y Ai * RRIRGINIA L niga 30382992Sea Ne ERD ” faa“ Pree Co Get rie tt Teer eee Te 4 ats AMP ten g een el oe University of Virginia Libraries eS peniis ritiesta “s é 3 ‘. tans ihe os 4 ‘ eT a ee SS UR OCs Para wre Sra opeeA 4 A hat t A ee ied 10." ye Mute a ~ a rs | Pa AL aigmei od Usa Do) ¢ Hy ana u LG “seat, a Fe ee Vet ee . ea RS TmINDEX TO THE ef REGULATIONS AND ACTS, o PASSED BY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL OF INDIA IN COUNCIL, FROM A. D. 1828 TO A. D, 1848, 7 BY JAMES |SMALL, AUTHOR OF “MERCANTILE TABLES.” POPOL PL OL FELD OL LL OBE PE OD OE TOTO OR CEOS Os OE FD PART FIRST; ~ BEING oa AN INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS FOR THE WHOLE OF THE TERRITORIES UNDER THE PRESIDENCY OF FORT WRHLLIAM IN BENGAL, FROM 1828 TO 1834. Tt wALC OT TD A, PUBLISHED BY MESSRS. R. C. LEPAGE AND CO., BRITISH LIBRARY. 1849, (ceastern, fl rs .ADVERTISEMENT. Yue late Mr. Dale’s Index to the Regulations of Government extends to the close of the year 1827; . and the present work is in continuation, and on the same plan. It was originally my intention to have framed one Index, to embrace the whole period of T'¥enty-one vears, from 1828 to 1848; but, for reasons which will readily suggest themselves, it appeared preterable to separate the Acts from the Regulations. he portion ofymy work, therefore, which now issues from the press, is confined to the Reeulations ; and pr} 7 the Second Art, which will appear in a few months, will be devoted to the Acts. With revard to my starting point, it may be necessary to explain that although the Editor’s preface to Mr. Dale’s Index (which was a posthumous work) affirms that it “ will enable a person consulting it to ascertain the state { the law at the end of the year 1830,” it does not contain, in the alphabetical portion, a single reference to any enactment of more recent date than 1827 ; whilst, in the Appendix, which professes to be a notice of alterations made during the succeeding three years, there is no allusion to any of the first six, Regula- tions of 1528, of which one at all events is very important and voluminous. The cbject of this remark is merely to prevent the supposition that I have anywhere travelled over beaten ground. Barrackpore, ‘ aT y id “ a 28th February. 1849.4MEMORANDA. P.” placegl immediately to the left of the year column, in some of the references to Regulation ILI. 4828. sionifies that the figures in the Section column refer to the Rules of pretice appended to the Regulation, and not to the Sections of the Regulation itself. Sched. A.” or “Sched. B,” in the same position as above. indicates in like manner, that the figures in the Section column refer to one or other of the Schedules annexed to Regulation X, 1829~) CO 10 1) 12 13 14 15 16 17 INDE TO THE REGULATIONS 1828 to 1834. Aperrine in the commission of erimes [See Aiding, Murder, Theft, &c. ABKAREE REVENUE, suspension of the rules for the collection of, in certain | tracts of country hitherto included in the districts of Ramghur, Jun- | ole Mahals, and Midnapore ay ite ee deta : provision for the collection of, by an officer to be de- nominated the Agent to the Governor General, in the above tracts | of country : ‘ : et ie AccIpENT, stamps de troy ed or injured by, how to be replaced Accounts required for de posit in pergunnah and zillah revenue offices, farther rules in regard to, ... Z [See Village Accounts. | AccusED persons may adduce exe ulps atory ey idence before a Magistrate ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, rate of stamp-duty char geable on, ».. | Sched. A. ACTIONS, [See Suits. Apawtut, [See Sudder Dewany Adawlut, Nizamut Adawlut, &c. ApprrionaL JupGes of zillah or city Courts, provision for the appoint- ment of, by Government, when requisite... a. of zillah or city Courts, powers ak duties OR: 5 a Apmission of appeals, [See Appe als. Ap VALOREM duties to be levied on certain goods imported by sea ae duties, [Se e Customs duties, &e. Apvances for the cultivation and delivery of indigo-plant, penalties in- éurred for breach of engagement by parties haying received, Ss for the cultivation and deliver ‘y of indigo-plant, parties having recéived, and being desirous to settle their accounts, how to proceed ADVERTISEMENTS of the sale of lands for arrears of revenue, how*to be pubfished irk | Arrray attended with aggravating circumstances, punishment in cases of, unattended with aggravating circumstances, punishment in cases ee eee eee eee eee eee roa > ———* rules for bringing to trial native subjects of the British Govern- ment, charged with having been engaged in any, in places out of | the British provinces oe Le i a 'AGENT TO THE GOVERNOR GENERAL, pyovision for the appointment of an Gfficer to be denominated the, and to exercise specified powers | in certain tracts of country hitherto included in the districts of Ram- ghur, Jungle Mahals, and Midn: apORe’. sss fe eas] , authority of Government to pre- | oo scribe the duties of the, in the above tracts of country , persons having received advances a. indigo ¢ iliieed sie anil | ° ae desirous to settle their, how to proceed a veer Voie. Be valation. | | 1833, XIE 1838 | ALE 1829 x. 1833} IX. 1830 | V. 4 % 1830 | VIII | 1829 | x. 1883! VIT 1993)... VE 1829 Jah 1836 ¥. 1830 V. 1830 Vit. 1828 Vi. 1828 Vill 1829 | VIII 1833 | ALLE 1833 | AIH: OF GOVERNMENT. Sect, bo bo CE.26 on 28 on “ad 30 INDEX TO REGULATIONS. THE AGENTs, provision for the appointment of, by the Superintendent and Re- membrancer of legal affairs, to attend ‘the kutcherri of each Special Revenue Commissioner. on behalf of Government a ae , other than regular pleaders, in the Courts of Sud 1ée De -Wany Adawlut, parties wishing to employ, in par ticular suits, how to procee .d ———, admitted to plead as above, functions and liabilities of, a (local), penalties incurred by. for neglecting to es notice of an intended suttee AGGRAVATING circumstances, exter nsion of M: abistratas’ pow ers of punish- ing criminals, in cases of affray unatte ynded with. A> AGRA, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for the division within which is situated, se ae ——, 'nstitution of a Court of Sudder Dewany and Nizamut Ada Witt to exercise jurisdiction over the districts within which is situated, ... ——, jurisdiction of the Deputation of the Sudder Board of Revenue extended to, ale a ——., the Sudder Board of Revenue at the Pr esidene y, ana the Chief Commissioner at Delhi, divested of jurisdiction in, “¢ ——, the control over the customs oe town-duties in, transferred from the Board of Customs Salt and sa to the Sudder Board of Revenue at Allahabad asi : ; AGREEMENT, zemindars or other land- uéldar rs neglecting "$3 conform ito the prescribed rules regarding village accounts, del yarred from pro- ceeding against ryuts or other tenants for breach of, 6 io AGREEMENTS In writing declared inadmissible in courts of justice, unless duly stamped ... ns x. a2 we’ <——_-_____.. rate of stamp- duty chargeable on, .». | sched. A. Aine AND ABETTING in voluntar y suttee, punishment for, ; in suttee when forced or otherwise involuntar ‘y on the part of the widow sacrificed, punishment for, —____—_. [Se e Murder, Theft, and other crimes. ALIMENTARY SALT, [See Salt. ALLAHABAD, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for ~ the division within which is situated, , rule for the levying of duties on salt in, : , institution of a Court of Sudder Dewany and N vizamut Adawlut, to exercise jurisdiction over the districts within - which is | situated, out : jurisdiction of the De putation of ‘the Sud der Board of Re- venue oiteude at, ee ——_—_____, the Sudder Board of Revenue at balio r Reside mey, and the | | Chief Commissioner at Delhi, divested of jurisdiction in, ee ferred from the Board of Customs Salt and Opium, to the Sud ler Board of Revenue at Allahabad ae ALLIGHUR, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit for the division in which is situated, ae cis —, institution of a Court of Sudder Dewany and N Jizamut Adaw- lut, to exercise jurisdiction over the districts within which is situated. jurisdiction of the Bi seins of the Sudder Board of Reye- nue extended to, ... me , the Sudder Board of Ree enue at ‘the Presidency, and the Chief Commissioner at Delhi, divested of jurisdiction in, —_—_—— ee , the control over the customs and town-duties in. trans- | eee | 1833 18d¢ 1829 1828 1 YOO OVvWD OOM 1833 1829 1829 1829 1829 1829 | | 1831 _ Regulation. TTI. XII. XII, XVIL Vin. AVI. VI. [AL | Sect. |¢ il ~] Izvi 66 67 6S 69 80 of Revenue at Allahabad ds fea | ALLIPORE JAIL, convicts sentenced to impr isonment for life i in, may have | their sentence commuted to transportation for life ia vy ALLOWANCE to debtors confined in jail aa see dap ALLOWANCES, to Moonsifs, how to be regulated das ti a to Principal sudder ameens, how to be regulated aw —__—— to Deputy collectors, how to be regulated ... “he AtLsPicE, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem i ke ‘Aztypore, [See Allipore. ALoE woop, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem “ef ALTAH, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem se Aum, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem ... ost AmBErRGRIS, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem 5s INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. Auuicguur, the control over the customs and town-duties in, transfer- red from the Board of Customs Salt and Opium, to the Sudder Board | America, regulations for the trade with the united states of North, ... AMERICAN spirituous liquors, restrictions on the retail of, in the Straits Settlements ; ; Fe ive ne AMMUNITION, [See Milits ary Stores : and N Vaval Stores. AppraL, security required for costs of, from parties inhabiting a foreign territory ive we rT aie Eve , In certain cases of, where there are two or more original suits relating to the same matter, the decision in regard to one shall , be} oe equally applicable to all, although only one may have been | appeal eee see eee eee eee be accompanied by copy of the decree ap pealed from ... | B.-P. pr eferred to a spec ial Revenue Commissioner, sti amp req ulr- ed for petitions of, 2 av i rR. P: Year. | | | | 11828 11830 11831 11831 11833 1829 | 1829 | 1829 | 1829 1829 | 1830 1831 | 1829 a GO Co > > . : ° , petitions of. preferred to a special Revenue Commissioner, to | from the decision of a punchaet to a second punchaet, at the | discretion of the Commissioner, subject to the control of the Sudder | Board of Revenue : vai os uae . rules to be observed by zillah, city, and provincial Courts in transmitting the record of cases under, ... — Y , provincial Courts of, shall cease to exercise their juris- diction, on the extension of this Regulation to their respective districts 2 - Pes — , provincial Courts of, s fill dispose of pending sv suits, notwith- standing the above rule ahi sos ; de Apprats from decisions of the Board of Revenue, or of a Cc ollee tor,pas- sed lefore the ap pointment of a special revenue Commissioner, shall le to him, (clause 5), and not to the ordinary Courts (clause 4) from summary - ards of Collectors, in regard to claims con- nected with rent, may be brought before a Commissioner of revenue, from the decisions of special revenue Commissioners to the —_—_—_—_— from Commissioners of rev enue and stedait to the Sudder Board of Revenue’ oe oe a, wat Delhi ae = 6rvie ground of irrelevane y of the Regulation i eis | Sovere lon in Council e as ‘ A pot trom Commissioners of revenue ann circ ie to the Resident at — from Commissioners of revenue and circuit to the Sovereign | in Council ‘.. din we Be A: oew | RegWlation. SE XY, XV. ey. Li. IV. EP. 4 ViILs Tie IT. IX. IX. III, VIII. Li 8 13 Co ho = boA rx $l Oop Q9 100 101 102 103 104 105 ———$——_—$ 1 Ee INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. ee ee rk Ee Sy ee ie, | | Apprats from the Commissioner of the Sunderbuns, to a special revenue | | Commissioner, in regard to demare ation of boundaries -++ | 1828 | Cet from the orders of the Superintendent of certain mahals si- | tuated in the province of Benares, s shall lie only to the Governor Ge- neralin Council... is eh aes ‘i | 1828 ee from pageeatee to Commissioners of circuit, rules regard- | ing, ; vee ee eee | 1829 ______ from decisions of Meanie and Sudder ameens, to zillah and city Judges. may, in certain cases, be referred to Principal sudder | ameens _ : eee ‘ 3 831 | ____ «from decisions of Prine ip: al sudder ameens, how to be brought 11831 | ae oy of Moonsifs or Sudder ameens, the decisions of ail th or r Judges on, shall be final ... we | ARS sone or ions ul decisions of Prine ipal sudder ameens, rules in re- | aaah 4, is 9 bi. s eet XBRL a from origin: al decisions of zillah and city wee rules in re- | card to, : mn ivi] 1832: | lai from acts or ova rs of M. agistrates, wr to be m: wide to session Judges bas ; 1831 ili from Jabiean of zillah or city ¢ ities 40°10 e Bible + Dewany Adawlut, must be preferred within three months Fe F..'| LES? from decisions of a Principal sudder ameen to a zillah or 7 C ourt, must be pr eferred within three months 4 1832 —_ from decisions of a Sudder ameen or Moonsif, must be prefe r~ gred within thirty days cael LOOE lorie from certain orders of a Moonsif or Rind ler ameen. Inthe eases here referred to, the decision of the zillah or city Judge shall be final ‘ cin | AB02 —— from decisions of a Repistr: wr in his ordinar y jur isdic ‘tion, how cognizable, after the introduction of Regulation V. 1831, into a dis- trict dave sible 4% ate jas PROS —_— from decisions of a Registrar specially empowered, how cog- nizable, after the introduction of Regulation V. 1831 into a district | 1832 from decisions of the Agent to the Governor General, to the Sudder Dewany Adawlut... : Ke Be (regular), single Judges of either court of Sudder Dewany Adawlut deel: iz ed « competent AS igh D - (special) from decisions of a zillah Judge, eases to the Sudder Dewany Ad: the 4 shall le in certain tion, to be transferred to the Sudder Dewany Adawlut it to special revenue Commissioners, limit of time for, &c. Hei to established Courts from decisions of a Board of or how to be heard and determined ¥ a or in forma pauper is (second or speci 1) which may have been re- jected on certain grounds, provision for enquiry into, a to the Sovereign in Council, rate of stamp-duties chargeable on copies of the proceedings of the Sudder Dewany A dawlut in cases of, ead (Sched. B. to special revenue Commissioners, not’ cognizable by them in | certain cases Pee ‘as ; to thos nbs vi ainey , prov ision for the hearing of, | by another tribunal, ; in the above cases eee eee eee *-ee ee eeaengee pending before Provincial Courts at the time of their aboli- | 1832 | ‘ } 18382 | 1833 | 1828 18 | 1828 1828 Ss 1829 | 1829 | « 29 | Regulation. _ Ut. [AP {Sect | .| Cl. ot ( ¢ eo) | Le | | 9 vw < | | | | ¢ lqal « | 16 2 | ho Fa 1 128| 2 | 12812 | I on | o | & ‘) om —_ | aio | \ i 112; -] }12) 2 | oO } ~- 115 ilo | 5 a1 2 oer 110 B ov) 4 | } caer | tem } -— =INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. 106 107 108 109 | 110 lil 113 ll4 115 116 120 121 —_— jo n> bo bo wo bo — pe _ bo or 126 129 130 Ww we — —_—_ — Ce SW Ww — Appears, rules for the reception and hearing of, by Principal sudder ameens wis - oe : ee a , the cognizance of certain, having reference to the district of Midnapore, transferred from the Cuttack Commissioner to the Cal- eutta provincial Court Fe ‘n os ae to the Sudder Dewany Adawlut, rules to be observed in re- | gard to, when heard before a single Judge ane ae -to the Sudder Dewany Adawlut at Calcutta may be transfer- | red by that Court to the Sudder Dew: any Adawlut for the Western a Provinces, in certain cases, without reference to the wishes of the appellant sine ‘ woe one eee | _—___,— to a Commissioner of circuit, in his capacity of superinten- dent of police, from the de isions of Magistrates, rules in regard tp, , the limitation of time for, to be strictly adhered to, notwith- sti anding the intervention of holidays ee 23, ne Appiication to be made by Magistrates to the Governor General in Council for his sanction to bring prisoners to trial in certain cases... ; ____——— for permit to clear imported goods, form of, ... a for ditto ditto ditto, ah a AppLIcaTiIons to various specified judicial authorities, rates of stamp- duty char geable on, de vita sie | Sched. Bb. to clear goods frac the Custom-house, modification of rules in regard to, ose a ane ane oa APPREHENSION of native subjects of the British Government, charged * with éffences committed out of the British provinces ... wih of persons suspected ot petty thefts, &c., duty of di wrogahs in regard to the, din’ Sate ‘ite és ARBITRATION, Collectors authorized, in certain cases, to require the parties to refer their suit to, ... Sat ni ate ARBITRATION Bonps exempted from stamp-duty -ee [ Sched, 4 ARBITRATORS acting under this Regulation, any suit brought ante to be dismissed with costs sila _ ni Lis Arms, [See Military Stores, and Naval Stores. ARRACAN and Assam, powers of the Commissioners of, ews oad Arrack, the umport-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem wy Arrears of Government revenue, process for the recovery of, in certain portions of the province of Benares ou sas is of rent, zemindars or other landholders, neglecting to con- form to the prescribed rules in regard to village accounts, debarred from proceeding against ryuts or other tenants for, ... ee » of Government revenue, modification of rules for the recovery , oe. *° eee eve . eee eee Arrest: for debt, process of, shall not issue a withont the 3 epayment of subsistenc e-allowance ais a se. = Arsen, dhe import t-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem + | Arson, the crime of, excepted from the rule for commuting the pen: ity of labor to a fine ae oP vai we | __. committed by native subjects of the British Government, in | places out of the British provinces — a. eas Assara@tipa, the import-duty on, declared deviable ad valorem bre | AssAM and’Arracan, powers of the Commissioners of, ane na ASSASSINATION, ppnishment of persons convicted of an aggravated at- tempt to commjt murder by,... ade wa ee 1832 1829 1829 1833 1833 1829 1833 1829 1829 | 1828 HOD | l o VV i 850 | 1830 1829 18H4 1829 1829 1829 1829 | | | | Raat lation. Sect. V. IX. X. IX. XV. VIL. LX. VIL. VI. XY, LE VII. XV. XII, 19 14 ho q&w & 14 ~ Qo Go 4 © & bhoINDEX TO THE REGULATIONS [Az < 135 | Assay of silver coinage declared . ; oe es 136 | ASSESSMENT, trial of suits brought before spec ial Commissioners to con- test the demand of revenue officers on the ground of excessive, ... , lands believed by a Collector to be held free of, rules for a his proceedings in regard to, pais aes a 138 | lands decided by Boards of Revenue to be liable to, 139 | ———— —suecession to lands held free of, must be notified to the Collector igre : : 140 | of lands liable to re sumption, manner of proct ee eding ; in thie’ 14) | ——_-_~_-+=.. of lands im certain por tions of the proyine e of Ben: ATGS §s [ee (the), le vied in cities and towns for the maintenance of sub- sidiary police est iblishments, shall be chargeable with the salary and | allowances of sud lar chowkidaree bukshees i 143 | Asspssors, under what circumstances E vuropean functionaries pr esiding in Civil Courts may ay: ail themselves of the assistance of respectab le natives as, oes ave ase : oa 144 | —__—*-, under what circumstances European findtidnaxies presiding | in criminal Courts may avail themselves of the assistance of respect- able natives as, ... ‘ ae oe 145 | AssIGNMENTS, rate of stamp- duty: el argeab tw on, .-» [ sched. A. 146 | Assistants to Collectors placed under certain restrictions in regard to the exercise of the ry ate vested in Collectors, in cases relating to rent : oe oes i47 | Assistan‘'r Macistrares, rules to be observe d by, in imposing a farther period of imprisonment 1n heu of corporal punishment, on the aboli- tion of the latter ate one ies fi 148 | — required in certain cases to commute the penal- ty of labour to a fine, ‘ia 149 | [See Magis trates. 150 | ArrTACHMENT for arrears of rent (cases of) under what circumstances | cognizable by Moonsiffs ue ; ies 151 | of lands, rules for Collectors’ proce ceedings i in, with reference to the functions of the special revenue Commissioners sue ot lands held free of assessment, or on a mokurreree jumma, for omitting to give the Collector notice of succession to the same of lands ‘liable to re sumption, manner of proceeding in the, 154 | Avrorney (special powers of), rate of stamp-duty chargeable on, [Sch. A. { 5 2 ——L—__. 155 (general powers of), rate of stamp- duty chargeable on, | Sch. A. 156 | AUTHENTICATION of stamped paper, how to be made aah i is7 | Awaxns of Collectors in sxits relatine to rent, how to be carried into | effect oak : a ; eee eet 158 | ———— of military courts to be carried into effect by zillah or city Courts in certain cases ; Se see re 59 | ———— of arbitrators, Collectors how to proceed when ee fail to produce, vat ve : ; ait 160 Awt Roor, the import- -duty on, declared baci le ad vidlaiy em a 161 | AZIMGHUR, appdéintment of a Commissioner of reyenue and circuit, for the division in which its situated. Ato i * 168 |, ee institution of a Court of Sudder Dewany and N ‘izamut Adawlut, to exercise jurisdiction over the districts within which 4s situated, jais : oa oes ese 163 | -—— , jurisdiction of the Deputation of the Sudder Board of Reve- | nue extended to,... ads aes ove oe Year. 1833 1828 1828 1828 1828 1828 1828 1832 1832 1832 1829 1833 1829 1829 Regulation. VIT. Il. VII. Hi. IT. EET. VEL IT. IT. VEIT. (If. III.: we © qn Sect. ¢ d — i ee — ~s 164 165 100 ; 167 | 168 169 170 173 * A ZIM( Cc —$—$—————— = INDEX TO THE -REGULATIONS. sHurR, the Sudder ‘-hief Commissioner at Delhi, Yoard of Revenue at the Presidency, and the divested of jurisdiction in, the control over the customs and town-duties in, transferred from the Board of Customs Salt and Opium to the Sudder Board of * ] —_—_—-——— separated from the district of Jungle Mahals, and the opera- tion of the Regulations suspended therein appointment of an officer to be denominz aia the Agent oy the Governor General, over the district in which is situated, ——— | BAIL- 174 | 175 | 176 lid 178 179 180 181 185 186 187 188 189 | BARELLLY, | BasEE Rao 1 BAKE tevenue at Allahabad BONDS, lear Be Tne RG UN. } the tlio in which is situated, BALA SORE appointment of a Commissioner the rai sion in which is situated, e “ BANDA, ap pointme nt of a Commissioner of revenue and ae, for the | division in which jis situated, Commissioner at Delhi divested of jur isdiction in, e BANISHMEN c _ Institution of a Court of Sudder ous ny and N rate of stamp-duty chargeable on, (Maharaja), rules in regard to a certain jaghir assigned 40, e* eee ere [ Sched. Bb. eee appointment of a eae of revenue ae circuit, for | of revenue and circuit, for, eames Ad: sorte to exercise jurisdiction over the districts within which is situated,... , junisdiction of the deputation of the Sudder Board of Revenue | extended to, = «.. , the Sudder Board of Reve nue at the P residency, and the Chief | _ thé control over the customs and town-duties in, transferred from the Board of Customs Salt and Opium, to the Sudder Board | of Reve mue at Allahabad them aa so Pe e . ~ . ° a ° ° a BAR ASET, ap pointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circult, for the division in which is situated,. Judges eee eee shall cease to exercise the functions of “judge s of circuit pee the division in which is situated, , Institution of situs ped, . nue extended to, a Adaivlut, to exercise jurisdiction over the districts within which 3 is | Court of Sudder Dewany ee ot the provine li “ Court of appe: al for the division of, | and chief Commissioner at Delhi divested of jurisdiction in, Revenue at Allahabad nous offences in,... eee ee * r for robbery by open violence, modification of the rules re- ne +s [ See Transportation. &c. may be admitted to compound for stamp duties chargeable to [Sel ed. A, | ; ap poitme nt of a Commissioner ot revenue and circuit, for | lizamut, , Jurisdiction of the De as of the Sudder Board of Reve- | Baugmoonpy, separated from the district or Jungle Mahals, and a operation of the Regulations suspende d, therein , ap pointment of an officer to be denominated the Agent i the Governor General, over the districts within which is situated, . Bawtr, modification of rules for the trial of persons charged with hei | 1833 | .the Sudder Board of eee at the Presidency and the | . the control over the customs and town-duties in, transferred | trom the Board of Customs Salt and vEve to the Sudder Board of | | i-| | 1829 | 1831 oo 1833 Reg ulation. ee X. XIII. SIL Sect. | Cl. } 6 bet i) oo qr hoINDEX TO THE REGULATIONS | < Beaps, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem ... 190 | 191 | Berrsuoom, [See Birbhoom. 192 | Bewar, appointment of. a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for the | division in which is situated, ... sei Fos Hes 193 | BeLAH, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for the division in which is situated,... bud ia i i94 | ————- institution of a Court of Sudder Dewanny and Nizamut Adawlut, | to exercise jurisdiction over the districts within which is situated, 195 | , jurisdiction of the Deputation of the Sudder Board of Revenue | extended to, a sii i Jey 196 | ——,,the Sudder Bourd of Revenue at the Presidency, and the chief Commissioner at Delhi divested of jurisdiction in, sive 197 | ————, the control oyer the customs and town-duties in, transferred fiom the Board of Customs Salt and Opium to the Sudder Board of Revenue at Allahabad... sd hie re 193 | Benarzs, Judges of the Provincial Court of Appeal for the division of, shall cease to exercise the functions of judges of circuit | Year. a 18 29 1829 1829 1829 1829 | TO8T eo : appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit. for the division in which is situated, sia sits an 200 | ____—,, duties leviable on salt entering the province of,... be PT he iciisad , rules for the levying of duties on salt in, de de 7 , remission of town- duty on salt imported for consumption into | the city of, us Se aks ww 203 | ————, institution of a Court of Sudder Dewany and Nizamut Ac sii ie jut, to exercise jur isdic tion over the distri icts W ‘thin which is situated, 204 | —— , Jurisdiction of the Deputation of the Sudder Board of Reve- nue extended to, ... ses ene ° 205 |° , the Sudder Board of Revenue at the Pr esidency, and hie | | chief Commissioner at Delhi, divested of jurisdiction in, avn 206 | —— , the control over the customs and ae in, transferred | from the Board of Customs Salt and Opium to the Sudder Board of iy Revenue at Allahadad abe ve a end Die: Pen , rules for defining the authority of the Rajah of, in Bhurdoee, | | : Kera Mungrore, and that part of Kuswar or Grungapore, which is the Rajah’s “fi umily zemindaree, eve ban one 208 | , [See Raj: th of Benares. 209 | a [See Benzein. 219 | BerEL-NuTs, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem wee 211 | BENZOIN, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem wee 912 | BHAUGULPORE, [See Boglepore. 213 | BHILLYEDEEA separated from the district of Jungle Mahals, and the} | operation of the Regulations suspended therein ict icine ens appointment of an officer to be denominated the Agent i the Governor General, over the districts within which is situated,... 215 | Booe Bunpuk, rate of stamp-duty chargeable on deeds of, on d. A. 216 | BHURDOEE, provisions for the superinte dence of, ... ; _ 217 , the «administration of justice in, as regards revenue, to be conducted through the Rajah of Berares, under certain restrictions, 918 | —————, rules for the settlement of lands in, : sted oe 919 | , rules for the transfer of property in, *.. oo ioe 999 | —— , the Rajah’s decisions in, declared subject to revision by the Superintendent ... ‘a lis ee ae 221 | —— , rules for the realization of the public revenue in, as | | | | : | = CO CO @M 1829 1829 1833 1829 1828 b> AD bO CO cK CO Regulation, XV. XVI. wAYT. XVI. WE. D4 ot VIL: XV. XV. Sa ee VOU. VII. Vil, Co Co ~] co» INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. Buurvdoere, the Superintendent of, shall take cognizance of complaints | against the Rajah and his officers, ae bi ee. , appointment, &c. of native commissioners in, ba Bitis or Excuanegs, payable at sight, or within a year, rates of stamp- | duty chargeable on, ‘ dus . (Sched. A. , of date exceeding one year, declared Vidi to the | | same stamp-duty as Bonds, ... ...[Sched. A. , intended to be re- iestintly rates of stamp-duties | | chargeable on, ... ie he ...[ Sched. A. | Brits or Saux, rate of stamp-duty chargeable on, ...[ Sched. A. , [See Cony eyances, and Mortgages. | | BIRBHooM, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, the division in which is situated, i | BisHunrore excepted from certain rules affecting other tracts of coun- | try comprehended in Jungle Mahals 2 i. | BoarD oF Customs, authority of the, to direct seizure of imported ¢ willis | on the ground of undervaluation hy ‘ | , authority of the, to direct the sale, for the benefit | of the Honourable Company, of goods seized as above : | Boarp op Customs Saur anp Opium, duty of the, in regard to the pro- priety of authorizing a recourse to judicial process in certain cases diveatad of jurisdiction relating to customs and town-duties in certain districts near Allahabad ae | Boarp o¥ Revenue and the Governor General in Council, authority of a,»to. direct Collectors to hold supplementary proceedings in certain | cases for the ends of justice ... athe ; | , [See Sudder Board of Udita: | Boarp or Sramps, or other controlling authority, duty of the, to pro- | vide proper dies for stamps ... i ; | Boarp or Trape, rules to be observed by dibs 3 in deciding for or against | the public defence of suits brought against commerci: al R esidents i a recourse to judicial process in certain cases ‘ Boarps oF REVENUE, appeals from decisions of, with velleatinind to ea appointment of Speci al revenue commissioners sat to be pursued by, on the appointment of Speci: alrevenue commissioners , decisions of, to be carried into effect notwithstand- ing” appeal tas : . —" , when a decision of, is reversed on appeal, collec- tions to be refunded with interest - , appeal from decisions of, to the established Cour ts : , In referring cases from a Collector to a Special comm*ssioner, to state their erounds of dissatisfaction LRP, , authority of, to prescribe the mode of keeping vil- lage accounts... ; ’ , authority of, ‘to prescribe the mode and the periods for depositing the several accounts required, in the pergunnah and zillah revenue offices ie es ae is BoGLeporg, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and cireuit, for the division in which is situated, x's ay Bogun Kaopzn separated from the district of Jungle Mahals, and the operation of the Regulations suspended therein nie oe 2) , duty of the, in regard to the e propriety of authorizing | , or other Board exercising revenue control, course Year. | Regulation 1828| VIL. 1828] VIL. 1829 & | 1829 % 829 Xi 1829 ans 1829 L 1682 |... ed. 1829] XY. 1833} ‘VIL. 1829| XIII S08}. ak; 1828} IV, 1829 Xx, 18204.) EX, /1829| XIII. 1828| III. 1828| III: 1828 LI. 1828 III, 182 Il. 1s28}] IIT. 1883 IX. mea). .1x. 1829 I. 1833} XIII Go . ; bo Co 10 10 10 OQ? a co boINDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. Year Bocun Kaopen, appointment of an officer to be denominated the Agent to the Governor General, over the districts within which is situated, | 1833 Bonps, rate of stamp-duty chargeable on, fis ... (Sched. A, | 1829 BooLUNDSHUHR, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for the division within which is situated, ... he ¢ | eee , powers to be exercised by the Resident at Delhi} 1 ee 4 as nel a >, 4828 institution of a Court of Sudder Dewany and Nizamut Adawlut to exercise jurisdiction over certain districts, including that OF a. ae o nA Si 4 abol ‘the Resident at Delhi divested of the powers of the Sudder Dewany and Nizamut Adawlut, in the district of, yesh <“__ the Resident at Delhi divested of the powers of the Sudder Board of Revenue, in the district of, Ae cit hBBI , the jurisdiction of the Deputation of the Sudder Board of Revenue extended to, sits oi ve a. aoe the Sudder Board of Revenue at the Presidency, and the Chief Commissioner at Delhi, divested of jurisdiction in, sys | LOOL , the control over the customs and town-duties 1n, transferred from the Board of Customs Salt and Opium, to the Sud- der Board of Revenue at Allahabad sate ue ... | 1833 BounpaRIEs oF Catcurra, alteration of the, ... dais ... | 1834 Branpt (foreign Asiatic), the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valo- gem we . wee ‘me one | L829 62 | Brass, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem ... sss | 1829 3RAZILIAN SHIPs, provision for the admission of, to British ports in the | East Indies ‘+ “a aan tt .. | 1830 BreAcH oF AGREEMENT, zemindars or other land-holders, neglecting to | conform to the prescribed rules in regard to village accounts, de- | barred from proceeding against ryuts or other tenants for, ee | 1833 | Bripes, [See Corruption, Extortion, We. | Brimstone, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem +. 