued, ' na 5 ‘ Names. Country. | 53| Zs} 9 CS = Rostocks. 4... Mecklenburg,| 115/141¢ JONAS as pee Saxon Duch's| 470/1557 Griefswalde,... Prussia, 250) 1456 Koningsberg,.. s 400) 1544 Hallevss, 5. se 700/169 Breslany es. 66 720)1702 Berlin. Jc. te 20901 islg Bonn 68. oes «“ 630)1318 Wiatsaw. =o: Polad, Rus’al 400 L816 CracowRe-esi'd| « Cracow,} 800]1817 Wilna Re-est'd [in 1808, Russia, 610]1578 Dorp... “ 5995/1682 Moscow,-.5. “ 1360} 1803 Kharkoy, ..... “ 8330/1504 St. Petersburg, “ 1300]18$1 Helingfors, .... a Tran. firm Abo 440] 1828 Baan os oe od * 8001836 Upsalee) oi see Sweden, /145/ 1476 Toure . 6590/1666 Christiana, ....| Norway, | 710/{811 Copenhagan, .. Denmark, |1200]1479 Kuielia ects . 390} 1665 Leyden,...:... Holland, | 620|1575 Groningen,... “ 2800/1614 Utrechi = 523 6 9020/1636 Liege... oe Belgium, | 3850/1816 Ghent. e 3840/1816 Louvain, .. ... S 660/1826 Valetta. 5 25. Isl. of Balta,! 2501/1835 — ALN. 29. RIVERS IN THE UNITED STATES, The following table shows how faz some of the principal rivers in tha United States are navigable for steam- boats, sloops, &e. Names, Place. Miles Penobscot To Bangor) 3... 3} 6) Kennebec , * Aucusta;<, 4. . 9 AR Connecticut “Hartford,, . . . 50 Hudson, . LT OY: ee 156 Passaic . , * Newarkicy «2.2 10 Raritan “ New Brunswick,. 14 Delaware © trenton, . #2 See. 75 Potomac. . “ WASHINGTON, . , 119 James. -. . “Richmond,. . , J5¢ Cape Fear . “ Fayetteville, . . 129 Savannah . “Augusta,. . . . 168 St. John’s . “Lake George.) 3 150 Alabama. , “ Wetumpka,. 875 Mississippi . “ Falls St. Anthony, 2,208 Missouri. . “ Great Falls, . 2,501 Illinois oo Ollawa\ (25 2 2 008 Wabash - “La Fayette... . , 810 Ohio, + “Pittsburg: . 2 41.004 Tennessee . “ Blorenee; <{ ; <7 959 Cumberland “Nashville, , 208 Questions, Wow far is the Penobscot navigable for steamboats and sloops? Kennebec ?* Connecticut? Hudson, or North river? Potomac? The Potomae is navigable for the largest ships to the “hayy yard in Washington, 800miles from the ocean, The Potomac enters Uhesa- peake bay between Point Lookout, in Maryland, and Smith's Point, in Vir- ginia. The river is 10 miles wide at its mouth, From Smith's Point to Norfolk it is 81 miles, The Great Falls in ths Missouri are a little above R. Maria The Tennessee river is nayigable for boats about 250 miles above Muscle Shoals, The Cumberland is navigable for boats of 15 tons nearly 800 miles above Nashville From the mouth of the Ohio to the gulf of Mexico, by the Mississipp| river, it is 1,110 miles. The Missouri enters the Mississippi 1,895 miles from the gulf of Mexico. Is there any State that has no access to the ocean by water? Which States do you think are best situ- ated for commercial pursuits? Why? ——eew nn eee OE Ee 30. TABLE OF DISTANCES, Distances from London, Names, Miles. To Constantinople,....... camisole UU Sy CATNONS SR ctemencieae cece sie er es tDOU MIB tS RelersDUNe, wes sea sure ata ROMO Sucicccneces osicaie conte eroUU OO Madrids os ceiticcs ccnace acs cu ueleee Oo MVAGNNS). coclenicacs oe din eave wines (000 UUBOINGY. «oc cep cimcs cae CeemteeeanGae © Copenhageny ss... cere cn cnegnOou SAMSt6rdAMs 225 cc < awe seen eau HPAYIS) ec cen ccs ok cca ctnleen eee Distances from New York. Names. Miles. To Cape of Good Hope,.......... 7,923 «© Cape Horny es. sa eee aie 6,673 Cairo, ealeieiae cals ctsteieisial Os OS Athen. oc. asc van cee a Tiberi cee OOROME he cosa ne ees ot ae an « S000 Mr Allolorsinccaiscc sich cicero sien Se OUU (OBremenvrr. asec vecn ae eicieie ciaasoeea HOTAM Ae cae cca csc ecient een cies Coe SPVIVOMDOO\ vrcncessie «taces 22 QOUP TO DAU aks eecamie celecoiade haePopulation 1790. 81. pte amen s 2 S| Maine 3 Giang Giareterdle’s weiss 96,540 New Hampshire .. .-- 141,899 THE rilSi to Aaa e eee 85,416 Massachusetts......--- 318,717 Rhode Island .....---- 69,110 Connecticut...------++ 988,141 Now YOrK...---e-eee> $40,120 New Jersey.-------+:> 184,139 Pennsylvania ...------ 434,873 Delaware .... «--+++s> 59,096 Maryland Dee gs cents cece 819,728 Virginia .....---+-++s: 748,308 North Carolina....---- 893,751 South Carolina.....---- 249,0T3 Georgia ..-- eeeeeeeee $2,548 FROVIdB «cccccccccscsce| ceccecee Mlabalohsninceccecscecel) pices Mississippi.....--ee-e+] seeeeces TLowisiana ..-. .-.2-22+| covneeee INGEN cee casieeaisciccc|| wemalsieer IATKBDSAS case csccscees|) cvacsces Tennessee ..--+---s+ee: 85,791 Kentucky .--- ---+-+-- 78,0TT OMe cc eciccwcicle veeie|) melsinies.er0.c Michigan ...--seeeeees| serceers Tn se cece cscccscie| picicwiceee TUOW)s ceiiscc cee cicies|| ierelennin ere MMiSSOUTI «0-20 wncccens| osccence NOW concise cisiee|| wnisinisiersis WiiSCOMSIN ..---eceeree| wecerece CGalifornia.....<-2---02| seecceee District of Columbia...| .....-+- Minnesota ..eccseseres| sovccces OTegON ...-.e-ceeceees] seeeseee tal eee cies wecinsres Now Mexico ...----+<+| aseeeers Nebraska Territory...-| --++++-: Indian Territory ...---| -+-+--+> Total a ones ae 929,827 151,719 | 183,762 164,465 428,245 69,122 251,002 586,756 211,949 602,365 64,278 $41,548 880,200 478,108 $45,591 162,101 eeeeerre eeweeeee ererreee eoveeere exer eeee aeeeeeer eoweesee eeseeene seer eeee eseeee*s® oven aee eter neee eee ewee Population 1800. ———— 31. POPULATION OF THE UN? UNITED 8 re Population 1810. ——— 228,705 214,360 217,713 472,040 77,031 262,042 959,049 245,559 810,091 72,674 380,546 974,622 555,500 415,115 252,483 eeoseeee 406,511 930,760 4.762 eaveeere eeseeeee oeeeeere eceoneeee ereteeee ee etenee eoeseeere enewenee Population 18:0. Population 1830. 298,335 899,455 244.161 269,328 35,764 280,652 523,287 610,408 83,059 97,199 275,202 297,675 J, 372,812 1,918,608 97 7,575 820,823 1,049,578 1,848,233 72,749 76,748 407,350 447,040 1,065,379 i 211,405 638,829 787,987 502,741 581,185 340,987 516, ene B ieetarciole 84,78 127,901 309'037 75,448 186,621 158,407 215,789 14,273 30,388 422.813 681,904 564,317 687,917 581,484 937,903 8/896 81,639 147,178 $43,031 55,211 157,445 66,586 140,455 38,089 39,834 9,638,191 12,186,020 Population 1&40. —— 501,798 984,574 991,948 737,699 108,830 "912.267 685,866 476,183 883,702 43,112 80,945 eeeeeene eeeeeeee ‘osneneee Pr eeewewere eee eee eeeseeee MANUFACTURES OF COTTON AND WOOL IN POPULATION IN 1850. GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE VIEWS. TATES. White popula’n. | Free colored. | Slaves. Misrtin et 2 581,763 1,825 |) -ececees 317,889 ATS Tl ciesciseiee $12,902 ROQ7 aN cise cielo 985,704 8.795 | ccccecee 144,000 8,544 | -eeseeee 863,805 7486 | vececcee 8,049,457 47,93T Sicisinieieie™ 467,240 92.093 222 2.258, "463 58,823 | escreres 71, 989 17,95T 2,289 418, 590 74,077 90,368 895,304 58,829 472,528 552,464 28,02T 228,412 274,628 8,900 884,984 521,438 2,880 881,621 47,167 925 89,309 426,507 2,272 842,892 295,758 899 809,898 255,416 17,587 239,021 154,100 881 58,161 162,068 589 46,982 756,893 6,271 939,461 761,688 9,786 210,981 1,9% 56. 108 94300 | serewees "895 5,097 D557 | cecccess 977,605 1O.81L | eeececes 846,104 5.866 | eoseeees 592.07T 2,544 87,422 191,879 SSR ly syecisieiecie 804,565 G26) i cisieisiciveie 223,200 | 1,800 | ----+-- 88,02T , 9,978 8,687 6,088 89) Vi Hicwmieceleis 18,087 DOG 1) aonsivciee 11,830 24 26 61,488 WG Ny Seaiacee 19 "49,630,133 ey 428, 515 8,198,324 THE UNITED STATES. Total pop. 1850. 583,088 817,864 © i) 2 o j _— C _ eeeeeeree eeeeeeee rn Repr’s./Electors | Sqzare Miles, —_ - -——_———— * | 6 8 30,000 + 19.44 8 5 9230 | 84.26 8 5 16.212 {| 30.76 11 | 13 7,800 | 127.49 2 4 1,306 12.97 4 | 6 4,674 79.33 88 | 85 46,000 67.33 5 | T 8,320 58.84 95 | 2k 46,000 50.25 1 8 2,120 43.17 6 | 8 9.356 62,31 18\ | a5 61,352 93.17 Ss) L1G 45,000 19.80 6-18 24,500 97.28 Bi 10 58,000 15.68 fo 23 59,268 1.47 i 9 58,722 15.21 See 7 47,156 12.86 4 6 48,431 11.03 9 4 237,321 .89 2 4 52,198 4.01 10 | 19 45,600 21.98 10 12 87,680 26,07 291 | 93 89,964 49,55 4 6 56,248 7.07 11 18 83,809 29.28 9 11 55,405 15.36 7 9 67,880 10.13 2 4 50,914 3.77 8 5 53,924 5.65 2 4 188,982 BT <5 a 60 861.45 : TEG000 "| eres as ia ‘ SHO OO0) iI oo crare «ic is AQO000 ile ce cio i, OTS'000) ile nase Se MOSCOD! ai)? aap soe i ie 152,000 cate 934 | 296 3,260,073 Exr=NT IN SquaRH MILE jaaeeet re EE \Pop, to sq. meile —— —_ = 32. i on Core COTTON. Wood. Si Aer ros ae || awe Sn an as eT x Namber of Average wages per 2E3 Number of oe 3 Capita ales |Value of all raw\hands emp oyed. month. Value of entire|| © = 2 Capital Pounds of |Value of all raw hands employed.|Value of entire Yarda of clot? State S22 invested. cotton. material. rare Faia | Feules products. Ge z invested. wool used. niaterial. TAR products. manufactured. a ee ee ss 32 | 9n.900,700 | @1,581| $1,573,110 | 780) 2,959] $29 85 | $12 15 | Sienna 36 | $467,600 | 1,488,43 95,9 5 New Hampshire.......-- 44 | 10,950,500 | $3,026] 4,839,429 | 2,911) 9, 211| 25 45 oS AT *230.8 19 || 61 ; 437,700 604 03 : peas 308 I S01 : ior 745 ee a ORE Geek ies 9] 202500 | 2,248 44is | 94| 147) 15-55 | 12 67 “96.100 || 72 | 866,300 | 2,828,100 es0'6e4 | 683| 710] 1, 579,161 as a Neemachisetisilsiéd1....| 218) (28,455,680) | 228,607.) 11,299,808 | 9,293 |19,487| 23 1g 5B | 19.712461 || 119 | 9,089,342 99'920'952| 8,671,671 | 6,167 | 4,963 THO LP SES ess mhodonsland ee neenion ca: 158 | 6,675,010 | 50,718 31424579 | 4.959 | 5,916| 18 15 98 | 6.447.120 || 45 | 1,013,000 €103.370| 1,463,900 | 987 71 Tear eet Beh Connecticut .....-0 +++: 13 | 4’219'100 | 89.483] 2,500,062 | 2,708 | 8,478) 19 68 | 11 8) 4957522 || 149 | 3,773,950 97414100 | 3,325,709 | 2,907| 2581] 6,4 rae eeneann NW OTe airs hence 86 | 4.176,920 | 87,778 1'985,973 | 2,632| 8,688] 18 9 «8 | 8.5917989 || 249 | 4,459,370 19,538,786 31232292 | 4262 2412 85 aattben Now Jersey ...---eeceee 91! 1'493.500 | 14,437| 666,645 | 616 1.096| 17 § 956 | 1109524 || 41 | 494,274 eproog9| 548367 | 411 487 EAA tea Rennsylvanis Pe eee oe | 4'528995 | 44,162] 8,152,080 8.564| 4,099| 17 8 991 | 5.322.262 || 880 | 8 005,064 | 7,560,379 5.929718 | 8,490 | 2,236 BES 10 roa CIAWATC. a acccccscecsne 460,100 4.730 312.068 | 413] 425) 165 5 588.439 ARE 02 Ani Seatac ; oa Ory ROT Marylee Dee oe sate majecleiess ae 2,286,000 93395 1, 165,: 519 1,008 2.014 13 a Bs 2 300, at 88 sea Soa feseon Ae fae seh a Tenn eee 1908900 | 17.785| 828,375 | 1,275 | 1,688) 10 2 os | rias63e4 || 121 | 892,640 | 1,554,1 81899 41,0. 087, North Carolina ...----+-- 93! 1,058,800 | 18,617 531,003 | 442| 1,177 sas dete: c 92,640 | 1,594,110 488,899 | 478) 190 841,013 | 2,037,025 Poa Carolina a aigcteyeieie «8 18 S57, 200 9°99 295971 899 ren a 94. 