11929 British Supsects (EuRoPEAN) exempted from the jurisdiction of Sudder ameens oe ee ite suis - ie 2h kee Brocapes, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem ss | 1829 sucKuUM, the import-duaty on, declared leviable ad valorem ) JJ 18 nn Sd An pe QO Ne Go bo Cy Ct ie Go CoINDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. CaprraL PuNIsHMEN’ incurred by persons guilty of aiding and abetting in the perpetration of suttee, when forced or otherwise involuntary on the part of the widow sacrificed or is oe CarpAMoms, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem fi CarriaGgs, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem be | Cassta, the import duty on, declared leviable ad valorem po | Caste, modification of rules regarding suits which involve questions of, between percons professing the Mahomedan and Hindoo persua- sions respectively, in the province ol Benares ve ve Castine Voice, rescission of regulations giving a, to the senior Judge in provincial Courts ati a i = CaTtTLE, rules of proceeding in cases of damage to Indigo plant caused by the trespass of, owt ane ik 2 Causes, [See Suits, Xe. Cauzies, [See Law Officers. Cawnpore, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for the division in which is situated, he we ui ” Adawlut, to exercise jurisdiction over the districts within which is situated, ae te ep ee i wales , jurisdiction of the Deputation of the Sudder Board of Re- venue extended to, ous ; se ; ene the Sudder Board of Revenue at the Presidency, and the ghief Commissioner at Delhi, divested of jurisdiction in, bi the control over the customs and town-duties in, transferred from the Board of Customs Salt and Opium, to the Sudder Board of Revenue at Allahabad .... “we ek bs Cepep AND ConquERED Provinces, establishment of a Court of Sud- der Dewany and Nizamut Adawlut in the, bie i. , the control over the customs and town duties in the, transferred from the Board of Customs Salt and Opium, to the Sudder Board of Revenue at Allahabad eh CERTIFICATES to be furnished by pawnbrokers in the Straits Settlements, to persons pledging any article ie ——— of registry of ships, [See Ships’ Papers. CuAk-CHITTIES for tlfe protection of small quantities of salt under trans- port, explanatory rules in regard to, ‘ ‘ nate CHARTER-PARTIES, rate of stamp-duty chargeable on, [Sched. A. Cuartna separated from the district of Jungle Mahals, and the operation of the Regulations suspended therein... ai zi g . , appointment of an officer to be denominated the Agent to the —_——— — Governor General, over the districts within which is situated, ... CuERayTA, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem ne CHILDREN under fourteen years of age, pawnbrokers in the Straits Set- tlements prohibited from receiving pledges from, ... fai Cuina Goons‘ not otherwise enumerated, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem i ‘ on a eo Currrore, the thanah of, re-united to the zillah of the Twenty-four Pergunnahs x ' CHITTAGONG, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for the division in which is situated, ees eee ———_—,, rescission of certain rules in regard to Moonsifs, within the, zillah of, my ® ee eee eee ere institution of a Court of Sudder Dewany and Nizamut | Year. Regulation. 1829| XVII. 1829 KV. 1829 XV. 1829 xv. 1832 VII. 1829 ILI. 1830 V. 1829 I. 1830] « VI. 1831 X, ped bo 1833 L. 1831 VI. 1833 I. 1833 Mi, 1832| IV. 19390 1:> ¢ Ri. 1833} «XIII. 1833.1 ~...5aat 1829 XV, 1833 Ki. 1829 XV 1932... VIII. 1829 I. 1831 Vv. oo OS OL WINDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. 340 341 363 364 oar 0009 366 ts ~t > | CHOWKEEDAREE Br KSHEES foil Sag ). c | Cnuoxeys for the collection of the Calcutta town-duties, rules for the es- tablishment of, ... ee bd: CuoxkiNe (public), [See Capital Punishment. Cuora Nacpore separated from the district of Ramghur, and the ope- ration of the Regulations suspended therein , appointment of an officer to bede 6 duns eeatel the Agent to the Governor General, over the districts within which is situat- ed, ; om au x the salaries and allowances for stationery of, how to be defrayed wes sia gh Cuvtans for the protection of salt under transport, exp F wnatory rifles in regard to, in, with the country to the north-west of the Sur- Cuunam, the trade mah river, legalized ial sat “ Cuunks, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem i CHUPPERBUND KRyouts, rules in regard to the rights of, in certain Se tidns of the province of Benares ‘Cuurs (new) and jungle lands claimed by Ganlaaired nt, valine of prac ie e in regard to, in cases transferred or ane to special revenue Commissioners [Ra Circurr, appoimtment and powers S of Commissioners of revenue and, , farther discretion allowed to courts of, in awarding punishment for the crime of robbery _... ‘i ais en , [See Commissioners, Courts, &c. Courts, rules to be observed by, in regard to the security for’ costs to be requred from litigants inhabiting a foreign terri- tory CITY eee eee the record ot , rules to be observed by, in transmitting appealed cases Cases , [See Courts, Judges, &c. Crry or ZittaAnm Courts, rules for the transfer to, of al] original suits pe nding before P rovincial courts at the time of their abolition , provision for the appointment of additional when requisite ihe shi , {See Courts, Judges, &e. , City Ju DGES directed to give effect to the orders of the authorities ves- ted with the administration of sti amnp-duties ai , [See Judges, Courts, &c. City M ASISTRATES, rules in regard to appeals from, to a Commissioner of circuit Judges to, required 1 in dinieie cases ad comnnrte:t the pens alty ‘af labor to a fine ae “s , [See Magistrates. Ciry anD SuBurss or Catcurra, definition of the boundaries of the.... Civi Courts, how to proceed in cases of complaint against Commer- eee cial officers a , rules in regard to ihe reports, pee I'S, registers, and other statements to be furnished By, eel: Civin Jusrice, suspension of the rules: tor the administration of, in cer- tain tracts of country, hitherto included in the districts of Ramghur, Jungle Mahals, and Midn: apore 4; ee eee required to exec ares a awards of military courts in certain | Year. | Regitlation. 1834 I. 1833} XIII. bees b>. xa 1832 | I. 1832| IV. 1898} IL. 1829 | XV. 1828 | VI. | 1828} II. | 1829 I. 1691}. 1829) XIV. 1831] IX. isos}. 1833 | IL. 18383| VIII. 1829} X. 1829} I. 18 II. 1834 | I. 1829) IX. 11829| — VII. mi XII, | Sect, Go ) >, sand 20 9 vw 9 wv14 INDEX TO THE: REGULATIONS. 368 | Crviz Justice, provision for the administration of, in the above tracts of | country, by an officer to be denominated the Agent to the Goyer- | nor General oe zee Si iat 369 | Crvit Surrs, under what circumstances respectable natives may be eall- | ed upon to assist in the trial of, in the capacity of a jury, a pun- | chaet, or assessors a; < 7. : ero | Crarms to lands situated within mahals in course of settlement, how to be heard and determined x ae a, 371 | CLEARANCE of ships at any of the Straits Settlements, rules in regard to the, ce _ ns 79 eg of voods, [See Customs-duties, Permit, are. 373 | CLoves, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem... ase 374 | CocHINEAL, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem 3175 | Corres, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem ait 376 COINAGE of half-anna copper pieces and one-pie copper pieces, enact- | | ment for the, .-. ise tt ts ae 377 | -__—_— (silver), modified rules in regard to the weight and standard 37g | Corns (foreign), rules for the valuation of, and charges on, when sent to the Mint to be coined cs ace “sa 379 | ——— (foreign silver), table of the intrinsic or assay produce of, in Cal- cutta and Furrukabad rupees, to be used at the Mints of Cal- cutta and Saugor Eee Bae a és 3380 | Corr (foreign Asiatic), the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem 381 | CottRoToR or Cusroms, rules to be observed by the, in regard to ap- plications of importers to clear goods * Fa 382 | ——, authority of.the, to require the personal atten- dance otf importers, we. i et i $85: ——— — , authorized to detain imported goods on the } c ground of under-valuation, and directed in such cases to report to the Board a eh che Bt SS , directed to pay for ooods detained as above, | at the importer’s valuation, and to sell the woods iit 335 | C@LLEcToR Of Caxcurra Customs, duty of the, inreeard to establish- | ino’ chokeys at the entrances of the city or suburbs a 386 > - ——— ——-. authority of the, to orant entry ot imported articles, en receiving security for the payment of duty .. 3387 | COLLECTORS OF REVENUE, a copy of village accounts to be deposited in the office of. sie i i 388 pappeals from decisions of, VW ith reference LO | the appointment ot a Special Revenue Commissioner es : ; authority ot, to try and determine claims to lands situated within mahals in course of settlement ee , authority of, to revise, &c. summary deci- 389 See 90 | | | sions of Magistrates si ae ke ae 391 | , authority of, to postpone sales of land for | | arrears . ‘ elita : is. 392 | ———, authority of, an certain cases, to abate the prescribed value of stamps i id. ‘ 7. . «| 1831 39S ——_——, authority of, on certaim occasions, to refer | - cases connected with rent to tuhsildars for adjustment and report oe , authority of, to reject summary suits relat- ing to rent, and how to proceed thereupon » we404 INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS “4 ; ; | Cottectors or REVENUE, authority of, to prescribe the ty Collectors sed eu ; be cae Deputy Collectors : authorized. to requir e the litig: nts in certain 7aSes tO noth the matter at issue to arbitration , awards of, how to be executed in eases cop- nizable under this Regulation a. i re a3 — declared subject to the control of the Com- missioner of Revenue, in regard to the assignment of duties to De- puty Collectors ... ous was ka oi records, &c., in cases appealed to a Special Revenue Commis- sioner a ak ay? gz [R. Pj __., «6duties of, towards Commissioners of reve-| nue and circuit sp ie . ah | enjoined to report any reductions which may bee “ome =n ac tie; ab le j Wh police ests ib lis shments : , how to procee 1d, in certain cases, to assess and attach lands lable to resumption ‘ how to proceed in cases where two or more : suits May have been instituted regarding the same matter, COgNIZ- | able under this Regulation the prescribed period Commissioner, to examine witnesses 5 py * may be required to hold supplementary pro- cee ‘dings 1 in certain cases may se aI estates for arrears, without previ- ous sanction ie ast wal oe or other local reyenue-ofticers, how to proceed, on the appointment of a Special Revenue Commis- ‘sioner, in their inquiries as to the lability of lands to assess” ment aox ee Sid eee considered to be engaged in making and revising settlements » , powers and duties of, in regard to consoli- dated penalty and interest ... i putnee talooks and ttinor saleable tenures pling prohibited from recelving summary suits Sead increase of rent, unless claimed on a written engagement st released from certain restrictions on their choice of individuals for employment io ps ——, rules to be observed by, in regard to sale- advertisements , rules to be observed by, in rendering re- ports and performing general duties, with reference to suits isti- tuted regarding rent a ie a ix » duties of De cay , authority of, to revise the proceedings “of | Deputy Collectors 2 i, : H hell authority of, to resume duties committed to | duties of, in regard to the transmission of , how to proceed in eases where the parties | to a suit refuse or neglect to produce the arbitrator’s award within | may be required, by a Special Revenue | . Period defined, during which they are to be | , powers and dickies of, in regard to the sale of Regtdation. % TX. IX. [X. TX. V III. [1]. VIL, Nil. VIII. III. peas VIEL ~] ay . a418 419 444 CoLu ‘ ECTORS OF REVENUE, farther rules aq INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. with reference to suits instituted regar ‘ding rent into eftect asse cuviciiiis dee pied shall carry on by Boards of Revenue, notwithstanding appe al : lections in the event of the lands in question being ultimately ex- empted ed cognizable by CotomBo Roor, the import-duty on, dec | COMMANDERS OF SHIPS, | See Ships, Vessels, &e. CoMMERCIAL subjected to the same process of Jaw as indiyi- (COMMISSION (Sudd¢ iy Spe C al), provision for the cessation of the. Cuttack {0MM ISSIONER , Summary awards ot. summary claims connected with rent declar- suits may be instituted before erage suddei ameens, or Moonsifs, foo ____—__—_—. vested with the management of “ mp- ladies S| ae .. | 1829 vested with authority over Deputy Cuties | . thee in, their respectiy to set aside, ve districts . in cases relatine to rent dual traders RESIDENTS (Assistants to), tions in regard to the exercise of the powers vested in Collectors, brbught betore them against, Coma&isston (Mofussil Special), othece of the, shat shed fi hp the division of pla ce nea under —__. yyles to be observed by civil C for land-rent: ameens, ‘lared leviable ad valorem (the) shall cease to exercise ppl lied to the deeisions of, and refund col- eee recular Sudder ce restric- . . | Year 183 1828 | 185 18382 CU) a | 18 31 | 1829 1 1829 ourts 1n cases | the powers of a provincial court of appeal, in regard to the district | CoMMISSIONERS OF COMMISSIONERS OF REVENUE AND CIRCUIT, of Midnapore REECE ts fur nished by the, of the Delhi territory, for the province of Kut Doon from the jurisdiction of the, naon, separation for the division of Cuttack and Midnapore, powers of the. general rules to be observed and eee of the Dhera —— for the districts of the northern Doab, powers of the, _—___—_— of the Saugor and Nerbudda territories, powers and du- | ® ase* ties of the, weet! iE) Le Saugor ae Nerbudda territories, served by the. in eases of heinous erime.. —_—_—— of the Sauyor and Nerbudda territories, be observed and reports to be furnished by the, of the Sunderbuns (the) directed to la dary of the jungle by accurate survey, and to furnish survey map w hen requir ed oral portions of their divisions divisions ters eee with Maharaja Bajee Rao, duties of the, | ARRACAN AND Assam, powers of the, within the a n- | , powers of, in criminal matters ¢ for ; rules the rules to be ob- | farther rules to y down the boun- eee appointment of, to certain ese ete in criminal mat- guidance of, copies of | 1829 1829 1829 1830 1829 1832 | 1829 1829 1829 1829 Regulation. VII. Il. Vall. ail. Sect. > 10 10 19 | \C2 'co | ) INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. ) ear. 17 a | 4) 2 By 0 Calo L. 7 LL. 3 a XVIUL 3 V. P V. ava ie V. 26 | 4 3 vir | 7 zl. 3 IV. | 3 II, 3 IX. 4} 3 IX. | 4 ed Le. © XE | © VI. 4 | mS | ala VIL. ia? VIL. 13! 3 445 | COMMISSIONERS oF REVENUE AND Circuit, powers of, in matters of re- | yenue $3 2: “i oe) Owe 446 | , powers of Mofussil Special | | Commissioners vested in, a Rie ... | 1829 447 | , rules for the guidance of, in | matters connected with revenue nee = i. bee 448 | lids vested with the powers here- | ia totore belonging to Superintendents of police a ... | 1829 ES : , provision for appeal to, from | the orders or decisions of Magistrates a ues) £B29 450 , how to proceed in cases so| » appealed ae <3. suelo oe | or , modification of rules for the transter of certain cases from the Courts of justice to, ace | LO2d 452 directed to revise the esta- blishment of Moonsifs in certain cases on -- | 1831 453 directed to revise the esta- lishment of Sudder ameens in certain cases i coe’ LOL ET i — E , rules to be observed by, in recommending the removal of any Principal sudder ameen, Sudder ameen, or Moonsif Wee Fee . eae heen 455 , how to be relieved, in certain cases, from session duties ia io an ove: t teed k 456 required to visit their sudder stations periodically ame Fa bie ea: 4 ae 457 | COMMISSIONERS OF CrrculIrT, rules to be observed by, in cases of wounding | with intent to murder re a woe SEO 458 authority of, regarding the appointment of Mahomedan law-officers in emergent cases bine wet DESO 459 , rules to be observed by, on receiving au- thority to hold trials on commitments made by Joint Magistrates... 183] 460 | j , rules in regard to appeals from decisions of Magistrates, preferred to, .. bk Aa ene | oe | | bebe —, rules to be observed by, in cases where they may differ from the law-officer, as to the conviction or acquit- | tal of one or more prisoners, included in the same trial with other prisoners regarding whom they are agreed il 3. (GBT 462 _ , IN cases referred to the Nizamut Adawlut, Shall, as heretofore, suspend execution of sentence wea | 463 , powers of, in regard to the appointment and removal of police-ofticers oh 12 meet) Gee 464 - , rules to be observed by, in regard to dispen- sing with the futwah of a Mahomedan law-officer, and using the as- sistance of other respectable natives, as assessors, jury, or punchaet | 1832 465 ro , reservation of the discretionary power of, | to exempt persons from the punishment of labor and irons ... | 1834 — required to hold jail-deliveries as often as may | be convenient, in cases where the Session,J udge is prevented from acting | 1831 467 : enjoined to use all practicable despatch in | trying commitments made by Magistrates of districts to which no | Session Judge is appointed . on som oan Gel 468 COMMISSIONERS 0§ REVENUE, duty of, in regard to the propriety of | - .-. | 1829 | authorizing a recourse to judicial process XIII.CO connected with rent lating to rent. ke carried into ef i (omMItTMENT of persons Commissioners . fore proce -eding LO, plaintit {t's petition of, Ge CONDITIONS OR LEASE, fulfilment of, CONQUERED PROVINCES, and Nizamut Adawlut in the, ao oo avs INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS | ComMITTEES OF EMBANKMENTs abolished Year Regulation CoMMISSIONERS OF REVENUE, authority of, on the frontier of Benares, | ia’ in regard to the illicit importation or tr: unsport of salt or 1829 mY I; , rules to be observed by, in dealing with appeals from summary aw ards of Collectors, in regard to claims} 3 ee ds a ve] LOGE VILL. acidified _ authority of, tp issue directions to Col- lectors in regard to the admission or rejection of summary suits re- ‘ Cas abi » | 188 Vil. __— may, for special reasons, direct suits w hich have, been decide 1 by one punchaet to be submitted to a second .., | 1859 TX. —__—, authority of, to interfere with arrange- | snts made by Collectors in regard to the employment of Deputy | F < oH tes ... | 1833 IX. pepiptebincins —— (local), authority of, to prescribe the 7" terms of payment for lands sold in satisfaction of arrears . | 183K VIL. Commissioners, [See Special Revenue Commissioners, European Func- | | COMMISSIONERS (NATIVE) to take cognizance of revenue cases in certajn province of Benares, ap Pee nt of, | 1828 | Vit. ap ypointed as above, liabilities of, ait 1828 VII. appointed as above, powers and duties of, ... | 1828 I] , appointed as above, rules for the guidance of, | 1828 appointed as above, the decisions of, how to ; sae ‘ee sve | 1828 «VII. appointed as above, revision of the proceed- | on ; is | 1828 VII. charged with perjury before Special Revenue | ‘ i Bhs sce} 1828 Il. i .-, _Mavvistrates withovine d to hear exculpatory evidence be- | sae .. | 1830 VIII. | Commitments by Joint Magistr: tes, farther rule s in regard to, o-. | 1831 li. ... | 1829 Xl: |Commuration of sentence of imprisonment for life in Allipore jail to | tr: ansportation for life ‘in a % cos | 1828 I. ‘ of fine to imprisonment in cases of afire vy unattended | with aggravating circumstances ‘ iti ... | 1828 VIII. of the pe nalty of labor to a ine in certain cases wes | 1854) Il. CoMPENSATION to be made to persons whose interests are injurious sly at- | fected by the grant, to other i _of lands in the Sunderbuns | 1828 | III. | CoMPLaINT against a C olfector or other publi ce functionary, rules in re- | | card to suits instituted on the rejection by Government of the ie aks ite | ERO0-4... «eabbds, ComPLaINTs against the Rajah of Benares and iis officers, how cognizab le 1828 | Val: | CoMPoOsSITION, rate of stamp- -duty charge able on deeds of, (Sched. A. | 1829 | oN. for stamp-duties by Banks, &c. [Se thed. A. | 1829 me zemindars or other land-hol Laie: “neglecting to | | conform to the prescribed rules in regard to village accounts, | debarred from proceeding against ry uts or other tenants for non- | ie abe «* | 1833 [X. JONFISCATION of salt under transport, explanatory rules in regard to, | 1832 |: Yv. , [See Detention, Seizure, &c. | establishment of a Court of Sudder Dewany| « | 11831 | VI, ~ ww ~I ~ ©) bo k bo504 a PUI 506 508 SU9 510 51] 514 i — ~T | | . ) , : . a | | Coprzs of Deeds, &c., rate of stamp-duty chargeable on when furnished | INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS, | | | | | Year. CoNQuERED Provinces, the control over the customs and town-duties in the, transferred from the Board of Customs Salt and Opium, to | the Sudder Board of Revenue at Allahabad bag in 41808 CoNsIGNEES OF Goops IMPORTED BY sxKA, how to proceed in clearing them ak es nial ee ash 1829 ———., modification of the rules re- quiring the personal attendance of, ‘ wa ad 1830 -, penalty incurred by per- | sons falsely representing themselves to be the. és --- | 1830 -, form of application and de- claration to be made by, ae 36a yi LOSS CONSOLIDATED PENALTY AND INTEREST substituted for the separate | charges cae ae si ei ... | 1830 Contempt of Special Revenue Commissioners. punishment far, svat £628 of authorities vested with the administration of Stamp-duties, punishment for, ... vite opie wdh “on pee ConTrActs, rate of stamp-duty chargeable on, --. [Sched. A. | 1829 , unless duly stamped, declared inadmissible in Courts of | justice bes a vs me «xi Ae for the cultivation and delivery of Indigo plant, punishment | of persons instigating ryuts to evade performance of, «et £830 for the cultivation of Indigo, persons desirous of being re- | leased from, how to proceed... : dei - ove | 2830 ConvEYANCE (deeds of), rate of stamp-duty chargeable on, [Sched. A. | 1829 (deeds of), rules to be observed in regard to amount of stamp-duty on, in cases where there is a plurality of collateral | deeds Ws ni < ‘ (Sched. A. | 1829 CONVEYANCES [1. e. carriages], the import-duty on, declared leviable ad | valorem die we wad ive al 1829 | Convicrs sentenced to imprisonment for life in Allipore jail, may have | | their sentence commuted to transportation for life <.. +. | L828 | employed .on public works, provision for the more efficient | control over, aed eee ance eae ay #28834 ———-— under sentence of labour in irons, to be kept apart from | prisoners exempted from labor nied a . | 1834 | — under sentence of labor in irons, declared liable to moderate | | corporal punishment, when requisite for the maintenance of disci- | pline ... ua i ate sbi sie TSS escaped) may be sentenced in certain cases, on re-apprehen- sion, to labor with or without irons : si e4 ee CopartnersiiP, rate of stamp-duty chargeable on deeds of, [Sched. A. | 1829 CoosuM-FOOL, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem oes LBD CopaL, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem... <0 /LBZG | Co-PARCENERS, rules for the settlement of estates held by, in certain porticns of the province of Benares . 4 1828 | to one of the parties to the same an [Sched. A. | 1829 | , ) a a | of Deeds, &c., rate of stamp-duty chargeable on, when made for the use of any persdn not immediately interested _ ... (Sched. A. | 1829 of Deeds, &c., rate of stamp-duty chargeable on, when annexed | to any other deed or instrument, &e. —... .». [Sched. A. | 1829 | | ———— of letters or other records furnished to individuals from a Go- f letter t] ls f hed t lividuals from a Go- | vernment office, vate of stamp-duty chargeable on, ... [Sched. A. | 1829 | ’ Regulation. XV, Li UT. VIL. IL. x x * 19 | Sect.| Cl. | | | | bt a } hoINDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. Corres of decrees, rate of Sipe duty chargeable on, --» (sched. B. | of revenue and judicial procee dings, of accounts, statements, re- ports and the like, rate of st: np duty chargeable on, ...[ Sched. of the procee dings of Sudder Dewany Adawlut, in cases appeal- ed to the Sovereign in Counc il, rate of stamp-duty charge: able Ol ein ; bes ‘ ek ‘hed. B. | Copper, the import- duty on. declared leviable | valorem . | Copper-Piecrs (half-anna and one-pie), enactment for the ¢ coinage of,. | CopyING PAPERS, relaxation of rules restricting C ollectors and jyudicis al officers in their choiée of individuals for e mploy ment in, iad | exception of cert un kinds exempt from duty CoRPORAL PUNISHMENT to enforce payment of arrears , prohibition of, in | the prov ince of Benares eis ereen for theft, in cases where the accused is convicted | of more than one offence of that nature .. 5 & __ rescission of all provisions of existing Regula- tions which authorize a sentence of, ment for, ee sie ee ie : —(moderate), permitted to be used in certain cases, when necessary fof the maintenance of discipline in jails CORRUPTION, penalties for, incurred by ministerial ofheers ot the courts | | of Principal sudder ameens, and Sudder ameens S siaclidteaemiicliniere- PEE POS reg ardinge the removal of Princ ips al ail ler ameens | r and Sudder ameens, when guilty of, Se a ‘ ____. rules reearding the removal of Moonsifs, when guilty of, —_—_, hability of Principal sudder ameens to prosecution for. <« and Sudder ameens, when guilty of, « from othe C. when culty of, Costs pre iiipeane ine es in pending cases transfe ae il yy a Court tt justice or Board of Revenue to a Special Revenue Commission- er on his ead cn, how to be dealt with nication HE SUE. Special Revenue Commissioners, in olving [i eeene di- | rected to make distinct provision as to which party is to bear, | h. P. ——- of appeal from the decision of a Magistrate to a omuadieth. rules in regard to, forelon te rritor y of Indigo plant, by whom to be borne es ——- between parties, any excess over the regulated fees pay ayable to pleaders «n the Courts of Sudder Dewany Adawlut, shall not be re- o rarded as, eae eee - in transferred suits, visden in reg: ard to fo es and othe | Corron Prece-Goops, the import- -duty on, declared leviab i ad vi lox’ em | CounciL, [See Governor General in Council. | Coumeniienin Stamps, [See Forgery, and Stamps. | CounTreRPaRTS oF Leases, rate of sti amp-duty chargeable on, [Sched. A. | COUNTER-STAMPS, how to be impressed, and ‘where. sas oes Corat, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem... eee | | CorpaGe, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem, with the | ; substitution of an acd tions ul period of imprison- -, rules regarding the removal of Principal sudder ameens | -, ability of Deputy Collectors to ape or dismissal | —_— of suit or appeal, security required for, from parties inhabiting a ~~ of suite D rought for non- fulf “ss mt of contracts for Hie cultiv: Kon | : aah ie: X. XII. XV. 4 (Sect. ) _ OL av 20 | 26co |] INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. 21 LL + : bs See ete : eect , | Year. _ Regulation. | Sect. | Cl k 557 | Court (decrees of), rule in regard to sales made in satisfaction of, ‘iu 1830. Vik... 7 19 558 | of Nizamut Adawlut, (the), prohibited from revising the order s | | of Commissioners of circuit. passed on cases s appealed from decisions | | | of Magistrates ... ote aoe is | 1829 1}: 4 | 599 | __—— of Sudder Dewany Adawlut, enactment for the Bivedntiipaned | | | of the distin lie denominations hitherto applied to the Judges of | | i the, 6 mi ... | 1829 LI. 9 | > _ 500 | _____- of appeal (t (the provincial) fot the division of Calcutta, re-invest- | : | ed with certain powers, &c., in regard to the district of Midnapore | 1830 9 61 | —_—_— of Nizamut Adawlut, enactment for the discontinuance of the ¢lis- | tinctiv e denominations hitherto applied to the Judges of the, .o | £829 III. 2 | ‘pe2 | (Zillah or city,) rule for the transfer to the, of all original | ae pending before Provincial Courts at the time of their aboli- | tion.. a. wad bed ae 1833 th. 3 I 563 | CouRTS Sait revenue ‘ele ‘ers, duties of, towards Special Revenue Com- | missioners tee oes : ° | 1828 [LI. boat y 56a?) (the esti Tati itsatl), appeals to, from decisions of B 0; iia of Reve- | | nue, how to be heard and determined .... 1828 BLL: 10 565 | _____ (military), Judges of Zillah and city courts directe ey to carry cite ; | execution the aw ards of, in certain cases. -#} 1828 V. | 9 566 | __ of circuit, farther discretion allowed to, in awar ding punishment | | | for the crime of robbery 1 1831 [. | 9 567 |____ of justice, duty of, to inquire into woe decide sec ee or spec dal | | appeals brought in forma pauperis, which may have been rejected . | on certain erounds 1828 17. 3 568 | __ of justice, how to proc éodyi in oetiniand cases cognizable by Glens | missioners of reyenue and circuit 1829 AMIE: 4 "2 al 569 |_______of Sudder Dewany and Nizamut Ad: cashed. the powers of the, i | | the districts of the Northern Doab, transferred to the Resident at | | | Delhi ne os ... | 1829 | ea ae ee of Sudder Dewany and ‘Timed Adawlut, extension of power | vested in the, to prescribe forms for periodical returns, &c. at | 3880 V-IT. chy fake 571 | ____ of appeal (provincial) for certain divisions, the Judges of, shall | ae: | cease to exercise the functions of judges of circuit... 1829 [. | 5 |] BUY eae appeal ( (provincial) shall cease to exercise their jur sialon on | | | the extension of this Regulation to their respective districts .~ | 183 V. 19717 573 | ___— of appeal (provincial. Pending suits excepted from the above rule.. : ak A ant 1981 V. 97 2 5TH ee éf civil and criminal judicature , exemption of a certain jaghir in | | the district of Cawnpore trom the jurisdiction of the, ... . | 1832 L. 9 515 | ____ of session and circuit, rules to be observed by, in imposing a far | | ther period of imprisonment in heu of corporal punishment, on the | + abolition of the latter r ... | 1834 II, 9|2 516 | _____ of, wards, Commissioners of revenue and circuit vested with the | | powers of, : Be Del -»» | 1829 L 4;] oi7 | ——____. (cjyil) prohibited from taking cognizance of compl: ints connect- , | | ed with land, within certain mahals in the province of Benares ... | 1828 VII. 13 | 318 | (civil), how to, proceed in cases of’plaint against Commercial of- | | ficers . ia -- | 1829 IX. 4 | 19 | (civil and criminal), rules ; in regard to the reports, « calendars; re- | | gisters, or other statements to be furnished | YY, ina iy | 1899 | Vil. oxi a (provincial) » enactment for the disc ontinuance of the distinctive | | | appellations hitherto applied to the Judges of, sin ... (p1829 LEI: 2INDEX TO THE RE GULATIONS. [oR Year. Regulation. Sect:| Cl. 581 | Courts (provincial), abolition of the offices of Hindoo and Mahomedan | law-officers in, ... ‘ie wee vee “++ | 1899 TTT: 7 582 (provincial), consisting of two Judges. Rules to be observed in cases where the Judges differ in opinion ... 1829 III. 4|9 583 | (provinei ial and rill: uh) directed to suspend the exercise of their pow ers 1n regard to all cases cognizi able by a Special Revenue Com- | missioner, on being apprised of his appointment ; and, in pending | cases, to stay .pr oceedings and transmit records Hi 1828 | Ill. - Tia 84 (zillah,) explanatory rules regarding the appointment of Maho- medan law-officers to’ 1830 IV. 9 585 (zillah), how to proc soll in the case of persons who, having r re- | ceived advances for the cultivation of indigo, desire to settle their | accounts with the manufacturer ae 1830 V. oy 586 (zillah and city) required to execute the awards of military | courts in certain cases : ° . | 18928 a 7 587 (zillah and city) prohibited from taking cognizance aof summary | suits relating to rent : 1831 VIII. 3 | 588 (zillah or city), provision for the appointment of additional judges : | to, when requisite 1833 VIII. | 589 (zillah, city, and provinci ial), rules to be obsery ed by, j in regard ‘ to the secur ity for costs, to be required from litigants ‘inhabiting a | | foreign ter ritory ‘ ; | 7899 XTV: 2 | 590 (aill: ah, city, and provine ial), rules to be observed by, in transmit- | i | tang the record of appealed cases 183] PK: g 591 [See Judges, European Functionaries, Sudder Dew any, &c. | | 592 | CRIMDANAH, the import- duty on, declared leviable ad valorem --- | 1829 XV. $i] 93 | Crime, persons accused of any, may produce exe ulpatory evidence before | | a Magistrate... -» | 1830 Wilt: Tie T 4 594 | CRimgs, provisions for the trial of native subjects of the British Govern- | | ment charged with the commission of, in a certain jaghir assigned | | to Maharajah Bajee Rao i. is. | 1882 | I. | 7 © + 595 ,-modification of rules for the trial of per sons charged with hei- | | e . . nous, in the Dehra Doon and certain other districts | 1829 | we | 9 596 | CRIMINAL Cases may be referred by Magistrates to Principal euddee | i. | ameens or Sudder ameens for investigation vow 1 RO] V. (18/86 597 —, additmnal powers vested in single Judges of the Niza- | St he | mut Adawlut in, 1831 TX. | 4:7 9 598 | Criminau Courts, rules in regard to the reports, calendars, registers, j or other statements tq be furnished DYs* i aINDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. ~i nw co ~ tm oa 725 ” . 726 748 749 ’ | | Drarts intended to be re-issued, rate of bapa) chargeable on, a + Sched. A. Dourter (a Mohafez ) te be ontortnined by each 1 Special Revenue Commis- sioner, and his duties “i he pte JP. Dup.icaTeE copies of village scoonpte how to ie disposed of re Dupuicares to be furnished by pawnbrokers in the Straits Settlements | to persons pledging articles to them alii ie sa Durkuausts to various specified judicial authorities, rates of stamp- | duty chargeable on, ee [Sched. B. | Durizs, [See Customs, Salt, Stamp, and Town-Duties, &c. . Eastern SETTLEMENTS, [See Straits Settlements, Singapore, Malacca, | and Prince of Wales Island. | EJECTMENT, zemindars or other land-holders neglecting to conform to the prescribed rules regarding village accounts, declared incom- petent to proceed against def aulting ryuts or other tenants by ae cess of, ee see ELEPHANTS TEETH, the import- _duty on, declared leviable ad valorem EMBANKMENTS, Committees of, abolished, is “ by —_—_—__———, the charge of, vested in such officers as Gove ernment may appot : bide =? ii. [E.MBROIDERED Goons, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem ENGAGEMENTS, unless duly stamped, declared inadmissible in Courts of justice oes oes eee one eee ‘ -____——, rate of stamp-duty chargeable on, »-- [Sched. A —_—_——_—— of ryuts, for the cultivation and delivery of indigo plant, breach of, Sas at jute : for the delivery of ‘indigo plant, ryuts, &c. desirous of closing, how to proceed ust , se : ENTRY OF Sues at any of the Straits Settlements, rules in regard to tho. Kscare from transportation, punishment for, in the case “of convicts whose sentence may have been commuted from imprisonment... | Escapep Convicts may be sentenced, in certain cases, on re- -apprehen- sion, to labour with or without irons es oe - | Essexriau Ors, the umport-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem... | | EsTABLISHMENTS, Magistrates coycinad to report any reductions which may become pr acticable in police, aa di oo? | | Estates, [See Lands. KrawAH, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for the division within which is situated, ... a institution of a Court of Sudder Dewany and N Feomaus ade luk: to exercise jurisdiction over the districts within which is situated, ‘ ; aii! , jurisdiction of the Deputation of the Sudder Board of Reve- nue extended to, 3 Sudder Board of Ravadae at ‘the Pr esidency and the — Chief Commissioner at Delhi, divested of jurisdiction 1 in, | , the control over the customs and town-duties in, transf foered | from the Board of Customs Salt and Opium, to the Sudder Board | of Revenue at Allahabad... | a 750 | EuRoPEAN BritisH SUBJECTS exempted from the jurisdiction of Sudder ameens eee . eee ee 751 | European Foresters exempted from the jurisdiction of Sudder almeens eeo eee eee eee eee Year. 1829 Soaiil «fie Go Cc See ) co Oo 1833 1829 1833 1829 1829 | 1829 1829 1829 1829 183( 1830 1833 1828 1854 1829 183] 1829 133] | _ Regulation. |Sect. &. 5 LIE, 2 EX. 12 XI, a x} 7 | Lx | 14 XV. eB ee Kl. Lg CMe 18 mi 3 Aye | 27 V. 2 > V, | oO Ub...16 | 2 EE | x Y¥. | 3 XL. 7 5 9 VI. 3 MS 5 . 9 | 6 J 3 V 15 Lf 15 bho98 INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. t Year 752 | European Funcrionaries presiding in civil Courts, authorized in cer- | | tain cases to avail themselves of the assistance of respectable natives, in the ways herein prescribed ‘ 1832 OB oa residing in erimini nal Courts, ditto ditto and : to dispense with the futwah of a law-ofhcer : .4 1882 154 presiding in criminal C outs enjoined i certain cases to dispense with the futwah of a law-ofhicer 1832 155 | , [See Collectors, Commissioners, Judges Ma- A= | gistrates, &c. | 756 | EUROPEAN Spiriruous Liquors, farther rules regen § the sale of, in the Straits Settlements A: 1833 757 | EUROPEANS, or other persons not being e sther Metis dans or ibdicuit modification of rules regarding suits defended by, 1 in the re of Benares : ; ous | PROD 758 | Evasion of contri _s paw the eullimition of nds go-plant, pen: alty incur- | red by persons instigating ryuts to the, ‘ -+» | 1830 759 | EvipeNcg, authority given to Magistrates to recelye exc ulpatory vy, 2. | 1830 760 * See W itne sses, Xe. 761 | Excuan@e (Bills of), {See Bills of Exchange. 762 , rate of stamp-duty chargeable on deeds of, where no sum of | money is paid for equality of exchange ; (Sched. A. | 1829 Ce , rate of stam p- duty chi were ab le on deeds of, where any wn of money is paid for equi ality of exchange (Sched. A. | 1829 764 | ExcrefABLE ARTICLES, restriction on the | imports ition of, into the Straits | Settlements, in cases where such importation might interfere with | the privileges of revenue-farmers _ | 1833 765 |“ExcuLearory EVIDENCE, authority given to ee | 1830 766 | Execution of awards of military courts by civil authorities : 1828 767 | i of awards of Collectors on suits relating to rent 1 183 768 | ________ of orders passed by inferior courts, authority of single Judges of ey a ler Dewany Adawlut to stay, until final decision | 1831 169 | Executions (public), [See Capital Punishment, &e. 770 | EXHIBITS, when a to be accompanied by an application bearing a | stamp of the value herein specified [ Sched. B. | 1829 771 | ExpartTeé hearing of suits or aj ppeals, in cases where the defendant or | respondent, being an inhabitant of a foreign territory, may fail | | to furnish the prescribed Ser urity — 7 . | 1829 772 | Expenses of suits instituted for non-fulfilment of antrac i to enhtiais | indigo-plant, by whom to be borne — a ~ 1 880 773 | ExporvraTIon of mercbandize. Goods declared liable to seizure when | | the attempt is made to export them without permit sve | L880 4 | of naval and military stores, saltpetre, and erain, on fo- reign ships, in time of war, restriction on the, ... | 18380 | 715 | Exports, establishment of an office for the registry of imports and, at | each of the Straits Settlements set Looe 176 | EXTORTION, pFovision for the punishment of wiciats of ts amps, when | found guilty of, . : .| 1829 117 , penalties for, incurrible by minis oe rial oflser 1's sof the cour “ts | of Sudder ameens and Principal sudder ameens 1188 G70 | scien , rules regarding the removal of Sudde 1 ameens ceil Pane | pal sudder ameens, when found guilty of antigo 119 | —— , rules regarding the removal of Moonaifs, when found guilty , Oh or: aks .s ae sins int LOGL Regulation VI. VI. VIL. Tif. VIII. VILL. TX. bho Or 26789 790 791 INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. | . | Exrortron, liability of Principal sudder ameens to criminal prosecu- | tion for, ke suk “a ¢ wb | L6G | Exrracts of deeds, &c., rate of stamp-duty chargeable on, [Sched. A. | 1829 | Farmers, disabilities incurrible by, for neglecting to conform to the prescribed rules regarding village accounts i --- | 1833 declared liable to an award of damages for certain illegal pro- cess of ejectment or distraint ee il es | 1833 (sudder) of land, penalties incurrible by, for neglecting to —_—. | give notice of an intended suttee a — ... | 1829 | , [See Renters. : 't'gEs of Vakeels, in suits transferred to Special Revenue Commissioners, | how to be adjusted Suk ee sp ... | 1828 ——., Moonsifs not to be paid by, oak - eet of Vakeels and Mookhtars in Moonsifs’ courts, how to be awarded | and realized ... ads ois a ... | 1839 |—— of Pleaders in the Courts of Sudder Dewany Adawlut, rules in | | regard to the, ... . ing ... | 1833 , [See Institution-fees, Pleaders, &c. | Fetonrous tender of pledges, duty of pawnbrokers in the Straits Settle- ments to report to the police any case involying the suspicion | ofa, * tot we see a ... | 1883 | Fevony, [See Murder, Theft, &c. | Perrers, reservation of the discretionary power vested in Magistrates | | to impqse, on refractory prisoners, su - ss. PLES | ———_——,, [See Irons, | Fite oF Court, suits instituted under clause fourth, Section 3, Re-| gulation II. 1814, how to be entered on the, on co Co Oo co co CI. 1 bo0) ae 8 Ju 894 oe | GHAzIPoRE, jurisdic INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. nue extended to, ue Chief C ommissioner _the control ov of Revenue at Allahabad... consumption into, | GHEE, the import- -duty | Grrr, reservation of the right of propr ietors to transfer tain port tration of 5 | (GIN (foreign GooDs IMPORTED BY SEA, the duty on, declared le , the importer of, how to proceed in clearing lands, in the above districts, hoi to be rendered va lid rate of stamp- duty chargeable on deeds of, Asiatic), the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem eviable ad valorem ... them ee eve eee > on, declar od leviable ad valorem tion of the Deputation of the Sudder Board of Reve- fhe Sudder Board of ‘Re ovenue at the Presidency, and the at Delhi, divested of jurisdiction in, er the customs and town-duties in, eaaiorred from the Board of Customs Salt and Opium, to the Sudder Board ee (the city of), remission of town- duty on salt imported for ee eee lands by, in cer- ions of the province of Benares, under the wo Vs adminis- eae (Sched. A. —, if undervalued, may be det cial, and the im- porter paid for the sant at a spec ‘ified advance on his valuation, the customs-duty being remitted... we ) Lonourable Company viv ter’ S person: al attendance in clearing, senting himself as the importer, &e. of, ) when undervalued 5 be exempt from duty.. ' clared leviable ad valorem declared liable to seizure, w hen the attempt is mé adi to e export | detained as above, to be sold on account of the —_— ., modification of the tule p meneree the impor- , pens alty incurre d by any person falsely repre- eee modified form of application for permit toclear, revised rules for the detention and sale of, eee when detained and sold as above, shall not | eee eee | Goops from China, not pblterwise enume!l retin: the ware duty on, de- them without permit —F ee td ods , rules in regard to the landing of, at any of the Str: uts Settle- ments . jee ie , tor , rules in regard to the transhipme nt of, at ditto rules in regard to the shipping of, at ditto the levying of town-duty on, Sits certain cases, from town-duty GJOOPI-MUTTI, the import- duty on, declared Lestialaln ad vn lated the division within which is situated, as Ad: , rules for the levying of duties on salt in, . imported into Caleutta from the interior by land or water, wailina * eve importe d init Calcutta from the interior by boats, ‘exempted, i in Gora (Gum,) the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem me | GORUKPORE, appoitment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for « eee eee , stitution of a Conv of Sudder Dewany and Nizamut i eee eee ( 1829 XVI, 1829 xy 1828 Vit | 1828 | Vit. | 1829 | x | 1829 | XV. | 1829 | XV. 1829 | XV. | 1830 1833 1829] XV.’ 11830! III. | 1833 III. . | 1833 II]. 1833 dil. i I 1834|*« I. | 1829 XV. 11829| XV. 1320 8 fae: AV tT. wlut, to exercise jurisdiction over the districts within which is situated, eee Year. | Requlation. 1831] | , 1831 X. 1833 I. Sect. Cy 6 46 3 wv Co ~I Or Co en bo CO — [Go +7 New! ‘ ~~ hh —INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. 33 | | Year. tates, | Sect. 1Cl. | GORUKPORE, jurisdiction of the Deputation of the Sudder Board of Reve- | —— 895. | | nue extended to, jet Ri. ss sient DOG) X. a * g9g | ——_--__—_, the Sudder Board of Revenue at the Presidency, and the | Chief Commissioner at Delhi, divested of jurisdiction in, pei | AO, tite iermes 6 | 897 | ——__—_—__—.. the control over the customs and town-duties in, transferred | from the Board of Customs Salt and ph to the Sudder Board of ma | Revenue at Allahabad wits eis -«« | L833 I. S sag | GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL, authority of ‘the, to commute the sen- E | tence of imprisonment for life in Allipore jail, to transportation for | | es life a ai ok ; ... | 1828 [. $12 899 | , authority of the, to appoint Special | |° Commissioners for hearing appeals from decisions of revenue au- | | thotities sal in ste ie ... | 1828 II. 712 900 BIOTA of the, to invest the said Commissioners with certain power i via 1898 Lt. 9|2 901 ain ity of the, to invest the said | Commissioners with certain farther powers shin | 1828 III, 3 902 , authority of the, w hen. appointing a | Special Commissioner under this Regulation to determine to what | | other Special Commissioner reference shall be made by the former | , in certain cases ais aie ids a owe 2828 ALL. 4 | 6 103 , authority of the, to prescribe rules of | practice for Special Commissioners appointed under this Regulation | 1828 III. Gig 904 , authority of the, to prescribe what | reports; &c. shall be furnished by Special Revenue Commissioners | 1828 lids. 8 | 105 , authority of the, to direct by whom | shall be administered the oath of office to Special Revenue Commis- | sloners ad ; ‘ out | 1828 III, 9 906 , miles ity of the, to make grants, ccs of lands in the Sunderbuns, and to adopt measures for their clear- ance and cultivation aki 5 il iit BOS LI, 13 | 907 , authority of the, to direct Collectors of revenue to hold supplementary proceedings in certain cases for | > the ends of justice a a. alte so + 808 LV. 23 9 4a 908 — , authority of the, to appoint a Supe- | rintendent of certain mahals in which the administration of justice | | is conducted through the Raja of Benares ae | 1828 VII. 3 | 909 , authority of the, to alter or set asidé | | the said Superintendent’s orders ria) SELB VII. 7 | > 910 |: ~ ' authority a the, to hessiinisfae districts | | from gne division to another, and to increase or reduce the number | | of Corhmissioners of revenue and circuit appointed to those divisions | 1829 ¥ 2 | g11°| 2 , authority of the, to direct certain | | functionaries to hold sessions in certain cases, without vesting them | | with the other powers of Commissioners of revenue and circuit ... | 1829 I 5 | 2 912 , authority of the, to direct by whom | shall ce administered the oaths of office to Judges, &c. ov <0) 2A2G. Lil. 3 913 , authority of the, to appoint what - other tribunal shall hear appeals to Special Keyenue Commission- | | ers, in cases not cofnizable by them a are dre | 1829 ly. iT 914 , authority of the, to provide for the | | administration of criminal justice in the Dehra Doon, and in the re- | served tracts between the rivers Jumna and Sutle) ... veo B29 V. =) 2 ®INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS, [Go 919 3] 936 | | r j | Year. Regulation. | Sect.| Cl. 'Governor GENERAL IN Councr, authority of the, to direct in what | eo ; way the authentication of stamped papers shall be made — | 1829 X. 4 | 4 ‘ , authority of the, to provide for the | superintendence of the revenue derivable from stamps a3 | 1829 | x. 5a , authority of the, to establish a Stamp- | | Oftice its bas ~et vee | PQQ | 5 |e , authority of the, to remit fines and | | | ‘ other penalties incurred by breach of the rules relating to stamps | 1829 Xx: | 16 , authority of the, to admit Banks, &c. to | compound for the stamp-duties chargeable to them ..._ [Sched. A. | 1829 x 6 ‘ , authority of the, to appoint officers to | | ‘ take charge of embankments chi Esk 2s | 1829 XI, mi 2 —, authority of the, in regard to the ap- | | pointment of Mahomedan law-officers si io --» | 1830 rv, 2 , authority of the, to prescribe the | mode of keeping the accounts of Consolidated penalty and interest | 183 Vil. 5 , authority of the, to direct where the Sessions for any joint magistracy shall be held S| as P1631 il. 4 , authority of the, to apply to any | zillah or city the provisions of this Regulation for extending the | powers of Moonsifs and Sudder ameens, the appointment of Prin- | cipal sudder ameens, &c. &e. ... ie a 3. | 188] Vv. | 9 , authority of the, to regulate the se- lection of Moonsitfs dae ote + 3. 1601 7. 3 | v , authority of the, to fix the allowances her 4 of Moonsits bee sen Eas ft. ov tte! V. 112| 2 , authority of the, to regulate the se- | | lectron of Sudder ameens ... = a: rp bBSl V. 13 | , authority of the, to appoint Princi- | pal sudder ameens tT nae Hai vee'| 1803 y. 7 i , authority of the, to fix the allowances of Principal sudder ameens ol a: yk acTriees| V. i7; & , authority of the, to sanction, or to di- rect, the removal of Sudder ameens or Principal sudder ameens from ofhce ee ; aes Pe. ‘ix | 2B4 Ys 96| ] , authority of the, to fix the station of | the Courts of Sudder Dewany and Nizamut Adawlut for the Wes- | tern Provinces Ls ft i -.. | 1831 | VI. "3 — , authority of the, to issue certain spe~ | cial orders for the guidance of the Commissioner for the Saugor and | | Nerbudda territories vane {2 Sit oo EOOL ¥e. 1 15 | , authority of the, in certain cases, to | invest zillah and city Judges with powers to conduct the duties of the sessions ws ee As | HBS | VII, 2 | , authority of the, to invest assistants | to Collectors with the powers of Collectors under this Regulation, | in mattersrelating torent ... yes Fat oe | POS VIII. 91 | , authority of the, to issue certain or- | ders in criminal cases brought to his notice by the Nizamut Adaw- | | lut or otherwise... bes sists fi oie HBS TX. 3 | , authority of the, to appoint a Depu- | | tation from the Sudder Board of Revenue, to exercise jurisdiction | | over certain districts in the nerth-west ... + -»- | 1831 X. 3 | 6INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. co ~~ 938 939 940 94] I44 948 949 GOVERNOR GENERAL IN Councit, authority of the, to prescribe rules for the guidance of the local revenue authorities in Kumaon and the | | | | | | | Saugor and Nerbudda territories in dae i P LO8] | , authority of the, to prescribe rules | | for the guidance of the Deputation of the Sudder Board of Reve- | | nue... ve ue oF, sar ¢ 1887 , authority of the, to invest a single | | member of either Sudder Board of Revenue with the powers of | | the Board as cal A. «. | 183) | , authority of the, to fix the station of | | the Sudder Board of Revenue for the north-western provinces *... | 1831 | : , authority of the, to invest tehsildars | mo with the powers of darogahs and thanadars is Joo EBS | , authority of the, to issue special or- | | ders regarding the appointment or removal of police-officers 1831 | , authority of the, to prescribe rules | for the guidance of Maharaja Baji Rao, in the administration of a | certain jaghir assigned to him near Bethoor the Delhi territory the whole , authority of the, to European, presiding in a Ci himself of the assistance of respectable natives, as a punchaet, as | assessors, OY as a jury , authority of the, to or a part of the Regulations in force introduce into vil Court of justice, the power to avail | | quisite oo , authority law-otticers to the Courts of Nizamut Adawlut as may appear re- deeds a o-* office of Sudder ameen, subsequently to the introduction of Regula- | tion Y. , authority of the, to sanction the ap- pointment of Principal sudder ameens to the , authority of the, to 1831, individuals appointed previously to its introduction into the district. although not natives of India . reservation of to alter the limits of certain zillahs near Calcutta , authority of the, to | 1832 grant to any | | | | | ‘ a --- | 1832 of the, to appoint as many 1832 | duty of registering | faa -+» | 1832 | continue in the | 6 see eee 1832 the authority of the, | | 1832 abolish Provins } cial Courts, on the introduction of Regulation V. 1831, into their | | respective districts at it sad 23r 3838 | e , authority of the, to vest Superin- | tendents of public works with adequate powers of control over the | convicts employed bi’ Shs eH if 1633 ; : , reservation of the authority of the, | to alter the limits of the zillah of Dacca di we LOS _ ~ , authority of the, to appoint addi- | | tional Judges to zillah or city Courts, when requisite --» | 1833 | , authority of the, to determine in | | what order shall be heard private suits and Gevernment revenue | | suits relating to the same land % cm vos | 1833 | , authority of the, to appoint Deputy | Collectors ‘to any revenue jurisdiction ii «| 1833 | ——— , authority of the, to sanction or for- | bid the suspension or dismissal from office, of Deputy Collectors ... | 1833 * | Year. | Regulation. X. bd o> bS Or958 a os he ‘ Oo ax a | 98] 982 INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. a ; Year. Regulation. | Sect ,| C2. | GovERNOR GENERAL IN CounciL, authority of the, to extend to any | zillah or city Court, the whole or any part of the provisions of this | teculation, regarding the selection and remuneration of authoriz- | | ed Pleaders oe id . aes 1833 XII | 4 | alten , authority of the, to appoint an nice | | to be denominated the Agent to the Governor General, to exercise | | | specified powers in certain tracts of country, hitherto included in ‘ | | | the districts of Ramghur, Jungle Mahals, and Midnapore sot £835 XIII. | 4 | 7 | _ , authority of the, to prescribe rules | | | for the guidance of the Agent to the Governor General and of his | | subordinates ... : re sail i oo. | 1883 BIB 65 |, | , authority of the, to annex to any ae | | allah, that portion of the Ramehur and Jungle Mahals districts, not | | comprised in the jurisdiction of the Agent ; and to alter the limits | | of the Agent’s jurisdiction, or of adjacent villages... 1833 XIII. Od , authority of the, to alter the Calcutta | town-duty limits ‘ : Fr 1834 i. 6 | , authority of the, tc 0 prescribe ie | system of discipline to be pursued in jails, tis a view to reform | convicts, and render their imprisonment otherwise efficacious 1834 II. 7 GRAIN, prohibition of the exportation of, in foreign apes during war, unless by special per mission . “ 1830 | ii, oi | GUARDS set over convicts employ ed in public works, provisions for the | | more efficient control over, ... eax oh ... | 1833 | lV. 2 | GumArasic, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem »} 2B284 6 RV 3} ] | Gum Benzory, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem sc) 28Q0 4 RY, eet. ' Gum Gopau, the import- duty on, declared leviable ad valorem 1829 | Dex 5 i} |“GUNDIBEROZA, the import- -duty on, declared leviable ad valorem 1829 | XV. opt | Guneapore, or Kuswar, provisions for the super intendence of, ... | 1828 | VII. 3 . the administration of justice in, to be conducted ee | | the Raja of Benares, under certain restrictions ; 1828; ~~ VII. + | , the settlement of lands in, to be made by the Raja, con- | | for mably to certain rules”... ; vai ws. | 18264 5 | , rules for the transfer of proper ty in, 1828 | 6 | , The Raja’s decisions declared subject to revision by the | | Super intendent. ae ie vu 4 1828 | VIL. 7 | , rules for realizing the public revenue in, — eva} L328. VI. 9 | —_—_-—_____, the Superintendent of, shall take cognizance of ae | | | against the Raja and his officers “a : .-. | 1828 | VII. 14 _—————_, appointment, &c. of native Commissioners for each pergun- | nah of, ke i ce see Paes) MH, 16 | HaLaBap ee suits or appeals having reference to, how to be enter- | ed on the file of Special Revenue Commissioners... [R. P.4 1828 UI. ] Haneine (public), [See Capital Punishment. Heap-men of villages, pen: ities incurrible by, for neglecting to give no- tice of anintended suttee... + ; oe 1B294 * BVH Sil | Hernous Orrences, modification of rules for the trial of pers sons charged with, in the Dehra Doon and certain other districts ... 1829 V. 2 Herepitary Tencres, explanatory declaration in regard to, 1828 ILI. 12 | Hrpanamas, rate of st: amp-duty chargeable on, . [Sched. A. 1829 X. 118 HipGELeE, [See Hijlee. | | Highway Roszery, the crime of, excepted from therule for commuting | | the penalty of labor to a fine a +e F834 | I. | 3 ‘* iM INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. 37 Year. Regulation — (Sect. {or 35 | Histex, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for the | _ | F division within which is situated, dl oc. | LO29 J. |“ 986 | Hinpoo Law, rules to be observed by Moonsifs in the administra- \? | tion of, wee is iu | LOGE | V. Lae b: 2 387 | Hinpoo Law-orricers, abolition of the office of in Provine) cial Courts .. | 1829 | III. 7 » 988 | , declared to be—not ex-officio Sudder ameens, | | P| but eligible to that office ... Sie fh éo| 1eet V. 14; 2 pee OO9 | , [See Law-ofiicers. | | =" 980 Rt non Wipows, [See ‘Suttee. “4 he a 991 | Hinpoos, modification of rules regarding suits in which Mahomedans | | | : mi Ly be opposed to, in the province of Benares ue .. | 18382 | Vi. +3 | 992 e Natives of India. : | 993 | Hoipays, the intervention of, shall form no plea for extending the pre- | | scribed limitation of time for preferring certain appeals soni) Meme | VIl. | 991 | Homicips, punishment in cases of affray attended with, ... | 1828 | VI. 2 195 a 7 ae in cases of affray unattended with, “| 1828 Vit. 3 996 | ——— , committed by native subjects of the British Government, in | | places out of the British provinces ei .«- | 1829 Vii Sh 391 | HooGuLy, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for | the divine within which is situated, i .- | 1829 | 9 298 | Hoonpies, payable at sight, or within a year, rates of stamp- “duty, | chargeable on, ... : ... | Sched. 1829 | x. 4 er oak , of date exceeding one ‘year, desund liable to the same st: on duty as Bonds, =a $3 | Sched. 1829 | K. | 6 1,doo | —— intended to be re-issued, rate of stamp- duty char Senble : on, avi (Sched. A. | 1829 | x 5 1,001| HULUFNAMEH, "penalties for false deposition on, before a Special Reve- | > nue Commissioner ve ; : 185 il 6 | 6 1,002| HurxLan separated trom the district of Jungle Mahals, acid the opera "a | tion of the Regulations suspended therein 1833| XIII 3 1 003 ++, appointment of an ofticer, to be denominated the Agent to the | | Governor General, over the distri ict within which is situ; ated, | 1833 | X11. re 1,004 _Hurra, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem ... ic. YRZ9 AY: cha 1,005 Hurerncuar FLower, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem | 1829 XV. a4 1,006} Hurvrat, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem ave | DBD. ay. } ieee 1,007 | Ixrars, rate of stamp- -duty charge: ble on,...--» ... [Sched. A. | 1829 | X. J 1,008 | Import-Duries declared levi able ad valorem, *,.. | 1829 | XV a J 1,009 —__________. Modification of the rule requiring the per wichal siainest | | danse of importers 1 in clearing goods from the Custom-house | 1830 Itt an 9 1,010 Fine incurrible by ‘unauthorized parties signing applica- | | tions for the clearance of goods imported by sea big ve | 1830 | ILI. | 2 | 2 1,611 | —___—_+—_., revised rules in regard to, | 1833 | VI. eS 1,012 | __—___—___, [See Customs Duties, &c. | | 1,013) ImporrEeRs oF Goops By Sea, how to proceed in clearing the goods from | the CuStom-house ob BSS V bal a 1,014 ‘ modification of the rule requiring the pee « sonal nbtanalinsael of, in clearing the goods ; . | 1830 LILI. ard 1,015 | — : penalty incurrible by persons falsely re- | presenting themstlves to be the, dak ‘ ... | 1830 | IYI. 2\2 1,016 | , revised rules, with form of application and | | declaration to be made by, i in clearing goods ... | 1833 Yi eens | I 1017 IMPORTS AND Exeorts, establishment of an office for the registry of, 1 | each of the Staits Settlemen Ce sah te | BOSS | ILI. Bol »4 38 INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. $5 — $F SEE EEEEEEEEEEREREEEEEEEEE 1,018 | ImprisonMENT for life in Allipore jail, sentence of, may be commuted to transportation for life, at ie desire of the convict, under certain conditions sia ; . Lolo |4e——____-——_ of aaauiers: fo eee ernment fe revenue, in certain poi | tions of the province of Benares 1,020 | ————__--=.—_,, Faanee rilles regarding the ‘efile of, by Magistrates, | in cases of affray unatte ended with 1 aggravating circumstances ce 1,02] i ip ace for theft, in cases when the abeaned | is convicted of more than one offente of that nature “ae ite iat =. 1,022 | —————. —— 107 Ww ounding with intent to mur¢ jer. 7 1,023 | —_—_—-————- incurrible by certain responsible parties, for neglecting to | give notice of an intended suttee sis a 1,024 | —_____—___— incurred by persons found guilty of aiding " abetting i in the perpetration of the crime of suttee, when voluntar y onthe part of the widow sacrificed 1,025 | ——_——--_——— incurred by or found guilty of causing damage to | indigo plant DOG Pmt cee robbery by open violence, toodcadiane of rules re- | garding the penalty of, wis 1,027 | ————————— ineurrible by persons concer Sed in thes ale or purchase | of slaves under certain circumstances _ bad in execution of decrees of Prine ipal sudder ameens, Sudder ameens, and Moonsifs, rules in regard to, 1,029 | ——-——————- incurrible by pawnbrokers in the Straits Settlements, fi | infraction or neglect of the several rules prescribed by this Regulation incurrible by persons illegally exercising the trade of ~ pawnbroker in the Straits Settlements , an additional period of, to be substituted i in aontelen cases for corporal punishment 1,032 | Lycaractry, liability of Deputy Collectors to dismaianal froin office on the ground of, sah ein cone , [See Misconduct. 1.034 ‘| INDIGO-PLANT. rules relating to contracts for the cultivation and deliy ery of, [035 , rules of pr oceeding against persons for damaging, i. , ryuts, &e., desirous of “closing contracts for the oul tivation and delivery of, how to proceed i bie 1,037 | INFORMALITY in ships’ papers, rules to be chased in cases of any, in | the Straits Settlements oes 1.038 | INHERITANCE of lands, reservation of the right to, 1n cer sais portions nl as ES 1.028 1,030 | —_———_—_————— 1.031 | lUse {= 1.036 the province of Benares under the Rajah’ s administration 039 of lands in the above districts, notice of, to begiventothe Rajah 1,040 of lands, rules to be observed by Moonsifs in their decisions regarding, “ ih 1,041 | of real pr oper ty of any y description, rules to be observed by | Moonsifs in cases of disputed, * : | 042 , modification of rules regarding suits which involve questions , between persons professing the Hindoo and Mahomedan religions sie cin in the province of Benarés ... . “ia 1,043 | of lands, held free of assessment, or on mokurreri jumma, to be notified to the Collector, . ee 1,044 | | LysTIGATING ryuts to evade the fulfilment of contracts, penalty for, ... 1,045 | INsTITUTION- FEES, pepergeent of, in cases adjusted by razinamah in Moonsifs’ courts . eee ens @*e eee Year. 1829 | 1829 | 1829 | 1829 | | | .. | 183 30 | .| 1831 | | 2 Q vo OO 1832 1838 1830 | 1830 1830 | 1833 | 1828 1828 XVII. LUI. VII. XI. AA. I]. IX. VIL. III. VII. Regulation. ~ lis | Sect : Yan bo bo1,046 1,047 1,048 1,049 , ’ 1,064 1,065 1.066 1,070 1,07] 1,073 1,074 1,075 e INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. Year. INSTRUMENTS in writing, unless duly stamped, declared inadmissible In | | Courts of justice ... “a ... | 1829 | INSURANCE (life-), rates of stamp- -duty charges able on policies of, (Sched. A. 1829 | — (sea-), rates of stamp- -duty char geable on policies of, [Sched. A. | 1829 | Inrerest to be paid on collections levied under the decision of a Board of Revenue, when such decision is successfully appealed from ... | 1828 —_———, to be charged against a wrongful holder of land, upon the a- tabknt of collections made by him whe ; . | 1828 ___-_ leviable on arrears of rey enue, provision for the @onaalidution of the, with the penalty incurred by the defaulter ... EBs + chargeable by pawnbrokers in the Straits Settlements, rules ; in regard to the, ... : i JA -2683 Iron, the import- duty on, declar a Seviahiln aad aleiiiet ge . | 1829 | Irons, the penalty of labor, with or without, to be commuted in certa uD | cases toa fine... | 1834 | , escaped convicts, declared lable: dhinn 3 rec: ecaptured, 40 the penalty | of labor with or without, a ... | 1604] ——, Magistrates declared competent to punish persons engaged in af- frays unattended with aggravating circumstances, by imprisonment | with or without labor and, ... ia je i+ L626 , [See Fetters. Ivory, the import- duty on, declared leviable ad valorem ... Se EB29 JAGGERY, the import- -duty on, declared leviable ad valorem .. | 1829 JAGHIR assigned to Maharaja Bayi Rao, rules in regard to the adminis- | tration of a cer tain, : } sect L8a2 JAGHIRS, in certain cases, not to be’ regar ded: as is ls terre es oo | £828 Jat, rules in regard to the subsistence-allowance of debtors confined in, | 1830 JaILs, conyicts sentenced to labor in irons declared liable to moderate | corpor al punishment, when necessary for the maintenance of disci- | pline in, ~ sais | 1834 JAIL-DELIVERY, provision for the holding of sessions of, by Comnnsiasinly: ers of revenue and circuit ie , provision for the monthly holding of sessions of, by Judges | of session ; alle ; J ELALPORE, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for | the division within which is situated, JeLpa separated from the district of Jungle Mahals. and she operation of | the Regulations suspended therein i | 1833 i appgintment of an officer, to be demuninetad the Agent to the Gy. | vernor General, over the districts within which is situated, se. | 1883 JEMADARS Of outposts, duties which devolve on, on the occurrence of a vacancy. in the office of naib- daroga sae ico t FOSS , | See e Police-officers, &c. JERREAH separated from the district of Jungle Mahals, and the opers é en c appointment of an ofticer, to be denominated the Agent to thie | Gjovernor General, over the districts within which is situated, | 1833 JESSORE, appointment of a Commissioner of reyenue’and circuit, for fie | division within whith is situated, on ei dot L620 JEYPORE separated from the district of Jungle Mahals, and the operation of the Regulations suspended therein wile sss | LOG | appointmest of an officer, to be denominated the Agent to the Governor Gener&l, over the districts within which is situated, vee 1 9833" tion of tlfe ‘egulations suspended therein | 3882) * an .. | 1829 30 ... | 1831 | .-, | 1829 Regulation. X. x. Xx If. Lif. Vir. AYER. sect.| a “> o 43 " Go Oo ~ bo bo 42 | 10 1140 1,079 < 1,085 O87 088 090 fs L,UJ0 1.097 1,098 1,099 ,080 1,C&3 1,096 | « INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. sieentiieeaatnatisiti — of Provincial courts. Rules to be observed in cases where two Judges, sitting in one court, differ in opinion or sees} Eee of P rovincial courts, authorized to refer questions of Hindoo or | Mahomedan law, to the law-officers of certain courts iat iis Oe ssion, ap pointed to rehieye Commissione rs of circuit, rules ~ be observed by, a | aoe — of session, what reports bo ie furnished by, ai 183 | -—__——. of session may represent to the Nizamut Adawlut certain in- | stances of neglect on the part of Magistrates - al |_———— of session, how to ag in cases of misconduct on the part of | darogahs, &e. ... 