2 s nese : po: Ee a ” y et ee Georgia «..-s0s0 eres" 85 1,738,188 20,280 900,419 83 1,899) 14 57 | 738 9,135,044 || 8 | 68,000 153,316 g0302 | 40/ 38] 88,750 "340,660 Alabama erence. 2 651,900 | 5,208 937.081 | 846 369| 11 a : 98 36260 ch Me Tsi gl Ue capaeee a otc ote arts oe | es | een ae eeepc. se000 | 430 51500 | 19| 17) 1421|- 5 34 Asoo | ee | aki ees a : see) Oo | ee eee Louisiana. ....--.+-e-e--* x0 : t a ee | eercepenlacaariaal: one ets ioe |b oes | eee eo ee ae Uae aes : pee Ne ne ee ME ee lie see wetes Bs Beas SNE Seg ng TE ocee le Beery oo | esters Arkansas cco iotso | ~“iéaio | “iio| “806 | 8] 8) 8 eels cea ta OO a eee LO eee ENVIESSEG «es ce evccencce 8f 569.600 9,4 7,5 8 5 y 6s po a| ears | aaongil Mn were 45 no VeG10 | ee : ee oe Bs) iG) cil] aotsn|) it} al 10) $2) 06 | | “SRR ) ime] | asaez| | se] une) i TOR ne ence 7 6 alah a ss pe als! z 249,0% 13,U 0,28 256| 62 c GniG eee rea Ts 8 297,000 | 4,270 237,060 | 182| 269| 1660| 9 05 394.700 || 180 | 870,220 | 1,657,726 578,428 9031 298 sy 1 o.087 oe Ae ee reece Bee ee ellecea| reer te Be eee 15 | 94,000 | 162,850 43.402 | 8 di 90,242 141,570 ‘eae ee eee ee eee DOIN) eee tae ia: , ene a | ee soar els remlescrern lle cay 54,50 96: 15,867 | 124] 54 206,572 806,995 a orcs seks 2 ea pe 86,446 5| go} 1094] 10 00 42,900 1 20,000 80,000 16,000 15| 10 56,000 12,000 Rileeonbin ee costes. RR ce ere ee Ne Ne hae 1 | an000 | 14,5001 3500 | 7)... | SO | S000 Califor ae SM ee eee ae 9 31,225 | 134,200 82,680 25 87,992 86,000 striet of Columbia . 1 85,000 aaal <veropo | “edi toa|, 44°02. | 8 01| 100,000 ws | seeerse eu] eeeeasemil! «teemeieine® etl tceister= ca cdeeeall. smaisere —— eel = 0003 |e = 260 7,000 “ab 108 1402 | 8 01 100,000 1 700 5,000 1,630 2 5 2,400 10,000 __ Total ..-000- 2 secre 1,094 | $74,501,081 | 641,240 | $34,935,056 133,12 S| aan repent re aioaal lnlay a |__| 240 | $84,835,056 '83,150 [59,136 $61,869,184 ||1,559 128,118,650 '70,862,829 | $25,755,988 22,678 |16, 16,574 |$ 48,207,555 | $2,206,652 33. PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES ; 34. GOLD AND SILVER COINS | | «| y ls The following table exhibits the Cus- | Florin— of A e—o reas s - TISKY 18 s/o ci clarenwiaeicte 0 484] R wove | oe je AIS 25 oer aie Re Dollars and cen Guinea—of Great Britain ....-. 5 00" Rupee —of Bolden ndia. . a 5 4a) Name Residence, ei is gi oF | 5 Died. og eee ae Nee of foreien | Guilder—of Holland and Belgium 0 40 | Rix Dollar, or Thaler—of Prussia 0 69 5 Ze\<3\z Sra taitasiates f y law in the ER ee France . 0 183 j Rix Dollar—of north. states Germ. 0 69 | & | ==HKat 5 Live of Lombard epee aa . 0 2 Ris eae Bremen, Sermeny. 0 784 ei we : —of Lo and Yenice e—o ss nega Wauiagion 7 | Wee nan HES Hep [Dex ty ge] [Crem motrencesnssscceias 100 [ive otsorti comes 316 [Sousa Dotan Sveh ENGFY 108 John Adams........-- Waeaennicctta’ ,11735)1797| .62.|4 | July 4 1826 |.91. | Crown—of T eae its Liva—of Sardinia......--++++- 0 183] Specie Deller op penmats mn Thomas Jefferson . Virginia ... ..- 11743)1801|.58./8 | J Taare oay USCANY ..+-eeeeeee 105 } Louis @or—of France ....-. A7 8 g ge ee 58.\8 | July 4, 1826 |.83. } Doll Me eal eANGraas , LOG) Mineatof Portugal ccna overeign—of Great Britain.... 4 $4 James Madison ....--- Virginia .....+. 1751|1809|.58.|8 | June 28, 1836 |.85. | Doll: fD and Norway... 106 | Milrea—of Portugal ....-.---<, 112 Shilling—of Great Britain... 0 22 Tanitds MONTOB! oes 2-3 Vireirines 17581817 C 8, 1836 |.co. ollar—of Denmark.......-++. 105 4 Milrea—of Azores West ] s 0 7>g1817|.58.(8 | July 4, 1881 |.72 Doubler oe's es , or Western Ils, 0 833 cuda—ol Malti... ..cssecee 0 40 John Quincy Adams .. Massachusetts... 1767 1825).58.|4 Feb. 23, 1848 g0. | Doub! Pn oe LG oF) Aisa Banco, oF Hata On eae 35 | Star Pagoda of Madras. 175 Bear eeene eee ee: ears 1767|1829! | 62.8 June 8, 1845 |.78. Dac mriofo sielele 15 or Napoleon or 20 Franc- -piece- -Fra’e 3:72 | Tale—of China ..-...-- aaa 48 artin Van Buren ....| New York.....|1782/1897|-59.|4 ul Du Holland anadsBalevan 5 unce—of Sicily 240 |Teston—of B Get 78 Beailaa tis tert cll: een ery olan Se scr to Un a ee TTTE eston—of Bavaria.........+-- 016 William H. Harrison..| Ohio .......-+. 1773)1841).68.|..| April 4, 1841 |.68. | Ducat—of Na ad ang Belew OF arlteecund Beenie ON Gtee ea 404 | Thaler—of Prussia andN.Germ. 0 6° James K, Poti... sewers Virginia ....-... 1790)1 841) .51 o|4 Jones eersecerenlenes Ducat—of Wienies Bp eet aii ; ss Round Sterling—of British Am. 400 Biialer of Telpsic) see e<aste 069 Zachary MaylGror: ee al ee * OO € elteas 1849 oe, Fy June 15, 1849 |.54. | Franc—of France and Belgium. 0 13} Soe nee a Hag ; 5 80 As eainia 88 V0y ae es r ~ 5 .\14| duly 9, 1850 |.66. | Five Franc-pi opie —Of India....---- eee. AY GINA <ici's cine alelsiaibielvieisis 2 Millard Fillmore......: New York ....|1800)1850).50.|24| ae Florin—of ioltend and Balgiin Ais Piaster—of Spain.-<. +++. «+++ 02 1 00 | Zechino,1769—of States of the Ch. 21 g teal Vellon—of Spain, or 20th Pias,0 20 Zechino—of Turkey......-.... 26 Pranklin Pierce New Hampshire! 1g04 1853! fa Abooec nm Florin—of south. states of Gerny 0 40 Real Plate—of Spain.....ceccee 010. GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE VIEWS. 35. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIONS OF THE UNITED STATES IN 1850. 67 Value ei aaa = Acres of land| farming im- Value Bushela of | Bushelsof | Tobacc Ginned'> Btate im d. Ipleme ‘ Ae he ee obacco, cotton, Wool, Wine, Butter, Cheese,’ Cane prove Cache of live stock, wheat. | Indian corn. | pounds of. pe cecrec’ pounds of. |r Uens of! pounds of. | pounds ot. tanarce Tae suatsle oe Donate hhds._ of Heine % : é tous of. | 1,000 lbg. manufactures Maine iirc cece. «sss 2,019,598, $2,363,517) $9,831,488] $67,9 741715 aaa — | 3 Yew Hampshire ..| 2,251,388 Sao ser L001 185,658 TeT670 Pee BOS: see raeearel otgel Sgeeecal Seem ue ee Te0 oo |" > 862) Ters4 aMesioona Vermont ......... 2,322,923 9,774,959] 11,292,748] 493,666] 1,623,776|..........|..0. oo, 3492087] 140] 12 128.095 ExssuNG| FeRerel Pal aeeeaneo lace seee 895,455 Massachusetts... 2,127,924] 8,178,809] ¥,619,964 29,784] 2'326,167| 119.306]... 1121, E76 TRG Sol aaeteee| 02499,006) 768,579)... 807] 5,159,641]........ 261,589 Rhode Island ..... 337,672| 478,385] 1,466,636 39] 516,133 ae ee Papemele mare atiee eee pecaiee leases (20 geo 72) 768,596]........ | 210078 Vonnecticut....... 1,734,277] 2,043,026] 7,358,996] 40,167| 1,996,462] 1.383.989|°127777" 7 512,529] 8,346 6 620's79 abiDvis| Aemee teal co eesea tc le eaters New York........ 12,285,077] 22,217,563] 74,672,356] 18,073,357] 17,844,808] ° 70.209). 10,021,507 6.493 99'043°99 Ne) 499,706|...... 9,779 ST ISL. ene ses 188,995 New dersey....... 1,770,887| 4,267,124] 10,678,264) 1,508,216] 8,605,396]..........|..0. 0. 875.082] _“S1T| SOTOTIO| “SOU'SI9| AAS TAS| < Lol| Setaead ete anne | aarrane Pennsylvania ..... 8,619,631] 14,931,993] 42,146,711] 15,482,191] 19,707,702] 857.6191... rain x te! 900,819} 429,119)... 12,35: B886\<.60 520 110,350 Wei ee Bod sedl ~ ArT'Sse| reese] Naar e| Tae ektoegR| SOT,C19}.-.. 4,784307| 28,889) 40,554,741) 2,895,279] 826,265] B59] 43,627, 2,218,644) 2.12221. 755,104 Maryland. sanig| 2787905] 2403443) 7,997,634] 4,494,630 11,104°631] 2).199,981|. 72 0201 Rrpascleato cds Pane ee Maeele teers M6] B88 need 82,809 District of Colum’ia} ——_-17,088| 40,220) ~—— 71,578] +” -17,870] +” 65,280] 15,0001. ....... 4 2 5,07 3|| 2816s A7;740)/02 ee 111,828 distric 3 220) 71,57 : fae gelleee seine 863 14.869 ; Virginia’ ee neweee 10,150,106] 7,021,658} 883,607,962] 14,516,950] $5.539.582| 56.516. 276 = raelwaeouine: OTE on stale scm rieiniere|iewasiescaics|ecem cate 1) "orth Carolina....| 5,443,137| 4,056,006 17,837,108] 214799] 28'986°999 SO UBR eT ealies 2 oO 42280) 11,126,795] 584,850) 870,177] 8,599] 53,838) 1,228,905]... 2,156,078 South Carolina....| 4074855] 4143'709| 15'060,015| 1.066278] 162723081 73.0351 sov’ant| aartnus Teall aorverel. aetel . ap eel afl) SETS) eats Ble centicus ROOTBINa oc) sae ol 6,323,426] 5,901,050] 25,727,408] 1.085.784] 80.428.540| 420.193 94'09° aan 270 99 19,975 481 25,427) ...... iL 200 150} 909,546 Mlorids <scc.en Bigwos| cB7s'ses|| Tooan Gah ieetoos|o qlanauael © “ocecl eee ee 664) 4,640,074) 46,891] 28,407)... 585 50. 1,278] 1,888,093 Alabama.......... 4,387,088] 5,066-814| s1.558656| 292409] os 1so66 iea'eosl sépoml emee Tal 9,961'693| BO aae gpeOlceeee-| eee egal cece cass 47411) 74,362 Mississippi........ 8,489,640 5,759,788] 19,303,593] 215,181) 21'836,154| 48/349] 49477 56,05 IS) Spel eel | 80/428)" SU C0L eee 54 473 28} 1,890,258 Louisiana .... .... 1,567,993] 11,326,310] 10,923,508 "915,05 3995 ITA) 556,057) 801) 4,888,112] 20,814) 12.517] 222 1. 21 110 78| 1,165,19! lakage flies ace °635,913] 2095,308| 10,263,086 al opireceal | cele Lees 105 B06) eden. 685,186 1,148) 20,672] 7721. 260| 262,486) 188,77 Arkensas .”.......| _%80'388| Loosodi| 6'T28254| 193.902] stasr'aue| oosies| execs] tgtds| «Ml etgoTAl . 92018] a peT ieee 7,017| 265,526 Tennessee ....... 5,087,057] 5,351,178] 29;184'198| 1,68¢.470| 52°137's63| 20,144380| 199°e35| 1,840;e41 goal erso'osal iaeeae 8,924] 145] 695 S805! a mee 644,928 Kentucky .... «+. 6,068,633] 5,388,092| 29,893,386] 2,184,763] 58.922,788| 65,765,259 1'669| 2'246163| 4.002| 10,115261} a9e7T44l © a4e'a08 30,853 B0ascl seseosline SBT ASB ¢ Kk p 4K. 299 vr — ~ Ah pre ra aes ’ pi AN get ed ’ Vy aOs 5 2 5. 5 8.525 R7 AG Oo veces S580] 2.1615 fare tet) 1467 160) BOTs oo) IOASO9eT aoe aue] ahaa] Seige oy Rennes) UG zE0 90853] e0dss| Sessa oc | Sere Tide 1G Rep Ae po aotads Rance 620,215 2,225)... 2.22. 2,047,364) 1,443) 7,043,794) 1,012,551 394.717) 7 54| Dagell 24058071. asks 954°996 Hlinois 5 11 > 4] ’ Aheoe ~y 38,960 he i 02,887,064 1,035,146 5 2,502,763 13,004 12,748,186 666,986; 402.791 1.569 35,203 2.921.638 tee ame ] 647.200 Missouri ..... .... Sortaoal Serraasl 1c ees| BOdtoul Eerie ecl areceeee 6] 2,129,180) 2,843] 12,605,554) 1,28,758/ 586,611! 4997] 11,873 246,07S|........ 1218211 SCE aan ane pil aed) 0,971,449) 19,164,672) 2,943,840) 85,709,042) 17,038,364] .......... 1,635,182} 10,198] 7,762,124| 201,59 2841 91075 "43 reas Dncies TOW er gadeeee 814,173] 1,202,978) 8,602,769] 1,442,074] 8,475,027] 2,012) ooo °363'398| , 420| 1'938128| j9s'aaal ‘pa'noa| “POeo| M490). 17H, 88). «ee 22 Sees Wisconsin ........ 1,011,308] 1,701,047] 4,594,717] 4,292.2 3'378 Ire : poe 29 84,593) 1,280) 2,182 70,680)....... 