1 ' | amet? of session authorized in cer stain cases to dispense W ith the tutw: an otf a Mahomedan law-officer ; and to avail themselves of the assis- | tance of other respectable natives, as assessors, a jury, ov a pun- |, =) chaet ey one al we ef 1832 ( 1829 831 | | | | | Year. 5 | JOINT-MAGISTRATES, provision for pees from, to Commissioners of cir- 4 : | eult . a | 1829 | le hii legalization of certain trials illegally “held on com- | | nidnis by, “ ‘ ia 1831 eee fonthiar culae ‘ be eae! in regard to edie ie + ments by, ws : | 1831 prohibited in certain cases s from removing prisoners | _—__ for trial a ie a, a ok e , rules to be observed by, in imposing a farther peri- | od of imprisonment instead of corporal punishment, on the abolition) _ of the latter - i vir as 5. aah , required in certain cases to commute the penalty of labor to afine ... vee wip ant ... | 1834 eee , [See Magistrates, &c. JoInT PROPERTY, rules for the settlement of estates held in, in certain | por tions ot the province e of Benares woe | 1828 JOUNSAR, modification of rules for the trial af Pe rsons ch: reed with hei- | _ nous offences in, se. , ba sae | 1829 J UANPORE, appointment ofa Ccaattasiner of revenue eisilis circuit, for the this division within which is situated, al wis ia | kOe ese , institution of a Court of Sudder Dewany and Nizamut A- dawlut, to exercise jurisdiction over the districts within which is si- tuated, 1831 | —_—— , jurisdiction of the Deputation of the Sudder Boz ard of Revenue Sitond ed to, ins is ie ale idaiae as , the Sudder Board of Revenue at the Presidency, and the . Chief Commissioner of Delhi, divested of jurisdiction in, 183 ——, the control over the customs and town-duties in, tenskertad from the Board of Customs Salt and Opium, to the Sudder Board of Revenue at Allahabad ae ‘ais seat |, AOA Jupees otf Circuit, modification of the rules anni uned in Regulation Jl. | of 1823, regarding the amount of punishment to be inflic ted by, in eases of aftray attended with homicide... ass se eeae | of Provincial courts of appeal (the) for the divisions of Calcutta, | Dacca, Moorshedabad, Patna, Benares, and wenettaes divested of the | functions of judges of cireuit pon ees = of Provincial courts, enac nent | ‘or the dincouhinite ince of the dis- tinctive denominations hitherto applied to the several, ... ~e | 429 Re _ fegulation. bh II. Li. bl. MA [11. III, Ill. Sect. Qo | ClJU INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. 1,100 1,10] "| | *1,103 1,106 | 1,107 | 1,109 Cao 1,114 LIS | Sy pases of the Courts of Sudder Dewany and Nizamut Adawlut, enact- ment for the discontinuance of the distinctive denominations hither- to applied to the several, ... eos —_——— of zillah courts. how to proceed in the case of persi sons who ha ave received advances for the cultivation and deliver y of indigo-plant, and who wish to settle their accounts with the manufacturer of zillah and city courts, required to execute the awards of mi- litary courts in certain cases of zillah and city courts, required Ei give effect 6 the orders ‘cif the authorities vested with the ad: ministration of stamp- ditties: “et. . of zillah and city courts, re quired, on the extension of this Re- gulation to their respective jurisdictions, to revise the establishment of Moonsit: see ane ‘ of villa and city courts, authorized: to refer 7” Aidoriaitts any suits brought before them in forma pauperis de . of zillah and city courts authorized ts try, or re fer ‘elsewhe re for 1,lis | ———— of zillah and city courts, the decisions of, on appeals bisa decrees ef Moonsifs or Sudder ameetr as, shall be fin: ‘| 1,117 | ———— of zillah and city courts, rule in regard to sere from ee | decisions of, ; 1,118 of zilfah and city courts required, on the extension af this Reg a lation to their respective districts, to recall all pending suits from the files of registrars, and to refer the same to Sudder ameens or Princi Ips al sudder ameens, accor ding to the amount at issue . 1,119 | of zillah and ¢ity courts prohibited from taking cognizance of | summary suits relating to rent A a: vie 1,120 | ——— of zillah and city courts directed to receive, as regular suits, such summary suits relating to rent as a Collector may refer to them Rs . | | | 183] | Vv. ° 1820": TE 1830| —_-‘V. 1g98| Y. ligo9| x. athe | '18B1 | ¥ trial, suits cogniz: ible by Moonsifs bi ¥4 (i. | IBS V —_—— of zillah and ¢ ity courts, rules to be observed by, in giving effect to decrees of Moonsif ie De att if LOB] V of wailli ih and ¢ he courts required, on the extension of this Re- culation to their respective jurisdictions, to revise the establishment | of Sudder ameens es a ea 24 TS6H' | V of zillah and city courts, authorized to refer certain suits to | Sudder ameens... det re ie ee | LOO] | Vii of zillah and city courts, how to proceed in cases of appeal | | from decisions of Moonsifs, Sudder ameens, or Principal sudder ameens aoe as od vel se] 200 \ of zillah and city courts, authorized to refer certain suits to Prin- | cipal sudder ameens ; é 1831 | V of zillah and city courts m: LY dies eee certain vi akesls to prac- | | tise in the court of Prine ipal sudder ameens ae sey | LOe V. of zillah and city courts, directed to record their reasons for re- taining on their own file suits which they are authorized to refer to Sudder anreens or Princ ipal sudder ameens ‘ ip IBS2 ¥: ot zillah and city courts authorized to suspend from othice Moan: sifs, Sudder ameens, and Fring _pé al sudder ameens, on the ground of | nrisconduct 183] V. of zillah and city courts, on the exttensipn of this: R evulation bo theirrespective districts, vested with prim: ary jurisdiction in all suits whe re the amount at issue exceeds Rs. 5,000 183] V. 1831! —Y. | Year. | Regulation. 26 db ~!] 29 bo | Se Eis Ci.( 49 INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. [su Year Regulation. |Sect. Ct. 121 | Jupers of zillah and city courts, how to pr ‘oceed in cases where two or | | more suits may have been instituted regarding the same matter, | | cognizi able under this Regulation : Wee 183] VITI. 14 | 1122 |———-— of _zillah and city courts directed, as fas as practicable, to alii | | | | to one tribunal all suits relating to one and the same matter, insti- | ey : | tuted under this Regulation ... ;) 19SPigeewekl (16) ., 1.193 | ———— of zillah and city courts, rules to be observed by, j in regard to | | the selec tion and registration of peons to be employ ed by subor di- | nate functionaries : ‘ 1832 | Ca | 9. },124 of zillah and city courts, pr ovision for the appointment of addi- ee : | tional, when requisite awa 1833 | Vilbs. Feit 1 1,125 of zillah and city courts, powers and duties of additional, when pad) j | sO ap ypointed ore . ‘ 1833 Viil 2 2 1,126 and other public functionaries S, alteration in the mode of admi- | | nistering the oaths of office to, oes his 1820.,.. Il. Ss | 1,127 , appointment of, to the Court of Sudder Dewany and N ensued : | Adawlut for the Western Provinces — ys 183] VI. 4 1,128 , divested of the charge of conducting sales of putni talooks, &c. | 1832 ooo MEL. 116 | 1 : 1,129 , [See European Functionaries, and the various Courts, &c. | 1,130 | JupemEnts, [See Decrees, Awards, &c. | | 131 | JupicraL Orricers relieved from certain restrictions on their choice of Late | | individuals for employment ... a sas «a | 1829.4 IIf. 6 | 1,132 | Juprc1AL ProcEEpines, rates of ey chargeable on copies | « OF, ve [Se ‘hed. Bb. 1829 a, 3 | 1,133 | JumMA, rules for Collectors’ ‘pr oceedings i in regard to lands held under | | | an invalid tenure at an inadequate, 1828 | Lil. 4 | 1.1344) _ succession to lands held on a mokurreri, ranst be notified to | | the Collector aa ne sigs 1828 | Lik bi 4.2 1,135 | , modified rules in regard to the mode of determining the exional | | | of, to be demanded from any mahal ee sm ... | 1833 | LX. 2 I 1.136 | JUMNA, modification of rules for the trial of persons charged with bolnrida | - c. offences in certain districts between the rivers Sutlej and, .«. | 1829 | V. 7? <. ast ‘ie zs lands and new churs, suits or appeals having reference to, how | | ) be entered on the file of Special Revenue Commissioners [R. P. | 1828 LIL. | | 1,138 | JUNGLE MAHALS, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, | | | for the division within which is situated, . 1829 | I. 2 | 180) —— ~, abolition of the Court of "eae any adawlut inthe gilldvof 1833; XHI. a 1,140 | - , Ramghur, and Midnapore ; separ ation of certain tracts | of country “toon the districts of, and ee of the operation of | | the Regulations therein ie 1833 XIII 3 | 1,141 | -— , Ramghur, and Midnapore ; “appointment of an oftoer, | ‘ to be denietitiiated the Agent to the Governor General, over the | tracts of country so separ ated from, eee 1833 | XIII 4 1,142 | JUNKs, rules to be observed in regard to, on their arrival at any of the | | Straits Settlements sia : 1833 § ILI. 12 | 1,143 , particalars of cargo imported by, into any of the Straits Settle- | | ments, how to be ascertained 1853 III. dat 1,144 | , rules for the Janding of goods from; at any of the Straits Set- | tlements : on .. | 1838 | Hl... 2.2 1,145 | , rules for the shipping of goods on, at any of the Straits Settle. | | ments a ' wees. Lil. 13) 3 1146 | JURY of respect table oo under what scroumelamene Ey uropean func- |. | | | tionaries presjding in civil courts m: vy have recourse to a, ..£| 1832 | Vik, 3 | 4J KU INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS ge seins eglstee ee eneaitacabonssaateamaaadaitie 1,147 | Jury of respectable natives ; under what circumstances certain European 1,148 | functionaries presiding in criminal courts may have recourse to a, Jusricr, the administr: ation. of, as regards civil, criminal and revenue mat- ters in the Delhi territor Y> transferred from the Resident to cer- tain other specified authorities respectively “i ———_——., suspension of existing rules for the administration of, in éartain tracts of country hitherto included in the districts of Ramghur, Jungle Mahals, and Midnapore ‘ — —————., provision for the administration it in nthe above tracts of coun- try, by an officer to be denominated the Agent to the Governor Ge- . neral : si JUTTAMUNSEB, the import- -duty on, , declar ed leviable ad valorem ii KAHROBA, the import-duty on, dec Jared leviable ad valorem a KaxiziraH, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem ait K ANOONGOs, a copy of village accounts to be deposited in the office of,... Kgra Munarorg, provisions for the superintendence of, ... . , the administration of justice in, as regards revenue, to be conducted through the Raja of Benares, under certain restrictions 1,160 | | | 1,161 1,162 1,163 | 1,164 1,166 1,167 1,168 1,169 1,170 1,171 1,172 },173 1,174 1,175 1,176 vt | —, rules for the settlement of lands in, ... dea , rules for the transfer of property in, ... . , the Raja’s decisions in, declared subject to revision by the Superintendent a , rules for the voslizetion of vents and : thie public re- venue in; eae 9 vo 18 3] 43 Sect. Ch. ~~ pad pd iml 44 1,184 | 1,186 1,187 188 1,189 ,195 196 ( INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. [LA 17a | Kum \ON, separ: ation of the Dehra Doon from the jurisdiction of the Com- | } missioner for the provine e of, ; 1829 | y 2 institution of a Court of Nizamut Adarelut for the province of, Lise | VI. 1 o})] the Nizamut Adawlut at the Presidency divested of jurisdiction| —_—_| | in the province of, vee vs | 18d VI. | o , jurisdiction of the De puta tion of the Sudde xr Board of Revenue | | ¢ extended to the province of,. . 183] X. | Oo i . the Sudder Board of Ree venue at the P residency, and the C ae f | | raiitoaistinihers at Delhi, divested of jurisdiction in the province | | oe... chem eae eee sae ... | 1831] .& | © —. the control over the customs and town-duties in the province of, transferred from the Board of Customs Salt and Opium, to the | Sudder Board of Revenue at Allahabad ... jiv'| hOGo hi | 3 Kurrvuxpia separated from the district of Ramghur, and ‘the operation | of the Regulations suspended therein ‘ vei ... | L833 XIII | 8 —, appointment of an officer, to be denominated the Agent to| | the Governor General, over the districts within which 1s situated, 1833 | XIII 4 | Kuswar, [See Gungapore. eM | KuTKABALA, rate of stamp-duty chargeable on deeds of, ... [Sched. A. | 1829 | a 35 | KutTas separated from the district of Jungle Mahals, and the operation of the Regulations suspended therein ius fated, AEH 3 , appointment of an officer, to be denominated the Agent to the | Governor General, over the districts within which is situated, ... | 1838 XII] 4 Laror added to the other punishments for petty theft, which may be inflicted by law-officers, Sudder ameens, and Principal sudder | ameens a zt a wih ... | 1882 (1. 3 _rule for the substitution of a fine in lieu of, in the case of certain | offences ssa it oe a wae | L8S4 if; | S |} , with or without irons, may in certain cases, be imposed upon es- | C; xped convicts, when recaptured iti at sel LBS) [I. | 4 LAKHERAJ Lanps, - nature and extent of the interests vested j in hold- | | ers of, how to be determined sa , of LBS [I]. | 12 LaANps, rules to be observed by Collectors in regard to the assessment | of, under certain circumstances, on the ame of a Special | c Revenue Commissioner to the district a es fRORO ILI. | 4 | held free of, assessment or on mokurreri Jumma, succession to, | must be notified to the C cities aus | L2G ITT. gare. hable to resumption, in certain cases, Ae be asse wag aud, if ne- | | cessary, attached, in the same manner as lapsed farms se. | ASRG iT. i2 lying within mahals in course of settlement, ener of Collec- tors, &c., to try and determine claims to, 1828 lV. a | -, reservation of rights connected with the possession and transfer ot, in certain portions ot the province ot Benares, under the ad- | ministration of the Raja “te «sa 1828 Tl -, rules in regard to the assessment of, in the above diate ts «»-f LOwO | Pit. 1 5 , rules @n regard to the transfer of, in ditto .| 1828) VII. 6 , rules in regard to the public sale of, for arrears é67 revenue, or | in satisfaction of decrees of Court, in ditto | 1828 | Vil. 1] , modified rules in regard to the public sale of, for arrears of re- | venue i ... | 1830 | Ti. publicly sold for arrears af revenue, ter rms of payment for... .239830 | VII. THe publi ely sold in satisfaction of decrees of Court, terms of pay- |‘ ment for, ¢ Je ... | 1830 | VII. ive» 1,205 -e 1,207 » 5? | 1,209 | 1,210 ] ,211 INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. 'Lanps, ‘“‘ Consolidated Penalty and Interest’ leviable on, for arrears of | revenue =a i He iby (lakheraj), the nature and extent of the interests vested in the | ‘holders of, how to be determined od. (jungle) and new churs claimed by Government, “suits and ap- Commissioners ... ; én a P, (malguzari), rules for the assessme nt of, in certain portions ot te province B of Benares, under the administration of the Raja... LAND-HOLDERS, disabilities incurrible by, for neglecting to conform to the, prescribed rules regarding village accounts : process ot eje etment or distraint tae ee LAND-RENT, regular suits may be instituted before Princ cip: il sudder ameens, Sudder ameens, or aaa to set aside summary awards of Collectors tor, pe als in regard to, how to be placed on the file of Special Revenue | declared tiible to an award of damages fie oii un illegal | LAND-REVENUE, Suspe nsion of existing rules for the collec aie of, in cer- | tain tracts of country hitherto included in the districts of Ramghur, Jungle Mahals, and “Midn: apore ie 55 : —_—____—_—_»—, provision for the collection of, in rae above tracts of coun- try, by an officer to be denominated the Agent to the Governor General iz —., [See Collectors, Spe cial Herve enue Commissioners, &c. LANDING coods at any of the Straits Settlements, rules to be observed in, a eee eee * eee Law, modification of rules in regard to the snle of, to be applie xd to dif- ferent suits, with reference to the religious persu sions of the liti- gants wad us | LAw-orricers of zillah, eity, and provine li ae C — dnt of, ‘enistiieiies Commissioners of revenue and circuit ________—— (Hindoo and Mahomedan), abolition of the office af; in provincial Courts . aes oats of zillah and city Courts, and of the Sudder Dewany Adawlut, required to expound questions referred to them by Judges of provincial Courts re iis $$ —_..,, Cuty Oty i eases of wounding with inte nt to murder .., (Mahomed: in), explanatory r ules r egarding the speci al or | Leap, the import- dugy on, declaved leviable sh Melareii ae | te mporary appointment of, it. Be coe ee Courts, duty of, tow: neds Aotordsils | ——___—+— (M: uhomedan and Hindoo) of azillah and city Courts dsoln ar | | ed to be—not ex-officio Sudder ameens, but eligible to that office .. of zillah and city Courts, extension of the “abt ranked | n, for the punishment of petty theft sas ; sche ~ authority of Government to appoint as many, to dhe | Courts of Nizamut Adawlut, as may be requisite si ——— the futwa of, to be dispensed with by the Nizamut helio LW- | lut, in cases submitted to that Court by the ‘Agent to the Gover- | nor General ; be | Law-pavers, schedule of st ump- -duties chargeable Oy tw | -————.,, stamp-duties chargeable on, 1n the courts of Principal side | der ameens iz oes | | Year. | Regutation. |, | 1830 Vi | | | 1828 | ILE 1828 II. 1828 VII. | 1883 IX: 1833 EX: 1832 VIL | {ane}... KLE. | 1938 XH. 18383 ILI. 1832 VIL. 1829 I. | 1829 III. | | 1829 III. 1829 XH. | 1830 | LV. | 1831 | v. 1183 V. | 1832 EE: . | 1832 VI. ° peao) - XI. 1829 X. 1831 V. 182 Ph e ~~ — or 10 Co ~I ~] 9 vwINDEX TO THE REGULATION nD 230 | Leases granted rent-free in consideration of the payment of a fine or a. rate of stamp-duty chargeable on, ... | sched. A. ———— granted at a yearly or ‘monthly rent, without any payment of premium, rates of stamp-duty chargeable on, . [Sched. A. fine or premium, rates of stamp-duty charge able on, ... [Sched. A, , rate of stamp-duty chargeable on counterparts of, | [Sched. A 234 | dened Arratrs, the office of Superintendent and Remembr: ancer of, | abolished _ ave Stet Gi TT |Lerrers or ArrorNEY (special), rate of stamp- -duty chargeable OH; oT oes . . [Sched. A. (general), rate of ‘st amp- duty chargeable on, oe iki sa is [Sched. A. 7|Lerrers or License from creditors to debtors, rate of stamp-duty chargeable on, ... ‘ ... [Sched. A. | L ICENSE, penalties incurred by persons selling stamps without, Rinccdediate Le pawnbrokers 3 in the Straits Settlements —~—__—— of Pleaders in the Courts of Sudder Dewany Adult —, authority of Courts to deprive a Pleader of his, on the eround of misconduct... mM A ait oe — (Letters of) from creditors to debtors, rate of stamp-duty chargeable on, nae tt eS [ Sched. . | , (See Permit. : | Lirn-Texunes, explanatory declaration in regard to, we * | Liquors (spirituous), the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem } | -_—— (spirituous), revised rules regarding the retail sale of, in the asa Straits Settlements oie ar te ef — (European spirituous), farther rules regarding the sale of, in the Straits Settlements tee bes is iv | Loapu, the import- duty on, declared leviable ad valorem eee nee eee bt | Year. 1829 | | 1829 stipulating for a yearly rent, anil granted in dornlde ‘ration of a | | 1829 | 1829 1829 1829 1829 1829 1829 Regulation. X11. XV. XVII. XV. XY. VIil. VII. I. VIl. | 3] Md New oe Ne ~I 9 vw ih . _ co t New1,269 INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS > Year. "Regulation MAGISTRATES, appeals from, in miscellaneous cases, shall lie to the | + nie wis... Commissioner of circuit in his capacity of Superintendent of police | 1831] IX. , duty of, in cases of wounding with intent to murder ... | 1829 XI] , duty of, in cases of suttee... ‘ 182¢ XVII ; duty of, to prevent all communication hahwae en convic ~ under sentence of labor in irons, and prisoners exempted from labor wh sini ‘a ie) ADS Lk directed to include in their periodical statements all cas- es of conviction of a plur ality of petty thefts 1829 VI. divested of the ch arge of conducting sales af putneerta- | looks, &e. ae one 5 ... | 1882 VIL. - enjoined to report any reductions which may become practicable in police -establishments bins si ive |. ce mel , extension of the powers vested in, for the punishment of offenders in cases of affray unattended with aggravating circum- stances a. pu ; Shaas <% sve 1LB28 VIIL. , on receiving the roobakari of a Special Revenue Com- | missioner, for the commitment of persons accused of perjury, &c., | shall give effect thereto “ae is putt SEBS rir, ,-—— not amenable to the authority of Session Judges peg | 281 VIL. —___—__——, powers of, in regard to the appointment and removal of police-officers ... bua i 133] Ad. —_—_————_— required, in certain cases, to commute the penalty of la- bor to a fine vis ; ; | 1834 Il.» ——_—______——-., reservation of the discretionary power of, rs impose fet- ters on refractory prisoners ; and to sentence to labor, with or with- | out irons, escaped convicts when recaptured en .»» | 1884 aI. , rules to be observed by, in the case of native subjects of the British Government, charged with offences committed out of the British provinces pa bit ste » | 1829 VIll. , rules to be observed by, in imposing a further period nf imprisonment in lieu of corporal punishment, on the abolition of the latter ee a, is ees . | 18384 I, ——+—_——__——, suspension of certain of the powers of, with regard to | mahals of which the settlement is in progress; and rules for their | proceedings in such cases... a es -y» | 1828 LV, , and Joint Magistrates, farther rules to be observed by, | in cases where a prisoner is accused of two or more petty thefts | 1829 VI. | ——- f , and Joint Magistrates, at out-stations, rules for the trial of commitments made by, ... Lvs 4 1881 VII. . and Joint Magistrates at out-stations may be called upon by Commissioners of circuit, to forward their commitments for - trial at the sudder station ... ‘ ‘ 183] VII. MaHaraJ A Bast Rao, rules in regard to the administration of a oietal ain jaghir assigned to, near Bethoor vil a owes} LBGZ I. Oe aa the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem »« | L8QO XV ManomEepAN Law, rules to be observed by Moonsifs, in the adminis- tration of, ie ae ca ia vet) O81 Vi , accused persons, not being Mahomedans, may claim to be exempted from trial according to the, bh : 18382 VI. | MAHOMEDAN Law-orricers, abolition of the office of, in Provincial cheese 182! LILI. i; , explanatory rules regarding the special or temporary appointment Ol, ves ber oe sie 6183 ly. Sect, ~] or ne) C7. ho boINDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. 1,289 1,290 | 232 1,292 bow ,303 ,304 305 ,306 310 Yea MaromMepAN Lawsorricers declared to be—not ex-officio Sudder ameens, | but eligible to that office eat is te ali | 183] a , [See Law-officers. | MAHOMEDANS, modification of rules regarding suits in which Hindoos may be opposed to, in the province of Benares ap | eee —-—_—, [See Natives of India. MarinTeNnaNnce of debtors in prison, [See Debtors, Subsistence, &e. MALABUTHRUM LEAP, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem /| 1829 | | Mauacca, revised rules regarding the retail sale of wines and spirituous | liquors in, ne oe} LSB] —— , rules for the registration of impor ts and exports at, £3888 _____, rules in regard to the entry of square-rigged vessels at, ... | 1833 , rules in regard to the clearance of square- rigged vessels at,... | 1833 , rules in regard to the tr: inshipment of goods: at, oe 2603 —__——_——., rules in regard to the trade carried on ‘by native craft at, | 1833 ie, farther rules regarding the retail sale of European spir eine liquors in. a ea oe “el a hloue-| : | , mode of licensing and conducting pawnbrokers’ shops in, ... | 1833 Mauas, the import- duty on. declared leviable ad valorem ... 0°) YSZ | MALDAH, appointment ‘of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for the | division within which is situated, a | | 1899 MALGuzARI lands, rules for the assessment of, in certain portions of the | province of Benares ; ee 5] TR28 | Maucuzars (village), authority of the Raja ti: select, in certain portions | of the province of Benares ... a4 FROG Maikana, declaration of the intention of tho rules contained: in Section | », Regulation VII. 1822, concerning, ct Mi aia. dooS Manirests of Ships, [See Ships’ Papers. MANIKTULAH, the thanah of, re-united to the zillah of the ae oe | Pergunnahs £ a! ee 1 1832 Marineé Strores, imported on a foreign bottom, the customs- duty on, | declared leviable ad valorem : e. oo Pioee MarriaGE ; modification of rules regarding sits between parties profes- | sing the Hindoo and M: thomedan persuasions respectively, in the province of Benares, in cases where there is involved a question of, 1832 MARRIAGE-SETTLEMENTS, rate of stamp-duty chargeable on, [ Sched. A. | 1829 MasTer ATTENDANT AT ANY OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, duties of the, in regard to reporting to the Registrar the arrival of ships... | 1833 ; rules to be observed by the, in cases of informality in ships’ papers > | 1608 7 duty ot the, to keep a record of all arrivals and departures of ships .- | 1833 , form of | port-clearance to be signed by the, eee cee eee | 1833 ‘ duties of the, in regard to reporting the arrival of any junk, prahu, or other | vessel, commanded by a native of Asia ... sale ae | Masric, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem. 4 MavLBHoom separated from the district of Jungle Mah: als, ‘and the ope- | ration of the Regulations suspended therein “ee | 1833 —__—_____, appointment of an officer, to be denpininated the Agent | to the Governor General, over the districts within which is situa- | ° it ee Pp ane ee i i 1800 7 " os O09 29 ] 1 Coo Re gulation. [X. ITI. AY, XIII, AIT. 4MI | INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. 49 ° Year. |: Regulation. |Seet. | Cl. 1,318 | Meerut, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for the | « | : division within which is situated. ry is} 990 1m I. 9 | 1,319 | , the powers of the Sudder Dewany and Nizamut Adawlut, | and of the Sudder Board of Revenue, transferred to the Resident | | at Delhi, in regard to the district of, ... ewe --» | 1829 Er ot 2 1,820 | —$—— , Institution of a Court of Sudder Dewany and Nizamut Adaw- | an lut, to exercise jurisdiction over certain districts, including that of, ... | 1831 VI. gtr y 2a , the Resident at Delhi divested of the powers of the Sudder | oa, | Dewany and Nizamut Adawlut, in the district of, ee wi 7S31 | VI. 8 | ] a , the Resident at Delhi divested of the powers of the Sudder | i Board of Revenue, in the district of, on Si oe | F887 -- 4 | 1,323 | —___~_, the Jurisdiction of the Deputation of the Sudder Board of | | Revenue extended to, ss ex. Be ... | 1831 | x. 5 | 5,904.4 cnc ,the Sudder Board of Revenue at the Presidency, and the | | Chief Commissioner at Delhi, divested of jurisdiction in, 64 18314 ¥ gel | eee , the control over the customs and town-duties in, transferred | from the Board of Customs Salt and Opium, to the Sudder Board Bao of Revenue at, Allahabad ... ie Bie: 4" 78a8 I. | 3 | 1,326 | MERCHANDIZE, [See Goods. een 1,327 | MipNAPORE, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit. for | the division within which is situated, wn wie os | F825 L. 2 | 1,328 ——-_____,, powers of the Commissioner for the division of Cuttack and, | 1829 r g | 1,329 | —___—_, the Commissioner for the division of Cuttack divested of the powers of a provincial court of appeal, in regard to the dis- , | trict of, ee vss Si a soe PSB0 T 2 | 1,330 , the provincial Court of appeal for the division of Caleutta 8 vested with the above powers in the district of, “A --» | 1830 I. a4 3 Po , separation of certain tracts of country from the districts’ of | Ramghur, Jungle Mahals, and, wed ih = | 1888 SIit. 3 | 1,322 | Mitrrary courts, Judges of zillah and city Courts directed to give effect | to the awards of, in certain cases wd. wie we F828 V. fo) 1,333 —--— stores, restriction on the export of, in foreign ships, in time of ee | war... wee én i a 2 '} 1EBO it. | Sa ” 1,334 | Minrmum of punishment in cases of aftray attended with homicide, as | | | fixed by Regulation II. 1823, to what eases applicable +» | 1828 | VI. 2 1,335 | Minium, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem ..2 | 1829 | XV. xP 7 1,336 | Minors, [See Children. | | 1,337 | Mint, establishment of a new scale of weights to be used at the. «¢ | 1883 | VIL. 4 1,338 | -, [See Assay, Coinage, Coins, &e. | 1,339 | MIrZAPORE, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for | | | the division within which is situated, wa ais .. | 1829 } I 2 | 1,340 | —_——___., institution of a Court of Sudder Dewany and Nizamut _ Adawlut, to exercise jurisdiction over certain districts, including pore that of, ae i aot bo 7. | 16a VI. 3 |] 1 OEY Pa , the jurisdiction of the Deputation of the Sudder Board of | | | Revenue extended to, ie en “as se | 183% | X. | 5 | 1,542 , the Sudder Board of Revenue at the Presidency, and the | Chief Commissioner at Delhi, divested of jurisdiction in, cs ( BS] mi G- | 1,343 , the control over the customs and town duties in, transfer- | | red from the Boardsof Customs Salt and Opium, to the Sudder | | Board of Revenue at Allahabad a. Pe -». | 1883 I. 3 1,344 » remission of town-duty on salt imported for consumption | into the city of,”... ‘ke act il wo. |'1829 XVI: a50 INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS 346 echinacea MisceLLANEous applications for the enforcement of contested private engagements between Pleaders and their clients, prohibited oar MIscoNnDUCT, penalties for, incurrible by ministerial officers of the courts of Sudder ameens and Principal sudder ameens a ai , rules regarding the removal of Sudder ameens and Prin- cipal sudder ameens, when oullty of, dis — , rules regarding the removal of ve wiven culty « on the part of darogahs or other subordinate police < ers, rules to be observed by Session Judges in cases of, MIsDEMEANOR, persons haying received “advance es for the cultivation ai indigo-plants and refusing or neglecting to fulfil their contracts, shall be deemed guilty of a, ... gh hs g8 4 — , persons accused of any, may een poe evl1- dence before a Me weistr Le au git 3 —<——$—— tion for corr uption, e extortion, or other, ; MispEMEANORS committed by native subjects of the Br itish Gove rnment, in places out of the British provinces committed by native subjects of the British Government, in a certain jaghir assigned to Maharaja Bayi Kao 55 | MocnuLxas, rate of stamp-duty chargeable on, ee afi hed. Morussit Special Commission, abolition of the, Mounarez Durer (a) to be entertained by each Special Revenue Com- | cmissioner, to discharge certain duties herein specified [Phe MoKkuRRERI JUMMA, succession to lands held on a, must be notified to the Collector ... wit cpt Mo.assEs, the import- -duty on, declared leviable ad valorem res MonGuyr, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for the division within which is situated, a Mooxnrak, in eases depending before a Special Revenue Commissioner, the parties may ap pear in person or ap oe a, eke = P. | MookHTARNAMAS, rate of stamp-duty chargeable on, ..« [ Sched. B. | Mooxurars, in cases depending before a Special Revenue Commissioner, | how to be appointed isi bet sak Risk , in the above cases, how to be selected as [R. P, ——, in the abeve cases, how to be remunerated crate BARD B, ———_————_ in the above Cases, duties and liabilities of, cee | h. |e | ___——-,, duties of, and penalties incurrible by, in regard to stamps.. , rules in regard to the fees of, in Moonsits’ courts | Moonstrs, rules for the selection of, —, rescission of certain rules se the a of, description of suits cognizable by, .: , limit of the yalue of personal property at issue in suits cog- nizable by, mi a a ms ; ———____—-, limit, of theavalne of naa — at issue in suits posriivalile by, awa 4 : , pr ahibited: renee receiving certain suite for tr inl , authority of Judges to ile suits brought before them 1 In forma pauperis, for trial bys ae , period within whic h suits may be admitted by, vee , rules for computing the value of property at issue, in suits preferred to, , modification of local rules regarding 2? in Chittagong Regulation. , hi bility of Princip yal sudder ameens to criminal prosecu- AIL. VIL. VITL. VIII. I. y I. ITI. Il. AY. iT: ITT? Th: I. IT. ‘VII. ~ bat Qo - O Ov Fe | Cr Ut C Qn a~ iMO | INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS et 1,379 | Moonsrrs, rules to be observed by, in cases involving the inheritance | « of, or succession to, landed property, with reference to the respec- | tive codes of Mahomedans and Hindoos ou eos | 1881 to be guided by equity in the absence of specific provisions... | 1831 1,380 | —— 1,381 | —— , farther rules to be observed by, in cases of succession to real | J property esi ; es . fis ee | 1831 ae) ———— all anaes cognizable by, must be instituted in their courts... | 1831 ¥ sa | -—— , reseission of certain rules regarding the fees and stamps le- ' viable in the courts of, wal ig ie ie. bbe31 1,384 | ——— , rule regarding the stamps required in suits tried before, *... | 183] op , certain rules, applicable to suits heretofore cognizable by, ex- -_— tended to suits which may be instituted under this Regulation ...| 1831 1,386 | —— , duty of, to render monthly statements of suits... «s'| 183 a ee , rules regarding the execution of decrees passed by, et 188 1,388:,| ——__+—.,*to be dip longer paid by fees ies Sek ive OOS 1,289. | ——————-, to be remunerated bya monthly stipend from Government... | 183 1,390 | en , appeals from decisions of, not to be referred by Judges to | | Sudder ameens, but in certain eases to Principal sudder ameens ... | 183] 1,391 | —— , rules regarding the dismissal of. for incapacity or miscon- | duct... ~_ i zh Bat ep 1881 ) Be authority of Judges to suspend, from office... we} P68 co , authority of Commissioners of revenue and circuit to recom- | mend the dismissal of, cre jay sy iu fa BB eee , the decisions of zillah or city Judges, on appeals from deci- | sions of, shall be final an is ae eos | COB 1,395 | —— , authority of, in certain cases of attachment or distraint for | rent ia ad se Sik ... | 183] ),396 | ——————, limitation of time for appeal from decisions of, ... i 2882 | i , authorized to levy tulubanah on summonses, when served. at the suitor’s desire, by a court peon ey be .