202,533 California aa eralh ar caieas Bacal Drom oRe Beane ; fhe Recenter 243,065) 68} 888,816 440,961] 295.9271 “190 "8341 661.969|...... 2. 57506 eae eos nae 8,593) 3,456, 1282 Eo) 8 000) ae: 4,800]........ 705 150 038 eee 5 PSO bess eee] LE 9BH] . 108.809] 3,402] TG.GG5] tates. 260)........ 7 1C0|4 eee atogal” “desl pee uncities vateen eae ae Wainer tar are.. ae Aas aiaue areca erase |e 99,596)... 0.2. SL Tat) BB08O. BTA sles cole. Saeat eee Ben Nop Miocics 22] 228] © Tedo5] 638,951) - 103,441 VEN oaceneey elses dgee ee 8.997|..... ...| 74,064, 89,646 4 usally 5 oleae Bie es | eee 1,304 9 ;217| 1,504,497| 196,575] 835,795 AFIT | et es 82,641) 2,053 101 5881). osc ecdaloec gules. | een eee 6,031 Mota’: jcc. <: 2.042 51.820.2731552.705.28 799 9301591586. 053 x - OT r\¢ ; | | ! | 112,042,000.151,820,2731552,705,288!104,799,2301591,586,0531199,582,4941 2,474,214! 52,422,797] 141,2951312,202,286/108,184,585| 19,605,384| 75,2411 567,749| 32,759,268, 818,644) 27,595,545 Questions. Which State had the greatest number of acres of improved land in 1850? Which | many bushels were raised in this State? In the United States? Which State produced the greatest had the greatest amount of farming implements and machinery ? Which State produced the greatest quantity of wheat? Which had the most live stock ? How many bushels were raised in this quantity of tobacco ? Which State produced the most cotton? In how many States is cotton raised? Which State produced the greatest quantity of weol? Which, most wine? Which, tha Biate? In the United States? Which State produced the greatest quantity of Indian corn? How | greatest quantity of butter? Cheese? Hay? Hemp? Fiaxseed? Maple sugar? Cane sugar? 36. COLLEGES AND PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS IN THE UNITED STATES. 37. RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS. Name. Place. IFound’d. fin Name, Place. Found’d.| in Names. Char’s. | Min’rs. [Communie’ seine eng - a sa gens Roman’ Catholics -4;0ece eee 907 | 917 | 1,190,700 wow don . rune ee Me. ae 27,500 ereeuae ersity* Penfield, Ga. 1838 8,400 | Protestant Episcopalians........... 1,232 |1,404 | 67,55" aterville aterville, 2 15,500 | Wesleyan Female Macon, 1839 600 | Presbyteri a 2876 11.718 179.458 Dartmouth Hanover, N. H.} 1769 | 25,000 | University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Ala.| 1881 8,000 pee Lemans, Old School.......... 1651 11551 | 155°008 University of Vermont _‘[ Burlington, Vt. | 1791 | 18,000 | La Granget La Grange Dery celia | pore aires eNO tele Cecesccbor sera lmeno amen Mi 5 : «“ Q rH a . eas £°, = ’ Cumberland Presbyterians......... 570 | 800 | 60,000 Middlebur Middlebury, 1800 6,000 | Spring Hill§ Spring Hill “« | 1880 7,000 } Gt} \aaee J 3 530 | 993 45,500 Norwich University Norwich, “ | 1834 1,400 | Howard* arion, “« | 1841 2/200 s = fRatoe of Presbyterians...... o76 989 B0'a40 Harvard University Cambridge, Mass.} 1636 | 92,000 | Oakland Claiborne Co. — Miss.| 1830 | 6,000 | q puch se ormed weet teen aces neeees 961 803 75000 Williams Williamstown, “ | 1793 | 13,751 | University of Mississippi |Oxford, ail | 1eade | eeD al enema aes 1,452 | 598 | 150,000 Amherst Amherst, « | 1821 | 20,000 | Mississippi College Clinton, “ Me ane ea "99 | 24 6,000 Holy Cross§ Worcester, “ | 1843 | 4,220 | Centenaryt Jackson, La, | 1889 | 58,000 Moth alist Bpisnbnalen So eee ~ | 5,042 | 1,112,756 Brown University* Providence, R. L.| 1764 | 81,000 | St. Charles§ Grand Cotean, “« | 1888 4.000 Methodist Prats Papakea: 740 |? 64818 Yale New Haven, Conn,} 1700 | 51,000 | Baton Rouge Baton Rouge, s¢ | 1888 300 R of or a Motho, fiat ee Sea, 75 8,000 Trinityt Hartford, S¢ 1824 15,000 Franklin Opelousas, “ 1889 Weslovan MeEReaiee Ge 600 90.000 Wesleyan Untversityt Middletown, « | 1831 | 12,000 | University of Louisiana [New Orleans, “| 1849 German Methodists (U. Brethren),.|1,800 | 500| 15.000 Columbiat New York, N. Y.| 1754 | 14,000 | Tusculum Near Greenville, Tenn, | 1843 Allbricht M ‘the aes E ne ee 600 250 15,200 Union Schenectady, © 1 1795 | 15,000 | Washineton Washington Co, “ | 1795 1,800 M saa a ethodists (Evang. Asso.) 400 250 52.000 Hamilton Clinton, « ; 1812 | 12,000 }| University of Nashville Nashville, “ | 1806 | 10,207 On iox Conerecntinolints nem 1.727 11.584 | 179.176 Madison University* Hamilton, “ | 1820 9,400 f Franklin Near Nashville, “« | 1845 2500) fi tinitarianl Concracationaliice ome "300 | 250 3.000 Geneyat Geneva, «“ | 1828 0,400 | East Tennessee Knoxyille, ae} 192 4,500 Universaligts Een e Green hie 1.194 700 60,000 University of New York |New York, “ | 1831 4,000 | Cumberland University Lebanon, « | 1844 5000" figeraranioralanah mas | soeen nee ame! ar) 30 University of Rochester* |Rochester, « 11850 | 8,000 } Jackson Columbia, te Wre33 Th 2I500" | rarer arenes artless lee amine nn 7,863 | 4,651 | 655,536 St. John’s§ Fordham, “ | 1841 | 12,600 | Union* Murfreesboro’, “ | 1848 900 Six-Princip @ Baptists ee : 20 22 8.400 College of New Jersey Princeton, N. J.| 1747 | 17,500 | Transylvania Lexington, y-| 1798 |.14,000 | Seventh-Day Baptists ie nee oes 58 6.943 Rutgers New Brunswick, ‘“ | 1770- | 10,000 | St. Joseph’s§ Bardstown, “| 1819 6,600 | Fyee-Will Baptists’. ees coe cee 1,165 | 771 63,000 Rurlingtont Burlington, 1846 | 1,200 | The Centre Danville, “ | 1820 | 5,500 | Church-of-God Baptists...........- 480 | 90 8,000 University of Pennsylvania|Philadelphia, Penn,| 1755 | 5,000 | Augustat Augusta, « | 1825 | 2,500 | Reformed Baptists (Campbellites) ..] 1,800 | 1,000 | 160,000 Dickinsont Carlisle, « | 1783 | 14,100 | Georgetown* Georgetown, « | 1840 | 6,600 | Christian Baptists (Unitarians).....| 650] 782 | 35,000 Jefferson Canonsburg, “ | 1802 | 10,000 | Bacon Harrodsburg, « | 1836 1,200, §_ ——— Washington Washington, “ 1 1806 3,300 | Western Military Institute |Drennon Springs, “ | 1847 1,000 Alleghenyt Meadville, se 1817 €,200 Shelby Shelbyville, ss 300 |] ~~~-_~____ SS eee Pennsylvania GeUyepure, “ eee O00 Ohio University Athens, Ohio, A sone Lafayette aston, 6 832 ,000 —| Miami Universit Oxford, SE 180 8,00 Marshall Mercersburg, “ 1835 6,000 | Franklin y New Athens, o 1824 5,000 38. HEIGHT OF MONUMENTS, TOWERS, &a, University of Lewisburg* |Lewisburg, | 1849 Western Reserve Hudson, « | 1826 | 8,000 Names. Places. Feet Delaware Newark, Del),| 1883 7,500 | Kenyont Gambier, se } 1827 7,000 P id of Oh Egypt, 543 At. John’s Annapolis, Ma. | 1784 8,292 ] Granyille* Granville, “ | 1831 7,000 eit oare c aoe ween ceecceoncs eye se ns seeeee a St. Mary’s§ Baltimore, “ 1805 19.600 Marietta, Marietta, “ 1835 7.750 Sie ee Guan) wee e tee er eves Wintce y ceeeeess ven- a74 Mount St. Mary’s$ Emmetsburg, « 11880 | 4,000 | Oberlin College Oberlin, “« | 1883 | 5,000 fc tM ae . Cl Sr She Caen eearie eee 456 St. James’st Washington Co.,, ‘ | 1842 6,800 | St. Xavier§ Cincinnati, “ | 1842 ' 6,500 P at nee Gat Area “eS Bye nevccnnecs "* 456 Washington Chestertown, Me LTS 1,200 | Ohio Wesleyan University+|Delaware, “ | 1842 | 5,700 Go Peter's Chusch re ana eae Rowe Pe. ee Caan Georgetown§ Georgetown, D. C.| 1789 | 26,000 | Wittenberg Springfield, “| 1845 4,500 St Paul's Church London aie oe England, pete 404 Columbian* Washington, ~ “ | 1821 | 6,000 § Indiana State University |Bloomington, Ind.| 1816 | 4,200 Saiebur Cit halral nee. Riche ee 40¢ William and Maryt Williamsburg, Va, | 1692 | 5,000 | Hanover College Hanover, co] 1852) =| 000" | Cr cairal ab(Rlovetics sek de ea. Xtalyseccn seen nen 2. 884 Hampden-Sidney Prince Ed. Co., “e | 1783 8,000 | Wabash Crawfordsville, eae Wee Cathedral at Cremona ... nae aah . Lombardy. soacceecer 872 Washington Lexington, “ 11798 | 4.950 } Indiana Asbury Untversityt|Greencastle, «| 1887 | 4,000 | Church at Friburg......-..-.--+- Germany. eee 87 University of Virginia Charlottesville, « 11819 | 18,000 Illinois Jacksonville, Ill. | 1880 E00 Cathedral of Sevillawemme rane Spain,.. aS nee 860 Randolph-Macont Mecklenburg Co., “ | 1832 8,000 ]| Shurtleff* Upper Alton, , 1885 208 Cathedral of Milan. ....o«sscares- Lombardy, .---+-+«+: 857 Emory and Henry} Emory, « | 1838 | 8470 | McKendreet Lebanon, x | 1882 | 200" | Cathedral of Utrecht Pes Hollandy ts ercer ines: 356 Rector*® Taylor Co., « | 1839 2,500 | Knox Galesburg, | A 88r 3,800 Pyramid of Gakkarahe anges PVD sce cienie embers 356 Bethany College, Bethany, “| 1841 | 3,500 | University of St. Louis§ St. Louis, Mo. | 1832 | 12,000 | (tn edral of Notre Dame, MunichBavaria, .........+-+- 348 Richmond* Richmond, « | 1882 | 1,200 } St. Vincent’s Cape Girardean, “| 1843 | 9,900 [et Mark’s Church......-ecseeses Vienicey suche ssipieance 328 Virginia Military Institute |Lexington, « | 1839 3,500 | Masonic Marion Co., Ce eS") Assinelli Tower, Bologna ..-...-. Ttaly ce hisete caer 814 University of N. Carolina |Chapel Hill, N.O.| 1789 | 18,300 # Missouri University Columbia, a | aee2, Trinity Church. ...s..+++ S ntctala New York,......--- 283 Davidson Mecklenburg Co., “ | 1883 | 5.000 | St. Charles ‘St. Charles, a 88h iy” 900 i ccyanmatiDelhte cca yapemenn ina Hindostan,....>.=se-- 262 Wake Forest* Wake Forest, « | 1838 {| 4,700 } Fayette Fayette, ae | Porcelain Tower, Nankin........ Ching. cca ecestae 249 Charleston Charleston, 8. 0. 1785 | 2,000 } University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Mich.| 1887 | 6,400 | Grorch of Notre Dame ... ...--: Parise aces ase ccens 282 South Carolina Columbia, « 1 1804 | 17,000 | St. Philip’s§ Near Detroit, | 1839 | 8,000 | Bunker Hill Monument ......... Massachusetts, ...,.-+ 220 Franklin Athens, ~ 1785 | 18,600 § Wisconsin University Madison, Wise, 1848 800 Leaning Tdiver of Pisa.........+- Tealy eee ce (22 2909 peethorne Milledgeville, « | 1836 | 4,510 } Beloit Beloit, Rock Co, * | 1847 | 1,800 | Washington Monument....... .. «Baltimore,...-<.-.--+ 173 amoryt Oxford, “« | 18387 | 1,700 Monument, Place Vendome...... at ee ces dee Saas ies The Colleges marked thus thus (t), Zpiscopalians ; thus (+), Methodists ; thus (§), Catho- aan Bite eae neo ae nc Maa Bea ts, With respect to the Col *) are under the direction of the Baptists ; thus ne ves which are wnmarked, the prevailing religious in Nongregationalism ; of most of the others, Presbyterianism, fluence of those that are in the New England States is ee eb oe— Ray SRP A 39. THE NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS, FROM 1789 TO 1855. The following table shows the number of Re presentatives in Congress from each of the several States, from the organization of the government to 1853, with the several ratios of representation. 