- | 1832 ied , duty of, to furnish lists of the peons whom they may propose | to employ for the execution of civil process wes ove prohibited from employing, for the service of civil process, | any person other than a peon duly registered Ba Lee S9 1,400 | ——-———. directed to perform, in their own court, the duties assigned to | | nazirs in the Judge’s court ix +. e+» 1832 , modified rules in regard to cases adjusted by razinamah in | the courts of, | 399 | —_—— } | 1,40] | -—— 1,402 | ——— authorized to execute their own decrees, with certain ex- | | | ceptions oy ia bats Shs ep TBB2 | = authorized to take cognizance of regular suits instituted to | set aside summary awards of Collectors ... by 0 E82 ee] ——— , rules to be observed by, in regard to the fees of vakeels and | mookhtars 5 «ai ii ai s+ | 1832) |,405 | MooRSHEDABAD, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit for the division within which is situated... vey -o- | 1829F 1,406 , the Judges of the Provincial court of appeal for the di- vision of, divested of the powers of judges of cireuit ... 26} 9829 1,407 | MORADABAD, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for | the division within which is situated, iis Ma i 11829 1,208 | , Institution of a Court of Sudder Dewany and Nizamut | Adawlut, to exercise jurisdiction over certain districts, including that of, =. 5 ee ra ce von SST eee eee | 1832 | ® > * Regulation. a ae 14 . Vil. VIL. Vi. Vil. Or bo Go Sect.| |- INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. a ~ [MU 409 | MorapaBapb, the jurisdiction of the Deputation of the Sudder Soard of | Revenye extended to, sii. 2 ie ig the Sudder Board of Revenue at the Presidency, and the Chief Commissioner at Delhi, divested of jurisdiction in, | 1,410 the control over the customs and town-duties in, transfer- 1,411 4 | red from the Board of Customs Salt and Opium, to the Sudder Board of Revenue at Allahabad ae hie 1,412 | Morinpa, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem - 1,413 |Morvreaces of real or personal property or title deeds, as security | for money due or to be lent, rate of stamp-duty chargeable | on .' ‘<< op ee .... Sched. A. | .__-.___ given as security for the transfer of Government securities, | or for the payment of an annuity for a fixed period, or for the deli- | very of anything capable of being valued, rate of stamp-duty char- | | | 1,414 geable on, re ve ih [ Sched. A. civen as security for an annuity for an indefinite period, e 1,415 ———— rate of stamp-duty chargeable on, ie (Sched. A. _rate of stamp-duty chargeable on, where the total amount secured is unlimited sik ie » [Btheds aA. , rate of stamp-duty chargeable on, where it may be stipu- lated that the amount secured shall not exceed a certain sum, wi site sis i. Oched. A. 1,418 | _—_—, rate of stamp-duty chargeable on, when granted to a ban- « ker or agent as security for advances on Government securities or certain other valuables a _ [ Sched. A. MozvurrERNUGGUR, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and cir- | 1,416 | ee 1,419 cuit. for the division within which 1s situated, hs ekiAl , the powers of the Sudder Dewany and Nizamut Adawlut, and of the Sudder Board of Revenue, transferred to the | >osident at Delhi, in regard to the district of, dvi bak institution of a Court of Sudder Dewany and Niza- | mut Adawlut, to exercise jurisdiction over certain districts, including | that of, i wad rs swe se _the Resident at Delhi divested of the powers of the | Sudder Dewany and Nizamut Adawlut, in the district of, . 59 | ee etine Resident at Delhi divested of the powers of the | Sudder Board of Revenue, in the district of, é 1,424 | — , the jurisdiction of the Deputation of | Board of Revenue extended to, ba nis oi fis. | eee _the Sudder Board of Revenue at the Presidency, | and the Chief Commissioner at Delhi, divested of jurisdiction in, ... ea the control over the customs and town-duties in, transferred from the Board of Customs Salt and Opium, to the Sudder Board of Revenue at Allahabad ... iui sale Murties, appointment of, to the Court of Sudder Dewany and Nizamut Adawlut*for the Western Provinces st his a , [See Law-officers. . 409 | Mukunpponre separated from the district of Jungle Mahals, and the ope- ration of the Regulations suspended therein a Raw —, appointment of an officer, to be denominated the Agent to the Governor General, over the districts within which is situated, 1,420 the Sudder 1,431 | Munputs, penalties incurrible by, for neglecting to give notice of an‘ » c wa ‘ intended suttee ... 7. ae ms a Year. | | 183 1833 | 1829 | 1829 1829 1829 | 1829 1829 1833 1829 1838 | X. 4 ake VI. Vi. AITI. XIII. mV ii. | — - » Cn Regulation. | Sect. | Cl.1,434 1,435 2.436 }),%37 1,438 ] ,439 1,440 | 1,44] 1,442 1,443 ],444 ],445 ] ,446 1,447 1,448 1,449 | 1,450 1,461 ] ,462 Se ) INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. ——E hinnaeaenaaien oe inne MungeEeEv, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem oii MurpeEr committed by native subjec ts of the British Government, places out of the British pr ovinces ae , duty of Magistrates, in cases of wounding with ‘tent to, ; punishment ‘for wounding with intent to, hse , authority of the Nizamut Ad: awlut, in cases of attempted, ails ______, the crime of, excepted from the rule for commuting the penalty ot Pibas to a fine vue ta Aes was , [See Assassination, Poisoning, &e. Musk, te import-duty on, dec Jared leviable ad valorem ... Sie. MUSUFFERNUGGUR, [See Mozuffernuggur. | MymunsineG, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for the division within which is situated, ae, prs Mynroort, appointment of a Commissioner of reyenue and circuit, for the division within which is situated, Sb a institution of a Court of Sudder Dewany sind Nizamut Adawlut, to exercise jurisdiction over certain districts, including,. —_—_———_—- - Revenue extended to, F ; the Sudder Board of Revenue at the Presidency, and the Chief Commissioner at Delhi, divested of jurisdiction in, a ___ the control over the customs and town-duties in, transfe wrod from the Board of Customs Salt and Opium, to the Sudder Boar d of Revenue at Allahabad ... fe : ai MyraBo ans, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valcins Myrru, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem SE tended suttee ... iia : | Nars DaroGaH; on the ap pointme ent of a tehsildar to be chief police | | thanadar, the individual previously filling the office of er shall be design: ated, Sen Gee nae d office shall not be filled up, but its duties shall devolve on a subor- | din: ate othcer cae ‘ tee ie ae NaTIVE CommiIssIONERS, to take cognizance e of revenue cases in-certain portions of the province of Benares, appointme nt of, ye 3 appointed as above, liabilities of, , ap pointed as above, powers and duties of, ... , appointed as above, rules for the ouidance of, “= , appointed as above, the decisions of, how to | be carried into efteet he = —-—— , appointed as above, revision of the proc eed- | ines of, a P ont ‘ se “re Native Crart, (i. e. dhonies, junks, prahus, ‘&e.), rules to be observed in regard to, on their arrival at any of the Straits Settlements ... , particulars of cargo imported by, into a of the Straits Settleme nis, how to be ascertained : vel rules for the landing of goods from, at any ‘of the Straits Settlements xa: tei : ee , rules for the shipping of goods on board of, at any of the Straits Settle ments 2, ; NativE Derenpanrs before military courts, mode of giving effect to awards against, ... vay ees vide Pr , the jurisdiction of the Deputation of the Sudder Boned of | Naiss, penalties incurrible by, for neglecting to give notice of an bad | ____--__. on the occurrence of any vacancy in the office of a, suc ob | Year. 1829 1829 1829 1829 1829 1834 1829 ‘ Regulation. XY. VIII. XI. XII. XII. Li. XV. ~ © H= bD bD bo Go Qo Or bed ; ~] ~I bS to eeINDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. ar ‘ “a Year. Native Orricers employed by Special Revenue Commissioners, to what | rules subject... i 4 7 1828 a employed in the collec tions of thi revenue and rents of lands on the part of Government or the court of wards, penalties incurrible by, for neglecting to give notice of an intended suttee ... | 1899 | NATIVE suBJECcTs of the British Government charged with offences com- mitted out of the British een Regulation V. 1809, and Sec- tion 6, Regulation I. 1822, declared applicable to, ... ... | 1829 of the Br itish Government charged as above, rules to | be observed by Magistrates in bringing to trial, wild ... | 1899 NaTIVE WORKMEN, &c. in the employ of Commercial Residents, declared | subject to the same process of law as other natives... ws | 1829 Natives or Inpra, the selection of individuals for the office of Moonsifs restricted to, isa all 2 as | £88) —__—-—, the selection of individuals for the office of Sudder | ameens restricted to, ye a ... | 1831 —_——, the selection of individuals for the office of Principal sudder ameens restricted to,. +: 99814 , the selection nf ins adinndu ils fox the office of vakeels de- clared open to all, what tever their religious persu 1s10n oe 183] | ; special retrospective exception to the rule for the ex- clusive selection of, for the office of Sudder ameen . ... | 1839 , the selection of individuals for the office of deputy col- lectors restricted to, il oo ae | 1833 . rescission of the rule tor the exclusive selection of, to fill the office of Pleaders in the Courts of Sudder Dewanv e Adawlut aon ea oo aie 2/1 1838 NavaL Stores, prohibition of the export of, in foreign i. during | war, without special permission i 1 1830 Navigation Laws, rules to be observed by the M: asters atte ndant at this | Straits Settlements, on any infraction of the : «4.1638 | Nazir of the Court, duty of the, in regard to he subsl ‘itn nee-allowance of debtors confined in jail... : “ bis ss +1830) Nazirs, appointment of, to the courts of Sudder ameens and Principal sudder ameens ... it. te in 1882 NEGLECT of a Spe cial Revenue C ommissioner’s summons ... os | 1828 to notify to the Collector the succession to lands held free of | assessment or on a mokurreri jumma = he +s} 1828 yi AOUt the part of lice ensed Stal np- vender g.°:GO observe the pre- scribed rules “da i . sow + L820 ————., on the part of litig: ints j inhabiting a 5 for ‘elon territory, to fur- | nish security for costs of suit ue ‘a oe} deo i, On the part of zemindars, farmers, native officers, &c., to give notice of an intende d'isuttee &.. pee me a 1829 —— , on the part of ryuts, &c. who may have received advances for the cultivation of indigo- plant, . fulfil their contracts we | LBSO | des , on the p art of a plaintiff, to pay the subsistence-allowance of his debtor confined in jail... .. | 1830 — of duty, on the part of Sudder ameens or Prine rcip: 11 sudder | ameens Bx ie x. DLS of duty, on te part of Moonkifs bad q —— , authority of Judges of session to represent ie he Nizamut |, Adawlut certain instances of, on the part ot Magistr ates ce 1 1881 _ Re gulation. ike. 4 XVIL Vitk VIL. TX. XII. q ~ 6)1,500 INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. Year. | ¢ Regulation. 1,489 | NeGLect, on the part of litigants who may have been directed to refer | ° their suit to arbitration, to produce the award within the term li- | mited +2 a nh oe | 183: , on the part of zemindars, farmers, or other land-holders, i | oo conform to the prescribed rules regarding vidas accounts 1833 pin of duty, on the part of Deputy-colle etors af 18383 a of duty, on the part of agents admitted to plead i in particular | suits before the Courts of Sud Jer Dewany Adawlut ... af L833 | Nerspuppa, [See Saugor and Nerbudda. | Nie ELLA, the import- duty on, declared le viak le ad valorem 4341 1829 | IZAMUT ADAWLUT, authority of the, to issue certain instructions to | Commissioners of revenue and circuit... eo eo ~~. , authority of the, in regard to the ap pointment of Mahomedan law-oflicers wt vv? 1880 , competency of the, to revise proce edings of Judges in cases of aggravated attempts to murder : Jot HIB2S , enactment for the discontinuance of the distinctive denominations hitherto apphed to the Judges of the, ... 33° 1820 , extension of powers vested in the, to prescribe forms for periodical returns, &c. = | 1829 | , the powers of the, as regards the Aviets of the Northern Doab, transferred to the Resident at Delhi . | 1829 (the) prohibited from revising the orders of Com- | missioners of circuit passed on cases appe ‘aled from decisions of | Magistrates dus 1. oat 1829 Nizamur ApawLuT at CatcuTTa (the) divested of jurisdic tion in the | province of Benares and in the ceded and conquered pro-| vinces oat as ‘+ a soa'| 1831 the powers of the, over the provinee > | Kumaon, transferred to the Nizamut Adawlut of the Western Provinces = < tie mh wif 184 , authority of single Judges of the, to confirm sentences passed by Commissioners of circuit, or Judges of | séssion, except in capital cases, whatever be the futwa of the law- | oticers of the Nizamut Adawlut iy no so | 188 . , authority of the, to mitigate or an-| nul sentences, on a review of the “ abstract statements of prisoners | punished without reference” a ics oe PES . , authority of the, to refer to a Judge of the,Nizamut Adawlut for the Western Provinces, cases in which the Judges presiding in the Calcutta Court may be equally divided | in opinion ie 8 ik o és | 1881; , competency of single Judges of the, to mitigate or annul sentences passed by any court of inferior a : (the) prohibited from’ taking cogni- | 2 ° wt jurisdiction a Jai ike a 04 Oe , powers of single J pi of the, to | . what cases extended under this R egulation 4 ov 1831 zance of cases of a miscellaneous nature, other than “Crmane. trials ¥ i. ant 168] , rules to be observed | by t the, and by | single Judges ‘of the Court, in cases where a Commissioner of cir- cult may differ in opmion from his law-officer is av ttd@ol XII. Il. VII. IX. 1. 9 oa ~]INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. 1.511 | Nizamut ADAWLUG® AT CaLcurTa, single Judges of the, pr ohibited from convictigge a prisoner against the opinion of the Commissioner or Judge before whom he was tried net , single Judges of tits. exercising the 1,512 | | functions of the i authorized to refer certain cases to another | Judge : 513 | NizAMuT ADAWLUT FOR THE WESTERN PROVINCES, ins sittin ofa Boor’ of, to be ordinarily stationed at Allahabad, jee ie 1,514 pees of the Go- | vernor Genet ‘al in Gouncil to alter the station of the,. : 1,515 - [See Nizamut Adaw- lut at Allahabad. 1.516 | Nizamur ADAWLUT AT ALLAHABAD, institution of the, 1.517 , constitution of the, ... [a , oaths to be taken and subse fhe d | by the Judges and other officers of the, ... 1,519 | : , powers to be exere tall by the, 1,520 | - putes to be observed by the, in cases requiring the concurrent opinion of two Judges 1,521 | , the powers vested in the Calcutta | | Court by Regulation X. 1817, over the province of Kumaon, trans- | ferred to the, i ek ies a2 | (the), vested with the administra- | «tion of police and of criminal justice in the Saugor and Nerbudda territories 1,523 | , duty of the Commissioner of the ' Saugor and Nerbudda territories to refer certain criminal cases to the, see see eee ona see 1,524 , duty of the, in regard to cases so referred , all the provisions of this Regu- | lation applied to the, [See Nizamut Adawlut at Calcutta | ! 1,526 | (the), vested with the administra- | tion of justice as regards criminal matters, in the Delhi territory 1.527 | Nizamurv ADAWLUT, Institution of a Court of, for the province of Ku- | maon, and the Saugor and Nerbudda territories 1,528 , authority of Government to prescribe what cases shall be submitted for the decision of the, by the Agent to the Go- | vernor General . oe ae , 1,529 | nthe ity of: fox rnment to ap point as many law- | officers as may be requisite, to the Courts of, 1,530 | , reservation of the discretionary power of the - to exempt persons from labor and irons Jou Sie 1,53) | , rules to be observed by the, in regard to cases | submitted for the Court’s decision by the Agent to the Governor General ‘ moe ae oe Bd e 1,532 | , rules to be observed by the, in imposing a farther | period of imprisonment in lieu of ao rane on the aho- lition of the latter : 1,533 | NoaBap LANpDs, suits or appeals hi ving fers: mee to, how E be enter ed | on the file of Special Revenue Commissione rs oni [R. ar: 1,534 | NoacouLy, appointment of a Commissioner of reyenue and circuit, for ¢ the division within which 3s situated, ere er Year:| Regulation. vee UX, 1831 LX. 1831 VI. 183] VI. 1831 VI. 1831 VI. 1831 VI. 1831 VI 1831 VI. 1831 VI. 1R8L PVE 1831 VI. 183] VI. 183] LX. 1832 Vv. 1831 VL 1833 III. 1832 VI. 1834, I. 1838} XIU | 1834 II. | 1828 II. | 1829 I. > OO Qn — ~e rc | NO Sect.\C7 ieINDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. | NoN-FULFILMENT of contracts for the cultivation and delivery of indigo | plant, penalty for, ex 5 ae abit of conditions of lease ; zemindars or other landholders, neglecting to conform to the prescribed rules in regard to vi illage accounts, debarred from proceeding against ryuts or other tenants a ; ot’ i are | [See Neglect, &e. Nonsvi?T, any suit instituted to set aside a punchaet’s decision, given under this Regulation, to be dismissed by, a , any swt instituted against ar bitrators acting onder this Bo: ' rulation, to be dismissed by, i ae any suit instituted against a ryut or other tenant, on the ground of non-fulfilment of conditions of lease, by a zemindar or other landholder who has neglected to conform to the prescribed rules regarding village accounts, to be dismissed by, iy Nortu BuNDLECUND, appointme ent of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for the division within which is situated, ai , institution of a Court of Sudder Dewany inet Nizamut Adawlut, to exercise jurisdiction over the districts within | which is situated, 2 a <4 , the jurisdiction of the Deputation of the Sudder | Board of Revenue extended to, wae id , the Sudder Board of Bie enue at the Presidency, and the Chief Commissioner * Delhi, divested of jurisdiction | ? , the control over the customs and town-duties in, transferred from the Board of Customs Salt and Opium, to the Sudder Board of Revenue at Allahabad... bare cae NortTuerN Doas, Bee to be exercised by the Resident at Delhi in tie. ... ** eee eee eee Delhi with the powers of the Sudder Dewanny and Nizamut Adaw- lut in the districts of the, ... a weet 5 , rescission et the enactment vesting hie Resident at | Delhi with the powers of the Sudder Board of Rey enue within the districts of the, ... ss ae ou Nores*(Promissory), payable at sight or within one year, rates of Bera duty ‘chargeable on, vai a. (Sched. / . . OF date exceeding one ye ear, diate ble to Na: , intended to be re- issued, rate of stamp- -duty charge- able on; te cfs (Sel hed. A. Notice of the appointment of Special Revenue Commissioners to be communicated to Boards of Revenue = ‘ wea it: to parties, in suits transferred from courts of justice to Special | tevenue Commissioners, how to be issued ch fie Be of the sale of lands for arrears of revenue, how to be publish- | a ; ais a NOTIFICATION (public) to be made e by Moonsifs, in all cases where suits may be brought in regard to the inheritance of, or succession to, real property ... ans eek Nowunazari, the thanah of, reunited to the zillah of the Twenty-four , rescission of sie! enactment vesting the Resident at | | | same stamp- duty as Bonds, ... ike [Sched. A. | 18 | Per cunnahs . oan = aie due »legulation. N. IX. IX. EX, X. X, X. Il. IIT. VII. VIII. | Sect. | CT. 3 14 10 15 bo 9 oO » vo4 Rapulaiton. XII. ATL. 58 INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS: | Year 1,557 | NuDDEA, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for the | division within which is situated, 1829 1,558 | NucEEena, [See Nugina. 1,559 | NUGERKEARI separ ated from the district of Jungle Mahals, and the | operation of the Regul: ations suspended therein . | 1833 1.566 | ——_— : appointment of an officer, to be de cieniindted +h Agent té | the Governor General, over the district within which is situ: ated,. | 1833 561 | Nuaina, appointment of a Commissioner of reyenue and circuit, for the | division within which is situated, «+ (1829 1,562 -, institution of a Court of Sudder Dewany and Niz anut Adawlut, to exercise jurisdiction over the districts within which is situ- | ated, it wut ‘es eile tsvrt 18S 1,563 , the jurisdiction of the Deputation of the Sudder Board of Re- | venue extended to, Gi bie Ne ... | 183] 1,564 | —— the Sudder Board of Revenue at the Presidency, and the | Chief Commissioner at Delhi, divested of jurisdiction in, 1831 1,565 | ———, the control over the customs and town-duties in, transfe red from the Board of Customs Salt and rte to the Sudder Board of Revenue at Allahabad 183: 1,566 | NUGWAN, appointment of a C ommissioner of revenue and Girauit, for the division within which is situated, ved 1829 1,567 | NuTMEGS, re import duty on, declared le viable ad vy: alorem . | 1829 | 1,568 | NuzZERS, or presents, oath to be taken by Special Revenue Comune: | | | .sioners in regard to the receipt of, i be 1828 1.569 | O ATH to be taken by Special Revenue Commissioners be 1828 1,570 | , pen alties for false deposition on, in matters ee yefore ‘ Spec ial Revenue Commissioners 1828 1.571 | ———-, to be taken by Additional Judges of vill ah or city C ourts, ... | 183d 1,572 | solemn declaration in lieu of an, to be made by Deputy Collec- | tors ow ie am Sais | woe 1,513 | OATHS, rules in regard to the administration of, in suits as before | Special Revenue Commissioners cu ... | 1828 1,574 | , alteration in the mode of administering, to Judges s and certain | other public officers : vee 1829 | 1.575 , [See Declarations, Perjury y, Suborn: bon. &e. 157g | OBLIGATIONS 1n writing, declared inadmissible in any court of justice, unless bearing the prescribed stamp... 1829 | 1577 | OcHRE (yellow), the import duty on, declared leviable re vi valorem 1829 1,578 | OFFENCES, modification of rules for the trial of persons charged with | heinous, in the Dehra Doon and certain other districts eae } SB29 1,579 | —————-,, [See Crimes, Punishment, &e. 1,580 | Orricers (judicial), relaxation of rules restricting Collectors and, in their | selection of individuals for employment ... és ens | eeO 1,581 i. (law-), [See Law-ofiicers. Re (public), alteration in the mode of eres oaths to | Judges and certain other, ... os 1829 1,583 | ———-—— of Customs authorized to detain impor ted goods on the ground | | of undervaluation, and how to proceed thereupon vw] eee 1,584 | —— of Customs, [See Customs duties, &c. - 585 of Police, duty of, on receiving intelligence of an intended | suttee bas 0 W & : cad Fe29 1,586 of Police, duty of, in cases of perpetrated guttea eve @k829 of Police, [See Darogahs, &c. «| 12 ov CO bo1,596 1,597 1,598 1,599 1,600 ] ,601 1,602 1,603 1,604 ),605 1,606 ] ,607 1,608 1,609 1,611 1,612 1,613 1,614 1,615 1,616 1,617 INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. , Year Orricers (native), penalties incurrible by, for neglecting to give notice | . of an intended suttee a ie skh ven p 1829 Ons, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem ... ie BEY Opinion, difference of, between two Judges forming a Provincial Court ie i us ee Gn»: L829 -—_——, difference of, between a Commissioner of circuit and his law- | officer sak wis aes dus ioe 403] OrveErs, [See Awards, Decrees, &c. ORIGINAL Suits, competency of Sudder ameens and Principal sudder ameens to receive, 1n certain cases wit bitin save} LBS2 pending before Provincial Courts at the time of their : abolition, to be transferred to the zillah or city court ik BOo , [See Suits, Courts, Commissioners, J udges, &c, OrpIMENT, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem ves] kee Orrer TEYLL, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem - gat LEQ Owners, [See Proprietors. Ownta Myraporans, the import duty on, declared leviable ad valo- rem nies ang die’ pos See | 1829 PacuETeE separated from the district of Jungle Mahals, and the opera- | tion of the Regulations suspended therein . | 1833 appointment of an officer, to be denominated the Agent to | the Governor General, over the districts within which is situat- eds... ate ais a al cnt a0 PaLamow, separated from the district of Ramghur, and the operation of the Regulations suspended therein = hi | 1833 , appointment of an officer, to be denominated the Agent to the Governor General, over the districts within which is situat- | ed, co. eae | Pancuayvt, [See Punchaet. | PaRrcENERS, to what extent bound by the engagements of their co- | parceners, in certain portions of the province of Benares +. | 1828 —_—————., [See Co-parceners. Parpon to accomplices, Magistrates authorized to exercise their power | of tendering a, without reference to a Superintendent of police, or 1833 to a Commissioner of circuit axe aa os | 1829 PARTITION, rate of stamp-duty chargeable on deeds of, (Sched. A. | 1829 PAssENGERS’ LueaaGe, landed at any of the Straits Settlements, ex- empted from the formalities of registration a das '| LOSS —, shipped at any of the Straits Settlements, i empted from the formalities of registration ‘ig 4.| L888 Parxoom Separated from the district of Jungle Mahals, and the opera- tion of the Regulations suspended therein - ... | 1833 -, appointment of an officer, to be denominated the Agent to ‘the Governor General, over the districts within which is situat- | “as itt ae side ... | 1833 PaTNa, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for the s division within which is situated, Sis ive «es { 1829 , Judges of the provincial Court of appeal for the division of, shall cease to exersise the functions of Judges of circuit vari] LO2D PAUPERS, provision for the enquiry into second or special appeals of, which may have been rejected on certain grounds... ssi) SOaS , Jurisdictign of Moonsifs, with regard to suits brought by, ... | 1831 PAWNBROKERS IN THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, how to be licensed w+ | 4833 : » a Regulation XVII. - oe Iii. TX. VI. Il. XIII. VII. X. IIf. III. XIII. XIII. IX. a oo = Qn bh Or co Qn618 — — ,619 620 1,624 wm OD 1,637 1,638 1,64] nti iii sie ——————————————— 1 ae « INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. | PE eet . o ; Year. Regulation. | Sect. \Cl. PAWNBROKERS IN THE STRArts SerrLEMENTS, penalties incurred by per- | sons illegally exercising the trade of, --. = -+- | 1833 XI. 3 Titian ,rules to be observed by, in regard to the situation of their shops, and to their hours of business 1833 xt Lg required to exhibit con- spicuously their license, bearing a Magistrate’s signature -- | 1838 XI. oe pr ohibited from receiving pawns from soldiers or sepahis without the s anction of the imme- diate superior commissioned ofiicer of the individual . 1833 XT. 5 prohibited fe om receiving pawns from children ‘under fourteen years of age... t+ R888 MI 3g , rules in regard to regis- ters to be kept and duplicates to be granted by, ja dae'd “LBS MT 7 required to report sus- picious cases to the police... sit doa a.0 4-7 883 Xi Q | , rules to be observed by, | in regard to the period of forfeiture of pledges—to the manner of | se selling them—and to the disposal of their proceeds ... os 18833 <1 9 required to exhibit on demand a table written in certain specified languages, showing the rate of interest which they are authorized to char oe. veil $833 gee 10 , duty « of, in cases of riot | or disturbance ... ig 421983 XE. 1] PayMeENT for lands sold for arrears of revenue, rules in regard to the time and mode of making, ... . ne 14 880 VIL at 4 F cohen for lands sold in satisfaction of deer rees of poverts rules in re- gard to the time and mode of making, ... wt 1880 VIL. Fs) | Penauriges for disobedience of, or resistance to, processes s issued by a Special Revenue Commissioner a ok . | 1828 Tih: 8493 ee for perjury committed in matters oe before a Special .eyenue Commissioner ive ‘ : 1828 II. 6} 6 Lente for resistance of process in revenue or judicial matters, in certain portions of the province of Benares «.. | 1828 VII. 25 | incurrible by unlicensed persons for selling sté amps ,as] FB20 Rh. 9192 Bs cette incurrible by unauthorized parties signing ap plications for the clearance of imported g ooods pax 1830 III. 272 nates for negiecting or refusing to fulfil contracts for the alten tion of indigo “plant : .. | 1830 W 3. | - for instigating ryuts to evade the fulfilment of : a | contract for | the cultivation ‘and deliv ery of indigo plant 1830 Vv 2] Lainie incurred by persons guilty of causing damage to indigo plant 1830 SR 4 | ——- for violating the rules regarding the sale of liquors i in the Straits Settlements ie 183] IV. 313 — incurrible by the ministerial nfieans of Sudder ameens anil Principal sudder ameens for misconduct . iad so] ERBL Fer. 25 | 9 incuered by persons engaged in the transport of salt, if un- provided with the requisite protective documents... ovis | LOSZ ry . 2 ——_- for landing goods at any of the Straits Settlements other- wise than as prese ribed oh as «. | 1833 IIT. S18 for shipping goods at any of the Straits Settlements other- | | wise than as prescribed iy 1» 1883 II. 813 —— incurred by persons illee gally exercising the trade of pawn- | « | brokers at any of the Straits Settlements ant ese | 1890 XI. 3 1,642 | 1,643 | «PE | a 1,644 | PRNALTIES 1,645 1,646 » | 1,847 | a) 1,648 1,649 1,65] ] 652 | ],658 1,659 1,660 1,661 1,662 1,663 1,664 | 1,665 1,666 1,667 1,668 hours of business lecting to exhibit their license » evading the rules in regard to registers and duplicates failing to report suspicious cases to the police - incurred by pawnbrokers and the disposal of the proceeds bance tempt, neglect, or other misconduct fine es [See Punishment, Fin employed by Moonsifs, Sudder ameens, PEPPER, the PERGUNNAH open to the inspection of any person concerned é PERGUNNAHS, (the I'wenty-four), [See Twenty-four Pergunnahs. Special Revenue Commissioner, penalties for, in matters relating to stamp-duties, penalties for, ty of labor to a fine hai Permission (special) required for the export of certain reign ships in time of war Permtr to clear imported tion for, i - to clear imported INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. 61 ud Died _ Year, | _»egulation. Sect. | Cl. incurred by pawnbrokers in the Straits Settlements, for vio- |, lating the rules in regard to the situation of their shops, and their |» oi - He ioe P1888 ME 4/1 - incurred by pawnbrokers in the Straits Settlements, for neg- vi a -- | 1833 > Ok 4 | 2 - incurred by pawnbrokers in the Straits Settlements, for re- ceiving pawns from soldiers or sepahis otherwise than as prescribed | 1833 KT: 5 - incurred by pawnbrokers in the Straits Settlements, for re- ceiving pawns from children under fourteen years of age --- | 1833 XI. 6 - incurred by pawnbrokers in the Straits Settlements, for --» | 1833 XI. 7 »- incurred by pawnbrokers in the Straits Settlements, for a -s¢ | 1883 XI. 8 in the Straits Settlements, for vio- lating any of the rules regarding the forfeiture and sale of pledges, we iw + F696 XI. 9 - incurred by pawnbrokers in the Straits Settlements, for in- fringing the rule which requires them to exhibit in a certain way a table of the rates of interest they are authorized to charge... | 1833 x 10 - incurred by pawnbrokers in the Straits Settlements, for neg- lecting *to apply to the police for aid, in cases of riot or distur- i ie Jk va 518838 XI. 1] - incurred by agents admitted to plead in particular suits be- fore the Courts of Sudder Dewany Adawlut, when guilty of con- ) Vi ots ... | 1833 XY. ay i Penavty for defalcation in payment of revenue, provision for the conso- lidation of the, with the interest leviable on the said arrears 1830 Vit. Y - (the) for certain offences, to be commuted from labor to a ide be ... | 1834 IE. do | e, Imprisonment, &e. Peons proposed to be employed by Moonsifs, Sudder ameens, and Prin- | cipal sudder ameens, rules for the selection and registration of, 1832 VII. af? ameens, and Principal sudder farther detailed rules in regard to, ee -+- | 1832 VII. 5 | 4 import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem «+ | 1829 XV. 3 {1 and zillah revenue offices, the several accounts required for , deposit in, to be furnished as the Boards may direct, and to be 264 1888 iz. 13 PeriopicaL Reports, extension of the power vested in the Courts of Sudder Dewany and Nizamut Adawlut, to prescribe forms, &c. for, | 1829 VII. oy] PERJURY, or subornation of perjury, in matters depending before a ys se | 1826 ITY. 6 1 6 , before the Board of stamps or other controlling authority its vas | Ee X. 19 , the crime ot, excepted from the rule for commuting the penal- . eee J. ... | L834 Il. a 14 articles on fo- ‘ae 2 ora] LOU Il. 2 goods from the custom-house, form of applica- as “ve oa ave | Poa XV. I goods from the custom-house, revised form of oes We rs we | 2833 VE 3 | 1 application for, °..‘ 62 INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. ; 7 Year. __ Regulation. — Cl 1,669 | PgerMit, eoods declared lable to seizure when the attempt is made to | export them without, pe vp ~~ --- | 1830 If. | 1,670 , [Sde Customs duties, &e. | 1,671 | PERPE ‘TUAL OF hereditary tenures, explanatory declaration in regard | tick. Vi 52 La aad --- | 1828 Tit. 12 | 1,672 | PetiT1oNns to various specified judicial authorities, rates of stamp-duty hi chargeable on, he vie in’ [Sched. B. | 1829 >. yes 1,673 | ——— - of complaint against Collectors, &c., rules to be observed by i Boards and Commissioners in filing, — iby wo» | 1829 XIII. el 1,674 | —— - on unstamped paper to be presented to darogahs or other police-ofiicers by injured parties hia jad eee | 1882 II. 219 1,675 | Perry Trert, extension of Magistrates’ powers of — punish- | ment in certain cases of, eee jee 4"2'B29 VI; | 9 | 9 1,676 , authority of certain forictionaries to aad: labor to the | | other punishments tor, - ses bal jv] 1882 Il. | 3 | 1,677 | Prece-Goops, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem -»« | L208 BV: |S 1,678 | PILLIBHEET, appointment of a Commissioner of reyenue and circuit, for | the division within which is situated, ... : -». | 1829 z: | 2 1,679 , institution of a Court of Sudder Dewany ‘and Nizamut x Adawlut, to exercise jurisdiction over the districts within which is | situated, 4 * Ki | 1BE RS VI: | Bra 1,680 , the jurisdiction of the Deputation of the Sudder Board of Revenue extended to, sk : ».. | 183] ¥: 5 1,68) , , the Sudder Board of Revenue at the Presidency, and the chief Commissioner at Delhi, divested of jurisdiction in, 0 1801 a 6 1,682 | , the control over the customs and town-duties in, transfer- red from the Board of Customs Salt and Opium, to the Sudder oard of Revenue at Allahabad oats sibs .é. | 1833 r: | 3 1,683 Biren iro, the 1m port- duty on, declared leviable ad valorem BorleZg XV | 3 | ] 1,684 | Prpe-sTaves, the import- -duty on, declared leviable ad valorem ce) 2829 XV. cera 1,685 | PLaiIntT, rate of stamp- -duty chargeable on petitions of, in suits or ap- | | peals instituted in any native court si . [Sched. B. | 1829 a | 8 | 1,686 | PLarnrs, rate of stamp- -duty chargeable on, in suits Laetiheted before | Moonsifs saa avi cia vie cov 1081 v= | eT 1,687 | -_———., [See Law-papers. , 1,688 | PLEADERS, duties of, and penalties incurrible by, in regard to stamps ... | 1829 X. eS | 1,689 authorized in certain cases to settle with their clients for their ) | remuneration ... ij be oes] IX. | 7 | 1 1,690 | _—_———, the fee payable to, in the above e cases, to be stated in the va- ar Y kallobhanwil and not to exceed a certain limit ze ae 1X. iw ay 2 1,691 | —— , authority of Courts to reduce the fee payable to, 183 iS: wk. YS , fees of, how recoverable be ts ees’) DOSE 1x: | 7 | 4 1,693 in the Courts of Sudder Dewany Adawlut, the office of, de- | clared open to all persons of whatever nation or religion ... | L883 XII | 242 1,694 | ———- in the Courts of Sudder Dewany Adawlut, rules for the ap- | pointmentof, ag ve ie ... | L833 Pa: - + 299 1,695 in the Courts of Sadder Dewany Adawlut, rules to be Gbaetigt | ed by parties wishing to employ an agent who is not one of the au- | thorized, sia ‘ tt ‘af 16D XII. 22 1686 | eae in the Courts of Sadver Dewany Adawlut, rules in regard to | the remuneration of the authorized, in bi »«. PLOOO XII. 215 1,697 , private engagements between parties and their, when contest- |. ed, to be enforced by a regular suit only ot oe 1833 XII, 4 18PR | 1,698 1,705 1,706 1,707 1,708 ],709 1,710 Ret) 1 te INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. ; Year. PLEADERS, provisions in regard to the remuneration of, in suits transfer- red to the Sudder Dewany Adawlut, under Regulation II. 1833, from the Court before which such pleaders may have been employ- ed in the said suits sti sta ot “etl 3833 —— , the license of, may be withdrawn by the Courts, in case ” misconduct "es up vee me s<.'| 1886 : , provisions for the remuneration of, in suits transferred to any | Court from another Court before which such pleaders may have | been employed in the said suits wii a owe b 1833 —— , authority of Government to extend the rules regarding, as prescribed by this Regulation, to any zillah or city Court vest 4839 PLEApINGes (the), in cases of appeal toa special revenue Commissioner, may, at the option of the appellant, be embodied in his petition or reserved for the hearing ‘a6 oa vas 1 | Ri Pet 3928 whitest in suits before special revenue Commissioners, farther rules in regard to, ue See eae 7 uf: Ppege , rates of stamp-duty chargeable on, in the various Courts | specified ee ius ov , [Sched, B. | 1829 ——— , modification of rules in regard to the rate of stamp-duty | leviable on, in zillah or city Courts eh wits sas! | 1882 PLepGeEs, PSee Pawnbrokers, | PoIsONING, punishment for aggravated attempts to commit murder by, | 1829 Poxice, the administration of, in the Saugor and Nerbudda territories, | vested in the Nizamut Adawlut at Allahabad dis wa | 183] , Session Judges prohibited from interfering in matters of, ... | 1831 , abolition of the offices of Superintendents of, in the Lower and | Western Provinces _— oh ats ».. | 1829 Potice EstaBLISHMENTs, provisions for the reduction. of,... ve | 1831 Potice Orricers required to give immediate and efficient support to | Collectors and other revenue officers on .-. | 1828 , duty of, on receiving intelligence of an intended suttee vai - as ‘fe #1 1829 , duty of, in cases of perpetrated suttee ... .-. | 1829 , rules to be observed by Session Judges in regard to | misconduct on the part of, ii is “3%: P2OB1 , farther rules to be observed in regard to the appoint- | ment and removal of, ‘an eal ude ." | 1831 prohibited from making enquiry into cases of burgla- | ry or theft, when unattended with personal violence, unless upon | petition from the injured party or on a Magistrate’s order .. | 1832 PoxtciEs of? life-insurance, rates of stamp-duty chargeable on, [Sched. A. | 1829 -_——— of marine insurance, rates of stamp-duty chargeable on, | ike .. es bd .. [Sched. A. | 1829 Poonpur, modification of rules for the trial of persons charged with | heinous offences in, ig! oie aie ss | 1829 Port-cLEARANCE of ships, [See Ships’ Papers. | . Porrans, rate of stamp-duty chargeable on certain, ... [Sched. A. | 1829 Powers or AtrorNey (special), rate of stamp-duty chargeable on, | Me, oie i ee --- |Sched. A. | 1829 (general), rate of stamp-duty chargeable on, oe i ... -[ Sched. A. | 1829 Practice (RuxEs of), to be followed by special revenue Commissioners, authority of Government to prescribe the, ere @ee , Regulation. oo XII. XII. XII. X{]. XVII. XVII. VIL. XI. X. X. X. IIT. o~ sie Sect.|CL to Go ped CO 65 a Qo boLi 64 INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. | 4 x - ' = a 17206 | Practice (RULEs oF), to be followed by special revenue Commissioners, | [appended to the Regulation] _ ee es oo | Precepts (certain) issued by the Sudder Dewany Adawlut to a Pro- | ; . : ni , . '; 7 ‘ s > os T iN a . vineial Court, to be transferred to the zillah or city Court ~ i ie re a Ain a peilit Sas 1.728 | Presents, oath to be taken by special revenue Commissioners, in regard to the receipt of, tee 1,729 | - ; "See Corruption, Extortion, &e. 1 ee ese Year. 1828 1730 | Prince oF Wates’ IsLanp, revised rules regarding the retail sale of | wines and spirituous liquors in, vee vee +++ | 185 1.731 | —__—, rules for the registration of imports and exports at, =“ vee "as er a 1833 1,732 | —__—, rules in regard to the entry of square-rig- | oed vessels oe eee 4 ane vee | 1833 133 | : , rules in regard tothe transhipment of goods at, | 1833 1,734 | —— , rules in regard to the clearance of square- | | rigged vessels at, as oes na ... | 1833 1,735 | , rules in regard to the trade carried on by | | native craft at, ... at a ae ... | 1833 1436 | , farther rules regarding the retail sale of | | European spirituous liquors in, is oes --. | 1833 1.737 | , rules regarding the mode of licensing and | conducting pawnbrokers’ shops in, ne ts 2) 1009 1.738 | PrincieaL Supper AMEENS, institution of the office of, ... «| 400. 1,739 | < , appeals from decisions of Moonsifs or Sud- der ameens may, in emergent cases, with the sanction of the Sud- | der Dewany adawlut, be referred to, ... Si --. | 183] 1,740 |e , , rules to be observed by Judges, regard- | ing appeals from decisions of, «2 aah “Paix Pes 1.741 | , description of persons eligible for the | office of, and how to be appointed bs a el Meo 1,742 | i , shall receive a monthly stipend from Government ee. ws ene ees wee | LOO a 1,743 | , a solemn declaration to be made and sub- | seribed by, jx A die és -1 283 1,744 | , description of suits cognizable by, “ree 1,745 | ,how to proceed in the investigation of | suits ‘a5; e ce ah .. | 1831 1,746 | , rules to be observed by, in the trial and | | decision of original suits or appeals referred to them ... ue) LOO 1,747 | , rule in regard to the issuing of processes | | DY fen ave 7 big d “ee sew} POOL 1,748 | , Section 3, Regulation III., 1821, declar- | | ed applicable to, cy: ne ee .-. | 183] 1,749 , Magistrates authorized to refer criminal | cases to, for investigation, under a proviso ae ... | 1831 1,750 | 7 , appeals from decisions of, how to be ad- mitted e. ie = cm | LOE 1,751 | , rules to be observed by, in regard to re- view of judgment i. Kee a Se0f hed 1,752 , rate of stamp-duties chargeable on law- papers in the courts of, ve is a non pow | 1,753 | directed to observe the modes of proce- | « dure laid dowy in Section 10, Regulation XXVL, 1814 net 1004 1833 | | } | 1628): It. rT. rr. | 18 PR Regulation. | Sect. | releINDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. PRINCIPAL SUDDER AMEENS, decrees passed by, how to be carried int effect en a init Au as , appeals from original decisions of, shall lie to the zillah or city Judge; and a farther or special appeal to the Sudder Dewany Adawlut... _ , appeals from orders of, shall lie, in the first instance, to the zillah or city Judge, and specially to the Sudder Dewany Adawlut ... : ae , periodical reports to be furnished ee a , authority of, to appoint and to remove’the 1,763 1,764 ministerial officers of their courts ae x is , officers of the courts of, to what penalties liable for misconduct am Zy a fa: , rules regarding the removal of, on the ground of misconduct a. Ps iv a, , , authority of zillah or city Judges, in ur- gent cases, to suspend, Bb Bs and circuit to recommend the removal of, ; , declared liable to criminal prosecution for corruption, extortion, or other official misdemeanor , extension of the powers of, for the pu- nishment of persons convicted of petty theft , imitation of time for appeal from the de- cisions of, By ‘ eee , may be appointed by zillah or city Judges to the duty of registering deeds a required to furnish a list of the peons whom they may propose to employ in the execution of civil process tt prohibited from employing, in the execu- tion .of civil process, any person other than a peon duly registered directed to entertain a nazir on their esta- blushment wy . . restricted from issuing any order for the confinement of a defendant in execution of civil process, and direct- ed in such cases to forward him to the Judge ee authorized to take cognizance of regular suits instituted to set aside summary judgments of Collectors for land-rent aug 1 , when stationed apart from the zillah or city Court, authorized to receive original suits in certain cases, and how to proceed therein gil, , rules to be observed by, in imposing a far- ther peviod of imprisonment in lieu of corporal punishment, on the abolition of the latter eee eee required, in certain cases, to commute the penalty of labor toa fine... eee eee ere 5 | Prison, [See Jail. Prisoners who are exempted from labor, to be kept apart from convicts under sentence of labor in irons , [See Imprisonment, Convicts, &c. eee eee eee > . . PrivaTE engagements between Pleaders and their clients, when contest- ed by the latter, how to be enforced ies , competency of Commissioners of revenue | 65 Year. > Regulation. | Sect.! Cl. 183 1831 1834 —— 1833 | V. ¥. II. , VII. Yad, VEE. VEE. Val. VII. Vil: VII. If. If. II, XI: ~] G2 we) | oe 221,719 1,780 | hd ,186 ~1 oo ~i —I a © — - Oo — bane ~i © o> i) 5890 — 7802 1,803 1,804 1,805 INDEX 'TO THE REGULATIONS: 6 Private suits regarding land; authority of the Governor General in Council é0 determine in what order the »y shall be heard, in cases’! where a claim for Government revenue is also involved ae PROCEEDINGS (revenue and judicial), rate of stamp-duty chargeable on copies of, Gc eee eee [ Sched. Bb. ——-——— of the Sudder Dewany Adawlut, rate of stamp- duty chargeable on copies of, in cases of appe: al to the Sovereign in Coun- cil . ite .... [ Sched. B. | Process, “penalties for resistance of, in revenue or judicial matters, in | certain portions of tlte province of Benares __ of Courts, how to be served on natives in the employ of fein | mercial Residents ak out bead Fi es for the recovery of cmleeinly’ and mookhtars’ fees, rule in re- Pe | gard to the issuing of, by Moonsifs reg nit gett] | Processes issued by a special revenue Commissioner, how to be en- | forced ... ian . ats hii —— issued by a special revenue Commissioner, duty of Courts and officers in re soard to the serving of, ; nee PRocLAMATION of the appointment of special revenue Ce uniter, how to be made.. of a di arogah, how to be made —_——- ‘Ye made ak - nis ae i. , [See Notice, Advertisement, &c. PROHIBITED ARTICLES, rules to pean the eee of, into the Straits Settlements ies | the Straits Settlements Si are , particulars of cargo imported by, lin any of the Straits Set- tlements, how to be ascertained es os , rules for the landing of goods from, ai any of se Straits Set. | tlements = iis a pi Pees for fa embarkation of goods on board of, =» any of rie Straits Settlements ‘ iis — “3 Promissory Noes, payable at sight, or within a year, rates of — duty chargeable on, das .-. [Sched. A of date exceeding one year, declared hable to the same stamp-duty as Bonds... «a, Loched, A. intended to be re-issued, rates of stamp-duty charge- able on, ote a toh bk (Sched. A Prorerry, cases of affray between aggressors and rem engaged in the just defence of, ates a ‘ (real), rules to be observed by Moonsifs in cases of disputed inheritance of, or succession to, Se [See Lands, Inheritance, Succession, &c. tice of an intended suttee... _o hs | ——_———. of goods imported by sea, how to proceed i in clearing them | —_—-___——- of goods imported by sea, revised torms of pr oceeding to be | observed by, io of goods imported by § sea, modification. of the rule requiting the personal attendance of, at the Custom-house ck of the ap pointment ‘at a tehsil dar to exercise tle lites | | Proucs, rules to be observed in regar d 1% on their arrival at any of Proprietors of land, penalties incurrible by, for neglecting to give no- | of the abolition of a Biovail court, shee: and how pa _— cr 1833 1833 11899 | 11829 | 1833 | | le “1830 | me | VIL. 1x, VIE. II. IIT. XI. Il. Hi: III. Ill. ILI. | » h, ‘ ‘ * * XVII. XV, VE. ITI. | 15 12 ~~ 13 13 oo - ~ eo bo1,808 i}S809 1,810 1,811 1,813 1,814 1,815 1,816 ] ,831 ],832 Year. Proprietors of goods imported By sea, penalty incurred by persons Ash | falsely represe nting themselves - be the, “| 1830 |» Provinces (the ceded and conquered), [See Ceded and Conquered Pro-| vinces | —— _ (W estern), institution of a Court of Sudder Dewany and Ni- | zamut Adawlut for the, - ie pus | 183] Provincia Courts directed to suspend the exercise of their powers in | regard to all cases cognizable by a special revenue Commissioner, on | being apprized of his appointment ; and, in pending cases, to stay i proceedings and transmit records . see | F898 , rules to be observed by, i in n transmitting the record ot appealed cases Aa | 183] , enactment for the dischntinuanes of the distinctive | denominations hitherto applied to the Judges of, s wee | 1899 , composed of two Judges. Rules to be observed in cases where the Judges differ in opinion ... . | 1829 ! abolition of the offices of Hindoo wind Mahomedan law-ofticers in, | 1899 rial , rules to be. ahidars ed by, j in regard to the security tor costs to be required from litigants inhabiting a foreign territory | 1829 , provision for the abolition of, caer 3898 Provincia, Court or APPEAL (the) for the division of Calcutta, rein- | vested with certain powers in regard to the district of Midna- | pore “i wal | 18380 ProviycraL Courts or APPEAL shall cease to exercise their jurisdiction | on the extension of this Regulation to their respective districts ... | 183] . Pending suits excepted from the above | rule eh ea. aft nee ——__. , provision for the abolition of, 183: INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. ——__=. —— Prusstan Buvg, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem PuBLIc W orks, provision for the more efficient control over convicts em- ployed in, wae y ce Pusuicarion of the appointment of a special revenue Cottrninaiainn riles in regard to the, gk ; te a a ertisements regarding the sale of lands fon arrears of revenue, how to be issued ee a ui, ould of the appointment of a tehsildar to exercise the functions | of a darogah, how to be issued ee re dl of the abolition of a Provincial court, how to be issued... ——'-, [See Advertisement, Notice, &c. | PUNCHAET of respectable natives, under what circumstances E Juropean | functionaries presiding in civil courts may have recourse to a, | - of respectable natives, under what circumstances E uropean | functionaries presiding in criminal courts m: vy have recourse to a,... | -, Collectors authorized to refer suits to a, in cases where the attics retuse or neglect to produce an arbitration-award within the | term limited ... by be ad ce. ee -, rules to be observed by the, in hearing and determining | suits so referred ... ‘ dis ++ | -, authority of Commissioners, in certain cases, sie direct the hearing of suits by a second, | - acting under this Regulation, any init brought to set aside | the decision of a, to be dis missed with costs iy ap 1829 1833 | 1833 1833 Regulation. Il, III, IX. IIT. II. Hf. ATF. Il. XI. II. wm NS ho |} 9ect.| Cl. oT 3 | l 2\4 ? 2 | 4} 2 7 2 | | 4 | 9 vo = o1,833 1,834 1,835 ] 5 839 1 ,840 | 843 1,844 1,846 | 847 1,848 1,849 INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. Year. Regulation. PounisumENtT for éscape from transportation, in the case of convicts whose sentence may have been commuted from imprisonment... | 1898 I. —— in cases of affray attended with homicide — ... «~-| Toe vy — , extension of Magistrates’ powers of, in cases of affray un- attended with aggvay ating circumstances ac. | PROS VIII. saciid, mm theft, in eases where the prisoner is convicted, before a Magistrate, of more than one offence of that nature 1829 vy. for wounding with intent to murder 1829 Soe ________ jneurrible by certain responsible parties, for neglecting to give notice of an intended suttee on ; 1829 XVIL ________- for aiding and abetting in the crime of inthe; when edhe: ) tary on the part of the widow “pacrificed . ves | 7899 XVII. of death incurred by persons ouilty of aiding nud abetting in the per petration of suttee, when forced or otherwise involuntary on the part of the widow sacrificed asin - | 1829 XVII. ___———— for robbery by open violence, modification of the pale re- garding the, mi ve > owl Teat Er ‘he death, pelvenedion “oe the rule requiring the concurrent | | opinion of two Judges of the Nizamut Adi awlut for the infliction of | | the, a; a : 85h eT _—— for petty theft, provision for the salditiondl sentence ef | labor as a, by certain functionaries : «i» | LOOe ii. | — incurred by persons cone eibised & in the s iat 6 or r purch ase of | ‘slaves under certain circumstances i +4 2832 III. Wines esi (See Crimes, Capital Panishnient, Penalties, Fine, Impri- sonment, &c. PurcHASE oF Staves, penalties incurred, in certain cases, by persons | concerned in the sale or, ... 1832 ILI. PURNEAH, appointment of a Commissioner ar revenue nnd circuit, fol | the division within which is situated, ; se | $899 I. | Purcna Pavvt, the import-duty on, declared levi) le re valorem +. | 1829 XV. |Purnt Tatooxs and other saleable tenures, the charge of conducting | | sales of, transferred from Registrars, &c. to Revenue officers —_... | 1832 Vil | PurripaBapi Lanps, suits and appeals haying reference to, how to be | entered on the file of special revenue Commissioners ... Lh. P. | 1828 LILI. Purripars, questiorts between sharers and, how to be adjusted, in cer- | | tain portions of the province of Benares ... Be 1828 VII. | Purwarrl, a copy of village accounts to be deposited in the office of, 1833 TX. | QUEEN IN Council, [See Sov ereign in Council. | QuicKsILVER, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem 1285 }\-* ZY. | Rages; individuals selected ‘to engage for the payment of the revenue, in certain portions of the province of Benares, to be recorded un- der the designation of, a ; 1828 VII. Raga or Benares, the assessment of lands ‘and suttleniel of villages in certain mahals in the province of Benares, to be made through the channel of the, : o> | Lee VIL. | , rules to be observed by the, in the seledtion of | persons to engage for the payment of the revenue ... .. | 1828 VII. , points to be ascertained and recorded by the, i in | making or revising settlements .»» | 1828 VII. Bo (the) shall be subject to the rules ' &e. applicable to | | Collectors of revenue ae a et 1828 VII. 4 - ~ t bo JX — . — Oo or Qn Or ce EE bDRE | | 1,859 1,861 1,862 ° > 1,863 1,864 1,865 1,866 1,867 1,868 1,869 1,870 ],878 1,879 1,880 1,881 1,882 1,883 1,884 1,885 1,886 1,887 1 888 1,889 1,890 1,89) INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS 2agA OF Benares, the decisions of the, shall undergo reyision by the Superintendent ... Bs ad ae ci , rules for the guidance of the, and his officers, in matters of revenue ae complaints against the, or his officers, for breach of the rules prescribed by this Regulation, declared cognizable by the Superintendent hip hs vie ei (the) shall maintain a native commissioner in each of the pergunnahs under his administration RaJSHAHY, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue ane circuit, ioe the division within which is situated, ; RAMGHUR, appointment of a Moimulieatae of reyenue cy circuit, for the division within which is situated, ie pai and other specified tracts of country, the operation of the Regulations suspended in, BA es oss , appointment of an ofhcer, to be denominated the Agent to the Governor General, over the districts within which is situated,... RaMGHOR AND JUNGLE Maunats, rescission of all the Regulations which relate to the constitution of the zillahs of, ite os authority of the Governor General in Council to make certain alterations of Doane eae &c. in the dis- tricts of, Pe — RAMGHUR, JUNGLE Manats, AND . Mipn APORE, enactment for the sepa- | ration of certain tracts of country from the districts of, Rare, committed by native subjects of the British Government, in places out of the British provinces .. che ve a ——-, the crime of, excepted from the rule for commuting the penalty of labour to a fine : Rarrans, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem ,AZINAMAH, modified rules in regard to cases hae d by, in Mabneite courts a aoa R AZINAMAHS, rate of stamp- duty Psi geable on, . (Sched. B. XEAL PROPERTY, rules to be ‘observed by Moonsifs, in cases of dis- »puted inheritance of, or succession to, ... 2. oo , [See Lands, Proprietors, &c. Receipts, rates of st amp-duty chargeable on, set Ls oe ReEcEIvVING stolen property, the crime of, excepte 1d from the rule for | commuting the penalty of labor to a fine a RECOGNIZANCES, rates of stamp-duty chargeable on, (Sched. B. Recorps, duty af Collectors of revenue in regard to the transmission of, in cases appealed to special revenue Commissioners. ... [R. P. of cases appealed from decisions of zillah, ny or provincial Courts, how to be drawn up for transmission LECUSANCE Of parties to produce an arbitration-award, how to be dealt with Rep ArsEnIc, the import-duty on, declared leviable em valorem Rep Leap, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem aad Rep SanDAL- woop, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem... REFINAGE-CHARGE On bullion or foreign coins, at the Mints of Calcutta and Saugor Hy ne ; ReErFunp of collec tions of revenue levied on lands subsequently exempted REGISTERS, authority of the Courts of Sudder Dewany and Nizamut Adawlut to prescribe forms, &c. for, 1828 1829 1829 1833 1833 1833 1831 1829 185 1829 1828 1831 | 1833 1829 | 1839 1829 1833 1828 1829 — to be képt by pawnbrokers in the Straits Settlements... . 41833 Regulation VAI. Vabk. VII. Vid. XII. XIII. XIII. XIII. sir; VIL. LI. at) Vi. X. | Sect ~] 14 16 bo Gr me S> CO Qo * ~ wo © nee _ boJ ] J ] ] ] ] ] ] ] > 1, l, i, J ; ™ Ay: sa 10 4 893 ,894 895 896 ,897 892 | a98 | &99 ,900 1,901 | ,902 903 | 904 905 906 907 910 — 912 | 913 1,914 1,915 916 917 eed 108 | 909 | J —— INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS Pes ‘ _ Year. _ Regulation. Sect.| REGISTERING DeExEDs, Principal sudder ameens eligible to the duty of, | 1939 VII. 4 | Reaistrar te the Sidder Dewany and Nizamut Adawlut for the West- ern Provinces, institution of the office of, -- | 183] VI. 4 'Reaistrars of zillah and city Courts divested of jur sadiction in ¢cly vil | | suits .| 1831 Vv. | 99 in carts or eidias wry jur iad tion, appeals from autos of, ses | | cognizable under Re gulation V. 1831 ame ate is | 1882 | Vit. 12 specially empow ered, appeals from decisions of, how cogni- | | zable under Regulation V. 1831 shiv ‘s 1832 | VIL. 12 divested of the char ge of conductiug sales ef putni Bicaks | and other saleable tenures ... ee ods ese] £8382 | VIL. 16 of imports and exports at the Straits Settlements, institu- | | tion of the office of, af jatl ie “EB 4 Ill. . of imports and exports at the Straits Settlements, how to | proceed in obtaining an account of the cargo of ne prohus, or | other vesse = commanded by natives of Asia ves) | LOee | Li. 13 of imports and exports at the Straits Settleme mie reatric ted | | from proceeding to actual search, unless on the ground of credible | infor mation received. vee | 1833 | Ill. | 14 of imports : and exports at the Strait s Settleme nts, rules to | i eg be observed by, 1n reg: ard to prohibited articles us «| 1833 | III. 15 of imports and e xports at the Straits Settlements, rules to | be observed by, in regard to exciseable articles, in cases where \farmers or renters are concerned it uns veh 1888 Il. 16 REGISTRATION of peons employed by Moonsifs, Sudder ameens, and | Principal sudder ameens .. | 1882-4 VII. 5 bal {GULAR Suit, private engagements between pled S ani their digiate when contested, to be enforced only by a eee 1833 XI. 2 1 , [See Suits, &c. REJECTION OF APPEALS, [See Appeals. | ReELIGions. modification of the rules to be observed in suits between | parties professing different, in the province of Benares . | 1882 VII. 8 —_—_—_—-, | See Caste. Reuicious Usagers and institutions, modification of rules regarding | suits which involve questions of, between persons professing the | Hindoo and Mé ahomedan persuasions respectively, in the province | of Benares “" was | 1832 | VII. 8 REMEMBRANCER (Superintendent and) of es affairs, abolition of the | othice of, gia 1829 LIT. 2 Removau from office, of Sudder ameens or P rincipal sudder ameens, for inc apacity or misconduct sini ae wt Lal V 296 from office, of Moonsifs, for incapacity or ‘cst dena . | 1853 V 26 from office, of Deputy a ee for ery or miscon- | | duct : : . | 1833 | [X. 95 REMUNERATION of avents or pleaders, ; in cases tried before e Special Re- | | venue Comf{nissioners : ove Made’, | 1828 | PE. 39 payable to pleaders in the Con ts of Sudder Dewany | | rm ut, the amount of, to be specified in the vakalutnamah 1833 | XII. 9 -—_—— of pleaders in the Courts of Sudder Dewany Adawlut, | how recoverable in ease of dispute ck i 1838 | XII. 2 ee , [See Tees, Allowances, &c. | 1,918 | Renv, powers of Special Reyenue Commissioners in suits brought to |, ‘ | contest the dentand of revenue officers for, fe ‘ge 4 128 | in. 2 [RE CT. to Or | 6RE] INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS, 71 » » | | Year. | ®*Regutation. | Sect. | C1. 4919 | Rent, Judges of zillah and city Courts prohibited from taking cogniz-\ ° | ance of summar y suits rel: iting to, ca® eee | 183] >» VITI. 9 1,920 | ———, summary suits relating to, declared cognizable e by ‘Collectors of | revenue ee. eve oe 185 VITI. 4 1,921 |———-, Summary awards Collec stors in regard to claims connected | ae! with, appealable to fe Commisssioner on one ground only, ae y | how to be dealt with by him.. er ffe4-183) VIIL 4 1,922 | —-, rules for the admission of regular suits to contest summary | awards of Collectors in regard to claims connected with, ae 7 TBS VIII. 6 1,923 | ———-, value of stamp required in pre eferring ‘to a Collector summary | claims connected with, rt ‘ vet PSS) VIII. ‘| 1,924 | ——-, reduced value of stamp required in eertiin cases, wheve a regu- | lar suit is originally instituted to enforce claims to arrears of, ri" Test VEE 8 1 88 (ee authority of Collectors to reject summary suits relating to, oat} TOOL Vit Or} 1,926 | ———, authority of Commissioners of revenue to issue instructions to | Collectors relative to the admission or rejection of suits connected | | with, ePTesh te VERE pe 1,927 |-———, claims to increase of, deel lared summ: arily cognizal ible by Collee- tors, only on proof of boris fide written engagements. o.} 2631 VIII: 10 1.998 | - , extent of Moonsifs’ jurisdiction in cases connected with: .-. | 183] YITL LY 1,929 | - , assistants to Collectors not competent to decide suits relating to, | | under this Regulation, unless specially empowered = . | 1831 VIII. zi 1,920 |} ———-, zemindars or other landholders neglecting to conform to the pre- scribed rules regarding village acc ounts, deb: wred from proceeding , against ryuts or other tenants for arrears of, fe vee | 4838 1b 14 1.93] -, {See Leases. ‘ 1.932 | RENTs, provisions for the realization of, in Bhurdoee, Kera Mungrore, | and a certain part of Kuswar or Gungapore iM swe 4626 Vii: 9 | 1,923 | Renters of land, penalties incurrible by, for ne glecting to give notice of an intended suttee hs ae . | 1829 XVII. ad: 1,934 | ——— of Government revenue derived fier the sale of liquors i In. | | the Straits Settlements, rate of duty payable to, by retailers... | 1831 Vi oe 1,935 | ______— of Government revenue derived from the sale of liquors in | | . | the Straits Settlements, pass or permit to be granted by, ea) ot IV. Pore 1.936 | i of Government revenue derived from the sale of liquors in in ! | the Straits Settlements, authorized to seize liquors on certain | grounds ei oa 18: 83 LV, 3 |3 33 | —+—— of Government revenue ‘Adtrved thon the sale of liquors 3 in the | Straits Settlements, farther rule regarding the duty payable to, by | retailérs a <7 cee wav | $630 Xx. 3 1,938 | -—— of Government revenue ‘in the Straits Settlements ; rules to | be observed by the Registrar of imports and ex ports, in regard to | ‘articles the exclusive sale of which is vested in, ne “ve | ¥88S | wi 16 1,929 | REPLEVIN, rile ot rules in regard to, dae ; .| 1831 VITl. 12 1,940 | Reports (periodical), author ity of the Courts of Sutidey Dewany sn | | Nizamut Adawlut, to prescribe forms, &c. for, vid wae f'1829 VII. a | 194) | ee to be forwarded to the Natatat Adawlut- by Judges of Kea" | sion, and by Commissioners of circuit... He | 183] VET: 7 1,912 | -______ to be furnished by the Commissioner of the De Ihi apa 5 | 1832 ws 3 943 | - to be rendered by Principal sudder ameens 24 188i V. 23 1,944 | ———— (the monthly) of Moonsifs to be e accompanied with 1 a statement | | of the suits inst'tuted before them oe bys Theol Vi 10 1,945 | -—_-__, [See Statements. ,1,946 1,947 1,948 1,953 1,964 1,965 1,966 1,967 1,968 1,969 1,970 1,963 | INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. Resipent at Dewi (the) vested with the powers of the Sudder De- wany and NizAmut Adawlut, and of the Sudder Board of Reve- nue... cee bse eee ees cee - (the) divested of the ze of the Sudder Dewany and Nizamut mT aN ‘ ' (the) div ested of the pow ers of the Sudder Board of Revenue sue - of the polic e, and of civil and criminal justice . . - . » 5 | (the) dives tial of the administration of ‘the revenue, ResiDENTs (COMMERCIAL) dec lared subject to the same process of law as | private traders ... ja roo ; isin stepeigianim tated, POE a be observed by civil Soils, in cases brought before them against, bes RESISTANCE of process issued. by § Special Ror enue Cemniiadone® pe- nalties for, awd ; . ia certain por tions of the ] yrovinee of Benares ae of the scetbaestiis vested with the administr: atiai of stamp- duties, penalties for, ih ile oo a Resumprion, all tenures of the nature herein specified, shall be lable to, and shall be assessed, and if necessary 9m in the same manner as lapsed farms i RETAIL, rules to be observed in the Straits ‘Settle waninte regarding tie \ sale of wines and hquors by, ei _____—., additional rule to be observed in hit Straits Suttleiments re- garding the sale of European spirituous liquors by, ... REVENUE, modified rules for the recover y of arrears of, ... of process, in reyenue or judicia al matters, penalties for, in | a detailed settlement of, to be made by the Raja, in certain | portions of the province of Benares 6 sv at , rules in regard to the mode of collecting the, in the above districts : suspension af the oolke. for the calle ‘tion of, in certain — ts of country hitherto included in the districts of Ramghur, Jungle Mahals, and Midnapore “4 by an officer, to be denominated the Agent to the Governor Gené- ral . — Ne si nd , [See Plies of Revenue, Commissioners of Revenue, Special Revenue Commissioners, Sudder Board of Revenue, &e. REVENUE Orricers on fixed tehsildari establishments, rules to be ob- served by, when employed by tehsildars on police duties gi , powers and duties of, in regard to the sale of putni talooks and other saleable tenures , (See No. 1963. REVENUE Orrfves (pergunuah and zillah), the several accounts required for deposit in the, to be furnished as the Boards may direct, and to be open to the inspection of any person concerned ee REVENUE AND JupIcIAL ProceEpines, rate of sti amp-duty chargeable on copies of, ... fag bél. (Sched. B. ; provisions for the collee iain of, in thd above bonis hes of country, Year. REVIEW OF JUDGMENT, rules to be observed by Principal sudder ameens | in regard to, ie ; Riots in pawnbr okers’ shops in the Straits Settlements, rules separidiver 4 | Regulation. IX. 1x. III. VII. XIH. XII. XI. Ir. LX: Sect. (RI bo Qn Cd.SA] INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. 