1789|17 91/1803/181 3 1823/1833 1843 | States. sslselsslss S3/Es SSeaelea |S alesse Boles ial sina ae i Maine, 1620". ,.0. ws. l.. 0/0] of o/ 7] 8 Dr aN Ow Hampshire. csc ssda cee os Soe 4) | 19) | 6 6 5 DaMVELINONG MLO Lecce nt 0 2 4 6 | 9 2 Seo MASSACOUBCLISY. pea eee S14) | L71820 | 13 12 Sa hoder (sland 425500 en Py ee ah ew On Connecticut. nee. ; oo 7 6 6 6 6 Wi NOW VOLK sc cv ee ye 6} 10 | 10 |] 27 | 84 | 40 BING. J Orsey.....c.5. 8 ey ee lt Oy © 6 6] 6 y Rennsylvanlases. pone non 8 | 18 | 18 | 23 | 26} 28 TOF Delaware sere os ee. | Deal Vel oc | las DPaMiaryiandescrenc gyn ch 6F8 9 9 | 9 8 Ipiireiinee en sc | 10 | 19 | 22] 93 | 22 | 21 13) North Garolina........... 0. 5 | 10 | 12 | 18 | 18 | 13 4esouth Oaroling .,.70. 5.05) oe | Ol 6 |) 81 39 | Sie 9 NOMGSONPIG hee. occ sees ee SEO eae nO dic} ano Ns Gmiilonidas Ledom hc ee oe. OF O)} Ors Oa) 10 ha0 Dieeauabama, I819R. a OF 20/0} 20) 2 Sth See Mississippi, 1617. aon ee On) O80) | Ob) iil eee 1Omondisiang, 1819*... stele OA Ole (ay akap Bye COMREXAS. 18d 0%s0. <tr ee 0 0 0 0; 0 0 215 Wennessee: 796%... oo)... . c, OO) |. 31° 6 9 | 18 Re WATKANSAS. 1L836% -. 25 00. 3, Me, OO" 0) 070 0 PoeaWentuckyy 1792s. cc sec ee OF 0 61 9) 12) | 13 Para OMIOc SOLER cee ok ee 0 0 1 6 | 14 | 19 25 indians: ASlO*. sc cnean. ces 0 0 0 0 8 ti Porelllinois 11S. eiae, kre | 0/0] 0} o| 1-] 8 ede MISSOUTIN I B2Ie es eee. cee. Ore 0) OF) Oe 2 1) 2 Bre MiChigarnl GOOk soce cs loo kde | OF 00 Obl 0;) 10" |: -0 29" Wisconsin. 1848% 2.55. .5.6°5.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 BOM LOWaA GIO" cn at ere. 0 O20 0 0 0 81. California, 1850*............., OlONk 0} 01 oF 0 ' 65 1105 1184 '180 218 |240 1850/1 853 eas Se lec sBle2l2S SSs\SSlSx eb | hk |i OD a eee a ale 4 4 8 A) ah 8g 10 | 10 L} | 2 mo | 9 Agate tA 34 | 34 | 38 5| 51 5 94 | 24 | 25 1 | eat ay 6] 6 | 6 15 | 15] 13 9 9 | 8 Wl Wb 8; §; 8 ON eli sl 7 | Tale 7 A dele 5 4 | 4] 4 0} 2: 2 11 | 11 10 I |e 1o | 10 | 10 21 | 24 | 21 10 | 10} 11 T btte| 9 5} 51 7 8 [SB] 4 0 |, eles 01] 2) 9 Oi Cle & 228 |280 |234 Questions—How many Representatives had New Ham 1789? What was the Ratio of representation—or how n entitled to one representative in 1789 ? sentatives had ris sTaTE in Congres at this time? Each State has two Senators had Massachusetts in 1789 ? The P fives and two senators. Why TEN? B titled to as many presidential Electors as it stance, in 1848, the State of New York had: Of how many memb entitled to 86 Electors, tives consist in 1789? In 1803? Union? Vermont? Which w are the THIRTEEN ORIGIN (he name, AL STATES ?—T They are called the thirtee declaring the independence of the Unit pshire in Congress in nany inhabitants were In 1791? In1803? “How many Repre- sin 1789? In 1823? 1n1848? How many in Congress. How many members ecause there were eight pepresenta- has members in Congress. * Admitted into the Union. 7~n pp LIN po pn 40. THEOLOGICAL SCHOOLS, as the last State admitted into the U hose which have no figures annexed to n original States, becaus ed States in 1776. resident is chosen by electors. Each State is en- For in- 36 members in Congress, and was ers did the House of Representa- In 1849? When was Maine admitted into the nion? Which ; Ba! | 2 S| GTS Name, : Place. Denomination.|§ =| | Be | SO | = Bangor Theological Seminary, Bangor, Me. |Congregation., |1816 Meth. Gen. Bib. Institute, ..../Concord, N. H.| Methodist, 1847 Gilmanton Theol. Seminary, .|Gilmanton, “ !Congregation., {1885 N. Hampton Theol, Seminary,/New Hampton, poantiel 1825 Theological Seminary, .....°. |Andover, Mass, |Congregation., [1817 Divinity School, Hary. Uniy., |Cambridge, . |Cong. Unit, {1816 Theological Institution, :... ../Newton, “ |Baptist, 1825 Theol, Dep. Yale College, ....|New Haven, Conn, Congregation., |1822 Theol, Inst. of Connecticut, .. East Windsor, “ c 1834 Theol. Inst. Epise. Church,...|New York, N. Y.|Prot. Episcop.,|1817 Union Theological Seminary, . re “|Presbyterian, [1836 Theol. Seminary of Auburn, .. Auburn, + - 1821 Hamilton Lit. and Theol. Inst.,| Hamilton, * - |Baptist, 1820 Rochester Theol. Seminary, , .|Rochester, i s 1850 Hartwick Seminary,.....°._- Hartwick, “ |Lutheran, 1816 Theol. Sem. Ass. Ref. Church,|N ewburg, “Ass. Ref. Ch., [1886 Th. Sem. Dutch Ref. Church, Be Brunswick, N. J./Dutch Ref, 1784 Theol. Sem. Presbyt, Church, |Princeton, “ |Presbyterian, |1812 Seminary Lutheran Church, ./Gettysburg, Pa, Evang. Luth., |1825 German Reformed, ........’_ Mercersburg, “ |Germ. Ref. Ch.}1825 Western Theol. Seminary,.... Alleghany T., « Presbyterian, {1828 Theological School, ....° 2/77” Canonsburg, “ |Asso. Church, |1792 Theological Seminary,...._ |” Pittsburg, “ Asso. Ref, ” 11928 Western Theological School, .|Meadville, “ Cong. Unit, {1844 Theological Seminary, ...... Philadelphia, “ /Ref. Presbyt. soa Theol. School of Va, ..|Fairfax Co., Va. |Prot. Episcop. 1822 Union Theological Seminary, |Prince Ed. Co. “ |Presbyterian, |1824 Virginia Baptist Seminary,...|Richmond, “ |Baptist, ” }1839 Southern Theol. Seminary,. . .| Columbia, SAG; Presbyterian, |183/ Theological Semina SOS Con \Lexington, “ 'Lutheran 1835 Furman Theologica] Seminary Fairfield Dist, « Baptist, 1826 Mercer Theologica] Seminary, |Penfield, Ga. rt 1844 Howard Theol. Institution, .., (Marion, Ala. & 1843 Western Bap. Theol, Institut.,|Covington, ; “ 1840 Southwest Theol. Seminary, ..\Maryville, Tenn.'Presbyterian, {1821 Lane poulnaty, Bia elelctaers cere Cincinnati, Qhio, ss 11929 Theol. Dep. Kenyon College, .|Gambier, J (Brot. Episcop 1828 Theol. Dep. Wes. Res, College,'Hudson, “ |Presbyterian, |1830 Granville Theal Department, ‘Granville, “ |Baptist, 1832 Oherlin Theol. Department... |Oberlin, < Hee ae 1885 Theol. Sem. Ass. Ref. Church, Oxford, « “lAsso. Ref, ” 11899 Wilttonbere,: (2%: Ske Wie Springfield, _ |Christian, [1245 Indiana Theological Seminary, 'Hanover, Ind. |Presbyterian, | élton Theological Seminary,.''Upper Alton, [iL Baptist \jg35' ROR FARO 20 BOD CO COR COUR COND DORI CNW POMBO ENO MA DO D> oO > S e they united in As: @| ae &| ES S| OH ql > 8} 7,000 8} 2,000 3} 8} 4,800 2} 2,000 6} 21,259 nS oS oS 1,500 8,000 5,000 4,1100 1,000 4,640 1,800 1,000 2,200 1,000 2,000 6,000 8} 10,500 4] 4,500 8 79 2 500 8! 300 u 1,500 2 GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE VIEWS. 41. SETTLEMENT OF THE STATES, States, LS Llinoisie, oe LON Wisconsine.<. cere, 20 Texasman oh Goa 22 IGOUISINS = oes se: Zoe AlabampA ase osce. 24, Mississippi........ 20s MVELMONtHs ei ne 2OinGeorgiateynnics fac. Zi. Wennessee.. «sec. 28: 4C@alifornia’ os. cect Ls Wlorida: - cease. 2; WATSINIA. 5 cas ae SS. INGW MOLE Goo 4, Massachusetts ..... 5. New Hampshire... 6. New Jersey ....... t% Delaware) 22.4: 40. Ss Maine hese io: 9, Connecticut ...:... LOseMaryland) epee. 11. Rhode Island...... 12. North Carolina.... 13; Massourii-e aoe ee 14. South Carolina .... 15. Michigan...... Bereye 16, Pennsylvania...... Lig AirKanSasiees. oot | Date, | | 1565 St Augustine..... 1607 |Jamestown ....... AGIA VAlbany, osm deseic 1620 |Plymouth ........ Doverse 3. aes. 1624 |Bergen male wie ea tetes els | 16238 1627 | 1630 | 1634 \St. Mary’s ........ 1636 |Providence ...-... 1650 (Albemarle SEPA DCINC . 1663 |St. Genevieve..... 2 1670 |Port Royall pacer a|e 16703/Datroit )) 3 Philadelphia ....,. WORD /ATKAaANSaS i as c5 ce 1686 |Kaskaskia ........ 1690 |Green Bay........ San Antonio de Bexar. Vincennes 4.7 ent IDexrvillos: Mobile’; -ocne. oe. | Fort Dummer Msshipavannan.-ccn- WNashivilles a... 08 (Los Angelos....... ‘Boonsboro’ ......: nu 88 | Marietta. ee 1820 |Dubuque......... aware rranReeeeeeeeeeeerereeeeeek se eee_c_Ce__CO_Co_C OC DD 42. STATE STATISTICS. Towns. | Nation. Swedes and Finns... (English simeinieie ucla lela’ oles vets s{ MDSLSM. och a cctteecste ....|English toger Williams....... DOT ONCDN es sicrraiaisioicla we eib'c Briglishtre ss. sees og [English cc. sic vas cs [Minglish\ sey. stews ag oe Spanish si, sone se. Daniel Boone .......... Emigrants from N. Eng. (Emigrants from Illinois, Goy. | term States. years, Maine. .oce N. Hampshire Vermont 22... Massachusetts Rhode Island . 1 1 1 1 1 Connecticut... 1 New York.... 2 New Jersey... 3 Pennsylvania . 8 Delaware .. 4 Maryland a Mirginiay ccc 38 North Carolina 2 South Carolina 2 Georvia\ =. Gan. 2 ( j 4. a keroicie 2 wih 2 2 4 4 2 4. 2 8 4 4 2 2 4 2 i Arkansas ..... Tennessee .... Kentucky .... Ohiote Hiinoise. Michigan ..... Wisconsin .... lOWAis coe Salary Elections, Times of holding Times of the Meeting of the Legislatures, $1,500/2d Monday in Sept. 750! 2,500 400 8,600 5,000 2,000 6.000 1,800 2,000 2,500 1,800 1,800 1,500 Names, : States, Middlesex: 20 of at. Blackstone, ........... TIO). . «ee ee Champlain, = eee. Black River). iti): ObWeg0. 2.) ee Delaware and Raritan,, Pennsylvania and Ohio, Chesapeake and Ohio,.. Dismal Swamp, ....... JaMeS River eee a le Weldon sean, eo Santee. 6.5. Ohio and Erie, Miami 4. ae Wabash and IDO soe Wihite Waters 0008 | see eeses eee sees Illinois and Michigan, . Cumberland and Oxford,. Maine, Delaware and Hudson,,.. . -|New Jersey, |Jerse Places connected. Vth. Portland and Sebago Pond, i320 204 ..| Mass, Boston and TOWOLIND G2 S54 So ae 27 -.|M. & R. I. |Providence and Worcester) 5-2) 45 ...New York, Albany and Buffalo,.............. 364 N. Y. & Pa. |Hudson River and Honesdale, Pa. .}109 ..|New York, e Ist Tuesday in Sept... 2d Monday in Noy Ist Wednesday in April 1,100)1st Monday in April... 4,000/1st Monday in Noy. .. 2,000/2d Tuesday in Noy. 8,000/2d Tuesday in Oct. 1,833/2d Tuesday in Noy. ... ist Wednesday in Noy. 4th Thursday in Oct. .. Ist Thursday in Ang... 8,500/2d Monday in Oct. 8,000) ist Monday in Oct. 1,500/1st Monday in Oct. 2,900) Ist Monday in August . 8,000/1st Mon. & Tues in Noy. 2,000) 1st Monday in Angust.. Ist Monday in Noy. ... ist Monday in August.. Ist Thursday in Aug... Ist Monday in August . 2d Tuesday in October. 2d Tuesday in October. Ist Tuesday in Noy. ... -2,000/1st Monday in August . 1,500/Ist Tuesday in Nov. ... 1,200/1st Tuesday in Noy. ... 1,000/1st Monday in August... 10,000\1st Tuesday in Noy. ... (2d Monda list M list M ....|2d Wednesday in Jan. . 1,000)24 Tuesday in March..||st Wednesday in June .. 2d Thursday in October.. ist Wednesday in January § 1st Tuesday in May, and Jast Monday in Oct. . 1st Wednesday in May... .|lst Tuesday in January.. ...|2d Tuesday in January... ....|lst Tuesday in January.. jist Tue. in Jan. biennially 1st Wednesday in Jan. Y in Jan. bienn. 