13 » tensioning Nnaripniaianist ai wi as at —- 6h lh | Year. ? Regulation. Sect.|( l 1,97] | Roaps, provisions for the more efficient control over convicts employed | » 3 ey 3. aa - aad ya 118331" Iv. 9 1,972 | RoBBERY committed by native subjects of the British Government in | | places out of the British provinces “07 in Bol 1829 VIII. Pe I 1,973 | —— , the crime of, excepted from the rule for commuting the pe- | j nalty of labor to a fine ute 002 | ——— of slaves, penalties incurrible in certain cases by persons concerned | in the purchase or, be ses cin «| 1832 ILI. 9|9 2,003 | —— of imported goodg on account of Government, when detained on | the ground of under-valuation, rules for the, yet . <1 S29 | XV. 314 »,004 | —— of imported goods, under the above circumstances, revised rules | | « for the, nat ee oe ‘ain 1833 | VI. 3 | 3 2.005 | ——— of forfeited pledges, [See Pawnbrokers. 2,006 (retail) of wines and liquors in the St caits Settlements, rules for the, — _ ein ae «s» | £83) ly; 3 2,007 | —— (retail of European spirituous liquors in the Straits Settlements, | revised rule in regard to the, a Ni ae OBE: X. 3 2,008 | (Bills of), rate of stamp-duty chargeable on, ... [Sched. A. | 1829 | x. 6 >.009 | SALE-ADVERTISEMENTS, the transmission of, by Collectors, to the local | | Commissioner of revenue, to be dispensed with i ses} 880 | VIL. 3 2,010 | SALT, modification of previous rules in regard to the duties leviable on | | alimentary, not being salt purchased at the Honourable Company’s | sales, when imported into, or in transit through the Ceded and Con- quered Provinces +“ ws tee .-. |1829) AVI. 3 2.011 “remission of the town-duties on, when imported into the cities of Benares, Mirzapore and Ghazipore for consumption sa AZO XVI. 5 2,012 | —_— confirmation of certain previous rules in regard to the importation, | \ transportation or storing of, on the frontier of Behar... jew BOZO XVI. 10 2,013 | under transport, explanatory rules in regard to the protective do- | | cuments required for, sills jam imi ... | 1832 IV. 9 2.0144 (western) entering the province of Benares, additional duty levia- | ble on, “ ss wa sa seni] 1829 XVI 4 2.015 | —— (western), rules to be observed by the Collector of customs at Al- | lahabad, in regard to the transport of, into the province of Benares | 1829 XVI. 5 2,016 | —— (western), rules to be observed by officers in charge of the customs, | in Bundelkund, and at Mirzapore, Benares and Ghazipore, in re- gard to the transport of, into the province of Benares wes} 1829 AVI. 6 > 0)17 | ——— (western), Commissioners of revenue vested with certain powers in 0 regard to the transport of, on the frontier of Benares ew ti 1829. Ral. a 2,018 | (western), entering the Gorukpore district from Oude, &c., duties | | leviable on, ce wal ies be aiaat 1 829 XVII. 9 2.019 | (western), limitation of period during which rowanahs shall be ef- | ficient for the protection of, ... le dite eos | 1829 AVE. 5 2.929 | SALTPETRE, prohibition of the export of, in foreign ships, during war, ' without special permission ..,. * sae -» 02} | SANDAL-WooD, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem «sw ABZO x Yi 3 2,022 | SaPAN-woop, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem vee Ose XY. 3 2.023 | SARUN, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for the | division within which js situated, i sas sss KL BBO4 I. 2 2,024 | Saucor Ming table of the intrinsic or assay produce of silver bullion, | | to be used at the, sarees kis wi ves } 1888450 SVIL. 5 sel Saucor aNp Nerspuppa Terrirorizs, institution of a Court of Niza- | | mut Adawlut, to exercise jurisdiction over the, ile jj Bd VAs 3 2,026 | , powers and duties of the Com- | | missioner of the, .ig des - of 831 | Vis 1] 2,027 | , rules to be observed by the | | Commissionereof the, in cases of heinous eryme 2 wide 183] VI, 12~ nw °o co rm no 8 ot eo ~ 2,038 | 2,039 | 2,040 2,04] 2,042 9.043 2,044 2,045 | | | 2,046 | 2,048 2,049 2,050 2,051 2,052 JNDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. 75 > Year. |® Regulation. | Sect. | CL Saucor AND NersuppA Territories, farther rules to be observed, | ” | and reports to be furnished, by the Commissioner of the, ooe'| LBB se VR 14 | ——, the jurisdiction of the Deputa- | tion of the Sudder Board of Revenue extended to the, sue} FOB] x BI , the Sudder Board of Revenie | at the Presidency, and the Chief Commissioner at Delhi, divested | of jurisdiction in the, vide aie i oe) 1831 ¥ 6G , the control over the customs and | town-duties in the, transferred from the Board of Customs Salt and | Opium, to the Sudder Board of Revenue at Allahabad wee | 1833 rE 3 | ScaLe of weights to be used at the Mints of Calcutta and Saugor, esta- | blishment of a new, m. i his ... | 1833 VII. 4 | | Searcu for stolen property, duty of darogahs in regard to, +++ | 1832 | II. a1 2 | , in what cases the Registrars of imports and exports at the | | Straits Settlements may resort to actual, ie --» | 1833 | III. 14 Seconp Appeats, [See Appeals. | | Security required from litigants in certain Courts, when inhabiting a | | foreign territory ies # yd we». | 1829 | Ty 2 | required for the release of property under distraint, modifi- | | ed rules in regard to the amount of, ia soe t hee) | VIII. 12 | SEcuRITY-Bonps, rate of stamp-duty chargeable on, ... [Sched. A. | 1829 | x: 13) , rates of stamp-duty chargeable on, --» (Sched. B. | 1829 | ~ +] SEHARUNPORE, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, | | for the division within which is situated & -.. | 1829) r 2 | oe , the powers of the Sudder Dewany and Nizamut Adaw- | | lut, and of the Sudder Board of Revenue, transferred to the Resi- | | dent at Delhi, in regard to the district of, vs o¢ | 2O29¢ I. 9 | 2 , Institution of a Court of Sudder Dewany and Nizamut | | Adawlut, to exercise jurisdiction over certain districts including | | that of, fick oii 23 ary OOF [""" YP a , the Resident at Delhi divested of the powers of the Sudder Dewany and Nizamut Adawlut, in the district of, ..- | 1831 | VI. S| 2 , the jurisdiction of the Deputation of the Sudder Board | | cf Revenue extended to, .... ia ee tee’ Puce e | z. 5 | —— , the Resident at Delhi divested of the powers of the Sud- | ad der Board of Revenue, in the district of,... a vo.” | E832 | a | 4 , the Sudder Board of Revenue at the Presidency, and the | Chiet Commissioner at Delhi, divested of jurisdiction in, >ApRBBK X, 6 | , the control over the customs and town-duties in, trans- | ferred; from the Board of Customs Salt and Opium, to the Sudder | | | 3 Board of Revenue at Allahabad a TT ... | 1833 | r 3 | SeIGNORAGE leviable on bullion or foreign coins at the Mints of Calcutta and Saugor ee jig ile wat VERS VIF 5 | SEIZURE of goods imported by sea, on the ground of under-valuation 1829 XV. 3 | 2 -—— of goods imported by sea, on the ground of under-valuation, | revised rules in regard to the, ... ae vat ... | 1833 VI. oo - of goods, when the attempt is made to export them without per- | THit .,. “h vs art , ... | 1830 ITI. 3 | - of wines and liquors in the Straits Settlements, for violation of the prescribed rules ole Rf an eer eel IV. 3 | 3 SENNA, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem ... ... | 1829 at. a 1 SENTENCES of inferiny Courts may be reversed or altered, in the prison- er’s fayor, by a single Judge of the Nizamut Adawlut ... | 1831 IX. 4 '22 bh 060 061 ws) nO 062 to 063 5 2.064 N 065 066 i) a 068 5 ,069 070 bo S 9 :072 2,078 2,079 2,080 2,081 2,082 067 | INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. [su ‘ « ‘ ) . Year.| Regulation. |\Seet. | CL. Sentences, [See Penalties, Punishment, Commutation, &ce. | Srpoys, [SeeeSipahis. | | Sxssion JupGEs, provision for the appointment of, to relieve Commis- | | | sioners of revenue ne circuit of that portion of their duties . | 1831 | VII. 9 | athens oath to be taken by, on their appointment ; and gene- | | ral rules for their guidance ... i 1 1831] VII. Bet lbaciged rie of, in regard to trying bthe < somites of Ma- 1- | | g. gistrates, ddl holding per jodical jaal- deliveries ja feo FBB14 FET ea] _ definition of the powers of, bet | 183] | Vil. tl , pules to be observed by, in reg svard to passing sentence, | | | | or referring trials to the Nizamut Adawlut 183] | MET: 6 | , what reports to be furnished by, to the Nizamut Ad- a | awlut Axe ‘ .. | 1831 | VII. ey , appeals from ac cts or orders: of Magistrates not coeni- | | | zable by, bis sob =- ; si} 160) | VIl. 8 | authorized to represent to the Nizaxout. Adawlut cer- | tain cases of neglect on the part of Magistrates ..-| 183] | VII. 9 | authorized to certify to the Commissioner of the digi sion certain cases of misconduct on the part of subordinate police officers fis ati bie Gi 183] VIL. 10 , commitments made by Magistrates stationed within the jurisdiction of, how to be submitted for trial ti | 183] VII. The Certain cases excepted from the provisions of the | Xabove clause, and rules to be observed therein 4 1831 VII f2 | 2 . rules to be observed in the event of “en nee or saith | position of, and in regard to cases not cognizable by them on per] sonal grounds ees ba 1881 | Vil. 13| 2 ‘ , rules to be aleiae teal by, in cases where they may differ | | | from the law-officer as to the conviction or ac quittal of one or ane prisoners, included in the same trial with other prisoners regarding | | | whom they are agreed di dae .| 183] | [X. | 413 , in the above cases, required to suspend execution of | | sentence i his wei . 1 BS EX. 416 , reservation of the ee power of, to exempt | rt persons from labor and irons... .-. | 1884 | rk: | 341 ——, {See Criminal Courts, E ‘uropean KF motion ies, Judg- | | es, &e. | Sessions or JAIL Detivery, enactment for the holding of, by Commis- | sioners of revenue and circuit ot ae 2. P1820" Yr owes at what station to be held ... 1829 | 3 | 3 ; oe declaration in regard to the | f | locality for holding, ... | 1881 | UI 4 | Srrriement of mahals, authority ‘of Collectors or other officers engaged | | in the, to hear and determine claims to lands situated therein | | 1828 |. IV. | 9 | - duties; Deputy Collectors may be employed by Collectors | | me u.. : Reg ve oes ee vse | 18398 [X | 2a ——- , [See Revenue, Lands, Collectors, &c. SETTLEMENTS (the Eastern), [See Straits Settlements. SETTLEMENTS IN WRITING declared inadmissible in any Court of ue unless bearing the prescribed stamp ts ba 1829 X, 3 , rate of stamp-duty ch argeable on, [Sched. A. | 1829 X. 46 are appointment of a Commissioner of reyenue and circuit, fie L he division within which is situated, ... a at F829 re: 2 LiSI | 2,083 2,084 2085 » 2,086 2,087 2,090 2,091 2,092 2,093 2,094 2,095 2,096 2,097 2,098 2,099.6 2,100 2,10] 2.102 2,103 2,104 2,105 2,106 2,107 2,108 2,109 2,110 2,1)] INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. ) * SHAHJEHANPORE, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, J for the division within which is situated, Ji so | 1829 —, institution of a Court of Sudder Dewany and Niza- mut Adawlut, to exercise jurisdiction over certain districts, includ- ing that of, 7% avi oa *.. | 183] , the jurisdiction of the Deputation of the Sudder Board of Revenue extended to, 3 we re E881 , the Sudder Board of Revenue at the Presidency, and | the Chief Commissioner at Delhi, divested of jurisdiction in, . | 183] , the control over the customs and town-duties ‘in, transferred from the Board of Customs Salt and Opium, to the Sudder Board of Revenue at Allahabad ... ai .»» | 1833 SHERPORE, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for the division within which is situated, ... ie ... | 1829 SHIPPING goods at any of the Straits Settlements, rules to be observed a s., cnt Set 1 £88 , [See Exportation, Goods, &e. | Surps (Foreign), rules to be observed in regard to the trade carried on by, in British ports in India Be, Ht --» | 1830 arriving at any of the Straits Settlements, to be reported to the Registrar by the Master-attendant bet .. | 1833 Surps’ Papers to be produced by their commanders, on arriving at any of the Straits Settlements ot Ja ‘3833 — required for port-clearance at any of the Straits Settle- : ments an im. ine tz -« | 1833 SHIRGHUR excepted from certain rules affecting other tracts of country | comprehended in Jungle Mahals ie ee ee» | 1833 Sicca Rupxe (Calcutta,) the weight and standard of the, declared... | 1833 SICCA-WEIGHT of 179°666 grains, the use of the, to be discontinued at the Mint; and the tola, or sicca-weight of 180 grains, substituted for it in lie a, is evs} 1883 SILK PIEcE-Goops, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem ... | 1829 SILK-WINDERS in the employ of Commercial Residents, declared subject to the same process of law as other natives ed -.. | 1829 SitveR Buuuion or foreign coins, charges leviable on, at the Mints of Calcutta and Saugor, lat this as .. | 1833 or foreign coins, Table of the assay produce of, to be used at the Mints of Caleutta and Saugor, on - E883 SIMLAPOL ‘separated from the district of Jungle Mahals, and the opera- tion of the Regulations suspended therein oe .- | 1838 ————, appointment of an officer, to be denominated the Agent to the Governor General, over the districts within which is situated, 1833 SINGAPORE, revised rules regarding the retail sale of wines and spiritu- ous liquors in, ... its sth si -» | 1831 , rules for the registration of imports and exports at, divs 1833 , rules in regard to the entry of square-rigged vessels at,... | 1833 ——————-, rules in regard to the clearance of square-rigged vessels | bas (ih ive a .- | 1833 , rules in regard to the transhipment of goods at, --. | 1833 , rules in regard to the trade carried on by native craft at, | 1833 —_——, farther rules regarding the retail sale of Kuropean spiritu- ous liquors in, 'y ... tei et ois .-. | 1833 —————-, mode of licensing and conducting pawnbrokers’ shops in, |°1833 <¢ ’ ’ 5 LET. IL. ILI. Tif. ITY. XII{f. VII. VII. XY. EX. VII. VII. XIII. XIII. IV. IMT. iil. III. Tif. | Year. | Regulation. peece (Cr | | ned Or bo CO OO a gn i WwW - bho =78 INDEX TO THE.REGULATIONS. [sp 4 | ‘ Year Regulation. | Sect. 9. 1» | ie: ans, rules to be, observed by paw! nbrokers in the Straits Settle- a ; a ments, ir receiving pledges from, wee 1833 XI, | 5 9.113 | SrRPOORA, appointment of a Commissioner off revenue and circuit, for | the division within which is situated, es 1829 J. 9 2,114 | —— , institution ofea Court of Sudder Dewany and N Savane Kae lut, to exercise jurisdiction over certain districts, including, 831 VI. gh ge. 2.115 |—— , the jurisdiction of the Deputi ition of the Sudder Board of | “4 Revenue extended to, eee eee 1831 Xx. 5 - 116 | -—— _the Sudder Board of Biweeee at the Presidency, and the C hiaf Commissioner ‘at Delhi, divested of jurisdiction i in, 183 . | 6 , 1A ancien the control over the customs and town-duties in, transferre ad | | from the Board of Customs Salt and Opium, to the Sudder Boar d | | of Revenue at Allahabad, ... : «+» | 1833 i. | 8 2,118 'Sraves removed for traffic into any place subject to the Pr esidency of| | Fort William, declared free ... - | 1832 Ii. 2 2,119 | ————, penalties incurred by persons concer ned in the s sale or purchase MY of, when remov * as above ... oi ; | 1832 ILI. ar? ».120 | Sotprers, rules to be observed by pawnbrokers in the Straits Settle- | | ments, in receiving pledges from, <. ind, 3888 xT. 5 > 121 | SooLUHNAMARS, rate of st unp-duty chargeab le on. Sched. B.| 1899} + X. 10 2,122 | Soonamooky Lear, the import- duty on, declared leviable ad valore mM | 1829 XV. a4 1 2,123 Sooroor separated from the district of Jungle Mahals, and the opera- | tion of the Reg ulations suspe snded therein | 1833 ATL. a 2,124 | —— , appointment of an officer, to be denominated the Agent to. the Governor General. over the districts within which is situated, | 1833 KT 4 2,125 |SovEREIGN IN CouncliL, rules in regard to appeals from decisions of Special Revenue Commissioners to the, ... : . | 1828 Tit. 415 2,121 , a special appeal only shall le Cis decisions of | a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, excepting in cases o | able to the, bub ie ott a | 182 L 10 }«3 2,127 , rates of stamp-duty chargeable on copies of | the proceedings of the Sudder Dewany Adawlut in cases appealed | to the, KS ante ste [ Sched. B. | 1829 X. 4 2,128 | SpecIAL APPEALS, authority of single Judges of the Sudder Dewany | | Adawlut to admit, in certain cases — ce ia, | 18 TX. 21. 2,129 , [Sée Appeals. | 2,130 | SPECIAL Comnisston (Mofussil), abolition of the office of ... | 1829 I. } 10} 1 2,131 | SpectAL CoMMISSION (Sudder), provision for the eetmation. © the ite 18294 i: 110) 1 »,132 | SpecIAL REVENUE COMMISSIONERS, appointment of, he 16288 III. Oa 2,133 | , jurisdiction and functions of, ie} keeo ‘Til. a iD 2,134 , publication of the appointment of, | 1828 ILI. 213 2,135 | , proceedings of provincial and zillah Courts to be stayed on the notification of the appointment of, and | records of pending cases transmitted to the said Commissioners ... | 1828 Lis: 2| 4 2,136 , appea ils from decisions of a Board af Reyenue shall lie to, instead of to the Courts bias aa Lee Til. 215 2,137 | - , on notification of the appointment | of, Boards of Revenue to stay proceedings and transmit records... | 1828 IIT. 2| 6 2,138 , rules in regard to vakeels’ fees and | | other costs previously incurred, in cases transferred to, as» -| L828 {Ul. ny" F 2,139 | may be invested by Gover arent | with any or all of the powers hitherto vested in Boards of Reve- |¢ | | nue pact Pe a shi .»- | 1828 III. 3 |sP] INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. 19 ’ ’ ’ . | _Year. | ‘Regulation. Sect. C1. 2,140 | SpEcrAL REvENUE Commissioners, rules in regard to Tae to, from | , | the decision of a Collector ... ; a. PLeee ro Te 4|2 2,141 | , authority of, in cases appealed as | above, to stay exectuion of the Collector’s decree... - | 1828 YE 4\3 2,142 | , rules to be observed by, in cas 4 transterred to them by the Board of Revenue for revision, where | | the Collector has decided against assessment my oT boae If, 4 | 4 2,143 | , the decisions of, shall be final, ex- | | cept in eases which, if dcsitied by the Sudder Dewany Adawlut, | )? would be appealable to the Sovereign in Council - | 1828 Ii, 4/95 2,144 . , the decisions of, to be immediately | | enforced, notwithstanding appeal to the Sov ereion in Council ... | 1828 LIT. a'\ 5 2,145 | may review their “judgement, on suf- | ficient cause being shown for a new trial | 1828 Ill. 476 2,146 | , rules for obtaining tha coneurratit! | opinion of two, in cases where a single Commissioner may differ | | from the last award given by an inferior court, eA . | 1828 ett: 4A 6 2,147 . The provisions of this Regulation | declare ed not to extend to certain cases ... | 1828 III. D 2,148 , authority of the Gover ernor General | | in Council to prescribe the rules of practice to be followed by, ...-| 1828 Ill. oy t 2,149 , authority of, to issue instructions to | Collectors in certain cases; and if necessary to refer cases back to | | | those officers for farther trial ae: . | 1828 HE > 9" 2 2,150 | , processes issued by, “how to be e en- | forced ; and general rules for ‘the maintenance of their authority ... | 1828 IIL. 6,| 3 2,151 | , duty of zillah Courts to give effect | | to decisions of, when required so to do 2 ePTe28 EFT. 6 | 4 2,152 | , rules for the government of native | | officers employed by, sae one 0" 1898 II. 6 | 5 2,153 | , penalties incurred by persons ouilty | | of perjury or subornation of perjury in matters depending before, ie 1828 ITI. a) Og 2,154 | , duty of Magistrates to give effect to | | the roobakari of, in cases of perjury 7 oo | 1828 III. 6-24 2,155 | , duty of Courts and r revenue officers | te furnish aid and iiformeition to, ; 3 1828 Bt: bots 2,156 | duty of zillah Courts and of Collec- | tors, to examine witnesses and investigate cases, on the requisition | Gn .. — : n ioe | LOe8 (Il. at 2 2,157 | - : , authority of Gevevaniont to prescribe what statements and reports shall be furnished by, | 1828 ITf. 8 2,158 oath to be administered to, ' | 1828 III. 9 2,159 how to determine the case of parties | deeming” themselves a by a demarcation of boundary in the | Sunderbuns... ; : es . | 1828 III. 13] 2 2,160 , Rules of Practice to be observ ed = if ‘ ve: | Appended to | 1828 III. 2,161 , declared incompetent, in that capa- city, to entertain appeals from any judgment they may have pass- | ed when acting in another capacity es be oot eeeg IV. a} 2,162 , how to proceed .in cases not cogniz- able by them od the above eround See 1829 IV. 2 | 2 SPIKENARD, the import-duty on, “declared leviable ad valorem » 1829)» 3) 12,164 2,165 2,166 2,167 2,171 2,182 2,183 2,184 2,185 2,186 2,187 2,188 2,189 2,190 INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. e + . ST Year. |_ Re Regulation. _ Sprrituous Liquors, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem | 1829 mY, __——_—__—__*— ~, rules regarding the retail sale of, in the Straits Settlements ote ‘i - | 1831 lV. (European), revised rules regarding the retail sale | of, in the Straits Settlements .. | 1833 | x. Sramp, no deed shall be received in any Court of Jadiestase or public | | office, unless bearing the prescribed, ye - | 1829 | X. , no exception ti be taken to any deed on wucwanl of over- vidleie | | of ; nor to prior deeds, if stamped as prescribed at the date of their | | execution +++ | 1829 } ie , no exception to be taken to any deed bearing the prescribed, | | : on ‘the ground of difference in the die... de .«» | 1829 | x , authority of Collectors, in certain cases, to abate the prescribed | | value of, ; ay okt. VILE (Institution-), rescission of the rule prohibiting refund of the | | amount of, in certain eases before Moonsifs : ‘e+ 4882 | Vil. not required for wie of aggrieved persons, ‘addressed to | | darogahs sex | 18924 II. STAMP Orr ICE, estal Jishkment of a, wt or near the Presidency ... | 1829 | Ai Sramp-Duty chargeable on petitions of appeal pees to Special | Revenue Commissioners, ; i [R. P. | 1828 III. i... ¢hargeable on separate ple eadings in the above cases | ae: bes ‘ ¥: [R. P. | 1828 | III. so chargeable on the reply of a Government officer, in the | | above cases ay oe. | 2Ee If. ch argeable (in cases referred by a Board of Revenue to a Special Revenue Commissioner for revisal) on the pleading con- | | taining the grounds of the Board’s dissatisfaction [R. P. | 1828 | It. char ‘veable on the reply of the party opposed to Gov oan | | ment in the above cases ; i.) [RPT 2626" IIl. chargeable on sddviciad pleadings before a Special Re. | | venue Comutilasioner , when admitted by him ... 1. (Rae P.} 1828 IIT. —— chargeable on petitions for a review of judgment, prefer- : red to a Special Revenue Commissioner N (R. P. | 1828 | II. not to be levied on the Power of Attorney oranted to an | | agent or pleadér by a party to a suit before a Special Reyenue | | | Commissioner, vs [R. P. } 1828 | Lil. Sramp-DurTizs not to be levied, in eaibins cases hefeve Special Revenue | | : Commissioners, for summoning witnesses or filing exhibits [R.P.|/ 1828} © III. , modification and consolidation of eres enactments in | regard to the levying of, _... .«, } 1829 | X. ce _ rescission of all former 1 -egulations i in regar d to, | 1829 a Scat en argeable on written instruments of conveyance, con- | | tract, obligation, and security for money, and on Deeds in general, | | Schedule of, ots - .s..| 1829 X. , chargeable on Law- -papers, Schedule of, ... -.. | 1829 X. —e ——, provision for the collection and management of, in the | several districts of the presidency as, . | 1829 | XxX. chargeable on plaints, in suits instituted before Moonsifs | 1831 WT, amet chargeable on other law-papers, in suits in Moonsifs’ | | courts be ve ‘. vee £1831 | V. Same ch argeable on lawc -papers in the courts of Principal sud-4 | der ameens is im lit we «| 1831 | vv: 9 vo ~] o> Or bo > Vv 17 | oo =I ~, oe Sect.| Cl. 2 oINDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. . a 2,191 | Sramp-Duties chargeable on certain summary claims preferred to a Collector bi c rue wd a 2,192 ——___——_—, abatement of, in favor of regular suits relating to rent, | in cases cognizable as summary suits je oe 2,193 | ———_—— chargeable on pleadings in zillah and city Courts ; revised | rules in regard to the, “ai is ote oes 2,194 | ——__—____, suspension of the rules for the collection of, in certain | tracts of country hitherto included in the districts of Ramghur, Jungle Mahals, and Midnapore 2,195 >~—-_—___———, provision for the collection of, in the above tracts of | country, by an officer to be denominated the Agent to the Gover- nor General ba j eee eee 2,196 |Sramps (Boarp of), or other controlling authority, duty of the, to pro- vide proper dies for stamps ... ie i be 2,191 | Sramps (SUPERINTENDENT OF), appointment of a, and his duties 2,198 , rules to be observed by the, in supply- | ing private individuals side cis e $24 | 2.199 —, powers of the, when on detached duty | 2,200 | Sramps (VENDERS or), required to be provided with a copy and trans- | lation ef the latest order on the subject of the authentication of stamps. Penalty for giving out paper not duly authenticated ... | 2,201 , how to be appointed ‘i vee | 2.202 | , nature of security to be required from, and lia- | | bility to dismissal incurrible by, vik vis dee] 2,203 required to exhibit conspicuously their license, | | and a copy of the schedules .. ws oii ea 2,204 | required to keep such accounts and render such | | statements as the Collector may prescribe ; and to pay over to him | their collections, and exhibit their accounts and stores, at such pe- | | riods as he may direct tas aa sei 2,205 | , penalties incurrible by, for violation of the above | rules sud die 5 “sts “a 2,206 prohibited, under a specified penalty, from deli- | vering stamps before receiving their amount cet oes 2,207 required, under specified penalties, to endorse | certain particulars on stamps at the time of sale ooh om 2,208 , penalties incurrible by, for false endorsement ... 2,209 | , penalties incurrible by, for refusal to deliver | stamps, or wilful delay in so doing cs A wi 2,210 5 , penalties incurrible by, for overcharge or extor- | 7? hom aes a on ‘a a | cs 2,211 | , additional security may be required from, at the discretion of the Collector ... ime oct vee 2,212 | = , on their removal or resignation, required, under | a specified penalty, to deliver to the Collector all accounts, monies | and stamps, belonging to their office i as 2,213 , course to be pursued on the death of, a 2,214 , course to be pursued in eases of default of, — ... 25215 | , farther rules in regard to the supply of stamps 2,216 | Stamps, how to be impressed, and where ide zo: sg 2,217 |} —_——, how to be s\pplied to Collectors and other coyenanted officers 2,218 , dies for, how to be provided aes ave os Year. 1831 1831 1832 1829 1829 1829 1829 1829 1829 1829 1829 1829 1829 1829 1829 1829 1829 | "Regulation. , VILE. Vil. XII. XIII. Pb Mb PhS OD Ds PS Ps Ps De bs bs 4 Sect. 7 Co 1] 21 10 10) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Cl — 2 t ho 10 11 in 13 a Dee oO82 INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. [st . Year. Regulation. | Sect. |Cl 2,219 | Sramps, penalty itcurred by unlicensed persons for selling, 1829 a 9 | 9 2,220 , on «what terms to be mvt to private individuals for even- tual use “ee .* eee -»» | 1829 x: 1174 2,221 , discount on, in what cases ‘and to what extent to be allowed ... | 1829 x 11\& 2,222 , penalties for cwusing or procuring, to be improperly impr essed 1829 a 11/6 2,223 | ——, (spoiled), how to be replaced oes vs» 1 1899 x 12 | 2,224 | , penalty for filing in courts, &c. deeds of which. the, are not aul | duly endorsed, or have been otherwise improperly procured 1829 A. 13] ] i (forged) having been filed, rules of proceeding in cases of, 1829 _ 13/1] a (forged), persons discovering in their possession, how to pro- 4 ceed one ve -«- | 1829 x 13} 2 2,227 | , holders of deeds, &c., niet bearing a prescribed, how to pro- | ceed . et ein fi ... | 1829 x 14) 1 2,228 ined inutible,- ‘under various circumstances, from holders of | | deeds, &c. not bearing the prescribed, ... se | QO 14 | 229 | , rules to be observed by Collectors in inv estigating cases of | penalty incurred in matters relating to,. . | 1899 x: 15} 1 2,230 | , penalties for violation of the rules in n regard to, har recover- able : sei ‘ 1829 a 1613 2,231 | (forgery of), existing rules regarding the punishment for, con- e | | firmed bie: “ee | 16 2,232 | , provisions for the punishment of persons culty of perjury, re- sistance e, or contempt, in matters relating to the administration of, 1829 x 19 a general rule in regard to, in the case of documents occupying | more than one sheet of paper wits [ Sched. A. 1829 7 46 | Aas | , rules to be observed in regard to, in cases where there is a plurality of deeds : sah +. [Sched.A. | 1829 7: 19 | 2,235 | SramMPep Paper, authentication of, how to be made 1829 ar: 4 2,236 | STANDARD Of silver coinage decl: red ‘ 1833 VIL. 3 | 2,237 | STATEMENTS to be submitted periodically to the Courts of circuit ; Ma- | | gistrates required to include sentences passed by them under this | | Regulation in the, nce ‘i ». | 1899 VI. 3 2,238 | —__-_____, extension of the powers vested in the Courts of Sudder | Dewany and Nizamut Adawlut, to prescribe forms, &c. for, 1829 VII. ai] 2,239 | to be furnished to the Collector as he may require, by li- | | censed venders of stamps... iG 1829 x: 10| 3 2,240 | of suits instituted before them, to be rendered monthly by | Moonsifs owt its 1831 Vv. 10 —— to be furnished to the Nizamut A dawint by Session Judges, and by Commissioners of circuit his rn #11 48351 ‘VII. 7 2,242 , [See Reports. 2,243 | Sra TIONERY, the allowance to sudder chowkidari bukshis for, how to be defrayed sien diay 0°] TRS aT 4 2,244 | Staves (Coopers’), the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem ... 1829 XV. 3 | 1 2,245 | STEEL, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem ... oss | ORS mY. ee 2,246 | STOLEN property, duty of darogahs i in regard to search for, 1832 iM. 2|2 2,247 | Srorax, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem +» | 1829 -": 2,248 | SrorEs (marine) imported on a foreign bottom, the Customs duty on, declared leviable ad valorem 4 PBZ9 aT: a? 2,249 | Stores (NavaL anp Minirary), prohibition of the export of, in foreign ships, during war, without special permission : rT 1830 iT, 2 2,250 | STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, revised rules regarding the retail sale of wines and spirituous‘liquors i in the, oa ses 183] rv. 3 “2,251 2,252 2,253 2,254 2,255 2,256 2,258 2,259 2,260 2,26) 2,262 2,263 2,264 2,269 2,270 2,271 2,272 2,273 2,274 2,245 2,276 2,277 INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. ) Straits SETTLEMENTS, farther rules regarding the retail sale of Euro- pean spirituous liquors in the, 4s was wel —, rules for the registration of imports and ex- ports at each of the, ... ae. ~~ oak nee , rules in regard to the entry of square-rigged vessels at any of the, ea , rules in regard to the clearance of square-rigged vessels at any of the, se “es ain ves , rules in regard to the transhipment of goods at eee any of the, wis aes ti , rules in regard to the trade carried on by native cratt at the, ait oii : , rules in regard to the mode of licensing and con- ducting pawnbrokers’ shops in the, shits : STRANGULATION (public), [See Capital Punishment. StriPEs, [See Corporal Punishment. SUBORNATION of Perjury in matters depending before a Special Reve- nue Commissioner, penalties for, bai of Perjury, [See Perjury. SUBSISTENCE of debtors confined in jail, rules in regard to the amount of the allowance for the, and to the time and mode of paying it of ditto, the allowance for the, to whom to be paid; and provision for the release of the debtor in default of payment of ditto, authority of the Sudder Dewany Adawlut, to alter the rules relating to the allowance for the, wii ea SuBuRBS OF CaLcurra, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for the division within which is situated the district entitled the, re a sii nak bids , re-amalgamation of the, with the zillah of the Twenty-four Pergunnahs dis sid di Succession to lands held free of assessment or on a mokurreri jumma must be notified to the Collector iis nail ik to landed property, rules to be observed by Moonsifs in their decisions regarding, with reference to the religious persua- sions of the parties _ ns bie it to any kind of real property, further rules to be observed by Moonsifs in disputed cases of, 5 dae si , modification of rules regarding suits which involve ques- tions’of, between persons professing the Hindoo and Mahomedan persuasions respectively, in the province of Benares , [See Inheritance, Lands, &e. SuppER AMEENs, rules regarding the selection of individuals for the office of, tii Le eee ——, rescission of the enactment constituting Hindoo and Mahomedan law-officers ex-officio, se ms ,» Hindoo and Mahomedan law-officers declared eligible to the office of, wa nt were sie , rescission of certain rules regarding the powers of, ... , description of suits which may, and of suits which may not be referred to, by the Judges, for trial and decision... . , original suits so referred, how to be tried and deter- yee , processes of, how to be issued mined by, eee @ee eee Year. ? Regulation. 