3d Monday in Noy. bienn. 4th Monday in November Ist Monday in Novy. bienn. 1st Monday in Noy. bienn. 2d Monday in November Ist Monday in Jan. béenn. ist Monday in Dec. do. 8d Monday in Jan. do. Ist Monday in Noy. do. [Ist Monday in Oct. do. [ist Monday in December. jist Monday in Jan. bienn, list Thurs’y in Jan. do. 2d Monday in Jan. do. Last Monday in Dec. do, 1st Wednes’y in Jan. do, Ist Monday in January .. onday in Dec. bienn, onday in January... ree ee eS 43. PRINCIPAL CANALS IN THE UNITED STATES, Lake Champlain and Erie Canal, ..| 64 5c Rome and Black Riverea: ees 85 a st Syracuse and Oswego, ............ 88 as ae Binghamton and Wtica ees. ore: 97 “ Montezuma and Geneva si c5.. 21 te $s Seneca Lake and Chemung River, .} 33 ee New 6 -»[Pa. and Ohio, Beaver R Chesapeake & Delaware,. City and Easton, Pa, ...... 102 srunswick ‘and Bordentown,.} 43 Delaware... ss suueman Pennsylva’a, |Bristol and aston © © Set aoe 60 high: Aven... ee i! ss Easton and Great Falls of Lehigh R.| 84 Seb EUs, Maee ss At Philadelphia and Port Carbon, ..../108 Iniony | Mieka | gC Reading and Middletown,......... 82 Pennsylvania C. andR, R. “a Columbia and Pittsburg, ....._. 276 Susquehannah Division,. -j a Duncan's Island & Northumberland! 40 West Branch Division, ..| oL Northumberland and Farransville 13 North Branch Division, .| si Northumberland and Lackawanna, 73 Beaver Division, ..., 2... | “s Pittsburg and Erie,,../3.;........ 136 Iver and Akron,*......... §2 Del. and Md.|Delaware River and Back Creek,..} 14 --|Maryland, |Alexandria and Hancocks. onan. 143 .-|Va. & N. ©. |Portsmouth and New Lebanon, ...| 28 ..| Virginia, Richmond and Lynchburg,........ 146 .-|N. Carolina, |Weldon and Blakely, 5.22235. 28 36 14 -./8. Carolina, |Charleston and Santee River, ..... 22 --|Ohio, Portsmouth and Cleveland,....:.. 309 ere ieee Cincinnati, Wabash, and Erie,..... 180 .-|Ind. & Ohio, Lafayette and Moled0wen- ccc. eee 143 oie Indiana, Lawrenceburg and Cambridge,....; 68 .- Dlinois, Illinois River and Lake Michigan, .1100 Re NESssinicics cleteserepieriers | William Penn... ...... Wrench) .iscs ac stone. oo |French a protaiainintateiseieta (Brenly ssid ecicee oa. [Spanish “io... ssieweciee Hrénch:, 225 cccsriecce LAtrrupE AND LONGITUDE @ PLAOES IN THE UNITED STATE», With their distances from Washington 44. Lat. |*Long. Dis, Place, North. West th B's meee Males Albany; ...-s.- N. Y. |42 89/73 44) 876 Alexandria,....Va. 38 49\/77 4' 6 Amherst, .... .Mass, |42 22/72 Bly 883 Annapolis, ....Md. [88 58/76 83/ 3% Auburn). anes N, Y. [42 55/76 28) 389 Angusta,.:.:.. Ga. {83 28/81 54} 580 AUOUSida eee Me _ ‘44 18/69 50} 593 Baltimore,..... Md. {39 17/76 37] 88 Bangor; eeceiee Me. /|44 47/68 47) 661 Boston ere Mass, |42 21/71 4) 439 Bridgeport,....Conn, |41 10/73 1 284 BraSto)s = sae 2.1. {41 40/71 17] 409 Brooklyn, ..... N. Y. [40 41/78 59) 227 GOITaIO; ea ee N. Y. |42 68/78 55] 376 Burlington, ...N. J. [40 5/74 52) 156 Burlington, . 44 27/73 10) 440 soa Nae Cambridge(Obs.) Mass, |42 22/71 8] 431 Canandaigua, . N. Y. |42 54/77 17| 336 Cape Ann,..... Mass, |42 38,70 84) 470 Cafe Cod, ..... Mass, [42 2/70 8! S07 Castine: 43. Me. ./4 22/68 45 Sharleston, ....S. GO, |32 46/79 57| 544 Charlestown, ..Mass, [44 22/71 3] 433 Chicago, .... .. Il. 42 0/87 85! 763 Cincinnati, ....Ohio, [89 5/84 27 497 Columbia, ....8.C. [33 57/81 7| 500 Columbus, ....Ohio, [39 57/83 8] 396 Concord) :32 N. H. [48 12/71 2 474 Detroituees. Mich, |42 24/82 58] 528 Dover, g262 Del. {39 10/75 80) 114 Dover! so-5 8 N. H. |43 18/70 54] 490 Eastport, .... .Me. 44 54/66 56) 778 Frankfort,..... Ky. [88 14/84 40} 551 Fredericksb’rg, Va. |88 84/77 88] 58 Greenfield, ....Mass, |42 85/7: Hagerstown,...Md. |89 87|77 85! 68 Halifax, ......N.8. 144 89 68 86) 938 Harrisburg, aoa 40 16/76 50) 110 Hartford, .... .Conn. |41 45/72 40] 335 Holmes’s Hole, Mass, (41 27/70 86| 457 Hudsons). N. Y. |42 14/78 46] 345 Huntsville, ....Ala, [34 86|g6 57| 728 Indianapolis, ..Ind. |39 55/86 5| 573 Jackson! woe, Miss, |82 23/90 an : 80 Key West, ....Fa [24 82\g1 47 Knoxville, .. Lexington, ....Ky. [88 6/84 18 534 Little Rock, .. Jefferson, .....Mo. |38 86/99 i Louisville,..... Ky. |88 8185 Oy 380 Lowey ee, = Mass. |42 88/71 19} 430 Lynchburg, Sa Vis 87 86/79 22) 198 Middletown,...Conn, [41 33/72 Milledgeyille,..Ga. |83. 7/gg 19} 642 Mobiles 2a. Ala, {30 41/87 59/1033 Montpelier, ...Vt 44. 1772 86] 524 Montreal,...... C.E. |45 ree 85, 601 Nantucket, ....Mass. [41 16/70 6° 490 Nashville, ..... Tenn. |86 9/86 49] 714 INBECHEZ NS ke scare Miss, |81 84/91 24/1148 Newark, .... ..N. J. |40 45/74 10} 213 New Bedford, . Mass. |41 88/70 55! 429 Newbern,...... N.C. /85 20/77 5) 337 Newburyport, .Mass. |42 48/70 52] 468 Neweastle,..... Del. [89 40/75 88] 103 New Haven, . .Conn. /41 18/72 56! 301 New London,..Conn. |41 22/79 9! 854 New Orleans,..La. 29 57/99 ~—‘([1203 Newport, ..... R. I. [41 29/71 19} 402 New York,....N. Y. [40 42/74 1] 226 Worfolks c= 2). Va. 36 50176 18} 217 Northampton, .Mass, |4 Norwich, ... ..Conn. {41 33 72 7| 862 Pensacola, ..... Fa, 80 24/87 10/105¢ Philadelphia, ..Pa. 89 56/75 9} 13¢ Pittsburg: <.... Pa. {40 82/R9 2) 208 Plattsburg, ....N. Y¥. |44 42/73 26] 539 Plymouth, . ...Mass, |41 57/70 40] 489 Portland: 2... <. Me. {48 39/70 18 Portsmouth, ..N. H. /48 7 Poughkeepsie, .N. ¥. |41 41/73 55) 303 J. Princeton,..... N. 40 20/74 39) 177 Providence, ...R. I. {41 49/71 24| $94 Quebec; «. 3... OC, E. |46 49/71 16) 781 Raleigh, .. .... N.C. 35 47\78 48! 286 Richmond, ....Va. [37 32/77 27] 129 -Rochester,.....N. Y :43 8177 51] 361 Sable (Cape), .. Fa. 24 50/81 15 St. Augustine, Fa. 29 48|81. 85] 841 St. Lonis, ..... Mo. 88 87/90 15} 856 Salemy 2.2.. Mass, |42 31/70 53] 446 Savannah, ....Ga. 32 4/81 8! 662 Springfield, ...IIl. 39 48/89 83} 801 . Springfield,....Mass, |42 6/72 85] 337 Tallahassee, ...Fa. |80 28/84 86] 896 Trenton, .... ..N. J: |40 14/74 46] 166 Troy, ern N. Y. /42 44173 40] $83 Tuscaloosa, Ala, 1/83 12/87 491 958 tica, . ve» N.Y. 48 6/75 18 883 Vandalia, ...... Ill, 88 50/89 2: 78) Vevay, -......-Ind. 88 46/84 59. B58 Vincennes, ....Ind, \38 43/87 25. 693 WASHINGTON,..D. Cy OSoclnia 7/80 42 264 Wheeling, .....Va [49 Wilmington, ..Del. 39 41175 28 1 Wilmington, ..N. ©, |34 11:78 10 41¢ Worcester, .....Mass, |42 1671 48° 804 Yorktown, ....Va, |87 13,76 34, * Tho Longitudes are reckoned from Gree wich, England,GENERA L AND Se VIEWS O; ) N THE [ NII 4 ED ST Oe rn Naine . 5 Ban . = gor and Pi ual is Kennebec ani Parnas. SeeSiites . rose na... * ROO RDODC York peta and rere ee Maine... Pleees Cor Buck sutgber/anc. se Sasi ac se Rae Bangor and O mnected, ndrosco MNCs ee w.cive.<ieitie ele s++|----do veeeeee|Portl ld Tow "th. ggin. cinva e's’ cielo e wielewe's c ate'slarnle's and ¢ Wh.. Atlantic a Mees sacslehidieeee Soci Macce .-|Danville and RGR ee fect N Portland, § Lawrence sia ce peice sin alee Aye OS ae Portland nd AUBUSE ooo ec eeee see 12 bRelvi ames. B - Saco and Portsmouth. sere sees nd and MEN tare illo elvid oston and Mai A earismia ui -do.. -|Mech id Gorhat terville. ..| 60 [Burli ere and D Concord ( Muine®.... Tih Maine a ic. ADALCATY. nla alls and By Lsceiten, < acm amen 5 55 Ebrliteten aay Slaswates States Concord Ber charant ca seseseeenes CIs A SoOsa6¢ Y.| Portland ¢ en. R. Roa ented ENE a 10 Hi ladelhie wn t. Holly Bee aaee N fi aa Sree laremont.. Me ee cee Mass. _N.H., Me. Portland aa Northwnil Livermore Fi ie. 13 edema am renton .. ehivsata te ’ oeeoey ~ ty laces Connected. ost Riniciue ele.emess Arg eee | NCW H: B : n¢ P i yerlan alls..| 2 | ndel ae Prenton sa csiescnse 3 do... wate su rento : : 5 on, Concord sarenroderael os eves i 1mpshire Sosten and Po ortsmouth. ieee =0 Philude phia and Re: own & Morris Pel panneclonn ies Burli n and Lambertvi tut Bd Mth Baek: nd Montreal . ainteete oo ye Nashua and onlend Pete ee 199 §Philad iphie SHEDS ading. istownp ; ylvania pha neton*and? sl ertville ious week : ncllooeet aa ar «e)eiere ve seeeeeerel O de anes n ee eae aee AOL ilude 2 ou erat ewe a Nou Har Valley. Moe weet ele dom = Coes CONCOTG. eee eeeeeeeee 1 Lancaster and 1 Pennsylvania. ..-..2+-. Hebe Philidelphin and nant Holly. sere. Sarai o ampshire Centr sees cewerues siete ord NCO seeeeeeseeeeeeese: or: id Harri Vanidesseseeee.[eeedOseeceee, Phi shin a One eere Le Ports ] ire Ce ore n Sedo ee Cc and Bradford. ..s.esesseeescees riage Rrricbaree ee .do _.|Philadelohi nd Morri Cte 6 . smouth . seen hime eee neeeeee oncord WfOrd ss sceeeeeeree eens a= IPennsvivania.. a ye ae eeae ahs elphia < rristow eee Cochew and Concord caineweeas OTT Epc Bellows and Warren on a a ee 3s TY BUR ere anetae eee ea ; iG ee Philadelphia and Pottsville Ti ae 30 Great Falls and Co oe ee cceace Bete ag an ee Cc d and Warren ..c.c.reeereseeeee. cork VIVA aes ceceeeeeeeees Mg: ee ee Philade , and Pitts cee : .* 7 eat Fall «ee emis ae ontoce nd W eve 69 §C ain ch ae ee ; Iphiz burs a ae SE era Be ee S| Meat ete ise Merce and Hill wnesor SoS ae 7 Cumberland wipeslend Bae: : te ee aint Ditters aS ADE Cnltiniiaen K a Cheshi and Law SB aod ct eee +seeeeee| Ports ster and GN Gee Oe Or anklin alley che... ae : in 1 lied: ollidays eee h reimee tee vos 9/369 lre rence ROC A Oda sa. ortsn Alen kere scene 71 PPran lin owes ceec eee. emer ee ‘ ysburg : Ure. revere : Connecticut River an G+ ssenes .do Lic DRS and Cor NiRGr. ccc, oe ee 14 ea acelphle, Ww be eT ae eee jon. Harrisburg: OB and Ti sin nee 82 Se eat Hyer aa er see N. HL. and Mi ... (Great ae BERT 5 aes oe 26 tore ‘ind Vilmington ani a cee P Gee Rae ors ERNE ne Pittsburg Stowe eee : 26 Verinc and Massacl rrelow® eseces = ass.|M at Falls and Mi Rs ce eee UAE auch Ch usqueha 2 altimo _..|Penn. and Md... arrisburs ieUPIIS DURE ee eeepeee ce ot JD ynt Vall achusetts viajeie'as «s ss anchest ligne cee > IMin , unk and § anna. re..|Pa Md...|Ct re und C ay cee lo4g Rata Bley. oi do ; Bel s and Milton vssseseseeceeesess 9 e Hill dq Samminiiee . Del. an .|Chambe Pah herein re ee anda ¥ ad ceadiu pene 17 and Mas lows Fr Re ao . eekall 28 Little Schuviki rite iheee ee P nd Md. > rsburyg ¢ erchure tr ae g pcserl Ree en sce e pee OS vc ae ene 1] Sorina and Riehbn "ee. Sse ues 13 me Schuy kill Ceavecvaciaeae Wb soodohes +|Penn. and ie Poe eas g and Hagerstows eer ccsncee 56 Jermont C Wi. wees Bite” tes mont. itchboro’ , Mass,, and rae es Gee 2 felon cone ci a eee a >nnsylvania M: sburg and B erate arraltinora! 