1833p =X. 1833| IIL. 1883} HL. 1833| IL. 1833| — IIL. 1839)|, ni HL. L888 pee KT 1828| III. 1830| ‘VI. 1830} VI. 1830| ‘VI. 1829 I 1832] VIII. 1B2B $60: AER 1831 Vv. 1831 vV. 11882} VIL. 1831 V, 1831 v. LOBE is VY: 1831 Vv. BABI. °-V 1831 V. 1831} Vz 83 Beck | 3 2 | set 11| a 12, ) t 016 2 | 3 | D | | z 2 ll | 9 as 6 | 4 8 13 | an 14/9 lo} 1 15 | 9 1s} 3 15 | 45 nw Co w ty bo ao hn tw ro co Oo i) te rh Sw w 2,298 2,299 Nw ,o0] 2,702 2,303 2,204 INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS Supper AMEENS, villah and city Judges prohibited from referring “x peals frem decisions of Moonsifs to, ok ete , criminal cases may be referred to, by Magistrates, for inv estigation , | authowized to ap point and to remove the ministerial | officers of their courts ae | , ministerial officers of the courts of, to what penalties liable, for misconduct — ih iv 4 . rules regarding the removal of, ground of neglect, incapacity, corruption, or other misconduct... “authority of Judges to suspend, from office ; and rules for the Judge’s proceedings thereupon es he'd des ~, authority ot aes rs of revenue and circuit, to recommend the removal of ; and rules for the Commissioner’s proceedings therein , rules in regard to appeals from decisions sof when re- ferred by a villa or city Judge to the Principal,sudder ameen rules to be observed by zillah and city Judges in re- eee eee gard to appeals from decisions of, a ied , the decisions of zillah or city from decisions of, shall be final , Judges of zillah and city i required to ree call certain civil suits a the files of Registr: ars, and refer them to, , extension of the powers ‘of, for the punishment of per- sons convicted of petty theft... Ns , limitation of time for appeal from decisions of, Oh. as bo ens iin se ab’ required to furnish a list of the peons whom they may propose to employ in the execution of civil process... aa’ | prohibited from employing in the execution of civil process any person other than a peon duly registered jdt _— , rules for the government of peons employed by, ... directed to entertain a nazir on their establishment; and rules applicable to that officer uy ok authorized to execute their own decrees, with certain exceptions ; ‘ “ icon to i. cognizance e nat regular setts institut- | ed to set aside summary judgments of Collectors for land rent’ \.. | , stationed apart from the zillah or city Court, vain | with additional powers in regard to receiving original suits or ap- peals in certain cases, and how to proceed therein , the appointment of individuals not natives of India to the office of, previously to the introduction of Regulation VY. 1831 recognized, and their official acts confirmed © ere ee , rules to be observed by, in imposing a farther period ot imprisonment in leu of corporal punishment, on the abolition of the latter e e@#e eee labor to afine ... eee . eee (Principal), ), [See Principal Sudder Ameens. SuppDER BoarD or REVENUE, Commissioners of revenue and circuit de- clared subject to the control of a, eee eee eee 6 Judges, on appeals | . required, in certain cases, to commute the penalty of | ‘from office, on the | 1851 -- | 183] . stamp required in cases of appeal from decisions | ' I | PI 1832 1832 | 1852 1832 1852 1834 1834 a é owe Regulation. | 1829 V. VII. Vaz. V1. II, IT, Sect. i) o> ed o> 16 cl C3 ww pos~ 306 bo ww © Ney Nm ,309 2,310 »319 2,320 INDEX TO THE REGULATION | ’ eee ee ee ais i : = 7 Seas ae ae Year. Regulation. \ Sect.\ Cl. SuDDER Boarp or ReEvenur. authority of the Governor General in } , oe ; Pie Council to ix the station of the, and to issue orders for its guidance | 1899} I. be St 8 ——— — ——, the powers of the Sudder special erie | mission vested in the, adie ow jee | 1899 | I rit | —_____- —-—\, rules for the admission of appeals “to | | the, ee iz Jé «e- | 1829 I 10 | 3 —__—— , Yules for the guidance of the, in regard to authorizing a recourse to judicial process, on the abolition of the | othee of Superi intendent and Remembrancer of legal affairs sca Pee? AE.” se Me , authority of the Governor General in | | Council to depute one or more members of the, to exercise control | | over revenue afiairs in certain districts near Allahabad veil hel | xX, 3 SuDDER Boarp or Revenvug av Carcurra (the) divested of jurisdic- | tion over the districts placed under the control of the Deputation | | ot the Board ° ons cow} 050 a | 6 2 Paced iad authority of the Board at | | Allahabad to refer certain matters for decision by the, 183] xX | 9 a teen , ules to be obser ved by the: | | in matters requiring the concurrent opinion of two members 1831 | K: 10 | es , authority of the Governor | General Council to yest single members of the, with the powers | of the Board ‘) ES ‘ ea --» | 1831 a e443 | Supper Boarp or Revenve on Deputation, , authority of the Gover- | | nor General in Council to fix the station of the. we . | 183) ee" 1] | 9 , [See Sudder Board of | |. em | Revenue at Allahabad. | \ i | SupDER Boarp or Revenue av ALLAHABAD, institution of the, by de- | putation from the Cale ern Bo: rd “i | 183 x: 5 definition’ a the trac ts of country to be comprehended in the jurisdiction of the, ++» | 1831 | x. 5 $$ , competenc y of the, to | | issue instructions to the local authorities. 1831 | x. | 7 powers of the; and by | | what rules to be guided in official proc eedings ; 183 x. 8 : rules to * observed by | the, in matters requiring the concurrent opinion of two members...'| 183] | ¥. | 9 , authority of the C Calcutta | | | Bo: id to refer certain matters for decision Dy the, <.. . 1183 i. '10 —_— 5 authority of the Given: | | nor General in Council to invest single members of the, with the | powers of the Board jut | | 10 »2 = 19 9 13 | 2a ae 4 ie | 5 | 1 15 | af 9 e 2 , | 3/4 10| 1 g 44e ® Pi >374 | SUHSWAN, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for the division within which is situated, A ; ; > 315 | ——_———> institution of a Court of Sudder Dia wany and Wivaiivut Adawe | lut, to exercise jurisdic tion over certain districts including, | 2,371 ae , the jurisdiction of the i of the Sudder Board of | Revenue extended to, im sis a4: |...» the "Sudder® Board of ‘Revenue it the Pi esidency, and the | Chief Commissioner at Delhi, divested of jurisdiction in, 2,378 the control over the customs and town- duties in, tr: anfereed eink the Board of Customs Salt and Opium, to the Sudder Board | f Revenue at Allahabad 4 nt 2,379 | Surrs brought before Special revenue Commissioners, to contest the de- mand of subordinate revenue officers a . >. 380 | ——— brought against Commercial Residents, decision of the Board of | Trade for or against the defence of, by Government . ) 38) | __, what description of, cognizable by Moonsifs st | 2.382 | —, duty of Moonsifs to render a monthly statement of, Aon 2,383 | ———, what description of, cognizable by Sudder ameens 2,384 | what description of, cognizable by Principal sudder ameens 385 (summary) relating to rent; Judges of aillah and city courts pro- | hibited from taking cognizance of, 2,386 | (summary ) relating to rent, declared coonizé able by Cc tle etors 2,387 | ——«. (summary ) relating to rent, on what ground ap ypealable to the | Commissioner va Jes <8 “cea 2,388 | (summary) relating to rent; rules in regard to the admission of | regular suits to contest awards given on, | Ee < 2,389 (summary) relating to rent, instituted before a Collector ; stamp required for, 3 2.390 | —— (summary) relating to re nt, Collectors authorize dd to reje ct, refer- | ring the par ty to a regular suit e 2,391 | —— (Summary) re ‘lating to rent, Commissioners author inet to issue 1n- ¢ | structions to ¢ ‘ollectors in re gard to the admission or rejec tion of, , 399 | ——- (summary) relating to rent, Collectors’ jurisdic tion in, restricted | to enforcing rents paid in past years, excluding claims to increase | unless on written engagements e° oe (regul: ir) to contest summary awar ds of Collectors in matters re- lating to rent, declared cognizal le by Princip: al sudder ameens, Sudder ameens, and Moonsits : > 394 | —_— (regular) relating to rent, rules in reo: aed to the ‘nstitution fe to | contest summary awards sf. ose * , 395 | (regular) relating to rent, abatement of stamp-duty in favor of, | in cases cogniz: ab le as Summary suits, : 2 396 | —— (regular) relating to rent, rule to be observed | ry the judicial a au | | ek in admitting, when rejected by the C ollector on a sum- | | mary claime at ny oe he 2,397 rel: iting to rent may in certain cases, with the sanction of the | Commissioner, be referred Sy Collectors to tuhsildars ifs 2,398 , rules to be observed by Judges in cases where one and the same matter is the peniee t of two or more, cognizable under this Regula- tion iy 2,399 , rules to be obser rved by € ‘ollec ‘tors in cases where one > band the same matter is the subject of two or more, cognizable under this Regula- tion.., eee eve ere see 1833 1828 1829 1431 L183 :1 185% | 1831 | 183 1831 | [su Regulation. _| Sect.| Cl. a [. | 2 | | | VI. 3 | | i a 6 | > | aa likes im. 1 | ¥ 5 V. 10| V. 15 | V. | 18 | VIII. | 3 | VIIL | 4 | VILL. | 4 vat |é¢ | as | Tw tS | Vill 9 | ‘ | | VIII. | 10] oe Fa Vi (ite Vit ae Vill. | 8 3 a ‘i ed Vitl | VIII 13 | ia VIII. | 14] Vill 15)INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. > SU | 2,400 | Surrs, rules to be observed by judicial authorities generally, in cases where one and the same matter is the subject of two or more, cog- nizable under this Regulation nis oe pe 2,401 |——— not appealed, how affected in certain cases, by the decision, on appeal, of other suits relating to the same matter... a! 2,42 | ——, certain rules in regard to the reception of original, declared ap- plicable to Principal sudder ameens and Sudder ameens when sta- tioned at a distance from the zillah court ... aie oe instituted (under clause fourth, Section 3, Regulation II. 1814) on , the rejection by Government of the plaintiff's petition of complaint against a Collector or other public functionary, how to be placed on the file ine nis we we was 2,404 | _—. (transferred from one tribunal to another), rules in regard to fees | and other costs incurred in, previously to their transfer ih 2,405 | __— (private) regarding land. Authority of the Governor General in Council to determine in what order they shall be heard, in cases where a disputed claim for Government revenue is also involved ... 2,403 2,406 instituted to set aside the decision of a punchaet acting under this Regulation, to be dismissed with costs... a Cis 2,407 | brought against arbitrators acting under this Regulation, to be dismissed with costs ais 2,408 | ——— (original), pending before Provincial courts at the time of their abolition, to be transferred to the zillah or city Court , [See Appeals, Costs, Courts, Judges, Pleaders, Stamps, &e. &c. 2,410 | Surrors in any of the Honourable Company’s Courts, rules in regard to the security to be required from, when inhabiting a foreign ter- 2,409 ritory oak Be da ei bis 2,411 | ______ before a Moonsif may have their summons served by a peon of that officer’s court ji oes ees ees 2,412 -, [See Suits, &c. 2,413 | SULKEAH, the thanah of, reunited to the zillah of the Twenty-four Per- gunnahs es i a + 2,414 | SutpHur, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem 2,415 | Summary Awarps, [See Awards, Collectors, Suits, &e, 2,416 | Summary Suits, [See Suits. 2,417 | Summons, Moonsits authorized to levy tulubanah on any, when served at the suitor’s desire by a court peon 2,418 | ——_—_—_——,, [See Process. 2,419 | SUNDERBUNS (the) declared to be the property of the state eee eee eee 2,420 ——+, authority of the Governor General in Council to make grants, &c. of lands in the, ... a. cas - 2,421 , rules in regard to the survey and boundaries of the, ... 2,422 | SUNDOoKH, modification of rules for the trial of persons charged with heinous offences in, a “ eee 2,423 | SuNNups, duty of Collectors in regard to the copying of, in cases ap- __ pealed to a Special Revenue Commissioner Nae BSF: 2,424 | SUPERINTENDENT, appointment of a, over certain mahals in which the administration of justice is conducted through the Rajah of Be- eee . hares eee eee eee eee eee 2,425 (the) of the above district, vested with the powers of the Board of Revenue in certain respects Le ba 2,426 of he above district, powers and duties of the, in re- vising the Rajah’s proceedings » Year. | 1831 1831 1832 1829 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1829 1832 1828 1828 1829 , nnn Regulation. | Sect VIII. VIIl. VII. XILIT. Adds IX. TX, it mIY. VII. VIII. AY. VII. ITT. ITI. II, A IIT. Vian VE. VI. oOnN np tw ~I 2,428 2,44] 2,442 2,443 2,444 SypERINTENDENT phe of the above district shall stand in the same rela- | —— 6 ~aeagae eee meet * : | tion towards the Rajah, as the Board of Revenue to a Collector ... | of the above district, an appeal from the orders of the, shall lie to the Governor General in Councilonly ... (the) *of the above district shall take cognizance of all complaints against the Rajah or his officers (the) of the above district may withhold concurrence | in the Rajah’s appointments of native commissioners ... of the above district, authority of the, in cases appe: al: ed from decisions of the native commissioners 2 2,445 2,446 | 2,447 2.448 2,449 (the) of the above district, how to proc eed in cases s0 appealed a. odidenent Stamps, appointment aie. totes of Pha, i of Stamps, rules to be observed by the, in pena | private individuals ~ ; of Stamps, powers of the, when on detached duty in the interior ' Sas ie of St: AM ps, [See St. Amps. ofh ce of, . may express a wish to have his sentence of impr isonment for life commuted to transportation for life SuPERINTENDENTS of Police, abolition of the office of, in she lower and western provine es - of prisoners ree ‘ted to prevent te communic aig between convicts under sentence of labor in irons, and pn isoners ex- empted from labor 7 of convicts employ ed on roads and ethan: publ ic works and Remembrancer of legal affairs, abolition of the | of Allipore jail, “duty of the, in cases where a convict | Year. 1828 | 1828 . | 1828 may be vested by Government with adequate powers for the con--| trol of the convic ts, and of the guards set over them... SUPPLEMENTARY procee sdings, Collectors, &c. may in certain cases be di- rected to hold, for the “ends of justice .... . SurmMAH RIVER, removal of certain restrictions on the tr: As with the country to the north-west of the, URVEY of the Sundérbuns, rules in regard to the, PENSION from office of Principal sude ler ameens, Sudder ameens, saa ieee authority of zillah and city Judges in regard to the, from office of Deputy Collec tors, authorit) - of the Governor General in Council in regard to the dismissal or, Surries, modification of rules for the trial of persons charged with Late nous offences, in the country between the rivers Jumna and. si Surree, the practice of, declared illegal, and punishable as a crime ... -, zemindars, native officers, &c. required to give notice of any intended, under a specified pens ulty = duty “of police e othcers, on recelying notice of an Saree | = duty of police officers, in cases of perpe ‘trated, hie a -, rules to be observed by Magistrates, im cases of perpe- trated, eee eee eee penalties incurred by persgps convicted of aiding and abetting | 18593 1829 1829 | Regulation. | | | | ‘ 1829 | 1829 | 1829 | in if crime of, when yoluntary on the part of the widow sa- | crificed eau a ee a ff 1829 | } VFI. WII. Wit. Vit. Vai; bo ~I Co bo ON — pd2,48] 2,482 2,483 2,484 2,485 | _———,, the Jurisdiction of the a of the Sudder Board of Re- ———., the Sudder Board of ‘Revenue at the Presidenc y, and the. INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. ~ 5 SuTTEE, admission to bail of persons charged with the crime of, 7 authority of the Nizamut Adawlut to condemn to death persons | convicted of assisting in a case of, when forced, or otherwise invo- | luntary on the part of the widow : sacrificed ue SYDABAD, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for the | division within which is situated, : ——_———., institution of a Court of Sudder Dewi any and N Ticats Adaw- lut, to exercise jurisdiction over certain distric ‘ts, including, venue extended to, eee | eee | | | Chief Commissioner at Delhi, divested of jurisdiction in, | the control over the customs and town-duties in, transferred | from the Board of Customs Salt and Opium, to the Sudder Board of Revenue at Allahabad : SYLHET, removal of certain restrictions on trade , on the fritter of, -, appointment of a Commissioner of re evenue and circuit, for the division within which is situ; ited, } | eee | TaBLe of the intrinsic or assay pr oduce of sleas Mellon”; in LF urrukak ad | | and Calcutta rupees, to be used at the Mints of Calcutta and Sau-| gor.. Taizepaut, the import-duty on, dec Jared leviat ble ad valorem TaLookpars deemine themselves aggrieved by grants of land in the Sunderbuns to other parties, how to pr oceed in seeking redress ——_————., penalties incurrible by, for neglec ‘ting to give notice of an intended suttee see eee eee Tatoos or other real property, rules to be observed by Moonsifs in | cases of es l inheritance of, or succession to, , [See Lands, Putni Talooks, &e. Tare, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem eee 4 | TazirHAuT, the thanah of, reunited to the zill: th of the Twenty four Pergunnahs vat Tra, the import- duty on, declared leviable ad valorem TreEps, [See Promissory Notes. Tensitpars, [See Tuhsildars TENANTS protected from all process of ejectment, distraint or suit, on the part of their landlord, in cases where he may have neglected to conform to the prescribed rules in regard to villag ce accounts -, [See e Leases, &c. TENDER OF PLEDGEs, [See Pawnbrokers. Tenures not duly registered, declared liable to resumption -, under wh: at circumstances to be considered here ditary or otlue W ise eee ere ete o ees -, the nature of, to be determined by the pur port of deeds, and not by their designation alone * ° ——-- of Raees, in certain portions of the: province of Be enares, volte Mitegard to; ... Ze oo ccc ell -, | See Tenants. | TEst Ate TS exempted from stamp-duty ar o [ Sched. A. THanas to be considered as outposts On a certain contingency ai. Luana Estaprisumen NTs not to be employed by tuhsildars in revenue duties, except if, cases of distraint, or as heretofore o provided (7 *.. | | Duanapars, [See Tuhsildars. — | Year. 51899 | | 1829 1831 1851 1833 | 1828 1829 1833 1829 OD GC bo bo CO) To — »ON 1838 >. Se ks $$$ $$$ $2 9 ‘ _ Regulation. | : Pec B > XVII. XVII, VIL. AY. IIT. XVII. ¥; ay. VIII. XY, 19.¢ Tif. ihk II. Val X, XI, or bo o> ~ AY+ 92 : INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. [TR + « « * . : Year. Regulation. |Sect. |Cl. 2,486 | THEFT, power vestedan law-officers, Sudder ameens, and Principal sud- der ameéns, to add labor to the other penalties for petty, «+ | 1899 II. 3 2,487 unattended with personal violence, darogahs, &c., prohibited from making enquiry into cases of, unless on petition from the in- jured party, or ond Magistrate’s order ... ee on | 1888 II. 9|9 ‘ 2,488 | , the crime of, excepted from the rule for commuting the penal- . ty of labor to a fine a hia a -»- | 1834 II. 81] > 489 | THEFTs, rules to be observed by Magistrates in cases where a person 1s | | charged with a plurality GO, aus ec ee be | 1829 VI. 9 2,490 | THREAD, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem ... .-. | 1829 XY. B\ i 2.491 | Tin AND TiN-wark, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem... | 1829 Xy. 3 | 1 2,492 | TippERAH, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for | | the division comprising the Bengal portion of, a .-. | 1829 I. 9 2,493 | TrrHooT, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for the | division within which is situated, aie ats zee | 1829 1. 2 | 2,494 | ToaRRUNG separated from the district of Jungle Mahals, and the opera- | | | tion of the Regulations suspended therein ee ---» | 1833} XIII. s 2,495 | , appointment of an officer, to be denominated the Agent to the | | Governor General, over the districts within which is situated, oss | EBBS XIIL. 4 2,496 | Topacco, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem wtibagt © X¥. oe 2,497 | Toa of 180 grains, rule for the adoption of the, at the Mint, as the unit | in the scale of weights re ed So 1833 VIL. 4 oe 2,498 | Toonp FLower, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem 1829 ey: St } 2,499 | Toony anp NuGErKEARI separated from the district of Jungle Mahals, | and the operation of the Regulations suspended therein et 1833 tuhsildari establishment on police duty, when necessary... —,- prohibited from employing their thana establishment in revenue duties, except in cases of distraint, or as heretofore pro- vided - "i kk ee .¥ me , proclamation to be made of the appointment of, to exercise the powers of police officers ... a wok mes TuLuBaNaH,” Moonsifs authorized to levy, on summonses when served at the suitor’s desire by a court peon at -, leviable by Moonsifs, tarther rules in regard to the,’ - i. lumusooks, rate of stamp-duty chargeable on, . {Sched. A. ee | TurMERic, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem on | Tureer Bauiapore separated from the district of Jungle Mahals, and the operation of the Regulations suspended therein ... a, »,appomtment of an officer, to be denominated the Agent to the Governor General, over certain districts including > vee i 93 Year.” _ Regulation. \ Sect. cL 1828> VIL. 4 1829 E 10| 9 1899| “Xvny 4 1833 II. 5 Ey 1833 XII. 3 1833 IIL. 1 1829] XVI. 6 1832 IV. 2 1828 ae oe 1828 E 218 1830 V. 4 1831 II. S14 1998 VT. ig 1831 ae 1691 « 1%; 146 1829 ay. + Shy 1831} vut |13 1831 xi 2 1831 XI. 4 1831 XI. 5 1831 xi | 5 1831 XI. 6 1832 Vil. | Beat 1832 Vil. | 4 1829 Xx. 7 1829 XV, ah 4 1833 |. XIII. q | 7988 |. ‘Re ys |nw < INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. [vi TurenacuE, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem TweNTY-FOUR PERGUNNAHS, appointment of a Commissioner of revenue and circuit, for the division within which is situated the zillah of the, oF Fa ivi 7 5. ge pescission of the enactment for separating the Suburbs of Caleutta from the zillah of the, =e , éut UacGeEr, or ALOE Woop, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valo- rem ee vod 538 Aa bh UNDER-RENTERS of land, penalties incurrible by, for neglecting to give notice of an intended suttee ik es ha UnDER-VALUATION, rules to be observed in regard to the seizure of im- ported goods on the ground of, i 2 2 , revised rules in regard to the seizure of imported goods on the ground of, Urrerine forged stamps, penalties for, | Vacations, the intervention of established, shall form no plea for ex- | tending the prescribed limitation of time for preferring certain ap- peals “ee ae <2 a jut VAKALUTNAMAH, the fees payable to pleaders in the Courts of Sudder Dewany Adawlut to be specified m the, ... VAKEELS, rules relating to the fees of, in pending suits transferred by a | ‘ Court of justice, or a Board of Revenue, toa Special Reyenue Commissioner ... ia. Te in $. ate , duties of, and penalties incurrible by, in regard to stamps... to practise in the courts of Principal sudder ameens, autho- rity of zillah and city Judges to appoint, a re . the office of, declared open to all natives of India, of what- ever religious persuasion ad's sit id rules in regard to the fees of, in Moonsits’ courts : [ See Mookhtars, and Pleaders. ee —— —— VAKEELS OF GOVERNMENT in the courts of justice, rules to be observed | on the occurrence of vacancies in the office of, wi VALUATION of imported goods for customs duty, rules for the, the, iP: as ~, [See Unider-valuation. Vaxusr (exchangeable) of the copper half-ana piece (exchangeable) of the copper pie piece Venpers oF Liquors, [See Liquors. VENDERS OF Stamps, [See Stamps (Venders of). V ERDIGRIS, the import-duty on. declared leviable ad valorem sae | VERMILLION, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem VESSELs arriving at any of the Straits Settlements to be reported to the Registrar of imports and exports s 3% rt ————-—, [Hee HIPs. Vittace Accotnrs, how to be prepared, and how disposed of — , disabilities attaching to zemindars and other land- holders, for neglecting to conform to the prescribed rules regard- 2g... ; i VIOLENCE (persanal) committed by native subjects of the British Govern- ment, in places out of the British provinces isd wa of robbery by°open, ie eit Fx Jae --- | 1829 + ° . es ook ae D —of imported goods for customs duty, revised rules for | , modification of rules for the punishment of persons conyicteds Regulation. | Sect. | Cl. XV. ok I. 2 VILL. 2 Phen BE Ee 2 | IIT. 9 | X. 13 | V. 18 | v. 30 | vil. [11] Kith 4 | eet Be VI. 3 ma 16a nee 4 | Ll. 3 | x. \19 bo Or 4 =~] Co~ wo] INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. 2 ———— ———— ——- —— - - ——— ne a ~y >579 | War, restriction on the export of certain articles on foreign ships, in | » time of, Si vig wae Hi iP 6B04 ew 4 Db 2580 | Wax, AND Wax CANDLES, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad va- lorem ie ia fi a wt) 1900 X¥. 581 / Weavers in the employ of Commercial Residents declared subject go the same process of law as other natives... hie ana] 1898 Ex. 3.582 | Weianv of the copper half-ana piece ee ap .-- | 183] ILl. 2,583 | _____- of the copper one-ple piece oes asi «-» | 183] III. 2,584 _of the Calcutta sicca rupee, of the Furrukabad rupee, and of the subdivisions of the former tay sce .. | 1833 VIL. 2.585 | Wrraurs, establishment of a new scale of, to be used at the Mint .-- | 1833 h 2,586 | Wresrern PROVINCES, establishment of a Court of Sudder Dewany and Nizamut Adawlut for the, ... “ce the iiaip LSI VI 2.587 | ————___ , establishment of a Sudder Board of Revenue for the,..- i 6a ia oiait LOBE 4 X, 2.588 | Wurppina, (See Corporal Punishment. 2,589 | Wuuire ArsENIc, the import-duty on, declared leviable at valorem... | 1829 i: 2,590 | Wipows (Hrnpoo), [See Suttee. | 2,591 | WILLS exempted from stamp-duty rd (Sched. A. | 1829 # 2592 | Wines, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem ous aie AZO XV, 2,593 | _____. farther rales regarding the sale of, in the Straits Settle- ments wit ea Sai ik sae LOok RY: 9594 |, re-enactment of the above rules regarding the sale of, in | ditto ; , me . | 1833 X. 2.595 | Witnesses, authority of Special Revenue Commissioners in regard to summoning and examining, ... ik ae ae II]. 2,566 | 2, authority of Special Revenue Commissioners to require zil- | lah Courts or Collectors to examine, eal ea «»» | 1828 | Lit. 2,591. | -, no stamp-duty to be levied in certain cases for summoning, | before Special Revenue Commissioners sad vas cR. P.| 1828) = TIL. 2,568 | —— -, rules regarding the summoning of, and their jfeaap min | | | hy the zillah or city J udge, on specific points indicated by the Spe- | | cial Commissioner ats ab ad CR. P. | 1828 | Mil. 2,599 | —— -. rate of stamp-duty chargeable on petitions or applications | | for the summoning or examination of, ... “Fh (Sched. B. | 1829 | X. 2,600 | —— _ for the defence, Magistrates authorized to receive the evir | | | dence of, ne ie a as ... |1830| VIL. 2,04 +—— -, authority of Session Judges in regard to the summoning and | | | examination of, ... en ae sia ova ROBI VII. 2,602 | Woops for cabinet-work, the import-duty on, declared leviable ad va- | | | lorem al 7 ci. sis - w | 1829 | mY. 2,603 | WooLtens “imported on a foreign bottom, the import-duty on, declared | | leviable ad valorem vee | 1829 XV. 2,604 | WorKMEN in the employ of Commercial Residents declared subject to the same process of law as other natives ... tbe si L829 IX. 2,605 | WounpING, extension of Magistrates’ powers of punishing criminals in cases of affray unattended with severe, ... 2006 | a with intent to murder, duty of Magistrates in cases of, ... | 1829 Rit. 2,607 with intent to murder, duty of law-officers in trials for... ep vs i a ne 1929) XIL. 2,608 with intent to murder, punishment for the crime of, wae | kOae AT, 2,609 | ——————- with intent to murder, under what circumstances cases of, may be referred to the Nizamut Adawlut ... ee ave 21829 at, oa —————— oslo Year. %a Regulation. |\Sect. \Ct. ee | | 3. (A828 VIII. ho co 95 me Oo 09 He OO - 2 hO oo3 NR 2 Mea eal rae ‘ ne Year. 2,610 | WrirrnGs relating to the payment of money or transfer of property de- clared i In \dmmisstole in any Court of justice, unless duly stamped ... | 1899 2,611 | WUKALUTNAMAHS, rate of stamp-duty chargeable on, .-. [ Sched. B. 1829 2,612 | YELLOW ARsENIC, the import-duty on, dec lared leviable ad valorem ... | 1899 2,613 | YELLOw Ocure, the inport-duty on, declared leviable ad valorem... 1829 2,614 | ZEMINDARS deeming themselves aggrieved by grants of land in the Sun- derbuns to other parties, how to proceed i in seeking redress et aes 2,615 , penalties incurrible by, for neglecting to give notice of an iafenied suttee. vad : 1829 2.616 -, disal Biitics inenritbls by, for neglecting to conta to the prescribed rules regarding village accounts — swe 46858 2,611 | ——————- declared liable to an award of damages for certain illegal process of ejectment or distraint shin wie 1833 2,618 -, (See Lands, &c. >619 | ZEMINDARIS, rules to be observed by Moonsifs in cases of at a inhe ritance of, or succession to, ; -| 1881 2,620| ZILLAH Courts directed to suspend the exercise of their pow ers in re- | gard to all cases cognizable by a Special Revenue Commissioner, on | being apprized of his appointment ; and, in pending cases, to me | proceedings and transmit records ~« | 1896 621 | ——-———-- required to give effect to decisions of Special Revenue | : Commissioners ... “3 ie .-- | 1828 2,622 | ——---—---— may be require ed by Special Revenue Commissioners to | xamine witnesses ; 1828 . —— = required, in certa un cases, to’ execute the awards ote ml- itary courts ; 1828 BIE eee , rules to be ohnareiad by, in regard to the security hor | costs to be required from litigants inhabiting a foreign territor y ... | 1829 »,625 | ——--———_--—, explanatory rules regar ding the appointment of Ma- | homedan law-ofiicers to, ah: ‘ ba | 183 626 | ——---——--——, rules to be observed by, in transmitting iho record of | | appea uled cases ... ‘ «> | 1831 DE ie es UK CONION Of the © powers of lave: officers of for the pun- | ishment of persons convicted of petty theft ats 531 1888 2,628 | ———-———_--—-, limitation of time for appeal from decisions of, ese | LOGE 2,629 | ———_-——_—---__, lim ation of time for appeal to, from decisions of Prin- cipal sudder ameens % oe oes} hoe 2,630 - , value of stamps required for pleadings in, 1832 2,631 | ——~-———--—__, rules to be observed by, in regard to the selection and registration of peons to be employ ed by subordinate functionaries. 183 2,632 | ——-_-——_--_, provision for the hearing by, of appeals from decisions | of Registrars specially empowered are ea “(bee 2,633 | ——--———--——_, rules for the transfer to, of original suits pending be- fore provincial Courts at the time of the abolition of the latter... 1833 2,634 | -——-——_- , provision for the occasional appointment of additional Judges tO,c . coe. oe 2,635 | ——--———--__, authority of the Governor Gedeeal in preniell to ex- tend to any of the, the wlfole or a part of the provisions otf this Re- | gulation, regarding the selection and appointment of authorized | pleaders . . ee os | Loe 2,636 | 3 ' [See Courts, Judges, Zillah Judges, &e. 2,637 | ZILLAH JUDGEs directed to give effect to the orde ers of the authorities | vested with the administration of stamp-duties cS in| 2829 | INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS X, X. XY. XV. ITT; XVII. TX. TX. y. iit. II. Tif. e. BY. Vill. XI. 13 3 P14 bo QO Li) bo =] ho CO Ge bh bho [ZI Regulation. >t. CI.INDEX TO THE REGULATIONS. > @ Pe Regulation, » Year. ZILLAH JuDGEs,, how to proceed in the case of persons who, having re] ceived advances for the cultivation of indigo plant, may wish to set- | tle their accounts with the manufacturer ... sae oo2 | 1890 -—_——- may, in certain cases, be appointed to act as Judges of | Session sr Kas cas se i. ESA -_———- prohibited from taking cognizance of summary suits | relating to rent ei bai ie on | 1831 anal directed to receive as regular suits, such summary suits | relating to rent as a Collector may refer tothem ... as | 1831 —_——_--_—-———. how to proceed in cases where two or more suits may | haye been instituted, regarding one and the same matter, cogniza- | ble under this Regulation ... ae : 1831 — = - authorized, with the sanction of Government, to ap- | point Principal sudder ameens to the duty of registering deeds ... | 1832 —_—--—_-——, special appeals from decisions of, under Regulation V. | 1831, shall lie to the Court of Sudder Dewany Adawlut .». | 1882 , [See Judges, Courts, Zillah Courts, &c. ZILLAH Maaisrrates, rules in regard to appeals from decisions of, to | Commissioners of circuit oe a a oy» | $820 2 —, [See Magistrates. | ZILLAH AND PERGUNNAH REVENUE OFFICES, the several accounts re- quired for deposjt in the, to be furnished as the Board may direct, and to be open to the inspection of any person concerned ... | 1883 ZILLAHS, reservation of the authority of the Governor General in Coun- cil to alter the limits of the, in the neighbourhood of Calcutta ... | 1832 —_—_—-, reservation of the authority of the Governor General in Coun-.| | ° ‘ e . ' v e a | : cil, to alter the limits of the, in the neighbourhood of Dacca | 1833 END OF PART FIRST. PRINTED AT THE SERAMPORE PRESS, BY JOHN CASHMAN. . v. VIL. VIII. VIII. VEIT, VIF. Vil. Ii; IX. Vat. 7; qQ Ci oe Ne Qo thon oeome CITT 2) +. ght rere ——. taentethales . a PEE eee tr ig ess tht aoa q we Irene, oT Ca 1 oer i ettereehd in Semlieid heeelditi it11 1 ad ’ , i Aine itt! 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