99 Conn : entral® civemewees see eee gers B) ro’ and B d Keene, N tee 6 Dance evecceesccseeetee rene: e705 o. tuch Ct ultimore Baltimo ~ ecticut x ceewnece “eh em cel ok dot ae attlebor rattleb aNd 34 ILackaw vee tseesteneeeeeeereaess Fee ets “I Sct enn Rind Sunnie El: re,| 98 Ratla and Pa serene --.-|Bel o’ and | ce Ce GC tanta 7 awan owe ee ae - 0... uyll d Sun a 3 an . ssu . co seeee ceieiee lov NellawetEuligh ee 73 4Ci Anna & ge ale ase eee ‘kill an ane Troy ate W Bennet’. / Rivers. douhentias Ncreapeee and Burl Ralisheee ee 69 II BRenang sendy eee ieee cee . sup 2. As Ns Pena pe remvony Tie aes & Easte oston ae AG Woes Bo Wi ningt netons. ore oe 9 = and Vesterns.esesesersee OC dee mton a Aencniahe One: astern. seeeeceee | Verm't and N ndsor nd ea eet ee 24 JErie Sus . Meseeeceeseesee ef cs cOeae ese Phi nd Law Gnas. cs 12 w ate: gee pao Vermitand Naw Ww hite rice House's ee ane teens 120 Bese Northeast. Peveeneseseseeefee a sate ciate Boe ee ad eee Hebei coe o*: 20 OS tc 9. releases eo ener Ae 0... ro d Rouse’s Point....- 20-0... 83 fOhi i Northeast... ooo. oss. ee rao ee ey end einem <1 H B ston and Worces es) ae Se ntaleinia Ma pete weecees y and Rutla igntand' Sve oo Yhio and P ‘ingvillovdnd AckeaGaine : ao tthe 8 Carbonda and Scranton WIT vs ce 10 On ton and Low an ee oa, ci LSS os N.H LOY, und Nx paWOt os Jolnsbury. 57 §Cleveland uectueae Ashtubula sacs tier aed 2 Wilkest id and Scranton. «.-.-...2..0+-. 6 d Colo ell.«. ceewecseaes - ass. N.Y Boston a F ee re ae 61 Cinci . and Pi dnith.o sce ees Per ie apie Eri sbarre and W SU <Seee | 45 Fitch NY sees Eee - | Massachusetts. . Boste and Ports figton. eee g cinnati, Cl ttshure.... 2) nn. and Ohio. rie and St White Haven... .. MTZ. weveveusecue seeeeeee luselts, ston and A ‘tsmouth agra mes 5 [Little Miami A cela natn Gniges ae io. |Clevel: state Line Vento. sae, } 21 Peterboro’ Pe SS See Seas woreeets ado .|Boston and ; Ibany.. Moveseseeeescesere 99 [Cinci fiami and M and oe a see ay cl ocaapance Pittsl ATR TEN: Are ae ens |e 20 Biouchton ane Shirley wccccessees Be dali get: Boston ana . PAMY se eserscseeceeeeeeees 54 (Day Anzatl, ee River ibus* --d0 NoannoCS SERINE and wWwinete Ae ee. a0 19 Harv: ranch Pee creas. Vag ah i cae Bo and Worcester.....++.eseseesee. 2 and S ni ican ol, [ence ittsburg and C Signe: amen a : Ware Cache |... oe een ag aaa Besta Bug Pa auth eerste cas bise 45 eeaey i racebte eS oa 0 ee eines ae ose Manes Ind own B pees ee 0.06 eeceesseen aclsiveGne < . and Fil samt te a “ ac ee ee : Rage incin ‘ aie Bevel: Sie: ’ Lexi ranch esse --|Gre MAUL eeeesesvereeeenees 96 RC y Branch... es.ssceecese eens eee <r nutiandS and bs 10 ngton areeee eee |. cdo,..... »ton and thburg. inicicice's's 6 §Colum! NEM vv nssaeeeeesanee ees - paeiia. aan Cinci 1 nd Sandus ieee () Lane and W.C eras a .do »+++|Bos d Pitchburgs es seseeeeeeeeeeee a7 BS nhas and a hia ee 10.0 nnati and sky CiQGe Q55 ancaster ease taeescnscnceces| eee Don on ston and S n Villa seesevee of andustk d Xeni ye eal Oe Agee ne: Dayto d Daytc eee S: ) Dedh and Sterli ge Bra : --+-| Bos Stough Tee: 5) §C sky, M qecees ges ° Ores me yCOL and Sprinefi ion eee 218 am B ing Bra eee | odo. cess ton and ghton. eeecsuce 59 gCentral i mnehelilfandiNerca: : “do. eee Cary a , eee Norc ranch., nelie.s.< oe rane ia eae Bost : d Cambri eenethie aa ee 93 Da al Ohio digad i Newon cena Oks eciwere nay nd Findlay SPER | 60 On hester and Milt ereee Be Wa do. Bastin and se Reina 8 ae 12 Heston and t AE Ae Warkessre.c. ee Rana Andi Sa Lis; Se a ob 94 pepe oes Branch , AMHeH: coos ck: dan eee Boston and Lexicon nite aes 3 gociunal SAN eo Sea hota: eel Jolumbus LS anne Ry koe sates | 16 ckopee waar e scleciacenec.e 0 eGDO.ceeseee ston and Fe WM vseeeeeenereecyes « kron eNVIN es ava esse nese eens 2 hig ae Sandusky enia. ee Brookline Falls Branch ove oe a'en ce Ee oc OO sizes .-| Boston and Feltonville Seer n ‘ g Erica Franch ee aril Parkoreharoiie oie ieee: Nav: we) City Kets oe sseseeeeeeese jee Nauiton gee? eae nate cS weleic ee ee ee Boston ae Dedham Sar page ES 11 Michiga Kalamacce ee urg.. dO eens Dayton hd denesler es ae Co 5A Bax r unch,. ie cece, do ae. Midd Milton: Sree sere 34 TT) 1d Kalama 700.00 ooseesnee ns Ee Pee seeece - C ‘and Zanesville. ..2+2ss0s2se0e- 16 tony Bro Branch. meee se Laces Gt at eee Sanaeneute and Sandwich..... ae 93 Michings, Branch and Northern Indiana alec uisisie. es Hills cauroue eee 26 Fit VOR. oan cee eene st ae i Bos = ‘and Sandwich... cesses. g BD Ban Gentine oe cove ndiana|\ fich..|'T : and Akro a arkers ena 35 Sade and Worcest ee eeeeeeees BIOS ON IO Ce) oe Soes° Benin and Mroklinese Ralis.. 28 Madisa and ane OS eee She ey Oat ace Ind. & Ill. rote and Aden Spee sferslate burg... {179 Norfolk Coun Worcester «e+. eseeseesess: soocamangeace -| Nadie andy Newton Se eet | *Eubrerre Hi and IMAC oss e eee es ese ns Mich. Ind & lil Rane Ghicaeon sees aoe ne 20 Fall Ri ounty.... Rte eee rf miaeves do. ¥ cei: LOWell and Saxonville aieue wn i ee HOOCOOC 4 bShelt Haute and ananolis oe a Sake a Michie nd & Ill. Dewan and Tecunseh iis CG es. 32 E 3 1Vefuece ovoeneanat alarcie a la 6 do ehecece W and Groto miniera pin cia eT utele 12 K a yy Ville La ichmond SA OSA I s gan.... D ] and Chic: ISEB. ee ecascen eee ae 1047 USSEX. 20s cag ah bese osseseccece y wie'ere'e orcester and Mee nsas woerececaes < nightstow intarall Branch ae sal ridin tine ee etroit and P NEOie lees. | 7 Balen oatineliee a Mer AL fier « sco: wee cogs Boson and nd Fitehburg...., ee 7 pany and SI Shelby vill Seas Weal Sidon are Tere i and Sa ae gee... ee sowell and J TE eek shi oe soc tdolecce corse oston and’) PitchDUMBe ees eeees eee ee uafayet Shelbyvil laetistk ane. wide, Heme erre Ha itn eevee CE Malia New B nd Lawre sclsiecs~ ase eae [eee QO veeeee| Bost a Blacketone me eo og [indi vette and Indi yville. felis. | ined tis eee: j Edi aute and Indi Ts gue | 95 mi edf nce.. eniejeejuie’s aviewi'ee Boston and F ong et ) dianapoli ndianapoli ae Pie eaaO.s : nburg and $ dianapolis We cs Pittsfi ord and T seccees +] +---d0 -+-|Sal all Riv secenes --+| 19 BN polis and polis ee lS oe ee Shelt nd Shelbyvi is.2e .| 86 sfield ¢ nunto omeapes eseeee em andl r11Ver, ero; . ew Alt Bellefe se teeee OO se . »yville vyville., ee S Wore ind North Meeee wee]eee-do -+++|Sale ifwrencesns... . ; 5 Pefie yany and POLIS esesseeeenee|eesdOsecsersss Rushv and Knigh . -| 73 . ester Adar eeooevecs waletate ole 2m and I ce... ae ae vv ersonv d Salem ame aks a dorm: . iville a g Stow BETS arg ) Nast and Nas ee eo do eee Lo ' well Se es ae 54 P ille Tes . oc wele Lat nd Shelk ne 16 ashua, I hua.. ceasecscee eee salem and Lowell. «.sssseeeeeseeeee ‘ effersonville.....sceeereereeees a pe dOsacre AS wyette ar Fuwille aeRO co eS Boston » Lowe) and Wilton. Cae Ma VdOsse cass ¢ Mansfield PEE WIRnCe ns AO OUOONOAGOC se -| 9) qEvansv Indianapolis. aya elevnia eievarelaters ; OMe va side teeny METS Se, RP wate a TOV eee eevee a, ares F nee and N. H. Bitisield and North Goa oe sect t ees oe pciAns Cental. [iindigs =) ee Be ee a0 ie cee Jette Albany nud pee ae seeeee 62 onington neeeetar es alain’nix ecalee “| . orcest ‘ rth Ada ae : Sanga ale ee Re edo: eeee i ersonvi u iet ae Is Bea N eseree er ¢ Fk Se ae ane Sonneries ille TCC eae coco aneron Roe n and Providence. SH loss and R.1.. TOven SRE eate Seeeseeveees ak mton and oes Morpatis. 5. scoes oo pas baldotees ea. oer and aaa Gohabus celeste « sae 6 eecss eel eoeel ‘ Ree 5 ten: 2 rf Morgan.......seeeseeeees DO eee uve > anapolis eee : ‘ New Hevea yoiinaencres eet :] Conn. aid ie. Brochenee Wilton... -ss1ssedye0+e0 veee] 46 9C aricaanias SDEAMON si aeo2 ect tei ene igs cae Sue enh pOliSseeveerees sere a 7:8, A ee and Providence...<.e+sesese12. i Bo ney ee eR 5 Ree nol Hou aven, Hartf antic and Pal 5 . om and Doe. Provid nce and Wor Deere 30 Aur £0 and Rock I nigh ee ee oF Nia. a team Sprin fi Aline andindiananolis ee 12 suton ford a rier. and Mass.|N idenc enc eae ee ora B Union esse sccee eee dO gfield a anAnolis Ae abe Can al, N IC .. see nd Springfield ass. | Norwict e and Stonin Tewseres mS 43 St. Cl ranch.. nd.. ie on eS dO weneer Alton and ane Naples, polis.... 5 27 Westfield B "Haven and Narthanint al doce: New han Wareertr ees: 43 Mica Branch,.... ae Ry ae ..-| Chicago Cee Tei * Sei ae wie. A Pare ea ranches aa orthampton. Sy Cc . “a0: a : ho Red ad New London and Palmer. een Serer 50 Neweastle ene Mississippl ne oa ae ale % wee eae . do eee he aeaes and Roe a) i wa euee A oe R90 rovidenc alley. adie a wafake ere naneniicuteen ridgep n Sprin perce ee «++| 66 avltir nd French ha el cee poe: ele urora. Gal a asi, Le Bt e eceece aeneéen aw porta 2 £ Tage oe om - nore : tow aon E rs cue ee ere Ss ‘ulena and Chicaso Jur .| 92 New lence Bara sooa ere tiany “isn Conn. and Mass. new snorkel Eitieie POP sae Gf " Lae goteenas ee 2 RO Wisconsin. as aris harles, mie one Chicago aaan Sean 40 ew ane 1 ae. ‘ariffvi = Pittsfield. = sese.seeseseees 52 n ; ranc ee eeseere aiaie/e arate Lilwau and n Danba aaa nd Ne Wann es eeeeeee Gra aest cay ate 2 antvl and a Tennis ee es ere 110 eae and SCS eee. 8 eveveses Md. aes atatete Newcastle ane Wy hitew retmee Junetion : : y Ar esevesees a 7 ea. ' za\Aeie/ere.e wie Ne st mie Pp n ge nee eae ee | LLY, AN ce alti euinban As eB EBL og Middletoy i Norwalk. WON eee e nears doc. .| Bristol and ne Surinegelieees al 45 pRichmond, net 2 pa ee Le ae Muryland... Ba ere eras renchtown... ee 56 Naneatites n Branch weecscccece Wie do... coe New Tes | Springtield.,.+.+.2+++.2+2, 14 Richmond Fredericksburg an Poe ate .* 7 ee pee aed Seer: fee A) 17 7 - ee wrattintsie e & AP EAE RA sigieie' sere 5 = t ere oe 2 8 te ag Wi Sea The a)*. 0h asm eee i ew Voriiand NewiH Leone doe No See New Vandana Ee yeere ue nd Petersburg and Potomac. .|V a and Penn.. Staaten and De eRALS so-- | 282 ane i ’ aueleaaee'es eeee eeeeee 1 ( a Bs aa . irgi DUTE sess eens teh Blatt mo areslis WT anetlontee ‘ ‘ Hele ed ew Hiveniicsss4resos > ise Middleto and Norw Stoningtones.s..0+.000. 50 Richmo contra faa RR EM: “ Deena Aquia aeee Columbia. Secor 1 C a veeseenes See RR i chmond and Danvil ee welsiaaev aee einen Oc eat are es ant R avaieie Bae Huds . ; ceeeeee BlliGoniiand Nake B awaited New Brite. 12 AW nd and D seeeees : Virgin .|Richmo ichn toes . udson Rive Salscle pleaa‘s © RR Ly nn. oc N.Y. Sree ae aad New Britain ADO inchester and anville..... ie ae a WAN nia & N. C.|Pete iond and Petersb 1Ong ace 76 Albany a Pescvese wacaste else ew York New York Wirctedt ee ae 94 fAppomato a patna ce ginia.... R rsburg and W ipa ee eee 76 Aen anions oe ORR dose, auth, Brookins gener eds vssesreeeeessase Me soath Side cee sian orale Pe cel ee “aes edo Seas 7s Richmond and ean (N. 2 ee. Q2 7 ya d ate ale eeeeee jeewaacae [New Havens. r.-+2++++25 32 South Sider. sacssseee, Pit Seeeer es od ee ee m vill BD easac ee ¢ tica an nd Utica senere + +-d0.. ew Yor Sen POLO cuke o pth, Siders seeseaeecereececeseess . Deeeeeee ond and \ Cuneeee --| 64 Byes A RRRGERE Racin aeons |" Ga fedeate | NOW York and Albanveeeeccaue lt: v5 1620 Greenville and Roanok see eseree ees ae a vee eect Ferry Se ee ee we 104 Ss” e@evcce #eeee . eons e x SAAN Kanye es bk elas 95 ee y3 Boman LENG Benes ("aor sl gexaae and nd Albany; co cescsscseese 153 Reaboard and Roanoke... 2eeeeeeeeese. sen oe Petenbte andy a saspeten 32 uffalo a uffalo S:0'¢,¢.0,01¢,a:0 0 te ]eee- GO, .+-.|Schenectad SAbnr arent agin Ta! ae 53 fGaston and eae eae | Toone Vv Rerereras Al and City Points... .20s2r0ss-5 39 Roch nd Niaga eveces seeewele cee Uti vtady and Uti Yuueuoee : 150 Weld Raleigh Ce ee oak irgini & , “NX exandria Bohs a Cae a Gh ae: \ ester, L E ra Falls, eae eeeee oe e GOs ica and S ican ee ee oo ‘ mand Raleigh. seeseeseseeseess N.C. lick PAU TENOREM itl gece . 0 New Y ockpo ae ses d sano ts! yracuse , eee-ce 17 gWilmi Aleigh.sosceesssevssceesao| Nor cksford (V on Mill oss 6s or rt an @eosecceese oe GO. yracuse eens i Oa A i mingto ngton SSNS CS N S25 Heo oe P a. ) weatGactan (NICS 2 Albany niga Bs ‘ nD Niagara eli: ee eke ruck an banaa cee: oa us sont ton and Wee chetee eee rth ‘Carolina. Roe (Va.) ein (N. on ae 30 roy and B uffalo*® se eawebeeeee i AO slaiwalenie Aaland uffalo, woeeecesecees vx 20 umbia B dora ect ere cyte es . N. h Fees Wel and Raleigh eldon (N. C. es viele 2h Northern uffalo. alcisixies eieik Aaclekts d on ee ROCK Niagara F sae Cae -|104 King’s \ ranch. yee ge : aye C. and § S.C. =ldon and Wilmington... Moc 80 ee incense ple Seis. oo U0. e)61910 ester : cee ee ne fountai seveeee’ “s.° So WwW Tealeinee oe ee une Be | ane strand Spal ee cis hain: Cnareton an Mgt oot ue attsbur ome eee eee wweee chet a0 ¥.e70)2 bany and Soria Bok icone cx arlotte ahd South Cay AE OE «DOsewee ee Col on and Au Tncticn cewee [00 Char gand M Bao ey euues it .|Tr and Dunkirk .esesss essen 76 #Greenvi One ea ceaeeaseeeeeentnsnn stor DP p= umbia and ausial (Giese eee 162 nplain a ontrenl oad seed oy and Butt Pasig en = ane 469 AC nville and C sstdbanteencovecens | rpdOla ssa Chester Banchvillo tcc e x arate a wetes * #4068 eduvette y - z ‘ Vv ill ay 1499 yee and ng Hs Lawrence.....+.. ae Nae acd : SENET LE Oat ae eceeevs aro genial ae olumbia ....... we oie nieleye N. o. Ore sietaieiain Camden lem ad Aer reseile ae oe ae eras He sien Whitehall ee Ree... ues es ° Canada. Romennd Cape Rouse’ fe Points ce 331 Secarcans ee SAE cea Gi --do.. ae a scammer Junction. oe ee 32 and B n ast] eoseveesee ase. s sburg & nceent © 916) 0101818 «ie il @StOMM es eeeeeaeeseeseesesecnsces eorg eens ener yreen ve har; vce “>, Barat oston tleton. sine s N. Y. Paes | AO er Gn trenluae ene: U fMbuscogee,..sossseessecssseaee 1a.. ville and C eer See A4 atoga and essce etees and Mas use’s Point Ser Sais oe ee 97 CEs ee suas e ceases tescsescenestr 2 de vanes .. {Sava olumbi: een eeeres ou - eenecee seeee o Smenranicaal ae < A BIN eons ee eweueesen teen cee COs hie nnuh ¢ cas ees 9 Sr eee cree NY: and Ver [toy and an and Montiel cseisssce Hise asa Wajnarccs igh: femme oo i anandal cuse secencoer E do. iV; and Cc ockbri cae ce « aegient ; Ss ran h eee Sia alt ea ort V Brae a | eee Cay algua a dE se eeee : eeeees N igiaeecl ° Mic astleto ldge.. | 47 Maco Ch... eeccccce ao.. alley and OTDe avs sceveduuerser 1191 uga a nd Elmirs cise. e ew York roy and E Newees eorsenne 3 acon ara Westerneee cevee | ea Ue eTlGelumbusic.. ee : : Tro 5 nd Sus MBAS aeecces ST at cte's Ss; agle Brid av atarata Bie .| 34 Milled : estern Be So wie HAO soe sta and Atl iiss eee 50 y an squeha Wainetsian'e woe iratoga ldgZe... seeseces - WE dgeville and Gordon... erecees|ers Pea cce [Que (iste let ee Bute ean Annahiscseveeseseees (orsdOls sen ae Oswego and Schenectady... eos ceRls Aes eto and (Gorlon ccs Mh csed: tah? ek ae Soa Atantie sss essenes eo ried 7) Now tnre Beer IB vsseeeesterneces ees: ve eOsesenene Cone at STI staat ze epneceenisis 99 ere and eocsneuartuscensceeseeesen ee Spieereeisie Ascon and and Athens... coer ereccess 5} ilo, C : Valais ano 6 apinidicn thew elves <n.8 wero and Reyen eae aes aay Qe as siessee and Georgia evecesere tq ovececce neon and Aslan. =o... seesnt os Buff: orning teeeee eevnse Ghia e Lk. Cayu duiow egies 35 jRome and Georgi cates clever Ore nd Atlanta accesso enntts 40) alo a and N ace eiirie ~ «0. .| Troy and G fa... se eeees ONE tees ec xeorgia seseeles .»..-|Hatont edgeville saeeeeee ( Corni nd New Y ew York pied al 2 d Ce enanene| aunt yreenbush eeeeeees ‘ y WLagrange .«.csss aes se eneees ws Sieleeis A on and Mill aetece «. | 101 ng 4 ork Ci paomilesie alo to P sone Oa .| 70 HN FC vase o0,4\ eeeee |UCOTE! ....| Atlanta edgeville eeeeeeeens 17 Willi nd Blo ity. nec ee weeeeee (Ch ennsylv seevere ‘ {ontzo ce eeere SO ia & Ten D and Chat sree ma iams ssburg vaceniie *° xo . . ester and N ania State cine inte 6 AT mery and West Point. aes. {Georgia n.|Dalton a tanooga, (T chee ae is New port and El awiete ie castes Ce aareec|COF i ewbu e ‘Lines uscuml W act Poi mares cee weed K nd Londo enn.) ' mir eeeeece Rion ning and W ree 69 AN vbin and D nt.. eo eefens dO -e-+| Kingston ERO acpi cee 140 Cam ersey, Ne Ae. oeeee (N.Y A ayle secieee 9 A Mobil ecaiu waccee Rees A Seeaunearata tes. tts ( den : w York eeeeee cy aaa Pp. ttica and I and.. Sdeietenes 19 e and Ohi Yess weeee Alabam ....|Atlanta SE. ceos tee Se Caind and Amb and Philadel enn.|Co lornells weer g ,Nashvill ak se eneceees AMA .see0+ |W and West seeeeee .| 82 ee Oy.. iladelphia| Nev 0. rning and B ville.. veeeeeee 45 4S ille and Ch SA wone|eos dO ....| West Po Balntckewas eee saa, 20 T and A vies ees p ‘A esaeeose V (est nme all Biers a hell Atta AINA ODOC seek RET > int and 3 ae y Naw. Je Bredehe ae: Branch: (i:,40 ws Newaeary ‘ ees and be os eeen| 00 Louisv vice Branch NOOB. eseeseeesees eee hOiNss i ase and Montgomery. Mics. ssioll oo¥e shenees vr] oeeedO.e be ira , sevsocere 5 an see eeewee ‘ #09. 6.6.2 nn a6. *10;5 | a reat eae eh gQ ree Beta ce foe 2 Now Work and adel oo | i eee oo Asa iP on. Central co eceseeseseseeceea|. os eeare New Brunswi outh “Amboy econ eceaceees 87 Picks ores nnd Frankfort ceesssccoo ee nee oe Sea Cittanooga se o* wale 34 - a hid/eieww'e' e/a Seaacwante eel aed oer rent Feiantlelrentolke: .. Racers 20) inton and Leen Teor cece ae Wivicrecin Louisv and Wart few e seen naeene , eae wisinia Ores on and B renton ..| 65 BN Port H ckson iisville a race 1151 iis LL Sate Now" Vorklan Sete aae seeveerecees| 29 eae Gulf. [udson ..++++ mees ese us Mississippi... - Lexington en ROMAETGH.. ccac coe 8 aa ais N. ay .|Newa d Easton ACO NOOMCOOUIC = eee OrleaniaanatGairalen a atoratk aleipia’e NTiss. pi _|Vickst DN RAERIOEL Gc sane teen 6 and N. Y¥.. fi |Bomey Cy Dover saemaeicna ce ..| 6 ¥New Orlea s and Carrolton ce ceneeees ** lLoui and La.. Clin sburg and Brandon foe ase 2 ‘ r City ar ig NR RSC eeeaecs 7 W ans and Lake Pontchartrai ~~ | LOUISIANGa, . 2% ton and Brandon ceesessssss2s Bat ee Ce Asenetnart < Roca cckos 44 est Felieiana. ake Pontchartrain .. ax iete'|(averete 15° 8 “|New Orleans uu tlndsen code ee rl GO eon abieiaaniaga ss 2K 33 sfeiniais a ainiele 2 c'e do woe. |New Orlea HN proetGrevnle. «oats Ot De ns lamPni os koe eee Mi seenseeeee Ne ns and Carrol Os vereene OF —— iss. and La, ow Orleans and I ater. ees 27 #9 W oodvill ( Lake Ponte h: vacce ass 6 ae e (Miss.) and B tchartrain . ; he Central Ohi i Sara (L 0 $ lbw rowl is & He Railread, whe = (ba Sa 26 , exiendes en en srapleted, oy ded to Michigau City, ad extend fren Wheelin Sh i, ree ud thence ta Chine. ag to Dasameget ects OS OPE Nt ——— mean GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE VIEWS. T; RELIGION, AND ST ATE OF SOCIETY.— Continued, 46- PRODUCTIONS OF DIFFERENT COUNTRIES. GOVERNMEN Tur productions of different countries are very various, Many articles of our food are brought from : Rosca cnties, Ou tea comes fron} China, our sugar frei the West Indies, and our spices from Countries, Government. Religion. Btate of Society. 16 1 niies, &c. Some of the articles of our dress come from different coun tries; also of our furni- : . 1 ‘ ee ture, and things we daily use in our business. Ng one nation or country produces everything, or sulli- Base ae Bane mece pe Mores acce CAN Leucvecicecss ee Enlightened Be BOOS cient to supply all the wants of the people. . It may produce an abundance of some things, which is a a, osne eset cai ccm Li Sy aM onsen ohammedan «---+ +++= Civilized. .--++~+-+--~v* called their surplus products. These they exchange for others that they need. The exchanging of ak = “teyaaree ovtee ie OnaICRY > 25: oe lee ote ae % a SO Ore DI of Ce countries iS an important business. It is called commerce. “he Saints UALS oe Sai ee iGanrehy, ae “ Enlightened eee vew~ee® Svinte . : eo, : 2 yardintalieees =: +<*ecenilieengplican oot oc sees: : g table exh its the chief exports, or surplus products of the various countries of the globe. Switzerland....--+++-7 sepublican ..----2702"° Protestant and Catholic Re Notr.—M annfactured ods, as cloths, iron ware, porcelain, and cutlery, are made in thickly settled con ae as E rance, Bne ANG Holes Cee Japan, New England, Xe. Countries that are thinly ASIA. settled expor raw materials, a3 lumber, ides, tallow, furs, &e. The best furs are es I x S cold climates, principally from the north of America, Europe and Asia. cal exper ae ered mE ec Absolute Mee ee Moharmctss ceee cee [Half civilized eee ec = ae ne aa Sheniite Monarchy «.-- “ “ EXPORTS OF VARIOUS COUNTRIES. A ee rane << - cece’ gneiks, or Clef “ 2 shistaM ..<+ «-*°" heiks, or Chiels “ ARABIA,—Coffee, aloes, myrth, frankincense, gum Arabic. Bee aS Ge Paha ee cate $6 ASIATIO IsLanps,— Pepper, cloves, nutmegs, anger, camphor, coffee, Kc. Baa Empire ee Wee aoa Le Mone ae do Pagan Chee ees ina aE ae hon: gums, hides, fruits, wax, ostrich feathers. pa nd Sian e--- “ TPs: see cleleeiamaeieis) ‘scie\eo” Half Civilized. phe ee ELGIUM,—Grain, flax, Lops, woollens, linens, laces, various man facture: ANC 4 . Seon far nooo, tobaceD ne aiainonds ops eos Malay am Comer fea rely) ooee Mons Be ids on ene Cae Nova Boor and NEW BRUNSWICK,—F lour, furs, famber, fish Japan De ry Bee coe oo Bree een sriee Civilized. seerecereerese APE CoLoNY,—Brandy, wine, ostrich feathers, hides, tallow. : BUS ot rnc ctanyia < i CENTRAL OOo. -Logyvood, SE any AIS, aS ME ee Tartary --- Shells or ce Adfofotero- Mohammedan eich. misters Half civilized ....<+e+> Cur11,—Silver, gold, copper, wheat, hemp, hides, sugar cotton, fruits. Ca : : aie aches: I scnand i Obit pase Greek Chivelignd eee , Curie ee veone Ber chain: Peet eee oft nor ‘aICASUS -.0- weet ndependent lief§....- Mohammedan & Pagautle tee ENMARK,—Grain, horses cattle, beef, pork butter, and cheese. Among the nations i i 5 ’ ’ ’ ; g and tribes of Af 7 p Se STATE eee beef, pork, fish, cottons, woollens, 4. All power is aehed in the nee e aitand pee nee UG gee ot most despotic €f bes RN, ; = , : ; aaa d Vv ee ESTERN, and CENTRAL AFRIC Gold, iv Prony, ives of his subjects sgroe- xa epr.—_Rice, grain, lins ae reaseaeand Ay , ivory, ostrich feathers. ably to his own will and pleasure. The same is generally true in regard to the absolut Het ones Co e sae yo, tral cotton, sugar. in ane It may be proper to remark, that there are numerous gradations in the es noe 2 0 , indigo, S. ment, between savage and enlightened nations. In most cases j RENO woollens, linens, cottons, wine, brandy, porcelain, toy& harmonizes with the general character of the people. pene adopts such form a4 ERMANY,—Linens, grain, various manufactures of silver, copper, &c PS Grane Barra, Wooten’ cottons. linens, hardware, porcelain, Ke EENLAND,— W hale 0 S ski : GuiaNa,—Suan coffee, ee auits oo saa aSe PRONUNCIATION OF GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES [inposTAN,— Cotton, silks. rice, 8ug co! indi y : ’ Sekine aoe Sa Bt gat corees opin: indigo. 2 Ae WRITTEN. PRONOUNCED. WRITTEN. PRONOUNCED, In ALY,—Silks, wines, grain, oil, fenita. ) e, various man actures, WRITTEN. PRONOUNCED. Ora Doe Miami, Mi-am’'-e. RELAND,—Linen, beef, butter, tallow, hides, potatoes barl Aar, Ar ronpneu ron‘-tim. Michigan, Mish’ -e-gan. TacaN.Bilk and cotton wagaes Tagen eee ete ey, &. Abyssinia, Atelacince-s. Balyichs Dul'-ij. Missisque, MERE MEO Ge silver, logwood, cochineal, fruits. Acapulco, ‘Ac-a-pool’'-co. yie, Del. Missouri, Mis-soo‘-re. IDDLE STATES,—F lour, wheat, salt, coal, cottons woollens, &c Afghanistan, Af-gan-is'-tan. E Mobile, Mo-beel'. Minne e OS a atts fruits. ; Vg? Aix la Chapelle, Az-la-sha-pel’. | painburgh oA Manian Mont-re-aul’. UN np,— Lumber, HS cottons, woollens ; Ajaccio, A-yat'-cho. Edin burg ‘-in-bur-To, onterey, Mon-te-ra’. IIS ONO ier re i ‘ nAOES mauaclule Amniene. RAS Ane ae ; Eg’'-e-nah. ee Mo-zam-beek’ New Grenapa,—Indigo, sugar, coft : Ancles nolacea Elbe, lb. wnich cs Pzrsia,—Carpets, shawls, wines SS eae = ges Re ls Se eS England, poet ands : Moo'-nick. Been gold, Peruvian bark, mercury, suger, Deeb ienns, Beer oe Antibes, Aig ved. Enghien, An’-ge-an. N. SOnsEN S: ee Ua grain, timber, furs, tallow, platina. Antigua, An-te'-ga. |Equador, Ek'-wa-dore. Nacogdoches, Na-cog-dosh’-e8 2 STATES,— Cotton, rice, tobacco, corn, lumber, pitch, frui Antioch, An‘-te-ok. Erie, fi’ -re. Natchitoch Jak-e-tosh' Gparn and PortuGaL,—Silks, wool, wine oil, fruits Bich ae Apalachicola, _Ap-a-lak Jq.|Erzeram Er’-ze Nicar " N k etn = ss By ’ a, oil, fruits, salt, cc. a c --lak-i-co’-]8.|4~ ? - \r’-28-Trogm. aragu Ni -ah!- SWEDEN and Nonway,—Iron, steel, copper, timber, fis a ‘Aquil m awelle ola. esquimat Beckormer Nicer 2 Nee SWITZERLAND.— Watches jewelry ee 1k Fa an k-we 16 E Pe = : Nece. aes ae , ’ 3 1h . ~2 i o -ke- ‘ o ul ae }4 ‘ TouRKEY,—Grain, fruits, Peat oil Paver Lee Eon and silk goods, &e. et ee Ar-ke pel’-8-g9. |} a? U snes oe Ne “men. VENEZUELA,—Sugar, coffee, cocoa, cotton fauizo fruil ne vo I AU eoene : Rout ee Mees West Inpres,—Sugar, ram, molasses, coffee spice Be ligo, frui Asia, Ruane FF W esTERN STATES,—Corn wheat, lead, coal i salt. li » indigo, fruits, Avi a¥ ee < ’ , coal, iron, salt, lime, beef, pork. yignon, Ay‘-in-yon. Fablun, Fa'-lun Onno O’'-kotsk. ; == Finisterre Fin-is-tare’ Iney, O}'-na. Questions.—Are any articles produced o : : i ’ in-is-tare. Onei era r made in this 7 B- f Ae a neida, O-ni'-d moet & a Epo il re we make nse of any eee eat are are eR EnG for: sale? What Balize Ba-leez’ : ote poner Nes Opelousas, Op-e-loo!-288 are these articles callec ? Imports. F ; Saat eerie m foreign countries ? alti 5 oli-ti-n ° ys coffee imported ? What are aN oe is teaimported? From what country Cee vel om . P on think has the most A atloexperts? oh abia elgium ? Peru? &e. Which country do asle, }as'-il. Gallipolis, Gal-li-po’-lis e most useful to us? Why? Ht the B a of the articles exported from Arabia do you think Basse Terre, Bas-tolr. Ganges, Gan'-jees. Rese Pas-ca-goo'-le France? From what Bere acre manta Par ay, States? Belgium? Cape Colony ? iquador ? Baton Rouge, Bat-on-roozh’. Garonne, Ga-rone’. eee : Per'-she-a. From what countries are raw mat fal actured goods exported? What are manufactured soods ? Belleisie, Bel-ile’. Georgia, Jor'-ge-8 D ade Plak-meen- are the best furs exported? What are See nn are raw materials? From what countries Se Rel-loo-kis'-tan. |G ey Genk pore Ro-posk eis De aseisit? What are ostrich feathers and wh ; at use are they? What is ivory, and of h. cua eey Be-na'-rees. Gibraltar. Gib-raul'-t Cree! cz'-to-re'-ko. . o make use of them? y of what} Bengal Bonceaull! Gl a 3 il'-tar. |Poughkeepsie, Po-kip’ ? gal, -gaul’. Jloucester, Glos’ -ter. Prassi psie, ip -Se, Oe Bermudas, Ber-mu'-doz. Greenw! nit TUSSI, Proo’-she-a ae Bien pce Oran Ce qackty-ea Puebla, Poo-ah’-bla. OlLV1a, 30-le'-ve-8. 7 f. z ie SUR RELIGION, AND STATE OF SOCIETY. Bologna, Rea Cae ee eae a. THE ollowing table © ; faci x Aes E ’ -A- A . i atate of society, in all Sikes the form of government,—the prevailing religion,—and tl Pa ee 3on-e-fa'-sho, /@uiand, Ge-sh’-na. Raiberon, Kib-ron’. ys 1e principal countries on the glob Realy pe ne general | POTENE, Born. Guin +n o kt Quito Ke'-to reference only to the he b I Y globe, British America, as I Bay : xa ea, Gin‘-ne. ’ i es y @ southern part, inhabited by Europeans The fi > . iere given, has Boulogne, Bo-long’, religion—and state of society—among the Indian ‘ilies ra e form of government—prevailing 3ordeaux Bor-do Ke monet is—1. Independent chiefs,—2. Pagan, —3 ae ae ore and western parts of North } Brazil, Bra-zeel’. ate Raleigh, Raw’-le, stant signifies any Christian sect, except Catholic and the Guasizenurel In the following table, Bretagne, Bre-tan’. Hague, Haig. Rheims, Reems. ‘ Buenos Ayres, Bo-nos-a’-rees. Harwich, Har’ -rij. Rhine, Rine. NORTH AMERICA. Bushire, Boo'-sheer. Havre, Hah'-ver. weet Rone, Countri Hawaii, Ha-wi'-e. ideau, Ri-do’. we ‘ountries. | Government, | Religiva. Stat Boclst Ce Houston, Hoos'-ton ae Giande, Re-o-grand’ : TR Giames te il SR of So oe ° i 3 sab T ees valor WtAtesietice meee (Republican ...-- lpenpaaant ee Cahokia, Ca-ho'-ke-a Hyderabad, Hid‘-ra-bad. Ros Spores eae -To, BXiCG cue eeecicencinc e* ER. SLADE 26 owes cinieis oe nlightened .., Cairo Ki'-ro ; Russia, she Central America a Catholic Chalajetorovateterensferele’s Cuitced ee Calais Kal’ i I. USS1B, Roo'-she-a. nt ICA . «+ ee ay : ‘ lized veeee eneeers ayes al'-is British America......-- Viceroy—British .... +. Protestant Enili SH d Benne ase ee Tee Ge Se eoseeeeeeeseerl 4 ne neat cles ale(s Jay enne, Ki-en ne ia, In'-je-a ' St or . SOUTH AMERICA. Cents, Se-ne Indians, Tnje-an‘-a.- (St eect peal alee New Granada ...----++- Republican \Catl pevenne Sa-ven Indies, In’ -jiz. St. Croix, ae / Bee a ee ee LicaM wo rreeer ene” at rolic cccescvecceccee[CiVilized...eccese Ceylon, See'-lon Towa, Tizo-wa. San rain de P eeu) i Equador ..-- ++-- eee ss “« 2 eee Rae i Piheeees upssrieds Ip‘si). tosi = anclon sega e? if ' = “Se. Bet cae : ; : Game? Shepesla K Santiago, San-te-ab/-go, IEVAS fae che picrepiciiei cles “ C) s -la, ; be S Schenectady. Sken-ec'-ta- ee eee ‘ : : See eat cole Kemtghatie | Cau Seteyitie” Shoots A eatara vont “s The ’ phe-Kau -g0. senawia, _Ke-naw’'-w Seine - ‘Urugnay.-----+> Seen “ i “ Chihuahua, Sheavaw waw, [Knistenaux, — Nis'-te- = eyes Seen. Paragua7 «---eee-eeee “ e * ee Che'-le ae 7. Brazil .....e« Caen ...-|Limited - huraleigh, Chum‘-le : S Guiana. acre dee ree Lipalted Monsrehy ceees . “ Chuquisaea, Chu-ke-sa'-kah L Us Tehuantepec, Ta-wan'-te-pec Pataconia so scneee eal ton aie a “s Coimbra, Tenceei biee Lee beret ae Sonlon, Too!-long. vee ees tuaces sees ORVASO ologne, Ko-lone’ st DSIC, Lipe'-sic. oulouse, 00'-looz. Meacigucescveles oun OMCs Women! Liege, Lee} ’ 2 g ; -meen’. : : Great Britain .......-.-|Limited M meee Connecticut, Kon-net'-i-cnt tee Leel: ME Portugal...--+-+++> as “ onarchy «.... ‘Protestsnt . ...-+- ....|Enlightened Coquimbo, Ko-keem'‘-bo, {Lin a eemah: Valenciennes, Val-an-se-en Bpain . ie “ \Catholic ...-+-- seeces \Givilized ed --eere2- 00. | COWES Kouz. OGRE Lim-ozh'. Venezuela, Ven-ez-we'-ls peta deh ni i= ieee es 3 “ oi HZEd..+-veereeseees pace Kres‘-e, Tae ro ee ver Ae Ve-rah-krooz’ woes eees aves “ uyaho ase ee »S 4,00-e- iG 4, ersa ei 2) i Belgium .--- «+--+se9e°" “ Bs Enlightened ........ yahoga, Ki-ho'-ga. Louisville, Tot i ate nab es, Ver-sailz’, Alolland ....--«+-se0""* « Piatt “ ee D o’-e-Vil, = German States iSee Germ ‘Protestant ....... “ ° . aeneeseee 5 in Geo ip Seger aeay ua Aa TER } Wi. Denmatk ...-- --++°: i aa g...|Protestant and Catholic. “ Dalmati -ma’ Wabash Waw'-bosh aR oc Blase aoe Bh onarchy ....- Protestant .......--eer- Darien < vane shares Maden Mad-e'-rah. Warsaw, YW or’-saw. : Pweden.....+-2 be ua NO a ae Des Moines, Teknawten Madeite Mah‘-dreed. Washita, W osh-e-taw’s Russia. ... 5 --8+> _....,jAbsolute Monarcl « Deuxponts, Du-ponts!,_ Mal ™ Maw!l'-strum, Weser, We'-zur. srinilal ie setsesa Limited MCHREEA? ...|Greck Church...++-+. , -|Civilized Dnieper, Netner! | Merceill nes Wieliczka, = We-ljph' ka. Y cccee jProtestarn’ ..c0.. seeeee Jeallghtened u esos ooo Dniester, Neek' tar. sellles, Mar-sailz’, Winnipiseogee, Win-e-pe-saw -& ee @eeee? : * @ bard : Worcester, W 008' -tar 8 rd, AS In Ke.= bE nee a ee eee = seoed 3 2ALDERMAN LIBRARY The return of this book is due on the date indicated below DUE | DUE Re for two weeks, but the borrower should stamped above. Fines Usually books are lent out there are exceptions and note Carefully the date are charged for Over-due books at the rate of five cents a day; for Teserved books there are Special rates and regulations. Books must be presented at the desk if renewal is desired. L-1 SSSUX 002 307 293